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The Design and Implementation of Open Vswitch

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The Design and Implementation of Open vSwitch

Ben Pfaff, Justin Pettit, Teemu Koponen, Ethan Jackson, Andy Zhou, Jarno Rajahalme,
Jesse Gross, Alex Wang, Joe Stringer, and Pravin Shelar, VMware, Inc.;
Keith Amidon, Awake Networks; Martín Casado, VMware, Inc.

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the

12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems
Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15).
May 4–6, 2015 • Oakland, CA, USA
ISBN 978-1-931971-218

Open Access to the Proceedings of the

12th USENIX Symposium on
Networked Systems Design and
Implementation (NSDI ’15)
is sponsored by USENIX
The Design and Implementation of Open vSwitch

Ben Pfaff∗ , Justin Pettit∗ , Teemu Koponen∗ , Ethan J. Jackson∗ ,

Andy Zhou∗ , Jarno Rajahalme∗ , Jesse Gross∗ , Alex Wang∗ ,
Jonathan Stringer∗ , Pravin Shelar∗ , Keith Amidon† , Martı́n Casado∗
∗ VMware † Awake Networks

Operational Systems Track

Abstract These pressures resulted in the emergence of network

virtualization [19]. In network virtualization, virtual
We describe the design and implementation of Open
switches become the primary provider of network ser-
vSwitch, a multi-layer, open source virtual switch for all
vices for VMs, leaving physical datacenter networks with
major hypervisor platforms. Open vSwitch was designed
transportation of IP tunneled packets between hypervi-
de novo for networking in virtual environments, result-
sors. This approach allows the virtual networks to be
ing in major design departures from traditional software
decoupled from their underlying physical networks, and
switching architectures. We detail the advanced flow
by leveraging the flexibility of general purpose proces-
classification and caching techniques that Open vSwitch
sors, virtual switches can provide VMs, their tenants, and
uses to optimize its operations and conserve hypervisor
administrators with logical network abstractions, services
resources. We evaluate Open vSwitch performance, draw-
and tools identical to dedicated physical networks.
ing from our deployment experiences over the past seven
Network virtualization demands a capable virtual
years of using and improving Open vSwitch.
switch – forwarding functionality must be wired on a
per virtual port basis to match logical network abstrac-
1 Introduction tions configured by administrators. Implementation of
these abstractions, across hypervisors, also greatly ben-
Virtualization has changed the way we do computing efits from fine-grained centralized coordination. This
over the past 15 years; for instance, many datacenters are approach starkly contrasts with early virtual switches for
entirely virtualized to provide quick provisioning, spill- which a static, mostly hard-coded forwarding pipelines
over to the cloud, and improved availability during periods had been completely sufficient to provide virtual machines
of disaster recovery. While virtualization is still to reach with L2 connectivity to physical networks.
all types of workloads, the number of virtual machines It was this context: the increasing complexity of vir-
has already exceeded the number of servers and further tual networking, emergence of network virtualization, and
virtualization shows no signs of stopping [1]. limitations of existing virtual switches, that allowed Open
The rise of server virtualization has brought with it a vSwitch to quickly gain popularity. Today, on Linux, its
fundamental shift in datacenter networking. A new net- original platform, Open vSwitch works with most hyper-
work access layer has emerged in which most network visors and container systems, including Xen, KVM, and
ports are virtual, not physical [5] – and therefore, the Docker. Open vSwitch also works “out of the box” on the
first hop switch for workloads increasingly often resides FreeBSD and NetBSD operating systems and ports to the
within the hypervisor. In the early days, these hypervi- VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisors are
sor “vSwitches” were primarily concerned with provid- underway.
ing basic network connectivity. In effect, they simply In this paper, we describe the design and implementa-
mimicked their ToR cousins by extending physical L2 tion of Open vSwitch [26, 29]. The key elements of its
networks to resident virtual machines. As virtualized design, revolve around the performance required by the
workloads proliferated, limits of this approach became production environments in which Open vSwitch is com-
evident: reconfiguring and preparing a physical network monly deployed, and the programmability demanded by
for new workloads slows their provisioning, and coupling network virtualization. Unlike traditional network appli-
workloads with physical L2 segments severely limits their ances, whether software or hardware, which achieve high
mobility and scalability to that of the underlying network. performance through specialization, Open vSwitch, by

USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  117
contrast, is designed for flexibility and general-purpose remove many standard networking problems. The place-
usage. It must achieve high performance without the lux- ment complicates scaling, however. It’s not uncommon
ury of specialization, adapting to differences in platforms for a single virtual switch to have thousands of virtual
supported, all while sharing resources with the hypervi- switches as its peers in a mesh of point-to-point IP tunnels
sor and its workloads. Therefore, this paper foremost between hypervisors. Virtual switches receive forwarding
concerns this tension – how Open vSwitch obtains high state updates as VMs boot, migrate, and shut down and
performance without sacrificing generality. while virtual switches have relatively few (by network-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. ing standards) physical network ports directly attached,
Section 2 provides further background about virtualized changes in remote hypervisors may affect local state. Es-
environments while Section 3 describes the basic design pecially in larger deployments of thousands (or more)
of Open vSwitch. Afterward, Sections 4, 5, and 6 describe of hypervisors, the forwarding state may be in constant
how the Open vSwitch design optimizes for the require- flux. The prime example of a design influenced by this
ments of virtualized environments through flow caching, principle discussed in this paper is the Open vSwitch clas-
how caching has wide-reaching implications for the en- sification algorithm, which is designed for O(1) updates.
tire design, including its packet classifier, and how Open
vSwitch manages its flow caches. Section 7 then evaluates SDN, use cases, and ecosystem. Open vSwitch has
the performance of Open vSwitch through classification three additional unique requirements that eventually
and caching micro-benchmarks but also provides a view caused its design to differ from the other virtual switches:
of Open vSwitch performance in a multi-tenant datacen- First, Open vSwitch has been an OpenFlow switch
ter. Before concluding, we discuss ongoing, future and since its inception. It is deliberately not tied to a single-
related work in Section 8. purpose, tightly vertically integrated network control
stack, but instead is re-programmable through Open-
Flow [27]. This constrasts with a feature datapath model
2 Design Constraints and Rationale of other virtual switches [24, 39]: similar to forwarding
ASICs, their packet processing pipelines are fixed. Only
The operating environment of a virtual switch is dras- configuration of prearranged features is possible. (The
tically different from the environment of a traditional Hyper-V virtual switch [24] can be extended by adding
network appliance. Below we briefly discuss constraints binary modules, but ordinarily each module only adds
and challenges stemming from these differences, both to another single-purpose feature to the datapath.)
reveal the rationale behind the design choices of Open The flexibility of OpenFlow was essential in the early
vSwitch and highlight what makes it unique. days of SDN but it quickly became evident that advanced
use cases, such as network virtualization, result in long
Resource sharing. The performance goals of tradi-
packet processing pipelines, and thus higher classifica-
tional network appliances favor designs that use dedicated
tion load than traditionally seen in virtual switches. To
hardware resources to achieve line rate performance in
prevent Open vSwitch from consuming more hypervisor
worst-case conditions. With a virtual switch on the other
resources than competitive virtual switches, it was forced
hand, resource conservation is critical. Whether or not
to implement flow caching.
the switch can keep up with worst-case line rate is sec-
Third, unlike any other major virtual switch, Open
ondary to maximizing resources available for the primary
vSwitch is open source and multi-platform. In contrast
function of a hypervisor: running user workloads. That is,
to closed source virtual switches which all operate in a
compared to physical environments, networking in virtu-
single environment, Open vSwitch’s environment is usu-
alized environments optimizes for the common case over
ally selected by a user who chooses an operating system
the worst-case. This is not to say worst-case situations
distribution and hypervisor. This has forced the Open
are not important because they do arise in practice. Port
vSwitch design to be quite modular and portable.
scans, peer-to-peer rendezvous servers, and network mon-
itoring all generate unusual traffic patterns but must be
supported gracefully. This principle led us, e.g., toward 3 Design
heavy use of flow caching and other forms of caching,
which in common cases (with high hit rates) reduce CPU 3.1 Overview
usage and increase forwarding rates.
In Open vSwitch, two major components direct packet
Placement. The placement of virtual switches at the forwarding. The first, and larger, component is
edge of the network is a source of both simplifications ovs-vswitchd, a userspace daemon that is essentially
and complications. Arguably, topological location as a the same from one operating system and operating en-
leaf, as well as sharing fate with the hypervisor and VMs vironment to another. The other major component, a

