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) Is (But) One (I.e. He Is The Only One') (He Is) The Truth

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rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 3 Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
imQn moh Agin sok swgr ] kir ikrpw auDru hir nwgr ]1]
mithan moh agan sok saagar. kar kirpaa, udhar, har naagar. ||1||
(This world is) an ocean of false (emotional) attachments, fire (of desires) and sorrows;
O! beautiful Lord, bestow Your grace and save me. 1
crx kml srxwie nrwiex ] dInw nwQ Bgq prwiex ]1] rhwau ]
charaṇ kamal sarṇaa-ay, naraa-iṇ. deenaa naath bhagat paraa-iṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek the refuge of Your lotus-feet, O! Omnipresent (Lord);
You are Master of the poor, and the support of (Your) devotees. 1 (pause)
AnwQw nwQ Bgq BY mytn ] swDsMig jmdUq n Bytn ]2]
anaathaa naath, bhagat bhai maytan. saadhsaNg, jamdoot na bhaytan. ||2||
(O! Lord) You are Master of the orphans, and, eradicator of the fears of (Your)devotees.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, the messenger of death can not even come near. 2
jIvn rUp AnUp dieAwlw ] rvx guxw ktIAY jm jwlw ]3]
jeevan roop anoop da-i-aalaa. ravan gunaa, katee-ai jam jaalaa. ||3||
You are Embodiment of Life, incomparably beautiful, and merciful;
Reciting Your excellences the noose of the messenger of death is cut away. 3
AMimRq nwmu rsn inq jwpY ] rog rUp mwieAw n ibAwpY ]4]
aMmrit naam, rasan nit jaapai. rog roop maa-i-aa na bi-aapai. ||4||
One, who constantly remembers AMmrit name (of God) with his tongue;
he is not afflicted by any ailment or any form of maya. 4
jip goibMd sMgI siB qwry ] pohq nwhI pMc btvwry ]5]
jap gobiNd, saNgee sabh taaray. pohat naahee, paNch batvaaray. ||5||
(O! brethren) remember (the name of) the Lord of Universe, all your companions shall be carried
across (the world ocean); and,
the five robbers (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride)will not (even) approach. 5
mn bc k®m pRBu eyku iDAwey ] srb Plw soeI jnu pwey ]6]
man bach karam prabh ayk dhi-aa-ay. sarab falaa so-ee jan paa-ay. ||6||
One who remembers One God, with thought, word and deed,
that servant (i.e. devotee) receives all the fruits (of his desires). 6
Dwir AnugRhu Apnw pRiB kInw ] kyvl nwmu Bgiq rsu dInw ]7]
dhaar anoograhu apnaa prabh keenaa. kayval naam bhagat ras deenaa. ||7||
Becoming merciful, God has made me His own; and,
has blessed me with the essence of the devotion of pure name. 7
Awid miD AMiq pRBu soeI ] nwnk iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]8]1]2]
aad madh aNt prabh so-ee. naanak, tis bin avar na ko-ee. ||8||1||2||
In the beginning, in the middle and in the end, that God alone is (pervading);
Nanak (says): Without Him, there is no other (at all). 8.1.2
rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 9 Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa, ghar 9
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ijn ifiTAw mnu rhsIAY ikau pweIAY iqn@ sMgu jIau ]
jin dithi-aa man rehsee-ai, ki-o paa-ee-ai tinh saNg, jee-o.
(O! brethren) beholding whom mind is enraptured, how can I obtain their company, O! dear.
sMq sjn mn imqR sy lwiein pRB isau rMgu jIau ] saNt sajan man mitar say, laa-in prabh si-o raNg jee-o.
Those God-oriented persons are my friends, who attach me to the love of God, O! dear.
iqn@ isau pRIiq n quteI kbhu n hovY BMgu jIau ]1] tinH si-o pareet na tut-ee, kabahu na hovai bhang, jee-o. ||1||
My love for them shall not end, should never be broken, O! dear.
pwrbRhm pRB kir dieAw gux gwvw qyry inq jIau ]
paarbarahm prabh kar da-i-aa, guṇ gaavaa tayray nit, jee-o.
O! Supreme Reality, O! God, bless me with Your grace, that I might always sing (the praise
of) Your excellences, O! dear.
Awie imlhu sMq sjxw nwmu jph mn imq jIau ]1] rhwau ]
aa-ay milhu saNt sajṇaa, naam japah man mit, jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Come and meet with me O! God-oriented persons, O! dear friends, O! friends of my mind,
(let us) meditate upon the name (of God). 1 (pause)
dyKY suxy n jwxeI mwieAw moihAw AMDu jIau ] daykhai suṇay na jaaṇ-ee, maa-i-aa mohi-aa aNdh, jee-o.
He does not see, does not hear, does not understand, (because) the blind has been enticed by
maya, O! dear.
kwcI dyhw ivxsxI kUVu kmwvY DMDu jIau ] kaachee dayhaa viṇsaṇee, kooṛ kamaavai dhaNdh, jee-o.
His fragile body shall perish, he still engages himself in false entanglements, O! dear.
nwmu iDAwvih sy ijix cly gur pUry snbMDu jIau ]2]
naam dhi-aavahi say jiṇ chalay, gur pooray san-baNdh, jee-o. ||2||
Those who meditate upon the name, they win (because) their relationship with the Guru, is
perfect, O! dear. 2
hukmy jug mih AwieAw clxu hukim sMjoig jIau ] hukmay jug meh aa-i-aa, chalaṇ hukam saNjog, jee-o.
(O! brethren) one comes into the world (i.e. takes birth) by the command (of God), and, departs
(i.e. dies) when he receives His command, O! dear.
hukmy prpMcu psirAw hukim kry rs Bog jIau ] hukmay parpaNch pasri-aa, hukam karay ras bhog, jee-o.
By His command is the expansion of the creation; and, by His command one enjoys
pleasures, O! dear.
ijs no krqw ivsrY iqsih ivCoVw sogu jIau ]3] jis no kartaa visrai, tiseh vichhorhaa sog, jee-o. ||3||
One, who forgets the Creator, suffers the agony of separation, O! dear. 3
AwpnVy pRB BwixAw drgh pYDw jwie jIau ] aapnarhay prabh bhaaṇi-aa, dargeh paidhaa jaa-ay, jee-o.
One who is pleasing to his Lord, goes to His court dressed in robes (of honour), O! dear.
AYQY suKu muKu aujlw ieko nwmu iDAwie jIau ] aithai sukh mukh ujlaa, iko naam dhi-aa-ay, jee-o.
Here (in this world) he finds (spiritual) happiness, and (hereafter) his face is radiant, (because)

he meditates upon the One name, O! dear.
Awdru idqw pwrbRhim guru syivAw sq Bwie jIau ]4]
aadar ditaa paarbarahm, gur sayvi-aa sat bhaa-ay, jee-o. ||4||
The Supreme Reality (God) confers honour upon those, who serve the Guru with true love, O!
dear. 4
Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw srb jIAw pRiqpwl jIau ] thaan thanaNtar rav rahi-aa, sarab jee-aa partipaal, jee-o.
He is pervading in (all) places in spaces; He cherishes all beings, O! dear.
scu Kjwnw sMicAw eyku nwmu Dnu mwl jIau ] sach khajaanaa saNchi-aa, ayk naam dhan maal, jee-o.
(One, who meditates upon Him) he accumulates the true treasure, wealth, and property of the
One Name, O! dear.
mn qy kbhu n vIsrY jw Awpy hoie dieAwl jIau ]5]
man tay kabahu na veesrai, jaa aapay ho-ay da-i-aal, jee-o. ||5||
One, upon whom He Himself is merciful, he never forgets Him from his mind, O! dear. 5
P. 761
Awvxu jwxw rih gey min vuTw inrMkwru jIau ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa reh ga-ay, man vuṭaa nira kaar, jee-o.

My coming and going (i.e. the cycle of my birth and death) have ended is ceased, the Formless
(now) dwells in my mind, O! dear.
qw kw AMqu n pweIAY aUcw Agm Apwru jIau ] taa kaa aNt na paa-ee-ai, oochaa agam apaar, jee-o.
His limit can not be found; He is lofty, inaccessible and boundless, O! dear.
ijsu pRBu Apxw ivsrY so mir jMmY lK vwr jIau ]6] jis prabh apnaa visrai, so mar ja mai lakh vaar, jee-o. ||6||
One who forgets his Lord, He shall die to be born (again) one hundred thousand times (i.e.
again and again), O! dear. 6
swcu nyhu iqn pRIqmw ijn min vuTw Awip jIau ] saach nayhu tin pareetamaa, jin man vuṭaa aap, jee-o.
They (alone) bear true love for their Beloved, within whose minds He Himself dwells, O! dear.
gux swJI iqn sMig bsy AwT phr pRB jwip jIau ]
gun saajhee tin saNg basay, aaṭ pahar prabh jaap, jee-o.
(So, O! brethren) dwell with them who share your virtues; and, meditate upon God all the eight
quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), O! dear.
rMig rqy prmysrY ibnsy sgl sMqwp jIau ]7] raNg ratay parmaysrai, binsay sagal saNtaap, jee-o. ||7||
Those who are imbued with love with God, all their sufferings are dispelled, O! dear. 7
qUM krqw qUM krxhwru qUhY eyku Anyk jIau ] tooN kartaa, too karaṇhaar, toohai ayk anayk, jee-o.

(O! Lord) You are the Creator, (You are) the Cause of causes; You are One and (You are) the
many, O! dear.
qU smrQu qU srb mY qUhY buiD ibbyk jIau ] too samrath, too sarab mai, toohai budh bibayk, jee-o.
You are the all-powerfull (i.e. Omnipotent), You are in every one (i.e. Omnipresent), You are all
wisdom and intellect, O! dear.
nwnk nwmu sdw jpI Bgq jnw kI tyk jIau ]8]1]3]
naanak, naam sadaa japee, bhagat janaa kee tayk, jee-o. ||8||1||3||
Nanak (says): (O! God bless me, that) I may always meditate upon the name of God; (because)
You are the support of (Your) devotees, O! dear. 8.1.3

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 10 kwPI Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa, ghar 10, kaafee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jy BulI jy cukI sweˆØI BI qihMjI kwFIAw ] jay bhulee, jay chukee saa-een, bhee tahiNjee kaaḍee-aa.
Even though I make mistakes, even though I err, O! Lord, I am still called Yours (slave).
ijn@w nyhu dUjwxy lgw JUir mrhu sy vwFIAw ]1]
jinhaa nayhu doojaaṇay lagaa, jhoor marahu say vaaḍee-aa. ||1||
Those who are in love with another, they moan and repent. 1
hau nw Cofau kMq pwsrw ] ha-o naa chhoda-o kaNt paasraa.
I shall not leave my Husband's side (i.e. I shall never go away from God).
sdw rMgIlw lwlu ipAwrw eyhu mihMjw Awsrw ]1] rhwau ]
sadaa raNgeelaa laal pi-aaraa, ayhu mahiNjaa aasraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My dear Beloved is forever colourful (i.e. playful/ loving); He is my support (of life). 1 (pause)
sjxu qUhY sYxu qU mY quJ aupir bhu mwxIAw ] sajaṇ toohai, saiṇ too, mai tujh upar baho maaṇee-aa.
(O! Lord) You (alone) are my friend, You (alone) are my relative; I am greatly proud of You.
jw qU AMdir qw suKy qUM inmwxI mwxIAw ]2] jaa too aNdar, taa sukhay, tooN nimaaṇee maaṇee-aa. ||2||
When You dwell within my mind, I am happy; You are the honour of honour-less me. 2
jy qU quTw ik®pw inDwn nw dUjw vyKwil ] jay too tuṭaa, kirpaa nidhaan, naa doojaa vaykhaal.
If you are pleased (with me), O! Treasure of Mercy, do not let me see any other (support).
eyhw pweI mU dwqVI inq ihrdY rKw smwil ]3] ayhaa paa-ee moo daat-ṛee, nit hirdai rakhaa samaal. ||3||
(O! Lord, please) grant me this blessing, that, I may forever cherish You within my heart. 3
pwv julweI pMD qau nYxI drsu idKwil ] paav julaa-ee paNdh ta-o, naiṇee daras dikhaal.
May my feet walk on Your path, and, let my eyes behold Your vision (O! Lord).
sRvxI suxI khwxIAw jy guru QIvY ikrpwil ]4] sarvaṇee suṇee kahaaṇee-aa, jay gur theevai kirpaal. ||4||
May my ears listen to Your stories (i.e. of Your excellences), if my Guru becomes merciful. 4
ikqI lK kroiV iprIey rom n pujin qyirAw ] kitee lakh karoṛ, piree-ay, rom na pujan tayri-aa.
Many hundreds of thousands and tens of millions do not equal even one hair of Yours, O! dear.
qU swhI hU swhu hau kih n skw gux qyirAw ]5] too saahee hoo saahu, ha-o kahi na sakaa guṇ tayri-aa. ||5||
You are the king of kings, I cannot even describe Your excellences. 5
shIAw qaU AsMK mM\hu hiB vDwxIAw ] sahee-aa ta-oo asaNkh, maNnjahu habh vadhaaṇee-aa.
(O! God), Your friends (i.e. soul brides/ slaves) are countless, they are all superior than me;
ihk BorI ndir inhwil dyih drsu rMgu mwxIAw ]6] hik bhoree nadar nihaal, deh daras, ra g maaṇee-aa. ||6||
(O! God) bless me with Your glance of grace, (please) bless me with Your vision (so that) I (too)
may enjoy (pleasure of) Your love. 6
jY ifTy mnu DIrIAY iklivK vM\in@ dUry ] jai diṭay man dheeree-ai, kilvikh vaNnjnih dooray.
Seeing Him, my mind is comforted, and, my sins are removed.
so ikau ivsrY mwau mY jo rihAw BrpUry ]7] so ki-o visrai, maa-o, mai jo rahi-aa bharpooray. ||7||
Why should I forget Him, O! my mother; He is pervading everywhere. 7
hoie inmwxI Fih peI imilAw shij suBwie ] ho-ay nimaaṇee ḍeh pa-ee, mili-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
(When) I humbly fell upon (at the feet of God), He met me in natural ease.
pUrib iliKAw pwieAw nwnk sMq shwie ]8]1]4] poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa, naanak, sa t* sahaa-ay. ||8||1||4||
Nanak (says): With the help of the Guru*, I have received that was preordained for me.

8.1.4 [*Here, ‘sant’ has been used for the Guru].

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

isimRiq byd purwx pukwrin poQIAw ] nwm ibnw siB kUVu gwl@I hoCIAw ]1]
simrit bayd puraaṇ pukaaran pothee-aa. naam binaa sabh kooṛ, gaalhee hochhee-aa. ||1||
The Simritis, the Vedas, the Purans, and, other scriptures proclaim:
Without the name (of God) every thing is false and hollow (i.e. essence-less). 1
nwmu inDwnu Apwru Bgqw min vsY ] naam nidhaan apaar, bhagtaa man vasai.
The infinite treasure of the name (of God) abides within the minds of the devotee.
jnm mrx mohu duKu swDU sMig nsY ]1] rhwau ] janam maran moh dukh, saadhoo* sa g nasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(The cycle of) birth and death, attachment and pain vanish in the company of the Guru*. 1
(pause) [*Here, ‘sant’ has been used for the Guru].
moih bwid AhMkwir srpr ruMinAw ] mohi baad ahaMkaar, sarpar ruNni-aa.
(O! brethren) those who indulge in attachment, conflict and egotism surely cry (later on).
suKu n pwiein@ mUil nwm ivCuMinAw ]2] sukh na paa-inih mool, naam vichhuNni-aa. ||2||
Having separated from the name, can never find (spiritual) happiness. 2
myrI myrI Dwir bMDin bMiDAw ] mayree mayree dhaar, bandhan baNdhi-aa.
Enshrining ‘mine’ ‘mine’ (in their heart), they are bound in bondage.
nrik surig Avqwr mwieAw DMiDAw ]3] narak surag avtaar, maa-i-aa dhaNdhi-aa. ||3||
For being entangles in maya, they descend in hell and heaven (i.e. they are incarnated again
and again). 3
soDq soDq soiD qqu bIcwirAw ] nwm ibnw suKu nwih srpr hwirAw ]4]
sodhat sodhat sodh, tat beechaari-aa. naam binaa sukh naahi, sarpar haari-aa. ||4||
Having searched, searched and searched, I have come to understand the essence (of life, that):
without the name (of God) there is no (spiritual) happiness, and, one is sure to lose (the game of
life). 4
P. 762
Awvih jwih Anyk mir mir jnmqy ] aavahi jaahi anayk, mar mar janmatay.
Many (i.e. countless) come and go, (they) die, and die to be born again.
ibnu bUJy sBu vwid jonI Brmqy ]5] bin boojhay sabh vaad, jonee bharmatay. ||5||
Without having an understanding (of spiritual life), all (their activity) is useless; and, they
wander in re-incarnation. 5
ijn@ kau Bey dieAwl iqn@ swDU sMgu BieAw ] jinh ka-o bha-ay da-i-aal, tinh saadhoo* saNg bha-i-aa.
Those, upon whom He is kind, join the company of the Guru*. [*Here, sadhoo has been used for Guru].
AMimRqu hir kw nwmu iqn@I jnI jip lieAw ]6] aMmrit har kaa naam, tin ee janee jap la-i-aa. ||6||

They meditate upon the Ammrit name of God. 6

Kojih koit AsMK bhuqu Anµq ky ] khojeh kot asaNkh, bahut anaNt kay.
Tens of millions, (in fact) countless, many, unlimited search (for Amrit name of God).
ijsu buJwey Awip nyVw iqsu hy ]7] jis bujhaa-ay aap, nayṛaa tis hay. ||7||
But, only that one, whom He Himself gets to know, he attains closeness to Him. 7
ivsru nwhI dwqwr Awpxw nwmu dyhu ] visar naahee daataar, aapnaa naam dayh.
O! Giver, let me not forget You, and, bless me with Your name.

gux gwvw idnu rwiq nwnk cwau eyhu ]8]2]5]16]
guṇ gaavaa din raat, naanak, chaa-o ayhu. ||8||2||5||16||
Nanak (says): this is my fervent desire: I should sing (praise of) Your excellences, day and

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 kucjI Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 1, kuchjee*

[*kuchajee literally means ill mannered, i.e. here it means ‘the one who does not have merits to obtain love of God’].
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad
mM\u kucjI AMmwvix fosVy hau ikau shu rwvix jwau jIau ]
maNnj kuchjee, aMmaavaṇ dosṛay, ha-o ki-o saho raavaṇ jaa-o, jee-o.
I am ill-mannered, within me are endless blemishes; (in this state) how can I go and enjoy (i.e.
please) my Husband (God), O! dear.
iek dU ieik cVMdIAw kauxu jwxY myrw nwau jIau ] ik doo ik chaṛa dee-aa, ka-uṇ jaaṇai mayraa naa-o, jee-o.
(Not only me, He has countless soul-brides, and) each one is better (i.e. each one has more
virtues) than the rest; who knows even my name (i.e. I figure nowhere), O! dear.
ijn@I sKI shu rwivAw sy AMbI CwvVIeyih jIau ]
jinhee sakhee saho raavi-aa, say aMbee chhaavṛee-ayhi, jee-o.
The friends, who have enjoyed their Husband (God), are sitting under the shade of mango
(tree) (i.e. they are satiated and carefree), O! dear.
sy gux mM\u n AwvnI hau kY jI dos Dryau jIau ] say guṇ maNnj na aavnee, ha-o kai jee dos dharay-o, jee-o.
I do not have those virtues; who can I blame for this? O! dear.
ikAw gux qyry ivQrw hau ikAw ikAw iGnw qyrw nwau jIau ]
ki-aa guṇ tayray vithraa, ha-o ki-aa ki-aa ghinaa tayraa naa-o, jee-o.
Which of Your excellences should I describe, and, which of your names, should I chant, O! dear.
iekqu toil n AMbVw hau sd kurbwxY qyrY jwau jIau ]
ikat tol na aMmbṛaa, ha-o sad kurbaaṇai tayrai jaa-o, jee-o.
I cannot reach even one virtue of Tours; I am forever sacrifice unto You.
suienw rupw rMgulw moqI qY mwixku jIau ] su-inaa rupaa raNgulaa, motee tai maaṇik, jee-o.
Gold, silver, beautiful pearls and rubies (these precious things God has given me), O! dear.
sy vsqU sih idqIAw mY iqn@ isau lwieAw icqu jIau ] say vastoo seh ditee-aa, mai tinh si-o laa-i-aa chit, jee-o.
My Lord has given me these things(to use, but) I have focussed my mind on them, O! dear.
mMdr imtI sMdVy pQr kIqy rwis jIau ] maNdar mitee saNd-ṛay, pathar keetay raas, jee-o.
The houses of mud, decorated with stones, I have become satisfied in them, O! dear.
hau eynI tolI BulIAsu iqsu kMq n bYTI pwis jIau ]
ha-o aynee tolee bhulee-as, tis kNnt na baiṭee paas, jee-o.
I have been lost in these (and) have forgotten (Husband God), and, I did not sit near my
Husband (God), O! dear.
AMbir kUMjw kurlIAw bg bihTy Awie jIau ] aMbar kooNjaa kurlee-aa, bag bahiṭay aa-ay, jee-o.
The (dark coloured) cranes shrieking above in sky (have gone)*, and, (white coloured)herons
have come to sit here, O! dear.

[*The black/ dark brown hair, i.e. youth, is gone and white/ grey hair, i.e. old age has come].
sw Dn clI swhurY ikAw muhu dysI AgY jwie jIau ]
saa dhan chalee saahurai, ki-aa muhu daysee agai jaa-ay, jee-o.
That (soul) bride is going to her father-in-law's house (i.e. the mansion of God), (she has no
virtue, no good deed to her credit, hence) what face will she show there, O! dear.
suqI suqI Jwlu QIAw BulI vwtVIAwsu jIau ] sutee sutee jhaal thee-aa, bhulee vaatṛee-aas, jee-o.
She kept sleeping (in sleep of attachment and ignorance), the day has dawned, and, has
forgotten the (real) path (of life), O! dear.
qY sh nwlhu muqIAsu duKw kUM DrIAwsu jIau ] tai sah naalahu mutee-as, dukhaa kooN dharee-aas, jee-o.
She has separated from my her Husband, and, has gathered sorrows, O! dear.
quDu gux mY siB Avgxw iek nwnk kI Ardwis jIau ]
tudh gun mai sabh avgaṇaa, ik naanak kee ardaas, jee-o.
(O! God) You have all virtues, and, I have all demerits; O! dear, it is the prayer of Nanak :
siB rwqI sohwgxI mY fohwgix kweI rwiq jIau ]1]
sabh raatee sohaagaṇee, mai dohaagaṇ kaa-ee raat, jee-o. ||1||
All the happy (soul) brides wives have (i.e. enjoy) all-nights, (but can) I, the deserted one
have not even one night (of Your love), O! dear. 1

sUhI mhlw 1 sucjI ] Soohee, Mehlaa 1, suchjee*

[*suchajee literally means well- mannered, i.e. here it means ‘the one who has merits to obtain love of God’].
jw qU qw mY sBu ko qU swihbu myrI rwis jIau ] jaa too taa mai sabh ko, too saahib mayree raas, jee-o.
If You are (with me), I have everything; O! Lord, You are my capital(wealth), O! dear.
quDu AMqir hau suiK vsw qUM AMqir swbwis jIau ] tudh aNtar ha-o sukh vasaa, tooN antar saabaas, jee-o.
When You are (i.e. abide) within me, I abide in happiness. When You are within me, I obtain
honour, O! dear.
BwxY qKiq vfweIAw BwxY BIK audwis jIau ] bhaaṇai takhat vadaa-ee-aa, bhaaṇai bheekh udaas, jee-o.
By Your pleasure, (one obtains) throne (i.e. kingdom) and honour, and, by Your pleasure
one has to beg, and suffer sadness, O! dear.
BwxY Ql isir sru vhY kmlu PulY Awkwis jIau ] bhaaṇai thal sir sar vahai, kamal fulai aakaas, jee-o.
By Your pleasure, the ocean flows in the desert, and, the lotus blossoms in the sky, O!dear.
BwxY Bvjlu lµGIAY BwxY mMiJ BrIAwis jIau ] bhaaṇai bhavjal la ghee-ai, bhaaṇai ma jh bharee-aas, jee-o.
By Your pleasure, one crosses over the dreadful waters (of the world ocean); and, (it is) by
Your pleasure (that) one drowns in the middle (of the world ocean), O! dear.
BwxY so shu rMgulw isPiq rqw guxqwis jIau ] bhaaṇai so saho raNgulaa, sifat rataa guṇtaas, jee-o.
By His pleasure, that Husband (Lord) is delightful, and, one remains imbued with the praise
of the treasure of virtues, O! dear.
BwxY shu BIhwvlw hau Awvix jwix mueIAwis jIau ]
bhaanai saho bheehaavalaa ha-o aavaṇ jaaṇ mu-ee-aas jee-o.
By His pleasure, that Lord appears dreadful, and, I come and goes and die, O! dear.
qU shu Agmu Aqolvw hau kih kih Fih peIAwis jIau ]
too saho agam atolvaa, ha-o kahi kahi ḍeh pa-ee-aas, jee-o.
O! my Husband (Lord), You are inaccessible, immeasurable; talking and saying I have
fallen (at Your feet), O! dear.
ikAw mwgau ikAw kih suxI mY drsn BUK ipAwis jIau ]
ki-aa maaga-o, ki-aa kahi suṇee, mai darsan bhookh pi-aas, jee-o.
What should I beg for, and, what should I say and hear. I am hungry and thirsty for Your
gur sbdI shu pwieAw scu nwnk kI Ardwis jIau ]2]
gur sabdee saho paa-i-aa, sach naanak kee ardaas, jee-o. ||2||
I have found my Husband (Lord) through the word of the Guru. True is the prayer of Nanak,
O! dear. 2
P. 763
sUhI mhlw 5 guxvMqI ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5, guṇvaNtee* [*literally: the virtuous lady (soul
[This verse is in the form of question - answer; the first six lines, there is a question, followed by answer].
jo dIsY gurisKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ] jo deesai gursikh-ṛaa, tis niv niv laaga-o paa-ay, jee-o.
When I see a sikh (i.e. follower) of the Guru, bowing, I humbly bow at his feet, O! dear.
AwKw ibrQw jIA kI guru sjxu dyih imlwie jIau ] aakhaa birthaa jee-a kee, gur sajan deh milaa-ay, jee-o.
I tell to him the pain of my soul, (and beg him to) get me meet my (i.e unite me with my) Guru,
my friend, O! dear.
soeI dis aupdysVw myrw mnu Anq n kwhU jwie jIau ]
so-ee das updaysṛaa, mayraa man anat na kaahoo jaa-ay, jee-o.
( I also request him to) give me such an advice, that my mind may not go out (i.e. wander) any
where else, O! dear.
iehu mnu qY kUM fyvsw mY mwrgu dyhu bqwie jIau ] ih man tai kooN dayvsaa, mai maarag dayh bataa-ay, jee-o.
I shall dedicate this mind(of mine) to you, (please) show me the path (to the Guru), O! dear.
hau AwieAw dUrhu cil kY mY qkI qau srxwie jIau ]
ha-o aa-i-aa doorahu chal kai, mai takee ta-o sarṇaa-ay, jee-o.
I have come (to you) so far; I have sought your refuge, O! dear.
mY Awsw rKI iciq mih myrw sBo duKu gvwie jIau ]
mai aasaa rakhee chit meh, mayraa sabho dukh gavaa-ay, jee-o.
Within my mind, I have placed hope (in you), (please) take all my sufferings away, O! dear.
[The answer]:
iequ mwrig cly BweIAVy guru khY su kwr kmwie jIau ]
it maarag chalay, bhaa-ee-aṛay, gur kahai so kaar kamaa-ay, jee-o.
Walk on this path, O! brethren, do that work which the Guru tells to do.
iqAwgyN mn kI mqVI ivswryN dUjw Bwau jIau ] ti-aagayn man kee mat-ṛee, visaaran doojaa bhaa-o, jee-o.

Abandon the wisdom (i.e. instruction) of mind, and forget the love for other (i.e. duality).
ieau pwvih hir drswvVw nh lgY qqI vwau jIau ]
i-o paavahi har darsaavaṛaa, nah lagai tatee vaa-o, jee-o.
In this way you shall obtain the vision of God, and, the hot winds shall not even touch you (i.e.
you shall not face any harm, calamity), O! dear.
hau Awphu boil n jwxdw mY kihAw sBu hukmwau jIau ]
ha-o aaphu bol na jaaṇdaa, mai kahi-aa sabh hukmaa-o, jee-o.
By myself, I do not know how to speak; I have said that he has commanded me to say, O! dear.

hir Bgiq Kjwnw bKisAw guir nwnik kIAw pswau jIau ]
har bhagat khajaanaa bakhsi-aa, gur, naanak, kee-aa pasaa-o, jee-o.
God has blessed me with the treasure of devotion, (because), Nanak (says): the Guru is
compassionate to me, O! dear.
mY bhuiV n iqRsnw BuKVI hau rjw iqRpiq AGwie jIau ]
mai bahuṛ na tarisnaa bhukh-ṛee, ha-o rajaa taripat aghaa-ay, jee-o.
I have no more thirst or hunger, I am fulfilled, satisfied and satisfied, O! dear.
jo gur dIsY isKVw iqsu iniv iniv lwgau pwie jIau ]3]
jo gur deesai sikh-ṛaa, tis niv niv laaga-o paa-ay, jee-o. ||3||
When I see a sikh (i.e. follower) of the Guru, bowing, I humbly bow at his feet, O! dear. 3

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 1 Gru 1 Raag Soohee, chhaNt , Mehlaa 1, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Bir jobin mY mq pyeIAVY Gir pwhuxI bil rwm jIau ]
bhar joban mai mat, pay-ee-aṛai ghar paahuṇee, bal raam jee-o.
During prime youth, (as if) I was intoxicated, (not knowing that) I was only a guest in my
parents’ house (i.e. in this world, I was here for a short stay); (this was all Your play, and) (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
[*bal raam jee-o is a poetic rhyming, like an onomatopoeia. Literally ‘bal’ means sacrifice, ‘raam’ means God and jeeo
means O! dear. This is also an expression of love/ wonder].
mYlI Avgix iciq ibnu gur gux n smwvnI bil rwm jIau ]
mailee avgaṇ chit, bin gur guṇ na samaavanee ,bal raam jee-o.
My mind is polluted with vices; without the Guru, the virtues cannot merge in it; (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
gux swr n jwxI Brim BulwxI jobnu bwid gvwieAw ]
guṇ saar na jaaṇee, bharam bhulaaṇee, joban baad gavaa-i-aa.
I have not known (i.e. realized) the value of virtues; I was deluded by doubts; thus, I wasted
away my youth (in vain).
vru Gru dru drsnu nhI jwqw ipr kw shju n BwieAw ]
var, ghar dar, darsan, nahee jaataa, pir kaa sahj na bhaa-i-aa.
I have not known my Husband (Lord), nor (His) mansion and gate, nor (His blessed) vision; I
have not enjoyed the (peace of) poise of (the company of) Husband (Lord).
siqgur pUiC n mwrig cwlI sUqI rYix ivhwxI ] satgur poochh na maarag chaalee, sootee raiṇ vihaaṇee.
I have not asked the Guru, to walk on the path (of God); thus, my night has passed in sleep
(i.e. my life has passed in darkness of ignorance).
nwnk bwlqix rwfypw ibnu ipr Dn kumlwxI ]1] naanak, baaltaṇ raadaypaa, bin pir dhan kumlaanee. ||1||
Nanak (says): In the prime of my youth, (as if) I have been widowed; and, without Husband.
the bride is withering (i.e. wasting away). 1
bwbw mY vru dyih mY hir vru BwvY iqs kI bil rwm jIau ]
baabaa, mai var deh, mai har var bhaavai, tis kee, bal raam jee-o.
O! Baba (i.e. O! True Guru), bless me with Husband (Lord), I am pleased with God as my
husband, I belong to Him. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
riv rihAw jug cwir iqRBvx bwxI ijs kI bil rwm jIau ]
rav rahi-aa jug chaar, taribhavaṇ banee jis kee, bal raam jee-o.
He word (i.e. comaand) is pervading throughout the four (i.e. all the) Ages, (and all) the three
worlds. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
iqRBvx kMqu rvY sohwgix AvgxvMqI dUry ] taribhavaṇ kaNt ravai sohagaṇ, avgaṇvaNtee dooray.
The Lord of three worlds is enjoys happy (soul) brides, and, the virtue-less are far away.
jYsI Awsw qYsI mnsw pUir rihAw BrpUry ] jaisee aasaa taisee mansaa, poor rahi-aa bharpooray.
As one (i.e. the soul bride) hopes so is her desire fulfilled by the All- pervading (God).
hir kI nwir su srb suhwgix rWf n mYlY vysy ] har kee naar so sarab suhaagaṇ; raand, na mailai vaysay.
The (soul) bride of God is forever happy bride (i.e. she fully enjoys marital bliss); she is never a
widow, nor she is in dirty robes.
nwnk mY vru swcw BwvY juig juig pRIqm qYsy ]2]
naanak, mai var saachaa bhaavai, jug jug pareetam taisay. ||2||
Nanak (says): I love my True Husband, (my) Beloved is the same throughout all the Ages. 2
bwbw lgnu gxwie hM BI vM\w swhurY bil rwm jIau ]
baabaa, lagan gaṇaa-ay, haN bhee vanjaa saahurai, bal raam jee-o.
O! Baba, get auspicious moment calculated (i.e. create such situation), (so that) I may also go
to my in-laws (i.e. to my Husband God). (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
swhw hukmu rjwie so n tlY jo pRBu krY bil rwm jIau ]
saahaa hukam rajaa-ay, so na talai, jo prabh karai, bal raam jee-o.
The moment of that marriage is by His command; it can not be not changed;( it happens as)
God commands. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
ikrqu pieAw krqY kir pwieAw myit n skY koeI ] kirat pa-i-aa kartai kar paa-i-aa, mayt na sakai ko-ee.
As per one’s deeds, the Creator has fixed (for him), it can not be erased by any one.
jw\I nwau nrh inhkyvlu riv rihAw iqhu loeI ] jaanjee naa-o narah nihkayval, rav rahi-aa tihu lo-ee.
He, who is pervading three worlds, but is unattached from the beings, accompanies the
marriage party(as Husband Lord).
mwie inrwsI roie ivCuMnI bwlI bwlY hyqy ] maa-ay niraasee, ro-ay vichhuNnee, baalee baalai haytay.
Maya (becomes) helpless and cries in (pain of) separation, (on seeing) that the (soul) bride
and the Husband(God) are in love.
nwnk swc sbid suK mhlI gur crxI pRBu cyqy ]3]
naanak, saach sabad sukh mahlee, gur charṇee prabh chaytay. ||3||
Nanak (says): (The soul bride) enjoys pleasure in the mansion (of Husband Lord) through the
True word; and, remembers God through the feet of (i.e. by following the path of) the Guru. 3
P. 764
bwbuil idqVI dUir nw AwvY Gir pyeIAY bil rwm jIau ]
baabul dit-ṛee door, naa aavai ghar pay-ee-ai, bal raam jee-o.
(My) father has given me (in marriage) far away, I shall not return to parent's home [ i.e. the
Guru has got me go me far away (from maya); now I shall not have to come back into this world
i.e. re-incarnation], (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.

rhsI vyiK hdUir ipir rwvI Gir sohIAY bil rwm jIau ]
rahsee vaykh hadoor, pir raavee ghar sohee-ai, bal raam jee-o.
I am happy to see my Beloved’s presence near me, when he has enjoys me, I appear
embellished, (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
swcy ipr loVI pRIqm joVI miq pUrI prDwny ] saachay pir loṛee, pareetam jorhee, mat pooree pardhaanay.
The True Beloved desired, so He has united me, and, has made my intellect prominent (i.e.
sMjogI mylw Qwin suhylw guxvMqI gur igAwny ] sanjogee maylaa,thaan suhaylaa, guṇvaNtee gur gi-aanay.
By (good) destiny I am united (with Him), and, have obtained beautiful place (in His
mansion); (I have become) virtuous through the Guru’s grace.
squ sMqoKu sdw scu plY scu bolY ipr Bwey ] sat saNtokh, sadaa sach palai, sach bolai pir bhaa-ay.
(One, who) has chastity and contentment (with her), and, truth is always in her lap (i.e. in her
heart), the Beloved is pleased with her truthful speech.
nwnk ivCuiV nw duKu pwey gurmiq AMik smwey ]4]1]
naanak, vichhuṛ naa dukh paa-ay, gurmat aNk samaa-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): She shall not suffer (pain of) separation, and, she merges into the embrace (of
the Beloved) through Guru’s wisdom. 4.1

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 CMqu Gru 2 Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 1, chhaNt ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hm Gir swjn Awey ] swcY myil imlwey ] ham ghar saajan aa-ay. saachai mayl milaa-ay.
My friends have come into my home (i.e. heart); the True (Lord) has caused this union.
shij imlwey hir min Bwey pMc imly suKu pwieAw ]
ahj milaa-ay har man bhaa-ay paNch milay sukh paa-i-aa.
(He has) united (me) in ease (spontaneously); (now) God is now pleasing to me; meeting the
five (noble ones) I have found (spiritual) happiness; and,
sweI vsqu prwpiq hoeI ijsu syqI mnu lwieAw ]
saa-ee vasat paraapat ho-ee jis saytee man laa-i-aa.
I have obtained the same (thing i.e. the name of the Lord) which my mind had desired.
Anidnu mylu BieAw mnu mwinAw Gr mMdr sohwey ]
an-din mayl bha-i-aa man maani-aa, ghar maNdar sohaa-ay.
Meeting with Him day and night, my mind is satisfied (i.e. attuned with Him); my home i.e.
heart) and mansion have been beautified.
pMc sbd Duin Anhd vwjy hm Gir swjn Awey ]1]
paNch sabad dhun anhad vaajay, ham ghar saajan aa-ay. ||1||
The unstruck sounds of the sound of the five words* (i.e. instruments) resound, since my
friends have come into my home (i.e. heart). 1
[*Sounds of five musical instruments: stringed instruments, leather-mounted instruments, metal instruments, earthen
instruments and wind instruments].
Awvhu mIq ipAwry ] mMgl gwvhu nwry ] aavhu meet pi-aaray. maNgal gaavhu naaray.
Come, O! dear friends; sing the song of joy, O! ladies (i.e. sense organs).
scu mMglu gwvhu qw pRB Bwvhu soihlVw jug cwry ]
sach maNgal gaavhu, taa prabh bhaavahu, sohilṛaa jug chaaray.
Sing true songs of joy, thus, God will be pleased(with you). You shall obtain joy throughout
the four (i.e. all the) Ages.
ApnY Gir AwieAw Qwin suhwieAw kwrj sbid svwry ]
apnai ghar aa-i-aa, thaan suhaa-i-aa, kaaraj sabad savaaray.
(My Husband) has come His own home, and, the place (i.e. my heart) has been beautified; my
affairs have been settled through word.
igAwn mhw rsu nyqRI AMjnu iqRBvx rUpu idKwieAw ]
gi-aan mahaa ras naytree aNjan, taribhavaṇ roop dikhaa-i-aa.
Applying the collyrium (i.e. knowledge) of the supreme essence of (spiritual) wisdom, into my
eyes, He has shown me the form (i.e. beauty) of the Lord pervading the three worlds.
sKI imlhu ris mMglu gwvhu hm Gir swjnu AwieAw ]2]
sakhee milhu, ras maNgal gaavhu, ham ghar saajan aa-i-aa. ||2||
Join (with me) O! friends, and, sing the songs of pure joy, my Beloved has come into my
home. 2
mnu qnu AMimRiq iBMnw ] AMqir pRymu rqMnw ] man tan aMmrit bhiNnaa. antar paraym rataNnaa.
My mind and body are drenched with AMmrit (name); and, within me is the jewel of (His) love.
AMqir rqnu pdwrQu myrY prm qqu vIcwro ] antar ratan padaarath mayrai, param tat veechaaro.
Within me is (priceless) jewel (of name); and, I contemplate the supreme essence (i.e. God).
jMq ByK qU sPilE dwqw isir isir dyvxhwro ] jaNt bhaykh, too safli-o daataa, sir sir dayvaṇhaaro.
All the beings are beggars, and, You are the (great) Giver of fruits (i.e. rewards), giving each
one. You are the Giver to each and every person.
qU jwnu igAwnI AMqrjwmI Awpy kwrxu kInw ] too jaan, gi-aanee, aNtarjaamee; aapay kaaraṇ keenaa.
You are the Knower, (You are) the (treasure of) knowledge; (You are) the Controller of the
Inner-seves (i.e. souls). You Yourself have caused the creation.
sunhu sKI mnu mohin moihAw qnu mnu AMimRiq BInw ]3]
sunhu sakhee man mohan mohi-aa, tan man aMmrit bheenaa. ||3||
Listen O! friends, the Enticer (Lord) has enticed my mind, and, my mind body are drenched
with AMmrit. 3
Awqm rwmu sMswrw ] swcw Kylu qum@wrw ] aatam raam saNsaaraa. saachaa khayl tum aaraa.

O! Supreme soul of the world, (this world) is Your true play.

scu Kylu qum@wrw Agm Apwrw quDu ibnu kauxu buJwey ]
sach khayl tum aaraa, agam apaaraa, tudh bin ka-uṇ bujhaa-ay.

Your play (i.e. creation) is true, O! Inaccessible and Infinite (Lord), without You who can
make me understand (this mystery).
isD swiDk isAwxy kyqy quJ ibnu kvxu khwey ] sidh saadhik si-aaṇay kaytay tujh bin kavaṇ kahaa-ay.
There are many (i.e. countless) sidhs (claiming miraculous powers), and seekers (of
miraculous powers) and wise; (but) without You who call Himself (powerful).
kwlu ibkwlu Bey dyvwny mnu rwiKAw guir Twey ] kaal bikaal bha-ay dayvaanay, man raakhi-aa gur ṭaa-ay.
They have become crazy (i.e. ardent devotees), and, have arisen above birth and death
(because) the Guru has keept their mind in place (i.e. in equipoise).
wnk Avgx sbid jlwey gux sMgim pRBu pwey ]4]1]2]
naanak ,avgaṇ sabad jalaa-ay, guṇ saNgam prabh paa-ay. ||4||1||2||
Nanak (says): Those who have burnt their vices through (meditation upon) word, they have
obtained (union) with God through by accumulating virtues. 4.1.2

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 Gru 3 raag soohee mehlaa 1 ghar 3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awvhu sjxw hau dyKw drsnu qyrw rwm ] aavhu sajṇaa, ha-o daykhaa darsan tayraa, raam.
Come O! friend, (so that) I may behold Your vision, O! God.
Gir AwpnVY KVI qkw mY min cwau Gnyrw rwm ]
ghar aapnaṛai khaṛee takaa, mai man chaa-o ghanayraa, raam.
Standing in my home (i.e. heart), I am waiting for You (i.e. my heart is waiting for you); my
mind is filled with great fervency (i.e. my mind is very eager), O! God.
min cwau Gnyrw suix pRB myrw mY qyrw Brvwsw ]
man chaa-o ghanayraa, suṇ prabh mayraa, mai tayraa bharvaasaa.
My mind is filled with great fervency, hear me, O! God, I place my faith in You.
drsnu dyiK BeI inhkyvl jnm mrx duKu nwsw ] darsan daykh bha-ee nihkayval, janam maraṇ dukh naasaa.
Having a vision of You, I have become free of desires (of maya, i.e. have become detached); the
pains of birth and death are gone away.
P. 765
sglI joiq jwqw qU soeI imilAw Bwie suBwey ] saglee jot, jaataa too so-ee; mili-aa bhaa-ay subhaa-ay.
Your light is in everyone; You are known through it (i.e. Your light). Through love, You have
met me in ease.
nwnk swjn kau bil jweIAY swic imly Gir Awey ]1]
naanak, saajan ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai, saach milay ghar aa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Let us be a sacrifice unto our (that) friend, whom the True (Lord) comes to
meet them in their home (i.e. heart). 1
Gir AwieAVy swjnw qw Dn KrI srsI rwm ] ghar aa-i-aṛay saajnaa, taa dhan kharee sarsee, raam.
When her (Beloved) friend came (to meet her) in her home (i.e. heart), O! dear, the (soul)
bride was greatly pleased, O! God.
hir moihAVI swc sbid Twkur dyiK rhMsI rwm ] har mohi-aṛee saach sabad, ṭaakur daykh raha see, raam.
She was fascinated by the True word; beholding Him she was filled with joy, O! God.
gux sMig rhMsI KrI srsI jw rwvI rMig rwqY ] gun saNg rahaNsee, kharee sarsee, jaa raavee rang raatai.
She was filled with joy, (and she) blossomed with joy, when she was enjoyed by Lord she was
imbued with love.
Avgx mwir guxI Gru CwieAw pUrY puriK ibDwqY ] avgaṇ maar, guṇee ghar chhaa-i-aa, poorai purakh bidhaatai.
Destroying her demerits (i.e. vices), her house (i.e. heart) was covered (i.e. filled) with virtues.
by the perfect Primal Person, the Architect of Destiny (i.e. God).
qskr mwir vsI pMcwieix Adlu kry vIcwry ] taskar maar, vasee paNchaa-iṇ, adal karay veechaaray.
Killing (i.e. conquering) the (five) thieves (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed etc), she was
established as chief, and, she administered justice wisely.
nwnk rwm nwim insqwrw gurmiq imlih ipAwry ]2] naanak, raam naam nistaaraa, gurmat mileh pi-aaray. ||2||
Nanak (says): Emancipation is through the name of God; one meets (i.e. gets united with) the
Beloved (Lord) through the wisdom of Guru. 2
vru pwieAVw bwlVIey Awsw mnsw pUrI rwm ] var paa-i-aṛaa baalṛee-ay, aasaa mansaa pooree, raam.
The young bride has found her Husband (Lord), her hopes and desires are fulfilled, O! God.
ipir rwivAVI sbid rlI riv rihAw nh dUrI rwm ] pir raavi-aṛee sabad ralee, rav rahi-aa nah dooree, raam.
Merging in the Word, she enjoyed her Husband (Lord), (who is) pervading (everywhere, and),
(He) is not far away (from her), O! God.
pRBu dUir n hoeI Git Git soeI iqs kI nwir sbweI ]
prabh door na ho-ee, ghat ghat so-ee, tis kee naar sabaa-ee.
God is not far away, He is (pervading) in each and every heart; all are His (soul) brides.
Awpy rsIAw Awpy rwvy ijau iqs dI vifAweI ] aapay rasee-aa, aapay raavay, ji-o tis dee vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself is the enjoyer, He Himself enjoys; this is His greatness.
Amr Afolu Amolu Apwrw guir pUrY scu pweIAY ] amar adol amol apaaraa, gur poorai sach paa-ee-ai.
God is Imperishable, Unmoving, invaluable and infinite. The True (Lord) is obtained
through the perfect Guru.
nwnk Awpy jog sjogI ndir kry ilv lweIAY ]3] naanak, aapay jog sajogee, nadar karay liv laa-ee-ai. ||3||
Nanak (says): He Himself unites in union by His (glance of) grace; (and then) one attunes
oneself with Him. 3
ipru aucVIAY mwVVIAY iqhu loAw isrqwjw rwm ] pir uchṛee-ai maaṛ-ṛee-ai, tihu lo-aa sirtaajaa, raam.
My Husband (Lord) dwells in high mansions; He is the Supreme (Lord) of the three worlds,
O! God.
hau ibsm BeI dyiK guxw Anhd sbd Agwjw rwm ]
ha-o bisam bha-ee daykh guṇaa, anhad sabad agaajaa, raam.
I am wonder-struck by seeing His excellences, and, the unstruck sound of word has been
revealed (i.e. is resounding) all around, O! God.
sbdu vIcwrI krxI swrI rwm nwmu nIswxo ] sabad veechaaree, karṇee saaree, raam naam neesaaṇo.
Those, who contemplate the word, and, perform sublime deeds, (they) are blessed with
insignia of the name of God.
nwm ibnw Koty nhI Twhr nwmu rqnu prvwxo ] naam binaa khotay nahee ṭaahar, naam ratan parvaaṇo.
Without the name, the false do not find place (in the court of God), (because) only the jewel
of name is accepted there.
piq miq pUrI pUrw prvwnw nw AwvY nw jwsI ] pat mat pooree, pooraa parvaanaa, naa aavai naa jaasee.
One who has perfect writ of acceptance, his honour and wisdom are perfect; he shall not
have to come or go (in re-incarnation).
nwnk gurmuiK Awpu pCwxY pRB jYsy AivnwsI ]4]1]3]
naanak, gurmukh aap pachhaaṇai, prabh jaisay avinaasee. ||4||1||3||
Nanak (says): One, who understands (i.e. realizes) his own self through the Guru, he
becomes imperishable like God. 4.1.3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 1 Gru 4 ] Raag Soohee, chhaNt, Mehlaa 1, ghar 4
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw jgu DMDVY lwieAw ] jin kee-aa, tin daykhi-aa, jag dhaNdh-ṛai laa-i-aa.
He, who has created the world, is watching (i.e. looking after) it; (He) has enjoined (the people
of the) world to their tasks.
dwin qyrY Git cwnxw qin cMdu dIpwieAw ] daan tayrai ghat chaanṇaa, tan chaNd deepaa-i-aa.
(O! brethren) His gift (i.e. light) has illumined your heart, and, your body is shining like moon.
cMdo dIpwieAw dwin hir kY duKu AMDyrw auiT gieAw ]
chaNdo deepaa-i-aa daan har kai, dukh aNdhayraa uṭ ga-i-aa.
Your (body) moon is illumining by God’s gift; the darkness of suffering has gone away.
gux jM\ lwVy nwil sohY priK mohxIAY lieAw ]
gun jaNnj laaṛay naal sohai, parakh mohṇee-ai la-i-aa.
(Seeing) the virtuous marriage party looking nice with of the bridegroom; the enticing (soul
bride) carefully chose her Husband.
vIvwhu hoAw soB syqI pMc sbdI AwieAw ] veevaahu ho-aa sobh saytee, paNch sabdee aa-i-aa.
The wedding is performed with grandeur, and, He has arrived (in her home i.e. heart) with
the singing of the five words (i.e. the five sounds of different musical instruments).
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw jgu DMDVY lwieAw ]1] jin kee-aa, tin daykhi-aa, jag dhandh-ṛai laa-i-aa. ||1||
He, who has created the world, is watching (i.e. looking after) it; (He) has enjoined (the people
of the) world to their tasks.1
hau bilhwrI swjnw mIqw AvrIqw ] ha-o balihaaree saajnaa, meetaa avreetaa.
I am a sacrifice unto my dears, my friends who are free (from maya).
iehu qnu ijn isau gwifAw mnu lIAVw dIqw ] ih tan jin si-o gaadi-aa, man lee-aṛaa deetaa.
I have attached this body with them, and, have shared my mind with them.
lIAw q dIAw mwnu ijn@ isau sy sjn ikau vIsrih ] lee-aa ta dee-aa maan jinh si-o, say sajan ki-o veesrahi.
Those, with whom I have shared my honour, how could I forget those friends?
ijn@ idis AwieAw hoih rlIAw jIA syqI gih rhih ] jinh dis aa-i-aa hohi ralee-aa, jee-a saytee geh raheh.
Beholding them brings (spiritual) joy to my heart, I keep them clasped (close) to my soul
sgl gux Avgxu n koeI hoih nIqw nIqw ] sagal guṇ avgaṇ na ko-ee, hohi neetaa neetaa.
They have all virtues, and no demerits (i.e. vices), and, it is so forever and ever.
hau bilhwrI swjnw mIqw AvrIqw ]2] ha-o balihaaree saajnaa,meetaa avreetaa. ||2||
I am a sacrifice unto my dears, my friends who are free (from maya). 2
guxw kw hovY vwsulw kiF vwsu leIjY ] guṇaa kaa hovai vaasulaa, kaḍ vaas la-eejai.
If there is a box of virtues, (we) should enjoy the fragrance (of virtues).
jy gux hovin@ swjnw imil swJ krIjY ] jay guṇ hovnih saajnaa, mil saajh kareejai.
If my friends are blessed with virtues, should join them and share those (virtues).
P. 766
swJ krIjY guxh kyrI Coif Avgx clIAY ] saajh kareejai guṇah kayree, chhod avgaṇ, chalee-ai.

(Let us) share (only) virtues, and, abandon the vices, and, walk (on the path of the Guru).
pihry ptMbr kir AfMbr Awpxw ipVu mlIAY ] pahiray pataMbar, kar adaMbar, aapnaa piṛ malee-ai.
Let us wear silk (i.e. virtues should be our robe), decorate ourselves (with love and generosity),
and hold our ground in arena (of spiritual life).
ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY Joil AMimRqu pIjY ] jithai jaa-ay bahee-ai, bhalaa kahee-ai, jhol aMmrit peejai.
Wherever we go and sit, (let us) speak of goodness, and, stain (vices) and drink AMmrit.
guxw kw hovY vwsulw kiF vwsu leIjY ]3] guṇaa kaa hovai vaasulaa, kaḍ vaas la-eejai. ||3||
If there is a box of virtues, (we) should enjoy the fragrance (of virtues). 3
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY horu kry n koeI ] aap karay, kis aakhee-ai ,hor karay na ko-ee.
He Himself does (everything), unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything.
AwKx qw kau jweIAY jy BUlVw hoeI ] aakhaṇ taa ka-o jaa-ee-ai, jay bhoolṛaa ho-ee.
One can go and complain to Him if He makes mistakes.
jy hoie BUlw jwie khIAY Awip krqw ikau BulY ] jay ho-ay bhoolaa jaa-ay kahee-ai, aap kartaa ki-o bhulai.
If He makes mistakes, (then, let us) go ahead and complain (to Him). (But) how can the
Creator Himself make mistakes?
suxy dyKy bwJu kihAY dwnu AxmMigAw idvY ] sunay daykhay baajh kahi-ai, daan aṇmaNgi-aa divai.
He sees, He hears, and, even without our asking, He gives the gifts without our begging.
dwnu dyie dwqw jig ibDwqw nwnkw scu soeI ] daan day-ay daataa, jag bidhaataa, naankaa sach so-ee.
The Giver, the Architect of Destiny, gives gifts (to us); Nanak (says): He is the True (Lord).
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY horu kry n koeI ]4]1]4] aap karay, kis aakhee-ai, hor karay na ko-ee. ||4||1||4||
He Himself does (everything), unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything. 4.1.4

sUhI mhlw 1 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 1

myrw mnu rwqw gux rvY min BwvY soeI ] mayraa man raataa guṇ ravai, man bhaavai so-ee.
My mind, imbued with love, chants His excellences; He alone is pleasing to my mind.
gur kI pauVI swc kI swcw suKu hoeI ] gur kee pa-oṛee saach kee, saachaa sukh ho-ee.
This is the ladder of the Guru to reach the True, (climbing it) one obtains true happiness.
suiK shij AwvY swc BwvY swc kI miq ikau tlY ] sukh sahj aavai, saach bhaavai, saach kee mat ki-o talai.
(When) one obtains poise and (spiritual) happiness, the True is pleased; (then) the wisdom of
the True (path) does not get erased.
iesnwnu dwnu suigAwnu mjnu Awip ACilE ikau ClY ] isnaan daan sugi-aan majan, aap achhli-o, ki-o chhalai.
(Having cleansing ritual) baths, (giving) charity, spiritual knowledge, and (conducting rituals
of) bathing, cannot deceive the Un-deceivable (Lord).
prpMc moh ibkwr Qwky kUVu kptu n doeI ] parpaNch moh bikaar thaakay, kooṛ kapat na do-ee.
Deceit, (emotional) attachment, evil-deeds are all worn out (i.e. these are no more within me);
(and so are) falsehood, fraud and duality.
myrw mnu rwqw gux rvY min BwvY soeI ]1] mayraa man raataa guṇ ravai, man bhaavai so-ee. ||1||
My mind, imbued with love, chants His excellences; He alone is pleasing to my mind. 1
swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin kwrxu kIAw ] saahib so salaahee-ai, jin kaaraṇ kee-aa.
Let us praise that Master, who has caused this Creation.
mYlu lwgI min mYilAY iknY AMimRqu pIAw ] mail laagee man maili-ai, kinai aMmrit pee-aa.
Filth sticks (only) to the polluted mind, rare are those who drunk AMmrit.
miQ AMimRqu pIAw iehu mnu dIAw gur pih molu krwieAw ]
math aMmrit pee-aa, ih man dee-aa, gur peh mol karaa-i-aa.
I churned AMmrit and drunk it in, and, dedicated my mind to the Guru, thus got it (i.e. my
mind) valued by him (i.e. the Guru).
AwpnVw pRBu shij pCwqw jw mnu swcY lwieAw ]
aapnaṛaa prabh sahj pachhaataa, jaa man saachai laa-i-aa.
I realized my Lord, in ease, when I attached my mind to the True (Lord).
iqsu nwil gux gwvw jy iqsu Bwvw ikau imlY hoie prwieAw ]
tis naal guṇ gaavaa, jay tis bhaavaa, ki-o milai ho-ay paraa-i-aa.
I (will) sing (praise of) His excellences if it pleases Him; how could one meet Him being a
swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin jgqu aupwieAw ]2] saahib so salaahee-ai, jin jagat upaa-i-aa. ||2||
Let us praise that Master, who has caused this Creation. 2
Awie gieAw kI n AwieE ikau AwvY jwqw ] aa-ay ga-i-aa, kee na aa-i-o, ki-o aavai jaataa.
When He coming (in mind) what else has not come? how can there be coming and going (i.e.
then there is no re-incarnation)?
pRIqm isau mnu mwinAw hir syqI rwqw ] pareetam si-o man maani-aa, har saytee raataa.
The mind is reconciled with the Beloved (Lord), (then) it is imbued with God.
swihb rMig rwqw sc kI bwqw ijin ibMb kw kotu auswirAw ]
saahib raNg raataa sach kee baataa, jin bimb kaa kot usaari-aa.
Imbued with the Lord, one talks about the True (Lord), who has created the fort (i.e. body)
from bubble (i.e. drop of semen).
pMc BU nwieko Awip isrMdw ijin sc kw ipMfu svwirAw ]
paNch bhoo naa-iko, aap siraNdaa, jin sach kaa piNd savaari-aa.
(He is) the Master of the five elements; (He) Himself is the Creator; (He) has embellished the
body of the True (as abode of the True).
hm AvgixAwry qU suix ipAwry quDu BwvY scu soeI ]
ham avgaṇi-aaray, too suṇ pi-aaray, tudh bhaavai sach so-ee.
I am virtue-less, (please) hear me, O! my Beloved (Lord); whatever pleases You, that (alone)
is True.
Awvx jwxw nw QIAY swcI miq hoeI ]3] aavaṇ jaaṇaa naa thee-ai, saachee mat ho-ee. ||3||
His coming and going ceases, and, his understanding becomes true. 3
AMjnu qYsw AMjIAY jYsw ipr BwvY ] anjan taisaa anjee-ai, jaisaa pir bhaavai.
(The soul bride should) apply that collyrium to her eyes, which is pleasing to the Beloved (i.e.
with which she may become acceptable to Husband Lord).
smJY sUJY jwxIAY jy Awip jwxwvY ] samjhai soojhai jaaṇee-ai, jay aap jaaṇaavai.
(But) one can perceive, understand and know (i.e. realize), if He Himself gets one to know.
Awip jwxwvY mwrig pwvY Awpy mnUAw lyvey ] aap jaaṇaavai, maarag paavai, aapay manoo-aa layv-ay.
He Himself gets one to know (i.e. shows the path), leads him to that path; and, He Himself
attracts (i.e. attaches) mind (towards Himself).
krm sukrm krwey Awpy kImiq kaux AByvey ] karam sukaram karaa-ay, aapay keemat ka-uṇ abhayva-ay.
He Himself causes on to do good deeds and bad deeds; Who can assess the value of the

Mysterious (Lord)?
qMqu mMqu pwKMfu n jwxw rwmu irdY mnu mwinAw ] taNt maNt pakhaNd na jaaṇaa, raam ridai man maani-aa.
I do not know any Tantric spell (i.e. black magic), magical dictum or hypocritical rituals; (I
have) enshrined God within my heart and my mind is satisfied.
AMjnu nwmu iqsY qy sUJY gur sbdI scu jwinAw ]4] a jan naam tisai tay soojhai, gur sabdee sach jaani-aa ||4||
The collyrium (i.e. knowledge) of name is understood by those who realize the True through
the word of the Guru. 4
swjn hovin Awpxy ikau pr Gr jwhI ] saajan hovan aapnay, ki-o par ghar jaahee.
If one has one’s own friends (i.e. devotee friends), why should he lgo to some stranger’s house?
swjn rwqy sc ky sMgy mn mwhI ] saajan raatay sach kay, saNgay man maahee.
My friends are imbued with the True (Lord), they enjoy (being in) His company in their mind.
mn mwih swjn krih rlIAw krm Drm sbwieAw ] ATsiT qIrQ puMn pUjw nwmu swcw BwieAw ] man maahi saajan
karahi ralee-aa, karam dharam sabaa-i-aa. aṭsaṭ tirath punn poojaa, naam saachaa bhaa-i-aa.
They enjoy pleasure (of the love) of their friend in their mind, and (for them in this are): all
religious rituals and ceremonies; (and also) sixty eight places of (Hindu) pilgrimage, the
charity, the worship etc. are included in it if the name of the True (God) is pleasing to mind.
[all religious rituals, pilgrimage, charity, worship etc are included in loving the True Lord].
P. 767
Awip swjy Qwip vyKY iqsY Bwxw BwieAw ] aap saajay, thaap vaykhai, tisai bhaaṇaa bhaa-i-aa.
He Himself creates, establishes and looks after them, and, they are pleased in His will.
swjn rWig rMgIlVy rMgu lwlu bxwieAw ]5] saajan raang raNgeelṛay raNg laal banaa-i-aa. ||5||
My (such) friends are happy in His love; He (i.e. God) has embodied love in them. 5
AMDw AwgU jy QIAY ikau pwDru jwxY ] aNdhaa aagoo jay thee-ai, ki-o paadhar jaaṇai.
If the blind becomes the leader, how does he know the way? (i.e. he can not show the path of life).
Awip musY miq hoCIAY ikau rwhu pCwxY ] aap musai, mat hochhee-ai, ki-o raahu pachhaaṇai.
He Himself is plundered, because of his inadequate (i.e. hollow) wisdom. How can one
recognize (i.e. find) the path (in his leadership/ guidance).
ikau rwih jwvY mhlu pwvY AMD kI miq AMDlI ] ki-o raahi jaavai, mahal paavai, aNdh kee mat aNdhlee.
How can he be on the (right) path, to find the mansion (i.e. court of God). Blind (i.e.
misleading) is the wisdom of the blind.
ivxu nwm hir ky kCu n sUJY AMDu bUfO DMDlI ] viṇ naam har kay, kachh na soojhai, aNdh boodou dhandhlee.
Without the name of God, nothing can be understood; the blind are drowned in the worldly
idnu rwiq cwnxu cwau aupjY sbdu gur kw min vsY ] din raat chaanaṇ chaa-o upjai, sabad gur kaa man vasai.
(On the other hand) the light (of the name of the Lord) shines forth and zeal (to know the path of
God) wells up (in their minds) of those, in whose minds the word of Guru abide .
kr joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI rwhu pwDru guru dsY ]6]
kar jorh gur peh kar binaNtee, raahu paadhar gur dasai. ||6||
(So, O! brethren) press your hands together and pray to the Guru, the Guru will tell (i.e. show
you) the straight path (of spiritual life). 6
mnu prdysI jy QIAY sBu dysu prwieAw ] man pardaysee jay thee-ai, sabh days paraa-i-aa.
If the mind (of a man) alienates oneself (from God), then all land (i.e. people of the world)

become alien (i.e. look strangers) to him.
iksu pih Kol@au gMTVI dUKI Bir AwieAw ] kis peh kholha-o gaNṭ-ṛee, dookhee bhar aa-i-aa.
Before whom should I untie (i.e. reveal) my bundle (of pains); (when) it (i.e. all the world) is
overflowing with pain (and sorrows).
dUKI Bir AwieAw jgqu sbwieAw kauxu jwxY ibiD myrIAw ]
dookhee bhar aa-i-aa, jagat sabaa-i-aa, ka-uṇ jaaṇai bidh mayree-aa.
(When) the whole world is overflowing with pain, who can know my state (of my sufferings)?
Awvxy jwvxy Kry frwvxy qoit n AwvY PyrIAw ] aavṇay jaavṇay kharay daraavaṇay, tot na aavai fayree-aa.
The coming and going are excessively frightful, and, then, there is no end of this cycle (of
nwm ivhUxy aUxy JUxy nw guir sbdu suxwieAw ] naam vihooṇay ooṇay jhooṇay, naa gur sabad suṇaa-i-aa.
Without the name, people are despondent and grief-stricken (because) the Guru has not
spoken word (i.e. not given teaching) to them (i.e. they have not listened to the word of the Guru).
mnu prdysI jy QIAY sBu dysu prwieAw ]7] man pardaysee jay thee-ai, sabh days paraa-i-aa. ||7||
If the mind (of a man) alienates oneself (from God), then all land (i.e. people of the world)
become alien (i.e. look strangers) to him. 7
gur mhlI Gir AwpxY so Brpuir lIxw ] gur mahlee ghar aapnai, so bharpur leeṇaa.
(One, who enshrines) Guru in one’s own home (i.e. heart), merges in the All-pervading (Lord).
syvku syvw qW kry sc sbid pqIxw ] sayvak sayvaa taa karay, sach sabad pateeṇaa.

The servant performs service (i.e. meditates upon God), when he is contented (and pleased) in
the True Word.
sbdy pqIjY AMku BIjY su mhlu mhlw AMqry ] sabday pateejai, aNk bheejai, so mahal mehlaa aNtray.
When he is contented with the Word, then His bosom (i.e. heart) is drenched (in the essence of
the name), (then he beholds) the presence (of the Lord) in His home (i.e. heart).
Awip krqw kry soeI pRBu Awip AMiq inrMqry ] aap kartaa karay so-ee, prabh aap aNt niraNtray.
The Creator Himself creates, and, the Lord (creates and pervades) till the last, continuously.
gur sbid mylw qW suhylw bwjMq Anhd bIxw ] gur sabad maylaa, taa suhaylaa, baajaNt anhad beeṇaa.

When one is united with the word of Guru, then he enjoys (spiritual pleasure); (then) the
unstruck melody resounds (within him).
gur mhlI Gir AwpxY so Birpuir lIxw ]8] gur mahlee ghar aapnai, so bharipur leeṇaa. ||8||
(One, who enshrines) Guru in one’s own home (i.e. heart), merges in the All-pervading (Lord). 8
kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kir vyKY soeI ] keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai, kar vaykhai so-ee.
Why to praise that has been created (i.e. why to praise humans or things); He creates and looks
after it (hence, He alone should be praised).
qw kI kImiq n pvY jy locY koeI ] taa kee keemat na pavai jay lochai ko-ee.
His value can not be estimated; no matter how much one may wish (to estimate).
kImiq so pwvY Awip jwxwvY Awip ABulu n Buley ] keemat so paavai aap jaaṇaavai aap abhul na bhul-ay.
He alone can estimate His value, whom He (i.e. God) Himself gets to know; He is not subject
to mistakes, (hence) he does not forget.
jY jY kwru krih quDu Bwvih gur kY sbid Amuley ] jai jai kaar karahi, tudh bhaaveh, gur kai sabad amula-ay.
Those who hail (i.e. praise) You, through the invaluable word of the Guru, are pleasing to You.
hIxau nIcu krau bynµqI swcu n Cofau BweI ] heeṇa-o neech kara-o bayna tee, saach na chhoda-o, bhaa-ee.

I, the imperfect and low-caste, offer my prayer: do not forsake the True (Lord), O! brethren.
nwnk ijin kir dyiKAw dyvY miq sweI ]9]2]5] naanak, jin kar daykhi-aa, dayvai mat saa-ee. ||9||2||5||
Nanak (says): One, who has created and is looking, He alone bestows wisdom. 8.2.5.

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 3 Gru 2 Raag Soohee, chhant, Mehlaa 3, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
suK soihlVw hir iDAwvhu ] gurmuiK hir Plu pwvhu ]
sukh sohilrhaa har dhi-aavahu. gurmukh har fal paavhu.
Chant the praise of God, which gives (i.e. which is the source of) pleasure and ecstasy; and,
Through the Guru, you shall obtain fruit (i.e. blessings) from God.
gurmuiK Plu pwvhu hir nwmu iDAwvhu jnm jnm ky dUK invwry ]
gurmukh fal paavhu har naam dhi-aavahu, janam janam kay dookh nivaaray.
Meditate upon God, through the Guru, and obtain the fruit (i.e. blessings); and, the pains of
countless births shall be erased.
bilhwrI gur Apxy ivthu ijin kwrj siB svwry ] balihaaree gur apnay vitahu, jin kaaraj sabh savaaray.
I am a sacrifice unto my Guru, who has settle all my affairs.
hir pRBu ik®pw kry hir jwphu suK Pl hir jn pwvhu ]
har parabh kirpaa karay har jaapahu, sukh fal har jan paavhu.
If God bestows His kindness, (you shall) meditate upon Him; and, get the fruits of (spiritual)
pleasure, O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
nwnku khY suxhu jn BweI suK soihlVw hir iDAwvhu ]1]
naanak kahai, sunhu jan bhaa-ee, sukh sohilrhaa har dhi-aavahu. ||1||
Nanak says: Listen O! brethren, O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God, Chant the praise of God,
which gives (i.e. which is the source of) pleasure and ecstasy.1
suix hir gux BIny shij suBwey ] sun har gun bheenay sahj subhaa-ay.
Hearing (the praise of) the excellences of God, one gets drenched with His love, in ease.
gurmiq shjy nwmu iDAwey ] gurmat, sehjay, naam dhi-aa-ay.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, they meditated upon the name, in ease.
ijn kau Duir iliKAw iqn guru imilAw iqn jnm mrx Bau Bwgw ]
jin ka-o dhur likhi-aa, tin gur mili-aa, tin janam maran bha-o bhaagaa.
Those, who have such pre-destined fortune inscribed for them, meet the Guru, and, their
fears of birth and death run away (i.e. are eradicated).
P. 768
AMdrhu durmiq dUjI KoeI so jnu hir ilv lwgw ] andrahu durmat doojee kho-ee, so jan har liv laagaa.
One, who purges evil-mindedness and duality from within (himself), that servant (i.e.
devotee) focusses (his mind) on God.
ijn kau ik®pw kInI myrY suAwmI iqn Anidnu hir gux gwey ]
jin ka-o kirpaa keenee mayrai su-aamee, tin an-din har gun gaa-ay.
Those, upon whom my Lord bestows His kindness, sing (the praise of) the excellences of
God, day and night.
suix mn BIny shij suBwey ]2] suṇ man bheenay sahj subhaa-ay. ||2||
Hearing (the praise of the Lord), their minds were drenched (in His love), in ease. 2
jug mih rwm nwmu insqwrw ] jug meh, raam naam nistaaraa.
In this Age, emancipation comes only from (i.e. by meditation upon) the name of God.
gur qy aupjY sbdu vIcwrw ] gur tay upjai, sabad veechaaraa.
Contemplating Guru’s word comes up from Guru.
gur sbdu vIcwrw rwm nwmu ipAwrw ijsu ikrpw kry su pwey ]
gur sabad veechaaraa, raam naam pi-aaraa, jis kirpaa karay so paa-ay.
One, who contemplates Guru’s word, comes to love the name of God, (but) he alone obtains
it upon whom He bestows His kindness.
shjy gux gwvY idnu rwqI iklivK siB gvwey ] sehjay guṇ gaavai din raatee, kilvikh sabh gavaa-ay.
He sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) day and night, in ease; and, all his sins are
sBu ko qyrw qU sBnw kw hau qyrw qU hmwrw ] sabh ko tayraa, too sabhnaa kaa, ha-o tayraa too hamaaraa.
(O! Lord) all are Yours and You belong to all; I am Yours and You are mine.
jug mih rwm nwmu insqwrw ]3] jug meh, raam naam nistaaraa. ||3||
In this Age, emancipation comes only from (i.e. by meditation upon) the name of God. 3
swjn Awie vuTy Gr mwhI ] hir gux gwvih iqRpiq AGwhI ]
saajan, aa-ay vuṭay ghar maahee. har guṇ gaavahi, taripat aghaahee.
(O! brethren) One, within whose home (i.e. heart) the Friend (the Lord), comes to dwell;
He sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, and remains satisfied and satiated.
hir gux gwie sdw iqRpqwsI iPir BUK n lwgY Awey ]
har guṇ gaa-ay sadaa tariptaasee, fir bhookh na laagai aa-ay.
One, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, is satiated forever; he never feels
hungry again.
dh idis pUj hovY hir jn kI jo hir hir nwmu iDAwey ]
dah dis pooj hovai har jan kee, jo har har naam dhi-aa-ay.
The servant (i.e. devotees) of God. who meditates upon the name of God, the Lord, is
worshipped in the ten directions (i.e. everywhere).
nwnk hir Awpy joiV ivCoVy hir ibnu ko dUjw nwhI ]
naanak, har aapay joṛ vichhoṛay, har bin ko doojaa naahee.
Nanak (says): God Himself unites and separates, there is no other than God.
swjn Awie vuTy Gr mwhI ]4]1] saajan aa-ay vuṭay ghar maahee. ||4||1||
My Friend (the Lord), has come to dwell within my home (i.e. heart).

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu sUhI mhlw 3 Gru 3 ] Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 3, ghar 3
Bgq jnw kI hir jIau rwKY juig juig rKdw AwieAw rwm ]
bhagat janaa kee har jee-o raakhai, jug jug rakh-daa aa-i-aa, raam.
The dear God protects (the honour of) His humble devotees, (He) has protected them
throughout Ages, O! God.
so Bgqu jo gurmuiK hovY haumY sbid jlwieAw rwm ] so bhagat jo gurmukh hovai, ha-umai sabad jalaa-i-aa, raam.
He alone is a devotee who is Guru-oriented; He burns away ego through word, O! God.
haumY sbid jlwieAw myry hir BwieAw ijs dI swcI bwxI ]
ha-umai sabad jalaa-i-aa, mayray har bhaa-i-aa, jis dee saachee baṇee.
One, who burns ego through word, becomes pleasing to my Lord whose word is true.
scI Bgiq krih idnu rwqI gurmuiK AwiK vKwxI ] sachee bhagat karahi din raatee, gurmukh aakh vakhaaṇee.
They perform worship (of the Lord) day and night, as the Guru tells and explains (i.e. instructs).
Bgqw kI cwl scI Aiq inrml nwmu scw min BwieAw ]
bhagtaa kee chaal sachee, at nirmal, naam sachaa man bhaa-i-aa.
The conduct (i.e. life-style) of the devotees is true, it is completely pure; and, the name of the
True (Lord) is pleasing to their mind.
nwnk Bgq sohih dir swcY ijnI sco scu kmwieAw ]1]
naanak, bhagat soheh dar saachai, jinee sacho sach kamaa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): Those devotees look beauteous at the door (i.e. in the court) of the True, who have
earned (i.e. practised) Truth, and only Truth.1
hir Bgqw kI jwiq piq hY Bgq hir kY nwim smwxy rwm ]
har bhagtaa kee jaat pat hai, bhagat har kai naam samaaṇay, raam.
God is the (high) caste (i.e. social class/status) and (great) honour of the devotees; and, the
devotees merge in the name of Lord, O! God.
hir Bgiq krih ivchu Awpu gvwvih ijn gux Avgx pCwxy rwm ]
har bhagat karahi, vichahu aap gavaaveh, jin guṇ avgaṇ pachhaaṇay, raam.
Those who have understood (difference between) virtues and demerits, they practice worship
of God, and, eradicate self-conceit from within (themselves), O! God.
gux Aaugx pCwxY hir nwmu vKwxY BY Bgiq mITI lwgI ]
gun a-ugaṇ pachhaaṇai, har naam vakhaaṇai; bhai bhagat meeṭee laagee.
One, who understands (difference between) virtues and demerits, chants the name of God; and,
the (noble) fear and devotion (of God) seems sweet (to them).
Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI Gr hI mih bYrwgI ] an-din bhagat karahi din raatee; ghar hee meh bairaagee.
Day and night, all the time, they practice worship (of God), and, they remain detached within
their homes (i.e. hearts).
BgqI rwqy sdw mnu inrmlu hir jIau vyKih sdw nwly ]
bhagtee raatay sadaa man nirmal, har jee-o vaykheh sadaa naalay.
Those who are imbued with devotion, their minds are always pure, they see God always with
them (i.e. within their being).
nwnk sy Bgq hir kY dir swcy Anidnu nwmu sm@wly ]2]
naanak, say bhagat har kai dar saachay, an-din naam sam aalay. ||2||

Nanak (says): Those devotees who remember the name (of the Lord), day and night, are true at
the door (i.e. in the court) of God. 2
mnmuK Bgiq krih ibnu siqgur ivxu siqgur Bgiq n hoeI rwm ]
manmukh bhagat karahi bin satgur, viṇ satgur bhagat na ho-ee, raam.
The mind-oriented practices (ritual of) devotion without (following the teachings of) the True
Guru, (but) without the True Guru there can be no devotion, o! God.
haumY mwieAw roig ivAwpy mir jnmih duKu hoeI rwm ]
ha-umai maa-i-aa rog vi-aapay, mar janmeh dukh ho-ee, raam.
They are afflicted by the ailment of egotism and (attachment to) maya; they suffer the pains
of their birth and death, O! God.
mir jnmih duKu hoeI dUjY Bwie prj ivgoeI ivxu gur qqu n jwinAw ]
mar janmeh dukh ho-ee, doojai bhaa-ay paraj vigo-ee, viṇ gur tat na jaani-aa.
They suffer the pains of their birth and death; the world is ruined through love of duality;
without the Guru, they do not know the essence of truth.
Bgiq ivhUxw sBu jgu BrimAw AMiq gieAw pCuqwinAw ]
bhagat vihooṇaa, sabh jag bharmi-aa, aNt ga-i-aa pachhutaani-aa.
Without devotion, the whole world is(wandering) in delusion; and, in the end, they depart
(from the world) repenting (and regretting).
P. 769
koit mDy iknY pCwixAw hir nwmw scu soeI ] kot madhay kinai pachhaaṇi-aa, har naamaa sach so-ee.
Among the tens of millions, there is hardly one who realizes that the name of God is (the
only) truth.
nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI dUjY Bwie piq KoeI ]3]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, doojai bhaa-ay pat kho-ee. ||3||
Nanak (says): Glory (i.e. honour) is obtained (only) through (meditation upon) the name (of
God); in the love of duality (i.e. in attachment to maya) one loses honour. 3
Bgqw kY Gir kwrju swcw hir gux sdw vKwxy rwm ]
bhagtaa kai ghar kaaraj saachaa, har gun sadaa vakhaaṇay, raam.
In the home (i.e. heart) of the devotees, only true deed (worship) is performed: (i.e.) they
always chant the (praise of) the excellences of the Lord, O! God.
Bgiq Kjwnw Awpy dIAw kwlu kMtku mwir smwxy rwm ]
bhagat khajaanaa aapay dee-aa, kaal kaNtak maar samaaṇay raam.
God Himself has blessed them with the treasure of devotion; conquering the painful death,
they merge in God.
kwlu kMtku mwir smwxy hir min Bwxy nwmu inDwnu scu pwieAw ]
kaal kaNtak maar samaaṇay, har man bhaaṇay, naam nidhaan sach paa-i-aa.
Conquering the painful death, they merge in God, they are pleasing to the mind of God; and,
they obtain the treasure of the true name.
sdw AKutu kdy n inKutY hir dIAw shij suBwieAw ]
sadaa akhut kaday na nikhutai har dee-aa sahj subhaa-i-aa.
This (treasure) is inexhaustible; it will never be exhausted, God has bestowed this (upon
them), in ease.
hir jn aUcy sd hI aUcy gur kY sbid suhwieAw ] har jan oochay, sad hee oochay, gur kai sabad suhaa-i-aa.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God are exalted, (they are) forever exalted; they are adorned
with the world of the Guru.
nwnk Awpy bKis imlwey juig juig soBw pwieAw ]4]1]2]

naanak, aapay bakhas milaa-ay, jug jug sobhaa paa-i-aa. ||4||1||2||
Nanak (says): He Himself has blesses them and merged (with Himself); (hence) they have
been glorified throughout Ages. 4.1.2

sUhI mhlw 3 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 3

sbid scY scu soihlw ijQY scy kw hoie vIcwro rwm ]
sabad sachai sach sohilaa, jithai sachay kaa ho-ay veechaaro, raam.
Where the True (Lord) is contemplated, and, through the true word, true praise (of God is
sung), O! God:
haumY siB iklivK kwty swcu riKAw auir Dwry rwm ]
ha-umai sabh kilvikh kaatay, saach rakhi-aa ur dhaaray, raam.
(There) egotism and all sins of ego are eradicated, and, one keeps the True (Lord) enshrined
in his heart, O! God.
scu riKAw aur Dwry duqru qwry iPir Bvjlu qrxu n hoeI ]
sach rakhi-aa ur dhaaray, dutar taaray, fir bhavjal taraṇ na ho-ee.
One, who enshrined the True (Lord) in his heart, he crosses over the terrible (i.e. difficult to
cross) waters (of the world ocean). He shall not have to cross dreadful waters again.
scw siqguru scI bwxI ijin scu ivKwilAw soeI ] sachaa satgur, sachee baṇee, jin sach vikhaali-aa so-ee.
True is the True Guru, true is His word; through it the True (Lord) is seen (i.e. revealed).
swcy gux gwvY sic smwvY scu vyKY sBu soeI ] saachay guṇ gaavai, sach samaavai, sach vaykhai sabh so-ee.
One, who sings (praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord), he merges in the True, and, he
beholds the True (Lord) (pervading and permeating) everywhere.
e singing of the attributes of True, is merging in True. The same True, everyone is seeing.
nwnk swcw swihbu swcI nweI scu insqwrw hoeI ]1]
naanak, saachaa saahib, saachee naa-ee, sach nistaaraa ho-ee. ||1||
Nanak (says): True is the Lord, true is His name; and, emancipation is through the True. 1
swcY siqguir swcu buJwieAw piq rwKY scu soeI rwm ]
saachai satgur, saach bujhaa-i-aa, pat raakhai sach so-ee, raam.
One, whom the True Guru has revealed the True (Lord); the True (Lord) preserves his honour.
scw Bojnu Bwau scw hY scY nwim suKu hoeI rwm ]
sachaa bhojan, bhaa-o sachaa hai, sachai naam sukh ho-ee, raam.
His food is (the name of) the True, his love (for the True Lord) is true; and, he obtains
(spiritual) happiness through the True name, O! God.
swcY nwim suKu hoeI mrY n koeI griB n jUnI vwsw ]
saachai naam sukh ho-ee marai, na ko-ee garabh na joonee vaasaa.
(Those, who) obtain (spiritual) happiness through the True name, none (of them) shall ever
die, and, shall never enter womb again.
joqI joiq imlweI sic smweI sic nwie prgwsw ] jotee jot milaa-ee, sach samaa-ee, sach naa-ay pargaasaa.
One, whose light God has blended in His Light, he merges in the True; and, the true name
illumines (his heart).
ijnI scu jwqw sy scy hoey Anidnu scu iDAwiein ] jinee sach jaataa, say sachay ho-ay, an-din sach dhi-aa-in.
Those who have known (i.e. realized) the True, become true; and, day and night, they
meditate upon the True.
nwnk scu nwmu ijn ihrdY visAw nw vICuiV duKu pwiein ]2]
naanak, sach naam jin hirdai vasi-aa, naa veechhuṛ dukh paa-in. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those in whose heart, the true name abides, do not suffer pains of separation. 2
scI bwxI scy gux gwvih iqqu Gir soihlw hoeI rwm ]
sachee baṇee, sachay guṇ gaavahi, tit ghar sohilaa ho-ee, raam.
Those, who sing True word and (the praise of) the excellences of the True, in their home (i.e.
heart) songs of (spiritual) joy are sung (i.e resound), O! God.
inrml gux swcy qnu mnu swcw ivic swcw purKu pRBu soeI rwm ]
nirmal guṇ saachay, tan man saachaa, vich saachaa purakh prabh so-ee, raam.
Through the immaculate excellences of the True (Lord), the mind and body are rendered
Truthful, and, within dwells the Primal Person, the True (Lord), O! God.
sBu scu vrqY sco bolY jo scu krY su hoeI ] sabh sach vartai, sacho bolai, jo sach karai so ho-ee.
(They realize that) the True (Lord) is permeating every where, the True (Lord) is speaking (i.e.
commanding everything); and, whatever the True does, that (alone) comes to happen.
jh dyKw qh scu psirAw Avru n dUjw koeI ] jah daykhaa tah sach pasri-aa, avar na doojaa ko-ee.
Wherever they see, (there they find) only the True pervading, and, there is no other (at all).
scy aupjY sic smwvY mir jnmY dUjw hoeI ] sachay upjai, sach samaavai, mar janmai doojaa ho-ee.
From the True, everyone emanate, and, into the True all shall merge; death and birth are
(i.e. reincarnation is) caused by duality.
nwnk sBu ikCu Awpy krqw Awip krwvY soeI ]3] naanak, sabh kichh aapay kartaa, aap karaavai so-ee. ||3||
Nanak (says): He Himself does everything, and, He Himself gets the things done. 3
scy Bgq sohih drvwry sco scu vKwxy rwm ] sachay bhagat soheh darvaaray, sacho sach vakhaanay, raam.
The true devotees look beautiful in His court; they speak truth and only truth, O! God.
Gt AMqry swcI bwxI swco Awip pCwxy rwm ] ghat aNtray saachee baṇee, saacho aap pachhaaṇay, raam.
Within their heart dwells the true word, and, (through true word) they themselves recognizes
the True (Lord).
Awpu pCwxih qw scu jwxih swcy soJI hoeI ] aap pachhaaṇeh, taa sach jaaṇeh, saachay sojhee ho-ee.
They understand themselves, so they know the True (Lord) and realize the True (Lord).
scw sbdu scI hY soBw swcy hI suKu hoeI ] sachaa sabad, sachee hai sobhaa, saachay hee sukh ho-ee.
True is (Guru’s) word is of true, true is its glory; happiness comes(only) through True.
swic rqy Bgq iek rMgI dUjw rMgu n koeI ] saach ratay bhagat ik raNgee, doojaa raNg na ko-ee.
Imbued with the True, the devotees love (only) the One (Lord), they do not love any other.
nwnk ijs kau msqik iliKAw iqsu scu prwpiq hoeI ]4]2]3]
naanak, jis ka-o mastak likhi-aa, tis sach paraapat ho-ee. ||4||2||3||
Nanak (says): One, for whom it is inscribed on their forehead (i.e. it is preordained), he
(alone) obtains (union with) the True. 4.2.3

sUhI mhlw 3 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 3

jug cwry Dn jy BvY ibnu siqgur sohwgu n hoeI rwm ]
jug chaaray dhan jay bhavai, bin satgur sohaag na ho-ee, raam.
Even if the (soul) bride wanders around throughout the Four Ages, without (the blessing of)
the Guru, she cannot enjoy marital bliss, O! God.
P. 770
inhclu rwju sdw hir kyrw iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI rwm ] nihchal raaj sadaa har kayraa, tis bin avar na ko-ee, raam.
The kingdom of the God is ever stable(i.e. unchanging), there is no other than Him, O! God.
iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI sdw scu soeI gurmuiK eyko jwixAw ]
tis bin avar na ko-ee, sadaa sach so-ee, gurmukh ayko jaaṇi-aa.
There is no other than Him, He is True forever; the Guru-oriented knows the One (alone).
Dn ipr mylwvw hoAw gurmqI mnu mwinAw ] dhan pir maylaavaa ho-aa, gurmatee man maani-aa.
The (soul) bride, whose mind accepts Guru’s wisdom (teachings), meets her Husband (Lord).
siqguru imilAw qw hir pwieAw ibnu hir nwvY mukiq n hoeI ]
satgur mili-aa taa har paa-i-aa bin har naavai mukat na ho-ee.
When she (i.e. soul bride) met the True Guru, she obtained (the name of) the Lord; and, there is
no liberation without the name of God.
nwnk kwmix kMqY rwvy min mwinAY suKu hoeI ]1]
naanak, kaaman kaNtai raavay, man maanee-ai sukh ho-ee. ||1||
Nanak (says): when the Husband (Lord) enjoys the (soul) bride, her mind is satisfied with
Him, and finds (spiritual) happiness. 1
siqguru syiv Dn bwlVIey hir vru pwvih soeI rwm ] satgur sayv dhan baalṛee-ay, har var paavahi so-ee, raam.
O! young (soul) bride, serve the True Guru, thus, you shall obtain God Husband, O! God.
sdw hovih sohwgxI iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI rwm ] sadaa hoveh sohaaganee, fir mailaa vays na ho-ee, raam.
You shall be happy (soul) bride forever; you shall never again wear soiled robes (like a widow).
iPir mYlw vysu n hoeI gurmuiK bUJY koeI haumY mwir pCwixAw ]
fir mailaa vays na ho-ee, gurmukh boojhai ko-ee ha-umai maar pachhaaṇi-aa.
You shall never again wear soiled robes (like a widow); one can know this through the Guru,
when one conquers ego and recognizes the truth.
krxI kwr kmwvY sbid smwvY AMqir eyko jwixAw ]
karnee kaar kamaavai, sabad samaavai ,aNtar ayko jaaṇi-aa.
She practices deeds worth-doing (i.e. meditation upon the name), she merges in the word (of the
Guru), and, recognizes the One (Lord) within.
gurmuiK pRBu rwvy idnu rwqI Awpxw swcI soBw hoeI ]
gurmukh prabh raavay din raatee aapnaa, saachee sobhaa ho-ee.
She remembers God, day and night, through the Guru; thus, obtained true praise (in both worlds).
nwnk kwmix ipru rwvy Awpxw riv rihAw pRBu soeI ]2]
naanak kaamaṇ pir raavay aapnaa, rav rahi-aa prabh so-ee. ||2||
Nanak (says): She (i.e. soul bride) enjoys her Husband (Lord), the Lord is pervading everywhere. 2
gur kI kwr kry Dn bwlVIey hir vru dyie imlwey rwm ]
gur kee kaar karay dhan baalṛee-ay, har var day-ay milaa-ay, raam.
O! young (soul) bride, serve the Guru, and, he will get you meet your Husband Lord, O! God
hir kY rMig rqI hY kwmix imil pRIqm suKu pwey rwm ]
har kai raNg ratee hai kaamaṇ, mil pareetam sukh paa-ay, raam.
The bride (which) is imbued with the love of her (Husband) Lord; meeting her Beloved she
obtains (spiritual) pleasure.
imil pRIqm suKu pwey sic smwey scu vrqY sB QweI ]
mil pareetam sukh paa-ay sach samaa-ay, sach vartai sabh thaa-ee.
Meeting her Beloved, she obtains (spiritual) pleasure, (and, she) merges in the True (Lord).
The True (Lord) is pervading everywhere.
scw sIgwru kry idnu rwqI kwmix sic smweI ] sachaa seegaar karay din raatee, kaamaṇ sach samaa-ee.
Day and night the (soul) bride decorates herself with true (i.e. spiritual) make-up; and, she
remains absorbed in the True.
hir suKdwqw sbid pCwqw kwmix lieAw kMiT lwey ]
har sukh-daata sabad pachhaataa, kaamaṇ la-i-aa kaNṭ laa-ay.
She has recognized the Giver of Pleasure, through th word; and, He hugs the (soul) bride in
His embrace.
nwnk mhlI mhlu pCwxY gurmqI hir pwey ]3] naanak, mahlee mahal pachhaaṇai, gurmatee har paa-ay. ||3||
Nanak (says): The (soul) bride recognizes her home (of the Husband Lord), she meets (i.e is
united with) God, through the wisdom of Guru.
sw Dn bwlI Duir mylI myrY pRiB Awip imlweI rwm ]
saa dhan baalee dhur maylee, mayrai prabh aap milaa-ee, raam.
The bride which the Lord Himself has united (with Himself), that the young (soul) bride has
been united from the very beginning, O! God.
gurmqI Git cwnxu hoAw pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI rwm ]
gurmatee ghat chaanaṇ ho-aa, prabh rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee, raam.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, her heart has been enlightened, (and, now, she knows that)
God is pervading everywhere, O! God.
pRBu riv rihAw sB QweI mMin vsweI pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]
prabh rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee, maNn vasaa-ee; poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
God is pervading everywhere, and, she has enshrined (i.e. realized) this in her mind; she has
obtained (union with God) as preordained.
syj suKwlI myry pRB BwxI scu sIgwru bxwieAw ]
sayj sukhaalee mayray prabh bhaaṇee, sach seegaar banaa-i-aa.
On her decorated bed (i.e her pious heart), she is pleasing to my Lord; she has decorated
herself with (the virtue of) truth.
kwmix inrml haumY mlu KoeI gurmiq sic smweI ]
kaamaṇ nirmal ha-umai mal kho-ee, gurmat sach samaa-ee.
That (soul) bride is immaculate, who has washed away the filth of egotism; and, through the
wisdom of the Guru, she merges in the True (Lord).
nwnk Awip imlweI krqY nwmu nvY iniD pweI ]4]3]4]
naanak, aap milaa-ee kartai, naam navai nidh paa-ee. ||4||3||4||
Nanak (says): The Creator Himself has united her (with Himself); and, she has obtained the
nine treasures of the name (of the Lord). 4.3.4

sUhI mhlw 3 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 3

hir hry hir gux gwvhu hir gurmuKy pwey rwm ] har haray, har guṇ gaavhu, har gurmukhay paa-ay, raam.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord, the Master; one find God

through the Guru, O! God.
Anidno sbid rvhu Anhd sbd vjwey rwm ] andino sabad ravhu, anhad sabad vajaa-ay, raam.
Day and night chant the word (of the Guru), and, unstruck melody of the word will resound
(in your mind), O! God.
Anhd sbd vjwey hir jIau Gir Awey hir gux gwvhu nwrI ]
anhad sabad vajaa-ay, har jee-o ghar aa-ay, har guṇ gaavhu naaree.
When the unstruck melody of the word resounds, dear Lord will come into the home (i.e.
heart), O! ladies (i.e. soul bride) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
Anidnu Bgiq krih gur AwgY sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ] an-din bhagat karahi gur aagai, saa dhan kaNt pi-aaree.
They, who perform devotion to the Guru, day and night, those (soul) brides become beloveds
of the Husband (Lord).
gur kw sbdu visAw Gt AMqir sy jn sbid suhwey ]
gur kaa sabad vasi-aa ghat aNtar, say jan sabad suhaa-ay.
Those, in whose hearts, have enshrined the word of the Guru, those servant (i.e. devotees)
are adorned with the word.
nwnk iqn Gir sd hI soihlw hir kir ikrpw Gir Awey ]1]
naanak, tin ghar sad hee sohilaa, har kar kirpaa ghar aa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): In their homes (i.e. hearts), there is always happiness; and, God, in His mercy,
enters into their home (i.e. hearts). 1
Bgqw min Awnµdu BieAw hir nwim rhy ilv lwey rwm ]
bhagtaa man aanaNd bha-i-aa, har naam rahay liv laa-ay, raam.
The minds of the devotees are filled with ecstasy, they are being absorbed in the name of
Lord, O! God.
gurmuKy mnu inrmlu hoAw inrml hir gux gwey rwm ] gurmukhay man nirmal ho-aa, nirmal har guṇ gaa-ay, raam.
Singing the (praise of) immaculate excellences of God, through the Guru, their minds have
become pure O! God.
inrml gux gwey nwmu mMin vswey hir kI AMimRq bwxI ]
nirmal guṇ gaa-ay, naam maNn vasaa-ay, har kee amrit baṇee.
Singing the (praise of) immaculate excellences (of God), through Amrit word of God, they
have enshrined the name in their hearts.
ijn@ min visAw syeI jn insqry Git Git sbid smwxI ]
jinh man vasi-aa, say-ee jan nistaray, ghat ghat sabad samaaṇee.
Those, in whose mind it (i.e. the name of the Lord) has come to abide, are emancipated; and,
(they realize) the word permeates each and every heart.
P. 771
qyry gux gwvih shij smwvih sbdy myil imlwey ] tayray guṇ gaavahi, sahj samaaveh; sabday mayl milaa-ay.
Those who sing (praise of) Your excellences they merge into You, in ease; (they are) united (by
You) through the word.
nwnk sPl jnmu iqn kyrw ij siqguir hir mwrig pwey ]2]
naanak safal janam tin kayraa, je satgur har maarag paa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Fruitful (i.e. meaningful) is the life of those, whom the True Guru has placed
on the path of God. 2
sMqsMgiq isau mylu BieAw hir hir nwim smwey rwm ]
saNtsaNgat si-o mayl bha-i-aa, har har naam samaa-ay, raam.
Those, who joined the company of the God-oriented persons, are absorbed in the name of
God, the Lord, O! God.
gur kY sbid sd jIvn mukq Bey hir kY nwim ilv lwey rwm ]
gur kai sabad sad jeevan mukat bha-ay, har kai naam liv laa-ay raam.
Through the word of the Guru, they are liberated while yet alive; they are in tune with the
name of the Lord, O! God.
hir nwim icqu lwey guir myil imlwey mnUAw rqw hir nwly ]
har naam chit laa-ay, gur mayl milaa-ay, manoo-aa rataa har naalay.
Those who have been united in union (with the Lord) by the Guru, they centre their mind on
the name of God; their mind is imbued with God.
suKdwqw pwieAw mohu cukwieAw Anidnu nwmu sm@wly ]
sukh-daata paa-i-aa, moh chukaa-i-aa, an-din naam sam aalay. H

They have found the Giver of Happiness, and, have eradicated attachment (to maya), they
remember the name (of the Lord), day and night.
gur sbdy rwqw shjy mwqw nwmu min vswey ] gur sabday raataa, sehjay maataa, naam man vasaa-ay.
Those who are imbued with the word of the Guru, are intoxicated in poise; they abide name
in my mind.
nwnk iqn Gir sd hI soihlw ij siqgur syiv smwey ]3]
naanak, tin ghar sad hee sohilaa, je satgur sayv samaa-ay. ||3||
Nanak (says): Those, who are absorbed in the service of the Guru, song of happiness always
resonates In their homes (i.e. hearts) . 3
ibnu siqgur jgu Brim BulwieAw hir kw mhlu n pwieAw rwm ]
bin satgur jag bharam bhulaa-i-aa, har kaa mahal na paa-i-aa raam.
Without the True Guru, the world is deluded by doubt; it does not find the mansion of God.
gurmuKy ieik myil imlwieAw iqn ky dUK gvwieAw rwm ]
gurmukhay ik mayl milaa-i-aa, tin kay dookh gavaa-i-aa raam.
There are those who are Guru-oriented, are united in union (by God), and, their sorrows are
dispelled, O! God.
iqn ky dUK gvwieAw jw hir min BwieAw sdw gwvih rMig rwqy ]
tin kay dookh gavaa-i-aa, jaa har man bhaa-i-aa, sadaa gaavahi raNg raatay.
Those who are pleasing to God, their sorrows are dispelled; imbued with His love they sing
(the praise of the excellences of God).
hir ky Bgq sdw jn inrml juig juig sd hI jwqy ] har kay bhagat sadaa jan nirmal, jug jug sad hee jaatay.
The devotees of God are forever pure beings; they are known(i.e. respected) throughout the Ages.
swcI Bgiq krih dir jwpih Gir dir scw soeI ] saachee bhagat karahi, dar jaapeh, ghar dar sachaa so-ee.
They are in true devotion, (hence) they are respected at the door, i.e. the door of the mansion
of the True (i.e. in the court of God).
nwnk scw soihlw scI scu bwxI sbdy hI suKu hoeI ]4]4]5]
naanak, sachaa sohilaa, sachee sach baṇee; sabday hee sukh ho-ee. ||4||4||5||
Nanak (says): Song of the True (Lord resonates their hearts); (they chant) the true word of the

True; and, through the Word they obtain (spiritual) happiness. 4.4.5

sUhI mhlw 3 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 3

jy loVih vru bwlVIey qw gur crxI icqu lwey rwm ]
jay loṛeh var baalṛee-ay, taa gur charṇee chit laa-ay, raam.
If you long for Husband (Lord), O! young (i.e. innocent) girl (i.e. soul bride), then focus your
mind on the feet of the Guru, O! God.
sdw hovih sohwgxI hir jIau mrY n jwey rwm ] sadaa hoveh sohaagaṇee, har jee-o marai na jaa-ay, raam.
You shall forever be happy (soul) bride; (that Husband)Lord does not die or leave.
hir jIau mrY n jwey gur kY shij suBwey sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ]
har jee-o marai na jaa-ay, gur kai sahj subhaa-ay, saa dhan kaNt pi-aaree.
The Lord does not die or leave; (the soul bride who is united with the Lord) through the
peaceful poise of the Guru, that (soul) bride becomes the beloved of Husband (Lord).
sic sMjim sdw hY inrml gur kY sbid sIgwrI ] sach sanjam sadaa hai nirmal, gur kai sabad seegaaree.
Through truthful self-discipline, she is forever pure; and, she is embellished with the word of
the Guru.
myrw pRBu swcw sd hI swcw ijin Awpy Awpu aupwieAw ]
mayraa prabh saachaa, sad hee saachaa, jin aapay aap upaa-i-aa.
My Lord is true, forever true, who Himself created Himself.
nwnk sdw ipru rwvy Awpxw ijin gur crxI icqu lwieAw ]1]
naanak, sadaa pir raavay aapnaa, jin gur charṇee chit laa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): She (i.e. that soul bride), who has focussed her mind on the feet (i.e. by following
the word) of the Guru, enjoys her husband. 1
ipru pwieAVw bwlVIey Anidnu shjy mwqI rwm ] pir paa-i-aṛaa baalṛee-ay, an-din sehjay maatee, raam.
The young (i.e. innocent) girl (i.e. soul bride) has found (i.e. obtained) her Husband (Lord),
day and night she is intoxicated in His love, in ease, O! God.
gurmqI min Andu BieAw iqqu qin mYlu n rwqI rwm ] gurmatee man anad bha-i-aa, tit tan mail na raatee, raam.
Through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, her mind is in bliss; her body is not tinged
with filth (of egotism and other vices) even a little bit, O! God.
iqqu qin mYlu n rwqI hir pRiB rwqI myrw pRBu myil imlwey ]
tit tan mail na raatee, har prabh raatee, mayraa prabh mayl milaa-ay.
Her body is not tinged with filth (of egotism and other vices) even a little bit, she is imbued
with God, the Lord; my Lord unites her in union (with Himself).
Anidnu rwvy hir pRBu Apxw ivchu Awpu gvwey ] an-din raavay har prabh apnaa, vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
Day and night she remembers her God, the Lord, and, egotism is banishes from within.
gurmiq pwieAw shij imlwieAw Apxy pRIqm rwqI ] gurmat paa-i-aa sahj milaa-i-aa, apnay pareetam
Through the wisdom of Guru she has found (God), (the Guru has) united her in ease. She is
imbued with her Beloved (Lord).
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI pRBu rwvy rMig rwqI ]2]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, prabh raavay raNg raatee. ||2||
Nanak (says): Through name she (i.e. soul bride) is blesses with glory; and, imbued with love
she enjoys the Lord. 2
ipru rwvy rMig rwqVIey ipr kw mhlu iqn pwieAw rwm ]
pir raavay raNg raat-ṛee-ay, pir kaa mahal tin paa-i-aa, raam.
One (i.e. the soul bride), who is imbued with love, enjoys her Husband, she finds the mansion
of Husband (Lord), O! God.
so sho Aiq inrmlu dwqw ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw rwm ]
so saho at nirmal daataa, jin vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa, raam.
That Husband (Lord) is extremely immaculate and Giver, (is obtained by her) who has
banishes self-conceit from within, O! God.
ivchu mohu cukwieAw jw hir BwieAw hir kwmix min BwxI ]
vichahu moh chukaa-i-aa, jaa har bhaa-i-aa, har kaamaṇ man bhaaṇee.
When she (i.e. soul bride) is pleased, He banishes attachment (with maya) from within her
and, then, she is pleasing to His mind.
Anidnu gux gwvY inq swcy kQy AkQ khwxI ] an-din guṇ gaavai nit saachay, kathay akath kahaaṇee.
Day and night she continually sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord), and
relates the non-relatable story (of the excellences of God).
jug cwry swcw eyko vrqY ibnu gur iknY n pwieAw ] jug chaaray saachaa ayko vartai, bin gur kinai na paa-i-aa.
Throughout the Four (i.e. all the) Ages, the True One (alone) is permeating; and, without the
Guru, no one has found Him.
P. 772
nwnk rMig rvY rMig rwqI ijin hir syqI icqu lwieAw ]3]
naanak, raNg ravai raNg raatee, jin har saytee chit laa-i-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): The (soul) bride, who focusses her mind on the Lord, imbued with His love,
she remembers Him (i.e. meditates upon God). 3
kwmix min soihlVw swjn imly ipAwry rwm ] kaamaṇ man sohilrhaa, saajan milay pi-aaray, raam.
Meeting her friend, Beloved, the mind of the (soul) bride obtains (spiritual) joy, O! God.
gurmqI mnu inrmlu hoAw hir rwiKAw auir Dwry rwm ]
gurmatee man nirmal ho-aa, har raakhi-aa ur dhaaray, raam.
Through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, my mind becomes immaculate; she
enshrines (the name of) the Lord within her heart, O! God.
hir rwiKAw auir Dwry Apnw kwrju svwry gurmqI hir jwqw ]
har raakhi-aa ur dhaaray, apnaa kaaraj savaaray, gurmatee har jaataa.
Enshrining (the name of) the Lord within her heart, her affairs shall be settled; through the
wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, she knows (i.e. realizes) God.
pRIqim moih lieAw mnu myrw pwieAw krm ibDwqw ]
pareetam mohi la-i-aa man mayraa, paa-i-aa karam bidhaataa.
(The soul bride says): My Beloved has enticed my mind, and, I have found the Architect of
Destiny (i.e. God).
siqguru syiv sdw suKu pwieAw hir visAw mMin murwry ]
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, har vasi-aa maNn muraaray.
Serving the True Guru, I have obtained lasting (spiritual) happiness; the Destroyer of the
Demons (i.e. God) dwells in my mind.
nwnk myil leI guir ApunY gur kY sbid svwry ]4]5]6]
naanak, mayl la-ee gur apunai, gur kai sabad savaaray. ||4||5||6||
Nanak (says): My Guru has union her with him (because) she has embellished her with the
word of the Guru. 4.5.6

sUhI mhlw 3 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 3

soihlVw hir rwm nwmu gur sbdI vIcwry rwm ] sohilṛaa har raam naam, gur sabdee veechaaray, raam.
The name of God is the song of joy, (O! brethren) contemplate it through the word of Guru.
hir mnu qno gurmuiK BIjY rwm nwmu ipAwry rwm ] har man tano gurmukh bheejai, raam naam pi-aaray, raam.
Through the Guru, the mind and body are drenched with (the love of) God, (so, O! brethren)
love the name of the Lord, O! God.
rwm nwmu ipAwry siB kul auDwry rwm nwmu muiK bwxI ]
raam naam pi-aaray, sabh kul udhaaray, raam naam mukh baṇee.
One, who loves the name of God, liberates all his family, (so, O! brethren) chant the name of
God with your mouth.
Awvx jwx rhy suKu pwieAw Gir Anhd suriq smwxI ]
aavaṇ jaaṇ rahay, sukh paa-i-aa, ghar anhad surat samaaṇee.
Coming and going cease (i.e. the cycle of birth and death ceases), and, (spiritual) happiness is
obtained; and, in one’s home (i.e. heart), one’s concentration is absorbed in unstruck sound.
hir hir eyko pwieAw hir pRBu nwnk ikrpw Dwry ] har har ayko paa-i-aa, har prabh, naanak, kirpaa dhaaray.
Nanak (says): One, upon whom God, the Lord, bestows His mercy, obtains (i.e. gets united
with) the One God, the Lord.
soihlVw hir rwm nwmu gur sbdI vIcwry ]1] sohilrhaa har raam naam, gur sabdee veechaaray. ||1||
The name of God is the song of joy, (O! brethren) contemplate it through the word of Guru. 1
hm nIvI pRBu Aiq aUcw ikau kir imilAw jwey rwm ] ham neevee, prabh at oochaa, ki-o kar mili-aa jaa-ay, raam.
(The soul bride says):I am lowly, and, the Lord is of very lofty; how can I ever meet Him, O! God?
guir mylI bhu ikrpw DwrI hir kY sbid suBwey rwm ]
gur maylee baho kirpaa dhaaree, har kai sabad subhaa-ay, raam.
She (i.e. the soul bride), upon whom the Guru is very kind, unites (her with the Lord); and,
through the word of the Guru, she is embellished, O! God.
imlu sbid suBwey Awpu gvwey rMg isau rlIAw mwxy ]
mil sabad subhaa-ay, aap gavaa-ay, raNg si-o ralee-aa maaṇay.
Uniting (with Him) through word, she is embellished; her ego is eradicated and she rejoices
in love (of God).
syj suKwlI jw pRBu BwieAw hir hir nwim smwxy ] sayj sukhaalee jaa prabh bhaa-i-aa, har har naam samaaṇay.
When she becomes pleasing to the Lord, her bed (i.e. her heart) becomes comfortable; and,
she is absorbed in the name of God, the Lord.
nwnk sohwgix sw vfBwgI jy clY siqgur Bwey ] naanak, sohagaṇ saa vadbhaagee, jay chalai satgur bhaa-ay.
Nanak (says): That happy (soul) bride is greatly fortunate (i.e. blessed), who walks in the will
of the True Guru.
hm nIvI pRBu Aiq aUcw ikau kir imilAw jwey rwm ]2]

ham neevee, prabh at oochaa, ki-o kar mili-aa jaa-ay, raam. ||2||(The soul bride says):
I am lowly, and, the Lord is of very lofty; how can I ever meet Him, O! God? 2
Git Gty sBnw ivic eyko eyko rwm Bqwro rwm ] ghat ghatay, sabhnaa vich ayko, ayko raam bhataaro, raam.
In each and every heart and in all, there is One (Lord), the One Lord Husband, O! God
ieknw pRBu dUir vsY ieknw min AwDwro rwm ] iknaa prabh door vasai, iknaa man aadhaaro, raam.
For some the Lord dwells far away, and, for others He is support of the mind, O! God.
ieknw mn AwDwro isrjxhwro vfBwgI guru pwieAw ]
iknaa man aadhaaro, sirjanhaaro, vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa.
For some, the Creator is the support of mind. They have found Him, by good fortune,
through the Guru.
Git Git hir pRBu eyko suAwmI gurmuiK AlKu lKwieAw ]
ghat ghat har prabh ayko su-aamee, gurmukh alakh lakhaa-i-aa.
The One Lord, the Master, is in each and every heart; the Invisible is seen through the Guru.
shjy Andu hoAw mnu mwinAw nwnk bRhm bIcwro ]
sehjay anad ho-aa, man maani-aa, naanak, barahm beechaaro.
Nanak (says): Contemplating the Ultimate Reality (i.e. God), the mind is satisfied and, one
obtains bliss in ease.
Git Gty sBnw ivic eyko eyko rwm Bqwro rwm ]3]
ghat ghatay sabhnaa vich ayko ayko, raam bhataaro, raam. ||3||
In each and every heart and in all, there is One (Lord), the One Lord Husband, O! God. 3
guru syvin siqguru dwqw hir hir nwim smwieAw rwm ]
gur sayvan satgur daataa, har har naam samaa-i-aa, raam.
Those who serve the Guru, the True Guru, the Giver, merge in the name of God, the Lord,
O! God.
hir DUiV dyvhu mY pUry gur kI hm pwpI mukqu krwieAw rwm ]
har dhooṛ dayvhu mai pooray gur kee, ham paapee mukat karaa-i-aa, raam.
O! God, (please) bless me with the dust of the feet of the perfect Guru, who has liberated
(even) sinners like me, O! God.
pwpI mukqu krwey Awpu gvwey inj Gir pwieAw vwsw ]
paapee mukat karaa-ay, aap gavaa-ay, nij ghar paa-i-aa vaasaa.
(The Guru) has liberated the sinners who eradicated egotism, and obtained an abode in their
own home (i.e. heart).
ibbyk buDI suiK rYix ivhwxI gurmiq nwim pRgwsw ]
bibayk budhee sukh raiṇ vihaaṇee, gurmat naam pargaasaa.
With discerning wisdom, the night (of their life) passes in peace; and, through the wisdom of
the Guru, the name is revealed to them.
hir hir Andu BieAw idnu rwqI nwnk hir mIT lgwey ]
har har anad bha-i-aa din raatee, naanak, har meeṭ lagaa-ay.
Nanak (says): God seems sweet (to them), and, day and night, they are in bliss of (the name of)
God, the Lord.
guru syvin siqguru dwqw hir hir nwim smwey ]4]6]7]5]7]12]
gur sayvan satgur daataa, har har naam samaa-ay. ||4||6||7||5||7||12||

Those who serve the Guru, the True Guru, the Giver, merge in the name of God, the Lord,
O! God.
P. 773
rwgu sUhI mhlw 4 CMq Gru 1 Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 4, chhant , ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
siqguru purKu imlwie Avgx ivkxw gux rvw bil rwm jIau ]
satgur purakh milaa-ay, avgaṇ vikṇaa, guṇ ravaa, bal raam jee-o.
In this verse, the soul bride prays:
(O! Lord) lead me to meet the True Guru, the Primal Person; I would sell (i.e. discard) vices
and chant (i.e. live by) virtues. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
hir hir nwmu iDAwie gurbwxI inq inq cvw bil rwm jIau ]
har har naam dhi-aa-ay, gurbaaṇee nit nit chavaa, bal raam jee-o.
I would remember (i.e. meditate upon) the name of God, the Lord, and, I always, continually
chant the word of Guru. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
gurbwxI sd mITI lwgI pwp ivkwr gvwieAw ] gurbaaṇee sad meeṭee laagee, paap vikaar gavaa-i-aa.
The word of the Guru has always seemed sweet (to me), and, I have casts away my sins, the
and vices (from within me).
haumY rogu gieAw Bau Bwgw shjy shij imlwieAw ]
ha-umai rog ga-i-aa bha-o bhaagaa, sehjay sahj milaa-i-aa.
The ailment of egotism is gone, fear has run away (i.e. has been eradicated), and, I am
absorbed in natural ease.
kwieAw syj gur sbid suKwlI igAwn qiq kir Bogo ] kaa-i-aa sayj gur sabad sukhaalee, gi-aan tat kar bhogo.
Through the word of the Guru, my body bed has become beautiful; and, I enjoy it through
essence of (spiritual) knowledge.
Anidnu suiK mwxy inq rlIAw nwnk Duir sMjogo ]1]
an-din sukh maaṇay nit ralee-aa, naanak, dhur saNjogo. ||1||
Nanak (says): Day and night, I enjoy (spiritual) happiness and pleasure; this is my pre-
ordained destiny. 1
squ sMqoKu kir Bwau kuVmu kuVmweI AwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
sat saNtokh kar bhaa-o, kuṛam kuṛmaa-ee aa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
With (virtues of) truth, contentment and love, my father (i.e. the Guru) has come for my
engagement (to the Husband Lord). (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
sMq jnw kir mylu gurbwxI gwvweIAw bil rwm jIau ]
saNt janaa kar mayl, gurbaaṇee gaavaa-ee-aa, bal raam jee-o.
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, we sang the word of the Guru. (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
bwxI gur gweI prm giq pweI pMc imly sohwieAw ]
baṇee gur gaa-ee, param gat paa-ee, paNch milay sohaa-i-aa.
Singing the word of the Guru, I obtained the supreme state; and, meeting the noble beings
the union was beautified.
gieAw kroDu mmqw qin nwTI pwKMfu Brmu gvwieAw ]
ga-i-aa karodh mamtaa tan naaṭee, pakhaNd bharam gavaa-i-aa.
The anger (within me) is gone; (emotional) attachment has run away from my body; the
hypocrisy and doubt have been eradicated.
haumY pIr geI suKu pwieAw Awrogq Bey srIrw ] ha-umai peer ga-ee, sukh paa-i-aa, aarogat bha-ay sareeraa.
The pain of egotism is gone, and, I have obtained (spiritual) happiness , my body has (now)
become free of ailments.
gur prswdI bRhmu pCwqw nwnk guxI ghIrw ]2]
gur parsaadee barahm pachhaataa, naanak, guṇee gaheeraa. ||2||
Nanak (says): By grace of Guru, I have recognized (i.e. realized) the Supreme Reality (i.e.
God), the Ocean of Virtues. 2
mnmuiK ivCuVI dUir mhlu n pwey bil geI bil rwm jIau ]
manmukh vichhuṛee door, mahal na paa-ay, bal ga-ee, bal raam jee-o.
The mind-oriented is separated, far away (from God); (she) does not obtain the mansion (of
the Lord);(and, she) burns (with fire of desires). (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
AMqir mmqw kUir kUVu ivhwJy kUiV leI bil rwm jIau ]
aNtar mamtaa koor kooṛ vihaajhay ,kooṛ la-ee, bal raam jee-o.
Within her is false attachment, and, she deals in falsehood; (hence) falsehood has robbed her.
(I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
kUVu kptu kmwvY mhw duKu pwvY ivxu siqgur mgu n pwieAw ]
kooṛ kapat kamaavai, mahaa dukh paavai, viṇ satgur mag na paa-i-aa.
She earns (i.e. practices) falsehood and deception and suffers great sorrow; without the True
Guru, she has not found the (true) path (of life).
auJV pMiQ BRmY gwvwrI iKnu iKnu Dky KwieAw ] ujharh pa th bharmai gaavaaree, khin khin dhakay khaa-i-aa.
The foolish (soul bride) wanders in uneven pathways (i.e. in wilderness); each and every
moment, she suffers pulls and pushes (i.e. suffers terribly).
Awpy dieAw kry pRBu dwqw siqguru purKu imlwey ] aapay da-i-aa karay parabh daataa, satgur purakh milaa-ay.
If the Giver Lord, bestows His mercy, He gets her to meet the True Guru, the Primal Person.
jnm jnm ky ivCuVy jn myly nwnk shij suBwey ]3]
janam janam kay vichhuṛay jan maylay, naanak sahj subhaa-ay. ||3||
Nanak (says): He unites with ease (even) those, who have been separated for countless births
(i.e. incarnations). 3
AwieAw lgnu gxwie ihrdY Dn EmwhIAw bil rwm jIau ]
aa-i-aa lagan gaṇaa-ay, hirdai dhan omaahee-aa, bal raam jee-o.
The calculated (auspicious) moment for marriage has come, her heart is filled with
enthusiasm. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
pMifq pwDy Awix pqI bih vwcweIAw bil rwm jIau ]
paNdit paadhay aaṇ patee bahi vaachaa-ee-aa, bal raam jee-o.
The learned priests have come and seated to consult the almanac. (I am a) sacrifice (unto
You), O! (my) dear Lord.
pqI vwcweI min vjI vDweI jb swjn suxy Gir Awey ]

patee vaachaa-ee, man vajee vadhaa-ee, jab saajan suṇay ghar aa-ay.
The almanac was consulted; the (bride’s) mind was congratulated (i.e. was in bliss) when she
heard that the Beloved has come into her home (i.e. heart).
guxI igAwnI bih mqw pkwieAw Pyry qqu idvwey ] guṇee gi-aanee bahi mataa pakaa-i-aa, fayray tat divaa-ay.
The virtuous and wise men sat down and resolved, and, immediately performed the
marriage ceremony.
vru pwieAw purKu AgMmu Agocru sd nvqnu bwl sKweI ]
var paa-i-aa purakh agaMm agochar, sad navtan baal sakhaa-ee.
She has obtained the inaccessible and unknowable Primal Person (as Husband), who is ever-
fresh (i.e. forever young), and a friend since childhood.
nwnk ikrpw kir kY myly ivCuiV kdy n jweI ]4]1]
naanak ,kirpaa kar kai maylay, vichhuṛ kaday na jaa-ee. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): One, whom God units by His grace, she shall never be separated again. 4.1

sUhI mhlw 4 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 4

hir pihlVI lwv privrqI krm idRVwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
har pahilaṛee laav, parvirtee karam driṛ-aa-i-aa bal raam jee-o.
In the first round (of the marriage ceremony), God makes firm the principle (i.e. discipline) of
active (i.e. married) life. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
bwxI bRhmw vydu Drmu idRVhu pwp qjwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
banee barahmaa vayd dharam darirh u, paap tajaa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.

Implant (in your mind that) the word (of the Guru) is Brahma’s Vedas and righteousness; it (i.e.
implanting Guru’s word) will erase your sins. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
Drmu idRVhu hir nwmu iDAwvhu isimRiq nwmu idRVwieAw ]
dharam dariṛhu, har naam dhi-aavahu, simrit naam driṛ-aa-i-aa.
Implant righteousness (in your mind), meditate upon the name of the Lord; (for the follower
of the Guru) implanting (in mind) the name (of the Guru) is (the teaching of) the Simritis.
siqguru guru pUrw AwrwDhu siB iklivK pwp gvwieAw ]
satgur gur pooraa aaraadhahu, sabh kilvikh paap gavaa-i-aa.
Adore the Guru, the perfect True Guru, it will dispel all your guilts and sins.
shj Anµdu hoAw vfBwgI min hir hir mITw lwieAw ]
sahj anaNd ho-aa vadbhaagee, man har har meeṭaa laa-i-aa.
One, to whose mind, the name of God, the Lord, seems sweet, that greatly lucky one shall
obtain bliss in ease.
P. 774
jnu khY nwnku lwv pihlI AwrMBu kwju rcwieAw ]1]
jan kahai naanak, laav pahilee, aaraMbh kaaj rachaa-i-aa. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak says: in this first round of the beginning of the ceremony of
marriage (of the soul bride with Husband Lord). 1
hir dUjVI lwv siqguru purKu imlwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
har doojṛee laav, satgur purakh milaa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
In the second round, the True Guru gets one to unite with Primal Person. (I am a) sacrifice
(unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
inrBau BY mnu hoie haumY mYlu gvwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
nirbha-o bhai man ho-ay, ha-umai mail gavaa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
(Through the wisdom of the True Guru) the mind (of the soul bride) becomes fearless from (all)
fears, her filth of egotism is washed off. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
inrmlu Bau pwieAw hir gux gwieAw hir vyKY rwmu hdUry ]
nirmal bha-o paa-i-aa, har guṇ gaa-i-aa, har vaykhai raam hadooray.
One (i.e. the soul bride), who has enshrined noble fear (of God in her mind), sings the (praise
of) the excellences of God, and, beholds Him ever present (before her).
hir Awqm rwmu pswirAw suAwmI srb rihAw BrpUry ]
har aatam raam pasaari-aa su-aamee, sarab rahi-aa bharpooray.
Lord, the Supreme Soul, the Master, is pervading and permeating everywhere.
AMqir bwhir hir pRBu eyko imil hir jn mMgl gwey ]
aNtar baahar har prabh ayko, mil har jan maNgal gaa-ay.
Inside and outside, (the soul-bride realizes that) the One God alone is the Lord (of the world);
joining together with the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, she sings the songs of bliss.
jn nwnk dUjI lwv clweI Anhd sbd vjwey ]2]
jan naanak, doojee laav chalaa-ee, anhad sabad vajaa-ay. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotees) Nanak (says): the second round (of the marriage ceremony) has begun,
and, the unstruck melody of the word is resounding (in the heart of the soul bride). 2
hir qIjVI lwv min cwau BieAw bYrwgIAw bil rwm jIau ]
har teejṛee laav, man chaa-o bha-i-aa bairaagee-aa, bal raam jee-o.
In the third round (of the marriage ceremony), the non-attached mind (of the soul bride) is
filled with excitement. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
sMq jnw hir mylu hir pwieAw vfBwgIAw bil rwm jIau ]
saNt janaa har mayl, har paa-i-aa vadbhaagee-aa, bal raam jee-o.
Those who meet the God-oriented persons and obtain (union with) God by great fortune. (I
am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
inrmlu hir pwieAw hir gux gwieAw muiK bolI hir bwxI ]
nirmal har paa-i-aa, har guṇ gaa-i-aa, mukh bolee har baṇee.
Those, who have obtained immaculate Lord, (they have) sung (the praise of) the excellences
of God, and, with their mouth they have chanted the word of God.
sMq jnw vfBwgI pwieAw hir kQIAY AkQ khwxI ]
saNt janaa vadbhaagee paa-i-aa, har kathee-ai akath kahaaṇee.
By great fortune they have found (the company of) the God-oriented persons, and, describe
the indescribable story of (the excellences of) God.
ihrdY hir hir hir Duin aupjI hir jpIAY msqik Bwgu jIau ]
hirdai har har har dhun upjee, har japee-ai mastak bhaag, jee-o.
Within their heart the sound of God, the Lord, the Master, resounds. One meditate upon (the
name of) God, if it is inscribed upon one’s forehead, O! dear.
jnu nwnku boly qIjI lwvY hir aupjY min bYrwgu jIau ]3]
jan naanak, bolay teejee laavai, har upjai man bairaag jee-o. ||3||

Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak says: in the third round (of the marriage ceremony), the mind (of
the soul bride) is filled with love for God, O! dear. 3
hir cauQVI lwv min shju BieAw hir pwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
har cha-uthaṛee laav, man sahj bha-i-aa har paa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
In the fourth round (of the marriage ceremony), the mind (of the soul bride) is in ease and she is
blessed with (union with) the Lord. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
gurmuiK imilAw suBwie hir min qin mITw lwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
gurmukh mili-aa subhaa-ay, har man tan meeṭaa laa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
Through the Guru, she (i.e. the soul bride) has met Him (i.e. Husband Lord) in ease; (now)
God seems sweet to her mind and body. (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
hir mITw lwieAw myry pRB BwieAw Anidnu hir ilv lweI ]
har meeṭaa laa-i-aa, mayray prabh bhaa-i-aa, an-din har liv laa-ee.
God seems sweet to her, this pleases my Lord; day and night, she focusses her attention on God.
mn icMidAw Plu pwieAw suAwmI hir nwim vjI vwDweI ]
man chindi-aa fal paa-i-aa, su-aamee, har naam vajee vaadhaa-ee.
She has obtained the Lord, as the fruit of her mind’s desires; and, she (i.e. the soul bride) has
been congratulation through the name of God.
hir pRiB Twkuir kwju rcwieAw Dn ihrdY nwim ivgwsI ]
har prabh ṭaakur kaaj rachaa-i-aa, dhan hirdai naam vigaasee.
God, the Lord, has performed the ceremony (of marriage), and, through the name (of the
Lord) the (soul) bride has blossomed forth.
jnu nwnku boly cauQI lwvY hir pwieAw pRBu AivnwsI ]4]2]
jan naanak bolay cha-uthee laavai, har paa-i-aa prabh avinaasee. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak says: in the fourth round (of the marriage ceremony), she has
found the imperishable God, the Lord (as Husband). 4.2

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 4 Gru 2 ] Raag Soohee, chhant, Mehlaa 4, ghar 2
gurmuiK hir gux gwey ] ihrdY rsn rswey ]
gurmukh har guṇ gaa-ay. hirdai rasan rasaa-ay.
One, who has sung (the praise of) the excellences of God through the Guru;
He has enjoyed the essence (of God) in his heart and on his tongue.
hir rsn rswey myry pRB Bwey imilAw shij suBwey ]
har rasan rasaa-ay, mayray prabh bhaa-ay mili-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
One, who has enjoyed the essence (of God) in his heart and on his tongue, is pleasing to my
Lord, (God) meets him in natural ease.
Anidnu Bog Bogy suiK sovY sbid rhY ilv lwey ] an-din bhog bhogay, sukh sovai, sabad rahai liv laa-ay.
Day and night, he enjoys pleasure, sleeps in peace; and, remains I tune with the word (of God).
vfY Bwig guru pUrw pweIAY Anidnu nwmu iDAwey ] vadai bhaag gur pooraa paa-ee-ai, an-din naam dhi-aa-ay.

By great fortune, one obtains the perfect Guru; and, day and night, he meditates upon the name.
shjy shij imilAw jgjIvnu nwnk suMin smwey ]1] sehjay sahj mili-aa jagjeevan, naanak, su n samaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): One finds (i.e. is united with) the Life of the World, and, is absorbed in void. 1
sMgiq sMq imlwey ] hir sir inrmil nwey ] saNgat saNt milaa-ay. har sar nirmal naa-ay.
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons is bathing in immaculate waters of (the
name of) God.
inrmil jil nwey mYlu gvwey Bey pivqu srIrw ] nirmal jal naa-ay, mail gavaa-ay, bha-ay pavit sareeraa.
bathing in immaculate waters , filth is washed off, and the body is purified.
durmiq mYlu geI BRmu Bwgw haumY ibnTI pIrw ] durmat mail ga-ee, bharam bhaagaa, ha-umai binṭee peeraa.
The filth of the evil-wisdom is washed off, doubt is gone, and, the pain of egotism is vanished.
ndir pRBU sqsMgiq pweI inj Gir hoAw vwsw ] nadar parabhoo, satsaNgat paa-ee, nij ghar ho-aa vaasaa.
By the grace of God, one finds true company, and, thus, one lives in the home of one’s self.
P. 775
hir mMgl ris rsn rswey nwnk nwmu pRgwsw ]2]
har maNgal ras rasan rasaa-ay, naanak, naam pargaasaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): One who sings the song of joy of God with his tongue, the name illuminates
(his heart). 2
Amqir rqnu bIcwry ] gurmuiK nwmu ipAwry ] aNtar ratan beechaaray. gurmukh naam pi-aaray.
(One should) contemplate the jewel (of name) within (one’s heart). Through the Guru, he
should love the name (of God).
hir nwmu ipAwry sbid insqwry AigAwnu ADyru gvwieAw ]
har naam pi-aaray, sabad nistaaray, agi-aan adhayr gavaa-i-aa.
One, who loves the name (of the Lord) is crosses over (the world ocean) through the word; the
darkness of ignorance is dispelled.
igAwnu pRcMfu bilAw Git cwnxu Gr mMdr sohwieAw ]
gi-aan parchaNd bali-aa ghat chaanaṇ, ghar maNdar sohaa-i-aa.
When (the lamp of) intense knowledge burns (i.e. lights up/ illumines) in the heart, the home,
the temple, (i.e. the being of a person) is embellished
qnu mnu Arip sIgwr bxwey hir pRB swcy BwieAw ]
tan man arap seegaar banaa-ay, har prabh saachay bhaa-i-aa.
Dedicating my mind and body, I decorated my body (with name), and, this pleased the True,
God, the Lord.
jo pRBu khY soeI pru kIjY nwnk AMik smwieAw ]3]
jo prabh kahai so-ee par keejai, naanak, aNk samaa-i-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): Whatever the Lord says, so I do. (This is how) one merged in His embrace. 3
hir pRiB kwju rcwieAw ] har prabh kaaj rachaa-i-aa.
God, the Lord, has arranged the ceremony (of the marriage of the soul bride).
gurmuiK vIAwhix AwieAw ] gurmukh vee-aahaṇ aa-i-aa.
Through the Guru He has come to marry (i.e. the Guru brings union between soul bride and God).
vIAwhix AwieAw gurmuiK hir pwieAw sw Dn kMq ipAwrI ]
vee-aahaṇ aa-i-aa gurmukh har paa-i-aa saa dhan kaNt pi-aaree.
Through the Guru, He has come to marry, through the Guru the (soul) bride has obtained

(union with) God. She is dear to the Husband (Lord).
sMq jnw imil mMgl gwey hir jIau Awip svwrI ] saNt janaa mil maNgal gaa-ay har jee-o aap savaaree.
Joining together the humble God-oriented persons sing blissful songs, God Himself has
adorned (the soul bride).
suir nr gx gMDrb imil Awey ApUrb jM\ bxweI ] sur nar gan gaNdharab mil aa-ay apoorab jaNnj baṇaa-ee.
The nagesl, the humans, attendants of the courts of gods, heavenly singers have come
together forming an unparalleled (i.e. wondrous) wedding party.
nwnk pRBu pwieAw mY swcw nw kdy mrY n jweI ]4]1]3]
naanak, prabh paa-i-aa mai saachaa, naa kaday marai na jaa-ee. ||4||1||3||
Nanak (says): I have found the True Lord, who never dies and is not born 4.1.3

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 4 Gru 3 Raag Soohee, chhaNt, Mehlaa 4, ghar 3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awvho sMq jnhu gux gwvh goivMd kyry rwm ] aavho saNt janhu, guṇ gaavah goviNd kayray, raam.
Come, O! humble God-oriented persons, and, sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord
of the Universe. O! God.
gurmuiK imil rhIAY Gir vwjih sbd Gnyry rwm ] gurmukh mil rahee-ai, ghar vaajeh sabad ghanayray, raam.
Through the Guru, let us gather together; (then) many melodies of words (i.e. the name) will
resonate in your home (i.e. heart), O! God.
sbd Gnyry hir pRB qyry qU krqw sB QweI ] sabad ghanayray, har prabh tayray, too kartaa sabh thaa-ee.
Your words are many, O! God, O! Lord; O! Creator You are (pervading) everywhere.
Aihinis jpI sdw swlwhI swc sbid ilv lweI ] ahinis japee, sadaa saalaahee, saach sabad liv laa-ee.
Day and night, I remember and praise (You) forever, and, I focus my mind on the True word.
Anidnu shij rhY rMig rwqw rwm nwmu ird pUjw ] an-din sahj rahai raNg raataa, raam naam rid poojaa.
One, who adore the name of God, within his heart, he remains imbued with His love all day
and night.
nwnk gurmuiK eyku pCwxY Avru n jwxY dUjw ]1] naanak, gurmukh ayk pachhaaṇai, avar na jaaṇai doojaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): He recognizes the One (Lord alone), he does not know any other. 1
sB mih riv rihAw so pRBu AMqrjwmI rwm ] sabh meh rav rahi-aa, so prabh aNtarjaamee, raam.
He, the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls), is pervading all, O! God.
gur sbid rvY riv rihAw so pRBu myrw suAwmI rwm ]
gur sabad ravai rav rahi-aa, so prabh mayraa su-aamee,raam.
(O! brethren) remember through the word of the Guru, that all pervading God, the Lord, O! God.
pRBu myrw suAwmI AMqrjwmI Git Git rivAw soeI ]
prabh mayraa su-aamee, aNtarjaamee, ghat ghat ravi-aa so-ee.
My God, my Lord, the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls), pervades each and every
gurmiq scu pweIAY shij smweIAY iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]
gurmat sach paa-ee-ai, sahj samaa-ee,-ai tis bin avar na ko-ee.

The True (Lord) is obtained through the wisdom of the Guru; (and then) one merge (in Him)
in ease. There is no other than Him.
shjy gux gwvw jy pRB Bwvw Awpy ley imlwey ] sehjay guṇ gaavaa, jay prabh bhaavaa, aapay la-ay milaa-ay.
If it pleases God (then) I will sing (praise of) His excellences in ease. He shall Himself unite
(me with Himself).
nwnk so pRBu sbdy jwpY Aihinis nwmu iDAwey ]2] naanak, so prabh sabday jaapai, ahinis naam dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): That Lord is known (i.e. realized) through the word; (so, O! brethren) meditate
upon His name day and night. 2
iehu jgo duqru mnmuKu pwir n pweI rwm ] ih jago dutar, manmukh paar na paa-ee, raam.
This world (ocean) is difficult to cross over, the mind-oriented can not cross over, O! God.
AMqry haumY mmqw kwmu k®oDu cqurweI rwm ] aNtray ha-umai, mamtaa, kaam, krodh, chaturaa-ee, raam.
Within him is egotism, (emotional) attachment, sexual desire, anger, cunning, O! God.
Amqir cqurweI Qwie n pweI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
aNtar chaturaa-ee, thaa-ay na paa-ee, birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa.
Within him is cunning, (hence) he is not approved (in God’s court); he wastes his life in vain.
jm mig duKu pwvY cotw KwvY AMiq gieAw pCuqwieAw ]
jam mag dukh paavai, chotaa khaavai, aNt ga-i-aa pachhutaa-i-aa.
(When he walks) on the path of death, he suffers in pain when he endures blows (i.e. heavy
punishment); thus he departs repenting
ibnu nwvY ko bylI nwhI puqu kutMbu suqu BweI ] bin naavai ko baylee naahee, put kutaMb sut bhaa-ee.
(Theere) without the name (of God) there is friend, no son, family, brothers or children.
nwnk mwieAw mohu pswrw AwgY swiQ n jweI ]3] naanak, maa-i-aa moh pasaaraa, aagai saath na jaa-ee. ||3||
Nanak (says): All this is expanse of attachment to maya; these shall not go along with him,
(in the world) hereafter. 3
hau pUCau Apnw siqguru dwqw ikn ibiD duqru qrIAY rwm ]
ha-o poochha-o apnaa satgur daataa, kin bidh dutar taree-ai, raam.
I ask my True Guru, the Giver, how to cross over the un-crossable (i.e. terrible world ocean),
O! God.
siqgur Bwie clhu jIviqAw iev mrIAY rwm ] satgur bhaa-ay chalhu, jeevti-aa iv maree-ai, raam.
(The True Guru replies): walk with (i.e. follow) the will of the True Guru, and, remain dead
while yet alive, O! god; (and)
jIviqAw mrIAY Baujlu qrIAY gurmuiK nwim smwvY ]
jeevti-aa maree-ai, bha-ojal taree-ai, gurmukh naam samaavai.
Remaining dead while yet alive, one can cross over the terrible waters (of the world ocean);
and, through the Guru, one merges in (the meditation upon) the name (of God).
P. 776
pUrw purKu pwieAw vfBwgI sic nwim ilv lwvY ] pooraa purakh paa-i-aa vadbhaagee, sach naam liv laavai.
One obtains Primal Person (i.e. God) by good fortune, and, he focusses (his mind) on the True
miq prgwsu BeI mnu mwinAw rwm nwim vifAweI ]
mat pargaas bha-ee, man maani-aa, raam naam vadi-aa-ee.
His intellect is enlightened, and, mind is satisfied; and, he obtains honour through
(meditation upon) the name of God.
nwnk pRBu pwieAw sbid imlwieAw joqI joiq imlweI ]4]1]4]
naanak, prabh paa-i-aa, sabad milaa-i-aa, jotee jot milaa-ee. ||4||1||4||
Nanak (says): when one merges in the word, he finds (i.e. gets united with) the Lord; and, his
light merges in the Light (of the Lord). 4.1.4

sUhI mhlw 4 Gru 5 Soohee, Mehlaa 4, ghar 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
guru sMq jno ipAwrw mY imilAw myrI iqRsnw buiJ geIAwsy ]
gur saNt jano, pi-aaraa mai mili-aa, mayree tarisnaa bujh ga-ee-aasay.
O! humble God-oriented persons, I have met my Beloved Guru, (and by his grace) my desire
(for attachment to maya) is quenched.
hau mnu qnu dyvw siqgurY mY myly pRB guxqwsy ] ha-o man tan dayvaa satigurai, mai maylay prabh guṇtaasay.
I dedicate my mind and body to the True Guru, (because he) unites me with God, the
Treasure of Excellences.
Dnu DMnu gurU vf purKu hY mY dsy hir swbwsy ] dhan dhaNn guroo vad purakh hai, mai dasay har, saabaasay.
Blesses, blessed is the Guru, the great person, who tells me (the way to) God; happiness to
him (i.e. May God bless him).
vfBwgI hir pwieAw jn nwnk nwim ivgwsy ]1] vadbhaagee har paa-i-aa, jan naanak, naam vigaasay. ||1||
Nanak (says): By great fortune, I have found God; I blossom forth in the name. 1
guru sjxu ipAwrw mY imilAw hir mwrgu pMQu dswhw ] gur sajaṇ pi-aaraa mai mili-aa, har maarag panth dasaahaa.
I have met the Guru, my beloved friend, (and ask him): shown me the path to God.
Gir Awvhu icrI ivCuMinAw imlu sbid gurU pRB nwhw ]
ghar aavhu chiree vichhuNni-aa, mil sabad guroo prabh naahaa.
(O! my beloved God) come home (i.e. come and dwell in my heart), I have been separated since
long, (please) meet me through the word of the Guru.
hau quJu bwJhu KrI aufIxIAw ijau jl ibnu mInu mrwhw ]
ha-o tujh baajhahu kharee udeeṇee-aa, ji-o jal bin meen maraahaa.
Without you, I am so sad, (I shall die) like a fish dies out of water.
vfBwgI hir iDAwieAw jn nwnk nwim smwhw ]2]
vadbhaagee har dhi-aa-i-aa, jan naanak, naam samaahaa. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee)Nanak (says): Those (who are) very fortunate, meditate upon (the name
of) God, and, they merge into the name.2
mnu dh idis cil cil BrimAw mnmuKu Brim BulwieAw ]
man dah dis chal chal bharmi-aa, manmukh bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
His mind wanders and wanders around in ten directions in delusion; the mind-oriented
(person) has been deluded by doubt.
inq Awsw min icqvY mn iqRsnw BuK lgwieAw ] nit aasaa man chitvai, man tarisnaa bhukh lagaa-i-aa.
Everyday (i.e. continuously), he contemplates hopes; his mind is gripped by hunger of desires.

Anqw Dnu Dir dibAw iPir ibKu Bwlx gieAw ] antaa dhan dhar dabi-aa, fir bikh bhaalaṇ ga-i-aa.
He has buried endless wealth underground, but, still he goes searching for poison (i.e. maya).
jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU ibnu nwvY pic pic muieAw ]3]
jan naanak, naam salaahi too, bin naavai pach pach mu-i-aa. ||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise the name (of God), without the name,
you will decay and rot away to death (i.e. your life will be wasted away in vain). 3
guru suMdru mohnu pwie kry hir pRym bwxI mnu mwirAw ]
gur suNdar mohan paa-ay karay, har praym baṇee man maari-aa.
By obtaining the beautiful and fascinating Guru, my mind has been pierced by the word of
the love of God.
myrY ihrdY suiD buiD ivsir geI mn Awsw icMq ivswirAw ]
mayrai hirdai sudh budh visar ga-ee, man aasaa chiNt visaari-aa.
My heart has lost consciousness(of worrying), and, my mind has forgotten hopes and worries.
mY AMqir vydn pRym kI gur dyKq mnu swDwirAw ]
mai aNtar vaydan praym kee, gur daykhat man saadhaari-aa.
Within me is pain of love, beholding the Guru, my mind is comforted.
vfBwgI pRB Awie imlu jnu nwnku iKnu iKnu vwirAw ]4]1]5]
vadbhaagee parabh aa-ay mil jan naanak khin khin vaari-aa. ||4||1||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): By my good fortune, come and met me my Lord; each
and every moment, I shall be a sacrifice unto You. 4.1.5

sUhI CMq mhlw 4 ] Soohee, chhant, Mehlaa 4

mwryihsu vy jn haumY ibiKAw ijin hir pRB imlx n idqIAw ]
maarayhis, vay jan, ha-umai bikhi-aa, jin har prabh milaṇ na ditee-aa.
Kill (i.e. eradicate) this poison of egotism, O! man, this has held you back from meeting God.
dyh kMcn vy vMnIAw iein haumY mwir ivguqIAw ] dayh kanchan vay vannee-aa, in ha-umai maar vigutee-aa.
This (your human) body was golden-coloured (i.e. it was precious), O! (man), it has been killed
and ruined by egotism.
mohu mwieAw vy sB kwlKw iein mnmuiK mUiV sjuqIAw ]
moh maa-i-aa vay sabh kaalkhaa, in manmukh moorh sajutee-aa.
Attachment to maya is all blackness (i.e. impurity, darkness), O! (man); (the mind of) this self-
oriented, foolish is attached to it.
jn nwnk gurmuiK aubry gur sbdI haumY CutIAw ]1]
jan naanak gurmukh ubray, gur sabdee ha-umai chhutee-aa. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented have been saved; through the word
of Guru, they have been liberated from egotism. 1
vis Awixhu vy jn iesu mn kau mnu bwsy ijau inq BauidAw ]
vas aaṇihu, vay, jan is man ka-o, man baasay ji-o nit bha-udi-aa.
Control (i.e. discipline) this mind, O! (man), your mind wander around continually like a falcon.
duiK rYix vy ivhwxIAw inq Awsw Aws kryidAw ] dukh raiṇ, vay, vihaanee-aa, nit aasaa aas karaydi-aa.
Its night (of life) passes painfully in constant hopes and desires, O! (man).
guru pwieAw vy sMq jno min Aws pUrI hir cauidAw ]

gur paa-i-aa vay saNt jano man aas pooree har cha-udi-aa.
One, sho has found the Guru, O! humble God-oriented person, their hopes of mind are
fulfilled by chanting (the name of) God.
jn nwnk pRB dyhu mqI Cif Awsw inq suiK sauidAw ]2]
jan naanak, prabh dayh matee, chhad aasaa nit sukh sa-udi-aa. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God (please) bless me with wisdom (i.e.
understanding), that abandoning hopes (i.e. desires), I may always sleep in peace. 2
sw Dn Awsw iciq kry rwm rwijAw hir pRB syjVIAY AweI ]
saa dhan aasaa chit karay, raam raaji-aa, har prabh sayjṛee-ai aa-ee.
The bride hopes (i.e. desires) in her mind, O! Sovereign Lord, O! God, O! Lord, come to my
(decorated marriage) bed.
myrw Twkuru Agm dieAwlu hY rwm rwijAw kir ikrpw lyhu imlweI ]
mayraa ṭaakur agam da-i-aal hai, raam raaji-aa, kar kirpaa layho milaa-ee.
My Lord is infinitely kind, O! Sovereign Lord, be graceful and unite me (with Yourself).
myrY min qin locw gurmuKy rwm rwijAw hir srDw syj ivCweI ]
mayrai man tan lochaa gurmukhay, raam raaji-aa har sardhaa sayj vichhaa-ee.
My mind and body long (to have a vision of God), O! Sovereign Lord, (and for this) I have
spread out (i.e. have decorated) my bed of faith (i.e. dedication).
jn nwnk hir pRB BwxIAw rwm rwijAw imilAw shij suBweI ]3]
jan naanak, har prabh bhaaṇee-aa, raam raaji-aa, mili-aa sahj subhaa-ee. ||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): if one (i.e. soul bride) is pleasing to God, the Lord, O!
Sovereign Lord, He meets her in natural ease. 3
iekqu syjY hir pRBo rwm rwijAw guru dsy hir mylyeI ]
ikat sayjai har prabho, raam raaji-aa, gur dasay har maylay-ee.
God, the Lord, is on same bed (i.e. He is in every heart, but, every one can not behold Him), O!
Sovereign Lord, (but, when) Guru tells (i.e. shows the path, then) one meets (i.e. is united with) God.
mY min qin pRym bYrwgu hY rwm rwijAw guru myly ikrpw kryeI ]
mai man tan paraym bairaag hai, raam raaji-aa, gur maylay kirpaa karay-ee.
My mind and body are filled with love and yearning (for union with Him), O! Sovereign Lord,
(but, only those) whom the Guru graces unites (him with the Lord).
hau gur ivthu Goil GumwieAw rwm rwijAw jIau siqgur AwgY dyeI ]
ha-o gur vitahu ghol ghumaa-i-aa, raam raaji-aa, jee-o satgur aagai day-ee.
I am a sacrifice unto the True Guru, O! Sovereign Lord, I surrender my soul unto Him.
guru quTw jIau rwm rwijAw jn nwnk hir mylyeI ]4]2]6]5]7]6]18]
gur tuṭaa, jee-o raam raaji-aa, jan naanak har maylay-ee. ||4||2||6||5||7||6||18||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): when the Guru is pleased, O! dear Sovereign Lord, he
unite one with the Lord.

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 5 Gru 1 Raag Soohee, chhaNt, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
suix bwvry qU kwey dyiK Bulwnw ] suṇ baavray, too kaa-ay daykh bhulaanaa.
Listen O! crazy*, beholding (the attractions of maya), why have you been deluded.
[ *Here, in this verse, the word, crazy does not mean ‘mad/insane’; it is in the sense of enamoured, infatuated, fooled].
suix bwvry nyhu kUVw lwieE kusMB rMgwnw ] suṇ baavray, nayhu kooṛaa laa-i-o kusaMbh raNgaanaa.
Listen O! crazy, you have become attached to false love (for maya), it is (transitory like the
fading) colour of safflower.
kUVI fyiK Bulo AFu lhY n mulo goivd nwmu mjITw ]
kooṛee daykh bhulo, aḍ lahai na mulo, govid naam majeeṭaa.
Beholding the false (colours of maya) you are deluded; it is not worth even half a shell; only
the name of the Lord of the Universe is (permanent like the colour of) madder* plant.
[*Madder plant (i.e. Rubia tinctorum) has small yellow flowers. Dye of its root is red, and, it gives permanent colour. In
literature madder is used to denote permanent/ forever/ everlasting.].
Qivih lwlw Aiq gulwlw sbdu cIin gur mITw ] theeveh laalaa, at gulaalaa, sabad cheen gur meeṭaa.
(You shall) become red, very deep red, (if you) contemplate the sweet word of the Guru.
imiQAw moih mgnu QI rihAw JUT sMig lptwnw ] mithi-aa mohi magan thee rahi-aa, jhooth saNg laptaanaa.
You remain inebriated with false attachment (to maya), and cling to falsehood.
nwnk dIn srix ikrpw iniD rwKu lwj Bgqwnw ]1]
naanak, deen saraṇ kirpaa nidh, raakh laaj bhagtaanaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): O! Treasure of Mercy, this poor seeks Your refuge, (please) preserve the
honour of your devotees. 1
suix bwvry syiv Twkuru nwQu prwxw ] suṇ baavray, sayv ṭaakur naath paraaṇaa.
Listen O! crazy, serve the Lord, the Lord of Your Breath (of life).
suix bwvry jo AwieAw iqsu jwxw ] sun baavray, jo aa-i-aa tis jaaṇaa.
Listen O! crazy, whoever has come, shall have to go.
inhclu hB vYsI suix prdysI sMqsMig imil rhIAY ] nihchal habh vaisee, suṇ pardaysee, saNtsaNg mil rahee-ai.
Listen O! stranger (i.e. one having limited stay), all that which seems to be unshaken (i.e.
permanent), shall pass away; (so), live in the congregation of God-oriented persons.
hir pweIAY BwgI suix bYrwgI crx pRBU gih rhIAY ]
har paa-ee-ai bhaagee, suṇ bairaagee, charaṇ prabhoo geh rahee-ai.
Listen, O! renunciate, one obtains (i.e. one is united with) God by (good) destiny; (so) you
keep holding (i.e. remain attached to) the feet of the Lord.
eyhu mnu dIjY sMk n kIjY gurmuiK qij bhu mwxw ] ayhu man deejai, sa k na keejai, gurmukh taj baho maaṇaa.
Surrender your mind (to the Guru) and have no doubts; abandon your great pride (i.e.
egotism) through the Guru.
nwnk dIn Bgq Bv qwrx qyry ikAw gux AwiK vKwxw ]2]
naanak, deen bhagat bhav taaraṇ, tayray ki-aa guṇ aakh vakhaaṇaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): You carry the poor and the devotees across the terrible (waters of the world
ocean); (O! Lord), what of Your excellences can I can chant and describe ? 2
suix bwvry ikAw kIcY kUVw mwno ] suṇ baavray, ki-aa keechai kooṛaa maano.
Listen O! crazy, why do you harbour false pride?
suix bwvry hBu vYsI grbu gumwno ] suṇ baavray, habh vaisee garab gumaano.
Listen O! crazy, all your egotism and pride shall pass away.
inhclu hB jwxw imiQAw mwxw sMq pRBU hoie dwsw ]
nihchal habh jaaṇaa, mithi-aa maaṇaa, saNt prabhoo ho-ay daasaa.
What you think as unshaken (i.e. permanent), shall pass away. The pride is false, (so) become
the slave of the God-oriented persons of God.
jIvq mrIAY Baujlu qrIAY jy QIvY krim iliKAwsw ]
jeevat maree-ai, bha-ojal taree-ai, jay theevai karam likhi-aasaa.
By remaining dead while yet alive, one crosses the terrible waters (of the world ocean), if it is
preordained destiny.
guru syvIjY AMimRqu pIjY ijsu lwvih shij iDAwno ] gur sayveejai, aMmrit peejai, jis laaveh sahj dhi-aano.
One, whom You attach to poise and contemplation, serves the Guru and drinks in AMmrit.
nwnku srix pieAw hir duAwrY hau bil bil sd kurbwno ]3]
naanak, saraṇ pa-i-aa har du-aarai, ha-o bal bal sad kurbaano. ||3||
Nanak (says): I seek refuge at the door of God; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, and, forever a
sacrifice unto Him. 3
suix bwvry mqu jwxih pRBu mY pwieAw ] suṇ baavray, mat jaaṇeh ‘prabh mai paa-i-aa’.
Listen O! crazy, do not think: ‘I have found God’ (i.e. do not be proud that you have found God).
suix bwvry QIau ryxu ijnI pRBu iDAwieAw ] suṇ baavray, thee-o rayṇ, jinee prabh dhi-aa-i-aa.
Listen O! crazy, be the dust of the feet of those who meditate upon God.
ijin pRBu iDAwieAw iqin suKu pwieAw vfBwgI drsnu pweIAY ]
jin prabh dhi-aa-i-aa, tin sukh paa-i-aa; vadbhaagee darsan paa-ee-ai.
Those who have meditated upon God obtain (spiritual) happiness; (only) by great fortune
one obtains vision (of God).
Qiau inmwxw sd kurbwxw sglw Awpu imtweIAY ] thee-o nimaaṇaa, sad kurbaanaa, saglaa aap mitaa-ee-ai.
Be humble, and, be forever a sacrifice (unto God), and all your self-conceit shall be erased.
Ehu Dnu Bwg suDw ijin pRBu lDw hm iqsu pih Awpu vycwieAw ]
oh dhan bhaag sudhaa, jin prabh ladhaa, ham tis peh aap vaychaa-i-aa.
One, who has found (i.e. got united with) God are very fortunate and praiseworthy (i.e.
applaudable, graceful); I have sold myself (i.e. I am a slave) to them.
nwnk dIn srix suK swgr rwKu lwj ApnwieAw ]4]1]
naanak deen, saraṇ sukh saagar, raakh laaj apnaa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): O! (Lord) Ocean of Happiness, I the poor, seek Your refuge; make me Your
own and save my honour. 4.2

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

hir crx kml kI tyk siqguir idqI quis kY bil rwm jIau ]
har charaṇ kamal kee tayk, satgur ditee tus kai, bal raam jee-o.
The True Guru was pleased with me, and, blessed me the protection at the lotus-feet of God;
(I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
P. 778
hir AMimRiq Bry BMfwr sBu ikCu hY Gir iqs kY bil rwm jIau ]
har aMmrit bharay bhaNdaar, sabh kichh hai ghar tis kai, bal raam jee-o.

God’s treasure are overflowing with AMmrit (name), everything is in His home; (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
bwbulu myrw vf smrQw krx kwrx pRBu hwrw ] baabul mayraa vad samrathaa, karaṇ kaaraṇ prabh haaraa.
My father (i.e. God) is absolutely All-Powerful; God is the Doer and the Cause of (all) causes.
ijsu ismrq duKu koeI n lwgY Baujlu pwir auqwrw ] jis simrat dukh ko-ee na laagai, bha-ojal paar utaaraa.
Remembering Him, no sufferings touch; He carries across the terrible waters (of the world
Awid jugwid Bgqn kw rwKw ausqiq kir kir jIvw ] aad jugaad bhagtan kaa raakhaa, ustat kar kar jeevaa.
In the beginning and throughout the Ages, He is the Protector of the devotee. Praising Him
continually, I live (spiritually).
nwnk nwmu mhw rsu mITw Anidnu min qin pIvw ]1]
naanak, naam mahaa ras meeṭaa, an-din man tan peevaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): Name (of God) is greatly sweet essence; day and night, I drink it in (to feed
my) mind and body. 1
hir Awpy ley imlwie ikau vyCoVw QIveI bil rwm jIau ]
har aapay la-ay milaa-ay, ki-o vaychhoṛaa theev-ee, bal raam jee-o.
(When) God Himself unites (with Himself), (then) how can there be separation; (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
ijs no qyrI tyk so sdw sd jIveI bil rwm jIau ] jis no tayree tayk, so sadaa sad jeev-ee, bal raam jee-o.
One who has Your support, he lives forever and ever; (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my)
dear Lord.
qyrI tyk quJY qy pweI swcy isrjxhwrw ] tayree tayk, tujhai tay paa-ee, saachay sirjanhaaraa.
I take my support, and, I have obtained it from You alone, O! true Creator.
ijs qy KwlI koeI nwhI AYsw pRBU hmwrw ] jis tay khaalee ko-ee naahee, aisaa prabhoo hamaaraa.
No one lacks Him (i.e. no one goes empty-handed from Him), such is my Lord.
sMq jnw imil mMglu gwieAw idnu rYin Aws qum@wrI ] saNt janaa mil mangal gaa-i-aa, din rain aas tum aaree.

joining with humble God-oriented persons, we sing the songs of joy, day and night I place
my hope in You.
sPlu drsu ByitAw guru pUrw nwnk sd bilhwrI ]2]
safal daras bhayti-aa gur pooraa, naanak sad balihaaree. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! Lord) I am forever a sacrifice unto You; (by Your grace) I have obtained the
perfect Guru, whose vision is fruitful. 2
sMm@ilAw scu Qwnu mwnu mhqu scu pwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
saMm li-aa sach thaan, maan mahat sach paa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.

Remembering the place of the True, I received true honour and dignity (from here), (I am a)
sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
siqguru imilAw dieAwlu gux AibnwsI gwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
satgur mili-aa da-i-aal, guṇ abhinaasee gaa-i-aa, bal raam jee-o.
Meeting the merciful True Guru, I sang (the praise of) the excellences of the Immortal (Lord),
(I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
gux goivMd gwau inq inq pRwx pRIqm suAwmIAw ] gun goviNd gaa-o nit nit, paraan pareetam su-aamee-aa.
I sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the Universe, always and forever, O! my
Beloved Lord of Breath (of life).
suB idvs Awey gih kMiT lwey imly AMqrjwmIAw ] subh divas aa-ay, geh ka th laa-ay, milay antarjaamee-aa.
Good days (of life) have come, He has hugged me close to His bosom; I have found (i.e. I am
united with) the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls).
squ sMqoKu vjih vwjy Anhdw Juxkwry ] sat saNtokh vajeh vaajay, anhadaa jhuṇkaaray.
The instrument of truth and contentment are being played on (in my heart), and, the
unstruck melody resounds.
suix BY ibnwsy sgl nwnk pRB purK krxYhwry ]3]
suṇ bhai binaasay sagal, naanak, prabh purakh karṇaihaaray. ||3||
Nanak (says): hearing this (the unstruck melody of truth) all my fears are vanished; (all this
is the grace of) the Lord, the Primal Person, the Creator. 3
aupijAw qqu igAwnu swhurY pyeIAY ieku hir bil rwm jIau ]
upji-aa tat gi-aan, saahurai pay-ee-ai ik har, bal raam jee-o.
When the essence of wisdom welled up, (then I realized that) in the house of the father-in-law
(i.e. the world hereafter) and in the house of father (i.e. this world), (the same) One Lord is
pervading; (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
bRhmY bRhmu imilAw koie n swkY iBMn kir bil rwm jIau ]
barahmai barahm mili-aa, ko-ay na saakai bhiNn kar, bal raam jee-o.
When (segment of) God (i.e. the being) met God (i.e. when light/soul merged with the Light/the
Supreme Soul), no one can separate it; (I am a) sacrifice (unto You), O! (my) dear Lord.
ibsmu pyKY ibsmu suxIAY ibsmwdu ndrI AwieAw ] bisam paykhai, bisam suṇee-ai, bismaad nadree aa-i-aa.
(One, who) beholds the Wondrous (Lord), and, listens to the Wondrous (Lord), (to him, only)
the Wondrous (Lord) comes into vision everywhere.
jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI Git Git rihAw smwieAw ]
jal thal mahee-al pooran su-aamee, ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-i-aa.
The perfect Lord is pervading the waters, the land, the nether regions, and, in each and
every heart.
ijs qy aupijAw iqsu mwih smwieAw kImiq khxu n jwey ]
jis tay upji-aa, tis maahi samaa-i-aa, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ay.
From which it (i.e. the human being) had originated, it merges again into the same; the value
of this can not be described.
ijs ky clq n jwhI lKxy nwnk iqsih iDAwey ]4]2]
jis kay chalat na jaahee lakh-ṇay, naanak, tiseh dhi-aa-ay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): meditate upon Him, whose wonders can not be described. 4.2

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 5 Gru 2 Raag Soohee, chhant, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
goibMd gux gwvx lwgy ] hir rMig Anidnu jwgy ] gobiNd guṇ gaavaṇ laagay. har raNg an-din jaagay.
(Those, who met the Guru) began singing the excellences of the Lord of the Universe;
Day and night, they are awake to love (of the Lord).
hir rMig jwgy pwp Bwgy imly sMq ipAwirAw ] har raNg jaagay, paap bhaagay, milay saNt pi-aari-aa.
Meeting the beloved God-oriented persons, they awake to the love of God, their sins run
away (i.e. their sins are erased).
gur crx lwgy Brm Bwgy kwj sgl svwirAw ] gur charaṇ laagay, bharam bhaagay, kaaj sagal savaari-aa.
(Those, who are) attached to the feet of the Guru, their doubts run away (i.e. are dispelled);
and, all their affairs are settled.
suix sRvx bwxI shij jwxI hir nwmu jip vfBwgY ]
suṇ sarvaṇ baṇee, sahj jaaṇee, har naam jap vadbhaagai.
By great fortune, they meditate upon the name of God; and, listening to the word (of the
Guru) with their ears, they know (i.e. they realize God) in ease.
ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI jIau ipMfu pRB AwgY ]1]
binvaNt naanak, saraṇ su-aamee, jee-o piNd prabh aagai. ||1||
Prays Nanak: Those who sought refuge of the Lord, dedicate their mind and soul unto God. 1
Anhq sbdu suhwvw ] scu mMglu hir jsu gwvw ] anhat sabad suhaavaa. sach maNgal har jas gaavaa.
(To them) the unstruck word seems so beautiful, (who) sing the true song of joy, the praise of God.
gux gwie hir hir dUK nwsy rhsu aupjY min Gxw ] guṇ gaa-ay har har dookh naasay rahas upjai man ghaṇaa.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord, their sufferings vanish away, and,
their mind is filled with tremendous joy.
mnu qMnu inrmlu dyiK drsnu nwmu pRB kw muiK Bxw ]
man taNn nirmal, daykh darsan, naam prabh kaa mukh bhaṇaa.
When they chanted the name of the Lord with their mouth (i.e. tongue), and, had the vision
(of God), their mind become immaculate.
P. 779
hoie ryx swDU pRB ArwDU Awpxy pRB Bwvw ] ho-ay rayṇ saadhoo prabh araadhoo, aapṇay prabh bhaavaa.
Becoming feet-dust of (those) God-oriented persons who adore God, I shall become pleasing
to my Lord.
ibnvMiq nwnk dieAw Dwrhu sdw hir gux gwvw ]2]
binvaNt naanak, da-i-aa dhaarahu, sadaa har guṇ gaavaa. ||2||
Prays Nanak: (please) bestow Your mercy (upon me) that I may always sing (the praise of)
Your excellences. 2
gur imil swgru qirAw ] gur mil saagar tari-aa.
Meeting the Guru I crossed over the (world) ocean.
hir crx jpq insqirAw ] har charaṇ japat nistari-aa.
Meditating upon the feet of God, I am emancipated.
hir crx iDAwey siB Pl pwey imty Awvx jwxw ] har charan dhi-aa-ay, sabh fal paa-ay mitay aavaṇ jaaṇaa.
Meditating upon the feet of God, I have obtained all fruits (i.e. I am satisfied and satiated,
now); my coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) has ceased.
Bwie Bgiq suBwie hir jip Awpxy pRB Bwvw ] bhaa-ay bhagat, subhaa-ay har jap, aapṇay prabh bhaavaa.
With loving devotion, I meditate upon God in ease, and, my God is pleased(with me).
jip eyku AlK Apwr pUrn iqsu ibnw nhI koeI ] jap ayk alakh apaar pooran, tis binaa nahee ko-ee.
Meditating upon One, Unknowable, Infinite, perfect (Lord, I have realized that) there is non
other than Him.
ibnvMiq nwnk guir Brmu KoieAw jq dyKw qq soeI ]3]
binvaNt naanak, gur bharam kho-i-aa, jat daykhaa tat so-ee. ||3||
Prays Nanak: Guru has removed my doubts, wherever I look, there I see Him. 3
piqq pwvn hir nwmw ] patit paavan har naamaa.
God's name purifier of the sinners.
pUrn sMq jnw ky kwmw ] pooran saNt janaa kay kaamaa.
It (i.e. the name of the Lord) settles the affairs of the God-oriented persons.
guru sMqu pwieAw pRBu iDAwieAw sgl ieCw puMnIAw ]
gur saNt paa-i-aa, prabh dhi-aa-i-aa, sagal ichhaa punnee-aa.
(Those, who) have found Guru (who is) the God-oriented person, meditating upon God, all
their wishes have been fulfilled.
hau qwp ibnsy sdw srsy pRB imly icrI ivCuMinAw ]
ha-o taap binsay, sadaa sarsay, prabh milay chiree vichhuNni-aa.
Their ailment of egotism has been dispelled, and, they are always happy, (because) they have
met God (from whom they were) separated for so long.
min swiq AweI vjI vDweI mnhu kdy n vIsrY ] man saat aa-ee, vajee vadhaa-ee, manhu kaday na veesrai.
Their mind have found peace, (hence they) have been congratulated; (now) they shall never
forget (God) from their minds.
ibnvMiq nwnk siqguir idRVwieAw sdw Bju jgdIsrY ]4]1]3]
binvaNt naanak satgur driṛ-aa-i-aa sadaa bhaj jagdeesrai. ||4||1||3||
Prays Nanak: The True Guru has implanted this (in my mind) “meditate forever upon the
Lord of the World”. 4.2.3

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 5 Gru 3 Raag Soohee, chhaNt, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
qU Twkuro bYrwgro mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ] too ṭaakuro bairaagro, mai jayhee ghaṇ chayree, raam.
O! Lord, You are unattached Master; You have so many (slave) maids like me, O! God.
qUM swgro rqnwgro hau swr n jwxw qyrI rwm ] tooN saagro ratnaagro, ha-o saar na jaaṇaa tayree, raam.
You are an ocean, the mine of jewels, I do not know Your value, O! God.
swr n jwxw qU vf dwxw kir imhrMmiq sWeI ] saar na jaaṇaa, too vad daanaa, kar mihraMmat, saan-ee.
I do not know Your value; You are the wisest (of all); (please) bestow Your mercy unto me,
O! Lord.
ikrpw kIjY sw miq dIjY AwT phr quDu iDAweI ] kirpaa keejai, saa mat deejai ,aaṭ pahar tudh dhi-aa-ee.
(O! Lord) Bestow Your mercy, and, bless me with such wisdom, that I may meditate upon
You, (all) the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hours of the day).
grbu n kIjY ryx hovIjY qw giq jIAry qyrI ] garab na keejai, rayṇ hoveejai, taa gat jee-aray tayree.
O! my soul, do not be proud, and, become the dust of feet (of all), (only) then you shall be saved.
sB aUpir nwnk kw Twkuru mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ]1]

sabh oopar naanak kaa ṭaakur, mai jayhee ghaṇ chayree, raam. ||1||
The Lord of Nanak is the Master of all; He has so many (slave) maids like me, O! God 1
qum@ gauhr Aiq gihr gMBIrw qum ipr hm bhurIAw rwm ]
tumh ga-uhar, at gahir gaMbheeraa, tum pir ham bahuree-aa, raam.
You are deep, totally unfathomable, profound; You are my Husband, and I am Your wife
(i.e. I am of no importance), O! God.
qum vfy vfy vf aUcy hau ieqnIk lhurIAw rwm ] tum vaday, vaday vad oochay, ha-o itneek lahuree-aa, raam.
You are great, higher than the greatest of the greatest, and, I am infinitely small, O! God.
hau ikCu nwhI eyko qUhY Awpy Awip sujwnw ] ha-o kichh naahee, ayko toohai, aapay aap sujaanaa.
I am nothing; You are One and the only; You Yourself are all-knowing.
AMimRq idRsit inmK pRB jIvw srb rMg rs mwnw ] a mrit darisat nimakh prabh jeevaa, sarab ra g ras maanaa.
With just a momentary AMmrit glance (of Your grace), O! Lord, I live; and, I enjoy all the
pleasures of (spiritual) love.
crxh srnI dwsh dwsI min maulY qnu hrIAw ] charṇah sarnee, daasah daasee, man ma-ulai, tan haree-aa.
I seek refuge of Your feet; I am the slave of your slaves; (in Your feet) my mind blossoms forth
and my body has turned green (i.e. is rejuvenated).
nwnk Twkuru srb smwxw Awpn Bwvn krIAw ]2]
naanak, ṭaakur sarab samaaṇaa, aapan bhaavan karee-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): The Lord is all contained amongst all (the beings); He does as it pleases Him. 2
quJu aUpir myrw hY mwxw qUhY myrw qwxw rwm ] tujh oopar mayraa hai maaṇaa, toohai mayraa taaṇaa, raam.
I take pride in You; You are my (only) strength, O! God.
suriq miq cqurweI qyrI qU jwxwieih jwxw rwm ] surat mat chaturaa-ee tayree, too jaanaa-ihi jaaṇaa, raam.
My understanding, wisdom, intelligence, all flow from You (i.e. all are Your blessing). I know
(only) what You cause me to know, O! God.
soeI jwxY soeI pCwxY jw kau ndir isrMdy ] so-ee jaanai, so-ee pachhaaṇai, jaa ka-o nadar siranday.
He alone knows (right path of life), and, he alone understands (God), upon whom the Creator
bestows His grace.
mnmuiK BUlI bhuqI rwhI PwQI mwieAw PMdy ] manmukh bhoolee bahutee raahee, faathee maa-i-aa faNday.
The mind-oriented wanders along many paths (and strays), and, is trapped in the net of maya.
Twkur BwxI sw guxvMqI iqn hI sB rMg mwxw ] thaakur bhaaṇee saa guṇvaNtee tin hee sabh raNg maaṇaa.
One, who is pleasing to Master is of virtues, she alone is virtuous, and, she alone enjoys all
pleasures (of His love).
nwnk kI Dr qUhY Twkur qU nwnk kw mwxw ]3] naanak kee dhar toohai ṭaakur, too naanak kaa maaṇaa. ||3||
Nanak (says): You are my (only) support, O! Lord, and, You (alone) are Nanak’s (i.e. my) pride. 3
hau vwrI vM\w GolI vM\w qU prbqu myrw El@w rwm ]
ha-o vaaree vaNnjaa gholee vaNnjaa, too parbat mayraa olhaa, raam.
I am a sacrifice, dedicated and devoted (unto You, O! Lord); You are my mountain like cover
(i.e. defence), O! God.
hau bil jweI lK lK lK brIAw ijin BRmu prdw Kol@w rwm ]
ha-o bal jaa-ee lakh lakh lakh baree-aa, jin bharam pardaa kholhaa, raam.
I am a sacrifice unto Him, hundreds of thousands of times, and, millions and billions of
times, who has torn away (i.e. removed) veil of doubts, O! God.
P. 780
imty AMDwry qjy ibkwry Twkur isau mnu mwnw ] mitay aNdhaaray, tajay bikaaray, ṭaakur si-o man maanaa.
The darkness (of ignorance) has been eliminated, I have renounced evil-deeds, and, my mind
pleases with the Lord.
pRB jI BwxI BeI inkwxI sPl jnmu prvwnw ] prabh jee bhaaṇee, bha-ee nikaaṇee, safal janam parvaanaa.
I have become pleasing to dear God, and I have become carefree; my life is fruitful and
approved (in His court).
BeI AmolI Bwrw qolI mukiq jugiq dru Kol@w ] bha-ee amolee, bhaaraa tolee, mukat jugat dar kholhaa.
I have become invaluable, and, heavy-weight (i.e. with great virtues); the door of liberation
(from vices) and right path of life is open (to me).
khu nwnk hau inrBau hoeI so pRBu myrw El@w ]4]1]4]
kaho naanak, ha-o nirbha-o ho-ee, so prabh mayraa olhaa. ||4||1||4||
Says Nanak: I am free from fear (now, because)), God is my cover (i.e. defence). 5.2.4

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

swjnu purKu siqguru myrw pUrw iqsu ibnu Avru n jwxw rwm ]
saajan purakh satgur mayraa pooraa, tis bin avar na jaaṇaa, raam.
My perfect True Guru is my (real) dear friend; I do not know any other than him, O! God.
mwq ipqw BweI suq bMDp jIA pRwx min Bwxw rwm ]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut baNdhap, jee-a paraan man bhaaṇaa, raam.
He is my mother, father, brother, son, and relative; He is my soul and breath (of life); and, He
is very pleasing to my mind, O! God.
jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw dIAw srb guxw BrpUry ] jee-o piNd sabh tis kaa dee-aa, sarab guṇaa bharpooray.
My soul and body are all His gifts (i.e. blessings); He is overflowing with all excellences.
AMqrjwmI so pRBu myrw srb rihAw BrpUry ] aNtarjaamee so prabh mayraa, sarab rahi-aa bharpooray.
That my Lord is the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls); He is pervading all.
qw kI srix srb suK pwey hoey srb kilAwxw ] taa kee saraṇ sarab sukh paa-ay, ho-ay sarab kali-aaṇaa.
In His refuge, I obtain all pleasures, and, I am completely in bliss.
sdw sdw pRB kau bilhwrY nwnk sd kurbwxw ]1]
sadaa sadaa parabh ka-o balihaarai, naanak sad kurbaaṇaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto the Lord; I am always a sacrifice (unto
Him). 1
AYsw guru vfBwgI pweIAY ijqu imilAY pRBu jwpY rwm ]
aisaa gur vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai, jit mili-ai prabh jaapai, raam.
(O! brethren) It is by great fortune that one finds such a Guru, meeting whom God is known
(i.e. realized), O! God.
jnm jnm ky iklivK auqrih hir sMq DUVI inq nwpY rwm ]
janam janam kay kilvikh utreh, har saNt dhooṛee nit naapai, raam.
The sins of countless lives (i.e. incarnations) are erased, (by) bathing continuously in the feet-
dust of the God-oriented persons, O! God.
hir DUVI nweIAY pRBU iDAweIAY bwhuiV join n AweIAY ]
har dhooṛee naa-ee-ai, prabhoo dhi-aa-ee-ai, baahuṛ jon na aa-ee-ai.
Bathing in the feet-dust of God and meditating upon God, one does not have to enter womb
(for re-incarnation) again.
gur crxI lwgy BRm Bau Bwgy min icMidAw Plu pweIAY ]
gur charṇee laagay, bharam bha-o bhaagay, man chiNdi-aa fal paa-ee-ai.
Attaching to the feet of the Guru, all doubts and fears are dispelled; and, one receives the
fruits of desires of one’s mind.
hir gux inq gwey nwmu iDAwey iPir sogu nwhI sMqwpY ]
har guṇ nit gaa-ay, naam dhi-aa-ay, fir sog naahee saNtaapai.
Singing continually (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, meditating upon His name,
one does not suffer pain and agony, again.
nwnk so pRBu jIA kw dwqw pUrw ijsu prqwpY ]2] naanak, so prabh jee-a kaa daataa, pooraa jis partaapai. ||2||
Nanak (says): Whose great glory is perfect, that God is the Giver to (all) the beings. 2
hir hry hir gux inDy hir sMqn kY vis Awey rwm ] har haray, har guṇ nidhay, har sa tan kai vas aa-ay, raam.
God, the Lord, the Master (who) is the treasure of all excellences; He is under the power of
the God-oriented persons, O! God.
sMq crx gur syvw lwgy iqnI prm pd pwey rwm ] sa t charaṇ gur sayvaa ladagay, tinee param pad paa-ay, raam.
Those who are attached to the God-oriented persons and serve of the Guru, (they) obtain the
supreme status (i.e. liberation), O! God.
prm pdu pwieAw Awpu imtwieAw hir pUrn ikrpw DwrI ]
param pad paa-i-aa, aap mitaa-i-aa, har pooran kirpaa dhaaree.
Those, upon whom God bestowed His full grace, they eradicated self-conceit; and, achieved
supreme status (i.e. liberation).
sPl jnmu hoAw Bau Bwgw hir ByitAw eyku murwrI ]
safal janam ho-aa bha-o bhaagaa, har bhayti-aa ayk muraaree.
Their life became fruitful; (all) their fears got dispelled; and, they met the One (Lord)
Destroyer of Demons.
ijs kw sw iqn hI myil lIAw joqI joiq smwieAw ] jis kaa saa, tin hee mayl lee-aa, jotee jot samaa-i-aa.
The One whom he belonged to, He united him (with Himself); the light merged into the Light.
nwnk nwmu inrMjn jpIAY imil siqgur suKu pwieAw ]3]
naanak, naam niraNjan japee-ai, mil satgur sukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): meditate upon the name of the Immaculate (God); meeting the True Guru,
(spiritual) happiness is attained. 3
gwau mMglo inq hir jnhu puMnI ieC sbweI rwm ] gaa-o maNglo nit har janhu, puNnee ichh sabaa-ee, raam.
Sing continually the songs of joy, O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God, all your desires shall be
fulfilled, O! God.
rMig rqy Apuny suAwmI syqI mrY n AwvY jweI rwm ]
raNg ratay apunay su-aamee saytee, marai na aavai jaa-ee, raam.
(O! brethren) remain imbued with the love of your Lord, who does not die or come or go, O! God.
AibnwsI pwieAw nwmu iDAwieAw sgl mnorQ pwey ]
abhinaasee paa-i-aa, naam dhi-aa-i-aa, sagal manorath paa-ay.
The Imperishable Lord is obtained by meditating upon the name; and, one’s all wishes are
attained (i.e. all objectives are accomplished).
sWiq shj Awnµd Gnyry gur crxI mnu lwey ] saant sahj aanaNd ghanayray, gur charṇee man laa-ay.
Peace, poise and great ecstasy is obtained, by attaching one’s mind to the feet of Guru.
pUir rihAw Git Git AibnwsI Qwn Qnµqir sweI ]
poor rahi-aa ghat ghat abhinaasee, thaan thanaNtar saa-ee.
The Imperishable (Lord) is contained in each and every heart; He is (pervading and
permeating) in all places and spaces.
khu nwnk kwrj sgly pUry gur crxI mnu lweI ]4]2]5]
kaho naanak, kaaraj saglay pooray, gur charṇee man laa-ee. ||4||2||5||
Says Nanak: All matters are settled, by focussing one’s mind on the feet of the Guru. 4.2.5

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

kir ikrpw myry pRIqm suAwmI nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw rwm ]
kar kirpaa mayray pareetam su-aamee, naytar daykheh daras tayraa, raam.
By kind, O! my dear Lord, my Master, that my eyes may behold Your vision, O! God.
lwK ijhvw dyhu myry ipAwry muKu hir AwrwDy myrw rwm ]
laakh jihvaa dayh mayray pi-aaray, mukh har aaraadhay mayraa, raam.
(Please) bless me with a hundred of thousand of tongues, O! my dear, (so that) my mouth
may adore God (i.e. recite Your name), O! God.
hir AwrwDy jm pMQu swDy dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ] har aaraadhay, jam paNth saadhay, dookh na vi-aapai ko-ee.
One, who adores God, conquers the path of death, no suffering afflict him.
jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI jq dyKw qq soeI ] jal thal mahee-al pooran su-aamee, jat daykhaa tat so-ee.
The Lord is fulfilling (i.e. pervading) waters, lands, and, nether regions; wherever I look,
there He is.
Brm moh ibkwr nwTy pRBu nyr hU qy nyrw ] bharam moh bikaar naaṭay, prabh nayr hoo tay nayraa.
(By meditating upon God) doubts, (emotional) attachment and vices run away (i.e. are
dispelled), and (one realizes) God nearest of the near.
P. 781
nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw ]1]
naanak ka-o prabh kirpaa keejai, naytar daykheh daras tayraa. ||1||
Nanak (says): bless me with Your kindness, O! God, (that) my eyes may behold Your vision.1
koit krn dIjih pRB pRIqm hir gux suxIAih AibnwsI rwm ]
kot karan deejeh prabh pareetam, har gun suṇee-ah abhinaasee, raam.
(Please) bless me with tens of millions of ears, O! beloved God, (so that) they may hear (the
praise of) the excellences of the Imperishable of the Lord, O! God.
suix suix iehu mnu inrmlu hovY ktIAY kwl kI PwsI rwm ]
suṇ suṇ ih man nirmal hovai, katee-ai kaal kee faasee, raam.
Listening and listening to these, this mind becomes immaculate, and, the death noose is cut,
O! God.
ktIAY jm PwsI ismir AibnwsI sgl mMgl suigAwnw ]
katee-ai jam faasee simar abhinaasee, sagal maNgal sugi-aanaa.
Remembering the Imperishable, the noose of death is cut, (and) all (spiritual happiness and
divine) wisdom are obtained.
hir hir jpu jpIAY idnu rwqI lwgY shij iDAwnw ] har har jap japee-ai din raatee, laagai sahj dhi-aanaa.
Meditating upon God, the Lord, day and night, (one is) absorbed in concentration in ease.
klml duK jwry pRBU icqwry mn kI durmiq nwsI ]
kalmal dukh jaaray, prabhoo chitaaray, man kee durmat naasee.
Contemplating the Lord, the sins and pains are burnt, the evil-mindedness of mind runs
away( is erased).
khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY hir gux suxIAih AivnwsI ]2]
kaho naanak, prabh kirpaa keejai, har guṇ suṇee-ah avinaasee. ||2||
Says Nanak: (please) be kind to me, O! God, (that I may) listen to the excellences of the
Imperishable (Lord). 2
kroiV hsq qyrI thl kmwvih crx clih pRB mwrig rwm ]
karoṛ hasat tayree tahal kamaaveh, charaṇ chaleh prabh maarag, raam.
(Please) give men tens of millions of hands to serve You; and, (give me) feet to walk on the
path of the Lord, O! God.
Bv swgr nwv hir syvw jo cVY iqsu qwrig rwm ] bhav saagar naav har sayvaa, jo chaṛai tis taarag, raam.
In this terrifying (world) ocean is terrible, the service (of the Lord) is a boat, one who boards
it, (the Lord) shall carry him across, O! God.
Bvjlu qirAw hir hir ismirAw sgl mnorQ pUry ] bhavjal tari-aa har har simri-aa, sagal manorath pooray.
Remembering God, the Lord, one crosses over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean),
and, all his desires are fulfilled.
mhw ibkwr gey suK aupjy bwjy Anhd qUry ] mahaa bikaar ga-ay, sukh upjay, baajay anhad tooray.
(Even) the arch vices are eradicated, happiness wells up, and, unstruck melody resounds.
mn bWCq Pl pwey sgly kudriq kIm Apwrig ] man baanchhat fal paa-ay saglay kudrat keem apaarag.
All the fruits of the mind’s desires are obtained. The value of (God’s graceful) nature is
beyond estimation (i.e. infinite).
khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY mnu sdw clY qyrY mwrig ]3]
kaho naanak, prabh kirpaa keejai man sadaa chalai tayrai maarag. ||3||
Says Nanak: O! God, be kind (and bless me), that my mind may always follow Your path. 3
eyho vru eyhw vifAweI iehu Dnu hoie vfBwgw rwm ] ayho var, ayhaa vadi-aa-ee, ih dhan ho-ay vadbhaagaa, raam.
(For me) this is (great) blessing, this is great glory, and this is (great) wealth(for me) , O! God;
eyho rMgu eyho rs Bogw hir crxI mnu lwgw rwm ] ayho ra g, ayho ras bhogaa, har charṇee man laagaa, raam.
(For me) this is love, this is delight and enjoyment, that my mind is attached to God’s feet.
mnu lwgw crxy pRB kI srxy krx kwrx gopwlw ]
man laagaa charṇay, prabh kee sarṇay, karan kaaraṇ gopaalaa.
My mind is attached to God’s feet; I seek His refuge; (the Lord) the Sustainer of the Universe
is the Creator and the Cause of all causes.
sBu ikCu qyrw qU pRBu myrw myry Twkur dIn dieAwlw ]
sabh kichh tayraa, too prabh mayraa, mayray ṭaakur deen da-i-aalaa.
Everything is Yours, You are my Lord, O! my God, O! Merciful to the Poor.
moih inrgux pRIqm suK swgr sMqsMig mnu jwgw ] mohi nirguṇ, pareetam sukh saagar, saNtsaNg man jaagaa.
I have no virtue, O! my Beloved, the Ocean of Happiness; my mind is awakened in the
congregation of the God-oriented persons.
khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw kIn@I crx kml mnu lwgw ]4]3]6]
kaho naanak, prabh kirpaa keenhee, charaṇ kamal man laagaa. ||4||3||6||
Says Nanak: the Lord has become kind, that my mind is attached to His lotus-feet. 4.3.6

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

hir jpy hir mMdru swijAw sMq Bgq gux gwvih rwm ]
har japay har maNdar saaji-aa, sNnt bhagat guṇ gaavahi, raam.
(O! brethren) God has been established (this heart as) a temple, for meditation upon (the name
of) God; where the God-oriented persons and devotees sing Your Excellences, O! God.
ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw sgly pwp qjwvih rwm ]
simar simar su-aamee prabh apnaa, saglay paap tajaaveh, raam.
Remembering and remembering God, their Lord, they renounce all their sins, O! God.
hir gux gwie prm pdu pwieAw pRB kI aUqm bwxI ]
har guṇ gaa-ay, param pad paa-i-aa, prabh kee ootam baṇee.
Singing the excellences of God, the supreme status is obtained; (such) exalted is the word of God.
shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI kQI AkQ khwxI ] sahj kathaa prabh kee at meeṭee kathee akath kahaaṇee.
The easeful (i.e. peace giving) story (of the excellences of) the Lord is very sweet; (mediating
upon His excellences) the unspeakable story is spoken.
Blw sMjogu mUrqu plu swcw Aibcl nIv rKweI ] bhalaa sa jog, moorat pal saachaa, abichal neev rakhaa-ee.
Blessed was that occurrence, and true was the time and moment, when He (i.e. God) laid the
unmovable (i.e. eternal) foundation (of the temple of meditation).
jn nwnk pRB Bey dieAwlw srb klw bix AweI ]1]
jan naanak prabh bha-ay da-i-aalaa sarab kalaa baṇ aa-ee. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God has become kind, He has bestowed all power (in this
temple of meditation).1
Awnµdw vjih inq vwjy pwrbRhmu min vUTw rwm ] aana daa vajeh nit vaajay, paarbarahm man voothaa, raam.
The heart where the Supreme Reality (i.e. God) dwells, the sounds of ecstasy resound
continuously, O! God.
gurmuKy scu krxI swrI ibnsy BRm BY JUTw rwm ]
gurmukhay sach karṇee saaree, binsay bharam bhai jhooṭaa, raam.
Through God, his deeds become truthful, and, doubts and false fears vanish away, O! God.
Anhd bwxI gurmuiK vKwxI jsu suix suix mnu qnu hirAw ]
anhad baṇee gurmukh vakhaaṇee, jas suṇ suṇ man tan hari-aa.
The Guru-oriented chants the unstruck word; hearing and listening it, mind and body
grown green (i.e. are spiritually rejuvenated).
srb suKw iqs hI bix Awey jo pRiB Apnw kirAw ] sarab sukhaa tis hee baṇ aa-ay, jo prabh apnaa kari-aa.
All pleasures come to that one, whom God makes His own.
Gr mih nv iniD Bry BMfwrw rwm nwim rMgu lwgw ]
ghar meh nav nidh bharay bhaNdaaraa, raam naam raNg laagaa.
Within his home (i.e. heart), are the nine treasures filled to the full, (because) he is in love
with the name of God.
nwnk jn pRBu kdy n ivsrY pUrn jw ky Bwgw ]2]

naanak jan prabh kaday na visrai, pooran jaa kay bhaagaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): That servant (i.e. devotee) shall never forget the Lord, who is blessed with
perfect destiny. 2
CwieAw pRiB CqRpiq kIn@I sglI qpiq ibnwsI rwm ]
chhaa-i-aa prabh chhatarpat keenhee, saglee tapat binaasee, raam.
God, the king, has blessed me with shade (under His canopy), all fire of desires has been
extinguished, O! God.
dUK pwp kw fyrw FwTw kwrju AwieAw rwsI rwm ] dookh paap kaa dayraa ḍaaṭaa, kaaraj aa-i-aa raasee, raam.
The camp of sorrows and sins has crumbled down, and, all affairs have been settled, O! God.
hir pRiB PurmwieAw imtI blwieAw swcu Drmu puMnu PilAw ]
har prabh furmaa-i-aa, mitee balaa-i-aa, saach dharam puNn fali-aa.
God, the Lord, issued commands and all calamity is erased (i.e. finished); and, true religion
and righteous deeds are flourishing.
so pRBu Apunw sdw iDAweIAY sovq bYsq KilAw ] so prabh apunaa sadaa dhi-aa-ee-ai, sovat baisat khali-aa.
(O! brethren) meditate forever upon Your Master, when sleeping, sitting or standing (i.e. all
the time).
gux inDwn suK swgr suAwmI jil Qil mhIAil soeI ]
guṇ nidhaan sukh saagar su-aamee, jal thal mahee-al so-ee.
(God) the Treasure of Excellences, Ocean of Happiness is Master, pervades the waters,
lands, and nether regions.
jn nwnk pRB kI srxweI iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]3]
jan naanak, prabh kee sarṇaa-ee, tis bin avar na ko-ee. ||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak seeks the refuge of the Lord, there is no other than Him. 3
myrw Gru binAw bnu qwlu binAw pRB prsy hir rwieAw rwm ]
mayraa ghar bani-aa, ban taal bani-aa, prabh parsay har raa-i-aa, raam.
When I served (the feet of) God, the Sovereign Lord, my home* is made, garden* and tank*
are made, O! God.
[*When I served God, my home i.e. heart became a home for the Lord, beautified by flowers of love and tank of Amrit].
myrw mnu soihAw mIq swjn srsy gux mMgl hir gwieAw rwm ]
mayraa man sohi-aa, meet saajan sarsay, guṇ maNgal har gaa-i-aa, raam.
My mind got beautified, friends and dear ones rejoiced, and (all) sung song of joy and His
excellences, O! God.
gux gwie pRBU iDAwie swcw sgl ieCw pweIAw ]
guṇ gaa-ay prabhoo dhi-aa-ay saachaa, sagal ichhaa paa-ee-aa.
Singing the excellences of the Lord, meditating upon the True (God), all desires are fulfilled.
gur crx lwgy sdw jwgy min vjIAw vwDweIAw ]
gur charaṇ laagay, sadaa jaagay, man vajee-aa vaadhaa-ee-aa.
Those who are attached to the feet of the Guru, always awake (from the sleep of attachment to
maya); (and) congratulations (i.e. praises) resonate their mind.
krI ndir suAwmI suKh gwmI hlqu plqu svwirAw ]
karee nadar su-aamee sukhah gaamee halat palat savaari-aa.

The Lord, the Companion (i.e. cause) of Happiness, blessed His grace. He has embellished
my life here and hereafter.
ibnvMiq nwnk inq nwmu jpIAY jIau ipMfu ijin DwirAw ]4]4]7]
binvaNt naanak nit naam japee-ai jee-o piNd jin dhaari-aa. ||4||4||7||
Prays Nanak: chant the name (of the Lord) every day, He sustains the soul and the body. 4.4.7

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

BY swgro BY swgru qirAw hir hir nwmu iDAwey rwm ]
bhai saagro, bhai saagar tari-aa, har har naam dhi-aa-ay, raam.
(The world is) terrifying ocean! this terrifying ocean can be crossed over by meditating upon
the name of God, the Lord, O! God.
boihQVw hir crx ArwDy imil siqgur pwir lGwey rwm ]
bohithṛaa har charaṇ araadhay, mil satgur paar laghaa-ay, raam.
The feet of God are the boat (for crossing the world ocean); adore them through the Guru,
(the feet of God will) carry you across (the terrifying world ocean), O! God.
gur sbdI qrIAY bhuiV n mrIAY cUkY Awvx jwxw ]
gur sabdee taree-ai, bahuṛ na maree-ai, chookai aavaṇ jaaṇaa.
Through the word of Guru, one crosses (the world ocean); (then) one does not die again, then
coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) ceases.
jo ikCu krY soeI Bl mwnau qw mnu shij smwxw ] jo kichh karai, so-ee bhal maan-o, taa man sahj samaaṇaa.
Whatever God does, accept that as good, then mind merges, in equipoise.
dUK n BUK n rogu n ibAwpY suK swgr srxI pwey ]
dookh na bhookh na rog na bi-aapai, sukh saagar sarṇee paa-ay.
Neither sorrow, nor hunger, nor ailment do not afflict, (when) one obtains the refuge of the
Ocean of Happiness (i.e. God).
hir ismir ismir nwnk rMig rwqw mn kI icMq imtwey ]1]
har simar simar, naanak raNg raataa, man kee chint mitaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): By remembering and remembering God, one is imbued with His love, and,
worries of mind are dispelled. 1
sMq jnw hir mMqRü idRVwieAw hir swjn vsgiq kIny rwm ]
saNt janaa har maNtar driṛ-aa-i-aa, har saajan vasgat keenay, raam.
Those, in whom the God-oriented persons have implanted the dictum of (the name of) God,
(they have) brought the dear Lord under their power, O! God.
AwpnVw mnu AwgY DirAw srbsu Twkuir dIny rwm ] aapnaṛaa man aagai dhari-aa, sarbas ṭaakur deenay, raam.
Those, who have dedicated their mind and placed it before Him, the Lord has blessed them
with everything, O! God.
kir ApunI dwsI imtI audwsI hir mMdir iQiq pweI ]
kar apunee daasee, mitee udaasee, har maNdar thit paa-ee.
He has made her (i.e. the soul bride) His maid-slave, and, my sadness is dispelled; and, she has
found stability in the temple of the Lord (i.e. she has found spiritual stability in her heart).
And ibnod ismrhu pRBu swcw ivCuiV kbhU n jweI ]
anad binod simrahu prabh saachaa, vichhuṛ kabhoo na jaa-ee.

Remembering the True Lord, you will find joy and delight; and, you shall never be
separated from Him again.
sw vfBwgix sdw sohwgix rwm nwm gux cIn@y ] saa vadbhaagaṇ sadaa sohagaṇ, raam naam gun cheen ay. H

She alone is greatly fortunate and forever happy (soul) bride, who contemplates the name
and the excellences of God.
khu nwnk rvih rMig rwqy pRym mhw ris BIny ]2]
kaho naanak, raveh raNg raatay, paraym mahaa ras bheenay. ||2||
Says Nanak: Those who are imbued with His love and remember Him, are drenched in the
supreme essence of His love. 2
And ibnod Bey inq sKIey mMgl sdw hmwrY rwm ]
anad binod bha-ay nit sakhee-ay, maNgal sadaa hamaarai, raam.
I am in continual ecstasy and delight, O! my friend, I sing song of joy forever, O! God.
AwpnVY pRiB Awip sIgwrI soBwvMqI nwry rwm ] aapnarhai prabh aap seegaaree, sobhaavantee naaray, raam.
The Lord Himself has embellished her, and, she has become dignified (soul) bride, O! God.
shj suBwie Bey ikrpwlw gux Avgx n bIcwirAw ]
sahj subhaa-ay bha-ay kirpaalaa, guṇ avgaṇ na beechaari-aa.
He has become kind (to her) in natural ease; (He) has not considered her merits or demerits.
kMiT lgwie lIey jn Apuny rwm nwm auir DwirAw ]
kaNṭ lagaa-ay lee-ay jan apunay, raam naam ur dhaari-aa.
Those, who enshrine the name of God in their hearts, He hugs them close in His embrace.
mwn moh md sgl ibAwpI kir ikrpw Awip invwry ] maan moh mad sagal bi-aapee, kar kirpaa aap
Everyone is engrossed in pride, (emotional) attachment and intoxication, (but) becoming
kind, He has freed me (from all these vices).
khu nwnk BY swgru qirAw pUrn kwj hmwry ]3] kaho naanak, bhai saagar tari-aa, pooran kaaj hamaaray. ||3||
Says Nanak: I have crossed the terrifying (world) ocean (by the grace of God), and, all my
matters have been settled. 3
gux gopwl gwvhu inq sKIho sgl mnorQ pwey rwm ]
guṇ gopaal gaavahu nit sakhho, sagal manorath paa-ay, raam.
Continually sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Sustainer of the Universe, O! friends,
(in doing so) all wishes are granted, O! God.
sPl jnmu hoAw imil swDU eykMkwru iDAwey rwm ] safal janam ho-aa mil saadhoo, ayka kaar dhi-aa-ay, raam.
Meeting the Guru, and, meditating upon the One Lord, life becomes fruitful, O! God.
jip eyk pRBU Anyk rivAw srb mMfil CwieAw ] jap ayk prabhoo anayk ravi-aa, sarab maNdal chhaa-i-aa.
Meditate upon the One Lord, pervading many (i.e. countless), (and, He is) spread over all the
constellations (i.e. the whole universe).
bRhmo pswrw bRhmu psirAw sBu bRhmu idRstI AwieAw ]
barahmo pasaaraa barahm pasri-aa, sabh barahm daristee aa-i-aa.
(Everything is) God’s creation; God Himself is in expansion (everywhere); everywhere (i.e.
wherever) I look God I see God (alone).
jil Qil mhIAil pUir pUrn iqsu ibnw nhI jwey ] jal thal mahee-al poor pooran tis binaa nahee jaa-ay.
The perfect (Lord) is perfectly pervading waters, lands, the nether regions; there is no place
without Him.
P. 783
pyiK drsnu nwnk ibgsy Awip ley imlwey ]4]5]8]
paykh darsan, naanak, bigsay, aap la-ay milaa-ay. ||4||5||8||
Nanak (says): Those, whom He Himself has united (with Himself), blossom forth beholding
His vision. 4.5.8

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

Aibcl ngru goibMd gurU kw nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw rwm ]
abichal nagar gobiNd guroo* kaa, naam japat sukh paa-i-aa, raam.
(Their body, their heart is) unmovable (i.e. eternal city) of God, the Lord of the Universe, (who)
have found (spiritual) happiness by meditating upon the name (of the Lord), O! God.
[*Here, Guru has been used for God, as in ‘gurprasad’ which means ‘by the grace of God’].
mn ieCy syeI Pl pwey krqY Awip vswieAw rwm ] man ichhay say-ee fal paa-ay, kartai aap vasaa-i-aa, raam.
I have obtained the fruits of my mind’s desires, the Creator (Lord) Himself has established
this town (i.e. my heart, dwelling place of God), O! God.
krqY Awip vswieAw srb suK pwieAw puq BweI isK ibgwsy ]
kartai aap vasaa-i-aa, sarab sukh paa-i-aa, put bhaa-ee sikh bigaasay.
The Creator Himself has established it; (here) I have found total (spiritual) happiness, (here)
the sons, brothers and sikhs (i.e. disciples) blossom forth (meditating upon the name).
gux gwvih pUrn prmysur kwrju AwieAw rwsy ] guṇ gaavahi pooran parmaysur, kaaraj aa-i-aa raasay.
They sing (the praise of) the excellences of the perfect Supreme Lord, (and, because of this) all
their affairs come to be settled.
pRBu Awip suAwmI Awpy rKw Awip ipqw Awip mwieAw ]
prabh aap su-aamee, aapay rakhaa, aap pitaa aap maa-i-aa.
God Himself is Lord, He Himself is protector; He Himself is my father and mother.
khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ijin eyhu Qwnu suhwieAw ]1]
kaho naanak, satgur balihaaree, jin ayhu thaan suhaa-i-aa. ||1||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto the True Guru, who has embellished this place. 1
Gr mMdr htnwly sohy ijsu ivic nwmu invwsI rwm ] ghar ma dar hatnaalay sohay, jis vich naam nivaasee, raam.
The place where the name abides, there, the homes, shops, markets are all beautiful, O! God.
sMq Bgq hir nwmu ArwDih ktIAY jm kI PwsI rwm ]
saNt bhagat har naam araadheh, katee-ai jam kee faasee, raam.
(There) the God-oriented persons, devotees adore (i.e. meditate upon) the name of God, and,
their noose of death is cut away.
kwtI jm PwsI pRiB AibnwsI hir hir nwmu iDAwey ]
kaatee jam faasee, prabh abhinaasee, har har naam dhi-aa-ay.
God, the Imperishable, cut away the noose of their death, (of those who) meditated upon the
name of God, the Lord.
sgl smgRI pUrn hoeI mn ieCy Pl pwey ] sagal samagree pooran ho-ee, man ichhay fal paa-ay.
Everything (needed for their emancipation) is thus complete (i.e. perfect); and, they have
obtained the fruit of their mind’s desires.
sMq sjn suiK mwxih rlIAw dUK drd BRm nwsI ] sa t sajan sukh maaṇeh ralee-aa, dookh darad bhram naasee.
The God-oriented persons, the noble persons enjoy (spiritual) happiness and pleasure. Their
sorrows, pains and doubts are dispelled.
sbid svwry siqguir pUrY nwnk sd bil jwsI ]2] sabad savaaray satgur poorai, naanak, sad bal jaasee. ||2||
Nanak (says): The perfect True Guru has embellished them with his word; I am a sacrifice
unto Him. 2
dwiq Ksm kI pUrI hoeI inq inq cVY svweI rwm ] daat khasam kee pooree ho-ee, nit nit charhai savaa-ee, raam.
The gift given by the Lord is perfect, it increases day by day, O! God.
pwrbRhim Ksmwnw kIAw ijs dI vfI vifAweI rwm ]
paarbarahm khasmaanaa kee-aa, jis dee vadee vadi-aa-ee, raam.
The Supreme Reality (i.e. God) has became my Master (i.e. protected me accepting me His
own), great is His greatness (i.e. glory), O! God.
Awid jugwid Bgqn kw rwKw so pRBu BieAw dieAwlw ]
aad jugaad bhagtan kaa raakhaa, so prabh bha-i-aa da-i-aalaa.
(The Lord, who is) the Protector of His devotees from the very beginning and throughout the
Ages, He has become merciful to me.
jIA jMq siB suKI vswey pRiB Awpy kir pRiqpwlw ]
jee-a jaNt sabh sukhee vasaa-ay, prabh aapay kar partipaalaa.
God Himself has settled all the beings and creatures in happiness; God Himself sustains
them (i.e. takes care of all).
dh ids pUir rihAw jsu suAwmI kImiq khxu n jweI ]
dah dis poor rahi-aa jas su-aamee, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee.
The fame (i.e. grandeur) of the Lord is pervading in the ten directions (i.e. everywhere), His
worth cannot be described.
khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ijin Aibcl nIv rKweI ]3]
kaho naanak, satgur balihaaree, jin abichal neev rakhaa-ee. ||3||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto the True Guru, who has got laid the foundation of the
eternal city (by the Lord). 3
igAwn iDAwn pUrn prmysur hir hir kQw inq suxIAY rwm ]
gi-aan dhi-aan pooran parmaysur, har har kathaa nit suṇee-ai, raam.
(Here, in the eternal city) (spiritual) knowledge, meditation upon (the name of) the Supreme
Lord, and, the story (of the excellences) of God, the Lord, are continually heard here, O! God.
Anhd coj Bgq Bv BMjn Anhd vwjy DunIAY rwm ]
anhad choj bhagat bhav bhaNjan, anhad vaajay dhunee-ai, raam.
Endless wonders of the Destroyer of the Fear of the Devotees (i.e. God), and, the unstruck
melody is played here.
Anhd Juxkwry qqu bIcwry sMq gosit inq hovY ] anhad jhuṇkaaray, tat beechaaray, saNt gosat nit hovai.
Endless tinkling (i.e. melody), contemplation of essence (of truth), and, discourse of the God-
oriented persons discourse is continuously held here.
hir nwmu ArwDih mYlu sB kwtih iklivK sgly KovY ]
har naam araadheh, mail sabh kaateh, kilvikh saglay khovai.
They adore (i.e. meditate upon) the name of God, and, wash away all the filth (of their hearts);
and, they rid themselves of all their sins.
qh jnm n mrxw Awvx jwxw bhuiV n pweIAY juonIAY ]
tah janam na marṇaa, aavaṇ jaaṇaa, bahuṛ na paa-ee-ai jonee-ai.
There is no birth of death there, (and no) coming or going; and no entering into womb again
(for re-icarnation).
nwnk guru prmysru pwieAw ijsu pRswid ieC punIAY ]4]6]9]
naanak, gur parmaysar paa-i-aa, jis prsaad ichh punee-ai. ||4||6||9||
Nanak (says): Through the Guru, they have found (i.e. obtained) the Supreme Lord, by
whose grace (all) desires are fulfilled. 4.6.9

sUhI mhlw 5 ] Soohee, Mehlaa 5

sMqw ky kwrij Awip KloieAw hir kMmu krwvix AwieAw rwm ]
saNtaa kay kaaraj aap khalo-i-aa, har kaMm karaavaṇ aa-i-aa, raam.
He Himself has stood for (resolving) the affairs of the God-oriented persons; God has come
to get their tasks completed (i.e. accomplished), (it is Your inherent nature) O! God.
Driq suhwvI qwlu suhwvw ivic AMimRq jlu CwieAw rwm ]
dharat suhaavee, taal suhaavaa, vich aMmrit jal chhaa-i-aa, raam.
The land (i.e. human body) is beautiful, the pool (i.e the heart) is beautiful, and, within it is
contained AMmrit Water (of God’s name), O! God.
AMimRq jlu CwieAw pUrn swju krwieAw sgl mnorQ pUry ]
aMmrit jal chhaa-i-aa, pooran saaj karaa-i-aa, sagal manorath pooray.
The AMmrit water is filled therein, the work is perfectly complete, all ambitions are fulfilled.
jY jY kwru BieAw jg AMqir lwQy sgl ivsUry ] jai jai kaar bha-i-aa jag antar, laathay sagal visooray.
The world is hailing and praising, all my worries are eradicated.
pUrn purK Acuq AibnwsI jsu vyd purwxI gwieAw ]
pooran purakh achut abhinaasee, jas vayd puraaṇee gaa-i-aa.
(All this is blessing of) the perfect Primal Person, unchanging (i.e. forever stable),
imperishable (Lord), (even)Vedas and Puranas have sung His praise.
Apnw ibrdu riKAw prmysir nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw ]1]
apnaa birad rakhi-aa parmaysar, naanak naam dhi-aa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): The Supreme Lord (God) has honoured (i.e. confirmed/ preserved) His
inherent nature (of generosity); I meditate upon the name (of such great God). 1
nv iniD isiD iriD dIny krqy qoit n AwvY kweI rwm ]
nav nidh sidh ridh deenay kartay, tot na aavai kaa-ee, raam.
The Creator has given nine-treasures, miraculous (i.e. spiritual) and affluence (to His
devotees), there is no shortage of any thing, O! God.
P. 784
Kwq Krcq iblCq suKu pwieAw krqy kI dwiq svweI rwm ]
khaat kharchat bilchhat sukh paa-i-aa, kartay kee daat savaa-ee, raam.
Eating, spending and enjoying, they (i.e. devotees of God) have found (spiritual) happiness;
the gifts of the Creator have (continually) increased (day by day), O! God
dwiq svweI inKuit n jweI AMqrjwmI pwieAw ] daat savaa-ee nikhut na jaa-ee, aNtarjaamee paa-i-aa.

The gifts (of the Creator) have (continually) increased (day by day); these shall never be
exhausted; and, they (i.e. devotees) have found the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls).
koit ibGn sgly auiT nwTy dUKu n nyVY AwieAw ] kot bighan saglay uth naaṭay, dookh na nayṛai aa-i-aa.
Tens of millions of obstacles all have stood to run away (i.e. have been removed), and, sorrow
does even approach (the devotees).
sWiq shj Awnµd Gnyry ibnsI BUK sbweI ] saant sahj aanaNd ghanayray, binsee bhookh sabaa-ee.
Peace, poise and bliss are in abundance (within their hearts), and, all their hunger is satisfied.
nwnk gux gwvih suAwmI ky Acrju ijsu vifAweI rwm ]2]
naanak, guṇ gaavahi su-aamee kay, achraj jis vadi-aa-ee, raam. ||2||
Nanak (says):I sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord, whose glory is wonderful. 2
ijs kw kwrju iqn hI kIAw mwxsu ikAw vycwrw rwm ]
jis kaa kaaraj, tin hee kee-aa, maaṇas ki-aa vaychaaraa, raam.
He, whose task it was (i.e. to attach devotees to meditation), he has done it; what can a mere
mortal being do, O! God (i.e. Every act is God’s command, a mere human being can do nothing of its own)?
Bgq sohin hir ky gux gwvih sdw krih jYkwrw rwm ]
bhagat sohan har kay guṇ gaavahi, sadaa karahi jaikaaraa, raam.
The devotees are adorned while singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, they
always hail Him (i.e. proclaim His great glory), O! God.
gux gwie goibMd And aupjy swDsMgiq sMig bnI ] gun gaa-ay gobiNd anad upjay, saadhsaNgat saNg banee.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the bliss wells up, and, this (love for God)
remain intact in the association with the congregation of the God-oriented persons.
ijin audmu kIAw qwl kyrw iqs kI aupmw ikAw gnI ] jin udam kee-aa taal kayraa, tis kee upmaa ki-aa ganee.
He (i.e. God) who made effort to pour (Amrit name) into the tank (i.e. heart), how can His
praise be evaluated.
ATsiT qIrQ puMn ikirAw mhw inrml cwrw ] aṭsaṭ tirath, puNn, kiri-aa, mahaa nirmal chaaraa.
The merits of the sixty-eight place of pilgrimage, pious deeds and the greatly pious conduct
(are contained in meditation upon Amrit name of God).
piqq pwvnu ibrdu suAwmI nwnk sbd ADwrw ]3] patit paavan birad su-aamee, naanak, sabad adhaaraa. ||3||
Nanak (says): It is the natural conduct of the Lord to purify the sinners; I take the support of
the word (of the Lord). 3
gux inDwn myrw pRBu krqw ausqiq kaunu krIjY rwm ]
gun nidhaan mayraa prabh kartaa, ustat ka-un kareejai, raam.
My Lord, the Creator, is the treasure of excellences, how can one praise (all His
excellences)?, O! God
sMqw kI bynµqI suAwmI nwmu mhw rsu dIjY rwm ] sa taa kee bayna tee, su-aamee, naam mahaa ras deejai, raam.

It is the prayer of the God-oriented persons: O! Lord, (please) bless us with the great essence
of Your name, O! God.
nwmu dIjY dwnu kIjY ibsru nwhI iek iKno ] naam deejai, daan keejai, bisar naahee ik khino.
(Please) grant us Your name, and, grants us (this) charity (i.e. blessing), that we should not
forget it (i.e the name) even for a moment.
gux gopwl aucru rsnw sdw gweIAY Anidno ] guṇ gopaal uchar rasnaa, sadaa gaa-ee-ai andino.
We should chant the excellences of the Sustainer of the Universe (i.e. God) with our tongue;
and sing (His praise) forever, day and night.
ijsu pRIiq lwgI nwm syqI mnu qnu AMimRq BIjY ] jis pareet laagee naam saytee, man tan aMmrit bheejai.
One who is attached to the name (of God), his mind and body are drenched with AMmrit.
ibnvMiq nwnk ieC puMnI pyiK drsnu jIjY ]4]7]10]
binvaNt naanak, ichh puNnee, paykh darsan jeejai. ||4||7||10||
Prays Nanak: My wish has been fulfilled, I live by beholding His vison. 4.7.10

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 CMq Raag Soohee, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
imT bolVw jI hir sjxu suAwmI morw ] mith bolṛaa jee, har sajaṇ su-aamee moraa.
God, (my) dear friend, my Lord, speaks so sweetly.
hau sMmil QkI jI Ehu kdy n bolY kaurw ] ha-o saMmal thakee, jee, oh kaday na bolai ka-uraa.
I am tired of recollecting (if He ever spoke bitterly, but, I have found that), O! dear, He never
speaks bitterly.
kauVw boil n jwnY pUrn BgvwnY Aaugxu ko n icqwry ]
ka-uṛaa bol na jaanai, pooran bhagvaanai, a-ugaṇ ko na chitaaray.
He does not know any bitter word, the perfect Lord does not even consider my demerits
piqq pwvnu hir ibrdu sdwey ieku iqlu nhI BMnY Gwly ]
patit paavan har birad sadaa-ay, ik til nahee bhaNnai ghaalay.
Purifying the Sinners is His (inherent) nature; He does not overlook even a moments’ service.
Gt Gt vwsI srb invwsI nyrY hI qy nyrw ] ghat ghat vaasee, sarab nivaasee, nayrai hee tay nayraa.
He is contained in each and every heart, pervading everywhere, He is nearest of the near.
nwnk dwsu sdw srxwgiq hir AMimRq sjxu myrw ]1]
naanak daas, sadaa sarṇaagat, har aMmrit sajaṇ mayraa. ||1||
Slave Nanak (says): I seek His refuge foever; God, (the source of) Ammrit is my friend. 1
hau ibsmu BeI jI hir drsnu dyiK Apwrw ] ha-o bisam bha-ee, jee, har darsan daykh apaaraa.
I am wonder-struck, O! my dear, beholding the vision of the infinite God.
myrw suMdru suAwmI jI hau crn kml pg Cwrw ] mayraa su dar su-aamee, jee, ha-o charan kamal pag chhaaraa.
My Lord is (so) beautiful, I am the dust of His lotus-feet.
pRB pyKq jIvw TMFI QIvw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koeI ]
prabh paykhat jeevaa, ṭaNdhee theevaa, tis jayvad avar na ko-ee.
Beholding (the vison of) my Lord, I live, and, I find peace, no one else is as great as He is.
Awid AMiq miD pRBu rivAw jil Qil mhIAil soeI ] aad aNt madh prabh ravi-a, jal thal mahee-al so-ee.
The Lord was pervading in the beginning, (was pervading) in the middle, (and will be
pervading) in the end; He is in the waters, lands and nether regions (i.e. everywhere).
crn kml jip swgru qirAw Bvjl auqry pwrw ] charan kamal jap saagar tari-aa, bhavjal utray paaraa.
Meditating upon His lotus-feet, I have crosse over the (world) ocean; I have cross the
terrifying waters.
nwnk srix pUrn prmysur qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ]2]

naanak, saraṇ pooran parmaysur, tayraa aNt na paaraavaaraa. ||2||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of the perfect Supreme Lord, (O! Lord) Your have no end or
limits. 2
hau inmK n Cofw jI hir pRIqm pRwn ADwro ] ha-o nimakh na chhodaa, jee, har pareetam paraan adhaaro.
I can not renounce Him even for a moment, O! dear, (my) Beloved Lord is the support of
(breath of) my life.
guir siqgur kihAw jI swcw Agm bIcwro ] gur satgur kahi-aa, jee, saachaa agam beechaaro.
My Guru, the True Guru, has told (i.e. taught) me to contemplate the inaccessible True (Lord).
imil swDU dInw qw nwmu lInw jnm mrx duK nwTy ]
mil saadhoo deenaa, taa naam leenaa, janam maraṇ dukh naaṭay.
Meeting the Guru, I gave (him my mind), then I obtained the name (of the Lord); and, the
pains of birth and death ran away (i.e. were dispelled).
shj sUK Awnµd Gnyry haumY ibnTI gwTy ] sahj sookh aanaNd ghanayray, ha-umai binṭee gaaṭay.
I was blessed with poise, happiness and great bliss, and, the knot of egotism got untied.
P. 785
sB kY miD sB hU qy bwhir rwg doK qy inAwro ] sabh kai madh, sabh hoo tay baahar, raag dokh tay ni-aaro.
He (i.e. God) is inside all and outside of all; He is untouched by (the feelings of) love and hate.
nwnk dws goibMd srxweI hir pRIqmu mnih sDwro ]3]
naanak daas, gobiNd sarṇaa-ee, har pareetam maneh sadhaaro. ||3||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have entered the refuge of the Lord of the Universe;
Beloved Lord is the support of my mind. 3
mY Kojq Kojq jI hir inhclu su Gru pwieAw ] mai khojat khojat, jee, har nihchal so ghar paa-i-aa.
Searching and searching, O! dear, I have found the immovable mansion of the Lord (within me).
siB ADRüv ifTy jIau qw crn kml icqu lwieAw ] sabh adhruv diṭay, jee-o, taa charan kamal chit laa-i-aa.
(O! brethren, when) I saw (i.e. found) that everything is perishable, (then) I attached my mind
to lotus-feet (of God).
pRBu AibnwsI hau iqs kI dwsI mrY n AwvY jwey ]
prabh abhinaasee, ha-o tis kee daasee, marai na aavai jaa-ay.
God is imperishable (i.e. eternal), I am just His maid-servant (i.e. slave); He does not die, or
come nor go (in re-incarnation).
Drm ArQ kwm siB pUrn min icMdI ieC pujwey ]
dharam arath kaam sabh pooran, man chiNdee ichh pujaa-ay.
Faith, wealth, sexual desire are overflowing in Him, He fulfills the desires of my mind.
sRüiq isimRiq gun gwvih krqy isD swiDk muin jn iDAwieAw ]
sarut simrit gun gaavahi kartay, sidh saadhik mun jan dhi-aa-i-aa.
The Vedas and the Simritis (i.e. the ancient books) sing (the praise of) the excellences of that
Creator; the sidhs (claiming having miraculous powers), the seekers (of miraculous powers)
and the silent sages (i.e. all) meditate upon Him
nwnk srin ik®pw iniD suAwmI vfBwgI hir hir gwieAw ]4]1]11]
naanak, saran kirpaa nidh su-aamee, vadbhaagee har har gaa-i-aa. ||4||1||11||
Nanak (says): I have entered the refuge of the Lord, the Treasure of Mercy; (it is) by good
fortune (that) I sing (the praise) of God, the Lord. 4.1.12
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
vwr sUhI kI slokw nwil mhlw 3 ] Vaar Soohee kee, salokaa naal, Mehlaa 3
[It is ballad in Raag Soohee, along with Saloks].
sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, Mehlaa 3
[In this ballad, the simile of red robe and red colour has been used; it symbolizes attachment to maya].
sUhY vyis dohwgxI pr ipru rwvx jwie ] soohai vays duhaagaṇee, par pir raavaṇ jaa-ay.
Wearing red robes (i.e. with attachment to maya), (if) the ill-fated wife, goes to enjoy the love
of the husband of another (then she is like a deserted woman or a widow).
ipru CoifAw Gir AwpxY mohI dUjY Bwie ] pir chhodi-aa ghar aapnai, mohee doojai bhaa-ay.
She has left Husband of her own home, and, is enticed by other's love (i.e. duality).
imTw kir kY KwieAw bhu swdhu viDAw rogu ] mithaa kar kai khaa-i-aa, baho saadahu vadhi-aa rog.
She finds it (i.e. worldly enjoyments) to be sweet and eats it up; (but) her indulgence in such
tastes only increases her ailment (thus making it worse).
suDu Bqwru hir CoifAw iPir lgw jwie ivjogu ] sudh bhataar har chhodi-aa, fir lagaa jaa-ay vijog.
She forsakes her real Husbands (i.e. God), and, then, she suffers pain of separation.
gurmuiK hovY su plitAw hir rwqI swij sIgwir ] gurmukh hovai so palti-aa, har raatee saaj seegaar.
(But) by following the Guru, she can turn away (from maya), and, imbued with the love of the
Lord, she looks decorated and adorned.
shij scu ipru rwivAw hir nwmw aur Dwir ] sahj sach pir raavi-aa, har naamaa ur dhaar.
She enjoys the True Husband in ease, by enshrining the name of the Lord within her mind.
AwigAwkwrI sdw suohwgix Awip mylI krqwir ] aagi-aakaaree sadaa sohagaṇ, aap maylee kartaar.
(One, who is) obedient is always happy wife (i.e. virtuous soul bride), the Creator Himself
unites her with Himself.
nwnk ipru pwieAw hir swcw sdw suohwgix nwir ]1] naanak, pir paa-i-aa har saachaa, sadaa sohagaṇ naar. ||1||
Nanak (says): she, who has obtained the True Lord as Husband, is a happy wife forever. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
sUhvIey inmwxIey so shu sdw sm@wil ] soohvee-ay nimaaṇee-ay, so saho sadaa samhaal.
O! meek, red-robed (soul bride), remember forever Your Lord.
nwnk jnmu svwrih Awpxw kulu BI CutI nwil ]2] naanak, janam savaareh aapnaa, kul bhee chhutee naal. ||2||
Nanak (says): Your life shall be embellished, and, your clan shall also be save along with you. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
Awpy qKqu rcwieEnu Awkws pqwlw ] aapay takhat rachaa-i-on, aakaas pataalaa.
He, Himself had established His throne, (and also) the skies, and the nether lands.
hukmy DrqI swjIAnu scI Drm swlw ] hukmay dhartee saajee-an, sachee dharam saalaa.
By His command He created the earth, as the true home of dharma (i.e. righteousness).
Awip aupwie Kpwiedw scy dIn dieAwlw ] aap upaa-ay khapaa-idaa, sachay deen da-i-aalaa.

O! True Lord, Merciful to the Poor, You Yourself create and destroy.
sBnw irjku sMbwihdw qyrw hukmu inrwlw ] sabhnaa rijak saMbaahidaa, tayraa hukam niraalaa.
You give sustenance to all; Your order is unique (and wonderful).
Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy pRiqpwlw ]1] aapay aap varatdaa, aapay partipaalaa. ||1||
You Yourself are pervading, and, You Yourself are the Sustainer. 3

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sUhb qw sohwgxI jw mMin lYih scu nwau ] soohab taa sohaagaṇee, jaa maNn laihi sach naa-o.
O! red-robed, you will be a happy wife, if you accept (i.e. enshrine faith in) true name.
siqguru Apxw mnwie lY rUpu cVI qw Aglw dUjw nwhI Qwau ]
satgur apnaa manaa-ay lai, roop chaṛee taa aglaa, doojaa naahee thaa-o.
(If you) please your True Guru, you will become greatly beautiful; (otherwise) there is no
other place (except God which can bless you with beauty).
AYsw sIgwru bxwie qU mYlw kdy n hoveI Aihinis lwgY Bwau ]
aisaa seegaar baṇaa-ay too, mailaa kaday na hova-ee, ahinis laagai bhaa-o.
(So) beautify yourself with such decorations, that will never get stained; and, you shall be in
love (with God), all day and night.
nwnk sohwgix kw ikAw ichnu hY AMdir scu muKu aujlw KsmY mwih smwie ]1]
naanak, sohagaṇ kaa ki-aa chihan hai, aNdar sach mukh ujlaa, khasmai maahi samaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): What is the characteristic (i.e. what are the merits) of a happy wife: within her
is Truth, her face radiates, and, she is absorbed in her Husband (Lord). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
lokw vy hau sUhvI sUhw vysu krI ] lokaa vay, ha-o soohvee soohaa vays karee.
O! people, I am red-robed, dressed in red robes; (but)
vysI shu n pweIAY kir kir vys rhI ] vaysee saho na paa-ee-ai, kar kar vays rahee.
Husband (Lord) is not obtained by any robe; having tried and tried (I have failed and have got
weary, hence), I have stopped wearing robes.
nwnk iqnI shu pwieAw ijnI gur kI isK suxI ] naanak tinee saho paa-i-aa jinee gur kee sikh suṇee.
Nanak (says): They alone obtain Husband (Lord) who listen to the teaching of the Guru.
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY ien ibiD kMq imlI ]2] jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai, in bidh kant milee. ||2||
Whatever pleases Him, comes to happen. In this way, one meets the Husband. 2
P. 786
pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
hukmI isRsit swjIAnu bhu iBiq sMswrw ] hukmee sarisat saajee-an, baho bhit saNsaaraa.
(O! God), by Your command, Your created the universe; the world (with creatures of) many type.
qyrw hukmu n jwpI kyqVw scy AlK Apwrw ] tayraa hukam na jaapee kayt-rhaa, sachay alakh apaaraa.
O! True (Lord), O! unknowable, infinite; how great is Your command, no one can know it.
ieknw no qU myil lYih gur sbid bIcwrw ] iknaa no too mayl laihi, gur sabad beechaaraa.
You unite some with Yourself by attaching (because) they reflect upon the Word of the Guru.
sic rqy sy inrmly haumY qij ivkwrw ] sach ratay say nirmalay, ha-umai taj vikaaraa.
Those, who renounce egotism and vices, and, are imbued with the True (Lord), are immaculate.

ijsu qU mylih so quDu imlY soeI sicAwrw ]2] jis too mayleh, so tudh milai, so-ee sachi-aaraa. ||2||
He alone meets You, whom You unite with Yourself; he alone is true. 2

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sUhvIey sUhw sBu sMswru hY ijn durmiq dUjw Bwau ]
soohvee-ay, soohaa sabh saNsaar hai, jin durmat doojaa bhaa-o.
O! red-robed, the whole world is red, for those, who have evil wisdom, and love for duality
iKn mih JUTu sBu ibnis jwie ijau itkY n ibrK kI Cwau ]
khin meh jhooṭ sabh binas jaa-ay, ji-o tikai na birakh kee chhaa-o.
(But this red colour, of maya) is false and totally vanishes within a moment; it is like the shade
of tree that does not stay (at one place and remains moving).
gurmuiK lwlo lwlu hY ijau rMig mjIT scVwau ] gurmukh laalo laal hai, ji-o rang majeeṭ sachṛaa-o.
(But) the Guru-oriented is deep red crimson, (because) it is dyed like the madder (i.e.
permanent) colour (of the love) of the True (Lord).
aultI skiq isvY Gir AweI min visAw hir AMimRq nwau ]
ultee sakat sivai ghar aa-ee, man vasi-aa har aMmrit naa-o.
(Because) she turns away (from maya) and enters the home of the Lord; and, AMmrit name
abides in her mind.
nwnk bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijqu imilAY hir gux gwau ]1]
naanak, balihaaree gur aapnay, jit mili-ai har guṇ gaa-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto my Guru, meeting whom, I sing (the praise of) the
excellences of God. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
sUhw rMgu ivkwru hY kMqu n pwieAw jwie ] soohaa raNg vikaar hai, kaNt na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The (wearing the robe of) red colour is useless; one can not obtain (i.e. this can not help in
obtaining) Husband (Lord).
iesu lhdy iblm n hoveI rMf bYTI dUjY Bwie ] is lahday bilam na hova-ee, raNd baithee doojai bhaa-ay.
This (colour) does not take long time to fade; and, she, who loves duality, ends up a widow.
muMD ieAwxI duMmxI sUhY vyis luoBwie ] muNdh i-aaṇee duMmṇee, soohai vays lobhaa-ay.
She, who is ignorant and double-minded, is fascinated (to wear) red robes.
sbid scY rMgu lwlu kir BY Bwie sIgwru bxwie ] nwnk sdw sohwgxI ij clin siqgur Bwie ]2]
sabad sachai raNg laal kar, bhai bhaa-ay seegaar baṇaa-ay.
naanak, sadaa sohaagaṇee, je chalan satgur bhaa-ay. ||2||
(On the other hand) she, who makes the Word of the True her (robe of) red colour, and
decorates herself with fear and love (of the Lord);
Nanak (says): she alone is a happy (soul) bride who walk (i.e. live) in harmony with the will of
the True Guru. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
Awpy Awip aupwieAnu Awip kImiq pweI ] aapay aap upaa-i-an, aap keemat paa-ee.
He has created (the whole world) from Himself, and, He Himself evaluates it.
iqs dw AMqu n jwpeI gur sbid buJweI ] tis daa aNt na jaap-ee, gur sabad bujhaa-ee.
His limits can not be known, (only) through the word of the Guru, He is known.
mwieAw mohu gubwru hY dUjY BrmweI ] maa-i-aa moh gubaar hai, doojai bharmaa-ee.
Attachment to maya is darkness (i.e. ignorance), (hence, the world) wanders in duality.
mnmuK Taur n pwien@I iPir AwvY jweI ] manmukh ṭa-ur na paa-in ee, fir aavai jaa-ee.

The mind-oriented do not find to rest; they come and go again and again.
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY sB clY rjweI ]3] jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai, sabh chalai rajaa-ee. ||3||
Whatever pleases Him that alone comes to happen; all walk (i.e. live) according to (His) will. 3

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sUhY vyis kwmix kulKxI jo pRB Coif pr purK Dry ipAwru ]
soohai vays kaaman kulkhaṇee, jo prabh chhod par purakh dharay pi-aar.
The red-robed (soul bride) is ill-mannered; she forsakes her Lord and fosters loves another man.
Esu sIlu n sMjmu sdw JUTu bolY mnmuiK krm KuAwru ]
os seel na saNjam, sadaa jhooṭ bolai, manmukh karam khu-aar.
She has neither modesty nor self-discipline; she constantly tells lies, the mind-oriented is
ruined by (bad) deeds.
ijsu pUrib hovY iliKAw iqsu siqguru imlY Bqwru ] jis poorab hovai likhi-aa, tis satgur milai bhataar.
She, who has such pre-ordained destiny (inscribed on her forehead), obtains the True Guru
as her husband.
sUhw vysu sBu auqwir Dry gil pihrY iKmw sIgwru ] soohaa vays sabh utaar dharay, gal pahirai khimaa seegaar.
She takes off (i.e. discards) all her red clothes, (and) wears the ornaments of forgiveness,
around her neck.
pyeIAY swhurY bhu soBw pwey iqsu pUj kry sBu sYswru ]
pay-ee-ai saahurai baho sobhaa paa-ay, tis pooj karay sabh saisaar.
She receives great honour in parent's (house i.e. in this word) and in-law's (house i.e. in the
next world), the whole world worships her.
Eh rlweI iksY dI nw rlY ijsu rwvy isrjnhwru ] oh ralaa-ee kisai dee naa ralai, jis raavay sirjanhaar.
She, who is enjoyed by the Creator (i.e. Lord), does not mix up (i.e. look like any one), even if
she is mixed up (in the crowd); (i.e. she becomes distinct and unique).
nwnk gurmuiK sdw suhwgxI ijsu AivnwsI purKu Brqwru ]1]
naanak, gurmukh sadaa suhaagaṇee jis avinaasee purakh bhartaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented is happy (soul) bride forever; (because) she has
Imperishable Primal Person (God) as her Husband. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sUhw rMgu supnY insI ibnu qwgy gil hwru ] soohaa raNg supnai nisee, bin taagay gal haar.
Red colour is (like) a dream in the night; it is (like) a necklace without a string.
scw rMgu mjIT kw gurmuiK bRhm bIcwru ] sachaa raNg majeeṭ kaa, gurmukh barahm beechaar.
(On the other hand) contemplating the Lord, through the Guru, is (like) fast (i.e. permanent)
colour of madder.
nwnk pRym mhw rsI siB buirAweIAw Cwru ]2] naanak, paraym mahaa rasee, sabh buri-aa-ee-aa chhaar. ||2||

Nanak (says): The love (of God) is supreme essence; it burns all evil deeds are turned to ashes. 3

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
iehu jgu Awip aupwieEnu kir coj ivfwnu ] ih jag aap upaa-i-on, kar choj vidaan.
He (i.e. God) Himself created this world, staging wonderful play.
pMc Dwqu ivic pweIAnu mohu JUTu gumwnu ] paNch dhaat vich paa-ee-an, moh jhooṭ gumaan.
In this (world) he infused five elements, (such as) attachment, falsehood, and self-conceit.
AwvY jwie BvweIAY mnmuKu AigAwnu ] aavai jaa-ay bhavaa-ee-ai, manmukh agi-aan.
The ignorant mind-oriented comes and goes wandering (in re-incarnation).
ieknw Awip buJwieEnu gurmuiK hir igAwnu ] iknaa aap bujhaa-i-on, gurmukh har gi-aan.
To some, He Himself gives understanding, by giving them Divine knowledge, through the Guru.
Bgiq Kjwnw bKisEnu hir nwmu inDwnu ]4] bhagat khajaanaa bakhsi-on, har naam nidhaan. ||4||
God blesses them with the treasure of devotion and the treasure of the name. 4

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sUhvIey sUhw vysu Cif qU qw ipr lgI ipAwru ] soohvee-ay, soohaa vays chhad too, taa pir lagee pi-aar.
O! red-robed (soul bride), discard your red dress, and, then you shall come to love your
Husband (Lord).
P. 787
sUhY vyis ipru iknY n pwieE mnmuiK diJ mueI gwvwir ]
soohai vays pir kinai na paa-i-o, manmukh dajh mu-ee gaavaar.
By (wearing) red robe no one has found Husband (Lord), the foolish mind-oriented is burnt
to death (i.e. is ruined due to its attachment to red robe i.e. maya).
siqguir imilAY sUhw vysu gieAw haumY ivchu mwir ] satgur mili-ai, soohaa vays ga-i-aa, ha-umai vichahu maar.
Meeting the True Guru, she eradicates egotism from within, and, the red robe (i.e.
attachment to maya) gets discarded; and,
mnu qnu rqw lwlu hoAw rsnw rqI gux swir ] man tan rataa laal ho-aa, rasnaa ratee guṇ saar.
Her mind and body are imbued with red crimson colour (of love for God); and, the tongue is
imbued remembering the excellences (of God).
sdw sohwgix sbdu min BY Bwie kry sIgwru ] sadaa sohagaṇ sabad man, bhai bhaa-ay karay seegaar.
She becomes happy (soul) bride forever by enshrining word in her mind and decorating
herself with (noble) fear and love (for God).
nwnk krmI mhlu pwieAw ipru rwiKAw aur Dwir ]1]
naanak, karmee mahal paa-i-aa, pir raakhi-aa ur dhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): By His grace, she obtains mansion (of God), and, keeps he Husband (Lord)
enshrined in her heart. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
muMDy sUhw prhrhu lwlu krhu sIgwru ] muNdhay soohaa parahrahu, laal karahu seegaar.
O! (soul) bride, forsake red (robe of maya), and, decorate yourself with red robe of love.
Awvx jwxw vIsrY gur sbdI vIcwru ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa veesrai, gur sabdee veechaar.
Contemplate the word of the Guru, and, you shall forget coming and going (i.e. re-incarnation).

muMD suhwvI sohxI ijsu Gir shij Bqwru ] muNdh suhaavee sohṇee, jis ghar sahj bhataar.
That (soul) bride is beautiful and adorned, whose Husband comes to abides in her home (i.e.
her heart), in ease.
nwnk sw Dn rwvIAY rwvy rwvxhwru ]2] naanak, saa dhan raavee-ai, raavay ravaṇhaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): That (soul) bride is enjoyed (by Husband Lord), the Enjoyer (God) enjoy her
(i.e unites her with Himself). 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
mohu kUVu kutMbu hY mnmuKu mugDu rqw ] moh kooṛ kutaMb hai, manmukh mugadh rataa.
(Emotional) attachment to family is false, (but) the mind-oriented foolish is engrossed in it.
haumY myrw kir muey ikCu swiQ n ilqw ] ha-umai mayraa kar mu-ay kichh saath na litaa.
Practising egotism and ‘mine’ (i.e. attachment), he dies, but, takes nothing when departing.
isr aupir jmkwlu n suJeI dUjY Brimqw ] sir upar jamkaal na sujh-ee, doojai bharmitaa.
He does not understand that the messenger of death is (hovering) over their head, he is
deluded by duality.
iPir vylw hiQ n AwveI jmkwil vis ikqw ] fir vaylaa hath na aavee, jamkaal vas kitaa.
This opportunity (of human birth) will not come into his hands again (i.e. will be lost), the
messenger of death will seize him.
jyhw Duir iliK pwieEnu sy krm kimqw ]5] jayhaa dhur likh paa-i-on say karam kamitaa. ||5||
Whatever is preordained, one obtains, and, earns actions (i.e. acts) accordingly. 5

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sqIAw eyih n AwKIAin jo miVAw lig jlµin@ ] satee-aa ayhi na aakhee-an, jo maṛi-aa lag jalaNnih.
They can not be called satee*, who burn themselves along with the corpse (of their husbands).
nwnk sqIAw jwxIAin@ ij ibrhy cot mrMin@ ]1] naanak, satee-aa jaanee-anih, je birhay chot maraNnih. ||1||
Nanak (says):They (alone) are known as satee*, who die from the shock (of pangs) of
[* satee, literally means true/truthful. It has been a practice among the Hindu-Rajputs in which a recently widowed
woman immolated herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. Now, this practice is illegal and almost extinct].

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
BI so sqIAw jwxIAin sIl sMqoiK rhMin@ ] syvin sweI Awpxw inq auiT sMm@wlµin@ ]2]
bhee so satee-aa jaaṇee-an, seel sa tokh raha nih. sayvan saa-ee aapnaa, nit uṭ sa mhaala nih. ||2||
They are also known satee, who abide in modesty and contentment; and,
rising early (in the morning), they serve their husband and remember (him all the time).

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
kMqw nwil mhylIAw syqI Aig jlwih ] kaNtaa naal mahaylee-aa saytee ag jalaahi.
The women burn themselves in the fire along with (the corpse of) their husband.
jy jwxih ipru Awpxw qw qin duK shwih ] jay jaaṇeh pir aapṇaa taa tan dukh sahaahi.
If they (truly) know (i.e. love) their husbands, then (i.e. that is why) they suffer bodily pain.
nwnk kMq n jwxnI sy ikau Aig jlwih ] naanak kaNt na jaaṇnee say ki-o ag jalaahi.
Nanak (says): If they did not (truly) knew (i.e. regard them as) their husbands, (then) why
should they burn themselves in fire?
BwvY jIvau kY mrau dUrhu hI Bij jwih ]3] bhaavai jeeva-o kai mara-o, doorahu hee bhaj jaahi. ||3||
Whether he (i.e. husband) is alive or dead, they (i.e. such wives) run away from them. 3

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
quDu duKu suKu nwil aupwieAw lyKu krqY iliKAw ] tudh dukh sukh naal upaa-i-aa, laykh kartai likhi-aa.
(O! Lord, when You created the beings) You created pains along with pleasures; such is the
writ You have written, O! Creator.
nwvY jyvf hor dwiq nwhI iqsu rUpu n iriKAw ] naavai jayvad hor daat naahee, tis roop na rikhi-aa.
There is no other gift as great as the name (of God). He (i.e. God) has no form or sign.
nwmu AKutu inDwnu hY gurmuiK min visAw ] naam akhut nidhaan hai ,gurmukh man vasi-aa.
Name (of God) is inexhaustible treasure; it abides in the minds of the Guru-oriented.
kir ikrpw nwmu dyvsI iPir lyKu n iliKAw ] kar kirpaa naam dayvsee, fir laykh na likhi-aa.
Becoming merciful, He blesses one with name, (for him) no writ (of pain or pleasure) is written.
syvk Bwie sy jn imly ijn hir jpu jipAw ]6] sayvak bhaa-ay say jan milay, jin har jap japi-aa. ||6||
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who serve Him with love meet (i.e. gets united with) Him, who
meditates upon God. 6

sloku mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
ijnI clxu jwixAw sy ikau krih ivQwr ] jinee chalan jaani-aa, say ki-o karahi vithaar.
Those, who know that they will have to depart, why should they make no much expanse (i.e.
gathering wealth and other entanglements of maya)?
clx swr n jwxnI kwj svwrxhwr ]1] chalaṇ saar na jaaṇnee, kaaj savaaraṇhaar. ||1||
Those who do not know that they will have to depart, they continue in (arranging and)
settling (their worldly) affairs. 1

mÚ 2 ] m M: 2
rwiq kwrix Dnu sMcIAY Blky clxu hoie ] raat kaaraṇ dhan saNchee-ai, bhalkay chalaṇ ho-ay.
(Why) gather wealth (just) for the night (of life), (when) tomorrow one has to depart.
nwnk nwil n cleI iPir pCuqwvw hoie ]2] naanak, naal na chal-ee, fir pachhutaavaa ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): It shall not go along with him, and, so one repents (for not having been able to
take wealth along with him). 2

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
bDw ctI jo Bry nw guxu nw aupkwru ] badhaa chatee jo bharay, naa guṇ naa upkaar.
If one pays fine (or charity) under compulsion, it does not bring either merit or benevolence,
syqI KusI svwrIAY nwnk kwrju swru ]3] saytee khusee savaaree-ai, naanak, kaaraj saar. ||3||
Nanak (says): What is done with pleasure, that alone is good deed. 3

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
mnhiT qrP n ijpeI jy bhuqw Gwly ] manhaṭ taraf na jip-ee, jay bahutaa ghaalay.
Stubborn-minded side can not win (love of God), no matter how much it may put effort.
qrP ijxY sq Bwau dy jn nwnk sbdu vIcwry ]4] taraf jiṇai sat bhaa-o day, jan naanak sabad veechaaray. ||4||
Nanak (says): That side wins which contemplates the word (of the Guru) with true love. 4

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
krqY kwrxu ijin kIAw so jwxY soeI ] kartai kaaraṇ jin kee-aa, so jaaṇai so-ee.
The Creator who has created it, He alone knows (i.e. understands) it.
Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awpy Puin goeI ] aapay sarisat upaa-ee-an, aapay fun go-ee.
He Himself has creates the universe, and, He Himself destroys it.
P. 788
jug cwry sB Biv QkI ikin kImiq hoeI ] jug chaaray sabh bhav thakee, kin keemat ho-ee.
All (the people throughout all) the Four Ages have grown weary of wandering, but who could
evaluate Him (i.e. none could know His worth)?
siqguir eyku ivKwilAw min qin suKu hoeI ] satgur ayk vikhaali-aa, man tan sukh ho-ee.
The True Guru has shown me the One (Lord); my mind and body are at peace.
gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY krqw kry su hoeI ]7] gurmukh sadaa salaahee-ai, kartaa karay so ho-ee. ||7||
Praise Him (i.e. Creator) through the Guru; what the Creator does, that alone happens.

slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, M: 2

ijnw Bau iqn@ nwih Bau mucu Bau inBivAwh ] jinaa bha-o, tin naahi bha-o, much bha-o nibhvi-aah.

Those who have the fear (of God), they have no other fear, (but) those do not fear God, will
have extreme fear.
nwnk eyhu ptMqrw iqqu dIbwix gieAwh ]1] naanak, ayhu pataNtaraa, tit deebaaṇ ga-i-aah. ||1||
Nanak (says): This mystery is unfolded (i.e. revealed), (only) in His court. 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
qurdy kau qurdw imlY aufqy kau aufqw ] turday ka-o turdaa milai, udtay ka-o udtaa.
That which walks, meets (i.e. associates with) another walking, and, that which flies meets
(i.e. associates with) another flying.
jIvqy kau jIvqw imlY mUey kau mUAw ] jeevtay ka-o jeevtaa milai, moo-ay ka-o moo-aa.
The living joins (i.e. associates with) another living, and the dead (mingles) with the dead.
nwnk so swlwhIAY ijin kwrxu kIAw ]2] naanak, so salaahee-ai, jin kaaraṇ kee-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise the One who is the cause of creation. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
scu iDAwiein sy scy gur sbid vIcwrI ] sach dhi-aa-in, say sachay, gur sabad veechaaree.
True are those, who contemplate the True, through the word of the Guru.
haumY mwir mnu inrmlw hir nwmu auir DwrI ] ha-umai maar, man nirmalaa, har naam ur dhaaree.
Enshrining the name of God within their hearts, they subdue their ego, and, their mind
becomes pure, by .
koTy mMfp mwVIAw lig pey gwvwrI ] kothay maNdap maarhee-aa, lag pa-ay gaavaaree.
The fools are attached to their houses, buildings and palaces.
ijin@ kIey iqsih n jwxnI mnmuiK gubwrI ] jinih kee-ay tiseh na jaaṇnee, manmukh gubaaree.

Caught in ignorance, the mind-oriented do not know the One who has created them.
ijsu buJwieih so buJsI sicAw ikAw jMq ivcwrI ]8]
jis bujhaa-ihi, so bujhsee sachi-aa, ki-aa jaNt vichaaree. ||8||
He alone will understand Him, whom He gets to understand, what can the poor creatures
(i.e. helpless human beings) do? 8

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
kwmix qau sIgwru kir jw pihlW kMqu mnwie ] kaamaṇ ta-o seegaar kar, jaa pahilaan kaNt manaa-ay.
O! charming lady (i.e. soul bride), decorate yourself, (but) first you please your Husband
mqu syjY kMqu n AwveI eyvY ibrQw jwie ] mat sayjai kaNt na aavee, ayvai birthaa jaa-ay.
(Otherwise) if your Husband (Lord) does not come to your bed, this (i.e. your act of decorating
yourself) will be useless.
kwmix ipr mnu mwinAw qau bixAw sIgwru ] kaamaṇ pir man maani-aa, ta-o baṇi-aa seegaar.
O! charming lady, if the mind of (your) Husband (Lord) is pleased, (only) then your
decorations will be useful (i.e. meaningful).
kIAw qau prvwxu hY jw shu Dry ipAwru ] kee-aa ta-o parvaaṇ hai, jaa saho dharay pi-aar.
Your (act of) decorating is acceptable only if your Husbands (Lord) loves (you).
Bau sIgwru qbol rsu Bojnu Bwau kryie ] bha-o seegaar tabol ras, bhojan bhaa-o karay-i.
(So, O! soul bride) make the fear (of God) your decoration, make joy (of name) your betel
leaves, and love (for God) your food.
qnu mnu saupy kMq kau qau nwnk Bogu kryie ]1] tan man sa-upay kaNt ka-o, ta-o naanak bhog karay-i. ||1||
Nanak (says): Surrender your body and mind unto your Husband (Lord), (only) then He will
enjoy you. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
kwjl PUl qMbol rsu ly Dn kIAw sIgwru ] kaajal fool taMbol ras, lay dhan kee-aa seegaar.
The wife takes collyrium (i.e. for beauty of eyes), flowers (to decorate body), (chews) the juice
of betel (for flagrance), and decorates herself (with such like things).
syjY kMqu n AwieE eyvY BieAw ivkwru ]2] sayjai kaNt na aa-i-o ayvai bha-i-aa vikaar. ||2||
(But if) her Husband (Lord) does not come to her bed, all this goes waste. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAin bhin iekTy hoie ] dhan pir ayhi na aakhee-an, bahan ikṭay ho-ay.
They are not said to be husband and wife, who (merely) sit together.
eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ]3] ayk jot du-ay moortee, dhan pir kahee-ai so-ay. ||3||
They (alone) are called (real) husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies. 3

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
BY ibnu Bgiq n hoveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] bhai bin bhagat na hova-ee, naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without (enshrining) the fear (of God in mind), there can be no devotion (for God), and, there
can be no love for the name (of the Lord).
siqguir imilAY Bau aUpjY BY Bwie rMgu svwir ] satgur mili-ai bha-o oopjai, bhai bhaa-ay raNg savaar.
Meeting the True Guru fear (of God) wells up, and, one is adorned by the fear and love (of God).
qnu mnu rqw rMg isau haumY iqRsnw mwir ] tan man rataa raNg si-o, ha-umai tarisnaa maar.
Conquering egotism and desires, the body and mind are imbued with (love of God).
mnu qnu inrmlu Aiq sohxw ByitAw ik®sn murwir ] man tan nirmal at sohṇaa, bhayti-aa krisan muraar.
Meeting the Lord, the Destroyer of the Demons, the mind and body become immaculate
and very beautiful.
Bau Bwau sBu iqs dw so scu vrqY sMswir ]9] bha-o bhaa-o sabh tis daa, so sach vartai saNsaar. ||9||
Fear and love, all belong to Him, and, He, the True is pervading (all) the world. 9

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
vwhu Ksm qU vwhu ijin ric rcnw hm kIey ] vaahu khasam too vaahu, jin rach rachnaa ham kee-ay.
Wonderful, O! Lord, You are wonderful, who created the universe and created us.
swgr lhir smuMd sr vyil vrs vrwhu ] saagar, lahar, samuNd, sar, vayl ,varas, varaahu.
(O! Lord, You created) the oceans, waves, seas, ponds, plants, clouds, and mountains.
Awip KVovih Awip kir AwpIxY Awpwhu ] aap khaṛoveh, aap kar, aapeeṇai aapaahu.
Having created, You stand amidst (Your creation), which You created Yourself.
gurmuiK syvw Qwie pvY aunmin qqu kmwhu ] gurmukh sayvaa thaa-ay pavai, unman tat kamaahu.
(O! Lord) the service of a Guru-oriented is approved (in Your court) when one earns the
essence (through meditation upon Your name) with enthusiasm.
mskiq lhhu mjUrIAw mMig mMig Ksm drwhu ] maskat lahhu majooree-aa maNg maNg khasam daraahu.
They receive the wages of their labour (of meditation) upon the name), continually begging at
the door of the Lord.
nwnk pur dr vyprvwh qau dir aUxw nwih ko scw vyprvwhu ]1]
naanak, pur dar vayparvaah, ta-o dar ooṇaa naahi ko, sachaa vayparvaahu. ||1||
Nanak (says): The home of the Carefree (Lord) is overflowing (with gifts); no one returns
empty-handed from Your door, O! Carefree, True (Lord). 1

mhlw 1 ] M: 1
aujl moqI sohxy rqnw nwil juVMin ] ujal motee sohṇay, ratnaa naal juṛaNn.
(The body with teeth which look) bright like beautiful pearls, (and eyes look) studded with
iqn jru vYrI nwnkw ij buFy QIie mrMin ]2] tin jar vairee, naankaa, je buḍay thee-ay maraNn. ||2||
Nanak (says): (When) old age, their enemy, appears, they die (i.e. remain of no value). 2
P. 789
pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
hir swlwhI sdw sdw qnu mnu sauip srIru ] har saalaahee sadaa sadaa, tan man sa-up sareer.
(One, who) praises God forever and ever, and, dedicates his mind and body (unto Him),
gur sbdI scu pwieAw scw gihr gMBIru ] gur sabdee, sach paa-i-aa, sachaa gahir gaMbheer.
Through the word of the Guru, he obtains the True (Lord), the True who is deep and profound.
min qin ihrdY riv rihAw hir hIrw hIru ] man tan hirdai rav rahi-aa, har heeraa heer.
The Lord, the jewel of jewels, is pervading my mind, my body, my heart;
jnm mrx kw duKu gieAw iPir pvY n PIru ] janam maraṇ kaa dukh ga-i-aa, fir pavai na feer.
(By the grace of my Lord, my) pains of birth and death are gone, I shall not be falling again (i.e.
shall not be consigned to womb).
nwnk nwmu slwih qU hir guxI ghIru ]10] naanak, naam salaahi too, har guṇee gaheer. ||10||
Nanak (says): (O! my mind) You praise the name of God, He is deep ocean of excellences. 10

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
nwnk iehu qnu jwil ijin jilAY nwmu ivswirAw ] naanak, ih tan jaal, jin jali-ai naam visaari-aa.
Nanak (says): Burn this body, this burnt (body) has forgotten the name (of the Lord);
paudI jwie prwil ipCY hQu n AMbVY iqqu invMDY qwil ]1]
pa-udee jaa-ay paraal pichhai hath na aMbṛai tit nivaNdhai taal. ||1||
The paddy-straw (i.e. filth of sins) is piling up(in your mind); in the low lying pool (of your mind),
time will come, your hand shall not reach there (to clean this garbage out i.e. to wash the sins).

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwnk mn ky kMm iPitAw gxq n AwvhI ] naanak, man kay kaMm, fiti-aa gaṇat na aavhee.
Nanak (says): Wicked actions of my minds deeds are so many, (they) cannot be counted;
ikqI lhw shMm jw bKsy qw Dkw nhI ]2] kitee lahaa sahaMm, jaa bakhsay taa dhakaa nahee. ||2||
(I do not know) how much (punishment) I can bear (for these bad deeds)? (But), if He forgives,
then there will be no thrashing (i.e. punishment). 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
scw Amru clwieEnu kir scu Purmwxu ] sachaa amar chalaa-i-on, kar sach furmaaṇ.
True is His command (that) He sends forth by issuing true orders.
sdw inhclu riv rihAw so purKu sujwxu ] sadaa nihchal rav rahi-aa, so purakh sujaaṇ.
Forever unmoving, the Primal Person, All-Knowing (Lord) is pervading (everywhere).
gur prswdI syvIAY scu sbid nIswxu ] gur parsaadee sayvee-ai, sach sabad neesaaṇ.
Serve Him by the grace of the Guru, and, through the insignia of the True word.
pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw rMgu gurmiq mwxu ] pooraa thaat baṇaa-i-aa, raNg gurmat maaṇ.
(He has) made a perfect system (of the world), enjoy it through the wisdom of the Guru.
Agm Agocru AlKu hY gurmuiK hir jwxu ]11] agam agochar alakh hai, gurmukh har jaaṇ. ||11||
He is inaccessible, unknowable, imperceptible, knows Him though the Guru. 11

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
nwnk bdrw mwl kw BIqir DirAw Awix ] Koty Kry prKIAin swihb kY dIbwix ]1]
naanak, badraa maal kaa, bheetar dhari-aa aaṇ. khotay kharay parkhee-an, saahib kai deebaaṇ. ||1||
Nanak (says): (As) the bag of coins is brought and placed in (and only genuine coins are
preserved, similalrly);
in the court of the Lord, the genuine and the counterfeit shall be examined (i.e. separated). 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwvx cly qIrQI min KotY qin cor ] naavaṇ chalay teerthee, man khotai tan chor.

They go to the places of pilgrimage to have (cleansing) bath; (but) their minds are deceitful
(i.e. full of vices) and body are thieves (i.e. filled with sexual desire, anger, greed etc).
ieku Bwau lQI nwiqAw duie Bw cVIAsu hor ] ik bhaa-o lathee naati-aa, du-ay bhaa chaṛee-as hor.
(If) one (i.e. some) of their filth is washed off by this bath, (but, then) the double (filth of pride of
having cleansing bath) shall cling to them.
bwhir DoqI qUmVI AMdir ivsu inkor ] baahar dhotee toomṛee, aNdar vis nikor.
(It is like) the gourd which may be washed off from outside, but inside it is pure poison.
swD Bly AxnwiqAw cor is corw cor ]2] saadh bhalay aṇnaati-aa, chor se choraa chor. ||2||
A God-oriented persons is clean (i.e. immaculate) even without (such) a bath, (whereas) a
thief (even after bath) remain thief and (only) thieves (i.e. remains a wicked filthy mind). 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
Awpy hukmu clwiedw jgu DMDY lwieAw ] aapay hukam chalaa-idaa, jag dhaNdhai laa-i-aa.
He Himself issues commands, and, engages (the people of) the world to their task.
ieik Awpy hI Awip lwieAnu gur qy suKu pwieAw ] ik aapay hee aap laa-i-an, gur tay sukh paa-i-aa.
He Himself attaches some to Himself, and, through the Guru, they obtain happiness.
dh ids iehu mnu Dwvdw guir Twik rhwieAw ] dah dis ih man dhaavdaa, gur thaak rahaa-i-aa.
This mind runs around in ten (i.e. all) directions, only Guru can hold it still.
nwvY no sB locdI gurmqI pwieAw ] naavai no sabh lochdee, gurmatee paa-i-aa.
Everyone longs for the name (of God), (but) it is obtained (only) through the wisdom of the Guru.
Duir iliKAw myit n skIAY jo hir iliK pwieAw ]12] dhur likhi-aa mayt na sakee-ai, jo har likh paa-i-aa. ||12||
What is ordained from the very beginning, inscribed by God, can not be erased. 12

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
duie dIvy caudh htnwly ] du-ay deevay, cha-odah hatnaalay.
The two lamps (sun and moon), (light) fourteen markets (i.e. the presumed seven skies and
seven nether regions i.e. the whole of the universe).
jyqy jIA qyqy vxjwry ] Kul@y ht hoAw vwpwru ] jaytay jee-a, taytay vaṇjaaray. khulhay hat, ho-aa vaapaar.
(There are just) as many traders, as many living beings;
the shops are open, the trade is being carried on.
jo phucY so clxhwru ] jo pahuchai, so chalaṇhaar.
Whoever has come (there) is bound to depart (after trading).
Drmu dlwlu pwey nIswxu nwnk nwmu lwhw prvwxu ] dharam dalaal paa-ay neesaan, naanak, naam laahaa parvaaṇ.
The faith, the broker (i.e. the assessor) is putting mark (of approval or disapproval); Nanak
(says): (those who earn) the profit of name are accepted (and approved in His court).
Gir Awey vjI vwDweI ] sc nwm kI imlI vifAweI ]1]
ghar aa-ay, vajee vaadhaa-ee. sach naam kee milee vadi-aa-ee. ||1||
(When they) reached home, (they) were congratulated;
they obtained glory (i.e. laurels) for (earning the profit of) the True name. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
rwqI hovin kwlIAw supydw sy vMn ] raatee hovan kaalee-aa, supaydaa say vaNn.

Even when the nights are dark, (whatever is of) the white (colour) remain the same colour.
idhu bgw qpY Gxw kwilAw kwly vMn ] dihu bagaa tapai ghaṇaa, kaali-aa kaalay vaNn.
(And, when) the (light of) the day is white, and, the heat gives it brightness; (yet) the black
remain same (i.e. retains its colour).
AMDy AklI bwhry mUrK AMD igAwnu ] aNdhay aklee baahray, moorakh aNdh gi-aan.
The blind fools have no wisdom; their knowledge (i.e. wisdom) remains blind.
nwnk ndrI bwhry kbih n pwvih mwnu ]2] naanak, nadree baahray, kabeh na paavahi maan. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those without His grace, will never receive honour. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
kwieAw kotu rcwieAw hir scY Awpy ] kaa-i-aa kot rachaa-i-aa, har sachai aapay.
The True Lord Himself has created the body-fortress.
ieik dUjY Bwie KuAwieAnu haumY ivic ivAwpy ] ik doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-i-an, ha-umai vich vi-aapay.
Some are ruined through the love of duality, (they are) engrossed in ego.
iehu mwns jnmu dulµBu sw mnmuK sMqwpy ] ih maanas janam dulaMbh saa, manmukh santaapay.
This human life is so difficult to obtain (i.e. it is a rare gift of God), but the mind-oriented
suffer in agony.
ijsu Awip buJwey so buJsI ijsu siqguru Qwpy ] jis aap bujhaa-ay so bujhsee, jis satgur thaapay.
He alone will understand whom He Himself will pat (i.e. bless).
sBu jgu Kylu rcwieEnu sB vrqY Awpy ]13] sabh jag khayl rachaa-i-on, sabh vartai aapay. ||13||
he has created the whole world as His play; and, He is pervading everywhere. 13
P. 790
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
corw jwrw rMfIAw kutxIAw dIbwxu ] vydInw kI dosqI vydInw kw Kwxu ]
choraa jaaraa raNdee-aa, kutṇee-aa deebaaṇ. vaydeenaa kee dostee, vaydeenaa kaa khaaṇ.
The thieves, adulterers, prostitutes, pimps (all are sinner have their own society).
They make friendship with (like) irreligious (people), and, they dine with irreligious (people).
isPqI swr n jwxnI sdw vsY sYqwnu ] siftee saar na jaaṇnee, sadaa vasai saitaan.
They do not know the value of praise (of God); Satan is always abides within them.
gdhu cMdin KaulIAY BI swhU isau pwxu ] gadahu chaNdan kha-ulee-ai, bhee saahoo si-o paaṇ.
A donkey may be anoint ed with sandalwood, he still loves to roll in dust.
nwnk kUVY kiqAY kUVw qxIAY qwxu ] naanak, kooṛai kati-ai, kooṛaa taṇee-ai taaṇ.
Nanak (says): By spinning falsehood, (only) falsehood is woven.
kUVw kpVu kCIAY kUVw pYnxu mwxu ]1] koorhaa kapaṛ kachhee-ai, kooṛaa painaṇ maaṇ. ||1||
If cloth of falsehood is measured, (then) false will be the pride in wearing (such a garment). 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
bWgw burgU isM|IAw nwly imlI klwx ] baangaa burgoo siNngee-aa, naalay milee kalaaṇ.
The call-givers (Muslim priest)*, the flute players (faqirs), the horn blowers (Jogis), and also
the glory-chanting (i.e. Bhatt bards). [*The Muslim priest, gives a call for prayer, in loud voice].
ieik dwqy ieik mMgqy nwmu qyrw prvwxu ] ik daatay, ik maNgtay, naam tayraa parvaaṇ.
Some are givers, and, some are beggars, (but, in Your court, only) your name is approved.
nwnk ijn@I suix kY mMinAw hau iqnw ivthu kurbwxu ]2]
naanak, jinhee suṇ kai maNni-aa, ha-o tinaa vitahu kurbaaṇ. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who hear and believe (i.e. adopt) it, I am a sacrifice unto them. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
mwieAw mohu sBu kUVu hY kUVo hoie gieAw ] maa-i-aa moh sabh kooṛ hai, kooṛo ho-ay ga-i-aa.
Attachment to maya is all false; and, (one who is attached to it, he too) becomes false.
haumY JgVw pwieEnu JgVY jgu muieAw ] ha-umai jhagṛaa paa-i-on, jhagṛai jag mu-i-aa.
Egotism causes conflicts, and the world is dying (i.e. is being ruined) in conflict.
gurmuiK JgVu cukwieEnu ieko riv rihAw ] gurmukh jhagaṛ chukaa-i-on, iko rav rahi-aa.
The Guru-oriented has resolved (i.e. freed) himself of the conflicts; he sees (only) the One
(Lord) pervading everywhere.
sBu Awqm rwmu pCwixAw Baujlu qir gieAw ] sabh aatam raam pachhaaṇi-aa, bha-ojal tar ga-i-aa.
Recognising the Supreme Lord (pervading) everywhere, he crosses over the terrifying
waters (of the world ocean).
joiq smwxI joiq ivic hir nwim smieAw ]14] jot samaaṇee jot vich, har naam sam-i-aa. ||14||
His light merges into the Light (of God), and, he is absorbed into the name of God. 14

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
siqgur BIiKAw dyih mY qUM sMmRQu dwqwru ] haumY grbu invwrIAY kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ]
satgur bheekhi-aa deh mai, too saMmrath daataar. ha-umai garab nivaaree-ai, kaam krodh ahaNkaar.

O! True Guru, you are all-powerful giver, (please) bless me with this charity:
Liberate me from egotism, pride, sexual desire, anger and self-conceit.
lbu loBu prjwlIAY nwmu imlY AwDwru ] lab lobh parjaalee-ai, naam milai aadhaar.
Totally burn away my greed and avarice, and, I may obtain the support of Your name.
Aihinis nvqn inrmlw mYlw kbhUM n hoie ] ahinis navtan nirmalaa, mailaa kabahooN na ho-ay.
Day and night it (i.e. the name is ever fresh, immaculate, and, never gets polluted (i.e stale).
nwnk ieh ibiD CutIAY ndir qyrI suKu hoie ]1] naanak, ih bidh chhutee-ai, nadar tayree sukh ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): This the way one can be liberated; and, happiness is by His grace. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ieko kMqu sbweIAw ijqI dir KVIAwh ] iko kaNt sabaa-ee-aa, jitee dar khaṛee-aah.
There is only one Husband (Lord) of all (the soul brides) who stand at His door.
nwnk kMqY rqIAw puCih bwqVIAwh ]2] naanak kaNtai ratee-aa puchheh baat-ṛee-aah. ||2||
Nanak (says): They ask about their Husband (Lord) from those who are imbued with His love. 2

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sBy kMqY rqIAw mY dohwgix ikqu ] sabhay kaNtai ratee-aa, mai dohaagaṇ kit.
All (soul brides0 are imbued with the love of their Husband (Lord), (whereas) I am a
discarded one, (then) what (good) I am?
mY qin Avgx eyqVy Ksmu n Pyry icqu ]3] mai tan avgaṇ -ayt-ṛay, khasam na fayray chit. ||3||
My body (i.e. being) has so many demerits, that my Husband does not even turn his mind

towards me (i.e. He does not even look at me). 3

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
hau bilhwrI iqn kau isPiq ijnw dY vwiq ] ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o, sifat jinaa dai vaat.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who praise Him with their mouth.
siB rwqI sohwgxI iek mY dohwgix rwiq ]4] sabh raatee sohaagaṇee, ik mai dohaagaṇ raat. ||4||
(He has blessed) all nights to happy (soul) brides (to enjoy marital bliss), I am discarded one, (I
wish if I could get just) one night.

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
dir mMgqu jwcY dwnu hir dIjY ik®pw kir ] gurmuiK lyhu imlwie jnu pwvY nwmu hir ]
dar maNgat jaachai daan, har deejai kirpaa kar. gurmukh layho milaa-ay, jan paavai naam har.
(I am) the beggar at Your door is begging for charity, O! God, be kind and give to me:
Through the Guru, unite me (with Yourself); (so that) I may receive Your name
Anhd sbdu vjwie joqI joiq Dir ] anhad sabad vajaa-ay, jotee jot dhar.
(O! Lord) play unstruck word (within me), and, blend my light with (Your) Light; and,
ihrdY hir gux gwie jY jY sbdu hir ] hirdai har guṇ gaa-ay, jai jai sabad har.
Within my heart I may sing the excellences of God, continuously hailing the word of God.
jg mih vrqY Awip hir syqI pRIiq kir ]15] jag meh vartai aap, har saytee pareet kar. ||15||
He Himself is pervading the world, (O! my mind) have love God. 15

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
ijnI n pwieE pRym rsu kMq n pwieE swau ] jinee na paa-i-o paraym ras, kaNt na paa-i-o saa-o.
Those who have not obtained the essence of love (of Husband Lord), and, have not enjoyed the
delight of their Husband;
suM\y Gr kw pwhuxw ijau AwieAw iqau jwau ]1] suNnjay ghar kaa paahuṇaa, ji-o aa-i-aa ti-o jaa-o. ||1||
They are like a guest in a deserted house, who leaves the house just as he had come. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sau Elwm@y idnY ky rwqI imlin@ shMs ] sa-o olaamhay dinai kay, raatee milnih sahaNs.
(His swan soul receives) hundred reprimands during the day, and, thousands during the
night; (because)
isPiq slwhxu Cif kY krMgI lgw hMsu ] sifat salaahaṇ chhad kai ,karaNgee lagaa haNs.
the swan (soul) has renounced the praise (of God), and, has attached itself to) (eating of)
carcass (in stead of precious jewel of the name of God).
iPtu ievyhw jIivAw ijqu Kwie vDwieAw pytu ] fit ivayhaa jeevi-aa, jit khaa-ay vadhaa-i-aa payt.
Cursed is that life like, in which one eats and enlarges one’s the belly.
nwnk scy nwm ivxu sBo dusmnu hyqu ]2] naanak, sachay naam viṇ, sabho dusman hayt. ||2||
Nanak (says): Without the name of True, all this attachment (to maya) becomes an enemy. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
FwFI gux gwvY inq jnmu svwirAw ] ḍaaḍee guṇ gaavai nit, janam savaari-aa.

The bard continually sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God); and, embellsihes his life.
gurmuiK syiv slwih scw aur DwirAw ] gurmukh sayv salaahi, sachaa ur dhaari-aa.
He serves and praises (the Lord) through the Guru, and, enshrines the True (Lord) in his heart.
P. 791
Gru dru pwvY mhlu nwmu ipAwirAw ] ghar dar paavai mahal, naam pi-aari-aa.
By loving the name, he obtains the door to the mansion (of the Lord).
gurmuiK pwieAw nwmu hau gur kau vwirAw ] gurmukh paa-i-aa naam, ha-o gur ka-o vaari-aa.
The Guru through whom one is blessed with name, I am a sacrifice unto that Guru.
qU Awip svwrih Awip isrjnhwirAw ]16] too aap savaareh aap, sirjanhaari-aa. ||16||
You Yourself embellish us, O! Creator (Lord). 16

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
dIvw blY AMDyrw jwie ] deevaa balai, aNdhayraa jaa-ay.
When the lamp (of knowledge) is lit, the darkness (of ignorance) is dispelled.
byd pwT miq pwpw Kwie ] bayd paaṭ, mat paapaa khaa-ay.
By the reading (i.e. study) of the Vedas (i.e. books of knowledge), sinful wisdom is destroyed.
augvY sUru n jwpY cMdu ] ugvai soor na jaapai chaNd.
When the sun rises , the moon is not visible.
jh igAwn pRgwsu AigAwnu imtMqu ] jah gi-aan pargaas agi-aan mitaNt.
Where there is light of knowledge, ignorance is dispelled.
byd pwT sMswr kI kwr ] piV@ piV@ pMifq krih bIcwr ]
bayd paaṭ saNsaar kee kaar. paṛh paṛh paNdit karahi beechaar.
Reading the Vedas is the world's occupation (it is practised as a ritual);
Pandits (i.e. the priests) read and recite, and, discuss them.
ibnu bUJy sB hoie KuAwr ] nwnk gurmuiK auqris pwir ]1]
bin boojhay sabh ho-ay khu-aar. naanak, gurmukh utras paar. ||1||
(But) without understanding all are ruined;
Nanak (says): One can be carried across (only) through the Guru.1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sbdY swdu n AwieE nwim n lgo ipAwru ] sabdai saad na aa-i-o, naam na lago pi-aar.
Those, who do not enjoy the word, and, do not have love the name (of the Lord),
rsnw iPkw bolxw inq inq hoie KuAwru ] rasnaa fikaa bolṇaa, nit nit ho-ay khu-aar.
(they) speak insipidly with their tongues, and, forever and ever suffer trouble.
nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]2] naanak, pa-i-ai kirat kamaavaṇaa, ko-ay na maytaṇhaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): They earn (i.e. act) according to what they are made for; no one can erase it. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
ij pRBu swlwhy Awpxw so soBw pwey ] je prabh saalaahay aapṇaa, so sobhaa paa-ay.
One, who praises His Lord, obtains glory (i.e. receives honour).
haumY ivchu dUir kir scu mMin vswey ] ha-umai vichahu door kar, sach maNn vasaa-ay.
(He) drives out egotism from within; and, enshrines the True (Lord) within (his) mind.
scu bwxI gux aucrY scw suKu pwey ] sach banee guṇ uchrai, sachaa sukh paa-ay.
He chants (i.e. sings the praise of) the excellences (of the Lord) through the true word (of the
Guru), and, finds true happiness.
mylu BieAw icrI ivCuMinAw gur puriK imlwey ] mayl bha-i-aa chiree vichhuNni-aa, gur purakh milaa-ay.
He is united (with the Lord), after having remained separated (from Him) for so long; the
Guru unites him with the Primal Person (i.e. God).
mnu mYlw iev suDu hY hir nwmu iDAwey ]17] man mailaa iv sudh hai, har naam dhi-aa-ay. ||17||
In this way, the filthy mind is purified, by meditating upon the name of God. 17

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
kwieAw kUml Pul gux nwnk gupis mwl ] kaa-i-aa koomal, ful guṇ, naanak, gupas maal.
Nanak (says): the body is delicate shoots (of the leaves), and, the virtues are the flowers,(O!
brethren) weave the garland.
eynI PulI rau kry Avr ik cuxIAih fwl ]1] aynee fulee ra-o karay, avar ke chuṇee-ah daal. ||1||
God is pleased with(a garland of) such flowers, so why pick flowers from other branches. 1

mhlw 2 ] M: 2
nwnk iqnw bsMqu hY ijn@ Gir visAw kMqu ] naanak, tinaa basaNt hai, jinh ghar vasi-aa kaNt.
Nanak (says): It is (always) spring season for those, within whose home Husband (Lord) abides.
ijn ky kMq idswpurI sy Aihinis iPrih jlµq ]2] jin kay kaNt disaapuree, say ahinis fireh jalaNt. ||2||
Those, whose Husbands are away, in foreign lands, they continue burning (in sorrow of
separation), day and night. 2

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
Awpy bKsy dieAw kir gur siqgur bcnI ] aapay bakhsay, da-i-aa kar, gur satgur bachnee.
Becoming merciful, He Himself may bless me, (and, attach me) to the word of the Guru, the
True Guru; (so that)
Anidnu syvI gux rvw mnu scY rcnI ] an-din sayvee guṇ ravaa, man sachai rachnee.
Day and night, I may serve Him, chant (praise of) His excellences; and, my mind may be
merged into the True.
pRBu myrw byAMqu hY AMqu iknY n lKnI ] prabh mayraa bay-aNt hai, ant kinai na lakhnee.
My Lord is infinite; no one can known His limits.
siqgur crxI ligAw hir nwmu inq jpnI ] satgur charṇee lagi-aa, har naam nit japnee.
By being at the feet of the True Guru, one can continually meditate upon the name of God;
jo ieCY so Plu pwiesI siB GrY ivic jcnI ]18] jo ichhai so fal paa-isee, sabh gharai vich jachnee. ||18||
(Then) one can obtain the fruits of one’s desires; and, all his prayers are fulfilled within his
home (i.e. heart). 18

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
pihl bsMqY Awgmin pihlw mauilE soie ] pahil basaNtai aagman, pahilaa ma-uli-o so-ay.
First arrives the spring season, (but) first (even before spring) God blooms.
ijqu mauilAY sB maulIAY iqsih n mauilhu koie ]1] jit ma-uli-ai sabh ma-ulee-ai, tiseh na ma-ulihu ko-ay. ||1||

By His blossoming, everything blossoms, (but) no one can cause Him to blossom forth. 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
pihl bsMqY Awgmin iqs kw krhu bIcwru ] pahil basaNtai aagman, tis kaa karahu beechaar.
Reflect upon Him who blossoms forth (even) before spring season.
nwnk so swlwhIAY ij sBsY dy AwDwru ]2] naanak, so salaahee-ai, je sabhsai day aadhaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): Praise the One (Lord), who gives sustenance to everyone. 2

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
imilAY imilAw nw imlY imlY imilAw jy hoie ] mili-ai mili-aa naa milai, milai mili-aa jay ho-ay.
(Just by saying that I am) ‘the united one’ is not united in (real) union, one is in union if one is
united (from within).
AMqr AwqmY jo imlY imilAw khIAY soie ]3] aNtar aatmai jo milai, mili-aa kahee-ai so-ay. ||3||
When one united from within soul, then he is said to be (really) in union. 3

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee
hir hir nwmu slwhIAY scu kwr kmwvY ] har har naam salaahee-ai, sach kaar kamaavai.
Praising the name of God, the Lord, is earning (i.e. practising) the True deed.
dUjI kwrY ligAw iPir jonI pwvY ] doojee kaarai lagi-aa, fir jonee paavai.
By attaching to other deeds, one is consigned to womb again (in re-incarnation).
nwim riqAw nwmu pweIAY nwmy gux gwvY ] naam rati-aa, naam paa-ee-ai, naamay guṇ gaavai.
By being attuned to the name, one obtains name, and, sings the praises of the name.
gur kY sbid slwhIAY hir nwim smwvY ] gur kai sabad salaahee-ai, har naam samaavai.
By praising (God) through the word of the Guru, one merges in the name of God.
siqgur syvw sPl hY syivAY Pl pwvY ]19] satgur sayvaa safal hai, sayvi-ai fal paavai. ||19||
Service to the true Guru is fructifying; serving Him one obtains the fruit (i.e. reward). 19

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
iks hI koeI koie mM\u inmwxI ieku qU ] kis hee ko-ee ko-ay, maNnj nimaaṇee ik too.
Someone has one and some (other) has an other (to support), but for me, the poor, only You
are (the support).
ikau n mrIjY roie jw lgu iciq n AwvhI ]1] ki-o na mareejai ro-ay, jaa lag chit na aavhee. ||1||
Why should I not die crying, if You will not come in my mind.
P. 792
mÚ 2 ] M: 2
jW suKu qw shu rwivE duiK BI sMm@wilEie ] jaan sukh taa saho raavi-o, dukh bhee saMmhaali-o-i.
(O! soul bride) if there is pleasure, then you remember Husband (Lord); remember Him in
the time of suffering as well.
nwnku khY isAwxIey ieau kMq imlwvw hoie ]2] naanak kahai si-aaṇee-ay i-o, kaNt milaavaa ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): O! wise (soul bride), this is the way to meet (i.e. unite) with Husband (Lord).

pauVI ] Pa-oṛee

hau ikAw swlwhI ikrm jMqu vfI qyrI vifAweI ] ha-o ki-aa saalaahee kiram jaNt, vadee tayree vadi-aa-ee.
I am just (like) a worm, how can praise You, (O! Lord) Your greatness is so great
qU Agm dieAwlu AgMmu hY Awip lYih imlweI ] too agam da-i-aal agaMm hai, aap laihi milaa-ee.
You are inaccessible, merciful, unapproachable; You Yourself unite us in union (with Yourself).
mY quJ ibnu bylI ko nhI qU AMiq sKweI ] mai tujh bin baylee ko nahee, too aNt sakhaa-ee.
I have no friend other than You; and, in the end You will be my companion.
jo qyrI srxwgqI iqn lYih CfweI ] jo tayree sarṇaagatee, tin laihi chhadaa-ee.
(O! Lord, please) save them who are in Your refuge.
nwnk vyprvwhu hY iqsu iqlu n qmweI ]20]1] naanak, vayparvaahu hai, tis til na tamaa-ee. ||20||1||
Nanak (says): He is carefree, He has not even a little bit of greed. 20

rwgu sUhI bwxI sRI kbIr jIau qQw sBnw Bgqw kI ]

Raag Soohee, banee saree Kabeer jee-o, tathaa sabhnaa bhagtaa kee.
Raag Soohee, hymns by Kabir and all other bhagats
kbIr ky Kabeer kay Kabeer’s hymns
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Avqir Awie khw qum kInw ] rwm ko nwmu n kbhU lInw ]1]
avtar aa-ay kahaa tum keenaa. raam ko naam na kabhoo leenaa. ||1||
(O! human being) since your birth, what have you done?
You have never chanted the name of God. 1
rwm n jphu kvn miq lwgy ] mir jieby kau ikAw krhu ABwgy ]1] rhwau ]
raam na japahu kavan mat laagay. mar ja-ibay ka-o ki-aa karahu abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You do not meditate upon (the name of) God, what (bad) thought you are attached to?
What are you doing (i.e. what preparations are you making) for (the time of) your death, O!
unfortunate (being)? 1 (pause)
duK suK kir kY kutMbu jIvwieAw ] mrqI bwr ieksr duKu pwieAw ]2]
dukh sukh kar kai kutaMb jeevaa-i-aa. martee baar iksar dukh paa-i-aa. ||2||
Through pain and pleasure, you have nourished your family.
But at the time of death, you endured constant pain. 2
kMT ghn qb krn pukwrw ] kih kbIr Awgy qy n sMm@wrw ]3]1]
kaNṭ gahan tab karan pukaaraa. kahi kabeer aagay tay na saMmhaaraa. ||3||1||
When (you are) seized by neck (by the messengers of death), then you shall cry.
Says Kabir : (then) why did not you remembered (God) earlier? 3.2

sUhI kbIr jI ] Soohee, Kabeer jee

Qrhr kMpY bwlw jIau ] nw jwnau ikAw krsI pIau ]1]
tharhar kaMpai, baalaa jee-o. naa jaan-o, ki-aa karsee pee-o. ||1||
My innocent soul trembles in fear, I do not know how my Husband (Lord) will deal with me. 1
rYin geI mq idnu BI jwie ] Bvr gey bg bYTy Awie ]1] rhwau ]

rain ga-ee, mat din bhee jaa-ay. bhavar ga-ay, bag baithay aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The night (of my youth) has passed away (without meditating upon God), lest the day (of old
age) may also pass away (like this).
The bumble bee (i.e. black hair) have gone away, white crane (i.e. grey hair) have settled
(upon my head). 1 (pause)
kwcY krvY rhY n pwnI ] hMsu cilAw kwieAw kumlwnI ]2]
kaachai karvai rahai na paanee. haNs chali-aa kaa-i-aa kumlaanee. ||2||
The water does not remain in unbaked clay-pot;
When the swan (soul) departs, the body withers away. 2
kuAwr kMinAw jYsy krq sIgwrw ] ikau rlIAw mwnY bwJu Bqwrw ]3]
ku-aar kaNniaa jaisay karat seegaaraa. ki-o ralee-aa maanai baajh bhataaraa. ||3||
I decorate myself like a young virgin;but how can I enjoy pleasures without Husband (Lord). 3
kwg aufwvq Bujw iprwnI ] kih kbIr ieh kQw isrwnI ]4]2]
kaag udaavat bhujaa piraanee. kahi kabeer ih kathaa siraanee. ||4||2||
My arm is tired by driving away the crows (in Your wait);
Says Kabir: This is the way my story (of life) has ended. 4.2

sUhI kbIr jIau ] Soohee Kabeer jee-o

Amlu isrwno lyKw dynw ] Awey kiTn dUq jm lynw ]
amal siraano laykhaa daynaa. aa-ay kaṭin doot jam laynaa.
When action (of life) is at its end, one shall have to give accounts.
The merciless messengers of death have come to take you away.
ikAw qY KitAw khw gvwieAw ] clhu isqwb dIbwin bulwieAw ]1]
ki-aa tai khati-aa, kahaa gavaa-i-aa. chalhu sitaab, deebaan bulaa-i-aa. ||1||
What have you earned and what have you lost?
Come quickly, You have been summoned by the Judge (to the court of the Lord). 1
clu drhwlu dIvwin bulwieAw ] hir Purmwnu drgh kw AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
chal darhaal deevaan bulaa-i-aa. har furmaan dargeh kaa aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Get up (and move) just as you are, You have been summoned by the Judge.
The order has come from the court of God. 1 (pause)
krau Ardwis gwv ikCu bwkI ] lyau inbyir Awju kI rwqI ]
kara-o ardaas gaav kichh baakee. lay-o nibayr aaj kee raatee.
I pray (to the messenger of death), (please) I have still some villages to settle (the accounts).
(Please) let me collect (and settle accounts) to-night.
ikCu BI Krcu qum@wrw swrau ] subh invwj srwie gujwrau ]2]
kichh bhee kharach tumhaaraa saara-o. subah nivaaj saraa-ay gujaara-o. ||2||
I will pay something for your expenses.
I will offer my morning namaj (prayer) in an inn (i.e. on the way). 2
swDsMig jw kau hir rMgu lwgw ] Dnu Dnu so jnu purKu sBwgw ]
saadhsaNg jaa ka-o har raNg laagaa. dhan dhan so jan purakh sabhaagaa.
One, who is imbued with the love of God in the company of the God-oriented persons, that
servant (i.e. devotee) is blesses, blessed, fortunate person.
eIq aUq jn sdw suhyly ] jnmu pdwrQu jIiq Amoly ]3]
eet oot jan sadaa suhaylay. janam padaarath jeet amolay. ||3||
here and there (i.e. in this world and in the world hereafter), the servants (i.e. devotees of the
Lord) are always happy; (because) they win the priceless wealth of life. 3
jwgqu soieAw jnmu gvwieAw ] mwlu Dnu joirAw BieAw prwieAw ]
jaagat so-i-aa, janam gavaa-i-aa. maal dhan jori-aa, bha-i-aa paraa-i-aa.
One, who sleeps (in ignorance i.e. in attachment to maya) while he is awake, he loses his life.
The property and the wealth he has gathered (in the end that too) goes to some one else.
khu kbIr qyeI nr BUly ] Ksmu ibswir mwtI sMig rUly ]4]3]
kaho kabeer tay-ee nar bhoolay. khasam bisaar maatee saNg roolay. ||4||3||
Says Kabir: Those persons are straying (from the real path of life),
(who have) forgotten the Lord , and, roll in dust. 4.3
P. 793
sUhI kbIr jIau lilq ] Soohee, Kabeer jee-o, Lalit
Qwky nYn sRvn suin Qwky QwkI suMdir kwieAw ] thaakay nain sarvan sun thaakay, thaakee suNdar kaa-i-aa.
The eyes are tired of seeing and ears of listening, the beautiful body too is tired (i.e. exhausted).
jrw hwk dI sB miq QwkI eyk n Qwkis mwieAw ]1]
jaraa haak dee sabh mat thaakee, ayk na thaakas maa-i-aa. ||1||
(Since) the old age has given the call (i.e. old age has come) wisdom too is tired (i.e. all the
senses have become weak and exhausted). Only attachment to maya is not tired. 1
bwvry qY igAwn bIcwru n pwieAw ] baavray, tai gi-aan beechaar na paa-i-aa.
O! crazy, you have not obtained wisdom of contemplating (the name of God).
ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]1] rhwau ] birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have wasted (human) life in vain. 1 (pause)
qb lgu pRwnI iqsY sryvhu jb lgu Gt mih swsw ] tab lag paraanee tisai sarayvhu, jab lag ghat meh saasaa.
O! mortal being, serve Him (i.e. God) as long as there is breath (of life) in your body.
jy Gtu jwie q Bwau n jwsI hir ky crn invwsw ]2]
jay ghat jaa-ay, ta bhaa-o na jaasee, har kay charan nivaasaa. ||2||
(And) even when you body is gone (i.e. dead), your love (for God) shall not die; and, you shall
dwell at the feet of God. 2
ijs kau sbdu bswvY AMqir cUkY iqsih ipAwsw ] jis ka-o sabad basaavai aNtar, chookai tiseh pi-aasaa.
One, within whose mind, He enshrines the word, his thirst is quenched.
hukmY bUJY caupiV KylY mnu ijix Fwly pwsw ]3]
hukmai boojhai, cha-upaṛ khaylai, man jiṇ ḍaalay paasaa. ||3||
He understands the command (of the Lord), then plays the game of chess (i.e. the game of life);
conquering the mind, he throws the dice (and wins the game of life). 3
jo jn jwin Bjih Aibgq kau iqn kw kCU n nwsw ] jo jan jaan bhajeh abigat ka-o, tin kaa kachhoo na naasaa.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who understand the Imperishable (Lord), and, meditate upon
(Him), nothing of them is destroyed (i.e. they do not lose anything).
khu kbIr qy jn kbhu n hwrih Fwil ju jwnih pwsw ]4]4]
kaho kabeer tay jan kabahu na haareh, ḍaal jo jaaneh paasaa. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: Those servants (i.e. devotees), who know how to throw dice, are never lose (the

game of life). 4. 4

sUhI lilq kbIr jIau ] Soohee, Lalit, Kabeer jee-o

eyku kotu pMc iskdwrw pMcy mwgih hwlw ] ayk kot paNch sikdaaraa, paNchay maageh haalaa.
In the one (body) fort, there are five rulers, all the five (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed,
emotional attachment and pride) demand tax for plough (i.e. revenue).
ijmI nwhI mY iksI kI boeI AYsw dynu duKwlw ]1] jimee naahee mai kisee kee bo-ee, aisaa dayn dukhaalaa. ||1||
I have not farmed anyone's land, (therefore) it is painful (difficult) (for me) to pay this revenue. 1
hir ky logw mo kau nIiq fsY ptvwrI ] har kay logaa, mo ka-o neet dasai patvaaree.
O! men (i.e. devotees) of God, the patwari (i.e. revenue officer i.e. death) constantly tortures me.
aUpir Bujw kir mY gur pih pukwirAw iqin hau lIAw aubwrI ]1] rhwau ]
oopar bhujaa kar mai gur peh pukaari-aa, tin ha-o lee-aa ubaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Raising my arms up, I called my Guru (for help), and, he saved me. 1 (pause)
nau fwfI ds muMsP Dwvih reIAiq bsn n dyhI ] na-o daadee das mu saf dhaaveh ra-ee-at basan na dayhee.
Nine* (revenue) assessors and ten* judges raid, they do not allow their subjects to live (in peace).
[*Nine= nine doors/apertures are :2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 moutj, penis and anus. TEN organs are: five sensory
organs (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin) and 5 motor organs (hands, mouth, feet, urinary organ, anus)].
forI pUrI mwpih nwhI bhu ibstwlw lyhI ]2] doree pooree maapeh naahee, baho bistaalaa layhee. ||2||
They do not use the measure properly (i.e. honestly), and, take a lot of bribe. 2
bhqir Gr ieku purKu smwieAw auin dIAw nwmu ilKweI ]
bahtar ghar ik purakh samaa-i-aa, un dee-aa naam likhaa-ee.
One Primal Person (i.e. God) is contained in seventy two* chambers of my home; and, He
has written my name (for emancipation).
[It is presumed that there are 72 chambers inhuman body].
Drm rwie kw dPqru soiDAw bwkI irjm n kweI ]3]
dharam raa-ay kaa daftar sodhi-aa, baakee rijam na kaa-ee. ||3||
(My accounts in) the office (records) of the judge of justice, have been searched, and, nothing
is due from me. 3
sMqw kau miq koeI inMdhu sMq rwmu hY eykuo ] saNtaa ka-o mat ko-ee niNdahu, saNt raam hai ayko.
Let no one slander the God-oriented persons, because the God-oriented persons and God
are as one.
khu kbIr mY so guru pwieAw jw kw nwau ibbykuo ]4]5]
kaho kabeer mai so gur paa-i-aa jaa kaa naa-o bibayko. ||4||5||
Says Kabir: I have found that Guru, whose name is pure kowledge (and now I am not afraid
of any one). 4.5

rwgu sUhI bwxI sRI rivdws jIau kI Raag Soohee, banee saree Ravidaas jee-o kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sh kI swr suhwgin jwnY ] qij AiBmwnu suK rlIAw mwnY ]
sah kee saar suhaagan jaanai. taj abhimaan, sukh ralee-aa maanai.
The happy (soul) bride knows the worth of her Husband (Lord).
Renouncing pride, she enjoys pleasure and happiness.
qnu mnu dyie n AMqru rwKY ] Avrw dyiK n sunY ABwKY ]1]
tan man day-ay, na aNtar raakhai. avraa daykh na sunai abhaakhai. ||1||
She submits her body and mind; and does not keep distance.
She does not see or hear or speaks to another. 1
so kq jwnY pIr prweI ] jw kY AMqir drdu n pweI ]1] rhwau ]
so kat jaanai peer paraa-ee. jaa kai aNtar darad na paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can any one know the pain of another?
if he has no compassion (and sympathy) within him. 1 (pause)
duKI duhwgin duie pK hInI ] ijin nwh inrMqir Bgiq n kInI ]
dukhee duhaagan, du-ay pakh heenee. jin naah niraNtar bhagat na keenee.
The discarded wife is miserable, she loses on both counts (i.e. here and hereafter);
(Because) she has constantly meditated upon Husband (Lord).
pur slwq kw pMQu duhylw ] sMig n swQI gvnu iekylw ]2]
pur salaat kaa panNh duhaylaa. saNg na saathee, gavan ikaylaa. ||2||
The path through the bridge of fire of hell is treacherous (i.e. difficult to cross).
There is no company or friends; one has to go alone. 2
duKIAw drdvMdu dir AwieAw ] bhuqu ipAws jbwbu n pwieAw ]
dukhee-aa daradvaNd dar aa-i-aa. bahut pi-aas jabaab na paa-i-aa.
Distressed and in pain I have come to Your doors (O! Lord);
I am so thirsty (for Your vision), but I have found no reply (i.e. no response, no solace).
kih rivdws srin pRB qyrI ] ijau jwnhu iqau kru giq myrI ]3]1]
kahi ravidaas, saran parabh tayree. ji-o jaanhu, ti-o kar gat mayree. ||3||1||
Says Ravidass: I seek Your refuge, O! God; liberate me in the way You will. 3.2

sUhI ] Soohee
jo idn Awvih so idn jwhI ] krnw kUcu rhnu iQru nwhI ]
jo din aavahi so din jaahee. karnaa kooch rahan thir naahee.
The day which comes, that day shall pass off;
(Similarly) we (too) have to move (i.e. depart), no one remains permanently (here, in this world).
sMgu clq hY hm BI clnw ] saNg chalat hai ham bhee chalnaa.
Our companions are leaving (this world), we too (must) leave (this world) as well.
dUir gvnu isr aUpir mrnw ]1] door gavan, sir oopar marnaa. ||1||
we have to go far away; death hovering over our heads. 1
P. 794
ikAw qU soieAw jwgu ieAwnw ] qY jIvnu jig scu kir jwnw ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa too so-i-aa, jaag i-aanaa. tai jeevan jag sach kar jaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why are you asleep (in sleep of ignorance); wake up (and meditate upon God), O! ignorant;
You believe that your life in the world is true (i.e. permanent). 1 (pause)
ijin jIau dIAw su irjku AMbrwvY ] sB Gt BIqir hwtu clwvY ]
jin jee-o dee-aa, so rijak abraavai. sabh ghat bheetar haat chalaavai.

