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Math 10 Module - Q3, WK 1

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1 Permutation

LESSON 1 Illustrating the Permutation of Objects

A permutation is an arrangement of all or part of a set of objects with proper regard to order.
We determine the different permutations asked by listing.
We also use table, tree diagram and as well as the Fundamental Counting Principle to
calculate the total number of permutations.

Complete the table below.

Is order or
List of possibilities
arrangement of the Number of all the
SITUATION (write at least 5
selection important? possibilities (N)
Yes or No

1. Ten runners from different

municipalities / cities (A –
Aurora, L – Labangan, RM –
Ramon Magsaysay, MO –
Molave, TA – Tambulig, MA – 1. TA – TU – D
Mahayag, TU – Tukuran, D – N = (10) (9) (8) 2. MO – MI – MA
Dumingag, S – Sominot, MI – YES N = 720 3. S – L – RM
Midsalip) join a race on the 4. A – RM – D
Provincial Meet 2018 at 5. L – MO – TA
Pagadian City. In how many
possible ways can they be
arranged as first, second, and
third placers?

6. If Jun has 12 T- shirts (T1, T2,

1. T2 – P1 – S3
T3, …. T10), 6 pairs of pants
N = (12) (6) (3) 2. T4 – P2 – S1
(P1, P2, …. P6), and 3 pairs of
NO N = 216 3. T6 – P3 – S2
shoes (S1, S2, S3), how many
4. T8 – P4 – S1
possibilities can he dress
5. T10 – P5 – S3
himself up for the day?

6. Suppose that in a certain

association, there are 12
elected members (M1, M2, 1. M1–M2–M3–M4
M3, … M12) of the Board of N = (12)(11)(10)(9) 2. M5–M6–M7–M8
Directors. In how many ways NO N = 11880 3. M8–M11–M3–M7
can a president (P), a vice 4. M9–M10–M2–M6
president (VP), a secretary 5. M12–M4–M7–M5
(S), and a treasurer (T) be
selected from the board?

Answer the following.
1. In how many ways can you place 9 different books on a shelf if there is space enough for only five
books? Give an example.
2. In how many ways can 5 people arrange themselves in a row for picture taking? Give an example.
3. An apartment has 7 different units. There are seven tenants waiting to be assigned. In how many ways
can they be assigned to the different units? Give an example?
LESSON 2 Permutation taken r at a time
The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time, P(n, r) where n ≥ r is:

P (n, r) = n(n – 1) (n – 2) (n – 3) … ( n – r + I ) or
The permutations of n distinct objects taken r at a time is obtained through the formula
P (n, r) = . Basically the objects are being arranged in a row.
( n−r ) !

Answer the following.
a. Find the permutations that can be made from 12 bottles of coke if 3 bottles will be taken at a time.
SOLUTION: P (n, r) =
( n−r ) !
12 !
P (12, 3) =
( 12−3 ) !
12! 12•11 • 10• 9 •8 •7 •6 • 5• 4 • 3• 2• 1
P (12, 3) = =
9! 9 •8 •7 •6 • 5• 4 • 3• 2• 1
P (12, 3) = 12 •11 •10
P (12, 3) = 1320
b. Find the permutations that can be made from 12 bottles of coke if 6 bottles will be taken at a time.
SOLUTION: P (n, r) =
( n−r ) !
12 !
P (12, 6) =
( 12−6 ) !
12! 12•11 • 10• 9 •8 •7 •6 • 5• 4 • 3• 2• 1
P (12, 6) = =
6! 6• 5 •4 • 3 •2• 1
P (12, 6) = 12 •11 •10 •9 •8 • 7
P (12, 6) = 665280
c. In how many ways can 8 students arrange themselves for a picture taking if they like to have only 5 of
them will be in every shot?
SOLUTION: P (n, r) =
( n−r ) !
P (8, 5) =
( 8−5 ) !
8! 8 •7 •6 •5 • 4 •3 •2 •1
P (8, 5) = =
3! 3 •2 •1
P (8, 5) = 8 •7 • 6• 5• 4
P (8, 5) = 6720
Find the permutations of the letter of the word BRIGHT.
SOLUTION: BRIGHT has six letters, therefore n = 6.
n! = 6!
6! = 6 •5 • 4 •3 •2 •1
6! = 720
Find the number of arrangements/permutations of the following.
1. Find the permutations of the numbers from 1 to 8 if 4 numbers are taken at a time.
2. How many permutations can we make if 7 bottles with different colors will be arranged in a row and
taking 3 bottles at a time?
3. How many arrangements can we make if we will take 4 letters at a time from the word SCHOLAR?
4. In how many ways can 6 Boy Scouts arranged themselves in a row for a picture taking?
5. Every time we are visited by a friend, we are always eager to let our visitors see our rivers, Amuntay,
Tala, Malibiklibik, Bitin, and Ruyo because of its amazing beauties. How many possible arrangements
can you make if you will choose 3 rivers to be visited at a time?
A. In your family reunion, you and your 9 cousins decided to have a remembrance photo.