118  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
kernel datapath. This allows the datapath module to re-
Off-box Controller
main unaware of the particulars of the OpenFlow wire
protocol, further simplifying it. From the OpenFlow con-
OVSDB OpenFlow troller’s point of view, the caching and separation into

user and kernel components are invisible implementation

ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd details: in the controller’s view, each packet visits a series
of OpenFlow flow tables and the switch finds the highest-
priority flow whose conditions are satisfied by the packet,

First Packet
Kernel Datapath and executes its OpenFlow actions.
Packets The flow programming model of Open vSwitch largely
determines the use cases it can support and to this end,
Figure 1: The components and interfaces of Open vSwitch. The Open vSwitch has many extensions to standard OpenFlow
first packet of a flow results in a miss, and the kernel module to accommodate network virtualization. We will discuss
directs the packet to the userspace component, which caches the these extensions shortly, but before that, we turn our focus
forwarding decision for subsequent packets into the kernel.
on the performance critical aspects of this design: packet
classification and the kernel-userspace interface.
datapath kernel module, is usually written specially for
the host operating system for performance. 3.2 Packet Classification
Figure 1 depicts how the two main OVS components
work together to forward packets. The datapath module Algorithmic packet classification is expensive on general
in the kernel receives the packets first, from a physical purpose processors, and packet classification in the con-
NIC or a VM’s virtual NIC. Either ovs-vswitchd has text of OpenFlow is especially costly because of the gen-
instructed the datapath how to handle packets of this type, erality of the form of the match, which may test any com-
or it has not. In the former case, the datapath module bination of Ethernet addresses, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
simply follows the instructions, called actions, given by TCP and UDP ports, and many other fields, including
ovs-vswitchd, which list physical ports or tunnels on packet metadata such as the switch ingress port.
which to transmit the packet. Actions may also specify Open vSwitch uses a tuple space search classifier [34]
packet modifications, packet sampling, or instructions to for all of its packet classification, both kernel and
drop the packet. In the other case, where the datapath userspace. To understand how tuple space search works,
has not been told what to do with the packet, it delivers assume that all the flows in an Open vSwitch flow ta-
it to ovs-vswitchd. In userspace, ovs-vswitchd deter- ble matched on the same fields in the same way, e.g., all
mines how the packet should be handled, then it passes flows match the source and destination Ethernet address
the packet back to the datapath with the desired handling. but no other fields. A tuple search classifier implements
Usually, ovs-vswitchd also tells the datapath to cache such a flow table as a single hash table. If the controller
the actions, for handling similar future packets. then adds new flows with a different form of match, the
In Open vSwitch, flow caching has greatly evolved classifier creates a second hash table that hashes on the
over time; the initial datapath was a microflow cache, fields matched in those flows. (The tuple of a hash table
essentially caching per transport connection forwarding in a tuple space search classifier is, properly, the set of
decisions. In later versions, the datapath has two layers of fields that form that hash table’s key, but we often refer
caching: a microflow cache and a secondary layer, called to the hash table itself as the tuple, as a kind of useful
a megaflow cache, which caches forwarding decisions for shorthand.) With two hash tables, a search must look in
traffic aggregates beyond individual connections. We will both hash tables. If there are no matches, the flow table
return to the topic of caching in more detail in Section 4. doesn’t contain a match; if there is a match in one hash
Open vSwitch is commonly used as an SDN switch, table, that flow is the result; if there is a match in both,
and the main way to control forwarding is OpenFlow [27]. then the result is the flow with the higher priority. As the
Through a simple binary protocol, OpenFlow allows a controller continues to add more flows with new forms of
controller to add, remove, update, monitor, and obtain match, the classifier similarly expands to include a hash
statistics on flow tables and their flows, as well as to table for each unique match, and a search of the classifier
divert selected packets to the controller and to inject pack- must look in every hash table.
ets from the controller into the switch. In Open vSwitch, While the lookup complexity of tuple space search is
ovs-vswitchd receives OpenFlow flow tables from an far from the state of the art [8, 18, 38], it performs well
SDN controller, matches any packets received from the with the flow tables we see in practice and has three attrac-
datapath module against these OpenFlow tables, gathers tive properties over decision tree classification algorithms.
the actions applied, and finally caches the result in the First, it supports efficient constant-time updates (an up-

