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Environmentally Responsible Purchase Behaviour A Test of A Consumer Model

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Environmentally responsible A test of a

consumer model
purchase behaviour: a test of a
consumer model
Scott B. Follows 723
F.C. Manning School of Business Adminstration, Acadia University, Received January 1999
Nova Scotia, Canada Revised September 1999
David Jobber
University of Bradford Management Centre, Bradford, UK
Keywords Consumer behaviour, Environment, Green issues, Consumer marketing,
Social resposibility
Abstract A consumer model of environmentally responsible purchase behaviour was tested
using covariance structural analysis. The model successfully predicted the purchase of
environmentally responsible and non-responsible product alternatives. A hierarchial
relationship from values to product specific attitudes to purchase intention to purchase
behaviour was confirmed. Individual consequences, which take the personal implications of
consumption into account, were found to be just as important in predicting intention as the
environmental consequences of a product. The study empirically tested a values typology as a
basis to explain attitude formation.

Over the last decade, environmentalism has matured into a significant social
issue. Widespread public acceptance of the global environmental crisis has
caused a gradual shift in the focus of the environmental movement. The
question of how to achieve public acceptance of environmentalism has been
replaced by discussions addressing the impact of environmentalism upon
public policy (National Wildlife, 1995) and corporate policy (for example, see
Porter and van der Linde, 1995). For marketers, environmentalism has become
a criterion influencing consumer purchase behaviour. In North America, 60 per
cent to 90 per cent of consumers are concerned about the environmental impact
of their purchases (Dagnoli, 1990, 1991; Klein, 1990). As a group,
environmentally responsible products have obtained market share between 20
per cent and 30 per cent in a number of retail product categories (Kohl, 1990).
Environmentally responsible consumption emanated from criticism that the
marketing concept ignored the impact of individual consumption upon society
as a whole (Feldman, 1971; Kotler, 1972; Lavidge, 1970). In response to ``the
challenge of rising consumption to human survival'', Fisk (1973, p.24) called for
government, consumers, and business to consider the environmental costs and
benefits when making consumption decisions. Fisk (1973, 1974) stressed that
consumers should reduce their consumption of resources in scarce supply and
substitute their current products for ones that are ecologically less damaging.
European Journal of Marketing,
Vol. 34 No. 5/6, 2000, pp. 723-746.
The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions. # MCB University Press, 0309-0566
European Webster (1975) defined a socially conscious consumer as a consumer who takes
Journal of into account the public consequences of his or her private consumption or who
Marketing attempts to use his or her purchasing power to bring about social change. That
is, consumers incorporate social issues into their purchase decisions by
34,5/6 evaluating the consequences of their consumption upon society. Consumers
who consider the environment to be important will therefore evaluate the
724 environmental consequences associated with the purchase of a product. For
example, an individual concerned about the amount of garbage generated (an
environmental issue) could consider the disposal of a product's packaging (an
environmental consequence) to be important when shopping for products. If the
environmental consequences are important enough to the consumer, the result
may be the purchase of an environmentally responsible product. These
products not only satisfy a consumer's immediate needs and wants, but also
serve to benefit the environment in the long term.
Most of the research on environmental responsibility was conducted in the
1970s and 1980s when very few consumers seriously evaluated a product's
impact upon the environment. During this time there were few environmentally
responsible products available and so many studies of environmental
responsibility focused on non-consumption behaviours, such as energy
conservation and political activism. Consumption based behaviours have
received significant interest recently but most of these studies have focused on
post-purchase behaviours, such as recycling and waste separation.
The difficulty with investigating environmentally responsible purchase
behaviour has been with its measurement. First, many of the measures are
normative in nature and can lead to socially desirable responses (Roozen and
De Pelsmacker, 1997). A scale composed of several statements all worded to
represent positive environmentally responsible actions can produce a halo-
effect that encourages respondents to over-report environmentally responsible
behaviours. The result is an inflated level of environmentally responsible
behaviour that does not correspond to actual market share data. Second, it is
important for researchers to clearly delineate between environmentally
responsible intention and behaviour. Environmentally responsible products in
general tend to be viewed as the socially acceptable choice which can inflate
intention relative to actual behaviour. Confusion between the measurement of
these two concepts can be illustrated by the following example. Dahab et al.
(1995) measured intent by asking respondents to indicate whether a recycling
activity was something they are currently doing, something they definitely
intend to do, something they may not do, or something they probably will not
do. One end of their intent scale (something they are currently doing) is a
measure of behaviour. Finally, researchers often combine a wide range of
environmental purchase behaviours into a single measure. Studies
investigating product purchase behaviour have either used product categories,
such as organic foods, or broad generic measures, such as groceries with
recyclable packaging. Antil and Bennett (1979) argued that environmental
responsibility is a behavioural pattern that is exhibited in degrees, and is not
something that a consumer either has or does not have. Consumers often A test of a
purchase both environmentally responsible and non-responsible products or consumer model
exhibit compensating post-purchase behaviours. An example of the latter is a
consumer who purchases a product in a non-returnable container but re-uses
the container. For this reason Diamantopoulos et al. (1994) and Pickett et al.
(1993) recommended that behaviour should be assessed for specific products
and activities rather than general environmentally responsible purchase 725
patterns. Given the rapid growth of environmentally responsible products over
the last ten years, the objective of this study was to develop a model that could
predict the purchase of a specific type of environmentally responsible product.