1. Find the number of permutation if all of you will pose in a row.

2. Only 4 cousins will be taken a picture at a time.
3. Only 7 cousins will pose at a time.
4. Only 2 cousins will pose at a time.
5. Only 1 cousin will pose at a time.

B. Answer the following.

1. Suppose we have 7 flower vases and we wish to arrange 4 of them in our façade. How many
ways can we arrange them in a row?
2. The competition for the 100- meter dash in the Provincial Meet is at stake, how many different
finishes among the first 3 places are possible for the contest participated by 18 athletes?
3. Keizelyn, Kate, Natasha, Joharry, Larrence and Alfred pose for a photograph. In how many
ways can they be arranged?
4. In how many ways can 7 books be arranged on a shelf?
5. From a standard deck of 52 cards, how many 3- card hands are possible?

1. Which of the following situations can be solved using permutation?
a. buying fruits from the fruit stand b. selecting the dress to wear
c. arranging the books in a shelf d. choosing the movies to watch
2. How many different ways can you arrange your 8 textbooks in a bag that holds only 4?
a. 1680 b. 1860 c. 1608 d. 1806
3. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word PAST.
a. 4 b. 12 c. 24 d. 36
4. What is the value of 0! (zero factorial)?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 10 d. 100
5. Infinitea Molave offers red tea, green tea, black tea, slurpee, milk shake, sago’t gulaman and fruit
juice. In how many ways can you order 3 of these drinks.
a. 120 b. 180 c. 210 d. 280
6. A woman has 5 blouses, 3 skirts, and 4 pairs of shoes. How many different outfits consisting of a
blouse, a skirt, and a pair of shoes can she wear?
a. 12 b. 27 c. 54 d. 60
7. In how many ways can 10 DVDs be chosen to arrange a case with slots for 3 discs?
a. 600 b. 720 c. 840 d. 960
8. What is the numerical value of P (8,5).
a. 1680 b. 10 080 c. 20 160 d. 40 320
9. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to form a committee so that
at least 3 men are there on the committee. In how many ways can it be done?
a. 564 b. 645 c. 735 d. 756
10. In a town fiesta singing competition with 12 contestants, in how many ways can the organizer
arrange the first three singers?
a. 132 b. 990 c. 1320 d. 1716
2 Permutation

LESSON 1 Distinguishable Permutation

The number of distinguishable permutations, P, of n objects where p objects are alike, q
objects are alike and r objects are alike and so on is:
P =
p! q!r!
where n is the number of objects p, q, and r are the objects with the corresponding repetition.

Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word PAPAYA such that duplication in
the permutation is not allowed. If problems in permutation have alike objects, consider those objects
as one if duplication is not allowed.
EXAMPLE 1: Permutation for PAPAYA
1. Identify the number of letters to be arranged. How many letters do we have?
Answer: n=6
2. All numbers are to be used as a combination, how many different letters are there?
Answer: 3 (letters P, A, and Y)
3. What are the values per type of letter?
Answer: p = 2, a = 3, y = 1
4. What formula for distinguishable permutation are we going to use?
Answer: P (6, 6) = formula for distinguishable permutation
p ! a! y !
5. Solve.
P (6, 6) = substitution
2! 3 ! 1 !
6 •5 •4 •32•2 •1
P (6, 6) = eliminate the duplicates
2 •1 •3 •2 •1 •1
P (6, 6) = 6 •5 •2
P (6, 6) = 60
Therefore, the number of distinguishable permutations, P is 60 where there are 3 A’s and 2 P’s.

