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Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA) Development and Reviews

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Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA):

Development and Reviews

Orawit Thinnukool
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Pattaraporn Khuwuthyakorn
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Purida Wientong
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Abstract—Nowadays, pharmaceutical mobile applications are widely used.

Several features and functionality play an important role to support the real
needs of users especially in primary medication. Users’ behaviors in the modern
world have changed where users may prefer to access drug information using
search engines via the Internet rather than consulting with professionals like
pharmacists, doctors or experts. However, the drug information that users re-
trieve from the internet sources may provide inaccurate, incomplete or unrelia-
ble information.
The questions are: can we decrease this phenomenon? Suppose that we are
applying an application to a content provider, which application functionalities
are suitable for users and support their real needs? Can the application encour-
age users to gather drug information via the application instead of searching via
the internet sites? The proposed study aimed to develop a Pharmacy Assistant
Mobile Application (PAMA) based on necessarily required features and func-
tionalities which are designed and operate on the iOS operation system. The ap-
plication performance has been tested and measured regarding the graphic user
interface and the system acceptance level.
The experimental results have been reviewed and an issue has been found
which needs to be considered as an important factor when developing a
healthcare mobile application for the real uses.

Keywords—application performance, mobile application, pharmacy, assistant

1 Introduction

Modern technology nowadays, especially smartphone technology, has several ad-

vantageous functions, faster computational time, wider screens, higher capability,

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

etc[1][2]. The estimation of the smartphone usage is about two billion devices which
are utilized in everyday life, and it has been predicted in 2018, the number of
smartphone users worldwide will increase to six billion people [3][4][5].
Mobile technology has played a huge role for users which includes, for example,
offering them the information to track their health conditions, providing a suggestion
on healthcare medication and being tools for medical providers for monitoring their
patients. Several benefits from healthcare functions on mobile apps have been worth-
while for the secondary treatment in hospital or clinic. Additionally, smartphones are
used for tracking or managing patients' health [1][2][6].
Although the exciting screen designs of mobile apps such as text fonts, colors and
various animations which are displayed in the user interface attract users to download
the application easier than other factors [7], the key point for user consideration in
choosing a healthcare application is the design of features and functionalities. So, the
challenging questions in design become: can functions support the real needs of us-
ers? Do they have clear understanding in each function of the application? In term of
usability, can the healthcare application support them in self-medication etc. [8].
Nowadays, patients are less likely to get medical advice from doctors or medical
experts [9][10]. Research indicates 19% of smartphone users have at least one
healthcare application on their mobile devices, and more than 52% have used their
devices for accessing medication information or searching for advice on healthy liv-
ing via the Internet [11].
The report of Joseph and his colleagues indicates another concern of obtaining
health information via the Internet, it states that 59% of users did not want to consult
doctors [12]. While the Internet information trust leads to possible dangers of pur-
chasing drug over the Internet which might occur to patients due to mistaken infor-
mation, fake information, different active ingredients and dangerous ingredients etc.
[13]. The recent report of Lombardo and Cosentino claims the Internet use for search-
ing drug information is popular in Italy [14]. About 87.5% of 1,008 Italian partici-
pants have rated satisfactory retrieval of information over the Internet. Similar to the
report of Donna and his colleagues, it shows users trust in the Internet as a source of
health information for medication [15]. Note that the experiment did not consider
online pharmacies which are legally operated by pharmacists or experts.
We cannot ignore this phenomenon since users can find drug information by them-
selves on the Internet sources. The report of Bill confirmed when consumers obtain
drug information over the Internet, they tend to receive a lack of appropriate drug and
medication information [16]. The questions are can we believe the information from
websites?. Does the information work for primary medication? Although self-
medication could be beneficial for primary treatment, some information from search
engines could be uncertain, as it contains incorrect and garbage information. If pa-
tients follow the false information, it could cause them serious danger. The mobile
healthcare application could be a trustworthy content provider for self-medication, but
we need to promote and encourage users to use the healthcare application instead of
searching high risk information over the Internet sites.
The application of mobile pharmacy application has provided greatly benefits to
patients with reliable information for treatment which can be used for meditation prior