The model: antecedents of environmentally responsible purchase

Over the last five years, researchers investigating environmental responsibility
have been interested in combining aspects of the Theory of Reasoned Action
(Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) with personal values. A
hierarchy of values-attitudes-intention-behaviour has served as the conceptual
framework for a number of studies; however, it has never been tested in its
entirety in the context of predicting the purchase of a specific environmentally
responsible product.
The predominant variable used to explain environmental responsibility has
been an attitudinal measure of environmental concern (Hines et al., 1987). In
general, broad measures of environmental concern have not been found to be
highly correlated with environmentally responsible behaviour especially at the
individual level (Gill et al., 1986; Schwepker and Cornwell, 1991). Balderjahn
(1988) developed a causal model to predict environmentally responsible
purchase behaviour, measured by three indicators; buy less packaged products,
use returnables, and use fewer detergents. He did not find a significant
relationship between attitude toward pollution and purchase behaviour, but did
find a weak positive relationship between attitude toward ecologically
conscious living and behaviour. Diamantopoulos et al. (1994) found weak but
significant relationships between a broad measure of environmental attitudes
and the purchase of recycled paper products, products not tested on animals,
and ozone-friendly aerosols.
A possible explanation for the low correlations between attitude and
behaviour is the omission of intentions. According the Theory of Reasoned
Action the performance of a specific behaviour is determined by the intention
to perform the behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980; Warshaw, 1980). In the six
studies that examined the intention-behaviour relationship in the
environmental context, Hines et al. (1987) found a correlation coefficient of 0.49
between the two concepts. Most of these studies used a broad measure of
intention developed by Maloney et al. (1975). This scale was composed almost
entirely of non-consumption behaviours, such as joining an environmental
group or riding a bicycle as an alternative to driving a car. Two studies
measured intention as the subjective probability to perform a specific
European behaviour and found significant relationships between intention and
Journal of environmental voting behaviour (Gill et al., 1986) and tin recycling behaviour
Marketing (Kok and Siero, 1985).
The role of intentions in the attitude-behaviour relation is dependent upon
34,5/6 the level of effort needed to perform the behaviour (Bagozzi et al., 1990). When
much effort is required the cognitive process is more deliberate and results in
726 the formation of intentions. Dahab et al. (1995) found that perceived effort was
strongly related to the intent to recycle. Most, if not all, environmentally
responsible behaviours require additional effort on the part of the individual or
involve some personal consequences. Therefore, we expect that the effects of
attitudes on behaviour will be mediated by intention.
An environmentally responsible attitudinal measure is typically
operationalized by combining statements reflecting concern for a variety of
environmental issues (Antil and Bennett, 1979; Balderjahn, 1988; Samdahl and
Robertson, 1989; Schwepker and Cornwell, 1991; Tucker, 1980). Gill et al. (1986),
Olsen (1981), and Samuelson and Biek (1991) argued that a strong correlation
between attitude and behaviour could only be obtained when an attitudinal
measure and the behavioural measure correspond in specificity. Moderate
correlations have been reported between general attitudinal measures and
multiple-act behaviours. However, the correlation decreases for general
measures and single-act behaviours as there is often a wide variety of specific
behaviours that could be expressed from a general attitude (Fishbein and
Ajzen, 1974; Sjoberg, 1982; Weigel and Newman, 1976). In an analysis of 51
environmental studies, Hines et al. (1987) found that the attitude-behaviour
correlation was lower when attitude was operationalized as a general attitude
toward the environment in comparison to an attitude toward a specific
environmental behaviour. To illustrate, individual differences in the purchase
of lead-free gasoline are better predicted by individual differences in attitude
toward using lead-free gasoline than by individual differences in attitude
toward ecology (Heberlein and Black, 1976). Consequently, if the behaviour of
interest is a single act, such as the purchase of a specific environmentally
responsible product, then the attitudinal measure must relate specifically to
that act.
H1: There will be a positive relationship from attitude towards the
environmental consequences (of the purchase of a specific
environmentally responsible product) to environmentally responsible
purchase intention.
As noted above, one of the difficulties in this area of research has
been that consumers often purchase both environmentally responsible and
non-responsible products. One explanation for this range of behaviour may
be the negative consequences of environmentally responsible behaviour that
affect an individual's personal satisfaction. For example, the environmental
consequences of using bulk products and refillable containers are reductions
in the amount of raw materials used and garbage generated. However,
there are individual consequences, such as the inconvenience of bringing a A test of a
container to the store, that may be significant enough to override the consumer model
importance placed on the environmental consequences. Measures of
perceived inconvenience or personal effort have been included in studies
investigating recycling behaviour. An increase in perceived personal effort
was found to directly reduce the intent to recycle (Dahab et al., 1995) and
recycling behaviour (Kok and Siero, 1985; McCarty and Shrum, 1994; 727
Thùgersen and Grunert-Beckmann, 1997). Like the product specific
environmental attitude, the product specific individual attitude is expected
to indirectly affect behaviour through intention.
H2: There will be a negative relationship from attitude towards the
individual consequences (of the purchase of a specific environmentally
responsible product) to environmentally responsible purchase intention.
Attitudes are based on values: beliefs that transcend specific situations and are
used to resolve conflicts or make decisions (Homer and Kahle, 1988). Values are
considered to be more stable and more abstract than attitudes, and act as
standards upon which a large number of attitudes are based. Attitudes are
composed of several beliefs concerning a specific object or act, whereas values
are criteria used to evaluate behaviour and people (Schwartz, 1992).
Theoretically, values can influence behaviour (Carman, 1977; Williams, 1979);
however, because values are the most abstract cognition, values should
influence behaviour indirectly through attitudes. Schwartz and Bilsky (1987)
provided a comprehensive conceptual definition of values: values are concepts
or beliefs, pertain to desirable end states or behaviours, transcend specific
situations, guide selection or evaluation of behaviour and events, and are
ordered by relative importance (Schwartz and Bilsky, 1990, p. 878). Rokeach
(1973) argued that once a value is learned it becomes part of a value system,
and it is this system that is used by the individual as a guide to behaviour.
Marketing studies involving values have used three instruments. The first,
VALS/VALS2 (SRI International) is used for segmentation studies, but its use
has been limited in academic research due to its complexity and proprietary
nature. The second, List of Values (Kahle, 1983) was developed to assess the
values of Americans. These nine values have been used to investigate a range of