EXAMPLE 2: Permutation for MISSISSIPPI

P (11, 11) = n = 11, m = 1, i = 4, s = 4, p = 2
m! i! s ! p !
P (11, 11) =
1! 4 ! 4 ! 2!
11 •10 •9 •8 •7 • 6 •5 •4 • 3 •2• 1
P (6, 6) =
1• 4 •3 •2 •1 • 4 •3 •2 •1 •2• 1
P (6, 6) = 11•10 •9 •5
P (6, 6) = 4950
Therefore, the number of distinguishable permutations for the letters of MISSISSIPPI is 4950.

A. Find the number of permutations of the following words and make sure that there will be
no duplications. Use the formula and concepts you learn from this lesson.
5. 09102626010
B. Find the permutations of the following problems below.
1. In how many different ways can you arrange the word SCOUTS?
2. How many distinguishable permutations are possible with all the letters of the word
3. Find the permutations of the following:

LESSON 2 Circular Permutation

The permutation of n objects arranged in a circle is P = (n – 1)!

Answer the following.
1. Find the number of different ways that a family of 6 can be seated around a circular table
with 6 chairs.
SOLUTION: P = (6 – 1)!
P = 5! = 5 • 4 •3 •2 •1 = 120
2. You and your 10 friends are having fun because this is the day that all of you have been
waiting for. Find the number of permutation that you can make if you will be sitting at a
round table.
SOLUTION: P = (10 – 1)!
P = 9! = 9 •8 • 7• 6 •5 • 4 •3 •2 •1 = 362880
3. Your mother made mango float, cuchinta, suman, leche plan, ube jam, biko and puto
cheese. You are to arrange the side dishes and desserts in a round table. Find the circular
permutation that you can make.
SOLUTION: P = (7 – 1)!
P = 6! = 6 • 5 • 4 •3 •2 •1 = 720
4. Find the number of ways that a family of 8 can be seated around a round table.
SOLUTION: P = (8 – 1)!
P = 7! = 7 • 6 •5 • 4 •3 •2 •1 = 5040
5. If the seating arrangement is to be circular, how many seating arrangements are possible
for 9 teachers?
SOLUTION: P = (9 – 1)!
P = 8! = 8 •7 • 6• 5• 4 • 3• 2• 1 = 40320

Find the number of circular permutations of the following.
1. Find the number of permutations if 9 friends will sit in a round table.
2. How many arrangements can be made for 12 cousins who will form a circle?
3. How many seating arrangements are possible for 5 people to be seated at a round table?
4. Compute the circular permutations of 8 students if they are going to form a circle by holding
each other’s hands.
5. Eleven boy scouts are seated around a camp fire. How many ways can they be arranged?

Find the number of circular permutations of the following.
1. Find the circular permutations of 15 students seated around a circular table.
2. Your 13 friends are sitting at a round table. Find the number of ways they can be arranged.
3. Your mother made 5 side dishes, how many ways can she arrange them at a round table.
4. Find the number of ways that a family of 4 can be seated at a round table.
5. If the seating arrangement is to be circular, how many seating arrangements are possible for
10 teachers?

1. In how many ways can 8 people be seated around a circular table?
a. 360 b. 720 c. 1440 d. 5040
2. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word PASS?
a. 4 b. 12 c. 36 d. 144
3. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word PAST.
a. 4 b. 12 c. 24 d. 36
4. Two different arrangements of objects where some of them are identical are called __________.
a. distinguishable permutations c. distinguishable combinations
b. circular permutations d. circular combinations
5. Which of the following situations can be solve using distinguishable permutation.
a. number of arrangements for the word SCHOLAR.
b. number of ways 5 people be seated around a circular table.
c. number of ways 4 books be arranged in a shelf.
d. number of ways 3 students be chosen as participants of a quiz bee.
6. Which of the following situations or activities involve permutation?
a. matching shirts and pants
b. assigning telephone numbers to subscribers
c. forming different triangles out of 5 points on a plane, no three of which are collinear
d. forming a committee from the members of a club
7. Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letter of the word EDUCATED?
a. 1680 b. 10 080 c. 20 160 d. 40 320
8. Which of the following words has letters that can be arranged using distinguishable permutation?
9. Which of the following words has letters that cannot be arranged using distinguishable
10. In how many ways can 10 people be seated around a circular table?
a. 39916800 b. 3628800 c. 362880 d. 40320

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