(O! mortal being, why are you worried about sustenance) the One who has given you life, He
provides (you) sustenance (also).
In each and every heart, He runs His shop (to provide goods for every body).
kir bMidgI Cwif mY myrw ] ihrdY nwmu sm@wir svyrw ]2]
kar baNdigee, chhaad mai mayraa. hirdai naam samhaar savayraa.* ||2||
Meditate (upon God), and, forsake ‘me’ (i.e. self-conceit) and ‘mine’ (i.e. egotism).
(Begin) remembering the name (of the Lord) in your heart, immediately (i.e. right now). 2
[ * savayra does not have only one mean i.e. ‘morning’; it also means immediately i.e. right now].
jnmu isrwno pMQu n svwrw ] sWJ prI dh ids AMiDAwrw ]
janam siraano paNth na savaaraa. saanjh paree dah dis aNdhi-aaraa.
The life is passing (uselessly), (but) you are not arranged your path;
Evening (of life) has set in, (and, soon there will be) darkness, in ten (i.e. all) directions (i.e.
time of death is approaching near).
kih rivdws indwin idvwny ] cyqis nwhI dunIAw Pn Kwny ]3]2]
kahi ravidaas nidaan divaanay. chaytas naahee dunee-aa fan khaanay. ||3||2||
Says Ravidas: O! ignorant crazy person;
you do not you remember (that) the world is a perishable house. 3.2

sUhI ] Soohee
aUcy mMdr swl rsoeI ] eyk GrI Puin rhnu n hoeI ]1]
oochay maNdar, saal raso-ee. ayk gharee fun rahan na ho-ee. ||1||
(One may have) lofty mansions, and superb kitchen s (i.e. overflowing with provisions);
(but) no one can stay in them even for a moment (after one’s death). 1
iehu qnu AYsw jYsy Gws kI twtI ] jil gieE Gwsu ril gieE mwtI ]1] rhwau ]
ih tan aisaa, jaisay ghaas kee taatee.* jal ga-i-o ghaas, ral ga-i-o maatee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This body is like the wall* of grass. When the grass is burnt and it mixes with dust. 1 (pause)
[*taatee has also been defined as a hut/house; but, literally it means a wall of grass or bamboo; and, here wall seems to
be proper word].
BweI bMD kutMb shyrw ] Eie BI lwgy kwFu svyrw ]2]
bhaa-ee baNdh kutaMb sahayraa. o-ay bhee laagay kaaḍ savayraa. ||2||
(When one dies) the brothers, relations, family, and, friends, they too begin saying: take it (i.e.
the dead body) out immediately . 2
Gr kI nwir aurih qn lwgI ] auh qau BUqu BUqu kir BwgI ]3]
ghar kee naar ureh tan laagee. uh ta-o bhoot bhoot* kar bhaagee. ||3||
The wife of his house, who was so attached to his breast (i.e. heart) and body;
she also runs away, crying out ‘ghost, ghost’ (i.e. he is dead, he is dead). 3
[*bhoot literally means ‘past’ i.e. that which has passed away/gone/ dead. (Ghost also has root in the term past)].
kih rivdws sBY jgu lUitAw ] hm qau eyk rwmu kih CUitAw ]4]3]
kahi ravidaas sabhai jag looti-aa. ham ta-o ayk raam kahi chhooti-aa. ||4||3||
Says Ravdas: the whole world has been robbed (by attachment to maya);
(but) I got saved by chanting (the name of) One God. 4.3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu sUhI bwxI syK PrId jI kI ] Raag Soohee, banee Saykh Fareed jee kee
qip qip luih luih hwQ mrorau ] bwvil hoeI so shu lorau ]
tap tap, luhi luhi, haath marora-o. baaval ho-ee, so saho lora-o.
Burning and burning, writing and writhing (in agony and desperation) I wring my hands;
Seeking my Husband (Lord), I have gone crazy.
qY sih mn mih kIAw rosu ] muJu Avgn sh nwhI dosu ]1]
tai seh, man meh kee-aa ros. mujh avgan, sah naahee dos. ||1||
O! my Husband (Lord), you are angry (with me) in Your mind;
the fault is with mine; and, there is no fault with my Husband (Lord). 1
qY swihb kI mY swr n jwnI ] jobnu Koie pwCY pCuqwnI ]1] rhwau ]
tai saahib kee mai saar na jaanee. joban kho-ay, paachhai pachhutaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my Husband (Lord), I did not know Your worth (i.e. Your excellences);
The youth is lost (i.e. wasted), now I have come to repent.1 (pause)
kwlI koiel qU ikq gun kwlI ] Apny pRIqm ky hau ibrhY jwlI ]
kaalee ko-il too kit gun kaalee. apnay pareetam kay ha-o birhai jaalee.
O! black cuckoo, what qualities have made you black (i.e. how have you become black coloured)?
I have been burnt by (the pangs of) separation from my Beloved.
iprih ibhUn kqih suKu pwey ] jw hoie ik®pwlu qw pRBU imlwey ]2]
pireh bihoon kateh sukh paa-ay. jaa ho-ay kirpaal taa prabhoo milaa-ay. ||2||
Without her Husband (Lord) how can she (i.e. soul bride) find happiness?
When He becomes kind, then God unites her with Himself. 2
ivDx KUhI muMD iekylI ] nw ko swQI nw ko bylI ]
vidhaṇ khoohee muNdh ikaylee. naa ko saathee naa ko baylee.
The lonely (soul) bride is (i.e. had fallen) in the blind well (of the world);
She has no friend nor companion (to pull her out and save her).
kir ikrpw pRiB swDsMig mylI ] jw iPir dyKw qw myrw Alhu bylI ]3]
kar kirpaa prabh, saadhsaNg maylee. jaa fir daykhaa, taa mayraa alhu baylee. ||3||
Bestowing His grace, God united me with the congregation of God-oriented persons;
Now, when I look around, I find God as my friend (hence I am not alone, now). 3
vwt hmwrI KrI aufIxI ] KMinAhu iqKI bhuqu ipeIxI ]
vaat hamaaree kharee udeeṇee. khaNni-ahu tikhee, bahut pi-eeṇee.
My path (of life) is very sad (hence difficult),
it is sharper than a double-edged sword, (and, it is) very narrow (as well).
ausu aUpir hY mwrgu myrw ] syK PrIdw pMQu sm@wir svyrw ]4]1]
us oopar hai maarag mayraa. saykh fareedaa paNth samhaar savayraa. ||4||1||
That is my path (on which I have to walk).
O! Sheikh Farid, think of (i.e. make preparations to walk on) that path, immediately. 4.2

sUhI lilq ] Soohee Lalit
byVw bMiD n sikE bMDn kI vylw ] bayṛaa baNdh na saki-o, baNdhan kee vaylaa.
(O! brethren) you could not make my boat, when it was time to make.
Bir srvru jb aUClY qb qrxu duhylw ]1] bhar sarvar jab oochhlai, tab taraṇ duhaylaa. ||1||
Now, when the sea is full and over-flowing, then it will be difficult to swim (across). 1
[i.e. when you will be surrounded by vices and sins, then it will be difficult to save yourself].
hQu n lwie ksuMBVY jil jwsI Folw ]1] rhwau ]
hath na laa-ay kasuMbh-ṛai, jal jaasee ḍolaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Do not touch the safflower with your hands, O! dear, it will burn you. 1 (pause)
[i.e. the attractions of maya are fascinating like safflower, but, if you get attached to them, they ruin you].
iek AwpIn@Y pqlI sh kyry bolw ] ik aapeenhai patlee, sah kayray bolaa.
First, she (i.e the soul bride) herself is slim (i.e. weak); and, then, Her Husband (Lord)’s
speech is hard (i.e. He is very strict).
duDw QxI n AwveI iPir hoie n mylw ]2] dudhaa thaṇee na aavee, fir ho-ay na maylaa. ||2||
Milk does not return to the breast (once it has been milked). Similarly, (after death) there is no
union again (and your precious human life will be wasted in vain). 2
khY PrIdu shylIho shu AlweysI ] hMsu clsI fuMmxw Aih qnu FyrI QIsI ]3]2]
kahai fareed, sahayleeho, saho alaa-aysee. hans chalsee du mṇa, ah tan ḍayree theesee. ||3||2||
Says Farid: O! my friends, (when) the Master calls,
the swan (i.e. soul) will depart, in a sad state, and, the body shall become a heap of dust. 3

P. 795
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-oⁿkaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 1 caupdy Gru 1 ] Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1, cha-upday, ghar 1
qU sulqwnu khw hau mIAw qyrI kvn vfweI ] too sultaan, kahaa ha-o mee-aa, tayree kavan vadaa-ee.
(O! Lord) You are the Emperor, (but, if) I call You a chief, how does this add to Your greatness.
jo qU dyih su khw suAwmI mY mUrK khxu n jweI ]1]
jo too deh, so kahaa su-aamee, mai moorakh kahaṇ na jaa-ee. ||1||
As You give (me words to say), so I speak, O! my Lord, I, the foolish (i.e. ignorant), I cannot say
(anything about Your greatness). 1
qyry gux gwvw dyih buJweI ] tayray guṇ gaavaa, deh bujhaa-ee.
(O! Lord) give me such understanding that I may sing (praise of) Your excellences.
jYsy sc mih rhau rjweI ]1] rhwau ] jaisay sach meh raha-o rajaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Likewise, I may dwell in truth and (bow before) Your will.1 (pause)
jo ikCu hoAw sBu ikCu quJ qy qyrI sB AsnweI ] jo kichh ho-aa sabh kichh tujh tay, tayree sabh asnaa-ee.
Whatever has happened (i.e. has been created), is from You, it is all under Your affection (i.e. You
alone sustain Your creation).
qyrw AMqu n jwxw myry swihb mY AMDuly ikAw cqurweI ]2]
tayraa ant na jaaṇaa, mayray saahib, mai andhulay ki-aa chaturaa-ee. ||2||
I do not know your limits, O! my Lord, I am blind (i.e. ignorant), what wisdom (do I have). 2
ikAw hau kQI kQy kiQ dyKw mY AkQu n kQnw jweI ]
ki-aa ha-o kathee, kathay kath daykhaa, mai akath na kathnaa jaa-ee.
(O! Lord) What should I say (about Your excellences), and, when I try to say, (I realize) that I
can not describe the un-descriable (excellences of Yours).
jo quDu BwvY soeI AwKw iqlu qyrI vifAweI ]3] jo tudh bhaavai so-ee aakhaa, til tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||3||
(So) whatever pleases You that I say; (but that too) is the tiniest bit of Your greatness. 3
eyqy kUkr hau bygwnw Baukw iesu qn qweI ] aytay kookar, ha-o baygaanaa, bha-ukaa is tan taa-ee.
There are so many dogs (at Your door), I am just an outsider, I bark for my body (i.e. for my self).
Bgiq hIxu nwnku jy hoiegw qw KsmY nwau n jweI ]4]1]
bhagat heeṇ, naanak jay ho-igaa, taa khasmai naa-o na jaa-ee. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Even if I am without devotion, (still) the name will not leave me. 4.1

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1

mnu mMdru qnu vys klµdru Gt hI qIriQ nwvw ] man maNdar, tan vays kalaNdar, ghat hee tirath naavaa.
My mind is temple, my body is like the dress of a mendicant (i.e. detached); I bath at the
shrine within my heart.
eyku sbdu myrY pRwin bsqu hY bwhuiV jnim n Awvw ]1]
ayk sabad mayrai paraan basat hai, baahuṛ janam na aavaa. ||1||
The One word (now) abides in my breath (of life i.e. my being), (hence) I shall not come to be
born again. 1
mnu byiDAw dieAwl syqI myrI mweI ] man baydhi-aa da-i-aal saytee mayree maa-ee.
My mind is pierced through by (the love of) Merciful (Lord), O! my mother.
kauxu jwxY pIr prweI ] ka-un jaaṇai peer paraa-ee.
who can know another one's pain (i.e. God alone knows my restlessness for Him)?
hm nwhI icMq prweI ]1] rhwau ] ham naahee chiNt paraa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not care for (i.e. think of) anyone (other than God). 1 (pause)
Agm Agocr AlK Apwrw icMqw krhu hmwrI ] agam, agochar, alakh, apaaraa, chiNtaa karahu hamaaree.
O! inaccessible, unknowable, unseeable, infinite (Lord), (please) take care of me.
jil Qil mhIAil Birpuir lIxw Git Git joiq qum@wrI ]2]
jal thal mahee-al, bharipur leeṇaa ,ghat ghat jot tum aaree. ||2||

You pervading waters, lands, and, nether regions; Your Light is each and every heart. 2
isK miq sB buiD qum@wrI mMidr Cwvw qyry ] sikh mat sabh budh tumhaaree, maNdir chhaavaa tayray.
(O! Lord) all teachings, wisdom, intellect are Yours; all the homes (i.e. hearts) are under Your
shade (i.e. protection).
quJ ibnu Avru n jwxw myry swihbw gux gwvw inq qyry ]3]
tujh bin avar na jaaṇaa, mayray saahibaa, guṇ gaavaa nit tayray. ||3||
Without You, I know no other, O! my Lord, I continually sing (the praise of) Your excellences. 3
jIA jMq siB srix qum@wrI srb icMq quDu pwsy ] jee-a jaNt sabh saraṇ tumhaaree, sarab chiNt tudh paasay.
All the beings and creatures are under Your refuge, and, the care of all rests with You.
jo quDu BwvY soeI cMgw iek nwnk kI Ardwsy ]4]2]

jo tudh bhaavai so-ee chaNga, ik naanak kee ardaasay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): whatever pleases You, is good (for us), this alone is our prayer. 4.2

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1

Awpy sbdu Awpy nIswnu ] Awpy surqw Awpy jwnu ]
aapay sabad, aapay neesaan. aapay surtaa, aapay jaan.
(O! Lord) You Yourself are the word, and, You Yourself are the insignia;
You Yourself is the Listener, and, You Yourself are the Knower
Awpy kir kir vyKY qwxu ] qU dwqw nwmu prvwxu ]1]
aapay kar kar vaykhai taaṇ. too daataa, naam parvaaṇ. ||1||
You Yourself continually create, and, (having created) You Yourself behold Your might.
You are the Giver (to all), Your name (alone) is approved (and accepted everywhere). 1
P. 796
Aysw nwmu inrMjn dyau ] hau jwicku qU AlK AByau ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa naam niraNjan day-o. ha-o jaachik, too alakh abhay-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such is Your name, O! immaculate Divine (Lord).
I am a beggar, and, (O! Lord), You are indivisible and unknowable . pause
mwieAw mohu DrktI nwir ] BUMfI kwmix kwmixAwir ]
maa-i-aa moh dharkatee naar. bhooNdee kaamaṇ kaamaṇi-aar.
Attachment to maya is like (attachment to) a cursed woman, (who is) ugly, voluptuous, sorceress.
rwju rUpu JUTw idn cwir ] nwmu imlY cwnxu AMiDAwir ]2]
raaj roop jhooṭaa, din chaar. naam milai, chaanaṇ aNdhi-aar. ||2||
The political power and beauty is false, and, lasts only for four days (i.e. short living).
(But, when) one is blessed by name, the darkness (within) is illumined (by spiritual light). 2
ciK CofI shsw nhI koie ] bwpu idsY vyjwiq n hoie ]
chakh chhodee sahsaa nahee ko-ay. baap disai vayjaat na ho-ay.
I have tasting and renounced it (i.e. maya), and now, I have no doubts.
One who father is seen (i.e. known), (that child) can not be illegitimate.
eyky kau nwhI Bau koie ] krqw kry krwvY soie ]3]
aykay ka-o naahee bha-o ko-ay. kartaa karay karaavai so-ay. ||3||
One, who belongs to the One (Lord), has no fear; (because he believes that),
The Creator acts and gets all to act (as per His command). 3
sbid muey mnu mn qy mwirAw ] Twik rhy mnu swcY DwirAw ]
sabad mu-ay, man man tay maari-aa. ṭaak rahay, man saachai dhaari-aa.
Those who die (while yet alive) in the word, they conquer their mind, through mind.
Keeping their minds restrained, they enshrine the True (in their minds).
Avru n sUJY gur kau vwirAw ] nwnk nwim rqy insqwirAw ]4]3]
avar na soojhai, gur ka-o vaari-aa. naanak, naam ratay, nistaari-aa. ||4||3||
They do not know (i.e. care for) any other, they are sacrifice unto their Guru.
Nanak (says): imbued with the name, they are emancipated. 4.3

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1

gur bcnI mnu shj iDAwny ] hir kY rMig rqw mnu mwny ]
gur bachnee man sahj dhi-aanay. har kai raNg rataa, man maanay.
Through the word of the Guru, the mind concentrates (i.e. meditates upon), in ease;
Imbued with the love of God, the mind is satisfied.
mnmuK Brim Buly baurwny ] hir ibnu ikau rhIAY gur sbid pCwny ]1]
manmukh bharam bhulay ba-uraanay. har bin ki-o rahee-ai gur sabad pachhaanay. ||1||
The mind-oriented, deluded by doubts, wander (like) crazy;
Without the Lord, how can one live? He is recognized (i.e. realized) through the word of the Guru.1
ibnu drsn kYsy jIvau myrI mweI ] bin darsan, kaisay jeeva-o, mayree maa-ee.
Without (having) the vision (of the Lord), how can I live (i.e. survive), O! mother.
hir ibnu jIArw rih n skY iKnu siqguir bUJ buJweI ]1] rhwau ]
har bin jee-araa reh na sakai khin satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord, my soul can not live (i.e. survive) even for an instant; the True Guru gets
me to understand (this). 1 (pause)
myrw pRBu ibsrY hau mrau duKwlI ] mayraa prabh bisrai, ha-o mara-o dukhaalee.
Forgetting my Lord, I die in agony.
swis igrwis jpau Apuny hir BwlI ] saas giraas japa-o apunay har bhaalee.
With each breath (of life) and every morsel (of food), I meditate upon my God, and seek Him.
sd bYrwgin hir nwmu inhwlI ] Ab jwny gurmuiK hir nwlI ]2]
sad bairaagan har naam nihaalee. ab jaanay gurmukh har naalee. ||2||
I remain always detached, (but) feel enraptured in the name of God;
Now I have known (i.e. realized), through the Guru, that God is always with me. 2
AkQ kQw khIAY gur Bwie ] pRBu Agm Agocru dyie idKwie ]
akath kathaa kahee-ai gur bhaa-ay. prabh agam agochar day-ay dikhaa-ay.
If the un-relatable story of (the excellences of the Lord) is related, through the will of the Guru.
(Then) He shows the unapproachable and inaccessible God.
ibnu gur krxI ikAw kwr kmwie ] haumY myit clY gur sbid smwie ]3]
bin gur karṇee, ki-aa kaar kamaa-ay. ha-umai mayt chalai, gur sabad samaa-ay. ||3||
Without (the teaching of) the Guru, what practice can one earn (i.e practice).
Eradicating their egotism, they are absorbed in the word of the Guru. 3
mnmuKu ivCuVY KotI rwis ] gurmuiK nwim imlY swbwis ]
manmukh vichhuṛai khotee raas. gurmukh naam milai saabaas.
The mind-oriented are separated (from the Lord because) their capital is false.
(On the other hand) the Guru-oriented are blessed for(being attached to) the name (of God).
hir ikrpw DwrI dwsin dws ] jn nwnk hir nwm Dnu rwis ]4]4]
har kirpaa dhaaree daasan daas. jan naanak, har naam dhan raas. ||4||4||
God has bestowed His mercy upon me, and, had made me the slave of His slaves.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): The name of God is my wealth and capital. 4.4

iblwvlu mhlw 3 Gru 1 Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
imQn moh Agin sok swgr ] kir ikrpw auDru hir nwgr ]1]
iDRgu iDRgu KwieAw iDRgu iDRgu soieAw iDRgu iDRgu kwpVu AMig cVwieAw ]
dharig dharig khaa-i-aa, dharig dharig so-i-aa, dharig dharig kaapaṛ aNg chaṛaa-i-aa.
(Without the name of the Lord) cursed, cursed is the food; cursed, cursed is the sleep; cursed,
cursed are the clothes worn on the body.
iDRgu srIru kutMb sihq isau ijqu huix Ksmu n pwieAw ]
dharig sareer kutaMb sahit si-o jit huṇ khasam na paa-i-aa.
Cursed is the body, along with the family and friends, (in whose company) one has not
obtained the Lord, even now (in this human life).
pauVI CuVkI iPir hwiQ n AwvY Aihlw jnmu gvwieAw ]1]
pa-oṛee chhuṛkee, fir haath na aavai, ahilaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1||
When the step of ladder (i.e. this human life), once misses from hand, this opportunity will
not come into his hand again, thus, precious human life is wasted (in vain). 1
dUjw Bwau n dyeI ilv lwgix ijin hir ky crx ivswry ]
doojaa bhaa-o na day-ee liv laagaṇ, jin har kay charaṇ visaaray.
The love for the other (i.e. duality), which has got the feet of God forgotten, does not let one
get attached (to the feet of the Lord).
jgjIvn dwqw jn syvk qyry iqn ky qY dUK invwry ]1] rhwau ]
jagjeevan daataa, jan sayvak tayray, tin kay tai dookh nivaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God, O! Life of the World, those beings who are Your servants (i.e. devotees), you
eradicate their sorrows. 1 (pause)
qU dieAwlu dieAwpiq dwqw ikAw eyih jMq ivcwry ] too da-i-aal da-i-aapat daataa, ki-aa ayhi ja t vichaaray.
(O! God) You are kind, the Lord of Mercy, the (great) Giver; what are these poor beings (i.e.
they are nothing)?
mukq bMD siB quJ qy hoey AYsw AwiK vKwxy ] mukat baNdh sabh tujh tay ho-ay, aisaa aakh vakhaaṇay.
Liberation and bondage all are by You; this is said and described about You.
gurmuiK hovY so mukqu khIAY mnmuK bMD ivcwry ]2]
gurmukh hovai so mukat kahee-ai, manmukh baNdh vichaaray. ||2||
One who is Gur-oriented is said to be liberated; the poor mind-oriented are in bondage. 2
so jnu mukqu ijsu eyk ilv lwgI sdw rhY hir nwly ] so jan mukat jis ayk liv laagee, sadaa rahai har naalay.
He alone is liberated who is absorbed in the One, and, forever dwells with God.
iqn kI ghx giq khI n jweI scY Awip svwry ] tin kee gahaṇ gat kahee na jaa-ee, sachai aap savaaray.
Their depth and state cannot be described, the True (Lord) Himself embellished them.
P. 797
Brim Bulwxy is mnmuK khIAih nw aurvwir n pwry ]3]
bharam bhulaaṇay se manmukh kahee-ahi, naa urvaar na paaray. ||3||
Those who wander around deluded in doubt, are called mind-oriented; (they are) neither on
this side nor on that side. 3
ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu pwey gur kw sbdu sm@wly ]
jis no nadar karay so-ee jan paa-ay, gur kaa sabad samhaalay.
The servant (i.e. devotee) whom He blesses with His grace, obtains Him by remembering the

word of the Guru.
hir jn mwieAw mwih insqwry ] har, jan maa-i-aa maahi nistaaray.
God emancipates His servants (i.e. devotees) (even) in midst of maya.
nwnk Bwgu hovY ijsu msqik kwlih mwir ibdwry ]4]1]
naanak, bhaag hovai jis mastak, kaaleh maar bidaaray. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): One, who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead (i.e. pre-ordained),
conquers and destroys death. 4.1

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

Aqulu ikau qoilAw jwie ] dUjw hoie q soJI pwie ]
atul, ki-o toli-aa jaa-ay. doojaa ho-ay, ta sojhee paa-ay.
How can the un-weighable be weighed? (i.e. God is beyond evaluation).
If there is another one (as great as he is) he (alone) can understand (i.e. know the value of God).
iqs qy dUjw nwhI koie ] iqs dI kImiq ikkU hoie ]1]
tis tay doojaa naahee ko-ay. tis dee keemat, kikoo ho-ay. ||1||
There is no other than Him; then how can his value be assessed? 1
gur prswid vsY min Awie ] qw ko jwxY duibDw jwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaad, vasai man aa-ay. taa ko jaaṇai, dubidhaa jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By grace of Guru, He comes to dwell in the mind;
One can know Him when duality departs. 1 (pause)
Awip srwPu ksvtI lwey ] Awpy prKy Awip clwey ]
aap saraaf kasvatee laa-ay. aapay parkhay aap chalaa-ay.
God Himself is jeweler (i.e. assayer) applying the touch-stone (to test and assay).
He Himself tests (i.e. analyses) and Himself approves for using it.
Awpy qoly pUrw hoie ] Awpy jwxY eyko soie ]2]
aapay tolay, pooraa ho-ay. aapay jaaṇai ayko so-ay. ||2||
He Himself weighs (and if it passes the test of His touch stone, then) it is perfect.
He alone knows all this (game). 2
mwieAw kw rUpu sBu iqs qy hoie ] ijs no myly su inrmlu hoie ]
maa-i-aa kaa roop, sabh tis tay ho-ay. jis no maylay, so nirmal ho-ay.
All the form of maya emanate from Him.
One whom He unites (with Himself), becomes immaculate.
ijs no lwey lgY iqsu Awie ] sBu scu idKwly qw sic smwie ]3]
jis no laa-ay, lagai tis aa-ay. sabh sach dikhaalay, taa sach samaa-ay. ||3||
One, whom He attaches (to Him), he (alone) is attached to Him (i.e. God).
When He reveals that the True is everywhere, one merges in the True. 3
Awpy ilv Dwqu hY Awpy ] aapay liv, dhaat hai aapay.
He Himself is concentration (upon Himself), and, He Himself is chase (after maya). [i.e. he
Himself get one to focus mind upon Himself, and, he Himself leads one to run after maya].
Awip buJwey Awpy jwpy ] aap bujhaa-ay, aapay jaapay.
He Himself gives understanding and Himself gets one to meditation.
Awpy siqguru sbdu hY Awpy ] aapay satgur sabad hai aapay.

He Himself is the True Guru and He Himself is the word.
nwnk AwiK suxwey Awpy ]4]2] naanak aakh suṇaa-ay aapay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): He Himself speaks and Himself gets us to listen. 4.2

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

swihb qy syvku syv swihb qy ikAw ko khY bhwnw ] saahib tay sayvak, sayv saahib tay; ki-aa ko kahai bahaanaa.
One is (i.e. becomes) servant (i.e. devotee) through the (blessing of) the Lord, and, service (i.e.
meditation upon Him) is (a blessing) from the Lord;
how can one make any excuse about it (i.e. one can not serve Him without His blessing).
AYsw ieku qyrw Kylu binAw hY sB mih eyku smwnw ]1]
aisaa ik tayraa khayl bani-aa hai, sabh meh ayk samaanaa. ||1||
(This world is) such is (wondrous) play of Yours; You are contained among all.1
siqguir prcY hir nwim smwnw ] satgur parchai har naam samaanaa.
Through the True Guru’s introduction (i.e. teaching), one merges in the name of God.
ijsu krmu hovY so siqguru pwey Anidnu lwgY shj iDAwnw ]1] rhwau ]
jis karam hovai, so satgur paa-ay; an-din laagai sahj dhi-aanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who is blessed (by His mercy), finds the True Guru, and, day and night he contemplates
Him, in ease. 1 (pause)
ikAw koeI qyrI syvw kry ikAw ko kry AiBmwnw ] ki-aa ko-ee tayree sayvaa karay ki-aa ko karay abhimaanaa.
How can one serve You (by one’s own will); and, how can one be proud of this (i.e. no one can
serve You by one’s own will; it is only through Your blessing, O! Lord).
jb ApunI joiq iKMcih qU suAwmI qb koeI krau idKw viKAwnw ]2]
jab apunee jot khiNcheh too su-aamee, tab ko-ee kara-o dikhaa vakhi-aanaa. ||2||
When You withdraw Your light (i.e. power from within a being), O! Lord, then who can show
(any power) or describe (anything)? 2
Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy Awpy guxI inDwnw ] aapay gur, chaylaa hai aapay, aapay guṇee nidhaanaa.
He Himself is the Guru and Himself is a disciple; and, He Himself is the treasure of excellences.
ijau Awip clwey iqvY koeI cwlY ijau hir BwvY Bgvwnw ]3]
ji-o aap chalaa-ay, tivai ko-ee chaalai; ji-o har bhaavai bhagvaanaa. ||3||
As He gets one to move (i.e. act), so one moves; it is the pleasure of God, the Lord. 3
khq nwnku qU swcw swihbu kauxu jwxY qyry kwmW ]
kahat naanak, too saachaa saahib, ka-uṇ jaaṇai tayray kaamaan.
Says Nanak: You are the True Lord, who can know Your (wondrous) moves? (i.e. no one can).
ieknw Gr mih dy vifAweI ieik Brim Bvih AiBmwnw ]4]3]
iknaa ghar meh day vadi-aa-ee, ik bharam bhaveh abhimaanaa. ||4||3||
Some are blessed with glory in their homes, while others wander in doubts and pride. 4.3

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw pUrY vyKhu eyk smwnw ] pooraa thaat baṇaa-i-aa poorai, vaykhhu, ayk samaanaa.
The Perfect (Lord) has created (i.e. fashioned) perfect composition (i.e. structure of His
creation) behold! He is pervading everywhere.
iesu prpMc mih swcy nwm kI vifAweI mqu ko Drhu gumwnw ]1]
is parpaNch meh saachay naam kee vadi-aa-ee, mat ko dharahu gumaanaa. ||1||
In this expanse (of the world), the glory is of the True name (alone); lest one should take pride
(i.e. no one should take pride in himself). 1
siqgur kI ijs no miq AwvY so siqgur mwih smwnw ] satgur kee jis no mat aavai, so satgur maahi samaanaa.
One, who obtains the wisdom of the True Guru, he (alone) is absorbed in the True Guru.
ieh bwxI jo jIAhu jwxY iqsu AMqir rvY hir nwmw ]1] rhwau ]
ih baṇee jo jee-ahu jaaṇai, tis aNtar ravai har naamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who realizes this word, within one’s soul, God’s name abides within him. 1 (pause)
chu jugw kw huix inbyVw nr mnuKw no eyku inDwnw ]
chahu jugaa kaa huṇ nibayṛaa, nar manukhaa no ayk nidhaanaa.
Now this is the essence of the four (i.e. all the) Ages, that, for the human beings, there is only
one treasure (i.e. the name).
jqu sMjm qIrQ Enw jugw kw Drmu hY kil mih kIriq hir nwmw ]2]
jat saNjam tirath onaa jugaa kaa dharam hai, kal meh keerat har naamaa. ||2||
Celibacy, (self) discipline and pilgrimage, were the religion of those Ages; (but) in the Kalyug
(i.e. the present Dark Age) the praise of the name of God (is the religion). 2
juig juig Awpo Awpxw Drmu hY soiD dyKhu byd purwnw ]
jug jug aapo aapṇaa dharam hai, sodh daykhhu bayd puraanaa.
Each and every Age has its own religion; study Vedas and Puranas and see (i.e. you will find it).
gurmuiK ijnI iDAwieAw hir hir jig qy pUry prvwnw ]3]
gurmukh jinee dhi-aa-i-aa har har, jag tay pooray, parvaanaa. ||3||
Those, who have meditated (upon God) through the Guru, the Lord, they (alone) are perfect
in this world and approved (in the court of God).
P. 798
khq nwnku scy isau pRIiq lwey cUkY min AiBmwnw ]
kahat naanak, sachay si-o pareet laa-ay, chookai man abhimaanaa.
Says Nanak: loving the True (Lord), the pride is eradicated from the mind.
khq suxq sBy suK pwvih mwnq pwih inDwnw ]4]4]
kahat suṇat sabhay sukh paavahi, maanat paahi nidhaanaa. ||4||4||
Those who chant and listen (to the name of the Lord) obtain happiness; and, those who believe
in it, obtain the treasure (of name). 4.4

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

gurmuiK pRIiq ijs no Awpy lwey ] iqqu Gir iblwvlu gur sbid suhwey ]
gurmukh pareet jis no aapay laa-ay. tit ghar bilaaval gur sabad suhaa-ay.
One, whom He himself attaches to love through the Guru;
His house is beautified by (the melody of) Bilawal (raga) through the word of the Guru.
mMglu nwrI gwvih Awey ] imil pRIqm sdw suKu pwey ]1]
maNgal naaree gaavahi aa-ay. mil pareetam sadaa sukh paa-ay. ||1||
Women (i.e. soul brides) come and sing this songs of joy.
Meeting the Beloved (Lord), they always obtain (spiritual) happiness. 1
hau iqn bilhwrY ijn@ hir mMin vswey ] ha-o tin balihaarai, jinh har maNn vasaa-ay.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who enshrine God in their mind.

hir jn kau imilAw suKu pweIAY hir gux gwvY shij suBwey ]1] rhwau ]
har jan ka-o mili-aa sukh paa-ee-ai, har guṇ gaavai sahj subhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the servant (i.e. devotee) of God, happiness is obtained; (because)
He sing the excellences of God, in ease. 1 (pause)
sdw rMig rwqy qyrY cwey ] hir jIau Awip vsY min Awey ]
sadaa raNg raatay tayrai chaa-ay. har jee-o aap vasai man aa-ay.
Those who are imbued with longing for Your (vision);
Dear God Himself comes to dwell in their minds.
Awpy soBw sd hI pwey ] gurmuiK mylY myil imlwey ]2]
aapay sobhaa sad hee paa-ay. gurmukh maylai mayl milaa-ay. ||2||
He Himself always blesses (them) with glory;
He unites them in union with Himself through the Guru. 2
gurmuiK rwqy sbid rMgwey ] inj Gir vwsw hir gux gwey ]
gurmukh raatay sabad raNgaa-ay. nij ghar vaasaa har guṇ gaa-ay.
Those who are imbued with the love of the word through the Guru,
singing the excellences of God, they abide in their own home of self (i.e. in their being).
rMig clUlY hir ris Bwey ] iehu rMgu kdy n auqrY swic smwey ]3]
raNg chaloolai har ras bhaa-ay. ih rang kaday na utrai saach samaa-ay. ||3||
They remain dyed in the deep red colour of love of the Lord;
This colour (of love) never fades away, and, they (always) remain merging in the True. 3
AMqir sbdu imitAw AigAwnu AMDyrw ] siqgur igAwnu imilAw pRIqmu myrw ]
aNtar sabad miti-aa agi-aan aNdhayraa. satgur gi-aan mili-aa pareetam mayraa.
Those, within whom the word (of God) abides, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled.
Those who obtain (spiritual) knowledge through the True Guru, they obtain (union with) my
Beloved Lord.
jo sic rwqy iqn bhuiV n Pyrw ] nwnk nwmu idRVwey pUrw guru myrw ]4]5]
jo sach raatay tin bahuṛ na fayraa. naanak naam driṛ-aa-ay pooraa gur mayraa. ||4||5||
Those who are in imbued with (the love of) the True, do not have to return any more (i.e. they
do not have to enter the cycle of birth and death/ re-incarnation).
Nanak (says): My perfect Guru implants me the name (of God). 4.5

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

pUry gur qy vifAweI pweI ] AicMq nwmu visAw min AweI ]
pooray gur tay, vadi-aa-ee paa-ee. achiNt, naam vasi-aa man aa-ee.
One, who has obtained honour from the True Guru;
the name (of the Lord) spontaneously comes to abide in his mind.
haumY mwieAw sbid jlweI ] dir swcY gur qy soBw pweI ]1]
ha-umai maa-i-aa, sabad jalaa-ee. dar saachai, gur tay sobhaa paa-ee. ||1||
One, who has burnt egotism and maya through the word;
through the Guru, he obtains honour at the doors of True. 1
jgdIs syvau mY Avru n kwjw ] jagdees sayva-o, mai avar na kaajaa.
I serve the Lord of the World, (I need not do) any other work (i.e. any other ritual).
Anidnu Andu hovY min myrY gurmuiK mwgau qyrw nwmu invwjw ]1] rhwau ]
an-din anad hovai man mayrai gurmukh maaga-o tayraa naam nivaajaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I beg for Your honourable name, through the Guru, (O! Lord), (so that) day and night, my
mind may remain in ecstasy. 1 (pause)
mn kI prqIiq mn qy pweI ] pUry gur qy sbid buJweI ]
man kee parteet man tay paa-ee. pooray gur tay sabad bujhaa-ee.
Faith of mind is obtained through mind;
The perfect Guru has given me understanding of the word.
jIvx mrxu ko smsir vyKY ] bhuiV n mrY nw jmu pyKY ]2]
jeevaṇ maraṇ ko samsar vaykhai. bahuṛ na marai naa jam paykhai. ||2||
One who looks upon (i.e. treats) life and death alike;
He shall never die again, and, shall not have to see the messenger of death. 2
Gr hI mih siB kot inDwn ] siqguir idKwey gieAw AiBmwnu ]
ghar hee meh sabh kot nidhaan. satgur dikhaa-ay ga-i-aa abhimaan.
Within the home (i.e. heart) are the forts of all the treasures;
(When) the True Guru has reveals them, (then) egotism (within) is gone (i.e. is dispelled).
sd hI lwgw shij iDAwn ] Anidnu gwvY eyko nwm ]3]
sad hee laagaa sahj dhi-aan. an-din gaavai, ayko naam. ||3||
One always focussed one’s mind (upon God) in ease; and,
Day and night, he sings (the praise of) the One name. 3
iesu jug mih vifAweI pweI ] pUry gur qy nwmu iDAweI ]
is jug meh vadi-aa-ee paa-ee. pooray gur tay, naam dhi-aa-ee.
In this age, he has obtained honour; (who has)
meditated upon the name of (the Lord) through the perfect Guru.
jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ] sdw suKdwqw kImiq nhI pweI ]4]
jah daykhaa, tah rahi-aa samaa-ee. sadaa sukh-daata, keemat nahee paa-ee. ||4||
Wherever I look, there (I see) God is pervading.
He is forever the Giver of Happiness; His worth (i.e. grandeur) can not be estimated. 4
pUrY Bwig guru pUrw pwieAw ] AMqir nwmu inDwnu idKwieAw ]
poorai bhaag, gur pooraa paa-i-aa. aNtar naam nidhaan dikhaa-i-aa.
One, who has obtained the perfect Guru through perfect destiny;
perfectly lucky, that I am blessed with perfect Guru.
(the Guru) has revealed to him the treasure of name within his mind.
gur kw sbdu Aiq mITw lwieAw ] nwnk iqRsn buJI min qin suKu pwieAw ]5]6]4]6]10]
gur kaa sabad at meethaa laa-i-aa.
naanak, tarisan bujhee, man tan sukh paa-i-aa. ||5||6||4||6||10||
To him the word of Guru tastes so very sweet;
Nanak (says): His thirst is quenched, and, his mind and body obtain happiness.

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 4 Gru 3 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4, ghar 3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
audm miq pRB AMqrjwmI ijau pRyry iqau krnw ] udam mat prabh aNtarjaamee ji-o parayray ti-o karnaa.
Initiative and wisdom come from the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. soul); as He inspires
so does one act.
ijau ntUAw qMqu vjwey qMqI iqau vwjih jMq jnw ]1]
ji-o natoo-aa ta t vajaa-ay ta tee, ti-o vaajeh ja t janaa. ||1||
As the player plays upon the strings (of musical instrument and music is produced), so does
God play the beings and creatures (and they act as the puppets do). 1
P. 799
jip mn rwm nwmu rsnw ] jap, man, raam naam rasnaa.
O! (my) mind, chant the name of God with tongue.
msqik ilKq ilKy guru pwieAw hir ihrdY hir bsnw ]1] rhwau ]
mastak likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa, har hirdai har basnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
According to the destiny inscribed on forehead, one finds the Guru; (and by the grace of the
Guru) God, the Lord, abides within the heart. 1 (pause)
mwieAw igrsiq BRmqu hY pRwnI riK lyvhu jnu Apnw ]
maa-i-aa girsat bharmat hai paraanee, rakh layvhu jan apnaa.
Entangled in maya, the mortal being wanders around, (O! God, please) save Your devotee.
ijau pRihlwdu hrxwKis gRisE hir rwiKE hir srnw ]2]
ji-o par-hilaad harṇaakhas garsi-o, har raakhi-o har sarnaa. ||2||
As Prahlad,* who was gripped by Harnakash*, God saved him (when) he sought the refuge
of God (so does God save His devotees from the grip of maya). 2
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having (so-called) miraculous power;
he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon
God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who killed
Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the
purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
kvn kvn kI giq imiq khIAY hir kIey piqq pvMnw ]
kavan kavan kee gat mit kahee-ai, har kee-ay patit pavaNnaa.
The state and condition of how many of them, can I relate? God has (saved and) sanctified so
many sinners.
Ehu FovY For hwiQ cmu cmry hir auDirE pirE srnw ]3]
oh ḍovai ḍor, haath cham chamray; har udhaari-o, pari-o sarnaa. ||3||
He (i.e. bhagat Ravidss) used to carry the (dead) animals away and worked with their hides,
he was saved when he entered the refuge of God. 3
pRB dIn dieAwl Bgq Bv qwrn hm pwpI rwKu ppnw ]
prabh deen da-i-aal bhagat bhav taaran, ham paapee raakh papnaa.
O! Lord, Merciful to the Poor, (You) carry Your devotees across from fear (i.e. across the
terrifying waters of the world ocean); I am a sinner, save me from (committing) sins.
hir dwsn dws dws hm krIAhu jn nwnk dws dwsMnw ]4]1]
har daasan daas daas ham karee-ahu, jan naanak daas daasaNnaa. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, make me the slave of your slaves; I am slave of
Your slaves. 4. 1.
iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4
hm mUrK mugD AigAwn mqI srxwgiq purK Ajnmw ]
ham moorakh mugadh agi-aan matee, sarṇaagat purakh ajnamaa.
I am foolish, unwise, ignorant of any wisdom, (but) I seek Your refuge, O! beyond birth,
Primal Person.
kir ikrpw riK lyvhu myry Twkur hm pwQr hIn Akrmw ]1]
kar kirpaa rakh layvhu mayray ṭaakur, ham paathar heen akarmaa. ||1||
Have mercy upon me and save me, O! my Lord, I am (like) a petty stone (i.e. without any
virtue), with no good deeds (at all). 1
myry mn Bju rwm nwmY rwmw ] mayray man, bhaj raam naamai raamaa.
O! my mind, meditate upon God, the name of God.
gurmiq hir rsu pweIAY hoir iqAwghu inhPl kwmw ]1] rhwau ]
gurmat har ras paa-ee-ai hor ti-aagahu nihfal kaamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the wisdom (i.e. through the teachings) of the Guru, obtain the essence of God; and,
renounce (all) other fruit less actions. 1 (pause)
hir jn syvk sy hir qwry hm inrgun rwKu aupmw ] har jan sayvak say har taaray, ham nirgun raakh, upmaa.
Those, who are the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, are saved by God; (O! Lord) I am virtue-
less, save me (too), (it is) Your greatness.
quJ ibnu Avru n koeI myry Twkur hir jpIAY vfy krMmw ]2]
tujh bin avar na ko-ee mayray ṭaakur, har japee-ai vaday karaMmaa. ||2||
I have no (support) other than You, O! my Lord; God is meditated upon by great fortune. 2
nwmhIn iDRgu jIvqy iqn vf dUK shMmw ] naamheen dharig jeevtay, tin vad dookh sahaMmaa.
Cursed are the lives of those who live without the name (of the Lord); they suffer great sorrows.
Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih mMdBwgI mUV Akrmw ]3]
o-ay fir fir jon bhavaa-ee-ah, maNd-bhaagee mooṛ akarmaa. ||3||
They are consigned to womb again and again; they are unfortunate, foolish and with bad deeds. 3
hir jn nwmu ADwru hY Duir pUrib ilKy vf krmw ] har jan naam adhaar hai, dhur poorab likhay vad karmaa.
Name is the support of the servant (i.e. devotees) of God; they have pred-ordained great destiny.
guir siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw jn nwnk sPlu jnµmw ]4]2]
gur satgur naam driṛ-aa-i-aa, jan naanak safal janNamaa. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): The Guru, the True Guru has implanted within me,
(thus) my life has become fruitful. 4.2

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

hmrw icqu luBq moih ibiKAw bhu durmiq mYlu Brw ] hamraa chit, lubhat mohi bikhi-aa, baho durmat mail
My mind is lured by the poison of (emotional) attachment; and, it is overflowing with filth of
evil- mindedness.
qum@rI syvw kir n skh pRB hm ikau kir mugD qrw ]1]
tumhree sayvaa kar na sakah, prabh, ham ki-o kar mugadh taraa. ||1||
(Due to this) we can not serve You, O! God, how I, the idiot, can cross over (the world ocean). 1
myry mn jip nrhr nwmu nrhrw ] mayray man, jap narhar* naam narharaa.

O! my mind, meditate upon God, the name of God.[*literally: God of men. This is another name of God].
jn aUpir ikrpw pRiB DwrI imil siqgur pwir prw ]1] rhwau ]
jan oopar kirpaa prabh dhaaree, mil satgur paar paraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servant (i.e. devotee), upon whom God has shown His mercy, meeting with the True
Guru, he has been carried across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
hmry ipqw Twkur pRB suAwmI hir dyhu mqI jsu krw ]
hamray pitaa ṭaakur prabh su-aamee, har dayh matee jas karaa.
O! our Father, my Lord, God, Master, bless me with (such) understanding that I may praise
You (i.e. sing Your praise).
qum@rY sMig lgy sy auDry ijau sMig kwst loh qrw ]2]
tumhrai saNg lagay say udhray, ji-o saNg kaasat loh taraa. ||2||
Those who are attached to You are saved like iron which floats with wood. 2
swkq nr hoCI miq miDm ijn@ hir hir syv n krw ]
saakat nar hochhee mat madhim, jinh har har sayv na karaa.
Those who have not served God, the Lord, are saakat* (i.e. non believers) having low and
filthy wisdom. [*saakat, literally: worshippers of shakti/ power; hence non-believrs in God].
qy nr BwghIn duhcwrI Eie jnim muey iPir mrw ]3]
tay nar bhaagheen duhchaaree, o-ay janam mu-ay fir maraa. ||3||
Those beings are unfortunate and vicious; they are born and die, again and again. 3
ijn kau qum@ hir mylhu suAwmI qy n@wey sMqoK gur srw ]
jin ka-o tumh har maylhu su-aamee tay nhaa-ay saNtokh gur saraa.
Those, whom You unite with Yourself, O! Lord, bathe in Guru’s pool of contentment.
durmiq mYlu geI hir BijAw jn nwnk pwir prw ]4]3]
durmat mail ga-ee har bhaji-aa, jan naanak, paar paraa. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Meditating upon God, filth of their evil-mindness is
washed away, they are carried across (the world ocean i.e. they are liberated). 4.3

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir kQw krhu ]
aavhu saNt milhu mayray bhaa-ee, mil har har kathaa karahu.
Come, O! God-oriented persons, my brethren, let us join together and tell (i.e. sing praise of)
the story (of the excellences) of God, the Lord.
hir hir nwmu boihQu hY kljuig Kyvtu gur sbid qrhu ]1]
har har naam bohith hai kaljug, khayvat gur sabad tarahu. ||1||
The name of God is the boat in the Kalyuga (i.e. Dark-Age); the word of the Guru is boatman
to carry (us) across (the world ocean). 1
myry mn hir gux hir aucrhu ] mayray man, har guṇ har uchrahu.
O! my mind, chant (the praise of) God, and, the excellences of God.
msqik ilKq ilKy gun gwey imil sMgiq pwir prhu ]1] rhwau ]
mastak likhat likhay gun gaa-ay, mil saNgat paar parahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
According to the writ inscribed on forehead, sing (the praise of) the excellences (of God), join
the congregation (of the God-oriented persons), and, cross over (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
P. 800
kwieAw ngr mih rwm rsu aUqmu ikau pweIAY aupdysu jn krhu ]
kaa-i-aa nagar meh raam ras ootam, ki-o paa-ee-ai, updays jan karahu.
Withinn the body village, the essence of the name of God is the supreme (essence), how to
obtain it, O! servants (i.e. devotees of God, please) teach me.
siqguru syiv sPl hir drsnu imil AMimRqu hir rsu pIAhu ]2]
satgur sayv safal har darsan mil aMmrit har ras pee-ahu. ||2||
Serving the True Guru, obtain the fruit of (having) the vision of God; and, meeting him
drink in AMmrit, the essence of God. 2
hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hir mITw hir sMqhu cwiK idKhu ]
har har naam aMmrit har meeṭaa, har saNtahu chaakh, dikhahu.
The name of God, the Lord, is God’s sweet AMmrit; O! God-oriented persons of God, taste it
and see (it yourself).
gurmiq hir rsu mITw lwgw iqn ibsry siB ibK rshu ]3]
gurmat har ras meeṭaa laagaa, tin bisray sabh bikh rasahu. ||3||
Those, whom the essence of God seems so sweet, through the Guru’s wisdom, they forget all
other poisonous tastes (of maya). 3
rwm nwmu rsu rwm rswiexu hir syvhu sMq jnhu ] raam naam ras, raam rasaa-iṇ, har sayvhu saNt janhu.
The essence of the name of God, is the medicine of God, (so) drink it in, O! God-oriented
persons (i.e. devotees) of God.
cwir pdwrQ cwry pwey gurmiq nwnk hir Bjhu ]4]4]
chaar padaarath,* chaaray paa-ay, gurmat naanak har bhajahu. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): There are four cardinal gifts,* and, you will obtain all the four (so) meditate
upon God, through the wisdom of the Guru. 4.4 [*The four (cardinal) boons are: 1. Dharam
(religious activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam (entertainment and pleasure), 4.Moksh (liberation)].

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu vYsu ko jwpY hir mMqRü jpYnI ] khatree baraahmaṇ sood vais, ko jaapai har maNtar japainee.
Khatri, Brahman, Sood and Vaish, anyone (of them i.e. every one) can meditate upon the
mediate-able dictum (i.e. word) of God.
guru siqguru pwrbRhmu kir pUjhu inq syvhu idnsu sB rYnI ]1]
gur satgur, paarbarahm kar poojahu, nit sayvhu dinas sabh rainee. ||1||
Worship the Guru, the True Guru like the Supreme Reality (i.e. God); serve him constantly,
day and night. 1
hir jn dyKhu siqguru nYnI ] har jan, daykhhu satgur nainee.
O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God, behold the True Guru with your eyes.
jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu hir bolhu gurmiq bYnI ]1] rhwau ]
jo ichhahu so-ee fal paavhu, har bolhu gurmat bainee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever you wish form, You shall obtain the desired fruits, (by) chanting (the word of) God
through the wisdom of Guru. 1 (pause)
Aink aupwv icqvIAih bhuqyry sw hovY ij bwq hovYnI ]
anik upaav chitvee-ah bahutayray, saa hovai je baat hovainee.
We think of many efforts (for solutions), but, that alone happens what has to happen.
Apnw Blw sBu koeI bwCY so kry ij myrY iciq n icqYnI ]2]
apnaa bhalaa sabh ko-ee baachhai, so karay je mayrai chit na chitainee. ||2||
Everyone desires good for himself, but, He (i.e. God) does, what we had never thought or
expected within mind. 2
mn kI miq iqAwghu hir jn eyhw bwq kTYnI ] man kee mat ti-aagahu har jan, ayhaa baat kaṭainee.
(So) renounce the wisdom (i.e. clever tactics) of your mind, O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God,
(though) it is hard (i.e. difficult to accomplish).
Anidnu hir hir nwmu iDAwvhu gur siqgur kI miq lYnI ]3]
an-din har har naam dhi-aavahu, gur satgur kee mat lainee. ||3||
Meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, day and night; accept the wisdom (i.e. advice) of
the Guru, the True Guru. 3
miq sumiq qyrY vis suAwmI hm jMq qU purKu jMqYnI ]
mat sumat tayrai vas su-aamee, ham jaNt too purakh jaNtainee.
Good wisdom and bad wisdom, is in Your hand, O! Lord, we are the instruments (of music)
and you are instrument player, O! Primal Person (Lord).
jn nwnk ky pRB krqy suAwmI ijau BwvY iqvY bulYnI ]4]5]
jan naanak kay parabh kartay su-aamee, ji-o bhaavai tivai bulainee. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! my God, Creator, Lord, as You wish, so do I speak. 4.5

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

And mUlu iDAwieE purKoqmu Anidnu And Anµdy ] anad mool dhi-aa-i-o purkhotam, an-din anad anaNday.
One, who has meditated upon the Supreme Primal Person (i.e. God), the source of bliss, day
and night, he is in bliss and ecstasy.
Drm rwie kI kwix cukweI siB cUky jm ky CMdy ]1]
dharam raa-ay kee kaaṇ chukaa-ee, sabh chookay jam kay chhaNday. ||1||
(By meditating upon God) he has removed the dependence (i.e. fear) of the Judge of
Righteousness, (thus) all the bondage of the messenger of death are broken. 1
jip mn hir hir nwmu guoibMdy ] jap man, har har naam gobiNday.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Master, the Lord of the Universe .
vfBwgI guru siqguru pwieAw gux gwey prmwnµdy ]1] rhwau ]
vadbhaagee gur satgur paa-i-aa, guṇ gaa-ay parmaanaNday. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who have found the Guru, the True Guru, by good fortune, they sing (the praise) of
the excellences of the Supreme Bliss (i.e. God). 1 (pause)
swkq mUV mwieAw ky biDk ivic mwieAw iPrih iPrMdy ]
saakat mooṛ maa-i-aa kay badhik, vich maa-i-aa fireh firaNday.
The foolosh saakat (i.e. non-believer), are captives of maya, and, they remain wandering and
wandering around in (i.e. under the command/ in pursuit of) maya.
iqRsnw jlq ikrq ky bwDy ijau qylI bld BvMdy ]2]
tarisnaa jalat kirat kay baadhay, ji-o taylee balad bhavaNday. ||2||
Burnt by desire and bound by past deeds, they go round and round (in re-incarnation) like
the oxen of the oil-mans (i.e. oil-mill owner). 2
gurmuiK syv lgy sy auDry vfBwgI syv krMdy ] gurmukh sayv lagay, say udhray, vadbhaagee sayv kara day.

Those Guru-oriented who are dedicated to (God’s) service; (those, who are) greatly
fortunate serve (the Lord).
ijn hir jipAw iqn Plu pwieAw siB qUty mwieAw PMdy ]3]
jin har japi-aa, tin fal paa-i-aa; sabh tootay maa-i-aa faNday. ||3||
Those who have meditated upon God, they have obtained the fruit (i.e. reward), all the
bonds of maya are broken. 3
Awpy Twkuru Awpy syvku sBu Awpy Awip goivMdy ] aapay ṭaakur, aapay sayvak; sabh aapay aap goviNday.
He Himself is the Lord, and, He Himself is a servant; the Lord of the Universe Himself is all
by Himself.
jn nwnk Awpy Awip sBu vrqY ijau rwKY iqvY rhMdy ]4]6]
jan naanak ,aapay aap sabh vartai, ji-o raakhai tivai rahaNday. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): He Himself is All-pervading; as He keeps, so we remain. 4.6

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 4 pVqwl Gru 13 ] Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4, parh-taal*, ghar 13
[*Partaal is a musical pattern; it means to sing a particular step again and again].
bolhu BeIAw rwm nwmu piqq pwvno ] bolhu bha-ee-aa, raam naam patit paavno.
O! brethren, chant the name of God, (which is) the saviour of the sinners.
hir sMq Bgq qwrno ] har saNt bhagat taarno.
God is the emancipator of the God-oriented persons and devotees.
P. 801
hir Birpury rihAw ] har bharipuray rahi-aa.
God is fully pervading (everywhere).
jil Qly rwm nwmu ] jal thalay raam naam.
The name of God is in (pervading) waters and lands (i.e. everywhere).
inq gweIAY hir dUK ibswrno ]1] rhwau ] nit gaa-ee-ai, har dookh bisaarno. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So, always (i.e. continually) sing (praise) of God, the Dispeller of Sufferings. 1 (pause)
hir kIAw hY sPl jnmu hmwrw ] hir jipAw hir dUK ibswrnhwrw ]
har kee-aa hai safal janam hamaaraa. har japi-aa, har dookh bisaaranhaaraa.
God has made my life fruitful; (because)
I have meditated upon God, the Dispeller of Sufferings.
guru ByitAw hY mukiq dwqw ] hir kIeI hmwrI sPl jwqw ]
gur bhayti-aa hai, mukat daataa. har kee-ee, hamaaree safal jaataa.
I have met the Guru, the Giver of Liberation.
God has made my journey (of life) successful (i.e rewarding).
imil sMgqI gun gwvno ]1] mil saNgtee, gun gaavno. ||1||
Joining the congregation, I sing (the praise of) the excellences (of God). 1
mn rwm nwm kir Awsw ] Bwau dUjw ibnis ibnwsw ]
man raam naam kar aasaa. bhaa-o doojaa binas binaasaa.

O! (my) mind, place hope in the name of God; and,
(Your) love for duality shall completely vanish.
ivic Awsw hoie inrwsI ] so jnu imilAw hir pwsI ] vich aasaa ho-ay niraasee. so jan mili-aa har paasee.
One who remains detached while in attachments;
such a servant (i.e. devotee) meets God, from very near.
koeI rwm nwm gun gwvno ] jnu nwnku iqsu pig lwvno ]2]1]7]4]6]7]17]
ko-ee raam naam gun gaavno. jan naanak tis pag laavno. ||2||1||7||4||6||7||17||
Only some rare one sings (the praise of) the excellences of God;
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (if there is any one, O! Lord, please) place me at His feet.

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ndrI AwvY iqsu isau mohu ] nadree aavai, tis si-o moh.
(O! Lord) whatever I see (with my eyes), I have attachment to that.
ikau imlIAY pRB AibnwsI qoih ] ki-o milee-ai, prabh abhinaasee tohi.
(Tell me) how can I meet You? O! imperishable Lord.
kir ikrpw moih mwrig pwvhu ] swDsMgiq kY AMcil lwvhu ]1]
kar kirpaa, mohi maarag paavhu. saadhsaNgat kai aNchal laavhu. ||1||
Be kind to me and pulaceme upon the (right) path; and,
attach me to helm of robe of (i.e. unite me with) the congregation of God-oriented persons. 1
ikau qrIAY ibiKAw sMswru ] siqguru boihQu pwvY pwir ]1] rhwau ]
ki-o taree-ai bikhi-aa saNsaar. satgur bohith, paavai paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can one cross over the poisonous world (ocean)?
The True Guru is the boat to carry us across. 1 (pause)
pvn Julwry mwieAw dyie ] hir ky Bgq sdw iQru syie ]
pavan jhulaaray maa-i-aa day-ay. har kay bhagat, sadaa thir say-ay.
The winds of maya shakes us like (blowing) air; but, the devotees of Lord remain ever-stable.
hrK sog qy rhih inrwrw ] isr aUpir Awip gurU rKvwrw ]2]
harakh sog tay raheh niraaraa. sir oopar, aap guroo rakhvaaraa. ||2||
They remain indifferent to joy and sorrow. The Guru Himself is the protector over his head. 2
pwieAw vyVu mwieAw srb BuieAMgw ] haumY pcy dIpk dyiK pqMgw ]
paa-i-aa vayṛ, maa-i-aa sarab bhu-i-aNgaa. ha-umai pachay, deepak daykh pataNgaa.
Maya, the snake, has coiled up all (in its grip);
They burn (to death) like moth (are lured) by seeing (the flame of) the lamp.
sgl sIgwr kry nhI pwvY ] jw hoie ik®pwlu qw gurU imlwvY ]3]
sagal seegaar karay, nahee paavai. jaa ho-ay kirpaal taa guroo milaavai. ||3||
One may make all sorts of decorations (i.e. one may perform all sorts of rituals), but he cannot
meet (God by such practices); but,

If God becomes kind, He gets one meet the Guru (who leads one to union with God). 3
hau iPrau audwsI mY ieku rqnu dswieAw ] inrmolku hIrw imlY n aupwieAw ]
ha-o fira-o udaasee, mai ik ratan dasaa-i-aa. nirmolak heeraa, milai na upaa-i-aa.
I wander around sad and despondent, asking the jewel (of the name of the Lord);
this priceless jewel is not obtained by any effort.
hir kw mMdru iqsu mih lwlu ] guir KoilAw pVdw dyiK BeI inhwlu ]4]
har kaa maNdar, tis meh laal. gur kholi-aa parh-daa, daykh bha-ee nihaal. ||4||
This (body) is the temple (i.e. home) of God, within it is the jewel.
The Guru removed the veil (of ignorance), beholding (the jewel) I was enraptured. 4
ijin cwiKAw iqsu AwieAw swdu ] ijau gUMgw mn mih ibsmwdu ]
jin chaakhi-aa, tis aa-i-aa saad. ji-o gooNgaa man meh bismaad.
One, who tasted it, (i.e. the essence of the name of God) he enjoyed it;
It is like (the state of) a dumb (i.e. mute) whose mind is filled with wonder.
Awnd rUpu sBu ndrI AwieAw ] jn nwnk hir gux AwiK smwieAw ]5]1]
aanad roop sabh nadree aa-i-aa. jan naanak, har guṇ aakh samaa-i-aa. ||5||1||
He (who has tasted the essence) sees the Embodiment of Bliss (manifesting) everywhere;
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): chanting the excellences of God, he merges in Him. 5.2

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

srb kilAwx kIey gurdyv ] sarab kali-aaṇ kee-ay gurdayv.
The Divine Guru has blesses (his devoee) with every (i.e. total) happiness.
syvku ApnI lwieE syv ] sayvak apnee laa-i-o sayv.
He has attached the servant (i.e. devotee) to His service.
ibGnu n lwgY jip AlK AByv ]1] bighan na laagai, jap alakh abhayv. ||1||
Meditating upon unknowable and imperceptible, no obstacle blocks (one’s path). 1
Driq punIq BeI gun gwey ] durqu gieAw hir nwmu iDAwey ]1] rhwau ]
dharat puneet bha-ee, gun gaa-ay. durat ga-i-aa, har naam dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Singing the excellences (of God) the earth (i.e. heart) has been sanctified;
Meditating upon the name of God, all sins are eradicated. 1 (pause)
sBnI QWeI rivAw Awip ] Awid jugwid jw kw vf prqwpu ]
sabhnee thaan-ee, ravi-aa aap. aad jugaad, jaa kaa vad partaap.
He Himself is pervading everywhere;
whose great glory has been manifests from the very the beginning and throughout the Ages.
gur prswid n hoie sMqwpu ]2] gur parsaad, na ho-ay saNtaap. ||2||
By the Guru’s grace, no trouble comes to touch. 2
gur ky crn lgy min mITy ] gur kay charan lagay man meeṭay.
One, to whose mind, the feet of Guru seem (very) sweet;
inribGn hoie sB QWeI vUTy ] nirbighan ho-ay sabh thaan-ee vooṭay.
He is unobstructed dwelling everywhere (i.e. anywhere).
siB suK pwey siqgur qUTy ]3] sabh sukh paa-ay satgur tooṭay. ||3||
When the True Guru was pleased, total happiness was obtained. 3
pwrbRhm pRB Bey rKvwly ] paarbarahm parabh bha-ay rakhvaalay.

The Supreme Reality (i.e. God), the Lord, has become my Protector.
ijQY ikQY dIsih nwly ] jithai kithai deeseh naalay.
Wherever I see He is there with me.
nwnk dws Ksim pRiqpwly ]4]2] naanak daas khasam partipaalay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): The Lord sustains His slaves (i.e. devotees). 4.2

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

suK inDwn pRIqm pRB myry ] Agnq gux Twkur pRB qyry ]
sukh nidhaan preetam prabh mayray. agnat guṇ ṭaakur prabh tayray.
O! Treasure of Happiness, my Beloved God;
O! (my) Lord, Master, You have countless excellences
moih AnwQ qumrI srxweI ] kir ikrpw hir crn iDAweI ]1]
mohi anaath tumree sarṇaa-ee. kar kirpaa har charan dhi-aa-ee. ||1||
I am an orphan and have come to (seek) Your refuge;
Have mercy (upon me), O! Lord, that I may meditate upon Your feet. 1
dieAw krhu bshu min Awie ] moih inrgun lIjY liV lwie ] rhwau ]
da-i-aa karahu bashu man aa-ay. mohi nirgun leejai laṛ laa-ay. rahaa-o.
Have mercy (upon me), and, come to abide within my mind,
I am merit-less, (please) attach me to hem of Your robe (i.e. take me under your protection). 1
pRBu iciq AwvY qw kYsI BIV ] hir syvk nwhI jm pIV ]
prabh chit aavai taa kaisee bheeṛ. har sayvak naahee jam peeṛ.
When God comes into mind, then what crisis can strike?
God's servant (i.e. devotee) does not suffer pain from messenger of death.
srb dUK hir ismrq nsy ] jw kY sMig sdw pRBu bsY ]2]
sarab dookh har simrat nasay. jaa kai saNg sadaa prabh basai. ||2||
Remembering God, all sufferings (of those devotees) are dispelled;
with whom God abides forever. 2
pRB kw nwmu min qin AwDwru ] ibsrq nwmu hovq qnu Cwru ]
prabh kaa naam man tan aadhaar. bisrat naam hovat tan chhaar.
The name of God is the support of my mind and body.
Forgetting the name, the body is reduced to ash.
pRB iciq Awey pUrn sB kwj ] hir ibsrq sB kw muhqwj ]3]
prabh chit aa-ay pooran sabh kaaj. har bisrat sabh kaa muhtaaj. ||3||
When God comes into mind, all affairs are settled.
Forgetting God, becomes subservient to all. 3
crn kml sMig lwgI pRIiq ] ibsir geI sB durmiq rIiq ]
charan kamal saNg laagee preet. bisar ga-ee sabh durmat reet.
One, who is in love with the lotus-feet (of God), he gets rid of all way of evil-mindedness.
mn qn AMqir hir hir mMq ] nwnk Bgqn kY Gir sdw Anµd ]4]3]
man tan aNtar har har mant. naanak, bhagtan kai ghar sadaa anaNd. ||4||3||

One, within whose mind and body is (i.e. abides) the dictum (i.e. word) of God;
Nanak (says): (spiritual) bliss always dwells in the homes of (such) devotees. 4.3

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 2 XwnVIey kY Gir gwvxw Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2, yaanṛee-ay kai
ghar gaavṇaa* [*it is to be sung on the pattern of ‘ i-aanṛee-ay maanṛaa kaa-ay karayhi...’ (a
composition of this name on page 722 of Guru Granth Sahib)].
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mY min qyrI tyk myry ipAwry mY min qyrI tyk ] mai man tayree tayk, mayray pi-aaray, mai man tayree tayk.
You are the support of my mind, O! my Beloved, You are support of my mind.
Avr isAwxpw ibrQIAw ipAwry rwKn kau qum eyk ]1] rhwau ]
avar si-aaṇpaa birthee-aa, pi-aaray, raakhan ka-o tum ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All other acts of cleverness are useless, O! Beloved, You alone are my Protector. 1 (pause)
siqguru pUrw jy imlY ipAwry so jnu hoq inhwlw ] satgur pooraa jay milai, pi-aaray, so jan hot nihaalaa.
One, who meets the perfect True Guru, O! Beloved, that servant (i.e. devotee) is in bliss.
gur kI syvw so kry ipAwry ijs no hoie dieAwlw ] gur kee sayvaa so karay, pi-aaray, jis no ho-ay da-i-aalaa.
He alone serves the True Guru, O! Beloved, upon whom He (i.e. God) becomes benign.
sPl mUriq gurdyau suAwmI srb klw BrpUry ] safal moorat gurday-o su-aamee, sarab kalaa bharpooray.
Fruitful is the form (i.e. being) of Divine Guru, the Lord; He is brimfull with all powers.
nwnk guru pwrbRhmu prmysru sdw sdw hjUry ]1]
naanak, gur paarbarahm parmaysar, sadaa sadaa hajooray. ||1||
Nanak (says): Guru is the Supreme Reality, Supreme Lord; He is present ever and forever. 1
suix suix jIvw soie iqnw kI ijn@ Apunw pRBu jwqw ] suṇ suṇ jeevaa so-ay tinaa kee, jin apunaa parabh jaataa.

I live by hearing and hearing the praise (of those), who have known (i.e. realized) their Lord.
hir nwmu ArwDih nwmu vKwxih hir nwmy hI mnu rwqw ]
har naam araadheh, naam vakaaṇeh, har naamay hee man raataa.
They adore the name of God, chant the name of God; (and) their minds are imbued with the
name of God.
syvku jn kI syvw mwgY pUrY krim kmwvw ] sayvak jan kee sayvaa maagai,poorai karam kamaavaa.
I, the servant, beg for the service of servants (i.e. devotees of God); (but) I can earn this (i.e.
serve them) if I have perfect destiny.
nwnk kI bynµqI suAwmI qyry jn dyKxu pwvw ]2]
naanak kee baynaNtee, su-aamee, tayray jan daykhaṇ paavaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): It is my prayer, O! my Lord, (that) I may obtain vision of Your servants (i.e.
devotees ). 2
vfBwgI sy kwFIAih ipAwry sMqsMgiq ijnw vwso]
vadbhaagee say kaaḍee-ah, pi-aaray, saNtsaNgat jinaa vaaso.
They are said to be greatly fortunate, O! (my) beloved, who dwell in the company of the
God-oriented persons.
AMimRq nwmu ArwDIAY inrmlu mnY hovY prgwso ] aMmrit naam araadhee-ai nirmal, manai hovai pargaaso.

(O! brethren) meditate upon immaculate Amrit name, (with this) the mind is illumined.
jnm mrx duKu kwtIAY ipAwry cUkY jm kI kwxy ]
janam maraṇ dukh kaatee-ai, pi-aaray, chookai jam kee kaaṇay.
(Meditating upon the name) the pains of birth and death are eradicated, O! beloved, and, the
fear of the messenger of death is ended.
iqnw prwpiq drsnu nwnk jo pRB Apxy Bwxy ]3]
tinaa paraapat darsan, naanak, jo prabh apnay bhaaṇay. ||3||
Nanak (says): They alone obtain vision (of God) who are pleasing to their God. 3
aUc Apwr byAMq suAwmI kauxu jwxY gux qyry ] ooch apaar bay-aNt, su-aamee, ka-un jaaṇai guṇ tayray.
O! (my) lofty, incomparable and infinite Lord, Who can know Your excellences ?
gwvqy auDrih suxqy auDrih ibnsih pwp Gnyry ] gaavtay udhrahi, suṇtay udhrahi, binsahi paap ghanayray.
Those who sing (His praise) are liberated; those who listen (to His praise) are liberated, all
their plentiful of sins are erased.
psU pryq mugD kau qwry pwhn pwir auqwrY ] pasoo parayt mugadh ka-o taaray, paahan paar utaarai.
He saves (even those who are like) animals, demons, fools, and, carries across (even those who
are hard hearted like) the stones.
nwnk dws qyrI srxweI sdw sdw bilhwrY ]4]1]4]
naanak daas, tayree sarṇaa-ee, sadaa sadaa balihaarai. ||4||1||4||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, (O! Lord), I am forever and ever a
sacrifice unto You. 4.1.4

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ibKY bnu PIkw iqAwig rI sKIey nwmu mhw rsu pIE ]
bikhai ban feekaa ti-aag, ree sakhee-ay, naam mahaa ras pee-o.
Renounce the tasteless water of poison (i.e. vices), O! my companion, and, drink name, the
supreme essence.
ibnu rs cwKy buif geI sglI suKI n hovq jIE ] bin ras chaakhay bud ga-ee saglee ,sukhee na hovat jee-o.
Without tasting (this) essence, all have drowned (in the ocean of vices), their souls have not
found happiness (i.e. peace).
mwnu mhqu n skiq hI kweI swDw dwsI QIE ] maan mahat na sakat hee kaa-ee, saadhaa daasee thee-o.
No honour or glory, no power (can get you this essence of the name), so, become the slave of
the God-oriented persons.
nwnk sy dir soBwvMqy jo pRiB ApunY kIE ]1] naanak, say dar sobhaava tay, jo prabh apunai kee-o. ||1||

Nanak (says): They alone are glorified at His doors, whom God has made His owns. 1
hircMdaurI icq BRmu sKIey imRg iqRsnw dRüm CwieAw ]
harichaNd-uree, chit bharam; sakhee-ay, marig tarisnaa, darum chhaa-i-aa.
(As is) the Harchandauri (i.e. ephemeral city in the skies, i.e. illusionary vision), (so is) the
delusion of mind; O! my companion, (this is) mirage (which is like) the (shifting) shade of a tree.
cMcil sMig n cwlqI sKIey AMiq qij jwvq mwieAw ]
chanchal saNg na chaaltee, sakhee-ay, aNt taj jaavat maa-i-aa.
(Maya) is fickle, it does not go along with, O! my companion, in the end, maya will leave you.
ris Bogx Aiq rUp rs mwqy ien sMig sUKu n pwieAw ]
ras bhogaṇ, at roop ras maatay, in saNg sookh na paa-i-aa.
Enjoyment of pleasures, intoxication in joy (of sensuous delights) with extremely beautiful
(women); one finds no happiness in their company (i.e. there is no peace in such life).
DMin DMin hir swD jn sKIey nwnk ijnI nwmu iDAwieAw ]2]
dhaNn dhaNn har saadh jan sakhee-ay, naanak, jinee naam dhi-aa-i-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): Blessed, blessed are those devotees, servants of God, the God-oriented persons,
O! my companion, who have meditated upon the name (of God). 2
jwie bshu vfBwgxI sKIey sMqw sMig smweIAY ]
jaa-ay bashu vadbhaagṇee, sakhee-ay, saNtaa saNg samaa-ee-ai.
Go, O! my greatly fortunate companion, and dwell with (i.e. join) the God-oriented persons,
and, merge in them (to meditate upon the name of God).
qh dUK n BUK n rogu ibAwpY crn kml ilv lweIAY ]
tah dookh na bhookh na rog bi-aapai, charan kamal liv laa-ee-ai.
There, neither pain, nor hunger, nor disease will afflict you, (when you) enshrine love for the
lotus-feet (of God).
qh jnm n mrxu n Awvx jwxw inhclu srxI pweIAY ]
tah janam na maran, na aavaṇ jaaṇaa, nihchal sarṇee paa-ee-ai.
There is no birth, no death, nor there is coming nor going (in re-incarnation), (there you) find
stable state (of mind) in the refuge (of the God-oriented persons).
pRym ibCohu n mohu ibAwpY nwnk hir eyku iDAweIAY ]3]
paraym bichhohu na moh bi-aapai, naanak, har ayk dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||3||
Nanak (says): (There is) no separation in love (of God), attachment does not affect, (when) one
meditates upon the One God. 3
idRsit Dwir mnu byiDAw ipAwry rqVy shij suBwey ]
darisat dhaar man baydhi-aa, pi-aaray, rat-ṛay sahj subhaa-ay.
Bestowing His glance (of grace), He has pierced my mind, O! dear, (hence) I am imbued with
His love, in ease.
syj suhwvI sMig imil pRIqm And mMgl gux gwey ]
sayj suhaavee saNg mil pareetam, anad maNgal guṇ gaa-ay.
Meeting the Beloved, my bed is adorned; and, in joy and ecstasy, I sing (the praise of) His
sKI shylI rwm rMig rwqI mn qn ieC pujwey ] sakhee sahaylee raam rang raatee, man tan ichh pujaa-ay.
Those friends and companions who are imbued with the love of God, the wishes of their mind
and body are fulfilled.
nwnk Acrju Acrj isau imilAw khxw kCU n jwey ]4]2]5]
naanak, achraj achraj si-o mili-aa, kahṇaa kachhoo na jaa-ay. ||4||2||5||
Nanak (says): That (moment and state) was wonderful when they were united with the
Wonderful (Lord), nothing can be described about this (moment and state). 4.2.5

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 4 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
eyk rUp sglo pwswrw ] ayk roop saglo paasaaraa.
The entire expanse (i.e. creation) is the form of the One (Lord).
Awpy bnju Awip ibauhwrw ]1] aapay banaj, aap bi-uhaaraa. ||1||
He Himself is the trade, and, He Himself is dealer. 1
AYso igAwnu ibrlo eI pwey ] aiso gi-aan, birlo ee paa-ay.
(But) rare are those who are blessed with such (spiritual) knowledge.
jq jq jweIAY qq idRstwey ]1] rhwau ] jat jat jaa-ee-ai, tat daristaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever we go, there He is seen. 1 (pause)
Aink rMg inrgun iek rMgw ] anik rang, nirgun ik rangaa.
He manifest Himself in many forms; (but still He himself is) Un-manifest (and He) has One
form (i.e. He is absolute).
Awpy jlu Awp hI qrMgw ]2] aapay jal, aap hee taraNgaa. ||2||
He Himself is water, and, He Himself is the waves. 2
Awp hI mMdru Awpih syvw ] aap hee mandar, aapeh sayvaa.
He Himself is temple, and, Himself the service (being performed in it).
Awp hI pUjwrI Awp hI dyvw ]3] aap hee poojaaree, aap hee dayvaa. ||3||
He Himself is worshipper, and, He Himself is the idol. 3
Awpih jog Awp hI jugqw ] aapeh jog aap hee jugtaa.
He Himself is union, and, He Himself is device (for union).
nwnk ky pRB sd hI mukqw ]4]1]6] naanak kay prabh sad hee muktaa. ||4||1||6||
Nanak (says): My Lord is forever emancipated (i.e. unattached and un-manifest). 4.2.6

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Awip aupwvn Awip sDrnw ] aap upaavan, aap sadharnaa.
He Himself is the Creator, and, He Himself is the Support (for His creation).
Awip krwvn dosu n lYnw ]1] aap karaavan, dos na lainaa. ||1||
He Himself causes (all) to act; (but) He is not liable to blame. 1
Awpn bcnu Awp hI krnw ] aapan bachan, aap hee karnaa.
He Himself is the word, and, He Himself speaks.
Awpn ibBau Awp hI jrnw ]1] rhwau ] aapan bibha-o, aap hee jarnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He Himself is the grandeur, and, He Himself is the bearer (of His splendor).1 (pause)
Awp hI msit Awp hI bulnw ] aap hee masat, aap hee bulnaa.
He Himself is silent, and, He Himself speaks.
Awp hI AClu n jweI Clnw ]2] aap hee achhal, na jaa-ee chhalnaa. ||2||
He Himself is un-deceiveable, and, He can not be deceived. 2
Awp hI gupq Awip prgtnw ] aap hee gupat aap pargatnaa.
He Himself is hidden, and, He Himself is manifest.
Awp hI Git Git Awip Ailpnw ]3] aap hee ghat ghat, aap alipanaa. ||3||
He Himself is (contained) in each and every heart, (yet) He Himself is unattached. 3
Awpy Aivgqu Awp sMig rcnw ] aapay avigat, aap saNg rachnaa.

He Himself is indescribable, (yet) He is with (i.e. He manifests Himself in) His creation.
khu nwnk pRB ky siB jcnw ]4]2]7] kaho naanak, prabh kay sabh jachnaa. ||4||2||7||
Says Nanak: All these are wonders of God. 4.2.7

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Buly mwrgu ijnih bqwieAw ] Aysw guru vfBwgI pwieAw ]1]
bhoolay maarag jineh bataa-i-aa. aisaa gur vadbhaagee paa-i-aa. ||1||
He, who shows the (right) path to those who stray,
such a Guru is found by great fortune. 1
ismir mnw rwm nwmu icqwry ] simar, manaa, raam naam chitaaray.
Remember O! my mind, and, contemplate the name of God.
bis rhy ihrdY gur crn ipAwry ]1] rhwau ] bas rahay hirdai, gur charan pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The feet of the beloved Guru abide within my heart.
P. 804
kwim k®oiD loiB moih mnu lInw ] kaam krodh lobh mohi man leenaa.
The mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and (emotional) attachment;
bMDn kwit mukiq guir kInw ]2] baNdhan kaat mukat gur keenaa. ||2||
Breaking the bonds, the Guru has liberated me. 2
duK suK krq jnim Puin mUAw ] dukh sukh karat janam fun moo-aa.
Experiencing pain and pleasures one is born to dies (again and again in re-incarnation).
crn kml guir AwsRmu dIAw ]3] charan kamal gur aasram dee-aa. ||3||
The lotus-feet of the Guru have given me shelter (i.e. refuge). 3
Agin swgr bUfq sMswrw ] nwnk bwh pkir siqguir insqwrw ]4]3]8]
agan saagar boodat saNsaaraa. naanak, baah pakar satgur nistaaraa. ||4||3||8||
The world is drowning in the ocean of fire;
Nanak (says): holding my arm, the True Guru has saved me. 4.3.8

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qnu mnu Dnu Arpau sBu Apnw ] kvn su miq ijqu hir hir jpnw ]1]
tan man dhan arpa-o sabh apnaa. kavan so mat, jit har har japnaa. ||1||
I would surrender my body, mind, wealth and everything (to the one who will tell me that)
What is that wisdom by which I may come to meditate upon God, the Lord. 1
kir Awsw AwieE pRB mwgin ] qum@ pyKq soBw myrY Awgin ]1] rhwau ]
kar aasaa, aa-i-o prabh maagan. tum paykhat, sobhaa mayrai aagan. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Cherishing a hope, I have come to beg from God,

beholding Your vision, my (heart’s) courtyard is embellished. 1 (pause)
Aink jugiq kir bhuqu bIcwrau ] swDsMig iesu mnih auDwrau ]2]
anik jugat kar bahut beechaara-o. saadhsaNg is maneh udhaara-o. ||2||
Having tried several methods, I have reflect a lot; (but, I have found that),
this mind is liberated in the congregation of the God-oriented persons. 2
miq buiD suriq nwhI cqurweI ] qw imlIAY jw ley imlweI ]3]
mat budh surat naahee chaturaa-ee. taa milee-ai jaa la-ay milaa-ee. ||3||

(One can not unite with Him through) wisdom, intelligence, thinking or cleverness;
He can be met when He Himself unite (with Himself). 3
nYn sMqoKy pRB drsnu pwieAw ] khu nwnk sPlu so AwieAw ]4]4]9]
nain saNtokhay prabh darsan paa-i-aa. kaho naanak, safal so aa-i-aa. ||4||4||9||
One, who has had vision of God, his eyes are contented.
Nanak (says): Coming (to the world, i.e. life) of such a person is fruitful. 4.4.9

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mwq ipqw suq swiQ n mwieAw ] swDsMig sBu dUKu imtwieAw ]1]
maat pitaa sut saath na maa-i-aa. saadhsaNg sabh dookh mitaa-i-aa. ||1||
Mother, father, son or (attachment to) maya will not go along with;
(It is only) in the congregation of God-oriented persons, that all the sufferings are dispelled. 1
riv rihAw pRBu sB mih Awpy ] hir jpu rsnw duKu n ivAwpy ]1] rhwau ]
rav rahi-aa prabh sabh meh aapay. har jap rasnaa, dukh na vi-aapay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God Himself is pervading all.
Meditate upon (the name of) the Lord with your tongue, no suffering will afflict you.1 (pause)
iqKw BUK bhu qpiq ivAwipAw ] sIql Bey hir hir jsu jwipAw ]2]
tikhaa bhookh baho tapat vi-aapi-aa. seetal bha-ay har har jas jaapi-aa. ||2||
One, who is afflicted by awful fire of thirst and hunger,
he (his mind ) is cooled by meditating upon the name of God, the Lord. 2
koit jqn sMqoKu n pwieAw ] mnu iqRpqwnw hir gux gwieAw ]3]
kot jatan saNtokh na paa-i-aa. man tariptaanaa har guṇ gaa-i-aa. ||3||
One does not find contentment even by tens of millions of efforts;
mind is satisfied by meditating upon the excellences of God. 3
dyhu Bgiq pRB AMqrjwmI ] nwnk kI bynµqI suAwmI ]4]5]10]
dayh bhagat, prabh aNtarjaamee. naanak kee baynaNtee, su-aamee. ||4||5||10||
Please bless me with Your devotion, O! God, O! Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls);
Nanak (says): This is my prayer (to You), O! Lord. 4.5.10

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

guru pUrw vfBwgI pweIAY ] imil swDU hir nwmu iDAweIAY ]1]
gur pooraa vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. mil saadhoo* har naam dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1||
By great fortune, the perfect Guru is found;
Meeting the Guru, meditate upon the name of God.1 [*Here sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
pwrbRhm pRB qyrI srnw ] iklibK kwtY Bju gur ky crnw ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm prabh tayree sarnaa. kilbikh kaatai bhaj gur kay charnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Supreme Reality, God, I seek Your refuge;
Meditating upon the feet of Guru, sins are erased.1 (pause)
Avir krm siB lokwcwr ] imil swDU sMig hoie auDwr ]2]
avar karam sabh lokaachaar. mil saadhoo* saNg ho-ay udhaar. ||2||
All other rituals are (just) worldly affairs (i.e. formalities);
(only by) joining the company of the Guru* one is saved. 2 [*Here sadhoo has been used for the
isMimRiq swsq byd bIcwry ] jpIAY nwmu ijqu pwir auqwry ]3]
siMmrit saasat bayd beechaaray. japee-ai naam jit paar utaaray. ||3||
I have contemplated Simritis, Shastras, and, Vedas(but rituals inscribed there are of no avail)’
(Only) by meditating upon the name (of God) one is carried across. 3
jn nwnk kau pRB ikrpw krIAY ] swDU DUir imlY insqrIAY ]4]6]11]
jan naanak ka-o prabh kirpaa karee-ai. saadhoo* dhoor milai, nistaree-ai. ||4||6||11||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, have mercy upon Your servant (i.e. devotee);
bless him with the dust of the feet of the Guru,* (so that) I may be emancipated. 4.6.12
[*Here sadhoo has been used for the Guru].

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

gur kw sbdu irdy mih cInw ] sgl mnorQ pUrn AwsInw ]1]
gur kaa sabad riday meh cheenaa. sagal manorath pooran aaseenaa. ||1||
One, who has contemplated the word of the Guru within his heart;
All his hopes and desires are fulfilled. 1
sMq jnw kw muKu aUjlu kInw ] kir ikrpw Apunw nwmu dInw ]1] rhwau ]
saNt janaa kaa mukh oojal keenaa. kar kirpaa apunaa naam deenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has brightened the face of the God-oriented persons;
by kindly blessing with His name. 1 (pause)
AMD kUp qy kru gih lInw ] jY jY kwru jgiq pRgtInw ]2]
aNdh koop tay kar geh leenaa. jai jai kaar jagat pargateenaa. ||2||
Holding them by hand, He has lifted them out from dark well (of worldliness); and,
The whole world is hailing and hailing them. 2
nIcw qy aUc aUn pUrInw ] AMimRq nwmu mhw rsu lInw ]3]
neechaa tay ooch oon pooreenaa. aMmrit naam mahaa ras leenaa. ||3||
They became high from low and full from empty, (when)
they received the supreme essence of AMmrit name. 3
mn qn inrml pwp jil KInw ] khu nwnk pRB Bey pRsInw ]4]7]12]
man tan nirmal paap jal kheenaa. kaho naanak, prabh bha-ay parseenaa. ||4||7||12||
Nanak (says): (When) God is pleased with them their mind and body are made immaculate,
and, their sins are burnt to ashes. 4.7.12

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sgl mnorQ pweIAih mIqw ] crn kml isau lweIAY cIqw ]1]
sagal manorath paa-ee-ah, meetaa. charan kamal si-o laa-ee-ai cheetaa. ||1||
All objectives are achieved, O! my friend, (if you)
centre your consciousness on the lotus-feet (of God). 1
hau bilhwrI jo pRBU iDAwvq ] ha-o balihaaree, jo prabhoo dhi-aavat.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who meditate upon God.
jlin buJY hir hir gun gwvq ]1] rhwau ] jalan bujhai, har har gun gaavat. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The fire of desires is quenched (by) singing (the praise of) the excellences of God. 1 (pause)
sPl jnmu hovq vfBwgI ] swDsMig rwmih ilv lwgI ]2]
safal janam hovat vadbhaagee. saadhsaNg raameh liv laagee. ||2||
The life of (those) greatly lucky is successful, (who )
concentrate upon God through the congregation of the God-oriented persons.. 2
miq piq Dnu suK shj Anµdw ] iek inmK n ivsrhu prmwnµdw ]3]
mat pat dhan sukh sahj anaNdaa. ik nimakh na visrahu parmaanaNdaa. ||3||
I am blessed with wisdom, honour, wealth, happiness, poise and bliss (are attained, if)
one does not forget the (Lord of) Supreme Bliss (i.e. God) even for a moment.
hir drsn kI min ipAws GnyrI ] Bniq nwnk srix pRB qyrI ]4]8]13]
har darsan kee man pi-aas ghanayree. bhanat naanak saraṇ prabh tayree. ||4||8||13||
My mind is greatly thirsty for vision of God.
Nanak (says): O! Lord, I seek Your refuge (so, please, keep me in Your refuge). 4.8.13

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

moih inrgun sB guxh ibhUnw ] dieAw Dwir Apunw kir lInw ]1]
mohi nirgun sabh guṇah bihoonaa. da-i-aa dhaar apunaa kar leenaa. ||1||
I was virtue-less, lacking all virtues; (but) Bestowing His mercy He made me His owns. 1
myrw mnu qnu hir gopwil suhwieAw ] kir ikrpw pRBu Gr mih AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa man tan har gopaal suhaa-i-aa. kar kirpaa parabh ghar meh aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Sustained of the World, has embellished my mind and body; (because)
Bestowing His kindness, God has come to my home (i.e. heart). 1 (pause)
Bgiq vCl BY kwtnhwry ] sMswr swgr Ab auqry pwry ]2]
bhagat vachhal bhai kaatanhaaray. saNsaar saagar ab utray paaray. ||2||
O! God, (You are) the Lover of Devotees and Destroyer of Fears;
Now I have crossed over the world ocean (because You have come to dwell in my heart). 2
piqq pwvn pRB ibrdu byid lyiKAw ] pwrbRhmu so nYnhu pyiKAw ]3]
patit paavan prabh birad, bayd laykhi-aa. paarbarahm so nainhu paykhi-aa. ||3||
The Vedas mention that it is the nature of God (that he is) the Purifier of the Sinners;
I have seen that Supreme Reality (i.e. God)with my eyes. 3
swDsMig pRgty nwrwiex ] nwnk dws siB dUK plwiex ]4]9]14]
saadhsaNg pargatay naaraa-iṇ. naanak daas sabh dookh palaa-iṇ. ||4||9||14||
In the congregation of the God-oriented persons, God reveals Himself (within my heart);
Nanak (says): All the sufferings of this slave (i.e. devotee) have fled away. 4.9.14

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

kvnu jwnY pRB qum@rI syvw ] kavan jaanai prabh tumhree sayvaa.
O! God, who can know how to serve You?
pRB AivnwsI AlK AByvw ]1] prabh avinaasee alakh abhayvaa. ||1||
O! Lord, (You are) imperishable unknowable, unattached. 1
gux byAMq pRB gihr gMBIry ] gun bay-aNt, prabh, gahir gaMbheeray.
Your excellences are infinite, O! Lord, You are deep (profound) and unfathomable;
aUc mhl suAwmI pRB myry ] ooch mahal, su-aamee, prabh mayray.
Your mansions are lofty, O! God, my Lord.
qU AprMpr Twkur myry ]1] rhwau ] too apraMpar ṭaakur mayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are limitless, O! my Master. 1 (pause)
eyks ibnu nwhI ko dUjw ] aykas bin naahee ko doojaa.
There is no other than the One (i.e. You, who is the only Immortal).
qum@ hI jwnhu ApnI pUjw ]2] tum hee jaanhu apnee poojaa. ||2||

You Yourself know Your worship (i.e. You alone know how You should be worshipped). 2
Awphu kCU n hovq BweI ] aaphu kachhoo na hovat bhaa-ee.
No one can do by himself, O! brethren.
ijsu pRBu dyvY so nwmu pweI ]3] jis prabh dayvai so naam paa-ee. ||3||
He alone obtains the name (of God) unto whom God Himself bestows it. 3
khu nwnk jo jnu pRB BwieAw ] gux inDwn pRBu iqn hI pwieAw ]4]10]15]
kaho naanak, jo jan prabh bhaa-i-aa. guṇ nidhaan prabh tin hee paa-i-aa. ||4||10||15||
Says Nanak: the servant (i.e. devotee) who becomes pleasing to God,
he alone finds God, the treasure of excellences. 4.10.15

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mwq grB mih hwQ dy rwiKAw ] maat garabh meh, haath day raakhi-aa.
(O! foolish being) extending His hand, He protected you in your mother's womb; (but)
hir rsu Coif ibiKAw Plu cwiKAw ]1] har ras chhod, bikhi-aa fal chaakhi-aa. ||1||
Renouncing the essence of (the name of) God, you have tasted (i.e eaten) the fruit of poison
(i.e. maya). 1
Bju goibd sB Coif jMjwl ] bhaj gobid, sabh chhod jaNjaal.
(O! man) renounce all entanglements (of maya) and meditate upon the Lord of the Universe.
jb jmu Awie sMGwrY mUVy qb qnu ibnis jwie byhwl ]1] rhwau ]
jab jam aa-ay saNghaarai, moorhay, tab tan binas jaa-ay bayhaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When messenger of death comes to kill, O! fool, then the body is destroyed badly. 1 (pause)
qnu mnu Dnu Apnw kir QwipAw ] tan man dhan, apnaa kar thaapi-aa.
You establish (i.e. regard) your body, mind, and wealth as your own; but,
krnhwru iek inmK n jwipAw ]2] karanhaar, ik nimakh na jaapi-aa. ||2||
but you do not meditate upon the Creator (who has given you all this), even for a while. 2
mhw moh AMD kUp pirAw ] mahaa moh aNdh koop pari-aa.
You have fallen into the blind (i.e. dark) well of great (emotional) attachment (of maya);
pwrbRhmu mwieAw ptil ibsirAw ]3] paarbarahm maa-i-aa patal bisri-aa. ||3||
(blinded by) the veil of maya, you have forgotten God. 3
vfY Bwig pRB kIrqnu gwieAw ] sMqsMig nwnk pRBu pwieAw ]4]11]16]
vadai bhaag prabh keertan gaa-i-aa. saNtsaNg, naanak, prabh paa-i-aa. ||4||11||16||
One, who has sung the praise of God by great fortune,
Nanak (says): joining the company of the God-oriented persons he has found God. 4.11.16

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mwq ipqw suq bMDp BweI nwnk hoAw pwrbRhmu shweI ]1]
maat pitaa sut baNdhap bhaa-ee, naanak, ho-aa paarbarahm sahaa-ee. ||1||
Mother, father, son, relation and brothers (all are there but) Nanak (says): the Supreme
Reality (i.e. God) is our (only) helper. 1
sUK shj Awnµd Gxy ] sookh sahj aanaNd ghaṇay.
(He blesses us with) happiness, poise and great bliss;
guru pUrw pUrI jw kI bwxI Aink guxw jw ky jwih n gxy ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooraa, pooree jaa kee baṇee, anik guṇaa jaa kay jaahi na ganay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Our Guru is perfect, perfect is his word; and, his virtues so many, they cannot be counted. 1
sgl srMjwm kry pRBu Awpy ] sagal saraNjaam karay prabh aapay.
God Himself makes all arrangements (to accomplish our tasks).
Bey mnorQ so pRBu jwpy ]2] bha-ay manorath so prabh jaapay. ||2||
All desires are fulfilled by meditating upon God. 2
ArQ Drm kwm moK kw dwqw ] arath dharam kaam mokh kaa daataa.
He is the Giver of wealth, faith, sexual pleasure and liberation.
P. 806
pUrI BeI ismir ismir ibDwqw ]3] pooree bha-ee simar simar bidhaataa. ||3||
By remembering God-giver, my desires are fulfilled. 3
swDsMig nwnik rMgu mwixAw ] saadhsang, naanak, raNg maani-aa.
Nanak (says): I enjoyed the love (of God) in the company of the God-oriented persons.
Gir AwieAw pUrY guir AwixAw ]4]12]17] ghar aa-i-aa, poorai gur aaṇi-aa. ||4||12||17||
It (i.e. my mind) has came to its home (i.e. heart), the perfect Guru brought it home. 4.12.17

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sRb inDwn pUrn gurdyv ]1] rhwau ] srab nidhaan, pooran gurdayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Divine Guru has all the treasures. 1 (pause)
hir hir nwmu jpq nr jIvy ] mir KuAwru swkq nr QIvy ]1]
har har naam japat nar jeevay. mar khu-aar, saakat nar theevay. ||1||
The (Guru-oriented) man lives by meditating upon the name of God, the Lord; but,
The saakat man (i.e. the non-believer) suffers even after death. 1
rwm nwmu hoAw rKvwrw ] JK mwrau swkqu vycwrw ]2]
raam naam ho-aa rakhvaaraa. jhakh maara-o saakat vaychaaraa. ||2||
The name of God becomes the protector (of the devotee of God);
The poor saakat (i.e. the non-believer) may make senseless efforts (but he can not harm the
devotee of God). 2
inMdw kir kir pcih Gnyry ] imrqk Pws glY isir pYry ]3]
niNdaa kar kar pacheh ghanayray. mirtak faas galai sir pairay. ||3||
By slandering and slandering, many have been ruined;
Their necks and heads are tied by the noose of death. 3
khu nwnk jpih jn nwm ] qw ky inkit n AwvY jwm ]4]13]18]
kaho naanak jaapeh jan naam. taa kay nikat na aavai jaam. ||4||13||18||

Says Nanak: (Those who) meditate upon the name (of the Lord),
the messenger of death does not even come near them.” 4.13.18

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 4 dupdy Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4, dupday
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kvn sMjog imlau pRB Apny ] plu plu inmK sdw hir jpny ]1]
kavan saNjog mila-o prabh apnay. pal pal nimakh sadaa har japnay. ||1||
(Question): With what destiny (i.e. auspicious time/ effort) shall get me to meet my God ?
(Answer): Meditate upon God, the Lord, continually and each and every moment. 1
crn kml pRB ky inq iDAwvau ] kvn su miq ijqu pRIqmu pwvau ]1] rhwau ]
charan kamal prabh kay nit dhi-aava-o. kavan so mat jit pareetam paava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate continually upon the lotus feet of God;(this is the answer to the following question):
(Question): With what wisdom, I can attain my beloved? 1 (pause)
AYsI ik®pw krhu pRB myry ] hir nwnk ibsru n kwhU byry ]2]1]19]
aisee kirpaa karahu prabh mayray. har naanak bisar na kaahoo bayray. ||2||1||19||
Nanak (says): O! God, (please) bless me with kindness; that I may never ever forget You. 2.1.19

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

crn kml pRB ihrdY iDAwey ] rog gey sgly suK pwey ]1]
charan kamal prabh hirdai dhi-aa-ay. rog ga-ay saglay sukh paa-ay. ||1||
(One, who has) meditated upon the lotus-feet of God within his heart;
(His) ailments are cured, and, total (spiritual) happiness is obtained. 1
guir duKu kwitAw dIno dwnu ] sPl jnmu jIvn prvwnu ]1] rhwau ]
gur, dukh kaati-aa, deeno daan. safal janam, jeevan parvaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, whom Guru blesses with the gift (of name), he is relieved of sufferings;
His birth (i.e. life) becomes successful, and, his life is approved. 1 (pause)
AkQ kQw AMimRq pRB bwnI ] khu nwnk jip jIvy igAwnI ]2]2]20]
akath kathaa, aMmrit prabh baanee. kaho naanak, jap jeevay gi-aanee. ||2||2||20||
Ammrit word of God is unspeakable story (of the excellences) of the Lord.
Says Nanak: The (spiritual) scholar lives by meditating upon (God). 2.2.20

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sWiq pweI guir siqguir pUry ] suK aupjy bwjy Anhd qUry ]1] rhwau ]
saant paa-ee gur satgur pooray. sukh upjay, baajay anhad tooray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect True Guru has blessed me with peace; hence,
Happiness and joy have welled up; and, unstruck bugles resound (within my heart). 1 (pause)
qwp pwp sMqwp ibnwsy ] hir ismrq iklivK siB nwsy ]1]
taap, paap, saNtaap binaasay. har simrat, kilvikh sabh naasay. ||1||
The sufferings*, sins, afflictions have ben dispelled;.
Remembering God, all sins have disappeared (i.e. have been erased). 1
[*Here, taap referes to three fevers/ailments/sufferings: physical, mental and psychological. These are known as Aadh
(of mind, i.e. worry, anxiety etc), Biadh (of body, i.e. physical) and Upadh (psychological; such as doubt, confusion,
delusion, illusion etc)].
Andu krhu imil suMdr nwrI ] guir nwnik myrI pYj svwrI ]2]3]21]
anad karahu, mil, suNdar naaree. gur, naanak, mayree paij savaaree. ||2||3||21||
Joining together, O! beautiful (soul) brides, make merriment;
Nanak (says): the Guru has saved my honour. 2.3.22

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mmqw moh DRoh mid mwqw bMDin bwiDAw Aiq ibkrwl ]
mamtaa moh dharoh mad maataa, baNdhan baadhi-aa, at bikraal.
Intoxicated with wine of love of worldly possessions, (emotional) attachment and deceit, one
is bound in bondage looks wildly dreadful.
idnu idnu iCjq ibkwr krq AauD PwhI PwQw jm kY jwl ]1]
din din chhijat, bikaar karat, a-odh; faahee faathaa jam kai jaal. ||1||
Day by day his life is getting decayed, practising vices; he is trapped by the noose of death. 1
qyrI srix pRB dIn dieAwlw ] tayree saraṇ prabh deen da-i-aalaa.
I seek Your refuge, O! God, Merciful to the Poor.
mhw ibKm swgru Aiq BwrI auDrhu swDU sMig rvwlw ]1] rhwau ]
mahaa bikham saagar at bhaaree, udhrahu saadhoo* saNg ravaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The enormous (world) ocean is greatly difficult (to swim across); (please) get me across with
the company, and the feet-dust, of the Guru*. 1 (pause) [*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
pRB suKdwqy smrQ suAwmI jIau ipMfu sBu qumrw mwl ]
prabh sukh-daatay, samrath su-aamee, jee-o pind sabh tumraa maal.
O! Lord, Giver of Happiness, All-powerful Lord, my soul, body and wealth all are Yours.
BRm ky bMDn kwthu prmysr nwnk ky pRB sdw ik®pwl ]2]4]22]
bharam kay baNdhan kaatahu parmaysar, naanak kay prabh sadaa kirpaal. ||2||4||22||
Nanak (says): (Pease) break my bonds of doubts, O! Supreme Lord, my forever merciful
Lord. 2.4.22

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sgl Anµdu kIAw prmysir Apxw ibrdu sm@wirAw ] sagal anaNd kee-aa parmaysar, apnaa birad samhaari-a.
The Supreme Lord has given all bliss (to me); (thus) He has preserved (i.e. fulfilled/
confirmed) his natural way (of generosity).
swD jnw hoey ikrpwlw ibgsy siB prvwirAw ]1] saadh janaa ho-ay kirpaalaa, bigsay sabh parvaari-aa. ||1||
(Now) all the God-oriented persons have become merciful (i.e. generous to me); all my family
has blossomed forth (in happiness). 1
kwrju siqguir Awip svwirAw ] kaaraj satgur aap savaari-aa.
The True Guru himself has settled all my affairs.
vfI Awrjw hir goibMd kI sUK mMgl kilAwx bIcwirAw ]1] rhwau ]
vadee aarjaa har gobind kee, sookh maNgal kali-aaṇ beechaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He blessed Hargobind with long life, and, took care of his happiness, joy and well being. 1
vx iqRx iqRBvx hirAw hoey sgly jIA swDwirAw ]
van tarin taribhavaṇ hari-aa ho-ay, saglay jee-a saadhaari-aa.
Forests, vegetation, and the three worlds (i.e. the whole universe) are turned green; He has
given support to all beings.
mn ieCy nwnk Pl pwey pUrn ieC pujwirAw ]2]5]23]
man ichhay, naanak, fal paa-ay; pooran ichh pujaari-aa. ||2||5||23||
Nanak (says): I have obtained the fruit of my mind’s desires, my desire has been completely
fulfilled. 2.5.23

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ijsu aUpir hovq dieAwlu ] hir ismrq kwtY so kwlu ]1] rhwau ]
jis oopar hovat da-i-aal. har simrat kaatai so kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, upon whom He becomes kind, meditating upon God, he cuts the noose of death. (pause)
swDsMig BjIAY gopwlu ] gun gwvq qUtY jm jwlu ]1]
saadhsaNg bhajee-ai gopaal. gun gaavat tootai jam jaal. ||1||
Meditate upon the Sustainer of the Universe in the company of the God-oriented persons;
Singing (the praise of His) excellences, the noose of death is cut away. 1
Awpy siqguru Awpy pRiqpwl ] nwnku jwcY swD rvwl ]2]6]24]
aapay satgur aapay partipaal. naanak jaachai saadh* ravaal. ||2||6||24||
He Himself is the True Guru, and, He Himself is the Nourisher.
Nanak (says): I beg for the dust of the feet of the Guru*. 2.6.24
[*Here saadh has been used for the Guru, the True Guru].

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mn mih isMchu hir hir nwm ] Anidnu kIrqnu hir gux gwm ]1]
man meh siNchahu, har har naam. an-din keertan har gun gaam. ||1||
(O! brethren) irrigate your mind with the name of God, the Lord; and,
Day and night, sing the praise of the excellences of God. 1
AYsI pRIiq krhu mn myry ] AwT phr pRB jwnhu nyry ]1] rhwau ]
aisee pareet karahu, man mayray. aaṭ pahar prabh jaanhu nayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Enshrine such love (for God), O! my mind,
all the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty four hours of the day) know (i.e. realize) (the presence
of) God near you. 1 (pause)
khu nwnk jw ky inrml Bwg ] hir crnI qw kw mnu lwg ]2]7]25]
kaho naanak, jaa kay nirmal bhaag. har charnee taa kaa man laag. ||2||7||25||
Says Nanak: one, who has such immaculate fortune,
his mind is attached to the feet of God. 2.7.25

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

rogu gieAw pRiB Awip gvwieAw ] nId peI suK shj Gru AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

rog ga-i-aa, prabh aap gavaa-i-aa. need pa-ee, sukh sahj ghar aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The disease is gone (i.e. cured), God Himself took it away.
It sleeps (in peace) as (spiritual) happiness and poise has come to my home (i.e. heart). 1 (pause)
rij rij Bojnu Kwvhu myry BweI ] AMimRq nwmu ird mwih iDAweI ]1]
raj raj bhojan kaavahu, mayray bhaa-ee. aMmrit naam rid maahi dhi-aa-ee. ||1||
Eat food to you fill, O! my brethren; and,
meditate upon AMmrit name (of the Lord) within your heart. 1
nwnk gur pUry srnweI ] ijin Apny nwm kI pYj rKweI ]2]8]26]
naanak, gur pooray sarnaa-ee. jin apnay naam kee paij rakhaa-ee. ||2||8||26||
Nanak (says): (O! my mind, always) remain in the refuge of the perfect Guru,
who has preserved honour of His name (by blessing with peace and poise). 2.8.26

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

siqgur kir dIny AsiQr Gr bwr ] rhwau ] satgur kar deenay asthir ghar baar. rahaa-o.
True Guru has made my home (i.e. my heart and my world) stable. 1 (pause)
jo jo inMd krY ien igRhn kI iqsu AwgY hI mwrY krqwr ]1]
jo jo niNd karai in garihan kee tis aagai hee maarai kartaar. ||1||
Whoever slanders (i.e. tries to) these homes, the Creator destroys them before they can act. 1
nwnk dws qw kI srnweI jw ko sbdu AKMf Apwr ]2]9]27]
naanak daas taa kee sarnaa-ee jaa ko sabad akhaNd apaar. ||2||9||27||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek His refuge, whose word is indivisible and infinite. 2.9.27

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qwp sMqwp sgly gey ibnsy qy rog ] taap saNtaap saglay ga-ay, binsay tay rog.
All fevers and sufferings are gone, and, the diseases have vanished away.
pwrbRhim qU bKisAw sMqn rs Bog ] rhwau ] paarbarahm too bakhsi-aa, saNtan ras bhog. rahaa-o.
The Supreme Reality (i.e. God) has blessed you (with happiness and peace), so enjoy bliss of
the God-oriented persons (i.e. meditate upon the name of God). 1 (pause)
srb suKw qyrI mMflI qyrw mnu qnu Awrog ] sarab sukhaa tayree maNdlee, tayraa man tan aarog.
All joys (i.e. total happiness) are (now) your company (i.e. part of your life), and, your the mind
and body are disease-free.
gun gwvhu inq rwm ky ieh AvKd jog ]1] gun gaavhu nit raam kay, ih avkhad jog. ||1||
Sing continually, the excellences of God, this (i.e. name of God) is sure medicine. 1
Awie bshu Gr dys mih ieh Bly sMjog ] aa-ay bashu ghar days meh ih bhalay saNjog.
(So, please) come and dwell at your home, in your country (i.e. in your heart), this is
auspicious opportunity (to unite with God).
nwnk pRB supRsMn Bey lih gey ibEg ]2]10]28]
naanak prabh suparsNn bha-ay, leh ga-ay bi-og. ||2||10||28||
Nanak (says): God is fully pleased, (your time for) separation has come to an end. 2.20.28

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

kwhU sMig n cwlhI mwieAw jMjwl ] kaahoo saNg na chaalhee, maa-i-aa janjaal.

The entanglements (i.e. expanse) of maya do not go along with anyone.
aUiT isDwry CqRpiq sMqn kY iKAwl ] rhwau ] ooṭ sidhaaray chhatarpat, saNtan kai khi-aal. rahaa-o.
The God-oriented persons have expressed this that even the kings arise and depart (from this
world, empty handed). 1 (pause)
AhMbuiD kau ibnsnw ieh Dur kI Fwl ] ahaM-budh ka-o binsanaa, ih dhur kee dhaal.
Vain intellect (i.e.egotistic wisdom) has to fall (surely), this is primal custom (i.e. natural law).
bhu jonI jnmih mrih ibiKAw ibkrwl ]1] baho jonee janmeh mareh, bikhi-aa bikraal. ||1||
Those who live life of poison of vices, they take birth and die in countless re-incarnations.1
siq bcn swDU khih inq jpih gupwl ] sat bachan saadhoo kaheh, nit jaapeh gupaal.
The God-oriented persons speak true words; they continually meditate upon the Sustainer
of the World.
ismir ismir nwnk qry hir ky rMg lwl ]2]11]29]
simar simar, naanak, taray, har kay raNg laal. ||2||11||29||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the love of God, remembering and remembering
Him they are carried across (the world ocean). 2.11.29

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

shj smwiD Anµd sUK pUry guir dIn ] sahj samaadh anaNd sookh, pooray gur deen.
The perfect Guru has blesses me with (state of) poised trance, bliss and (spiritual) happiness.
sdw shweI sMig pRB AMimRq gux cIn ] rhwau ] sadaa sahaa-ee saNg prabh, aMmrit gun cheen. rahaa-o.
God is forever my helper and companion; I contemplate His AMmrit excellences. 1 (pause)
P. 808
jY jY kwru jgqR mih locih siB jIAw ] jai jai kaar jagtar meh, locheh sabh jee-aa.
he is hailed and cheered in the whole of the world; and, everyone longs for (to behold) him.
supRsMn Bey siqgur pRBU kCu ibGnu n QIAw ]1]
suparsaNn bha-ay satgur prabhoo, kachh bighan na thee-aa. ||1||
The True Guru and God are totally pleased with him, (hence) no obstacle blocks (his way). 1
jw kw AMgu dieAwl pRB qw ky sB dws ] jaa kaa ang da-i-aal prabh, taa kay sabh daas.
One, who has the Merciful Lord on his side, everyone becomes his slave.
sdw sdw vifAweIAw nwnk gur pwis ]2]12]30] sadaa sadaa vadi-aa-ee-aa, naanak, gur paas.
Nanak (says): Forever and ever, (the treasures of) greatness vest with the Guru. 2.12.30

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 5 caupdy Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, ghar 5, cha-upday
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
imRq mMfl jgu swijAw ijau bwlU Gr bwr ] mrit maNdal jag saaji-aa, ji-o baaloo ghar baar.
He has created world, the perishable realm, like a house of sand.
ibnsq bwr n lwgeI ijau kwgd bUMdwr ]1] binsat baar na laag-ee, ji-o kaagad booNdaar. ||1||
It takes no time in vanishing, like the paper in (i.e. destroyed by) bubbles of rain (water). 1
suin myrI mnsw mnY mwih siq dyKu bIcwir ] isD swiDk igrhI jogI qij gey Gr bwr ]1] rhwau ]
sun mayree mansaa manai maahi, sat daykh beechaar.
sidh saadhik girhee jogee, taj ga-ay ghar baar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Listen, (O! brethren), my desire within my mind, behold the truth and contemplate:
The Sidhs (i.e. claiming having miraculous powers), the seekers (of miraculous powers), the
house-holders, and the yogis (i.e. renunciates) forsake their homes and departed (from this
world empty-handed). 1 (pause)
jYsw supnw rYin kw qYsw sMswr ] jaisaa supnaa rain kaa, taisaa saNsaar.
The world is like a dream in the night.
idRsitmwn sBu ibnsIAY ikAw lgih gvwr ]2] daristimaan sabh binsee-ai, ki-aa lageh gavaar. ||2||
All that is seen shall perish; why are you attached to it, O! fool? 2
khw su BweI mIq hY dyKu nYn pswir ] kahaa so bhaa-ee meet hai, daykh nain pasaar.
Where are your brothers and friends? Open your eyes and see (you too shall depart).
ieik cwly ieik cwlsih siB ApnI vwr ]3] ik chaalay, ik chaalsahi, sabh apnee vaar. ||3||
Some have gone, some will go, everyone must take one’s turn. 3
ijn pUrw siqguru syivAw sy AsiQru hir duAwir ] jin pooraa satgur sayvi-aa, say asthir har du-aar.
Those who serve the perfect True Guru, remain stable at His door (i.e. find place in His court).
jnu nwnku hir kw dwsu hY rwKu pYj murwir ]4]1]31] jan naanak har kaa daas hai, raakh paij muraar. ||4||1||31||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am slave of God, O! Destroyer of Demons (i.e. God),
(please) protect my honour. 4.1.31

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

lokn kIAw vifAweIAw bYsMqir pwgau ] lokan kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa, baisaNtar paaga-o.
I cast into the fire, the glory given by the people (i.e. worldly honour);
ijau imlY ipAwrw Awpnw qy bol krwgau ]1] ji-o milai pi-aaraa aapnaa, tay bol karaaga-o. ||1||
I speak (only) those words by which I may meet my Beloved (Lord). 1
jau pRB jIau dieAwl hoie qau BgqI lwgau ] ja-o parabh jee-o da-i-aal ho-ay, ta-o bhagtee laaga-o.
When (my) Lord is pleased, (only) then I can engage (myself) in devotion.
lpit rihE mnu bwsnw gur imil ieh iqAwgau ]1] rhwau ]
lapat rahi-o man baasnaa, gur mil ih ti-aaga-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is clinging to lust (i.e. worldly desires), meeting the Guru, I shall renounce them. 1
krau bynqI Aiq GnI iehu jIau homwgau ] kara-o bayntee at ghanee, ih jee-o homaaga-o.
I make an intense prayer, and, I offer my this soul in sacrifice (unto the Guru).
ArQ Awn siB vwirAw ipRA inmK sohwgau ]2] arath aan sabh vaari-aa, pari-a nimakh sohaaga-o. ||2||
I would offer in sacrifice all wealth, for a moments’ union with my Beloved (Lord). 2
pMc sMgu gur qy Cuty doK Aru rwgau ]paNch saNg, gur tay chhutay, dokh ar raaga-o.
I am rid of the five companions (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride),
blemishes and attachments, through (the grace of) the Guru.
irdY pRgwsu pRgt BieAw inis bwsur jwgau ]3] ridai pargaas pargat bha-i-aa nis baasur jaaga-o. ||3||
My mind is illumined with the light (of truthfulness), (now) I remain awake (from the five
vices) day and night. 3

srix sohwgin AwieAw ijsu msqik Bwgau ] saran sohaagan aa-i-aa jis mastak bhaaga-o.
Those, who have such destiny inscribed on their foreheads, come to His refuge like the
happy (soul) brides.
khu nwnk iqin pwieAw qnu mnu sIqlwgau ]4]2]32]
kaho naanak, tin paa-i-aa, tan man seetlaaga-o. ||4||2||32||
Says Nanak: Those who obtain (union with) Him, their mind and body are cooled. 4.2.32

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

lwl rMgu iqs kau lgw ijs ky vfBwgw ] laal raNg tis ka-o lagaa, jis kay vadbhaagaa.
He (alone) is dyed in the colour of the love (of God) who has great fortune (in his destiny).
mYlw kdy n hoveI nh lwgY dwgw ]1] mailaa kaday na hova-ee, nah laagai daagaa. ||1||
This colour (of love) is never muddied, no stain ever sticks to it. 1
pRBu pwieAw suKdweIAw imilAw suK Bwie ] prabh paa-i-aa sukh-daa-ee-aa, mili-aa sukh bhaa-ay.
One, who has found God, the Giver of Happiness, he has obtained happiness and love.
shij smwnw BIqry CoifAw nh jwie ]1] rhwau ]
sahj samaanaa bheetray, chhodi-aa nah jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He blends himself within Him in ease, and, can never leave Him (again). 1 (pause)
jrw mrw nh ivAwpeI iPir dUKu n pwieAw ] jaraa maraa nah vi-aapa-ee, fir dookh na paa-i-aa.
Old age and death do not affect him, and, he shall suffer no trouble again.
pI AMimRqu AwGwinAw guir Amru krwieAw ]2] pee aMmrit aaghaani-aa, gur amar karaa-i-aa. ||2||
Drinking in AMmrit, he is satiated, the Guru makes him immortal. 2
so jwnY ijin cwiKAw hir nwmu Amolw ] so jaanai jin chaakhi-aa, har naam amolaa.
He (alone) knows it (i.e. its value) who has tasted the priceless name of God.
kImiq khI n jweIAY ikAw kih muiK bolw ]3] keemat kahee na jaa-ee-ai, ki-aa kahi mukh bolaa. ||3||
Its value cannot be told (i.e. assessed), what I can say with my mouth? 3
sPl drsu qyrw pwrbRhm gux iniD qyrI bwxI ] pwvau DUir qyry dws kI nwnk kurbwxI ]4]3]33]
safal daras tayraa paarbarahm, gun nidh tayree banee.
paava-o dhoor tayray daas kee, naanak kurbaanee. ||4||3||33||
O! Supreme Reality (i.e. God), fruitful is Your vision, and, Your word is treasure of excellences.
Nanak (says): (Please) bless me with the dust of the feet of Your slaves; I am a sacrifice unto
them. 4.3.33
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
rwKhu ApnI srix pRB moih ikrpw Dwry ] raakho apnee saran prabh, mohi kirpaa dhaaray.
O! God, bestowing Your kindness, keep me in your refuge.
syvw kCU n jwnaU nIcu mUrKwry ]1] sayvaa kachhoo na jaan-oo, neech moorkhaaray. ||1||
I do not know how to serve You. I am (just) a low-status, utter fool. 1
mwnu krau quDu aUpry myry pRIqm ipAwry ] maan kara-o tudh oopray, mayray pareetam pi-aaray.
I take pride in you, O! my Beloved Darling.
hm AprwDI sd BUlqy qum@ bKsnhwry ]1] rhwau ]
ham apraadhee, sad bhooltay, tumh bakhsanhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sinner, continuously making mistakes; You are the Forgiving (Lord). 1 (pause)
hm Avgn krh AsMK nIiq qum@ inrgun dwqwry ] ham avgan karah asaNkh neet, tumh nirgun daataaray.
We make countless mistakes everyday; You are the Giver even to the worthless (like me).
dwsI sMgiq pRBU iqAwig ey krm hmwry ]2] daasee saNgat, prabhoo ti-aag; ay karam hamaaray. ||2||
Renouncing God, we associate with (Your) slave-girl (i.e. maya), such (mean and foolish) are
our actions (i.e. practices). 2
qum@ dyvhu sBu ikCu dieAw Dwir hm AikrqGnwry ]
tumh dayvhu sabh kichh da-i-aa dhaar, ham akirat-ghanaaray.
Bestowing Your kindness, You bless us with everything; we are such ungrateful 9that we
don’t remember Your benedictions).
lwig pry qyry dwn isau nh iciq Ksmwry ]3] laag paray tayray daan si-o, nah chit khasmaaray. ||3||
We are attached to Your gifts, but we do not keep (i.e. do not remember and meditate upon)
You in mind, O! Master. 3
quJ qy bwhir ikCu nhI Bv kwtnhwry ] tujh tay baahar kichh nahee, bhav kaatanhaaray.
There is nothing outside You (i.e. everything is under Your command), O! Destroyer of Fears.
khu nwnk srix dieAwl gur lyhu mugD auDwry ]4]4]34]
kaho naanak, saraṇ da-i-aal gur, layho mugadh udhaaray. ||4||4||34||
Says Nanak: O! merciful Guru, we have come to Your refuge, we are foolish, (please) save us.

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

dosu n kwhU dIjIAY pRBu Apnw iDAweIAY ] dos na kaahoo deejee-ai, prabh apnaa dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Do not blame anyone else (for your plight), and, meditate upon your God (who will bless you).
ijqu syivAY suKu hoie Gnw mn soeI gweIAY ]1] jit sayvi-ai sukh ho-ay ghanaa, man, so-ee gaa-ee-ai. ||1||
Serving Him, great happiness is obtained; (so) O! mind, sing His praise. 1
khIAY kwie ipAwry quJu ibnw ] kahee-ai kaa-ay, pi-aaray, tujh binaa.
O! Dear (Lord), other than You, who else should we ask (for help).
qum@ dieAwl suAwmI sB Avgn hmw ]1] rhwau ]
tumh da-i-aal su-aamee, sabh avgan hamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are merciful Lord, we are filled with all vices. 1 (pause)
ijau qum@ rwKhu iqau rhw Avru nhI cwrw ] ji-o tum raakho ti-o rahaa, avar nahee chaaraa.

As You keep us, we remain; there is no other way.

nIDirAw Dr qyrIAw iek nwm ADwrw ]2] needhri-aa dhar tayree-aa, ik naam adhaaraa. ||2||
You are the support of the support-less; Your name is our (only) support. 2
jo qum@ krhu soeI Blw min lyqw mukqw ] jo tumh karahu so-ee bhalaa, man laytaa muktaa.
‘Whatever You do is good’, those who accept this are liberated.
sgl smgRI qyrIAw sB qyrI jugqw ]3] sagal samagree tayree-aa sabh tayree jugtaa. ||3||
The entire creation is Yours; and, everything (of creation) is subject to Your way. 3
crn pKwrau kir syvw jy Twkur BwvY ] charan pakhaara-o kar sayvaa, jay ṭaakur bhaavai.
I wash Your feet and serve You, if it pleases (You), O! Lord.
O! Master, if you please, I serve you by washing your feet.
hohu ik®pwl dieAwl pRB nwnku gux gwvY ]4]5]35]
hohu kirpaal da-i-aal prabh, naanak, guṇ gaavai. ||4||5||35||

Nanak (says): Be kind, O! Merciful Lord, that I sing (the praise of) Your excellences. 4.5.35

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

imrqu hsY isr aUpry psUAw nhI bUJY ] mirat hasai sir oopray, pasoo-aa nahee boojhai.
Death is laughing (i.e. is hovering) over his head, but the beast (in him) does not understand.
bwd swd AhMkwr mih mrxw nhI sUJY ]1] baad saad ahaMkaar meh, marnaa nahee soojhai. ||1||
Entangled in conflicts, delights and egotism, one does not (even) think of death. 1
siqguru syvhu Awpnw kwhy iPrhu ABwgy ] satgur sayvhu aapnaa, kaahay firahu abhaagay.
Serve your True Guru, why do you wander about (carelessly), O! unfortunate.
dyiK ksuMBw rMgulw kwhy BUil lwgy ]1] rhwau ]
daykh kasuMbhaa raNgulaa, kaahay bhool laagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You behold beautiful safflower(i.e. you are engrossed in worldly pleasures, but, these is
transitory), why do you get attached to it ? 1 (pause)
kir kir pwp drbu kIAw vrqx kY qweI ] kar kar paap darab kee-aa, vartaṇ kai taa-ee.
Sinning and sinning, you gather wealth for spending (for your pleasures).
mwtI isau mwtI rlI nwgw auiT jweI ]2] maatee si-o maatee ralee, naagaa uṭ jaa-ee. ||2||
The dust (i.e. your dead body) shall mix with dust; you shall arise and depart naked. 2
jw kY kIAY sRmu krY qy bYr ibroDI ] jaa kai kee-ai saram karai, tay bair birodhee.
Those, for whom you labour, will become opponents and enemies (of each other for property
AMq kwil Bij jwihgy kwhy jlhu kroDI ]3] aNt kaal bhaj jaahigay, kaahay jalahu karodhee. ||3||
At the last moment, they will run away from you, why do you burn in anger (for them). 3
dws ryxu soeI hoAw ijsu msqik krmw ] daas rayn so-ee ho-aa, jis mastak karmaa.
He alone becomes the dust feet of the slaves (of God), who have such destiny inscribed on
their foreheads (i.e. preordained).
khu nwnk bMDn Cuty siqgur kI srnw ]4]6]36]
kaho naanak ,baNdhan chhutay, satgur kee sarnaa. ||4||6||36||
Says Nanak: He is released from bondage, who is in the refuge of the True Guru. 4.6.36

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ipMgul prbq pwir pry Kl cqur bkIqw ] AMDuly iqRBvx sUiJAw gur Byit punIqw ]1]
piNgul parbat paar paray, khal chatur bakeetaa.
aNdhulay taribhavaṇ soojhi-aa, gur bhayt puneetaa. ||1||
The cripple crosses over the mountain, and, a fool speaks like a wise man.
The blind sees the three worlds, (when) they meet the true Guru and become pure. 1
mihmw swDU sMg kI sunhu myry mIqw ] mYlu KoeI koit AG hry inrml Bey cIqw ]1] rhwau ]
mahimaa saadhoo* saNg kee, sunhu mayray meetaa.
mail kho-ee kot agh haray, nirmal bha-ay cheetaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is the glory (i.e. greatness) of the company of the Guru*, listen, O! my friend:
Filth is washed away, tens of millions of sins are warded off; and, consciousness becomes
immaculate. 1 (pause) [*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
AYsI Bgiq goivMd kI kIit hsqI jIqw ] aisee bhagat goviNd kee, keet hastee jeetaa.

Such is the (power of) devotion of the Lord of the World (i.e. God) that (even) an ant can
conquer over an elephant.
jo jo kIno Awpno iqsu ABY dwnu dIqw ]2] jo jo keeno aapno, tis abhai daan deetaa. ||2||
Whoever He (i.e. God) makes His own, is blessed with the gift of fearlessness. 2
isMGu iblweI hoie gieE iqRxu myru idKIqw ] siNgh bilaa-ee ho-ay ga-i-o, tariṇ mayr dikheetaa.
The lion becomes a cat, and, a mountain looks like a blade of grass.
sRmu krqy dm AwF kau qy gnI DnIqw ]3] saram kartay dam aaṇ ka-o tay ganee dhaneetaa. ||3||
Those who worked for half a shell, will be reckoned as wealthy. 3
kvn vfweI kih skau byAMq gunIqw ] kavan vadaa-ee kahi saka-o, bay-aNt guneetaa.
What greatness (of Your name) can I describe, (Your name has) infinite excellences.
kir ikrpw moih nwmu dyhu nwnk drs rIqw ]4]7]37]
kar kirpaa, mohi naam dayh, naanak, daras reetaa. ||4||7||37||
Nanak (says): (O! Lord) bless me with Your kindness and grant me Your name, I am deprived
of Your vision. 4.7.37

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

AhMbuiD prbwd nIq loB rsnw swid ] ahaM-budh parbaad neet, lobh rasnaa saad.
(The world is) constantly entangled in egotistic (i.e. vain) intellect, conflict, greed and tastes
of tongue (i.e. enjoyment of tasty eatables).
lpit kpit igRih byiDAw imiQAw ibiKAwid ]1] lapat kapat, garihi baydhi-aa, mithi-aa bikhi-aad. ||1||
(The people of the world) are involved in deception, engrossed in household affairs, falsehood
and poison (i.e. sins and maya). 1
AYsI pyKI nyqR mih pUry gur prswid ] rwj imlK Dn jobnw nwmY ibnu bwid ]1] rhwau ]
aisee paykhee naytar meh, pooray gur parsaad.
raaj milakh dhan jobnaa, naamai bin baad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have seen this with my eyes, by the grace of the perfect Guru; that,
Power, property, wealth, youth (all) are useless without (meditation upon) the name.1 (pause)
rUp DUp sogMDqw kwpr Bogwid ] imlq sMig pwipst qn hoey durgwid ]2]
roop dhoop sogaNdh-taa, kaapar bhogaad. milat saNg paapisat tan, ho-ay durgaad. ||2||
Beauty, incense, perfumes, clothes and enjoyments;
When these come into contact with the body of a sinner, they stink. 2
iPrq iPrq mwnuKu BieAw iKn BMgn dyhwid ] firat firat maanukh bha-i-aa, khin bhaNgan dayhaad.
Wandering and wandering (in many incarnations) one becomes (i.e. is born as) human; (but)
this false body is (just) momentary.
ieh Aausr qy cUikAw bhu join BRmwid ]3] ih a-osar tay chooki-aa baho jon bharmaad. ||3||
Losing this opportunity (also), he must wander (again) through several incarnations. 3
pRB ikrpw qy gur imly hir hir ibsmwd ] prabh kirpaa tay gur milay har har bismaad.
By the grace of God, one meets the Guru, (and, meditates upon) the Wonderful God, the Lord.
sUK shj nwnk Anµd qw kY pUrn nwd ]4]8]38] sookh sahj, naanak, anand taa kai, pooran naad. ||4||8||38||
Nanak (says): (Blessed with) pleasure, poise and bliss, they enjoy perfect (celestial) sound. 4.8.38

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
crn Bey sMq boihQw qry swgru jyq ] charan bha-ay saNt* bohithaa, taray saagar jayt.
The feet of the Guru* become the boat (for the devotees), with that, they crossed over the
(world) ocean. [*Here saNt has been used for the Guru].
mwrg pwey auidAwn mih guir dsy Byq ]1] maarag paa-ay udi-aan meh, gur dasay bhayt. ||1||
(When they were) in wilderness, the Guru told them the secrets (of detached life), and, they
found the (right) path(of life). 1
hir hir hir hir hir hry hir hir hir hyq ] har har, har har, har haray, har har, har hayt.
They loved (only) God, God, God, (only) God, God, (just) God, God, God,(but) God.
aUTq bYTq sovqy hir hir hir cyq ]1] rhwau ] oothat baithat sovtay, har har har chayt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
While standing up, sitting down, and, sleeping, they (continually) remembered God, the
Lord, the Master. 1 (pause)
pMc cor AwgY Bgy jb swD sMgyq ] paNch chor aagai bhagay, jab saadh* saNgayt.
The five thieves (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride) ran away (from them),
when they joined company of the Guru*. [*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
pUMjI swbqu Gxo lwBu igRih soBw syq ]2] pooNjee saabat ghaṇo laabh, garihi sobhaa sayt. ||2||
Their capital remained intact, (they) earned great profit, and, returned home with honour. 2
inhcl Awsxu imtI icMq nwhI folyq ] nihchal aasaṇ mitee chiNt, naahee dolayt.
Their position (in His court) becomes stable, (their) worries is over, and, they do not waver.
Brmu Bulwvw imit gieAw pRB pyKq nyq ]3] bharam bhulaavaa mit ga-i-aa, prabh paykhat nayt. ||3||
The delusion of doubt vanished away, and, they behold God with their eyes. 3
gux gBIr gun nwiekw gux khIAih kyq ] gun gabheer, gun naa-ikaa, guṇ kahee-ahi kayt.
The excellences of the Lord of Excellences are so profound, how many of His excellences can
I speak (i.e. no one can not describe His excellences)?
nwnk pwieAw swD sMig hir hir AMmRyq ]4]9]39]
naanak, paa-i-aa saadh* saNg, har har aMmrayt. ||4||9||39||
Nanak (says): Joining the company of the Guru,* I have obtained Amrit of God, the Lord.
4.9.39 *Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
ibnu swDU jo jIvnw qyqo ibrQwrI ] bin saadhoo* jo jeevnaa, tayto birthaaree.
That life which is lived without the (company of) the Guru,* is all useless.
[*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
imlq sMig siB BRm imty giq BeI hmwrI ]1] milat saNg sabh bharam mitay, gat bha-ee hamaaree. ||1||
Joining the congregation, all doubts are dispelled, and I am emancipated. 1
jw idn Byty swD moih auAw idn bilhwrI ] jaa din bhaytay saadh* mohi, u-aa din balihaaree.
The days, I meet the Guru* – I am a sacrifice unto those days. [*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
qnu mnu Apno jIArw iPir iPir hau vwrI ]1] rhwau ]
tan man apno jee-araa, fir fir ha-o vaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sacrifice my body, mind, and soul (unto him) again and again. 1 (pause)
eyq CfweI moih qy ieqnI idRVqwrI ] ayt chhadaa-ee mohi tay, itnee dariṛ-taaree.
He has lead me to renounce attachment which was persistent (within me).
sgl ryn iehu mnu BieAw ibnsI ApDwrI ]2] sagal rayn ih man bha-i-aa, binsee apDhaaree. ||2||

My mind has become the feet-dust of all, and, my self-conceit has vanished. 2
inMd icMd pr dUKnw ey iKn mih jwrI ] niNd chiNd par dookhnaa, ay khin meh jaaree.
The though of slandering, and, ill-will towards others, all are burnt in a moment.
dieAw mieAw Aru inkit pyKu nwhI dUrwrI ]3] da-i-aa ma-i-aa ar nikat paykh, naahee dooraaree. ||3||
(Now) I see mercy and compassion close, near me, they are not afar. 3
qn mn sIql Bey Ab mukqy sMswrI ] tan man seetal bha-ay ab, muktay saNsaaree.
My mind and body are cooled, and, now I am liberated from worldliness.
hIq cIq sB pRwn Dn nwnk drswrI ]4]10]40]
heet cheet sabh paraan dhan, naanak darsaaree. ||4||10||40||
Nanak (says): (Now) my love, consciousness, my breath (of life), my wealth (i.e. everything)
all are in beholding the vision (of God). 4.10.40

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

thl krau qyry dws kI pg Jwrau bwl ] tahal kara-o tayray daas kee, pag jhaara-o baal.
(O! God, bless me that) I should perform service of Your slavess, and, wipe their feet with my hair.
msqku Apnw Byt dyau gun sunau rswl ]1] mastak apnaa bhayt day-o, gun sun-o rasaal. ||1||
I offer my head to him, and, listen to (the praise of) Your blissful excellences 1
qum@ imlqy myrw mnu jIE qum@ imlhu dieAwl ] tumh miltay mayraa man jee-o, tumh milhu da-i-aal.
Meeting You my mind is rejuvenated, (so) O! Merciful (Lord), (please) meet me.
inis bwsur min Andu hoq icqvq ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ] nis baasur man anad hot, chitvat kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night my mind enjoys bliss (by) contemplating the Lord of Compassion. 1 (pause)
jgq auDwrn swD pRB iqn@ lwghu pwl ] jagat udhaaran saadh, prabh, tinh laagahu paal.
The God-oriented persons are the saviours of the world (i.e. people), O! God, I get hold their
hem (i.e. hem of their robe, i.e. I would get attached to them and follow them).
mo kau dIjY dwnu pRB sMqn pg rwl ]2] mo ka-o deejai daan, prabh, saNtan pag raal. ||2||
Bless me, O! God, with the gift of the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons. 2
aukiq isAwnp kCu nhI nwhI kCu Gwl ] ukat si-aanap kachh nahee, naahee kachh ghaal.
I have no skill, nor wisdom, (I have) nothing, nor have I earned any (good) deed.
BRm BY rwKhu moh qy kwthu jm jwl ]3] bharam bhai raakho moh tay; kaatahu jam jaal. ||3||
Protect me (O! God) from doubts, fear and (emotional) attachment; and, cut the noose of
death (from around my neck). 3
ibnau krau kruxwpqy ipqw pRiqpwl ] gux gwvau qyry swDsMig nwnk suK swl ]4]11]41]
bin-o kara-o karuṇaapatay, pitaa partipaal.
gun gaava-o tayray saadhsaNg, naanak, sukh saal. ||4||11||41||
I make prayer to You, O! Lord of Compassion, O! my Cherisher, O! my Father; (that)
Nanak (says): I should sing (the praise of) Your excellences in the company of the God-
oriented persons, O! Home (i.e. Lord/source) of Happiness. 4.11.42

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

kIqw loVih so krih quJ ibnu kCu nwih ] keetaa loṛeh, so karahi; tujh bin kachh naahi.
(O! God) whatever You wish, You do; without You, there is nothing (i.e. no other can do anything).
prqwpu qum@wrw dyiK kY jmdUq Cif jwih ]1] partaap tum aaraa daykh kai, jamdoot chhad jaahi. ||1||

Beholding Your glory (i.e. beholding the presence of Your name within the heart of someone),
the messenger of death leaves (that being untouched) and goes away. 1
qum@rI ik®pw qy CUtIAY ibnsY AhMmyv ] tum ree kirpaa tay chhootee-ai, binsai ahaMmayv.

By Your grace, one is liberated, and, egotism is dispelled.

srb klw smrQ pRB pUry gurdyv ]1] rhwau ] sarab kalaa samrath prabh, pooray gurdayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Omnipotent, All-Powerful, Lord, (one can be saved from sins) through the perfect Divine
Guru. 1 (pause)
Kojq Kojq KoijAw nwmY ibnu kUru ] khojat khojat khoji-aa, naamai bin koor.
Searching and searching I have searched (i.e. found) that without the name (of God)
everything else is false.
jIvn suKu sBu swDsMig pRB mnsw pUru ]2] jeevan sukh sabh saadhsaNg, prabh mansaa poor. ||2||
All the comforts of life are found in the company of the God-oriented persons, O! God,
(bless me with the company of the God-oriented persons, and) fulfill my desire. 2
ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgih isAwnp sB jwlI ] jit jit laavhu tit tit lageh, si-aanap sabh jaalee.
Whatever You attach me to, to that we are attached, I have burnt away all my wisdom.
jq kq qum@ BrpUr hhu myry dIn dieAwlI ]3] jat kat tum bharpoor hahu, mayray deen da-i-aalee. ||3||

Wherever I see (i.e. everywhere) You (alone) are fulfilling (i.e. pervading), O! Merciful to the
Poor (Lord). 3
sBu ikCu qum qy mwgnw vfBwgI pwey ] sabh kichh tum tay maagnaa, vadbhaagee paa-ay.
I beg everything from You (alone), (but, only) very fortunate ones obtain it.
nwnk kI Ardwis pRB jIvw gun gwey ]4]12]42] naanak kee ardaas, prabh, jeevaa gun gaa-ay. ||4||12||42||
Nanak (says): This is my prayer, O! God, I live by singing Your excellences. 4.12.42

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

swDsMgiq kY bwsbY klml siB nsnw ] saadhsaNgat kai baasbai, kalmal sabh nasnaa.
Dwelling in the company of the God-oriented persons, all sins are erased.
pRB syqI rMig rwiqAw qw qy griB n gRsnw ]1] prabh saytee ra g raati-aa, taa tay garabh na garsanaa. ||1||
One, who is imbued with the love of God, is not cast into womb (again). 1
nwmu khq goivMd kw sUcI BeI rsnw ] naam kahat goviNd kaa, soochee bha-ee rasnaa.
Chanting the name of the Lord of the Universe, the tongue becomes pure (i.e. pious).
mn qn inrml hoeI hY gur kw jpu jpnw ]1] rhwau ]
man tan nirmal ho-ee hai, gur kaa jap japnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mind and body both become immaculate (by) meditating upon the word of the Guru. 1 (pause)
hir rsu cwKq DRwipAw min rsu lY hsnw ] har ras chaakhat dharaapi-aa, man ras lai hasnaa.
Savouring the essence of God, one is satiated; obtaining the essence, the mind become happy.
buiD pRgws pRgt BeI aulit kmlu ibgsnw ]2] budh pargaas pargat bha-ee, ulat kamal bigsanaa. ||2||
The intellect is illumined and revealed, the lotus (of mind) reverses (i.e. turning away from
worldliness) and blossoms forth.
sIql sWiq sMqoKu hoie sB bUJI iqRsnw ] seetal saant saNtokh ho-ay, sabh boojhee tarisnaa.
One is cooled (i.e. soothed), and, obtains peace and contentedness, all his lust is quenched.
dh ids Dwvq imit gey inrml Qwin bsnw ]3] dah dis dhaavat mit ga-ay, nirmal thaan basnaa. ||3||

Wandering (of mind) in ten directions is stopped, and, one dwells in pure place. 3
rwKnhwrY rwiKAw Bey BRm Bsnw ] raakhanhaarai raakhi-aa, bha-ay bharam bhasnaa.
The Saviour (Lord) has saved him, and, all his doubts are burnt (to ashes).
nwmu inDwn nwnk suKI pyiK swD drsnw ]4]13]43]
naam nidhaan, naanak sukhee, paykh saadh darsanaa. ||4||13||43||
Nanak (says): Beholding the vision of the Guru, and obtaining the treasure of the name (of
the Lord), (spiritual) happiness is obtained. 4.13.43

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

pwxI pKw pIsu dws kY qb hoih inhwlu ] paaṇee pakhaa pees daas kai, tab hohi nihaal.
(O! brethren) (carry) water (for him), wave fan (over him), grind corn (for his meals), for the
slave (i.e. devotee of God), then you shall be happy.
rwj imlK iskdwrIAw AgnI mih jwlu ]1] raaj milakh sikdaaree-aa, agnee meh jaal. ||1||
Burn in fire the kingdom (i.e. power), property, and, Lordship (these don't grant happiness). 1
sMq jnw kw Cohrw iqsu crxI lwig ] mwieAwDwrI CqRpiq iqn@ Cofau iqAwig ]1] rhwau ]
saNt janaa kaa chhohraa, tis charṇee laag.
maa-i-aadhaaree chhatarpat ,tinH chhoda-o ti-aag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be attached to the feet of the boy (i.e. disciple/ sikh) of the God-oriented persons; (and)
Abandon and renounce the wealthy and the emperors. 1 (pause)
sMqn kw dwnw rUKw so srb inDwn ] igRih swkq CqIh pRkwr qy ibKU smwn ]2]
saNtan kaa daanaa rookhaa, so sarab nidhaan.
garihi saakat chhateeh parkaar, tay bikhoo samaan. ||2||
(Regard) the dry grain (i.e. bread) of the God-oriented persons as all treasures; (and)
(Regard, the dishes and delicacies of) thirty-six (i.e. many) types of the home of the saakat (i.e.
non-believer) are like poison. 2
Bgq jnw kw lUgrw EiF ngn n hoeI ] swkq isrpwau rysmI pihrq piq KoeI ]3]
bhagat janaa kaa loograa, oḍ nagan na ho-ee. saakat sirpaa-o raysmee, pahirat pat kho-ee. ||3||
Wearing the patched blanket of the devotees, one is not naked; (whereas)
By wearing the silken robe of honour of the saakat (i.e. non-believer), one loses one’s honour. 3
swkq isau muiK joirAY AD vIchu tUtY ] hir jn kI syvw jo kry ieq aUqih CUtY ]4]
saakat si-o mukh jori-ai, adh veechahu tootai. har jan kee sayvaa jo karay, it ooteh chhootai. ||4||
Friendship with non-believer breaks down mid-way; (whereas)
One who serves the servant (i.e. devotees) of God, is liberated here and hereafter. 4
sB ikCu qum@ hI qy hoAw Awip bxq bxweI ] sabh kichh tumh hee tay ho-aa, aap baṇat baṇaa-ee.
Everything comes from You, (O! God), You Yourself have created this creation.
drsnu Bytq swD kw nwnk gux gweI ]5]14]44] darsan bhaytat saadh kaa, naanak guṇ gaa-ee. ||5||14||44||
Nanak (says): Obtaining the vision of the Guru-oriented person, I sing Your excellences. 5.14.44
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iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
sRvnI sunau hir hir hry Twkur jsu gwvau ] sarvanee sun-o har har haray, ṭaakur jas gaava-o.
(O! God bless me that) with my ears (I may) listen (the name of) God, the Lord, Almighty (and,
with my mouth/ tongue, I may) sing the praise of the Master.
sMq crx kr sIsu Dir hir nwmu iDAwvau ]1] saNt charaṇ kar sees dhar, har naam dhi-aava-o. ||1||
I may place my hands and head upon the feet of the God-oriented persons, and, meditate
upon the name of God. 1
kir ikrpw dieAwl pRB ieh iniD isiD pwvau ] sMq jnw kI ryxukw lY mwQY lwvau ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa da-i-aal prabh, ih nidh sidh paava-o.
sant janaa kee raynukaa lai maathai laava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be kind (to me) O! Master, and, bless me with this treasure of powers; (that I may)
obtain the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons and apply it to my forehead. 1 (pause)
nIc qy nIcu Aiq nIcu hoie kir ibnau bulwvau ] pwv mlovw Awpu iqAwig sMqsMig smwvau ]2]
neech tay neech, at neech ho-ay kar, bin-o bulaava-o.
paav malovaa, aap ti-aag, satsang samaava-o. ||2||
Becoming lower than lowest, absolutely lowest, I offer my prayer:
I may wash the feet of the God-oriented persons, renounce my self-conceit, and, merge in
true congregation. 2
swis swis nh vIsrY An kqih n Dwvau ] saas saas nah veesrai, an kateh na dhaava-o.
With each and every breath, I should never forget (God) and never go to any other.
sPl drsn guru BytIAY mwnu mohu imtwvau ]3] safal darsan gur bhaytee-ai, maan moh mitaava-o. ||3||
Meeting the Guru, I may obtain fruitful vision of the Guru, and, discard my ego and
attachment. 3
squ sMqoKu dieAw Drmu sIgwru bnwvau ] sat saNtokh da-i-aa dharam, seegaar banaava-o.
I may embellish (my life) with truth, contentedness, mercy and faith.
sPl suhwgix nwnkw Apuny pRB Bwvau ]4]15]45]
safal suhaagaṇ naankaa, apunay prabh bhaava-o. ||4||15||45||
Nanak (says): Successful (i.e. happy soul) bride, is the one who is liked by her (Husband)
Lord. 4.15.45

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Atl bcn swDU jnw sB mih pRgtwieAw ] atal bachan saadhoo janaa, sabh meh paragtaa-i-aa.
Unchanging (i.e. eternal) are the words of the God-oriented persons, this is revealed (i.e.
clear) to everyone.
ijsu jn hoAw swDsMgu iqsu BytY hir rwieAw ]1] jis jan ho-aa saadhsaNg, tis bhaytai har raa-i-aa. ||1||
That servant (i.e. devotee) who joins the company of the God-oriented persons, meets God,
the Sovereign. 1
ieh prqIiq goivMd kI jip hir suKu pwieAw ] ih parteet goviNd kee, jap har sukh paa-i-aa.
This is the faith in (i.e. this is the promise of) the Lord of the Universe, that one obtains
happiness by meditating upon God.
Aink bwqw siB kir rhy guru Gir lY AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
anik baataa sabh kar rahay, gur ghar lai aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Many have been talking in many ways (about obtaining union with God); but, the Guru has
brought Him home (i.e. in the heart of the devotee). 1 (pause)
srix pry kI rwKqw nwhI shswieAw ] saraṇ paray kee raakh-taa, naahee sehsaa-i-aa.
He preserves (the honour of) those who seek His refuge; there is no doubt about it.
krm BUim hir nwmu boie Aausru dulBwieAw ]2] karam bhoom har naam bo-ay, a-osar dulbhaa-i-aa. ||2||
In thefield of action, plant the name of God, this opportunity is difficult to obtain. 2
AMqrjwmI Awip pRBu sB kry krwieAw ] aNtarjaamee aap parabh, sabh karay karaa-i-aa.
God, the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls) Himself does and causes everything to be done.
piqq punIq Gxy kry Twkur ibrdwieAw ]3] patit puneet ghaṇay karay, ṭaakur birdaa-i-aa. ||3||
He purifies so many sinners; this is in the natural way of the Lord. 3
mq BUlhu mwnuK jn mwieAw BrmwieAw ] mat bhoolahu maanukh jan, maa-i-aa bharmaa-i-aa.
O! human beings, do not get deluded by the illusion of maya.
nwnk iqsu piq rwKsI jo pRiB pihrwieAw ]4]16]46]
naanak, tis pat raakhsee, jo prabh pehraa-i-aa. ||4||16||46||
Nanak (says): God will save the honour of those whom he Himself honours. 4.6.46

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mwtI qy ijin swijAw kir durlB dyh ] maatee tay jin saaji-aa, kar durlabh dayh.
(O! brethren) He has fashioned you from clay, and modeled you into a (precious) body that is
difficult to obtain.
Aink iCdR mn mih Fky inrml idRstyh ]1] anik chhidar man meh ḍakay, nirmal daristayh. ||1||
He has covered many holes (i.e. vices) in your mind, (so as to look an) immaculate body. 1
ikau ibsrY pRBu mnY qy ijs ky gux eyh ] ki-o bisrai prabh manai tay jis kay guṇ ayh.
(So) Why should be forget God from your mind, who has such (great) excellences (i.e. has
such good things for you).
pRB qij rcy ij Awn isau so rlIAY Kyh ]1] rhwau ]
prabh taj rachay je aan si-o, so ralee-ai khayh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who forsake God and absorb with others, (in the end) are blended with dust. 1 (pause)
ismrhu ismrhu swis swis mq iblm kryh ] simrahu simrahu saas saas, mat bilam karayh.
Remember and remember with each and every breath, and, do not delay.
Coif pRpMcu pRB isau rchu qij kUVy nyh ]2] chhod parpaNch prabh si-o rachahu, taj kooṛay nayh. ||2||
Renounce the worldly affairs, forsake false love, and, absorb yourself into God. 2
ijin Aink eyk bhu rMg kIey hY hosI eyh ] jin anik ayk, baho raNg kee-ay, hai hosee ayh.
He, One among many, created many in so many forms, He is, and, He shall be.
kir syvw iqsu pwrbRhm gur qy miq lyh ]3] kar sayvaa tis paarbarahm, gur tay mat layh. ||3||
(So) serve that Supreme Reality (i.e. God), and, seek advice from (i.e. follow the teaching of)
the Guru. 3
aUcy qy aUcw vfw sB sMig brnyh ] oochay tay oochaa vadaa, sabh saNg, barnayh.
He is described as highest of the high and great, and, is with everyone.
dws dws ko dwsrw nwnk kir lyh ]4]17]47] daas daas ko daasraa naanak kar layh. ||4||17||47||
Nanak (says): (Please) make me the slave (i.e. devotee) of the slaves of Your slaves. 4.17.47

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

eyk tyk goivMd kI iqAwgI An Aws ] ayk tayk goviNd kee, ti-aagee an aas.
The Lord of the Universe is the only support (of devotees), and they, renounce all other hopes.
sB aUpir smrQ pRB pUrn guxqws ]1] sabh oopar samrath prabh pooran guṇtaas. ||1||

The All-powerful Lord is above all; God is the perfect treasure of excellences.1
jn kw nwmu ADwru hY pRB srxI pwih ] jan kaa naam adhaar hai, prabh sarṇee paahi.
The name (of God) is the support of the servants (i.e. devotees); they seek the refuge of God.
prmysr kw Awsrw sMqn mn mwih ]1] rhwau ] parmaysar kaa aasraa, saNtan man maahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Supreme Lord is the (only) support in the minds of the God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
Awip rKY Awip dyvsI Awpy pRiqpwrY ] aap rakhai, aap dayvsee, aapay partipaarai.
He Himself preserves, He Himself gives, and, He Himself cherishes .
P. 813
dIn dieAwl ik®pw inDy swis swis sm@wrY ]2] deen da-i-aal kirpaa nidhay saas saas samhaarai. ||2||
He is kind to poor, treasure of mercy, remember Him in every breath. 2
krxhwru jo kir rihAw sweI vifAweI ] karaṇhaar jo kar rahi-aa, saa-ee vadi-aa-ee.
Whatever the Creator is doing, that is His greatness.
guir pUrY aupdyisAw suKu Ksm rjweI ]3] gur poorai updaysi-aa, sukh khasam rajaa-ee. ||3||
The perfect Guru has taught me: happiness comes by the will of the Master. 3
icMq AMdysw gxq qij jin hukmu pCwqw ] nh ibnsY nh Coif jwie nwnk rMig rwqw ]4]18]48]
chiNt aNdaysaa gaṇat taj, jan hukam pachhaataa.
nah binsai nah chhod jaa-ay, naanak, rang raataa. ||4||18||48||
Renouncing worries, doubt, calculations, the servants (i.e. devotees of God) have realized the
command (of God):
Nanak (says): He does not die, He does not leave (those) who are imbued with His love. 4.18.48

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mhw qpiq qy BeI sWiq prsq pwp nwTy ] mahaa tapat tay bha-ee saant, parsat paap naaṭay.
Meeting with him (i.e. the Guru) all sins run away, and, great fire is cooled.
AMD kUp mih glq Qy kwFy dy hwQy ]1] aNdh koop meh galat thay, kaaḍay day haathay. ||1||
We were decaying in blind well (of vices and maya), giving His hand, He pulled us out. 1
Eie hmwry swjnw hm aun kI ryn ] o-ay hamaaray saajnaa, ham un kee rayn.
He is our (real) friend, we are (just) the dust of His feet.
ijn Bytq hovq suKI jIA dwnu dyn ]1] rhwau ] jin bhaytat hovat sukhee, jee-a daan dayn. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting him (i.e. the Guru) happiness is obtained; he gives the gift of (spiritual) life. 1 (pause)
prw pUrblw lIiKAw imilAw Ab Awie ] paraa poorbalaa leekhi-aa, mili-aa ab aa-ay.
We have received, now, the destiny that was pre-inscribed.
bsq sMig hir swD kY pUrn Awswie ]2] basat saNg har saadh kai, pooran aasaa-ay. ||2||
Dwelling with the devotees of God, our hopes (i.e. desires) are fulfilled. 2
BY ibnsy iqhu lok ky pwey suK Qwn ] bhai binsay tihu lok kay, paa-ay sukh thaan.
The fear of the three worlds is dispelled, and, we have obtained peaceful place.
dieAw krI smrQ guir bisAw min nwm ]3] da-i-aa karee samrath gur, basi-aa man naam. ||3||
The all-powerful Guru has bestowed kindness, and, the name (of God) has come to abide
abides in our mind. 3
nwnk kI qU tyk pRB qyrw AwDwr ] naanak kee too tayk prabh, tayraa aadhaar.
Nanak (says): You are my refuge, O! Lord, and, You are my support.
krx kwrx smrQ pRB hir Agm Apwr ]4]19]49]

karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath prabh, har agam apaar. ||4||19||49||
You are the Cause of causes, All-powerful, O! Lord. God is inaccessible and infinite. 4.19.49

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

soeI mlInu dInu hInu ijsu pRBu ibsrwnw ] so-ee maleen deen heen, jis prabh bisraanaa.
He is filthy, poor and low who has forgotten God.
krnYhwru n bUJeI Awpu gnY ibgwnw ]1] karnaihaar na boojh-ee, aap ganai bigaanaa. ||1||
He does not understand the Creator, (rather) the fool treats himself as the doer. 1
dUKu qdy jid vIsrY suKu pRB iciq Awey ] dookh taday jad veesrai, sukh prabh chit aa-ay.
Suffering comes when one forgets Him; happiness comes when one remembers God.
sMqn kY Awnµdu eyhu inq hir gux gwey ]1] rhwau ]
saNtan kai aanaNd ayhu, nit har guṇ gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is bliss of the God-oriented persons (that) they continually sing (the praise of) the
excellences of God. 1 (pause)
aUcy qy nIcw krY nIc iKn mih QwpY ] oochay tay neechaa karai, neech khin meh thaapai.
He turns the high (i.e. rich) into low (i.e. poor/ pauper), and, elevates the low, in a moment.
kImiq khI n jweIAY Twkur prqwpY ]2] keemat kahee na jaa-ee-ai ṭaakur partaapai. ||2||
His value (i.e. grandeur) can not be described; (so great is) the glory of the Lord. 2
pyKq lIlw rMg rUp clnY idnu AwieAw ] paykhat leelaa raNg roop, chalnai din aa-i-aa.
Beholding the (worldly) play, fun and delights, the day of departure (from the world) comes;
supny kw supnw BieAw sMig cilAw kmwieAw ]3] supnay kaa supnaa bha-i-aa, sa g chali-aa kamaa-i-aa. ||3||
The dream becomes dream, what he had earned that (alone) goes along with him . 3
krx kwrx smrQ pRB qyrI srxweI ] kara kaaraṇ samrath prabh, tayree sarṇaa-ee.
O! God, You are All-Powerful, and, the Cause of causes, I seek Your refuge.
hir idnsu rYix nwnku jpY sd sd bil jweI ]4]20]50]
har dinas raiṇ naanak japai; sad sad bal jaa-ee. ||4||20||50||
Nanak (says): Day and night, I meditate upon God,
forever and ever I am a sacrifice unto Him. 4.20.50

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

jlu Fovau ieh sIs kir kr pg pKlwvau ] jal ḍova-o ih sees kar, kar pag pakhlaava-o.
(It is my longing that) I carry (pitchers filled with) water on my head (for the God-oriented
persons), and, wash their feet with my hands.
bwir jwau lK byrIAw drsu pyiK jIvwvau ]1] baar jaa-o lakh bayree-aa, daras paykh jeevaava-o. ||1||
Hundred of thousand times I am a sacrifice (unto them); I live by beholding their vision. 1
krau mnorQ mnY mwih Apny pRB qy pwvau ] kara-o manorath manai maahi, apnay prabh tay paava-o.
Whatever I desire in my mind, I obtain from my Lord.
dyau sUhnI swD kY bIjnu Folwvau ]1] rhwau ] day-o soohnee saadh kai, beejan ḍolaava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With my broom, I sweep the house of the God-oriented persons, and, wave the fan over
them. 1 (pause)
AMimRq gux sMq bolqy suix mnih pIlwvau ] aMmrit guṇ saNt boltay, suṇ maneh peelaava-o.
The God-oriented persons chant AMmrit praise (of God), I listen and my mind drinks (it in).
auAw rs mih sWiq iqRpiq hoie ibKY jlin buJwvau ]2]
u-aa ras meh saant taripat ho-ay, bikhai jalan bujhaava-o. ||2||
That essence soothes and satiates, (with that essence)I quench the fire of poison (i.e. vices). 2
jb Bgiq krih sMq mMflI iqn@ imil hir gwvau ] jab bhagat karahi saNt maNdlee, tinh mil har gaava-o.
When the assembly of the God-oriented persons is in devotion, I join them and sing (the
praise of the excellences of) God.
krau nmskwr Bgq jn DUir muiK lwvau ]3] kara-o namaskaar bhagat jan, dhoor mukh laava-o. ||3||
making obeisance of the devotees, and, apply the dust of their feet to my face. 3
aUTq bYTq jpau nwmu iehu krmu kmwvau ] ooṭat baiṭat japa-o naam, ih karam kamaava-o.
Sitting down and standing up, I meditate upon the name (of God); this is the act what I do.
nwnk kI pRB bynqI hir srin smwvau ]4]21]51]
naanak kee prabh bayntee, har saran samaava-o. ||4||21||51||
Nanak (says): This is my prayer to God: I may merge into the refuge of God. 4.21.51

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

iehu swgru soeI qrY jo hir gux gwey ] ih saagar so-ee tarai, jo har guṇ gaa-ay.
He alone swims across the (world) ocean, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
swDsMgiq kY sMig vsY vfBwgI pwey ]1] saadhsaNgat kai saNg vasai, vadbhaagee paa-ay. ||1||
One, who lives in the company of the God-oriented persons; by great fortune, he obtains
(God) . 1
suix suix jIvY dwsu qum@ bwxI jn AwKI ] suṇ suṇ jeevai daas, tumh baṇee jan aakhee.
Your slave lives by hearing and hearing the word, spoken by Your servant (i.e. the Guru).
pRgt BeI sB loA mih syvk kI rwKI ]1] rhwau ]
pargat bha-ee sabh lo-a meh, sayvak kee raakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is (now) revealed to all the world, that You saved (the honour of) Your servants. 1 (pause)
Agin swgr qy kwiFAw pRiB jlin buJweI ] agan saagar tay kaaḍi-aa, prabh jalan bujhaa-ee.
God pulled me out of the ocean of fire (of desires), and, quenched the heat (of desires).
AMimRq nwmu jlu sMicAw gur Bey shweI ]2] aMmrit naam jal saNchi-aa, gur bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||2||
The Guru became my helper, and, sprinkled water of AMmrit name (on his burning heart). 2
jnm mrx duK kwitAw suK kw Qwnu pwieAw ] janam maraṇ dukh kaati-aa, sukh kaa thaan paa-i-aa.
Sufferings of the birth and death are finished, and, I have obtained place (i.e.state) of peace.
kwtI islk BRm moh kI Apny pRB BwieAw ]3] kaatee silak bharam moh kee, apnay prabh bhaa-i-aa. ||3||
The noose of doubt and attachment has been snapped, and, I am pleasing to my Lord. 3
mq koeI jwxhu Avru kCu sB pRB kY hwiQ ] mat ko-ee jaaṇhu avar kachh, sabh prabh kai haath.
Let no one think that there is any other (who can do anything), everything is in the hands of God.
srb sUK nwnk pwey sMig sMqn swiQ ]4]22]52]
sarab sookh, naanak paa-ay, saNg saNtan saath. ||4||22||52||
Nanak (says): I have found (i.e. obtained) all happiness in the company of the God-oriented
persons. 4.22.52

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

bMDn kwty Awip pRiB hoAw ikrpwl ] baNdhan kaatay aap prabh, ho-aa kirpaal.
One, upon whom God becomes kind, He Himself cuts his bonds.
dIn dieAwl pRB pwrbRhm qw kI ndir inhwl ]1]
deen da-i-aal prabh paarbarahm, taa kee nadar nihaal. ||1||
The Supreme Reality (i.e. God) is Merciful to the Poor, by His grace I am in ecstasy. 1
guir pUrY ikrpw krI kwitAw duKu rogu ] gur poorai kirpaa karee, kaati-aa dukh rog.
The perfect Guru has bestowed kindness (upon me), and, has eradicated my pains and illness.
mnu qnu sIqlu suKI BieAw pRB iDAwvn jogu ]1] rhwau ]
man tan seetal sukhee bha-i-aa, parabh dhi-aavan jog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind and body are cooled and happy, (by meditating upon) God (who is most) worthy of
meditation. 1 (pause)
AauKDu hir kw nwmu hY ijqu rogu n ivAwpY ] a-ukhadh har kaa naam hai, jit rog na vi-aapai.
The name of God is (such) a medicine (i.e. panacea), with it no disease inflicts.
swDsMig min qin ihqY iPir dUKu n jwpY ]2] saadhsaNg man tan hitai ,fir dookh na jaapai. ||2||
In the company of the God-oriented person, mind and body are imbued with love (of the
Lord), then there is no sorrow any longer. 2
hir hir hir hir jwpIAY AMqir ilv lweI ] har har har har jaapee-ai, aNtar liv laa-ee.
(O! brethren) meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, concentrating upon
Him within (the mind).
iklivK auqrih suDu hoie swDU srxweI ]3] kilvikh utreh, sudh ho-ay, saadhoo sarṇaa-ee. ||3||
In the refuge of the God-oriented persons all sins are erased and mind is purified. 3
sunq jpq hir nwm jsu qw kI dUir blweI ] mhw mMqRü nwnku kQY hir ky gux gweI ]4]23]53]
sunat japat har naam jas, taa kee door balaa-ee.
mahaa maNtra, naanak kathai, har kay guṇ gaa-ee. ||4||23||53||
By listening and meditating upon the name of God and (singing) His praise, all calamities
(i.e. misfortunes) are run far away (i.e. are finished);
Nanak (says): I tell you the great dictum (to keep all misfortunes away): sing (the praise of) the
excellences of God. 4.23.43

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

BY qy aupjY Bgiq pRB AMqir hoie sWiq ] bhai tay upjai bhagat prabh, aNtar ho-ay saant.
From fear of God devotion wells up, and, mind is cooled from within.
nwmu jpq goivMd kw ibnsY BRm BRWiq ]1] naam japat govind kaa binsai bharam bharaant. ||1||
Meditating upon the name of the Lord of the Universe, doubts and delusions vanish away. 1
guru pUrw ijsu ByitAw qw kY suiK prvysu ] mn kI miq iqAwgIAY suxIAY aupdysu ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooraa jis bhayti-aa taa kai sukh parvays.
man kee mat ti-aagee-ai sunee-ai updays. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who meet the perfect Guru, happiness enters within (his heart);
He renounces cleverness of his mind and listen to (i.e. follows) the teaching (of Guru). 1 (pause)
ismrq ismrq ismrIAY so purKu dwqwru ] simrat simrat simree-ai so purakh daataar.
(O! brethren) remember and remember and remember that Giver, the Primal Person (God);
mn qy kbhu n vIsrY so purKu Apwru ]2] man tay kabahu na veesrai so purakh apaar. ||2||

Do not forget that Primal Purakh, infinite (God) I from mind . 2
crn kml isau rMgu lgw Acrj gurdyv ] charan kamal si-o raNg lagaa, achraj gurdayv.
I have enshrined love for the lotus feet of wondrous Divine Guru.
jw kau ikrpw krhu pRB qw kau lwvhu syv ]3] jaa ka-o kirpaa karahu prabh, taa ka-o laavhu sayv. ||3||
One, upon whom You bestow Your mercy, O! God, he is attached to Your service. 3
iniD inDwn AMimRqu pIAw min qin Awnµd ] nwnk kbhu n vIsrY pRB prmwnµd ]4]24]54]
nidh nidhaan aMmrit pee-aa, man tan aanand.
naanak, kabahu na veesrai, prabh parmaanaNd. ||4||24||54||
One, who drinks in AMmrit, the treasure of wealth (of name), his mind and body are in bliss;
Nanak (says): He does not forget God, the Lord of Supreme Bliss. 4.24.54

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

iqRsn buJI mmqw geI nwTy BY Brmw ] iQiq pweI Awndu BieAw guir kIny Drmw ]1]
tarisan bujhee, mamtaa ga-ee, naaṭay bhai bharmaa.
thit paa-ee, aanad bha-i-aa, gur keenay dharmaa. ||1||
Desire is quenched, (emotional) attachment is gone, fears and doubts have run away; thus,
I have become stable, I am in ecstasy, (because) the Guru has preserved his faith (of helping
his disciples). 1
guru pUrw AwrwiDAw ibnsI myrI pIr ] gur pooraa aaraadhi-aa, binsee mayree peer.
One, who has adored the perfect Guru, his pain of ‘me, my’ (i.e. attachment to maya) is cured.
qnu mnu sBu sIqlu BieAw pwieAw suKu bIr ]1] rhwau ]
tan man sabh seetal bha-i-aa, paa-i-aa sukh, beer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His mind and body all are totally cooled; and, he is blessed with (spiritual) happiness, O! (my)
brother. 1 (pause)
sovq hir jip jwigAw pyiKAw ibsmwdu ] sovat har jap jaagi-aa, paykhi-aa bismaad.
One, who awakens from sleep, serves and meditates upon God, beholds the Wonderful (Lord).
pI AMimRqu iqRpqwisAw qw kw Acrj suAwdu ]2] pee aMmrit tariptaasi-aa, taa kaa achraj su-aad. ||2||
Drinking in AMmrit, he is satiated , (how) wondrous is its taste! 2
Awip mukqu sMgI qry kul kutMb auDwry ] aap mukat, saNgee taray, kul kutamb udhaaray.
He himself is liberated, and, his companions swim across (the world ocean), and, the whole
family is liberated.
sPl syvw gurdyv kI inrml drbwry ]3] safal sayvaa gurdayv kee, nirmal darbaaray. ||3||
The service of the Divine Guru is fruitful, and, one obtains place in the pious court (of God). 3
nIcu AnwQu Ajwnu mY inrgunu guxhInu ] neech, anaath, ajaan mai; nirgun guṇheen.
I am lowly, orphan, ignorant, and, I am worthless, without (any) virtue.
nwnk kau ikrpw BeI dwsu Apnw kInu ]4]25]55]
naanak ka-o kirpaa bha-ee, daas apnaa keen. ||4||25||55||
Nanak (says): I have ben blessed with mercy, He has made me His slave (i.e. devotee). 4.25.55

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

hir Bgqw kw Awsrw An nwhI Twau ] har bhagtaa kaa aasraa, an naahee ṭaa-o.

God is the support of the devotees, there is no other place (for them to go).
qwxu dIbwxu prvwr Dnu pRB qyrw nwau ]1] taaṇ deebaaṇ parvaar dhan, prabh tayraa naa-o. ||1||
O! Lord, Your name is their power, realm, family and wealth. 1
kir ikrpw pRiB AwpxI Apny dws riK lIey ] kar kirpaa prabh aapṇee, apnay daas rakh lee-ay.
Bestowing His mercy, O! Lord, You have saved Your slaves.
inMdk inMdw kir pcy jmkwil gRsIey ]1] rhwau ]
niNdak niNdaa kar pachay, jamkaal garsee-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The slanderer rot in their slandering, and, are seized by the messenger of death. 1 (pause)
sMqw eyku iDAwvnw dUsr ko nwih ] saNtaa ayk dhi-aavanaa, doosar ko naahi.
The God-oriented persons meditate upon the One (God alone), and, no other.
eyksu AwgY bynqI rivAw sRb Qwie ]2] aykas aagai bayntee, ravi-aa sarab thaa-ay. ||2||
They offer their prayer to One (God), pervading all places (i.e. everywhere). 2
kQw purwqn ieau suxI Bgqn kI bwnI ] sgl dust KMf KMf kIey jn lIey mwnI ]3]
kathaa puraatan i-o suṇee, bhagtan kee baanee.
sagal dusat khand khand kee-ay, jan lee-ay maanee. ||3||
I have this old story in the words of (i.e. as narrated by) the devotees (of the Lord):
All the wicked are cut apart into pieces (i.e. are destroyed), (while) His servants (i.e. devotees)
are bestowed with honour. 3
siq bcn nwnku khY prgt sB mwih ] pRB ky syvk srix pRB iqn kau Bau nwih ]4]26]56]
sat bachan naanak kahai, pargat sabh maahi.
prabh kay sayvak saraṇ prabh, tin ka-o bha-o naahi. ||4||26||56||
Nanak (says): I speak the true words which are known to all.
The Lord's servants are under God’s protection, they have no fear (at all). 4.26.56

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

bMDn kwtY so pRBU jw kY kl hwQ ] baNdhan kaatai so prabhoo, jaa kai kal haath.
God, who all power is in His hands, breaks the bonds (of maya that we have).
Avr krm nhI CUtIAY rwKhu hir nwQ ]1] avar karam nahee chhootee-ai, raakho har naath. ||1||
No other action can bring release (from bonds), (so, please) save me, O! Lord, Master.1
qau srxwgiq mwDvy pUrn dieAwl ] ta-o sarṇaagat maadhvay, pooran da-i-aal.
I have come to Your refuge, O! Perfect Merciful, Lord of Maya (i.e. God).
Cuit jwie sMswr qy rwKY gopwl ]1] rhwau ] chhoot jaa-ay saNsaar tay, raakhai gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, whom You protect, O! Sustainer of the Universe, is saved from (the traps of)
worldliness. 1 (pause)
Awsw Brm ibkwr moh ien mih loBwnw ] aasaa bharam bikaar moh, in meh lobhaanaa.
One is engrossed in hopes (i.e. desires), doubt, vices and (emotional) attachment;
JUTu smgRI min vsI pwrbRhmu n jwnw ]2] jhooṭ samagree man vasee, paarbarahm na jaanaa. ||2||
The false material (of the world i.e. maya) abides in his mind, and, he does not realize God. 2
prm joiq pUrn purK siB jIA qum@wry ] param jot pooran purakh, sabh jee-a tumhaaray.
O! Supreme light, perfect Primal Person (God), all beings belong to You (i.e. Your creation).
ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw pRB Agm Apwry ]3] ji-o too raakhahi ti-o rahaa, parabh agam apaaray. ||3||
As You keep us (so do) we live, O! Infinite, Inaccessible (Lord). 3
krx kwrx smrQ pRB dyih Apnw nwau ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath prabh, deh apnaa naa-o.
O! Cause of cause, All-Powerful Lord, (please) bless me with Your name.
nwnk qrIAY swDsMig hir hir gux gwau ]4]27]57]
naanak, taree-ai saadhsaNg, har har guṇ gaa-o. ||4||27||57||
Nanak (says): One is carried across in the company of the God-oriented persons, singing (the
praise) of the excellences of God, the Lord. 4. 27. 57

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

kvnu kvnu nhI pqirAw qum@rI prqIiq ] mhw mohnI moihAw nrk kI rIiq ]1]
kavan kavan nahee patri-aa, tumhree parteet. mahaa mohnee mohi-aa, narak kee reet. ||1||
(O! mind) who, and who has not fallen by placing faith in you.
The great enticer (i.e. maya) has enticed (you), this is the way to hell. 1
mn Kuthr qyrw nhI ibswsu qU mhw audmwdw ] man khut-har, tayraa nahee bisaas, too mahaa udmaadaa.
O! perfidious mind, you cannot be trusted, you are greatly intoxicated (wicket and crazy).
Kr kw pYKru qau CutY jau aUpir lwdw ]1] rhwau ]
khar kaa paikhar ta-o chhutai, ja-o oopar laadaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The donkey's leash is removed, only after the load is placed on it (otherwise it causes trouble;
and, so is the human mind, which, if it is not controlled it becomes crazy and acts wantonly). 1 (pause)
jp qp sMjm qum@ KMfy jm ky duK fWf ] jap tap saNjam tumh khaNday, jam kay dukh daand.
You have destroyed (i.e. rejected) meditation, penance, self-discipline; (hence) you suffer (the
pain of) the strokes of (i.e. punishment by) the messenger of death.
ismrih nwhI join duK inrljy BWf ]2] simrahi naahee, jon dukh, nirlajay bhaand. ||2||
You do not remember the pains of birth, you are a shameless clown. 2
hir sMig shweI mhw mIqu iqs isau qyrw Bydu ] har saNg sahaa-ee mahaa meet, tis si-o tayraa bhayd.
God is the companion, helper, friend, (but) you keep away from Him.
bIDw pMc btvwreI aupijE mhw Kydu ]3] beedhaa paNch batvaara-ee, upji-o mahaa khayd. ||3||
You are encaged by five robbers, this has brought serious trouble (within you). 3
nwnk iqn sMqn srxwgqI ijn mnu vis kInw ] qnu Dnu srbsu Awpxw pRiB jn kau dIn@w ]4]28]58]
naanak, tin saNtan sarṇaagatee, jin man vas keenaa.
tan dhan sarbas aapnaa, prabh jan ka-o deen aa. ||4||28||58||

Nanak (says): (O! brethren) seek the refuge of those God-oriented persons, who have
conquered (i.e. controlled) their mind; and,
Offer your body, mind, and everything to the slaves (i.e. such devotees) of God. 4.28.58

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

audmu krq Awndu BieAw ismrq suK swru ] udam karat aanad bha-i-aa, simrat sukh saar.
Making efforts (to meditate upon) bliss is obtained, (and, by) remembering (the name of God)
the essence of happiness comes; and,
jip jip nwmu goibMd kw pUrn bIcwru ]1] jap jap naam gobiNd kaa, pooran beechaar. ||1||
Remembering and remembering the name of the Lord of the Universe (i.e. God), this is
perfect understanding (is achieved). 1
crn kml gur ky jpq hir jip hau jIvw ] charan kamal gur kay japat, har jap ha-o jeevaa.

Meditating upon the lotus-feet of the Guru and meditating upon (the name of) God, I live.
pwrbRhmu AwrwDqy muiK AMimRqu pIvw ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm aaraadh-tay, mukh aMmrit peevaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Adoring the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), I drink AMmrit with (my) mouth. 1 (pause)
jIA jMq siB suiK bsy sB kY min loc ] jee-a jaNt sabh sukh basay, sabh kai man loch.
All beings and creatures live in happiness, (when) the minds of all yearn (for God).
praupkwru inq icqvqy nwhI kCu poc ]2] par-upkaar nit chitvatay, naahee kachh poch. ||2||
They continually contemplate to do good deed for others, and, they have no vice. 2
DMnu su Qwnu bsMq DMnu jh jpIAY nwmu ] dha n so thaan, basa t dha n, jah japee-ai naam.

Blessed is that place where the name (of God) is meditated upon, and, blessed are those who
dwell there.
kQw kIrqnu hir Aiq Gnw suK shj ibsRwmu ]3] kathaa keertan har at ghanaa, sukh sahj bisraam. ||3||
Where exegesis (of word) is held and the praise of God us sung very often, there is happiness
(i.e. peace), poise and ease. 3
mn qy kdy n vIsrY AnwQ ko nwQ ] man tay kaday na veesrai anaath ko naath.
(O! brethren) never forget Him from your mind (He is) the Master of the orphans.
nwnk pRB srxwgqI jw kY sBu ikCu hwQ ]4]29]59]
naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jaa kai sabh kichh haath. ||4||29||59||
Nanak (says): I have entered the refuge of the Lord, everything is in whose hands. 4.29.59

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ijin qU bMiD kir CoifAw Puin suK mih pwieAw ] jin too baNdh kar chhodi-aa, fun sukh meh paa-i-aa.
The One (i.e. Lord), who bound you (in the fire of womb) and (then) released, and, then placed
(i.e. blessed) you in happiness.
sdw ismir crxwribMd sIql hoqwieAw ]1] sadaa simar charṇaarbiNd, seetal hotaa-i-aa. ||1||
(O! being) always remember His lotus feet, (thus) you shall be cooled (i.e. soothed). 1
jIviqAw AQvw muieAw ikCu kwim n AwvY ] jeevti-aa athvaa mu-i-aa, kichh kaam na aavai.
In life and in death this (maya) is of no use.
ijin eyhu rcnu rcwieAw koaU iqs isau rMgu lwvY ]1] rhwau ]
jin ayhu rachan rachaa-i-aa, ko-oo tis si-o raNg laavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, who has created this creation, rare are those who enshrine love for Him. 1 (pause)
ry pRwxI ausn sIq krqw krY Gwm qy kwFY ] ray paraaṇee, usan seet kartaa karai, ghaam tay kaaḍai.
O! mortal being, the Creator who made summer and winter; and, He saves from the heat
(i.e. sultriness).
kIrI qy hsqI krY tUtw ly gwFY ]2] keeree tay hastee karai, tootaa lay gaaḍai. ||2||
He can transform an ant into an elephant and can unite those (who have been) separated. 2
AMfj jyrj syqj auqBujw pRB kI ieh ikriq ] aNdaj jayraj saytaj ut-bhujaa, prabh kee ih kirat.
(The beings and creatures, born from) egg, womb, sweat, and earth (i.e. all the sources of life)
are the creation of God.
ikrq kmwvn srb Pl rvIAY hir inriq ]3] kirat kamaavan sarab fal, ravee-ai har nirat. ||3||
All fruit are obtained from this labour (i.e. act), so, remember Him with great devotion. 3
hm qy kCU n hovnw srix pRB swD ] ham tay kachhoo na hovnaa, saraṇ prabh saadh.
We cannot do anything, O! Lord, keep in the refuge of the Guru.
moh mgn kUp AMD qy nwnk gur kwF ]4]30]60] moh magan koop aNdh tay, naanak, gur kaaḍ. ||4||30||60||
Nanak (says): we have fallen in the blind well of intoxication of attachment (to maya), O!
Guru pull us out from it. 4. 30. 60

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Kojq Kojq mY iPrw Kojau bn Qwn ] khojat khojat mai firaa, khoja-o ban thaan.
Searching and searching, I wander around searching (Him) in woods and (other) places;
ACl ACyd AByd pRB AYsy Bgvwn ]1] achhal achhayd abhayd prabh, aisay bhagvaan. ||1||
(He is) un-deceivable, indivisible, and incomprehensible, such is my God, the Lord. 1
kb dyKau pRBu Awpnw Awqm kY rMig ] kab daykh-a-u prabh aapnaa, aatam kai raNg.
(This is my desire that) when shall I behold my Lord, and delight my soul.
jwgn qy supnw Blw bsIAY pRB sMig ]1] rhwau ]
jaagan tay supnaa bhalaa, basee-ai prabh saNg. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dream is better than being awake, (because in my dream) I dwell with God. 1 (pause)
brn AwsRm swsqR sunau drsn kI ipAws ] baran aasram saastar sun-o, darsan kee pi-aas.
I listened to shaastras, teaching about the (four) social classes (but they do not satisfy me and
my thirst is not quenched), and, I grow thirsty for vision (of God).
rUpu n ryK n pMc qq Twkur Aibnws ]2] roop na raykh na paNch tat, ṭaakur abinaas. ||2||
(He) has no form or sign, nor (is He made of) five elements; the Lord is imperishable. 2
Ehu srUpu sMqn khih ivrly jogIsur ] oh saroop saNtan kaheh, virlay jogeesur.
Rare are those God-oriented persons and Yogis who describe His form.
kir ikrpw jw kau imly Din Din qy eIsur ]3] kar kirpaa jaa ka-o milay, dhan dhan tay eesur. ||3||
Blessed (and) blessed are they by God, whom He meets in His mercy. 3
so AMqir so bwhry ibnsy qh Brmw ] so aNtar so baahray, binsay tah bharmaa.
(They realize that) He is inside (i.e. in their heart), and, He is outside (also), and, their doubts
have been dispelled.
nwnk iqsu pRBu ByitAw jw ky pUrn krmw ]4]31]61]
naanak, tis prabh bhayti-aa, jaa kay pooran karmaa. ||4||31||61||
Nanak (says): They (alone) meets God, who have perfect fortune. 4.31.61

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

jIA jMq supRsMn Bey dyiK pRB prqwp ] jee-a jaNt suparsan bha-ay, daykh prabh partaap.
Beholding the glory of the Lord, all the beings and creatures are very much pleased.
krju auqwirAw siqgurU kir Awhru Awp ]1] karaj utaari-aa satguroo, kar aahar aap. ||1||
(Because) the True Guru Himself did pay off my debt (of vices). 1
Kwq Krcq inbhq rhY gur sbdu AKUt ] khaat kharchat nibhat rahai, gur sabad akhoot.
The Guru's word is inexhaustible, even after eating and spending it still lasts.
pUrn BeI smgrI kbhU nhI qUt ]1] rhwau ] pooran bha-ee samagree, kabhoo nahee toot. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The material is enough (i.e. perfect), there is never a shortage. 1 (pause)
swDsMig AwrwDnw hir iniD Awpwr ] saadhsaNg aaraadhnaa, har nidh aapaar.

Adore Him (i.e. sing praise of His name) in the company of the God-oriented persons; (the
name of) God is infinite treasure.
Drm ArQ Aru kwm moK dyqy nhI bwr ]2] dharam arath ar kaam mokh, daytay nahee baar. ||2||
He does not hesitate in blessing with faith, wealth, sexual satisfaction and liberation. 2
Bgq ArwDih eyk rMig goibMd gupwl ] bhagat araadheh ayk raNg, gobiNd gupaal.
The devotees adore the Lord of the Universe, the Sustainer of the World (God) with single-
minded love.
rwm nwm Dnu sMicAw jw kw nhI sumwru ]3] raam naam dhan saNchi-aa, jaa kaa nahee sumaar. ||3||
They have gathered in the wealth of the name of God, which can not be counted. 3
srin pry pRB qyrIAw pRB kI vifAweI ] saran paray prabh tayree-aa, prabh kee vadi-aa-ee.
O! Lord (Your devotees) seek Your refuge, and, (sing praise of) Your greatness.
nwnk AMqu n pweIAY byAMq gusweI ]4]32]62] naanak, aNt na paa-ee-ai, bay-aNt gusaa-ee. ||4||32||62||
Nanak (says): O! Infinite, O! Lord of the Word, Your end or limits can not be found. 4.32.62

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ismir ismir pUrn pRBU kwrj Bey rwis ] simar simar pooran prabhoo kaaraj bha-ay raas.
Remembering and remembering the perfect Lord, all matters have been perfectly settled.
krqwr puir krqw vsY sMqn kY pwis ]1] rhwau ] kartaar pur kartaa vasa, saNtan kai paas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creator dwells with the God-oriented persons in the town of the Creator (i.e. in the
congregation of the God-oriented persons). 1 (pause)
ibGnu n koaU lwgqw gur pih Ardwis ] bighan na ko-oo laagtaa, gur peh ardaas.
No obstacle blocks the way, when one offers praying to the Guru.
rKvwlw goibMd rwie Bgqn kI rwis ]1] rakhvaalaa gobiNd raa-ay, bhagtan kee raas. ||1||
The Sovereign Lord is the protector of the capital of His devotees. 1
qoit n AwvY kdy mUil pUrn BMfwr ] tot na aavai kaday mool, pooran bhaNdaar.
There is never any shortage at all, the treasure are (always) full.
crn kml min qin bsy pRB Agm Apwr ]2] charan kamal man tan basay, prabh agam apaar. ||2||
The lotus-feet of the inaccessible and infinite Lord abide in his(i.e. devotee’s) mind and body. 2
bsq kmwvq siB suKI ikCu aUn n dIsY ] basat kamaavat sabh sukhee, kichh oon na deesai.
While dwelling (in the company of the God-oriented persons) they earn (the name of God) and
remain happy; (and, to them), no shortage is seen.
sMq pRswid Byty pRBU pUrn jgdIsY ]3] saNt* parsaad bhaytay prabhoo, pooran jagdeesai. ||3||
By the grace of the Guru,* they meet God, the perfect Lord of the World. 3
[*Here sant has been used for the Guru].
jY jY kwru sBY krih scu Qwnu suhwieAw ] jai jai kaar sabhai karahi, sach thaan suhaa-i-aa.
Everyone continually hails (the Guru), and, the home of the true (Guru) seems beautiful (to me).
jip nwnk nwmu inDwn suK pUrw guru pwieAw ]4]33]63]
jap naanak naam nidhaan sukh, pooraa gur paa-i-aa. ||4||33||63||
Nanak (says): Meditating upon the name, the treasure of happiness, I have found the perfect
Guru. 4.33.63

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
hir hir hir AwrwDIAY hoeIAY Awrog ] har har har aaraadhee-ai ho-ee-ai aarog.
(O! brethren) adore God, the Lord, and, remain free of disease.
rwmcMd kI lsitkw ijin mwirAw rogu ]1] rhwau ] raamchaNd kee lastikaa, jin maari-aa rog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It (i.e. name) is God's (healing) stick that eradicates the disease (of egotism). 1 (pause)
guru pUrw hir jwpIAY inq kIcY Bogu ] gur pooraa har jaapee-ai, nit keechai bhog.
Meditate upon God through the perfect Guru, and constantly enjoy (spiritual) pleasure.
swDsMgiq kY vwrxY imilAw sMjogu ]1] saadhsaNgat kai vaarṇai, mili-aa saNjog. ||1||
I am a sacrifice unto the company of the God-oriented persons; (because, through it) I have
attained (opportunity for) union (with the Lord). 1
ijsu ismrq suKu pweIAY ibnsY ibEgu ] jis simrat sukh paa-ee-ai binsai bi-og.
Remembering Him happiness is obtained, and, separation is ended.
nwnk pRB srxwgqI krx kwrx jogu ]2]34]64] naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, karan kaaran jog. ||2||34||64||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of the Lord, the All-Powerful, the Cause of causes. 2.35.64

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 5 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5 dupday, ghar 5
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Avir aupwv siB iqAwigAw dwrU nwmu lieAw ] avar upaav sabh ti-aagi-aa, daaroo naam la-i-aa.
I have given up all other efforts (i.e. remedies), and, have taken to the medicine of name (i.e.
meditation upon the name of the Lord).
qwp pwp siB imty rog sIql mnu BieAw ]1] taap paap sabh mitay rog, seetal man bha-i-aa. ||1||
Fever, sins, and all ailment are eradicated, and, the mind is cooled. 1
guru pUrw AwrwiDAw sglw duKu gieAw ] gur pooraa aaraadhi-aa saglaa dukh ga-i-aa.
Adoring the perfect Guru, all sorrows are dispelled.
rwKnhwrY rwiKAw ApnI kir mieAw ]1] rhwau ]
raakhanhaarai raakhi-aa apnee kar ma-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Saviour (Lord) has saved me by bestowing His mercy. 1 (pause)
bwh pkiV pRiB kwiFAw kInw ApnieAw ] baah pakaṛ prabh kaaḍi-aa keenaa apna-i-aa.
Taking hold of my arm, God has pulled me out (of vices) and has made me His owned.
ismir ismir mn qn suKI nwnk inrBieAw ]2]1]65]
simar simar man tan sukhee, naanak nirbha-i-aa. ||2||1||65||
Nanak (says): Remembering and remembering (the Lord), my mind and body have become
happy, and, I have become fearless.” 2.1.65

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

kru Dir msqik QwipAw nwmu dIno dwin ] kar dhar mastak thaapi-aa, naam deeno daan.
Placing His hand on my forehead, God has established them (i.e. His devotees), by giving
them the gift of name.
sPl syvw pwrbRhm kI qw kI nhI hwin ]1] safal sayvaa paarbarahm kee, taa kee nahee haan. ||1||
Fruitful is the service of the Supreme Reality (i.e. God) , there is never loss in it.1
Awpy hI pRBu rwKqw Bgqn kI Awin ] aapay hee prabh raakh-taa, bhagtan kee aan.
God Himself saves the honour of (His) devotees.
jo jo icqvih swD jn so lyqw mwin ]1] rhwau ] jo jo chitvahi saadh jan, so laytaa maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever the God-oriented persons wish for, he honours (i.e. grants their wishes).1 (pause)
srix pry crxwribMd jn pRB ky pRwn ] saraṇ paray charṇaarbiNd, jan prabh kay paraan.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who seek the refuse of His lotus-feet, are His breath (of life).
shij suBwie nwnk imly joqI joiq smwn ]2]2]66]
sahj subhaa-ay, naanak, milay, jotee jot samaan. ||2||2||66||
Nanak (says): They meet (God) in ease, and, their light is merging in (God’s) Light. 2.2.66

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

crx kml kw Awsrw dIno pRiB Awip ] charaṇ kamal kaa aasraa, deeno parabh aap.
God Himself has given the support of His lotus-feet (to His devotees).
pRB srxwgiq jn pry qw kw sd prqwpu ]1] prabh sarṇaagat jan paray, taa kaa sad partaap. ||1||
His servants (i.e. devotees) have sought the refuge of God, it is His constant glory. 1
rwKnhwr Apwr pRB qw kI inrml syv ] raakhanhaar apaar prabh, taa kee nirmal sayv.
The infinite Lord is their Protector; His service is purifying.
rwm rwj rwmdws puir kIn@y gurdyv ]1] rhwau ] raam raaj raamdaas pur, keen ay gurdayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The Divine Guru has established the kingdom of God (i.e. spiritual kingdom) in the city of the
slaves (i.e. devotees) of God.. 1 (pause)
sdw sdw hir iDAweIAY ikCu ibGnu n lwgY ] sadaa sadaa har dhi-aa-ee-ai, kichh bighan na laagai.
(O! brethren) forever and ever meditate upon God, and, no obstacle will obstruct.
nwnk nwmu slwhIAY Bie dusmn BwgY ]2]3]67]
naanak, naam salaahee-ai, bha-ay dusman bhaagai. ||2||3||67||
Nanak (says): Praising the name (of the Lord), the fear of the enemies runs away. 2.3.67

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

min qin pRBu AwrwDIAY imil swD smwgY ] man tan prabh aaraadhee-ai mil saadh samaagai.
(O! brethren) join the congregation of the God-oriented persons and adore God in your mind
and body.
aucrq gun gopwl jsu dUr qy jmu BwgY ]1] uchrat gun gopaal jas, door tay jam bhaagai. ||1||
Chanting (the praise of) the excellences of the Sustainer of the World, the messenger of death
runs from far away. 1
rwm nwmu jo jnu jpY Anidnu sd jwgY ] qMqu mMqu nh joheI iqqu cwKu n lwgY ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam jo jan japai an-din sad jaagai. ta t ma t nah joh-ee, tit chaakh na laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servant (i.e. devotee of God) who meditates upon the name of God, remain always
awake, day and night.
Charms and dictums (i.e. spells) can not affect him, no evil eye can harm him. 1 (pause)
kwm k®oD md mwn moh ibnsy AnrwgY ] kaam krodh mad maan moh, binsay anraagai.
Sexual desire, anger, intoxication of pride, attachment vanish away by love (for God).
Awnµd mgn ris rwm rMig nwnk srnwgY ]2]4]68]

aanaNd magan ras raam raNg, naanak, sarnaagai. ||2||4||68||
Nanak (says): In God’s refuge, one remains merged in ecstasy of essence of His love. 2.4.68

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

jIA jugiq vis pRBU kY jo khY su krnw ] jee-a jugat vas prabhoo kai, jo kahai so karnaa.
The way of life of (all) the beings is in the hands of the Lord; whatever He says (i.e.
commands) so they do.
Bey pRsMn gopwl rwie Bau ikCu nhI krnw ]1] bha-ay parsa n gopaal raa-ay, bha-o kichh nahee karnaa. ||1||
When Sovereign Lord, the Sustainer of the World, is pleased, there is nothing to fear. 1
dUKu n lwgY kdy quDu pwrbRhmu icqwry ] jmkMkru nyiV n AwveI gurisK ipAwry ]1] rhwau ]
dookh na laagai kaday tudh, paarbarahm chitaaray.
jamkaNkar nayrh na aavee, gursikh pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), pain shall never afflict you; and,
The messenger of death does not (even) approach the dear sikhs (disciples) of the Guru. 1
krx kwrx smrQu hY iqsu ibnu nhI horu ] nwnk pRB srxwgqI swcw min joru ]2]5]69]
karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath hai, tis bin nahee hor. naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, saachaa man jor. ||2||5||69||
He is the All-Powerful and Cause of causes, and, there is no other than Him.
Nanak (says): One, who is in the refuge of the Lord, his mind has the strength of the True
(Lord). 2.5.69

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ismir ismir pRBu Awpnw nwTw duK Twau ] simar simar prabh aapnaa, naathaa dukh ṭaa-o.
Remembering and remembering my Lord, the residency of sorrows has run away (i.e. has
gone away from me).
ibsRwm pwey imil swDsMig qw qy bhuiV n Dwau ]1]
bisraam paa-ay mil saadhsaNg, taa tay bahuṛ na dhaa-o. ||1||
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, I have found peace; I shall not runaway
anywhere from there. 1
bilhwrI gur Awpny crnn@ bil jwau ] And sUK mMgl bny pyKq gun gwau ]1] rhwau ]
balihaaree gur aapnay, charnanh bal jaa-o.
anad sookh maNgal banay, paykhat gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto my Guru, (I am) a sacrifice unto His feet.
Ecstasy, happiness, and joy come to me when I behold Him and sing (the praise of) his
excellences. 1 (pause)
kQw kIrqnu rwg nwd Duin iehu binE suAwau ] kathaa keertan raag naad dhun, ih bani-o su-aa-o.
(Narrating) the story (of excellences), singing of praise, sound of (celestial) music; this has
become purpose (of my life).
nwnk pRB supRsMn Bey bWCq Pl pwau ]2]6]70]
naanak, prabh suparsaNn bha-ay, baanchhat fal paa-o. ||2||6||70||
Nanak (says): God is fully pleased with me, (hence)I obtain the fruits of my desires. 2.6.70

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
dws qyry kI bynqI ird kir prgwsu ] daas tayray kee bayntee, rid kar pargaas.
(O! Lord) this is the prayer of Your slave (i.e. devotee), please enlighten my heart.
qum@rI ik®pw qy pwrbRhm doKn ko nwsu ]1] tumhree kirpaa tay, paarbarahm, dokhan ko naas. ||1||
By Your mercy, O! Supreme Reality (i.e. God), may all my sins be destroyed (i.e. erased). 1
crn kml kw Awsrw pRB purK guxqwsu ] kIrqn nwmu ismrq rhau jb lgu Git swsu ]1] rhwau ]
charan kamal kaa aasraa, prabh purakh guṇtaas.
keertan naam simrat raha-o, jab lag ghat saas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I take the refuge of Your lotus-feet, O! Lord, Primal Person, Treasure of Excellences.
(O! Lord, bless me that) I should (sing) the praise and meditate upon (Your) name, as long as
there is breath in my body. 1 (pause)
mwq ipqw bMDp qUhY qU srb invwsu ] nwnk pRB srxwgqI jw ko inrml jwsu ]2]7]71]
maat pitaa baNdhap toohai, too sarab nivaas.
naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jaa ko nirmal jaas. ||2||7||71||
You are my mother, father and relative, and, you are contained in all.
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of the Lord; His praise is immaculate. 2.7.71

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

srb isiD hir gweIAY siB Blw mnwvih ] sarab sidh har gaa-ee-ai, sabh bhalaa manaaveh.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the Lord of All Powers; all wish well for Him.
swDu swDu muK qy khih suix dws imlwvih ]1] saadh saadh mukh tay kaheh, suṇ daas milaaveh. ||1||
With their mouth, everyone calls him perfect, perfect; hearing (this He) unites (his) slaves
(with Himself).1
sUK shj kilAwx rs pUrY guir kIn@ ] jIA sgl dieAwl Bey hir hir nwmu cIn@ ]1] rhwau ]
sookh sahj kali-aaṇ ras, poorai gur keenh.
jee-a sagal da-i-aal bha-ay, har har naam cheenh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru blesses happiness, poise, well-being, and love.
Contemplating the name of God, the Lord, all the beings become compassionate (to him). 1
pUir rihE srbqR mih pRB guxI ghIr ] poor rahi-o sarbatar meh, prabh guṇee gaheer.
God, the Ocean of Excellences, is pervading all (the beings and creatures).
nwnk Bgq Awnµd mY pyiK pRB kI DIr ]2]8]72]
naanak, bhagat aanand mai, paykh prabh kee dheer. ||2||8||72||
Nanak (says): The devotees are in bliss beholding the solemnity of the Lord. 2.8.72

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Ardwis suxI dwqwir pRiB hoey ikrpwl ] ardaas suṇee daataar prabh, ho-ay kirpaal.
The Giver God listened to (our) prayer and became merciful.
rwiK lIAw Apnw syvko muiK inMdk Cwru ]1] raakh lee-aa apnaa sayvko, mukh niNdak chhaar. ||1||
He saved His servant (i.e. devotee), and, put ash into the mouth of the slanderer. 1
quJih n johY ko mIq jn qUM gur kw dws ] pwrbRhim qU rwiKAw dy Apny hwQ ]1] rhwau ]
tujheh na johai ko meet jan, tooN gur kaa daas.

paarbarahm too raakhi-aa, day apnay haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
No one can vigil (i.e. harm) you, O! friend, O! servant (i.e. devotee), (because) you are the
slave (i.e. devotee) of the Guru.
Giving His hand, the Supreme Reality (i.e. God) has saved you. 1 (pause)
jIAn kw dwqw eyku hY bIAw nhI horu ] jee-an kaa daataa ayk hai, bee-aa nahee hor.
The One Lord (alone) is the Giver to all the beings, there is no other (at all).
nwnk kI bynµqIAw mY qyrw joru ]2]9]73] naanak kee banaNtee-aa, mai tayraa jor. ||2||9||73||
Nanak (says): It is my prayer to You, (O! Lord)You are my (only) strength. 2.9.73

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mIq hmwry swjnw rwKy goivMd ] inMdk imrqk hoie gey qum@ hohu inicMd ]1] rhwau ]
meet hamaaray saajnaa, raakhay goviNd.
niNdak mirtak ho-ay ga-ay, tumh hohu nichiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord of the Universe (i.e. God) has saved O! my friends and companions.
The slanderers are dead (now), (so) be free from anxiety. 1 (pause)
sgl mnorQ pRiB kIey Byty gurdyv ] jY jY kwru jgq mih sPl jw kI syv ]1]
sagal manorath prabh kee-ay, bhaytay gurdayv. jai jai kaar jagat meh, safal jaa kee sayv. ||1||
God fulfilled all desires, I have met the Divine Guru.
He is hailed and praised all over the world, (such) fruitful is his service.1
aUc Apwr Agnq hir siB jIA ijsu hwiQ ] nwnk pRB srxwgqI jq kq myrY swiQ ]2]10]74]
ooch apaar agnat har, sabh jee-a jis haath.
naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jat kat mayrai saath. ||2||10||74||
He is lofty, infinite, and immeasurable; all beings are in His hands.
Nanak (says): I am in the refuge of the Lord; He is with me everywhere. 2.10.74

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

guru pUrw AwrwiDAw hoey ikrpwl ] mwrgu sMiq bqwieAw qUty jm jwl ]1]
gur pooraa aaraadhi-aa, ho-ay kirpaal. maarag saNt* bataa-i-aa, tootay jam jaal. ||1||
I worshipped (my) perfect Guru, (hence) He has become merciful to me.
The Guru* has shown me the way, and, the noose of death has been broken (i.e. cut). 1
[*Here sant has been used for the Guru].
dUK BUK sMsw imitAw gwvq pRB nwm ] shj sUK Awnµd rs pUrn siB kwm ]1] rhwau ]
dookh bhookh saNsaa miti-aa, gaavat prabh naam.
sahj sookh aanaNd ras, pooran sabh kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Singing the name of the Lord, sorrow, hunger, and doubt have been dispelled.
(I am blessed with) poise, happiness, bliss, and pleasure; and, all my matters have been
resolved. 1 (pause)
jlin buJI sIql Bey rwKy pRiB Awp ] jalan bujhee seetal bha-ay, raakhay prabh aap.
The fire (of desires) has been quenched, and, I am cooled: God Himself saved (me).
nwnk pRB srxwgqI jw kw vf prqwp ]2]11]75]
naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jaa kaa vad partaap. ||2||11||75||

Nanak (says): I am in the refuge of the Lord, whose glory is great. 2.11.75

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Driq suhwvI sPl Qwnu pUrn Bey kwm ] Bau nwTw BRmu imit gieAw rivAw inq rwm ]1]
dharat suhaavee, safal thaan, pooran bha-ay kaam.
bha-o naaṭaa, bharam mit ga-i-aa, ravi-aa nit raam. ||1||
Beautiful is that earth (i.e. body), successful is that place (i.e. heart), (and, there) all matters
are resolved;
Fears run away, and, doubts are dispelled, (by) meditating constantly (the name of) God. 1
swD jnw kY sMig bsq suK shj ibsRwm ] sweI GVI sulKxI ismrq hir nwm ]1] rhwau ]
saadh janaa kai saNg basat, sukh sahj bisraam.
saa-ee ghaṛee sulakh-ṇee, simrat har naam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwelling with the God-oriented persons, one finds happiness, poise and placidity;
Auspicious is that moment, when one remembers the name of God. 1 (pause)
pRgt Bey sMswr mih iPrqy phnwm ] nwnk iqsu srxwgqI Gt Gt sB jwn ]2]12]76]
pargat bha-ay saNsaar meh, firtay pehnaam.
naanak, tis sarṇaagatee, ghat ghat sabh jaan. ||2||12||76||
They, who were not even known (to any one), have become revealed throughout the world.
Nanak (says): I am in the refuge of the One (Lord), who knows each and every heart. 2.12.76

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

rogu imtwieAw Awip pRiB aupijAw suKu sWiq ] rog mitaa-i-aa aap prabh, upji-aa sukh saa t.

The Lord Himself eradicated the disease, and, happiness and peace have welled up..
vf prqwpu Acrj rUpu hir kIn@I dwiq ]1] vad partaap, achraj roop, har keen ee daat. ||1||

Great is the glory, wondrous is the form of God, who has blessed me this gift (of happiness).
God is supreme authority of wonderful forms, and the giver of gifts.” 1
guir goivMid ik®pw krI rwiKAw myrw BweI ] gur goviNd kirpaa karee, raakhi-aa mayraa bhaa-ee.
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, has bestowed His mercy, and, saves my dear one.
hm iqs kI srxwgqI jo sdw shweI ]1] rhwau ]
ham tis kee sarṇaagatee, jo sadaa sahaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am in His refuge, who is always my help. 1 (pause)
ibrQI kdy n hoveI jn kI Ardwis ] birthee kaday na hova-ee jan kee ardaas.
The prayer of a servant (i.e. devotee), never goes vain (i.e. never goes unanswered).
nwnk joru goivMd kw pUrn guxqwis ]2]13]77] naanak, jor goviNd kaa, pooran guṇtaas. ||2||13||77||
Nanak (says): All strength is with the Lord of the Universe (i.e. God), (who is) the perfect
treasure of excellences. 2. 13. 77

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mir mir jnmy ijn ibsirAw jIvn kw dwqw ] mar mar janmay, jin bisri-aa jeevan kaa daataa.
Those who forget the Giver of Life, die again and again to be born (and die over and over again).
pwrbRhmu jin syivAw Anidnu rMig rwqw ]1] paarbarahm jan sayvi-aa, an-din raNg raataa. ||1||
The servant (i.e. devotees) serves the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), and, day and night, he
remains imbued with His love. 1
sWiq shju Awndu Gnw pUrn BeI Aws ] saant sahj aanad ghanaa, pooran bha-ee aas.
(Mediating upon name, one obtains) peace, poise and great ecstasy; and (his) hopes are fulfilled.
suKu pwieAw hir swDsMig ismrq guxqws ]1] rhwau ]
sukh paa-i-aa har saadhsaNg, simrat guṇtaas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Happiness is obtained (by meditating upon) God, the Treasure of Excellences, in the company
of the God-oriented person. 1 (pause)
suix suAwmI Ardwis jn qum@ AMqrjwmI ] suṇ su-aamee ardaas jan, tumh aNtarjaamee.
O! Lord, (please) listen to the prayer of (Your) servant (i.e. devotee); You are the Controller
of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls).
Qwn Qnµqir riv rhy nwnk ky suAwmI ]2]14]78]
thaan thanaNtar rav rahay, naanak kay su-aamee. ||2||14||78||
Nanak (says): My Lord is pervading all places and space. 2.14.78

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qwqI vwau n lgeI pwrbRhm srxweI ] taatee vaa-o na lag-ee, paarbarahm sarṇaa-ee.
In the refuge of God, hot wind does not (even) touch (i.e. no suffering afflicts).
cauigrd hmwrY rwm kwr duKu lgY n BweI ]1] cha-ugirad hamaarai raam kaar, dukh lagai na bhaa-ee. ||1||
Around me, there is the circle of (the name of) God, O! brethren, (hence)no sorrow can afflict. 1
siqguru pUrw ByitAw ijin bxq bxweI ] satgur pooraa bhayti-aa, jin baṇat baṇaa-ee.
I have met the perfect True Guru, who has created the creation (caused this state).
rwm nwmu AauKDu dIAw eykw ilv lweI ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam a-ukhadh dee-aa, aykaa liv laa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has given me the medicine of the name of God, (ad because of this), I am in tune with the
One (Lord). pause.
rwiK lIey iqin rKnhwir sB ibAwiD imtweI ] raakh lee-ay tin rakhanhaar, sabh bi-aadh mitaa-ee.
The Saviour (Lord) has saved me, and, has eradicated all my diseases.
khu nwnk ikrpw BeI pRB Bey shweI ]2]15]79]
kaho naanak, kirpaa bha-ee, prabh bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||2||15||79||
Says Nanak: God has bestowed His mercy, and, He Himself has become my support. 2.15.79

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Apxy bwlk Awip riKAnu pwrbRhm gurdyv ] apnay baalak aap rakhi-an paarbarahm gurdayv.
The Supreme Reality (i.e. God), the Divine Guru Himself has (always) saved His children.
suK sWiq shj Awnd Bey pUrn BeI syv ]1] rhwau ]
sukh saant sahj aanad bha-ay, pooran bha-ee sayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Happiness, peace, poise and bliss have come up; my service has been perfect (i.e. my
meditation upon God has been fructified). 1 (pause)
P. 820
Bgq jnw kI bynqI suxI pRiB Awip ] bhagat janaa kee bayntee, suṇee prabh aap.
God Himself has heard the prayer of His servants, the devotees.
rog imtwie jIvwilAnu jw kw vf prqwpu ]1] rog mitaa-ay jeevaali-an, jaa kaa vad partaap. ||1||

He has dispelled my ailment, and have resurrected (i.e. rejuvenated) me; His glory is so great.
doK hmwry bKisAnu ApxI kl DwrI ] dokh hamaaray bakhsi-an, apnee kal dhaaree.
Exercising His power(and being generous), He has forgiven me form my sins.
mn bWCq Pl idiqAnu nwnk bilhwrI ]2]16]80]
man baanchhat fal diti-an, naanak balihaaree. ||2||16||80||
Nanak (says): He has blessed me with fruit of my mind’s desires; I am a sacrifice unto Him.

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 caupdy dupdy Gru 6 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, dupday, ghar 6
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
myry mohn sRvnI ieh n sunwey ] swkq gIq nwd Duin gwvq bolq bol Ajwey ]1] rhwau ]
mayray mohan, sarvanee ih na sunaa-ay.
saakat geet naad dhun gaavat, bolat bol, ajaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my fascinating Lord, let my ears not listen to such (words that ‘saakat’ speaks ).
A saaakt (i.e. non-believer) sings songs, tunes and sounds, and, speaks words (that are)
useless. 1 (pause)
syvq syiv syiv swD syvau sdw krau ikrqwey ] sayvat sayv sayv saadh sayva-o, sadaa kara-o kirtaa-ay.
Serving the God-oriented person, (constantly) I serve and serve him, and, do this work forever.
ABY dwnu pwvau purK dwqy imil sMgiq hir gux gwey ]1]
abhai daan paava-o purakh daatay, mil saNgat har guṇ gaa-ay. ||1||
O! Giver, Primal Person, (bless me that) I may obtain the gift of fearlessness (from You), by
singing the excellences of God in the congregation(of God-oriented persons).1
rsnw Agh Agh gun rwqI nYn drs rMgu lwey ] rasnaa agah agah gun raatee, nain daras raNg laa-ay.
(O! Lord, bless me that) my tongue may remain imbued with (love for Your) unknowable and
inaccessible excellences, and, my eyes may remain drenched with (i.e. absorbed in) Your vision.
hohu ik®pwl dIn duK BMjn moih crx irdY vswey ]2]
hohu kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, mohi charan ridai vasaa-ay. ||2||
Be merciful to me, O! Destroyer of the Sufferings of the Poor, that I may enshrine Your
(lotus) feet be placed within my hearts. 2
sBhU qlY qlY sB aUpir eyh idRsit idRstwey ] sabhhoo talai talai sabh oopar ayh darisat daristaa-ay.
(O! Lord bless me that I may behold/ regard myself) beneath the feet of all, and, (behold/ regard)
all above (me); bless me with this vision.
AiBmwnu Koie Koie Koie KoeI hau mo kau siqgur mMqRü idRVwey ]3]
abhimaan kho-ay kho-ay kho-ay kho-ee ha-o, mo ka-o satgur maNtra driṛ-aa-ay. ||3||
I may lose, shed, drop and cast my pride; O! True Guru, implant this dictum within me. 3
Aqulu Aqulu Aqulu nh qulIAY Bgiq vClu ikrpwey ] atul atul atul, nah tulee-ai; bhagat vachhal kirpaa-ay.
You are un-weighable, immeasurable, un-assessable, You cannot be weighed; You are Lover
of Devotee and compassionate (to all).
jo jo srix pirE gur nwnk ABY dwnu suK pwey ]4]1]81]
jo jo saraṇ pari-o gur, naanak ,abhai daan sukh paa-ay. ||4||1||81||

Nanak (says): Whoever has entered to the refuge of the Guru, is blessed with the gift of
fearlessness and happiness. 4.1.81

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

pRB jI qU myry pRwn ADwrY ] prabh jee, too mayray paraan adhaarai.
O! Dear God, You are the support of my breath (of life).
nmskwr fMfauiq bMdnw Aink bwr jwau bwrY ]1] rhwau ]
namaskaar daNd-ut baNdnaa, anik baar jaa-o baarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I bow, prostrate and make obeisance; I am a sacrifice (unto You), so many times. 1 (pause)
aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq iehu mnu quJih icqwrY ] oothat baithat sovat jaagat, ih man tujheh chitaarai.
Standing up, sitting down, sleeping, and waking, this mind thinks of You, (O! Lord).
sUK dUK iesu mn kI ibrQw quJ hI AwgY swrY ]1] sookh dookh is man kee birthaa, tujh hee aagai saarai. ||1||
(My) pleasures and pains, and, state of this mind; (O! Lord) I describe everything to You. 1
qU myrI Et bl buiD Dnu qum hI qumih myrY prvwrY ]
too mayree ot, bal budh dhan tum hee, tumeh mayrai parvaarai.
You are my support, and, You are my power, intellect and wealth, and, You are my family.
jo qum krhu soeI Bl hmrY pyiK nwnk suK crnwrY ]2]2]82]
jo tum karahu so-ee bhal hamrai paykh naanak sukh charnaarai. ||2||2||82||
Nanak (says): Whatever you do, that is good for us; (I obtain) happiness in beholding Your
(lotus) feet.2.2.82

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sunIAq pRB qau sgl auDwrn ] moh mgn piqq sMig pRwnI AYsy mnih ibswrn ]1] rhwau ]
sunee-at, prabh ta-o sagal udhaaran.
moh magan, patit saNg paraanee, aisay maneh bisaaran. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have heard, O! Lord, that you are the Saviour of all.
(For being) intoxicated by attachment, and, (dwelling) in the company of the sinners, (we)
have forgotten such (great like You). 1 (pause)
sMic ibiKAw ly gRwhju kInI AMimRqu mn qy fwrn ] sa ch bikhi-aa lay garaahaj keenee, a mrit man tay daaran.
(We) gather poison and grasp it, but, cast out AMmrit from mind.
kwm k®oD loB rqu inMdw squ sMqoKu ibdwrn ]1] kaam krodh lobh rat niNdaa, sat saNtokh bidaaran. ||1||
(We are) imbued with sexual desire, anger, greed, and slandering; (and, we) have torn away
(i.e. abandoned) truth and contentedness.1
ien qy kwiF lyhu myry suAwmI hwir pry qum@ swrn ]
in tay kaaḍ layho mayray su-aamee, haar paray tumh saaran.
Lift me out of these, O! my Lord, (we are) defeated, (i.e. exhausted) seek Your refuge.
nwnk kI bynµqI pRB pih swDsMig rMk qwrn ]2]3]83]
naanak kee baynaNtee prabh peh, saadhsaNg raNk taaran. ||2||3||83||
Nanak (says): It is my prayer to You, O! Lord, I am a poor beggar, carry me across (the
world ocean) in the company of the God-oriented persons. 2.3.83

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sMqn kY sunIAq pRB kI bwq ] saNtan kai sunee-at prabh kee baat.
I listen to the story (of the excellences) of God from the God-oriented persons.
kQw kIrqnu Awnµd mMgl Duin pUir rhI idnsu Aru rwiq ]1] rhwau ]
kathaa keertan aanaNd maNgal dhun, poor rahee dinas ar raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Exegesis, (songs of) praise, tunes of ecstasy and joy, resonate there day and night. 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw Apny pRiB kIny nwm Apuny kI kInI dwiq ] AwT phr gun gwvq pRB ky kwm k®oD iesu qn qy jwq ]1]
kar kirpaa apnay parabh keenay naam apunay kee keenee daat.
aaṭ pahar gun gaavat parabh kay, kaam krodh is tan tay jaat. ||1||
(Those, whom) God has made His own in His kindness, and, has blessed them with the gift of
His name; (hence, now)
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day) they sing (the praise of) the excellences of
God; and, sexual desire and anger leave their body. 1
iqRpiq AGwey pyiK pRB drsnu AMimRq hir rsu Bojnu Kwq ]
taripat aghaa-ay, paykh prabh darsan, aMmrit har ras bhojan khaat.
Beholding the vision of God, they are satisfied and satiated; they eat the AMmrit food of love
of God.
crn srn nwnk pRB qyrI kir ikrpw sMqsMig imlwq ]2]4]84]
charan saran, naanak, prabh tayree, kar kirpaa saNtsaNg milaat. ||2||4||84||
Nanak (says): Those, who seek the refuge of Your feet, O! Lord, in Your mercy, You unite
them with the company of the God-oriented persons. 2.4.84

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

rwiK lIey Apny jn Awp ] kir ikrpw hir hir nwmu dIno ibnis gey sB sog sMqwp ]1] rhwau ]
raakh lee-ay apnay jan aap.
kar kirpaa har har naam deeno, binas ga-ay sabh sog saNtaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He Himself has saved His servants (i.e. devotees);
Bestowing His kindness, God, the Lord, has blessed them with His name; and, all their griefs
and sufferings have been dispelled. 1 (pause)
gux goivMd gwvhu siB hir jn rwg rqn rsnw Awlwp ]
guṇ goviNd gaavhu sabh har jan, raag ratan rasnaa aalaap.
O! servants (i.e. devotees) of God, sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Sustainer of the
World (i.e. God); and, chant the jewel of music with your tongue.
koit jnm kI iqRsnw invrI rwm rswieix Awqm DRwp ]1]
kot janam kee tarisnaa nivree, raam rasaa-iṇ aatam dharaap. ||1||
The thirst (i.e. desire) of the tens of millions of births (i.e. incarnations) is quenched; and, the
soul is satiated with (the name, which is) the store (i.e. treasure) of the essence of God.
God's nectar is filling my soul. 1
crx ghy srix suKdwqy gur kY bcin jpy hir jwp ]
charaṇ gahay saraṇ sukh-daatay, gur kai bachan japay har jaap.
Those who grasp the refuge of the feet of the Giver of Happiness (i.e. God), they meditate
upon the word of God through the teachings of the Guru.
swgr qry Brm BY ibnsy khu nwnk Twkur prqwp ]2]5]85]
saagar taray bharam bhai binsay, kaho naanak, ṭaakur partaap. ||2||5||85||
Nanak (says): Their swim across the (world) ocean, and, their doubts and fears are dispelled;
this is the glory (i.e. greatness) of the Lord. 2.5. 85

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qwpu lwihAw gur isrjnhwir ] siqgur Apny kau bil jweI ijin pYj rKI swrY sMswir ]1] rhwau ]
taap laahi-aa, gur* sirjanhaar.
satgur* apnay ka-o bal jaa-ee, jin paij rakhee, saarai saNsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God,* the Creator, has cured the fever.
I am a sacrifice unto my True Guru,* who has saved my honour in the whole of the world.1
(pause) [*Here, Guru and True Guru have been used for God].
kru msqik Dwir bwilku riK lIno ] pRiB AMimRq nwmu mhw rsu dIno ]1]
kar mastak dhaar, baalik rakh leeno. prabh, aMmrit naam, mahaa ras deeno. ||1||
Placing His hand on the forehead of the child, He has saved him.
The Lord blessed him with AMmrit name, the great (sublime) essence. 1
dws kI lwj rKY imhrvwnu ] daas kee laaj, rakhai miharvaan.
The merciful (Lord) (always) saved the honour of His slave (i.e. devotee).
guru nwnku bolY drgh prvwnu ]2]6]86] gur, naanak, bolai, dargeh parvaan. ||2||6||86||
Nanak (says): whatever the Guru speaks, that is accepted (i.e. approved) in His court. 2.6.86

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 caupdy dupdy Gru 7 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, dupday, ghar 7
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
siqgur sbid aujwro dIpw ] ibnisE AMDkwr iqh mMdir rqn koTVI Kul@I AnUpw ]1] rhwau ]
satgur sabad, ujaaro deepaa.
binsi-o aNdhkaar tih maNdar, ratan koṭ-ṛee khulhee anoopaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The word of the True Guru, is the (spiritual) light of the lamp.
It dispels the darkness from the (body) home; and, opens the beautiful chamber of the jewel
(name of the Lord). 1 (pause)
ibsmn ibsm Bey jau pyiKE khnu n jwie vifAweI ]
bisman bisam bha-ay ja-o paykhi-o, kahan na jaa-ay vadi-aa-ee.
When I saw I was (so much) wondrously wondered, (that)I cannot (even) describe its grandeur.
mgn Bey aUhw sMig mwqy Eiq poiq lptweI ]1] magan bha-ay oohaa saNg maatay, ot pot laptaa-ee. ||1||
I was intoxicated and enraptured with it; I clung to (i.e. was enwrapped in) it like warp and
weft (i.e. through and through). 1
Awl jwl nhI kCU jMjwrw AhMbuiD nhI Borw ] aal jaal nahee kachhoo jaNjaaraa, ahaM-budh nahee bhoraa.
(Now) no worldly entanglements and chain (i.e. worldly attachment) bind me; and, there is
not even a bit of vain intellect (i.e. egotistic pride)remains within me.
aUcn aUcw bIcu n KIcw hau qyrw qUM morw ]2] oochan oochaa, beech na kheechaa, ha-o tayraa tooN moraa. ||2||

(Now, only) the Highest of the high (dwells within me), and, no curtain separates (me from
Him). I am Yours, (and) You are mine. 2
eykMkwru eyku pwswrw eykY Apr Apwrw ] aykaNkaar ayk paasaaraa, aykai apar apaaraa.
There is (but) one Creator, (the entire) creation is the expansion of the One; and, the One
(Lord) is unlimited and infinite.
eyku ibsQIrnu eyku sMpUrnu eykY pRwn ADwrw ]3] ayk bistheeran, ayk sa pooran, aykai paraan adhaaraa. ||3||
(The entire universe, i.e. every thing, is) the expansion of the One, the One (alone) is perfect,
and, the One (Lord) is the support of the breath (of life). 3
inrml inrml sUcw sUco sUcw sUco sUcw ] nirmal nirmal, soochaa, soocho soochaa, soocho soochaa.
He is Immaculate of the immaculate, pure, the Purest of the pure, the Purest of the pure.
AMq n AMqw sdw byAMqw khu nwnk aUco aUcw ]4]1]87]
aNt na aNtaa, sadaa bay-aNtaa, kaho naanak, oocho oochaa. ||4||1||87||
Nanak (says): He has no end or limit, He is forever endless, He is the Highest of the high.

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ibnu hir kwim n Awvq hy ] bin har, kaam na aavat hay.
(O! brethren) without God, nothing can be of any use.
jw isau rwic mwic qum@ lwgy Eh mohnI mohwvq hy ]1] rhwau ]
jaa si-o raach maach tumh laagay, oh mohnee mohaavat hay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That, with which you are totally attached to, that enticing (maya) is enticing (i.e. robbing)
you. 1 (pause)
kink kwimnI syj sohnI Coif iKnY mih jwvq hy ] kanik kaaminee sayj sohnee, chhod khinai meh jaavat hay.
Gold, (your beautiful) woman, beautiful bed (i.e. all your belongings and possessions), leaving
them behind, you shall have to depart in an instant.
auriJ rihE ieMdRI rs pRyirE ibKY TgaurI Kwvq hy ]1]
urajh rahi-o INdree ras parayri-o, bikhai ṭag-uree khaavat hay. ||1||
Lured by sexual pleasure, you are entangled in it (i.e. sensuousness); (you) are eating this
cheating poisonous herb (i.e. drug). 1
iqRx ko mMdru swij svwirE pwvku qlY jrwvq hy ] tariṇ ko maNdar saaj savaari-o, paavak talai jaraavat hay.
(It is like) building and decorating a house of straws, and, lighting fire under it.
AYsy gV mih AYiT hTIlo PUil PUil ikAw pwvq hy ]2]
aisay gaṛ meh aiṭ haṭeelo, fool fool ki-aa paavat hay. ||2||
Sitting very puffed up in such a castle, O! stubborn, what do you (think you would) gain? 2
pMc dUq mUf pir TwFy kys ghy Pyrwvq hy ] paNch doot mood par ṭaaḍay, kays gahay fayraavat hay.
The five enemies (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride) are standing on your
head, and, holding (you) by hair, they are driving you around.
idRsit n Awvih AMD AigAwnI soie rihE md mwvq hy ]3]
darisat na aavahi aNdh agi-aanee, so-ay rahi-o mad maavat hay. ||3||
The blind, ignorant does not see (these enemies); intoxicated with ego, he keeps sleeping. 3
jwlu pswir cog ibsQwrI pMKI ijau Pwhwvq hy ] jaal pasaar chog bisthaaree, paNkhee ji-o faahaavat hay.

Net has been spread out and the bait has been scattered, you are being trapped like a bird.
khu nwnk bMDn kwtn kau mY siqguru purKu iDAwvq hy ]4]2]88]
kaho naanak, baNdhan kaatan ka-o, mai satgur purakh dhi-aavat hay. ||4||2||88||
Says Nanak: To get my bonds (of maya) broken, I meditate upon the True Guru, the Primal
Person. 4.2.88

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

hir hir nwmu Apwr AmolI ] har har naam, apaar amolee.
The name of God, the Lord, the Master, is infinite and priceless.
pRwn ipAwro mnih ADwro cIiq icqvau jYsy pwn qMbolI ]1] rhwau ]
paraan pi-aaro, maneh adhaaro, cheet chitva-o, jaisay paan tambolee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It (i.e. the name of the Lord) is the beloved of (breath of) life, and support of my mind. I
remember Him like betel-leaf chewer remembers betel. 1 (pause)
shij smwieE gurih bqwieE rMig rMgI myry qn kI colI ]
sahj samaa-i-o, gureh bataa-i-o, raNg raNgee, mayray tan kee cholee.
I am absorbed in equipoise, (because) the Guru has taught me, (hence) my body-blouse is
imbued with the love (of the Lord).
ipRA muiK lwgo jau vfBwgo suhwgu hmwro kqhu n folI ]1]
pari-a mukh laago, ja-o vadbhaago, suhaag hamaaro, katahu na dolee. ||1||
By good fortunate, I shall behold my Beloved face to face; (and then) my husband shall never
waver. 1
rUp n DUp n gMD n dIpw Eiq poiq AMg AMg sMig maulI ]
roop na dhoop, na gaNdh na deepaa, ot pot aNg aNg saNg ma-ulee.
I do not have beauty or incense, or perfume or lamps (for worship); (but, by the grace of the
Guru, I have been united with the Lord) like warp and weft, and my each and every limb has
blossomed forth.
khu nwnk ipRA rvI suhwgin Aiq nIkI myrI bnI KtolI ]2]3]89]
kaho naanak, pari-a ravee suhaagan, at neekee mayree banee khatolee. ||2||3||89||
Says Nanak: My Beloved had enjoyed me (like) happy soul-bride; (thus) my bed has become
very beautiful.2.3.86

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

goibMd goibMd goibMd meI ] gobiNd gobiNd, gobiNd ma-ee.
Chanting (the name of) the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, I (too) have
become like the Lord of the Universe.
jb qy Byty swD dieAwrw qb qy durmiq dUir BeI ]1] rhwau ]
jab tay bhaytay saadh* da-i-aaraa, tab tay durmat door bha-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Since I met the merciful Guru, my evil-mindedness has gone far away. 1 (pause)
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
pUrn pUir rihE sMpUrn sIql sWiq dieAwl deI ]
pooran poor rahi-o saMpooran, seetal saant da-i-aal da-ee.
The Perfect (Lord) is perfectly pervading (everywhere); (He is) cool and calm, kind and merciful.

kwm k®oD iqRsnw AhMkwrw qn qy hoey sgl KeI ]1]
kaam krodh tarisnaa ahaMkaaraa, tan tay ho-ay sagal kha-ee. ||1||
Sexual desire, anger, desires and pride, all (the vices) have been eradicated from the body. 1
squ sMqoKu dieAw Drmu suic sMqn qy iehu mMqu leI ]
sat saNtokh da-i-aa dharam such, saNtan tay ih maNt la-ee.
Truth, contentment, compassion, faith, and purity; I have received this dictum (i.e.
teaching) from the Guru.
khu nwnk ijin mnhu pCwinAw iqn kau sglI soJ peI ]2]4]90]
kaho naanak, jin manhu pachhaani-aa, tin ka-o saglee sojh pa-ee. ||2||4||90||
Says Nanak: Those who realizes (Him) within his mind, achieves all understanding. 2.4.90

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ikAw hm jIA jMq bycwry brin n swkh eyk romweI ]
ki-aa ham jee-a jaNt baychaaray, baran na saakah ayk romaa-ee.
(O! Lord) what are we, (just) poor creature beings; we cannot describe (even) one hair (i.e.
very little) of You.
bRhm mhys isD muin ieMdRw byAMq Twkur qyrI giq nhI pweI ]1]
barahm mahays sidh mun INdraa, bay-aNt ṭaakur, tayree gat nahee paa-ee. ||1||
(We are poor creatures, but, even) Brahma, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv), sidhs (claiming miraculous powers),
the silent sages, Indar,* could not know Your state, O! Infinite Lord.1 [*mythical gods].
ikAw kQIAY ikCu kQnu n jweI ] jh jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa kathee-ai, kichh kathan na jaa-ee. jah jah daykhaa, tah rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What to say (about Your grandeur), nothing can de described; (becasue)
Wherever I see, (I see You) pervading there. 1 (pause)
jh mhw BieAwn dUK jm sunIAY qh myry pRB qUhY shweI ]
jah mahaa bha-i-aan dookh jam sunee-ai, tah mayray prabh toohai sahaa-ee.
There, where it is heard that greatly terrible pains are inflicted by the messengers of death,
there, O! my Lord, only You are the support.
srin pirE hir crn ghy pRB guir nwnk kau bUJ buJweI ]2]5]91]
saran pari-o har charan gahay prabh, gur, naanak, ka-o boojh bujhaa-ee. ||2||5||91||
Nanak (says): the Guru has given me this understanding; (hence) I have sought refuge and
have held the (lotus) feet of God. 2.5.91

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Agm rUp AibnwsI krqw piqq pivq iek inmK jpweIAY ]
agam roop abhinaasee kartaa, patit pavit, ik nimakh japaa-ee-ai.
(O! brethren, God is) inaccessible form, imperishable, Creator and Purifier of the Sinners;
meditate upon Him for a moment (i.e. each and every moment).
Acrju suinE prwpiq Bytuly sMq crn crn mnu lweIAY ]1]
achraj suni-o, paraapat bhaytulay, saNt charan, charan man laa-ee-ai. ||1||
I have heard that He is wondrous, (and he is) found by meeting (i.e. serving at) the feet of the
God-oriented persons; (so, let us) focus our mind on their feet. 1

ikqu ibDIAY ikqu sMjim pweIAY ] khu surjn ikqu jugqI iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
kit bidhee-ai, kit saNjam paa-ee-ai. kaho surjan, kit jugtee dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With what way and by what discipline, is He obtained?
Tell me, O! good man, by which way we (should) meditate upon Him. 1 (pause)
jo mwnuKu mwnuK kI syvw Ehu iqs kI leI leI Puin jweIAY ]
jo maanukh maanukh kee sayvaa, oh tis kee la-ee la-ee fun jaa-ee-ai.
If a human being serves another human being, he (i.e. the one who gets served) too goes to
serve him again and again.
nwnk srin srix suK swgr moih tyk qyro iek nweIAY ]2]6]92]
naanak, saran, saraṇ sukh saagar, mohi tayk tayro ik naa-ee-ai. ||2||6||92||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge, the refuge of the Ocean of Happiness; (O! Lord), I take
support of only Your name. 2.6.92

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sMq srix sMq thl krI ] DMDu bMDu Aru sgl jMjwro Avr kwj qy CUit prI ]1] rhwau ]
saNt* saraṇ, saNt* tahal karee.
dhaNdh baNdh ar sagal jaNjaaro, avar kaaj tay chhoot paree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sought the refuge of the Guru* and served the Guru*; (as a result)
I have been rid of (worldly) activities and bonds, all entanglements and other (like) activities.
1 (pause) [*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
sUK shj Aru Gno Anµdw gur qy pwieE nwmu hrI ] sookh sahj ar ghano ana daa, gur tay paa-i-o naam haree.
I obtained the name of God through the Guru, and (meditating upon the name) I obtained
happiness, poise and great bliss.
AYso hir rsu brin n swkau guir pUrY myrI aulit DrI ]1]
aiso har ras baran na saaka-o, gur poorai mayree ulat dharee. ||1||
Such is the essence of God , that I can not describe it; the perfect Guru has turned my way
(away from maya). 1
pyiKE mohnu sB kY sMgy aUn n kwhU sgl BrI ] paykhi-o mohan, sabh kai saNgay, oon na kaahoo, sagal bharee.
I behold the Fascinating (Lord), dwelling with everyone, no one is without Him; He is
pervading everywhere.
pUrn pUir rihE ikrpw iniD khu nwnk myrI pUrI prI ]2]7]93]
pooran, poor rahi-o, kirpaa nidh; kaho naanak, mayree pooree paree. ||2||7||93||
The Perfect (Lord), the Treasure of Mercy, is fulfilling (i.e. pervading) everywhere; says
Nanak: (by the Guru’s grace) I am fully filled. 2.7.93

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mn ikAw khqw hau ikAw khqw ] man ki-aa kahtaa, ha-o ki-aa kahtaa.
O! (my) mind what do you say (to me), and, what do I say (to you, O! mind).
jwn pRbIn Twkur pRB myry iqsu AwgY ikAw khqw ]1] rhwau ]
jaan parbeen ṭaakur prabh mayray, tis aagai ki-aa kahtaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Lord, Master, is wise, and, All-knowing, (O! mind) what do you say before Him? 1 (pause)

Anboly kau quhI pCwnih jo jIAn mih hoqw ] anbolay ka-o tuhee pachhaaneh, jo jee-an meh hotaa.
You know whatever is in our hearts, even if it is not spoken (i.e. told by us).
ry mn kwie khw lau fhkih jau pyKq hI sMig sunqw ]1]
ray man, kaa-ay kahaa la-o dehkahi, ja-o paykhat hee saNg suntaa. ||1||
O! my mind, why do deceive (yourself) and how long (will you do this); He is with you,
beholding and listening. 1
AYso jwin Bey min Awnd Awn n bIE krqw ] aiso jaan bha-ay man aanad, aan na bee-o kartaa.
(O! Lord) knowing this, that there is no other Doer, my mind has become blissful.
khu nwnk gur Bey dieAwrw hir rMgu n kbhU lhqw ]2]8]94]
kaho naanak, gur bha-ay da-i-aaraa, har raNg na kabhoo lahtaa. ||2||8||94||
Says Nanak: The Guru has become kind (to me), (hence)my love for God will never fade. 2.8.94

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

inMdku AYsy hI Jir prIAY ] ieh nIswnI sunhu qum BweI ijau kwlr BIiq igrIAY ]1] rhwau ]
nindak, aisay hee jhar paree-ai.
ih neesaanee, sunhu tum bhaa-ee, ji-o kaalar bheet giree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The slanderers crumble away this way:
This is the sign (how a slanderer falls), listen you, O! brother: he collapses like the wall of
saline. 1 (pause)
jau dyKY iCdRü qau inMdku aumwhY Blo dyiK duK BrIAY ]
ja-o daykhai chhidar, ta-o niNdak umaahai, bhalo daykh, dukh bharee-ai.
When a slanderer sees (i.e. observes) a fault (in someone) he is pleased; seeing something
good, he is filled with sorrow.
AwT phr icqvY nhI phucY burw icqvq icqvq mrIAY ]1]
aaṭ pahar chitvai, nahee pahuchai; buraa chitvat chitvat maree-ai. ||1||
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty four hours a day), he conspires, but can not reach (i.e. can not
succeed in harming him), (still) he dies constantly thinking up evil (conspiracies). 1
inMdku pRBU BulwieAw kwlu nyrY AwieAw hir jn isau bwdu auTrIAY ]
niNdak prabhoo bhulaa-i-aa, kaal nayrai aa-i-aa, har jan si-o baad uthree-ai.
The slanderer has forgotten God, (and, finally) death approaches him;(but, still) he remains
in conflict with the servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
nwnk kw rwKw Awip pRBu suAwmI ikAw mwns bpury krIAY ]2]9]95]
naanak kaa raakhaa, aap prabh su-aamee; ki-aa maanas bapuray karee-ai. ||2||9||95||
Nanak (says): (When) God, the Lord, Himself is my protector; what can any wretched
person do (to me)? 2.9.95

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

AYsy kwhy BUil pry ] aisay, kaahay bhool paray.
Why do (you) wander around, in delusion, like this?
krih krwvih mUkir pwvih pyKq sunq sdw sMig hry ]1] rhwau ]
karahi karaaveh, mookar paavahi, paykhat sunat ,sadaa saNg haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You do (i.e. commit ill deeds) and get others do (ill deeds), (and, then) deny (having done it);
(but, O! being) God is always with you, (He) watches and hears (everything). 1 (pause)
kwc ibhwJn kMcn Cwfn bYrI sMig hyqu swjn iqAwig Kry ]
kaach bihaajhan, kaNchan chhaadan; bairee saNg hayt, saajan ti-aag kharay.
(O! brethren) you purchase glass (but) discard gold; you have love for your enemies (but)
renounce good friends (i.e. all your acts are contrary to what you should have done, hence, negative).
hovnu kaurw Anhovnu mITw ibiKAw mih lptwie jry ]1]
hovan ka-uraa, anhovan meeṭaa, bikhi-aa meh laptaa-ay jaray. ||1||
That which exists (i.e the name of God) seems bitter (to You), and, that which does not exist
(i.e. attachment to maya) seems sweet (to you), clinging to (i.e. engrossed in) poison (i.e. maya)
you are burning away.1
AMD kUp mih pirE prwnI Brm gubwr moh bMiD pry ]
aNdh koop meh pari-o paraanee, bharam gubaar moh baNdh paray.
The mortal (beings) have fallen into blind well (of maya), and, are bound by darkness of
doubt and (emotional) attachment.
khu nwnk pRB hoq dieAwrw guru BytY kwFY bwh Pry ]2]10]96]
kaho naanak, prabh hot da-i-aaraa, gur bhaytai, kaaḍai baah faray. ||2||10||96||
Says Nanak: When God becomes merciful, one meets the Guru, who takes him by arm and
pulls him out. 2.10.96

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mn qn rsnw hir cIn@w ] man tan rasnaa, har cheenhaa.
With my mind, body and tongue, I have remember (i.e. meditated upon) God.
Bey Anµdw imty AMdysy srb sUK mo kau guir dIn@w ]1] rhwau ]
bha-ay anaNdaa, mitay aNdaysay, sarab sookh mo ka-o gur deenhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am in ecstasy, all my doubts have been dispelled, (because) the Guru has blessed me with
total happiness.1 (pause)
ieAwnp qy sB BeI isAwnp pRBu myrw dwnw bInw ]
i-aanap tay sabh bha-ee si-aanap, prabh mayraa daanaa beenaa.
My ignorance has been transformed into total wisdom; my Lord is wise and all-knowing.
hwQ dyie rwKY Apny kau kwhU n krqy kCu KInw ]1]
haath day-ay raakhai apnay ka-o, kaahoo na kartay kachh kheenaa. ||1||
Giving His hand, He saves (His devotees); (hence) no one can harm them. 1
bil jwvau drsn swDU kY ijh pRswid hir nwmu lInw ]
bal jaava-o darsan saadhoo* kai, jih parsaad har naam leenaa.
I am a sacrifice unto the vision of the Guru,* by his grace, I meditate upon the name of
God. [*Here, saadhoo has been
used for the Guru].
khu nwnk Twkur BwrosY khU n mwinE min CInw ]2]11]97]
kaho naanak, ṭaakur bhaarosai, kahoo na maani-o man chheenaa. ||2||11||97||
Says Nanak: I place my in faith in my Lord; and, within my mind, I do not have faith in any
other, even for a moment. 3.11.97

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
guir pUrY myrI rwiK leI ] gur poorai mayree raakh la-ee.
The perfect Guru has saved my honour.
AMimRq nwmu irdy mih dIno jnm jnm kI mYlu geI ]1] rhwau ]
aMmrit naam riday meh deeno, janam janam kee mail ga-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has enshrined AMmrit name within my heart, and, the filth of countless lives (i.e.
incarnations) has been washed away. 1 (pause)
invry dUq dust bYrweI gur pUry kw jipAw jwpu ] nivray doot dusat bairaa-ee, gur pooray kaa japi-aa jaap.
The slanderers, the wicked and the enemies, have been pushed away (i.e. subdued), by
meditating upon the meditation (i.e. word) of the perfect Guru.
P. 824
khw krY koeI bycwrw pRB myry kw bf prqwpu ]1]
kahaa karai ko-ee baychaaraa, prabh mayray kaa bad partaap. ||1||
(Now) what can any wretched person do (to me)? the glory of my Lord is so great. 1
ismir ismir ismir suKu pwieAw crn kml rKu mn mwhI ]
simar simar simar sukh paa-i-aa, charan kamal rakh man maahee.
Enshrining His lotus-feet within my mind, I have obtained happiness by remembering and
remembering and remembering (i.e. continually remembering) Him.
qw kI srin pirE nwnk dwsu jw qy aUpir ko nwhI ]2]12]98]
taa kee saran pari-o, naanak daas, jaa tay oopar ko naahee. ||2||12||98||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have sought His refuge, there is no one above Him. 2.12.98

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

sdw sdw jpIAY pRB nwm ] sadaa sadaa japee-ai prabh naam.
Forever and ever meditate upon the name of God.
jrw mrw kCu dUKu n ibAwpY AwgY drgh pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ]
jaraa maraa kachh dookh na bi-aapai, aagai dargeh pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The is pain of old age or death shall not afflict you; and, in His court, hereafter, (your) affairs
shall be settled. 1 (pause)
Awpu iqAwig prIAY inq srnI gur qy pweIAY eyhu inDwnu ]
aap ti-aag paree-ai nit sarnee, gur tay paa-ee-ai ayhu nidhaan.
Forsaking self-conceit, always seek his refuge; (because) this treasure (of the name of the
Lord) is obtained from the Guru.
jnm mrx kI ktIAY PwsI swcI drgh kw nIswnu ]1]
janam maraṇ kee katee-ai faasee, saachee dargeh kaa neesaan. ||1||
The noose of birth and death is snapped (by meditating upon His name); this is the insignia of
(entry into) the court of the True (Lord). 1
jo qum@ krhu soeI Bl mwnau mn qy CUtY sgl gumwnu ]
jo tumh karahu so-ee bhal maan-o, man tay chhootai sagal gumaan.
Whatever you do, I accept as good, and, all egotistical pride is eradicated from my mind.
khu nwnk qw kI srxweI jw kw kIAw sgl jhwnu ]2]13]99]
kaho naanak, taa kee sarṇaa-ee, jaa kaa kee-aa sagal jahaan. ||2||13||99||

Says Nanak:I am in the refuge of the One, who has created the whole universe. 2.13.99

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mn qn AMqir pRBu AwhI ] hir gun gwvq praupkwr inq iqsu rsnw kw molu ikCu nwhI ]1] rhwau ]
man tan aNtar, prabh aahee.
har gun gaavat par-upkaar nit, tis rasnaa kaa mol, kichh naahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(One, who has) God within his mind and body;
(He) sings (the praise of) His excellences of God, and, always does good to others; his tongue
is priceless. 1 (pause)
kul smUh auDry iKn BIqir jnm jnm kI mlu lwhI ]
kul samooh udhray khin bheetar, janam janam kee mal laahee.
All his clan is liberated in an instant, and, the filth of countless births (i.e. incarnations) is
washed away.
ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw And syqI ibiKAw bnu gwhI ]1]
simar simar su-aamee prabh apnaa, anad saytee bikhi-aa ban gaahee. ||1||
Remembering and remembering their God, the Lord, they cross blissfully through the
forest of poison (i.e. they easily pass through the world of vices). 1
crn pRBU ky boihQu pwey Bv swgru pwir prwhI ] charan parabhoo kay bohith paa-ay, bhav saagar paar
Having obtained the boat of the feet of God, they cross over the terrifying (world) ocean.
sMq syvk Bgq hir qw ky nwnk mnu lwgw hY qwhI ]2]14]100]
saNt sayvak bhagat har taa kay, naanak, man laagaa hai taahee. ||2||14||100||
Nanak (says): They are the worshipper, devotees and servants of God; and, their mind is
attached to Him. 2.18.100

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Dirau dyiK qum@wrY rMgw ] dheera-o, daykh tumhaarai raNgaa.
Beholding Your wondrous play, I attain patience (i.e. contentedness).
quhI suAwmI AMqrjwmI qUhI vsih swD kY sMgw ]1] rhwau ]
tuhee su-aamee, aNtarjaamee, toohee vaseh saadh kai saNgaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You (alone) are (my) Lord, O! Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls); You dwell with the
God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
iKn mih Qwip invwjy Twkur nIc kIt qy krih rwjMgw ]1]
khin meh thaap nivaajay ṭaakur, neech keet tay karahi raajaNgaa. ||1||
You establish and exalt in a moment, O! Master, and, raise a lowly insect (i.e. petty pauper)
into to a king. 1
kbhU n ibsrY hIey mory qy nwnk dws iehI dwnu mMgw ]2]15]101]
kabhoo na bisrai hee-ay moray tay naanak daas ihee daan maNgaa. ||2||15||101||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): may I never forget You from my mind; I pray for this gift
(from You, O! Lord). 2.15.101

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Acuq pUjw jog gopwl ] mnu qnu Arip rKau hir AwgY srb jIAw kw hY pRiqpwl ]1] rhwau ]
achut, poojaa jog gopaal.
man tan arap rakha-o har aagai, sarab jee-aa kaa hai partipaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Ever-steady (i.e. God) is worthy of worship.
I dedicate and offer my mind and body unto God, (who is) the Cherisher of all the beings. 1
srin smRQ AkQ suKdwqw ikrpw isMDu bfo dieAwl ]
saran samrath akath sukh-daata, kirpaa siNdh bado da-i-aal.
He is all-powerful to give refuge; in-expressible (i.e. in-describale), Giver of Happiness,
Ocean of Mercy, and greatly compassionate.
kMiT lwie rwKY Apny kau iqs no lgY n qwqI bwl ]1]
kaNṭ laa-ay raakhai apnay ka-o, tis no lagai na taatee baal. ||1||
One, whom He embraces close to His bosom, (even) the hot winds can not touch him. 1
dwmodr dieAwl suAwmI srbsu sMq jnw Dn mwl ] daamodar* da-i-aal su-aamee sarbas, saNt janaa dhan
The Protector*, Merciful Lord (God) is the wealth, property and everything to the God-
oriented persons.
[*Damodar, literally: one, who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect. This is an attribute of God].
nwnk jwick drsu pRB mwgY sMq jnw kI imlY rvwl ]2]16]102]
naanak, jaachik daras parabh maagai, saNt janaa kee milai ravaal. ||2||16||102||
Nanak, the beggar (says): I beg for the vision of the Lord; and, the feet-dust of the God-
oriented persons. 2.16.102

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ismrq nwmu koit jqn Bey ] simrat naam, kot jatan bha-ay.
Remembering the name (of God) means (succeeding in) tens of millions of efforts.
swDsMig imil hir gun gwey jmdUqn kau qRws Ahy ]1] rhwau ]
saadhsaNg mil har gun gaa-ay, jamdootan ka-o taraas ahay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, in the company of the God-oriented
persons, the messengers of death frightens away. 1 (pause)
jyqy punhcrn sy kIn@y min qin pRB ky crx ghy ]
jaytay punahcharan say keenhay, man tan parabh kay charaṇ gahay.
Grasping the (lotus) feet of the Lord with mind and body is (like) practising all sorts of acts of
atonement; and,
Awvx jwxu Brmu Bau nwTw jnm jnm ky iklivK dhy ]1]
aavan jaan bharam bha-o naathaa, janam janam kay kilvikh dahay. ||1||
(With this) coming and going, doubt and fear run (i.e. vanish) away; and, sins of countless
births (i.e. incarnations) are burnt away. 1
inrBau hoie Bjhu jgdIsY eyhu pdwrQu vfBwig lhy ]
nirbha-o ho-ay bhajahu jagdeesai, ayhu padaarath vadbhaag lahay.
(O! brethren) so become fearless, and meditate upon (the name of) God, this wealth is
obtained (only) by great fortune.

kir ikrpw pUrn pRB dwqy inrml jsu nwnk dws khy ]2]17]103]
kar kirpaa pooran prabh daatay, nirmal jas, naanak daas kahay. ||2||17||103||
Nanak (says): Be merciful, O! Perfect Lord, Giver (Lord), that Your slave (i.e. devotee) may
chant Your immaculate (pious) praise. 2.17.103
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
sulhI qy nwrwiex rwKu ] sulhee tay, naaraa-in* raakh.
The Omnipotent (i.e. God) saved me from Sulhi (Khan, who led an invasion on Amritsar).
[*Naaraain, literally: contained in all the men/ people i.e. omnipresent. This is an attribute of God].
sulhI kw hwQu khI n phucY sulhI hoie mUAw nwpwku ]1] rhwau ]
sulhee kaa haath kahee na pahuchai, sulhee ho-ay moo-aa naapaak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sulhi's hand could not reach anywhere (i.e. he did not succeed in his plan to attack); and,
Sulhi died as a defiled* one. 1 (pause)
[*Sulhi Khan was burnt to death. In Islam burning the body of a Muslim means burning in the fire of hell].
kwiF kuTwru Ksim isru kwitAw iKn mih hoie gieAw hY Kwku ]
kaaḍ kuṭaar khasam sir kaati-aa, khin meh ho-ay ga-i-aa hai khaak.
The Lord raised His axe and chopped off his head off, and, in a moment, he was reduced to
dust (i.e. God finished his existence him in an instant). 1
mMdw icqvq icqvq picAw ijin ricAw iqin dInw Dwku ]1]
maNdaa chitvat chitvat pachi-aa, jin rachi-aa tin deenaa dhaak. ||1||
Contemplating and planning ill, he was burnt (to death); the One who created him, gave him
a threw (i.e. finished him). 1
puqR mIq Dnu ikCU n rihE su Coif gieAw sB BweI swku ]
putar meet dhan kichhoo na rahi-o so, chhod ga-i-aa sabh bhaa-ee saak.
His sons, friends, wealth – nothing remains (with him). He departed (from this world) leaving
behind all his brothers and relatives.
khu nwnk iqsu pRB bilhwrI ijin jn kw kIno pUrn vwku ]2]18]104]
kaho naanak, tis prabh balihaaree, jin jan kaa keeno pooran vaak. ||2||18||104||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto God, who fulfilled the word of His servant (i.e. His
devotee). 2.18.104

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

pUry gur kI pUrI syv ] pooray gur kee pooree sayv.
Perfect (i.e. perfectly fruitful) is service to the perfect Guru.
Awpy Awip vrqY suAwmI kwrju rwis kIAw gurdyv ]1] rhwau ]
aapay aap vartai su-aamee, kaaraj raas kee-aa gurdayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord Himself is all pervading; Divine Guru has settled all my affairs. 1 (pause)
Awid miD pRBu AMiq suAwmI Apnw Qwtu bnwieE Awip ]
aad madh prabh aNt su-aamee, apnaa thaat banaa-i-o aap.
In the beginning, in the middle and in the end, God Himself is the (only) Lord (who
He Himself has fashioned His creation (from Himself).

Apny syvk kI Awpy rwKY pRB myry ko vf prqwpu ]1]
apnay sayvak kee aapay raakhai, prabh mayray ko vad partaap. ||1||
He Himself saves (the honour of) His servants (i.e. devotees); great is the glory of my Lord. 1
pwrbRhm prmysur siqgur vis kIn@y ijin sgly jMq ] paarbarahm parmaysur satgur, vas keenhay jin saglay ja t.
The Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord is the True Guru (pervades everywhere) who has
controlled all beings in His prowess.
crn kml nwnk srxweI rwm nwm jip inrml mMq ]2]19]105]
charan kamal, naanak, sarṇaa-ee; raam naam jap nirmal maNt. ||2||19||105||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of His lotus-feet, and, meditate upon the name of God, (which
is) the immaculate dictum. 2.19.105

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qwp pwp qy rwKy Awp ] sIql Bey gur crnI lwgy rwm nwm ihrdy mih jwp ]1] rhwau ]
taap paap tay raakhay aap.
seetal bha-ay gur charnee laagay, raam naam hirday meh jaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He Himself protects them (i.e. his devotees) from the heat (i.e. suffering) of sins; (because)
Attaching themselves to the feet of the Guru they are cooled (i.e. soothed), and, they meditate
upon the name of God, within my heart. 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw hsq pRiB dIny jgq auDwr nv KMf pRqwp ]
kar kirpaa hasat prabh deenay, jagat udhaar nav khaNd partaap.
Bestowing His mercy, God paces His hand (on the head of those who meditate upon Him); He is
the liberator of the world; His glory pervades in the nine regions (i.e. all the world).
duK ibnsy suK And pRvysw iqRsn buJI mn qn scu DRwp ]1]
dukh binsay sukh anad parvaysaa, tarisan bujhee man tan sach dharaap. ||1||
Their (i.e. devotees’s) sorrows are dispelled; happiness and bliss come in (i.e. comes to dwell
in their heart); the (fire of) desires is quenched, and, their mind and body are truly satisfied. 1
AnwQ ko nwQu srix smrQw sgl isRsit ko mweI bwpu ]
anaath ko naath, saraṇ samrathaa, sagal sarisat ko maa-ee baap.
(God is) the Master of the orphans; (He is) all powerful to give refuge, and, (He is) the mother
and father of the whole universe.
Bgiq vCl BY BMjn suAwmI gux gwvq nwnk Awlwp ]2]20]106]
bhagat vachhal bhai bhaNjan su-aamee, guṇ gaavat, naanak, aalaap. ||2||20||106||
Nanak (says): He is the lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of Fears; I sing and vocalize (the
praise of) His excellences. 2. 20. 106

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ijs qy aupijAw iqsih pCwnu ] jis tay upji-aa, tiseh pachhaan.
(O! brethren) recognize the One, from whom you originated (i.e. who created You).
pwrbRhmu prmysru iDAwieAw kusl Kym hoey kilAwn ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm parmaysar dhi-aa-i-aa, kusal khaym ho-ay kali-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has meditated upon the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord (God), has obtained
happiness, joy and liberation. 1 (pause)

guru pUrw ByitE bf BwgI AMqrjwmI suGVu sujwnu ]
gur pooraa bhayti-o bad bhaagee, aNtarjaamee sughaṛ sujaan.
One, who meets the perfect Guru by great fortune, (he recognizes) the Controller of the
Inner-selves (i.e. souls), all-wise and all-knowing (Lord).
hwQ dyie rwKy kir Apny bf smrQu inmwixAw ko mwnu ]1]
haath day-ay raakhay kar apnay, bad samrath nimaaṇi-aa ko maan. ||1||
Giving His hand, He owns and protects (His devotees); He is absolutely all-power, and, the
honour of the honour-less. 1
BRm BY ibnis gey iKn BIqir AMDkwr pRgty cwnwxu ]
bharam bhai binas ga-ay khin bheetar, aNdhkaar pragatay chaanaaṇ.
(Those who meditate upon Him, their) doubts and fears are dispelled in a moment, and, in the
darkness (of ignorance), (Divine) light is revealed.
swis swis AwrwDY nwnku sdw sdw jweIAY kurbwxu ]2]21]107]
saas saas aaraadhai, naanak, sadaa sadaa jaa-ee-ai kurbaaṇ. ||2||21||107||
Nanak (says): I worship Him with each and every breath, and, I am forever and ever a
sacrifice unto Him. 2.21.107

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

dovY Qwv rKy gur sUry ] hlq plq pwrbRhim svwry kwrj hoey sgly pUry ]1] rhwau ]
dovai thaav rakhay, gur sooray.
halat palat paarbarahm savaaray, kaaraj ho-ay saglay pooray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
At both places (i.e. here and hereafter), the brave (i.e. mighty, powerful) Guru saves (those who
meditate upon God).
The Supreme Lord (God) adorns their (i.e. devotees’s) here and hereafter, and, all his affairs
are (perfectly) settled. 1 (pause)
hir hir nwmu jpq suK shjy mjnu hovq swDU DUry ]
har har naam japat sukh sehjay, majan hovat saadhoo* dhooray.
Meditating the name of God, the Lord, one obtains happiness and poise; and, the dust of the
feet of the Guru* is (like having cleansing) bath (in all the places of pilgrimage).
[*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
Awvx jwx rhy iQiq pweI jnm mrx ky imty ibsUry ]1]
aavaṇ jaaṇ rahay, thit paa-ee, janam maraṇ kay mitay bisooray. ||1||
Coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) ceases, one finds stability; and, the fear of
birth and death is eradicated. 1
BRm BY qry Cuty BY jm ky Git Git eyku rihAw BrpUry ]
bharam bhai taray, chhutay bhai jam kay, ghat ghat ayk rahi-aa bharpooray.
One crosses over (the ocean of) doubt and fear, and, fear of death is dispelled; (and, one
realizes) the One (Lord) perfecting (pervading and permeating) each and every body.
nwnk srix pirE duK BMjn AMqir bwhir pyiK hjUry ]2]22]108]
naanak, saraṇ pari-o dukh bhanjan, antar baahar paykh hajooray. ||2||22||108||
Nanak (says): I have entered the refuge of the Destroyer of Sorrows; I behold His presence

inside and outside. 2.22.108

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

drsnu dyKq doK nsy ] darsan daykhat dokh nasay.
Beholding Your vision (O! Lord), (all) sorrows have run away.
kbhu n hovhu idRsit Agocr jIA kY sMig bsy ]1] rhwau ]
kabahu na hovhu darisat agochar, jee-a kai saNg basay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So, O! Lord) never go away from my vision, (please), abide with my soul. 1 (pause)
pRIqm pRwn ADwr suAwmI ] pUir rhy pRB AMqrjwmI ]1]
pareetam, paraan adhaar su-aamee. poor rahay prabh aNtarjaamee. ||1||
O! (my) Beloved, O! Lord, You are support of breath;
O! Controller of the inner-selves (i.e. souls), Lord, You are all-pervading.1
ikAw gux qyry swir sm@wrI ] swis swis pRB quJih icqwrI ]2]
ki-aa gun tayray saar samhaaree. saas prabh tujheh chitaaree. ||2||
Which of Your excellences should I contemplate and remember?
With each and every breath (of life), O! Lord, I remember You. 2
ikrpw iniD pRB dIn dieAwlw ] jIA jMq kI krhu pRiqpwlw ]3]
kirpaa nidh prabh deen da-i-aalaa. jee-a jaNt kee karahu partipaalaa. ||3||
O! Ocean of Mercy, Lord, Merciful to the Poor; You cherish all the beings and creatures. 3
AwT phr qyrw nwmu jnu jwpy ] nwnk pRIiq lweI pRiB Awpy ]4]23]109]
aaṭ pahar, tayraa naam jan jaapay. naanak, pareet laa-ee prabh aapay. ||4||23||109||
Nanak (says): All the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty four hours of the day) Your servant (i.e.
devotee) meditates upon You name.
God Himself has inspired love (for the name in me). 4.23.109

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

qnu Dnu jobnu clq gieAw ] rwm nwm kw Bjnu n kIno krq ibkwr inis Boru BieAw ]1] rhwau ]
tan dhan joban, chalat ga-i-aa.
raam naam kaa bhajan na keeno, karat bikaar nis bhor bha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(The mortal being’s) body, youth, wealth, all have passed away;
It (the being) has not meditated upon the name of God; while it committed evil deeds, the
night (i.e. youth has passed away, and) the day (i.e. old age) has dawned. 1 (pause)
Aink pRkwr Bojn inq Kwqy muK dMqw Gis KIn KieAw ]
anik parkaar bhojan nit khaatay, mukh daNtaa ghas kheen kha-i-aa.
Constantly eating foods of many sorts, the teeth in mouth have decayed and fallen out.
myrI myrI kir kir mUTau pwp krq nh prI dieAw ]1]
mayree mayree kar kar mooṭ-o, paap karat nah paree da-i-aa. ||1||
He is robbed by claiming ‘mine’ ‘mine’ (i.e. egotism, possessiveness); and, committing sins,
he did have kindness (for others). 1
mhw ibkwr Gor duK swgr iqsu mih pRwxI glqu pieAw ]
mahaa bikaar ghor dukh saagar, tis meh paraanee galat pa-i-aa.
The world is terrible ocean of vices and sorrows, and, the mortal (being) has fallen (i.e.
engrossed) in it (i.e. one is engrossed in vices and sins, hence sorrows).
srin pry nwnk suAwmI kI bwh pkir pRiB kwiF lieAw ]2]24]110]
saran paray, naanak ,su-aamee kee, baah pakar prabh kaaḍ la-i-aa. ||2||24||110||
Nanak (says): Those who have sought the refuge of the Lord, holding them by arm, God has
lifted them out. 2.24.110

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Awpnw pRBu AwieAw cIiq ] dusmn dust rhy JK mwrq kuslu BieAw myry BweI mIq ]1] rhwau ]
aapnaa prabh aa-i-aa cheet.
dusman dusat rahay jhakh maarat, kusal bha-i-aa mayray bhaa-ee meet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Since) my Lord has come to my consciousness;
My enemies and opponents have been indulging in attempts (conspiring against me, but have
failed); (in spite of this) I am in bliss, O! my friends, brethren. 1 (pause)
geI ibAwiD aupwiD sB nwsI AMgIkwru kIE krqwir ]
ga-ee bi-aadh, upaadh sabh naasee, aNgeekaar kee-o kartaar.
Calamity is gone, troubles have run away (i.e. have been averted), (because) the Creator has
accepted me as His own.
sWiq sUK Aru And Gnyry pRIqm nwmu irdY aur hwir ]1]
saant sookh ar anad ghanayray, pareetam naam ridai ur haar. ||1||
I have found peace, happiness and great bliss (by) enshrining the name of the Beloved (Lord)
within my heart. 1
jIau ipMfu Dnu rwis pRB qyrI qUM smrQu suAwmI myrw ]
jee-o piNd dhan raas prabh tayree, tooN samrath su-aamee mayraa.
My soul, body, and wealth, are all Your capital, O! God; You are my All-Powerful Lord.
dws Apuny kau rwKnhwrw nwnk dws sdw hY cyrw ]2]25]111]
daas apunay ka-o raakhanhaaraa, naanak, daas sadaa hai chayraa. ||2||25||111||
Nanak (says): You are the Saviour of Your servants (i.e. devotees); this slave (i.e. devotee) is
forever your disciple. 2.25.111

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

goibdu ismir hoAw kilAwxu ] gobid simar ho-aa kali-aan.
Meditating upon the Lord of the Universe (i.e. God), I am emancipated.
imtI aupwiD BieAw suKu swcw AMqrjwmI ismirAw jwxu ]1] rhwau ]
mitee upaadh, bha-i-aa sukh saachaa, aNtarjaamee simri-aa jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Ailments have been eradicated, true happiness has come; (by) remembering the all-
knowing, the the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls). 1 (pause)
ijs ky jIA iqin kIey suKwly Bgq jnw kau swcw qwxu ]
jis kay jee-a, tin kee-ay sukhaalay, bhagat janaa ka-o saachaa taan.
Those, whom he has made His own, He has made them happy; He is the true strength of the
dws Apuny kI Awpy rwKI BY BMjn aUpir krqy mwxu ]1]
daas apunay kee aapay raakhee, bhai bhaNjan oopar kartay maan. ||1||

He Himself has saved (the honour of) His slaves (i.e. devotees); they place pride in the
Destroyer of Fear (i.e. God). 1
BeI imqRweI imtI burweI dRüst dUq hir kwFy Cwix ]
bha-ee mitraa-ee, mitee buraa-ee, darusat doot har kaaḍay chhaaṇ.
Friendship has come in, enmity has been eradicated; God has sorted out (i.e. identified) the
wicked and the enemies, and, have turned (i.e. rooted) them out.
sUK shj Awnµd Gnyry nwnk jIvY hir guxh vKwix ]2]26]112]
sookh sahj aanaNd ghanayray, naanak, jeevai har gunah vakhaaṇ. ||2||26||112||
Nanak (says): I am blessed with great happiness, poise and bliss; and, chanting (the praise of)
the excellences of God, I live. . 2.26.112

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

pwrbRhm pRB Bey ik®pwl ] paarbarahm prabh bha-ay kirpaal.
The Supreme Reality, the Lord, has become merciful.
kwrj sgl svwry siqgur jip jip swDU Bey inhwl ]1] rhwau ]
kaaraj sagal savaaray satgur, jap jap saadhoo* bha-ay nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has settled all my affairs; and, constantly meditating upon the Guru,* I
have become happy. 1 (pause) [*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
AMgIkwru kIAw pRiB ApnY doKI sgly Bey rvwl ] a geekaar kee-aa prabh apnai,, dokhee saglay bha-ay ravaal.
My Lord has made me His own, and, all my enemies have been reduced to dust.
kMiT lwie rwKy jn Apny auDir lIey lwie ApnY pwl ]1]
kaNṭ laa-ay raakhay jan apnay, udhar lee-ay laa-ay apnai paal. ||1||
Embracing His servants close to His bosom, He has protected them; and, attaching them to
the hem of His robe (i.e. taking them in his protection) he has saved them. 1
P. 827
shI slwmiq imil Gir Awey inMdk ky muK hoey kwl ]
sahee salaamat mil ghar aa-ay, niNdak kay mukh ho-ay kaal.
Having met (i.e. united with Him) we have returned safe and sound to our home (i.e. heart);
(while) the slanderer's face has been blackened.
khu nwnk myrw siqguru pUrw gur pRswid pRB Bey inhwl ]2]27]113]
kaho naanak, mayraa satgur pooraa, gur parsaad parabh bha-ay nihaal. ||2||27||113||
Says Nanak: My True Guru is perfect; by the grace of the Guru and God, I am happy. 2.27.113

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

mU lwln isau pRIiq bnI ] rhwau ] moo laalan si-o pareet banee. rahaa-o.
I have fallen in love with Beloved (Lord). (pause)
qorI n qUtY CorI n CUtY AYsI mwDo iKMc qnI ]1]
toree na tootai, chhoree na chhootai ,aisee maadho khiNch tanee. ||1||
Breaking it, it does not break; leaving it, it does not go off; O! Lord of Wealth (i.e. God), (it is)
such a strong string (with which You have tied me; i.e. it is utmost intense affinity). 1
idnsu rYin mn mwih bsqu hY qU kir ikrpw pRB ApnI ]2]
dinas rain man maahi basat hai, too kar kirpaa prabh apnee. ||2||

Day and night it (i.e. love for God) dwells in my mind, O! Lord, bless me with Your kindness
(so that it may remain so forever and ever). 2
bil bil jwau isAwm suMdr kau AkQ kQw jw kI bwq sunI ]3]
bal bal jaa-o si-aam suNdar ka-o, akath kathaa jaa kee baat sunee. ||3||
I am a sacrifice, (O! yes) a sacrifice unto my beauteous Lord (i.e. God), whose indescribable
story (i.e. story of His excellences) I have heard. 3
jn nwnk dwsin dwsu khIAq hY moih krhu ik®pw Twkur ApunI ]4]28]114]
jan naanak daasan daas kahee-at hai, mohi karahu kirpaa ṭaakur apunee. ||4||28||114||
Slave (i.e. Your devotee) Nanak is known as slave of Your slaves, (O! Lord), (please) bestow
Your grace upon me. 4.28.114

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

hir ky crn jip jWau kurbwnu ] har kay charan jap, jaan-o kurbaan.
Meditating upon the feet of Lord, I am a sacrifice unto Him.
guru myrw pwrbRhm prmysuru qw kw ihrdY Dir mn iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
gur mayraa paarbarahm parmaysur, taa kaa hirdai dhar man dhi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Guru is the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord; O! (my) mind, enshrine Him within
heart. 1 (pause)
ismir ismir ismir suKdwqw jw kw kIAw sgl jhwnu ]
simar simar simar sukh-daata, jaa kaa kee-aa sagal jahaan.
(O! brethren) remember, remember and remember (i.e. constantly remember) the Giver of
Happiness, who has created the whole world.
rsnw rvhu eyku nwrwiexu swcI drgh pwvhu mwnu ]1]
rasnaa ravhu ayk naaraa-iṇ, saachee dargeh paavhu maan. ||1||
Chant (the name of) Omnipresent (i.e. God) with your tongue; and, you shall be honoured in
the true court (i.e. court of God). 1
swDU sMgu prwpiq jw kau iqn hI pwieAw eyhu inDwnu ]
saadhoo saNg paraapat jaa ka-o, tin hee paa-i-aa ayhu nidhaan.
He (alone) obtains this treasure (of the name of God), who has obtained (i.e. joined) the
company of the Guru. [*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
gwvau gux kIrqnu inq suAwmI kir ikrpw nwnk dIjY dwnu ]2]29]115]
gaava-o guṇ keertan nit su-aamee, kar kirpaa, naanak, deejai daan. ||2||29||115||
Nanak (says): Bestow Your mercy and bless me with this gift that I may forever sing the
songs of the praise of Your excellences, O! Lord. 2.29. 115

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

rwiK lIey siqgur kI srx ] raakh lee-ay, satgur kee saraṇ.
I have been saved (by God, by placing me) in the refuge of the True Guru.
jY jY kwru hoAw jg AMqir pwrbRhmu myro qwrx qrx ]1] rhwau ]
jai jai kaar ho-aa jag aNtar, paarbarahm mayro taaraṇ taraṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The whole world is hailing and hailing; the Supreme Reality (i.e. God) is my boat to carry
across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
ibsÍMBr pUrn suKdwqw sgl smgRI poKx Brx ]
bisvaMbhar pooran sukh-daata, sagal samagree pokhaṇ bharaṇ.
The perfect God is fulfills the universe (with gifts), He is the Giver of Happiness; He cherish
and fulfills (the entire universe) with all the goods.
Qwn Qnµqir srb inrMqir bil bil jWeI hir ky crx ]1]
thaan thanaNtar sarab niraNtar, bal bal jaan-ee har kay charaṇ. ||1||
He is fulfilling (i.e. pervading) all the places and spaces, I am a sacrifice, (O! yes, I am) a
sacrifice unto His (lotus) feet. 1
jIA jugiq vis myry suAwmI srb isiD qum kwrx krx ]
jee-a jugat vas mayray su-aamee, sarab sidh tum kaaraṇ karaṇ.
The ways (i.e. the command of life) of all the beings are in Your power; all supernatural
powers are with You, You are the Creator and the Cause of causes.
Awid jugwid pRBu rKdw AwieAw hir ismrq nwnk nhI frx ]2]30]116]
aad jugaad prabh rakh-daa aa-i-aa, har simrat, naanak, nahee daraṇ. ||2||30||116||
Nanak (says): God has been protecting (His devotees) in the beginning and throughout the
Ages; remembering Him fear is dispelled. 2.30.116

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 8 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, dupday, ghar 8
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mY nwhI pRB sBu ikCu qyrw ] mai naahee, prabh, sabh kichh tayraa.
I am not (i.e. nothing), O! Lord, everything is Yours (creation).
eIGY inrgun aUGY srgun kyl krq ibic suAwmI myrw ]1] rhwau ]
eeghai nirgun, ooghai sargun, kayl karat bich su-aamee mayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Here (i.e. somewhere) You are absolute (i.e. formless Lord), and, there (i.e. somewhere) related (i.e.
with three attributes); You play in both ways (i.e. absolute and related), O! my Lord. 1 (pause)
ngr mih Awip bwhir Puin Awpn pRB myry ko sgl bsyrw ]
nagar meh aap, baahar fun aapan, prabh mayray ko sagal basayraa.
You are in the town (i.e. in the body), and, You are outside the town as well; my Lord is
Awpy hI rwjnu Awpy hI rwieAw kh kh Twkuru kh kh cyrw ]1]
aapay hee raajan, aapay hee raa-i-aa, kah kah ṭaakur kah kah chayraa. ||1||
You Yourself are the king and You Yourself are the subject; somewhere You are the Master
and somewhere You are the disciple. 1
kw kau durwau kw isau blbMcw jh jh pyKau qh qh nyrw ]
kaa ka-o duraa-o, kaa si-o balbaNchaa, jah jah paykha-o tah tah nayraa.
From whom should I hide, whom should I try to play tricks (i.e. deceive), wherever I look,
there He is, very near.
swD mUriq guru ByitE nwnk imil swgr bUMd nhI An hyrw ]2]1]117]
saadh* moorat, gur bhayti-o, naanak, mil saagar booNd nahee an hayraa. ||2||1||117||

Nanak (says): (When) I have met God-oriented Guru, *(it was like) a drop (of water) merging
in the ocean, (which) can not be (distinguished as) separated again. 2.1.117
[*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
qum@ smrQw kwrn krn ] Fwkn Fwik goibd gur myry moih AprwDI srn crn ]1] rhwau ]
tumh samrathaa, kaaran karan.
ḍaakan ḍaak gobid gur mayray, mohi apraadhee, saran charan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the all-powerful, the Cause of causes.
Please cover my secrets (i.e. faults), O! Lord of the Universe, O! my Guru, I am a sinner,
seeking refuge of Your feet. 1 (pause)
jo jo kIno so qum@ jwinE pyiKE Taur nwhI kCu FIT mukrn ]
jo jo keeno, so tumh jaani-o paykhi-o, ṭa-ur naahee kachh ḍeeṭ mukran.
Whatever we have done, You have seen and known; there is no place (i.e. way) for stubborns
(like us) to deny this.
bf prqwpu suinE pRB qum@ro koit AGw qyro nwm hrn ]1]
bad partaap suni-o prabh tumhro, kot aghaa tayro naam haran. ||1||
I have heard Your great glory, that, tens of millions of sins are destroyed by (meditating upon)
Your name. 1
hmro shwau sdw sd BUln qum@ro ibrdu piqq auDrn ]
hamro sahaa-o, sadaa sad bhoolan, tum ro birad patit udhran.

It is our nature to make mistakes forever and ever, and, it is Your (inherent) natural way to
emancipate the sinners.
kruxw mY ikrpwl ik®pw iniD jIvn pd nwnk hir drsn ]2]2]118]
karuṇaa mai, kirpaal, kirpaa nidh; jeevan pad, naanak, har darsan. ||2||2||118||
Nanak (says): O! Embodiment of Compassion, kind, Treasure of Mercy, (O! God) Your
vision is giver of life position (i.e. obtaining Your vision is accomplishment of life). 2.2.118

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

AYsI ikrpw moih krhu ] sMqh crx hmwro mwQw nYn drsu qin DUir prhu ]1] rhwau ]
aisee kirpaa mohi karahu.
saNteh charaṇ, hamaaro maathaa, nain daras, tan dhoor parahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestow upon me such kindness (O! Lord); that,
my forehead (may bow at) the feet of the God-orineted persons; my eyes may behold them,
and, the dust of their feet may fall upon my body. 1 (pause)
gur ko sbdu myrY hIArY bwsY hir nwmw mn sMig Drhu ]
gur ko sabad mayrai hee-arai baasai, har naamaa man saNg dharahu.
May the word of the Guru abide within my heart, and, the name of God be enshrines within
my mind.
qskr pMc invwrhu Twkur sglo Brmw hoim jrhu ]1]
taskar paNch nivaarahu, thaakur, saglo bharmaa hom jarahu. ||1||
Remove away(i.e. expel) the five thieves,* O! Lord, and, let all my doubts burn in ritual fire.1
[*Five thieves i.e. passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride].
jo qum@ krhu soeI Bl mwnY Bwvnu duibDw dUir trhu ]
jo tumh karahu so-ee bhal maanai, bhaavan dubidhaa door tarahu.
Whatever You do, I accept as good; (and, please) drive away my sense of duality.
nwnk ky pRB qum hI dwqy sMqsMig ly moih auDrhu ]2]3]119]
naanak kay prabh tum hee daatay, saNtsaNg lay mohi udhrahu. ||2||3||119||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, You alone are my giver, (please) emancipate me 9n the company of
the God-oriented persons. 2.3.119

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

AYsI dIiKAw jn isau mMgw ] qum@ro iDAwnu qum@wro rMgw ] qum@rI syvw qum@wry AMgw ]1] rhwau ]
aisee deekhi-aa, jan si-o maNgaa. tumhro dhi-aan, tumhaaro raNgaa.
tumhree sayvaa, tum aaray aNgaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

(O! Lord) I beg for such an instruction from (Your) servant (i.e. devotee);
that I may meditate upon and enshrine love for You; and,
that I may serve You, and, remain in Your presence. 1 (pause)
jn kI thl sMBwKnu jn isau aUTnu bYTnu jn kY sMgw ]
jan kee tahal, saMbhaakhan jan si-o, ooṭan baiṭan jan kai saNgaa.
I may serve (Your) servants (i.e. devotees), talk (only to) (Your) servants (i.e. devotees); and,
sit and stand (i.e. remain in the company of) (Your) servants (i.e. devotees).
jn cr rj muiK mwQY lwgI Awsw pUrn Anµq qrMgw ]1]
jan char raj, mukh maathai laagee, aasaa pooran anaNt taraNgaa. ||1||
I may place (i.e. apply) the dust of the feet of (Your) servant (i.e. devotee)on my forehead; (in
doing this) my hopes and many waves (of desires) are fulfilled. 1
jn pwrbRhm jw kI inrml mihmw jn ky crn qIrQ koit gMgw ]
jan paarbarahm, jaa kee nirmal mahimaa, jan kay charan tirath kot gaNgaa.
Immaculate is the grandeur of the servants (i.e devotees) of the Supreme Reality (i.e. God);
and, the feet of the servants (i.e. devotees of God) are like (the pilgrimage of) tens of millions of
(places like) River Ganges.
jn kI DUir kIE mjnu nwnk jnm jnm ky hry klµgw ]2]4]120]
jan kee dhoor, kee-o majan, naanak, janam janam kay haray kalaNgaa. ||2||4||120||
Nanak (says): One, who takes bath in the feet-dust of His servants (i.e. devotees), his sins of
countless births (i.e. incarnations) are washed away. 2.4.120

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ijau BwvY iqau moih pRiqpwl ] ji-o bhaavai, ti-o mohi partipaal.
As it pleases You, (O! Lord) cherish me.
pwrbRhm prmysr siqgur hm bwirk qum@ ipqw ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm parmaysar satgur, ham baarik, tumh pitaa kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Supreme Reality, O! Supreme Lord, True Guru, we are Your children and You are (our)
merciful father. 1 (pause)
moih inrgux guxu nwhI koeI phuic n swkau qum@rI Gwl ]

mohi nirguṇ guṇ naahee ko-ee, pahuch na saaka-o tumhree ghaal.
I am virtue-less, I have no virtue at all; I cannot reach (i.e. understand/ appreciate) Your work.
qumrI giq imiq qum hI jwnhu jIau ipMfu sBu qumro mwl ]1]
tumree gat mit tum hee jaanhu, jee-o piNd sabh tumro maal. ||1||
You alone know Your state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse), my soul, my and my
property, all are Yours. 1
AMqrjwmI purK suAwmI Anbolq hI jwnhu hwl ] aNtarjaamee purakh su-aamee, anbolat hee jaanhu haal.
O! Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls), Primal Person, Lord, You know (even) what is
qnu mnu sIqlu hoie hmwro nwnk pRB jIau ndir inhwl ]2]5]121]
tan man seetal ho-ay hamaaro, naanak, prabh jee-o nadar nihaal. ||2||5||121||
Nanak (says): My mind and body are cooled (i.e. soothed by Your blessing, so), O! Dear Lord,
be kind and bestow Your glance of grace. 2.5.121

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

rwKu sdw pRB ApnY swQ ] raakh sadaa prabh apnai saath.
Keep me with You (i.e. under Your protection) forever, O! Lord.
qU hmro pRIqmu mnmohnu quJ ibnu jIvnu sgl AkwQ ]1] rhwau ]
too hamro pareetam manmohan, tujh bin jeevan sagal akaath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord) You are my Beloved, enticer of (my) mind; without You, my life is totally
purposeless. 1 (pause)
rMk qy rwau krq iKn BIqir pRBu myro AnwQ ko nwQ ]
raNk tay raa-o karat khin bheetar, prabh mayro anaath ko naath.
You transform a beggar into a king in an instant; O! my Lord, You are Master of the Master-less.
jlq Agin mih jn Awip auDwry kir Apuny dy rwKy hwQ ]1]
jalat agan meh jan aap udhaaray, kar apunay day raakhay haath. ||1||
You saves your servants (i.e. devotees), (who are) burning in fire (of desires); and, giving Your
hand, You protects (them).
sIql suKu pwieE mn iqRpqy hir ismrq sRm sgly lwQ ]
seetal sukh paa-i-o man tariptai, har simrat sram saglay laath.
I have found happiness and coolness (i.e. peace), and, my mind is satiated; remembering
God all struggles come to an end.
iniD inDwn nwnk hir syvw Avr isAwnp sgl AkwQ ]
nidh nidhaan, naanak, har sayvaa, avar si-aanap sagal akaath.
Nanak (says): The service to God is the treasure of treasures;
all other cleverness is futile. 2.6.122

P. 829
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5
Apny syvk kau kbhu n ibswrhu ] apnay sayvak ka-o, kabahu na bisaarahu.
(O! Lord, Please) never forget Your (i.e. devotee).
auir lwghu suAwmI pRB myry pUrb pRIiq goibMd bIcwrhu ]1] rhwau ]
ur laagahu, su-aamee prabh mayray, poorab pareet gobiNd beechaarahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Please) remain close to my breast (i.e. heart), O! my Lord; consider (i.e. remember) my Prima
love (for You), O! Lord of the Universe. 1 (pause)
piqq pwvn pRB ibrdu qum@wro hmry doK irdY mq Dwrhu ]
patit paavan, prabh birad tumhaaro, hamray dokh ridai mat dhaarahu.
To purify the sinners is Your natural way, O! Lord; (so, please) do not keep my blemishes (i.e
mistakes, faults demerits) in Your mind.
jIvn pRwn hir Dnu suKu qum hI haumY ptlu ik®pw kir jwrhu ]1]
jeevan paraan, har dhan, sukh tum hee; ha-umai patal, kirpaa kar jaarahu. ||1||
You are my life, my breath (of life), my wealth and happiness, O! Lord; be kind to me, and, burn
away curtain of (my) egotism. 1
jl ibhUn mIn kq jIvn dUD ibnw rhnu kq bwro ] jal bihoon, meen kat jeevan, doodh binaa, rahan kat baaro.
How can a fish live (i.e. survive) without water? how long a baby live without milk ?
jn nwnk ipAws crn kmln@ kI pyiK drsu suAwmI suK swro ]2]7]123]
jan naanak, pi-aas charan kamlan kee, paykh daras su-aamee sukh saaro. ||2||7||123||

Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have thirst for Your lotus feet; beholding Your vision, O!
Lord, I obtain total happiness. 2.7.123

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

AwgY pwCY kuslu BieAw ] aagai paachhai kusal bha-i-aa.
Here and hereafter, there is happiness; (because)
guir pUrY pUrI sB rwKI pwrbRhim pRiB kInI mieAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai ,pooree sabh raakhee, paarbarahm prabh keenee ma-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru has totally saved me (i.e. saved my honour); and, the Supreme Reality (God) has
been kind (to me). 1 (pause)
min qin riv rihAw hir pRIqmu dUK drd sglw imit gieAw ]
man tan rav rahi-aa har preetam, dookh darad saglaa mit ga-i-aa.
God, my Beloved, is pervading in my mind and body; all my troubles and sorrows are dispelled.
sWiq shj Awnd gux gwey dUq dust siB hoey KieAw ]1]
saant sahj aanad gun gaa-ay, doot dusat sabh ho-ay kha-i-aa. ||1||
Singing the excellences of God I have obtained peace, poise, and bliss; and, all devils, all my
enemies and opponents (i.e. passions and vices) have been destroyed. 1
gunu Avgunu pRiB kCu n bIcwirE kir ikrpw Apunw kir lieAw ]
gun avgun prabh kachh na beechaari-o, kar kirpaa apunaa kar la-i-aa.
God has not considered my merits and demerits; bestowing His grace, he has made me his own.
Aqul bfweI Acuq AibnwsI nwnku aucrY hir kI jieAw ]2]8]124]
atul badaa-ee achut abhinaasee, naanak uchrai har kee ja-i-aa. ||2||8||124||
Nanak (says): Unweighable is the greatness of the immovable and imperishable (Lord); I hai
(i.e. applaud) the victory (i.e. triumph) of God. 2.8.124

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

ibnu BY BgqI qrnu kYsy ] bin bhai bhagtee, taran kaisay.
Without the fear of and devotion for (God) how one can one swim across (the world ocean).
krhu AnugRhu piqq auDwrn rwKu suAwmI Awp Brosy ]1] rhwau ]
karahu anoograhu patit udhaaran, raakh su-aamee aap bharosay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be kind (to me), O! Saviour of the Fallen (i.e. sinners), (please) preserve my faith in You, O!
Lord. 1 (pause)
ismrnu nhI Awvq iPrq md mwvq ibiKAw rwqw suAwn jYsy ]
simran nahee aavat, firat mad maavat, bikhi-aa raataa su-aan jaisay.
He (i.e. the mortal being) does not know how to remember (i.e. how to meditate upon), he
wanders around intoxicated with poison (i.e. maya) like a (mad) dog.
AauD ibhwvq AiDk mohwvq pwp kmwvq bufy AYsy ]1]
a-odh bihaavat, adhik mohaavat, paap kamaavat buday aisay. ||1||
As his life passes on, he is indulging more in cheating (i.e. sins); committing sins he is
sinking (in the world ocean). 1
srin duK BMjn purK inrMjn swDU sMgiq rvxu jYsy ]
saran dukh bhaNjan, purakh niraNjan, saadhoo saNgat, ravaṇ jaisay.
I have come to Your refuge, O! Destroyer of Sorrows, O! Primal Person, Immaculate
(Lord), (please bless me that) I may chant (Your name), in the congregation of the God-
oriented persons.
kysv klys nws AG KMfn nwnk jIvq drs idsy ]2]9]125]
kaysav*, kalays naas, agh khaNdan; naanak, jeevat daras disay. ||2||9||125||
Nanak (says): O! (Beautiful) haired* (Lord), O! Destroyer of Sorrows, O! Eradicator of
Sins, (my Lord) I live by beholding Your vision. 2.9.125
[*The Guru has portrayed God as one with beautiful hair].