concepts from segmentation to product ownership. Homer and Kahle (1988) used
structural equation modelling to test the hierarchial relationships between values
(LOV), attitude, and behaviour. Although the path coefficients from values to
attitude (toward nutrition) to behaviour (natural food shopping) were significant,
the chi square statistic indicated a poor fit between the model and the data.
The third type of value measure is Rokeach's (1973) Value Survey, where
individuals rank order 30 values. Schwartz and Bilsky (1987) proposed that the
impact of values upon attitudes and behaviour can be more effectively
interpreted by using a person's value system as opposed to ranking single
values, and so they developed a classification typology of Rokeach's (1973)
instrumental and terminal values.
European Schwartz and Bilsky (1987) initially proposed a value typology based upon a
Journal of collective-individual dichotomy. Collective values serve the interests of an
Marketing ingroup, and were categorized into two motivational domains, prosocial and
restrictive-conformity. Prosocial values reflect an active concern for the welfare
34,5/6 of others and a desire to improve society. Restrictive-conformity values reflect a
conscious conformity to social expectations. Opposing collective values are
728 individual values that were subdivided into achievement and enjoyment
motivational domains. The achievement values reflect performance in a
society, and enjoyment values reflect pleasure and gratification. Schwartz
(1990) criticised the typology on three accounts. First, there are values that can
serve both individual and ingroup interests, such as wisdom. Second, there are
collective values that serve a group beyond the ingroup, such as equality for all.
Third, the typology implies that all individual values vary together and in
opposition to collective values, which has not been demonstrated.
Schwartz (1992) revised the typology to account for empirical findings and
more precise conceptualizations of the motivational domains. The prosocial
domain was re-named self-transcendence, and it was composed of values that
reflect the extent to which they motivate people to transcend selfish concerns
and promote the welfare of others, close and distant, and of nature. Self-
transcendence includes values reflecting benevolence, a concern for the welfare
of people with whom one is in frequent personal contact, and universalism,
encompassing a broader concern for all people and nature. We viewed self-
transcendence as a social-altruistic value orientation (Stern et al., 1995) and so
did not include any of the biospheric values. Thùgersen and Grunert-
Beckmann's (1997) social-altruistic value cluster was found to negatively relate
to beliefs about the cost consequences (individual consequences) of recycling
and waste prevention, and to positively relate to beliefs about the beneficial
consequences (environmental consequences) of waste prevention. In another
study of recycling solid wastes, McCarty and Shrum (1994) developed three
new collectivist items as the LOV value items are individualistic. They found
that these collectivist items were negatively related to a measure of recycling
inconvenience but did not affect a measure of the importance of recycling. We
hypothesized that the self-transcendence values would positively affect
environmental attitude. That is, a strong underlying concern for the welfare for
others would lead to a higher level of importance placed on the environmental
consequences of a product because a product that damages the environment
would be detrimental to society. In addition, we expect these individuals to
place less importance on the individual consequences because they will
sacrifice personal concerns when the resulting behaviour benefits the common
H3: There will be a positive relationship from self-transcendence values to
attitude towards the environmental consequences of a product.
H4: There will be a negative relationship from self-transcendence values to
attitude towards the individual consequences of a product.
The restrictive-conformity domain was re-named conservation to reflect a A test of a
need to preserve the status quo and the certainty it provides in consumer model
relationships with close others, institutions and traditions. Conservation
comprised two types of values, conformity and security. A third value
group, tradition, representing respect for one's cultural symbols and
practices was not included in the study because we felt that tradition would
be a constant within the sample. Conformity values reflect restraint of 729
actions likely to upset others or violate social norms, and security values
underlie the achievement of safe and stable social relationships. Thùgersen
and Grunert-Beckmann (1997) found that conservation values were
negatively related to beliefs about the beneficial consequences of recycling
and positively related to the cost consequences of waste prevention. We
propose that individuals who place a high level of importance on
conservation values do not want to complicate their lives through change or
do not want to be involved with something that is not the norm. Even
though the majority of people are concerned about the environment in
general, the use of specific environmentally responsible products is not the
norm. Therefore, we hypothesize that these respondents will place a low
level of importance on how the product directly impacts upon the
environment, and will place a high level of importance on how the product
will directly affect them.
H5: There will be a negative relationship from conservation values to
attitude towards the environmental consequences of a product.
H6: There will be a positive relationship from conservation values to
attitude towards the individual consequences of a product.
The individualistic values were re-named self-enhancement. These values
reflect the extent to which they motivate people to enhance their own
personal interests. Two values, happiness and cheerful, were deleted from
the enjoyment domain to form a domain termed hedonism. This domain
reflects pleasure or sensuous gratification for oneself. The achievement
values were reorganized so that they reflect personal success within a
society. A new domain, power, was created to reflect the attainment of social
status and control over people and resources. Hedonism, achievement, and
power, are all concerned with a self-centred orientation about one's physical
needs and success. Self-enhancement values were not included in the study
by Thùgersen and Grunert-Beckmann (1997), but these values are similar to
McCarty and Shrum's (1994) self-gratification value factor. This factor was
found to negatively affect the importance of recycling. We propose that the
goals of self-indulgence and personal gratification are consistent with
positive attitudes towards the individual consequences and negative
attitudes toward environmental consequences. That is, respondents who
place a high importance on self-enhancement values are expected to be very
concerned about how a product will directly affect them, even at the expense
of others.
European H7: There will be a negative relationship from self-enhancement values to
Journal of attitude towards the environmental consequences of a product.
Marketing H8: There will be a positive relationship from self-enhancement values to
34,5/6 attitude towards the individual consequences of a product.
Schwartz's (1992) final value dimension, openness to change, was composed of
730 self-direction and stimulation value clusters. Self-direction reflects independent
thought and action, while stimulation represents a need for variety. Openness
to change values have not shown any direct effects on environmental attitudes
(Stern et al., 1995; Thùgersen and Grunert-Beckmann, 1997) and were omitted
from the study. The next section explains the focus of the study, how the
measures were operationalized, and the sample used for model testing.

