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My Heart: White

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The Big Picture Tottenham Hotspur

ad, why couldn’t you have up against Manchester United and then losing by
supported Arsenal?” two. At home. I remember Gary Neville saying in his
It’s only when you bequeath a post-match interview that it could only have happened
loyalty to Spurs to your son that against Tottenham. He smirked as he said it.
you realise the full enormity of what Neville was speaking the truth. At that point my son
being a Spurs supporter means. It took my son, now must have wondered how he ended up shackled to
in his twenties, quite a few of his boyhood years to this shambling wreck, this Don Quixote, this shabby
realise that, unlike his Chelsea, Arsenal or Manchester deluded aristocrat of a football club. But then I had to

United supporting friends, his inherited allegiance to remind him that when you live where we do in north
Tottenham was likely to lead not to a trophy but to a London you either attach yourself to the overcrowded
lifetime of occasionally heroic, sometimes comic and coat tails of that bunch of arrivistes from Woolwich or
id H e
Dav o generally hurtful underachievement. you make the grand romantic gesture of nailing your

fe sh ackled t It’s a funny thing. In all other respects we do our best colours to Tottenham’s mast, knowing that they were
on a li m Hotspur; to make our children happier. It’s only in handing on lighting the way for adventurous attacking football and
Tottenh ling wreck, our loyalties to a club like Tottenham that we knowingly winning the Double in the days when Arsenal had little
‘a sham y deluded
condemn the fruit of our loins to bearing a painful need of a trophy cabinet. Bit like now in fact.
burden for the rest of their lives. It’s like asking your son
a shab rat of a
aristoc lub’
to turn round while you attach a note saying “kick me”
to his back before sending him forth into the world. I could tell my son of the quicksilver talents of Jimmy
Greaves, the inscrutable Alan Gilzean, or stolid
ll c
He blurted the above heartfelt plea some time late Bobby Smith; I could sing the praises of push-and-run

in the last century, during our most recent Dark Ages or the staggering width of Pat Jennings’ hands and
when we had somehow contrived to be managed remind him we were the first winners of the UEFA Cup
by Christian Gross, who arrived at his first press in 1972. It would be little use. For anyone who’s grown
conference brandishing a tube ticket and never fully up in the Premier League era, only the Premier League
recovered his poise, and then George Graham, a man matters and in that time, despite getting fifth under
bearing the double shame of having been banned Martin Jol who was then inexplicably fired and replaced
for taking bribes and also having managed Arsenal. by Juande Ramos, who was just plain inexplicable,
Not long after that, in one of those doomed flourishes we’ve been, let’s be honest, left behind.
to which clubs like Tottenham are attached, we had
appointed favourite son Glenn Hoddle as manager
and suffered the peculiar agony of going three goals

Glenn Hoddle on the ball
during the 1981 FA Cup final

Ramos may have done us

a favour because his bizarre
making the group stages of the
Champions League interesting, “They’re occasionally brilliant, often embarrassing, always
entertaining, usually under-achieving. You feel an undertow
tenure must have cured the conceding three goals to Swiss
club’s owners of their belief side Young Boys before coming back,

of bred-in-the-bone pessimism coursing through the crowd”