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 9 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, dupday, ghar 9
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awpih myil ley ] jb qy srin qumwrI Awey qb qy doK gey ]1] rhwau ]
aapeh, mayl la-ay. jab tay saran tumaaree aa-ay, tab tay dokh ga-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You Yourself united me in union.
Since I have came to Your refuge, all my vices (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and
pride) have gone away (i.e. have vanished). 1 (pause)
qij AiBmwnu Aru icMq ibrwnI swDh srn pey ] taj abhimaan ar chiNt biraanee, saadhah saran pa-ay.
Renouncing pride (i.e. egotism) and others’ anxieties, I have taken the refuge of the God-
oriented persons.
jip jip nwmu qum@wro pRIqm qn qy rog Key ]1] jap jap naam tumhaaro, preetam, tan tay rog kha-ay. ||1||

Chanting and meditating upon Your name, O! my Beloved (Lord), (all) the ailments have been
eradicated from my body (i.e. my person). 1
mhw mugD Ajwn AigAwnI rwKy Dwir dey ] mahaa mugadh, ajaan agi-aanee, raakhay dhaar da-ay.
(We are) utterly foolish, ignorant and devoid of knowledge; (You have) saved (us) by Your grace.
khu nwnk guru pUrw ByitE Awvn jwn rhy ]2]1]126]
kaho naanak, gur pooraa bhayti-o, aavan jaan rahay. ||2||1||126||
Says Nanak: meeting the perfect Guru, coming and going comes to an end (i.e. the cycle of birth
and death ceases). 2.1.126

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

jIvau nwmu sunI ] jeeva-o, naam sunee.
(O! brethren) hearing His name, I live.
jau supRsMn Bey gur pUry qb myrI Aws punI ]1] rhwau ]
ja-o suparsaNn bha-ay gur pooray, tab mayree aas punee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When my perfect Guru becomes pleased with me, then my wish were fulfilled. 1 (pause)
pIr geI bwDI min DIrw moihE And DunI ] peer ga-ee, baadhee man dheeraa, mohi-o anad dhunee.
My pain is gone, my mind is comforted; the music of blissful sound fascinates me.
aupijE cwau imln pRB pRIqm rhnu n jwie iKnI ]1]
upji-o chaa-o, milan prabh preetam, rahan na jaa-ay khinee. ||1||
The yearning to meet my Lord, my Beloved, has welled up (so much) within me, that I can not
live (without Him) even for a moment. 1
P. 830
Aink Bgq Aink jn qwry ismrih Aink munI ] anik bhagat anik jan taaray, simrahi anik munee.
He has saved so many devotees, so many servants, and, so many silent sages remember God.
AMDuly itk inrDn Dnu pwieE pRB nwnk Aink gunI ]2]2]127]
aNdhulay tik nirdhan dhan paa-i-o, prabh naanak anik gunee. ||2||2||127||
Nanak (says): The Lord has so many excellences; from Him blind (mortal being) has obtained
support and the poor has obtained wealth. 2.2.127

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 13 pVqwl Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, ghar 13, paṛ-taal
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mohn nId n AwvY hwvY hwr kjr bsqR ABrn kIny ]
mohan, need na aavai haavai; haar kajar bastar abhran keenay.
O! (my) enticing Lord, I can not sleep (without You), I sigh; I am wearing (i.e. adorned with)
necklace, (have applied) collyrium (to my eyes), (am wearing beautiful) clothes and ornaments
(and I am waiting for You, O! my Husband Lord).
aufInI aufInI aufInI ] kb Gir AwvY rI ]1] rhwau ]
udeenee, udeenee, udeenee. kab ghar aavai ree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am (extremely) exited, exited and exited;
When will He (i.e. my Husband Lord) come home (i.e. to dwell in my heart)? 1 (pause)
srin suhwgin crn sIsu Dir ] lwlnu moih imlwvhu ]
saran suhaagan, charan sees dhar. laalan mohi milaavhu.
I seek the refuge of happy (soul) brides; I place my head upon their feet (and pray):
(Please) unite me with my Beloved (Lord).
kb Gir AwvY rI ]1] kab ghar aavai ree. ||1||
When will He (i.e. my Husband Lord) come home (i.e. to dwell in my heart)? 1
sunhu shyrI imln bwq khau sgro AhM imtwvhu qau Gr hI lwlnu pwvhu ]
sunhu sahayree, milan baat kaha-o: sagro ahaN mitaavhu, ta-o ghar hee laalan paavhu.
Listen O! my friend, I tell you how to meet (i.e. unite with Husband Lord):
eradicate all egotism, then you shall find your Beloved (right) within your home (i.e. heart).
qb rs mMgl gun gwvhu ] Awnd rUp iDAwvhu ]
tab ras maNgal gun gaavhu. aanad roop dhi-aavahu.
Then sing delightful songs and (praise of His) excellences; and,
Meditate upon (the Lord) the Embodiment of Bliss.
nwnku duAwrY AwieE ] qau mY lwlnu pwieE rI ]2] naanak, du-aarai aa-i-o. ta-o mai laalan paa-i-o ree. ||2||
Nanak (says): (Having done all this, when) I came to His door,
I found (i.e. got united with) my Beloved (Lord). 2
mohn rUpu idKwvY ] Ab moih nId suhwvY ]
mohan roop dikhaavai. ab mohi need suhaavai.
(When) the Enticing (Lord) reveals His form (i.e. grants His charm to me),
Then sleep seems pleasant to me (i.e. now I enjoy poise in His embrace).
sB myrI iqKw buJwnI ] Ab mY shij smwnI ]
sabh mayree tikhaa bujhaanee. ab mai sahj samaanee.
All my thirst is quenched; and, now I am absorbed (in bliss), in ease.
mITI iprih khwnI ] mohnu lwlnu pwieE rI ] rhwau dUjw ]1]128]
meeṭee pireh kahaanee.mohan laalan paa-i-o ree. rahaa-o doojaa. ||1||128||
Such sweet is the story of my Beloved;
I have found (i.e. I am united with) my Enticing Beloved (Lord). (pause second) 1.128

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

morI AhM jwie drsn pwvq hy ] moree ahaN jaa-ay, darsan paavat hay.
My ego is gone (because) I have obtained the vision (of the Lord).
rwchu nwQ hI shweI sMqnw ] raachahu naath hee sahaa-ee saNtnaa.
(O! friends, you too) absorb in my Lord; He is support of the God-oriented persons.
Ab crn ghy ]1] rhwau ] ab charan gahay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
now I hold (tight to) the feet (of the Lord). 1 (pause)
Awhy mn Avru n BwvY crnwvY crnwvY auliJE Ail mkrMd kml ijau ]
aahay, man avar na bhaavai; charnaavai, charnaavai, uljhi-o al makraNd kamal ji-o.
It (i.e. my heart) longs (for Him); it does not love any other; (it longs only for His lotus) feet, feet
(alone), like the bumble bee which remains engrossed in the honey in lotus (flower).
An rs nhI cwhY eykY hir lwhY ]1] an ras nahee chaahai, aykai har laahai. ||1||
I do not desire any other taste, I seek only the One, God. 1

An qy tUtIAY irK qy CUtIAY ] an tay tootee-ai rikh tay chhootee-ai.
Breaking away from the others, one is released from (coming and) going (i.e. reincarnation).
mn hir rs GUtIAY sMig swDU aultIAY ] man, har ras ghootee-ai, saNg saadhoo, ultee-ai.
O! my mind, drink in the essence of God; join the company of God-oriented person, and,
turn away (from the maya).
An nwhI nwhI ry ] nwnk pRIiq crn crn hy ]2]2]129]
an naahee naahee ray. naanak pareet charan charan hay. ||2||2||129||
(O! brethren attach yourself to) no other, no other (than the Lord), O! dear.
Nanak (says): love the (lotus) feet, the feet (of the Lord). 2.2.129

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 9 dupdy Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 9, dupday

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
duK hrqw hir nwmu pCwno ] dukh hartaa, har naam, pachhaano.
The name of God is the Dispeller of Sorrows; recognize (i.e.realize this O! brethren).
Ajwmlu ginkw ijh ismrq mukq Bey jIA jwno ]1] rhwau ]
ajaamal ganikaa, jih simrat mukat bha-ay, jee-a jaano. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering it (i.e. the name of God) Ajamal* and Ganika** were liberated; (O! brethren)
know this in Your mind. 1 (pause)
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally Omnipresent, which is an attribute and name of God). In
the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved thus].
[**Gankaa was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave her a
parrot which used to chant the name of God, and, gradually she to began chanting the name of God. Chanting the name
of God liberated her. This story had been written to inspire people to chant the name of God].
gj kI qRws imtI iCnhU mih jb hI rwmu bKwno ] gaj kee taraas mitee chhinhoo meh, jab hee raam
The fear of elephant* was taken off in a moment, as soon as it recited (the name of) God.
[*As per popular fiction, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that
elephant went to a pond to drink water where an octopus gripped it; he just chanted the name of God and He got him
nwrd khq sunq DR¨A bwirk Bjn mwih lptwno ]1]
naarad kahat sunat dharoo-a baarik, bhajan maahi laptaano. ||1||
Listening the words (i.e. teachings) of Naarad, the child Dharoo* was absorbed in meditation. 1
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi
was jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him
asking him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dharoo began
meditating and practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Narad, another mythical god, he succeeded in
pleasing God]. There are many versions of this mythical story].
Acl Amr inrBY pdu pwieE jgq jwih hYrwno ] achal amar nirbhai pad paa-i-o, jagat jaahi hairaano.
He obtained immovable, eternal and fearless state; and, the world was amazed.
nwnk khq Bgq rCk hir inkit qwih qum mwno ]2]1]
naanak, kahat bhagat rachhak har, nikat taahi tum maano. ||2||1||

Says Nanak: God is the Protector of His devotees, believe Him (ever present) close to you. 2.1

iblwvlu mhlw 9 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 9

hir ky nwm ibnw duKu pwvY ] har kay naam binaa dukh paavai.
(O! brethen) without (meditating upon) the name of God, one suffers sorrows.
Bgiq ibnw shsw nh cUkY guru iehu Bydu bqwvY ]1] rhwau ]
bhagat binaa sahsaa nah chookai gur ih bhayd bataavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without devotion, doubt is not dispelled, the Guru has revealed this secret. 1 (pause)
khw BieE qIrQ bRq kIey rwm srin nhI AwvY ] kahaa bha-i-o tirath barat kee-ay, raam saran nahee aavai.
Of what use is visiting places of pilgrimage and observing fasts, if one does not enter the
refuge of God.
jog jg inhPl iqh mwnau jo pRB jsu ibsrwvY ]1] jog jag nihfal tih maan-o, jo prabh jas bisraavai. ||1||
Know his yoga (practices) and yajna (i.e. sacrificial feasts) are fruitless, if one forgets
(singing) the praise of the Lord. 1
mwn moh dono kau prhir goibMd ky gun gwvY ] khu nwnk ieh ibiD ko pRwnI jIvn mukiq khwvY ]2]2]
maan moh dono ka-o parhar, gobiNd kay gun gaavai.
kaho naanak, ih bidh ko paraanee, jeevan mukat kahaavai. ||2||2||
One, who renounces pride and attachment both, and sings the excellences of God;
Says Nanak: That mortal (being), who follows this way, is called a liberated, while yet alive. 2.2.

iblwvlu mhlw 9 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 9

jw mY Bjnu rwm ko nwhI ] iqh nr jnmu AkwrQu KoieAw Xh rwKhu mn mwhI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa mai, bhajan raam ko naahee.
tih nar janam akaarath kho-i-aa, yeh raakho man maahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One within whom there is not the devotion of God;
That person has lost his life uselessly, (O! brethren) keep this in mind. 1 (pause)
qIrQ krY bRq Puin rwKY nh mnUAw bis jw ko ] inhPl Drmu qwih qum mwnhu swcu khq mY Xw kau ]1]
tirath karai, barat fun raakhai, nah manoo-aa bas jaa ko.
nihfal dharam taahi tum maanhu, saach kahat mai yaa ka-o. ||1||
One, who baths at places of pilgrimage, and, practices fasting, (but if) he has no control over
his mind;
Know that his (such practice of) religion is fruitless (i.e. useless); I tell the truth to him. 1
jYsy pwhnu jl mih rwiKE BydY nwih iqh pwnI ] qYsy hI qum qwih pCwnhu Bgiq hIn jo pRwnI ]2]
jaisay paahan jal meh raakhi-o, bhaydai naahi tih paanee.
taisay hee tum taahi pachhaanahu, bhagat heen jo paraanee. ||2||
(It is) like a stone kept (immersed) in water, the water does not penetrate it;
So, you understand it this way: the person who is without devotion. 2
kl mY mukiq nwm qy pwvq guru Xh Bydu bqwvY ] kal mai mukat naam tay paavat, gur yeh bhayd bataavai.
In this Kal (i.e. kalyaga, the Dark Age) the liberation comes (only) from (meditation upon) the
Name; the Guru has told (i.e. revealed) this secret.
khu nwnk soeI nru grUAw jo pRB ky gun gwvY ]3]3]

kaho naanak, so-ee nar garoo-aa, jo prabh kay gun gaavai. ||3||3||
Says Nanak: He alone is a great man, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.”3.3

iblwvlu AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 10 Bilaaval, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 1, ghar 10

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
inkit vsY dyKY sBu soeI ] gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]
nikat vasai, daykhai sabh so-ee. gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee.
He (i.e. God) dwells near and (He) watches everyone; (but),
Some rare one understands it through the Guru.
ivxu BY pieAY Bgiq n hoeI ] sbid rqy sdw suKu hoeI ]1]
vin bhai pa-i-ai, bhagat na ho-ee. sabad ratay, sadaa sukh ho-ee. ||1||
Without (being in) fear (of God) there is no devotion (i.e. it is not possible).
(Those) imbued with (love with) the word, always attain (spiritual) happiness. 1
Aysw igAwnu pdwrQu nwmu ] gurmuiK pwvis ris ris mwnu ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa gi-aan padaarath naam. gurmukh paavas ras ras maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The wealth of the name (of the Lord) is such (spiritual) wisdom;
one obtains it through the Guru; enjoys its essence, and, is honoured (in His court). 1 (pause)
igAwnu igAwnu kQY sBu koeI ] kiQ kiQ bwdu kry duKu hoeI ]
gi-aan gi-aan kathai sabh ko-ee. kath kath baad karay, dukh na ho-ee. ||2||
Everyone talks about (spiritual) knowledge and wisdom
Talking and speaking, they argue and suffer. 2
igAwnu iDAwnu sBu gur qy hoeI ] swcI rhq swcw min soeI ]
gi-aan dhi-aan sabh, gur tay ho-ee. saachee rahat, saachaa man so-ee.
Knowledge and concentration (i.e. meditation) are obtained from the Guru.
Through True (i.e. truthful) living, the True comes to dwell within (one’s) mind.
mnmuK kQnI hY pru rhq n hoeI ] nwvhu BUly Qwau n koeI ]3]
manmukh kathnee hai, par rahat na ho-ee. naavhu bhoolay, thaa-o na ko-ee. ||3||
The mind-oriented (just) talks (about it) but does not practice it;
forgetting the name, he find no place (of rest). 3
mnu mwieAw bMiDE sr jwil ] Git Git ibAwip rihE ibKu nwil ]
man maa-i-aa baNdhi-o sar jaal. ghat ghat bi-aap rahi-o bikh naal.
Mind has been trapped by maya (in the net of attachment) like net in the pool (to catch the fish).
He (i.e. God) is pervading in each and every heart, (but) the poison (of vices) is also there.
jo AWjY so dIsY kwil ] kwrju sIDo irdY sm@wil ]4]
jo aanjai, so deesai kaal. kaaraj seedho, ridai samhaal. ||4||
Whoever comes (i.e whosoever is born) seems subject to death.
One’s affair (i.e. purpose of life) is accomplished if one remember (God) within his heart. 4
so igAwnI ijin sbid ilv lweI ] mnmuiK haumY piq gvweI ]
so gi-aanee, jin sabad liv laa-ee. manmukh, ha-umai pat gavaa-ee.
He (alone) is (i.e. spiritually) knowledgeable who focusses his consciousness upon the word;
The egotistical mind-oriented loses his honour.
Awpy krqY Bgiq krweI ] gurmuiK Awpy dy vifAweI ]5]
aapay kartai bhagat karaa-ee. gurmukh, aapay day vadi-aa-ee. ||5||
The Creator Himself gets one to devotion;
He Himself blesses the Guru-oriented with glory (i.e. honour). 5
rYix AMDwrI inrml joiq ] nwm ibnw JUTy kucl kCoiq ]
raiṇ aNdhaaree, nirmal jot. naam binaa, jhooṭay kuchal kachhot.
(Without meditation) the night (of life) is dark, but the (Divine) Light is immaculate;
Those without name are false, filthy and untouchables.
bydu pukwrY Bgiq sroiq ] suix suix mwnY vyKY joiq ]6]
bayd pukaarai, bhagat sarot. suṇ suṇ maanai, vaykhai jot. ||6||
Vedas (i.e. books of knowledge) speak (i.e preach) on the source (i.e teaching) of devotion.
Listening and listening (i.e. listening constantly), one who believes, he beholds the Light. 6
swsqR isimRiq nwmu idRVwmM ] gurmuiK sWiq aUqm krwmM ]
saastar simrit, naam dariṛ-aamN. gurmukh, saant ootam karaamaN.
The Shastras and the Simritis implant the name (of God) within;
Doing sublime deeds through the Guru, one obtains (spiritual) peace.
mnmuiK jonI dUK shwmM ] bMDn qUty ieku nwmu vswmM ]7]
manmukh, jonee dookh sahaamaN. baNdhan tootay, ik naam vasaamaN. ||7||
The mind-oriented suffers the pain of incarnations; but,
His bonds (of reincarnation) are broken enshrining the name(of the Lord) within. 7
mMny nwmu scI piq pUjw ] iksu vyKw nwhI ko dUjw ]
maNnay naam, sachee pat poojaa. kis vaykhaa, naahee ko doojaa.
Believing in the name (of the Lord) one obtains honour and (even) worship;
Whom should I see, there is none other (than God).
dyiK khau BwvY min soie ] nwnku khY Avru nhI koie ]8]1]
daykh kaha-o, bhaavai man so-ay. naanak kahai, avar nahee ko-ay. ||8||1||
I see Him and say: He alone is pleasing to my mind.
Nanak says: there is no other (at all). 8.1
P. 832
iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1
mn kw kihAw mnsw krY ] iehu mnu puMnu pwpu aucrY ]
man kaa kahi-aa, mansaa karai. ih man, puNn paap uchrai.
The human act (according to) what mind says.
This mind speaks about (i.e. remains considering what is) virtue and vice.
mwieAw mid mwqy iqRpiq n AwvY ] iqRpiq mukiq min swcw BwvY ]1]
maa-i-aa mad maatay, taripat na aavai. taripat mukat, man saachaa bhaavai. ||1||
Intoxicated with wine of maya, satisfaction (i.e. contentedness) never comes.
Contentedness and liberation come (only) when the True (Lord) is pleasing to mind. 1
qnu Dnu klqu sBu dyKu AiBmwnw ] ibnu nwvY ikCu sMig n jwnw ]1] rhwau ]
tan dhan kalat, sabh daykh abhimaanaa. bin naavai kichh saNg na jaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding his body, wealth and wife, one is proud; (but),

without the name (of the Lord) nothing shall go along (with him). 1 (pause)
kIcih rs Bog KusIAw mn kyrI ] Dnu lokW qnu BsmY FyrI ]
keecheh ras bhog khusee-aa, man kayree. dhan lokaan, tan bhasmai ḍayree.
One enjoys tastes and pleasures as per the wishes of mind,
(But, after his death, his) wealth will pass on to others, and, the body will be reduced to ashes.
KwkU Kwku rlY sBu PYlu ] ibnu sbdY nhI auqrY mYlu ]2]
khaakoo khaak ralai, sabh fail. bin sabdai, nahee utrai mail. ||2||
The whole expanse, like dust, shall mix up with dust;
Without the word, the filth (of his mind) is not washed off. 2
gIq rwg Gn qwl is kUry ] iqRhu gux aupjY ibnsY dUry ]
geet raag ghan taal, se kooray. tarihu guṇ upjai, binsai dooray.
So many (various) songs, raags (i.e. musical metres), rhythms , all are false;
Whatever comes of three gunaas (i.e. dispositions of maya) vanishes (and is) far (from God).
dUjI durmiq drdu n jwie ] CUtY gurmuiK dwrU gux gwie ]3]
doojee durmat, darad na jaa-ay. chhootai gurmukh, daaroo, guṇ gaa-ay. ||3||
(Love for) duality is bad wisdom (hence) the pain (of birth and death) does not go.
(But) one is emancipated through the Guru; and, singing (the praise of) the excellences (of
God), is the medicine. 3
DoqI aUjl iqlku gil mwlw ] AMqir k®oDu pVih nwt swlw ]
dhotee oojal, tilak, gal maalaa. aNtar krodh, paṛeh naat saalaa.
(One may wear) white dhoti (ritualistic lion cloth), (apply ceremonial) mark (on forehead), (and
wear) a rosary around neck;
(but if there is) anger within, (then, he is merely) reading (his script like an actor) in a theater.
nwmu ivswir mwieAw mdu pIAw ] ibnu gur Bgiq nwhI suKu QIAw ]4]
naam visaar, maa-i-aa mad pee-aa. bin gur bhagat, naahee sukh thee-aa. ||4||
Forgetting the name, he drinks the wine of maya; (but)
without devotion to the Guru (i.e. God), there is no happiness. 4
sUkr suAwn grDB mMjwrw ] psU mlyC nIc cMfwlw ]
sookar, su-aan, gardhabh, maNjaaraa. pasoo, malaychh, neech chandalaa.
(One who turns his face away from the Guru) he is like a swine, a dog, a donkey, a cat;
a beast, a filthy person, a lowly (i.e. outcast like) a pariah.
gur qy muhu Pyry iqn@ join BvweIAY ] bMDin bwiDAw AweIAY jweIAY ]5]
gur tay muhu fayray, tin jon bhavaa-ee-ai. baNdhan baadhi-aa, aa-ee-ai jaa-ee-ai. ||5||

One, who have turned his face away from the Guru, wanders in reincarnation;
bound in bondage, he comes and goes (in cycle of birth and death). 5
gur syvw qy lhY pdwrQu ] ihrdY nwmu sdw ikrqwrQu ]
gur sayvaa tay, lahai padaarath. hirdai naam, sadaa kirtaarath.
Serving the Guru, one obtains the wealth (of name);
With the name (of the Lord) in the heart one is always successful.
swcI drgh pUC n hoie ] mwny hukmu sIJY dir soie ]6]
saachee dargeh, poochh na ho-ay. maanay hukam seejhai dar so-ay. ||6||
In the court of the True, he is not called to question;
one who obeys the command (of the Lord) succeeds at the door (of the Lord). 6
siqguru imlY q iqs kau jwxY ] rhY rjweI hukmu pCwxY ]
satgur milai, ta tis ka-o jaaṇai. rahai rajaa-ee, hukam pachhaaṇai.
When one meets the True Guru, (then) one knows (i.e. understands) Him (i.e. God);
He lives according to His will, and, understands His command.
hukmu pCwix scY dir vwsu ] kwl ibkwl sbid Bey nwsu ]7]
hukam pachhaaṇ, sachai dar vaas. kaal bikaal, sabad bha-ay naas. ||7||
Understanding His command, one dwells in the court of the True.
Through the word (of the Guru) death and birth (i.e. reincarnation) come to an end. 7
rhY AqIqu jwxY sBu iqs kw ] qnu mnu ArpY hY iehu ijs kw ]
rahai ateet, jaaṇai sabh tis kaa. tan man arpai, hai ih jis kaa.
Knowing (i.e. believing) everything belongs to God, He remains detached.
He dedicated his body and mind unto the One who owns them.
nw Ehu AwvY nw Ehu jwie ] nwnk swcy swic smwie ]8]2]
naa oh aavai, naa oh jaa-ay. naanak, saachay saach samaa-ay. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): he (i.e. one who understand His command) does not come, and, he does not go (in
reincarnation); and, (absorbed in) the True, he merges in the True. 8.2

iblwvlu mhlw 3 AstpdI Gru 10 Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3, asatpadee, ghar 10

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jgu kaUAw muiK cuMc igAwnu ]
jag ka-oo-aa, mukh chu ch gi-aan.
The world is a crow, with knowledge in its beak (i.e. the people of the world are like crows which just
croak, i.e. people utters spiritual knowledge from their mouth but they themselves do not practice it).
AMqir loBu JUTu AiBmwnu ] ibnu nwvY pwju lhgu indwin ]1]
a tar lobh jhooṭ abhimaan. bin naavai, paaj lahag nidaan. ||1||
Within him (i.e. within the mind of the man, there) is greed, falsehood and pride.
But, without (spiritual) knowledge it will stand exposed, in the end. 1
siqgur syiv nwmu vsY min cIiq ] satgur sayv, naam vasai man cheet.
Serving the True Guru, the name comes to dwell in mind and consciousness.
guru Byty hir nwmu cyqwvY ibnu nwvY hor JUTu prIiq ]1] rhwau ]
gur bhaytay, har naam chaytaavai, bin naavai hor jhooth pareet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the Guru the name of God comes to dwell in the mind;
without the name (of the Lord, all) other loves are false. 1 (pause)
guir kihAw sw kwr kmwvhu ] sbdu cIin@ shj Gir Awvhu ]
gur kahi-aa, saa kaar kamaavahu. sabad cheeneh, sahj ghar aavhu.
Do the act, which the Guru tells (i.e. teaches);
Contemplating the word, you shall return to the celestial home.
swcY nwie vfweI pwvhu ]2] saachai naa-ay, vadaa-ee paavhu. ||2||
Through the rue name, you shall obtain glory. 2

Awip n bUJY lok buJwvY ] mn kw AMDw AMDu kmwvY ]
aap na boojhai lok bujhaavai. man kaa aNdhaa aNdh kamaavai.
One, who does not understand Himself , but instructs (other) people;
(he is) mentally blind (and thus) earns blindness (i.e. ignorance).
dru Gru mhlu Tauru kYsy pwvY ]3] dar ghar mahal ṭa-ur kaisay paavai. ||3||
How can he (i.e. such blind) find a place of rest at the doors of the mansion (of the Lord). 3
hir jIau syvIAY AMqrjwmI ] Gt Gt AMqir ijs kI joiq smwnI ]
har jee-o sayvee-ai aNtarjaamee. ghat ghat aNtar jis kee jot samaanee.
(O! brethren) serve (only) Dear God, the Controller of the Inner-selves (i.e. souls);
whose Light is contained in each and every heart;
iqsu nwil ikAw clY phnwmI ]4] tis naal, ki-aa chalai pehnaamee. ||4||
How can we hide anything from Him. 4
swcw nwmu swcY sbid jwnY ] AwpY Awpu imlY cUkY AiBmwnY ]
saachaa naam, saachai sabad jaanai. aapai aap milai, chookai abhimaanai.
One, who knows the True name through the True word.
He meets himself (i.e. realizes his self) and eradicates his ego.
gurmuiK nwmu sdw sdw vKwnY ]5] gurmukh, naam sadaa sadaa vakhaanai. ||5||
He chants the name (of the Lord) through the Guru, forever and ever, . 5
siqguir syivAY dUjI durmiq jweI ] Aaugx kwit pwpw miq KweI ]
satgur sayvi-ai, doojee durmat jaa-ee. a-ugan kaat, paapaa mat khaa-ee.
Serving the True Guru, the other wisdom (i.e. evil-mindedness) is taken away.
Vices are cut down (i.e. erased), and, sinful wisdom is eaten up (i.e. cleansed).
kMcn kwieAw joqI joiq smweI ]6] kaNchan kaa-i-aa, jotee jot samaa-ee. ||6||
(When , in such manner) the body becomes golden, and, its light merges into Light. 6
siqguir imilAY vfI vifAweI ] duKu kwtY ihrdY nwmu vsweI ]
satgur mili-ai, vadee vadi-aa-ee. dukh kaatai, hirdai naam vasaa-ee.
Meeting with the True Guru, one obtains great glory (i.e. honour).
He erases (i.e. eradicates) sorrows, and, enshrines the name within mind.
nwim rqy sdw suKu pweI ]7] naam ratay, sadaa sukh paa-ee. ||7||
Imbued with name, they find continuous happiness. 7
gurmiq mwinAw krxI swru ] gurmiq mwinAw moK duAwru ]
gurmat maani-aa, karṇee saar. gurmat maani-aa, mokh du-aar.
One who is pleased with Guru's wisdom, his deeds (i.e. way of life) become beautiful..
One who is pleased with Guru's wisdom, finds the door to liberation.
nwnk gurmiq mwinAw prvwrY swDwru ]8]1]3] naanak, gurmat maani-aa, parvaarai saadhaar. ||8||1||3||
Nanak (says): One who is pleased with Guru's wisdom, becomes the sustainer of the family (to
obtain salvation). 8.1.3

iblwvlu mhlw 4 AstpdIAw Gru 11 Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4, asatpadee-aa, ghar 11

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AwpY Awpu Kwie hau mytY Anidnu hir rs gIq gveIAw ]
aapai aap khaa-ay, ha-o maytai, an-din har ras geet gava-ee-aa.
One, who eats (i.e. eliminates) his self, and, eradicates ego, day and night, (he) sings the song
of love of God.
gurmuiK prcY kMcn kwieAw inrBau joqI joiq imleIAw ]1]
gurmukh parchai kaNchan kaa-i-aa, nirbha-o jotee jot mila-ee-aa. ||1||
He acquaints himself with (i.e. realizes) his golden body through the Guru, his light merges
with the Light of the Fearless (Lord). 1
mY hir hir nwmu ADwru rmeIAw ]
mai har har naam adhaar, rama-ee-aa.
The name of God, the Lord, who pervades everywhere, is my support (of life).
iKnu plu rih n skau ibnu nwvY gurmuiK hir hir pwT pVeIAw ]1] rhwau ]
khin pal reh na saka-o bin naavai, gurmukh har har paaṭ paṛa-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot live without the name (of the Lord), even for a moment; through the Guru, I have
learnt the lesson of (the name of) God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
eyku igrhu ds duAwr hY jw ky Aihinis qskr pMc cor lgeIAw ]
ayk girahu, das du-aar hai jaa kay, ahinis taskar paNch chor laga-ee-aa.
In the one house (of body), there are ten gates*; day and night, the five thieves** break in (to
plunder spiirtual wealth). [*Ten gates i.e. organs: two eyes, two ears, two noses, mouth, penis, anus, and brain
(the so-called dasvan duaar). **Five thieves are: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
Drmu ArQu sBu ihir ly jwvih mnmuK AMDuly Kbir n peIAw ]2]
dharam arath sabh hir lay jaaveh, manmukh aNdhulay khabar na pa-ee-aa. ||2||

They steal the entire spiritual wealth; (but) the blind mind-oriented is not aware of it. 2
kMcn kotu bhu mwxik BirAw jwgy igAwn qiq ilv leIAw ]
kaNchan kot baho maaṇak bhari-aa, jaagay gi-aan tat liv la-ee-aa.
The (body) fortress of gold is full of jewels; he (alone) is awake (to save his gold and jewels i.e.
spiritual wealth) who is in tune with the essence of (spiritual) knowledge.
qskr hyrU Awie lukwny gur kY sbid pkiV bMiD peIAw ]3]
taskar hayroo aa-ay lukaanay, gur kai sabad pakarh baNdh pa-ee-aa. ||3||
The thieves and the robbers who come (to plunder the wealth) and hide (themselves), through
the word of the Guru, he captures and binds them. 3
hir hir nwmu poqu boihQw Kyvtu sbdu guru pwir lµGeIAw ]
har har naam pot bohithaa khayvat sabad gur paar laNgh-ee-aa.
The treasure of the name of God, the Lord, is a boat, and the word of the Guru is boatman is
to carry us cross (the world ocean).
jmu jwgwqI nyiV n AwvY nw ko qskru coru lgeIAw ]4]
jam jaagaatee nayṛ na aavai naa ko taskar chor laga-ee-aa. ||4||
(While crossing the world ocean) the messenger of death, the tax collector, does not even come
near, and no thief or robber can plunder. 4
hir gux gwvY sdw idnu rwqI mY hir jsu khqy AMqu n lhIAw ]
har guṇ gaavai sadaa din raatee, mai har jas kahtay aNt na lahee-aa.
(Now, my mind) sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, continuously, day and night;
singing the praise of God (my mind says): I can not find His limits
gurmuiK mnUAw iekqu Gir AwvY imlau guopwl nIswnu bjeIAw ]5]
gurmukh, manoo-aa ikat ghar aavai, mila-o gopaal neesaan baja-ee-aa. ||5||
Through the Guru, the mind comes to the home of the One, (wherein) it (i.e. the mind) meets
the Sustainer of the World with sounds of drum (i.e. unites with Him with joy and delight). 5
nYnI dyiK drsu mnu iqRpqY sRvn bwxI gur sbdu suxeIAw ]
nainee daykh daras man tariptai, sarvan baṇee gur sabad suna-ee-aa.
Beholding the vision (of the Lord) with my eyes, my mind is satiated; with my ears I listen to
the word of the Guru.
suin suin Awqm dyv hY BIny ris ris rwm gopwl rveIAw ]6]
sun sun aatam dayv hai bheenay, ras ras raam gopaal rava-ee-aa. ||6||
Listening and listening my soul is pleased, and, I am delighted by reciting the essence of (i.e.
the word of) God, the Sustainer of the World. 6
qRY gux mwieAw moih ivAwpy qurIAw guxu hY gurmuiK lhIAw ]
tarai guṇ maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapay, turee-aa guṇ hai gurmukh lahee-aa.
(The people of the world are) engrossed in attachment to three qualities of maya; (but) the
Guru-oriented obtains the (fourth) state of turee-aa (i.e. the Absolute state, i.e. state of bliss).
eyk idRsit sB sm kir jwxY ndrI AwvY sBu bRhmu psreIAw ]7]
ayk darisat sabh sam kar jaanai, nadree aavai sabh barahm pasra-ee-aa. ||7||
With the single one (i.e. impartial) eye, he looks upon (i.e. treats) all alike; (thus) he beholds
the Supreme Reality, God, pervading everywhere. 7
rwm nwmu hY joiq sbweI gurmuiK Awpy AlKu lKeIAw ]
raam naam hai jot sabaa-ee, gurmukh aapay alakh lakha-ee-aa.
The Light of the name of God permeats all; the Guru-oriented knows the unknown (mystery).
nwnk dIn dieAwl Bey hY Bgiq Bwie hir nwim smeIAw ]8]1]4]
naanak, deen da-i-aal bha-ay hai, bhagat bhaa-ay har naam sama-ee-aa. ||8||1||4||
Nanak (says): One, upon whom, the Merciful to the poor becomes kind; in loving devotion,
he merges in the name of God.1.4

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

hir hir nwmu sIql jlu iDAwvhu hir cMdn vwsu sugMD gMDeIAw ]
har har naam seetal jal dhi-aavahu, har chaNdan vaas sugaNdh gaNdh-ee-aa.
The name of God is (like) cold water, meditate upon it. God is (like) the fragrance of
sandalwood, its scent is perfuming (allover).
P. 834
imil sqsMgiq prm pdu pwieAw mY ihrf plws sMig hir buhIAw ]1]
mil satsaNgat param pad paa-i-aa, mai hirad palaas saNg har buhee-aa. ||1||
Joining the true congregation I have attained the supreme status; I was (like) the caster-oil
and palaas (i.e. butea frondosa) tree (i.e. useless plants), have been made fragrant by God. 1
jip jgMnwQ jgdIs guseIAw ] jap, jagaNnaath jagdees gus-ee-aa.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Master of the Universe,* the Lord of the Universe,* Lord of
the World.* [*All these are attributes and names of God].

srix pry syeI jn aubry ijau pRihlwd auDwir smeIAw ]1] rhwau ]
saraṇ paray, say-ee jan ubray, ji-o pra-hilaad udhaar sama-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who seek the refuge (of God), is liberated, like Prehlaad* whom He liberated and
merged into Him. 1 (pause)
[*As per popular myth, Prehlaad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having (so-called) miraculous power;
he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon
God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who killed
Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the
purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
Bwr ATwrh mih cMdnu aUqm cMdn inkit sB cMdnu hueIAw ]
bhaar aṭaarah meh chaNdan ootam, chaNdan nikat sabh chandan hu-ee-aa.
Of ‘the load of eighteen’* (i.e. the entire flora) sandalwood tree is the supreme, everything
near sandalwood becomes (fragrant like) sandalwood.
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’
is an old weighing measure, about 19 kilo; hence 18 weight would mean about 342 kilo; this is just imaginary; in fact,
‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
swkq kUVy aUB suk hUey min AiBmwnu ivCuiV dUir geIAw ]2]
saakat kooṛay oobh suk hoo-ay man abhimaan vichhuṛ door ga-ee-aa. ||2||
Saakat (i.e. non-believers), false, are (like) stubborn (standing) dried up (plants); they have
(vain) pride which separates them (and keeps them) far (from God). 2
hir giq imiq krqw Awpy jwxY sB ibiD hir hir Awip bneIAw ]
har gat mit kartaa aapay jaaṇai, sabh bidh har har aap bana-ee-aa.
God, the Creator Himself knows His state and condition (i.e. grandeur and expanse); God,
the Lord, Himself makes (i.e. plans/ arranges) all devices (i.e. system/ structure).
ijsu siqguru Byty su kMcnu hovY jo Duir iliKAw su imtY n imteIAw ]3]
jis satgur bhaytay, so kaNchan hovai, jo dhur likhi-aa so mitai na mita-ee-aa. ||3||
One who meets the True Guru, becomes (i.e. transformed into) gold, the preordained cannot
be erased by (any) attempt to erase it. 3
rqn pdwrQ gurmiq pwvY swgr Bgiq BMfwr Kul@eIAw ]
ratan padaarath gurmat paavai, saagar bhagat bhaNdaar khulh-ee-aa.
The wealth of jewel (i.e. name of God) is found through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the
Guru; the ocean of treasure of devotion is open to him (i.e. in the possession of the Guru).
gur crxI iek srDw aupjI mY hir gux khqy iqRpiq n BeIAw ]4]
gur charṇee ik sardhaa upjee, mai har guṇ kahtay taripat na bha-ee-aa. ||4||
Faith for the feet of the Guru has welled up in me; chanting the excellences of God, I am
never satiated (i.e. I am so much in love with God that always long to sing His praise more and more). 4
prm bYrwgu inq inq hir iDAwey mY hir gux khqy BwvnI khIAw ]
param bairaag nit nit har dhi-aa-ay, mai har guṇ kahtay bhaavnee kahee-aa.
Continually and forever meditating upon God, I am greatly (i.e. totally) detached; chanting
(the praise of) the excellences of God, I express my love (for Him).
bwr bwr iKnu iKnu plu khIAY hir pwru n pwvY prY preIAw ]5]
baar baar khin khin pal kahee-ai, har paar na paavai parai para-ee-aa. ||5||
Again and again, each and every moment and instant, I chant (His name); the limits of God
can not be known, they are farthest of the far (i.e. limitless). 5

swsq byd purwx pukwrih Drmu krhu Ktu krm idRVeIAw ]
saasat bayd puraaṇ pukaareh, dharam karahu, khat karam dariṛa-ee-aa.
Shastra, Vedas, Puran call to implant (in mind, i.e. perform) the six religious rituals.*
[*Khat karam, literally: six actions, these are those six rituals which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and
impart education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manu
(Manusmriti) these six are: study of vedas, tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of the
mnmuK pwKMif Brim ivgUqy loB lhir nwv Bwir bufeIAw ]6]
manmukh pakhaNd bharam vigootay, lobh lahar naav bhaar buda-ee-aa. ||6||
The mind-oriented are ruined by doubt; in the wave of greed, their leaded (with sins and
vices) boat is sinking. 6
nwmu jphu nwmy giq pwvhu isimRiq swsqR nwmu idRVeIAw ]
naam japahu naamay gat paavhu, simrit saastar naam dariṛ-ee-aa.
(So, O! Brethren) meditate upon the name (of the Lord) and attain emancipation through the
name; Simritis and Shastras (remind to) implant name (in mind).
haumY jwie q inrmlu hovY gurmuiK prcY prm pdu peIAw ]7]
ha-umai jaa-ay ta nirmal hovai, gurmukh parchai param pad pa-ee-aa. ||7||
When egotism is gone (i.e. eradicated), one becomes immaculate; through the knowledge of
(i.e. by enshrining faith in) the Guru, he attains supreme status. 7
iehu jgu vrnu rUpu sBu qyrw ijqu lwvih sy krm kmeIAw ]
ih jag varan roop sabh tayraa, jit laaveh say karam kama-ee-aa.
(O! Lord) this world, its colours and form, is all Yours; wherever You attach, there we will do
our deeds.
nwnk jMq vjwey vwjih ijqu BwvY iqqu rwih cleIAw ]8]2]5]
naanak, jaNt vajaa-ay vaajeh, jit bhaavai tit raahi chala-ee-aa. ||8||2||5||
Nanak (says): The (mortal) beings are (like musical) instruments upon which he plays; as he
wills, so they take (i.e. follow) the path. 8.2.5

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

gurmuiK Agm Agocru iDAwieAw hau bil bil siqgur siq purKeIAw ]
gurmukh agam agochar dhi-aa-i-aa, ha-o bal bal satgur sat purkha-ee-aa.
I have meditated upon the inaccessible, unknowable, through the Guru; I am a sacrifice, a
sacrifice unto the True Guru, the True Primal Person.
rwm nwmu myrY pRwix vswey siqgur pris hir nwim smeIAw ]1]
raam naam mayrai paraaṇ vasaa-ay, satgur paras har naam sama-ee-aa. ||1||
He has enshrined the name of God in my breath (of life); meeting the True Guru, I am
absorbed in the name of God.1
jn kI tyk hir nwmu itkeIAw ] jan kee tayk, har naam tika-ee-aa.
The support of the servant (i.e. devotee of the Lord) is based upon the name of God.
siqgur kI Dr lwgw jwvw gur ikrpw qy hir dru lhIAw ]1] rhwau ]
satgur kee dhar laagaa jaavaa, gur kirpaa tay har dar lahee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I live (i.e. depend upon) the support of the True Guru and, by the grace of Guru, I have
attained the door of God. 1 (pause)
iehu srIru krm kI DrqI gurmuiK miQ miQ qqu kFeIAw ]
ih sareer karam kee dhartee, gurmukh math math tat kaḍa-ee-aa.
This body is the earth (i.e. field) for action, and, by churning and churning (i.e. ploughing
continually) the Guru-oriented have churned out the essence (of spiritual knowledge).
lwlu jvyhr nwmu pRgwisAw BWfY Bwau pvY iqqu AeIAw ]2]
laal javayhar naam pargaasi-aa, bhaandai bhaa-o pavai tit a-ee-aa. ||2||
The ruby, the jewel of name becomes manifest, and, it is poured in the vessel which contains
love (for the Lord). 2
dwsin dws dws hoie rhIAY jo jn rwm Bgq inj BeIAw ]
daasan daas daas ho-ay rahee-ai jo jan raam bhagat nij bha-ee-aa.
(O! brethren) become the slave of the slaves of the slaves (of God); of that servant who is the
devotee of God, (and is my) brother.
mnu buiD Arip Drau gur AwgY gur prswdI mY AkQu kQeIAw ]3]
man budh arap dhara-o gur aagai, gur parsaadee mai akath katha-ee-aa. ||3||
I dedicate my mind, my wisdom and place it (in offering) before the Guru; by the grace of
the Guru, I speak about the Unspeakable (i.e. indescribable Lord).3
mnmuK mwieAw moih ivAwpy iehu mnu iqRsnw jlq iqKeIAw ]
manmukh maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapay, ih man tarisnaa jalat tikha-ee-aa.
The mind-oriented is engrossed in attachment to maya; this mind (of theirs) are thirsy,
burning with (the fire of) desires.
gurmiq nwmu AMimRq jlu pwieAw Agin buJI gur sbid buJeIAw ]4]
gurmat naam aMmrit jal paa-i-aa, agan bujhee gur sabad bujha-ee-aa. ||4||
Following the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, I have obtained AMmrit water (of name),
and, the fire (of desires) has been put out by the word of the Guru. 4
iehu mnu nwcY siqgur AwgY Anhd sbd Duin qUr vjeIAw ]
ih man naachai satgur aagai, anhad sabad dhun toor vaja-ee-aa.
This mind (i.e. of the Guru-oriented person) dances before the True Guru, (because) the
sound of the unstruck word resounds on the trumpet (in his heart).
hir hir ausqiq krY idnu rwqI riK riK crx hir qwl pUreIAw ]5]
har har ustat karai din raatee, rakh rakh charaṇ har taal poora-ee-aa. ||5||
Day and night, he praises God, the Lord; his feet move to the beat for (the name of) God. 5
hir kY rMig rqw mnu gwvY ris rswl ris sbdu rveIAw ]
har kai raNg rataa man gaavai, ras rasaal ras sabad rava-ee-aa.
Imbued with the love of God, his mind sings (the praise of God), he joyfully chants with love
the word of the source of essence (i.e. God).
inj Gir Dwr cuAY Aiq inrml ijin pIAw iqn hI suKu lhIAw ]6]
nij ghar dhaar chu-ai at nirmal, jin pee-aa tin hee sukh lahee-aa. ||6||
Greatly immaculate stream trickles from the home of his self; one, who drinks it in, obtains
happiness. 6
mnhiT krm krY AiBmwnI ijau bwlk bwlU Gr ausreIAw ]
manhaṭ karam karai abhimaanee, ji-o baalak baaloo ghar usra-ee-aa.

The egotistical, proud person performs rituals with stubborn mind; these are like homes of
sand built by a child.
AwvY lhir smuMd swgr kI iKn mih iBMn iBMn Fih peIAw ]7]
aavai lahar samuNd saagar kee, khin meh bhiNn bhiNn ḍeh pa-ee-aa. ||7||
When the wave of ocean comes in, they (i.e. the sand houses) crumble into several pieces in an
instant. 7
hir sru swgru hir hY Awpy iehu jgu hY sBu Kylu KyleIAw ]
har sar saagar, har hai aapay, ih jag hai sabh khayl khayla-ee-aa.
God Himself is the pool, and, God Himself is the ocean, this world is all a play, being played
(by Him).
ijau jl qrMg jlu jlih smwvih nwnk Awpy Awip rmeIAw ]8]3]6]
ji-o jal taraNg jal jaleh samaaveh, naanak, aapay aap rama-ee-aa. ||8||3||6||
Nanak (says): As the wave of water merges in the water, so does it (i.e. the world) itself merges
into Himself. 8.3.6

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

siqguru prcY min muMdRw pweI gur kw sbdu qin Bsm idRVeIAw ]
satgur parchai man muNdraa paa-ee, gur kaa sabad tan bhasam dariṛ-ee-aa.
Having faith in the True Guru is wearing the rings in my mind; and, implanting the word of
the Guru is applying ash to my body.
Amr ipMf Bey swDU sMig jnm mrx doaU imit geIAw ]1]
amar piNd bha-ay saadhoo* saNg, janam maraṇ do-oo mit ga-ee-aa. ||1||
My body has become immortal (by being) in the company of the Guru*,
n congregation of saints, my body has become eternal. Both, birth and death, have come to
an end (i.e. the cycle of birth and death i.e. reincarnation has come to an end). 1
myry mn swDsMgiq imil rhIAw ] mayray man, saadhsaNgat mil rahee-aa.
O! my mind, remain united in the company of the God-oriented persons.
ik®pw krhu mDsUdn mwDau mY iKnu iKnu swDU crx pKeIAw ]1] rhwau ]
kirpaa karahu madhsoodan maadha-o, mai khin khin saadhoo* charaṇ pakha-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be kind to me, O! Destroyer of Demons, O! Lord of Maya, that, each and every moment, I
may wash the feet of the Guru*. 1 (pause)
qjY igrsqu BieAw bn vwsI ieku iKnu mnUAw itkY n itkeIAw ]
tajai girsat bha-i-aa ban vaasee, ik khin manoo-aa tikai na tika-ee-aa.
Forsaking family-life, one wanders in the forest, (but) his mind does not remain at rest, even
for a moment.
Dwvqu Dwie qdy Gir AwvY hir hir swDU srix pveIAw ]2]
dhaavat dhaa-ay taday ghar aavai, har har saadhoo* saran pava-ee-aa. ||2||
Wandering (mind) wanders, and, returns home, (only) when it seeks the refuge of the Guru*. 2
[*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
DIAw pUq Coif sMinAwsI Awsw Aws min bhuqu kreIAw ]
dhee-aa poot chhod saNni-aasee, aasaa aas man bahut kara-ee-aa.
Renouncing his sons and daughters, on becomes sannyasi (i.e. renunciate), ( but) his mind still

conjures up many desires in his mind.
Awsw Aws krY nhI bUJY gur kY sbid inrws suKu lhIAw ]3]
aasaa aas karai nahee boojhai ,gur kai sabad niraas sukh lahee-aa. ||3||
He conjures hopes and desires, and, these desires do not get extinguished; (only) with the
word of the Guru, one becomes free from desires (i.e. detached) and enjoys happiness. 3
aupjI qrk idgMbru hoAw mnu dh ids cil cil gvnu kreIAw ]
upjee tarak digaMbar ho-a, man dah dis chal chal gavan kara-ee-aa.
When detachment (from the world) wells up (in the mind), he becomes Digamber (i.e. naked
hermit); (but still) his mind wanders and wanders, roaming in ten directions.
pRBvnu krY bUJY nhI iqRsnw imil sMig swD dieAw Gru lhIAw ]4]
parbhavan karai boojhai nahee tarisnaa, mil saNg saadh* da-i-aa ghar lahee-aa. ||4||
He wanders around, but his desires do not get quenched; (but) joining the company of the
Guru,* he finds the house of the Lord of Mercy. 4 [*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
Awsx isD isKih bhuqyry min mwgih iriD isiD cytk cytkeIAw ]
aasaṇ sidh sikheh bahutayray, man maageh ridh sidh chaytak chaytka-ee-aa.
(Some persons) learn many (yogic) postures, (but they do not become detached); their minds
still crave for miraculous and supernatural powers and play of magical power.
iqRpiq sMqoKu min sWiq n AwvY imil swDU iqRpiq hir nwim isiD peIAw ]5]
taripat saNtokh man saant na aavai, mil saadhoo* taripat har naam sidh pa-ee-aa. ||5||
Contentedness, patience and coolness do not come to their minds; (but) meeting the God-
oriented person, they obtain (spiritual) perfection by meditating upon the name of God. 5
[*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
AMfj jyrj syqj auqBuj siB vrn rUp jIA jMq aupeIAw ]
aNdaj jayraj saytaj ut-bhuj, sabh varan roop jee-a jaNt upa-ee-aa.
(God has created life) from the egg, from the foetus (i.e. womb), from sweat, and, from the
earth; and He has created beings and creatures of many colours and forms.
swDU srix prY so aubrY KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu vYsu cMfwlu cMfeIAw ]6]
saadhoo* saran parai so ubrai khatree baraahmaṇ sood vais chaNdaal chaNd-ee-aa. ||6||
Onw, who seeks the refuge of the Guru* is saved; (he may be) a Khatri, a Brahman, a Sood or
a Vaish or a Pariah of the Pariahs (i.e. most untouchable of the untouchables). 6
[*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
nwmw jYdyau kMbIru iqRlocnu Aaujwiq rivdwsu cimAwru cmeIAw ]
jo jo imlY swDU jn sMgiq Dnu DMnw jtu sYxu imilAw hir deIAw ]7]
naamaa, jaiday-o, kaMbee,r tarilochan, a-ujaat ravidaas chami-aar chama-ee-aa.
jo jo milai saadhoo jan sangat; dhan dhaNnaa, jat saiṇ mili-aa har da-ee-aa. ||7||
Nama, Jaideo, Kabir, Trilochan and Ravidas, the low-caste leather-worker cobbler;
(as well as) blessed Dhanna Jat and Sain; all those who joined the company of the God-
oriented person, met the merciful Lord . 7
sMq jnw kI hir pYj rKweI Bgiq vClu AMgIkwru kreIAw ]
saNt janaa kee har paij rakhaa-ee, bhagat vachhal, aNgeekaar kara-ee-aa.
God has (always) saved the honour of his devotees; He is the lover of His devotee, He has
accepted them as His own.

nwnk srix pry jgjIvn hir hir ikrpw Dwir rKeIAw ]8]4]7]
naanak ,saraṇ paray jagjeevan, har har kirpaa dhaar rakha-ee-aa. ||8||4||7||
Nanak (says): Those, who have sought the refuge of the feet of the Life of the World (i.e. God),
bestowing His grace He has (always) saved theme. 8.4.7

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

AMqir ipAws auTI pRB kyrI suix gur bcn min qIr lgeIAw ]
aNtar pi-aas uṭee prabh kayree, suṇ gur bachan man teer laga-ee-aa.
Thirst for (beholding the vision of) God has welled up within me; hearing the Guru's word my
mind has been pierced though by arrow (of His love).
mn kI ibrQw mn hI jwxY Avru ik jwxY ko pIr preIAw ]1]
man kee birthaa, man hee jaanai, avar ke jaaṇai ko peer para-ee-aa. ||1||
The pain of mind is known only to the mind; who (else) can know the pain of another? 1
rwm guir mohin moih mnu leIAw ] raam, gur mohan, mohi man la-ee-aa.
O! God, the enticer Guru has enticed my mind.
hau Awkl ibkl BeI gur dyKy hau lot pot hoie peIAw ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o aakal bikal bha-ee gur daykhay, ha-o lot pot ho-ay pa-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding (the vision of) the Guru, I am confounded and wonder-struck, and, I am pleased
with side-splitting joy (i.e. I have entered the state of delight and bliss). 1 (pause)
hau inrKq iPrau siB dys idsMqr mY pRB dyKn ko bhuqu min ceIAw ]
ha-o nirkhat fira-o sabh days disaNtar, mai prabh daykhan ko bahut man cha-ee-aa.
I wander around searching all lands and continents; within my mind I have a great longing
to see my Lord.
mnu qnu kwit dyau gur AwgY ijin hir pRB mwrgu pMQu idKeIAw ]2]
man tan kaat day-o gur aagai, jin har prabh maarag paNth dikha-ee-aa. ||2||
Cutting my mind and body, I surrender before the Guru (i.e. my mind and body are sacrifice
unto the Guru), who has shown me the way, the path, to the Lord. 2
koeI Awix sdysw dyie pRB kyrw ird AMqir min qin mIT lgeIAw ]
ko-ee aaṇ sadaysaa day-ay prabh kayraa, rid aNtar man tan meeṭ laga-ee-aa.
If someone would comes and bring me the message of the Lord, he seems sweet within my
heart, my mind, and my body.
msqku kwit dyau crxw qil jo hir pRBu myly myil imleIAw ]3]
mastak kaat day-o charṇaa tal, jo har prabh maylay mayl mila-ee-aa. ||3||
I would cut off my head and place it under his feet, who would get me to unite in union with
my Lord. 3
clu clu sKI hm pRBu prboDh gux kwmx kir hir pRBu lhIAw ]
chal chal sakhee ham prabh parbodheh, gun kaamaṇ kar har parabh lahee-aa.
Let us go, move, O! my companion (soul bride) and understand the Lord, and, obtain God
with spell of virtues.
Bgiq vClu auAw ko nwmu khIAqu hY srix pRBU iqsu pwCY peIAw ]4]
bhagat vachhal u-aa ko naam kahee-at hai, saraṇ prabhoo tis paachhai pa-ee-aa. ||4||

His is known as the Lover of (His) Devotees, let us stick to Him for His refuge. 4
iKmw sIgwr kry pRB KusIAw min dIpk gur igAwnu bleIAw ]
khimaa seegaar karay prabh khusee-aa man deepak gur gi-aan bala-ee-aa.
If she (i.e. soul bride) adorns herself with compassion, and, illumines her mind with the
Guru's knowledge, (then) God is pleased.
ris ris Bog kry pRBu myrw hm iqsu AwgY jIau kit kit peIAw ]5]
ras ras bhog karay prabh mayraa, ham tis aagai jee-o kat kat pa-ee-aa. ||5||
God enjoys me gladly and joyfully; and, cutting my soul into bits, I offer it to him. 5
hir hir hwru kMiT hY binAw mnu moqIcUru vf ghn ghneIAw ]
har har haar kaNṭ hai bani-aa, man moteechoor vad gahan gehna-ee-aa.
(The name of) God, the Lord, has become necklace for my neck; and, my mind has become
(like) the moteechoor,* big ornament of the ornaments. [*a pearl-steaded ornament worn on forehead)].
hir hir srDw syj ivCweI pRBu Coif n skY bhuqu min BeIAw ]6]
har har sardhaa sayj vichhaa-ee, prabh chhod na sakai bahut man bha-ee-aa. ||6||
I have spread out my bed of faith in God, the Lord; I can not abandon God; He is very
pleasing to my mind.6
khY pRBu Avru Avru ikCu kIjY sBu bwid sIgwru Pokt PokteIAw ]
kahai prabh avar, avar kichh keejai, sabh baad seegaar fokat fokta-ee-aa.
If God says (i.e. commands) something and she (i.e. soul bride) does something else, then, all
decorations are futile and wasted in vain.
kIE sIgwru imlx kY qweI pRBu lIE suhwgin QUk muiK peIAw ]7]
kee-o seegaar milaṇ kai taa-ee, prabh lee-o suhaagan, thook mukh pa-ee-aa. ||7||
She may decorate herself to meet (her Husband Lord), but the Lord accepts only the virtuous
(soul) bride, and, others’ face is spat on.
hm cyrI qU Agm gusweI ikAw hm krh qyrY vis peIAw ]
ham chayree, too agam gusaa-ee, ki-aa ham karah tayrai vas pa-ee-aa.
I am Your maid (i.e. slave), and, You are inaccessible Lord of the Universe; what can I do
(by myself), I am under Your power.
dieAw dIn krhu riK lyvhu nwnk hir gur srix smeIAw ]8]5]8]
da-i-aa deen karahu, rakh layvhu, naanak, har gur saraṇ sama-ee-aa. ||8||5||8||
Nanak (says): (Please) be kind to the poor (like me) and save me; I have merged (i.e. placed
myself) in the refuge of Guru and God. 8.5.2

iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4

mY min qin pRymu Agm Twkur kw iKnu iKnu srDw min bhuqu auTeIAw ]
mai man tan paraym agam ṭaakur kaa, khin khin sardhaa man bahut uṭa-ee-aa.
My mind and body are filled with love for the inaccessible Lord; each and every moment,
great faith wells up in my mind.
gur dyKy srDw mn pUrI ijau cwiqRk ipRau ipRau bUMd muiK peIAw ]1]
gur daykhay sardhaa man pooree, ji-o chaatrik pari-o pari-o booNd mukh pa-ee-aa. ||1||
Beholding (the vision of) the Guru, my mind's faith is fulfilled, like chatrik (i.e. rain-bird)
which cries ‘dear, dear’ until (rain) drop falls in his mouth.
imlu imlu sKI hir kQw suneIAw ] mil mil sakhee, har kathaa suna-ee-aa.
Meet (me), meet (me), O! my companion (soul brides), let us meet and narrate to me the story
of (the excellences of) God.
siqguru dieAw kry pRBu myly mY iqsu AwgY isru kit kit peIAw ]1] rhwau ]
satgur da-i-aa karay prabh maylay mai tis aagai sir kat kat pa-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If the True Guru becomes and unites me with God, I will cut my head, chop it into pieces
and offer it to him. 1 (pause)
roim roim min qin iek bydn mY pRB dyKy ibnu nId n peIAw ]
rom rom man tan ik baydan, mai prabh daykhay bin need na pa-ee-aa.
In each and every hair, and, in my mind and body, there is pain (for separation from Him),
without seeing my Lord, I cannot sleep.
bYdk nwitk dyiK Bulwny mY ihrdY min qin pRym pIr lgeIAw ]2]
baidak naatik daykh bhulaanay, mai hirdai man tan paraym peer laga-ee-aa. ||2||
The physicians, having seen my pulse, are perplexed (because they have not been able to find
the reason of my pain), (it is not physical pain) within my heart, my mind and body, there is
pain of (Divine) love. 2
hau iKnu plu rih n skau ibnu pRIqm ijau ibnu AmlY AmlI mir geIAw ]
ha-o khin pal reh na saka-o bin preetam, ji-o bin amlai amlee mar ga-ee-aa.
I cannot live even for a moment, an instant, without my Beloved (Lord), like an addict who
dies without intoxicant (i.e. opium).
ijn kau ipAws hoie pRB kyrI iqn@ Avru n BwvY ibnu hir ko dueIAw ]3]
jin ka-o pi-aas ho-ay prabh kayree, tinh avar na bhaavai bin har ko du-ee-aa. ||3||
Those who thirst for God, they do not love any one else, other than God. 3
koeI Awin Awin myrw pRBU imlwvY hau iqsu ivthu bil bil Guim geIAw ]
ko-ee aan aan mayraa prabhoo milaavai, ha-o tis vitahu bal bal ghum ga-ee-aa.
If only someone would come and unite me with my Lord, I am a sacrifice, (over and over
again) a sacrifice, an offering unto him.
Anyk jnm ky ivCuVy jn myly jw siq siq siqgur srix pveIAw ]4]
anayk janam kay vichhuṛay jan maylaym jaa sat sat satgur saraṇ pava-ee-aa. ||4||
Having been separated for countless incarnations, I, the servant (i.e. devotee) was united
(with the Lord), when I sought the refuge of the True, the True, the True Guru.
syj eyk eyko pRBu Twkuru mhlu n pwvY mnmuK BrmeIAw ]
sayj ayk ayko, prabh ṭaakur, mahal na paavai manmukh bharma-ee-aa.
On the one bed (of the soul bride), the One God, Lord is there, but, the mind-oriented and
deluded (soul bride) cannot obtain the mansion of His presence.
guru guru krq srix jy AwvY pRBu Awie imlY iKnu FIl n peIAw ]5]
gur gur karat saraṇ jay aavai, prabh aa-ay milai khin ḍeel na pa-ee-aa. ||5||
(But) if chanting ‘Guru, Guru’ she seeks His refuge, then God comes to meet her, without
even a moment’s delay. 5
kir kir ikirAwcwr vDwey min pwKMf krmu kpt loBeIAw ]
kar kar kiri-aachaar vadhaa-ay, man pakhaNd karam kapat lobha-ee-aa.
Performing many rituals she gathers (hypocrisy and ego); her mind is filled with acts of
hypocrisy, evil and greed.
bysuAw kY Gir bytw jnimAw ipqw qwih ikAw nwmu sdeIAw ]6]
baysu-aa kai ghar baytaa janmi-aa, pitaa taahi ki-aa naam sada-ee-aa. ||6||
When a son is born to a prostitute, what shall be known the name of his father. 6
pUrb jnim Bgiq kir Awey guir hir hir hir hir Bgiq jmeIAw ]
poorab janam bhagat kar aa-ay, gur har har har har bhagat jama-ee-aa.
(On the other hand) those, who are born with devotion from their previous birth, the Guru has
implanted (within them) the devotion for God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty.
Bgiq Bgiq krqy hir pwieAw jw hir hir hir hir nwim smeIAw ]7]
bhagat bhagat kartay har paa-i-aa, jaa har har har har naam sama-ee-aa. ||7||
Meditating and meditating when they found God, they merged into the name of God, the
Lord, the Master, the Almighty. 7
pRiB Awix Awix mihMdI pIsweI Awpy Goil Goil AMig leIAw ]
prabh aaṇ aaṇ mahiNdee peesaa-ee, aapay ghol ghol aNg la-ee-aa.
God himself came and got ground henna leaves into powder, He Himself prepared its paste,
applied it to the body (of the soul bride i.e. He Himself imbued the soul bride with His name).
ijn kau Twkuir ikrpw DwrI bwh pkir nwnk kiF leIAw ]8]6]2]1]6]9]
jin ka-o ṭaakur kirpaa dhaaree, baah pakar, naanak, kaḍ la-ee-aa. ||8||6||2||1||6||9||
Nanak (says): Those, upon whom the Lord bestowed His mercy, grasping them by their arm,
He pulled them out (and saved them).

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 AstpdI Gru 12 Raag Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee, ghar 12
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
aupmw jwq n khI myry pRB kI aupmw jwq n khI ] qij Awn srix ghI ]1] rhwau ]
upmaa jaat na kahee mayray prabh kee, upmaa jaat na kahee. taj aan saraṇ gahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Praise of my Lord cannot be expressed; His praise cannot be expressed.
abandoning all others, I have sought His refuge. 1 (pause)
pRB crn kml Apwr ] hau jwau sd bilhwr ] prabh charan kamal apaar. ha-o jaa-o sad balihaar.
God’s lotus-feet are infinite; I am forever a sacrifice unto them.
min pRIiq lwgI qwih ] qij Awn kqih n jwih ]1] man pareet laagee taahi. taj aan kateh na jaahi. ||1||
My mind is in love with them; abandoning them I will not go anywhere else. 1
hir nwm rsnw khn ] ml pwp klml dhn ] har naam rasnaa kahan. mal paap kalmal dahan.
Chanting the name of the Lord with tongue , the filth of all sins and my mistakes is burnt off.
ciV nwv sMq auDwir ] BY qry swgr pwir ]2] chaṛ naav saNt udhaar. bhai taray saagar paar. ||2||
(O! brethren) embark the boat of the God-oriented persons and get emancipated; get carried
across the terrifying (world) ocean.
min foir pRym prIiq ] ieh sMq inrml rIiq ] man dor paraym pareet. ih saNt nirmal reet.
My mind is strung in (i.e. tied with) the thread of His love and devotion;
this is the immaculate way of the God-oriented persons.
qij gey pwp ibkwr ] hir imly pRB inrMkwr ]3] taj ga-ay paap bikaar. har milay prabh niraNkaar. ||3||
(Those who have loved Him) their sins and evil deeds have left them; and,
they have met the formless God. 3
pRB pyKIAY ibsmwd ] ciK And pUrn swd ] prabh paykhee-ai bismaad. chakh anad pooran saad.
Beholding (the vison of) the Lord, one is wonder-struck; and,
tasting (the name) he obtains perfect bliss.
nh folIAY ieq aUq ] pRB bsy hir hir cIq ]4] nah dolee-ai it oot. prabh basay har har cheet. ||4||
One does not waver here and there, (when) God, the Lord, the master, dwells in one’s
consciousness. 4
iqn@ nwih nrk invwsu ] inq ismir pRB guxqwsu ] tinh naahi narak nivaas. nit simar prabh guṇtaas.
They do not go to hell (who) constantly remember(God) the Treasure of Excellences.
qy jmu n pyKih nYn ] suin mohy Anhq bYn ]5] tay jam na paykheh nain. sun mohay anhat bain. ||5||
They never (have to) see the messenger of death, with their eyes (i.e. messenger of death does
not appear before them) who are charmed by listening to the unstruck sounds. 5
hir srix sUr gupwl ] pRB Bgq vis dieAwl ] har saraṇ soor gupaal. prabh bhagat vas da-i-aal.
I am in the refuge of the brave (i.e. all powerful) Lord.
The Merciful (Lord) is under the power of the devotees.
hir ingm lhih n Byv ] inq krih muin jn syv ]6] har nigam laheh na bhayv. nit karahi mun jan sayv. ||6||
Vedas do not know the mystery of God. The silent sages constantly serve Him. 6
duK dIn drd invwr ] jw kI mhw ibKVI kwr ] dukh deen darad nivaar. jaa kee mahaa bikh-ṛee kaar.
He is the Destroyer of Sorrows and Pain. His service is greatly difficult task.
qw kI imiq n jwnY koie ] jil Qil mhIAil soie ]7] taa kee mit na jaanai ko-ay. jal thal mahee-al so-ay. ||7||
No one knows His limits;He is in the waters, the land, and the nether regions. 7
kir bMdnw lK bwr ] Qik pirE pRB drbwr ] kar baNdnaa lakh baar. thak pari-o prabh darbaar.
Having made obeisance to You hundreds of thousands of times; I have grown weary and
have come to Your court, O! Lord.
pRB krhu swDU DUir ] nwnk mnsw pUir ]8]1] prabh karahu saadhoo dhoor. naanak, mansaa poor. ||8||1||
O! Lord, make me the feet-dust of the God-oriented persons;
Nanak (says): (Please) fulfill my (this) wish. 8.1

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

pRB jnm mrn invwir ] hwir pirE duAwir ] prabh, janam maran nivaar. haar pari-o du-aar.
O! Lord, (please) release me from (the cycle of) birth and death.
Having grown weary, (I have come to your) door.
gih crn swDU sMg ] mn imst hir hir rMg ]
geh charan, saadhoo saNg. man misat har har raNg.
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, I have grasped Your feet (i.e. have come
to Your refuge); (now) the love of God, the Lord, is sweet to my mind.
P. 838
kir dieAw lyhu liV lwie ] nwnkw nwmu iDAwie ]1]
kar da-i-aa, layho laṛ laa-ay. naankaa, naam dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
(O! Lord) be kind and attach me to the helm of Your robe (i.e. make me Your own);
Nanak (says): I meditate upon (Your) name. 1
dInw nwQ dieAwl myry suAwmI dInw nwQ dieAwl ] jwcau sMq rvwl ]1] rhwau ]
deenaa naath da-i-aal, mayray su-aamee, deenaa naath da-i-aal. jaacha-o sa t ravaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord of the Poor, O! Merciful, my Lord, O! Lord of the Poor, O! Merciful;
I beg for the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
sMswru ibiKAw kUp ] qm AigAwn mohq GUp ] saNsaar, bikhi-aa koop. tam agi-aan, mohat ghoop.
The world is a pit of poison (i.e. vices);
(Due to) darkness of ignorance, (one has fallen in) the pitch of attachment (to maya).
gih Bujw pRB jI lyhu ] hir nwmu Apunw dyhu ] geh bhujaa, prabh jee, layho. har, naam apunaa dayh.
Hold my hand, O! Lord, and save me. O! God, (please) bless me with Your name.
pRB quJ ibnw nhI Twau ] nwnkw bil bil jwau ]2]
prabh, tujh binaa nahee thaa-o. naankaa, bal bal jaa-o. ||2||
Without You, O! Lord, I have no other place (at all).
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice, (O! Lord, I am) a sacrifice unto You. 2
loiB moih bwDI dyh ] ibnu Bjn hovq Kyh ] lobh mohi baadhee dayh. bin bhajan hovat khayh.
(Human) body is in the grip of greed (of worldly comforts) and attachment (to maya);
Without meditation (upon the Lord) it (i.e. golden human body) is reduced to dust.
jmdUq mhw BieAwn ] icq gupq krmih jwn ] jamdoot mahaa bha-i-aan. chit gupat, karmeh jaan.
The messenger of death is greatly dreadful.
Chitr and Gupt* know all the actions (of the human beings).
[* Chitr and Gupt are the presumed ‘recording scribes’ of the mythical Judge of Righteousness].
idnu rYin swiK sunwie ] nwnkw hir srnwie ]3] din rain saakh sunaa-ay. naankaa, har sarnaa-ay. ||3||
Day and night tell the story (i.e. they bear witness to one’s actions and report to the Judge of Righteousness).
Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, O! God. 3
BY BMjnw murwir ] kir dieAw piqq auDwir ] bhai bhaNjnaa muraar. kar da-i-aa patit udhaar.
O! Destroyer of Fear, and, Destroyer of Demon Muraar (i.e. O! Lord),
Be merciful and save (me) the sinner.
myry doK gny n jwih ] hir ibnw kqih smwih ] mayray dokh ganay na jaahi. har binaa, kateh samaahi.
My demerits can not be counted; without God where else these (demerits) can be forgiven.
gih Et icqvI nwQ ] nwnkw dy rKu hwQ ]4]
geh ot chitvee naath. naankaa, day rakh haath. ||4||
(Hence) I have thought of and held (i.e. taken to) Your support, O! Lord.
Nanak (says): (Please) give Your hand and save (me). 4
hir gux inDy gopwl ] srb Gt pRiqpwl ] har guṇ nidhay gopaal. sarab ghat partipaal.
God, the Treasure of Excellences, the Sustainer of the World,
cherishes all the bodies (i.e. all the beings).
min pRIiq drsn ipAws ] goibMd pUrn Aws ] man pareet darsan pi-aas. gobiNd pooran aas.
My mind has thirst for His love, O! Lord of the Universe, fulfill my hope (i.e. desire).
iek inmK rhnu n jwie ] vf Bwig nwnk pwie ]5]
ik nimakh rahan na jaa-ay. vad bhaag, naanak, paa-ay. ||5||
I cannot live (i.e. survive) even for a moment;
Nanak (says): (only) by great fortune I can find (i.e. get united with) You (O! Lord). 5
pRB quJ ibnw nhI hor ] min pRIiq cMd ckor ] prabh, tujh binaa nahee hor. man pareet chaNd chakor.
O! Lord, there is none other than You (whom I love);
My mind loves You as the partridge loves the moon;
ijau mIn jl isau hyqu ] Ail kml iBMnu n Byqu ] ji-o meen jal si-o hayt. al kamal bhiNn na bhayt.
As the fish loves water; as the bee and lotus can not be separated;
ijau ckvI sUrj Aws ] nwnk crn ipAws ]6] ji-o chakvee sooraj aas. naanak, charan pi-aas. ||6||
Nanak (says): as a chakvi (bird) hopes (i.e. longs) for (beholding) the sun; so do I thirst for the
feet (of God). 6
ijau qruin Brq prwn ] ijau loBIAY Dnu dwnu ] ji-o tarun bharat paraan. ji-o lobhee-ai dhan daan.
As her husband is breath (of life) for the young bride; as a greedy looks upon the gift of wealth;
ijau dUD jlih sMjogu ] ijau mhw KuiDAwrQ Bogu ] ji-o doodh jaleh saNjog. ji-o mahaa khudhi-aarath bhog.
As is milk joined to water; and, as food is to a very hungry person;
ijau mwq pUqih hyqu ] hir ismir nwnk nyq ]7] ji-o maat pooteh hayt. har simar, naanak, nayt. ||7||
Nanak (says): as the mother loves her son, (so do) I remember Him constamtly. 7
ijau dIp pqn pqMg ] ijau coru ihrq insMg ]ji-o deep patan pataNg. ji-o chor hirat nisaNg.
As the moth falls into the lamp (i.e. flames); and, as the thief steals without hesitation;
mYglih kwmY bMDu ] ijau gRsq ibKeI DMDu ] maiglahi kaamai baNdh. ji-o garsat bikh-ee dhaNdh.
As the elephants has bond with sexual desire; and,
as the lustful (person) remains engrossed in poison (i.e. sin).
ijau jUAwr ibsnu n jwie ] hir nwnk iehu mnu lwie ]8]
ji-o joo-aar bisan na jaa-ay. har, naanak, ih man laa-ay. ||8||
Nanak (says): As the gambler does not forget (i.e. does not give up gambling);
so is this mind attached to God. 8
kurMk nwdY nyhu ] cwiqRku cwhq myhu ] kuraNk naadai nayhu. chaatrik chaahat mayhu.
As the deer loves the sound (of the bell); and, as the chatrik (i.e. rain bird) longs for rain;
jn jIvnw sqsMig ] goibdu Bjnw rMig ] jan jeevnaa satsaNg. gobid bhajnaa raNg.
True congregation (of the God-oriented persons) is the life of the servants (i.e. devotees);
They love to meditate upon the Lord of the Universe.
rsnw bKwnY nwmu ] nwnk drsn dwnu ]9] rasnaa bakhaanai naam. naanak, darsan daan. ||9||
Their tongue chants the name (Of God).
Nanak (says): (I beg, O Lord) bless me with the gift of vision of Yours. 9
gun gwie suin iliK dyie ] so srb Pl hir lyie ] gun gaa-ay sun likh day-ay. so sarab fal har lay-ay.
One who sings, (one who) hears, and (one who) writes the excellences (of God);
He receives all fruits from God.
kul smUh krq auDwru ] sMswru auqris pwir ] kul samooh karat udhaar. saNsaar utras paar.
He liberates all his family, and, crosses over the world (ocean).
hir crn boihQ qwih ] imil swDsMig jsu gwih ] har charan bohith taahi. mil saadhsaNg jas gaahi.
Feet of God are boat for them. Joining the true congregation they sing the praise (of God).
hir pYj rKY murwir ] hir nwnk srin duAwir ]10]2]
har paij rakhai, muraar. har, naanak, saran du-aar. ||10||2||
God, the Destroyer of Demons, protects their honour.
Nanak (says): I stand at the door of God to seek(His) refuge. 10.2
iblwvlu mhlw 1 iQqI Gru 10 jiq Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1, thitee, ghar 10 jat
[*thitee literally: state (of the moon). The moon ascends and descends for 14 days over and over again. Here thitee is a
form of poetry; one stanza is addressed to each day, from day First to day Fifteen (the day of full moon)].
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
eykm eykMkwru inrwlw ] aykam, aykaNkaar niraalaa.
The First (day of lunar month), the One Creator, detached;
Amru AjonI jwiq n jwlw ] amar ajonee, jaat na jaalaa.
(He is) immortal, unborn and beyond (social) class or bondage (i.e. unattached).
Agm Agocru rUpu n ryiKAw ] agam agochar, roop na raykh-i-aa.
(He is) inaccessible, unknowable, with no form or sign (i.e. feature).
Kojq Kojq Git Git dyiKAw ] khojat khojat, ghat ghat daykhi-aa.
Searching and searching, I have found Him in each and every heart.
P. 839
jo dyiK idKwvY iqs kau bil jweI ] jo daykh dikhaavai, tis ka-o bal jaa-ee.
One, whoe sees Him and gets others to see Him, I am a sacrifice unto him.
gur prswid prm pdu pweI ]1] gur parsaad param pad paa-ee. ||1||
By the grace of the Guru, supreme status is obtained. 1
ikAw jpu jwpau ibnu jgdIsY ] ki-aa jap jaapa-o, bin jagdeesai.
Whose chant (i.e. name) should I meditate upon, except the Lord of the Universe.
gur kY sbid mhlu Gru dIsY ]1] rhwau gur kai sabad, mahal ghar deesai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the word of the Guru, His mansion can be seen in one’s home (i.e. heart). 1 (pause)
dUjY Bwie lgy pCuqwxy ] doojai, bhaa-ay lagay pachhutaaṇay.
The Second (day of the lunar month): those who are in love with another, come to repent
(finally, in the end).
jm dir bwDy Awvx jwxy ] jam dar baadhay aavaṇ jaaṇay.
They are tied up at the doors of the messenger of death, and, continue coming and going.
ikAw lY Awvih ikAw ly jwih ] ki-aa lai aavahi ki-aa lay jaahi.
What they have brought (into this world), and, what will they take with them when they depart
(from this world).
isir jmkwlu is cotw Kwih ] sir jamkaal se chotaa khaahi.
On their head hovers the messenger of death, and, they shall suffer his beating.
ibnu gur sbd n CUtis koie ] bin gur sabad na chhootas ko-ay.
Without the word of the Guru, no one finds liberation.
pwKMif kIn@Y mukiq n hoie ]2] pakhaNd keenhai mukat na ho-ay. ||2||
Liberation is not obtained through practice of hypocrisy (i.e. by show of ritualism). 2
Awpy scu kIAw kr joiV ] aapay sach kee-aa kar joṛ.
The True (Lord) Himself has created the creation with His hands.
AMfj PoiV joiV ivCoiV ] aNdaj foṛ, jorh vichhoṛ.

Breaking the (cosmic) egg, He has united and disunited (i.e. established and disestablishes).
Driq Akwsu kIey bYsx kau Qwau ] dharat akaas kee-ay, baisaṇ ka-o thaa-o.
He made the earth and the sky as place for sit (i.e. to live).
rwiq idnµqu kIey Bau Bwau ] raat dinaNt kee-ay, bha-o bhaa-o.
He created day and night, (and created) fear and love.
ijin kIey kir vyKxhwrw ] jin kee-ay, kar vaykhaṇhaaraa.
He who has created this, also watches over it.
Avru n dUjw isrjxhwrw ]3] avar na doojaa sirjaṇhaaraa. ||3||
There is no other Creator. 3
iqRqIAw bRhmw ibsnu mhysw ] dyvI dyv aupwey vysw ]
taritee-aa, barahmaa bisan mahaysaa. dayvee dayv upaa-ay vaysaa.
The Third (day of the lunar month): (He created) Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv);
and gods and goddesses of various forms.
joqI jwqI gxq n AwvY ] ijin swjI so kImiq pwvY ]
jotee jaatee gaṇat na aavai. jin saajee so keemat paavai.
Their lights (i.e. lineages) and kinds can not be uncounted.
One who has fashioned (all this) He (alone) knows its value;
kImiq pwie rihAw BrpUir ] keemat paa-ay rahi-aa bharpoor.
He evaluates them and pervades all;
iksu nyVY iksu AwKw dUir ]4] kis nayṛai kis aakhaa door. ||4||
Whom to say near and whom to say afar (because it is he who pervades all). 4
cauiQ aupwey cwry bydw ] KwxI cwry bwxI Bydw ]
cha-uth, upaa-ay chaaray baydaa. khaaṇee chaaray baṇee bhaydaa.
The Fourth (day of the lunar month): He created all the four Vedas,
the four sources of creation (of life), and, different forms of speech.
Ast dsw Ktu qIin aupwey ] so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey ]
asat dasaa, khat, teen upaa-ay. so boojhai, jis aap bujhaa-ay.
He created eighteen (Puranas), six (Shastras), and three (gunaas i.e. qualities of maya).
He alone understands, whom He gets to understand.
qIin smwvY cauQY vwsw ] pRxviq nwnk hm qw ky dwsw ]5]
teen samaavai, cha-uthai vaasaa. paraṇvat naanak, ham taa kay daasaa. ||5||
One, who conquers the three (gunaas), dwells in the fourth (state).
Prays Nanak: I am slave (of such a person). 5
pMcmI pMc BUq byqwlw ] Awip Agocru purKu inrwlw ]
paNchmee, paNch bhoot baytaalaa. aap agochar purakh niraalaa.
The Fifth(day of the lunar month): (the beings created from) the five elements have become
demons (i.e. they are deluded, hence, straying from the path of God);
The Primal Person (i.e. God) is unknowable and detached.
ieik BRim BUKy moh ipAwsy ] ik, bharam bhookhay moh pi-aasay.
Some are gripped by doubt, (hence) they have, hunger, (emotional) attachment and thirst.
ieik rsu cwiK sbid iqRpqwsy ] ik, ras chaakh sabad tariptaasay.
Some, tasting the essence of the word, are satiated.
ieik rMig rwqy ieik mir DUir ] ik raNg raatay, ik mar dhoor.
Some are imbued with love(of the Lord), (whereas) some are dead and reduced to dust.
ieik dir Gir swcY dyiK hdUir ]6] ik, dar ghar saachai, daykh hadoor. ||6||
Some attain the home and mansion of the True, and (always) behold (Him) present. 6
JUTy kau nwhI piq nwau ] kbhu n sUcw kwlw kwau ]
jhooṭay ka-o naahee pat naa-o. kabahu na soochaa, kaalaa kaa-o.
The false one obtains no honour no fame (in His court);
He never becomes pure, like the black crow.
ipMjir pMKI bMiDAw koie ] CyrIN BrmY mukiq n hoie ]
piNjar paNkhee baNdhi-aa ko-ay. chhayreen bharmai, mukat na ho-ay.
As is a bird, imprisoned in a cage, and,
moves around behind the holes (of the cage), but, can not get released.
qau CUtY jw Ksmu Cfwey ] gurmiq myly Bgiq idRVwey ]7]
ta-o chhootai, jaa khasam chhadaa-ay. gurmat maylay, bhagat drirh-aa-ay. ||7||
(Similarly, human) can be released if the Lord releases him;
He (i.e. God) unites him to the wisdom of the Guru, and enshrines devotion (within him). 7
KstI Ktu drsn pRB swjy ] Anhd sbdu inrwlw vwjy ]
khastee, khat darsan prabh saajay. anhad sabad, niraalaa vaajay.
The Sixth(day of the lunar month): God created the Six Systems (of philosophy); (but)
The sound of unstruck word, vibrates uniquely.
jy pRB BwvY qw mhil bulwvY ] jay prabh bhaavai, taa mahal bulaavai.
If one becomes pleasing to God, (then) he calls him to His mansion.
sbdy Bydy qau piq pwvY ] sabday bhayday, ta-o pat paavai.
If one is pierced through by word, obtains honour.
kir kir vys Kpih jil jwvih ] kar kar vays, khapeh jal jaaveh.
Those who wear different robes (i.e. performs various kinds of rituals), get burnt (in the fire of
desires) and thus ruined.
swcY swcy swic smwvih ]8] saachai saachay, saach samaaveh. ||8||
The true (devotees) merge in the True (Lord) through truth (i.e. truthful living).
spqmI squ sMqoKu srIir ] swq smuMd Bry inrml nIir ]
saptamee, sat saNtokh sareer. saat samuNd, bharay nirmal neer.
The Seventh(day of the lunar month):When truth and contentment come to dwell in the body;
The seven* seas (in the body) are filled with immaculate water.
[*These seven are: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, mind and intellect].
mjnu sIlu scu irdY vIcwir ] gur kY sbid pwvY siB pwir ]
majan seel sach ridai veechaar. gur kai sabad paavai sabh paar.
One, who bathes in truthfulness, with the true (Lord) in mind,
he carries across all through the word of the Guru.
min swcw muiK swcau Bwie ] scu nIswxY Twk n pwie ]9]
man saachaa mukh saacha-o bhaa-ay. sach neesaaṇai ṭaak na paa-ay. ||9||
With theTrue (Lord) in mind and love for the True in his mouth (i.e. on his tongue);
(he is blessed with) the insignia of Truth, and, faces no obstruction. 9
AstmI Ast isiD buiD swDY ] scu inhkyvlu krim ArwDY ]
astamee, asat sidh budh saadhai. sach nihkayval, karam araadhai.
The Eighth(day of the lunar month): One, who disciplines his intellect that longs (for
acquiring) the eight miraculous powers,
he adores (i.e. meditates upon) the detached True (Lord), through (true) action(i.e deeds).
paux pwxI AgnI ibsrwau ] qhI inrMjnu swco nwau ]
pa-un paaṇee agnee bisraa-o. tahee niraNjan saacho naa-o.
He forsakes (the three qualities of) air, water, and fire;* and,
Therein dwells immaculate and true name (of God).
[*The 3 qualities are: air (rajas), water (satav), and fire (tamas). Here, it denotes optimism, pessimism and egotism].
iqsu mih mnUAw rihAw ilv lwie ] pRxviq nwnku kwlu n Kwie ]10]
tis meh, manoo-aa rahi-aa liv laa-ay. paranvat naanak, kaal na khaa-ay. ||10||
The person, whose mind remains focussed on Him;
Prays Nanak: He shall not be consumed by death. 10
nwau naumI nvy nwQ nv KMfw ] Git Git nwQu mhw blvMfw ]
naa-o, na-umee, navay naath nav khaNda. ghat ghat naath mahaa balvaNdaa.
The Ninth(day of the lunar month): The name is the Lord of the nine regions (is meditated upon
by all). The supremely powerful Lord (pervades) all bodies.
AweI pUqw iehu jgu swrw ] aa-ee pootaa, ih jag saaraa.
The whole world is the son of maya.
pRB Awdysu Awid rKvwrw ] prabh aadays, aad rakhvaaraa.
I bow before the Lord, my protecting from the very beginning.
Awid jugwdI hY BI hogu ] aad, jugaadee, hai bhee hog.
(He was) in the beginning, (He has been) throughout Ages, He is now, and, He shall always be.
Ehu AprMpru krxY jogu ]11] oh apraMpar karṇai jog. ||11||
He is unlimited, and, capable of doing (everything) (He is i.e. all powerful). 11
dsmI nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ] dasmee, naam daan isnaan.
The Tenth(day of the lunar month): (O! brethren, meditate upon) the name, (give) charity, and
(take) bath (i.e. purify yourself).
Anidnu mjnu scw gux igAwnu ] an-din majan, sachaa guṇ gi-aan.
Day and night bath in (spiritual) knowledge, and, (praise) the excellences of the True.
sic mYlu n lwgY BRmu Bau BwgY ] iblmu n qUtis kwcY qwgY ]
sach mail na laagai, bharam bha-o bhaagai. bilam na, tootas kaachai taagai.
(Attaching to) the True filth does not stick (to mind), and, doubts and fears run away; as,
the flimsy thread breaks in no time.
ijau qwgw jgu eyvY jwxhu ] ji-o taagaa, jag ayvai jaaṇhu.
As is the thread (is flimsy), know world just like that (i.e. ephemeral) .
AsiQru cIqu swic rMgu mwxhu ]12] asthir cheet, saach raNg maaṇhu. ||12||
Keep your conscious stable (i.e. upon God), and, enjoys the love of the True (Lord). 12
eykwdsI ieku irdY vswvY ] ihMsw mmqw mohu cukwvY ]
aykaadasee, ik ridai vasaavai. hiNsaa mamtaa moh chukhaavai.

The Eleventh(day of the lunar month): (One, who) enshrines the One (Lord) within his heart;
he gets rid of violence, (emotional) attachment and greed.
Plu pwvY bRqu Awqm cInY ] fal paavai, barat aatam cheenai.
One who observes fast of contemplating his own self, obtains the fruit.
pwKMif rwic qqu nhI bInY ] pakhaNd raach, tat nahee beenai.
(But) one who is engrossed in hypocrisy, does not see the essence (i.e. the Truth).
inrmlu inrwhwru inhkyvlu ] nirmal niraahaar nihkayval.
(God is) immaculate, self-sutained, and, unattached.
sUcY swcy nw lwgY mlu ]13] soochai saachay, naa laagai mal. ||13||
Filth does not stick to the Pure and the True (Lord). 13
jh dyKau qh eyko eykw ] jah daykh-a-u, tah ayko aykaa.
Wherever I look, I see (only) the One there.
hoir jIA aupwey vyko vykw ] hor jee-a upaa-ay, vayko vaykaa.
He has created the other beings of many and various types.
Plohwr kIey Plu jwie ] rs ks Kwey swdu gvwie ]
falohaar kee-ay, fal jaa-ay. ras kas khaa-ay, saad gavaa-ay.
(Some keep fast on this day, don't eat any grain and live on fruit only, but)
by eating fruits, one loses the fruit (of life).
Indulging in enjoying delicacies, one loses the (true) taste (of the name of the Lord).
kUVY lwlic lptY lptwie ] kooṛai laalach, laptai laptaa-ay.
Such persons are clinging to (i.e. engrossed in) falsehood and greed;
CUtY gurmuiK swcu kmwie ]14] chhootai gurmukh, saach kamaa-ay. ||14||
(But, by) practising truth, through the Guru, they can be emancipated. 14
duAwdis mudRw mnu AauDUqw ] du-aadas, mudraa man a-udhootaa.
The Twelfth (day of the lunar month): Keeping mind unattached, (is) wearing the signs (of yogis);
Aihinis jwgih kbih n sUqw ] ahinis jaageh, kabeh na sootaa.
(He) remain awake (from the enticement of maya) day and night and never sleep.
jwgqu jwig rhY ilv lwie ] jaagat jaag rahai liv laa-ay.
He remains ever awake and remains absorbed (in God).
gur prcY iqsu kwlu n Kwie ] gur parchai, tis kaal na khaa-ay.
One, who has faith in the Guru is not consumed by death.
AqIq Bey mwry bYrweI ] pRxviq nwnk qh ilv lweI ]15]
ateet bha-ay, maaray bairaa-ee. paraṇvat naanak, tah liv laa-ee. ||15||
One, who remain detached, and, conquers the (five) enemies (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed,
attachment and pride);
Prays Nanak: he is absorbed (in God). 15
duAwdsI dieAw dwnu kir jwxY ] bwhir jwqo BIqir AwxY ]
du-aadasee, da-i-aa daan kar jaanai. baahar jaato bheetar aaṇai.
The Twelfth (day of the lunar month): one who knows (the path of) compassion and charity;
He brings his out-going (mind) back inside (within his home /heart).
brqI brq rhY inhkwm ] bartee barat, rahai nihkaam.
One, who remains detached, observes the fast of the fats (i.e. being detached is supreme fast);
Ajpw jwpu jpY muiK nwm ] ajpaa jaap, japai mukh naam.
He chants the name, un-chanted chant, with his mouth.
qIin Bvx mih eyko jwxY ] teen bhavan meh, ayko jaaṇai.
He know the One (Lord) is contained in the three worlds.
siB suic sMjm swcu pCwxY ]16] sabh such saNjam, saach pachhaaṇai. ||16||
All purity and discipline, are in realizing theTrue. 16
qyris qrvr smud knwrY ] tayras, tarvar samud kanaarai.
The Thirteenth (day of the lunar month): (Man’s life is like) the tree is on the sea-shore.
AMimRqu mUlu isKir ilv qwrY ] aMmrit mool, sikhar liv, taarai.
One, who has AMmrit (name) in his roots, and, is in tune with the Lord, is saved
fr fir mrY n bUfY koie ] dar dar marai, na boodai ko-ay.
One who dies in fear (of God) does not drown.
infru bUif mrY piq Koie ] nidar bood marai, pat kho-ay.
Without the fear (of God), he drowns, dies and loses his honour.
fr mih Gru Gr mih fru jwxY ] qKiq invwsu scu min BwxY ]17]
dar meh ghar, ghar meh dar jaaṇai. takhat nivaas, sach man bhaaṇai. ||17||
One, who makes fear (of God) his dwelling, and, has fear (of God) in his heart;
he becomes pleasing to the mind of the One who sits on the throne (i.e. God). 17
caudis cauQy Qwvih lih pwvY ] rwjs qwms sq kwl smwvY ]
cha-udas, cha-uthay thaaveh leh paavai. raajas taamas sat kaal samaavai.
The Fourteenth (day of the lunar month): when one enters the fourth state (i.e. turiya);
He overcomes the effects of rajas, satav and tamas* (the three gunaas).
[*Rajas represents creation, Sattav represents preservation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav
represents purity, rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function
under these qualities].
ssIAr kY Gir sUru smwvY ] jog jugiq kI kImiq pwvY ]
sasee-ar kai ghar, soor samaavai. jog jugat kee keemat paavai.
The sun merges in the house of moon (i.e. when fire of his mind is appeased in house of peace);
then he realizes the worth of device of yoga (i.e. the process of union with God).
caudis Bvn pwqwl smwey ] KMf bRhmMf rihAw ilv lwey ]18]
cha-udas bhavan paataal samaa-ay. khaNd barahmaNd rahi-aa liv laa-ay. ||18||
Then he focusses on God, who is permeating in the fourteen worlds and nether regions; and,
in continents and in the whole of the universe. 18
AmwvisAw cMdu gupqu gYxwir ] bUJhu igAwnI sbdu bIcwir ]
amaavasi-aa chaNd gupat gaiṇaar. boojhhu gi-aanee, sabad beechaar.
The Massiya (i.e. the Fifteenth day of the lunar month, i.e. the darkest/ no moon day): the moon
is hidden in the sky. O! wise men contemplate and understand the word.
ssIAru ggin joiq iqhu loeI ] sasee-ar gagan jot tihu lo-ee.
The moon in sky illuminates the three worlds.
kir kir vyKY krqw soeI ] kar kar vaykhai kartaa so-ee.
Creating the creation, the Creator cherishes it.
gur qy dIsY so iqs hI mwih ] gur tay deesai, so tis hee maahi.
One, who sees Him through the Guru, merges into Him.
mnmuiK BUly Awvih jwih ]19] manmukh bhoolay aavahi jaahi. ||19||
The mind-oriented are deluded, they remain coming and going (in reincarnation). 19
Gru dru Qwip iQru Qwin suhwvY ] ghar dar thaap, thir thaan suhaavai.
One who establishes His home within his heart, obtains honour in stable house.
Awpu pCwxY jw siqguru pwvY ] aap pachhaaṇai, jaa satgur paavai.
When one finds the True Guru, (then) he comes to realize his own self.
jh Awsw qh ibnis ibnwsw ] PUtY Kpru duibDw mnsw ]
jah aasaa, tah binas binaasaa. footai khapar, dubidhaa mansaa.
Where there were hope (i.e. desires), there is total destruction (of desires); and,
the bowl of duality and desires breaks.
mmqw jwl qy rhY audwsw ] pRxviq nwnk hm qw ky dwsw ]20]1]
mamtaa jaal tay rahai udaasaa. paraṇvat naanak, ham taa kay daasaa. ||20||1||
Prays Nanak: I am the slave of the one who is detached from the trap of attachment (to
maya). 20.1
iblwvlu mhlw 3 vwr sq Gru 10 Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3, vaar sat,* ghar 10
[*Vaar Sat, literally: saven days (of the week). This is a form of poetry; one stanza is addressed to each day].
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awidq vwir Awid purKu hY soeI ] Awpy vrqY Avru n koeI ]
aadit vaar, aad purakh hai so-ee. aapay vartai, avar na ko-ee.
Sunday : He (i.e. God) is the Primal Person (He alone is there).
He Himself is pervading (everywhere); there is no other (at all).
Eiq poiq jgu rihAw proeI ] ot pot, jag rahi-aa paro-ee.
He is woven into the world, like warp and weft (in fabric).
Awpy krqw krY su hoeI ] aapay kartaa, karai so ho-ee.
Whatever the Creator Himself does, that alone comes to happen.
nwim rqy sdw suKu hoeI ] naam ratay, sadaa sukh ho-ee.
Those (who are) imbued with the name (of the Lord), are forever in happiness.
gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]1] gurmukh, virlaa boojhai ko-ee. ||1||
A rare one, a Guru-oriented, understand this. 1
ihrdY jpnI jpau guxqwsw ] hirdai japnee japa-o, guṇtaasaa.
With the rosary of the (i.e. within my) heart, I meditate upon the Treasure of Excellences.
hir Agm Agocru AprMpr suAwmI jn pig lig iDAwvau hoie dwsin dwsw ]1] rhwau ]
har agam agochar apraMpar su-aamee,
jan pag lag dhi-aava-o, ho-ay daasan daasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is inaccessible, unknowable, infinite Lord.
Grasping the feet of His servants (i.e. devotees), and becoming slave of His slaves, I meditate
upon Him. 1 (pause)
somvwir sic rihAw smwie ] iqs kI kImiq khI n jwie ]

somvaar, sach rahi-aa samaa-ay. tis kee keemat kahee na jaa-ay.
Monday : One who merges in the True is merging;
His value (i.e. worth/ greatness) cannot be described.
AwiK AwiK rhy siB ilv lwie ] aakh aakh rahay, sabh liv laa-ay.
Having focussed upon Him, many have grown weary of saying and talking (about Him).
ijsu dyvY iqsu plY pwie ] jis dayvai, tis palai paa-ay.
Whomever He blesses, they alone obtain it (i.e. realization about Him).
Agm Agocru liKAw n jwie ] agam agochar, lakhi-aa na jaa-ay.
he is inaccessible and unknowable; He can not be seen.
gur kY sbid hir rihAw smwie ]2] gur kai sabad, har rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
Through the word of the Guru, God is seen merging (i.e. pervading everywhere). 2
mMgil mwieAw mohu aupwieAw ] maNgal maa-i-aa moh upaa-i-aa.
Tuesday : (God has) created attachment to maya.
Awpy isir isir DMDY lwieAw ] aapay sir sir dhaNdhai laa-i-aa.
He Himself has engaged each and everyone to tasks.
Awip buJwey soeI bUJY ] aap bujhaa-ay, so-ee boojhai.
He alone understands whom He causes to understand.
gur kY sbid dru Gru sUJY ] gur kai sabad, dar ghar soojhai.
Through the word of the Guru, one understands (i.e. realizes) the door His home.
pRym Bgiq kry ilv lwie ] haumY mmqw sbid jlwie ]3]
praym bhagat karay liv laa-ay. ha-umai mamtaa sabad jalaa-ay. ||3||
(One who realizes His door) he meditates upon Him in loving devotion; and,
burns his ego and (emotional) attachment with the word (of the Guru). 3
buDvwir Awpy buiD swru ] gurmuiK krxI sbdu vIcwru ]
budhvaar, aapay budh saar. gurmukh karṇee, sabad veechaar.
Wednesday: God Himself bestows sublime understanding;
noble deeds and contemplation of the word, through the Guru.
nwim rqy mnu inrmlu hoie ] naam ratay, man nirmal ho-ay.
By being imbued with the name(of the Lord), the mind becomes immaculate.
hir gux gwvY haumY mlu Koie ] har guṇ gaavai, ha-umai mal kho-ay.
By singing the excellences of God, the filth of egotism is washed off.
dir scY sd soBw pwey ] dar sachai, sad sobhaa paa-ay.
He ever obtains glory (i.e. honour) at the doors (i.e in the court) of the True (Lord).
nwim rqy gur sbid suhwey ]4] naam ratay gur sabad suhaa-ay. ||4||
Imbued with the name, he is embellished with the word of the Guru. 4
lwhw nwmu pwey gur duAwir ] Awpy dyvY dyvxhwru ]
laahaa naam, paa-ay gur du-aar. aapay dayvai, dayvaṇhaar.
He obtains profit of name through the door of the Guru, (when) the Giver (God) Himself it.
jo dyvY iqs kau bil jweIAY ] jo dayvai, tis ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai.
Be a sacrifice unto the One who gives.
gur prswdI Awpu gvweIAY ] gur parsaadee, aap gavaa-ee-ai.
By the grace of the Guru, eradicate self -conceit (from within).
nwnk nwmu rKhu aur Dwir ] dyvxhwry kau jYkwru ]5]
naanak, naam rakhahu ur dhaar. dayvaṇhaaray ka-o jaikaar. ||5||
Nanak (says): Enshrine the name (of the Lord) within your heart; and, hail the Giver. 5
vIrvwir vIr Brim Bulwey ] veervaar, veer bharam bhulaa-ay.
Thursday: The warriors* are deluded in doubt. [*the mythical fifty two warriors].
pRyq BUq siB dUjY lwey ] prayt bhoot sabh doojai laa-ay.
The ghosts, the demons, all are attached to duality
Awip aupwey kir vyKY vykw ] aap upaa-ay kar vaykhai vaykaa.
He Himself has created them and is seeing them all with discerning eye.
sBnw krqy qyrI tykw ] sabhnaa, kartay, tayree taykaa.
O! Creator, You are the support of all.
jIA jMq qyrI srxweI ] jee-a jant tayree sarṇaa-ee.
All the being and creatures are in Your refuge.
so imlY ijsu lYih imlweI ]6] so milai, jis laihi milaa-ee. ||6||
He alone meets (You), whom You get to meet. 6
suk®vwir pRBu rihAw smweI ] sukarvaar parabh rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Friday: God is pervading everywhere.
Awip aupwie sB kImiq pweI ] aap upaa-ay sabh keemat paa-ee.
He Himself created and apprised the worth of all.
gurmuiK hovY su krY bIcwru ] gurmukh hovai, so karai beechaar.
One, who is Guru-oriented contemplates (the Lord).
scu sMjmu krxI hY kwr ] sach sanjam karṇee hai kaar.
He practices truth and self-discipline.
vrqu nymu inqwpRiq pUjw ] ibnu bUJy sBu Bwau hY dUjw ]7]
varat naym nitaaparat poojaa. bin boojhay, sabh bhaa-o hai doojaa. ||7||
(Observing) fasts, religious rituals and daily worship;
without understanding, all these lead to love for the other (i.e. duality). 7
CinCrvwir saux swsq bIcwru ] haumY myrw BrmY sMswru ]
chhanichharvaar, sa-uṇ saasat beechaar. ha-umai mayraa bharmai saNsaar.
Saturday : Contemplation of the (good or bad) omens and the Shastras;
the world wanders in egotism and self-conceit.
mnmuKu AMDw dUjY Bwie ] manmukh aNdhaa doojai bhaa-ay.
The blind mind-oriented is (engrossed) in love of duality
jm dir bwDw cotw Kwie ] jam dar baadhaa chotaa khaa-ay.
At the doors of death, he is bound and given blows (i.e. heavily punished).
gur prswdI sdw suKu pwey ] scu krxI swic ilv lwey ]8]
gur parsaadee sadaa sukh paa-ay. sach karṇee, saach liv laa-ay. ||8||
By the grace of Guru, one obtains happiness forever; (if he)
Practices truth, and focusses on the True (Lord). 8
siqguru syvih sy vfBwgI ] haumY mwir sic ilv lwgI ]
satgur sayveh, say vadbhaagee. ha-umai maar, sach liv laagee.
Those who serve the True Guru are very fortunate;

Conquering their ego they are in tune with the True (Lord).
qyrY rMig rwqy shij suBwie ] qU suKdwqw lYih imlwie ]
tayrai raNg raatay sahj subhaa-ay. too sukh-daata laihi milaa-ay.
They are imbued with Your love, in ease; and,
You, O! Giver of Happiness, merge them into Yourself.
P. 842
eyks qy dUjw nwhI koie ] gurmuiK bUJY soJI hoie ]9]
aykas tay doojaa naahee ko-ay. gurmukh boojhai sojhee ho-ay. ||9||
He alone is; there is no other (at all).
One, who understand it through the Guru, realizes it. 9
pMdRh iQqˆØI qY sq vwr ] mwhw ruqI Awvih vwr vwr ]
paNdreh thiteen tai sat vaar. maahaa rutee aavahi vaar vaar.
The fifteen lunar days, seven days of the weak;
The months and seasons come over and over again.
idnsu rYix iqvY sMswru ] Awvw gauxu kIAw krqwir ]
dinas raiṇ tivai saNsaar. aavaa ga-oṇ kee-aa kartaar.
As are the day and night (i.e. they come and go over and over again), so is the world.
Coming and going has been the Creator (He has created the cycle of birth and death i.e. reincarnation).
inhclu swcu rihAw kl Dwir ] nihchal saach rahi-aa kal dhaar.
(Only) the True (Lord) is stable; (pervading and permeating) by His (absolute) power.
nwnk gurmuiK bUJY ko sbdu vIcwir ]10]1] naanak, gurmukh boojhai ko, sabad veechaar. ||10||1||
Nanak (says): A rare on Guru-oriented understands it, by contemplating the word. 10.1

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 3

Awid purKu Awpy isRsit swjy ] aad purakh aapay sarisat saajay.
The Primal Person (God) Himself creates the universe.
jIA jMq mwieAw moih pwjy ] jee-a jaNt maa-i-aa mohi paajay.
All the beings and creatures are engrossed in attachment to maya.
dUjY Bwie prpMic lwgy ] doojai bhaa-ay, parpaNch laagay.
In love of duality, they are engrossed in attachment of ‘the expanse of the five’ (i.e. sexual
desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride).
Awvih jwvih mrih ABwgy ] aavahi jaaveh mareh abhaagay.
The unfortunate ones die, they remain coming and going (in reincarnation).
siqguir ByitAY soJI pwie ] satgur bhayti-ai, sojhee paa-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, one obtains understanding.
prpMcu cUkY sic smwie ]1] parpaNch chookai, sach samaa-ay. ||1||
The attachment to ‘the expanse of the five’ ends, and, one merges in the True. 1
jw kY msqik iliKAw lyKu ] qw kY min visAw pRBu eyku ]1] rhwau ]
jaa kai mastak likhi-aa laykh. taa kai man vasi-aa prabh ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has (such pre-destined) destiny, inscribed on his forehead;
the One Lord abides within their mind. 1 (pause)
isRsit aupwie Awpy sBu vyKY ] koie n mytY qyrY lyKY ]

sarisat upaa-ay, aapay sabh vaykhai. ko-ay na maytai tayrai laykhai.
Having creating the universe, You Yourself behold it;
No one can erase Your writing (i.e. command).
isD swiDk jy ko khY khwey ] Brmy BUlw AwvY jwey ]
sidh saadhik, jay ko kahai kahaa-ay. bharmay bhoolaa, aavai jaa-ay.
If someone calls himself a sidh (i.e. having miraculous powers) or a seeker (of such powers);
He is deluded by doubt; (hence he will) continue coming and going (in reincarnation).
siqguru syvY so jnu bUJY ] haumY mwry qw dru sUJY ]2]
satgur sayvai, so jan boojhai. ha-umai maaray, taa dar soojhai. ||2||
One who serves the True Guru, (only) that servant (i.e. devotee) understands; and,
conquering his ego, he finds the doors (of the Lord). 2
eyksu qy sBu dUjw hUAw ] eyko vrqY Avru n bIAw ]
aykas tay sabh doojaa hoo-aa. ayko vartai, avar na bee-aa.
From the One (Lord), all other (i.e. the whole universe)was formed;
The One (alone) is pervading; there is no other (at all).
dUjy qy jy eyko jwxY ] gur kY sbid hir dir nIswxY ]
doojay tay jay ayko jaaṇai. gur kai sabad, har dar neesaaṇai.
One, who renounces the other (i.e. duality) and recognizes the One alone; and,
through the word of the Guru, he obtains the insignia to (enters) the door of the Lord.
siqguru Byty qw eyko pwey ] ivchu dUjw Twik rhwey ]3]
satgur bhaytay, taa ayko paa-ay. vichahu, doojaa thaak rahaa-ay. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, one obtains the One (Lord);
and stills duality (i.e. attachment to maya) within. 3
ijs dw swihbu fwFw hoie ] iqs no mwir n swkY koie ]
jis daa saahib, daaḍaa ho-ay. tis no maar na saakai ko-ay.
One, whose Lord is all-powerful, no one can kill (i.e. destroy/ harm) him.
swihb kI syvku rhY srxweI ] Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI ]
saahib kee sayvak rahai sarṇaa-ee. aapay bakhsay day vadi-aa-ee.
The Lord’s servant remains under His refuge;
He Himself forgives and bestows glory (i.e. honour) upon him.
iqs qy aUpir nwhI koie ] kauxu frY fru iks kw hoie ]4]
tis tay oopar, naahee ko-ay. ka-uṇ darai, dar kis kaa ho-ay. ||4||
There is no one higher than Him; why should one fear (then), and, who should he fear. 4
gurmqI sWiq vsY srIr ] sbdu cIin@ iPir lgY n pIr ]
gurmatee, saant vasai sareer. sabad cheeneh, fir lagai na peer.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, peace comes to abide in the body; and,
understanding (i.e. realizing) the word, one never suffers pain.
AwvY n jwie nw duKu pwey ] nwmy rwqy shij smwey ]
aavai na jaa-ay naa dukh paa-ay. naamay raatay sahj samaa-ay.
He does not have to come nor go (in reincarnation), nor does he suffer sorrow;
Imbued with the name, he merges in equipoise.
nwnk gurmuiK vyKY hdUir ] myrw pRBu sd rihAw BrpUir ]5]

naanak, gurmukh vaykhai hadoor. mayraa prabh sad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||5||
Nanak (says): Through the Guru, he beholds (the Lord) ever present;
My Lord is ever fulfilling (i.e. pervading everywhere). 5
ieik syvk ieik Brim Bulwey ] ik sayvak, ik bharam bhulaa-ay.
Some are servants (i.e. devotees of God), (while) some wander deluded by doubt.
Awpy kry hir Awip krwey ] aapay karay har aap karaa-ay.
He Himself does and Himself gets (everything) to be done.
eyko vrqY Avru n koie ] min rosu kIjY jy dUjw hoie ]
ayko vartai, avar na ko-ay. man ros keejai, jay doojaa ho-ay.
The One (Lord) is pervading (everyone); there is no other (at all):
One may complain in his mind, if there were any other.
siqguru syvy krxI swrI ] dir swcY swcy vIcwrI ]6]
satgur sayvay karṇee saaree. dar saachai, saachay veechaaree. ||6||
(O! brethren0 serve the True Guru, this is the sublime deed;
at the doors of the True, they are treated true. 6
iQqI vwr siB sbid suhwey ] thitee vaar sabh sabad suhaa-ay.
All the lunar days and the (week) days are all beautiful through (contemplation of) the word.
siqguru syvy qw Plu pwey ] satgur sayvay taa fal paa-ay.
If one serves the True Guru, he obtains the fruit(as his reward).
iQqI vwr siB Awvih jwih ] thitee vaar sabh aavahi jaahi.
All the lunar days and the (week) days come and go;(but)
gur sbdu inhclu sdw sic smwih ] gur sabad nihchal sadaa sach samaahi.
The word of the Guru is eternal (and through the word) one merges in the ever True (Lord).
iQqI vwr qw jw sic rwqy ] thitee vaar taa, jaa sach raatay.
The lunar days and the (week) days are auspicious if one is imbued with the True (Lord).
ibnu nwvY siB Brmih kwcy ]7] bin naavai sabh bharmeh kaachay. ||7||
Without the name the false ones wander(in delusion) . 7
mnmuK mrih mir ibgqI jwih ] eyku n cyqih dUjY loBwih ]
manmukh mareh, mar bigtee jaahi. ayk na cheeteh, doojai lobhaahi.
The mind-oriented dies and after death he falls into evil state; (because)
They do not remember the One (Lord) and are tempted (i.e. deluded) by duality (i.e. maya).
Acyq ipMfI AigAwn AMDwru ] achayt piNdee, agi-aan aNdhaar.
The unaware body (i.e. foolish being), is in darkness of (spiritual) ignorance.
ibnu sbdY ikau pwey pwru ] bin sabdai, ki-o paa-ay paar.
How can any one cross over (the world ocean) without the word (of the Guru).
Awip aupwey aupwvxhwru ] aap upaa-ay upaavaṇhaar.
The Creator Himself creates(all the beings).
Awpy kIqonu gur vIcwru ]8] aapay keeton gur veechaar. ||8||
And Himself has contemplated the word of the Guru. 8
bhuqy ByK krih ByKDwrI ] bahutay bhaykh karahi bhaykh-dhaaree.
The pretentious wears many sorts of (religious) robes;
Biv Biv Brmih kwcI swrI ] bhav bhav bharmeh, kaachee saaree.

They wander and wander around uselessly, like false dice (they do not succeed in their lives).
AYQY suKu n AwgY hoie ] aithai sukh, na aagai ho-ay.
They do not find happiness, here or hereafter.
mnmuK muey Apxw jnmu Koie ] manmukh mu-ay apnaa janam kho-ay.
The mind-oriented die wasting away their lives.
siqguru syvy Brmu cukwey ] satgur sayvay, bharam chukaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, their doubt is dispelled.
Gr hI AMdir scu mhlu pwey ]9] ghar hee aNdar, sach mahal paa-ay. ||9||
Within their home (i.e. heart), they find the mansion of the True (Lord). 9
Awpy pUrw kry su hoie ] aapay pooraa karay so ho-ay.
Whatever the perfect (Lord) does, that alone comes to happen.
eyih iQqI vwr dUjw doie ] ayhi thitee vaar, doojaa do-ay.
Faith in the (auspiciousness of) lunar days and (week) days, leads only to duality.
siqgur bwJhu AMDu gubwru ] satgur baajhahu, aNdh gubaar.
Without the True Guru, it is (only) complete darkness (i.e. spiritual ignorance).
iQqI vwr syvih mugD gvwr ] thitee vaar sayveh, mugadh gavaar.
Those who believe the (auspiciousness of) lunar days and (week) days, are idiots and fools.
nwnk gurmuiK bUJY soJI pwie ] iekqu nwim sdw rihAw smwie ]10]2]
naanak, gurmukh boojhai, sojhee paa-ay. ikat naam sadaa rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||10||2||
Nanak (says): One who follows the Guru realize it and obtain understanding.
(and he) remains merged (absorbed) in the name of the One (Lord). 10.2

iblwvlu mhlw 1 CMq dKxI Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1, chhaNt, dakh-nee

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
muMD nvylVIAw goieil AweI rwm ] muNdh navaylṛee-aa, go-il aa-ee, raam.
The young innocent (soul) bride has come to the pasture land, O! God (i.e. the world). [As the
cattle come to graze in pasture land for temporary stay, so is soul’s stat in the world].
mtukI fwir DrI hir ilv lweI rwm ] matukee daar dharee, har liv laa-ee, raam.
Leaving aside the pitcher (i.e. worldly concerns), she is absorbed in the Lord, O! God.
ilv lwie hir isau rhI goieil shij sbid sIgwrIAw ]
liv laa-ay har si-o rahee go-il, sahj sabad seegaaree-aa.
Having remained absorbed in God in the pasture (i.e. the world), she is embellished with
word, in ease.
kr joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI imlhu swic ipAwrIAw ] kar joṛ gur peh kar bina tee: milhu, saach pi-aaree-aa.
Pressing her hands together, she prays to the Guru: ‘(please) meet me (so that) I may love the
True (Lord).’
Dn Bwie BgqI dyiK pRIqm kwm k®oDu invwirAw ]
dhan bhaa-ay bhagtee, daykh preetam, kaam krodh nivaari-aa.

With her loving devotion, the (soul) bride beholds the Beloved, and, eradicates sexual desire
and anger (and other passions from within);
nwnk muMD nvyl suMdir dyiK ipru swDwirAw ]1] naanak, mu dh navayl su dar, daykh pir saadhaari-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): the young, beautiful, (soul) bride, seeing her Husband (Lord), and is comforted. 1
sic nvylVIey jobin bwlI rwm ] sach navaylṛee-ay joban baalee, raam.
(Listen): remain attached to the True (Lord), O! young, new, innocent (soul) bride, O! God.
Awau n jwau khI Apny sh nwlI rwm ] aa-o na jaa-o kahee, apnay sah naalee, raam.
Do not come or go anywhere, remain attached to your Husband (Lord), O! God.
nwh Apny sMig dwsI mY Bgiq hir kI Bwvey ] naah apnay saNg daasee, mai bhagat har kee bhaav-ay.
Stay with your Husband (Lord), as His slave; (say): devotion of the Lord is pleasing to me.
AgwiD boiD AkQu kQIAY shij pRB gux gwvey ] agaadh bodh akath kathee-ai, sahj prabh guṇ gaav-ay.
(You will) know the unknown, speak the unspoken; (when you) sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the Lord in (natural) ease.
rwm nwm rswl rsIAw rvY swic ipAwrIAw ] raam naam rasaal rasee-aa, ravai saach pi-aaree-aa.
One who meditates upon the name of God, the Home of Love, the Source of Love, is loved by
the True (Lord) .
guir sbdu dIAw dwnu kIAw nwnkw vIcwrIAw ]2] gur sabad dee-aa daan kee-aa, naankaa, veechaaree-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): The Guru gives the gift of the word and she (i.e. the soul bride) reflects over it. 2
sRIDr moihAVI ipr sMig sUqI rwm ] sareedhar mohi-aṛee, pir saNg sootee, raam.
She, who is enticed by the Lord of Wealth (i.e. God), sleeps with her Husband (Lord), O! God.
gur kY Bwie clo swic sMgUqI rwm ] gur kai bhaa-ay chalo, saach saNgootee, raam.
She walks (i.e. lives) in the love of the Guru, and is in tune with the True (Lord), O! God.
Dn swic sMgUqI hir sMig sUqI sMig sKI shylIAw ]
dhan saach saNgootee, har saNg sootee, saNg sakhee sahaylee-aa.
The (soul) bride is in tune with the True (Lord), sleeps with the True (Lord), along with her
(soul bride) companions and friends.
iek Bwie iek min nwmu visAw siqgurU hm mylIAw ]
ik bhaa-ay ik man, naam vasi-aa, satguroo ham maylee-aa.
Being in love with the One (Lord), the name of the One comes to abide in her mind; (she says):
the True Guru has united me (with the One).
idnu rYix GVI n csw ivsrY swis swis inrMjno ] din raiṇ ghaṛee na chasaa visrai, saas saas niraNjano.
Day or night, a moment or for a while, I do not forget the Immaculate (Lord), (I remember
Him) with each and every breath.
sbid joiq jgwie dIpku nwnkw Bau BMjno ]3] sabad jot jagaa-ay deepak, naankaa, bha-o bhaNjno. ||3||
Nanak (says): I light the lamp of the word, and, destroy my fears. 3
joiq sbwieVIey iqRBvx swry rwm ] jot sabaa-iṛee-ay, taribhavaṇ saaray, raam.
(O! soul bride) His light pervades all the three worlds, O! God.
Git Git riv rihAw AlK Apwry rwm ] ghat ghat rav rahi-aa alakh apaaray, raam.
The unknowable and infinite is pervading each and every heart, O! God.
AlK Apwr Apwru swcw Awpu mwir imlweIAY ] alakh apaar apaar saachaa aap maar milaa-ee-ai.
The unknowable and infinite, the infinite and the True, is met by conquering one’s ego.
haumY mmqw loBu jwlhu sbid mYlu cukweIAY ] ha-umai mamtaa lobh jaalahu sabad mail chukhaa-ee-ai.

(So, O! soul bride) burn your ego, (emotional) attachment and greed, and washes off the filth
(of your mind) through the word (of the Guru).
dir jwie drsnu krI BwxY qwir qwrxhwirAw ] dar jaa-ay darsan karee bhaaṇai taar taaraṇhaari-aa.
(Then) go to His door, behold His vision (and pray): O! Liberator, liberate me in Your pleasure.
hir nwmu AMimRqu cwiK iqRpqI nwnkw aur DwirAw ]4]1]
har naam aMmrit chaakh tariptee, naankaa ur dhaari-aa. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Tasting the AMmrit name of God, she is satiated, and, enshrines Him in her
heart. 4.1

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 1

mY min cwau Gxw swic ivgwsI rwm ] mai man chaa-o ghaṇaa, saach vigaasee, raam.
My mind is filled with great excitement; I have blossomed forth in (the name of) the True
(Lord), O! God.
mohI pRym ipry pRiB AibnwsI rwm ] mohee paraym piray, prabh abhinaasee, raam.
I am enticed by the love of my Husband (Lord), the imperishable (Lord), O! God.
Aivgqo hir nwQu nwQh iqsY BwvY so QIAY ] avigato har, naath naathah, tisai bhaavai so thee-ai.
God is ever-existent, (He is) the Lord of the Lords; whatever He wills, comes to happen.
ikrpwlu sdw dieAwlu dwqw jIAw AMdir qUM jIAY ] kirpaal sadaa da-i-aal daataa, jee-aa aNdar tooN jee-ai.
O! kind, ever merciful, giver (Lord), You are (the source of) life in the (living) beings.
P. 844
mY Avru igAwnu n iDAwnu pUjw hir nwmu AMqir vis rhy ]
mai avar gi-aan na dhi-aan poojaa, har naam aNtar vas rahay.
I do not think (i.e. do not need) any other knowledge, concentration (i.e. meditation) or
worship, (because) the name of God dwells within me.
ByKu BvnI hTu n jwnw nwnkw scu gih rhy ]1] bhaykh bhavnee haṭ na jaanaa, naankaa sach geh rahay. ||1||
Nanak (says): I do not know (i.e. adopt) any (religious) robe, pilgrimage, stubborn practice
(i.e. yoga etc); and, I hold tight (within my heart) the True (Lord). 1
iBMnVI rYix BlI idns suhwey rwm ] inj Gir sUqVIey iprmu jgwey rwm ]
bhiNṛee raiṇ bhalee, dinas suhaa-ay, raam. nij ghar soot-ṛee-ay, piram jagaa-ay, raam.
The night (of the soul bride) is pleasant, drenched (in the name of the Lord), and, her day is
delightful, O! God.
(When) your Husband (Lord) wakes you up, (while you are) sleeping in your own home of self
(i.e. sleeping in attachment to maya), O! God.
nv hwix nv Dn sbid jwgI Awpxy ipr BwxIAw ] nav haaṇ nav dhan sabad jaagee, aapnay pir bhaaṇee-aa.
The youthful young (soul bride) is awakened (from sleep in maya) through the word; she is
pleasing to her Husband (Lord).
qij kUVu kptu suBwau dUjw cwkrI lokwxIAw ] mY nwmu hir kw hwru kMTy swc sbdu nIswixAw ]
taj kooṛ kapat subhaa-o doojaa, chaakree lokaaṇee-aa.
mai naam har kaa haar kaNṭay, saach sabad neesaaṇi-aa.
(She says): I have renounced falsehood, deception, nature of duality, and, serving other people;
I have put around my neck the necklace of the name of God, and, the true word is my insignia.
kr joiV nwnku swcu mwgY ndir kir quDu BwixAw ]2]

kar joṛ naanak, saach maagai, nadar kar tudh bhaaṇi-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): With hands pressed together, I beg for (the gift of) the true name, (O! Lord)
bless me if it pleases You. 2
jwgu slonVIey bolY gurbwxI rwm ] jaag salonṛee-ay, bolai gurbaaṇee, raam.
Awake (from the sleep of attachment), O! (soul bride) of beautiful eyes, and, chant the word of
the Guru, O! God.
ijin suix mMinAVI AkQ khwxI rwm ] jin suṇ maNni-aṛee, akath kahaaṇee, raam.
Whoever listens to it, enshrines faith in the untold story of (the excellences of) God.
AkQ khwxI pdu inrbwxI ko ivrlw gurmuiK bUJey ]
akath kahaaṇee, pad nirbaaṇee, ko virlaa gurmukh boojh-ay.
The untold story is (the way to) the state of liberation; only some rare Guru-oriented can
understands this.
Ehu sbid smwey Awpu gvwey iqRBvx soJI sUJey ]
oh sabad samaa-ay, aap gavaa-ay, taribhavaṇ sojhee soojh-ay.
One, who merges in the word, eradicates self-conceit, comes to understand the three worlds.
rhY AqIqu AprMpir rwqw swcu min gux swirAw ] rahai ateet apraMpar raataa, saach man guṇ saari-aa.
He remains detached (from maya), absorbed in tune with the Infinite (Lord), and, cherishes
the excellences of the True in his mind.
Ehu pUir rihAw srb TweI nwnkw auir DwirAw ]3] oh poor rahi-aa sarab ṭaa-ee, naankaa ur dhaari-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): He, who is pervading all places, she (i.e. soul bride) enshrines Him in her heart. 3
mhil bulwieVIey Bgiq snyhI rwm ] mahal bulaa-iṛee-ay, bhagat sanayhee, raam.
(O! soul bride) the devotee-loving (Lord) is calling you to His mansion, O! God.
gurmiq min rhsI sIJis dyhI rwm ] gurmat man rahsee, seejhas dayhee, raam.
Through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru makes the mind remains delighted, and,
body remains fulfilled, O! God.
mnu mwir rIJY sbid sIJY qRY lok nwQu pCwxey ]
man maar reejhai, sabad seejhai, tarai lok naath pachhaaṇ-ay.
One, who conquers mind, obtains (spiritual) delight, and succeeds through the word; and,
realizes the Lord of three worlds.
mnu fIig foil n jwie kq hI Awpxw ipru jwxey ] man deeg dol na jaa-ay kat hee, aapnaa pir jaaṇ-ay.
(Then) her mind does not waver nor loses faith, (because) she has known her Husband (Lord).
mY AwDwru qyrw qU Ksmu myrw mY qwxu qkIAw qyrE ]
mai aadhaar tayraa, too khasam mayraa, mai taaṇ takee-aa tayra-o.
(She proclaims): You are my (only) support, You are my Lord; You are my strength and refuge.
swic sUcw sdw nwnk gur sbid Jgru inbyrE ]4]2]
saach soochaa sadaa, naanak, gur sabad jhagar nibayra-o. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): (One, who remains absorbed in) the True is forever truthful; and, through the
word of Guru (all) conflicts are resolved. 4.2

Cmq iblwvlu mhlw 4 mMgl ChhaNt, Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4, maNgal

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
myrw hir pRBu syjY AwieAw mnu suiK smwxw rwm ] mayraa har prabh sayjai aa-i-aa, man sukh samaaṇaa, raam.
My God the Lord, has come to my bed; my mind is merged in (spiritual) happiness, O! God.
guir quTY hir pRBu pwieAw rMig rlIAw mwxw rwm ] gur tuṭai, har prabh paa-i-aa, ra g ralee-aa maaṇaa, raam.
As the Guru is pleased, I have found God, the Lord, and, I revel and enjoy His love, O! God.
vfBwgIAw sohwgxI hir msqik mwxw rwm ] vadbhaagee-aa sohaagaṇee har mastak maanaa, raam.
Very fortunate are those happy (soul) brides, who have the jewels of (the love of) God
(inscribed) on their foreheads, O! God.
hir pRBu hir sohwgu hY nwnk min Bwxw rwm ]1] har prabh har sohaag hai, naanak, man bhaaṇaa, raam. ||1||
Nanak (says): God, the Lord, is my Husband Lord; He is pleasing to my mind, O! God. 1
inMmwixAw hir mwxu hY hir pRBu hir AwpY rwm ] niNmaaṇiaa har maaṇ hai, har prabh har aapai, raam.
God is the honour of the honour-less, my Lord God is (their honour) by Himself, O! God.
gurmuiK Awpu gvwieAw inq hir hir jwpY rwm ] gurmukh aap gavaa-i-aa, nit har har jaapai, raam.
The Guru-oriented eradicates self-conceit (from within), and, constantly meditates upon,
God, the Lord, o! God.
myry hir pRB BwvY so krY hir rMig hir rwpY rwm ] mayray har prabh bhaavai, so karai, har ra g har raapai, raam.
My God, the Lord, does that pleases Him; (and the Guru-oriented) remains imbued with the
love of the Lord, O! God.
jnu nwnku shij imlwieAw hir ris hir DRwpY rwm ]2]
jan naanak, sahj milaa-i-aa, har ras har dharaapai, raam. ||2||
Nanak (says): He has merged His servant (i.e. devotee with Himself) in ease, He is satiated
with the essence of (the name of) the Lord, O! God. 2
mwxs jnim hir pweIAY hir rwvx vyrw rwm ] maaṇas janam har paa-ee-ai, har raavaṇ vayraa, raam.
One finds (i.e. is united with) God through human birth (i.e. incarnation); this (human
incarnation) is the time (i.e. opportunity) to enjoy (the love of) the Lord, O! God.
gurmuiK imlu sohwgxI rMgu hoie Gxyrw rwm ] gurmukh mil sohaagaṇee, raNg ho-ay ghaṇayraa, raam.
O! happy (soul) bride, meet the Lord through the Guru, you too shall be greatly imbued with
His love, O! God
ijn mwxs jnim n pwieAw iqn@ Bwgu mMdyrw rwm ] jin maaṇas janam na paa-i-aa, tinh bhaag ma dayraa, raam.
Those who have not attained Him (even) during human birth, they are unfortunate, O! God.
hir hir hir hir rwKu pRB nwnku jnu qyrw rwm ]3] har har har har raakh prabh, naanak jan tayraa, raam. ||3||
Nanak (says): Save me, O! Lord, O! God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, I am your
servant (i.e. devotee), O! God. 3
guir hir pRBu Agmu idRVwieAw mnu qnu rMig BInw rwm ]
gur har prabh agam driṛ-aa-i-aa, man tan raNg bheenaa, raam.
The Guru has implanted (within me, the name of) the inaccessible God,;my mind and body
are drenched with His love, O! God.
Bgiq vClu hir nwmu hY gurmuiK hir lInw rwm ] bhagat vachhal har naam hai, gurmukh har leenaa, raam.
The name of God is the Lover of Devotees; the Guru-oriented are absorbed in it, O! God.
ibnu hir nwm n jIvdy ijau jl ibnu mInw rwm ] bin har naam na jeevday, ji-o jal bin meenaa, raam.

They (i.e. the Guru-oriented) cannot (even) live without the name of God, like the fish without
water, O! God.
sPl jnmu hir pwieAw nwnk pRiB kInw rwm ]4]1]3]
safal janam har paa-i-aa, naanak, prabh keenaa raam. ||4||1||3||
Nanak (says): successful is the life of those who have obtained God; the Lord has made them
His own, O! God. 4.1.3

iblwvlu mhlw 4 sloku ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 4, salok

hir pRBu sjxu loiV lhu min vsY vfBwgu ] har prabh sajaṇ loṛ lahu, man vasai, vadbhaag.
Seek out God, the Lord, the (True) friend; fortunate are those in whose mind He dwells.
guir pUrY vyKwilAw nwnk hir ilv lwgu ]1] gur poorai vaykhaali-aa naanak har liv laag. ||1||
Nanak (says): (those whom) the perfect Guru has shown (the Lord), they are attune to God. 1

Cmq ] chhaNt
myrw hir pRBu rwvix AweIAw haumY ibKu Jwgy rwm ]
mayraa har prabh, raavaṇ aa-ee-aa, ha-umai bikh jhaagay, raam.
She (i.e. soul bride) has come to enjoy my Lord, God-Master, having crossed (the ocean of)
the poison of egotism.
gurmiq Awpu imtwieAw hir hir ilv lwgy rwm ] gurmat aap mitaa-i-aa, har har liv laagay, raam.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, she has eliminated her self-conceit, and, she is attune to
God, the Lord, O! God.
Amqir kmlu prgwisAw gur igAwnI jwgy rwm ] aNtar kamal pargaasi-aa, gur gi-aanee jaagay, raam.
Her lotus heart within has blossomed forth, and, the wisdom of the Guru has awakened her,
O! God.
jn nwnk hir pRBu pwieAw pUrY vfBwgy rwm ]1]
jan naanak, har prabh paa-i-aa, poorai vadbhaagay, raam. ||1||
Nanak (says): The servant (i.e. soul bride) who has found God, the Lord, is perfectly greatly
fortunate, O! God. 1
hir pRBu hir min BwieAw hir nwim vDweI rwm ] har prabh har man bhaa-i-aa, har naam vadhaa-ee, raam.
God, Lord God is pleasing to her mind, and, the name of God inspires her, O! God.
guir pUrY pRBu pwieAw hir hir ilv lweI rwm ] gur poorai prabh paa-i-aa, har har liv laa-ee, raam.
She has found God through the perfect Guru, and, she is attuned to God, the Lord, O! God.
AigAwnu AMDyrw kitAw joiq prgitAweI rwm ] agi-aan aNdhayraa kati-aa, jot pargati-aa-ee, raam.
The darkness of ignorance has been dispelled; and, the (Divine) Light has been revealed
within her, O! God.
jn nwnk nwmu ADwru hY hir nwim smweI rwm ]2]
jan naanak, naam adhaar hai, har naam samaa-ee, raam. ||2||
Nanak (says): the name (of the Lord) is the (only) support for His servant (i.e. soul bride); and,
she has merged into the Lord’s name, O! God. 2
Dn hir pRiB ipAwrY rwvIAw jW hir pRB BweI rwm ]
dhan har prabh pi-aarai raavee-aa, jaan har prabh bhaa-ee, raam.
The (soul) bride was enjoyed by dear Lord God, when God was pleased with her, O! God.
AKI pRym ksweIAw ijau iblk msweI rwm ] akhee paraym kasaa-ee-aa, ji-o bilak masaa-ee, raam.
Her eyes were drawn to His love, like the cat (is drawn) to the mouse, O! God.
guir pUrY hir myilAw hir ris AwGweI rwm ] gur poorai har mayli-aa, har ras aaghaa-ee, raam.
She, whom the perfect Guru has united with God, was satiated by the essence of God, O! God.
jn nwnk nwim ivgisAw hir hir ilv lweI rwm ]3] jan naanak, naam vigsi-aa, har har liv laa-ee, raam ||3||
Nanak (says): She blossoms forth in God’s name, and, is attuned to God, the Lord, O! God. 3
hm mUrK mugD imlwieAw hir ikrpw DwrI rwm ] ham moorakh mugadh milaa-i-aa, har kirpaa dhaaree, raam.
I was a fool, an idiot, God united me with Himself, by bestowing His mercy, O! God.
Dnu DMnu gurU swbwis hY ijin haumY mwrI rwm ] dhan dhaNn guroo saabaas hai, jin ha-umai maaree, raam.
Blessed, blessed is the Guru, hail (him), who has dispelled ego from within me, O! God.
ijn@ vfBwgIAw vfBwgu hY hir hir aur DwrI rwm ] jinh vadbhaagee-aa vadbhaag hai, har har ur dhaaree, raam
Those very fortunate are greatly lucky, who enshrine God, the Lord, in their hearts, O! God.
jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU nwmy bilhwrI rwm ]4]2]4]
jan naanak, naam salaahi too, naamay balihaaree, raam. ||4||2||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (O! brethren) you raise the name (of God), and, be a
sacrifice unto Him, O! God. 4.2.4

iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mMgl swju BieAw pRBu Apnw gwieAw rwm ] maNgal saaj bha-i-aa, prabh apnaa gaa-i-aa, raam.
It become pleasant time, when I sang (the praise of) my Lord, O! God.
AibnwsI vru suixAw min aupijAw cwieAw rwm ] abhinaasee var suṇi-aa, man upji-aa chaa-i-aa, raam.
When I have heard of my imperishable Husband (Lord), my mind was filled with
excitement, O! God.
min pRIiq lwgY vfY BwgY kb imlIAY pUrn pqy ] man pareet laagai vadai bhaagai, kab milee-ai pooran patay.
It was my great fortune that my mind was in love; (and I was impatient that) when shall I meet
my perfect Husband (Lord)?
shjy smweIAY goivMdu pweIAY dyhu sKIey moih mqy ]
sehjay samaa-ee-ai, goviNd paa-ee-ai, dayh sakhee-ay mohi matay.
O! my companion, tell me (how can) I absorb in God in ease, and, unite with the Lord of the
idnu rYix TwFI krau syvw pRBu kvn jugqI pwieAw ]
din raiṇ ṭaaḍee kara-o sayvaa, prabh kavan jugtee paa-i-aa.
Day and night, I shall stand and serve you, (please tell me) with which way can I find the Lord.
ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw lYhu moih liV lwieAw ]1]
binvaNt naanak, karahu kirpaa, laihu mohi laṛ laa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): she (i.e. the soul bride) prays: have mercy upon me (O! Lord), and, attach me to
the hem of Your robe (i.e. take me in Your refuge). 1
BieAw smwhVw hir rqnu ivswhw rwm ] bha-i-aa samaahṛaa, har ratan visaahaa, raam.

Joy has come; I have purchased the jewel (name) of the Lord, O! God.
KojI Koij lDw hir sMqn pwhw rwm ] khojee khoj ladhaa har saNtan paahaa, raam.
By searching the seeker has found the Lord; (He is) with the God-oriented persons, O! God.
imly sMq ipAwry dieAw Dwry kQih AkQ bIcwro ] milay sa t pi-aaray, da-i-aa dhaaray, katheh akath beechaaro.
Bestowing their mercy, when the God-oriented persons meet, they contemplate
unspeakable story of (the excellences of) the Lord.
iek iciq iek min iDAwie suAwmI lwie pRIiq ipAwro ] ik chit ik man dhi-aa-ay su-aamee, laa-ay preet pi-aaro.
(O! soul bride, you) meditate upon the Lord with single-mind, single concentration, and, with
love and affection.
kr joiV pRB pih kir ibnµqI imlY hir jsu lwhw ] kar jorh prabh peh kar binaNtee, milai har jas laahaa.
With hands pressed together, pray unto God: bless me with the profit of God’s praise.
ibnvMiq nwnk dwsu qyrw myrw pRBu Agm AQwhw ]2]
binvaNt naanak, daas tayraa, mayraa prabh agam athaahaa. ||2||
Prays Nanak: I am Your slave (i.e. devotee), O! my inaccessible and immeasurable Lord. 2
swhw Atlu gixAw pUrn sMjogo rwm ] saahaa atal gaṇi-aa, pooran saNjogo, raam.
This is unchangeable date of my wedding, (when) union (between God and the soul bride) has
been achieved, O! God.
suKh smUh BieAw gieAw ivjogo rwm ] sukhah samooh bha-i-aa, ga-i-aa vijogo, raam.
I have achieved total happiness, and, my separation (from Husband God) has ended, O! God.
imil sMq Awey pRB iDAwey bxy Acrj jw\IAW ] mil saNt aa-ay, prabh dhi-aa-ay, banay achraj jaanjee-aan.
The God-oriented persons have come (i.e. joined) together (to celebrate wedding/ union), and,
they meditate upon (i.e. praise the Husband Lord); they form a wonderful wedding party.
imil iekqR hoey shij Foey min pRIiq aupjI mw\IAw ]
mil ikatar ho-ay, sahj ḍo-ay, man preet upjee maanjee-aa.
Gathering together, they have arrived in poise (in bride’s house); love (i.e. enthusiasm and joy)
has filled the minds of the bride’s men.
imil joiq joqI Eiq poqI hir nwmu siB rs Bogo ] mil jot jotee, ot potee, har naam sabh ras bhogo.
Her light has joined with the Light (of the Lord), like warp and weft; and, she is enjoying the
essence of the name of the Lord.
ibnvMiq nwnk sB sMiq mylI pRBu krx kwrx jogo ]3]
binvaNt naanak, sabh saNt maylee, prabh karaṇ kaaraṇ jogo. ||3||
Prays Nanak: God, the all-powerful and the Cause of causes, has united all the God-
oriented persons with Himself. 3
Bvnu suhwvVw Driq sBwgI rwm ] pRBu Gir AwieAVw gur crxI lwgI rwm ]
bhavan suhaavṛaa, dharat sabhaagee, raam. prabh ghar aa-i-arhaa, gur charṇee laagee, raam.
My home (i.e. heart) has become beautiful, the earth (i.e. my body) is lucky, O! God;
God has entered the home (i.e. my heart), (because) I touched the feet (i.e. followed the path) of
the Guru, O! God.
gur crx lwgI shij jwgI sgl ieCw puMnIAw ] gur charaṇ laagee, sahj jaagee, sagal ichhaa puNnee-aa.
Grasping the feet of (i.e. following) the Guru, I awake in poise, all my desires are fulfilled.
myrI Aws pUrI sMq DUrI hir imly kMq ivCuMinAw ]

mayree aas pooree, saNt dhooree, har milay kaNt vichhuNni-aa.
(She says): my desires are fulfilled, I have obtained the dust of the feet of the Guru. I have
met (i.e. united with) Husband Lord, having remained separated (for so long).
Awnµd Anidnu vjih vwjy AhM miq mn kI iqAwgI ] aana d an-din vajeh vaajay, ahaN mat man kee ti-aagee.
I am in ecstasy, day and night (spiritual) music resounds; I have forsaken my egotism and
cleverness of mind.
ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI sMqsMig ilv lwgI ]4]1]
binvaNt naanak, saraṇ su-aamee, saNtsaNg liv laagee. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak: I seek the refuge of the Lord; I am attuned (to the Lord) in the congregation of
the God-oriented persons. 4.1

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

Bwg sulKxw hir kMqu hmwrw rwm ] bhaag sulakh-ṇaa, har kaNt hamaaraa, raam.
It is my blessed destiny that I have God as my Husband.
Anhd bwijqRw iqsu Duin drbwrw rwm ] anhad baajitraa, tis dhun darbaaraa, raam.
The sound of the unstruck word resounds in His court.
Awnµd Anidnu vjih vwjy idnsu rYix aumwhw ] aanaNd an-din vajeh vaajay, dinas raiṇ omaahaa.
I am in ecstasy, day and night (spiritual) music resounds; and, day and night there is excitement.
qh rog sog n dUKu ibAwpY jnm mrxu n qwhw ] tah rog sog na dookh bi-aapai, janam maraṇ na taahaa.
There, disease, sorrow, suffering do not afflict (any one); there is no birth and death.
iriD isiD suDw rsu AMimRqu Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] ridh sidh sudhaa ras aMmrit, bhagat bharay bhaNdaaraa.
There are wealth and miraculous powers, essence of ambrosia, AMmrit, and, overflowing
treasures of devotion.
ibnvMiq nwnk bilhwir vM\w pwrbRhm pRwn ADwrw ]1]
binvaNt naanak, balihaar vaNnjaa, paarbarahm paraan adhaaraa. ||1||
Prays Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto the Supreme Reality (God), (who is) the support of my
breath (of life). 1
suix sKIA shylVIho imil mMglu gwvh rwm ] suṇ sakhee-a sahaylṛeeho, mil maNgal gaavah, raam.
Listen, O! (my) companions, friends, let us join together and sing the songs of joy, O! God.
min qin pRymu kry iqsu pRB kau rwvh rwm ] man tan paraym karay, tis prabh ka-o raavah, raam.
Let us love God with mind and body, and, enjoy Him, O! God.
kir pRymu rwvh iqsY Bwvh iek inmK plk n iqAwgIAY ]
kar paraym raavah, tisai bhaavah, ik nimakh palak na ti-aagee-ai.
Lovingly enjoy Him and we shall be pleasing to Him; let us not renounce (i.e. forget) Him
even for a while, for a moment.
gih kMiT lweIAY nh ljweIAY crn rj mnu pwgIAY ]
geh kaNṭ laa-ee-ai, nah lajaa-ee-ai, charan raj man paagee-ai.
Embrace Him close to our breast and not feel shy; and, let us enshrine the dust of His feet in
our mind.
Bgiq TgaurI pwie mohh Anq kqhU n Dwvh ] bhagat ṭag-uree paa-ay mohah, anat kathoo na dhaavah.
Let us entice Him with the intoxicating herb (i.e. drug) of devotion; and, not wander
anywhere else.
ibnvMiq nwnk imil sMig swjn Amr pdvI pwvh ]2]
binvaNt naanak, mil saNg saajan, amar padvee paavah. ||2||
Prays Nanak: Meeting the (true) friend (i.e. the Guru), let us attain immortal status. 2
ibsmn ibsm BeI pyiK gux AibnwsI rwm ] bisman bisam bha-ee, paykh guṇ abhinaasee, raam.
I was wondrously wonder-struck, beholding (i.e. knowing) the excellences of the Immortal
(Lord), O! God.
kru gih Bujw ghI kit jm kI PwsI rwm ] kar geh bhujaa gahee, kat jam kee faasee, raam.
Holding my hand, He took me by my arm, and, cut away the noose of death, O! God.
gih Bujw lIn@I dwis kIn@I AMkuir audoqu jxwieAw ] geh bhujaa leenhee, daas keenhee, aNkur udot jaṇaa-i-aa.
Holding my arm, He made me His slave; plumule (of His name) has sprouted and appeared.
mln moh ibkwr nwTy idvs inrml AwieAw ] malan moh bikaar naaṭay, divas nirmal aa-i-aa.
Filth, (emotional) attachment, and sins have run away, and, immaculate day has dawned.
idRsit DwrI min ipAwrI mhw durmiq nwsI ] darisat dhaaree, man pi-aaree, mahaa durmat naasee.
He cast His glance (of grace), it pleased my mind, and, great evil-mindedness dispelled.
ibnvMiq nwnk BeI inrml pRB imly AibnwsI ]3]
binvNnt naanak, bha-ee nirmal, prabh milay abhinaasee. ||3||
Prays Nanak: I have become immaculate, (because) I have met the imperishable Lord. 3
sUrj ikrix imly jl kw jlu hUAw rwm ] sooraj kiraṇ milay, jal kaa jal hoo-aa, raam.
The ray (of light) merge with the sun and water merges with water (and become one), O! God.
joqI joiq rlI sMpUrnu QIAw rwm ] jotee jot ralee, saMpooran thee-aa, raam.
(Similarly, when one’s) light merges (i.e. blends) with Light (of the Lord), one becomes perfect
(form of God), O! God.
bRhmu dIsY bRhmu suxIAY eyku eyku vKwxIAY ] barahm deesai, barahm suṇee-ai, ayk ayk vakhaaṇee-ai.
(Then) he sees God, hears God, and, speaks of the One and One (alone).
Awqm pswrw krxhwrw pRB ibnw nhI jwxIAY ] aatam pasaaraa karaṇhaaraa, prabh binaa nahee jaanee-ai.
(Then he sees) everything is the expanse the Creator from Himself; and, without God, he
known no other (at all).
Awip krqw Awip Bugqw Awip kwrxu kIAw ] aap kartaa aap bhugtaa aap kaaraṇ kee-aa.
He Himself is Creator, He Himself is the Enjoyer, and, He Himself has cause the creation.
ibnvMiq nwnk syeI jwxih ijn@I hir rsu pIAw ]4]2]
binvaNt naanak, say-ee jaaṇeh, jin ee har ras pee-aa. ||4||2||

Prays Nanak: they alone know it who drink in the essence of (the name of) God. 4.2
iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sKI Awau sKI vis Awau sKI AsI ipr kw mMglu gwvh ]
sakhee, aa-o sakhee, vas aa-o sakhee, asee pir kaa maNgal gaavah.
O! (my) companion, come O! (my) companion, remain under the control (i.e. live in the will of
the Husband Lord), let us sing the song of bliss of our Husband (Lord).

qij mwnu sKI qij mwnu sKI mqu Awpxy pRIqm Bwvh ]
taj maan sakhee, taj maan sakhee, mat aapnay pareetam bhaavah.
Renounce your pride, O! (my) companion, renounce your pride (i.e. egotism), so that you
may become pleasing to your Beloved (Lord).
qij mwnu mohu ibkwru dUjw syiv eyku inrMjno ] taj maan, moh, bikaar, doojaa; sayv ayk niraNjano.
Renounce pride, (emotional) attachment, vices and duality, and, serve (only) the One
Immaculate (God).
lgu crx srx dieAwl pRIqm sgl durq ibKMfno ] lag charaṇ saraṇ da-i-aal pareetam; sagal durat bikha dno.
Hold (i.e. seek) the refuge of the feet of the Merciful Beloved (Lord), the Destroyer of all sins.
hoie dws dwsI qij audwsI bhuiV ibDI n Dwvw ] ho-ay daas daasee, taj udaasee, bahuṛ bidhee na dhaavaa.
Be the slave of His slaves, forsake (i.e. come out of) despondency, (and pray that): ‘I may not
wander (be deluded) by any means’.
nwnku pieAMpY krhu ikrpw qwim mMglu gwvw ]1] naanak pa-i-a pai, karahu kirpaa, taam ma gal gaavaa. ||1||
Prays Nanak: Bestow Your grace (O! Lord), that I may sing songs of Your bliss. 1
AMimRqu ipRA kw nwmu mY AMDuly tohnI ] aMmrit pari-a kaa naam, mai aNdhulay tohnee.
The name of my Beloved (Lord) is AMmrit; it is a cane (i.e. support of life) for me, the blind.
Eh johY bhu prkwr suMdir mohnI ] oh johai baho parkaar, suNdar mohnee.
It (i.e. maya) gazes (i.e. chases, entices) in so many ways like an enticing beauty.
mohnI mhw biciqR cMcil Aink Bwv idKwvey ] mohnee mahaa bachitar chanchal, anik bhaav dikhaava-ay.
This enticer (maya) is greatly wonderful and wanton; it shows countless expressions (i.e.
alluring gestures, to captivate).
hoie FIT mITI mnih lwgY nwmu lYx n Awvey ] ho-ay ḍeeṭ meeṭee maneh laagai, naam laiṇ na aav-ay.
She is stubborn (i.e. persistent), and, seems so sweet to mind, (that, under its spell) one does not
get to chant the name (of God).
igRh bnih qIrY brq pUjw bwt GwtY johnI ] garih baneh teerai, barat poojaa, baat ghaatai johnee.
At home, in the forest, on the banks (of the rivers at the places of pilgrimage), fasting and
worshipping (people), on the roads and on the shores, she (i.e. maya) gazes (and entices).
nwnku pieAMpY dieAw Dwrhu mY nwmu AMDuly tohnI ]2]
naanak pa-i-aMpai, da-i-aa dhaarahu, mai naam aNdhulay tohnee. ||2||
Prays Nanak: (Please) bestow Your mercy (O! Lord), Your name is a cane (i.e. support of life)
for me, the blind. 2
moih AnwQ ipRA nwQ ijau jwnhu iqau rKhu ] mohi anaath, pari-a naath, ji-o jaanhu ti-o rakhahu.
I am an orphan (i.e. helpless), O! Beloved Lord, as it pleases You, so You (please) save me.
cqurweI moih nwih rIJwvau kih muKhu ] chaturaa-ee mohi naahi, reejhaava-o kahi mukhahu.
I am not so clever, that I may please You by saying (something) from my mouth?
nh cquir suGir sujwn byqI moih inrguin gunu nhI ] nah chatur sughar sujaan baytee, mohi nirgun gun nahee.
I am not smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise; I am virtue-less, having no virtues (at all).
nh rUp DUp n nYx bMky jh BwvY qh rKu quhI ] nah roop dhoop, na naiṇ baNkay, jah bhaavai tah rakh tuhee.
I have no beauty, no (pleasing) smell, nor I have beautiful eyes, (O! Lord), as it pleases You,
so You (please) save me.
jY jY jieAMpih sgl jw kau kruxwpiq giq ikin lKhu ]
jai jai ja-i-aMpeh sagal jaa ka-o, karuṇaapat gat kin lakhahu.

All hail and celebrate You (i.e. You are so great), how can I know Your state, O! Lord of
nwnku pieAMpY syv syvku ijau jwnhu iqau moih rKhu ]3]
naanak pa-i-aMpai, sayv sayvak, ji-o jaanhu ti-o mohi rakhahu. ||3||
Prays Nanak: I am servant of Your servants, as it pleases You, so You (please) save me. 3
moih mCulI qum nIr quJ ibnu ikau srY ] mohi machhulee, tum neer, tujh bin ki-o sarai.
I am (like) a fish, You are (like) the water, what can I do (i.e. how can I live) without You?
moih cwiqRk qum@ bUMd iqRpqau muiK prY ] mohi chaatrik, tum booNd, taripta-o mukh parai.

I am (like) a chatrik (sparrow hawk/ rain bird), You are the drop (of rain), it is satiated (i.e. its
thirst is quenched) when it (i.e. the rain drop) falls into its mouth.
muiK prY hrY ipAws myrI jIA hIAw pRwnpqy ] mukh parai, harai pi-aas mayree, jee-a hee-aa paranpatay.
When it (i.e. the name) falls into the mouth (of me, the rain bird), it quenches my thirst, O!
Lord of my life, my heart, my breath (of life).
lwifly lwf lfwie sB mih imlu hmwrI hoie gqy ] laadilay, laad ladaa-ay, sabh meh, mil hamaaree ho-ay gatay.
O! Beloved, caress me, fondle me (like a father), You are (contained) in all, meet me so that I
may be liberated.
cIiq icqvau imtu AMDwry ijau Aws ckvI idnu crY ] cheet chitva-o, mit aNdhaaray, ji-o aas chakvee din
I contemplate (i.e. contrive hope) in my mind that darkness (of my mind) may be dispelled and
I may behold Your vision), like the chakvi (ruddy sheldrake) longs for the dawn of the day.
nwnku pieAMpY ipRA sMig mylI mCulI nIru n vIsrY ]4]
naanak pa-i-ampai, pari-a saNg maylee, machhulee neer na veesrai. ||4||
Prays Nanak: O! my Beloved (please) unite me with Yourself, (I can not forget You, as) the fish
never forgets the water. 4
Din DMin hmwry Bwg Gir AwieAw ipru myrw ] dhan dhaNn hamaaray bhaag, ghar aa-i-aa pir mayraa.
Blessed, blessed is my destiny, that my Husband (Lord) has come into my Home (i.e. heart).
sohy bMk duAwr sglw bnu hrw ] sohay baNk du-aar, saglaa ban haraa.
The gates (of my home, i.e. my sensory organs) are (now) beautiful, all my forest (garden of my
heart) has become green (i.e. lively and rejuvenated).
hr hrw suAwmI suKh gwmI And mMgl rsu Gxw ]
har haraa su-aamee, sukhah gaamee, anad maNgal ras ghaṇaa.
My Lord, the Giver of Happiness, has made me green (i.e. has rejuvenated me), (meeting Him I
have obtained) bliss, joy, and great essence (of love).
nvl nvqn nwhu bwlw kvn rsnw gun Bxw ] naval navtan naahu baalaa, kavan rasnaa gun bhaṇaa.
My Beloved is young (i.e. fresh), ever young, and, lofty; with which tongue can I (i.e. I can not)
chant (praise of) His excellences ?
myrI syj sohI dyiK mohI sgl shsw duKu hrw ] mayree sayj sohee daykh mohee, sagal sahsaa dukh haraa.
My bed is beautiful, beholding Him I am fascinated; all my doubts and pains are dispelled.
nwnku pieAMpY myrI Aws pUrI imly suAwmI AprMprw ]5]1]3]
naanak pa-i-aMpai, mayree aas pooree, milay su-aamee apraMparaa. ||5||1||3||
Prays Nanak: My hopes are fulfilled, I am united with the Infinite (Husband) Lord. 5.1.3

iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq mMgl Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt, maNgal
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).

sloku ] salok
suMdr sWiq dieAwl pRB srb suKw iniD pIau ] suNdar saant da-i-aal prabh, sarab sukhaa nidh pee-o.
God is beautiful, peaceful, and, merciful, Husband (Lord) is treasure of all pleasures.
suK swgr pRB ByitAY nwnk suKI hoq iehu jIau ]1]
sukh saagar prabh bhayti-ai, naanak, sukhee hot ih jee-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): Meeting with God, the ocean of happiness, this (my) soul becomes happy. 1

Cmq ] chhaNt
suK swgr pRBu pweIAY jb hovY Bwgo rwm ] sukh saagar prabh paa-ee-ai, jab hovai bhaago, raam.
One finds God, the ocean of happiness, if one has (predestined) destiny, O! God.
mwnin mwnu v\weIAY hir crxI lwgo rwm ] maanan maan vanjaa-ee-ai, har charṇee laago, raam.
(So) O! proud (soul bride) forsake pride, and, attach (yourself) to the feet of the Lord, O! God.
Coif isAwnp cwqurI durmiq buiD iqAwgo rwm ] chhod si-aanap chaaturee, durmat budh ti-aago, raam.
Renounce cleverness and smartness, and, forsake evil-minded wisdom, O! God.
nwnk pau srxweI rwm rwie iQru hoie suhwgo rwm ]1]
naanak, pa-o sarṇaa-ee raam raa-ay, thir ho-ay suhaago, raam. ||1||
Nanak (says): Seek the refuge of Sovereign Lord, (then) your marriage will be stable (and
forever), O! God. 1
so pRBu qij kq lwgIAY ijsu ibnu mir jweIAY rwm ] so prabh taj kat laagee-ai, jis bin mar jaa-ee-ai, raam.
Forsaking the Lord, whom should one attach to? without Him one would die, O! God.
lwj n AwvY AigAwn mqI durjn ibrmweIAY rwm ] laaj na aavai agi-aan matee, durjan birmaa-ee-ai, raam.
The ignorant fools do not feel ashamed, the evil persons wander in delusion, O! God.
piqq pwvn pRBu iqAwig kry khu kq ThrweIAY rwm ]
patit paavan prabh ti-aag karay, kaho kat ṭehraa-ee-ai, raam.
Forsaking God, the Purifier of the Sinners, tell me where can we find (place of) rest, O! God.
nwnk Bgiq Bwau kir dieAwl kI jIvn pdu pweIAY rwm ]2]
naanak, bhagat bhaa-o kar da-i-aal kee, jeevan pad paa-ee-ai, raam. ||2||
Nanak (says): By loving devotion of the Merciful (Lord), one attains immortal status, O! God. 2
sRI gopwlu n aucrih bil geIey duhcwrix rsnw rwm ]
saree gopaal na uchrahi, bal ga-ee-ay duhchaaraṇ rasnaa, raam.
You do not chant the name of the Sustainer of the World, O! vicious tongue, may you get
burnt, O! God.
pRBu Bgiq vClu nh syvhI kwieAw kwk gRsnw rwm ]
prabh bhagat vachhal nah sayvhee, kaa-i-aa kaak garsanaa, raam.
One who does not serve the Lover of His Devotees, (his) body is being eaten up by crows (i.e.
passions like sexual desire, anger, greed etc), O! God.
Brim mohI dUK n jwxhI koit jonI bsnw rwm ] bharam mohee dookh na jaaṇhee, kot jonee basnaa, raam.
Charmed (i.e. deluded) by doubt, it does not realize the pain (of forgetting name); it shall have
to wander through tens of millions of births (i.e. incarnations), O! God.
nwnk ibnu hir Avru ij cwhnw ibstw ik®m Bsmw rwm ]3]
naanak, bin har avar je chaahnaa, bistaa kiram bhasmaa, raam. ||3||
Nanak (says): Desiring anything other than God, is like being consumed like worm of faeces,
O! God. 3
lwie ibrhu BgvMq sMgy hoie imlu bYrwgin rwm ] laa-ay birahu bhagva t sa gay, ho-ay mil bairaagan, raam.
(O! my companion) embrace love for God, be detached (from worldliness), (then you can) unite
with Him. O! God.
cMdn cIr sugMD rsw haumY ibKu iqAwgin rwm ] cha dan cheer suga dh rasaa, ha-umai bikh ti-aagan, raam.
Give up sandalwood oil, (expensive) clothes, (applying) fragrances, (tasty) delicacies and
the poison of ego, O! God.
eIq aUq nh folIAY hir syvw jwgin rwm ] eet oot nah dolee-ai, har sayvaa jaagan, raam.
Do not waver this way or that way (for pursuit of worldly pleasures and comforts), and, remain
awake to the service of God, O! God.
nwnk ijin pRBu pwieAw Awpxw sw Atl suhwgin rwm ]4]1]4]
naanak, jin prabh paa-i-aa aapnaa, saa atal suhaagan, raam. ||4||1||4||
Nanak (says): One who has found her (Husband) Lord, she is happy (soul) bride forever, O!
God. 4.1.4

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] Bilaaval, Mehlaa 5

hir Kojhu vfBwgIho imil swDU sMgy rwm ] har khojahu vadbhaageeho, mil saadhoo saNgay, raam.
O! fortunate ones, joining the company of the God-oriented persons, (search and) seek God,
O! God.
gun goivd sd gweIAih pwrbRhm kY rMgy rwm ] gun govid sad gaa-ee-ah, paarbarahm kai raNgay, raam.
Imbued with the love of Supreme Reality (God), sing the (praise of) the excellences of the
Lord of the Universe , O! God.
so pRBu sd hI syvIAY pweIAih Pl mMgy rwm ] so prabh sad hee sayvee-ai, paa-ee-ah fal maNgay, raam.
Sever the Lord forever, and, obtain the fruit you desire, O! God.
nwnk pRB srxwgqI jip Anq qrMgy rwm ]1] naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jap anat taraNgay, raam. ||1||
Nanak (says): Seek the refuge of the Lord, and, meditate upon the Lord of countless waves
(i.e. emotions of mind), O! God. 1
ieku iqlu pRBU n vIsrY ijin sBu ikCu dInw rwm ] ik til prabhoo na veesrai, jin sabh kichh deenaa, raam.
Do not forget the Lord, even for a moment, He has blessed us with everything O! God.
vfBwgI mylwvVw gurmuiK ipru cIn@w rwm ] vadbhaagee maylaavaṛaa, gurmukh pir cheenhaa, raam.
By great fortune, I have met Him, I have recognized Hin through the Guru, O! God.
bwh pkiV qm qy kwiFAw kir Apunw lInw rwm ] baah pakaṛ tam tay kaaḍi-aa, kar apunaa leenaa, raam.
Holding me by my arm, He pulled me up from darkness, and, made me His own, O! God.
nwmu jpq nwnk jIvY sIqlu mnu sInw rwm ]2] naam japat naanak jeevai seetal man seenaa raam. ||2||
Nanak (says): Meditating upon His name I live, and, my mind, my heart are cooled, O! God. 2

ikAw gux qyry kih skau pRB AMqrjwmI rwm ] ki-aa guṇ tayray kahi saka-o, prabh aNtarjaamee, raam.
What excellences of You can I tell, O! Lord, O! Controller of Inner-selves (i.e. souls), O! God.
ismir ismir nwrwiexY Bey pwrgrwmI rwm ] simar simar naaraa-iṇai, bha-ay paargaraamee, raam.
Remembering and remembering the Omnipresent (Lord), (countless) have crossed over to
the other shore, O! God.
gun gwvq goivMd ky sB ieC pujwmI rwm ] gun gaavat goviNd kay, sabh ichh pujaamee, raam.
Singing the excellences of the Lord of the Universe, all the desires are fulfilled, O! God.
nwnk auDry jip hry sBhU kw suAwmI rwm ]3] naanak, udhray jap haray, sabhhoo kaa su-aamee, raam. ||3||
Nanak (says): Meditating upon God (countless) have been saved; He is the Lord of all, O! God. 3
rs iBMinAVy Apuny rwm sMgy sy loiex nIky rwm ] ras bhi i-aṛay apunay raam sangay, say lo-iṇ neekay, raam.
Nice (i.e. pious) are those eyes which are drenched with the love of the Lord, O! God.
pRB pyKq ieCw puMnIAw imil swjn jI ky rwm ] prabh paykhat ichhaa puNnee-aa, mil saajan jee kay, raam.
Beholding the Lord, my wishes are fulfilled, I have met (Lord) my friend, O! God.
AMimRq rsu hir pwieAw ibiKAw rs PIky rwm ] aMmrit ras har paa-i-aa, bikhi-aa ras feekay, raam.
I have obtained AMmrit essence of God, (now all) other tastes of poison (i.e. pleasures of sin)
seem insipid (to me), O! God.
nwnk jlu jlih smwieAw joqI joiq mIky rwm ]4]2]5]9]
naanak, jal jaleh samaa-i-aa, jotee jot meekay, raam. ||4||2||5||9||
Nanak (says): (As) water mingles in water (and becomes one), my light has merged into the
Light (of the Lord), O! God.
iblwvlu kI vwr mhlw 4 Bilaaval kee vaar, Mehlaa 4
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, Mehlaa 4

hir auqmu hir pRBu gwivAw kir nwdu iblwvlu rwgu ] har utam har prabh gaavi-aa, kar naad bilaaval raag.
I sing (the praise of) the supreme Lord, God, the Lord, in the tune of Bilawal raag.
aupdysu gurU suix mMinAw Duir msqik pUrw Bwgu ] updays guroo suṇ maNni-aa, dhur mastak pooraa bhaag.
Hearing the teaching of the Guru, I have obeyed it; this is my perfect destiny inscribed on
my forehead.
sB idnsu rYix gux aucrY hir hir hir auir ilv lwgu ] sabh dinas raiṇ guṇ uchrai; har har har ur liv laag.
All the day and night, I chant (the praise of) His excellences; my heart is attune to God, the
Lord, the Master.
sBu qnu mnu hirAw hoieAw mnu iKiVAw hirAw bwgu ] sabh tan man hari-aa ho-i-aa, man khirhi-aa hari-aa baag.
(As a result) my body and mind are totally green (i.e. rejuvenated), my mind has blossomed
forth like green orchard.
AigAwnu AMDyrw imit gieAw gur cwnxu igAwnu crwgu ]
agi-aan aNdhayraa mit ga-i-aa, gur chaanaṇ gi-aan charaag.
The darkness of the ignorance has been dispelled; the light of the lamp of Guru's wisdom
has illumined it (i.e. my heart).
jnu nwnku jIvY dyiK hir iek inmK GVI muiK lwgu ]1]
jan naanak, jeevai daykh har, ik nimakh ghaṛee mukh laag. ||1||
Servant Nanak (says): I live by beholding (the vision of) God; (O! Lord) let me behold Your
face, just be for a moment, for a while. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
iblwvlu qb hI kIjIAY jb muiK hovY nwmu ] bilaaval tab hee keejee-ai, jab mukh hovai naam.
(O! brethren), sing in Bilawal (raag) only, when the name (of God) is in your mouth.
rwg nwd sbid sohxy jw lwgY shij iDAwnu ] raag naad sabad sohṇay, jaa laagai sahj dhi-aan.
The raag, music, and, the words are beautiful, when one concentrates (upon God), in ease.
rwg nwd Coif hir syvIAY qw drgh pweIAY mwnu ] raag naad chhod, har sayvee-ai, taa dargeh paa-ee-ai maan.
(So) leave behind the raag and music and serve the Lord, then you shall obtain honour in the
court (of the Lord).
nwnk gurmuiK bRhmu bIcwrIAY cUkY min AiBmwnu ]2]
naanak, gurmukh barahm beechaaree-ai, chookai man abhimaan. ||2||
Nanak (says): Contemplate God through the Guru, (then) your mind shall be rid of egotism. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qU hir pRBu Awip AgMmu hY siB quDu aupwieAw ] too har parabh aap agaMm hai, sabh tudh upaa-i-aa.
O! God, O! Lord, You are inaccessible; You have created everything.
qU Awpy Awip vrqdw sBu jgqu sbwieAw ] too aapay aap varatdaa, sabh jagat sabaa-i-aa.
You Yourself are pervading all over the world, in everyone.
quDu Awpy qwVI lweIAY Awpy gux gwieAw ] tudh aapay taaṛee laa-ee-ai, aapay guṇ gaa-i-aa.
You Yourself are absorbed in deep meditation; and You Yourself sing the praise.
hir iDAwvhu Bgqhu idnsu rwiq AMiq ley CfwieAw ]
har dhi-aavahu bhagtahu dinas raat, aNt la-ay chhadaa-i-aa.
O! devotees, meditate upon God, day and night, He shall save you in the end.
ijin syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw hir nwim smwieAw]1] jin sayvi-aa, tin sukh paa-i-aa, har naam samaa-i-aa ||1||
Those who serve (the Lord) obtain happiness, and, are absorbed in the n\ame of God.1

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok M: 3
dUjY Bwie iblwvlu n hoveI mnmuiK Qwie n pwie ]
doojai bhaa-ay bilaaval na hova-ee, manmukh thaa-ay na paa-ay.
(By forgetting God and by being) in love of duality, there can be no (joy in singing) Bilaaval
(raag); the mind-oriented finds no place (of rest).
pwKMif Bgiq n hoveI pwrbRhmu n pwieAw jwie ]
pakhaNd bhagat na hova-ee, paarbarahm na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Through hypocrisy, devotion can not be performed, and, one can not find (i.e. can not unite
with) the Supreme Reality (i.e. God).
mnhiT krm kmwvxy Qwie n koeI pwie ] manhaṭ karam kamaavṇay, thaa-ay na ko-ee paa-ay.
Stubborn mindedly performed rituals to not find any place (i.e. not approved in God’s court).
nwnk gurmuiK Awpu bIcwrIAY ivchu Awpu gvwie ] naanak, gurmukh aap beechaaree-ai, vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) understand yourself through the Guru, by eradicating self-
conceit from within.
Awpy Awip pwrbRhmu hY pwrbRhmu visAw min Awie]
aapay aap paarbarahm hai, paarbarahm vasi-aa man aa-ay
(Then one realizes that) He Himself is the Supreme Reality and, the Supreme comes to dwell
in mind.
jMmxu mrxw kitAw joqI joiq imlwie ]1] jaMmaṇ marṇaa kati-aa jotee jot milaa-ay. ||1||
His birth and death are erased, and his light blends in the Light (of God). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
iblwvlu kirhu qum@ ipAwirho eyksu isau ilv lwie ] bilaaval karihu tumh pi-aariho, aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
O! (my) Beloveds, you enjoy (joyof) Bilaaval (raag) by being attuned with the One (Lord).
jnm mrx duKu ktIAY scy rhY smwie ] janam maraṇ dukh katee-ai, sachay rahai samaa-ay.
(By attuning with Him) pain of birth and death is eradicated and, one merges in the True.
sdw iblwvlu Anµdu hY jy clih siqgur Bwie ] sadaa bilaaval anaNd hai, jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
There is forever bliss in (singing) Bilaaval, if one walks (i.e. lives) in the will of the true Guru.
sqsMgqI bih Bwau kir sdw hir ky gux gwie ] satsaNgtee bahi bhaa-o kar, sadaa har kay guṇ gaa-ay.
They sit in the true congregation, and, sing with love (the praise of) the excellences of God.
nwnk sy jn sohxy ij gurmuiK myil imlwie ]2] naanak, say jan sohṇay, je gurmukh mayl milaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Beautiful are those servants (i.e. devotees), whom He has united in union
through the Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sBnw jIAw ivic hir Awip so Bgqw kw imqu hir ] sabhnaa jee-aa vich har aap, so bhagtaa kaa mit har.
God Himself is within all beings; He is the friends of His devotees.
sBu koeI hir kY vis Bgqw kY Anµdu Gir ] sabh ko-ee har kai vas, bhagtaa kai anaNd ghar.
Everyone is under the control of God; in the home (i.e. heart) of the devotees, there is bliss.
hir Bgqw kw mylI srbq sau insul jn tMg Dir ] har bhagtaa kaa maylee sarbat, sa-o nisul jan ta g dhar.
God is the companion (i.e. friend) of all His devotees; they sleep carefree with their legs
crossed (i.e. stretched out and comfortably, in peace).
hir sBnw kw hY Ksmu so Bgq jn iciq kir ] har sabhnaa kaa hai khasam, so bhagat jan chit kar.
God is the Lord of all; the devotees (always) contemplate Him.
quDu ApiV koie n skY sB JiK JiK pvY JiV ]2]
tudh apaṛ ko-ay na sakai, sabh jhakh jhakh pavai jhaṛ. ||2||
No one can equal you, (O! Lord), (and, many) struggle uselessly and fall (in frustration). 2
P. 850
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bRhmu ibMdih qy bRwhmxw jy clih siqgur Bwie ] barahm bi deh tay barahmaṇaa, jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
They alone are Brahman who: know (i.e. realize) Brahma (i.e. the Ultimate Reality/ God),
and, walk in harmony with (i.e. live according to) the will of the True Guru;
ijn kY ihrdY hir vsY haumY rogu gvwie ] jin kai hirdai har vasai, ha-umai rog gavaa-ay.

They, in whose hearts God dwells, are rod of ailment of egotism
gux rvih gux sMgRhih joqI joiq imlwie ] guṇ raveh, guṇ saNgar-hahi, jotee jot milaa-ay.
They chant (the praise of) His excellences; gather (i.e. preserve) virtues by merging their light
into His light (i.e. by following path of God).
iesu jug mih ivrly bRwhmx bRhmu ibMdih icqu lwie ] is jug meh virlay baraahmaṇ, barahm bi deh chit laa-ay.
In this Age, very rare are those Bramans, who know (i.e. realize) Brahma (i.e. the Ultimate
Reality/ God), by focussing their consciousness (on Him).
nwnk ijn@ kau ndir kry hir scw sy nwim rhy ilv lwie ]1]
naanak, jinh ka-o nadar karay har sachaa, say naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Those who are blessed by glance (of grace) of the True (Lord), remain attuned
to His name. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
siqgur kI syv n kIqIAw sbid n lgo Bwau ] satgur kee sayv na keetee-aa, sabad na lago bhaa-o.
One, who has not served the True Guru, and, does not love the word (of the Guru);
haumY rogu kmwvxw Aiq dIrGu bhu suAwau ] ha-umai rog kamaavaṇaa, at deeragh baho su-aa-o.
(He) has earned the disease of egotism, (which is) large, and, of utter selfishness.
mnhiT krm kmwvxy iPir iPir jonI pwie ] manhaṭ karam kamaavṇay, fir fir jonee paa-ay.
He earns (i.e. conducts) rituals with stubborn mind, (hence) he is consigned to womb over
and over and again (in reincarnation).
gurmuiK jnmu sPlu hY ijs no Awpy ley imlwie ] gurmukh janam safal hai, jis no aapay la-ay milaa-ay.
Fruitful is the birth (i.e. coming to the world) of a Guru-oriented whom He (i.e. God) Himself
unites (with Himself).
nwnk ndrI ndir kry qw nwm Dnu plY pwie ]2]
naanak, nadree nadar karay, taa naam dhan palai paa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): When the Graceful (Lord) grants His glance (of grace), (only then) one obtains
the wealth of name (of the Lord). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sB vifAweIAw hir nwm ivic hir gurmuiK iDAweIAY ]
sabh vadi-aa-ee-aa har naam vich, har gurmukh dhi-aa-ee-ai.
All greatness (i.e. blessings) are in His name, (so) meditate upon God, through the Guru.
ij vsqu mMgIAY sweI pweIAY jy nwim icqu lweIAY ]
je vasat maNgee-ai, saa-ee paa-ee-ai, jay naam chit laa-ee-ai.
One obtains all that he begs (i.e. desires), by focussing one’s consciousness on the name.
guhj gl jIA kI kIcY siqgurU pwis qw srb suKu pweIAY ]
guhaj gal jee-a kee keechai satguroo paas, taa sarab sukh paa-ee-ai.
If one reveals secret of his mind before the True Guru, then he finds total happiness.
guru pUrw hir aupdysu dyie sB BuK lih jweIAY ] gur pooraa har updays day-ay, sabh bhukh leh jaa-ee-ai.
When the perfect Guru bestows the teaching (i.e. teaches the path) of God, all hunger departs.
ijsu pUrib hovY iliKAw so hir gux gweIAY ]3] jis poorab hovai likhi-aa, so har guṇ gaa-ee-ai. ||3||
One, who has destiny inscribed for him (i.e. pre-destined), he (alone) sings (the praise of) the
excellences of God. 3

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
siqgur qy KwlI ko nhI myrY pRiB myil imlwey ] satgur tay khaalee ko nahee, mayrai parabh mayl milaa-ay.
No one goes empty (handed) from the True Guru; he unites in union (all) with my Lord.
siqgur kw drsnu sPlu hY jyhw ko ieCy qyhw Plu pwey ]
satgur kaa darsan safal hai, jayhaa ko ichhay tayhaa fal paa-ay.
Fruitful is (beholding) the vision of the True Guru; one obtains whatever fruit he desires (by
beholding his vision) .
gur kw sbdu AMimRqu hY sB iqRsnw BuK gvwey ] gur kaa sabad aMmrit hai, sabh tarisnaa bhukh gavaa-ay.
The word of Guru is AMmrit, with it one gets rid of all desires and hunger.
hir rsu pI sMqoKu hoAw scu visAw min Awey ] har ras pee saNtokh ho-aa, sach vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Drinking in the essence of God, one gets contented, and, the True (Lord) come to dwell in mind.
scu iDAwie Amrw pdu pwieAw Anhd sbd vjwey ]
sach dhi-aa-ay, amraa pad paa-i-aa, anhad sabad vajaa-ay.
Meditating upon the True, immortal status is obtained, and, unstruck word resounds
(within the mind).
sco dh idis psirAw gur kY shij suBwey ] sacho dah dis pasri-aa, gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
The True (Lord) is pervading in the ten directions (i.e. everywhere), (this is known) intuitively
through the love of the Guru.
nwnk ijn AMdir scu hY sy jn Cpih n iksY dy Cpwey ]1]
naanak, jin aNdar sach hai, say jan chhapeh na kisai day chhapaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Those servants (i.e. devotees), who have the True (dwelling) within (their
heart), are never hidden even if others try to hide them. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
gur syvw qy hir pweIAY jw kau ndir kryie ] gur sayvaa tay har paa-ee-ai, jaa ka-o nadar karay-i.
Serving the Guru, one finds (i.e. one is united with) God, when he (i.e. Guru) blesses his grace.
mwns qy dyvqy Bey scI Bgiq ijsu dyie ] maanas tay dayvtay bha-ay, sachee bhagat jis day-ay.
Those human beings become (i.e. are transformed into) angels, whom He blesses true devotion.
haumY mwir imlwieAnu gur kY sbid sucyie ] ha-umai maar milaa-i-an, gur kai sabad suchay-ay.
Killing (i.e. subduing) their ego He unites them (with Himself); through the word of the Guru
they become pure (i.e. pious).
nwnk shjy imil rhy nwmu vifAweI dyie ]2] naanak, sehjay mil rahay, naam vadi-aa-ee day-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): They remain merged (in the name of God) in ease; and, He blesses them glory
through name. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gur siqgur ivic nwvY kI vfI vifAweI hir krqY Awip vDweI ]
gur satgur vich naavai kee vadee vadi-aa-ee, har kartai aap vadhaa-ee.
Within the Guru, the True Guru, is the greatness (i.e. glory) of name; the Creator Himself
has aggrandized (i.e. glorified) it.
syvk isK siB vyiK vyiK jIvin@ En@w AMdir ihrdY BweI ]
sayvak sikh sabh vaykh vaykh jeevni , onhaa aNdar hirdai bhaa-ee.

All the servants and the sikhs (i.e. disciples) live by beholding and beholding this, and, it (i.e.
the glory of meditating upon the name) is pleasing to their hearts.
inMdk dust vifAweI vyiK n skin En@w prwieAw Blw n suKweI ]
niNdak dusat vadi-aa-ee vaykh na sakan, onhaa paraa-i-aa bhalaa na sukhaa-ee.
The slanderers and the evil-minded persons, cannot see (i.e. tolerate) this greatness; they do
not appreciate the goodness of others.
ikAw hovY iks hI kI JK mwrI jw scy isau bix AweI ]
ki-aa hovai kis hee kee jhakh maaree, jaa sachay si-o baṇ aa-ee.
What can they do (i.e. achieve) by talking rot, when he (i.e. the Guru) has equation (i.e. love)
with the True (Lord).
ij gl krqy BwvY sw inq inq cVY svweI sB JiK JiK mrY lokweI ]4]
je gal kartay bhaavai saa nit nit chaṛai savaa-ee*, sabh jhakh jhakh marai lokaa-ee. ||4||
That which is pleasing to the Creator, progresses more and more day by day; (even if) all the
people talk rot. 4 [*Literally: one and a quarter, i.e. more and more than before].

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
iDRgu eyh Awsw dUjy Bwv kI jo moih mwieAw icqu lwey ]
dharig ayh aasaa doojay bhaav kee, jo mohi maa-i-aa chit laa-ay.
Cursed is this hope in the love of duality, when one focusses his consciousness on attachment
to maya.
hir suKu pl@ir iqAwigAw nwmu ivswir duKu pwey ] har sukh palhar ti-aagi-aa, naam visaar dukh paa-ay.
One, who forsakes God (in exchange) for straw (i.e. maya), suffers sorrow by forgetting name.
mnmuK AigAwnI AMDuly jnim mrih iPir AwvY jwey ]
manmukh agi-aanee aNdhulay, janam mareh fir aavai jaa-ay.
The mind-oriented are ignorant and blind, they are born to die, and, they come and go over
and over again (in cycle of reincarnation).
kwrj isiD n hovnI AMiq gieAw pCuqwey ] kaaraj sidh na hovnee, aNt ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ay.
Their affairs are not resolved (i.e their purpose of life is not accomplished); and, in the end,
they depart (from the world) repenting.
ijsu krmu hovY iqsu siqguru imlY so hir hir nwmu iDAwey ]
jis karam hovai tis satgur milai, so har har naam dhi-aa-ay.
One, who is blessed with (God’s) grace, meets the True Guru; and, he alone meditates upon
the name of God, the Lord.
nwim rqy jn sdw suKu pwiein@ jn nwnk iqn bil jwey ]1]
naam ratay jan sadaa sukh paa-ini , jan naanak tin bal jaa-ay. ||1||

Servants (i.e. devotees) Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name, always obtain
happiness; I am a sacrifice unto them. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3

Awsw mnsw jig mohxI ijin moihAw sMswru ] aasaa mansaa jag mohṇee, jin mohi-aa saNsaar.
The hopes and desires are the enticers the world, they have enticed the (whole) world.
sBu ko jm ky cIry ivic hY jyqw sBu Awkwru ] sabh ko jam kay cheeray vich hai, jaytaa sabh aakaar.
Everyone and all the expanse (of creation) is under the power (i.e. jurisdiction) of death.
hukmI hI jmu lgdw so aubrY ijsu bKsY krqwru ] hukmee hee jam lagdaa, so ubrai jis bakhsai kartaar.
By the command (of the Lord) death grips (the beings); he alone is saved, whom the Creator
(i.e. God) forgives.
nwnk gur prswdI eyhu mnu qW qrY jw CofY AhMkwru ]
naanak, gur parsaadee ayhu man taa tarai, jaa chhodai ahaMkaar.

Nanak (says): By the grace of the Guru, this mind (i.e. mortal being) swims across (the world
ocean) when it gives up its ego.
Awsw mnsw mwry inrwsu hoie gur sbdI vIcwru ]2]
aasaa mansaa maaray, niraas ho-ay, gur sabdee veechaar. ||2||
(So, O! brethren) kill (i.e. conquer) hope and desire, remain detached and contemplate the
word of the Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijQY jweIAY jgq mih iqQY hir sweI ] jithai jaa-ee-ai jagat meh, tithai har saa-ee.
Wherever we go in the world, God, the Lord, is (present) there.
AgY sBu Awpy vrqdw hir scw inAweI ] agai sabh aapay varatdaa, har sachaa ni-aa-ee.
(In the world) hereafter as well, the Lord, the true Justice, Himself pervades.
kUiVAwrw ky muh iPtkIAih scu Bgiq vifAweI ] kooṛi-aaraa kay muh fitkee-ah, sach bhagat vadi-aa-ee.
The liars of the false are disgraced, (while) the true devotees are blessed with greatness (i.e.
are honored).
scu swihbu scw inAwau hY isir inMdk CweI ] sach saahib, sachaa ni-aa-o hai, sir niNdak chhaa-ee.
True is the Lord, true is His justice; and, ash is poured on the heads of the slanderers.
jn nwnk scu ArwiDAw gurmuiK suKu pweI ]5] jan naanak, sach araadhi-aa gurmukh sukh paa-ee. ||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those who have adored the True (Lord), those Guru-
oriented have obtained happiness. 5

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
pUrY Bwig siqguru pweIAY jy hir pRBu bKs kryie ] Epwvw isir Epwau hY nwau prwpiq hoie ]
poorai bhaag satgur paa-ee-ai, jay har prabh bakhas karay-i.
opaavaa sir opaa-o hai, naa-o paraapat ho-ay.
If God, the Lord, blesses, one finds the True Guru by perfect desiny.
Of all the efforts, the best effort is (to find the Guru) to attain the name (of the Lord).
AMdru sIqlu sWiq hY ihrdY sdw suKu hoie ] aNdar seetal saant hai, hirdai sadaa sukh ho-ay.
(The name brings) cooling and peace within, and, the heart is ever in happiness.
AMimRqu Kwxw pYn@xw nwnk nwie vifAweI hoie ]1]
amrit khaaṇaa painhṇaa, naanak, naa-ay vadi-aa-ee ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): (meeting the True Guru, one’s) eating and wearing becomes Amrit (i.e. pure and
pious); and, through the name one obtains greatness (i.e. honour and glory). 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ey mn gur kI isK suix pwieih guxI inDwnu ] ay man, gur kee sikh suṇ, paa-ihi guṇee nidhaan.
O! (my) mind, listen to the teachings of the Guru, and, you shall obtain the treasure of virtues.
suKdwqw qyrY min vsY haumY jwie AiBmwnu ] sukh-daata tayrai man vasai, ha-umai jaa-ay abhimaan.
The Giver of Happiness shall dwell in your mind, and, you shall be rid of egotism and pride.
nwnk ndrI pweIAY AMimRqu guxI inDwnu ]2] naanak, nadree paa-ee-ai, aMmrit guṇee nidhaan. ||2||
Nanak (says): one obtains AMmrit, the treasure of excellences, by His glance (of grace). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijqny pwiqswh swh rwjy Kwn aumrwv iskdwr hih iqqny siB hir ky kIey ]
jitnay paatisaah saah raajay khaan umraav sikdaar heh, titnay sabh har kay kee-ay.
All the kings, bankers, rulers, leaders, administrators, chiefs, all are created by God.
jo ikCu hir krwvY su Eie krih siB hir ky ArQIey ]
jo kichh har karaavai so o-ay karahi, sabh har kay arthee-ay.
Whatever God causes them to do, (so) they do; they are all beggars (suppliants) of God.
so AYsw hir sBnw kw pRBu siqgur kY vil hY
iqin siB vrn cwry KwxI sB isRsit goly kir siqgur AgY kwr kmwvx kau dIey]
so aisaa har sabhnaa kaa, prabh satgur kai val hai;
tin sabh varan, chaaray khaaṇee, sabh sarisat golay kar, satgur agai kaar kamaavaṇ ka-o dee-ay.
Such is God, the Lord of all, and, He is on the side of the True Guru;
All the (people of four social) classes, the four sources of creation, and, the whole of the world,
are made slaves of the True Guru, (God has made them) to work for him (i.e. the True Guru).
hir syvy kI AYsI vifAweI dyKhu hir sMqhu ijin ivchu kwieAw ngrI dusmn dUq siB mwir kFIey ]
har sayvay kee aisee vadi-aa-ee daykhhu, har saNtahu, jin vichahu kaa-i-aa nagree dusman doot
sabh maar kadhee-ay.
See the greatness of serving God, O! God-orieneted persons of the Lord: He has killed (i.e.
subdued) and driven all the wicked and the (five) enemies* from the city of body.
[*the five enemies i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
hir hir ikrpwlu hoAw Bgq jnw aupir hir AwpxI ikrpw kir hir Awip riK lIey ]6]
har har kirpaal ho-aa bhagat janaa upar, har aapnee kirpaa kar, har aap rakh lee-ay. ||6||
God, the Lord, is merciful to His devotees, granting His grace, God Himself has saved them.

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
AMdir kptu sdw duKu hY mnmuK iDAwnu n lwgY ] aNdar kapat sadaa dukh hai, manmukh dhi-aan na laagai.
The deceit within gives constant pain, (hence) the mind-oriented can not practice meditation.
duK ivic kwr kmwvxI duKu vrqY duKu AwgY ] dukh vich kaar kamaavṇee, dukh vartai dukh aagai.
He acts in suffering (in this world), and, he shall suffer sorrow hereafter.
krmI siqguru BytIAY qw sic nwim ilv lwgY ] nwnk shjy suKu hoie AMdrhu BRmu Bau BwgY ]1]
karmee satgur bhaytee-ai, taa sach naam liv laagai.
naanak, sehjay sukh ho-ay, a drahu bharam bha-o bhaagai||1||
By (good) destiny (if) one meets the True Guru, then he is attuned to the True name;
Nanak (says): (Then) one obtains happiness, in ease, and, doubts and fears within him run
away (i.e. are dispelled). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
gurmuiK sdw hir rMgu hY hir kw nwau min BwieAw ]
gurmukh sadaa har raNg hai, har kaa naa-o man bhaa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented is in love with God forever, and, the name of God is pleasing to his mind.
gurmuiK vyKxu bolxw nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw ] gurmukh vaykhaṇ bolṇaa, naam japat sukh paa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented (constantly) beholds and speaks the name (of the Lord), and, meditating
upon the name he obtains happiness.
nwnk gurmuiK igAwnu pRgwisAw iqmr AigAwnu AMDyru cukwieAw ]2]
naanak, gurmukh gi-aan pargaasi-aa, timar agi-aan aNdhayr chukaa-i-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): Through the Guru (spiritual) knowledge illumines and black darkness of
ignorance is dispelled.

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mnmuK mYly mrih gvwr ] manmukh mailay, mareh gavaar.
The mind-oriented are filthy; these fools die (spiritual death).
gurmuiK inrml hir rwiKAw aur Dwir ] gurmukh nirmal har raakhi-aa ur dhaar.
The Guru-oriented are pure; they keeps God enshrined in their hearts.
Bniq nwnku suxhu jn BweI ] siqguru syivhu haumY mlu jweI ]
bhanat naanak, suṇhu jan bhaa-ee. satgur sayvihu, ha-umai mal jaa-ee.
Prays Nanak: Listen O! brethren beings,
serve the True Guru the filth of (your) ego shall be gone (i.e. wash off).
Amdir sMsw dUKu ivAwpy isir DMDw inq mwr ] aNdar saNsaa dookh vi-aapay, sir dhaNdhaa nit maar.
Within them is doubt, (hence) pain afflicts them; (they) constantly bother and suffer due to
(worldly) entanglements.
dUjY Bwie sUqy kbhu n jwgih mwieAw moh ipAwr ]
doojai bhaa-ay sootay kabahu na jaageh, maa-i-aa moh pi-aar.
Asleep in love of duality, (they) never wake up; (they are) attached to the love of maya.
nwmu n cyqih sbdu n vIcwrih iehu mnmuK kw bIcwr ]
naam na cheeteh, sabad na vichaareh, ih manmukh kaa beechaar.
They do not remember name, and, they do not contemplate the word; this is the view (i.e.
way of life) of the mind-oriented (persons).
hir nwmu n BwieAw ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw nwnk jmu mwir kry KuAwr ]3]
har naam na bhaa-i-aa, birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa; naanak, jam maar karay khu-aar. ||3||
Nanak (says): They could not like (meditating upon) the name (of the Lord), and, waste their
life (in vain); the messenger of death will punishes and humiliates them.3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijs no hir Bgiq scu bKsIAnu so scw swhu ] jis no har bhagat sach bakhsee-an, so sachaa saahu.

He alone is a true king, whom God has blessed with devotion and truth.
iqs kI muhqwjI loku kFdw horqu hit n vQu n vyswhu ]
tis kee muhtaajee lok kaḍ-daa, horat hat na vath na vaysaahu.
People allege their dependence upon them; no other shop stocks this good or deals in it (i.e.
except from the Guru, the true king, one can not obtain devotion of/ meditation upon the name of the Lord) .
Bgq jnw kau snmuKu hovY su hir rwis ley vymuK Bsu pwhu ]
bhagat janaa ka-o sanmukh hovai, so har raas la-ay vaimukh bhas paahu.
One, who turns his face towards (i.e. follows) the devotees, receives Lord’s wealth; (whereas)
the one who turns away his face away (form the devotees), ash is thrown on his head.
hir ky nwm ky vwpwrI hir Bgq hih jmu jwgwqI iqnw nyiV n jwhu ]
har kay naam kay vaapaaree har bhagat heh, jam jaagaatee tinaa nayṛ na jaahu.
The dealers in the name of God are His devotees, the messenger of death, the tax-collector,
does not (even) approach them.
jn nwnik hir nwm Dnu lidAw sdw vyprvwhu ]7] jan naanak, har naam dhan ladi-aa, sadaa vayparvaahu||7||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have loaded the wealth of the name of the Lord,
(hence), I am forever carefree. 7

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
iesu jug mih BgqI hir Dnu KitAw horu sBu jgqu Brim BulwieAw ]
is jug meh bhagtee har dhan khati-aa, hor sabh jagat bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
In this age, (only) the devotees have earned the wealth of (the name of) God; all the rest of the
world wanders deluded in doubt (i.e. in attachment to maya).
gur prswdI nwmu min visAw Anidnu nwmu iDAwieAw ]
gur parsaadee naam man vasi-aa, an-din naam dhi-aa-i-aa.
By the grace of Guru, the name (of the Lord) comes to dwell in mind, and, day and night, they
meditate upon the name.
ibiKAw mwih audws hY haumY sbid jlwieAw ] bikhi-aa maahi udaas hai, ha-umai sabad jalaa-i-aa.
(Even) in midst of poison (i.e. maya), he (i.e. the devotee) remains detached, and, through
(meditation upon) the word (of the Guru) he burns away his ego.
Awip qirAw kul auDry DMnu jxydI mwieAw ] aap tari-aa, kul udhray, dhaNn jaṇaydee maa-i-aa.
He (himself) crosses over (the world ocean) and saves his family (as well); blessed is the
mother who gave him birth.
sdw shju suKu min visAw scy isau ilv lwieAw ] sadaa sahj sukh man vasi-aa, sachay si-o liv laa-i-aa.
Poise and (spiritual) happiness dwell in his mind forever, and, he attunes himself to the True
bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau qRY gux Buly haumY mohu vDwieAw ]
barahmaa bisan mahaaday-o tarai guṇ bhulay, ha-umai moh vadhaa-i-aa.
(Even) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahadeo* (i.e. Shiv) wander (strayed from the path of the Lord) in
three qualities, (while) their egotism and attachment increase. [*the three mythical gods].
pMifq piV piV monI Buly dUjY Bwie icqu lwieAw ]
paNdit paṛ paṛ monee bhulay, doojai bhaa-ay chit laa-i-aa.
Reading and reading, the Pandits (i.e. religious scholars), the silent sages wander (strayed
from the path of the Lord); they have centred their consciousness on love of duality.
jogI jMgm sMinAwsI Buly ivxu gur qqu n pwieAw ] jogee jaNgam saNni-aasee bhulay, vin gur tat na paa-i-aa.
The Yogis, Jangams (i.e. wandering ascetics), and Sanyasis (i.e. renouncers) wander (strayed
from the path of the Lord); without the Guru, they do not find the essence of truth.
mnmuK duKIey sdw BRim Buly iqn@I ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
manmukh dukhee-ay sadaa bharam bhulay, tinhee birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa.
The mind-oriented, deluded by doubt, are forever miserable; they waste away their lives in vain.
nwnk nwim rqy syeI jn smDy ij Awpy bKis imlwieAw ]1]
naanak, naam ratay say-ee jan samdhay, je aapay bakhas milaa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): Those, who are imbued with the name (of the Lord), are even-minded
(balanced/ poised); forgiving them, He Himself blends them (i.e. unites with Himself). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
nwnk so swlwhIAY ijsu vis sBu ikCu hoie ] naanakm so salaahee-aim jis vas sabh kichh ho-ay.
Nanak (says): Praise Him who has control (i.e. command) over everything.
iqsih sryvhu pRwxIho iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] tiseh sarayvhu paraaṇeeho tis bin avar na ko-ay.
Serve (i.e. worship) Him, O! mortal beings, without Him there is no other (at all).
gurmuiK AMqir min vsY sdw sdw suKu hoie ]2] gurmukh aNtar man vasai sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||2||
He dwells within (the mind of) the Guru-oriented, (due to which) forever and ever they are in
happiness. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijnI gurmuiK hir nwm Dnu n KitE sy dyvwlIey jug mwih ]
jinee gurmukh har naam dhan na khati-o, say dayvaalee-ay jug maahi.
Those, who have not earn the wealth of the name of God, through the Guru, they are
bankrupts of this age.
Eie mMgdy iPrih sB jgq mih koeI muih Quk n iqn kau pwih ]
o-ay maNgday fireh sabh jagat meh, ko-ee muhi thuk na tin ka-o paahi.
They wander around begging all over the world, but, no one likes even to spit in their faces.
prweI bKIlI krih AwpxI prqIiq Kovin sgvw BI Awpu lKwih ]
paraa-ee bakheelee karahi, aapnee parteet khovan, sagvaa bhee aap lakhaahi.
They slander others, and lose their credibility, and they badly expose themselves.
ijsu Dn kwrix cuglI krih so Dnu cuglI hiQ n AwvY Eie BwvY iqQY jwih ]
jis dhan kaaraṇ chuglee karahi, so dhan chuglee hath na aavai, o-ay bhaavai tithai jaahi.
That wealth, for which they slander others, that wealth does come into their hands,
wherever they go (they obtain nothing).
gurmuiK syvk Bwie hir Dnu imlY iqQhu krmhIx lY n skih hor QY dys idsMqir hir Dnu nwih ]8]
gurmukh sayvak bhaa-ay har dhan milai, tithhu karamheeṇ lai na sakahi, hor thai days disaNtar har
dhan naahi. ||8||
The wealth of God is obtained through servant’s sentiments (i.e. love for service), through
the Guru, (but) the unfortunate ones can not obtain it; the wealth of God is not found at any
other place in the country or in foreign lands. 8

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
gurmuiK sMsw mUil n hoveI icMqw ivchu jwie ] gurmukh saNsaa mool na hova-ee, chiNtaa vichahu jaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented does not have even a bit of doubt; worries have departed from within him.
jo ikCu hoie su shjy hoie khxw ikCU n jwie ] jo kichh ho-ay so sehjay ho-ay, kahṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
(He believes that) whatever happens, happens in ease (i.e. under the command of the Lord),
and, nothing can be said (about this state).
nwnk iqn kw AwiKAw Awip suxy ij lieAnu pMnY pwie ]1]
naanak, tin kaa aakhi-aa aap suṇay, je la-i-an paNnai paa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): He Himself hears their saying (i.e. prayer), whom He makes His own. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
kwlu mwir mnsw mnih smwxI AMqir inrmlu nwau ] kaal maar mansaa maneh samaaṇee, a tar nirmal naa-o.
He (i.e. Guru-oriented) conquers death and subdues (i.e. buries) desires within mind,
(because) immaculate name (of the Lord) abides within him.
Anidnu jwgY kdy n sovY shjy AMimRqu ipAwau ] an-din jaagai kaday na sovai, sehjay aMmrit pi-aa-o.
Day and night he remains awake (from the enticement of maya), he never sleeps (in
negligence); and, drinks AMmrit in ease.
mITw boly AMimRq bwxI Anidnu hir gux gwau ] meethaa bolay aMmrit banee, an-din har guṇ gaa-o.
His speech is sweet, and his word are (like) AMmrit; day and night, he sings (the praise of) the
excellences of God.
inj Gir vwsw sdw sohdy nwnk iqn imilAw suKu pwau ]2]
nij ghar vaasaa sadaa sohday, naanak, tin mili-aa sukh paa-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): He dwells in His own home (of his self), and, look beautiful forever; meeting
him one obtains happiness. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir Dnu rqn jvyhrI so guir hir Dnu hir pwshu dyvwieAw ]
har dhan ratan javayharee so gur har dhan har paashu dayvaa-i-aa.
The wealth of God is (as precious as) a jewel, a gem; the Guru has caused this wealth of God,
to be given by God (to His devotees).
jy iksY ikhu idis AwvY qw koeI ikhu mMig ley AkY koeI ikhu dyvwey eyhu hir Dnu joir kIqY iksY nwil n jwie vMfwieAw ]
jay kisai kihu dis aavai, taa ko-ee kihu maNg la-ay, akai ko-ee kihu dayvaa-ay;
ayhu har dhan, jor keetai, kisai naal na jaa-ay vaNdaa-i-aa.
If someone sees something (with someone except the Guru) he may ask for something, or
someone may get this to be given to someone; (but) this the wealth of God can not be shared
with someone.
ijs no siqgur nwil hir srDw lwey iqsu hir Dn kI vMf hiQ AwvY ijs no krqY Duir iliK pwieAw ] jis no satgur naal
har sardhaa laa-ay, tis har dhan kee vaNd hath aavai, jis no kartai dhur likh paa-i-aa.
One whom He blesses with faith in the True Guru, he obtains the share of the wealth of God;
(but only he obtains) for whom it is preordained by Creator.
iesu hir Dn kw koeI srIku nwhI iksY kw Kqu nwhI iksY kY sIv bMnY rolu nwhI
jy ko hir Dn kI bKIlI kry iqs kw muhu hir chu kuMfw ivic kwlw krwieAw ]
is har dhan kaa ko-ee sareek naahee, kisai kaa khat naahee, kisai kai seev baNnai rol naahee,
jay ko har dhan kee bakheelee karay, tis kaa muhu har chahu kuNdaa vich kaalaa karaa-i-aa.
No one is a partner in the wealth of God; no one has any written document for it (i.e. of its
ownership/ authority); and, no one has dispute for its boundaries or ridge; (but)
if someone speaks ill of the wealth of God, then God gets his face blackened, in the four
directions (i.e. in the whole of the world).
hir ky idqy nwil iksY joru bKIlI n cleI idhu idhu inq inq cVY svwieAw ]9]
har kay ditay naal kisai jor bakheelee na chal-ee, dihu dihu nit nit chaṛai savaa-i-aa. ||9||
No one’s force (i.e. power) or slander (i.e. ill will) can work (prevail) against the gift given by
God; and, day by day and continually and continually, it increases still more. 9

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
jgqu jlµdw riK lY AwpxI ikrpw Dwir ] jagat jalaNdaa, rakh lai, aapṇee kirpaa dhaar.
The world is burning (in fire of vices), (O! Lord) save it by showering Your mercy.
ijqu duAwrY aubrY iqqY lYhu aubwir ] jit du-aarai ubrai, titai laihu ubaar.
Whatever means it can be saved, (please) save it that way (O! Lord).
siqguir suKu vyKwilAw scw sbdu bIcwir ] satgur sukh vaykhaali-aa, sachaa sabad beechaar.
The True Guru has shown (the path to) happiness, through contemplating the True word.
nwnk Avru n suJeI hir ibnu bKsxhwru ]1] naanak, avar na sujh-ee, har bin bakhsaṇhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): I perceive that except God, there is no other Forgiver. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
haumY mwieAw mohxI dUjY lgY jwie ] ha-umai maa-i-aa mohṇee, doojai lagai jaa-ay.
Fascinating maya is the cause of egotism, hence, one is attached to duality.
nw ieh mwrI n mrY nw ieh hit ivkwie ] naa ih maaree, na marai, naa ih hat vikaa-ay.
It can not be killed (by anyone); it does not die (itself); nor it can be sold at shops.
gur kY sbid prjwlIAY qw ieh ivchu jwie ] gur kai sabad parjaalee-ai, taa ih vichahu jaa-ay.
(When) it is burnt away through the word of the Guru, then it departs from within.
qnu mnu hovY aujlw nwmu vsY min Awie ] tan man hovai ujlaa, naam vasai man aa-ay.
(Then) the body and the mind become free from blemish (i.e. immaculate and pure), and, the
name (of the Lord) comes to dwell within the mind.
nwnk mwieAw kw mwrxu sbdu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ]2]
naanak, maa-i-aa kaa maaraṇ sabad hai, gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): The word (of the Guru) is the killer of maya; and, it is obtained through the
Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
siqgur kI vifAweI siqguir idqI Durhu hukmu buiJ nIswxu ]
satgur kee vadi-aa-ee satgur ditee, dharahu hukam bujh neesaaṇ.
The great glory of the True Guru was blessed by the True Guru. This was regarded as

insignia of the command of (i.e. preordained by) God.
puqI BwqIeI jwvweI skI Aghu ipChu toil ifTw lwihEnu sBnw kw AiBmwnu ]
putee bhaatee-ee jaavaa-ee sakee agahu pichhahu tol dithaa, laahi-on sabhnaa kaa abhimaan.
He had tested the past and the future of the sons, nephews, sons-in-law, (and other) relatives,
and, had humbled the pride of them all.
ijQY ko vyKY iqQY myrw siqgurU hir bKisEsu sBu jhwnu ]
jithai ko vaykhai, tithai mayraa satguroo, har bakhsi-os sabh jahaan.
Wherever one looks, my True Guru is there (to bestow gift of name), God has blessed him
with (the treasure of name for) the whole world.
ij siqgur no imil mMny su hliq pliq isJY ij vymuKu hovY su iPrY Birst Qwnu ]
je satgur no mil maNnay, so halat palat sijhai; je vaimukh hovai so firai bharisat thaan.
One, who meets the True Guru, and believes in him, he succeeds here and hereafter; (but)
one who turns his back (on the Guru), He wanders in dirty places (i.e. in cursed state).
P. 854
jn nwnk kY vil hoAw myrw suAwmI hir sjx purKu sujwnu ]
jan naanak, kai val ho-aa mayraa su-aamee, har sajaṇ purakh sujaan.
Nanak (says): My Lord is on the side of His servants (i.e. devotees); God, Primal Person, All-
knowing, is my friend.
paudI iBiq dyiK kY siB Awie pey siqgur kI pYrI lwihEnu sBnw ikAhu mnhu gumwnu ]10] pa-udee bhit daykh kai,
sabh aa-ay pa-ay satgur kee pairee, laahi-on sabhnaa ki-ahu manhu gumaan. ||10||
Seeing the food being served, everyone came and fell at the feet of the True Guru. He erased
off their egotistic pride from within the minds of all. 10

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
koeI vwhy ko luxY ko pwey Kilhwin ] nwnk eyv n jwpeI koeI Kwie indwin ]1]
ko-ee vaahay, ko luṇai, ko paa-ay khalihaan. naanak, ayv na jaap-ee, ko-ee khaa-ay nidaan. ||1||
One ploughs (and plants the seed), another harvests (the crop), still another one places it on
floor for threshing (to separate grain and chaff).
Nanak (says): It is not known, who will ultimately eat. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ijsu min visAw qirAw soie ] nwnk jo BwvY so hoie ]2]
jis man vasi-aa, tari-aa so-ay. naanak, jo bhaavai, so ho-ay. ||2||
He alone is carried across (the world ocean) within whose mind, He (i.e. God) abides.
Nanak (says): Whatever is pleasing to Him, that alone will happen. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
pwrbRhim dieAwil swgru qwirAw ] paarbarahm da-i-aal, saagar taari-aa.
The merciful Supreme Reality (i.e. God) has carried me across the (world) ocean.
guir pUrY imhrvwin Brmu Bau mwirAw ] gur poorai miharvaan, bharam bha-o maari-aa.
The compassionate perfect Guru has eradicated my doubts and fears.
kwm k®oDu ibkrwlu dUq siB hwirAw ] kaam krodh bikraal, doot sabh haari-aa.

Terrible sexual desire and anger, and, all the enemies have been defeated (i.e. destroyed).
AMimRq nwmu inDwnu kMiT auir DwirAw ] aMmrit naam nidhaan, kaNṭ ur dhaari-aa.
I have enshrined the treasure of AMmrit name within my throat and heart.
nwnk swDU sMig jnmu mrxu svwirAw ]11] naanak ,saadhoo saNg janam maraṇ savaari-aa. ||11||
Nanak (says): In the company of the God-oriented person my birth and death have been
adorned (i.e. my life has been beautified). 12

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw kUVy khx khMin@ ] jinhee naam visaari-aa, kooṛay kahaṇ kahaNnih.
Those who forget the name (of God), they speak and talk false.
pMc cor iqnw Gru muhin@ haumY AMdir sMin@ ] paNch chor tinaa ghar muhnih, ha-umai andar saNnih.
The five thieves* plunder their homes, and, egotism breaks in (their houses/ hearts).
[*The five thieves are: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
swkq muTy durmqI hir rsu n jwxMin@ ] saakat muṭay durmatee, har ras na jaaṇa nih. N

The saakat (literally: worshippers of power, i.e. non-believers in God) are defrauded by their
evil-mindedness, they don't know the essence of God.
ijn@I AMimRqu Brim lutwieAw ibKu isau rcih rcMin@ ] jinhee aMmrit bharam lutaa-i-aa, bikh si-o racheh rachaNnih.
Those who have lost the AMmrit through doubts, remain engrossed in poison (i.e. maya).
dustw syqI iprhVI jn isau vwdu krMin@ ] dustaa saytee pirhaṛee, jan si-o vaad karaNnih.
They make friends with the wicked, and, argue with the servants (i.e. devotees of God).
nwnk swkq nrk mih jim bDy duK shMin@ ] naanak, saakat narak meh, jam badhay dukh saha nih. N

Nanak (says): saakat (literally: worshippers of power, i.e. non-believers in God) are condemned
to hell, and, bound (and punished) by the messenger of death, they suffer sorrows.
pieAY ikriq kmwvdy ijv rwKih iqvY rhMin@ ]1] pa-i-ai kirat kamaavday, jiv raakhahi tivai rahaNnih. ||1||
They act according to their past actions; (O! Lord) as you keep them so do they live. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ijn@I siqguru syivAw qwxu inqwxy iqsu ] jinhee satgur sayvi-aa, taan nitaaṇay tis.
Those who serve the True Guru, that powerless are blessed with power.
swis igrwis sdw min vsY jmu joih n skY iqsu ] saas giraas sadaa man vasai, jam johi na sakai tis.
One, in whose mind God abides with every breath and morsel (of food), the messenger of
death cannot (even) see them.
ihrdY hir hir nwm rsu kvlw syvik iqsu ] hirdai har har naam ras, kavlaa sayvak tis.
One, whose heart is filled with the essence of the name of God, the Lord, maya is their servant.
hir dwsw kw dwsu hoie prm pdwrQu iqsu ] har daasaa kaa daas ho-ay, param padaarath tis.
One, who becomes the slave of the slaves of God, obtains the supreme wealth (of name).
nwnk min qin ijsu pRBu vsY hau sd kurbwxY iqsu ] naanak, man tan jis prabh vasai, ha-o sad kurbaaṇai tis.
Nanak (says): One, within whose mind and body God dwells, I am forever a sacrifice unto him.
ijn@ kau pUrib iliKAw rsu sMq jnw isau iqsu ]2] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, ras saNt janaa si-o tis. ||2||

One, who has such preordained destiny, he alone obtains this essence (of name) in the
company of the God-oriented persons. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jo boly pUrw siqgurU so prmysir suixAw ] jo bolay pooraa satguroo, so parmaysar suṇi-aa.
Whatever the perfect True Guru speaks, the Supreme Lord (i.e. God) hears (and honours).
soeI vriqAw jgq mih Git Git muiK BixAw ] so-ee varti-aa jagat meh, ghat ghat mukh bhai-aa.
That (i.e. spoken by the True Guru) permeates the (whole) world, and, is (contained) within
each and every heart and is spoken (by all).
bhuqu vifAweIAw swihbY nh jwhI gxIAw ] bahut vadi-aa-ee-aa saahibai, nah jaahee gaee-aa.
So numerous are the glories (i.e. excellences) of God, they cannot (even) be counted.
scu shju Andu siqgurU pwis scI gur mxIAw ] sach sahj anad satguroo paas, sachee gur maṇee-aa.
Truth, poise and bliss rest with the True Guru; and, jewel is the true (word of) the Guru.
nwnk sMq svwry pwrbRhim scy ijau bixAw]12] naanak, sa t savaaray paarbarahm, sachay ji-o baṇi-aa. ||12||
Nanak (says): The Supreme Reality (God) embellishes the God-oriented persons; they
become like the True (Lord). 12

slok mÚ 3 ]Salok, M: 3
Apxw Awpu n pCwxeI hir pRBu jwqw dUir ] apnaa aap na pachhaaṇ-ee, har prabh jaataa door.
He (i.e. the mind-oriented person) does not understand himself, and, believes God, the Lord,
to be far away
gur kI syvw ivsrI ikau mnu rhY hjUir ] gur kee sayvaa visree, ki-o man rahai hajoor.
He has forgotten to serve the Guru, how can his mind remain in the presence (of the Lord)?
mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw JUTY lwlic kUir ] manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa, jhooṭai laalach koor.
The mind-oriented has wasted away his life, (by indulging) in false greed and falsehood.
nwnk bKis imlwieAnu scY sbid hdUir ]1] naanak, bakhas milaa-i-an, sachai sabad hadoor. ||1||
Nanak (says): (But, those who are Guru-oriented, God) blesses and blends them in His
presence through the word. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
hir pRBu scw soihlw gurmuiK nwmu goivMdu ] har prabh sachaa sohilaa, gurmukh naam goviNd.
True is the praise of God, the Lord; the name of the Lord of the Universe is obtained through
the Guru.
Anidnu nwmu slwhxw hir jipAw min Awnµdu ] an-din naam salaahṇaa, har japi-aa man aanaNd.
Praising the name (of the Lord) day and night, and, meditating upon God, the mind becomes
vfBwgI hir pwieAw pUrnu prmwnµdu ] vadbhaagee har paa-i-aa, pooran parmaanaNd.
By great fortune, one finds God, the perfect (embodiment of) Supreme Bliss.
jn nwnk nwmu slwihAw bhuiV n min qin BMgu ]2]
jan naanak, naam sahaali-aa, bahuṛ na man tan bhaNg. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who praise the name (of the Lord), their mind and body shall never be
shattered (i.e. troubled). 2
P. 855
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
koeI inMdku hovY siqgurU kw iPir srix gur AwvY ] ipCly gunh siqguru bKis ley sqsMgiq nwil rlwvY ]

ko-ee niNdak hovai satguroo kaa, fir saraṇ gur aavai.
pichhlay gunah satgur bakhas la-ay, satsangat naal ralaavai.
If someone had slandered the True Guru, and, then comes to seek the refuge of the Guru.
The True Guru forgives him for his past sins, and unites him with the true congregation.
ijau mIih vuTY glIAw nwilAw toiBAw kw jlu jwie pvY ivic sursrI sursrI imlq pivqRü pwvnu hoie jwvY ]
ji-o meehi vuṭai, galee-aa naali-aa, tobhi-aa kaa jal, jaa-ay pavai vich sursaree, sursaree milat,
pavitar paavan ho-ay jaavai.
When the rain falls, the water of the streets, streams and ponds falls into (river) Ganga
(Ganges); Joining the (river) Ganga, it becomes sacred and pious.
eyh vifAweI siqgur inrvYr ivic ijqu imilAY iqsnw BuK auqrY hir sWiq qV AwvY ]
ayh vadi-aa-ee satgur nirvair vich, jit mili-ai tisnaa bhukh utrai har saant taṛ aavai.
Such is the greatness is of the True Guru; he has no enmity (i.e. vengeance for any one); and,
meeting Him, thirst and hunger are quenched, and, instantly he attains (spiritual) peace.
nwnk iehu Acrju dyKhu myry hir scy swh kw ij siqgurU no mMnY su sBnW BwvY ]13]1] suDu ]
naanak, ih achraj daykhhu mayray har sachay saah kaa, je satguroo no maNnai so sabhnaan
bhaavai. ||13||1|| sudh.
Nanak (says): Behold this wonder of my God, the True King, (that) one, who believes (i.e. has
faith) in the True Guru is pleasing to all. 13.1. (This section has been checked and found) correct.

iblwvlu bwxI Bgqw kI ] Bilaaval, baṇee bhagtaa kee

kbIr jIau kI kabeer jee-o kee
< ikko-oⁿkaar
God (onkaar) is (but) One (He is ‘The Only One’), the Formless.
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is true/eternal).
[It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person.
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation].
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here, Guru has been used for God).
Ayso iehu sMswru pyKnw rhnu n koaU peIhY ry ] aiso ih saNsaar paykhnaa, rahan na ko-oo pa-eehai, ray.
This word is such a show (i.e. drama), no one can remain here (forever), O! brethren.
sUDy sUDy ryig clhu qum nqr kuDkw idveIhY ry ]1] rhwau ]
soodhay soodhay rayg chalhu tum, natar kudhkaa diva-eehai, ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So) walk the straight path, otherwise, you will be badly pushed down (by the messenger of
death), O! brethren. 1 (pause)
bwry bUFy qruny BeIAw sBhU jmu lY jeIhY ry ] baaray booḍay tarunay bha-ee-aa, sabhhoo jam lai ja-eehai, ray.
The children, the old and the young, O! brother, will be taken away by the messenger of
death, O! brethren.
mwnsu bpurw mUsw kIno mIcu ibleIAw KeIhY ry ]1]
maanas bapuraa moosaa keeno, meech bila-ee-aa kha-eehai, ray. ||1||

He has made the poor human (like) a mouse, cat, the death, is eating him up, O! brethren. 1
DnvMqw Aru inrDn mneI qw kI kCU n kwnI ry ]
dhanvaNtaa ar nirdhan man-ee, taa kee kachhoo na kaanee, ray.
(Whether one is) rich or poor person, it does not avoid (i.e. does not give any special
consideration), O! brethren.
rwjw prjw sm kir mwrY AYso kwlu bfwnI ry ]2] raajaa parjaa sam kar maarai, aiso kaal badaanee, ray. ||2||
It kills the king and the subjects alike; such is the power of death, O! brethren. 2
hir ky syvk jo hir Bwey iqn@ kI kQw inrwrI ry ] har kay sayvak jo har bhaa-ay, tinh kee kathaa niraaree, ray.
Those servants of God, who are pleasing to God, their story is unique (hence, different).
Awvih n jwih n kbhU mrqy pwrbRhm sMgwrI ry ]3]
aavahi na jaahi na kabhoo martay, paarbarahm saNgaaree, ray. ||3||
They do not come or go (in reincarnation), and, they never die, they remain with (i.e. remain
merged in) the Supreme Reality (God), O! brethren. 3
puqR klqR liCmI mwieAw iehY qjhu jIA jwnI ry ] khq kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu imilhY swirgpwnI ry ]4]1]
putar kaltar lachhimee maa-i-aa, ihai tajahu, jee-a jaanee, ray.
kahat kabeer sunhu ray santahu milihai saarigpaanee*, ray. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: Know this in your heart: (if you wish to be united with God, then) renounce your
son, wife, wealth and property, O! brethren;
Listen, O! God-oriented persons, (then) you shall be united with God*, O! brethren. 4.1
[*Saarangpanee literally means: ‘one carrying bow’ (i.e. archer) i.e. the one who destroys evil-doers, demons, enemies
with bow and arrows; in other words ‘the Defender of the Earth’ . This is another attribute and name of God].

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
ibidAw n prau bwdu nhI jwnau ] bidi-aa na para-o, baad nahee jaan-o.
I do not read books of knowledge, and, I do not enter debates;
hir gun kQq sunq baurwno ]1] har gun kathat sunat ba-uraano. ||1||
Chanting and hearing the (praise of) the excellences of God, I have gone crazy. 1
myry bwbw mY baurw sB Klk sYAwnI mY baurw ]
mayray baabaa,mai ba-uraa; sabh khalak sai-aanee, mai ba-uraa.
O! my father, I am crazy; the whole world is wise, I am crazy.
mY ibgirE ibgrY miq Aaurw ]1] rhwau ] mai bigri-o, bigrai mat a-uraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am spoiled, let no one else be spoiled (like me). 1 (pause)
Awip n baurw rwm kIE baurw ] aap na ba-uraa, raam kee-o ba-uraa.
I have not made myself go crazy, God has made me go crazy.
siqguru jwir gieE BRmu morw ]2] satgur, jaar ga-i-o bharam moraa. ||2||
The True Guru has burnt away my doubt. 2
mY ibgry ApnI miq KoeI ] myry Brim BUlau miq koeI ]3]
mai bigray, apnee mat kho-ee. mayray bharam, bhoola-o mat ko-ee. ||3||
I am crazy; I have lost my wisdom. Let no one else go astray in doubt, like me. 3
so baurw jo Awpu n pCwnY ] so ba-uraa, jo aap na pachhaanai.
(In fact I am not crazy), he alone is crazy who does not understand himself
Awpu pCwnY q eykY jwnY ]4] aap pachhaanai ta, aykai jaanai. ||4||

If one understands himself, then he knows (i.e. realizes) the One (Lord). 4
Abih n mwqw su kbhu n mwqw ] abeh na maataa, so kabahu na maataa.
One, who is not intoxicated now (with love of God), (then he) shall never be intoxicated.
kih kbIr rwmY rMig rwqw ]5]2] kahi kabeer, raamai raNg raataa. ||5||2||
Says Kabir: I am imbued with love of God. 5.2

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
igRhu qij bn KMf jweIAY cuin KweIAY kMdw ] Ajhu ibkwr n CofeI pwpI mnu mMdw ]1]
garihu taj ban khaNd jaa-ee-ai, chun khaa-ee-ai kaNdaa.
ajahu bikaar na chhod-ee paapee man maNdaa. ||1||
Abandoning one’s household, one may go to forest zone, and live by eating roots of crops;
(but) even so sinful mind does not renounce vices. 1
ikau CUtau kYsy qrau Bvjl iniD BwrI ] rwKu rwKu myry bITulw jnu srin qum@wrI ]1] rhwau ]
ki-o chhoota-o, kaisay tara-o, bhavjal nidh bhaaree.
raakh raakh mayray beethulaa*, jan saran tum aaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.

How can I be saved (from vices), and, how can I cross the big terrifying world ocean?
Save me, save me, O! my God*, your servant (i.e. devotee) is in Your refuge. 1 (pause)
[*Beethulaa, literally means: present everywhere i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and names of God].
ibKY ibKY kI bwsnw qjIA nh jweI ] bikhai bikhai kee baasnaa, tajee-a nah jaa-ee.
I can not escape my desire for sin and vices;
Aink jqn kir rwKIAY iPir iPir lptweI ]2] anik jatan kar raakhee-ai fir fir laptaa-ee. ||2||
I make many efforts, but, it clings to me over and over again. 2
jrw jIvn jobnu gieAw ikCu kIAw n nIkw ] jaraa jeevan joban ga-i-aa, kichh kee-aa na neekaa.
Youth (has passed), old age and my whole life is passing, but, I have not done any good.
iehu jIArw inrmolko kaufI lig mIkw ]3] ih jee-araa nirmolko, ka-udee lag meekaa. ||3||
This soul was priceless , but it has become equal to (the value of) a shell. 3
khu kbIr myry mwDvw qU srb ibAwpI ] kaho kabeer, mayray maadhvaa, too sarab bi-aapee.
Says Kabir: O! Lord of Maya (i.e. God), you are conatined in all.
qum smsir nwhI dieAwlu moih smsir pwpI ]4]3] tum samsar naahee da-i-aal, mohi samsar paapee. ||4||3||
There is no one as merciful as You are, and, no one is sinner as I am. 4.3

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
inq auiT korI gwgir AwnY lIpq jIau gieE ] nit uṭ koree gaagar aanai, leepat jee-o ga-i-o.
(My mother says): every day he used to rise (early in the morning), and, bring a fresh (clay)
pitcher (of water for worship rituals); (but, now) his mind has turned away from plastering
(i.e. embellishing) it (i.e. he has stopped ritualistic worship).
qwnw bwnw kCU n sUJY hir hir ris lpitE ]1] taanaa baanaa kachhoo na soojhai, har har ras lapti-o. ||1||
(Now) He does not think of (i.e. care for) warp and weft (i.e. his job as weaver); and, he is
absorbed in (drinking) the essence of (the name of) God, the Lord. 1
hmwry kul kauny rwmu kihE ] jb kI mwlw leI inpUqy qb qy suKu n BieE ]1] rhwau ]
hamaaray kul, ka-unay raam kahi-o.

jab kee maalaa la-ee nipootay, tab tay sukh na bha-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Who, in our family, has (ever) chanted (the name of) God?
Ever since, this worthless son has held rosary (i.e. has begun chanting the name of God), there
has been no happiness (in our home). 1 (pause)
sunhu ijTwnI sunhu idrwnI Acrju eyku BieE ] sunhu jiṭaanee, sunhu diraanee, achraj ayk bha-i-o.
Listen, O! my elder and younger sisters-in-law, a wondrous thing has happened.
swq sUq iein mufINey Koey iehu mufIAw ikau n muieE ]2]
saat soot in mudeenay kho-ay, ih mudee-aa ki-o na mu-i-o. ||2||
(His mother expresses her anger before her relatives, saying): This boy has ruined our seven
threads (i.e. ruined weaving business), why this (worthless) boy did not simply die? 2
srb suKw kw eyku hir suAwmI so guir nwmu dieE ] sarab sukhaa kaa ayk har su-aamee, so gur naam da-i-o.
(He replies: O! mother), God, the Lord, alone is the Master (i.e. source) of all happiness; the
Guru has blessed me with the name (of God).
sMq pRhlwd kI pYj ijin rwKI hrnwKsu nK ibdirE ]3]
saNt parahlaad kee paij jin raakhee, harnaakhas nakh bidri-o. ||3||
He protected the honour of saint Prahlaad, and tore up Harnaakhs with his nails (i.e. God
saved His devotee Prehlaad and destroyed faithless Harnaakhs). 3
Gr ky dyv ipqr kI CofI gur ko sbdu lieE ] ghar kay dayv pitar kee chhodee, gur ko sabad la-i-o.
I have renounced the family (i.e. traditional) gods and (practices of) the ancestors; and, have
taken to (the meditation upon) the word of the Guru.
khq kbIru sgl pwp KMfnu sMqh lY auDirE ]4]4]
kahat kabeer, sagal paap khandan, saNteh lai udhaari-o. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: God is the Destroyer of All Sins; He is the Liberator of the Saints. 4.4

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
koaU hir smwin nhI rwjw ] ko-oo har samaan nahee raajaa.
There is no king equal to God.
ey BUpiq sB idvs cwir ky JUTy krq idvwjw ]1] rhwau ]
ay bhoopat sabh divas chaar kay, jhooṭay karat divaajaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All these kings (of the world) are only for four days (i.e. for a limited period), putting on (i.e.
exhibiting) their false displays. 1 (pause)
qyro jnu hoie soie kq folY qIin Bvn pr Cwjw ] tayro jan ho-ay, so-ay kat dolai, teen bhavan par chhaajaa.
One, who is Your servant (i.e. devotee), how can he waver? Your shadow covers (i.e You
power pervades and permeates) the three worlds.
hwQu pswir skY ko jn kau boil skY n AMdwjw ]1] haath pasaar sakai ko jan ka-o, bol sakai na a daajaa. ||1||
(There is none) who can raise his hand against Your servant (i.e. devotee), no one can even
speak against him. 1
cyiq Acyq mUV mn myry bwjy Anhd bwjw ] chayt, achayt mooṛ man mayray, baajay anhad baajaa.
Remember Him, O! my unconscious (of remembering God) and foolish mind, the unstruck
(spiritual) melody will be played (i.e. will resonate in your heart).
kih kbIr sMsw BRmu cUko DR¨ pRihlwd invwjw ]2]5]
kahi kabeer, saNsaa bharam chooko, dharoo par-hilaad nivaajaa. ||2||5||

Says Kabir:My doubt and illusion have been dispelled, (He) has (blessed and) exalted me as
(He had exalted) Dhru and Pralad. 2.5

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
rwiK lyhu hm qy ibgrI ] raakh layho, ham tay bigree.
Save me (O! Lord), (though) I have ruptured (i.e. breach/fault is mine).
sIlu Drmu jpu Bgiq n kInI hau AiBmwn tyF pgrI ]1] rhwau ]
seel dharam jap bhagat na keenee; ha-o abhimaan, taydh pagree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have not practised good conduct, righteousness, meditation, devotion; I am egotistical,
and, I have followed crooked path. 1 (pause)
Amr jwin sMcI ieh kwieAw ieh imiQAw kwcI ggrI ]
amar jaan saNchee ih kaa-i-aa, ih mithi-aa kaachee gagree.
Believing this body to be immortal, I nourished (i.e. nurtured/ pampered) it; (but I forgot that)
it is false and (it is like a) fragile (clay) pitcher.
ijnih invwij swij hm kIey iqsih ibswir Avr lgrI ]1]
jineh nivaaj saaj ham kee-ay, tiseh bisaar avar lagree. ||1||
He (i.e. God), who has created and embellished me, forgetting Him, I have become attached
to the other (i.e. maya). 1
sMiDk qoih swD nhI khIAau srin pry qumrI pgrI ]
saNdhik tohi, saadh nahee kahee-a-o, saran paray tumree pagree.
I am Your thief; I can not be call a God-oriented person; (now) I have fallen at Your feet,
seeking Your refuge.
kih kbIr ieh ibnqI sunIAhu mq Gwlhu jm kI KbrI ]2]6]
kahi kabeer, ih bintee sunee-ahu, mat ghaalhu jam kee khabree. ||2||6||
Says Kabir: (O! God, please) listen to this prayer of mine, do not send me the message (i.e.
summons) of the messenger of death. 2.6

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
drmwdy TwFy drbwir ] darmaaday ṭaaḍay darbaar.
(Having grown) desperate, I (humbly) stand at Your court.
quJ ibnu suriq krY ko myrI drsnu dIjY Koil@ ikvwr ]1] rhwau ]
tujh bin surat karai ko mayree, darsan deejai kholih kivaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Who can take care of me, other than You; (so, O! Lord, please) open Your doors, and grant
me Your vision. 1 (pause)
qum Dn DnI audwr iqAwgI sRvnn@ sunIAqu sujsu qum@wr ]
tum dhan dhanee udaar ti-aagee, saravnanh sunee-at sujas tumhaar.
You are the richest of the rich, generous and unattached; with my ears, I have heard this
praise of Your.
mwgau kwih rMk sB dyKau qum@ hI qy myro insqwru ]1]
maaga-o kaahi, raNk sabh daykh-a-u, tumh hee tay mayro nistaar. ||1||
From whom should I beg?; I see that all are beggars; my emancipation comes only from You. 1
jYdyau nwmw ibp sudwmw iqn kau ik®pw BeI hY Apwr ]

jaiday-o naamaa bip sudaamaa, tin ka-o kirpaa bha-ee hai apaar.
Jai deo*, Naamaa*, Sudaamaa Brahman**, You blessed them with Your infinite mercy.
[*Bhagat Jaidev and Bhagat Namdev were devotees of God. **Sudaamaa was a friend of mythical king/god Krishan].
kih kbIr qum sMmRQ dwqy cwir pdwrQ dyq n bwr ]2]7]
kahi kabeer, tum saMmrath daatay, chaar padaarath* dayt na baar. ||2||7||
Says Kabir: (O! Lord) You are All-powerful, (great) Giver (to all); in a moment You bestow
the four (cardinal) blessings*. 2.7 [*The four (cardinal) boons are: 1. Dharam (religious
activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam (entertainment and pleasure), 4.Moksh (liberation)].

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
fMfw muMdRw iKMQw AwDwrI ] Brm kY Bwie BvY ByKDwrI ]1]
daNdaa mundraa khiNthaa aadhaaree. bharam kai bhaa-ay bhavai bhaykh-dhaaree. ||1||
(O! Yogi, you are carrying) a staff, ear-rings, patched dress, and a begging bag;
O! pretentious, you are wandering around, deluded by doubts. 1
P. 857
Awsnu pvn dUir kir bvry ] Coif kptu inq hir Bju bvry ]1] rhwau ]
aasan pavan, door kar, bavray. chhod kapat, nit har bhaj, bavray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Abandon these (yoga) postures and breath-controlling exercises, O! crazy;
renounce deceit and meditate constantly upon God, O! crazy. 1 (pause)
ijh qU jwcih so iqRBvn BogI ] jih too jaacheh, so taribhavan bhogee.
That, which you beg for, has (already) been enjoyed in the three worlds.
kih kbIr kysO jig jogI ]2]8] kahi kabeer, kaysou* jag jogee. ||2||8||
Says Kabir: God* is the only yogi in the world. 2.8
[*kaysou/ kesav literally: ‘one with (beautiful) hair’. This is an attribute and one of the names of God].

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
iein@ mwieAw jgdIs gusweI qum@ry crn ibswry ] aynih maa-i-aa jagdees gusaa-ee, tumhray charan bisaaray.
This maya has made us forget Your feet, O! Lord of the World, O! Master of the Universe.
ikMcq pRIiq n aupjY jn kau jn khw krih bycwry ]1] rhwau ]
kiNchat pareet na upjai jan ka-o, jan kahaa karahi baychaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Not even a little of love wells up in Your poor servants (i.e. devotees), (tell, then) what can
Your servants do? 1 (pause)
iDRgu qnu iDRgu Dnu iDRgu ieh mwieAw iDRgu iDRgu miq buiD PMnI ]
dharig tan, dharig dhan, dharig ih maa-i-aa, dharig dharig mat budh faNnee.
Cursed is the body, cursed is the wealth, cursed is(attachment to) maya; and, cursed is the
crafty (i.e. tricky) wisdom and intellect.
ies mwieAw kau idRVu kir rwKhu bWDy Awp bcMnI ]1]
is maa-i-aa ka-o dariṛ kar raakh-hu, baandhay aap bachaNnee. ||1||
(So, O! Lord) hold back this maya, and, restraint it through Your words (i.e. command). 1
ikAw KyqI ikAw lyvw dyeI prpMc JUTu gumwnw ] ki-aa khaytee, ki-aa layvaa day-ee, parpa ch jhooṭ gumaanaa.
What (good) is agriculture and what (good) is trading, pride of all this expanse is false.
kih kbIr qy AMiq ibgUqy AwieAw kwlu indwnw ]2]9]
kahi kabeer, tay aNt bigootay, aa-i-aa kaal nidaanaa. ||2||9||
Says Kabir: In the end, when death ultimately comes, they (i.e. those, who remain engrossed
in the expanse of maya) are ruined (i.e. they repent and suffer). 2.9

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
srIr srovr BIqry AwCY kml AnUp ] sareer sarovar bheetray, aachhai kamal anoop.
Within the pool of the body, there is the incomparably beautiful lotus (flower);
prm joiq purKoqmo jw kY ryK n rUp ]1] param jot purkhotamo, jaa kai raykh na roop. ||1||
(Within it is) the Supreme Light, the Supreme Person (i.e. Supreme Lord), who has no sign (i.e.
feature) or form. 1
ry mn hir Bju BRmu qjhu jgjIvn rwm ]1] rhwau ]
ray man, har bhaj, bharam tajahu, jagjeevan raam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon God, forsake your doubts; God is the Life of the world.1 (pause)
Awvq kCU n dIseI nh dIsY jwq ] aavat kachhoo na dees-ee, nah deesai jaat.
It (i.e. the light within the being) is not seen coming, nor is it is seen going (anywhere).
jh aupjY ibnsY qhI jYsy puirvn pwq ]2] jah upjai binsai tahee, jaisay purivan paat. ||2||
Where it is born, there it dies (i.e. it comes from the Lord and merges again into Him), (it is) like
the leaves of (water) lily. 2
imiQAw kir mwieAw qjI suK shj bIcwir ] mithi-aa kar maa-i-aa tajee, sukh sahj beechaar.
Treating maya as false (i.e. transitory), I have renounced it, (and, now), through
contemplation I have obtained poise and peace.
kih kbIr syvw krhu mn mMiJ murwir ]3]10] kahi kabeer, sayvaa karahu, man maNjh muraar. ||3||10||
Says Kabir: Perform service of the Destroyer of Demons, (who dwells) within your mind. 3.10

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
jnm mrn kw BRmu gieAw goibd ilv lwgI ] janam maran kaa bharam ga-i-aa, gobid liv laagee.
The doubt illusion of birth and death is gone, (since) my mind is focussed on the Lord of the
jIvq suMin smwinAw gur swKI jwgI ]1] rhwau ]
jeevat suNn samaani-aa, gur saakhee jaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In my (worldly) life I am absorbed in void; the teaching of the Guru has awakened (me). 1 (pause)
kwsI qy Duin aUpjY Duin kwsI jweI ] kaasee tay dhun oopjai, dhun kaasee jaa-ee.
The sound arises from bronze (by striking it) and (then) goes back into bronze;
kwsI PUtI pMifqw Duin khW smweI ]1] kaasee footee, paNditaa, dhun kahaan samaa-ee. ||1||
(But, when) bronze is broken, O! Pandit, where does the sound go then? 1
[i.e. when attachment to body ends, the sound/ enticement of desires is finished].
iqRkutI sMiD mY pyiKAw Gt hU Gt jwgI ] tarikutee saNdh mai paykhi-aa, ghat hoo ghat jaagee.
Having overcome my frown (now) I have seen (His Light) in each and every body;
AYsI buiD smwcrI Gt mwih iqAwgI ]2] aisee budh samaacharee, ghat maahi ti-aagee. ||2||
Such an understanding has been revealed that I have become detached within my heart.. 2
Awpu Awp qy jwinAw qyj qyju smwnw ] aap aap tay jaani-aa, tayj tayj samaanaa.
I have come to know myself from my own self; and, my light has merged in the Light.
khu kbIr Ab jwinAw goibd mnu mwnw ]3]11] kaho kabeer, ab jaani-aa, gobid man maanaa. ||3||11||

Says Kabir: Now I have known the Lord of the Universe, and, my mind is satisfied. 3.11

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
crn kml jw kY irdY bsih so jnu ikau folY dyv ] charan kamal jaa kai ridai baseh, so jan ki-o dolai, dayv.
One, within whose heart dwell (Your) lotus-feet, why should he waver, O! Divine (Lord)?
mwnO sB suK nau iniD qw kY shij shij jsu bolY dyv ] rhwau ]
maanou sabh sukh na-o nidh taa kai, sahj sahj jas bolai dayv. rahaa-o.
Know that all pleasures and nine treasures come to the one, who, in natural ease, chants the
praise of the Divine (Lord). 1 (pause)
qb ieh miq jau sB mih pyKY kuitl gWiT jb KolY dyv ]
tab ih mat ja-o sabh meh paykhai, kutil gaanṭ jab kholai dayv.
When one unties the curved knot (of deceit, i.e. when one forsakes treachery and wickedness)
such wisdom comes and he beholds the Lord in all.
bwrM bwr mwieAw qy AtkY lY nrjw mnu qolY dyv ]1]
baaraN baar maa-i-aa tay atkai, lai narjaa man tolai dayv. ||1||
He holds back (i.e. restrains) himself time and time again from (temptations of) maya, and
weighs his mind on the Divine scale. 1
jh auhu jwie qhI suKu pwvY mwieAw qwsu n JolY dyv ]
jah uho jaa-ay tahee sukh paavai, maa-i-aa taas na jholai dayv.
(Then) wherever he will find happiness, and, maya will not shake him.
kih kbIr myrw mnu mwinAw rwm pRIiq kIE lY dyv ]2]12]
kahi kabeer mayraa man maani-aa, raam pareet kee-o lai dayv. ||2||12||
Says Kabir: O! my mind believes (in Him); I have absorbed in the love of the Divine Lord.

iblwvlu bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI Bilaaval, banee Bhagat Naamdayv jee kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sPl jnmu mo kau gur kInw ] duK ibswir suK AMqir lInw ]1]
safal janam mo ka-o gur keenaa. dukh bisaar, sukh aNtar leenaa. ||1||
The Guru has made my life fruitful (i.e. I have achieved purpose of my life);
Forgetting sorrows, I have found happiness within (my mind). 1
igAwn AMjnu mo kau guir dInw ] rwm nwm ibnu jIvnu mn hInw ]1] rhwau ]
gi-aan aNjan, mo ka-o gur deenaa. raam naam bin, jeevan man heenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru has blessed me with the collyrium (i.e. light) of knowledge;
without the name of God, life is mindless (i.e. useless).1 (pause)
nwmdyie ismrnu kir jwnW ] jgjIvn isau jIau smwnW ]2]1]
naamday-ay, simran kar jaanaan. jagjeevan si-o, jee-o samaanaan. ||2||1||
Nam Dev (says): I have to know Him through meditation (upon His name); and,
My soul has blended with the Life of the World (God). 2.12

iblwvlu bwxI rivdws Bgq kI Bilaaval, banee Ravidaas bhagat kee

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
dwirdu dyiK sB ko hsY AYsI dsw hmwrI ] Ast dsw isiD kr qlY sB ik®pw qumwrI ]1]
daarid daykh sabh ko hasai, aisee dasaa hamaaree.
asat dasaa sidh kar talai, sabh kirpaa tumaaree. ||1||
Seeing my poverty, everyone laughed, such was my condition.
(Now) I hold the eighteen miraculous powers in the palm (of my hand); all this is by Your grace. 1
qU jwnq mY ikCu nhI Bv KMfn rwm ] sgl jIA srnwgqI pRB pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ]
too jaanat mai kichh nahee, bhav khaNdan raam.
sagal jee-a sarnaagatee, prabh pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Destroyer of Fears (O! Lord), You know that I am nothing;
O! God, Resolver of Affairs (of all), all beings seek Your refuge. 1 (pause)
jo qyrI srnwgqw iqn nwhI Bwru ] jo tayree sarnaagataa, tin naahee bhaar.
Whoever seeks Your refuge, is relieved of burden (of vices and sin).
aUc nIc qum qy qry Awlju sMswru ]2] ooch neech tum tay taray, aalaj saNsaar. ||2||
You have saved the high and low(i.e. all), from the shameless world. 2
kih rivdws AkQ kQw bhu kwie krIjY ] jYsw qU qYsw quhI ikAw aupmw dIjY ]3]1]
kahi ravidaas, akath kathaa baho kaa-ay kareejai.
jaisaa too, taisaa tuhee, ki-aa upmaa deejai. ||3||1||
Says Ravidas: Why (try) to say more (of Your excellences); it is in-describable story;
Whatever You are, Your are; how can anyone be compared (with You)? 3.1

iblwvlu ] Bilaaval
ijh kul swDu bYsnO hoie ] brn Abrn rMku nhI eIsuru ibml bwsu jwnIAY jig soie ]1] rhwau ]
jih kul saadh baisnou ho-ay.
baran abran, raNk nahee eesur, bimal baas jaanee-ai jag so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The family, in which a devotee of God is born;
(Whether of) high or low (family of birth), poor or rich; his pure fragrance becomes known
(i.e. spreads) all over the world. 1 (pause)
bRhmn bYs sUd Aru K´qRI fom cMfwr mlyC mn soie ] hoie punIq BgvMq Bjn qy Awpu qwir qwry kul doie ]1]
barahman bais sood ar kha-ytaree, dom chaNdaar malaychh man so-ay.
ho-ay puneet bhagvant bhajan tay, aap taar taaray kul do-ay. ||1||
He may be a Brahman, Vaish, Sood or Khatri, (or he may be) a bard, pariah (i.e. one who
cremates the dead-bodies, hence, lowest of the people of low social status) or filthy-minded person;
(but, by) meditating upon God, he becomes pure; he is saved and saves his both (i.e. father’s
and mother’s) families.1
DMin su gwau DMin so Twau DMin punIq kutMb sB loie ]

dhaNn so gaa-o dhaNn so ṭaa-o, dhaNn puneet kutaMb, sabh lo-ay.
Blessed is that village (of his birth), blessed is the place (of his abode); blessed is his pure
family (in which he was), (they are honourable) in the world.
ijin pIAw swr rsu qjy Awn rs hoie rs mgn fwry ibKu Koie ]2]
jin pee-aa saar ras tajay aan ras, ho-ay ras magan daaray bikh kho-ay. ||2||
One, who drinks the essence (of the name of the Lord), he abandons all other tastes;
intoxicated with this essence, he discards poison (i.e. vices and sins). 2
pMifq sUr CqRpiq rwjw Bgq brwbir Aauru n koie ] jYsy purYn pwq rhY jl smIp Bin rivdws jnmy jig Eie ]3]2]
paNdit soor chhatarpat raajaa, bhagat baraabar a-or na ko-ay.
jaisay purain paat rahai jal sameep, bhan ravidaas, janmay jag o-ay. ||3||2||
(Among) the pandits (i.e. religious scholars), warriors, the rulers, the kings, there is no other
equal to a devotee (of God).
Says Ravidas: As the leaves of water-lily (flower), live near (i.e. float in) water, so is their (i.e.
devotees’) life in the world (i.e. as water-lily can not survive without water are, so are the
devotees who can not survive without the Lord). 3.2

bwxI sDny kI rwgu iblwvlu Banee Sadhnay kee, raag Bilaaval

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
inRp kMinAw ky kwrnY ieku BieAw ByKDwrI ] nrip kaNniaa kay kaarnai, ik bha-i-aa bhaykh-dhaaree.
For a king’s daughter, a man disguised himself as a holy person.
kwmwrQI suAwrQI vw kI pYj svwrI ]1] kaamaarathee su-aarthee, vaa kee paij savaaree. ||1||
He did it for sexual desire, selfish intention, (but, still) God protected his honour (too). 1
qv gun khw jgq gurw jau krmu n nwsY ] isMG srn kq jweIAY jau jMbuku gRwsY ]1] rhwau ]
tav gun kahaa jagat guraa, ja-o karam na naasai.
singh saran kat jaa-ee-ai, ja-o ja buk garaasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.

(Then) what is Your merit (i.e. value), O! Guru of the World, if my (evil) deeds are not erased
(by You).
Why seek the refuge of a lion, when one is swallowed by a jackal. 1 (pause)
eyk bUMd jl kwrny cwiqRku duKu pwvY ] ayk booNd jal kaarnay, chaatrik dukh paavai.
For the sake of (just) one drop of (rain) water, the chatrik (i.e. rain bird) suffers in pain.
pRwn gey swgru imlY Puin kwim n AwvY ]2] paraan ga-ay saagar milai fun kaam na aavai. ||2||
When its breath (of life) is gone, even an ocean is of no use (to it). 2
pRwn ju Qwky iQru nhI kYsy ibrmwvau ] paraan jo thaakay thir nahee, kaisay birmaava-o.
When my breath (of life) as grown weary (I have grown old), and, not stable (i.e. I shall not live
much longer), how can I be patient?
bUif mUey naukw imlY khu kwih cFwvau ]3] bood moo-ay, na-ukaa milai, kaho, kaahi chaḍaava-o. ||3||
If one drowns and dies, and, a boat comes there; tell me! whom shall we board (on it)? 3
mY nwhI kCu hau nhI ikCu Awih n morw ] mai naahee, kachh ha-o nahee, kichh aahi na moraa.
I am nothing, I have nothing, and, nothing belongs to me.
Aausr ljw rwiK lyhu sDnw jnu qorw ]4]1] a-osar lajaa raakh layho, sadhnaa jan toraa. ||4||1||
Now it is opportunity (i.e. time for You, O! Lord), protect my honour; Sadhna (says): I am
your servant (i.e. devotee). 4.1

P. 859
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-oⁿkaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).

rwgu goNf caupdy mhlw 4 Gru 1 ] Raag GoNd, cha-upday, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1
jy min iciq Aws rKih hir aUpir qw mn icMdy Anyk Anyk Pl pweI ]
jay man chit aas rakheh har oopar, taa man chiNday anayk anayk fal paa-ee.
(O! brethren) if, in your mind and in your consciousness, you place hope in God, then you shal
obtain fruits of many many (i.e. countless) desires of your mind.
hir jwxY sBu ikCu jo jIie vrqY pRBu GwilAw iksY kw ieku iqlu n gvweI ]
har jaanai sabh kichh jo jee-ay vartai, prabh ghaali-aa kisai kaa, ik til na gavaa-ee.
God knows everything that happens to the heart (of all); the Lord does not let even an iota of
one’s effort (i.e. meditation) go waste.
hir iqs kI Aws kIjY mn myry jo sB mih suAwmI rihAw smweI ]1]
har tis kee aas keejai man mayray, jo sabh meh su-aamee rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||1||
Place your hope in God, O! my mind, the Lord is pervading all. 1
myry mn Awsw kir jgdIs gusweI ] mayray man, aasaa kar jagdees gusaa-ee.
O! my mind, place hope in the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Universe.
jo ibnu hir Aws Avr kwhU kI kIjY sw inhPl Aws sB ibrQI jweI ]1] rhwau ]
jo bin har aas avar kaahoo kee keejai, saa nihfal aas sabh birthee jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The hope which is placed in any one, other than God, that hope is fruitless and goes all
waste (in vain).1 (pause)
jo dIsY mwieAw moh kutMbu sBu mq iqs kI Aws lig jnmu gvweI ]
jo deesai maa-i-aa moh kutaMb sabh, mat tis kee aas lag janam gavaa-ee.
That which you see (like) maya, (emotional) attachment and all the family -- do not place
hopes in them, lest you life will be wasted (in vain).
ien@ kY ikCu hwiQ nhI khw krih ieih bpuVy ien@ kw vwihAw kCu n vsweI ]
inh kai kichh haath nahee kahaa karahi, ihi bapurhay inh kaa vaahi-aa kachh na vasaa-ee.
They have nothing in their hands (i.e. they have no power at all), what can these poor beings
do? their efforts can not be trusted (i.e. no hope can be placed in their efforts).
myry mn Aws kir hir pRIqm Apuny kI jo quJu qwrY qyrw kutMbu sBu CfweI ]2]
mayray man, aas kar har pareetam apunay kee, jo tujh taarai, tayraa kuta b sabh chhadaa-ee. ||2||
O! my mind, place hopes in Your Beloved God, who shall carry you across (the world
ocean), and, shall (also) save your whole family. 2
jy ikCu Aws Avr krih primqRI mq qUM jwxih qyrY ikqY kMim AweI ]
jay kichh aas avar karahi parmitree, mat tooN jaaneh tayrai kitai kaMm aa-ee.
If you place hope in any other, in a false friend (other than God), do not you think that they
can be of any use to you!
ieh Aws primqRI Bwau dUjw hY iKn mih JUTu ibnis sB jweI ]
ih aas parmitree bhaa-o doojaa hai, khin meh jhooṭ binas sabh jaa-ee.
This hope placed in false friend, is (because of) love for duality; it is just false, and, it
vanishes in an instant.
myry mn Awsw kir hir pRIqm swcy kI jo qyrw GwilAw sBu Qwie pweI ]3]
mayray man, aasaa kar har pareetam saachay kee, jo tayraa ghaali-aa sabh thaa-ay paa-ee. ||3||
O! my mind, place your hopes in the True, Beloved Lord, who will accept (recognize and
reward) all your efforts. 3
Awsw mnsw sB qyrI myry suAwmI jYsI qU Aws krwvih qYsI ko Aws krweI ]
aasaa mansaa sabh tayree mayray su-aamee, jaisee too aas karaaveh taisee ko aas karaa-ee.
Hopes and desires are all Yours (i.e. created by You), O! Lord, as You lead us to hope, so are
the hope cherished (by us).
P. 860
ikCu iksI kY hiQ nwhI myry suAwmI AYsI myrY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
kichh kisee kai hath naahee mayray su-aamee, aisee mayrai satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Nothing is in the hands of anyone, O! my Lord, such is the realization my True Guru has
given me realize.
jn nwnk kI Aws qU jwxih hir drsnu dyiK hir drsin iqRpqweI ]4]1]
jan naanak kee aas too jaaneh, har darsan daykh har darsan tariptaa-ee. ||4||1||
(O! Lord), You (alone) know the hope (i.e. desire) of servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak; (I wish to)
behold Your vision, beholding Your vision he is (i.e. Nanak is) satisfied. 4.1

goNf mhlw 4 ] Gond, Mehlaa 4
AYsw hir syvIAY inq iDAweIAY jo iKn mih iklivK siB kry ibnwsw ]
aisaa har sayvee-ai, nit dhi-aa-ee-ai, jo khin meh kilvikh sabh karay binaasaa.
(O! my mind) serve such a God, forever meditate upon Him, who erases all sins in an instant.
jy hir iqAwig Avr kI Aws kIjY qw hir inhPl sB Gwl gvwsw ]
jay har ti-aag, avar kee aas keejai, taa har nihfal sabh ghaal gavaasaa.
If one forsakes God and places hope in another (i.e. other than God), then all his efforts are
rendered waste by God.
myry mn hir syivhu suKdwqw suAwmI ijsu syivAY sB BuK lhwsw ]1]
mayray man, har sayvihu sukh-daata su-aamee, jis sayvi-ai sabh bhukh lahaasaa. ||1||
O! my mind, serve God, the Lord, the Giver of Happiness; serving Him all hunger is appeased. 1
myry mn hir aUpir kIjY Brvwsw ] mayray man, har oopar keejai bharvaasaa.
O! my mind, place your faith in God.
jh jweIAY qh nwil myrw suAwmI hir ApnI pYj rKY jn dwsw ]1] rhwau ]
jah jaa-ee-ai tah naal mayraa su-aamee, har apnee paij rakhai jan daasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever I go, my God, the Lord is there with me; God protects the honour of His servants,
His slaves (i.e. devotees). 1 (pause)
jy ApnI ibrQw khhu Avrw pih qw AwgY ApnI ibrQw bhu bhuqu kFwsw ]
jay apnee birthaa kahhu avraa peh, taa aagai apnee birthaa baho bahut kaḍaasaa.
(O! brethren) if you tell your story (i.e. of your misery/ problems) to another, the, in return, he
will tell you much more story of his own (state of sorrows).
ApnI ibrQw khhu hir Apuny suAwmI pih jo qum@ry dUK qqkwl ktwsw ]
apnee birthaa kahhu har apunay su-aamee peh, jo tum ray dookh tatkaal kataasaa.

Tell your story to your God, the Lord, who can instantly end your sorrows.
so AYsw pRBu Coif ApnI ibrQw Avrw pih khIAY Avrw pih kih mn lwj mrwsw ]2]
so aisaa prabh chhod apnee birthaa avraa peh kahee-ai; avraa peh kahi, man laaj maraasaa. ||2||
Forsaking such a (i.e. all-powerful) Lord, if you tell your story to another (i.e. other than God);
(in stead of) telling to another, mind should die of shame.2
jo sMswrY ky kutMb imqR BweI dIsih mn myry qy siB ApnY suAwie imlwsw ]
jo saNsaarai kay kutaMb mitar bhaa-ee deeseh, man mayray, tay sabh apnai su-aa-ay milaasaa.
The families, friends, brethren of the world, that you see, O! my mind, they all meet you for
their own selfish ends.
ijqu idin aun@ kw suAwau hoie n AwvY iqqu idin nyVY ko n Fukwsw ]
jit din unh kaa su-aa-o ho-ay na aavai, tit din nayrhai ko na ḍukaasaa.
(And) that day when their selfish end is not served, on that day, no one shall come near you.
mn myry Apnw hir syiv idnu rwqI jo quDu aupkrY dUiK suKwsw ]3]
man mayray, apnaa har sayv din raatee, jo tudh upkarai dookh sukhaasaa. ||3||
O! my mind, serve your Lord, day and night, He shall render you help in pleasure and pain
(i.e. in good times as well as bad times). 3
iqs kw Brvwsw ikau kIjY mn myry jo AMqI Aausir riK n skwsw ]
tis kaa bharvaasaa ki-o keejai, man mayray, jo aNtee a-osar rakh na sakaasaa.
Why place faith in anyone, O! my mind, who cannot save you at (your) last time.
hir jpu mMqu gur aupdysu lY jwphu iqn@ AMiq Cfwey ijn@ hir pRIiq icqwsw ]
har jap maNt, gur updays lai jaapahu, tinh aNt chhadaa-ay, jinh har preet chitaasaa.
Meditate upon the dictum (i.e. name) of God, through the teaching of the Guru. In the end,
God saves them, who love Him within their mind.
jn nwnk Anidnu nwmu jphu hir sMqhu iehu CUtx kw swcw Brvwsw ]4]2]
jan naanak, an-din naam japahu, har saNtahu, ih chhootan kaa saachaa bharvaasaa. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God-oriented persons, meditate upon God, day and
night; this (alone) is the true (i.e. definite) hope for liberation. 4.2

goNf mhlw 4 ] Gond, Mehlaa 4

hir ismrq sdw hoie Anµdu suKu AMqir sWiq sIql mnu Apnw ]
har simrat sadaa ho-ay anaNd sukh, aNtar saant seetal man apnaa.
Remembering God, one always obtains (spiritual) bliss and happiness, and, the mind
becomes peaceful and cool (i.e. soothed).
jYsy skiq sUru bhu jlqw gur sis dyKy lih jwie sB qpnw ]1]
jaisay sakat soor baho jaltaa, gur sas daykhay leh jaa-ay sabh tapnaa. ||1||
(It is) like the sun of maya, which burns fiercely; (but) beholding (the vision of) the Guru, the
moon, all heat totally vanishes. 1
myry mn Anidnu iDAwie nwmu hir jpnw ] mayray man, an-din dhi-aa-ay naam har japnaa.
O! my mind, day and night, contemplate and meditate upon the name of God;
jhw khw quJu rwKY sB TweI so AYsw pRBu syiv sdw qU Apnw ]1] rhwau ]
jahaa kahaa tujh raakhai sabh ṭaa-ee, so aisaa prabh sayv sadaa too apnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Here and there (i.e. here and hereafter, i.e. everywhere), He shall protect you; (so, O! my mind)
serve such a God, forever. 1 (pause)
jw mih siB inDwn so hir jip mn myry gurmuiK Koij lhhu hir rqnw ]
jaa meh sabh nidhaan, so har jap, man mayray, gurmukh khoj lahhu har ratnaa.
Meditate upon God, who contains all treasures, O! my mind; and, through the Guru, search
(and find) the jewels (name) of God.
ijn hir iDAwieAw iqn hir pwieAw myrw suAwmI iqn ky crx mlhu hir dsnw ]2]
jin har dhi-aa-i-aa, tin har paa-i-aa mayraa su-aamee, tin kay charaṇ malahu har dasnaa. ||2||
Those who meditate upon God, they find (i.e. get united with) God, my Lord; (O! my mind, you)
massage (i.e. serve) the feet of those slaves of God. 2
sbdu pCwix rwm rsu pwvhu Ehu aUqmu sMqu BieE bf bfnw ]
sabad pachhaaṇ raam ras paavhu, oh ootam saNt bha-i-o bad badnaa.
One who realizes the word (of the Guru), obtains the essence of God; such God-oriented
persons is sublime, and, (he is) the greatest among the great.
iqsu jn kI vifAweI hir Awip vDweI Ehu GtY n iksY kI GtweI ieku iqlu iqlu iqlnw ]3]
tis jan kee vadi-aa-ee har aap vadhaa-ee, oh ghatai na kisai kee ghataa-ee ik til til tilnaa. ||3||
God Himself magnifies the greatness of that servant (i.e. devotee); and, even if one tries to
reduce his (glory) it can not be reduced, not even a bit of a bit of it. 3
P. 861
ijs qy suK pwvih mn myry so sdw iDAwie inq kr jurnw ]
jn nwnk kau hir dwnu ieku dIjY inq bsih irdY hrI moih crnw ]4]3]

jis tay sukh paavahi, man mayray, so sadaa dhi-aa-ay nit kar jurnaa.
jan naanak ka-o har daan ik deejai, nit baseh ridai haree mohi charnaa. ||4||3||
He, from whom you obtain happiness, O! my mind, meditate forever upon Him, and,
everyday pray (to Him) with hands pressed together:
(Please) bless servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak with this one gift “O! Lord, may Your feet dwell in
my heart, forever .” 4.3

goNf mhlw 4 ] Gond, Mehlaa 4

ijqny swh pwiqswh aumrwv iskdwr cauDrI siB imiQAw JUTu Bwau dUjw jwxu ]
jitnay saah paatisaah umraav sikdaar cha-udhree, sabh mithi-aa jhooṭ bhaa-o doojaa jaaṇ.
All the kings, emperors, nobles, rulers, chiefs are false and unreal (i.e. transitory); they are
engrossed in love for the other (i.e. duality), (O! my mind) know this well.
hir AibnwsI sdw iQru inhclu iqsu myry mn Bju prvwxu ]1]
har abhinaasee sadaa thir nihchal, tis mayray man bhaj parvaaṇ. ||1||
(Only) God is imperishable, always stable (i.e. permanent), and unchanging, O! my mind,
meditate upon Him, and, you shall be approved (in His court). 1
myry mn nwmu hrI Bju sdw dIbwxu ] mayray man, naam haree bhaj, sadaa deebaaṇ.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God; it (i.e. His name) shall be your support forever.
jo hir mhlu pwvY gur bcnI iqsu jyvfu Avru nwhI iksY dw qwxu ]1] rhwau ]
jo har mahal paavai gur bachnee, tis jayvad avar naahee kisai daa taaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who, obtains mansion of God, through the word of the Guru; no one else has as great
power as he has. 1 (pause)
ijqny DnvMq kulvMq imlKvMq dIsih mn myry siB ibnis jwih ijau rMgu ksuMB kcwxu ]
jitnay dhanva t kulva t milakhva t deeseh, man mayray, sabh binas jaahi ji-o ra g kasuMbh kachaaṇ.
All the wealthy, high family men, property owners, which you see, O! my mind, (all) shall
vanish, like the fading colour of the safflower.
hir siq inrMjnu sdw syiv mn myry ijqu hir drgh pwvih qU mwxu ]2]
har sat niraNjan sadaa sayv, man mayray, jit har dargeh paavahi too maaṇ. ||2||
Serve the True , Immaculate Lord, forever, O! my mind; and (as a reward for this) you shall
be honoured in the court of God.
bRwhmxu KqRI sUd vYs cwir vrn cwir AwsRm hih jo hir iDAwvY so prDwnu ]
baraahman khatree sood vais, chaar varan, chaar aasram heh, jo har dhi-aavai so pardhaan.
Brahman, Khatri, Sood, Vaish,* these are four (social) classes and (there are) four stages (of
life)**; (but) one, who meditates upon God, is most distinguished (i.e. honourable in His court).
[*Varan, literally means: colour. In old Hindu social hierarchy, varan meant the family of birth. In this system the
Brahmins were at the top; their profession was teaching and priestly activities; Kashatri/ Khatri (including Rajput)
were second in status; they were known warriors because armies consisted mainly of Khatris and Rajputs (a section of
them were merchants as well); the third were Vaish who were shopkeepers; and the fourth were menials, their job
included farming, carpentry, smithy, pot-making, cleaning jibs etc; i.e. to serve the other three classes; they were
considered untouchables].
[**The are four ‘aashram’ (i.e. four stages) of the life of the Brahmin order:1. barahamcharya which is the stage of
study of Vedas during which one lives with the teacher and spends one’s life in continence and chastity (as it is in pre-
marriage state); 2.grahsat (life as a householder), 3. vaanprast (i.e. living in forests or away from household affairs),
and finally, 4. sanyaas (total renunciation and living on begging/chairty)].

ijau cMdn inkit vsY ihrfu bpuVw iqau sqsMgiq imil piqq prvwxu ]3]
ji-o chaNdan nikat vasai hirad bapuṛaa, ti-o satsaNgat mil patit parvaaṇ. ||3||
As the poor castor plant growing near the sandalwood tree (becomes fragrant), in the same
way a sinner, joining in the true congregation becomes acceptable (in the court of God). 3
Ehu sB qy aUcw sB qy sUcw jw kY ihrdY visAw Bgvwnu ]
oh sabh tay oochaa, sabh tay soochaa, jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa bhagvaan.
He, in whose heart God abides, is the highest of high, the purest of pure.
jn nwnku iqs ky crn pKwlY jo hir jnu nIcu jwiq syvkwxu ]4]4]
jan naanak tis kay charan pakhaalai, jo har jan neech jaat sayvkaaṇ. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak washes the feet of the one, who may be from a low status family,
but, is the servant of the Lord. 4.4

goNf mhlw 4 ] Gond, Mehlaa 4

hir AMqrjwmI sBqY vrqY jyhw hir krwey qyhw ko kreIAY ]
har aNtarjaamee sabh-tai vartai, jayhaa har karaa-ay, tayhaa ko kara-ee-ai.
God, the Controller of Minds, is all pervading; as He gets one to act so do one acts.
so AYsw hir syiv sdw mn myry jo quDno sB dU riK leIAY ]1]
so aisaa har sayv sadaa, man mayray, jo tudhno sabh doo rakh la-ee-ai. ||1||
So, serve such a God, O! my mind, who will protect you from everything. 1
myry mn hir jip hir inq pVeIAY ] mayray man, har jap, har nit paṛa-ee-ai.
O! my mind, meditate upon God, and, chant (i.e. the name of) God everyday.
hir ibnu ko mwir jIvwil n swkY qw myry mn kwiequ kVeIAY ]1] rhwau ]
har bin ko maar jeevaal na saakai, taa mayray man kaa-it kaṛa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Other then God, no one can kill you or save you, O! my mind, then why are you troubled? 1
hir prpMcu kIAw sBu krqY ivic Awpy AwpxI joiq DreIAY ]
har parpaNch kee-aa sabh kartai, vich aapay aapnee jot dhara-ee-ai.
God Himself has created the entire display (of the universe), and, He Himself has placed (i.e.
infused) His light in it.
hir eyko bolY hir eyku bulwey guir pUrY hir eyku idKeIAY ]2]
har ayko bolai, har ayk bulaa-ay, gur poorai har ayk dikha-ee-ai. ||2||
God alone speaks, He alone gets us to speak, the perfect Guru has revealed the One God. 2
hir AMqir nwly bwhir nwly khu iqsu pwshu mn ikAw coreIAY ]
har aNtar naalay, baahar naalay; kaho tis paashu, man, ki-aa chora-ee-ai.
God is with us, inside and outside, then tell me, O! mind, what can one hide from Him?
inhkpt syvw kIjY hir kyrI qW myry mn srb suK peIAY ]3]
nihakpat sayvaa keejai har kayree taa , mayray man, sarab sukh pa-ee-ai. ||3||

Serve God honestly (sincerely), then, O! my mind, you shall find total happiness. 3
ijs dY vis sBu ikCu so sB dU vfw so myry mn sdw iDAeIAY ]
jis dai vas sabh kichh, so sabh doo vadaa, so mayray man sadaa dhi-a-ee-ai.
Everything is under His control; He is the greatest of all; so, O! my mind, meditate forever
upon Him.

jn nwnk so hir nwil hY qyrY hir sdw iDAwie qU quDu ley CfeIAY ]4]5]
jan naanak, so har naal hai tayrai, har sadaa dhi-aa-ay too, tudh la-ay chhada-ee-ai. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): That God is (always) with you, meditate forever upon
Him, and, He shall liberate you.” 4.5

goNf mhlw 4 ] Gond, Mehlaa 4

hir drsn kau myrw mnu bhu qpqY ijau iqRKwvMqu ibnu nIr ]1]
har darsan ka-o mayraa man baho taptai, ji-o tarikhaavaNt bin neer. ||1||
My mind deeply yearns for the vision of God, like the thirsty person without water. 1
myrY min pRymu lgo hir qIr ] mayrai man praym lago har teer.
My mind is pierced through by the arrow of God's love.
hmrI bydn hir pRBu jwnY myry mn AMqr kI pIr ]1] rhwau ]
hamree baydan har prabh jaanai, mayray man aNtar kee peer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Lord (alone) knows my agony, and, the pain within my mind. 1 (pause)
myry hir pRIqm kI koeI bwq sunwvY so BweI so myrw bIr ]2]
mayray har preetam kee ko-ee baat sunaavai, so bhaa-ee so mayraa beer. ||2||
Whoever tells me the story (of the excellence) of my Beloved Lord, is my brethren, my sibling. 2
imlu imlu sKI gux khu myry pRB ky ly siqgur kI miq DIr ]3]
mil mil sakhee guṇ kaho mayray prabh kay, lay satgur kee mat dheer. ||3||
Come, O! my companion (soul bride), joining together, let us talk about the excellences my
God, by following the comforting wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the True Guru. 3
jn nwnk kI hir Aws pujwvhu hir drsin sWiq srIr ]4]6]
jan naanak kee har aas pujaavahu, har darsan saant sareer. ||4||6||
O! God, (please) fulfill the hope (i.e. desire) of Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak; O! God, my
body finds peace in beholding Your vision. 4.6.

Ckw 1] chhakaa 1||

rwgu goNf mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 Raag Gond, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sBu krqw sBu Bugqw ]1] rhwau ] sabh kartaa sabh bhugtaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren, God is) the Creator of all, and, (He is) the enjoyer of all (the things). 1 (pause)
sunqo krqw pyKq krqw ] sunto kartaa, paykhat kartaa.
(It is) the Creator (who) listens, and, (it is) the Creator (who) sees (i.e. cherishes).
AidRsto krqw idRsto krqw ] adristo kartaa, daristo kartaa.
The Creator is (the Creator of) the unseen; and, Creator is (the Creator of) the seen.
Epiq krqw prlau krqw ] opat kartaa, parla-o kartaa.
(It is) the Creator (who) creates, and, (it is) the Creator (who) destroys.
ibAwpq krqw Ailpqo krqw ]1] bi-aapat kartaa, alipato kartaa. ||1||
(It is) the Creator (who) is pervading, and, the Creator is detached . 1
bkqo krqw bUJq krqw ] bakto kartaa, boojhat kartaa.
(It is) the Creator (who) speaks, and, (it is) the Creator (who) understands.
Awvqu krqw jwqu BI krqw ] aavat kartaa, jaat bhee kartaa.
(It is) the Creator (who) comes, and, (it is) the Creator (who) is also going.
inrgun krqw srgun krqw ] nirgun kartaa, sargun kartaa.
The Creator is without qualities (i.e. immanent/ absolute), and, the Creator is with qualities
(i.e. transcendent/ related).
gur pRswid nwnk smidRstw ]2]1] gur parsaad, naanak, samdristaa. ||2||1||
Nanak (says): By Guru’s grace (one comes to realize that), He looks upon all impartially. 2

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

PwikE mIn kipk kI inAweI qU auriJ rihE ksuMBwiely ]
faaki-o meen kapik kee ni-aa-ee, too urajh rahi-o kasuMbhaa-ilay.
(O! my mind) you are caught like the fish* and the monkey**; (thus) you are entangled in
(transitory world, which is like) the colour of safflower.
[*The fish has greed for food, hence, lured towards the bait it is caught in hooks. **monkey has greed for food; to
capture monkey food is placed in a pot with small hole; when money puts its hand to get the food and clinches its fist, it
can not get its hand back; on the other hand, when it does not want to leave, the hunter pounces upon and captures it.
Thus both the creatures are trapped because of their greed].
pg Dwrih swsu lyKY lY qau auDrih hir gux gwiely ]1]
pag dhaareh, saas laykhai lai, ta-o udhrahi har guṇ gaa-ilay. ||1||
Yours steps and your breath are numbered; you shall be saved only by singing (the praise of)
the excellences of God. 1
mn smJu Coif Awvwiely ] man samajh chhod aavaa-ilay.
O! my mind, understand, and, forsake aimless wandering (and reform yourself).
Apny rhn kau Tauru n pwvih kwey pr kY jwiely ]1] rhwau ]
apnay rahan ka-o ṭa-ur na paavahi, kaa-ay par kai jaa-ilay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have found no place for yourself, why do you go to others (to teach them)? 1 (pause)
ijau mYglu ieMdRI ris pRyirE qU lwig pirE kutMbwiely ]
ji-o maigal INdree ras parayri-o, too laag pari-o kutaMbaa-ilay.
Like the elephant driven by sexual desire (is trapped), you are attached to your family.
ijau pMKI iekqR hoie iPir ibCurY iQru sMgiq hir hir iDAwiely ]2]
ji-o paNkhee ikatar ho-ay fir bichhurai, thir saNgat har har dhi-aa-ilay. ||2||
Like the birds come together (on a tree, and, after spending the night) and separate again (in
the morning, so are the human beings; they join together for the night of life and ultimately, they
again separate from each other); (so, O! my mind, if you) want a stable place (then) join the
congregation and meditate upon God, the Lord. 2
jYsy mInu rsn swid ibnisE Ehu mUTO mUV loBwiely ] qU hoAw pMc vwis vYrI kY CUtih pru srnwiely ]3]
jaisay meen rasan saad binsi-o, oh mooṭou moorh lobhaa-ilay.
too ho-aa paNch vaas vairee kai, chhooteh par sarnaa-ilay. ||3||
Like the fish perishes because of its desire to taste, the foolish (fish) is robbed by greed;
(similarly) you are captured by the five enemies(i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional
attachment and pride), you can be freed by seeking the refuge (of God). 3

hohu ik®pwl dIn duK BMjn siB qum@ry jIA jMqwiely ]
hohu kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, sabh tum ray jee-a jaNtaa-ilay.

Be merciful, O! Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, all beings and creatures are Yours own.
pwvau dwnu sdw drsu pyKw imlu nwnk dws dswiely ]4]2]
paava-o daan sadaa daras paykhaa, mil naanak, daas dasaa-ilay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): meet me, the slave of Your slaves, and bless me with the gift of always
beholding Your vision 4.2

rwgu goNf mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 raag Gond, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jIA pRwn kIey ijin swij ] mwtI mih joiq rKI invwij ]
jee-a paraan kee-ay, jin saaj. maatee meh, jot rakhee nivaaj.
(It is God) who, having created you, infused life and breath (in you);
He, blessed you by placing His light in clay (i.e. your body).
brqn kau sBu ikCu Bojn Bogwie ] bartan ka-o, sabh kichh bhojan bhogaa-ay.
He gave you everything to use and food to (eat and) enjoy.
so pRBu qij mUVy kq jwie ]1] so prabh taj, mooṛay kat jaa-ay. ||1||
Forsaking that God, O! fool, where are you going? 1
pwrbRhm kI lwgau syv ] gur qy suJY inrMjn dyv ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm kee laaga-o sayv. gur tay sujhai, niraNjan dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! mind) attach yourself to the service (i.e. meditation) of the Supreme Reality (God);
you can understand the Immaculate Divine (Lord), through the Guru. 1 (pause)
ijin kIey rMg Aink prkwr ] jin kee-ay raNg anik parkaar.
(It is God) who has created colours (i.e. forms) in many sorts;
Epiq prlau inmK mJwr ] opat parla-o nimakh majhaar.
He creates and destroys in an instant’
jw kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] so pRBu mn myry sdw iDAwie ]2]
jaa kee gat mit kahee na jaa-ay. so prabh, man mayray, sadaa dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
(It is God) whose state and condition (grandeur and expanse) cannot be described;
meditate forever upon that God, O! my mind. 2
Awie n jwvY inhclu DnI ] byAMq gunw qw ky kyqk gnI ]
aa-ay na jaavai nihchal dhanee. bay-aNt gunaa taa kay kaytak ganee.
He does not come or go; He is unchanging Lord.
Neither He comes nor goes, He is stable Master.
His excellences (i.e. virtues ) are countless, how many of them can I count?
P. 863
lwl nwm jw kY Bry BMfwr ] sgl Gtw dyvY AwDwr ]3]
laal naam jaa kai bharay bhaNdaar. sagal ghataa dayvai aadhaar. ||3||
He, whose treasures are overflowing with the rubies of name;
He gives support to all the beings. 3
siq purKu jw ko hY nwau ] imtih koit AG inmK jsu gwau ]
sat purakh jaa ko hai naa-o. miteh kot agh nimakh jas gaa-o.
He, whose name is the True Primal Person ;
Tens of millions of sins are erased in a moment by singing the praise (of His excellences).
bwl sKweI Bgqn ko mIq ] pRwn ADwr nwnk ihq cIq ]4]1]3]
baal sakhaa-ee bhagtan ko meet. paraan adhaar naanak hit cheet. ||4||1||3||
He is friend of His devotees, (like) childhood playmate.
Nanak (says): He is the support of breath (of my life); (He is) beloved of my heart. 4.1.3

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

nwm sMig kIno ibauhwru ] nwmuo hI iesu mn kw ADwru ]
naam saNg keeno bi-uhaar. naamo hee, is man kaa adhaar.
I trade in the name (of God); the name (alone) is the support of my mind.
nwmo hI iciq kInI Et ] nwmu jpq imtih pwp koit ]1]
naamo hee, chit keenee ot. naam japat miteh paap kot. ||1||
My consciousness (i.e. heart) takes the support of the name (alone);
Meditating upon the name, tens of millions of sins are erased. 1
rwis dIeI hir eyko nwmu ] mn kw iestu gur sMig iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
raas dee-ee har ayko naam. man kaa isat gur saNg dhi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God has blessed me with the capital of the One name (alone);
(The name of God) is the deity of my mind. I concentrate (i.e. meditate upon) upon Him in the
company of the Guru. 1 (pause)
nwmu hmwry jIA kI rwis ] naam, hamaaray jee-a kee raas.
The name is the capital of my soul;
nwmo sMgI jq kq jwq ] naamo saNgee, jat kat jaat.
wherever I go, the name is with me (accompanies me).
nwmo hI min lwgw mITw ] naamo hee, man laagaa meeṭaa.
Name (alone) tastes sweet to my mind.
jil Qil sB mih nwmo fITw ]2] jal thal sabh meh, naamo deeṭaa. ||2||
In waters, on lands, and, everywhere, I see name (alone). 2
nwmy drgh muK aujly ] naamay, dargeh mukh ujlay.
Through (i.e. by meditating upon) the name, (one’s) face becomes radiant in His court.
nwmy sgly kul auDry ] naamay, saglay kul udhray.
Through the name, (one’s) whole family is liberated.
nwim hmwry kwrj sID ] naam, hamaaray kaaraj seedh.
Through the name, all my affairs are settled.
nwm sMig iehu mnUAw gID ]3] naam, sang ih manoo-aa geedh. ||3||
My mind is used to (accustomed to, longs for) the name.3
nwmy hI hm inrBau Bey ] naamay hee, ham nirbha-o bha-ay.
Through the name, I have become fearless.
nwmy Awvn jwvn rhy ] naamay, aavan jaavan rahay.
Through the name, my coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) have ceased.

guir pUrY myly guxqws ] gur poorai, maylay guṇtaas.
The perfect Guru has united me with he Treasure of Excellences (i.e. God).
khu nwnk suiK shij invwsu ]4]2]4] kaho naanak, sukh sahj nivaas. ||4||2||4||
Says Nanak: (now) I dwell in peace and poise. 4.2.4

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

inmwny kau jo dyqo mwnu ] sgl BUKy kau krqw dwnu ]
nimaanay ka-o, jo dayto maan. sagal bhookhay ka-o kartaa daan.
He, who grants honour to those without honour; and,
He gives gift to all the hungry (i.e. grants provision to the needy);
grB Gor mih rwKnhwru ] iqsu Twkur kau sdw nmskwru ]1]
garabh ghor meh, raakhanhaar. tis ṭaakur ka-o, sadaa namaskaar. ||1||
He protects in the terrible womb;
(O! brethren) make obeisance forever to that Lord (God). 1
Ayso pRBu mn mwih iDAwie ] Git AvGit jq kqih shwie ]1] rhwau ]
aiso parabh, man maahi dhi-aa-ay. ghat avghat, jat kateh, sahaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon such a Lord in your mind.
He shall be your support inside and outside, and everywhever (you need). 1 (pause)
rMku rwau jw kY eyk smwin ] kIt hsiq sgl pUrwn ]
raNk raa-o, jaa kai ayk samaan. keet hasat, sagal pooraan.
The beggar and the king are all the same to Him;
He is fully pervading both the ant, and, the elephant.
bIE pUiC n msliq DrY ] jo ikCu krY su Awpih krY ]2]
bee-o poochh, na maslat dharai. jo kichh karai, so aapeh karai. ||2||
He does not consult or seek counsel of anyone; whatever He does, He does Himself. 2
jw kw AMqu n jwnis koie ] Awpy Awip inrMjnu soie ]
jaa kaa aNt, na jaanas ko-ay. aapay aap, niraNjan so-ay.
No one knows His limits (i.e. no one knows His grandeur and expanse);
He, the taintless, is (all) by Himself.
Awip Akwru Awip inrMkwru ] Gt Gt Git sB Gt AwDwru ]3]
aap akaar, aap niraNkaar. ghat ghat ghat, sabh ghat aadhaar. ||3||
He Himself is in form, and, He Himself is formless;
He is in each and every body; He is the support of every heart. 3
nwm rMig Bgq Bey lwl ] naam raNg, bhagat bha-ay laal.
Through the love of the name (of the Lord) the devotees have become His beloveds.
jsu krqy sMq sdw inhwl ] jas kartay, saNt sadaa nihaal.
Singing His praise, the God-oriented persons are forever in bliss.
nwm rMig jn rhy AGwie ] naam raNg, jan rahay aghaa-ay.
Through the love of the name (of the Lord), His servants (i.e. devotees) remain satiated.
nwnk iqn jn lwgY pwie ]4]3]5] naanak, tin jan laagai paa-ay. ||4||3||5||
Nanak (says): I fall (i.e. bow) at the feet of these servants (i.e. devotees) . 4.3.5

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

jw kY sMig iehu mnu inrmlu ] jaa kai saNg, ih man nirmal.
In whose company, this mind becomes immaculate;
jw kY sMig hir hir ismrnu ] jaa kai saNg, har har simran.
In whose company, one remembers God, the Lord;
jw kY sMig iklibK hoih nws ] jaa kai saNg, kilbikh hohi naas.
In whose company, the sins are erased;
jw kY sMig irdY prgws ]1] jaa kai saNg, ridai pargaas. ||1||
In whose company, the heart is illumined. 1
sy sMqn hir ky myry mIq ] say saNtan har kay mayray meet.
Those God-oriented persons (i.e. the beloved) of God are my friends,
kyvl nwmu gweIAY jw kY nIq ]1] rhwau ] kayval naam gaa-ee-ai jaa kai neet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In their company I constantly sing only the name (of the Lord). 1 (pause)
jw kY mMiqR hir hir min vsY ] jaa kai maNtar, har har man vasai.
By their dictum (i.e. counsel), God, the Lord, dwells in mind;
jw kY aupdyis Brmu Bau nsY ] jaa kai updays, bharam bha-o nasai.
By whose teachings, doubt and fear are dispelled;
jw kY kIriq inrml swr ] jaa kai keerat, nirmal saar.
Within whom (i.e. in their heart), abides the immaculate and sublime praise (of the Lord); and
jw kI rynu bWCY sMswr ]2] jaa kee rayn, baanchhai saNsaar. ||2||
the world longs for the dust of their feet. 2
koit piqq jw kY sMig auDwr ] kot patit, jaa kai saNg udhaar.
In their company, tens of millions of sinners are saved.
eyku inrMkwru jw kY nwm ADwr ] ayk niraNkaar, jaa kai naam adhaar.
Whose support is the name of the One, the Formless (Lord).
srb jIAW kw jwnY Byau ] sarab jee-aan kaa jaanai bhay-o.
He knows the secret of all beings.
ik®pw inDwn inrMjn dyau ]3] kirpaa nidhaan niraNjan day-o. ||3||
He is treasure of mercy, taintless and divine. 3
pwrbRhm jb Bey ik®pwl ] qb Byty gur swD dieAwl ]
paarbarahm jab bha-ay kirpaal. tab bhaytay gur saadh da-i-aal.
When the Supreme Reality (God) becomes kind;
then one meets merciful God-oriented Guru.
P. 864
idnu rYix nwnku nwmu iDAwey ] sUK shj Awnµd hir nwey ]4]4]6]
din raiṇ, naanak, naam dhi-aa-ay. sookh sahj aanaNd har naa-ay. ||4||4||6||
Nanak (says): day and night, I meditate upon His name;
through the name of the Lord, one is blessed with happiness, poise and bliss. 4.4.6

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

gur kI mUriq mn mih iDAwnu ] gur kee moorat, man meh dhi-aan.
I meditate upon (God through) the image of Guru within my mind.
gur kY sbid mMqRü mnu mwn ] gur kai sabad, maNtar man maan.

Within my mind, I accepts the dictum (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, through his word.
gur ky crn irdY lY Dwrau ] gur kay charan, ridai lai dhaara-o.
I enshrine the feet of Guru within my heart;
guru pwrbRhmu sdw nmskwrau ]1] gur paarbarahm, sadaa namaskaara-o. ||1||
I bow forever before (i.e. make obeisance to) the God (as image of) the Supreme Reality (God). 1
mq ko Brim BulY sMswir ] gur ibnu koie n auqris pwir ]1] rhwau ]
mat ko bharam bhulai saNsaar. gur bin ko-ay na utras paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Let no one wander in doubt in this world; (that)
Without the Guru no one can swim across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
BUly kau guir mwrig pwieAw ] bhoolay ka-o, gur maarag paa-i-aa.
The Guru has shown path have strayed off;
Avr iqAwig hir BgqI lwieAw ] avar ti-aag har bhagtee laa-i-aa.
Getting them to renounce others, he has attached them to the devotion of God.
jnm mrn kI qRws imtweI ] janam maran kee taraas mitaa-ee.
He has eradicated their birth and death,
gur pUry kI byAMq vfweI ]2] gur pooray kee bay-aNt vadaa-ee. ||2||
The greatness of the perfect Guru is limitless. 2
gur pRswid aUrD kml ibgws ] AMDkwr mih BieAw pRgws ]
gur parsaad ooradh kamal bigaas. aNdhkaar meh bha-i-aa pargaas.
By the Guru's grace, the inverted lotus (of my heart) has blossomed forth;
and light (of knowledge) has shined forth in the darkness (of ignorance).
ijin kIAw so gur qy jwinAw ] jin kee-aa, so gur tay jaani-aa.
The One who has created me, I have known (Him) through the Guru.
gur ikrpw qy mugD mnu mwinAw ]3] gur kirpaa tay, mugadh man maani-aa. ||3||
By the grace of Guru, the foolish mind has come to believe (in the name of God). 3
guru krqw guru krxY jogu ] gur kartaa gur karṇai jog.
The Guru is (the image of) the Creator, He has the power to do (anything);
guru prmysru hY BI hogu ] gur parmaysar hai bhee hog.
Guru is (the image of) the Supreme Lord (God); He is and always shall be.
khu nwnk pRiB iehY jnweI ] ibnu gur mukiq n pweIAY BweI ]4]5]7]
kaho naanak, prabh ihai janaa-ee. bin gur mukat na paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee. ||4||5||7||
Says Nanak: The Lord has lead me to know this:
Without the Guru liberation can not be attained (by any other means), O! brethren. 4.5.7

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

gurU gurU guru kir mn mor ] guroo guroo gur kar man mor.
Chant (i.e. remember) Guru, Guru, Guru (constantly remember Guru)) , O! my mind.
gurU ibnw mY nwhI hor ] guroo binaa mai naahee hor.
I have no (helper) other than the Guru.
gur kI tyk rhhu idnu rwiq ] jw kI koie n mytY dwiq ]1]
gur kee tayk, rahhu din raat. jaa kee, ko-ay na maytai daat. ||1||
Hold on (i.e. depend/ lean upon) the support of the Guru, day and night;
no one can erase (i.e. hold back) His gifts. 1
guru prmysru eyko jwxu ] jo iqsu BwvY so prvwxu ]1] rhwau ]
gur parmaysar ayko jaaṇ. jo tis bhaavai, so parvaaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Know (i.e. regard) Guru and the Supreme Lord (God) as the one.
Whatever pleases Him is acceptable (to the Guru i.e. the same is the will of the Guru). 1 (pause)
gur crxI jw kw mnu lwgY ] dUKu drdu BRmu qw kw BwgY ]
gur charṇee jaa kaa man laagai. dookh darad bharam taa kaa bhaagai.
One, whose mind is atatched to the feet of the Guru;
His sorrows, pains, and doubts, all runs away (i.e. are dispelled).
gur kI syvw pwey mwnu ] gur aUpir sdw kurbwnu ]2]
gur kee sayvaa, paa-ay maan. gur oopar sadaa kurbaan. ||2||
Serving the Guru, he obtains honour; I am forever a sacrifice unto the Guru. 2
gur kw drsnu dyiK inhwl ] gur ky syvk kI pUrn Gwl ]
gur kaa darsan daykh nihaal. gur kay sayvak kee pooran ghaal.
Beholding the vision of the Guru, one gets enraptured; (and, thus)
the effort of the servant (i.e. devotee) of the Guru is fructified.
gur ky syvk kau duKu n ibAwpY ] gur kay sayvak ka-o dukh na bi-aapai.
Sorrow does not afflict the servant of the Guru.
gur kw syvku dh idis jwpY ]3] gur kaa sayvak dah dis jaapai. ||3||
The Guru's servant is recognized (i.e. respected) in the ten directions (i.e. everywhere). 3
gur kI mihmw kQnu n jwie ] pwrbRhmu guru rihAw smwie ]
gur kee mahimaa kathan na jaa-ay. paarbarahm, gur rahi-aa samaa-ay.
The Guru's glory can not be described.
The Guru remains absorbed in the Supreme Lord (God).
khu nwnk jw ky pUry Bwg ] gur crxI qw kw mnu lwg ]4]6]8]
kaho naanak, jaa kay pooray bhaag. gur charṇee taa kaa man laag. ||4||6||8||
Says Nanak: One, who is blessed with perfect fortunate,
his mind is attached to the feet of the Guru.4.6.8

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

guru myrI pUjw guru goibMdu ] gur mayree poojaa gur gobiNd.
The Guru is my worship (i.e. I worship my Guru); and, the Guru is the Lord of the Universe.
guru myrw pwrbRhmu guru BgvMqu ] gur mayraa paarbarahm gur bhagvaNt.
The Guru is my Supreme Reality (God), the Guru is (my) Lord (God).
guru myrw dyau AlK AByau ] gur mayraa day-o alakh abhay-o.
My Guru is divine, the unknowable, and indivisible.
srb pUj crn gur syau ]1] sarab pooj, charan gur say-o. ||1||
All worship is in the service of the feet of the Guru. 1
gur ibnu Avru nwhI mY Qwau ] gur bin avar naahee mai thaa-o.
Without the Guru, I have no place (of rest).
Anidnu jpau gurU gur nwau ]1] rhwau ] an-din japa-o guroo gur naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night, I chant the name of the Guru (and only) Guru. 1 (pause)
guru myrw igAwnu guru irdY iDAwnu ] gur mayraa gi-aan, gur ridai dhi-aan.
The Guru is my knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom); and, I contemplate the Guru within my mind.
guru gopwlu purKu Bgvwnu ] gur gopaal, purakh bhagvaan.
The Guru is Sustainer of the World, (and he is) the Primal Person, Lord (God).
gur kI srix rhau kr joir ] gur kee saraṇ, raha-o kar jor.
Pressing my hands together, I remain in the refuge of the Guru;
gurU ibnw mY nwhI horu ]2] guroo binaa mai naahee hor. ||2||
Without the Guru, I have ne other (at all). 2
guru boihQu qwry Bv pwir ] gur bohith, taaray bhav paar.
The Guru is the boat, that carries across the terrible waters (of the world ocean).
gur syvw jm qy Cutkwir ] gur sayvaa, jam tay chhutkaar.
Serving the Guru one is freed from the messenger of death.
AMDkwr mih gur mMqRü aujwrw ] andhkaar meh, gur maNtaru ujaaraa.
(It is) the Guru’s dictum (i.e. teaching) (that) illumines in the darkness (of ignorance).
gur kY sMig sgl insqwrw ]3] gur kai saNg sagal nistaaraa. ||3||
In the (company of) the Guru, all are liberated. 3
guru pUrw pweIAY vfBwgI ] gur pooraa paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee.
The perfect Guru is found by good fortune.
gur kI syvw dUKu n lwgI ] gur kee sayvaa dookh na laagee.
Serving the Guru, sorrow does not afflict.
gur kw sbdu n mytY koie ] gur kaa sabad na maytai ko-ay.
No one can erase the word (i.e. command) of the Guru.
guru nwnku nwnku hir soie ]4]7]9] gur naanak naanak har so-ay. ||4||7||9||
Nanak (says): O! Nanak, my Guru and God are same. 4.7.
P. 865
goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5
rwm rwm sMig kir ibauhwr ] raam raam saNg, kar bi-uhaar.
(O! brethren) deal only with (the name of) God, the Lord.
rwm rwm rwm pRwn ADwr ] raam raam raam, paraan adhaar.
God, the Lord, the Master is the support breath (of life).
rwm rwm rwm kIrqnu gwie ] raam raam raam, keertan gaa-ay.
Sing the praise of God, the Lord, the Master.
rmq rwmu sB rihE smwie ]1] ramat raam, sabh rahi-o samaa-ay. ||1||
God is contained in all and is ever pervading. 1
sMq jnw imil bolhu rwm ] saNt janaa mil, bolhu raam.
Joining the God-oriented persons, chant (the name of) God.
sB qy inrml pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ] sabh tay nirmal, pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is the most immaculate and perfect occupation. 1 (pause)
rwm rwm Dnu sMic BMfwr ] raam raam dhan saNch bhaNdaar.
(O! brethren) gather the treasure of the wealth of (the name of) God, the Lord.
rwm rwm rwm kir Awhwr ] raam raam raam, kar aahaar.
Let (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master as your food.
rwm rwm vIsir nhI jwie ] raam raam, veesar nahee jaa-ay.
Never forget (the name of) God, the Lord.
kir ikrpw guir dIAw bqwie ]2] kar kirpaa, gur dee-aa bataa-ay. ||2||
Being merciful, the Guru has told this to me (has revealed all this to me). 2
rwm rwm rwm sdw shwie ] raam raam raam, sadaa sahaa-ay.
(The name of) God, the Lord, the Master is always (our) helper.
rwm rwm rwm ilv lwie ] raam raam raam liv laa-ay.
(O! brethren) be absorbed in (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master.
rwm rwm jip inrml Bey ] jnm jnm ky iklibK gey ]3]
raam raam jap nirmal bha-ay. janam janam kay kilbikh ga-ay. ||3||
Meditating upon God, the Lord, one becomes immaculate; and,
the sins of countless births are taken away (i.e. erased). 3
rmq rwm jnm mrxu invwrY ] ramat raam janam maraṇ nivaarai.
Remembering God, birth and death are finished (i.e. the cycle of reincarnation ends).
aucrq rwm BY pwir auqwrY ] uchrat raam bhai paar utaarai.
Reciting (the name of) God, one crosses over the terrifying (world ocean).
sB qy aUc rwm prgws ] inis bwsur jip nwnk dws ]4]8]10]
sabh tay ooch raam pargaas. nis baasur jap naanak daas. ||4||8||10||
The light of (the name of) God is the highest (of all).
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak says: (so) meditate upon Him (all) day and night. 4.8.10

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

aun kau Ksim kInI Twkhwry ] un ka-o khasam keenee ṭaakhaaray.
The Preventer (Lord) held them (i.e. the five enemies i.e. five senses: sexual desire, anger,
greed, attachment and pride) back (i.e. kept them under check).
dws sMg qy mwir ibdwry ] daas saNg tay maar bidaaray.
He conquered them, and, pushed them away from His slave (i.e. devotee of the Lord).
goibMd Bgq kw mhlu n pwieAw ] gobiNd bhagat kaa mahal na paa-i-aa.
They (i.e. five enemies) could not find the mansion of His devotee;
rwm jnw imil mMglu gwieAw ]1] raam janaa mil maNgal gaa-i-aa. ||1||
Joining together, the servants (i.e. devotees) of God sang the song of joy. 1
sgl isRsit ky pMc iskdwr ] sagal sarisat kay paNch sikdaar.
The five (senses) are the rulers of the whole world; (but)
rwm Bgq ky pwnIhwr ]1] rhwau ] raam bhagat kay paaneehaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But they are (just like) the water-carriers for the devotees of God. 1 (pause)
jgq pws qy lyqy dwnu ] goibMd Bgq kau krih slwmu ]
jagat paas tay laytay daan. gobiNd bhagat ka-o karahi salaam.
They collect tax from (the people of) the world; (but)
they salute (make obeisance in subservience to) the devotees of God.
lUit lyih swkq piq Kovih ] swD jnw pg mil mil Dovih ]2]
loot layhi saakat pat khoveh. saadh janaa pag mal mal dhoveh. ||2||
They plunder the saakats (i.e. non-believers) and dishonor them; (but)
they massage and wash the feet of the God-oriented persons, the servants (i.e. devotees) of
God (i.e. they are slaves to the God-oriented persons). 2
pMc pUq jxy iek mwie ] paNch poot jaṇay ik maa-ay.
The one mother gave birth to five sons.
auqBuj Kylu kir jgq ivAwie ] ut-bhuj khayl kar jagat vi-aa-ay.
Playing the game (of creation) they created the world.
qIin guxw kY sMig ric rsy ] teen guṇaa* kai saNg rach rasay.
They (i.e. people of the world) are engaged in the three gunaas* (i.e. qualities).
ien kau Coif aUpir jn bsy ]3] in ka-o chhod oopar jan basay. ||3||
Renouncing them (i.e. three qualities), the servants (i.e. devotees of God) live above them (i.e.
they have arisen to the fourth state i.e. Turiya** state). 3
[*Three Gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Sattav represents preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas
represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity, rajas represents movement, tamas represents
inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these qualities].
[**Turiya, literally: the fourth stage/state’ (also known as Chautha Pad)’; meaning £beyond the three gunaas”; this is
the state/realm of of spiritual knowledge. This is also an assumed state of the ‘four stages’ of perceiving/spirit: (jaagat,
sovat, sukhupati, turiya; respectively: awake, dreaming, deep sleep, pure impersonal spirit/Brahma); in Sikhism the
term ‘chautha pad’ i.e. ‘fourth sate’ is used in reference to consciousness/ spiritual knowledge].
kir ikrpw jn lIey Cfwie ] kar kirpaa jan lee-ay chhadaa-ay.
Bestowing His mercy, He saves His servants (i.e. devotees);
ijs ky sy iqin rKy htwie ] jis kay say tin rakhay hataa-ay.
They (i.e the five enemies) belonged to Him, and He drove them away (from His devotees).
khu nwnk Bgiq pRB swru ] ibnu BgqI sB hoie KuAwru ]4]9]11]
kaho naanak, bhagat prabh saar. bin bhagtee sabh ho-ay khu-aar. ||4||9||11||
Says Nanak: Devotion of the Lord is beautiful (i.e. sublime);
Without devotion, all suffer (and waste their life in vain). 4.9.12

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

kil klys imty hir nwie ] kal kalays mitay har naa-ay.
All the sufferings and troubles have been eradicated by (meditating upon) the name of God.
duK ibnsy suK kIno Twau ] dukh binsay sukh keeno ṭaa-o.
Sorrows have been dispelled and happiness has taken its place.
jip jip AMimRq nwmu AGwey ] sMq pRswid sgl Pl pwey ]1]
jap jap aMmrit naam aghaa-ay. saNt* parsaad sagal fal paa-ay. ||1||
Meditating and meditating Amrit name (of the Lord), they (i.e. devotees) are satiated; and,
by the grace of the Guru*, they have received all fruits. 1[*Here saNt has been used for the Guru].
rwm jpq jn pwir pry ]jnm jnm ky pwp hry ]1] rhwau ]
raam japat jan paar paray. janam janam kay paap haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon (the name of) God, the servants (i.e. devotees) are carried across (world ocean).
the sins of countless births (i.e. incarnations) are taken away. 1 (pause)
gur ky crn irdY auir Dwry ] Agin swgr qy auqry pwry ]
gur kay charan ridai ur dhaaray. agan saagar tay utray paaray.
Enshrining the feet of the Guru within their heart;
they (i.e. devotees of God) have crossed over the ocean of fire.
jnm mrx sB imtI aupwiD ] pRB isau lwgI shij smwiD ]2]
janam maraṇ sabh mitee upaadh. prabh si-o laagee sahj samaadh. ||2||
Their ailment of birth and death has been eradicated;
they are absorbed in meditation upon the Lord.. 2
Qwn Qnµqir eyko suAwmI ] sgl Gtw kw AMqrjwmI ]
thaan thanaNtar ayko su-aamee. sagal ghataa kaa aNtarjaamee.
In all places and spaces, the One Lord pervades;
He is the ‘Controller of the Minds’ of all bodies (all the beings).
kir ikrpw jw kau miq dyie ] AwT phr pRB kw nwau lyie ]3]
kar kirpaa jaa ka-o mat day-ay. aaṭ pahar prabh kaa naa-o lay-ay. ||3||
One, whom he blesses with undersanding in His mercy;
He chants the name of the Lord all the eight quarters (i.e. twenty four hour a day). 3
jw kY AMqir vsY pRBu Awip ] qw kY ihrdY hoie pRgwsu ]
jaa kai aNtar vasai prabh aap. taa kai hirdai ho-ay pargaas.
One, within whose mind, God Himself dwells;
(spiritual) light illumines his heart
Bgiq Bwie hir kIrqnu krIAY ] bhagat bhaa-ay har keertan karee-ai.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God with loving devotion.
jip pwrbRhmu nwnk insqrIAY ]4]10]12] jap paarbarahm naanak nistaree-ai. ||4||10||12||
Nanak (says): Meditate upon the Supreme Reality (God) and you shall be saved. 4.10.12
P. 866
goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5
gur ky crn kml nmskwir ] kwmu k®oDu iesu qn qy mwir ]
gur kay charan kamal namaskaar. kaam krodh, is tan tay maar.
(O! brethren) bow (i.e. make obeisance) to the lotus-feet of the Guru;
eliminate sexual desire and anger (and such pations) from this body (of yours).
hoie rhIAY sgl kI rInw ] Git Git rmeIAw sB mih cInw ]1]
ho-ay rahee-ai sagal kee reenaa. ghat ghat rama-ee-aa sabh meh cheenaa. ||1||
(O! brethren) be the dust of the feet of all; and,
know (i.e. recognize) God (pervading) in each and every heart. 1
ien ibiD rmhu gopwl guoibMdu ] qnu Dnu pRB kw pRB kI ijMdu ]1] rhwau ]
in bidh ramhu, gopaal gobiNd. tan dhan prabh kaa, prabh kee jiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwell upon the Sustainer of the World, the Lord of the Universe, in this way:
(dedicate your) body and wealth to God, (and also) dedicate soul to God. 1 (pause)
AwT phr hir ky gux gwau ] jIA pRwn ko iehY suAwau ]
aaṭ pahar, har kay guṇ gaa-o. jee-a paraan ko ihai su-aa-o.
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty four hours a day), sing (the praise of) the excellences of God;
this is the purpose of one’s breath of life.
qij AiBmwnu jwnu pRBu sMig ] swD pRswid hir isau mnu rMig ]2]
taj abhimaan jaan prabh sang. saadh* parsaad, har si-o man raNg. ||2||
Renounce your ego, and, know that God is with you;
By the grace of the Guru*, imbue your mind with the love of God. 2

[*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
ijin qUM kIAw iqs kau jwnu ] AwgY drgh pwvY mwnu ]
jin tooN kee-aa, tis ka-o jaan. aagai dargeh paavai maan.
Know the One who has created you;
(in the world) hereafter, You will be honoured in the court of God.
mnu qnu inrml hoie inhwlu ] rsnw nwmu jpq gopwl ]3]
man tan nirmal ho-ay nihaal. rasnaa naam japat gopaal. ||3||
Your mind and body shall become immaculate and blissful, (by) meditating upon the name
of the Sustainer of the World with your tongue. 3
kir ikrpw myry dIn dieAwlw ] swDU kI mnu mMgY rvwlw ]
kar kirpaa mayray deen da-i-aalaa. saadhoo* kee man maNgai ravaalaa.
Bestow Your kindness (upon me), O! my Merciful to the Poor (O! Lord) ;
My mind begs for the dust of the feet of the Guru*. [*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
hohu dieAwl dyhu pRB dwnu ] hohu da-i-aal dayh prabh daan.
nwnku jip jIvY pRB nwmu ]4]11]13] naanak, jap jeevai prabh naam. ||4||11||13||
Be merciful, O! my Lord, and bless me with this gift; (that)
Nanak (says): I may live meditating upon the name of God. 4.11.13

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

Dup dIp syvw gopwl ] Aink bwr bMdn krqwr ]
dhoop deep sayvaa gopaal. anik baar baNdan kartaar.
(For me) the service of (i.e. meditation upon) the Sustainer of the World is (the ritual of burning)
incense and lighting lamps (for his worship).
Over and over again I make obeisance to the Creator.
pRB kI srix ghI sB iqAwig ] gur supRsMn Bey vf Bwig ]1]
parabh kee saraṇ gahee, sabh ti-aag. gur suparsaNn bha-ay, vad bhaag. ||1||
Renouncing everything (else), I have grasped the refuge of God;
by good fortune the Guru has become very pleased with me. 1
AwT phr gweIAY goibMdu ] qnu Dnu pRB kw pRB kI ijMdu ]1] rhwau ]
aaṭ pahar gaa-ee-ai gobiNd. tan dhan prabh kaa, prabh kee jiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty four hours) let us sing (the praise) of God; and,
(dedicate our) body and wealth to God, (and also) dedicate soul to God. 1 (pause)
hir gux rmq Bey Awnµd ] pwrbRhm pUrn bKsMd ]
har guṇ ramat bha-ay aanaNd. paarbarahm pooran bakhsaNd.
Chanting (the praise) the excellences of God, I am in bliss;
The Supreme Reality (God) is perfect bestower of blessings.
kir ikrpw jn syvw lwey ] jnm mrx duK myit imlwey ]2]
kar kirpa,a jan sayvaa laa-ay. janam maraṇ dukh mayt milaa-ay. ||2||
Bestowing His kindness, He has attached His servants (i.e. devotees) to His service;
Eradicating the sorrows of birth and death, He has merged (i.e. united) me with Himself. 2
krm Drm iehu qqu igAwnu ] swDsMig jpIAY hir nwmu ]
karam dharam ih tat gi-aan. saadhsaNg japee-ai har naam.

This is the (real) religious ritualism and this is the (real) essence of (spiritual) knowledge:
(that) meditate upon the name of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons.
swgr qir boihQ pRB crx ] AMqrjwmI pRB kwrx krx ]3]
saagar tar bohith prabh charaṇ. aNtarjaamee prabh kaaraṇ karaṇ. ||3||
God’s feet are the boat to cross over the (world) ocean;
The Controller of the Minds, God, is the Cause of cause. 3
rwiK lIey ApnI ikrpw Dwir ] pMc dUq Bwgy ibkrwl ]
raakh lee-ay apnee kirpaa dhaar. paNch doot bhaagay, bikraal.
Bestowing His mercy, He has saved me;
The five terrible enemies have run away
jUAY jnmu n kbhU hwir ] nwnk kw AMgu kIAw krqwir ]4]12]14]
joo-ai janam na kabhoo haar. naanak kaa aNg kee-aa kartaar. ||4||12||14||
He does not ever lose his life is gamble; (because)
Nanak (says): the Creator (i.e. God) has taken him on his side. 4.12.14

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

kir ikrpw suK And kryie ] bwlk rwiK lIey gurdyiv ]
kar kirpaa sukh anad karay-i. baalak raakh lee-ay gurdayv.
Bestowing His mercy, He has blessed happiness and bliss;
the divine Guru has (always) prtected His children.
pRB ikrpwl dieAwl guoibMd ] jIA jMq sgly bKisMd ]1]
prabh kirpaal da-i-aal gobiNd. jee-a jaNt saglay bakhsind. ||1||
God is kind and compassionate; he is the Lord of the Universe;
He blesses all living beings. 1
qyrI srix pRB dIn dieAwl ] pwrbRhm jip sdw inhwl ]1] rhwau ]
tayree saraṇ, prabh deen da-i-aal. paarbarahm jap sadaa nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am in Your refuge, O! Lord, O! Merciful to the Poor.
Meditating upon the Supreme Reality (God), I am forever in bliss. 1 (pause)
pRB dieAwl dUsr koeI nwhI ] Gt Gt AMqir srb smwhI ]
prabh da-i-aal, doosar ko-ee naahee. ghat ghat aNtar, sarab samaahee.
God (alone) is merciful , there is not other (like Him);
He is contained in (pervades within) each and every body (i.e. heart).
Apny dws kw hlqu plqu svwrY ] piqq pwvn pRB ibrdu qum@wrY ]2]
apnay daas kaa halat palat savaarai. patit paavan, prabh, birad tum aarai. ||2||

He embellishes His slaves (i.e. devotees) here and hereafter.

O! God, it is Your (innate) nature to purify the sinners. 2
AauKD koit ismir goibMd ] qMqu mMqu BjIAY BgvMq ]
a-ukhadh kot, simar gobind. taNt maNt, bhajee-ai bhagvaNt.
Remembering the Lord of the Universe, is the medicine to cure tens of millions of ailments;
Meditation upon the Lord is (the real) magical spell and incantation.
rog sog imty pRB iDAwey ] mn bWCq pUrn Pl pwey ]3]
rog sog mitay prabh dhi-aa-ay. man baanchhat pooran fal paa-ay. ||3||

(All) the ailments and sorrows are dispelled by meditating upon God; and,
One obtains the fruits of all desires of mind. 3
krn kwrn smrQ dieAwr ] srb inDwn mhw bIcwr ]
karan kaaran, samrath, da-i-aar. sarab nidhaan, mahaa, beechaar.
He is the Cause of causes, all-powerful, merciful;
all treasures are in contemplating the Great.
nwnk bKis lIey pRiB Awip ] sdw sdw eyko hir jwip ]4]13]15]
naanak, bakhas lee-ay prabh aap. sadaa sadaa, ayko har jaap. ||4||13||15||
Nanak (says): God Himself has blessed (His devotees);
(therefore, O! brethren) forever and ever meditate upon the One Lord. 4.13.15

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

hir hir nwmu jphu myry mIq ] inrml hoie qum@wrw cIq ]
har har naam japahu, mayray meet. nirmal ho-ay, tumhaaraa cheet.
Meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, O! my friend; and,
your consciousness shall becomes immaculate.
P. 867
mn qn kI sB imtY blwie ] man tan kee sabh mitai balaa-ay.
All troubles of your mind and body shall be taken away;
dUKu AMDyrw sglw jwie ]1] dookh aNdhayraa saglaa jaa-ay. ||1||
All sorrows and the darkness (of ignorance) shall be dispelled. 1
hir gux gwvq qrIAY sMswru ] har guṇ gaavat, taree-ai saNsaar.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, one swims across the world-ocean.
vf BwgI pweIAY purKu Apwru ]1] rhwau ] vad bhaagee paa-ee-ai purakh apaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great fortune, one meets (i.e. unites with) the infinite Primal Person (i.e. God). 1 (pause)
jo jnu krY kIrqnu gopwl ] iqs kau poih n skY jmkwlu ]
jo jan, karai keertan gopaal. tis ka-o, pohi na sakai jamkaal.
He, who sings the praise of the Sustainer of the World, the messenger of death cannot even
touch them.
jg mih AwieAw so prvwxu ] jag meh aa-i-aa so parvaaṇ.
His (i.e. the one who sings the praise of God) coming to the world is approved.
gurmuiK Apnw Ksmu pCwxu ]2] gurmukh, apnaa khasam pachhaaṇ. ||2||
(So, O! being) you (too) realize your Master (i.e. God) through the Guru. 2
hir gux gwvY sMq pRswid ] kwm k®oD imtih aunmwd ]
har guṇ gaavai, saNt* prsaad. kaam krodh miteh unmaad.
He, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God by the grace of the Guru*,
his sexual desire, anger and madness (i.e. craziness after maya) are eradicated.
[*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
sdw hjUir jwxu BgvMq ] pUry gur kw pUrn mMq ]3]
sadaa hajoor jaaṇ bhagvaNt. pooray gur kaa pooran maNt. ||3||
(So, O! brethren, you too) know (i.e. realize) God to be ever present;
This is the dictum (i.e. teaching) of the perfect Guru. 3
hir Dnu Kwit kIey BMfwr ] imil siqgur siB kwj svwr ]
har dhan khaat kee-ay bhaNdaar. mil satgur sabh kaaj savaar.
He (who) has earned the treasures of the wealth of (the name of) God;
meeting the True Guru, all his affairs are settled.
hir ky nwm rMg sMig jwgw ] hir crxI nwnk mnu lwgw ]4]14]16]
har kay naam raNg saNg jaagaa. har charṇee, naanak, man laagaa. ||4||14||16||
He is awake in the love of the name of God; and,
Nanak (says): His mind is attached to the feet of God. 1.14.16

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

Bv swgr boihQ hir crx ] bhav saagar, bohith har charaṇ.
In terrifying (world) ocean, God's feet are my boat (to cross over).
ismrq nwmu nwhI iPir mrx ] simrat naam, naahee fir maraṇ.
Remembering name, one does not die again (i.e. there is no reincarnation).
hir gux rmq nwhI jm pMQ ] har guṇ ramat, naahee jam paNth.
Chanting (the praise of) the excellences of God, one does not have to walk on the path of death.
mhw bIcwr pMc dUqh mMQ ]1] mahaa beechaar, panch dootah maNth. ||1||
Contemplating the Great (God), the five enemies (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and
pride) are annihilated. 1
qau srxweI pUrn nwQ ] jMq Apny kau dIjih hwQ ]1] rhwau ]
ta-o sarṇaa-ee pooran naath. jaNt apnay ka-o deejeh haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have entered (i.e. I have sought)Your refuge, O! Perfect Lord;
(please) give Your (helping) hand to Your servant (i.e. devotee). 1 (pause)
isimRiq swsqR byd purwx ] pwrbRhm kw krih viKAwx ]
simrit saastar bayd puraaṇ. paarbarahm kaa karahi vakhi-aaṇ.
Simriti, Shastra, Vedas and Puran, (they all) expound upon the Supreme Reality (God).
jogI jqI bYsno rwmdws ] imiq nwhI bRhm Aibnws ]2]
jogee jatee baisno raamdaas. mit naahee barahm abinaas. ||2||
Yogis, celebates, Vaishnav, and the followers of Ram,
have not known the limits of the Imperishable (i.e. eternal) Reality (i.e. God). 2
krx plwh krih isv dyv ] iqlu nhI bUJih AlK AByv ]
karaṇ palaah karahi siv dayv. til nahee boojheh alakh abhayv.
Shiva and the (other) gods lament and moan (for not having been able to know Him),
they do not understand even a bit of the Unseeable and Unknowable (God).
pRym Bgiq ijsu Awpy dyie ] jg mih ivrly kyeI kyie ]3]
praym bhagat, jis aapay day-ay. jag meh virlay kay-ee kay-ay. ||3||
Those, whom He Himself blesses with loving devotion, (they) are very rare in the world. 3
moih inrgux guxu ikChU nwih ] srb inDwn qyrI idRstI mwih ]
mohi nirguṇ, guṇ kichhahoo naahi. sarab nidhaan, tayree daristee maahi.
I am of no virtue-less, with no virtue at all; all treasures are in Your glance (of grace).
nwnku dInu jwcY qyrI syv ] kir ikrpw dIjY gurdyv ]4]15]17]
naanak deen, jaachai tayree sayv. kar kirpaa, deejai gurdayv. ||4||15||17||
Nanak (says): I, the poor, beg (only) to serve You;
(please) be merciful and grant me (this blessing), O! divine Guru.. 4.15.17

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

sMq kw lIAw Driq ibdwrau ] saNt kaa lee-aa, dharat bidaara-o.
(It is God’s nature): cursed by a God-oriented person is thrown down on earth.
sMq kw inMdku Akws qy twrau ] saNt kaa niNdak, akaas tay taara-o.
Slanderer of God-oriented person, is thrown down from sky.
sMq kau rwKau Apny jIA nwil ] sMq auDwrau qqiKx qwil ]1]
saNt ka-o raakha-o apnay jee-a naal. saNt udhaara-o tat-khin taal. ||1||
I hold the God-oriented person, close to my heart;
the God-oriented person are liberated instantaneously. 1
soeI sMqu ij BwvY rwm ] sMq goibMd kY eykY kwm ]1] rhwau ]
so-ee saNt, je bhaavai raam. saNt gobiNd kai aykai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is a God-oriented person, who is pleasing to God;
God-oriented person and God have same job to do. 1 (pause)
sMq kY aUpir dyie pRBu hwQ ] saNt kai oopar day-ay prabh haath.
God gives His hand (of blessing) to a God-oriented person;
sMq kY sMig bsY idnu rwiq ] saNt kai sang basai din raat.
He (i.e. God) dwells with God-oriented person(all) day and night.
swis swis sMqh pRiqpwil ] saas saas, santeh partipaal.
With each and every breath, He (i.e. God) cherishes the God-oriented person.
sMq kw doKI rwj qy twil ]2] saNt kaa dokhee, raaj tay taal. ||2||
He takes away (even) the kingdom (i.e. power) of the enemies of the God-oriented person. 2
sMq kI inMdw krhu n koie ] jo inMdY iqs kw pqnu hoie ]
saNt kee niNdaa, karahu na ko-ay. jo niNdai, tis kaa patan ho-ay.
Let no one slander a God-oriented person;
whoever slanders them will fall down (i.e. will be destroyed).
ijs kau rwKY isrjnhwru ] JK mwrau sgl sMswru ]3]
jis ka-o raakhai sirjanhaar. jhakh maara-o, sagal saNsaar. ||3||
One, who is protected by the Creator;
(can not be harmed even if) the whole world may try to (harm him). 3
pRB Apny kw BieAw ibswsu ] jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kI rwis ]
prabh apnay kaa bha-i-aa bisaas. jee-o piNd sabh tis kee raas.
I place my (complete) faith in my God;
My soul and body are all His capital (i.e. belong to Him alone).
nwnk kau aupjI prqIiq ] mnmuK hwr gurmuK sd jIiq ]4]16]18]
naanak ka-o upjee parteet. manmukh haar, gurmukh sad jeet. ||4||16||18||
Nanak (says): This belief has welled up within me; that,
the mind-oriented will face defeat and the Guru-oriented will always win. 4.16.18

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

nwmu inrMjnu nIir nrwiex ] rsnw ismrq pwp iblwiex ]1] rhwau ]

naam niraNjan neer naraa-iṇ*. rasnaa simrat, paap bilaa-iṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The name of the Immaculate (i.e. God) is the ‘water of the Omnipotent’* (i.e. Amrit of God);
(by) chanting it (i.e. name) with tongue, the sins go away (i.e. are washed away). 1 (pause)
[*Naraa-in, literally: dwelling/pervading in all i.e. Omnipresent. This is an attribute and a name of God]
P. 868
nwrwiex sB mwih invws ] naaraa-iṇ, sabh maahi nivaas.
God abides in everyone.
nwrwiex Git Git prgws ] naaraa-iṇ, ghat ghat pargaas.
God is illumines each and every heart.
nwrwiex khqy nrik n jwih ] naaraa-in kahtay, narak na jaahi.
Chanting (the name of) God one does not go to hell (i.e. one is not condemned to hell).
nwrwiex syiv sgl Pl pwih ]1] naaraa-iṇ sayv, sagal fal paahi. ||1||
Serving God, all fruits are obtained. 1
nwrwiex mn mwih ADwr ] naaraa-iṇ, man maahi adhaar.
(O! brethren) enshrine (the name of) God as support of mind.
nwrwiex boihQ sMswr ] naaraa-iṇ, bohith saNsaar.
God is boat to cross over the world (ocean).
nwrwiex khq jmu Bwig plwiex ] naaraa-iṇ kahat, jam bhaag palaa-iṇ.
Chanting the name of God, the messenger of death runs away.
nwrwiex dMq Bwny fwiex ]2] naaraa-iṇ, daNt bhaanay daa-iṇ. ||2||
God breaks the teeth of witch (i.e. maya; i.e. chanting name of God maya can not harm). 2
nwrwiex sd sd bKisMd ] naaraa-iṇ, sad sad bakhsiNd.
God is forevr and ever forgiving.
nwrwiex kIny sUK Anµd ] naaraa-iṇ keenay, sookh anaNd.
God blesses with happiness and bliss.
nwrwiex pRgt kIno prqwp ] naaraa-iṇ, pargat keeno partaap.
God reveals the glory (of His devotees).
nwrwiex sMq ko mweI bwp ]3] naaraa-iṇ, saNt ko maa-ee baap. ||3||
God is the mother and father of the God-oriented person (i.e. His devotee). 3
nwrwiex swDsMig nrwiex ] bwrM bwr nrwiex gwiex ]
naaraa-iṇ, saadhsaNg naraa-iṇ. baaraN baar naraa-iṇ gaa-iṇ.
(One, who mediates upon) God in the congregation of the God-oriented persons, (finds) God;
(And) sings (the praise of) of God, over and over again.
bsqu Agocr gur imil lhI ] basat agochar, gur mil lahee.
Meeting the Guru I have obtained unknowable wealth (i.e. the name of God);
nwrwiex Et nwnk dws ghI ]4]17]19] naaraa-iṇ ot ,naanak, daas gahee. ||4||17||19||
Nanak (says): I, the slave (i.e. devotee of God), have grasped the support of God. 4.17.19

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

jw kau rwKY rwKxhwru ] iqs kw AMgu kry inrMkwru ]1] rhwau ]
jaa ka-o raakhai raakhaṇhaar. tis kaa aNg karay niraNkaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, whom is protected by the Protector (i.e. God);
the formless (i.e. God) is (always) on his side. 1 (pause)
mwq grB mih Agin n johY ] kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu n pohY ]
maat garabh meh, agan na johai. kaam krodh lobh moh na pohai.
As) in the mother’s womb, the fire does not touch (i.e. does not trouble the being); (similarly)
Sexual desire, anger, greed, and attachment, do not reach(i.e. affect the one who meditates).
swDsMig jpY inrMkwru ] inMdk kY muih lwgY Cwru ]1]
saadhsaNg, japai niraNkaar. niNdak kai muhi laagai chhaar. ||1||
He, who meditates upon the Formless (God) in the congregation of the God-oriented person;
dust is thrown in the mouth of his slanderer. 1
rwm kvcu dws kw sMnwhu ] dUq dust iqsu pohq nwih ]
raam kavach, daas kaa saNnahu. doot dusat, tis pohat naahi.
The protecting covering (of the name) of God is the armour of His slave (i.e. devotee);(hence)
demons and wicked (like sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride) do not reach him
(i.e. can not even touch him).
jo jo grbu kry so jwie ] grIb dws kI pRBu srxwie ]2]
jo jo garab karay, so jaa-ay. gareeb daas kee, prabh sarṇaa-ay. ||2||
Whoever indulges in ego he goes (i.e. the egotistic proud is wasted away);
God is the refuge of the poor slaves (i.e. His humble devotees). 2
jo jo srix pieAw hir rwie ] so dwsu riKAw ApxY kMiT lwie ]
jo jo saraṇ pa-i-aa har raa-ay. so daas rakhi-aa apnai kaNṭ laa-ay.
Whosoever has taken the refuge of God, the king (i.e. Sovereign Lord),
He saves that slave (i.e. His devotee), embracing him close to His bosom.
jy ko bhuqu kry AhMkwru ] Ehu iKn mih rulqw KwkU nwil ]3]
jay ko, bahut karay ahaNkaar. oh khin meh rultaa khaakoo naal. ||3||
Whoever takes great pride in himself (i.e. in his power),
In a moment, he shall be rolling (like dust) in dust. 3
hY BI swcw hovxhwru ] hai bhee saachaa hovaṇhaar.
The True (Lord) is and shall (always) be;
sdw sdw jweˆØI bilhwr ] sadaa sadaa jaa-een balihaar.
I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto Him.
Apxy dws rKy ikrpw Dwir ] nwnk ky pRB pRwx ADwr ]4]18]20]
apṇay daas rakhay kirpaa dhaar. naanak kay, prabh paraaṇ adhaar. ||4||18||20||
Granting His grace, He protects His slaves;
Nanak (says): God is the support of my breath (of life). 4.18.20

goNf mhlw 5 ] Gond, Mehlaa 5

Acrj kQw mhw AnUp ] pRwqmw pwrbRhm kw rUpu ] rhwau ]
achraj kathaa, mahaa anoop. paraatamaa paarbarahm kaa roop. rahaa-o.
Wonderful and greatly beautiful is the story
of the (human) soul (which is) the embodiment of the Supreme Reality (i.e. God). 1(pause)
nw iehu bUFw nw iehu bwlw ] naa ih booḍaa, naa ih baalaa.
He is not old; He is not child (i.e. young).
nw iesu dUKu nhI jm jwlw ] naa is dookh, nahee jam jaalaa.
He is not in pain; He is not in caught in the noose (i.e. fear) of death.
nw iehu ibnsY nw iehu jwie ] naa ih binsai, naa ih jaa-ay.
He does not perishes; he does not go away (anywhere).
Awid jugwdI rihAw smwie ]1] aad jugaadee, rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||1||
in the beginning and throughout the Ages, He is permeating(everywhere). 1
nw iesu ausnu nhI iesu sIqu ] naa is usan, nahee is seet.
He does not feels heat, He does not feel cold.
nw iesu dusmnu nw iesu mIqu ] naa is dusman, naa is meet.
He has no foe; He has no friend.
nw iesu hrKu nhI iesu sogu ] naa is harakh, nahee is sog.
He is not happy; He is not in sorrow.
sBu ikCu ies kw iehu krnY jogu ]2] sabh kichh is kaa, ih karnai jog. ||2||
Everything belongs to Him, He is powerful to do (anything and everything by Himself). 2
nw iesu bwpu nhI iesu mwieAw ] naa is baap, nahee is maa-i-aa.
He has no father; He has no mother.
iehu AprMpru hoqw AwieAw ] ih apraMpar, hotaa aa-i-aa.
He is infinite; He has always been so
pwp puMn kw iesu lypu n lwgY ] paap puNn kaa is layp na laagai.
He is not affected by sin or virtue.
Gt Gt AMqir sd hI jwgY ]3] ghat ghat aNtar, sad hee jaagai. ||3||
He is always awakes in each and every heart. 3
qIin guxw iek skiq aupwieAw ] mhw mwieAw qw kI hY CwieAw ]
teen guṇaa*, ik sakat upaa-i-aa. mahaa maa-i-aa taa kee hai chhaa-i-aa.
He has created maya and its three gunaas* (i.e. qualities);
The great maya is only His shadow.
[*Literally gunaa means quality/tendency/disposition; Three Gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Sattav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity, rajas
represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these qualities].
ACl ACyd AByd dieAwl ] achhal achhayd abhayd da-i-aal.
He is undeceiving, indivisible (i.e. impenetrable), unknowable and merciful.
dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ] deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal.
He is Merciful to the Poor and ever compassionate.
qw kI giq imiq kCU n pwie ] taa kee gat mit, kachhoo na paa-ay.
His states and limits (i.e. His grandeur and expanse) can never be known.
nwnk qw kY bil bil jwie ]4]19]21] naanak, taa kai bal bal jaa-ay. ||4||19||21||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto Him. 4.19.21
P. 869
goNf mhlw 5 ] Go d, Mehlaa 5

[*In this verse, saNtan and saNt , sadhoo have been used for the Guru. This becomes clear from the stanza of ‘rahaa-o’ (pause)].
sMqn kY bilhwrY jwau ] saNtan* kai balihaarai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto the Guru.*
sMqn kY sMig rwm gun gwau ] saNtan* kai saNg, raam gun gaa-o.
Joining the Guru, I sing (the praise of) the excellences of God,
sMq pRswid iklivK siB gey ] saNt* prsaad, kilvikh sabh ga-ay.
By the grace of the Guru, all sins are washed away.
sMq srix vfBwgI pey ]1] saNt* saraṇ, vadbhaagee pa-ay. ||1||
One finds refuge of the Guru by great fortune. 1
rwmu jpq kCu ibGnu n ivAwpY ] gur pRswid Apunw pRBu jwpY ]1] rhwau ]
raam japat, kachh bighan na vi-aapai.
gur prsaad, apunaa prabh jaapai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon God no obstacles block one’s way;
(So, O! brethren) by the grace of the Guru, meditate upon your God. 1 (pause)
pwrbRhmu jb hoie dieAwl ] swDU jn kI krY rvwl ]
paarbarahm jab ho-ay da-i-aal. saadhoo* jan kee karai ravaal.
When the Supreme Reality (God) becomes merciful; (then)
He makes one the feet-dust of the Guru.
kwmu k®oDu iesu qn qy jwie ] rwm rqnu vsY min Awie ]2]
kaam krodh, is tan tay jaa-ay. raam ratan, vasai man aa-ay. ||2||
Sexual desire, anger etc leave this body; and,
God’s jewel (name) comes to dwell in his mind. 2
sPlu jnmu qW kw prvwxu ] pwrbRhmu inkit kir jwxu ]
safal janam taan kaa parvaaṇ. paarbarahm nikat kar jaaṇ.
Fruitful and approved is the birth (i.e. coming to the world) of the one;
who regards the Supreme Reality (God) close to him (i.e. within his heart).
Bwie Bgiq pRB kIrqin lwgY ] jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgY ]3]
bhaa-ay bhagat, prabh keertan laagai. janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagai. ||3||
One, who is committed to the loving devotion and singing of the praise of God;
awakens from the sleep of countless births (i.e. incarnations). 3
crn kml jn kw AwDwru ] gux goivMd rauN scu vwpwru ]
charan kamal, jan kaa aadhaar. guṇ goviNd ra-un, sach vaapaar.
The lotus-feet (of God) are the support of the life of (His) servants (i.e. devotees);
Chanting (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the Universe, (is their) true trade,
dws jnw kI mnsw pUir ] nwnk suKu pwvY jn DUir ]4]20]22]6]28]
daas janaa kee mansaa poor. naanak, sukh paavai jan dhoor. ||4||20||22||6||28||
He fulfills the desires of His servants, (His) slaves(i.e. devotees);
Nanak (says): I find happiness in the feet-dust of His servants (i.e. devotees).

rwgu goNf AstpdIAw mhlw 5 Gru 2 Raag Gond, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kir nmskwr pUry gurdyv ] sPl mUriq sPl jw kI syv ]
kar namaskaar pooray gurdayv. safal moorat, safal jaa kee sayv.