Model operationalization
The model was operationalized for the purchase of the baby diaper. Diapers
have two product alternatives, disposable diapers and re-usable cloth diapers
washed at home or at a laundromat. Disposable diapers made with unbleached
paper and re-usable cloth diapers washed by a diaper service company were
not widely available in the study area. The prevailing public perception has
been that disposable diapers are environmentally non-responsible and cloth
diapers are responsible (Becker et al., 1990; Isaacs, 1991). They, therefore,
appeared to be a suitable product purchase to assess environmentally
responsible purchase behaviour. A survey of outside experts, members of
Canada's oldest environmental organization ± The Ecology Action Centre ±
was used to determine the relative rankings of environmental responsibility for
the two product alternatives. A sample of 19 experts, ranked the two product
alternatives from 1 (not environmentally responsible) to 10 (environmentally
responsible). The cloth diapers were perceived to be significantly more
environmentally responsible than the disposable diapers (mDisposable = 1.38,
mCloth = 9.56, t-value = ± 32.02, p < 0.001).

Pilot study
A difficulty in developing attitudinal measures of environmental responsibility
is the selection of environmental issues to be included in the scale. The
substantive issues used are often determined by the researcher a priori and
cover a wide range of topics from general problems such as pollution and
overpopulation to more specific problems such as packaging legislation and
product boycotts. This is problematic as measures containing different
substantive issues are not comparable and the substantive issue used can affect
the relationships between the measure and other variables (Van Liere and
Dunlap, 1981). The question of which substantive issue to choose is further
complicated by the fact that issues gain and lose importance over time. For
example, some studies in the 1970s had scale items that referred to the use of
unleaded or leaded gasoline, yet leaded gasoline is no longer sold in North
America. Furthermore, as new issues such as global warming and ozone
depletion gain public attention, they must be included in the possible set of A test of a
issues. To minimize these problems, a pool of sample items was generated for consumer model
each attitudinal variable using focus groups of disposable diaper users, cloth
diaper users, and environmentalists. Items were structured for a five point
Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. A questionnaire
containing the two item pools was administered by mail to a sample of current
diaper users, women who had a child in the last 6 to 12 months. Usable 731
questionnaires were returned by 334 respondents, a response rate of 62 per
cent. Four studies operationalized Churchill's (1979) scale construction
paradigm to develop scales relating to environmental concern: Antil and
Bennett (1979) (also see Antil, 1984), Bejou and Thorne (1991), Bohlen et al.
(1993) and Leigh et al. (1988). A four-step procedure was used for item
purification, which closely followed the methodologies used in these studies.
For each pool, the item with the lowest item-to-total correlation below 0.4
(Antil and Bennett, 1979) was deleted and the correlations were then
recalculated for the remaining items. This step was repeated until all the
remaining items had item-to-total correlations above 0.4. The second step, used
as a follow-up to the correlation analysis by Antil and Bennett (1979) and Bejou
and Thorne (1991), was based on Antil and Bennett's (1979) argument that an
item's ability to discriminate between respondents can serve as a basis for item
selection. As the scales were being designed to discriminate between the
disposable and cloth user groups, item means should be significantly different
between these two groups. T-tests were used to eliminate items that did not
have significantly different mean scores at p < 0.05. The third step was a factor
analysis with both the environmental and individual consequences item pools
to confirm that each set of items was unidimensional. An item was eliminated if
it did not have a loading above 0.4 (Ford et al., 1986) on its primary factor. The
objective of the first three steps was to produce scales that were reliable. As a
final step, Churchill (1979) suggested that there should be evidence of construct
validity, that is, do the scales ``behave as expected'' (p. 72). Discriminant
analysis of the environmental and individual consequences item pools was
used to provide a test of known group validity. Classification matrices were
constructed using the split-sample technique (Frank et al., 1965; Perreault et al.,
1979). Evidence of validity was provided if the total percentage of correct
predictions exceeded the maximum chance criteria and if this percentage was
statistically better than chance (Press's Q).
The item pool for the attitudinal measure Environmental Consequences
contained 12 items that reflected the negative environmental consequences of
using disposable diapers and the positive environmental consequences of using
cloth diapers, for example ``It is important to me whether a diaper adds to a
landfill site''. The contribution to garbage by disposable diapers is a negative
environmental consequence. Strong agreement with the statement is indicative
of high salience of the environmental consequences of diapers. Cronbach alpha
for the 12 items was 0.76. Seven items were eliminated in the correlation
European analysis and the final Cronbach alpha was 0.78. For the remaining five items,
Journal of the mean scores were found to be significantly different (p<0.05) between the
Marketing disposable and cloth user groups.
For individual consequences, seven items reflected the positive individual
34,5/6 consequences of using disposable diapers and the negative individual
consequences of using cloth diapers, for example ``It is important to me that a
732 diaper comes in a wide range of sizes''. Cloth diapers come in a limited range of
sizes which is a negative individual consequence. Strong agreement with the
statement is indicative of high salience of the individual consequences of
diapers. Cronbach alpha for the seven items was 0.71. Three items were
eliminated in the correlation analysis and the Cronbach alpha for the four
remaining items was 0.75. The mean scores for the remaining four items were
significantly different between the cloth and disposable user groups.
In the factor analysis, the five items representing Environmental
Consequences loaded above 0.4 on the first factor and the four items for
Individual Consequences loaded above 0.4 on the second factor. The
discriminant function generated from the discriminant analysis was able to
correctly classify 85.5 per cent of respondents, which is above the maximum
chance criteria (77.2 per cent). Press's Q was above the critical value indicating
that the total percentage is significantly higher than chance.