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Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

to the secondary treatment at hospitals or clinics [17][18]. Moreover, it can suggest

drug information and various pharmaceutical products [8][19][20][21]. However, the
challenging design of features and functionalities of the mobile healthcare application
are the key factor which could indicate the success of the development. How to deliv-
er useful functions to support users for their life? How to encourage users to apply the
healthcare mobile application as a tool for providing drug information instead of us-
ing search engines over the internet site.
Additionally, the level of acceptance, attitude of users when using the application
or encountering to the new technology while promoting and their understanding need
to be considered. Thus, for the new development, we carefully considered what fea-
tures and functionalities are needed to service users and also to decrease the web-
based searching behavior for drug information.
In this paper, the study aimed to (1) develop the Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Appli-
cation (PAMA) for primary medication and (2) measure the application performance
in term of satisfactory acceptance and users’ attitude towards the developed features
and functionalities.

2 Material and methods

2.1 Medicine Contents

The PAMA database includes over-the-counter (OTC) products commonly sold in

Chiang Mai university drugstores which are household medicines, topical non-
dangerous drugs, dietary supplements herbs and alternative medicines. The data co-
vers 226 products' information designed to provide important aspects of data from
medical literature and manufacturers in concise format. The products are classified by
laws and by the way they are used to treat a particular condition. The list of product
categories is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. List of product categories.

Product categories
Topical medicine Household medicines
Wound healing medicine Non-dangerous drugs
Antiseptics Vitamins
Abdominal pain Dietary supplements
Laxative Cosmetics

2.2 Research Operation

Firstly, the experiment was conducted by developing a questionnaire for interview-

ing users about their opinions and attitudes towards using mobile healthcare applica-
tion in primary medication. Table 3 demonstrates general questions of the question-
naire which aim to understand users’ background in drug usage behaviors in everyday
life. The next section of the questionnaire, in Table 4, asks for users’ attitudes towards

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

the use of mobile applications as a tool in the primary healthcare treatment. After the
PAMA was fully developed it was released for users in Chiang Mai University drug
Table 5 shows questions asked of respondents to try the application by providing
them testing devices. This section aims to understand users’ satisfaction of the PAMA
in term of UI design and its performance when applied to their healthcare medication.
Finally, the last section of the questionnaire in Table 6 is for testing the user ac-
ceptance of the PAMA in healthcare medication. It targets to encourage users to use
the PAMA instead of searching drug information from the Internet.
The experiment has been conducted using two groups of pharmacy customers with
a total of 61 people as the samples. The first group is comprised of 31 customers who
purchase medicines from the drugstore of Chiang Mai University. The remaining
samples are the second group which is the customers of other drugstores within
Chiang Mai province. The PAMA has been released on Apple’s App Store for testing
and their opinions and attitudes over the PAMA has been collected.

2.3 Application Development

The PAMA has been developed adopting the adapted waterfall methodology. One
of the application functions is the barcode scanner. We applied the barcode scanner
together with the Internet connection as a technique to enable the PAMA retrieving
ability of drug information from the barcodes appeared on drug boxes. Moreover, the
PAMA provides other useful functions to support users such as the function that users
can retrieve all information about drugs used for their medication when the drug in-
formation is missing and the alarm function to remind users when medication needs to
be taken, etc. The list of functionalities of the PAMA is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Functionalities of the PAMA

Function Propose How to use
Scan Display drugs' information The user has to go to scanning function and
(Fig. 2.) such as using information/ scan barcode from drugs (box), the application
pricing / pharmacy name will display drugs information/ use can make
drug information to favorite for taking alarm.
(b) Alarm Scan set alarm function for Setting time for warning when it is time to take
(Fig. 3.) notification to take medicine. medicine time.
(c) Search Search a name of drug infor- User goes to search function, and types key-
(Fig. 2.) mation by typing by keyword word into textbox for searching a drug infor-
(d) Note reminder (Memo) Recording any information Typing any notes and saving or deleting any
(Fig. 3.) information

Fig.1 shows screenshots of the PAMA, where the left panel is the main menu
which contains four functions. The middle panel shows the user guide and warning of
the PAMA. The right panel shows the barcode scanner function for searching drug
information online which supports users for finding correct information more conven-
iently than getting access to the information via the Internet.