(O! brethren) bow (i.e. make obeisance) to the perfect Divine Guru;
Fruitful (i.e. blessed) is his image (i.e. beholding his vision), and, fruitful is serving (him).
AMqrjwmI purKu ibDwqw ] aNtarjaamee purakh bidhaataa.
He (i.e. God) is the Controller of Minds, Primal Person and the Architect of Destiny;
AwT phr nwm rMig rwqw ]1] aaṭ pahar, naam raNg raataa. ||1||
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty four hours of the day), he (i.e. Divine Guru) remains imbued
with the love of name (of God). 1
guru goibMd gurU gopwl ] Apny dws kau rwKnhwr ]1] rhwau ]
gur gobiNd, guroo gopaal. apnay daas ka-o raakhanhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru is the Lord of the Universe; the Guru is the Sustainer of the World;
He is the protector of His slaves (i.e. devotees). 1 (pause)
pwiqswh swh aumrwau pqIAwey ] paatisaah saah, umraa-o patee-aa-ay.
Kings, bankers, and nobles have faith in him.
dust AhMkwrI mwir pcwey ] dusat ahaMkaaree, maar pachaa-ay.
He has killed and destroyed the wicked and the egoists.
inMdk kY muiK kIno rogu ] niNdak kai mukh keeno rog.
He puts ailment in the mouth of the slanderers.
jY jY kwru krY sBu logu ]2] jai jai kaar karai sabh log. ||2||
All the people hail (i.e. praise, applaud and glorify) Him. 2
sMqn kY min mhw Anµdu ] sMq jpih gurdyau BgvMqu ]
saNtan kai man mahaa anaNd. saNt jaapeh gurday-o bhagvaNt.
Supreme bliss fills the mind of the God-oriented persons;
The God-oriented persons meditate upon the Divine Guru, God.
sMgiq ky muK aUjl Bey ] sgl Qwn inMdk ky gey ]3]
saNgat kay mukh oojal bha-ay. sagal thaan, niNdak kay ga-ay. ||3||
The faces of their companions are radiant; (whereas)
The slanderer lose all their places (of refuge). 3
swis swis jnu sdw slwhy ] saas saas, jan sadaa salaahay.
With each and every breath, the servants (i.e. devotees of God) praise Him.
pwrbRhm gur byprvwhy ] paarbarahm gur bayparvaahay.
The Supreme Reality (God) and the Guru are carefree.
sgl BY imty jw kI srin ] sagal bhai mitay, jaa kee saran.
All the fears are eradicated in His refuge;
inMdk mwir pwey siB Drin ]4] niNdak maar paa-ay sabh dharan. ||4||
He kills the slanderers and throws to the ground (i.e. He completely destroys the slanderers). 4
jn kI inMdw krY n koie ] jo krY so duKIAw hoie ] jan kee niNdaa karai na ko-ay. jo karai, so dukhee-aa ho-ay.
Let no one slander the servants (i.e. devotee of God); whoever does so, will suffer sorrows.
AwT phr jnu eyku iDAwey ] jmUAw qw kY inkit n jwey ]5]
aaṭ pahar jan ayk dhi-aa-ay. jamoo-aa taa kai nikat na jaa-ay. ||5||
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty four hour a day), the devotee meditates upon the One (Lord);
(hence) the messenger of death does not (even )approach him. 5
jn inrvYr inMdk AhMkwrI ] jan nirvair, niNdak ahaMkaaree.

The servant (i.e. devotee of God) has no animosity, (while) the slanderer is egotistical.
jn Bl mwnih inMdk vykwrI ] jan bhal maaneh, niNdak vaykaaree.
The servant (i.e. devotee of God) wishes well (for others), (while) the slanderer is evil-doer.
gur kY isiK siqgurU iDAwieAw ] gur kai sikh, satguroo dhi-aa-i-aa.
The sikh (i.e. disciple) of the Guru, meditates upon the True Guru.
jn aubry inMdk nrik pwieAw ]6] jan ubray, niNdak narak paa-i-aa. ||6||
The servants (i.e. devotee of God) are saved, (while) the slanderers are condemned to hell. 6
suix swjn myry mIq ipAwry ] siq bcn vrqih hir duAwry ]
suṇ saajan, mayray meet pi-aaray. sat bachan varteh har du-aaray.
Listen, O! my companion, O! my beloved friend (I tell you the true words, and only)
(these) true words prevail at the doors (i.e. in the court) of God:
jYsw kry su qYsw pwey ] AiBmwnI kI jV srpr jwey ]7]
jaisaa karay, so taisaa paa-ay. abhimaanee kee jaṛ, sarpar jaa-ay. ||7||
As one plants, so he obtains (i.e. harvests);
The root of the egotist shall surely be uprooted (i.e. there shall remain no sign of him). 7
nIDirAw siqgur Dr qyrI ] kir ikrpw rwKhu jn kyrI ]
needhri-aa, satgur dhar tayree. kar kirpaa, raakho jan kayree.
O! True Guru, you are the support of the support-less,
Be merciful and save the honour of your servants (i.e. devotees).
khu nwnk iqsu gur bilhwrI ] jw kY ismrin pYj svwrI ]8]1]29]
kaho naanak, tis gur balihaaree. jaa kai simran, paij savaaree. ||8||1||29||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto that Guru,
remembering whom my honour has been saved. 8.1.29
P. 870
rwgu goNf bwxI Bgqw kI ] Raag Go d, baṇee bhagtaa kee

kbIr jI Gru 1 Kabeer jee, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sMqu imlY ikCu sunIAY khIAY ] imlY AsMqu msit kir rhIAY ]1]
saNt milai, kichh sunee-ai kahee-ai. milai asaNt, masat kar rahee-ai. ||1||
If we meet a God-oriented (i.e. noble) person, we should listen from, and say something to,
him (i.e. have a discourse with him; learn something from him).
If we meet a vile (i.e. ignoble) person, we should just remain silent. 1
bwbw bolnw ikAw khIAY ] jYsy rwm nwm riv rhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
baabaa, bolnaa ki-aa kahee-ai. jaisay, raam naam rav rahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! elder (O! seniors, O! nobles), what words should I speak?
By which, I may remain absorbed in the name of God. 1 (pause)
sMqn isau boly aupkwrI ] mUrK isau boly JK mwrI ]2]
saNtan si-o bolay, upkaaree. moorakh si-o bolay, jhakh maaree. ||2||
Speaking with God-oriented persons, one becomes benevolent.
Talking to a fool is futile babbling. 2
bolq bolq bFih ibkwrw ] bolat bolat, baḍeh bikaaraa.
By speaking and speaking (to an ignoble person) evil-mindness increases.
ibnu boly ikAw krih bIcwrw ]3] bin bolay, ki-aa karahi beechaaraa. ||3||
(But) without speaking what can the wretched person do (i.e. one has to talk to someone)? 3
khu kbIr CUCw Gtu bolY ] BirAw hoie su kbhu n folY ]4]1]
kaho kabeer, chhoochhaa ghat bolai. bhari-aa ho-ay, so kabahu na dolai. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: the empty pitcher makes (more) noise;
that which is full never wavers (i.e. never make noise). 4.1

goNf ] Gond
nrU mrY nru kwim n AwvY ] psU mrY ds kwj svwrY ]1]
naroo marai, nar kaam na aavai. pasoo marai, das kaaj savaarai. ||1||
When man dies, he (i.e. dead body of a man) is of no use (to any one, and, for any purpose);
(But) when an animal dies, it serves ten purposes 9i.e. its dead body is used in many ways). 1
Apny krm kI giq mY ikAw jwnau ] mY ikAw jwnau bwbw ry ]1] rhwau ]
apnay karam kee gat, mai ki-aa jaan-o. mai ki-aa jaan-o, baabaa ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What do I know the state of my deeds? (i.e. I do not know the results of my deeds);
What do I know? (i.e. I know nothing) O! my elder. 1 (pause)
hwf jly jYsy lkrI kw qUlw ] kys jly jYsy Gws kw pUlw ]2]
haad jalay, jaisay lakree kaa toolaa. kays jalay, jaisay ghaas kaa poolaa. ||2||
(When a man dies, his) bones burns like a bundle of logs; and,
(his) hair burn like a bale of grass (i.e. hay). 2
khu kbIr qb hI nru jwgY ] jm kw fMfu mUMf mih lwgY ]3]2]
kaho kabeer, tab hee nar jaagai. jam kaa daNd, mooNd meh laagai. ||3||2||
Says Kabir: The man wakes up only then;
when the club of the messenger of death strikes his head. 3.2

goNf ] Gond
Awkwis ggnu pwqwil ggnu hY chu idis ggnu rhwiely ]
aakaas gagan, paataal gagan hai, chahu dis gagan rahaa-ilay.
Divine Lord (i.e. Divine Consciousness) is in the skies (i.e. in the ethers), Divine Lord is in the
nether regions, and, Divine Lord is pervading in all the four directions.
Awnd mUlu sdw purKoqmu Gtu ibnsY ggnu n jwiely ]1]
aanad mool sadaa purkhotam, ghat binsai, gagan na jaa-ilay. ||1||
The Supreme Being (God) is forever the source of bliss; (when) the body perishes, Divine
Lord does not perish. 1
moih bYrwgu BieE ] iehu jIau Awie khw gieE ]1] rhwau ]
mohi bairaag bha-i-o. ih jee-o aa-ay, kahaa ga-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have become detached (i.e. indifferent to the worldliness because I can understand that):
Where the soul comes from and where does it go? 1 (pause)
pMc qqu imil kwieAw kIn@I qqu khw qy kInu ry ] paNch tat mil kaa-i-aa keenhee, tat kahaa tay keen ray.

The union of the five elements have formed the body, (but) where from were these five
elements created?
krm bD qum jIau khq hO krmih ikin jIau dInu ry ]2]
karam badh, tum jee-o kahat hou, karmeh kin jee-o deen ray. ||2||
You say this soul is tied to its actions, (but) who gave these actions to the soul? 2
hir mih qnu hY qn mih hir hY srb inrMqir soie ry ]
har meh tan hai, tan meh har hai, sarab niraNtar so-ay ray.
The body is contained in God, and, God is contained in body, only He is pervading in all.
kih kbIr rwm nwmu n Cofau shjy hoie su hoie ry ]3]3]
kahi kabeer, raam naam na chhoda-o, sehjay ho-ay so ho-ay ray. ||3||3||
Says Kabir: I shall not renounce (meditation upon) the name of God, whatever happens in
ease (i.e. naturally, under God’s order), let that happen (and, I shall be pleased with that). 3. 3

rwgu goNf bwxI kbIr jIau kI Gru 2 Raag Gond, banee Kabeer jee-o kee, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Bujw bWiD iBlw kir fwirE ] bhujaa baandh, bhilaa kar, daari-o.
They tied my arms, bundled me (like a ball) and threw me (before an elephant).
hsqI k®oip mUMf mih mwirE ] hastee karop, mooNd meh maari-o.
The elephant got infuriated when (the mahout i.e. elephant driver) struck him on his head.
hsiq Bwig kY cIsw mwrY ] hasat bhaag kai cheesaa maarai.
The elephant ran away and began shrieking (and trampling).
ieAw mUriq kY hau bilhwrY ]1] i-aa moorat kai ha-o balihaarai. ||1||
‘I am a sacrifice unto this image (i.e. elephants as image of God)’. 1
Awih myry Twkur qumrw joru ] kwjI bikbo hsqI qoru ]1] rhwau ]
aahi mayray ṭaakur, tumraa jor.
kaajee bakibo, hastee tor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my Lord, You are my strength; (because)
the Qazi (the Muslim Judge) spoke (i.e. shouted at the elephant driver) to drive the elephant on
(to crush me, but it did not move; this was because God is my protector). 1. pause
ry mhwvq quJu fwrau kwit ] ray mahaavat, tujh daara-o kaat.
(The Qazi shouted): ‘O! mahout (i.e. driver of elephant) I shall cut you into pieces’.
iesih qurwvhu Gwlhu swit ] iseh turaavahu, ghaalhu saat.
‘Hit him and drive him on’.
hsiq n qorY DrY iDAwnu ] vw kY irdY bsY Bgvwnu ]2]
hasat na torai, dharai dhi-aan. vaa kai ridai, basai bhagvaan. ||2||
The elephant did not move; (instead) it began to contemplate;
(it means) God abides within his heart. 2
ikAw AprwDu sMq hY kIn@w ] bWiD pot kuMcr kau dIn@w ]
ki-aa apraadh saNt hai keen aa. baandh pot, kuNchar ka-o deenhaa.

Which crime the God-oriented person has committed (i.e. what was my sin)? (that)
Bundled me (like a ball) and threw me before the elephant?
kuMcru pot lY lY nmskwrY ] bUJI nhI kwjI AMiDAwrY ]3]
kuNchar, pot lai lai namaskaarai. boojhee nahee, kaajee aNdhi-aarai. ||3||
Lifting up the bundle, the elephant bows down before it;(but)
The blind Qazi (in darkness of religious fanaticism), could not understand it. 3
qIin bwr pqIAw Bir lInw ] mn kToru AjhU n pqInw ]
teen baar, patee-aa bhar leenaa. man kaṭor, ajhoo na pateenaa.
Three times, he (the Qazi) tried to do it (i.e. get his order executed, but the elephant did not obey).
still, the hardened (i.e. callous) mind was not satisfied.
P. 871
kih kbIr hmrw goibMdu ] cauQy pd mih jn kI ijMdu ]4]1]4]
kahi kabeer, hamraa gobiNd. cha-uthay pad meh, jan kee jiNd. ||4||1||4||
Says Kabir : The Lord of the Universe is with me; and,
my life dwells in the fourth state (i.e. my soul dwells in the feet of God, where sorrow does not matter). 4.1.4

goNf ] Gond
nw iehu mwnsu nw iehu dyau ] naa ih maanas, naa ih day-o.
It is not human; and, it is not Divine.
nw iehu jqI khwvY syau ] naa ih jatee kahaavai say-o.
It is not a celibate, known as worshipper of (mythical god) Shiv.
nw iehu jogI nw AvDUqw ] naa, ih jogee, naa avdhootaa.
It is not a yogi; it is not a recluse.
nw iesu mwie n kwhU pUqw ]1] naa is maa-ay; na, kaahoo pootaa. ||1||
It does not have a mother; and, it is not the son of anyone. 1
ieAw mMdr mih kOn bsweI ] qw kw AMqu n koaU pweI ]1] rhwau ]
i-aa maNdar meh, koun basaa-ee. taa kaa aNt, na ko-oo paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Then who (i.e. what) is it which dwells in this temple (i.e. within this body)?
No one has found its limits (i.e. no one has known His mystery). 1 (pause)
nw iehu igrhI nw EdwsI ] naa ih girhee, naa odaasee.
It is not a house-holder; and, it is not a renouncer (of the world).
nw iehu rwj n BIK mMgwsI ] naa ih raaj, na bheekh maNgaasee.
It is not a king; and, it is not a beggar.
nw iesu ipMfu n rkqU rwqI ] naa is piNd, na raktoo raatee.
It has no body, nor (it has even) a little of blood.
nw iehu bRhmnu nw iehu KwqI ]2] naa ih barahman, naa ih khaatee. ||2||
It is not a Brahamn; and, it is not a Khati (i.e. Khatri). 2
nw iehu qpw khwvY syKu ] naa ih tapaa kahaavai saykh.
It is not called a tapa (i.e. one, living in austere discipline); nor a Sheikh (i.e. Muslim clergy).
nw iehu jIvY n mrqw dyKu ] naa ih jeevai, na martaa daykh.
It does not live; and, it is not seen to die.
iesu mrqy kau jy koaU rovY ] jo rovY soeI piq KovY ]3]

is martay ka-o jay ko-oo rovai. jo rovai so-ee pat khovai. ||3||
If someone cries over its death; whoever cries, that person loses his honour. 3
gur pRswid mY fgro pwieAw ] jIvn mrnu doaU imtvwieAw ]
gur parsaad mai dagro paa-i-aa. jeevan maran do-oo mitvaa-i-aa.
By the grace of Guru, I have found the path; and, have got erased birth and death, both.
khu kbIr iehu rwm kI AMsu ] js kwgd pr imtY n mMsu ]4]2]5]
kaho kabeer ih raam kee a s. jas kaagad par mitai na maNs. ||4||2||5||

Says Kabir : This (soul) is the segment of God;

It is like the ink on paper, which can not be erased. 4.2.5

goNf ] Gond
[The following verse begins with statement by the wife of the composer, who complaint that he does not bother for his
duties and is always busy in joining the company of the God-oriented persons. All the mentioned goods and instruments
are associated with weaving i.e. the profession of the composer of hymn. Secondly, here , though literally it means
shaven-head, it is also used for young boy].
qUty qwgy inKutI pwin ] tootay taagay, nikhutee paan.
The threads (of warp) are broken, and, starch has run out;
duAwr aUpir iJlkwvih kwn ] du-aar oopar jhilkaavahi kaan.
(Bare) reeds are glittering at the door.
kUc ibcwry PUey Pwl ] kooch bichaaray, foo-ay faal.
The poor bushes are pulled out and scattered;
ieAw muMfIAw isir ciFbo kwl ]1] i-aa muNdee-aa sir chaḍibo kaal. ||1||
(It is as if) the death is hovering over the head of this boy. 1
iehu muMfIAw sglo dRbu KoeI ] Awvq jwq nwk sr hoeI ]1] rhwau ]
ih mundee-aa, saglo darab kho-ee. aavat jaat, naak sar ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This boy has lost (i.e. wasted) all his wealth;
I am fed up with this coming and going (the visits by his guests are irritating me). 1 (pause)
qurI nwir kI CofI bwqw ] rwm nwm vw kw mnu rwqw ]
turee naar kee chhodee baataa. raam naam, vaa kaa man raataa.
He has given up talking of brush and pipe (i.e. weaving equipments);
his mind is attuned to the love of the name of God.
lirkI lirkn KYbo nwih ] muMfIAw Anidnu Dwpy jwih ]2]
larikee larikan khaibo naahi. muNdee-aa an-din dhaapay jaahi. ||2||
His daughters and sons have nothing to eat;
(because) these boys (i.e. his guests) day and night eat to their fill. 2
iek duie mMdir iek duie bwt ] ik du-ay maNdar, ik du-ay baat.
(He has always) one or two (guests) in the house, (while) one or two (guests) are on the way.
hm kau swQru aun kau Kwt ] ham ka-o saathar, un ka-o khaat.
We sleep on the floor, (while) they sleep on the cots (i.e. beds).
mUf plois kmr biD poQI ] mood palos, kamar badh pothee.
They caress their head and carry books in their waist-bands.
hm kau cwbnu aun kau rotI ]3] ham ka-o chaaban un ka-o rotee. ||3||
We get (dry) grains to chew (i.e. to eat), they get loaves of breath (as their meals). 3
muMfIAw muMfIAw hUey eyk ] muNdee-aa muNdee-aa hoo-ay ayk.
This boy becomes one with the boys (he is engaged with the mendicants and forget everything else);
ey muMfIAw bUfq kI tyk ] ay muNdee-aa, boodat kee tayk.
They are (i.e. they think that they are) the support of drowning.
suin AMDlI loeI bypIir ] ien@ muMfIAn Bij srin kbIr ]4]3]6]
sun, aNdhlee lo-ee baypeer. in muNdee-an bhaj saran kabeer. ||4||3||6||

Listen, O! blind (i.e. ignorant), without Guru (i.e un-instructed) Loi,

Kabeer (says): (You too) take the refuge of these boys. 4.3.6

goNf ] Gond
Ksmu mrY qau nwir n rovY ] ausu rKvwrw Aauro hovY ]
khasam marai, ta-o naar na rovai. us rakhvaaraa a-uro hovai.
When her husband dies, the woman (i.e. wife) does not lament;
someone else becomes her protector (i.e. maya is not attached to a single person).
rKvwry kw hoie ibnws ] AwgY nrku eIhw Bog iblws ]1]
rakhvaaray kaa ho-ay binaas. aagai narak, eehaa bhog bilaas. ||1|
The protector (of maya) (finally) dies;
(here he) had been enjoying sexual pleasure here, hereafter he falls into hell. 1
eyk suhwgin jgq ipAwrI ] sgly jIA jMq kI nwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ayk suhaagan, jagat pi-aaree. saglay jee-a jaNt kee naaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This (maya is like that) happy bride (i.e. beautiful, charming woman, who) is dear to all;
She is the woman (i.e. wife) of all beings and creatures. 1 (pause)
sohwgin gil sohY hwru ] sMq kau ibKu ibgsY sMswru ]
sohaagan gal sohai haar. saNt ka-o bikh, bigsai saNsaar.
The necklace looks beautiful around the neck of a happy wife (and it entices the people);
she (i.e. maya)is poison to a God-orineted person, but, it delights (the people of) the world.
kir sIgwru bhY piKAwrI ] sMq kI iTTkI iPrY ibcwrI ]2]
kar seegaar bahai pakhi-aaree. saNt kee ṭiṭkee, firai bichaaree. ||2||
Decorating herself she sits like a whore.
humiliated by the God-orineted persons, she wanders like a wretch. 2
sMq Bwig Eh pwCY prY ] gur prswdI mwrhu frY ]
saNt bhaag oh paachhai parai. gur parsaadee, maarahu darai.
The God-orineted persons run away from her but she chases them;
she is afraid of being beaten by those who are blessed by the grace of the Guru.
swkq kI Eh ipMf prwieix ] hm kau idRsit prY qRiK fwieix ]3]
saakat kee, oh piNd paraa-iṇ. ham ka-o darisat parai, tarakh daa-iṇ. ||3||
She is body and breath of life of the saakat (i.e. non-believers);
(but) to me, she appears to be (like) a blood thirsty witch. 3
hm iqs kw bhu jwinAw Byau ] jb hUey ik®pwl imly gurdyau ]
ham tis kaa baho jaani-aa bhay-o. jab hoo-ay kirpaal milay gurday-o.
I have known her secret well, (since) in His mercy I met Divine Guru.
khu kbIr Ab bwhir prI ] sMswrY kY AMcil lrI ]4]4]7]

kaho kabeer ab baahar paree. saNsaarai kai aNchal laree. ||4||4||7||
Says Kabir: She is now lying outside (i.e. I have pushed her out),
she is clinging to the hem of the robe of (the people of) the world. 4.4.7
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goNf ] Go d

igRih soBw jw kY ry nwih ] Awvq phIAw KUDy jwih ]

garihi sobhaa jaa kai ray naahi. aavat pahee-aa, khoodhay jaahi.
One, in house there is no glory (i.e. no wealth);
the guests who come (i.e. visit that house) depart hungry.
vw kY AMqir nhI sMqoKu ] ibnu sohwgin lwgY doKu ]1]
vaa kai aNtar nahee saNtokh. bin sohaagan, laagai dokh. ||1||
Within them, there is no contentment;
Without the happy-bride (i.e. maya), they suffer. 1
Dnu sohwgin mhw pvIq ] qpy qpIsr folY cIq ]1] rhwau ]
dhan sohaagan, mahaa paveet. tapay tapeesar, dolai cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(This way) blessed is that happy-bride, and, is greatly pure; (seeing it)
the consciousness of even penitents and the sages wavers. 1 (pause)
sohwgin ikrpn kI pUqI ] syvk qij jgq isau sUqI ]
sohaagan, kirpan kee pootee. sayvak taj, jagat si-o sootee.
This happy-bride is the daughter of a miser;
Abandoning the servants (i.e. devotees of the Lord), she sleeps with (the people of) the world.
swDU kY TwFI drbwir ] srin qyrI mo kau insqwir ]2]
saadhoo kai ṭaaḍee darbaar. saran tayree mo ka-o nistaar. ||2||
Standing at the door of the God-oriented person, (she says):
“I have entered your refuge, (please) save me.” 2
sohwgin hY Aiq suMdrI ] pg nyvr Cnk CnhrI ]
sohaagan hai at suNdree. pag nayvar, chhanak chhanharee.
The happy-bride (i.e. maya) is very beautiful;
the jingling anklet on her feet (i.e. ankles) create twinkling music.
jau lgu pRwn qaU lgu sMgy ] nwih q clI byig auiT nµgy ]3]
ja-o lag paraan, ta-oo lag saNgay. naahi ta chalee bayg uṭ naNgay. ||3||
As long as there is breath (of life), she remains with him;
Otherwise (i.e. when he is no more) she immediately gets up and departs bare-foot. 3
sohwgin Bvn qRY lIAw ] ds AT purwx qIrQ rs kIAw ]
sohaagan, bhavan tarai lee-aa. das aṭ puraaṇ, tirath ras kee-aa.
The happy-bride has conquered (all the) there worlds;
Even eighteen Puraans and the places of pilgrimage are in (i.e. are attracted to) her love.
bRhmw ibsnu mhysr byDy ] barahmaa bisan mahaysar baydhay.
It has pierced (i.e. enticed) even Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (the mythical gods); and,
bfy BUpiq rwjy hY CyDy ]4] baday bhoopat raajay hai chhaydhay. ||4||
(it has even) destroyed big land-lords and kings. 4
sohwgin aurvwir n pwir ] pWc nwrd kY sMig ibDvwir ]

sohaagan urvaar na paar. paanch naarad* kai saNg bidhvaar.
The happy-bride has no end and no limits (i.e. there is no end to play of maya);
it is in collusion with the five evil passions*.
[*Naarad was one of the ten sons of Brahma; he was known for his mischievous mind. As the five evil passions play a
negative role, hence these have been compared to the notorious mythical god Naarad].
pWc nwrd ky imtvy PUty ] khu kbIr gur ikrpw CUty ]5]5]8]
paanch naarad kay mitvay footay. kaho kabeer, gur kirpaa chhootay. ||5||5||8||
When the (clay) pots of these five passions got burst;
Says Kabir: (then) one is saved by the grace of the Guru. 5.5.8

goNf ] Gond
jYsy mMdr mih blhr nw TwhrY ] nwm ibnw kYsy pwir auqrY ]
jaisay mandar meh balhar, naa ṭaahrai. naam binaa kaisay paar utrai.
As the house will not stand, without the beams;
just so, without the name (of God), how can any one cross over (the world ocean)?
kuMB ibnw jlu nw tIkwvY ] swDU ibnu AYsy Abgqu jwvY ]1]
kuMbh binaa, jal naa teekaavai. saadhoo* bin, aisay abgat jaavai. ||1||
As water does not stay (i.e. can not be contained) without the pitcher,
just so, without (the company of) the Guru*, one departs (from the world) in misery. 1
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jwrau iqsY ju rwmu n cyqY ] qn mn rmq rhY mih KyqY ]1] rhwau ]
jaara-o tisai, jo raam na chaytai. tan man ramat rahai meh khaytai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Burn out the one who does not remember God; and,
whose mind and body remain absorbed in field (i.e. remains engrossed in maya). 1 (pause)
jYsy hlhr ibnw ijmI nhI boeIAY ] sUq ibnw kYsy mxI proeIAY ]
jaisay halhar, binaa jimee nahee bo-ee-ai. soot binaa, kaisay maṇee paroee-ai.
As without a ploughman (i.e. farmer), the land cannot be sowed;
Without a thread, how can the beads be strung?
GuMfI ibnu ikAw gMiT cVHweIAY ] swDU ibnu qYsy Abgqu jweIAY ]2]
ghuNdee bin, ki-aa gaNṭ chaṛhaa-ee-ai. saadhoo* bin, taisay abgat jaa-ee-ai. ||2||
How a knot be tied without a loop?
just so, without the Guru*, one departs (from this world)in misery.2
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jYsy mwq ipqw ibnu bwlu n hoeI ] ibMb ibnw kYsy kpry DoeI ]
jaisay, maat pitaa bin baal na ho-ee. biMb binaa, kaisay kapray dho-ee.
As without mother and father, there can be born no child;
just so, without water, how can the clothes be washed?
Gor ibnw kYsy Asvwr ] swDU ibnu nwhI drvwr ]3]
ghor binaa, kaisay asvaar. saadhoo* bin, naahee darvaar. ||3||
Without a horse, how can there be a rider?
Without the Guru*, one can reach the court (of God). 3 [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jYsy bwjy ibnu nhI lIjY PyrI ] Ksim duhwgin qij AauhyrI ]

jaisay baajay bin nahee leejai fayree. khasam duhaagan taj a-uhayree.
Just as, without music, there can be no dancing;
just so, the bride deserted by husband is insulted (i.e. dishonoured).
khY kbIru eykY kir krnw ] gurmuiK hoie bhuir nhI mrnw ]4]6]9]
kahai kabeer aykai kar karnaa. gurmukh ho-ay bahur nahee marnaa. ||4||6||9||
Says Kabir: do just one deed:
become Guru-oriented, and, you shall never die again (i.e. there would be no reincarnation). 4.6.9.

goNf ] Gond
kUtnu soie ju mn kau kUtY ] kootan* so-ay, jo man ka-o kootai.
He alone is a pimp, who pounds his mind.
[*Kootan has root in ‘kooṛ’ i.e. false; it also means cheat as well as pimp. It has another shade: to beat/ thrash/ pound.
In this verse, kootan has two different shades: in the first part it means pimp, and, in the second part it means to pound].
mn kUtY qau jm qy CUtY ] man kootai, ta-o jam tay chhootai.
Pounding down his mind he escapes from (i.e. is not harassed by) the messenger of death.
kuit kuit mnu ksvtI lwvY ] so kUtnu mukiq bhu pwvY ]1]
kut kut man kasvatee laavai. so kootan, mukat baho paavai. ||1||
Pounding and thrashing his mind, he tests it on touch stone;
Such a pimp attains complete liberation. 1
kUtnu iksY khhu sMswr ] sgl boln ky mwih bIcwr ]1] rhwau ]
kootan kisai kahhu saNsaar. sagal bolan kay maahi beechaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whom do you call a pimp, O! (people of the) world?
All that you speak, you must carefully contemplate (what you are saying). 1 (pause)
nwcnu soie ju mn isau nwcY ] JUiT n pqIAY prcY swcY ]
naachan so-ay, jo man si-o naachai. jhooṭ na patee-ai, parchai saachai.
He alone is a dancer who dances with his mind (in it);
(it is) not satisfied with falsehood; (it is) pleased only with truth.
iesu mn Awgy pUrY qwl ] iesu nwcn ky mn rKvwl ]2]
is man aagay, poorai taal. is naachan kay man rakhvaal. ||2||
(If one) plays the perfect beat (of the drum) before your mind;
God is the Protector of the mind of such a dancer. 2
bjwrI so ju bjwrih soDY ] pWc plIqh kau prboDY ]
bajaaree so, jo bajaarahi sodhai. paanch paleeteh ka-o parbodhai.
He alone is a street dancer, who awakens (i.e. enlightens/ controls) the five organs (i.e.
controls/ disciplines the five organs).
nau nwiek kI Bgiq pCwnY ] so bwjwrI hm gur mwny ]3]
na-o naa-ik kee bhagat pachhaanai. so baajaaree, ham gur maanay. ||3||
Recognizes (i.e. realizes and embraces) the devotion of the Lord of the nine regions (i.e. God).
I accept such street-dancer as the superior (person). 3
qskru soie ij qwiq n krY ] ieMdRI kY jqin nwmu aucrY ]
taskar so-ay, je taat na karai. INdree kai jatan, naam uchrai.
He alone is a thief, who is above animosity; and,

using (i.e. by controlling) his organs he chants the name (of the Lord).
khu kbIr hm AYsy lKn ] DMnu gurdyv Aiq rUp ibcKn ]4]7]10]
kaho kabeer, ham aisay lakhan. dhaNn gurdayv at roop bichkhan. ||4||7||10||
Says Kabir: These are the (ideal) qualities that I have mentioned;
Blessed is my Divine Guru who is very much beautiful and wise. 4.7.1
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goNf ] Gond
DMnu gupwl DMnu gurdyv ] dhaNn gupaal, dhaNn gurdayv.
Great is the Lord of the World (i.e. God); blessed is the Divine Guru.
DMnu Anwid BUKy kvlu thkyv ] dhaNn anaad, bhookhay kaval tehkayv.
Blessed is the grain, by (eating) which , the lotus (of heart) of a hungry (person) blossoms forth.
Dnu Eie sMq ijn AYsI jwnI ] iqn kau imilbo swirMgpwnI ]1]
dhan o-ay saNt, jin aisee jaanee. tin ka-o milibo sariNgpaanee.* ||1||
Blessed are those God-oriented persons, who know this; (and)
they meet the Sustainer of the Earth* (i.e. God). 1
[* Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustaier of the Earth’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
Awid purK qy hoie Anwid ] jpIAY nwmu AMn kY swid ]1] rhwau ]
aad purakh tay, ho-ay anaad. japee-ai naam, aNn kai saad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The grains come from the Primal Person (i.e. God);
meditates upon the name in the taste of food (i.e. the food is a blessing of God; hence, when one
enjoys food, doing so he remembers God too. Renouncing food is renouncing His gift). 1 (pause)
jpIAY nwmu jpIAY AMnu ] japee-ai naam, japee-ai aNn.
Meditate upon name and meditate upon food (that has been created by God for the people).
AMBY kY sMig nIkw vMnu ] aMbhai kai saNg, neekaa vaNn.
Mixing with water, it (grain) becomes beautiful form (i.e. water too is food; and, mixing the
two foods, the form becomes beautiful).
AMnY bwhir jo nr hovih ] qIin Bvn mih ApnI Kovih ]2]
aNnai baahar, jo nar hoveh. teen bhavan meh, apnee khoveh. ||2||
The person who abstains from grain; he loses his honour in the three worlds. 2
(i.e. renouncing food is renouncing gift of God; hence losing one’s honour in His court).
Cofih AMnu krih pwKMf ] nw sohwgin nw Eih rMf ]
chhodeh aNn, karahi pakhaNd. naa sohaagan, naa ohi raNd.
Discarding food (i.e. abstaining from food/ ritual fasts) food is practising hypocrisy.
She is neither a happy bride nor a widow (this is rejection of Karva Chauth and other ritual fasts).
jg mih bkqy dUDwDwrI ] gupqI Kwvih vitkw swrI ]3]
jag meh baktay doodhaadhaaree. guptee khaaveh vatikaa* saaree. ||3||
Those who claim in the world, that they live on milk alone,
secretly eat the whole ball* (i.e. whole pot of food). 3
[* vatikaa is also known as pind/ pinni; this is a ball made of barley and rice. This is also a ritual food of the ceremony of
‘pind daan’ (i.e. donating balls of food)].
AMnY ibnw n hoie sukwlu ] qijAY AMin n imlY gupwlu ]
annai binaa, na ho-ay sukaal. taji-ai aNn, na milai gupaal.
Without the grains (i.e. food), time does not pass (i.e. in hunger one remains restless);
forsaking the grain (i.e. by fasting), one can not meet (i.e. unite with) the Sustainer of the World.
khu kbIr hm AYsy jwinAw ] DMnu Anwid Twkur mnu mwinAw ]4]8]11]
kaho kabeer ham aisay jaani-aa. dhaNn anaad ṭaakur man maani-aa. ||4||8||11||
Says Kabir: Thus I have come to know;
blessed is the grain (i.e. food) that has brought faith for the Lord in my mind. 4.8.11

rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jI kI Gru 1 Raag Gond, banee Naamday-o jee kee, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AsumyD jgny ] qulw purK dwny ] pRwg iesnwny ]1]
asumaydh jagnay.tulaa purakh daanay. paraag isnaanay. ||1||
Performing an Ashav-Medh yag (i.e. ritual of sacrifice of horses);
Giving (gold equal to one’s) weight in charity;
(ritual cleansing) bath at (the conflux of three rivers) Paryag: (all these are of no value).1
qau n pujih hir kIriq nwmw ] Apuny rwmih Bju ry mn AwlsIAw ]1] rhwau ]
ta-o na pujeh har keerat naamaa. apunay raameh bhaj, ray man aalsee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
These are not equal to the singing of the praise of the name of God;
(so) meditate upon your God, O! my lazy mind. 1 (pause)
gieAw ipMfu Brqw ] bnwris Ais bsqw ] muiK byd cqur pVqw ]2]
ga-i-aa, piNd bhartaa. banaaras as bastaa. mukh, bayd chatur paṛ-taa. ||2||
Offering (ritual food of) balls (of rice and barley) at Gaya;
residing on the (banks of) Asi river at Banaras (Varanasi);
reciting the four Vedas with mouth (i.e remembering by heart): (all these are of no value). 2
sgl Drm AiCqw ] gur igAwn ieMdRI idRVqw ] Ktu krm sihq rhqw ]3]
sagal dharam achhitaa. gur gi-aan INdree darirh-taa. khat karam* sahit rahtaa. ||3||
Performing (i.e. perfectly practising) all religious rituals;
Controlling the senses (i.e. passions) through the wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the Guru;
Living by (performing) the six actions* (i.e. duties): (all these are of no value). 3
[*literally six actions, are those six rituals/duties which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and impart
education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manusimriti, these six
are: study of Vedas, tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of Guru].
isvw skiq sMbwdM ] mn Coif Coif sgl BydM ]
sivaa sakat saMbaadaN. man, chhod chhod sagal, bhaydaN.
(Narrating) the conversation between Shiva and Shakti (i.e. the story of Ramayana).
O! mind, renounce, give up all these; (these create) division (of man, from God).
ismir ismir goibMdM ] Bju nwmw qris Bv isMDM ]4]1]
simar simar gobindaN. bhaj naamaa, taras bhav sindhaN. ||4||1||
(O! brethren, forget all rituals and) remember and remember the Lord of the World and,
O! Nama, meditating (thus), you can swim across the terrifying (world) ocean. 4

goNf ] Gond
nwd BRmy jYsy imrgwey ] pRwn qjy vw ko iDAwnu n jwey ]1]
naad bharamay, jaisay mirgaa-ay. paraan tajay, vaa ko dhi-aan na jaa-ay. ||1||
As the deer is lured by the sound (of the bell of the hunter);
it loses its life but his concentration does not move from it (i.e. music). 1
Aysy rwmw AYsy hyrau ] rwmu Coif icqu Anq n Pyrau ]1] rhwau ]
aisay raamaa, aisay hayra-o. raam chhod, chit anat na fayra-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the same way (i.e. like the deer), I look at God,(yes) in the same way;
abandoning God, I shall not turn my mind to another. 1 (pause)
ijau mInw hyrY psUAwrw ] sonw gFqy ihrY sunwrw ]2]
ji-o, meenaa hayrai pasoo-aaraa. sonaa gaḍ-tay, hirai sunaaraa. ||2||
As the animal killer (i.e. fisherman) looks upon the fish (to ensnare it); and,
the goldsmith looks upon gold while chiselling (i.e. fashioning) it: (in the same way I look at God). 2
ijau ibKeI hyrY pr nwrI ] kaufw fwrq ihrY juAwrI ]3]
ji-o, bikh-ee hayrai par naaree. ka-udaa daarat, hirai ju-aaree. ||3||
As a licentious person (i.e. driven by sexual desire) looks upon other's women (i.e. wife); and,
As a gambler looks upon while playing shells (i.e. throwing dice): (in the same way I look at God). 3
jh jh dyKau qh qh rwmw ] hir ky crn inq iDAwvY nwmw ]4]2]
jah jah daykh-a-u, tah tah raamaa. har kay charan, nit dhi-aavai naamaa. ||4||2||
Wherever and wherever I see, there and there I behold God.
Nama (says): I constantly meditate upon the feet of God.4.2

goNf ] Gond
mo kau qwir ly rwmw qwir ly ] mo ka-o taar lay, raamaa, taar lay.
Carry me across (the world ocean), O! God, carry me across.
mY Ajwnu jnu qirby n jwnau bwp bITulw bwh dy ]1] rhwau ]
mai ajaan jan, taribay na jaan-o, baap beeṭulaa,* baah day. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am ignorant being, I do not know how to swim; O! my father, O! Omnipresent* (God),
(please) give me your arm (i.e. give me Your hand and get me cross over). 1(pause)
[*beeṭulaa, literally: pervading everywhere i.e. Omnipresent].
nr qy sur hoie jwq inmK mY siqgur buiD isKlweI ]
nar tay sur ho-ay jaat nimakh mai, satgur budh sikhlaa-ee.
One is transformed from a human being to god in an instant; the True Guru teaches has
taught (i.e. given) me this wisdom.
nr qy aupij surg kau jIiqE so AvKD mY pweI ]1]
nar tay upaj, surag ka-o jeeti-o, so avkhadh mai paa-ee. ||1||
Born as man (i.e. human being), (but) I have conquered heavens; I have found such a
medicine (from the True Guru).1
jhw jhw DUA nwrdu tyky nYku itkwvhu moih ] jahaa jahaa dhoo-a naarad taykay, naik tikaavahu mohi.
Where You have placed Dhru and Nard, place me (too) there for just little bit time.
qyry nwm Aivlµib bhuqu jn auDry nwmy kI inj miq eyh ]2]3]

tayray naam avilaMb bahut jan udhray, naamay kee nij mat ayh. ||2||3||
Nama (says): this is my understanding that following (i.e. with the support of) Your name, so
many have been saved; (so, please save me also). 2.3
P. 874
goNf ] Go d

moih lwgqI qwlwbylI ] bCry ibnu gwie AkylI ]1]

mohi laagtee taalaabaylee. bachhray bin, gaa-ay akaylee. ||1||
I am restless; (like) the cow is lonely without (its) calf. 1
pwnIAw ibnu mInu qlPY ] Aysy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]1] rhwau ]
paanee-aa bin, meen talfai. aisay raam naamaa bin, baapuro naamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(As) without water, the fish writhes (in pain);
So is (writhing) poor Naamaa (i.e. Namdev) without the name of God. 1 (pause)
jYsy gwie kw bwCw CUtlw ] Qn coKqw mwKnu GUtlw ]2]
jaisay gaa-ay kaa baachhaa chhootlaa. than chokh-taa maakhan ghootlaa. ||2||
Like the cow's calf, which, when set free,
sucks at her (mother's) teats, and, gulps butter (i.e. drinks her milk). 2
nwmdyau nwrwienu pwieAw ] guru Bytq AlKu lKwieAw ]3]
naamday-o, naaraa-in paa-i-aa. gur bhaytat, alakh lakhaa-i-aa. ||3||
Naamday-o (i.e. Namdev) has found God; meeting the Guru, I have seen the unseeable. 3
jYsy ibKY hyq pr nwrI ] Aysy nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]4]
jaisay, bikhai hayt par naaree. aisay, naamay pareet muraaree. ||4||
As one, for the sake of poison (i.e. sin), loves another man’s wife; so does Namdev love God. 4
jYsy qwpqy inrml Gwmw ] qYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]5]4]
jaisay, taaptay nirmal ghaamaa. taisay, raam naamaa bin, baapuro naamaa. ||5||4||
As people burn in illuminating (brilliant, dazzling) sunshine (i.e. heat);
so does poor Namdev (burn) without the name of God 5.4.

rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 2 Raag Gond, banee Maamday-o jee-o kee, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir hir krq imty siB Brmw ] har har karat, mitay sabh bharmaa.
Chanting (the name of) God, the Lord, all doubts are dispelled.
hir ko nwmu lY aUqm Drmw ] har ko naam lai, ootam dharmaa.
Chanting the name of God, it is the highest religion.
hir hir krq jwiq kul hrI ] har har karat, jaat kul haree.
Chanting the name of God, the Lord, the (pride of) social status and family are erased.
so hir AMDuly kI lwkrI ]1] so har, aNdhulay kee laakree. ||1||
(Thus) God is the (walking) stick of the blind. 1
hrey nmsqy hrey nmh ] hir hir krq nhI duKu jmh ]1] rhwau ]

har-ay namastay, har-ay namah. har har karat, nahee dukh jamah. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I bow to God, I bow to God!
Chanting (the name of) God, the Lord, there remain no pain of (the messenger of) death. 1 (pause)
hir hrnwKs hry prwn ] har harnaakhas* haray paraan.
God took the life of Harnakash* (the non-believer and saved His devotee Prahlad).
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having (so-called) miraculous power;
he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon
God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who killed
Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the
purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
AjYml kIE bYkuMTih Qwn ] ajaimal* kee-o baikuNṭeh thaan.
(God) gave Ajamal* a place in heaven.
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent; it is one of the attributes and the names of
God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved thus].
sUAw pVwvq ginkw qrI ] soo-aa paṛaavat, ganikaa* taree.
By teaching a parrot (to speak the name of God), Ganika* (the prostitute) was saved.
[*Ganika was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave her a
parrot which used to chant the name of God, and, gradually she to began chanting the name of God. Chanting the name
of God liberated her. This story had been written to inspire people to chant the name of God].
so hir nYnhu kI pUqrI ]2] so har, nainhu kee pootree. ||2||
Thus, God is the pupil (i.e. light) of my eyes. 2
hir hir krq pUqnw qrI ] bwl GwqnI kptih BrI ]
har har karat, pootnaa* taree. baal ghaatnee, kaptahi bharee.
Chanting (the name of) God, the Lord, Pootnaa* was saved;
even though she was a child killer and full of wickedness.
[*According to the myth of the Hindu god-king Krishna, his uncle Kans planned to get him killed. He sought the help of
Pootana to kill infant Krishna by feeding him poisonous milk. She disguised herself as a simple and pious woman and
treacherously fed baby Krishna with her poisoned breast. The boy Krishna, however, sucked her blood and life and laid
her to death; but, at the time of death she meditated upon the name of God and was liberated].
ismrn dRopd suq auDrI ] simran, daropad* sut udhree.
By remembering (God), the daughter of (the king) Drupad (named Daraupadee)* was saved.
[*According to fictional work ‘Mahabharata’, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchāla and the
wife of the five Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while
playing gamble, the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now,
to insult the Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee; and, he
began to disrobe Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs,
and, as Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree keeps getting
extended. Thus, listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
gaUqm sqI islw insqrI ]3] ga-ootam satee,* silaa nistaree. ||3||
Gautam’s wife,* (who had turned into), a stone was saved. 3
[*According to a myth Ahilya was the wife of the sage Gautama; she was the most beautiful woman. According a
version Gautama was much older than her. One day, when Gautam was away from home, Indra (another mythical god)
came to her in the guise of her husband; Ahalya saw through his disguise but nevertheless accepted his advances.
According to another sources, she did not know of Indra’s trick and fell prey to his trickery and was raped. When
Gautam leant it, he cursed Ahalya and her lover (or rapist) Indra. As per the curse she was turned into a stone. As per
the myth, she was finally redeemed by Raam Chander].
kysI kMs mQnu ijin kIAw ] jIA dwnu kwlI kau dIAw ]
kaysee,* kaNs* mathan jin kee-aa. jee-a daan, kaalee** ka-o dee-aa.
One who killed Keshi (demon) and Kans (the wicker ruler); and, gave the gift of life to Kali.
[*According to a myth Kans was the maternal uncle of Krishan. He had forcibly occupied the kingdom of Mathura from
his father Ugarsen. After this he decided to kill all the male children of his sister, but, under a planning one of their sons
Krishan was able to escape being murdered. Much later, when Kans came to know about this, he made many attempts to
kill Krishan. All these attempts failed and finally Kans engaged Keshi to kill him. Keshi assumed the form of a huge
horse, who galloped at the speed of thoughts, wore the earth with his hooves and scattered celestial vehicles and clouds
in the sky with his mane. His neighing terrified the people. Krishna challenged Keshi to a duel, as the horse was creating
havoc around Gokul. Keshi roared like a lion and charged towards Krishna, striking him with his hooves. Krishna
caught hold of Keshi's two legs and tossed him to a great distance. Recovering from the fall, the agitated Keshi opened
his mouth and attacked Krishna. As soon as Krishna thrust his left arm into Keshi's mouth, all of Keshi's teeth fell. Now
Krishna expanded his arm and choked Keshi to death; after this Krishan tore his body into two halves. Later, Kans too
was killed by Krishna, and, Ugrasena reinstated as the King of Mathura].
[**Kaalee/Kali was a cursed snake which had been living in Yamuna river. Krishan emancipated it].
pRxvY nwmw AYso hrI ] jwsu jpq BY Apdw trI ]4]1]5]
paraṇvai naamaa aiso haree. jaas japat bhai apdaa taree. ||4||1||5||
Prays Nama: Such is my God; meditating upon Him fear and calamity are dispelled. 5.1.5

goNf ] Gond
Byrau BUq sIqlw DwvY ] Kr bwhnu auhu Cwru aufwvY ]1]
bhairo bhoot, seetlaa dhaavai. khar baahan, uho chhaar udaavai. ||1||
One who follows (the demon) Bhairo (he too is like Bhairo); and, (the one who follows) Seetla
(the goddess of small pox), and, as she rides a donkey, and kicks up the dust (her follower too
shall kick up dust). 1
hau qau eyku rmeIAw lYhau ] Awn dyv bdlwvin dYhau ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o ta-o, ayk rama-ee-aa laiha-o. aan dayv, badlaavan daiha-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I take only (i.e. I shall meditate upon) One God (alone);
I have given away all other gods, in exchange (for God). 1 (pause)
isv isv krqy jo nru iDAwvY ] brd cFy faurU FmkwvY ]2]
siv siv kartay, jo nar dhi-aavai. barad chaḍay, da-uroo ḍamkaavai. ||2||
The man who chants Shiv, Shiv (i.e. meditates upon Shiv);
(like Shiv, he too) is riding on an ox and playing upon tambourine. 2
mhw mweI kI pUjw krY ] nr sY nwir hoie AauqrY ]3]
mahaa maa-ee kee poojaa karai. nar sai naar, ho-ay a-utarai. ||3||
One who worships great (i.e. powerful) maya,
from man he will be born (i.e. reincarnated) as a woman. 3
qU khIAq hI Awid BvwnI ] mukiq kI brIAw khw CpwnI ]4]
too kahee-at hee aad bhavaanee. mukat kee baree-aa, kahaa chhapaanee. ||4||
(O! maya) you are called the Primal goddess; but,
at the time of liberation, where do you hide (then)? 4
gurmiq rwm nwm ghu mIqw ] pRxvY nwmw ieau khY gIqw ]5]2]6]
gurmat raam naam gahu, meetaa. paraṇvai naamaa, i-o kahai geetaa. ||5||2||6||
Follow the Guru's wisdom (i.e. teachings) and hold on to the name of God, O! my friend.
Prays Nama: so says Gita (the book) as well. 5.2.6

iblwvlu goNf ] Bilaaval Gond
Awju nwmy bITlu dyiKAw mUrK ko smJwaU ry ] rhwau ]
aaj naamay beeṭal daykhi-aa, moorakh ko samjhaa-oo ray. rahaa-o.
Namdev (says): Toda, I saw God,*(and so) I will instruct the fool (i.e. ignorant folk). (pause)
[*Here, today does not mean on a particular day; it means: n’ow, I have realized the mystery of God’].
pWfy qumrI gwieqRI loDy kw Kyqu KwqI QI ] lY kir Tygw tgrI qorI lWgq lWgq jwqI QI ]1]
paanday, tumree gaa-itaree, lodhay kaa khayt khaatee thee.
lai kar ṭaygaa tagree toree, laangat laangat jaatee thee.||1||
O! Panday, your Gaytari (cow)* was grazing in the field of a Lodha farmer;
taking a stick, the farmer broke its leg,* and then it walked with a limp. 1
[*As per myth, Brahma (a mythical god) wanted to perform a yajna but he was unable to perform it as he had no wife,
and, as a yajna could only be conducted along with the wife, Brahma went to goddess Saraswati and asked her to be his
wife and sit by him during the yajna. Saraswati agreed to take the form of Savitri and be Brahma’s consort. Saraswati
went away to have a bath, and, in the meanwhile, Brahma began preparation for the yajna, but long after the
completion of the preparation, Saraswati did not return. At this Brahma lost his patience and looked out for another
woman. He found a milkmaid walking at a distance. Brahma passed her through the body of a cow and from the cow
appeared Gayatri; hence cow as symbol of Gayatri. Here, the reference to the grazing of cow means that when a cow
tries to graze the field, the farmers beat the cows and push them out of their fields, and, in doing so, even the legs of the
cows get broken. The symbol is that if a cow can not saver hers, then how will it save its worshippers].
pWfy qumrw mhwdyau Dauly bld ciVAw Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ] modI ky Gr Kwxw pwkw vw kw lVkw mwirAw Qw ]2]
paanday, tumraa mahaaday-o, dha-ulay balad chaṛi-aa aavat daykhi-aa thaa.
modee kay ghar khaaṇaa paakaa, vaa kaa laṛkaa maari-aa thaa. ||2||
O! Panday, I saw your Mahadev (i.e. Shiv), riding along a white ox.
In the house of a merchant, food was cooked for him, but he killed his son*. 2
[*As per myth, once a merchant invited god Shiv (who rides an ox/bull) to attend a feast at his place. He cooked good
food for Shiv, but, the latter did not relish and cursed that his son will be killed. When such is the anger of Shiv, what can
one expect from the worship of such a god].
P. 875
pWfy qumrw rwmcMdu so BI Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ] rwvn syqI srbr hoeI Gr kI joie gvweI QI ]3]
paanday, tumraa raamchaNd, so bhee aavat daykhi-aa thaa.
raavan saytee sarbar ho-ee, ghar kee jo-ay gavaa-ee thee. ||3||
O! Panday, I saw your Ram Chand coming too.
He fought a war against Raavan (because) he had lost his wife. 3
[In this verse Namdev exposes the personalities of the mythical gods and ask their worshippers as to what
could they expect from these wretched, angry, mean gods? He asks them to worship only God].
ihMdU AMn@w qurkU kwxw ] duhW qy igAwnI isAwxw ]
hiNdoo aNnhaa, turkoo kaaṇaa. duhaan tay, gi-aanee si-aaṇaa.
Hindu is blind (i.e. totally ignorant), Turk (i.e. Muslim) has only one eye (i.e. partly ignorant);
(But) the man of knowledge (i.e. the spiritual teacher) is wiser than both of them.
ihMdU pUjY dyhurw muslmwxu msIiq ] nwmy soeI syivAw jh dyhurw n msIiq ]4]3]7]
hiNdoo poojai dayhuraa, musalmaaṇ maseet.
naamay so-ee sayvi-aa, jah dayhuraa na maseet. ||4||3||7||
The Hindu worships at the temple, and, the Muslim at the mosque.
(But) Namdev serves that One (God), who is neither in the temple nor in mosque (i.e. God is
not confined in temple or mosque; He pervades everywhere). 4.3.7
rwgu goNf bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru 2 Raag Gond, banee Ravidaas jee-o kee, ghar 2
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mukMd mukMd jphu sMswr ] mukaNd mukaNd japahu, saNsaar.
Meditate upon the Giver of Liberation, the Liberator (i.e. God), O! (people of the) world.
ibnu mukMd qnu hoie Aauhwr ] bin mukaNd, tan ho-ay a-uhaar.
without God, body will be reduced to ashes.
soeI mukMdu mukiq kw dwqw ] so-ee mukaNd, mukat kaa daataa.
That God is the Giver of liberation.
soeI mukMdu hmrw ipq mwqw ]1] so-ee mukNnd, hamraa pit maataa. ||1||
That God is my father and mother. 1
jIvq mukMdy mrq mukMdy ] jeevat mukaNday, marat mukaNday.
(Meditate upon) God in life, and, (meditate upon) God in death.
qw ky syvk kau sdw Anµdy ]1] rhwau ] taa kay sayvak ka-o, sadaa anaNday. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His servant (i.e. devotee) is forever in bliss. 1 (pause)
mukMd mukMd hmwry pRwnµ ] mukand mukand, hamaaray paraana . N

God, the Lord is my breath (of life).

jip mukMd msqik nIswnµ ] jap mukaNd, mastak neesaanaN.
Meditating upon God, (one’s) forehead bears insignia (of God’s approval).
syv mukMd krY bYrwgI ] soeI mukMdu durbl Dnu lwDI ]2]
sayv mukaNd, karai bairaagee. so-ee mukaNd, durbal dhan laadhee. ||2||
Serving God, one becomes detached.
Serving (i.e. meditating upon) God is (like) finding wealth by the weak (i.e. poor). 2
eyku mukMdu krY aupkwru ] hmrw khw krY sMswru ]
ayk mukaNd, karai upkaar. hamraa kahaa karai saNsaar.
When One God is benevolent (i.e. favourable) to me,(then) what then the world can do to me?
mytI jwiq hUey drbwir ] maytee jaat, hoo-ay darbaar.
Erasing my castes (i.e. social status) off, I have entered His court.
quhI mukMd jog jug qwir ]3] tuhee mukaNd, jog jug taar. ||3||
O! God, You are my Saviour throughout the Ages. 3
aupijE igAwnu hUAw prgws ] upji-o gi-aan, hoo-aa pargaas.
(Spiritual) knowledge (i.e. wisdom) has welled up, and, I have been enlightened.
kir ikrpw lIny kIt dws ] kar kirpaa, leenay keet daas.
Bestowing His mercy, He has made this worm His slave (i.e. devotee).
khu rivdws Ab iqRsnw cUkI ] jip mukMd syvw qwhU kI ]4]1]
kaho ravidaas, ab tarisnaa chookee. jap mukaNd, sayvaa taahoo kee. ||4||1||
Says Ravidas: Now my thirst is quenched, I meditate upon God and serve Him. 4.1

goNf ] Gond

jy Ehu ATsiT qIrQ n@wvY ] jy Ehu duAwds islw pUjwvY ] jy Ehu kUp qtw dyvwvY ] krY inMd sB ibrQw jwvY ]1]
jay oh, aṭsaṭ tirath nhaavai. jay oh, du-aadas silaa poojaavai.
jay oh, koop tataa dayvaavai. karai niNd, sabh birthaa jaavai. ||1||
[This verse says that if one is a slanderer, he may performs any religious rituals, those are of no avail].
(Even) if he takes bath at sixty eight places of pilgrimage; and,
(even) if he worships twelve stones;* and,
(even) if he gives (in charity) wells and pools; and,
(but) if he indulges in slandering, (then) all of this is useless. 1
[*Twelev stones refers to ‘shivlings’ (literally: penis of Shiv) at twelve places of pilgrimage i.e. Somnath (Gujrat),
Srisailam (Aandhra), Ujjain (MP), Mamaleshwara (MP), Parali (Mahrastra), Darukavanam (Maharashtra),
Kedarnath (Uttrakhand), Nasik (Maharashtra), Rameshvara (Tamilnadu), Bhimshanakr (Maharashtra), Varanashi
(UP), Devasrovar (Maharshtra); out of these twelve, five are in Maharashtra. These are considered as places of prime
worship by devotees of Shiv].
swD kw inMdku kYsy qrY ] srpr jwnhu nrk hI prY ]1] rhwau ]
saadh kaa niNdak, kaisay tarai. sarpar jaanhu, narak hee parai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can the slanderer of the God-oriented person be saved ?
Know it: he shall definitely to go to hell. 1 (pause)
jy Ehu gRhn krY kulKyiq ] ArpY nwir sIgwr smyiq ] sglI isMimRiq sRvnI sunY ] krY inMd kvnY nhI gunY ]2]
jay oh, garahan karai kulkhayt. arpai naar, seegaar samayt.
saglee siMmrit, sarvanee sunai. karai niNd, kavnai nahee gunai. ||2||
(Even) if he takes bath at Kurukshetra at the time of (solar) eclipse;
(Even) if gives his decorated (i.e. with precious ornaments) wife in offering (to the Brahmins);
(Even if) he listens all the Simritis with his ears;
(but if he) indulges in slandering, (all) these are of no benefit. 2
jy Ehu Aink pRswd krwvY ] Buim dwn soBw mMfip pwvY ] Apnw ibgwir ibrWnw sWFY ] krY inMd bhu jonI hWFY ]3]
jay oh, anik prsaad karaavai. bhoom daan, sobhaa maNdap paavai.
apnaa bigaar, biraannaa saanḍai.karai niNd, baho jonee haanḍai. ||3||
(Even if) he offer a lot of food (to the beggars);
(even if he) donates land and is praised all over the world;
(even if he) serves other's purpose (even) by spoiling his own;
(but) if he indulges in slandering, he will wander several incarnations.3
inMdw khw krhu sMswrw ] niNdaa kahaa karahu, saNsaaraa.
O! (people of the) world, why do you indulge in slandering?
inMdk kw prgit pwhwrw ] niNdak kaa, pargat paahaaraa.
The expanse of the slanderer (finally) stands exposed.
inMdku soiD swiD bIcwirAw ] niNdak sodh saadh beechaari-aa.
I have explored and researched (and found about) (the fate of) the slanderer;
khu rivdws pwpI nrik isDwirAw ]4]2]11]7]2]49] joVu ]
kaho ravidaas, paapee narak sidhaari-aa. ||4||2||11||7||2||49|| jorh.
Says Ravidas: (He is) a sinner shall go to hell. (total, i.e. total number of verses).

P. 876
rwmklI mhlw 1 Gru 1 caupdy Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1, cha-upday
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-o kaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
koeI pVqw shswikrqw koeI pVY purwnw ] ko-ee paṛ-taa sehsaakirtaa, ko-ee paṛai puraanaa.
Some read the (books written in) Sahasakirta, some read Purans;
koeI nwmu jpY jpmwlI lwgY iqsY iDAwnw ] ko-ee naam japai japmaalee, laagai tisai dhi-aanaa.
Some chants the names(of Allah/God), on (i.e. along with the beads of) the rosary, and, focus their
mind on that.
Ab hI kb hI ikCU n jwnw qyrw eyko nwmu pCwnw ]1]
ab hee kab hee, kichhoo na jaanaa, tayraa ayko naam pachhaanaa. ||1||
I do not know (i.e. recognize) anything, now or then; I recognize only Your One name. 1
n jwxw hry myrI kvn gqy ] na jaaṇaa, haray, mayree kavan gatay.
I do know, O! God, what my condition shall be (i.e. what will happen to me)?
hm mUrK AigAwn srin pRB qyrI kir ikrpw rwKhu myrI lwj pqy ]1] rhwau ]
ham moorakh agi-aan, saran prabh tayree; kar kirpaa raakho mayree laaj, patay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am foolish and ignorant, I seek Your refuge, O! Lord, bestow Your kindness and save my
honour, O! Honourable (Lord). 1 (pause)
kbhU jIAVw aUiB cVqu hY kbhU jwie pieAwly ] loBI jIAVw iQru n rhqu hY cwry kuMfw Bwly ]2]
kabhoo jee-aṛaa oobh chaṛat hai, kabhoo jaa-ay pa-i-aalay.
lobhee jee-aṛaa thir na rahat hai, chaaray kuNdaa bhaalay. ||2||
Sometimes, the mind rises (high) in the skies, and, sometimes it falls in the nether-regions.
My greedy mind does not remain steady; it searches in four directions (i.e. the mind wanders
and runs after maya everywhere). 2
mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey jIvxu swjih mweI ] maran likhaa-ay ma dal meh aa-ay, jeevaṇ saajeh, maa-ee.
With death pre-ordained, the (mortal) being came to this world, (but still) devise (plans more
and more provisions for) life, O! (my) mother.
eyik cly hm dyKh suAwmI Bwih blµqI AweI ]3]
ayk chalay ham daykhah su-aamee, bhaahi balaNtee aa-ee. ||3||
Some have already departed, I watch (this regularly), O! Lord, the burning fire is coming
(our funeral too is coming closer). 3
n iksI kw mIqu n iksI kw BweI nw iksY bwpu n mweI ]
na kisee kaa meet, na kisee kaa bhaa-ee, naa kisai baap na maa-ee.
No one is friend of anyone, no one is a brother of anyone, and, no one is father mother of
anyone (i.e. no one can help in the end).
pRxviq nwnk jy qU dyvih AMqy hoie sKweI ]4]1]
paraṇvat naanak jay too dayveh aNtay ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak: If you bless me (with Your name) that will be my help me in the end. 4.1

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

srb joiq qyrI psir rhI ] jh jh dyKw qh nrhrI ]1]
sarab jot tayree, pasar rahee. jah jah daykhaa, tah narharee*. ||1||
Your light is pervading in all (O! Lord).
Wherever I look, there I see God* (pervading and prevailing). 1
[*Narharee,literally: Lord of Men/Humans.This is another attribute and name of God].
jIvn qlb invwir suAwmI ] AMD kUip mwieAw mnu gwifAw ikau kir auqrau pwir suAwmI ]1] rhwau ]
jeevan talab nivaar, su-aamee.
aNdh koop maa-i-aa man gaadi-aa, ki-o kar utara-o paar su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please rid me of (countless) desires of life, O! Lord.
My mind is entangled in the blind well of maya, how can I cross over (without Your help), O!
Lord? 1 (pause)
jh BIqir Gt BIqir bisAw bwhir kwhy nwhI ] jah bheetar ghat bheetar basi-aa, baahar kaahay naahee.
When He dwells within, inside the heart; how can He not be outside (as well)?
iqn kI swr kry inq swihbu sdw icMq mn mwhI ]2]
tin kee saar karay nit, saahib, sadaa chiNt man maahee. ||2||
The Lord takes care of them(i.e. all); and, always keeps them in His thoughts. 2
Awpy nyVY Awpy dUir ] Awpy srb rihAw BrpUir ]
aapay nayṛai, aapay door. aapay sarab rahi-aa bharpoor.
He Himself is near (i.e. with heart), Himself is far away.
He Himself is pervading all (and everywhere).

sqguru imlY AMDyrw jwie ] jh dyKw qh rihAw smwie ]3]
satgur milai, aNdhayraa jaa-ay. jah daykhaa, tah rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, the darkness is dispelled; wherever I see, I see Him pervading. 3
P. 877
AMqir shsw bwhir mwieAw nYxI lwgis bwxI ] pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw prqwpihgw pRwxI ]4]2]
aNtar sahsaa, baahar maa-i-aa, nainee laagas banee.
paraṇvat naanak, daasan daasaa, partaapehgaa paraanee. ||4||2||
Within me there is doubt, and, outside it is maya; it hits my eyes like an arrow;
Nanak, the slave of Your slaves, prays: ‘such a mortal (who is afflicted by doubt and maya)
suffers severely’. 4.2

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

ijqu dir vsih kvnu dru khIAY drw BIqir dru kvnu lhY ]
jit dar vaseh kavan dar kahee-ai, daraa bheetar dar kavan lahai.
The door (i.e. mansion), where You live in, which is that door (i.e. mansion), tell me? Among all
the doors, who can find the door?
ijsu dr kwrix iPrw audwsI so dru koeI Awie khY ]1]
jis dar kaaraṇ firaa udaasee, so dar ko-ee aa-ay kahai. ||1||
The door (i.e. the mansion of God) for which I am wandering around sadly, if someone would
come and tell me about that door. 1
ikn ibiD swgru qrIAY ] jIviqAw nh mrIAY ]1] rhwau ]
kin bidh saagar taree-ai. jeevti-aa nah maree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can I cross over the (world) ocean?
(I can not do so, unless) I can be dead, while yet living. 1 (pause)
[This question (i.e. how to swim across)has been answered in the secpnd rahaa-o (pause), in the end of this verse].
duKu drvwjw rohu rKvwlw Awsw AMdysw duie pt jVy ]
dukh darvaajaa, rohu rakhvaalaa, aasaa aNdaysaa du-ay pat jaṛay.
(The mansion, where God dwells, has) the door of sufferings; anger is its guard, and, hope and
anxiety are two fixed wooden planks.
mwieAw jlu KweI pwxI Gru bwiDAw sq kY Awsix purKu rhY ]2]
maa-i-aa jal khaa-ee, paaṇee ghar baadhi-aa, sat kai aasaṇ purakh rahai. ||2||
(Around it, there is) moat of maya, filled with water (of vices), (it is here that) He has built His
home; and, the Primal Person (Lord) sits (there) in this seat of Truth. 2
ikMqy nwmw AMqu n jwixAw qum sir nwhI Avru hry ] kiNtay naamaa aNt na jaani-aa, tum sar naahee avar haray.
You have so many names? no one knows their limit; (but, O! Lord) there is no one equal to You.
aUcw nhI khxw mn mih rhxw Awpy jwxY Awip kry ]3]
oochaa nahee kahṇaa, man meh rahṇaa, aapay jaanai aap karay. ||3||
(O! brethren) there is no need to speak loud, remain within your mind; He Himself knows and
He Himself acts. 3
jb Awsw AMdysw qb hI ikau kir eyku khY ] jab aasaa aNdaysaa tab hee, ki-o kar ayk kahai.
As long as one has hopes (i.e. desires), there is anxiety; how can (any one) speak of (uniting with)
the One (Lord)?
Awsw BIqir rhY inrwsw qau nwnk eyku imlY ]4] aasaa bheetar rahai niraasaa, ta-o naanak ayk milai. ||4||
(When) in the midst of hopes, one remain detached from hopes, then, Nanak (says): one can
meet the One (Lord). 4
ien ibiD swgru qrIAY ] jIviqAw ieau mrIAY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]3]
in bidh saagar taree-ai. jeevti-aa, i-o maree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||3||
In this way one shall cross over the (world) ocean; and,
This the way to remain dead, while yet alive. (pause second). 3

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

suriq sbdu swKI myrI isM|I bwjY loku suxy ] surat sabad saakhee mayree siNngee, baajai lok suṇay.
Concentration upon word is my teaching, (it is) playing upon horn,* people hear (it);
pqu JolI mMgx kY qweI BIiKAw nwmu pVy ]1] pat jholee maNgaṇ kai taa-ee, bheekhi-aa naam paṛay. ||1||
Honour is my begging-bag,* and, the name is the charity I received. 1
[*The reference is to the yogis, who wandered around, playing upon horn , and, people would put in their bags].
bwbw gorKu jwgY ] gorKu so ijin goie auTwlI krqy bwr n lwgY ]1] rhwau ]
baabaa, gorakh jaagai. gorakh so jin go-ay uthaalee, kartay baar na laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! elders (i.e. O! followers of Gorakh) Gorakh (i.e. God) is (foeever) awake;
Gorakh is the One who has created the earth, and, the Creator takes no time (to create). 1
pwxI pRwx pvix bMiD rwKy cMdu sUrju muiK dIey ]
paaṇee, paraaṇ pavaṇ baNdh raakhay, chaNd sooraj mukh dee-ay.
Binding water and air, (He has infused life) into body, and, has given sun and moon as big lamps.
mrx jIvx kau DrqI dInI eyqy gux ivsry ]2] maraṇ jeevaṇ ka-o dhartee deenee, aytay guṇ visray. ||2||
For living and dying, He gave us earth, (but) we have forgotten all these blessings. 2
isD swiDk Aru jogI jMgm pIr purs bhuqyry ] sidh saadhik ar jogee jaNgam, peer puras bahutayray.
There are so many sidhs (claiming miraculous powers), seekers, yogis, wandering ascetics,
spiritual beings.
jy iqn imlw q kIriq AwKw qw mnu syv kry ]3] jay tin milaa ta keerat aakhaa, taa man sayv karay. ||3||
If I meet them, and, I sing the praise (of God); then my mind serves Him. 3
kwgdu lUxu rhY iGRq sMgy pwxI kmlu rhY ] kaagad looṇ rahai gharit saNgay, paanee kamal rahai.
As paper and salt (are not affected by water) when remain in ghee(refinedbutter), like lotus
(remains unaffected) in water.
Aysy Bgq imlih jn nwnk iqn jmu ikAw krY ]4]4] aisay bhagat mileh, jan naanak, tin jam ki-aa karai. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (in the same manner) the devotees meet (i.e. unite with
God), (then) what can death do (to them)? says Nanak. 4.4

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

suix mwiCMdRw nwnku bolY ] vsgiq pMc kry nh folY ]
sun maachhiNdaraa, naanak bolai. vasgat paNch karay, nah dolai.
Listen, O! Macchinder, what Nanak says:
(He is real detached, who) subdues the five (passions)*, and, does not waver.
[* these five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride].
AYsI jugiq jog kau pwly ] Awip qrY sgly kul qwry ]1]

aisee jugat, jog ka-o paalay. aap tarai, saglay kul taaray. ||1||
One, who practices yoga in such a way, (he) saves Himself and saves all his family. 1
so AauDUqu AYsI miq pwvY ] Aihinis suMin smwiD smwvY ]1] rhwau ]
so a-udhoot, aisee mat paavai. ahini, suNn samaadh samaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is a renouncer* who acquires such understanding;
day and night, he remains absorbed in void-trance. 1 pause.
[*a-udhoot, literlly means one who casts dust off; i.e. one who casts off vices from mind].
iBiKAw Bwie Bgiq BY clY ] bhikhi-aa, bhaa-ay bhagat bhai chalai.
He begs for loving devotion (to God), and, lives in His fear.
hovY su iqRpiq sMqoiK AmulY ] hovai so taripat saNtokh amulai.
He remains satiated in priceless contentment.
iDAwn rUip hoie Awsxu pwvY ] dhi-aan roop ho-ay, aasaṇ paavai.
Becoming the embodiment of meditation, he attains posture (of poise).
sic nwim qwVI icqu lwvY ]2] sach naam taaṛee chit laavai. ||2||
He focusses his consciousness (i.e. mind) in trance of the True name. 2
nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ] suix mwiCMdRw AauDU nIswxI ]
naanak bolai, amrit baṇee. sun maachhindaraa, a-odhoo neesaaṇee.
Nanak chants the Amrit word;
Listen, O! Macchinder, this is the insignia (i.e. sign) of a true renouncer.
Awsw mwih inrwsu vlwey ] inhcau nwnk krqy pwey ]3]
aasaa maahi, niraas valaa-ay. nihcha-o, naanak, kartay paa-ay. ||3||
In the midst of hope (i.e desires), he remain unaffected by hopes (i.e. remains detached);
Nanak (says): (such a detached person) shall definitely find (i.e. unite with) the Creator. 3
pRxviq nwnku Agmu suxwey ] gur cyly kI sMiD imlwey ]
paraṇvat naanak, agam suṇaa-ay. gur chaylay kee saNdh milaa-ay.
Prays Nanak: (If) he tells about the Unknown, (then)
he can cause a union between the Guru and the disciple.
dIiKAw dwrU Bojnu Kwie ] iCA drsn kI soJI pwie ]4]5]
deekhi-aa, daaroo bhojan khaa-ay. chhi-a darsan kee sojhee paa-ay. ||4||5||
(If) he eats this medicine (of the teaching of the Guru) and eats this (teaching as his) food, then,
He obtains the understanding of the six systems(of philosophy). 4.5
P. 878
rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1
hm folq byVI pwp BrI hY pvxu lgY mqu jweI ] ham dolat, bayṛee paap bharee hai, pavaṇ lagai mat jaa-ee.
(O! Guru, O! God) my boat (of life) is wobbling (because) it is loaded with sins; it may
overturn (i.e. drown) when wind (i.e. storm of maya) rises.
snmuK isD Bytx kau Awey inhcau dyih vifAweI ]1]
sanmukh sidh, bhaytaṇ ka-o aa-ay, nihcha-o deh vadi-aa-ee. ||1||
O! Sidh (O! Guru), we have turned to you, you should surely bless us with honour. 1
gur qwir qwrxhwirAw ] gur taar taaraṇhaari-aa.
O! Guru, O! Saviour, (please) carry me across (the world ocean);
dyih Bgiq pUrn AivnwsI hau quJ kau bilhwirAw ]1] rhwau ]

deh bhagat pooran avinaasee, ha-o tujh ka-o balihaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bless me with devotion to the perfect, imperishable (Lord), I am a sacrifice unto You. 1 (Pause)
isD swiDk jogI Aru jMgm eyku isDu ijnI iDAwieAw ]
sidh saadhik jogee ar jaNgam, ayk sidh jinee dhi-aa-i-aa.
He (alone) is a sidh (i.e. one having miraculous powers), a seeker, a yogi, or a wandering
ascetic, who meditate upon the Perfect (Lord).
prsq pYr isJq qy suAwmI AKru ijn kau AwieAw ]2]
parsat pair, sijhat tay su-aamee, akhar jin ka-o aa-i-aa. ||2||
Touching the feet of the Lord, they are accomplished (i.e. emancipated), (if) they come to
learn (even) one word (of Your teachings). 2
jp qp sMjm krm n jwnw nwmu jpI pRB qyrw ] jap tap saNjam karam na jaanaa, naam japee parabh tayraa.
I do not know (anything of) meditation, austerity, (self) discipline or (religious) rituals; I only
chant Your name, O! God.
guru prmysru nwnk ByitE swcY sbid inbyrw ]3]6]
gur parmaysar, naanak bhayti-o, saachai sabad nibayraa. ||3||6||
Nanak (says): one who has met the Guru, God, he obtains emancipation through word. 3.6

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

surqI suriq rlweIAY eyqu ] qnu kir qulhw lµGih jyqu ]
surtee, surat ralaa-ee-ai ayt. tan kar tulhaa, laNgheh jayt.
(O! brethren) focus and absorb your consciousness in God like this:
make your body a raft to cross over (the world ocean).
AMqir Bwih iqsY qU rKu ] Aihinis dIvw blY AQku ]1]
aNtar bhaahi, tisai too rakh. ahinis, deevaa balai athak. ||1||
Within you is the fire (of desires), keep it under restrain; (and then)
the lamp shall burn day and night (i.e. the lamp of wisdom shall give light unceasingly). 1
Aysw dIvw nIir qrwie ] ijqu dIvY sB soJI pwie ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa deevaa, neer taraa-ay. jit deevai, sabh sojhee paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) float such a lamp on water (in the stream of your heart), and,
this lamp will give complete understanding (of path of life). 1 (pause)
hCI imtI soJI hoie ] qw kw kIAw mwnY soie ]
hachhee mitee, sojhee ho-ay. taa kaa kee-aa, maanai so-ay.
If the understanding is the clay, (then lamp) made of this (clay) is acceptable to God.
krxI qy kir ckhu Fwil ] AYQY EQY inbhI nwil ]2]
karṇee tay, kar chakahu ḍaal. aithai othai, nibhee naal. ||2||
(So) shape this (lamp) on the wheel on good actions,
here (in this world) and (the world) hereafter, this (lamp) shall stand be with you.. 2
Awpy ndir kry jw soie ] gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koie ]
aapay nadar karay jaa so-ay. gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ay.
When He Himself bestows His grace,
Some rare one may understand it through the Guru.
iqqu Git dIvw inhclu hoie ] tit ghat deevaa nihchal ho-ay.

Within his heart, the lamp (of knowledge) becomes permanent (i.e. forever illumines it) .
pwxI mrY n buJwieAw jwie ] Aysw dIvw nIir qrwie ]3]
paaṇee marai na bujhaa-i-aa jaa-ay. aisaa deevaa neer taraa-ay. ||3||
A (lamp)which can not destroyed by water (of desires), nor extinguished (by winds of maya),
(O! brethren) place such a lamp on the waters (of world ocean). 3
folY vwau n vfw hoie ] jwpY ijau isMGwsix loie ]
dolai vaa-o na vadaa ho-ay. jaapai ji-o siNghaasaṇ lo-ay.
Wind (of maya) cannot shake it, nor can it be put off;
In its light the throne (of God) is revealed.
KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu ik vYsu ] inriq n pweIAw gxI shMs ]
khatree baraahmaṇ sood ke vais. nirat na paa-ee-aa gaṇee sahaNs.
Khatri, Brahman, Shudra or Vaish (i.e. people of all classes, and, not only they, but)
there may be thousands in number, they cannot know its value.
Aysw dIvw bwly koie ] nwnk so pwrMgiq hoie ]4]7]
aisaa deevaa baalay ko-ay. naanak so paaraNgat ho-ay. ||4||7||
If any one lights such a lamp; Nanak (says): that person is emancipated. 4.7

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

quDno invxu mMnxu qyrw nwau ] tudhno nivan, maNan tayraa naa-o.
To have faith in Your name is bowing before You (i.e. having faith in Him is true worship).
swcu Byt bYsx kau Qwau ] saach bhayt, baisan ka-o thaa-o.
By making an offering of truth, one obtain a place to sit (in His court).
squ sMqoKu hovY Ardwis ] qw suix sid bhwly pwis]
sat saNtokh hovai ardaas. ta suṇ sad bahlay paas.
If one offers prayer with truth and contentment, then He hears and calls one to sit by Him.
nwnk ibrQw koie n hoie ] AYsI drgh swcw soie ]1] rhwau ]
naanak, birthaa ko-ay na ho-ay. aisee dargeh saachaa so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Nanak (says): nothing goes waste (i.e. no one returns empty-handed);
such is the court of the True (Lord). 1 (pause)
pRwpiq poqw krmu pswau ] qU dyvih mMgq jn cwau ]
paraapat potaa, karam pasaa-o. too dayveh, maNgat jan chaa-o.
This treasure is obtained by Your grace;
You give me (O! Lord)), I am eagerly begging for this.
BwfY Bwau pvY iqqu Awie ] Duir qY CofI kImiq pwie ]2]
bhaadai bhaa-o pavai tit aa-ay. dhur tai chhodee, keemat paa-ay. ||2||
Love (for God) fills that bowl (i.e. heart), in which you have placed value from Your court. 2
ijin ikCu kIAw so ikCu krY ] ApnI kImiq Awpy DrY ]
jin kichh kee-aa, so kichh karai. apnee keemat, aapay dharai.
The One who has created everything, he alone does (everything);
He Himself appraises His own value.
gurmuiK prgtu hoAw hir rwie ] nw ko AwvY nw ko jwie ]3]
gurmukh, pargat ho-aa har raa-ay. naa ko aavai, naa ko jaa-ay. ||3||
The Sovereign-Lord reveals Himself through the Guru;
(and one realizes that without His command) no one comes, no one goes. 3
loku iDkwru khY mMgq jn mwgq mwnu n pwieAw ] lok dhikaar kahai maNgat jan, maagat maan na paa-i-aa.
People curse the one who begs, one does not receive honor by begging.
sh kIAw glw dr kIAw bwqw qY qw khxu khwieAw ]4]8]
sah kee-aa galaa, dar kee-aa baataa, tai taa kahaṇ kahaa-i-aa. ||4||8||
(These are) the stories of (the excellences of) the Lord, stories of the court of the Lord; (O!
Lord) You have got me to speak. 4.8

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

swgr mih bUMd bUMd mih swgru kvxu buJY ibiD jwxY ]
saagar meh booNd, booNd meh saagar, kavaṇ bujhai bidh jaaṇai.
The drop is in the ocean, ocean is in the drop, who understands it and knows this (mystery) ?
[As water and ocean are contained in each other, so are light of man and the Light of God; both are inseparable].
auqBuj clq Awip kir cInY Awpy qqu pCwxY ]1] ut-bhuj chalat aap kar, cheenai, aapay tat pachhaaṇai. ||1||
He Himself has created wondrous (sources of) creation; He Himself contemplates it, and
understands the essence (of Reality). 1
P. 879
Aysw igAwnu bIcwrY koeI ] iqs qy mukiq prm giq hoeI ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa gi-aan, beechaarai ko-ee. tis tay, mukat param gat ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Rare are those who contemplate such (spiritual) wisdom;
through this (wisdom) supreme state (i.e. liberation) is achieved. 1 (pause)
idn mih rYix rYix mih idnIAru ausn sIq ibiD soeI ] din meh raiṇ, raiṇ meh dinee-ar, usan seet bidh so-ee.
The night is in the day, and, and day is in the night; the same is (true of) summer and winter.
qw kI giq imiq Avru n jwxY gur ibnu smJ n hoeI ]2]
taa kee gat mit avar na jaanai, gur bin samajh na ho-ee. ||2||
No one else knows His (i.e. other than God’s) state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse);
without the Guru, this can not be understood. 2
purK mih nwir nwir mih purKw bUJhu bRhm igAwnI ]
purakh meh naar, naar meh purkhaa, boojhhu barahm gi-aanee.
The female is in the male, and, male is in the female (i.e. females are born out of semen of males
and males are born from the womb of females); understand this (game), O! Knower of Reality.
Duin mih iDAwnu iDAwn mih jwinAw gurmuiK AkQ khwnI ]3]
dhun meh dhi-aan, dhi-aan meh jaani-aa, gurmukh akath kahaanee. ||3||
The concentration is in the music (of the word), and, He is known (i.e. realized) through
concentration; the indescribable story (of God) can be known through the Guru. 3
mn mih joiq joiq mih mnUAw pMc imly gur BweI ] man meh jot, jot meh manoo-aa, pa ch milay gur bhaa-ee.
(When) the Light (of God) is (revealed) in the mind, (then), the mind is (absorbed) in the Light;
the five (senses) become followers of the same teacher (i.e. they stop wandering around).
nwnk iqn kY sd bilhwrI ijn eyk sbid ilv lweI ]4]9]
naanak, tin kai sad balihaaree, jin ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||4||9||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto those, who are in tune with the word of the One (Lord). 4.9

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1
jw hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI ] qw haumY ivchu mwrI ]
jaa, har prabh kirpaa dhaaree. taa, ha-umai vichahu maaree.
When God, the Lord, bestowed His mercy, then egotism was eradicated from within .
so syvik rwm ipAwrI ] jo gur sbdI bIcwrI ]1] so sayvak raam pi-aaree. jo gur sabdee beechaaree. ||1||
That servant (i.e. devotee) is dear to God: (the one) who contemplates the word of Guru. 1
so hir jnu hir pRB BwvY ] Aihinis Bgiq kry idnu rwqI lwj Coif hir ky gux gwvY ]1] rhwau ]
so har jan har prabh bhaavai.
ahinis bhagat karay din raatee, laaj chhod har kay guṇ gaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That servant (i.e. devotee) of God is pleasing to God, the Lord,
who meditates upon (God), day and night, and, sings (the praise) of the excellences of God,
disregarding (the feeling of) shame. 1 (pause)
Duin vwjy Anhd Gorw ] mnu mwinAw hir ris morw ]
dhun vaajay anhad ghoraa. man maani-aa, har ras moraa.
The unstruck sound of word resonates echoes (in my mind), and,
my mind is pleased with the essence of (the name of) God.
gur pUrY scu smwieAw ] guru Awid purKu hir pwieAw ]2]
gur poorai sach samaa-i-aa. gur aad purakh har paa-i-aa. ||2||
Through the perfect Guru, I am absorbed in the True (Lord); and,
through the Guru I have found (i.e. have become united with) the Primal Person, God. 2
siB nwd byd gurbwxI ] mnu rwqw swirgpwxI ]
sabh naad bayd gurbaaṇee. man raataa saarigpaaṇee.*
All the (spiritual) sounds and Vedas (i.e. knowledge) are (contained) in the word of the Guru;
my mind is imbued with the Sustainer of the Earth* (i.e. God).
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
qh qIrQ vrq qp swry ] gur imilAw hir insqwry ]3]
tah tirath varat tap saaray. gur mili-aa har nistaaray. ||3||
All the places of pilgrimage, fasts, austerities (are in the word of the Guru),
those who meet the Guru, God carries them across (the world ocean). 3
jh Awpu gieAw Bau Bwgw ] gur crxI syvku lwgw ]
jah aap ga-i-aa, bha-o bhaagaa. gur charṇee sayvak laagaa.
One, from within whom self-conceit is gone, his fears runs away (i.e. his fears are destroyed),
that servant gets attached to the feet of the Guru.
guir siqguir Brmu cukwieAw ] khu nwnk sbid imlwieAw ]4]10]
gur satgur, bharam chukaa-i-aa. kaho naanak, sabad milaa-i-aa. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): The Guru, the True Guru, has dispelled my doubts; I am merged into the
word. 4.10

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

Cwdnu Bojnu mwgqu BwgY ] KuiDAw dust jlY duKu AwgY ]
chhaadan bhojan, maagat bhaagai. khudhi-aa dusat jalai, dukh aagai.
He runs around, begging clothes and food;
He burns with wicked hunger, (and, he) will suffers hereafter (also).
gurmiq nhI lInI durmiq piq KoeI ] gurmat nahee leenee, durmat pat kho-ee.
He has not obtained wisdom of the Guru, and, through bad wisdom, he loses his honour.
gurmiq Bgiq pwvY jnu koeI ]1] gurmat bhagat paavai jan ko-ee. ||1||
Through the wisdom of Guru, (only) some rare one obtains devotion. 1
jogI jugiq shj Gir vwsY ] jogee jugat, sahj ghar vaasai.
The way of a yogi is to dwell in home of (celestial) poise.
eyk idRsit eyko kir dyiKAw BIiKAw Bwie sbid iqRpqwsY ]1] rhwau ]
ayk darisat ayko kar daykhi-aa, bheekhi-aa bhaa-ay sabad tariptaasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He looks with one eye (i.e. impartially) that the One is (contained) in all; and,
obtaining the charity (i.e. gift) of love, and is satiated through the word. 1 (pause)
pMc bYl gfIAw dyh DwrI ] rwm klw inbhY piq swrI ]
paNch bail gadee-aa dayh dhaaree. raam kalaa nibhai pat saaree.
The five (organs of perception) bulls drive the cart of body; and,
by the power of God, their honour is preserved.
Dr qUtI gwfo isr Bwir ] lkrI ibKir jrI mMJ Bwir ]2]
dhar tootee, gaado sir bhaar. lakree bikhar, jaree maNjh bhaar. ||2||
(But) when the axle is broken, the cart falls (i.e. gets crashed);
The wood (structure of the cart) falls apart, (and, eventually) it burns under its own load. 2
gur kw sbdu vIcwir jogI ] duKu suKu sm krxw sog ibEgI ]
gur kaa sabad veechaar jogee. dukh sukh sam karnaa, sog bi-ogee.
Contemplate the word of the Guru, O! yogi;
look upon the pain and pleasure as one and the same, (and also) the sorrow and separation.
Bugiq nwmu gur sbid bIcwrI ] AsiQru kMDu jpY inrMkwrI ]3]
bhugat naam, gur sabad beechaaree. asthir kaNdh, japai niraNkaaree. ||3||
Let contemplating the word of the Guru be your food; and,
Meditating upon (the name of) the Formless (Lord), your wall (i.e. body) shall become stable. 3
shj jgotw bMDn qy CUtw ] kwmu k®oDu gur sbdI lUtw ]
sahj jagotaa, baNdhan tay chhootaa. kaam krodh, gur sabdee lootaa.
(O! yogi) wear the lion-cloth of poise, (and you shall) be saved from fetters (of maya);
Sexual desire and anger, shall be taken away through the word of the Guru.
mn mih muMdRw hir gur srxw ] nwnk rwm Bgiq jn qrxw ]4]11]
man meh muNdraa, har gur sarṇaa. naanak, raam bhagat jan tarṇaa. ||4||11||
(O! yogi) let the refuge of the Guru and God be your ear-rings;
Nanak (says): the servants (i.e. devotees) are carried across (the world ocean) though
devotion of God. 4.11
P. 880
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwmklI mhlw 3 Gru 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3, ghar 1

sqjuig scu khY sBu koeI ] Gir Gir Bgiq gurmuiK hoeI ]
satjug, sach kahai sabh ko-ee. ghar ghar bhagat, gurmukh ho-ee.
In Age of Truth (also known as Golden Age), everyone speaks truth.
In each and every home, devotion is performed, through (i.e. by following) Guru’s teachings.
sqjuig Drmu pYr hY cwir ] satjug, dharam pair hai chaar.
In Age of Truth, religion has four feet (i.e. the throne of religion had four legs).
gurmuiK bUJY ko bIcwir ]1] gurmukh boojhai, ko beechaar. ||1||
Only a rare one can contemplate and realizes this through the Guru. 1
jug cwry nwim vifAweI hoeI ] ij nwim lwgY so mukiq hovY gur ibnu nwmu n pwvY koeI ]1] rhwau ]
jug chaaray, naam vadi-aa-ee ho-ee.
je naam laagai so mukat hovai, gur bin naam na paavai ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In all the Four Ages, glory is through name.
One, who is attached to (meditation upon) the name (of God), is liberated; without the Guru no
one can obtain name. 1 (pause)
qRyqY iek kl kInI dUir ] pwKMfu vriqAw hir jwxin dUir ]
taraytai, ik kal keenee door. pakhaNd varti-aa, har jaaṇan door.
In the Third Age (also known as Silver Age), one device (i.e. one part of power) is withdrawn.
The hypocrisy becomes prevalent, (people began believing) God is far away.
gurmuiK bUJY soJI hoeI ] AMqir nwmu vsY suKu hoeI ]2]
gurmukh boojhai, sojhee ho-ee. aNtar naam vasai, sukh ho-ee. ||2||
One, who understands (the path of life) through the Guru, realizes.
(One, who has) the name is within, abides in happiness (i.e. peace). 2
duAwpuir dUjY duibDw hoie ] Brim Bulwny jwxih doie ]
du-aapur, doojai dubidhaa ho-ay. bharam bhulaanay, jaaṇeh do-ay.
In the Second Age (also known as Brass Age), duality and doubt prevailed.
Deluded by doubts, (the people) believe in duality.
duAwpuir Drim duie pYr rKwey ] gurmuiK hovY q nwmu idRVwey ]3]
du-aapur, dharam du-ay pair rakhaa-ay. gurmukh hovai ta naam driṛ-aa-ay. ||3||
In the Second Age, religion has only two feet (i.e. the throne of religion had four legs).
Those, who were Guru-oriented, implanted name (to the people). 3
kljuig Drm klw iek rhwey ] iek pYir clY mwieAw mohu vDwey ]
kaljug, dharam kalaa ik rahaa-ay. ik pair chalai, maa-i-aa moh vadhaa-ay.
In the Dark Age (also known as Iron Age), religion is left (only) with one devise (i.e. power).
It walked on just one foot (i.e. on one leg), (in this Age) attachment to maya has increases.
mwieAw mohu Aiq gubwru ] sqguru BytY nwim auDwru ]4]
maa-i-aa moh, at gubaar. satgur bhaytai, naam udhaar. ||4||
Attachment to maya brings complete darkness (of ignorance).
The one who meetis the True Guru, is saved through (meditation upon) the name. 4
sB jug mih swcw eyko soeI ] sB mih scu dUjw nhI koeI ]
sabh jug meh, saachaa ayko so-ee. sabh meh sach, doojaa nahee ko-ee.
Throughout all the Ages, the One alone is True (i.e. eternal).
That True alone abides in all; and, there is no other (at all).
swcI kIriq scu suKu hoeI ] gurmuiK nwmu vKwxY koeI ]5]
saachee keerat, sach sukh ho-ee. gurmukh naam vakhaanai ko-ee. ||5||
In true praise (of the Lord), true (spiritual) happiness is attained.
Rare are those who chant (i.e. meditate upon) the name (of God) through the Guru. 5
sB jug mih nwmu aUqmu hoeI ] gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]
sabh jug meh naam ootam ho-ee. gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee.
Throughout all the Ages, the name (of God) is supreme (i.e. most sublime).
Rare are those who understand it trough the Guru.
hir nwmu iDAwey Bgqu jnu soeI ] nwnk juig juig nwim vifAweI hoeI ]6]1]
har naam dhi-aa-ay, bhagat jan so-ee. naanak, jug jug, naam vadi-aa-ee ho-ee. ||6||1||
He alone is a (true) devotee being, who meditates upon the name of God.
Nanak (says): In each and every Age, glory is (obtained) through(meditation upon) name. 6.1

rwmklI mhlw 4 Gru 1 Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jy vf Bwg hovih vfBwgI qw hir hir nwmu iDAwvY ]
jay vad bhaag, hoveh vadbhaagee, taa har har naam dhi-aavai.
If one is very fortunate, that greatly fortunate one, meditates upon the name of God, the Lord.
nwmu jpq nwmy suKu pwvY hir nwmy nwim smwvY ]1]
naam japat, naamay sukh paavai; har naamay, naam samaavai. ||1||
He meditates upon the name, and, through the name he obtains happiness, and, he merges in
the name of God through (meditation upon) the name. 1
gurmuiK Bgiq krhu sd pRwxI ] ihrdY pRgwsu hovY ilv lwgY gurmiq hir hir nwim smwxI ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh bhagat karahu sad, paraaṇee.
hirdai pargaas hovai, liv laagai; gurmat har har naam samaaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! mortal (being), enshrine devotion forever (for God) through the Guru;
Your mind shall be illumined, you shall be in tuned (with God); and, through the wisdom of
the Guru, you shall merge in God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
hIrw rqn jvyhr mwxk bhu swgr BrpUru kIAw ] ijsu vf Bwgu hovY vf msqik iqin gurmiq kiF kiF lIAw ]2]
heeraa ratan javayhar maaṇak, baho saagar bharpoor kee-aa.
jis vad bhaag hovai vad mastak, tin gurmat kaḍ kaḍ lee-aa. ||2||
The great ocean (of the name of the Lord) is filled with, diamond, jewel, gem and pearls;
One, who has great fortune (inscribed) on his forehead (i.e. preordained), he digs out and
obtains them through the wisdom of the Gur. 2
rqnu jvyhru lwlu hir nwmw guir kwiF qlI idKlwieAw ]
ratan javayhar laal har naamaa, gur kaaḍ talee dikhlaa-i-aa.
God’s name is jewels, gems and rubies; digging it out, the Guru places it on palm.
BwghIx mnmuiK nhI lIAw iqRx ElY lwKu CpwieAw ]3]
bhaagheeṇ manmukh nahee lee-aa, tariṇ olai laakh chhapaa-i-aa. ||3||
The unfortunate mind-oriented does not obtain it; (the jewel of the name) having the value of
hundreds of thousands (i.e. priceless wealth) remains hidden behind the straws. 3
msqik Bwgu hovY Duir iliKAw qw sqguru syvw lwey ]
mastak bhaag hovai dhur likhi-aa taa satgur sayvaa laa-ay.
If one has destiny inscribed by God (i.e. preordained) the True Guru enjoins him to His service.
nwnk rqn jvyhr pwvY Dnu Dnu gurmiq hir pwey ]4]1]
naanak ratan javayhar paavai dhan dhan gurmat har paa-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): He obtains the jewel and gems (of the name); blessed, blessed is the one who
obtains (union with) God, through the wisdom of Guru. 4.1

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4

rwm jnw imil BieAw Anµdw hir nIkI kQw sunwie ]
raam janaa mil bha-i-aa anaNdaa, har neekee kathaa sunaa-ay.
Meeting the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, I am in ecstasy; they speak the good (i.e. sublime)
story of (the excellences of) God.
durmiq mYlu geI sB nIkil sqsMgiq imil buiD pwie ]1]
durmat mail ga-ee sabh neekal, satsaNgat mil budh paa-ay. ||1||
All the dirt of evil wisdom is washed away by joining the congregation of the true (where) one
obtains (spiritual) intelligence.
P. 881
rwm jn gurmiq rwmu bolwie ] raam jan, gurmat raam bolaa-ay.
Servants (i.e. devotees) of God, (follow) the wisdom of Guru, and, chant (the praise of) God.
jo jo suxY khY so mukqw rwm jpq sohwie ]1] rhwau ]
jo jo sunai kahai so muktaa, raam japat sohaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever hears or speaks, is liberated; meditating upon God, one is embellished. 1 (pause)
jy vf Bwg hovih muiK msqik hir rwm jnw Bytwie ]
jay vad bhaag hoveh mukh mastak, har raam janaa bhaytaa-ay.
If one has great fortune, inscribed on face and forehead(i.e. preordained), God gets them
meet the servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
drsnu sMq dyhu kir ikrpw sBu dwldu duKu lih jwie ]2]
darsan saNt dayh kar kirpaa, sabh daalad dukh leh jaa-ay. ||2||
(O! God) be merciful and grant me the vision of the God-oriented persons; (with which) all
my poverty and sufferings. 2
hir ky log rwm jn nIky BwghIx n suKwie ] har kay log raam jan neekay, bhaagheeṇ na sukhaa-ay.
God’s servants are nice ones, but unfortunate ones do not seem comfortable with them.
ijau ijau rwm khih jn aUcy nr inMdk fMsu lgwie ]3]
ji-o ji-o raam kaheh jan oochay, nar niNdak daNs lagaa-ay. ||3||
The more the lofty (i.e. pious) servants (i.e. devotees of God) speak of God, the more the
slanderer beings sting them. 3
iDRgu iDRgu nr inMdk ijn jn nhI Bwey hir ky sKw sKwie ]
dharig dharig nar niNdak, jin jan nahee bhaa-ay, har kay sakhaa sakhaa-ay.
Cursed, cursed are the slanderers, who do not like servants (i.e. devotees of God), (who are)
the friends and companions of God.
sy hir ky cor vymuK muK kwly ijn gur kI pYj n Bwie ]4]
say har kay chor vaimukh mukh kaalay, jin gur kee paij na bhaa-ay. ||4||
Those thieves of God (i.e. sinners) are faithless and black-faced, (because) they do not like the
glory of the Guru. 4
dieAw dieAw kir rwKhu hir jIau hm dIn qyrI srxwie ]
da-i-aa da-i-aa kar raakho, har jee-o, ham deen tayree sarṇaa-ay.
Have mercy, be merciful ,(please) save us, O! dear God; we, the poor, seek Your refuge.
hm bwirk qum ipqw pRB myry jn nwnk bKis imlwie ]5]2]
ham baarik tum pitaa, prabh mayray, jan naanak bakhas milaa-ay. ||5||2||
Nanak (says): We are Your children, You are our father, O! Lord, bless us and unite us (with
You). 5.2

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4

hir ky sKw swD jn nIky iqn aUpir hwQu vqwvY ] har kay sakhaa saadh jan neekay, tin oopar haath vataavai.
The friends (i.e. devotees) of God, the God-oriented persons are good (i.e. pious) beings; He
places His hand on them (i.e. God blesses them).
gurmuiK swD syeI pRB Bwey kir ikrpw Awip imlwvY ]1]
gurmukh saadh say-ee prabh bhaa-ay, kar kirpaa aap milaavai. ||1||
Those Guru-oriented, the God-oriented persons are pleasing to the Lord; bestowing His
mercy, He unites them (with Himself). 1
rwm mo kau hir jn myil min BwvY ] raam, mo ka-o har jan mayl, man bhaavai.
O! God, get me meet the servants (i.e. devotees) of Lord,(this is) pleasing to my mind.
Aimau Aimau hir rsu hY mITw imil sMq jnw muiK pwvY ]1] rhwau ]
ami-o ami-o har ras hai meeṭaa, mil saNt janaa mukh paavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Amrit, Amrit essence(of the name) of God is sweet (to me); meeting the God-oriented
persons I (long to) put it in mouth. 1 (pause)
hir ky log rwm jn aUqm imil aUqm pdvI pwvY ] har kay log raam jan ootam, mil ootam padvee paavai.
The people (i.e. devotees) of God are superb, meeting them, one obtains supreme position.
hm hovq cyrI dws dwsn kI myrw Twkuru KusI krwvY ]2]
ham hovat chayree, daas daasan kee, mayraa ṭaakur khusee karaavai. ||2||
I wish to be disciple of the slaves of His slaves, (because) my Lord is pleased with them. 2
syvk jn syvih sy vfBwgI ird min qin pRIiq lgwvY ]
sayvak jan sayveh say vadbhaagee, rid man tan pareet lagaavai.
Greatly fortunate are those servants (i.e. devotees), beings, who serve (the Lord); God
enshrines (His) love in their heart, mind and body.
ibnu pRIqI krih bhu bwqw kUVu boil kUVo Plu pwvY ]3]
bin pareetee, karahi baho baataa, kooṛ bol, kooṛo fal paavai. ||3||
(On the other hand) those who are without love, and, talk too much(meaninglessly);(they)
speak falsely and obtain (only) false fruit (i.e. reward). 3
mo kau Dwir ik®pw jgjIvn dwqy hir sMq pgI ly pwvY ]
mo ka-o dhaar kirpaa, jagjeevan* daatay, har saNt pagee lay paavai.
Bestow Your kindness upon me, O! Giver of Life to the World,* O! Giver, (unite me with Your

servant who may) attach me to the feet of the God-oriented persons.
[*JAGJEEVAN menas Life of the World, i.e. giver of Life to the World. This is an attribute and one of the names of God].
hau kwtau kwit bwiF isru rwKau ijqu nwnk sMqu ciV AwvY ]4]3]
ha-o kaata-o, kaat baaḍ sir raakha-o, jit naanak saNt chaṛ aavai. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): I would cut of my head; cut it into pieces, and, place it (on the path), so that
God-oriented person may climb (i.e. put his feet, i.e. walk) on it. 4.3

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4

jy vf Bwg hovih vf myry jn imlidAw iFl n lweIAY ]
jay vad bhaag hoveh vad mayray, jan mildi-aan ḍil na laa-ee-ai.
If I would have great good fortune, I will make no delay in meeting the servants (of God).
hir jn AMimRq kuMt sr nIky vfBwgI iqqu nwvweIAY ]1]
har jan aMmrit kuNt sar neekay, vadbhaagee tit naavaa-ee-ai. ||1||
The servants of God are (like) good (i.e. pious) tanks and pools of AMmrit; by great fortune
one baths in them. 1
rwm mo kau hir jn kwrY lweIAY ] raam, mo ka-o har jan kaarai laa-ee-ai.
O! God, attach me to the service for the servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
hau pwxI pKw pIsau sMq AwgY pg mil mil DUir muiK lweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o, paaṇee pakhaa peesa-o, saNt aagai, pag mal mal, dhoor mukh laa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I will fetch water (for them), wave fan (over them) and grind the corn for the God-oriented
persons; I will rub and wash their feet, and, apply the dust (of their feet) to my mouth (i.e.
forehead). 1 (pause)
hir jn vfy vfy vf aUcy jo sqgur myil imlweIAY ]
har jan vaday, vaday vad oochay, jo satgur mayl milaa-ee-ai.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God are great, very great and lofty, (because) they are united in
union with the True Guru.
sqgur jyvfu Avru n koeI imil sqgur purK iDAweIAY ]2]
satgur jayvad avar na ko-ee, mil satgur purakh dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||2||
No one is as great as the True Guru; meeting the True Guru, one meditates upon the Primal
Person (Lord). 2
sqgur srix pry iqn pwieAw myry Twkur lwj rKweIAY ]
satgur saraṇ paray, tin paa-i-aa, mayray ṭaakur laaj rakhaa-ee-ai.
Those who seek the refuge of the True Guru, find (the Lord); my Lord has svaed their honour.
ieik ApxY suAwie Awie bhih gur AwgY ijau bgul smwiD lgweIAY ]3]
ik apṇai su-aa-ay aa-ay baheh gur aagai, ji-o bagul samaadh lagaa-ee-ai. ||3||
Some come and sit before the Guru, for their own (selfish) purpose, (they sit) like a stork sits
in trance (with eyes closed). 3
bgulw kwg nIc kI sMgiq jwie krMg ibKU muiK lweIAY ]
bagulaa kaag neech kee saNgat, jaa-ay karaNg bikhoo mukh laa-ee-ai.
Company with lowly (i.e. wretched mean) is like that of (being in the company of) a stork and a
crow, (and, it is like) eating the poison of carcass.
nwnk myil myil pRB sMgiq imil sMgiq hMsu krweIAY ]4]4]

naanak, mayl mayl prabh saNgat, mil saNgat haNs karaa-ee-ai. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): O! God, unite me with the congregation (of Your devotees); meeting the
congregation one becomes swan (i.e. from a crow, one is transformed into a swan). 4.4
P. 882
rwmklI mhlw 4 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4
sqgur dieAw krhu hir mylhu myry pRIqm pRwx hir rwieAw ]
satgur da-i-aa karahu har maylhu, mayray preetam praaṇ har raa-i-aa.
O! True Guru, (please) be kind and unite me with God;
the Sovereign Lord is my beloved, my breath (of my life).
hm cyrI hoie lgh gur crxI ijin hir pRB mwrgu pMQu idKwieAw ]1]
ham chayree ho-ay lagah gur charṇee, jin har prabh maarag paNth dikhaa-i-aa. ||1||
Becoming a servant, I shall be at the feet of the Guru, who has shown me the path to God-
the Lord. 1
rwm mY hir hir nwmu min BwieAw ] raam, mai har har naam man bhaa-i-aa.
O! God, the name of God, the Lord, is pleasing to my mind.
mY hir ibnu Avru n koeI bylI myrw ipqw mwqw hir sKwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
mai har bin avar na ko-ee baylee, mayraa pitaa maataa har sakhaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have no other friend except God. God is my father, my mother, and, companion. 1 (pause)
myry ieku iKnu pRwn n rhih ibnu pRIqm ibnu dyKy mrih myrI mwieAw ]
mayray ik khin praan na raheh bin preetam, bin daykhay mareh, mayree maa-i-aa.
My breath (of life) will not hold on (i.e. survive) for an instant without (my) Beloved (Lord);
without seeing Him, I will die, O! my mother.
Dnu Dnu vf Bwg gur srxI Awey hir gur imil drsnu pwieAw ]2]
dhan dhan vad bhaag gur sarṇee aa-ay, har gur mil darsan paa-i-aa. ||2||
Blesses, blessed and great is my destiny, (that) I have entered the Guru’s refuge; and,
meeting with the Guru I have obtained vision of God. 2
mY Avru n koeI sUJY bUJY min hir jpu jpau jpwieAw ]
mai avar na ko-ee soojhai boojhai, man har jap japa-o japaa-i-aa.
I do not understand or recognize any other thing; within (my) mind, I meditate upon God,
(as taught to me) to meditate upon (by the Guru).
nwmhIx iPrih sy nkty iqn Gis Gis nk vFwieAw ]3]
naamheeṇ fireh say naktay, tin ghas ghas nak vadhaa-i-aa. ||3||
Those, living without name, wander disgraced, their noses have been chopped off by
rubbing over and over again. 3
mo kau jgjIvn jIvwil lY suAwmI ird AMqir nwmu vswieAw ]
mo ka-o jagjeevan jeevaal lai su-aamee, rid aNtar naam vasaa-i-aa.
O! Life of the World (God), rejuvenate me; I have enshrined (Your) name within my heart.
nwnk gurU gurU hY pUrw imil siqgur nwmu iDAwieAw ]4]5]
naanak, guroo guroo hai pooraa, mil satgur naam dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): The Guru, is the perfect Guru; meeting the True Guru, I have meditated
upon the name (of the Lord). 4.5

rwmklI mhlw 4 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 4
sqguru dwqw vfw vf purKu hY ijqu imilAY hir aur Dwry ]
satgur daataa vadaa vad purakh hai, jit mili-ai har ur dhaaray.
The True Guru, the giver, is the great Primal Person, meeting Him, one enshrines God
within the heart.
jIA dwnu guir pUrY dIAw hir AMimRq nwmu smwry ]1]
jee-a daan gur poorai dee-aa, har aMmrit naam samaaray. ||1||
One, the perfect Guru has blessed with the gift of life, remember the AMmrit name of God. 1
rwm guir hir hir nwmu kMiT Dwry ] raam, gur har har naam kaNṭ dhaaray.
O! God, the Guru has planted the name of God, the Lord, within my throat (i.e. heart).
gurmuiK kQw suxI min BweI Dnu Dnu vf Bwg hmwry ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh kathaa suṇee man bhaa-ee, dhan dhan vad bhaag hamaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have heard the story (of the excellences of God) through the Guru, which pleased my mind;
blesses blessed is my great fortune. 1 (pause)
koit koit qyqIs iDAwvih qw kw AMqu n pwvih pwry ] kot kot taytees dhi-aavahi, taa kaa aNt na paavahi paaray.
Three hundred thirty million (gods) meditate upon Him; (but) they cannot know the end or
the limit (i.e. they can not known the expanse of God).
ihrdY kwm kwmnI mwgih iriD mwgih hwQu pswry ]2]
hirdai kaam, kaamnee maageh, ridh maageh haath pasaaray. ||2||
With hearts is sexual desire in their hearts, they beg for beautiful women, and, stretching
their hand, they beg for riches. 2
hir jsu jip jpu vfw vfyrw gurmuiK rKau auir Dwry ]
har jas jap, jap vadaa vadayraa, gurmukh rakha-o ur dhaaray.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the praise of God; meditation is the greatest of the great
(wealths); and, through the Guru, enshrine Him within heart.
jy vf Bwg hovih qw jpIAY hir Baujlu pwir auqwry ]3]
jay vad bhaag hoveh taa japee-ai, har bha-ojal paar utaaray. ||3||
If one is blessed with great fortune, he meditates (upon God); and, God carries him across the
terrifying (world) ocean. 3
hir jn inkit inkit hir jn hY hir rwKY kMiT jn Dwry ]
har jan nikat nikat har jan hai ,har raakhai kaNṭ jan dhaaray.
God is close to His servants (i.e. devotees); His servants (i.e. devotees) are close to God; God
keeps His servants (i.e. devotees) enshrined within His throat (i.e. heart).
nwnk ipqw mwqw hY hir pRBu hm bwirk hir pRiqpwry ]4]6]18]
naanak, pitaa maataa hai har prabh, ham baarik har partipaaray. ||4||6||18||
Nanak (says): God, the Lord, is our father and mother; we are His children, and, the Lord
cherishes us (all). 4.6.18

rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 Gru 1 Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ikrpw krhu dIn ky dwqy myrw guxu Avgxu n bIcwrhu koeI ]
kirpaa karahu deen kay daatay, mayraa guṇ avgaṇ na beechaarahu ko-ee.
Bestow Your kindness, O! Giver to the Poor, (please) do not consider any of my merits and
demerits (i.e. virtues and vices).
mwtI kw ikAw DopY suAwmI mwxs kI giq eyhI ]1]
maatee kaa ki-aa dhopai, su-aamee, maaṇas kee gat ayhee. ||1||
How can dust be wash? (it will remain dirty). O! Lord, such is the state of man (i.e. humans). 1
myry mn siqguru syiv suKu hoeI ] mayray man, satgur sayv sukh ho-ee.
O! my mind, serve the True Guru, and,obtain happiness.
jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu iPir dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ]1] rhwau ]
jo ichhahu so-ee fal paavhu, fir dookh na vi-aapai ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever you desire, you shall receive that fruit (i.e. reward), and, no sorrow shall afflict
(you). 1 (pause)
kwcy Bwfy swij invwjy AMqir joiq smweI ] kaachay bhaaday saaj nivaajay, aNtar jot samaa-ee.
He creates and blesses earthen vessels (i.e. human bodies), and, fuses His light within them.
jYsw ilKqu iliKAw Duir krqY hm qYsI ikriq kmweI ]2]
jaisaa likhat likhi-aa dhur kartai, ham taisee kirat kamaa-ee. ||2||
As is the writ (i.e. destiny) inscribed by the Creator, so are the deeds we earn (i.e. do). 2
mnu qnu Qwip kIAw sBu Apnw eyho Awvx jwxw ] man tan thaap kee-aa sabh apnaa, ayho aavaṇ jaaṇaa.
He (i.e. human being) regards the mind and body as his own; this is the cause of his coming
and going (i.e. the cycle of birth and death).
ijin dIAw so iciq n AwvY moih AMDu lptwxw ]3] jin dee-aa so chit na aavai, mohi aNdh laptaaṇaa. ||3||
He does not contemplate of theOne who gave him (the mind and body, i.e. everything); (hence)
the blind (human) remain entangled in (emotional) attachment. 3
P. 883
ijin kIAw soeI pRBu jwxY hir kw mhlu Apwrw ] jin kee-aa, so-ee prabh jaaṇai, har kaa mahal apaaraa.
He, who has created, that Lord alone knows it, the mansion of God is infinite.
Bgiq krI hir ky gux gwvw nwnk dwsu qumwrw ]4]1]
bhagat karee har kay guṇ gaavaa, naanak daas tumaaraa. ||4||1||
(O! God), Nanak, Your slave (prays): (bestow Your kindness that) I may meditate upon God
and, sing (the praise of) the excellences of God 4.1

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

pvhu crxw qil aUpir Awvhu AYsI syv kmwvhu ] pavahu charṇaa tal, oopar aavhu, aisee sayv kamaavahu.
Place yourself under the feet of all; (so) you will be uplifted (i.e. you shall be exalted); (O!
God-oriented persons) perform service like this, that you .
Awps qy aUpir sB jwxhu qau drgh suKu pwvhu ]1]
aapas tay oopar sabh jaaṇhu, ta-o dargeh sukh paavhu. ||1||
Know (i.e. realize) that all are above you, then you shall obtain the pleasure of His court. 1
sMqhu AYsI kQhu khwxI ] sur pivqR nr dyv pivqRw iKnu bolhu gurmuiK bwxI ]1] rhwau ]
saNtahu, aisee kathahu kahaaṇee. sur pavitar, nar dayv pavitaraa, khin bolhu gurmukh baṇee.

||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, speak such a story (of the praise of the excellences of God); it will
sanctify gods, humans and divines; (so) through the Guru, chant the word every moment. 1
prpMcu Coif shj Gir bYshu JUTw khhu n koeI ] parpa ch chhod, sahj ghar baishu, jhooṭaa kahhu na ko-ee.
Renounce expanse of five elements (i.e. worldly entanglements) and sit in home of poise (i.e.
celestial peace), and, do not call any one false.
siqgur imlhu nvY iniD pwvhu ien ibiD qqu ibloeI ]2] satgur milhu, navai nidh paavhu, in bidh tat bilo-ee. ||2||
Meeting with the True Guru, you shall receive nine treasures; in this way you shall churn out
the essence (of Reality). 2
Brmu cukwvhu gurmuiK ilv lwvhu Awqmu cInhu BweI ]
bharam chukaavahu, gurmukh liv laavhu, aatam cheenahu bhaa-ee.
Dispel doubt, and, focus your mind through the Guru; and, understand (i.e. realize) your
own self, O! brethen.
inkit kir jwxhu sdw pRBu hwjru iksu isau krhu burweI ]3]
nikat kar jaaṇhu, sadaa prabh haajar, kis si-o karahu buraa-ee. ||3||
Know Him near you, God is ever present; (then) to whom shall you do anything bad? 3
siqguir imilAY mwrgu mukqw shjy imly suAwmI ] satgur mili-ai maarag muktaa sehjay milay su-aamee.
Meeting with the True Guru, the path (to God) become free (i.e. easy), and one easily meets
the Lord.
Dnu Dnu sy jn ijnI kil mih hir pwieAw jn nwnk sd kurbwnI ]4]2]
dhan dhan say jan, jinee kal meh har paa-i-aa, jan naanak sad kurbaanee. ||4||2||
Blesses. blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees) who have found God in the Kaliyuga (i.e.
Dark Age). Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am forever a sacrifice unto them. 4.2

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

Awvq hrK n jwvq dUKw nh ibAwpY mn rognI ] aavat harakh, na jaavat dookhaa, nah bi-aapai man rognee.
Coming (of wealth) does not please me, and, going (of wealth) does not bring sorrow, nor my
mind is afflicted by any ailment.
sdw Anµdu guru pUrw pwieAw qau auqrI sgl ibEgnI ]1]
sadaa anaNd gur pooraa paa-i-aa, ta-o utree sagal bi-oganee. ||1||
I am forever in ecstasy (since) I have found the perfect Guru, my separation (from God) has
totally ended. 1
ieh ibiD hY mnu jognI ] mohu sogu rogu logu n ibAwpY qh hir hir hir rs BognI ]1] rhwau ]
ih bidh hai man jognee.
moh sog rog log na bi-aapai, tah har har har ras bhognee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This is how my mind is in union (with God); (now)
(Emotional) attachment, sorrow, ailment, and, public opinion do not affect me, and, it (i.e. my
mind) is enjoying the essence of God, the Lord, the Master. 1 (pause)
surg pivqRw imrq pivqRw pieAwl pivqR AlognI] surag pavitaraa, mirat pavitaraa, pa-i-aal pavitar aloganee.
(Now) heaven seems pure (to me), mortal world seems pure (to me), and nether world seems
pure (to me); it (i.e. my mind) is detached (now).
AwigAwkwrI sdw suKu BuMcY jq kq pyKau hir gunI ]2]
aagi-aakaaree sadaa sukh bhunchai, jat kat paykha-o har gunee. ||2||
(Being) obedient (to God), it (i.e. my mind) enjoys happiness forever; wherever I look, I see
God (the Lord) of virtues. 2
nh isv skqI jlu nhI pvnw qh Akwru nhI mydnI ] nah siv saktee, jal nahee pavnaa, tah akaar nahee
(In this state) there is neither Shiv nor his power (mythical gods and their power); no water or
air, not any form and no earth.
siqgur jog kw qhw invwsw jh Aivgq nwQu Agm DnI ]3]
satgur jog kaa tahaa nivaasaa, jah avigat naath agam dhanee. ||3||
Union with the True Guru dwells there, where abides the indestructible Lord, the
unapproachable Master. 3
qnu mnu hir kw Dnu sBu hir kw hir ky gux hau ikAw gnI ]
tan man har kaa, dhan sabh har kaa, har kay guṇ ha-o ki-aa ganee.
(O! brethren, my) mind and body belong to God, all wealth belongs to God; what (great)
excellences of God can I describe?
khu nwnk hm qum guir KoeI hY AMBY AMBu imlognI ]4]3]
kaho naanak ham tum gur kho-ee hai; ambhai aMbh miloganee. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: The Guru has eliminated (i.e. eradicated) my sense of ‘mine and your’; (now, I
am merged with God) like water merges with water. 4.3

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qRY gux rhq rhY inrwrI swiDk isD n jwnY ] tarai guṇ rahat rahai niraaree, saadhik sidh na jaanai.
The name (of the Lord) is beyond the three gunaas (i.e. qualities), and, remains untouched;
the Sidhs (claiming miraculous powers) and the seekers do not know (the mystery of) it.
rqn koTVI AMimRq sMpUrn siqgur kY KjwnY ]1] ratan koṭ-ṛee a mrit sa pooran, satgur kai khajaanai. ||1||
Amrit (name) is chamber of jewels is overflowing in the treasure of the True Guru. 1
Acrju ikCu khxu n jweI ] bsqu Agocr BweI ]1] rhwau ]
achraj, kichh kahaṇ na jaa-ee. basat agochar, bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is wondrous (game); it can not be described;
This is unperceivable (i.e. incomprehensible), O! brethren. 1 (pause)
molu nwhI kCu krxY jogw ikAw ko khY suxwvY ] mol naahee kachh karṇai jogaa, ki-aa ko kahai suṇaavai.
No one can estimate its value; what can any one say (about it)?;
No price can be fixed, what one can say and tell?
kQn khx kau soJI nwhI jo pyKY iqsu bix AwvY ]2]
kathan kahaṇ ka-o sojhee naahee, jo paykhai tis baṇ aavai. ||2||
No one has understanding to say or tell (about it), whoever sees it, is to tell (but can not). 2
soeI jwxY krxYhwrw kIqw ikAw bycwrw ] so-ee jaaṇai karṇaihaaraa, keetaa ki-aa baychaaraa.
Only the Creator knows it; what can the created one can know?
AwpxI giq imiq Awpy jwxY hir Awpy pUr BMfwrw ]3]
aapṇee gat mit aapay jaaṇai, har aapay poor bhaNdaaraa. ||3||
He Himself knows his own state and extent (i.e. His grandeur and expanse); God Himself is

overflowing treasures. 3
Aysw rsu AMimRqu min cwiKAw iqRpiq rhy AwGweI ] aisaa ras aMmrit, man chaakhi-aa, taripat rahay aaghaa-ee.
My mind has tasted such an essence of AMmrit, and, it has become satisfied and satiated.
khu nwnk myrI Awsw pUrI siqgur kI srxweI ]4]4]
kaho naanak mayree aasaa pooree satgur kee sarṇaa-ee. ||4||4||
Says Nanak: My hope is fulfilled, I have entered the refuge of the True Guru. 4.4
P. 884
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
AMgIkwru kIAw pRiB ApnY bYrI sgly swDy ] aNgeekaar kee-aa prabh apnai, bairee saglay saadhay.
God has made me His own, and, has vanquished all my enemies (like sexual desire, anger,
greed, emotional attachment and pride).
ijin bYrI hY iehu jgu lUitAw qy bYrI lY bwDy ]1] jin bairee hai ih jag looti-aa, tay bairee lai baadhay. ||1||
Those enemies, who have plundered this world, all are captured and chained (i.e. brought
under control). 1
siqguru prmysru myrw ] satgur parmaysar mayraa.
The True Guru is my Supreme Lord (God).
Aink rwj Bog rs mwxI nwau jpI Brvwsw qyrw ]1] rhwau ]
anik raaj bhog ras maaṇee, naa-o japee bharvaasaa tayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I enjoy many (i.e. countless) pleasures, (like of) political power and delights, by meditating
upon Your name, and, placing faith in You. 1 (pause)
cIiq n Awvis dUjI bwqw isr aUpir rKvwrw ] cheet na aavas doojee baataa, sir oopar rakhvaaraa.
(Now) no other thought comes into my mind; (because) I have (You as) Protector over my head.
byprvwhu rhq hY suAwmI iek nwm kY AwDwrw ]2]
bayparvaahu rahat hai su-aamee, ik naam kai aadhaaraa. ||2||
The Lord, who is carefree, I have support of His name (alone). 2
pUrn hoie imilE suKdweI aUn n kweI bwqw ] pooran ho-ay mili-o sukh-daa-ee, oon na kaa-ee baataa.
Meeting with the Giver of Happiness, I have become perfect; (now) I lack nothing (at all).
qqu swru prm pdu pwieAw Coif n kqhU jwqw ]3] tat saar param pad paa-i-aa, chhod na kathoo jaataa. ||3||
I have obtained the quintessence of essence (of life), the supreme position, I shall not forsake
it and go anywhere else.
brin n swkau jYsw qU hY swcy AlK Apwrw ] baran na saaka-o, jaisaa too hai, saachay alakh apaaraa.
I cannot describe You as You are, O! True, Unknowable, Infinite (Lord).
Aqul AQwh Afol suAwmI nwnk Ksmu hmwrw ]4]5]
atul athaah adol su-aamee, naanak, khasam hamaaraa. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): My Lord is un-weighable (immeasurable), unfathomable, unmoving. 4.5

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qU dwnw qU Aibclu qUhI qU jwiq myrI pwqI ] too daanaa too abichal toohee, too jaat mayree paatee.
(O! Lord) You are wise, You are eternal, You (alone are eternal); You are my caste (i.e. social
status) and my honour.
qU Afolu kdy folih nwhI qw hm kYsI qwqI ]1] too adol kaday doleh naahee, taa ham kaisee taatee. ||1||
You are unmoving, (You) never move (at all); (then) how can I be worried? 1
eykY eykY eyk qUhI ] aykai aykai ayk toohee.
(O! God) You, and, You alone are the One (Lord).
eykY eykY qU rwieAw ] aykai aykai too raa-i-aa.
You alone are the One; and, You alone are king (i.e. Sovereign Lord).
qau ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] ta-o kirpaa tay sukh paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With your grace, I am happy. 1 (pause)
qU swgru hm hMs qumwry qum mih mwxk lwlw ] too saagar, ham haNs tumaaray, tum meh maaṇak laalaa.
You are (like) an ocean, and, we are (like) Your swan; You are filled with pearls and rubies.
qum dyvhu iqlu sMk n mwnhu hm BuMch sdw inhwlw ]2]
tum dayvhu til sank na maanhu, ham bhuNchah sadaa nihaalaa. ||2||
You give, and, You do not hesitate (even) for an instant; we enjoy and are forever in ecstasy. 2
hm bwirk qum ipqw hmwry qum muiK dyvhu KIrw ] ham baarik, tum pitaa hamaaray, tum mukh dayvhu kheeraa.
(O! Lord) we are children, and, You are our father; You place milk in our mouth (i.e. You
cherish us like a father chershes his children).
hm Kylh siB lwf lfwvh qum sd guxI ghIrw ]3]
ham khaylah, sabh laad ladaaveh, tum sad guṇee gaheeraa. ||3||
We play, and, You caress us, You are forever profound (ocean of) excellences. 3
qum pUrn pUir rhy sMpUrn hm BI sMig AGwey ] tum pooran, poor rahay saMpooran, ham bhee saNg aghaa-ay.
You are perfect, perfectly pervading everywhere; we are also satiated (for being) with You.
imlq imlq imlq imil rihAw nwnk khxu n jwey ]4]6]
milat milat milat mil rahi-aa, naanak kahaṇ na jaa-ay. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): merging and merging, and merging, I have merged (in You), (this state) cannot
be described. 4.6

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

kr kir qwl pKwvju nYnhu mwQY vjih rbwbw ] kar kar taal pakhaavaj nainhu, maathai vajeh rabaabaa.
The hands create music like cymbals, the eyes play like tambourines, and the forehead plays
upon like rebeck.
krnhu mDu bwsurI bwjY ijhvw Duin Awgwjw ] karnahu madh baasuree baajai, jihvaa dhun aagaajaa.
Sweet flute music resonates ears, and tongue echoes melody.
inriq kry kir mnUAw nwcY Awxy GUGr swjw ]1]
nirat karay kar manoo-aa naachai, aanay ghooghar saajaa. ||1||
Mind dances on the motions of hand, with movement of instruments like ankle-bells.1
rwm ko inriqkwrI ] raam ko nirtikaaree.
This (world) is God’s act of dancing.
pyKY pyKnhwru dieAwlw jyqw swju sIgwrI ]1] rhwau ]
paykhai paykhanhaar da-i-aalaa, jaytaa saaj seegaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Merciful Observer is seeing, all the instruments and decorations. 1 (pause)
AwKwr mMflI Drix sbweI aUpir ggnu cMdoAw ] aakhaar ma dlee dharaṇ sabaa-ee, oopar gagan cha do-aa.
The whole earth is (like) a stage, and the sky is (like) canopy overhead.
pvnu ivcolw krq iekylw jl qy Epiq hoAw ] pavan vicholaa karat ikaylaa, jal tay opat ho-aa.
The wind (i.e. breath) is the mediator of (the body of the beings) created by water (i.e. semen).

pMc qqu kir puqrw kInw ikrq imlwvw hoAw ]2] paNch tat kar putraa keenaa, kirat milaavaa ho-aa. ||2||
From the five elements the puppet (i.e. body) was created; the union was caused by actions. 2
cMdu sUrju duie jry crwgw chu kuMt BIqir rwKy ]
chaNd sooraj du-ay jaray charaagaa, chahu kuNt bheetar raakhay.
The sun and the moon are (like) two shining lamps, and, are placed between four corners (of
the world to give light).
ds pwqau pMc sMgIqw eykY BIqir swQy ] das paata-o paNch saNgeetaa, aykai bheetar saathay.
The Ten* (senses) actors and the five** (passions) are music, and, are together (playing like a
chorus) within one (body).
[*The ten are: five sensory organs (nose, ears, eyes, tongue, skin) and five motor organs (feet, hands, mouth, penis and
anus). ** five passions are: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride)].
iBMn iBMn hoie Bwv idKwvih sBhu inrwrI BwKy ]3]
bhiNn bhiNn ho-ay bhaav dikhaaveh, sabhahu niraaree bhaakhay. ||3||
Playing differently, expressing their own show, and all speak in different languages. 3
Gir Gir inriq hovY idnu rwqI Git Git vwjY qUrw ] ghar ghar nirat hovai din raatee, ghat ghat vaajai tooraa.
Day and night, dance is being played in each and every home, and, in each and every heart,
bugle is blowing.
eyik ncwvih eyik Bvwvih ieik Awie jwie hoie DUrw ]
ayk nachaaveh, ayk bhavaaveh, ik aa-ay jaa-ay ho-ay dhooraa.
Some are made to dance; some are made to wander; some comes and go and are reduced to
khu nwnk so bhuir n nwcY ijsu guru BytY pUrw ]4]7]
kaho naanak, so bahur na naachai, jis gur bhaytai pooraa. ||4||7||
Says Nanak: One who meets the perfect Guru, does not have to dance again(in reincarnation). 4.7
P. 885
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
EAMkwir eyk Duin eykY eykY rwgu AlwpY ] o-aNkaar ayk, dhun aykai, aykai raag alaapai.
(One who is a noble/ blessed singer) He remains in tune with the One God, and, sings on the
tune (i.e. music) of the One.
eykw dysI eyku idKwvY eyko rihAw ibAwpY ] aykaa daysee, ayk dikhaavai, ayko rahi-aa bi-aapai.
He belongs to the land of the One; shows the path of the One who prevails (everywhere).
eykw suriq eykw hI syvw eyko gur qy jwpY ]1] aykaa surat, aykaa hee sayvaa, ayko gur tay jaapai. ||1||
He focusses his consciousness upon the One, and, serves only the One; and, meditates upon
the One through the Guru. 1
Blo Blo ry kIrqnIAw ] bhalo bhalo, ray keeratnee-aa.
Good, good (i.e. noble/ blessed) is the singer:
rwm rmw rwmw gun gwau ] Coif mwieAw ky DMD suAwau ]1] rhwau ]
raam ramaa, raamaa gun gaa-o. chhod maa-i-aa kay dhaNdh su-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Who) sings the excellences of God, the All-Prevailing God; and,
renounces the entanglements and interests of maya. 1 (pause)
pMc bijqR kry sMqoKw swq surw lY cwlY ] paNch baajitar karay saNtokhaa, saat suraa lai chaalai.
He makes five virtues (like) contentment (etc) as his musical instrument; and, plays the
seven notes (of love of God).
bwjw mwxu qwxu qij qwnw pwau n bIgw GwlY ] baajaa maaṇ taaṇ taj taanaa, paa-o na beegaa ghaalai.
He makes renouncing pride and power as his harmonium as tunes of his playing; and, does
not place his foot on perverse path.
PyrI Pyru n hovY kb hI eyku sbdu bMiD pwlY ]2] fayree fayr na hovai kab hee, ayk sabad baNdh paalai. ||2||
He does not have to return again (in re-incarnation), (if) he ties One word with the helm of his
robe (i.e. if he always remembers and follows the teaching s of the Guru). 2
nwrdI nrhr jwix hdUry ] naardee, narhar jaaṇ hadooray.
Knowing (i.e. realizing) that God is ever present, is his act of (meditation of) Naarad (god).
GUMGr KVku iqAwig ivsUry ] ghooNghar khaṛak, ti-aag visooray.
Forgetting sorrows is his tinkling of ankle-bells.
shj Anµd idKwvY BwvY ] sahj anaNd, dikhaavai bhaavai.
Bliss of poise is his gesture of show of (emotions and) expressions.
eyhu inriqkwrI jnim n AwvY ]3] ayhu nirtikaaree janam na aavai. ||3||
(One, who displays) such a dance, is not re-incarnated again. 3
jy ko Apny Twkur BwvY ] koit miD eyhu kIrqnu gwvY ]
jay ko apnay ṭaakur bhaavai. kot madh, ayhu keertan gaavai.
If one is pleasing to His Lord, (then), among the tens of millions he sings praise (of God) like this.
swDsMgiq kI jwvau tyk ] khu nwnk iqsu kIrqnu eyk ]4]8]
saadhsaNgat kee jaava-o tayk. kaho naanak, tis keertan ayk. ||4||8||
Says Nanak: I seek the refuge of the congregation of the God-oriented persons; (because),
the praise of only One is sung there. 4.8

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

koeI bolY rwm rwm koeI Kudwie ] ko-ee bolai raam raam, ko-ee khudaa-ay.
Some call Him ‘Ram, Ram’* (i.e. God), and some call Him ‘Khuda’* (i.e. God).
koeI syvY guseIAw koeI Alwih ]1] ko-ee sayvai gus-ee-aa, ko-ee alaahi. ||1||
Someone serve (i.e. worship) Him as Gosain* (Lord of the World), and some (serve/ worship
Him) as Allah* (i.e. God). 1 (*Ram, Khuda, Gosain, Allah...all are different names of the same God).
kwrx krx krIm ] ikrpw Dwir rhIm ]1] rhwau ]
kaaraṇ karaṇ, kareem. kirpaa dhaar, raheem. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He is) the Cause of the causes; (He is) Merciful;
(He is) Bestower of Kindness (upon all); (He is) Graceful. 1 (pause)
koeI nwvY qIriQ koeI hj jwie ] ko-ee naavai tirath, ko-ee haj jaa-ay.
Some bath at places of pilgrimage, and, some perform Haj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
koeI krY pUjw koeI isru invwie ]2] ko-ee karai poojaa, ko-ee sir nivaa-ay. ||2||
Some perform worships (of gods), and some bow their head (in Namaaz/ prayer). 2
koeI pVY byd koeI kqyb ] ko-ee paṛai bayd, ko-ee katayb.
Some read Vedas (i.e. Hindu books), and, some read Kateb* (*Kateb, literally: any book; but in Sikh
literature it refers to the four books considered as holy by the Muslims: Tauraat, Zabboor, Anjeel and Koran).
koeI EFY nIl koeI supyd ]3] ko-ee oḍai neel, ko-ee supayd. ||3||
Some (i.e. Muslims) wear (green) coloured robes, and, some (i.e. Hindus)wear white . 3
koeI khY qurku koeI khY ihMdU ] ko-ee kahai turak, ko-ee kahai hiNdoo.

Some call themselves as Turk*; and, some call themselves Hindus.
[*Muslims were also known as Turk, because, the Mughal rulers originally belonged to land known as Turkmenistan].
koeI bwCY iBsqu koeI surigMdU ]4] ko-ee baachhai bhisat, ko-ee surgiNdoo. ||4||
Some long for Bahisht* (i.e. paradise), and, some for Surgindoo* (i.e. heaven of god Inder). 4
[*There are two of the many names of heaven; others being paradise, promised land, swarag, jannat etc].
khu nwnk ijin hukmu pCwqw ] pRB swihb kw iqin Bydu jwqw ]5]9]
kaho naanak, jin hukam pachhaataa. prabh saahib kaa, tin bhayd jaataa. ||5||9||
Says Nanak: One, who realizes the order (Of God);
he (alone) knows the mystery of God, the Lord. 5.9

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

pvnY mih pvnu smwieAw ] joqI mih joiq ril jwieAw ]
pavnai meh pavan samaa-i-aa. jotee meh jot ral jaa-i-aa.
The air (within the mortal being) merges into the (element of) air; and, the light (of mortal
being) blends into the Light (of God).
mwtI mwtI hoeI eyk ] rovnhwry kI kvn tyk ]1]
maatee maatee ho-ee ayk. rovanhaaray kee kavan tayk. ||1||
The dust (of body) become one with the dust (of earth);
then what support is there for one who laments (upon the death of some one; he too shall die). 1
kaunu mUAw ry kaunu mUAw ] ka-un moo-aa, ray, ka-un moo-aa.
Who has died, O! (man), who has died ?
bRhm igAwnI imil krhu bIcwrw iehu qau clqu BieAw ]1] rhwau ]
barahm gi-aanee mil karahu beechaaraa, ih ta-o chalat bha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! knowers of (Ultimate) Reality, meet together and contemplate; a wondrous thing has
happened (i.e. all this is a wondrous play of God) . 1 (pause)
AglI ikCu Kbir n pweI ] aglee, kichh khabar na paa-ee.
No one knows anything about hereafter (i.e. what happens after death).
rovnhwru iB aUiT isDweI ] rovanhaar bhe ooṭ sidhaa-ee.
The one who is lamenting (over the death of some one) will also (finally) rise up and depart.
Brm moh ky bWDy bMD ] bharam moh kay baandhay baNdh.
(All the mortal beings are) bound in the bondages of doubt and (emotional) attachment.
supnu BieAw BKlwey AMD ]2] supan bha-i-aa, bhakhlaa-ay aNdh. ||2||
When life becomes a dream, the blind (i.e. ignorant mortal being) babbles (in vain)? 2
iehu qau rcnu ricAw krqwir ] ih ta-o rachan rachi-aa, kartaar.
The Creator (Lord) has created the (play of) creation;
Awvq jwvq hukim Apwir ] aavat jaavat, hukam apaar.
(The mortal beings) come (i.e. are born) and go (i.e. die) under His infinite command.
nh ko mUAw n mrxY jogu ] nh ibnsY AibnwsI hogu ]3]
nah ko moo-aa, na marṇai jog. nah binsai, abhinaasee hog. ||3||
(In fact) no one is dead, no one can die (i.e. soul never dies);
it does not perishes, it is imperishable. 3
jo iehu jwxhu so iehu nwih ] jwnxhwry kau bil jwau ]

jo ih jaaṇhu, so ih naahi. jaanaṇhaaray ka-o bal jaa-o.
That which is known (i.e. as it seems to people) this is not that; but,
I am a sacrifice unto the one who knows this (mystery).
khu nwnk guir Brmu cukwieAw ] nw koeI mrY n AwvY jwieAw ]4]10]
kaho naanak, gur bharam chukaa-i-aa. naa ko-ee marai, na aavai jaa-i-aa. ||4||10||
Says Nanak: the Guru has dispelled my doubt; (that) no one dies, no one comes or goes” 4.10

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

jip goibMdu gopwl lwlu ] jap gobiNd gopaal laal.
Meditate upon the Lord of the World, the Sustainer of the World, the Beloved.
rwm nwm ismir qU jIvih iPir n KweI mhw kwlu ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam simar too jeeveh, fir na khaa-ee mahaa kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering the name of God, you shall live, the great (i.e. terrifying) death shall not
consume you, ever, again. 1 (pause)
koit jnm BRim BRim BRim AwieE ] bfY Bwig swDsMgu pwieE ]1]
kot janam, bharam bharam bharam aa-i-o. badai bhaag, saadhsaNg paa-i-o. ||1||
(O! brethren) wandering, wandering and wandering though tens of millions of births (i.e.
incarnations), you have come (in human form); and,
by great fortune, you have found the congregation of the God-oriented persons. 1
P. 886
ibnu gur pUry nwhI auDwru ] bwbw nwnku AwKY eyhu bIcwru ]2]11]
bin gur pooray, naahee udhaar. baabaa, naanak aakhai ayhu beechaar. ||2||11||
Without the perfect Guru, (there can be) no emancipation;
Nanak (says): O! elder (i.e. O! brethren) I tell this truth after contemplating (the reality). 2.11

rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 Gru 2 Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
cwir pukwrih nw qU mwnih ] chaar pukaareh, naa too maaneh.
(O! yogi) the four (Vedas) proclaim it, but you do not believe (the concept they proclaim);
Ktu BI eykw bwq vKwnih ] khat bhee, aykaa baat vakhaaneh.
The six (systems of philosophy) also say the same;
ds AstI imil eyko kihAw ] das astee mil, ayko kahi-aa.
The eighteen (Puraans) together (i.e. all of them) speak of the One;
qw BI jogI Bydu n lihAw ]1] taa bhee, jogee bhayd na lahi-aa. ||1||
Even so, O! yogi, you do not understand the mystery. 1
ikMkurI AnUp vwjY ] jogIAw mqvwro ry ]1] rhwau ]
kiNkuree, anoop vaajai. jogee-aa, matvaaro ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The kiNkuri* is playing incomparable (celestial) music; (*a stringed musical instrument)
O! intoxicated yogi (O! Yogi, you are intoxicated by music of an instrument bu do not hear the
celestial music being played within the heart). 1 (pause)
pRQmy visAw sq kw KyVw ] parathmay vasi-aa, sat kaa khayṛaa.
(O! yogi, you believe that) in first (i.e. Satyug, the Golden Age), the village of truth was inhabited.
iqRqIey mih ikCu BieAw duqyVw ] taritee-ay meh, kichh bha-i-aa dutayṛaa.
In the Tretaa (i.e. Third/Silver Age) things some decline began;
duqIAw ArDo AriD smwieAw ] dutee-aa, ardho aradh samaa-i-aa.
In the Second (Duaapar Yug/ Brass Age) half of it (i.e. half of truth) was gone;
eyku rihAw qw eyku idKwieAw ]2] ayk rahi-aa, taa ayk dikhaa-i-aa. ||2||
(Now, only) one (quarter of truth) has remained, and, the One (Lord) is revealed. 2
eykY sUiq proey mxIey ] gwTI iBin iBin iBin iBin qxIey ]
aykai soot paro-ay maṇee-ay. gaaṭee bhin bhin, bhin bhin taṇee-ay.
(O! yogi, it is like) the beads are strung upon one thread; and,
They are tied by means of many, many, many, many (different) knots (to keep them separate).
iPrqI mwlw bhu ibiD Bwie ] iKMicAw sUqu q AweI Qwie ]3]
firtee maalaa, baho bidh bhaa-ay. khiNchi-aa soot ta aa-ee thaa-ay. ||3||
The rosary moves in many ways (i.e. fingers move from one to another bead);
when thread is withdrawn, (all the beads) come to one place. 3
[All the humans are like the beads of the rosary; they look different bodies; but, when God withdraws the thread of
breath, all of them all down i.e. come at one place, i.e. lose their identity and immerse in Him].
chu mih eykY mtu hY kIAw ] qh ibKVy Qwn Aink iKVkIAw ]
chahu meh, aykai mat hai kee-aa. tah, bikh-ṛay thaan anik khiṛkee-aa.
(O! yogi) throughout the four (Ages) He created (this body as) a temple;
in this, there are treacherous places (i.e. where vices predominate) and several windows (of
passions) (and one has to pass through these and save one self);
Kojq Kojq duAwry AwieAw ] qw nwnk jogI mhlu Gru pwieAw ]4]
khojat khojat, du-aaray aa-i-aa. taa, naanak, jogee mahal ghar paa-i-aa. ||4||
Searching and searching, (when) one comes to the door (i.e. refuge of the Guru);
Nanak (says): O! yogi, thus one finds the mansion of His abode. 4
ieau ikMkurI AwnUp vwjY ] suix jogI kY min mITI lwgY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]1]12]
i-o, kiNkuree aanoop vaajai suṇ jogee kai man meeṭee laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||1||12||
Thus, the kiNkuree plays upon incomparable sound (i.e. celestial music); and,
hearing it, the yogi's mind finds it sweet (i.e. yogi’s mind is pleased).1 (pause second) 1.2

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qwgw kir kY lweI iQglI ] taagaa kar kai laa-ee thiglee.
With thread (of intestines) the patch work (of body cloth) has been done (by God); and,
lau nwVI sUAw hY AsqI ] la-o naaṛee, soo-aa hai astee.
With the needles is of bones, and the thread of veins (it has been stitched).
AMBY kw kir fMfw DirAw ] aMbhai kaa kar daNdaa dhari-aa.
The pillar (of body) is built on water (i.e. semen).
ikAw qU jogI grbih pirAw ]1] ki-aa too jogee, garbeh pari-aa. ||1||
O! yogi, why are you so proud? 1
[The body is just a combination of bones, veins, intestines, born from semen. One should not be proud of it].
jip nwQu idnu rYnweI ] qyrI iKMQw do idhweI ]1] rhwau ]
jap naath, din rainaa-ee. tayree khiNthaa, do dihaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So, O! yogi) meditate upon your Lord, day and night;
Your patched cloth (i.e. body) is (only) for two days (i.e. a couple of days/ short lived). 1 (pause)
ghrI ibBUq lwie bYTw qwVI ] myrI qyrI muMdRw DwrI ]
gahree bibhoot, laa-ay baiṭaa taaṛee. mayree tayree, muNdraa dhaaree.
Smearing thick (layer of) ash (on your body), you sit in trance (position);
(but, still) you wear the ear-rings of ‘mine and your’ (i.e. duality).
mwgih tUkw iqRpiq n pwvY ] nwQu Coif jwcih lwj n AwvY ]2]
maageh tookaa, taripat na paavai. naath chhod jaacheh, laaj na aavai. ||2||
You beg food but you are not contented;
abandoning Your Lord, you beg from others; do not you feel ashamed? 2
cl icq jogI Awsxu qyrw ] chal chit jogee aasaṇ tayraa.
Your mind is fickle, (yet) you are in poise (i.e. sit in posture of trance).
isM|I vwjY inq audwsyrw ] siNngee vaajai, nit udaasayraa.
Your blow your horn, but you always feel sad (i.e. you are not in tune with God)?
gur gorK kI qY bUJ n pweI ] iPir iPir jogI AwvY jweI ]3]
gur gorakh kee, tai boojh na paa-ee. fir fir, jogee, aavai jaa-ee. ||3||
You do not understand have the Guru of Gorakh (i.e. God);
(that is why) O! yogi, over and over again, you come and go (in reincarnation). 3
ijs no hoAw nwQu ik®pwlw ] rhrwis hmwrI gur gopwlw ]
jis no ho-aa naath kirpaalaa. rahraas hamaaree, gur gopaalaa.
He, upon whom the Lord bestows His mercy (he makes prayer to the Lord);
he offers prayer to the Guru, the Sustainer of the World:
nwmY iKMQw nwmY bsqru ] jn nwnk jogI hoAw AsiQru ]4]
naamai khiNthaa, naamai bastar. jan naanak, jogee ho-aa asthir. ||4||
(One who prays: O! Lord) You name is my patched robe, name is my dress.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): such a yogi is stable. 4
ieau jipAw nwQu idnu rYnweI ] huix pwieAw guru gosweI ]1] rhwau dUjw ]2]13]
i-o japi-aa naath, din rainaa-ee.huṇ paa-i-aa, gur gosaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||2||13||
One, who has meditated upon the Lord, in this way, day and night
he has found (i.e. got united with) the great Lord of the Universe. 1 (pause second) 2.13

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

krn krwvn soeI ] Awn n dIsY koeI ]
karan karaavan so-ee. aan na deesai ko-ee.
He is the Creator and the Cause of the causes; I do not see any other (at all).
Twkuru myrw suGVu sujwnw ] gurmuiK imilAw rMgu mwnw ]1]
ṭaakur mayraa sughaṛ sujaanaa. gurmukh mili-aa raNg maanaa. ||1||
My Lord is wise, all-knowing. One, who meets Him through the Guru enjoys His love. 1
Ayso ry hir rsu mITw ] gurmuiK iknY ivrlY fITw ]1] rhwau ]
aiso ray, har ras meeṭaa. gurmukh kinai virlai deeṭaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Such sweet is the essence of (the name of) God; but,
some very rare one has seen Him through the Guru. 1 (pause)
inrml joiq AMimRqu hir nwm ] pIvq Amr Bey inhkwm ]
nirmal jot, aMmrit har naam. peevat, amar bha-ay nihkaam.
God’s Light is immaculate; His name is AMmrit ;
Drinking it in one becomes immortal and free of desires.
P. 887
qnu mnu sIqlu Agin invwrI ] And rUp pRgty sMswrI ]2]
tan man seetal, agan nivaaree. anad roop, pargatay saNsaaree. ||2||
The fire is extinguished; and, mind and body are cooled (i.e. soothed);
(They become) embodiment of bliss; and, are revealed throughout the world. 2
ikAw dyvau jw sBu ikCu qyrw ] ki-aa dayva-o, jaa sabh kichh tayraa.
What can I offer You, when everything belongs to you.
sd bilhwir jwau lK byrw ] sad balihaar jaa-o, lakh bayraa.
I am forever a sacrifice unto You, hundreds of thousands of times.
qnu mnu jIau ipMfu dy swijAw ] gur ikrpw qy nIcu invwijAw ]3]
tan man jee-o piNd day, saaji-aa. gur kirpaa tay, neech nivaaji-aa. ||3||
You created me by blessing (me with) body, mind, soul and physique.
By the Guru’s grace, You have honoured (i.e. exalted) me, the lowly. 3
Koil ikvwrw mhil bulwieAw ] jYsw sw qYsw idKlwieAw ]
khol kivaaraa, mahal bulaa-i-aa. jaisaa saa, taisaa dikhlaa-i-aa.
Opening the doors (of my mind), You called me to Your mansion (i.e. attached me to Your feet);
As you were, the same you showed me.
khu nwnk sBu pVdw qUtw ] hau qyrw qU mY min vUTw ]4]3]14]
kaho naanak, sabh paṛ-daa tootaa. ha-o tayraa, too mai man vooṭaa. ||4||3||14||
Says Nanak: All veil (of duality) is totally torn away;
I am Yours, and, You are enshrined in my mind.: 4.3.14

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

syvku lwieE ApunI syv ] AMimRqu nwmu dIE muiK dyv ]
sayvak laa-i-o apunee sayv. aMmrit naam dee-o mukh dayv.
He has attached his servant to his service.
Divine Guru has poured AMmrit name into his mouth.
sglI icMqw Awip invwrI ] iqsu gur kau hau sd bilhwrI ]1]
saglee chiNtaa, aap nivaaree. tis gur ka-o, ha-o sad balihaaree. ||1||
He himself have removed all his anxiety; I am forever a sacrifice unto my Guru. 1
kwj hmwry pUry sqgur ] bwjy Anhd qUry sqgur ]1] rhwau ]
kaaj hamaaray pooray, satgur. baajay anhad tooray, satgur. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have settled all my affairs, O! my True Guru; (now it seems that):
Unstruck melody of trumpet, is being played (in my heart), O! my True Guru. 1 (pause)
mihmw jw kI gihr gMBIr ] hoie inhwlu dyie ijsu DIr ]
mahimaa jaa kee gahir gaMbheer. ho-ay nihaal, day-ay jis dheer.

Whose (i.e. His) praise is profound and deep (i.e. unfathomable);
He, whom He blesses with patience (i.e. contentedness), becomes blissful
jw ky bMDn kwty rwie ] so nru bhuir n jonI pwie ]2]
jaa kay baNdhan kaatay raa-ay. so nar, bahur na jonee paa-ay. ||2||
He, whose fetters are cut (i.e. broken/ removed) by Sovereign Lord
That person is not cast into womb (i.e. is not re-incarnated) again. 2
jw kY AMqir pRgitE Awp ] qw kau nwhI dUK sMqwp ]
jaa kai aNtar pargati-o aap. taa ka-o, naahee dookh saNtaap.
He, within whom, He has revealed himself; he is not inflicted by sorrows or agony.
lwlu rqnu iqsu pwlY pirAw ] sgl kutMb Ehu jnu lY qirAw ]3]
laal ratan, tis paalai pari-aa. sagal kutamb, oh jan lai tari-aa. ||3||
He, with whose hem of robe, the gem and jewel (of name) is attached to(i.e. one who obtains
the jewel of name); that servant (i.e. devotee) is saved along with all his family. 3
nw ikCu Brmu n duibDw dUjw ] eyko eyku inrMjn pUjw ]
naa kichh bharam, na dubidhaa doojaa. ayko ayk niraNjan poojaa.
He has no doubt, double-midedness or duality; (because)
He worships the One taintless (God) alone.
jq kq dyKau Awip dieAwl ] khu nwnk pRB imly rswl ]4]4]15]
jat kat daykh-a-u, aap da-i-aal. kaho naanak, prabh milay rasaal. ||4||4||15||
Wherever I look, I see the Merciful Himself (manifesting there);
Says Nanak: I have found God, the source of nectar. 4.4.15

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qn qy CutkI ApnI DwrI ] pRB kI AwigAw lgI ipAwrI ]
tan tay chhutkee, apnee dhaaree. prabh kee aagi-aa, lagee pi-aaree.
The feeling of possession that I had borne (with me), has been eliminated from my body; now,
the will of God has become so pleasing to me.
jo ikCu krY su min myrY mITw ] qw iehu Acrju nYnhu fITw ]1]
jo kichh karai, so man mayrai meeṭaa. taa ih achraj, nainhu deeṭaa. ||1||
Whatever He does, seems sweet to my mind;
And, then, this Wonder (i.e. God)I have seen with my eyes. 1
Ab moih jwnI ry myrI geI blwie ] buiJ geI iqRsn invwrI mmqw guir pUrY lIE smJwie ]1] rhwau ]
ab mohi jaanee ray, mayree ga-ee balaa-ay.
bujh ga-ee tarisan, nivaaree mamtaa, gur poorai lee-o samjhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now I have known (the real path of life) my demon (i.e. ignorance) is gone;
My thirst (i.e. desires) is quenched, and, my attachment (to maya) is dispelled, (because) the
perfect Guru has made me understand (the path of life). 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw rwiKE guir srnw ] guir pkrwey hir ky crnw ]
kar kirpaa raakhi-o gur sarnaa. gur pakraa-ay har kay charnaa.
Bestowing his mercy, the Guru has kept me in his refuge; and
the Guru has attached me to the feet of God.
bIs ibsuey jw mn Thrwny ] gur pwrbRhm eykY hI jwny ]2]

bees bisu-ay* jaa man ṭehraanay. gur paarbarahm aykai hee jaanay. ||2||
When the mind becomes completely* stable;
One beholds the Guru and the Supreme Reality (God) as One and the same. 2
[*As per old measurement of land, there were bees/twenty bisuaas in one ghumaan/killa/ acre; thus, bees bisuaas
means one full i.e. complete].
jo jo kIno hm iqs ky dws ] pRB myry ko sgl invws ]
jo jo keeno ham tis kay daas. prabh mayray ko sagal nivaas.
Who and whoever You have created (O! Lord), I am his slave; my Lord (God) dwells in all.
nw ko dUqu nhI bYrweI ] gil imil cwly eykY BweI ]3]
naa ko doot nahee bairaa-ee. gal mil chaalay aykai bhaa-ee. ||3||
(So) no one is my enemy, and, no one is adversary;
I keep all in embrace, as my brethren. 3
jw kau guir hir dIey sUKw ] qw kau bhuir n lwgih dUKw ]
jaa ka-o gur har dee-ay sookhaa. taa ka-o bahur na laageh dookhaa.
One, whom Guru and God has blessed with happiness; he is not afflicted by pain again.
Awpy Awip srb pRiqpwl ] nwnk rwqau rMig gopwl ]4]5]16]
aapay aap sarab partipaal. naanak raata-o raNg gopaal. ||4||5||16||
He Himself chersihes all. Nanak (says): (I am) imbued with the love of God. 4.5.16

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

muK qy pVqw tIkw sihq ] ihrdY rwmu nhI pUrn rhq ]
mukh tay paṛ-taa, teekaa sahit. hirdai raam nahee pooran rahat.
With his mouth, he (i.e. Pandit) reads (religious books) with explanation (i.e. commentaries);
But within his mind God does not dwell, nor does ne practice (what he reads/ preaches).
aupdysu kry kir lok idRVwvY ] Apnw kihAw Awip n kmwvY ]1]
updays karay kar lok dariṛ-aavai. apnaa kahi-aa, aap na kamaavai. ||1||
He preaches to the people and enshrines this (in their minds);
(but) he (himself) does not practice, what he preaches. 1
pMifq bydu bIcwir pMifq ] mn kw k®oDu invwir pMifq ]1] rhwau ]
paNdit, bayd beechaar, paNdit. man kaa krodh nivaar, paNdit. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Pandit, contemplate Vedas, O! Pandit.
Eradicate anger from mind, O! Pandit. 1 (pause)
AwgY rwiKE swl igrwmu ] mnu kIno dh ids ibsRwmu ]
aagai raakhi-o saal giraam. man keeno dah dis bisraam.
You have placed (your) saligram (stone-god, idol of Vishnu) before yourself;
(but), your mind wanders in ten directions.
P. 888
iqlku crwvY pweI pwie ] lok pcwrw AMDu kmwie ]2]
tilak charaavai paa-ee paa-ay. lok pachaaraa aNdh kamaa-ay. ||2||
You apply (ceremonial) mark on its (i.e. stone-god’s) fore-head, and bow at its feet;
You (try to) appease people, by following it blindly. 2
Ktu krmw Aru Awsxu DoqI ] BwgiT igRih pVY inq poQI ]

khat karmaa ar aasan dhotee. bhaagaṭ garihi paṛai nit pothee.
Your perform six (religious) rituals, and, sit wearing your dhoti (i.e. lion cloth);
In the homes of the wealthy (people), you daily read (religious) books (as ritual).
mwlw PyrY mMgY ibBUq ] ieh ibiD koie n qirE mIq ]3]
maalaa fayrai maNgai bibhoot. ih bidh, ko-ay na tari-o, meet. ||3||
You count on (i.e. chant verses on) rosary and beg for money.
No one has ever been saved in this way, O! friend. 3
so pMifqu gur sbdu kmwie ] qRY gux kI Esu auqrI mwie ]
so paNdit, gur sabad kamaa-ay. tarai guṇ kee os utree maa-ay.
He alone is Pandit who earns (i.e. follows/ lives on) the word of the Guru.
Maya, of three gunaas (i.e. qualities), leaves him (i.e. he subdues maya).
cqur byd pUrn hir nwie ] nwnk iqs kI srxI pwie ]4]6]17]
chatur bayd, pooran har naa-ay. naanak, tis kee sarṇee paa-ay. ||4||6||17||
The four Vedas are contained in (meditation upon) the name of God.
Nanak (says): (O! brethren, if there is such a Pandit, then) seek His refuge. 4.6.17

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

koit ibGn nhI Awvih nyir ] Aink mwieAw hY qw kI cyir ]
kot bighan, nahee aavahi nayr. anik maa-i-aa, hai taa kee chayr.
(Even) tens of millions of hurdles do not come near him; and,
maya of many kinds is his hand-maiden.
Aink pwp qw ky pwnIhwr ] jw kau mieAw BeI krqwr ]1]
anik paap, taa kay paaneehaar. jaa ka-o ma-i-aa bha-ee kartaar. ||1||
Countless sins are the water-carriers (i.e. slaves) of the one,
who has been blessed by the Creator. 1
ijsih shweI hoie Bgvwn ] Aink jqn auAw kY srMjwm ]1] rhwau ]
jisahi sahaa-ee ho-ay bhagvaan. anik jatan u-aa kai saraNjaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, whose has God as his helper; all his endeavours are accomplished. 1 (pause)
krqw rwKY kIqw kaunu ] kIrI jIqo sglw Bvnu ]
kartaa raakhai, keetaa ka-un. keeree jeeto, saglaa bhavan.
(When) the Creator protects (him), who can (i.e. no one) harm him (in any way)?
Even an ant can conquer the whole world.
byAMq mihmw qw kI kyqk brn ] bil bil jweIAY qw ky crn ]2]
bay-aNt mahimaa, taa kee kaytak baran. bal bal jaa-ee-ai, taa kay charan. ||2||
His glory is endless, how much I can describe it?
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto His feet. 2
iqn hI kIAw jpu qpu iDAwnu ] Aink pRkwr kIAw iqin dwnu ]
Bgqu soeI kil mih prvwnu ] jw kau Twkuir dIAw mwnu ]3]
tin hee kee-aa jap tap dhi-aan. anik parkaar kee-aa tin daan.
bhagat so-ee, kal meh parvaan. jaa ka-o ṭaakur dee-aa maan. ||3||
He alone performs meditation, austerities, and concentration are His creation; and,
He has given gifts of many kinds (in charity); and
He alone is approved in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age);
whom the Lord has blessed with honour. 3
swDsMig imil Bey pRgws ] shj sUK Aws invws
saadhsaNg mil bha-ay pargaas. sahj sookh aas nivaas.
Joining the congregation of the God-oriented persons, one is enlightened;
(there) one finds (i.e. lives in) poise, happiness and hope.
pUrY siqguir dIAw ibsws ] nwnk hoey dwsin dws ]4]7]18]
poorai satgur dee-aa bisaas. naanak, ho-ay daasan daas. ||4||7||18||
(Those, whom) the perfect True Guru has blessed with faith;
Nanak (says): they have become slaves of (His) slaves (i.e. most devoted). 4.7.18

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

dosu n dIjY kwhU log ] jo kmwvnu soeI Bog ]
dos na deejai kaahoo log. jo kamaavan, so-ee bhog.
Do not blame other people (one should not blame others for one’s own plight) ;
as one earn, same they eats (i.e. as one plants, so he harvests; as one sows so he obtains fruit).
Awpn krm Awpy hI bMD ] Awvnu jwvnu mwieAw DMD ]1]
aapan karam, aapay hee baNdh. aavan jaavan maa-i-aa dhaNdh. ||1||
One is bound by his own actions; entangled in maya, one comes and goes (in re-incaration). 1
AYsI jwnI sMq jnI ] prgwsu BieAw pUry gur bcnI ]1] rhwau ]
aisee jaanee saNt janee. pargaas bha-i-aa, pooray gur bachnee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such is the understanding of the God-oriented devotees;
they have been enlightened through the words (i.e. teachings) of the perfect Guru. 1 (pause)
qnu Dnu klqu imiQAw ibsQwr ] hYvr gYvr cwlnhwr ]
tan dhan kalat, mithi-aa bisthaar. haivar gaivar chaalanhaar.
(O! brethren, everything is mortal) body, wealth, wife, and all expanse (of maya) is false;
horses and elephants (i.e. all the animal) will (also) pass away.
rwj rMg rUp siB kUr ] nwm ibnw hoie jwsI DUr ]2]
raaj raNg roop sabh koor. naam binaa, ho-ay jaasee dhoor. ||2||
Power, pleasure, beauty all are false;
Without the name (of God) everything will be reduce to dust. 2
Brim BUly bwid AhMkwrI ] sMig nwhI ry sgl pswrI ]
bharam bhoolay baad aha kaaree. saNg naahee, ray, sagal pasaaree.

Deluded by doubt, people are uselessly becoming egotists;

of all this expanse (of maya) nothing shall go along (with the being).
sog hrK mih dyh ibrDwnI ] swkq iev hI krq ibhwnI ]3]
sog harakh meh dayh birdhaanee. saakat, iv hee karat bihaanee. ||3||
Through pains and pleasures, the body is aging (i.e. it is growing old);
The saakat (i.e. non-believers) pass their lives (like this). 3
hir kw nwmu AMimRqu kil mwih ] eyhu inDwnw swDU pwih ]
har kaa naam aMmrit kal maahi. ayhu nidhaanaa saadhoo* paahi.
In the Kayuga (i.e. Dark Age), the name of God is AMmrit;
this treasure is obtained from the Guru*. [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
nwnk guru goivdu ijsu qUTw ] Git Git rmeIAw iqn hI fITw ]4]8]19]
naanak, gur govid jis tooṭaa. ghat ghat rama-ee-aa tin hee deeṭaa. ||4||8||19||
Nanak (says): he, with whom the Guru and the Lord of the Universe (God) is pleased,
he beholds God in each and every heart. 4.8.19

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

pMc sbd qh pUrn nwd ] Anhd bwjy Acrj ibsmwd ]
paNch sabad, tah pooran naad. anhad baajay, achraj bismaad.
There (in the true congregation), the five words resonate perfect sounds;
the unstruck music gives wonderful and amazing sound.
kyl krih sMq hir log ] pwrbRhm pUrn inrjog ]1]
kayl karahi, saNt har log. paarbarahm pooran nirjog. ||1||
(there) God-oriented persons of God play (wondrous games);
(they play with) the Supreme Reality (God, who is) totally detached. 1
sUK shj Awnµd Bvn ] sookh sahj aanaNd bhavan.
It (i.e. the company of the God-oriented persons) is the house of happiness, poise and bliss;
swDsMig bYis gux gwvih qh rog sog nhI jnm mrn ]1] rhwau ]
saadhsaNg bais guṇ gaavahi, tah rog sog nahee janam maran. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, they sing the excellences (of God); (there is no)
ailment or sorrow; no birth or death. 1(pause)
aUhw ismrih kyvl nwmu ] ibrly pwvih Ehu ibsRwmu ]
oohaa, simrahi kayval naam. birlay paavahi, oh bisraam.
There they remember only the name (of the Lord);
very rare are those who obtain such (state of) rest.
Bojnu Bwau kIrqn AwDwru ] inhcl Awsnu bysumwru ]2]
bhojan bhaa-o, keertan aadhaar. nihchal aasan, baysumaar. ||2||
(There) the love (of God) is their food; and, singing the praise (of the Lord) is their support;
they obtain permanent place (state), (which is) indescribable. 2
P. 889
ifig n folY kqhU n DwvY ] gur pRswid ko iehu mhlu pwvY ]
dig na dolai, kathoo na dhaavai. gur prsaad, ko ih mahal paavai.
There, no one falls, wavers or goes anywhere;
by the grace of Guru some rare one finds this mansion (of the Lord).
Brm BY moh n mwieAw jwl ] suMn smwiD pRBU ikrpwl ]3]
bharam bhai moh na maa-i-aa jaal. suNn samaadh prabhoo kirpaal. ||3||
There is no doubt, fear, attachment or trap of maya;
there dwells the Lord, the Merciful in void trance. 3
qw kw AMqu n pwrwvwru ] Awpy gupqu Awpy pwswru ]
taa kaa aNt na paaraavaar. aapay gupat aapay paasaar.
He has no end or limits;
He Himself is unseen (i.e. un-manifest), and He Himself is in expanse (i.e. manifest).
jw kY AMqir hir hir suAwdu ] khnu n jweI nwnk ibsmwdu ]4]9]20]
jaa kai aNtar har har su-aad. kahan na jaa-ee naanak bismaad. ||4||9||20||
In whose enjoys the taste of God, the Lord within himself;
Nanak (says): his wondrous state can not be described. 8.9.20

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

Bytq sMig pwrbRhmu iciq AwieAw ] sMgiq krq sMqoKu min pwieAw ]
bhaytat saNg, paarbarahm chit aa-i-aa. saNgat karat, saNtokh man paa-i-aa.
Meeting the congregation, the Supreme Reality (God) has come to my consciousness;
Joining the congregation, my mind has found contentedness.
sMqh crn mwQw myro pauq ] Aink bwr sMqh fMfauq ]1]
saNteh charan, maathaa mayro pa-ut. anik baar, saNteh daNd-ut. ||1||
My fore-head falls at the feet of the God-oriented persons;
I prostrate before the God-oriented persons countless times. 1
iehu mnu sMqn kY bilhwrI ] jw kI Et ghI suKu pwieAw rwKy ikrpw DwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ih man, saNtan kai balihaaree.
jaa kee ot gahee sukh paa-i-aa, raakhay kirpaa dhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind (of mine) is a sacrifice unto the God-oriented persons;
Holding to their support I have found happiness; bestowing their mercy, they have
protected me. 1 (pause)
sMqh crx Doie Doie pIvw ] sMqh drsu pyiK pyiK jIvw ]
saNteh charaṇ, dho-ay dho-ay peevaa. saNteh daras, paykh paykh jeevaa.
Washing the feet of God-oriented persons, and, drink in that water;
beholding the vision of the God-oriented persons, I live.
sMqh kI myrY min Aws ] sMq hmwrI inrml rwis ]2]
saNteh kee mayrai man aas. saNt, hamaaree nirmal raas. ||2||
My hope rests its hope in the God-oriented persons;
the God-oriented persons are my immaculate (i.e. pious) wealth. 2
sMq hmwrw rwiKAw pVdw ] sMq pRswid moih kbhU n kVdw ]
saNt, hamaaraa raakhi-aa paṛ-daa. saNt parsaad, mohi kabhoo na kaṛ-daa.
The God-oriented persons have saved my honour;
by the grace of the God-oriented persons, I am no more in trouble.
sMqh sMgu dIAw ikrpwl ] sMq shweI Bey dieAwl ]3]
saNteh saNg dee-aa kirpaal. saNt sahaa-ee bha-ay da-i-aal. ||3||
The Merciful (Lord) has blessed me with the company of the God-oriented persons;
compassionate God-oriented persons have become my help (i.e. support). 3
suriq miq buiD prgwsu ] surat mat budh pargaas.
(In their company) my consciousness, wisdom and intellect have been enlightened.
gihr gMBIr Apwr guxqwsu ] gahir gaMbheer apaar guṇtaas.
(The Lord is) deep, profound and infinite treasure of excellences;
jIA jMq sgly pRiqpwl ] jee-a jaNt saglay partipaal.
He cherishes all the beings and creatures.

nwnk sMqh dyiK inhwl ]4]10]21] naanak ,saNteh daykh nihaal. ||4||10||21||
Nanak (says): I am enraptured on seeing the God-oriented persons. 4.10.21

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qyrY kwij n igRhu rwju mwlu ] tayrai kaaj na, garihu raaj maal.
(O! brethren, Your) home, power, wealth, will be of no use to you.
qyrY kwij n ibKY jMjwlu ] tayrai kaaj na, bikhai jaNjaal.
The entanglements of poison (i.e. maya) will be of no use to you.
iest mIq jwxu sB ClY ] isat meet, jaaṇ sabh chhalai.
Know that all your beloved ones and friends are just deception (i.e. illusion/ fake);
hir hir nwmu sMig qyrY clY ]1] har har naam, saNg tayrai chalai. ||1||
Only the name of God, the Lord, will go along with you.1
rwm nwm gux gwie ly mIqw hir ismrq qyrI lwj rhY ]
raam naam guṇ, gaa-ay lay meetaa; har simrat, tayree laaj rahai.
Sing (the praise of) the excellences of the name of God, O! my friend.
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon the name of) God, your honour shall be saved.
hir ismrq jmu kCu n khY ]1] rhwau ] har simrat, jam kachh na kahai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering God, the messenger of death will not touch you. 1 (pause)
ibnu hir sgl inrwrQ kwm ] bin har, sagal niraarath kaam.
Without God, all (other) deeds (i.e. activities, pursuits) are useless.
suienw rupw mwtI dwm ] su-inaa rupaa maatee daam.
Gold, silver and wealth are (just like) dust.
gur kw sbdu jwip mn suKw ] eIhw aUhw qyro aUjl muKw ]2]
gur kaa sabad jaap, man sukhaa. eehaa oohaa, tayro oojal mukhaa. ||2||
Chanting the word of the Guru, your mind shall be happy.
Here and hereafter your face shall radiant. 2
kir kir Qwky vfy vfyry ] ikn hI n kIey kwj mwieAw pUry ]
kar kar thaakay, vaday vadayray. kin hee na kee-ay kaaj maa-i-aa pooray.
(O! brethren, even) your elders and fore-elders, got weary of doing worldly tasks;
(but) none of them could accomplish tasks of maya.
hir hir nwmu jpY jnu koie ] qw kI Awsw pUrn hoie ]3]
har hear naam japai jan ko-ay. taa kee aasa pooran ho-ay. ||3||
Only some rare one meditates upon the name of God, the Lord;
he will have all his hopes fulfilled. 3
hir Bgqn ko nwmu ADwru ] har bhagtan ko naam adhaar.
(O! brethren) the name (of the Lord) is the support of the devotees of God.
sMqI jIqw jnmu Apwru ] santee jeetaa janam apaar.
The God-oriented persons are the winners of (the game of) the priceless (human) life.
hir sMqu kry soeI prvwxu ] har saNt karay, so-ee parvaaṇ.
Whatever a God-oriented person (a devotee) of God does, is accepted (in his court).
nwnk dwsu qw kY kurbwxu ]4]11]22] naanak daas taa kai kurbaaṇ. ||4||11||22||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifices unto them (i.e. God-oriented persons). 4.11.22

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
isMcih drbu dyih duKu log ] qyrY kwij n Avrw jog ]
siNcheh darab, deh dukh log. tayrai kaaj na avraa jog.
(O! foolish being) you gather wealth and torment the people;
(but after your death) it is not for use to you; it is (meant) for others.
kir AhMkwru hoie vrqih AMD ] jm kI jyvVI qU AwgY bMD ]1]
kar ahaNkaar ho-ay varteh aNdh. jam kee jayvṛee, too aagai baNdh. ||1||
You practice egotism, and, act like a blind (fool);
(in the world) hereafter, you shall be bound to the noose of messenger of death. 2
Cwif ivfwxI qwiq mUVy ] eIhw bsnw rwiq mUVy ]
chhaad vidaaṇee taat, mooṛay. eehaa basnaa raat, mooṛay.
Give up your envy of others, O! fool;
you only live here fo a night (i.e. just for a short span), O! fool.
mwieAw ky mwqy qY auiT clnw ] rwic rihE qU sMig supnw ]1] rhwau ]
maa-i-aa kay maatay, tai uṭ chalnaa. raach rahi-o too saNg supnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! intoxicated with maya, you must (finally) arise and depart (from the world);
You are totally engrossed in the dream. 1 (pause)
bwl ibvsQw bwirku AMD ] Bir jobin lwgw durgMD ]
baal bivasthaa, baarik aNdh. bhar joban, laagaa durgaNdh.
In his child-hood, the child is blind (i.e. ignorant);
In fullness of youth, he is engaged in foul-smell (i.e. filthy sins).
P. 890
iqRqIA ibvsQw isMcy mwie ] ibriD BieAw Coif cilE pCuqwie ]2]
taritee-a bivasthaa, siNchay maa-ay. biradh bha-i-aa, chhod chali-o pachhutaa-ay. ||2||
In the third stage (of life), he gathers wealth;
When he grows old, he leaves (everything behind), and, depart(from the world) repenting. 2
icrMkwl pweI dRülB dyh ] nwm ibhUxI hoeI Kyh ]
chiraNkaal, paa-ee darulabh dayh. naam bihooṇee, ho-ee khayh.
After a very long time, one obtains this body (i.e. human life) difficult to obtain;
(but) without the name, it is reduced to dust.
psU pryq mugD qy burI ] iqsih n bUJY ijin eyh isrI ]3]
pasoo parayt mugadh tay buree. tiseh na boojhai, jin ayh siree. ||3||
This (body without the name of the Lord) is worse than that of an animal, a demon, or an idiot;
(if) it does not understand the One who has created it. 3
suix krqwr goivMd gopwl ] dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ]
suṇ, kartaar goviNd gopaal.deen da-i-aal, sadaa kirpaal.
Listen, O! Creator, Lord of the World, Sustainer of the World,
Merciful to the Poor, forever compassionate.
qumih Cfwvhu Cutkih bMD ] bKis imlwvhu nwnk jg AMD ]4]12]23]
tumeh chhadaavahu, chhutkahi bandh. bakhas milaavhu naanak jag aNdh. ||4||12||23||
(O! LordIf) You liberate us (from bonds of maya), (then) our bonds can be broken;
Nanak (says): the word is blind (the people of the world are blind), (please) forgive them and
unite them (with Yourself). 4.12.13

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

kir sMjogu bnweI kwiC ] iqsu sMig rihE ieAwnw rwic ]
kar saNjog, banaa-ee kaachh. tis saNg rahi-o i-aanaa raach.
Joining together (the five elements) He fashioned and created (the human body);
the ignorant (human) is engrossed in it.
pRiqpwrY inq swir smwrY ] AMq kI bwr aUiT isDwrY ]1]
partipaarai, nit saar samaarai. aNt kee baar, ooṭ sidhaarai. ||1||
He nourishes it; and constantly takes care of it;
(but) in the end (i.e. at the very last moment of life), he rises and departs (from the world). 1
nwm ibnw sBu JUTu prwnI ] goivd Bjn ibnu Avr sMig rwqy qy siB mwieAw mUTu prwnI ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa, sabh jhooṭ paraanee.
govid bhajan bin avar saNg raatay, tay sabh maa-i-aa mooṭ paraanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the name (of the Lord) everything (else) is false, O! mortal (being),
Those who do not meditate upon the Lord of the World, and, are in love with (i.e. engrossed
in) other things, all those (persons) are plundered by maya. 1 (pause)
qIrQ nwie n auqris mYlu ] krm Drm siB haumY PYlu ]
tirath naa-ay, na utras mail. karam dharam, sabh ha-umai fail.
Bathing at places of pilgrimage, filth (of attachment and maya) is not wash off;
the religious rituals are all just display in egotism.
lok pcwrY giq nhI hoie ] nwm ibhUxy clsih roie ]2]
lok pachaarai, gat nahee ho-ay. naam bihooṇay, chalsahi ro-ay. ||2||
By pleasing people, no one is liberated;
without the name, they shall depart weeping (i.e. repenting and regretting). 2
ibnu hir nwm n tUtis ptl ] soDy swsqR isimRiq sgl ]
bin har naam, na tootas patal. sodhay, saastar simrit sagal.
Without the name the veil (of duality and maya) is not torn away (i.e. is not removed);
I have studied all the Shastras and the Simritis (they too do not offer any other way).
so nwmu jpY ijsu Awip jpwey ] sgl Plw sy sUiK smwey ]3]
so naam japai, jis aap japaa-ay. sagal falaa, say sookh samaa-ay. ||3||
He alone meditates upon whom God Himself gets to meditate upon;
he obtains all fruits (i.e. rewards) and absorbs in happiness. 3
rwKnhwry rwKhu Awip ] sgl suKw pRB qumrY hwiQ ]
raakhanhaaray raakho aap. sagal sukhaa, prabh tumrai haath.
O! Saviour, (please) You Yourself save me;
All happiness is in your hand, O! Lord.
ijqu lwvih iqqu lwgh suAwmI ] nwnk swihbu AMqrjwmI ]4]13]24]
jit laaveh, tit laagah su-aamee. naanak, saahib aNtarjaamee. ||4||13||24||
Whatever You attach me to, to that I am attached, O! Lord;
Nanak (says): God is the Controller of Minds. 4.13.24
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
jo ikCu krY soeI suKu jwnw ] mnu AsmJu swDsMig pqIAwnw ]
jo kichh karai, so-ee sukh jaanaa. man asmajh, saadhsaNg patee-aanaa.
Whatever He does, I feel happiness in that;
the mind is ignorant, it becomes contented in the company of the God-oriented persons.
foln qy cUkw ThrwieAw ] siq mwih ly siq smwieAw ]1]
dolan tay chookaa, ṭehraa-i-aa. sat maahi, lay sat samaa-i-aa. ||1||
(Now) it does not waver; it has become stable;
receiving (the teaching of) truth, it is merged in the True (Lord). 1
dUKu gieAw sBu rogu gieAw ] pRB kI AwigAw mn mih mwnI mhw purK kw sMgu BieAw ]1] rhwau ]
dookh ga-i-aa, sabh rog ga-i-aa.
prabh kee aagi-aa man meh maanee, mahaa purakh kaa saNg bha-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All the pain is gone; all the ailment is gone;
I have accepted the command (i.e. will) of the Lord within my mind; (because) I have
obtained the company of the great person (i.e. the Guru). 1 pause
sgl pivqR srb inrmlw ] jo vrqwey soeI Blw ] sagal pavitar, sarab nirmalaa. jo vartaa-ay, so-ee bhalaa.
(In this state he feels that) all is pure, all is immaculate; whatever He does, that (alone) is good.
jh rwKY soeI mukiq Qwnu ] jo jpwey soeI nwmu ]2]
jah raakhai ,so-ee mukat thaan. jo japaa-ay, so-ee naam. ||2||
(In this state he feels that) wherever He keeps (me), that (alone) is place of liberation (for me);
whatever He makes (me) chant, that (alone) is His name. 2
ATsiT qIrQ jh swD pg Drih ] qh bYkuMTu jh nwmu aucrih ]
aṭsaṭ tirath, jah saadh pag dhareh. tah baikuNṭ, jah naam uchrahi.
That is (like) the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, where a God-oriented person places his feet;
heaven is that place, where the name (of the Lord) is chanted (i.e. meditated upon).
srb Anµd jb drsnu pweIAY ] rwm guxw inq inq hir gweIAY ]3]
sarab anaNd, jab darsan paa-ee-ai. raam guṇaa, nit nit har gaa-ee-ai. ||3||
All bliss comes when one beholds vision (of God);
(so) sing continuously, all the time, (the praise of) the excellences of God. 3
Awpy Git Git rihAw ibAwip ] dieAwl purK prgt prqwp ]
aapay ghat ghat rahi-aa bi-aap. da-i-aal purakh, pargat partaap.
He Himself is pervading each and every heart.
The glory of the Merciful Primal Person (Lord) is manifest (everywhere).
kpt Kulwny BRm nwTy dUry ] nwnk kau gur Byty pUry ]4]14]25]
kapat khulaanay, bharam naaṭay dooray. naanak ka-o gur bhaytay pooray. ||4||14||25||
The doors (of mind) were opened and doubts ran away; (when)
Nanak met with the perfect Guru. 4.14.25

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

koit jwp qwp ibsRwm ] iriD buiD isiD sur igAwn ] kot jaap taap bisraam. ridh budh sidh sur gi-aan.
(When the name of God comes to dwell in mind):

Tens of millions of meditation and austerities rest in (him);
(and also come) wealth, wisdom, miraculous power, and, divine knowledge.
Aink rUp rMg Bog rsY ] gurmuiK nwmu inmK irdY vsY ]1]
anik roop rag bhog rasai. gurmukh, naam, nimakh ridai vasai. ||1||
He enjoys countless beauties, delights, pleasures and love;
(if) through the Guru, the name (of the Lord) dwells within his heart even for a moment. 1
hir ky nwm kI vifAweI ] kImiq khxu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
har kay naam kee vadi-aa-ee. keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such is greatness of the name of God; its value can not be described. 1 (pause)
P. 891
sUrbIr DIrj miq pUrw ] shj smwiD Duin gihr gMBIrw ]
soorbeer dheeraj mat pooraa. sahj samaadh dhun, gahir gaMbheeraa.
(He is) brave, patient, perfectly wise;
(He is) in trance, in ease, and, (he is) deep and profound;
sdw mukqu qw ky pUry kwm ] jw kY irdY vsY hir nwm ]2]
sadaa mukat taa kay pooray kaam. jaa kai ridai vasai har naam. ||2||
(He is) liberated forever; all his affairs are settled (i.e. accomplished);
(if) the name of the Lord abides within his name. 2
sgl sUK Awnµd Arog ] smdrsI pUrn inrjog ]
sagal sookh aanaNd arog. samadrasee pooran nirjog.
(He is) totally happy, blissful and healthy;
(and, he) views all equally (i.e. he is impartial) and perfectly detached.
Awie n jwie folY kq nwhI ] jw kY nwmu bsY mn mwhI ]3]
aa-ay na jaa-ay dolai kat naahee. jaa kai naam basai man maahee. ||3||
He, in whose mind abides the name of God, does not come and go (in re-incarnation); (and,
he) deos not waver. 3
dIn dieAwl guopwl goivMd ] gurmuiK jpIAY auqrY icMd ]
deen da-i-aal gopaal goviNd. gurmukh japee-ai utrai chiNd.
(He is) Merciful to the Poor; (He is) the Sustainer of the World; (He is) Lord of the World
Meditating upon His name through the Guru, the worries are dispelled.
nwnk kau guir dIAw nwmu ] sMqn kI thl sMq kw kwmu ]4]15]26]
naanak ka-o gur dee-aa naam. saNtan kee tahal, saNt kaa kaam. ||4||15||26||
Nanak (says): The Guru has blessed me with the name (of the Lord);
(and has also attached me to) the service of the God-oriented persons, and, the work for the
God-oriented persons. 4.15.26

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

bIj mMqRü hir kIrqnu gwau ] AwgY imlI inQwvy Qwau ]
beej maNtra, har keertan, gaa-o. aagai milee nithaavay thaa-o.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God; (this is) the seed (i.e. root) spell (i.e. source of all the spells).
O! homeless, (by singing it) you shall find place, hereafter (in the court of God).
gur pUry kI crxI lwgu ] jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgu ]1]

gur pooray kee charṇee laag. janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaag. ||1||
(O! brethren) fall at the feet (i.e. seek the refuge) of the perfect Guru;
You have been sleeping through countless incarnations, wake up (now). 1
hir hir jwpu jplw ] gur ikrpw qy ihrdY vwsY Baujlu pwir prlw ]1] rhwau ]
har har jaap japlaa. gur kirpaa tay hirdai vaasai, bha-ojal paar parlaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) mediate upon the meditation (i.e. name) of God, the Lord; (by doing so)
by the grace of the Guru, His name shall come to abide in heart, and, one crosses over the
terrifying (world) ocean. 1 (pause)
nwmu inDwnu iDAwie mn Atl ] qw CUtih mwieAw ky ptl ]
naam nidhaan dhi-aa-ay man atal. taa chhooteh maa-i-aa kay patal.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the eternal treasure of the name of God, within your mind;
then the curtain of maya, shall be removed.
gur kw sbdu AMimRq rsu pIau ] qw qyrw hoie inrml jIau ]2]
gur kaa sabad, aMmrit ras pee-o. taa tayraa ho-ay nirmal jee-o. ||2||
Drink in the Guru's word, the AMmrit essence (of God);
then your mind shall be rendered immaculate. 2
soDq soDq soiD bIcwrw ] ibnu hir Bgiq nhI Cutkwrw ]
sodhat sodhat sodh beechaaraa. bin har bhagat nahee chhutkaaraa.
Searching, searching and searching I have realized; (that)
without the meditation upon the Lord, there is no liberation (from attachment to maya).
so hir Bjnu swD kY sMig ] mnu qnu rwpY hir kY rMig ]3]
so har bhajan saadh kai saNg. man tan raapai har kai raNg. ||3||
Meditation upon God is obtained in the company of the God-oriented persons;
(there) mind and body are imbued with the love of God. 3
Coif isAwxp bhu cqurweI ] mn ibnu hir nwvY jwie n kweI ]
chhod si-aaṇap baho chaturaa-ee. man bin har naavai jaa-ay na kaa-ee.
(So, O! my mind) renounce all your cleverness and over smartness;
O! mind, without the name of God, there is no place (of refuge).
dieAw DwrI goivd guosweI ] hir hir nwnk tyk itkweI ]4]16]27]
da-i-aa dhaaree govid gosaa-ee. har har naanak tayk tikaa-ee. ||4||16||27||
Nanak (says): he, upon whom the Lord of the World, the Sustainer of the World, has become
kind, he has enshrined the support of God, the Lord. 4.16.27

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

sMq kY sMig rwm rMg kyl ] AwgY jm isau hoie n myl ]
saNt kai saNg, raam rang kayl. aagai, jam si-o ho-ay na mayl.
(O! brethren) play joyfully with God, in the congregation of the God-oriented persons; and,
You will not have to meet (i.e. face) the messenger of death.
AhMbuiD kw BieAw ibnws ] durmiq hoeI sglI nws ]1]
ahaM-budh kaa bha-i-aa binaas. durmat ho-ee saglee naas. ||1||
Your egotistical wisdom shall vanish; and, the evil-mindedness will be totally destroyed. 1
rwm nwm gux gwie pMifq ] raam naam guṇ gaa-ay, paNdit.

Sing (the praise of) the excellences of the name of God, O! Pandit;
krm kWf AhMkwru n kwjY kusl syqI Gir jwih pMifq ]1] rhwau ]
karam kaand, ahaMkaar na kaajai, kusal saytee ghar jaahi, paNdit. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The pride of (conducting) religious rituals is of no use; (but, if you chant the name of the Lord)
you shall go home with happiness, O! Pandit. 1 (pause)
hir kw jsu iniD lIAw lwB ] pUrn Bey mnorQ swB ]
har kaa jas nidh, lee-aa laabh. pooran bha-ay manorath saabh.
One, who has found the treasure of the praise of God;
all his objectives have been accomplished.
duKu nwTw suKu Gr mih AwieAw ] sMq pRswid kmlu ibgswieAw ]2]
dukh naaṭaa, sukh ghar meh aa-i-aa. saNt* parsaad, kamal bigsaa-i-aa. ||2||
All his sorrows run away, and, happiness come to (dwell in) his home;
by the grace of the Guru*, the lotus (of his heart) blooms forth. 2
[*Here, sant has been used for the Guru].
nwm rqnu ijin pwieAw dwnu ] iqsu jn hoey sgl inDwn ]
naam ratan, jin paa-i-aa daan. tis jan ho-ay sagal nidhaan.
One, who has obtained the gift of the jewel of name; he has with him all the treasures.
sMqoKu AwieAw min pUrw pwie ] iPir iPir mwgn kwhy jwie ]3]
saNtokh aa-i-aa man, pooraa paa-ay. fir fir, maagan kaahay jaa-ay. ||3||
One, who has found the Perfect (Lord), his mind becomes content;
why should he go begging over and over again? 3
hir kI kQw sunq pivq ] ijhvw bkq pweI giq miq ]
har kee kathaa sunat, pavit. jihvaa bakat, paa-ee gat mat.
Hearing the story (of the excellences) of God, one becomes pure; and,
chanting it with tongue, one attains wisdom of liberation.
so prvwxu ijsu irdY vsweI ] nwnk qy jn aUqm BweI ]4]17]28]
so parvaaṇ, jis ridai vasaa-ee. naanak, tay jan ootam, bhaa-ee. ||4||17||28||
One, who enshrines God within his heart is approved (in His court); and,
Nanak (says): such persons are regarded superb (in His court) O! brethren. 4.17.28

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

ghu kir pkrI n AweI hwiQ ] pRIiq krI cwlI nhI swiQ ]
gahu kar pakree, na aa-ee haath. preet karee, chaalee nahee saath.
He, who grasped it (i.e. maya) with care, it did not come into (i.e. it slipped out of his) hands.
one, who loved it, it did not go along with him (i.e. maya belongs to no one).
khu nwnk jau iqAwig deI ] qb Eh crxI Awie peI ]1]
kaho naanak, ja-o ti-aag da-ee. tab oh charṇee aa-ay pa-ee. ||1||
Says Nanak: When one renounced it, then it came and falls at his feet. 1
suix sMqhu inrml bIcwr ] rwm nwm ibnu giq nhI kweI guru pUrw Bytq auDwr ]1] rhwau ]
suṇ saNtahu, nirmal beechaar.
raam naam bin gat nahee kaa-ee, gur pooraa bhaytat udhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Listen, O! God-oriented persons, this is the pure thought:
there is no liberation without (meditation upon) the name of God; meeting with the perfect
Guru, one is emancipated. 1 (pause)
P. 892
jb aus kau koeI dyvY mwnu ] qb Awps aUpir rKY gumwnu ]
jab, us ka-o, ko-ee dayvai maan. tab, aapas oopar rakhai gumaan.
When someone gives her respect (i.e. tries to flatter her); then she takes pride in herself.
jb aus kau koeI min prhrY ] qb Eh syvik syvw krY ]2]
jab, us ka-o, ko-ee man parharai. tab, oh sayvak sayvaa karai. ||2||
When someone keeps her away from mind (i.e. puts her away from thoughts);
then she becomes his servant and serves him. 2
muiK byrwvY AMiq TgwvY ] iekqu Taur Eh khI n smwvY ]
mukh bayraavai, aNt ṭagaavai. ikat ṭa-ur, oh kahee na samaavai.
She seems to please, but in the end (i.e. finally) she deceives;
She does not remain at any one place.
auin mohy bhuqy bRhmMf ] rwm jnI kInI KMf KMf ]3]
un mohay bahutay brahmaNd. raam janee keenee khaNd khaNd. ||3||
She has charmed many a world;
But the men (i.e. devotees) of God cut her into pieces (i.e. totally expel her from their minds). 3
jo mwgY so BUKw rhY ] iesu sMig rwcY su kCU n lhY ]
jo maagai, so bhookhaa rahai. is saNg raachai, so kachhoo na lahai.
One who begs (to obtain her) remains hungry;
whoever is engrossed in her, obtains nothing.
iesih iqAwig sqsMgiq krY ] vfBwgI nwnk Ehu qrY ]4]18]29]
iseh ti-aag, satsaNgat karai. vadbhaagee, naanak, oh tarai. ||4||18||29||
(But) one, who renounces it and joins the company of the true (i.e. devotees),
Nanak (says): by great fortune, he crosses over (the world ocean). 4.18.29

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

Awqm rwmu srb mih pyKu ] pUrn pUir rihAw pRB eyku ]
aatam raam sarab meh paykh. pooran poor rahi-aa prabh ayk.
See the All Pervading (God) present in all (hearts); the One God is perfectly pervading all.
rqnu Amolu irdy mih jwnu ] ApnI vsqu qU Awip pCwnu ]1]
ratan amol, riday meh jaan. apnee vasat too aap pachhaan. ||1||
The priceless jewel (of the name of God) is within your heart, you know it (i.e. realize its worth);
It is your wealth, realize it yourself. 1
pI AMimRqu sMqn prswid ] pee aMmrit saNtan parsaad.
Drink in AMmrit (name) by the grace of the God-oriented persons;
vfy Bwg hovih qau pweIAY ibnu ijhvw ikAw jwxY suAwdu ]1] rhwau ]
vaday bhaag hoveh ta-o paa-ee-ai, bin jihvaa ki-aa jaanai su-aad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who is blessed with great fortune, obtains it.
Without a tongue, how can one know the taste. 1 (pause)
AT ds byd suny kh forw ] koit pRgws n idsY AMDyrw ]

aṭ das, bayd, sunay kah doraa. kot pargaas na disai aNdhayraa.
How can a deaf person listen to (the recitation of) the eighteen (Puraans) and the Vedas?
(Even if) there may be tens of millions of lights, the blind cannot see it.
psU prIiq Gws sMig rcY ] ijsu nhI buJwvY so ikqu ibiD buJY ]2]
pasoo pareet ghaas saNg rachai. jis nahee bujhaavai so kit bidh bujhai. ||2||
The animals love grass, and, remain attached to it (i.e. it does not think of anything else).
One, whom He(i.e. God) does not get to understand, how can he understand? 2
jwnxhwru rihAw pRBu jwin ] Eiq poiq Bgqn sMgwin ]
jaanaṇhaar rahi-aa prabh jaan. ot pot bhagtan saNgaan.
God, the (all) knowing, knows all (the hearts);
He is with His devotees like warp and weft (i.e. through and through).
ibgis ibgis Apunw pRBu gwvih ] nwnk iqn jm nyiV n Awvih ]3]19]30]
bigas bigas apunaa prabh gaavahi. naanak, tin jam nayṛ na aavahi. ||3||19||30||
One, who sings (the praise of) his Lord, with happiness and delight ;
Nanak (says): the messenger of death does not (even) approach them. 3.19.30

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

dIno nwmu kIE pivqu ] hir Dnu rwis inrws ieh ibqu ]
deeno naam kee-o pavit. har dhan raas niraas ih bit.
(One, whom the Guru) blessed with (His) name, he purified him (i.e. purified his life);
God's wealth became his capital (i.e. wealth), and, he rejected this wealth (i.e. maya).
kwtI bMiD hir syvw lwey ] hir hir Bgiq rwm gux gwey ]1]
kaatee baNdh har sayvaa laa-ay. har har bhagat raam guṇ gaa-ay. ||1||
Breaking his bonds, he (i.e. the Guru) attached him to the service (i.e. meditation) of God;
(Now) the devotees of God, the Lord, sings (the praise of) the excellences of God. 1
bwjy Anhd bwjw ] baajay anhad baajaa.
The unstruck sound is resounding.
rsik rsik gux gwvih hir jn ApnY gurdyiv invwjw ]1] rhwau ]
rasak rasak guṇ gaavahi har jan, apnai gurdayv nivaajaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They, who have been honoured by their Divine Guru, those servants (i.e. devotees) of God,
sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, with love and joy. 1 (pause)
Awie binE pUrblw Bwgu ] jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgu ]
aa-ay bani-o poorbalaa bhaag. janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaag.
Those, whose destiny has dawned, have awakened from the sleep of countless incarnations.
geI iglwin swD kY sMig] mnu qnu rwqo hir kY rMig ]2]
ga-ee gilaan, saadh kai saNg. man tan raato har kai raNg. ||2||
In the company of the Guru, their hatred (for others) is gone; and,
their minds and bodies are imbued with the love of God. 2
rwKy rwKnhwr dieAwl [ nw ikCu syvw nw ikCu Gwl ]
raakhay raakhanhaar da-i-aal. naa kichh sayvaa, naa kichh ghaal.
The Merciful, Saviour (God) protected them (from drowning in the world of maya);
(He did not take into credit that) they had no service (i.e. devotion) or effort (penance).
kir ikrpw pRiB kInI dieAw ] bUfq duK mih kwiF lieAw ]3]
kar kirpaa, prabh keenee da-i-aa. boodat dukh meh, kaaḍ la-i-aa. ||3||
Becoming merciful, God bestowed His kindness; and,
pulled them out from (the ocean of) sorrows. 3
suix suix aupijE mn mih cwau ] AwT phr hir ky gux gwau ]
suṇ suṇ upji-o man meh chaa-o. aaṭ pahar har kay guṇ gaa-o.
Listening and listening (to the sermons of the Guru), eagerness has welled up in their minds;
all the eight-quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hors of the day), they sing (the praise of) the
excellences of God.
gwvq gwvq prm giq pweI ] gur pRswid nwnk ilv lweI ]4]20]31]
gaavat gaavat param gat paa-ee. gur parsaad, naanak liv laa-ee. ||4||20||31||
Nanak (says): singing and singing (His praise), they have obtained liberation, (because),
by the grace of the Guru, they had focussed their mind (on the Lord). 4.20.31

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

kaufI bdlY iqAwgY rqnu ] ka-udee badlai, ti-aagai ratan.
(This is the state of the non-believer): In exchange for a shell, he gives up jewel.
Coif jwie qwhU kw jqnu ] chhod jaa-ay, taahoo kaa jatan.
He makes efforts for(collecting) that (i.e. maya) which leaves (finally) him.
so sMcY jo hoCI bwq ] so saNchai, jo hochhee baat.
He collects those thing which is trivial (i.e. petty, worthless).
mwieAw moihAw tyFau jwq ]1] maa-i-aa mohi-aa, tayḍa-o jaat. ||1||
Charmed by maya, he walks on crooked path. 1
ABwgy qY lwj nwhI ] abhaagay, tai laaj naahee.
O! unfortunate, have you no shame?
suK swgr pUrn prmysru hir n cyiqE mn mwhI ]1] rhwau ]
sukh saagar pooran parmaysar, har na chayti-o man maahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Perfect God is the Ocean of Happiness, you do not remember Him within your mind. 1 (pause)
AMimRqu kaurw ibiKAw mITI ] swkq kI ibiD nYnhu fITI ]
aMmrit ka-uraa, bikhi-aa meeṭee. saakat kee bidh, nainhu deeṭee.
(To him) AMmrit (name of the Lord) seems bitter to him, and, poison (i.e. maya) is sweet;
such is the state of the saakat (literally: worshipper of power, i.e. non-believer), which I have
seen with my eyes.
kUiV kpit AhMkwir rIJwnw ] nwmu sunq jnu ibCUA fswnw ]2]
koorh kapat ahaMkaar reejhaanaa. naam sunat, jan bichhoo-a dasaanaa. ||2||
He is pleased in falsehood, wickedness, and, egotism;
if he listens to the name (of the Lord), he feels like having been stung by a scorpion. 2
mwieAw kwrix sd hI JUrY ] min muiK kbih n ausqiq krY ]
maa-i-aa kaaraṇ, sad hee jhoorai. man mukh, kabeh na ustat karai.
He always laments for wealth; (but)
he never chants the praise (of God) with his mind and mouth.

inrBau inrMkwr dwqwru ] iqsu isau pRIiq n krY gvwru ]3]
nirbha-o niraNkaar daataar. tis si-o pareet, na karai gavaar. ||3||
The Giver (Lord) is fearless and formless; (but) this fool does not love Him. 3
sB swhw isir swcw swhu ] vymuhqwju pUrw pwiqswhu ]
sabh saahaa sir, saachaa saahu. vaymuhtaaj, pooraa paatisaahu.
The True King (i.e. Lord), is king above all the kings (i.e God is the King of the kings);
He is independent, perfect Emperor.
moh mgn lpitE BRm igrh ] nwnk qrIAY qyrI imhr ]4]21]32]
moh magan, lapti-o bharam girah. naanak, taree-ai tayree mihar. ||4||21||32||
(But, the mortal being is) engrossed in attachment, in doubts, and in household affairs.
Nanak (says): one can be saved (only) by Your grace. 4.21.32

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rYix idnsu jpau hir nwau ] AwgY drgh pwvau Qwau ]
raiṇ dinas japa-o har naa-o. aagai dargeh paava-o thaa-o.
(O! brethren) day and night, meditate upon the name of God; and,
hereafter, you shall obtain a place in His court.
sdw Anµdu n hovI sogu ] kbhU n ibAwpY haumY rogu ]1]
sadaa anaNd, na hovee sog. kabhoo na bi-aapai, ha-umai rog. ||1||
You shall be in bliss forever and have no sorrow;
the disease of ego shall never afflict (you). 1
Kojhu sMqhu hir bRhm igAwnI ] ibsmn ibsm Bey ibsmwdw prm giq pwvih hir ismir prwnI ]1] rhwau ]
khojahu saNtahu har barahm gi-aanee.
bisman bisam bha-ay bismaadaa, param gat paavahi har simar, paraanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, search out the knowers of the Supreme Reality, God;
you shall be wonder-struck with wonder at wondrous (Lord); and, O! mortal being,
remembering God, you shall obtain supreme status. 1 (pause)
gin imin dyKhu sgl bIcwir ] nwm ibnw ko skY n qwir ]
gan min daykhhu sagal beechaar. naam binaa, ko sakai na taar.
contemplate thoroughly and think in every way; (that)
without the name, no one can carry across (the world ocean).
sgl aupwv n cwlih sMig ] Bvjlu qrIAY pRB kY rMig ]2]
sagal upaav, na chaaleh saNg. bhavjal taree-ai, prabh kai raNg. ||2||
None of all other other efforts (i.e. endeavours) will go along with you;
the terrifying (world) ocean can be crossed (only) through love of God. 2
dyhI Doie n auqrY mYlu ] haumY ibAwpY duibDw PYlu ]
dayhee dho-ay, na utrai mail. ha-umai bi-aapai, dubidhaa fail.
By (merely) washing the body, the filth (of mind) is not washed away;
afflicted by ego, duality rather increases (more).
hir hir AauKDu jo jnu Kwie ] qw kw rogu sgl imit jwie ]3]
har har a-ukhadh jo jan khaa-ay. taa kaa rog sagal mit jaa-ay. ||3||
That servant (i.e. devotee) who takes medicine of (the name of) God, the Lord;

all his ailment is eradicated. 3
kir ikrpw pwrbRhm dieAwl ] mn qy kbhu n ibsru guopwl ]
kar kirpaa paarbarahm da-i-aal. man tay kabahu na bisar gopaal.
Bestow Your kindness, O! merciful, Supreme Reality (God):
(so that) I may never forget the Sustainer of the World from my mind.
qyry dws kI hovw DUir ] nwnk kI pRB srDw pUir ]4]22]33]
tayray daas kee hovaa dhoor. naanak kee prabh sardhaa poor. ||4||22||33||
Let me be the dust of the feet of Your slaves (i.e. devotees);
Nanak (says): O! Lord (please) fulfill this wish of mine. 8.22.33

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

qyrI srix pUry gurdyv ] quDu ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ]
tayree saraṇ pooray gurdayv. tudh bin doojaa naahee ko-ay.
I seek Your refuge, O! perfect Divine Guru. Other than you, there is no (refuge).
qU smrQu pUrn pwrbRhmu ] so iDAwey pUrw ijsu krmu ]1]
too samrath pooran paarbarahm. so dhi-aa-ay, pooraa jis karam. ||1||
You are all power, O! perfect Supreme Reality (God);
he alone meditates upon You, who has perfect destiny . 1
qrx qwrx pRB qyro nwau ] eykw srix ghI mn myrY quDu ibnu dUjw nwhI Twau ]1] rhwau ]
taraṇ taaraṇ, prabh tayro naa-o.
aykaa saraṇ gahee man mayrai, tudh bin doojaa naahee ṭaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord, Your name is a boat to carry us across (the world ocean);
My mind has grasped You refuge only; other than You, I have no place (of rest). 1 (pause)
jip jip jIvw qyrw nwau ] AwgY drgh pwvau Twau ]
jap jap jeevaa, tayraa naa-o. aagai dargeh paava-o ṭaa-o.
(O! Lord bless me, so that) I may live by meditating and meditating upon Your name;
(so that) I may obtain a place, hereafter, in your court.
dUKu AMDyrw mn qy jwie ] durmiq ibnsY rwcY hir nwie ]2]
dookh aNdhayraa man tay jaa-ay. durmat binsai, raachai har naa-ay. ||2||
(One, who meditates upon Your name) darkness of sorrows are gone from his mind;
evil-mindedness is dispelled, and, he is absorbed in the name of God. 2
crn kml isau lwgI pRIiq ] gur pUry kI inrml rIiq ]
charan kamal si-o laagee pareet. gur pooray kee nirmal reet.
I have enshrined love for Your lotus-feet; (since I have adopted)
immaculate style (i.e. path) of the perfect Guru.
Bau Bwgw inrBau min bsY ] AMimRq nwmu rsnw inq jpY ]3]
bha-o bhaagaa, nirbha-o man basai. aMmrit naam rasnaa nit japai. ||3||
My fear has run away (since) the Fearlessness dwells in my mind;
(now) my tongue continually chants AMmrit name (of God). 3
koit jnm ky kwty Pwhy ] pwieAw lwBu scw Dnu lwhy ]
kot janam kay kaatay faahay. paa-i-aa laabh sachaa dhan laahay.
The nooses of tens of millions of births (i.e incarnations) are cut away; and,
I have obtained the profit of the true wealth (of name).
qoit n AwvY AKut BMfwr ] nwnk Bgq sohih hir duAwr ]4]23]34]
tot na aavai, akhut bhaNdaar. naanak, bhagat soheh har du-aar. ||4||23||34||
His treasures is inexhaustible, it will never run out;
Nanak (says): The devotees look beautiful at the door of (i.e in the court of) God. 8.23.34

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rqn jvyhr nwm ] squ sMqoKu igAwn ]
ratan javayhar naam. sat saNtokh gi-aan.
The name (of the Lord) is the jewels and rubies;
(it is embodiment of) truth, contentment and knowledge.
sUK shj dieAw kw poqw ] hir Bgqw hvwlY hoqw ]1]
sookh sahj da-i-aa kaa potaa. har bhagtaa havaalai hotaa. ||1||
It is treasure of happiness, poise and compassion; it is entrusted to the devotees of God. 1
myry rwm ko BMfwru ] Kwq Kric kCu qoit n AwvY AMqu nhI hir pwrwvwru ]1] rhwau ]
mayray raam ko bhaNdaar.
khaat kharach kachh tot na aavai, aNt nahee har paaraavaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This (i.e. such) is the treasure of my God; that,consuming and spending it, it never gets
exhausted; the Lord has no end or limitations. 1 (pause)
kIrqnu inrmolk hIrw ] Awnµd guxI ghIrw ]
keertan nirmolak heeraa. aanaNd guṇee gaheeraa.
Singing the praise (of God) is a priceless diamond; it is (ocean of) bliss and excellences.
Anhd bwxI pUMjI ] sMqn hiQ rwKI kUMjI ]2]
anhad baṇee pooNjee. saNtan hath raakhee kooNjee. ||2||
(Singing) the praise (of the Lord) is capital of celestial word;
He has entrusted its key in the hands of the God-oriented persons. 2
P. 894
suMn smwiD guPw qh Awsnu ] kyvl bRhm pUrn qh bwsnu ]
suNn samaadh gufaa, tah aasan. kayval barahm pooran, tah baasan.
They sit there in the cave (i.e. in the heart) in trance in void;
there only perfect God dwells (with the devotees).
Bgq sMig pRBu gosit krq ] qh hrK n sog n jnm n mrq ]3]
bhagat saNg, prabh gosat karat. tah harakh na sog, na janam na marat. ||3||
(There) God holds conversation with the devotees.
There is no pleasure or pain; no birth or death. 3
kir ikrpw ijsu Awip idvwieAw ] swDsMig iqin hir Dnu pwieAw ]
kar kirpaa jis aap divaa-i-aa. saadhsaNg, tin har dhan paa-i-aa.
One, upon whom He Himself bestows His kindness,
obtains the wealth (of the name) of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons.
dieAwl purK nwnk Ardwis ] hir myrI vrqix hir myrI rwis ]4]24]35]
da-i-aal purakh, naanak ardaas. har mayree vartaṇ, har mayree raas. ||4||24||35||
Nanak (says): it is my prayer to the merciful Primal Person (God):
(the name of ) God be my expenditure, and, (the name of ) God is my capital. 4.24.35

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

mihmw n jwnih byd ] bRhmy nhI jwnih Byd ]
mahimaa na jaaneh bayd.* barahmay** nahee jaaneh bhayd.
Vedas do not know the greatness (of God); Brahma does not know His mystery.
[*The four Vedas are ancient books of religion, ritualism and allied issues. **Brahma is a mythical god, believed by
some as god of creation].
Avqwr n jwnih AMqu ] prmysru pwrbRhm byAMqu ]1]
avtaar na jaaneh aNt. parmaysar paarbarahm bay-aNt. ||1||
The incarnated beings do not know His limits;
The Supreme Lord, the Supreme Reality (God) is endless (i.e. infinite/ unknowable). 1
ApnI giq Awip jwnY ] suix suix Avr vKwnY ]1] rhwau ]
apnee gat aap jaanai. suṇ suṇ avar vakhaanai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only He Himself knows His own state (i.e. His expanse);
others speak (i.e. describe) of him by hearing and listening (about Him). 1 (pause)
sMkrw nhI jwnih Byv ] Kojq hwry dyv ]
saNkraa nahee jaaneh bhayv. khojat haaray dayv.
Sankar* (i.e. Shiv) does not know His mystery; [*Some regard mythical Shiv as god of destruction/death]
the gods have grown weary of searching for Him.
dyvIAw nhI jwnY mrm ] sB aUpir AlK pwrbRhm ]2]
dayvee-aa nahee jaanai maram. sabh oopar alakh paarbarahm. ||2||
The goddesses do not know His mystery;
The Supreme Reality (God) is above all and imperceptible. 2
ApnY rMig krqw kyl ] Awip ibCorY Awpy myl ] apnai raNg kartaa kayl. aap bichhorai, aapay mayl.
The Creator plays His own plays;
He Himself separates (some) and He Himself unites (some with Himself).
ieik Brmy ieik BgqI lwey ] Apxw kIAw Awip jxwey ]3]
ik bharmay, ik bhagtee laa-ay. apṇaa kee-aa ,aap jaṇaa-ay. ||3||
(He lets) some to wander, and, to some He has attached to his devotion.
He Himself lets know, what He has done. 3
sMqn kI suix swcI swKI ] so bolih jo pyKih AwKI ]
saNtan kee suṇ saachee saakhee. so boleh, jo paykheh aakhee.
(O! brethren) listen the true story of the God-oriented persons;
They speak of only what they see with their eyes.
nhI lypu iqsu puMin n pwip ] nwnk kw pRBu Awpy Awip ]4]25]36]
nahee layp, tis puNn na paap. naanak kaa prabh, aapay aap. ||4||25||36||
He is not touched by (associated with) virtue or by vice;
Nanak (says): my God is Himself all in all. 4.25.36

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

ikChU kwju n kIE jwin ] suriq miq nwhI ikCu igAwin ]
kichhahoo kaaj na kee-o jaan. surat mat naahee kichh gi-aan.
(O! God) I have not done any deed (with intention) to know (You);
I have no consciousness (i.e. awareness), wisdom or knowledge.
jwp qwp sIl nhI Drm ] ikCU n jwnau kYsw krm ]1]
jaap taap seel nahee dharam. kichhoo na jaan-o, kaisaa karam. ||1||
I have practised no meditation, austerity, worship or righteousness;
I do not know anything about (what is) good action. 1
Twkur pRIqm pRB myry ] quJ ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI BUlh cUkh pRB qyry ]1] rhwau ]
ṭaakur preetam prabh mayray.
tujh bin doojaa avar na ko-ee, bhoolah chookah prabh tayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) Lord, my beloved God;
We have no other than You; even though we stray or make mistakes, we are still yours, O!
Lord. 1 (pause)
iriD n buiD n isiD pRgwsu ] ibKY ibAwiD ky gwv mih bwsu ]
ridh na budh na sidh pargaas. bikhai bi-aadh kay gaav meh baas.
I have no wealth, no wisdom, no miraculous power; nor I have any enlightenment;
I dwell in the (body) village of vices and sins.
krxhwr myry pRB eyk ] nwm qyry kI mn mih tyk ]2]
karaṇhaar mayray prabh ayk. naam tayray kee man meh tayk. ||2||
O! Creator, O! my One Lord; Your name (alone) is the support of my mind. 2
suix suix jIvau min iehu ibsRwmu ] pwp KMfn pRB qyro nwmu ]
suṇ suṇ jeeva-o man ih bisraam. paap khaNdan prabh tayro naam.
My mind has this assurance (i.e. faith) (that) hearing and hearing (Your name) I live;
, O! LordYour name is the Destroyer of Sins.
qU Agnqu jIA kw dwqw ] ijsih jxwvih iqin qU jwqw ]3]
too agnat jee-a kaa daataa. jisahi jaṇaaveh tin too jaataa. ||3||
You are the Giver to countless beings;
one, unto whom You get to know (Yourself), he has known You. 3
jo aupwieE iqsu qyrI Aws ] sgl ArwDih pRB guxqws ]
jo upaa-i-o tis tayree aas. sagal araadheh prabh guṇtaas.
Whoever has been created, places his hope in You;
all worship You, O! Lord, O! Treasure of Excellences.
nwnk dws qyrY kurbwxu ] byAMq swihbu myrw imhrvwxu ]4]26]37]
naanak daas tayrai kurbaaṇ. bay-aNt saahib mayraa miharvaaṇ. ||4||26||37||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto You;
The Lord is infinite, my Lord is merciful. 4.26.37

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rwKnhwr dieAwl ] koit Bv KMfy inmK iKAwl ]
raakhanhaar da-i-aal. kot bhav khaNday, nimakh khi-aal.
The Merciful (Lord) is the protector (of all);
He eradicates tens of millions of wanderings (i.e. incarnations), (if one) contemplates Him
(even) for an instant.
sgl ArwDih jMq ] imlIAY pRB gur imil mMq ]1] sagal araadheh jaNt. milee-ai prabh, gur mil maNt. ||1||
All beings worship Him;
one can meet His by finding the Guru (and following his) dictum (i.e. teaching). 1
jIAn ko dwqw myrw pRBu ] pUrn prmysur suAwmI Git Git rwqw myrw pRBu ]1] rhwau ]
jee-an ko daataa, mayraa prabh.
pooran parmaysur su-aamee, ghat ghat raataa, mayraa prabh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Lord is the Giver to (all) the beings;
My Lord, the Supreme Lord, Master, is perfectly pervading; He imbues each and every
heart. 1 (pause)
qw kI ghI mn Et ] bMDn qy hoeI Cot ] taa kee, gahee man ot. baNdhan tay ho-ee chhot.
O! (my) mind, one who has grasped His support;
he is relieved of (all) his bonds.
ihrdY jip prmwnµd ] mn mwih Bey Anµd ]2] hirdai jap parmaanaNd. man maahi bha-ay anaNd. ||2||
Meditating upon the Lord of Supreme Bliss within the heart;
the mind is filled with ecstasy. 2
qwrx qrx hir srx ] jIvn rUp hir crx ] taaraṇ taraṇ har saraṇ. jeevan roop har charaṇ.
His refuge is a boat to carry across (the world ocean); God's feet are the embodiment of life.
sMqn ky pRwx ADwr ] aUcy qy aUc Apwr ]3] saNtan kay praaṇ adhaar. oochay tay ooch, apaar. ||3||
He is the support of the breath (of life) of the God-oriented persons;
He is infinite; He is the highest of the hig . 3
su miq swru ijqu hir ismrIjY ] kir ikrpw ijsu Awpy dIjY ]
so mat saar, jit har simreejai. kar kirpaa, jis aapay deejai.
That wisdom is beautiful with which one remembers God;
(He alone has such wisdom) whom He bestows in His mercy.
sUK shj Awnµd hir nwau ] nwnk jipAw gur imil nwau ]4]27]38]
sookh sahj aanaNd har naa-o. naanak, japi-aa, gur mil naa-o. ||4||27||38||
Happiness, poise and bliss are found in Gods' name;
Nanak (says): meeting with the Guru, I have meditated upon the name (of God). 4.27.38

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

sgl isAwnp Cwif ] kir syvw syvk swij ] sagal si-aanap chhaad. kar sayvaa sayvak saaj.
Give up all cleverness;
Become (His) servant (i.e. devotee) and serve (i.e. meditate upon) Him.
Apnw Awpu sgl imtwie ] mn icMdy syeI Pl pwie ]1]
apnaa aap sagal mitaa-ay. man chiNday say-ee fal paa-ay. ||1||
Totally erase your self-conceit; and, you shall obtain the fruit of your mind’s desires. 1
hohu swvDwn Apuny gur isau ] Awsw mnsw pUrn hovY pwvih sgl inDwn gur isau ]1] rhwau ]
hohu saavdhaan apunay gur si-o.
aasaa mansaa pooran hovai, paavahi sagal nidhaan gur si-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Be alert (i.e. awake and conscious) with (i.e. follow the counsel of) your Guru.
Your hopes and desires shall be fulfilled, and, you shall obtain all treasures from your Guru.
1 (pause)
dUjw nhI jwnY koie ] sqguru inrMjnu soie ] doojaa nahee jaanai ko-ay. satgur niraNjan so-ay.
Do not recognize anyone else; the True Guru is immaculate.
mwnuK kw kir rUpu n jwnu ] imlI inmwny mwnu ]2]
maanukh kaa kar roop na jaan. milee nimaanay maan. ||2||
Do not believe that he (i.e. the Guru) is mere a human;
He gives honour to those without honour. 2
gur kI hir tyk itkwie ] Avr Awsw sB lwih ] gur kee har tayk tikaa-ay. avar aasaa sabh laahi.
Enshrine the hope of the Guru and God (within your mind); and, give up all other hopes.
hir kw nwmu mwgu inDwnu ] qw drgh pwvih mwnu ]3]
har kaa naam maag nidhaan. taa dargeh paavahi maan. ||3||
(O! brethren) beg for the treasure of the name of God;
then you shall obtain honour in His court. 3
gur kw bcnu jip mMqu ] eyhw Bgiq swr qqu ] gur kaa bachan jap maNt. ayhaa bhagat saar tat.
Chant the Guru's word, the (real) spell/ dictum; this is the true essence of devotion.
siqgur Bey dieAwl ] nwnk dws inhwl ]4]28]39]
satgur bha-ay da-i-aal. naanak daas nihaal. ||4||28||39||
(One, upon whom) the True Guru becomes kind;
Nanak (says): that slave (i.e. devotee), is enraptured. 4.28.39

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

hovY soeI Bl mwnu ] Awpnw qij AiBmwnu ] hovai, so-ee bhal maan. aapnaa taj abhimaan.
What happens (i.e. in God’s will), accept that as good; leave your self-conceit behind.
idnu rYin sdw gun gwau ] pUrn eyhI suAwau ]1] din rain sadaa gun gaa-o. pooran ayhee su-aa-o. ||1||
Day and night, continually sing (the praise of) His excellences;
This is the perfect purpose (of human life). 1
Awnµd kir sMq hir jip ] Cwif isAwnp bhu cqurweI gur kw jip mMqu inrml ]1] rhwau ]
aanaNd kar, saNt har jap.
chhaad si-aanap baho chaturaa-ee, gur kaa jap maNt nirmal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented person meditate upon (the name of) God, and, be in bliss.
Renounce your cleverness and all shrewdness, and, meditate upon the immaculate dictum
(i.e. word) of the Guru. 1 (pause)
eyk kI kir Aws BIqir ] inrml jip nwmu hir hir ] ayk kee kar aas bheetar. nirmal jap naam har har.
Within mind place hope in One Lord (alone);
Meditate upon the immaculate name of God, the Lord.
gur ky crn nmskwir ] Bvjlu auqrih pwir ]2] gur kay charan namaskaar. bhavjal utreh paar. ||2||
Bow down to the feet of the Guru; and,
you shall cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 2
dyvnhwr dwqwr ] AMqu n pwrwvwr ] dayvanhaar daataar aNt na paaraavaar.
The Giver (Lord) is the bestower (of everything); He has no end, or limitation.
jw kY Gir srb inDwn ] rwKnhwr indwn ]3] jaa kai ghar sarab nidhaan. raakhanhaar nidaan. ||3||
He, who has all treasures in His home; He will be the Saviour in the end. 3
nwnk pwieAw eyhu inDwn ] hry hir inrml nwm ] naanak, paa-i-aa ayhu nidhaan. haray har nirmal naam.
Nanak (says): I have obtained this treasure; the immaculate name of God, the Lord.
jo jpY iqs kI giq hoie ] nwnk krim prwpiq hoie ]4]29]40]
jo japai tis kee gat ho-ay. naanak, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||4||29||40||
Whoever meditates upon it is liberated;
Nanak (says): (but) it is obtained (only) by His grace. 4.29.40

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

dulB dyh svwir ] jwih n drgh hwir ] dulabh dayh savaar. jaahi na dargeh haar.
(O! brethren) adorn your rare body (i.e. make your human life fruitful); (then)
you shall not go to His court as a looser.
hliq pliq quDu hoie vifAweI ] AMq kI bylw ley CfweI ]1]
halat palat tudh ho-ay vadi-aa-ee. aNt kee baylaa la-ay chhadaa-ee. ||1||
In this world and the world hereafter, you shall obtain honour; at the very last moment, He
will save you. 1
rwm ky gun gwau ] hlqu plqu hoih dovY suhyly Acrj purKu iDAwau ]1] rhwau ]
raam kay gun gaa-o. halat palat hohi dovai suhaylay, achraj purakh dhi-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
You shall be embellished in this world and the world hereafter, by meditating upon the
wonderful Primal Person (Lord). 1 (pause)
aUTq bYTq hir jwpu ] ibnsY sgl sMqwpu ]
ooṭat baiṭat har jaap. binsai sagal saNtaap.
While standing up and sitting down meditate upon God, and, all troubles shall depart.
bYrI siB hovih mIq ] inrmlu qyrw hovY cIq ]2]
bairee sabh hoveh meet.nirmal tayraa hovai cheet. ||2||
All your enemies shall become friends; your mind shall become immaculate. 2
sB qy aUqm iehu krmu ] sgl Drm mih sRyst Drmu ]
sabh tay ootam ih karam. sagal dharam meh saraysat dharam.
(O! brethren) this (i.e. meditation upon the name of God) is the most sublime deed; and,
this is the most superior religion among all religions.
hir ismrin qyrw hoie auDwru ] jnm jnm kw auqrY Bwru ]3]
har simran tayraa ho-ay udhaar. janam janam kaa utrai bhaar. ||3||
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) God, you shall be saved;
You shall be rid of the load of (the sins of) countless births (i.e. incarnations). 3
pUrn qyrI hovY Aws ] jm kI ktIAY qyrI Pws ]
pooran tayree hovai aas. jam kee katee-ai tayree faas.
Your hopes shall be fulfilled; and, the noose of the messenger of death shall be cut away
gur kw aupdysu sunIjY ] nwnk suiK shij smIjY ]4]30]41]
gur kaa updays suneejai. naanak sukh sahj sameejai. ||4||30||41||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) listen the teachings of the Guru, and, you shall be absorbed in
celestial poise. 4.30.41
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
ijs kI iqs kI kir mwnu ] Awpn lwih gumwnu ] jis kee, tis kee kar maan. aapan laahi gumaan.
Whom it (i.e. everything) belongs to, acknowledge (and honour) it as His (alone); and,
shed your self-conceit, (O! brethren).
ijs kw qU iqs kw sBu koie ] iqsih ArwiD sdw suKu hoie ]1]
jis kaa too, tis kaa sabh ko-ay. tiseh araadh, sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||1||
One, whom you belong to, everyone belongs to Him;
Adore (i.e. worship/ meditate upon)Him, and, you shall be happy forever . 1
kwhy BRim BRmih ibgwny ] nwm ibnw ikCu kwim n AwvY myrw myrw kir bhuqu pCuqwny ]1] rhwau ]
kaahay bharam bharmeh bigaanay.
naam binaa kichh kaam na aavai, mayraa mayraa kar bahut pachhutaanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why do wander in doubts, and, as alienated.
Without the name (of the Lord), nothing is of any use (at all).
Claiming ‘mine, mine’, a lot many (have departed) repenting.1 (pause)
jo jo krY soeI mwin lyhu ] ibnu mwny ril hovih Kyh ]
jo jo karai, so-ee maan layho. bin maanay, ral hoveh khayh.
Whatever He does, accept that (as good); without accepting, you shall mingle with dust.
iqs kw Bwxw lwgY mITw ] gur pRswid ivrly min vUTw ]2]
tis kaa bhaanaa, laagai meeṭaa. gur parsaad, virlay man vooṭaa. ||2||
(One, whom) His will seems sweet;
by the Guru’s grace, He comes to dwell in the mind of such rare ones. 2
vyprvwhu Agocru Awip ] AwT phr mn qw kau jwip ]
vayparvaahu agochar aap. aaṭ pahar, man taa ka-o jaap.
He Himself is carefree and imperceptible;
O! mind, meditate upon Him, all the eight-quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day).
ijsu iciq Awey ibnsih duKw ] hliq pliq qyrw aUjl muKw ]3]
jis chit aa-ay, binsahi dukhaa. halat palat, tayraa oojal mukhaa. ||3||
When He comes in consciousness/ mind, pains (i.e. sufferings) are dispelled;
(O! mind, meditate upon Him, and) here and hereafter, your face shall be radiant. 3
kaun kaun auDry gun gwie ] gnxu n jweI kIm n pwie ]
ka-un ka-un udhray gun gaa-ay. ganaṇ na jaa-ee, keem na paa-ay.
Who and who many (i.e. so many) have been saved, singing (the praise of) His excellences;
they (i.e. those who have been saved) can not be counted, or evaluated.
bUfq loh swDsMig qrY ] nwnk ijsih prwpiq krY ]4]31]42]
boodat loh, saadhsaNg tarai. naanak, jisahi paraapat karai. ||4||31||42||
(Even) the sinking iron* is saved in the company of the God-oriented persons
Nanak (says): (But only) those who receive (His grace). 4.31.42
[*As iron can be saved when it is attached to wood, similarly a being loaded with sins can be saved when he is attached
to, i.e. in the company of, the God-oriented persons].

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

mn mwih jwip BgvMqu ] guir pUrY iehu dIno mMqu ] man maahi, jaap bhagvaNt. gur poorai, ih deeno maNt.

(O! brethren) meditate upon God in (your) mind;
the perfect Guru has given this dictum (i.e. teaching).
imty sgl BY qRws ] pUrn hoeI Aws ]1] mitay sagal bhai taraas. pooran ho-ee aas. ||1||
(One, who has meditated upon God) all (his) fears and frights are dispelled;
(and his) hope is (i.e. all his desires are) fulfilled. 1
sPl syvw gurdyvw ] kImiq ikCu khxu n jweI swcy scu AlK AByvw ]1] rhwau ]
safal sayvaa gurdayvaa. keemat kichh kahaṇ na jaa-ee saachay, sach alakh abhayvaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Service to the Divine Guru is fruitful.
The value of the True (Lord) can not be described; the True is imperceptible and mysterious.
1 (pause)
krn krwvn Awip ] iqs kau sdw mn jwip ] karan karaavan aap. tis ka-o, sadaa man jaap.
He Himself is the Doer, and, the Cause of causes; O! (my) mind, meditate upon Him forever.
iqs kI syvw kir nIq ] scu shju suKu pwvih mIq ]2]
tis kee sayvaa kar neet. sach sahj sukh paavahi, meet. ||2||
Continually serve Him; and, you shall be blessed with truth, poise and happiness, O! my
friend. 2
swihbu myrw Aiq Bwrw ] iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw ]
saahib mayraa, at bhaaraa. khin meh, thaap uthaapanhaaraa.
My Master is so very great; He (is all power to) establish and dis establish, in a moment.
iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ] jn kw rwKw soeI ]3] tis bin, avar na ko-ee. jan kaa raakhaa so-ee. ||3||
There is no other (powerful) than Him; He is the Protector of His servants (i.e. devotees). 3
kir ikrpw Ardwis suxIjY ] Apxy syvk kau drsnu dIjY ]
kar kirpaa ardaas suṇeejai. apnay sayvak ka-o darsan deejai.
(O! Lord) bestow (Your) kindness and hear my prayer;
bless Your servant (i.e. devotee) that he may behold You vision.
nwnk jwpI jpu jwpu ] sB qy aUc jw kw prqwpu ]4]32]43]
naanak, jaapee jap jaap. sabh tay ooch, jaa kaa partaap. ||4||32||43||
Nanak (says): I meditate upon the meditation of His name;
whose glory is highest of the all. 4.32.43

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

ibrQw Brvwsw lok ] Twkur pRB qyrI tyk ]
birthaa bharvaasaa lok. ṭaakur prabh tayree tayk.
Reliance upon people (i.e. mortals) is useless; O! my Lord, God, You are my (only) support.
Avr CUtI sB Aws ] AicMq Twkur Byty guxqws ]1]
avar chhootee, sabh aas. achiNt ṭaakur bhaytay guṇtaas. ||1||
His all other hope is gone (i.e. finished);
who has met Carefree Lord, the Treasure of Excellences. 1
eyko nwmu iDAwie mn myry ] kwrju qyrw hovY pUrw hir hir hir gux gwie mn myry ]1] rhwau ]
ayko naam dhi-aa-ay, man mayray.
kaaraj tayraa hovai pooraa, har har har guṇ gaa-ay, man mayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the name of only the One (Lord), O! my mind;
(all) your matters shall be settled, (if you) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord,
the Master, O! my mind. 1 (pause)
qum hI kwrn krn ] crn kml hir srn ] tum hee kaaran karan. charan kamal har saran.
(O! Lord)You (alone) are the Doer and the Cause of causes;
I have entered the refuge of the lotus feet of God.
min qin hir EhI iDAwieAw ] Awnµd hir rUp idKwieAw ]2]
man tan har ohee dhi-aa-i-aa. aanaNd har roop dikhaa-i-aa. ||2||
I Have meditated upon the Lord in my mind and body;
The blissful Lord has revealed His form (i.e. image) to me. 2
iqs hI kI Et sdIv ] jw ky kIny hY jIv ] tis hee kee ot sadeev. jaa kay keenay hai jeev.
I seek His support forever; He (is the one who) has created all beings.
ismrq hir krq inDwn ] rwKnhwr indwn ]3] simrat har karat nidhaan. raakhanhaar nidaan. ||3||
Remembering God, all treasures are obtained;
(finally) He is the Saviour at the very last moment. 3
srb kI ryx hovIjY ] Awpu imtwie imlIjY ] sarab kee rayṇ hoveejai. aap mitaa-ay mileejai.
(O! brethren) be the feet-dust of all (the people);
eradicate your self-conceit and (you will) merge (in God).
Anidnu iDAweIAY nwmu ] sPl nwnk iehu kwmu ]4]33]44]
an-din dhi-aa-ee-ai naam. safal naanak ih kaam. ||4||33||44||
(O! my mind) day and night (i.e. all the time), meditate upon the name (of the Lord);
Nanak (says): this activity is ever fructifying (i.e. rewarding). 4.33.44

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

kwrn krn krIm ] srb pRiqpwl rhIm ] kaaran karan kareem. sarab partipaal raheem.
He is the Cause of causes; (and He is) the Benevolent.
He cherishes all; (and He is) Merciful.
Alh AlK Apwr ] Kuid Kudwie vf bysumwr ]1] alah alakh apaar. khud khudaa-ay vad baysumaar. ||1||
God is unseen, (and He is) infinite.
God is God Himself (i.e. from and by Himself, i.e. He is Great), (and He is) endless.1
EuN nmo BgvMq gusweI ] on namo bhagvaNt, gusaa-ee.
I make obeisance the Creator, the Lord of Fortune, the Lord of the World.
Kwlku riv rihAw srb TweI ]1] rhwau ] khaalak, rav rahi-aa sarab ṭaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creator is pervading all places (i.e. everywhere). 1 (pause)
jgMnwQ jgjIvn mwDo ] jagaNnaath, jagjeevan, maadho.
(He is) the Lord of the Universe, Life of the World, Lord of Maya.
Bau BMjn ird mwih ArwDo ] bha-o bhaNjan, rid maahi araadho.
(He is) the destroyer of fears; adore Him within your heart .
irKIkys gopwl guoivMd ] rikheekays, gopaal ,goviNd.
(He is) the Lord of Senses, Sustainer of the World, Lord of the World
pUrn srbqR mukMd ]2] pooran, sarbatar, mukaNd. ||2||
(He is) perfect (Lord), present everywhere, liberator.2
imhrvwn maulw qUhI eyk ] miharvaan, ma-ulaa, toohee ayk.
(O! Lord) You are the one (i.e. only) merciful and Liberator.
pIr pYkWbr syK ] peer, paikaanbar, saykh.
(He is) (spiritual) mentor, prophet, (religious) scholar.
idlw kw mwlku kry hwku ] dilaa kaa maalak, karay haak.
(He is) the Master of Hearts, the Dispenser of Justice.
kurwn kqyb qy pwku ]3] kuraan katayb tay paak. ||3||
He is pious (i.e. sacred) than Koran and Kateb*. 3
(*Katayb/ Kateb are the four religious books: Torah, Zabur, Injil/Gospel, Bible and Koran; sacred to Muslims].
nwrwiex nrhr dieAwl ] naaraa-iṇ, narhar, da-i-aal.
(He is) Dwelling in All Beings (i.e. Omnipresent), Lord of People, Merciful.
rmq rwm Gt Gt AwDwr ] ramat raam ghat ghat aadhaar.
The All-Pervading God is the support of each and every heart.
bwsudyv bsq sB Twie ] baasudayv basat sabh ṭaa-ay.
Divine God dwells all places (i.e. everywhere).
lIlw ikCu lKI n jwie ]4] leelaa kichh lakhee na jaa-ay. ||4||
His play can not be described. 4
imhr dieAw kir krnYhwr ] Bgiq bMdgI dyih isrjxhwr ]
mihar da-i-aa kar, karnaihaar. bhagat bandagee deh, sirjanhaar.
O! Creator, be kind and compassionate;
Bless me with (Your) devotion and meditation, O! Creator.
khu nwnk guir Koey Brm ] eyko Alhu pwrbRhm ]5]34]45]
kaho naanak gur kho-ay bharam. ayko alhu paarbarahm. ||5||34||45||
Says Nanak: The Guru has rid me of doubts;
The Allah, and the Supreme Reality (God) are the One and the same. 5.34.45

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

koit jnm ky ibnsy pwp ] hir hir jpq nwhI sMqwp ]
kot janam kay binsay paap. har har japat, naahee saNtaap.
The sins of tens of millions of births (i.e. incarnations) are destroyed (i.e. eradicated);
meditating upon God, the Lord, no trouble afflicts.
gur ky crn kml min vsy ] mhw ibkwr qn qy siB nsy ]1]
gur kay charan kamal, man vasay. mahaa bikaar, tan tay sabh nasay. ||1||
(When) the lotus-feet of the Guru are enshrined in mind;
all the great (i.e. terrible) evils run away from body. 1
gopwl ko jsu gwau pRwxI ] AkQ kQw swcI pRB pUrn joqI joiq smwxI ]1] rhwau ]
gopaal ko jas gaa-o, paraaṇee.
akath kathaa saachee prabh pooran, jotee jot samaaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing the praise of the Sustainer of the World, O! mortal being;
The unspoken story of (the excellences of) the perfect Lord is True; (chanting the praise of His
excellences) one’s light merges in His Light. 1 (pause)
iqRsnw BUK sB nwsI ] sMq pRswid jipAw AibnwsI ]

tarisnaa bhookh sabh naasee. saNt parsaad japi-aa abhinaasee.
All thirst and hunger (i.e. desire of maya) is quenched;
(when) by the grace of the Guru, one meditates upon the Immortal (Lord).
rYin idnsu pRB syv kmwnI ] hir imlxY kI eyh nIswnI ]2]
rain dinas, prabh sayv kamaanee. har milṇai kee ayh neesaanee. ||2||
(O! brethren) day and night, serve the Lord;
this is the sign that one has found (i.e. is united with) God. 2
imty jMjwl hoey pRB dieAwl ] gur kw drsnu dyiK inhwl ]
mitay jaNjaal, ho-ay prabh da-i-aal. gur kaa darsan daykh nihaal.
The worldly entanglements are ended (when) God becomes merciful; and,
beholding the vision of the Guru, he is enraptured.
prw pUrblw krmu bix AwieAw ] hir ky gux inq rsnw gwieAw ]3]
paraa poorbalaa karam baṇ aa-i-aa. har kay guṇ, nit rasnaa gaa-i-aa. ||3||
His preordained deed has been activated; (that is why)
he sings (the praise of) the excellences of God with his tongue. 3
hir ky sMq sdw prvwxu ] sMq jnw msqik nIswxu ]
har kay saNt, sadaa parvaaṇ. saNt janaa, mastak neesaaṇ.
God's devotees are accepted (in His court) forever; (because)
the insignia (of God’s approval) is (inscribed) on the foreheads of the God-oriented persons.
dws kI ryxu pwey jy koie ] nwnk iqs kI prm giq hoie ]4]35]46]
daas kee rayṇ, paa-ay jay ko-ay. naanak, tis kee param gat ho-ay. ||4||35||46||
Nanak (says): One, who obtains the dust of te feet of a slave (i.e. devotee of God);
he obtains supreme status. 4.35.46

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

drsn kau jweIAY kurbwnu ] crn kml ihrdY Dir iDAwnu ]
darsan ka-o jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. charan kamal, hirdai dhar dhi-aan.
One should be a sacrifice unto his vision;
focussing on the lotus feet (of the Guru) within heart.
Duir sMqn kI msqik lwie ] jnm jnm kI durmiq mlu jwie ]1]
dhoor saNtan kee mastak laa-ay. janam janam kee durmat mal jaa-ay. ||1||
Apply the dust of the feet of the Guru on your forehead; and,
filth of evil-mindedness of countless births (i.e. incarnations) will be washed off.. 1
ijsu Bytq imtY AiBmwnu ] jis bhaytat, mitai abhimaan.
Meeting Him self-conceit is eradicated.
pwrbRhmu sBu ndrI AwvY kir ikrpw pUrn Bgvwn ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm sabh nadree aavai, kar kirpaa pooran bhagvaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One beholds the Supreme Reality (God) in all, (if) perfect God bestows His mercy. 1 (pause)
gur kI kIriq jpIAY hir nwau ] gur kee keerat, japee-ai har naa-o.
This is the glory of the Guru (that) we meditate upon the name of God.
gur kI Bgiq sdw gux gwau ] gur kee bhagat, sadaa guṇ gaa-o.
This is the Guru's devotion, (that) we forever sing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
gur kI suriq inkit kir jwnu ] gur kee surat, nikat kar jaan.
This is contemplating upon the Guru, (that) we know that God is close (i.e. near at hand).
gur kw sbdu siq kir mwnu ]2] gur kaa sabad, sat kar maan. ||2||
(O! brethren) accept the Guru's word as the Truth. 2
gur bcnI smsir suK dUK ] kdy n ibAwpY iqRsnw BUK ]
gur bachnee, samsar sukh dookh. kaday na bi-aapai tarisnaa bhookh.
Through the words (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, pleasure and pain seem as one and the same;
and, hunger and thirst shall never afflict.
min sMqoKu sbid gur rwjy ] jip goibMdu pVdy siB kwjy ]3]
man saNtokh, sabad gur raajay. jap gobiNd, parh-day sabh kaajay. ||3||
Through the word of the Guru, mind becomes content and satisfied.
Meditating upon the Lord of the World, God, all the secrets are covered (i.e. honour is
protected). 3
guru prmysru guru goivMdu ] guru dwqw dieAwl bKisMdu ]
gur parmaysar, gur goviNd. gur daataa, da-i-aal bakhsiNd.
The Guru is the Supreme Lord; the Guru is the Lord of the World.
The Guru is the giver; (he is) kind and forgiver.
gur crnI jw kw mnu lwgw ] nwnk dws iqsu pUrn Bwgw ]4]36]47]
gur charnee, jaa kaa man laagaa. naanak, daas tis pooran bhaagaa. ||4||36||47||
One, whose mind is attached to the feet of the Guru.
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): that servant (i.e. devotee) is blessed with perfect fortune.
P. 898
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
iksu BrvwsY ibcrih Bvn ] mUV mugD qyrw sMgI kvn ]
kis bharvaasai, bichrahi bhavan. moorh mugadh, tayraa saNgee kavan.
On whose support, you live in this home (i.e. world)?
O! ignorant, fool, who is your companion (here)?
rwmu sMgI iqsu miq nhI jwnih ] pMc btvwry sy mIq kir mwnih ]1]
Raam saNgi, tis gat nahi janeh. paNch batvaaray, say meet kar maaneh. ||1||
God is your companion, but you do not know His state (i.e. You do not understand Him);
You look upon the five thieves* as your friends. 1
[*The five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
so Gru syiv ijqu auDrih mIq ] gux goivMd rvIAih idnu rwqI swDsMig kir mn kI pRIiq ]1] rhwau ]
so ghar sayv, jit udhrahi meet.
gun goviNd ravee-ah din raatee, saadhsaNg kar man kee pareet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Serve that home (i.e. of the Lord), which will save you, O! (my) friend,
Chant (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, day and night; and, in the
company of the God-oriented persons, love Him in your mind. 1 (pause)
jnmu ibhwno AhMkwir Aru vwid ] iqRpiq n AwvY ibiKAw swid ]
janam bihaano ahaMkaar ar vaad. taripat na aavai bikhi-aa saad.
The (human) life is passing in egotism and conflict;
there can be no satisfaction in relishes poison.
Brmq Brmq mhw duKu pwieAw ] qrI n jweI duqr mwieAw ]2]
bharmat bharmat, mahaa dukh paa-i-aa. taree na jaa-ee dutar maa-i-aa. ||2||
Wandering and wandering around (in doubt and duality) one suffered great sorrow;
one can not across over the difficult ocean of maya (without mediating upon His name). 2
kwim n AwvY su kwr kmwvY ] Awip bIij Awpy hI KwvY ]
kaam na aavai, so kaar kamaavai. aap beej, aapay hee khaavai.
One does the deeds which are of no help (at all); as one plants, so shall he eat (i.e. harvest).
rwKn kau dUsr nhI koie ] qau insqrY jau ikrpw hoie ]3]
raakhan ka-o doosar nahee ko-ay. ta-o nistarai, ja-o kirpaa ho-ay. ||3||
There is none other (than God) to save us; one is saved only if He bestows His grace. 3
piqq punIq pRB qyro nwmu ] Apny dws kau kIjY dwnu ]
patit puneet, prabh tayro naam. apnay daas ka-o keejai daan.
Your name, O! Lord, is the Purifier of the Sinners;
(please) bless Your slave (i.e. devotee) with the gift (of name).
kir ikrpw pRB giq kir myrI ] srix ghI nwnk pRB qyrI ]4]37]48]
kar kirpaa parabh, gat kar mayree. saraṇ gahee naanak prabh tayree. ||4||37||48||
Please bestow Your grace, O! Lord, and liberate me;
Nanak (says): I have grasped Your refuge. 4.37.48

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

ieh loky suKu pwieAw ] nhI Bytq Drm rwieAw ]
ih lokay, sukh paa-i-aa. nahee bhaytat dharam raa-i-aa.
(Meditating upon the name of God, through the Guru) I have found happiness, in this world;
I will not have to meet (i.e. appear before) the Judge of Righteousness.
hir drgh soBwvMq ] Puin griB nwhI bsMq ]1]
har dargeh sobhaavaNt. fun garabh naahee basaNt. ||1||
(One, who meditates upon Him) he is praised in the court of God; and,
he has to enter the womb (for reincarnation), again. 1
jwnI sMq kI imqRweI ] kir ikrpw dIno hir nwmw pUrib sMjoig imlweI ]1] rhwau ]
jaanee saNt* kee mitraa-ee.
kar kirpaa deeno har naamaa, poorab saNjog milaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now I know (the value of) the friendship of the Guru.*
Being kind he (i.e. the Guru) has bestowed (upon me) the name of God; and, this union is
because of preordained destiny. 1 (pause) [*Here saNt has been used for the Guru]
gur kY crix icqu lwgw ] DMin DMin sMjogu sBwgw ]
gur kai charan chit laagaa. dhaNn dhaNn saNjog sabhaagaa.
My mind is attached to the feet of the Guru; blessed, blessed is this union.
sMq kI DUir lwgI myrY mwQy ] iklivK duK sgly myry lwQy ]2]
saNt* kee dhoor laagee mayrai maathay. kilvikh dukh saglay mayray laathay. ||2||
Applying the dust of the feet of the Guru* to my forehead; [*Here saNt has been used for the Guru]
all my sins and sorrows are eradicated. 2
swD kI scu thl kmwnI ] qb hoey mn suD prwnI ]
saadh kee sach tahal kamaanee. tab ho-ay man sudh paraanee.
Performing true service to the Guru; the mind of the mortal (being) is purified.
jn kw sPl drsu fITw ] nwmu pRBU kw Git Git vUTw ]3]
jan* kaa safal daras deeṭaa. naam prabhoo kaa ghat ghat vooṭaa. ||3||
Having beheld the fruitful vision of the Guru*; [*Here jan has been used for the Guru]
the name of the Lord dwells in each and every hearts. 3
imtwny siB kil klys ] ijs qy aupjy iqsu mih prvys ]
mitaanay sabh kal kalays. jis tay upjay tis meh parvays.
(Meditating upon the name of God) all the sufferings and clashes are taken away;
One merges in the One (Lord) from whom it originates.
pRgty AwnUp guoivMd ] pRB pUry nwnk bKisMd ]4]38]49]
prgatay aanoop goviNd. prabh pooray, naanak, bakhsiNd. ||4||38||49||
(Meditating upon God) the incomparable Lord of the World is revealed (within the heart);
Nanak (says): the Lord is perfect and forgiving. 4.38.49

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

gaU kau cwry swrdUlu ] kaufI kw lK hUAw mUlu ] bkrI kau hsqI pRiqpwly ] Apnw pRBu ndir inhwly ]1]
ga-oo ka-o chaaray saardool. ka-udee kaa lakh hoo-aa mool.
bakree ka-o hastee partipaalay. apnaa prabh nadar nihaalay. ||1||
[If God bestows His grace, He causes wonders and miracles, e.g.]
The tiger is grazing the cows; and, a shell is worth hundreds of thousands.
The elephant nurses the goat; (all this can happen) when God bestows His glance of grace. 1
ik®pw inDwn pRIqm pRB myry ] brin n swkau bhu gun qyry ]1] rhwau ]
kirpaa nidhaan pareetam prabh mayray. baran na saaka-o, baho gun tayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Treasure of Kindness, O! my Beloved Lord
I cannot even describe Your so many (great) virtues. 1 (pause)
dIsq mwsu n Kwie iblweI ] mhw kswib CurI sit pweI ]
deesat maas, na khaa-ay bilaa-ee. mahaa kasaab, chhuree sat paa-ee.
[Similarly, if God wishes]:
The cat (even if it) sees meat, (but) does not eat it; and, a great butcher, throws away his knife.
krxhwr pRBu ihrdY vUTw ] PwQI mCulI kw jwlw qUtw ]2]
karanhaar prabh hirdai vooṭaa. faathee machhulee kaa jaalaa tootaa. ||2||
When the Creator Lord abides in the mind; the net holding the fish breaks apart. 2
sUky kwst hry clUl ] aUcY Qil PUly kml AnUp ]
sookay kaasat, haray chalool. oochai thal, foolay kamal anoop.
The dry wood blossoms forth in green and red; and, in the high desert, beautiful lotus
(flower) blooms.
Agin invwrI siqgur dyv ] syvku ApnI lwieE syv ]3]
agan nivaaree satgur dayv. sayvak apnee laa-i-o sayv. ||3||
The Divine Guru extinguishes the fire (of desires); and, attaches His servant to His service. 3
AikrqGxw kw kry auDwru ] pRBu myrw hY sdw dieAwru ]

akirat-ghaṇaa kaa karay udhaar. prabh mayraa, hai sadaa da-i-aar.
He saves (even) the ungrateful ones; my God is forever merciful.
sMq jnw kw sdw shweI ] crn kml nwnk srxweI ]4]39]50]
saNt janaa kaa sadaa sahaa-ee. charan kamal, naanak, sarnaa-ee. ||4||39||50||
Nanak (says): He is forever the Helper of His devotees; I have entered the refuge of His lotus
feet. 4.39.50
P. 899
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
pMc isMG rwKy pRiB mwir ] paNch siNgh raakhay prabh maar.
God killed away the five tigers (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride).
ds ibiGAwVI leI invwir ] das bigi-aaṛee la-ee nivaar.
He has (also) driven out the ten wolves (i.e. subjugated the ten organs: five motor and five sense organs).
qIin Awvrq kI cUkI Gyr ] teen aavrat kee chookee ghayr.
The dizziness of the three whirlpools has ended (the confusion caused by three qualities has stopped).
swDsMig cUky BY Pyr ]1] saadhsaNg chookay bhai fayr. ||1||
In the congregation of the God-oriented persons, the fears of the cycle (of reincarnation) are
gone. 1
ismir ismir jIvw goivMd ] simar simar jeevaa goviNd.
Remembering and remembering the Lord of the World, I live
kir ikrpw rwiKE dwsu Apnw sdw sdw swcw bKisMd ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa raakhi-o daas apnaa, sadaa sadaa saachaa bakhsiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestowing His mercy, He protects His slave (i.e. devotee); the True (Lord) is forever and ever
the Forgiver. 1 (pause)
dwiJ gey iqRx pwp sumyr ] jip jip nwmu pUjy pRB pYr ]
daajh ga-ay, tariṇ paap sumayr. jap jap naam, poojay prabh pair.
The mountains of sins are burnt down like straws; (by)
meditating and meditating upon the name and worshiping the feet (of the Lord).
And rUp pRgitE sB Qwin ] pRym Bgiq jorI suK mwin ]2]
anad roop pargati-o sabh thaan. praym bhagat joree sukh maan. ||2||
(God) the embodiment of bliss became manifest everywhere;
(by) attaching myself to His loving devotion, I enjoyed happiness. 2
swgru qirE bwCr Koj ] Kydu n pwieE nh Puin roj ]
saagar tari-o baachhar khoj. khayd na paa-i-o, nah fun roj.
I swam across the (world) ocean like (jumping over puddle of the size of) the foot-print of a calf;
(and) I have not suffered any sorrow; never again.
isMDu smwieE Gtuky mwih ] krxhwr kau ikCu Acrju nwih ]3]
siNdh samaa-i-o ghatukay maahi. karaṇhaar ka-o, kichh achraj naahi. ||3||
The ocean (i.e. God) is contained in a pitcher (i.e. heart);
this is not at all an amazing thing for the Creator. 3
jau CUtau qau jwie pieAwl ] jau kwiFE qau ndir inhwl ]
ja-o chhoota-o, ta-o jaa-ay pa-i-aal. ja-o kaaḍi-o, ta-o nadar nihaal.
When I am separated (from the name of God), (I feel that) I am fallen in nether-region;
When He pulls me out, then I am enraptured by His glance (of grace).
pwp puMn hmrY vis nwih ] rsik rsik nwnk gux gwih ]4]40]51]
paap puNn, hamrai vas naahi. rasak rasak, naanak, guṇ gaahi. ||4||40||51||
Vice and virtue are not in our hand (i.e. they are under Your control, O! Lord);
Nanak (says): (those whom You bless with Your glance of grace) they sing (the praise of) Your
excellences with love and affection. 4.40.51

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

nw qnu qyrw nw mnu qoih ] mwieAw moih ibAwipAw Doih ]
naa tan tayraa, naa man tohi. maa-i-aa mohi bi-aapi-aa dhohi.
(O! brethren) neither (your) body, nor (your) mind belongs to you;
attached to maya, you are entangled in treachery.
kudm krY gwfr ijau Cyl ] AicMqu jwlu kwlu ck®ü pyl ]1]
kudam karai, gaadar ji-o chhayl. achiNt, jaal kaal chakaro payl. ||1||
You jump (and play) like a baby lamb; (but) suddenly the noose of death will catch you. 1
hir crn kml srnwie mnw ] har charan kamal sarnaa-ay, manaa.
Seek the refuge of the feet of God, O! (my) mind.
rwm nwmu jip sMig shweI gurmuiK pwvih swcu Dnw ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam jap saNg sahaa-ee, gurmukh paavahi saach dhanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the name of God, which will be your companion and helper (in the last
moment); and, through the Guru, obtain the true wealth (of name).1 (pause)
aUny kwj n hovq pUry ] kwim k®oiD mid sd hI JUry ]
oonay kaaj, na hovat pooray. kaam krodh mad, sad hee jhooray.
(O! brethren, man’s) unfinished tasks (i.e. worldly affairs) are never be accomplished;
intoxicated in sexual desire and anger one ever remains grieving.
krY ibkwr jIAry kY qweI ] gwPl sMig n qsUAw jweI ]2]
karai bikaar, jee-aray kai taa-ee. gaafal saNg na tasoo-aa jaa-ee. ||2||
He commits vices (i.e sins) for living (i.e. for his survival);
(but) O! negligent (ignorant fool), not an iota (of your possessions) will go along with you. 2
Drq Doh Aink Cl jwnY ] kaufI kaufI kau Kwku isir CwnY ]
dharat dhoh, anik chhal jaanai. ka-udee ka-udee ka-o, khaak sir chhaanai.
He practices treachery, (and to do so) he known countless (tricks of) deceptions;
for the sake of mere shells, he throws dust upon his head (i.e. bothers not even for his insult).
ijin dIAw iqsY n cyqY mUil ] imiQAw loBu n auqrY sUlu ]3]
jin dee-aa, tisai na chaytai mool. mithi-aa lobh na utrai sool. ||3||
One who has given him (everything), he never remembers Him;
the pain of greed of false (i.e. perishable things) does not leave him. 3
pwrbRhm jb Bey dieAwl ] iehu mnu hoAw swD rvwl ]
paarbarahm jab bha-ay da-i-aal. ih man, ho-aa saadh* ravaal.
When the Supreme Reality (God) becomes kind;
this mind becomes the dust of the feet of the Guru*. [Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
hsq kml liV lIno lwie ] nwnk swcY swic smwie ]4]41]52]

hasat kamal, laṛ leeno laa-ay. naanak, saachai saach samaa-ay. ||4||41||52||
Nanak (says): (when God becomes kind) He attaches (His devotees) to the helm of His robe (i.e.
makes His own); (and that devotee) merges in the Truest of the true. 4.41.52

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rwjw rwm kI srxwie ] inrBau Bey goibMd gun gwvq swDsMig duKu jwie ]1] rhwau ]
raajaa raam kee sarṇaa-ay.
nirbha-o bha-ay gobiNd gun gaavat, saadhsaNg* dukh jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Those, who) seek the refuge of the Sovereign Lord;
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, they become fearless; (and) in
the company of the Guru@ their sorrows vanish away.1(pause)
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru]
jw kY rwmu bsY mn mwhI ] so jnu duqru pyKq nwhI ]
jaa kai, raam basai man maahee. so jan, dutar paykhat naahee.
One, within whose mind God abides;
that person does not see the (world ocean) difficult to cross (i.e. he faces no obstacles in life).
sgly kwj svwry Apny ] hir hir nwmu rsn inq jpny ]1]
saglay kaaj savaaray apnay. har har naam, rasan nit japnay. ||1||
He accomplishes all his affairs, (by) meditating upon God, the Lord, with his tongue. 1
ijs kY msqik hwQu guru DrY ] so dwsu Adysw kwhy krY ]
jis kai mastak, haath gur dharai. so daas, adaysaa kaahay karai.
One, on whose forehead the Guru places his hand, why should that slave (i.e. devotee of God)
feel any anxiety (i.e. apprehension/ fear)?
jnm mrx kI cUkI kwix ] pUrY gur aUpir kurbwx ]2]
janam maraṇ kee chookee kaaṇ. poorai gur oopar kurbaaṇ. ||2||
His fear for birth and death is dispelled, (because) he is a sacrifices unto the perfect Guru. 2
guru prmysru Byit inhwl ] so drsnu pwey ijsu hoie dieAwlu ]
gur parmaysar bhayt nihaal. so darsan paa-ay, jis ho-ay da-i-aal.
Meeting the Guru, the Supreme Lord (God), one is enraptured; (but)
he alone obtains His vision, upon whom He bestows His mercy.
pwrbRhmu ijsu ikrpw krY ] swDsMig so Bvjlu qrY ]3]
paarbarahm, jis kirpaa karai. saadhsaNg*, so bhavjal tarai. ||3||
One, who is blessed by God’s kindness;
swims across the terrifying waters(of the world ocean) in the company of the Guru*. 3
[Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
AMimRqu pIvhu swD ipAwry ] muK aUjl swcY drbwry ]
aMmrit peevhu, saadh pi-aaray. mukh oojal, saachai darbaaray.
Drink in AMmrit, O! (my) beloved God-oriented persons;
Your face shall radiate in the court of the True (Lord).
And krhu qij sgl ibkwr ] nwnk hir jip auqrhu pwir ]4]42]53]
anad karahu, taj sagal bikaar. naanak, har jap utarahu paar. ||4||42||53||
Enjoy (spiritual) bliss abandoning all your vices;
Nanak (says): meditating upon God and cross over (the world ocean). 4.42.53
P. 900
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
eMØIDn qy bYsMqru BwgY ] mwtI kau jlu dh ids iqAwgY ]
eeNdhan tay baisaNtar bhaagai. maatee ka-o jal dah dis ti-aagai.
The fire runs away from fuel. The water keeps away from the clay in all ten directions.
[The fire is contained in the wood but it does not burn it; similarly water is contained in clay but it does not sink it].
aUpir crn qlY Awkwsu ] Gt mih isMDu kIE prgwsu ]1]
oopar charan, talai aakaas. ghat meh, siNdh kee-o pargaas. ||1||
The feet (of a tree, i.e. its branches) are above and the sky (head, i.e. roots of a tree) is beneath.
The ocean is revealed in the pot (i.e. God, the ocean, is revealed in the heart). 1
Aysw sMmRQu hir jIau Awip ] aisaa saMmrath har jee-o aap.
Such all powerful is dear God, Himself.
inmK n ibsrY jIA Bgqn kY AwT phr mn qw kau jwip ]1] rhwau ]
nimakh na bisrai, jee-a bhagtan kai; aaṭ pahar, man, taa ka-o jaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The devotees do not forget Him from their mind of devotees even for a moment. Eight-
quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hours), O! (my) mind, meditate upon Him. 1 (pause)
pRQmy mwKnu pwCY dUDu ] mYlU kIno swbunu sUDu ]
parathmay maakhan, paachhai doodh. mailoo keeno, saabun soodh.
First comes the butter and then the milk*; and, the dirt cleans the soap**.
[*Though first comes milk and butter is produced from it, but, in the cosmos God (butter) is first and milk
(the creation/ expanse) comes later. **Here dirt symbolizes milk of mother, i.e. it comes out of body, like
sweat, but becomes pure nectar for the infant].
BY qy inrBau frqw iPrY ] hoNdI kau AxhoNdI ihrY ]2]
bhai tay, nirbha-o dartaa firai. hondee ka-o, aṇhondee hirai. ||2||
The fearless (i.e. the humans, being the form of Fearless God) are seen afraid of fear.
The non-existing (i.e. maya) is cheating the existing (i.e. human beings). 2
dyhI gupq ibdyhI dIsY ] sgly swij krq jgdIsY ]
dayhee gupat, bidayhee deesai. saglay saaj karat jagdeesai.
(The real) body (i.e. soul) is hidden, and non-real (i.e. physical) body is seen;
The Lord of the World does all these things (i.e. wonders).
Tgxhwr AxTgdw TwgY ] ibnu vKr iPir iPir auiT lwgY ]3]
ṭagaṇhaar aṇ-ṭagdaa ṭaagai. bin vakhar fir fir uṭ laagai. ||3||
The (one who) can not be cheated (i.e. human being) is being cheated the cheater (i.e. maya).
Without the merchandise (of the name of the Lord), one takes to trading again and again. 3
sMq sBw imil krhu biKAwx ] isMimRiq swsq byd purwx ]
bRhm bIcwru bIcwry koie ] nwnk qw kI prm giq hoie ]4]43]54]
saNt sabhaa mil karahu bakhi-aan. siMmrit saasat bayd puraaṇ.
barahm beechaar beechaaray ko-ay. naanak taa kee param gat ho-ay. ||4||43||54||
(O! brethren, so) join the congregation of the God-oriented persons and talk (about the Lord);
the Simrities, Shastras, Vedas and Puran (also say the same):
Rare are those who contemplate the thought of God.
Nanak (says): (but, those who contemplate God) they attain the supreme status. 4.43.54
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAw ] jo tis bhaavai, so thee-aa.
Whatever pleases Him (that alone) happens.
sdw sdw hir kI srxweI pRB ibnu nwhI Awn bIAw ]1] rhwau ]
sadaa sadaa har kee sarṇaa-ee, prabh bin naahee aan bee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So, O! brethren) forever and ever seek the refuge of God; there is none other than God (who
can do anything). 1 (pause)
puqu klqRü liKmI dIsY ien mih ikCU n sMig lIAw ]
put kalatar lakhimee deesai, in meh kichhoo na saNg lee-aa.
Sons, wife, wealth are (i.e. whatever is) seen, but, none of these will go along (with you).
ibKY TgaurI Kwie Bulwnw mwieAw mMdru iqAwig gieAw ]1]
bikhai ṭag-uree khaa-ay bhulaanaa, maa-i-aa mandar ti-aag ga-i-aa. ||1||
Eating the cheating poisonous potion (i.e. lives in vices) one is gone astray; (in the end) he
departs leaving wealth and mansions (i.e wealth and property).
inMdw kir kir bhuqu ivgUqw grB join mih ikriq pieAw ]
niNdaa kar kar bahut vigootaa, garabh jon meh kirat pa-i-aa.
Slandering and slandering (others) he is totally ruined; and, due to his (bad) deeds he is
consigned to womb (again).
purb kmwxy Cofih nwhI jmdUiq gRwisE mhw BieAw ]2]
purab kamaaṇay chhodeh naahee, jamdoot garaasi-o mahaa bha-i-aa. ||2||
His past earned (i.e. past actions) do not leave him (i.e remain with him); greatly terrifying
messenger of death seizes him. 2
bolY JUTu kmwvY Avrw iqRsn n bUJY bhuqu hieAw ]
bolai jhooṭ, kamaavai avraa, tarisan na boojhai, bahut ha-i-aa.
He tells lies; (he) earns different (i.e. does not practices what he proclaims); his thirst (of
desires) is not quenched; what a great shame!
AswD rogu aupijAw sMq dUKin dyh ibnwsI mhw KieAw ]3]
asaadh rog upji-aa saNt dookhan; dayh binaasee mahaa kha-i-aa. ||3||
Incurable disease inflicts him for slandering the God-oriented persons; his body is
destroyed; and, he is badly ruined. 3
ijnih invwjy iqn hI swjy Awpy kIny sMq jieAw ] jineh nivaajay tin hee saajay, aapay keenay saNt ja-i-aa.
He (i.e. God), who has fashioned (i.e. created), He embellishes them; and, He Himself has
given victory (i.e glory) to the God-oriented persons.
nwnk dws kMiT lwie rwKy kir ikrpw pwrbRhm mieAw ]4]44]55]
naanak daas kaNṭ laa-ay raakhay kar kirpaa paarbarahm ma-i-aa. ||4||44||55||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): bestowing His kindness and in His grace, the Supreme
Reality (God), He embraces them close to their neck (i.e. bosom). 4.44.55

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

Aysw pUrw gurdyau shweI ] jw kw ismrnu ibrQw n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa pooraa gurday-o sahaa-ee. jaa kaa simran, birthaa na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The perfect Divine Guru is such a help; (that)
remembering (i.e. meditating upon) Him does not go waste. 1 (pause)
drsnu pyKq hoie inhwlu ] jw kI DUir kwtY jm jwlu ]
darsan paykhat, ho-ay nihaal. jaa kee dhoor kaatai jam jaal.
Beholding His vision, one is enraptured; and, the dust of His (feet) snaps the noose of Death.
crn kml bsy myry mn ky ] kwrj svwry sgly qn ky ]1]
charan kamal basay mayray man kay. kaaraj savaaray saglay tan kay. ||1||
His lotus-feet dwell in my mind; (hence) all matters of my body are resolved. 1
jw kY msqik rwKY hwQu ] pRBu myro AnwQ ko nwQu ]
jaa kai mastak raakhai haath. prabh mayro, anaath ko naath.
One, on whose forehead, He places His hand (i.e. those, whom He blesses);
my Lord (becomes) the master of (those) orphans.
piqq auDwrxu ik®pw inDwnu ] sdw sdw jweIAY kurbwnu ]2]
patit udhaaraṇ, kirpaa nidhaan. sadaa sadaa jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. ||2||
He is the Saviour of the Simmers; (He is) the Treasure of Mercy;
Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice unto Him. 2
inrml mMqu dyie ijsu dwnu ] qjih ibkwr ibnsY AiBmwnu ]
nirmal maNt day-ay jis daan. tajeh bikaar, binsai abhimaan.
One, whom he (i.e the Guru) blesses the gifts of immaculate dictum (i.e teaching);
he renounces sins, (and, his) self-conceit is dispelled.
eyku iDAweIAY swD kY sMig ] pwp ibnwsy nwm kY rMig ]3]
ayk dhi-aa-ee-ai ,saadh* kai saNg. paap binaasay, naam kai raNg. ||3||
(O! brethren) meditate (only) upon the One in the company of the Guru*;
(all your) sins are erased in the love of the name (of the Lord). 3
gur prmysur sgl invws ] Git Git riv rihAw guxqws ]
gur parmaysur sagal nivaas. ghat ghat rav rahi-aa guṇtaas.
The Guru, the Supreme Lord (God) dwells among (i.e permeates) all.
The Treasure of Excellences pervades each and every body.
drsu dyih Dwrau pRB Aws ] inq nwnku icqvY scu Ardwis ]4]45]56]
daras deh, dhaara-o prabh aas. nit naanak chitvai, sach ardaas. ||4||45||56||
(Please) grant me Your vision; I place hope (in You);
Nanak (says): I continually contemplate true prayer to You.. 4.45.56

P. 901
rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2, dupday
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
gwvhu rwm ky gux gIq ] gaavhu, raam kay guṇ geet.
(O! friends) sing the songs (of the praise) of the excellences of God.
nwmu jpq prm suKu pweIAY Awvw gauxu imtY myry mIq ]1] rhwau ]
naam japat param sukh paa-ee-ai, aavaa ga-oṇ mitai, mayray meet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon the name (of God) supreme bliss is obtained, and, (the cycle of) coming and
going ceases, O! my friend. 1 (pause)
gux gwvq hovq prgwsu ] crn kml mih hoie invwsu ]1]
guṇ gaavat, hovat pargaas. charan kamal meh, ho-ay nivaas. ||1||
Singing (the praise) of the excellences (of God) one is enlightened; and, one comes to dwell in the
lotus feet (of God). 1
sMqsMgiq mih hoie auDwru ] nwnk Bvjlu auqris pwir ]2]1]57]
saNtsaNgat meh ho-ay udhaar. naanak, bhavjal utras paar. ||2||1||57||
Nanak (says): in the congregation of the God-oriented persons, one is saved; and, he crosses
over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 2.1.57

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

guru pUrw myrw guru pUrw ] gur pooraa, mayraa gur pooraa.
The Guru is perfect; my Guru is perfect.
rwm nwmu jip sdw suhyly sgl ibnwsy rog kUrw ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam jap sadaa suhaylay, sagal binaasay rog kooraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon the name of God, we are always happy; and, all the ailment, which are false
are eradicated. 1 (pause)
eyku ArwDhu swcw soie ] jw kI srin sdw suKu hoie ]1]
ayk aaraadhahu, saachaa so-ay. jaa kee saran, sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||1||
(O! brethren) adore the One alone; in His refuge one always obtains (spiritual) happines.. 1
nId suhylI nwm kI lwgI BUK ] hir ismrq ibnsy sB dUK ]2]
need suhaylee, naam kee laagee bhookh. har simrat, binsay sabh dookh. ||2||
One, who feels hunger for the name, his sleep is beautiful (i.e. he remains in peaceful poise);
Remembering God, all sorrows are dispelled. 2
shij Anµd krhu myry BweI ] guir pUrY sB icMq imtweI ]3]
sahj anaNd karahu, mayray bhaa-ee. gur poorai, sabh chiNt mitaa-ee. ||3||
(Now) enjoy equipoise and bliss, O! my brother, (because)
my perfect Guru has eradicated all my anxiety. 3
AwT phr pRB kw jpu jwip ] nwnk rwKw hoAw Awip ]4]2]58]
aaṭ pahar, prabh kaa jap jaap. naanak, raakhaa ho-aa aap. ||4||2||58||
(O! brethren) all the eight-quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hours a day), meditate upon the
meditation (i.e. word) of the Lord;
Nanak (says): He Himself shall save you. 4.2.58

rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 pVqwl Gru 3 Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, paṛ-taal, ghar 3
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
nrnrh nmskwrM ] narnarah namaskaaraN.
I bow (i.e. make obeisance) to the Supreme Being (i.e. the Lord).
jln Qln bsuD ggn eyk eykMkwrM ]1] rhwau ]
jalan thalan basudh gagan, ayk aykaNkaaraN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the waters, the land, the earth, the sky, the One Creator (Lord) alone (permeates). 1 (pause)
hrn Drn pun punh krn ] haran dharan, pun punah karan.
(He) destroys, (He) sustains; and, over and over again (He) does so.
nh igrh inrMhwrM ]1] nah girah niraNhaaraN. ||1||
(He) has no neither home; (He) is without (i.e. he needs no) food. 1
gMBIr DIr nwm hIr aUc mUc ApwrM ] gaMbheer, dheer; naam heer; ooch, mooch, apaaraN.
(He is) profound and patient, (His) name is jewel; (He is) lofty, exalted and infinite.
krn kyl gux Amol nwnk bilhwrM ]2]1]59] karan kayl, guṇ amol; naanak balihaaraN. ||2||1||59||
(He) stages (wondrous) plays; (His) excellences are priceless; Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice
(unto Him). 2.1.59

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rUp rMg sugMD Bog iqAwig cly mwieAw Cly kink kwimnI ]1] rhwau ]
roop raNg sugaNdh bhog ti-aag chalay, maa-i-aa chhalay, kanik kaaminee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren, those) charmed by gold and (beautiful) woman, depart abandoning (behind)
beauty, pleasures, fragrances, and enjoyments. 1 (pause)
Bmfwr drb Arb Krb pyiK lIlw mnu sDwrY ] bhaNdaar darab arab kharab; paykh leelaa man sadhaarai.
The treasures of wealth, in billions and trillions; beholding them one feels delighted and his
mind feels comforted (in them); but,
nh sMig gwmnI ]1] nah saNg gaamnee. ||1||
these will not go along with him. 1
suq klqR BRwq mIq auriJ pirE Brim moihE ieh ibrK CwmnI ]
sut, kaltar, bharaat, meet, urajh pari-o; bharam mohi-o; ih birakh chhaamnee.
Entangled with sons, wife, brothers, friends, one is charmed by this illusion; all this is
(transitory) like the shadow of a tree.
crn kml srn nwnk suKu sMq BwvnI ]2]2]60]
charan kamal saran, naanak, sukh saNt bhaavnee. ||2||2||60||
Nanak (says): the refuge of the lotus feet (of God), is pleasing to the minds of the God-
oriented persons. 2.2.60

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu rwmklI mhlw 9 iqpdy ] Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 9, tipday
ry mn Et lyhu hir nwmw ] jw kY ismrin durmiq nwsY pwvih pdu inrbwnw ]1] rhwau ]
ray man, ot layho har naamaa. jaa kai simran durmat naasai, paavahi pad nirbaanaa*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, seek the refuge of the name of God;
Remembering whom evil-mindedness is dispelled; and, one attains the state of
emancipation*. 1 (pause)
[* It is a state of harmony and stability of soul; i.e. emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit].
bfBwgI iqh jn kau jwnhu jo hir ky gun gwvY ] badbhaagee tih jan ka-o jaanhu, jo har kay gun gaavai.
Know that person as very fortunate, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
jnm jnm ky pwp Koie kY Puin bYkuMiT isDwvY ]1]
janam janam kay paap kho-ay kai, fun baikuN ṭ sidhaavai. ||1||
Getting the sins of countless births washed off, he goes to the heavens. 1
P. 902
Ajwml kau AMq kwl mih nwrwien suiD AweI ] jW giq kau jogIsur bwCq so giq iCn mih pweI ]2]
ajaamal ka-o aNt kaal meh, naaraa-in sudh aa-ee.
jaa gat ka-o jogeesur baachhat, so gat chhin meh paa-ee. ||2||

At the last time (i.e. moment of death), Ajaamal* became aware of God.
The state (i.e. liberation), which (even) the supreme yogis long for, he attained that state in an
instant. 2
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and the names
of God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved thus].
nwihn gunu nwihn kCu ibidAw Drmu kaunu gij kInw ] nwnk ibrdu rwm kw dyKhu ABY dwnu iqh dInw ]3]1]
naahin gun, naahin kachh bidi-aa, dharam ka-un gaj keenaa.
naanak, birad raam kaa daykhhu, abhai daan tih deenaa. ||3||1||
The (mythical) elephant* had no virtue, no knowledge, and, what religious ritual had he
performed ? (i.e. it had not performed any religious ritual);
Nanak (says): Behold the nature of God, who bestowed the gift of fearlessness upon him. 3.1
[*As per popular fiction, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that elephant
went to a pond to drink water where an octopus gripped it; he just chanted the name of God and He got him saved].

rwmklI mhlw 9 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 9

swDo kaun jugiq Ab kIjY ] jw qy durmiq sgl ibnwsY rwm Bgiq mnu BIjY ]1] rhwau ]
saadho, ka-un jugat ab keejai. jaa tay durmat sagal binaasai, raam bhagat man bheejai.||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, what way should I now follow;
by which all evil-mindedness may vanish, and, (my) mind may get drenched in the devotion of
God. 1 (pause)
mnu mwieAw mih auriJ rihE hY bUJY nh kCu igAwnw ]
man maa-i-aa meh urajh rahi-o hai, boojhai nah kachh gi-aanaa.
My mind is entangled in maya, it knows nothing of (spiritual) wisdom.
kaunu nwmu jgu jw kY ismrY pwvY pdu inrbwnw ]1] ka-un naam jag jaa kai simrai, paavai pad nirbaanaa. ||1||
Which is that name by remembering which one might attain the state of emancipation*. 1
[* It is a state of harmony and stability of soul; i.e. emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit].
Bey dieAwl ik®pwl sMq jn qb ieh bwq bqweI ] srb Drm mwno iqh kIey ijh pRB kIriq gweI ]2]
bha-ay da-i-aal kirpaal saNt jan, tab ih baat bataa-ee.
sarab dharam maano tih kee-ay, jih prabh keerat gaa-ee. ||2||
When the God-oriented persons became kind and compassionate (then) they told me this thing:
one, who have sung the praise of the Lord, know that he has performed all religious rituals. 2
rwm nwmu nru inis bwsur mih inmK eyk auir DwrY ] jm ko qRwsu imtY nwnk iqh Apuno jnmu svwrY ]3]2]
raam naam nar nis baasur meh nimakh ayk ur dhaarai.
jam ko taraas mitai, naanak, tih apuno janam savaarai. ||3||2||
One, who enshrines the name of God in his heart, day and night, even for a moment;
Nanak (says): “is fear of death is eradicated, and, he has embellishes his life (i.e. his coming to
the world is fulfilled ). 3.2

rwmklI mhlw 9 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 9

pRwnI nwrwien suiD lyih ] paraanee, naaraa-in sudh layhi.
O! mortal being, focus your consciousness upon the Omnipresent* (i.e. God);
[*Narayan, literally: dwelling in all beings (i.e. Omnipresent). This is an attribute and the name of God].
iCnu iCnu AauD GtY inis bwsur ibRQw jwqu hY dyh ]1] rhwau ]
chhin chhin a-odh ghatai nis baasur, baritha jaat hai dayh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Moment by moment, your life (span) is decreasing (i.e. running out) day by day; and, your
body is passing away in vain. 1 (pause)
qrnwpo ibiKAn isau KoieE bwlpnu AigAwnw ] ibriD BieE AjhU nhI smJY kaun kumiq aurJwnw ]1]
tarnaapo bikhi-an si-o kho-i-o, baalpan agi-aanaa.
biradh bha-i-o ajhoo nahee samjhai, ka-un kumat urjhaanaa. ||1||
You have lost (i.e. wasted) your youth in poison (i.e. sin), and childhood in ignorance;
You have grown old, and, yet do not understand (i.e. realize), (taht) in which evil-wisdom, you
are entangled. 1
mwns jnmu dIE ijh Twkuir so qY ikau ibsrwieE ] maanas janam dee-o jih ṭaakur, so tai ki-o bisraa-i-o.
The Lord who blessed you with (this) human life, why have you forgotten Him?
mukqu hoq nr jw kY ismrY inmK n qw kau gwieE ]2]
mukat hot nar jaa kai simrai, nimakh na taa ka-o gaa-i-o. ||2||
He, remembering whom one is liberated, and, you have not sung His praise, even for a
moment. 2
mwieAw ko mdu khw krqu hY sMig n kwhU jweI ] maa-i-aa ko mad kahaa karat hai, saNg na kaahoo jaa-ee.
(O! brethren) why are you intoxicated with maya? it will not go along with you.
nwnku khqu cyiq icMqwmin hoie hY AMiq shweI ]3]3]81]
naanak, kahat chayt chiNtaaman,* ho-ay hai aNt sahaa-ee. ||3||3||81||
Nanak says: Remember (God) the Fulfiller of Wishes (in your mind), He will be your help in
the end. 3.3.81 [*Literally: Desires Fulfilling Jewel i.e. Fulfiller of Wishes].

rwmklI mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1, asatpadee-aa

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
soeI cMdu cVih sy qwry soeI idnIAru qpq rhY ] sw DrqI so pauxu Julwry jug jIA Kyly Qwv kYsy ]1]
so-ee cha d chaṛeh, say taaray, so-ee dinee-ar tapat rahai.
saa dhartee, so pa-uṇ jhulaaray, jug jee-a khaylay thaav kaisay. ||1||
(O! Pandit) the same moon rises, the same are stars; and, the same sun burns.
Same is the earth, same is the wind that blows; (O! Pandit, you say that) the Age (i.e. Kalyug/
the Dark Age) pervades within (i.e. affects) the beings, but (why not) these places? 1
jIvn qlb invwir ] hovY prvwxw krih iD|wxw kil lKx vIcwir ]1] rhwau ]
jeevan talab nivaar. hovai parvaaṇaa karahi dhingaaṇaa, kal lakhan veechaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Pandit) give up (your) desire for life;
Those who use highhandedness are accepted; know that this is the sign of Kalyuga (i.e. Dark
Age). 1 (pause)
ikqY dyis n AwieAw suxIAY qIrQ pwis n bYTw ] kitai days na aa-i-aa suṇee-a,i tirath paas na baithaa.
It has not been heard of having come to any country, or sitting at some place of pilgrimage.
dwqw dwnu kry qh nwhI mhl auswir n bYTw ]2] daataa daan karay tah naahee, mahal usaar na baithaa. ||2||
It is not (found) there, where a the givers give charity (i.e. it is not seen in the company of the
generous persons); (it is) not seated in the mansion built by it. 2
jy ko squ kry so CIjY qp Gir qpu n hoeI ] jay ko sat karay so chheejai, tap ghar tap na ho-ee.
Whosoever practices truth is worn out (i.e. is ruined/ destroyed); and, in the home of
meditation, no meditation is done (i.e. the five passions ruin meditation).
jy ko nwau ley bdnwvI kil ky lKx eyeI ]3] jay ko naa-o la-ay badnaavee, kal kay lakhaṇ ay-ee. ||3||
If someone chants the name (of the Lord), he is insulted;these are the signs of the Kalyuga (i.e.
Dark Age). 3
ijsu iskdwrI iqsih KuAwrI cwkr kyhy frxw ] jis sikdaaree, tiseh khu-aaree, chaakar kayhay darṇaa.
Whoever rules he is humiliated; what (i.e why) should servant be afraid of?
jw iskdwrY pvY jMjIrI qw cwkr hQhu mrxw ]4]
jaa sikdaarai pavai jaNjeeree, taa chaakar hathahu marṇaa. ||4||
When the ruler is put in chains; he is killed by his servant. 4
AwKu guxw kil AweIAY ] aakh guṇaa, kal aa-ee-ai.
(O! Pandit) chant (the praise of) the excellences (of God); now Kalyug (i.e. Dark Age) has come.
iqhu jug kyrw rihAw qpwvsu jy gux dyih q pweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
tihu jug kayraa rahi-aa tapaavas, jay guṇ deh ta paa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The justice of the previous three Ages are gone; (O! Lord, now) we obtain virtues (only) if
You grant us. 1 (pause)
kil klvwlI srw inbyVI kwjI ik®snw hoAw ] kal kalvaalee, saraa nibayṛee, kaajee krisanaa ho-aa.
In the Kalyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the disputes are decided by tumultuous Shariat (i.e. Islamic
laws), the dressed in black-robed (i.e. green-robed) has become the qazi (i.e. judge).
bwxI bRhmw bydu AQrbxu krxI kIriq lihAw ]5] baṇee barahmaa, bayd atharbaṇ, karṇee keerat lahi-aa. ||5||

The word of Brahma, Atharban Veda (i.e. black magic etc), predominates; and, good deeds
and (the singing of) the praise (of the Lord) is no more. 5
piq ivxu pUjw sq ivxu sMjmu jq ivxu kwhy jnyaU ] pat viṇ poojaa ,sat viṇ saNjam, jat viṇ kaahay janay-oo.
(What is the use of) worship without (faith in) Husband Lord, (self) discipline without
truthfulness, and, why wear Janeo (i.e. sacred thread) without chastity (what good are these?).
nwvhu Dovhu iqlku cVwvhu suc ivxu soc n hoeI ]6]
naavhu dhovahu, tilak chaṛaavahu, such viṇ soch na ho-ee. ||6||
(O! Pandit) you make take bathe or wash (your body), and, apply (ritualistic) mark (on your
forehead), but without truthfulness, there can be no purity (of mind). 6
kil prvwxu kqyb kurwxu ] kal parvaaṇ, katayb,* kuraaṇ.
In the Kalyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the Katayb and Koran, are being accepted (as scriptures).
[*Katayb means the (four) books mentioned in Quaran: Torah, Zabur, Injil and Quaran itself].
poQI pMifq rhy purwx ] pothee paNdit, rahay puraan.
The Pandit’s books and Puranas (i.e. ancient books of Aryans), are not respected (now).
nwnk nwau BieAw rhmwxu ] naanak, naa-o bha-i-aa rehmaaṇ.
Nanak (says): (now) Rehman has become (i.e. is more known as) the name of God.
kir krqw qU eyko jwxu ]7] kar kartaa too ayko jaaṇ. ||7||
(But, O! Pandit) you realize that there is the One Creator of the creation. 7
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI eydU aupir krmu nhI ] naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, aydoo upar karam nahee.
Nanak (say): greatness (i.e. honour) is obtained through (meditation upon)the name (of the
Lord); and, no act is higher than this.
jy Gir hodY mMgix jweIAY iPir Elwmw imlY qhI ]8]1]
jay ghar hodai maNgaṇ jaa-ee-ai, fir olaamaa milai tahee. ||8||1||
If one already has something within his home (i.e. heart), and, yet one goes out to beg, then he
is (sure) to get blame (i.e. get insulted/ rebuked). 8.1

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

jgu prboDih mVI bDwvih ] jag parbodheh, maṛee badhaaveh.
(O! Yogi) you preach the world; (but, you beg from house to house, and) build your belly.
Awsxu iqAwig kwhy scu pwvih ] aasan ti-aag, kaahay sach paavahi.
Abandoning the (real yogic) postures (i.e. meditation), how can you find the True?
mmqw mohu kwmix ihqkwrI ] nw AauDUqI nw sMswrI ]1]
mamtaa moh, kaaman hitkaaree. naa a-udhootee, naa saNsaaree. ||1||
You are attached to ‘me and mine’ (i.e. possessiveness) and love for (beautiful) women;
(So) you are neither you are a renunciate, nor a man of worldliness (i.e. house-holder). 1
jogI bYis rhhu duibDw duKu BwgY ] jogee, bais rahhu, dubidhaa dukh bhaagai.
O! yogi, remain seated (in patience), the sorrows of duality will run away (from you).
Gir Gir mwgq lwj n lwgY ]1] rhwau ] ghar ghar maagat, laaj na laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You beg from door to door; and, you don’t feel ashamed. 1 (pause)
gwvih gIq n cInih Awpu ] ikau lwgI invrY prqwpu ]
gaavahi geet, na cheeneh aap. ki-o laagee nivrai partaap.
(O! Yogi) you sing songs but do not understand yourself;

How will the intense burning (i.e. desire for maya) be extinguished?
gur kY sbid rcY mn Bwie ] iBiKAw shj vIcwrI Kwie ]2]
gur kai sabad, rachai man bhaa-ay. bhikhi-aa sahj veechaaree khaa-ay. ||2||
One, who is absorbed in the word of the Guru, with love in mind;
by being in poise and contemplation, he eats (the food of) charity. 2
Bsm cVwie krih pwKMfu ] mwieAw moih shih jm fMfu ]
bhasam chaṛaa-ay, karahi pakhaNd. maa-i-aa mohi, saheh jam daNd.
(O! Yogi) you smear your body with ashes, and act in hypocrisy
attached to maya, you will be punished by (the messenger of) death.
PUtY Kwpru BIK n Bwie ] bMDin bwiDAw AwvY jwie ]3]
footai khaapar, bheekh na bhaa-ay. baNdhan baadhi-aa, aavai jaa-ay. ||3||
Your (begging) bowl (i.e. your heart) is broken, it will not hold alms (of love);
bound in bondage (of maya), you will come and go (in cycle of reincarnation). 3
ibMdu n rwKih jqI khwvih ] mweI mwgq qRY loBwvih ]
biNd na raakhahi ,jatee kahaaveh. maa-ee maagat, tarai lobhaaveh.
You do not control your semen (i.e. sexual desire), yet, you want to be called a celibate;
you beg for maya lured by three (qualities).
inrdieAw nhI joiq aujwlw ] bUfq bUfy srb jMjwlw ]4]
nirda-i-aa, nahee jot ujaalaa. boodat, booday sarab jaNjaalaa. ||4||
O! without compassion, the Light (of the Lord) has not illumined (within your heart);
O! drowning, you are drowning in worldly entanglements. 4
ByK krih iKMQw bhu QtUAw ] JUTo Kylu KylY bhu ntUAw ]
bhaykh karahi ,khiNthaa baho thatoo-aa. jhooṭo khayl khaylai baho natoo-aa.
(O! Yogi) wearing patched clothes, You disguise (yourself) in many ways;
You play many sorts of false games like an actor
AMqir Agin icMqw bhu jwry ] ivxu krmw kYsy auqris pwry ]5]
aNtar agan chiNtaa baho jaaray. viṇ karmaa, kaisay utras paaray. ||5||
(O! Yogi) within you the fire of anxieties is greatly burning;
without good deeds, how can you cross over (the world ocean). 5
muMdRw Ptk bnweI kwin ] mukiq nhI ibidAw ibigAwin ]
muNdraa fatak banaa-ee kaan. mukat nahee, bidi-aa bigi-aan.
(O! Yogi) you make ear-rings of glass to wear in your ears;
(but) liberation does not come to an un-learned person without understanding
ijhvw ieMdRI swid luoBwnw ] psU Bey nhI imtY nIswnw ]6]
jihvaa INdree saad lobhaanaa. pasoo bha-ay, nahee mitai neesaanaa. ||6||
(O! Yogi) you are lured by the tastes of tongue and sex organs;
You have become an animal, this sign can not be erased (from your forehead). 6
iqRibiD logw iqRibiD jogw ] sbdu vIcwrY cUkis sogw ]
taribadh logaa, taribadh jogaa. sabad veechaarai, chookas sogaa.
(As) the wordl is engrossed in three gunaas (i.e. three qualities of maya), the yogis (too) are
engrossed in three modes; (only) by contemplating the word, the sorrows are dispelled.
aUjlu swcu su sbdu hoie ] jogI jugiq vIcwry soie ]7]
oojal saach so sabad ho-ay. jogee jugat veechaaray so-ay. ||7||
Pure is the one, within whom dwells the true word;
Yogi is the one, who contemplates the way (of yoga). 7
quJ pih nau iniD qU krxY jogu ] Qwip auQwpy kry su hogu ]
tujh peh na-o nidh, too karṇai jog. thaap uthaapay, karay so hog.
The nine treasures are with You (O! God), and, You are all powerful;
You establish and disestablish; whatever You do, (only that) happens.
jqu squ sMjmu scu sucIqu ] nwnk jogI iqRBvx mIqu ]8]2]
jat sat saNjam, sach sucheet. naanak, jogee taribhavaṇ meet. ||8||2||
One, who has celibacy, truthfulness, self-discipline are pure heart;
Nanak (says): that Yogi is the friend of the three worlds. 8.2

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

Ktu mtu dyhI mnu bYrwgI ] suriq sbdu Duin AMqir jwgI ]
khat mat dayhee, man bairaagee. surat sabad, dhun aNtar jaagee.
The body is abbey of six* (rings), and, detached mind (above these six rings); and,
awareness of the sound of word has awakened within (the mind).
[*According to yogis, the breath (the life force) passes through anus, penis, naval, heart, throat and eye brows, and
reached the seventh ring i.e. crown].
vwjY Anhdu myrw mnu lIxw ] gur bcnI sic nwim pqIxw ]1]
vaajai anhad, mayraa man leeṇaa. gur bachnee, sach naam pateeṇaa. ||1||
The unstruck sound resonates, and, my mind has been charmed;
through the words of the Guru it (i.e. my mind) is contented in the name of the True (Lord). 1
pRwxI rwm Bgiq suKu pweIAY ] paraaṇee, raam bhagat sukh paa-ee-ai.
O! mortal (being), happiness is obtained through devotion to God.
gurmuiK hir hir mITw lwgY hir hir nwim smweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh, har har meeṭaa laagai, har har naam samaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru, the name of God seems sweet; and one merges in the name of God, the
Lord. 1 (pause)
P. 904
mwieAw mohu ibvrij smwey ] siqguru BytY myil imlwey ]
maa-i-aa moh bivaraj samaa-ay. satgur bhaytai mayl milaa-ay.
Eradicating attachment to maya, one merges (into God);
meeting the True Guru, he gets one united in union (with God).
nwmu rqnu inrmolku hIrw ] iqqu rwqw myrw mnu DIrw ]2]
naam ratan nirmolak heeraa. tit raataa mayraa man dheeraa. ||2||
The name(of the Lord) is a priceless jewel, (it is) a diamond.
imbued with it (i.e. name), my mind is comforted. 2
haumY mmqw rogu n lwgY ] rwm Bgiq jm kw Bau BwgY ]
ha-umai mamtaa rog na laagai. raam bhagat jam kaa bha-o bhaagai.
Meditating upon God, the disease of egotism and (emotional) attachment does not afflict;
and, the fear of (the messenger of) death runs away.
jmu jMdwru n lwgY moih ] inrml nwmu irdY hir soih ]3]
jam jaNdaar na laagai mohi. nirmal naam ridai har sohi. ||3||
The messenger of death does not come neat me; (because)
immaculate name of God beautifies my heart. 3
sbdu bIcwir Bey inrMkwrI ] gurmiq jwgy durmiq prhwrI ]
sabad beechaar bha-ay niraNkaaree. gurmat jaagay durmat parhaaree.
Contemplating the word (of the Guru), they become the servants of the Formless (Lord);
awakening to the wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, their evil-mindness is dispelled.
Anidnu jwig rhy ilv lweI ] jIvn mukiq giq AMqir pweI ]4]
an-din jaag rahay liv laa-ee. jeevan mukat gat aNtar paa-ee. ||4||
Focussing (their mind) upon Him, they remain awake day and night;
they obtain liberation within (their heart) while yet alive. 4
Ailpq guPw mih rhih inrwry ] qskr pMc sbid sMGwry ]
alipat gufaa meh raheh niraaray. taskar paNch sabad saNghaaray.
(While focussing their mind upon God) they remain detached, in the unseen cave (of body);
they kill their five thieves with word (of the Guru).
pr Gr jwie n mnu folwey ] shj inrMqir rhau smwey ]5]
par ghar jaa-ay na man dolaa-ay. sahj niraNtar raha-o samaa-ay. ||5||
Their mind does not waver, and, they do not go to the home of another; and,
they remain constantly absorbed in ease. 5
gurmuiK jwig rhy AauDUqw ] sd bYrwgI qqu proqw ]
gurmukh jaag rahay a-udhootaa. sad bairaagee tat parotaa.
One who remains awake through the Guru becomes unattached;
he is ever detached and is woven into the essence (of Reality).
jgu sUqw mir AwvY jwie ] ibnu gur sbd n soJI pwie ]6]
jag sootaa mar aavai jaa-ay. bin gur sabad na sojhee paa-ay. ||6||
The world is asleep (in the sleep of ignorance), it dies and comes and goes (in reincarnation);
without the word of the Guru, one not understand (the essence of Reality). 6
Anhd sbdu vjY idnu rwqI ] Aivgq kI giq gurmuiK jwqI ]
anhad sabad vajai din raatee. avigat kee gat gurmukh jaatee.
The unstruck word resounds, day and night;
the Guru-oriented knows the state of the indescribable (Lord).
qau jwnI jw sbid pCwnI ] eyko riv rihAw inrbwnI ]7]
ta-o jaanee jaa sabad pachhaanee. ayko rav rahi-aa nirbaanee. ||7||
He (i.e. the Guru-oriented) has realized this (state), (when he) realized it through the word;
could know since he realised the word.
The One, unattached (Lord alone) is pervading (everyone). 7
suMn smwiD shij mnu rwqw ] qij hau loBw eyko jwqw ]
suNn samaadh sahj man raataa. taj ha-o lobhaa ayko jaataa.
The mind (of the Guru-oriented) is absorbed (in the One) in void-trance, in ease;
renouncing egotism and greed, he comes to known the One alone.
gur cyly Apnw mnu mwinAw ] nwnk dUjw myit smwinAw ]8]3]
gur chaylay apnaa man maani-aa. naanak doojaa mayt samaani-aa. ||8||3||
When the mind of the disciple is satisfied (i.e. pleased) with the Guru;
Nanak (says): eradicating duality, he merge (in the One Lord). 8.3
rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1
swhw gxih n krih bIcwru ] swhy aUpir eykMkwru ]
saahaa gaṇeh, na karahi beechaar. saahay oopar aykaNkaar.
(O! Pandit) you calculate the auspicious day (for marriage etc), but you do not contemplate,
(that) the One Formless Creator (Lord) is above (these) auspicious days.
ijsu guru imlY soeI ibiD jwxY ] gurmiq hoie q hukmu pCwxY ]1]
jis gur milai, so-ee bidh jaaṇai. gurmat ho-ay ta hukam pachhaaṇai. ||1||
He, who meets the Guru, knows the way (to make any moment auspicious);
if one follows the Guru’s wisdom (i.e. follows the Guru’s teachings), he realizes His order. 1
JUTu n boil pwfy scu khIAY ] haumY jwie sbid Gru lhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
jhooṭ na bol paaday, sach kahee-ai. ha-umai jaa-ay, sabad ghar lahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Panday (O! Pandit), do not tell lies, speak the truth;
when egotism is eradicated (then), through word (of the Guru) one finds the home (i.e.
mansion of the Lord). 1 (pause)
gix gix joqku kWfI kInI ] pVY suxwvY qqu n cInI ]
gaṇ gaṇ jotak, kaandee keenee. parhai suṇaavai, tat na cheenee.
Counting and calculating, the astrologer has drawn the horoscope;
He reads it, describes it (to others), but, he does not understand the essence (of Reality);
sBsY aUpir gur sbdu bIcwru ] hor kQnI bdau n sglI Cwru ]2]
sabhsai oopar, gur sabad beechaar. hor kathnee bada-o na, saglee chhaar. ||2||
(If he knew, he would realize that) the contemplating the word of the Guru is above all;
I do not speak of anything else; it is all just ashes. 2
nwvih Dovih pUjih sYlw ] ibnu hir rwqy mYlo mYlw ]
naaveh dhoveh poojeh sailaa. bin har raatay, mailo mailaa.
You bathe, wash (your filth), and worship a stone (i.e. idols);
(but, know this that) without being imbued with God, all this (ritualism) is dirt and just dirt.
grbu invwir imlY pRBu swriQ ] mukiq pRwn jip hir ikrqwriQ ]3]
garab nivaar, milai prabh saarath. mukat paraan jap har, kirtaarath. ||3||
Subduing one’s pride, one meets God, the charioteer;
meditating upon God, the mortal being obtains liberation and fulfilment of purpose (of life). 3
vwcY vwdu n bydu bIcwrY ] Awip fubY ikau ipqrw qwrY ]
vaachai vaad, na bayd beechaarai. aap dubai, ki-o pitraa taarai.
(O! Pandit) you study the conflict but do not contemplate Vedas;
you drown yourself, how will he save the ancestors?
Git Git bRhmu cInY jnu koie ] siqguru imlY q soJI hoie ]4]
ghat ghat barahm cheenai jan ko-ay. satgur milai ta sojhee ho-ay. ||4||
The Supreme Reality (God) pervades each and every heart; rare are those who realize Him;
when one meets the True Guru, then he understands. 4
gxq gxIAY shsw duKu jIAY ] gur kI srix pvY suKu QIAY ]
gaṇat gaṇee-ai, sahsaa dukh jee-ai. gur kee saraṇ pavai, sukh thee-ai.
Making calculations, sorrows and doubts afflicts his soul;

seeking the refuge of the Guru, one finds happiness.
kir AprwD srix hm AwieAw ] gur hir Byty purib kmwieAw ]5]
kar apraadh, saraṇ ham aa-i-aa. gur har bhaytay, purab kamaa-i-aa. ||5||
Having committed (countless) sins, (now) I have come to the refuge (of the Guru);
God gets one meet the Guru, if preordained. 5
gur srix n AweIAY bRhmu n pweIAY ] Brim BulweIAY jnim mir AweIAY ]
gur saraṇ na aa-ee-ai, barahm na paa-ee-ai. bharam bhulaa-ee-ai, janam mar aa-ee-ai.
If one does not seel the refuge of the Guru, one cannot meet God;
deluded by doubt, one takes birth, to die and comes back (in reincarnation).
jm dir bwDau mrY ibkwru ] nw irdY nwmu n sbdu Acwru ]6]
jam dar baadha-o, marai bikaar. naa ridai naam, na sabad, achaar. ||6||
Bound at the door of the messenger of death, he dies in waste, (because)
he does not have the name (of the Lord) in his heart, nor the word (of Guru), nor (good) conduct. 6
ieik pwDy pMifq imsr khwvih ] duibDw rwqy mhlu n pwvih ]
ik paadhay paNdit misar kahaaveh. dubidhaa raatay mahal na paavahi.
Some call themselves, Pandha*, Pandit* and Misher*;
but engrossed in duality, they do not find the mansion (of the Lord).
[*Pandha is teacher, Pandit is priest, Mishar is a cast of high-caste Hindus engaged in religious services].
P. 905
ijsu gur prswdI nwmu ADwru ] koit mDy ko jnu Awpwru ]7]
jis gur parsaadee naam adhaar. kot madhay ko jan aapaar. ||7||
One, who takes the support of the name (of the Lord) by the grace of the Guru;
is an incomparable person, he is (a rare one) one among tens of millions. 7
eyku burw Blw scu eykY ] bUJu igAwnI sqgur kI tykY ]
ayk buraa bhalaa, sach aykai. boojh gi-aanee, satgur kee taykai.
One is bad, another is good, (but) the True One (is contained in all);
O! learned person, understand this through the support of the True Guru.
gurmuiK ivrlI eyko jwixAw ] Awvxu jwxw myit smwixAw ]8]
gurmukh virlee ayko jaaṇi-aa. aavaṇ jaaṇaa mayt samaaṇi-aa. ||8||
Rare are those who realize the One (Lord) through the Guru;
their coming and going cease; and, they have merge (in God). 8
ijn kY ihrdY eykMkwru ] srb guxI swcw bIcwru ]
jin kai hirdai aykaNkaar. sarab guṇee saachaa beechaar.
They, who have the One Formless Creator (Lord) within their hearts; contemplate the True, the
treasure of all excellences.
gur kY BwxY krm kmwvY ] nwnk swcy swic smwvY ]9]4]
gur kai bhaaṇai karam kamaavai. naanak, saachay saach samaavai. ||9||4||
Nanak (says): one, who acts in will of Guru, is absorbed in the Truest of the True. 9.4

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

hTu ingRhu kir kwieAw CIjY ] haṭ nigarahu kar, kaa-i-aa chheejai.
(O! my mind), practising stubborn restrain (i.e. controlling senses), the body wears away.
vrqu qpnu kir mnu nhI BIjY ] varat tapan kar, man nahee bheejai.
By fasting and (practising) austerities, the mind is not softened.
rwm nwm sir Avru n pUjY ]1] raam naam sar, avar na poojai. ||1||
Nothing else is equal to the worship of (i.e. meditation upon) the name of God. 1
guru syiv mnw hir jn sMgu kIjY ] gur sayv, manaa, har jan saNg keejai.
Serve the Guru, O! (my) mind, and, join the company of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
jmu jMdwru joih nhI swkY srpin fis n skY hir kw rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ]
jam jaNdaar johi nahee saakai, sarpan das na sakai, har kaa ras peejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! my mind), the tyrant messenger of death cannot (even) touch you, the serpent (maya)
cannot sting you, (when you) drink the essence of (the name of) God. 1 (pause)
vwdu pVY rwgI jgu BIjY ] vaad paṛai, raagee jag bheejai.
(O! my mind), the world reads (i.e. studies the books of) debates, and, enjoys music;
qRY gux ibiKAw jnim mrIjY ] tarai guṇ bikhi-aa, janam mareejai.
In the poison of three guanas (i.e. three modes of maya), (people) are born and die.
rwm nwm ibnu dUKu shIjY ]2] raam naam bin, dookh saheejai. ||2||
(But) without (meditation upon) the name of God, they suffer sorrows. 2
cwVis pvnu isMGwsnu BIjY ] chaaṛas pavan siNghaasan, bheejai.
(The yogis) draws the breath upwards to the royal seat (i.e. tenth gate) and feels pleased.
inaulI krm Ktu krm krIjY ] ni-ulee karam,* khat karam** kareejai.
He practises niulee (i.e. inner washing) and performs six rites (of ablution of body).
rwm nwm ibnu ibrQw swsu lIjY ]3] raam naam bin, birthaa saas leejai. ||3||
(But) without the name of God, all that he breathes is waste. 3
[*Niulee (nauli) is a practice of Hath Yoga. The exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region -
digestive organs, small intestine and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the
abdominal muscles. There are four variations of this practice: 1. madhyana nauli: the isolated contraction of the
central muscles of the abdominis; 2. vama nauli: the isolated contraction of the left part of the central muscles of the
abdomen; 3.daksina nauli: the isolated contraction of the right part of the central muscles of the abdomen; 4.nauli
kriya: the circular movement of the central muscles of the abdomen].
[**This is a name given to six practices of Yoga: 1. dhoti (to swallow and take out a piece of cloth 2. neti (to draw a
string through nose and take it out through mouth 3.nauli/ neuli (cleaning/washing of intestines) 4. wasti (washing/
cleaning of rectum and water pipe) 5. tralik (fixing of eye gaze) 6. kapaal bhaati (to breathe in and breath out like the
Smith’s bellows)].
Amqir pMc Agin ikau DIrju DIjY ] aNtar paNch agan, ki-o dheeraj dheejai.
(When) the five fires (of five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride) burns
within, how can he be calm?
AMqir coru ikau swdu lhIjY ] aNtar chor, ki-o saad laheejai.
Within him are the thief (i.e. five passions), how can he enjoy the (spiritual) taste?
gurmuiK hoie kwieAw gVu lIjY ]4] gurmukh ho-ay, kaa-i-aa garh leejai. ||4||
(But) the fort of body can be conquered through the Guru. 4
AMqir mYlu qIrQ BrmIjY ] mnu nhI sUcw ikAw soc krIjY ]
aNtar mail, tirath bharmeejai. man nahee soochaa, ki-aa soch kareejai.
With filth (of sins is) within, one wanders at places of pilgrimage (this can not be washed off);
When the mind is not pure, what is the use of cleaning (i.e. performing ritual bathing)?
ikrqu pieAw dosu kw kau dIjY ]5] kirat pa-i-aa, dos kaa ka-o deejai. ||5||
One acts according to the actions earned by him, who else can be blamed? 5

AMnu n Kwih dyhI duKu dIjY ] ibnu gur igAwn iqRpiq nhI QIjY ]
aNn na khaahi, dayhee dukh deejai. bin gur gi-aan, taripat nahee theejai.
One, who does not eat food, he tortures his body;
Without the wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, one cannot be satisfied.
mnmuiK jnmY jnim mrIjY ]6] manmukh janmai, janam mareejai. ||6||
The mind-oriented is born (and dies), and, to be born and die (over and over) again. 6
siqgur pUiC sMgiq jn kIjY ] mnu hir rwcY nhI jnim mrIjY ]
satgur poochh, saNgat jan keejai. man har raachai, nahee janam mareejai.
(So, O brethren one should) go and ask the True Guru and join the congregation of the
servants (i.e. devotees of God); (there),
the mind is absorbed in God, one shall not have to be born nor die (again).
rwm nwm ibnu ikAw krmu kIjY ]7] raam naam bin, ki-aa karam keejai. ||7||
Other than (meditation upon) name of God, what action can anyone do? 7
aUNdr dUMdr pwis DrIjY ] Dur kI syvw rwmu rvIjY ]
oo dar dooNdar, paas dhareejai. dhur kee sayvaa, raam raveejai.