Main study
Churchill (1979) recommended that hypotheses testing should be conducted on
a second sample, one not used to develop measures. A self-administered
questionnaire was given to 1,000 women following the birth of their baby in a
maternity hospital in Nova Scotia, Canada. In order to get an accurate measure
of diaper intention it was important to have the questionnaires administered at
a point as close to the birth of the baby as possible. We did not want the
respondents to go home after the birth and possibly complete the questionnaire
weeks after they had made the purchase decision. Therefore, the questionnaire
was given to new mothers immediately following the birth as part of the
hospital orientation material. In Canada, the usual time spent in a hospital
following a birth is 48 hours, and this time period is often busy with
information sessions, family visits, taking care of the baby, and recuperation.
As a result, the sample size of 160, was somewhat low but this was due to the
need to accurately measure intention. Diaper usage for the sample was
comparable to national market share data for disposable and cloth diapers. In
addition, no differences were found between the sample and the population of
the maternity hospital in terms of age, number of previous children, or
The questionnaire contained the nine attitudinal items identified in the pilot
study and marker values from Schwartz's (1992) typology: Self-Transcendence
(universalism and benevolence), Conservation (conformity and security), and
Self-Enhancement (hedonism, achievement, and power). To allow for the
examination of an organized system of values each value item was measured
using a seven point rating scale from totally important to totally unimportant A test of a
in response to the question; ``How important are the following words to you, as consumer model
guiding principles in your life?'' A factor analysis was conducted to confirm the
unidimensionality of each variable (Baumgartner and Homburg, 1996). See
Table I for the factor analysis results and the Appendix for the scale items. All
items loaded on their factors above 0.4 and the reliabilities were within Peter's
(1979) acceptable range for basic marketing research.. The items for each 733
variable were summed to form composite scales.
Intention was measured as the individual's estimation of the likelihood of
actually performing the behaviour in the future (Warshaw and Davis, 1985).

Item Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5

Environmental consequences
Diaper adds to landfill 0.1041 0.7427 ± 0.0518 0.0135 0.1525
Diaper depletes forests 0.0738 0.8707 ± 0.0366 0.0170 0.0088
Diaper may affect environment 0.1327 0.8605 ± 0.0378 0.0991 0.0930
Worry how diaper affect environment 0.0946 0.7034 ± 0.0205 ± 0.0719 ± 0.1411
Energy used to make a diaper ± 0.0061 0.6077 0.0464 ± 0.1259 ± 0.2162

Individual consequences
Diaper fits properly ± 0.0780 ± 0.0874 0.0813 0.7085 0.3891
Diaper convenient to use ± 0.0359 ± 0.1157 ± 0.0720 0.6271 0.3800
Diaper absorbent ± 0.0794 ± 0.0371 0.1309 0.7890 ± 0.0401
Diaper in range of sizes ± 0.0062 0.0705 0.0086 0.8463 0.0914

Equality 0.8131 0.1963 0.1998 ± 0.0576 0.0795
Helpful 0.7870 0.2387 0.2028 ± 0.0656 ± 0.0022
Forgiving 0.7724 0.1241 0.2359 ± 0.0753 ± 0.1064
Loving 0.8777 ± 0.0060 0.1617 ± 0.0523 0.0180

Self-controlled 0.3175 0.0509 0.6400 ± 0.0724 0.2226
Obedient 0.2993 ± 0.0173 0.7567 0.0557 ± 0.2574
Polite 0.3338 0.0056 0.7280 0.1078 ± 0.0180
Clean 0.3509 ± 0.1259 0.7060 0.0963 ± 0.1202

Ambitious 0.0998 ± 0.0490 0.3811 0.0614 0.7467
Pleasure 0.2001 0.0163 0.1167 ± 0.0233 0.6710
Social recognition 0.3062 0.0415 0.3168 ± 0.0518 0.6694
Cronbach's alpha Table I.
Environmental Consequences items 0.82 Factor analysis of
Individual Consequences items 0.71 items for
Self-Transcendence items 0.89 environmental and
Conservation items 0.80 individual
Self-Enhancement items 0.64 consequences
European Each respondent was asked to estimate the percentage of cloth diapers she will
Journal of use in the first three months following the birth of her child. The higher the
Marketing percentage of cloth diapers the respondent intended to use the higher the
Environmentally Responsible Purchase Intention. Three months following the
34,5/6 birth, respondents were contacted by telephone to determine the actual
percentage of cloth diapers used. The higher the percentage of cloth diapers
734 purchased by the consumer over the past three months, the greater
Environmentally Responsible Purchase Behaviour was exhibited. Diaper usage
for the sample is summarized in Table II.

Model estimation
To test the hypotheses, a covariance matrix of the measures was generated
using PRELIS 2.14 (JoÈreskog and SoÈrbom, 1993a) and the model was estimated
using LISREL 8 (JoÈreskog and SoÈrbom, 1993b) with the maximum likelihood
procedure. The model is shown in Figure 1. Variable skewness, kurtosis, and
the test for multivariate normality are shown in Table III. The only two
variables with serious deviations from normality were Environmentally
Responsible Purchase Behaviour and Environmentally Responsible Purchase
Intention. However, by definition, these variables should have a bi-modal
distribution as most consumers use or intend to use either 100 per cent
disposable diapers or mostly cloth diapers. The assumption of multivariate
normality will be addressed in the discussion of limitations. The ratio of
observations per number of estimated parameters was at an acceptable level of
ten (Hulland et al., 1996).
The parameter estimates for the path coefficients are shown in Table IV. All
variables were measured by a single indicator, so the loading between each
construct and its underlying latent variable was fixed at 1.0 and the error
variance was fixed (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). For the variables using a
composite of items (Environmental and Individual Consequences, Self-
Transcendence Values, Conservation Values, Self-Enhancement Values), the
error variance was fixed at (1-Cronbach alpha) times the variance of the
indicator (Baumgartner and Homburg, 1996). Error variance for the two one-
item indicators (Environmentally Responsible Purchase Behaviour and

Disposable Cloth % of
(%) (%) Number sample

Purchase intention 100 0 53 33.1

51-99 1-49 35 21.9
0-49 51-100 72 45.0
Total 160
Purchase behaviour 100 0 96 60.0
Table II. 51-99 1-49 14 8.8
Product usage by 0-49 51-100 50 31.2
respondent Total 160
A test of a
Transcendence consumer model

Conservation ER Purchase
ER Purchase
Behaviour 735

Individual Figure 1.
Consequences Hypothesized model of
Enhancement an environmentally
responsible purchase