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Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Fig. 1. Screenshots of the PAMA, from left to right, are the main menu, user guide and the
barcode scanner function.

In Fig. 2, screenshots include (on the left) the barcode scanner function when scan-
ning over a barcode on a drug box, (in the middle) the result of the barcode scanner
searching which shows the drug information corresponding to the scanned medication
barcode and (on the right) the search function using keywords which allows users to
find detailed drug information by drug name, drug type or symptoms.

Fig. 2. Screenshots show the barcode scanning function, the result and the searching function
using keywords.

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Fig. 3. Screenshots show the alarm setting function and the memo function.

Fig. 3 indicates the alarm setting function. On the left panel, it begins with search-
ing a drug name, then the detail will appear as in the middle panel. After that, users
can set up the time for the reminders or alarms. On the right panel, it shows the memo
function which users can use for written notes or to record any medication infor-

2.4 Application Reviews

After each function of the PAMA, it was reviewed and tested by 11 pharmacists
who are specialists from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University. The com-
ments are as follows;
Comment group 1: Users have concerns about the provided drug details, where
some of the information still needs to be advised by pharmacists or under guidance of
Comment group 2: They have concerns about the attitude of users, when the in-
formation suggested from the PAMA is different from pharmacists.
Comment group 3: They have concerns about which target group the PAMA was
developed for.
Comment group 4: The number of drug information is limited.
Comment group 5: User Interface (UI) Suggestion includes the size of text and pic-
tures should be increased.
Comment group 6: The drug information of the PAMA could be more detailed
than what is present on the drug boxes.

Table 3 to Table 6 are questions that follow criteria for interviewing and evaluating
the graphic user interface (GUI), system performance and system confidence.

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Table 3. List of questions to ask respondents for general information.

G1- Sex
G2- Type of sample group [student / general group]
G3- Age 15-20 [ ]21-25 [ ]26-30 [ ]31-35 [ ]36-40 [ ]41-45 [ ] 45-50 [ ] 50 up
G4- Residency [within Chiang Mai Municipality areas / Outlying districts]
G5-Education [lower than bachelor's degree/bachelor's degree/higher than bachelor's
G6:1-Mobile device usage Android [ ] iOS [ ] Windows [ ]
G6:2-Your smart phone provides assistance in helping you to find information.
G6:3-You have ever known an application that provides health information
G6:4-Your smart phone has an application relating to health information.
G6:5-You paid for the health application
G7:1-You have experience in self-medication.
G7:2-You buy medicines from pharmacists at drug stores.
G7:3-You searching from the internet or the application before buying or using drugs.
G7:4-You choose to use self-medication without consulting doctors or pharmacist.
G7:5-Consulting with pharmacist is not necessary for you to use drugs.
G7:6- How often for searching drug information via internet
G7:7-The reasons that you use self-medication / (A: recurrent illnesses, B:minor symptom illnesses, C:
timesaving and D: money saving)

Table 4. List of questions to ask users about their attitude towards the use of mobile applica-
tions as a tool in the primary care treatment.
Q22:1- Using healthcare applications could be a tool in providing information on primary care treatment
more than searching from internet site.
Q22:2-Using healthcare applications would provide positive primary care treatment results.
Q22:3-Using healthcare applications could provide precise information for healthcare treatment as same as
the professional advice from doctors or pharmacists.
Q22:4-Using healthcare applications could help making better self-healthcare.
Q22:5-Using healthcare applications would change behavior and motivate users in self-healthcare practice.
Q22:6-Using healthcare applications would not cause serious consequences to the health of users.
Q22:7-Using healthcare applications would help users in reducing the healthcare costs when illness occurs.
Q22:8- Using healthcare applications would facilitate users in primary treatment.