(O! brethren) place aside (i.e. silence) the (scurring) sounds (like that) of the mouse (i.e. one
should still the clamouring damaging one from within); and,
chant the name of God, the service granted from the Primal Lord .
nwnk nwmu imlY ikrpw pRB kIjY ]8]5] naanak, naam milai, kirpaa prabh keejai. ||8||5||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, be kind and bless us with Your name. 8.5

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

AMqir auqBuju Avru n koeI ] aNtar ut-bhuj avar na ko-ee.
All that is created, emanated from within You (O! God), there is no other (Creator).
jo khIAY so pRB qy hoeI ] jo kahee-ai, so prabh tay ho-ee.
Whatever is said to be, is from (You, O!) God.
jugh jugMqir swihbu scu soeI ] jugah jugaNtar, saahib sach so-ee.
Through (all) the Ages, He alone is True (i.e. eternal/ forever).
auqpiq prlau Avru n koeI ]1] utpat parla-o, avar na ko-ee. ||1||
The creation and destruction are not from any one else.1
Aysw myrw Twkuru gihr gMBIru ] aisaa mayraa ṭaakur gahir gaMbheer.
Such is my Lord, profound and unfathomable !
ijin jipAw iqn hI suKu pwieAw hir kY nwim n lgY jm qIru ]1] rhwau ]
jin japi-aa tin hee sukh paa-i-aa, har kai naam na lagai jam teer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever meditates upon Him, obtains happiness;
meditating upon God the arrow of the messenger of death does not strike. 1 (pause)
nwmu rqnu hIrw inrmolu ] naam ratan heeraa nirmol.
The name (of God) is a priceless jewel, a diamond.
swcw swihbu Amru Aqolu ] saachaa saahib, amar atol.
The True Lord is immortal and un-weighable (i.e. un-assessable).
ijhvw sUcI swcw bolu ] jihvaa soochee, saachaa bol.
That tongue is pure, which chants the name of the True (Lord).

Gir dir swcw nwhI rolu ]2] ghar dar saachaa, naahee rol. ||2||
The True (Lord) is in the home (i.e. in the heart); there is no doubt (about it). 2
ieik bn mih bYsih fUgir AsQwnu ] nwmu ibswir pcih AiBmwnu ]
ik ban meh baiseh, doogar asthaan. naam bisaar, pacheh abhimaan.
Some sit in the forests; and, some dwell in mountains; (but)
forgetting the name (of the Lord), they rot away in their egotism.
nwm ibnw ikAw igAwn iDAwnu ] naam binaa, ki-aa gi-aan dhi-aan.
Without (meditation upon) the name, where is (use of) knowledge and meditation?
gurmuiK pwvih drgih mwnu ]3] gurmukh, paavahi dargahi maan. ||3||
The Guru-oriented is honoured in His court. 3
hTu AhMkwru krY nhI pwvY ] haṭ ahaMkaar karai, nahee paavai.
By acting in stubbornness and egotism, one can not obtain (God).
pwT pVY ly lok suxwvY ] qIriQ Brmis ibAwiD n jwvY ]
paath paṛai, lay lok suṇaavai. tirath bharmas, bi-aadh na jaavai.
One reads scriptures and reads (i.e. explains) them to the other people; and,
he wanders out at places of pilgrimage, but, his disease is not eradicated.
P. 906
nwm ibnw kYsy suKu pwvY ]4] naam binaa, kaisay sukh paavai. ||4||
How can one find happiness without the name (of the Lord)? 4
jqn krY ibMdu ikvY n rhweI ] jatan karai, biNd kivai na rahaa-ee.
He makes much effort but he can not control his semen (i.e. his sexual desire);
mnUAw folY nrky pweI ] manoo-aa dolai, narkay paa-ee.
his mind wavers, he falls into hell.
jm puir bwDo lhY sjweI ] jam pur baadho, lahai sajaa-ee.
Bound in the city of death, he is given punishment;
ibnu nwvY jIau jil bil jweI ]5] bin naavai, jee-o jal bal jaa-ee. ||5||
Without the name, the soul burns in fire (i.e. suffers in agony). 5
isD swiDk kyqy muin dyvw ] hiT ingRih n iqRpqwvih Byvw ]
sidh saadhik kaytay mun dayvaa. hath nigrahi na tariptaaveh bhayvaa.
There are many sidhs (i.e. claiming miraculous powers), seekers, (silent) sages, divines; (but)
they can not satisfy their mind by practising stubborn restrain.
sbdu vIcwir ghih gur syvw ] min qin inrml AiBmwn AByvw ]6]
sabad veechaar, gaheh gur sayvaa. man tan nirmal, abhimaan abhayvaa. ||6||
One, who contemplates word, and, holds on to the service of the Guru,
his mind and body become immaculate, and, and his egotism is eliminated. 6
krim imlY pwvY scu nwau ] qum srxwgiq rhau suBwau ]
karam milai, paavai sach naa-o. tum sarnaagat raha-o subhaa-o.
Blessed with His grace, one obtains the True Name; and he remains in Your refuge with love.
qum qy aupijE BgqI Bwau ] jpu jwpau gurmuiK hir nwau ]7]
tum tay upji-o, bhagtee bhaa-o. jap jaapa-o, gurmukh, har naa-o. ||7||
From You loving devotion wells up within him;
through the Guru, he meditates upon the meditation upon the name of God. 7
haumY grbu jwie mn BInY ] JUiT n pwvis pwKMif kInY ]
ha-umai garab jaa-ay, man bheenai. jhooṭ na paavas, pakhaNd keenai.
One is rid of egotism and pride when mind is drenched (in His love);
(the name of the Lord) is not obtained by practising falsehood and hypocrisy.
ibnu gur sbd nhI Gru bwru ] nwnk gurmuiK qqu bIcwru ]8]6]
bin gur sabad, nahee ghar baar. naanak, gurmukh, tat beechaar. ||8||6||
Without the word of the Guru, one can not find the door of the mansion (of the Lord);
Nanak (says): one contemplates the essence (of reality) through the Guru. 8.6

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

ijau AwieAw iqau jwvih baury ijau jnmy iqau mrxu BieAw ]
ji-o aa-i-aa ti-o jaaveh, ba-uray; ji-o janmay ti-o maraṇ bha-i-aa.
O! crazy (person), as you came (empty handed), so will you leave;
as you were born, so will you die.
ijau rs Bog kIey qyqw duKu lwgY nwmu ivswir Bvjil pieAw ]1]
ji-o ras bhog kee-ay, taytaa dukh laagai; naam visaar, bhavjal pa-i-aa. ||1||
As you enjoyed pleasure, so will you suffer pain; forgetting the name (of the Lord), you will
fall (i.e. drown) into the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).1
qnu Dnu dyKq grib gieAw ] tan dhan daykhat garab ga-i-aa.
Beholding your body and wealth, you become so proud.
kink kwmnI isau hyqu vDwieih kI nwmu ivswrih Brim gieAw ]1] rhwau ]
kanik kaamnee si-o hayt vadhaa-ihi, kee naam visaareh bharam ga-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are increased your love for gold and (pretty) woman (i.e. sexual pleasure); because
forgetting the name (of the Lord) you have fallen in doubt. 1 (pause)
jqu squ sMjmu sIlu n rwiKAw pRyq ipMjr mih kwstu BieAw ]
jat sat saNjam seel na raakhi-aa, parayt piNjar meh kaasat bha-i-aa.
You do not practice celibacy, truth, self-discipline and good conduct; your ghostly (impious)
skeleton has turned into (dry) wood.
puMnu dwnu iesnwnu n sMjmu swDsMgiq ibnu bwid jieAw ]2]
puNn daan isnaan na sanjam, saadhsaNgat bin baad ja-i-aa. ||2||
(You have) not practised charity donations, (cleansing) baths, and self-discipline; without
(joining) the congregation of God-oriented persons, your life is going waste. 2
lwlic lwgY nwmu ibswirE Awvq jwvq jnmu gieAw ]
laalach laagai naam bisaari-o, aavat jaavat janam ga-i-aa.
Attached to greed you have forgotten the name (of the Lord); in coming and going (i.e. in
running after maya), your life has gone waste.
jw jmu Dwie kys gih mwrY suriq nhI muiK kwl gieAw ]3]
jaa jam dhaa-ay kays geh maarai, surat nahee mukh kaal ga-i-aa. ||3||
When the messenger of death will grab you by hair and punish you; (when you will be) in the
mouth of death, you will not able to have awareness (of the name). 3
Aihinis inMdw qwiq prweI ihrdY nwmu n srb dieAw ]
ahinis niNdaa taat paraa-ee, hirdai naam na sarab da-i-aa.

Day and night, you slander others and have jealousy for other's things; and, (in your heart)
you have neither name, nor compassion for all (the beings).
ibnu gur sbd n giq piq pwvih rwm nwm ibnu nrik gieAw ]4]
bin gur sabad, na gat pat paavahi; raam naam bin narak ga-i-aa. ||4||
Without the word of the Guru, you will not find emancipation or honour; without the name
of God, (regards yourself as having) gone to hell. 4
iKn mih vys krih ntUAw ijau moh pwp mih glqu gieAw ]
khin meh vays karahi natoo-aa ji-o, moh paap meh galat ga-i-aa.
(O! crazy being) as a stage-actor changes his costumes in a moment, you are entangled in
(emotional) attachment and sin.
ieq auq mwieAw dyiK pswrI moh mwieAw kY mgnu BieAw ]5]
it ut maa-i-aa daykh pasaaree, moh maa-i-aa kai magan bha-i-aa. ||5||
Gazing upon the expanse of maya, here and there (i.e. around you, everywhere), you are
intoxicated with attachment yo maya. 5
krih ibkwr ivQwr Gnyry suriq sbd ibnu Brim pieAw ]
karahi bikaar vithaar ghanayray, surat sabad bin bharam pa-i-aa.
You commit sins and put on ostentatious expanse; without awareness of (i.e. without love
for/ meditation upon) the word, you have fallen into doubt (i.e. have gone astray).
haumY rogu mhw duKu lwgw gurmiq lyvhu rogu gieAw ]6]
ha-umai rog mahaa dukh laagaa, gurmat layvhu rog ga-i-aa. ||6||
You suffer great pain from ailment of egotism; seek Guru’s wisdom (i.e. instructions), your
ailment shall be cured. 6
suK sMpiq kau Awvq dyKY swkq min AiBmwnu BieAw ]
sukh saMpat ka-o aavat daykhai, saakat man abhimaan bha-i-aa.
Seeing happiness and wealth coming to him, the saakat (i.e. non-beleiver) becomes pride in
his mind.
ijs kw iehu qnu Dnu so iPir lyvY AMqir shsw dUKu pieAw ]7]
jis kaa ih tan dhan so fir layvai, aNtar sahsaa dookh pa-i-aa. ||7||
(But, when) He who owns this body and wealth takes them back again, (the mortal being)
feels pain within (his heart).7
AMiq kwil ikCu swiQ n cwlY jo dIsY sBu iqsih mieAw ]
aNt kaal kichh saath na chaalai, jo deesai sabh tiseh ma-i-aa.
In the last time (i.e. at the time of death), nothing goes along with you; whatever is seen all
that is in His mercy.
Awid purKu AprMpru so pRBu hir nwmu irdY lY pwir pieAw ]8]
aad purakh apraMpar so prabh, har naam ridai lai paar pa-i-aa. ||8||
God is (our) Primal Person, Infinite (Lord); enshrining His name in the heart, one crosses
over (the world ocean). 8
mUey kau rovih iksih suxwvih BY swgr Asrwil pieAw ]
moo-ay ka-o roveh, kiseh sunaaveh, bhai saagar, asraal pa-i-aa.
The (i.e. non-believer) weeps for the dead, (everyone has to die, then) whom does he make to
listen (his bewailing)? (without the name of God, he is drowning) in dreadful, terrifying waters.
dyiK kutMbu mwieAw igRh mMdru swkqu jMjwil prwil pieAw ]9]
daykh kutaMb maa-i-aa garih maNdar, saakat jaNjaal paraal pa-i-aa. ||9||
Looking at family, wealth, home, mansions the non-believer is entangled in worthless affairs.
jw Awey qw iqnih pTwey cwly iqnY bulwie lieAw ]
jaa aa-ay taa tineh paṭaa-ay, chaalay tinai bulaa-ay la-i-aa.
When one comes (into the world, it is) He (i.e. it is God, who) sends him; and, when He calls
back one goes (i.e. departs from the world).
jo ikCu krxw so kir rihAw bKsxhwrY bKis lieAw ]10]
jo kichh karṇaa so kar rahi-aa, bakhsaṇhaarai bakhas la-i-aa. ||10||
Whatever He wills, so he does do; (though one ignores His command, still) the Forgiving (Lord)
forgives him. 10
ijin eyhu cwiKAw rwm rswiexu iqn kI sMgiq Koju BieAw ]
jin ayhu chaakhi-aa raam rasaa-iṇ, tin kee saNgat khoj bha-i-aa.
(The name of God is essence of life) those, who have tasted the essence of (the name of) God, one
can search it by being in their company.
iriD isiD buiD igAwnu gurU qy pwieAw mukiq pdwrQu srix pieAw ]11]
ridh sidh budh gi-aan guroo tay paa-i-aa, mukat padaarath saraṇ pa-i-aa. ||11||
Wealth, miraculous powers, the wisdom, and knowledge (are contained in the name); from
the Guru one obtains the treasure of liberation by being in his refuge. 11
duKu suKu gurmuiK sm kir jwxw hrK sog qy ibrkqu BieAw ]
dukh sukh gurmukh sam kar jaaṇaa harakh sog tay birkat bha-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented looks upon pain and pleasure as one and the same; he remains
untouched by joy and sorrow.
Awpu mwir gurmuiK hir pwey nwnk shij smwie lieAw ]12]7]
aap maar gurmukh har paa-ay naanak sahj samaa-ay la-i-aa. ||12||7||
Nanak (says): subduing his self-conceit, the Guru-oriented finds God; and, He naturally
merges in Him. 12.7

rwmklI dKxI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, dakhaṇee, Mehlaa 1

jqu squ sMjmu swcu idRVwieAw swc sbid ris lIxw ]1]
jat sat saNjam saach driṛ-aa-i-aa, saach sabad ras leeṇaa. ||1||
Celibacy, fidelity, self-control, truthfulness have been implanted within me (by my Guru);I
remain absorbed in the essence of the true word. 1
myrw guru dieAwlu sdw rMig lIxw ] Aihinis rhY eyk ilv lwgI swcy dyiK pqIxw ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa gur da-i-aal, sadaa raNg leeṇaa.
ahinis rahai ayk liv laagee, saachay daykh pateeṇaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Guru is merciful; he forever remains imbued with love (for the Lord).
day and night, he remains in tune with the True; beholding Him, he remains pleased. 1 (pause)
rhY ggn puir idRsit smYsir Anhq sbid rMgIxw ]2]
rahai gagan pur, darisat samaisar, anhat sabad raNgeeṇaa. ||2||
He abides in the Tenth Gate; (he) looks equally upon all; and, he remains imbued with (the

celestial sound of) the unstruck word. 2
squ bMiD kupIn Birpuir lIxw ijhvw rMig rsIxw ]3]
sat baNdh kupeen, bharipur leeṇaa, jihvaa raNg raseeṇaa. ||3||
Wearing the loin-cloth of chastity, he remains absorbed in the All-Pervading (Lord); his
tongue enjoys the essence (of the name of the Lord). 3
imlY gur swcy ijin rcu rwcy ikrqu vIcwir pqIxw ]4]
milai gur saachay, jin rach raachay, kirat veechaar pateeṇaa. ||4||
One, who has created the creation, has met the True Guru; contemplating the actions (i.e.
service of the Guru) He is pleased.4
eyk mih srb srb mih eykw eyh siqguir dyiK idKweI ]5]
ayk meh sarab, sarab meh aykaa, ayh satgur daykh dikhaa-ee. ||5||
All are in the One, and, the One (Lord) is (contained) in all; this is what (i.e. the wondrous play
of the Lord) the True Guru has shown me. 5
ijin kIey KMf mMfl bRhmMfw so pRBu lKnu n jweI ]6]
jin kee-ay khaNd maNdal barahmaNdaa, so parabh lakhan na jaa-ee. ||6||
He, who has created regions, continents and universe, that God can not be known. 6
dIpk qy dIpku prgwisAw iqRBvx joiq idKweI ]7]
deepak tay deepak pargaasi-aa, taribhavaṇ jot dikhaa-ee. ||7||
From the lamp (of the Guru), the lamp (within me) has been lit; (now) I see the Light (of the
Lord) illumining the three worlds. 7
scY qKiq sc mhlI bYTy inrBau qwVI lweI ]8]
sachai takhat sach mahlee baithay, nirbha-o taaṛee laa-ee. ||8||
He (i.e. the Guru) sits on the true throne, in the true palace, in trance focussing on the
Fearless (Lord). 8
moih gieAw bYrwgI jogI Git Git ikMgurI vweI ]9]
mohi ga-i-aa bairaagee jogee, ghat ghat kiNguree vaa-ee. ||9||
He (i.e. the Guru), detached yogi has charmed me; he plays his kinguree (i.e. a harp like
stringed musical instrument played by yogis) in each and every heart. 9
nwnk srix pRBU kI CUty siqgur scu sKweI ]10]8]
naanak, saraṇ prabhoo kee chhootay, satgur sach sakhaa-ee. ||10||8||
Nanak (says): those, who have the True Guru as their friend, are saved by being in the refuge
of the Lord. 10.8

rwmklI mhlw 1 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1

AauhiT hsq mVI Gru CwieAw Drix ggn kl DwrI ]1]
a-uhaṭ hasat maṛee ghar chhaa-i-aa, dharaṇ gagan kal dhaaree. ||1||
Having infused His power in the earth and the sky;He has made His home in the monastery
of heart. 1
gurmuiK kyqI sbid auDwrI sMqhu ]1] rhwau ] gurmukh, kaytee sabad udhaaree, saNtahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Behold!) O! God-oriented persons, so many (i.e. countless) have been saved through the
word, by following the Guru. 1 (Pause)
mmqw mwir haumY soKY iqRBvix joiq qumwrI ]2] mamtaa maar ha-umai sokhai, taribhavaṇ jot tumaaree. ||2||

(O! Lord), one, who conquers (emotional) attachment, eradicates egotism, beholds Your
Light the three worlds. 2
mnsw mwir mnY mih rwKY siqgur sbid vIcwrI ]3]
mansaa maar manai meh raakhai, satgur sabad veechaaree. ||3||
Contemplating the word of the True Guru, he conquers desires, enshrines (the Lord) within
his heart. 3
isM|I suriq Anwhid vwjY Git Git joiq qumwrI ]4] siNngee surat anaahad vaajai, ghat ghat jot tumaaree ||4||
The horn of his consciousness plays unstruck word; (and, he beholds) Your light in each and
every heart. 4
prpMc byxu qhI mnu rwiKAw bRhm Agin prjwrI ]5]
parpaNch bayṇ, tahee man raakhi-aa, barahm agan parjaaree. ||5||
He has enshrined the flute of the expanse (i.e. world) in his mind; and the fire (i.e. Light) of the
God is burning (in his heart). 5
pMc qqu imil Aihinis dIpku inrml joiq ApwrI ]6] paNch tat mil ahinis deepak ,nirmal jot apaaree. ||6||
Joining together the five elements (i.e. the human body), day and night, he (constantly) keeps
the lamp of the Immaculate, Infinite (Lord) lighted. 6
riv sis lauky iehu qnu ikMgurI vwjY sbdu inrwrI ]7]
rav sas la-ukay, ih tan kiNguree vaajai sabad niraaree. ||7||
The sun and moon (i.e. the right and the left nostrils) are like two strings, of the body-harp,
and, they play wondrous melody of word 7
isv ngrI mih Awsxu AauDU AlKu AgMmu ApwrI ]8]
siv nagree meh aasaṇ a-odhoo, alakh agaMm apaaree. ||8||
The hermit (i.e. true yogi) obtains his seat is in the City of the unknowable, inaccessible,
infinite God. 8
kwieAw ngrI iehu mnu rwjw pMc vsih vIcwrI ]9] kaa-i-aa nagree ih man raajaa, panch vaseh veechaaree ||9||
The mind (of such a yogi) is the king of the body-city, and, the five senses of perception dwell
there. 9
sbid rvY Awsix Gir rwjw Adlu kry guxkwrI ]10] sabad ravai aasaṇ ghar raajaa, adal karay gunkaaree ||10||
Seated in his home, this king chants the word, and imparts virtuous justice. 10
kwlu ibkwlu khy kih bpury jIvq mUAw mnu mwrI ]11]
kaal bikaal kahay kahi bapuray, jeevat moo-aa man maaree. ||11||
What can poor death or life say to him? conquering his mind, he remains dead while yet alive. 11
bRhmw ibsnu mhys iek mUriq Awpy krqw kwrI ]12]
barahmaa bisan mahays ik moorat, aapay kartaa kaaree. ||12||
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv) are the created forms of the One (God), who Himself is
the Creator of creation. 12
kwieAw soiD qrY Bv swgru Awqm qqu vIcwrI ]13]
kaa-i-aa sodh tarai bhav saagar, aatam tat veechaaree. ||13||
One, who purifies his body by contemplating the element (i.e. origin) of soul (i.e. God),
crosses over terrifying waters of the (world) ocean. 13
gur syvw qy sdw suKu pwieAw AMqir sbdu rivAw guxkwrI ]14]

gur sayvaa tay sadaa sukh paa-i-aa aNtar sabad ravi-aa guṇkaaree. ||14||
Service the Guru, he obtains everlasting happiness, and, within him the virtuous (i.e.
precious) word permeates. 14
Awpy myil ley guxdwqw haumY iqRsnw mwrI ]15] aapay mayl la-ay guṇdaataa, ha-umai tarisnaa maaree. ||15||
The Giver of virtues, unites him with Himself, by eradicating egotism and desires. 15
qRY gux myty cauQY vrqY eyhw Bgiq inrwrI]16] tarai guṇ maytay cha-uthai vartai, ayhaa bhagat niraaree ||16||
Eradicating the three gunaas (i.e. three qualities of maya), he dwells in the fourth (state), this
is the wonder of devotion . 16
gurmuiK jog sbid Awqmu cInY ihrdY eyku murwrI ]17]
gurmukh jog: sabad aatam cheenai ,hirdai ayk muraaree. ||17||
The yoga of the Guru-oriented is : understanding soul through the word, and, enshrining
the One God within heart. 17
mnUAw AsiQru sbdy rwqw eyhw krxI swrI ]18] manoo-aa asthir sabday raataa, ayhaa karṇee saaree. ||18||
Imbued with the word, his mind remains stable, this is the most sublime of all actions. 18
bydu bwdu n pwKMfu AauDU gurmuiK sbid bIcwrI ]19]
bayd baad na pakhaNd, a-odhoo, gurmukh sabad beechaaree. ||19||
He does not enter into debates of knowledge, or hypocrisy, O! ascetic (O! yogi), and, through
the Guru he contemplates the word. 19
gurmuiK jogu kmwvY AauDU jqu squ sbid vIcwrI ]20]
gurmukh jog kamaavai, a-odhoo, jat sat sabad veechaaree. ||20||
He follows the Guru, this is the (true) yoga that he earns (i.e practices), O! ascetic (O! yogi),
(for him) contemplating the word is (his practice of) abstinence and truth. 20
sbid mrY mnu mwry AauDU jog jugiq vIcwrI ]21]
sabad marai man maaray, a-odhoo, jog jugat veechaaree. ||21||
One, who dies in the word, and conquers his mind, O! ascetic (O! yogi), (this way) he
contemplates the way of yoga. 21
mwieAw mohu Bvjlu hY AvDU sbid qrY kul qwrI ]22]
maa-i-aa moh bhavjal hai, avdhoo, sabad tarai kul taaree. ||22||
Attachment to maya is terrifying ocean, O! ascetic (O! yogi), through the word one saves
himself and his family (as well).22
sbid sUr jug cwry AauDU bwxI Bgiq vIcwrI ]23]
sabad soor jug chaaray, a-odhoo, baṇee bhagat veechaaree. ||23||
One, who contemplates the word is brave, throughout (all) the four ages, and, O! ascetic (O!
yogi),he contemplates the word in devotion. 23
eyhu mnu mwieAw moihAw AauDU inksY sbid vIcwrI ]24]
ayhu man maa-i-aa mohi-aa, a-odhoo, niksai sabad veechaaree. ||24||
This mind is enticed by maya, O! ascetic (O! yogi),contemplating the word it shall find
release. 24
Awpy bKsy myil imlwey nwnk srix qumwrI ]25]9]
aapay bakhsay mayl milaa-ay, naanak, saraṇ tumaaree. ||25||9||
Nanak (says): You yourself forgive, and unite in union; I seek Your refuge (O! Lord). 25.9

rwmklI mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3, asatpadee-aa
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
srmY dIAw muMdRw kMnI pwie jogI iKMQw kir qU dieAw ]
sarmai dee-aa mundraa kaNnee paa-ay, jogee, khiNthaa kar too da-i-aa.
Make hard labour (i.e. effort) your ear-rings, O! yogi, and, compassion your patched robe.
Awvxu jwxu ibBUiq lwie jogI qw qIin Bvx ijix lieAw ]1]
aavaṇ jaaṇ bibhoot laa-ay, jogee, taa teen bhavan jiṇ la-i-aa. ||1||
Let coming and going (i.e. birth and death) be the ashes you apply (to your body); O! yogi, then
you shall have conquered the three worlds. 1
AYsI ikMgurI vjwie jogI ] ijqu ikMgurI Anhdu vwjY hir isau rhY ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ]
aisee kiNguree vajaa-ay, jogee. jit kiNguree anhad vaajai, har si-o rahai liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Play such a harp, O! yogi;
(play) the harp which would resounds the unstruck word, and one remains absorbed in God. 1
squ sMqoKu pqu kir JolI jogI AMimRq nwmu Bugiq pweI ] sat saNtokh pat kar jholee, jogee aMmrit naam bhugat paa-ee.
Make truth and contentment your (begging) bowl and pouch, O! yogi, and, take AMmrit name
as your food.
iDAwn kw kir fMfw jogI isM|I suriq vjweI ]2] dhi-aan kaa kar da daa, jogee, si ngee surat vajaa-ee. ||2||
Make meditation (upon God) your (ceremonial) stick, O! yogi, and, make O! yogi, and make
concentration the horn you blow. 2
mnu idRVu kir Awsix bYsu jogI qw qyrI klpxw jweI ]
man dariṛ kar aasaṇ bais, jogee, taa tayree kalpaṇaa jaa-ee.
Make stability of your mind your (yogic) sitting posture, O! yogi, then your torments shall be
rid off.
kwieAw ngrI mih mMgix cVih jogI qw nwmu plY pweI ]3]
kaa-i-aa nagree meh mangaṇ chaṛeh, jogee, taa naam palai paa-ee. ||3||
If you go begging in the body village, O! yogi, then you shall obtain the name (of the Lord) in
your pouch (of mind). 3
iequ ikMgurI iDAwnu n lwgY jogI nw scu plY pwie ] it ki guree dhi-aan na laagai, jogee, naa sach palai paa-ay.
This harp (that you are playing) does not lead to concentration, O! yogi, nor one obtains (union
with) the True.
iequ ikMgurI sWiq n AwvY jogI AiBmwnu n ivchu jwie ]4]
it kinguree saant na aavai, jogee, abhimaan na vichahu jaa-ay. ||4||
This harp (that you are playing) does not bring peace, O! yogi, nor egotism is eliminated from
within. 4
Bau Bwau duie pq lwie jogI iehu srIru kir fMfI ] bha-o bhaa-o du-ay pat laa-ay, jogee, ih sareer kar daNdee.
Make fear (of God) and love (of God) two shells of gourd (of your lute/ chordophone), O! yogi,
and, make your body as neck (i.e. wooden bar of the harp).
gurmuiK hovih qw qMqI vwjY ien ibiD iqRsnw KMfI ]5]
gurmukh hoveh taa taNtee vaajai, in bidh tarisnaa khaNdee. ||5||
If you are Guru-oriented this lyre will continue playing, O! yogi, in this way your desires shall
be destroyed (i.e. eliminated). 5
hukmu buJY so jogI khIAY eyks isau icqu lwey ] hukam bujhai so jogee kahee-ai, aykas si-o chit laa-ay.
One who realizes His order, is called a yogi, and, he focusses his mind upon the One (Lord).
shsw qUtY inrmlu hovY jog jugiq iev pwey ]6] sahsaa tootai nirmal hovai ,jog jugat iv paa-ay. ||6||
His doubts is dispelled, and he becomes immaculate, this is how he finds the way of yoga. 6
ndrI Awvdw sBu ikCu ibnsY hir syqI icqu lwie ] siqgur nwil qyrI BwvnI lwgY qw ieh soJI pwie ]7]
nadree aavdaa sabh kichh binsai, har saytee chit laa-ay.
satgur naal tayree bhaavnee laagai, taa ih sojhee paa-ay. ||7||
All that in seen shall perish, (so) focus your mind upon God; (but)
If you enshrine love for the True Guru, then you shall obtain this understanding. 7
eyhu jogu n hovY jogI ij kutMbu Coif prBvxu krih ] ayhu jog na hovai jogee, je kuta b chhod parbhavaṇ karahi.
This is not yoga, O! yogi, to abandon one’s family and wander around.
igRh srIr mih hir hir nwmu gur prswdI Apxw hir pRBu lhih ]8]
garih sareer meh har har naam, gur parsaadee apṇaa har prabh laheh. ||8||
The name of God, the Lord, is within the body-house; by the grace of the Guru (you shall) find
your God, the Lord. 8
iehu jgqu imtI kw puqlw jogI iesu mih rogu vfw iqRsnw mwieAw ]
ih jagat mitee kaa putlaa, jogee, is meh rog vadaa tarisnaa maa-i-aa.
This world is (i.e the people are) puppet of clay; O! yogi, (here) in this world, desire for maya is
the biggest (i.e. most terrible) disease.
Anyk jqn ByK kry jogI rogu n jwie gvwieAw ]9]
anayk jatan bhaykh karay, jogee, rog na jaa-ay gavaa-i-aa. ||9||
One may wear many sort of (religious) garbs (i.e. one may practice any sorts of religious rituals),
O! yogi, this disease is not cured. 9
hir kw nwmu AauKDu hY jogI ijs no mMin vswey ] har kaa naam a-ukhadh hai, jogee, jis no maNn vasaa-ay.
The name of God is the medicine, O! yogi, he (alone) enshrines within mind whom He leads to
(enshrine the name in his mind).
gurmuiK hovY soeI bUJY jog jugiq so pwey ]10] gurmukh hovai so-ee boojhai, jog jugat so paa-ay. ||10||
One, who becomes Guru-oriented, he alone understands it, and, he alone finds the way of
yoga. 10
jogY kw mwrgu ibKmu hY jogI ijs no ndir kry so pwey ] AMqir bwhir eyko vyKY ivchu Brmu cukwey ]11]
jogai kaa maarag bikham hai, jogee, jis no nadar karay so paa-ay.
aNtar baahar ayko vaykhai, vichahu bharam chukaa-ay. ||11||
The path of yoga is difficult, O! yogi, he alone finds it upon whom God bestows His grace;
Inside and outside, he sees One (Lord), (by) eliminating doubt from within (his mind). 11
ivxu vjweI ikMgurI vwjY jogI sw ikMgurI vjwie ] khY nwnku mukiq hovih jogI swcy rhih smwie ]12]1]10]
viṇ vajaa-ee kiNguree vaajai, jogee, saa kiNguree vajaa-ay.
kahai naanak, mukat hoveh, jogee, saachay raheh samaa-ay. ||12||1||10||
(So) play upon that harp, O! yogi, which resounds without playing;, and with this,
Says Nanak: you shall be liberated, O! yogi, and, remain merged in the True. 12.1.10

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3
Bgiq Kjwnw gurmuiK jwqw siqguir bUiJ buJweI ]1]
bhagat khajaanaa gurmukh jaataa, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||1||
The Guru-oriented (alone) has known (i.e. realized the value of) the treasure of devotion; the
True Guru has given understanding to understand (i.e. realize it). 1
sMqhu gurmuiK dyie vifAweI ]1] rhwau ] saNtahu, gurmukh day-ay vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, the Guru-oriented is bestowed with greatness (by God). 1 (pause)
sic rhhu sdw shju suKu aupjY kwmu k®oDu ivchu jweI ]2]
sach rahhu sadaa, sahj sukh upjai, kaam krodh vichahu jaa-ee. ||2||
(O! God-oriented persons) always remain (absorbed) in the True, poise and happiness shall
wells up, and, sexual desire and anger are dispelled from with (the mind). 2
Awpu Coif nwm ilv lwgI mmqw sbid jlweI ]3] aap chhod naam liv laagee, mamtaa sabad jalaa-ee. ||3||
Eradicating self-conceit, one gets in tuned with in name; and, ‘me and mine’ (i.e. attachment
and possessiveness) is burnt away through the word. 3
ijs qy aupjY iqs qy ibnsY AMqy nwmu sKweI ]4] jis tay upjai tis tay binsai, aNtay naam sakhaa-ee. ||4||
By whom it (i.e. we, the mortals) is created, by the same it is destroyed; in the end the name
(alone) will be its(i.e. our) support. 4
sdw hjUir dUir nh dyKhu rcnw ijin rcweI ]5] sadaa hajoor, door nah daykhhu, rachnaa jin rachaa-ee ||5||
He, who has created the creation, is ever present (right before us); don’t think He is far away. 5
scw sbdu rvY Gt AMqir scy isau ilv lweI ]6] sachaa sabad ravai ghat aNtar, sachay si-o liv laa-ee. ||6||
The True word abides within heart, (if) one is absorbed in the True. 6
sqsMgiq mih nwmu inrmolku vfY Bwig pwieAw jweI ]7]
satsaNgat meh naam nirmolak, vadai bhaag paa-i-aa jaa-ee. ||7||
The priceless name (of the Lord) is found in the true congregation; (but) it is obtained by
great fortune. 7
Brim n BUlhu siqguru syvhu mnu rwKhu iek TweI ]8]
bharam na bhoolahu satgur sayvhu, man raakho ik ṭaa-ee. ||8||
(O! brethren) do not be deluded by doubt, serve the True Guru, and, keep (your) mind
(stable) at one place. 8
ibnu nwvY sB BUlI iPrdI ibrQw jnmu gvweI ]9]
bin naavai sabh bhoolee firdee, birthaa janam gavaa-ee. ||9||
Without the name (of the Lord), all wander around (deluded by doubt), they are wasting away
their life in vain. 9
jogI jugiq gvweI hMFY pwKMif jogu n pweI ]10]
jogee jugat gavaa-ee, haNḍai, pakhaNd jog na paa-ee. ||10||
(O! God-oriented persons) the yogi has lost the way (of yoga) and, wanders around (in
delusion); the yog (i.e. union with the Lord) is not obtained though hypocrisy. 10
isv ngrI mih Awsix bYsY gur sbdI jogu pweI]11]
siv nagree meh aasaṇ baisai, gur sabdee jog paa-ee ||11||
One, who sits on the seat (of truth), in the City of God, through the word of the Guru, he
obtains yog (i.e. union with the Lord) . 11
Dwqur bwjI sbid invwry nwmu vsY min AweI ]12]

dhaatur baajee sabad nivaaray, naam vasai man aa-ee. ||12||
One gets rid of the game of wandering through the word (when) the name comes to dwell in
mind. 12
eyhu srIru srvru hY sMqhu iesnwnu kry ilv lweI ]13]
ayhu sareer sarvar hai, saNtahu, isnaan karay liv laa-ee. ||13||
This body is a pool (of immaculate water), O! God-oriented person, bathe in it and remain
absorbed (in the Lord). 13
nwim iesnwnu krih sy jn inrml sbdy mYlu gvweI ]14]
naam isnaan karahi, say jan nirmal, sabday mail gavaa-ee. ||14||
Those who bathe in (Amrit) name, are immaculate servants (of the Lord); they wash off their
filth through the word. 14
qRY gux Acyq nwmu cyqih nwhI ibnu nwvY ibnis jweI ]15]
tarai guṇ achayt, naam chayteh naahee, bin naavai binas jaa-ee. ||15||
Trapped in the three gunaas (i.e. qualities of maya), the fool, does not contemplate name,
without the name he is destroyed (i.e. wastes his life in vain).15
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRY mUriq iqRguix Brim BulweI ]16]
barahmaa bisan mahays tarai moorat, tariguṇ bharam bhulaa-ee. ||16||
The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv), is deluded in doubt of three gunaas. 16
gur prswdI iqRkutI CUtY cauQY pid ilv lweI ]17]
gur parsaadee tarikutee chhootai, cha-uthai pad liv laa-ee. ||17||
By the grace of Guru, the frown (i.e. impact of the three qualities of maya) is broken, and, one
is absorbed in the fourth (i.e. spiritual) state. 17
pMifq pVih piV vwdu vKwxih iqMnw bUJ n pweI ]18]
paNdit paṛeh paṛ vaad vakaaṇeh, tiNnaa boojh na paa-ee. ||18||
Pandit reads, and studying (the books), they describe the clashes, (hence) they cannot
understand (the fourth i.e. the spiritual state). 18
ibiKAw mwqy Brim Bulwey aupdysu khih iksu BweI ]19]
bikhi-aa maatay bharam bhulaa-ay, updays kaheh kis, bhaa-ee. ||19||
Intoxicated in poison (i.e. maya), they wander in doubt, who can they then tinstruct, O!
Bgq jnw kI aUqm bwxI juig juig rhI smweI ]20]
bhagat janaa kee ootam baṇee, jug jug rahee samaa-ee. ||20||
The word of devotee beings is supreme (i.e. sublime), it prevails throughout the Ages. 20
bwxI lwgY so giq pwey sbdy sic smweI ]21] baṇee laagai so gat paa-ay, sabday sach samaa-ee. ||21||
Those who are attached to the word, are liberated, and, through the word, they merge in the
True (Lord). 21
kwieAw ngrI sbdy Kojy nwmu nvM iniD pweI ]22]
kaa-i-aa nagree sabday khojay, naam navaN nidh paa-ee. ||22||
One, who searches the city of body, through the word, obtains the nine treasures of the
name (of the Lord). 22
mnsw mwir mnu shij smwxw ibnu rsnw ausqiq krweI ]23]

mansaa maar man sahj samaanaa, bin rasnaa ustat karaa-ee. ||23||
Conquering (i.e. subduing) desires, the mind is absorbed in ease; (then) one chants the praise,
(of the Lord) without tongue (i.e. even without speaking). 23
loiex dyiK rhy ibsmwdI icqu Aidsit lgweI ]24] lo-iṇ daykh rahay bismaadee, chit adisat lagaa-ee. ||24||
Beholding (the Lord) their (i.e. devotees’) eyes get wondered (i.e. get amazed), and, their mind
is absorbed in the Unseen (Lord). 24
Aidstu sdw rhY inrwlmu joqI joiq imlweI ]25] adisat sadaa rahai niraalam, jotee jot milaa-ee. ||25||
The Unseen (Lord) is forever unattached; and, they (i.e. devotees) merge their light in His
Light. 25
hau guru swlwhI sdw Awpxw ijin swcI bUJ buJweI ]26]
ha-o gur saalaahee sadaa aapnaa, jin saachee boojh bujhaa-ee. ||26||
I praise my Guru forever, who has got me to understand the true understanding (to unite
with the Lord). 26
nwnku eyk khY bynµqI nwvhu giq piq pweI ]27]2]11]
naanak, ayk kahai baynaNtee, naavhu gat pat paa-ee. ||27||2||11||
Nanak offers one prayer, (that) I may find liberation and honour through the name. 27.2.11

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3

hir kI pUjw dulµB hY sMqhu khxw kCU n jweI ]1]
har kee poojaa dulaMbh hai, saNtahu, kahṇaa kachhoo na jaa-ee. ||1||
It is hard to obtain worship of God, O! God-oriented persons, nothing can be said about it
(i.e. its mystery can not be described). 1
sMqhu gurmuiK pUrw pweI ] nwmo pUj krweI ]1] rhwau ]
saNtahu, gurmukh pooraa paa-ee. naamo pooj karaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, the Perfect (Lord) is found through the Guru;
He (i.e. Guru) gets one to worship (the Lord) through the name. 1 (pause)
hir ibnu sBu ikCu mYlw sMqhu ikAw hau pUj cVweI ]2]
har bin sabh kichh mailaa, saNtahu, ki-aa ha-o pooj chaṛaa-ee. ||2||
Without (the name of) God, everything is filthy, O! God-oriented persons, (then) what
offering should I place (before Him)? 2
hir swcy BwvY sw pUjw hovY Bwxw min vsweI ]3]
har saachay bhaavai, saa poojaa hovai, bhaaṇaa man vasaa-ee. ||3||
Whatever pleases the True Lord, (that alone) is worship; (so) enshrine His will in the mind. 3
pUjw krY sBu loku sMqhu mnmuiK Qwie n pweI ]4]
poojaa karai sabh lok, saNtahu, manmukh thaa-ay na paa-ee. ||4||
All the people worship (Him), O! God-oriented persons, (but, the worship of) the mind-
oriented is not accepted (in His court). 4
sbid mrY mnu inrmlu sMqhu eyh pUjw Qwie pweI ]5]
sabad marai, man nirmal, saNtahu, ayh poojaa thaa-ay paa-ee. ||5||
If one dies in the word his mind becomes immaculate, O! God-oriented persons, and, such
worship is accepted (in his court). 5
pivq pwvn sy jn swcy eyk sbid ilv lweI ]6] pavit paavan say jan saachay, ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||6||

Those servants (i.e. devotees of the Lord) are pious and pure, who are in tune with the word of
the One (Lord). 6
ibnu nwvY hor pUj n hovI Brim BulI lokweI ]7] bin naavai hor pooj na hovee, bharam bhulee lokaa-ee. ||7||
Without (the meditation upon) the name, there is no worship (of the Lord), the world wanders
deluded in doubt.7
gurmuiK Awpu pCwxY sMqhu rwm nwim ilv lweI ]8]
gurmukh aap pachhaaṇai, santahu, raam naam liv laa-ee. ||8||
The Guru-oriented realizes his own self, O! God-oriented persons, he is in tune with the name
of God. 8
Awpy inrmlu pUj krwey gur sbdI Qwie pweI ]9]
aapay nirmal pooj karaa-ay, gur sabdee thaa-ay paa-ee. ||9||
The Immaculate (Lord) Himself gets one to (perform) worship; and, through the word of
Guru, it is accepted (in His court). 9
pUjw krih pru ibiD nhI jwxih dUjY Bwie mlu lweI ]10]
poojaa karahi par bidh nahee jaaṇeh, doojai bhaa-ay mal laa-ee. ||10||
Those who worship, but do not know the way, in the love of duality, they attach filth (of
egotism to their minds). 10
gurmuiK hovY su pUjw jwxY Bwxw min vsweI ]11] gurmukh hovai so poojaa jaaṇai, bhaaṇaa man vasaa-ee. ||11||
One, who is Guru-oriented, knows what is (true) worship, and, he enshrines (God’s) will
within (his) mind. 11
Bwxy qy siB suK pwvY sMqhu AMqy nwmu sKweI ]12]
bhaaṇay tay sabh sukh paavai, saNtahu, aNtay naam sakhaa-ee. ||12||
Living in His will one obtains total happiness, O! God-oriented persons, and, in the end the
name shall be (his) help. 12
Apxw Awpu n pCwxih sMqhu kUiV krih vifAweI ]13]
apṇaa aap na pachhaaṇeh ,saNtahu, kooṛ karahi vadi-aa-ee. ||13||
One, who does not realize his own self, O! God-oriented persons, all his praise him falsely. 13
pwKMif kInY jmu nhI CofY lY jwsI piq gvweI ]14]
pakhaNd keenai jam nahee chhodai, lai jaasee pat gavaa-ee. ||14||
Those who practice hypocrisy, the messenger of death will not spare them; they are taken
away with disgrace. 14
ijn AMqir sbdu Awpu pCwxih giq imiq iqn hI pweI ]15]
jin aNtar sabad aap pachhaaṇeh, gat mit tin hee paa-ee. ||15||
Those, who have the word (enshrined) within, they understand themselves; and they find the
path of liberation.15
eyhu mnUAw suMn smwiD lgwvY joqI joiq imlweI ]16]
ayhu manoo-aa suNn samaadh lagaavai, jotee jot milaa-ee. ||16||
This mind enters in void-trance; and, they merge their light in the Light (of the Lord). 16
suix suix gurmuiK nwmu vKwxih sqsMgiq mylweI ]17]
suṇ suṇ gurmukh naam vakaaṇeh, satsaNgat maylaa-ee. ||17||
The Guru-oriented constantly listens to the name, and, chant it in the true congregation. 17
gurmuiK gwvY Awpu gvwvY dir swcY soBw pweI ]18]

gurmukh gaavai aap gavaavai, dar saachai sobhaa paa-ee. ||18||
The Guru-oriented sings (the praise of God), erases his self-conceit, and, obtains glory (i.e.
honour)at the door (i.e. in the court) of the True (Lord). 18
swcI bwxI scu vKwxY sic nwim ilv lweI ]19] saachee banee, sach vakhaanai, sach naam liv laa-ee. ||19||
They speak truth through the true word; and, they focus their mind on the name of the True. 19
BY BMjnu Aiq pwp inKMjnu myrw pRBu AMiq sKweI ]20]
bhai bhanjan, at paap nikhaNjan, mayraa prabh aNt sakhaa-ee. ||20||
My Lord is the destroyer of fears and the destroyer of great sins; in the end He is our help. 20
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip vrqY nwnk nwim vifAweI ]21]3]12]
sabh kichh aapay aap vartai naanak naam vadi-aa-ee. ||21||3||12||
Nanak (says): He Himself is everything, and, He Himself pervades (everywhere), glory (i.e
honour) is obtained through the name. 21.3.12

rwmklI mhlw 3 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3

hm kucl kucIl Aiq AiBmwnI imil sbdy mYlu auqwrI ]1]
ham kuchal kucheel, at abhimaanee, mil sabday mail utaaree. ||1||
(O! God-oriented persons) we are maligned and filthy, very proud; receiving the word (of the
Guru), we got the dirt (of our sins) washed off. 1
sMqhu gurmuiK nwim insqwrI ]scw nwmu visAw Gt AMqir krqY Awip svwrI ]1] rhwau ]
saNtahu, gurmukh naam nistaaree.
sachaa naam vasi-aa ghat aNtar, kartai aap savaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, through the Guru, one is saved through the name (of the Lord).
When the True name aides within our hearts, the Creator Himself embellishes us. 1 (pause)
pwrs prsy iPir pwrsu hoey hir jIau ApxI ikrpw DwrI ]2]
paaras parsay, fir paaras ho-ay, har jee-o apṇee kirpaa dhaaree. ||2||
Those upon whom dear God bestowed His mercy, touching the paaras (i.e. the Guru), they
themselves (too) becomes paaras. 2 [* imaginary “philosopher’s stone” with all magical powers].
ieik ByK krih iPrih AiBmwnI iqn jUAY bwjI hwrI ]3]
ik bhaykh karahi, fireh abhimaanee, tin joo-ai baajee haaree. ||3||
Some just show (religious) garb (i.e. show pretension), and wander around in pride (to deceive
people), they have (in fact) waste their game (of life) in gamble (i.e. in vain). 3
ieik Anidnu Bgiq krih idnu rwqI rwm nwmu auir DwrI ]4]
ik an-din bhagat karahi din raatee, raam naam ur dhaaree. ||4||
(On the other hand) some worship (the Lord), day and night, and, keep the name of God
enshrined in their hearts. 4
Anidnu rwqy shjy mwqy shjy haumY mwrI ]5] an-din raatay, sehjay maatay, sehjay ha-umai maaree. ||5||
(Those) imbued with His love, day and night, are intoxicated with Him in ease, conquer their
ego, in ease. 5
BY ibnu Bgiq n hoeI kb hI BY Bwie Bgiq svwrI ]6]
bhai bin bhagat na ho-ee kab hee, bhai bhaa-ay bhagat savaaree. ||6||
There can never be devotion without the fear (of God);devotion performed in fear and love
(of God), embellishes (the life). 6
mwieAw mohu sbid jlwieAw igAwin qiq bIcwrI ]7]
maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-i-aa, gi-aan tat beechaaree. ||7||
Those who have burnt attachment to maya through the word (of the Guru), they contemplate
the essence of (spiritual) knowledge. 7
Awpy Awip krwey krqw Awpy bKis BMfwrI ]8] aapay aap karaa-ay kartaa, aapay bakhas bha daaree. ||8||
The Creator Himself gets us to perform (meditation), and, He Himself blesses the treasures
(of meditation). 8
iqs ikAw guxw kw AMqu n pwieAw hau gwvw sbid vIcwrI ]9]
tis ki-aa guṇaa kaa aNt na paa-i-aa, ha-o gaavaa sabad veechaaree. ||9||
No one can find the limits of His excellences, (that is why) I contemplate (His) word and sing
(His) praise. 9
hir jIau jpI hir jIau swlwhI ivchu Awpu invwrI ]10]
har jee-o japee har jee-o saalaahee, vichahu aap nivaaree. ||10||
Eradicating ego from within me, I meditate upon my Dear God, praise my Dear God. 10
nwmu pdwrQu gur qy pwieAw AKut scy BMfwrI ]11]
naam padaarath gur tay paa-i-aa, akhut sachay bhaNdaaree. ||11||
I have obtained the wealth of name from the Guru; and, the treasures of the True (Lord) are
inexhaustible. 11
ApixAw Bgqw no Awpy quTw ApxI ikrpw kir kl DwrI ]12]
apṇi-aa bhagtaa no aapay tuṭaa, apṇee kirpaa kar kal dhaaree. ||12||
He Himself is pleased with His devotees; and, being graceful, He has places His strength (in
them). 12
iqn swcy nwm kI sdw BuK lwgI gwvin sbid vIcwrI ]13]
tin saachay naam kee sadaa bhukh laagee, gaavan sabad veechaaree. ||13||
They always feel hunger for the name of True; and, they sing and contemplate the word. 13
jIau ipMfu sBu ikCu hY iqs kw AwKxu ibKmu bIcwrI ]14]
jee-o piNd sabh kichh hai tis kaa, aakhaṇ bikham beechaaree. ||14||
Soul, body and everything belong to Him, it is difficult to speak of and contemplate Him. 14
sbid lgy syeI jn insqry Baujlu pwir auqwrI ]15]
sabad lagay say-ee jan nistaray, bha-ojal paar utaaree. ||15||
The (devotees) who are attached to the word, those servants (devotees) are saved; they cross
over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 15
ibnu hir swcy ko pwir n pwvY bUJY ko vIcwrI ]16]
bin har saachay, ko paar na paavai, boojhai ko veechaaree. ||16||
Without the True Lord, no one can get one cross over (the world ocean); rare are those who
contemplate it. 16
jo Duir iliKAw soeI pwieAw imil hir sbid svwrI ]17]
jo dhur likhi-aa, so-ee paa-i-aa, mil har sabad savaaree. ||17||
One obtains whatever is preordained; attaching to the word of God, we are embellished. 17
kwieAw kMcnu sbdy rwqI swcY nwie ipAwrI ]18]
kaa-i-aa kaNchan sabday raatee, saachai naa-ay pi-aaree. ||18||

That body becomes golden which is imbued with the word, and, loves the name of the True. 18
kwieAw AMimRiq rhI BrpUry pweIAY sbid vIcwrI ]19]
kaa-i-aa aMmrit rahee bharpooray, paa-ee-ai sabad veechaaree. ||19||
(Imbued with the word of the True) the body is filled to overflowing with AMmrit, (and this
AMmrit) is obtained by contemplating the word. 19
jo pRBu Kojih syeI pwvih hoir PUit mUey AhMkwrI ]20]
jo parabh khojeh, say-ee paavahi, hor foot moo-ay ahaMkaaree. ||20||
Those who seek God, find Him; others get shattered and die from their own self-conceit. 20
bwdI ibnsih syvk syvih gur kY hyiq ipAwrI ]21] baadee binsahi, sayvak sayveh, gur kai hayt pi-aaree ||21||
The debaters perish away, (while) the servants serve (the Lord), through the Guru with love
and affection. 21
so jogI qqu igAwnu bIcwry haumY iqRsnw mwrI ]22]
so jogee, tat gi-aan beechaaray, ha-umai tarisnaa maaree. ||22||
He alone is a yogi who conquers ego and desires and contemplates the knowledge of reality. 22
siqguru dwqw iqnY pCwqw ijs no ik®pw qumwrI ]23]
satgur daataa, tinai pachhaataa, jis no kirpaa tumaaree.||23||
They alone have recognized the True Guru, the Giver, upon whom You (O! Lord) blessed
with Your grace. 23
siqguru n syvih mwieAw lwgy fUib mUey AhMkwrI ]24]
satgur na sayveh, maa-i-aa laagay, doob moo-ay ahaMkaaree. ||24||
Those who do not serve the True Guru, are attached to maya, they drown in (the ocean of)
egotism and die. 24
ijcru AMdir swsu iqcru syvw kIcY jwie imlIAY rwm murwrI ]25]
jichar aNdar saas, tichar sayvaa keechai, jaa-ay milee-ai raam muraaree. ||25||
As long as there is breath, we should serve Him (O! brethren), (this way) one goes and meets
(i.e. united with) the Destroyer of the Demons (i.e. God). 25
Anidnu jwgq rhY idnu rwqI Apny ipRA pRIiq ipAwrI ]26]
an-din jaagat rahai din raatee, apnay pari-a pareet pi-aaree. ||26||
One, who has loving devotion for one’s Beloved, remains awake day and night. 26
qnu mnu vwrI vwir GumweI Apny gur ivthu bilhwrI ]27]
tan man vaaree, vaar ghumaa-ee, apnay gur vitahu balihaaree. ||27||
I offer my mind and body (unto my Guru), I am a sacrifice; I am a sacrifice unto my Guru. 27
mwieAw mohu ibnis jwiegw aubry sbid vIcwrI ]28]
maa-i-aa moh binas jaa-igaa, ubray sabad veechaaree.||28||
Attachment for maya will vanish away; (only by) contemplating the word, one will be saved. 28
Awip jgwey syeI jwgy gur kY sbid vIcwrI ]29] aap jagaa-ay say-ee jaagay, gur kai sabad veechaaree ||29||
They (alone) are awake, whom He Himself awakens; they contemplate Him through the
word of the Guru. 29
nwnk syeI mUey ij nwmu n cyqih Bgq jIvy vIcwrI ]30]4]13]
naanak, say-ee moo-ay, je naam na chayteh, bhagat jeevay veechaaree. ||30||4||13||
Nanak (says): Those who do not remember His name, are (spiritually) dead; contemplating
(the word) the devotees live (forever). 30.4.13
rwmklI mhlw 3 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3
nwmu Kjwnw gur qy pwieAw iqRpiq rhy AwGweI ]1]
naam khajaanaa gur tay paa-i-aa, taripat rahay aaghaa-ee. ||1||
The treasure of name is obtained from the Guru; (those who are blessed with the name) are
satisfied and satiated (from the desires of maya).
sMqhu gurmuiK mukiq giq pweI ] eyku nwmu visAw Gt AMqir pUry kI vifAweI ]1] rhwau ]
saNtahu, gurmukh mukat gat paa-ee.
ayk naam vasi-aa ghat aNtar, pooray kee vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, the Guru-oriented has attained the (sublime) state of liberation.
The name of the One (Lord) abides within his heart, such is the greatness of the perfect
(Guru). 1 (pause)
Awpy krqw Awpy Bugqw dydw irjku sbweI ]2]
aapay kartaa, aapay bhugtaa, daydaa rijak sabaa-ee. ||2||
He Himself is the Creator, Himself is the Enjoyer, He Himself gives sustenance to all. 2
jo ikCu krxw so kir rihAw Avru n krxw jweI ]3]
jo kichh karṇaa, so kar rahi-aa, avar na karṇaa jaa-ee. ||3||
Whatever He wants to do, (that) He is doing, no one else can do anything. 3
Awpy swjy isRsit aupwey isir isir DMDY lweI ]4] aapay saajay sarisat upaa-ay, sir sir dhaNdhai laa-ee. ||4||
He Himself creates and fashions the creation, and, attaches every person to their task. 4
iqsih sryvhu qw suKu pwvhu siqguir myil imlweI ]5]
tiseh sarayvhu, taa sukh paavhu, satgur mayl milaa-ee. ||5||
If you serve Him, then you will find happiness; the True Guru will unite you in union. 5
Awpxw Awpu Awip aupwey AlKu n lKxw jweI ]6] aapnaa aap aap upaa-ay, alakh na lakh-ṇaa jaa-ee. ||6||
He Himself creates Himself, the Unseen (Lord) cannot be seen. 6
Awpy mwir jIvwly Awpy iqs no iqlu n qmweI ]7] aapay maar, jeevaalay aapay, tis no til na tamaa-ee. ||7||
He Himself kills, and then, brings back to life, He does not have even an iota of greed. 7
ieik dwqy ieik mMgqy kIqy Awpy Bgiq krweI ]8] ik daatay ik ma gtay keetay, aapay bhagat karaa-ee. ||8||
Some are made the givers, and some are made beggars (by Him); (similarly, God has kept some
people bereft of meditation, and) to some, He Himself has attached to devotion. 8
sy vfBwgI ijnI eyko jwqw scy rhy smweI ]9]
say vadbhaagee, jinee ayko jaataa, sachay rahay samaa-ee. ||9||
Fortunate are those who know (i.e have realized) only the One (Lord); they remain absorbed
in the True. 9
Awip srUpu isAwxw Awpy kImiq khxu n jweI]10] aap saroop, si-aaṇaa aapay, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee ||10||
He (i.e. God) Himself is beautiful, He Himself is wise; His worth can not be expressed. 10
Awpy duKu suKu pwey AMqir Awpy Brim BulweI ]11]
aapay dukh sukh paa-ay aNtar, aapay bharam bhulaa-ee. ||11||
He Himself imparts pain and pleasure, and, He Himself gets one to stray in doubt. 11
vfw dwqw gurmuiK jwqw ingurI AMD iPrY lokweI ]12]
vadaa daataa, gurmukh jaataa, niguree aNdh firai lokaa-ee. ||12||

The great Giver is known through the Guru; and, without the Guru the world wanders in
blindness (i.e. ignorance). 12
ijnI cwiKAw iqnw swdu AwieAw siqguir bUJ buJweI ]13]
jinee chaakhi-aa, tinaa saad aa-i-aa, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||13||
Those who have tasted (the essence of the name of the Lord), have enjoyed its flavour (i.e. its
pleasure); the True Guru has imparted them this understanding. 13
ieknw nwvhu Awip Bulwey ieknw gurmuiK dyie buJweI ]14]
iknaa naavhu aap bhulaa-ay, iknaa gurmukh day-ay bujhaa-ee. ||14||
He Himself caused some to forget (to meditate upon) the name, and, through the Guru some
are imparted understanding (to meditate upon the name). 14
sdw sdw swlwihhu sMqhu iqs dI vfI vifAweI ]15]
sadaa sadaa saalaahihu, saNtahu, tis dee vadee vadi-aa-ee. ||15||
Forever and ever praise Him, O! God-oriented persons; great is His greatness! 15
iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI rwjw kir qpwvsu bxq bxweI ]16]
tis bin avar na ko-ee raajaa, kar tapaavas baṇat baṇaa-ee. ||16||
There is no other King except Him; having administered justice, He (Himself) has
established this structure (of righteousness). 16
inAwau iqsY kw hY sd swcw ivrly hukmu mnweI ]17]
ni-aa-o tisai kaa hai sad saachaa, virlay hukam manaa-ee. ||17||
His justice is always true; and, rare are those who obey His command. 17
iqs no pRwxI sdw iDAwvhu ijin gurmuiK bxq bxweI ]18]
tis no, paraaṇee, sadaa dhi-aavahu, jin gurmukh baṇat baṇaa-ee. ||18||
O! mortal beings, meditate forever upon Him, who established this system, through the
Guru. 18
siqgur BytY so jnu sIJY ijsu ihrdY nwmu vsweI ]19]
satgur bhaytai, so jan seejhai, jis hirdai naam vasaa-ee. ||19||
One who meets the True Guru, he (i.e. the Guru) enshrines the name (of the Lord) within his
heart, and, that servant (i.e. devotee) succeeds (in his life). 19
scw Awip sdw hY swcw bwxI sbid suxweI ]20] sachaa aap, sadaa hai saachaa, baṇee sabad suṇaa-ee ||20||
The True (Lord) Himself is forever True (i.e. eternal); He pronounces His speech (i.e.
command) through the word. 20
nwnk suix vyiK rihAw ivsmwdu myrw pRBu rivAw sRb QweI ]21]5]14]
naanak, suṇ vaykh rahi-aa vismaad, mayraa parabh ravi-aa sarab thaa-ee. ||21||5||14||
Nanak (says): I am wonder-struck, hearing and beholding; my Lord is pervading all and
everywhere. 21.5.14

rwmklI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
iknhI kIAw privriq pswrw ] kinhee kee-aa, parvirat pasaaraa.

Some establish expanse of worldly dispositions.
iknhI kIAw pUjw ibsQwrw ] kinhee kee-aa, poojaa bisthaaraa.
Some make a display of (ritual) worshipping.
iknhI invl BuieAMgm swDy ] kinhee, nival bhu-i-aNgam saadhay.
Some practice techniques of nival* bhuingam** (i.e. inner-cleaning and breath controlling).
[*Nival/ Niulee (nauli) is a practice of Hath Yoga. The exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region - digestive
organs, small intestine and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the abdominal muscles. There
are four variations of this practice: 1. madhyana nauli: the isolated contraction of the central muscles of the abdominis; 2. vama nauli:
the isolated contraction of the left part of the central muscles of the abdomen; 3.daksina nauli: the isolated contraction of the right part
of the central muscles of the abdomen; 4.nauli kriya: the circular movement of the central muscles of the abdomen].
[**Kuṇḍalin, literally means: circular, annular. It does occur as a noun for a snake (in the sense of ‘coiled’, as in
‘forming ringlets’. According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingalaa and Ira,
and a hollow canal called Sushumnaa running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the
Yogis call the ‘lotus of the Kundalinil. They describe it as triangular in form in which, in their views, there is a power
called the Kundalini, coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes, it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and
as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and all the different visions and wonderful
powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain, the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds
itself free. The yogis have several such austere practices. Sikhism rejects their value in spiritual path].
moih dIn hir hir AwrwDy ]1] mohi deen, har har aaraadhay. ||1||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) adore (only) God, the Lord. 1
qyrw Brosw ipAwry ] Awn n jwnw vysw ]1] rhwau ]
tayraa bharosaa pi-aaray. aan na jaanaa vaysaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I place faith in You (alone), O! my Beloved (Lord) .
I do not know any other garb (i.e. any other path). 1 (pause)
iknhI igRhu qij vx KMif pwieAw ] kinhee, garihu taj van khaNd paa-i-aa.
Some abandon their home, and, live in the forest zones.
iknhI moin AauDUqu sdwieAw ] kinhee, mon a-udhoot sadaa-i-aa.
Some call themselves silent (ascetics) and recluse.
koeI khqau Anµin BgauqI ] ko-ee kahta-o, anNan bhag-utee.
Some call themselves as worshipper of One alone (i.e. monotheist).
moih dIn hir hir Et lIqI ]2] mohi deen, har har ot leetee. ||2||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) have sought the support of (only) God, the Lord. 2
iknhI kihAw hau qIrQ vwsI ] kinhee kahi-aa, ha-o tirath vaasee.
Some say that they live at place of pilgrimage.
koeI AMnu qij BieAw audwsI ] ko-ee, aNn taj, bha-i-aa udaasee.
Some give up eating food and become ascetics.
iknhI Bvnu sB DrqI kirAw ] kinhee, bhavan sabh dhartee kari-aa.
Some have wandered throughout the earth (i.e. world).
moih dIn hir hir dir pirAw ]3] mohi deen, har har dar pari-aa. ||3||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) have fallen at the door of God, the Lord. 3
iknhI kihAw mY kulih vifAweI ] kinhee kahi-aa, mai kuleh vadi-aa-ee.
Some say: ‘I have glory of belonging to a renowned (i.e. noble) family’.
iknhI kihAw bwh bhu BweI ] kinhee kahi-aa baah baho bhaa-ee.
Some say they have many brothers and arms (i.e. supporters).
koeI khY mY Dnih pswrw ] ko-ee kahai mai dhaneh pasaaraa.
Some say that they have great expanse of wealth.
moih dIn hir hir AwDwrw ]4] mohi deen har har aadhaaraa. ||4||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee), have the support of God, the Lord. 4
iknhI GUGr inriq krweI ] kinhee ghooghar nirat karaa-ee.
Some dances wearing ankle bells.
iknhU vrq nym mwlw pweI ] kinhoo varat naym maalaa paa-ee.
Some (undertake) fast rites and wearing rosary.
iknhI iqlku gopI cMdn lwieAw ] kinhee tilak gopee chaNdan laa-i-aa.
Some apply (ceremonial) mark of Gopi Chandan* (on their foreheads).
[*Gopi-Chandan is name given to clay from Dvaraka (a town in Gujrat)].
moih dIn hir hir hir iDAwieAw ]5] mohi deen har har har dhi-aa-i-aa. ||5||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) mediate upon God, the Lord, the Master. 5
iknhI isD bhu cytk lwey ] kinhee sidh baho chaytak laa-ay.
Some played miraculous spells and performed many spectacles.
iknhI ByK bhu Qwt bnwey ] kinhee bhaykh baho thaat banaa-ay.
Someone wore various (religious) robes and established (centres of) authority.
iknhI qMq mMq bhu Kyvw ] kinhee taNt maNt baho khayvaa.
Some played magic spells and chanted lot of dictums.
moih dIn hir hir hir syvw ]6] mohi deen har har har sayvaa. ||6||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) serve God, the Lord, the Master. 6
koeI cquru khwvY pMifq ] ko-ee chatur kahaavai paNdit.
Some calls (i.e. claim) himself to be a clever pandit (i.e. learned person).
ko Ktu krm sihq isau mMifq ] ko khat karam* sahit si-o maNdit.
Some remains decorated with (i.e. engaged in performance of) the six rites*.
[*Khat Karam, literally six actions, are those six rituals which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and impart
education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manu (Manusmriti)
these six are: study of vedas, tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of Guru. Still another
version is: jaap (recitation of scripture), hoam (burning offerings), sandhya (twilight prayers), ishnaan (abulation
bath), atithi pooja (serving and entertaining the guests), daan punn (to give alms)].
koeI krY Awcwr sukrxI ] ko-ee karai aachaar sukarnee.
Some conducts good deeds (i.e. have noble life-style).
moih dIn hir hir hir srxI ]7] mohi deen har har har sarṇee. ||7||
(But) I, the poor (i.e. humble devotee) seek the refuge of God, the Lord, the Master. 7
sgly krm Drm jug soDy ] ibnu nwvY iehu mnu n pRboDy ]
saglay karam dharam jug sodhay. bin naavai ih man na parbodhay.
I have studied the religious and rituals of all the Ages;
(but) without the name of God, this mind is not awakened
khu nwnk jau swDsMgu pwieAw ] bUJI iqRsnw mhw sIqlwieAw ]8]1]
kaho naanak, ja-o saadhsaNg paa-i-aa. boojhee tarisnaa, mahaa seetlaa-i-aa. ||8||1||
Says Nanak: when I found the company of the God-oriented person,
my thirst (of desires) was extinguished (i.e. satiated) and I was totally cooled. 8.1

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
iesu pwnI qy ijin qU GirAw ] mwtI kw ly dyhurw kirAw ]
is paanee tay, jin too ghari-aa. maatee kaa lay, dayhuraa kari-aa.
He, who created you out of this (drop of) water (i.e. semen of father); and,
from clay (i.e. five elements) He fashioned your body.
aukiq joiq lY suriq prIiKAw ] ukat jot lai surat pareekhi-aa.
(He, then) blessed (you with) wisdom, light (i.e. life) and consciousness of reasoning.
mwq grB mih ijin qU rwiKAw ]1] maat garabh meh, jin too raakhi-aa. ||1||
He, who preserved (and protected) you in your mother's womb. 1
rwKnhwru smHwir jnw ] sgly Coif bIcwr mnw ]1] rhwau ]
raakhanhaar samhaar, janaa. saglay chhod beechaar, manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember your Saviour, O! man; and, give up all other thoughts, O! (my) mind. 1 (pause)
ijin dIey quDu bwp mhqwrI] ijin dIey BRwq puq hwrI] ijin dIey quDu binqw Aru mIqw] iqsu Twkur kau riK lyhu cIqw ]2]
jin dee-ay tudh, baap mehtaaree. jin dee-ay, bharaat put haaree.
jin dee-ay tudh, banitaa ar meeta.a tis ṭaakur ka-o, rakh layho cheetaa. ||2||
He, who gave you mother and father; He, who gave you brothers, beloved sons;
He, who gave you wife and friends; enshrine that Lord in your mind. 2
ijin dIAw quDu pvnu Amolw ] ijin dIAw quDu nIru inrmolw ]
ijin dIAw quDu pwvku blnw ] iqsu Twkur kI rhu mn srnw ]3]
jin dee-aa tudh, pavan amolaa. jin dee-aa tudh, neer nirmola.
jin dee-aa tudh, paavak balnaa. tis ṭaakur kee, rahu man sarnaa. ||3||
He, who gave you invaluable air; He, who gave you priceless water;
He, who gave you wood and fire to burn; O! (my) mind, remain in the refuge of that Lord. 3
CqIh AMimRq ijin Bojn dIey ] AMqir Qwn Thrwvn kau kIey ]
bsuDw dIE brqin blnw ] iqsu Twkur ky iciq rKu crnw ]4]
chhateeh aMmrit jin bhojan dee-ay. aNtar thaan ṭehraavan ka-o kee-ay.
basudhaa dee-o, bartan balnaa. tis ṭaakur kay, chit rakh charnaa. ||4||
He gave you thirty-six (i.e. so many) AMmrit (varieties) of food (to eat);
He gave you place within to hold them (i.e. the food);
He gave you earth and (so many other) things to use;
enshrine the feet of that Lord within your mind. 4
pyKn kau nyqR sunn kau krnw ] hsq kmwvn bwsn rsnw]
crn cln kau isru kIno myrw ] mn iqsu Twkur ky pUjhu pYrw ]5]
paykhan ka-o naytar, sunan ka-o karnaa. hasat kamaavan, baasan rasnaa.
charan chalan ka-o, sir keeno mayraa. man, tis ṭaakur kay, poojahu pairaa. ||5||
He gave you eyes to see and ears to hear;
He gave you hands to earn (i.e. to do work), nose (to smell) and tongue (to taste);
He gave feet to walk upon and made head as supreme;
O! (my) mind, worship the feet of that Lord. 5
ApivqR pivqRü ijin qU kirAw ] sgl join mih qU isir DirAw ]
apvitar, pavitar jin too kari-aa. sagal jon meh, too sir dhari-aa.
He, who transformed you from impure to pure; and,
placed you above and head of all the creatures
Ab qU sIJu BwvY nhI sIJY ] kwrju svrY mn pRBu iDAweIjY ]6]
ab too seejh, bhaavai nahee seejhai. kaaraj savrai, man prabh dhi-aa-eejai. ||6||
Now (it is up to you that) you may fulfill (your destiny) or may not fulfill;
(but) O! (my) mind, (do not forget that) matter is settled (i.e. purpose is accomplished) by
meditating upon God. 6
eIhw aUhw eykY EhI ] jq kq dyKIAY qq qq qohI ]
eehaa oohaa, aykai ohee. jat kat daykhee-ai, tat tat tohee.
Here and hereafter, only the One (pervades);
wherever I look, (O! Lord) there and then You are.
iqsu syvq min Awlsu krY ] ijsu ivsirAY iek inmK n srY ]7]
tis sayvat, man aalas karai. jis visri-ai, ik nimakh na sarai. ||7||
(He has given so much, but, still) the mind is lazy (i.e. reluctant) to serve Him;
forgetting whom, one can not live even for a while. 7
hm AprwDI inrgunIAwry ] nw ikCu syvw nw krmwry ]
ham apraadhee nirgunee-aaray. naa kichh sayvaa, naa karmaaray.
We are the sinner, (and we are) without any virtue;
nor have we any service or do good deeds (to our credit).
guru boihQu vfBwgI imilAw ] nwnk dws sMig pwQr qirAw ]8]2]
gur bohith, vadbhaagee mili-aa. naanak, daas saNg paathar tari-aa. ||8||2||
By good fortune, we have found Guru, the boat (to carry us across the world ocean);
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): This stone has swum across with him (i.e. the Guru). 8.2

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

kwhU ibhwvY rMg rs rUp ] kaahoo bihaavai, raNg ras roop.
Some pass their lives in pleasures, love and beauty.
kwhU ibhwvY mwie bwp pUq ] kaahoo bihaavai, maa-ay baap poot.
Some pass their lives with their mother, father, sons (i.e. children).
kwhU ibhwvY rwj imlK vwpwrw ] kaahoo bihaavai, raaj milakh vaapaaraa.
Some pass their lives in power, estate and trade.
sMq ibhwvY hir nwm ADwrw ]1] saNt bihaavai, har naam adhaaraa. ||1||
(But) the God-oriented persons pass their lives, with the support of the name of God. 1
rcnw swcu bnI ] sB kw eyku DnI ]1] rhwau ]
rachnaa saach banee. sabh kaa ayk dhanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The world is the creation of the True (Lord);
The One (alone) is the Lord of all. 1 (pause)
kwhU ibhwvY byd Aru bwid ] kaahoo bihaavai, bayd ar baad.
Some pass their lives in Vedas (i.e. studying books of knowledge) and in debates.
kwhU ibhwvY rsnw swid ] kaahoo bihaavai, rasnaa saad.
Some pass their lives in (enjoying) the flavours of tongue.
kwhU ibhwvY lpit sMig nwrI ] kaahoo bihaavai, lapat saNg naaree.

Some pass their lives clinging to woman (i.e. indulging in sexual pleasure).
sMq rcy kyvl nwm murwrI ]2] saNt rachay, kayval naam muraaree. ||2||
(But) the God-oriented persons remain absorbed in (meditation upon) the name of the
Destroyer of Demons (i.e. God). 2
kwhU ibhwvY Kylq jUAw ] kaahoo bihaavai, khaylat joo-aa.
Some pass their lives gambling.
kwhU ibhwvY AmlI hUAw ] kaahoo bihaavai, amlee hoo-aa.
Some pass their lives in opium addiction (i.e. addiction of drugs).
kwhU ibhwvY pr drb cuorwey ] kaahoo bihaavai, par darab choraa-ay.
Some pass their lives in stealing the property of others.
hir jn ibhwvY nwm iDAwey ]3] har jan bihaavai naam dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
(But) the servants (i.e. devotees) of God pass their lives in meditation upon the name of God. 3
kwhU ibhwvY jog qp pUjw ] kaahoo bihaavai, jog tap poojaa.
Some pass their lives is (practices of) yoga, austerity and (ritual) worship.
kwhU rog sog BrmIjw ] kaahoo, rog sog bharmeejaa.
Some pass their lives in sickness, sorrow and doubt
kwhU pvn Dwr jwq ibhwey ] kaahoo, pavan dhaar jaat bihaa-ay.
Some pass their lives in (practice of) controlling their breath.
sMq ibhwvY kIrqnu gwey ]4] saNt bihaavai, keertan gaa-ay. ||4||
(But) the God-oriented persons pass their lives singing the praise (of the Lord). 4
kwhU ibhwvY idnu rYin cwlq ] kaahoo bihaavai, din rain chaalat.
Some pass their lives in walking (i.e. wandering), day and night.
kwhU ibhwvY so ipVu mwlq ] kaahoo bihaavai, so piṛ maalat.
Some pass their lives in holding the ground (in arena, in sports fields).
kwhU ibhwvY bwl pVwvq ] kaahoo bihaavai baal paṛaavat.
Some pass their lives in teaching children.
sMq ibhwvY hir jsu gwvq ]5] saNt bihaavai har jas gaavat. ||5||
(But) the God-oriented persons pass their lives singing the praise of the Lord. 5
kwhU ibhwvY nt nwitk inrqy ] kaahoo bihaavai, nat naatik nirtay.
Some pass their lives in acting in plays and in dancing
kwhU ibhwvY jIAw ieh ihrqy ] kaahoo bihaavai, jee-aa-ih hirtay.
Some pass their life in stealing from (i.e. stealing wealth of) other.
kwhU ibhwvY rwj mih frqy ] kaahoo bihaava,i raaj meh dartay.
Some pass their lives in fear of the state.
sMq ibhwvY hir jsu krqy ]6] saNt bihaavai, har jas kartay. ||6||
(But) the God-oriented persons pass their lives chanting the praise of God. 6
kwhU ibhwvY mqw msUriq ] kaahoo bihaavai, mataa masoorat.
Some pass their lives counselling and advising.
kwhU ibhwvY syvw jrUriq ] kaahoo bihaavai, sayvaa jaroorat.
Some pass their lives in service of (fulfilment of) the necessities.
kwhU ibhwvY soDq jIvq ] kaahoo bihaavai, sodhat jeevat.
Some pass their lives in exploring (the mystery of) life.
sMq ibhwvY hir rsu pIvq ]7] saNt bihaavai, har ras peevat. ||7||
(But) the God-oriented persons pass their lives drinking in the essence of (the name of) God. 7
ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lgwnw ] nw ko mUVu nhI ko isAwnw ]
jit ko laa-i-aa, tit hee lagaanaa. naa ko mooṛ, nahee ko si-aanaa.
Wherever God attaches one, so is he attached; no one is foolish, no one is wise (in himself).
kir ikrpw ijsu dyvY nwau ] nwnk qw kY bil bil jwau ]8]3]
kar kirpaa jis dayvai naa-o. naanak, taa kai bal bal jaa-o. ||8||3||
Those, whom He bestows His name in His kindness,
Nanank (says): I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto him. 8.3

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

dwvw Agin rhy hir bUt ] daavaa agan, rahay har boot.
(Even) in a forest fire, some plants (still) remain green (i.e. escape getting burnt/ destroyed).
mwq grB sMkt qy CUt ] maat garabh, saNkat tay chhoot.
(The baby) is released from the sufferings of the mother's womb.
jw kw nwmu ismrq Bau jwie ] qYsy sMq jnw rwKY hir rwie ]1]
jaa kaa naam simrat, bha-o jaa-ay. taisay, saNt janaa raakhai, har raa-ay. ||1||
As, remembering His name fear is dispelled;
just so, the Sovereign Lord protects the God-oriented persons. 1
Aysy rwKnhwr dieAwl ] jq kq dyKau qum pRiqpwl ]1] rhwau ]
aisay raakhanhaar da-i-aal. jat kat daykh-a-u, tum partipaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord, You are) such a merciful protector.
Wherever I look, You are cherishing (everyone). 1 (pause)
jlu pIvq ijau iqKw imtMq ] Dn ibgsY igRih Awvq kMq ] loBI kw Dnu pRwx ADwru ] iqau hir jn hir hir nwm ipAwru ]2]
jal peevat, ji-o tikhaa mitaNt. dhan bigsai, garihi aavat kaNt.
lobhee kaa, dhan paraaṇ adhaar. ti-o har jan, har har naam pi-aar. ||2||
As thirst is quenched by drinking water;
as the wife blossoms, when her husband comes home;
as wealth is the support of life for a greedy;
just do, the servants (i.e. devotees) of God love the name of God. 2
ikrswnI ijau rwKY rKvwlw ] mwq ipqw dieAw ijau bwlw ]
pRIqmu dyiK pRIqmu imil jwie ] iqau hir jn rwKY kMiT lwie ]3]
kirsaanee, ji-o raakhai rakhvaalaa. maat pitaa, da-i-aa ji-o baalaa.
pareetam daykh, pareetam mil jaa-ay. ti-o har jan raakhai kaNṭ laa-ay. ||3||
As a farmer protects his crop; as mother and father show compassion to their children;
as beloveds seeing their beloved merge (in each other);
just so, God keeps His servants (i.e. devotees) close in His embrace. 3
ijau AMDuly pyKq hoie Anµd ] gUMgw bkq gwvY bhu CMd ]
ipMgul prbq prqy pwir ] hir kY nwim sgl auDwir ]4]
ji-o aNdhulay, paykhat ho-ay anaNd. gooNgaa bakat, gaavai baho chhaNd.
piNgul parbat partay paar. har kai naam sagal udhaar. ||4||
As a blind one is in ecstasy on seeing (i.e. as a blind person will be in ecstasy on getting his eye-sight);
as a mute, when speaks (he is able to speak), sings lot of songs;
as a cripple (when he becomes capable of walking) crosses over the mountain;
just so, the name of God liberated all. 4
ijau pwvk sMig sIq ko nws ] Aysy pRwCq sMqsMig ibnws ]
ji-o paavak saNg, seet ko naas. aisay paraachhat, saNtsaNg binaas.
As cold is destroyed (i.e. finished/ dispelled) by (the heat of) fire;
so are the sins destroyed (i.e. dispelled) in the company of the God-oriented persons.
ijau swbuin kwpr aUjl hoq ] nwm jpq sBu BRmu Bau Koq ]5]
ji-o saabun, kaapar oojal hot. naam japat, sabh bharam bha-o khot. ||5||
As the cloth is cleaned by soap;
just so, meditating upon the name all the doubts are dispelled. 5
ijau ckvI sUrj kI Aws ]ijau cwiqRk bUMd kI ipAws ]
ijau kurMk nwd krn smwny ]iqau hir nwm hir jn mnih suKwny ]6]
ji-o chakvee sooraj kee aas. ji-o chaatrik, booNd kee pi-aas.
ji-o kuraNk, naad karan samaanay. ti-o har naam, har jan maneh sukhaanay. ||6||
As the chakvee* (rudy shellldrake bird) longs for (the rising of) the sun;
as the chatrik* (sparrow hawk, rain bird) is thirsts for a drop of rain.
as the deer's ears are attuned to the sound (of the hunter’s bell***);
just so name of God is pleasing to the mind of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God. 6
[*CHAKVEE/ Chakvaa, i.e. he shell-drake or rudy shell-drake bird has often been referred to in literature. The male
and female cry all night for one another, and only become content when they meet again in the morning. At night the
male and female sleep apart on opposite banks of the river or pond; and when the sun rises they are united. That is why
they love the sun, which is their source of union. **CHAATRIK, i.e. sparrow hawk/ rain bird has often been referred to
in literature. This bird drink water only from rain drops; hence rain water is its life. Its longing for rain is presented as
intensity of love. ***a deer loves music; and, hearing the sound of the bell of the hunter, it runs towards the side of the
sound and is ensnared by the hunter].
qumrI ik®pw qy lwgI pRIiq ] dieAwl Bey qw Awey cIiq ]
tumree kirpaa tay laagee pareet. da-i-aal bha-ay taa aa-ay cheet.
By Your grace, one is attached to Your love.
When You bestow (your) mercy, You come to (dwell in one’s) mind.
dieAw DwrI iqin Dwrxhwr ] bMDn qy hoeI Cutkwr ]7]
dhaaree tin dhaaraṇhaar. baNdhan tay ho-ee chhutkaar. ||7||
When the Sustainer (Lord)*bestows His mercy, I was freed from my bonds 7.
[*dhaaranhaar, literally: one who keeps/ sustains/ cherishes. This is one of the attributes of God]
siB Qwn dyKy nYx Aloie ] iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koie ]
sabh thaan daykhay naiṇ alo-ay. tis bin doojaa avar na ko-ay.
I have seen all places, with my eyes open wide; there is no one other than Him.
Brm BY CUty gur prswd ] nwnk pyiKE sBu ibsmwd ]8]4]
bharam bhai chhootay gur parsaad. naanak, paykhi-o sabh bismaad. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): (all my) doubts and fears are the grace of Guru; (now)
I see the wondrous (Lord) everywhere. 8.4

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

jIA jMq siB pyKIAih pRB sgl qumwrI Dwrnw ]1]
jee-a jaNt sabh paykhee-ah, prabh, sagal tumaaree dhaarnaa. ||1||
All beings and creatures that I have seen, O! God, all depend upon Your support. 1
iehu mnu hir kY nwim auDwrnw ]1] rhwau ] ih man, har kai naam udhaarnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind can be saved through (meditation upon) the name of God. 1 (pause)
iKn mih Qwip auQwpy kudriq siB krqy ky kwrnw ]2]
khin meh thaap uthaapay kudrat, sabh kartay kay kaarnaa. ||2||
In an instant, He establishes and dis-establishes the creation; all this (creation and
destruction) is due to the Creator. 2
kwmu k®oDu loBu JUTu inMdw swDU sMig ibdwrnw ]3] kaam krodh lobh jhooth ni daa, saadhoo sa g bidaarnaa. ||3||
Sexual desire, anger, greed, falsehood, and slander, (all these) are dispelled in the company
of the Guru*. 3 [*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
nwmu jpq mnu inrml hovY sUKy sUiK gudwrnw ]4]
naam japat man nirmal hovai, sookhay sookh gudaarnaa. ||4||
Meditating upon the name (of God), mind becomes immaculate, (and the life) passes in total
happiness. 4
Bgq srix jo AwvY pRwxI iqsu eIhw aUhw n hwrnw ]5]
bhagat saraṇ jo aavai paraaṇee, tis eehaa oohaa na haarnaa. ||5||
The mortal (being) who seeks the refuge of the devotees (of God), does not lose out here or
hereafter. 5
sUK dUK iesu mn kI ibrQw qum hI AwgY swrnw ]6]
sookh dookh is man kee birthaa, tum hee aagai saarnaa. ||6||
Pleasure and pain and the state of this mind, is place before You (O! my Lord). 6
qU dwqw sBnw jIAw kw Awpn kIAw pwlnw ]7]
too daataa sabhnaa jee-aa kaa, aapan kee-aa paalnaa. ||7||
You are the giver of all beings; and, You cherish what you have created . 7
Aink bwr koit jn aUpir nwnku vM\Y vwrnw ]8]5] anik baar kot jan oopar; naanak va njai vaarnaa ||8||5||

Nanak (says): (O! Lord) tens of millions, countless times, I am a sacrifice unto Your servants
(i.e. devotees). 8.5

rwmklI mhlw 5 AstpdI raamkalee mehlaa 5 asatpadee

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
drsnu Bytq pwp siB nwsih hir isau dyie imlweI ]1]
darsan bhaytat paap sabh naaseh, har si-o day-ay milaa-ee. ||1||
Receiving (i.e. beholding) the vision (of the Guru), all my sins are erased; (and, those who seek
his refuge) he unites with God. 1
myrw guru prmysru suKdweI ] pwrbRhm kw nwmu idRVwey AMqy hoie sKweI ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa gur parmaysar sukh-daa-ee.
paarbarahm kaa naam driṛ-aa-ay, aNtay ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

My Guru, (the manifestation of) the Supreme Lord (God), is giver of happiness;
he (i.e. the Guru) implants the name of God (within our minds), and, in the end he becomes our
help. 1 (pause)
sgl dUK kw fyrw BMnw sMq DUir muiK lweI ]2]
sagal dookh kaa dayraa bhannaa, saNt* dhoor mukh laa-ee. ||2||
The camp of all sorrows is shattered (i.e. all sorrows run away) when I apply the dust of the
feet of the Guru,* on my face (i.e. forehead). 2 [*Here saNt has been used for the Guru]
piqq punIq kIey iKn BIqir AigAwnu AMDyru vM\weI ]3]
patit puneet kee-ay khin bheetar, agi-aan aNdhayr vaNnjaa-ee. ||3||
In an instant, he (i.e. the Guru) purifies the sinners, and, dispels the darkness of ignorance. 3
krx kwrx smrQu suAwmI nwnk iqsu srxweI ]4] karan kaaran samrath su-aamee, naanak tis sarṇaa-ee||4||
The Lord is all powerful , and, Cause of (all) causes,;Nanak (says): I seek His refuge. 4
bMDn qoiV crn kml idRVwey eyk sbid ilv lweI ]5]
baNdhan torh charan kamal driṛ-aa-ay, ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||5||
Shattering the bonds (of maya), he (i.e. the Guru) has implanted (God’s) lotus-feet (within);
and, has attuned (the mind) to the One word. 5
AMD kUp ibiKAw qy kwiFE swc sbid bix AweI ]6]
aNdh koop bikhi-aa tay kaaḍi-o, saach sabad baṇ aa-ee. ||6||
He has lifted me up from the blind well of poison (i.e. maya); (now) I am attached to the True
word. 6
jnm mrx kw shsw cUkw bwhuiV kqhu n DweI ]7]
janam maraṇ kaa sahsaa chookaa, baahuṛ katahu na dhaa-ee. ||7||
The doubt (i.e. fear) of birth and death has been taken away, I shall not wander anywhere. 7
nwm rswieix iehu mnu rwqw AMimRqu pI iqRpqweI ]8] naam rasaa-iṇ ih man raataa, a mrit pee tariptaa-ee ||8||
This mind is imbued with the essence of name; drinking in Amrit, it is satiated. 8
sMqsMig imil kIrqnu gwieAw inhcl visAw jweI ]9]
saNtsaNg* mil keertan gaa-i-aa, nihchal vasi-aa jaa-ee. ||9||
Joining the company of the Guru,* I sing His praise, now I dwell in stable place. 9
[*Here saNt has been used for the Guru].
pUrY guir pUrI miq dInI hir ibnu Awn n BweI ]10]
poorai gur pooree mat deenee, har bin aan na bhaa-ee. ||10||
The perfect Guru has given me the perfect wisdom (i.e. teaching), (now) nothing other than
God is pleasing (to my mind). 10
nwmu inDwnu pwieAw vfBwgI nwnk nrik n jweI ]11]
naam nidhaan paa-i-aa vadbhaagee, naanak narak na jaa-ee. ||11||
Nanak (says): one, who has obtained the treasure of name, by great fortune, shall not fall
into hell. 11
Gwl isAwxp aukiq n myrI pUrY gurU kmweI ]12] ghaal si-aaṇap ukat na mayree, poorai guroo kamaa-ee ||12||
This is no work (i.e. good deeds) or wisdom of mine; all this (i.e. all that has happened) is the
earning (i.e. blessing) of the perfect Guru. 12
jp qp sMjm suic hY soeI Awpy kry krweI ]13]
jap tap saNjam such hai so-ee, aapay karay karaa-ee. ||13||

(For me) that alone is meditation, austerity, self-discipline and cleanliness (i.e. ablution);
which, he (i.e. the Guru) himself blesses and gets us to act. 13
puqR klqR mhw ibiKAw mih guir swcY lwie qrweI ]14]
putar kaltar mahaa bikhi-aa meh, gur saachai laa-ay taraa-ee. ||14||
In midst of sons, wife, and great poison (of maya), the True Guru carries me across (the world
ocean). 14
Apxy jIA qY Awip smHwly Awip lIey liV lweI ]15]
apnay jee-a tai aap samhaalay, aap lee-ay laṛ laa-ee. ||15||
You yourself take care of Your beings, and, You Yourself attach them to the hem of Your robe
(i.e. make them Your own). 15
swc Drm kw byVw bWiDAw Bvjlu pwir pvweI ]16]
saach dharam kaa bayrhaa baandhi-aa, bhavjal paar pavaa-ee. ||16||
You have built the boat of true faith to cross across the terrible waters (of the world ocean). 16
bysumwr byAMq suAwmI nwnk bil bil jweI ]17] baysumaar bay-a t su-aamee, naanak bal bal jaa-ee. ||17||
Nanank (says): My Lord is limit-less and endless; I am a sacrifice unto Him. 17
Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBau kil AMDkwr dIpweI ]18]
akaal moorat, ajoonee, saMbha-o; kal andhkaar deepaa-ee. ||18||
(He is) Timeless Being, (He is) not born, (He is)self-existent; (He is) the Light in the darkness
of Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age). 18
AMqrjwmI jIAn kw dwqw dyKq iqRpiq AGweI ]19]
aNtarjaamee, jee-an kaa daataa, daykhat taripat aghaa-ee. ||19||
(He is) the Controller of Minds, Giver to (all) the mortal beings; beholding (vision of) Him,
one is satisfied and satiated. 19
eykMkwru inrMjnu inrBau sB jil Qil rihAw smweI ]20]
aykaNkaar niraNjan nirbha-o; sabh jal thal rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||20||
(He is) One Creator, immaculate and fearless; (He is) pervading all the waters and the lands. 20
Bgiq dwnu Bgqw kau dInw hir nwnku jwcY mweI ]21]1]6]
bhagat daan bhagtaa ka-o deenaa; har naanak jaachai maa-ee. ||21||1||6||
He blesses His devotees with the gift of devotion; Nanak (says): I (too) beg (the gift of
devotion) from God, O! my mother. 21.1.6

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] sloku ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, salok

isKhu sbdu ipAwirho jnm mrn kI tyk ] sikhahu sabad pi-aariho, janam maran kee tayk.
Learn (to earn) the word, O! my beloveds; it is your support in life and in death.
muKu aUjlu sdw suKI nwnk ismrq eyk ]1] mukh oojal sadaa sukhee, naanak simrat ayk. ||1||
Nanak (says): Remembering the One (Lord), your face shall be radiant, and, you will be
happy forever. 1
mnu qnu rwqw rwm ipAwry hir pRym Bgiq bix AweI sMqhu ]1]
man tan raataa raam pi-aaray, har paraym bhagat baṇ aa-ee, saNtahu. ||1||
My mind and body, are imbued with my beloved God, and, I have become attached to his
devotion (i.e. His devotion is pleasing to me), O! God-oriented persons.1
siqguir Kyp inbwhI sMqhu ] hir nwmu lwhw dws kau dIAw sglI iqRsn aulwhI sMqhu ]1] rhwau ]
satgur khayp nibaahee, saNtahu.
har naam laahaa daas ka-o dee-aa, saglee tarisan ulaahee, saNtahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has approved my merchandise.
He has blessed the gift of His name to his slave (i.e. devotee), and, has quenched all my thirst,
O! God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
Kojq Kojq lwlu ieku pwieAw hir kImiq khxu n jweI sMqhu ]2]
khojat khojat laal ik paa-i-aa, har keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee, saNtahu. ||2||
Searching and searching, I have found a jewel (i.e. the name of the Lord), its value cannot be
expressed, O! God-oriented persons. 2
crn kml isau lwgo iDAwnw swcY dris smweI sMqhu ]3]
charan kamal si-o laago dhi-aanaa, saachai daras samaa-ee, saNtahu. ||3||
My mind is focussed on His lotus-feet, and I am absorbed in the vision of the True (Lord), O!
God-oriented persons 3
gux gwvq gwvq Bey inhwlw hir ismrq iqRpiq AGweI sMqhu ]4]
gun gaavat gaavat bha-ay nihaalaa, har simrat taripat aghaa-ee, saNtahu. ||4||
Singing and singing (the praise of) His excellences, I am enraptured; and, remembering God
I am satisfied and satiated, O! God-oriented persons.4
Awqm rwmu rivAw sB AMqir kq AwvY kq jweI sMqhu ]5]
aatam raam ravi-aa sabh aNtar, kat aavai kat jaa-ee, saNtahu. ||5||
The All-Pervading (God) is permeating within all; (this makes no difference that) where from
one comes and where does one go, O! God-oriented persons? 5
Awid jugwdI hY BI hosI sB jIAw kw suKdweI sMqhu ]6]
aad jugaadee, hai bhee hosee, sabh jee-aa kaa sukh-daa-ee, saNtahu. ||6||
(He has been) at the very beginning of time and throughout the Ages, He is and shall always
be; He is the Giver of happiness to all the beings, O! God-oriented persons. 6
Awip byAMqu AMqu nhI pweIAY pUir rihAw sB TweI sMqhu ]7]
aap bay-aNt, aNt nahee paa-ee-ai, poor rahi-aa sabh ṭaa-ee, saNtahu. ||7||
He Himself is endless, His end can not be found; He is pervading everywhere, O! God-
oriented persons. 7
mIq swjn mwlu jobnu suq hir nwnk bwpu myrI mweI sMqhu ]8]2]7]
meet saajan maal joban sut, har naanak baap mayree maa-ee, saNtahu. ||8||2||7||
Nanak (says): He is my friend, companion, wealth, youth, son, father, mother (i.e. God is
everything for me), O! God-oriented persons. 8.2.7.

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

mn bc k®im rwm nwmu icqwrI ] man, bach, karam; raam naam chitaaree.
(O! brethren) contemplate the name of God with mind (i.e. in thought), word, and deed;
GUmn Gyir mhw Aiq ibKVI gurmuiK nwnk pwir auqwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ghooman ghayr mahaa at bikh-ṛee; gurmukh, naanak, paar utaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Nanak (says): the whirlpool (i.e. the world ocean) is horrible and treacherous, (O! brethren)
swim it across through the Guru. 1 (pause)

AMqir sUKw bwhir sUKw hir jip mln Bey dustwrI ]1]
aNtar sookhaa, baahar sookhaa, har jap malan bha-ay dustaaree. ||1||
There is happiness inward and happiness outward, (because) meditating upon God, my
enemies are crushed (i.e. the five enemies: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride are crushed). 1
ijs qy lwgy iqnih invwry pRB jIau ApxI ikrpw DwrI ]2]
jis tay laagay, tineh nivaaray, prabh jee-o apee kirpaa dhaaree. ||2||
He, who had caused these (enemies) to cling me, He Himself has got me rid of them; Dear
God has bestowed His grace upon me. 2
auDry sMq pry hir srnI pic ibnsy mhw AhMkwrI ]3]
udhray saNt paray har sarnee, pach binsay mahaa ahaMkaaree. ||3||
The God-oriented persons are saved in the refuge of God; the very egotistical persons rot
away and died (i.e perish away). 3
swDU sMgiq iehu Plu pwieAw ieku kyvl nwmu ADwrI ]4]
saadhoo* saNgat ih fal paa-i-aa, ik kayval naam adhaaree. ||4||
In the company of the Guru*, I have obtained this fruit (i.e. gain) that the name of the One
alone is my support. 4 [*Here sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
n koeI sUru n koeI hIxw sB pRgtI joiq qum@wrI ]5]
na ko-ee soor, na ko-ee heenaa, sabh pargatee jot tumhaaree. ||5||
No one is brave (i.e. strong), no one is weak, all are manifestation of Your light (O! Lord). 5
qum@ smrQ AkQ Agocr rivAw eyku murwrI ]6] tumh samrath akath agochar, ravi-aa ayk muraaree. ||6||
You are all-powerful, indescribable, unknowable, One God pervading (everywhere). 6
kImiq kauxu kry qyrI krqy pRB AMqu n pwrwvwrI ]7]
keemat ka-uṇ karay tayree kartay, prabh aNt na paaraavaaree. ||7||
Who can estimate Your value, O! Creator? (O! Lord), You have no end or limitation. 7
nwm dwnu nwnk vifAweI qyirAw sMq jnw ryxwrI ]8]3]8]22]
naam daan naanak vadi-aa-ee, tayri-aa saNt janaa rayṇaaree. ||8||3||8||22||
Nanak (says): (O! Lord) one obtains glory of name, through the dust of the feet of Your
P. 917
rwmklI mhlw 3 Anµdu Raamkalee, Mehlaa 3, anand
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Anµdu BieAw myrI mwey siqgurU mY pwieAw ] anaNd bha-i-aa mayree maa-ay, satguroo mai paa-i-aa.
I am in (spiritual) bliss, O! my mother, (because) I have found the True Guru.
siqguru q pwieAw shj syqI min vjIAw vwDweIAw ]
satgur ta paa-i-aa sahj saytee, man vajee-aa vaadhaa-ee-aa.
I have found the True Guru, with natural ease, my mind is being congratulated (i.e. for
having found the True Guru, echo of joy is resounding within my mind ).
rwg rqn prvwr prIAw sbd gwvx AweIAw ] raag ratan parvaar paree-aa, sabad gaavaṇ aa-ee-aa.
The jewels of raagas (i.e. priceless melodies), and the family of fairies (i.e. melodies related

with raagas) have come to sing the word (i.e. spiritual songs).
sbdo q gwvhu hrI kyrw min ijnI vswieAw ] sabdo ta gaavhu haree kayraa, man jinee vasaa-i-aa.
(O! raagas and melodies) sing the word of (that) God, whom you have enshrined within mind.
khY nwnku Anµdu hoAw siqgurU mY pwieAw ]1] kahai naanak, anaNd ho-aa, satguroo mai paa-i-aa. ||1||
Says Nanak: I am in (spiritual) bliss, I have found the True Guru. 1
ey mn myirAw qU sdw rhu hir nwly ] ay man mayri-aa, too sadaa rahu har naalay.
O! my mind, remain always with God (i.e. always remember Him in mind).
hir nwil rhu qU mMn myry dUK siB ivswrxw ] har naal rahu too, maNn mayray, dookh sabh visaarṇaa.
(If) you remain always attached to God, O! my mind, all (your) sorrows will be forgotten (i.e.
AMgIkwru Ehu kry qyrw kwrj siB svwrxw ] aNgeekaar oh karay tayraa, kaaraj sabh savaarṇaa.
He will accept you as His own, and, all your affairs shall be settled.
sBnw glw smrQu suAwmI so ikau mnhu ivswry ] sabhnaa galaa samrath su-aamee, so ki-o manhu visaaray.
The Lord is all-powerful to do all things; (so) why forget Him from (your) mind?
khY nwnku mMn myry sdw rhu hir nwly ]2] kahai naanak, maNn mayray, sadaa rahu har naalay. ||2||
Says Nanak: O! my mind, remain always with God (i.e. always remember Him in mind). 2
swcy swihbw ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ] saachay saahibaa, ki-aa naahee ghar tayrai.
O! My True Lord, what is there which is not in your home.
Gir q qyrY sBu ikCu hY ijsu dyih su pwvey ] ghar ta tayrai sabh kichh hai, jis deh so paav-ay.
Everything is in your home (O! Lord), but (only) he receives it unto whom You give.
sdw isPiq slwh qyrI nwmu min vswvey ] sadaa sifat salaah tayree, naam man vasaava-ay.
He (whom You bless) enshrines You name within his mind and constantly sings your praise
and admiration.
nwmu ijn kY min visAw vwjy sbd Gnyry ] naam jin kai man vasi-aa, vaajay sabad ghanayray.
Those, within whose mind the name abides, (melody of) lot of words resound within them.
khY nwnku scy swihb ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]3] kahai naanak, sachay saahib, ki-aa naahee ghar tayrai. ||3||
Says Nanak: O! my True Lord, what is there which is not in your home ?” 3
swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ] saachaa naam mayraa aadhaaro.
The True name is my (only) support (of life).
swcu nwmu ADwru myrw ijin BuKw siB gvweIAw ] saach naam adhaar mayraa, jin bhukhaa sabh gavaa-ee-aa.
The True name is my (only) support (of life), it satisfies all hungers.
kir sWiq suK min Awie visAw ijin ieCw siB pujweIAw ]
kar saant sukh, man aa-ay vasi-aa, jin ichhaa sabh pujaa-ee-aa.
Bringing peace and happiness it has come to abide in (my) mind; it has fulfilled all (my)
sdw kurbwxu kIqw gurU ivthu ijs dIAw eyih vifAweIAw ]
sadaa kurbaaṇ keetaa guroo vitahu, jis dee-aa ayhi vadi-aa-ee-aa.
I am forever a sacrifice unto the Guru, who possesses such greatness.
khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu sbid Drhu ipAwro ] kahai naanak, suṇhu saNtahu, sabad dharahu pi-aaro.
Says Nanak: Listen, O! God-oriented persons, enshrine love for the word.
swcw nwmu myrw AwDwro ]4] saachaa naam mayraa aadhaaro. ||4||
The True name is my (only) support (of life). 4
vwjy pMc sbd iqqu Gir sBwgY ] vaajay paNch sabad tit ghar sabhaagai.
The five forms of music resound in that fortunate (i.e. blessed) house (i.e. heart);
[*The five shabad/ words means sounds of five instruments: (1) stringed instruments like sitar, rebec/rabaab; (2)
leather-mounted instruments like table, dholak, mrigind, drum; (3) metal instruments like hunter’s bell; (4) percussion
instruments like castanet (5) wind instruments like flute etc].
Gir sBwgY sbd vwjy klw ijqu Gir DwrIAw ] ghar sabhaagai, sabad vaajay, kalaa jit ghar dhaaree-aa.
The five forms of music resound (only) in that fortunate (i.e. blessed) house (i.e. heart) where
You have infused Your power (O! Lord).
pMc dUq quDu vis kIqy kwlu kMtku mwirAw ] paNch doot tudh vas keetay, kaal kantak maari-aa.
You have subdued his (i.e. Your devotee’s) five demons (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed,
attachment and pride), and, have destroyed the thorn (i.e. his fear) of death.
Duir krim pwieAw quDu ijn kau is nwim hir kY lwgy ] khY nwnku qh suKu hoAw iqqu Gir Anhd vwjy ]5]
dhur karam paa-i-aa tudh jin ka-o, se naam har kai laagay.
kahai naanak, tah sukh ho-aa, tit ghar anhad vaajay. ||5||
Those, whom You have blessed as pre-destined, they are attached to the name of God.
Says Nanak: happiness has come to them, and, unstruck music (of the word) resounds in
their hearts. 5
swcI ilvY ibnu dyh inmwxI ] saachee livai bin, dayh nimaaṇee.
Without the true love (for the Lord), the body is poor (honour-less/ impious).
dyh inmwxI ilvY bwJhu ikAw kry vycwrIAw ] dayh nimaaṇee livai baajhahu, ki-aa karay vaychaaree-aa.
The body is poor (honour-less/ impious) without the (true) love (for the Lord), what can the
poor (i.e. helpless) do?
quDu bwJu smrQ koie nwhI ik®pw kir bnvwrIAw ]
tudh baajh samrath ko-ay naahee, kirpaa kar banvaaree-aa.*
No one except You is all-powerful, (please) bestow Your mercy, O! Lord of the World.*
[*Banvaree, literally: Lord of Forest; and, the world is a big forest. This is one of the attributes/name of God]
eys nau horu Qwau nwhI sbid lwig svwrIAw ] ays na-o hor thaa-o naahee, sabad laag savaaree-aa.
(O! Lord) it (i.e. this body) has no other place (of rest); attach it to the word and adorn it.
khY nwnku ilvY bwJhu ikAw kry vycwrIAw ]6] kahai naanak, livai baajhahu, ki-aa karay vaychaaree-aa. ||6||
Says Nanak: without the (true) love (for the Lord), what can the poor (i.e. helpless body) do? 6
Awnµdu Awnµdu sBu ko khY Awnµdu gurU qy jwixAw ] aanaNd aanaNd sabh ko kahai, aanaNd guroo tay jaaṇi-aa.
Everyone talks of bliss and bliss, (but, eternal) bliss is known (only) through the Guru.
jwixAw Awnµdu sdw gur qy ik®pw kry ipAwirAw ] jaaṇi-aa aanaNd sadaa gur, tay kirpaa karay pi-aari-aa.
(Eternal) bliss in known (only) through the Guru, when the Beloved (Lord) bestows His grace.
kir ikrpw iklivK kty igAwn AMjnu swirAw ] kar kirpaa kilvikh katay, gi-aan aNjan saari-aa.
Bestowing His grace, He cuts away (i.e. destroys) our sins, and, blesses (us) with the collyrium
of knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom).
AMdrhu ijn kw mohu qutw iqn kw sbdu scY svwirAw ]
aNdrahu jin kaa moh tutaa, tin kaa sabad sachai savaari-aa.
Those who eradicate (emotional) attachment from within themselves, are adorned with the
word of the True.
khY nwnku eyhu Anµdu hY Awnµdu gur qy jwixAw ]7] kahai naanak, ayhu ana d hai, aana d gur tay jaaṇi-aa ||7||
Says Nanak: This is (the real) bliss, and, this (the real) bliss is known through the Guru. 7
P. 918
bwbw ijsu qU dyih soeI jnu pwvY ] baabaa, jis too deh, so-ee jan paavai.
O! baba (O! elder, O! Lord), he alone receives it, unto whom you give it (i.e spiritual bliss).
pwvY q so jnu dyih ijs no hoir ikAw krih vycwirAw ]
paavai ta so jan deh jis no, hor ki-aa karahi vaychaari-aa.
He alone receives it, unto whom you give it (i.e spiritual bliss); what can the other poor
(wretched/ helpless people) do?
ieik Brim BUly iPrih dh idis ieik nwim lwig svwirAw ]
ik bharam bhoolay fireh dah dis; ik naam laag savaari-aa.
Some, deluded by doubt, are wandering in ten directions; and, to some, adorn by attaching
them to name (i.e. O! Lord, You attach someto Your name and adorne their lives) .
gur prswdI mnu BieAw inrmlu ijnw Bwxw Bwvey ]
gur parsaadee man bha-i-aa nirmal, jinaa bhaaṇaa bhaav-ay.
By the grace of Guru, their mind becomes immaculate, whom Your will seems sweet.
khY nwnku ijsu dyih ipAwry soeI jnu pwvey ]8] kahai naanak, jis deh pi-aaray so-ee jan paav-ay. ||8||
Says Nanak: O! Beloved (Lord), he alone receives it, unto whom you give it (i.e spiritual
bliss). 8
Awvhu sMq ipAwirho AkQ kI krh khwxI ] aavhu, saNt pi-aariho, akath kee karah kahaaṇee.
Come, O! beloved God-oriented persons, let us talk about the story of (the excellences of)
Indescribable (Lord).
krh khwxI AkQ kyrI ikqu duAwrY pweIAY ] karah kahaaṇee akath kayree, kit du-aarai paa-ee-ai.
Let us talk about the story of (the excellences of) Indescribable (Lord). Through which door
(i.e. by which way) we shall find Him? (that way has been described in the following line):
qnu mnu Dnu sBu sauip gur kau hukim mMinAY pweIAY ]
tan man dhan sabh sa-up gur ka-o, hukam maNni-ai paa-ee-ai.
Surrender body, mind, wealth and everything unto the Guru, obey His command, (thus) we
will find Him.
hukmu mMinhu gurU kyrw gwvhu scI bwxI ] hukam maNnihu guroo, kayraa gaavhu sachee baṇee.
(So, O! brethren) obey the command of the Guru, and, sing the true word (of the Lord).
khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu kiQhu AkQ khwxI ]9] kahai naanak, suṇhu sa tahu, kathihu akath kahaaṇee. ||9||
Says Nanak: Listen O! God-oriented persons, describe the story of (i.e. talk about the
excellences of) the Indescribable (Lord). 9
ey mn cMclw cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ] ay man chaNchlaa, chaturaa-ee kinai na paa-i-aa.
O! (my) fickle mind, no one has (ever) found (the Lord) through cleverness.
cqurweI n pwieAw iknY qU suix mMn myirAw ] chaturaa-ee na paa-i-aa kinai, too suṇ maNn mayri-aa.
No one has (ever) found (the Lord) through cleverness; listen, you, O! my mind.
eyh mwieAw mohxI ijin eyqu Brim BulwieAw ] ayh maa-i-aa mohṇee, jin ayt bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
This maya is (so) fascinating, which has led stray many into doubt.
mwieAw q mohxI iqnY kIqI ijin TgaulI pweIAw ] maa-i-aa ta mohṇee tinai keetee, jin ṭag-ulee paa-ee-aa.
This fascinating maya has been created by the same one (i.e. the Lord), who has caused (i.e.
empowered) it to tranquillize (i.e. mesmerize/ bewitch).
kurbwxu kIqw iqsY ivthu ijin mohu mITw lwieAw ] kurbaaṇ keetaa tisai vitahu, jin moh meeṭaa laa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice unto Him, who has made attachment (to maya) seem sweet.
khY nwnku mn cMcl cqurweI iknY n pwieAw ]10]
kahai naanak, man chaNchal, chaturaa-ee kinai na paa-i-aa. ||10||
Says Nanak : O! (my) fickle mind, no one has (ever) found (the Lord) through cleverness. 10
ey mn ipAwirAw qU sdw scu smwly ] ay man pi-aari-aa, too sadaa sach samaalay.
O! (my) beloved mind, you remember True (Lord) forever.
eyhu kutMbu qU ij dyKdw clY nwhI qyrY nwly ] ayhu kutaMb too je daykh-daa, chalai naahee tayrai naalay.
(O! my mind) this (your) family which you see (i.e. which you think as your own, and, take pride
in it), shall not go along with you.
swiQ qyrY clY nwhI iqsu nwil ikau icqu lweIAY ] saath tayrai chalai naahee, tis naal ki-o chit laa-ee-ai.
That (which) shall not go along with you, (then) why do you focus your mind in it?
Aysw kMmu mUly n kIcY ijqu AMiq pCoqweIAY ] aisaa kaMm moolay na keechai, jit ant pachhotaa-ee-ai.
Do not do any such thing, that (due to which) you will regret in the end.
siqgurU kw aupdysu suix qU hovY qyrY nwly ] satguroo kaa updays suṇ too, hovai tayrai naalay.
Listen to the teachings of the Guru, these shall go along with you.
khY nwnku mn ipAwry qU sdw scu smwly ]11] kahai naanak, man pi-aaray, too sadaa sach samaalay. ||11||
Says Nanak: O! (my) beloved mind, you remember True (Lord) forever. 11
Agm Agocrw qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ] agam agocharaa, tayraa aNt na paa-i-aa.
O! Inaccessible, Unknowable (Lord), Your limits (i.e. expanse) can not be found.
Amqo n pwieAw iknY qyrw Awpxw Awpu qU jwxhy ] anto na paa-i-aa kinai tayraa, aapṇaa aap too jaaṇhay.
No one has found Your limits; only You know (about) Yourself.
jIA jMq siB Kylu qyrw ikAw ko AwiK vKwxey ] jee-a jant sabh khayl tayraa, ki-aa ko aakh vakhaaṇa-ay.
All the beings and creatures are Your play, how (i.e. no one) can any one describe You?
AwKih q vyKih sBu qUhY ijin jgqu aupwieAw ] aakhahi ta vaykheh sabh toohai, jin jagat upaa-i-aa.
You (Yourself) speak (through Your creation), and, You (Yourself) cherish all; You Yourself
have created this world.
khY nwnku qU sdw AgMmu hY qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ]12]
kahai naanak, too sadaa agamm hai, tayraa aNt na paa-i-aa. ||12||
Says Nanak: (O! Lord) You are inaccessible, Your limits cannot be found (i.e. Your expanse
can not be known). 12
suir nr muin jn AMimRqu Kojdy su AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]
sur nar mun jan aMmrit khojday, so aMmrit gur tay paa-i-aa.
The angelic beings, the silent sages (i.e. all) search for AMmrit; thisAMmrit is obtained from
the Guru.
pwieAw AMimRqu guir ik®pw kInI scw min vswieAw ]
paa-i-aa aMmrit gur kirpaa keenee, sachaa man vasaa-i-aa.
(This) AMmrit is obtained (when) the Guru bestows his grace, and, one enshrines the True
within the mind.
jIA jMq siB quDu aupwey ieik vyiK prsix AwieAw ] jee-a jaNt sabh tudh upaa-ay, ik vaykh parsaṇ aa-i-aa.
(O! Lord) all living beings have been created by you; (but only) some (rare ones) come to see
(and serve the Guru).
lbu loBu AhMkwru cUkw siqgurU Blw BwieAw ] lab lobh ahaMkaar chookaa, satguroo bhalaa bhaa-i-aa.

(One, who comes to see the Guru) his greed, avarice and egotism are dispelled; and, the True
Guru seems pleasing to them.
khY nwnku ijs no Awip quTw iqin AMimRqu gur qy pwieAw ]13]
kahai naanak, jis no aap tuṭaa, tin aMmrit gur tay paa-i-aa. ||13||
Says Nanak: one, with whom He (i.e. Lord) is pleased, obtains AMmrit through the Guru. 13
Bgqw kI cwl inrwlI ] bhagtaa kee chaal niraalee.
The life-style of the devotees is distinct (i.e unique and grand).
cwlw inrwlI Bgqwh kyrI ibKm mwrig clxw ] chaalaa niraalee bhagtaah kayree bikham maarag chalṇaa.
The life-style of the devotees is distinct; they follow the difficult path (i.e. not easy to follow).
lbu loBu AhMkwru qij iqRsnw bhuqu nwhI bolxw ] lab lobh ahaMkaar taj tarisnaa bahut naahee bolṇaa.
Renoucing greed, avarice, egotism and desires, they do not talk too much.
KMinAhu iqKI vwlhu inkI eyqu mwrig jwxw ] khaNni-ahu tikhee, vaalahu nikee, ayt maarag jaaṇaa.
(This path is) sharper than the double-edged sword and finer (i.e. thinner) than hair; (such is)
the path they walk on.
P. 919
gur prswdI ijnI Awpu qijAw hir vwsnw smwxI ] gur parsaadee jinee aap taji-aa, har vaasnaa samaaṇee.
By the grace of Guru, those, who shed their self-conceit, the fragrance of (the name of) God
gets absoreds in them.
khY nwnku cwl Bgqw jughu jugu inrwlI ]14] kahai naanak chaal bhagtaa, jugahu jug niraalee. ||14||
Syas Nanak: the life-style of the devotees is distinct (i.e unique and grand). 14
ijau qU clwieih iqv clh suAwmI horu ikAw jwxw gux qyry ]
ji-o too chalaa-ihi tiv chalah su-aamee, hor ki-aa jaanaa guṇ tayray.
As you make us to walk (i.e. act), so do we walk (i.e. act), O! Lord, what else do I know of your
ijv qU clwieih iqvY clh ijnw mwrig pwvhy ] jiv too chalaa-ihi tivai chalah, jinaa maarag paavhay.
As you make us to walk (i.e. act), so do we walk (i.e. act), (we walk on) the path You placed us.
kir ikrpw ijn nwim lwieih is hir hir sdw iDAwvhy ] kar kirpaa jin naam laa-ihi, se har har sadaa dhi-aavhay.
Bestowing (Your) kindness, those, whom You attach to the name, they meditate forever upon
the name of God, the Lord.
ijs no kQw suxwieih AwpxI is gurduAwrY suKu pwvhy ]
jis no kathaa suṇaa-ihi aapnee, se gurdu-aarai sukh paavhay.
Those, whom you get to listen to your story (i.e. Your word), they find happiness at the door of
the Guru (i.e. they find happiness and peace through the Guru).
khY nwnku scy swihb ijau BwvY iqvY clwvhy ]15]
kahai naanak sachay saahib, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaavahay. ||15||
Says Nanak: O! True Lord, as you make us to walk (i.e. act), so do we walk (i.e. act). 15
eyhu soihlw sbdu suhwvw ] ayhu sohilaa sabad suhaavaa.
This word, the song of praise is beautiful
sbdo suhwvw sdw soihlw siqgurU suxwieAw ] sabdo suhaavaa sadaa sohilaa, satguroo suṇaa-i-aa.
This beautiful word, spoken by the True Guru, is everlasting the song of praise.
eyhu iqn kY mMin visAw ijn Durhu iliKAw AwieAw ] ayhu tin kai maNn vasi-aa, jin dharahu likhi-aa aa-i-aa.
This is enshrined in the mind of those, for whom it is pre-destined.
ieik iPrih Gnyry krih glw glI iknY n pwieAw ] ik fireh ghanayray karahi galaa, galee kinai na paa-i-aa.
Some wander around, talk a lot (i.e. babble a lot); (but) no one has obtained Him by babbling.
khY nwnku sbdu soihlw siqgurU suxwieAw ]16] kahai naanak, sabad sohilaa, satguroo sunaa-i-aa. ||16||
Says Nanak says: this song of praise has been spoken by the True Guru. 16
pivqu hoey sy jnw ijnI hir iDAwieAw ] pavit ho-ay say janaa, jinee har dhi-aa-i-aa.
Those who have meditated God, have become pure.
hir iDAwieAw pivqu hoey gurmuiK ijnI iDAwieAw ] har dhi-aa-i-aa pavit ho-ay, gurmukh jinee dhi-aa-i-aa.
Those who have meditated upon God, through the Guru, have become pure.
pivqu mwqw ipqw kutMb sihq isau pivqu sMgiq sbweIAw ]
pavit maataa pitaa kutaMb sahit si-o, pavit saNgat sabaa-ee-aa.
Along with them their mother, father, family have become pure; and, their company (too)
has become pure.
khdy pivqu suxdy pivqu sy pivqu ijnI mMin vswieAw ]
kahday pavit, sunday pavit, say pavit jinee maNn vasaa-i-aa.
Pure are those who chant (the name); pure are those who listen; and, pure are those who
enshrine (the name of the Lord) with in their mind.
khY nwnku sy pivqu ijnI gurmuiK hir hir iDAwieAw ]17]
kahai naanak, say pavit, jinee gurmukh har har dhi-aa-i-aa. ||17||
Says Nanak: pure are those who meditate upon (the name) of God, the Lord, through the
Guru. 17
krmI shju n aUpjY ivxu shjY shsw n jwie ] karmee sahj na oopjai, viṇ sahjai sahsaa na jaa-ay.
By (performing) rituals (the state of) equipoise is not attained; and, without equipoise doubt
does not depart.
nh jwie shsw ikqY sMjim rhy krm kmwey ] nah jaa-ay sahsaa kitai saNjam, rahay karam kamaa-ay.
Doubt does not depart by any discipline (i.e. ritualistic means), many are tired of performing
(such) rituals.
shsY jIau mlIxu hY ikqu sMjim Doqw jwey ] mMnu Dovhu sbid lwghu hir isau rhhu icqu lwie ]
sahsai jee-o maleeṇ hai, kit saNjam dhotaa jaa-ay.
maNn dhovahu, sabad laagahu, har si-o rahhu chit laa-ay.
The soul is polluted by doubt, by which way (i.e. how) can it be washed? (the answer is):
Wash the mind, by attaching it to the word (of Guru), and keep the mind focussed on God.
khY nwnku gur prswdI shju aupjY iehu shsw iev jwie ]18]
kahai naanak gur parsaadee sahj upjai ih sahsaa iv jaa-ay. ||18||
Says Nanak: by the Guru’s grace, equipoise is produced (i.e. attained), and, this doubt is
dispelled. 18
jIAhu mYly bwhrhu inrml ] jee-ahu mailay, baahrahu nirmal.
(Some people are) inwardly polluted, and, outwardly pure.
bwhrhu inrml jIAhu q mYly iqnI jnmu jUAY hwirAw ]
baahrahu nirmal, jee-ahu ta mailay, tinee janam joo-ai haari-aa.
(Those who are) outwardly pure (but) inwardly polluted, have lost their lives in gamble.
eyh iqsnw vfw rogu lgw mrxu mnhu ivswirAw ] ayh tisnaa vadaa rog lagaa, maraṇ manhu visaari-aa.
They have been inflicted by this terrible disease of desire (i.e. attachment to maya); (they)
have forgotten death.
vydw mih nwmu auqmu so suxih nwhI iPrih ijau byqwilAw ]
vaydaa meh naam utam, so suṇeh naahee, fireh ji-o baytaali-aa.
In the Vedas, (it has been said that) the name is supreme (wealth); (but) they do not hear it;
and, wander around like demons (i.e. wander around bewildered).
khY nwnku ijn scu qijAw kUVy lwgy iqnI jnmu jUAY hwirAw ]19]
kahai naanak, jin sach taji-aa, kooṛay laagay, tinee janam joo-ai haari-aa. ||19||
Says Nanak: Those who have forsaken Truth and are attached to falsehood, they have lost
their lives in gamble. 19
jIAhu inrml bwhrhu inrml ] jee-ahu nirmal, baahrahu nirmal.
(Some are) inoutwardly pure and (also) outwardly pure.
bwhrhu q inrml jIAhu inrml siqgur qy krxI kmwxI ]
baahrahu ta nirmal jee-ahu nirmal, satgur tay karnee kamaaṇee.
(Those who are) outwardly pure and (also) outwardly pure; and, through the Guru, they
perform good deeds.
kUV kI soie phucY nwhI mnsw sic smwxI ] kooṛ kee so-ay pahuchai naahee, mansaa sach samaaṇee.
The fragrance (i.e. thought) of falsehood does not reach them; their thoughts of mind are
absorbed in Truth.
jnmu rqnu ijnI KitAw Bly sy vxjwry ] janam ratan jinee khati-aa, bhalay say vaṇjaaray.
Those, who have earned this jewel of (human) life (as reward for their meditation), they are
good traders.
khY nwnku ijn mMnu inrmlu sdw rhih gur nwly ]20]
kahai naanak, jin maNn nirmal, sadaa raheh gur naalay. ||20||
Says Nanak: Those, whose minds are pure, they live with Guru forever. 20
jy ko isKu gurU syqI snmuKu hovY ] jay ko sikh, guroo saytee sanmukh hovai.
(It is his good fortunate) if a disciple looks to the face of the Guru (i.e. is obedient to the Guru).
hovY q snmuKu isKu koeI jIAhu rhY gur nwly ] hovai ta sanmukh sikh ko-ee, jee-ahu rahai gur naalay.
Iif a disciple looks to the face of the Guru (in readiness to obey him), and, his soul abides with
the Guru.
gur ky crn ihrdY iDAwey AMqr AwqmY smwly ] gur kay charan hirdai dhi-aa-a, aNtar aatmai samaalay.
He meditates upon the feet of the Guru within mind, and, remembers him in his soul.
Awpu Cif sdw rhY prxY gur ibnu Avru n jwxY koey ]
aap chhad sadaa rahai parṇai, gur bin avar na jaaṇai ko-ay.
Renouncing his self-conceit, he remain forever on his side, and, does not know (i.e.
recognize) any one except the Guru.
P. 920
khY nwnku suxhu sMqhu so isKu snmuKu hoey ]21] kahai naanak, suṇhu sa tahu, so sikh sanmukh ho-ay ||21||
Says Nanak; Listen, O! Guru-oriented persons, such a disciple looks to the face of the Guru
(i.e. is obedient to the Guru). 21
jy ko gur qy vymuKu hovY ibnu siqgur mukiq n pwvY ] jay ko gur tay vaimukh hovai, bin satgur mukat na paavai.
One who turns his face away from the Guru (i.e. one, who is disobedient, i.e. mind-oriented,
self-oriented), without the True Guru, he shall not find liberation.
pwvY mukiq n hor QY koeI puChu ibbykIAw jwey ]
paavai mukat na hor thai ko-ee, puchhahu bibaykee-aa jaa-ay.
He shall not find liberation anywhere else, go and ask (about it from) the prudent people.
Anyk jUnI Brim AwvY ivxu siqgur mukiq n pwey ] anayk joonee bharam aavai, viṇ satgur mukat na paa-ay.
He may wander through countless births (i.e. reincarnations), (but) without the True Guru,
he shall not find liberation.
iPir mukiq pwey lwig crxI siqgurU sbdu suxwey ] fir mukat paa-ay laag charṇee, satguroo sabad suṇaa-ay
(But) then he attains liberation when he listens to the word (i.e. teaching/ sermon) that the
True Guru speaks (to him).
khY nwnku vIcwir dyKhu ivxu siqgur mukiq n pwey ]22]
kahai naanak, veechaar daykhhu, viṇ satgur mukat na paa-ay. ||22||
Says Nanak: contemplate and see ‘without the True Guru, liberation can not be attained.’ 22
Awvhu isK siqgurU ky ipAwirho gwvhu scI bwxI ] aavhu sikh satguroo kay pi-aariho, gaavhu sachee baṇee.
Come, O! beloved followers of the True Guru, and, sing the true word (of the Guru).
bwxI q gwvhu gurU kyrI bwxIAw isir bwxI ] baṇee ta gaavhu guroo kayree, baaṇee-aa sir baṇee.
Sing the word of the Guru, his word is supreme among all words.
ijn kau ndir krmu hovY ihrdY iqnw smwxI ] jin ka-o nadar karam hovai, hirdai tinaa samaaṇee.
Those who are blessed by His glance of grace, it (i.e. the word of Guru) abides in their hearts.
pIvhu AMimRqu sdw rhhu hir rMig jiphu swirgpwxI ]
peevhu aMmrit, sadaa rahhu har raNg, japihu saarigpaaṇee.*
Drink in (this) AMmrit (i.e. word of the Guru), remain in God's love forever, and, meditate
upon the Cherisher of the earth* (i.e God).
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
khY nwnku sdw gwvhu eyh scI bwxI ]23] kahai naanak ,sadaa gaavhu, ayh sachee baṇee. ||23||
Says Nanak: sing this true word forever. 23
siqgurU ibnw hor kcI hY bwxI ] satguroo binaa, hor kachee hai baṇee.
Without (the word of) the True Guru, all other word is false (i.e. hollow, worthless).
bwxI q kcI siqgurU bwJhu hor kcI bwxI ] baṇee ta kachee satguroo baajhahu, hor kachee baṇee.
False is the word, other than that of the True Guru, (O! yes) all other word is false.
khdy kcy suxdy kcy kcˆØI AwiK vKwxI ] kahday kachay, suṇday kachay, kacheen aakh vakhaaṇee.
Those who chant (word other than that of the Guru) are false, those who listen are false; and,
false is saying and explaining it.
hir hir inq krih rsnw kihAw kCU n jwxI ] har har nit karahi rasnaa, kahi-aa kachhoo na jaaṇee.
Their tongue continually recites’ God, God’ but they do not understand what they are saying.
icqu ijn kw ihir lieAw mwieAw bolin pey rvwxI ] chit jin kaa hir la-i-aa maa-i-aa, bolan pa-ay ravaaṇee.
Those whose mind has been stolen (i.e. possessed) by maya, they are reciting (the word ‘God,
God’) just as rhyme (i.e. mechanically).
khY nwnku siqgurU bwJhu hor kcI bwxI ]24] kahai naanak, satguroo baajhahu hor kachee baṇee. ||24||
Says Nanak: Without (that of) the True Guru, all other word is false. 24
gur kw sbdu rqMnu hY hIry ijqu jVwau ] gur kaa sabad rataNn hai, heeray jit jaṛaa-o.
The word of the Guru is (like) a jewel, studded with diamonds.
sbdu rqnu ijqu mMnu lwgw eyhu hoAw smwau ] sabad ratan jit maNn laagaa, ayhu ho-aa samaa-o.
The mind which is attached to this jewel (i.e. word of the Guru) merges into it (i.e. word).
sbd syqI mnu imilAw scY lwieAw Bwau ] sabad saytee man mili-aa, sachai laa-i-aa bhaa-o.
(When) the mind is united with the word, and, it enshrines love for the True (Lord).
Awpy hIrw rqnu Awpy ijs no dyie buJwie ] aapay heeraa, ratan aapay, jis no day-ay bujhaa-ay.
He Himself is the diamond and (He Himself is) the jewel; (but only he understands it) whom He
gets to understand (i.e. realize its value).
khY nwnku sbdu rqnu hY hIrw ijqu jVwau ]25] kahai naanak, sabad ratan hai, heeraa jit jaṛaa-o. ||25||
Says Nanak: The word (of the Guru) is (like) a jewel, studded with diamonds. 25
isv skiq Awip aupwie kY krqw Awpy hukmu vrqwey ]
siv sakat aap upaa-ay kai, kartaa aapay hukam vartaa-ay.
He Himself has created shiv and shakti (i.e. consciousness and matter), and, He Himself
subjects (all) to His command.
hukmu vrqwey Awip vyKY gurmuiK iksY buJwey ] hukam vartaa-ay, aap vaykhai, gurmukh kisai bujhaa-ay.
Enforcing His command, He Himself beholds (how people play in the game of consciousness
and matter); rare are those who understand it through the Guru.
qoVy bMDn hovY mukqu sbdu mMin vswey ] toṛay baNdhan, hovai mukat, sabad maNn vasaa-ay.
(Such rare one) breaks bonds, and attain liberation, (by) enshrining word in his mind.
gurmuiK ijs no Awip kry su hovY eyks isau ilv lwey ]
gurmukh jis no aap karay so hovai, aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
He alone becomes Guru-oriented whom He (i.e. God) Himself makes so; and, he focusses his
mind on the One (Lord).
khY nwnku Awip krqw Awpy hukmu buJwey ]26] kahai naanak, aap kartaa, aapay hukam bujhaa-ay. ||26||
Says Nanak: The Creator Himself reveals His command. 26
isimRiq swsqR puMn pwp bIcwrdy qqY swr n jwxI ] simrit saastar pu n paap beechaarday, tatai saar na jaanee.
The Simritis and the Shastras discuss about (i.e. discriminate between) virtue and vice (i.e.
good and evil), (but) they do not know the essence of Reality.
qqY swr n jwxI gurU bwJhu qqY swr n jwxI ] tatai saar na jaaṇee, guroo baajhahu, tatai saar na jaanee.
They do not know the essence of Reality; without the Guru, they do not know the essence of
iqhI guxI sMswru BRim suqw suiqAw rYix ivhwxI ] tihee guṇee* saNsaar bharam sutaa, suti-aa raiṇ vihaaṇee.
Deluded in the three gunaas,* the world is sleeping; and, it passes the night (of life) sleeping.
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Sattav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity,
rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these
gur ikrpw qy sy jn jwgy ijnw hir min visAw bolih AMimRq bwxI ]
gur kirpaa tay say jan jaagay, jinaa har man vasi-aa boleh aMmrit baṇee.
By the grace of the Guru, only those servants (i.e. devotees) are awake, within whose mind
God abides, (and, they) chant the AMmrit word.
khY nwnku so qqu pwey ijs no Anidnu hir ilv lwgY jwgq rYix ivhwxI ]27]
kahai naanak, so tat paa-ay, jis no an-din har liv laagai, jaagat rain vihaaṇee. ||27||
Says Nanak: He alone obtains the essence of Reality, who day and night, is attached to the
Lord, and, passes his night (of life) while remaining awake. 27
mwqw ky audr mih pRiqpwl kry so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY ]
maataa kay udar meh partipaal karay, so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai.
He, who nourishes is in the mother's womb, why forget Him from mind.
mnhu ikau ivswrIAY eyvfu dwqw ij Agin mih Awhwru phucwvey ]
manhu ki-o visaaree-ai ayvad daataa, je agan meh aahaar pahuchaava-ay.
Why forget from mind, such a great Giver, from mind, who gives us sustenance (even) in the
fire (of womb).
Es no ikhu poih n skI ijs nau AwpxI ilv lwvey ] os no kihu pohi na sakee, jis na-o aapnee liv laav-ay.
Nothing can affect (i.e. harm/ torment) him, whom He attaches to His love.
P. 921
AwpxI ilv Awpy lwey gurmuiK sdw smwlIAY ] aapnee liv aapay laa-ay, gurmukh sadaa samaalee-ai.
He Himself attaches one to His love Him; through the Guru, remembers Him forever.
khY nwnku eyvfu dwqw so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY ]28]
kahai naanak, ayvad daataa, so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai. ||28||
Says Nanak: (He, who is) such a great Giver, why to forget Him from mind. 28
jYsI Agin audr mih qYsI bwhir mwieAw ] jaisee agan udar meh, taisee baahar maa-i-aa.
As is the fire within (mother's) womb, so is maya outside.
mwieAw Agin sB ieko jyhI krqY Kylu rcwieAw ] maa-i-aa agan sabh iko jayhee, kartai khayl rachaa-i-aa.
Maya and fire are one and the same; the Creator has staged this as a play.
jw iqsu Bwxw qw jMimAw prvwir Blw BwieAw ] jaa tis bhaaṇaa taa jaMmi-aa, parvaar bhalaa bhaa-i-aa.
When He wills, one is born, and, the family is very pleased
ilv CuVkI lgI iqRsnw mwieAw Amru vrqwieAw ] liv chhuṛkee lagee tarisnaa, maa-i-aa amar vartaa-i-aa.
(When) love for God is broken, one gets attached to desires; (then) the command of maya
takes place (i.e. prevails).
eyh mwieAw ijqu hir ivsrY mohu aupjY Bwau dUjw lwieAw ]
ayh maa-i-aa jit har visrai, moh upjai, bhaa-o doojaa laa-i-aa.
This is (attachment to) maya, by which God is forgotten, (emotional) attachment wells up one
falls in love with duality.
khY nwnku gur prswdI ijnw ilv lwgI iqnI ivcy mwieAw pwieAw ]29]
kahai naanak, gur parsaadee jinaa liv laagee, tinee vichay maa-i-aa paa-i-aa. ||29||
Says Nanak: by the grace of the Guru, those get in tune (i.e. in love) with God, obtain (union
with) Him (even) in the midst of maya. 29
hir Awip Amulku hY muil n pwieAw jwie ] har aap amulak hai, mul na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
God Himself is priceless; He can not be obtained for any price.
muil n pwieAw jwie iksY ivthu rhy lok ivllwie ] mul na paa-i-aa jaa-ay kisai vitahu, rahay lok villaa-ay.
He can not be obtained for any price, people have been lamenting (for their failure to attain Him).
AYsw siqguru jy imlY iqs no isru saupIAY ivchu Awpu jwie ]
aisaa satgur jay milai, tis no sir sa-upee-ai ,vichahu aap jaa-ay.
If we meet such a True Guru (who would unite one with God), (through whom) our egotism
goes from within (us), (then we should) offer our head to Him (in sacrifice).
ijs dw jIau iqsu imil rhY hir vsY min Awie ] jis daa jee-o tis mil rahai, har vasai man aa-ay.
(Then) one remains united with the One whom our soul belongs to; and, God comes to dwell

in mind.
hir Awip Amulku hY Bwg iqnw ky nwnkw ijn hir plY pwie ]30]
har aap amulak hai, bhaag tinaa kay, naankaa, jin har palai paa-ay. ||30||
Nanak (says): God Himself is priceless; fortunate are those whom God attaches to the hem
of His robe (i.e. fortunate are those whom God makes His own). 30
hir rwis myrI mnu vxjwrw ] har raas mayree, man vaṇjaaraa.
(The name of) God is my capital, my mind is the merchant.
hir rwis myrI mnu vxjwrw siqgur qy rwis jwxI ] har raas mayree, man vaṇjaaraa, satgur tay raas jaaṇee.
(The name of) God is my capital, my mind is the merchant; through the True Guru, I (could)
know my (this true) capital.
hir hir inq jiphu jIAhu lwhw Kithu idhwVI ] har har nit japihu jee-ahu, laahaa khatihu dihaaṛee.
Meditate continually upon (the name of) God, the Lord, from the (core of) heart, and earn the
wages (i.e. profit) daily.
eyhu Dnu iqnw imilAw ijn hir Awpy Bwxw ] ayhu dhan tinaa mili-aa, jin har aapay bhaaṇaa.
This wealth is obtained by those, giving whom is pleasing to the will of God Himself.
khY nwnku hir rwis myrI mnu hoAw vxjwrw ]31] kahai naanak, har raas mayree, man ho-aa vaṇjaaraa. ||31||
Says Nanak: God is my capital, and, my mind has become the merchant. 31
ey rsnw qU An ris rwic rhI qyrI ipAws n jwie ]
ay rasnaa, too an ras raach rahee, tayree pi-aas na jaa-ay.
O! (my) tongue, you are engrossed in other tastes (i.e. of maya), (but) your thirst can not get
ipAws n jwie horqu ikqY ijcru hir rsu plY n pwie ]
pi-aas na jaa-ay horat kitai, jichar har ras palai na paa-ay.
(O! my tongue) Your thirst can not be quenched by any other means, until you attain the
essence of (the name of) God.
hir rsu pwie plY pIAY hir rsu bhuiV n iqRsnw lwgY Awie ]
har ras paa-ay palai, pee-ai har ras, bahurh na tarisnaa laagai aa-ay.
Having obtained the essence of (the name of) God, (when) one drinks it in; desires do not
trouble him again.
eyhu hir rsu krmI pweIAY siqguru imlY ijsu Awie ] ayhu har ras karmee paa-ee-ai, satgur milai jis aa-ay.
This essence (of the name) of God is obtained by His grace, (and he alone obtains it) whom the
True Guru comes to meet.
khY nwnku hoir An rs siB vIsry jw hir vsY min Awie ]32]
kahai naanak, hor an ras sabh veesray, jaa har vasai man aa-ay. ||32||
Says Nanak: All other tastes are forgotten, when God comes to dwell within the mind. 32
ey srIrw myirAw hir qum mih joiq rKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
ay sareeraa mayri-aa, har tum meh jot rakhee, taa too jag meh aa-i-aa.
O! my body (O! mortal being), (when) God placed (His) Light (i.e. infused life) into you, then
you came into the world.
hir joiq rKI quDu ivic qw qU jg mih AwieAw ] har jot rakhee tudh vich, taa too jag meh aa-i-aa.
(When) God placed (His) Light (i.e. infused life) into you, then you came into the world.
hir Awpy mwqw Awpy ipqw ijin jIau aupwie jgqu idKwieAw ]

har aapay maataa, aapay pitaa, jin jee-o upaa-ay jagat dikhaa-i-aa.
(O! mortal being) God, who has created the (mortal) being and revealed the world to him,
(He) Himself is (your) mother, Himself is (your) father.
gur prswdI buiJAw qw clqu hoAw clqu ndrI AwieAw ]
gur parsaadee bujhi-aa taa chalat ho-aa, chalat nadree aa-i-aa.
By the grace of the Guru, (when) one realizes, (then) a wonder happen,s (that) this (world)
seems (like) a wondrous play.
khY nwnku isRsit kw mUlu ricAw joiq rwKI qw qU jg mih AwieAw ]33]
kahai naanak, sarisat kaa mool rachi-aa, jot raakhee, taa too jag meh aa-i-aa. ||33||
Says Nanak: (When) He laid the foundation of (i.e. the origin) of the world, placed His light
(i.e. infused life) in it, (O! mortal being) then you came into this world.” 33
min cwau BieAw pRB Awgmu suixAw ] man chaa-o bha-i-aa, prabh aagam suṇi-aa.
Hearing the coming of God, my mind has become exited (with joy).
hir mMglu gwau sKI igRhu mMdru bixAw ] har maNgal gaa-o sakhee, garihu maNdar baṇi-aa.
Sing the songs of joy (in praise) of the Lord, O! (my) friends, my house (i.e. my heart) has
become mansion (of God).
hir gwau mMglu inq sKIey sogu dUKu n ivAwpey ] har gaa-o maNgal nit sakhee-ay, sog dookh na vi-aapa-ay.
Singh continually the songs of joy (in praise) of the Lord, O! (my) friends; and, sorrows and
sufferings will not afflict you.
gur crn lwgy idn sBwgy Awpxw ipru jwpey ] gur charan laagay, din sabhaagay, aapnaa pir jaap-ay.
Blessed are those days (when) I am attached to the feet of the Guru, and meditate upon my
Husband (Lord).
Anhq bwxI gur sbid jwxI hir nwmu hir rsu Bogo ] anhat baṇee, gur sabad jaaṇee, har naam har ras bhogo.
I have come to known the unstruck word (i.e. celestial music) through the word of Guru; and,
I enjoy the essence of the Lord through the name of the Lord.
P. 922
khY nwnku pRBu Awip imilAw krx kwrx jogo ]34] kahai naanak, prabh aap mili-aa, karaṇ kaaraṇ jogo ||34||
Says Nanak: The Lord Himself has met me; (He is) the Cause of the causes, all-powerful. 34
ey srIrw myirAw iesu jg mih Awie kY ikAw quDu krm kmwieAw ]
ay sareeraa mayri-aa, is jag meh aa-ay kai, ki-aa tudh karam kamaa-i-aa.
O! my body, (since) having come into this world, what ((good) action have you earned?
ik krm kmwieAw quDu srIrw jw qU jg mih AwieAw ]
ke karam kamaa-i-aa tudh, sareeraa, jaa too jag meh aa-i-aa.
What ((good) action have you earned, O! my body, (since) having come into this world?
ijin hir qyrw rcnu ricAw so hir min n vswieAw ]
jin har tayraa rachan rachi-aa, so har man na vasaa-i-aa.
God, who formed your form (i.e. created your body), you have not enshrine that God in mind.
gur prswdI hir mMin visAw pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]
gur parsaadee har maNn vasi-aa, poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
By the grace of Guru, God abides in mind, this is attained (if one has it) pre-destined.
khY nwnku eyhu srIru prvwxu hoAw ijin siqgur isau icqu lwieAw ]35]
kahai naanak, ayhu sareer parvaaṇ ho-aa, jin satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa. ||35||

Says Nanak: (only) that body is approved (in the court of God), which focusses mind on the
True Guru. 35
ey nyqRhu myirho hir qum mih joiq DrI hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ]
ay naytarahu mayriho, har tum meh jot dharee har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee.
O! my eyes, God has placed (i.e. infused)His Light into you; do not see any other than God.
hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ndrI hir inhwilAw ] har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee, nadree har nihaali-aa.
Do not see any other than God; behold (only) Him (with these eyes) and be pleased.
eyhu ivsu sMswru qum dyKdy eyhu hir kw rUpu hY hir rUpu ndrI AwieAw ]
ayhu vis saNsaar tum daykh-day, ayhu har kaa roop hai, har roop nadree aa-i-aa.
This whole world, which you see, is the form (i.e. manifestations) of God (Himself); (only)
God’s form (i.e. manifestations) is seen (everywhere and in all).
gur prswdI buiJAw jw vyKw hir ieku hY hir ibnu Avru n koeI ]
gur parsaadee bujhi-aa, jaa vaykhaa har ik hai, har bin avar na ko-ee.
By the grace of Guru, I have understood; and, when I beheld, I found (that there is) One God
(alone), there is no one except God.
khY nwnku eyih nyqR AMD sy siqguir imilAY idb idRsit hoeI ]36]
kahai naanak, ayhi naytar aNdh say, satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36||
Says Nanak: (before I met the True Guru) these eyes were (spiritually) blind, (but) meeting the
True Guru met, they became superb sight (i.e. spiritual vision). 36
ey sRvxhu myirho swcY sunxY no pTwey ] ay sarvaṇhu mayriho, saachai sunṇai no paṭaa-ay.
O! my ears, God sent (i.e. created) you (only) to hear (the name of the Lord).
swcY sunxY no pTwey srIir lwey suxhu siq bwxI ] saachai sunṇai no paṭaa-ay, sareer laa-ay, sunhu sat baṇee.
God sent (i.e. created) you (only) to hear (the name of the Lord), (and you were) attached to the
body(only for this purpose); (so) listen to (only) the True word.
ijqu suxI mnu qnu hirAw hoAw rsnw ris smwxI ] jit suṇee man tan hari-aa ho-aa, rasnaa ras samaaṇee.
Hearing it (i.e. True word), the mind and body become green (i.e. are rejuvenated), and the
tongue is absorbed in the essence (i.e. ecstasy).
scu AlK ivfwxI qw kI giq khI n jwey ] sach alakh vidaaṇee taa kee gat kahee na jaa-ay.
The True Lord is unseen and wondrous, His state (i.e. grandeur) cannot be described.
khY nwnku AMimRq nwmu suxhu pivqR hovhu swcY sunxY no pTwey ]37]
kahai naanak aMmrit naam suṇhu pavitar hovhu saachai sunṇai no paṭaa-ay. ||37||
Says Nanak: Listen to the AMmrit name and become sanctified, you were sent (i.e. created) to
listen (only) the Truth. 37
hir jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ] har, jee-o gufaa aNdar rakh kai, vaajaa pavaṇ vajaa-i-aa.
God placed life into the cave (of the body), and, blew the musical instrument of wind (i.e. blew
breath of life in the body cave).
vjwieAw vwjw paux nau duAwry prgtu kIey dsvw gupqu rKwieAw ]
vajaa-i-aa vaajaa pa-uṇ, na-o du-aaray pargat kee-ay, dasvaa gupat rakhaa-i-aa.
He blew the musical instrument of wind (i.e. blew breath of life in the body cave); revealed the
nine doors* (but) kept the Tenth** one hidden.
[*In the (human) body there are nine ‘doors’ (entrances/exits) i.e. two eyes, two ears. two noses, mouth, anus and
urine/semens hole, which are visible; **brain is the ‘dasvan duaar’ (tenth door) through which one gets inference and
issue commands to act. [Some writers, especially the priestly class, have confused people by claiming that there is an

invisible door (which can not be known/realized by every one)].
gurduAwrY lwie BwvnI ieknw dsvw duAwru idKwieAw ]
gurdu-aarai laa-ay bhaavnee, iknaa dasvaa du-aar dikhaa-i-aa.
Blessing some with faith through the door of Guru (i.e. attaching some people to the Guru),
(God) revealed them (even) the Tenth Gate.
qh Anyk rUp nwau nv iniD iqs dw AMqu n jweI pwieAw ]
tah anayk roop, naa-o nav nidh, tis daa aNt na jaa-ee paa-i-aa.
(In that state) there are many forms, the nine treasure of the name (of the Lord), His limits
cannot not be known.
khY nwnku hir ipAwrY jIau guPw AMdir riK kY vwjw pvxu vjwieAw ]38]
kahai naanak, har pi-aarai jee-o, gufaa aNdar rakh kai, vaajaa pavaṇ vajaa-i-aa. ||38||
Says Nanak: The Beloved God placed life into the cave (of the body), and, blew the musical
instrument of wind (i.e. blew breath of life in the body cave). 38
eyhu swcw soihlw swcY Gir gwvhu ] ayhu saachaa sohilaa, saachai ghar gaavhu.
Sing this true song of praise in the True home (i.e. in the heart, the home of the True Lord).
gwvhu q soihlw Gir swcY ijQY sdw scu iDAwvhy ] gaavhu ta sohilaa ghar saachai, jithai sadaa sach dhi-aavhay.
Sing this true song of praise in the True home (i.e. in the heart, the home of the True Lord); and,
meditate there upon the True (Lord) forever.
sco iDAwvih jw quDu Bwvih gurmuiK ijnw buJwvhy ]
sacho di-aavahi, jaa tudh bhaaveh, gurmukh jinaa bujhaavhay.
They (alone) meditate upon (You) the True, who are pleasing to You; and, whom You get to
understand through the Guru.
iehu scu sBnw kw Ksmu hY ijsu bKsy so jnu pwvhy ] ih sach sabhnaa kaa khasam hai, jis bakhsay so jan paavhay
This Truth is the master of all; whoever He blesses obtains it.
khY nwnku scu soihlw scY Gir gwvhy ]39] kahai naanak, sach sohilaa, sachai ghar gaavhay. ||39||
Says Nanak: Sing this true song of praise in the True home (i.e. in the heart, the home of the
True Lord). 39
Andu suxhu vfBwgIho sgl mnorQ pUry ] anad suṇhu vadbhaageeho, sagal manorath pooray.
Listen to the song of bliss, O! greatly fortunate ones, all your longings shall be fulfilled.
pwrbRhmu pRBu pwieAw auqry sgl ivsUry ] paarbarahm prabh paa-i-aa, utray sagal visooray.
(When) one finds (i.e. gets united with) the Supreme Reality, God, all sorrows are forgotten
(i.e. all sorrows are dispelled).
dUK rog sMqwp auqry suxI scI bwxI ] dookh rog saNtaap utray, suṇee sachee banee.
All pains, ailments and sufferings depart (by) listening to the True word.
sMq swjn Bey srsy pUry gur qy jwxI ] saNt saajan bha-ay sarsay, pooray gur tay jaaṇee.
All God-oriented persons, and friends are in ecstasy (by listening to the word); I have known
this through the perfect Guru.
suxqy punIq khqy pivqu siqguru rihAw BrpUry ] suṇtay puneet, kahtay pavit, satgur rahi-aa bharpooray.
Pure are those who listen, and pure are those who speak; (they behold) the True Guru is
perfectly pervading (everywhere).
ibnvMiq nwnku gur crx lwgy vwjy Anhd qUry ]40]1]
binvaNt naanak, gur charaṇ laagay, vaajay anhad tooray. ||40||1||

Prays Nanak: (by) attaching to the feet of Guru, the bugles of unstruck word resound (in the
heart). 40.1
P. 923
rwmklI sdu Raamkalee, sadu
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
[In the following verse, Sunder, the composer, has depicted the scene of the death of (his grandfather) Guru Amar Das]:
jig dwqw soie Bgiq vClu iqhu loie jIau ] gur sbid smwvey Avru n jwxY koie jIau ]
jag daataa so-ay, bhagat vachhal tihu lo-ay, jee-o. gur sabad samaav-ay, avar na jaaṇai ko-ay, jee-o
He is the Giver of the world, the Lover of His devotees, throughout the three worlds, O! dear*;
(The Guru is) merging in the word of the Guru, no other one knows this(wondrous play), O! dear*
[*Here, the usage of ‘O! dear’ is of musical value. It has nothing to do with the rest of the text].
Avro n jwxih sbid gur kY eyku nwmu iDAwvhy ] prswid nwnk gurU AMgd prm pdvI pwvhy ]
avro na jaaṇeh sabad gur kai, ayk naam dhi-aavhay.
parsaad naanak guroo aNgad, param padvee paavhay.
Through the word of the Guru, he does not knows any other, and, meditates (only) upon the
One name (of God);
By the grace of Guru Nanak and Guru Angad, he (i.e. Guru Amar Das) has obtained the
supreme status (of liberation).
AwieAw hkwrw clxvwrw hir rwm nwim smwieAw ]
aa-i-aa hakaaraa chalaṇvaaraa, har raam naam samaa-i-aa.
When the call came for (i.e. Guru Amar Das’s) departure, he merged in the name of God.
jig Amru Atlu Aqolu Twkuru Bgiq qy hir pwieAw ]1]
jag amar atal atol ṭaakur, bhagat tay har paa-i-aa. ||1||
(While living) in the world, he (i.e. the Guru) found (i.e. got united with) the immortal,
immovable, un-weighable Lord, through the devotion of God. 1
hir Bwxw gur BwieAw guru jwvY hir pRB pwis jIau ]
har bhaaṇaa gur bhaa-i-aa, gur jaavai har prabh paas, jee-o.
The Guru accepted God's will, (and, so) he reached the presence of God, the Lord, O! dear.
siqguru kry hir pih bynqI myrI pYj rKhu Ardwis jIau ]
satgur karay har peh bayntee mayree paij rakhahu ardaas jee-o.
The True Guru prays to God: (please) save my honour, (this is) my prayer, O! dear.
pYj rwKhu hir jnh kyrI hir dyhu nwmu inrMjno ] paij raakho har janah kayree, har, dayh naam niraNjano.
(Please) save the honour of Your servant (i.e. devotee), O! God, and bless me with (Your)
immaculate name.
Amiq clidAw hoie bylI jmdUq kwlu inKMjno ] aNt chaldi-aa ho-ay baylee, jamdoot kaal nikhaNjano.
At the last time, while departing, it (i.e. the name) would become my companion (i.e. my
helper) ; it is destroyer of death, and the messenger of death.
siqgurU kI bynqI pweI hir pRiB suxI Ardwis jIau ]
satguroo kee bayntee paa-ee, har prabh suṇee ardaas, jee-o.

The prayer offered by the True Guru was heard by God, the Lord, O! dear.
hir Dwir ikrpw siqguru imlwieAw Dnu Dnu khY swbwis jIau ]2]
har dhaar kirpaa, satgur milaa-i-aa, dhan dhan kahai saabaas, jee-o. ||2||
Bestowing His mercy, He united the True Guru with Himself; and, (the word) said: ‘blesses,
blessed, hail, O! dear. 2.
myry isK suxhu puq BweIho myrY hir Bwxw Awau mY pwis jIau ]
mayray sikh suṇhu put bhaa-eeho, mayrai har bhaaṇaa aa-o mai paas, jee-o.
(The Guru said): listen, O! my disciples, my sons (i.e. my children), my brethren: (it is) the will
of my Lord, that I should go to Him, O! dear.
hir Bwxw gur BwieAw myrw hir pRBu kry swbwis jIau ] har bhaaṇaa gur bhaa-i-aa, mayraa har prabh karay
saabaas, jee-o.
The will of God seemed sweet to the Guru; and, my Lord applauded him, O! dear.
Bgqu siqguru purKu soeI ijsu hir pRB Bwxw Bwvey ]
bhagat satgur purakh so-ee, jis har parabh bhaaṇaa bhaav-ay.
He (alone) is devotees, True Guru, Primal Person, who is pleased with the will of God.
Awnµd Anhd vjih vwjy hir Awip gil mylwvey ] aanand anhad vajeh vaajay, har aap gal maylaava-ay.
The unstruck word of bliss resounds (within his heart), and, God Himself hugs him close to
His breast.
qusI puq BweI prvwru myrw min vyKhu kir inrjwis jIau ]
tusee put bhaa-ee parvaar mayraa, man vaykhhu kar nirjaas jee-o.
O! my sons, my brethren, my family, contemplate in your minds and see, O! dear
Duir iliKAw prvwxw iPrY nwhI guru jwie hir pRB pwis jIau ]3]
dhur likhi-aa parvaaṇaa firai naahee, gur jaa-ay har prabh paas, jee-o. ||3||
The preordained writ can not be reversed (i.e. can not be avoided), the Guru is going to be
with God, the Lord, O! dear. 3
siqguir BwxY AwpxY bih prvwru sdwieAw ] mq mY ipCY koeI rovsI so mY mUil n BwieAw ]
satgur bhaaṇai aapnai, bahi parvaar sadaa-i-aa.
mat mai pichhai ko-ee rovsee, so mai mool na bhaa-i-aa.
The True Guru, in his own will, sat down and called his family (and commanded) :
Let no one weep after me after I am gone, that would not please me atall.
imqu pYJY imqu ibgsY ijsu imq kI pYj Bwvey ] mit paijhai, mit bigsai, jis mit kee paij bhaav-ay.
(When) a friend receives a robe (of honour), (then, those) friends blossom who are pleased
when their friend is honoured.
qusI vIcwir dyKhu puq BweI hir siqgurU pYnwvey ]
tusee veechaar daykhhu, put bhaa-ee, har satguroo painaava-ay.
Think this and see, O! my sons, my brethren, God has given the True Guru the robe of honour.
siqgurU prqiK hodY bih rwju Awip itkwieAw ] satguroo partakh hodai, bahi raaj aap tikaa-i-aa.
The True Guru seated himself, and, appointed a successor to the kingdom (i.e. his throne).
siB isK bMDp puq BweI rwmdws pYrI pwieAw ]4]
sabh sikh baNdhap put bhaa-ee, raamdaas pairee paa-i-aa. ||4||
He got all the disciples, relatives, sons, and brethren, bow at the feet of (Guru) Ram Das. 4
AMqy siqguru boilAw mY ipCY kIrqnu kirAhu inrbwxu jIau ]

antay satgur boli-aa, mai pichhai, keertan kari-ahu nirbaaṇ, jee-o.
Finally, the True Guru said: when I am gone, sing (the praise of) the Liberating (Lord), O! dear.
kyso gopwl pMifq sidAhu hir hir kQw pVih purwxu jIau ]
kayso* gopaal paNdit sadi-ahu, har har kathaa parheh puraaṇ, jee-o.
Call in the scholars of the Long-Haired (God), the Sustainer of the World, to read (i.e.
narrate) the story (of the excellences) of God, the Lord, instead of Purans, O! dear.
[*Kayso/ Kesav, literally means: one with long hair. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
hir kQw pVIAY hir nwmu suxIAY bybwxu hir rMgu gur Bwvey ]
har kathaa paṛee-ai, har naam suṇee-ai, baybaaṇ har raNg, gur bhaav-ay.
Read the story (of the excellences) of God, listen to the name of God; the bier of (i.e. decorated
with) the love of God, pleases the Guru.
ipMfu pqil ikirAw dIvw Pul hir sir pwvey ] piNd,* patal,* kiri-aa,* deevaa,* ful,* har sar paav-ay.
(The Guru does not like the offering of) the rice balls, (the rites of) lightening lamp, throwing
flowers (bones/corpse in waters of Ganges); (instead, join) the pool of God (i.e. congregation
where praise of God is sung).
[*According to Hindu belief, even after death, the 'soul' of the dead, still remains in 'this world', and, to send it to
'heaven', the son has to perform several rituals; it includes: pind daan (a pind is a round ball, made of mixture of wheat
and rice flour with some sesame seeds mixed along with some milk or honey. Seven balls are made of about 100 grames
of flour. Of these one ball is offered to the deceased and the rest to others as desired); patal (literally: a plate made of
leaves; it is donating food on a patal, to assist migrating soul); kiriaa (i,e, saraadh, is annual rituals for the dead);
ritual of diva is keeping a lamp lit for 360 days after the death (for the use of the dead); phull (is ceremony of throwing
ashes of the dead in river Ganges). All these ceremonies had been are devised by the Brahmin priests and can be
performed only by them; they have devised these for their earnings].
hir BwieAw siqguru boilAw hir imilAw purKu sujwxu jIau ]
har bhaa-i-aa, satgur boli-aa, har mili-aa purakh sujaaṇ, jee-o.
God was pleased (to listen to) what the True Guru spoke; and, he (i.e. the True Guru) was
united with God, the Primal Person, the All-Knowing, O! dear.
rwmdws soFI iqlku dIAw gur sbdu scu nIswxu jIau ]5]
raamdaas soḍee tilak dee-aa, gur sabad sach neesaaṇ, jee-o. ||5||
He then blessed (Guru) Ram Das Sodhi (with the status of guru-ship); and, presented him with
the eternal insignia of the word, O! dear. 5
siqguru purKu ij boilAw gurisKw mMin leI rjwie jIau ]
satgur purakh je boli-aa, gursikhaa maNn la-ee rajaa-ay, jee-o.
As the True Guru, the Primal Person spoke (i.e. expressed his wish), the followers of the
Guru obeyed his will, O! dear.
mohrI puqu snmuKu hoieAw rwmdwsY pYrI pwie jIau ]
mohree put sanmukh ho-i-aa, raamdaasai pairee paa-ay, jee-o.
(His) son Mohri came forward (obeyed the Guru), and, touched the feet of (i.e. bowed in
reverence to) (Guru) Ram Das, O! dear.
sB pvY pYrI siqgurU kyrI ijQY gurU Awpu riKAw ]
sabh pavai pairee satguroo kayree, jithai guroo aap rakhi-aa.
(Then) all touched the feet of the True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das), where the Guru (Amar Das)
had placed himself (i.e. his light).

koeI kir bKIlI invY nwhI iPir siqgurU Awix invwieAw ]
ko-ee kar bakheelee nivai naahee, fir satguroo aaṇ nivaa-i-aa.
(If) any one, who did not (then) bow (in reverence at the feet of Guru Ram Das) due to malice,
the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), later, brought him around to bow.
hir gurih Bwxw dIeI vifAweI Duir iliKAw lyKu rjwie jIau ]
har gureh bhaaṇaa dee-ee vadi-aa-ee, dhur likhi-aa laykh rajaa-ay, jee-o.
In the pleasure of the Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), God bestowed greatness (upon Guru Ram
Das); such was the preordained writ of the will of God, O! dear.
khY suMdru suxhu sMqhu sBu jgqu pYrI pwie jIau ]6]1]
kahai suNdar, suṇhu saNtahu, sabh jagat pairee paa-ay, jee-o. ||6||1||
Says Sunder: Listen, O! God-oriented person, all the world bowed at his (upon Guru Ram
Das’s) feet, O! dear. 6.1

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
swjnVw myrw swjnVw inkit KloieAVw myrw swjnVw ]
saajanṛaa, mayraa saajanṛaa, nikat khalo-i-aṛaa mayraa saajanṛaa.
Friend, my friend, my friend is standing so near to me.
[God is my Friend, my Dear Friend, my Beloved, who is so near to me, and, always ready to help me].
jwnIAVw hir jwnIAVw nYx AloieAVw hir jwnIAVw ]
jaanee-aṛaa, har jaanee-aṛaa, naiṇ alo-i-aṛaa har jaanee-aṛaa.
Beloved, God (is) my Beloved, I have seen God, my Beloved, with my eyes.
nYx AloieAw Git Git soieAw Aiq AMimRq ipRA gUVw ] naiṇ alo-i-aa, ghat ghat so-i-aa, at a mrit pari-a gooṛaa
I have known Him with my eyes; (He is) sleeping within each and every heart. My profound
Beloved is sweet like AMmrit.
nwil hovMdw lih n skMdw suAwau n jwxY mUVw ] naal hovandaa, leh na sakaNdaa, su-aa-o na jaaṇai mooṛaa.
He is along with (all), (but, everyone) can not find (i.e. realize His presence), the fool (ignorant
being) does not know the taste (of union with Him).
mwieAw mid mwqw hoCI bwqw imlxu n jweI Brm DVw ]
maa-i-aa mad maataa, hochhee baataa, milaṇ na jaa-ee bharam dhaṛaa.
Intoxicated with the wine of maya, one talks (uselessly) about trivial matters; and, for being
in doubts, he cannot meet Him.
khu nwnk gur ibnu nwhI sUJY hir swjnu sB kY inkit KVw ]1]
kaho naanak, gur bin naahee soojhai, har saajan sabh kai nikat khaṛaa. ||1||
Says Nanak: without the Guru, he can not understand (i.e. cannot realize the presence of
God); God, the Friend, is standing near everyone. 1
goibMdw myry goibMdw pRwx ADwrw myry goibMdw ] gobindaa, mayray gobiNdaa, paraaṇ adhaaraa mayray gobiNdaa
The Lord of the World (God)! O! my Lord of the World (my God)! (You are) the support of
(the breath of) my life, O! my Lord of the World (O! my God).

ikrpwlw myry ikrpwlw dwn dwqwrw myry ikrpwlw ]
kirpaalaa, mayray kirpaalaa, daan daataaraa mayray kirpaalaa.
O! Merciful (Lord), O! my Merciful(Lord), O! Giver of gifts, O! my Merciful (Lord).
dwn dwqwrw Apr Apwrw Gt Gt AMqir sohinAw ] daan daataaraa, apar apaaraa, ghat ghat a tar sohni-aa.
O! Giver of gifts, infinite and unlimited; dwelling within each and every heart, O! beauteous.
iek dwsI DwrI sbl pswrI jIA jMq lY mohinAw ] ik daasee dhaaree, sabal pasaaree, jee-a ja t lai mohni-aa.
(O! Lord, You have) created a slave (maya), (she is) powerful pervading (everywhere), (and it)
has enticed all the being and creatures.
ijs no rwKY so scu BwKY gur kw sbdu bIcwrw ] jis no raakhai, so sach bhaakhai, gur kaa sabad beechaaraa.
One, whom He saves, chants (the name of) the True, and contemplates the word of the Guru.
khu nwnk jo pRB kau Bwxw iqs hI kau pRBu ipAwrw ]2]
kaho naanak, jo prabh ka-o bhaaṇaa, tis hee ka-o prabh pi-aaraa. ||2||
Says Nanak: One who is pleasing to God, God is dear to him alone. 2
mwxo pRB mwxo myry pRB kw mwxo ] maaṇo, prabh maano, mayray prabh kaa maaṇo.
(I take) pride, (I take) pride in Lord, I take pride in my Lord.
jwxo pRBu jwxo suAwmI suGVu sujwxo ] jaano, prabh jaaṇo, su-aamee sugharh sujaaṇo.
Know (i.e. I recognize), (I) know the Lord, (He alone is) the All-wise, the All-knowing Lord.
suGV sujwnw sd prDwnw AMimRqu hir kw nwmw ] sugharh sujaanaa, sad pardhaanaa, aMmrit har kaa naamaa
(He is) All-wise, the All-knowing and forever supreme; the name of God is AMmrit.
cwiK AGwxy swirgpwxy ijn kY Bwg mQwnw ] chaakh aghaaṇay, saarigpaaṇay*, jin kai bhaag mathaanaa.
Those, who have (preordained) destiny writ on their foreheads, taste it and are satiated with
the Sustainer of the Earth* (i.e. God).
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
iqn hI pwieAw iqnih iDAwieAw sgl iqsY kw mwxo ] tin hee paa-i-aa, tineh dhi-aa-i-aa, sagal tisai kaa maaṇo.
They(i.e. who) had found Him, they have meditated upon Him, they all place pride in Him.
khu nwnk iQru qKiq invwsI scu iqsY dIbwxo ]3] kaho naanak, thir takhat nivaasee, sach tisai deebaaṇo.||3||
Says Nanak: He is seated on (His) stable (i.e. eternal) throne, and true is His court. 3
mMglw hir mMglw myry pRB kY suxIAY mMglw ] maNglaa, har maNglaa, mayray prabh kai suṇee-ai maNglaa.
The songs of joy, the songs of joy (in praise) of God, listen to the songs of Joy (in praise) of my
Lord (God).
soihlVw pRB soihlVw Anhd DunIAY soihlVw ] sohilṛaa, prabh sohilṛaa, anhad dhunee-ai sohilṛaa.
The song of praise, the song of God’s praise; the unstruck sound of the song of praise is being
played upon.
Anhd vwjy sbd Agwjy inq inq ijsih vDweI ] anhad vaajay, sabad agaajay, nit nit jisahi vadhaa-ee.
The unstruck sound is being played upon, the sound of the word is being played upon; there
is constant and continual praise.
so pRBu iDAweIAY sBu ikCu pweIAY mrY n AwvY jweI ]
so prabh dhi-aa-ee-a, sabh kichh paa-ee-ai, marai na aavai jaa-ee.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Lord; from Him everything is obtained; He does not dies, or
comes or goes.
cUkI ipAwsw pUrn Awsw gurmuiK imlu inrgunIAY ] chookee pi-aasaa, pooran aasaa, gurmukh mil nirgunee-ai.
(One, who meditates upon Him) his thirst is quenched, his wishes are fulfilled; and, through
the Guru, he meets (i.e is united) with the Absolute (Lord, the Ultimate Reality).
khu nwnk Gir pRB myry kY inq inq mMglu sunIAY ]4]1]
kaho naanak, ghar prabh mayray kai, nit nit maNgal sunee-ai. ||4||1||
Says Nanak: in the home of my Lord (i.e. in my heart), the songs of joy are forever and ever
heard. 4.1

< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-o kaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth.
the only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).

P. 925
rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5
hir hir iDAwie mnw iKnu n ivswrIAY ] har har dhi-aa-ay manaa, khin na visaaree-ai.
Meditate upon God, the Lord, O! (my) mind, do not forget Him even for an instant.
rwm rwmw rwm rmw kMiT aur DwrIAY ] raam raamaa, raam ramaa, kaNṭ ur dhaaree-ai.
Enshrine God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty within (your) throat and heart (i.e. chant His
praise through your throat/ mouth and always remember Him in your heart).
aur Dwir hir hir purKu pUrnu pwrbRhmu inrMjno ] ur dhaar har har purakh pooran, paarbarahm niraNjano.
Enshrine within (your) heart God, the Lord, the Primal Person, the Perfect (Lord), the Supreme
Reality, Immaculate (Lord).
BY dUir krqw pwp hrqw dush duK Bv KMfno ] bhai door kartaa, paap hartaa, dusah dukh bhav khaNdano.
(He is) the Destroyer of Fears, (He) erases the sins, and, (He) eradicates the terrible pains and
wanderings (i.e. cycle of reincarnation).
jgdIs eIs guopwl mwDo gux goivMd vIcwrIAY ] jagdees ees gopaal maadho, guṇ goviNd veechaaree-ai.
(He is) the Master of the World, the Sustainer of the World, the Lord of Maya; (O! brethren)
contemplate the excellences of the Lord of the World.
ibnvMiq nwnk imil sMig swDU idnsu rYix icqwrIAY ]1]
binvaNt naanak, mil saNg saadhoo, dinas raiṇ chitaaree-ai. ||1||
Prays Nanak: Joining the congregation of God-oriented persons, remember Him day and night. 1
crn kml AwDwru jn kw Awsrw ] charan kamal aadhaar, jan kaa aasraa.
His lotus-feet are the support and refuge of His servants (i.e. devotees).
mwlu imlK BMfwr nwmu Anµq Drw ] maal milakh bhaNdaar, naam anaNt dharaa.
Wealth, lands (i.e. property) and treasures are in (i.e. are obtained by) enshrining the name of the
Infinite (Lord), (in one’s heart).
nwmu nrhr inDwnu ijn kY rs Bog eyk nrwiexw ] naam narhar* niddhaan jin kai, ras bhog ayk naraa-iṇaa.**
Those have (in their heart) the treasure of the name of God*, (for them meditating upon) One
Lord** is enjoying the pleasures.
[*Narhar, literally Lord of Men/People. This is an attribute and the name of God. **Naaraain literally means ‘dwellling in
men/ people. This too is an attribute and the name of God. ].
rs rUp rMg Anµq bITl swis swis iDAwiexw ] ras roop raNg, anaNt beeṭal saas saas dhi-aa-iṇaa.
Meditating upon infinite Lord with each and every breath is their (enjoying of) pleasure, beauty
and joy.
iklivK hrxw nwm punhcrxw nwmu jm kI qRws hrw ]
kilvikh harṇaa naam punehcharṇaa, naam jam kee taraas haraa.
The name (of the Lord) is the destroyer of sins, (it is) a deed of redemption; the name eradicates
the fear of death.
ibnvMiq nwnk rwis jn kI crn kmlh Awsrw ]2] binvaNt naanak, raas jan kee, charan kamlah aasraa. ||2||
Prays Nanak: the support of His lotus feet is the capital of His servants (i.e. devotees). 2
gux byAMq suAwmI qyry koie n jwneI ] guṇ bay-aNt su-aamee tayray, ko-ay na jaan-ee.
Your excellences (i.e. virtues) are countless, O! (my) Lord, no one knows (all of) them.
dyiK clq dieAwl suix Bgq vKwneI ] daykh chalat da-i-aal, suṇ bhagat vakhaana-ee.
Beholding Your wondrous plays or hearing from Your devotees, O! Merciful (Lord), (people)
narrate them.
jIA jMq siB quJu iDAwvih purKpiq prmysrw ] jee-a jaNt sabh tujh dhi-aavahi, purakhpat parmaysraa.
All the beings and creatures meditate upon You, O! Master of Men (God), Supreme Lord.
srb jwick eyku dwqw kruxw mY jgdIsrw ] sarab jaachik ayk daataa, karuṇaa mai jagdeesraa.
Everyone is a beggar, You are the One Giver, O! Lord of Compassion, Master of the World.
swDU sMqu sujwxu soeI ijsih pRB jI mwneI ] saadhoo saNt sujaaṇ so-ee, jisahi parabh jee maana-ee.
He alone is holy, God-oriented person, greatly wise, whom is accepted by dear God.
ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw soie quJih pCwneI ]3]
binvaNt naanak, karahu kirpaa ,so-ay tujheh pachhaana-ee. ||3||
Prays Nanak: they alone recognize (i.e. understand/realzie) You, unto whom You bestow
Your kindness. 3
moih inrgux AnwQu srxI AwieAw ] mohi nirguṇ anaath, sarṇee aa-i-aa.
I am without any virtue and an orphan (i.e. without Master), I have come to Your refuge.
bil bil bil gurdyv ijin nwmu idRVwieAw ] bal bal bal gurdayv, jin naam driṛ-aa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto my Divine Guru, who has implanted the name (within me).
guir nwmu dIAw kuslu QIAw srb ieCw puMnIAw ] gur naam dee-aa, kusal thee-aa, sarab ichhaa puNnee-aa.
The Guru bestowed the name, and happy came (to me), and, all (my) desires are fulfilled.
jlny buJweI sWiq AweI imly icrI ivCuMinAw ] jalnay bujhaa-ee, saant aa-ee, milay chiree vichhuNni-aa.
The fire (of desires) has been quenched and peace has come; after a long separation I have
met (my Lord).
Awnµd hrK shj swcy mhw mMgl gux gwieAw ] aanaNd harakh sahj saachay, mahaa maNgal guṇ gaa-i-aa.
Singing songs of great joy, and excellences (of God), I have found ecstasy, pleasure and poise.
ibnvMiq nwnk nwmu pRB kw gur pUry qy pwieAw ]4]2]
binvaNt naanak, naam prabh kaa, gur pooray tay paa-i-aa. ||4||2||
Prays Nanak: I have obtained the name of the Lord from the perfect Guru. 4.2

rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rux Juxo sbdu Anwhdu inq auiT gweIAY sMqn kY ] ruṇ jhuṇo sabad anaahad, nit uṭ gaa-ee-ai saNtan kai.
(O! brethren) rise daily (i.e. every morning), and, joining the God-oriented persons, sing the
melody of the unstruck word.
iklivK siB doK ibnwsnu hir nwmu jpIAY gur mMqn kY ]
kilvikh sabh dokh binaasan, har naam japee-ai gur mantan kai.
All sins and guilt are erased (by meditating upon it, so) meditate upon God's name, through
the Guru's dictum (i.e. instructions).
hir nwmu lIjY Aimau pIjY rYix idnsu ArwDIAY ] har naam leejai, ami-o peejai, raiṇ dinas araadhee-ai.
Chant the name of God, drink in Amrit, and, day and night adore Him.
jog dwn Anyk ikirAw lig crx kmlh swDIAY ] jog daan anayk kiri-aa, lag charaṇ kamlah saadhee-ai.
(The merits of) Yoga, (giving) charity and many (religious) rituals, are in (i.e. are obtained by)
attaching to and adoring the lotus-feet (of God).
Bwau Bgiq dieAwl mohn dUK sgly prhrY ] bhaa-o bhagat da-i-aal mohan, dookh saglay parharai.
The loving devotion of the Merciful, fascinating (Lord) dispels all sorrows.
ibnvMiq nwnk qrY swgru iDAwie suAwmI nrhrY ]1]
binvaNt naanak tarai saagar dhi-aa-ay su-aamee narharai. ||1||

Prays Nanak: One who meditates upon the Lord of Men (i.e. God), the Master, cross over the
(world) ocean. 1
[*In the following, and many other verses, the verses end with the word ‘RAAM’ (literally O! God). It
is just poetic and musical expression, and, has no impact on the text or the meaning of the verse].
suK swgr goibMd ismrxu Bgq gwvih gux qyry rwm ] sukh saagar gobi d, simraṇ, bhagat gaavahi guṇ tayray, raam
O! Ocean of Happiness, Lord of the World, (Your) devotees remember You and sing (the
praise of) Your excellences, O! God.
And mMgl gur crxI lwgy pwey sUK Gnyry rwm ]
anad maNgal gur charṇee laagay, paa-ay sookh ghanayray, raam.
Bliss, joy and great happiness is obtained by attaching to the feet of the Guru, O! God.
suK inDwnu imilAw dUK hirAw ik®pw kir pRiB rwiKAw ]
sukh nidhaan mili-aa, dookh hari-aa, kirpaa kar parabh raakhi-aa.
One who meets the treasure of happiness, (all his) sorrows are taken off; bestowing His grace,
God protects him.
hir crx lwgw BRmu Bau Bwgw hir nwmu rsnw BwiKAw ]
har charaṇ laagaa, bharam bha-o bhaagaa, har naam rasnaa bhaakhi-aa.
Attaching to the feet of God, and chanting the name of God with one’s tongue, all fears and
doubts run away.
hir eyku icqvY pRBu eyku gwvY hir eyku idRstI AwieAw ]
har ayk chitvai, prabh ayk gaavai, har ayk daristee aa-i-aa.
(Such a person) thinks of One God, and, sings (the praise) the One Lord and beholds the One
(manifesting everywhere).
P. 926
ibnvMiq nwnk pRiB krI ikrpw pUrw siqguru pwieAw ]2]
binvaNt naanak, prabh karee kirpaa, pooraa satgur paa-i-aa. ||2||
Prays Nanak: One, upon whom God bestows His grace, he finds the perfect True Guru. 2
imil rhIAY pRB swD jnw imil hir kIrqnu sunIAY rwm ]
mil rahee-ai prabh saadh janaa, mil har keertan sunee-ai, raam.
Meet with the God-oriented persons, the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, and, meeting with
them listen to the praise of God, O! God.
dieAwl pRBU dwmodr mwDo AMqu n pweIAY gunIAY rwm ]
da-i-aal prabhoo daamodar maadho, aNt na paa-ee-ai gunee-ai, raam.
The Merciful Lord is Protector*, Lord of Maya; limit of His excellences can not be known, O!
God. [*Literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; i.e. protector].
dieAwl duK hr srix dwqw sgl doK invwrxo ] da-i-aal dukh har saraṇ daataa, sagal dokh nivaarṇo.
(He is) Merciful (Lord), Dispeller of Sorrows, Giver of Refuge, Eradicator of All Blemishes.
moh sog ivkwr ibKVy jpq nwm auDwrxo ] moh sog vikaar bikh-rhay, japat naam udhaaraṇo.
Attachment, sorrows, vices, are terrible (blemishes); He redeemed those who chant His name.
siB jIA qyry pRBU myry kir ikrpw sB ryx QIvw ]
sabh jee-a tayray, prabhoo mayray, kar kirpaa sabh rayṇ theevaa.
All the beings are Yours, O! my Lord, (please) bless me with Your kindness that I may become
the dust of the feel of all (beings).
ibnvMiq nwnk pRB mieAw kIjY nwmu qyrw jip jIvw ]3]
binvaNt naanak, prabh ma-i-aa keejai, naam tayraa jap jeevaa. ||3||
Prays Nanak: O! Lord, bestow You mercy that I may live meditate upon Your name. 3
rwiK lIey pRiB Bgq jnw ApxI crxI lwey rwm ]
raakh lee-ay prabh bhagat janaa, apnee charṇee laa-ay, raam.
God saves His devotees, attaching them at His feet, O! God.
AwT phr Apnw pRBu ismrh eyko nwmu iDAwey rwm ]
aaṭ pahar apnaa parabh simreh, ayko naam dhi-aa-ay, raam.
All the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours of the day), they remember their Lord, and,
meditate upon the One name (alone), O! God.
iDAwie so pRBu qry Bvjl rhy Awvx jwxw ] dhi-aa-ay so prabh taray bhavjal, rahay aavaṇ jaaṇaa.
Meditating upon that Lord, they cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean), and,
their coming and going (i.e. cycle of reincarnation) ceases.
sdw suKu kilAwx kIrqnu pRB lgw mITw Bwxw ] sadaa sukh kali-aan keertan, prabh lagaa meeṭaa bhaanaa.
(They obtain) constant happiness and prosperity by singing of His praise, and, His will seems
sweet to them.
sB ieC puMnI Aws pUrI imly siqgur pUirAw ] sabh ichh puNnee aas pooree, milay satgur poori-aa.
Meeting the perfect Guru, all their desires are fulfilled and hopes are accomplished.
ibnvMiq nwnk pRiB Awip myly iPir nwhI dUK ivsUirAw ]4]3]
binvaNt naanak, prabh aap maylay, fir naahee dookh visoori-aa. ||4||3||
Prays Nanak: Those, whom God unites with Himself, suffer no pain or sorrows again. 4.3

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq ] sloku ]

Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5, chhaNt, salok
crn kml srxwgqI And mMgl gux gwm ] charan kamal sarṇaagatee, anad maNgal guṇ gaam.
In the refuge of the lotus feet (of God), those, one obtains obtain ecstasy and bliss by sing (the
praise of) His excellences.
nwnk pRBu AwrwDIAY ibpiq invwrx rwm ]1] naanak, prabh aaraadhee-ai, bipat nivaaraṇ raam. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) adore the Lord, God is the Eradicator of Calamities. 1

CMqu ] chhaNt
[*In the following, and many other verses, the verses end with the word ‘JEE-O’ (literally O! dear). It
is just poetic and musical expression, and, has no impact on the text or the meaning of the verse].
pRB ibpiq invwrxo iqsu ibnu Avru n koie jIau ] prabh bipat nivaarṇo, tis bin avar na ko-ay, jee-o.
God is the Eradicator of Calamities; there is no one other than Him, O! dear.
sdw sdw hir ismrIAY jil Qil mhIAil soie jIau ]
sadaa sadaa har simree-ai, jal thal mahee-al so-ay, jee-o.
(O! brethren) forever and ever remember God; He is permeating the waters, the lands, and,
the nether regions, O! dear.
jil Qil mhIAil pUir rihAw iek inmK mnhu n vIsrY ]
jal thal mahee-al poor rahi-aa, ik nimakh manhu na veesrai.
(O! brethren) He is pervading the waters, the lands, and, the nether regions; do not forget Him
from your mind, even for an instant.
gur crn lwgy idn sBwgy srb gux jgdIsrY ] gur charan laagay, din sabhaagay, sarab guṇ jagdeesrai.

Blessed are the days when one is attached to the feet of the Guru; (but, one attains this if he is
blessed by) the Master of the World, embodiment of all virtues.
kir syv syvk idnsu rYxI iqsu BwvY so hoie jIau ] kar sayv sayvak, dinas raiṇee, tis bhaavai so ho-ay, jee-o.
(So, O! brethren), become His servant (i.e. devotee), and, serve Him day and night, whatever
pleases Him, (that alone) comes to happen, O! dear.
bil jwie nwnku suKh dwqy prgwsu min qin hoie jIau ]1]
bal jaa-ay naanak, sukhah daatay ,pargaas man tan ho-ay, jee-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto the Giver of happiness; (with His blessing) my mind and
body are enlightened, O! dear. 1

sloku ] salok
hir ismrq mnu qnu suKI ibnsI duqIAw soc ] har simrat man tan sukhee, binsee dutee-aa soch.
Remembering God, my mind and body become happy, and duality is dispelled.
nwnk tyk guopwl kI goivMd sMkt moc ]1] naanak, tayk gopaal kee, goviNd saNkat moch. ||1||
Nanak (says): I have taken the support of the Sustainer of the World; the Dispeller of
Troubles. 1

CMqu ] chhaNt
BY sMkt kwty nwrwiex dieAwl jIau ] hir gux Awnµd gwey pRB dInw nwQ pRiqpwl jIau ]
bhai saNkat kaatay naaraa-iṇ* da-i-aal, jee-o.
har gun aanand gaa-ay, prabh deenaa naath partipaal, jee-o.
The Merciful God* eradicates their fears and troubles, O! dear;
who sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord, the Lord of the Poor, the Cherisher
(of all),O! dear. [*Naaraain literally means ‘dwellling in men/ people. This is an attribute and the name of God].
pRiqpwl Acuq purKu eyko iqsih isau rMgu lwgw ] kr crn msqku myil lIny sdw Anidnu jwgw ]
partipaal achut purakh ayko, tiseh si-o raNg laagaa.
kar charan mastak, mayl leenay, sadaa an-din jaagaa.
The Cherisher (Lord) is imperishable Primal Person; one, who is imbued with Him;
(when he) placed his hands, and forehead on His feet, He united him (with Himself), and, he
became awake, forever, day and night.
jIau ipMfu igRhu Qwnu iqs kw qnu jobnu Dnu mwlu jIau ]
jee-o piNd garihu thaan tis kaa, tan joban dhan maal, jee-o.
My soul, body, home and land belongs to Him, and also, my body, youth, wealth and
property, O! dear.
sd sdw bil jwie nwnku srb jIAw pRiqpwl jIau ]2]
sad sadaa bal jaa-ay, naanak, sarab jee-aa partipaal, jee-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice unto Him who sustains all beings, O! dear. 2

sloku ] salok
rsnw aucrY hir hry gux goivMd viKAwn ] nwnk pkVI tyk eyk prmysru rKY indwn ]1]
rasnaa uchrai har haray, guṇ goviNd vakhi-aan.
naanak, pakṛee tayk ayk, parmaysar rakhai nidaan. ||1||

(My) tongue chants (the name of) God, the Lord, and, describes the excellences of the Lord of
the World;
Nanak (says):I have grasped the refuge of the One, the Supreme Lord, who shall save me in
the end. 1

CMqu ] chhaNt
so suAwmI pRBu rKko AMcil qw kY lwgu jIau ] so su-aamee parabh rakhko, aNchal taa kai laag, jee-o.
He, our Lord, Master, is the Saviour (of all); attach yourself to the hem of His robe, O! dear.
Bju swDU sMig dieAwl dyv mn kI miq iqAwgu jIau ]
bhaj saadhoo* saNg da-i-aal dayv, man kee mat ti-aag, jee-o.
Meditate upon the Merciful Divine, in the company of the Guru,* and, renounce wisdom (i.e.
clever tactics) of your mind, O! dear. [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
iek Et kIjY jIau dIjY Aws iek DrxIDrY ] ik ot keejai, jee-o deejai, aas ik dharṇeedharai.
(O! brethren) seek the support of One (Lord), surrender your soul unto Him, and, place your
hope only in the Sustainer of the Earth.
swD sMgy hir nwm rMgy sMswru swgru sBu qrY ] saadh saNgay, har naam rangay, sansaar saagar sabh tarai.
One who is imbued with the name of the Lord, in the company of the Guru, swims across all
jnm mrx ibkwr CUty iPir n lwgY dwgu jIau ] janam maraṇ bikaar chhootay, fir na laagai daag, jee-o.
All (his) sins of birth and death are eradicated, and, no stain sticks (to him) again, O! dear.
bil jwie nwnku purK pUrn iQru jw kw sohwgu jIau ]3]
bal jaa-ay, naanak, purakh pooran, thir jaa kaa sohaag, jee-o. ||3||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto the perfect Primal Person (Lord), whose marriage (with
the soul brides) is ever stable (i.e. eternal), O! dear. 3

sloku ] salok
Drm ArQ Aru kwm moK mukiq pdwrQ nwQ ] dharam, arath, ar kaam, mokh*; mukat padaarath naath.
Faith, wealth, sexual accomplishment, and salvation, these blessings are with the Lord.
sgl mnorQ pUirAw nwnk iliKAw mwQ ]1] sagal manorath poori-aa, naanak likhi-aa maath. ||1||
Nanak (says): all objectives (i.e. desires) are fulfilled, (if one has) destiny inscribed on (his)
forehead (i.e. if it is pre-ordained). 1 [*These are the four cardinal blessings one can achieve in ones life].

CMqu ] chhaNt
sgl ieC myrI puMnIAw imilAw inrMjn rwie jIau ]
sagal ichh mayree puNnee-aa, mili-aa niraNjan raa-ay, jee-o.
All my desires are fulfilled, meeting the Immaculate Sovereign Lord, O! dear.
Andu BieAw vfBwgIho igRih pRgty pRB Awie jIau ]
anad bha-i-aa vadbhaageeho, garihi pargatay parabh aa-ay, jee-o.
O! very fortunate ones, I am in ecstasy, the Lord has become manifest in my home (i.e.
heart), O! dear.
igRih lwl Awey purib kmwey qw kI aupmw ikAw gxw ]

garihi laal aa-ay, purab kamaa-ay, taa kee upmaa ki-aa gaṇaa.
My Beloved has come to my home (i.e. heart), because of my past deeds; how can I reckon
(i.e. refer to any one in) His comparison (i.e. how can I describe his glorious greatness)?
byAMq pUrn suK shj dwqw kvn rsnw gux Bxw ]
bay-aNt pooran sukh sahj daataa kavan rasnaa guṇ bhaṇaa.
(He is) infinite, perfect giver of happiness and poise; with what tongue, can I describe His
excellences (i.e. I can not describe His virtues in words) ?
Awpy imlwey gih kMiT lwey iqsu ibnw nhI jwie jIau ]
aapay milaa-ay geh kaNṭ laa-ay tis binaa nahee jaa-ay jee-o.
Hugging me (in embrace) close to His bosom, He Himself has merged me; I have no place (of
rest) other than Him, O! dear.
bil jwie nwnku sdw krqy sB mih rihAw smwie jIau ]4]4]
bal jaa-ay, naanak, sadaa kartay; sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ay, jee-o. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): I am forever sacrifice unto the Creator, (who is) contained in all (and
pervading everywhere), O! dear. 4.4

rwgu rwmklI mhlw 5 ] Raag Raamkalee, Mehlaa 5

rx JuMJnVw gwau sKI hir eyku iDAwvhu ] ran jhuNjhnaṛaa gaa-o sakhee, har ayk dhi-aavahu.
Sing sweet songs, O! (my) companions (i.e. soul brides), and, meditate upon the One Lord.
siqguru qum syiv sKI min icMidAVw Plu pwvhu ] satgur tum sayv sakhee, man chiNdi-aṛaa fal paavhu.
Serve you the True Guru, O! (my) companions (i.e. soul brides), and, (you) shall obtain the
fruit of your mind’s desires.

rwmklI mhlw 5 ruqI sloku Raamkalee, Mehlaa, 5 rutee*, salok

[*RUTEE, litreally: song of seasons. This is a form of verse in which each stanza is attributed to one season]
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kir bMdn pRB pwrbRhm bwCau swDh DUir ] kar baNdan prabh paarbarahm, baachha-o saadhah dhoor.
(O! brethren, I) bow to (i.e. make obeisance to) God, the Supreme Reality, and long for the
dust of the feet of God-oriented persons.
Awpu invwir hir hir Bjau nwnk pRB BrpUir ]1] aap nivaar har har bhaja-o, naanak, prabh bharpoor. ||1||
Nanak (says): renouncing my self-conceit, I meditate upon God, the Lord; God is all-
pervading. 1
iklivK kwtx BY hrx suK swgr hir rwie ] kilvikh kaataṇ, bhai haraṇ, sukh saagar har raa-ay.
The Sovereign Lord is Eradicator of Sins, Destroyer of Fears, and, Ocean of Happiness.
dIn dieAwl duK BMjno nwnk nIq iDAwie ]2] deen da-i-aal dukh bhaNjano, naanak, neet dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
He is Merciful to the Poor, Destroyer of Sorrows; Nanak (says): always meditate upon Him. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
jsu gwvhu vfBwgIho kir ikrpw BgvMq jIau ] jas gaavhu vadbhaageeho, kar kirpaa bhagvaNt, jee-o.
Sing His praise, O! very fortunate ones; and, He shall become kind to you, O! dear.
ruqI mwh mUrq GVI gux aucrq soBwvMq jIau ] rutee maah moorat ghaṛee, guṇ uchrat sobhaavaNt, jee-o.
Those seasons, month, moment, and time, become dignified (when the praise of) the
excellences (of the Lord) is chanted, O! dear
gux rMig rwqy DMin qy jn ijnI iek min iDAwieAw ] gun raNg raatay dhaNn tay jan, jinee ik man dhi-aa-i-aa.
Blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees) who imbued with love for His virtues, who meditate
single-mindledly upon Him.
sPl jnmu BieAw iqn kw ijnI so pRBu pwieAw ] safal janam bha-i-aa tin kaa, jinee so prabh paa-i-aa.
Fruitful are the lives of those who have found (i.e. who have become united with) that Lord.
puMn dwn n quil ikirAw hir srb pwpw hMq jIau ] puNn daan na tul kiri-aa, har sarab paapaa haNt, jee-o.
No good deed, charity is equal to the meditation upon (the name of) the Lord, (who is) the
Destroyer of all Sins, O! dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk ismir jIvw jnm mrx rhMq jIau ]1]
binvaNt naanak, simar jeevaa, janam maraṇ rahaNt, jee-o. ||1||
Prays Nanak: meditating upon Him I live; and, (the cycle of) birth and death ceases, O! dear. 1

slok ] salok
audmu Agmu Agocro crn kml nmskwr ] udam agam agocharo, charan kamal namaskaar.
(O! embodiment of) endeavour, (You are) inaccessible, unknowable, I bow at Your lotus feet.
kQnI sw quDu BwvsI nwnk nwm ADwr ]1] kathnee saa tudh bhaavsee, naanak, naam adhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): only those words (are good that) are pleasing to You; (I have) support of Your
name (alone). 1
sMq srix swjn prhu suAwmI ismir Anµq ] saNt saran saajan parahu, su-aamee simar anaNt.
Seek the refuge of the God-oriented persons, O! friends, and, remember the Infinite Lord.
sUky qy hirAw QIAw nwnk jip BgvMq ]2] sookay tay hari-aa thee-aa, naanak, jap bhagvaNt. ||2||
Nanak (says): the dry (i.e. withered one) will become green again by remembering God. [i.e.
the spiritually dry mind will become rejuvenated with the name of the Lord].2

CMqu ] chhant
ruiq srs bsMq mwh cyqu vYswK suK mwsu jIau ] rut saras basaNt, maah chayt vaisaakh sukh maas, jee-o.
The season of spring is joyful; Chayt* (i.e. Chet) and Vaisakh* (i.e. Visakh) are pleasure-
giving months, O! dear.
[*The months of Chayt and Visaakh, also spelled as Chet and Visaakh, of the Bikarami calender , correspond to the
middle of March and the middle of April, of the Gregorian calender. During that time, it is very pleasant weather in the
Punjab. Why are these months/seasons pleasure giving has been explained in the following line]:
hir jIau nwhu imilAw mauilAw mnu qnu swsu jIau ] har jee-o naahu mili-aa, ma-oli-aa man tan saas, jee-o.
I have found my dear Husband Lord; and, my mind, body, and breath have blossomed forth,
O! dear.
Gir nwhu inhclu Andu sKIey crn kml pRPuilAw ]
ghar naahu nihchal anad, sakhee-ay, charan kamal parfuli-aa.
The eternal Husband (Lord) has come into my home (i.e. heart), O! my companion,
(beholding His) lotus feet, (my mind has) blossomed forth.
P. 928
suMdru suGVu sujwxu byqw gux goivMd AmuilAw ] su dar sughaṛ sujaaṇ baytaa, guṇ govi d amuli-aa.

He is beautiful, well built, profound, all-knowing; the excellences of the Lord of the World
are priceless.
vfBwig pwieAw duKu gvwieAw BeI pUrn Aws jIau ]
vadbhaag paa-i-aa, dukh gavaa-i-aa, bha-ee pooran aas, jee-o.
By great fortune, He is found; and all the sorrows are dispelled, and hopes are fulfilled, O!
ibnvMiq nwnk srix qyrI imtI jm kI qRws jIau ]2]
binvaNt naanak saraṇ tayree mitee jam kee taraas jee-o. ||2||
Prays Nanak: (O! Lord) one, who seeks Your refuge, his fear of death is eradicated, O! dear. 2

slok ] salok
swDsMgiq ibnu BRim mueI krqI krm Anyk ] saadhsaNgat bin bharam mu-ee, kartee karam anayk.
Without the company of the God-oriented persons, it (i.e. soul bride) dies wandering in
doubt, and, remains performing countless (i.e. many types of) rituals.
koml bMDn bwDIAw nwnk krmih lyK ]1] komal baNdhan baadhee-aa, naanak karmeh laykh. ||1||
Nanak (says): it (i.e. soul bride) remains bound by tender (i.e. enticing) bonds (of maya), as
per pre-ordianed writ. 1
jo Bwxy sy myilAw ivCoVy BI Awip ] jo bhaanay say mayli-aa, vichhoṛay bhee aap.
Those, who are pleasing to Him, He unites them; and, He Himself separates (when He wills).
nwnk pRB srxwgqI jw kw vf prqwpu ]2] naanak, prabh sarṇaagatee, jaa kaa vad partaap. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) seek the refuge of the Lord; His glory is great. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
gRIKm ruiq Aiq gwKVI jyT AKwVY Gwm jIau ] gareekham rut at gaakh-ṛee, jayṭ akhaaṛai ghaam, jee-o.
Summer season is very arduous; in Jayth and Akhar*, it is (intense, terrible) heat, O! dear.
[*During the months of Jayth and Akhar, also spelled as Jeth and Haarh of the Bikarami calender, corresponding to
the middle of May and the middle of July of the Gregorian calender, it is terribly hot weather in the Punjab].
pRym ibCohu duhwgxI idRsit n krI rwm jIau ] paraym bichhohu duhaagaṇee, darisat na karee raam, jee-o.
The deserted (soul) bride remains separated from her Love, (because) the Lord does not
(even) look at her, O! dear.
nh idRsit AwvY mrq hwvY mhw gwrib muTIAw ] nah darisat aavai, marat haavai, mahaa gaarab muṭee-aa.
He does not look at her, (hence) she dies in (painful) sighs; she has been cheated by her pride.
jl bwJu mCulI qVPVwvY sMig mwieAw ruTIAw ] jal baajh machhulee taṛfaṛaavai, sa g maa-i-aa ruṭee-aa.
As a fish flutters out of water, she flutters (i.e. flickers) around, (for being) attached to maya.
kir pwp jonI BY BIq hoeI dyie swsn jwm jIau ]
kar paap jonee bhai bheet ho-ee, day-ay saasan jaam, jee-o.
Committing sins, she is fearful of falling into womb (i.e. reincarnation); (she is afraid that) the
messenger of death shall (surely) punish her.
ibnvMiq nwnk Et qyrI rwKu pUrn kwm jIau ]3] binvaNt naanak, ot tayree raakh, pooran kaam jee-o. ||3||
Prays Nanak: I seek your refuge, save me (O! Lord) You fulfill the desires (of everyone), O!
dear. 3

slok ] salok
srDw lwgI sMig pRIqmY ieku iqlu rhxu n jwie ] sardhaa laagee saNg preetamai, ik til rahaṇ na jaa-ay.
(The soul bride, who is) attached to her Beloved (Lord) in loving devotion, can not live (i.e.
survive) without Him even for an instant.
mn qn AMqir riv rhy nwnk shij suBwie ]1] man tan aNtar rav rahay, naanak sahj subhaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): (Her Beloved Lord is) permeating her mind and body, with natural ease. 1
kru gih lInI swjnih jnm jnm ky mIq ] kar geh leenee saajnih, janam janam kay meet.
My Friend (Lord), who has been my friend through (countless) births, has taken me by hand
(and made me His own).
crnh dwsI kir leI nwnk pRB ihq cIq ]2] charnah daasee kar la-ee, naanak prabh hit cheet. ||2||
Nanak (says): Placing His love in my mind, the Lord has made me slave-maid of His feet. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
ruiq brsu suhylIAw swvx Bwdvy Awnµd jIau ] rut baras suhaylee-aa, saavan bhaadvay aanaNd, jee-o.
The rainy season is beautiful; the months of Saavan* and Bhaadvay* bring ecstasy, O! dear.
Gx auniv vuTy jl Ql pUirAw mkrMd jIau ] ghan unav vuthay, jal thal poori-aa makraNd, jee-o.
The clouds come down and rain, and, fill the lands and the water (ponds) are filled with
aromatic water, O! dear.
[*The months of Saavan and Bhaadvay also spelled as Saavan and Bhadon, of the Bikarami calender i.e. correspond to the
middle of July and the middle of September of the Gregorian calender; then, there are, usually, heavy rains in the Punjab].
pRBu pUir rihAw srb TweI hir nwm nv iniD igRh Bry ]
prabh poor rahi-aa sarab ṭaa-ee, har naam nav nidh garih bharay.
God is pervading everywhere, (and, as water fills all the places in rainy season, in the same
way) the homes (i.e. hearts of the soul brides) are filled with the treasure of the name of God.
ismir suAwmI AMqrjwmI kul smUhw siB qry ] simar su-aamee, aNtarjaamee, kul samoohaa sabh taray.
Those, who remember the Lord, the Controller of Minds, all their families, are (also) liberated.
ipRA rMig jwgy nh iCdR lwgy ik®pwlu sd bKisMdu jIau ]
pari-a raNg jaagay, nah chhidar laagay, kirpaal sad bakhsiNd, jee-o.
Those, who remain awake in the love of dear, no blemish sticks to them; the Merciful (Lord)
is ever forgiving (to His devotees), O! dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk hir kMqu pwieAw sdw min BwvMdu jIau ]4]
binvaNt naanak, har kaNt paa-i-aa, sadaa man bhaavaNd, jee-o. ||4||
Prays Nanak: I have found Husband Lord, He is forever pleasing to my mind. 4

slok ] salok
Aws ipAwsI mY iPrau kb pyKau gopwl ] aas pi-aasee mai fira-o, kab paykha-o gopaal.
Thirsty with hope (to behold Him), I am wandering around; when will I behold the Sustainer
of the World?
hY koeI swjnu sMq jnu nwnk pRB mylxhwr ]1] hai ko-ee saajan saNt jan, naanak prabh maylaṇhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): is there any friend, God-oriented person, servant (i.e. devotee of God) who can
get me to meet with God. 1
ibnu imlby sWiq n aUpjY iqlu plu rhxu n jwie ] bin milbay saant na oopjai, til pal rahaṇ na jaa-ay.
Without meeting Him, I cannot have peace; and, I cannot live even for an instant, a moment.

hir swDh srxwgqI nwnk Aws pujwie ]2] har saadhah sarṇaagatee, naanak aas pujaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): I have sought the refuge of the devotees of God, (please) fulfill my desire. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
ruiq srd AfMbro AsU kqky hir ipAws jIau ] rut sarad adaMbaro, asoo* katkay* har pi-aas, jee-o.
(When) winter season is displayed (i.e begins), in Asoo and Katkay,* thirst for God (wells up in the
mind of the soul bride), O! dear.
[*The months of Asoo and Katkay also spelled as Assu and Katak of the Bikarami calender i.e. correspond to the middle of
September and the middle of November of the Gregorian calender; then, it is very sweet weather in the Punjab].
KojMqI drsnu iPrq kb imlIAY guxqws jIau ] khojaNtee darsan firat, kab milee-ai guṇtaas, jee-o.
In search (i.e. longing for) of His vision, I wander around; (thinking in my mind) when will I meet
(Lord) the Treasure of Excellences, O! dear.
ibnu kMq ipAwry nh sUK swry hwr kM|x iDRgu bnw ]
bin kaNt pi-aaray, nah sookh saaray, haar kaNngaṇ dharig banaa.
Without my Husband (Lord), I find no (spiritual) happiness; and, (I feel that) all my necklaces
and bracelets are cursed (i.e. useless).
suMdir sujwix cquir byqI sws ibnu jYsy qnw ] suNdar sujaaṇ chatur baytee, saas bin jaisay tanaa.
(The soul bride may be) beautiful, wise, smart, intelligent; (but she is like) a body without breath.
eIq auq dh ids Alokn min imln kI pRB ipAws jIau ]
eet ut dah dis alokan, man milan kee prabh pi-aas, jee-o.
I look here and there, in the ten directions; in my mind I have thirst to meet the Lord, O!dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk Dwir ikrpw mylhu pRB guxqws jIau ]5]
binvaNt naanak, dhaar kirpaa, maylhu prabh guṇtaas, jee-o. ||5||
Prays Nanak: (please) bestow Your kindness, and, unite me with Yourself, O! God, O! Treasure
of Excellences, O! dear. 5

slok ] salok
jlix buJI sIql Bey min qin aupjI sWiq ] jalaṇ bujhee, seetal bha-ay, man tan upjee saant.
My heat (i.e. fire of desires) is quenched and I am cooled; and, my mind and body have been filled
up with peace; (because I have met the perfect Lord):
nwnk pRB pUrn imly duqIAw ibnsI BRWiq ]1] naanak, prabh pooran milay, dutee-aa binsee bharaant. ||1||
Nanak (says): I have met the perfect Lord, and, all my duality and doubt have been dispelled. 1
P. 929
swD pTwey Awip hir hm qum qy nwhI dUir ] saadh paṭaa-ay aap har, ham tum tay naahee door.
God Himself has sent God-oriented persons, (to tell us that) God is not far away from me and you.
nwnk BRm BY imit gey rmx rwm BrpUir ]2] naanak, bharam bhai mit ga-ay, ramaṇ raam bharpoor. ||2||
Nanak (says): my fears and doubts are dispelled (by) remembering the all-pervading perfect God. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
ruiq issIAr sIql hir pRgty mMGr poih jIau ] rut sisee-ar seetal, har pragatay ma ghar pohi, jee-o.

In the cold season of snow, in Maghar* and Poh* God has revealed Himself, O! dear.
[*The months of Manghar and Poh also spelled as Maghar and Poshof the Bikarami calender i.e. correspond to the middle of
November and the middle of January of the Gregorian calender; then, it is very cold weather in the Punjab].

jlin buJI drsu pwieAw ibnsy mwieAw DRoh jIau ]
jalan bujhee, daras paa-i-aa, binsay maa-i-aa dharoh, jee-o.
Beholding the vision (of God), the fire (of desires) is quenched, and, the deception maya
vanishes away, O! dear.
siB kwm pUry imil hjUry hir crx syvik syivAw ]
sabh kaam pooray mil hajooray, har charaṇ sayvak sayvi-aa.
(When) the servant serves (i.e. meditates) at His feet, he meets God face to face, and, all his
matters are settled.
hwr for sIgwr siB rs gux gwau AlK AByivAw ] haar dor seegaar sabh ras, guṇ gaa-o alakh abhayvi-aa.
My necklace and its strings, decoration of all pleasures are in singing the excellences of
unknowable, mysterious Lord.
Bwau Bgiq goivMd bWCq jmu n swkY joih jIau ] bhaa-o bhagat goviNd baanchhat, jam na saakai johi, jee-o.
I beg for the loving devotion of the Lord of the World, (with this) the messenger of death can
not even touch me, O! dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk pRiB Awip mylI qh n pRym ibCoh jIau ]6]
binvaNt naanak, prabh aap maylee, tah na paraym bichhoh, jee-o. ||6||
Prays Nanak: The Lord has united me with Himself, there (i.e. then) I shall not suffer
separation from my Beloved, O! dear. 6

slok ] salok
hir Dnu pwieAw sohwgxI folq nwhI cIq ] har dhan paa-i-aa sohaagaṇee, dolat naahee cheet.
The happy (soul) bride who has found the wealth of God, her mind does not waver (for maya).
sMq sMjogI nwnkw igRih pRgty pRB mIq ]1] saNt saNjogee, naankaa, garihi pargatay prabh meet. ||1||
Nanak (says): meeting the Guru, God, the friend reveals Himself in her home (i.e. heart). 1
nwd ibnod Anµd kof ipRA pRIqm sMig bny ] naad binod anand kod, pari-a pareetam sang banay.
With her beloved Husband, she enjoys tens of millions of melodies, pleasures and joys.
mn bWCq Pl pwieAw hir nwnk nwm Bny ]2] man baa chhat fal paa-i-aa; har, naanak, naam bhanay. ||2||
Nanak (says): chanting the name of God, the fruits of the mind’s desires are obtained. 2

CMqu ] chhaNt
ihmkr ruiq min BwvqI mwGu Pgxu guxvMq jIau ] himkar rut man bhaavtee, maagh fagaṇ guṇvaNt, jee-o.
The month of Maagh* and Fagan* are gifted season; the snowy winter season is pleasing to
mind, O! dear.
[*The months of Maagh and Fagan also spelled as Magh and Phaggan, of the Bikarami calender i.e. correspond to the
middle of January and the middle of March, of the Gregorian calender; then, it is winter in the Punjab].
sKI shylI gwau mMglo igRih Awey hir kMq jIau ]
sakhee sahaylee gaa-o maNglo, garihi aa-ay har kaNt, jee-o.
O! my friends and companions, sing the songs of joy; my Husband Lord has come into my
home (i.e. heart), O! dear.
igRih lwl Awey min iDAwey syj suMdir sohIAw ] garihi laal aa-ay, man dhi-aa-ay, sayj suNdar sohee-aa.
My love, whom I had meditated upon in my mind, has come into my home; my bed (i.e.
heart) has become beautifully adorned.

vxu iqRxu iqRBvx Bey hirAw dyiK drsn mohIAw ]
vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ bha-ay hari-aa, daykh darsan mohee-aa.
Beholding His vision, she is fascinated, (and she feels that) the woods, the vegetation and the
three worlds (i.e. the whole universe), have blossomed forth.
imly suAwmI ieC puMnI min jipAw inrml mMq jIau ]
milay su-aamee ichh puNnee, man japi-aa nirmal mant, jee-o.
(When) I meditated upon His immaculate dictum (i.e. word), the Lord met me, and, my
desires are fulfilled, , O! dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk inq krhu rlIAw hir imly sRIDr kMq jIau ]7]
binvaNt naanak nit karahu ralee-aa har milay sareedhar kaNt, jee-o. ||7||
Prays Nanak: (O! my friends, now) enjoy pleasures constantly, (now) I have met my Husband
Lord, the Lord of Maya, O! dear. 7

slok ] salok
sMq shweI jIA ky Bvjl qwrxhwr ] saNt sahaa-ee jee-a kay, bhavjal taaraṇhaar.
The God-oriented persons are helper (i.e. support) of the soul; they carry across the
terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
sB qy aUcy jwxIAih nwnk nwm ipAwr ]1] sabh tay oochay jaanee-ahi, naanak, naam pi-aar. ||1||
Nanak (says): know them as the highest of all, (because) they love the name (of the Lord). 1
ijn jwinAw syeI qry sy sUry sy bIr ] jin jaani-aa say-ee taray, say sooray say beer.
Those who have known Him, cross over (the world ocean), they are brave, they are valiant.
nwnk iqn bilhwrxY hir jip auqry qIr ]2] naanak, tin balihaarṇai, har jap utray teer. ||2||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto those, who mediate upon God, and cross over to the other
shore (of the world ocean). 2

CMqu ] chhant
crx ibrwijq sB aUpry imitAw sgl klysu jIau ] charaṇ biraajit sabh oopray, miti-aa sagal kalays, jee-o.
The feet (of God) are above all (i.e. most sublime), (those who serve them) all their sufferings
are erased, O! dear.
Awvx jwvx duK hry hir Bgiq kIAw prvysu jIau ]
aavaṇ jaavaṇ dukh haray, har bhagat kee-aa parvays, jee-o.
They dispel the pains of coming and going (i.e. birth and death), (because) God's devotion has
entered (their home, i.e. heart), O! dear.
hir rMig rwqy shij mwqy iqlu n mn qy bIsrY ] har raNg raatay, sahj maatay, til na man tay beesrai.
Imbued with the love of God, they remain intoxicated with equipoise; (they) do not forget
Him from their mind, even for an insant.
qij Awpu srxI pry crnI srb gux jgdIsrY ] taj aap sarṇee, paray charnee, sarab guṇ jagdeesrai.
Renouncing their self-conceit, they seek the refuge of the feet of the all-virtuous, the Master
of the World.
goivMd gux iniD sRIrMg suAwmI Awid kau Awdysu jIau ]
goviNd guṇ nidh sareeraNg su-aamee, aad ka-o aadays, jee-o.
He is the Lord of the Universe, Treasure of Excellences, the Greatest Lover, Lord; I bow to

the Primal Lord, O! dear.
ibnvMiq nwnk mieAw Dwrhu jugu jugo iek vysu jIau ]8]1]6]8]
binvaNt naanak, ma-i-aa dhaarahu, jug jugo ik vays, jee-o. ||8||1||6||8||
Prays Nanak: Bestow Your mercy, (that I may forever mediate upon) the One who is the same
form throughout the Ages.

rwmklI mhlw 1 dKxI EAMkwru Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1, dakh-nee o-aNkaar

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
[The following verse is addressed to Pandit, the worshipper of mythological gods, telling him that God alone is the
creator of everything in this universe; and, He alone is the doer and Cause of all causes of everything. Onkaar has been
interpreted differently by various scholars: God, the All-pervading, the Creator].
EAMkwir bRhmw auqpiq ] EAMkwru kIAw ijin iciq ]
o-ankaar barahmaa utpat. o-ankaar kee-aa jin chit.
(It is) the All-pervading (God) who created Brahma; and,
He (i.e. Brahma) enshrined the All-pervading God in his mind.
EAMkwir sYl jug Bey ] o-aNkaar, sail, jug, bha-ay.
(It is) the All-pervading (God) who created stones (i.e. lands) and Ages.
EAMkwir byd inrmey ] o-aNkaar bayd nirma-ay.
(It is) the All-pervading (God) who got Vedas created (i.e. composed).
EAMkwir sbid auDry ] o-aNkaar sabad udhray.
(It is) the All-pervading (God) who saves (the world) through word.
EAMkwir gurmuiK qry ] o-aNkaar gurmukh taray.
(It is) the All-pervading (God) through whom the Guru-oriented are saved.
Enm AKr suxhu bIcwru ] Enm AKru iqRBvx swru ]1]
onam akhar suṇhu beechaar. onam akhar taribhavaṇ saar. ||1||
(O! Pandit, the statues are not Onkaar/ onam/ om!) listen to the thought (i.e. concept) of the word onam;
Onam word is the essence of the three worlds.1
suix pwfy ikAw ilKhu jMjwlw ] ilKu rwm nwm gurmuiK gopwlw ]1] rhwau ]
suṇ paaday ki-aa likhahu jaNjaalaa. likh raam naam gurmukh gopaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Listen O! Pandit, why are you writing about (worldy) entanglements?
Through the Guru, write about the name of God, the Sustainer of the World. 1 (pause)
[Hereafer, the verses begin with the letters of the naagri alphabet, beginning with ‘sassa’ (s); but, proper sequence of
the alphabet has not been followed].
ssY sBu jgu shij aupwieAw qIin Bvn iek joqI ] sasai sabh jag sahj upaa-i-aa, teen bhavan ik jotee.
Sassai (i.e. letter s): He created the entire word with ease, (His) One Light pervades the three
gurmuiK vsqu prwpiq hovY cuix lY mwxk moqI ] gurmukh vasat paraapat hovai, chun lai maanak motee.
The Guru-oriented obtains the (real) thing, and, he gathers gems and pearls (i.e. name).
smJY sUJY piV piV bUJY AMiq inrMqir swcw ] samjhai soojhai paṛ paṛ boojhai, aNt niraNtar saachaa.
He (i.e. Guru-oriented) understand, realizes, comprehends through constant reading; and, in
the end (i.e. finally) he realizes that the True (Lord) is constantly pervading (within everyone).
gurmuiK dyKY swcu smwly ibnu swcy jgu kwcw ]2]
gurmukh daykhai, saach samaalay, bin saachay jag kaachaa. ||2||
The Guru-oriented sees and remembers (i.e. contemplates) the True (Lord), (and realizes)
that, without the True, the world is false (i.e. perishable). 2
DDY Drmu Dry Drmw puir guxkwrI mnu DIrw ] dhadhai, dharam dharay dharmaa pur, guṇkaaree man dheeraa.
Dhadhay : One, who enshrines faith and dwells in the city (i.e. world) of righteousness, he
becomes virtuous, and his mind becomes stable.
DDY DUil pVY muiK msqik kMcn Bey mnUrw ] dhadhai, dhool paṛai mukh mastak, ka chan bha-ay manooraa.
Dhadhay : If the dust of the feet (of the Guru) touches (i.e. is applied on) the face and fore-
head, the slag (i.e. useless) iron becomes gold (i.e. useless thing is transformed into golden).
Dnu DrxIDru Awip AjonI qoil boil scu pUrw ] dhan dharṇeedhar, aap ajonee, tol bol sach pooraa.
Blessed is the Support of Earth (i.e. God), He Himself is not born (i.e is from Himself). The
True (Lord) is perfect in weight (i.e. thought) and word.
krqy kI imiq krqw jwxY kY jwxY guru sUrw ]3] kartay kee mit kartaa jaaṇai, kai jaaṇai gur sooraa. ||3||
Only the Creator Himself knows His extent, or a brave (i.e. great) Guru, knows it. 3
i|Awnu gvwieAw dUjw BwieAw grib gly ibKu KwieAw ]
ngi-aan gavaa-i-aa, doojaa bhaa-i-aa, garab galay bikh khaa-i-aa.
(Spiritual) wisdom is lost in love with duality; one rots away in pride, eating poison (of egotism).
gur rsu gIq bwd nhI BwvY suxIAY gihr gMBIru gvwieAw ]
gur ras geet baad nahee bhaavai, suṇee-ai gahir gaMbheer gavaa-i-aa.
(Due to egotism) he does not like the essence of the songs of love of Guru and his words (i.e.
teachings); and, thus, he loses the profound and unfathomable (Lord).
guir scu kihAw AMimRqu lihAw min qin swcu suKwieAw ]
gur sach kahi-aa, aMmrit lahi-aa, man tan saach sukhaa-i-aa.
(On the other hand, one who) meditates upon the True through the Guru, obtains AMmrit
(name); and, the True seems pleasing to his mind and body.
Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY Awpy AMimRqu pIAwieAw ]4] aapay gurmukh aapay dayvai, aapay a mrit pee-aa-i-aa ||4||
He Himself grants this to the Guru-oriented, and, He Himself bestows AMmrit and gets one to
drink it i . 4
eyko eyku khY sBu koeI haumY grbu ivAwpY ] yko ayk kahai sabh ko-ee, ha-umai garab vi-aapai.
Everyone says that He (i.e. God) is One and the only One, (but, still) they are engrossed in
egotism and pride.
AMqir bwhir eyku pCwxY ieau Gru mhlu is\wpY ] aNtar baahar ayk pachhaaṇai, i-o ghar mahal siNnjaapai.
(But, O! Pandit) if one realizes that the One is inside and outside, this way he can recognize
the mansion in his home (i.e. then one can behold of His presence in one’s heart).
pRBu nyVY hir dUir n jwxhu eyko isRsit sbweI ] prabh nayṛai, har door na jaaṇhu, ayko sarisat sabaa-ee.
God is near, do not d think that he is far away; One alone pervades the entire universe.
eykMkwru Avru nhI dUjw nwnk eyku smweI ]5] aykaNkaar avar nahee doojaa, naanak, ayk samaa-ee. ||5||
Nanak (says) : there is One All-Pervading Lord (the Creator) alone, and none else; the One is
merging (i.e. contained) in all. 5
iesu krqy kau ikau gih rwKau APirE quilE n jweI ]
is kartay ka-o ki-o geh raakha-o, afri-o tuli-o na jaa-ee.
How can one hold (i.e. control) the Creator? He can not be gripped, and can not be weighed.
mwieAw ky dyvwny pRwxI JUiT TgaurI pweI ] maa-i-aa kay dayvaanay praaṇee, jhooṭ ṭag-uree paa-ee.
Maya has made the mortal crazy (after her); she has administered it the drug of falsehood.
lib loiB muhqwij ivgUqy ieb qb iPir pCuqweI ] lab lobh muhtaaj vigootay, ib tab fir pachhutaa-ee.
Engrossed in greed and avarice, he (i.e. mortal) is ruined; then, over and over, he repens .
eyku sryvY qw giq imiq pwvY Awvxu jwxu rhweI ]6] ayk sarayvai taa gat mit paavai, aavaṇ jaaṇ rahaa-ee. ||6||
If he serves the One, then he can obtain salvation; and, his coming and going (i.e. cycle of
birth and death) shall cease. 6
eyku Acwru rMgu ieku rUpu ] ayk achaar raNg ik roop.
The One (Lord) is in all conduct (i.e. actions), colour and forms.
paux pwxI AgnI AsrUpu ] pa-un paanee agnee asroop.
(He) manifests in air, water, fire, in all forms.
eyko Bvru BvY iqhu loie ] ayko bhavar, bhavai tihu lo-ay.
The One soul wanders (i.e. pervades and permeats) the three (i.e. all) worlds.
eyko bUJY sUJY piq hoie ] ayko boojhai soojhai pat ho-ay.
One, who understands and realizes the One, is honoured (in His court).
igAwnu iDAwnu ly smsir rhY ] gi-aan dhi-aan lay samsar rahai.
One, who gathers (spiritual) knowledge and concentration, dwells in equipoise.
gurmuiK eyku ivrlw ko lhY ] gurmukh ayk virlaa ko lahai.
Only a rare one attains Him through the Guru;
ijs no dyie ikrpw qy suKu pwey ] jis no day-ay kirpaa tay sukh paa-ay.
One, whom He blesses His grace, he alone obtains happiness.
gurU duAwrY AwiK suxwey ]7] guroo du-aarai aakh suṇaa-ay. ||7||
God speaks this (sermon) to him through the door (i.e. teaching) of the Guru. 7
aUrm DUrm joiq aujwlw ] ooram dhooram jot ujaalaa.
His Light illumines the waters (i.e. oceans) and the dust (land/ earth);
qIin Bvx mih gur gopwlw ] teen bhavaṇ meh, gur gopaalaa.
The Guru, the Sustainer of the World is in all the three worlds.
aUgivAw AsrUpu idKwvY ] oogvi-aa asroop dikhaavai.
He reveals Himself through (His created) forms.
kir ikrpw ApunY Gir AwvY ] kar kirpaa, apunai ghar aavai.
Bestowing His grace, He comes to (and dwells in) his own home (i.e. heart).
aUniv brsY nIJr Dwrw ] oonav barsai, neejhar dhaaraa.
The clouds come low and rain in continues stream.
aUqm sbid svwrxhwrw ] ootam sabad savaaraṇhaaraa.
The sulimepreme word is the embellishing one.
iesu eyky kw jwxY Byau ] Awpy krqw Awpy dyau ]8]
is aykay kaa jaaṇai bhay-o. aapay kartaa aapay day-o. ||8||
One, who understands the mystery of the One; (he comes to realize that)
He Himself is the Creator and himself is Divine. 8

augvY sUru Asur sMGwrY ] ugvai soor, asur saNghaarai.
When the sun (i.e. light of knowledge) rises, he kill the demons (i.e. passions e.g. sexual desire etc).
aUcau dyiK sbid bIcwrY ] oocha-o daykh, sabad beechaarai.
He look upward, and contemplates the word.
aUpir Awid AMiq iqhu loie ] oopar aad aNt, tihu lo-ay.
(He realizes that) God is beyond the very beginning and end, and in the three worlds.
Awpy krY kQY suxY soie ] aapay karai, kathai, sunai so-ay.
He (i.e. God) Himself acts, speaks and listens (through the beings).
Ehu ibDwqw mnu qnu dyie ] oh bidhaataa, man tan day-ay.
He is the Architect (of everything); He is the giver of mind and body.
Ehu ibDwqw min muiK soie ] oh bidhaataa, man mukh so-ay.
He is the Architect (of everything); He dwells in mind and mouth.
pRBu jgjIvnu Avru n koie ] prabh jagjeevan, avar na ko-ay.
God is (giver of) the life of the world; there is no other (at all).
nwnk nwim rqy piq hoie ]9] naanak, naam ratay pat ho-ay. ||9||
Nanak (says): one who is imbued with the name (of the Lord), is honoured. 9
rwjn rwm rvY ihqkwir ] rx mih lUJY mnUAw mwir ]
raajan raam ravai hitkaar. ran meh loojhai manoo-aa maar.
(One, who) lovingly chants (the name of) the Sovereign Lord,
(he) fights the battle and conquers his mind.
rwiq idnµiq rhY rMig rwqw ] qIin Bvn jug cwry jwqw ]
raat dinaNt rahai raNg raataa. teen bhavan jug chaaray jaataa.
Day and night, he remain imbued with (God’s) love; and,
knows (i.e. realizes Him) in three worlds and, in the Four Ages.
ijin jwqw so iqs hI jyhw ] Aiq inrmwielu sIJis dyhw ]
jin jaataa, so tis hee jayhaa. at nirmaa-il seejhas dayhaa.
One, who knows Him (i.e. the Lord), he becomes like Him;
he becomes immaculate and his body (i.e. his coming to the world) becomes successful.
rhsI rwmu irdY iek Bwie ] AMqir sbdu swic ilv lwie ]10]
rahsee raam ridai ik bhaa-ay. aNtar sabad saach liv laa-ay. ||10||
He keeps the One God in mind, with love; and,
within his mind, he focusses on the word of the True. 10
rosu n kIjY AMimRqu pIjY rhxu nhI sMswry ] ros na keejai, aMmrit peejai, rahaṇ nahee saNsaaray.
Don't protest (i.e. do not keep grievances), and, drink in AMmrit; no one shall live in the world
rwjy rwie rMk nhI rhxw Awie jwie jug cwry ] raajay raa-ay raNk nahee rahṇaa, aa-ay jaa-ay jug chaaray.
The kings, the lords, the beggars shall not remain (forever); throughout the Four Ages, they
have been coming and going.
rhx khx qy rhY n koeI iksu pih krau ibnµqI ] rahaṇ kahaṇ tay rahai na ko-ee, kis peh kara-o binaNtee.
No one remains (in this world forever) just by saying (wishing) to remain; (then) unto whom
shall I offer my prayer?

eyku sbdu rwm nwm inroDru guru dyvY piq mqI ]11] ayk sabad raam naam nirodhar, gur dayvai pat matee. ||11||
The One word of the name of God (alone) is incontrovertible (i.e. it will never fail you); the
Guru grants understanding and honour. 11
lwj mrMqI mir geI GUGtu Koil clI ] laaj maraNtee mar ga-ee, ghooghat khol chalee.
Hesitation dies and goes (forever), when one walks (on the path of Beloved) with face unveiled.
swsu idvwnI bwvrI isr qy sMk tlI ] saas divaanee baavree, sir tay saNk talee.
(Then) the mother-in-law (i.e. maya) is goes insane and doubts are removed from her head
(i.e. the impact of maya is gone and now, I am not bothered by its instructions).
pRyim bulweI rlI isau mn mih sbdu Anµdu ] paraym bulaa-ee ralee si-o, man meh sabad anaNd.
Her Beloved calls (i.e. invites) her to have bliss; her mind is filled with joy of the word.
lwil rqI lwlI BeI gurmuiK BeI inicMdu ]12] laal ratee laalee bha-ee, gurmukh bha-ee nichiNd. ||12||
Imbued with the love, she become love, and, through the Guru (she) becomes care-free. 12
lwhw nwmu rqnu jip swru ] laahaa, naam ratan jap saar.
(O! Pandit) chant the jewel of name; this is the best profit (i.e. earning of life).
lbu loBu burw AhMkwru ] lab lobh buraa aha kaar.

Greed, avarice, and egotism are bad.

lwVI cwVI lwieqbwru ] laarhee chaaṛee laa-itbaar.
Backbiting and flattery are not trustworthy.
mnmuKu AMDw mugDu gvwru ] manmukh aNdhaa, mugadh gavaar.
The mind-oriented is blind, foolish and ignorant.
lwhy kwrix AwieAw jig ] laahay kaaraṇ aa-i-aa jag.
(The mortal) comes into the world to earn (the name of the Lord);
hoie mjUru gieAw Tgwie Tig ] ho-ay majoor, ga-i-aa ṭagaa-ay ṭag.
But he becomes a labour (i.e. slave of maya), (thus, he is) cheated by the cheat (i.e. maya).
lwhw nwmu pUMjI vyswhu ] nwnk scI piq scw pwiqswhu ]13]
laahaa naam, pooNjee vaysaahu. naanak, sachee pat, sachaa paatisaahu. ||13||
One who earn the profit of name and has the capital of faith;
Nanak (says): he obtains true (i.e. everlasting) honour from the True Lord (i.e. God). 13
Awie ivgUqw jgu jm pMQu ] AweI n mytx ko smrQu ]
aa-ay vigootaa, jag, jam paNth. aa-ee na maytaṇ ko samrath.
The world (engrossed in maya) is ruined, and walks on the way to death.
No one has power to erase (the lust for maya).
AwiQ sYl nIc Gir hoie ] AwiQ dyiK invY ijsu doie ]
aath, sail neech ghar ho-ay. aath daykh, nivai jis do-ay.
If the wealth dwells in the home of the lowly (i.e. sinner and wicked);
Seeing the wealth, the both (i.e. rich and poor) bow (i.e. pay respect) to him.
AwiQ hoie qw mugDu isAwnw ] aath ho-ay, taa mugadh si-aanaa.
If one has wealth, even an idiot is (regarded) wise;
Bgiq ibhUnw jgu baurwnw ] bhagat bihoonaa jag ba-uraanaa.
Without the devotion, world wanders bewildered.
sB mih vrqY eyko soie ] ijs no ikrpw kry iqsu prgtu hoie ]14]
sabh meh vartai ayko so-ay. jis no kirpaa karay tis pargat ho-ay. ||14||

The One (Lord) is contained among all;
He reveals Himself unto those whom He bestows His grace.. 14
juig juig Qwip sdw inrvYru ] jug jug thaap, sadaa nirvair.
Throughout the Ages, He establishes (the world in various forms), (but, He Himself) remains
vengeance-fee (i.e. ever detached).
jnim mrix nhI DMDw DYru ] janam maraṇ nahee dhaNdhaa dhair.
He is not subject to birth or death; He is not entangled by worldly affairs.
jo dIsY so Awpy Awip ] Awip aupwie Awpy Gt Qwip ]
jo deesa, so aapay aap. aap upaa-ay, aapay ghat thaap.
Whatever is seen, is He Himself.
He Himself creates and established Himself in the hearts
Awip Agocru DMDY loeI ] aap agochar, dhaNdhai lo-ee.
He Himself is un-manifest; (He) has attached all (the people) to their affairs.
jog jugiq jgjIvnu soeI ] jog jugat, jagjeevan so-ee.
He Himself is device (i.e. the way) to union, and, He Himself is life of the world.
kir Awcwru scu suKu hoeI ] nwm ivhUxw mukiq ikv hoeI ]15]
kar aachaar, sach sukh ho-ee. naam vihooṇaa, mukat kiv ho-ee. ||15||
One who lives (righteous) conduct, obtains true happiness.
Without the name (of the Lord) how can anyone attain liberation? 15
ivxu nwvY vyroDu srIr ] viṇ naavai vayrodh sareer.
Without the name (of the Lord), the body is enemy (i.e. it does not stop evil deed).
ikau n imlih kwtih mn pIr ] ki-o na mileh kaateh man peer.
(Then) why not to meet (the Lord)? and, relieves the mind from pains.
vwt vtwaU AwvY jwie ] vaat vataa-oo aavai jaa-ay.
The traveller comes and goes on the way (i.e. the beings are born and die).
ikAw ly AwieAw ikAw plY pwie ] ki-aa lay aa-i-aa ki-aa palai paa-ay.
What did one bring (when he came into te world)? and what will he take away with him (when
he goes from this world)?
ivxu nwvY qotw sB Qwie ] viṇ naavai totaa sabh thaa-ay.
Without the name, one (always) suffer loss everywhere.
lwhw imlY jw dyie buJwie ] laahaa milai jaa day-ay bujhaa-ay.
Profit is earned, when He bestows understanding.
vxju vwpwru vxjY vwpwrI ] vaṇaj vaapaar vaṇjai vaapaaree.
(Without the name) the trader trades in different trades;
ivxu nwvY kYsI piq swrI ]16] viṇ naavai kaisee pat saaree. ||16||
(but) without the name, how can one obtain nice honour? 16
gux vIcwry igAwnI soie ] guṇ veechaaray gi-aanee so-ay.
One who contemplates (God’s) virtues is a man of knowledge.
gux mih igAwnu prwpiq hoie ] guṇ meh gi-aan paraapat ho-ay.
Through His virtues one receives (spiritual) knowledge.
guxdwqw ivrlw sMswir ] guṇdaataa virlaa saNsaar.
In this world, rare are those who give virtues.
swcI krxI gur vIcwir ] saachee karṇee, gur veechaar.
True conduct (of life) comes from contemplation (of the word) of the Guru.
Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pwie ] agam agochar, keemat nahee paa-ay.
He is inaccessible and unknowable; His worth can not be assesed.
P. 932
qw imlIAY jw ley imlwie ] taa milee-ai, jaa la-ay milaa-ay.
One can meet Him only when He gets one to meet.
guxvMqI gux swry nIq ] guṇvaNtee gun saaray neet.
The virtuous (soul bride) continually remembers His virtues.
nwnk gurmiq imlIAY mIq ]17] naanak gurmat milee-ai meet. ||17||
Nanak (says): one can meet Him, the (true) Friend, through the wisdom of the Guru. 17
kwmu k®oDu kwieAw kau gwlY ] ijau kMcn sohwgw FwlY ]
kaam krodh, kaa-i-aa ka-o gaalai. ji-o kanchan sohaagaa ḍaalai.
(Excessive) sexual indulgence and anger, waste the body away;
as gold is dissolved by borax.
kis ksvtI shY su qwau ] ndir srwP vMnI scVwau ]
kas kasvatee sahai so taa-o. nadar saraaf, vaNnee sachṛaa-o.
When it (i.e. gold) is tested by fire, then it passes test of touchstone.
When it assumes true (i.e. real) form then it pleases the eye of (ie. approved by) the jeweler.
[Similarly, the mortal being is accepted in His court when one becomes free of falsehood].
jgqu psU AhM kwlu ksweI ] jagat pasoo, ahaN kaal kasaa-ee.
The (foolish) world is (like) a beast, and, ‘death, the egotism’ is a butcher.
kir krqY krxI kir pweI ] kar kartai, karṇee kar paa-ee.
The creator has placed (the reward for one’s deeds) in the hands (of the doer) .
ijin kIqI iqin kImiq pweI ] jin keetee, tin keemat paa-ee.
He who has created it, He (alone) knows its value.
hor ikAw khIAY ikCu khxu n jweI ]18] hor ki-aa kahee-ai, kichh kahan na jaa-ee. ||18||
What else can be said; nothing (more) can be said. 18
Kojq Kojq AMimRqu pIAw ] iKmw ghI mnu sqguir dIAw ]
khojat khojat aMmrit pee-aa. khimaa gahee, man satgur dee-aa.
Searching and searching, one (who) drinks in AMmrit;
giving his mind to the True Guru, he adopts (the way of) tolerance.
Krw Krw AwKY sBu koie ] Krw rqnu jug cwry hoie ]
kharaa kharaa aakhai sabh ko-ay kharaa ratan, jug chaaray ho-ay.
(Then) everyone calls it genuine and pure; and,
it is genuine jewel throughout the Four Ages.
Kwq pIAMq mUey nhI jwinAw ] iKn mih mUey jw sbdu pCwinAw ]
khaat pee-aNt moo-ay, nahee jaani-aa. khin meh moo-ay, jaa sabad pachhaani-aa.
Eating and drinking one dies, but one does not know (i.e realize the worth of name);
one dies (from egotism) in an instant when he realizes the word (of the Guru).
AsiQru cIqu mrin mnu mwinAw ] asthir cheet, maran man maani-aa.
His mind becomes stable, and, his mind becomes pleased at the death (of egotism).
gur ikrpw qy nwmu pCwinAw ]19] gur kirpaa tay naam pachhaani-aa. ||19||
By the grace of the Guru, he understands (the worth of the jewel of) the name. 19
ggn gMBIru ggnµqir vwsu ] gux gwvY suK shij invwsu ]
gagan gaMbheer, gagnaNtar vaas. gun gaavai, sukh sahj nivaas.
One, whose sky (i.e. mind) dwells in the Profound Sky (Lord);
He sings (the praise of) the excellences (of the Lord), and, dwells in peace and poise.
and lives in happiness, in ease.
gieAw n AwvY Awie n jwie ] ga-i-aa na aavai, aa-ay na jaa-ay.
He does not go to come; he does not come and go (i.e. his cycle of coming and going ends).
gur prswid rhY ilv lwie ] gur parsaad, rahai liv laa-ay.
By the grace of Guru, he remains attuned (to God).
ggnu AgMmu AnwQu AjonI ] gagan agaMm anaath ajonee.
My Sky (the Lord) is inaccessible, master-less (i.e. independent) and beyond birth.
AsiQru cIqu smwiD sgonI ] asthir cheet, samaadh sagonee.
Mind becomes stable through trance in the Virtuous (Lord).
hir nwmu cyiq iPir pvih n jUnI ] har naam chayt, fir paveh na joonee.
Remembering the name of God, one does not have to return to womb (i.e. no reincarnation).
gurmiq swru hor nwm ibhUnI ]20] gurmat saar, hor naam bihoonee. ||20||
The wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru is the excellent; all other wisdom lacks the name. 20
Gr dr iPir QwkI bhuqyry ] ghar dar fir thaakee bahutayray.
Wandering through countless homes and (passing through various) doors, it has grown weary
(i.e. passing through countless reincarnations, the spirit has grown weary);
jwiq AsMK AMq nhI myry ] jaat asaNkh, ant nahee mayray.
My incarnations are countless, limitless.
kyqy mwq ipqw suq DIAw ] kaytay maat pitaa sut dhee-aa.
It (i.e. the soul) has had so many mothers, fathers, sons and daughters;
kyqy gur cyly Puin hUAw ] kaytay gur, chaylay fun hoo-aa.
It (i.e. the soul) has had so many teachers and then (so many) disciples.
kwcy gur qy mukiq n hUAw ] kaachay gur tay, mukat na hoo-aa.
Through a false Guru, it could not attain liberation.
kyqI nwir vru eyku smwil ] kaytee naar, var ayk samaal.
There so many women (i.e. soul brides), but the one Groom takes care of all.
gurmuiK mrxu jIvxu pRB nwil ] gurmukh, maraṇ jeevaṇ prabh naal.
one sho is Guru-oriented, her life and death is with the Lord.
dh ids FUiF GrY mih pwieAw ] dah dis ḍooḍ, gharai meh paa-i-aa.
Searching in the ten directions (i.e. everywhere), I found Him in my home (i.e. heart).
mylu BieAw siqgurU imlwieAw ]21] mayl bha-i-aa satguroo milaa-i-aa. ||21||
I could meet Him, when the True Guru got me to unite. 21
gurmuiK gwvY gurmuiK bolY ] gurmukh gaavai, gurmukh bolai.
The Guru-oriented sings, The Guru-oriented speaks (the excellences of God);
gurmuiK qoil quolwvY qolY ] gurmukh tol tolaavai tolai.
The Guru-oriented weighs* (i.e. evaluates), and, gets others to weigh.
(*i.e. he evaluates and describes the worth of the excellences of God).
gurmuiK AwvY jwie insMgu ] gurmukh aavai jaa-ay nisaNg.
The Guru-oriented comes (into this world) and goes without fear (i.e. without bondages).
prhir mYlu jlwie klµku ] parhar mail jalaa-ay kalaNk.
He washes his filth off, and burns his sins.
gurmuiK nwd byd bIcwru ] gurmukh naad bayd beechaar.
For the Guru-oriented contemplation (of the excellences of God) is the sound (i.e. music) and
(study of) Vedas.
gurmuiK mjnu cju Acwru ] gurmukh majan chaj achaar.
For the Guru-oriented good conduct is (cleansing) bath.
gurmuiK sbdu AMimRqu hY swru ] gurmukh sabad aMmrit hai saar.
For the Guru-oriented, the word is the most sublime AMmrit.
nwnk gurmuiK pwvY pwru ]22] naanak, gurmukh paavai paar. ||22||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented crosses over (the world ocean). 22
cMclu cIqu n rheI Twie ] chanchal cheet na rah-ee thaa-ay.
The fickle mind does not remain stable.
corI imrgu AMgUrI Kwie ] choree mirag aNgooree khaa-ay.
The deer (i.e. mind) secretly eats green sprouting (i.e. the mind secretly enjoys new and fresh pleasures).
crn kml aur Dwry cIq ] icru jIvnu cyqnu inq nIq ]
charan kamal ur dhaaray cheet. chir jeevan chaytan nit neet.
(But) if one enshrines the lotus-feet (of God) in his heart;
He lives long and ever awake (i.e. he becomes immortal).
icMqq hI dIsY sBu koie ] cyqih eyku qhI suKu hoie ]
chiNtat hee deesai sabh ko-ay. chayteh ayk tahee sukh ho-ay.
Everyone seems worried;(but),one who remember the One, finds happiness.
iciq vsY rwcY hir nwie ] mukiq BieAw piq isau Gir jwie ]23]
chit vasai raachai har naa-ay. mukat bha-i-aa pat si-o ghar jaa-ay. ||23||
He dwells in the mind of the one who is absorbed in His name.
He is liberated and return his home, with honour. 23
CIjY dyh KulY iek gMiF ] CyAw inq dyKhu jig hMiF ]
chheejai dayh, khulai ik gaNḍ. chhay-aa nit, daykhhu jag haNḍ.
The body is destroyed when one knot is untied (i.e. with the loosening of the breath).
Go around the world, and you can see that it is continuously happening
Dup Cwv jy sm kir jwxY ] bMDn kwit mukiq Gir AwxY ]
dhoop chhaav jay sam kar jaaṇai. baNdhan kaat mukat ghar aaṇai.
He one looks alike upon sunshine and shade (i.e. happiness and sorrow) alike;
his bonds are cut off; and, he entered the home of liberation.
CwieAw CUCI jgqu Bulwnw ] chhaa-i-aa chhoochhee, jagat bhulaanaa.
The shade (i.e. maya) is hollow (i.e. petty), but it has misled the world.
iliKAw ikrqu Dury prvwnw ] likhi-aa kirat dhuray parvaanaa.
Destiny of one’s deeds is writ as pre-ordained
CIjY jobnu jrUAw isir kwlu ] chheejai joban, jaroo-aa sir kaal.
(When) youth wears out, old age comes, and, death (hover) over head.

P. 933
kwieAw CIjY BeI isbwlu ]24] kaa-i-aa chheejai, bha-ee sibaal. ||24||
The body wears out, like scam of (stagnant) water. 24
jwpY Awip pRBU iqhu loie ] jaapai, aap parabhoo tihu lo-ay.
God Himself is revealed in the three worlds.
juig juig dwqw Avru n koie ] jug jug daataa, avar na ko-ay.
Throughout the Ages, He is the Giver, (and) there is no other (at all).
ijau BwvY iqau rwKih rwKu ] ji-o bhaavai, ti-o raakhahi raakh.
(O! Lord) as it pleases You to protect, (please) protect me.
jsu jwcau dyvY piq swKu ] jas jaacha-o, dayvai pat saakh.
I ask for Your praise, (this praise) gives me honour and credit.
jwgqu jwig rhw quDu Bwvw ] jaagat jaag rahaa, tudh bhaavaa.
If I remain awakened (i.e. aware of sins) I am pleasing to You.
jw qU mylih qw quJY smwvw ] jaa too mayleh, taa tujhai samaavaa.
If You me unite me with Yourself, then, I am merged in You.
jY jY kwru jpau jgdIs ] jai jai kaar japa-o, jagdees.
I constantly hail and meditate upon You, O! Lord of the World.
gurmiq imlIAY bIs iekIs ]25] gurmat milee-ai bees* ikees. ||25||
Through the wisdom of the Guru, I merge in the perfect* One Lord. 25
[*Literally: twenty parts. The term Bees Visvay has been derived from land measuring system: one vigha (bigha), a
measurement of land, comprises of 20 visvas; hence 20 visvas are one complete (vigha). In this sense, Bees Visvay
means something which is one complete whole (i.e. God). Some writers have used this term also to denote that Guru
called himself Bees/ Veeh Visvay].
JiK bolxu ikAw jg isau vwdu ] jhakh bolaṇ, ki-aa jag si-o vaad.
Why to speak nonsense? what is use of arguing with the world?
JUir mrY dyKY prmwdu ] jhoor marai, daykhai parmaad.
Beholding one’s craziness, one dies repenting.
jnim mUey nhI jIvx Awsw ] janam moo-ay, nahee jeevaṇ aasaa.
They are born and die; they don’t have hope for (spiritual) life.
Awie cly Bey Aws inrwsw ] aa-ay chalay, bha-ay aas niraasaa.
They come with a hope and depart without hope.
Juir Juir JiK mwtI ril jwie ] jhur jhur jhakh, maatee ral jaa-ay.
Lamenting, repenting and quarreling, they mix with dust (i.e. die).
kwlu n cWpY hir gux gwie ] kaal na chaanpai, har guṇ gaa-ay.
Death does not chew up the one who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
pweI nv iniD hir kY nwie ] paa-ee nav nidh, har kai naa-ay.
One obtains nine-fold treasure through the name of God.
Awpy dyvY shij suBwie ]26] aapay dayvai sahj subhaa-ay. ||26||
He Himself bestows (this gift) in natural ease. 26
i\Awno bolY Awpy bUJY ] nji-aano bolai, aapay boojhai.
He Himself speaks wisdom, and, He Himself understands it.
Awpy smJY Awpy sUJY ] aapay samjhai, aapay soojhai.
He Himself understands it, and, He Himself realizes it.
gur kw kihAw AMik smwvY ] inrml sUcy swco BwvY ]
gur kaa kahi-aa, aNk samaavai. nirmal soochay, saacho bhaavai.
Those who enshrine the teaching of Guru, in his bosom (i.e. heart);
They are immaculate and true, and, the True (Lord) is pleasing to them.
guru swgru rqnI nhI qot ] gur saagar, ratnee nahee tot.
Guru is a ocean of gems, there is no shortage (of gems with him).
lwl pdwrQ swcu AKot ] laal padaarath, saach akhot.
The wealth of jewels is inexhaustible with the True (Lord).
guir kihAw sw kwr kmwvhu ] gur kahi-aa, saa kaar kamaavahu.
Do the deeds told by the Guru.
gur kI krxI kwhy Dwvhu ] nwnk gurmiq swic smwvhu ]27]
gur kee karṇee, kaahay dhaavahu. naanak, gurmat saach samaavahu. ||27||
Why to run away from the deed of (i.e. told by) the Guru?
Nanak (says): through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of Guru, merge in the True. 27
tUtY nyhu ik bolih shI ] tootai nayhu ke boleh sahee.
Love breaks, (when one) speaks in justification (i.e. when one tries to justify one’s wrong);
tUtY bwh duhU ids ghI ] tootai baah, duhoo dis gahee.
The arm is broken, (when it is) pulled from both sides.
tUit prIiq geI bur boil ] toot pareet ga-ee, bur bol.
Love is broken, (when) speech becomes ill.
durmiq prhir CwfI Foil ] durmat parhar, chhaadee dhol.
Evil-minded (wife) is abandoned and left by her husband.
(But, how things can be corrected, has been explained in the following lines):
tUtY gMiT pVY vIcwir ] tootai gaNṭ, paṛai veechaar.
The broken knot can be tied again through contemplation (wisdom).
gur sbdI Gir kwrju swir ] gur sabdee, ghar kaaraj saar.
Through the word of the Guru, (all) matters can be settled in (one’s own) home.
lwhw swcu n AwvY qotw ] laahaa saach na aavai totaa.
When one earns profit of the True, then no shortage (again).
iqRBvx Twkuru pRIqmu motw ]28] taribhavaṇ ṭaakur, pareetam motaa. ||28||
The Lord of the three worlds is one’s big (i.e. great) friend. 28
Twkhu mnUAw rwKhu Twie ] ṭaakahu manoo-aa, raakho ṭaa-ay.
Control your mind and keep it in its place.
Thik mueI Avguix pCuqwie ] ṭahak mu-ee avguṇ pachhutaa-ay.
The world is dead (i.e. destroyed) by conflict (over maya); it repent over its sinful acts.
Twkuru eyku sbweI nwir ] ṭaakur ayk, sabaa-ee naar.
There is one Husband (Lord), and, all other are his (soul) brides.
bhuqy vys kry kUiVAwir ] bahutay vays karay kooṛi-aar.
The false (soul bride) wears many garbs (i.e. decorates herself in many ways).
pr Gir jwqI Twik rhweI ] par ghar jaatee ṭaak rahaa-ee.
She is stopped (by the Guru) from going into home of others.
mhil bulweI Twk n pweI ] mahal bulaa-ee ṭaak na paa-ee.

Then she is called into the mansion (of the Lord) home, and, no obstacle blocks (her path).
sbid svwrI swic ipAwrI ] sabad savaaree saach pi-aaree.
She is embellished with the word , (hence) is loved by the True (Lord).
sweI suohwgix Twkuir DwrI ]29] saa-ee sohagaṇ ṭaakur dhaaree. ||29||
She (alone) is happy soul bride, (who) has been accepted by The Lord. 29
folq folq hy sKI Pwty cIr sIgwr ] dolat dolat hay sakhee, faatay cheer seegaar.
Wavering (i.e. wandering) and wavering, O! my friend, my clothes are torn and my make-up
in spoiled.
fwhpix qin suKu nhI ibnu fr ibxTI fwr ] daahpaṇ tan sukh nahee, bin dar biṇaṭee daar.
In jealousy, body can not be happy, without the fear (of the Lord), bands have perished.
frip mueI Gir AwpxY fITI kMiq sujwix ] darap mu-ee ghar aapnai, deeṭee kaNt sujaaṇ.
One, who remains dead, with fear (of the Lord) in her heart, (that soul bride) is looked upon
(with love) by all-knowing Husband.
fru rwiKAw guir AwpxY inrBau nwmu vKwix ] dar raakhi-aa gur aapnai, nirbha-o naam vakhaaṇ.
She preserves the fear of the Guru, by chanting the name of the Fearless (Lord).
fUgir vwsu iqKw GxI jb dyKw nhI dUir ] doogar vaas tikhaa ghaṇee, jab daykhaa nahee door.
(When) she was living on the mountain (i.e. in egotism), she suffered immense thirst; but on
seeing Him, she found that He was not far away.
iqKw invwrI sbdu mMin AMimRqu pIAw BrpUir ] tikhaa nivaaree sabad maNn, aMmrit pee-aa bharpoor.
Enshrining the word in her mind, her thirst is quenched; and, she drank AMmrit to her fill.
dyih dyih AwKY sBu koeI jY BwvY qY dyie ] deh deh aakhai sabh ko-ee, jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
Everyone says: ‘give me, give me’ (i.e. begs for more and more); as He pleases, (so) He gives.
gurU duAwrY dyvsI iqKw invwrY soie ]30] guroo du-aarai dayvsee, tikhaa nivaarai so-ay. ||30||
Through the Guru’s door, He gives, and, quenches the thirst. 30
FMFolq FUFq hau iPrI Fih Fih pvin krwir ] ḍaNḍolat ḍooḍat ha-o firee, ḍeh ḍeh pavan karaar.
Searching and searching, I wanderer (all) around, (and found people) collapsing upon this
side (of the world ocean);
Bwry Fhqy Fih pey hauly inksy pwir ] bhaaray ḍahtay ḍeh pa-ay, ha-ulay niksay paar.
Those (who were) heavy (i.e. loaded with load of sins) fell down (and drowned); (but) those (who
were) light (i.e. detached) went (i.e. swam) across (to the other shore, i.e. were liberated).
Amr AjwcI hir imly iqn kY hau bil jwau ] amar ajaachee har milay, tin kai ha-o bal jaa-o.
Those who meet eternal and immeasurable (Lord), I am a sacrifice unto them.
iqn kI DUiV AGulIAY sMgiq myil imlwau ] tin kee dhooṛ aghulee-ai, saNgat mayl milaa-o.
Those, whose dust of (the feet) brings liberation, (O! Lord) unite me with their company.
Let us dissolve in their (getting across) feet-dust, the congregation will get us unite.
mnu dIAw guir AwpxY pwieAw inrml nwau ] man dee-aa gur aapnai, paa-i-aa nirmal naa-o.
I gave my mind to my Guru, and received the immaculate name (as reward).
P. 934
ijin nwmu dIAw iqsu syvsw iqsu bilhwrY jwau ] jin naam dee-aa tis sayvsaa, tis balihaarai jaa-o.
He, who has given me the name, I shall serve him (i.e. the Guru); I am a sacrifice unto Him.
jo auswry so FwhsI iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] jo usaaray so ḍaahsee, tis bin avar na ko-ay.
He who builds, also demolishes; there is no other than Him (who can create or destroy).
gur prswdI iqsu sMm@lw qw qin dUKu n hoie ]31] gur parsaadee tis saMmhlaa, taa tan dookh na ho-ay. ||31||
By the grace of Guru, if I remember Him, (then) my body shall not suffer in pain. 31
xw ko myrw iksu ghI xw ko hoAw n hogu ] ṇaa ko mayraa, kis gahee; ṇaa ko ho-aa, na hog.
(Other than God) no one is mine, whom should I hold (i.e. whose hem of garb should I hold, i.e.
whom should I be attached to)? No one (ever) was, and, no one shall (ever) be.
Awvix jwix ivgucIAY duibDw ivAwpY rogu ] aavaṇ jaaṇ viguchee-ai, dubidhaa vi-aapai rog.
Coming and going (and attached to maya), one is ruined; (because) we are afflicted by the
disease of duality.
xwm ivhUxy AwdmI klr kMD igrMiq ] ṇaam vihoonay aadmee, kalar kaNdh giraNt.
Those beings (who are) without the name (of the Lord), collapse like the wall of saline.
ivxu nwvY ikau CUtIAY jwie rswqil AMiq ] viṇ naavai ki-o chhootee-ai, jaa-ay rasaatal aNt.
Without the name, how can one obtain liberation; in the end, they fall into hell.
gxq gxwvY AKrI Agxqu swcw soie ] gaṇat gaṇaavai akhree, agṇat saachaa so-ay.
They describe (God) in words, (but) the True (Lord) one is uncountable (i.e. beyond description).
AigAwnI miqhIxu hY gur ibnu igAwnu n hoie ] agi-aanee matiheeṇ hai, gur bin gi-aan na ho-ay.
The ignorant lacks wisdom; without the Guru, there is no knowledge (i.e. spiritual understanding).
qUtI qMqu rbwb kI vwjY nhI ivjoig ] tootee tant rabaab kee, vaajai nahee vijog.
(As is) the string of rebec is broken, (similar is the state of) separated soul, it does not vibrate
sound (i.e. unless soul is attached to God, there will be no celestial music).
ivCuiVAw mylY pRBU nwnk kir sMjog ]32]
vichhuṛi-aa maylai prabhoo, naanak, kar saNjog. ||32||
Nanak (says): awakening its destiny, God unites the separated (soul). 32
qrvru kwieAw pMiK mnu qrvir pMKI pMc ] tarvar kaa-i-aa, paNkh man, tarvar paNkhee paNch.
The body is the tree, the mind is the bird, and, there are five birds (i.e. five senses) on the tree.
qqu cugih imil eyksy iqn kau Pws n rMc ] tat chugeh mil ayksay, tin ka-o faas na raNch.
When they peck the essence of Reality and merge in the One (Lord), they do not fall into the
net (of maya) at all.
aufih q bygul byguly qwkih cog GxI ] udeh ta baygul baygulay, takeh chog ghaṇee.
(But others) on seeing lot of food (become greedy), and, they fly very quickly.
pMK quty PwhI pVI Avguix BIV bxI ] paNkh tutay, faahee paṛee, avguṇ bheeṛ baṇee.
Their feathers get broken, and, they are caught in the noose; their vice (of greed) becomes
disaster for them.
ibnu swcy ikau CUtIAY hir gux krim mxI ] bin saachay ki-o chhootee-ai, har guṇ karam, maṇee.
How can any one be emancipated without the True (Lord)? (the gifts of) the excellences of God
are inscribed on the forehead by His grace.
Awip Cfwey CUtIAY vfw Awip DxI ] aap chhadaa-ay chhootee-ai, vadaa aap dhanee.
When Himself liberates, (only) then one gets liberated; He (alone) is great Lord.
gur prswdI CUtIAY ikrpw Awip kryie ] gur parsaadee chhootee-ai, kirpaa aap karay-i.
By the grace of the Guru, we are liberated, when He Himself bestows His grace.
ApxY hwiQ vfweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ]33] apnai haath vadaa-ee-aa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||33||
Great glories (i.e. honours) are in His hands; He blesses those with whom He is pleased. 33
Qr Qr kMpY jIAVw Qwn ivhUxw hoie ] thar thar kaMpai jee-aṛaa, thaan vihooṇaa ho-ay.

The soul trembles and trembles and shakes, when it is without a place (i.e. support).
Qwin mwin scu eyku hY kwju n PItY koie ] thaan maan sach ayk hai, kaaj na feetai ko-ay.
The One True alone is the giver of place (i.e. support) and honour; (if one has His support,
then) no work gets spoiled.
iQru nwrwiexu iQru gurU iQru swcw bIcwru ] thir naaraa-iṇ thir guroo, thir saachaa beechaar.
The Omnipresent (Lord) is (ever) stable; the Guru is (ever) stable; contemplation upon the
True (Lord) is (ever) stable.
suir nr nwQh nwQu qU inDwrw AwDwru ] sur nar naathah naath too, nidhaaraa aadhaar.
You are the Lord of the gods and men and lords; and, You are the support of the support-less.
srby Qwn QnµqrI qU dwqw dwqwru ] sarbay thaan thanantaree, too daataa daataar.
You are in all places and spaces; You are the Giver, the Bestower.
jh dyKw qh eyku qU AMqu n pwrwvwru ] jah daykhaa tah ayk too, aNt na paaraavaar.
Wherever I look, there I see You; You have no end or limitation.
Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw gur sbdI vIcwir ] thaan thanaNtar rav rahi-aa, gur sabdee veechaar.
You are pervading (all) places and spaces; reflecting upon the word of the Guru (one knows this).
AxmMigAw dwnu dyvsI vfw Agm Apwru ]34] aṇmaNgi-aa daan dayvsee, vadaa agam apaar. ||34||
He gives gifts even when they are not asked for. You are great, inaccessible and infinite. 34
dieAw dwnu dieAwlu qU kir kir dyKxhwru ] da-i-aa daan da-i-aal too, kar kar daykhaṇhaar.
O! Merciful, You bestow Your mercy; You create creation and behold (i.e. cherish) them.
dieAw krih pRB myil lYih iKn mih Fwih auswir ] da-i-aa karahi parabh mayl laihi, khin meh ḍaahi usaar.
O! Lord, in Your mercy, You unite (with You); in a moment, you destroy and rebuild (i.e.
create and destroy the creation).
dwnw qU bInw quhI dwnw kY isir dwnu ] daanaa too, beenaa tuhee, daanaa kai sir daan.
You are all-wise, you alone are all-seeing (i.e. You cherish all); You are the Giver above all
givers ( i.e. the greatest of all Givers, i.e. the Supreme Giver).
dwld BMjn duK dlx gurmuiK igAwnu iDAwnu ]35] daalad bha jan, dukh dalaṇ, gurmukh gi-aan dhi-aan ||35||
You are the Eradicator of Poverty and the Destroyer of Pain; You bestow (spiritual)
knowledge and concentration (i.e. meditation) through the Guru. 35
Din gieAY bih JUrIAY Dn mih cIqu gvwr ] dhan ga-i-ai, bahi jhooree-ai, dhan meh cheet gavaar.
When wealth is lost, one suffers in anguish; (because) the fools’ mind of is engrossed in wealth.
Dnu ivrlI scu sMicAw inrmlu nwmu ipAwir ] dhan virlee, sach saNchi-aa, nirmal naam pi-aar.
Rare are those who gather the wealth of (the name of) the True, and, love the immaculate
name (of the Lord).
Dnu gieAw qw jwx dyih jy rwcih rMig eyk ] dhan ga-i-aa taa jaaṇ deh, jay raacheh raNg ayk.
If by losing your (worldly) wealth, you become absorbed in the love for One (Lord), then just
let it go.
mnu dIjY isru saupIAY BI krqy kI tyk ] man deejai sir sa-upee-ai, bhee kartay kee tayk.
Dedicate your mind, and, surrender your head; and, seek only the support of the Creator
DMDw Dwvq rih gey mn mih sbdu Anµdu ] dhaNdhaa dhaavat reh ga-ay, man meh sabad anaNd.
Wandering for worldly entanglements cease, (when) mind is filled with the bliss of the word.
durjn qy swjn Bey Byty gur goivMd ] durjan tay saajan bha-ay bhaytay gur goviNd.
Meeting the True Guru, the Lord of the World, (even) the enemies become friends.
bnu bnu iPrqI FUFqI bsqu rhI Gir bwir ] ban ban firtee ḍooḍ-tee basat rahee ghar baar.
(The name of the Lord for which soul bride had been) wandering and searching from forest to
forests, that thing was within its own home (i.e. heart).
siqguir mylI imil rhI jnm mrx duKu invwir ]36] satgur maylee mil rahee; janam maraṇ dukh nivaar ||36||
(When) the True Guru united (the soul bride with the name), she remained united (forever);
and, her pains of birth and death ended. 36
nwnw krq n CUtIAY ivxu gux jm puir jwih ] naanaa karat, na chhootee-ai; viṇ guṇ jam pur jaahi.
Performing various acts (i.e. rituals), one does not get liberated;
without virtue (of meditation upon the name), one is sent to the City of Death (i.e. hell).
nw iqsu eyhu n Ehu hY Avguix iPir pCuqwih ] naa tis ayhu, na oh hai, avguṇ fir pachhutaahi.
He will not have this world, or that (i.e. the world hereafter); for (having remained entangled
in) vices, then, he repents (in the end).
P. 935
nw iqsu igAwnu n iDAwnu hY nw iqsu Drmu iDAwnu ] naa tis gi-aan, na dhi-aan hai, naa tis dharam dhi-aan.
He has neither (spiritual) knowledge, nor concentration, neither faith nor meditation.
ivxu nwvY inrBau khw ikAw jwxw AiBmwnu ] viṇ naavai nirbha-o kahaa, ki-aa jaaṇaa abhimaan.
Without the name, how can he know where dwells the Fearless; and, how can he understand
(i.e. realize) his self-conceit?
Qwik rhI ikv ApVw hwQ nhI nw pwru ] thaak rahee, kiv apṛaa, haath nahee, naa paar.
I am tired (of making efforts to find Him), how can I get there? (He is like vast ocean, and) there
is no extent of depth or end.
nw swjn sy rMguly iksu pih krI pukwr ] naa saajan say raNgulay, kis peh karee pukaar.
I have no loving companions, whom should I call for help (i.e. tell my agony)?
nwnk ipRau ipRau jy krI myly mylxhwru ] naanak, pari-o pari-o jay karee, maylay maylaṇhaar.
Nanak (says): if I cry ‘O!dear, O! dear’, (then) the Uniter (Lord) may unite (me with Himself).
ijin ivCoVI so mylsI gur kY hyiq Apwir ]37] jin vichhoṛee so maylsee, gur kai hayt apaar. ||37||
He, who has separated me, will unite me (again), through the infinite love of the Guru. 37
pwpu burw pwpI kau ipAwrw ] pwip ldy pwpy pwswrw ]
paap buraa, paapee ka-o pi-aaraa. paap laday, paapay paasaaraa.
Sin is bad, but it is dear to the sinner.
He loads himself with sins, and, makes expanse of sins (everywhere).
prhir pwpu pCwxY Awpu ] nw iqsu sogu ivjogu sMqwpu ]
parhar paap, pachhaaṇai aap. naa tis sog vijog saNtaap.
(But) he, who renounces sinning, and understands his self;
he is not afflicted by worry, separation, or sorrow.
nrik pVMqau ikau rhY ikau bMcY jmkwlu ] narak paṛaNta-o ki-o rahai, ki-o baNchai jamkaal.
How can one escape from falling into hell, and, how can he save himself from the messenger
of death?
ikau Awvx jwxw vIsrY JUTu burw KY kwlu ] ki-o aavan jaaṇaa veesrai, jhooṭ buraa khai kaal.
How can one forget coming and going (i.e. cycle of re-incarnation), (because) falsehood is bad,
death is devastating.
mnu jMjwlI vyiVAw BI jMjwlw mwih ] man jaNjaalee vayṛi-aa, bhee jaNjaalaa maahi.

The mind is engrossed in entanglements, and, it falls into entanglements (still further).
ivxu nwvY ikau CUtIAY pwpy pcih pcwih ]38] viṇ naavai ki-o chhootee-ai, paapay pacheh pachaahi. ||38||
How can any one be saved without the name; they rot away and get consumed in sins. 38
iPir iPir PwhI PwsY kaUAw ] iPir pCuqwnw Ab ikAw hUAw ]
fir fir, faahee faasai ka-oo-aa. fir pachhutaanaa, ab ki-aa hoo-aa.
Again and again, the crow (in man) falls into the trap (of sins);
(when it gets trapped) then it repents, but, what can be dine now.
PwQw cog cugY nhI bUJY ] sqguru imlY q AwKI sUJY ]
faathaa chog chugai, nahee boojhai. satgur milai, ta aakhee soojhai.
(Even) though he is trapped he pecks at the food, (but) he does not understand;
if he meets the True Guru, then he can see with his own eyes.
ijau mCulI PwQI jm jwil ]ivxu gur dwqy mukiq n Bwil ]
ji-o machhulee faathee jam jaal. viṇ gur daatay, mukat na bhaal.
Like a fish is caught in the noose of death;
(O! man, so are you also caught);without the Guru, the Giver, do not hope to obtain liberation.
iPir iPir AwvY iPir iPir jwie ] fir fir aavai, fir fir jaa-ay.
(Caught in the noose) he comes over and over again, and then over and over again, he goes
(i.e. over and over remains in the cycle of reincarnation).
iek rMig rcY rhY ilv lwie ] iev CUtY iPir Pws n pwie ]39]
ik raNg rachai, rahai liv laa-ay. iv chhootai, fir faas na paa-ay. ||39||
(But, if) he remains absorbed in the love for the One (Lord), and remains in tune with Him;
in this way, he gets liberated; and, does not fall into trap. 39
bIrw bIrw kir rhI bIr Bey bYrwie ] beeraa beeraa kar rahee, beer bha-ay bairaa-ay.
(When) she (i.e. body) cries out: ‘O! brother, O! brother’, (but) the brother (i.e. the soul) has
become stranger.
bIr cly Gir AwpxY bihx ibrih jil jwie ] beer chalay ghar aapnai, bahiṇ bireh jal jaa-ay.
The brother departs for his own home, and, the sister burns with pangs of separation.
bwbul kY Gir bytVI bwlI bwlY nyih ] baabul kai ghar baytṛee, baalee baalai nayhi.
In the home of the father (i.e. in the world), she (i.e. body) is a daughter; the daughter loves
her brother (i.e. soul).
jy loVih vru kwmxI siqguru syvih qyih ] jay loṛeh var kaamṇee, satgur sayveh tayhi.
(But) if the pretty girl (i.e. soul bride) longs for a bride-groom (i.e. Husband Lord), (then) she
should serve the True Guru, with dedication.
ibrlo igAwnI bUJxau siqguru swic imlyie ] birlo gi-aanee boojh-ṇa-o, satgur saach milay-ay.
Very rare are the (spiritually) wise ones, who know, that, the True Guru can get one meet the
True (Lord).
Twkur hwiQ vfweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ] ṭaakur haath vadaa-ee-aa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
All greatness (i.e. glory/ honour) rests in the hands of the Lord; He grants them to the one
with whom He is pleased.
bwxI ibrlau bIcwrsI jy ko gurmuiK hoie ] baṇee birla-o beechaarsee, jay ko gurmukh ho-ay.
Rare are those who would contemplate the word; if there is a Guru-oriented (person he will).
ieh bwxI mhw purK kI inj Gir vwsw hoie ]40] ih baṇee mahaa purakh kee, nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay. ||40||

This is the word is of the Supreme Being (i.e. Lord); through this one dwells in his inner self. 40
Bin Bin GVIAY GiV GiV BjY Fwih auswrY ausry FwhY ]
bhan bhan ghaṛee-ai, ghaṛ ghaṛ bhajai; ḍaahi usaarai, usray ḍaahai.
(This world is like the pot of clay), it is shattered and shattered, (and, the) fashioned and
fashioned (again); He demolishes the built ones, and, (re) builds from the demolished ones.
sr Bir soKY BI Bir poKY smrQ vyprvwhY ] sar bhar sokhai, bhee bhar pokhai, samrath vayparvaahai.
The fills up oceans, and (then) dries them up, and then fully fills (them up); He is all power
and, care-free.
Brim Bulwny Bey idvwny ivxu Bwgw ikAw pweIAY ]
bharam bhulaanay, bha-ay divaanay, viṇ bhaagaa ki-aa paa-ee-ai.
Deluded by doubt, people have gone crazy; without destiny what can one obtain?
gurmuiK igAwnu forI pRiB pkVI ijn iKMcY iqn jweIAY ]
gurmukh gi-aan, doree prabh pakṛee, jin khiNchai tin jaa-ee-ai.
The Guru-oriented known that God is holding the string of wisdom; wherever He pulls,
there do they go.
hir gux gwie sdw rMig rwqy bhuiV n pCoqweIAY ]
har guṇ gaa-ay sadaa raNg raatay, bahuṛ na pachhotaa-ee-ai.
Those who sing the excellences of God, are forever imbued with love; they never regret (and
repent), again.
BBY Bwlih gurmuiK bUJih qw inj Gir vwsw pweIAY ]
bhabhai bhaaleh gurmukh boojheh, taa nij ghar vaasaa paa-ee-ai.
Bhabhai : Some seek and find (the essence of the Lord) through the Guru; then they come to
dwell in their home(i.e. heart).
BBY Baujlu mwrgu ivKVw Aws inrwsw qrIAY ]
bhabhai bha-ojal maarag vikh-ṛaa, aas niraasaa taree-ai.
Bhabhai: The path of the terrifying waters (of the world ocean) is treacherous; if one remains
free of hope, amidst hopes, (then he) can swim across.
gur prswdI Awpo cIn@Y jIviqAw iev mrIAY ]41] gur parsaadee aapo cheenhai, jeevti-aa iv maree-ai. ||41||
By the Guru’s grace, if one understands himself, in this way, he remains dead while yet alive. 41
mwieAw mwieAw kir muey mwieAw iksY n swiQ ] maa-i-aa maa-i-aa kar mu-ay, maa-i-aa kisai na saath.
(Countless people) crying out for maya and maya (i.e. gathering wealth and riches), they die;
but maya does not go along with any one.
hMsu clY auiT fumxo mwieAw BUlI AwiQ ] hans chalai uṭ dumṇo, maa-i-aa bhoolee aath.
(When) the (soul) arise and depart in duality, the wealth is forgotten (i.e. left behind).
mnu JUTw jim joihAw Avgux clih nwil ] man jhooṭaa, jam johi-aa, avguṇ chaleh naal.
The false mind is gazed (i.e. monitored and taken away) by the messenger of death, the vices
(also) go along with.
mn mih mnu aulto mrY jy gux hovih nwil ] man meh man ulto marai, jay guṇ hoveh naal.
If it has virtues, and, the mind turns inwards, then the mind dies (from maya).
P. 936
myrI myrI kir muey ivxu nwvY duKu Bwil ] mayree mayree kar mu-ay, viṇ naavai dukh bhaal.
Crying: ‘mine, mine’ they have died; (but) without the name they have found (just) sorrows.
gV mMdr mhlw khw ijau bwjI dIbwxu ] garh mandar mehlaa kahaa, ji-o baajee deebaaṇ.
Where are their forts, mansions and palaces? they are (finished) like the play of the juggler.
nwnk scy nwm ivxu JUTw Awvx jwxu ] naanak, sachay naam viṇ, jhooṭaa aavaṇ jaaṇ.
Nanak (says): Without the True name, the coming and going (into the world) is false.
Awpy cquru srUpu hY Awpy jwxu sujwxu ]42] aapay chatur saroop hai, aapay jaaṇ sujaaṇ. ||42||
He Himself is clever and beautiful, and, He Himself is wise and all-knowing. 42
jo Awvih sy jwih Puin Awie gey pCuqwih ] jo aavahi, say jaahi fun, aa-ay ga-ay pachhutaahi.
Those who come, they shall (finally) depart again; they (coninue) coming and going repenting.
lK caurwsIh mydnI GtY n vDY auqwih ] lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee, ghatai na vadhai utaahi.
(There are) eighty-four hundred thousand of species, their number does not decrease or
arise (i.e. they have to pass through all these incarnations).
sy jn aubry ijn hir BwieAw ] DMDw muAw ivgUqI mwieAw ]
say jan ubray, jin har bhaa-i-aa dhaNdhaa mu-aa, vigootee maa-i-aa.
They alone are saved (from passing through different species), who love God; their (worldly)
entanglement are ended and maya is ruined (i.e. they have subdued/ conquered maya).
jo dIsY so cwlsI iks kau mIqu kryau ] jIau smpau Awpxw qnu mnu AwgY dyau ]
jo deesai so chaalsee, kis ka-o meet karay-o. jee-o sampa-o aapnaa, tan man aagai day-o.
Whoever is seen, shall (finally) depart; who should I make my friend? and,
dedicate my soul, and, place my mind and body before him (i.e. the one who shall never depart).
AsiQru krqw qU DxI iqs hI kI mY Et ] asthir kartaa too dhaṇee, tis hee kee mai ot.
You (alone) stable, O! Creator; so, I seek (only) Your support.
gux kI mwrI hau mueI sbid rqI min cot ]43] gun kee maaree ha-o mu-ee, sabad ratee man chot. ||43||
(When my consciousness was), imbued with word, it struck my mind, (then, my) ego was
conquered by virtues. 43
rwxw rwau n ko rhY rMgu n quMgu PkIru ] raaṇaa raa-o na ko rahai, raNg na tuNg fakeer.
Neither the kings nor nobles will remain (forever), nor (will remain) the rich or the fakir (i.e
poor/ beggar).
vwrI Awpo AwpxI koie n bMDY DIr ] vaaree aapo aapnee, ko-ay na baNdhai dheer.
Everyone will have one’s turn (and shall depart); no one can have stability (i.e. live forever).
rwhu burw BIhwvlw sr fUgr Asgwh ] raahu buraa bheehaavalaa, sar doogar asgaah.
The path is vicious and terrifying; there are oceans and mountains, uimpassable.
mY qin Avgx Juir mueI ivxu gux ikau Gir jwh ] mai tan avgan, jhur mu-ee; viṇ guṇ ki-o ghar jaah.
My body is full of vices, (I am) dying of grief; and, without virtues, how can I reach my home?
guxIAw gux ly pRB imly ikau iqn imlau ipAwir ] guṇee-aa guṇ lay prabh milay, ki-o tin mila-o pi-aar.
The virtuous ones, with (capital of) virtues, meet God; (how can) I meet them with love?
iqn hI jYsI QI rhW jip jip irdY murwir ] tin hee jaisee thee rahaan, jap jap ridai muraar.
(I can meet them) if I could (also) become like them, (by) meditating and meditating upon
God* within my heart.
[*literally: the Destroyer of the Mur, a demon, i.e. Destroyer of Demons. This is an attribute and one of the names of God].
AvguxI BrpUr hY gux BI vsih nwil ] avguṇee bharpoor hai, guṇ bhee vaseh naal.
(The being) is full of vices, (but) virtues dwell within him as well.
ivxu sqgur gux n jwpnI ijcru sbid n kry bIcwru ]44]

vin satgur gun na jaapnee, jichar sabad na karay beechaar. ||44||
Without the True Guru, he cannot realize the virtues, till he contemplates the word. 44
lskrIAw Gr sMmly Awey vjhu ilKwie ] laskaree-aa ghar saMmlay, aa-ay vajahu likhaa-ay.
(This world is like a field and the mortal beings are the soldiers who defend their fortifications/ homes).
The soldiers take care of their homes; their wages were pre-ordained before they came.
kwr kmwvih isir DxI lwhw plY pwie ] kaar kamaaveh sir dhaṇee, laahaa palai paa-ay.
They serve for their Supreme Lord, and, (along with their wages, they) obtain profit.
lbu loBu buirAweIAw Cofy mnhu ivswir ] lab lobh buri-aa-ee-aa, chhoday manhu visaar.
(Their profit is:) they renounce greed, avarice and (other) evils, and, forget from mind.
giV dohI pwiqswh kI kdy n AwvY hwir ] gaṛ dohee paatisaah kee, kaday na aavai haar.
In the fortress of body, those (soldiers) who hail the victory of the (True) Emperor, they are
never defeated (in their game of life).
cwkru khIAY Ksm kw sauhy auqr dyie ] vjhu gvwey Awpxw qKiq n bYsih syie ]
chaakar kahee-ai khasam kaa, sa-uhay utar day-ay.
vajahu gavaa-ay aapṇaa, takhat na baiseh say-ay.
(But) one who calls himself to be the servants of his Master, (and, yet) speaks defiantly;
he forfeits his wages; (besides, he) not be seated on the throne (i.e. not assigned any office).
pRIqm hiQ vifAweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ] pareetam hath vadi-aa-ee-aa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay.
The greatness (i.e. honours) rest in the hands of the Beloved (Lord); He gives to the one whom
He is pleased with.
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY Avru n koie kryie ]45] aap karay kis aakhee-ai, avar na ko-ay karay-i. ||45||
If He Himself does (everything); who else should we ask for? No one else can do (anything). 45
bIjau sUJY ko nhI bhY dulIcw pwie ] beeja-o soojhai ko nahee, bahai duleechaa paa-ay.
I cannot think of any other, who sits on cushions spread for him (i.e. I don't see any other who
holds authority, forever).
nrk invwrxu nrh nru swcau swcY nwie ] narak nivaaraṇ narah nar, saacha-o saachai naa-ay.
(He is) the (Supreme) Man of men, (He) saves from hell; He is true, and True is His name.
vxu iqRxu FUFq iPir rhI mn mih krau bIcwru ] lwl rqn bhu mwxkI siqgur hwiQ BMfwru ]
vaṇ tariṇ ḍooḍat fir rahee, man meh kara-o beechaar.
laal ratan baho maaṇkee, satgur haath bhaNdaar.
I have been wandering around, in search of Him, in the forests and the wilderness; (and,
then) I contemplate in my mind; (that)
the treasures of lots of pearls, jewels and emeralds are in the hands of the True Guru.
aUqmu hovw pRBu imlY iek min eykY Bwie ] ootam hovaa, prabh milai, ik man aykai bhaa-ay.
Loving Him single-mindedly, I will become sublime; then I will meet God.
nwnk pRIqm ris imly lwhw lY prQwie ] naanak, pareetam ras milay, laahaa lai parthaa-ay.
Nanak (says): when the Beloved (Lord) meets me with love, (then)I will earn profit of the
world hereafter.
rcnw rwic ijin rcI ijin isirAw Awkwru ] gurmuiK byAMqu iDAweIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]46]
rachnaa raach jin rachee jin siri-aa aakaar.
gurmukh bay-aNt dhi-aa-ee-ai aNt na paaraavaar. ||46||
He, who has created the creation, and has established the whole structure (of the world);
He has no end or limitations; meditate upon the Infinite (Lord) through the Guru. 46
VwVY rUVw hir jIau soeI ] ṛaaṛai, rooṛaa har jee-o so-ee.
Ṛaaṛai : Dear God, alone, is beautiful.
iqsu ibnu rwjw Avru n koeI ] tis bin raajaa avar na ko-ee.
There is no Sovereign, except Him.
VwVY gwruVu qum suxhu hir vsY mn mwih ] ṛaaṛai, gaaruṛ tum suṇhu har vasai man maahi.
ṚaaṚai : listen the Gaarurh* (mantra/ spell), and, God will come to dwell in your mind.
[*Gaaru is a mythical spell (mantra/ dictum) which eradicated the poison of snake bite. Here, it refers to
the word of the Guru, which is real spell that eradicates the poison of vices].
gur prswdI hir pweIAY mqu ko Brim Bulwih ] gur parsaadee har paa-ee-ai, mat ko bharam bhulaahi.
God is found by the grace of the Guru; let no one be deluded by doubt.
so swhu swcw ijsu hir Dnu rwis ] so saahu saachaa, jis har dhan raas.
He alone is true banker, who has the capital of the wealth of (the name) God.
gurmuiK pUrw iqsu swbwis ] gurmukh pooraa, tis saabaas.
One who is Guru-oriented is perfect, applaud him.
rUVI bwxI hir pwieAw gur sbdI bIcwir ] rooṛee baṇee har paa-i-aa, gur sabdee beechaar.
God is obtained through beautiful word, contemplating the word of the Guru.
P. 937
Awpu gieAw duKu kitAw hir vru pwieAw nwir ]47] aap ga-i-aa. dukh kati-aa. har var paa-i-aa naar. ||47||
(When) self-conceit is eliminated, sorrow is eradicated; and, the (soul) bride obtains her
Husband Lord. 47
suienw rupw sMcIAY Dnu kwcw ibKu Cwru ] su-inaa rupaa saNchee-ai, dhan kaachaa bikh chhaar.
(People) gather gold and silver, (but) this wealth is false and poisonous, (and like) ashes.
swhu sdwey sMic Dnu duibDw hoie KuAwru ] saahu sadaa-ay saNch dhan, dubidhaa ho-ay khu-aar.
He, who gathers wealth and calls himself banker, is ruined by double-mindedness.
sicAwrI scu sMicAw swcau nwmu Amolu ] sachi-aaree sach saNchi-aa, saacha-o naam amol.
(On the other hand) the truthful ones gather Truth; the true name is priceless.
hir inrmwielu aUjlo piq swcI scu bolu ] har nirmaa-il oojlo, pat saachee sach bol.
God is immaculate and pure; (meditating upon Him) one obtains true honour, and true
speech (i.e. appreciation from the Lord).
swjnu mIqu sujwxu qU qU srvru qU hMsu ] saajan meet sujaaṇ too, too sarvar too haNs.
(O! Lord) You are my friend and companion; You are all-knowing; and, You are (like) a lake
(of pearls) and the swan (picking pearls from the lake).
swcau Twkuru min vsY hau bilhwrI iqsu ] saacha-o ṭaakur man vasai, ha-o balihaaree tis.
I am a sacrifice unto him in whose mind my True Lord dwells.
mwieAw mmqw mohxI ijin kIqI so jwxu ] maa-i-aa mamtaa mohṇee, jin keetee so jaan.
Attachment to maya is enticing, (but) know the One who has created it.
ibiKAw AMimRqu eyku hY bUJY purKu sujwxu ]48] bikhi-aa aMmrit ayk hai boojhai purakh sujaaṇ. ||48||
He, who realizes the all-knowing Primal Person (Lord), looks alike on poison and AMmrit. 48
iKmw ivhUxy Kip gey KUhix lK AsMK ] khimaa vihooṇay khap ga-ay, khoohaṇ* lakh asaNkh.
Those, without forgiveness have perished; (they are) in big numbers*, hundreds of
thousands, countless. [KHOOHAN has been derived from ‘akshauhini’, the name given to a mythical army
consisting of 21870 elephants, 21870 chariots, 65610 horses and 109350 foot soldiers; i.e. total number of 218700].
gxq n AwvY ikau gxI Kip Kip muey ibsMK ] gaṇat na aavai ki-o gaṇee, khap khap mu-ay bisankh.
Their number is uncountable; how could one count them? Troubled and exhausted,
uncounted number have perished.
Ksmu pCwxY Awpxw KUlY bMDu n pwie ] khasam pachhaaṇai aapnaa, khoolai, baNdh na paa-ay.
One who recognize (i.e. realizes) His Master, gets free (from self-conceit), and, is not bound in
chains (again).
sbid mhlI Krw qU iKmw scu suK Bwie ] sabad mahlee kharaa too, khimaa sach sukh bhaa-ay.
Through the word, he enters Your mansion and beholds Your presence; and, he is blessed
with forgiveness, truth, happiness and love.
Krcu Krw Dnu iDAwnu qU Awpy vsih srIir ] kharach kharaa dhan dhi-aan too, aapay vaseh sareer.
You are his spending (on path of life), wealth and meditation; You Yourself dwell in his body
min qin muiK jwpY sdw gux AMqir min DIr ] man tan mukh jaapai sadaa, guṇ aNtar man dheer.
He constantly meditate You with mind, body and mouth; and, (he attains) Your virtues and
patience in his mind.
haumY KpY KpwiesI bIjau vQu ivkwru ] ha-umai khapai khapaa-isee, beeja-o vath vikaar.
Through egotism, one is ruined and destroyed; and, other things (i.e. other than God) are evil.
jMq aupwie ivic pwieAnu krqw Algu Apwru ]49] jaNt upaa-ay vich paa-i-an, kartaa alag apaar. ||49||
Creating beings, He places this (ego) in them, but, the Creator Himself remains, away and
aloof. 49
isRsty Byau n jwxY koie ] saristay bhay-o na jaaṇai ko-ay.
No one knows the mystery of the Creator of the world.
isRstw krY su inhcau hoie ] saristaa karai, so nihcha-o ho-ay.
Whatever the Creator of the world does, is sure to happen.
sMpY kau eIsru iDAweIAY ] saMpai ka-o, eesar dhi-aa-ee-ai.
God is meditated upon (by some) for (gathering) wealth.
sMpY purib ilKy kI pweIAY ] saMpai, purab likhay kee paa-ee-ai.
(But) wealth s obtained by pre-inscribed destiny
sMpY kwrix cwkr cor ] saMpai kaaraṇ, chaakar chor.
For the sake of wealth, some becomes servants and (some become) thieves.
sMpY swiQ n cwlY hor ] saMpai, saath na chaalai hor.
(But) the wealth does not go along with (after death; and it passes into the hands of) others.
ibnu swcy nhI drgh mwnu ] bin saachay, nahee dargeh maan.
Without (the name of) the True, honour is not obtained in the court (of the Lord).
hir rsu pIvY CutY indwin ]50] har ras peevai, chhutai nidaan. ||50||
One, who drinks in the essence of God, is emancipated in the end. 50
hyrq hyrq hy sKI hoie rhI hYrwnu ] hayrat hayrat hay sakhee, ho-ay rahee hairaan.
Beholding and beholding (i.e. constantly observing and perceiving God), O! my friend, I am
hau hau krqI mY mueI sbid rvY min igAwnu ] ha-o ha-o kartee mai mu-ee; sabad ravai, man gi-aan.
(Now) my ‘me, me’ proclaiming egotism is dead; (now, my tongue) chants the word, and, my
mind has (been illumined with spiritual) knowledge. I
hwr for kMkn Gxy kir QwkI sIgwru ] haar dor kaNkan ghaṇay, kar thaakee seegaar.