that salvation had to come putting four past Twente Enschede and
from the other side of then politely waving Inter Milan through
the English Channel. four times before Gareth Bale got so sick of
The latter part of supplying crosses that nobody got on the end
Ramos’s reign, which the transfer market. of that he went and scored the same goal three times become a world name at a club that wins something. appreciative audience for some of football’s most When he scored against Villa at home he celebrated
began the second the Earlier this season he in the second half. We still lost, of course, but, hey, in And there’s the rub. Ever since I’ve been watching princely figures over the past 40 years: Glenn Hoddle, by heading straight to embrace a white-haired granny.
final whistle went in our finally bridled at a TV Tottenham terms, that was a moral victory. Even better, Spurs, which was in the days of Martin Chivers, Ralph Paul Gascoigne, Teddy Sheringham and Martin I’m surprised he didn’t sing Roll Out The Barrel at
2008 Carling Cup victory, interviewer who called him it was followed by an actual victory over the Italians at Coates, Mike England, Steve Perryman and Pat Peters to name a few. Tottenham were the first English the same time. He knew that Tottenham is, like the
was characterised by a drift a “wheeler dealer”. “F-ck home. Bale woke up the next morning to find himself Jennings, they’ve been occasionally brilliant, frequently team to take overseas players to their hearts with the English according to Evelyn Waugh, addicted to its
so complete you wondered off,” he said. “I’m a football the most acclaimed young player in European football embarrassing, always entertaining but usually under- arrival of Osvaldo Ardiles and Ricky Villa after the 1978 own charm. In fact Tottenham are the most English of
if some of the players were still manager.” It’s difficult to blame and therefore, the argument ran, Tottenham couldn’t achieving. You can feel that undertow of bred-in-the- World Cup. Since then the crowd have thrilled to the football clubs. They might win something from time to
calling themselves professionals. him for finding this kind of attitude possibly retain him if some properly competitive club bone pessimism coursing through the crowd during likes of David Ginola, Jurgen Klinsmann and Dimitar time but they’ll put you through hell doing it and then
It mercifully ended on October 25, patronising. Under him we have came calling. Tottenham fans, having watched him a game. If they go ahead too early in the match you Berbatov. Right now there’s Luka Modric and Rafael witter on about it for years afterwards. Nostalgia is in
2008 with us having got only two points from eight finally glimpsed some sunlight in the shape of last gallop past every right back in England home and just know that they are incapable of shutting out a van der Vaart. They’re all wonderful players. our blood. We’d far rather think about some triumph
games and looking more than capable of going year’s qualification for the Champions League. away for a whole year, wondered why it had taken top team for more than half an hour. All conversations But during that time what have we won? The that took place long in the past than contemplate the
down. If any team can make a nonsense of the bland Now we’re tasting once again the old truth that it’s everybody so long to realise how good he was, while amongst fans will at some point or another feature the Carling Cup, that’s what. We spend a lot of money possibility that we might lose the next game.
nostrum “too good to go down”, it’s Spurs. not the despair that kills a football fan, it’s the hope. also suspecting that he could easily end up at Old expression “that’s so Spurs”, usually accompanied by but we were never going to attract Fernando Torres or It’s frequently observed that we have the richest
Then along came Harry. Or ‘Arry, as he is known Of course all true Tottenham fans know the wheels Trafford or the San Siro. It wouldn’t take the world’s a shake of the head. David Villa with a record like that. They can read. Van array of bench talent in the country. And yet we have
to reporters, who can’t decide whether to be could very easily come off at any moment. This most persuasive agent to convince Bale, who seems Wonderful players are not a problem. White der Vaart, who is a natural diplomat, said he wanted hardly any defensive cover since Jonathan Woodgate
outraged or impressed by his historical dealings in season we’ve managed the seemingly impossible by quite a bright young man, that he’s more likely to Hart Lane has provided a perfect stage and an to come to Spurs where they “play from the heart”. succumbed to a mysterious injury, Michael Dawson