Table 5. List of questions to ask respondents after letting them try the PAMA by providing
testing devices. (5-10 minutes, then allow the users to answer questions)
UI Evaluation
Q3:1- Press buttons on the screen are easy to use.
Q3:2- Screen size clearly shows foreground and background
Q3:3- The screen colors are suitable
Q3:4- Each image of the menu communicates with users effectively

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Q3:5- The number of the menu items is suitable and easy to use
Q3:6- The font size is suitable for the screen and easy to read
Q3:7- Textured wallpapers are suitable
Q3:8- The proportion of display areas is appropriate
Q3:9- The contrast of the display screen is beautiful
Q3:10-The alignments of graphics and symbols are easy to understand
System Performances
Q4:1- The application is intuitive and understandable for users on the trial
Q4:2- The application provides useful information in medication for your primary self-treatment
Q4:3- The barcode scanner function could help you to find medicines easier
Q4:4- The medication notification function is useful for treatment
Q4:5- Search function using keywords provides easier searching tool
Q4:6- The function for recording how to take medicines (typing) help users to keep the records easier
Q4:7- Short note function helps you in recording related information in treatment easier
Q4:8- Information from the application enables users for self-medication
Q4:9-The application makes self-medication easier for users even without professional advices from
Q4:10-The application can operate quickly on the smartphone and the system is stable (not stuck).

Table 6. List of questions to evaluate users’ confidence in the PAMA functionalities.

Q5:1-User has confidence that the application works in providing advices for primary treatment
Q5:2-User has confidence that the medicines information in the application is precise
Q5:3-User has confidence that the application can provide precise information as same as the professional
advices such as pharmacists
Q5:4-User has confidence that the information from the application can help users to understand how to
use medicines and apply the information for the immediate treatment
Q5:5-User has confidence that the advices from the application will do no harm to users
Q5:6-You agree to use the application and will recommend it to friends as well
Q5:7- If you are in an area where there is no pharmacist, you will use the application for self-medication
Q5:8-You believe that the application can reduce healthcare costs when illness occurs
Q5:9- You believe that the application will facilitate users in primary healthcare treatments more than
searching information via the internet.
Q5:10-User has confidence to download the application or recommend it to other

3 Results

The PAMA has been reviewed in the research experiment by using the question-
naire. Then, the application has been suggested to users, while they were buying
drugs in Pharmacy shops. Fig. 4 shows the use of the PAMA in a Pharmacy shop for
searching drug information. The PAMA is recommended to download from the App

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Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Fig. 4. A user using the PAMA

The experimental result is in Fig. 5. The upper panel indicates the results in the
section one of the questionnaire which includes general questions. The majority of the
respondents are female (78.8%). While 75.8% of respondents are general people and
over one-fifth (24.2%) are students. The largest proportion (16.7%) of respondents are
between 21-25 years old, the second largest are between 31 to 35 (14.3%). In regard
to residency areas, the majority of respondents (51.5%) are living in the outlying
municipality area. More than half (54.5%) of respondents graduated with a bachelor
degree, while the rest of respondents have lower levels of education.
The lower panel of Fig. 5 presents the information of mobile device usage and the
users’ experiences in healthcare applications. From Left to Right is the result of ques-
tions aimed to ask respondents about their knowledge in healthcare applications. It
shows the majority of respondents (57.1%) use Android Operating System. The next
one shows 84.8% of respondents agree to use the mobile phones via web browsers for
searching any information online. Additionally, 48.5% of respondents have known or
experienced at least one of the healthcare applications, while 51.5% of them have
never had any chance to see one. More than half (57.6%) have installed at least one
healthcare application on their mobile devices. When asking for more details about
the downloaded healthcare application, 78.6% did not purchase the application. The
final question was about users’ experience of buying drugs by themselves. The result
shows the majority of the respondents (78.6%) still consult with pharmacists or ex-
perts for medication.