Skewness Kurtosis
Variable Value z-score p Value z-score p

ER purchase behaviour 0.763 3.816 0.000 ± 1.281 ± 9.213 0.000

ER purchase intention 0.076 0.381 0.352 ± 1.673 40.880 0.000
Environmental consequences ± 0.626 ± 3.131 0.001 0.697 1.677 0.047
Individual consequences ± 0.554 ± 2.770 0.003 0.110 0.545 0.293
Conservation values ± 0.524 ± 2.618 0.004 ± 0.413 ± 1.040 0.149
Self-enhancement values ± 0.201 ± 1.007 0.157 ± 0.821 ± 3.167 0.001
Self-transcendence values ± 0.448 ± 2.240 0.013 0.227 0.808 0.210
Multivariate normality
Skewness: z-score = 13.065, p = 0.000 Table III.
Kurtosis: z-score = 3.688, p = 0.000 Tests of univariate and
Skewness and Kurtosis: w2 = 184.301, p = 0.000 multivariate normality

Intention) was fixed at a high level of 20 per cent times the variance (Hayduk,
1987). A sensitivity analysis was conducted for each latent variable, varying
the estimated error from 10 per cent to 30 per cent. The chi square value did not
significantly change within these error limits, thus providing confidence in the
error estimates. The fit statistics indicated a satisfactory fit between the model
and the data: w2 (9) = 15.76 p = 0.072, RMSEA = 0.071 p-value for test of close fit
= 0.24, RMR = 0.060, GFI = 0.97, AGFI = 0.91, NFI = 0.95, NNFI = 0.95, CFI =
0.98, IFI = 0.98, RFI = 0.89.
The objective of the model was to predict Environmentally Responsible
Purchase Behaviour. The path from Environmentally Responsible Purchase
Intention to Environmentally Responsible Purchase Behaviour (b12) was
significant and 74 per cent of the variance in Environmentally Responsible
Purchase Behaviour was explained by the model. Removing Environmentally
Responsible Purchase Intention from the model reduced the amount of
European Relationship Parameter Estimate t-value Hypothesis
Journal of
Marketing Basic model
ER purchase intention -> ER purchase behaviour b12 0.86 11.06
34,5/6 Environmental consequences -> ER purchase intention b23 0.55 7.49 H1 supported
Individual consequences -> ER purchase intention b24 ± 0.63 ± 8.57 H2 supported
Self-transcendence values -> Environmental consequences g31 0.48 4.01 H3 supported
736 Self-transcendence values -> Individual vonsequences g41 ± 0.20 ± 1.68* H4 not supported
Conservation -> Environmental consequences g32 ± 0.30 ± 2.00 H5 supported
Conservation -> Individual consequences g42 ± 0.02 ± 0.14* H6 not supported
Self-enhancement values -> Environmental consequences g33 ± 0.02 ± 0.16* H7 not supported
Self-enhancement values -> Individual consequences g43 0.37 2.77 H8 supported
Alternative models
Environmental consequences -> ER purchase behaviour b13 ± 0.06 ± 0.57* Rejected
Individual consequences -> ER purchase behaviour b14 ± 0.08 ± 0.68* Rejected
Self-transcendence values -> ER purchase intention g21 ± 0.01 ± 0.14* Rejected
Conservation values -> ER purchase intention g22 0.05 0.75* Rejected
Table IV. Self-enhancement values -> ER purchase intention g23 0.08 1.09* Rejected
Structural model
results Note: * Path coefficient not significant at 0.05

explained variance in Environmentally Responsible Purchase Behaviour from

74 per cent to 56 per cent. H1 and H2 were supported as the path coefficients
from Environmental Consequences (b23) and Individual Consequences (b24) to
Environmentally Responsible Purchase Intention were significant, similar in
magnitude, and opposite in sign. Paths inserted between Environmental
Consequences and Individual Consequences (b34 and b43) were not significant,
indicating that these concepts are unique and distinct. To determine the
importance of intention in the model, direct relationships were specified
between Environmental Consequences and Environmentally Responsible
Purchase Behaviour (b13), and Individual Consequences and Environmentally
Responsible Purchase Behaviour (b14). To test these relationships, an
alternative nested model was specified containing the additional path
coefficients. If the chi-square difference between the initial and nested models is
non-significant, the constraint imposed by the initial model should not be
rejected (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988; Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). The path
coefficients and the chi-square difference between the two nested models were
not significant for both relationships, thus indicating that the product specific
attitudes affect behaviour indirectly through intention. The results suggest that
faced with a specific product decision, an individual will evaluate both the
environmental and individual consequences associated with consuming a
product. Greater importance placed on the environmental consequences
indirectly increases environmentally responsible purchase behaviour, and
higher salience towards the individual consequences indirectly increases the
purchase of the environmentally non-responsible product alternative.
Self-Transcendence values were found to be positively related to A test of a
Environmental Consequences (g31), thus supporting H3. The results indicate consumer model
that motivation to promote and enhance the welfare of others underlies positive
environmental attitudes, which can then lead to the purchase of an
environmentally responsible product. The path between Self-transcendence
values and Individual Consequences (g41) was significant at 0.1 not 0.05, thus
H4 was not supported. The results provide some weak evidence that individual 737
consequences may be reduced by high importance levels on Self-transcendence
The relationship between Conservation values and Environmental
Consequences (g32) was significant and negative as stated in H5. A strong
motivation to maintain social norms and personal stability in one's life reduces
positive environmental attitudes. Despite the widespread general concern for
the environment, the market share of cloth diapers is much smaller than
disposable diapers, therefore attitudes towards the positive environmental
consequences of cloth diapers is not the societal norm and so individuals
motivated to adhere to the norm would find these attitudes unacceptable.
Contrary to Thùgersen and Grunert-Beckmann (1997), Conservation values
were not found to significantly influence Individual Consequences (g42).
Because the items used to operationalize individual consequences are personal
and have little social visibility, the lack of influence from values reflecting a
restraint of actions likely to upset others is understandable.
Self-Enhancement values were found to be positively related to Individual
Consequences (g43) but not Environmental Consequences (g33). Individuals who
are highly concerned about their own personal needs and success are not
willing to endure any negative individual consequences of using the
environmentally responsible product alternative. A high level of concern for the
individual consequences then leads to the purchase of the product with the
lowest individual consequences, the environmentally non-responsible product.
Three alternative models were tested to examine direct relationships
between the values variables and purchase intention. The parameter estimates
for these paths (g21, g22, g23) and the chi square differences were not significant
indicating that models containing these paths should be rejected. Evidence of
an indirect relationship between values and behaviour through attitudes
supports similar research with organic foods (Grunert and Juhl, 1995; Homer
and Kahle, 1988) and recycling solid wastes (McCarty and Shrum, 1994).