36 FOOTBALL+ + 37
the SPURS primer
Spurs boss Harry
Redknapp with Luka

10 tales you might not know about Tottenham Hotspur

Goals and glory door of international stars in the past 20 years, season. Gross infamously waved a tube (London
Way back in October 1958, with new manager with the likes of Jurgen Klinsmann, David Ginola, underground transport) ticket in the air at his first
Bill ‘Mr Tottenham’ Nicholson enjoying his first Sergei Rebrov, Dimitar Berbatov and Luka Modric press conference, to which he arrived late, saying:
game at the helm, Tottenham won a phenomenal being just a few to have graced the club with their “I want this to become my ticket to dreams. I came
contest over Everton, 10-4. Just 14 months later, presence. Yet the status of the club’s favourite by Underground because I wanted to know the way
in February 1961, they beat Crewe Alexandria son falls to an Englishman, Glenn Hoddle, who the fans feel coming to Spurs. I want to show that I
13-2, and went on to claim the League-FA Cup was voted the best Tottenham player of all time am one of them.” The club avoided relegation but
double the same season. by fans on the official Spurs website. Hoddle when Spurs lost two of their opening three matches
pulled the strings in Spurs’ midfield during their the following season, Gross was shown the door.
golden period in the 1980s, playing almost 500
times for the club and returning as manager Six decades of silverware
from 2001-2003. Tottenham beat Chelsea 2-1 in the final of the
League Cup in 2008, which ended nine years of
Game of two halves pain for fans who had been desperately waiting
Tottenham’s ability to simultaneously entertain for some silverware. Jonathan Woodgate’s extra-
and frustrate their fans was at its puzzling best time header gave them victory over the defending
in the 2001-02 season, when they went into half- champions and it also meant Spurs had secured
time leading Manchester United 3-0 at White Hart a trophy in each of the last six decades – an
Lane. The final score? United 5, Spurs 3. “We achievement matched only by Manchester United
attacked brilliantly and nullified United’s attacks among English clubs.
in the first half,” said the manager Glenn Hoddle,
“but the second half was just the opposite.” Bale brilliance
On May 5, 2010, Spurs reached the qualifying
rounds of the Champions League for the first time
in their history. The highlight so far? It has to be
a pair of stunning performances on the left flank
from Gareth Bale (below) against Inter Milan.
Bale scored a hat-trick in their 4-3 defeat to the
reigning European champions, and backed it up
with two assists as he inspired Spurs to a 3-1
home win against the Italian giants.
Selling a Sol (YouTube: Gareth Bale vs Inter)
club can boast as many players That’s the dark secret every Spurs fan carries in The club’s bitter rivalry with Arsenal is perhaps
capable of scoring a goal. their heart: the lust for glory is outweighed by the fear best summed up by the story of former Spurs
No other club have so many of failure. The people talking them up at the moment captain Sol Campbell (above). The ex-England
who can’t be relied on to are not the fans. They’re the pundits, who are suddenly international left Tottenham on a free transfer to
score a goal. surprised to find another entertaining team outside the the Gunners, making him public enemy number
Young players tend usual suspects. Tottenham fans frankly wish they’d one among Spurs fans, who quickly dubbed Conquering Europe
to get briefly better at stop going on about it and leave us to gloriously fall him ‘Judas’. Campbell later came in at No.1 on Martin Chivers (above) was the hero of Spurs’
Tottenham and then short somewhere far away from the spotlight. a list of ‘football’s biggest traitors’ in an English UEFA Cup success in 1972. In what was the
crocked himself slip back. It’s as if None of this is to suggest for a moment I don’t love newspaper, while in 2009, four Tottenham fans inaugural UEFA Cup tournament, Tottenham
playing for England there’s something in Tottenham. That’s the important thing about football were banned from grounds in England for three faced Wolverhampton Wanderers in the final,
and Ledley King, the the water at White Hart love. Like love of your children, it’s unconditional. years after directing offensive chants at the winning the first leg at home, 2-1, courtesy of
club captain and, since the Lane. David Bentley, Aaron They may waste your money, let you down in public defender while he was playing with Portsmouth. a Chivers double, the second of which was a
acrimonious departure of Sol Lennon, Tom Huddlestone, and make the same mistakes again and again. 20-metre screamer. They held on in the away leg
Campbell, the embodiment Jermaine Jenas; they’re all This changes nothing. The thing you love is the Wheeler dealers for a 1-1 draw to become the first British side to
of the club, can only play one in talented, all English but none of accumulated experience of joy and pain that you have Current strikers Jermaine Defoe and Robbie win two different major European trophies.
three and doesn’t train. We have them have grown and improved stored inside over the years. As the Americans say, Keane are both in their second stint at Spurs,
full backs – Assou-Ekotto, Hutton like a Gerrard or a Rooney. There’s you are invested in them. with the club having paid a total of A$66m for the The People’s Club
and Bale – who are likely to have senior moments that a sense in which they don’t look as if they believe Talking of Americans, yesterday I listened to Bruce pair. Defoe was sold to Portsmouth for $9.7m and Spurs became the first football club to float shares
lead to the opposition getting a tap-in at the far post. they’re expected to win. Our record against the Springsteen talk about one of his old records which he bought back at an expensive $25.6m. Keane was on the London Stock Exchange, doing so in 1983.
In midfield we have so many players they can’t give traditionally stronger teams bears this out. We’re quite had worried away at for over a year. He said: “You don’t the better business – sold to Liverpool for $33m
a start to Nico Kranjcar and Wilson Palacios, both first likely to turn them over in spectacular fashion from choose the story. The story chooses you.” Maybe it’s like and bought back for $19.5m. Gross error in judgment
picks for their national sides. Upfront we have four time to time but mostly, when it comes that with Tottenham. They choose you. You wouldn’t The British tabloids were rubbing their hands in
strikers – Crouch, Pavlyuchenko, Defoe and Keane – to the tense arm-wrestles that decide the destination change them if you could. They’re part of who you In Hod We trust delight shortly after the arrival of Swiss manager
none of whom you would put your house on. No other of titles, we’ll give in. are. That’s why we don’t support Arsenal, son. White Hart Lane has been a virtual revolving Christian Gross to the club, during the 1997-98

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