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

Fig. 5. The questionnaire result shown in percentage of responses: the top row is the general
information of respondents and the bottom row is the information of mobile device us-
age and the users’ experiences in healthcare applications.

Fig. 6 shows the information of self-initial medication behavior. Q7:2 shows up to

21.4% of respondents always do self-medication. While the highest proportion of
28.6% do self-medication very often and 21.4% do it sometimes. When asking re-
spondents whether they search for drug information over the Internet or application
before buying medicines in Q7:3, the result show 26.2% do searching sometimes
before buying and 19.0% do searching very often to buy medicines. When asking
users how often they use self-medication Q7:4, it has been found that 23.8% of re-
spondents sometime use self-medication without consulting doctors or pharmacists
similar to the number of respondents who rarely use self-medication. Next question,
Q7:5, it shows 31% of respondents agree to consult with pharmacists, whereas 26.2 %
of them consult pharmacists sometimes. When asking respondents about how often
they do searching for drug information over the Internet, 28.6% said they search over
the Internet very often, while others (28.6%) have never tried it before (Q7:6). On the
right column of Fig.6, Q7:7 is a multiple-answer question which shows users’ reasons
of using self-medication. The majority of 72.7% of respondents use self-medication
for recurrent illnesses, while 57.1% believe that they could save time for medication if
they use self-medication.
Fig. 7 shows the users’ attitudes towards the use of mobile applications as a tool
for primary care treatment after the collection of the responses using the Likert Scale.
Questions in this section focus on general mobile healthcare applications. Regarding
the results of Q22:1 to Q22:8, the majority of respondents agreed in all questions that
mobile applications could be an appropriate tool in the primary care treatment. In
Q22:8, more than 21.27% agreed or strongly agreed that mobile healthcare applica-
tion could also facilitate users in primary treatment. When considering Q22:3, it
shows 42.4% moderately agreed, but 30.3% disagreed that using healthcare applica-
tions could provide precise information as same as the advice from professionals,
doctors or pharmacists. In Q22:4, 42.4% moderately agreed that using mobile

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healthcare applications could help make better self-healthcare, whereas 36.6 % disa-
The interviews have been conducted after letting correspondents test the PAMA.
Fig. 8 shows the interview results which are from section 3 of the questionnaire. The
questions in this section reviewed the PAMA user interface (UI). Results of overall
user agreement show the majority of responders had the satisfactory results. However,
the point of consideration is in Q3:6 to Q3:8 which show the results of more than 30%
of users who answered the moderate level of agreement rather than “agree” or
“strongly agree”. The issue can be improved in the next development to increase the
level of agreement in UI design.

Fig. 6. The distributions of the percentage of level agreements corresponding to the question-
naire section of self-initial medication behavior (Table 3).

Fig. 7. The distributions of the percentage of level agreements corresponding to users’ attitude
towards the use of mobile applications as a tool in the primary care treatment (Table 4).

Fig. 8. The distributions of the percentage of agreement corresponding to the UI feedback from
respondents after trying the PAMA by providing testing devices (Table 5).

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

The result in Fig. 9 shows the percentages of agreement corresponding to the sys-
tem performance of the PAMA. In Q4:1, the majority of users, 57.6% and 24.2%,
agreed, and strongly agreed, respectively, that the PAMA is intuitive and understand-
able. Whereas, Q4:3 indicates 24.2% of users strongly agreed that the barcode scanner
function is useful to find medicines. According to Q4:4 to Q4:6, the results show
12.1%, 15.2% and 9.1% strongly agreed with the system performance of the notifica-
tion function, searching function and recording function, respectively. The majority of
respondents, 15.2% and 45.5%, agreed and strongly agreed in Q4:7 which asks about
the system performance for the short note function. In Q4:8, the result shows 63.6%
of respondents agreed and strongly agreed that the information provided by the
PAMA can enable users for self-medication as well as in Q4:9, the result shows that
more than half of respondents agree and strongly agreed that using the PAMA could
make self-medication easier for users, even there is no face-to-face professional ad-
vice. Moreover, respectively 39.4% and 18.2% of respondents agreed and strongly
agreed that the PAMA can operate quickly and reliably on smartphones.

