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t1 Exam Booster PET

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Exam task

Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1 A The fitness class will only last for half an hour
This week’s fitness class will be half an hour earlier,
this week.
at 6.30 p.m., and in the sports hall, not the gym! Next
week’s class will be back in the gym at the usual time. B There won’t be a fitness class next week.
C The fitness class will be somewhere different
this week.
Tara, we’ve run out of
2 coffee! Can you get some What should Tara do?
at the supermarket when
you’re coming back from A  buy coffee tomorrow
college this afternoon? I’ll B  go shopping on her way home
pay you back tomorrow.
Daisy C give Daisy some money to go to the supermarket

3 A You can’t go into the bank on Saturday

Bank opening hours
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B The cash machine can only be used when the
Saturday – 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
bank is open.
The cash machine outside is
in use 24 hours C  The bank closes at the same time every day.

4 Max, A Someone is mending the shower at the

There’s a problem with the shower. You can’t moment.
use it unless you want a cold one! Someone’s
B It isn’t possible to have a hot shower this
coming to fix it this afternoon, so it’ll be OK
tomorrow. morning.
Mum C  Max will have to take a cold shower tomorrow.

5 Why has Henry written the text?

A  to warn Mia that he may not be on time
Hi Mia, B  to remind Mia about delays on the buses
I might be late for the band practice
tonight. I usually get the bus, but there are C to ask which bus he should get to band practice
lots of delays this week. See you later.
Exam task
For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap.

My big brother
In my blog post today, I want to tell you about my ended (6) ……… watching something that wasn’t
big brother, Steve. He’s four years older (1) ……… very good. But we had fun together anyway, like we
me and he’s my only brother. I don’t have any always do.
sisters. We get on well (2) ……… each other,
despite the difference in our ages. He’s in his final
year (3) ……… high school and he wants to study
languages when he goes to university next year.
He’s really good at learning new languages. He
(4) ……… already learned to speak three (English,
French and German) and wants to learn Russian and
Japanese too.

I (5) ……… miss him when he goes away next

year. We often do things together. Last week, for
example, we went to the cinema together. The film
we both wanted to see wasn’t on any more, so we
Listening PART 1 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, go or play.
1. Have you ever ................ gymnastics?
2. I’m ................ tennis with my friends on Saturday.
3. My sister ................ horse-riding every weekend. She’s the best rider I know.
4. I ................ volleyball with friends last night. They’re much better than me!
5. Do you ................ yoga? I’ve heard it helps you to relax.
6. We ................ swimming in the river last Sunday – it was great.
7. I ................ a lot of athletics when I was young.
8. My friend Olly’s ................ skiing every weekend this winter.

Exam task

Track 1 For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 What did the man do at the sports centre yesterday?


2 Which sport does the woman compete in?


3 Where will the friends go running this evening?


4 Which winter sport was Max good at when he was young?


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LISTENING | PART 1 | 1 Cambridge
Track 4 For each question, choose the correct answer.

1 You will hear two friends talking about a school A help to save many rare animals.
trip to a wildlife park. The boy thinks that B are great for teaching people about nature.
wildlife parks
C should just have animals from places with
similar climates.

2 You will hear two friends discussing a talk they A the speaker was amusing.
went to. They agree that B the information in the talk was useful.
C the pictures the speaker showed were

3 You will hear two friends talking about a new A She seems quite shy.
classmate. What does the girl say about their B She works hard in lessons.
new classmate?
C She reminds her of someone.

4 You will hear two friends talking about a A try to get him a part
college play they’re in. What does the boy B help him learn his lines
want the girl to do?
C give him advice about acting
Exam task

Track 7 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or
2 a number or a date or a time.
You will hear a film review programme on the radio.

The Film Review Programme

This week’s reviews

The film Jungle Fever is a (1) ................ about a family of tigers.

Actor Steve Wills plays a (2) ................ in his new film, Call It.

Swim! is about a man who wants to swim in a local (3) ................ .

Competition for listeners

Listeners can enter an online quiz at www. (4) ................

Winners will receive (5) ................ tickets.

Entries must be received on (6) ................ by 2 p.m.

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