I had grown weary of wearing necklaces, hairbands, bracelets, and decorating myself.
imil pRIqm suKu pwieAw sgl guxw gil hwru ] mil pareetam sukh paa-i-aa, sagal guṇaa gal haar.
Meeting with the Beloved I have found (spiritual) happiness; (now) I wear necklace of all the
nwnk gurmuiK pweIAY hir isau pRIiq ipAwru ] naanak, gurmukh paa-ee-ai, har si-o pareet pi-aar.
Nanak (says): love and affection with God can be attained through the Guru.
hir ibnu ikin suKu pwieAw dyKhu min bIcwir ] har bin kin sukh paa-i-aa, daykhhu man beechaar.
Without (the name of) God, who has found happiness? (No one has attained) reflect upon this
in mind and see.
hir pVxw hir buJxw hir isau rKhu ipAwru ] har paṛ-naa, har bujh-ṇaa, har si-o rakhahu pi-aar.
(If one wants happiness, then he should) read about God, understand (i.e realize) God, and,
enshrine love for God.
hir jpIAY hir iDAweIAY hir kw nwmu ADwru ]51] har japee-ai, har dhi-aa-ee-ai, har kaa naam adhaar. ||51||
(So) chant (the name of) God, meditate upon God, and, hold to the support of the name of God. 51
lyKu n imteI hy sKI jo iliKAw krqwir ] laykh na mit-ee hay sakhee, jo likhi-aa kartaar.
The destinky inscribed by the Creator, O! my friend, cannot erased (by our own act).
Awpy kwrxu ijin kIAw kir ikrpw pgu Dwir ] aapay kaaraṇ jin kee-aa, kar kirpaa pag dhaar.
He, who has created (the creation), in His kindness, He may enshrine His feet (within us, only
then our destiny may get changed).
krqy hiQ vifAweIAw bUJhu gur bIcwir ] kartay hath vadi-aa-ee-aa, boojhhu gur beechaar.
All greatness (i.e. honours/ laurels) rests in the hands of Creator, understand this through the
thought (i.e. word) of the Guru.
iliKAw Pyir n skIAY ijau BwvI iqau swir ] likhi-aa fayr na sakee-ai, ji-o bhaavee ti-o saar.
The inscription (i.e. preordained destiny) cannot be changed; (O! Lord) as it pleases You, so
You take care of us .
ndir qyrI suKu pwieAw nwnk sbdu vIcwir ] nadar tayree sukh paa-i-aa, naanak, sabad veechaar.
Nanak (says): happiness can be obtained through Your grace, (I have known it by) reflecting
upon the word.
mnmuK BUly pic muey aubry gur bIcwir ] manmukh bhoolay, pach mu-ay; ubray gur beechaar.
The mind-oriented are deluded, they rot away and die; (but, those who) reflect upon the
thought (i.e. word) of the Guru, are saved.
ij purKu ndir n AwveI iqs kw ikAw kir kihAw jwie ]
je purakh nadar na aavee, tis kaa ki-aa kar kahi-aa jaa-ay
The Primal Person (Lord) who can not be seen, what can one say about Him?
bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijin ihrdY idqw idKwie ]52] balihaaree gur aapnay, jin hirdai ditaa dikhaa-ay. ||52||
I am a sacrifice unto my Guru, who has shown (i.e. revealed) Him within my own heart. 52
pwDw piVAw AwKIAY ibidAw ibcrY shij suBwie ]
paadhaa paṛi-aa aakhee-ai, bidi-aa bichrai sahj subhaa-ay.
That teacher is said to be (well) educated, who contemplate knowledge in natural ease.
ibidAw soDY qqu lhY rwm nwm ilv lwie ] bidi-aa sodhai tat lahai, raam naam liv laa-ay.
He disciplines himself through knowledge, and, obtains the essence, by focussing on name of
mnmuKu ibidAw ibk®dw ibKu Kty ibKu Kwie ] manmukh bidi-aa bikardaa, bikh khatay bikh khaa-ay.
The mind-oriented sells his knowledge: he earns poison, and, eats poison (i.e. maya).
mUrKu sbdu n cIneI sUJ bUJ nh kwie ]53] moorakh sabad na cheen-ee, soojh boojh nah kaa-ay. ||53||
The fool does not understand the word; he has no insight, no understandin. 53
pwDw gurmuiK AwKIAY cwtiVAw miq dyie ] nwmu smwlhu nwmu sMgrhu lwhw jg mih lyie ]
paadhaa gurmukh aakhee-ai, chaatṛi-aa mat day-ay.
naam samaalahu, naam saNgrahu, laahaa jag meh lay-ay.
Only that teacher is called Guru-oriented, who imparts wisdom to (his) students:
‘remember the name (of the Lord), gather the name, and, earn profit (of name)in the world’.
scI ptI scu min pVIAY sbdu su swru ] sachee patee*, sach man, paṛee-ai, sabad so saar.
This is the true slate (i.e. lesson): enshrining the True in the mind, and, study the most
sublime word (of the Guru). [*PATEE, literally: wooden slate (no note book), on which lesson was recorded].
nwnk so piVAw so pMifqu bInw ijsu rwm nwmu gil hwru ]54]1]
naanak,so paṛi-aa, so paNdit beenaa, jis raam naam gal haar. ||54||1||
Nanak (says): He alone is learned, and he alone is a wise Pandit (teacher), who wears the
necklace of the name of God around his neck (i.e. who constantly remembers God). 54.1

rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit Raamkalee, Mehlaa 1, sidh gosat

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
[This is narrative of the dialogues / debate between Guru Nanak and the sidhs/ yogis (probably held at Achal Vatala in
1530). This is in the question answer form; first the sidhs present a question and then the Guru answers. Among the
sidhs, the main debaters seem to be Charpat and Loharipa, because these are the two names that appear in the verse].
isD sBw kir Awsix bYTy sMq sBw jYkwro ] sidh sabhaa kar aasan baithay, saNt sabhaa jaikaaro.
The sidhs (i.e. ascetic yogis) formed an assembly, sitting in their seats, and, hailed the
assembly of the God-oriented persons.
iqsu AwgY rhrwis hmwrI swcw Apr Apwro ] tis aagai rahraas hamaaree, saachaa apar* apaaro.
I offer my prayer to the One, (who is) the True, the limitless and (even) beyond* (that).
msqku kwit DrI iqsu AwgY qnu mnu AwgY dyau ]
mastak kaat dharee tis aagai, tan man aagai day-o.
Cutting my head, I place it before (i.e. offer to) Him, and, dedicate my body and mind (unto Him).
nwnk sMqu imlY scu pweIAY shj Bwie jsu lyau ]1]
naanak, saNt milai, sach paa-ee-ai; sahj bhaa-ay jas lay-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): meeting the God-oriented persons, the True is obtained, by (singing His)
loving praise in natural ease. 1
ikAw BvIAY sic sUcw hoie ] swc sbd ibnu mukiq n koie ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa bhavee-ai, sach soochaa ho-ay. saach sabad bin mukat na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What is the use of wandering around? one becomes True (only) through (i.e. by attaching to)
the True (Lord).
Without the True word, no one obtains liberation. 1 (pause)
[Rahaa-o/ pause is the gist of this verse; after this the questions begin, followed by the answers by the Guru].
kvn qumy ikAw nwau qumwrw kaunu mwrgu kaunu suAwE ]
kavan tumay, ki-aa naa-o tumaaraa, ka-un maarag, ka-un su-aa-o.
(One of the sidhs asks): who are you? what is your name? what is your path? what is your
purpose (i.e. goal of life)?
swcu khau Ardwis hmwrI hau sMq jnw bil jwE ]
saach kaha-o ardaas hamaaree, ha-o saNt janaa bal jaa-o.
(Guru Nanak answers):I offer my prayer to the True, and I am a sacrifice unto the God-
oriented persons (this alone is my faith).
kh bYshu kh rhIAY bwly kh Awvhu kh jwho ] kah baishu, kah rahee-ai, baalay*; kah aavhu, kah jaaho.
(One of the sidhs asks): where is your seat? where do you live?, O! young man*; where you
have come from, and, where are you going?
[Baalay, literally: boy/ young man, is a mode of address of the sidh yogis. They treat everyone as a disciple/ learner. It
does not have literal meaning , because when Guru Nanak met them, he was 61 years old (and, even if this dialogue was
held at Sumer mountain, still the Guru was at least 45 years old].
nwnku bolY suix bYrwgI ikAw qumwrw rwho ]2] naanak bolai suṇ bairaagee ki-aa tumaaraa raaho. ||2||
Tell us O! Nanak, the deatched ones (i.e. sidhs) ask you: ‘what is your path’? 2
Git Git bYis inrMqir rhIAY cwlih siqgur Bwey ] ghat ghat bais nirantar, rahee-ai; chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
(Guru Nanak answers): He, who dwells in each and every heart, is my abode; and, I walk in
the will of the True Guru.
shjy Awey hukim isDwey nwnk sdw rjwey ] sehjay aa-ay hukam sidhaa-ay naanak sadaa rajaa-ay.
Nanak (says): I come (into this world) in ease (under His command), go wherever He
commands and live forever in His will.
Awsix bYsix iQru nwrwiexu AYsI gurmiq pwey ] aasaṇ baisaṇ thir naaraa-iṇ, aisee gurmat paa-ay.
The Omnipresent (God) alone stable in His seat; this is the teaching that I have received
from the Guru.
gurmuiK bUJY Awpu pCwxY scy sic smwey]3] gurmukh boojhai aap pachhaaṇai, sachay sach samaa-ay ||3||
One who is Guru-oriented understands and realizes his self, and, is absorbed in the Truest of
the True. 3
dunIAw swgru duqru khIAY ikau kir pweIAY pwro ] crptu bolY AauDU nwnk dyhu scw bIcwro ]
dunee-aa saagar dutar kahee-ai, ki-o kar paa-ee-ai paaro.
charpat bolai, a-odhoo naanak, dayh sachaa beechaaro.
(Charpat asks):‘The world is said to be a n impassable ocean, how can one cross over?’
Charpat said: O! detached Nanak, tell me your true thought (about it).
Awpy AwKY Awpy smJY iqsu ikAw auqru dIjY ] aapay aakhai, aapay samjhai, tis ki-aa utar deejai.
(Nanak says): One who himself says and himself understands, what answer can I give to him?
swcu khhu qum pwrgrwmI quJu ikAw bYsxu dIjY ]4]
saach kahhu tum paargaraamee, tujh ki-aa baisaṇ deejai. ||4||
I tell you the truth; you have already crossed over; (then) why should you be sitting here? 4
jYsy jl mih kmlu inrwlmu murgweI nY swxy ] jaisay jal meh kamal niraalam murgaa-ee nai saaṇay.
The lotus remains untouched in the water, and, the duck swims through the river (against the
current and remains unaffected).
suriq sbid Bv swgru qrIAY nwnk nwmu vKwxy ] surat sabad, bhav saagar taree-ai, naanak, naam vakhaaṇay.
Nanak (says):focussing on the word, and, meditating upon the name, one swims across the
terrible ocean.
rhih iekWiq eyko min visAw Awsw mwih inrwso ] raheh ikaant ayko man vasi-aa, aasaa maahi niraaso.
He remains in solitude (i.e. detached) in whose mind dwells the One (Lord); amidst hopes (i.e.
worldly desires) he remains unaffected by hope (i.e. desires).
Agmu Agocru dyiK idKwey nwnku qw kw dwso ]5] agam agochar daykh dikhaa-ay, naanak, taa kaa daaso. ||5||
Nanak (says): I am the slave of the one, who beholds and gets others behold the inaccessible
and unknowable. 5
suix suAwmI Ardwis hmwrI pUCau swcu bIcwro ] suṇ su-aamee ardaas hamaaree, poochha-o saach beechaaro.
(Charpat says): listen, O! Lord, to my prayer; I ask your true view.
rosu n kIjY auqru dIjY ikau pweIAY gur duAwro ] ros na keejai, utar deejai ,ki-o paa-ee-ai gur du-aaro.
(Please) do not get angry and answer, how can I find the door of the Guru?
iehu mnu clqau sc Gir bYsY nwnk nwmu ADwro ] Awpy myil imlwey krqw lwgY swic ipAwro ]6]
ih man chalta-o, sach ghar baisai, naanak, naam adhaaro.
aapay mayl milaa-ay kartaa laagai saach pi-aaro. ||6||
Nanak (says): (When) this fickle mind sits in its true home, through the support of name;
the Creator Himself unites in union, and gets us to love the Truth. 6
hwtI bwtI rhih inrwly rUiK ibriK auidAwny ] haatee baatee raheh niraalay, rookh birakh udi-aanay.
(Loharipa says): we live away from the shops and roads (i.e. away from people), and, we live
under the plants trees, in the woods;
kMd mUlu Ahwro KweIAY AauDU bolY igAwny ] kaNd mool ahaaro khaa-ee-ai, a-odhoo bolai gi-aanay.
We eat the roots (of the plants), as our food; I, the ascetic, speak (i.e. tell) this wisdom.
qIriQ nweIAY suKu Plu pweIAY mYlu n lwgY kweI ] tirath naa-ee-ai, sukh fal paa-ee-ai, mail na laagai kaa-ee.
We bath at the places of pilgrimage, and, obtain the fruit of happiness, (hence) no filth sticks
to us.
gorK pUqu lohwrIpw bolY jog jugiq ibiD sweI ]7] gorakh poot lohaareepaa bolai, jog jugat bidh saa-ee. ||7||
Loharipa, the son (i.e. disciple) of Gorakh speaks: this is the (real) device (way) of Yoga. 7
hwtI bwtI nId n AwvY pr Gir icqu n fuolweI ] haatee baatee need na aavai, par ghar chit na dolaa-ee.
(Nanak replies): in the shops and on roads (i.e. while living among people) do not sleep, and, let
your mind not be fascinated by any other's home (i.e. woman).
ibnu nwvY mnu tyk n itkeI nwnk BUK n jweI ] bin naavai man tayk na tik-ee, naanak, bhookh na jaa-ee.
Nanak (says): Without the name (of God), the mind’s support does not remain stable (i.e. it
does not remain quiet); and, the hunger (for desires) does not depart (i.e. is not satiated).
hwtu ptxu Gru gurU idKwieAw shjy scu vwpwro ] haat pataṇ ghar guroo dikhaa-i-aa, sehjay sach vaapaaro.
The Guru has revealed me the (real) shops and the town within my own home (i.e. heart);
here, I deal in the true trade (of the name), in natural ease.
KMifq indRw Alp AhwrM nwnk qqu bIcwro ]8] khandit nidraa alap ahaaraN, naanak tat beechaaro||8||
Nanak (says): sleep little and eat little; this is the essence of thought. 8
drsnu ByK krhu joigMdRw muMdRw JolI iKMQw ] darsan bhaykh karahu jogiNdaraa, mundraa jholee khiNthaa.
(Now, one yogis asks the Guru): Wear the robe of the chief yogi sect, put on the ear-rings, keep
begging bag, be dressed in patched cloth.
bwrh AMqir eyku sryvhu Ktu drsn iek pMQw ] baarah aNtar ayk sarayvhu, khat darsan ik paNthaa.
Among the twelve (sects of yogis), adopt this one path (because ours is the greatest); and,
among the six systems (of philosophy) adopt this one path (because ours is the greatest).
ien ibiD mnu smJweIAY purKw bwhuiV cot n KweIAY ]
in bidh man samjaa-ee-ai purkhaa, baahuṛ chot na khaa-ee-ai.
This is the way to teach the mind, O! man, then, you will not suffer blows again.
nwnku bolY gurmuiK bUJY jog jugiq iev pweIAY ]9] naanak bolai, gurmukh boojhai, jog jugat iv paa-ee-ai. ||9||
Nanak speaks: the Guru-oriented understands that this is the way to attain yoga. 9
AMqir sbdu inrMqir mudRw haumY mmqw dUir krI ] a tar sabad nira tar mudraa, ha-umai mamtaa door karee.
(This is the real way of yoga): Make constant absorption in(i.e. meditate upon) the word within
your the ear-rings; and, eradicate egotism and (emotional) attachment (with this).
kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru invwrY gur kY sbid su smJ prI ]
kaam krodh ahaMkaar nivaarai, gur kai sabad so samajh paree.
He discards sexual desire, anger, and egotism, by attaining true understanding through the
word of the Guru
iKMQw JolI Birpuir rihAw nwnk qwrY eyku hrI ] khiNthaa jholee bharipur rahi-aa, naanak, taarai ayk haree.
Realizing God pervading everywhere is his patched cloth and begging bag; Nanak (says):
(only) the One God carries across.
swcw swihbu swcI nweI prKY gur kI bwq KrI ]10]
saachaa saahib, saachee naa-ee, parkhai gur kee baat kharee. ||10||
True is the Lord, true is His name; he tests it through the true teaching of the Guru. 10
aUNDau Kpru pMc BU topI ] oondha-o khapar, paNch bhoo topee.
(O! yogi), make turning away mind (from worldly desires, i.e. detachment) your begging bowl,
and the (five virtues of) five elements* as your cap;
[*Five virtues from five elements are: from fire: burning of impiety, from earth: forbearance, from air: impartiality,
from water: washing the filth, from sky: detachment].
kWieAw kVwsxu mnu jwgotI ] kaan-i-aa kaṛaasan, man jaagotee.
let the (vices-free) body be your grass mat; and, the mind be your loin cloth.
squ sMqoKu sMjmu hY nwil ] sat saNtokh saNjam hai naal.
Let truth, patience and discipline be your disciples.
nwnk gurmuiK nwmu smwil ]11] naanak, gurmukh naam samaal. ||11||
Nanak (says): This is how the Guru-oriented remembers the name (of the Lord). 11
kvnu su gupqw kvnu su mukqw ] kavan so guptaa, kavan so muktaa.
(Now the yogis ask Guru Nanak): Who is hidden? and, who is liberated?
kvnu su AMqir bwhir jugqw ] kavan so, aNtar baahar jugtaa.
Who is united (with God) inwardly and outwardly?
kvnu su AwvY kvnu su jwie ] kavan so aavai, kavan so jaa-ay.
Who comes? and, who goes?
kvnu su iqRBvix rihAw smwie ]12] kavan so, taribhavaṇ rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||12||
Who is permeating the three worlds? 12
Git Git gupqw gurmuiK mukqw ] ghat ghat guptaa, gurmukh muktaa.
(Guru Nanak replies): He (i.e. God) is hidden within each and every heart
The unseen is in all bodies; the Guru-oriented is liberated.
AMqir bwhir sbid su jugqw ] aNtar baahar, sabad so jugtaa.
Through the word, one is united inwardly and outwardly.
mnmuiK ibnsY AwvY jwie ] manmukh binsai, aavai jaa-ay.
The mind-oriented perishes; he comes and goes (i.e. remains in the cycle of reincarnation).
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwie ]13] naanak, gurmukh saach samaa-ay. ||13||
Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented merges in the True. 13
ikau kir bwDw srpin KwDw ] ki-o kar baadhaa, sarpan khaadhaa.
(The yogis ask Guru Nanak): How is one placed in bondage, and, eaten by she-serpent (i.e. maya).
ikau kir KoieAw ikau kir lwDw ] ki-o kar kho-i-aa, ki-o kar laadhaa.
How does one lose (the human life), and, how does one gain (it again)?
ikau kir inrmlu ikau kir AMiDAwrw ] ki-o kar nirmal, ki-o kar aNdhi-aaraa.
How does one become immaculate; and, how is he in darkness?
iehu qqu bIcwrY su gurU hmwrw ]14] ih tat beechaarai, so guroo hamaaraa. ||14||
He, who contemplates (i.e. realizes) this essence (of Reality), is our Guru. 14
durmiq bwDw srpin KwDw ] durmat baadhaa, sarpan khaadhaa.
(Guru Nanak replies): One is bound by evil-mindedness, and, consumed by she-serpent (i.e. maya).
mnmuiK KoieAw gurmuiK lwDw ] manmukh kho-i-aa, gurmukh laadhaa.
The mind-oriented loses (the human life), and, the Guru-oriented gains (accomplishes the
purpose of coming into the world).
siqguru imlY AMDyrw jwie ] satgur milai, aNdhayraa jaa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru darkness (of ignorance) is dispelled.
nwnk haumY myit smwie ]15] naanak, ha-umai mayt samaa-ay. ||15||
Nanak (says): eradicating one’s ego, one merges in the Lord. 15
suMn inrMqir dIjY bMDu ] suNn niraNtar deejai baNdh.
If (enchantment of maya is) restrained by constant trance (by absorption in God);
aufY n hMsw pVY n kMDu ] udai na hansaa, paṛai na kaNdh.
The swan (i.e. soul) does not fly, and, the wall does not collapse (i.e. the body is not destroyed).
shj guPw Gru jwxY swcw ] nwnk swcy BwvY swcw ]16]
sahj gufaa, ghar jaaṇai saachaa.naanak, saachay bhaavai saachaa. ||16||
One, who knows (i.e. regards dwelling in) the cave of poise as his true home;
Nanak (says): That True one is pleasing to the True (Lord). 16
iksu kwrix igRhu qijE audwsI ] kis kaaraṇ, garihu taji-o, udaasee.
(The yogis ask Guru Nanak): Why have you left your home, and, became detatched?
iksu kwrix iehu ByKu invwsI ] kis kaaraṇ, ih bhaykh nivaasee.
Why have you adopted this garb (of a detached person)?
iksu vKr ky qum vxjwry ] kis vakhar kay, tum vaṇjaaray.
What merchandise do you trade in?
ikau kir swQu lµGwvhu pwry ]17] ki-o kar, saath laNghaavahu paaray. ||17||
How will you carry your companions across (the world ocean)? 17
gurmuiK Kojq Bey audwsI ] gurmukh khojat, bha-ay udaasee.
(Guru Nanak replies): Searching for the Guru-oriented, I have become detached.
drsn kY qweI ByK invwsI ] darsan kai taa-ee, bhaykh nivaasee.

I have adopted theis robe for a vision (of the Lord).
swc vKr ky hm vxjwry ] saach vakhar kay ham vaṇjaaray.
I trade in the merchandise of (the name of) the True (Lord).
nwnk gurmuiK auqris pwry ]18] naanak, gurmukh utras paaray. ||18||
Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented shall be carried across (the world ocean). 18
ikqu ibiD purKw jnmu vtwieAw ] kwhy kau quJu iehu mnu lwieAw ]
kit bidh, purkhaa, janam vataa-i-aa. kaahay ka-o, tujh ih man laa-i-aa.
(The yogis ask Guru Nanak): O! man, how have you changed your birth (i.e. path of life)?, and,
With what you have focussed your mind?
P. 940
ikqu ibiD Awsw mnsw KweI ] kit bidh, aasaa mansaa khaa-ee.
How have you consumed (i.e. subdued/ controlled) your hopes and desires?
ikqu ibiD joiq inrMqir pweI ] kit bidh, jot niraNtar paa-ee.
How have you found (i.e. obtained) the Light (of God) within ?
ibnu dMqw ikau KweIAY swru ] bin daNtaa, ki-o khaa-ee-ai saar.
Without teeth, how can one eat iron(i.e. to accomplish very tough task)?
nwnk swcw krhu bIcwru ]19] naanak, saachaa karahu beechaar. ||19||
O! Nanak, give us (your) true thought (i.e. opinion). 19
siqgur kY jnmy gvnu imtwieAw ] satgur kai janmay, gavan mitaa-i-aa.
(Guru Nanak replies): Having been born into the house of the True Guru, my journey (i.e. cycle
of reincarnation/ transmigration) ended.
Anhiq rwqy iehu mnu lwieAw ] anhat raatay, ih man laa-i-aa.
I attached and attuned this (my) mind to unstruck music.
mnsw Awsw sbid jlweI ] mansaa aasaa, sabad jalaa-ee.
I burnt my hopes and desires through the word (of the Guru).
gurmuiK joiq inrMqir pweI ] gurmukh, jot niraNtar paa-ee.
Through the Guru, I found (i.e. obtained) the Light (of God) within.
qRY gux myty KweIAY swru ] tarai guṇ* maytay, khaa-ee-ai saar.
Eradicating (i.e. freeing oneself from the impact of) the three gunaas*, and eats iron.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwru ]20] naanak, taaray taaranhaar. ||20||
Nanak (says): the Emancipator (Lord Himself) liberates. 20
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Sattav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity,
rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these
Awid kau kvnu bIcwru kQIAly suMn khw Gr vwso ]
aad ka-o kavan beechaar kathee-alay; suNn kahaa ghar vaaso.
(The yogis ask Guru Nanak): What do your think about the beginning (of the universe/ i.e. who
was there in the very beginning), tell us? and, in what home did the void (i.e. Absolute) dwell in?
igAwn kI mudRw kvn kQIAly Git Git kvn invwso ]
gi-aan kee mudraa kavan kathee-alay; ghat ghat kavan nivaaso.
What are the ear-rings of knowledge? and, who dwells in each and every heart?
kwl kw TIgw ikau jlweIAly ikau inrBau Gir jweIAY ]
kaal kaa ṭeegaa ki-o jalaa-ee-alay, ki-o nirbha-o ghar jaa-ee-ai.
How can one burn (i.e. escape from) the club (i.e. stroke/ attack) of death? and, how can one
enter the home of fearlessness?
shj sMqoK kw Awsxu jwxY ikau Cydy bYrweIAY ] sahj saNtokh kaa aasaṇ* jaaṇai, ki-o chhayday, bairaa-ee-ai.
How can one know the posture* of poise and contentment? and, how to pierce (i.e. overcome/
conquer) enemies”? [*There yogis have 84 different aasans (postures) for different
gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwrY qw inj Gir hovY vwso ] gur kai sabad ha-umai bikh maarai, taa nij ghar hovai vaaso.
(Guru Nanak replies): Through the word of the Guru, kill the poison of ego, then one comes to
dwell in one’s own home (of self).
ijin ric ricAw iqsu sbid pCwxY nwnku qw kw dwso ]21]
jin rach rachi-aa tis sabad pachhaaṇai, naanak taa kaa daaso. ||21||
One who realizes the word of the One who created the creation, Nanak (says): I am His slave. 21
khw qy AwvY khw iehu jwvY khw iehu rhY smweI ] kahaa tay aavai, kahaa ih jaavai, kahaa ih rahai samaa-ee.
(The yogis ask Guru Nanak):
Where did it come from? Where does it go to? where will it remains merged?
eysu sbd kau jo ArQwvY iqsu gur iqlu n qmweI ] ays sabad ka-o jo arthaavai, tis gur til na tamaa-ee.
One who explains this word (i.e. mystery), (we shall accept that he) is the Guru who has not
even little of greed.
ikau qqY AivgqY pwvY gurmuiK lgY ipAwro ] ki-o tatai avigatai paavai, gurmukh lagai pi-aaro.
How can one find the essence of the Unmanifest (Lord)? and, how one enshrine love (for God)
through Guru.
Awpy surqw Awpy krqw khu nwnk bIcwro ] aapay surtaa aapay kartaa, kaho naanak beechaaro.
He Himself is the Hearer, Himself is Creator, tell O! Nanak, what is your view?
hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY hukmy rhY smweI ] hukmay aavai, hukmay jaavai, hukmay rahai samaa-ee.
(Guru Nanak replies): By (His) command one comes, and, by (His) command one goes, and, by
(His) command one remains merged.
pUry gur qy swcu kmwvY giq imiq sbdy pweI]22] pooray gur tay saach kamaavai, gat mit sabday paa-ee ||22||
One earns (i.e. lives)Truth through the perfect Guru, and, through the word one know about
His grandeur and expanse. 22
Awid kau ibsmwdu bIcwru kQIAly suMn inrMqir vwsu lIAw ]
aad ka-o bismaad beechaar kathee-alay, suNn niraNtar vaas lee-aa.
One can (just) express sense of wonder about the beginning (of the creation), and, the
Absolute (Lord) had constantly abided within Himself (as void).
Aklpq mudRw gur igAwnu bIcwrIAly Git Git swcw srb jIAw ]
akalpat mudraa, gur gi-aan beechaaree-alay, ghat ghat saachaa sarab jee-aa.
Regard the knowledge of Guru, as desire-free ear-rings; and, the True (Lord) dwells in each
and every heart.
gur bcnI Aivgiq smweIAY qqu inrMjnu shij lhY ] gur bachnee avigat samaa-ee-ai, tat nira jan sahj lahai.
Through the word of the Guru, one is merges in the Unmanifest (Lord); and, one obtains the
essence of the Immaculate (Lord) in natural ease.
nwnk dUjI kwr n krxI syvY isKu su Koij lhY ] naanak, doojee kaar na karṇee sayvai, sikh so khoj lahai.

Nanak (says): One, who does not serve any other (except the Guru), that disciple searches and
finds (the essence of the Immaculate Lord).
hukmu ibsmwdu hukim pCwxY jIA jugiq scu jwxY soeI ]
hukam bismaad, hukam pachhaaṇai, jee-a jugat sach jaaṇai so-ee.
Wondrous is the Command (of the Lord); and, the one, who realizes the Command, he alone
knows the true way of life and the True (Lord).
Awpu myit inrwlmu hovY AMqir swcu jogI khIAY soeI ]23]
aap mayt niraalam hovai, aNtar saach jogee kahee-ai so-ee. ||23||
One, who eradicated self-conceit, becomes detached (from the world); and, enshrines the
True within, he alone is called a (true) yogi. 23
Aivgqo inrmwielu aupjy inrgux qy srguxu QIAw ] avigato nirmaa-il upjay, nirguṇ tay sarguṇ thee-aa.
From the state of Unmanifest, (He) came up (in) Immaculate form; from attributes-less (i.e.
formless), He assumed form with qualities.
siqgur prcY prm pdu pweIAY swcY sbid smwie lIAw ]
satgur parchai ,param pad paa-ee-ai; saachai sabad samaa-ay lee-aa.
By pleasing the True Guru, one obtains the supreme status, and, one is absorbed in the True
eyky kau scu eykw jwxY haumY dUjw dUir kIAw ] aykay ka-o sach aykaa jaaṇai, ha-umai doojaa door kee-aa.
(Then) he knows the True (Lord) as the One and the only; and, eradicates egotism and duality.
so jogI gur sbdu pCwxY AMqir kmlu pRgwsu QIAw ]
so jogee gur sabad pachhaaṇai, aNtar kamal pargaas thee-aa.
He alone is a yogi, who realizes the word of the Guru, and, the lotus within him (i.e. lotus of
his heart) blossoms forth.
jIvqu mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY AMqir jwxY srb dieAw ]
jeevat marai taa sabh kichh soojhai, antar jaaṇai sarab da-i-aa.
One, who remains dead while yet alive, understands (and realizes) everything (i.e. all the
mystery); and, within his mind, he is merciful to all.
nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI Awpu pCwxY srb jIAw ]24]
naanak, taa ka-o milai vadaa-ee, aap pachhaaṇai sarab jee-aa. ||24||
Nanak (says): He is blessed with glory; he recognizes (i.e. realizes) himself in all beings. 24
swcO aupjY swic smwvY swcy sUcy eyk mieAw ] saachou upjai, saach samaavai, saachay soochay ayk ma-i-aa.
One (i.e. the Guru-oriented) emerges from the True (Lord), merges into the True(Lord), and,
through the True, one and the same with the True.
JUTy Awvih Tvr n pwvih dUjY Awvw gauxu BieAw ]
jhooṭay aavahi, ṭavar na paavahi, doojai aavaa ga-oṇ bha-i-aa.
The false one comes (into the world), but finds no place (of rest); in duality, they remain
coming and going (in reincarnation).
Awvw gauxu imtY gur sbdI Awpy prKY bKis lieAw ]
aavaa ga-oṇ mitai gur sabdee, aapay parkhai bakhas la-i-aa.
The coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death i.e. reincarnation) is ended through the
word of the Guru, He Himself tests and grants forgiveness.
eykw bydn dUjY ibAwpI nwmu rswiexu vIsirAw ] aykaa baydan doojai bi-aapee, naam rasaa-iṇ veesri-aa.

They suffer from the one agony of duality, because they forget the name the source of
essence (i.e. God).
P. 941
so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey gur kY sbid su mukqu BieAw ]
so boojhai, jis aap bujhaa-ay, gur kai sabad so mukat bha-i-aa.
He alone understands, whom He Himself gets to understand; he is liberated through the
word of the Guru.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwrw haumY dUjw prhirAw ]25]
naanak, taaray taaraṇhaaraa, ha-umai doojaa parhari-aa. ||25||
Nanak (says): The Liberator (Lord) liberates one, who forsakes egotism and duality. 25
mnmuiK BUlY jm kI kwix ] manmukh bhoolai, jam kee kaaṇ.
The mind-oriented is strayed (from right path of life); (he) is under the obligation (i.e. under
the surveillance of, and in the grip) of death.
pr Gru johY hwxy hwix ] par ghar johai, haanay haaṇ.
He looks into (i.e. keeps an eye on) the homes of others; and, suffers loss and just loss.
mnmuiK Brim BvY bybwix ] manmukh, bharam bhavai baybaaṇ.
The mind-oriented, deluded by doubt, wanders in wilderness.
vymwrig mUsY mMiqR mswix ] vaymaarag moosai maNtar masaaṇ.
Chanting spells at cremation ground, he forgets (true) path, and, is robbed.
sbdu n cInY lvY kubwix ] sabad na cheenai, lavai kubaaṇ.
He does not understand the word, and, speaks harsh (i.e. bad) words.
nwnk swic rqy suKu jwix ]26] naanak, saach ratay sukh jaaṇ. ||26||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the True, know (i.e. enjoy) happiness. 26
gurmuiK swcy kw Bau pwvY ] gurmukh, saachay kaa bha-o paavai.
The Guru-oriented lives in the fears of the True (Lord).
gurmuiK bwxI AGVu GVwvY ] gurmukh, baṇee aghaṛ ghaṛaavai.
The Guru-oriented refines the unrefined (mind), through the word.
gurmuiK inrml hir gux gwvY ] gurmukh, nirmal har guṇ gaavai.
The Guru-oriented sings (the praise of) the excellences of the immaculate God.
gurmuiK pivqRü prm pdu pwvY ] gurmukh, pavitar param pad paavai.
The Guru-oriented attains the sanctified supreme status.
gurmuiK roim roim hir iDAwvY ] gurmukh, rom rom har dhi-aavai.
The Guru-oriented meditates upon God, with each and every hair (of body).
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwvY ]27] naanak, gurmukh saach samaavai. ||27||
Nanak (says) : the Guru-oriented merges in the True (Lord). 27
gurmuiK prcY byd bIcwrI ] gurmukh parchai, bayd beechaaree.
The Guru-oriented is pleased in contemplation of (spiritual) knowledge.
gurmuiK prcY qrIAY qwrI ] gurmukh, parchai taree-ai taaree.
The Guru-oriented swims across the oceans through (spiritual) knowledge.
gurmuiK prcY su sbid igAwnI ] gurmukh parchai, so sabad gi-aanee.
The Guru-oriented is pleased with the knowledge of the word.
gurmuiK prcY AMqr ibiD jwnI ] gurmukh parchai ,aNtar bidh jaanee.

The Guru-oriented is pleasing in knowing the inner path.
gurmuiK pweIAY AlK Apwru ] gurmukh, paa-ee-ai alakh apaar.
The Guru-oriented obtains (i.e. is united with) the unseen, infinite (Lord).
nwnk gurmuiK mukiq duAwru ]28] naanak, gurmukh mukat du-aar. ||28||
Nanak (says) : The Guru-oriented finds the door of liberation. 28
gurmuiK AkQu kQY bIcwir ] gurmukh, akath kathai beechaar.
The Guru-oriented narrates the thought of the Un-relatable.
gurmuiK inbhY sprvwir ] gurmukh, nibhai saparvaar.
The Guru-oriented succeeds in the midst of family.
gurmuiK jpIAY AMqir ipAwir ] gurmukh, japee-ai aNtar pi-aar.
The Guru-oriented lovingly meditates upon Him within.
gurmuiK pweIAY sbid Acwir ] gurmukh, paa-ee-ai sabad achaar.
The Guru-oriented obtains the righteous conduct through the word.
sbid Byid jwxY jwxweI ] sabad bhayd jaaṇai, jaaṇaa-ee.
He knows His mystery, through the word (of the Guru) and gets others to know it.
nwnk haumY jwil smweI ]29] naanak, ha-umai jaal samaa-ee. ||29||
Nanak (says) : burning his ego he merges (in God). 29
gurmuiK DrqI swcY swjI ] gurmukh, dhartee saachai saajee.
The earth has been created by the True (Lord) for the Guru-oriented.
iqs mih Epiq Kpiq su bwjI ] tis meh, opat khapat so baajee.
There He has set in action the play of creation and destruction.
gur kY sbid rpY rMgu lwie ] gur kai sabad, rapai raNg laa-ay.
One, who is imbued with the word of the Guru, enshrines love (for the Lord);
swic rqau piq isau Gir jwie ] saach rata-o, pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
Imbued with the truth, one goes to his home with honour.
swc sbd ibnu piq nhI pwvY ] saach sabad bin, pat nahee paavai.
Without the True word, no one receives honour.
nwnk ibnu nwvY ikau swic smwvY ]30] naanak, bin naavai, ki-o saach samaavai. ||30||
Nanak (says) : without the name, how can one be merge in Truth? 30
gurmuiK Ast isDI siB buDI ] gurmukh, asat sidhee, sabh budhee.
The Guru-oriented obtains eight miraculous powers* and all wisdom.
[*assumed eight miraculous powers].
gurmuiK Bvjlu qrIAY sc suDI ] gurmukh, bhavjal taree-ai sach sudhee.
The Guru-oriented swims across terrifying waters (of the world ocean), and, obtains true
gurmuiK sr Apsr ibiD jwxY ] gurmukh, sar apsar bidh jaaṇai.
The Guru-oriented knows the way of right and wrong.
gurmuiK privriq nrivriq pCwxY ] gurmukh, parvirat narvirat pachhaaṇai.
The Guru-oriented knows the active (i.e. worldliness) and inactive life-style (i.e. renunciation).
gurmuiK qwry pwir auqwry ] gurmukh, taaray paar utaaray.
The Guru-oriented (crosses over and) gets (others) to cross over to the other shore (of the
world ocean).
nwnk gurmuiK sbid insqwry ]31] naanak, gurmukh sabad nistaaray. ||31||
Nanak (says) : The Guru-oriented emancipate (the world) through the word. 31
nwmy rwqy haumY jwie ] naamay raatay, ha-umai jaa-ay.
Imbued with the name, self-conceit is dispelled.
nwim rqy sic rhy smwie ] naam ratay, sach rahay samaa-ay.
Imbued with the name, one remains absorbed in the True.
nwim rqy jog jugiq bIcwru ] naam ratay, jog jugat beechaar.
Imbued with the name, one contemplates the way of yoga.
nwim rqy pwvih moK duAwru ] naam ratay, paavahi mokh du-aar.
Imbued with the name, one finds the door of liberation.
nwim rqy iqRBvx soJI hoie ] naam ratay, taribhavaṇ sojhee ho-ay.
Imbued with the name, one obtains understanding of the three worlds.
nwnk nwim rqy sdw suKu hoie ]32] naanak, naam ratay, sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||32||
Nanak (says) : Imbued with the name, one obtains happiness forever. 32
nwim rqy isD gosit hoie ] naam ratay, sidh gosat ho-ay.
Imbued with the name, is holding conversation with the accomplished.
nwim rqy sdw qpu hoie ] naam ratay, sadaa tap ho-ay.
Imbued with the name, one is forever in meditation.
nwim rqy scu krxI swru ] naam ratay, sach karṇee saar.
Imbued with the name, one’s conduct is truthful and sublime.
nwim rqy gux igAwn bIcwru ] naam ratay, gun gi-aan beechaar.
Imbued with the name, one contemplates virtues and wisdom (of the Lord).
ibnu nwvY bolY sBu vykwru ] bin naavai, bolai sabh vaykaar.
Without the name, all that is spoken is useless.
nwnk nwim rqy iqn kau jYkwru ]33] naanak, naam ratay, tin ka-o jaikaar. ||33||
Nanak (says) : those who are imbued with the name, they are hailed (and glorified). 33
pUry gur qy nwmu pwieAw jwie ] pooray gur tay, naam paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Through the perfect Guru, one obtains the name (of God).
jog jugiq sic rhY smwie ] jog jugat, sach rahai samaa-ay.
Remaining absorbed in the True is the (real) way of yoga.
bwrh mih jogI Brmwey sMinAwsI iCA cwir ] baarah meh jogee bharmaa-ay, sani-aasee chhi-a chaar.
The yogi wander in (i.e. are divided in) twelve* (schools), and, the sanyaasee** (i.e.
renouncer) in six plus four (i.e. ten schools).
[*Tweleve schools/ sects of the yogis: Hetu Panth, Paav Panth, Aaee Panth, Gaamaya Panth, Kambrhee Panth,
Paagal Panth, GopaalPanth, Raaval Panth, Baan Panth, Dhuj Panth, Cholee Panth, Daas Panth].
[**Ten schools/ sects of saniyaasees (renouncers): teerath, aashram, ban, aranah, giree, dandee (parbat), saagar,
sarasvatee, bhaaratee, puree].
gur kY sbid jo mir jIvY so pwey moK duAwru ] gur kai sabad, jo mar jeevai, so paa-ay mokh du-aar.
One, who remains dead while yet alive, finds the doors of liberation through the word of the
ibnu sbdY siB dUjY lwgy dyKhu irdY bIcwir ] bin sabdai sabh doojai laagay, daykhhu ridai beechaar.
Without word, all are attached to duality; contemplate this in your heart and (you shall) see.
nwnk vfy sy vfBwgI ijnI scu riKAw aur Dwir ]34]
naanak, vaday say vadbhaagee, jinee sach rakhi-aa ur dhaar. ||34||
Nanak (says) : Great and very fortunate are those, who have kept (the name of) the True
(Lord) enshrined in their hearts. 34
gurmuiK rqnu lhY ilv lwie ] gurmukh, ratan lahai liv laa-ay.
The Guru-oriented obtains the jewel (of name), by focussing (on God).
gurmuiK prKY rqnu suBwie ] gurmukh parkhai, ratan subhaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented evaluates the jewel (of name) in natural ease.
gurmuiK swcI kwr kmwie ] gurmukh, saachee kaar kamaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented earns (i.e. practices) true deeds.
gurmuiK swcy mnu pqIAwie ] gurmukh, saachay man patee-aa-ay.
The mind of the Guru-oriented is pleased with the True.
gurmuiK AlKu lKwey iqsu BwvY ] gurmukh ,alakh lakhaa-ay tis bhaavai.
The Guru-oriented perceives the unperceivable, when it pleases God.
nwnk gurmuiK cot n KwvY ]35] naanak, gurmukh chot na khaavai. ||35||
Nanak (says) : The Guru-oriented does not never suffers blows (i.e. attack of vices). 35
gurmuiK nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ] gurmukh, naam daan isnaan.
Being Guru-oriented is meditating (upon the name), giving charity, and, bathing.
gurmuiK lwgY shij iDAwnu ] gurmukh, laagai sahj dhi-aan.
Being Guru-oriented is (to be in) equipoise and mediation.
gurmuiK pwvY drgh mwnu ] gurmukh, paavai dargeh maan.
The Guru-oriented obtains honour in His court.
gurmuiK Bau BMjnu prDwnu ] gurmukh, bha-o bhaNjan pardhaan.
The Guru-oriented finds (i.e. gets united with) the Destroyer of Fear and the Supreme (Lord).
gurmuiK krxI kwr krwey ] gurmukh, karṇee kaar karaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented does (true) deeds, and gets others to do (true) deeds.
nwnk gurmuiK myil imlwey ]36] naanak, gurmukh mayl milaa-ay. ||36||
Nanak (says) : The Guru-oriented unite, unites (others with God) in union. 36
gurmuiK swsqR isimRiq byd ] gurmukh, saastar simrit bayd.
The Guru-oriented (naturally) understands the Shastras, the Simrities and the Vedas.
gurmuiK pwvY Git Git Byd ] gurmukh, paavai ghat ghat bhayd.
The Guru-oriented learns the mystery of (the One who pervades) each and every heart.
gurmuiK vYr ivroD gvwvY ] gurmukh, vair virodh gavaavai.
The Guru-oriented eliminates animosity and opposition.
gurmuiK sglI gxq imtwvY ] gurmukh, saglee gaṇat mitaavai.
The Guru-oriented erases (i.e. rises above) all accounting (i.e. worries).
gurmuiK rwm nwm rMig rwqw ] gurmukh, raam naam raNg raataa.
The Guru-oriented is imbued with the name of God.
nwnk gurmuiK Ksmu pCwqw ]37] naanak, gurmukh khasam pachhaataa. ||37||
Nanak (says) : the Guru-oriented (is the one who) has realized his Lord. 37
ibnu gur BrmY AwvY jwie ] bin gur bharmai, aavai jaa-ay.
Without the Guru, one wanders (in doubt), (he remains) coming and going (in reincarnation).

ibnu gur Gwl n pveI Qwie ] bin gur, ghaal na pav-ee thaa-ay.
Without the Guru, endeavour is not accepted (in His court).
ibnu gur mnUAw Aiq folwie ] bin gur, manoo-aa at dolaa-ay.
Without the Guru, mind wavers a lot (i.e. remains unsteady).
ibnu gur iqRpiq nhI ibKu Kwie ] bin gur, taripat nahee bikh khaa-ay.
Without the Guru, one is not satiated, and, eats poison (of maya).
ibnu gur ibsIAru fsY mir vwt ] bin gur, bisee-ar dasai mar vaat.
Without the Guru, one is stung by the snake (of maya) bites and dies on the way (i.e. remains
nwnk gur ibnu Gwty Gwt ]38] naanak, gur bin ghaatay ghaat. ||38||
Nanak (says) : Without the Guru it is loss and loss (i.e. nothing but loss). 38
ijsu guru imlY iqsu pwir auqwrY ] jis gur milai, tis paar utaarai.
One, who meets the Guru meets, is carried across (by the Guru).
Avgx mytY guix insqwrY ] avgaṇ maytai, guṇ nistaarai.
His vices are erased, and, he is emancipated through virtues.
mukiq mhw suK gur sbdu bIcwir ] mukat mahaa sukh, gur sabad beechaar.
Great happiness of liberation is attained (by) contemplating the word of the Guru.
gurmuiK kdy n AwvY hwir ] gurmukh, kaday na aavai haar.
The Guru-oriented never faces defeat (in path of life).
qnu htVI iehu mnu vxjwrw ] nwnk shjy scu vwpwrw ]39]
tan hatṛee, ih man vaṇjaaraa. naanak, sehjay sach vaapaaraa. ||39||
Nanak (says): (The Guru-oriented makes his) body a shop, and, mind a trader; and,
he deals in truth, in ease. 39
gurmuiK bWiDE syqu ibDwqY ] gurmukh baandhi-o sayt, bidhaatai.
The Guru-oriented is a bridge built by the Architect of Destiny (i.e. God).
lµkw lUtI dYq sMqwpY ] lankaa lootee dait, saNtaapai.
Those demons (i.e. passions) who had plundered Lanka (i.e. body, the fort), he troubled them
(and saved the body Lanka).
rwmcMid mwirE Aih rwvxu ] raamchand maari-o, ah raavaṇ.
Ram Chand (i.e. mind) killed (i.e. conquered) Raavan, the pride.
Bydu bBIKx gurmuiK prcwiexu ] bhayd babheekhaṇ, gurmukh parchaa-iṇ.
The Guru-oriented understood the secret of Bhabhikhan*.
[*As, in the fictional work Ramayan, the secret revealed by Bhabhikhan helped Raam kill Raavan, so, the word revealed
by the Guru, helped the Guru-oriented conquer the pride].
gurmuiK swieir pwhx qwry ] gurmukh, saa-ir paahaṇ taaray.
The Guru-oriented carries (even) the stones* across the sea.
gurmuiK koit qyqIs auDwry ]40] gurmukh, kot taytees udhaaray. ||40||
The Guru-oriented saved three hundred and thirty (i.e. many) millions (of people). 40
[*As the fictional work Ramayan, mentions that when the name of Raam was written on the stones, they began floating
on water, similarly, bearing the name of (i.e. following) the Guru-riented millions swim across the world ocean).
gurmuiK cUkY Awvx jwxu ] gurmukh chookai aavaṇ jaaṇ.
The coming and going (i.e. cycle of reincarnation) is ended for the Guru-oriented.
gurmuiK drgh pwvY mwxu ] gurmukh, dargeh paavai maaṇ.
The Guru-oriented obtains honour in His court.
gurmuiK Koty Kry pCwxu ] gurmukh, khotay kharay pachhaaṇ.
The Guru-oriented distinguishes (between) the true and counterfeit (i.e. false).
gurmuiK lwgY shij iDAwnu ] gurmukh, laagai sahj dhi-aan.
The Guru-oriented focusses (his mind upon God), in ease.
gurmuiK drgh isPiq smwie ] gurmukh, dargeh sifat samaa-ay.
Through His praise, the Guru-oriented merges in His court
nwnk gurmuiK bMDu n pwie ]41] naanak, gurmukh baNdh na paa-ay. ||41||
Nanak (says): no obstacles blocks the path of the Guru-oriented. 41
gurmuiK nwmu inrMjn pwey ] gurmukh, naam niranjan paa-ay.
The Guru-oriented obtains the name of the Immaculate (Lord).
gurmuiK haumY sbid jlwey ] gurmukh, ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented burns away his ego through the word.
gurmuiK swcy ky gux gwey ] gurmukh, saachay kay guṇ gaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord).
gurmuiK swcY rhY smwey ] gurmukh, saachai rahai samaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented remains absorbed in the True (Lord).
gurmuiK swic nwim piq aUqm hoie ] gurmukh, saach naam pat ootam ho-ay.
Through the name (of the Lord) the Guru-oriented obtains supreme honour.
nwnk gurmuiK sgl Bvx kI soJI hoie ]42] naanak, gurmukh sagal bhavaṇ kee sojhee ho-ay. ||42||
Nanak (says) : the Guru-oriented understands all the worlds. 42
kvx mUlu kvx miq vylw ] kavan mool, kavaṇ mat vaylaa.
(The sidh yogis ask Guru Nanak): What is the root (i.e the source of life); and, what teaching is
(needed) for this time (i.e. what teaching should be obtained in the human life)?
qyrw kvxu gurU ijs kw qU cylw ] tayraa kavaṇ guroo, jis kaa too chaylaa.
Who is your Guru? and, whose disciple you are?
kvx kQw ly rhhu inrwly ] kavan kathaa lay, rahhu niraalay.
What is the sermon (i.e. faith) that keeps you detached.
bolY nwnku suxhu qum bwly ] bolai naanak, suṇhu tum baalay.
Nanak (says), they spoke: listen, O! young boy (please tell us):
eysu kQw kw dyie bIcwru ] Bvjlu sbid lµGwvxhwru ]43]
ays kathaa kaa day-ay beechaar. bhavjal, sabad langhaavaṇhaar. ||43||
Give us (your) opinion about this sermon; that,
(how does) the word carry across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 43
pvn ArMBu siqgur miq vylw ] pavan araMbh, satgur mat vaylaa.
(Guru Nanak replies): air is the beginning (i.e. breath is the source of life). The time is for the
wisdom of the True Guru (i.e. human life is time for following the teaching of the True Guru).
sbdu gurU suriq Duin cylw ] sabad guroo, surat dhun chaylaa.
The word is the Guru, focussing the mind (on the word) is the disciple.
AkQ kQw ly rhau inrwlw ] akath kathaa lay raha-o niraalaa.
Narrating about the un-narratable (i.e. praising the excellences of the Lord), I remain
detached (from maya)
nwnk juig juig gur gopwlw ] naanak, jug jug gur gopaalaa.
Nanak : the Sustainer of the World, (is) my Guru, (pervading) throughout the Ages.
eyku sbdu ijqu kQw vIcwrI ] ayk sabad, jit kathaa veechaaree.
One contemplates the story (of God’s excellences) through the One word (alone).
gurmuiK haumY Agin invwrI ]44] gurmukh, ha-umai agan nivaaree. ||44||
The Guru-oriented puts out the fire of egotism. 44
mYx ky dMq ikau KweIAY swru ] main kay daNt, ki-o khaa-ee-ai saar.
(The sidh yogis ask Guru Nanak): How can one eat (i.e chew) iron with the teeth of wax?
ijqu grbu jwie su kvxu Awhwru ] jit garab jaa-ay, so kavaṇ aahaar.
What is that food which takes away ego?
ihvY kw Gru mMdru Agin iprwhnu ] hivai kaa ghar maNdar, agan piraahan.
(How can one live in) the house is of snow, (while) wearing robe is of fire?
kvn guPw ijqu rhY Avwhnu ] kavan gufaa, jit rahai avaahan.
Which is the cave? within which one remains stable.
ieq auq iks kau jwix smwvY ] it ut, kis ka-o jaaṇ samaavai.
Who should one know to be pervading here and hereafter.
kvn iDAwnu mnu mnih smwvY ]45] kavan dhi-aan,, man maneh samaavai. ||45||
What is that concentration, which keeps mind to be absorbed in mind (i.e. in itself). 45
hau hau mY mY ivchu KovY ] dUjw mytY eyko hovY ]
ha-o ha-o mai mai, vichahu khovai. doojaa maytai, ayko hovai.
(Guru Nanak replies):
Eradicating ‘me and me’ and ‘I and I’ (i.e. egotism and self-conceit) from within; and,
erasing duality one becomes one with One.
jgu krVw mnmuKu gwvwru ] sbdu kmweIAY KweIAY swru ]
jag karṛaa, manmukh gaavaar. sabad kamaa-ee-ai, khaa-ee-ai saar.
The world is hard (like iron), and, the mind-oriented is foolish;
practising the word one eats (i.e chews) iron.
AMqir bwhir eyko jwxY ] nwnk Agin mrY siqgur kY BwxY ]46]
aNtar baahar, ayko jaaṇai. naanak, agan marai satgur kai bhaaṇai. ||46||
Know the One (lord) within and outside;
Nanak (says) : the fire is put out through the will of the True Guru. 46
sc BY rwqw grbu invwrY ] eyko jwqw sbdu vIcwrY ]
sach bhai raataa, garab nivaarai. ayko jaataa, sabad veechaarai.
(One, who is) imbued with the fear of the True, eradicates pride.
(he) realizes the One (pervading every where), and, contemplates the word.
sbdu vsY scu AMqir hIAw ] qnu mnu sIqlu rMig rMgIAw ]
sabad vasai sach, aNtar hee-aa. tan man seetal, raNg raNgee-aa.
The word of the True (Lord) abides within heart;
(Thus, his) body and the mind are cooled, (and, he is) imbued in the love (of the Lord).
kwmu k®oDu ibKu Agin invwry ] kaam krodh bikh agan nivaaray.
He extinguishes (i.e. quenches) the fire of the poison of sexual desire and anger.
nwnk ndrI ndir ipAwry ]47] naanak, nadree nadar pi-aaray. ||47||
Nanak (says) : The Beloved (Lord) bestows His glance of grace (upon him). 47
[In the following verse, Guru Nanak mentions the questions asked by the sidhs/ yogis].
kvn muiK cMdu ihvY Gru CwieAw ] kavan mukh, chaNd hivai ghar, chhaa-i-aa.
In what way moon, the house of snow, reflect its shade (i.e. how can coolness remain in the mind)?
kvn muiK sUrju qpY qpwieAw ] kavan mukh, sooraj tapai tapaa-i-aa.
In what way the sun may remain blazing so brightly?
kvn muiK kwlu johq inq rhY ] kavan mukh, kaal johat nit rahai.
In what way, the constant gaze of death be stopped ?
kvn buiD gurmuiK piq rhY ] kavan budh, gurmukh pat rahai.
By what wisdom the honour of Guru-oriented is preserved?
kvnu joDu jo kwlu sMGwrY ] kavan jodh, jo kaal sanghaarai.
Who is that warrior that conquers death?
bolY bwxI nwnku bIcwrY ]48] bolai baṇee, naanak beechaarai. ||48||
Speak out, O! Nanak, what is your thinking. 48
[In the following verse, Guru Nanak answes the questions asked by the sidhs/ yogis].
sbdu BwKq sis joiq Apwrw ] sis Gir sUru vsY imtY AMiDAwrw ]
sabad bhaakhat, sas jot apaaraa. sas ghar soor vasai, mitai aNdhi-aaraa.
(When) with the chanting of the word, the infinite light of moon is revealed (in the mind);
(then) the sun (of knowledge) comes to dwell in the house of moon, and, the darkness (of
ignorance) is dispelled.
suKu duKu sm kir nwmu ADwrw ] Awpy pwir auqwrxhwrw ]
sukh dukh sam kar, naam adhaaraa. aapay paar utaaraṇhaaraa.
(When one treats) the pleasure and pain alike, and, takes the support of name;
the Saviour Himself carries across (i.e. saves).
gur prcY mnu swic smwie ] pRxviq nwnku kwlu n Kwie ]49]
gur parchai, man saach samaa-ay. paraṇvat naanak, kaal na khaa-ay. ||49||
When the Guru is pleased, the mind merges in the Truth;
Prays Nanak: (then) one is not consumed by the death. 49
nwm qqu sB hI isir jwpY ] naam tat, sabh hee sir jaapai.
The essence of the name (of the Lord) is known to be above all (i.e. most exalted).
ibnu nwvY duKu kwlu sMqwpY ] bin naavai, dukh kaal saNtaapai.
Without the name, one is afflicted by (the fear of) death and sorrows.
qqo qqu imlY mnu mwnY ] tato tat milai, man maanai.
When one’s essence merges in the Essence (of the Lord), the mind is satisfied.
dUjw jwie iekqu Gir AwnY ] doojaa jaa-ay, ikat ghar aanai.
When duality goes, one enters into the home of the One.
bolY pvnw ggnu grjY ] nwnk inhclu imlxu shjY ]50]
bolai pavnaa, gagan garjai. naanak, nihchal, milaṇ sahjai. ||50||
When air (i.e. word) speaks, the sky (i.e. the Tenth Door) roars (i.e. resonates);
Nanak (says) : (then, one) unites with the Unchanging (eternal Lord), in ease. 50
AMqir suMnµ bwhir suMnµ iqRBvx suMn msuMnµ ] aNtar sunaN baahar sunaN, taribhavan suNn masuNnaN.

The Absolute (Lord) is within (the mind), the Absolute (Lord) is outside (as well); the
Absolute (Lord) is fully contained in the three worlds.
cauQy suMnY jo nru jwxY qw kau pwpu n puMnµ ] cha-uthay suNnai jo nar jaaṇai, taa ka-o paap na puNnaN.
One who knows the Absolute (Lord) in the fourth state, is not subject to vice or virtue.
Git Git suMn kw jwxY Byau ] Awid purKu inrMjn dyau ]
ghat ghat, suNn kaa jaaṇai bhay-o. aad purakh niraNjan day-o.
One, who knows the mystery of the Absolute (Lord) pervading in each and every heart.
(He knows that) the Primal Person is Immaculate (i.e. un-attached), and, in revealed form.
jo jnu nwm inrMjn rwqw ] nwnk soeI purKu ibDwqw ]51]
jo ,naam niraNjan raataa. naanak, so-ee purakh bidhaataa. ||51||
That servant (i.e. devotee) who is imbued with the name of the Immaculate (Lord),
Nanak (says) : He is (the image of) the Primal Person, the Architect of Destiny. 51
suMno suMnu khY sBu koeI ] Anhq suMnu khw qy hoeI ]
suNno suNn, kahai sabh ko-ee. anhat suNn, kahaa tay ho-ee.
Everyone speaks of the Un-manifest, the Absolute (Lord);
(but) where did the Absolute Void come from?
Anhq suMin rqy sy kYsy ] anhat suNn ratay, say kaisay.
What kind of beings are they who are imbued with the Absolute Void ?
ijs qy aupjy iqs hI jYsy ] jis tay upjay, tis hee jaisay.
They are like the One, from whom they have originated.
Eie jnim n mrih n Awvih jwih ] o-ay janam na mareh, na aavahi jaahi.
They are not born, they do not die; they do not come and go (in reincarnation).
nwnk gurmuiK mnu smJwih ]52] naanak, gurmukh man samjhaahi. ||52||
Nanak : they instruct their mind through the Guru. 52
nau sr suBr dsvY pUry ] na-o sar subhar, dasvai pooray.
When nine pools (i.e. nine gates of body) are fully filled, and then the Tenth is also fulfilled
(i.e. when one has controlled/ disciplined the ten gates of body, then one reaches the Tenth state).
qh Anhq suMn vjwvih qUry ] tah anhat suNn vajaavah tooray.
There the music of the unstruck word play upon bugles (i.e. resonate);
swcY rwcy dyiK hjUry ] saachai raachay daykh hajooray.
There, they behold the presence of the True (Lord);
Git Git swcu rihAw BrpUry ] ghat ghat saach rahi-aa bharpooray.
There, the True is pervading each and every heart.
P. 944
gupqI bwxI prgtu hoie ] nwnk priK ley scu soie ]53]
guptee banee, pargat ho-ay. naanak, parakh la-ay sach so-ay. ||53||
(In this state) the hidden word is revealed.
Nanak (says): he tests (and realizes) that True (Lord). 53
shj Bwie imlIAY suKu hovY ] sahj bhaa-ay milee-ai, sukh hovai.
Meeting (the Lord) in natural ease, happiness is obtained.
gurmuiK jwgY nId n sovY ] gurmukh jaagai, need na sovai.
The Guru-oriented remains awake (from the attacks of maya), he does not sleep (in ignorance).
suMn sbdu AprMpir DwrY ] suNn sabad, apraMpar dhaarai.
The enshrines the unlimited word of the Absolute within (his mind).
khqy mukqu sbid insqwrY ] kahtay mukat, sabad nistaarai.
Chanting (the word) he is liberated; and, through the word he liberates others too.
gur kI dIiKAw sy sic rwqy ] gur kee deekhi-aa, say sach raatay.
Those who have obtained Guru’s teachings, remain imbued with True.
nwnk Awpu gvwie imlx nhI BRwqy ]54] naanak, aap gavaa-ay, milaṇ nahee bharaatay. ||54||
Nanak (says): they eradicate self-conceit and meet (the Lord) and their doubt is dispelled. 54
kubuiD cvwvY so ikqu Twie ] kubudh chavaavai, so kit ṭaa-ay.
What is that place (i.e. state), where evil wisdom (i.e. evil thinking) is chewed (i.e. destroyed)?
ikau qqu n bUJY cotw Kwie ] ki-o tat na boojhai, chotaa khaa-ay.
Why one does not understand the essence (of reality), and suffers blows (i.e. punishment)?
jm dir bwDy koie n rwKY ] jam dar baadhay, ko-ay na raakhai.
When one is tied up at the doors of Death, no one can rescue him.
ibnu sbdY nwhI piq swKY ] bin sabdai, naahee pat saakhai.
Without the word, no one has credibility or honour.
ikau kir bUJY pwvY pwru ] nwnk mnmuiK n buJY gvwru ]55]
ki-o kar boojhai, paavai paar. naanak, manmukh na bujhai gavaar. ||55||
How can one understand and cross over?
Nanak (says): the foolish mind-oriented does not understand. 55
kubuiD imtY gur sbdu bIcwir ] kubudh mitai, gur sabad beechaar.
Contemplating the word, evil wisdom (i.e. thought) is erased.
siqguru BytY moK duAwr ] satgur bhaytai, mokh du-aar.
Meeting with the True Guru, the door of liberation is found.
qqu n cInY mnmuKu jil jwie ] tat na cheenai, manmukh jal jaa-ay.
The mind-oriented does not understand the essence (of reality) and is burnt (i.e. ruined).
durmiq ivCuiV cotw Kwie ] durmat vichhuṛ, chotaa khaa-ay.
Separated (from God) by his evil wisdom (i.e. thoughts), he suffers blows (i.e. punishment).
mwnY hukmu sBy gux igAwn ] nwnk drgh pwvY mwnu ]56]
maanai hukam, sabhay guṇ gi-aan. naanak, dargeh paavai maan. ||56||
Accepting the command (of the Lord), one is blessed with virtues and (spiritual) knowledge.
Nanak (says) : (Such a person) is honoured in His Court. 56
swcu vKru Dnu plY hoie ] Awip qrY qwry BI soie ]
saach vakhar dhan, palai ho-ay. aap tarai, taaray bhee so-ay.
One, who has the merchandise and the wealth of true name in his possession;
he himself crosses over and also carries others across (along with him).
shij rqw bUJY piq hoie ] qw kI kImiq krY n koie ]
sahj rataa boojhai, pat ho-ay. taa kee keemat, karai na ko-ay.
One who is imbued (with the Lord) in natural ease, realizes (Him) and obtains honour; and,
no one can estimate his worth.
jh dyKw qh rihAw smwie ] nwnk pwir prY sc Bwie ]57]
jah daykhaa, tah rahi-aa samaa-ay. naanak, paar parai sach bhaa-ay. ||57||

Wherever I look, I see Him pervading there.
Nanak (says) : through the love of the True (Lord), one crosses over (the world ocean). 57
su sbd kw khw vwsu kQIAly ijqu qrIAY Bvjlu sMswro ]
so sabad kaa kahaa vaas kathee-alay, jit taree-ai bhavjal saNsaaro.
[The sidh/ yogis further ask Guru Nanak]:
Where is that word said to be dwelling? that will carry us across the terrifying waters of the
qRY sq AMgul vweI khIAY iqsu khu kvnu ADwro ] tarai sat aNgul vaa-ee kahee-ai, tis kaho kavan adhaaro.
(The breath) is said to be the ten fingers long air, tell what is its (i.e. breath’s) support?
bolY KylY AsiQru hovY ikau kir AlKu lKwey ] bolai khaylai asthir hovai, ki-o kar alakh lakhaa-ay.
It (i.e. mind) speaks and plays, how can it be stable; how can it perceive the Imperceptible?
suix suAwmI scu nwnku pRxvY Apxy mn smJwey ] gurmuiK sbdy sic ilv lwgY kir ndrI myil imlwey ]
suṇ su-aamee, sach naanak paraṇvai, apnay man samjhaa-ay.
gurmukh sabday sach liv laagai, kar nadree mayl milaa-ay.
[Guru Nanak answers]: Listen, O! master (i.e. O! leader of yogis), Nanak prays (i.e. tells) the
truth: ‘instruct your mind’.
(When) the Guru-oriented is lovingly attuned to the True word, bestowing His grace He
Himself unites one in His union.
Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw pUrY Bwig smwey ]58] aapay daanaa, aapay beenaa, poorai bhaag samaa-ay. ||58||
He Himself is all-wise, Himself is all-seeing; by perfect fortune, one merges in Him. 58
su sbd kau inrMqir vwsu AlKM jh dyKw qh soeI ]
so sabad ka-o niraNtar vaas, alkhaN, jah daykhaa tah so-ee.
That word dwells within all beings; (He is) Imperceptible; wherever I look, there I see Him.
pvn kw vwsw suMn invwsw Akl klw Dr soeI ] pavan kaa vaasaa suNn nivaasaa, akal kalaa dhar so-ee.
(As) the air lives in void, so dwells the Absolute (Lord); He is without qualities, and, He has all
ndir kry sbdu Gt mih vsY ivchu Brmu gvwey ]
nadar karay sabad ghat meh vasai, vichahu bharam gavaa-ay.
When He bestows His glance (of grace), the word comes to abide within heart, and, doubt is
eradicated from within.
qnu mnu inrmlu inrml bwxI nwmuo mMin vswey ] tan man nirmal nirmal baṇee, naamo maNn vasaa-ay.
The body, mind and speech become immaculate, (when) he enshrines the name in his mind.
sbid gurU Bvswgru qrIAY ieq auq eyko jwxY ] sabad guroo bhavsaagar taree-ai it ut ayko jaaṇai.
One is carried across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean) through the word of the
Guru; (so) know the One here and hereafter.
ichnu vrnu nhI CwieAw mwieAw nwnk sbdu pCwxY ]59]
chihan, varan, nahee chhaa-i-aa, maa-i-aa; naanak, sabad pachhaaṇai. ||59||
He has no sign, or colour, no shadow or illusion; Nanak (says): He is realized through the
word. 59
qRY sq AMgul vweI AauDU suMn scu Awhwro ] tarai sat aNgul vaa-ee a-odhoo, suNn sach aahaaro.
(The breath of life is) ten fingers long air, O! recluse, the Absolute is the support of this.
gurmuiK bolY qqu ibrolY cInY AlK Apwro ] gurmukh bolai, tat birolai, cheenai alakh apaaro.

The Guru-oriented (who) speaks, (he) churns the essence (of reality), and beholds (i.e
realizes) the unseen, infinite (Lord).
qRY gux mytY sbdu vswey qw min cUkY AhMkwro ] tarai guṇ maytai, sabad vasaa-ay, taa man chookai aha kaaro.
Eradicating (the effect of) the three qualities, he enshrines the word (within), then his mind is
rid of egotism
AMqir bwhir eyko jwxY qw hir nwim lgY ipAwro ] aNtar baahar ayko jaaṇai, taa har naam lagai pi-aaro.
When one knows the One (Lord) alone, inside and outside, then he is attached to the love with
the name of God.
suKmnw ieVw ipMgulw bUJY jw Awpy AlKu lKwey ]
sukhmanaa Iṛaa piNgulaa boojhai, jaa aapay alakh lakhaa-ay.
When the unseen reveals Himself, one understands (the mystery of) the sukhmana, irha, and
pingula* ( i.e. the three vein s between nostrils and spinal chord); (and he comes to know that),
nwnk iqhu qy aUpir swcw siqgur sbid smwey ]60]
naanak, tihu tay oopar saachaa, satgur sabad samaa-ay. ||60||
Nanak (says) : the True (Lord) is above these three (veins); and, through the word of the True
Guru he merge with Him (i.e. Lord). 60
[*I aa is a name given to a vein somewhere between left nostril and spinal cord. Similarly, vein on the right side of
nostril, has been called Pingalaa and a vein which links nostrils, spinal chord and brain has been given the name
Sukhmanaa. The controlling of breath in these are the veins to attain state of void is a practice known as ‘pranayaam’
in Yoga. They believe that it is helpful in controlling mind. The mention of ‘Ira, Pingalaa, Sukhmanaa’ in the Sikh
literature is relative and metaphorical and not conceptual (and only in order to reject them). In Sikhism, only
remembering God is real Yoga].
mn kw jIau pvnu kQIAly pvnu khw rsu KweI ] man kaa jee-o pavan kathee-alay, pavan kahaa ras khaa-ee.
Air is said to be the soul of mind; (but, then) where does air get food from?
igAwn kI mudRw kvn AauDU isD kI kvn kmweI ]
gi-aan kee mudraa kavan a-odhoo, sidh kee kavan kamaa-ee.
O! recluse, which is the way of knowledge? and, what is the gains of a sidh?
ibnu sbdY rsu n AwvY AauDU haumY ipAws n jweI ]
bin sabdai ras na aavai a-odhoo, ha-umai pi-aas na jaa-ee.
Without the word, the essence (i.e. food for soul) does not come, and, thirst of egotism does
not depart.
sbid rqy AMimRq rsu pwieAw swcy rhy AGweI ] sabad ratay, aMmrit ras paa-i-aa, saachay rahay aghaa-ee.
Imbued with the word, one finds AMmrit essence, and, remains contented with True (Lord).
kvn buiD ijqu AsiQru rhIAY ikqu Bojin iqRpqwsY ] kavan budh jit asthir rahee-ai, kit bhojan tariptaasai.
What is that wisdom by which one remains stable, and, what food gives satiation?
nwnk duKu suKu sm kir jwpY siqgur qy kwlu n gRwsY ]61]
naanak dukh sukh sam kar jaapai satgur tay kaal na garaasai. ||61||
Nanak (says): (when) one looks upon pain and pleasure though the True Guru, he is not
consumed by (spiritual) death. 61
rMig n rwqw ris nhI mwqw ] ibnu gur sbdY jil bil qwqw ]
raNg na raataa, ras nahee maataa; bin gur sabdai, jal bal taataa.
One, who is not imbued with love (for God), and, is not intoxicated by love;
without the word of the Guru, he remains burning in fire (of maya).
ibMdu n rwiKAw sbdu n BwiKAw ] biNd na raakhi-aa, sabad na bhaakhi-aa.
If one does not chant the word, he has not preserves (i.e. controlled) his semen (i.e. if one does
not chant the word, then what is the use of controlling semen i.e. sexual desire?).
pvnu n swiDAw scu n ArwiDAw ] pavan na saadhi-aa, sach na araadhi-aa.
If one does not adore the True (Lord), (then) he has not controlled air/ breath* (i.e. if one does
not adore God, then what is the use of controlling the breath, i.e. praanaayaam posture).
[*Controlling the breath means practising praanaayaam. It is a combination of two words: praanaa means breath,
and, ayaam means to extend i.e. to control the duration of breath].
AkQ kQw ly sm kir rhY ] qau nwnk Awqm rwm kau lhY ]62]
akath kathaa lay, sam kar rahai. ta-o, naanak, aatam raam ka-o lahai. ||62||
(But) one who remembers the un-narratable narration (of the excellences of God), and, treats
(pain and pleasure) alike;
Nanak (says) : Then he attains God of souls (i.e. the Supreme soul, i.e. God). 62
gur prswdI rMgy rwqw ] AMimRqu pIAw swcy mwqw ]
gur parsaadee, raNgay raataa. aMmrit pee-aa, saachay maataa.
By the grace of Guru, one who is imbued with the love (of God);
he drinks in Amrit and remains intoxicated in the True (Lord).
gur vIcwrI Agin invwrI ] Aipau pIE Awqm suKu DwrI ]
gur veechaaree, agan nivaaree. api-o pee-o, aatam sukh dhaaree.
(One, who) contemplates the Guru, he quenches the fire (of desires);
he drinks in Amrit , and, his soul obtains happiness.
scu ArwiDAw gurmuiK qru qwrI ] nwnk bUJY ko vIcwrI ]63]
sach araadhi-aa, gurmukh tar taaree. naanak, boojhai ko veechaaree. ||63||
One, who adores the True through (the teaching of) the Guru, swims across (the world ocean);
Nanak (says) : rare are those who realize this after contemplation. 63
ieh mnu mYglu khw bsIAly khw bsY iehu pvnw ] khw bsY su sbdu AauDU qw kau cUkY mn kw Bvnw ]
eh man megal, kahaa basiahe, kahaa base eh pawanaa.
kahaa basei so sabd, auodhoo, taa kau chuke man ka bhawnaa.
[The sidh yogi asks Guru Nanak]: This mind, (which is like) the elephant, where does it dwell? and,
where does the breath reside?
O! recluse (i.e. Nanak), ‘where does the word reside, that stops the wanderings of mind’?
ndir kry qw siqguru myly qw inj Gir vwsw iehu mnu pwey ]
nadar karay taa satgur maylay, taa nij ghar vaasaa ih man paa-ay.
When He (i.e. God) bestows His grace, then He gets one meet with the
[Guru Nanak answers]:
True Guru; then this mind dwells in its own home.
AwpY Awpu Kwie qw inrmlu hovY Dwvqu vrij rhwey ]
aapai aap khaa-ay, taa nirmal hovai; dhaavat varaj rahaa-ay.
When one consumes one’s egotism, then he becomes immaculate, and, his wandering mind
is restrained
ikau mUlu pCwxY Awqmu jwxY ikau sis Gir sUru smwvY ]
ki-o mool pachhaanai, aatam jaanai, ki-o sas ghar soor samaavai.
How can one realize one’s root (i.e. God), and, know one’s soul? How can the sun (i.e. light of
wisdom) enter in the house of the moon?
gurmuiK haumY ivchu KovY qau nwnk shij smwvY ]64]
gurmukh ha-umai vichahu khovai, ta-o, naanak, sahj samaavai. ||64||
Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented eliminates egotism from within, then it (i.e. the mind)
merges, in ease. 64
iehu mnu inhclu ihrdY vsIAly gurmuiK mUlu pCwix rhY ]
ih man nihchal hirdai vasee-alay, gurmukh mool pachhaan rahai.
This mind is stable (when it) abides in the heart; (then) through the Guru, it realizes its
source and becomes stable.
nwiB pvnu Gir Awsix bYsY gurmuiK Kojq qqu lhY ] naabh pavan ghar aasaṇ baisai, gurmukh khojat tat lahai.
(The breath) sits on seat in the house of navel, and, through the Guru it searches and finds the
essence (of truth).
su sbdu inrMqir inj Gir AwCY iqRBvx joiq su sbid lhY ]
so sabad niraNtar nij ghar aachhai, taribhavaṇ jot so sabad lahai.
The word, that is eternal, dwells in its own home (i.e. in the Absolute Lord); and, he finds the
word, whose Light pervades in the three worlds.
KwvY dUK BUK swcy kI swcy hI iqRpqwis rhY ] khaavai dookh bhookh saachay kee, saachay hee tariptaas rahai.
The hunger for the True (word) consumes the pain and hunger, and, he remains satiated
through the True (word).
Anhd bwxI gurmuiK jwxI ibrlo ko ArQwvY ] anhad baṇee, gurmukh jaanee, birlo ko arthaavai.
The unstruck word is known through the Guru; rare are those who know its secret.
nwnku AwKY scu suBwKY sic rpY rMgu kbhU n jwvY ]65]
naanak aakhai, sach subhaakhai, sach rapai raNg kabhoo na jaavai. ||65||
Nanak says that one, who meditates upon the True (Lord), is dyed in the colour of Truth,
which never fades away. 65
jw iehu ihrdw dyh n hoqI qau mnu kYTY rhqw ] jaa ih hirdaa dayh na hotee, ta-o man kaiṭai rahtaa.
[The sidh yogi asks Guru Nanak]:
When there was no heart, and, no body, then where did the mind dwell?
nwiB kml AsQMBu n hoqo qw pvnu kvn Gir shqw ]
naabh kamal asthaMbh na hoto, taa pavan kavan ghar sahtaa.
If there was no pillar (i.e. support) for navel lotus, then, in which home the breath dwell?
rUpu n hoqo ryK n kweI qw sbid khw ilv lweI ] roop na hoto, raykh na kaa-ee, taa sabad kahaa liv laa-ee.
When there was no form no shape, then, where did the word focus itself?
rkqu ibMdu kI mVI n hoqI imiq kImiq nhI pweI ]
rakat biNd kee marhee na hotee, mit keemat nahee paa-ee.
When there was no tomb (body) formed from blood and sperm, then, who would known the
value of His extent?
vrnu ByKu AsrUpu n jwpI ikau kir jwpis swcw ] varan bhaykh asroop na jaapee, ki-o kar jaapas saachaa.
When colour, dress and form were not seen, (then) how could the True be known?
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI ieb qb swco swcw ]66] naanak, naam ratay bairaagee, ib tab saacho saachaa. ||66||
Nanak (says) : Those, who are imbued with the name (of the Lord), they are detached;
O! detached ones, for one in love with name, here and there (i.e. everywhere), they see the
True and the True (alone). 66

ihrdw dyh n hoqI AauDU qau mnu suMin rhY bYrwgI ]
hirdaa dayh na hotee, a-odhoo, ta-o man sunn rahai bairaagee.
[Guru Nanak answers]: When the heart and the body did not exist, O! recluse, then, the mind
resided in the Absolute, in detached form.
nwiB kmlu AsQMBu n hoqo qw inj Gir bsqau pvnu AnrwgI ]
naabh kamal asthaMbh na hoto, taa nij ghar basta-o pavan anraagee.
When there were no pillars (i.e. support) for navel-lotus, then, the breath lived in own home,
attached to the love (of the Lord).
rUpu n ryiKAw jwiq n hoqI qau AkulIix rhqau sbdu su swru ]
roop na raykh-i-aa jaat na hotee, ta-o akuleeṇ rahta-o sabad so saar.
When there was no form, shape, caste (i.e. social status), then, the word resided in its essence
form, in the non-lineal (Lord).
gaunu ggnu jb qbih n hoqau iqRBvx joiq Awpy inrMkwru ]
ga-un gagan jab tabeh na hota-o, taribhavaṇ jot aapay niraNkaar.
When there was no movement in the skies, then the Light of the three worlds, (Lord) Himself
(alone) was there.
P. 946
vrnu ByKu AsrUpu su eyko eyko sbdu ivfwxI ] varan bhaykh asroop so ayko, ayko sabad vidaaṇee.
Colour, dress and form were contained in Him; and, the One was in wondrous word form.
swc ibnw sUcw ko nwhI nwnk AkQ khwxI ]67]
saach binaa soochaa ko naahee, naanak akath kahaaṇee. ||67||
Without the True Lord, nothing is true, Nanak (says):I narrate the story of the Un-
narratable (Lord). 67
ikqu ikqu ibiD jgu aupjY purKw ikqu ikqu duiK ibnis jweI ]
kit kit bidh jag upjai, purkhaa, kit kit dukh binas jaa-ee.
[The sidh yogis ask Guru Nanak]: In what way and how is the world (i.e. mortal) born? O! man, and,
in what way and how it suffers and perishes?
haumY ivic jgu aupjY purKw nwim ivsirAY duKu pweI ]
ha-umai vich jag upjai, purkhaa, naam visri-ai dukh paa-ee.
The world (i.e. mortal) is born in egotism, O! man; and, forgetting the
[Guru Nanak replies]:
name (of the Lord), it suffers.
gurmuiK hovY su igAwnu qqu bIcwrY haumY sbid jlwey ]
gurmukh hovai, so gi-aan tat beechaarai, ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
One, who is Guru-oriented, contemplates the knowledge of Reality, and, though word he
burns his egotism.
qnu mnu inrmlu inrml bwxI swcY rhY smwey ] tan man nirmal, nirmal baṇee, saachai rahai samaa-ay.
His mind and body become immaculate, through immaculate word; and, he remains
absorbed in the True (Lord).
nwmy nwim rhY bYrwgI swcu riKAw auir Dwry ] naamay naam rahai bairaagee, saach rakhi-aa ur dhaaray.
Absorbed in name alone, he remains detached; and, he enshrine the True in his heart.
nwnk ibnu nwvY jogu kdy n hovY dyKhu irdY bIcwry ]68]
naanak, bin naavai jog kaday na hovai, daykhhu ridai beechaaray. ||68||

Nanak (says) : Without the name (of the Lord), there can be no yoga (i.e. union with the Lord);
contemplate this in your heart and see. 68
gurmuiK swcu sbdu bIcwrY koie ] gurmukh, saach sabad beechaarai ko-ay.
Some rare one, a Guru-oriented, reflects upon the True word.
gurmuiK scu bwxI prgtu hoie ] gurmukh, sach baṇee pargat ho-ay.
Through the True word, He is revealed to (i.e. within the heart of) the Guru-oriented.
gurmuiK mnu BIjY ivrlw bUJY koie ] gurmukh, man bheejai virlaa boojhai ko-ay.
The Guru-oriented’s mind is drenched (with the love of the Lord); only some rare one
understand this.
gurmuiK inj Gir vwsw hoie ] gurmuk, nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay.
The Guru-oriented dwells in the home of his self.
gurmuiK jogI jugiq pCwxY ] gurmukh, jogee jugat pachhaanai.
The Guru-oriented realizes the way of yoga (i.e. union with the Lord).
gurmuiK nwnk eyko jwxY ]69] gurmukh, naanak, ayko jaaṇai. ||69||
Nanak (says) : the Guru-oriented knows the One (Lord) alone. 69
ibnu siqgur syvy jogu n hoeI ] bin satgur sayvay, jog na ho-ee.
Without serving (i.e. following the teaching of) the True Guru, yoga (i.e. union with the Lord) is
not attained
ibnu siqgur Byty mukiq n koeI ] bin satgur bhaytay, mukat na ko-ee.
Without meeting the True Guru, no one is liberated.
ibnu siqgur Byty nwmu pwieAw n jwie ] bin satgur bhaytay, naam paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
Without meeting the True Guru, the name (of the Lord) can not be obtained.
ibnu siqgur Byty mhw duKu pwie ] bin satgur bhaytay, mahaa dukh paa-ay.
Without meeting the True Guru, one suffers terrible pain.
ibnu siqgur Byty mhw grib gubwir ] bin satgur bhaytay, mahaa garab gubaar.
Without meeting the True Guru, one remains in pitch darkness of egotism.
nwnk ibnu gur muAw jnmu hwir ]70] naanak, bin gur mu-aa janam haar. ||70||
Nanak (says) : Without the Guru one dies, losing (the game of) life (in vain). 70
gurmuiK mnu jIqw haumY mwir ] gurmukh man jeetaa, ha-umai maar.
The Guru-oriented conquers his mind, by subduing his ego.
gurmuiK swcu riKAw aur Dwir ] gurmukh, saach rakhi-aa ur dhaar.
The Guru-oriented enshrines the True (Lord) in his heart.
gurmuiK jgu jIqw jmkwlu mwir ibdwir ] gurmukh jag jeetaa, jamkaal maar bidaar.
The Guru-oriented conquers the world (by) knocking down and killing the messenger of
gurmuiK drgh n AwvY hwir ] gurmukh, dargeh na aavai haar.
The Guru-oriented does not go to the court of the Lord as loser.
gurmuiK myil imlwey suo jwxY ] gurmukh, mayl milaa-ay so jaaṇai.
The Guru-oriented know the way that unite in union (with the Lord).
nwnk gurmuiK sbid pCwxY ]71] naanak, gurmukh sabad pachhaaṇai. ||71||
Nanak : The Guru realizes (the Lord) through the word. 71
sbdY kw inbyVw suix qU AauDU ibnu nwvY jogu n hoeI ]

sabdai kaa nibayrhaa suṇ too, a-odhoo, bin naavai jog na ho-ee.
Listen, O! recluse, this is the decision (i.e. essence) of word: without the name, there can be
no yoga (i.e. union with God).
nwmy rwqy Anidnu mwqy nwmY qy suKu hoeI ] naamay raatay, an-din maatay, naamai tay sukh ho-ee.
Those who are imbued with the name, remain intoxicated day and night; and, through the
name they obtain (spiritual) happiness.
nwmY hI qy sBu prgtu hovY nwmy soJI pweI ] naamai hee tay sabh pargat hovai, naamay sojhee paa-ee.
Through the name, everything is revealed; and, through the name understanding is obtained.
ibnu nwvY ByK krih bhuqyry scY Awip KuAweI ] bin naavai bhaykh karahi bahutayray, sachai aap khu-aa-ee.
Without the name, people wear many sorts of (religious) robes; (in fact) the True (Lord)
Himself has strayed them.
siqgur qy nwmu pweIAY AauDU jog jugiq qw hoeI ] satgur tay naam paa-ee-ai, a-odhoo, jog jugat taa ho-ee.
The name is obtained only from the True Guru, O! recluse; and, then the process of yoga is
kir bIcwru min dyKhu nwnk ibnu nwvY mukiq n hoeI ]72]
kar beechaar man daykhhu, naanak, bin naavai mukat na ho-ee. ||72||
Nanak (says) : reflect upon this in your mind and see (yourself, that), without the name there
can be no liberation. 72
qyrI giq imiq qUhY jwxih ikAw ko AwiK vKwxY ] tayree gat mit toohai jaaṇeh, ki-aa ko aakh vakhaanai.
(O! Lord) You alone know Your state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse); what can anyone
say and narrate about it !
qU Awpy gupqw Awpy prgtu Awpy siB rMg mwxY ] too aapay guptaa, aapay pargat, aapay sabh raNg maanai.
You Yourself are hidden, You Yourself are revealed; and, You Yourself enjoy all pleasures.
swiDk isD gurU bhu cyly Kojq iPrih PurmwxY ] saadhik sidh guroo baho chaylay, khojat fireh, furmaaṇai.
Many seekers, sidhs (claiming having miraculous powers), teachers and disciples wander
around searching (for You), in Your command
mwgih nwmu pwie ieh iBiKAw qyry drsn kau kurbwxY ]
maageh naam, paa-ay ih bhikhi-aa, tayray darsan ka-o kurbaaṇai.
They beg for Your name (and pray): ‘bless us with this charity’; and, (they are) a sacrifice
unto Your vision.
AibnwsI pRiB Kylu rcwieAw gurmuiK soJI hoeI ]
abhinaasee prabh khayl rachaa-i-aa, gurmukh sojhee ho-ee.
The Imperishable Lord has staged this play, one understands this through the Guru.
nwnk siB jug Awpy vrqY dUjw Avru n koeI ]73]1]
naanak, sabh jug aapay vartai ,doojaa avar na ko-ee. ||73||1||
Nanak (says) : throughout all ages, He Himself pervades, there is no other tan Him. 73.1
P. 947
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwmklI kI vwr mhlw 3 ] Raamkalee kee vaar, Mehlaa 3

joDY vIrY pUrbwxI kI DunI ] jodhai Veerai Poorbaaṇee kee dhunee
(This ballad is to be sung on the tune of Jodhe Veerai, Purbani. Jodha and Veeraa were the two sons of Poorban, a
Rajput chief. When Akbar had captured most of the land of the Rajputs, they refused to accept his subordination. At this
Akbar sent a big army against them. Both fought bravely and finally embraced martyrdom. A poet wrote ballad to pay
tribute to their chivalry. Now, perhaps no one remembers their story but their name has been immortalized in Guru
Granth Sahib].
sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
siqguru shjY dw Kyqu hY ijs no lwey Bwau ] nwau bIjy nwau augvY nwmy rhY smwie ]
satgur sahjai daa khayt hai, jis no laa-ay bhaa-o. naa-o beejay naa-o ugvai, naamay rahai samaa-ay.
The True Guru is the field of poise (i.e. steadiness and peace); one who is attached to its love;
He plants the name, and, the name sprouts, and, he remains absorbed in the name.
haumY eyho bIju hY shsw gieAw ivlwie ] ha-umai ayho beej hai, sahsaa ga-i-aa vilaa-ay.
(But on the other hand) egotism is such a seed (that sprouts doubt), and, (if one does not plant
egotism) doubt flees away from (and he obtains poise and peace).
nw ikCu bIjy n augvY jo bKsy so Kwie ] naa kichh beejay na ugvai, jo bakhsay so khaa-ay.
(Now) he does not plant anything (of egotism), nor does it sprout, whatever He (i.e. God)
grants him that he eats.
AMBY syqI AMBu rilAw bhuiV n inkisAw jwie ] nwnk gurmuiK clqu hY vyKhu lokw Awie ]
aMbhai saytee aMbh rali-aa, bahuṛ na niksi-aa jaa-ay.
naanak, gurmukh chalat hai, vaykhhu lokaa aa-ay.
When water is mixes with water, it cannot be separated again.
Nanak (says): So is the feat of the Guru-oriented (like water he becomes one with God, and
then he can not be separated); Come, O! people, and see.
loku ik vyKY bpuVw ijs no soJI nwih ] lok ke vaykhai bapuṛaa, jis no sojhee naahi.
(But) what can the poor people see? they do not have understanding (of the wondrous play).
ijsu vyKwly so vyKY ijsu visAw mn mwih ]1] jis vaykhaalay so vaykhai, jis vasi-aa man maahi. ||1||
He alone sees it, whom He gets to see; one, in whose mind (i.e. God) comes to dwell. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mnmuKu duK kw Kyqu hY duKu bIjy duKu Kwie ] manmukh dukh kaa khayt hai dukh beejay dukh khaa-ay.
The mind-oriented is a field of sorrows; he plants sorrow, and, eats sorrow.
duK ivic jMmY duiK mrY haumY krq ivhwie ] dukh vich jaMmai dukh marai ha-umai karat vihaa-ay.
In sorrow, he is born, in sorrow he dies; and, his life passes in egotism.
Awvxu jwxu n suJeI AMDw AMDu kmwie ] aavaṇ jaaṇ na sujh-ee, andhaa andh kamaa-ay.
He does not understand coming and going (i.e. the cycle of re-incarnation), and, the blind acts
as blind (i.e. the ignorant fool acts in ignorance).
jo dyvY iqsY n jwxeI idqy kau lptwie ] jo dayvai tisai na jaaṇ-ee, ditay ka-o laptaa-ay.
The One (Lord) who gives (everything), he does not know (i.e recognize) for Him, but (rather)
clings (i.e. becomes attached) to what is given.
nwnk pUrib iliKAw kmwvxw Avru n krxw jwie ]2]
naanak poorab likhi-aa kamaavaṇaa avar na karṇaa jaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He earn (i.e. acts) according to his pre-ordained destiny; he can not do
anything else. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
siqguir imilAY sdw suKu ijs no Awpy myly soie ] satgur mili-ai sadaa sukh, jis no aapay maylay so-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, everlasting happiness is obtained; (but he alone meets the True Guru)
whom He Himself leads to meet.
suKY eyhu ibbyku hY AMqru inrmlu hoie ] sukhai ayhu bibayk hai, aNtar nirmal ho-ay.
The wisdom (i.e. concept) of happiness is this, that, one’s heart becomes immaculate.
AigAwn kw BRmu ktIAY igAwnu prwpiq hoie ] agi-aan kaa bharam katee-ai, gi-aan paraapat ho-ay.
The doubts of ignorance is eradicated, and, (spiritual) knowledge is obtained.
nwnk eyko ndrI AwieAw jh dyKw qh soie ]3] naanak, ayko nadree aa-i-aa, jah daykhaa tah so-ay. ||3||
Nanak (says): (in such a state of mind) wherever he looks, there he sees Him. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
scY qKqu rcwieAw bYsx kau jWeI ] sachai takhat rachaa-i-aa, baisaṇ ka-o jaan-ee.
The True (Lord) has created His throne, a place to sit upon it.
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY gur sbid suxweI ] sabh kichh aapay aap hai, gur sabad suṇaa-ee.
He Himself is everything (i.e. everything is His manifestation), this is told (i.e. revealed) by the
word of the Guru.
Awpy kudriq swjIAnu kir mhl srweI ] aapay kudrat saajee-an, kar mahal saraa-ee.
Having created creating palaces and inns, He Himself has created nature.
cMdu sUrju duie cwnxy pUrI bxq bxweI ] chaNd sooraj du-ay chaanṇay, pooree baṇat baṇaa-ee.
(He has created) sun and moon as two lamps (for giving light); He has formed perfect creation.
Awpy vyKY suxy Awip gur sbid iDAweI ]1] aapay vaykhai, suṇay aap, gur sabad dhi-aa-ee. ||1||
He Himself sees, and, He Himself hears; (He) can be meditated upon the word of the Guru. 1
vwhu vwhu scy pwiqswh qU scI nweI ]1] rhwau ]
vaahu vaahu sachay paatisaah, too sachee naa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(You are)Wonderful! wonderful!! O! True King; true is Your name. 1 (pause)

sloku ] Salok
kbIr mihdI kir kY GwilAw Awpu pIswie pIswie ]
kabeer mahidee kar kai ghaali-aa, aap peesaa-ay peesaa-ay.
Kabir (says): (to obtain You) I have toiled hard (like) constantly grounding henna into paste.
qY sh bwq n puCIAw kbhU n lweI pwie ]1] tai sah baat na puchhee-aa, kabhoo na laa-ee paa-ay. ||1||
(But), O! Husband (Lord), You never cared for me, and, never allowed me to be attached to
Your feet. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
nwnk mihdI kir kY riKAw so shu ndir kryie ] naanak, mahidee kar kai rakhi-aa, so saho nadar karay-i.
Nanak (says): He has kept me as henna paste; the Lord Himself bestows His grace.
Awpy pIsY Awpy GsY Awpy hI lwie leyie ] aapay peesai, aapay ghasai ,aapay hee laa-ay la-ay-ay.
He Himself grinds (me), He Himself rubs (i.e. makes paste), and, Himself applies (to His feet).
iehu iprm ipAwlw Ksm kw jY BwvY qY dyie ]2] ih piram pi-aalaa khasam kaa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||2||

This cup of love is the Lord’s (own good); He gives it to the one who is pleasing to him. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
vykI isRsit aupweIAnu sB hukim AwvY jwie smwhI ]
vaykee sarisat upaa-ee-an, sabh hukam aavai jaa-ay samaahee.
He has created the universe in (different) varieties; by His command all come and go, and,
merges in Him.
Awpy vyiK ivgsdw dUjw ko nwhI ] aapay vaykh vigsadaa, doojaa ko naahee.
You Yourself sees and blossom forth; there is no other else (at all).
ijau BwvY iqau rKu qU gur sbid buJwhI ] ji-o bhaavai ti-o rakh too, gur sabad bujhaahee.
As it pleases You, You keep (Your beings); (You) give (them) understanding through the word
of the Guru.
sBnw qyrw joru hY ijau BwvY iqvY clwhI ] sabhnaa tayraa jor hai, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaahee.
You are strength (i.e support) of all (the beings); as it pleases You, You lead them.
quDu jyvf mY nwih ko iksu AwiK suxweI ]2] tudh jayvad mai naahi ko, kis aakh suṇaa-ee. ||2||
To me, there is no as great as Your are; unto whom should I speak and talk! 2

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
Brim BulweI sBu jgu iPrI PwvI hoeI Bwil ] bharam bhulaa-ee sabh jag firee faavee ho-ee bhaal.
Deluded by doubt, I wandered over the whole world; and, searching (for Him), I have
become tired (i.e. frustrated for not obtaining Him).
P. 948
so shu sWiq n dyveI ikAw clY iqsu nwil ] so saho saa t na dayv-ee, ki-aa chalai tis naal.

The Lord does not bestow peace on me (because I am deluded by doubt), (then) what will work
with Him (i.e. by what means I shall obtain Him)?
gur prswdI hir iDAweIAY AMqir rKIAY aur Dwir ] gur parsaadee har dhi-aa-ee-ai, a tar rakhee-ai ur dhaar.
Meditate upon God, by the grace of the Guru, and, enshrine Him within heart.
nwnk Gir bYiTAw shu pwieAw jw ikrpw kIqI krqwir ]1]
naanak, ghar baiṭi-aa saho paa-i-aa, jaa kirpaa keetee kartaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): she (i.e. soul bride) finds her Husband (Lord), seated in her own home (i.e.
heart), when the Creator bestows His kindness. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
DMDw Dwvq idnu gieAw rYix gvweI soie ] dhaNdhaa dhaavat din ga-i-aa, raiṇ gavaa-ee so-ay.
Day (of the mind-oriented) passes in chasing after worldly affairs, and, night passes in sleep.
kUVu boil ibKu KwieAw mnmuiK cilAw roie ] koorh bol bikh khaa-i-aa, manmukh chali-aa ro-ay.
Speaking lies, he eats poison (i.e. remains engrossed in maya), (and, in the end) the mind-
oriented departs crying (i.e. frustrated and repenting).
isrY aupir jm fMfu hY dUjY Bwie piq Koie ] sirai upar jam daNd hai, doojai bhaa-ay pat kho-ay.
The messenger of death holds his club over his head (to punish him); in the love of duality he
has has lost his honour.
hir nwmu kdy n cyiqE iPir Awvx jwxw hoie ] har naam kaday na chayti-o, fir aavaṇ jaaṇaa ho-ay.

He has never remembered (meditating upon) the name of God; (thus) over and over again, he
remains coming and going (in reincarnation).
gur prswdI hir min vsY jm fMfu n lwgY koie ] gur parsaadee har man vasai, jam daNd na laagai ko-ay.
(But, if) by the grace of the Guru, God comes to dwell in his mind, (then) the staff of the
messenger of death will not strike him.
nwnk shjy imil rhY krim prwpiq hoie ]2] naanak, sehjay mil rahai, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He remains merged (in the Lord), in natural ease, and, obtains God's grace. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ieik AwpxI isPqI lwieAnu dy siqgur mqI ] ik aapnee siftee laa-i-an, day satgur matee.
He has attached some to His praise, bestowing upon them the True Guru's teaching.
ieknw no nwau bKisEnu AsiQru hir sqI ] iknaa no naa-o bakhsi-on, asthir har satee.
Some have been blessed with the name, by the Unchanging (i.e. eternal) True Lord.
pauxu pwxI bYsMqro hukim krih BgqI ] pa-un paanee baisaNtaro, hukam karahi bhagtee.
Air, water and fire, (i.e. even the five elements) worship Him under His command.
eynw no Bau Aglw pUrI bxq bxqI ] aynaa no bha-o aglaa, pooree baṇat baṇtee.
They are held in His great fear (of God); he has formed so perfect form (of the creation).
sBu ieko hukmu vrqdw mMinAY suKu pweI ]3] sabh iko hukam varatdaa, maNni-ai sukh paa-ee. ||3||
The command of the One (Lord) pervades everywhere; accepting it happiness is found. 3

sloku ] Salok
kbIr ksautI rwm kI JUTw itkY n koie ] kabeer, kasa-utee raam kee, jhooṭaa tikai na ko-ay.
Kabir (says): Such is the touch-stone of God, (that) the false can stand it (i.e. the false ones are
exposed there and rejected).
rwm ksautI so shY jo mrjIvw hoie ]1] raam kasa-utee so sahai, jo marjeevaa ho-ay. ||1||
He alone can face (i.e. pass) the test of God, who remains dead while yet alive. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ikau kir iehu mnu mwrIAY ikau kir imrqku hoie ] ki-o kar ih man maaree-ai, ki-o kar mirtak ho-ay.
How can this mind be conquered? how can it be killed (from worldly desires)?
kihAw sbdu n mwneI haumY CfY n koie ] kahi-aa sabad na maan-ee, ha-umai chhadai na ko-ay.
(But) it does not accept the said word (i.e. the world taught by the Guru), and, it does not get rid
of its egotism.
gur prswdI haumY CutY jIvn mukqu so hoie ] gur parsaadee ha-umai chhutai, jeevan mukat so ho-ay.
By the grace of the Guru, egotism is eradicated; and, one becomes liberated while yet alive.
nwnk ijs no bKsy iqsu imlY iqsu ibGnu n lwgY koie ]2]
naanak, jis no bakhsay, tis milai; tis bighan na laagai ko-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): one, whom He blesses, he obtains (the name), and, (then) no obstacle blocks
him (on his path). 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
jIvq mrxw sBu ko khY jIvn mukiq ikau hoie ] jeevat marṇaa sabh ko kahai, jeevan mukat ki-o ho-ay.

Everyone talks about being dead while yet alive; but, how can one be liberated while yet alive?
BY kw sMjmu jy kry dwrU Bwau lweyie ] bhai kaa saNjam jay karay, daaroo bhaa-o laa-ay-ay.
If one restrains oneself through fear of God; and, takes the medicine of His love; and,
Anidnu gux gwvY suK shjy ibKu Bvjlu nwim qryie ]
an-din guṇ gaavai sukh sehjay, bikh bhavjal naam taray-ay.
Day and night, sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God), (then) he shall find happiness in
natural ease; and, shall swim cross the poisonous and terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
nwnk gurmuiK pweIAY jw kau ndir kryie ]3] naanak ,gurmukh paa-ee-ai, jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. ||3||
Nanak (says): He is obtained through the Guru, by those upon whom He bestows His grace. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
dUjw Bwau rcwieEnu qRY gux vrqwrw ] doojaa bhaa-o rachaa-i-on, tarai guṇ vartaaraa.
He (i.e. God) has created love for duality, and, the play of the three gunaas (i.e qualities).
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwieAnu hukim kmwvin kwrw ]
barahmaa bisan mahays upaa-i-an, hukam kamaavan kaaraa.
He created Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh; they earn (i.e. act) according to His command
pMifq pVdy joqkI nw bUJih bIcwrw ] pandit paṛ-day jotkee, naa boojheh beechaaraa.
Pandits (i.e. religious scholars) and the astrologers read (their books); but, they do not
understand the concept
sBu ikCu qyrw Kylu hY scu isrjxhwrw ] sabh kichh tayraa khayl hai, sach sirjanhaaraa.
Everything is Your play, O! True Creator (Lord).
ijsu BwvY iqsu bKis lYih sic sbid smweI ]4] jis bhaavai tis bakhas laihi, sach sabad samaa-ee. ||4||
One, who is pleasing to You, You bless him; and, he merge (in You) through True word. 4

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
mn kw JUTw JUTu kmwvY ] man kaa jhooṭaa, jhooṭ kamaavai.
A man of false mind, earns (i.e. practices) falsehood
mwieAw no iPrY qpw sdwvY ] maa-i-aa no firai, tapaa sadaavai.
He runs after maya, and, yet gets himself called a penitent (i.e. accomplished and detached).
Brmy BUlw siB qIrQ ghY ] bharmay bhoolaa, sabh tirath gahai.
Deluded by doubt, he wanders at all places of pilgrimage.
Ehu qpw kYsy prm giq lhY ] oh tapaa, kaisay param gat lahai.
How can such a penitent obtains supreme status?
gur prswdI ko scu kmwvY ] nwnk so qpw moKMqru pwvY ]1]
gur parsaadee, ko sach kamaavai. naanak, so tapaa mokhaNtar paavai. ||1||
By the grace of the Guru, some rare one earns (i.e. practices) truth;
Nanak( says): such a penitent attains liberation. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
so qpw ij iehu qpu Gwly ] siqgur no imlY sbdu smwly ]
so tapaa, je ih tap ghaalay. satgur no milai, sabad samaalay.
He alone is a penitent, who practices this penitence:
Meeting with the True Guru, he remembers (i.e. enshrines I his heart) the word (of the Guru).
siqgur kI syvw iehu qpu prvwxu ] nwnk so qpw drgih pwvY mwxu ]2]
satgur kee sayvaa, ih tap parvaaṇ. naanak, so tapaa, dargahi paavai maan. ||2||
Serving the True Guru: this penitence (i.e. meditation) is acceptable (in His court);
Nanak (says) : Such a penitent obtains honour in His Court. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
rwiq idnsu aupwieAnu sMswr kI vrqix ] raat dinas upaa-i-an, saNsaar kee vartaṇ.
He d created day and night, for the activities of (the people of) the world.
P. 949
gurmqI Git cwnxw Awnyru ibnwsix ] gurmatee ghat chaanṇaa, aanayr binaasaṇ.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, He illumines the hearts, to dispel the darkness (of ignorance).
hukmy hI sB swjIAnu rivAw sB vix iqRix ] hukmay hee sabh saajee-an, ravi-aa sabh vaṇ tariṇ.
By His command, He has created everything; and, pervades all woods and (each and every)
grass-blade (i.e. in all the vegetation).
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY gurmuiK sdw hir Bix ] sabh kichh aapay aap hai, gurmukh sadaa har bhaṇ.
In everything, He Himself (alone) is there; (O! mortal being) meditate constantly upon God,
through the Guru.
sbdy hI soJI peI scY Awip buJweI ]5] sabday hee sojhee pa-ee, sachai aap bujhaa-ee. ||5||
Through the word (of the Guru), this understanding has been obtained; the True (Lord)
Himself has given this understanding. 5

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
AiBAwgq eyih n AwKIAin ijn ky icq mih Brmu ] abhi-aagat ayhi na aakhee-an, jin kay chit meh bharam.
They cannot be called mendicant, whose mind is filled with doubt.
iqs dY idqY nwnkw qyho jyhw Drmu ] tis dai ditai naankaa, tayho jayhaa dharam.
Nanak (says): Gives (charity) to them, then, brings alike faith (i.e. alike reward).
ABY inrMjnu prm pdu qw kw BUKw hoie ] iqs kw Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw pwey koie ]1]
abhai nira jan param pad, taa kaa bhookhaa ho-ay. tis kaa bhojan, naankaa, virlaa paa-ay ko-ay ||1||
One, who hungers for supreme position, (by obtaining) the Fearless, Immaculate (Lord);
Nanak (says):, they are rare ones who offer food to such persons. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
AiBAwgq eyih n AwKIAin ij pr Gir Bojnu kryin] abhi-aagat ayhi na aakhee-an, je par ghar bhojan karayn.
They are not called mendicants who take food in the home of others.
audrY kwrix Awpxy bhly ByiK kryin ] udrai kaaraṇ aapṇay, bahlay bhaykh karayn.
For the same of their bellies, they wear various (religious) garbs.
AiBAwgq syeI nwnkw ij Awqm gauxu kryin ] abhi-aagat say-ee naankaa, je aatam ga-oṇ karayn.
O! Nanak, they alone are mendicants, who enter into (i.e contemplate) their own self.
Bwil lhin shu Awpxw inj Gir rhxu kryin ]2] bhaal lahan saho aapnaa, nij ghar rahaṇ karayn. ||2||
They seek and find their own Lord, and, they dwell within their own home (i.e. heart). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
AMbru Driq ivCoiVAnu ivic scw Asrwau ] ambar dharat vichhoṛi-an, vich sachaa asraa-o.
(God) has separated sky and earth; and, in between the True (Lord) has given support.
Gru dru sBo scu hY ijsu ivic scw nwau ] ghar dar sabho sach hai, jis vich sachaa naa-o.
True are those home and doors, within which abides the name of the True (Lord).
sBu scw hukmu vrqdw gurmuiK sic smwau ] sabh sachaa hukam varatdaa, gurmukh sach samaa-o.
The command of the True (Lord) prevails everywhere; one merges in the True, through the
scw Awip qKqu scw bih scw kry inAwau ] sachaa aap, takhat sachaa, bahi sachaa karay ni-aa-o.
He Himself is true, and true is His throne; and, seated on His throne administers true justice.
sBu sco scu vrqdw gurmuiK AlKu lKweI ]6] sabh sacho sach varatdaa, gurmukh alakh lakhaa-ee. ||6||
The True and True alone pervades everywhere; the Unseen is seen through the Guru. 6

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
rYxwier mwih Anµqu hY kUVI AwvY jwie ] raiṇaa-ir maahi anaNt hai, koorhee aavai jaa-ay.
In the (world) ocean, the Infinite (Lord) abides; (all) the (of the world is) false (it) come and go
(in reincarnation).
BwxY clY AwpxY bhuqI lhY sjwie ] bhaaṇai chalai aapnai, bahutee lahai sajaa-ay.
One, who walks (i.e. lives) according to his own will, suffer great punishment.
rYxwier mih sBu ikCu hY krmI plY pwie ] raiṇaa-ir meh sabh kichh hai, karmee palai paa-ay.
Everything is there in the (world) ocean; but, they are obtained by His grace.
nwnk nau iniD pweIAY jy clY iqsY rjwie ]1] naanak, na-o nidh paa-ee-ai, jay chalai tisai rajaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Nine (i.e. all) treasures are obtained by the one, who walks in His will. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
shjy siqguru n syivE ivic haumY jnim ibnwsu ] sehjay satgur na sayvi-o, vich ha-umai janam binaas.
One, who has not served the True Guru, in natural ease, has lost his life in egotism.
rsnw hir rsu n ciKE kmlu n hoieE prgwsu ] rasnaa har ras na chakhi-o, kamal na ho-i-o pargaas.
His tongue has not tasted the essence of God; and, the lotus (of his heart) has not blossomed forth
ibKu KwDI mnmuKu muAw mwieAw moih ivxwsu ] bikh khaadhee, manmukh mu-aa, maa-i-aa mohi viṇaas.
Eating poison (of vices), such mind-oriented dies; he is ruined by attachment to maya.
ieksu hir ky nwm ivxu iDRgu jIvxu iDRgu vwsu ] ikas har kay naam vin, dharig jeevaṇ dharig vaas.
Without the name of the One God, his life is cursed, and, his dwelling (in this world) in curse.
jw Awpy ndir kry pRBu scw qw hovY dwsin dwsu ] jaa aapay nadar karay parabh sachaa, taa hovai daasan daas.
If the True Lord Himself bestows His grace, then one becomes slave of His slaves.
qw Anidnu syvw kry siqgurU kI kbih n CofY pwsu ]
taa an-din sayvaa karay satguroo kee, kabeh na chhodai paas.
Then, day and night, he serves the True Guru, and, never leaves His side.
ijau jl mih kmlu Ailpqo vrqY iqau ivcy igrh audwsu ]
ji-o jal meh kamal alipato vartai, ti-o vichay girah udaas.
As the lotus floats unaffected in the water, so does he remain detached in his household.
jn nwnk kry krwieAw sBu ko ijau BwvY iqv hir guxqwsu ]2]

jan naanak karay karaa-i-aa sabh ko, ji-o bhaavai tiv har guṇtaas. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Everyone acts as willed by God, the treasure of excellences. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
CqIh jug gubwru sw Awpy gxq kInI ] chhateeh jug gubaar saa, aapay gaṇat keenee.
For thirty-six Ages, there was darkness; He Himself counted (i.e. assessed and contemplated).
Awpy isRsit sB swjIAnu Awip miq dInI ] aapay sarisat sabh saajee-an, aap mat deenee.
He Himself created the entire universe, and, He Himself blessed it with understanding
isimRiq swsq swijAnu pwp puMn gxq gxInI ] simrit saasat saaji-an, paap puNn gaṇat gaṇeenee.
He created the Simritis, Shastras, and, (in them) calculated the accounts of vice and virtue.
ijsu buJwey so buJsI scY sbid pqInI ] jis bujhaa-ay so bujhsee, sachai sabad pateenee.
He alone understands, whom He gets to understand, and, be pleased with the True word.
sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy bKis imlweI ]7] sabh aapay aap varatdaa, aapay bakhas milaa-ee. ||7||
He Himself pervades all, and, He Himself blesses and unites (with Himself). 7

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
iehu qnu sBo rqu hY rqu ibnu qMnu n hoie ] ih tan sabho rat hai, rat bin taNn na ho-ay.
This body is all blood, without blood there can not be a body.
jo sih rqy AwpxY iqn qin loB rqu n hoie ] jo seh ratay aapnai, tin tan lobh rat na ho-ay.
Those who are imbued with love with their Lord; in their bodies, there is no blood of greed.
BY pieAY qnu KIxu hoie loB rqu ivchu jwie ] bhai pa-i-ai tan kheeṇ ho-ay, lobh rat vichahu jaa-ay.
Being in His fear, the body becomes thin, and, the blood of greed passes out(of the body).
P. 950
ijau bYsMqir Dwqu suDu hoie iqau hir kw Bau durmiq mYlu gvwie ]
ji-o baisaNtar dhaat sudh ho-ay, ti-o har kaa bha-o durmat mail gavaa-ay.
As the fire purifies metal, so does the fear of God eradicate the filth of evil wisodm.
nwnk qy jn sohxy jo rqy hir rMgu lwie ]1] naanak, tay jan sohṇay, jo ratay har raNg laa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Beautiful are those servants (i.e. devotees) who are imbued with the love of God.1

P. 950 (CONT).
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
rwmklI rwmu min visAw qw binAw sIgwru ] raamkalee, raam man vasi-aa, taa bani-aa seegaar.
In Raamkalee (i.e. by singing Raamkalee raginee), (if) God comes to dwell in mind; ten, my
decoration is useful (i.e. if God comes to dwell in my mind, only then I am embellished).
gur kY sbid kmlu ibgisAw qw sauipAw Bgiq BMfwru ]
gur kai sabad kamal bigsi-aa, taa sa-upi-aa bhagat bhaNdaar.
Through the word of the Guru, the lotus (of my heart) blossomed forth; then He blessed me with
the treasure of devotion.
Brmu gieAw qw jwigAw cUkw AigAwn AMDwru ] bharam ga-i-aa taa jaagi-aa, chookaa agi-aan aNdhaar.
(Then) the doubt was dispelled, and I woke up; and, the darkness of ignorance was dispelled..
iqs no rUpu Aiq Aglw ijsu hir nwil ipAwru ] tis no roop at aglaa, jis har naal pi-aar.
She, who is in love with her (Husband) Lord, is the greatly extremely beautiful (soul bride).
sdw rvY ipru Awpxw soBwvMqI nwir ] sadaa ravai pir aapnaa, sobhaavaNtee naar.
Such a gorgeous wife (i.e. soul bride) enjoys her Husband (Lord) forever.
mnmuiK sIgwru n jwxnI jwsin jnmu sBu hwir ] manmukh seegaar na jaaṇnee jaasan janam sabh haar.
The mind-oriented do not know how to decorate themselves; losing their whole lives, they shal
depart .
ibnu hir BgqI sIgwru krih inq jMmih hoie KuAwru ]
bin har bhagtee seegaar karahi, nit jameh ho-ay khu-aar.
Without the devotion of God, they decorates their bodies (with other decoration i.e. practice o
rituals), continuously takes birth (i.e. they are continually reincarnated) and suffer.
sYswrY ivic soB n pwienI AgY ij kry su jwxY krqwru ]
saisaarai vich sobh na paa-inee, agai je karay so jaaṇai kartaar.
They do not look beautiful in this world; and, what will happen to them hereafter, the Creator
alone knows this.
nwnk scw eyku hY duhu ivic hY sMswru ] naanak, sachaa ayk hai, duhu vich hai saNsaar.
Nanak (says): The one (alone) is True (i.e. forever); (all) the world is (engaged) in two (i.e. coming
and going in reincarnation).
cMgY mMdY Awip lwieAnu so krin ij Awip krwey krqwru ]2]
chaNgai mandai aap laa-i-an, so karan je aap karaa-ay kartaar. ||2||
He Himself enjoins them (i.e. the beings) to good or bad (deeds); they do only what the Creator
gets them to do. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ibnu siqgur syvy sWiq n AwveI dUjI nwhI jwie ] bin satgur sayvay saant na aavee, doojee naahee jaa-ay.
Without serving the True Guru, peace is not obtained; there is no other place(to obtain peace).
jy bhuqyrw locIAY ivxu krmw pwieAw n jwie ] jay bahutayraa lochee-ai, vin karmaa paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
Even if one may very much long for it, without good deeds he (i.e. Guru) nothing can be found.
AMqir loBu ivkwru hY dUjY Bwie KuAwie ] aNtar lobh vikaar hai, doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
Those, who have greed and evil within, they are ruined through love of duality.
iqn jMmxu mrxu n cukeI haumY ivic duKu pwie ] tin jaMmaṇ maraṇ na chuk-ee, ha-umai vich dukh paa-ay.
Their (cycle of) birth and death is not ended, they suffer sorrows in egotism.
ijnI siqgur isau icqu lwieAw so KwlI koeI nwih ] jinee satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa, so khaalee ko-ee naahi.
Those who have focussed their mind on the True Guru, no one of them remains empty
(unrewarded/ unfulfilled).
iqn jm kI qlb n hoveI nw Eie duK shwih ] tin jam kee talab na hova-ee, naa o-ay dukh sahaahi.
They are not summoned by the messenger of death, nor they suffer sorrows.
nwnk gurmuiK aubry scY sbid smwih ]3] naanak, gurmukh ubray, sachai sabad samaahi. ||3||
Nanak (says): The Guru-oriented are liberated, by merging in the True word. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awip Ailpqu sdw rhY hoir DMDY siB Dwvih ] aap alipat sadaa rahai, hor dhaNdhai sabh dhaaveh.
He (i.e. God) Himself remains unattached forever; everyone else runs after worldly affairs.
Awip inhclu Aclu hY hoir Awvih jwvih ] aap nihchal achal hai, hor aavahi jaaveh.
He Himself is unchanging and unmoving (i.e. eternal); the others continue coming and
going (in reincarnation).
sdw sdw hir iDAweIAY gurmuiK suKu pwvih ] sadaa sadaa har dhi-aa-ee-ai, gurmukh sukh paavahi.
Meditate upon God forever and ever; (those who) meditate (upon God) through the Guru
obtain happiness.
inj Gir vwsw pweIAY sic isPiq smwvih ] nij ghar vaasaa paa-ee-ai, sach sifat samaaveh.
One dwells in one’s own home (i.e. heart), (by) absorbing in the praise of the True.
scw gihr gMBIru hY gur sbid buJweI ]8] sachaa gahir gambheer hai, gur sabad bujhaa-ee. ||8||
The True (Lord) is profound and deep, through the word of the Guru, He is realized. 8

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
scw nwmu iDAwie qU sBo vrqY scu ] sachaa naam dhi-aa-ay too, sabho vartai sach.
(O! brethren) meditate you upon the name of the True(Lord), the True pervades everywhere.
nwnk hukmY jo buJY so Plu pwey scu ] naanak, hukmai jo bujhai, so fal paa-ay sach.
Nanak (says): one, who realizes the command (of the Lord) obtains the True (as) fruit.
kQnI bdnI krqw iPrY hukmu n bUJY scu ] kathnee badnee kartaa firai, hukam na boojhai sach.
One, who remains merely mouthing (i.e. mere talking about religion), does not understand
the command of the True.
nwnk hir kw Bwxw mMny so Bgqu hoie ivxu mMny kcu inkcu ]1]
naanak, har kaa bhaaṇaa maNnay, so bhagat ho-ay viṇ maNnay kach nikach. ||1||
Nanak (says): One, who accepts the will of God, is (His real) devotee; (but) without
accepting (His command), he is the falsest of the false. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mnmuK boil n jwxnI Enw AMdir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru] manmukh bol na jaaṇnee, onaa a dar kaam krodh ahaMkaar.
The mind-oriented do not know how to speak (humbly and sensibly), (because), within them
is sexual desire, anger and egotism.
Eie Qwau kuQwau n jwxnI aun AMqir loBu ivkwru ] o-ay thaa-o kuthaa-o na jaannee, un aNtar lobh vikaar.
They do not understand right place or wrong place, (because) within them is greed and evil.
Eie AwpxY suAwie Awie bih glw krih Enw mwry jmu jMdwru ]
o-ay aapnai su-aa-ay aa-ay bahi galaa karahi, onaa maaray jam jaNdaar.
(Wherever) they come, sit and talk, for their own (selfish) interest; they are killed (i.e. punished)
by the messenger of death.
AgY drgh lyKY mMigAY mwir KuAwru kIcih kUiVAwr ]
agai dargeh laykhai mangi-ai, maar khu-aar keecheh kooṛi-aar.
Hereafter, in His court, they are called to account for; the false one are struck down (i.e.
punished) and humiliated.
eyh kUVY kI mlu ikau auqrY koeI kFhu iehu vIcwru ] ayh kooṛai kee mal ki-o utrai, ko-ee kaḍahu ih veechaar.
How can this filth of falsehood be washed off? Let someone think about it and find out the way.
siqguru imlY qw nwmu idVwey siB iklivK ktxhwru ] satgur milai taa naam dirhaa-ay, sabh kilvikh kataṇhaar.
If one meets with the True Guru, he implants the name of God within, (it is the name of the
Lord) which eradicates all the sins.
nwmu jpy nwmo AwrwDy iqsu jn kau krhu siB nmskwru ]
naam japay, naamo aaraadhay, tis jan ka-o karahu sabh namaskaar.
One, who meditates upon the name, and adores the name (of God), let all make obeisance to
such a servant (i.e. devotee of God).
P. 951
mlu kUVI nwim auqwrIAnu jip nwmu hoAw sicAwru ] mal koorhee naam utaaree-an, jap naam ho-aa sachiaar.
The dirt of lies is washed off by(chanting of) the name; and, meditating upon the name one
becomes Truthful.
jn nwnk ijs dy eyih clq hih so jIvau dyvxhwru ]2]
jan naanak, jis day ayhi chalat heh, so jeeva-o dayvaṇhaar. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): He, whose plays these wonders, He alone is Giver of life. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
quDu jyvfu dwqw nwih iksu AwiK suxweIAY ] tudh jayvad daataa naahi, kis aakh sunaa-ee-ai.
O! Giver, no one is as great as You are, (then) unto whom should I speak and tell (my story).
gur prswdI pwie ijQhu haumY jweIAY ] gur parsaadee paa-ay, jithahu ha-umai jaa-ee-ai.
It is by the grace of the Guru that one finds (Amrit), which eradicate egotism from within.
rs ks swdw bwhrw scI vifAweIAY ] ras kas saadaa baahraa, sachee vadi-aa-ee-ai.
(O! God) You are beyond sweet and bitter tastes; true is Your greatness.
ijs no bKsy iqsu dyie Awip ley imlweIAY ] jis no bakhsay tis day-ay, aap la-ay milaa-ee-ai.
One, whom You bless, You bestow upon him (Amrit), and, You Yourself unite Him with Yourself.
Gt AMqir AMimRqu riKEnu gurmuiK iksY ipAweI ]9] ghat aNtar aMmrit rakhi-on, gurmukh kisai pi-aa-ee. ||9||
You have placed Ammrit within the heart (of everyone); (but You) get some rare ones drink it in
through the Guru. 9

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbwxIAw khwxIAw puq spuq kryin ] baabaaṇee-aa kahaaṇee-aa, put saput karayn.
The stories of the grandparents (i.e. ancestors), make the sons (i.e. children) noble sons.
ij siqgur BwvY su mMin lYin syeI krm kryin ] je satgur bhaavai, so maNn lain, say-ee karam karayn.
Whatever is pleasing to the True Guru, they accept that, and, act accordingly.
jwie puChu isimRiq swsq ibAws suk nwrd bcn sB isRsit kryin ]
jaa-ay puchhahu simrit saasat bi-aas suk naarad, bachan sabh sarisat karayn.
Go and consult Simrities, Shashtras, and (writings of) Vyas, Sukh, Nard; they preach to (the
people of) all the world.
scY lwey sic lgy sdw scu smwlyin ] sachai laa-ay sach lagay, sadaa sach samaalayn.
Those, whom the True has attached, are attached to the True (Lord); and, they remember
True (name) forever.
nwnk Awey sy prvwxu Bey ij sgly kul qwryin ]1]
naanak, aa-ay say parvaaṇ bha-ay, je saglay kul taarayn. ||1||
Nanak (says): Their coming (to the world) is approved, and, they save their whole family. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
gurU ijnw kw AMDulw isK BI AMDy krm kryin ] guroo jinaa kaa aNdhulaa, sikh bhee aNdhay karam karayn.
The disciples, whose Guru is blind (ignorant), too act in blindness (i.e. in ignorance).
Eie BwxY clin AwpxY inq JUTo JUTu bolyin ] o-ay bhaaṇai chalan aapnai, nit jhootho jhooth bolayn.
They act in their own will, and, always tell lies and (just) lies.
kUVu kusqu kmwvdy pr inMdw sdw kryin ] kooṛ kusat kamaavday, par niNdaa sadaa karayn.
They earn (i.e. practice) falsehood and deceit, and, always slander others.
Eie Awip fuby pr inMdkw sgly kul fobyin ] o-ay aap dubay par nindkaa, saglay kul dobayn.
Those, slandering others, drown themselves, and, drown all their family as well.
nwnk ijqu Eie lwey iqqu lgy auie bpuVy ikAw kryin ]2]
naanak, jit o-ay laa-ay tit lagay u-ay, bapuṛay ki-aa karayn. ||2||
Nanak (says): whatever they have been attached to (by God), they are attached to that; what
can these poor (beings) do? 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sB ndrI AMdir rKdw jyqI issit sB kIqI ] sabh nadree aNdar rakh-daa, jaytee sisat sabh keetee.
He keep them under His sight (i.e. under His watch) the entire universe created by Him.
ieik kUiV kusiq lwieAnu mnmuK ivgUqI ] ik koorh kusat laa-i-an, manmukh vigootee.
He has attached some to falsehood and deceit; these mind-oriented are ruined.
gurmuiK sdw iDAweIAY AMdir hir pRIqI ] gurmukh sadaa dhi-aa-ee-ai, aNdar har pareetee.
The Guru-oriented meditate upon Him forever, within (them) is (enshrined) love for God.
ijn kau poqY puMnu hY iqn@ vwiq ispIqI ] jin ka-o potai puNn hai, tinh vaat sipeetee.
Those who have virtue in their bag (i.e. in their treasure), chant the praise (of God).
nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY scu isPiq snweI ]10] naanak, naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, sach sifat sanaa-ee. ||10||
Nanak (says): meditate upon the name of the True, praiseworthy, and glorious (Lord). 10

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
sqI pwpu kir squ kmwih ] satee, paap kar sat kamaahi.
(Now-a-days) benevolent persons earn wealth by committing sins, and, (pretend) earning (i.e.
practising) benevolence.
gur dIiKAw Gir dyvx jwih ] gur deekhi-aa, ghar dayvaṇ jaahi.
The Gurus (i.e. teachers) go to the home of the disciples to teach (i.e. to impart instruction).
iesqrI purKY KitAY Bwau ] BwvY Awvau BwvY jwau ]
istaree purkhai, khati-ai bhaa-o. bhaavai aava-o, bhaavai jaa-o.
Woman loves the man (i.e. her husband), if he earns (wealth);
Otherwise he may come, or he may go (she does not bother).
swsqu bydu n mwnY koie ] Awpo AwpY pUjw hoie ]
saasat bayd, na maanai ko-ay.aapo aapai poojaa ho-ay.
No one obeys (i.e. believes) in the Shastra and the Vedas; everyone worships himself.
kwjI hoie kY bhY inAwie ] kaajee ho-ay kai, bahai ni-aa-ay.
Becoming a qazi (i.e. judge), he sits and administers justice;
Pyry qsbI kry Kudwie ] fayray tasbee, karay khudaa-ay.
He rotates (i.e. moves fingers on the beads of) rosary, and, chants (the name of) God;
vFI lY kY hku gvwey ] vaḍee lai kai, hak gavaa-ay.
(But, he) accepts bribe and imparts injustice,
jy ko puCY qw piV suxwey ] jay ko puchhai, taa paṛ suṇaa-ay.
If someone asks (i.e. questions him), he reads out (quotations from his holy book to confirm).
qurk mMqRü kin irdY smwih ] turak maNtra, kan ridai samaahi.
(Look at the sate of the Hindus): The Turk* holy text are in their ears and in their hearts.
[*The Muslim. The then rulers, i.e. the Moghul belonged to Turkmenistan, hence were called Turk well].
lok muhwvih cwVI Kwih ] lok muhaaveh, chaaṛee khaahi.
They get the people plundered (by the Moghul) and earn from flattery.
caukw dy kY sucw hoie ] cha-ukaa day kai, suchaa ho-ay.
They plaster their kitchens to purify themselves.
Aysw ihMdU vyKhu koie ] aisaa hiNdoo, vaykhhu ko-ay.
Look! such are the Hindus.
jogI igrhI jtw ibBUq ] jogee girhee, jataa bibhoot.
The yogi has matted hair, and (smeared body with) ash, but, he is a householder.
AwgY pwCY rovih pUq ] aagai paachhai roveh poot.
His sons move around him and weep.
jogu n pwieAw jugiq gvweI ] jog na paa-i-aa, jugat gavaa-ee.
He does not attain yoga (i.e. union with God); he has lost the way of yoga.
ikqu kwrix isir CweI pweI ] kit kaaraṇ, sir chhaa-ee paa-ee.
What does he apply ashes to his hair? (i.e. he has applied ashes uselessly).
nwnk kil kw eyhu prvwxu ] naanak, kal kaa ayhu parvaaṇ.
Nanak (say): This is the sign of the Kalyuga (i.e. Dark Age).
Awpy AwKxu Awpy jwxu ]1] aapay aakhaṇ, aapay jaan. ||1||
People themselves say and themselves approve. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ihMdU kY Gir ihMdU AwvY ] hindoo kai ghar, hiNdoo aavai.
(When) a Hindu comes (i.e. is born) to the house of a Hindu.
sUqu jnyaU piV gil pwvY ] soot janay-oo, parh gal paavai.
Chanting (from scriptures), he puts the janeo (i.e. ritual thread), around his neck.
sUqu pwie kry buirAweI ] soot paa-ay, karay buri-aa-ee.
He puts on the (ritual) thread, and, does evil deeds.
nwqw Doqw Qwie n pweI ] naataa dhotaa thaa-ay na paa-ee.
His (ritual) bathing and washing body will not be approved.
muslmwnu kry vifAweI ] ivxu gur pIrY ko Qwie n pweI ]
musalmaan karay vadi-aa-ee. viṇ gur peerai, ko thaa-ay na paa-ee.
The Muslim praises (i.e. glorifies his own faith);
(but) without the Guru, or a peer (i.e. spiritual mentor) no one is accepted (in God’s court).
P. 952
rwhu dswie EQY ko jwie ] krxI bwJhu iBsiq n pwie ]
raahu dasaa-ay, othai ko jaa-ay. karṇee baajhahu, bhisat na paa-ay.
(Everyone) ask the way (to paradise), (but) only some rare one goes there ?
Without good deeds, no one can attain (entry into) paradise.
jogI kY Gir jugiq dsweI ]iqqu kwrix kin muMdRw pweI ]
jogee kai ghar, jugat dasaa-ee. tit kaaraṇ, kan muNdraa paa-ee.
In the home (i.e. monastery) of yogi, the device of yoga is asked (people go to the monastry of a
yogi to know about the way to union with God.
For this reason (i.e. to find the way), they wear ear-rings.
muMdRw pwie iPrY sMswir ] ijQY ikQY isrjxhwru ]
muNdraa paa-ay firai saNsaar. jithai kithai sirjaṇhaar.
Wearing ear-rings, the yogi wanders around in the world (in search of God).
(but) the Creator is everywhere
jyqy jIA qyqy vwtwaU ] cIrI AweI iFl n kwaU ]
jaytay jee-a taytay vaataa-oo. cheeree aa-ee, ḍil na kaa-oo.
As many beings are there, they are all (like) travellers (in this world);
When the letter (i.e. warrant of death) comes, there can be no delay.
eyQY jwxY su jwie is\wxY ] horu PkVu ihMdU muslmwxY ]
aythai jaaṇai, so jaa-ay sinjaaṇai. hor fakaṛ, hiNdoo musalmaaṇai.
Those who know (i.e meditate upon) Him here, are recognized (i.e. approved) there.
Otherwise, (the dispute of) Hindu or Muslim, is just vain.
sBnw kw dir lyKw hoie ] krxI bwJhu qrY n koie ]
sabhnaa kaa dar laykhaa ho-ay.karṇee baajhahu, tarai na ko-ay.
Everyone is accounted for in the court (of the Lord);
without good deeds no one crosses over (the world ocean).
sco scu vKwxY koie ] nwnk AgY puC n hoie ]2]
sacho sach vakhaaṇai ko-ay.naanak, agai puchh na ho-ay. ||2||
One, who chants (the name of) the Truest of the true;
Nanak (says): is not be called to account hereafter. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir kw mMdru AwKIAY kwieAw kotu gVu ] har kaa maNdar aakhee-ai, kaa-i-aa kot gaṛ.
The fort, the castle of body, is called the mansion of God.
AMdir lwl jvyhrI gurmuiK hir nwmu pVu ] aNdar laal javayharee, gurmukh har naam paṛ.
Within it are rubies and gems, (obtained by) chanting the name of God through the Guru.
hir kw mMdru srIru Aiq sohxw hir hir nwmu idVu ] har kaa maNdar sareer at sohnaa, har har naam diṛ.
The body, the mansion e of God, is very beautiful, implant in it the name of God, the Lord.
mnmuK Awip KuAwieAnu mwieAw moh inq kVu ] manmukh aap khu-aa-i-an, maa-i-aa moh nit kaṛ.
The mind-oriented ruin themselves, they boil continuously in attachment to maya.
sBnw swihbu eyku hY pUrY Bwig pwieAw jweI]11] sabhnaa saahib ayk hai, poorai bhaag paa-i-aa jaa-ee ||11||
The One (God) is the Lord of all; (He is) found by perfectly fortune. 11

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok M: 1
nw siq duKIAw nw siq suKIAw nw siq pwxI jMq iPrih ]
naa sat dukhee-aa, naa sat sukhee-aa, naa sat paaṇee jaNt fireh.
There is no Truth in suffering; there is no Truth in comforts; there is no Truth in creatures
wandering in water.
nw siq mUMf mufweI kysI nw siq piVAw dys iPrih ]
naa sat mooNd mudaa-ee kaysee, naa sat paṛi-aa days fireh.
There is no Truth in shaving one’s head; There is no Truth in studying (the scriptures) or
wandering in (many) lands.
nw siq ruKI ibrKI pQr Awpu qCwvih duK shih ]
naa sat rukhee birkhee pathar, aap tachhaaveh dukh saheh.
There is no Truth in trees, plants or stones. There is no Truth in getting oneself hewed and
suffering pain.
nw siq hsqI bDy sMgl nw siq gweI Gwhu crih ]
naa sat hastee badhay saNgal, naa sat gaa-ee ghaahu chareh.
There is no Truth in getting chained like elephants. There is no Truth in grazing grass like
the cows.
ijsu hiQ isiD dyvY jy soeI ijs no dyie iqsu Awie imlY ]
jis hath sidh dayvai jay so-ee, jis no day-ay tis aa-ay milai.
He alone gives it, whose hands hold perfection; and, he alone receives it, unto whom it is
nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI ijsu Gt BIqir sbdu rvY ]
naanak, taa ka-o milai vadaa-ee, jis ghat bheetar sabad ravai.
Nanak (says): He alone obtains greatness (i.e. honour) in whose heart the word is vibrating.
siB Gt myry hau sBnw AMdir ijsih KuAweI iqsu kauxu khY ]
sabh ghat mayray ha-o sabhnaa andar, jisahi khu-aa-ee tis ka-uṇ kahai.
(God says): All hearts are mine, I am in all hearts; one, whom I cause go stray, who can tell
him (the right path).
ijsih idKwlw vwtVI iqsih BulwvY kauxu ] jisahi dikhaalaa vaatṛee, tiseh bhulaavai ka-uṇ.
One, unto whom I show the path, who can get him strayed?
ijsih BulweI pMD isir iqsih idKwvY kauxu ]1] jisahi bhulaa-ee paNdh sir, tiseh dikhaavai ka-uṇ. ||1||
One, whom I stray from the (right) path from the very beginning, who can show him (path).

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
so igrhI jo ingRhu krY ] jpu qpu sMjmu BIiKAw krY ]
so girhee, jo nigarahu karai. jap tap saNjam, bheekhi-aa karai.
He alone is a householder, who restraints his passions; and,
begs for meditation, austerity and (self) discipline.
puMn dwn kw kry srIru ] so igrhI gMgw kw nIru ]
puNn daan kaa, karay sareer. so girhee, gangaa kaa neer.
One who make his body (i.e. his being) charity-giving;
such a house-holder is (pure) like water of the (river) Ganges.
bolY eIsru siq srUpu ] prm qMq mih ryK n rUpu ]2]
bolai eesar sat saroop. param taNt meh, raykh na roop. ||2||
Ishar* says: God is the embodiment of Truth;
the Supreme essence (of Reality) has no shape or form. 2
[*In these verses, the yogis, i.e. Ishar, Gorakh, Gopi Chand, Bharath and Charpat, accept that God is Formless]
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
so AauDUqI jo DUpY Awpu ] iBiKAw Bojnu krY sMqwpu ]
so a-udhootee, jo dhoopai aap. bhikhi-aa bhojan karai, saNtaap.
He alone is a recluse, who burns away his self-conceit; and,
makes suffering as his food.
AauhT ptx mih BIiKAw krY ] so AauDUqI isv puir cVY ]
a-uhaṭ pataṇ meh, bheekhi-aa a-udhootee, siv pur chaṛai.
One, who begs (i.e. who has hunger for the name of the Lord) in the city of his heart;
that recluse ascend to the land of God.
bolY gorKu siq srUpu ] prm qMq mih ryK n rUpu ]3]
bolai gorakh, sat saroop.param taNt meh, raykh na roop. ||3||
Gorakh* says: God is the embodiment of Truth;
the Supreme essence (of Reality) has no shape or form. 3
[*In these verses, the yogis, i.e. Ishar, Gorakh, Gopi Chand, Bharath and Charpat accept that God is Formless]
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
so audwsI ij pwly audwsu ] so udaasee, je paalay udaas.
He alone is an Udaasee (i.e. non-attached), who embraces (i.e. lives as) detached.
ArD aurD kry inrMjn vwsu ] aradh uradh karay niraNjan vaas.
(He beholds) the Immaculate (Lord) dwelling in upper and lower regions (i.e. everywhere).
cMd sUrj kI pwey gMiF ] chaNd sooraj kee paa-ay gaNḍ.
Who knots (i.e. unites) together, the moon* and the sun* (within his heart).
[*moon is a symbol of coolness, poise, and, sun is a symbol of light, knowledge, wisdom].
iqsu audwsI kw pVY n kMDu ] tis udaasee kaa parhai na kandh.
The wall (i.e. body) of that detached one does not lie down (i.e. does not fall).
bolY gopI cMdu siq srUpu ] prm qMq mih ryK n rUpu ]4]
bolai gopee, chaNd sat saroop. param taNt meh raykh na roop. ||4||
Gopi Chand* says: God is the embodiment of Truth;
the Supreme essence (of Reality) has no shape or form. 4
[*In these verses, the yogis, i.e. Ishar, Gorakh, Gopi Chand, Bharath and Charpat accept that God is Formless]
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
so pwKMfI ij kwieAw pKwly ] kwieAw kI Agin bRhmu prjwly ]
So paakhaNdi je kaaya pakhaale.Kaaya ki agan brahm parjaale.
He alone is a Paakhandi* who cleans his body (of filth); and,
burns the fire of the Reality (i.e. God) in his body.
[*Paakhandi is the name of a sect of yogis]
supnY ibMdu n dyeI Jrxw ] iqsu pwKMfI jrw n mrxw ]
supnai biNd na day-ee jharṇaa. tis paakhaNdee jaraa na marṇaa.
He does not emit his semen even in his dream (i.e. he keeps complete control on His sexual desire).
Such a Paakhandee does not grow old or die.
P. 953
bolY crptu siq srUpu ] prm qMq mih ryK n rUpu ]5]
bolai charpat sat saroop. param taNt meh raykh na roop. ||5||
Charpat* says: God is the embodiment of Truth;
the Supreme essence (of Reality) has no shape or form. 5
{*In these verses, the yogis, i.e. Ishar, Gorakh, Gopi Chand, Bharath and Charpat accept that God is Formless]
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
so bYrwgI ij aulty bRhmu ] ggn mMfl mih ropY QMmu ]
so bairaagee, je ultay barahm. gagan maNdal meh ropai thMam.
He alone is bairaagee (i.e. detached), who turns himself (from worldliness) towards God.
He erects his pillar (i.e. the name of God) in his (Tenth Gate of the) sky zone.
Aihinis AMqir rhY iDAwin ] qy bYrwgI sq smwin ]
ahinis, aNtar rahai dhi-aan. tay bairaagee, sat samaan.
Day and night, he remains concentrated (upon God), within his mind.
Such a detached is like the True (Lord).
bolY BrQir siq srUpu ] prm qMq mih ryK n rUpu ]6]
bolai bharthar, sat saroop. param taNt meh raykh na roop. ||6||
Bharthar* says: God is the embodiment of Truth;
the Supreme essence (of Reality) has no shape or form. 6
{*In these verses, the yogis, i.e. Ishar, Gorakh, Gopi Chand, Bharath and Charpat accept that God is Formless]
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ikau mrY mMdw ikau jIvY jugiq ] kMn pVwie ikAw KwjY Bugiq ]
ki-o marai maNdaa, ki-o jeevai jugat. kaNn paṛaa-ay, ki-aa khaajai bhugat.
How is evil eradicated? How to find the true way of life?(this should be the goal of a real yogi);
(otherwise), what is use of getting ears pierced and eating the yogis’ (begged) food?
Awsiq nwsiq eyko nwau ] kauxu su AKru ijqu rhY ihAwau ]
aasat naasat, ayko naa-o. ka-uṇ so akhar, jit rahai hi-aa-o.
Throughout existence and non-existence (of the universe), there is only One name (of God);
(Except that of God) Which is the word that holds the heart (at its place).
Dup Cwv jy sm kir shY ] qw nwnku AwKY guru ko khY ]
dhoop chhaav, jay sam kar sahai. taa naanak aakhai, gur ko kahai.
When one bears (i.e. treats) shade and shine (i.e. sunshine) alike;
Nanak (says): Then he acts as the Guru says.
iCA vrqwry vrqih pUq ] nw sMswrI nw AauDUq ]
chhi-a vartaaray, varteh poot.naa saNsaaree, naa a-udhoot.
The sons (i.e. disciples, who become yogis), follows six systems;
(but) they are neither householder nor recluse.
inrMkwir jo rhY smwie ] kwhy BIiKAw mMgix jwie ]7]
niraNkaar jo rahai samaa-ay.kaahay bheekhi-aa maNgan jaa-ay. ||7||
One, who remains absorbed in the Formless (Lord), why should he go out begging? 7

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir mMdru soeI AwKIAY ijQhu hir jwqw ] mwns dyh gur bcnI pwieAw sBu Awqm rwmu pCwqw ]
har maNdar so-ee aakhee-ai, jithahu har jaataa.
maanas dayh gur bachnee paa-i-aa, sabh aatam raam pachhaataa.
That alone is said to be the temple of God, where God is known;
in the human body, He is found through the word of the Guru, and, one understands that the
Supreme Soul (God) is pervading everywhere.
bwhir mUil n KojIAY Gr mwih ibDwqw ] baahar mool na khojee-a,i ghar maahi bidhaataa.
(O! mortal being) do not look for Him from outside (your self), the Architect of Destiny is
within (your) home (i.e. heart).
mnmuK hir mMdr kI swr n jwxnI iqnI jnmu gvwqw ]
manmukh har maNdar kee saar na jaaṇnee, tinee janam gavaataa.
The mind-oriented do not know the value of the temple of God; they waste away their lives.
sB mih ieku vrqdw gur sbdI pwieAw jweI ]12] sabh meh ik varatdaa, gur sabdee paa-i-aa jaa-ee. ||12||
The One (Lord) pervades all; He can be found through the word of the Guru. 12

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok M: 3
mUrKu hovY so suxY mUrK kw khxw ] moorakh hovai so suṇai, moorakh kaa kahṇaa.
He, who is foolish, he alone listens to the words of a fool.
mUrK ky ikAw lKx hY ikAw mUrK kw krxw ] moorakh kay ki-aa lakhan hai, ki-aa moorakh kaa karṇaa.
What are the signs of a fool? what does the fool do?
mUrKu Ehu ij mugDu hY AhMkwry mrxw ] moorakh oh je mugadh hai, ahaMkaaray marṇaa.
Fool is one who is an stupid (i.e. robbed by maya); (he) dies (spiritual death) due to his egotism.
eyqu kmwxY sdw duKu duK hI mih rhxw ] ayt kamaanai sadaa dukh, dukh hee meh rahṇaa.
Such earning (i.e. acts done in egotism and attachment to maya) always bring sufferings, and,
one lives in pain.
Aiq ipAwrw pvY KUih ikhu sMjmu krxw ] at pi-aaraa pavai khoohi, kihu saNjam karṇaa.
(When) some beloved friend falls into the well (of attachment to maya), some remedy (i.e. effort)
should be done (to pull him out)?
gurmuiK hoie su kry vIcwru Esu Ailpqo rhxw ] gurmukh ho-ay so karay veechaar, os alipato rahṇaa.
One, who is Guru-oriented, contemplates it, and, remains detached (i.e. he does not fall into the
well of maya).
hir nwmu jpY Awip auDrY Esu ipCY fubdy BI qrxw ] har naam japai aap udhrai, os pichhai dubday bhee tarṇaa.
He mediates upon the name, and saves himself; following him, others, who are drowning, also
swim across (the world ocean).
nwnk jo iqsu BwvY so kry jo dyie su shxw ]1] naanak, jo tis bhaavai, so karay, jo day-ay so sahṇaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): He acts, as it pleases Him (i.e. God); and, he endures whatever He gives. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwnku AwKY ry mnw suxIAY isK shI ] naanak aakhai, ray manaa, suṇee-ai sikh sahee.
Nanak says: O! (my) mind, listen to the true teaching.
lyKw rbu mMgysIAw bYTw kiF vhI ] laykhaa rab maNgaysee-aa, baithaa kaḍ vahee.
Opening His account-book, He will call you to account (your deeds).
qlbw pausin AwkIAw bwkI ijnw rhI ] talbaa pa-usan aakee-aa, baakee jinaa rahee.
The defiant, who have outstanding balance (unpaid accounts), shall be summoned;
AjrweIlu Prysqw hosI Awie qeI ] ajraa-eel faraystaa, hosee aa-ay ta-ee.
Ajraaeel, the angel (Azrael, the mythical angel of death), shall be standing there (to punish you).
Awvxu jwxu n suJeI BIVI glI PhI ] aavaṇ jaaṇ na sujh-ee, bheeṛee galee fahee.
(The defiant) will find no way (to escape) from coming and going (in reincarnation); they will be
trapped in narrow paths.
kUV inKuty nwnkw EVik sic rhI ]2] kooṛ nikhutay, naankaa, oṛak sach rahee. ||2||
Nanak (says): the falsehood will be finished, and, truth will ultimately prevail. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir kw sBu srIru hY hir riv rihAw sBu AwpY ] har kaa sabh sareer hai, har rav rahi-aa sabh aapai.
All the bodies are (the abode) of God; God Himself is pervading all.
hir kI kImiq n pvY ikCu khxu n jwpY ] har kee keemat na pavai, kichh kahaṇ na jaapai.
God’s value can not be estimated; nothing can be said (about it).
gur prswdI swlwhIAY hir BgqI rwpY ] gur parsaadee salaahee-ai, har bhagtee raapai.
By the grace of the Guru, God is praised, and, one is imbued with His devotion.
sBu mnu qnu hirAw hoieAw AhMkwru gvwpY ] sabh man tan hari-aa ho-i-aa, ahaMkaar gavaapai.
The mind and body are turned green (i.e. rejuvenated); and, egotism is eradicated.
sBu ikCu hir kw Kylu hY gurmuiK iksY buJweI ]13] sabh kichh har kaa khayl hai, gurmukh kisai bujhaa-ee. ||13||
Everything is God’s play; some rare one understands (this mystery) through the Guru. 13

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok M: 1
shMsr dwn dy ieMdRü roAwieAw ] sahaNsar daan day, INdar ro-aa-i-aa.
Giving punishment of thousands* (marks of vagina in curse), he (Gautam) made Indar weep.
prs rwmu rovY Gir AwieAw ] paras raam rovai, ghar aa-i-aa.
Paras Ram** returned home weeping.
AjY su rovY BIiKAw Kwie ] ajai so rovai, bheekhi-aa khaa-ay.
Ajay*** wept when made to eat begged food.
[*When Indar seduced Ahlaya, the wife of Gautama, the latter cursed him and his body was inflicted with a thousand signs of
female vaginas on his body. **The myth of Parshu Ram appears in Ramayana and Mahabharta (the two works of fiction) as
well as in the Purans. He is known for having extirpated the Kshatrya/ Khatri clan. Several other stories are also attached to
him, including chopping off the head of his mother Renuka. As per the fictioned referred to in Guru Granth Sahib, once, when
he was going to attack Raam, a hero of Ramayana and a mythical god-king, the latter destroyed his power, and defeated him..
***Raja Aj, son of Raja Raghu, was the father of Dasharth and grandfather of Rama (a god king and the hero of mythical/
fiction work Ramayana). According to a myth, he abdicated his throne and began begging; (once he has given animal dung
to an ascetic) when the dung of horse was given to him as alms, it made him cry.].
AYsI drgh imlY sjwie ] aisee, dargeh milai sajaa-ay.
Such is punishment received in the court (of God).
rovY rwmu inkwlw BieAw ] sIqw lKmxu ivCuiV gieAw ]
rovai raam, nikaalaa bha-i-aa. seetaa lakhmaṇ vichhuṛ ga-i-aa.
Ram* wept when he was sent to exile;
(and also when he was) separated from (his wife) Sita* and (brother) Lachhman*.
rovY dhisru lµk gvwie ] ijin sIqw AwdI faurU vwie ]
rovai dehsir laNk gavaa-ay. jin seetaa aadee da-uroo vaa-ay.
The ten-headed*** (Raavan) wept when he lost Lanka;
He had(kidnapped and) brought Sita* with the beat of drums.
[*Raam/ Rama (the hero of Ramayana, an epic fiction) was the son of Dasharatha (a king of Ayodhya). When the latter
expressed his desire to crown Rama, Kaikeyi (step mother of Rama) claimed the two boons that Dasharatha had long
ago granted her. Her demands were: Rama should be exiled for fourteen years, and, the succession of the kingdom
should be passed to her son Bharata. The king, constrained by his rigid devotion to his given word, acceded to the
demand of Kaikeyi, and, Rama was exiled; he is joined by his wife Sita and brother Lachhman (Lakshmana). During the
exile, on one day, Lachhman insulted Sarupnakha, sister of Raavan, the ruler of Lanka. In order to take avenge the
insult of his sister Raavan abducted Sita and took her to his land Lanka. It was followed by a battle, in which Lachhman
was seriously wounded; Ram feared that Lachhman would die. In the final battle between the armies of Rama and
Raavan, the latter lost the kingdom of Lanka. **As per myth, Raavan had ten heads].
rovih pWfv Bey mjUr ] ijn kY suAwmI rhq hdUir ]
roveh paandav bha-ay majoor. jin kai su-aamee rahat hadoor.
Pandav*, (once) lord (i.e. Krishan) used to be in their presence (i.e. Krishan used to sit in their
court), wept when became labourer.
[*The Pandavs (the heroes of the epic fiction Mahabharta) lost their kingdom and all their wealth to their rival
Kauravs; hence, they had to accept exile. During the exile they had to earn their livelihood by working as labour].
rovY jnmyjw Kuie gieAw ] eykI kwrix pwpI BieAw ]
rovai janmayjaa khu-ay ga-i-aa. aykee kaaraṇ paapee bha-i-aa.
Janmeja* wept when he lost his way; (because)
For one reason (i.e. mistake), he had become a sinner.
[*According to a myth, Janmeja was a King of the Pandava dynasty; he was the great grandson of Arjun, the grandson
of Abhimanyu and the son of king Parikshit. He is known for performing the ritual of nag-yagya (i.e. snake yajna) and
killing all the snakes to seek revenge of his father's death (which was due to a snake bite). According to another account,
Pandit Vyas had warned him of some bad omens that would ruin him. Vyas had warned him that if he came across some
beautiful lady in a forest he should not bring her into his home and perform yajna; but he did not bother and brought a
woman from the forest, who finally ruined him].
rovih syK mswiek pIr ] AMiq kwil mqu lwgY BIV ]
roveh saykh masaa-ik peer.aNt kaal mat laagai bheeṛ.
The sheikh (Muslim clergy), many sheikhs and the peer (i.e. Muslim holy men) weep;
(fearing that) they may not face problem, at the very last time.
rovih rwjy kMn pVwie ] Gir Gir mwgih BIiKAw jwie ]
roveh raajay kaNn paṛaa-ay.ghar ghar maageh bheekhi-aa jaa-ay.
The king* wept (after) having his ears pierced; he went begging from home to home.
[*King Gopi Chand abdicated his kingdom and became a yogi, got his ears pierced and began living on begged food;
but, he could not have union with God; hence he lost kingdom without achieving anything].
rovih ikrpn sMcih Dnu jwie ] roveh kirpan saNcheh dhan jaa-ay.
The miser weeps when he losses the wealth gathered by him.
pMifq rovih igAwnu gvwie ] paNdit roveh gi-aan gavaa-ay.
The Pandit (i.e. scholar) weeps when his learning fails him.
bwlI rovY nwih Bqwru ] baalee rovai naahi bhataar.
The young woman weeps (because) she has no (i.e. when she loses) husband.
nwnk duKIAw sBu sMswru ] naanak dukhee-aa sabh saNsaar.
Nanak (says) : the whole world is unhappy (i.e. suffering for one or another reason).
mMny nwau soeI ijix jwie ] AaurI krm n lyKY lwie ]1]
maNnay naa-o, so-ee jiṇ jaa-ay. a-uree karam, na laykhai laa-ay. ||1||
(But) one who has faith in the name (of the Lord), he alone is victorious;
no other actions is of any account. 11

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
jpu qpu sBu ikCu mMinAY Avir kwrw siB bwid ] jap tap sabh kichh maNni-ai, avar kaaraa sabh baad.
Meditation, austerity, and everything, are in believing (in the name of God),
all other actions are useless.
nwnk mMinAw mMnIAY buJIAY gur prswid ]2] naanak, maNni-aa maNnee-ai, bujhee-ai gur parsaad. ||2||
Nanak (says): the believer is accepted (in His court); (but, this is) realized through the grace of
the Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
kwieAw hMs Duir mylu krqY iliK pwieAw ] kaa-i-aa haNs dhur mayl, kartai likh paa-i-aa.
The union of the body and the swan (soul) was inscribed (i.e. preordained) by the Creator.
sB mih gupqu vrqdw gurmuiK pRgtwieAw ] sabh meh gupat varatdaa, gurmukh paragtaa-i-aa.
He is hidden, (yet, He) pervades all; (but) He is revealed through the Guru.
gux gwvY gux aucrY gux mwih smwieAw ] guṇ gaavai, guṇ uchrai ,guṇ maahi samaa-i-aa.
Singing (praise of) His excellences, chanting His excellences, one merges in His excellences.
scI bwxI scu hY scu myil imlwieAw ] sachee baṇee sach hai, sach mayl milaa-i-aa.
Through the true word (of the Guru) one becomes (an image of) the True; (the Guru) unites
him in union (with the Lord).
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY Awpy dyie vifAweI ]14] sabh kichh aapay aap hai, aapay day-ay vadi-aa-ee. ||14||
He Himself is everything by Himself; He Himself grants greatness (i.e. honour/ glory). 14

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
nwnk AMDw hoie kY rqnw prKx jwie ] rqnw swr n jwxeI AwvY Awpu lKwie ]1]
naanak, aNdhaa ho-ay kai, ratnaa parkhaṇ jaa-ay.
ratnaa saar na jaaṇ-ee, aavai aap lakhaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): if one is blind, and, goes to appraise jewels;
He will not know the value of the gems; he returns after exposing himself. 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
rqnw kyrI guQlI rqnI KolI Awie ] vKr qY vxjwirAw duhw rhI smwie ]
ratnaa kayree guthlee, ratnee kholee aa-ay. vakhar tai vaṇjaari-aa, duhaa rahee samaa-ay.
The jeweller came and opened the bag (full) of jewels (i.e. the Guru, the merchant came with the
jewel of the name of the Lord),
it is merging (in the hearts of) both, the merchandise and the merchants.
ijn guxu plY nwnkw mwxk vxjih syie ]rqnw swr n jwxnI AMDy vqih loie ]2]
jin guṇ palai, naankaa, maaṇak vaṇjahi say-ay. ratnaa saar na jaaṇnee, aNdhay vateh lo-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who have virtues in their pocket, they alone purchase the jewels; (but),
those who do not know the value of the jewels, they wander in the world like blind (i.e.
ignorant people). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nau drvwjy kwieAw kotu hY dsvY gupqu rKIjY ] na-o darvaajay kaa-i-aa kot hai, dasvai gupat rakheejai.
The fortress of body has nine gates; the tenth (gate) is kept hidden.
bjr kpwt n KulnI gur sbid KulIjY ] bajar kapaat na khulnee gur sabad khuleejai.
The hard gate is not be open; (only) through the word of the Guru it can be opened.
Anhd vwjy Duin vjdy gur sbid suxIjY ] anhad vaajay dhun vajday gur sabad suṇeejai.
The sound of the unstruck sound (i.e. celestial music) resounds (there); (but it is) heard
through the word of the Guru.
iqqu Gt AMqir cwnxw kir Bgiq imlIjY ] tit ghat aNtar chaanṇaa, kar bhagat mileejai.
Within that heart the (Divine) Light shines forth; and, through devotion one meets (God).
sB mih eyku vrqdw ijin Awpy rcn rcweI ]15] sabh meh ayk varatdaa, jin aapay rachan rachaa-ee. ||15||
The One (God), who Himself has created the creation, pervades all. 15

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
AMDy kY rwih disAY AMDw hoie su jwie ] aNdhay kai raahi dasi-ai, aNdhaa ho-ay so jaa-ay.
He, who follows the path shown by a blind, is (truly) blind.
hoie sujwKw nwnkw so ikau auJiV pwie ]ho-ay sujaakhaa, naankaa, so ki-o ujhaṛ paa-ay.
Nanak (says): one, who has good eyes (i.e. sight), why should he stray in wilderness.
AMDy eyih n AwKIAin ijn muiK loiex nwih ] AMDy syeI nwnkw Ksmhu GuQy jwih ]1]
aNdhay ayhi na aakhee-an, jin mukh lo-iṇ naahi.
aNdhay say-ee, naankaa, khasmahu ghuthay jaahi. ||1||
They are not called blind who do not have eyes on their faces;
Nanak (says): blinds are those, who wander away from their Lord. 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
swihib AMDw jo kIAw kry sujwKw hoie ] saahib aNdhaa jo kee-aa, karay sujaakhaa, ho-ay.
One, whom the Lord has made blind, (if He) grants him good sight, then (alone) he is.
jyhw jwxY qyho vrqY jy sau AwKY koie ] jayhaa jaaṇai tayho vartai, jay sa-o aakhai ko-ay.
He acts only as he knows, although he may be spoken to (i.e. instruct) a hundred times.
ijQY su vsqu n jwpeI Awpy vrqau jwix ] jithai so vasat na jaap-ee, aapay varta-o jaaṇ.
Where some (precious) thing (i.e. the name of the Lord) is not seen (realized), self-conceit
prevails there.
nwnk gwhku ikau ley skY n vsqu pCwix ]2] naanak, gaahak ki-o la-ay, sakai na vasat pachhaaṇ. ||2||
Nanak (says): How can a buyer buy the good, that he cannot understand? 2

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
so ikau AMDw AwKIAY ij hukmhu AMDw hoie ] so ki-o aNdhaa aakhee-ai, je hukmahu aNdhaa ho-ay.
Why should someone be called blind, if he has been made blind by the command (of God)?
nwnk hukmu n buJeI AMDw khIAY soie ]3] naanak, hukam na bujh-ee, aNdhaa kahee-ai so-ay. ||3||
Nanak (says): one, who does not understand the command(of God) should be called blind. 3
P. 955
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
kwieAw AMdir gVu kotu hY siB idsMqr dysw ] kaa-i-aa aNdar gaṛ kot hai, sabh disaNtar daysaa.
Within the body is a fort, a castle (of God), (and there are) all the countries and continents.
Awpy qwVI lweIAnu sB mih prvysw ] aapay taaṛee laa-ee-an, sabh meh parvaysaa.
He Himself sits in trance, pervading everyone.
Awpy isRsit swjIAnu Awip gupqu rKysw ] aapay sarisat saajee-an, aap gupat rakhaysaa.
He Himself has created the universe, and, He Himself remains hidden (in it).
gur syvw qy jwixAw scu prgtIeysw ] gur sayvaa tay jaaṇi-aa, sach pargatee-aysaa.
He is known through the service of the Guru; (thus) the True is revealed.
sBu ikCu sco scu hY guir soJI pweI ]16] sabh kichh sacho sach hai, gur sojhee paa-ee. ||16||
Everything is from the Truest of the True; the Guru has given this understanding. 16

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 2
swvxu rwiq AhwVu idhu kwmu k®oDu duie Kyq ] saavaṇ raat, ahaaṛ dihu, kaam krodh du-ay khayt.
(his) night is (like) Saavan* (month), and, day is (like)
[This is the life of the mind-oriented person]:
Ahaa (month); and, sexual desire and anger are his two fields.
[*Saavan month of Bikrami calender, corresponding to the period between the middle of July and the middle of August;
and, Ahaa / Haa / Asaa month of Bikrami calender, corresponding to the period between the middle of August and
the middle of September. The nights of saavan are considered erotic time, hence, a symbol of sexual pleasure; and the
day of Ahaa are period of extreme heat, hence, a symbol of extreme anger].
lbu vqR drogu bIau hwlI rwhku hyq ] lab vatar darog bee-o, haalee raahak hayt.
Greed is moisture (that prepares the fields), the falsehood is seed (that has been planted);
(emotional) attachment is the ploughman and tiller.
hlu bIcwru ivkwr mx hukmI Kty Kwie ] hal beechaar vikaar maṇ, hukmee khatay khaa-ay.
Contemplation (of vices) is the plough, and, evil is the heap (i.e. harvest); (this is what the mind-
oriented) earns (i.e. produces) and eats, as per the command of God.
nwnk lyKY mMigAY Aauqu jxydw jwie ]1] naanak, laykhai maNgi-ai, a-ut jaṇaydaa jaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): When he is called to accounts, he will be barren and infertile (i.e. useless). 1
[The life of a mind-oriented is like the fields of sexual desire and anger; he plants the seeds falsehood; he nurtures these
fields with attachment to maya; hence, he harvests vices; thus, he has nothing when he departs from the world; and, all
his life is just useless].
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
Bau Buie pivqu pwxI squ sMqoKu blyd ] bha-o bhu-ay, pavit paaṇee, sat saNtokh balayd.
[This is the life of the Guru-oriented person]: (For him) the fear (of God) is the field, purity is the water;
truth and contentment are the bulls (ploughing these fields);
hlu hlymI hwlI icqu cyqw vqR vKq sMjogu ] hal halaymee, haalee chit, chaytaa vatar, vakhat saNjog.
humility is the plough, mind is the ploughman, contemplation (of the name of God) is the
moisture (i.e. preparation of fields), and, union (with God) is the time (of planting the seed).
nwau bIju bKsIs bohl dunIAw sgl drog ] naa-o beej, bakhsees bohal, dunee-aa sagal darog.
The name (of God) is the seed (that he plants), His grace is be the heap (i.e. harvest), and,
regards whole world as false..
nwnk ndrI krmu hoie jwvih sgl ivjog ]2] naanak, nadree karam ho-ay, jaaveh sagal vijog. ||2||
Nanak (says): If He bestows His merciful grace, then all separation will be ended (and, one is
united with God). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mnmuiK mohu gubwru hY dUjY Bwie bolY ] manmukh moh gubaar hai, doojai bhaa-ay bolai.
The mind-oriented is in the darkness of (emotional) attachment, (that is why) he speaks in
love of duality.
dUjY Bwie sdw duKu hY inq nIru ivrolY ] doojai bhaa-ay sadaa dukh hai, nit neer virolai.
In the love of duality, there is pain forever; he constantly churns water (i.e. acts uselessly).
gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY miQ qqu kFolY ] gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, math tat kaḍolai.
The Guru-oriented meditates upon the name, he churning (the milk of the name of God) and
brings out (i.e. obtains ) the essence (of reality; i.e. real butter).
AMqir prgwsu Git cwnxw hir lDw tolY ] aNtar pargaas ghat chaanṇaa, har ladhaa tolai.
The Light (of the Lord) illuminates within his heart; He has searched and found God.
Awpy Brim Bulwiedw ikCu khxu n jweI ]17] aapay bharam bhulaa-idaa, kichh kahaṇ na jaa-ee. ||17||
He himself deludes in doubts, nothing can be said (about it). 17

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2

nwnk icMqw miq krhu icMqw iqs hI hyie ] naanak, chiNtaa mat karahu, chiNtaa tis hee hay-ay.
Nanak (says): (O! mortals) do not be anxious (for your subsistence), He will take care of you.
jl mih jMq aupwieAnu iqnw iB rojI dyie ] jal meh jaNt upaa-i-an, tinaa bhe rojee day-ay.
He creates creatures in water; He gives nourishment to them also.
EQY htu n cleI nw ko ikrs kryie ] othai hat na chal-ee, naa ko kiras karay-i.
There (i.e. in the water) is no shop open there; and, no one farms there.
saudw mUil n hoveI nw ko ley n dyie ] sa-udaa mool na hova-ee, naa ko la-ay na day-ay.
(There) no business is ever carried on there, and, no one buys or sells (there).
jIAw kw Awhwru jIA Kwxw eyhu kryie ] jee-aa kaa aahaar, jee-a khaaṇaa ayhu karay-i.
(There) the creatures eat (other) creatures; (this is what) He has given them.
ivic aupwey swierw iqnw iB swr kryie ] vich upaa-ay saa-iraa, tinaa bhe saar karay-i.
(All those creatures) He has created in the oceans, He preserves them also.
nwnk icMqw mq krhu icMqw iqs hI hyie ]1] naanak, chiNtaa mat karahu, chiNtaa tis hee hay-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! mortals) do not be anxious (for your subsistence), He will take care of you. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwnk iehu jIau mCulI JIvru iqRsnw kwlu ] naanak, ih jee-o machhulee, jheevar trisnaa kaal.
Nanak (says): this soul is (like) the fish; and, the death (bringing) lust is the fisherman (i.e. for
the soul, the desires, greed, lust are the cause of death).
mnUAw AMDu n cyqeI pVY AicMqw jwlu ] manoo-aa aNdh na chayt-ee, paṛai achiNtaa jaal.
The blind (i.e. foolish) mind does not contemplate (God), and, suddenly the net is cast.
nwnk icqu Acyqu hY icMqw bDw jwie ] naanak, chit achayt hai, chiNtaa badhaa jaa-ay.
Nanak (says): The mind is careless(in contemplating God), and, bound in anxiety, it departs.
ndir kry jy AwpxI qw Awpy ley imlwie ]2] nadar karay jay aapṇee, taa aapay la-ay milaa-ay. ||2||
(But) if He bestows His grace, He unites (the soul) with Himself . 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sy jn swcy sdw sdw ijnI hir rsu pIqw ] say jan saachay, sadaa sadaa, jinee har ras peetaa.
Those beings are true forever and ever, who have drunk in the essence (i.e. Amrit name) of God.
gurmuiK scw min vsY scu saudw kIqw ] gurmukh sachaa man vasai, sach sa-udaa keetaa.
The True (Lord) abides in the mind of the Guru-oriented, (because) he has struck true
bargain (i.e. of the name of the Lord).
sBu ikCu Gr hI mwih hY vfBwgI lIqw ] sabh kichh ghar hee maahi hai, vadbhaagee leetaa.
Everything is in the home (i.e. heart), (only) the greatly fortune have obtained it (i.e. name).
AMqir iqRsnw mir geI hir gux gwvIqw ] aNtar tarisnaa mar ga-ee, har guṇ gaaveetaa.
The thirst (i.e. desire) in them is subdued, (by) singing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
Awpy myil imlwieAnu Awpy dyie buJweI ]18] aapay mayl milaa-i-an, aapay day-ay bujhaa-ee. ||18||
He Himself unites in union; and, He Himself bestows understanding. 18

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
vyil ipM\wieAw kiq vuxwieAw ] vayl piNnjaa-i-aa, kat vuṇaa-i-aa.
(The cotton is) ginned with roller, is woven and spun.
kit kuit kir KuMib cVwieAw ] kat kut kar, khuMb chaṛaa-i-aa.
It is cut into pieces and put to bleaching.
lohw vFy drjI pwVy sUeI Dwgw sIvY ] lohaa vaḍay, darjee paaṛay, soo-ee dhaagaa seevai.
The iron (i.e. scissor) cuts it, the tailor tears (it to the size), and, the needle sews it with thread.
ieau piq pwtI isPqI sIpY nwnk jIvq jIvY ] i-o pat paatee siftee seepai, naanak jeevat jeevai.
Nanak (says): This is how, the torn (i.e. lost) honour is sewed up (again), through (the singing
of) the praise of God, and, one lives (true) life.
hoie purwxw kpVu pwtY sUeI Dwgw gMFY ] ho-ay puraaṇaa kapaṛ paatai, soo-ee dhaagaa gaNḍai.
When the cloth becomes worn and is torn, with the needle and thread it is sewed up (again).
mwhu pKu ikhu clY nwhI GVI muhqu ikCu hMFY ] maahu pakh kihu chalai naahee, ghaṛee muhat kichh ha ḍai.
(But) this may not last for a month or a fortnight; or may last for some moments or time.
P. 956
scu purwxw hovY nwhI sIqw kdy n pwtY ] sach puraaṇaa hovai naahee, seetaa kaday na paatai.
Truth never does not grow old; and, once sewn , it is never torn again.
nwnk swihbu sco scw iqcru jwpI jwpY ]1] naanak, saahib sacho sachaa, tichar jaapee jaapai. ||1||
Nanak (says): The Lord is the Truest of the True; one can know it by meditating upon Him. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sc kI kwqI scu sBu swru ] GwVq iqs kI Apr Apwr ]
sach kee kaatee, sach sabh saar. ghaaṛat tis kee, apar apaar.
(If) the scissor (i.e. knife/ dagger) of Truth, (is made from) totally True iron; (then),
its composition (i.e. design/ workmanship) is beyond limits (i.e. incomparably beautiful).
sbdy swx rKweI lwie ] gux kI QykY ivic smwie ]
sabday saaṇ rakhaa-ee laa-ay.guṇ kee thaykai, vich samaa-ay.
It is sharpened on the grindstone of the word (of the Guru).
It is placed in the sheath of the excellences (of God).
iqs dw kuTw hovY syKu ] lohU lbu inkQw vyKu ]
tis daa kuṭaa hovai saykh.lohoo lab nikthaa vaykh.
(If) the Sheikh is killed with that;
look, (then) all the blood of greed will spill out.
hoie hlwlu lgY hik jwie ] nwnk dir dIdwir smwie ]2]
ho-ay halaal, lagai hak jaa-ay. naanak, dar deedaar samaa-ay. ||2||
He, who is slaughtered in halal (i.e. lawful) way, will be attached to (i.e. merge in) the True;
Nanak (says): at His door, he is absorbed in His vision. 2

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
kmir ktwrw bMkuVw bMky kw Asvwru ] grbu n kIjY nwnkw mqu isir AwvY Bwru ]3]
kamar kataaraa baNkuṛaa, baNkay kaa asvaar. garab na keejai, naankaa, mat sir aavai bhaar ||3||
(If) a beautiful dagger hangs by the waist and he is riding a beautiful (horse);
Nanak (says): (but, he) should not be proud (of it), lest he may fall on his head (i.e. headlong/
head first to ground). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
so sqsMgiq sbid imlY jo gurmuiK clY ] so satsaNgat sabad milai, jo gurmukh chalai.
One who walks in the will of the Guru, he merges in the true congregation through the word.
scu iDAwiein sy scy ijn hir Krcu Dnu plY ] sach dhi-aa-in say sachay, jin har kharach dhan palai.
Those, who have the wealth of (the name of) God for their spending (on the path of life),
meditate upon the True and (they too) become (image of) True.
Bgq sohin gux gwvdy gurmiq AclY ] bhagat sohan guṇ gaavday, gurmat achlai.
Singing the excellences (of God, His) devotees look beautiful, and, through the wisdom of (i.e.
by following te teachings of) the Guru they become stable (i.e. steadfast).
rqn bIcwru min visAw gur kY sbid BlY ] ratan beechaar man vasi-aa, gur kai sabad bhalai.
The jewel of contemplation (of the name) dwells in their mind, through the sublime word of
the Guru.
Awpy myil imlwiedw Awpy dyie vifAweI ]19] aapay mayl milaa-idaa, aapay day-ay vadi-aa-ee. ||19||
He Himself uniting ones in union, and, He Himself bestows greatness (i.e. honour). 19

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok M: 3
Awsw AMdir sBu ko koie inrwsw hoie ] aasaa aNdar sabh ko, ko-ay niraasaa ho-ay.
Everyone is engrossed in hopes, rare are those who are free of hopes.
nwnk jo mir jIivAw sihlw AwieAw soie ]1] naanak, jo mar jeevi-aa, sahilaa aa-i-aa so-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): those who remain dead while yet alive, their coming (to the world) is fruitful. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
nw ikCu Awsw hiQ hY kyau inrwsw hoie ] naa kichh aasaa hath hai kay-o niraasaa ho-ay.
(When) nothing is in the hands of hopes, (then) how can one be free of hopes?
ikAw kry eyh bpuVI jW Buolwey soie ]2] ki-aa karay ayh bapuṛee jaan bholaa-ay so-ay. ||2||
What can this poor (hope) do? when He Himself gets one stray. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
iDRgu jIvxu sMswr scy nwm ibnu ] dharig jeevaṇ saNsaar, sachay naam bin.
Without (meditating upon) the name of the True, living in the word is a curse.
pRBu dwqw dwqwr inhclu eyhu Dnu ] prabh daataa daataar, nihchal ayhu dhan.
Go , the Giver, is the Bestower (of everything), the wealth (of name) is unchanging (eternal).
swis swis AwrwDy inrmlu soie jnu ] saas saas aaraadhay, nirmal so-ay jan.
One who adores Him with each and every breath, that being is immaculate.
AMqrjwmI Agmu rsnw eyku Bnu ] aNtarjaamee agam, rasnaa ayk bhan.
He is the Controller of the Minds, Inaccessible, chant (the name of) the One with your tongue.
riv rihAw srbiq nwnku bil jweI ]20] rav rahi-aa sarbat, naanak bal jaa-ee. ||20||
He is pervading everywhere; Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto Him. 20

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
srvr hMs Dury hI mylw KsmY eyvY Bwxw ] sarvar haNs dhuray hee maylaa, khasmai ayvai bhaaṇaa.
The union between the pool (i.e. Guru) and swan (i.e. soul) is preordained from the very
beginning, by the pleasure of God.
srvr AMdir hIrw moqI so hMsw kw Kwxw ] sarvar aNdar heeraa motee, so haNsaa kaa khaaṇaa.
In the pool, there are diamonds and pearls, they are the food of the swans (i.e. the Guru has
the treasure of virtues; this is the food of the soul).
bgulw kwgu n rheI srvir jy hovY Aiq isAwxw ] bagulaa kaag na rah-ee sarvar, jay hovai at si-aaṇaa.
The crane, the crows do not remain in the pool, even if they may be very wise.
Enw irjku n pieE EQY En@w horo Kwxw ] onaa rijak na pa-i-o othai, on aa horo khaaṇaa.

Their food is not found therein (the pool); their food is different
sic kmwxY sco pweIAY kUVY kUVw mwxw ] sach kamaaṇai sacho paa-ee-ai, kooṛai kooṛaa maaṇaa.
Earning (i.e. practising) truth, the True is found; falsehood is the ride of the false.
nwnk iqn kO siqguru imilAw ijnw Dury pYXw prvwxw ]1]
naanak, tin kou satgur mili-aa, jinaa dhuray paiyaa parvaaṇaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): They (alone) meet the True Guru, for whom it is inscribed as preordained.

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
swihbu myrw aujlw jy ko iciq kryie ] saahib mayraa ujlaa, jay ko chit karay-i.
My Lord is immaculate, (and, so are) those who remember Him in mind.
nwnk soeI syvIAY sdw sdw jo dyie ] naanak, so-ee sayvee-ai, sadaa sadaa jo day-ay.
Nanak (says): serve (i.e. meditate upon) Him who gives (i.e. bestows boons) forever and eve.r
nwnk soeI syvIAY ijqu syivAY duKu jwie ] Avgux vM\in gux rvih min suKu vsY Awie ]2]
naanak, so-ee sayvee-ai, jit sayvi-ai dukh jaa-ay. avguṇ vaNnjan guṇ raveh, man sukh vasai aa-ay ||2||
Nanak (says): serve Him; serving Him sorrows are dispelled; and,
vices vanish, and, virtues come to dwell; (thus) happiness comes to dwell in mind. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy Awip vrqdw Awip qwVI lweIAnu ] aapay aap varatdaa, aap taaṛee laa-ee-an.
He Himself is pervading (throughout the universe), and, He Himself is absorbed in trance.
Awpy hI aupdysdw gurmuiK pqIAweIAnu ] aapay hee updaysdaa, gurmukh patee-aa-ee-an.
He Himself imparts instruction; and, satisfies (the world) through the Guru.
ieik Awpy auJiV pwieAnu ieik BgqI lwieAnu ] ik aapay ujhaṛ paa-i-an, ik bhagtee laa-i-an.
Some, He gets to wander in wilderness, (while) some are attached to devotion.
ijsu Awip buJwey so buJsI Awpy nwie lweIAnu ] jis aap bujhaa-ay so bujhsee, aapay naa-ay laa-ee-an.
He alone understands whom He gets to understand,; He Himself attaches (some) to (the
meditation upon His) name.
nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY scI vifAweI ]21]1] suDu ]
naanak, naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, sachee vadi-aa-ee. ||21||1|| sudh.
Nanak (says): meditating upon the name, true greatness (i.e. honour) is obtained.21.1
P. 957
rwmklI kI vwr mhlw 5 Raamkalee kee vaar, Mehlaa 5
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, Mehlaa 5
jYsw siqguru suxIdw qYso hI mY fITu ] jaisaa satgur suṇeedaa, taiso hee mai deeth.
As I have heard of the True Guru, so I have seen him.
ivCuiVAw myly pRBU hir drgh kw bsITu ] vichhuṛi-aa maylay prabhoo, har dargeh kaa baseeth.
He (re)unites the separated ones with God; he is the mediator at the court of God.
hir nwmo mMqRü idRVwiedw kty haumY rogu ] har naamo maNtra dariṛaa-idaa, katay ha-umai rog.
He implants the spell of God's name, and, eradicates the ailments of egotism.
nwnk siqguru iqnw imlwieAw ijnw Dury pieAw sMjogu ]1]
naanak, satgur tinaa milaa-i-aa, jinaa dhuray pa-i-aa saNjog. ||1||
Nanak (says): they (alone) are inspired to meet with the True Guru, who have this union
pre-ordained. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ieku sjxu siB sjxw ieku vYrI siB vwid ] ik sajaṇ, sabh sajnaa; ik vairee, sabh vaad.
If the One (God) becomes my Friend, then all are my friends; if the One (God) becomes my
enemy, then all quarrels (with me).
guir pUrY dyKwilAw ivxu nwvY sB bwid ] gur poorai daykhaali-aa, viṇ naavai sabh baad.
The perfect Guru has shown me, that without the name (of the Lord), everything is useless.
swkq durjn BrimAw jo lgy dUjY swid ] saakat durjan bharmi-aa, jo lagay doojai saad.
Faithless and evil people wander (in delusion, because) they are attached to other tastes.
jn nwnik hir pRBu buiJAw gur siqgur kY prswid ]2]
jan naanak, har prabh bujhi-aa, gur satgur kai parsaad. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have realized God the Lord, by the grace of the Guru,
the True Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
QtxhwrY Qwtu Awpy hI QitAw ] thataṇhaarai thaat aapay hee thati-aa.
The Creator Himself has created the creation.
Awpy pUrw swhu Awpy hI KitAw ] aapay pooraa saahu, aapay hee khati-aa.
He Himself is the perfect banker, and, He Himself earns (the profit of His name).
Awpy kir pwswru Awpy rMg ritAw ] aapay kar paasaar, aapay raNg rati-aa.
He Himself has made the expanse (of the universe), and, He Himself is imbued with joy.
kudriq kIm n pwie AlK bRhmitAw ] kudrat keem na paa-ay, alakh barahmati-aa.
No one can estimate His value; God is unseeable (i.e. imperceptible).
Agm AQwh byAMq prY pritAw ] agam, athaah, bay-aNt, parai parti-aa.
He is inaccessible, unfathomable, endless (i.e. infinite), and, farthest of the far (i.e. limit-less).
Awpy vf pwiqswhu Awip vjIritAw ] aapay vad paatisaahu, aap vajeerti-aa.
He Himself is the great emperor, and, He Himself is the minister (i.e. His advisor).
koie n jwxY kIm kyvfu mitAw ] ko-ay na jaaṇai keem, kayvad mati-aa.
No one knows His value (i.e. worth), how high is His abode.
scw swihbu Awip gurmuiK prgitAw ]1] sachaa saahib aap, gurmukh pargati-aa. ||1||
He Himself is the True Lord; (He is) revealed through the Guru. 1

sloku mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
suix sjx pRIqm myirAw mY siqguru dyhu idKwil ] sun sajaṇ preetam mayri-aa, mai satgur dayh dikhaal.
Listen, O! my dear Friend, (please) show me (i.e. get me meet with) my True Guru.
hau iqsu dyvw mnu Awpxw inq ihrdY rKw smwil ] ha-o tis dayvaa man aapnaa, nit hirdai rakhaa samaal.
I dedicate my mind to him, and, (I will) always keep him enshrined within my heart.
ieksu siqgur bwhrw iDRgu jIvxu sMswir ] ikas satgur baahraa, dharig jeevaṇ saNsaar.
Without the one True Guru, living in this world is a curse.
jn nwnk siqguru iqnw imlwieEnu ijn sd hI vrqY nwil ]1]
jan naanak, satgur tinaa milaa-i-on, jin sad hee vartai naal. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): He (i.e. God) unites those with the True Guru, with whom
He constantly abides. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
myrY AMqir locw imlx kI ikau pwvw pRB qoih ] mayrai aNtar lochaa milaṇ kee, ki-o paavaa prabh tohi.
Within me (i.e. within my heart), there is longing to meet You; how can I find You, O! God?
koeI AYsw sjxu loiV lhu jo myly pRIqmu moih ] ko-ee aisaa sajaṇ loṛ lahu, jo maylay pareetam mohi.
(O! brethren) find me some such friend, who will unite me with my dear (Lord).
guir pUrY mylwieAw jq dyKw qq soie ] gur poorai maylaa-i-aa, jat daykhaa tat so-ay.
The perfect Guru has united me (with God), (now) where ever I look, there He is.
jn nwnk so pRBu syivAw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]2]
jan naanak ,so prabh sayvi-aa, tis jayvad avar na ko-ay. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have serve that Lord; there is no other as great as He is. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
dyvxhwru dwqwru ikqu muiK swlwhIAY ] dayvaṇhaar daataar, kit mukh salaahee-ai.
(He is) the Giver, the Bestower, with what mouth (i.e. words) can we praise Him?
ijsu rKY ikrpw Dwir irjku smwhIAY ] jis rakhai kirpaa dhaar, rijak samaahee-ai.
(He is the One), who, bestowing His kindness, protects, and, gives sustenance to all.
koie n iks hI vis sBnw iek Dr ] ko-ay na kis hee vas, sabhnaa ik dhar.
No one is under anyone else's power; He (alone) is the One support of all.
pwly bwlk vwig dy kY Awip kr ] paalay baalak vaag, day kai aap kar.
Giving His hand (of protection), He cherishes (all) as His children.
krdw And ibnod ikCU n jwxIAY ] kardaa anad binod, kichhoo na jaaṇee-ai.
He stages His joyous plays; which no one understands (i.e. no one knows His wondrous plays).
srb Dwr smrQ hau iqsu kurbwxIAY ] sarab dhaar samrath, ha-o tis kurbaaṇee-ai.
The all-powerful (Lord) sustains all; I am a sacrifice unto Him.
gweIAY rwiq idnµqu gwvx joigAw ] gaa-ee-ai raat dinaNt, gaavaṇ jogi-aa.
(O! brethren) day and night, sing (the praise of) the One who is worthy of singing (the praise).
jo gur kI pYrI pwih iqnI hir rsu BoigAw ]2] jo gur kee pairee paahi, tinee har ras bhogi-aa. ||2||
Those who fall at the feet of the Guru, enjoy the essence of (singing the praise of) God. 2

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
BIVhu moklweI kIqIAnu sB rKy kutMbY nwil ] bheeṛahu moklaa-ee keetee-an, sabh rakhay kutaMbai naal.
(O! brethren, God) has widened the narrow (lanes, i.e. He has eased your hardships), and, has
saved you along with your family.
kwrj Awip svwirAnu so pRB sdw sBwil ] kaaraj aap savaari-an, so prabh sadaa sabhaal.
He, who has settles all your affairs, remember that Lord forever.
pRBu mwq ipqw kMiT lwiedw lhuVy bwlk pwil ] prabh maat pitaa kaNṭ laa-idaa, lahuṛay baalak paal.
As mother and father cherish their small children He hugs (us) close to His bosom.
dieAwl hoey sB jIA jMqR hir nwnk ndir inhwl ]1]
da-i-aal ho-ay sabh jee-a jaNtar, har naanak nadar nihaal. ||1||
Nanak (says): All beings and creatures become kind to him, whom God blesses with His glance
of grace. 1
P. 958
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ivxu quDu horu ij mMgxw isir duKw kY duK ] vin tudh hor je maNgṇaa, sir dukhaa kai dukh.
(O! God) to ask anything other than (the name of) You, is the greatest of all the sufferings.
dyih nwmu sMqoKIAw auqrY mn kI BuK ] deh naam saNtokhee-aa, utrai man kee bhukh.
Bless me Your name and make me content, and, may the hunger of my mind be satisfied.
guir vxu iqxu hirAw kIiqAw nwnk ikAw mnuK ]2] gur vaṇ tiṇ hari-aa keeti-aa, naanak ki-aa manukh. ||2||
Nanak (says): The Guru has turned the (dry) woods and grass into green; what is (wonder if
He rejuvenates) the human being (as well)? 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
so AYsw dwqwru mnhu n vIsrY ] so aisaa daataar, manhu na veesrai.
(O! brethren) He is such a (great) Giver, may I never forget Him from my mind.
GVI n muhqu csw iqsu ibnu nw srY ] gharhee na muhat chasaa, tis bin naa sarai.
I cannot live (in happiness) without Him, (even) for a moment, for an instant.
Amqir bwhir sMig ikAw ko luik krY ] aNtar baahar saNg, ki-aa ko luk karai.
Inwardly and outwardly, He is with (us), how one hide anything (from Him)?
ijsu piq rKY Awip so Bvjlu qrY ] jis pat rakhai aap, so bhavjal tarai.
One, whose honour He Himself protects, swims across the terrifying waters (of the world
Bgqu igAwnI qpw ijsu ikrpw krY ] bhagat gi-aanee tapaa, jis kirpaa karai.
He alone is a devotee, a man of knowledge, a austere (i.e. man of penance), whom He blesses.
so pUrw prDwnu ijs no blu DrY ] so pooraa pardhaan, jis no bal dharai.
He alone is perfect and distinguished (i.e. honourable) whom He has blessed with power.
ijsih jrwey Awip soeI Ajru jrY ] jisahi jaraa-ay aap, so-ee ajar jarai.
He alone endures the un-endurable, whom He gets to (endure it).
iqs hI imilAw scu mMqRü gur min DrY ]3] tis hee mili-aa sach, mantar gur man dharai. ||3||
He alone meets with the True (Lord), who enshrines the spell (i.e. word/ teaching) of the Guru
in his mind. 3

sloku mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
DMnu su rwg surMgVy Awlwpq sB iqK jwie ] dhaNn so raag suraNgṛay, aalaapat sabh tikh jaa-ay.
Blessed are those beautiful raagas, by singing which all thirst is quenched.
DMnu su jMq suhwvVy jo gurmuiK jpdy nwau ] dhaNn so jaNt suhaavṛay, jo gurmukh japday naa-o.
Blessed are those beautiful people, who meditate upon the name (of God) through the Guru.
ijnI iek min ieku ArwiDAw iqn sd bilhwrY jwau ] jinee ik man ik araadhi-aa, tin sad balihaarai jaa-o.
Those, who have single-mindedly adored the One (Lord), I am for ever a sacrifice unto them.
iqn kI DUiV hm bwCdy krmI plY pwie ] tin kee dhooṛ ham baachh-day, karmee palai paa-ay.
I long for the dust of their feet, (but) it (i.e. dust of their feet) is obtained by His grace.
jo rqy rMig goivd kY hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ] jo ratay raNg govid kai, ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto those who are imbued with the love of the Lord of the Universe; and,
AwKw ibrQw jIA kI hir sjxu mylhu rwie ] aakhaa birthaa jee-a kee, har sajaṇ maylhu raa-ay.
I tell (them) the state of my mind, (and pray: please) unite me with the Sovereign Lord, my
guir pUrY mylwieAw jnm mrx duKu jwie ] gur poorai maylaa-i-aa, janam maraṇ dukh jaa-ay.
The perfect Guru has united me (with Him), and, the pains of birth and death have departed.
jn nwnk pwieAw Agm rUpu Anq n kwhU jwie ]1]
jan naanak paa-i-aa agam roop, anat na kaahoo jaa-ay. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, who has found (i.e. is united with) the infinitely
beautiful (Lord), he will not go anywhere else. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
DMnu su vylw GVI DMnu Dnu mUrqu plu swru ]DMnu su idnsu sMjogVw ijqu ifTw gur drswru ]
dhaNn so vaylaa, gharhee dhaNn, dhan moorat pal saar.
dhaNn so dinas saNjogrhaa, jit dithaa gur darsaar.
Blessed is that time, blessed is that moment, blessed and exalted is that auspicious time;
blessed is that day and that opportunity, when I beheld the vision of my Guru.
mn kIAw ieCw pUrIAw hir pwieAw Agm Apwru ] man kee-aa ichhaa pooree-aa, har paa-i-aa agam apaar.
(All) the desires of (my) mind are fulfilled, (when) I obtained the unknowable, infinite God.
haumY qutw mohVw ieku scu nwmu AwDwru ] ha-umai tutaa mohṛaa, ik sach naam aadhaar.
My egotism and self-conceit are eradicated; (and, now) the name of the One True (Lord) is
(my only) support.
jnu nwnku lgw syv hir auDirAw sgl sMswru ]2] jan naanak lagaa sayv har, udhri-aa sagal saNsaar. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): one, who is attached to the service of God, (through him)
the whole world is liberated. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
isPiq slwhxu Bgiq ivrly idqIAnu ] sifat salaahaṇ bhagat, virlay ditee-an.
Rare are those whom He has blessed to the devotion and (the singing of His) praise.
saupy ijsu BMfwr iPir puC n lIqIAnu ] sa-upay jis bhaNdaar, fir puchh na leetee-an.
Those, whom He has blessed with the treasures (of devotion), are not called to account again
(and, having given once, He has not withdrawn it).
ijs no lgw rMgu sy rMig riqAw ] jis no lagaa rang, say raNg rati-aa.
Those who are imbued with His love, they are drenched in His love.
Enw ieko nwmu ADwru iekw aun BiqAw ] onaa iko naam adhaar, ikaa un bhati-aa.
The name of the One (Lord) is their support; and, the One (name) is their (only) food.
Enw ipCY jgu BuMcY BogeI ] onaa pichhai, jag bhuNchai bhog-ee.
In their name (i.e. because of their devotion of God), the world eats and enjoys.
Enw ipAwrw rbu Enwhw jogeI ] onaa pi-aaraa rab, onaahaa jog-ee.
God is dear to them, (they are so much in love with God as if) He is for them alone.
ijsu imilAw guru Awie iqin pRBu jwixAw ] jis mili-aa gur aa-ay, tin parabh jaaṇi-aa.
One, whom Guru has come to meet with, he alone has know (i.e. realized) the Lord.
hau bilhwrI iqn ij KsmY BwixAw ]4] ha-o balihaaree tin, je khasmai bhaaṇi-aa. ||4||
I am a sacrifice unto those, who are pleasing to their Lord. 4

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
hir ieksY nwil mY dosqI hir ieksY nwil mY rMgu ] har iksai naal mai dostee, har iksai naal mai raNg.
My friendship with the One God alone, and, I am in love with the One God alone.
hir ieko myrw sjxo hir ieksY nwil mY sMgu ] har iko mayraa sajṇo, har iksai naal mai saNg.
God is my only friend; and, my companionship is with One God alone
hir ieksY nwil mY gosty muhu mYlw krY n BMgu ] har iksai naal mai gostay, muhu mailaa karai, na bhaNg.
My conversation is with the One God alone; (He) never frowns, or turns His face away.
jwxY ibrQw jIA kI kdy n moVY rMgu ] jaanai birthaa jee-a kee, kaday na moṛai raNg.
He knows the state of my heart; He never ignores (or rejects) my love.
hir ieko myrw mslqI BMnx GVn smrQu ] har iko mayraa maslatee, bhaNnaṇ ghaṛan samrath.
God is my only counselor; (He is) all-powerful to destroy and create (the beings and creatures).
hir ieko myrw dwqwru hY isir dwiqAw jg hQu ] har iko mayraa daataar hai, sir daati-aa jag hath.
God alone is my giver; (who) places His hand upon the heads of the givers (of the world).
hir ieksY dI mY tyk hY jo isir sBnw smrQu ] har iksai dee mai tayk hai, jo sir sabhnaa samrath.
I take the support of the One God alone; who is all-powerful, and, over the heads of all.
siqguir sMqu imlwieAw msqik Dir kY hQu ] satgur saNt milaa-i-aa, mastak dhar kai hath.
Placing His hand over my forehead, the True Guru, the God-oriented person, has united me
(with God).
P. 959
vfw swihbu gurU imlwieAw ijin qwirAw sgl jgqu ] vadaa saahib guroo milaa-i-aa, jin taari-aa sagal jagat.
The Guru has got me to meet the great Master (i.e. God), who saved the whole world.
mn kIAw ieCw pUrIAw pwieAw Duir sMjog ] man kee-aa ichhaa pooree-aa, paa-i-aa dhur saNjog.
The desires of my mind's desires are fulfilled, I have attained pre-ordained union (with God).
nwnk pwieAw scu nwmu sd hI Bogy Bog ]1] naanak, paa-i-aa sach naam, sad hee bhogay bhog. ||1||
Nanak (says): I have obtained the True name, and, I enjoy pleasures forver. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
mnmuKw kyrI dosqI mwieAw kw snbMDu ] manmukhaa kayree dostee, maa-i-aa kaa san-baNdh.
Friendship with the mind-oriented is the alliance with maya.
vyKidAw hI Bij jwin kdy n pwiein bMDu ] vaykh-di-aa hee bhaj jaan, kaday na paa-in baNdh.
As they see (a friend in trouble) they run away, they are never firm (i.e. as firm friends).
ijcru pYnin Kwvn@y iqcru rKin gMFu ] jichar painan khaavnhay, tichar rakhan gaNḍ.
As long as they get clothing and food (i.e. get benefits) they keep ties (i.e relation).
ijqu idin ikCu n hoveI iqqu idin bolin gMDu ] jit din kichh na hova-ee, tit din bolan gaNdh.
(But) the day, when they find (that you have) nothing, they begin speaking ill.
jIA kI swr n jwxnI mnmuK AigAwnI AMDu ] jee-a kee saar na jaannee, manmukh agi-aanee andh.
They do not know the worth of soul; the mind-oriented are ignorant and (spiritually) blind.
kUVw gMFu n cleI ickiV pQr bMDu ] kooṛaa gaNḍ na chal-ee, chikaṛ pathar baNdh.
The false ties (i.e. relationship) does not last (long); it is like (two) stones joined with mud.
AMDy Awpu n jwxnI PkVu iptin DMDu ] andhay aap na jaaṇnee, fakaṛ pitan dhaNdh.
The blinds do not understand themselves; they are engrossed in worldly entanglements.
JUTY moih lptwieAw hau hau krq ibhMDu ] jhooṭai mohi laptaa-i-aa, ha-o ha-o karat bihaNdh.
Entangled in false attachment (i.e. to maya), they pass their lives in egotism and self-conceit.
ik®pw kry ijsu AwpxI Duir pUrw krmu kryie ] kirpaa karay jis aapnee dhur pooraa karam karay-i.
(But) he whom God blesses with His kindness, He blesses him from the very beginning.
jn nwnk sy jn aubry jo siqgur srix pry ]2] jan naanak say jan ubray jo satgur saraṇ paray. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those beings are saved (from attachment to maya), who seek
the refuge of the True Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jo rqy dIdwr syeI scu hwku ] jo ratay deedaar, say-ee sach haak.
Those who imbued with the vision (of God), call them the true ones.
ijnI jwqw Ksmu ikau lBY iqnw Kwku ] jinee jaataa khasam, ki-o labhai tinaa khaak.
Those who have known (i.e. realized) the Lord, how can I find the dust of their feet? 1
mnu mYlw vykwru hovY sMig pwku ] man mailaa vaykaar, hovai saNg paak.
The mind (that has been) stained by vices, becomes pure by associaiting with them.
idsY scw mhlu KulY Brm qwku ] disai sachaa mahal, khulai bharam taak.
When the door of doubts is opened (i.e. when the doubts are dispelled), one beholds (the vision)
of the mansion of the True.
ijsih idKwly mhlu iqsu n imlY Dwku ] jisahi dikhaalay mahal, tis na milai dhaak.
One, whom He reveals His mansion, he is not pushed (back from His mansion).
mnu qnu hoie inhwlu ibMdk ndir Jwku ] man tan ho-ay nihaal, biNdak nadar jhaak.
His mind and body are enraptured, when he obtains His glance (of grace), even for an instant.
nau iniD nwmu inDwnu gur kY sbid lwgu ] na-o nidh naam nidhaan, gur kai sabad laag.
One obtains the nine treasure of the name, by attaching to the word of the Guru.
iqsY imlY sMq Kwku msqik ijsY Bwgu ]5] tisai milai saNt khaak, mastak jisai bhaag. ||5||
He alone obtains the dust (of the feet) of the Guru, upon whose forehead such destiny is pre-
inscribed. 5

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
hrxwKI kU scu vYxu suxweI jo qau kry auDwrxu ] harnaakhee koo sach vaiṇ suṇaa-ee, jo ta-o karay udhaaraṇ.
O! deer-eyed (soul bride), I speak the true word to you, which shall save you.
suMdr bcn qum suxhu CbIlI ipru qYfw mn swDwrxu ]
suNdar bachan tum suṇhu chhabeelee, pir taidaa man saadhaaraṇ.
Listen to these beautiful words, O! beauteous (soul) bride, your husband is the support of
your mind.
durjn syqI nyhu rcwieE dis ivKw mY kwrxu ] durjan saytee nayhu rachaa-i-o, das vikhaa mai kaaraṇ.
(Renouncing your Husband Lord) you have fallen in love with evil person; tell me, and, show
me the reason.
aUxI nwhI JUxI nwhI nwhI iksY ivhUxI ] ooṇee naahee, jhooṇee naahee, naahee kisai vihooṇee.
(The soul bride replies): I lack nothing, I am not grief-stricken, nor have I any deficiency.
ipru CYlu CbIlw Cif gvwieE durmiq krim ivhUxI ]
pir chhail chhabeelaa, chhad gavaa-i-o, durmat karam vihooṇee.
I have abandoned and lost my beautiful and fascinating Husband (Lord), for my evil-
mindedness; I have ill fortune.
nw hau BulI nw hau cukI nw mY nwhI dosw ] naa ha-o bhulee, naa ha-o chukee, naa mai naahee dosaa.
I have not made mistake, nor I have not made any omission; it is not my fault.
ijqu hau lweI iqqu hau lgI qU suix scu sMdysw ] jit ha-o laa-ee, tit ha-o lagee, too suṇ sach saNdaysaa.
As I was attached to, so I was attached, this is my true message (i.e. request).
sweI suohwgix sweI Bwgix jY ipir ikrpw DwrI ] saa-ee sohagaṇ, saa-ee bhaagaṇ, jai pir kirpaa dhaaree.
She alone is happy (soul) bride, she alone is fortunate, upon whom the Husband (Lord) has
bestowed His kindness.
ipir Aaugx iqs ky siB gvwey gl syqI lwie svwrI ]
pir a-ugaṇ tis kay sabh gavaa-ay, gal saytee laa-ay savaaree.
The Husband (Lord) takes away (i.e. forgives) all her demerits (i.e. faults); and, hugging her
close to his bosom, he embellishes her.
krmhIx Dn krY ibnµqI kid nwnk AwvY vwrI ] karamheeṇ dhan karai binaNtee, kad naanak aavai vaaree.
Nanak (says): the unfortunate (soul) bride makes her prayer: ‘when will my turn come’ (for
union with the Lord)?
siB suhwgix mwxih rlIAw iek dyvhu rwiq murwrI ]1]
sabh suhaagaṇ maaṇeh, ralee-aa ik dayvhu raat muraaree. ||1||
All the happy (soul) brides make merry; (please) bless me with a night (of union), O!
Destroyer of the Demons (i.e. God). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
kwhy mn qU folqw hir mnsw pUrxhwru ] kaahay, man, too doltaa, har mansaa pooraṇhaar.
Why do you waver?,O! (my) mind, God is the fulfiller of (all the) wishes.
siqguru purKu iDAwie qU siB duK ivswrxhwru ] satgur purakh dhi-aa-ay too, sabh dukh visaaraṇhaar.
Meditate upon the True Guru, the Primal Person; He is the Destroyer of all sorrows.
hir nwmw AwrwiD mn siB iklivK jwih ivkwr ] har naamaa aaraadh, man, sabh kilvikh jaahi vikaar.
Adore the name of God, O! (my) mind, all sins and vices shall be washed away.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn rMgu lgw inrMkwr ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tin raNg lagaa niraNkaar.
Those, who have preordained destiny, they (alone) are in love with the Formless (Lord).
EnI CifAw mwieAw suAwvVw Dnu sMicAw nwmu Apwru ]
onee chhadi-aa maa-i-aa su-aavaṛaa, dhan saNchi-aa naam apaar.
They abandon the taste of (i.e. love for) maya, and, gather the infinite wealth of name.
Aty phr iekqY ilvY mMnyin hukmu Apwru ] aṭay pahar iktai livai, maNnayn hukam apaar.
All the eight-quarters (i.e twenty-four hours of the day, i.e. all the time), they are absorbed in
the One (Lord), and, they accept the command of Infinite (Lord).
P. 960
jnu nwnku mMgY dwnu ieku dyhu drsu min ipAwru ]2] jan naanak maNgai daan ik, dayh daras man pi-aar. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I beg for one gift, (please) bless me with Your vision, and,
love (for You) in my mind. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqs no sdw suK ] jis too aavahi chit, tis no sadaa sukh.
He, in whose mind You dwell, he has everlasting hapiness.
ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqsu jm nwih duK ] jis too aavahi chit, tis jam naahi dukh.
He, in whose mind You dwell, does not suffer at the hands of death,
ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqsu ik kwiVAw ] jis too aavahi chit ,tis ke kaaṛi-aa.
He, in whose mind You dwell, has no anxieties.
ijs dw krqw imqRü siB kwj svwirAw ] jis daa kartaa mitar, sabh kaaj savaari-aa.
He, who has the Creator as his friend, all his matters are settled.
ijsu qU Awvih iciq so prvwxu jnu ] jis too aavahi chit ,so parvaaṇ jan.
He, in whose mind You dwell, that being is accepted (in Your court).
ijsu qU Awvih iciq bhuqw iqsu Dnu ] jis too aavahi chit, bahutaa tis dhan.
He, in whose mind You dwell, is greatly (spiritually) wealthy.
ijsu qU Awvih iciq so vf prvwirAw ] jis too aavahi chit, so vad parvaari-aa.
He, in whose mind You dwell, has a great family.
ijsu qU Awvih iciq iqin kul auDwirAw ]6] jis too aavahi chit, tin kul udhaari-aa. ||6||
He, in whose mind You dwell, saves his family (as well). 6

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok M: 5
AMdrhu AMnw bwhrhu AMnw kUVI kUVI gwvY ] aNdrahu aNnaa, baahrahu aNnaa, kooṛee kooṛee gaavai.
[Addressing the worshippers of Vaishno, the Guru says]
Inwardly and outwardly, he is (spiritually) blind (i.e ignorant), he sings (just) falsely and
falsely (i.e. just performs ritual of singing hymns).
dyhI DovY ck® bxwey mwieAw no bhu DwvY ] dayhee dhovai, chakar baṇaa-ay, maa-i-aa no baho dhaavai.
He washes his body, draws (ritual) circles (on his body), (but, in fact) totally runs after maya.
AMdir mYlu n auqrY haumY iPir iPir AwvY jwvY ] aNdar mail na utrai ha-umai, fir fir aavai jaavai.
The filth of egotism is not removed from within; and, over and over again, he comes and goes
(in reincarnation).
nINd ivAwipAw kwim sMqwipAw muKhu hir hir khwvY ]
neend vi-aapi-aa, kaam saNtaapi-aa, mukhahu har har kahaavai.
Overwhelmed by sleep, tormented by sexual desire, he chants (the name of) God, the Lord
with his mouth (i.e. with his tongue).
bYsno nwmu krm hau jugqw quh kuty ikAw Plu pwvY ] baisno naam karam ha-o jugtaa, tuh kutay ki-aa fal paavai.
He is Vaishno (just) by name, but his actions are that of egotism; (but) what reward can be
obtained by threshing (only) husk.
hMsw ivic bYTw bgu n bxeI inq bYTw mCI no qwr lwvY ]
haNsaa vich baiṭaa bag na baṇ-ee, nit baiṭaa machhee no taar laavai.
Sitting among swans a crane does not become one of them (i.e. a swan); sitting there (i.e. on
the bank of a pool, posing as sitting in trance) he stares at fish (to capture it).
jw hMs sBw vIcwru kir dyKin qw bgw nwil joVu kdy n AwvY ]
jaa haNs sabhaa veechaar kar daykhan, taa bagaa naal joṛ kaday na aavai.
When the gathering of the swans contemplate, they realize that the crane can never suit
their alliance (i.e. can never be a part of their congregation).
hMsw hIrw moqI cugxw bgu ffw Bwlx jwvY ] haNsaa heeraa motee chugnaa, bag dadaa bhaalaṇ jaavai.
The swans peck at diamonds and pearls, while the crane go after frogs.
aufirAw vycwrw bgulw mqu hovY mM\u lKwvY ] udri-aa vaychaaraa bagulaa mat hovai, maNnj lakhaavai.
The poor crane flies away, so that he not be exposed among them (i.e. swans).
ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lwgw iksu dosu idcY jw hir eyvY BwvY ]
jit ko laa-i-aa tit hee laagaa, kis dos dichai jaa har ayvai bhaavai.
Whatever one is attaches to (by God), so is he attached; who is to blame, when God wills it so?
siqguru srvru rqnI BrpUry ijsu pRwpiq so pwvY ] satgur sarvar ratnee bharpooray, jis paraapat so paavai.
The True Guru is a river, full of jewels, one, for whom (obtaining) it is preordained, (he
alone) obtains it.
isK hMs srvir iekTy hoey siqgur kY hukmwvY ] sikh haNs sarvar ikthay ho-ay, satgur kai hukmaavai.
The Sikhs (i.e. disciple of the True Guru are like), the swans, gather at the river, according to
the command of the True Guru.
rqn pdwrQ mwxk srvir BrpUry Kwie Kric rhy qoit n AwvY ]
ratan padaarath maaṇak sarvar bharpooray, khaa-ay kharach rahay tot na aavai.
It (i.e. the river) is overflowing with the wealth of jewels and pearls; (the disciple swans) eat
and spend, (but) they (i.e. treasures) never run out.
srvr hMsu dUir n hoeI krqy eyvY BwvY ] sarvar haNs door na ho-ee, kartay ayvai bhaavai.
The swans do not leave the river (i.e. refuge of the Guru); it so pleases the Creator.
jn nwnk ijs dY msqik Bwgu Duir iliKAw so isKu gurU pih AwvY ]
jan naanak, jis dai mastak bhaag dhur likhi-aa, so sikh guroo peh aavai.
Nanak (says): One, who has such pre-ordianed destiny, inscribed on his forehead, that Sikh
comes to the Guru.
Awip qirAw kutMb siB qwry sBw isRsit CfwvY ]1]
aap tari-aa, kutaMb sabh taaray, sabhaa sarisat chhadaavai. ||1||
He saves himself, saves all his family (as well), and, also emancipates the whole world. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
pMifqu AwKwey bhuqI rwhI korV moT ijnyhw ] paNdit aakaa-ay bahutee raahee, koraṛ moṭ jinayhaa.
He is called a Pandit, in many ways (i.e. having studied many religious systems), (but), he is like
a hard moth* bean. [*moath is a bean, a pulse, its botanical name is phaseolus
AMdir mohu inq Brim ivAwipAw iqstis nwhI dyhw ] a dar moh nit bharam vi-aapi-aa, tistas naahee dayhaa.
From within he is constantly engrossed in (emotional) attachment and doubt; his body does
not remain stable.
kUVI AwvY kUVI jwvY mwieAw kI inq johw ] kooṛee aavai, kooṛee jaavai, maa-i-aa kee nit johaa.
False is his coming and going (i.e. all his activities are hypocritical); he is constantly looking
for (i.e. running after) maya.
scu khY qw Coho AwvY AMqir bhuqw rohw ] sach kahai taa chhoho aavai, aNtar bahutaa rohaa.
If someone speaks (i.e. tells him) truth (about him), he gets aggravated, he is full of anger.
ivAwipAw durmiq kubuiD kumUVw min lwgw iqsu mohw ]
vi-aapi-aa durmat kubudh kumooṛaa, man laagaa tis mohaa.
The evil fool is engrossed in evil-mindedness; his mind is attached to (emotional) attachment.
TgY syqI Tgu ril AwieAw swQu iB ieko jyhw ] ṭagai saytee ṭag ral aa-i-aa, saath bhe iko jayhaa.
(When) a cheat (like him), joins this cheat, (then) he obtains alike company (i.e. they like each
others company).
siqguru srwPu ndrI ivcdo kFY qW auGiV AwieAw lohw ]
satgur saraaf nadree vichdo kadhai taa ughaṛ aa-i-aa lohaa.

(But, when) the jeweler, the True Guru, makes a glance at him (i.e. appraises him), he is
exposed as mere iron.
bhuqyrI QweI rlwie rlwie idqw auGiVAw pVdw AgY Awie Klohw ]
bahutayree thaa-ee ralaa-ay ralaa-ay ditaa, ugh-ṛi-aa paṛ-daa agai aa-ay khalohaa.
In many places, (even if) he was mixing and mingled with others (i.e. genuine ones), (but,
when) the veil is removed, he stand exposed.
siqgur kI jy srxI AwvY iPir mnUrhu kMcnu hohw ] satgur kee jay sarṇee aavai, fir manoorahu kaNchan hohaa.
If he comes to the refuge of the True Guru, he shall again be transformed from iron into gold.
siqguru inrvYru puqR sqR smwny Aaugx kty kry suDu dyhw ]
satgur nirvair putar satar samaanay a-ugaṇ katay karay sudh dayhaa.
The True Guru is beyond animosity; he looks upon sons and enemies alike; removing
demerits he purifies his body.
nwnk ijs Duir msqik hovY iliKAw iqsu siqgur nwil snyhw ]
naanak, jis dhur mastak hovai likhi-aa, tis satgur naal sanayhaa.
Nanak (says): One, for whom has such pre-ordianed destiny is inscribed on his forehead, is
in love with the True Guru.
P. 961
AMimRq bwxI siqgur pUry kI ijsu ikrpwlu hovY iqsu irdY vsyhw ]
aMmrit baṇee satgur pooray kee, jis kirpaal hovai, tis ridai vasayhaa.
The word of the perfect True Guru is AMmrit; it dwells in his heart of the one upon whom He
bestows His kindness.
Awvx jwxw iqs kw ktIAY sdw sdw suKu hohw ]2]
aavaṇ jaaṇaa tis kaa katee-ai, sadaa sadaa sukh hohaa. ||2||
His coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) is ended; forever and ever he is happy. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jo quDu Bwxw jMqu so quDu buJeI ] jo tudh bhaaṇaa jaNt, so tudh bujh-ee.
One, with whom You are pleased, he (alone) understands You.
jo quDu Bwxw jMqu su drgh isJeI ] jo tudh bhaanaa jaNt, so dargeh sijh-ee.
One, with whom You are pleased, he (alone) is approved in Your court.
ijs no qyrI ndir haumY iqsu geI ] jis no tayree nadar, ha-umai tis ga-ee.
One, upon whom You bestow Your grace, his egotism is dispelled.
ijs no qU sMqustu klml iqsu KeI ] jis no too saNtusat, kalmal tis kha-ee.
He, With whom you are satisfied (i.e. pleased), his sins are erased.
ijs kY suAwmI vil inrBau so BeI ] jis kai su-aamee val, nirbha-o so bha-ee.
He, who has the Lord on his side, becomes fearless.
ijs no qU ikrpwlu scw so iQAeI ] jis no too kirpaal, sachaa so thi-a-ee.
He, upon whom You bless Your generosity, becomes truthful.
ijs no qyrI mieAw n pohY AgneI ] jis no tayree ma-i-aa, na pohai agna-ee.
He, upon whom You bless Your kindness, is not touched by fire.
iqs no sdw dieAwlu ijin gur qy miq leI ]7] tis no sadaa da-i-aal, jin gur tay mat la-ee. ||7||
(O! God) You are forever merciful to those, who have received the Guru's instruction. 7

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
kir ikrpw ikrpwl Awpy bKis lY ] kar kirpaa kirpaal, aapay bakhas lai.
Bestow Your kindness (O! Lord), and, You Yourself forgive me.
sdw sdw jpI qyrw nwmu siqgur pwie pY ] sadaa sadaa japee tayraa naam, satgur paa-ay pai.
Falling at the feet of the True Guru, forever and ever I meditate upon Your name.
mn qn AMqir vsu dUKw nwsu hoie ] man tan aNtar vas, dookhaa naas ho-ay.
(O! Lord, please) dwell within my mind and body, (so that) my sorrows may end.
hQ dyie Awip rKu ivAwpY Bau n koie ] hath day-ay aap rakh, vi-aapai bha-o na ko-ay.
Giving me Your hand, (please) save me, (so that) no fear may happen to me.
gux gwvw idnu rYix eyqY kMim lwie ] guṇ gaavaa din rain, aytai kaMm laa-ay.
(Please) attach me this task (that) I may sing (the praise of) Your excellences day and night.
sMq jnw kY sMig haumY rogu jwie ] saNt janaa kai saNg, ha-umai rog jaa-ay.
Associating with the God-oriented persons, my ailment of ego is cured.
srb inrMqir Ksmu eyko riv rihAw ] sarab niraNtar, khasam ayko rav rahi-aa.
The One Lord is constantly pervading all.
gur prswdI scu sco scu lihAw ] gur parsaadee sach sacho sach lahi-aa.
By the grace of Guru, I have found the True, the Truest of the true.
dieAw krhu dieAwl ApxI isPiq dyhu ] da-i-aa karahu da-i-aal, apnee sifat dayh.
O! Merciful, bestow Your kindness, and bless me Your praise.
drsnu dyiK inhwl nwnk pRIiq eyh ]1] darsan daykh nihaal, naanak preet ayh. ||1||
Nanak (says): Beholding Your vision, I am enraptured; this is what I love. 1
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
eyko jpIAY mnY mwih ieks kI srxwie ] ayko japee-ai manai maahi, ikas kee sarṇaa-ay.
Meditate upon the One (Lord) within your mind, and, enter the refuge of of the One (Lord).
ieksu isau kir iprhVI dUjI nwhI jwie ] ikas si-o kar pirhaṛee, doojee naahee jaa-ay.
Be in love with the One (Lord) , there is no other place (of refuge).
ieko dwqw mMgIAY sBu ikCu plY pwie ] iko daataa maNgee-ai, sabh kichh palai paa-ay.
Beg (everything only) from the One Giver, and, you will be blessed with everything.
min qin swis igrwis pRBu ieko ieku iDAwie ] man tan saas giraas, prabh iko ik dhi-aa-ay.
In your mind and body, with each breath and morsel (of food), meditate upon the One and
the only One (Lord).
AMimRqu nwmu inDwnu scu gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] aMmrit naam nidhaan, sach gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The name of the True (Lord) is the treasure of AMmrit; it is obtained through the Guru. 1
vfBwgI qy sMq jn ijn min vuTw Awie ] vadbhaagee tay saNt jan, jin man vuṭaa aa-ay.
Very fortunate are those God-oriented persons, the servants (of the Lord), within whose
mind He (i.e. God) comes to abide.
jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw dUjw koeI nwih ] jal thal mahee-al rav rahi-aa, doojaa ko-ee naahi.
He (alone) is pervading the waters, the lands, and the nether regions; there is not other (at all).
nwmu iDAweI nwmu aucrw nwnk Ksm rjwie ]2] naam dhi-aa-ee, naam uchraa, naanak khasam rajaa-ay.||2||
Nanak (says): (please bless me that) I may meditate upon the name, chant the name and abide
in the will of the Lord. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijs no qU rKvwlw mwry iqsu kauxu ] jis no too rakhvaalaa, maaray tis ka-uṇ.
One, who has You as his Saviour, who can kill him?
ijs no qU rKvwlw ijqw iqnY BYxu ] jis no too rakhvaalaa, jitaa tinai bhaiṇ.
One, who has You as his Saviour, conquers the three worlds.
ijs no qyrw AMgu iqsu muKu aujlw ] jis no tayraa aNg, tis mukh ujlaa.
One, who has You on his side, his face is radiant.
ijs no qyrw AMgu su inrmlI hUM inrmlw ] jis no tayraa aNg, so nirmalee hooN nirmalaa.
One, who has You on his side, is the purest of the pure.
ijs no qyrI ndir n lyKw puCIAY ] jis no tayree nadar, na laykhaa puchhee-ai.
One, who is blessed with Your grace, is not called to give his accounts (of his deeds).
ijs no qyrI KusI iqin nau iniD BuMcIAY ] jis no tayree khusee, tin na-o nidh bhuNchee-ai.
One, who is blessed with Your pleasure, enjoys the nine treasures.
ijs no qU pRB vil iqsu ikAw muhCMdgI ] jis no too prabh val, tis ki-aa muhchhaNdgee.
One, who has You on his side, is not to dependent upon (i.e. subservient to) anyone else.
ijs no qyrI imhr su qyrI bMidgI ]8] jis no tayree mihar, so tayree baNdigee. ||8||
One, who is blessed with Your kindness, is dedicated to Your worship. 7

slok mhlw 5 ] Salok M: 5

hohu ik®pwl suAwmI myry sMqW sMig ivhwvy ] hohu kirpaal, su-aamee mayray, saNtaan saNg vihaavay.
Be kind to me, O! my Lord, that I may pass my life in the company of the God-oriented
quDhu Buly is jim jim mrdy iqn kdy n cukin hwvy ]1]
tudhhu bhulay se jam jam marday, tin kaday na chukan haavay. ||1||
Those who forget You, they are born to die (in reincarnation) over and over again; and, their
sighs (i.e. sufferings) never come to an end. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
siqguru ismrhu Awpxw Git AvGit Gt Gwt ] satgur simrahu aapnaa, ghat avghat ghat ghaat.
(O! brethren) remember your True Guru, within your heart; whether you are in valley or in
difficult path, on mountain or by the bank of a river.
hir hir nwmu jpMiqAw koie n bMDY vwt ]2] har har naam japaNti-aa, ko-ay na baNdhai vaat. ||2||
Meditating upon the name of God, the Lord, no one shall block your path. 2
P. 962
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
iqQY qU smrQu ijQY koie nwih ] tithai too samrath, jithai ko-ay naahi.
(O! Lord), You (alone) are powerful to help there, where no one else is.
EQY qyrI rK AgnI audr mwih ] othai tayree rakh, agnee udar maahi.
There, in the fire of (the mother’s) womb, You protect us.
suix kY jm ky dUq nwie qyrY Cif jwih ] sun kai jam kay doot, naa-ay tayrai chhad jaahi.
Hearing Your name, the messenger of death, leaves and runs away
Baujlu ibKmu Asgwhu gur sbdI pwir pwih ] bha-ojal bikham asgaahu, gur sabdee paar paahi.
The waters (of the world ocean) are terrifying, difficult and impassable; one crosses over
them through the word of the Guru.
ijn kau lgI ipAws AMimRqu syie Kwih ] kil mih eyho puMnu gux goivMd gwih ]
jin ka-o lagee pi-aas, aMmrit say-ay khaahi.kal meh ayho puNn, guṇ goviNd gaahi.
Those who feel thirst (for Your name), they (alone) eat (i.e. take in) AMmrit (name of the Lord);
(For them) the (greatest) goodness in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age) is, to sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the Lord of the Universe.
sBsY no ikrpwlu sm@wly swih swih ] sabhsai no kirpaal, samhaalay saahi saahi.
The Merciful (Lord) sustains all with each and every breath.
ibrQw koie n jwie ij AwvY quDu Awih ]9] birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay, je aavai tudh aahi. ||9||
Whoever comes to You (with love and faith) does not return empty-handed. 9

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
dUjw iqsu n buJwiehu pwrbRhm nwmu dyhu AwDwru ] doojaa tis na bujhaa-iho, paarbarahm, naam dayh aadhaar.
O! Supreme Reality (God), one, whom you bless with the support of (Your) name, (You) do
not show him no any other(support).
Agmu Agocru swihbo smrQu scu dwqwru ] agam agochar saahibo, samrath sach daataar.
(O! Lord, You are) inaccessible, unknowable Lord, all-powerful and eternal giver.
qU inhclu inrvYru scu scw quDu drbwru ] too nihchal nirvair sach, sachaa tudh darbaar.
You are stable (i.e. eternal), unchanging, without animosity and true; and, true is your court.
kImiq khxu n jweIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ] keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee-ai, aNt na paaraavaar.
Your worth can not be described; You have no end or limitations.
pRBu Coif horu ij mMgxw sBu ibiKAw rs Cwru ] prabh chhod hor je mangṇaa, sabh bikhi-aa ras chhaar.
Forsaking God, and, asking for something else, is all poison (i.e. maya) and like ash.
sy suKIey scu swh sy ijn scw ibauhwru ] say sukhee-ay, sach saah say, jin sachaa bi-uhaar.
Those alone are happy, and, they alone are true kings, who deal in (the name of) the True.
ijnw lgI pRIiq pRB nwm shj suK swru ] jinaa lagee preet, prabh naam sahj sukh saar.
Those who are in love with God's name, enjoy the essence of happiness, in natural ease.
nwnk ieku AwrwDy sMqn ryxwru ]1] naanak, ik aaraadhay, saNtan rayṇaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): I adore the One (Lord) and seek the dust of the feet of the God-oriented

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
And sUK ibsRwm inq hir kw kIrqnu gwie ] anad sookh bisraam nit, har kaa keertan gaa-ay.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God, bliss, happiness and rest (i.e. peace) are obtained.
Avr isAwxp Cwif dyih nwnk auDris nwie ]2] avar si-aaṇap chhaad deh, naanak udhras naa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) forsake all other clever tactics; You will be saved (only) through
(meditation upon) the name (of the Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nw qU Awvih vis bhuqu iGxwvxy ] naa too aavahi vas, bahut ghiṇaavaṇay.
You can not be brought under control (i.e. can not be pleased/ obtained) by despising (the world);
nw qU Awvih vis byd pVwvxy ] naa too aavahi vas, bayd parhaavaṇay.
You can not be brought under control by (studying and) teaching the Vedas.
nw qU Awvih vis qIriQ nweIAY ] naa too aavahi vas, tirath naa-ee-ai.
You can not be brought under control by bathing at places of pilgrimage.
nw qU Awvih vis DrqI DweIAY ] naa too aavahi vas, dhartee dhaa-ee-ai.
You can not be brought under control by wandering around the earth (i.e. all over the world).
nw qU Awvih vis ikqY isAwxpY ] naa too aavahi vas, kitai si-aaṇpai.
You can not be brought under control by any wisdom (i.e. clever tactic).
nw qU Awvih vis bhuqw dwnu dy ] naa too aavahi vas, bahutaa daan day.
You can not be brought under control by giving lot of charities.
sBu ko qyrY vis Agm Agocrw ] sabh ko tayrai vas, agam agocharaa.
Everyone is under Your power, O! inaccessible, unknowable (Lord).
qU Bgqw kY vis Bgqw qwxu qyrw ]10] too bhagtaa kai vas, bhagtaa taaṇ tayraa. ||10||
You are under the control of Your devotees, and, You are the strength of Your devotees. 10

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
Awpy vYdu Awip nwrwiexu ] eyih vYd jIA kw duKu lwiex ]
aapay vaid, aap naaraa-iṇ. ayhi vaid, jee-a kaa dukh laa-iṇ.
The Omnipresent* (Lord) Himself is the (true) physician;
these physicians (of the world) afflict pain to the soul.
[*1. naaraayan, literally: One, who is the dwelling place of all men, i.e. Omnipresent. 2.Bhai Kahan Singh defines
naaraayan as one who prepares extracts i.e. a pharmacist; hence the meaning: ‘He Himself is physician and He
Himself is the pharmacist’].
gur kw sbdu AMimRq rsu Kwiex ] nwnk ijsu min vsY iqs ky siB dUK imtwiex ]1]
gur kaa sabad, aMmrit ras khaa-iṇ.naanak, jis man vasai, tis kay sabh dookh mitaa-iṇ. ||1||
The word of the Guru is AMmrit; it is the essence that is worth-eating (i.e. useful for the soul).
Nanak (says): one, whose mind is filled with (AMmrit word), all his sufferings are dispelled. 1
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
hukim auClY hukmy rhY ] hukmy duKu suKu sm kir shY ]
hukam ,hukmay rahai. hukmay, dukh sukh sam kar sahai.
By His command one jumps (i.e. in happiness), in order he remain still; and,
by His command he endures pain and pleasure alike.
hukmy nwmu jpY idnu rwiq ] nwnk ijs no hovY dwiq ]
hukmay, naam japai din raat. naanak, jis no hovai daat.
Nanak (says): by His command one meditates upon the name (of God), day and night; (but)
he alone does so who is blessed (with this gift of the name).
hukim mrY hukmy hI jIvY ] hukam marai, hukmay hee jeevai.
By His command one lives, and, by His command one dies.
hukmy nwn@w vfw QIvY ] hukmay, naanhaa vadaa theevai.
By His command one is small and (then grows) big.
hukmy sog hrK Awnµd ] hukmay, sog harakh aanaNd.
By His command one is in pain, pleasure and bliss.
hukmy jpY inroDr gurmMq ] hukmay, japai nirodhar gurmaNt.
By His command one chants the (mind) controlling incantation (i.e. word) of the Guru.
hukmy Awvxu jwxu rhwey ] nwnk jw kau BgqI lwey ]2]
hukmay, aavaṇ jaaṇ rahaa-ay. naanak, jaa ka-o bhagtee laa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): one, who He attaches to devotion, by His command the coming and going (i.e.
cycle of birth and death) ceases. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hau iqsu FwFI kurbwxu ij qyrw syvdwru ] ha-o tis ḍaaḍee kurbaaṇ, je tayraa sevadaar.
I am a sacrifice unto that bard, who is Your servant (i.e. who sings Your praise).
ha u iqsu FwFI bilhwr ij gwvY gux Apwr] ha-o tis ḍaaḍee balihaar, je gaavay guṇ apaar.
I am a sacrifice unto that bard, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of the Infinite (Lord).
so FwFI Dnu DMnu ijsu loVy inrMkwru ] so ḍaaḍee dhan dhaNn, jis loṛay niraNkaar.
Blessed, blessed is that bard, whom the Formless Himself longs (i.e. the bard with whom the
Lord is pleased).
so FwFI BwgTu ijsu scw duAwr bwru ] so ḍaaḍee bhaagaṭ, jis sachaa du-aar baar.
Fortunate is that bard who is blessed with the doors and the home of the True.
Ehu FwFI quDu iDAwie klwxy idnu rYxwr ] oh ḍaaḍee tudh dhi-aa-ay, kalaanay din raiṇaar.
That bard meditates upon You, and, praises You, day and night.
mMgY AMimRq nwmu n AwvY kdy hwir ] mangai aMmrit naam, na aavai kaday haar.
He (i.e. such a bard) begs for the AMmrit name, and, never comes defeated.
kpVu Bojnu scu rhdw ilvY Dwr ] kaparh bhojan sach, rahdaa livai dhaar.
His clothes and food are (the name) of True, and, he remains in tune with Him.
so FwFI guxvMqu ijs no pRB ipAwru ]11] so ḍaaḍee guṇvaNt, jis no prabh pi-aar. ||11||
Virtuous is that bard, who has love for God . 11
slok mÚ 5 ] Salok , M: 5
AMimRq bwxI Aimau rsu AMimRqu hir kw nwau ] aMmrit baṇee ami-o ras, aMmrit har kaa naa-o.
The AMmrit word tastes AMmrit; and, the name of God is AMmrit.
min qin ihrdY ismir hir AwT phr gux gwau ] man tan hirdai simar har, aaṭ pahar guṇ gaa-o.
Meditate upon God in (your) mind, body, and heart; sing (the praise of) His excellences, (all)
the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hours a day).
aupdysu suxhu qum gurisKhu scw iehY suAwau ] updays suṇhu tum gursikhahu, sachaa ihai su-aa-o.
Listen to the teachings, O! disciples of the Guru, this is the true purpose (of your life).
jnmu pdwrQu sPlu hoie mn mih lwiehu Bwau ] janam padaarath safal ho-ay, man meh laa-ihu bhaa-o.
Embrace love (for the Lord) in your mind; and, your precious (human) life will be made
fruitful (i.e. your birth as human being will become successful).
sUK shj Awndu Gxw pRB jpiqAw duKu jwie ] sookh sahj aanad ghanaa, prabh japti-aa dukh jaa-ay.
Meditating upon the Lord, suffering is dispelled, and, one obtains happiness, poise and great
nwnk nwmu jpq suKu aUpjY drgh pweIAY Qwau ]1]
naanak naam japat sukh oopjai, dargeh paa-ee-ai thaa-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): meditating upon the name, happiness wells up, and, one obtains a place in the
court (of God). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk nwmu iDAweIAY guru pUrw miq dyie ] naanak, naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, gur pooraa mat day-ay.
Nanak (says): one should meditate upon the name, the perfect Guru imparts this instruction.
BwxY jp qp sMjmo BwxY hI kiF lyie ] bhaaṇai jap tap saNjamo, bhaaṇai hee kaḍ lay-ay.
In His will are meditation, austerity, and (self) discipline, and, in His will He pulls us out (of
these religious rituals).
BwxY join BvweIAY BwxY bKs kryie ] bhaaṇai jon bhavaa-ee-ai, bhaaṇai bakhas karay-i.
In His will, we wander in wombs (i.e. in incarnation); and, in His will, He forgives us.
BwxY duKu suKu BogIAY BwxY krm kryie ] bhaaṇai dukh sukh bhogee-ai, bhaaṇai karam karay-i.
In His will, one experiences sorrow and happiness; and, in His will He bestows His grace.
BwxY imtI swij kY BwxY joiq Dryie ] bhaaṇai mitee saaj kai, bhaaṇai jot dharay-ay.
In His will, clay is fashioned (into human form); and, in His will, He places Light (i.e. infuses
life) in it.
BwxY Bog Bogwiedw BwxY mnih kryie ] bhaaṇai bhog bhogaa-idaa, bhaaṇai maneh karay-i.
In His will, He gets enjoyments enjoyed (by some beings); and, in His will, He forbids (i.e.
denies enjoyments to some).
BwxY nrik surig Aauqwry BwxY Drix pryie ] bhaaṇai narak surag a-utaaray, bhaaṇai dharaṇ paray-ay.
In His will, one ascends (i.e. is incarnated) in heaven or hell; and, in His will, one falls to the
BwxY hI ijsu BgqI lwey nwnk ivrly hy ]2] bhaaṇai hee jis bhagtee laa-ay, naanak virlay hay. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, whom He attaches to devotion, in His will, are rare one. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
vifAweI scy nwm kI hau jIvw suix suxy ] vadi-aa-ee sachay naam kee, ha-o jeevaa suṇ suṇay.
Hearing and hearing (the praise of) the greatness of the True name, I live.
psU pryq AigAwn auDwry iek Kxy ] pasoo parayt agi-aan, udhaaray ik khaṇay.
It (i.e the name of the True) saves (even) animals, ghosts (type) ignorant (beings), in a moment.
idnsu rYix qyrw nwau sdw sd jwpIAY ] dinas raiṇ tayraa naa-o, sadaa sad jaapee-ai.
(O! Lord, bless us that) we may meditate upon Your name, day and night, forever and ever.
iqRsnw BuK ivkrwl nwie qyrY DRwpIAY ] tarisnaa bhukh vikraal, naa-ay tayrai dharaapee-ai.
(Even) the most terrible thirst and hunger, is satisfied through your name.
rogu sogu duKu vM\Y ijsu nwau min vsY ] rog sog dukh vaNnjai, jis naa-o man vasai.
One, in whose mind Your name dwells, his ailments, sufferings, and sorrows run away.
iqsih prwpiq lwlu jo gur sbdI rsY ] tiseh paraapat laal, jo gur sabdee rasai.
(But) he (alone) obtains this gem (of the name), who is absorbed in the word of the Guru.
KMf bRhmMf byAMq auDwrxhwirAw ] qyrI soBw quDu scy myry ipAwirAw ]12]
kha d barahma d bay-a t, udhaaraṇhaari-aa. tayree sobhaa tudh, sachay mayray pi-aari-aa ||12||
O! Liberator of the countless (beings of the) continents, universes;
Your glory is Your (i.e. You alone are worthy of Your glory), O! my beloved, True (Lord). 12

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok , M: 5
imqRü ipAwrw nwnk jI mY Cif gvwieAw rMig ksuMBY BulI ]
mitar pi-aaraa naanak jee mai chhad gavaa-i-aa, rang kasuMbhai bhulee.
Nanak (says): O! dear, I abandoned my beloved friend, and, got deluded (i.e. enchanted) by
the (transitory) colour of the safflower.
qau sjx kI mY kIm n paudI hau quDu ibnu AFu n lhdI ]1]
ta-o sajaṇ kee mai keem na pa-udee, ha-o tudh bin aḍ na lahdee. ||1||
I can not appraise Your value, O! my friend, without You, I am not worth is even half a shell. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ssu ivrwieix nwnk jIau ssurw vwdI jyTo pau pau lUhY ]
sas viraa-iṇ naanak jee-o, sasuraa vaadee jayṭo pa-o pa-o loohai.
Nanak (says): O! dear, my mother-in-law (i.e. my ignorance) is my enemy, my father-in-law
(i.e. my emotional attachment) is quarrelsome, and, (the fear of) my husband's elder brother
(i.e. messenger of death) constantly burns (i.e. tortures) me.
hBy Bsu puxydy vqnu jw mY sjxu qUhY ]2] habhay bhas puṇayday vatan, jaa mai sajaṇ toohai. ||2||
But , if You are my friend, let them all filter dust (i.e. play filthy games). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijsu qU vuTw iciq iqsu drdu invwrxo ] jis too vuṭaa chit, tis darad nivaarṇo.
(O! God), those, within whose mind You dwell, You eradicate sorrows.
ijsu qU vuTw iciq iqsu kdy n hwrxo ] jis too vuthaa chit, tis kaday na haarṇo.
(O! God), those, within whose mind You dwell, never lose.
ijsu imilAw pUrw gurU su srpr qwrxo ] jis mili-aa pooraa guroo, so sarpar taarṇo.
One, who meets the perfect Guru, will surely cross over (the world ocean).
ijs no lwey sic iqsu scu sm@wlxo ] jis no laa-ay sach, tis sach samhaalaṇo.
One, who is attached to Truth (by the Guru), remembers the True (Lord).
ijsu AwieAw hiQ inDwnu su rihAw Bwlxo ] jis aa-i-aa hath nidhaan, so rahi-aa bhaalṇo.
One, in whose hand, the treasure (of the name) comes, stops search (i.e. he need not search any more).
Ehu sBnw kI ryxu ibrhI cwrxo ] oh sabhnaa kee rayṇ, birhee chaarṇo.
He becomes the feet-dust of all, and lover of their feet.
siB qyry coj ivfwx sBu qyrw kwrxo ]13] sabh tayray choj vidaaṇ, sabh tayraa kaarno. ||13||
Everything is Your wondrous play; everything (all the creation) is Yours. 13

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
ausqiq inMdw nwnk jI mY hB v\weI CoiVAw hBu ikJu iqAwgI ]
ustat niNdaa, naanak, jee mai habh vanjaa-ee, chhorhi-aa habh kijh ti-aagee.
Nanak (says): O! dear (Lord), I have totally renounced (worldly) praise and slander; I have
given up and forsaken everything (else as well).
hBy swk kUVwvy ifTy qau plY qYfY lwgI ]1] habhay saak kooṛaavay diṭay, ta-o palai taidai laagee. ||1||
I have seen that all the relationships are false, (so) I have attached myself to the hem of Your
robe (i.e. I have totally dedicated myself yo You). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
iPrdI iPrdI nwnk jIau hau PwvI QIeI bhuqu idswvr pMDw ] qw hau suiK suKwlI suqI jw gur imil sjxu mY lDw ]2]
firdee firdee, naanak, jee-o ha-o faavee thee-ee, bahut disaavar paNdhaa.
taa ha-o sukh sukhaalee sutee, jaa gur mil sajaṇ mai ladhaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): O! dear (Lord), wandering and wandering through countless directions and
paths, I went crazy;
I slept in peace and poise when I met and found the Guru, my friend. 2
P. 964
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sBy duK sMqwp jW quDhu BulIAY ] sabhay dukh saNtaap, jaan tudhhu bhulee-ai.
When we forget You, all sufferings and agonies afflict (us).
jy kIcin lK aupwv qW khI n GulIAY ] jay keechan lakh upaav, taa kahee na ghulee-ai.

Even if we make tens of thousands of efforts, they are (still) not cures.
ijs no ivsrY nwau su inrDnu kWFIAY ] jis no visrai naa-o, so nirdhan kaanḍee-ai.
One, who forgets the name, is known as a poor person.
ijs no ivsrY nwau so jonI hWFIAY ] jis no visrai naa-o, so jonee haanḍee-ai.
One, who forgets the name, wander through (many) reincarnations.
ijsu Ksmu n AwvY iciq iqsu jmu fMfu dy ] jis khasam na aavai chit, tis jam daNd day.
One, who does not remember his Lord, is punished by the messenger of death.
ijsu Ksmu n AwvI iciq rogI sy gxy ] jis khasam na aavee chit, rogee say gaṇay.
One, who does not remember his Lord, is reckoned as a sick person.
ijsu Ksmu n AwvI iciq su Kro AhMkwrIAw ] jis khasam na aavee chit, so kharo ahaMkaaree-aa.
One, who does not remember his Lord, is great egotist.
soeI duhylw jig ijin nwau ivswrIAw ]14] so-ee duhaylaa jag, jin naa-o visaaree-aa. ||14||
One who has forgotten the name, is miserable in this world. 14

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
qYfI bMdis mY koie n ifTw qU nwnk min Bwxw ] taidee ba das mai ko-ay na diṭaa, too naanak man bhaanaa. I
have not seen any other like You; Nanak (says): You are pleasing to my mind.
Goil GumweI iqsu imqR ivcoly jY imil kMqu pCwxw ]1]
ghol ghumaa-ee tis mitar vicholay, jai mil kaNt pachhaaṇaa. ||1||
I am a sacrifice unto my dear friend, the mediator, meeting whom I have recognized my
Husband (Lord). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
pwv suhwvy jW qau iDir juldy sIsu suhwvw crxI ] paav suhaavay, jaa ta-o dhir julday, sees suhaavaa charṇee.
(O! God) the feet are beautiful when they move towards You; the head is beautiful when it is
placed at Your feet.
muKu suhwvw jW qau jsu gwvY jIau pieAw qau srxI ]2]
mukh suhaavaa, jaan ta-o jas gaavai, jee-o pa-i-aa ta-o sarṇee. ||2||
The mouth looks beautiful, when it sings Your praise, and, the soul is (beautiful) when it
seeks Your refuge. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
imil nwrI sqsMig mMglu gwvIAw ] Gr kw hoAw bMDwnu bhuiV n DwvIAw ]
mil naaree satsaNg, maNgal gaavee-aa. ghar kaa ho-aa baNdhaan, bahuṛ na dhaavee-aa.
Meeting the (soul) brides in true congregation, (when) one sings the songs of joy;
her home (i.e. heart) is well settled, and, she need not go out (i.e. wander) again.
ibnTI durmiq durqu soie kUVwvIAw ] binṭee durmat durat, so-ay kooṛaavee-aa.
Her bad wisdom (i.e. evil-mindedness) of sins has been dispelled, and, the praise of (i.e.
attraction of) falsehood (is gone; i.e. the falsehood does not even come near her).
sIlvMiq prDwin irdY scwvIAw ] seelvaNt pardhaan, ridai sachaavee-aa.
She is (now) good-natured and reputed (i.e. honourable); and, with the Truth in her heart.
AMqir bwhir ieku iek rIqwvIAw ] aNtar baahar ik, ik reetaavee-aa.
Inwardly and outwardly, she behold the One (Lord), and, the One is her path (of life).
min drsn kI ipAws crx dwswvIAw ] man darsan kee pi-aas, charaṇ daasaavee-aa.
Her mind is thirsty for His vision; and, she has become slave at his feet.
soBw bxI sIgwru Ksim jW rwvIAw ] sobhaa banee seegaar, khasam jaan raavee-aa.
When her Husband (Lord) enjoyed her, her glory and her decoration became successful.
imlIAw Awie sMjoig jW iqsu BwvIAw ]15] milee-aa aa-ay saNjog, jaan tis bhaavee-aa. ||15||
She meets Him through her destiny, when it is pleasing to Him. 15

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
hiB gux qYfy nwnk jIau mY kU QIey mY inrgux qy ikAw hovY ]
habh guṇ taiday, naanak, jee-o; mai koo thee-ay, mai nirguṇ tay ki-aa hovai.
Nanak (says): all virtues, if I have, are Yours (i.e. bestowed upon by You), O! dear (Lord), I am
virtue-lees, what can I do?
qau jyvfu dwqwru n koeI jwcku sdw jwcovY ]1] ta-o jayvad daataar na ko-ee, jaachak sadaa jaachovai. ||1||
There is no other Giver as great as You are; I am a beggar and always beg (from You). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
dyh iCjMdVI aUx mJUxw guir sjix jIau DrwieAw ]
dayh chhijaNdaṛee ooṇ majhooṇa, gur sajaṇ jee-o dharaa-i-aa.
My body was wearing out, and, I had become empty (i.e. weak) and despondent; the Guru,
my friend, encouraged (i.e. boosted) me; (as a result),
hBy suK suhylVw suqw ijqw jgu sbwieAw ]2] habhay sukh suhaylṛaa sutaa, jitaa jag sabaa-i-aa. ||2||
I obtained all pleasures, and sleep in peace, (as if) I have conquered the whole world. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
vfw qyrw drbwru scw quDu qKqu ] vadaa tayraa darbaar, sachaa tudh takhat.
(O! God) Great (i.e. exalted) is Your court, and true (i.e. eternal) is Your throne
isir swhw pwiqswhu inhclu cauru Cqu ] sir saahaa paatisaahu, nihchal cha-ur chhat.
You are the emperor over the heads of the kings (i.e. You are the king of the kings); Your chaur
(royal waving fan-brush of honour) and canopy are stable (i.e. eternal).
jo BwvY pwrbRhm soeI scu inAwau ] jo bhaavai paarbarahm, so-ee sach ni-aa-o.
Whatever is pleasing to the Supreme Reality (God), that (alone) is true justice.
jy BwvY pwrbRhm inQwvy imlY Qwau ] jay bhaavai paarbarahm, nithaavay milai thaa-o.
If itis pleasing to the Supreme Reality (God), those without place, receive a place (i.e. those
without refuge obtain refuge)).
jo kIn@I krqwir sweI BlI gl ] jo keenhee kartaar, saa-ee bhalee gal.
Whatever Creator (Lord) has done (for the beings), that (alone) is a good thing.
ijn@I pCwqw Ksmu sy drgwh ml ] jinhee pachhaataa khasam, say dargaah mal.
Those who have recognized their Master, are seated in the court (of the Lord).
shI qyrw Purmwnu iknY n PyrIAY ] sahee tayraa furmaan, kinai na fayree-ai.
True is Your command; none could change it.
kwrx krx krIm kudriq qyrIAY ]16] kaaraṇ karaṇ kareem, kudrat tayree-ai. ||16||
O! Merciful, You are the Cause of the causes;, all that is created is Yours (creation). 16

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
soie suxMdVI myrw qnu mnu maulw nwmu jpMdVI lwlI ]
so-ay suṇaNd-ṛee mayraa tan man ,naam japaNd-ṛee laalee.
Hearing of glory (i.e. the news of Your coming), my mind and body have blossomed forth; and,
chanting Your name, I am enraptured.
pMiD julµdVI myrw AMdru TMFw gur drsnu dyiK inhwlI ]1]
paNdh julaNd-ṛee mayraa aNdar ṭanḍaa, gur darsan daykh nihaalee. ||1||
Walking on Your path, my mind is cooled, and, beholding the Guru, I am in ecstasy. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
hT mMJwhU mY mwxku lDw ] haṭ maNjhaahoo, mai maaṇak ladhaa.
I have found a jewel within my heart;
muil n iGDw mY kU siqguir idqw ] mul na ghidhaa, mai koo satgur ditaa.
I did not buy it, the True Guru gave it to me.
FUMF v\weI QIAw iQqw ] ḍooNḍ vaNnjaa-ee, thee-aa thitaa.
My search has ended, (and, now)I have become stable.
jnmu pdwrQu nwnk ijqw ]2] janam padaarath, naanak jitaa. ||2||
Nanak (says): I have conquered the wealth of (human) life.. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijs kY msqik krmu hoie so syvw lwgw ] jis kai mastak karam ho-ay, so sayvaa laagaa.
One, who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead, is committed to the service (of the Lord).
ijsu gur imil kmlu pRgwisAw so Anidnu jwgw ] jis gur mil kamal pargaasi-aa, so an-din jaagaa.
One, whose lotus (of heart) blossoms forth upon meeting the Guru, remains awake day and night
lgw rMgu crxwribMd sBu BRmu Bau Bwgw ] lagaa raNg charṇaarbiNd, sabh bharam bha-o bhaagaa.
One, who is in love with the lotus-feet (of the Lord), all his doubts and fears run away.
P. 965
Awqmu ijqw gurmqI AwgMjq pwgw ] aatam jitaa gurmatee, aagaNjat paagaa.
He conquers the soul, through the wisdom of the Guru, and, attains Indestructible (Lord).
ijsih iDAwieAw pwrbRhmu so kil mih qwgw ] jisahi dhi-aa-i-aa paarbarahm, so kal meh taagaa.
One, who has meditated upon the Supreme Reality (God), he (alone) keeps up the Kaliyuga
(i.e. the Dark Age).
swDU sMgiq inrmlw ATsiT mjnwgw ] saadhoo saNgat nirmalaa, athsath majnaagaa.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, one becomes pure, (as if he has had) bath in the
sixty-eight (places of pilgrimage).
ijsu pRBu imilAw Awpxw so purKu sBwgw ] jis prabh mili-aa aapṇaa, so purakh sabhaagaa.
One who has met with one’s Lord, he (alone) is a man of good fortune.
nwnk iqsu bilhwrxY ijsu eyvf Bwgw ]17] naanak, tis balihaarṇai, jis ayvad bhaagaa. ||17||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto him, who is such a (great) fortune. 17

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
jW ipru AMdir qW Dn bwhir ] jaan pir aNdar, taan dhan baahar.
When Husband (Lord) is within (the heart), then wife (i.e. maya) is outside.
jW ipru bwhir qW Dn mwhir ] jaan pir baahar, taa dhan maahar.

When the Husband (Lord) is outside (of the heart), the wife is supreme (i.e. then maya rules).
ibnu nwvY bhu Pyru iPrwhir ] bin naavai, baho fayr firaahar.
Without the name (of the Lord), one wanders and wander (in reincarnation).
siqguir sMig idKwieAw jwhir ] satgur saNg dikhaa-i-aa jaahar.
The True Guru has shown that He is with us (i.e. has revealed that he dwells within).
jn nwnk scy sic smwhir ]1] jan naanak, sachay sach samaahar. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): such person merge in the Truest of the True. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
Awhr siB krdw iPrY Awhru ieku n hoie ] aahar sabh kardaa firai, aahar ik na ho-ay.
One makes all sorts of efforts (for maya), but, he does not make one effort (to meditate upon God).
nwnk ijqu Awhir jgu auDrY ivrlw bUJY koie ]2] naanak, jit aahar jag udhrai, virlaa boojhai ko-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Rare are those who understand the effort through which the world can be
saved. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
vfI hU vfw Apwru qyrw mrqbw ] vadee hoo vadaa apaar, tayraa martabaa.
(O! God) Your dignity is greatest of the great and infinite.
rMg prMg Anyk n jwpin@ krqbw ] raNg paraNg anayk, na jaapnih kartabaa.
You are (i.e. You appear) in numerous colours and forms; Your wonders cannot be known.
jIAw AMdir jIau sBu ikCu jwxlw ] jee-aa aNdar jee-o, sabh kichh jaaṇlaa.
You are the Soul within (all) the souls; You (alone) know everything.
sBu ikCu qyrY vis qyrw Gru Blw ] sabh kichh tayrai vas, tayraa ghar bhalaa.
Everything is under your control; Your home is beautiful.
qyrY Gir Awnµdu vDweI quDu Gir ] tayrai ghar aanaNd, vadhaa-ee tudh ghar.
Your home is filled with bliss, and, congratulations resonate in Your home.
mwxu mhqw qyju Awpxw Awip jir ] maaṇ mahtaa tayj, aapṇaa aap jar.
You Yourself bear (the grandeur of) Your honour, significance and glory.
srb klw BrpUru idsY jq kqw ] sarab kalaa bharpoor, disai jat kataa.
You are abounding with all-powers; wherever we look, there you are.
nwnk dwsin dwsu quDu AwgY ibnvqw ]18] naanak, daasan daas, tudh aagai binvataa. ||18||
Nanak (says): I am slave of Your slave; I make this prayer before You. 18

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
CqVy bwjwr sohin ivic vpwrIey ] vKru ihku Apwru nwnk Kty so DxI ]1]
chhat-ṛay baajaar, sohan vich vapaaree-ai. vakhar hik apaar, naanak, khatay so dhaṇee. ||1||
The bazaars (of the body)are roofed, the traders (of the name) look beautiful in them; (but)
there (in the body bazaar) is One Infinite merchandise (of the name); Nanank (says): one who
earns that (i.e. the name), he (alone) is wealthy. 1

mhlw 5 ] M: 5
kbIrw hmrw ko nhI hm iks hU ky nwih ] kabeeraa hamraa ko nahee, ham kis hoo kay naahi.
[The Guru addresses Kabir]: O! Kabir, no one is mine, and, I belong to no one.
ijin iehu rcnu rcwieAw iqs hI mwih smwih ]2] jin ih rachan rachaa-i-aa, tis hee maahi samaahi. ||2||
He, who has created this creation, we are absorbed in Him. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sPilau ibrKu suhwvVw hir sPl AMimRqw ] safli-o birakh suhaavṛaa, har safal aMmritaa.
God is beautiful fruit-bearing tree, bearing fruit of AMmrit (name).
mnu locY aun@ imlx kau ikau vM\Y iGqw ] man lochai unh milaṇ ka-o, ki-o vaNnjai ghitaa.
My mind longs to meet Him; how can I obtain Him?
vrnw ichnw bwhrw Ehu Agmu Aijqw ] varnaa chihnaa baahraa, oh agam ajitaa.
He is beyond colours and signs; He is inaccessible and unconquerable.
Ehu ipAwrw jIA kw jo Kol@Y iBqw ] oh pi-aaraa jee-a kaa, jo kholhai bhitaa.
He is beloved of my soul (i.e. he is my soul and life), who reveals His mystery.
syvw krI quswVIAw mY dishu imqw ] sayvaa karee tusaaṛee-aa, mai dasihu mitaa.
I shall serve you, if you tell me about my friend.
kurbwxI vM\w vwrxY bly bil ikqw ] kurbaaṇee vaNnjaa vaarṇai, balay bal kitaa.
I am a sacrifice, I am a sacrifice, I am a sacrifice unto him.
dsin sMq ipAwirAw suxhu lwie icqw ] dasan saNt pi-aari-aa, sunhu laa-ay chitaa.
Dear God-oriented persons tell us; listen to them with your mind.
ijsu iliKAw nwnk dws iqsu nwau AMimRqu siqguir idqw ]19]
jis likhi-aa naanak daas, tis naa-o aMmrit satgur ditaa. ||19||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, who has such destiny pre-inscribed, is blessed with
AMmrit through the True Guru.19

slok mhlw 5 ] salok mehlaa 5

kbIr DrqI swD kI qskr bYsih gwih ] kabeer dhartee saadh kee, taskar baiseh gaahi.
O! Kabir, this land belongs to the God-oriented persons, (but) the
[The Guru addresses Kabir]:
thieves have come and occupied it.
DrqI Bwir n ibAwpeI aun kau lwhU lwih ]1] dhartee bhaar na bi-aapa-ee, un ka-o laahoo laahi. ||1||
The earth does not feel their weight, (but) they (i.e. thieves) obtain profit fromit. 1

mhlw 5 ] M: 5
kbIr cwvl kwrxy quK kau muhlI lwie ] kabeer chaaval kaarṇay, tukh ka-o muhlee laa-ay.
[The Guru addresses Kabir]: O! Kabir , for the sake of rice, the husk is thrashed with wooden
sMig kusMgI bYsqy qb pUCy Drm rwie ]2] saNg kusaNgee baistay, tab poochhay dharam raa-ay. ||2||
When one sits in the company of the evil persons, then the Judge of Justice will question
them (i.e. will them them to account for their actions). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy hI vf prvwru Awip iekwqIAw ] aapay hee vad parvaar, aap ikaatee-aa.
He Himself is has big family (i.e. the world), and, He Himself is all alone.
AwpxI kImiq Awip Awpy hI jwqIAw ] aapnee keemat aap, aapay hee jaatee-aa.
He Himself (alone) appraises His worth.
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip Awip aupMinAw ] sabh kichh aapay aap, aap upanni-aa.
He Himself is by Himself; and, He Himself has created (everything) from Himself.
Awpxw kIqw Awip Awip vrMinAw ] aapnaa keetaa aap, aap varaNni-aa.
(Only) He Himself can describe that He has created.
DMnu su qyrw Qwnu ijQY qU vuTw ] dhan so tayraa thaan, jithai too vuṭaa.
Blessed is Your place, (O! Lord) where You dwell.
P. 966
DMnu su qyry Bgq ijn@I scu qUM ifTw ] dhan so tayray bhagat jin ee sach tooN diṭaa.

Blessed are Your devotees who have seen You, O! True.

ijs no qyrI dieAw slwhy soie quDu ] jis no tayree da-i-aa salaahay so-ay tudh.
He alone praises You, whom You bless with Your kindness.
ijsu gur Byty nwnk inrml soeI suDu ]20] jis gur bhaytay naanak nirmal so-ee sudh. ||20||
Nanak (says): One, who meets the Guru, is immaculate and genuine (i.e. unalloyed). 20

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
PrIdw BUim rMgwvlI mMiJ ivsUlw bwgu ] jo nr pIir invwijAw iqn@w AMc n lwg ]1]
fareedaa bhoom ra gaavalee, manjh visoolaa baag. jo nar peer nivaaji-aa, tin aa a ch na laag. ||1||
O! Farid, this land is colourful (i.e. this world is beautiful), but, there
[The Guru addresses Farid]:
is a thorny garden (i.e. thorns of poisonous maya) within it;
Those person, who is blessed by the Guru, are not even scratched (i.e. they are not affected by
the poisonous thorns of maya, even a little). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw aumr suhwvVI sMig suvMnVI dyh ] ivrly kyeI pweIAin@ ijn@w ipAwry nyh ]2]
fareedaa umar suhaavaṛee, saNg suvannṛee dayh.
virlay kay-ee paa-ee-anih jinhaa pi-aaray nayh. ||2||
[The Guru addresses Farid]: O! Farid, the life is beautiful, and, the body is beautiful;
Rare are those who obtain it; (they alone obtain it) who have love for the Beloved (God). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jpu qpu sMjmu dieAw Drmu ijsu dyih su pwey ] jap tap saNjam da-i-aa dharam, jis deh so paa-ay.
He alone obtains meditation, austerities, (self) discipline, compassion, and faith, whom You
ijsu buJwieih Agin Awip so nwmu iDAwey ] jis bujhaa-ihi agan aap, so naam dhi-aa-ay.
He alone meditates upon the name, whose fire (of desires) You put off.
AMqrjwmI Agm purKu iek idRsit idKwey ] swDsMgiq kY AwsrY pRB isau rMgu lwey ]
aNtarjaamee agam purakh, ik darisat dikhaa-ay. saadhsaNgat kai aasrai, prabh si-o raNg laa-ay.
(One, whom) the Controller of Minds, the unapproachable Primal Person (Lord), looks upon
with glances (of grace);
with the support (i.e. blessing) of the congregation of the God-oriented persons, he is
attached to love of the Lord.
Aaugx kit muKu aujlw hir nwim qrwey ] a-ugaṇ kat mukh ujlaa, har naam taraa-ay.
Eradicating his faults, (God) makes his face radiate; and, He saves him through meditation
upon His name.
jnm mrx Bau kitEnu iPir join n pwey ] janam maraṇ bha-o kati-on, fir jon na paa-ay.
His fear of birth and death is removed, he is not cast into womb (i.e. reincarnated) again.
AMD kUp qy kwiFAnu lVu Awip PVwey ] aNdh koop tay kaaḍi-an, laṛ aap faṛaa-ay.
Giving the hem of His robe (i.e. extending His support), He pulls him (i.e. His devotee) out
from blind well (of ignorance).
nwnk bKis imlwieAnu rKy gil lwey ]21] naanak, bakhas milaa-i-an, rakhay gal laa-ay. ||21||
Nanak (says): He forgives him, and holds them close to His bosom (i.e. in His embrace). 21

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
muhbiq ijsu Kudwie dI rqw rMig clUil ] nwnk ivrly pweIAih iqsu jn kIm n mUil ]1]
muhabat jis khudaa-ay dee, rataa ra g chalool. naanak, virlay paa-ee-ah, tis jan keem na mool ||1||
Nanak (says): One who has love for God, is imbued with the deep red colour of His love; (but)
such persons are very rare; and, the worth of such persons can never be assayed. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
AMdru ivDw sic nwie bwhir BI scu ifToim ] andar vidhaa sach naa-ay, baahar bhee sach dithom.
(When) the name of the True pierced me from within (i.e. my soul), (then) I beheld the True
outside as well.
nwnk rivAw hB Qwie vix iqRix iqRBvix roim ]2]
naanak, ravi-aa habh thaa-ay, vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ rom. ||2||
Nanak (says): He is pervading all places, the forests and the vegetation, the three worlds and
every hair. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy kIqo rcnu Awpy hI riqAw ] aapay keeto rachan, aapay hee rati-aa.
He Himself has created the creation (i.e. universe), and, he Himself is immersed it.
Awpy hoieE ieku Awpy bhu BiqAw ] aapay ho-i-o ik, aapay baho bhati-aa.
He Himself becomes One, (i.e. in pre-creation position); and, He Himself is (i.e. expands
Himself) in numerous forms.
Awpy sBnw mMiJ Awpy bwhrw ] aapay sabhnaa maNjh, aapay baahraa.
He Himself is within all, and, He Himself is outside (i.e. beyond, without).
Awpy jwxih dUir Awpy hI jwhrw ] aapay jaaṇeh door, aapay hee jaahraa.
(O! Lord) You Yourself are known to be far away, and, You Yourself are present right here.
Awpy hovih gupqu Awpy prgtIAY ] aapay hoveh gupat, aapay pargatee-ai.
You Yourself are hidden, and, You Yourself are revealed.
kImiq iksY n pwie qyrI QtIAY ] keemat kisai na paa-ay, tayree thatee-ai.
No one can assay the value of Your creation.
gihr gMBIru AQwhu Apwru Agxqu qUM ] gahir gaMbheer athaahu, apaar agṇat tooN.
You are deep, profound, unfathomable, infinite and invaluable.
nwnk vrqY ieku ieko ieku qUM ]22]1]2] suDu ] naanak, vartai ik, iko ik tooN. ||22||1||2|| sudh.
Nanak (says): the One alone pervades; (O! Lord) You are One and One only. 22.1.2.
Sudh (i.e. the above text has been checked and found correct).

rwmklI kI vwr rwie blvMif qQw sqY fUim AwKI

Raamkalee kee vaar, Raa-ay BalvaNd tathaa Satai doom aakhee*
This is a ballad in Raamkalee raaga, said (i.e. composed) by Satta and Balwand bards.
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
nwau krqw kwdru kry ikau bolu hovY joKIvdY ] naa-o kartaa kaadar karay, ki-o bol hovai jokheevadai.
(When) the Creator, the All-powerful exalts the name of someone, how can his words be
weighed (i.e. it is impossible to evaluate his words)?
dy gunw siq BYx Brwv hY pwrMgiq dwnu pVIvdY ] day gunaa, sat bhaiṇ bharaav hai, paara gat daan parheevadai.
The divine virtues, through which the gift of the supreme status (i.e. salvation) is obtained,
are the real brother and sister (of the Guru).
nwnik rwju clwieAw scu kotu sqwxI nIv dY ] naanak raaj chalaa-i-aa, sach kot, sataaṇee neev dai.
(Guru) Nanak established the kingdom (of faith), (and for this he built) fort of truth, on very
powerful foundation.
lhxy DirEnu Cqu isir kir isPqI AMimRqu pIvdY ] lahṇay dhari-on chhat sir, kar siftee aMmrit peevdai.
He (then) placed (i.e. installed) the (royal) canopy over the head of Lehnaa (i.e. Guru Angad),
who drank in the AMmrit of the praise (of the Lord).
miq gur Awqm dyv dI KVig joir prwkuie jIA dY ]
mat gur aatam dayv dee, kharhag jor puraaku-ay jee-a dai.
In divine wisdom of God, with the very powerful sword (of the name), he (i.e. Guru Nanak)
illumined his (i.e. Guru Angad’s) soul.
guir cyly rhrwis kIeI nwnik slwmiq QIvdY ] gur chaylay rahraas kee-ee, naanak salaamat theevdai.
The Guru (Nanak) bowed down before his disciple (Angad), while Nanak was (still) alive.
sih itkw idqosu jIvdY ]1] seh tikaa ditos, jeevdai. ||1||
The king (i.e. Guru Nanak) anointed him (i.e. installed him as the Guru) in his life time. 1
lhxy dI PyrweIAY nwnkw dohI KtIAY ] lahnay dee fayraa-ee-ai, naankaa dohee khatee-ai.
The reputation that had been earned Nanak, (now) got proclained for Lehna.
joiq Ehw jugiq swie sih kwieAw Pyir pltIAY ] jot ohaa, jugat saa-ay, seh kaa-i-aa fayr paltee-ai.
(In Guru Angad) it was the same one Light, and the same way; the king (i.e. Guru) had (just)
changed the body, again (i.e. into new one).
July su Cqu inrMjnI mil qKqu bYTw gur htIAY ] jhulai so chhat niraNjanee, mal takhat baiṭaa gur hatee-ai.
The divine canopy waved over him, and, he sat over the throne, the shop (i.e seat of
succession) of the Guru (Nanak).
krih ij gur PurmwieAw isl jogu AlUxI ctIAY ] karahi je gur furmaa-i-aa, sil jog alooṇee chatee-ai.
He does as the Guru commands; (it is like) tasting the salt-less (i.e. tasteless) stone of yoga.
P. 967
lµgru clY gur sbid hir qoit n AwvI KtIAY ] laNgar chalai gur sabad har, tot na aavee khatee-ai.
The kitchen of God is open (i.e. the food of the name of God is being served), through the word
of the Guru; and, the earnings (of the meditation upon name) do not run short.
Krcy idiq KsMm dI Awp KhdI KYir dbtIAY ] kharchay dit khasaMm dee, aap khahdee, khair dabtee-ai.
He is spending whatever the Lord has gave him; he himself eats and constantly distributes
charity (of the name to the others to enjoy).
hovY isPiq KsMm dI nUru Arshu kurshu JtIAY ] hovai sifat khasaMm dee, noor arsahu kursahu jhatee-ai.
The praise of the Lord is sung; (as if) divine light drips (i.e. descends) from the disc of the
skies (i.e. heavens).
quDu ifTy scy pwiqswh mlu jnm jnm dI ktIAY ]
tudh dithay sachay paatisaah, mal janam janam dee katee-ai.
O! True king, beholding You, the filth of countless lives (i.e. incarnations) is washed off.
scu ij guir PurmwieAw ikau eydU bolhu htIAY ] sach je gur furmaa-i-aa, ki-o aydoo bolhu hatee-ai.
True is what the Guru commanded; why should we go away from his command?
puqRI kaulu n pwilE kir pIrhu kMn@ murtIAY ] putree ka-ul na paali-o, kar peerahu kanh murtee-ai.
The sons did not obey his command (i.e. Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das did not obey Guru Nanak),
they turned their shoulders away from the proclaimed Guru (i.e. they turned their back upon
Guru Angad).
idil KotY AwkI iPrin@ bMin@ Bwru aucwiein@ CtIAY ] dil khotai aakee firnih, baneh bhaar uchaa-inih chhatee-ai.
The evil-minded became rebellious; they carry (on their head) load of the bag (of sins).
ijin AwKI soeI kry ijin kIqI iqnY QtIAY ] jin aakhee, so-ee karay, jin keetee tinai thatee-ai.
Whatever was told (by Guru Nanak), he (Lehna) did the same (i.e. Lehna obeyed what Guru
Nanak commanded), and, he, who obeyed, was installed.
kauxu hwry ikin auvtIAY ]2] ka-uṇ haaray, kin uvatee-ai. ||2||
(Look) who has won, and, who has lost? 2
ijin kIqI so mMnxw ko swlu ijvwhy swlI ] jin keetee so maNnṇaa, ko saal jivaahay saalee.
He who did (obey the command), was accepted, (so) which is better: the thistle or the paddy?
Drm rwie hY dyvqw lY glw kry dlwlI ] dharam raa-ay hai dayvtaa, lai galaa karay dalaalee.
(As is) the judge of righteousness, the god; (he) listens to the arguments and mediates (i.e.
delivers justice).
siqguru AwKY scw kry sw bwq hovY drhwlI ] satgur ,sachaa karay; saa baat hovai darhaalee.
Whatever the True Guru says (to the Lord), the True does (i.e. accepts and commands); it
comes to happen instantly.
gur AMgd dI dohI iPrI scu krqY bMiD bhwlI ] gur aNgad dee dohee firee, sach kartai baNdh bahaalee.
(The authority of) Guru Angad was proclaimed, and, the True Creator confirmed it.
nwnku kwieAw pltu kir mil qKqu bYTw sY fwlI ] naanak kaa-i-aa palat kar, mal takhat baiṭaa sai daalee.
Nanak, with hundreds of branches (disciples), (just) changed his body (form), and, (he still)
sits on throne.
dru syvy aumiq KVI msklY hoie jMgwlI ] dar sayvay umat khaṛee, maskalai ho-ay jaNgaalee.
Standing at the doors (of the Guru), the followers serve him; thus the rust (of the sins) is being
scrapped off (through the service of the Guru).
dir drvysu KsMm dY nwie scY bwxI lwlI ] dar darvays khasaMm dai, naa-ay sachai baṇee laalee.
He is devotee at the doors of the Lord; and, he, is embellished through the name and the word
of the True.
blvMf KIvI nyk jn ijsu bhuqI Cwau pqRwlI ] balvaNd, kheevee nayk jan, jis bahutee chhaa-o patraalee.
Balwand (says): Khivi* is a noble person, who provides dense shade of leaves (to all and
soothes them). (*the wife of Guru Angad)
lµgir dauliq vMfIAY rsu AMimRqu KIir iGAwlI ] laNgar da-ulat vaNdee-ai, ras amrit kheer ghi-aalee.
In the kitchen (i.e. court of the Guru) the wealth (of the name) is served; it is essence of AMmrit,
(it is rich like) the rice-pudding prepared in butter.
gurisKw ky muK aujly mnmuK QIey prwlI ] gursikhaa kay mukh ujlay, manmukh thee-ay paraalee.
The faces of the disciples of the Guru are bright (i.e. radiant), (whereas) the mind-oriented
are pale, like dry grass.
pey kbUlu KsMm nwil jW Gwl mrdI GwlI ] pa-ay kabool khasaMm naal, jaa ghaal mardee ghaalee.

When he (i.e. Guru Angad) tendered manly (i.e. great) service, he was accepted by the Lord.
mwqw KIvI shu soie ijin goie auTwlI ]3] maataa kheevee saho so-ay, jin go-ay uṭaalee. ||3||
Such is the husband of mother Khivi, who sustains the earth (i.e. the world). 3
hoirNE gMg vhweIAY duinAweI AwKY ik ikEnu ] horin-o gaNg vahaa-ee-ai ,duni-aa-ee aakhai ke ki-on.
He (i.e. Guru Nanak) has made Ganges flow from the other direction; people say what
(wonder) he has done!
nwnk eIsir jgnwiQ auchdI vYxu ivirikEnu ] naanak eesar jagnaath, uch hadee vaiṇ viriki-on.
Nanak, the Lord, the Master of the World, spoke the high word, loudly.
mwDwxw prbqu kir nyiqR bwsku sbid irVikEnu ] maadhaaṇaa parbat kar, naitar baasak*, sabad riṛki-on.
Making the mountain his churning staff, and, the serpent-king his churning string, he has
churned the word. [*baasak is mythical king of the serpents].
caudh rqn inkwilAnu kir Awvw gauxu iclikEnu ] cha-odah ratan nikaali-an, kar aavaa ga-oṇ chilki-on.
(From it) he has extracted the fourteen jewels, and, (with them, he has), (i.e. he churned his
mind and) illumined the world.
[*Literally: fourteen jewels. As per myth, once the angels and the demons churned the ocean and brought out 14
precious things of miraculous powers and vlaue; these were: Amrit, wine, moon, Kaamdhayn (Elysian cow),
uchaysharva horse, Airaavat elephant, poison, wealth, Dhanwantri physician, Kaisatmani jewel, Panchjanya conch,
Kalap (Elysian) tree, Rambha nymph, saarang (bow)].
kudriq Aih vyKwlIAnu ijix AYvf ipf iTxikEnu ] kudrat ah vaykhaali-an, jiṇ aivad pid ṭinki-oṇ.
He revealed such wonder that he (i.e. Guru Nanak) assessed such a body (i.e. Guru Angad).
lhxy DirEnu CqRü isir Asmwin ikAwVw iCikEnu ] lahṇay dhari-on chhatar sir, asmaan ki-aaṛaa chhiki-on.
He placed canopy over the head of Lahinaa, and, raised his glory to the sky.
joiq smwxI joiq mwih Awpu AwpY syqI imikEnu ] jot samaaṇee jot maahi, aap aapai saytee miki-on.
He Light merged in the Light; and he merged him into himself.
isKW puqRW GoiK kY sB aumiq vyKhu ij ikEnu ] sikhaa putraa ghokh kai, sabh umat vaykhhu je ki-on.

He (i.e. Guru Nanak) assessed his disciples and his sons; and, the people saw what happened.
jW suDosu qW lhxw itikEnu ]4] jaan sudhos, taan lahṇaa tiki-on. ||4||
When he was found to be pure, Lahinaa was set on the throne. 4
Pyir vswieAw PyruAwix siqguir KwfUru ] fayr vasaa-i-aa faru-aaṇ, satgur khaadoor.
Then, the True Guru, the son of Pheru, came to dwell at Khadoor.
jpu qpu sMjmu nwil quDu horu mucu grUru ] jap tap saNjam naal tudh, hor much garoor.
Mmeditation, austerities, (self) discipline, rest with you (O! Guru), (while) all others are filled
with great pride.
lbu ivxwhy mwxsw ijau pwxI bUru ] lab viṇaahay maaṇsaa, ji-o paanee boor.
The greed ruins humans, as the green moss in the water.
virHAY drgh gurU kI kudrqI nUru ] varhi-ai dargeh guroo kee, kudratee noor.
The divine light was rains (i.e. shines) in the court of the Guru.
ijqu su hwQ n lBeI qUM Ehu TrUru ] jit so haath na labh-ee, tooN oh ṭaroor.
You are such cooling (i.e. soothing peace), whose depth can not be found.
nau iniD nwmu inDwnu hY quDu ivic BrpUru ] na-o nidh naam nidhaan hai, tudh vich bharpoor.
The nine treasures of the name, are overflowing in you.
inMdw qyrI jo kry so vM\Y cUru ] nindaa tayree jo karay, so vaNnjai choor.
Whoever slanders you, will be totally destroyed
nyVY idsY mwq lok quDu suJY dUru ] nayṛai disai maat lok, tudh sujhai door.
We see only the (visible) world, you can see far, afar.
Pyir vswieAw PyruAwix siqguir KwfUru ]5] fayr vasaa-i-aa faru-aaṇ, satgur khaadoor. ||5||
Then, the True Guru, the son of Pheru, came to dwell at Khadoor. 5
P. 968
so itkw so bYhxw soeI dIbwxu ] so tikaa, so baihṇaa, so-ee deebaaṇ.
The same mark (i.e. designation), the same seat (i.e. throne), and the same is (royal) court (of
Guru Amar Das).
ipXU dwdy jyivhw poqw prvwxu ] piyoo daaday jayvihaa, potaa parvaaṇ.
Just like the father (i.e. Guru Angad) and the grandfather (i.e. Guru Nanak), the grandson
(Guru Amar Das) is approved (i.e. honourable among the disciples and the people).
ijin bwsku nyqRY GiqAw kir nyhI qwxu ] ijin smuMdu ivroilAw kir myru mDwxu ]
jin baasak naytrai ghati-aa, kar nayhee taaṇ. jin samuNd viroli-aa, kar mayr madhaaṇ.
With the force of love, he (i.e. Guru Amar Das) made Baasak* (i.e. the serpent-king) his
churning string, and, churned the ocean with the churning staff of Sumayr** mountain.
[*baasak is mythical king of the serpents.**Sumayr/ Sumer, also known as Kailash, a high mountain in the Himalayas].
caudh rqn inkwilAnu kIqonu cwnwxu ] cha-odah ratan nikaali-an, keeton chaanaaṇ.
(From it) he has extracted the fourteen* jewels, and, (with them, he has), brought forth Light
(i.e. he churned his mind and illumined the world with Divine light). [*for 14 jewels, see the previous page]
GoVw kIqo shj dw jqu kIE plwxu ] DxKu cVwieE sq dw js hMdw bwxu ]
ghoṛaa keeto sahj daa, jat kee-o palaaṇ. dhaṇakh chaṛaa-i-o sat daa, jas haNdaa baaṇ.
He made natural ease as his horse, and chastity his saddle; and,
He mounted (i.e. placed) the arrow of the praise (of the Lord), in the bow of Truth.
kil ivic DU AMDwru sw ciVAw rY Bwxu ] kal vich dhoo aNdhaar saa, chaṛi-aa rai bhaaṇ.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), there was pitch darkness, (then) he rose (i.e. dawned) like sun
(and illumined the world).
sqhu Kyqu jmwieE sqhu Cwvwxu ] satahu khayt jamaa-i-o, satahu chhaavaaṇ.
He farmed the field of Truth, and, spread out canopy of (i.e. guarded it with) truth.
inq rsoeI qyrIAY iGau mYdw Kwxu ] nit raso-ee tayree-ai, ghi-o maidaa khaan.
(O! Guru Amar Das) in your kitchen, ghee (i.e. refined butter), and fine floor are served to eat
(i.e. in your court, the congregations obtains pure, true word ).
cwry kuMfW suJIEsu mn mih sbdu prvwxu ] chaaray kuNdaan sujhee-os, man meh sabad parvaaṇ.
One, in whose mind the word was approved (i.e. word was supreme), he could understand
(all) the four corners (of the world).
Awvw gauxu invwirE kir ndir nIswxu ] aavaa ga-oṇ nivaari-o, kar nadar neesaaṇ.
He eliminated their cycle of reincarnation, bestowed him the insignia of grace.
AauqirAw Aauqwru lY so purKu sujwxu ] a-utri-aa a-utaar lai, so purakh sujaaṇ.
He, the all-knowing Primal Person (Lord) Himself came (to be born as the Guru in the world).
JKiV vwau n foleI prbqu myrwxu ] jhakhaṛ vaa-o na dol-ee, parbat mayraaṇ.
You not shaken by the stormy winds; you are like the Sumayr mountain.
jwxY ibrQw jIA kI jwxI hU jwxu ] jaaṇai birthaa jee-a kee, jaanee hoo jaaṇ.
He knows the pain of the soul; you are all-knowing.
ikAw swlwhI scy pwiqswh jW qU suGVu sujwxu ] ki-aa saalaahee sachay paatisaah, jaan too sughaṛ
How can I praise you, O! true king, you are wise, all-knowing.
dwnu ij siqgur BwvsI so sqy dwxu ] daan je satgur bhaavsee, so satay daaṇ.
Whatever gift is in you pleasure, O!True Guru, (please) bless that gift to Satta (the bard).
nwnk hMdw CqRü isir aumiq hYrwxu ] naanak haNdaa chhatar sir, umat hairaaṇ.
Seeing the canopy of Nanak, waving over your head, the community is (i.e. all are) thrilled.
so itkw so bYhxw soeI dIbwxu ] so tikaa ,so baihṇaa, so-ee deebaaṇ.
The same mark (i.e. designation), the same seat (i.e. throne), and the same is (royal) court (of
Guru Amar Das).
ipXU dwdy jyivhw poqRw prvwxu ]6] piyoo daaday jayvihaa, potraa parvaaṇ. ||6||
Just like the father (i.e. Guru Angad) and the grandfather (i.e. Guru Nanak), the grandson
(Guru Amar Das) is approved (i.e. honourable among the disciples and the people). 6
DMnu DMnu rwmdws guru ijin isirAw iqnY svwirAw ] dhaNn dhaNn raamdaas gur, jin siri-aa, tinai savaari-aa.
Blesses, blessed is Guru Ram Dass, (God) who has Created you, has (also) embellished you.
pUrI hoeI krwmwiq Awip isrjxhwrY DwirAw ] pooree ho-ee karaamaat, aap sirjaṇhaarai dhaari-aa.
A miracle has been accomplished; (as if) the Creator has installed Himself (as Guru Ram Dass).
isKI AqY sMgqI pwrbRhmu kir nmskwirAw ] sikhee atai saNgtee, paarbarahm kar namaskaari-aa.
The disciples and their congregation has recognized you as the Supreme Reality (God), and,
bow down to you.
Atlu AQwhu Aqolu qU qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwirAw ] atal athaahu atol too, tayraa aNt na paaraavaari-aa.
You are unchanging, unfathomable, immeasurable; you have no end or limitation.
ijn@I qUM syivAw Bwau kir sy quDu pwir auqwirAw ] jinhee tooN sayvi-aa bhaa-o kar, say tudh paar utaari-aa.
Those who serve you with love, you carry them across (the world ocean).
lbu loBu kwmu k®oDu mohu mwir kFy quDu sprvwirAw ]
lab lobh kaam krodh moh, maar kaḍay tudh saparvaari-aa.
Greed, avarice, sexual desire, anger, and (emotional) attachment, you have conquered and
driven them out, along with their families.
DMnu su qyrw Qwnu hY scu qyrw pYskwirAw ] dhaNn so tayraa thaan hai, sach tayraa paiskaari-aa.
Blessed is your place (i.e. throne); and, true is glorious honour given to you.
nwnku qU lhxw qUhY guru Amru qU vIcwirAw ] naanak too, lahṇaa toohai, gur amar too, veechaari-aa.
You are Nanak, you are Lehna, you are Guru Amar (Dass), all regard so.
guru ifTw qW mnu swDwirAw ]7] gur dithaa, taa man saadhaari-aa. ||7||

When I saw the Guru my mind was solaced (i.e. soothed and pleased). 7
cwry jwgy chu jugI pMcwiexu Awpy hoAw ] chaaray jaagay, chahu jugee, paNchaa-iṇ aapay ho-aa.
The four (Gurus) illuminated (the world) in the four ages; (now) He Himself has assumed the
fifth form (as Guru Arjan).
AwpIn@Y Awpu swijEnu Awpy hI QMim@ KloAw ] aapeenhai aap saaji-on, aapay hee thamih khalo-aa.
He created Himself, and, He Himself is (His) supporting pillar.
Awpy ptI klm Awip Awip ilKxhwrw hoAw ] aapay patee, kalam aap, aap likhanhaaraa ho-aa.
He Himself is wooden slate; He Himself is the pen, and, He Himself the writer.
sB aumiq Awvx jwvxI Awpy hI nvw inroAw ] sabh umat aavaṇ jaavṇee, aapay hee navaa niro-aa.
All the people come and go; He (alone) is (ever) fresh and new.
qKiq bYTw Arjn gurU siqgur kw iKvY cMdoAw ] takhat baithaa arjan guroo, satgur kaa khivai chaNdo-aa.
(Now) Guru Arjan sits on the throne, and, the (royal) canopy waves over the True Guru.
augvxhu qY AwQvxhu chu ckI kIAnu loAw ] ugavṇahu tai aathavṇahu, chahu chakee kee-an lo-aa.
From sunrise to sunset (i.e. from east to the west), he illuminates the four directions.
ijn@I gurU n syivE mnmuKw pieAw moAw ] jin ee guroo na sayvi-o, manmukhaa pa-i-aa mo-aa.

Those mind-oriented persons, who do not serve Guru, meet (spiritual) death.
dUxI cauxI krwmwiq scy kw scw FoAw ] dooṇee cha-uṇee karaamaat, sachay kaa sachaa ḍo-aa.
His miracle (i.e. grandeur) increase two-fold and four-fold; this is the True blessing of the
True (Lord).
cwry jwgy chu jugI pMcwiexu Awpy hoAw ]8]1] chaaray jaagay chahu jugee, pa chaa-iṇ aapay ho-aa. ||8||1||
The four (Gurus) illuminated (the world) in the four ages; (now) He Himself has assumed the
fifth form (as Guru Arjan). 8.1

rwmklI bwxI Bgqw kI ] Raamkalee, banee bhagtaa kee

kbIr jIau Kabeer jee-o
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kwieAw klwlin lwhin mylau gur kw sbdu guVu kInu ry ]
iqRsnw kwmu k®oDu md mqsr kwit kwit ksu dInu ry ]1]
kaa-i-aa kalaalan laahan mayla-o, gur kaa sabad guṛ keen, ray*.
tarisnaa kaam krodh mad matsar, kaat kaat kas deen, ray*. ||1||
The body is vat, with yeast mixed, and, the word of the Guru as molasses*;
Cutting up intense desires, sexual indulgence, anger, pride and jealously, (I have) mixed
(these with molasses) for fermentation (to prepare wine of the name).* 1
[*Here, RAY, literally: ‘O! dear’ in the end of almost each line has musical sense; hence I have omitted it in translation].
P. 969
koeI hY ry sMqu shj suK AMqir jw kau jpu qpu dyau dlwlI ry ]
ko-ee hai, ray, saNt sahj sukh aNtar, jaa ka-o jap tap day-o dalaalee, ray.
Is there any God-oriented person, with poise and peace within, unto whom I might offer my
meditation and austerity, as commission (i.e. payment);
eyk bUMd Bir qnu mnu dyvau jo mdu dyie klwlI ry ]1] rhwau ]
ayk booNd bhar, tan man dayva-o, jo mad day-ay kalaalee, ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I would dedicate my mind and body unto whoever pour me even a drop of this vine in my vat.
1 (pause)
Bvn cqur ds BwTI kIn@I bRhm Agin qin jwrI ry ]
bhavan chatur das bhaaṭee keenhee, barahm agan tan jaaree, ray.
I have made the fourteen worlds my furnace, and have burnt my body with fire of God.
mudRw mdk shj Duin lwgI suKmn pocnhwrI ry ]2]
mudraa madak sahj dhun laagee, sukhman pochanhaaree, ray. ||2||
The music of celestial sound is the lid of the pipe, and, Sukhman (i.e. the central vein/ the
spinal channel) is the cleaner pad. 2
qIrQ brq nym suic sMjm riv sis ghnY dyau ry ] tirath barat naym such saNjam, rav sas gahnai day-o, ray.
Places of pilgrimage, fasting, (religious) code, purification, (self) discipline, sun and moon
(i.e. Ira and pingla), (all these) I pledge (for this wine of the name of the Lord).
suriq ipAwl suDw rsu AMimRqu eyhu mhw rsu pyau ry ]3]
surat pi-aal sudhaa ras aMmrit, ayhu mahaa ras pay-o, ray. ||3||
My consciousness is the cup, and, A mrit name is the essence; I drink in this supreme essence. 3
inJr Dwr cuAY Aiq inrml ieh rs mnUAw rwqo ry ]
nijhar dhaar chu-ai at nirmal, ih ras manoo-aa raato, ray.
Pure stream (of Amrit name) is constantly trickling forth, and, my mind is intoxicated with
this essence.
kih kbIr sgly md CUCy iehY mhw rsu swco ry ]4]1]
kahi kabeer saglay mad chhoochhay, ihai mahaa ras saacho, ray. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: All other wines are trivial (i.e. useless); this is the only pure essence. 4.1
guVu kir igAwnu iDAwnu kir mhUAw Bau BwTI mn Dwrw ]
gurh kar gi-aan, dhi-aan kar mahoo-aa, bha-o bhaaṭee, man dhaaraa.
Make (spiritual) knowledge molasses, concentration flowers, the fear (of God) the furnace in
the mind.
suKmn nwrI shj smwnI pIvY pIvnhwrw ]1] sukhman naaree, sahj samaanee, peevai peevanhaaraa. ||1||
The Sukhman (i.e. the central vein/ the spinal channel) is merged in poise, and, the drinker
drinks in (this wine). 1
AauDU myrw mnu mqvwrw ] a-odhoo, mayraa man matvaaraa.
O! recluse, my mind is intoxicated.
aunmd cFw mdn rsu cwiKAw iqRBvn BieAw auijAwrw ]1] rhwau ]
unmad chadhaa, madan ras chaakhi-aa, taribhavan bha-i-aa uji-aaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
when that wine rose up (in my mind), I tasted sublime essence; (now) I behold His light of the
three worlds. 1 (pause)
duie pur joir rsweI BwTI pIau mhw rsu BwrI ] du-ay pur jor, rasaa-ee bhaaṭee, pee-o mahaa ras bhaaree.
Joining the two grind-stones (i.e. sky and the earth), I have lit the furnace; and, I drink in the
supreme essence.
kwmu k®oDu duie kIey jlyqw CUit geI sMswrI ]2]
kaam krodh du-ay kee-ay jalaytaa, chhoot ga-ee saNsaaree. ||2||
I have burnt sexual desire and anger; now I have been liberated from the worldly ties. 2
pRgt pRgws igAwn gur gMimq siqgur qy suiD pweI ]
pargat pargaas gi-aan gur gaMmit, satgur tay sudh paa-ee.
The light of the knowledge of the Guru was revealed in me, when I obtained (spiritual)
wisdom from the True Guru.
dwsu kbIru qwsu md mwqw aucik n kbhU jweI ]3]2]
daas kabeer taas mad maataa, uchak na kabhoo jaa-ee. ||3||2||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Kabir (says): I am intoxicated with that wine, which never wears off (i.e.
which will keep me always intoxicated with this wine). 3.2
qUM myro myru prbqu suAwmI Et ghI mY qyrI ]
tooN mayro mayr parbat su-aamee, ot gahee mai tayree.
You are my Sumayr (i.e. a high) mountain, O! my Lord, I have grasped Your support.
nw qum folhu nw hm igrqy riK lInI hir myrI ]1]
naa tum dolahu, naa ham girtay, rakh leenee har mayree. ||1||
(Because) You do not shake, (hence) I do not fall; O! God, You have preserved my honour. 1
Ab qb jb kb quhI quhI ] ab tab jab kab, tuhee tuhee.
Now and then, when and where (i.e. all the time), You and You alone.
hm quA prswid suKI sd hI ]1] rhwau ] ham tu-a parsaad, sukhee sad hee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Your grace, I am forever happy. 1 (pause)
qory Brosy mghr bisE myry qn kI qpiq buJweI ]
toray bharosay mag-har basi-o, mayray tan kee tapat bujhaa-ee.
Relying upon you, I (moved and) dwelt in Maghar*, You have put out the heat of (vices in) my
body. [*According to the Hindu myth, one who dies in Mag-har goes to hell and is reincarnated as donkey]
pihly drsnu mghr pwieE Puin kwsI bsy AweI ]2]
pahilay darsan maghar paa-i-o, fun kaasee basay aa-ee. ||2||
First, I obtained Your vision in Mag-har, then I came to dwell at Kanshi. 2
jYsw mghru qYsI kwsI hm eykY kir jwnI ] jaisaa maghar, taisee kaasee, ham aykai kar jaanee.
As is Mag-har, so is Kanshi, I regard them one and the same.
hm inrDn ijau iehu Dnu pwieAw mrqy PUit gumwnI ]3]
ham nirdhan, ji-o ih dhan paa-i-aa, martay foot gumaanee. ||3||
I am a poor one, but, I have obtained this wealth (of the name of God); the proud burst to die. 3
krY gumwnu cuBih iqsu sUlw ko kwFn kau nwhI ] karai gumaan chubheh tis soolaa, ko kaaḍan ka-o naahee.
One, who takes in pride (in himself), is pricked by thorns; and, no one can pull them out.
AjY su coB kau ibll iblwqy nrky Gor pcwhI ]4]
ajai so chobh ka-o bilal bilaatay, narkay ghor pachaahee. ||4||
Here, he cries bitterly with this (pain of) prick, and, hereafter he burns in terrible hell. 4
kvnu nrku ikAw surgu ibcwrw sMqn doaU rwdy ] kavan narak, ki-aa surag bichaaraa, saNtan do-oo raaday.
What is a hell and what is poor heaven, the God-oriented persons reject them, both.
hm kwhU kI kwix n kFqy Apny gur prswdy ]5]
ham kaahoo kee kaaṇ na kaḍ-tay, apnay gur parsaaday. ||5||
By the grace of my Guru, I have no obligation of (i.e. I do not bother for) either of them. 5
Ab qau jwie cFy isMGwsin imly hY swirMgpwnI ] ab ta-o jaa-ay chaḍay si ghaasan, milay hai sari gpaanee*.