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date translates to a single hash table operation), which of the multiple tables consulted in series by forwarding
makes it suitable for use with virtualized environments ASICs, and OpenFlow 1.1 introduced multi-table support.
where a centralized controller may add and remove flows Open vSwitch adopted the new model but retained its sup-
often, sometimes multiple times per second per hyper- port for the resubmit action for backward compatibility
visor, in response to changes in the whole datacenter. and because the new model did not allow for recursion
Second, tuple space search generalizes to an arbitrary but only forward progress through a fixed table pipeline.
number of packet header fields, without any algorithmic At this point, a controller could implement programs
change. Finally, tuple space search uses memory linear in in Open vSwitch flow tables that could make decisions
the number of flows. based on packet headers using arbitrary chains of logic,
The relative cost of a packet classification is further but they had no access to temporary storage. To solve that
amplified by the large number of flow tables that so- problem, Open vSwitch extended OpenFlow in another
phisticated SDN controllers use. For example, flow ta- way, by adding meta-data fields called “registers” that
bles installed by the VMware network virtualization con- flow tables could match, plus additional actions to mod-
troller [19] use a minimum of about 15 table lookups per ify and copy them around. With this, for instance, flows
packet in its packet processing pipeline. Long pipelines could decide a physical destination early in the pipeline,
are driven by two factors: reducing stages through cross- then run the packet through packet processing steps identi-
producting would often significantly increase the flow cal regardless of the chosen destination, until sending the
table sizes and developer preference to modularize the packet, possibly using destination-specific instructions.
pipeline design. Thus, even more important than the per- As another example, VMware’s NVP network virtual-
formance of a single classifier lookup, it is to reduce the ization controller [19] uses registers to keep track of a
number of flow table lookups a single packet requires, on packet’s progress through a logical L2 and L3 topology
average. implemented as “logical datapaths” that it overlays on the
physical OpenFlow pipeline.
OpenFlow is specialized for flow-based control of a
3.3 OpenFlow as a Programming Model
switch. It cannot create or destroy OpenFlow switches,
Initially, Open vSwitch focused on a reactive flow pro- add or remove ports, configure QoS queues, associate
gramming model in which a controller responding to OpenFlow controller and switches, enable or disable
traffic installs microflows which match every supported STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), etc. In Open vSwitch,
OpenFlow field. This approach is easy to support for soft- this functionality is controlled through a separate com-
ware switches and controllers alike, and early research ponent, the configuration database. To access the con-
suggested it was sufficient [3]. However, reactive pro- figuration database, an SDN controller may connect to
gramming of microflows soon proved impractical for use ovsdb-server over the OVSDB protocol [28], as shown
outside of small deployments and Open vSwitch had to in Figure 1. In general, in Open vSwitch, OpenFlow con-
adapt to proactive flow programming to limit its perfor- trols potentially fast-changing and ephemeral data such
mance costs. as the flow table, whereas the configuration database con-
In OpenFlow 1.0, a microflow has about 275 bits of in- tains more durable state.
formation, so that a flow table for every microflow would
have 2275 or more entries. Thus, proactive population 4 Flow Cache Design
of flow tables requires support for wildcard matching to
cover the header space of all possible packets. With a This section describes the design of flow caching in Open
single table this results in a “cross-product problem”: to vSwitch and how it evolved to its current state.
vary the treatment of packets according to n1 values of
field A and n2 values of field B, one must install n1 × n2 4.1 Microflow Caching
flows in the general case, even if the actions to be taken
based on A and B are independent. Open vSwitch soon In 2007, when the development of the code that would
introduced an extension action called resubmit that allows become Open vSwitch started on Linux, only in-kernel
packets to consult multiple flow tables (or the same table packet forwarding could realistically achieve good per-
multiple times), aggregating the resulting actions. This formance, so the initial implementation put all OpenFlow
solves the cross-product problem, since one table can con- processing into a kernel module. The module received a
tain n1 flows that consult A and another table n2 flows packet from a NIC or VM, classified through the Open-
that consult B. The resubmit action also enables a form Flow table (with standard OpenFlow matches and actions),
of programming based on multiway branching based on modified it as necessary, and finally sent it to another port.
the value of one or more fields. Later, OpenFlow vendors This approach soon became impractical because of the
focusing on hardware sought a way to make better use relative difficulty of developing in the kernel and distribut-

120  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
ing and updating kernel modules. It also became clear a generic OpenFlow table than the microflow cache does,
that an in-kernel OpenFlow implementation would not be due to its support for arbitrary packet field matching, it
acceptable as a contribution to upstream Linux, which is is still strictly simpler and lighter in runtime for two pri-
an important requirement for mainstream acceptance for mary reasons. First, it does not have priorities, which
software with kernel components. speeds up packet classification: the in-kernel tuple space
Our solution was to reimplement the kernel module search implementation can terminate as soon as it finds
as a microflow cache in which a single cache entry ex- any match, instead of continuing to look for a higher-
act matches with all the packet header fields supported priority match until all the mask-specific hash tables are
by OpenFlow. This allowed radical simplification, by inspected. (To avoid ambiguity, userspace installs only
implementing the kernel module as a simple hash table disjoint megaflows, those whose matches do not overlap.)
rather than as a complicated, generic packet classifier, Second, there is only one megaflow classifier, instead of
supporting arbitrary fields and masking. In this design, a pipeline of them, so userspace installs megaflow en-
cache entries are extremely fine-grained and match at tries that collapse together the behavior of all relevant
most packets of a single transport connection: even for a OpenFlow tables.
single transport connection, a change in network path and The cost of a megaflow lookup is close to the general-
hence in IP TTL field would result in a miss, and would purpose packet classifier, even though it lacks support
divert a packet to userspace, which consulted the actual for flow priorities. Searching the megaflow classifier re-
OpenFlow flow table to decide how to forward it. This quires searching each of its hash tables until a match is
implies that the critical performance dimension is flow found; and as discussed in Section 3.2, each unique kind
setup time, the time that it takes for the kernel to report a of match in a flow table yields a hash table in the clas-
microflow “miss” to userspace and for userspace to reply. sifier. Assuming that each hash table is equally likely
Over multiple Open vSwitch versions, we adopted to contain a match, matching packets require searching
several techniques to reduce flow setup time with the (n + 1)/2 tables on average, and non-matching packets
microflow cache. Batching flow setups that arrive to- require searching all n. Therefore, for n > 1, which is
gether improved flow setup performance about 24%, for usually the case, a classifier-based megaflow search re-
example, by reducing the average number of system calls quires more hash table lookups than a microflow cache.
required to set up a given microflow. Eventually, we Megaflows by themselves thus yield a trade-off: one must
also distributed flow setup load over multiple userspace bet that the per-microflow benefit of avoiding an extra trip
threads to benefit from multiple CPU cores. Drawing in- to userspace outweighs the per-packet cost of the extra
spiration from CuckooSwitch [42], we adopted optimistic hash lookups in form of megaflow lookup.
concurrent cuckoo hashing [6] and RCU [23] techniques Open vSwitch addresses the costs of megaflows by
to implement nonblocking multiple-reader, single-writer retaining the microflow cache as a first-level cache, con-
flow tables. sulted before the megaflow cache. This cache is a hash ta-
After general optimizations of this kind customer feed- ble that maps from a microflow to its matching megaflow.
back drew us to focus on performance in latency-sensitive Thus, after the first packet in a microflow passes through
applications, and that required us to reconsider our simple the kernel megaflow table, requiring a search of the kernel
caching design. classifier, this exact-match cache allows subsequent pack-
ets in the same microflow to get quickly directed to the
4.2 Megaflow Caching appropriate megaflow. This reduces the cost of megaflows
from per-packet to per-microflow. The exact-match cache
While the microflow cache works well with most traffic is a true cache in that its activity is not visible to userspace,
patterns, it suffers serious performance degradation when other than through its effects on performance.
faced with large numbers of short lived connections. In A megaflow flow table represents an active subset of
this case, many packets miss the cache, and must not only the cross-product of all the userspace OpenFlow flow
cross the kernel-userspace boundary, but also execute a tables. To avoid the cost of proactive crossproduct com-
long series of expensive packet classifications. While putation and to populate the megaflow cache only with
batching and multithreading can somewhat alleviate this entries relevant for current forwarded traffic, the Open
stress, they are not sufficient to fully support this work- vSwitch userspace daemon computes the cache entries
load. incrementally and reactively. As Open vSwitch processes
We replaced the microflow cache with a megaflow a packet through userspace flow tables, classifying the
cache. The megaflow cache is a single flow lookup packet at every table, it tracks the packet field bits that
table that supports generic matching, i.e., it supports were consulted as part of the classification algorithm. The
caching forwarding decisions for larger aggregates of generated megaflow must match any field (or part of a
traffic than connections. While it more closely resembles field) whose value was used as part of the decision. For

USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  121
example, if the classifier looks at the IP destination field function P RIORITY S ORTED T UPLE S EARCH(H)
in any OpenFlow table as part of its pipeline, then the B ← NULL /* Best flow match so far. */
megaflow cache entry’s condition must match on the des- for tuple T in descending order of T.pri max do
tination IP as well. This means that incoming packets if B = NULL and B.pri ≥ T.pri max then
drive the cache population, and as the aggregates of the return B
traffic evolve, new entries are populated and old entries if T contains a flow F matching H then
removed. if B = NULL or F.pri > B.pri then
The foregoing discussion glosses over some details. B←F
The basic algorithm, while correct, produces match con- return B
ditions that are more specific than necessary, which trans- Figure 2: Tuple space search for target packet headers H, with
lates to suboptimal cache hit rates. Section 5, below, de- priority sorting.
scribes how Open vSwitch modifies tuple space search to
yield better megaflows for caching. Afterward, Section 6
addresses cache invalidation. 5.2 Tuple Priority Sorting
Lookup in a tuple space search classifier ordinarily re-
quires searching every tuple. Even if a search of an early
5 Caching-aware Packet Classification tuple finds a match, the search must still look in the other
tuples because one of them might contain a matching flow
We now turn our focus on the refinements and improve- with a higher priority.
ments we made to the basic tuple search algorithm (sum- We improved on this by tracking, in each tuple T , the
marized in Section 3.2) to improve its suitability for flow maximum priority T.pri max of any flow entry in T . We
caching. modified the lookup code to search tuples from greatest
to least maximum priority, so that a search that finds a
matching flow F with priority F.pri can terminate as soon
5.1 Problem as it arrives at a tuple whose maximum priority is F.pri
or less, since at that point no better match can be found.
As Open vSwitch userspace processes a packet through
Figure 2 shows the algorithm in detail.
its OpenFlow tables, it tracks the packet field bits that
As an example, we examined the OpenFlow table in-
were consulted as part of the forwarding decision. This
stalled by a production deployment of VMware’s NVP
bitwise tracking of packet header fields is very effective in
controller [19]. This table contained 29 tuples. Of those
constructing the megaflow entries with simple OpenFlow
29 tuples, 26 contained flows of a single priority, which
flow tables.
makes intuitive sense because flows matching a single
For example, if the OpenFlow table only looks at
tuple tend to share a purpose and therefore a priority.
Ethernet addresses (as would a flow table based on L2
When searching in descending priority order, one can al-
MAC learning), then the megaflows it generates will
ways terminate immediately following a successful match
also look only at Ethernet addresses. For example, port
in such a tuple. Considering the other tuples, two con-
scans (which do not vary Ethernet addresses) will not
tained flows with two unique priorities that were higher
cause packets to go to userspace as their L3 and L4 header
than those in any subsequent tuple, so any match in ei-
fields will be wildcarded resulting in near-ideal megaflow
ther of these tuples terminated the search. The final tu-
cache hit rates. On the other hand, if even one flow entry
ple contained flows with five unique priorities ranging
in the table matches on the TCP destination port, tuple
from 32767 to 36866; in the worst case, if the lowest
space search will consider the TCP destination port of
priority flows matched in this tuple, then the remaining
every packet. Then every megaflow will also match on the
tuples with T.pri max > 32767 (up to 20 tuples based
TCP destination port, and port scan performance again
on this tuple’s location in the sorted list), must also be
We do not know of an efficient online algorithm to gen-
erate optimal, least specific megaflows, so in development
5.3 Staged Lookup
we have focused our attention on generating increasingly
good approximations. Failing to match a field that must Tuple space search searches each tuple with a hash ta-
be included can cause incorrect packet forwarding, which ble lookup. In our algorithm to construct the megaflow
makes such errors unacceptable, so our approximations matching condition, this hash table lookup means that
are biased toward matching on more fields than neces- the megaflow must match all the bits of fields included
sary. The following sections describe improvements of in the tuple, even if the tuple search fails, because every
this type that we have integrated into Open vSwitch. one of those fields and their bits may have affected the