The growing number of consumers demanding environmentally responsible
products and the need to remain competitive has prompted many marketing
managers to seek information concerning environmentally responsible
purchase behaviour. Much of the past research in this area has focused on
non-consumption environmental behaviours, such as recycling and voting
behaviours. Consumption based studies have focused on organic foods or a
group of environmentally related products. Given the growth of the number
European of environmentally responsible products and the positive change in
Journal of consumers' concern for the environment, there is a need to examine the
Marketing purchase behaviour of specific environmentally responsible products.
The supported hypotheses of this study confirm the theoretical relationships
34,5/6 from abstract cognitions to specific behaviour, a values-attitudes-intentions-
behaviour hierarchy. Direct relationships were not found between values and
738 intention or attitudes and behaviour; therefore, omitting one variable in the
chain of interrelated variables greatly reduces the predictive power of the
model. The decision to purchase an environmentally responsible product or a
non-responsible product alternative requires a deliberate conscious evaluation
of the environmental and individual consequences associated with the product
purchase. Individuals who felt that the environmental consequences of
purchasing disposable diapers were important, were more likely to intend to
purchase cloth diapers. In addition, those who felt that the individual
consequences of using cloth diapers, such as limited sizes, convenience, fit, and
absorbency, were important, were more likely to intend to purchase disposable
diapers. It appears that intention is formed as the end result of an evaluation or
trade-off between the environmental and individual consequences. The strong
influence of the individual consequences on intention explains why some
consumers can express high levels of environmental concern but do not exhibit
pro-environmental behaviours. That is, the influence of positive environmental
attitudes on intention are negated by the negative attitudes towards the
individual consequences. The results are consistent with recent findings in
studies investigating the relationship between inconvenience and recycling
behaviour (Dahab et al., 1995; McCarty and Shrum, 1994; Thùgersen and
Grunert-Beckmann, 1997). This study underscores the importance of using a
fully operationalized model for research involving environmentally responsible
purchase behaviour. Perhaps because of the difficulty of collecting both pre-
purchase and post-purchase data, the variable intention has been frequently
omitted from models of environmental responsibility. Given the finding that
the relationship between attitude and intention is indirect, the low correlation
between environmental attitudes and behaviour reported in many of these
studies is not surprising. The results support Bentler and Speckart's (1981)
argument that the elimination of intention leads to a more parsimonious model,
but one that is simpler than reality.
Our study contributes to a growing body of literature that purports the use
of values in the study of attitude formation. Schwartz (1992) (and Schwartz and
Bilsky, 1987) proposed that domains of values would allow researchers to
specify a priori relationships involving certain values. Schwartz and Bilsky
(1987) argued that the prediction of attitudes by values would be more reliable
and clear when a number of value domains are used as opposed to the
traditional ranking of values where one value is ultimately chosen. This study
provides important evidence that the domains postulated by Schwartz (1992)
can be used to generate and test hypotheses.
As expected, self-transcendence was positively related to environmental A test of a
attitudes about disposable diapers. The more an individual holds benevolence consumer model
and universalism as important guiding principles, the more likely they are to
hold positive environmental attitudes. That is, a concern for the welfare of
others indirectly results in an intention to purchase an environmentally
responsible product. However, an absence of concern for the welfare of others
did not significantly reduce individual attitudes that may affect personal 739
satisfaction. In contrast, self-enhancement values were found to exert effects
that were in opposition to self-transcendence. Individuals who are self-
indulgent were found to be very concerned about how a diaper may impact
upon their personal satisfaction. These results provide empirical support for
Schwartz's (1992) argument that the self-transcendence values are in conflict
with the self-enhancement values; ``acceptance of others as equals and concern
for their welfare interferes with the pursuit of one's own impulses and
acceptance of externally imposed limits'' (Schwartz, 1992, p. 15). The third
values variable, conservation, was found to be negatively related to
environmental attitudes. That is, the more conservative an individual is, the
less likely that she will hold a positive environmental attitude and therefore, the
less likely she intends to make an environmentally responsible purchase. Our
results supports similar studies examining the role of values as determinants of
attitude formation for recycling behaviour and the purchase of organic foods in
general (see Grunert and Juhl, 1995; McCarty and Shrum, 1994; Stern et al.,
1995; Thùgersen and Grunert-Beckmann, 1997). We have extended these
relationships and found that they hold at the product level.
There are several important implications of our work for marketing
managers. First, in order to increase purchase intention of an environmentally
responsible product, consumer promotion should address both environmental
and individual product consequences. To change environmental attitudes,
communications must explain the positive environmental consequences of the
product and the negative consequences of the non-responsible product
alternative. It is important that any communications focus on the product
specific consequences, not generalized environmental consequences. For
example, a company marketing environmentally responsible paint should not
discuss the problems of global warming or waste management, but should
address the specific hazards and disposal problems associated with the toxic
compounds in competitive brands of non-responsible paint. As we noted above,
it is not enough to just promote the positive consequences of an
environmentally responsible product. Attempts must be made to reduce the
negative individual consequences of an environmentally responsible product
as well. Packaging and advertising could aim to communicate that the product
is not as inconvenient or as difficult to use as the consumer might think. For
example, packaging for cloth diapers could outline efficient procedures for
handling and washing soiled diapers or provide instructions for properly
fitting the diaper (these were both salient in this study). Individual
consequences could also be used to direct research and development for
European environmentally responsible products. Understanding the salient negative
Journal of individual consequences and then modifying the product to reduce these
Marketing consequences is an important strategy to bring about attitudinal change. It is,
therefore, important for managers to adopt a proactive stance that will allow
34,5/6 them to develop products that can satisfy a consumer's personal satisfaction as
well as the long-term welfare of society.
740 An implication for public policy makers concerns the importance society
places on individual consequences. In order to increase environmentally
responsible intention, the importance placed on the individual consequences
needs to be reduced. De-marketing individual consequences such as
convenience, ease of use, and disposability will serve to reduce their importance
as standards upon which products are evaluated. From a consumer's
perspective this could complicate the purchase situation as it is usually easier
to evaluate product attributes associated with individual consequences than
environmental consequences. Furthermore, despite high levels of general
environmental knowledge, there does not seem to be strong normative pressure
to use environmentally responsible products. Public policy makers and
environmentalists interested in promoting environmentally responsible
behaviour may wish to develop normative pressure. Advertisements could be
used that portray individuals exhibiting environmentally responsible
behaviour as valued members of society.
The final implication concerns the use of values to stimulate attitudinal
change. As values are desired end states, environmentally responsible attitudes
and intentions can be portrayed as a means to achieving the values. That is,
communications can promote an environmental consequence as being
consistent with a particular value orientation. For example, the reduction in
landfill sites resulting from using cloth diapers could be portrayed as beneficial
to the welfare of others, which is a desired end state for those holding strong
self-transcendence values. These consumers would then adopt positive
environmental attitudes to support their value orientation.