Now I have ascended to the throne (i.e. the highest state), and, I have met the Sustainer of the
[*saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
rwm kbIrw eyk Bey hY koie n skY pCwnI ]6]3]
raam kabeeraa ayk bha-ay hai, ko-ay na sakai pachhaanee. ||6||3||
(Now) God and Kabir have become one, no one can distinguish between them. 6.3
sMqw mwnau dUqw fwnau ieh kutvwrI myrI ] saNtaa maan-o, dootaa daana-o, ih kutvaaree mayree.
I honour the God-oriented persons, and, punish the demons (i.e. wicked), this is my duty as
police officer (of God).
idvs rYin qyry pwau plosau kys cvr kir PyrI ]1]
divas rain tayray paa-o palosa-o, kays chavar kar fayree. ||1||
Day and night, I message Your feet (O! God), and, wave my hair as chaur (in Your honour). 1
hm kUkr qyry drbwir ] ham kookar tayray darbaar.
I am a dog at Your court (O! Lord).
Baukih AwgY bdnu pswir ]1] rhwau ] bha-ukahi aagai badan pasaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Opening my snout and bark before it. (pause)
P. 970
pUrb jnm hm qum@ry syvk Ab qau imitAw n jweI ]
poorab janam ham tum ray sayvak, ab ta-o miti-aa na jaa-ee.

In my past life, I was Your servant; (even) now I cannot leave (i.e. can not stop serving You).
qyry duAwrY Duin shj kI mwQY myry dgweI ]2] tayray du-aarai dhun sahj kee, maathai mayray dagaa-ee. ||2||
At Your door celestial sound resounds; (and You insignia is) engraved on my forehead. 2
dwgy hoih su rn mih jUJih ibnu dwgy Big jweI ] daagay hohi so ran meh joojheh, bin daagay bhag jaa-ee.
Those who bear mark (Your insignia), fight bravely battle, (but) those without mark run away.
swDU hoie su Bgiq pCwnY hir ley KjwnY pweI ]3]
saadhoo ho-ay so bhagat pachhaanai, har la-ay khajaanai paa-ee. ||3||
One, who is God-oriented, understand (the value of) devotion; and, God places him in His
treasury (i.e. accepts him in His court). 3
koTry mih koTrI prm koTI bIcwir ] koṭray meh koṭree, param koṭee beechaar.
In the chamber (i.e. body), there is a chamber (i.e. heart); with contemplation (of the word of
the Guru) it has become supreme chamber.
guir dInI bsqu kbIr kau lyvhu bsqu sm@wir ]4] gur deenee basat kabeer ka-o, layvhu basat samHaar. ||4||
Kabir (says): the Guru has given this wealth (of the name of the Lord) to me, (saying: meditate
upon it and) keep it secure. 4
kbIir dIeI sMswr kau lInI ijsu msqik Bwgu ] kabeer dee-ee saNsaar ka-o, leenee jis mastak bhaag.
Kabir (says): I have given it to the world, but he alone can receive it upon whose forehead
this destiny is inscribed.
AMimRq rsu ijin pwieAw iQru qw kw sohwgu ]5]4] aMmrit ras jin paa-i-aa, thir taa kaa sohaag. ||5||4||
One, who has received the essence of AMmrit, her married is permanent (i.e. the soul-bride
who has drunk in Amrit name of God, eternal is her union with God). 5.4
ijh muK bydu gwieqRI inksY so ikau bRhmnu ibsru krY ]
jih mukh bayd gaa-itaree niksai, so ki-o barahman bisar karai.
O! Brahman, why do you forget the One from whose mouth Vedas and Gyatri were issued forth?
jw kY pwie jgqu sBu lwgY so ikau pMifqu hir n khY ]1]
jaa kai paa-ay jagat sabh laagai, so ki-o paNdit har na kahai. ||1||
He, at whose feet the whole world falls at, O! Pandit, why don't you chant the name of God? 1
kwhy myry bwm@n hir n khih ] rwmu n bolih pwfy dojku Brih ]1] rhwau ]
kaahay mayray baamhan, har na kaheh. raam na boleh, paaday dojak bhareh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my Brahman, why don’t you chant (the name of) God?
You do not chant (the name of) God, O! Panday, you will fill (i.e. abide in) the hell. 1 (pause)
Awpn aUc nIc Gir Bojnu hTy krm kir audru Brih ]
aapan ooch, neech ghar bhojan, haṭay karam kar udar bhareh.
You (think you) are high, (but, you) take food from the houses of the lowly, and, fill up your
belly by practising stubborn rituals.
cauds Amwvs ric ric mWgih kr dIpku lY kUip prih ]2]
cha-udas amaavas rach rach, maangeh; kar deepak lai, koop pareh. ||2||
You go out begging, chanting (i.e. in the name of) fourteenth day, and, the night of new moon;
(O! Pandit, even though you have) lamp in your hand, (but) you fall in well (of greed). 2
qUM bRhmnu mY kwsIk julhw muih qoih brwbrI kYsy kY bnih ]
tooN barahman, mai kaaseek julhaa, muhi tohi baraabaree kaisay kai baneh.
You are a Brahman, I am (just) a weaver from Kanshi, how can I be equal to you?
hmry rwm nwm kih aubry byd Brosy pWfy fUib mrih ]3]5]
hamray raam naam kahi ubray, bayd bharosay paanday doob mareh. ||3||5||
We (the weavers, the lowly) have been saved chanting the name of God, the Lord; (but) O!
Panday, relying on Vedas (i.e. relying on religious rituals), you shall drown and die. 3.5
qrvru eyku Anµq fwr swKw puhp pqR rs BrIAw ]
tarvar ayk, anaNt daar saakhaa, puhap patar ras bharee-aa.
There (world) is (like) a tree, with countless branches and branchlets (i.e. beings and
creatures); its flowers and leaves are filled with juice (i.e. filled with excellences).
ieh AMimRq kI bwVI hY ry iqin hir pUrY krIAw ]1] ih a mrit kee baarhee hai ray, tin har poorai karee-aa. ||1||
This (world) is a garden of AMmrit; the perfect Lord has created it. 1
jwnI jwnI ry rwjw rwm kI khwnI ] AMqir joiq rwm prgwsw gurmuiK ibrlY jwnI ]1] rhwau ]
jaanee jaanee ray, raajaa raam kee kahaanee.
aNtar jot raam pargaasaa, gurmukh birlai jaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has known, (yes, he has) known, the story of the Sovereign-Lord; (who has known?):
within whom the Light of God has blossomed forth;
(but) rare are those Guru-oriented ones who come to know it 1 (pause)
Bvru eyku puhp rs bIDw bwrh ly aur DirAw ] bhavar ayk puhap ras beedhaa, baarah lay ur dhari-aa.
A bumble-bee, pierced by (i.e. attached and addicted to) the juice of flowers, it enshrined the
twelve-petalled (flower) in its mind
sorh mDy pvnu JkoirAw Awkwsy Pru PirAw ]2] sorah madhay pavan jhakori-aa, aakaasay far fari-aa. ||2||
He holds his breathes in sixteen-petalled (sky), and flutters in the sky (i.e. breathes in the Tenth
Door). 2
shj suMin ieku ibrvw aupijAw DrqI jlhru soiKAw ]
sahj suNn ik birvaa upji-aa, dhartee jalhar sokhi-aa.
In the state of void trance, a tree rises up, and, dries up the water of earth (i.e. desire of body).
kih kbIr hau qw kw syvku ijin iehu ibrvw dyiKAw ]3]6]
kahi kabeer, ha-o taa kaa sayvak, jin ih birvaa daykhi-aa. ||3||6||
Says Kabir: I am the servant of the one, who has seen this tree. 3.6
muMdRw moin dieAw kir JolI pqR kw krhu bIcwru ry ]
muNdraa mon, da-i-aa kar jholee, patar kaa karahu beechaar ray.
Make silence (i.e. silencing the desires of mind) your ear-rings, compassion your pouch, and,
contemplation (of God) your begging bowl.
iKMQw iehu qnu sIAau Apnw nwmu krau AwDwru ry ]1]
khiNthaa ih tan see-a-o apnaa, naam kara-o aadhaar ray. ||1||
Sew your body into your patched dress (i.e. save it from vices), and take the support of name. 1
Aysw jogu kmwvhu jogI ] jp qp sMjmu gurmuiK BogI ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa jog kamaavahu, jogee. jap tap saNjam gurmukh bhogee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! yogi, practice such a yoga;
meditation, austerity, and (self) discipline, enjoy them through the Guru . 1 (pause)
buiD ibBUiq cFwvau ApunI isMgI suriq imlweI ] budh bibhoot chadhaava-o apunee, siNgee surat milaa-ee.
Offer your wisdom (in the feet of God), apply this ash to your body; and, focus you mind (in
His feet), make this your horn.
kir bYrwgu iPrau qin ngrI mn kI ikMgurI bjweI ]2]
kar bairaag fira-o tan nagree, man kee kiNguree bajaa-ee. ||2||
Become detached; wander through the city of your body, and, play the horn of your mind. 2
pMc qqu lY ihrdY rwKhu rhY inrwlm qwVI ] paNch tat lai hirdai raakho, rahai niraalam taarhee.
Enshrine the five elements within your heart, (in this way) your trance would remain intact
(i.e. unaffected by worldly activities).
khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Drmu dieAw kir bwVI ]3]7]
kahat kabeer, sunhu ray saNtahu, dharam da-i-aa kar baarhee. ||3||7||
Says Kabir:Listen, O! God-oriented persons, make faith and compassion your garden. 3.7
kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ] kavan kaaj sirjay jag bheetar, janam kavan fal paa-i-aa.
For what purpose we were created (i.e. born) in the world? and, what reward we have
received in (this human) life?
Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1]
bhav nidh taran taaran chiNtaaman, ik nimakh na ih man laa-i-aa. ||1||
(God is) the boat to carry across the terrifying (world) ocean; (He is) the Desires Fulfilling
Jewel (i.e. fulfiller of the desires of mind); we have not attached mind on Him even for a moment. 1
P. 971
goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ] gobiNd, ham aisay apraadhee.
O! Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner.
ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ]
jin prabh jee-o piNd thaa dee-aa, tis kee bhaa-o bhagat nahee saadhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God gave me body and life, (but)I have not practised His loving devotion to Him. 1 (pause)
pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ] par dhan, par tan, par tee niNdaa, par apbaad na chhootai.
Others' wealth, others' body (i.e. wife), others’ slander, clashes with others, I have not given
up (all these).
Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2] aavaa gavan hot hai fun fun, ih parsaNg na tootai. ||2||
(For this reason) coming and going (i.e. cycle of reincarnation) happens, over and over again;
and, this story does not end. 2
ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ]
jih ghar kathaa hot har saNtan, ik nimakh na keenho mai fayraa.
That house, in which the God-oriented persons narrate the story (of the excellences) of God;
I have not visited that even for an instant.
lµpt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3] laMpat chor doot matvaaray, tin saNg sadaa basayraa. ||3||
Lustful, thieves, wicked, I always dwell with them. 3
kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ] kaam krodh maa-i-aa mad matsar, ay saMpai mo maahee.
Sexual desire, anger, wine of (i.e. attachment to) maya, envy; these are my wealth.
dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supnµqir nwhI ]4]
da-i-aa dharam ar gur kee sayvaa, ay supnaNtar naahee. ||4||
Compassion, righteousness and service to the Guru, I do not think of these, even in my dream. 4
dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ] khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8]
deen da-i-aal, kirpaal, damodar*, bhagat bachhal, bhai haaree.
kahat kabeer bheer jan raakho har sayvaa kara-o tum aaree. ||5||8||

O! Merciful to Poor, Compassionate, Protector*, Lover of Devotees, Destroyer of Fear;

Says Kabir: Save Your servant (i.e. devotee) from trouble, O! Lord, and attach me on Your
service. 5.8 [*Literally: he who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect].
ijh ismrin hoie mukiq duAwru ] jwih bYkuMiT nhI sMswir ]
jih simran ho-ay mukat du-aar. jaahi baiku ṭ, nahee sa saar.
Remembering whom, (one finds) the door of liberation;
You shall go to heaven, and, shall not return to the world.
inrBau kY Gir bjwvih qUr ] nirbha-o kai ghar bajaaveh toor.
In the home of the Fearless (Lord), you shall play (celestial) trumpets.
Anhd bjih sdw BrpUr ]1] anhad bajeh, sadaa bharpoor. ||1||
The unstruck music und shall fully resound, forever. 1
Aysw ismrnu kir mn mwih ] ibnu ismrn mukiq kq nwih ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa simran, kar man maahi. bin simran, mukat kat naahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember God, in (your) mind, in such a way;
Without remembering, liberation can not be attained in any other way. 1 (pause)
ijh ismrin nwhI nnkwru ] mukiq krY auqrY bhu Bwru ]
jih simran, naahee nankaar. mukat karai ,utrai baho bhaar.
Remembering Him, there is no obstruction;
It liberates (from attachment to maya) and great loads (of vices and sins) is taken away.
nmskwru kir ihrdY mwih ] iPir iPir qyrw Awvnu nwih ]2]
namaskaar kar, hirdai maahi. fir fir, tayraa aavan naahi. ||2||
Make obeisance (to God) within your heart; and,
you will not have to come (in reincarnation) over and over again. 2
ijh ismrin krih qU kyl ] dIpku bWiD DirE ibnu qyl ]
jih simran, karahi too kayl. deepak baandh dhari-o, bin tayl.
Remembering whom, you enjoy fun;
He has placed the lamp (of knowledge) (which) burns without oil.
so dIpku Amrku sMswir ] kwm k®oD ibKu kwFIly mwir ]3]
so deepak, amrak saNsaar. kaam krodh bikh, kaaḍeelay maar. ||3||
That lamp makes one immortal in this world;
it drives out the poison of sexual desire and anger (from within). 3
ijh ismrin qyrI giq hoie ] so ismrnu rKu kMiT proie ]
jih simran, tayree gat ho-ay. so simran rakh kaNṭ paro-ay.
Remembering whom, you shall obtain salvation;
wear that remembrance around your neck (as necklace).
so ismrnu kir nhI rwKu auqwir ]gur prswdI auqrih pwir ]4]
so simran kar, nahee raakh utaar. gur parsaadee, utreh paar. ||4||
Practice that remembrance and never let if go.
by the grace of the Guru you shall cross over. 4
ijh ismrin nwhI quih kwin ] mMdir sovih ptMbr qwin ]
jih simran, naahee tuhi kaan.mandar soveh, pataMbar taan.
Remembering whom, you shall not be dependant upon anyone; and,
you shall sleep in your home (i.e. heart), in (blanket of) silken (i.e. you shall dwell in your heart
in peace and poise).
syj suKwlI ibgsY jIau ] so ismrnu qU Anidnu pIau ]5]
sayj sukhaalee, bigsai simran, too an-din pee-o. ||5||
(The remembrance with which) the bed (i.e. heart) becomes comfortable (i.e. peaceful) and the
heart blossoms forth;
drink in (i.e. practice) that remembrance (i.e. Amrit name) day and night. 5
ijh ismrin qyrI jwie blwie ] ijh ismrin quJu pohY n mwie ]
jih simran, tayree jaa-ay balaa-ay.jih simran, tujh pohai na maa-ay.
Remembering whom your troubles will depart;
Remembering whom, maya does not bother you.
ismir ismir hir hir min gweIAY ] iehu ismrnu siqgur qy pweIAY ]6]
simar simar har har man gaa-ee-ai.ih simran, satgur tay paa-ee-ai. ||6||
Remember and remember God, the Lord, and, sing (His praise) in your mind;
This remembrance is obtained from the True Guru. 6
sdw sdw ismir idnu rwiq ] aUTq bYTq swis igrwis ]
sadaa sadaa, simar din raat. ooṭat baiṭat, saas giraas.
Remember Him forever and ever, day and night;
while standing up and sitting down, by each every breath and morsel (of food).
jwgu soie ismrn rs Bog ] hir ismrnu pweIAY sMjog ]7]
jaag so-ay, simran ras bhog. har simran, paa-ee-ai saNjog. ||7||
While awake and asleep, enjoy the essence of remembering;
(but) remembrance of God is obtained by good fortune. 7
ijh ismrin nwhI quJu Bwr ]so ismrnu rwm nwm ADwru ]
jih simran, naahee tujh bhaar. so simran raam naam adhaar.
Remembering whom, the load (of sins) shall not remain on your head;
make that remembrance of the name of God the support (of life).
kih kbIr jw kw nhI AMqu ] iqs ky Awgy qMqu n mMqu ]8]9]
kahi kabeer, jaa kaa nahee aNt. tis kay aagay, taNt na maNt. ||8||9||
Says Kabir: One, who has no end,
no charm or spell can stand against (i.e. no charm or spell can affect) Him. 8. 9

rwmklI Gru 2 bwxI kbIr jI kI Raamkalee, ghar 2, baṇee Kabeer jee kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
bMDic bMDnu pwieAw ] mukqY guir Anlu buJwieAw ]
baNdhach, baNdhan paa-i-aa. muktai gur, anal bujhaa-i-aa.
The trapper (i.e. maya) had spread out his net.
The Guru, the liberated one, put out the fire (of desires).
P. 972
jb nK isK iehu mnu cIn@w ] qb AMqir mjnu kIn@w ]1]
jab nakh sikh, ih man cheen aa. tab, aNtar majan keen aa. ||1||

When I came to know this (my) mind, from nails (of foot) to head;
then I took up (cleansing) bath, within my self. 1
pvnpiq aunmin rhnu Krw ] nhI imrqu n jnmu jrw ]1] rhwau ]
pavanpat, unman rahan kharaa. nahee mirat, na janam jaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) the master of breath (i.e. unsettled soul), abides in the state of bliss;
(then) there is no death, no birth dies, no aging. 1 (pause)
aultI ly skiq shwrM ] pYsIly ggn mJwrM ]
ultee lay sakat sahaaraN. paiseelay gagan majhaaraN.
Turning (my mind) away from Shakti (i.e. maya), I found support for it (i.e. my mind);
(and now) I have reached the sky (i.e. the Tenth Door, and I am in the feet of the Lord).
byDIAly ck® BuAMgw ] BytIAly rwie insMgw ]2]
baydhee-alay chakar bhuaNgaa. bhaytee-alay raa-ay nisaNgaa. ||2||
The snake's coil is now pierced (i.e. snake-like moving mind has been controlled);
and I have met my Sovereign (i.e. God) without fear . 2
cUkIAly moh mieAwsw ] sis kIno sUr igrwsw ]
chookee-alay, moh keeno soor giraasaa.
My attachment to maya has been eradicated; and,
the moon (i.e. coolness/ peace) has devoured the sun (hot desires).
jb kuMBku Birpuir lIxw ] qh bwjy Anhd bIxw ]3]
jab kuMbhak, bharipur leeṇaa. tah baajay anhad beeṇaa. ||3||
When focus of my mind merged into the All-Fulfilling (i.e. Lord);
then the unstruck music began to vibrate. 3
bkqY bik sbdu sunwieAw ] sunqY suin mMin bswieAw ]
baktai, bak sabad sunaa-i-aa. suntai, sun maNn basaa-i-aa.
(When) the speaker (i.e. the Guru) spoke the word;
The hearer has heard, and, enshrined it in the mind.
kir krqw auqris pwrM ] khY kbIrw swrM ]4]1]10]
kar kartaa, utras paaraN. kahai kabeeraa saaraN. ||4||1||10||
Chanting (the name of) the Creator, one crosses over (the world ocean);
Says Kabir: this is the essence. 4.1.10
cMdu sUrju duie joiq srUpu ] joqI AMqir bRhmu AnUpu ]1]
chaNd sooraj du-ay jot saroop. jotee aNtar barahm anoop. ||1||
The moon and the sun are both embodiments of light; (but)
within their light, is God, the Incomparable. 1
kru ry igAwnI bRhm bIcwru ] joqI AMqir DirAw pswru ]1] rhwau ]
kar ray, gi-aanee barahm beechaar. jotee aNtar dhari-aa pasaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Giani (i.e. man of spiritual knowledge), contemplate God;
in (His) Light is contained all the expanse (of the creation). 1 (pause)
hIrw dyiK hIry krau Awdysu ] khY kbIru inrMjn AlyKu ]2]2]11]
heeraa daykh, heeray kara-o aadays. kahai kabeer, niraNjan alaykh. ||2||2||11||
Beholding the Diamond (i.e. God), I salute the Diamond;
Says Kabir: the Immaculate (God) is indescribable. 2.2.11
dunIAw husIAwr bydwr jwgq musIAq hau ry BweI ]
dunee-aa husee-aar baydaar, jaagat musee-at ha-o, ray bhaa-ee.
O! (people of the) world, remain watchful and awake, O! brethren;
even though you are awake, you are being robbed.
ingm husIAwr phrUAw dyKq jmu ly jweI ]1] rhwau ]
nigam husee-aar, pahroo-aa daykhat, jam lay jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Even while the Vedas stand guard and watch, the messenger of death takes away (i.e. the
practice of ritualism of the Vedas would not protect you). 1 (pause)
nµØIbu BieE AWbu AWbu BieE nµØIbw kylw pwkw Jwir ] nwlIeyr Plu sybir pwkw mUrK mugD gvwr ]1]
neeMb bha-i-o aanb, aanb bha-i-o neeMbaa, kaylaa paakaa jhaar.
naalee-ayr fal saybar paakaa, moorakh mugadh gavaar. ||1||
One regards the margosa as mango, and, mango as margosa; and, the ripe banana as a bush;
(and that) the ripe coconut is hanging on the bombax tree; what stupid, idiot, fool (he is). 1
hir BieE KWfu ryqu mih ibKirE hsqMØI cuinE n jweI ] kih kmIr kul jwiq pWiq qij cItI hoie cuin KweI ]2]3]12]
har bha-i-o khaand, rayt meh bikhri-o, hasteeN chuni-o na jaa-ee.
kahi kameer, kul jaat paant taj, cheetee ho-ay chun khaa-ee. ||2||3||12||
God is like sugar spilled in sand, the elephant cannot pick it up;
Says Kamir (Kabir): Give up (all consideration of) caste, family (i.e. social status, i.e. false
vanity), be like an ant, pick up (sugar) and eat it. 2.3.12

bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI rwmklI Gru 1 Banee Naamday-o jee-o kee, Raamkalee, ghar 1
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AwnIly kwgdu kwtIly gUfI Awkws mDy BrmIAly ] pMc jnw isau bwq bqaUAw cIqu su forI rwKIAly ]1]
aaneelay kaagad kaateelay goodee aakaas madhay bharmee-alay.
paNch janaa si-o baat bata-oo-aa cheet so doree raakhee-alay. ||1||
(The composer, Namdev, addresses this verse to bhagat Tirlochan):
(The boy) brings a paper, cuts it and makes a kite (out of it), and, flies it into sky;
(Even midst of) talking and speaking with his friends, (he still) keeps his mind in string (of the
kite). 1
mnu rwm nwmw byDIAly ] jYsy kink klw icqu mWfIAly ]1] rhwau ]
man, raam naamaa baydhee-alay. jaisay kanik kalaa, chit maandee-alay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind has been pierced by the name of God;
like the mind of the goldsmith is held by his art (i.e. in engraving). 1 (pause)
AwnIly kuMBu BrweIly aUdk rwj kuAwir purMdrIey ] hsq ibnod bIcwr krqI hY cIqu su gwgir rwKIAly ]2]
aaneelay kuMbh, bharaa-eelay oodak, raaj ku-aar puraNdree-ay.
hasat, binod, beechaar kartee hai; cheet so gaagar raakhee-alay. ||2||
In the city, the young girl brings a pitcher and fills it with water; (but, midst of)
laughing, playing and talking, she (still) keeps her mind on the pitcher (of water). 2
mMdru eyku duAwr ds jw ky gaU crwvn CwfIAly ] pWc kos pr gaU crwvq cIqu su bCrw rwKIAly ]3]
maNdar ayk, du-aar das jaa kay, ga-oo charaavan chhaadee-alay.
paanch kos par ga-oo charaavat, cheet so bachhraa raakhee-alay. ||3||
There is one home, having ten gates, cows are let loose out to graze (in the field);
The cows grazes five kos (i.e. about 16 kilometres) away, they are keeping its mind focussed
on their calves. 3
khq nwmdyau sunhu iqlocn bwlku pwln pauFIAly ] AMqir bwhir kwj ibrUDI cIqu su bwirk rwKIAly ]4]1]
kahat naamday-o, sunhu tilochan, baalak paalan pa-uḍee-alay.
aNtar baahar kaaj biroodhee, cheet so baarik raakhee-alay. ||4||1||
Says Namdev: Listen O! Trilochan, the child is laid down in the cradle;
(the mother) is busy at work, inside and outside, (but) she holds her mind in the child. 4.1
byd purwn swsqR Awnµqw gIq kibq n gwvaugo ] bayd puraan saastar aanaNtaa, geet kabit* na gaav-ogo.
There are countless Vedas, Puranas and Shastras; (but) I do not sing their songs and verses*;
(*Kabit is a form of poetry)
P. 973
AKMf mMfl inrMkwr mih Anhd bynu bjwvaugo ]1]
akhaNd maNdal niraNkaar meh, anhad bayn bajaav-ogo. ||1||
In the imperishable realm of the Formless (Lord), I play the flute of the unstruck (celestial)
bYrwgI rwmih gwvaugo ] bairaagee raameh gaav-ogo.
Becoming detached I will sing (the praise) of God.
sbid AqIq Anwhid rwqw Awkul kY Gir jwaugo ]1] rhwau ]
sabad ateet anaahad raataa, aakul kai ghar jaa-ugo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Becoming detached through the word and imbued with the Indestructible (Lord), I shall got
to home of the One with no linage (i.e. God). 1 (pause)
ieVw ipMgulw Aauru suKmnw paunY bMiD rhwaugo ] Iṛaa piNgulaa a-or sukhmanaa, pa-unai baNdh rahaa-ugo.
I shall bind away (i.e. stop practising) controlling of breath through I aa, pingulaa and
sukhmanaa (i.e. left, right and central breath channels).
cMdu sUrju duie sm kir rwKau bRhm joiq imil jwaugo ]2]
chaNd sooraj du-ay sam kar raakha-o, barahm jot mil jaa-ugo. ||2||
I keep the sun and the moon (i.e. left and the right channel) as the same, and, I shall merge into
the Light of God. 2
qIrQ dyiK n jl mih pYsau jIA jMq n sqwvaugo ] tirath daykh na jal meh paisa-o, jee-a ja t na sataav-ogo.
I do not see (i.e. visit) the places of pilgrimage; I do not go in water (i.e. do not take cleansing
bath); and, I do not bother/trouble beings and creatures (in waters).
ATsiT qIrQ gurU idKwey Gt hI BIqir n@waugo ]3]
aṭsaṭ tirath guroo dikhaa-ay, ghat hee bheetar nahaa-ogo. ||3||
The Guru has shown me sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, (now) I take (cleansing) bath
within my heart. 3
pMc shweI jn kI soBw Blo Blo n khwvaugo ] paNch sahaa-ee jan kee sobhaa, bhalo bhalo na kahaav-ogo.
(I don’t bother for) the praise from friends and well-wishers; I shall not want to be called good.
nwmw khY icqu hir isau rwqw suMn smwiD smwaugo ]4]2]
naamaa kahai, chit har si-o raataa, suNn samaadh samaa-ugo. ||4||2||
Nama says: My mind is imbued with God, I shall absorb in the state of void-trance. 4.2
mwie n hoqI bwpu n hoqw krmu n hoqI kwieAw ] maa-ay na hotee, baap na hotaa, karam na hotee kaa-i-aa.
(It is said that one is born due to one’s deeds, but) when there was no mother, no father, no karma (i.e.
good or bad deeds) and no body;
hm nhI hoqy qum nhI hoqy kvnu khW qy AwieAw ]1]
ham nahee hotay, tum nahee hotay, kavan kahaan tay aa-i-aa. ||1||
I was not there, you were not there; (then) who came and from where? 1
rwm koie n iks hI kyrw ] jYsy qrvir pMiK bsyrw ]1] rhwau ]
raam, ko-ay na kis hee kayraa. jaisay, tarvar paNkh basayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God, no one belongs to anyone (else);
(we are here, in this world) like perching of a bird on a tree. 1 (pause)
cMdu n hoqw sUru n hoqw pwnI pvnu imlwieAw ] swsqu n hoqw bydu n hoqw krmu khW qy AwieAw ]2]
chaNd na hotaa, soor na hotaa, paanee pavan milaa-i-aa.
saasat na hotaa, bayd na hotaa, karam kahaan tay aa-i-aa. ||2||
(When) there was no moon and no sun; the air and water were blended (in God);
(when) there were no Shastras and no Vedas; then where did karma (i.e. good or bad deeds)
come from? 2
Kycr BUcr qulsI mwlw gur prswdI pwieAw ] khaychar bhoochar tulsee maalaa, gur parsaadee paa-i-aa.
Control of breath through positioning of tongue, (wearing of) the rosary of (beads of) the tulsi
(i.e. basil, a herb), are all obtained through the grace of the Guru.
nwmw pRxvY prm qqu hY siqgur hoie lKwieAw ]3]3]
naamaa paraṇvai, param tat hai, satgur ho-ay, lakhaa-i-aa. ||3||3||
Nama (i.e. Namdev) prays: He is the Supreme Essence (of Reality); it is known (i.e. revealed)
to the one belongs to the True Guru. 3.3

rwmklI Gru 2 ] Raamkalee, ghar 2

bwnwrsI qpu krY aulit qIrQ mrY Agin dhY kwieAw klpu kIjY ]
banaarsee tap karai ulat, tirath marai, agan dahai, kaa-i-aa kalap keejai.
One may practice penance (i.e. meditatate) upside down at Banaras, or die at place of
pilgrimage, or burn (his body) in fire, or may rejuvenate his body (to live for very long); and,
AsumyD jgu kIjY sonw grB dwnu dIjY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]1]
asumaydh jag keejai, sonaa garabh daan deejai, raam naam sar ta-oo na poojai. ||1||
one may perform horse-sacrifice yagna (i.e. feast), or give (gifts of) gold-covered over; but,
none of these is equal to the name of God. 1
Coif Coif ry pwKMfI mn kptu n kIjY ] hir kw nwmu inq inqih lIjY ]1] rhwau ]
chhod chhod ray paakhaNdee man, kapat na keejai. har kaa naam, nit niteh leejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Renounce and abandon, O! hypocrite mind, do not practice deception; and,
chant the name of God, over and over again. 1 (pause)
gMgw jau godwvir jweIAY kuMiB jau kydwr n@weIAY gomqI shs gaU dwnu kIjY ]
gaNgaa ja-o godaavar jaa-ee-ai, kumbh ja-o kaydaar nhaa-ee-ai, gomtee sahas ga-oo daan keejai.
One may go to Ganges or Godavari, or to Kumbh fair, or bathe at Kedar (Nath), or donate
thousand cows at Gomti; and,
koit jau qIrQ krY qnu jau ihvwly gwrY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]2]
kot ja-o tirath karai, tan ja-o hivaalay gaarai, raam naam sar ta-oo na poojai. ||2||
one may visit tens of millions places of pilgrimage, or decompose (i.e. freeze/ destroy) his body
in Himalayas, (still, all these) are not equal to (the meditation upon) the name of God. 2
Asu dwn gj dwn ishjw nwrI BUim dwn AYso dwnu inq inqih kIjY ]
as daan, gaj daan, sihjaa naaree bhoom daan, aiso daan nit niteh keejai.
One may give away horses in charity, or give away elephants in charity, or give away women
on (their decorated) beds and lands in charity, and, may give away such charity over and over
again; and,
Awqm jau inrmwielu kIjY Awp brwbir kMcnu dIjY rwm nwm sir qaU n pUjY ]3]
aatam ja-o nirmaa-il keejai, aap baraabar kaNchan deejai, raam naam sar ta-oo na poojai. ||3||
One may purify his soul, and, give away in charity his body-weight in gold; (still, all these)
are not equal to (the meditation upon) the name of God. 3
mnih n kIjY rosu jmih n dIjY dosu inrml inrbwx pdu cIin@ lIjY ]
maneh na keejai ros, jameh na deejai dos, nirmal nirbaaṇ pad, cheeneh leejai.
Do not harbor grievance in your mind, or blame the messenger of death; (in stead)
contemplate immaculate state of liberation.
jsrQ rwie nµdu rwjw myrw rwm cMdu pRxvY nwmw qqu rsu AMimRqu pIjY ]4]4]
jasrath raa-ay naNd, raajaa mayraa raam chaNd, paraṇvai naamaa tat ras aMmrit peejai. ||4||4||
Prays Nama (i.e. Namdev): I drink AMmrit, the essence of (all) nectars; this (Amrit name of the
Lord) is my Sovereign Lord, king Ram Chand, the son of Jasrath (i.e. I do not worship Rama, the
son of Jasrath/ Dashrath; for me Amrit name is everything). 4.4

rwmklI bwxI rivdws jI kI Raamkalee, baṇee Ravidaas jee kee

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
pVIAY gunIAY nwmu sBu sunIAY AnBau Bwau n drsY ]
paṛee-ai gunee-ai naam sabh sunee-ai, anbha-o bhaa-o na darsai.
People read and reflect upon the name; (they) listen to all (chanting) the name; (but) they do
not have glance of the embodiment of knowledge of and love (i.e. God).
lohw kMcnu ihrn hoie kYsy jau pwrsih n prsY ]1]
lohaa kaNchan hiran ho-ay kaisay, ja-o paarseh na parsai. ||1||
How the iron be transformed into gold, unless it touches the philosopher’s stone. 1
P. 974
dyv sMsY gWiT n CUtY ] dayv, saNsai gaanṭ na chhootai.
kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ien pMchu imil lUty ]1] rhwau ]
O! Divine (Lord), the knot of doubt does not get untied; (because),
kaam krodh maa-i-aa mad matsar, in paNchahu mil lootay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sexual desire, anger, (attachment to) maya, intoxication (of egotism), jealously - these five
have joined together and robbed (them of virtues). 1 (pause)
hm bf kib kulIn hm pMifq hm jogI sMinAwsI ]
ham bad kab, kuleen, ham paNdit, ham jogee saNni-aasee.
I am a great poet, (I am) of a noble family, I am a Pandit (i.e. religious scholar), I am a yogi (i.e.
recluse), I am a saniaasee (i.e. renouncer);
igAwnI gunI sUr hm dwqy ieh buiD kbih n nwsI ]2]
gi-aanee, gunee, soor, ham daatay; ih budh kabeh na naasee. ||2||
I am a savant (i.e. a man of knowledge), (I am) virtuous, (I am) warrior, I am a giver - such
thinking never runs away (i.e. never departs). 2
khu rivdws sBY nhI smJis BUil pry jYsy baury ]
kaho ravidaas sabhai nahee samjhas, bhool paray jaisay ba-uray.
Says Ravidas: No one understands, (they) wander in delusion like a mad man.
moih ADwru nwmu nwrwien jIvn pRwn Dn mory ]3]1]
mohi adhaar naam naaraa-in, jeevan paraan dhan moray. ||3||1||
The name of God is my only support; it is my life, breath (of life) and wealth. 3.1

rwmklI bwxI byxI jIau kI Raamkalee, banee Bayṇee jee-o kee

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ieVw ipMgulw Aaur suKmnw qIin bsih iek TweI ] byxI sMgmu qh iprwgu mnu mjnu kry iqQweI ]1]
Iṛaa piNgulaa a-or sukhmanaa, teen baseh ik thaa-ee.
bayṇee saNgam tah piraag, man majan karay tithaa-ee. ||1||
I aa, pingulaa and sukhmanaa (i.e. left, right and central veins, i.e. breath channels), these
three dwell in one place (i.e. in the mind); and,
Beni (says): Paryag, the confluence of three rivers (i.e. Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati), is
(also) there, in my mind, where I take my (cleansing) bath. 1
sMqhu qhw inrMjn rwmu hY ] santahu, tahaa niraNjan raam hai.
O! God-orinetd persons, the Immaculate God dwells there;
gur gim cInY ibrlw koie ] gur gam cheenai, birlaa ko-ay.
Rare are those who go there and understand it, through the Guru;
qhW inrMjnu rmeIAw hoie ]1] rhwau ] tahaan niraNjan rama-ee-aa ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The immaculate, all-pervading God is there (i.e. there, one is united with God). 1(pause)
dyv sQwnY ikAw nIswxI ] qh bwjy sbd Anwhd bwxI ]
dayv sathaanai, ki-aa neesaaṇee. tah baajay sabad anaahad baṇee.
What is the sign of the dwelling of God? There, the sound of unstruck word resounds.
qh cMdu n sUrju pauxu n pwxI ] swKI jwgI gurmuiK jwxI ]2]
tah chaNd na sooraj, pa-uṇ na paaṇee. saakhee jaagee, gurmukh jaaṇee. ||2||
There is no moon, or sun, or air or water;
(there) one is awakened through the teaching of the Guru, and, becomes aware of Him. 2
aupjY igAwnu durmiq CIjY ] AMimRq ris ggnµqir BIjY ]
upjai gi-aan, durmat chheejai.aMmrit ras, gagnaNtar bheejai.
When knowledge wells up, the evil-mindedness is destroyed (i.e. is finished); and,
the mind in the core of the sky(i.e. the Tenth Door) is drenched with AMmrit.
eysu klw jo jwxY Byau ] BytY qwsu prm gurdyau ]3]
ays kalaa, jo jaaṇai bhay-o.bhaytai taas, param gurday-o. ||3||
One who knows the secret of this device; meets the supreme divine Guru (i.e. God). 3
dsm duAwrw Agm Apwrw prm purK kI GwtI ] dasam du-aaraa, agam apaaraa, param purakh kee ghaatee.
The Tenth Door is the dwelling place of the inaccessible, infinite, Supreme Person;
aUpir hwtu hwt pir Awlw Awly BIqir QwqI ]4] oopar haat, haat par aalaa, aalay bheetar thaatee. ||4||
Above (the human body, there) is the shop; and, there is niche; and, in the niche there is the
wealth (of God). 4
jwgqu rhY su kbhu n sovY ] qIin iqlok smwiD plovY ]
jaagat rahai, so kabahu na sovai. teen tilok samaadh palovai.
One who remains awake, never sleeps;
When he is in trance, (even) the three worlds disappear.
bIj mMqRü lY ihrdY rhY ] mnUAw aulit suMn mih ghY ]5]
beej maNtar lai hirdai rahai. manoo-aa ulat, suNn meh gahai. ||5||
He takes the Beej Mantar (i.e. the basic formula), he keeps it in his heart;
The mind turns (away from the world and focusses) on the Void (i.e. Absolute Lord). 5
jwgqu rhY n AlIAw BwKY ] jaagat rahai, na alee-aa bhaakhai.
He remains awake; he does not lie.
pwcau ieMdRI bis kir rwKY ] paacha-o INdree, bas kar raakhai.
He keeps the five sensory organs under his control.
gur kI swKI rwKY cIiq ] gur kee saakhee, raakhai cheet.
He cherishes in his mind the teaching of the Guru.
mnu qnu ArpY ik®sn prIiq ]6] man tan arpai, krisan pareet. ||6||
He dedicates his mind and body, to the love of God. 6
kr plv swKw bIcwry ] kar palav, saakhaa beechaaray.
He considers his hands to be the leaves of the branches (of the Tree, i.e. he does not forget the Root);
Apnw jnmu n jUAY hwry ] apnaa janam, na joo-ai haaray.
He does not lose his life in gamble.
Asur ndI kw bMDY mUlu ] asur nadee kaa baNdhai mool.
He plugs up the source of the stream of evil (thoughts).
piCm Pyir cVwvY sUru ] pachhim fayr chaṛaavai soor.
He turns the sun (from the east) to rise from the west (i.e. from ignorance he turns his mind
towards spiritual wisdom).
Ajru jrY su inJru JrY ] ajar jarai so nijhar jharai.
He bears the unbearable, (and then) the drops (of nectar) trickling down (within him);
jgMnwQ isau gosit krY ]7] jagaNnaath si-o gosat karai. ||7||
then, he speaks with the Lord of the Universe. 7
caumuK dIvw joiq duAwr ] cha-umukh deevaa jot du-aar.
The four-sided lamp illumines in his (Tenth) Gate;
plU Anq mUlu ibckwir ] paloo anat mool bichkaar.
(Then, he beholds that) the Primal Being (God) is in the centre of countless leaves.
srb klw ly Awpy rhY ] sarab kalaa lay aapay rahai.
He Himself abides there with all powers.
mnu mwxku rqnw mih guhY ]8] man maaṇak ratnaa meh guhai. ||8||
There He strings the jewels into the pearl of the mind. 8
msqik pdmu duAwlY mxI ] mastak padam du-aalai maṇee.
(There is) lotus (blossoming forth) on his fore-head, and, jewels around it.
mwih inrMjnu iqRBvx DxI ] maahi niraNjan taribhavaṇ dhaṇee.
Within it is the Immaculate (Lord), the Master of the three worlds.
pMc sbd inrmwiel bwjy ] paNch sabad nirmaa-il baajay.
The five pure words resound there.
Fulky cvr sMK Gn gwjy ] ḍulkay chavar, saNkh ghan gaajay.
The chaur (i.e. fan-whisk of honour) wave (there), and, the couch-shell thunder like the
dil mil dYqhu gurmuiK igAwnu ] dal mal daatahu gurmukh gi-aan.
(There) one tramples the demons under his feet with the Guru’s knowledge.
byxI jwcY qyrw nwmu ]9]1] bayṇee jaachai tayraa naam. ||9||1||
(O! Lord) Beni longs (only) for Your name. 9.1
P. 975
rwgu nt nwrwien mhlw 4 Raag Nat Naaraa-in, Mehlaa 4
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-oⁿkaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
myry mn jip Aihinis nwmu hry ] mayray man, jap ahinis naam haray.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, day and night (all the time).
koit koit doK bhu kIny sB prhir pwis Dry ]1] rhwau ]
kot kot dokh baho keenay, sabh parhar paas dharay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Even if one has) committed countless tens and tens of millions of sins, these will be forsaken and
put aside (i.e. ignored and forgiven). 1 (pause)
hir hir nwmu jpih AwrwDih syvk Bwie Kry ]
har har naam jaapeh aaraadheh, sayvak bhaa-ay, kharay.
Those servants (i.e. devotees), who meditate upon and adore God, the Lord with love, are pure
(i.e. their life style is good and pure).
iklibK doK gey sB nIkir ijau pwnI mYlu hry ]1]
kilbikh dokh ga-ay sabh neekar, ji-o paanee mail haray. ||1||
All their sins and faults are erased, just as water washes off the filth. 1
iKnu iKnu nru nwrwienu gwvih muiK bolih nr nrhry ] pMc doK AswD ngr mih ieku iKnu plu dUir kry ]2]
khin khin nar naaraa-in* gaavahi, mukh boleh nar narharay**.
panch dokh asaadh nagar meh, ik khin pal door karay. ||2||
(One who) sings (the praise of the excellences of) the Lord, Dwelling in all beings*, each and
every moment, and chants with his mouth (the praise of the excellences of) the Lord of men;
in a moment, in an instant, He rids him off the five incurable ailments of his (body)village. 2
[*Narayan, literally: ‘dwelling in all beings, i.e. Omnipresent. **Narhar, literally : lord of men/beings/mortals i.e. God].
vfBwgI hir nwmu iDAwvih hir ky Bgq hry ] vadbhaagee har naam dhi-aavahi, har kay bhagat haray.
Greatly fortune are those who meditate upon the name of God; the devotees of God are
green (i.e. forever full of life) .
iqn kI sMgiq dyih pRB jwcau mY mUV mugD insqry ]3]
tin kee saNgat deh prabh jaacha-o, mai mooṛ mugadh nistaray. ||3||
(O! God) I long for their company, please bless me; (in their company) fools and idiots like
me are carried across (the world ocean). 3
ik®pw ik®pw Dwir jgjIvn riK lyvhu srin pry ] kirpaa kirpaa dhaar jagjeevan, rakh layvhu saran paray.
O! Giver of Life to the World, bestow Your kindness and save me; I seek Your refuge.
nwnku jnu qumrI srnweI hir rwKhu lwj hry ]4]1]
naanak, jan tumree sarnaa-ee, har raakho laaj haray. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, O! God, (please) preserve my
honour. 4.1

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

rwm jip jn rwmY nwim rly ] raam jap jan raamai naam ralay.
Meditating upon God, the servants (i.e. devotees) have merged in the name of God.
rwm nwmu jipE gur bcnI hir DwrI hir ik®ply ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam japi-o gur bachnee, har dhaaree har kiraplay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who have meditated upon the name of God through the word (i.e. teaching) of the
Guru, God Himself has bestowed His mercy upon them. 1 (pause)
hir hir Agm Agocru suAwmI jn jip imil sll slly ]
har har agam agochar su-aamee, jan jap mil salal sallay.
God, the Lord, is inaccessible and unknowable; meditating upon Him, His servants (i.e.
devotees) merge in Him, like water (merges) with water.
hir ky sMq imil rwm rsu pwieAw hm jn kY bil blly ]1]
har kay saNt mil raam ras paa-i-aa, ham jan kai bal ballay. ||1||
Meeting with the God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees) of God, I have obtained the essence of
God; I am a sacrifice unto (His) servants (i.e. devotees). 1
purKoqmu hir nwmu jin gwieE siB dwld duK dlly ] purkhotam har naam jan gaa-i-o, sabh daalad dukh dallay.
Those servants (i.e. devotees), who sing (the praise of) the name of Supreme Primal Person,
Lord; and, all their sorrows and poverty are destroyed (i.e. totally uprooted).
ivic dyhI doK AswD pMc DwqU hir kIey iKn prly ]2]
vich dayhee dokh asaadh paNch dhaatoo, har kee-ay khin parlay. ||2||
Within the body are the five incontrollable elements (i.e. passions); God destroys them in
an instant. 2

hir ky sMq min pRIiq lgweI ijau dyKY sis kmly ] har kay saNt man pareet lagaa-ee, ji-o daykhai sas kamlay.
God has attached the minds of the God-oriented persons to Himself, like the lotus flower
beholds the sun.
aunvY Gnu Gn Ginhru grjY min ibgsY mor murly ]3]
unvai ghan, ghan ghanihar garjai, man bigsai mor murlay. ||3||
When the clouds descends (i.e. hangs low), and, the clouds, the dark clouds thunder, the mind
blossoms forth (i.e. dances joyfully) like the peacocks and peafowls. 3
hmrY suAwmI loc hm lweI hm jIvih dyiK hir imly ]
hamrai su-aamee loch ham laa-ee, ham jeeveh daykh har milay.
My Lord has placed His yearning (within me); I live by seeing and meeting God.
jn nwnk hir Aml hir lwey hir mylhu And Bly ]4]2]
jan naanak har amal har laa-ay har maylhu anad bhalay. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Those, whom God has got addicted to intoxication (of His
name), meeting with Him, they find great bliss. 4.2

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

myry mn jip hir hir nwmu sKy ] mayray man, jap har har naam, sakhay.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, (your only) friend.
P. 976
gur prswdI hir nwmu iDAwieE hm siqgur crn pKy ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaadee har naam dhi-aa-i-o, ham satgur charan pakhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of the Guru, I meditate upon the name of God; I wash the feet of the True Guru. 1
aUqm jgMnwQ jgdIsur hm pwpI srin rKy ] ootam jagaNnaath jagdeesur, ham paapee saran rakhay.
O! supreme Lord of the World, the Master of the World, You keep a sinner like me in Your
qum vf purK dIn duK BMjn hir dIE nwmu muKy ]1]
tum vad purakh deen dukh bhaNjan, har dee-o naam mukhay. ||1||
You are great Primal Person, Destroyer of the Sufferings of the Poor; O! God, You have
placed Your name in my mouth.1
hir gun aUc nIc hm gwey gur siqgur sMig sKy ] har gun ooch, neech ham gaa-ay, gur satgur saNg sakhay.
The excellences of God are lofty, I am lowly; joining the Guru, the True Guru, I have sung
(those excellences).
ijau cMdn sMig bsY inMmu ibrKw gun cMdn ky bsKy ]2]
ji-o chaNdan sang basai niMm birkhaa, gun chaNdan kay baskhay. ||2||
Like the (bitter) margosa tree, growing near the sandalwood tree, the qualities (i.e. fragrance)
of sandalwood appear in it (the same has happened to me in the company of the True Guru). 2
hmry Avgn ibiKAw ibKY ky bhu bwr bwr inmKy ] hamray avgan bikhi-aa bikhai kay, baho baar baar nimkhay.
My demerits of poison (i.e. maya) and vices were countless; I had committed them over and
over again, in each and every moment.
AvginAwry pwQr Bwry hir qwry sMig jnKy ]3] avgani-aaray paathar bhaaray, har taaray sa g jankhay. ||3||
I was without any virtue, (I was) like a heavy stone; God has carried me across (the world
ocean), by uniting me with His servants (i.e. devotees). 3
ijn kau qum hir rwKhu suAwmI sB iqn ky pwp ik®Ky ]
jin ka-o tum har raakho su-aamee, sabh tin kay paap karikhay.
Those, whom You protect, O! Lord, all their sins are destroyed.
jn nwnk ky dieAwl pRB suAwmI qum dust qwry hrxKy ]4]3]
jan naanak kay da-i-aal parabh su-aamee tum dusat taaray harṇakhay. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! my merciful Lord, God, You have carried across even
evil persons like Harnaakhsh.

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

myry mn jip hir hir rwm rMgy ] mayray man, jap har har raam raNgay.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, with love.
hir hir ik®pw krI jgdIsuir hir iDAwieE jn pig lgy ]1] rhwau ]
har har kirpaa karee jagdeesur, har dhi-aa-i-o jan pag lagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, upon whom the Lord of the World has granted His grace, he has meditated upon God by
attaching to the feet of His servants (i.e. devotees). 1 (pause)
jnm jnm ky BUl cUk hm Ab Awey pRB srngy ] janam janam kay bhool chook ham, ab aa-ay prabh sarangay.
I had been making omissions and mistakes, for so many births, now Ihave come to the refuge
of God.
qum srxwgiq pRiqpwlk suAwmI hm rwKhu vf pwpgy ]1]
tum sarṇaagat partipaalak su-aamee, ham raakho vad paapgay. ||1||
O! Lord, Your are the cherisher of those who seek Your refuge; save me, a great sinner. 1
qumrI sMgiq hir ko ko n auDirE pRB kIey piqq pvgy ]
tumree saNgat har ko ko na udhaari-o, prabh kee-ay patit pavgay.
Who and which has not been saved by associating with You, O! God; You sanctified (even
great) sinner.
gun gwvq CIpw dustwirE pRiB rwKI pYj jngy ]2]
gun gaavat chheepaa dustaari-o, prabh raakhee paij jangay. ||2||
The calico printer (i.e. Namdev) was driven out by the wicked when he sang (the praise of)
your excellences; (but) You protected the honour of Your servant (i.e. devotee). 2
jo qumry gun gwvih suAwmI hau bil bil bil iqngy ] jo tumray gun gaavahi su-aamee, ha-o bal bal bal
Those who sing Your excellences, O! Lord, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto them.
Bvn Bvn pivqR siB kIey jh DUir prI jn pgy ]3]
bhavan bhavan pavitar sabh kee-ay, jah dhoor paree jan pagay. ||3||
Those houses and homes are sanctified upon which the dust of the feet of Your servants (i.e.
devotees) is placed. 3
qumry gun pRB kih n skih hm qum vf vf purK vfgy ]
tumray gun prabh kahi na sakahi ham, tum vad vad purakh vadgay.
I cannot describe Your excellences, O! God; You are greatest of the great Primal Person, O!
Great (Lord).
jn nwnk kau dieAw pRB Dwrhu hm syvh qum jn pgy ]4]4]
jan naanak ka-o da-i-aa prabh dhaarahu, ham sayvah tum jan pagay. ||4||4||

Bless Your mercy upon Your servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak, O! Lord, that, I may serve the feet
of Your servants (i.e. devotee). 4.4

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

myry mn jip hir hir nwmu mny ] mayray man, jap har har naam manay.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, with belief.
jgMnwiQ ikrpw pRiB DwrI miq gurmiq nwm bny ]1] rhwau ]
jagaNnaath kirpaa prabh dhaaree, mat gurmat naam banay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, upon whom, the Lord of the World, has bestowed His mercy, through the wisdom (i.e.
teaching) of the Guru, he has been shaped like the name. 1 (pause)
hir jn hir jsu hir hir gwieE aupdyis gurU gur suny ] iklibK pwp nwm hir kwty ijv Kyq ik®swin luny ]1]
har jan har jas har har gaa-i-o, updays guroo gur sunay.
kilbikh paap naam har kaatay, jiv khayt kirsaan lunay. ||1||
Those servants (i.e. devotees) of God sing the praise of God, the Lord, the Master, listening to
the teachings of the great Guru;
the name of God cuts down their sins and sorrows, like the farmer cutting down his crop. 1
qumrI aupmw qum hI pRB jwnhu hm kih n skih hir guny ]
tumree upmaa tum hee prabh jaanhu, ham kahi na sakahi har gunay.
You alone know Your praise, O! God; I cannot describe Your excellences, O! God.
jYsy qum qYsy pRB qum hI gun jwnhu pRB Apuny ]2]
jaisay tum taisay parabh tum hee, gun jaanhu parabh apunay. ||2||
You are what You are, O! God; You alone know Your excellences, O! God. 2
mwieAw Pws bMD bhu bMDy hir jipE Kul Kulny ] maa-i-aa faas ba dh baho bandhay, har japi-o khul khulnay.
Those, who are bound by many bonds of maya, meditating upon God, their knot is untied.
ijau jl kuMcru qdUAY bWiDE hir cyiqE moK muKny ]3]
ji-o jal kunchar tadoo-ai baandhi-o, har chayti-o mokh mukhnay. ||3||
(It is) like the elephant which was caught in the water by the crocodile; it remembered God
(chanting His name) from its mouth (and was released). 3
suAwmI pwrbRhm prmysru qum Kojhu jug jugny ] su-aamee paarbarahm parmaysar, tum khojahu jug jugnay.
O! Lord, the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord, throughout the Ages, (the devotees) have
been searching for You.
qumrI Qwh pweI nhI pwvY jn nwnk ky pRB vfny ]4]5]
tumree thaah paa-ee nahee paavai, jan naanak kay prabh vadnay. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! my great Lord, no one has known nor can know Your
extent. 4.5

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

myry mn kil kIriq hir pRvxy ] mayray man, kal keerat har parvaṇay.
O! my mind, in this Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), (only) the singing of the praise (of God) is
accepted ( i.e. approved in His court).
hir hir dieAwil dieAw pRB DwrI lig siqgur hir jpxy ]1] rhwau ]
har har da-i-aal da-i-aa prabh dhaaree, lag satgur har japṇay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

He, upon whom God has bestowed His mercy, (he alone) is attached to the True Guru, and
meditates upon God. 1 (pause)
P. 977
hir qum vf Agm Agocr suAwmI siB iDAwvih hir ruVxy ]
har, tum vad agam agochar su-aamee, sabh dhi-aavahi, har ruṛ-ṇay.
O! Lord, you are great, inaccessible, unknowable, all meditate upon You, O! Beautiful Lord.
ijn kau qum@ry vf ktwK hY qy gurmuiK hir ismrxy ]1]
jin ka-o tum ray vad kataakh hai, tay gurmukh har simarṇay. ||1||

Those, on whom you glance gracefully, meditate upon You through the Guru. 1
iehu prpMcu kIAw pRB suAwmI sBu jgjIvnu jugxy ] ijau sllY sll auTih bhu lhrI imil sllY sll smxy ]2]
ih parpaNch kee-aa prabh su-aamee, sabh jagjeevan jugṇay.
ji-o sallai salal utheh baho lahree, mil sallai salal samṇay. ||2||
The expanse of (creation) is the work of God, the Lord, and, the Life of the Universe (God) is
united with all;(it is like):
countless waves of water rise up from water, (but, then) on meeting water, they merge into
the water again. 2
jo pRB kIAw su qum hI jwnhu hm nh jwxI hir ghxy ]
jo prabh kee-aa so tum hee jaanhu, ham nah jaaṇee har gahṇay.
O! God, You alone know whatever You have done (i.e. the expanse You have created), we
cannot know Your depth.
hm bwirk kau ird ausqiq Dwrhu hm krh pRBU ismrxy ]3]
ham baarik ka-o rid ustat dhaarahu, ham karah prabhoo simarṇay. ||3||
We are Your child, enshrine Your praise within our heart, so that we may remember You,
O! God. 3
qum jl iniD hir mwn srovr jo syvY sB Plxy ] tum jal nidh har maan sarovar, jo sayvai sabh falnay.
You are the treasure of water (i.e. Amrit), O! Lord, (You are) the Mansarover* (overflowing
will all treasures), whoever serves (You) receives fruit (i.e. reward). [*a famous lake in high mountains]
jnu nwnku hir hir hir hir bWCY hir dyvhu kir ik®pxy ]4]6]
jan naanak har har har har baanchhai, har dayvhu kar kirapṇay. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I long for (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, the
Almighty; O! Master, be merciful and bless me. 4.6

nt nwrwien mhlw 4 pVqwl Nat Naaraa-in, Mehlaa 4, parh-taal

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
myry mn syv sPl hir Gwl ] ly gur pg ryn rvwl ]
mayray man, sayv safal har ghaal. lay gur pag rayn ravaal.
O! my mind, serve (the Lord); fruitful is the service of the Lord; and,
receive the dust of the feet of the Guru.
siB dild BMij duK dwl ] sabh dalid bhaNj, dukh daal.

This (service, i.e. meditation upon the name of the Lord) will eliminate your poverty, and your
suffering will be destroyed (i.e. removed).
hir ho ho ho ndir inhwl ]1] rhwau ] har ho ho ho, nadar nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord shall bless you with His constant glance of grace, and, you shall be enraptured. 1
hir kw igRhu hir Awip svwirE hir rMg rMg mhl byAMq lwl lwl hir lwl ]
har kaa garihu har aap savaari-o, har raNg raNg mahal bay-aNt, laal laal har laal.
This (human body) is the home of God, and, God Himself has embellished it; this is the house
of joy and delight of the incomparably beautiful beloved Lord.
hir AwpnI ik®pw krI Awip igRih AwieE hm hir kI gur kIeI hY bsITI hm hir dyKy BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1]
har aapnee kirpaa karee, aap garihi aa-i-o; ham har kee gur kee-ee hai baseethee; ham har
daykhay, bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1||
God Himself bestowed His kindness, and, he came into my home (i.e. heart). I have obtained
the mediation of the Guru. Beholding the Lord, I have become enraptured, blissful, joyful,
delighted. 1
hir Awvqy kI Kbir guir pweI min qin Awndo Awnµd Bey hir Awvqy suny myry lwl hir lwl ] har aavtay kee
khabar gur paa-ee, man tan aando aanaNd bha-ay; har aavtay sunay mayray laal har laal.
I received the news of the coming of the Lord, through the Guru; my mind and body
became blissful, blissful and blissful, when I hears of the coming of my dear, beloved Lord.
jnu nwnku hir hir imly Bey glqwn hwl inhwl inhwl ]2]1]7]
jan naanak har har milay, bha-ay galtaan haal, nihaal nihaal. ||2||1||7||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): meeting God, the Lord, I became intoxicated and
enraptured and blissful. 2.1.7

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

mn imlu sMqsMgiq suBvMqI ] man, mil saNtsaNgat subhvaNtee.
O! (my) mind, join the company of the God-oriented persons, and become fortunate.
suin AkQ kQw suKvMqI ] sun, akath kathaa sukhvaNtee.
Listen to the in-desribable story of (the excellences of) God, (it is) peace-giving.
sB iklivK pwp lhMqI ] hir ho ho ho ilKqu ilKMqI ]1] rhwau ]
sabh kilvikh paap lahaNtee. har ho ho ho likhat likhaNtee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It (i.e. listening to the story of the excellences of God) washes of all the sins and guilt;
He (alone) obtains God for who has this pre-inscribed destiny. 1 (pause)
hir kIriq kljug ivic aUqm miq gurmiq kQw BjMqI ]
har keerat kaljug vich ootam; mat gurmat kathaa bhajaNtee.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), (singing) the praise of God is superb (i.e. most exalted).
Chant the story (i.e. praise of the excellences of God) , through the wisdom of the Guru.
ijin jin suxI mnI hY ijin jin iqsu jn kY hau kurbwnµqI ]1]
jin jan suṇee, manee hai jin jan, tis jan kai ha-o kurbaanaNtee. ||1||
Who and whoever has listened and accepted (i.e. has followed), I am a sacrifice unto that
servant (i.e. devotee of God). 1
hir AkQ kQw kw ijin rsu cwiKAw iqsu jn sB BUK lhMqI ]
har akath kathaa kaa jin ras chaakhi-aa, tis jan sabh bhookh lahaNtee.
One who has tasted the essence of the in-describable story (of the excellences of God), all his
hunger (of maya) is satisfied.
nwnk jn hir kQw suix iqRpqy jip hir hir hir hovMqI ]2]2]8]
naanak jan har kathaa suṇ tariptai, jap har har har hovaNtee. ||2||2||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those who listen to the story of (the excellences of ) God,
are satiated; and, meditating upon (the name of) God, they become (like) God, the Lord, the
Master. 2. 2. 2

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

koeI Awin sunwvY hir kI hir gwl ] iqs kau hau bil bil bwl ]
ko-ee aan sunaavai har kee har gaal. tis ka-o ha-o bal bal baal.
(If) someone would come and tell me the story of (the excellences of ) God, the Lord;
I would be a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto him.
so hir jnu hY Bl Bwl ] hir ho ho ho myil inhwl ]1] rhwau ]
so har jan hai bhal bhaal. har ho ho ho mayl nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That servant (i.e. devotee) of God is a nice, a noble (person);
He unites with God and enraptures. 1 (pause)
P. 978
hir kw mwrgu gur sMiq bqwieE guir cwl idKweI hir cwl ]
har kaa maarag gur saNt bataa-i-o, gur chaal dikhaa-ee har chaal.
The Guru, the God-oriented person has shown the path of God; the Guru has shown me the
manner to walk on the path of God.
AMqir kptu cukwvhu myry gurisKhu inhkpt kmwvhu hir kI hir Gwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1] aNtar kapat
chukaavahu mayray gursikhahu, nihakpat kamaavahu har kee har ghaal, nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1||
Cast out deception from within, O! disciples of the Guru; and, without deception, perform
the service of God, the Lord; (and you shall be) enraptured, enraptured and enraptured.
qy gur ky isK myry hir pRiB Bwey ijnw hir pRBu jwinE myrw nwil ]
tay gur kay sikh mayray har parabh bhaa-ay, jinaa har prabh jaani-o mayraa naal.
Those disciples of the Guru, who realize that my God, the Lord is with them, are pleasing to
my God, the Lord.
jn nwnk kau miq hir pRiB dInI hir dyiK inkit hdUir inhwl inhwl inhwl inhwl ]2]3]9]
jan naanak ka-o mat har prabh deenee, har daykh nikat hadoor, nihaal nihaal nihaal nihaal ||2||3||9||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God, the Lord, has blessed me with this understanding:
‘behold God near, very close, and, be enraptured, enraptured and enraptured’. 2.3.9

rwgu nt nwrwien mhlw 5 Raag Nat Naaraa-in, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwm hau ikAw jwnw ikAw BwvY ] min ipAws bhuqu drswvY ]1] rhwau ]
raam, ha-o ki-aa jaanaa ki-aa bhaavai. man pi-aas bahut darsaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.

O! God, I do not know what pleases You; (but),
within my mind there is a great thirst for Your vision. 1 (pause)
soeI igAwnI soeI jnu qyrw ijsu aUpir ruc AwvY ] so-ee gi-aanee, so-ee jan tayraa, jis oopar ruch aavai.
He alone is a man of (spiritual) knowledge, and, he alone is Your servant (i.e. devotee), in
which You have interest (i.e. who has Your approval/ pleasure).
ik®pw krhu ijsu purK ibDwqy so sdw sdw quDu iDAwvY ]1]
kirpaa karahu jis, purakh bidhaatay, so sadaa sadaa tudh dhi-aavai. ||1||
He, upon whom You bestow Your kindness, O! Primal Person, Architect of Destiny,
meditates upon You, forever and ever. 1
kvn jog kvn igAwn iDAwnw kvn gunI rIJwvY ] kavan jog, kavan gi-aan dhi-aanaa, kavan gunee reejhaavai.
What is that (way of) yoga (for uniting with You)? (what is that spiritual) knowledge, (what)
concentration, and, (which) virtue pleases You?
soeI jnu soeI inj Bgqw ijsu aUpir rMgu lwvY ]2] so-ee jan, so-ee nij bhagtaa, jis oopar raNg laavai. ||2||
(In fact) he alone is a servant (i.e. devotee) of God, and, he alone is a devotee, whom he
attaches to His love. 2
sweI miq sweI buiD isAwnp ijqu inmK n pRBu ibsrwvY ]
saa-ee mat, saa-ee budh si-aanap, jit nimakh na prabh bisraavai.
That alone is wisdom, and that alone is intelligence and cleverness, which gets one never to
forget the Lord, even for a moment.
sMqsMig lig eyhu suKu pwieE hir gun sd hI gwvY ]3]
saNtsaNg lag ayhu sukh paa-i-o, har gun sad hee gaavai. ||3||
One, who has obtained this happiness, by joining the company of the God-oriented persons,
sings forever (the praise of) the excellences of God. 3
dyiKE Acrju mhw mMgl rUp ikCu Awn nhI idstwvY ]
daykhi-o achraj mahaa maNgal roop, kichh aan nahee distaavai.
One, who has seen the Wondrous (Lord), the Embodiment of Supreme Bliss, nothing else
comes to his sight.
khu nwnk morcw guir lwihE qh grB join kh AwvY ]4]1]
kaho naanak, morchaa gur laahi-o, tah garabh jon kah aavai. ||4||1||
Says Nanak: One, whose rust (of vices) has been rubbed off (from his mind) by the Guru, how
can he ever enter the womb (again)? 4.1

nt nwrwien mhlw 5 dupdy Nat Naaraa-in, Mehlaa 5, dupday

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
aulwhno mY kwhU n dIE ] mn mIT quhwro kIE ]1] rhwau ]
ulaahano, mai kaahoo na dee-o. man meeṭ tuhaaro kee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not blame anyone else? (because) whatever you do, is sweet to my mind. 1 (pause)
AwigAw mwin jwin suKu pwieAw suin suin nwmu quhwro jIE ]
aagi-aa maan jaan sukh paa-i-aa, sun sun naam tuhaaro jee-o.
Understanding and accepting (Your) command (as sweet), I have obtained happiness; and,
listening and listening to Your name, I live.
eIhW aUhw hir qum hI qum hI iehu gur qy mMqRü idRVIE ]1]
eehaan oohaa har tum hee tum hee, ih gur tay maNtar dariṛ-ee-o. ||1||
Here and hereafter, (it is) You and only You (who pervades); the Guru has planted this sacred
word (i.e. instruction) within me. 1
jb qy jwin pweI eyh bwqw qb kusl Kym sB QIE ]
jab tay jaan paa-ee ayh baataa, tab kusal khaym sabh thee-o.
Since I came to realize this thing, I have been blessed with total pleasure and happiness.
swDsMig nwnk prgwisE Awn nwhI ry bIE ]2]1]2]
saadhsaNg naanak pargaasi-o, aan naahee ray bee-o. ||2||1||2||
Nanak (says): (the Guru) has illumined (my mind), through the company of the God-oriented
persons; there is no other at all. 2.1.3

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

jw kau BeI qumwrI DIr ] jm kI qRws imtI suKu pwieAw inksI haumY pIr ]1] rhwau ]
jaa ka-o bha-ee tumaaree dheer.
jam kee taraas mitee, sukh paa-i-aa, niksee ha-umai peer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God), whoever has Your comfort (i.e. support);
(he) has the fear of death eliminated, (he) obtains happiness, and, his agony of egotism goes
away. 1 (pause)
qpiq buJwnI AMimRq bwnI iqRpqy ijau bwirk KIr ] tapat bujhaanee, aMmrit baanee, tariptai ji-o baarik kheer.
He, whose fire (of desires) is quenched through the AMmrit word (of the Guru); gets satiated as
a child is satisfied by milk.
mwq ipqw swjn sMq myry sMq shweI bIr ]1] maat pitaa saajan saNt mayray, saNt sahaa-ee beer. ||1||
(Such persons proclaim): The God-oriented persons are my father, mother, and friend; and,
the God-oriented persons are my help and my brothers.
P. 979
Kuly BRm BIiq imly gopwlw hIrY byDy hIr ] khulay bharam bheet milay gopaalaa, heerai baydhay heer.
When the doors of doubt get opened, one meets the Sustainer of the World; and, the Diamond
pierced the diamond (i.e. the Light of God pierces deep into the devotees heart).
ibsm Bey nwnk jsu gwvq Twkur gunI ghIr ]2]2]3]
bisam bha-ay, naanak, jas gaavat, ṭaakur gunee gaheer. ||2||2||3||
Nanak (say): Singing the praise of the Lord, the Ocean of Virtues, they are thrilled. 2.2.3

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

Apnw jnu Awpih Awip auDwirE ] apnaa jan, aapeh aap udhaari-o.
He (i.e. God) Himself has (always) saved His servant (i.e. devotee).
AwT phr jn kY sMig bisE mn qy nwih ibswirE ]1] rhwau ]
aaṭ pahar jan kai saNg basi-o, man tay naahi bisaari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(All) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours the day), He has dwet with His servants (i.e.
devotees); He never forgot Him from His mind. 1 (pause)
brnu ichnu nwhI ikCu pyiKE dws kw kulu n ibcwirE ]

baran chihan naahee kichh paykhi-o, daas kaa kul na bichaari-o.
He did not see (i.e. give regard to) his colour or form, and, did not consider the linage of His slave.
kir ikrpw nwmu hir dIE shij suBwie svwirE ]1] kar kirpaa naam har dee-o, sahj subhaa-ay savaari-o. ||1||
Bestowing His kindness, God blessed him with His name, and, embellished him, in natural ease. 1
mhw ibKmu Agin kw swgru iqs qy pwir auqwirE ] mahaa bikham agan kaa saagar, tis tay paar utaari-o.
(This world), the ocean of fire is greatly difficult, (but) He carried him across this.
pyiK pyiK nwnk ibgswno punh punh bilhwirE ]2]3]4]
paykh paykh naanak bigsaano, punah punah balihaari-o. ||2||3||4||
Nanak (says): Beholding and beholding (God), he (i.e. devotee of God) blossomed forth; and,
over and over again he is a sacrifice unto Him. 2.3.4

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

hir hir mn mih nwmu kihE ] koit ApRwD imtih iKn BIqir qw kw duKu n rihE ]1] rhwau ]
har har, man meh naam kahi-o.
kot apraadh miteh khin bheetar, taa kaa dukh na rahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who chants the name of God, the Lord, within his mind;
tens of millions of his sins are erased in a moment, and, his sufferings are eradicated. 1 (pause)
Kojq Kojq BieE bYrwgI swDU sMig lihE ] khojat khojat bha-i-o bairaagee, saadhoo saNg lahi-o.
Searching and searching, one (who) becomes detached, and, finds Him in the company of the
God-oriented persons.
sgl iqAwig eyk ilv lwgI hir hir crn gihE ]1] sagal ti-aag ayk liv laagee, har har charan gahi-o. ||1||
Renouncing every thing, he is focussed on One (Lord); and, he holds the feet of God, the Lord. 1
khq mukq sunqy insqwry jo jo srin pieE ] kahat mukat suntay nistaaray, jo jo saran pa-i-o.
Whoever chants (His name) is liberated, whoever listens to it is liberated; and those are also
(liberated) who seek His refuge.
ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apunw khu nwnk Andu BieE ]2]4]5]
simar simar su-aamee prabh apunaa, kaho naanak anad bha-i-o. ||2||4||5||
Nanak (says): Remembering and remembering my Lord, I am in bliss. 2.4.5

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

crn kml sMig lwgI forI ] charan kamal saNg laagee doree.
My string is now strung with (i.e. I am in deep devotion with) the lotus feet (of the Lord).
suK swgr kir prm giq morI ]1] rhwau ] sukh saagar, kar param gat moree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Ocean of Happiness, (please) bless me with supreme status (i.e. liberate me). 1 (pause)
AMclw ghwieE jn Apuny kau mnu bIDo pRym kI KorI ]
aNchlaa gahaa-i-o jan apunay ka-o, man beedho paraym kee khoree.
You have got Your servant (i.e. devotee) hold hem of Your robe (i.e. You have Yourself attached
Your devotee to Yourself); his mind is pierced through with intoxication of (Your) love.
jsu gwvq Bgiq rsu aupijE mwieAw kI jwlI qorI ]1]
jas gaavat bhagat ras upji-o, maa-i-aa kee jaalee toree. ||1||
Singing Your praise, love of devotion has welled up, and, net (i.e. trap) of maya is broken.1
pUrn pUir rhy ikrpw iniD Awn n pyKau horI ] pooran poor rahay kirpaa nidh, aan na paykha-o horee.
O! Treasure of Mercy, You are pervading everywhere; I do not see any other (at all).
nwnk myil lIE dwsu Apunw pRIiq n kbhU QorI ]2]5]6]
naanak mayl lee-o daas apunaa pareet na kabhoo thoree. ||2||5||6||
Nanak (says): You have united Your slave (i.e. devotee) with Yourself; (now) my love (for You)
will never diminish. 2.5.6

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

myry mn jpu jip hir nwrwiex ] mayray man, jap jap har naaraa-iṇ*.
O! my mind, constantly meditate upon God, the Omnipresent.
[*naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings, i.e. omnipresent. This is an attribute, and one of the names of of God].
kbhU n ibsrhu mn myry qy AwT phr gun gwiex ]1] rhwau ]
kabhoo na bisrahu man mayray tay, aaṭ pahar gun gaa-iṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord) You never forget from my mind; (O! mind) sing (the praise of) His excellences
(throughout all) the eight quarters (i.e. all the twenty-four hours of the day). 1 (pause)
swDU DUir krau inq mjnu sB iklibK pwp gvwiex ]
saadhoo dhoor kara-o nit majan, sabh kilbikh paap gavaa-iṇ.
I take (cleansing) bath, daily, in the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons, and, I am rid
of all my sins and faults.
pUrn pUir rhy ikrpw iniD Git Git idsit smwiexu ]1]
pooran poor rahay kirpaa nidh, ghat ghat disat samaa-iṇ. ||1||
The Treasure of Mercy, the All-Pervading, I see You permeating each and every body. 1
jwp qwp koit lK pUjw hir ismrx quil n lwiex ] jaap taap kot lakh poojaa, har simraṇ tul na laa-iṇ.
Tens of millions o meditation, austerities and worship, can not equal to remembering God.
duie kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY qyry dwsin dws dswiexu ]2]6]7]
du-ay kar joṛ naanak daan maangai, tayray daasan daas dasaa-iṇ. ||2||6||7||
Nanak (says): With both hands pressed together, I beg to be the slave of the slave s of Your
slaves. 2.6.7

nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5

myrY srbsu nwmu inDwnu ] mayrai, sarbas naam nidhaan.
(O! brethren) the Treasure of the name (of God), is everything for me.
kir ikrpw swDU sMig imilE siqguir dIno dwnu ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa saadhoo* saNg mili-o, satgur deeno daan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestowing His kindness, he got me join the company of the Guru*, and, the True Guru has
given me this gift (of the name of God). 1 (pause) [Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
suKdwqw duK BMjnhwrw gwau kIrqnu pUrn igAwnu ]
sukh-daata dukh bhaNjanhaaraa, gaa-o keertan pooran gi-aan.
(God is) the Giver of Happiness, Destroyer of Sorrows; singing His praise, I have obtained
perfect (spiritual) wisdom.
kwmu k®oDu loBu KMf KMf kIn@y ibnisE mUV AiBmwnu ]1]
kaam krodh lobh khaNd khaNd keenhay, binsi-o mooṛ abhimaan. ||1||
He has shattered into pieces (i.e. totally destroyed) sexual desire, anger and greed, and, my
foolish ego has been dispelled. 1

ikAw gux qyry AwiK vKwxw pRB AMqrjwmI jwnu ] ki-aa guṇ tayray aakh vakhaaṇaa, prabh aNtarjaamee jaan.
What excellences of Yours should I chant and describe? O! God, You are the Controller of
the Minds, (and You are) all-knowing.
crn kml srin suK swgr nwnku sd kurbwnu ]2]7]8]
charan kamal saran sukh saagar, naanak sad kurbaan. ||2||7||8||
Nanak (says): O! Ocean of Happiness, I seek refuge of Your lotus-feet; I am a sacrifice unto
You. 2.7.8
P. 980
nt mhlw 5 ] Nat, Mehlaa 5
hau vwir vwir jwau gur gopwl ]1] rhwau ] ha-o vaar vaar jaa-o, gur gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) Guru, the Sustainer of the World, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto You. 1 (pause)
moih inrgun qum pUrn dwqy dInw nwQ dieAwl ]1]
mohi nirgun, tum pooran daatay, deenaa naath da-i-aal. ||1||
O! Master of poor, Merciful (Lord), I am virtues-less, and, You are the perfect Giver. 1
aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq jIA pRwn Dn mwl ]2] ooṭat baiṭat sovat jaagat, jee-a paraan dhan maal. ||2||
While standing up and sitting down, while sleeping and awake, You are my life, my breath
(of life), my wealth and property. 2
drsn ipAws bhuqu min myrY nwnk drs inhwl ]3]8]9]
darsan pi-aas bahut man mayrai, naanak daras nihaal. ||3||8||9||
Nanak (says): Within my mind, I have great thirsty for Your vision, (please, bless me with)
Your vision and enrapture me. 3.8.9

nt pVqwl mhlw 5 Nat, parh-taal, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
koaU hY myro swjnu mIqu ] hir nwmu sunwvY nIq ]
ko-oo hai, mayro saajan meet. har naam sunaavai neet.
Is there any (such) friend or companion of mine;
who will constantly recite (i.e. sing) the name of God to me.
ibnsY duKu ibprIiq ] sBu Arpau mnu qnu cIqu ]1] rhwau ]
binsai dukh bipreet. sabh arpa-o, man tan cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(His reciting name to me would) eradicates the pain of (following) the opposite (i.e. evil) ways;
I would surrender my mind and body and everything. 1 (pause)
koeI ivrlw Awpn kIq ] sMig crn kml mnu sIq ]
ko-ee virlaa, aapan keet. sang charan kamal, man seet.
Rare is the one whom God makes his own; and,
whose mind is sewn into (i.e. attached to) the lotus-feet (of God).
kir ikrpw hir jsu dIq ]1] kar kirpaa, har jas deet. ||1||
Bestowing His grace, God has blessed him with (the singing of) His praise. 1 (pause)
hir Bij jnmu pdwrQu jIq ] har bhaj, janam padaarath jeet.

Meditating upon (the name of) God, one wins the wealth of (human) life.
koit piqq hoih punIq ] kot patit hohi puneet.
Tens of millions of the sinners are purified (by meditating upon the name).
nwnk dws bil bil kIq ]2]1]10]19]
naanak daas bal bal keet. ||2||1||10||19||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto him (i.e. that friend who
recites to me the name of God).

nt AstpdIAw mhlw 4 Nat, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 4

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwm myry min qin nwmu ADwry ] raam, mayray man tan naam adhaaray.
O! God, Your name is the support of my mind and body.
iKnu plu rih n skau ibnu syvw mY gurmiq nwmu sm@wry ]1] rhwau ]
khin pal reh na saka-o bin sayvaa; mai gurmat naam samhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot live for a moment, for an instant, without serving You. Through the wisdom of
Guru, I remember Your name. 1 (pause)
hir hir hir hir hir min iDAwvhu mY hir hir nwmu ipAwry ]
har har har har, har man dhi-aavahu, mai har har naam pi-aaray.
(O! brethren, meditate upon the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty; within my
mind, I meditate upon the name of God; the name of God, the Lord, is dear to me.
dIn dieAwl Bey pRB Twkur gur kY sbid svwry ]1]
deen da-i-aal bha-ay prabh ṭaakur, gur kai sabad savaaray. ||1||
When God, the Lord, becomes merciful to the poor, He embellished them through the word
of the Guru.1
mDsUdn jgjIvn mwDo myry Twkur Agm Apwry ]
madhsoodan jagjeevan maadhau, mayray ṭaakur agam apaaray.
MY Lord, the Destroyer of Demons, the Life of the World, the Lord of Wealth is inaccessible
and infinite.
iek ibnau bynqI krau gur AwgY mY swDU crn pKwry ]2]
ik bin-o bayntee kara-o gur aagai, mai saadhoo charan pakhaaray. ||2||
I offer this one prayer to the Guru, (bless me) that I may wash the feet of the God-oriented
persons. 2
shs nyqR nyqR hY pRB kau pRB eyko purKu inrwry ]
sahas naytar naytar hai prabh ka-o, prabh ayko purakh niraaray.
Thousands of the eyes (of the beings) are the eyes of the Lord, (yet) the One Lord, the Primal
Person remains unattached.
shs mUriq eyko pRBu Twkuru pRBu eyko gurmiq qwry ]3]
sahas moorat ayko prabh ṭaakur, prabh ayko gurmat taaray. ||3||
The One God, Lord, Master, has thousands of forms, (yet) God is One; He saves (all) through
the wisdom of the Guru. 3
gurmiq nwmu dmodru pwieAw hir hir nwmu auir Dwry ] gurmat naam damodar paa-i-aa, har har naam ur dhaaray.
He, who is blessed with the name of the Protector* (i.e. God), through the wisdom of the
Guru, enshrines the name of God, the Lord, within his heart.
[*Damodar, literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect, i.e. Protector. This is on of the attributes
and the names, of God].
hir hir kQw bnI Aiq mITI ijau gUMgw gtk sm@wry ]4]
har har kathaa banee at meeṭee, ji-o gooNgaa gatak sam aaray. ||4|| H

The story of (the excellences of) God is so very sweet, like the dumb, who relishes it but
cannot tell its taste. 4
rsnw swd cKY Bwie dUjY Aiq PIky loB ibkwry ] rasnaa saad chakhai bhaa-ay doojai, at feekay lobh bikaaray.
One, whose tongue savours the tastes of the love of the other (i.e. other than God), (he becomes
attached to) very insipid tastes of greed and vices.
jo gurmuiK swd cKih rwm nwmw sB An rs swd ibswry ]5]
jo gurmukh saad chakheh raam naamaa, sabh an ras saad bisaaray. ||5||
One, who savours the taste of the name of God, through the Guru, forgets all other tastes. 5
gurmiq rwm nwmu Dnu pwieAw suix khiqAw pwp invwry ]
gurmat raam naam dhan paa-i-aa, suṇ kehti-aa paap nivaaray.
Those, who have obtained the wealth of name, through the wisdom of the Guru, hearing and
singing (the name of the Lord) have eradicated (all) their sins.
Drm rwie jmu nyiV n AwvY myry Twkur ky jn ipAwry ]6]
dharam raa-ay jam nayṛ na aavai, mayray ṭaakur kay jan pi-aaray. ||6||
The messenger death or the Judge of Righteousness does not even come near those who are
beloved servants (i.e. devotees) of my Lord. 6
sws sws sws hY jyqy mY gurmiq nwmu sm@wry ] saas saas saas hai jaytay, mai gurmat naam samhaaray.
With each and every breath that I have, I remember the name (of the Lord) through the
wisdom of the Guru; and,
swsu swsu jwie nwmY ibnu so ibrQw swsu ibkwry ]7] saas saas jaa-ay naamai bin, so birthaa saas bikaaray. ||7||
each and every breath that goes without (remembering) the name (of the Lord), that breath is
useless and worthless. 7
ik®pw ik®pw kir dIn pRB srnI mo kau hir jn myil ipAwry ] nwnk dwsin dwsu khqu hY hm dwsn ky pinhwry ]8]1]
kirpaa kirpaa kar, deen prabh sarnee, mo ka-o har jan mayl pi-aaray.
naanak daasan daas kahat hai ham daasan kay panihaaray. ||8||1||
(O! God), please bestow Your kindness,; I, the poor, seek Your refuge, (please) unite me with
Your beloved servants (i.e. devotees);
Nanak, the slave of the slaves says: I am the water-carrier of Your slaves. 8.1
P. 981
nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4
rwm hm pwQr inrgunIAwry ] raam, ham paathar nirgunee-aaray.
O! God, I was (like) a stone and virtue-less (i.e. hard-hearted, unresponsive and unworthy);
ik®pw ik®pw kir gurU imlwey hm pwhn sbid gur qwry ]1] rhwau ]
kirpaa kirpaa kar guroo milaa-ay, ham paahan sabad gur taaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestowing His mercy and kindness, He got me to meet the Guru, and, I, the stone, was
carried across (the world ocean) through the word of Guru. 1 (pause)
siqgur nwmu idRVwey Aiq mITw mYlwgru mlgwry ] satgur naam driṛ-aa-ay at meeṭaa, mailaagar malgaaray.
The True Guru has implanted name the name (of the Lord), (which is) very sweet, and, (cool)
like the fragrance of the sandalwood.
nwmY suriq vjI hY dh idis hir muskI musk gMDwry ]1]
naamai surat vajee hai dah dis, har muskee musak gaNdhaaray. ||1||
Through the name the awareness of ten directions has been revealed; the fragrance of (the
name of) the fragrant Lord permeates everywhere. 1
qyrI inrgux kQw kQw hY mITI guir nIky bcn smwry ]
tayree nirgun kathaa, kathaa hai meeṭee, gur neekay bachan samaaray.
Your story is story free from gunaas is sweet (i.e. story of Your excellences is free from the
impact of qualities of maya); it is enshrined (in the heart) through sublime word of the Guru.
gwvq gwvq hir gun gwey gun gwvq guir insqwry ]2]
gaavat gaavat har gun gaa-ay, gun gaavat gur nistaaray. ||2||
Singing and singing, those who sing the excellences of God, singing the excellences the Guru
saves them. 2
ibbyku gurU gurU smdrsI iqsu imlIAY sMk auqwry ]
bibayk guroo guroo samadrasee, tis milee-ai saNk utaaray.
The Guru is wise, the Guru is impartial; meeting with Him all doubts are removed
siqgur imilAY prm pdu pwieAw hau siqgur kY bilhwry ]3]
satgur mili-ai param pad paa-i-aa, ha-o satgur kai balihaaray. ||3||
Meeting with the True Guru, one obtains the supreme status; I am a sacrifice unto the True
Guru. 3
pwKMf pwKMf kir kir Brmy loBu pwKMfu jig buirAwry ]
pakhaNd pakhaNd kar kar bharmay, lobh pakhaNd jag buri-aaray.
Constantly practising hypocrisy (i.e. religious rituals), (many people) are wandering around
in doubt; greed and hypocrisy are evils in this world.
hliq pliq duKdweI hovih jmkwlu KVw isir mwry ]4]
halat palat dukh-daa-ee hoveh, jamkaal khaṛaa sir maaray. ||4||
Here (i.e. in this world) and the world hereafter they suffer; the messenger of death hovers
over their head and strikes (i.e. punishes) them . 4
augvY idnsu Awlu jwlu sm@wlY ibKu mwieAw ky ibsQwry ]
ugvai dinas aal jaal samhaalai, bikh maa-i-aa kay bisthaaray.
With the dawn of the day, they start taking care (i.e. get entangled and engrossed in) worldly
affairs; all these are the expanse of poison of maya; and,
AweI rYin BieAw supnµqru ibKu supnY BI duK swry ]5]
aa-ee rain bha-i-aa supnaNtar, bikh supnai bhee dukh saaray. ||5||
When night falls, they enter the world of dreams; in dreams too, they nurture all troubles of
poison (i.e. maya). 5
klru Kyqu lY kUVu jmwieAw sB kUVY ky Klvwry ] kalar khayt lai kooṛ jamaa-i-aa, sabh kooṛai kay khalvaaray.
(One, who is engrossed in maya, his heart is like a barren field, and) in a saline (i.e. barren) field,
(if) one plants falsehood, then he shall harvest falsehood.
swkq nr siB BUK BuKwny dir TwFy jm jMdwry ]6]
saakat nar sabh bhookh bhukhaanay, dar ṭaaḍay jam jaNdaaray. ||6||
The non-believer men (always) remain hungry with all hunger (of maya); the ruthless
messenger of death is stands waiting at their door. 6
mnmuK krju ciVAw ibKu BwrI auqrY sbdu vIcwry ]
manmukh karaj chaṛi-aa bikh bhaaree, utrai sabad veechaaray.
The mind-oriented is under heavy debt of (acts of) poison (i.e. vices and sins); it can be paid
off by contemplating the word (of the Guru); (and, then)
ijqny krj krj ky mMgIey kir syvk pig lig vwry ]7]
jitnay karaj karaj kay maNgee-ay, kar sayvak pag lag vaaray. ||7||
As much debt and as many creditors (are there) seeking (the return of the credit), become the
servants (of the Guru), and, become attached to his feet. 7
jgMnwQ siB jMqR aupwey nik KInI sB nQhwry ] jaga naath sabh ja tar upaa-ay, nak kheenee sabh nath-haaray
All the beings that the Lord of the World has created, He has pierced their nose to put string
in it (i.e. He has placed them under His control and command).
nwnk pRBu iKMcY iqv clIAY ijau BwvY rwm ipAwry ]8]2]
naanak, prabh khiNchai tiv chalee-ai, ji-o bhaavai raam pi-aaray. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): As God drives us, so do we follow; it is all as it is pleasing to God. 8.2

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

rwm hir AMimRq sir nwvwry ] raam har, aMmrit sar naavaaray.
God, the Lord, got me to have bath in the pool of A mrit (name of the Guru);
siqguir igAwnu mjnu hY nIko imil klml pwp auqwry ]1] rhwau ]
satgur gi-aan majan hai neeko, mil kalmal paap utaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The (spiritual) knowledge of the True Guru, is beautiful (cleansing) bath; (bathing one’s mind
in) it removes (the filth of) all sins and blemishes. 1 (pause)
sMgiq kw gunu bhuqu AiDkweI piV sUAw gnk auDwry ]
saNgat kaa gun bahut adhikaa-ee, paṛ soo-aa ganak udhaaray.
The virtues (i.e. impact) of the company is tremendous; (that even) Ganika (the prostitute) was
saved by reading (and, thus, listening to the name of God).
[*Gankaa was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave her a
parrot which used to chant the name of God, and, gradually she to began chanting the name of God. Chanting the name
of God liberated her. This story had been written to inspire people to chant the name of God].
prs nprs Bey kuibjw kau lY bYkuMiT isDwry ]1]
paras napras bha-ay kubijaa ka-o, lai baikuNṭ sidhaaray. ||1||
By touching (the feet of Krishna) the untouchable Kubja* (the hunch-back), was taken to
paradise. 1
[*According to the Bhagavata Puraana, after slaying Kamsa, Krishna visits Kubja with Uddhava as promised. Kubja
worships Krishna with her companions and offers him a seat of honour. As Kubja readied herself for Krishna, Krishna
made himself comfortable in Kubja's bed in the inner chambers. As she shyly approached Krishna, he pulls her in bed
and consummates the relationship, fulfilling his promise. After this Krishna took Kubja' to paradise].
Ajwml pRIiq puqR pRiq kInI kir nwrwiex bolwry ] ajaamal pareet putar parat keenee, kar naaraa-iṇ bolaaray.
Ajamal* expressed His love for son, by calling him (his name) Naaraa-i (and was saved).
[*According to this myth, Ajaamal/Ajaaamr was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had

fathered ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and
the names of God). By repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved thus].
myry Twkur kY min Bwie BwvnI jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ]2]
mayray ṭaakur kai man bhaa-ay bhaavnee, jamkaNkar maar bidaaray. ||2||
His devotion pleased my Lord, and, He struck down and drove off the ruthless the
messenger of death. 2
mwnuKu kQY kiQ lok sunwvY jo bolY so n bIcwry ] maanukh kathai, kath lok sunaavai, jo bolai so na beechaaray.
Man talks (i.e. makes sermons) and taking he gets the people listen, but, he (himself) does not
reflect upon what he himself speaks; (but),
sqsMgiq imlY q idVqw AwvY hir rwm nwim insqwry ]3]
satsaNgat milai ta diṛ-taa aavai har raam naam nistaaray. ||3||
Joining the true congregation, one attains firmness (in his faith in the name), and, he is carried
across (the world ocean) by the name of God 3
jb lgu jIau ipMfu hY swbqu qb lig ikCu n smwry ] jab lag jee-o piNd hai saabat, tab lag kichh na samaaray.
As long as the mind and body are intact (i.e. perfectly healthy), one does not remember (God)
even a little bit.
jb Gr mMdir Awig lgwnI kiF kUpu kFY pinhwry ]4]
jab ghar maNdar aag lagaanee kaḍ koop kaḍai panihaaray. ||4||
But when the house catches fire, he wants to dig a well to draw water (to extinguish the fire). 4
swkq isau mn mylu n krIAhu ijin hir hir nwmu ibswry ]
saakat si-o, man mayl na karee-ahu, jin har har naam bisaaray.
O! mind, do not associate with a non-believer, who has forgotten the name of God, the Lord.
swkq bcn ibCUAw ijau fsIAY qij swkq prY prwry ]5]
saakat bachan bichhoo-aa ji-o dasee-ai taj saakat parai paraaray. ||5||
The words of a non-believer are like the sting of a scorpion, (hence) keep the non-believer far
far away. 5
P. 982
lig lig pRIiq bhu pRIiq lgweI lig swDU sMig svwry ]
lag lag pareet baho preet lagaa-ee, lag saadhoo* saNg savaaray.
Those, who embraced and embraced love and deep love, attaching to the company of the
Guru they (i.e. their lives) were embellished. [*Here, sadhoo has been sued for the Guru].
gur ky bcn siq siq kir mwny myry Twkur bhuqu ipAwry ]6]
gur kay bachan sat sat kar maanay, mayray ṭaakur bahut pi-aaray. ||6||
Those who accept the words of Guru as true and truth, are very dear to my Lord. 6
pUrib jnim prcUn kmwey hir hir hir nwim ipAwry ]
poorab janam parchoon kamaa-ay, har har har naam pi-aaray.
Because of bits of (good) deeds earned in their previous births, they enshrined love for the
name of God, the Lord.
gur pRswid AMimRq rsu pwieAw rsu gwvY rsu vIcwry ]7]
gur parsaad aMmrit ras paa-i-aa, ras gaavai ras veechaaray. ||7||
By the grace of the Guru, they obtained the essence of AMmrit (name of the Lord); and, they
sing of the essence (of the name of the Lord) and reflect upon the essence . 7

hir hir rUp rMig siB qyry myry lwln lwl gulwry ] har har roop ra g sabh tayray, mayray laalan laal gulaaray.
O! God, Lord, all forms and colours are Yours; O! my Beloved, dear Beloved
jYsw rMgu dyih so hovY ikAw nwnk jMq ivcwry ]8]3]
jaisaa raNg deh so hovai, ki-aa naanak jaNt vichaaray. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): The colour (and form) that You impart (to a being), so he becomes; what can the
poor being do (i.e. human beings have no power of theirs; they act as You command)? 8.3

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

rwm gur srin pRBU rKvwry ] raam, gur saran prabhoo rakhvaaray.
O! God, one who enters the refuge of Guru, (You) save him, O! Lord.
ijau kuMcru qdUAY pkir clwieE kir aUpru kiF insqwry ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o kuNchar tadoo-ai pakar chalaa-i-o, kar oopar kaḍ nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As (when) the crocodile had seized the elephant* and You lifted and pulled him out (of the
water) and protected. 1 (pause)
[*As per popular fiction, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that elephant
went to a pond to drink water where an octopus/chrocodile seized it; when it chanted the name of God, it was saved].
pRB ky syvk bhuqu Aiq nIky min srDw kir hir Dwry ]
prabh kay sayvak bahut at neekay, man sardhaa kar har dhaaray.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God are very much good (i.e. sublime); they enshrine God in
their mind with devotion.
myry pRiB srDw Bgiq min BwvY jn kI pYj svwry ]1]
mayray prabh sardhaa bhagat man bhaavai, jan kee paij savaaray. ||1||
Faith and devotion are pleasing to the mind of my Lord; He Himself embellishes the honour
of His servants (i.e. devotees).1
hir hir syvku syvw lwgY sBu dyKY bRhm pswry ] har har sayvak sayvaa laagai ,sabh daykhai barahm pasaaray.
The servant (i.e. devotee) of God, the Lord, is attached to His service; he sees God pervading
eyku purKu ieku ndrI AwvY sB eykw ndir inhwry ]2]
ayk purakh ik nadree aavai, sabh aykaa nadar nihaaray. ||2||
He sees the One and the only Primal Person, who blesses all with His glance of grace. 2
hir pRBu Twkuru rivAw sB TweI sBu cyrI jgqu smwry ]
har prabh ṭaakur ravi-aa sabh ṭaa-ee, sabh chayree jagat samaaray.
God, the Lord, is pervading all places, and, looks after the whole world as a slave (takes care
of his Master).
Awip dieAwlu dieAw dwnu dyvY ivic pwQr kIry kwry ]3]
aap da-i-aal da-i-aa daan dayvai, vich paathar keeray kaaray. ||3||
He Himself is embodiment of mercy, in His mercy He blesses (all) with gifts; He gives (food)
even to worms in stones. 3
AMqir vwsu bhuqu muskweI BRim BUlw imrgu isM|Hwry ]
aNtar vaas bahut muskaa-ee, bharam bhoolaa mirag siNnghaaray.
Within the dear, there is great (treasure of) musk, but deluded by doubt, he moves his horns
into the bushes (in search of musk).
bnu bnu FUiF FUiF iPir QwkI guir pUrY Gir insqwry ]4]
ban ban ḍoodh ḍoodh fir thaakee, gur poorai ghar nistaaray. ||4||
(The Husband Lord dwells within the heart, but the soul bride) wandering and wandering, and
searching and searching (for Him) in the forest and woods, she gets exhausted. The perfect
Guru (shows Him) in her own home (i.e. heart) and carries her across (the world ocean). 4
bwxI gurU gurU hY bwxI ivic bwxI AMimRqu swry ] baṇee guroo guroo hai baṇee, vich baṇee amrit saaray.
The word is the Guru, and, the Guru is the word; and, all Amrit is contained within the word.
guru bwxI khY syvku jnu mwnY prqiK gurU insqwry ]5]
gur baṇee kahai, sayvak jan maanai, partakh guroo nistaaray. ||5||
When the Guru speaks the word, the serving person (i.e. devotee, disciple) obeys, the Guru
obviously (and surely) liberates Him. 5
sBu hY bRhmu bRhmu hY psirAw min bIijAw Kwvwry ]
sabh hai barahm, barahm hai pasri-aa, man beeji-aa khaavaaray.
All is God, and it is all God’s expanse, one eats what he plants in his mind (i.e. one obtains th
reward of his thinking).
ijau jn cMdRhWsu duiKAw iDRstbuDI Apunw Gru lUkI jwry ]6]
ji-o jan chaNdar-haans dukhi-aa dharistbudhee, apunaa ghar lookee jaaray. ||6||
Like when Dharisht Budhi (who) wanted to hurt the devotee Chand Haans, but (in the
process of harming him), he set his own house on fire (i.e. killed his own son). 6
[*According to this fiction, Chanderhaans was the only son of Medhvi, the king of Kerala. When he was just a small
boy, the enemies attacked the kingdom, killed the king and captured the state. His caretaker maid saved him and took
him to Kuntalpur, an adjoining country. There, the king, who had no male child treated him as his own son and decided
to marry his daughter to him and install him as the king of his state. Dhrisht Budhi who was the caretaker of the state
planned to kill Chanderhaans; however, he escaped several attempts to kill him, and in one such attempt, Dhrist Budhi
got his own son killed by mistake].
pRB kau jnu AMqir ird locY pRB jn ky sws inhwry ]
prabh ka-o jan aNtar rid lochai, prabh jan kay saas nihaaray.
God’s servant (i.e. devotee) longs for (beholding) Him within his heart; God watches his
servant, over each and every breath (and cherishes him).
ik®pw ik®pw kir Bgiq idRVwey jn pICY jgu insqwry ]7]
kirpaa kirpaa kar bhagat driṛ-aa-ay, jan peechhai jag nistaaray. ||7||
Bestowing His kindness and mercy, He implants devotion (within him), and, for the sake of
his servant (i.e. devotee), He liberates the world. 7
Awpn Awip Awip pRBu Twkuru pRBu Awpy isRsit svwry ]
aapan aap aap prabh ṭaakur, prabh aapay sarisat savaaray.
God, the Lord, is Himself by Himself; God Himself embellishes the world.
jn nwnk Awpy Awip sBu vrqY kir ik®pw Awip insqwry ]8]4]
jan naanak aapay aap sabh vartai, kar kirpaa aap nistaaray. ||8||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): He Himself is pervading everywhere, and, bestowing
His mercy, He Himself carries across (the world ocean). 3.4
nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4
rwm kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry ] ijau pkir dRopqI dustW AwnI hir hir lwj invwry ]1] rhwau ]
raam, kar kirpaa layho ubaaray. ji-o pakar daropatee dustaan aanee, har har laaj nivaaray ||1|| rahaa-o
O! God, bestow Your kindness and save me;
as, when Daropati* was seized and brought by the villains (in the court), O! God, the Lord,
You saved her honour. 1 (pause)
[*According to ‘Mahabharata’, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchāla and the wife of the five
Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing gamble,
the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult the
Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee; and, he began to disrobe
Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs, and, as Dushasana
unwraps layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree keeps getting extended. Thus, listening
to her prayers, God saved her honour].
kir ikrpw jwick jn qyry ieku mwgau dwnu ipAwry ] kar kirpaa jaachik jan tayray, ik maaga-o daan pi-aaray.
Bestow Your kindness, I am a servant (i.e. devotee), a beggar, begging for a single gift from
You, O! Beloved (Lord).
siqgur kI inq srDw lwgI mo kau hir guru myil svwry ]1]
satgur kee nit sardhaa laagee mo ka-o, har gur mayl savaaray. ||1||
I constantly long for (meeting with) the True Guru, O! God, (please) get me meet the Guru and
embellish. 1
swkq krm pwxI ijau mQIAY inq pwxI Jol Julwry ]
saakat karam paanee ji-o mathee-ai, nit paaṇee jhol jhulaaray.
The actions of the non-believer are like the churning of water; he constantly stirs and churns
the water.
imil sqsMgiq prm pdu pwieAw kiF mwKn ky gtkwry ]2]
mil satsaNgat param pad paa-i-aa, kaḍ maakhan kay gatkaaray. ||2||
Joining the true congregation, one obtains the supreme status; (it is like) churning out butter
and enjoying it with delight. 2
inq inq kwieAw mjnu kIAw inq mil mil dyh svwry ] myry siqgur ky min bcn n Bwey sB Pokt cwr sIgwry ]3]
nit nit kaa-i-aa majan kee-aa, nit mal mal dayh savaaray.
mayray satgur kay man bachan na bhaa-ay, sabh fokat chaar seegaaray. ||3||
(Even if) one constantly and regularly washes his body, and rubbing and rubbing he cleans
and decorates it;
(but), if the word (i.e. teaching) of the True Guru are not pleasing to his mind, (then) all his
beautiful decorations are useless. 3
P. 983
mtik mtik clu sKI shylI myry Twkur ky gun swry ]
matak matak chal sakhee sahaylee, mayray ṭaakur kay gun saaray.
O! my friend, my companions, remember the excellences of my Lord, and, walk carefree and
in natural ease (in journey of your life).
gurmuiK syvw myry pRB BweI mY siqgur AlKu lKwry ]4]
gurmukh sayvaa mayray prabh bhaa-ee, mai satgur alakh lakhaaray. ||4||
Service (performed) through the Guru is pleasing to the mind of my Lord; O! True Guru get
me known the Unknown.4
nwrI purKu purKu sB nwrI sBu eyko purKu murwry ] naaree purakh purakh sabh naaree, sabh ayko purakh muraaray.
Women and men, and all men and women, and, the Primal Person, the Destroyer of the
Demons (God) alone dwells in all.
sMq jnw kI rynu min BweI imil hir jn hir insqwry ]5]
sant janaa kee rayn man bhaa-ee, mil har jan har nistaaray. ||5||
Those, whom the dust (of the feet) of the God-oriented
persons, the servants (i.e. devotees), is
pleasing to their mind, meet the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, and, God liberates them. 5
gRwm gRwm ngr sB iPirAw ird AMqir hir jn Bwry ]
garaam garaam nagar sabh firi-aa, rid aNtar har jan bhaaray.
From village to village, throughout all the towns, I wandered, (but) through the servants(i.e.
devotees) of God, I found Him within my mind.
srDw srDw aupwie imlwey mo kau hir gur guir insqwry ]6]
sardhaa sardhaa upaa-ay milaa-ay, mo ka-o har gur, gur nistaaray. ||6||
Cultivating faith and devotion, the Guru united me with God, and, He carried me across (the
world ocean) through the Guru. 6
pvn sUqu sBu nIkw kirAw siqguir sbdu vIcwry ] pavan soot sabh neekaa kari-aa, satgur sabad veechaaray.
He, who contemplated the word of the True Guru, he beautified the thread of air (i.e. breath of
his life).
inj Gir jwie AMimRq rsu pIAw ibnu nYnw jgqu inhwry ]7]
nij ghar jaa-ay aMmrit ras pee-aa, bin nainaa jagat nihaaray. ||7||
Entering into his own home (i.e. heart), he drank in AMmrit essence, and, saw the world
without eyes (i.e. with spiritual eyes). 7
qau gun eIs brin nhI swkau qum mMdr hm ink kIry ]
ta-o gun ees baran nahee saaka-o tum maNdar ham nik keeray.
I cannot describe Your excellences, O! God, you are the temple, I am just a small worm in it.
nwnk ik®pw krhu gur mylhu mY rwmu jpq mnu DIry ]8]5]
naanak kirpaa karahu gur maylhu mai raam japat man dheeray. ||8||5||
Nanak (says): Bestow Your kindness and unite me with the Guru; (so that) meditating upon
God my mind is comforted. 8.5

nt mhlw 4 ] Nat, Mehlaa 4

myry mn Bju Twkur Agm Apwry ] hm pwpI bhu inrguxIAwry kir ikrpw guir insqwry ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, bhaj ṭaakur agam apaaray.
ham paapee baho nirguṇee-aaray, kar kirpaa gur nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, meditate upon inaccessible, infinite Lord; (and make prayer):
We are sinner and totally without virtues; O! Guru, (please) bestow your mercy and save us. 1
swDU purK swD jn pwey iek ibnau krau gur ipAwry ] rwm nwmu Dnu pUjI dyvhu sBu iqsnw BUK invwry ]1]
saadhoo purakh saadh jan paa-ay, ik bin-o kara-o gur pi-aaray.
raam naam dhan poojee dayvhu, sabh tisnaa bhookh nivaaray. ||1||
One, who obtains company of the God-oriented persons, devotees (of God), (he too) becomes a
God-oriented person; I offer a prayer, O! Guru:
(please) bless me with the wealth of name of God as my capital, that will take away all my
hunger and thirst (for maya). 1
pcY pqMgu imRg iBRMg kuMcr mIn iek ieMdRI pkir sGwry ]
pachai pataNg marig bhariNg kunchar meen; ik INdree pakar saghaaray.
The moth,* the deer,* the bumble-bee,* the elephant,* and the fish* are destroyed, (they) get
captured for one passion and get killed.
[*Some creatures have their weaknesses/flaws which lead to their capture or destruction; e.g. a moth has weakness for
seeing (and it rushes towards the flame and is burnt); a dear has weakness for hearing (it is attracted towards music
and is captured by the hunter); a bumble-bee has weakness for smell (it is attracted towards flowers); an elephant has
weakness for touch (it rushes towards she-elephant with a desire for mating, and, is captured); and, a fish has weakness
for taste (it rushes towards hook and is caught in it)].
pMc BUq sbl hY dyhI guru siqguru pwp invwry ]2]
paNch bhoot sabal hai dayhee, gur satgur paap nivaaray. ||2||
In the body, there are five powerful demons (i.e. five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed,
emotional attachment and pride); the Guru, the True Guru, turns out these sins (i.e. evils). 2
swsqR byd soiD soiD dyKy muin nwrd bcn pukwry ] rwm nwmu pVhu giq pwvhu sqsMgiq guir insqwry ]3]
saastar bayd sodh sodh daykhay, mun naarad bachan pukaaray.
raam naam parhahu gat paavhu, satsaNgat gur nistaaray. ||3||
I have searched through the Shastras and the Vedas, and, Narad, the silent sage, also
proclaimed these words:
Meditating upon the name of God, one obtains the supreme state (i.e. liberation); those who
join the true congregation, the Guru carries them across (the world ocean). 3
pRIqm pRIiq lgI pRB kyrI ijv sUrju kmlu inhwry ]
pareetam pareet lagee prabh kayree, jiv sooraj kamal nihaaray.
One, who is in love with the Beloved Lord, looks at Him like lotus looks at the sun.
myr sumyr moru bhu nwcY jb aunvY Gn Gnhwry ]4]
mayr sumayr mor baho naachai, jab unvai ghan ghanhaaray. ||4||
When the roaring clouds descend (i.e. hang low) from the high hills, the peacocks greatly
dance (i.e. dances to his heart). 4
swkq kau AMimRq bhu isMchu sB fwl PUl ibsukwry ] saakat ka-o a mrit baho si chahu, sabh daal fool bisukaaray.
The non-believer (is like a tree of poison, he) may be greatly irrigated with A mrit (name),
(but even so) all his branches and flowers will remain poisonous.
ijau ijau invih swkq nr syqI CyiV CyiV kFY ibKu Kwry ]5]
ji-o ji-o niveh saakat nar saytee, chhayṛ chhayṛ kaḍai bikh khaaray. ||5||
The more one bows down is humbleness before the non-believer, the more he provokes and
harasses, and, spits out his poison. 5
sMqn sMq swD imil rhIAY gux bolih praupkwry ] saNtan saNt saadh mil rahee-ai ,guṇ boleh par-upkaaray.
(O! Brethren) remain with the God-oriented persons, detached and devoted ones, who chant
(the praise of) the excellences (of God) for the benefit of the others.
sMqY sMqu imlY mnu ibgsY ijau jl imil kml svwry ]6]
saNtai saNt milai man bigsai, ji-o jal mil kamal savaaray. ||6||
When a God-oriented person meets another God-oriented person, the mind blossoms
forth, like the lotus (flower) is embellished by obtaining water. 6
loB lhir sBu suAwnu hlku hY hlikE sBih ibgwry ] myry Twkur kY dIbwin Kbir huoeI guir igAwnu KVgu lY mwry ]7]
lobh lahar sabh su-aan halak hai, halki-o sabheh bigaaray.
mayray ṭaakur kai deebaan khabar ho-ee, gur gi-aan khaṛag lai maaray. ||7||
The waves of greed are like the dog with rabies; in madness it ruins everyone.
When the news reached the court of my Lord, the Guru took up the sword of knowledge (i.e.
spiritual wisdom) killed him (i.e. the Guru killed the wave of greed). 7
rwKu rwKu rwKu pRB myry mY rwKhu ikrpw Dwry ] raakh raakh raakh parabh mayray, mai raakho kirpaa dhaaray.

Save me, save me, save me, O! my Lord; save me bestowing Your kindness (upon me).
nwnk mY Dr Avr n kweI mY siqguru guru insqwry ]8]6]
naanak, mai dhar avar na kaa-ee, mai satgur gur nistaaray. ||8||6||
Nanak (says): I have no other support; (I have faith that) the Guru, the True Guru will carry
me across (the world ocean). 8.6
Ckw 1 ] chhakaa 1. Total six.
P. 984
rwgu mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 Raag Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-oⁿkaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E
as < , is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth.
the only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
Aink jqn kir rhy hir AMqu nwhI pwieAw ] anik jatan kar rahay, har aNt naahee paa-i-aa.
Countless have tried my best, (but) no one has found God's limits.
hir Agm Agm AgwiD boiD Awdysu hir pRB rwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
har agam agam agaadh bodh, aadays har prabh raa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is inaccessible, unapproachable and inaccessible knowledge; I make obeisance to
God, my Sovereign Lord. 1 (pause)
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu inq Jgrqy JgrwieAw ] kaam krodh lobh moh, nit jhagratay jhagraa-i-aa.

Sexual desire, anger, greed, and (emotional) attachment, continually lead (us) to quarreling
and altercations.
hm rwKu rwKu dIn qyry hir srin hir pRB AwieAw ]1]
ham raakh raakh deen tayray, har saran har prabh aa-i-aa. ||1||
Save us, save (us), O! God, we poor (i.e. humble beings) have come to Your refuge, O! Lord. 1
srxwgqI pRB pwlqy hir Bgiq vClu nwieAw ] sarṇaagatee prabh paaltay, har bhagat vachhal naa-i-aa.
Those, who seek You refuge, You cherish them (i.e. preserve their honour), O! God; Your
name is (i.e. You are known as) the Lover of Your Devotees.
pRihlwdu jnu hrnwiK pkirAw hir rwiK lIE qrwieAw ]2]
par-hilaad jan harnaakh pakri-aa, har raakh lee-o taraa-i-aa. ||2||
(When) Prahlad, Your servant (i.e. devotee), was caught by Harnakash (for killing him),
(then, You), O! God, saved him and carried him across (the world ocean). 2
hir cyiq ry mn mhlu pwvx sB dUK BMjnu rwieAw ]
har chayt, ray man, mahal paavaṇ, sabh dookh bhaNjan raa-i-aa.
If you want to obtain His mansion (i.e. vision), O! (my) mind, (then) remember God; the
Sovereign Lord is the Destroyer of All Sorrows.
Bau jnm mrn invwir Twkur hir gurmqI pRBu pwieAw ]3]
bha-o janam maran nivaar ṭaakur, har gurmatee prabh paa-i-aa. ||3||
The Lord removes the fears of birth and death; He can be obtained through the wisdom of
the Guru. 3
hir piqq pwvn nwmu suAwmI Bau Bgq BMjnu gwieAw ]
har patit paavan naam su-aamee, bha-o bhagat bhaNjan gaa-i-aa.
The name of God, the Lord, is the Purifier of the Sinners; He is the Destroyer of the Fears of
the devotees.
hir hwru hir auir DwirE jn nwnk nwim smwieAw ]4]1]
har haar har ur dhaari-o, jan naanak naam samaa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): one, who wear the necklace of the name of God in his heart, that servant (i.e.
devotee) merges in His name. 4.1

mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4

jip mn rwm nwmu suKdwqw ] jap man, raam naam sukh-daata.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon name of God, the Giver of (spiritual) Happiness.
sqsMgiq imil hir swdu AwieAw gurmuiK bRhmu pCwqw ]1] rhwau ]
satsaNgat mil har saad aa-i-aa, gurmukh barahm pachhaataa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the True congregation, one, who has enjoyed the taste of (the name of) God, has come
to realize God. 1 (pause)
vfBwgI gur drsnu pwieAw guir imilAY hir pRBu jwqw ]
vadbhaagee gur darsan paa-i-aa, gur mili-ai har parabh jaataa.
One obtains vision of the Guru, by good fortune; and, meeting with the Guru, God, the Lord
is known (i.e. realized).
durmiq mYlu geI sB nIkir hir AMimRiq hir sir nwqw ]1]
durmat mail ga-ee sabh neekar, har aMmrit har sar naataa. ||1||

One, who has had (cleansing) bath in the A mrit (name), in God's pool, all the filth of his bad
wisdom is washed away.1
Dnu Dnu swDu ijn@I hir pRBu pwieAw iqn@ pUCau hir kI bwqw ]
dhan dhan saadh jinhee har prabh paa-i-aa, tinh poochha-o har kee baataa.
Blesses, blessed are those God-oriented persons, who have found God, the Lord; I ask from
them about the stories (of the excellences) of God.
pwie lgau inq krau judrIAw hir mylhu krim ibDwqw ]2]
paa-ay laga-o nit kara-o judree-aa, har maylhu karam biDhaataa. ||2||
I always fall at their feet, and always pray (to them): (please) bestow your grace and unite me
with God, the Architect of Destiny. 2
illwt ilKy pwieAw guru swDU gur bcnI mnu qnu rwqw ]
lilaat likhay paa-i-aa gur saadhoo, gur bachnee man tan raataa.
One, who has found the holy Guru, through (the destiny) inscribed upon his forehead, his
mind and body are imbued with the word of the Guru.
hir pRB Awie imly suKu pwieAw sB iklivK pwp gvwqw ]3]
har prabh aa-ay milay sukh paa-i-aa, sabh kilvikh paap gavaataa. ||3||
The Lord, God, has come to meet him, and, he has found happiness; he is rid of all his sins and
sorrows. 3
rwm rswiexu ijn@ gurmiq pwieAw iqn@ kI aUqm bwqw ]
raam rasaa-iṇ jinh gurmat paa-i-aa, tinh kee ootam baataa.
Those, who have obtained the essence of God, through the wisdom of the Guru, their story
(i.e. glory) is sublime.
iqn kI pMk pweIAY vfBwgI jn nwnku crin prwqw ]4]2]
tin kee paNk paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee, jan naanak charan paraataa. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One is blessed with dust of their feet by good fortune; I fall
at their feet. 4.2
P. 985
mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4
siB isD swiDk muin jnw min BwvnI hir iDAwieE ]
sabh sidh saadhik mun janaa, man bhaavnee har dhi-aa-i-o.
All the sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), seekers (of miraculous powers),
silent sages have meditated upon God, with love in their minds.
AprMpro pwrbRhmu suAwmI hir AlKu gurU lKwieE ]1] rhwau ]
apraMpro paarbarahm su-aamee, har alakh guroo lakhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Supreme Reality (God), the Lord, is limit-less; the Guru has shown them the unknowable
God. 1 (pause)
hm nIc miDm krm kIey nhI cyiqE hir rwieE ]
ham neech madhim karam kee-ay, nahee chayti-o har raa-i-o.
We have committed mean and low actions, and, have never remembered the Sovereign-Lord.
hir Awin myilE siqgurU iKnu bMD mukiq krwieE ]1]
har aan mayli-o satguroo, khin baNdh mukat karaa-i-o. ||1||
God got me meet the True Guru; in a moment, he got me liberated from the bondage (of
attachment to maya). 1
pRiB msqky Duir lIiKAw gurmqI hir ilv lwieE ]
prabh mastakay dhur leekhi-aa, gurmatee har liv laa-i-o.
God had inscribed destiny on my forehead, (hence) through the wisdom of the Guru, I
enshrined love for God.
pMc sbd drgh bwijAw hir imilE mMglu gwieE ]2]
paNch sabad dargeh baaji-aa, har mili-o maNgal gaa-i-o. ||2||
The five words resounded in His court, we met God and sang the song of bliss. 2
piqq pwvnu nwmu nrhir mMdBwgIAW nhI BwieE ]
patit paavan naam narhar, maNd-bhaagee-aa nahee bhaa-i-o.

The name of God of Mortals* is the purifier of the sinners; but those with bad fortune do not
like it. [*God of men/mortals is an attribute and one of the names of God].
qy grB jonI gwlIAih ijau lonu jlih glwieE ]3] tay garabh jonee gaalee-ah, ji-o lon jaleh galaa-i-o. ||3||
They rot away in the womb in reincarnation; they dissolve like the salt in water. 3
miq dyih hir pRB Agm Twkur gur crn mnu mY lwieE ]
mat deh har prabh agam ṭaakur, gur charan man mai laa-i-o.
(Please) bless me with (such superb) wisdom, O! Inaccessible God, (my) Lord, Master, that I
may enshrine the feet of the Guru in my mind (i.e. my mind may remain attached to the feet of the Guru).
hir rwm nwmY rhau lwgo jn nwnk nwim smwieE ]4]3]
har raam naamai raha-o laago, jan naanak naam samaa-i-o. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (please bless me so that) I may remain attached to the
name of God, and, merged in the name. 4.3

mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4

myrw mnu rwm nwim ris lwgw ] mayraa man, raam naam ras laagaa.
My mind is absorbed in the essence of the name of God.
kml pRgwsu BieAw guru pwieAw hir jipE BRmu Bau Bwgw ]1] rhwau ]
kamal pargaas bha-i-aa gur paa-i-aa, har japi-o bharam bha-o bhaagaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Lotus (of my heart) blossomed forth (when) I met the Guru; and, meditating upon God, my
fear and doubts ran away. 1 (pause)
BY Bwie Bgiq lwgo myrw hIArw mnu soieE gurmiq jwgw ]
bhai bhaa-ay bhagat laago mayraa hee-araa, man so-i-o gurmat jaagaa.
In the fear (of God), my heart is attached to His loving devotion; and, through the wisdom
(i.e. following the teaching) of the Guru (my) sleeping mind has awakened.
iklibK KIn Bey sWiq AweI hir aur DwirE vfBwgw ]1]
kilbikh kheen bha-ay saant aa-ee, har ur dhaari-o vadbhaagaa. ||1||
My sins have been destroyed (i.e. erased), I have found peace, (because) by great fortune, I
have enshrined God in my heart. 1
mnmuKu rMgu ksuMBu hY kcUAw ijau kusm cwir idn cwgw ]
manmukh raNg kasumMbh hai kachoo-aa, ji-o kusam chaar din chaagaa.
The mind-oriented is (like) the false colour of safflower (which fades away soon); as this
flower (i.e. safflower) lasts only for four days (i.e. for short time).
iKn mih ibnis jwie prqwpY fMfu Drm rwie kw lwgw ]2]
khin meh binas jaa-ay partaapai, daNd dharam raa-ay kaa laagaa. ||2||
His glory (i.e. happiness/ peace f mind) perishes in a moment, and, he is punished by the Judge
of Righteousness. 2
sqsMgiq pRIiq swD Aiq gUVI ijau rMgu mjIT bhu lwgw ]
satsaNgat pareet saadh* at gooṛee, ji-o raNg majeeṭ baho laagaa.
In the true congregation, love for the Guru* is (i.e. happiness) greatly firm (i.e. absolutely
permanent); like the permanent colour of madder.
kwieAw kwpru cIr bhu Pwry hir rMgu n lhY sBwgw ]3]
kaa-i-aa kaapar cheer baho faaray, har raNg na lahai sabhaagaa. ||3||
The cloth of the body may be torn into pieces(i.e. may be tattered), (but, still) the fortunate
colour (of love) of God does not fade away. 3
hir cwirHE rMgu imlY guru soBw hir rMig clUlY rWgw ]
har chaarhi-o rang milai gur sobhaa, har raNg chaloolai raangaa.
When one meets the glorified Guru, one is dyed in colour of the love of God; and, one is
imbued with deep red colour of love of God.
jn nwnku iqn ky crn pKwrY jo hir crnI jnu lwgw ]4]4]
jan naanak tin kay charan pakhaarai, jo har charnee jan laagaa. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I wash the feet of that servant (i.e. devotee) who is
attached to the feet of God. 4.6

mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] Raag Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4

myry mn Bju hir hir nwmu gupwlw ] mayray man, bhaj har har naam gupaalaa.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, the Sustainer of the World.
myrw mnu qnu lInu BieAw rwm nwmY miq gurmiq rwm rswlw ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa man tan leen bha-i-aa raam naamai, mat gurmat raam rasaalaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind and body are merged in the name of God; and, through the wisdom of the Guru,
my mind is imbued with God. 1 (pause)
gurmiq nwmu iDAweIAY hir hir min jpIAY hir jpmwlw ]
gurmat naam dhi-aa-ee-ai har har, man japee-ai har japmaalaa.
Through the wisdom of Guru, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord; and, meditate in
your mind upon (the beads of) the rosary (of the name) of God.
ijn@ kY msqik lIiKAw hir imilAw hir bnmwlw ]1]
jinh kai mastak leekhi-aa har mili-aa, har banmaalaa. ||1||
Those, who have (such destiny) inscribed on their foreheads, they meet Lord, the Lord of the
(World) Forest. 1
ijn@ hir nwmu iDAwieAw iqn@ cUky srb jMjwlw ] jinh har naam dhi-aa-i-aa, tinh chookay sarab jaNjaalaa.
Those who meditate upon God, all their (worldly) entanglements are ended.
iqn@ jmu nyiV n AwveI guir rwKy hir rKvwlw ]2] tinh jam nayṛ na aavee, gur raakhay har rakhvaalaa. ||2||
The messenger of death doe not even touch them; the Guru saves them, God is their Saviour. 2
hm bwirk ikCU n jwxhU hir mwq ipqw pRiqpwlw ] ham baarik, kichhoo na jaaṇhoo, har maat pitaa partipaalaa.
We are children, we know nothing; God nourishes us, like our mother and father.

kru mwieAw Agin inq mylqy guir rwKy dIn dieAwlw ]3]
kar maa-i-aa agan nit mayltay, gur raakhay deen da-i-aalaa. ||3||
We continually put our hands in the fire of maya, (but) the Guru, merciful to poor, saves us. 3
bhu mYly inrml hoieAw sB iklibK hir jis jwlw ] baho mailay nirmal ho-i-aa, sabh kilbikh har jas jaalaa.
I was very filthy, (but now) I have become immaculate; (singing) the praise of God, all my sins
have been burnt (to ashes).
min Andu BieAw guru pwieAw jn nwnk sbid inhwlw ]4]5]
man anad bha-i-aa gur paa-i-aa, jan naanak sabad nihaalaa. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, who has found the Guru, he is in great bliss, and, he
is enraptured through the word. 4.5
mwlI gauVw mhlw 4 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 4
P. 986
myry mn hir Bju sB iklibK kwt ] mayray man, har bhaj, sabh kilbikh kaat.
O! my mind, meditate upon (the name of) God, which erases all the sins.
hir hir aur DwirE guir pUrY myrw sIsu kIjY gur vwt ]1] rhwau ]
har har ur dhaari-o gur poorai, mayraa sees keejai gur vaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru has enshrines God, the Lord, within my heart; I place (i.e. offer for
sacrifice) my head on his path. 1 (pause)
myry hir pRB kI mY bwq sunwvY iqsu mnu dyvau kit kwt ]
mayray har prabh kee mai baat sunaavai, tis man dayva-o kat kaat.
Whoever tells me my the stories (of the excellences) of my God, the Lord, I would cut my
mind in pieces and dedicate to him.
hir swjnu myilE guir pUrY gur bcin ibkwno hit hwt ]1]
har saajan mayli-o gur poorai, gur bachan bikaano hat haat. ||1||
The perfect Guru has united me with God, my Friend, I am sold for the word of Guru, at
each and every shop (i.e. for the word of the Guru, I am like the slave who has been sold countless times). 1
mkr pRwig dwnu bhu kIAw srIru dIE AD kwit ] ibnu hir nwm ko mukiq n pwvY bhu kMcnu dIjY kit kwt ]2]
makar* paraag daan baho kee-aa, sareer dee-o adh kaat.**
bin har naam ko mukat na paavai, baho kaNchan deejai kat kaat. ||2||
One may grant a lot of charity at Paryag, on the day of Makar*, and cut his body** into two;
(but) without (meditation upon) the name of God, no one attains liberation, even if one may
give (i.e. donate) pieces of gold (i.e. in high quantity). 2
[*In Hinduism, the first day (i.e. sankranti/ sangraand) of Makar/Maghar month (of Bikrami calender) is regarded as
auspicious for giving charity; and, if one offers charity, on the occassion of Kumbh fair (held every 12 years, on the day
of the Makar Sankranti) at Paryag (now Allahabd), the confluence of Ganges and Yamuna) then it is regarded most
auspicious). ** In old days the priests had preached that one who gets his body cut into two parts at Kashi(Benaras, now
Varanasi), then he shall surely enter heaven. For this purpose, big saws had been kept on the bank of river Ganges].
hir kIriq gurmiq jsu gwieE min auGry kpt kpwt ] har keerat gurmat jas gaa-i-o, man ughray kapat kapaat.
One, who has sung the praise, the applause, of (the excellences) of God, through the wisdom
of the Guru, the doors of deception of his mind, get opened.
iqRkutI Poir Brmu Bau Bwgw lj BwnI mtukI mwt ]3]
tarikutee for bharam bha-o bhaagaa, laj bhaanee matukee maat. ||3||
Shattering the trinity (i.e. the three gunaas/ qualities of maya), doubt and fear run away, and
the clay pot of shyness is broken (i.e. the fear of public opinion is dispelled) . 3
kljuig guru pUrw iqn pwieAw ijn Duir msqik ilKy illwt ]
kaljug gur pooraa tin paa-i-aa, jin dhur mastak likhay lilaat.
In Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), they alone find the perfect Guru, upon whose slate of the
foreheads (such destiny) is inscribed.
jn nwnk rsu AMimRqu pIAw sB lwQI BUK iqKwt ]4]6]
jan naanak ras aMmrit pee-aa, sabh laathee bhookh tikhaat. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Those who drink in the essence of A mrit, all their
hunger and thirst is quenched. 4.6
Ckw 1 ] chhakaa 1. One (set of) six verses.

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ry mn thl hir suK swr ] Avr thlw JUTIAw inq krY jmu isir mwr ]1] rhwau ]
ray man, tahal har sukh saar. avar tahlaa jhooṭee-aa, nit karai jam sir maar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, service of God is the source of superb happiness;
(All) other services are false, (and for performing these services) the messenger of death
always strikes on one’s head. 1 (pause)
ijnw msqik lIiKAw qy imly sMgwr ] jinaa mastak leekhi-aa, tay milay saNgaar.
Those, for whom it is inscribed on their foreheads, they (alone) join the congregation (of
God-oriented persons).
sMswru Baujlu qwirAw hir sMq purK Apwr ]1] saNsaar bha-ojal taari-aa, har saNt purakh apaar. ||1||
They are carried across the terrifying world ocean, by the God-oriented persons of the
Lord, the Primal Person, the infinite (Lord).1
inq crn syvhu swD ky qij loB moh ibkwr ] nit charan sayvhu saadh* kay, taj lobh moh bikaar.
Renounce greed, (emotional) attachment and vices, and, forever serve the feet of the Guru*.
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
sB qjhu dUjI AwsVI rKu Aws iek inrMkwr ]2] sabh tajahu doojee aasṛee, rakh aas ik niraNkaar. ||2||
Abandon all other hopes, and, rest your hope (only) in the One Formless (God).2
ieik Brim BUly swkqw ibnu gur AMD AMDwr ] ik bharam bhoolay saaktaa, bin gur andh aNdhaar.
Some are non-believers (they are) deluded by doubt; without the Guru there is pitch darkness.
Duir hovnw su hoieAw ko n mytxhwr ]3] dhur hovnaa so ho-i-aa, ko na maytaṇhaar. ||3||
Whatever is preordained, that comes to happen; no one can erase (i.e. change) it. 3
Agm rUpu goibMd kw Aink nwm Apwr ] agam roop gobiNd kaa, anik naam apaar.
Unfathomable is the beauty of the Lord of the World; and, innumerable are the names (i.e.
attributes/ excellences) of the Infinite (Lord).
Dnu DMnu qy jn nwnkw ijn hir nwmw auir Dwr ]4]1]
dhan dhaNn tay jan naankaa, jin har naamaa ur dhaar. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Blessed, blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees) who enshrine the name of
God in their hearts. 4.1

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-urhaa, Mehlaa 5
rwm nwm kau nmskwr ] jwsu jpq hovq auDwr ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam ka-o namaskaar. jaas japat, hovat udhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I make obeisance to the name of God; meditating upon which one is liberated. 1 (pause)
jw kY ismrin imtih DMD ] jaa kai simran, miteh dhaNdh.
Meditating upon Him, (worldly) entanglements end.
jw kY ismrin CUtih bMD ] jaa kai simran, chhooteh baNdh.
Meditating upon Him, one’s bonds are released
jw kY ismrin mUrK cqur ] jaa kai simran, moorakh chatur.
Meditating upon Him, the fools become wise.
jw kY ismrin kulh auDr ]1] jaa kai simran, kulah udhar. ||1||
Meditating upon Him, one’s families are saved. 1
jw kY ismrin Bau duK hrY ] jaa kai simran, bha-o dukh harai.
Meditating upon Him, the fears and sorrows are taken away.
jw kY ismrin Apdw trY ] jaa kai simran, apdaa tarai.
Meditating upon Him, the calamities are averted.
jw kY ismrin mucq pwp ] jaa kai simran, muchat paap.
Meditating upon Him, the sins are erased
jw kY ismrin nhI sMqwp ]2] jaa kai simran, nahee saNtaap. ||2||
Meditating upon Him, no agony afflicts. 2
jw kY ismrin ird ibgws ] jaa kai simran, rid bigaas.
Meditating upon Him, the heart blossoms forth.
jw kY ismrin kvlw dwis ] jaa kai simran, kavlaa daas.
Meditating upon Him, maya becomes one’s slave.
jw kY ismrin iniD inDwn ] jaa kai simran, nidh nidhaan.
Meditating upon Him, one is blessed with the treasure of (i.e. all) treasures.
jw kY ismrin qry indwn ]3] jaa kai simran, taray nidaan. ||3||
Meditating upon Him, one crosses over (the world ocean) in the end. 3
piqq pwvnu nwmu hrI ] patit paavan, naam haree.
God's name is the purifier of the sinners.
koit Bgq auDwru krI ] kot bhagat, udhaar karee.
It saves tens of millions of devotees.
hir dws dwsw dInu srn ] har daas daasaa, deen saran.
I, the poor (being), seek the refuge of the slaves of the slaves of God.
nwnk mwQw sMq crn ]4]2] naanak maathaa, saNt charan. ||4||2||
Nanak (prays): May my fore-head remain on the feet of the God-oriented persons. 4.3

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

Ayso shweI hir ko nwm ] swDsMgiq Bju pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ]
aiso sahaa-ee, har ko naam. saadhsangat bhaj pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such (great) helper is the name of God;
Meditating it in the company of the God-oriented person, all matters are resolved. 1 (pause)
P. 987
bUfq kau jYsy byVI imlq ] boodat ka-o, jaisay bayṛee milat.
(The name is) like a boat to a drowning person;
bUJq dIpk imlq iqlq ] boojhat deepak, milat tilat.
(The name is) oil to the lamp whose flame is dying up;
jlq AgnI imlq nIr ] jalat agnee, milat neer.
(The name is) like water poured on the burning fire (to put it out);
jYsy bwirk muKih KIr ]1] jaisay, baarik mukheh kheer. ||1||
(The name is) like milk poured into the moth of the child. 1
jYsy rx mih sKw BRwq ] jaisay, raṇ meh sakhaa bharaat.
(The name is such a help) as one’s brother becomes a helper in the battle-field;
jYsy BUKy Bojn mwq ] jaisay, bhookhay bhojan maat.
(The name is such a help) as a hungry person gets even a littel bit of food;
jYsy ikrKih brs myG ] jaisay, kirkhahi baras maygh.
(The name is such a help) as the bursting of clouds (i.e. rainfall) is for the crop;
jYsy pwln srin syNG ]2] jaisay, paalan saran sayngh. ||2||
(The name is such a help) as one is saved in lion’s lair. 2
gruV muiK nhI srp qRws ] garuṛ mukh, nahee sarap taraas.
(The name is such a help) as is the spell in the mouth of garur (i.e. a bird of eagle family), (due to
which) it does not fear (the bite of) the snake (the garur bird picks up snake in its beak but it can
not bite the bird, hence it remains safe).
sUAw ipMjir nhI Kwie iblwsu ] soo-aa piNjar, nahee khaa-ay bilaas.
(The name is such a help) a cage to as the parrot which can not be eaten by the cat;
jYso AWfo ihrdy mwih ] jaiso, aando hirday maahi.
(The name is such a help) as (the bird) keep the (thought of) egg in the mind (and feels it safe).
jYso dwno ckI drwih ]3] jaiso, daano chakee daraahi. ||3||
(The name is such a help) as the grains sticking to central post of the mill (i.e. the grain that
stick to the central part of the grinding mill remain safe). 3
bhuqu Epmw Qor khI ] bahut opmaa, thor kahee.
(The name’s) glory is great; I have said (just) a tiny bit (of that);
hir Agm Agm AgwiD quhI ] har, agam agam agaadh, tuhee.
O! God, You are inaccessible, unapproachable, unfathomable.
aUc mUcO bhu Apwr ] ooch moochou, baho apaar.
You are the high and lofty; You are great and infinite.
ismrq nwnk qry swr ]4]3] simrat, naanak, taray saar. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): meditating upon God, even iron swims across. 4.3

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

iehI hmwrY sPl kwj ] Apuny dws kau lyhu invwij ]1] rhwau ]
ihee hamaarai safal kaaj. apunay daas ka-o layho nivaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This alone is success of my work (i.e. reward for my service/ meditation upon God); that,
confer honour upon (i.e. accept as Your own) your servant. 1 (pause)
crn sMqh mwQ mor ] nYin drsu pyKau inis Bor ]
charan saNteh, maath mor. nain daras paykha-o nis bhor.
(Bless me, O! Lord that) I may lay my forehead on the feet of the God-oriented persons;
(and) with my eyes, I may behold their vision, day and night
hsq hmry sMq thl ] hasat hamray, saNt tahal.
May my hands remain in the service of the God-oriented persons
pRwn mnu Dnu sMq bhl ]1] paraan man dhan, saNt bahal. ||1||
I dedicate my mind and body, and, my wealth to the God-oriented persons. 1
sMqsMig myry mn kI pRIiq ] saNtsaNg, mayray man kee preet.
My mind loves the company of the God-oriented persons;
sMq gun bsih myrY cIiq ] saNt gun, baseh mayrai cheet.
May the virtues of the God-oriented persons abide within my mind.
sMq AwigAw mnih mIT ] saNt aagi-aa, maneh meeth.
The command (i.e. will) of the God-oriented persons is sweet to my mind.
myrw kmlu ibgsY sMq fIT ]2] mayraa kamal bigsai, saNt deeṭ. ||2||
Beholding the he God-oriented persons, the lotus (of my heart) blossoms forth. 2
sMqsMig myrw hoie invwsu ] sMqn kI moih bhuqu ipAws ]
saNtsaNg, mayraa ho-ay nivaas. saNtan kee, mohi bahut pi-aas.
(I wish) I should dwell in the company of the God-oriented persons; and,
I should have great thirst for the God-oriented persons.
sMq bcn myry mnih mMq ] saNt bachan, mayray maneh mant.
The words of the God-oriented persons are spell in (i.e. magical power for) my mind.
sMq pRswid myry ibKY hMq ]3] saNt prasaad, mayray bikhai hant. ||3||
By the grace of the God-oriented persons, my poison is (i.e. vices are) taken away 3
mukiq jugiq eyhw inDwn ] mukat jugat, ayhaa nidhaan.
This (i.e. company of the God-oriented persons) is my way of liberation and my treasure.
pRB dieAwl moih dyvhu dwn ] prabh da-i-aal, mohi dayvhu daan.
O! Merciful God, (please) bless me with this gift.
nwnk kau pRB dieAw Dwir ] crn sMqn ky myry irdy mJwir ]4]4]
naanak ka-o, prabh da-i-aa dhaar. charan saNtan kay, mayray riday majhaar. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): O! God, bestow Your mercy on me; and,
enshrine the feet of the God-oriented persons within my heart. 4.4

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

sB kY sMgI nwhI dUir ] krn krwvn hwjrw hjUir ]1] rhwau ]
sabh kai saNgee, naahee door. karan karaavan, haajraa hajoor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is with all, (and, He is) not far away;
(He is) the Cause of cause; (and He is) ever present and visible. 1 (pause)
sunq jIE jwsu nwmu ] duK ibnsy suK kIE ibsRwmu ]
sunat jee-o jaas naam. dukh binsay, sukh kee-o bisraam.
Hearing His name one obtains life;
sorrows are driven out and pleasures come to dwell within (mind).
sgl iniD hir hir hry ] muin jn qw kI syv kry ]1]
sagal nidh, har har haray.mun jan, taa kee sayv karay. ||1||
All the treasures are with God, the Lord, the Master; and,
the silent sages, the devotees, serve Him. 1
jw kY Gir sgly smwih ] ijs qy ibrQw koie nwih ]
jaa kai ghar saglay samaahi. jis tay birthaa, ko-ay naahi.
Everything is (i.e. all the treasures are) there in His home; and,
no one turns empty-handed from Him.
jIA jMqR kry pRiqpwl ] sdw sdw syvhu ikrpwl ]2]
jee-a jaNtra, karay pratipaal. sadaa sadaa sayvhu kirpaal. ||2||
He cherishes all beings and creatures; (so) forever and ever serve the Merciful (Lord). 2
sdw Drmu jw kY dIbwix ] sadaa dharam, jaa kai deebaaṇ.
Righteousness (i.e. true justice) is dispensed in His court, forever;
bymuhqwj nhI ikCu kwix ] baymuhtaaj, nahee kichh kaaṇ.
He is carefree, (He) owes no favour (i.e. He is not under no one’s obligation);
sB ikCu krnw Awpn Awip ] sabh kichh karnaa, aapan aap.
He Himself does everything, and, by Himself (alone);
ry mn myry qU qw kau jwip ]3] ray man mayray, too taa ka-o jaap. ||3||
O! my mind, you meditate upon Him. 3
swDsMgiq kau hau bilhwr ] jwsu imil hovY auDwru ]
saadhsaNgat ka-o, ha-o balihaar. jaas mil hovai udhaar.
I am a sacrifice unto the congregation of the God-oriented persons;
joining which one is saved.
nwm sMig mn qnih rwq ] naam sang, man taneh raat.
My mind and body are imbued with His name;
nwnk kau pRiB krI dwiq ]4]5] naanak ka-o prabh karee daat. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): God has blessed me with this gift. 4.5

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 dupdy Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5, dupday

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir smrQ kI srnw ] jIau ipMfu Dnu rwis myrI pRB eyk kwrn krnw ]1] rhwau ]
har samrath kee sarnaa.
jee-o piNd dhan raas mayree, prabh ayk kaaran karnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am in the refuge of the All-powerful God.
My soul, body, wealth, and capital (all belong to Him); the One God alone is the Cause of
causes. 1 (pause)
ismir ismir sdw suKu pweIAY jIvxY kw mUlu ] simar simar sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai, jeevṇai kaa mool.
Meditating and meditating upon Him, one finds happiness forever; He is the source of life.
riv rihAw srbq TweI sUKmo AsQUl ]1] rav rahi-aa sarbat ṭaa-ee sookhmo asthool. ||1||
He is pervading all places (in both forms:) abstract and concrete (i.e. in manifest form). 1
P. 988
Awl jwl ibkwr qij siB hir gunw iniq gwau ] aal jaal bikaar taj sabh, har gunaa nit gaa-o.
Give up all worldly entanglements and vices, and, forever sing the excellences of God.
kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY dyhu Apnw nwau ]2]1]6]
kar joṛ naanak daan maangai, dayh apnaa naa-o. ||2||1||6||
Nanak (says): With hands pressed together, I begs for a gift: (please) bless me (the gift of)
Your name. 2.1.6

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

pRB smrQ dyv Apwr ] kaunu jwnY cilq qyry ikCu AMqu nwhI pwr ]1] rhwau ]
prabh samrath dayv apaar. ka-un jaanai chalit tayray, kichh aNt naahee paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God, (You are) All-powerful, Divine, Infinite;
Who knows your wondrous plays? (You have) no end, no limitation. 1 (pause)
iek iKnih Qwip auQwpdw GiV BMin krnYhwru ] ik khineh thaap uthaapadaa, ghaṛ bhaNn karnaihaar.
You establish and dis-establish in a moment; You creator can destroy, O! Creator (Lord).
jyq kIn aupwrjnw pRBu dwnu dyie dwqwr ]1] jayt keen upaarjanaa, prabh daan day-ay daataar. ||1||
As many You have created, O! God, so many You bless with Your gifts. 1
hir srin AwieE dwsu qyrw pRB aUc Agm murwr ] har saran aa-i-o daas tayraa, prabh ooch agam muraar.
O! God, this slave (i.e. devotee) has come to Your refuge; O! God, (You are) lofty, inaccessible,
and, Destroyer of Demons.
kiF lyhu Baujl ibKm qy jnu nwnku sd bilhwr ]2]2]7]
kaḍ layho bha-ojal bikham tay, jan naanak sad balihaar. ||2||2||7||
Nanak (says): (Please) pull me out from the terrifying and dreadful waters (of the world
ocean); I am forever s sacrifice unto You. 2.2.7

mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] Maalee ga-uṛaa, Mehlaa 5

min qin bis rhy gopwl ] dIn bWDv Bgiq vCl sdw sdw ik®pwl ]1] rhwau ]
man tan bas rahay gopaal. deen baandhav bhagat vachhal, sadaa sadaa kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You (alone) abide in my mind and body, O! Sustainer of the World’
You are Friend of the Poor, Lover of Your Devotees, forever and ever Merciful. 1 (pause)
Awid AMqy miD qUhY pRB ibnw nwhI koie ] aad aNtay madh toohai, prabh binaa naahee ko-ay.
In the beginning, in the end, and, in the middle, You alone exist; there is none other than You.
pUir rihAw sgl mMfl eyku suAwmI soie ]1] poor rahi-aa sagal maNdal, ayk su-aamee so-ay. ||1||
You alone are pervading all continents; (You are) the One the only Lord. 1
krin hir jsu nyqR drsnu rsin hir gun gwau ] karan har jas, naytar darsan, rasan har gun gaa-o.
(O! Lord, please bless me that) With ears I may hear praise of God; with eyes sI may behold
the vision (of God); and, with my tongue I may sing the excellences of God.
bilhwir jwey sdw nwnku dyhu Apxw nwau ]2]3]8]6]14]
balihaar jaa-ay sadaa naanak, dayh apnaa naa-o. ||2||3||8||6||14||
Nanak (says): I am always a sacrifice unto You; (please) bless me with Your name.
mwlI gauVw bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI Maalee ga-uṛaa, baṇee Bhagat Naamdayv jee kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Din DMin E rwm bynu bwjY ] mDur mDur Duin Anhq gwjY ]1] rhwau ]
dhan dhaNn o raam bayn baajai. madhur madhur dhun anhat gaajai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Blessed, blessed is the flute of God, which is being played upon;
The sweet and sweet unstruck sound is resounding. 1 (pause)
Din Din myGw romwvlI ] Din Din ik®sn EFY kWblI ]1]
dhan dhan mayghaa romaavalee. dhan dhan krisan odhai kaanblee. ||1||
Blessed, blessed is the wool of the sheep;
Blessed, blessed is the blanket worn by Krishan. 1
Din Din qU mwqw dyvkI ] ijh igRh rmeIAw kvlwpqI ]2]
dhan dhan too maataa dayvkee. jih garih rama-ee-aa kavalaapatee. ||2||
Blessed, blessed are you, O! mother Devki; into whose home was born the Lord of Maya. 2
Din Din bn KMf ibMdRwbnw ] jh KylY sRI nwrwienw ]3]
dhan dhan ban khaNd biNdraabanaa. jah khaylai saree naaraa-inaa. ||3||
Blessed, blessed are the forests, the lands, of Bindraban;
Where the Sri Narain (i.e. Krishan) used to play. 3
bynu bjwvY goDnu crY ] nwmy kw suAwmI Awnd krY ]4]1]
bayn bajaavai godhan charai.naamay kaa su-aamee aanad karai. ||4||1||
He plays the flute, and, grazes the cows. The Lord of Nama enjoys playing. 4.1
myro bwpu mwDau qU Dnu kysO sWvlIE bITulwie ]1] rhwau ]
mayro baap maadha-o too dhan kaysou saanvlee-o beeṭulaa-ay*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my father, Lord of Maya; You long-haired and dark-skinned, Omnipresent*. 1 (pause)
[*Beethul, literally: present/pervading everywhere, i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and names of God].
kr Dry ck® bYkuMT qy Awey gj hsqI ky pRwn auDwrIAly ]
kar dharay chakar baikuNṭ tay aa-ay, gaj hastee kay paraan udhaaree-alay.
(O! Lord) holding the (steel) ring in Your hand, You came from heaven, and, saved the life of
the elephant.
duhswsn kI sBw dRopqI AMbr lyq aubwrIAly ]1]
duhsaasan kee sabhaa daropatee, aMbar layt ubaaree-alay. ||1||
In the court of Duhsassan,* You saved Dropatee* when her clothes were being removed. 1
[*According to Mahabharata, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchāla and the wife of the five
Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing
gamble, the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult
the Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Duhsassan/ Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee; and, he
began to disrobe Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs,
and, as Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree keeps getting
extended. Thus, listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
goqm nwir AhilAw qwrI pwvn kyqk qwrIAly ] gotam naar ahli-aa taaree paavan kaytak taaree-alay.
You saved Ahalaya,* the wife of Gautam, and, how many (i.e. countless) more You had
purified and carried across (the world ocean).
[*According to a myth, Ahilya was the wife of the sage Gautama; she was the most beautiful woman. According a
version Gautama was much older than her. One day, when Gautam was away from home, Indra (another mythical god)
came to her in the guise of her husband; Ahalya saw through his disguise but nevertheless accepted his advances.
According to another sources, she did not know of Indra’s trick and fell prey to his trickery and was raped. When
Gautam leant it, he cursed Ahalya and her lover (or rapist) Indra. As per the curse she was turned into a stone. As per
the myth, she was finally redeemed by Raam Chander].
AYsw ADmu Ajwiq nwmdyau qau srnwgiq AweIAly ]2]2]
aisaa adham ajaat naamday-o ta-o sarnaagat aa-ee-alay. ||2||2||
Namdev (says): I am such lowly outcast who has come to seek Your refuge. 2.2
[In the above verse there are references to Krishan (the mythical god, a king of Mathura and Brindaban);
but, it does not mean that Bhagat Namdev was a devotee of Krishan. He has also reffered to the myths of
Ahaliya whose story is associated with Ram (another mythical god, king of Kashi, but popularly known as
ruler of Ayodhta); and he has also used Madho, Beethul, Narainaa also. In fact, through these mythical
events and characters, Namdev wants to convey that God always saves His devotees. This, he has
established in the following part of the verse].
sBY Gt rwmu bolY rwmw bolY ] rwm ibnw ko bolY ry ]1] rhwau ]
sabhai ghat raam bolai raamaa bolai. raam binaa ko bolai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In all bodies (i.e. hearts), God speaks, (only) God speaks;
Other than God, who else speaks? 1 (pause)
eykl mwtI kuMjr cItI Bwjn hYN bhu nwnw ry ] aykal maatee kuNjar cheetee, bhaajan hain baho naanaa ray.
Out of the same clay the elephant and the ants are formed; (it is same as, out of the same clay)
many sorts of utensils are made.
AsQwvr jMgm kIt pqMgm Git Git rwmu smwnw ry ]1]
asthaavar jaNgam, keet pataNgam, ghat ghat raam samaanaa ray. ||1||
(In) stationary (life forms), moving (forms), worms, moth: God is contained in each and
every body. 1
eykl icMqw rwKu Anµqw Aaur qjhu sB Awsw ry ] aykal chiNtaa, raakh anaNtaa, a-or tajahu sabh aasaa ray.
(O! brethren), contemplate the One, the Infinite (Lord), abandon all other hopes.
pRxvY nwmw Bey inhkwmw ko Twkuru ko dwsw ry ]2]3]
paraṇvai naamaa, bha-ay nihkaamaa, ko ṭaakur ko daasaa ray. ||2||3||
Namdev prays: (having meditated upon God) I have become detached; (now) who is the
Lord? and who is the slave (i.e. now, the devotee has merged with God; they are not two
separate identities)? 2.3

P. 989
rwgu mwrU mhlw 1 Gru 1 caupdy Raag Maaroo, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1, cha-upday
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-oⁿkaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
sloku ] Salok
swjn qyry crn kI hoie rhw sd DUir ] saajan tayray charan kee, ho-ay rahaa sad dhoor.
O! (my) Friend, (I wish) I should forever remain the dust of Your feet.
nwnk srix quhwrIAw pyKau sdw hjUir ]1] naanak, saran tuhaaree-aa, paykha-o sadaa hajoor. ||1||
Nanak (says): I have come to Your refuge, (and wish to) behold You ever present (before my eyes). 1

sbd ] Sabad
ipChu rwqI sdVw nwmu Ksm kw lyih ] pichhahu raatee sad-ṛaa, naam khasam kaa layhi.
Those, who receive the message in the last hours of the night*, meditate upon the name of the
Lord. [*It does not mean that one should get up at 2 or 3 AM and begin ritual of recitation of hymns; it means one
should get up as early as possible].
Kymy CqR srwiecy idsin rQ pIVy ] khaymay chhatar saraa-ichay, disan rath peeṛay.
(For them) tents, canopies, the pavilions, the chariots, (everything) is seen in state of readiness.
ijnI qyrw nwmu iDAwieAw iqn kau sid imly ]1] jinee tayraa naam dhi-aa-i-aa, tin ka-o sad milay. ||1||
2752obtain (these things). 1
Those who meditate upon Your name, they always
bwbw mY krmhIx kUiVAwr ] baabaa, mai karamheeṇ kooṛi-aar.
O! Father, I am unfortunate, living falsehood.
nwmu n pwieAw qyrw AMDw Brim BUlw mnu myrw ]1] rhwau ]
naam na paa-i-aa tayraa, aNdhaa bharam bhoolaa man mayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have not obtained Your name, (because) my mind is blind and deluded by doubt. 1 (pause)
swd kIqy duK prPuVy pUrib ilKy mwie ] saad keetay, dukh parfuṛay, poorab likhay maa-ay.
I have relished the tastes (i.e. pleasures of maya), hence, pains (i.e. miseries) have come to
fruition; this is (my) pre-inscribed (destiny); O! (my) Mother.
suK QoVy duK Agly dUKy dUiK ivhwie ]2] sukh thoṛay dukh aglay, dookhay dookh vihaa-ay. ||2||
(I had enjoyed) few joys, (but, now I) live constantly through pains. 2
ivCuiVAw kw ikAw vICuVY imilAw kw ikAw mylu ] vichhuṛi-aa kaa ki-aa veechhuṛai, mili-aa kaa ki-aa mayl.
What more separation (one could have), when one is separated (from God)? and, those who
are united (with God), what other union can there be (i.e. what can one attain more than that)?
swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin kir dyiKAw Kylu ]3] saahib so salaahee-ai, jin kar daykhi-aa khayl. ||3||
(O! brethren) praise that Lord, who has created and beholds this play. 3
sMjogI mylwvVw iein qin kIqy Bog ] saNjogee maylaavaṛaa, in tan keetay bhog.
By (good) destiny, one is united (with God), and, this body enjoys pleasures.
ivjogI imil ivCuVy nwnk BI sMjog ]4]1] vijogee mil vichhuṛay, naanak bhee saNjog. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Those who have been kept apart from union(due to their destiny), remained
separated, they (may still) be united (by destiny) . 4.1

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

imil mwq ipqw ipMfu kmwieAw ] iqin krqY lyKu ilKwieAw ]
mil maat pitaa, piNd kamaa-i-aa. tin kartai, laykh likhaa-i-aa.
With the union of mother and father, this body is earned (i.e. one comes into being);
the Creator inscribes its destiny (on its forehead).
ilKu dwiq joiq vifAweI ] imil mwieAw suriq gvweI ]1]
likh daat jot vadi-aa-ee. mil maa-i-aa, surat gavaa-ee. ||1||
He inscribed (in its destiny), light (of life) and honour;
(but) by associating with maya, one loses (spiritual) consciousness. 1
mUrK mn kwhy krsih mwxw ] auiT clxw KsmY Bwxw ]1] rhwau ]
moorakh man, kaahay karseh maaṇaa.uth chalnaa, khasmai bhaaṇaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! foolish mind, why are you so proud?
You shall have to arise and depart, when it pleases (the will of) the Lord. 1 (pause)
qij swd shj suKu hoeI ] taj saad, sahj sukh ho-ee.
(O! foolish mind) abandon the tastes (i.e. worldly pleasure), and, you shall find poise and peace
Gr Cfxy rhY n koeI ] ghar chhadṇay, rahai na ko-ee.
All must abandon (worldly) homes; no one remains here (forever).
ikCu KwjY ikCu Dir jweIAY ]jy bwhuiV dunIAw AweIAY ]2]
kichh khaajai, kichh dhar jaa-ee-ai. jay baahuṛ dunee-aa aa-ee-ai. ||2||
(O! foolish mind) eat some (part), and, save some part for leaving behind;
if we may (be destined to) come again to this world. 2
sju kwieAw ptu hFwey ] saj kaa-i-aa pat haḍaa-ay.
(O! foolish mind) you adorn your body and wear silk robes;
Purmwieis bhuqu clwey ] furmaa-is bahut chalaa-ay.
(you) issue various sorts of commands (on others);
kir syj suKwlI sovY ] kar sayj sukhaalee sovai.
Preparing comfortable bed (you) enjoy sleep;
hQI paudI kwhy rovY ]3] hathee pa-udee, kaahay rovai. ||3||
(But) when you fall into the hands (of the messenger of death), then why do you weep? (Then
weeping and crying for help is of no avail). 3
P. 990
Gr GuMmxvwxI BweI ] pwp pQr qrxu n jweI ]
ghar ghuMmaṇvaaṇee bhaa-ee. paap pathar taraṇ na jaa-ee.
(Attachment to affairs of) house is (like) the whirlpool, O! brethren; and,
Sin is (like) a stone which does not float.
Bau byVw jIau cVwaU ] khu nwnk dyvY kwhU ]4]2]
bha-o bayṛaa jee-o chaṛaa-oo. kaho naanak dayvai kaahoo. ||4||2||
Ler the fear (of God) be a boat for the being (to cross over);
Nanak (says): rare are those who are blessed with it. 4.7

mwrU mhlw 1 Gru 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1

krxI kwgdu mnu msvwxI burw Blw duie lyK pey ]
karṇee kaagad, man masvaaṇee, buraa bhalaa du-ay laykh pa-ay.
Actions are the paper, and, mind is the ink; bad and good, both are written (i.e. recorded on it).
ijau ijau ikrqu clwey iqau clIAY qau gux nwhI AMqu hry ]1]
ji-o ji-o kirat chalaa-ay, ti-o chalee-ai, ta-o guṇ naahee aNt, haray. ||1||
As and how the actions drives them (i.e. mortal beings), so are they driven. There is no end to
Your virtues, O! God.1
icq cyqis kI nhI bwvirAw ] chit chaytas kee nahee baavri-aa.
Why do not you keep Him in your mind, O! crazy being.
hir ibsrq qyry gux gilAw ]1] rhwau ] har bisrat, tayray guṇ gali-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Forgetting God, your virtues shall rot away. 1 (pause)
jwlI rYin jwlu idnu hUAw jyqI GVI PwhI qyqI ] jaalee rain, jaal din hoo-aa, jaytee ghaṛee faahee taytee.
The night is a (small) net, the day is a (big) net; there are as many traps as there are moments.
ris ris cog cugih inq Pwsih CUtis mUVy kvn guxI ]2]
ras ras chog chugeh, nit faaseh, chhootas moorhay kavan guṇee. ||2||
With delight and pleasure, you continually peck at the bite; you are trapped, O! fool; with
what virtue, will you save (yourself from these traps)? 2
kwieAw Awrxu mnu ivic lohw pMc Agin iqqu lwig rhI ]
kaa-i-aa aaraṇ, man vich lohaa, paNch agan tit laag rahee.
The body is (like) a furnace; the mind is (like) the iron within it; the five fires (i.e. five passions)
are burning therein (i.e. heating the furnace).
koiely pwp pVy iqsu aUpir mnu jilAw sMn@I icMq BeI ]3]
ko-ilay paap paṛay tis oopar, man jali-aa, saNnhee chi N
2754t bha-ee. ||3||
The charcoals of sin is put therein, which burns the mind; and, anxiety has become the tong. 3
BieAw mnUru kMcnu iPir hovY jy guru imlY iqnyhw ] bha-i-aa manoor kaNchan fir hovai jay gur milai tinayhaa.
What had turned to slag, can again be transformed into gold, if one meets with the Guru.
eyku nwmu AMimRqu Ehu dyvY qau nwnk iqRstis dyhw ]4]3]
ayk naam AMmrit oh dayvai ta-o naanak taristas dayhaa. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): If he (i.e. the Guru) blesses with the Amrit name (of God), then the body will be
held in harmony. 4.3

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

ibml mJwir bsis inrml jl pdmin jwvl ry ] bimal majhaar basas nirmal jal, padman jaaval, ray*.
In the pure, immaculate waters (there abide frog, and), there are (both) the lotus and the scum.
[*Here, ray, literally ‘O!’ is a mode of addressing the frog. To, place in the end of each line adds to its musical sense]
pdmin jwvl jl rs sMgiq sMig doK nhI ry ]1] padman jaaval jal ras sangat, saNg dokh nahee ray. ||1||
(There) the lotus is in the company of scum and water, but (in spite of this) it is not touched by
pollution. 1
dwdr qU kbih n jwnis ry ] daadar, too kabeh na jaanas ray.
O! frog, you never understand this;
BKis isbwlu bsis inrml jl AMimRqu n lKis ry ]1] rhwau ]
bhakhas sibaal, basas nirmal jal, aMmrit na lakhas ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You eat dirt, (while) you live in immaculate waters; you know nothing of (the worth of)
AMmrit.1 (pause)
bsu jl inq n vsq AlIAl myr ccw gun ry ] bas jal nit, na vasat alee-al, mayr chachaa gun ray.
You abide continually in the water, (whereas) the bumble-bees do not dwell there; (but) they
suck the essence at the top (of the lotus).
cMd kumudnI dUrhu invsis AnBau kwrin ry ]2] cha d kumudanee dhoorahu nivsas, anbha-o kaaran ray. ||2||
Having the feeling of moon from distance, the lotus bows its head (in humbleness). 2
AMimRq KMfu dUiD mDu sMcis qU bn cwqur ry ] aMmrit khaNd doodh madh saNchas, too ban chaatur ray.
AMmrit is irrigated with sugar, milk and honey; (O! frog), you think you are very clever (but
you do not understand this).
Apnw Awpu qU kbhu n Cofis ipsn pRIiq ijau ry ]3]
apnaa aap too kabahu na chhodas, pisan pareet ji-o ray. ||3||
You never escape your (innate) tendencies (of eating dirt), as the (blood sucking) flea loves (i.e.
sucks bad) blood (from the teats, instead of milk). 3
pMifq sMig vsih jn mUrK Awgm sws suny ] paNdit saNg vaseh jan moorakh, aagam saas sunay.
The fool may live with a scholar, and, listen to the Vedas and Shastras (but he can’t stop foolies);
Apnw Awpu qU kbhu n Cofis suAwn pUiC ijau ry ]4]
apnaa aap too kabahu na chhodas, su-aan poochh ji-o ray. ||4||
(Similarly, O frog, O! mind-oriented person) You never escape your (innate) tendencies, like the
crooked tail of the dog (which remains crooked, forever). 4
ieik pwKMfI nwim n rwcih iek hir hir crxI ry ] ik paakhaNdee naam na raacheh, ik har har charṇee ray.
Some are hypocrites, they do not absorb in the name (of God), (whereas) some are attached to
the feet of God, the Lord.
pUrib iliKAw pwvis nwnk rsnw nwmu jip ry ]5]4]
poorab likhi-aa paavas, naanak, rasnaa naam jap ray. ||5||4||
Nanak (says): One obtains what is inscribed as preordained (for them); (so, O! mortal being)
meditate upon the name (of God) with your tongue. 5.4

mwrU mhlw 1 ] sloku ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1, salok

piqq punIq AsMK hoih hir crnI mnu lwg ] patit puneet asaNkh hohi, har charnee man laag.
Countless sinner are purified, (by) attaching their mind to the feet of God.
ATsiT qIrQ nwmu pRB nwnk ijsu msqik Bwg ]1] aṭsaṭ tirath naam prabh, naanak jis mastak bhaag. ||1||
Nanak (says): (the merits of) pilgrimage of the sixty-eight places, are found in (meditation upon)
the name of God; (but he alone obtains it) for whom destiny is inscribed on his forehead. 1

sbdu ] Sabad
sKI shylI grib ghylI ] suix sh kI iek bwq suhylI ]1]
sakhee sahaylee garab gahaylee. suṇ sah kee ik baat suhaylee. ||1||
O! my friend, my companion, (you are) so puffed up with pride;
Listen to this one pleasing story of (the excellences of) your Husband (Lord). 1
jo mY bydn sw iksu AwKw mweI ] hir ibnu jIau n rhY kYsy rwKw mweI ]1] rhwau ]
jo mai baydan, saa kis aakhaa, maa-ee.
har bin jee-o na rahai, kaisay raakhaa, maa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(The friend replies): who should I tell about my agony, O! (my) mother.
Without God, my mind can not live, how can I comfort it, O! (my) mother. 1 (pause)
hau dohwgix KrI rM\wxI ] ha-o dohaagan kharee raNnjaaṇee.
I am a discarded soul (bride), greatly miserable.
gieAw su jobnu Dn pCuqwxI ]2] ga-i-aa so joban, dhan pachhutaaṇee. ||2||
I have lost my youth, and, I am repenting.2
qU dwnw swihbu isir myrw ] iKjmiq krI jnu bMdw qyrw ]3]
too daanaa saahib sir mayraa. khijmat karee, jan baNdaa tayraa. ||3||
You are my wise Lord, above my head; I serve You, I am Your slave. 3
Bxiq nwnku AMdysw eyhI ] ibnu drsn kYsy rvau snyhI ]4]5]
bhanat naanak, aNdaysaa ayhee. bin darsan, kaisay rava-o sanayhee. ||4||5||
Prays Nanak: The is my only anxiety: (that),
without (beholding the) vision of Him, how can I enjoy (union with)Him. 4.5
P. 991
mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1
mul KrIdI lwlw golw myrw nwau sBwgw ] mul khareedee laalaa golaa, mayraa naa-o sabhaagaa.
I am Your purchased (slave), bond-servant, (so) I am called fortunate.
gur kI bcnI hwit ibkwnw ijqu lwieAw iqqu lwgw ]1]
gur kee bachnee haat bikaanaa, jit laa-i-aa tit laagaa. ||1||
I sold myself, at Your shop, for the word of the Guru; whatever You attach me, so I am
attached to. 1
qyry lwly ikAw cqurweI ] swihb kw hukmu n krxw jweI ]1] rhwau ]
tayray laalay, ki-aa chaturaa-ee. saahib kaa hukam, na karṇaa jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What cleverness can Your slave try with You ?
I can not carry out (even) the command of my Lord. 1 (pause)
[I am a bonded slave, hence, I do not have wisdom to carry out even God’s command, of my own will].
mw lwlI ipau lwlw myrw hau lwly kw jwieAw ] maa laalee pi-o laalaa mayraa, ha-o laalay kaa jaa-i-aa.
My mother (i.e. wisdom) is Your slave, my father (i.e. contentment) is Your slave; I am the
child of Your slave (i.e. slavery is in my blood and genes).
lwlI nwcY lwlw gwvY Bgiq krau qyrI rwieAw ]2]
laalee naachai laalaa gaavai, bhagat kara-o tayree raa-i-aa. ||2||
(When) I perform Your devotional service, the slave-maid dances (my mother, the wisdom),
the slave sings (my father, the contentment), O! (my) Sovereign (Lord). 2
pIAih q pwxI AwxI mIrw Kwih q pIsx jwau ] pee-ah ta paaṇee aaṇee meeraa, khaahi ta peesaṇ jaa-o.
If You wish to drink, I shall fetch water for you, O! Lord; and, if You wish to eat, I shall go to
grind (the corn).
pKw PyrI pYr mlovw jpq rhw qyrw nwau ]3] pakhaa fayree pair malovaa, japat rahaa tayraa naa-o. ||3||
I wave the fan (over You), and, rub and wash (Your) feet; and, remain chanting Your name. 3
lUx hrwmI nwnku lwlw bKisih quDu vifAweI ] looṇ haraamee naanak laalaa, bakhsihi tudh vadi-aa-ee.
Nanak (says): I am ungrateful, (please) forgive me by Your greatness.
Awid jugwid dieAwpiq dwqw quDu ivxu mukiq n pweI ]4]6]
aad jugaad da-i-aapat daataa, tudh viṇ mukat na paa-ee. ||4||6||
Since the very beginning, throughout the Ages, You have been the merciful giver; without
you, liberation can not be attained. 4.6

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

koeI AwKY BUqnw ko khY byqwlw ] koeI AwKY AwdmI nwnku vycwrw ]1]
ko-ee aakhai bhootnaa, ko kahai baytaalaa. ko-ee aakhai aadmee, naanak vaychaaraa. ||1||
Some call him a ghost, and, some say he is an evil spirit; and,
some say that he is the poor mortal being Nanak. 1
[They say so, because]:
BieAw idvwnw swh kw nwnku baurwnw ] hau hir ibnu Avru n jwnw ]1] rhwau ]
bha-i-aa divaanaa saah kaa, naanak ba-uraanaa. ha-o har bin, avar na jaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(This) crazy Nanak has gone insane after his Lord;
I do not know anyone other than God. 1 (pause)
qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw BY dyvwnw hoie ] eykI swihb bwhrw dUjw Avru n jwxY koie ]2]
ta-o dayvaanaa jaaṇee-ai, jaa bhai dayvaanaa ho-ay.
aykee saahib baahraa, doojaa avar na jaaṇai ko-ay. ||2||
He alone is known as crazy, when one goes crazy with the fear (of God); and,
he recognizes only the One Lord, and, no one else (at all).
qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw eykw kwr kmwie ] ta-o dayvaanaa jaaṇee-ai, jaa aykaa kaar kamaa-ay.
He alone is known as crazy, if he performs service (i.e. devotion) of the One (Lord, alone).
hukmu pCwxY Ksm kw dUjI Avr isAwxp kwie ]3]
hukam pachhaaṇai khasam kaa, doojee avar si-aaṇap kaa-ay. ||3||
He realizes the order of the Lord, and, (for him, there is) no other cleverness. 3
qau dyvwnw jwxIAY jw swihb Dry ipAwru ] ta-o dayvaanaa jaaṇee-ai, jaa saahib dharay pi-aar.
He alone is known as crazy, (if) he enshrines(in his heart) the love for the Lord.
mMdw jwxY Awp kau Avru Blw sMswru ]4]7] mandaa jaaṇai aap ka-o, avar bhalaa saNsaar. ||4||7||
He sees himself bad, and, all the rest of the world as good. 4.7

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

iehu Dnu srb rihAw BrpUir ] mnmuK iPrih is jwxih dUir ]1]
ih dhan, sarab rahi-aa bharpoor. manmukh fireh, se jaaṇeh door. ||1||
The wealth (of the name of the Lord) is pervading all;
(but) the mind-oriented wanders around thinking that it is far away. 1
so Dnu vKru nwmu irdY hmwrY ] ijsu qU dyih iqsY insqwrY ]1] rhwau ]
so dhan vakhar, naam ridai hamaarai. jis too deh, tisai nistaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That merchandise, the wealth of the name (of the Lord), is within our hearts.
Whoever You bless with it (O! God), he is carried across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
n iehu Dnu jlY n qskru lY jwie ] n iehu Dnu fUbY n iesu Dn kau imlY sjwie ]2]
na ih dhan jalai, na taskar lai jaa-ay. na ih dhan doobai, na is dhan ka-o milai sajaa-ay. ||2||
This wealth does not burn, thief can not steel it.
This wealth does not drowns, and, this wealth can not be punished (i.e. it is not subject to
punishment). 2
iesu Dn kI dyKhu vifAweI ] shjy mwqy Anidnu jweI ]3]
is dhan kee daykhhu vadi-aa-ee. sehjay maatay, an-din jaa-ee. ||3||
Behold the greatness of this wealth!
(those who have it), day and night they dwell in intoxication of (i.e. immersed in) poise. 3
iek bwq AnUp sunhu nr BweI ] iesu Dn ibnu khhu iknY prm giq pweI ]4]
ik baat anoop, sunhu nar bhaa-ee. is dhan bin, kahhu kinai param gat paa-ee. ||4||
Listen to an incomparably beautiful story (about this name), O! men, (my) brethren:
Tell me, without this wealth, who has (ever) obtained liberation (i.e. no one has ever obtained
liberation without meditating upon the name of God)? 4
Bxiq nwnku AkQ kI kQw suxwey ] siqguru imlY q iehu Dnu pwey ]5]8]
bhaṇat naanak, akath kee kathaa sunaa-ay.satgur milai, ta ih dhan paa-ay. ||5||8||
Prays Nanak: I speak the unspoken story (of the excellences of God):
If one meets with the True Guru, then this wealth is obtained. 5.8

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

sUr sru sois lY som sru poiK lY jugiq kir mrqu su snbMDu kIjY ]
soor sar sos lai, som sar pokh lai, jugat kar marat, so san-baNdh keejai.
(O! yogi) burn off the pool of sun (i.e. control your fiery nature), and, foster the moon (i.e.
foster the nature of coolness); balance your breath (in the right system), this should be your
way for union (with the Lord).
mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]1]
meen kee chapal si-o, jugat man raakhee-ai, udai nah haNs, nah kaNdh chheejai. ||1||
Your fish-like fickle mind will be controlled by (this) device; (then) the swan (soul) shall not
fly, and, the (body) wall shall not fall.1
mUVy kwiecy Brim Bulw ] nh cIinAw prmwnµdu bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ]
mooṛay, kaa-ichay bharam bhulaa. nah cheeni-aa parmaanaNd bairaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! foolish, why are you deluded by doubts;
You do not remembered the (Lord of) Supreme Bliss, the detached (Lord). 1 (pause)
Ajr ghu jwir lY Amr ghu mwir lY BRwiq qij Coif qau Aipau pIjY ]
ajar gahu jaar lai, amar gahu maar lai, bharaat taj chhod, ta-o api-o peejai.
Grip and burn on unbearable (sexual desire), and seize and kill the imperishable (egotistic
mind); leave behind your doubts, and drink Amrit (name of the Lord).
mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]2]
meen kee chapal si-o, jugat man raakhee-ai, udai nah haNs, nah kaNdh chheejai. ||2||
Your fish-like fickle mind will be controlled by (this) device; (then) the swan (soul) shall not
fly, and, the (body) wall shall not fall.2
P. 992
Bxiq nwnku jno rvY jy hir mno mn pvn isau AMimRqu pIjY ]
bhaṇat naanak jano, ravai jay har mano man, pavan si-o aMmrit peejai.
Prays servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak: one, who remembers God within his mind of minds, with
his every breath, he drinks in AMmrit.
mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]3]9]
meen kee chapal si-o jugat man raakhee-ai, udai nah haNs nah kaNdh chheejai. ||3||9||
Through this way one holds one’s fish-like fickle mind steady, and, the swan (soul) shall not
fly away, the (body) wall will not fall. 3.9

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

mwieAw mueI n mnu muAw sru lhrI mY mqu ] maa-i-aa mu-ee na man mu-aa, sar lahree mai mat.
(One, who has not enshrined the name of the Lord in his mind, by him) neither maya is
conquered, nor mind is subdued; in this world (ocean) it (i.e. mind) is intoxicated by the
waves (of desires; hence it can not cross over the world ocean);
boihQu jl isir qir itkY swcw vKru ijqu ] bohith jal sir tar tikai, saachaa vakhar jit.
(but) the boat, crosses over the waters (of the world ocean) which carries true merchandise.
mwxku mn mih mnu mwrsI sic n lwgY kqu ] maaṇak man meh man maarsee, sach na laagai kat.
The jewel (of name, that is) within the mind, subdues the mind; being attached to the truth it
is not be broken (i.e. harmed).
rwjw qKiq itkY guxI BY pMcwiex rqu ]1] raajaa takhat tikai guṇee, bhai paNchaa-iṇ rat. ||1||
The king (i.e. mind) remains seated on throne, due to its virtues, and imbued with the fear (of
God) and the five qualities (i.e. truth, contentedness, mercy, righteousness and patience).1
bwbw swcw swihbu dUir n dyKu ] baabaa, saachaa saahib door na daykh.
O! Baba (i.e. O! elder), do not see (i.e. think) the True Lord as being far away.
srb joiq jgjIvnw isir isir swcw lyKu ]1] rhwau ]
sarab jot jagjeevanaa, sir sir saachaa laykh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The light of the Life of the World is contained in all. His inscription is written on each and
every head (i.e. forehead; i.e. every one is under His command). 1 (pause)
bRhmw ibsnu irKI munI sMkru ieMdu qpY ByKwrI ] mwnY hukmu sohY dir swcY AwkI mrih APwrI ]
barahmaa bisan rikhee munee sa kar, ind tapai bhaykhaaree.
maanai hukam sohai dar saachai, aakee mareh afaaree.
Brahma, Vishnu, sages, silent sages, Shankar, Indar, penitents and beggars;
whoever obey His command, looks beautiful in His court, and, the rebels die in their ego.
jMgm joD jqI sMinAwsI guir pUrY vIcwrI ] ibnu syvw Plu kbhu n pwvis syvw krxI swrI ]2]
jaNgam jodh jatee saNni-aasee, gur poorai veechaaree.
bin sayvaa fal kabahu na paavas, sayvaa karnee saaree. ||2||
I have contemplated this through the perfect Guru that the wandering (ascetics), warriors,
celibates, and renouncers, (and all others),
without selfless service, no one has ever received fruits (i.e. reward); and service (of the Lord)
is the most excellent action. 2
inDinAw Dnu inguirAw guru inMmwixAw qU mwxu ] nidhni-aa dhan, niguri-aa gur, niNmaaṇiaa too maaṇ.
(O! God) You are wealth of the poor, the Guru of those without Guru, and, the honour of
those without honour.
AMDulY mwxku guru pkiVAw inqwixAw qU qwxu ] aNdhulai maaṇak gur pakaṛi-aa, nitaaṇi-aa too taaṇ.
The blind, who has grasped hold of the Guru, the jewel, You are the strength of that powerless.
hom jpw nhI jwixAw gurmqI swcu pCwxu ] hom japaa nahee jaaṇi-aa, gurmatee saach pachhaaṇ.
He is not known (i.e. realized) through sacrificial fire rituals, nor chanting (of spells); the
True (Lord) is known (i.e. realized) through the wisdom of the Guru.
nwm ibnw nwhI dir FoeI JUTw Awvx jwxu ]3] naam binaa naahee dar ḍo-ee, jhooṭaa aavaṇ jaaṇ. ||3||
Without the name, no one finds refuge in His court; the false remain coming and going (in re-
incarnation). 3
swcw nwmu slwhIAY swcy qy iqRpiq hoie ] saachaa naam salaahee-ai, saachay tay taripat ho-ay.
(So, O! brethren) praise the True Name; through the True (name), one gets satiated.
igAwn rqin mnu mwjIAY bhuiV n mYlw hoie ] gi-aan ratan man maajee-ai, bahuṛ na mailaa ho-ay.
(When) the mind is cleaned with the jewel of (spiritual)knowledge, it does not become dirty
jb lgu swihbu min vsY qb lgu ibGnu n hoie ] jab lag saahib man vasai, tab lag bighan na ho-ay.
As long as, the Lord dwells in the mind, one faces no obstacle.
nwnk isru dy CutIAY min qin swcw soie ]4]10] naanak, sir day chhutee-ai, man tan saachaa so-ay. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): surrendering one’s head, one is liberated; and, the mind and body become
true. 4.10

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

jogI jugiq nwmu inrmwielu qw kY mYlu n rwqI ] jogee jugat naam nirmaa-il, taa kai mail na raatee.
The yogi, whose path is the immaculate name (of God), not even an iota of dirt sticks to him.
pRIqm nwQu sdw scu sMgy jnm mrx giq bIqI ]1]
preetam naath sadaa sach sa gay, janam maraṇ gat beetee. ||1||
The Beloved Lord, the True, is forever with him; the state (i.e. cycle) of birth and death are
ended (for him). 1
gusweI qyrw khw nwmu kYsy jwqI ] gusaa-ee, tayraa kahaa naam, kaisay jaatee.
O! Lord of the World, which is Your name? how can I know it?
jw qau BIqir mhil bulwvih pUCau bwq inrMqI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa ta-o bheetar mahal bulaaveh, poochha-o baat niraNtee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When You call me into Your mansion (i.e. into Your presence), I will ask you this question of
question. 1 (pause)
bRhmxu bRhm igAwn iesnwnI hir gux pUjy pwqI ] barahmaṇ barahm gi-aan isnaanee, har guṇ poojay paatee.
He alone is a Brahman, who takes (cleansing) bath in (spiritual) knowledge (of the Ultimate
Reality); and, (the singing of) the excellences of God is his leave-offering worship.
eyko nwmu eyku nwrwiexu iqRBvx eykw joqI ]2] ayko naam ayk naaraa-iṇ, taribhavaṇ aykaa jotee. ||2||
(He enshrines in his mind) only the name of the One (Lord), the Omnipresent; (and he beholds)
the one light (pervading) the three worlds. 2
ijhvw fMfI iehu Gtu Cwbw qolau nwmu AjwcI ] jihvaa daNdee, ih ghat chhaabaa, tola-o naam ajaachee.
This tongue is (like) the balance (of the scale), and, this heart is (like)the pan (of the scale); and,
on this, I weigh the inestimable name (of the Lord).
eyko hwtu swhu sBnw isir vxjwry iek BwqI ]3] ayko haat saahu sabhnaa sir, vaṇjaaray ik bhaatee. ||3||
There is one shop (i.e. this world), and, one Banker above all; and, all are traders deal in one
merchandise (i.e. name). 3
dovY isry siqgurU inbyVy so bUJY ijsu eyk ilv lwgI jIAhu rhY inBrwqI ]
dovai siray satguroo nibayṛay, so boojhai jis ayk liv laagee, jee-ahu rahai nibhraatee.
The True Guru saves at both ends; he alone understands, who focusses (his mind) on One,
(Lord), and, his mind remains free of doubt.
sbdu vswey Brmu cukwey sdw syvku idnu rwqI ]4]
sabad vasaa-ay, bharam chukaa-ay, sadaa sayvak din raatee. ||4||
One who enshrines the word (within his mind), his doubt is ended (i.e. dispelled); and, day and
night, he remains in the service (of the Lord). 4
aUpir ggnu ggn pir gorKu qw kw Agmu gurU puin vwsI ]
oopar gagan, gagan par gorakh, taa kaa agam guroo pun vaasee.
Above is the sky (i.e. the Tenth Door), and, above the sky is God; then, there, the Inaccessible
Guru (i.e. Lord) dwells there.
gur bcnI bwhir Gir eyko nwnku BieAw audwsI ]5]11]
gur bachnee baahar ghar ayko, naanak bha-i-aa udaasee. ||5||11||
Nanak (says):through the words of the Guru, (I behold that the same) God is inside and
outside; (beholding this) I have becomes detached. 5.1
P. 993
rwgu mwrU mhlw 1 Gru 5 Raag Maaroo, Mehlaa 1, ghar 5
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Aihinis jwgY nId n sovY ] ahinis jaagai, need na sovai.
(One, who is deals in the name of God) day and night, he remain awake (and aware), and, he
never sleeps (in attachment to maya).
so jwxY ijsu vydn hovY ] so jaaṇai, jis vaydan hovai.
He alone knows (the worth of Amrit name), who feels the pain (of separation from God).
pRym ky kwn lgy qn BIqir vYdu ik jwxY kwrI jIau ]1]
paraym kay kaan lagay tan bheetar, vaid ke jaaṇai kaaree, jee-o. ||1||
His body is pierced through with the arrows of love; how can any physician (who has knowledge
of physical diseases) know the cure? O! dear 1
ijs no swcw isPqI lwey ] gurmuiK ivrly iksY buJwey ]
jis no saachaa, siftee laa-ay. gurmukh virlay kisai bujhaa-ay.
One, whom the True (Lord) attaches to (the singing of) His praise, rare are (such persons) whom
He gets to understand this through the Guru.
AMimRq kI swr soeI jwxY ij AMimRq kw vwpwrI jIau ]1] rhwau ]
aMmrit kee saar so-ee jaaṇai, je aMmrit kaa vaapaaree, jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone knows the worth of AMmrit, who deals in AMmrit (name). 1 (pause)
ipr syqI Dn pRymu rcwey ] gur kY sbid qQw icqu lwey ]
pir saytee dhan paraym rachaa-ay.gur kai sabad tathaa chit laa-ay.
The (soul) bride loves her Husband (Lord); and, focuses her mind on the word of the Guru.
shj syqI Dn KrI suhylI iqRsnw iqKw invwrI jIau ]2]
sahj saytee dhan kharee suhaylee, tarisnaa tikhaa nivaaree, jee-o. ||2||
The (soul) bride is greatly embellished, in natural ease, her thirst of desires has been quenched. 2
shsw qoVy Brmu cukwey ] shjy isPqI DxKu cVwey ]
sahsaa toṛay, bharam chukaa-ay. sehjay siftee, dhaṇakh chaṛaa-ay.
She (i.e. soul bride), who has tears down her suspicion, dispels her doubts;
(she) draws the bow of praise (of the Lord) in natural ease.
gur kY sbid mrY mnu mwry suMdir jogwDwrI jIau ]3]
gur kai sabad marai, man maaray, suNdar jogaadhaaree, jee-o. ||3||
She dies (i.e. conquers her self-conceit) and subdues her mind, through the word of the Guru; she
becomes embellished with the support of union (with the Lord), O! dear. 3
haumY jilAw mnhu ivswry ] jm puir vjih KVg krwry ]
ha-umai jali-aa, manhu visaaray. jam pur vajeh khaṛag karaaray.
(One, who is) burnt by egotism, forgets (God) from his mind.;
in the City of Death, he is attacked with strong (i.e. heavy and sharp) sword.
Ab kY kihAY nwmu n imleI qU shu jIAVy BwrI jIau ]4]
ab kai kahi-ai naam na mil-ee, too saho jee-aṛay bhaaree jee-o. ||4||
Then, even if he asks for it, (he) will not obtain the name. O! soul, (now) you shall suffer terribly,
O! dear. 4
mwieAw mmqw pvih iKAwlI ] jm puir Pwsihgw jm jwlI ]
maa-i-aa mamtaa paveh khi-aalee. jam pur faashigaa jam jaalee.
(O! mortal being) you are occupied by thought of attachment to maya;
In the City of Death, you will be caught by the noose of the messenger of death.
hyq ky bMDn qoiV n swkih qw jmu kry KuAwrI jIau ]5]
hayt kay baNdhan toṛ na saakeh, taa jam karay khu-aaree jee-o. ||5||
(There) you will not be able to break the bondage of (emotional) attachment; (hence) the
messenger of death will humiliate you. 5
nw hau krqw nw mY kIAw ] AMimRqu nwmu siqguir dIAw ]
naa ha-o kartaa, naa mai kee-aa. aMmrit naam, satgur dee-aa.
I am doing nothing;(even earlier) I had done nothing (i.e. I can not do any thin of myself);
the True Guru has blessed me with AMmrit name.
ijsu qU dyih iqsY ikAw cwrw nwnk srix qumwrI jIau ]6]1]12]
jis too deh tisai ki-aa chaaraa, naanak saraṇ tumaaree jee-o. ||6||1||12||
One, whom You bestow (Amrit name), what other effort he needs to make.
Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, O! Dear. 6.1.12

mwrU mhlw 3 Gru 1 Maaroo, Mehlaa 3, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jh bYswlih qh bYsw suAwmI jh Byjih qh jwvw ] jah baisaaleh tah baisaa su-aamee, jah bhayjeh tah jaavaa.
Wherever You seat me, there I sit, O! Lord, wherever You send, there I go (i.e. I am
completely subject to Your will and command).
sB ngrI mih eyko rwjw sBy pivqu hih Qwvw ]1]
sabh nagree meh ayko raajaa, sabhay pavit heh thaavaa. ||1||
In the entire village (i.e. world), there is only One king, (hence) all places are sacred. 1
bwbw dyih vsw sc gwvw ] jw qy shjy shij smwvw ]1] rhwau ]
baabaa, deh vasaa sach gaavaa. jaa tay, sehjay sahj samaavaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Baba (O! Lord), let me dwell in the true village (i.e. true congregation); and,
thus, merge in natural ease (i.e. equipoise). 1 (pause)
burw Blw ikCu Awps qy jwinAw eyeI sgl ivkwrw ] buraa bhalaa kichh aapas tay jaani-aa, ay-ee sagal vikaaraa.
(When I think that) all the good or bad is done by me; this (egotism) is (the source of) all evil.
iehu PurmwieAw Ksm kw hoAw vrqY iehu sMswrw ]2] ih furmaa-i-aa khasam kaa ho-aa, vartai ih sa saaraa. ||2||
This (too) has happened by the command of the Lord; and, this command (of the Lord)
prevails in the (whole) world. 2
ieMdRI Dwqu sbl khIAq hY ieMdRI iks qy hoeI ] indree dhaat sabal kahee-at hai, INdree kis tay ho-ee.
(In this world) sexual desire is said to be so strong; but, from where has this sexual desire
come from?
Awpy Kyl krY siB krqw AYsw bUJY koeI ]3] aapay khayl karai sabh kartaa, aisaa boojhai ko-ee. ||3||
The Creator Himself stages all the (wondrous) plays; rare are those who understand it. 3
gur prswdI eyk ilv lwgI duibDw qdy ibnwsI ] jo iqsu Bwxw so siq kir mwinAw kwtI jm kI PwsI ]4]
gur parsaadee ayk liv laagee, dubidhaa taday binaasee.
jo tis bhaanaa so sat kar maani-aa, kaatee jam kee faasee. ||4||
(When) one is focussed on the One, by the grace of the Guru, then duality is ended; and,
whatever is pleasing to His will, he accepts that as true; (and, thus) his noose of death is cut. 4
Bxiq nwnku lyKw mwgY kvnw jw cUkw min AiBmwnw ]
bhaṇat naanak, laykhaa maagai kavnaa, jaa chookaa man abhimaanaa.
Prays Nanak: Who can call one for accounts, when egotism of his mind has been stilled.
qwsu qwsu Drm rwie jpqu hY pey scy kI srnw ]5]1]
taas taas dharam raa-ay japat hai, pa-ay sachay kee sarnaa. ||5||1||
(Even) the Judge of Righteousness chants ‘protect’ protect’ (i.e. is afraid and scared), when
one has sought the refuge of the True (Lord). 5.1

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

Awvx jwxw nw QIAY inj Gir vwsw hoie ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa naa thee-ai, nij ghar vaasaa ho-ay.
There occurs no coming and going (i.e. reincarnation), (when) one dwells in one’s own self.
scu Kjwnw bKisAw Awpy jwxY soie ]1] sach khajaanaa bakhsi-aa, aapay jaanai so-ay. ||1||
He (Himself) bestows the treasure of true (name); only He Himself knows (whom to bestow). 1
P. 994
ey mn hir jIau cyiq qU mnhu qij ivkwr ] ay man, har jee-o chayt too, manhu taj vikaar.
O! my mind, you remember the dear God, and, give up evil (thoughts) from within;
gur kY sbid iDAwie qU sic lgI ipAwru ]1] rhwau ]
gur kai sabad dhi-aa-ay too, sach lagee pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the word of the Guru, (then) you will be in love with the True. 1 (pause)
AYQY nwvhu BuilAw iPir hQu ikQwaU n pwie ] aithai naavhu bhuli-aa, fir hath kithaa-oo na paa-ay.
One, who forgets the name (of the Lord) here (i.e. in this world), shall not find chance
anywhere else.
jonI siB BvweIAin ibstw mwih smwie ]2] jonee sabh bhavaa-ee-an, bistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||2||
He shall wander in all re-incarnations; and, rot away in excrement. 2
vfBwgI guru pwieAw pUrib iliKAw mwie ] vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa, poorab likhi-aa maa-ay.
By great fortune, one finds the Guru , through pre-ordained destiny, O! (my) mother .
Anidnu scI Bgiq kir scw ley imlwie ]3] an-din sachee bhagat kar, sachaa la-ay milaa-ay. ||3||
Day and night, he practices true devotion, and, the True (Lord) unites him (with Himself). 3
Awpy isRsit sB swjIAnu Awpy ndir kryie ] aapay sarisat sabh saajee-an, aapay nadar karay-i.
He Himself has created the whole world, and, He Himself bestows His glance (of grace on all).
nwnk nwim vifAweIAw jY BwvY qY dyie ]4]2] naanak, naam vadi-aa-ee-aa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||4||2||
Name (says): All honour is through the name (of the Lord), and, He bestows it (i.e. this honour)
as it pleases Him. 4.2

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

ipCly gunh bKswie jIau Ab qU mwrig pwie ] hir kI crxI lwig rhw ivchu Awpu gvwie ]1]
pichhlay gunah bakhsaa-ay jee-o, ab too maarag paa-ay.
har kee charnee laag rahaa, vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||1||
(Please) forgive my past sins, O! dear (Lord), and, place me the right path;
(so that) I may eradicate self-conceit from within, and, remain attached to the feet of God. 1
myry mn gurmuiK nwmu hir iDAwie ] sdw hir crxI lwig rhw iek min eykY Bwie ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, gurmukh naam har dhi-aa-ay.
sadaa har charṇee laag rahaa, ik man aykai bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, through the Guru.
remain attached to the feet of God forever, single-mindedly, with love for the One (Lord). 1
nw mY jwiq n piq hY nw mY Qyhu n Qwau ]
naa mai jaat na pat hai, naa mai thayhu na thaa-o.
I have no (high) caste, no honour, and, I have no village, no place (i.e. property).
sbid Byid BRmu kitAw guir nwmu dIAw smJwie ]2]
sabad bhayd bharam kati-aa gur naam dee-aa samjhaa-ay. ||2||
Pierced through the word (of the Guru), my doubts has been cut away; the Guru has got me
understand (i.e. the Guru has blessed me with) the name. 2
iehu mnu lwlc krdw iPrY lwlic lwgw jwie ] ih man laalach kardaa firai, laalach laagaa jaa-ay.
This mind wanders around (engrossed) in greed, and , it is (completely) attached to greed.
DMDY kUiV ivAwipAw jm puir cotw Kwie ]3] dhandhai kooṛ vi-aapi-aa, jam pur chotaa khaa-ay. ||3||
It (i.e. mind) is attached to false pursuits; (hence) it shall (have to) suffer beatings (i.e
punishment) in the City of Death. 3
nwnk sBu ikCu Awpy Awip hY dUjw nwhI koie ] naanak sabh kichh aapay aap hai, doojaa naahee
Nanak (says): He Himself is everything (i.e. all in all); there is no other (at all).
Bgiq Kjwnw bKisEnu gurmuKw suKu hoie ]4]3] bhagat khajaanaa bakhsi-on, gurmukhaa sukh ho-ay. ||4||3||
He has bestowed the treasure of devotion to the Guru-oriented (persons), hence, they dwell in
happiness. 4.3

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

sic rqy sy toil lhu sy ivrly sMswir ] sach ratay say tol lahu, say virlay saNsaar.
Seek and find those who are imbued with the (name of) True; they are so rare in this world.
iqn imilAw muKu aujlw jip nwmu murwir ]1] tin mili-aa mukh ujlaa, jap naam muraar. ||1||
Meeting them, and meditating upon the name of the Destroyer of Demons (i.e God), one’s
face becomes radiant. 1
bwbw swcw swihbu irdY smwil ] baabaa, saachaa saahib ridai samaal.
O! elder (O! brethren), remember the True Lord within your heart.
siqguru Apnw puiC dyKu lyhu vKru Bwil ]1] rhwau ]
satgur apnaa puchh daykh, layho vakhar bhaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Ask your True Guru (the true path of life), and, see, seek and find this merchandise (of
name).1 (pause)
ieku scw sB syvdI Duir Bwig imlwvw hoie ] ik sachaa sabh, dhur bhaag milaavaa ho-ay.
All serve the True (Lord), (but) the union is through preordained destiny.
gurmuiK imly sy n ivCuVih pwvih scu soie ]2] gurmukh milay say na vichhuṛeh, paavahi sach so-ay. ||2||
Those who unite with Him, through the Guru, do not separate (again), and, they alone attain
the True (Lord). 2
ieik BgqI swr n jwxnI mnmuK Brim Bulwie ] ik bhagtee saar na jaaṇnee, manmukh bharam bhulaa-ay.
Some do not know the value of devotion, such mind-oriented are deluded by doubt.
Enw ivic Awip vrqdw krxw ikCU n jwie ]3] onaa vich aap varatdaa, karṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ay. ||3||
Even in them, God Himself operates (and lets them astray), (hence) nothing can be done (to
help them). 3
ijsu nwil joru n cleI Kly kIcY Ardwis ] nwnk gurmuiK nwmu min vsY qw suix kry swbwis ]4]4]
jis naal jor na chal-ee, khalay keechai ardaas.
naanak, gurmukh naam man vasai, taa suṇ karay saabaas. ||4||4||
He (i.e. God), with whom force can not work, stand and (i.e. humbly) offer prayer to Him;
Nanak (says): (when) the name abides within the mind, through the Guru, hearing (the
prayer of His devotee) He gives a pat (i.e. blesses). 4.4

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

mwrU qy sIqlu kry mnUrhu kMcnu hoie ] maaroo tay seetal karay, manoorahu kaNchan ho-ay.
He turns the burning deserts cool, and, transforms the rusted iron into gold.
so swcw swlwhIAY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]1] so saachaa salaahee-ai, tis jayvad avar na ko-ay. ||1||
(So, O! my mind) praise that True (Lord); there is no other as great as He is. 1
myry mn Anidnu iDAwie hir nwau ] siqgur kY bcin ArwiD qU Anidnu gux gwau ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, an-din dhi-aa-ay har naa-o.
satgur kai bachan araadh too, an-din guṇ gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, day and night, meditate upon the name of God; and,
through the word (i.e. teaching) of the Guru praise, worship and sing (the praise of) the
excellences, (all) day and night (. 1 (pause)
gurmuiK eyko jwxIAY jw siqguru dyie buJwie ] so siqguru swlwhIAY ijdU eyh soJI pwie ]2]
gurmukh ayko jaaṇee-ai, jaa satgur day-ay bujhaa-ay.
so satgur salaahee-ai, jidoo ayh sojhee paa-ay. ||2||
One comes to know the One (Lord) through the Guru,(when) the True Guru gives understanding;
(so) praise that True Guru, who imparts this understanding. 2
siqguru Coif dUjY lgy ikAw krin AgY jwie ] satgur chhod doojai lagay, ki-aa karan agai jaa-ay.
Those, who forsake the True Guru, and attach themselves to another one, what will they do
when they go to the world hereafter.
jm puir bDy mwrIAih bhuqI imlY sjwie ]3] jam pur badhay maaree-ah, bahutee milai sajaa-ay. ||3||
In the City of Death,(they will be) bound and beaten, and, they will be punished heavily. 3
P. 995
myrw pRBu vyprvwhu hY nw iqsu iqlu n qmwie ] mayraa prabh vayparvaahu hai, naa tis til na tamaa-ay.
My God is carefree, He has not have even an iota of greed.
nwnk iqsu srxweI Bij pau Awpy bKis imlwie ]4]5]
naanak, tis sarṇaa-ee bhaj pa-o, aapay bakhas milaa-ay. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): Run to His refuge, He Himself forgives and unites (with Himself) . 4.5

mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 2 Maaroo, Mehlaa 4, ghar 2

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jipE nwmu suk jnk gur bcnI hir hir srix pry ] japi-o naam suk janak gur bachnee, har har saraṇ paray.
Suk* mediated upon the name (of the Lord), through the words (i.e. teaching) of Janak, his
Guru; and, they sought the refuge of God, the Lord.
[*Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached
person, but, when, finally he visited him, he found that Janak was really a detached person and had complete faith in
the will and command of God].
dwldu BMij sudwmy imilE BgqI Bwie qry ] daalad bhaNj sudaamay mili-o, bhagtee bhaa-ay taray.
He met Sudama* and removed his poverty; they (all) crossed over (the world ocean),
through his loving devotion.
[*Sudama was a childhood friend of the mythical king-god Krishana. As Sudama was going through some bad times,
one day his wife reminded him of his friendship with Krishna and asked him to go to him and seek some financial help
from him. Though initially reluctant to go to his friend for help, Sudama finally agreed to go. He took with him some
beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present. Krishna was greatly pleased to see his old friend. He treated him with much
love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgot to ask for what he actually came for. When Sudama finally returned to his
home, he found a palatial mansion instead of the hut he had left. He also found his family dressed in extremely nice
garb and waiting for him. He lived an austere life after that, always thankful to the God].
Bgiq vClu hir nwmu ik®qwrQu gurmuiK ik®pw kry ]1]
bhagat vachhal har naam kirtaarath, gurmukh kirpaa karay. ||1||
God is the lover of His devotees: (meditation upon) God’s name fulfils (the purpose of life);
and, He bestows (His name through) his mercy, through the Guru. 1
myry mn nwmu jpq auDry ] mayray man, naam japat udhray.
O! my mind, meditating upon the name, (many) have been crossed over (the world ocean).
DR¨ pRihlwdu ibdru dwsI suqu gurmuiK nwim qry ]1] rhwau ]
dharoo par-hilaad bidar daasee sut, gurmukh naam taray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dhru*, Prahlad**, Bidar***, the son of the slave-maid, (all) were liberated (by mediating
upon the name) through the Guru. 1 (pause)
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi
was jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him
asking him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began
meditating and practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Narad, another mythical god, he succeeded
in pleasing God]. There are many versions of this mythical story.
**As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having (so-called) miraculous power;
he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon
God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who killed
Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the
purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone.
***Bidar/ Vidur was the son of Vayas (known as author of Vedas and other ancient books) from a slave-maid].
kljuig nwmu pRDwnu pdwrQu Bgq jnw auDry ] kaljug naam pardhaan padaarath, bhagat janaa udhray.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age) the name (of God) is the supreme wealth, (meditating upon it)
the devotees have been crossed over (the world ocean).
nwmw jYdyau kbIru iqRlocnu siB doK gey cmry ] naamaa jaiday-o kabeer tarilochan, sabh dokh ga-ay
Nama*, Jaideo*, Kabir*, Trilochan*, the leather-worker (i.e Ravidas*); their blemishes
were dispelled.
[*Namdev, Jaidev, Kabir, Tarilochan and Ravidas, all the five devotees of God, and, their verses are a part of Guru Granth Sahib].
gurmuiK nwim lgy sy auDry siB iklibK pwp try ]2]
gurmukh naam lagay say udhray sabh kilbikh paap taray. ||2||
Those, who were attached to (the meditation upon) the name through the Guru, were
liberated, and, all their guilt and sins were taken away. 2
jo jo nwmu jpY AprwDI siB iqn ky doK prhry ] jo jo naam japai apraadhee, sabh tin kay dokh parharay.
Whosoever of the sinners meditates upon the name, all his sorrows are taken away.
bysuAw rvq Ajwmlu auDirE muiK bolY nwrwiexu nrhry ]
baysu-aa ravat ajaamal udhaari-o, mukh bolai naaraa-iṇ narharay.
Ajamal,* who had sex with the prostitutes, was saved (just) by uttering (i.e. speaking/
chanting) Naarain, (the name of) Narhari** from his mouth.
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and the
names of God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved
thus. **Narar, literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals; this is one of the attributes and the names of God].
nwmu jpq augRsYix giq pweI qoiV bMDn mukiq kry ]3]
naam japat ugarsaiṇ gat paa-ee, torh baNdhan mukat karay. ||3||
Meditating upon the name, Ugar Sain obtained salvation; his bonds were broken, he was
liberated. 3
[*According to a myth Kans was the maternal uncle of Krishan. He had forcibly occupied the kingdom of Mathura from
his father Ugarsen. Later, Krishna killed Kans and, reinstated Ugrasena as the King of Mathura].
jn kau Awip AnugRhu kIAw hir AMgIkwru kry ] jan ka-o aap anoograhu kee-aa, har angeekaar karay.
He Himself takes pity on His servants (i.e. devotees), and makes them in His own.
syvk pYj rKY myrw goivdu srix pry auDry ] sayvak paij rakhai mayraa govid, saraṇ paray udhray.
My Lord of the World saves the honour of His servants (i.e. devotees); those who seek His
refuge, are liberated.
jn nwnk hir ikrpw DwrI aur DirE nwmu hry ]4]1]
jan naanak, har kirpaa dhaaree, ur dhari-o naam haray. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotees) Nanak (says): God has bestowed His kindness (upon me); He has
enshrined His name within my heart. 4.1

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

isD smwiD jipE ilv lweI swiDk muin jipAw ] sidh samaadh japi-o liv laa-ee, saadhik mun japi-aa.
(O! my mind) the sidhs, in their poise, meditated upon Him by focussing (their mind); the
seekers and the silent sages also meditated upon (Him).
jqI sqI sMqoKI iDAwieAw muiK ieMdRwidk rivAw ] jatee satee santokhee dhi-aa-i-aa, mukh I draadik ravi-aa.
The celibates, the truthful, the contented, (all) meditated (upon Him); even Indar* and the
other gods chanted (His name) with their mouths.
[*indar/ Inder, a mythical god, has been referred to even as god of gods].
srix pry jipE qy Bwey gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1] saraṇ paray japi-o tay bhaa-ay, gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||1||
Those who sought Your refuge, and, meditated, became pleasing to Him; they were carried
across (the world ocean) through the Guru. 1
myry mn nwmu jpq qirAw ] mayray man, naam japat tari-aa.
O! my mind, mediating upon the name (all) are carried across (the world ocean).
DMnw jtu bwlmIku btvwrw gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]1] rhwau ]
dhaNnaa jat, baalmeek batvaaraa, gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dhanna*, a Jat (i.e. a farmer), Balmik,** a robber, crossed over (the world ocean) through the
Guru. 1 (pause)
[*Dhanna, a farmer by profession, was a devotee of God. He meditated upon the name of God and attained liberation.
** Balmiki /Valmiki is considered to be the first author of fictional work Ramayana and the Yoga Vasistha. His was a
highway robber living in the name of Ratnakar. Once, he tried to rob the sage Narada. The latter asked him if his family
would share the sin he was incurring due to the robbery. The robber replied positively, but Narada told him to confirm
this with his family. The robber asked his family, but none agreed to bear the burden of sins. Dejected, the robber finally
understood the truth of life and asked for Narada's forgiveness. Narada taught the robber to worship God. But, as Lord
Vishnu forbid Narada from preaching the Ram as the name of God, Narada cleverly wrapped the mantra as "mara-
mara". When repeatedly and continuously uttered it would become raam. Hence Valmiki was liberated by chanting the
name of God].
suir nr gx gMDrby jipE iriK bpurY hir gwieAw ] sur nar gaṇ ga dharbay japi-o, rikh* bapurai har gaa-i-aa.
Gods, men, heavenly heralds, divine singers, all meditated upon (God); even the poor Judge
of Righteousness* also sang (the praise of the excellences of) God.
[*Rikh is another term for, and, one of the names of Dharamraaj, the Judge of Righteousness].
sMkir bRhmY dyvI jipE muiK hir hir nwmu jipAw ]
saNkar barahmai dayvee japi-o, mukh har har naam japi-aa.
Sankar,* Brahma*, and goddesses (Lakshami*) meditated and chanted with their mouths
the name of God, the Lord. [*mythical gods and
hir hir nwim ijnw mnu BInw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]2]
har har naam jinaa man bheenaa, tay gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||2||
Those, whose minds were drenched with the name of God, the Lord, crossed over (the world
ocean) through the Guru. 2
koit koit qyqIs iDAwieE hir jpiqAw AMqu n pwieAw ]
kot kot taytees dhi-aa-i-o, har japti-aa ant na paa-i-aa.
Tens of millions and billions, three hundred and three millions have meditated upon God,
there is no end (to the number) of those who meditate upon God.
byd purwx isimRiq hir jipAw muiK pMifq hir gwieAw ]
bayd puraaṇ simrit har japi-aa, mukh paNdit har gaa-i-aa.
Vedas, Puranas, Simritis (all) have meditated upon God; the Pandits (i.e. religious scholars),
(too have) sung (the praise of) God.
nwmu rswlu ijnw min visAw qy gurmuiK pwir pieAw ]3]
naam rasaal jinaa man vasi-aa, tay gurmukh paar pa-i-aa. ||3||
Those, whose mind are filled with the name, the source of nectar, have crossed over (the
world ocean) through the Guru. 3
Anq qrMgI nwmu ijn jipAw mY gxq n kir sikAw ]
anat taraNgee naam jin japi-aa, mai gaṇat na kar saki-aa.
Those who have meditated upon the name of the One with endless waves (i.e. God, who has
created creation in endless ways); I cannot (even) count (their number).
goibdu ik®pw kry Qwie pwey jo hir pRB min BwieAw ]
gobid kirpaa karay thaa-ay paa-ay, jo har parabh man bhaa-i-aa.
The Lord of the World bestows His kindness, and, accepts those who are pleasing to the
mind of God, the Lord.
guir Dwir ik®pw hir nwmu idRVwieE jn nwnk nwmu lieAw ]4]2]
gur dhaar kirpaa har naam dariṛ-aa-i-o, jan naanak naam la-i-aa. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Bestowing his kindness, the Guru has implanted the
name of God within me, (so) I chant His name. 4. 2
P. 996
mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 3 Maaroo, Mehlaa 4, ghar 3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir hir nwmu inDwnu lY gurmiq hir piq pwie ] har har naam nidhaan lai, gurmat har pat paa-ay.
The name of God is (a precious) treasure, it is obtained through the wisdom of the Guru, and,
one (who obtains it) is blessed by God.
hliq pliq nwil cldw hir AMqy ley Cfwie ] halat palat naal chaldaa, har aNtay la-ay chhadaa-ay.
It (i.e. name of the Lord) accompanies one here and hereafter; and, in the end, one (who has this
treasure of name), is released by God.
ijQY AvGt glIAw BIVIAw iqQY hir hir mukiq krwie ]1]
jithai avghat galee-aa bheerhee-aa, tithai har har mukat karaa-ay. ||1||
Where the path is difficult and the streets are narrow, there, (the name of) God, the Lord,
liberates. 1
myry siqgurw mY hir hir nwmu idRVwie ] mayray satiguraa, mai har har naam driṛ-aa-ay.
O! my True Guru, implant within me the name of God, the Lord.
myrw mwq ipqw suq bMDpo mY hir ibnu Avru n mwie ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa maat pitaa sut baNdhpo, mai har bin avar na, maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(God is) my mother, father, son, relations; I have no one other than God, O! mother. 1 (pause)
mY hir ibrhI hir nwmu hY koeI Awix imlwvY mwie ] mai har birhee har naam hai, ko-ee aan milaavai maa-ay.
I am love-sick for God and for the name of God; if only someone would come and get me meet
with (i.e. unite with Him), O! mother.
iqsu AwgY mY jodVI myrw pRIqmu dyie imlwie ] tis aagai mai jod-ṛee, mayraa pareetam day-ay milaa-ay.
I make supplication to the one, who gets me to meet my Beloved (Lord).
siqguru purKu dieAwl pRBu hir myly iFl n pwie ]2]
satgur purakh da-i-aal prabh, har maylay dhil na paa-ay. ||2||
The True Guru is merciful Primal Person unites me with God, the Lord, and makes no delay
(i.e. takes no time in uniting me with the Lord). 2
ijn hir hir nwmu n cyiqE sy BwghIx mir jwie ] jin har har naam na chayti-o, say bhaagheeṇ mar jaa-ay.
Those who do not contemplate the name of God, the Lord, they are fortunate; they will meet
(spiritual) death.
Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih mir jMmih AwvY jwie ] o-ay fir fir jon bhavaa-ee-ah, mar jaMmeh aavai jaa-ay.
They wander in re-incarnation over and over again; they die to be (re)born; they continue
coming and going (in re-incarnation).
Eie jm dir bDy mwrIAih hir drgh imlY sjwie ]3]
o-ay jam dar badhay maaree-ah, har dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||3||
(They are) bound and beaten at the doors of the messenger of death; and, (they are) punished
in the court of God. 3
qU pRBu hm srxwgqI mo kau myil lYhu hir rwie ]
too prabh ham sarṇaagatee, mo ka-o mayl laihu har raa-ay.
O! God, I seek Your refuge; O! Sovereign-Lord, (please) unite me (with You).
hir Dwir ik®pw jgjIvnw gur siqgur kI srxwie ] har dhaar kirpaa jagjeevanaa, gur satgur kee sarṇaa-ay.
O! Lord, Life of the world, (please) bestow Your mercy, and, (keep me) in the refuge of of the
Guru, the True Guru.
hir jIau Awip dieAwlu hoie jn nwnk hir mylwie ]4]1]3]
har jee-o aap da-i-aal ho-ay, jan naanak har maylaa-ay. ||4||1||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! dear God, bestow Your kindness (upon me), and, O!
God, unite me (with Yourself). 4.1.3

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

hau pUMjI nwmu dswiedw ko dsy hir Dnu rwis ] ha-o pooNjee naam dasaa-idaa, ko dasay har dhan raas.
I ask about (i.e. I am looking after/ searching for) the capital of the name; would some one tell
me about the wealth of the name of God.
hau iqsu ivthu Kn KMnIAY mY myly hir pRB pwis ] ha-o tis vitahu khan kha nee-ai, mai maylay har prabh paas.
I will cut myself into pieces and become a sacrifice unto the one, who gets me to meet my
God, the Lord.
mY AMqir pRymu iprMm kw ikau sjxu imlY imlwis ]1] mai a tar paraym pira m kaa, ki-o sajaṇ milai milaas ||1||
I an filled with the love of my Beloved; how can I meet my Friend and unite with Him. 1
mn ipAwirAw imqRw mY hir hir nwmu Dnu rwis ] man pi-aari-aa mitraa, mai har har naam dhan raas.
O! (my) mind, (my) beloved friend, the name of God, the Lord, is my capital and wealth.
guir pUrY nwmu idRVwieAw hir DIrk hir swbwis ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai naam driṛ-aa-i-aa, har dheerak har saabaas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru has implanted name (within me); God is my support and God is my
blessing (i.e. happiness). 1 (pause)
hir hir Awip imlwie guru mY dsy hir Dnu rwis ] har har aap milaa-ay gur, mai dasay har dhan raas.
O! God, O! Lord, You Yourself get me meet the Guru, who would tell me (i.e. lead me to) the
wealth and capital of (the name of) God.
ibnu gur pRymu n lBeI jn vyKhu min inrjwis ] bin gur paraym na labh-ee, jan vaykhhu man nirjaas.
Without the Guru, one can not find love; O! men (i.e. devotees of God), see it and decide it in
your mind.
hir gur ivic Awpu riKAw hir myly gur swbwis ]2] har gur vich aap rakhi-aa, har maylay gur saabaas. ||2||
God Himself has enshrined Himself in the Guru, blessed is the Guru who unites with God. 2
swgr Bgiq BMfwr hir pUry siqgur pwis ] saagar bhagat bhandaar har, pooray satgur paas.
The ocean of the treasure of devotion of God, rests with the perfect Guru.
siqguru quTw Koil dyie muiK gurmuiK hir prgwis ] satgur tuṭaa khol day-ay, mukh gurmukh har pargaas.
When it pleases the True Guru, he opens (the door of the treasure of the name), and illumines
the faces of the Guru-oriented (with the light of the name).
mnmuiK Bwg ivhUixAw iqK mueIAw kMDI pwis ]3]
manmukh bhaag vihooṇi-aa, tikh mu-ee-aa kaNdhee paas. ||3||
The unfortunate mind-oriented die of thirst (even) on the bank of river (because they can not
obtain the name of God). 3
guru dwqw dwqwru hY hau mwgau dwnu gur pwis ] icrI ivCuMnw myil pRB mY min qin vfVI Aws ]
gur daataa daataar hai, ha-o maaga-o daan gur paas.
chiree vichhuNnaa mayl prabh, mai man tan vadṛee aas.
The Guru is a giver, (he is) the giver to the givers, I beg this gift from the Guru:
I was separated for so long, (please) unite me with God; there is great hope (i.e. longing) in my
mind and body.
gur BwvY suix bynqI jn nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]2]4]
gur bhaavai suṇ bayntee, jan naanak kee ardaas. ||4||2||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says), O! Guru, if it pleases You, (please) listen to my prayer.

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

hir hir kQw suxwie pRB gurmiq hir irdY smwxI ] har har kathaa suṇaa-ay prabh, gurmat har ridai samaaṇee.
(O! my mind) narrate the story (of the excellences) of God, the Lord, the Master; God is
enshrined within the heart, through the wisdom of the Guru
jip hir hir kQw vfBwgIAw hir auqm pdu inrbwxI ]
jap har har kathaa vadbhaagee-aa, har utam pad nirbaaṇee.
Meditate upon the story (of the excellences) of God, O! greatly fortunate one; God will bless
you with the supreme state of liberation.
P. 997
gurmuKw min prqIiq hY guir pUrY nwim smwxI ]1]
gurmukhaa man parteet hai, gur poorai naam samaaṇee. ||1||
The minds of the Guru-oriented are filled with faith; (hence) through the perfect Guru they
merge in the name (of the Lord). 1
mn myry mY hir hir kQw min BwxI ] man mayray, mai har har kathaa man bhaaṇee.
O! my mind, the story of (the excellences of) God, the Lord, is pleasing to my mind
hir hir kQw inq sdw kir gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ]1] rhwau ]
har har kathaa nit sadaa kar, gurmukh akath kahaaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! my mind) speak the story of (the excellences of) God continually and forever; this
indescribable story (of the excellences of God) is attained through the Guru. 1 (pause)
mY mnu qnu Koij FMFoilAw ikau pweIAY AkQ khwxI ]
mai man tan khoj ḍaNḍoli-aa, ki-o paa-ee-ai akath kahaaṇee.
I have searched through my mind and body and have found, how can one attain this
indescribable story (of the excellences of God)?
sMq jnw imil pwieAw suix AkQ kQw min BwxI ] saNt janaa mil paa-i-aa, sun akath kathaa man bhaaṇee.
(I have found that) meeting with the God-oriented persons, one can obtain (union with God);
listening to the indescribable story(of the excellences of God), my mind is pleased.
myrY min qin nwmu ADwru hir mY myly purKu sujwxI ]2]
mayrai man tan naam adhaar har, mai maylay purakh sujaaṇee. ||2||
The name (of God) is the support of my mind and body; (and, the name) will unite me with God,
the All-Knowing Primal Person. 2
gur purKY purKu imlwie pRB imil surqI suriq smwxI ]
gur purkhai purakh milaa-ay prabh, mil surtee surat samaaṇee.
(One, whom) the Guru, the person, unites with2772
God, the Primal Person, his consciousness is
merges is merged into the Consciousness (i.e. Lord).
vfBwgI guru syivAw hir pwieAw suGV sujwxI ] vadbhaagee gur sayvi-aa, har paa-i-aa sughaṛ sujaaṇee.
By good fortune one serves the Guru, and, obtains the all-wise, all-knowing (God).
mnmuK Bwg ivhUixAw iqn duKI rYix ivhwxI ]3] manmukh bhaag vihooṇi-aa, tin dukhee rain vihaaṇee. ||3||
The mind-oriented are unfortunate; their night (of life) passes in agony. 3
hm jwick dIn pRB qyirAw muiK dIjY AMimRq bwxI ] ham jaachik deen prabh tayri-aa, mukh deejai aMmrit baṇee.
I am a poor beggar at Your door, O! God, (please) place your AMmrit word in my mouth.
siqguru myrw imqRü pRB hir mylhu suGV sujwxI ] satgur mayraa mitar prabh har maylhu sughaṛ sujaaṇee.
The True Guru is my friend; O! Lord (please) unite (me)with the all-wise, all-knowing (friend).
jn nwnk srxwgqI kir ikrpw nwim smwxI ]4]3]5]
jan naanak sarṇaagatee kar kirpaa naam samaaṇee. ||4||3||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have sought Your refuge, (please) bestow Your kindness
and merge (me) into (Your) name. 4.3.5

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

hir Bwau lgw bYrwgIAw vfBwgI hir min rwKu ] har bhaa-o lagaa bairaagee-aa, vadbhaagee har man raakh.
O! detached one, by good fortune, you are in love with God; enshrine God within your mind.
imil sMgiq srDw aUpjY gur sbdI hir rsu cwKu ] mil saNgat sardhaa oopjai, gur sabdee har ras chaakh.
Joining the congregation, faith wells up; through the word of the Guru, taste (i.e. relish) the
essence of (the name of) God.
sBu mnu qnu hirAw hoieAw gurbwxI hir gux BwKu ]1]
sabh man tan hari-aa ho-i-aa, gurbaaṇee har guṇ bhaakh. ||1||
The mind and body turn green (i.e. blossom forth) with it, (so, you too) chant the excellences of
God through the word of the Guru. 1
mn ipAwirAw imqRw hir hir nwm rsu cwKu ] man pi-aari-aa mitraa, har har naam ras chaakh.
O! my beloved friend, my mind, taste (i.e. relish) the essence of (the name of) God, the Lord.
guir pUrY hir pwieAw hliq pliq piq rwKu ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai har paa-i-aa, halat palat pat raakh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is obtained through the perfect Guru; He saves one’s honour, here and hereafter. 1 (pause)
hir hir nwmu iDAweIAY hir kIriq gurmuiK cwKu ] har har naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, har keerat gurmukh chaakh.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, the Lord; taste (i.e. relish) the singing of the
praise of God through the Guru.
qnu DrqI hir bIjIAY ivic sMgiq hir pRB rwKu ] tan dhartee har beejee-ai, vich saNgat har prabh raakh.
This body is (like the) field, plant (the seed of) the name of God (in it); God, the Lord, protects
(this crop of the name) through the congregation.
AMimRqu hir hir nwmu hY guir pUrY hir rsu cwKu ]2] aMmrit har har naam hai, gur poorai har ras chaakh. ||2||
The name of God, the Lord, is AMmrit; taste (i.e. relish) the (sublime) essence of God through the
perfect Guru. 2
mnmuK iqRsnw Bir rhy min Awsw dh ids bhu lwKu ]
manmukh tarisnaa bhar rahay, man aasaa dah dis baho laakh.
The mind-oriented are filled with desires; their minds wander around in ten (i.e. all)
directions with hundred thousand (desires).
ibnu nwvY iDRgu jIvdy ivic ibstw mnmuK rwKu ] bin naavai dharig jeevday, vich bistaa manmukh raakh.
Without the name (of the Lord) their life is a curse; the mind-oriented are placed in excreta.
Eie Awvih jwih BvweIAih bhu jonI durgMD BwKu ]3]
o-ay aavahi jaahi bhavaa-ee-ah, baho jonee durgaNdh bhaakh. ||3||
They come and go nd wander through many incarnations, eating stench (as their food). 3
qRwih qRwih srxwgqI hir dieAw Dwir pRB rwKu ] taraahi taraahi sarṇaagatee, har da-i-aa dhaar prabh raakh.
Fearing and dreading, they seek refuge: O! God, Lord, (please) bestow Your kindness and
save (us).
sMqsMgiq mylwpu kir hir nwmu imlY piq swKu ] saNtsaNgat maylaap kar, har naam milai, pat saakh.
(O! God, please get us to) join the true congregation, (where) one is blesses with the name,
and, his honour is preserved.
hir hir nwmu Dnu pwieAw jn nwnk gurmiq BwKu ]4]4]6]
har har naam dhan paa-i-aa, jan naanak gurmat bhaakh. ||4||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have obtained the wealth of the name of God, the Lord;
I enjoy it through the wisdom of Guru. 4.4.6

mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 5 c, ghar 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir hir Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] har har bhagat bharay bhaNdaaraa.
The treasures of the devotion of God, the Lord, are overflowing; and,
gurmuiK rwmu kry insqwrw ] gurmukh, raam karay nistaaraa.
God emancipates (the beings) through the Guru.
ijs no ik®pw kry myrw suAwmI so hir ky gux gwvY jIau ]1]
jis no kirpaa karay mayraa su-aamee, so har kay guṇ gaavai, jee-o. ||1||
One, upon whom my Lord bestows His kindness, he sings the excellences of God, O! dear. 1
hir hir ik®pw kry bnvwlI ] hir ihrdY sdw sdw smwlI ]
har har kirpaa karay banvaalee. har hirdai sadaa sadaa samaalee.
One, upon whom God, the Lord, the Lord of the (world) Forest, bestows His kindness;
he (alone) remember God in his heart, forever and ever.
hir hir nwmu jphu myry jIAVy jip hir hir nwmu CfwvY jIau ]1] rhwau ]
har har naam japahu mayray jee-aṛay, jap har har naam chhadaavai, jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So) meditate upon the name of God, the Lord; (only) meditation upon the name of God, the
Lord, emancipates, O! dear. 1 (Pause)
P. 998
suK swgru AMimRqu hir nwau ] sukh saagar a mrit har naa-o.

The AMmrit name of God is the ocean of happiness.

mMgq jnu jwcY hir dyhu pswau ] maNgat jan jaachai har dayh pasaa-o.
This beggar, Your servant (i.e. devotee) begs (from You), O! God, (please) bless me (with Your
name) by Your grace.
hir siq siq sdw hir siq hir siq myrY min BwvY jIau ]2]
har sat sat, sadaa har sat ,har sat mayrai man bhaavai jee-o. ||2||
True, True is God; God is forever true; God, the Truth is pleasing to my mind, O! dear. 2
nvy iCdR sRvih ApivqRw ] boil hir nwm pivqR siB ikqw ]
navay chhidar sarveh apvitraa. bol har naam pavitar sabh kitaa.
The nine* holes (of the body) pour out impurities; (but),
chanting the name of God, they are all purified.
[* The nine are: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, penis and anus].
jy hir supRsMnu hovY myrw suAwmI hir ismrq mlu lih jwvY jIau ]3]
jay har suparsaNn hovai mayraa su-aamee, har simrat mal leh jaavai jee-o. ||3||
When my God, the Lord, is very pleased, (then) meditating upon God, all filth is washed off. 3
mwieAw mohu ibKmu hY BwrI ] ikau qrIAY duqru sMswrI ]
maa-i-aa moh bikham hai bhaaree. ki-o taree-ai dutar sansaaree.
Attachment to maya is a difficult load; how can one swim across the difficult world (ocean)?
siqguru boihQu dyie pRBu swcw jip hir hir pwir lµGwvY jIau ]4]
satgur bohith day-ay prabh saachaa, jap har har paar laNghaavai jee-o. ||4||
The True Lord blesses one with the True Guru (as) boat, and, meditating upon God, the
Lord, one is carried across (the world ocean).4
qU srbqR qyrw sBu koeI ] jo qU krih soeI pRB hoeI ]
too sarbatar, tayraa sabh ko-ee. jo too karahi, so-ee prabh ho-ee.
You pervade everywhere, all are Yours;
whatever You do, O! god, that (alone) comes to happen.
jnu nwnku gux gwvY bycwrw hir BwvY hir Qwie pwvY jIau ]5]1]7]
jan naanak gun gaavai baychaaraa, har bhaavai har thaa-ay paavai jee-o. ||5||1||7||
Poor servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I sing the excellences (of God); one who is pleasing
to God, He accepts him, O! dear. 5.1.7

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

hir hir nwmu jphu mn myry ] siB iklivK kwtY hir qyry ]
har har naam japahu man mayray. sabh kilvikh kaatai har tayray.
O! my mind, meditate upon the name of God, the Lord;
God shall eradicate all your sins.
hir Dnu rwKhu hir Dnu sMchu hir clidAw nwil sKweI jIau ]1]
har dhan raakho, har dhan saNchahu, har chaldi-aa naal sakhaa-ee, jee-o. ||1||
Preserve (i.e. enshrine in Your heart) the wealth of God and gather the wealth of God; and,
when you depart in the end, it shall go along with you as your friend, O! dear. 1
ijs no ik®pw kry so iDAwvY ] inq hir jpu jwpY jip hir suKu pwvY ]
jis no kirpaa karay, so dhi-aavai. nit har jap jaapai, jap har sukh paavai.
He alone meditates upon Him, unto whom He bestows His kindness.
He continually meditates upon the name of God; and, meditating upon God, he obtains
(spiritual) happiness.
gur prswdI hir rsu AwvY jip hir hir pwir lµGweI jIau ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaadee har ras aavai ,jap har har paar laNghaa-ee, jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of the Guru, the essence of God is obtained; and, meditating upon God, the
Lord, one is carried across, O! dear. 1 (pause)
inrBau inrMkwru siq nwmu ] jg mih sRystu aUqm kwmu ]
nirbha-o niraNkaar sat naam. jag meh saraysat ootam kaam.
He is fearless and formless; His name is True (i.e. eternal);
(meditating upon His name) is the sublime and exalted activity in the world.
dusmn dUq jmkwlu Tyh mwrau hir syvk nyiV n jweI jIau ]2]
dusman doot jamkaal ṭayh maara-o, har sayvak nayṛ na jaa-ee jee-o. ||2||
(Meditating upon His name) the enemies, death and the messengers of death are killed then
and there; and, death does not (even) approach the servants (i.e. devotees) of the Lord. 2
ijsu aupir hir kw mnu mwinAw ] so syvku chu jug chu kuMt jwinAw ]
jis upar har kaa man maani-aa. so sayvak, chahu jug chahu kuNt jaani-aa.
One, upon whom, God's mind pleased;
that servant (i.e. devotees) is (i.e. becomes) throughout four Ages and in the four directions.
jy aus kw burw khY koeI pwpI iqsu jmkMkru KweI jIau ]3]
jay us kaa buraa kahai ko-ee paapee, tis jamkaNkar khaa-ee, jee-o. ||3||
If some sinner speaks ill of him, the messenger of death chews him up, O! dear. 3
sB mih eyku inrMjn krqw ] siB kir kir vyKY Apxy clqw ]
sabh meh ayk niraNjan kartaa. sabh kar kar vaykhai apṇay chaltaa.
The One, immaculate, Creator is in all;
He continually stages His wondrous play and waches them.
ijsu hir rwKY iqsu kauxu mwrY ijsu krqw Awip CfweI jIau ]
Jis har raakhai tis kauṇ maarai, jis kartaa aap chhadaai jeo.
One, whom God protects, and, one whom the Creator Himself deliver, who can kill that
person? 4
ijin syvk Bgq sBy insqwry ] hau Anidnu nwmu leI krqwry]
jin sayvak bhagat sabhay nistaaray. Haun andin naam lae kartaare.
Day and night, I meditate upon the name of the Creator, who has saved all His servants,
ds AT cwir vyd siB pUChu jn nwnk nwmu CfweI jIau ]5]2]8]
das aṭ chaar vayd sabh poochhahu, jan naanak naam chhadaa-ee jee-o. ||5||2||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (one may) consult all the eighteen (Puraanas), the four
(Vedas), (they too will proclaim that it is only) the name (of God) that delivers, O! dear. 5.2.8

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 2 Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
frpY Driq Akwsu nK´qRw isr aUpir Amru krwrw ] darpai dharat akaas nakhyataraa, sir oopar amar karaaraa.
(O! brethren) the earth, the skies, the stars, (all) abide in the fear (of God); the mighty
command (of God) is over the heads of all.
pauxu pwxI bYsMqru frpY frpY ieMdRü ibcwrw ]1] pa-un paanee baisaNtar darpai, darpai INdar bichaaraa. ||1||
The air, water, and fire (all) abide in the fear (of God); and, also fears the poor Indar (who is
regarded as god of gods). 1
eykw inrBau bwq sunI ] aykaa nirbha-o, baat sunee.
I have heard one thing that One (God) alone is without fear.
so suKIAw so sdw suhylw jo gur imil gwie gunI ]1] rhwau ]
so sukhee-aa so sadaa suhaylaa, jo gur mil gaa-ay gunee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is happy, and he alone is embellished forever , who meets with the Guru and sings
(the praise of) the excellences (of God). 1 (pause)
dyhDwr Aru dyvw frpih isD swiDk fir muieAw ] dayhdhaar ar dayvaa darpahi, sidh saadhik dar mu-i-aa.
The incarnate and the divine beings abide in fear; the sidhs (i.e. those who claim having
miraculous powers), and, the seekers die in fear (of God).
lK caurwsIh mir mir jnmy iPir iPir jonI joieAw ]2]
lakh cha-oraaseeh mar mar janmay, fir fir jonee jo-i-aa. ||2||
Eighty-four hundred thousand (beings and creatures) die and die (to be) born again; (they) are
consigned to womb (i.e. re-incarnated) over and over again. 2
P. 999
rwjsu swqku qwmsu frpih kyqy rUp aupwieAw ] raajas saatak taamas darpahi, kaytay roop upaa-i-aa.
Raajas, saatak, taamas (i.e. three gunaas*) abide in the fear (of God); along with those many
forms created (under these gunaas).
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Sattav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity, rajas
represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these qualities].
Cl bpurI ieh kaulw frpY Aiq frpY Drm rwieAw ]3]
chhal bapuree ih ka-ulaa darpai, at darpai dharam raa-i-aa. ||3||
The poor, deceiving maya abides in the fear (of God); the Judge of Righteousness also abides
in mighty fear (of God). 3
sgl smgRI frih ibAwpI ibnu fr krxYhwrw ] sagal samagree dareh bi-aapee, bin dar karṇaihaaraa.
The entire creation abides in the fear (of God); only the Creator is without (this) fear.
khu nwnk Bgqn kw sMgI Bgq sohih drbwrw ]4]1]
kaho naanak, bhagtan kaa saNgee, bhagat soheh darbaaraa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak: (God) is the companion of His devotees, the devotees look beautiful in His court. 4.1

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

pWc brK ko AnwQu DR¨ bwirku hir ismrq Amr Atwry ]
paanch barakh ko anaath dharoo* baarik, har simrat amar ataaray.
The five years old orphan boy Dharoo meditated upon God attained immortal and high state.
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi was
jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him asking
him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began meditating
and practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Narad, another mythical god, he succeeded in pleasing
God]. There are many versions of this mythical story].
puqR hyiq nwrwiexu kihE jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ]1] putar hayt naaraa-iṇ kahi-o, jamka kar maar bidaaray ||1||
For the sake of son, he* called out (his name) Naraayan,* (hence) the messenger of death was
struck down and thrown away (i.e. eliminated). 1
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered ten
sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and the names of
God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved thus].
myry Twkur kyqy Agnq auDwry ] mayray ṭaakur, kaytay agnat udhaaray.
O! my Lord, You have liberated many, countless beings;
moih dIn Alp miq inrgux pirE srix duAwry ]1] rhwau ]
mohi deen alap mat nirguṇ, pari-o saraṇ du-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am poor, with little wisdom, and without virtues, (O! Lord) I seek refuge at Your door. 1 (pause)
bwlmIku supcwro qirE biDk qry ibcwry ] baalmeek supchaaro tari-o, badhik taray bichaaray.
Balmeek (known as) pariah was saved, (even) the poor hunter were saved (as well).
[*According to a mythical story version, he was a highway robber. Once, he tried to rob the sage Narada. Narada taught
the robber to worship God. But, as Lord Vishnu forbid Narada from preaching the Ram as the name of God, Narada
cleverly wrapped the mantra as "mara-mara". When repeatedly and continuously uttered it would become raam. Hence
Valmiki was liberated by chanting the name of God. ‘Supchaaro’ literally means ‘one who cooks dead (bodies) i.e.
pariah; here the reference is to kill and plunder].
eyk inmK mn mwih ArwiDE gjpiq pwir auqwry ]2]
ayk nimakh man maahi araadhi-o, gajpat* paar utaaray. ||2||
(When) the elephant* adored God in mind, (just) for an instant, it was carried across (i.e.
saved). 2
[*As per popular fiction, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and was reborn as an elephant; once that elephant
went to a pond to drink water where an octopus/chrocodile gripped it; when it chanted the name of God , it was saved].
kInI riKAw Bgq pRihlwdY hrnwKs nKih ibdwry ]
keenee rakhi-aa bhagat parhilaadai, harnaakhas nakheh bidaaray.
He protected (His) devotee Prahilaad* (by) killing Harnakash with His nails.
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having (so-called) miraculous power;
he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon
God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who killed
Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the
purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
ibdru dwsI suqu BieE punIqw sgly kul aujwry ]3] bidar daasee sut bha-i-o puneetaa, saglay kul ujaaray ||3||
Bidar, the son of the slave-maid was purified, and, all his generations was illumined (i.e.
glorified) in the word. 3 [*Bidar/Vidur was the son of Vyas, born from a slave-maid].
kvn prwD bqwvau Apuny imiQAw moh mgnwry ] kavan paraadh bataava-o apunay, mithi-aa moh magnaaray.
What sins of mine should I narrate? I am engrossed in the love of false attachment
AwieE swm nwnk Et hir kI lIjY Bujw pswry ]4]2]
aa-i-o saam naanak ot har kee, leejai bhujaa pasaaray. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): I have come to Your refuge, (please) stretch Your arm and take me in Your
embrace (i.e. accept me as Your own). 4.2

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ivq nivq BRimE bhu BwqI Aink jqn kir Dwey ] vit navit bharmi-o baho bhaatee, anik jatan kar dhaa-ay.
For the sake of money (i.e. riches), I wandered around in so many ways; I rushed around
making many efforts (for the sake of maya).
jo jo krm kIey hau haumY qy qy Bey Ajwey ]1] jo jo karam kee-ay ha-o ha-umai tay, tay bha-ay ajaa-ay. ||1||
The deeds I did in self-conceit and egotism, have all gone in vain. 1
Avr idn kwhU kwj n lwey ] so idnu mo kau dIjY pRB jIau jw idn hir jsu gwey ]1] rhwau ]
avar din, kaahoo kaaj na laa-ay.
so din mo ka-o deejai prabh jee-o, jaa din har jas gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) on other (i.e. remaining) days (of my life) (please) do not engage me to other deeds;
O! dear God, (please) bless me with those day, on which I may sing praise of God. 1 (pause)
puqR klqR igRh dyiK pswrw ies hI mih aurJwey ] putar kaltar garih daykh pasaaraa, is hee meh urjhaa-ay.
Beholding sons, wife, household and (all this) expanse, one is entangled in all this.
mwieAw md cwiK Bey audmwqy hir hir kbhu n gwey ]2]
maa-i-aa mad chaakh bha-ay udmaatay, har har kabahu na gaa-ay. ||2||
Tasting the wine of maya, one is intoxicated, and, never sings (the praise of the excellences) of
God, the Lord. 2
ieh ibiD KojI bhu prkwrw ibnu sMqn nhI pwey ] ih bidh khojee baho parkaaraa, bin saNtan nahee paa-ay.
In this way, I have searched through many ways; (and I have realized that) without the God-
oriented persons, He (i.e God) is not obtained.
qum dwqwr vfy pRB sMmRQ mwgn kau dwnu Awey ]3]
tum daataar vaday prabh saMmrath, maagan ka-o daan aa-ay. ||3||
You are a great Giver, great Lord, all-powerful, I have come to beg a gift (from You). 3
iqAwigE sglw mwnu mhqw dws ryx srxwey ] ti-aagi-o saglaa maan mahtaa, daas rayṇ sarṇaa-ay.
Those, who have abandoned all pride and fame, I seek the refuge of the dust (of the feet) of
those slaves (of God).
khu nwnk hir imil Bey eykY mhw Anµd suK pwey ]4]3]
kaho naanak, har mil bha-ay aykai, mahaa anaNd sukh paa-ay. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: Meeting with God, I have become one with Him; I have found supreme bliss. 4.3

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

kvn Qwn DIirE hY nwmw kvn bsqu AhMkwrw ] kavan thaan dheeri-o hai naamaa, kavan basat ahaMkaaraa.
(O! brethren) which place (of the body) is the name (of God) staying (dwelling), and, where
does egotism abide?
kvn ichn suin aUpir CoihE muK qy suin kir gwrw ]1]
kavan chihan sun oopar chhohi-o, mukh tay sun kar gaaraa. ||1||
What sign (of injury) has appeared (on your face), by, listening to abuses from the mouth (of
someone else)? 1
sunhu ry qU kaunu khw qy AwieE ] sunhu ray, too ka-un, kahaa tay aa-i-o.
Listen, O! man, who are you, and, where have you come from?
eyqI n jwnau kyqIk mudiq clqy Kbir n pwieE ]1] rhwau ]
aytee na jaan-o kayteek mudat, chaltay khabar na paa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You don't know how long will you live (in this human life, and, in this world); and, you do not
know when you shall depart. 1 (pause)
shn sIl pvn Aru pwxI bsuDw iKmw inBrwqy ] sahan seel pavan ar paanee, basudhaa khimaa nibhraatay.
Air and water have (quality of) tolerance, and, definitely earth is forgiving (nature).
pMc qq imil BieE sMjogw ien mih kvn durwqy ]2]
paNch tat mil bha-i-o sanjogaa, in meh kavan duraatay. ||2||
The union of the five elements (i.e. air, water, fire, earth, ether) have united (themselves ) to
give you in form, which one of these is evil ? 2
ijin ric ricAw puriK ibDwqY nwly haumY pweI ] jin rach rachi-aa purakh bidhaatai naalay ha-umai paa-ee.
The primal Person, the Architect of Destiny, who has formed the (human) form, He has also
placed egotism (within you).
jnm mrxu aus hI kau hY ry Ehw AwvY jweI ]3] janam maran us hee ka-o hai ray ohaa aavai jaa-ee. ||3||
This (egotism) alone is the cause of birth and death, (due to) this alone (one) comes and goes. 3
brnu ichnu nwhI ikCu rcnw imiQAw sgl pswrw ] baran chihan naahee kichh rachnaa, mithi-aa sagal pasaaraa.
The colour and form of the creation are nothing; the entire expanse is false (i.e. transitory).
Bxiq nwnku jb Kylu auJwrY qb eykY eykMkwrw ]4]4]
bhaṇat naanak jab khayl ujhaarai, tab aykai aykaNkaaraa. ||4||4||
Prays Nanak: When He brings this play (i.e. the creation) to its close, then only One and One
Indivisible Reality remains. 4.4
P. 1000
mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
mwn moh Aru loB ivkwrw bIE cIiq n GwilE ] maan moh ar lobh vikaaraa, bee-o cheet na ghaali-o.
[Whose coming to this world is successful? This has been explained in the following hymn]:
Pride, (emotional) attachment, greed, vices, he did not bring these within his mind.
nwm rqnu guxw hir bxjy lwid vKru lY cwilE ]1]
naam ratan guṇaa har baṇjay, laad vakhar lai chaali-o. ||1||
He purchased jewels of the name and (praise of) excellences (of God); and, loaded with this
merchandise, he left (to behold the vision of God). 1
syvk kI EVik inbhI pRIiq ] jIvq swihbu syivE Apnw clqy rwiKE cIiq ]1] rhwau ]
sayvak kee oṛak nibhee pareet. jeevat saahib sayvi-o apnaa, chaltay raakhi-o cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The love of the servant (of the Lord), has lasted till the end; (because)
While living he served His Lord, and, while departing, he (still) enshrined Him in his mind. 1
jYsI AwigAw kInI Twkuir iqs qy muKu nhI moirE ] shju Anµdu riKE igRh BIqir auiT auAwhU kau dauirE ]2]
jaisee aagi-aa keenee ṭaakur, tis tay mukh nahee mori-o.
sahj anand rakhi-o garih bheetar, uṭ u-aahoo ka-o da-ori-o. ||2||
Whatever the Lord commanded him, he never turned his face from it;
He enshrined poise and happiness within his house (i.e. heart); and, (when He) asked him to
arise (and move), he ran towards there. 2
AwigAw mih BUK soeI kir sUKw sog hrK nhI jwinE ]
aagi-aa meh bhookh so-ee kar sookhaa, sog harakh nahee jaani-o.
Following His command, when he faced hunger, he regarded (even that) as happiness; he did
not know (i.e. did not distinguish between) sorrow and joy.
jo jo hukmu BieE swihb kw so mwQY ly mwinE ]3]
jo jo hukam bha-i-o saahib kaa, so maathai lay maani-o. ||3||
Whatever the command of the Lord, he accept gladly. 3
BieE ik®pwlu Twkuru syvk kau svry hlq plwqw ] bha-i-o kirpaal ṭaakur sayvak ka-o, savray halat palaataa.
The Lord become merciful to His servant (i.e. devotee); and, his this world, and the world
hereafter were embellished.
DMnu syvku sPlu Ehu AwieAw ijin nwnk Ksmu pCwqw ]4]5]
dhaNn sayvak safal oh aa-i-aa, jin naanak khasam pachhaataa. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): Blessed is that servant is great, and fruitful is his birth (i.e. successful is his
coming to the world), who has realized his Lord. 4.5

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

KuilAw krmu ik®pw BeI Twkur kIrqnu hir hir gweI ]
khuli-aa karam kirpaa bha-ee thaakur, keertan har har gaa-ee.
(When Good) destiny dawned, the Lord bestowed His grace, and, I sang the praise of (the
excellences of) God, the Lord.
sRmu Qwkw pwey ibsRwmw imit geI sglI DweI ]1]
saram thaakaa paa-ay bisraamaa, mit ga-ee saglee dhaa-ee. ||1||
My struggle ended and I found ease; and, all my wandering has ceased. 1

Ab moih jIvn pdvI pweI ] cIiq AwieE min purKu ibDwqw sMqn kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
ab mohi jeevan padvee paa-ee.
cheet aa-i-o man purakh bidhaataa, saNtan kee sarṇaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now I have obtained the (sublime) state of life; (because),
The Primal Person, the Architect of Destiny (i.e. God) has come to (dwell within) my mind
(since) I have sought the refuge of the God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu invwry invry sgl bYrweI ] kaam krodh lobh moh nivaaray, nivray sagal bairaa-ee.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment (all) have been eradicated, (thus) all my
foes have been eliminated.
sd hjUir hwjru hY nwjru kqih n BieE dUrweI ]2]
sad hajoor haajar hai naajar, kateh na bha-i-o dooraa-ee. ||2||
He is ever present right before me, watching (all the time), He is never far away. 2
suK sIql srDw sB pUrI hoey sMq shweI ] sukh seetal sardhaa sabh pooree, ho-ay saNt sahaa-ee.
I have become happy and cool; all my faith has been fulfilled, (since) the God-oriented
persons have become my helpers.
pwvn piqq kIey iKn BIqir mihmw kQnu n jweI ]3]
paavan patit kee-ay khin bheetar, mahimaa kathan na jaa-ee. ||3||
He purifies the sinners in a moment; His praise (i.e. His greatness) cannot be described. 3
inrBau Bey sgl BY Koey goibd crx EtweI ] nirbha-o bha-ay, sagal bhai kho-ay, gobid charaṇ otaa-ee.
I have become fearless, all my fears have vanished (since) the feat of the Lord of the World
have become my support.
nwnku jsu gwvY Twkur kw rYix idnsu ilv lweI ]4]6] naanak jas gaavai ṭaakur kaa, raiṇ dinas liv laa-ee.
Nanak (says): I sing the praise of the Lord day and night by focussing (my mind) on Him. 4.6

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
jo smrQu srb gux nwieku iqs kau kbhu n gwvis ry ] Coif jwie iKn BIqir qw kau auAw kau iPir iPir Dwvis ry ]1]
jo samrath sarab guṇ naa-ik, tis ka-o kabahu na gaavas, ray.
chhod jaa-ay khin bheetar taa ka-o, u-aa ka-o fir fir dhaavas, ray. ||1||
He, who is all-powerful, Lord of all virtues, (it is strange that) you never sing of Him; (whereas)
that, which leaves you in an instant, you run after it again and again, O! dear. 1
Apuny pRB kau ikau n smwris ry ] bYrI sMig rMg ris ricAw iqsu isau jIArw jwris ry ]1] rhwau ]
apunay prabh ka-o, ki-o na samaaras, ray.
bairee saNg raNg ras rachi-aa, tis si-o jee-araa jaaras, ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) Why do not you remember your God? O! dear!
You are entangled with your enemy and enjoyment of pleasures (i.e. you are attached to worldly
pleasures), and, you are burning (i.e. torturing) your soul with them, O! dear. 1 (pause)
jw kY nwim suinAY jmu CofY qw kI srix n pwvis ry ] kwiF dyie isAwl bpury kau qw kI Et itkwvis ry ]2]
jaa kai naam suni-ai jam chhodai, taa kee saraṇ na paavas, ray.
kaadh day-ay si-aal bapuray ka-o, taa kee ot tikaavas, ray. ||2||
He, hearing whose name the messenger of death leaves you (i.e. withdraws), you do not seek
His refuge, O! dear.
Turn out the wretched jackal (i.e. laziness), and, enshrine His support (within you),O! dear. 2
ijs kw jwsu sunq Bv qrIAY qw isau rMgu n lwvis ry ] QorI bwq Alp supny kI bhuir bhuir Atkwvis ry ]3]
jis kaa jaas sunat bhav taree-ai, taa si-o raNg na laavas, ray.
thoree baat alap supnay kee, bahur bahur atkaavas, ray. ||3||
He, listening to whose praise, one swims across the terrifying (world ocean), you do not
embrace love for Him, O! dear.
(Whereas) that which is meagre and short living like a dream, you are attaching (your mind)
to that, over and over again, O! dear. 3
BieE pRswdu ik®pw iniD Twkur sMqsMig piq pweI ] bha-i-o prsaad kirpaa nidh ṭaakur, saNtsaNg pat paa-ee.
When the Treasure of Kindness, the Lord, becomes graceful, one is blessed with the
company of the God-oriented persons, and he obtains honour (in His court).
khu nwnk qRY gux BRmu CUtw jau pRB Bey shweI ]4]7]
kaho naanak, tarai guṇ bharam chhootaa, ja-o prabh bha-ay sahaa-ee. ||4||7||
Says Nanak: When God becomes one’s support, (then) one is rid of the illusion of the three
gunaas (i.e. maya). 4.7

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

AMqrjwmI sB ibiD jwnY iqs qy khw dulwirE ] aNtarjaamee sabh bidh jaanai, tis tay kahaa dulaari-o.
The Controller of Souls knows everything, about everyone, what can be concealed from Him?
hsq pwv Jry iKn BIqir Agin sMig lY jwirE ]1] hasat paav jharay khin bheetar, agan sang lai jaari-o. ||1||
The hands and feet fall off in an instant, when one is burnt in fire. 1
P. 1001
mUVy qY mn qy rwmu ibswirE ] moorhay, tai man tay raam bisaari-o.
O! fool, you have forgotten God from mind.
lUxu Kwie krih hrwmKorI pyKq nYn ibdwirE ]1] rhwau ]
looṇ khaa-ay karahi haraamkhoree, paykhat nain bidaari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You eat ( your Lord's) salt, (and still) you are ungrateful; right before your eyes, you shall be
torn apart (by the messenger of death). 1 (pause)
AswD rogu aupijE qn BIqir trq n kwhU twirE ] asaadh rog upji-o tan bheetar, tarat na kaahoo taari-o.
An incurable disease has arisen in your body, it cannot be cured by anyone.
pRB ibsrq mhw duKu pwieE iehu nwnk qqu bIcwirE ]2]8]
prabh bisrat mahaa dukh paa-i-o, ih naanak tat beechaari-o. ||2||8||
Nanak (says): Forgetting God, one endures great sufferings; I have contemplated and
realized this fact.2.8

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

crn kml pRB rwKy cIiq ] hir gux gwvh nIqw nIq ]
charan kamal prabh raakhay cheet. har guṇ gaavah neetaa neet.
They (i.e. God-oriented persons) have enshrined the lotus-feet of God within their mind; and,
they sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, daily, always.
iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koaU ] Awid miD AMiq hY soaU ]1]
tis bin doojaa avar na ko-oo. aad madh aNt hai so-oo. ||1||
There is none other than Him (at all);
He alone is (i.e. existed) in the beginning and in middle, (and will be) in end. 1
sMqn kI Et Awpy Awip ]1] rhwau ] saNtan kee ot aapay aap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God Himself is the refuge of the God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
jw kY vis hY sgl sMswru ] Awpy Awip Awip inrMkwru ]
jaa kai vas hai sagal saNsaar. aapay aap aap niraNkaar.
he, who control the entire world; He, the Formless is Himself by Himself.
nwnk gihE swcw soie ] suKu pwieAw iPir dUKu n hoie ]2]9]
naanak gahi-o saachaa so-ay. sukh paa-i-aa fir dookh na ho-ay. ||2||9||
Nanak (says): those who hold (support of) that True (Lord);
(they) have obtained happiness, (they) shall never suffer again. 2.9

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 3 Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
pRwn suKdwqw jIA suKdwqw qum kwhy ibswirE AigAwnQ ]
paraan sukh-daata, jee-a sukh-daata, tum kaahay bisaari-o agi-aanath.
(He is) the giver of happiness to breath (of life), (He is) the giver of happiness to soul, why
have you forgotten Him, O! ignorant?
hoCw mdu cwiK hoey qum bwvr dulB jnmu AkwrQ ]1]
hochhaa mad chaakh, ho-ay tum baavar, dulabh janam akaarath. ||1||
Having tasted petty wine (of maya), you have gone crazy; you have wasted away (your)
precious (human) life. 1
ry nr AYsI krih ieAwnQ ] ray nar, aisee karahi i-aanath.
O! man, what a foolishness, you practice!
qij swrMgDr BRim qU BUlw moih lpitE dwsI sMig swnQ ]1] rhwau ]
taj saraNgdhar* bharam too bhoolaa, mohi lapti-o daasee saNg saanath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Renouncing the Support of the World*, you wander deluded by doubts; you are engrossed
in (emotional) attachment; you are associating with the slave-maid (i.e. maya). 1 (pause)
[*Saarangdhar, literally: support of the earth/world. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
DrxIDru iqAwig nIc kul syvih hau hau krq ibhwvQ ]
dharṇeedhar ti-aag neech kul sayveh, ha-o ha-o karat bihaavath.
Renouncing the Support of the World*, you serving the one from low family (i.e. maya); you
are passing (i.e. wasting) your life in ‘me and mine’ (i.e. egotism).
Pokt krm krih AigAwnI mnmuiK AMD khwvQ ]2]
fokat karam karahi agi-aanee, manmukh aNdh kahaavath. ||2||
You perform useless deeds, O! ignorant, (this is why) you are called a blind, a mind-oriented
person. 2
siq hoqw Asiq kir mwinAw jo ibnsq so inhclu jwnQ ]
sat hotaa asat kar maani-aa, jo binsat so nihchal jaanath.
That which is True (i.e. God), you believe to be untrue; that which vanishes (i.e. maya), you
believe it to be eve- lasting.
pr kI kau ApnI kir pkrI AYsy BUl BulwnQ ]3]
par kee ka-o apnee kar pakree, aisay bhool bhulaanath. ||3||
That, which belongs to others, you grasp it as your own; you are deluded in such a delusion. 3
KqRI bRwhmx sUd vYs sB eykY nwim qrwnQ ] khatree baraahmaṇ sood vais, sabh aykai naam taraanath.
Khatri, Brahman, Sood, Vaish, all cross over (the world ocean) through the name of One (Lord).
guru nwnku aupdysu khqu hY jo sunY so pwir prwnQ ]4]1]10]
gur, naanak, updays kahat hai, jo sunai so paar paraanath. ||4||1||10||
Nanak (says): The Guru speaks the sermon; whoever listens (to it) is carried across. 4.1.10

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

gupqu krqw sMig so pRBu fhkwvey mnuKwie ] gupat kartaa saNg so prabh, dehkaava-ay manukhaa-ay.
(O! man, You may) act in secrecy, but God is (still) with you; you can (only) deceive other people.
ibswir hir jIau ibKY Bogih qpq QMm gil lwie ]1]
bisaar har jee-o bikhai bhogeh, tapat thaMm gal laa-ay. ||1||
Forgetting your dear God, you enjoy poison (i.e. practice sins); (so) you shall have to
embrace burning pillars (i.e. shall have to endure severe punishment). 1
ry nr kwie pr igRih jwie ] ray nar, kaa-ay par garihi jaa-ay.
O! man, why you go to the household of another (i.e. why do you chase another’s wife)?
kucl kTor kwim grDB qum nhI suinE Drm rwie ]1] rhwau ]
kuchal kaṭor kaam gardhabh, tum nahee suni-o dharam raa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! filthy, callous, lustful, donkey (minded), have you not heard of the judge of
Righteousness? 1 (pause)
ibkwr pwQr glih bwDy inMd pot isrwie ] mhw swgru smudu lµGnw pwir n prnw jwie ]2]
bikaar paathar galeh baadhay, niNd pot siraa-ay.
mahaa saagar samud la ghnaa, paar na parnaa jaa-ay. ||2||
You have tied the stone of sins around your neck, and, load of slander is on your head.
Your have to cross over vast (world) ocean; (but, with this load of vices and slander) you
cannot cross over to the other shore. 2
kwim k®oiD loiB moih ibAwipE nyqR rKy iPrwie ] kaam krodh lobh mohi bi-aapi-o, naytar rakhay firaa-ay.
You are engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment; you have turned
your eyes away (from God).
sIsu auTwvn n kbhU imleI mhw duqr mwie ]3] sees uṭaavan na kabhoo mil-ee, mahaa dutar maa-ay. ||3||
You cannot (even) raise your head above (from vices and sins), and,(the ocean of) maya is very
difficult to swim across. 3
sUru mukqw ssI mukqw bRhm igAwnI Ailpwie ] soor muktaa, sasee muktaa, barahm gi-aanee alipaa-ay.
(As) the sun is detached, the moon is detached, so is detached the knower of Supreme Reality.
suBwvq jYsy bYsMqr Ailpq sdw inrmlwie ]4] subhaavat jaisay baisaNtar alipat, sadaa niramlaa-ay. ||4||
Their (i.e. of the knowers of Supreme Reality) nature is like that of fire, which is forever
immaculate and detached. 4
ijsu krmu KuilAw iqsu lihAw pVdw ijin gur pih mMinAw suBwie ]
jis karam khuli-aa, tis lahi-aa paṛdaa, jin gur peh maNni-aa subhaa-ay.
One whose good destiny dawns, his curtain (i.e. wall of doubt) is torn down, and, he lovingly
accepts the command of the Guru.
P. 1002
guir mMqRü AvKDu nwmu dInw jn nwnk sMkt join n pwie ]5]2]
gur maNtra avkhadh naam deenaa, jan naanak saNkat jon na paa-ay. ||5||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, whom the Guru has given name, as incantation and
medicine, he does suffer the distress of reincarnation. 5.2
ry nr ien ibiD pwir prwie ] iDAwie hir jIau hoie imrqku iqAwig dUjw Bwau ] rhwau dUjw ]2]11]
ray nar, in bidh paar paraa-ay.
dhi-aa-ay har jee-o ho-ay mirtak, ti-aag doojaa bhaa-o. rahaa-o doojaa. ||2||11||
O! man, this is the way one cross over to the other side (of the world ocean):
meditate upon God, remain dead (remained detached while yet alive), and renounce love for
duality. (pause second) 2.11

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

bwhir FUFn qy CUit pry guir Gr hI mwih idKwieAw Qw ]
baahar ḍooḍan tay chhoot paray, gur ghar hee maahi dikhaa-i-aa thaa.
I gave searching outside, (when) the Guru has shown me (God) within my home (i.e. heart).
AnBau Acrj rUpu pRB pyiKAw myrw mnu Coif n kqhU jwieAw Qw ]1]
anbha-o achraj roop prabh paykhi-aa, mayraa man chhod na kathoo jaa-i-aa thaa. ||1||
(When) I saw wondrous beauty of the self-revealed Lord, my mind did not leave Him to go
anywhere else.1
mwnku pwieE ry pwieE hir pUrw pwieAw Qw ] maanak paa-i-o ray paa-i-o, har pooraa paa-i-aa thaa.
I have found the jewel, I have found the perfect Lord.
moil Amolu n pwieAw jweI kir ikrpw gurU idvwieAw Qw ]1] rhwau ]
mol amol na paa-i-aa jaa-ee, kar kirpaa guroo divaa-i-aa thaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is invaluable, and, cannot be obtained for any price; the Guru have bestowed it (upon me).
1 (pause)
Aidstu Agocru pwrbRhmu imil swDU AkQu kQwieAw Qw ]
adisat agochar paarbarahm, mil saadhoo* akath kathaa-i-aa thaa.
The Supreme Reality (God) is imperceptible, unknowable; meeting the Guru*, the
indescribable was described. [Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
Anhd sbdu dsm duAwir vijE qh AMimRq nwmu cuAwieAw Qw ]2]
anhad sabad dasam du-aar vaji-o, tah aMmrit naam chu-aa-i-aa thaa. ||2||
The unstruck word resounded in the Tenth Gate, and, the AMmrit name trickled down there. 2
qoit nwhI min iqRsnw bUJI AKut BMfwr smwieAw Qw ]
tot naahee man tarisnaa boojhee, akhut bhaNdaar samaa-i-aa thaa.
(Now) I lack nothing, my lust is quenched (i.e. my desires are satiated), and, the inexhaustible
treasure has entered within me.
crx crx crx gur syvy AGVu GiVE rsu pwieAw Qw ]3]
charaṇ charaṇ charaṇ gur sayvay, aghaṛ ghaṛi-o, ras paa-i-aa thaa. ||3||
I served the feet (and only) the feet (and just) feet of the Guru, and, he set my uninstructed
mind right, and (the mind) obtained the essence (of Amrit name). 3
shjy Awvw shjy jwvw shjy mnu KylwieAw Qw ] sehjay aavaa, sehjay jaavaa, sehjay man khaylaa-i-aa thaa.
(Now, my mind) comes (i.e. dwells) in ease, it go (i.e. acts) in ease, and, my mind plays, in ease.
khu nwnk Brmu guir KoieAw qw hir mhlI mhlu pwieAw Qw ]4]3]12]
kaho naanak, bharam gur kho-i-aa, taa har mahlee mahal paa-i-aa thaa. ||4||3||12||
Says Nanak: (When) the Guru dispelled her doubt, the soul-bride obtained the mansion of
God within her home. 4.3.12

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ijsih swij invwijAw iqsih isau ruc nwih ] jisahi saaj nivaaji-aa, tiseh si-o ruch naahi.
He, who has created and embellished you, you have no love for Him.
Awn rUqI Awn boeIAY Plu n PUlY qwih ]1] aan rootee aan bo-ee-ai, fal na foolai taahi. ||1||
If out season (seed) is planted out of season, it does not bear fruit or flower. 1
ry mn vqR bIjx nwau ] ray man, vatar beejaṇ naa-o.
O! mind, this is time to plant the name (i.e. human life is proper time to implant name in mind).
boie KyqI lwie mnUAw Blo smau suAwau ]1] rhwau ]
bo-ay khaytee laa-ay manoo-aa, bhalo sama-o su-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(So) focus your mind and cultivate the crop (of the name of God); this (human life) is the
proper time, and, (it is) purposeful. 1 (pause)
Koie KhVw Brmu mn kw siqgur srxI jwie ] kho-ay khahṛaa bharam man kaa, satgur sarṇee jaa-ay.
Eradicate obstinacy and doubts of your mind, and, go to the refuge of the True Guru.
krmu ijs kau Durhu iliKAw soeI kwr kmwie ]2] karam jis ka-o dharahu likhi-aa, so-ee kaar kamaa-ay. ||2||
He alone earns this deed (i.e. serves the Guru), who has such destiny inscribed as pre-
destined.. 2
Bwau lwgw goibd isau Gwl pweI Qwie ] bhaa-o laagaa gobid si-o, ghaal paa-ee thaa-ay.
He, who is in love with the Lord of the World, his labour (i.e. meditation upon the name of
God) is rewarded.
Kyiq myrY jMimAw inKuit n kbhU jwie ]3] khayt mayrai jaMmi-aa, nikhut na kabhoo jaa-ay. ||3||
The crop (of the e Lordof ) that has germinated (within my heart), shall never get exhaust. 3
pwieAw Amolu pdwrQo Coif n kqhU jwie ] paa-i-aa amol padaaratho, chhod na kathoo jaa-ay.
I have obtained the priceless wealth (i.e. the name of the Lord), it shall never leave me and go
anywhere else.
khu nwnk suKu pwieAw iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]4]4]13]
kaho naanak, sukh paa-i-aa, taripat rahay aaghaa-ay. ||4||4||13||
Says Nanak: I have found happiness; I am satisfied and satiated. 4.4.13

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

Puto AWfw Brm kw mnih BieE prgwsu ] footo aandaa bharam kaa, maneh bha-i-o pargaas.
The egg of doubt has burst, and, my mind has been enlightened.
kwtI byrI pgh qy guir kInI bMid Klwsu ]1] kaatee bayree pagah tay, gur keenee baNd khalaas. ||1||
Guru has cut away the shackles on my feet, and has set me free. 1
Awvx jwxu rihE ] aavaṇ jaaṇ rahi-o.
My coming and going (in reincarnation) is ended.
qpq kVwhw buiJ gieAw guir sIql nwmu dIE ]1] rhwau ]
tapat kaṛaahaa bujh ga-i-aa, gur seetal naam dee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The boiling cauldron has cooled down (because) the Guru has blessed me with cooling (i.e.
soothing/ peace-giving) name. 1 (pause)
jb qy swDU sMgu BieAw qau Coif gey inghwr ] jab tay saadhoo* saNg bha-i-aa, ta-o chhod ga-ay nighaar.
Since I have joined the company of the Guru*, those who had been eyeing (i.e. passions of
mind) me have left me.
ijs kI Atk iqs qy CutI qau khw krY kotvwr ]2]
jis kee atak tis tay chhutee, ta-o kahaa karai kotvaar. ||2||
He who had bound me, has released me, (now) what can the watchman do to me? 2
cUkw Bwrw krm kw hoey inhkrmw ] chookaa bhaaraa karam kaa, ho-ay nihkarmaa.
The load of deeds has been removed, and, now I have become free of actions.
swgr qy kMFY cVy guir kIny Drmw ]3] saagar tay kaNḍai chaṛay, gur keenay dharmaa. ||3||
From the (world) ocean I have reached the other shore, the Guru has blessed me with faith. 3
scu Qwnu scu bYTkw scu suAwau bxwieAw ] sach thaan sach baithkaa, sach su-aa-o baṇaa-i-aa.
True is my place, true is sitting there, true is the purpose I have achieve.
scu pUMjI scu vKro nwnk Gir pwieAw ]4]5]14]
sach pooNjee, sach vakhro, naanak ghar paa-i-aa. ||4||5||14||
Nanak (says): True (name of the Lord) is my capital, True (name of the Lord) is the
merchandise, that I have placed in my home (i.e. heart) . 4.5.14

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

P. 1003
bydu pukwrY muK qy pMfq kwmwmn kw mwTw ] bayd pukaarai mukh tay paNdat, kaamaaman kaa maaṭaa.
A pandit (i.e. priest) recites the Vedas from his mouth, but in earning (i.e. practice them in his
life) he is very slow.
monI hoie bYTw iekWqI ihrdY klpn gwTw ] monee ho-ay baiṭaa ikaantee, hirdai kalpan gaaṭaa.
A silent sage, sits alone, but, his mind is tied in imagination.
hoie audwsI igRhu qij cilE CutkY nwhI nwTw ]1]
ho-ay udaasee, garihu taj chali-o, chhutkai naahee naaṭaa. ||1||
Becoming ascetic, one has abandoned his home and has moved out (i.e. has renounced
householder’s life); but his (mind’s) wandering does not leave him. 1
jIA kI kY pih bwq khw ] jee-a kee, kai peh baat kahaa.
Who can I tell about the state of my mind?
Awip mukqu mo kau pRBu myly AYso khw lhw ]1] rhwau ]
aap mukat, mo ka-o prabh maylay, aiso kahaa lahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, who is liberated and can unite me with God; where can I find such a person? 1 (pause)
qpsI kir kY dyhI swDI mnUAw dh ids Dwnw ] tapsee kar kai dayhee saadhee, manoo-aa dah dis dhaanaa.
By practising penance, one disciplines his body, but his mind runs in ten (i.e. all) directions.
bRhmcwir bRhmcju kInw ihrdY BieAw gumwnw] barahmchaar barahmchaj keenaa, hirdai bha-i-aa gumaanaa.
A celibates practices celibacy, but his heart is filled with pride.
sMinAwsI hoie kY qIriQ BRimE ausu mih k®oDu ibgwnw ]2]
saNni-aasee ho-ay kai tirath bharmi-o, us meh krodh bigaanaa. ||2||
Becoming a renouncer, one wanders around at places of pilgrimage; but his reckless anger
in (still) with him. 2
GUMGr bwiD Bey rwmdwsw rotIAn ky Epwvw ] ghoongar baadh bha-ay raamdaasaa, rotee-an kay opaavaa.
By tying ankle-bells around their ankles, one becomes followers of Ramdaas,* for the cause
of their meals (i.e. to earn living). [*The followers of this sect sing hymns in the temples as profession].
brq nym krm Kt kIny bwhir ByK idKwvw ] barat naym karam khat keenay, baahar bhaykh dikhaavaa.
Some undertake fasts, observe code of conduct, perform six actions*, but this is just
outward (i.e. ritual) show.
[*These are the six rituals which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and impart education, perform yajna and
get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manu (Manusmriti) these six are: study of vedas,
tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of Guru. Still another version is: jaap (recitation of
scripture), hoam (burning offerings), sandhya (twilight prayers), ishnaan (abulation bath), atithi pooja (serving and
entertaining the guests), daan punn (to give alms)].
gIq nwd muiK rwg Alwpy min nhI hir hir gwvw ]3]
geet naad mukh raag alaapay, man nahee har har gaavaa. ||3||
Some sing songs, melodies, and, raagas with their mouth, but their minds do not sing (the
praise ) of God, the Lord. 3
hrK sog loB moh rhq hih inrml hir ky sMqw ] iqn kI DUiV pwey mnu myrw jw dieAw kry BgvMqw ]
harakh sog lobh moh rahat heh, nirmal har kay saNtaa.
tin kee dhoorh paa-ay man mayraa, jaa da-i-aa karay bhagvaNtaa.
The God-oriented persons (devotees) of God are immaculate; they are beyond pain and
pleasure, greed and (emotional) attachment;
When God bestows His mercy, (then) my mind obtains the dust of their feet.
khu nwnk guru pUrw imilAw qW auqrI mn kI icMqw ]4]
kaho naanak, gur pooraa mili-aa, taan utree man kee chiNtaa. ||4||
Says Nanak: (when) I met with the perfect Guru, then my mind's anxiety was removed. 4
myrw AMqrjwmI hir rwieAw ] sBu ikCu jwxY myry jIA kw pRIqmu ibsir gey bkbwieAw ]1] rhwau dUjw ]6]15]
mayraa aNtarjaamee har raa-i-aa.
sabh kichh jaanai, mayray jee-a kaa pareetam, bisar ga-ay bakbaa-i-aa ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa ||6||15||
My Sovereign-Lord (God) is the Controller of the Minds;
the Beloved of my soul knows everything; (having met with Him) I have forgotten my dear, all
trivial (i.e. worthless) talks are forgotten. 1 (pause second) 6.15

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

koit lwK srb ko rwjw ijsu ihrdY nwmu qumwrw ] jw kau nwmu n dIAw myrY siqguir sy mir jnmih gwvwrw ]1]
kot laakh sarab ko raajaa, jis hirdai naam tumaaraa.
jaa ka-o naam na dee-aa mayrai satgur, say mar janmeh gaavaaraa. ||1||
One, who has Your name is in his heart (O! God), he is the king of the tens of millions and
hundred of thousands (of lands); (whereas),
those, whom my True Guru has not blessed with (Your) name, are idiots, (they) died to be
born (in reincarnation). 1
myry siqgur hI piq rwKu ] cIiq Awvih qb hI piq pUrI ibsrq rlIAY Kwku ]1] rhwau ]
mayray satgur hee pat raakh. cheet aavahi tab hee pat pooree, bisrat ralee-ai khaak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my True Guru (You alone) protect my honour;
when You come to my mind (O! Lord), then I obtain perfect honour, (but) forgetting You, I
roll in the dust. 1 (pause)
rUp rMg KusIAw mn Bogx qy qy iCdR ivkwrw ] hir kw nwmu inDwnu kilAwxw sUK shju iehu swrw ]2]
roop raNg khusee-aa man bhogaṇ, tay tay chhidar vikaaraa.
har kaa naam nidhaan kali-aaṇaa, sookh sahj ih saaraa. ||2||
The mind’s pleasures of love and beauty, are all blemishes and vices; (whereas),
the name of God is the treasure of blessing; it is absolute happiness and poise. 2
mwieAw rMg ibrMg iKnY mih ijau bwdr kI CwieAw ] sy lwl Bey gUVY rMig rwqy ijn gur imil hir hir gwieAw ]3]
maa-i-aa raNg biraNg khinai meh, ji-o baadar kee chhaa-i-aa.
say laal bha-ay goorhai raNg raatay, jin gur mil har har gaa-i-aa. ||3||
The pleasure of maya fades in an instant, like the shade of a cloud;
Those alone are dyed in deep red colour of love (i.e. they alone are deeply imbued with love),
who meet the Guru and sing (the praise) of God, the Lord. 3
aUc mUc Apwr suAwmI Agm drbwrw ] ooch mooch apaar su-aamee, agam darbaaraa.
The Lord is the high, lofty and infinite, and, His court is inaccessible;
nwmo vifAweI soBw nwnk Ksmu ipAwrw ]4]7]16]
naamo vadi-aa-ee sobhaa, naanak khasam pi-aaraa. ||4||7||16||
Nanak (says): glory and honour are in (meditation upon) name; the Lord is my Beloved. 4.7.16

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 4 Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
EAMkwir auqpwqI ] kIAw idnsu sB rwqI ]
o-aNkaar utpaatee. kee-aa dinas sabh raatee.
The One Absolute Lord created the creation; (He) made all days and night.
vxu iqRxu iqRBvx pwxI ] cwir byd cwry KwxI ]
van tarin taribhavaṇ paaṇee. chaar bayd chaaray khaaṇee.
(He created) vegetation, forests, the three worlds, waters; and,
(He created) the four Vedas and four source of creation.
KMf dIp siB loAw ] eyk kvwvY qy siB hoAw ]1]
khaNd deep sabh lo-aa.ayk kavaavai tay sabh ho-aa. ||1||
(He created) continents, islands and all worlds;
all these have come from the one word (i.e. by one command of God). 1
krxYhwrw bUJhu ry ] siqguru imlY q sUJY ry ]1] rhwau ]
karṇaihaaraa boojhhu ray. satgur milai ta soojhai ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Understand the Creator, O! dear (brethren);
(but) when one meets the True Guru, then (alone) one understands. 1 (pause)
qRY gux kIAw pswrw ] nrk surg Avqwrw ] tarai guṇ kee-aa pasaaraa. narak surag avtaaraa.
He has created (all the creation as) the expanse in three gunaas (i.e. qualities);
People land (i.e. are incarnated) in hell or heaven.
haumY AwvY jweI ] mnu itkxu n pwvY rweI ] ha-umai aavai jaa-ee. man tikaṇ na paavai raa-ee.
In egotism people come and go (in cycle of reincarnation); and,
the mind can not hold stable even for a tiny moment.
P. 1004
bwJu gurU gubwrw ] imil siqgur insqwrw ]2] baajh guroo satgur nistaaraa. ||2||
Without the Guru there is pitch darkness (of spiritual ignorance);
meeting the True Guru one crosses over (the world ocean). 2
hau hau krm kmwxy ] qy qy bMD glwxy ] ha-o ha-o karam kamaaṇay. tay tay baNdh galaaṇay.
(All) deeds done in egotism; become bound ( i.e. noose) around the neck.
myrI myrI DwrI ] Ehw pYir lohwrI ] mayree mayree dhaaree.ohaa pair lohaaree.
Harbouring ‘me, mine’ (i.e. egotism and possessiveness),
is (like) placing iron-chains around the feet.
so gur imil eyku pCwxY ] ijsu hovY Bwgu mQwxY ]3]
so gur mil ayk pachhaaṇai. jis hovai bhaag mathaaṇai. ||3||
He alone meets the Guru and realizes th One (Lord),
who heas such destiny pre-inscribed on his forehead(i.e. for whom it is preordained). 3
so imilAw ij hir min BwieAw ] so BUlw ij pRBU BulwieAw ]
so mili-aa je har man bhaa-i-aa. so bhoolaa je parabhoo bhulaa-i-aa.
He alone meets the Lord, who is pleasing to His mind; and,
He alone is deluded, who has been deluded by the Lord.
nh Awphu mUrKu igAwnI ] ij krwvY su nwmu vKwnI ]
nah aaphu moorakh gi-aanee. je karaavai so naam vakhaanee.
One is neither ignorant nor wise by himself;
He alone chants the name (of the Lord), whom He gets to do so.
qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ] jn nwnk sd bilhwrw ]4]1]17]
tayraa aNt na paaraavaaraa. jan naanak sad balihaaraa. ||4||1||17||
(O! God) You have no end or limitation;
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am forever sacrifice unto You. 4.1.17

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

mohnI moih lIey qRY gunIAw ] loiB ivAwpI JUTI dunIAw ]
mohnee mohi lee-ay tarai gunee-aa. lobh vi-aapee, jhooṭee dunee-aa.
Maya, the enticer, has enticed the word in three gunaas (i.e. through its three qualites);
the false world is engrossed in greed (of maya).
myrI myrI kir kY sMcI AMq kI bwr sgl ly ClIAw ]1]
mayree mayree kar kai saNchee, aNt kee baar sagal lay chhalee-aa. ||1||
Crying out ‘mine, mine’ one collects (more and more), but in the end, it (i.e. maya) deceives
(i.e. deserts) everyone. 1
inrBau inrMkwru dieAlIAw ] jIA jMq sgly pRiqplIAw ]1] rhwau ]
nirbha-o niraNkaar da-i-alee-aa. jee-a jaNt saglay partipalee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(God is) Formless, Fearless and Merciful;
He is the sustainer of all the beings and creatures. 1 (pause)
eykY sRmu kir gwfI gfhY ] eykih supnY dwmu n CfhY ]
aykai, saram kar, gaadee gadhai. aykeh, supnai daam na chhadhai.
Some collect (wealth) with (much) efforts and bury it in the pitch (ground);
some can not abandon wealth even in dream.
rwju kmwie krI ijin QYlI qw kY sMig n cMcil clIAw ]2]
raaj kamaa-ay karee jin thailee, taa kai saNg na chaNchal chalee-aa. ||2||
He who has ruled (i.e. king) and has filled his bag (with money), (but) the fickle (maya) does
not go along with him. 2
eykih pRwx ipMf qy ipAwrI ] eyk sMcI qij bwp mhqwrI ]
aykeh, praaṇ piNd tay pi-aaree. ayk saNchee, taj baap mehtaaree.
Some love it more than their breath (of life) and body;
some collect it (even) forsaking their fathers and mothers.
suq mIq BRwq qy guhjI qw kY inkit n hoeI KlIAw ]3]
sut meet bharaat tay guhjee, taa kai nikat na ho-ee khalee-aa. ||3||
Some hide it from their sons (i.e. children), friends, brothers, (b the endut, in) it does not stand
near(i.e. does not remain with) them. 3
hoie AauDUq bYTy lwie qwrI ] jogI jqI pMifq bIcwrI ]
ho-ay a-udhoot, baiṭay laa-ay taaree. jogee jatee paNdit beechaaree.
Some become recluse, and sit in trance;
some are yogi, celibates, pandits (i.e. scholars) and thinkers.
igRih mVI mswxI bn mih bsqy aUiT iqnw kY lwgI plIAw ]4]
garihi maṛee masaaṇee ban meh bastay ooṭ tinaa kai laagee palee-aa. ||4||
Some dwell in their homes, (some live) in graveyards, (some live) in cremation grounds and
the forests; (but) this (maya) arises and clings (even) to the hem of their robes. 4
kwty bMDn Twkuir jw ky ] hir hir nwmu bisE jIA qw kY ]
kaatay baNdhan ṭaakur jaa kay. har har naam basi-o jee-a taa kai.
One, who is released from his bonds, the name of God, the Lord, comes tp dwell in his mind.
swDsMig Bey jn mukqy giq pweI nwnk ndir inhlIAw ]5]2]18]
saadhsaNg bha-ay jan muktay, gat paa-ee naanak nadar nihlee-aa. ||5||2||18||
Nanak (says): the servants (i.e. devotees of the Lord) are liberated in the company of the God-
oriented persons; they are emancipated by the grace of God. 5.2

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ismrhu eyku inrMjn soaU ] jw qy ibrQw jwq n koaU ]
simrahu ayk niraNjan so-oo. jaa tay, birthaa jaat na ko-oo.
(O! brethren) remember (always in your mind) the One Immaculate (Lord);
no one goes away from Him empty-handed.
mwq grB mih ijin pRiqpwirAw ] jIau ipMfu dy swij svwirAw ]
maat garabh meh, jin partipaari-aa. jee-o piNd day, saaj savaari-aa.
He, who sustained you in your mother's womb; and,
blessed you with life and body, and embellished you.
soeI ibDwqw iKnu iKnu jpIAY ] ijsu ismrq Avgux siB FkIAY ]
so-ee bidhaataa, khin khin japee-ai. jis simrat ,avguṇ sabh ḍakee-ai.
Remember that Creator (in your mind) each and every moment;
remembering whom all faults (i.e. vices) are covered (forgiven).
crx kml aur AMqir Dwrhu ] ibiKAw bn qy jIau auDwrhu ]
charaṇ kamal ur aNtar dhaarahu.bikhi-aa ban tay jee-o udhaarahu.
Enshrine His lotus-feet within your mind; and,
save your soul from the water of poison (i.e. world, the ocean of maya).
krx plwh imtih ibllwtw ] jip goivd Brmu Bau Pwtw ]
karaṇ palaah miteh billaataa.jap govid, bharam bha-o faataa.
(Remembering the Lord) all your cries and lamentations shall be ended; and,
meditating upon the Lord of the World, your fear and doubt shall be dispelled
swDsMig ivrlw ko pwey ] nwnku qw kY bil bil jwey ]1]
saadhsang, virlaa ko paa-ay. naanak, taa kai bal bal jaa-ay. ||1||
Rare are those who find the company of the God-oriented persons (and obtain the name of God);
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto him. 1
rwm nwmu min qin AwDwrw ] jo ismrY iqs kw insqwrw ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam man tan aadhaaraa. jo simrai, tis kaa nistaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The name of God is the support of my mind and body;
whoever remembers Him, is emancipated. 1 (pause)
imiQAw vsqu siq kir mwnI ] ihqu lwieE sT mUV AigAwnI ]
mithi-aa vasat, sat kar maanee. hit laa-i-o, saṭ mooṛ agi-aanee.
(O! foolish being) you believe the false things as true (i.e. you regard illusion as reality); and,
O! fool, ignorant, stupid you fall in love with it.
kwm k®oD loB md mwqw ] kaufI bdlY jnmu gvwqw ]
kaam krodh lobh mad maataa. ka-udee badlai, janam gavaataa.
Intoxicated with the wine of sexual desire, anger and greed;
you lose your (human) life (in exchange) for a shell (i.e. for maya).
Apnw Coif prwieAY rwqw ] mwieAw md mn qn sMig jwqw ]
apnaa chhod paraa-i-ai raataa. maa-i-aa mad, man tan saNg jaataa.
Abandoning your own (i.e. God, who alone is friend), you love the other (i.e. maya);
intoxicated with the wine of maya, (you think that) the mind and body shall go along with you.
iqRsn n bUJY krq klolw ] aUxI Aws imiQAw siB bolw ]
tarisan na boojhai karat kalolaa. ooṇee aas, mithi-aa sabh bolaa.
Your thirst (i.e. desires) is not quenched, and, you, remain indulged in pleasures;
your hope remain unfulfilled, (hence) all your words are false.
Awvq iekylw jwq iekylw ] hm qum sMig JUTy siB bolw ]
aavat ikaylaa, jaat ikaylaa. ham tum saNg, jhooṭay sabh bolaa.
One comes alone (in this world), and, goes alone (from this world);
(when people say): ‘We are with you’ are all lies.
P. 1005
pwie TgaurI Awip BulwieE ] paa-ay ṭag-uree, aap bhulaa-i-o.
Administering deceiving potion (i.e. attached to maya), God Himself has deluded (mortals).
nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieE ]2] naanak, kirat na jaa-ay mitaa-i-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): The past deeds cannot be erased. 2
psu pMKI BUq Aru pRyqw ] bhu ibiD jonI iPrq Anyqw ]
pas paNkhee bhoot ar paraytaa. baho bidh, jonee firat, anaytaa.
Animals, birds, ghosts and demons;
the blind (mortal being) wanders trough these lives in many ways.
jh jwno qh rhnu n pwvY ] Qwn ibhUn auiT auiT iPir DwvY ]
jah jaano, tah rahan na paavai. thaan bihoon, uṭ uṭ fir dhaavai.
Where he has to go (i.e. his real abode), he cannot stay there;
he has no place (of rest), (hence) it rises up again and again and runs around (in reincarnation).
min qin bwsnw bhuqu ibsQwrw ] AhMmyv mUTo bycwrw ]
man tan baasnaa, bahut bisthaaraa. ahaMmayv, mootho baychaaraa.
His mind and body are filled with immense lust (for worldly desires); hence,
the poor is robbed by egotism.
Aink doK Aru bhuqu sjweI ] qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ]
anik dokh, ar bahut sajaa-ee. taa kee keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee.
He commits countless sins, hence he is severely punished;
the value (i.e. extent) of these (punishments) can not be described.
pRB ibsrq nrk mih pwieAw ] qh mwq n bMDu n mIq n jwieAw ]
prabh bisrat, narak meh paa-i-aa. tah maat na baNdh, na meet na jaa-i-aa.
Forgetting God, one is thrown into hell;
there is no mother, no relative, no fiend and no brother.
ijs kau hoq ik®pwl suAwmI ] so jnu nwnk pwrgrwmI ]3]
jis ka-o hot kirpaal su-aamee. so jan, naanak, paargaraamee. ||3||
He, unto whom the Lord becomes kind,
Nanak (says): that servant (i.e. devotee) crosses over to the other side (of the world ocean). 3
BRmq BRmq pRB srnI AwieAw ] dInw nwQ jgq ipq mwieAw ]
bharmat bharmat prabh sarnee aa-i-aa. deenaa naath jagat pit maa-i-aa.
Wandering and wandering around, one come to seek the refuge of the Lord, (who is),
the Master of the poor, and, mother and father of the world.
pRB dieAwl duK drd ibdwrx ] ijsu BwvY iqs hI insqwrx ]
prabh da-i-aal dukh darad bidaaraṇ. jis bhaavai, tis hee nistaaraṇ.
The Merciful Lord is the Destroyer of sorrows and suffering;
whoever, He pleases, He carries him across (the world ocean).
AMD kUp qy kwFnhwrw ] pRym Bgiq hovq insqwrw ]
aNdh koop tay kaaḍanhaaraa. paraym bhagat hovat nistaaraa.
He pulls up (the mortals) out from blind well (of the world of maya);
one is emancipated through loving devotion.
swD rUp Apnw qnu DwirAw ] mhw Agin qy Awip aubwirAw ]
saadh* roop apnaa tan dhaari-aa. mahaa agan tay aap ubaari-aa.
He creates the Guru in His own form (i.e. His own embodiment); (and though them),
He Himself saves from the terrible fire (of maya).
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
jp qp sMjm ies qy ikCu nwhI ] jap tap saNjam, is tay kichh naahee.
By itself, this (the being) cannot practice meditation, penance, and, self-discipline;
Awid AMiq pRB Agm AgwhI ] aad aNt prabh agam agaahee.
In the beginning and in the end, God inaccessible and unfathomable.
nwmu dyih mwgY dwsu qyrw ] naam deh, maagai daas tayraa.
(O! God, please) bless me with Your name, Your slave (i.e. devotee) begs (only for this).
hir jIvn pdu nwnk pRBu myrw ]4]3]19] har jeevan pad, naanak, prabh mayraa. ||4||3||19||
Nanak (says): God, my Lord, is the Giver of the (sublime) state of life. 4.3.19

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

kq kau fhkwvhu logw mohn dIn ikrpweI ]1] kat ka-o dahkaavahu logaa, mohan deen kirpaa-ee. ||1||
Why do you inveigle others (i.e. why do you tempt others), O! people (of the world), the
Fascinating Lord is kind to the poor. 1
AYsI jwin pweI ] srix sUro gur dwqw rwKY Awip vfweI ]1] rhwau ]
aisee jaan paa-ee. saraṇ sooro gur daataa, raakhai aap vadaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have come to know this: (that)
the brave Guru, the giver, preserves the honour of those who seek his refuge. 1 (pause)
Bgqw kw AwigAwkwrI sdw sdw suKdweI ]2] bhagtaa kaa aagi-aakaaree, sadaa sadaa sukh-daa-ee. ||2||
He submits to the command (i.e. fulfils the wishes) of His devotees; He is forever and ever the
giver of happiness. 2
Apny kau ikrpw krIAhu ieku nwmu iDAweI ]3] apnay ka-o kirpaa karee-ahu, ik naam dhi-aa-ee. ||3||
(O! God, please) bless me with this kindness, that I may meditate upon the One name alone. 3
nwnku dInu nwmu mwgY duqIAw Brmu cukweI ]4]4]20]
naanak deen naam maagai, dutee-aa bharam chukaa-ee. ||4||4||20||
Nanak (says): This poor (i.e. humble devotee) begs for Your name, (please) eradicate my
duality and doubt (and bless me). 4.4.20

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

myrw Twkuru Aiq Bwrw ] moih syvku bycwrw ]1]
mayraa ṭaakur at bhaaraa.mohi sayvak baychaaraa. ||1||
My Lord is greatly powerful, and, I am (just His) poor servant. 1
mohnu lwlu myrw pRIqm mn pRwnw ] mo kau dyhu dwnw ]1] rhwau ]
mohan laal mayraa pareetam man paraanaa. mo ka-o dayh daanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my enticing beautiful Beloved, (O! support of) my mind and breath (of life).
(Please) bless me with the gift (of the name). 1 (pause)
sgly mY dyKy joeI ] bIjau Avru n koeI ]2] saglay mai daykhay jo-ee. beeja-o avar na ko-ee. ||2||
I have seen and assessed all; there is no one (refuge) , other (than him). 2
jIAn pRiqpwil smwhY ] hY hosI Awhy ]3] jee-an partipaal samaahai. hai hosee aahay. ||3||
He sustains and cherishes all beings; He was, He is, and shall always be. 3
dieAw moih kIjY dyvw ] nwnk lwgo syvw ]4]5]21]
da-i-aa mohi keejai dayvaa. naanak laago sayvaa. ||4||5||21||
Nanak (says):O! Divine, (please) bless me with Your kindness, that I may (always) remain in
Your service. 4.5.21

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

piqq auDwrn qwrn bil bil bly bil jweIAY ] patit udhaaran, taaran, bal bal, balay bal jaa-ee-ai.
O! Redeemer of the Sinners, (who) carries (us) across, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice,
a sacrifice unto You.
AYsw koeI BytY sMqu ijqu hir hry hir iDAweIAY ]1]
aisaa ko-ee bhaytai saNt, jit har haray har dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1||
If only I could meet with such a God-oriented person, through whom I would meditate upon
God, the Lord, the Master. 1
mo kau koie n jwnq khIAq dwsu qumwrw ] eyhw Et AwDwrw ]1] rhwau ]
mo ka-o ko-ay na jaanat, kahee-at daas tumaaraa. ayhaa ot aadhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) no one knows me, I am called Your servant;
this (alone) is my support and sustenance. 1 (pause)
srb Dwrn pRiqpwrn iek ibnau dInw ] sarab dhaaran, partipaaran, ik bin-o deenaa.
(O! God) Support and Sustainer of all; I, the poor, make a (humble) request (i.e. prayer).
qumrI ibiD qum hI jwnhu qum jl hm mInw ]2] tumree bidh tum hee jaanhu, tum jal ham meenaa. ||2||
You alone know Your ways; (but, this is my prayer): You are the water, I am the fish. 2
pUrn ibsQIrn suAwmI Awih AwieE pwCY ] pooran bistheeran su-aamee, aahi aa-i-o paachhai.
O! All-Powerful, Lord all Expanse; I follow You with love.
sglo BU mMfl KMfl pRB qum hI AwCY ]3] saglo bhoo maNdal khaNdal, prabh tum hee aachhai. ||3||
O! God, You alone are (the Lord of) all constellations and region of the world. 3
P. 1006
Atl AKieE dyvw mohn AlK Apwrw ] atal akhi-o dayvaa, mohan alakh apaaraa.
(O! God, You are) eternal, indestructible, divine, fascinating, imperceptible and infinite.
dwnu pwvau sMqw sMgu nwnk rynu dwswrw ]4]6]22]
daan paava-o saNtaa saNg, naanak rayn daasaaraa. ||4||6||22||
Nanak (says): Bless me with the gift of company of the God-oriented persons, and the dust of
the feet of your slaves. 4.6.22

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

iqRpiq AwGwey sMqw ] gur jwny ijn mMqw ]
taripat aaghaa-ay saNtaa. gur jaanay jin maNtaa.
Those God-oriented persons are fulfilled and satiated;
who have known the spell (i.e. teachings) of Guru.
qw kI ikCu khnu n jweI ] jw kau nwm bfweI ]1]
taa kee kichh kahan na jaa-ee. jaa ka-o naam badaa-ee. ||1||
Nothing can be said about them (i.e. about their greatness),
(those) who are blessed with greatness of name. 1
lwlu Amolw lwlo ] Agh Aqolw nwmo ]1] rhwau ]
laal amolaa laalo. agah atolaa naamo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Beloved is a priceless jewel; His name is unattainable and immeasurable. 1 (pause)
Aivgq isau mwinAw mwno ] gurmuiK qqu igAwno ]
avigat si-o maani-aa maano. gurmukh tat gi-aano.
One, whose mind is pleased with the Imperishable (Lord),
attains the essence of Reality, through the Guru.
pyKq sgl iDAwno ] qijE mn qy AiBmwno ]2]
paykhat sagal dhi-aano. taji-o man tay abhimaano. ||2||
He sees everyone (but his mind is always) in meditation; (because)
he has banished egotism from his mind. 2
inhclu iqn kw Twxw ] gur qy mhlu pCwxw ]
nihchal tin kaa ṭaaṇaa. gur tay mahal pachhaaṇaa.
Stable (i.e. permanent) is their place (in the court of the Lord); (because)
they have recognized the mansion (of the Lord) through the Guru.
Anidnu gur imil jwgy ] hir kI syvw lwgy ]3]
an-din gur mil jaagay. har kee sayvaa laagay. ||3||
Meeting the Guru, they remain awake day and night; and, are attached to the service of God. 3
pUrn iqRpiq AGwey ] shj smwiD suBwey ] pooran taripat aghaa-ay. sahj samaadh subhaa-ay.
They are completely fulfilled and satiated; and, remain in trance, in natural ease.
hir BMfwru hwiQ AwieAw ] nwnk gur qy pwieAw ]4]7]23]
har bhaNdaar haath aa-i-aa. naanak gur tay paa-i-aa. ||4||7||23||
Nanak (says): God's treasure has come into their hands; they have attained it through the
Guru. 4.7.23

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 6 dupdy Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 6, dupday

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Coif sgl isAwxpw imil swD iqAwig gumwnu ] chhod sagal si-aaṇpaa, mil saadh ti-aag gumaan.
(O! my mind) renounce all other clever acts, meet the God-oriented person, renounce your
Avru sBu ikCu imiQAw rsnw rwm rwm vKwnu ]1] avar sabh kichh mithi-aa, rasnaa raam raam vakhaan. ||1||
Everything else is false (i.e. perishable); with your tongue chant (the name of) God, the Lord. 1
myry mn krn suix hir nwmu ] mayray man, karan suṇ har naam.
O! my mind, with your ears listen (only) to the name of God.
imtih AG qyry jnm jnm ky kvnu bpuro jwmu ]1] rhwau ]
miteh agh tayray janam janam kay, kavan bapuro jaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sins of your countless births (i.e. incarnations) shall be erased, then what is (the power of)
the poor messenger of death? (i.e. he can do nothing to you)? 1 (pause)
dUK dIn n Bau ibAwpY imlY suK ibsRwmu ] dookh deen na bha-o bi-aapai, milai sukh bisraam.
Sufferings, poverty, and fear shall not afflict you, and you shall find happiness and poise.
gur pRswid nwnku bKwnY hir Bjnu qqu igAwnu ]2]1]24]
gur prsaad naanak bakhaanai, har bhajan tat gi-aan. ||2||1||24||
Nanak (says): By the grace of the Guru, I proclaim that the meditation upon (the name) of
God is the essence of knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom). 2.1.24

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy hoq dyKy Kyh ] jinee naam visaari-aa, say hot daykhay khayh.
Those who have forgotten the name (of the Lord) - I have seen them reduced to the dust.
puqR imqR iblws binqw qUtqy ey nyh ]1] putar mitar bilaas banitaa, toottay ay nayh. ||1||
The love of the sons and the friend, and the pleasures of wife, (all) these loves (finally) break
(i.e. come to an end). 1
myry mn nwmu inq inq lyh ] jlq nwhI Agin swgr sUKu min qin dyh ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, naam nit nit layh. jalat naahee agan saagar, sookh man tan dayh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, forever and ever (i.e. continually) chant the name (of the Lord);
(then you) shall not burn in the ocean of fire (of desires), and, your mind and body shall be
blessed with happiness. 1 (pause)
ibrK CwieAw jYsy ibnsq pvn JUlq myh ] birakh chhaa-i-aa jaisay binsat, pavan jhoolat mayh.
(Worldly pleasures disappear) like the shade of a tree and the cloud blown away by the wind.
hir Bgiq idRVu imlu swD nwnk qyrY kwim Awvq eyh ]2]2]25]
har bhagat dariṛ mil saadh, naanak, tayrai kaam aavat ayh. ||2||2||25||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) Meeting with the Guru, implant devotion of God (within your
heart); (only) this shall be useful to you. 2.2.25

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

purKu pUrn suKh dwqw sMig bsqo nIq ] purakh pooran, sukhah daataa, saNg basto neet.
The perfect Primal Person (Lord) is the Giver of Happiness; (He) always dwells with (us).
mrY n AwvY n jwie ibnsY ibAwpq ausn n sIq ]1]
marai na aavai na jaa-ay binsai, bi-aapat usan na seet. ||1||
He does not die; He does not come or go or perish; He is not affected by heat or cold. 1
myry mn nwm isau kir pRIiq ] mayray man, naam si-o kar pareet.
O! my mind, be in love with the name (of God);
cyiq mn mih hir hir inDwnw eyh inrml rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
chayt man meh har har nidhaanaa, ayh nirmal reet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Lord, is the treasure of God, remember Him within your mind; this (alone) is the
pure way (of life). 1 (pause)
ik®pwl dieAwl gopwl goibd jo jpY iqsu sIiD ] kirpaal da-i-aal gopaal gobid, jo japai tis seedh.
The Sustainer of the World, the Lord of the World is merciful and kind; whoever meditates
upon Him, he realizes (the purpose of life).
nvl nvqn cqur suMdr mnu nwnk iqsu sMig bIiD ]2]3]26]
naval navtan chatur suNdar, man naanak tis sang beedh. ||2||3||26||
Nanak (says): (God is) new, fresh, smart, and beautiful; (O! brethren)
pierce your mind through, with His love (i.e. enshrine His name within your mind). 2.3.26

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

clq bYsq sovq jwgq gur mMqRü irdY icqwir ] chalat baisat sovat jaagat, gur maNtar ridai chitaar.
(O! my mind) while walking and sitting; sleeping and waking, contemplate the incantation
(i.e. teaching) of the Guru in mind.
crx srx Bju sMig swDU Bv swgr auqrih pwir ]1]
charan saraṇ bhaj saNg saadhoo, bhav saagar utreh paar. ||1||
Join the company of God-oriented persons and seek the refuge of the (lotus) feet (of God);
(thus) you shall cross over to the other shore of the terrifying (world) ocean. 1
P. 1007
myry mn nwmu ihrdY Dwir ] mayray man, naam hirdai dhaar.
O! my mind, enshrine the name (of God) within (your) heart.
kir pRIiq mnu qnu lwie hir isau Avr sgl ivswir ]1] rhwau ]
kar pareet man tan laa-ay har si-o, avar sagal visaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Love God, attaching your mind and body to Him, and, forget everything else. 1 (pause)
jIau mnu qnu pRwx pRB ky qU Awpn Awpu invwir ] jee-o man tan praaṇ prabh kay, too aapan aap nivaar.
Soul, mind, body, breath (of life), (all) belong to God; discard your self-conceit.
goivd Bju siB suAwrQ pUry nwnk kbhu n hwir ]2]4]27]
govid bhaj, sabh su-aarath pooray, naanak kabahu na haar. ||2||4||27||
Nanak (says): Meditate upon the Lord of the World, all your interests (i.e. desires/ ambitions)
shall be fulfilled; you shall never be defeated (i.e. your life shall not be a failure). 2.4.27
mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
qij Awpu ibnsI qwpu ryx swDU QIau ] taj aap binsee taap, rayṇ saadhoo thee-o.
Renounce your self-conceit, become the dust of the feet of the God-oriented person, and
your fever (i.e. anxiety) shall depart.
iqsih prwpiq nwmu qyrw kir ik®pw ijsu dIau ]1] tiseh paraapat naam tayraa, kar kirpaa jis dee-o. ||1||
He alone receives Your name (O! God), whom You bless with bless it with Your kindness. 1
myry mn nwmu AMimRqu pIau ] Awn swd ibswir hoCy Amru jugu jugu jIau ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, naam aMmrit pee-o. aan saad bisaar hochhay, amar jug jug jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, drink in the AMmrit name (of God);
Abandon all other trivial tastes, become immortal, and, live throughout the Ages (i.e. forever
and ever). 1 (pause)
nwmu iek rs rMg nwmw nwim lwgI lIau ] mIqu swjnu sKw bMDpu hir eyku nwnk kIau ]2]5]28]
naam ik ras raNg naamaa, naam laagee lee-o.
meet saajan sakhaa baNdhap, har ayk naanak kee-o. ||2||5||28||
One, who savours the essence of the name f the One, and, is imbued with the name; and
attunes him soul to the name;
Nanak (says): For him, the One Lord is his only friends, beloved, companions and relative.