122  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
lookup result so far. When the tuple matches on a field fields covered by the tuple.
that varies often from flow to flow, e.g., the TCP source This optimization fixes a performance problem ob-
port, the generated megaflow is not much more useful served in production deployments. The NVP controller
than installing a microflow would be because it will only uses Open vSwitch to implement multiple isolated logi-
match a single TCP stream. cal datapaths (further interconnected to form logical net-
This points to an opportunity for improvement. If one works). Each logical datapath is independently configured.
could search a tuple on a subset of its fields, and determine Suppose that some logical datapaths are configured with
with this search that the tuple could not possibly match, ACLs that allow or deny traffic based on L4 (e.g., TCP
then the generated megaflow would only need to match or UDP) port numbers. Megaflows for traffic on these
on the subset of fields, rather than all the fields in the logical datapaths must match on the L4 port to enforce the
tuple. ACLs. Megaflows for traffic on other logical datapaths
The tuple implementation as a hash table over all its need not and, for performance, should not match on L4
fields made such an optimization difficult. One cannot port. Before this optimization, however, all generated
search a hash table on a subset of its key. We considered megaflows matched on L4 port because a classifier search
other data structures. A trie would allow a search on any had to pass through a tuple that matched on L4 port. The
prefix of fields, but it would also increase the number of optimization allows megaflows for traffic on logical dat-
memory accesses required by a successful search from apaths without L4 ACLs to avoid matching on L4 port,
O(1) to O(n) in the length of the tuple fields. Individual because the first three (or fewer) stages are enough to
per-field hash tables had the same drawback. We did not determine that there is no match.
consider data structures larger than O(n) in the number
of flows in a tuple, because OpenFlow tables can have
hundreds of thousands of flows.
The solution we implemented statically divides fields 5.4 Prefix Tracking
into four groups, in decreasing order of traffic granularity:
metadata (e.g., the switch ingress port), L2, L3, and L4. Flows in OpenFlow often match IPv4 and IPv6 subnets to
We changed each tuple from a single hash table to an implement routing. When all the flows that match on such
array of four hash tables, called stages: one over metadata a field use the same subnet size, e.g., all match /16 sub-
fields only, one over metadata and L2 fields, one over nets, this works out fine for constructing megaflows. If,
metadata, L2, and L3 fields, and one over all fields. (The on the other hand, different flows match different subnet
latter is the same as the single hash table in the previous sizes, like any standard IP routing table does, the con-
implementation.) A lookup in a tuple searches each of its structed megaflows match the longest subnet prefix, e.g.,
stages in order. If any search turns up no match, then the any host route (/32) forces all the megaflows to match full
overall search of the tuple also fails, and only the fields addresses. Suppose, for example, Open vSwitch is con-
included in the stage last searched must be added to the structing a megaflow for a packet addressed to If
megaflow match. flows match subnet 10/8 and host, one could
This optimization technique would apply to any subsets safely install a megaflow for 10.5/16 (because 10.5/16
of the supported fields, not just the layer-based subsets is completely inside 10/8 and does not include,
we used. We divided fields by protocol layer because, but without additional optimization Open vSwitch installs
as a rule of thumb, in TCP/IP, inner layer headers tend (Our examples use only octet prefixes, e.g., /8,
to be more diverse than outer layer headers. At L4, for /16, /24, /32, for clarity, but the implementation and the
example, the TCP source and destination ports change on pseudocode shown later work in terms of bit prefixes.)
a per-connection basis, but in the metadata layer only a We implemented optimization of prefixes for IPv4 and
relatively small and static number of ingress ports exist. IPv6 fields using a trie structure. If a flow table matches
Each stage in a tuple includes all of the fields in earlier over an IP address, the classifier executes an LPM lookup
stages. We chose this arrangement, although the tech- for any such field before the tuple space search, both to de-
nique does not require it, because then hashes could be termine the maximum megaflow prefix length required, as
computed incrementally from one stage to the next, and well as to determine which tuples can be skipped entirely
profiling had shown hash computation to be a significant without affecting correctness.1 As an example, suppose
cost (with or without staging). an OpenFlow table contained flows that matched on some
With four stages, one might expect the time to search a IPv4 field, as shown:
tuple to quadruple. Our measurements show that, in fact,
classification speed actually improves slightly in practice 1 This is a slight simplification for improved clarity; the actual imple-
because, when a search terminates at any early stage, the mentation reverts to prefix tracking if staged lookups have concluded to
classifier does not have to compute the full hash of all the include an IP field to the match.

USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  123
20 /8 function T RIE S EARCH(value, root)
10.1 /16 node ← root, prev ← NULL
10.2 /16 plens ← bit-array of len(value) 0-bits
10.1.3 /24 i←0 while node = NULL do
These flows correspond to the following trie, in which a while c < len(node.bits) do
solid circle represents one of the address matches listed if value[i] = node.bits[c] then
above and a dashed circle indicates a node that is present return (i + 1, plens)
only for its children:
c ← c + 1, i ← i + 1
if node.n rules > 0 then
plens[i − 1] ← 1
10 20 if i ≥ len(value) then
return (i, plens)
prev ← node
1 2
if value[i] = 0 then
node ← node.left
3 4.5 else
node ← node.right
To determine the bits to match, Open vSwitch traverses if prev = NULL and prev has at least one child then
the trie from the root down through nodes with labels i ← i+1
matching the corresponding bits in the packet’s IP address. return (i, plens)
If traversal reaches a leaf node, then the megaflow need
not match the remainder of the address bits, e.g., in our Figure 3: Prefix tracking pseudocode. The function searches
example would be installed as 10.1.3/24 and for value (e.g., an IP address) in the trie rooted at node root. It as 20/8. If, on the other hand, traversal stops returns the number of bits at the beginning of value that must be
due to the bits in the address not matching any of the examined to render its matching node unique, and a bit-array of
corresponding labels in the tree, the megaflow must be possible matching lengths. In the pseudocode, x[i] is bit i in x
constructed to match up to and including the bits that and len(x) the number of bits in x.
could not be found, e.g., must be installed as
10.3/16 and as 30/8.
The trie search result also allows Open vSwitch to skip longest prefix match in OpenFlow, the flows with longer
searching some tuples. Consider the address prefix must have higher priorities, which will allow the
A search of the above trie for this address terminates tuple priority sorting optimization in Section 5.2 to skip
at the node labeled 1, failing to find a node to follow prefix matching tables after the longest match is found,
for the address’s third octet. This means that no flow in but this alone causes megaflows to unwildcard address
the flow table with an IP address match longer than 16 bits according to the longest prefix in the table. The main
bits matches the packet, so the classifier lookup can skip practical benefit of this algorithm, then, is to prevent poli-
searching tuples for the flows listed above with /24 and cies (such as a high priority ACL) that are applied to a
/32 prefixes. specific host from forcing all megaflows to match on a
Figure 3 gives detailed pseudocode for the prefix match- full IP address. This algorithm allows the megaflow en-
ing algorithm. Each node is assumed to have members tries only to match with the high order bits sufficient to
bits, the bits in the particular node (at least one bit, ex- differentiate the traffic from the host with ACLs.
cept that the root node may be empty); left and right, the We also eventually adopted prefix tracking for L4 trans-
node’s children (or NULL); and n rules, the number of port port numbers. Similar to IP ACLs, this prevents high-
rules in the node (zero if the node is present only for its priority ACLs that match specific transport ports (e.g., to
children, otherwise nonzero). It returns the number of block SMTP) from forcing all megaflows to match the
bits that must be matched, allowing megaflows to be im- entire transport port fields, which would again reduce the
proved, and a bit-array in which 0-bits designate matching megaflow cache to a microflow cache [32].
lengths for tuples that Open vSwitch may skip searching,
as described above. 5.5 Classifier Partitioning
While this algorithm optimizes longest-prefix match
lookups, it improves megaflows even when no flow ex- The number of tuple space searches can be further reduced
plicitly matches against an IP prefix. To implement a by skipping tuples that cannot possibly match. OpenFlow