Limitations and further research

The assumption of multivariate normality for the intention and behaviour
variables was violated by the data. However, no improper solutions were found
and the sample size is sufficient so one can assume that the parameter
estimates and their associated errors will be approximately multivariate
normally distributed.
The study was restricted to the investigation of one type of product. Diapers
are a high-involvement product for most mothers with babies, and usually
represent a substantial investment of time and money. The product is
somewhat unique in that we were able to identify the beginning of a time
period when purchasing would occur. Thus, from a theory-testing perspective
the product works well because it was possible to get very clean measurements
of intention and behaviour. The model should be tested with a number of low-
involvement products that are purchased on a regular basis, such as paper
products and detergents. Because a person's value orientation is relatively A test of a
stable over time it would be interesting to determine if values affect attitudes to consumer model
some products more than others, and if so, why?
Many products now on the shelves can involve non-consumption post-
purchase environmental behaviours such as recycling, sorting, and
composting. Incorporating these behaviours into the model would allow the
researcher to investigate the influence of compensatory behaviours on 741
purchase behaviour. Measurements of non-consumption behaviours should be
product specific, not general. For example, consumers should be asked if they
plan to return a particular container to a recycling depot, as opposed to whether
they recycle or not.
The population sampled was primarily young married women, who were
new mothers. It is possible that there could be differences in the value
orientation between the sample and the general population. However, the
product, diapers, is mostly purchased by the population sampled and so the
interrelationships between variables are valid and not problematic. Given the
narrow demographic characteristics of the sample, one should be cautious
when interpreting the results for the general population. Generalizability could
be increased by applying the model to products used by a broader range of

This study provides a methodology to investigate the purchase of an
environmentally responsible product and provides a theoretical contribution to
understanding the determinants of this type of purchase behaviour. A rigorous
procedure was followed to develop reliable and valid measures of product
specific environmental and individual consequences. The hierarchical structure
proposed in the model from abstract values, to product specific attitudes, to
intention, to purchase behaviour was confirmed. The interrelationships
between the variables are important in terms of designing persuasive
communications to influence purchase intention and behaviour.
A second key finding of this study is that both the environmental and
individual consequences of purchasing diapers were linked to behaviour
through intention. The behavioural outcome appears to be a trade-off between
environmental and individual consequences. Third, the study supports the use
of values in the study of attitude formation with the value domains proposed
by Schwartz (1992) to generate and test hypotheses. Finally, the findings
emphasize the importance of including the intention variable in models
predicting environmentally responsible purchase behaviour. The failure to do
so in some previous studies may have contributed to the low correlation
hitherto found between environmental attitudes and behaviour.
There now seems to be considerable demand for products that not only
satisfy a consumer's immediate needs but also benefit the environment in the
long term. Marketing managers must realize that the criteria used by
consumers to evaluate products have changed. Consumers now consider the
European environmental consequences of products before making their purchase
Journal of decisions. A product that has negative environmental consequences can be
Marketing severely disadvantaged as consumers consider the impact of that product upon
the environment. However, a product with positive environmental
34,5/6 consequences can be discarded if the consequences to the individual are
considered to be significant enough. Faced with a product decision individuals
742 evaluate both the environmental and individual consequences associated with
consuming a product and then form purchase intentions based on the outcome
of the evaluation.
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Appendix. Items for composite scales

Environmental consequences (Y3)
(1) How a diaper may affect the environment is important to me.
(2) It is important to me whether a diaper adds to a landfill site.
(3) It is important to me whether a diaper causes the depletion of forests.
(4) I feel people worry too much about how disposable diapers may affect the environment.
(reverse scale).
(5) The amount of energy used to make a diaper is not important to me. (reverse scale)
Individual consequences (Y4)
(1) It is important to me that diapers come in a wide range of sizes.
(2) It is important to me that a diaper be convenient to use.
(3) It is important to me that a diaper is very absorbent.
(4) It is important to me that a diaper fits my baby properly.
Self-transcendence values (X1)
(1) Universalism ± Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all).
(2) Benevolence ± Helpful (working for the welfare of others).
(3) Benevolence ± Forgiving (willing to pardon others).
(4) Benevolence ± Loving (affectionate, tender).
European Conservation values (X2)
Journal of (1) Conformity ± Self-controlled (restrained, self-dsiciplined).
Marketing (2) Conformity ± Obedient (dutiful, respectful).
34,5/6 (3) Conformity ± Polite (courteous, well-mannered).
(4) Security ± Clean (neat, tidy).
746 Self-enhancement values (X3)
(1) Achievement ± Ambitious (hard-working, aspiring).
(2) Hedonism ± Pleasure (an enjoyable, leisurely life).
(3) Power ± Social recognition (respect, admiration).

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