Fig. 9. The distributions of the percentage of agreement corresponding to the feedback of the
system performance of the PAMA by providing testing devices (Table 5).

The results shown in Fig. 10 demonstrate the distribution of agreement correspond-

ing to users’ confidence in the PAMA after a trial. It shows users’ confidence in Q5:1
to Q5:2 were satisfied with confidence with using the PAMA for healthcare medica-
tion. When asking whether the PAMA could provide precise information as same as
professional advices or not (Q5:3), the majority of users agree and strongly agreed.
Similar to Q5:4, when asking whether the information from the PAMA can help users
for a better understanding of how to use medicines, more than 70% of users agree and
strongly agreed. Moreover, in Q5:5, up to 78.8% (include strongly agree and agree
level) of users trusted that advice provided by the PAMA will do no harm to users,
where over half of users answered in Q5:6 and Q5:7 that they will recommend the
PAMA to their friends and are likely to use the application for self-medication when
they are in an area without professional advice. Question Q5:8 asks whether users
believe that the PAMA could reduce healthcare costs whether illness occurs or not.
The result shows 63.5% of users strongly agreed. When asking users, in Q5:9, wheth-
er they believe that the PAMA could facilitate users in primary healthcare treatments
better than the websites, 74.5% of respondents strongly agreed. In Q5:10, the result
show that most users (72.1%) would recommend the PAMA to other users.

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Fig. 10. The distributions of the percentage of agreement corresponding to users’ confidence to
the application functionalities (Table 6).

4 Discussion

The PAMA has been developed under the expectation of decreasing the use of
search engines over the Internet for drug information. We considered the real needs of
users when designing its functionalities which are necessary to support self-
medication and healthcare treatments and may decrease users’ behavior in searching
drug information over the Internet. The functionalities were concerned with corre-
sponding to the challenge of appropriate features for daily life activities of users fol-
lowing the suggestion of Mariza and his colleagues [8]. Functions of the PAMA are
mainly for searching drug instructions or drug information. Key word or habit search
function enables easier access to drug information for users, then the list of the
searching drug is displayed for providing the information to users. The drug infor-
mation in the application contains the drug name, terms of use, preservation, indica-
tion, instruction, standard price (Prices are not available for all drugs). Moreover,
there is the barcode scanner function to provide correct information to users, in the
case of imported drug which may be difficult for Thai people to read or understand
due to the language barrier. This function could serve users who need a good under-
standing of their drugs. The PAMA also includes other functions such as alarm and
note reminder function which can support users to take drugs at a certain time of the
In the review section, the PAMA has been reviewed by pharmacists. Their com-
ments are mostly concerned about whether the provided by PAMA should be used
together with pharmacist or expert suggestion. Moreover, they concern about users’
attitude towards the use of the PAMA. As it is not a pharmacist, most pharmacists
disagreed about the use of the PAMA without professional advices, but the comments
were different for non-dangerous drugs. Although the PAMA is able to function in
providing adequate information about drugs, technology acceptance level among
pharmacistsis still undesirable from the pharmacists’ point of view. Not surprisingly,
most mobile applications are not designed only for self-medication support, but are
also an important likely to have optional tools to support interaction between pharma-
cists and patients. This issue is a good point for UX consideration. Moreover, the
result shows that the PAMA users are satisfied in term of system performance, func-
tionalities and user-interface which corresponds to the result of Alnanih, A. which