124  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
supports setting and matching metadata fields during a needed changes, Open vSwitch had to examine every dat-
packet’s trip through the classifier. Open vSwitch parti- apath flow for possible changes. Each flow had to be
tions the classifier based on a particular metadata field. If passed through the OpenFlow flow table in the same way
the current value in that field does not match any value in as it was originally constructed, then the generated ac-
a particular tuple, the tuple is skipped altogether. tions compared against the ones currently installed in the
While Open vSwitch does not have a fixed pipeline like datapath. This can be time-consuming if there are many
traditional switches, NVP often configures each lookup in datapath flows, but we have not observed this to be a
the classifier as a stage in a pipeline. These stages match problem in practice, perhaps because there are only large
on a fixed number of fields, similar to a tuple. By storing numbers of datapath flows when the system actually has a
a numeric indicator of the pipeline stage into a specialized high network load, making it reasonable to use more CPU
metadata field, NVP provides a hint to the classifier to on networking. The real problem was that, because Open
efficiently only look at pertinent tuples. vSwitch was single-threaded, the time spent re-examining
all of the datapath flows blocked setting up new flows
for arriving packets that did not match any existing dat-
6 Cache Invalidation
apath flow. This added high latency to flow setup for
The flip side of caching is the complexity of managing the those packets, greatly increased the overall variability of
cache. In Open vSwitch, the cache may require updating flow setup latency, and limited the overall flow setup rate.
for a number of reasons. Most obviously, the controller Through version 2.0, therefore, Open vSwitch limited the
can change the OpenFlow flow table. OpenFlow also maximum number of cached flows installed in the data-
specifies changes that the switch should take on its own in path to about 1,000, increased to 2,500 following some
reaction to various events, e.g., OpenFlow “group” behav- optimizations, to minimize these problems.
ior can depend on whether carrier is detected on a network The second group consisted of changes whose effects
interface. Reconfiguration that turns features on or off, on datapath flows could be narrowed down, such as MAC
adds or removes ports, etc., can affect packet handling. learning table changes. Early versions of Open vSwitch
Protocols for connectivity detection, such as CFM [10] implemented these in an optimized way using a technique
or BFD [14], or for loop detection and avoidance, e.g., called tags. Each property that, if changed, could require
(Rapid) Spanning Tree Protocol, can influence behavior. megaflow updates was given one of these tags. Also,
Finally, some OpenFlow actions and Open vSwitch exten- each megaflow was associated with the tags for all of
sions change behavior based on network state, e.g., based the properties on which its actions depended, e.g., if the
on MAC learning. actions output the packet to port x because the packet’s
Ideally, Open vSwitch could precisely identify the destination MAC was learned to be on that port, then the
megaflows that need to change in response to some event. megaflow is associated with the tag for that learned fact.
For some kinds of events, this is straightforward. For ex- Later, if that MAC learned port changed, Open vSwitch
ample, when the Open vSwitch implementation of MAC added the tag to a set of tags that accumulated changes.
learning detects that a MAC address has moved from one In batches, Open vSwitch scanned the megaflow table for
port to another, the datapath flows that used that MAC megaflows that had at least one of the changed tags, and
are the ones that need an update. But the generality of checked whether their actions needed an update.
the OpenFlow model makes precise identification difficult Over time, as controllers grew more sophisticated and
in other cases. One example is adding a new flow to an flow tables more complicated, and as Open vSwitch added
OpenFlow table. Any megaflow that matched a flow in more actions whose behavior changed based on network
that OpenFlow table whose priority is less than the new state, each datapath flow became marked with more and
flow’s priority should potentially now exhibit different more tags. We had implemented tags as Bloom filters [2],
behavior, but we do not know how to efficiently (in time which meant that each additional tag caused more “false
and space) identify precisely those flows.2 The problem is positives” for revalidation, so now most or all flows re-
worsened further by long sequences of OpenFlow flow ta- quired examination whenever any state changed. By
ble lookups. We concluded that precision is not practical Open vSwitch version 2.0, the effectiveness of tags had
in the general case. declined so much that to simplify the code Open vSwitch
Therefore, early versions of Open vSwitch divided abandoned them altogether in favor of always revalidating
changes that could require the behavior of datapath flows the entire datapath flow table.
to change into two groups. For the first group, the changes Since tags had been one of the ways we sought to mini-
whose effects were too broad to precisely identify the mize flow setup latency, we now looked for other ways.
2 Header space analysis [16] provides the algebra to identify the flows In Open vSwitch 2.0, toward that purpose, we divided
but the feasibility of efficient, online analysis (such as in [15]) in this userspace into multiple threads. We broke flow setup into
context remains an open question. separate threads so that it did not have to wait behind

USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  125
revalidation. Datapath flow eviction, however, remained
part of the single main thread and could not keep up with

Fraction of hypervisors

multiple threads setting up flows. Under heavy flow setup 0.6

load, though, the rate at which eviction can occur is criti-
cal, because userspace must be able to delete flows from 0.4

the datapath as quickly as it can install new flows, or the 0.2

datapath cache will quickly fill up. Therefore, in Open
vSwitch 2.1 we introduced multiple dedicated threads for 0.0
10 100 1000 10000
cache revalidation, which allowed us to scale up the reval- Number of flows

idation performance to match the flow setup performance Figure 4: Min/mean/max megaflow flow counts observed.
and to greatly increase the kernel cache maximum size,
to about 200,000 entries. The actual maximum is dynami-
cally adjusted to ensure that total revalidation time stays pervisors running Open vSwitch to serve mixed tenant
under 1 second, to bound the amount of time that a stale workloads in network virtualization setting.
entry can stay in the cache.
Open vSwitch userspace obtains datapath cache statis-
Cache sizes. The number of active megaflows gives
tics by periodically (about once per second) polling the
us an indication about practical megaflow cache sizes
kernel module for every flow’s packet and byte counters.
Open vSwitch handles. In Figure 4, we show the CDF
The core use of datapath flow statistics is to determine
for minimum, mean and maximum counts during the
which datapath flows are useful and should remain in-
observation period. The plots show that small megaflow
stalled in the kernel and which ones are not processing a
caches are sufficient in practice: 50% of the hypervisors
significant number of packets and should be evicted. Short
had mean flow counts of 107 or less. The 99th percentile
of the table’s maximum size, flows remain in the datapath
of the maximum flows was still just 7,033 flows. For the
until they have been idle for a configurable amount of
hypervisors in this environment, Open vSwitch userspace
time, which now defaults to 10 s. (Above the maximum
can maintain a sufficiently large kernel cache. (With the
size, Open vSwitch drops this idle time to force the table
latest Open vSwitch mainstream version, the kernel flow
to shrink.) The threads that periodically poll the kernel for
limit is set to 200,000 entries.)
per flow statistics also use those statistics to implement
OpenFlow’s per-flow packet and byte count statistics and
flow idle timeout features. This means that OpenFlow Cache hit rates. Figure 5 shows the effectiveness of
statistics are themselves only periodically updated. caching. The solid line plots the overall cache hit rate
The above describes how userspace invalidates the dat- across each of the 10-minute measurement intervals
apath’s megaflow cache. Maintenance of the first-level across the entire population of hypervisors. The over-
microflow cache (discussed in Section 4) is much simpler. all cache hit rate was 97.7%. The dotted line includes just
A microflow cache entry is only a hint to the first hash ta- the 25% of the measurement periods in which the fewest
ble to search in the general tuple space search. Therefore, packets were forwarded, in which the caching was less
a stale microflow cache entry is detected and corrected effective than overall, achieving a 74.7% hit rate. Intu-
the first time a packet matches it. The microflow cache itively, caching is less effective (and unimportant) when
has a fixed maximum size, with new microflows replac- there is little to cache. Open vSwitch caching is most
ing old ones, so there is no need to periodically flush old effective when it is most useful: when there is a great
entries. We use a pseudo-random replacement policy, for deal of traffic to cache. The dashed line, which includes
simplicity, and have found it to be effective in practice. just the 25% of the measurement periods in which the
most packets were forwarded, demonstrates this: during
these periods, the hit rate rises slightly above the overall
7 Evaluation average to 98.0%.
The vast majority of the hypervisors in this data center
The following sections examine Open vSwitch perfor-
do not experience high volume traffic from their work-
mance in production and in microbenchmarks.
loads. Figure 6 depicts this: 99% of the hypervisors see
fewer than 79,000 packets/s to hit their caches (and fewer
7.1 Performance in Production than 1500 flow setups/s to enter userspace due to misses).
We examined 24 hours of Open vSwitch performance data
from the hypervisors in a large, commercial multi-tenant CPU usage. Our statistics gathering process cannot sep-
data center operated by Rackspace. Our data set contains arate Open vSwitch kernel load from the rest of the kernel
statistics polled every 10 minutes from over 1,000 hy- load, so we focus on Open vSwitch userspace. As we

126  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
Fraction of measurement periods

Fraction of hypervisors
0.8 0.8 100

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000
Cache hit rate Packets / second Misses / second

Figure 5: Hit rates during all (solid), busiest Figure 6: Cache hit (solid) and miss Figure 7: Userspace daemon CPU load as
(dashed), and slowest (dotted) periods. (dashed) packet counts. a function of misses/s entering userspace.

will show in Section 7.2, the megaflow CPU usage itself Optimizations ktps Flows Masks CPU%
is in line with Linux bridging and less of a concern. In Megaflows disabled 37 1,051,884 1 45/ 40
Open vSwitch, the userspace load is largely due to the No optimizations 56 905,758 3 37/ 40
misses in kernel and Figure 7 depicts this. (Userspace Priority sorting only 57 794,124 4 39/ 45
CPU load can exceed 100% due to multithreading.) We Prefix tracking only 95 13 10 0/ 15
observe that 80% of the hypervisors averaged 5% CPU Staged lookup only 115 14 13 0/ 15
or less on ovs-vswitchd, which has been our traditional All optimizations 117 15 14 0/ 20
goal. Over 50% of hypervisors used 2% CPU or less.
Table 1: Performance testing results for classifier optimizations.
Each row reports the measured number of Netperf TCP CRR
Outliers. The upper right corner of Figure 7 depicts a transactions per second, in thousands, along with the number of
number of hypervisors using large amounts of CPU to pro- kernel flows, kernel masks, and user and kernel CPU usage.
cess many misses in userspace. We individually examined
the six most extreme cases, where Open vSwitch averaged Microflows Optimizations ktps Tuples/pkt CPU%
over 100% CPU over the 24 hour period. We found that Enabled Enabled 120 1.68 0/ 20
all of these hypervisors exhibited a previously unknown Disabled Enabled 92 3.21 0/ 18
bug in the implementation of prefix tracking, such that Enabled Disabled 56 1.29 38/ 40
flows that match on an ICMP type or code caused all TCP Disabled Disabled 56 2.45 40/ 42
flows to match on the entire TCP source or destination
Table 2: Effects of microflow cache. Each row reports the
port, respectively. We believe we have fixed this bug in measured number of Netperf TCP CRR transactions per second,
Open vSwitch 2.3, but the data center was not upgraded in thousands, along with the average number of tuples searched
in time to verify in production. by each packet and user and kernel CPU usage.

7.2 Caching Microbenchmarks destined to never need to match on TCP ports,
because flow #3 is identified as non-matching after con-
We ran microbenchmarks with a simple flow table de-
sidering only the IP destination address. Finally, address
signed to compactly demonstrate the benefits of the
prefix tracking (Section 5.4) allows megaflows to ignore
caching-aware packet classification algorithm. We used
some of the bits in IP destination addresses even though
the following OpenFlow flows, from highest to lowest pri-
flow #3 matches on the entire address.
ority. We omit the actions because they are not significant
for the discussion: 10
Packets / s, in millions

arp (1) 8
ip ip dst= (2)
tcp ip dst= tcp src=10 tcp dst=10 (3)
ip ip dst= (4)
With this table, with no caching-aware packet classifi- 0
cation, any TCP packet will always generate a megaflow 0 10 20 30

that matches on TCP source and destination ports, be-

Number of tuples traversed in kernel

cause flow #3 matches on those fields. With priority Figure 8: Forwarding rate in terms of the average number of
sorting (Section 5.2), packets that match flow #2 can omit megaflow tuples searched, with the microflow cache disabled.
matching on TCP ports, because flow #3 is never consid-
ered. With staged lookup (Section 5.3), IP packets not


USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  127
Cache layer performance. We measured first the base- in TCP CRR shows that this is more than offset by the
line performance of each Open vSwitch cache layer. In all microflow cache and by fewer trips to userspace. The
following tests, Open vSwitch ran on a Linux server with TCP CRR test is highly sensitive to latency, demonstrating
two 8-core, 2.0 GHz Xeon processors and two Intel 10-Gb that latency decreases as well.
NICs. To generate many connections, we used Netperf’s
TCP CRR test [25], which repeatedly establishes a TCP Comparison to in-kernel switch. We compared Open
connection, sends and receives one byte of traffic, and vSwitch to the Linux bridge, an Ethernet switch imple-
disconnects. The results are reported in transactions per mented entirely inside the Linux kernel. In the sim-
second (tps). Netperf only makes one connection attempt plest configuration, the two switches achieved identi-
at a time, so we ran 400 Netperf sessions in parallel and cal throughput (18.8 Gbps) and similar TCP CRR con-
reported the sum. nection rates (696 ktps for Open vSwitch, 688 for the
To measure the performance of packet processing in Linux bridge), although Open vSwitch used more CPU
Open vSwitch userspace, we configured ovs-vswitchd (161% vs. 48%). However, when we added one flow to
to disable megaflow caching, by setting up only microflow Open vSwitch to drop STP BPDU packets and a similar
entries in the datapath. As shown in Table 1, this yielded iptables rule to the Linux bridge, Open vSwitch per-
37 ktps in the TCP CRR test, with over one million kernel formance and CPU usage remained constant whereas the
flow entries, and used about 1 core of CPU time. Linux bridge connection rate dropped to 512 ktps and
To quantify the throughput of the megaflow cache by its CPU usage increased over 26-fold to 1,279%. This
itself, we re-enabled megaflow caching, then disabled the is because the built-in kernel functions have per-packet
kernel’s microflow cache. Table 2 shows that disabling overhead, whereas Open vSwitch’s overhead is generally
the microflow cache reduces TCP CRR performance from fixed per-megaflow. We expect enabling other features,
120 to 92 ktps when classifier optimizations are enabled. such as routing and a firewall, would similarly add CPU
(When classifier optimizations are disabled, disabling the load.
microflow cache has little effect because it is overshad-
owed by the increased number of trips to userspace.)
Figure 8 plots packet forwarding performance for long- 8 Ongoing, Future, and Related Work
lived flows as a function of the average number of tuples
We now briefly discuss our current and planned efforts to
searched, with the kernel microflow cache disabled. In
improve Open vSwitch, and briefly cover related work.
the same scenarios, with the microflow cache enabled, we
measured packet forwarding performance of long-lived
flows to be approximately 10.6 Mpps, independent of the 8.1 Stateful Packet Processing
number of tuples in the kernel classifier. Even searching OpenFlow does not accommodate stateful packet opera-
only 5 tuples on average, the microflow cache improves tions, and thus, per-connection or per-packet forwarding
performance by 1.5 Mpps, clearly demonstrating its value. state requires the controller to become involved. For this
To put these numbers in perspective in terms of raw hash purpose, Open vSwitch allows running on-hypervisor “lo-
lookup performance, we benchmarked our tuple space cal controllers” in addition to a remote, primary controller.
classifier in isolation: with a randomly generated table of Because a local controller is an arbitrary program, it can
half a million flow entries, the implementation is able to maintain any amount of state across the packets that Open
do roughly 6.8M hash lookups/s, on a single core – which vSwitch sends it.
translates to 680,000 classifications per second with 10 NVP includes, for example, a local controller that im-
tuples. plements a stateful L3 daemon responsible for sending
and processing ARPs. The L3 daemon populates an L3
Classifier optimization benefit. We measured the ben- ARP cache into a dedicated OpenFlow table (not man-
efit of our classifier optimizations. Table 1 shows the aged by the primary controller) for quick forwarding of
improvement from individual optimizations and all of common case (packets with a known IP to MAC bind-
the optimizations together. Each optimization reduces ing). The L3 daemon only receives packets resulting in an
the number of kernel flows needed to run the test. Each ARP cache miss and emits any necessary ARP requests to
kernel flow corresponds to one trip between the kernel remote L3 daemons based on the packets received from
and userspace, so each reduction in flows also reduces Open vSwitch. While the connectivity between the local
userspace CPU time used. As can be seen from the ta- controller and Open vSwitch is local, the performance
ble, as the number of kernel flows (Flows) declines, the overhead is significant: a received packet traverses first
number of tuples in the kernel flow table (Masks) in- from kernel to userspace daemon from which it traverses
creases, increasing the cost of kernel classification, but across a local socket (again via kernel) to a separate pro-
the measured reduction in kernel CPU time and increase cess.

128  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association
For performance critical stateful packet operations, extend its functionality. The offload approach we cur-
Open vSwitch relies on kernel networking facilities. rently find most promising is to enable NICs to accelerate
For instance, a solid IP tunneling implementation re- kernel flow classification. The Flow Director feature on
quires (stateful) IP reassembly support. In a similar man- some Intel NICs has already been shown to be useful for
ner, transport connection tracking is a first practical re- classifying packets to separate queues [36]. Enhancing
quirement after basic L2/L3 networking; even most basic this feature simply to report the matching rule, instead
firewall security policies call for stateful filtering. Open- of selecting the queue, would make it useful as such for
Flow is flexible enough to implement static ACLs but not megaflow classification. Even if the TCAM size were
stateful ones. For this, there’s an ongoing effort to provide limited, or if the TCAM did not support all the fields that
a new OpenFlow action that invokes a kernel module that the datapath uses, it could speed up software classification
provides metadata which the subsequent OpenFlow tables by reducing the number of hash table searches – without
may use the connection state (new, established, related) limiting the flexibility since the actions would still take
in their forwarding decision. This “connection tracking” place in the host CPU.
is the same technique used in many dedicated firewall ap-
pliances. Transitioning between kernel networking stack
and kernel datapath module incurs overhead but avoids
8.4 Related Work
the duplication of functionality, critical in upstreaming
kernel changes.
Flow caching. The benefits of flow caching generally
have been argued by many in the community [4, 13, 17,
8.2 Userspace Networking 31, 41]. Lee et al. [21] describes how to augment the
limited capacity of a hardware switch’s flow table using a
Improving the virtual switch performance through software flow cache, but does not mention problems with
userspace networking is a timely topic due to NFV [9, 22]. flows of different forms or priorities. CacheFlow [13],
In this model, packets are passed directly from the NIC like Open vSwitch, caches a set of OpenFlow flows in a
to VM with minimal intervention by the hypervisor fast path, but CacheFlow requires the fast path to directly
userspace/kernel, typically through shared memory be- implement all the OpenFlow actions and requires building
tween NIC, virtual switch, and VMs. To this end, there is a full flow dependency graph in advance.
an ongoing effort to add both DPDK [11] and netmap [30]
support to Open vSwitch. Early tests indicate the Open
vSwitch caching architecture in this context is similarly Packet classification. Classification is a well-studied
beneficial to kernel flow cache. problem [37]. Many classification algorithms only work
An alternative to DPDK that some in the Linux commu- with static sets of flows, or have expensive incremental
nity are investigating is to reduce the overhead of going update procedures, making them unsuitable for dynamic
through the kernel. In particular, the SKB structure that OpenFlow flow tables [7, 8, 33, 38, 40]. Some classifiers
stores packets in the Linux kernel is several cache lines require memory that is quadratic or exponential in the
large, contrary to the compact representation in DPDK number of flows [8, 20, 35]. Other classifiers work only
and netmap. We expect the Linux community will make with 2 to 5 fields [35], whereas OpenFlow 1.0 has 12 fields
significant improvements in this regard. and later versions have more. (The effective number of
fields is much higher with classifiers that must treat each
8.3 Hardware Offloading bit of a bitwise matchable field as an individual field.)

Over time, NICs have added hardware offloads for com-

monly needed functions that use excessive host CPU time.
Some of these features, such as TCP checksum and seg- 9 Conclusion
mentation offload, have proven very effective over time.
Open vSwitch takes advantage of these offloads, and most We described the design and implementation of Open
others, which are just as relevant to virtualized environ- vSwitch, an open source, multi-platform OpenFlow vir-
ments. Specialized hardware offloads for virtualized envi- tual switch. Open vSwitch has simple origins but its
ronments have proven more elusive, though. performance has been gradually optimized to match the
Offloading virtual switching entirely to hardware is a requirements of multi-tenant datacenter workloads, which
recurring theme (see, e.g., [12]). This yields high per- has necessitated a more complex design. Given its op-
formance, but at the cost of flexibility: a simple fixed erating environment, we anticipate no change of course
function hardware switch effectively replaces the soft- but expect its design only to become more distinct from
ware virtual switch with no ability for the hypervisor to traditional network appliances over time.

USENIX Association 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15)  129
References [22] J. Martins, M. Ahmed, C. Raiciu, V. Olteanu, M. Honda,
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130  12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’15) USENIX Association

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