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

claims the colorful design of features of applications is more likely to draw users’
attention [7].
Although the PAMA could help users for primary medication, in Fig. 7 at Q22:3
and Q22:4, the users’ attitudes show that they still needed professional advice along
with the PAMA. In contrast, in Fig. 10, Q5:7 shows the majority of users (58.4%)
strongly agreed that they will use the PAMA for self-medication, if there is no phar-
macist available in their areas. Moreover, users were confident to download the appli-
cation and would recommend it to other people. Corresponding to Q5:3, 42.4% of
users had confidence that the PAMA could provide precise information, similar to
professional advice. Both results indicate that the PAMA could be a choice for users
to search for drug information instead of websites over the Internet.
Additionally, the positive attitude towards the healthcare application is able not on-
ly to change users’ behavior in searching reliable drug information over the Internet,
but also to promote users to use self-healthcare medication via the application. Alt-
hough the decreases in users behavior in searching drug information over the Internet
has not been evaluated yet, the result in Q5:9 indicates that users agreed that the pre-
cise information provided by the application can facilitate users in primary healthcare
treatment. This implies that the PAMA could provide knowledge to users for warning
of unreliable drug information from the Internet. Therefore, the PAMA has the poten-
tial to replace online search engines and websites and to decrease the use of unreliable
drug information from the Internet.
Mobile healthcare applications have been rapidly growing. While many of them
play an important role in medication to users nowadays, features and functions of
application are still being developed to support users’ needs different purposes. Alt-
hough drug information used in everyday life has been increasingly gathered over the
Internet [13][14], the PAMA development can also provide features and functions
which are able to encourage users to use the application for searching instead of web-
The problem of lack of appropriate drug information may be solved by the PAMA
if users agree to use the application in their primary healthcare medication [16]. Cor-
rect information, useful content and interesting functions are key points to promote
the PAMA. However, even if the PAMA is not applied to primary healthcare medica-
tion, it is still a tool to encourage users to pay attention their healthcare medication,
make them concerned about using proper drugs and also motivate users to understand
modern medication as well.

4.1 Limitations

Nonetheless, in the experiment, there were several constrains that should be im-
proved as follows. First of all, the amount of background information of samples
(respondents) was quite lacking because the sample size is small. The experiment
should be improved by having a larger sample. Next, the period for application testing
should be increased without our monitoring. Finally, the evaluation of the decreases
of searching drug information over the Internet after using the PAMA was not con-

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Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

ducted, and we did not consider online pharmacies or pharmacy websites which oper-
ate under pharmacists or experts.

5 Conclusion

The PAMA has been developed under the aim of developing the pharmacy assis-
tant mobile application for primary medication. The challenging features and func-
tionalities of the application were fully designed, implemented and has been released
on the Apple’s App Store. The application has evaluated system performance, in term
of users’ satisfaction. Then, the results show users’ acceptance level and their atti-
tudes of applying the PAMA with their primary medication.
In terms of using the PAMA instead of searching drug information over the Inter-
net, the result indicates that users may understand and beware of incorrect infor-
mation. However, the attitudes of experts and respondents regarding the use of the
PAMA were different. In users’ point of view, they agreed that there is value in using
the PAMA for primary medication, while in the experts’ point of view, they are con-
cerned about applying the PAMA for the primary medication and they feel that the
PAMA should be used under the advisory of pharmacists or experts.

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7 Acknowledgment

This research was under the collaboration of the Embedded Systems and Mobile
Application Laboratory and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University. We

iJIM ‒ Vol. 11, No. 3, 2017 193

Paper—Pharmacy Assistant Mobile Application (PAMA): Development and Reviews

would like to acknowledge the College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai
University for their financial support of the project.

8 Authors

Orawit Thinnukool received his Ph.D. degree in Research methodology from the
Prince of Songkla University. His blackground is in information technology, educati-
on technology and research operation. Currently, he is a lecturer and a member of the
Embedded Systems and Mobile Application Laboratory and the Department of Mo-
dern Management and Information Technology at the College of Art Media and
Pattaraporn Khuwuthyakorn received her Ph.D. in Engineering from the Aus-
tralian National University in 2012. Her area is in information technology and engi-
neering. Currently, she is a lecturer at the College of Arts, Media and Technology,
Chiang Mai University.
Purida Wientong received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Care. Her area is in
healthcare system and healthcare management. Currently she is a researcher and a
lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Care, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai

Article submitted 10 February 2017. Published as resubmitted by the authors 18 March 2017.


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