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

pRiqpwil mwqw audir rwKY lgin dyq n syk ] partipaal maataa udar raakhai, lagan dayt na sayk.
(O! my mind) He nourishes and preserves in the womb of the mother, and, does not let the
heat (of the fire of the womb) affect you.
soeI suAwmI eIhw rwKY bUJu buiD ibbyk ]1] so-ee su-aamee eehaa raakhai, boojh budh bibayk. ||1||
That Lord protects you here too; understand this through your rational wisdom. 1
myry mn nwm kI kir tyk ] iqsih bUJu ijin qU kIAw pRBu krx kwrx eyk ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, naam kee kar tayk.
tiseh boojh jin too kee-aa, prabh karaṇ kaaraṇ ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, take the support of the name (of God);
understand the One, who created you; the One God is the Cause of (all) causes. 1 (pause)
cyiq mn mih qij isAwxp Coif sgly ByK ] chayt man meh taj si-aaṇap, chhod saglay bhaykh.
Remember Him in your mind; renounce your cleverness, and, give up all (religious) robes.
ismir hir hir sdw nwnk qry keI Anyk ]2]6]29]
simar har har sadaa, naanak, taray ka-ee anayk. ||2||6||29||
Nanak (says): meditating upon God, the Lord, countless have been carried across (the world
ocean). 2.6.29

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

piqq pwvn nwmu jw ko AnwQ ko hY nwQu ] patit paavan naam jaa ko, anaath ko hai naath.
His name is the purifier of the sinners; He is the Master of the Master-less.
mhw Baujl mwih qulho jw ko iliKE mwQ ]1] mahaa bha-ojal maahi tulho, jaa ko likhi-o maath. ||1||
He is a raft in the greatly terrifying waters (of the world ocean); (they alone find Him) for who
have it inscribed on their foreheads (i.e. those who have this preordained destiny). 1
fUby nwm ibnu Gn swQ ] krx kwrxu iciq n AwvY dy kir rwKY hwQ ]1] rhwau ]
doobay naam bin, ghan saath. karaṇ kaaraṇ chit na aavai, day kar raakhai haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without (meditating upon) the name (of God), huge number of caravan get drowned;
(because) they do not remember the One, (who is) the Cause causes, who would saves them
by extending His hand. 1 (pause)
swDsMgiq gux aucwrx hir nwm AMimRq pwQ ] saadhsaNgat guṇ uchaaraṇ, har naam aMmrit paath.
Chanting the (praise of) His excellences and (meditating upon) the name of God, in the
company of the God-oriented persons, is the AMmrit path (i.e. path of immortality).
krhu ik®pw murwir mwDau suix nwnk jIvY gwQ ]2]7]30]
karahu kirpaa muraar maadha-o, suṇ naanak jeevai gaath. ||2||7||30||
Nanak (say): Bestow Your kindness, O! Destroyer of Demons, Lord of Maya, that I may live
by listening to the story (of Your excellences). 2.7.30

Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
mwrU AMjulI mhlw 5 Gru 7 Maaroo, aNjulee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 7
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sMjogu ivjogu Durhu hI hUAw ] saNjog vijog dharahu hee hoo-aa.
The union and separation (of the soul and body) are preordained from the very beginning
(i.e. by God).
pMc Dwqu kir puqlw kIAw ] paNch dhaat kar putlaa kee-aa.
He has made (i.e. created) puppet (of human body) by joining together the five elements.
swhY kY PurmwieAVY jI dyhI ivic jIau Awie pieAw ]1]
saahai kai furmaa-i-arhai jee, dayhee vich jee-o aa-ay pa-i-aa. ||1||
By the command of the dear Lord, the soul came and entered the body. 1
ijQY Agin BKY BVhwry ] aUrD muK mhw gubwry ] swis swis smwly soeI EQY Ksim Cfwie lieAw ]2]
jithai agan bhakhai bharhhaaray.ooradh mukh, mahaa gubaaray.
saas saas samaalay so-ee, othai khasam chhadaa-ay la-i-aa. ||2||
(In the womb of the mother) where the fire blazes likes in furnace;
(where) in pitch darkness, body lies face down;
there, (when) one remembered Him by every breath, the Lord saved him there. 2
ivchu grBY inkil AwieAw ] vichahu garbhai, nikal aa-i-aa.
(But when) one comes out of the womb,
Ksmu ivswir dunI icqu lwieAw ] khasam visaar, dunee chit laa-i-aa.
He forgets the Lord and attaches his mind to (the pleasures of) the world;
AwvY jwie BvweIAY jonI rhxu n ikqhI Qwie BieAw ]3]
aavai jaa-ay, bhavaa-ee-ai jonee, rahaṇ na kithee thaa-ay bha-i-aa. ||3||
(Hence) he comes and goes, and, wanders in wombs (in reincarnation); he can not remain
anywhere. 3
imhrvwin riK lieAnu Awpy ] jIA jMq siB iqs ky Qwpy ]
miharvaan, rakh la-i-an aapay. jee-a jaNt, sabh tis kay thaapay.
The Merciful Himself emancipates; all the beings and creatures, created by Him.
jnmu pdwrQu ijix cilAw nwnk AwieAw so prvwxu iQAw ]4]1]31]
janam padaarath jiṇ chali-aa, naanak, aa-i-aa so parvaaṇ thi-aa. ||4||1||31||
Nanak (says): He, who departs after winning the precious (human) life, his coming (into the
world) is approved (in the court of God). 4.1.31
P. 1008
mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
vYdo n vweI BYxo n BweI eyko shweI rwmu hy ]1]
vaido na vaa-ee, bhaiṇo na bhaa-ee, ayko sahaa-ee raam hay. ||1||
Neither a doctor nor medicine, nor sister nor brother, the One God alone is our Helper. 1
kIqw ijso hovY pwpW mlo DovY so ismrhu prDwnu hy ]2]
keetaa jiso hovai, paapaan malo dhovai, so simrahu pardhaan hay. ||2||
(He), whose actions come to happen, (whose name) washes the filth of sins, (O! brethren)
remember that Supreme (Lord). 2
Git Gty vwsI srb invwsI AsiQru jw kw Qwnu hy ]3]
ghat ghatay vaasee, sarab nivaasee, asthir jaa kaa thaan hay. ||3||
(He) abides in each and every heart; (He) dwells in all; His place is stable (i.e. eternal). 3
AwvY n jwvY sMgy smwvY pUrn jw kw kwmu hy ]4]
aavai na jaavai, saNgay samaavai, pooran jaa kaa kaam hay. ||4||
(He) does not come or go; He is (always) with us; His actions are perfect. 4
Bgq jnw kw rwKxhwrw ] bhagat janaa kaa raakhanhaaraa.
He is the Protector of His devotees;
sMq jIvih jip pRwn ADwrw ] saNt jeeveh jap paraan adhaaraa.
The God-oriented persons lives by meditating upon (Him); (He) is the support of breath (of life).
krn kwrn smrQu suAwmI nwnku iqsu kurbwnu hy ]5]2]32]
karan kaaran samrath su-aamee, naanak tis kurbaan hay. ||5||2||32||
The Lord is all-power and Cause of causes. Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto Him. 5.2.52

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mwrU mhlw 9 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 9
hir ko nwmu sdw suKdweI ] har ko naam sadaa sukh-daa-ee.
The name of God is forever the giver of happiness.
jw kau ismir Ajwmlu auDirE ginkw hU giq pweI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa ka-o simar ajaamal udhaari-o, ganikaa hoo gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon whom Ajaamal* was emancipated, and, Ganikaa** was liberated. 1 (pause)
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally
2801 omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and the
names of God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, was saved thus.
**Gankaa was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave her a
parrot which used to chant the name of God, and, gradually she to began chanting the name of God. Chanting the name
of God liberated her. This story had been written to inspire people to chant the name of God].
pMcwlI kau rwj sBw mih rwm nwm suiD AweI ] qw ko dUKu hirE kruxw mY ApnI pYj bFweI ]1]
paNchaalee ka-o, raaj sabhaa meh, raam naam sudh aa-ee.
taa ko dookh hari-o karuṇaa mai, apnee paij baḍaa-ee. ||1||
In the royal court, Panchaali* became aware of (remembering) the name of God;
The Embodiment of Compassionate (i.e. God) removed her suffering, and, thus increased
(i.e. preserved) his promise (i.e. duty of helping). 1
[*According to Mahabharata, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchāla and the wife of the five
Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing
gamble, the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult
the Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee; and, he began to
disrobe Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs, and, as
Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Indian women), her saaree keeps getting extended.
Thus, listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
ijh nr jsu ikrpw iniD gwieE qw kau BieE shweI ]
jih nar jas kirpaa nidh gaa-i-o, taa ka-o bha-i-o sahaa-ee.
That man (i.e. any one) who sings the praise of the Treasure of Mercy, has obtained His help.
khu nwnk mY iehI BrosY ghI Awin srnweI ]2]1]
kaho naanak, mai ihee bharosai, gahee aan sarnaa-ee. ||2||1||
Says Nanak: With this faith (that he helps His devotees), I have sought His refuge. 2.1

mwrU mhlw 9 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 9

Ab mY khw krau rI mweI ]
sgl jnmu ibiKAn isau KoieAw ismirE nwih kn@weI ]1] rhwau ]
ab mai kahaa kara-o, ree maa-ee.
sagal janam bikhi-an si-o kho-i-aa, simri-o naahi kanhaa-ee*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What should I do now, O! my mother;
I have wasted my whole life in poison (i.e. sin); I have never remembered God*. 1 (pause)
[*Kanhaee/ Kahan is one of the many names of God].
kwl Pws jb gr mih mylI iqh suiD sB ibsrweI ] rwm nwm ibnu Xw sMkt mih ko Ab hoq shweI ]1]
kaal faas jab gar meh maylee, tih sudh sabh bisraa-ee.
raam naam bin, yaa sankat meh, ko ab hot sahaa-ee. ||1||
When death places the noose around the neck, then one loses all his senses; (now),
in this state of disaster, other than name of God, who can be his help. 1
jo sMpiq ApnI kir mwnI iCn mih BeI prweI ] jo saMpat apnee kar maanee, chhin meh bha-ee paraa-ee.
The wealth which one believes to be his own, in a moment, belongs to another.
khu nwnk Xh soc rhI min hir jsu kbhU n gweI ]2]2]
kaho naanak, yeh soch rahee man, har jas kabhoo na gaa-ee. ||2||2||
Says Nanak: This thought remains in (i.e. always bothers) my mind, that I never sang the
praise of God (i.e. I have wasted my life in vain). 2.2

mwrU mhlw 9 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 9

mweI mY mn ko mwnu n iqAwigE ] maa-ee, mai man ko maan na ti-aagi-o.
O! (my) mother, I have not renounced the pride in my mind.
mwieAw ky mid jnmu isrwieE rwm Bjin nhI lwigE ]1] rhwau ]
maa-i-aa kay mad janam siraa-i-o, raam bhajan nahee laagi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have spent (i.e. wasted) my life intoxicated with maya; I have not focussed myself on
meditation of God. 1 (pause)
jm ko fMfu pirE isr aUpir qb sovq qY jwigE ] jam ko daNd pari-o sir oopar, tab sovat tai jaagi-o.
When the staff of death fell on my head, then I woke up from my sleep (i.e. of maya).
khw hoq Ab kY pCuqwey CUtq nwihn BwigE ]1]
kahaa hot ab kai pachhutaa-ay, chhootat naahin bhaagi-o. ||1||
Now what use it would be to repent (at this time); I can not escape by running away (from death).1
ieh icMqw aupjI Gt mih jb gur crnn AnurwigE ]
ih chiNtaa upjee ghat meh jab, gur charnan anuraagi-o.
When this anxiety arose in my heart, (then) I came to love the feet of the Guru.
suPlu jnmu nwnk qb hUAw jau pRB js mih pwigE ]2]3]
sufal janam naanak tab hoo-aa, ja-o prabh jas meh paagi-o. ||2||3||
Nanak (says): My life became fruitful, when I was absorbed in the praise of God. 2.3

mwrU AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1 Maaroo, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
byd purwx kQy suxy hwry munI Anykw ] bayd puraan kathay suṇay, haaray munee anaykaa.
Reciting and hearing to the Vedas and Puranas, countless silent sages have grown weary.
ATsiT qIrQ bhu Gxw BRim Qwky ByKw ] athsaṭ tiraṭ baho ghaṇaa, bharam thaakay bhaykhaa.
A lot many, wearing (their) religious robes, have grown weary wandering to the sixty-eight
places of pilgrimage.
swco swihbu inrmlo min mwnY eykw ]1] saacho saahib nirmalo, man maanai aykaa. ||1||
The True Lord is immaculate; my mind is satisfied with the One (i.e. I do not believe in Vedas,
Puranas and the so-called ‘sixty-eight paces of pilgrimage’ but I am satisfied with Him alone). 1
qU Ajrwvru Amru qU sB cwlxhwrI ] too ajraavar, amar too, sabh chaalaṇhaaree.
(O! God) You do not grow old, You are eternal; all others are destructible (i.e. shall pass away).
nwmu rswiexu Bwie lY prhir duKu BwrI ]1] rhwau ]
naam rasaa-iṇ bhaa-ay lai, parhar dukh bhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who lovingly chants Your name, the source of (all) essences, his difficult pains are taken
away. 1 (pause)
P. 1009
hir pVIAY hir buJIAY gurmqI nwim auDwrw ] har paṛee-ai, har bujhee-ai, gurmatee naam udhaaraa.
(O! brethren) read (the name of) God, understand(the name of) God; one is saved through
(meditation upon) the word by following the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru.
guir pUrY pUrI miq hY pUrY sbid bIcwrw ] gur poorai, pooree mat hai, poorai sabad beechaaraa.
Perfect is the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the perfect Guru; and, through the word of the Guru
one reflects(i.e. understands); (that):
ATsiT qIrQ hir nwmu hY iklivK kwtxhwrw ]2] aṭsaṭ tirath har naam hai, kilvikh kaataṇhaaraa. ||2||
(Meditation upon) the name of God, which is the eradicator of the sins, is (pilgrimage to) the
sixty-eight places of pilgrimage. 2
jlu iblovY jlu mQY qqu loVY AMDu AigAwnw ] jal bilovai, jal mathai, tat loṛai a dh agi-aanaa.

He stirs the water, churns the water, and, the blind ignorant wishes to obtain butter.
gurmqI diD mQIAY AMimRqu pweIAY nwmu inDwnw] gurmatee dadh mathee-ai, aMmrit paa-ee-ai naam nidhaanaa.
If one churns yoghurt through the wisdom of the Guru, then he obtains AMmrit, the treasure
of the name.
mnmuK qqu n jwxnI psU mwih smwnw ]3] manmukh tat na jaaṇnee, pasoo maahi samaanaa. ||3||
The mind-oriented do not know the essence of Reality, within them is animal (thinking). 3
haumY myrw mrI mru mir jMmY vwro vwr ] ha-umai mayraa maree mar, mar jaMmai vaaro vaar.
One, who dies(while living in) in self-conceit and egotism, he is dead; he dies to be born (i.e.
reincarnated) over and over again.
gur kY sbdy jy mrY iPir mrY n dUjI vwr ] gur kai sabday jay marai, fir marai na doojee vaar.
(But, when) one dies in the word of the Guru, he does not die ever again.
gurmqI jgjIvnu min vsY siB kul auDwrxhwr ]4]
gurmatee jagjeevan man vasai, sabh kul udhaaraṇhaar. ||4||
(When) through the wisdom of the Guru, the Life of the World, comes to dwell in mind, he
liberates all his family. 4
scw vKru nwmu hY scw vwpwrw ] sachaa vakhar naam hai, sachaa vaapaaraa.
The name (of God) is the (only) true merchandise, and, this (alone) is true trade.
lwhw nwmu sMswir hY gurmqI vIcwrw ] laahaa naam saNsaar hai, gurmatee veechaaraa.
The name is the (only) true profit in this world; I have contemplated it through the wisdom
of Guru.
dUjY Bwie kwr kmwvxI inq qotw sYswrw ]5] doojai bhaa-ay kaar kamaavṇee, nit totaa saisaaraa. ||5||
To work in the love of duality, leads to constant loss in this world. 5
swcI sMgiq Qwnu scu scy Gr bwrw ] saachee saNgat, thaan sach, sachay ghar baaraa.
One, who joins true congregation, true is his place, and, true is his hearth and home.
scw Bojnu Bwau scu scu nwmu ADwrw ] sachaa bhojan, bhaa-o sach, sach naam adhaaraa.
True (name) is his food, true (name) is his love, and, true name is his (only) support.
scI bwxI sMqoiKAw scw sbdu vIcwrw ]6] sachee baṇee saNtokhi-aa, sachaa sabad veechaaraa. ||6||
Through the True word, one becomes content, and, he contemplates the True word. 6
rs Bogx pwiqswhIAw duK suK sMGwrw ] ras bhogan paatisaahee-aa, dukh sukh saNghaaraa.
(On the other hand) enjoying royal pleasures, one shall be destroyed in pains and pleasures.
motw nwau DrweIAY gil Aaugx Bwrw ] motaa naa-o dharaa-ee-ai, gal a-ugaṇ bhaaraa.
Assuming a big name (for oneself), one ties heavy vices (i.e. big sins) around the neck.
mwxs dwiq n hoveI qU dwqw swrw ]7] maanas daat na hova-ee, too daataa saaraa. ||7||
Mankind cannot give gifts; You alone are the giver of everything. 7
Agm Agocru qU DxI Aivgqu Apwrw ] agam agochar too dhaṇee, avigat apaaraa.
(You are) inaccessible, unknowable, O! Lord, (You are) indescribable and infinite.
gur sbdI dru joeIAY mukqy BMfwrw ] gur sabdee dar jo-ee-ai, muktay bhaNdaaraa.
Through the word of the Guru, (when) one seeks His door (i.e. mansion), (one finds) the
treasure of liberation.
nwnk mylu n cUkeI swcy vwpwrw ]8]1] naanak, mayl na chook-ee, saachay vaapaaraa. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): the union is not broken, (if) one deals in (the name of) the True. 8.1

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

ibKu boihQw lwidAw dIAw smuMd mMJwir ] bikh bohithaa laadi-aa dee-aa, samund maNjhaar.
(The mortal beings) have loaded their boat (of life) with poison (i.e. sins and vices), and, have
launched into the sea;
kMDI idis n AwveI nw aurvwru n pwru ] kaNdhee dis na aavee, naa urvaar na paar.
The shores can not be seen, neither this side not the other side.
vMJI hwiQ n KyvtU jlu swgru Asrwlu ]1] vaNjhee haath na khayvtoo, jal saagar asraal. ||1||
It (i.e. the boat) has no oars, no boat-man, and, the water in the sea is terrifying. 1
bwbw jgu PwQw mhw jwil ] baabaa, jag faathaa mahaa jaal.
O! my elder, the world is caught in the great noose (i.e. vast net of maya).
gur prswdI aubry scw nwmu smwil ]1] rhwau ] gur parsaadee ubray, sachaa naam samaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who have remembered (i.e. meditated upon) the name of the True (Lord) have been
saved by the grace of Guru. 1 (pause)
siqgurU hY boihQw sbid lµGwvxhwru ] satguroo hai bohithaa, sabad laNghaavaṇhaar.
The True Guru is the boat, and, through the word, he carries across.
iqQY pvxu n pwvko nw jlu nw Awkwru ] tithai pavan na paavko, naa jal naa aakaar.
There is neither air, nor fire, no water, and nor any form (to disturb the Guru, the boat).
iqQY scw sic nwie Bvjl qwrxhwru ]2] tithai sachaa sach naa-ay, bhavjal taaranhaar. ||2||
The True name of the True (Lord) is there, (which) carries across the terrifying waters (of the
world ocean). 2
gurmuiK lµGy sy pwir pey scy isau ilv lwie ] gurmukh laNghay say paar pa-ay, sachay si-o liv laa-ay.
Those who cross (the world ocean) through the Guru, reach the other shore, by focussing
(their mind) on the True (Lord).
Awvw gauxu invwirAw joqI joiq imlwie ] aavaa ga-oṇ nivaari-aa, jotee jot milaa-ay.
Their coming and going (i.e. cycle of birth and death) is ended, by merging their light into the
Light (of the Lord).
gurmqI shju aUpjY scy rhY smwie ]3] gurmatee sahj oopjai, sachay rahai samaa-ay. ||3||
Through the wisdom of the Guru, (state of) equipoise wells up in them, and, they remain
merged in the True (Lord). 3
spu ipVweI pweIAY ibKu AMqir min rosu ] sap piṛaa-ee paa-ee-ai, bikh aNtar man ros.
The snake may be placed (i.e. locked) in a basket, (but) poison is (still) within it; and, anger is
(still) in its mind (the same is the state of a man).
pUrib iliKAw pweIAY iks no dIjY dosu ] poorab likhi-aa paa-ee-ai, kis no deejai dos.
One obtains what is preordained (for him), (then)whom should one blame (for one’s destiny)?
gurmuiK gwrVu jy suxy mMny nwau sMqosu ]4] gurmukh gaaraṛ* jay suṇay, maNnay, naa-o saNtos. ||4||
If, through the Guru, one hears and believes the (word that is) gaarurh* (i.e. charm), his mind
becomes content. 4
[*Gaarurh is a mythical charm against snake poison, listening to which the poison caome our or becomes ineffective].
mwgrmCu PhweIAY kuMfI jwlu vqwie ] maagarmachh fahaa-ee-ai, kuNdee jaal vataa-ay.
The crocodile is caught by casting the hook and the net.
durmiq PwQw PwhIAY iPir iPir pCoqwie ] durmat faathaa faa-ee-ai, fir fir pachhotaa-ay.
(Similarly) caught in the trap of evil-wisdom, one repents over and over and again.
jMmx mrxu n suJeI ikrqu n myitAw jwie ]5] jaMman maraṇ na sujh-ee, kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ay. ||5||
He does not understand (i.e. does not realize the cycle of) birth or death; (but) the inscription
of the (past) deeds can be erased. 5
haumY ibKu pwie jgqu aupwieAw sbdu vsY ibKu jwie ]
ha-umai bikh paa-ay jagat upaa-i-aa, sabad vasai bikh jaa-ay.
The world (i.e. human beings) has been created by placing poison of egotism within (its mind);
with the word enshrined it, the poison (i.e. egotism) goes out (is eliminated).
jrw joih n skeI sic rhY ilv lwie ] jaraa johi na sak-ee, sach rahai liv laa-ay.
The old age can not harm the one who remains absorbed in the True (Lord).
jIvn mukqu so AwKIAY ijsu ivchu haumY jwie ]6] jeevan mukat so aakhee-ai, jis vichahu ha-umai jaa-ay. ||6||
He alone is called jeevan-mukta (i.e. liberated while yet alive), from within whom egoism is
eradicated. 6
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DMDY Dwvq jgu bwiDAw nw bUJY vIcwru ] dhaNdhai dhaavat jag baadhi-aa, naa boojhai veechaar.
Running after worldly affairs, the world is bound (in attachment to maya); it does not
understand the thought (of liberating himself from the grip of maya).
jMmx mrxu ivswirAw mnmuK mugDu gvwru ] jaMmaṇ maraṇ visaari-aa, manmukh mugadh gavaar.
The mind-oriented is foolish, ignorant and stupid; he has forgotten (the cycle of) birth and
guir rwKy sy aubry scw sbdu vIcwir ]7] gur raakhay say ubray, sachaa sabad veechaar. ||7||
Those, whom the Guru saves, are emancipated by contemplating the True word. 7
sUhtu ipMjir pRym kY bolY bolxhwru ] soohat piNjar paraym kai, bolai bolaṇhaar.
The parrot in the cage of love, speaks as he has to speak (i.e. as His Master wishes).
scu cugY AMimRqu pIAY aufY q eykw vwr ] sach chugai aMmrit pee-ai, udai ta aykaa vaar.
It pecks at the Truth, drinks in AMmrit (name), and, if flies, only once.
[As is a parrot in the cage, soul is in human body; when it is in love with God, it speaks the language of love; when it
drinks in Amrit name, it leaves the body-cage and flies away forever (not to be reincarnated)].
guir imilAY Ksmu pCwxIAY khu nwnk moK duAwru ]8]2]
gur mili-ai khasam pachhaaṇee-ai, kaho naanak, mokh du-aar. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): Meeting with the Guru, one recognizes his Lord (God), and, finds the door of
liberation. 8.2

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

sbid mrY qw mwir mru Bwgo iksu pih jwau ] sabad marai taa maar mar, bhaago kis peh jaa-o.
One, who dies in the word, kill (i.e. conquers) death; otherwise to whom one can run to? (to
save oneself from death).
ijs kY fir BY BwgIAY AMimRqu qw ko nwau ] jis kai dar bhai bhaagee-ai, aMmrit taa ko naa-o.
He (i.e. God) through whose fear, the fear (of death) runs away, His name is AMmrit (i.e. the
name of God is immortalizing essence).
mwrih rwKih eyku qU bIjau nwhI Qwau ]1] maareh raakhahi ayk too, beeja-o naahee thaa-o. ||1||
(O! God) You alone kill and protect; there is no other place (at all). 1
bwbw mY kucIlu kwcau miqhIn ] baabaa, mai kucheel kaacha-o matiheen.
O! Baba (O! God), I am filthy, trivial, and, without wisdom.
nwm ibnw ko kCu nhI guir pUrY pUrI miq kIn ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa ko kachh nahee, gur poorai pooree mat keen. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the name, no one is anything; the perfect Guru has bestowed perfect wisdom (upon
me). 1 (pause)
Avgix suBr gux nhI ibnu gux ikau Gir jwau ] avgaṇ subhar guṇ nahee, bin gun ki-o ghar jaa-o.
I am full of vices; I have no virtue (at all); and, without virtues, how can I go my home (i.e. the
court of God)?
shij sbid suKu aUpjY ibnu Bwgw Dnu nwih ]
sahj sabad sukh oopjai, bin bhaagaa dhan naahi.
Poise and happiness wells up through the word; and, without (good) destiny wealth (of name)
is not obtained.
ijn kY nwmu n min vsY sy bwDy dUK shwih ]2] jin kai naam na man vasai, say baadhay dookh sahaahi. ||2||
Those, whose minds are not filled with the name (of God), (in the end) they are bound (and
punished) to suffer in pain. 2
ijnI nwmu ivswirAw sy ikqu Awey sMswir ] jinee naam visaari-aa, say kit aa-ay saNsaar.
Those who have forgotten the name (of God), why have they (even) come into the world?
AwgY pwCY suKu nhI gwfy lwdy Cwru ] aagai paachhai sukh nahee, gaaday laaday chhaar.
Here and hereafter, they do not find happiness; they have loaded their carts with ashes (i.e.
they have loaded their souls with sins).
ivCuiVAw mylw nhI dUKu Gxo jm duAwir ]3] vichhuṛi-aa maylaa nahee, dookh ghaṇo jam du-aar. ||3||
Those who are separated, do not meet (with God); they suffer terribly at the doors of death. 3
AgY ikAw jwxw nwih mY BUly qU smJwie ] agai ki-aa jaaṇaa naahi, mai bhoolay too samjhaa-ay.
I do not know what will happen hereafter, (O! God), I am strayed (i.e. confused), (please) You
give me understanding.
BUly mwrgu jo dsy iqs kY lwgau pwie ] bhoolay maarag jo dasay, tis kai laaga-o paa-ay.
I am strayed, and, he, who shows the (right) path, I shall fall at his feet.
gur ibnu dwqw ko nhI kImiq khxu n jwie ]4] gur bin daataa ko nahee, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ay. ||4||
Without the Guru, there is no giver (at all); and, his (i.e. Guru’s) value can not be described. 4
swjnu dyKw qw gil imlw swcu pTwieE lyKu ] saajan daykhaa taa gal milaa, saach paṭaa-i-o laykh.
If I behold my Friend, then I will embrace Him; I have sent Him the letter of Truth.
muiK iDmwxY Dn KVI gurmuiK AwKI dyKu ] mukh dhimaaṇai dhan khaṛee, gurmukh aakhee daykh.
The (soul) bride is standing despairingly; I behold Him through the eyes of the Guru.
quDu BwvY qU min vsih ndrI krim ivsyKu ]5] tudh bhaavai too man vaseh, nadree karam visaykh. ||5||
If it pleases You, You come to dwell in my mind; and, bless me with Your special grace. 5
BUK ipAwso jy BvY ikAw iqsu mwgau dyie ] bhookh pi-aaso jay bhavai, ki-aa tis maaga-o day-ay.
(O! God) if one (oneself) is wandering hungry and thirsty, what can any one ask (i.e. beg)
from him and what can he give?
bIjau sUJY ko nhI min qin pUrnu dyie ] beeja-o soojhai ko nahee, man tan pooran day-ay.
I can not perceive of any other one (who can give); one who is perfect in mind and body, He
alone can give.
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw Awip vfweI dyie ]6] jin kee-aa tin daykhi-aa, aap vadaa-ee day-ay. ||6||
The One who has created and takes care (of me), He Himself blesses with glory (of the name). 6
ngrI nwieku nvqno bwlku lIl AnUpu ] nagree naa-ik navtano, baalak leel anoop.
The Lord of the body-village city is ever fresh; like a child He plays unique games.
nwir n purKu n pMKxU swcau cquru srUpu ] naar na purakh na paNkh-ṇoo, saacha-o chatur saroop.
He is neither a woman, nor a man, nor a bird; the True (Lord) is smart and beautiful.
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY qU dIpku qU DUpu ]7] jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai, too deepak too dhoop. ||7||
Whatever pleases Him, comes to happen; (O! Lord) You are the lamp and You are the
incense (i.e. You are the embodiment of light/knowledge and fragrance/wisdom).7
gIq swd cwKy suxy bwd swd qin rogu ] geet saad chaakhay suṇay, baad saad tan rog.
We have heard songs and relished the tastes; (but) these are useless, and, bring only disease
to the body.
scu BwvY swcau cvY CUtY sog ivjogu ] sach bhaavai saacha-o chavai, chhootai sog vijog.
One, who is pleased in the True, he chants (the name of) the True, his sorrows and separation
(from the True Lord), are ended.
nwnk nwmu n vIsrY jo iqsu BwvY su hogu ]8]3] naanak, naam na veesrai, jo tis bhaavai so hog. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) do not forget the name (of the Lord); whatever pleases Him,, that
will come to happen. 8.3

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

swcI kwr kmwvxI hoir lwlc bwid ] saachee kaar kamaavṇee, hor laalach baad.
(The slave of the Lord) earns (i.e. practices) true service (i.e. practices meditation upon the
name), (for him, all) other greed (i.e. attachments) is useless.
iehu mnu swcY moihAw ijhvw sic swid ] ih man saachai mohi-aa, jihvaa sach saad.
The True (Lord) has fascinated his mind, and, his tongue enjoys the taste of (the name of) the
True (Lord) .
ibnu nwvY ko rsu nhI hoir clih ibKu lwid ]1] bin naavai ko ras nahee, hor chaleh bikh laad. ||1||
Without the name, there is no pleasure; the others depart loaded with poison. 1
Aysw lwlw myry lwl ko suix Ksm hmwry ] aisaa laalaa mayray laal ko, suṇ khasam hamaaray.
I am such a slave of (You) my Beloved, You listen O! my Lord.
ijau Purmwvih iqau clw scu lwl ipAwry ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o furmaaveh ti-o chalaa, sach laal pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I act as You command me, O! my True Beloved (Lord). 1 (pause)
Anidnu lwly cwkrI goly isir mIrw ] an-din laalay chaakree, golay sir meeraa.
Day and night, the slaves is to serve; (because) the Lord is standing over the head of the slave.
gur bcnI mnu vyicAw sbid mnu DIrw ] gur bachnee man vaychi-aa sabad man dheeraa.
I have sold my mind for the word of the Guru; and, my mind is comforted by the word.
P. 1011
gur pUry swbwis hY kwtY mn pIrw ]2] gur pooray saabaas hai, kaatai man peeraa. ||2||
All blessings to the perfect Guru; he has taken away the pain of my mind. 2
lwlw golw DxI ko ikAw khau vifAweIAY ] laalaa golaa dhaṇee ko, ki-aa kaha-o vadi-aa-ee-ai.
One, who has become a servant and slave of his Master, what greatness of his can I describe?
BwxY bKsy pUrw DxI scu kwr kmweIAY ] bhaanai bakhsay pooraa dhaṇee, sach kaar kamaa-ee-ai.
(When) the perfect Master blesses by His will, (then) one can earn (i.e. practice) true deeds.
ivCuiVAw kau myil ley gur kau bil jweIAY ]3] vichhurhi-aa ka-o mayl la-ay, gur ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai. ||3||
He (re)unites the separated ones; I am a sacrifice unto the Guru. 3
lwly goly miq KrI gur kI miq nIkI ] laalay golay mat kharee, gur kee mat neekee.
The wisdom of servant and slave becomes true (through) the nice wisdom of the Guru.
swcI suriq suhwvxI mnmuK miq PIkI ] saachee surat suhaavaṇee, manmukh mat feekee.
Awareness of the pure is beautiful, (whereas) the wisdom of the mind-oriented is insipid.
mnu qnu qyrw qU pRBU scu DIrk Dur kI ]4] man tan tayraa too prabhoo, sach dheerak dhur kee. ||4||
My mind and body belong to Your, O! Lord, Truth is my support from the very beginning. 4
swcY bYsxu auTxw scu Bojnu BwiKAw ] saachai baisan uṭ-ṇaa, sach bhojan bhaakhi-aa.
(The servant and the slave) sits in Truth and stand in Truth; and, speaking Truth is his food.
iciq scY ivqo scw swcw rsu cwiKAw ] chit sachai, vito sachaa, saachaa ras chaakhi-aa.
Truth is his consciousness and Truth is his wealth; and, he savours True essence (of name).
swcY Gir swcY rKy gur bcin suBwiKAw ]5] saachai ghar saachai rakhay, gur bachan subhaakhi-aa. ||5||
In the home of the True, the True protects him, through blissful word of the True Guru. 5
mnmuK kau Awlsu Gxo PwQy EjwVI ] manmukh ka-o aalas ghaṇo, faathay ojaaṛee.
The mind-oriented is very lazy (in meditation upon the name), he is trapped in wilderness.
PwQw cugY inq cogVI lig bMDu ivgwVI ] faathaa chugai nit chogṛee, lag bandh vigaaṛee.
In the cage (of maya), he remains pecking grains (i.e. bait of worldliness); thus, he ruins his
relations (with God).
gur prswdI mukqu hoie swcy inj qwVI ]6] gur parsaadee mukat ho-ay saachay nij taaṛee. ||6||
With the grace of the Guru, he is liberated, by being absorbed in trance of Truth. 6
Anhiq lwlw byiDAw pRB hyiq ipAwrI ] anhat laalaa baydhi-aa, prabh hayt pi-aaree.
The slave remains continually pierced through with attachment to and love of God
ibnu swcy jIau jil blau JUTy vykwrI ] bin saachay jee-o jal bala-o, jhooṭay vaykaaree.
(Whereas) without the True, the soul of the false, vicious person is burnt to ashes.
bwid kwrw siB CofIAw swcI qru qwrI ]7] baad kaaraa sabh chhodee-aa, saachee tar taaree. ||7||
Abandoning all useless deeds, he (i.e. slave of the Lord) crosses over (the world ocean) in the
boat of Truth. 7
ijnI nwmu ivswirAw iqnw Taur n Twau ] jinee naam visaari-aa, tinaa ṭa-ur na ṭaa-o.
Those who have forgotten the name (of the Lord), have no place, no refuge.
lwlY lwlcu iqAwigAw pwieAw hir nwau ] laalai laalach ti-aagi-aa, paa-i-aa har naa-o.
The slave (of God) renounces greed, and, obtains the name of God.
qU bKsih qw myil lYih nwnk bil jwau ]8]4] too bakhsahi taa mayl laihi naanak bal jaa-o. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): If You bless, You unite (the beings with You); I am a sacrifice unto You. 8.4

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1
lwlY gwrbu CoifAw gur kY BY shij suBweI ] laalai gaarab chhodi-aa, gur kai bhai sahj subhaa-ee.
The slave (of God) renounces his pride; and, he lives in the fear of Guru, in natural ease.
lwlY Ksmu pCwixAw vfI vifAweI ] laalai khasam pachhaaṇi-aa, vadee vadi-aa-ee.
The slave realizes his Lord, (hence, he obtains) great glory.
Ksim imilAY suKu pwieAw kImiq khxu n jweI ]1] khasam mili-ai sukh paa-i-aa, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee||1||
Meeting with his Lord, he obtains happiness; his value can not be described. 1
lwlw golw Ksm kw KsmY vifAweI ] laalaa golaa khasam kaa, khasmai vadi-aa-ee.
He, who is the slave and the servant of the Lord, obtains greatness (i.e. honour) from the Lord.
gur prswdI aubry hir kI srxweI ]1] rhwau ] gur parsaadee ubray, har kee sarṇaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of the Guru, (those who seek) the refuge of God, are saved. 1 (pause)
lwly no isir kwr hY Duir Ksim PurmweI ] laalay no sir kaar hai, dhur khasam furmaa-ee.
The slave has been assigned service (i.e. meditation upon the Lord), through the command of
the Lord from the very beginning.
lwlY hukmu pCwixAw sdw rhY rjweI ] laalai hukam pachhaaṇi-aa, sadaa rahai rajaa-ee.
The slave has realized the command (of the Lord), and, he ever lives in His will.
Awpy mIrw bKis ley vfI vifAweI ]2] aapay meeraa bakhas la-ay, vadee vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
The (Lord) King Himself forgives (His slaves); great is His greatness (i.e. glory). 2
Awip scw sBu scu hY gur sbid buJweI ] aap sachaa, sabh sach hai, gur sabad bujhaa-ee.
He Himself is true, and, everything (created by Him) is true; this has been realized through
the word of the Guru.
qyrI syvw so kry ijs no lYih qU lweI ] tayree sayvaa so karay, jis no laihi too laa-ee.
He alone serves You, whom You attach to doing so.
ibnu syvw iknY n pwieAw dUjY Brim KuAweI ]3] bin sayvaa kinai na paa-i-aa, doojai bharam khu-aa-ee. ||3||
Without serving (the Lord), no one has obtained You; people are ruined in duality and doubt. 3
so ikau mnhu ivswrIAY inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ] so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai, nit dayvai charhai savaa-i-aa.
Why should one forget (i.e. one should not forget) Him from mind, who, continually gives,
and, adds a quarter to already given (i.e. continually bestows more and more gifts).
jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw swhu iqnY ivic pwieAw ] jee-o piNd sabh tis daa, saahu tinai vich paa-i-aa.
The soul and the body belong to Him; it is He who has infused breath (of life into us).
jw ik®pw kry qw syvIAY syiv sic smwieAw ]4] jaa kirpaa karay taa sayvee-ai, sayv sach samaa-i-aa. ||4||
If He bestows His kindness, then one can serve Him; (only) by serving the True one can
merge in Him. 4
lwlw so jIvqu mrY mir ivchu Awpu gvwey ] laalaa so jeevat marai, mar vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
He alone is His slave who remains dead while yet alive, and, in such death (while yet alive)
eradicates his egotism from within.
bMDn qUtih mukiq hoie iqRsnw Agin buJwey ] bandhan tooteh mukat ho-ay, tarisnaa agan bujhaa-ay.
His bonds (of attachment to maya) are broken, the fire of desire is quenched, and he is liberated.
sB mih nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK ko pwey ]5] sabh meh naam nidhaan hai, gurmukh ko paa-ay. ||5||
The treasure of the name is within all; (but) rare is the one who finds it through the Guru. 5
lwly ivic guxu ikCu nhI lwlw AvgixAwru ] laalay vich guṇ kichh nahee, laalaa avgaṇi-aar.
(O! God) there is no virtue in Your slave; he is altogether virtue-less.
quDu jyvfu dwqw ko nhI qU bKsxhwru ] tudh jayvad daataa ko nahee, too bakhsaṇhaar.
There is no giver as great You are; and, You are the Forgiver.
qyrw hukmu lwlw mMny eyh krxI swru ]6] tayraa hukam laalaa mannay, ayh karṇee saar. ||6||
Your slave obeys Your command; (for him) this is (the most) beautiful action. 6
guru swgru AMimRq sru jo ieCy so Plu pwey ] gur saagar aMmrit sar, jo ichhay so fal paa-ay.
The Guru (is a) pool, the pool of AMmrit , and, whatever one desires, obtains that fruit.
nwmu pdwrQu Amru hY ihrdY mMin vswey ] naam padaarath amar hai, hirdai maNn vasaa-ay.
(O! brethren) the wealth of name brings immortality; enshrine it in your mind and heart.
P. 1012
gur syvw sdw suKu hY ijs no hukmu mnwey ]7] gur sayvaa sadaa sukh hai, jis no hukam manaa-ay. ||7||
In the service of the Guru, there is forever happiness (for those) whom He gets to obey His
command. 7
suienw rupw sB Dwqu hY mwtI ril jweI ] su-inaa rupaa sabh dhaat hai, maatee ral jaa-ee.
Gold and money are all metal (i.e. maya), (ultimately) they mix with the dust.
ibnu nwvY nwil n cleI siqguir bUJ buJweI ] bin naavai naal na chal-ee, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Other than name, nothing goes along with, the True Guru has imparted this understanding.
nwnk nwim rqy sy inrmly swcY rhy smweI ]8]5]
naanak, naam ratay say nirmalay, saachai rahay samaa-ee. ||8||5||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name, are immaculate; they remain merged
in the True (Lord). 8.5

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

hukmu BieAw rhxw nhI Duir Pwty cIrY ] hukam bha-i-aa rahṇaa nahee, dhur faatay cheerai.
When command is issued, one can not stay (in this world), as the letter (i.e. permit of stay) is
torn (i.e. cancelled/ withdrawn) by God.
eyhu mnu Avgix bwiDAw shu dyh srIrY ] ayhu man avgaṇ baadhi-aa, saho dayh sareerai.
(O! brethren, if) this mind is caught in (i.e. filled with) vices, it bears the sufferings on the body.
pUrY guir bKsweIAih siB gunh PkIrY ]1] poorai gur bakhsaa-ee-ah, sabh gunah fakeerai. ||1||
Through the perfect Guru, all the sins of the beggar (standing at His door) are forgiven. 1
ikau rhIAY auiT clxw buJu sbd bIcwrw ] ki-o rahee-ai uṭ chalṇaa,, bujh sabad beechaaraa.
How can one stay back? one must stand up and depart; (so. O! brethren) contemplate this the
word of the Guru.
ijsu qU mylih so imlY Duir hukmu Apwrw ]1] rhwau ]
jis too mayleh so milai, dhur hukam apaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is united (with You) whom You get to unite; such is the command of the Infinite
(Lord) from the very beginning. 1 (pause)
ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw jo dyih su Kwau ] ji-o too raakhahi ti-o rahaa, jo deh so khaa-o.
As You keep me, so do I live; and, whatever You give, so do I eat.
ijau qU clwvih iqau clw muiK AMimRq nwau ] ji-o too chalaaveh ti-o chalaa, mukh aMmrit naa-o.
As You lead me to, so do I move; and, (in Your pleasure, I obtain Your) AMmrit name in my mouth.
myry Twkur hiQ vifAweIAw mylih min cwau ]2] mayray ṭaakur hath vadi-aa-ee-aa, mayleh man chaa-o ||2||
All greatness (i.e. honour) is in the hands of my Master; my mind yearns that He should
unite (me with Himself). 2
kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kir dyKY soeI ] keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai, kar daykhai so-ee.
Why to praise those who have been creation (by Him)? He alone creates and cherishes.
ijin kIAw so min vsY mY Avru n koeI ] jin kee-aa so man vasai, mai avar na ko-ee.
The One who created me, abides within my mind; I do not see any other (at all).
so swcw swlwhIAY swcI piq hoeI ]3] so saachaa salaahee-ai, saachee pat ho-ee. ||3||
(So, O! brethren) praise (only) that True, we shall obtain true honour. 3
pMifqu piV n phuceI bhu Awl jMjwlw ] paNdit paṛ na pahucha-ee, baho aal jaNjaalaa.
Pandit cannot reach (the court of God) by reading (religious books), (because he is entangled
in) many bonds of family worldly ties.
pwp puMn duie sMgmy KuiDAw jmkwlw ] paap puNn du-ay saNgmay, khudhi-aa jamkaalaa.
Vice and virtue, both remain with (him), (and) hunger and (fear of) death (is also with him).
ivCoVw Bau vIsrY pUrw rKvwlw ]4] vichhorhaa bha-o veesrai, pooraa rakhvaalaa. ||4||
One, who is protected by the Perfect Protector, his separation (from God) and fear (of the
messenger of death) are forgotten (i.e. are ended). 4
ijn kI lyKY piq pvY sy pUry BweI ] jin kee laykhai pat pavai, say pooray bhaa-ee.
They alone are perfect, whose honour is certified (i.e. approved in the court of God).
pUry pUrI miq hY scI vifAweI ] pooray pooree mat hai, sachee vadi-aa-ee.
Perfect is the wisdom of the Perfect (Lord); and, true is His greatness.
dydy qoit n AwveI lY lY Qik pweI ]5] dayday tot na aavee, lai lai thak paa-ee. ||5||
The Giver never runs short of giving, those receiving may grow weary of receiving. 5
Kwr smudRü FMFolIAY ieku mxIAw pwvY ] duie idn cwir suhwvxw mwtI iqsu KwvY ]
khaar samudar ḍaNḍolee-ai, ik maṇee-aa paavai.
du-ay din chaar suhaavaṇaa, maatee tis khaavai.
Searching the slaty sea, one may find a gem;
It may look beautiful for a couple of days, (ultimately) it is eaten away by dust.
guru swgru siq syvIAY dy qoit n AwvY ]6] gur saagar sat sayvee-ai, day tot na aavai. ||6||
If one serve the Guru, the ocean of Truth, (one finds the jewel of the name from the Guru-ocean,
and) one never runs short. 6
myry pRB Bwvin sy aUjly sB mYlu BrIjY ] mayray prabh bhaavan say oojlay, sabh mail bhareejai.
They alone are pure, who are pleasing to my Lord; all (others) are filled (i.e. soiled) with filth.
mYlw aUjlu qw QIAY pwrs sMig BIjY ] mailaa oojal taa thee-ai, paaras saNg bheejai.
The filthy ones become pure, when they meet with the Philosopher’s Stone (i.e. the Guru).
vMnI swcy lwl kI ikin kImiq kIjY ]7] vaNnee saachay laal kee, kin keemat keejai. ||7||
One, who gets (dyed in) the colour of the True, who can apprise his valuet? 7
ByKI hwQ n lBeI qIriQ nhI dwny ] bhaykhee haath na labh-ee, tirath nahee daanay.
One cannot reach Him, by wearing (i.e. show of) religious robes, or by visiting places of
pilgrimage or giving charity.
pUCau byd pVMiqAw mUTI ivxu mwny ] poochha-o bayd paṛaNti-aa, moothee viṇ maanay.
I ask those the readers of Vedas (and I find the answer that), without faith in Him, the world is
being robbed.
nwnk kImiq so kry pUrw guru igAwny ]8]6] naanak, keemat so karay, pooraa gur gi-aanay. ||8||6||
Nanak (says): He alone can appreciate the worth (of the name jewel), who obtains knowledge
through the perfect Guru. 8.6

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

mnmuKu lhir Gru qij ivgUcY Avrw ky Gr hyrY ] manmukh lahar ghar taj vigoochai, avraa kay ghar hayrai.
The mind-oriented, in excitement, abandons his home (i.e. becomes a recluse) and is ruined;
(then) he looks at other's homes (for begging food).
igRh Drmu gvwey siqguru n BytY durmiq GUmn GyrY ]
garih dharam gavaa-ay satgur na bhaytai, durmat ghooman ghayrai.
He loses his household, and, he does not meet the True Guru; and, he is caught in the
whirlpool of bad wisdom.
idsMqru BvY pwT piV Qwkw iqRsnw hoie vDyrY ] disaNtar bhavai paaṭ paṛ thaakaa, tarisnaa ho-ay vadhayrai.
Wandering through several countries, and reading texts, he gets weary; and, his thirst (of
desires) rather goes on increasing.
kwcI ipMfI sbdu n cInY audru BrY jYsy ForY ]1]
kaachee piNdee sabad na cheenai, udar bharai jaisay dhorai. ||1||
With his earthly (.e. perishable) body, he does not realize the word, but, like an animal, he
fills his belly 1
bwbw AYsI rvq rvY sMinAwsI ] baabaa, aisee ravat ravai saNni-aasee.
O! Baba (O! Lord), this (i.e. following) is the way of a saniaasee (i.e. renouncer of the world):
gur kY sbid eyk ilv lwgI qyrY nwim rqy iqRpqwsI ]1] rhwau ]
gur kai sabad ayk liv laagee, tayrai naam ratay tariptaasee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He remains attuned to the One (Lord) through the word of the Guru; and, imbued with Your
name he remained satiated. 1 (pause)
GolI gyrU rMgu cVwieAw vsqR ByK ByKwrI ] gholee gayroo raNg chaṛaa-i-aa, vastar bhaykh bhaykhaaree.
He dissolves ochre colour and dyes his cloth, and, wearing such robes he becomes a beggar.
kwpV Pwir bnweI iKMQw JolI mwieAwDwrI ] kaaparh faar banaa-ee khiNthaa, jholee maa-i-aadhaaree.
Tearing his robes he makes a patched bag, for putting in (begged) money.
Gir Gir mwgY jgu prboDY min AMDY piq hwrI ] ghar ghar maagai jag parbodhai, man aNdhai pat haaree.
He begs from house to house, and teaches the world; (but) his mind is blind, so, he loses his
Brim Bulwxw sbdu n cInY jUAY bwjI hwrI ]2] bharam bhulaaṇaa sabad na cheenai, joo-ai baajee haaree ||2||
Deluded by doubts, he does not realize the word; (like a gambler) he loses his life in gamble. 2
P. 1013
AMqir Agin n gur ibnu bUJY bwhir pUAr qwpY ] aNtar agan na gur bin boojhai, baahar poo-ar taapai.
Without the Guru, the fire within is not put out; and, (when he burns fire) outside, the fire
(inside) burns (still more).
gur syvw ibnu Bgiq n hovI ikau kir cInis AwpY ] gur sayvaa bin bhagat na hovee, ki-o kar cheenas aapai.
Without serving the Guru, there is no devotion; how one can realize (God) by oneself?
inMdw kir kir nrk invwsI AMqir Awqm jwpY ] nindaa kar kar narak nivaasee, aNtar aatam jaapai.
Slandering others, one lives in hell; within him is pitch darkness (of ignorance).
ATsiT qIrQ Brim ivgUcih ikau mlu DopY pwpY ]3]
aṭsaṭ tirath bharam vigoocheh, ki-o mal dhopai paapai. ||3||
Wandering at sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, he is ruined; how the filth of sins be washed
away? (i.e. filth of sins can not be washed away by having ritual bath at places of pilgrimage). 3
CwxI Kwku ibBUq cVweI mwieAw kw mgu johY ] chhaaṇee khaak bibhoot chaṛaa-ee, maa-i-aa kaa mag johai.
(Outside) he sifts dust and applies ashes to his body, (but, within his mind, he is still) searching
the path of maya.
AMqir bwhir eyku n jwxY swcu khy qy CohY ] aNtar baahar ayk na jaanai, saach kahay tay chhohai.
Inwardly and outwardly, he does not know (i.e. realize) the One (God); (but, if) someone tells
the truth, (he) gets angry.
pwTu pVY muiK JUTo bolY ingury kI miq EhY ] paath paṛai mukh jhooṭo bolai, niguray kee mat ohai.
He reads texts (i.e. religious books), but tells lies from his mouth; such is the wisdom of the
one who has no Guru.
nwmu n jpeI ikau suKu pwvY ibnu nwvY ikau sohY ]4]
naam na jap-ee ki-o sukh paavai, bin naavai ki-o sohai. ||4||
He does not meditate upon the name (of God), how can he find happiness? and, Without the
name, how can be look nice? 4
mUMfu mufwie jtw isK bwDI moin rhY AiBmwnw] moo d mudaa-ay, jataa sikh baadhee, mon rahai abhimaanaa.
Some shaves their heads, some keeps (his hair in) matted tangle form on his head; some
observe silence; (all these are) filled with egotistic pride.
mnUAw folY dh ids DwvY ibnu rq Awqm igAwnw ] manoo-aa dolai dah dis dhaavai, bin rat aatam gi-aanaa.
Their minds waver, and, wander in ten (i.e. all) directions, (because they are) without love (of
God) and understanding of self.
AMimRqu Coif mhw ibKu pIvY mwieAw kw dyvwnw ] aMmrit chhod mahaa bikh peevai, maa-i-aa kaa dayvaanaa.
They renounce AMmrit and drink in deadly poison; (because) they are crazy for maya.
ikrqu n imteI hukmu n bUJY psUAw mwih smwnw ]5]
kirat na mit-ee, hukam na boojhai, pasoo-aa maahi samaanaa. ||5||
Past deeds can not be erased, (because) they do not understand His command; they are
reckoned among animals (i.e. they are like animals). 5
hwQ kmMflu kwpVIAw min iqRsnw aupjI BwrI ] haath kamaNdal kaapṛee-aa man, tarisnaa upjee bhaaree.
With bowl in hand, wearing patched clothes, (still) great desire wells up in his mind.
iesqRI qij kir kwim ivAwipAw icqu lwieAw pr nwrI ] istaree taj kar kaam vi-aapi-aa, chit laa-i-aa par naaree.
Abandoning his own wife, he is (still) engrossed in sexual desire, (and then) he focusses his
mind on other's women.
isK kry kir sbdu n cInY lµptu hY bwjwrI ] sikh karay kar sabad na cheenai, laMpat hai baajaaree.
He makes disciples and teaches them, (but he himself) does not contemplate the word, (thus)
engrossed in maya, he is like a joker.
AMqir ibKu bwhir inBrwqI qw jmu kry KuAwrI ]6] a tar bikh, baahar nibhraatee, taa jam karay khu-aaree ||6||
With him is poison (of maya), (and outside) he pretends to be free of doubts; hence he is
humiliated by the messenger of death. 6
so sMinAwsI jo siqgur syvY ivchu Awpu gvwey ] so saNni-aasee jo satgur sayvai, vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
He alone is a saniaasee (i.e. renouncer) who serves the True Guru and rids himself of self-
conceit from within.
Cwdn Bojn kI Aws n kreI AicMqu imlY so pwey ]
chhaadan bhojan kee aas na kar-ee, achiNt milai so paa-ay.
He does not hope for food and clothes, and, accepts whatever he receives without asking for.
bkY n bolY iKmw Dnu sMgRhY qwmsu nwim jlwey ]
bakai na bolai ,khimaa dhan saNgrahai, taamas naam jalaa-ay.
He does not speak and babble; gathers the wealth of forgiveness, and, burns his ignorance
with the name.
Dnu igrhI sMinAwsI jogI ij hir crxI icqu lwey ]7]
dhan girhee saNni-aasee jogee, je har charṇee chit laa-ay. ||7||
Blessed is such a house-holder, renouncer, yogi, who focusses his mind on the feet of God. 7
Aws inrws rhY sMinAwsI eyksu isau ilv lwey ] aas niraas rahai saNni-aasee, aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
The renouncer remains unmoved by hope (i.e. desires); he focusses his mind on the One (Lord).
hir rsu pIvY qw swiq AwvY inj Gir qwVI lwey ] har ras peevai taa saat aavai, nij ghar taaṛee laa-ay.
He drinks in the essence of God and so finds peace; he remains absorbed in trance within his
own home (of self).
mnUAw n folY gurmuiK bUJY Dwvqu vrij rhwey ] manoo-aa na dolai gurmukh boojhai, dhaavat varaj rahaa-ay.
He understands (the real path) through the Guru, (thus) his mind does not waver, and he
restrains it (i.e. his mind) from wandering out.
igRhu srIru gurmqI Kojy nwmu pdwrQu pwey ]8] garihu sareer gurmatee khojay, naam padaarath paa-ay. ||8||
Through the wisdom of the Guru, he searches his body-home, and obtains the wealth of name. 8
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu sryst nwim rqy vIcwrI ] barahmaa bisan mahays saraysat, naam ratay veechaaree.
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh are exalted, (if they) are imbued with the name (of God) and
contemplate it.
KwxI bwxI ggn pqwlI jMqw joiq qumwrI ] khaaṇee baṇee gagan pataalee, jaNtaa jot tumaaree.
(O! Lord, all the) sources of life, the languages, the skies, the nether regions, the beings are
infused with Your light.
siB suK mukiq nwm Duin bwxI scu nwmu aur DwrI ] sabh sukh mukat naam dhun banee, sach naam ur dhaaree.
All happiness and liberation are found in the sound-current of the words of the name; he,
who enshrines the true name within his heart (obtains it).
nwm ibnw nhI CUtis nwnk swcI qru qU qwrI ]9]7]
naam binaa nahee chhootas, naanak, saachee tar too taaree. ||9||7||
Nanak (says): without the name, no one is liberated; (so) you (too) swim across in the True
boat. 9.7

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

mwq ipqw sMjoig aupwey rkqu ibMdu imil ipMfu kry ] maat pitaa saNjog upaa-ay, rakat biNd mil piNd karay.
Through the union of mother and father, He created; joining together blood and sperm He
made the body.
AMqir grB auriD ilv lwgI so pRBu swry dwiq kry ]1]
aNtar garabh uradh liv laagee, so prabh saaray daat karay. ||1||
Upside-down with the womb, it is attuned to the Lord, and, He sustains and bestows gifts. 1
sMswru Bvjlu ikau qrY ] saNsaar bhavjal ki-o tarai.
How can it (i.e. the mortal being) cross over the terrifying world ocean?
gurmuiK nwmu inrMjnu pweIAY APirE Bwru APwru trY ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh naam niraNjan paa-ee-ai, afri-o bhaar afaar tarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru, one obtains the immaculate name (of God), and, the egoist's unbearable
load (of sins) is removed. 1 (pause)
qy gux ivsir gey AprwDI mY baurw ikAw krau hry ]
tay guṇ visar ga-ay apraadhee, mai ba-uraa ki-aa kara-o haray.
I have forgotten Your virtues (i.e. the good You did when I was in my mother’s womb), I am
the sinner. I am crazy, what can I do now? O! God.
qU dwqw dieAwlu sBY isir Aihinis dwiq smwir kry ]2]
too daataa da-i-aal sabhai sir, ahinis daat samaar karay. ||2||
You are the Giver, Merciful, above the head of all (i.e. cherish all); day and night, you give
gifts and take care (of all). 2
cwir pdwrQ lY jig jnimAw isv skqI Gir vwsu Dry ]
chaar padaarath lai jag janmi-aa, siv saktee ghar vaas dharay.
One is born in the world with four gifts*, (but still) it remains in the house of Shiv’s Shakti
(i.e. it dwells in the house of maya, created by God).
[*The four gifts, i.e. cardinal boons, are: 1. Dharam (religious activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam
(sexual pleasure, entertainment), 4.Moksh (liberation)].
P. 1014
lwgI BUK mwieAw mgu johY mukiq pdwrQu moih Kry ]3]
laagee bhookh maa-i-aa mag johai, mukat padaarath mohi kharay. ||3||
Driven by hunger (of desires) it sees (i.e. follows) the path of maya; and, due to this
attachment, he loses the wealth of liberation. 3
krx plwv kry nhI pwvY ieq auq FUFq Qwik pry ] karaṇ palaav karay, nahee paavai, it ut ḍooḍat thaak paray.
He cries and supplicates (for maya), but does not obtain it; he searches here and there but
grows weary;
kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivAwpy kUV kutMb isau pRIiq kry ]4]
kaam krodh ahaMkaar vi-aapay, kooṛ kutamb si-o pareet karay. ||4||
He remains engrossed in sexual desire, anger, and egotism, and, cherishes loves for false
(things) and family. 4
KwvY BogY suix suix dyKY pihir idKwvY kwl Gry ] khaavai bhogai suṇ suṇ daykhai, pahir dikhaavai kaal gharay.
He eats and enjoys, listens and listens (to his praise) and watches (his glory); dresses up
(expensive clothes) and shows off; (thus) he dwells in the house of death.
ibnu gur sbd n Awpu pCwxY ibnu hir nwm n kwlu try ]5]
bin gur sabad na aap pachhaaṇai, bin har naam na kaal taray. ||5||
Without the word of the Guru, he does not realize himself; and, without the name of God,
there is no escape from death. 5
jyqw mohu haumY kir BUly myrI myrI krqy CIin Kry ]
jaytaa moh ha-umai kar bhoolay, mayree mayree kartay chheen kharay.
The more he strays (from God) due to attachment and ego, and, cries ‘mine, mine’, the more
it (i.e. death) takes away.
qnu Dnu ibnsY shsY shsw iPir pCuqwvY muiK DUir pry ]6] 2816
tan dhan binsai sahsai sahsaa, fir pachhutaavai mukh dhoor paray. ||6||
His body and wealth perish away, and, he has just doubts and doubts; then he repent and
dust falls on his face (i.e. he gets insulted). 6
ibriD BieAw jobnu qnu iKisAw kPu kMTu ibrUDo nYnhu nIru Fry ]
biradh bha-i-aa joban tan khisi-aa, kaf kaNṭ biroodho nainhu neer ḍaray.
He grows old, youth and body get decayed; his throat is choked by mucous, and water flows
from his eyes.
crx rhy kr kMpx lwgy swkq rwmu n irdY hry ]7]
charan rahay kar kaMpaṇ laagay, saakat raam na ridai haray. ||7||
His feet fail (i.e. can not function), and, his hands tremble; the non-believer does not enshrine
the name of God in his heart. 7
suriq geI kwlI hU Dauly iksY n BwvY riKE Gry ]
surat ga-ee kaalee hoo dha-ulay, kisai na bhaavai rakhi-o gharay.
His intellect fails him, his black hair turns white grey; no one wants to keep him in his home.
ibsrq nwm AYsy doK lwgih jmu mwir smwry nrik Kry ]8]
bisrat naam aisay dokh laageh, jam maar samaaray narak kharay. ||8||
Forgetting the name, such stains stick to him that the messenger of death beats (i.e.
punishes) him and takes his hold and takes him to the hell. 8
pUrb jnm ko lyKu n imteI jnim mrY kw kau dosu Dry ]
poorab janam ko laykh na mit-ee, janam marai kaa ka-o dos dharay.
The accounts (of the actions) of past life can not be erased, and, (the cycle of) birth and death
continue; whom he can blame (for this)?
ibnu gur bwid jIvxu horu mrxw ibnu gur sbdY jnmu jry ]9]
bin gur baad jeevaṇ hor marṇaa, bin gur sabdai janam jaray. ||9||
Without the Guru, living is useless, and, (it is like) another death; without word of Guru one
burns in life. 9
KusI KuAwr Bey rs Bogx Pokt krm ivkwr kry] khusee khu-aar bha-ay ras bhogaṇ, fokat karam vikaar karay.
Happiness (i.e. pleasure) leads to ruin and so, is the enjoyment of pleasure; the worthless
deed lead to vices.
nwmu ibswir loiB mUlu KoieE isir Drm rwie kw fMfu pry ]10]
naam bisaar lobh mool kho-i-o, sir dharam raa-ay kaa daNd paray. ||10||
Forgetting the name, for the sake of greed, one loses (even) one’s capital; the club of the
Judge of Righteousness will strike him over his head. 10
gurmuiK rwm nwm gux gwvih jw kau hir pRBu ndir kry ]
gurmukh raam naam guṇ gaavahi, jaa ka-o har prabh nadar karay.
Those, whom God, the Lord, blesses them with His glance of grace; sings (the praise of) the
excellences and the name of God, through the Guru;
qy inrml purK AprMpr pUry qy jg mih gur goivMd hry ]11]
tay nirmal purakh apraMpar pooray, tay jag meh gur goviNd haray. ||11||
They become immaculate persons, infinite and perfect (by singing) in this world (the praise
of) the Guru, and, the Lord of the World, God. 11
hir ismrhu gur bcn smwrhu sMgiq hir jn Bwau kry ]
har simrahu gur bachan samaarahu, saNgat har jan bhaa-o karay.
(O! brethren) remember God, remember the words (i.e. teachings) of the Guru (in your
heart); and, love the company of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
hir jn guru prDwnu duAwrY nwnk iqn jn kI ryxu hry ]12]8]
har jan gur pardhaan du-aarai, naanak tin jan kee rayṇ haray. ||12||8||
Nanak (says): The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, are prominent at His door; I am (just) the
dust of their feet, O! God. 12.8

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mwrU kwPI mhlw 1 Gru 2 ] Maaroo, kaafee, Mehlaa 1, ghar 2
Awvau vM\au fuMmxI ikqI imqR kryau ] aava-o vaNnja-o duMmṇee, kitee mitar karay-o.
The double-minded (soul-bride) comes and goes (in reincarnation), and, makes so many
friends (for her support).
sw Dn FoeI n lhY vwFI ikau DIryau ]1] saa dhan ḍo-ee na lahai, vaaḍee ki-o dheeray-o. ||1||
The (soul) bride cannot find refuge, how can the separated (soul-bride) be comforted? 1
mYfw mnu rqw AwpnVy ipr nwil ] maidaa man rataa aapnaṛay pir naal.
My mind is imbued with my Husband (Lord).
hau Goil GumweI KMnIAY kIqI ihk BorI ndir inhwil ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o ghol ghumaa-ee khaNnee-ai keetee, hik bhoree nadar nihaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, cut myself into pieces, if only He would bless me with His glance (of grace)
even for an instant. 1 (pause)
pyeIAVY fohwgxI swhurVY ikau jwau ] pay-ee-aṛai dohaagaṇee, saahurṛai ki-o jaa-o.
I am a deserted one, in my parent's home (i.e. a separated soul bride, abandoned in this world),
how can I go to my in-law's home (i.e. the Lord’s mansion)?
mY gil Aaugx muTVI ibnu ipr JUir mrwau ]2] mai gal a-ugaṇ muth-ṛee, bin pir jhoor maraa-o. ||2||
I wear (necklace of) vices around my neck; I have been robbed, without my Husband (Lord),
I am grieving and dying.
pyeIAVY ipru sMmlw swhurVY Gir vwsu ] pay-ee-aṛai pir saMmlaa, saahurṛai ghar vaas.
If I remember my Husband (Lord), in my parent's home (i.e. in this world), then I can dwell in
the home of in-laws (i.e. the Lord’s mansion).
suiK svMiD sohwgxI ipru pwieAw guxqwsu ]3] sukh savaNdh sohaagaṇee, pir paa-i-aa guṇtaas. ||3||
The happy (soul) brides sleep in happiness; they have obtained their Husband (Lord), the
treasure of virtues. 3
lyPu inhwlI pt kI kwpVu AMig bxwie ] layf nihaalee pat kee, kaapaṛ aNg baṇaa-ay.
(The happy soul brides have) blankets and quilts made of silk, (and, so are) the clothes on body.
ipru muqI fohwgxI iqn fuKI rYix ivhwie ]4] pir mutee dohaagaṇee tin dukhee raiṇ vihaa-ay. ||4||
The Husband (Lord) has deserted unlucky (soul) brides; their night (of life) passes in misery. 4
P. 1015
ikqI cKau swfVy ikqI vys kryau ] ipr ibnu jobnu bwid gieAmu vwFI JUrydI JUryau ]5]
kitee chakha-o saadṛay, kitee vays karay-o.
pir bin joban baad ga-i-am, vaaḍee jhooraydee jhooray-o. ||5||
I may taste (i.e. enjoy) good many tastes, and, wear many robes; (but)
without my Husband (Lord), my youth is going waste, I, the separated one, am repenting and
regretting. 5
scy sMdw sdVw suxIAY gur vIcwir ] sachay saNdṛaa sad-ṛaa, suṇee-ai gur veechaar.
Hear the message from the True (Lord), through contemplation (of the word) of the Guru.
scy scw bYhxw ndrI ndir ipAwir ]6] sachay sachaa baihṇaa, nadree nadar pi-aar. ||6||
One obtains eternal seat (in the court) of the True, who loves Him through His graceful
(glance of) grace. 6
igAwnI AMjnu sc kw fyKY fyKxhwru ] gi-aanee aNjan sach kaa, daykhai daykhaṇhaar.
The savant applies the collyrium of Truth (to his eyes), and, (thus) beholds the Seer (i.e. God).
gurmuiK bUJY jwxIAY haumY grbu invwir ]7] gurmukh boojhai jaaṇee-ai, ha-umai garab nivaar. ||7||
Through the Guru one knows and realizes God), by eradicating pride and ego. 7
qau Bwvin qau jyhIAw mU jyhIAw ikqIAwh ] ta-o bhaavan ta-o jayhee-aa moo jayhee-aa kitee-aah.
(O! Lord) You are pleased with those who are like Yourself; there are many more (separated
ones) like me.
nwnk nwhu n vICuVY iqn scY rqVIAwh ]8]1]9]
naanak, naahu na veechhuṛai, tin sachai rat-ṛee-aah. ||8||1||9||
Nanak (says): The Husbands does not separate from those who are imbued with the True
(Lord). 8.1.9

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

nw BYxw BrjweIAw nw sy ssuVIAwh ] naa bhaiṇaa bharjaa-ee-aa,* naa say sasuṛee-aah.
Neither the sisters, nor the sisters-in-law*, nor the mothers-in-law shall remain; [*Brothers’wives]
scw swku n quteI guru myly shIAwh ]1] sachaa saak na tut-aee, gur maylay sahee-aas. ||1||
The true relation (is that which) can not be broken; (it is the relationship) of those friends (i.e.
the company of the true congregation) who are united through the Guru. 1
bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd bilhwrY jwau ] balihaaree gur aapṇay, sad balihaarai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto my Guru; I am forever sacrifice (unto him).
gur ibnu eyqw Biv QkI guir ipru myilmu idqmu imlwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur bin aytaa bhav thakee, gur pir maylim ditam milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wandering so much, without the Guru, I had grown weary, the Guru has united me in union
with Husband (Lord). 1 (pause)
PuPI nwnI mwsIAw dyr jyTwnVIAwh ] fufee naanee maasee-aa, dayr jayṭaanṛee-aah.
Father's sisters, mother's mother, mother's sisters, husband's younger brother, husband's
elder brother's wives;
Awvin vM\in nw rhin pUr Bry phIAwh ]2] aavan vaNnjan naa rahan, poor bharay pahee-aah. ||2||
They (all) come and go (like) full boat-loads (of passengers); they can not remain (here, in this
world, forever). 2
mwmy qY mwmwxIAw Bwier bwp n mwau ] maamay tai maamaaṇee-aa, bhaa-ir baap na maa-o.
Mother's brothers, mother's brother’s wives, brothers, father or mother (can not remain);
swQ lfy iqn nwTIAw BIV GxI drIAwau ]3]
saath laday tin naaṭee-aa, bheeṛ ghaṇee daree-aa-o. ||3||
Their companions have embarked; they are running (for departing); there is great crowd at
the bank of the river (i.e. world). 3
swcau rMig rMgwvlo sKI hmwro kMqu ] saacha-o raNg raNgaavlo, sakhee hamaaro kaNt.
O! friend, my Husband, the True (Lord) is dyed in the colour of love;
sic ivCoVw nw QIAY so shu rMig rvMqu ]4] sach vichhoṛaa naa thee-ai, so saho raNg ravaNt. ||4||
The true one's are not separated (from Husband Lord); the Husband enjoys them with love. 4
sBy ruqI cMgIAw ijqu scy isau nyhu ] sabhay rutee chaNgee-aa, jit sachay si-o nayhu.
All seasons are good, in which one falls is love with True (Lord);
sw Dn kMqu pCwixAw suiK suqI inis fyhu ]5] saa dhan kaNt pachhaaṇi-aa, sukh sutee nis dayhu. ||5||
The (soul) bride who has known her husband (Lord), sleeps in peace, day and night. 5
pqix kUky pwqxI vM\hu DRüik ivlwiV ] patan kookay paat-ṇee, vaNnjahu dharuk vilaaṛ.
At the bank (of the world river), the boatman (i.e. the Guru) gives a call: ‘hurry up and jump
(into the Guru’s boat), and cross over’.
pwir pvMdVy ifTu mY siqgur boihiQ cwiV ]6] paar pavaNd-ṛay diṭ mai, satgur bohith chaaṛ. ||6||
I have seen them crossing to the other shore, on the boat of the true Guru. 6
ihknI lidAw ihik lid gey ihik Bwry Br nwil ] hiknee ladi-aa, hik lad ga-ay, hik bhaaray bhar naal.
Some have loaded (the merchandise of the name of the Lord), some had loaded and crossed
over; (whereas) some, loaded with heavy load (of sins), have gone down in the ocean.
ijnI scu vxMijAw sy scy pRB nwil ]7] jinee sach vaṇNanji-aa, say sachay prabh naal. ||7||
Those who purchased the True merchandise (of the name), remain with the True Lord. 7
nw hm cMgy AwKIAh burw n idsY koie ] naa ham chaNgay aakhee-aah, buraa na disai ko-ay.
I am not called good, and, I see none who is bad.
nwnk haumY mwrIAY scy jyhVw soie ]8]2]10]
naanak, ha-umai maaree-ai, sachay jayhṛaa so-ay. ||8||2||10||
Nanak (says): One who kills (i.e. conquers) his ego, has become just like the True (Lord). 8.2.10

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

nw jwxw mUrKu hY koeI nw jwxw isAwxw ] naa jaaṇaa moorakh hai ko-ee, naa jaaṇaa si-aaṇaa.
I do not know (i.e. believe, regard) anyone foolish; and, I do not know anyone is wise.
sdw swihb kY rMgy rwqw Anidnu nwmu vKwxw]1] sadaa saahib kai ra gay raataa, an-din naam vakhaanaa ||1||
Imbued forever with the love of the Lord, I chant (i.e. meditate upon)His name day and night. 1
bwbw mUrKu hw nwvY bil jwau ] baabaa, moorakh haa, naavai bal jaa-o.
O! Baba (O! God), I am foolish, but I am a sacrifice unto (Your) name.
qU krqw qU dwnw bInw qyrY nwim qrwau ]1] rhwau ]
too kartaa, too daanaa beenaa, tayrai naam taraa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Creator, You are all-wise and all-seeing; I can swim across (the world ocean)
through your name. 1 (pause)
mUrKu isAwxw eyku hY eyk joiq duie nwau ] moorakh si-aaṇaa ayk hai, ayk jot du-ay naa-o.
(Even if one is) foolish and (another one is) wise, (but they) are alike; the same light (is within
them, though), (though) two names.
mUrKw isir mUrKu hY ij mMny nwhI nwau ]2] moorkhaa sir moorakh hai, je maNnay naahee naa-o. ||2||
The most foolish of the foolish, is the one who does not believe in name. 2
gur duAwrY nwau pweIAY ibnu siqgur plY n pwie ] gur du-aarai naa-o paa-ee-ai, bin satgur palai na paa-ay.
The name (of the Lord) is obtained at the gate of the Guru; without the True Guru it is not
siqgur kY BwxY min vsY qw Aihinis rhY ilv lwie ]3]
satgur kai bhaaṇai man vasai, taa ahinis rahai liv laa-ay. ||3||
Through (i.e. by following) the will of the true Guru, it (i.e. the name of God) comes to dwell in
the mind; and, then, one remains attuned to (i.e. absorbed in) Him, day and night. 3
rwjM rMgM rUpM mwlµ jobnu qy jUAwrI ] raajaN rangaN roopaN maalaN, joban tay joo-aaree.
(Those, who are intoxicated) in political power, pleasure, beauty, wealth, youth, (all of them)
are (like) gamblers (i.e. losing the game of life).
hukmI bwDy pwsY Kylih caupiV eykw swrI ]4] hukmee baadhay paasai khayleh, cha-upaṛ aykaa saaree ||4||
Bound by the command, they throw the dice, they have just one (piece, i.e. desire for maya) in
the) counter(i.e. game) . 4
jig cquru isAwxw Brim Bulwxw nwau pMifq pVih gwvwrI ]
jag chatur si-aaṇaa, bharam bhulaanaa, naa-o paNdit paṛeh gaavaaree.
In the world he is (regarded as) clever and wise, who is deluded by doubt; and, the one whose
name is (i.e. known as) Pandit, he reads (i.e. studies religious books)(but, he is still) a fool.
nwau ivswrih bydu smwlih ibKu BUly lyKwrI ]5] naa-o visaareh bayd samaaleh, bikh bhoolay laykhaaree ||5||
He forgets the name, but, remembers the Vedas; the writers (too) are deluded by poison (i.e.
maya). 5
P. 1016
klr KyqI qrvr kMTy bwgw pihrih kjlu JrY ] eyhu sMswru iqsY kI koTI jo pYsY so grib jrY ]6]
kalar khaytee tarvar kaNthay, baagaa pahirahi kajal jharai.
ayhu saNsaar tisai kee koṭee, jo paisai so garab jarai. ||6||
(As) the crop (planted) in saline soil (does not grow); a tree on the bank (of a river can not
remain for ever), and, white clothes when soot is sprinkled on it (do not remain worth wearing);
(similarly) this world, is like a chamber of desires, whoever enters, is burnt down by egotism. 6
rXiq rwjy khw sbwey duhu AMqir so jwsI ] ra-yat raajay kahaa sabaa-ay, duhu aNtar so jaasee.
Where are all the kings and their subjects? whoever is in between the two (i.e. sky and earth)
shall have to depart.
khq nwnku gur scy kI pauVI rhsI AlKu invwsI ]7]3]11]
kahat naanak, gur sachay kee pa-oṛee, rahsee alakh nivaasee. ||7||3||11||
Says Nanak: This is the ladder (i.e. verse of sermon) of the True Guru , (only) the Unseen
(Lord) shall remain (forever). 7.3.11

mwrU mhlw 3 Gru 5 AstpdI Maaroo, Mehlaa 3, ghar 5, asatpadee

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ijs no pRymu mMin vswey ] swcY sbid shij suBwey ]
jis no praym maNn vasaa-ay. saachai sabad sahj subhaa-ay.
(O! brethren) one, in whose mind He enshrines His love;
he abides in the True word, in natural ease.
eyhw vydn soeI jwxY Avru ik jwxY kwrI jIau ]1] ayhaa vaydan so-ee jaaṇai, avar ke jaaṇai kaaree, jee-o ||1||
He alone knows the agony of (separation of) love (who is filled with love); what does anyone
else know it or its cure, O! dear. 1
Awpy myly Awip imlwey ] aapay maylay aap milaa-ay.
He Himself unites one in His union.
Awpxw ipAwru Awpy lwey ] aapnaa pi-aar aapay laa-ay.
He Himself attaches one to His love.
pRym kI swr soeI jwxY ijs no ndir qumwrI jIau ]1] rhwau ]
paraym kee saar so-ee jaaṇai, jis no nadar tumaaree, jee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone knows the value of Your love, upon whom You bestow Your glance (of grace), O!
dear. 1 (pause)
idb idRsit jwgY Brmu cukwey ] dib darisat jaagai bharam chukaa-ay.
One, in whom spiritual vision is awakened - his doubt is driven away from within.
gur prswid prm pdu pwey ] gur parsaad param pad paa-ay.
By the grace of Guru, he obtains supreme status.
so jogI ieh jugiq pCwxY gur kY sbid bIcwrI jIau ]2]
so jogee ih jugat pachhaaṇai, gur kai sabad beechaaree, jee-o. ||2||
He alone is a yogi, who understands this way (of union with God), and, contemplates the word
of Guru, O! dear. 2
sMjogI Dn ipr mylw hovY ] saNjogee dhan pir maylaa hovai.
By (good) destiny , the (soul) bride is united with her Husband (Lord).
gurmiq ivchu durmiq KovY ] gurmat vichahu durmat khovai.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, she eradicates evil wisdom from within.
rMg isau inq rlIAw mwxY Apxy kMq ipAwrI jIau ]3]
raNg si-o nit ralee-aa maaṇai, apṇay kaNt pi-aaree, jee-o. ||3||
She continually enjoys pleasures with love, she becomes the beloved of her Husband (Lord),
O! dear. 3
siqgur bwJhu vYdu n koeI ] satgur baajhahu vaid na ko-ee.
Other than true Guru, there is no physician (who knows cure for the agony of the soul bride);
Awpy Awip inrMjnu soeI ] aapay aap niraNjan so-ee.
The Immaculate (Lord) Himself is by Himself (He alone does everything).
siqgur imilAY mrY mMdw hovY igAwn bIcwrI jIau ]4]
satgur mili-ai marai maNdaa, hovai gi-aan beechaaree, jee-o. ||4||
Meeting with the True Guru, the evil (within) is conquered, and, one contemplates the
(spiritual) knowledge given by the Guru, O! dear. 4
eyhu sbdu swru ijs no lwey ] gurmuiK iqRsnw BuK gvwey ]
ayhu sabad saar jis no laa-ay. gurmukh tarisnaa bhukh gavaa-ay.
One, whom He attaches to this sublime word;
through the Guru, he is rid of thirst (i.e. desires) and hunger (for maya).
Awpx lIAw ikCU n pweIAY kir ikrpw kl DwrI jIau ]5]
aapaṇ lee-aa kichhoo na paa-ee-ai kar kirpaa kal dhaaree, jee-o. ||5||
By one’s own attempt, nothing is obtained; becoming graceful, He bestows power, O! dear. 5
Agm ingmu siqgurU idKwieAw ] kir ikrpw ApnY Gir AwieAw ]
agam nigam satguroo dikhaa-i-aa. kar kirpaa apnai ghar aa-i-aa.
One, whom the True Guru has revealed the essence of Shastras and Vedas;
in His mercy, he has come into the home of his own self.
AMjn mwih inrMjnu jwqw ijn kau ndir qumwrI jIau ]6]
aNjan maahi niraNjan jaataa, jin ka-o nadar tumaaree, jee-o. ||6||
One, upon whom You bestow Your glance (of grace), in the midst of maya he knows the
Immaculate (Lord), O! dear. 6
gurmuiK hovY so qqu pwey ] Awpxw Awpu ivchu gvwey ]
gurmukh hovai so tat paa-ay. aapnaa aap vichahu gavaa-ay.
One, who is Guru-oriented, realizes the essence; and, he eradicates self-conceit from within.
siqgur bwJhu sBu DMDu kmwvY vyKhu min vIcwrI jIau ]7]
satgur baajhahu sabh dhaNdh kamaavai, vaykhhu man veechaaree, jee-o. ||7||
Without the True Guru, all are entangled in worldly affairs; contemplate this in your mind
and see, O! dear. 7
ieik BRim BUly iPrih AhMkwrI ] ieknw gurmuiK haumY mwrI ]
ik bharam bhoolay fireh ahaMkaaree. iknaa gurmukh ha-umai maaree.
Some, deluded by doubt, swagger around in egotism;
some conquer their egotism through the Guru.
scY sbid rqy bYrwgI hoir Brim Buly gwvwrI jIau ]8]
sachai sabad ratay bairaagee, hor bharam bhulay gaavaaree, jee-o. ||8||
Those who are imbued with the True word are (real) detached ones; the others fool wander
deluded by doubts, O! dear. 8
gurmuiK ijnI nwmu n pwieAw ] gurmukh jinee naam na paa-i-aa.
Those, who have not obtained the name through the Guru;
mnmuiK ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ] manmukh birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa.
those mind-oriented have wasted their lives uselessly.
AgY ivxu nwvY ko bylI nwhI bUJY gur bIcwrI jIau ]9]
agai viṇ naavai ko baylee naahee, boojhai gur beechaaree, jee-o. ||9||
In the world hereafter, nothing except the name (of the Lord) will be your friend;
contemplate this through the Guru, O! dears. 9
AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw ] guir pUrY jug cwry jwqw ]
aMmrit naam sadaa sukh-daata. gur poorai jug chaaray jaataa.
The AMmrit name (of the Lord) is the giver of happiness, forever;
this is known through throughout the four age, through the perfect Guru.
ijsu qU dyvih soeI pwey nwnk qqu bIcwrI jIau ]10]1]
jis too dayveh so-ee paa-ay, naanak tat beechaaree, jee-o. ||10||1||
Nanak (says): He alone obtains it (i.e. the gift of name) whom You bestow it; and,
contemplates the essence (of Reality), O! dear. 10.1.
P. 1017
mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 3 AstpdIAw Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3, asatpadee-aa
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
lK caurwsIh BRmqy BRmqy dulB jnmu Ab pwieE ]1]
lakh cha-oraaseeh bharamtay bharamtay, dulabh janam ab paa-i-o. ||1||
(O! fool) wandering and wandering through eighty-four hundred thousand of lives (i.e.
incarnations), now, you have been given (this) rare (i.e. so difficult to obtain) human life. 1
ry mUVy qU hoCY ris lptwieE ] AMimRqu sMig bsqu hY qyrY ibiKAw isau aurJwieE ]1] rhwau ]
ray mooṛay, too hochhai ras laptaa-i-o.
aMmrit sang basat hai tayrai, bikhi-aa si-o urjhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! fool, you are clinging to trivial (i.e. useless) pleasures (of worldly things).
The AMmrit (name) abides within you, (but) you are engrossed in poison (i.e. maya). 1 (pause)
rqn jvyhr bnjin AwieE kwlru lwid clwieE]2] ratan javayhar banjan aa-i-o, kaalar laad chalaa-i-o ||2||
You have come to trade in gems and jewels, (but) you have loaded only saline (i.e. barren) soil. 2
ijh Gr mih quDu rhnw bsnw so Gru cIiq n AwieE ]3]
jih ghar meh tudh rahnaa basnaa, so ghar cheet na aa-i-o. ||3||
The home within which you are to dwell and live in, you have not kept that home in your mind. 3
Atl AKMf pRwx suKdweI iek inmK nhI quJu gwieE ]4]
atal akhaNd praaṇ sukh-daa-ee, ik nimakh nahee tujh gaa-i-o. ||4||
(God is) immovable, indivisible (i.e. indestructible), giver of happiness; (and yet) you do not
sing (the praise of His excellences) even for an instant. 4
jhw jwxw so Qwnu ivswirE iek inmK nhI mnu lwieE ]5]
jahaa jaaṇaa so thaan visaar-i-o, ik nimakh nahee man laa-i-o. ||5||
Where you have to go (finally), you have forgotten that place; you do not attach your mind
(to this), even for an instant. 5
puqR klqR igRh dyiK smgRI ies hI mih aurJwieE ]6]
putar kaltar garih daykh samagree, is hee meh urjhaa-i-o. ||6||
Looking upon (i.e. thinking of) your son, wife, household and goods (i.e. wealth and property),
you are entangled in them. 6
ijqu ko lwieE iqq hI lwgw qYsy krm kmwieE ]7] jit ko laa-i-o tit hee laagaa, taisay karam kamaa-i-o. ||7||
Wherever He attaches (the beings), they are attached to those deeds. 7
jau BieE ik®pwlu qw swDsMgu pwieAw jn nwnk bRhmu iDAwieE ]8]1]
ja-o bha-i-o kirpaal taa saadhsaNg paa-i-aa, jan naanak barahm dhi-aa-i-o. ||8||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): When He becomes kind, one finds the company of the
God-oriented persons, and, meditates upon God. 8.1

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

kir AnugRhu rwiK lIno BieE swDU sMgu ] hir nwm rsu rsnw aucwrY imst gUVw rMgu ]1]
kar anoograhu raakh leeno, bha-i-o saadhoo* saNg.
har naam ras rasnaa uchaaray, misat gooṛaa raNg. ||1||
One, whom He saves by bestowing His grace, he obtains the company of the Guru*;
(then) his tongue lovingly chants the of name of God, and, this love is so sweet and intense. 1
myry mwn ko AsQwnu ] mIq swjn sKw bMDpu AMqrjwmI jwnu ]1] rhwau ]
mayray maan ko asthaan. meet saajan sakhaa ba dhap, a tarjaamee jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He (i.e. God) is the place of rest for (i.e. support of) my mind;
He is my friend, companion, pal, companion, and, the Controller of Minds. 1 (pause)
sMswr swgru ijin aupwieE srix pRB kI ghI ] gur pRswdI pRBu ArwDy jmkMkru ikCu n khI ]2]
saNsaar saagar jin upaa-i-o, saraṇ prabh kee gahee.
gur prsaadee prabh araadhay, jamkaNkar kichh na kahee. ||2||
He has created the world-ocean, and, one, who seeks the refuge of that God;
by the grace of the Guru, he adores God, and, the messenger of death can not say anything to
him (i.e. can not even touch him). 2
moK mukiq duAwir jw kY sMq irdw BMfwru ] mokh mukat du-aar jaa kai, sant ridaa bhaNdaar.
Emancipation and liberation are at His door; the hearts of the God-oriented persons are His
store-houses (i.e. the hearts of the God-oriented persons are overflowing with His name);
jIA jugiq sujwxu suAwmI sdw rwKxhwru ]3] jee-a jugat sujaaṇ su-aamee, sadaa raakhanhaar. ||3||
The all-knowing Lord shows us the (true) way of life; He is our Saviour, forever. 3
dUK drd klys ibnsih ijsu bsY mn mwih ] imrqu nrku AsQwn ibKVy ibKu n pohY qwih ]4]
dookh darad kalays binsahi, jis basai man maahi.
mirat narak asthaan bikh-rhay, bikh na pohai taahi. ||4||
One, in whose mind He (i.e. God) abides, his sorrows, pain, troubles are eradicated;
death, hell, difficult situations (i.e. crisis), poison (i.e. maya) can not even touch him. 4
iriD isiD nv iniD jw kY AMimRqw prvwh ] Awid AMqy miD pUrn aUc Agm Agwh ]5]
ridh sidh nav nidh jaa kai, aMmritaa parvaah. aad antay madh pooran, ooch agam agaah. ||5||
He, from whom come wealth, miraculous powers, the nine treasures, (and from whom flows)
the stream of AMmrit;
in the beginning, in the middle and in the end, He is perfect; (He is) lofty, unapproachable
and unfathomable. 5
isD swiDk dyv muin jn byd krih aucwru ] ismir suAwmI suK shij BuMcih nhI AMqu pwrwvwru ]6]
sidh saadhik dayv mun jan, bayd karahi uchaar.
simar su-aamee sukh sahj bhu cheh, nahee ant paaraavaar. ||6||

The sidhs (i.e. with spiritual power), seekers, divines, silent sages, and those who recite Vedas;
(all of them) remember (i.e. meditate upon) the Lord, who has no end, no limitations, they
enjoy (spiritual) happiness, in natural ease. 6
Aink pRwCq imtih iKn mih irdY jip Bgvwn ] pwvnw qy mhw pwvn koit dwn iesnwn ]7]
anik paraachhat miteh khin, meh ridai jap bhagvaan. paavnaa tay mahaa paavan, kot daan isnaan ||7||
Countless sins are erased in an instant (by) meditating upon God within the heart;
(and one becomes) purest of the pure, (and obtains the reward of) tens of millions of charities
and (ritual cleansing) baths. 7
bl buiD suiD prwx srbsu sMqnw kI rwis ] ibsru nwhI inmK mn qy nwnk kI Ardwis ]8]2]
bal budh sudh paraaṇ sarbas saNtnaa kee raas.
bisar naahee nimakh man tay naanak kee ardaas. ||8||2||
(God is) the power, intellect, realization, breath (of life), capital and everything of the God-
oriented persons;
Nanak (says): It is my prayer that I may never forget Him from my mind, even for an
instant. 8.2

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ssiqR qIKix kwit fwirE min n kIno rosu ] kwju auAw ko ly svwirE iqlu n dIno dosu ]1]
sastar teekhaṇ kaat daari-o man na keeno ros. kaaj u-aa ko lay savaari-o til na deeno dos. ||1||
(Even if one) cuts (a tree) down with sharp weapon, it (i.e. tree) does not feel anger in its mind;
It serves his purpose, does not blame him even equaling a sesame seed (i.e. a little bit). 1
mn myry rwm rau inq nIiq ] man mayray raam ra-o nit neet.
O! my mind, remember (i.e. meditate upon) God, continuously, always.
dieAwl dyv ik®pwl goibMd suin sMqnw kI rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
da-i-aal dayv kirpaal gobiNd sun santnaa kee reet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord of the World is merciful, divine and kind; listen: this is the way of the God-
oriented persons. 1 (pause)
P. 1018
crx qlY augwih bYisE sRmu n rihE srIir ] charaṇ talai ugaahi baisi-o, saram na rahi-o sareer.
Planting (i.e. settling) his feet down, (when) one sits (in the boat), there remains no fatigue in
his body (i.e. he is relieved).
mhw swgru nh ivAwpY iKnih auqirE qIir ]2] mahaa saagar nah vi-aapai ,khineh utri-o teer. ||2||
The great ocean does not (even) affect him; in a moment he arrives on (the other) shore. 2
cMdn Agr kpUr lypn iqsu sMgy nhI pRIiq ] ibstw mUqR Koid iqlu iqlu min n mnI ibprIiq ]3]
chandan agar kapoor laypan, tis sangay nahee pareet.
bistaa mootar khod til til, man na manee bipreet. ||3||
(If someone is) pasting (the earth) with sandalwood oil, aloe, and camphor-paste, (the earth)
does not love him;
(similarly) it does not mind in its mind (even) if someone digs it bit by bit, and, throws faeces
and urine on it. 3
aUc nIc ibkwr suik®q sMlgn sB suK CqR ] imqR sqRü n kCU jwnY srb jIA smq ]4]
ooch neech bikaar sukarit, saNlgan sabh sukh chhatar.
mitar satar na kachhoo jaanai, sarab jee-a samat. ||4||
One may be high or low, vicious of virtuous, the comforting canopy (of the sky) stretches
alike over everyone;
it (i.e. sky) does not discriminate between friends and foes, all the beings are alike to Him. 4
kir pRgwsu pRcMf pRgitE AMDkwr ibnws ] pivqR ApivqRh ikrx lwgy min n BieE ibKwdu ]5]
kar pargaas parchaNd pargati-o, aNdhkaar binaas.
pavitar apvitreh kiran laagay, man na bha-i-o bikhaad. ||5||
The fiery (sun) rises with brilliant light and dispels the darkness;
Its rays touch the pure and the impure (alike), it harbours no feeling in mind (for any one). 5
sIq mMd sugMD cilE srb Qwn smwn ] jhw sw ikCu qhw lwigE iqlu n sMkw mwn ]6]
seet maNd sugandh chali-o, sarab thaan samaan.
jahaa saa kichh tahaa laagi-o, til na saNkaa maan. ||6||
Cool and fragrant (wind) gently blows upon all places alike;
wherever anything is, it touches it there; and, does not hesitate even a little. 6
suBwie ABwie ju inkit AwvY sIqu qw kw jwie ] Awp pr kw kCu n jwxY sdw shij suBwie ]7]
subhaa-ay abhaa-ay jo nikat aavai, seet taa kaa jaa-ay.
aap par kaa kachh na jaaṇai, sadaa sahj subhaa-ay. ||7||
Good-natured or bad-natured, whoever comes close to it (i.e. fire), his cold is taken away;
it known nothing of its own or of the others’; it is constantly in natural ease (i.e. same way). 7
crx srx snwQ iehu mnu rMig rwqy lwl ] gopwl gux inq gwau nwnk Bey pRB ikrpwl ]8]3]
charaṇ saraṇ sanaath ih man, raNg raatay laal.
gopaal guṇ nit gaa-o, naanak, bha-ay prabh kirpaal. ||8||3||
Whoever seeks the refuge of the feet of the Sublime Lord, his mind is imbued with the love of
the Beloved.
Nanak (says): (those, who) constantly sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Sustainer of
the World, God become merciful (to them). 8.3

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 4 AstpdIAw Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4, asatpadee-aa

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
n N
cwdnw cwdnu AWgin pRB jIau AMqir cwdnw ]1] chaadnaa chaadan aa gan, prabh jee-o a tar chaadnaa ||1||
The moonlight shines in the courtyard, (but) the best moonlight is the one which reveals (the
light of) God within the mind. 1
AwrwDnw ArwDnu nIkw hir hir nwmu ArwDnw ]2]
aaraadhnaa araadhan neekaa, har har naam araadhanaa. ||2||
The best adoration among the adorations is the adoration of the name of God, the Lord. 2
iqAwgnw iqAwgnu nIkw kwmu k®oDu loBu iqAwgnw ]3]
ti-aaganaa ti-aagan neekaa, kaam krodh lobh ti-aaganaa. ||3||
The best renunciation among the renunciation is renunciation of sexual desire, anger and
greed. 3
mwgnw mwgnu nIkw hir jsu gur qy mwgnw ]4] maagnaa maagan neekaa, har jas gur tay maagnaa. ||4||
The best begging among (all) the begging is begging the praise of God from the Guru. 4
jwgnw jwgnu nIkw hir kIrqn mih jwgnw ]5] jaagnaa jaagan neekaa, har keertan meh jaagnaa. ||5||
The best waking up of the waking ups is to be awake to the singing the praise of God. 5
lwgnw lwgnu nIkw gur crxI mnu lwgnw ]6] laagnaa laagan neekaa, gur charṇee man laagnaa. ||6||
The best attachment among the attachments is to be attached to mind to the feet of the Guru. 6
ieh ibiD iqsih prwpqy jw kY msqik Bwgnw ]7] ih bidh tiseh praapatay, jaa kai mastak bhaagnaa. ||7||
He alone is blessed with this way (of life), upon whose forehead this fortune is inscribed. 7
khu nwnk iqsu sBu ikCu nIkw jo pRB kI srnwgnw ]8]1]4]
kaho naanak tis sabh kichh neekaa, jo prabh kee sarnaaganaa. ||8||1||4||
Says Nanak: everything is sublime for the one who seeks the refuge of God. 8.1.4

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

Awau jI qU Awau hmwrY hir jsu sRvn sunwvnw ]1] rhwau ]
aa-o jee, too aa-o hamaarai, har jas sarvan sunaavanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Come O! dear, you come into my home (i.e. heart), and, get my ears hear (i.e. sing into my
ears) the praise of God. 1 (pause)
quDu Awvq myrw mnu qnu hirAw hir jsu qum sMig gwvnw ]1]
tudh aavat mayraa man tan hari-aa, har jas tum saNg gaavnaa. ||1||
With your coming, my mind and body become green (i.e. are rejuvenated), and, I sing with
you the praise of God.1
sMq ik®pw qy ihrdY vwsY dUjw Bwau imtwvnw ]2] sa t kirpaa tay hirdai vaasai, doojaa bhaa-o mitaavanaa. ||2||
By the grace of the God-oriented persons, God dwells within my mind, and, love for duality
is eradicated. 2
Bgq dieAw qy buiD prgwsY durmiq dUK qjwvnw ]3]
bhagat da-i-aa tay budh pargaasai, durmat dookh tajaavanaa. ||3||
By the kindness of the devotees, the wisdom is enlightened, and, bad wisdom and pain are
eradicated. 3
drsnu Bytq hoq punIqw punrip griB n pwvnw ]4]
darsan bhaytat hot puneetaa, punrap garabh na paavnaa. ||4||
Beholding your vision, one is purified; and, one is not consigned to womb again. 4
nau iniD iriD isiD pweI jo qumrY min Bwvnw ]5] na-o nidh ridh sidh paa-ee, jo tumrai man bhaavnaa. ||5||
Nine treasures, wealth and miraculous powers are obtained by the one becomes pleasing to
your mind. 5
sMq ibnw mY Qwau n koeI Avr n sUJY jwvnw ]6] sa t binaa mai thaa-o na ko-ee avar na soojhai jaavnaa. ||6||
Without the God-oriented persons, I have no other place (of rest); and, I can not think of any
other place to go. 6
moih inrgun kau koie n rwKY sMqw sMig smwvnw ]7]
mohi nirgun ka-o ko-ay na raakhai, saNtaa saNg samaavanaa. ||7||
I am virtue-less, no one gives me refuge; (only) in the company of the God-oriented persons,
I can merge (in God). 7
khu nwnk guir clqu idKwieAw mn mDy hir hir rwvnw ]8]2]5]
kaho naanak, gur chalat dikhaa-i-aa, man madhay har har raavnaa. ||8||2||5||
Says Nanak: The Guru has shown me a wondrous play, (now) I enjoy God, the Lord, within
my mind. 8.2.5

P. 1019
mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5
jIvnw sPl jIvn suin hir jip jip sd jIvnw ]1] rhwau ]
jeevnaa safal jeevan, sun har jap jap sad jeevnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Successful) Life! successful is the life of the one who hears about and constantly meditates upon
(the name of) God, and, lives forever. 1 (pause)
pIvnw ijqu mnu AwGwvY nwmu AMimRq rsu pIvnw ]1] peevnaa jit man aaghaavai, naam aMmrit ras peevnaa. ||1||
The (real) drink is that satiates the mind; (so) drink in the AMmrit essence of the name. 1
Kwvnw ijqu BUK n lwgY sMqoiK sdw iqRpqIvnw ]2]
khaavnaa jit bhookh na laagai, saNtokh sadaa taripteevnaa. ||2||
The (real) food is that (eating which) one never feels hungry again; and, (it makes one) contented
and satisfied forever. 2
pYnxw rKu piq prmysur iPir nwgy nhI QIvnw ]3] painṇaa rakh pat parmaysur, fir naagay nahee theevnaa||3||
The (real) wearing (of clothes) is that which preserves your honour before (i.e. in the court of) the
Supreme Lord; and, it never leaves one naked ever again. 3
Bognw mn mDy hir rsu sMqsMgiq mih lIvnw ]4] bhognaa man madhay har ras, saNtsaNgat meh leevnaa. ||4||
The (real) enjoyment within the mind is to enjoy the essence of (the name of) God by being
absorbed (in the name) in company of the God-oriented persons. 4
ibnu qwgy ibnu sUeI AwnI mnu hir BgqI sMig sIvnw ]5]
bin taagay, bin soo-ee aanee, man har bhagtee saNg seevnaa. ||5||
(The real sewing is to) sew the devotion to God into the mind, without using any thread and needle. 5
mwiqAw hir rs mih rwqy iqsu bhuiV n kbhU AauKIvnw ]6]
maati-aa har ras meh raatay, tis bahuṛ na kabhoo a-ukheevanaa. ||6||
The (real) intoxication is being imbued with the love for the essence of (the name of) God; and
(this intoxication) will never decline (i.e. intoxication of the name will never lessen). 6
imilE iqsu srb inDwnw pRiB ik®pwil ijsu dIvnw ]7]
mili-o tis sarab nidhaanaa, prabh kirpaal jis deevnaa. ||7||
One is blesses with all treasures, when Merciful God (Himself) bestows them. 7
suKu nwnk sMqn kI syvw crx sMq Doie pIvnw ]8]3]6]
sukh naanak saNtan kee sayvaa, charaṇ saNt dho-ay peevnaa. ||8||3||6||
Nanak (says): Happiness is in the service of the God-oriented persons, and, in washing their feet
and drinking in (the wash water). 8.3.6

mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 8 AMjulIAw Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 8, aNjulee-aa

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ijsu igRih bhuqu iqsY igRih icMqw ] jis garihi bahut, tisai garihi chiNtaa.
The household which has (wealth) in abundance, that household remains in anxiety (of losing it).
ijsu igRih QorI su iPrY BRmMqw ] jis garihi thoree, so firai bharmaNtaa.
The household which has little, wanders around (for obtaining more).
duhU ibvsQw qy jo mukqw soeI suhylw BwlIAY ]1]
duhoo bivasthaa tay jo muktaa, so-ee suhaylaa bhaalee-ai. ||1||
One, who is free from both conditions (i.e. states), he alone is seen happy (in this world). 1
igRh rwj mih nrku audws kroDw ] bhu ibiD byd pwT siB soDw ]
garih raaj meh narak, udaas karodhaa. baho bidh bayd paaṭ sabh sodhaa.
The householder (and) the king suffer in hell (for committing sins), and, in renunciation one
remains angry;
(even if) he has read and study all texts of Vedas, in many ways.
dyhI mih jo rhY Ailpqw iqsu jn kI pUrn GwlIAY ]2]
dayhee meh jo rahai alipataa, tis jan kee pooran ghaalee-ai. ||2||
One, who remains detached, while in body, the labour of that servant is perfect (i.e.
meditation of that devotee successful). 2
jwgq sUqw Brim ivgUqw ] jaagat sootaa, bharam vigootaa.
(One, who) sleeps (in the sleep of maya) even while he is awake, is ruined by doubt.
ibnu gur mukiq n hoeIAY mIqw ] bin gur mukat na ho-ee-ai meetaa.
Without the Guru, liberation is not obtained, O! (my) friend.
swDsMig qutih hau bMDn eyko eyku inhwlIAY ]3] saadhsa g tuteh ha-o ba dhan, ayko ayk nihaalee-ai. ||3||
In the company of the God-oriented persons, the bond of egotism is broken (i.e. released),
and, one comes to behold the One and One alone. 3
krm krY q bMDw nh krY q inMdw ] karam karai ta baNdhaa, nah karai ta niNdaa.
One who perform acts (of ritualism), he remains in bondage; (and if) one does not perform
(rituals), he is slandered.
moh mgn mnu ivAwipAw icMdw ] moh magan man vi-aapi-aa chiNdaa.
Engrossed in (emotional) attachment, mind is inflicted with anxieties.
gur pRswid suKu duKu sm jwxY Git Git rwmu ihAwlIAY ]4]
gur parsaad sukh dukh sam jaaṇai, ghat ghat raam hi-aalee-ai. ||4||
By the grace of the Guru, one, who looks alike upon pain and pleasure, beholds God
(pervading) in each and every heart. 4
sMswrY mih shsw ibAwpY ] saNsaarai meh sahsaa bi-aapai.
Within the world, one is afflicted by doubt (i.e. one remains in scepticism);
AkQ kQw Agocr nhI jwpY ] akath kathaa agochar nahee jaapai.
one does not know (does not think of meditating upon) the unspoken story (of the
excellences) of the Imperceptible (Lord).
ijsih buJwey soeI bUJY Ehu bwlk vwgI pwlIAY ]5]
jisahi bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai, oh baalak vaagee paalee-ai. ||5||
He alone realizes whom He gets to realize; and, He cherishes him like His child. 5
Coif bhY qau CUtY nwhI ] chhod bahai, ta-o chhootai naahee.
If one abandons (maya) but one does not get released (i.e. still remains within his mind);
jau sMcY qau Bau mn mwhI ] ja-o saNchai, ta-o bha-o man maahee.
If one gathers it, then, there remains fear in his mind (of losing it).
ies hI mih ijs kI piq rwKY iqsu swDU cauru FwlIAY ]6]
is hee meh jis kee pat raakhai, tis saadhoo cha-ur ḍaalee-ai. ||6||
One whose honour is protected in the midst of it (i.e. maya), chaur (ceremonial fly-whisk, i.e.

fan of honour) is waved over that God-oriented person. 6
jo sUrw iqs hI hoie mrxw ] jo sooraa, tis hee ho-ay marṇaa.
He alone is a warrior whois to die (i.e. remains dead while yet alive);
jo BwgY iqsu jonI iPrxw ] jo bhaagai, tis jonee firṇaa.
One who runs away will wander in womb (in reincarnation).
jo vrqwey soeI Bl mwnY buiJ hukmY durmiq jwlIAY ]7]
jo vartaa-ay so-ee bhal maanai, bujh hukmai durmat jaalee-ai. ||7||
Whatever gets happened (as God’s command), he accepts that as good; realizing His
command, he burns away his evil-mindedness. 7
ijqu ijqu lwvih iqqu iqqu lgnw ] jit jit laaveh, tit tit lagnaa.
Wherever and whatever He attaches us, to that we are attached.
kir kir vyKY Apxy jcnw ] kar kar vaykhai apṇay jachnaa.
He creates and having created, He watches over them and assesses.
nwnk ky pUrn suKdwqy qU dyih q nwmu smwlIAY ]8]1]7]
naanak kay pooran sukh-daatay, too deh ta naam samaalee-ai. ||8||1||7||
Nanak (says): O! perfect (Lord), Giver of Happiness, if you bless one with Your name, then
one remembers (i.e. meditates upon)Your name. 8.1.7

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

ibrKY hyiT siB jMq iekTy ] birkhai hayṭ, sabh jaNt ikṭay.
Under the tree (of the world), all beings have gathered;
ieik qqy ieik bolin imTy ] ik tatay, ik bolan miṭay.
some are hot-tempered, some speak (very) sweetly
Asqu audoqu BieAw auiT cly ijau ijau AauD ivhwxIAw ]1]
asat udot bha-i-aa uṭ chalay, ji-o ji-o a-odh vihaaṇee-aa. ||1||
As the sun risen and sets down, they rise up and depart, as and when their span (of life)
expires. 1
pwp krydV srpr muTy ] paap karaydaṛ, sarpar muṭay.
Those who commit sins, are sure to be robbed.
AjrweIil PVy PiV kuTy ] ajraa-eel faṛay, faṛ kuṭay.
Ajraeel (Azraeel i.e. the Angel of death), seizes and tortures them.
P. 1020
dojik pwey isrjxhwrY lyKw mMgY bwxIAw ]2] dojak paa-ay sirjaṇhaarai, laykhaa ma gai baanee-aa. ||2||

The Creator consigns them into the hell, and, the trader (i.e. accountant, i.e. the Judge of
Righteousness) demands clearing of the accounts (i.e. calls them to give their account).2
sMig n koeI BeIAw bybw ] saNg na ko-ee, bha-ee-aa baybaa.
(At the time of departure) no brother or sister, goes along with;
mwlu jobnu Dnu Coif v\ysw ] maal joban dhan, chhod vanjaysaa.
Leaving behind property, youth and wealth, one departs (from here).
krx krIm n jwqo krqw iql pIVy ijau GwxIAw ]3]
karan kareem na jaato kartaa, til peeṛay ji-o ghaaṇee-aa. ||3||
Those who have not known (i.e. have not realized) the Creator Compassionate (Lord), shall be
crushed like the sesame seed is (crushed) in the oil-press.3
Kuis Kuis lYdw vsqu prweI ] vyKY suxy qyrY nwil KudweI ]
khus khus laidaa vasat paraa-ee. vaykhai suṇay tayrai naal khudaa-ee.
(O! brethren) you happily snatch the possessions of others;
(but) God is with you, watching and listening (everything).
dunIAw lib pieAw Kwq AMdir AglI gl n jwxIAw ]4]
dunee-aa lab pa-i-aa khaat aNdar, aglee gal na jaaṇee-aa. ||4||
Through worldly greed, you have fallen into the pit; you know nothing of future (i.e. what will
happen to you in the world hereafter). 4
jim jim mrY mrY iPir jMmY ] bhuqu sjwie pieAw dyis lµmY ]
jam jam marai, marai fir jaMmai. bahut sajaa-ay, pa-i-aa days laMmai.
(One, who does not realize God, is) born and born (again), dies and dies (again), to be born (again);
He suffers great punishment, on way to distant land (i.e. in continuous reincarnation).
ijin kIqw iqsY n jwxI AMDw qw duKu shY prwxIAw ]5]
jin keetaa tisai na jaaṇee, aNdhaa taa dukh sahai paraaṇee-aa. ||5||
One who has created (him), the blind does not know Him (i.e. the mortal being does not realize
and enshrine love for his Creator, God), hence, he suffers sorrows. 5
Kwlk Qwvhu Bulw muTw ] dunIAw Kylu burw ruT quTw ]
khaalak thaavhu bhulaa muṭaa. dunee-aa khayl buraa, ruth tuṭaa.
Forgetting the Creator, one is robbed (by vices);
the game of the world is bad, (when wealth is lost, one) becomes sad and (when it obtains, it
becomes) happy.
isdku sbUrI sMqu n imilE vqY Awpx BwxIAw ]6] sidak sabooree sa t na mili-o, vatai aapan bhaaṇee-aa. ||6||
One does not meet God-oriented person, (hence he) does not have faith and contentment, and,
he wanders as it pleases him. 6
maulw Kyl kry siB Awpy ] ieik kFy ieik lhir ivAwpy ]
ma-ulaa khayl karay sabh aapay. ik kaḍay, ik lahar vi-aapay.
God Himself stages all play. Some he lifts up (and saves them from drowning in the ocean of
maya), and, some he throws into the waves (of maya).
ijau ncwey iqau iqau ncin isir isir ikrq ivhwxIAw ]7]
ji-o nachaa-ay ti-o ti-o nachan, sir sir kirat vihaaṇee-aa. ||7||
As He gets them to dance, so do they dances. One lives according to one’s (past) deeds that are
inscribed on each and every one’s head (i.e. forehead). 7
imhr kry qw Ksmu iDAweI ] sMqw sMgiq nrik n pweI ]
mihar karay, taa khasam dhi-aa-ee. saNtaa saNgat, narak na paa-ee.
If God bestows His grace, then one meditates upon the Lord;
in the company of the God-oriented persons, one is not consigned to hell.
AMimRq nwm dwnu nwnk kau gux gIqw inq vKwxIAw ]8]2]8]12]20]
aMmrit naam daan naanak ka-o, guṇ geetaa nit vakhaaṇee-aa. ||8||2||8||12||20||
Nanak (says): (O! God) bless me with the gift of the AMmrit name, (so that) I may continuually
sing songs of your excellences.

mwrU solhy mhlw 1 Maaroo, solhay, Mehlaa

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
swcw scu soeI Avru n koeI ] saachaa sach so-ee, avar na ko-ee.
The True (Lord) alone is True (i.e. eternal); there is no other (at all).
ijin isrjI iqn hI Puin goeI ] jin sirjee, tin hee fun go-ee.
One who has created (this universe); He alone shall destroy it, again (in the end).
ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu rhxw qum isau ikAw mukrweI hy ]1]
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakho rahṇaa, tum si-o ki-aa mukraa-ee hay. ||1||
(O! God) as it pleases You, so You keep us; how can one find excuses to disobey You? 1
Awip aupwey Awip Kpwey ] aap upaa-ay, aap khapaa-ay.
He Himself creates (the beings), and, He Himself destroys them;
Awpy isir isir DMDY lwey ] aapay, sir sir dhaNdhai laa-ay.
He Himself has attached everyone to his task.
Awpy vIcwrI guxkwrI Awpy mwrig lweI hy ]2] aapay veechaaree guṇkaaree, aapay maarag laa-ee hay ||2||
He Himself considers (the deeds of the beings and bestows upon them the merits of)
benevolence; and, put then on the right path. 2
Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw ] aapay daanaa, aapay beenaa.
(O! brethren) He Himself is all-knowing, and, He Himself beholds all;
Awpy Awpu aupwie pqInw ] aapay aap upaa-ay pateenaa.
He create Himself (i.e. manifest Yourself) and is pleased (to behold it).
Awpy pauxu pwxI bYsMqru Awpy myil imlweI hy ]3]
aapay pa-uṇ paaṇee baisaNtar, aapay mayl milaa-ee hay. ||3||
He Himself is the air, water, and fire; and, He Himself unites in union. 3
Awpy sis sUrw pUro pUrw ] aapay sas sooraa pooro pooraa.
He Himself is the moon and the sun; and, (He Himself) is perfectly pervading (everywhere).
Awpy igAwin iDAwin guru sUrw ] aapay gi-aan dhi-aan gur sooraa.
He Himself is the knowledge, the meditation, and, (He Himself is) the brave Guru.
kwlu jwlu jmu joih n swkY swcy isau ilv lweI hy ]4]
kaal jaal jam johi na saakai, saachay si-o liv laa-ee hay. ||4||
The messenger of death and the noose of death cannot touch the one who is attuned to the
True (Lord). 4
Awpy purKu Awpy hI nwrI ] aapay purakh, aapay hee naaree.
He Himself is the male, and, He Himself is the female.
Awpy pwsw Awpy swrI ] aapay paasaa, aapay saaree.
He Himself is the chess board; and, He Himself is the chess-man.
Awpy ipV bwDI jgu KylY Awpy kImiq pweI hy ]5]
aapay pirh baadhee jag khaylai, aapay keemat paa-ee hay. ||5||
He Himself has set up the arena, and, the world plays; He Himself evaluates (the players). 5
Awpy Bvru Pulu Plu qrvru ] aapay bhavar, ful fal tarvar.
He Himself is the bumble-bee, the flower, the fruit and the tree.

Awpy jlu Qlu swgru srvru ] aapay jal thal saagar sarvar.
He Himself is the water, the desert, the oceans and the pool.
Awpy mCu kCu krxIkru qyrw rUpu n lKxw jweI hy ]6]
aapay machh kachh karṇeekar, tayraa roop na lakh-ṇaa jaa-ee hay. ||6||
(O! God) You Yourself are the big fish, the tortoise, the Cause of causes;
Your form can not be known. 6
Awpy idnsu Awpy hI rYxI ] aapay dinas, aapay hee raiṇee.
He Himself is the day; He Himself is the night.
Awip pqIjY gur kI bYxI ] aap pateejai, gur kee baiṇee.
He Himself is pleased with the word of the Guru.
Awid jugwid Anwhid Anidnu Git Git sbdu rjweI hy ]7]
aad jugaad anaahad an-din, ghat ghat sabad rajaa-ee hay. ||7||
(He is) from the very beginning and throughout the Ages, indestructible and continually;
the word of His will (i.e. the echo of His command) pervades each and every heart. 7
Awpy rqnu AnUpu Amolo ] aapay ratan anoop amolo.
He Himself is the jewel, incomparably beautiful and priceless.
Awpy prKy pUrw qolo ] aapay parkhay pooraa tolo.
He Himself assesses (the jewel) and perfectly weighs (it).
P. 1021
Awpy iks hI kis bKsy Awpy dy lY BweI hy ]8] aapay kis hee kas bakhsay, aapay day lai bhaa-ee hay. ||8||
He Himself is tests some and blesses; and, (in this trade of love) He Himself gives and takes, O!
brethren. 8
Awpy DnKu Awpy srbwxw ] aapay dhanakh, aapay sarbaaṇaa.
He Himself is the bow, and, He Himself is the bowman.
Awpy suGVu srUpu isAwxw ] aapay sugharh saroop si-aaṇaa.
He Himself is all-wise, beautiful, and all-knowing.
khqw bkqw suxqw soeI Awpy bxq bxweI hy ]9]
kahtaa baktaa suṇtaa so-ee, aapay baṇat baṇaa-ee hay. ||9||
He Himself is the speaker, the orator and the listener; He Himself has Created the creation. 9
pauxu gurU pwxI ipq jwqw ] pa-uṇ guroo, paaṇee pit jaataa.
He Himself is the air (that is) known as the guru, and, water known as the father.
audr sMjogI DrqI mwqw ] udar saNjogee, dhartee maataa.
(He Himself is) the earth, the great womb (that gives birth to all like) the mother.
rYix idnsu duie dweI dwieAw jgu KylY KylweI hy ]10]
raiṇ dinas du-ay daa-ee daa-i-aa, jag khaylai khaylaa-ee hay. ||10||
(He Himself is) the day and night, the two nurses - male and female; the world plays and they
get them play. 10
Awpy mCulI Awpy jwlw ] aapay machhulee, aapay jaalaa.
He Himself is the fish; He Himself is the net.
Awpy gaU Awpy rKvwlw ] aapay ga-oo, aapay rakhvaalaa.
He Himself is the cow; He Himself is the keeper.
srb jIAw jig joiq qumwrI jYsI pRiB PurmweI hy ]11]

sarab jee-aa jag jot tumaaree, jaisee prabh furmaa-ee hay. ||11||
Your Light fills all the beings of the world; O! God, as You command (so does they act). 11
Awpy jogI Awpy BogI ] aapay jogee, aapay bhogee.
He Himself is the yogi (i.e. recluse/ renouncer); He Himself is the enjoyer.
Awpy rsIAw prm sMjogI ] aapay rasee-aa, param saNjogee.
He Himself is the reveller, He Himself is the supreme uniter.
Awpy vybwxI inrMkwrI inrBau qwVI lweI hy ]12]
aapay vaybaaṇee niraNkaaree, nirbha-o taaṛee laa-ee hay. ||12||
He Himself is speech-less, form-less and fear-less; He Himself in absorbed in trance. 12
KwxI bwxI quJih smwxI ] khaanee, banee, tujheh samaaṇee.
(O! God, all) the sources of creation* and speech* (emerge from You and again) merge in You.
[*The four sources of creation. : Andaj (from eggs: birds etc), jayraj (from body: humans and animals), saytaj (from
perspiraion/moisture: pests like lice etc), utbhuj (from earth: plants etc).*There are four stages of though/expression:
1. PARAA: originating in abstract mind 2. PASANTEE: intimating the brain 3. MADHAM: communicating the
tongue 4. BAIKHAREE: utter from the moth].
jo dIsY sB Awvx jwxI ] jo deesai, sabh aavaṇ jaaṇee.
All that is seen, is coming and going (i.e. subject to birth and death, i.e. transitory).
syeI swh scy vwpwrI siqguir bUJ buJweI hy ]13]
say-ee saah sachay vaapaaree, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee hay. ||13||
They alone are the bankers and the true traders, whom the True Guru has given the
understanding. 13
sbdu buJwey siqguru pUrw ] sabad bujhaa-ay, satgur pooraa.
The perfect True Guru imparts the understanding of the word.
srb klw swcy BrpUrw ] sarab kalaa, saachay bharpooraa.
The True Lord is overflowing with all powers.
APirE vyprvwhu sdw qU nw iqsu iqlu n qmweI hy ]14]
afri-o vayparvaahu sadaa too; naa tis til na tamaa-ee hay. ||14||
(O! God) You are beyond grasp (of senses), forever care-free (i.e. under obligation of none;
totally independent); You do not have even an iota of greed. 14
kwlu ibkwlu Bey dyvwny ] sbdu shj rsu AMqir mwny ]
kaal bikaal bha-ay dayvaanay. sabad sahj ras antar maanay.
Death and birth have become crazy (i.e. run away, i.e. become ineffective/ meaningless),
(for the one) who enjoys the essence of the word and (celestial) poise, within his mind.
Awpy mukiq iqRpiq vrdwqw Bgiq Bwie min BweI hy ]15]
aapay mukat taripat vardaataa, bhagat bhaa-ay man bhaa-ee hay. ||15||
(God) Himself is the giver of liberation, satisfaction and blessing; (to the one) whose mind is
pleased in His devotion. 15
Awip inrwlmu gur gm igAwnw ] aap niraalam, gur gam gi-aanaa.
He Himself is immaculate; through contact with the Guru (spiritual) knowledge is obtained.
jo dIsY quJ mwih smwnw ] jo deesai, tujh maahi samaanaa.
(O! Lord) whatever is seen, shall merges into You.
nwnku nIcu iBiKAw dir jwcY mY dIjY nwmu vfweI hy ]16]1]
naanak, neech bhikhi-aa dar jaachai, mai deejai naam vadaa-ee hay. ||16||1||
Nanak, the lowly, (says): I beg charity at Your door, (please) bless me with greatness of Your
name. 16.1

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Awpy DrqI Daulu AkwsM ] aapay dhartee dha-ul akaasaN.
He Himself is the earth, the (mythical) bull (which supports it) and the sky (i.e. canopy over it).
Awpy swcy gux prgwsM ] aapay saachay guṇ pargaasaN.
He Himself reveals the true virtues (in the world).
jqI sqI sMqoKI Awpy Awpy kwr kmweI hy ]1]
jatee satee saNtokhee, aapay aapay kaar kamaa-ee hay. ||1||
He Himself is celibate, chaste (i.e. truthful) and contented, and, He Himself earns the deeds
(of these virtues). 1
ijsu krxw so kir kir vyKY ] jis karṇaa, so kar kar vaykhai.
He who has created (this universe), He constantly creates and beholds (i.e. cherishes).
koie n mytY swcy lyKY ] ko-ay na maytai, saachay laykhai.
No one can erase the writ (i.e. command) of the True (Lord).
Awpy kry krwey Awpy Awpy dy vifAweI hy ]2] aapay karay, karaa-ay aapay, aapay day vadi-aa-ee hay. ||2||
He Himself is the doer (of everything), (He Himself) gets others to do (according to His
command); He Himself is bestows greatness (i.e. glory/ honour). 2
pMc cor cMcl icqu cwlih ] paNch chor, chaNchal chit chaaleh.
The five thieves* cause the fickle mind to move (i.e. waver)
[*Five thieves, i.e. five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
pr Gr johih Gru nhI Bwlih ] par ghar joheh, ghar nahee bhaaleh.
It looks into the homes of others, but does not search their its own home (i.e. heart).
kwieAw ngru FhY Fih FyrI ibnu sbdY piq jweI hy ]3]
kaa-i-aa nagar ḍahai ḍeh ḍayree, bin sabdai pat jaa-ee hay. ||3||
The body-village (finally) collapses and turns into heap (of dust); and, without the word one’s
honour is lost (in the court of God). 3
gur qy bUJY iqRBvxu sUJY ] gur tay boojhai, taribhavaṇ soojhai.
One who obtains (spiritual knowledge) from the Guru, realizes the three worlds.
mnsw mwir mnY isau lUJY ] mansaa maar, manai si-o loojhai.
Subduing his desires, he struggles with his mind (to control it).
jo quDu syvih sy quD hI jyhy inrBau bwl sKweI hy ]4]
jo tudh sayveh say tudh hee jayhay, nirbha-o baal sakhaa-ee hay. ||4||
Those who serves You, become (just) like You; O! Fearless (God), (for them) You become
(like) their childhood (i.e. very intimate) friend. 4
Awpy surgu mCu pieAwlw ] aapay surag machh pa-i-aalaa.
You Yourself are the heavens, this world and the nether regions.
Awpy joiq srUpI bwlw ] aapay jot saroopee baalaa.
You are the embodiment of light, and, the loftiest.
jtw ibkt ibkrwl srUpI rUpu n ryiKAw kweI hy ]5]
jataa bikat bikraal saroopee roop na raykh-i-aa kaa-ee hay. ||5||
(You are) with matted hair, in terrifying and dreadful form; (still) You have no form or

feature (of Yours). 5
byd kqybI Bydu n jwqw ] bayd kataybee bhayd na jaataa.
The Vedas*, the Kateb** could not know His mystery
[*The four Vedas, the ancient books of the east (Rig Ved, Sham Ved, Yajur Ved, Atharvan Ved). **the four Semetic books:
The for religious books of the Semitic religions: Jabur (of Daud), Taurat (of Moses), Anjil (of Christ), Quran (of
nw iqsu mwq ipqw suq BRwqw ] naa tis maat pitaa sut bharaataa.
He has no mother, father, son or brother.
sgly sYl aupwie smwey AlKu n lKxw jweI hy ]6]
saglay sail upaa-ay samaa-ay alakh na lakh-ṇaa jaa-ee hay. ||6||
He creates all the mountains, (and, then) merges them (in Himself); (He is) unseen and cannot
be seen. 6
kir kir QwkI mIq Gnyry ] koie n kwtY Avgux myry ]
kar kar thaakee meet ghanayray. ko-ay na kaatai avguṇ mayray.
(O! brethren) I have grown weary of making so many friends; (but),
no one could rid me of my vices.
suir nr nwQu swihbu sBnw isir Bwie imlY Bau jweI hy ]7]
sur nar naath, saahib sabhnaa sir, bhaa-ay milai, bha-o jaa-ee hay. ||7||
He is the Lord of angels and men (i.e. mortal beings); He is Master above all; those whom he
meets with love, their fear is dispelled. 7
BUly cUky mwrig pwvih ] bhoolay chookay maarag paavahi.
(O! Lord) You put (back) on the (right) path, those who have erred and strayed
Awip Bulwie qUhY smJwvih ] aap bhulaa-ay toohai samjhaavahi.
You Yourself make them astray, and, You teach them (again).
ibnu nwvY mY Avru n dIsY nwvhu giq imiq pweI hy ]8]
bin naavai mai avar na deesai naavhu gat mit paa-ee hay. ||8||
I cannot see anything, except the name (that can emancipate): through (meditation upon)
name one can know His grandeur and expanse. 8
P. 1022
gMgw jmunw kyl kydwrw ] gaNgaa jamunaa kayl kaydaaraa.
Ganga, Jamuna), city of playing (i.e. Bindraban) and Kedar (i.e. Kedarnath);
kwsI kWqI purI duAwrw ] kaasee kaantee puree du-aaraa.
Kanshi, Kanchi (i.e. Kanchipuram), Mathura, Dwarka Puri.
gMgw swgru byxI sMgmu ATsiT AMik smweI hy ]9]
gaNgaa saagar baynee saNgam, aṭsaṭ aNk samaa-ee hay. ||9||
Ganga sagar (i.e. where Ganga river falls into the sea), Beni confluence (i.e. Triveni, Allahabad),
and the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage, (O! God), all are merging in Your being. 9
Awpy isD swiDku vIcwrI ] aapay sidh saadhik veechaaree.
He Himself is the sidh (i.e. one with miraculous powers), the seeker, and, the contemplating.
Awpy rwjnu pMcw kwrI ] aapay raajan paNchaa kaaree.
He Himself is the king, the creator of the council (of ministers).
qKiq bhY AdlI pRBu Awpy Brmu Bydu Bau jweI hy ]10]
takhat bahai adlee prabh aapay, bharam bhayd bha-o jaa-ee hay. ||10||
God, the justice, Himself sits on the throne; He Himself takes away doubts, differences and
fears. 10
Awpy kwjI Awpy mulw ] aapay kaajee aapay mullaa.
He Himself is the Qazi (i.e. religious judge); He Himself is Mulla (i.e. clergy).
Awip ABulu n kbhU Bulw ] aap abhul na kabhoo bhulaa.
He Himself is infallible, (He) never makes mistakes.
Awpy imhr dieAw piq dwqw nw iksY ko bYrweI hy ]11]
aapay mihar da-i-aa pat daataa, naa kisai ko bairaa-ee hay. ||11||
He Himself is the giver of mercy, compassion and honour; He is enemy of no one. 11
ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI ] jis bakhsay tis day vadi-aa-ee.
Whoever He forgives, blesses him with glory.
sBsY dwqw iqlu n qmweI ] sabhsai daataa til na tamaa-ee.
He is the giver of all, He does not have even an iota of greed.
Brpuir Dwir rihAw inhkyvlu gupqu pRgtu sB TweI hy ]12]
bharpur dhaar rahi-aa nihkayval ,gupat pargat sabh ṭaa-ee hay. ||12||
The unattached (Lord) is perfectly sustaining (all); (He is) pervading all places, both hidden
and manifest. 12
ikAw swlwhI Agm ApwrY ] ki-aa saalaahee agam apaarai.
How can I praise the inaccessible and infinite (Lord)?
swcy isrjxhwr murwrY ] saachay sirjaṇhaar muraarai.
The True Creator is the Destroyer of Demons.
ijs no ndir kry iqsu myly myil imlY mylweI hy ]13]
jis no nadar karay tis maylay, mayl milai maylaa-ee hay. ||13||
He unites the one whom blesses with His kindness; and, one who is united (with Him) remains
united in union. 13
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu duAwrY ] aUBy syvih AlK ApwrY ]
barahmaa bisan mahays du-aarai. oobhay sayveh alakh apaarai.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv) stand at His door; and,
(all the gods) standing, they serve the unseen, infinite (Lord).
hor kyqI dir dIsY ibllwdI mY gxq n AwvY kweI hy ]14]
hor kaytee dar deesai billaadee, mai gaṇat na aavai kaa-ee hay. ||14||
Many more can be seen crying at His door; I cannot count their number. 14
swcI kIriq swcI bwxI ] saachee keerat saachee baṇee.
True (i.e. eternal) is His praise, and, true (i.e. eternal)is His word.
hor n dIsY byd purwxI ] hor na deesai bayd puraaṇee.
I can see no other (than Him, even) in the Vedas and Puranas.
pUMjI swcu scy gux gwvw mY Dr hor n kweI hy ]15]
pooNjee saach sachay guṇ gaavaa, mai dhar hor na kaa-ee hay. ||15||
(O! God, please) bless me with Capital of the True (name), so that I may sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the True (Lord); I have no other support (at all). 1
jugu jugu swcw hY BI hosI ] jug jug saachaa hai bhee hosee.
(O! Brethren, God was) true in each and every Age; He is (True) and shall (always) be (True).

kauxu n mUAw kauxu n mrsI ] ka-uṇ na moo-aa ka-uṇ na marsee.
Who has not died, who shall not die (i.e. except Him, all are mortal in this world).
nwnku nIcu khY bynµqI dir dyKhu ilv lweI hy ]16]2]
naanak neech kahai baynaNtee, dar daykhhu liv laa-ee hay. ||16||2||
Nanak, the lowly, offers this prayer: (O! Lord) sitting in Your court, You focus upon(all). 16.2

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

dUjI durmiq AMnI bolI ] doojee durmat aNnee bolee.
In duality and bad wisdom, she (i.e. soul bride) is blind and deaf (to meditation upon the name).
kwm k®oD kI kcI colI ] kaam krodh kee kachee cholee.
She is wearing the unstitched dress of (i.e. her body is engrossed in) sexual desire and anger.
Gir vru shju n jwxY Cohir ibnu ipr nId n pweI hy ]1]
ghar var sahj na jaaṇai chhohar, bin pir need na paa-ee hay. ||1||
She does not know that her Husband (Lord), and (peaceful) poise, is within her home (i.e. heart);
and, without her Husband, she can not go to sleep. 1
AMqir Agin jlY BVkwry ] aNtar agan jalai bhaṛkaaray.
Within her the fire (of desires) burns with great blaze.
mnmuKu qky kuMfw cwry ] manmukh takay kuNdaa chaaray.
The mind-oriented looks around (for maya) in four (i.e. all) directions.
ibnu siqgur syvy ikau suKu pweIAY swcy hwiQ vfweI hy ]2]
bin satgur sayvay ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai, saachay haath vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
How can she find happiness without serving the True Guru? this greatness (of happiness) rests
in the hands of the True (Lord). 2
kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru invwry ] kaam krodh ahaNkaar nivaaray.
(By following the Guru) she (i.e. soul bride) eradicates sexual desire, anger, and egotism; and,
qskr pMc sbid sMGwry ] taskar paNch sabad saNghaaray.
(She) kills (i.e. conquer) the five thieves (i.e. passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional
attachment and pride)with the word (of the Guru); and,
igAwn KVgu lY mn isau lUJY mnsw mnih smweI hy ]3]
gi-aan khaṛag lai man si-o loojhai, mansaa maneh samaa-ee hay. ||3||
Holding up the sword of knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom), she fights (against the five thieves) then
the desires are merged (i.e. soothed) within the mind. 3
mw kI rkqu ipqw ibdu Dwrw ] maa kee rakat, pitaa bid dhaaraa.
(O! God, from the union of) the mother's blood and drop of the father's sperm;
mUriq sUriq kir Awpwrw ] moorat soorat kar aapaaraa.
You have created the form of infinite beauty;
joiq dwiq jyqI sB qyrI qU krqw sB TweI hy ]4]
jot daat jaytee sabh tayree, too kartaa sabh thaa-ee hay. ||4||
(Within each body) it is all Your light, and, all gifts are Yours; O! Creator , You pervade all places. 4
quJ hI kIAw jMmx mrxw ] tujh hee kee-aa jaNmaṇ marṇaa.
You have created (the play of) birth and death;
gur qy smJ pVI ikAw frxw ] gur tay samajh paṛee ki-aa darṇaa.
When one has obtained understanding through the Guru, then why should one fear (death)?
qU dieAwlu dieAw kir dyKih duKu drdu srIrhu jweI hy ]5]
too da-i-aal da-i-aa kar daykheh, dukh darad sareerahu jaa-ee hay. ||5||
O! Merciful, when You look with (glance of) kindness, (then) pains and sorrows leave the body. 5
inj Gir bYis rhy Bau KwieAw ] nij ghar bais rahay bha-o khaa-i-aa.
One, who has settled in one’s own home (of self), he has finished all his fears.
Dwvq rwKy Twik rhwieAw ] dhaavat raakhay thaak rahaa-i-aa.
The holds his wandering mind still (and attaches it to the Lord); (then),
kml ibgws hry sr suBr Awqm rwmu sKweI hy ]6]
kamal bigaas haray sar subhar, aatam raam sakhaa-ee hay. ||6||
The lotus (of his heart) blossoms forth; and, his pool (i.e. organs of perception) are filled with
greenery (i.e. are rejuvenated); and, the Lord of his soul (i.e. God) becomes his friend. 6
mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey ] maraṇ likhaa-ay maNdal meh aa-ay.
(When) we have come to the world, with death already inscribed (i.e. preordained);
ikau rhIAY clxw prQwey ] ki-o rahee-ai, chalṇaa parthaa-ay.
How can we remain (here), we have to go to the world hereafter.
scw Amru scy Amrw puir so scu imlY vfweI hy ]7]
sachaa amar, sachay amraa pur, so sach milai vadaa-ee hay. ||7||
True is His command, the true ones dwell in the eternal city (of the Lord); and, the True
blesses them with glory. 7
Awip aupwieAw jgqu sbwieAw ] aap upaa-i-aa jagat sabaa-i-aa.
He Himself has created the whole world.
ijin isirAw iqin DMDY lwieAw ] jin siri-aa tin dhaNdhai laa-i-aa.
The One who has created it, has assigned everyone to its task.
. P.1023
scY aUpir Avr n dIsY swcy kImiq pweI hy ]8]
sachai oopar avar na deesai, saachay keemat paa-ee hay. ||8||
I can not see anyone above the True (Lord), who can appraise (the power of) the True (Lord). 8
AYQY goielVw idn cwry ] aithai go-ilṛaa din chaaray.
Here, in this pasture-land (of the world), (mortal’s stay) is for four days (i.e. for a few days).
Kylu qmwsw DuMDUkwry ] khayl tamaasaa dhuNdhookaaray.
They play and have fun in utter darkness (i.e. spiritual ignorance).
bwjI Kyil gey bwjIgr ijau inis supnY BKlweI hy ]9]
baajee khayl ga-ay baajeegar, ji-o nis supnai bhakhlaa-ee hay. ||9||
As the jugglers leave after staging the show (so the mortals leave this world after playing the
game of life); (i.e. the mortal’s life) is like mumbling in dream . 9
iqn kau qKiq imlI vifAweI ] tin ka-o takhat milee vadi-aa-ee.
They alone are blesses with glory at the throne (of the Lord);
inrBau min visAw ilv lweI ] nirbha-o man vasi-aa liv laa-ee.
who have enshrined the Fearless in mind, and, are in tune with Him.
KMfI bRhmMfI pwqwlI purIeI iqRBvx qwVI lweI hy ]10]
khaNdee barahmaNdee paataalee puree-ee, taribhavaṇ taaṛee laa-ee hay. ||10||
He is in trance in continents, universes, nether-zones, towns and the three worlds. 10

swcI ngrI qKqu scwvw ] gurmuiK swcu imlY suKu pwvw ]
saachee nagree takhat sachaavaa. gurmukh saach milai sukh paavaa.
True is their (body) city, true is the throne (i.e. heart);
they meet the True (Lord) through the Guru, and, obtain happiness.
swcy swcY qKiq vfweI haumY gxq gvweI hy ]11]
saachay saachai takhat vadaa-ee, ha-umai gaṇat gavaa-ee hay. ||11||
Those, whose account of egotism is erased, are bestowed greatness (i.e. honour) at the True
throne of the True (Lord). 11
gxq gxIAY shsw jIAY ] ikau suKu pwvY dUAY qIAY ]
gaṇat gaṇee-ai sahsaa jee-ai. ki-o sukh paavai doo-ai tee-ai.
By indulging in calculations, anxiety wells up in the soul;
how one can obtain happiness in duality and the three (gunaas of maya)?
inrmlu eyku inrMjnu dwqw gur pUry qy piq pweI hy ]12]
nirmal ayk niraNjan daataa, gur pooray tay pat paa-ee hay. ||12||
The One (Lord), immaculate, formless, is the (only) giver; one obtains honour (from Him)
through the perfect Guru. 12
juig juig ivrlI gurmuiK jwqw ] swcw riv rihAw mnu rwqw ]
jug jug virlee gurmukh jaataa. saachaa rav rahi-aa; man raataa.
In each and every Age, rare are those who have known Him through the Guru; (that):
the True is all-pervading, and, their mind s are imbued with Him.
iqs kI Et ghI suKu pwieAw min qin mYlu n kweI hy ]13]
tis kee ot gahee sukh paa-i-aa, man tan mail na kaa-ee hay. ||13||
Seeking His refuge they obtain happiness; and, there remains no filth (of vices) in their minds
and bodies. 13
jIB rswieix swcY rwqI ] hir pRBu sMgI Bau n BrwqI ]
jeebh rasaa-iṇ saachai raatee. har prabh saNgee bha-o na bharaatee.
One, whose tongue is imbued with the True (Lord), the source of essence,
abiding with God, the Lord, he has no fear, no doubt.
sRvx sRoq rjy gurbwxI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]14] sarvaṇ sarot rajay gurbaaṇee, jotee jot milaa-ee hay. ||14||
Hearing the sound of the word of the Guru, their ears are satiated, and, their light merges
into His Light. 14
riK riK pYr Dry pau Drxw ] jq kq dyKau qyrI srxw ]
rakh rakh pair dharay pa-o dharṇaa. jat kat daykh-a-u tayree sarṇaa.
I have placed my feet on the earth, carefully and carefully (trying to save myself from maya);
wherever I see, I behold Your refuge (that alone can save me).
duKu suKu dyih qUhY min Bwvih quJ hI isau bix AweI hy ]15]
dukh sukh deh toohai man bhaaveh, tujh hee si-o baṇ aa-ee hay. ||15||
(Wether) You grant me pains or pleasures, You are pleasing to my mind; I am attached to
You alone. 15
AMq kwil ko bylI nwhI ] gurmuiK jwqw quDu swlwhI ]
aNt kaal ko baylee naahee. gurmukh jaataa tudh saalaahee.
No one is a companion (i.e. helper) at the last moment;

I have realized You through the Guru, and, I praise Your (alone).
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI hy ]16]3]
naanak, naam ratay bairaagee, nij ghar taaṛee laa-ee hay. ||16||3||
Nanak(says): Those who are imbued with (Your) name (O! Lord), they (alone) are detached;
they sit in trance in their own home (i.e. heart). 16. 3

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Awid jugwdI Apr Apwry ] Awid inrMjn Ksm hmwry ]
aad jugaadee apar apaaray. aad niraNjan khasam hamaaray.
From the very beginning, and throughout the Ages, the Infinite and Limitless;
the Primal immaculate (God) is our Master.
swcy jog jugiq vIcwrI swcy qwVI lweI hy]1] saachay jog jugat veechaaree, saachay taaṛee laa-ee hay ||1||
Those, who have contemplated the way of yoga (i.e union with the Lord), are absorbed in the
True (Lord) in trance. 1
kyqiVAw jug DuMDUkwrY ] qwVI lweI isrjxhwrY ]
kayt-ṛi-aa jug dhuNdhookaarai. taaṛee laa-ee sirjaṇhaarai.
For so many Ages, there was (only) complete darkness;
(then) the Creator was absorbed in trance.
scu nwmu scI vifAweI swcY qKiq vfweI hy ]2]
sach naam sachee vadi-aa-ee, saachai takhat vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
(Then prevailed only) the True name, glory of the True (Lord); and the glory of the throne of
the True. 2
sqjuig squ sMqoKu srIrw ] siq siq vrqY gihr gMBIrw ]
satjug sat saNtokh sareeraa. sat sat vartai gahir gaMbheeraa.
In the Satyuga (i.e. the Age of Truth), truth and contentment filled the (human) bodies;
the True and True, the deep and profound, (alone) prevailed (everywhere).
scw swihbu scu prKY swcY hukim clweI hy ]3]
sachaa saahib, sach parkhai, saachai hukam chalaa-ee hay. ||3||
The True Lord appraised (the mortals) on (the touchstone of) truth, and True (Lord) issued
His commands. 3
sq sMqoKI siqguru pUrw ] sat saNtokhee satgur pooraa.
The perfect True Guru is the embodiment of truth and contentment.
gur kw sbdu mny so sUrw ] gur kaa sabad manay so sooraa.
He alone is a warrior, who obeys the word (i.e. follows the command) of the Guru.
swcI drgh swcu invwsw mwnY hukmu rjweI hy ]4]
saachee dargeh, saach nivaasaa, maanai hukam rajaa-ee hay. ||4||
He alone obtains a true place in the True court, who obeys the command and follows the will
(of the True Lord). 4
sqjuig swcu khY sBu koeI ] satjug saach kahai sabh ko-ee.
In the Satyuga (i.e. Age of Truth) everyone spoke the truth.
sic vrqY swcw soeI ] sach vartai saachaa so-ee.
The True and truth prevailed (everywhere).
min muiK swcu Brm Bau BMjnu gurmuiK swcu sKweI hy ]5]
man mukh saach bharam bha-o bhaNjan, gurmukh saach sakhaa-ee hay. ||5||
With truth in their minds and mouths, the doubts and fears (of the mortals) were destroyed
(i.e. erased); the True (Lord) was the companion of the Guru-oriented. 5
qRyqY Drm klw iek cUkI ] taraytai dharam kalaa ik chookee.
In the Tretaa (i.e. the Third Age), one power of dharma (i.e one leg of the throne of
righteousness) was lost.
qIin crx iek duibDw sUkI ] teen charaṇ, ik dubidhaa sookee.
The three feet (i.e. legs of the throne were left), and, one leg of duality began dominating.
gurmuiK hovY su swcu vKwxY mnmuiK pcY AvweI hy ]6]
gurmukh hovai so saach vakhaaṇai, manmukh pachai avaa-ee hay. ||6||
Those, who were Guru-oriented, spoke the truth, (while) the mind-oriented were wasted
away in vain. 6
mnmuiK kdy n drgh sIJY ] manmukh kaday na dargeh seejhai.
The mind-oriented never succeeds in (reaching) the court (of the Lord).
ibnu sbdY ikau AMqru rIJY ] bin sabdai ki-o aNtar reejhai.
without the word, how can one be pleased within?
bwDy Awvih bwDy jwvih soJI bUJ n kweI hy ]7]
baadhay aavahi baadhay jaaveh, sojhee boojh na kaa-ee hay. ||7||
Bound in (past) deeds, they (i.e the mind-oriented ones) come (into the world), and, bound in
the deeds (done in this life) they depart; they do not understand or realize anything. 7
dieAw duAwpuir ADI hoeI ] da-i-aa du-aapur adhee ho-ee.
In Duaapur (i.e. the Second Age), mercy was cut in half .
P. 1024
gurmuiK ivrlw cInY koeI ] gurmukh virlaa cheenai ko-ee.
Some rare of a Guru-oriented realized it.
duie pg Drmu Dry DrxIDr gurmuiK swcu iqQweI hy ]8]
du-ay pag dharam dharay dharṇeedhar gurmukh saach tithaa-ee hay. ||8||
Dharma (i.e. righteousness), the sustainer of the earth, was left with two legs(i.e.. (i.e two of
the four legs of the throne of righteousness were destroyed); (but) the Guru-oriented was there
where truth was. 8
rwjy Drmu krih prQwey ] raajay dharam karahi parthaa-ay.
The kings practiced dharma (i.e. righteousness), but only for self-interest (i.e. for fame).
Awsw bMDy dwnu krwey ] aasaa bandhay daan karaa-ay.
Ties to hope (of rewards), they gave charity.
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI Qwky krm kmweI hy ]9]
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee, thaakay karam kamaa-ee hay. ||9||
(But) without the name of God, liberated was not attained, (although) they had grown weary
of earning (practicing ritualistic) actions. 9
krm Drm kir mukiq mMgwhI ] mukiq pdwrQu sbid slwhI ]
karam dharam kar mukat maNgaa-ee. mukat padaarath sabad salaahee.
Practicing religious rituals they sought for liberation;

(But) the treasure of liberation is in the (i.e. obtained by) praising the word.
ibnu gur sbdY mukiq n hoeI prpMcu kir BrmweI hy ]10]
bin gur sabdai mukat na ho-ee, parpaNch kar bharmaa-ee hay. ||10||
Without the word of the Guru, liberation is not obtained; one may remain in illusion by
show of hypocrisy. 10
mwieAw mmqw CofI n jweI ] sy CUty scu kwr kmweI ]
maa-i-aa mamtaa chhodee na jaa-ee. say chhootay sach kaar kamaa-ee.
Attachment to (i.e. love for) maya can not be abandoned;
they alone obtain release (from attachment to maya), who earn (i.e. practice) deeds of truth.
Aihinis Bgiq rqy vIcwrI Twkur isau bix AweI hy ]11]
ahinis bhagat ratay veechaaree, ṭaakur si-o ban aa-ee hay. ||11||
Day and night, those devotees who remain imbued and contemplate (the word), they
become the Lord’s own (i.e. pleasing and acceptable to the Lord). 11
ieik jp qp kir kir qIrQ nwvih ] ik jap tap kar kar tirath naaveh.
Some chant (hymns) and practice penance, and, take (cleansing) bath at places of pilgrimage.
ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih ] ji-o tudh bhaavai tivai chalaaveh.
They act as You will them to act.
hiT ingRih ApqIju n BIjY ibnu hir gur ikin piq pweI hy ]12]
hath nigrahi apteej na bheejai, bin har gur kin pat paa-ee hay. ||12||
By stubborn practices and controlling the senses, the unsatisfied (mind) is not drenched (in
love of God); no one has ever obtained honour without the Guru.12
klI kwl mih iek kl rwKI ] kalee kaal meh ik kal raakhee.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), one power remains (i.e.. (i.e three of the four legs of the throne
of righteousness were destroyed).
ibnu gur pUry iknY n BwKI ] bin gur pooray kinai na bhaakhee.
Without the perfect Guru, no one has (even) described this (that how can survive be possible
in this state).
mnmuiK kUVu vrqY vrqwrw ibnu siqgur Brmu n jweI hy ]13]
manmukh kooṛ vartai vartaaraa, bin satgur bharam na jaa-ee hay. ||13||
The mind-oriented practices falsehood, this alone is his practice; without the True Guru,
doubts does not depart (i.e. can not be removed). 13
siqguru vyprvwhu isrMdw ] satgur vayparvaahu siraNdaa.
True Guru is (the manifestation of) the carefree Creator .
nw jm kwix n CMdw bMdw ] naa jam kaaṇ na chhaNdaa baNdaa.
He has no obligation of (i.e. is not afraid of) death nor dependant on mortals.
jo iqsu syvy so AibnwsI nw iqsu kwlu sMqweI hy ]14]
jo tis sayvay so abhinaasee, naa tis kaal saNtaa-ee hay. ||14||
Whoever serves Him becomes imperishable; he will not be tormented by death. 14
gur mih Awpu riKAw krqwry ] gur meh aap rakhi-aa kartaaray.
The Creator has placed Himself in the Guru.
gurmuiK koit AsMK auDwry ] gurmukh kot asaNkh udhaaray.
The Guru-oriented has saved tens of millions and countless (beings).
srb jIAw jgjIvnu dwqw inrBau mYlu n kweI hy ]15]
sarab jee-aa jagjeevan daataa, nirbha-o mail na kaa-ee hay. ||15||
The Life of the World (God) is the giver of all beings; no filth sticks to the Fearless (Lord). 15
sgly jwcih gur BMfwrI ] saglay jaacheh gur bhaNdaaree.
Everyone begs (from him), the Guru is the treasurer.
Awip inrMjnu AlK ApwrI ] aap niraNjan alakh apaaree.
He Himself is immaculate, unknowable and infinite (Lord).
nwnku swcu khY pRB jwcY mY dIjY swcu rjweI hy ]16]4]
naanak saach kahai prabh jaachai, mai deejai saach rajaa-ee hay. ||16||4||
Nanak speaks the truth and begs from God: (please) bless me with the truth by Your will. 16.4

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

swcY myly sbid imlwey ] saachai maylay, sabad milaa-ay.
The True unites, and has united (many) through the word.
jw iqsu Bwxw shij smwey ] jaa tis bhaaṇaa, sahj samaa-ay.
When it pleases Him, they merged (with Him), in natural ease.
iqRBvx joiq DrI prmysir Avru n dUjw BweI hy ]1]
taribhavaṇ jot dharee parmaysar, avar na doojaa, bhaa-ee hay. ||1||
God has placed His Light in three worlds; there is no other (at all), O! brethren . 1
ijs ky cwkr iqs kI syvw ] jis kay chaakar, tis kee sayvaa.
The One, whose servant (i.e. devotees) we are, we serve Him.
sbid pqIjY AlK AByvw ] sabad pateejai alakh abhayvaa.
The unknowable and indivisible (Lord) is pleased by the word.
Bgqw kw guxkwrI krqw bKis ley vifAweI hy ]2]
bhagtaa kaa guṇkaaree kartaa, bakhas la-ay vadi-aa-ee hay. ||2||
The Creator blesses His devotees with virtues; He forgives (their vices); this is His greatness. 2
dydy qoit n AwvY swcy ] dayday tot na aavai saachay.
The True gives (gifts), His gifts never run short.
lY lY mukir paudy kwcy ] lai lai mukar pa-uday kaachay.
The false ones (too) receive (gifts), and (then they) deny (having received).
mean deny even after getting and getting.
mUlu n bUJih swic n rIJih dUjY Brim BulweI hy ]3]
mool na boojheh saach na reejheh, doojai bharam bhulaa-ee hay. ||3||
They do not understand their origin (i.e. the Primal Lord), they are not pleased with the
Truth; hence, they wander in duality and doubt.3
gurmuiK jwig rhy idn rwqI ] gurmukh jaag rahay din raatee.
The Guru-oriented remains awake (ie. aware) day and night;
swcy kI ilv gurmiq jwqI ] saachay kee liv gurmat jaatee.
They have known the way of contemplation of the True, through the wisdom of the Guru.
mnmuK soie rhy sy lUty gurmuiK swbqu BweI hy ]4]
manmukh so-ay rahay say lootay, gurmukh saabat bhaa-ee hay. ||4||
The mind-oriented remain asleep, (hence) they are robbed; (while the capital of) the Guru-

oriented ones remain safes. 4
kUVy AwvY kUVy jwvY ] kooṛay aavai kooṛay jaavai.
(The mind-oriented soul bride) comes (into the world) in falsehood, and, departs (from the
world) in falshood.
kUVy rwqI kUVu kmwvY ] kooṛay raatee kooṛ kamaavai.
Imbued with falsehood, she earns falsehood.
sbid imly sy drgh pYDy gurmuiK suriq smweI hy ]5]
sabad milay say dargeh paidhay, gurmukh surat samaa-ee hay. ||5||
Those who are united (with the Lord) through the word, are robed in honour in the court of
the Lord; the Guru-oriented focus their consciousness on Him. 5
kUiV muTI TgI TgvwVI ] kooṛ muṭee ṭagee ṭagvaaṛee.
(The soul bride which is) robbed by falsehood is swindled by the gang of the swindlers (i.e. five
passions i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride).
ijau vwVI EjwiV aujwVI ] ji-o vaaṛee ojaav ujaaṛee.
The garden (of her life) is laid waste, like thewilderness.
nwm ibnw ikCu swid n lwgY hir ibsirAY duKu pweI hy ]6]
naam binaa kichh saad na laagai, har bisri-ai dukh paa-ee hay. ||6||
Without the name, nothing tastes tasty (i.e. delicious), forgetting God, she suffers sorrows. 6
Bojnu swcu imlY AwGweI ] bhojan saach milai aaghaa-ee.
Receiving the food of Truth, one is satiated.
nwm rqnu swcI vifAweI ] naam ratan saachee vadi-aa-ee.
True is the greatness of the jewel of the name.
cInY Awpu pCwxY soeI joqI joiq imlweI hy ]7] cheenai aap pachhaaṇai so-ee, jotee jot milaa-ee hay. ||7||
One, who understands one self, realizes God; and, his light merges into the Light (of God). 7
nwvhu BulI cotw Kwey ] naavhu bhulee, chotaa khaa-ay.
Forgetting (meditation upon) the name, (the soul bride) suffers hits (i.e. punishment).
bhuqu isAwxp Brmu n jwey ] bahut si-aaṇap, bharam na jaa-ay.
(Even) with great (acts of) cleverness, doubt is not dispelled..
pic pic muey Acyq n cyqih Ajgir Bwir ldweI hy ]8]
pach pach mu-ay, achayt, na chayteh, ajgar bhaar ladaa-ee hay. ||8||
They unconscious (i.e. unmindful soul-brides) do not remember (God), and burn (within their
soul and rot) away to death; (they are) loaded with load of python (i.e. heavy load of sins). 8
ibnu bwd ibroDih koeI nwhI ] mY dyKwilhu iqsu swlwhI ]
bin baad birodheh ko-ee naahee. mai daykhaalihu, tis saalaahee.
No one is free of conflict and collision;
show me any one, (and, if there is one) I will praise Him.
mnu qnu Arip imlY jgjIvnu hir isau bxq bxweI hy ]9]
man tan arap milai jagjeevan, har si-o baṇat baṇaa-ee hay. ||9||
Dedicating one’s mind and body (to Him), one meets with the Life of the World (God), then
one develops association (i.e. union) with God. 9
pRB kI giq imiq koie n pwvY ] prabh kee gat mit ko-ay na paavai.

No one can know the state and extent (i.e grandeur and expanse) of God.
jy ko vfw khwie vfweI KwvY ] jay ko vadaa kahaa-ay vadaa-ee khaavai.
Whoever calls himself great, will be eaten by greatness (i.e. will be destroyed by egotism).
swcy swihb qoit n dwqI sglI iqnih aupweI hy ]10]
saachay saahib tot na daatee saglee tineh upaa-ee hay. ||10||
There is no lack of gifts of the true Lord; He has created all (and gives gifts to all). 10
vfI vifAweI vyprvwhy ] vadee vadi-aa-ee vayparvaahay.
Great is the (glorious) greatness of the Carefree (Lord).
Awip aupwey dwnu smwhy ] aap upaa-ay daan samaahay.
He Himself creates, and gives sustenance to all.
Awip dieAwlu dUir nhI dwqw imilAw shij rjweI hy ]11]
aap da-i-aal door nahee daataa, mili-aa sahj rajaa-ee hay. ||11||
The Merciful Giver (Lord) not far from us; one meets with Him in natural ease, by His will. 11
ieik sogI ieik roig ivAwpy ] ik sogee ik rog vi-aapay.
(In this world) some are sad, some are afflicted with diseases.
jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy ] jo kichh karay so aapay aapay.
Whatever He (i.e. God) does, He does by Himself.
Bgiq Bwau gur kI miq pUrI Anhid sbid lKweI hy ]12]
bhagat bhaa-o gur kee mat pooree, anhad sabad lakhaa-ee hay. ||12||
One, who loves the Lord with devotion, through the wisdom of the Guru, He (i.e. the God)
blesses him with realization through the unstruck word. 12
ieik nwgy BUKy Bvih Bvwey ] ik naagay bhookhay, bhaveh bhavaa-ay.
(In this world) some wander and roam around, naked and hungry (i.e. renounce the world ).
ieik hTu kir mrih n kImiq pwey ] ik haṭ kar mareh, na keemat paa-ay.
Some act in stubbornness (i.e. practice penance) and die, (but) can not know the value (of God).
giq Aivgq kI swr n jwxY bUJY sbdu kmweI hy ]13]
gat avigat kee saar na jaanai, boojhai sabad kamaa-ee hay. ||13||
They do not know the difference between good and bad; (this is) known by earning (i.e.
through practice of) the word (of the Guru). 13
ieik qIriQ nwvih AMnu n Kwvih ] ik tirath naaveh aNn na khaaveh.
Some bath at places of pilgrimage, and, do not eat food (i.e. practice fasting).
ieik Agin jlwvih dyh Kpwvih ] ik agan jalaaveh dayh khapaaveh.
Some burn fire* and torment their bodies. [* the ascetics burn fire in open to practice austerities].
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI ikqu ibiD pwir lµGweI hy ]14]
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee, kit bidh paar laNghaa-ee hay. ||14||
Without (meditation upon) the name of God, there is no liberation; how can anyone crossover
to the other shore (of the world ocean). 14
gurmiq Cofih auJiV jweI ] gurmat chhodeh ujhaṛ jaa-ee.
Abandoning the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, some wander in wilderness.
mnmuiK rwmu n jpY AvweI ] manmukh raam na japai, avaa-ee.
The mind-oriented does not meditate upon God, (and wanders like a wasteful) vagrant.
pic pic bUfih kUVu kmwvih kUiV kwlu bYrweI hy ]15]

pach pach boodeh, kooṛ kamaaveh, kooṛ kaal bairaa-ee hay. ||15||
Burning (within) they are destroyed and drowned (i.e. they rot to spiritual death), (but, still)
earn (i.e. practise) falsehood; (even) death becomes their enemy. 15
hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY ] hukmay aavai hukmay jaavai.
By the command (of God) one comes (into the world), and, by His command one departs.
bUJY hukmu so swic smwvY ] boojhai hukam so saach samaavai.
One who realizes the command (of God), merges in True (Lord).
nwnk swcu imlY min BwvY gurmuiK kwr kmweI hy ]16]5]
naanak, saach milai man bhaavai, gurmukh kaar kamaa-ee hay. ||16||5||
Nanak (says): he (alone) unites with the True (Lord) whose mind is pleased with Him, and,
earns deeds (i.e. practices meditation upon the Lord) through the Guru. 16.5

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Awpy krqw purKu ibDwqw ] aapay kartaa purakh bidhaataa.
He Himself is the Creator Person, the Architect (of Destiny);
ijin Awpy Awip aupwie pCwqw ] jin aapay aap upaa-ay pachhaataa.
He Himself has created (the world), and, He Himself evaluates (the deeds of the beings).
Awpy siqguru Awpy syvku Awpy isRsit aupweI hy ]1]
aapay satgur aapay sayvak, aapay sarisat upaa-ee hay. ||1||
He Himself is the True Guru; he Himself is the servant; and, Himself created the world. 1
Awpy nyVY nwhI dUry ] aapay nayṛai naahee dooray.
He Himself is near (ever in presence); (He is) not far away.
bUJih gurmuiK sy jn pUry ] boojheh gurmukh say jan pooray.
(Those, who) understand Him through the Guru, are perfect beings (i.e. devotees of God).
iqn kI sMgiq Aihinis lwhw gur sMgiq eyh vfweI hy ]2]
tin kee saNgat ahinis laahaa, gur saNgat ayh vadaa-ee hay. ||2||
Associating with them is a profit, day and night (i.e. always); (but) this greatness is obtained
through the company of the Guru. 2
juig juig sMq Bly pRB qyry ] jug jug saNt bhalay prabh tayray.
Throughout the Ages, Your God-oriented persons are good (i.e. pious persons).
hir gux gwvih rsn rsyry ] har guṇ gaavahi rasan rasayray.
They sing with their tongue (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, savour the essence.
ausqiq krih prhir duKu dwldu ijn nwhI icMq prweI hy ]3]
ustat karahi parhar dukh daalad, jin naahee chint paraa-ee hay. ||3||
They praise God, and, get rid of their sorrows and poverty. They are not afraid of anyone
else. 3
Eie jwgq rhih n sUqy dIsih ] o-ay jaagat raheh, na sootay deeseh.
They remain awake (i.e aware of maya), and, do not appear to sleep (in indolence).
sMgiq kul qwry swcu prIsih ] sangat kul taaray, saach pareeseh.
Their company saves families; they serve (the food of) Truth (i.e. preach Truth to everyone).
kilml mYlu nwhI qy inrml Eie rhih Bgiq ilv lweI hy ]4]
kalimal mail naahee tay nirmal, o-ay raheh bhagat liv laa-ee hay. ||4||

The filth of sins does not stick to them; they are immaculate; they remain absorbed in loving
devotion. 4
bUJhu hir jn siqgur bwxI ] boojhhu har jan satgur baṇee.
(O! brethren) understand the word of the True Guru in the company of the servants (i.e.
devotees) of God.
eyhu jobnu swsu hY dyh purwxI ] ayhu joban saas hai dayh puraaṇee.
This youth, breath (of life) and body shall wear out (i.e. pass away).
Awju kwil mir jweIAY pRwxI hir jpu jip irdY iDAweI hy ]5]
aaj kaal mar jaa-ee-ai paraaṇee, har jap jap ridai dhi-aa-ee hay. ||5||
O! mortal (being), we shall die to-day or to-morrow (i.e. sooner or later), (so) chant (the name
of) God and meditate upon Him within your heart. 5
Cofhu pRwxI kUV kbwVw ] chhodahu praaṇee koov kabaṛaa.
O! mortal, abandon falsehood and futile acts
kUVu mwry kwlu auCwhwVw ] kooṛ maaray kaal uchhaahaarhaa.
Death actively punishes the false ebings.
swkq kUiV pcih min haumY duhu mwrig pcY pcweI hy ]6]
saakat kooṛ pacheh man ha-umai duhu maarag pachai pachaa-ee hay. ||6||
The non-believer is burnt (i.e. ruined) through falsehood, (because) they have egotism in their
minds; duality burns and rots them away. 6
P. 1026
Coifhu inMdw qwiq prweI ] chhodihu nindaa taat paraa-ee.
Abandon slander and jealousy of others.
piV piV dJih swiq n AweI ] paṛ paṛ dajheh saat na aa-ee.
Those who fall (i.e. indulge) in these burn and o not find peace.
imil sqsMgiq nwmu slwhhu Awqm rwmu sKweI hy ]7]
mil satsangat naam salaahahu, aatam raam sakhaa-ee hay. ||7||
Joining the true congregation, praise the name (of God); the Supreme Soul shall be your
helper. 7
Cofhu kwm k®oDu buirAweI ] chhodahu kaam krodh buri-aa-ee.
Abandon sexual desire, anger and wickedness.
haumY DMDu Cofhu lµptweI ] ha-umai dhandh chhodahu lamptaa-ee.
Abandon entanglement in egotistical affairs and lustful activities.
siqgur srix prhu qw aubrhu ieau qrIAY Bvjlu BweI hy ]8]
satgur saraṇ parahu taa ubrahu, i-o taree-ai bhavjal, bhaa-ee hay. ||8||
If you seek the refuge of the True Guru, you shall be saved; and, in this way you shall cross
over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean), O! brethren. 8
AwgY ibml ndI Agin ibKu Jylw ] aagai bimal nadee agan bikh jhaylaa.
In the hereafter, there is a river of fire, difficult to cross, whose flames are poisonous
iqQY Avru n koeI jIau iekylw ] tithai avar na ko-ee jee-o ikaylaa.
No one else will be there; your soul shall be all alone there.
BV BV Agin swgru dy lhrI piV dJih mnmuK qweI hy ]9]
bhaṛ bhaṛ agan saagar day lahree, paṛ dajheh manmukh taa-ee hay. ||9||
The ocean of fire throws out blazing waves; the mind-oriented fall into it and are burnt there. 9
gur pih mukiq dwnu dy BwxY ] gur peh mukat, daan day bhaaṇai.
The liberation is with the Guru, he bestow this gift by His will.
ijin pwieAw soeI ibiD jwxY ] jin paa-i-aa, so-ee bidh jaaṇai.
He alone knows the way who has obtained this (gift of liberation).
ijn pwieAw iqn pUChu BweI suKu siqgur syv kmweI hy ]10]
jin paa-i-aa tin poochhahu bhaa-ee sukh satgur sayv kamaa-ee hay. ||10||
(So) ask those who have obtained (this gift), O! brethren, (they shall tell that) happiness is in
earning (i.e. performing) the service of the Guru. 10
gur ibnu auriJ mrih bykwrw ] gur bin urajh mareh baykaaraa.
Without the Guru, people die entangled in sins.
jmu isir mwry kry KuAwrw ] jam sir maaray karay khu-aaraa.
The messenger of death hits his head (i.e. punishes heavily), and humiliates them
bwDy mukiq nwhI nr inMdk fUbih inMd prweI hy ]11]
baadhay mukat naahee nar niNdak, doobeh niNd paraa-ee hay. ||11||
Those who slander remain in bonds, and, are not freed; they are drowned in slandering others. 11
bolhu swcu pCwxhu AMdir ] bolhu saach pachhaaṇhu andar.
(So, O! brethren) speak the truth and realize (the Lord) within.
dUir nwhI dyKhu kir nµdir ] door naahee daykhhu kar naNdar.
He is not far away, look and behold Him.
ibGnu nwhI gurmuiK qru qwrI ieau Bvjlu pwir lµGweI hy ]12]
bighan naahee gurmukh tar taaree, i-o bhavjal paar laNghaa-ee hay. ||12||
No obstacles blocks the Guru-oriented while crossing over; this is how they cross over to the
other side of the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 12
dyhI AMdir nwmu invwsI ] dayhee aNdar naam nivaasee.
The name (of the Lord) dwells within the body (i.e. heart);
Awpy krqw hY AibnwsI ] aapay kartaa hai abhinaasee.
The Creator Lord is imperishable (He dwells with the soul).
nw jIau mrY n mwirAw jweI kir dyKY sbid rjweI hy ]13]
naa jee-o marai na maari-aa jaa-ee, kar daykhai sabad rajaa-ee hay. ||13||
The soul does not die, nor it can be killed (because it is a segment of God); God creates it through
His word and watches over it (i.e. monitors it and takes its care). 13
Ehu inrmlu hY nwhI AMiDAwrw ] oh nirmal hai, naahee andhi-aaraa.
He is immaculate (i.e. pure Light) and has no darkness (of maya).
Ehu Awpy qKiq bhY sicAwrw ] oh aapay takhat bahai sachi-aaraa.
The True (Lord) Himself sits on His throne.
swkq kUVy bMiD BvweIAih mir jnmih AweI jweI hy ]14]
saakat kooṛay baNdh bhavaa-ee-ah, mar janmeh aa-ee jaa-ee hay. ||14||
The non-believers, false are bound and made to wander (in reincarnation); they die and are
born (again); they continue coming and going (in reincarnation). 14
gur ky syvk siqgur ipAwry ] gur kay sayvak satgur pi-aaray.
The servants of the Guru are the beloveds of the True Guru.
Eie bYsih qKiq su sbdu vIcwry ] o-ay baiseh takhat so sabad veechaaray.
They sit on the throne (of their heart), and, contemplate the word.
qqu lhih AMqrgiq jwxih sqsMgiq swcu vfweI hy ]15]
tat laheh aNtargat jaaneh, satsaNgat saach vadaa-ee hay. ||15||
They search (and find) the essence of Reality and realize within their inner selves; and, they
obtain true glory (i.e. honour) through the company of the true. 15
Awip qrY jnu ipqrw qwry ] aap tarai jan pitraa taaray.
(The servant of God) saves himself, and, saves his elder ancestors also.
sMgiq mukiq su pwir auqwry ] saNgat mukat so paar utaaray.
Joining his company one is liberated, and, one crosses over (the world ocean).
nwnku iqs kw lwlw golw ijin gurmuiK hir ilv lweI hy ]16]6]
naanak tis kaa laalaa golaa jin gurmukh har liv laa-ee hay. ||16||6||
Nanak (says): I am servant and slave of that being who, through the Guru, has focussed his
mind on God. 16. 6

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

kyqy jug vrqy gubwrY ] kaytay jug vartay gubaarai.
For many Ages, only darkness prevailed.
qwVI lweI Apr ApwrY ] taaṛee laa-ee apar apaarai.
The Infinite, illimitable (Lord), was absorbed in trance.
DuMDUkwir inrwlmu bYTw nw qid DMDu pswrw hy ]1]
dhuNdhookaar niraalam baiṭaa, naa tad dhaNdh pasaaraa hay. ||1||
The detached (Lord) sat (in trance) in darkness; (then) there was no expanse of worldly
entanglements. 1
jug CqIh iqnY vrqwey ] jug chhateeh tinai vartaa-ay.
Thirty-six Ages passed like this.
ijau iqsu Bwxw iqvY clwey ] ji-o tis bhaaṇaa tivai chalaa-ay.
He caused everything to happen as it pleased His will..
iqsih srIku n dIsY koeI Awpy Apr Apwrw hy ]2] tiseh sareek na deesai ko-ee, aapay apar apaaraa hay. ||2||
No rival of His can be seen; He Himself is infinite and illimitable. 2
gupqy bUJhu jug cquAwry ] guptay boojhhu jug chatu-aaray.
Understand this (O! brethren) that throughout the Four Ages, He prevailed hidden.
Git Git vrqY audr mJwry ] ghat ghat vartai udar majhaaray.
He pervades each and every heart and within the body.
jugu jugu eykw eykI vrqY koeI bUJY gur vIcwrw hy ]3]
jug jug aykaa aykee vartai, ko-ee boojhai gur veechaaraa hay. ||3||
Throughout the Ages, the One and the One alone prevails; rare are those who contemplate
and understand through the teaching of the Guru. 3
ibMdu rkqu imil ipMfu srIAw ] bind rakat mil piNd saree-aa.
From the union of sperm and blood body was formed.
pauxu pwxI AgnI imil jIAw ] pa-un paanee agnee mil jee-aa.
Uniting together air, water, fire, the living being was created.
Awpy coj kry rMg mhlI hor mwieAw moh pswrw hy ]4]
aapay choj karay raNg mahlee hor maa-i-aa moh pasaaraa hay. ||4||

Sitting in the mansion (of body), He Himself joyfully wondrous plays and (has created) the
expanse of maya and emotional attachment. 4
grB kuMfl mih aurD iDAwnI ] garabh kuNdal meh uradh dhi-aanee.
Within the circumference of the womb (of the mother), (hanging) upside-down, (the mortal)
meditated upon (God).
Awpy jwxY AMqrjwmI ] aapay jaaṇai aNtarjaamee.
The Controller of Souls (i.e. God) Himself knows (the minds of every being).
swis swis scu nwmu smwly AMqir audr mJwrw hy ]5]
saas saas sach naam samaalay, aNtar udar majhaaraa hay. ||5||
Within the womb (of the mother), he meditated upon the name of the True (Lord), with each
and every breath. 5
P. 1027
cwir pdwrQ lY jig AwieAw ] chaar padaarath lai jag aa-i-aa.
(The mortal being) came into the world with four blessings.*
[*The for blessings are: 1. Dharam (religious activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam (sexual pleasure,
entertainment), 4.Moksh (liberation)].
isv skqI Gir vwsw pwieAw ] siv saktee ghar, vaasaa paa-i-aa.
(But, here) it began dwelling in the house of Shiv’s Shakti (i.e. maya created by God).
eyku ivswry qw ipV hwry AMDulY nwmu ivswrw hy ]6]
ayk visaaray taa pirh haaray, aNdhulai naam visaaraa hay. ||6||
Forgetting the One (Lord), one loses the game (because) the blind (i.e. blinded by attachment
to maya) forgets the name (of God). 6
bwlku mrY bwlk kI lIlw ] kih kih rovih bwlu rMgIlw ]
baalak marai baalak kee leelaa. kahi kahi roveh baal raNgeelaa.
When a child dies (i.e. if one dies in childhood, the family talks about) the plays of the child;
they cry saying and talking that he was a playful child.
ijs kw sw so iqn hI lIAw BUlw rovxhwrw hy ]7] jis kaa saa so tin hee lee-aa, bhoolaa rovaṇhaaraa hay. ||7||
(But) He who owned him, has taken (back); those who weep are mistaken (i.e. cry uselessly). 7
Bir jobin mir jwih ik kIjY ] myrw myrw kir rovIjY ]
bhar joban mar jaahi ke keejai. mayraa mayraa kar roveejai.
If one dies in the prime of his youth, (then) what can be done?
People cry out (mourning): ‘mine’, ‘mine’.
mwieAw kwrix roie ivgUcih iDRgu jIvxu sMswrw hy ]8]
maa-i-aa kaaraṇ ro-ay vigoocheh, dharig jeevaṇ saNsaaraa hay. ||8||
They cry for the sake of maya and are ruined. Cursed is this life in the world. 8
kwlI hU Puin Dauly Awey ] kaalee hoo fun dha-ulay aa-ay.
The black (hair), have now turned gray.
ivxu nwvY gQu gieAw gvwey ] viṇ naavai gath ga-i-aa gavaa-ay.
Without the name, they depart from the world, losing their capital.
durmiq AMDulw ibnis ibnwsY mUTy roie pUkwrw hy ]9]
durmat aNdhulaa binas binaasai, mooṭay ro-ay pookaaraa hay. ||9||
In bad wisdom, the blind (i.e. blinded by maya) is ruined and (also) gets others ruin; robbed

(by maya) he weeps and cries. 9
Awpu vIcwir n rovY koeI ] siqguru imlY q soJI hoeI ]
aap veechaar na rovai ko-ee. satgur milai ta sojhee ho-ee.
One, who understands himself, does not cry;
(But) one understands this when one meets with the True Guru.
ibnu gur bjr kpwt n KUlih sbid imlY insqwrw hy ]10]
bin gur bajar kapaat na khooleh sabad milai nistaaraa hay. ||10||
Without the Guru, the hard gates are not opened (i.e. veil of ignorance is not removed);
liberation is (obtained only) through the word (of the Guru). 10
ibriD BieAw qnu CIjY dyhI ] rwmu n jpeI AMiq snyhI ]
biradh bha-i-aa tan chheejai dayhee. raam na jap-ee aNt sanayhee.
(When) one becomes old, the body gets decayed;
(but, still) he does not meditate upon God, (who is only) friend at the end.
nwmu ivswir clY muih kwlY drgh JUTu KuAwrw hy ]11]
naam visaar chalai muhi kaalai, dargeh jhooṭ khu-aaraa hay. ||11||
Forgetting the name (of God), he departs with his face blackened (i.e. dishonoured); the false
are humiliated in the court (of God). 11
nwmu ivswir clY kUiVAwro ] naam visaar chalai koorhi-aaro.
Forgetting the name, the false ones depart (from this world);
Awvq jwq pVY isir Cwro ] aavat jaat paṛai sir chhaaro.
Coming and going dust falls on their heads.
swhurVY Gir vwsu n pwey pyeIAVY isir mwrw hy ]12]
saahurṛai ghar vaas na paa-ay, pay-ee-aṛai sir maaraa hay. ||12||
It (i.e. soul-bride) does not find abode in her in-laws home (i.e. in this world); and, in the
parents’s home (i.e. court of God, the Father), she is beaten on head (i.e. heavily punished). 12
KwjY pYJY rlI krIjY ] khaajai paijhai ralee kareejai.
(O! brethren) one eats, dresses, and enjoys pleasures.
ibnu AB BgqI bwid mrIjY ] bin abh bhagtee baad mareejai.
(But) without the loving devotion (of God), one dies uselessly (i.e. life is wasted in vain).
sr Apsr kI swr n jwxY jmu mwry ikAw cwrw hy ]13]
sar apsar kee saar na jaaṇai, jam maaray ki-aa chaaraa hay. ||13||
One does not distinguish between good and bad; (hence, when) he is beaten by the messenger
of death, (then) what option does he have one have? 13
privrqI nrivriq pCwxY ] gur kY sMig sbid Gru jwxY ]
parvirtee narvirat pachhaaṇai. gur kai saNg sabad ghar jaaṇai.
One, who understands (i.e. realizes) inactive life while living active life (i.e. when one is
indifferent to the worldly life of pleasures and comforts while living as a householder’s life); and,
realizes his own home (i.e. his self), by associating himself to the word of the Guru.
iks hI mMdw AwiKHe n clY sic Krw sicAwrw hy ]14]
kis hee maNdaa aakhy na chalai, sach kharaa sachi-aaraa hay. ||14||
He does not call anyone else bad and treat (him so); one, who follows truth, is judged as
genuine by the True (Lord). 14
swc ibnw dir isJY n koeI ] saach binaa dar sijhai na ko-ee.
Without truth, no one succeeds at His door (i.e. in His court).
swc sbid pYJY piq hoeI ] saach sabad paijhai pat ho-ee.
By attaching to the true word one is robed in honour (in His court).
Awpy bKis ley iqsu BwvY haumY grbu invwrw hy ]15]
aapay bakhas la-ay tis bhaavai, ha-umai garab nivaaraa hay. ||15||
He Himself forgives the one with whom He is pleased. He liberates himself from egotism and
pride. 15
gur ikrpw qy hukmu pCwxY ] jugh jugMqr kI ibiD jwxY ]
gur kirpaa tay hukam pachhaanai. jugah jugaNtar kee bidh jaaṇai.
One, who realizes the command (of God) by the grace of the Guru;
he comes to known the way (of life) of (all) the Ages.
nwnk nwmu jphu qru qwrI scu qwry qwrxhwrw hy ]16]1]7]
naanak, naam japahu tar taaree, sach taaray taaraṇhaaraa hay. ||16||1||7||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon the name (of God), (the name is) boat to cross over
(to the other side of the world ocean); the True Lord will carry you across. 16.1.7

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

hir sw mIqu nwhI mY koeI ] ijin qnu mnu dIAw suriq smoeI ]
har saa meet naahee mai ko-ee. jin tan man dee-aa, surat samo-ee.
I have no other friend like God;
who gave me body and mind, and, have infused consciousness (into me).
srb jIAw pRiqpwil smwly so AMqir dwnw bInw hy ]1]
sarab jee-aa partipaal samaalay, so aNtar daanaa beenaa hay. ||1||
He sustains and cares for all beings; He dwells within (all); (He is) all-wise (i.e. knows
everything) and beholds everything. 1
guru srvru hm hMs ipAwry ] swgr mih rqn lwl bhu swry ]
gur sarvar, ham haNs pi-aaray. saagar meh ratan laal baho saaray.
The Guru is a pool (of excellences); we are the swans of the Beloved (Lord);
In the pool (of the Guru), there are many (i.e. countless) jewels and rubies.
moqI mwxk hIrw hir jsu gwvq mnu qnu BInw hy ]2]
motee maaṇak heeraa har jas, gaavat man tan bheenaa hay. ||2||
There are pearls, gems, and diamonds in (the singing of) the praise of God; (singing His praise)
my mind and body are drenched (i.e. are pleased). 2
hir Agm Agwhu AgwiD inrwlw ] har agam agaahu agaadh niraalaa.
God is inaccessible, incomprehensible, unfathomable, inaccessible and detached.
hir AMqu n pweIAY gur gopwlw ] har aNt na paa-ee-ai gur gopaalaa.
The limits of God can not be known; He is the great Sustainer of the World.
siqgur miq qwry qwrxhwrw myil ley rMig lInw hy ]3]
satgur mat taaray taaraṇhaaraa, mayl la-ay raNg leenaa hay. ||3||
Through the wisdom of the True Guru, the Saviour saves us; by colouring us with His love, He
unites us (in His union). 3
siqgur bwJhu mukiq iknyhI ] Ehu Awid jugwdI rwm snyhI ]
satgur baajhahu mukat kinayhee. oh aad jugaadee raam sanayhee.
Without the Guru, what kind of liberation it is ? (i.e. there is no liberation without the True Guru).
He has been the friend of God, from the very beginning of the time and throughout the Ages.
drgh mukiq kry kir ikrpw bKsy Avgux kInw hy ]4]
dargeh mukat karay kar kirpaa, bakhsay avguṇ keenaa hay. ||4||
Being graceful, He liberates and blesses place in His court; He forgives all the vices. 4
P. 1028
siqguru dwqw mukiq krwey ] satgur daataa mukat karaa-ay.
The True Guru, the giver, grants liberation.
siB rog gvwey AMimRq rsu pwey ] sabh rog gavaa-ay aMmrit ras paa-ay.
He eradicates all ailments by placing (within us) the AMmrit essence (of the name).
jmu jwgwiq nwhI kru lwgY ijsu Agin buJI Tru sInw hy ]5]
jam jaagaat naahee kar laagai, jis agan bujhee ṭar seenaa hay. ||5||
Death, the tax-collecter, does not (any) tax on those whose inner fire has been put off and his
heart has been cooled (i.e. soothed). 5
kwieAw hMs pRIiq bhu DwrI ] kaa-i-aa haNs preet baho dhaaree.
The body has enshrined great love for the (soul) swan.
Ehu jogI purKu Eh suMdir nwrI ] oh jogee purakh oh sundar naaree.
(But) it (i.e. soul) is (like) a Yogi being, and, she (i.e. body) is (like) a beautiful woman.
Aihinis BogY coj ibnodI auiT clqY mqw n kInw hy ]6]
ahinis bhogai choj binodee, uṭ chaltai mataa na keenaa hay. ||6||
Day and night, he enjoys her with wondrous play; (but) arises and depart without consulting
her (i.e. when departing from the world, the soul swan does not consult the body, and, follows just
the command of God). 6
isRsit aupwie rhy pRB CwjY ] sarisat upaa-ay rahay prabh chhaajai.
Creating the universe, God remain deffused over it.
paux pwxI bYsMqru gwjY ] pa-un paaṇee baisaNtar gaajai.
He roars (i.e. manifests Himself and vibrates through) in wind, in water, in fire.
mnUAw folY dUq sMgiq imil so pwey jo ikCu kInw hy ]7]
manoo-aa dolai doot saNgat mil, so paa-ay jo kichh keenaa hay. ||7||
Keeping company with the enemies (i.e. five passions), the mind wavers; and, it obtains the
reward of its own actions. 7
nwmu ivswir doK duK shIAY ] naam visaar dokh dukh sahee-ai.
Forgetting the name, one suffer sorrows for his evil acts;
hukmu BieAw clxw ikau rhIAY ] hukam bha-i-aa chalaṇaa ki-o rahee-ai.
When the command to depart is issued, how can one remain (here in this world)?
nrk kUp mih goqy KwvY ijau jl qy bwhir mInw hy ]8]
narak koop meh gotay khaavai, ji-o jal tay baahar meenaa hay. ||8||
One falls into the well of hell, one drowns, like the fish out of water. 8
caurwsIh nrk swkqu BogweIAY ] cha-oraaseeh narak saakat bhogaa-ee-ai.
The non-believer has to endure eighty-four (hundred thousand) hells (i.e. incarnations).

jYsw kIcY qYso pweIAY ] jaisaa keechai taiso paa-ee-ai.
Whatever one acts, so does he obtain (as one sows, so does he reap).
siqgur bwJhu mukiq n hoeI ikriq bwDw gRis dInw hy ]9]
satgur baajhahu mukat na ho-ee, kirat baadhaa garas deenaa hay. ||9||
Without the True Guru, there is n liberation; one is seized and bound for his actions. 9
Kmfy Dwr glI Aiq BIVI ] khaNday dhaar galee at bheeṛee.
The lane (i.e. path after death) is very narrow, (and thin like) the sharp edge of (the blade of) the
double-edged sword.
lyKw lIjY iql ijau pIVI ] laykhaa leejai til ji-o peerhee.
(There) one calls to account, and (the guilty one), is crushed like sesame seed (in the oil press).
mwq ipqw klqR suq bylI nwhI ibnu hir rs mukiq n kInw hy ]10]
maat pitaa kaltra sut baylee naahee, bin har ras mukat na keenaa hay. ||10||
Mother, father, wife, sons - no one is is a friend (in the end); without the essence (of the name)
of God, no one is liberated. 10
mIq sKy kyqy jg mwhI ] meet sakhay kaytay jag maahee.
(O! brethren) there are many friends and companions in the world.
ibnu gur prmysr koeI nwhI ] bin gur parmaysar ko-ee naahee.
(But) without the Guru and God, there is no one (who can save one, there).
gur kI syvw mukiq prwieix Anidnu kIrqnu kInw hy ]11]
gur kee sayvaa mukat paraa-iṇ, an-din keertan keenaa hay. ||11||
Service to the Guru is the (only) source for (i.e. way to) liberation; (so, O! brethren) day and
night sing the praise (of God). 11
kUVu Coif swcy kau Dwvhu ] jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu ]
kooṛ chhod saachay ka-o dhaavahu. jo ichhahu so-ee fal paavhu.
Abandon falsehood, and, follow the ;
and, obtain the fruits, and obtain the fruit of you desires.
swc vKr ky vwpwrI ivrly lY lwhw saudw kInw hy ]12]
saach vakhar kay vaapaaree virlay, lai laahaa sa-udaa keenaa hay. ||12||
Rare are those who trade in merchandise of Truth; those, who deal in it, obtain the profit. 12
hir hir nwmu vKru lY clhu ] har har naam vakhar lai chalhu.
(O! brethren) depart (from this world) with the merchandise of the name of God, the Lord.
drsnu pwvhu shij mhlhu ] darsan paavhu sahj mahlahu.
You shall obtain His vision is His mansion, in natural ease.
gurmuiK Koij lhih jn pUry ieau smdrsI cInw hy ]13]
gurmukh khoj laheh jan pooray, i-o samadrasee cheenaa hay. ||13||
The perfect servants (i.e. devotees) search and find Him through the Guru; in this way they
understand (i.e. realize) the One who looks upon all alike. 13
pRB byAMq gurmiq ko pwvih ] prabh bay-aNt, gurmat ko paavahi.
God is endless, (only a rare) one finds(i.e. unites with) Him through the wisdom of the Guru.
gur kY sbid mn kau smJwvih ] gur kai sabad man ka-o samjhaavahi.
They instructs their mind through the word of the Guru.
siqgur kI bwxI siq siq kir mwnhu ieau Awqm rwmY lInw hy ]14]

satgur kee baṇee sat sat kar maanhu i-o aatam raamai leenaa hay. ||14||
Accept the word of the True Guru as true and true, and, in this way, you shall merge in the
Supreme Soul. 14
nwrd swrd syvk qyry ] iqRBvix syvk vfhu vfyry ]
naarad saarad sayvak tayray. taribhavaṇ sayvak vadahu vadayray.
Naarad (i.e. Naardmuni) and Saarad (i.e. Sarasvati) are Your servants;
the greatest of the great, in (all the) three worlds, are (also) Your servants.
sB qyrI kudriq qU isir isir dwqw sBu qyro kwrxu kInw hy ]15]
sabh tayree kudrat, too sir sir daataa, sabh tayro kaaraṇ keenaa hay. ||15||
This all creation is Yours, and, You are the giver of all; this all creation is created by You. 15
ieik dir syvih drdu v\wey ] ik dar sayveh darad vanjaa-ay.
Some serve at Your door, and, their sufferings are dispelled.
Eie drgh pYDy siqgurU Cfwey ] o-ay dargeh paidhay satguroo chhadaa-ay.
Those who are liberated by the True Guru, are robed in honour in the court (of God).
haumY bMDn siqguir qoVy icqu cMclu clix n dInw hy ]16]
ha-umai baNdhan satgur torhay, chit chaNchal chalan na deenaa hay. ||16||
The true Guru breaks their bonds of egotism; and, restraint their fickle mind. 16
siqgur imlhu cInhu ibiD sweI ] ijqu pRBu pwvhu gxq n kweI ]
satgur milhu cheenahu bidh saa-ee. jit prabh paavhu gaṇat na kaa-ee.
(O! brethren) meet the True Guru, and, know that way;
with which you shall find God, and, (your past deeds shall) not be subject to accounts.
haumY mwir krhu gur syvw jn nwnk hir rMig BInw hy ]17]2]8]
ha-umai maar karahu gur sayvaa, jan naanak har raNg bheenaa hay. ||17||2||8||
Nanak (says): Subdue your egotism, serve the Guru, and, you shall be drenched with the love
of God. 17.2.8

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Asur sGwrx rwmu hmwrw ] asur saghaaraṇ raam hamaaraa.
My Lord is the Destroyer of Demons.
Git Git rmeIAw rwmu ipAwrw ] ghat ghat rama-ee-aa raam pi-aaraa.
My beloved Lord pervades each and every heart.
nwly AlKu n lKIAY mUly gurmuiK ilKu vIcwrw hy ]1]
naalay alakh na lakhee-ai moolay gurmukh likh veechaaraa hay. ||1||
The Unseen (Lord) is with us, (but) He can not be seen at all; (O! brethren) contemplate Him
through the Guru and inscribe it (within your heart). 1
gurmuiK swDU srix qumwrI ] kir ikrpw pRiB pwir auqwrI ]
gurmukh saadhoo saraṇ tumaaree. kar kirpaa, prabh, paar utaaree.
The Guru-oriented, the God-oriented, who seeks Your refuge (O! Lord);
You bestow Your grace upon him, O! Lord, and, carry him across (the world ocean).
P. 1029
Agin pwxI swgru Aiq ghrw guru siqguru pwir auqwrw hy ]2]
agan paaṇee saagar, at gahraa, gur satgur paar utaaraa hay. ||2||

(This world is), the ocean of fiery waters (overflowing with vices and maya), is very deep; (and,
if one seeks his refuge) the Guru, the True Guru, carries across to the other shore. 2
mnmuK AMDuly soJI nwhI ] manmukh aNdhulay sojhee naahee.
The mind-oriented are blind (i.e. ignorant); (they) have no understanding;
Awvih jwih mrih mir jwhI ] aavahi jaahi mareh mar jaahee.
They come and go (in reincarnation), (they) die (and are born) to die (over and over again).
pUrib iliKAw lyKu n imteI jm dir AMDu KuAwrw hy ]3]
poorab likhi-aa laykh na mit-ee jam dar aNdh khu-aaraa hay. ||3||
The pre-inscribed writ cannot be erased, the blind (i.e. ignorant) suffer at the door of death. 3
ieik Awvih jwvih Gir vwsu n pwvih ] ikrq ky bwDy pwp kmwvih ]
ik aavahi jaaveh ghar vaas na paavahi. kirat kay baadhay paap kamaaveh.
Some come and go (into this world), (but) they do not find place in their own home (i.e. peace
and poise of their hearts);
bound by their past actions, they commit sins.
AMDuly soJI bUJ n kweI loBu burw AhMkwrw hy ]4]
aNdhulay sojhee boojh na kaa-ee, lobh buraa ahaMkaaraa hay. ||4||
The blind (i.e. spiritually ignorant) ones have no understanding, (hence they remain engrossed
in) greed and egotism (which) are bad for them (i.e. they ruin them). 4
ipr ibnu ikAw iqsu Dn sIgwrw ] pir bin ki-aa tis dhan seegaaraa.
Without the Husband (Lord), what good is decoration for that (soul) bride?
pr ipr rwqI Ksmu ivswrw ] par pir raatee, khasam visaaraa.
She is in love with another's husband, and, has forgotten her Husband.
ijau bysuAw pUq bwpu ko khIAY iqau Pokt kwr ivkwrw hy ]5]
ji-o baysu-aa poot baap ko kahee-ai, ti-o fokat kaar vikaaraa hay. ||5||
As, who can be called a father of the son of a prostitute (i.e. no one gives him respect), so are
useless the deeds done (by the soul bride who has forgotten her Husband and in love with another). 5
pRyq ipMjr mih dUK Gnyry ] parayt piNjar meh dookh ghanayray.
The ghost (i.e. the sinner mind) in the skeleton (of body) suffers many sorts of afflictions.
nrik pcih AigAwn AMDyry ] narak pacheh agi-aan aNdhayray.
The spiritually ignorant, blind, are ruined in hell.
Drm rwie kI bwkI lIjY ijin hir kw nwmu ivswrw hy ]6]
dharam raa-ay kee baakee leejai, jin har kaa naam visaaraa hay. ||6||
Those, who forget the name of God, have to pay the balance of his accounts, to the Judge of
Righteousness. 6
sUrju qpY Agin ibKu Jwlw ] sooraj tapai agan bikh jhaalaa.
The scorching sun blazes up with the flames of poison (i.e. the mind of a mind-oriented person
blazes up with flames of desires).
Apqu psU mnmuKu byqwlw ] apat pasoo manmukh baytaalaa.
The mind-oriented is (like) animal and demon; he is dishonoured.
Awsw mnsw kUVu kmwvih rogu burw buirAwrw hy ]7]
aasaa mansaa kooṛ kamaaveh rog buraa buri-aaraa hay. ||7||
Bound by hopes and desires, he earns (i.e. practices) falsehood, and, is afflicted by most
terrible disease (of attachment to maya). 7
msqik Bwru klr isir Bwrw ] mastak bhaar kalar sir bhaaraa.
He carries a heavy load of saline (i.e. sins) on his forehead and head.
ikau kir Bvjlu lµGis pwrw ] ki-o kar bhavjal laNghas paaraa.
How can he cross over the terrifying (world) ocean?
siqguru boihQu Awid jugwdI rwm nwim insqwrw hy ]8]
satgur bohith aad jugaadee, raam naam nistaaraa hay. ||8||
From the very beginning and throughout the Ages, the True Guru is a boat, (and boarding it)
and meditating upon the name of God, one is carried across to other shore. 8
puqR klqR jig hyqu ipAwrw ] mwieAw mohu psirAw pwswrw ]
putar kaltar jag hayt pi-aaraa. maa-i-aa moh pasri-aa paasaaraa.
The world is engrossed in the love of son, and wife; and,
there is great expanse of attachment to maya.
jm ky Pwhy siqguir qoVy gurmuiK qqu bIcwrw hy ]9]
jam kay faahay satgur toṛay, gurmukh tat beechaaraa hay. ||9||
One, who contemplates the essence (of Reality), through the Guru, his noose of death is
broken off (i.e. cut away). 9
kUiV muTI cwlY bhu rwhI ] mnmuKu dwJY piV piV BwhI ]
kooṛ muṭee chaalai baho raahee. manmukh daajhai paṛ paṛ bhaahee.
Robbed by falsehood, she (i.e. soul bride) walks along many paths;
the mind-oriented burns in fire (of desires) over and over again.
AMimRq nwmu gurU vf dwxw nwmu jphu suK swrw hy ]10]
aMmrit naam guroo vad daaṇaa, naam japahu sukh saaraa hay. ||10||
The Guru is the great giver of AMmrit name; (so) meditate upon the name (of God), (there is),
sublime happiness (in the name of God). 10
siqguru quTw scu idRVwey ] satgur tuṭaa sach driṛ-aa-ay.
When the True Guru is pleased, he implants the (name of) the True (within).
siB duK myty mwrig pwey ] sabh dukh maytay maarag paa-ay.
All sorrows are eradicated, and, places on the (right) path (of life).
kMfw pwie n gfeI mUly ijsu siqguru rwKxhwrw hy ]11]
kaNdaa paa-ay na gad-ee moolay, jis satgur raakhaṇhaaraa hay. ||11||
One, who is protected by the True Guru, even a thorn (of egotism) does not pierce his foot. 11
KyhU Kyh rlY qnu CIjY ] mnmuKu pwQru sYlu n BIjY ]
khayhoo khayh ralai tan chheejai. manmukh paathar sail na bheejai.
(When) the body (i.e. made of five elements) decays (i.e. when one dies), dust mixes with dust.
(but) the mind-oriented is (like) such a stone slab, it is never softened by water.
krx plwv kry bhuqyry nrik surig Avqwrw hy ]12]
karaṇ palaav karay bahutayray narak surag avtaaraa hay. ||12||
He wails and weeps a lot of ways, (but) he is consigned to (the cycle of) hell and heaven. 12
mwieAw ibKu BuieAMgm nwly ] iein duibDw Gr bhuqy gwly ]
maa-i-aa bikh bhu-i-aNgam naalay. in dubidhaa ghar bahutay gaalay.
The poison of the serpent of maya dwells within (the beings);
This duality has ruined many homes (i.e. it has ruined many lives).
siqgur bwJhu pRIiq n aupjY Bgiq rqy pqIAwrw hy ]13]
satgur baajhahu pareet na upjai, bhagat ratay patee-aaraa hay. ||13||
Without the True Guru, love does not well up; and, the soul is satisfied when one imbued
with devotion. 13
swkq mwieAw kau bhu Dwvih ] nwmu ivswir khw suKu pwvih ]
saakat maa-i-aa ka-o baho dhaaveh. naam visaar kahaa sukh paavahi.
The non-believer excessively runs after maya;
(but) forgetting name, how can one find happiness ?
iqRhu gux AMqir Kpih Kpwvih nwhI pwir auqwrw hy ]14]
tarihu guṇ aNtar khapeh khapaaveh naahee paar utaaraa hay. ||14||
He is ruined and ruins others in the three gunaas (i.e. three qualities of maya), (hence) can not
cross over to the other side (of the world ocean). 14
kUkr sUkr khIAih kUiVAwrw ] kookar sookar kahee-ahi kooṛi-aaraa.
The false are called (i.e. they are like) pigs and dog.
Bauik mrih Bau Bau Bau hwrw ] bha-uk mareh, bha-o bha-o bha-o haaraa.
They bark and bark and bark (and finally) grow weary; and, they bark themselves to death.
min qin JUTy kUVu kmwvih durmiq drgh hwrw hy ]15]
man tan jhooṭay kooṛ kamaaveh, durmat dargeh haaraa hay. ||15||
They are false in mind and body, and, they earn (i.e. practice) falsehood. Through evil-
mindedness, they lose (the game of life) in the court (of God). 15
siqguru imlY q mnUAw tykY ] rwm nwmu dy srix prykY ]
satgur milai ta manoo-aa taykai. raam naam day saraṇ paraykai.
Meeting the True Guru, the mind finds support;
(he) blesses the name of God to the one who seeks (his) refuge.
hir Dnu nwmu Amolku dyvY hir jsu drgh ipAwrw hy ]16]
har dhan naam amolak dayvai, har jas dargeh pi-aaraa hay. ||16||
He (i.e. True Guru) blesses with the priceless wealth of the name of God; and, one, who sings
the praise of God is loved (i.e. blessed) in His court. 16
P. 1030
rwm nwmu swDU srxweI ] raam naam saadhoo* sarṇaa-ee.
The name of God is obtained in the refuge of the Guru*. [*Here sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
siqgur bcnI giq imiq pweI ] satgur bachnee gat mit paa-ee.
Through the teachings of the True Guru, one obtains state of liberation.
nwnk hir jip hir mn myry hir myly mylxhwrw hy ]17]3]9]
naanak, har jap har man mayray, har maylay maylaṇhaaraa hay. ||17||3||9||
Nanak (says): O! my mind, chant (the name of) God, the Lord. God, the Uniter, shall unite
you in union. 17.3.9

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Gir rhu ry mn mugD ieAwny ] ghar rahu, ray man mugadh i-aanay.
Remain in your own home (i.e. remain stable, in ease), O! my foolish, ignorant mind.
rwmu jphu AMqrgiq iDAwny ] raam japahu, aNtargat dhi-aanay.
Meditate upon God, concentrating upon Him within (your) mind.
lwlc Coif rchu AprMpir ieau pwvhu mukiq duAwrw hy ]1]
laalach chhod rachahu apraMpar, i-o paavhu mukat du-aaraa hay. ||1||
Renounce (your) greed, merge in the Infinite (Lord); this way you shall find the door of
liberation. 1
ijsu ibsirAY jmu johix lwgY ] jis bisri-ai, jam johaṇ laagai.
Forgetting Him, the messenger of death begins keeping eye on you.
siB suK jwih duKw Puin AwgY ] sabh sukh jaahi, dukhaa fun aagai.
All pleasures go away, and, one finds sorrows hereafter.
rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK jIAVy eyhu prm qqu vIcwrw hy ]2]
raam naam jap gurmukh jee-arhay, ayhu param tat veechaaraa hay. ||2||
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, through the Guru; this is the supreme essence
of contemplation. 2
hir hir nwmu jphu rsu mITw ] har har naam japahu ras meethaa.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, the Lord; this is the (most) sweet essence
gurmuiK hir rsu AMqir fITw ] gurmukh har ras aNtar deethaa.
The Guru-oriented have seen the essence (of the name) of the Lord within.
Aihinis rwm rhhu rMig rwqy eyhu jpu qpu sMjmu swrw hy ]3]
ahinis raam rahhu rang raatay, ayhu jap tap saNjam saaraa hay. ||3||
Day and night, remain imbued with the love of God. This is the supreme meditation,
penance, and (self) discipline. 3
rwm nwmu gur bcnI bolhu ] raam naam gur bachnee bolhu.
Chant the name of God, through the words of the Guru.
sMq sBw mih iehu rsu tolhu ] saNt sabhaa meh ih ras tolahu.
Search for (i.e. seek) this essence in the company of the Guru-oriented.
gurmiq Koij lhhu Gru Apnw bhuiV n grB mJwrw hy ]4]
gurmat khoj lahhu ghar apnaa, bahuṛ na garabh majhaaraa hay. ||4||
Seek and find your home (i.e. self), through the wisdom of Guru; and, you shall not be
consigned to womb again. 4
scu qIriQ nwvhu hir gux gwvhu ] sach tirath naavhu, har guṇ gaavhu.
Bath in the sacred waters of truth, and, sing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
qqu vIcwrhu hir ilv lwvhu ] tat veechaarahu, har liv laavhu.
Reflect upon the essence (of Reality), and, focus your mind on God.
AMq kwil jmu joih n swkY hir bolhu rwmu ipAwrw hy ]5]
aNt kaal jam johi na saakai, har bolhu raam pi-aaraa hay. ||5||
At the very last time, the messenger of death will not be able to (even) tough you, (so) chant
the name of Beloved God, the Lord. 5
siqguru purKu dwqw vf dwxw ] satgur purakh daataa vad daaṇaa.
The True Guru, the Primal Person, is great giver and all-wise.
ijsu AMqir swcu su sbid smwxw ] jis aNtar saach so sabad samaaṇaa.
He, who has truth within, merges in Him through the word.
ijs kau siqguru myil imlwey iqsu cUkw jm BY Bwrw hy ]6]
jis ka-o satgur mayl milaa-ay, tis chookaa jam bhai bhaaraa hay. ||6||
One, whom the True Guru unites in union, he is rid of the great fear of death. 6
pMc qqu imil kwieAw kInI ] paNch tat mil kaa-i-aa keenee.
Uniting together the five elements (air, water, fire, earth and ether) He has formed the body.
iqs mih rwm rqnu lY cInI ] tis meh raam ratan lai cheenee.
Know (and find) the jewel (of the name) of God (which is) within.
Awqm rwmu rwmu hY Awqm hir pweIAY sbid vIcwrw hy ]7]
aatam raam raam hai aatam har paa-ee-ai sabad veechaaraa hay. ||7||
Soul is God, and, God is soul; contemplating the word, God is found. 7
sq sMqoiK rhhu jn BweI ] sat saNtokh rahhu jan bhaa-ee.
Abide in truth and contentment, O! brother, servants (i.e. devotees of God).
iKmw ghhu siqgur srxweI ] khimaa gahhu satgur sarṇaa-ee.
Hold tight to (i.e. enshrine within) forgiveness, and (seek) the refuge of the True Guru.
Awqmu cIin prwqmu cInhu gur sMgiq iehu insqwrw hy ]8]
aatam cheen, paraatam cheenahu, gur saNgat ih nistaaraa hay. ||8||
Know your soul, and, realize God, through the company of the Guru, one reaches at this
judgement. 8
swkq kUV kpt mih tykw ] saakat kooṛ kapat meh taykaa.
The non-believers stick to the support of falsehood and deceit.
Aihinis inMdw krih Anykw ] ahinis nindaa karahi anaykaa.
Day and night, they slanders many (beings).
ibnu ismrn Awvih Puin jwvih gRB jonI nrk mJwrw hy ]9]
bin simran aavahi fun jaaveh garabh jonee narak majhaaraa hay. ||9||
Without remembering (God), they come go and then go; they are cast into the hell of womb
in reincarnation. 9
swkq jm kI kwix n cUkY ] saakat jam kee kaaṇ na chookai.
The non-believer is not rid of the dependence (i.e. fear) of death.
jm kw fMfu n kbhU mUkY ] jam kaa daNd na kabhoo mookai.
The club (i.e. punishment) of the messenger of death is never taken away(from their head).
bwkI Drm rwie kI lIjY isir APirE Bwru APwrw hy ]10]
baakee dharam raa-ay kee leejai, sir afri-o bhaar afaaraa hay. ||10||
The balance of the Judge of Righteousness is charged from them; the unbearable load of
egotism remains on their head. 10
ibnu gur swkqu khhu ko qirAw ] bin gur saakat kahhu ko tari-aa.
Tell me, without the Guru, has any non-believer (ever) been saved?
haumY krqw Bvjil pirAw ] ha-umai kartaa bhavjal pari-aa.
Acting in egotism one falls into the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
ibnu gur pwru n pwvY koeI hir jpIAY pwir auqwrw hy ]11]
bin gur paar na paavai ko-ee, har japee-ai paar utaaraa hay. ||11||
Without the Guru, no one is saved; mediating upon (the name of) God, one is carried across
to the other side (of the world ocean). 11

gur kI dwiq n mytY koeI ] gur kee daat na maytai ko-ee.
No one can erase the gifts given by the Guru (i.e. no one can take back the blessing of the Guru).
ijsu bKsy iqsu qwry soeI ] jis bakhsay tis taaray so-ee.
He Himself carries across those whom He blesses.
jnm mrx duKu nyiV n AwvY min so pRBu Apr Apwrw hy ]12]
janam maraṇ dukh nayṛ na aavai, man so prabh apar apaaraa hay. ||12||
The pains of birth and death, do not (even) approach him, (because) God, the infinite and
endless abides in his mind. 12
gur qy BUly Awvhu jwvhu ] gur tay bhoolay aavhu jaavhu.
Forgetting the Guru, one comes and goes (in reincarnation).
jnim mrhu Puin pwp kmwvhu ] janam marahu fun paap kamaavahu.
He is born (only) to die, and, (in his life, he) commits sins.
swkq mUV Acyq n cyqih duKu lwgY qw rwmu pukwrw hy ]13]
saakat mooṛ achayt na chayteh, dukh laagai taa raam pukaaraa hay. ||13||
The unaware non-believer, foolish, does not remember (God); (but) when stricken with pain,
he cries out for God. 13
suKu duKu purb jnm ky kIey ] sukh dukh purab janam kay kee-ay.
Happiness and sorrow are (the results of) the actions of the previous lives.
so jwxY ijin dwqY dIey ] so jaaṇai jin daatai dee-ay.
The Giver, who has given (these fruits of the past actions), He alone knows.
iks kau dosu dyih qU pRwxI shu Apxw kIAw krwrw hy ]14]
kis ka-o dos deh too paraaṇee saho apṇaa kee-aa karaaraa hay. ||14||
Who can you blame, O! mortal being, (when) you suffer the hardships (as results) of your
own action. 14
haumY mmqw krdw AwieAw ] ha-umai mamtaa kardaa aa-i-aa.
(Through Ages, the mortal being) has been practising egotism and (emotional) attachment;
Awsw mnsw bMiD clwieAw ] aasaa mansaa baNdh chalaa-i-aa.
he is bound and led on by hopes and desires.
myrI myrI krq ikAw ly cwly ibKu lwdy Cwr ibkwrw hy ]15]
mayree mayree karat ki-aa lay chaalay bikh laaday chhaar bikaaraa hay. ||15||
Indulging in ‘me’ and ‘mine’ (i.e. egotism and self-conceit), what will he be carrying (with him
from this world); he is loading poison and ashes of the sins. 15
hir kI Bgiq krhu jn BweI ] har kee bhagat karahu jan bhaa-ee.
Practice the devotion for God, O! servants (i.e. devotees of God), my brethren.
AkQu kQhu mnu mnih smweI ] akath kathahu man maneh samaa-ee.
Speak (i.e. praise the excellences of) the Indescribable, and, your mind shall merge in the the
One who is in the mind (i.e. God).
auiT clqw Twik rKhu Gir ApunY duKu kwty kwtxhwrw hy ]16]
uth chaltaa ṭaak rakhahu ghar apunai, dukh kaatay kaataṇhaaraa hay. ||16||
Restrain this running out (i.e. restless mind) within its own home, and, the Destroyer (of
Sorrows) shall destroy (i.e. dispel) your sorrows. 16
hir gur pUry kI Et prwqI ] gurmuiK hir ilv gurmuiK jwqI ]
har gur pooray kee ot paraatee. gurmukh har liv gurmukh jaatee.
He, who has realized (and taken to) the support of God and the perfect Guru; and,
has focussed on God through the Guru, and, have known (i.e. realized)Him through the
nwnk rwm nwim miq aUqm hir bKsy pwir auqwrw hy ]17]4]10]
naanak, raam naam mat ootam, har bakhsay paar utaaraa hay. ||17||4||10||
Nanak (says): By meditating upon the name of God, one’s wisdom is exalted; and, granting
His grace, God carries him across (the world ocean). 17.4.10

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

srix pry gurdyv qumwrI ] saraṇ paray gurdayv tumaaree.
O! Divine Guru, I have entered your refuge.
qU smrQu dieAwlu murwrI ] too samrath da-i-aal muraaree*.
You are all-powerful, merciful, Destroyer of Demons* (i.e. God).
[*Muraaree, literally: Destoyer of Murar (a demon); hence Destroyer of Demons. This is one of the attributes and th names of God].
qyry coj n jwxY koeI qU pUrw purKu ibDwqw hy ]1]
tayray choj na jaaṇai ko-ee, too pooraa purakh bidhaataa hay. ||1||
None knows Your wondrous plays; You are perfect Primal Person, Architect of Destiny. 1
qU Awid jugwid krih pRiqpwlw ] too aad jugaad karahi partipaalaa.
(O! God) From the very beginning of the time and throughout the Ages, You sustain (all the
beings and creatures).
Git Git rUpu AnUpu dieAwlw ] ghat ghat roop anoop da-i-aalaa.
O! incomparable beauty, O! merciful (Lord), You are in each and every heart.
ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih sBu qyro kIAw kmwqw hy ]2]
ji-o tudh bhaavai tivai chalaaveh, sabh tayro kee-aa kamaataa hay. ||2||
As You will, You cause us to move; everyone earns (i.e. acts) as commanded by You. 2
Amqir joiq BlI jgjIvn ] aNtar jot bhalee jagjeevan.
Within (all) is the sublime Light of the Life of the World.
siB Gt BogY hir rsu pIvn ] sabh ghat bhogai har ras peevan.
It (i.e. Light of God) enjoys all the hearts, and, drinks in (the name) the essence of God.
Awpy lyvY Awpy dyvY iqhu loeI jgq ipq dwqw hy ]3]
aapay layvai aapay dayvai, tihu lo-ee jagat pit daataa hay. ||3||
He Himself gives and He Himself takes back. He is the Father of (all the beings and creatures
of) the world and the Giver to (all in) three worlds. 3
jgqu aupwie Kylu rcwieAw ] jagat upaa-ay khayl rachaa-i-aa.
Creating the world, He has staged his play (of coming and going of the beings and creatures).
pvxY pwxI AgnI jIau pwieAw ] pavṇai paaṇee agnee jee-o paa-i-aa.
(In the body of) air, water and fire He has placed the soul.
dyhI ngrI nau drvwjy so dsvw gupqu rhwqw hy ]4]
dayhee nagree na-o darvaajay,* so dasvaa gupat rahaataa hay. ||4||
The body-city has nine gates*, the tenth has been kept hidden. 4

[*The Nine Gates of the body-city means: two eyes, two ears, two noses, mouth, penis, anus].
cwir ndI AgnI Asrwlw ] chaar nadee agnee asraalaa.
There are four* terrifying the streams of fire. [*violence, emotional attachment, greed and anger].
koeI gurmuiK bUJY sbid inrwlw ] ko-ee gurmukh boojhai sabad niraalaa.
Some rare, Guru- oriented, understands it through the word (of the Guru), and, remains
swkq durmiq fUbih dwJih guir rwKy hir ilv rwqw hy ]5]
saakat durmat doobeh daajheh; gur raakhay har liv raataa hay. ||5||
The saakat (i.e. worshipper of maya, i.e. none-believer) are drowned and burnt (i.e. ruined)
through their bad wisdom. The Guru saves those who are imbued with the love of God. 5
Apu qyju vwie ipRQmI Awkwsw ] iqn mih pMc qqu Gir vwsw ]
ap tayj vaa-ay parithmee aakaasaa. tin meh paNch tat ghar vaasaa.
(The human body is made of) water, air, earth, sky, (and) ether;
In the house made of (these) five elements, it (i.e. soul) dwells.
siqgur sbid rhih rMig rwqw qij mwieAw haumY BRwqw hy ]6]
satgur sabad raheh rang raataa, taj maa-i-aa ha-umai bharaataa hay. ||6||
(The Guru-oriented) remain imbued with the word of the True Guru;(and they) renounce
maya, egotism and doubt. 6
iehu mnu BIjY sbid pqIjY ] ibnu nwvY ikAw tyk itkIjY ]
ih man bheejai sabad pateejai. bin naavai ki-aa tayk tikeejai.
This mind is drenched with the word and is satisfied (in it); (then)
without the name, what support can it have?(i.e. the mind does not take any support other than the name).
AMqir coru muhY Gru mMdru iein swkiq dUqu n jwqw hy ]7]
aNtar chor muhai ghar maNdar, in saakat doot na jaataa hay. ||7||
Within (the body), there is a thief (i.e. wicked mind), plundering the temple of the body, the
non-believers does not know (i.e. realize) this devil. 7
duMdr dUq BUq BIhwly ] iKMcoqwix krih byqwly ]
duNdar doot bhoot bheehaalay. khiNchotaaṇ karahi baytaalay.
(The five passions are like) quarrelsome demons and terrifying goblins;
these ghosts remain causing conflict.
sbd suriq ibnu AwvY jwvY piq KoeI Awvq jwqw hy ]8]
sabad surat bin aavai jaavai pat kho-ee aavat jaataa hay. ||8||
Without the awareness of the word, one comes and goes; he loses his honour, and, remains
coming and going (in reincarnation). 8
kUVu klru qnu BsmY FyrI ] kooṛ kalar tan bhasmai ḍayree.
One remains practising saline of falsehood; this body ends up in a heap of ash.
ibnu nwvY kYsI piq qyrI ] bin naavai kaisee pat tayree.
(You tell me) without the name, what honour can you have?
bwDy mukiq nwhI jug cwry jmkMkir kwil prwqw hy ]9]
baadhay mukat naahee jug chaaray, jamkaNkar kaal paraataa hay. ||9||
Those bound (by attachment to maya) do not obtain, in all the four ages; the messenger of
death ever keeps them under his gaze. 9

jm dir bwDy imlih sjweI ] jam dar baadhay mileh sajaa-ee.
Those, bound at the door of death are punished.
iqsu AprwDI giq nhI kweI ] tis apraadhee gat nahee kaa-ee.
Such a sinner does not obtain liberation.
krx plwv kry ibllwvY ijau kuMfI mInu prwqw hy ]10]
karaṇ palaav karay billaavai, ji-o kuNdee meen paraataa hay. ||10||
He laments and cries like a fish pierced by the hook. 10
swkqu PwsI pVY iekylw ] saakat faasee paṛai ikaylaa.
The non-believer is caught in the noose (i.e. is punished) alone.
jm vis kIAw AMDu duhylw ] jam vas kee-aa aNdh duhaylaa.
The (spiritually) blind, when gripped by the messenger of death, suffers in pain.
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n sUJY Awju kwil pic jwqw hy ]11]
raam naam bin mukat na soojhai, aaj kaal pach jaataa hay. ||11||
Without the name of God, (the path of) liberation is not known; today or tomorrow (i.e.
sooner or later) he shall be ruined. 11
siqgur bwJu n bylI koeI ] satgur baajh na baylee ko-ee.
Other than the True Guru, there is no (real) friend.
AYQY EQY rwKw pRBu soeI ] aithai othai raakhaa prabh so-ee.
Here and hereafter, God (alone) is Saviour.
rwm nwmu dyvY kir ikrpw ieau sllY sll imlwqw hy ]12]
raam naam dayvai kar kirpaa i-o sallai salal milaataa hay. ||12||
Bestowing his grace he blesses with the name of God; and, merges him with himself like
water with water. 12
P. 1032
BUly isK gurU smJwey ] bhoolay sikh guroo samjhaa-ay.
The Guru instruct the wandering Sikhs;
auJiV jwdy mwrig pwey ] ujharh jaaday maarag paa-ay.
Those who are going stray, he sets them on the right path.
iqsu gur syiv sdw idnu rwqI duK BMjn sMig sKwqw hy ]13]
tis gur sayv sadaa din raatee, dukh bhaNjan saNg sakhaataa hay. ||13||
(So, O! brethren) serve that Guru forever, day and night, (he is) the destroyer of sorrows, and,
he is your companion and helper. 13
gur kI Bgiq krih ikAw pRwxI ] gur kee bhagat karahi ki-aa paraaṇee.
O! mortal being, what devotion can you perform of the Guru (i.e. you do not know the value of
devotion of the Guru)?
bRhmY ieMidR mhyis n jwxI ] barahmai INdar mahays na jaaṇee.
Even Brahma, Indar and Mahesh*, have not known (the value of devotion).
[*The three mythical gods].
siqguru AlKu khhu ikau lKIAY ijsu bKsy iqsih pCwqw hy ]14]
satgur alakh, kahhu ki-o lakhee-ai, jis bakhsay tiseh pachhaataa hay. ||14||
Tell me, (O! brethren), how can one know (the value of) the unknowable True Guru; he alone
realizes (the Guru) whom He blesses. 14
AMqir pRymu prwpiq drsnu ] aNtar paraym paraapat darsan.
One, who has love within, obtains the vision (of God).
gurbwxI isau pRIiq su prsnu ] gurbaaṇee si-o pareet so parsan.
One, who has love for the word of the Guru, feels His touch (i.e. meets Him).
Aihinis inrml joiq sbweI Git dIpku gurmuiK jwqw hy ]15]
ahinis nirmal jot sabaa-ee, ghat deepak gurmukh jaataa hay. ||15||
Day and night, he beholds the Immaculate Light (pervading) in everyone, (when) through
the Guru, the lamp (of knowledge) illumines his heart. 15
Bojn igAwnu mhw rsu mITw ] bhojan gi-aan mahaa ras meeṭaa.
The food of (spiritual) knowledge is supreme essence (and it is very) sweet.
jin cwiKAw iqin drsnu fITw ] jin chaakhi-aa tin darsan deeṭaa.
Whoever tastes it, beholds the vision (of God).
drsnu dyiK imly bYrwgI mnu mnsw mwir smwqw hy ]16]
darsan daykh milay bairaagee, man mansaa maar samaataa hay. ||16||
Beholding His vison, one becomes detached and meets (with the Lord); and, subduing the
desires of his mind, he merges into Him. 16
siqguru syvih sy prDwnw ] satgur sayveh say pardhaanaa.
Those who serve the True Guru, are prominent (i.e. honourable).
iqn Gt Gt AMqir bRhmu pCwnw ] tin ghat ghat aNtar barahm pachhaanaa.
They realize God (dwelling) in each and every heart.
nwnk hir jsu hir jn kI sMgiq dIjY ijn siqguru hir pRBu jwqw hy ]17]5]11]
naanak, har jas har jan kee saNgat deejai, jin satgur har prabh jaataa hay. ||17||5||11||
Nanak (says): (O! Guru, please) bless me that I may sing the praise of God in the company of
the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, who have realized the True Guru. 17.5.11

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

swcy swihb isrjxhwry ] saachay saahib sirjaṇhaaray.
The True Master, is the Creator (of the universe).
ijin Dr ck® Dry vIcwry ] jin dhar chakar dharay veechaaray.
He has contemplated and established the cycles of the universe.
Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY swcw vyprvwhw hy ]1] aapay kartaa kar kar vaykhai, saachaa vayparvaahaa hay ||1||
He Himself creates the Creation, and, beholds it; He is the True (forever) and carefree. 1
vykI vykI jMq aupwey ] vaykee vaykee jant upaa-ay.
You has created the being of different kinds.
duie pMdI duie rwh clwey ] du-ay paNdee du-ay raah chalaa-ay.
Giving two instructions, He set them (i.e. mortals) on two paths* (of life).
[*One is the path of the Guru and other is the path of one’s own mind; i.e. Guru-oriented and mind-oriented].
gur pUry ivxu mukiq n hoeI scu nwmu jip lwhw hy ]2]
gur pooray viṇ mukat na ho-ee, sach naam jap laahaa hay. ||2||
(But) without the perfect Guru, no one is liberated; meditating upon the True name one
earns profit (of life). 2
pVih mnmuK pru ibiD nhI jwnw ] paṛeh manmukh par bidh nahee jaanaa.

The mind-oriented read (i.e. recite religious books), but do not knows the way (of life).
nwmu n bUJih Brim Bulwnw ] naam na boojheh bharam bhulaanaa.
They do not understand the name; and, wander deluded by doubt.
lY kY vFI dyin augwhI durmiq kw gil Pwhw hy ]3]
lai kai vaḍee dayn ugaahee, durmat kaa gal faahaa hay. ||3||
They take bribe and give (false) testimony; the noose of bad wisdom is around their necks. 3
isimRiq swsqR pVih purwxw ] simrit saastar paṛeh puraanaa.
They read the Simrities, the Shastras, and the Puranas;
vwdu vKwxih qqu n jwxw ] vaad vakaaṇeh tat na jaaṇaa.
they argue and debate, but, they do not know the essence (of Reality).
ivxu gur pUry qqu n pweIAY sc sUcy scu rwhw hy ]4]
viṇ gur pooray tat na paa-ee-ai, sach soochay sach raahaa hay. ||4||
Without the perfect Guru, the essence (of Reality) is not obtained; those who walk on the
path of Truth are True and Pure. 4
sB swlwhy suix suix AwKY ] sabh saalaahay suṇ suṇ aakhai.
All praise Him, they listen and listen and speak
Awpy dwnw scu prwKY ] aapay daanaa sach paraakhai.
He Himself is wise, and, He Himself judges the truth.
ijn kau ndir kry pRBu ApnI gurmuiK sbdu slwhw hy ]5]
jin ka-o nadar karay prabh apnee, gurmukh sabad salaahaa hay. ||5||
Those, whom God blesses with His grace, they enshrine the word (within their mind), and,
praise Him, through the Guru. 5
suix suix AwKY kyqI bwxI ] sun sun aakhai kaytee banee.
Many, listen and listen (from others), and, speaks the words (of the praise of the Lord) .
suix khIAY ko AMqu n jwxI ] suṇ kahee-ai ko aNt na jaaṇee.
(Simply by) listening and saying, no one knows His limits.
jw kau AlKu lKwey Awpy AkQ kQw buiD qwhw hy ]6]
jaa ka-o alakh lakhaa-ay aapay, akath kathaa budh taahaa hay. ||6||
One, whom the Unknowable (Lord) reveals Himself, obtains wisdom to describe the story (of
the excellences) of the indescribable (Lord). 6
jnmy kau vwjih vwDwey ] janmay ka-o vaajeh vaadhaa-ay.
At birth (of a child), congratulation pour in and music (of joy) is played.
soihlVy AigAwnI gwey ] sohilrhay agi-aanee gaa-ay.
The ignorant sing songs of joy.
jo jnmY iqsu srpr mrxw ikrqu pieAw isir swhw hy ]7]
jo janmai tis sarpar marṇaa, kirat pa-i-aa sir saahaa hay. ||7||
Whoever is born, is sure to die; (because) destiny has been inscribed, on the (fore)head (of
everyone), according to the past deeds, by the Sovereign (Lord). 7
sMjogu ivjogu myrY pRiB kIey ] saNjog vijog mayrai prabh kee-ay.
The union and separation (both) have been created by my Lord.
isRsit aupwie duKw suK dIey ] sarisat upaa-ay dukhaa sukh dee-ay.
Creating the universe, He has given pain and pleasure.
duK suK hI qy Bey inrwly gurmuiK sIlu snwhw hy ]8]
dukh sukh hee tay bha-ay niraalay, gurmukh seel sanaahaa hay. ||8||
The Guru-oriented wear the armour of great gentleness, (hence) they remain unaffected by
pains and pleasures. 8
nIky swcy ky vwpwrI ] nekay saachay kay vaapaaree.
Sublime are those who trade in Truth.
scu saudw lY gur vIcwrI ] sach sa-udaa lai gur veechaaree.
They purchase the merchandise of the true (name) through the counsel of the Guru.
scw vKru ijsu Dnu plY sbid scY Emwhw hy ]9]
sachaa vakhar jis dhan palai, sabad sachai omaahaa hay. ||9||
One, who has the wealth of truth in his hem of robe (i.e. in possession), is blessed with
exuberance through the true word. 9
kwcI saudI qotw AwvY ] kaachee sa-udee totaa aavai.
The false dealing (always) leads to loss.
gurmuiK vxju kry pRB BwvY ] gurmukh vaṇaj karay prabh bhaavai.
The Guru-oriented trades in the pleasure of God.
pUMjI swbqu rwis slwmiq cUkw jm kw Pwhw hy ]10]
pooNjee saabat raas salaamat, chookaa jam kaa faahaa hay. ||10||
His capital remains intact and his investment remains safe, and, the noose of death (around
his neck) is cut away. 10
P. 1033
sBu ko bolY Awpx BwxY ] sabh ko bolai aapan bhaaṇai.
Everyone speaks as it pleases them.
mnmuKu dUjY boil n jwxY ] manmukh, doojai, bol na jaaṇai.
The mind-oriented, in (i.e. he is attached to) duality, does not know how to speak (of God).
AMDuly kI miq AMDlI bolI Awie gieAw duKu qwhw hy ]11]
aNdhulay kee mat andhlee bolee, aa-ay ga-i-aa dukh taahaa hay. ||11||
The blind has blind and deaf wisdom; (hence) he suffers the pain of coming and going (in
incarnation). 11
duK mih jnmY duK mih mrxw ] dukh meh janmai, dukh meh marṇaa.
In pain he (i.e. mind-oriented) is born, and, in pain he dies.
dUKu n imtY ibnu gur kI srxw ] dookh na mitai bin gur kee sarṇaa.
(His) pain is not removed without seeking the refuge of the Guru.
dUKI aupjY dUKI ibnsY ikAw lY AwieAw ikAw lY jwhw hy ]12]
dookhee upjai, dookhee binsai; ki-aa lai aa-i-aa, ki-aa lai jaahaa hay. ||12||
In pain he is born, in pain he perishes. What did he bring (with himself)? What he will take
away i.e. he came empty-handed and will go empty-handed; thus wasting away his life)? 12
scI krxI gur kI isrkwrw ] sachee karṇee gur kee sirkaaraa.
True are the actions of those who are under the dominance (i.e. command) of the Guru.
Awvxu jwxu nhI jm Dwrw ] aavaṇ jaaṇ nahee jam dhaaraa.
They do not come and go; (they are) not subject to the clauses (of the laws )of death.
fwl Coif qqu mUlu prwqw min swcw Emwhw hy ]13]

daal chhod tat mool paraataa, man saachaa omaahaa hay. ||13||
He, who abandons branch (i.e. maya), and realizes the root, the Essence (i.e. God), enjoys
true exuberance within his mind. 13
hir ky log nhI jmu mwrY ] har kay log nahee jam maarai.
Death can not strike the people (i.e. devotees) of God.
nw duKu dyKih pMiQ krwrY ] naa dukh daykheh paNth karaarai.
They do not see (i.e. suffer sorrows), on (even) most difficult path.
rwm nwmu Gt AMqir pUjw Avru n dUjw kwhw hy ]14]
raam naam ghat aNtar poojaa, avar na doojaa kaahaa hay. ||14||
They worship the name of God within their heart; they have no concern with anything else. 14
Evu n kQnY isPiq sjweI ] oṛ na kathnai sifat sajaa-ee.
(O! God) there is no end to Your praise and embellishment (i.e. glory).
ijau quDu Bwvih rhih rjweI ] ji-o tudh bhaaveh raheh rajaa-ee.
As it pleases You, they remain under Your will.
drgh pYDy jwin suhyly hukim scy pwiqswhw hy ]15]
dargeh paidhay jaan suhaylay, hukam sachay paatisaahaa hay. ||15||
They enter Your court embellished in robes in honour, under Your command, O! True King. 15
ikAw khIAY gux kQih Gnyry ] ki-aa kahee-ai guṇ katheh ghanayray.
How can I narrate Your excellences; so many (i.e. countless) narrate (Your excellences).
AMqu n pwvih vfy vfyry ] aNt na paavahi vaday vadayray.
Even the greatest of the great can not know Your limits.
nwnk swcu imlY piq rwKhu qU isir swhw pwiqswhw hy ]16]6]12]
naanak, saach milai pat raakho, too sir saahaa paatisaahaa hay. ||16||6||12||
Nanak (says): (please) bless me with Truth (i.e. true name) and preserve my honour; (You are)
the supreme King above the heads of the kings (i.e. You are the King of the kings). 16.6.12

mwrU mhlw 1 dKxI ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1, dakh-nee

kwieAw ngru ngr gV AMdir ] kaa-i-aa nagar nagar gaṛ aNdar.
The body is (like) a city, in this city, there is a fort.
swcw vwsw puir ggnµdir ] saachaa vaasaa pur gagnaNdar.
The True (Lord) has His dwelling in the Sky-Gate (i.e Tenth gate) in this (fort in this) city.
AsiQru Qwnu sdw inrmwielu Awpy Awpu aupwiedw ]1] asthir thaan sadaa nirmaa-il, aapay aap upaa-idaa. ||1||
The place is permanent and forever immaculate; He Himself reveals Himself (with qualities). 1
AMdir kot Cjy htnwly ] aNdar kot chhajay hatnaalay.
Within the fort are balconies and bazaars.
Awpy lyvY vsqu smwly ] aapay layvai vasat samaalay.
He Himself purchases and takes care of His merchandise (of the name).
bjr kpwt jVy jiV jwxY gur sbdI Kolwiedw ]2]
bajar kapaat jaṛay jaṛ jaaṇai, gur sabdee kholaa-idaa. ||2||
(In the fort), there are the hard doors (of attachment to maya); (He) knows how to close them;
and, He (Himself) throws them open through the word of the Guru. 2
Biqir kot guPw Gr jweI ] bheetar kot gufaa ghar jaa-ee.
Within the (body) fort, there is a cave (i.e. Tenth Gate); there is His home and place.
nau Gr Qwpy hukim rjweI ] na-o ghar thaapay hukam rajaa-ee.
He has established nine homes (i.e. gates/ holes of body) by His command and His will.
dsvY purKu AlyKu ApwrI Awpy AlKu lKwiedw ]3]
dasvai purakh alaykh apaaree aapay alakh lakhaa-idaa. ||3||
In the Tenth Door, the Primal Person, the unknowable, the infinite dwells; and, the Unseen
reveals Himself. 3
paux pwxI AgnI iek vwsw ] pa-uṇ paaṇee agnee ik vaasaa.
Within (the body made of elements of) air, water and fire, the One (Lord) dwells.
Awpy kIqo Kylu qmwsw ] aapay keeto khayl tamaasaa.
He Himself has staged His game and sport.
bldI jil invrY ikrpw qy Awpy jl iniD pwiedw ]4] baldee jal nivrai kirpaa tay, aapay jal nidh paa-idaa ||4||
The burning fire (of desires) is put out with water of His grace; He Himself has treasured (i.e.
stored) it, (this fire) in the water (i.e. ocean). 4
Driq aupwie DrI Drm swlw ] dharat upaa-ay dharee dharam saalaa.
Creating the earth, He has established it as the home of faith (i.e. to practice righteousness).
auqpiq prlau Awip inrwlw ] utpat parla-o aap niraalaa.
He creates and destroys; He (Himself) remains unattached.
pvxY Kylu kIAw sB QweI klw iKMic Fwhwiedw ]5]
pavṇai khayl kee-aa sabh thaa-ee, kalaa khinch ḍaahaa-idaa. ||5||
He has staged the play of air (i.e. breath) everywhere (i.e. in all the beings); (and when He will)
withdrawing His power, He lets them crumble. 5
Bwr ATwrh mwlix qyrI ] bhaar aṭaarah maalaṇ tayree.
The eighteen-load* (i.e. the whole vegetation) is Your she-gardener (presenting flowers to
worship You).
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’
is an old weighing measure; according to a tradition it is about 19 kilogram; hence 18 weight would mean about 342
kilograms; this is just imaginary; in fact, ‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
cauru FulY pvxY lY PyrI ] cha-ur ḍulai pavṇai lai fayree.
The wind, blowing around, is (like) chaur (i.e. brush of honour) waving over (i.e. honouring) You.
cMdu sUrju duie dIpk rwKy sis Gir sUru smwiedw ]6]
chaNd sooraj du-ay deepak raakhay, sas ghar soor samaa-idaa. ||6||
You ave placed the moon and sun as two lamps. The sun merges* in the home of moon. 6
[*The light of the sun merges in the moon].
pMKI pMc aufir nhI Dwvih ] paNkhee paNch udar nahee dhaaveh.
The five birds (i.e. senses of the Guru-oriented) do not fly and wander.
sPilE ibrKu AMimRq Plu pwvih ] safli-o birakh aMmrit fal paavahi.
The (Guru is like) fruitful tree; they obtain fruit of AMmrit (name) from it.
gurmuiK shij rvY gux gwvY hir rsu cog cugwiedw ]7]
gurmukh sahj ravai guṇ gaavai, har ras chog chugaa-idaa. ||7||
The Guru-oriented chants and sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) in natural ease;
and, pecks (i.e. eats) the food of the essence of God. 7
iJlimil iJlkY cMdu n qwrw ] jhilmil jhilkai chaNd na taaraa.
(One, who is Guru-oriented) dazzling light glitters (within him) (although) no moon or stars
(are shining);
sUrj ikrix n ibjuil gYxwrw ] sooraj kiraṇ na bijul ghaiṇaaraa.
(nor) the ray of sun (are shining), nor lightening (flashes) in the sky.
AkQI kQau ichnu nhI koeI pUir rihAw min Bwiedw ]8]
akthee katha-o chihan nahee ko-ee, poor rahi-aa man bhaa-idaa. ||8||
I describe the indescribable (state which has) no sign; (this is wondrous play of) the All-
pervading (that) is pleasing to mind. 8
psrI ikrix joiq auijAwlw ] pasree kiraṇ jot uji-aalaa.
When the ray (i.e. Divine Light) spreads out, the Light illuminates (the mind of a Guru-
oriented person).
kir kir dyKY Awip dieAwlw ] kar kar daykhai aap da-i-aalaa.
The Merciful (Lord) himself creates (the creation) and beholds (i.e. takes care of it).
Anhd rux Juxkwru sdw Duin inrBau kY Gir vwiedw ]9]
anhad ruṇ jhuṇkaar sadaa dhun, nirbha-o kai ghar vaa-idaa. ||9||
The sweet melody of the sound of the unstruck (word) is played continuously, in the home of
the Fearless (Lord). 9
P. 1034
Anhdu vwjY BRmu Bau BwjY ] anhad vaajai bharam bha-o bhaajai.
When the unstruck (word) sounds, doubts and fears run away.
sgl ibAwip rihAw pRBu CwjY ] sagal bi-aap rahi-aa prabh chhaajai.
(The Guru-oriented realizes that) God is all-pervading, giving shade (i.e. protection) to all.
sB qyrI qU gurmuiK jwqw dir sohY gux gwiedw ]10]
sabh tayree too gurmukh jaataa, dar sohai guṇ gaa-idaa. ||10||
All belong to You (O! God), the Guru-oriented knows this; singing (the praise of) Your
excellences, he looks beautiful at Your door. 10
Awid inrMjnu inrmlu soeI ] aad niraNjan nirmal so-ee.
He is from the very beginning, detached and immaculate.
Avru n jwxw dUjw koeI ] avar na jaaṇaa doojaa ko-ee.
He knows of no other (at all).
eykMkwru vsY min BwvY haumY grbu gvwiedw ]11]
aykaNkaar vasai man bhaavai, ha-umai garab gavaa-idaa. ||11||
The One, Creator (Lord) dwells within his mind, and is pleasing to him; and, he gets rid of
egotism and pride.11
AMimRqu pIAw siqguir dIAw ] Avru n jwxw dUAw qIAw ]
aMmrit pee-aa satgur dee-aa. avar na jaaṇaa doo-aa tee-aa.
One, who drinks in AMmrit given by the True Guru, does not know any other, second or third.
eyko eyku su Apr prMpru priK KjwnY pwiedw ]12]
ayko ayk so apar paraMpar, parakh khajaanai paa-idaa. ||12||
(He knows that) God is One and unique, infinite and endless. He assays (all beings) and (those,
who are worthy) places them in His treasury. 12
igAwnu iDAwnu scu gihr gMBIrw ] gi-aan dhi-aan sach gahir gaMbheeraa.
(O! God) You are (embodiment of) knowledge, meditation and truth; (You are) deep and
koie n jwxY qyrw cIrw ] ko-ay na jaaṇai tayraa cheeraa.
No one knows (the extent of) your expanse.
jyqI hY qyqI quDu jwcY krim imlY so pwiedw ]13] jaytee hai taytee tudh jaachai karam milai so paa-idaa ||13||
All that are, beg from you. He alone attains You, whom You bless with Your grace. 13
krmu Drmu scu hwiQ qumwrY ] karam dharam sach haath tumaarai.
The (true) action and faith are in Your hands, O! True.
vyprvwh AKut BMfwrY ] vayparvaah akhut bhaNdaarai.
O! Carefree (Lord), Your treasures are inexhaustible.
qU dieAwlu ikrpwlu sdw pRBu Awpy myil imlwiedw ]14]
too da-i-aal kirpaal sadaa prabh, aapay mayl milaa-idaa. ||14||
You are forever merciful and compassionate, O! God; You Yourself unite one in union. 14
Awpy dyiK idKwvY Awpy ] aapay daykh dikhaavai aapay.
(O! Brethren) He Himself takes care (of beings), and, He Himself shows Himself.
Awpy Qwip auQwpy Awpy ] aapay thaap uthaapay aapay.
He Himself establishes, and, He Himself disestablishes.
Awpy joiV ivCoVy krqw Awpy mwir jIvwiedw]15] aapay joṛ vichhoṛay kartaa, aapay maar jeevaa-idaa ||15||
The Creator Himself unites and separates; He Himself kills, and, He Himself gives life.. 15
jyqI hY qyqI quDu AMdir ] jaytee hai taytee tudh aNdar.
As much as there is, is within (command of) You.
dyKih Awip bYis ibj mMdir ] daykheh aap bais bij maNdar.
Sitting in strong mansion, You Yourself behold it (i.e. Your creation).
nwnku swcu khY bynµqI hir drsin suKu pwiedw ]16]1]13]
naanak saach kahai baynantee, har darsan sukh paa-idaa. ||16||1||13||
Nanak (says): I offer true prayer, O! God, he, who beholds You obtains happiness. 16.1.13

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

drsnu pwvw jy quDu Bwvw ] Bwie Bgiq swcy gux gwvw ]
darsan paavaa jay tudh bhaavaa. bhaa-ay bhagat, saachay, guṇ gaavaa.
(O! God) I can obtain Your vision, if I am pleasing to You; and,
in the loving devotion sing the (praise of) Your excellences, O! True (Lord).
quDu Bwxy qU Bwvih krqy Awpy rsn rswiedw ]1]
tudh bhaaṇay too bhaaveh kartay, aapay rasan rasaa-idaa. ||1||
Those, who are pleasing to You will, O! Creator, they love You, and, You bless their tongues
with taste (of love for the name). 1
sohin Bgq pRBU drbwry ] sohan bhagat prabhoo darbaaray.
The devotees look beautiful in Your court, O! Lord.
mukqu Bey hir dws qumwry ] mukat bha-ay har daas tumaaray.
Your slaves are liberated, O! God.
Awpu gvwie qyrY rMig rwqy Anidnu nwmu iDAwiedw ]2]

aap gavaa-ay tayrai raNg raatay, an-din naam dhi-aa-idaa. ||2||
Eradicating self-conceit, they are imbued with Your love; day and night, they meditate upon
Your name. 2
eIsru bRhmw dyvI dyvw ] ieMdR qpy muin qyrI syvw ]
eesar barahmaa dayvee dayvaa. iNdra tapay mun tayree sayvaa.
Isher (i.e. Shiv), Brahma, gods and goddesses;
Indar, penitents and silent sages, all serve You.
jqI sqI kyqy bnvwsI AMqu n koeI pwiedw ]3]
jatee satee kaytay banvaasee, aNt na ko-ee paa-idaa. ||3||
(Also) celibates, truthful persons, and, forests-dwellers (serve You), (but) no one has found
Your limits. 3
ivxu jwxwey koie n jwxY ] vin jaaṇaa-ay ko-ay na jaanai.
No one can know (him), unless He let him know (Him).
jo ikCu kry su Awpx BwxY ] jo kichh karay so aapan bhaaṇai.
Whatever He does, He does as He wills.
lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey BwxY swh lvwiedw ]4]
lakh cha-oraaseeh jee-a upaa-ay bhaaṇai saah lavaa-idaa. ||4||
He has created eighty-four hundred thousand beings; (and, only), by His will, they draw
their breath. 4
jo iqsu BwvY so inhcau hovY ] jo tis bhaavai so nihcha-o hovai.
(O! brethren) whatever is pleasing to His will, certainly comes to happen.
mnmuKu Awpu gxwey rovY ] manmukh aap gaṇaa-ay rovai.
The mind-oriented shows off himself, and, comes to weep (i.e. repents).
nwvhu Bulw Taur n pwey Awie jwie duKu pwiedw ]5]
naavhu bhulaa ṭa-ur na paa-ay aa-ay jaa-ay dukh paa-idaa. ||5||
Forgetting the name (Of God), he finds no place of rest; coming and going (in reincarnation)
he suffers pain. 5
inrml kwieAw aUjl hMsw ] iqsu ivic nwmu inrMjn AMsw ]
nirmal kaa-i-aa oojal haNsaa. tis vich naam niraNjan aNsaa.
Immaculate is that body, and, bright (i.e. pure/ sublime) is that swan (soul);
within it dwells the name, the segment (i.e. essence) of the Immaculate (Lord).
sgly dUK AMimRqu kir pIvY bwhuiV dUKu n pwiedw ]6]
saglay dookh aMmrit kar peevai, baahurh dookh na paa-idaa. ||6||
(Such a being) drinks in all the pains like AMmrit; he never suffers sorrows again. 6
bhu swdhu dUKu prwpiq hovY ] baho saadahu dookh paraapat hovai.
Indulging in excessive tastes (i.e. revelries), one receives only sufferings.
Boghu rog su AMiq ivgovY ] bhogahu rog so aNt vigovai.
From enjoyments, one contacts diseases, and, in the end, one is wasted off.
hrKhu sogu n imteI kbhU ivxu Bwxy Brmwiedw ]7]
harkhahu sog na mit-ee kabhoo vin bhaaṇay bharmaa-idaa. ||7||
Pleasure leads to pains, and, it can never be erased; without (following) the will (of God) one
remains wandering (in wilderness). 7
igAwn ivhUxI BvY sbweI ] gi-aan vihooṇee bhavai sabaa-ee.
Without (spiritual) knowledge all are (just) wandering around;
swcw riv rihAw ilv lweI ] saachaa rav rahi-aa liv laa-ee.
True is pervading (everywhere), and, contemplating (i.e. monitoring everyone).
inrBau sbdu gurU scu jwqw joqI joiq imlwiedw ]8]
nirbha-o sabad guroo sach jaataa, jotee jot milaa-idaa. ||8||
One, who has (enshrines) the fearless word of the Guru within, (God) merges his light into
His Light. 8
Atlu Afolu Aqolu murwry ] atal adol atol muraaray.
He is eternal, unchanging, immeasurable and the Destroyer of Demons.
iKn mih Fwih Pyir auswry ] khin meh ḍaahi fayr usaaray.
In a moment, He destroys, and, then reconstructs.
rUpu n ryiKAw imiq nhI kImiq sbid Byid pqIAwiedw ]9]
roop na raykh-i-aa mit nahee keemat, sabad bhayd patee-aa-idaa. ||9||
He has no form, no limit, no one can evaluate Him; pierced by His word, one is satisfied. 9
P. 1035
hm dwsn ky dws ipAwry ] swiDk swc Bly vIcwry ]
ham daasan kay daas, pi-aaray. saadhik saach bhalay veechaaray.
I am slave of the slaves (of God), O! dear.
They are seekers of truth and good, and, they contemplate (God).
mMny nwau soeI ijix jwsI Awpy swcu idRVwiedw ]10]
maNnay naa-o so-ee jiṇ jaasee, aapay saach dariṛaa-idaa. ||10||
One who believes in His name, will win (the game of life); He (i.e. God) Himself implants truth
within (the beings). 10
plY swcu scy sicAwrw ] palai saach sachay sachi-aaraa.
He, who has truth with him, he is the truest of the true.
swcy BwvY sbdu ipAwrw ] saachay bhaavai sabad pi-aaraa.
The True (Lord) is pleased with the one who loves the word.
iqRBvix swcu klw Dir QwpI swcy hI pqIAwiedw ]11]
taribhavaṇ saach kalaa dhar thaapee, saachay hee patee-aa-idaa. ||11||
The True (Lord) has established the three worlds in His power; and, He is pleased in the true
(i.e. those who live truthful life). 11
vfw vfw AwKY sBu koeI ] vadaa vadaa aakhai sabh ko-ee.
Everyone calls Him great and great.
gur ibnu soJI iknY n hoeI ] gur bin sojhee kinai na ho-ee.
(But) without the Guru, no one understands Him.
swic imlY so swcy Bwey nw vICuiV duKu pwiedw ]12]
saach milai so saachay bhaa-ay, naa veechhuṛ dukh paa-idaa. ||12||
The true is pleased with the one who meets (i.e. merges in) the True; and, he does not separate
(again) and suffer pain. 12
Durhu ivCuMny DwhI ruMny ] dharahu vichhuNnay, dhaahee ruNnay.
The separated from Primal Lord (God), wail loudly.
mir mir jnmih muhliq puMny ] mar mar janmeh, muhlat puNnay.
When their time is over, they die and die, and, are born (again in cycle of reincarnation).
ijsu bKsy iqsu dy vifAweI myil n pCoqwiedw ]13]
jis bakhsay tis day vadi-aa-ee, mayl na pachhotaa-idaa. ||13||
Whomever He blesses, He bestows greatness (i.e. honour) upon him; and, uniting him (with
Himself) He does not regret it. 13
Awpy krqw Awpy Bugqw ] aapay kartaa aapay bhugtaa.
He Himself is the Creator, and, He Himself is Enjoyer (through His created ones).
Awpy iqRpqw Awpy mukqw ] aapay tariptaa aapay muktaa.
He Himself is satiated (through His created ones), and, He Himself is the Lord of liberated.
Awpy mukiq dwnu mukqIsru mmqw mohu cukwiedw ]14]
aapay mukat daan mukteesar, mamtaa moh chukaa-idaa. ||14||
The Lord of Liberation Himself grants the gift of liberation, and, eradicates possessiveness
and (emotional) attachment. 14
dwnw kY isir dwnu vIcwrw ] krx kwrx smrQu Apwrw ]
daanaa kai sir daan veechaaraa. karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath apaaraa.
The greatest of the gifts is contemplation (of the name of the Lord).
(The Lord is) the Cause of the causes, all-powerful and Infinite.
kir kir vyKY kIqw Apxw krxI kwr krwiedw ]15]
kar kar vaykhai keetaa apṇaa karṇee kaar karaa-idaa. ||15||
He creates and creates, and, beholds (i.e. cherishes) His creation; and, gets (all) to do their
deeds. 15
sy gux gwvih swcy Bwvih ] say guṇ gaavahi saachay bhaaveh.
They alone sing (the praise of) His excellences, who are pleasing to the True.
quJ qy aupjih quJ mwih smwvih ] tujh tay upjahi tujh maahi samaaveh.
They (i.e. all beings and creatures) are born of You and merge (again) into You.
nwnku swcu khY bynµqI imil swcy suKu pwiedw ]16]2]14]
naanak, saach kahai baynaNtee, mil saachay sukh paa-idaa. ||16||2||14||
Nanak (says): I offer this true prayer, (that) meeting with the True (Lord) happiness is
obtained. 16.2.14

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Arbd nrbd DuMDUkwrw ] arbad narbad dhuNdhookaaraa.
For hundreds of millions and even more than hundreds of millions of years (i.e. for countless
eons), there was (only) utter darkness.
Drix n ggnw hukmu Apwrw ] dharaṇ na gagnaa hukam apaaraa.
There was no earth or sky; there was only the Infinite command (of God).
nw idnu rYin n cMdu n sUrju suMn smwiD lgwiedw ]1]
naa din rain, na chaNd na sooraj, suNn samaadh lagaa-idaa. ||1||
There was no day or night, no moon or sun; (only) He (i.e. God) sat in trance in void. 1
KwxI n bwxI paux n pwxI ] khaaṇee na baṇee, pa-uṇ na paaṇee.
There was no sources of life, no language of speech; (and there was) no air, no water.
Epiq Kpiq n Awvx jwxI ] opat khapat na aavaṇ jaaṇee.
There was no creation or desolation; (and there was) no coming (birth) or going (death).
KMf pqwl spq nhI swgr ndI n nIru vhwiedw ]2]
khaNd pataal, sapat nahee saagar, nadee na neer vahaa-idaa. ||2||
There were no continents or nether regions; (and there ware) no seven seas, no rivers or
flowing water. 2
nw qid surgu mCu pieAwlw ] naa tad surag, machh, pa-i-aalaa.
There were no heavenly realms, no middle region (i.e. earth), and, no nether regions.
dojku iBsqu nhI KY kwlw ] dojak bhisat, nahee khai kaalaa.
There was no hell or heaven; no death, the consumer (i.e. destroyer).
nrku surgu nhI jMmxu mrxw nw ko Awie n jwiedw ]3]
narak surag nahee jaMmaṇ marṇaa naa ko aa-ay na jaa-idaa. ||3||
Neither there was hell, nor heaven, nor birth or death, neither anyone would come, nor go. 3
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu n koeI ] barahmaa bisan mahays na ko-ee.
There was no Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh (i.e. Shiv)*. [*The three most famous mythical gods].
Avru n dIsY eyko soeI ] avar na deesai ayko so-ee.
No one was seen, except Him, the One (God).
nwir purKu nhI jwiq n jnmw nw ko duKu suKu pwiedw ]4]
naar purakh nahee jaat na janmaa, naa ko dukh sukh paa-idaa. ||4||
There was no female or male; no caste (i.e. social status) and no (family of) birth; and, no one
experienced sorrow or happiness. 4
nw qid jqI sqI bnvwsI ] naa tad jatee satee banvaasee.
Then there were no celibates, no truthful-living, and, no dwellers of forests (i.e. renuciates).
nw qid isD swiDk suKvwsI ] naa tad sidh saadhik sukhvaasee.
Then there were no sidh (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), no seekers, nor one
living in happiness (i.e. peace and poise).
jogI jMgm ByKu n koeI nw ko nwQu khwiedw ]5] jogee ja gam bhaykh na ko-ee, naa ko naath kahaa-idaa. ||5||
There was no Yogis, no Jangam*, nor any other sect, and, no one called himself Nath (i.e. the
master of theYogis). 5 [*Jangam is a sect of Shaivaits].
jp qp sMjm nw bRq pUjw ] jap tap saNjam naa barat poojaa.
There was no meditation, penance or self-discipline,; (and there was) no fasting or worship.
nw ko AwiK vKwxY dUjw ] naa ko aakh vakhaaṇai doojaa.
No one would speak of or talk in duality.
Awpy Awip aupwie ivgsY Awpy kImiq pwiedw ]6] aapay aap upaa-ay vigsai, aapay keemat paa-idaa. ||6||
He Himself created and blossomed forth (i.e. rejoiced); and, He (Himself) evaluated Himself. 6
nw suic sMjmu qulsI mwlw ] naa such saNjam, tulsee maalaa.
There was no purification, no self-restraint; and, (there was) no (wearing of) rosary of Tulsi*
beads. [*Tulsi beads are regarded as pious by the Brahmins].
gopI kwnu n gaU guoAwlw ] gopee kaan na ga-oo go-aalaa.
There was no Gopis, no Krishan (i.e. the mythical beloved and lover), no cows no cowherd.
qMqu mMqu pwKMfu n koeI nw ko vMsu vjwiedw ]7] taNt maNt pakhaNd na ko-ee, naa ko vaNs vajaa-idaa. ||7||
There was no magical incantations, no hypocrisy, and, no one played flute. 7
krm Drm nhI mwieAw mwKI ] karam dharam nahee maa-i-aa maakhee.
There was no religious ritual, nor the sweet maya.
jwiq jnmu nhI dIsY AwKI ] jaat janam nahee deesai aakhee.
Caste (i.e. social class) or (family of) birth was not seen or talked about.
mmqw jwlu kwlu nhI mwQY nw ko iksY iDAwiedw ]8]
mamtaa jaal kaal nahee maathai, naa ko kisai dhi-aa-idaa. ||8||
There was no noose of (emotional) attachment, no death inscribed upon forehead; and, no
one meditated upon anyone. 8
inMdu ibMdu nhI jIau n ijMdo ] niNd biNd nahee, jee-o na jiNdo.
There was no slander and no flattery; and, (there was) no soul and no life
nw qid gorKu nw mwiCMdo ] naa tad gorakh naa maachhindo.
Then, there was no Gorakh and no Machhinder*. [*The two major leaders of the
nw qid igAwnu iDAwnu kul Epiq nw ko gxq gxwiedw ]9]
naa tad gi-aan dhi-aan kul opat, naa ko ganat gaṇaa-idaa. ||9||
Then, there was no knowledge, no meditation; no one was born of any lineage; and, no one
reckoned accounts (of deeds). 9
vrn ByK nhI bRhmx KqRI ] varan bhaykh nahee barahmaṇ khatree.
There was no (social) class, no (religious) sect; and, no Brahman* or Khatri*.
dyau n dyhurw gaU gwieqRI ] day-o na dayhuraa ga-oo gaa-itaree**.
There was no god or shrine no cow or Gaaitaree** (incantation).
[**Brahman and Khatri/Kashatarya are the so-called high castes in Hindu social heierarchy. *This is a famous Hindu
incantation, considered by them as most sacred: “O bhuur bhuva svaha. tat savitur vaare (i)ya . bhaargo
devaasya dheemahi dheeyo yoo na prachodaayaat.” [Meaning: (We) meditate upon that most meditation-worthy, the
most knowable and hence the most relishable self-luminous radiance (in the form of Parabrahman) of the divine entity
called Savita (the all-inspiring, all-creating one), which inspires our activities, properties and intellect].
hom jg nhI qIriQ nwvxu nw ko pUjw lwiedw ]10] hom jag nahee tirath naavaṇ, naa ko poojaa laa-idaa ||10||
There were no sacrificial offerings, no (ceremonial) feasts, no (cleansing) baths at places of
pilgrimage; no body performed worship. 10
nw ko mulw nw ko kwjI ] naa ko mulaa naa ko kaajee.
There was no Mullah (i.e. clergy) nor a Qazi (i.e. religious judge).
nw ko syKu mswieku hwjI ] naa ko saykh masaa-ik haajee.
There was no Sheikh (religious preacher), or a Haji (pilgrim to Mecca).
reIAiq rwau n haumY dunIAw nw ko khxu khwiedw ]11]
ra-ee-at raa-o na ha-umai dunee-aa, naa ko kahaṇ kahaa-idaa. ||11||
There was no subject or king, and, no worldly ego; no one to speak or get one to speak. 11
Bwau n BgqI nw isv skqI ] bhaa-o na bhagtee naa siv saktee.
There was love or devotion; and, no Shiv or Shakti (mind or intellect/ enenrgy and matter).
swjnu mIqu ibMdu nhI rkqI ] saajan meet biNd nahee raktee.
There was no friend or companion; no semen or blood (of female)
Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw swcy eyho Bwiedw ]12] aapay saahu aapay vaṇjaaraa, saachay ayho bhaa-idaa. ||12||
He Himself was the banker, and, He Himself was the trader; such was the pleasure of the

True (Lord). 12
byd kqyb n isMimRiq swsq ] bayd katayb na siMmrit saasat.
There were no Ved or Katayb, no Simritis or Shashtras.
pwT purwx audY nhI Awsq ] paath puraaṇ, udai nahee aasat.
There was no recitation of Puraans, no sunrise or sunset.
khqw bkqw Awip Agocru Awpy AlKu lKwiedw ]13]
kahtaa baktaa aap agochar, aapay alakh lakhaa-idaa. ||13||
The unknowable (Lord) Himself was saying and speaking (to Himself); the Unseeable (Lord)
Himself revealed Himself. 13
jw iqsu Bwxw qw jgqu aupwieAw ] jaa tis bhaaṇaa taa jagat upaa-i-aa.
When He so willed, (then) He created the world.
bwJu klw Awfwxu rhwieAw ] baajh kalaa aadaaṇ rahaa-i-aa.
Without any (supporting) power, he sustained the expanse (i.e. the world).
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey mwieAw mohu vDwiedw ]14]
barahmaa bisan mahays upaa-ay, maa-i-aa moh vadhaa-idaa. ||14||
He created Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv); and, increased the attachment to maya. 14
ivrly kau guir sbdu suxwieAw ] virlay ka-o gur sabad suṇaa-i-aa.
Rare are those whom He got to listen to the word of the Guru:
kir kir dyKY hukmu sbwieAw ] kar kar daykhai hukam sabaa-i-aa.
He creates, and having created sustains; His command prevails over all.
KMf bRhmMf pwqwl ArMBy gupqhu prgtI Awiedw ]15]
khaNd barahmaNd paataal araMbhay, guptahu pargatee aa-idaa. ||15||
He has formed continents, universe and nether regions; and, thus the unseen (Lord) has
revealed Himself.15
qw kw AMqu n jwxY koeI ] taa kaa aNt na jaaṇai ko-ee.
No one knows His limits.
pUry gur qy soJI hoeI ] pooray gur tay sojhee ho-ee.
This understanding comes (only) from the perfect Guru.
nwnk swic rqy ibsmwdI ibsm Bey gux gwiedw ]16]3]15]
naanak, saach ratay bismaadee, bisam bha-ay guṇ gaa-idaa. ||16||3||15||
Nanak (says): Those, who are imbued with the True (Lord), are wonder-struck; and, singing
(the praise of) His excellences, they are filled with wonder. 16.3.15

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

Awpy Awpu aupwie inrwlw ] aapay aap upaa-ay niraalaa.
He himself created (the creation) and remains detached.
swcw Qwnu kIE dieAwlw ] saachaa thaan kee-o da-i-aalaa.
The Merciful (Lord) has established His true abode (in the Tenth Gate of the body).
paux pwxI AgnI kw bMDnu kwieAw kotu rcwiedw ]1]
pa-un paaṇee agnee kaa baNdhan, kaa-i-aa kot rachaa-idaa. ||1||
Joining together air, water, and fire, He has created the fort of body. 1
nau Gr Qwpy QwpxhwrY ] na-o ghar thaapay thaapaṇhaarai.

The Creator has established mine gates (i.e. holes in/ action organs of the body); and,
dsvY vwsw AlK ApwrY ] dasvai vaasaa alakh apaarai.
In the Tenth (Gate) is the dwelling of the Unseen, Infinite (Lord).
swier spq Bry jil inrmil gurmuiK mYlu n lwiedw ]2]
saa-ir sapat bharay jal nirmal, gurmukh mail na laa-idaa. ||2||
The seven seas* of the Guru-oriented are filled with immaculate water, and, he is not stained
with filth. 2 [*The five sensory organs (i.e. eyes, ears, nose, mouth/tongue and skin), mind and
riv sis dIpk joiq sbweI ] rav sas deepak, jot sabaa-ee.
(He has created) the sun and the moon (like) the two lamps; and, has placed His Light in all.
Awpy kir vyKY vifAweI ] aapay kar vaykhai vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself creates and beholds His own greatness.
joiq srUp sdw suKdwqw scy soBw pwiedw ]3] jot saroop sadaa sukh-daata, sachay sobhaa paa-idaa. ||3||
He is the Embodiment of Light, and forever Giver of Happiness; one (who attaches oneself to
Him) obtains glory from him. 3
gV mih hwt ptx vwpwrw ] garh meh haat pataṇ vaapaaraa.
Within the body-fort, there are shops*, bazaars and trading is done (by the Lord).
[*The sensory organs symbolise the shops].
pUrY qoil qolY vxjwrw ] poorai tol tolai vaṇjaaraa.
The merchant weight with perfect weights.
Awpy rqnu ivswhy lyvY Awpy kImiq pwiedw ]4] aapay ratan visaahay layvai, aapay keemat paa-idaa. ||4||
He Himself buys and keeps the jewel (of the name); He himself appraises the value. 4
kImiq pweI pwvxhwrY ] keemat paa-ee paavaṇhaarai.
The Appraiser appraises the value (of the jewel of the name);
vyprvwh pUry BMfwrY ] vayparvaah pooray bhaNdaarai.
The treasures of the Carefree (Lord) are overflowing.
srb klw ly Awpy rihAw gurmuiK iksY buJwiedw ]5]
sarab kalaa lay aapay rahi-aa, gurmukh kisai bujhaa-idaa. ||5||
With all His power, He pervades all; He bestows this understanding (only) to some rare ones,
through the Guru. 5
ndir kry pUrw guru BytY ] jm jMdwru n mwrY PytY ]
nadar karay, pooraa gur bhaytai. jam jaNdaar na maarai faytai.
We He bestows His grace, one meets the perfect Guru; (and, then)
the cruel messenger of death can not strike Him.
ijau jl AMqir kmlu ibgwsI Awpy ibgis iDAwiedw ]6]
ji-o jal aNtar kamal bigaasee, aapay bigas dhi-aa-idaa. ||6||
As a lotus blossoms forth in water, He Himself blossoms forth (dwelling within the Guru-
oriented) and meditates. 6
Awpy vrKY AMimRq Dwrw ] rqn jvyhr lwl Apwrw ]
aapay varkhai aMmrit dhaaraa. ratan javayhar laal apaaraa.
He Himself rains down the stream of AMmrit. In it are lot of jewels, diamonds and rubies.
siqguru imlY q pUrw pweIAY pRym pdwrQu pwiedw ]7]

satgur milai ta pooraa paa-ee-ai, praym padaarath paa-idaa. ||7||
Meeting with the True Guru, one obtains the Perfect (Lord); and, receives the wealth of love. 7
pRym pdwrQu lhY Amolo ] kb hI n Gwtis pUrw qolo ]
paraym padaarath lahai amolo. kab hee na ghaatas, pooraa tolo.
One who obtains the priceless wealth of love;
it (i.e. wealth of love) never decreases, its (always) weigh remains perfect.
scy kw vwpwrI hovY sco saudw pwiedw ]8] sachay kaa vaapaaree hovai, sacho sa-udaa paa-idaa. ||8||
One who trades in Truth, obtains the true merchandise. 8
scw saudw ivrlw ko pwey ] sachaa sa-udaa, virlaa ko paa-ay.
Only some rare one obtains true merchandise (of name).
pUrw siqguru imlY imlwey ] pooraa satgur milai, milaa-ay.
when one meets the True Guru, then he (i.e. the True Guru) gets one united (with God).
P. 1037
gurmuiK hoie su hukmu pCwxY mwnY hukmu smwiedw ]9]
gurmukh ho-ay so hukam pachhaanai, maanai hukam samaa-idaa. ||9||
He, who is Guru-oriented, realizes His command; and, obeying His command, he merges in
Him (i.e. God). 9
hukmy AwieAw hukim smwieAw ] hukmay aa-i-aa hukam samaa-i-aa.
By His command, one comes (into the world); and, by His command, one merges into Him
hukmy dIsY jgqu aupwieAw ] hukmay deesai jagat upaa-i-aa.
Aby His command, the world, that is seen, was formed.
hukmy surgu mCu pieAwlw hukmy klw rhwiedw ]10]
hukmay surag machh pa-i-aalaa hukmay kalaa rahaa-idaa. ||10||
By His command the heavens, the earth and nether regions were created; and, by His
command His power supports them (i.e. keeps them in order). 10
hukmy DrqI Daul isir BwrM ] hukmay dhartee dha-ul sir bhaaraN.
By His command the (mythical) bull* is carrying the load of the earth on its head.
[*The bull mythology is found in various cultures and faiths. According to a Hindu myth, the earth is placed on the head
of a bull. According to the Greek mythology god Zeus appeared in the form of a bull to carried away Europe. According
to Chinese mythology, it is the bull that carries sun through various houses of zodiac. The myth of the bull is found in
Hebrew tradition too. Sikhism rejects the myth of bull carrying the earth on its head; Guru Nanak says that it is
‘dharma’ (righteousness) that is carrying/sustaining the earth; without righteousness, it is sure to be destroyed].
hukmy paux pwxI gYxwrM ] hukmay pa-un paaṇee gainaaraN.
By His command are the air, water and sky (standing in order).
hukmy isv skqI Gir vwsw hukmy Kyl Kylwiedw ]11]
hukmay siv saktee ghar vaasaa, hukmay khayl khaylaa-idaa. ||11||
By His command soul dwells in the house of maya; and, by His command He causes the
playing of the play (of the world). 11
hukmy Awfwxy AwgwsI ] hukmay aadaaṇay aagaasee.
By His command the sky is spread (above without any support).
hukmy jl Ql iqRBvx vwsI ] hukmay jal thal taribhavaṇ vaasee.
By His command dwell the creatures live (i.e. there is life) in water, on the land and

throughout the three worlds.
hukmy sws igrws sdw Puin hukmy dyiK idKwiedw ]12]
hukmay saas giraas sadaa fun, hukmay daykh dikhaa-idaa. ||12||
By His command all draw breath and receive morsel (i.e. food); and, by His command He
watches (everything) and gets us to see. 12
hukim aupwey ds Aauqwrw ] dyv dwnv Agxq Apwrw ]
hukam upaa-ay das a-utaaraa. dayv daanav agṇat apaaraa.
By His command He created the ten incarnations (of Vishnu);
(and by His command were created) countless and infinite (number of) gods and devils .
mwnY hukmu su drgh pYJY swic imlwie smwiedw ]13]
maanai hukam so dargeh paijhai saach milaa-ay samaa-idaa. ||13||
He, who obeys His command, is robed in honour in His court; and, uniting him with truth He
(i.e. God) merges one with Himself. 13
hukmy jug CqIh gudwry ] hukmay jug chhateeh gudaaray.
By His command, the thirsty-six ages are passed.
hukmy isD swiDk vIcwry ] hukmay sidh saadhik veechaaray.
By His command the sidhs (i.e. having miraculous powers) and the seekers contemplate Him.
Awip nwQu nQˆØI sB jw kI bKsy mukiq krwiedw ]14]
aap naath natheen sabh jaa kee, bakhsay mukat karaa-idaa. ||14||
He Himself is the Lord, and everything is under His lordship (i.e. under His supremacy,
command and control); becoming graceful, He liberates.14
kwieAw kotu gVY mih rwjw ] nyb Kvws Blw drvwjw ]
kaa-i-aa kot gaṛai meh raajaa. nayb khavaas bhalaa darvaajaa.
In the fortress of the body-fort is (He) is a king; (dwelling) with special assistants (i.e. the
action and the sensory organs) at its door (i.e. mouth).
imiQAw loBu nwhI Gir vwsw lib pwip pCuqwiedw ]15]
mithi-aa lobh naahee ghar vaasaa, lab paap pachhutaa-idaa. ||15||
(But) due to false greed, it does not find abode in that home; and, engrossed in greed and sin it
repents. 15
squ sMqoKu ngr mih kwrI ] jqu squ sMjmu srix murwrI ]
sat saNtokh nagar meh kaaree. jat sat saNjam saraṇ muraaree.
Truth and contentment are the official of this (body) city;
celibacy, truth, and self-contol keep one in the refuge of the Destroyer of Demons (i.e. God).
nwnk shij imlY jgjIvnu gur sbdI piq pwiedw ]16]4]16]
naanak, sahj milai jagjeevan, gur sabdee pat paa-idaa. ||16||4||16||
Nanak (says): One meets the Life of the World(i.e. God) in natural ease; and, through the
word of the Guru, one obtains honour (in His court). 16.4.16

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

suMn klw AprMpir DwrI ] suNn kalaa apraNpar dhaaree.
In the void, the Infinite (Lord) has assumed (His) power.
Awip inrwlmu Apr ApwrI ] aap niraalam apar apaaree.

He Himself is unattached, infinite and endless.
Awpy kudriq kir kir dyKY suMnhu suMnu aupwiedw ]1]
aapay kudrat kar kar daykhai, suNnahu suNn upaa-idaa. ||1||
He Himself constantly exercises His creative power and beholds His creation; He forms void
out of (Primal) void. 1
pauxu pwxI suMnY qy swjy ] pa-un paaṇee suNnai tay saajay.
He has created air and water from (this Primal) void.
isRsit aupwie kwieAw gV rwjy ] sarisat upaa-ay, kaa-i-aa gaṛ raajay.
He created the universe, and, the kings of the body-forts (i.e. created soul ruling the body-forts).
Agin pwxI jIau joiq qumwrI suMny klw rhwiedw ]2]
agan paaṇee jee-o jot tumaaree, suNnay kalaa rahaa-idaa. ||2||
In the living-being (formed from) fire and water, it is all are Your Light (that prevails); Your
power rests in (Primal) void. 2
suMnhu bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey ] suNnahu barahmaa bisan mahays upaa-ay.
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh were created from the (Primal) void.
suMny vrqy jug sbwey ] suNnay vartay jug sabaa-ay.
The (Primal) void prevailed throughout all the Ages.
iesu pd vIcwry so jnu pUrw iqsu imlIAY Brmu cukwiedw ]3]
is pad veechaaray so jan pooraa, tis milee-ai bharam chukaa-idaa. ||3||
He, who contemplates this state, is a perfect person; meeting with him, doubt is dispelled. 3
suMnhu spq srovr Qwpy ] suNnahu sapat sarovar thaapay.
From the (Primal) void, the seven seas* were created.
[*Seven seas: the five sensory organs (eyes, ears, mouth/tongue, nose, skin), mind and intellect].
ijin swjy vIcwry Awpy ] jin saajay veechaaray aapay.
He (i.e. God) who created them, He Himself contemplates them.
iqqu sq sir mnUAw gurmuiK nwvY iPir bwhuiV join n pwiedw ]4]
tit sat sar manoo-aa gurmukh naavai, fir baahuṛ jon na paa-idaa. ||4||
The mind (i.e. human being) which bathes in this sea of truth through the Guru, he is not cast
into womb again (i.e. he is not incarnated again). 4
suMnhu cMdu sUrju gYxwry ] sunnahu chaNd sooraj gaiṇaaray.
Form the (Primal) void came the moon, the sun and the sky.
iqs kI joiq iqRBvx swry ] tis kee jot taribhavaṇ saaray.
His light pervades all the three worlds.
suMny AlK Apwr inrwlmu suMny qwVI lwiedw ]5] su nay alakh apaar niraalam, su nay taaṛee laa-idaa. ||5||
The unseen, infinite (Lord) remains detached in the void; and, in void, He is absorbed in
trance. 5
suMnhu Driq Akwsu aupwey ] suNnahu dharat akaas upaa-ay.
From the (Primal) void the earth and the sky were created.
ibnu QMmw rwKy scu kl pwey ] bin thaMmaa raakhay sach kal paa-ay.
The True (Lord) sustains without any support by exorcising His power .
iqRBvx swij myKulI mwieAw Awip aupwie Kpwiedw ]6]
taribhavaṇ saaj maykhulee maa-i-aa, aap upaa-ay khapaa-idaa. ||6||

Creating the there worlds, He strings them with the rope of maya. He Himself creates and
(then) destroys. 6
suMnhu KwxI suMnhu bwxI ] suNnahu khaaṇee, suNnahu baṇee.
From the (Primal) void came the (four) sources of creation, and, From the (Primal) void came
up the (the four modes of) speech.
[The four sources of creation are: 1. Andaj (from eggs: birds etc), 2. Jayraj (from body: humans and animals), 3. Saytaj
(from perspiraion/moisture: pests like lice etc), 4. Utbhuj (from earth: plants etc). The four modes of expression are: 1.
Paraa: originating in abstract mind 2. Pasantee: intimating the brain 3. Madham: communicating the tongue 4.
Baikharee: utter from the mouth].
suMnhu aupjI suMin smwxI ] suNnahu upjee suNn samaaṇee.
From the (Primal) void it (i.e. the universe) is created from void, and, it merges (again) into
the (Primal) void.
auqBuju clqu kIAw isir krqY ibsmwdu sbid dyKwiedw ]7]
ut-bhuj chalat kee-aa sir kartai, bismaad sabad daykhaa-idaa. ||7||
This Creator has created the wonderful play of vegetation (i.e. nature); He reveals this
through the word (of the Guru). 7
suMnhu rwiq idnsu duie kIey ] suNnahu raat dinas du-ay kee-ay.
From the (Primal) void He made both, the night and day;
Epiq Kpiq suKw duK dIey ] opat khapat sukhaa dukh dee-ay.
He gave life and death, pleasure and pain
suK duK hI qy Amru AqIqw gurmuiK inj Gru pwiedw ]8]
sukh dukh hee tay amar ateetaa, gurmukh nij ghar paa-idaa. ||8||
One, who remains detached from pains and pleasures, becomes immortal, and, through the
Guru he obtains the home of his self. 8
P. 1038
swm vydu irgu jujru AQrbxu ] bRhmy muiK mwieAw hY qRY gux ]
saam vayd rig jujar atharbaṇ. barahmay mukh maa-i-aa hai tarai guṇ.
The Sam, the Rig, the Jajur, the Atharban; they are from the mouth of Brahma, (all these
speak about) the three gunaas (qualities) of maya.
qw kI kImiq kih n skY ko iqau boly ijau bolwiedw ]9]
taa kee keemat kahi na sakai, ko ti-o bolay ji-o bolaa-idaa. ||9||
No one can describe His worth. One speaks as he gets us to speak. 9
suMnhu spq pwqwl aupwey ] suNnahu sapat paataal upaa-ay.
HeFrom the (Primal) void created seven nether regions (and seven skies).
suMnhu Bvx rKy ilv lwey ] suNnahu bhavaṇ rakhay liv laa-ay.
From the (Primal) void He created (three) worlds, and, He lovingly takes care of them.
Awpy kwrxu kIAw AprMpir sBu qyro kIAw kmwiedw ]10]
aapay kaaraṇ kee-aa apraMpar, sabh tayro kee-aa kamaa-idaa. ||10||
The infinite (Lord) Himself created the creation. (O! God) everyone earns (i.e. acts) as You
command them to act. 10
rj qm sq kl qyrI CwieAw ] jnm mrx haumY duKu pwieAw ]
raj tam sat kal tayree chhaa-i-aa. janam maraṇ ha-umai dukh paa-i-aa.
Rajas, tamas, satav (i.e. three gunaas) are diffusion of Your power; (and)

(through these gunaas), You created pains of birth and death and egotism.
ijs no ik®pw kry hir gurmuiK guix cauQY mukiq krwiedw ]11]
jis no kirpaa karay har gurmukh, guṇ cha-uthai mukat karaa-idaa. ||11||
He, whom God blesses with His grace, attains fourth state through the Guru, thus he is
liberated. 11
suMnhu aupjy ds Avqwrw ] suNnahu upjay das avtaaraa.
From the (Primal) void were born the ten incarnations (of Vishnu);
isRsit aupwie kIAw pwswrw ] sarisat upaa-ay kee-aa paasaaraa.
Creating the universe, He made the expanse.
dyv dwnv gx gMDrb swjy siB iliKAw krm kmwiedw ]12]
dayv daanav gaṇ gaNdharab saajay, sabh likhi-aa karam kamaa-idaa. ||12||
He created gods, demons, attendants of deities, musicians of gods; everyone acts according
to the inscription of the past actions. 12
gurmuiK smJY rogu n hoeI ] gurmukh samjhai rog na ho-ee.
One, who understands (the mystery of the Primal void) through the Guru, does not suffer any
ieh gur kI pauVI jwxY jnu koeI ] ih gur kee pa-oṛee jaaṇai jan ko-ee.
Rare are those who understand this is ladder of the Guru.
jugh jugMqir mukiq prwiex so mukiq BieAw piq pwiedw ]13]
jugah jugaNtar mukat paraa-iṇ, so mukat bha-i-aa pat paa-idaa. ||13||
Throughout the Ages, this (i.e. Guru’s ladder) has been the support for liberation; (and, by
understanding it) one who attains liberations obtains honour (in the court of God). 13
pMc qqu suMnhu prgwsw ] paNch tat suNnahu pargaasaa.
From the (Primal) void the five elements became manifest.
dyh sMjogI krm AiBAwsw ] dayh saNjogee, karam abhi-aasaa.
By destiny one obtains (human) body, and, begins practising actions.
burw Blw duie msqik lIKy pwpu puMnu bIjwiedw ]14]
buraa bhalaa du-ay mastak leekhay, paap puNn beejaa-idaa. ||14||
Both, good or bad (deeds) are inscribed on forehead; thus, one sows (seeds of) vice and virtue
(and then reaps their crop i.e. reward). 14
aUqm siqgur purK inrwly ] sbid rqy hir ris mqvwly ]
ootam satgur purakh niraalay. sabad ratay har ras matvaalay.
The True Guru is supreme and detached person;
he is imbued with the word and intoxicated with the essence of God.
iriD buiD isiD igAwnu gurU qy pweIAY pUrY Bwig imlwiedw ]15]
ridh budh sidh gi-aan guroo tay paa-ee-ai, poorai bhaag milaa-idaa. ||15||
One obtains riches, wisdom, miraculous powers, and (spiritual) knowledge from the Guru;
if one has perfect destiny, he (Guru) unites (one with God). 15
iesu mn mwieAw kau nyhu Gnyrw ] is man maa-i-aa ka-o nayhu ghanayraa.
The mind is greatly in love with maya.
koeI bUJhu igAwnI krhu inbyrw ] ko-ee boojhhu gi-aanee, karahu nibayraa.
O! men of knowledge, understand it, and, come to realization.
Awsw mnsw haumY shsw nru loBI kUVu kmwiedw ]16]
aasaa mansaa ha-umai sahsaa, nar lobhee kooṛ kamaa-idaa. ||16||
Engrossed in hope and desire, egotism and doubt, the greedy man earns (i.e. practices)
falsehood. 16
siqgur qy pwey vIcwrw ] suMn smwiD scy Gr bwrw ]
satgur tay paa-ay veechaaraa. suNn samaadh sachay ghar baaraa.
One, who obtains thought (i.e. instruction) from the True Guru;
he dwells in the home of the True in void trance.
nwnk inrml nwdu sbd Duin scu rwmY nwim smwiedw ]17]5]17]
naanak, nirmal naad sabad dhun, sach raamai naam samaa-idaa. ||17||5||17||
Nanak (says): The immaculate sound of the word resounds (within him), and, he merges in
the true name of God. 17.5.17

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

jh dyKw qh dIn dieAwlw ] jah daykhaa tah deen da-i-aalaa.
Wherever I look, I see the Merciful to the Poor.
Awie n jweI pRBu ikrpwlw ] aa-ay na jaa-ee prabh kirpaalaa.
The Kind Lord, does not come or go (in reincarnation).
jIAw AMdir jugiq smweI rihE inrwlmu rwieAw ]1]
jee-aa aNdar jugat samaa-ee, rahi-o niraalam raa-i-aa. ||1||
He pervades all beings in His (mysterious) way, (still) the Sovereign (Lood) remains detached. 1
jgu iqs kI CwieAw ijsu bwpu n mwieAw ] jag tis kee chhaa-i-aa, jis baap na maa-i-aa.
The world is a reflection of Him, He has no father, no mother.
nw iqsu BYx n Brwau kmwieAw ] naa tis bhaiṇ na bharaa-o kamaa-i-aa.
He has not earned any sister or brother.
nw iqsu Epiq Kpiq kul jwqI Ehu Ajrwvru min BwieAw ]2]
naa tis opat khapat kul jaatee, oh ajraavar man bhaa-i-aa. ||2||
He has no creation (i.e. birth), no destruction (i.e. death); no (high) family of birth, no caste
(i.e. social status); that free from aging (Lord) is pleasing to (my) mind. 2
qU Akwl purKu nwhI isir kwlw ] too akaal purakh naahee sir kaalaa.
You are time-less (death-less), O! Primal Being; death is not hover Your head (i.e. You are not
subject to death).
qU purKu AlyK AgMm inrwlw ] too purakh alaykh agaMm niraalaa.
O! Primal Being, You are invisible, inaccessible, and detached.
sq sMqoiK sbid Aiq sIqlu shj Bwie ilv lwieAw ]3]
sat saNtokh sabad at seetal, sahj bhaa-ay liv laa-i-aa. ||3||
One lives in truth and contentment through the word, is cooled (i.e. soothed) by lovingly
focussing (his mind on You). 3
qRY vrqwie cauQY Gir vwsw ] tarai vartaa-ay cha-uthai ghar vaasaa.
The world moves in three gunaas (i.e. qualities of maya); (God has) abode in the fourth state.
kwl ibkwl kIey iek gRwsw ] kaal bikaal kee-ay ik garasaa.
he has made (i.e. eaten up) death and birth into one morsel (i.e. finished them in just one bite).

inrml joiq srb jgjIvnu guir Anhd sbid idKwieAw ]4]
nirmal jot sarab jagjeevan, gur anhad sabad dikhaa-i-aa. ||4||
The immaculate Light is the Life of the whole World; the Guru has shown (i.e. revealed Him)
through the unstruck word. 4
aUqm jn sMq Bly hir ipAwry ] ootam jan saNt bhalay har pi-aaray.
The noble God-oriented persons are sublime beings; (they are) beloveds of God.
hir rs mwqy pwir auqwry ] har ras maatay paar utaaray.
They are intoxicated with the essence of God, and, are carried across to the other side (of the
world ocean).
nwnk ryx sMq jn sMgiq hir gur prswdI pwieAw ]5]
naanak, rayṇ saNt jan saNgat, har gur parsaadee paa-i-aa. ||5||
Nanak (says): I am dust (of the feet) of the company of God-oriented persons; they have
found God by the grace of the Guru. 5
qU AMqrjwmI jIA siB qyry ] too aNtarjaamee, jee-a sabh tayray.
You are the Controller of Souls, all beings belong to You.
P. 1039
qU dwqw hm syvk qyry ] too daataa, ham sayvak tayray.
You are the Giver, we are Your servants (i.e. devotees).
AMimRq nwmu ik®pw kir dIjY guir igAwn rqnu dIpwieAw ]6]
aMmrit naam kirpaa kar deejai, gur gi-aan ratan deepaa-i-aa. ||6||
(O! God) be kind and bless me with (Your) AMmrit name, (through) the Guru, the lamp of the
jewel of knowledge. 6
pMc qqu imil iehu qnu kIAw ] paNch tat mil ih tan kee-aa.
He created this body by uniting the five elements.
Awqm rwm pwey suKu QIAw ] aatam raam paa-ay sukh thee-aa.
Finding the Lord of the Soul, happiness is obtained.
krm krqUiq AMimRq Plu lwgw hir nwm rqnu min pwieAw ]7]
karam kartoot aMmrit fal laagaa, har naam ratan man paa-i-aa. ||7||
The (past) actions and deeds bring the fruit of Amrit (name), to the one who obtains the jewel
of the name of God within his mind. 7
nw iqsu BUK ipAws mnu mwinAw ] naa tis bhookh pi-aas man maani-aa.
He does not feel any hunger or thirst (of worldly comforts), whose mind is pleased (in God).
srb inrMjnu Git Git jwinAw ] sarab niraNjan ghat ghat jaani-aa.
He knows (i.e. beholds) the Immaculate (God) pervading each and every heart.
AMimRq ris rwqw kyvl bYrwgI gurmiq Bwie suBwieAw ]8]
amrit ras raataa kayval bairaagee, gurmat bhaa-ay subhaa-i-aa. ||8||
Imbued with the essence of AMmrit, he remains detached; he is embellished by the Guru’s
wisdom and love.8
AiDAwqm krm kry idnu rwqI ] adhi-aatam karam karay din raatee.
Day and night, he performs spiritual deeds.
inrml joiq inrMqir jwqI ] nirmal jot niraNtar jaatee.
He realizes the immaculate light deep with.

sbdu rswlu rsn ris rsnw byxu rswlu vjwieAw ]9]
sabad rasaal rasan ras rasnaa, bayṇ rasaal vajaa-i-aa. ||9||
His tongue remains enraptured with the word, the essence of essence; and, the flute (of his
mind) plays delightful music. 9
byxu rswl vjwvY soeI ] jw kI iqRBvx soJI hoeI ]
bayn rasaal vajaavai so-ee. jaa kee taribhavaṇ sojhee ho-ee.
He alone plays upon the delighting flute,
who has the knowledge of (the Lord of) the three worlds.
nwnk bUJhu ieh ibiD gurmiq hir rwm nwim ilv lwieAw ]10]
naanak, boojhhu ih bidh gurmat, har raam naam liv laa-i-aa. ||10||
Nanak (says): this way (of playing this delightful flute), is known through wisdom of the Guru,
and, focussing (one’s mind) on the name of God. 10
Aysy jn ivrly sMswry ] gur sbdu vIcwrih rhih inrwry ]
aisay jan virlay saNsaaray. gur sabad vichaareh raheh niraaray.
Rare are such servants (i.e. devotees) in the world,
who contemplate the word of the Guru and remain detached.
Awip qrih sMgiq kul qwrih iqn sPl jnmu jig AwieAw ]11]
aap tareh saNgat kul taareh, tin safal janam jag aa-i-aa. ||11||
They save themselves and save their companions and family (as well); fruitful is their birth
(i.e. coming) into the world. 11
Gru dru mMdru jwxY soeI ] ijsu pUry gur qy soJI hoeI ]
ghar dar maNdar jaaṇai so-ee. jis pooray gur tay sojhee ho-ee.
He alone knows (i.e. finds) the mansion (of God) and the gate of the home (of God),
who has obtained understanding from the perfect Guru
kwieAw gV mhl mhlI pRBu swcw scu swcw qKqu rcwieAw ]12]
kaa-i-aa gaṛ mahal, mahlee prabh saachaa, sach saachaa takhat rachaa-i-aa. ||12||
The body-fort is the palace, the True (Lord) is the master of this palace; the True (Lord) has
established His true throne there. 12
cqur ds hwt dIvy duie swKI ] syvk pMc nwhI ibKu cwKI ]
chatur das haat, deevay du-ay, saakhee. sayvak paNch naahee bikh chaakhee.
The fourteen realms (i.e. seven nether-worlds and seven skies), and, the two lamps (i.e. sun and
moon) are witnesses,
that the servants (i.e. devotees of God), and the nobles (i.e. God-oriented persons) have not
tasted the poison (i.e. maya).
AMqir vsqu AnUp inrmolk guir imilAY hir Dnu pwieAw ]13]
aNtar vasat anoop nirmolak, gur mili-ai har dhan paa-i-aa. ||13||
Within them is the incomparable (i.e. uniquely beautiful), priceless commodity (i.e. wealth of
the name of God); meeting with the Guru, this wealth of God is obtained. 13
qKiq bhY qKqY kI lwiek ] pMc smwey gurmiq pwiek ]
takhat bahai takh-tai kee laa-ik. paNch samaa-ay gurmat paa-ik.
He alone sits on the throne, who is worthy of the throne (of heart);
he subdues the five* through the wisdom of Guru.

[*Sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
Awid jugwdI hY BI hosI shsw Brmu cukwieAw ]14]
aad jugaadee hai bhee hosee, sahsaa bharam chukaa-i-aa. ||14||
He (who) has been from the very beginning of the time and throughout the Ages, exists now
and will always (exist); (meditating upon Him) his confusion and doubt are dispelled. 14
qKiq slwmu hovY idnu rwqI ] takhat salaam hovai din raatee.
The (Lord seated on the) throne (of the heart) is saluted day and night.
iehu swcu vfweI gurmiq ilv jwqI ] ih saach vadaa-ee, gurmat liv jaatee.
This true glory is known (i.e. realized) by those who attune (their mind to the Lord) through
the wisdom of the Guru.
nwnk rwmu jphu qru qwrI hir AMiq sKweI pwieAw ]15]1]18]
naanak, raam japahu tar taaree, har aNt sakhaa-ee paa-i-aa. ||15||1||18||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, and, swim across (the world
ocean); and, You shall obtain God, who is (one’s best) friend in the end. 15.1.18

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

hir Dnu sMchu ry jn BweI ] siqgur syiv rhhu srxweI ]
har dhan saNchahu ray jan bhaa-ee. satgur sayv rahhu sarṇaa-ee.
Gather in the wealth of God, O! brethren, O! beings.
Serve the True Guru, and, remain in His refuge.
qskru coru n lwgY qw kau Duin aupjY sbid jgwieAw ]1]
taskar chor na laagai taa ka-o, dhun upjai sabad jagaa-i-aa. ||1||
No thief, no burglar can steal it, (since) the (celestial) sound of the word wells up (within him)
and keeps him awake. 1
qU eykMkwru inrwlmu rwjw ] too aykaNkaar niraalam raajaa.
(O! God) You are the One Indivisible Reality, detached, sovereign (of the whole universe).
qU Awip svwrih jn ky kwjw ] too aap savaareh jan kay kaajaa.
You Yourself settle the affairs of Your servants (i.e. devotees).
Amru Afolu Apwru Amolku hir AsiQr Qwin suhwieAw ]2]
amar adol apaar amolak, har asthir thaan suhaa-i-aa. ||2||
You are ever-living, immovable, infinite, priceless; O! God, Your place is beautiful and
stable (i.e. eternal). 2
dyhI ngrI aUqm Qwnw ] pMc lok vsih prDwnw ]
dayhee nagree ootam thaanaa. paNch lok vaseh pardhaanaa.
The body-village is a superb place.
Noble and prominent (i.e. God-oriented, devotee) people dwell here.
aUpir eykMkwru inrwlmu suMn smwiD lgwieAw ]3] oopar ayka kaar niraalam, sunn samaadh lagaa-i-aa. ||3||
Above them is the One Indivisible Reality, the Detached (Lord), absorbed in void trance. 3
dyhI ngrI nau drvwjy ] dayhee nagree na-o darvaajay.
The body-village has nine gates*. [*two eyes, two noses, two ears, mouth, urinary/sex organ and anus].
isir isir krxYhwrY swjy ] sir sir karṇaihaarai saajay.
The Creator has created (them), for each and every being.

dsvY purKu AqIqu inrwlw Awpy AlKu lKwieAw ]4] dasvai purakh ateet niraalaa, aapay alakh lakhaa-i-aa ||4||
Within the Tenth Gate (dwells) the Primal being, the detached and unique (Lord); the
unknowable reveals Himself.4
purKu AlyKu scy dIvwnw ] purakh alaykh sachay deevaanaa.
The Primal Being (i.e. God) is not subject to account and true (i.e. eternal) is His court.
hukim clwey scu nIswnw ] hukam chalaa-ay, sach neesaanaa.
He gets His command obeyed (by all), under His true insignia.
nwnk Koij lhhu Gru Apnw hir Awqm rwm nwmu pwieAw ]5]
naanak, khoj lahhu ghar apnaa, har aatam raam naam paa-i-aa. ||5||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) search and find (Him); (he, who has found Him) has obtained the
name of the Lord of Souls. 5
srb inrMjn purKu sujwnw ] sarab nira jan purakh sujaanaa.

The Immaculate Primal Being, the all-knowing (Lord) is contained in everyone.

Adlu kry gur igAwn smwnw ] adal karay, gur gi-aan samaanaa.
He imparts justice; one is absorbed in Him through the knowledge of the Guru.
kwmu k®oDu lY grdin mwry haumY loBu cukwieAw ]6]
kaam krodh lai gardan maaray, ha-umai lobh chukaa-i-aa. ||6||
He holds the sexual desire and anger by their neck and kills them (i.e. totally eliminates), and
eradicates egotism and greed. 6
scY Qwin vsY inrMkwrw ] sachai thaan vasai niraNkaaraa.
The Formless (Lord) dwells at the true (i.e. eternal) place.
Awip pCwxY sbdu vIcwrw ] aap pachhaaṇai sabad veechaaraa.
One, who understands his own self and contemplates the word;
scY mhil invwsu inrMqir Awvx jwxu cukwieAw ]7] sachai mahal nivaas nira tar, aavaṇ jaaṇ chukaa-i-aa ||7||
His comes to abide completely within the true mansion (of the Lord); and, his coming and
going (in incarnation) are ended. 7
nw mnu clY n pauxu aufwvY ] naa man chalai na pa-uṇ udaavai.
(One, who is attached to God) his mind does not waver, nor it is carried away by wind (of
passions and vices).
jogI sbdu Anwhdu vwvY ] pMc sbd Juxkwru inrwlmu pRiB Awpy vwie suxwieAw ]8]
jogee sabad anaahad vaavai.
paNch sabad jhuṇkaar niraalam, prabh aapay vaa-ay sunaa-i-aa. ||8||
(Such a) Yogi plays upon unstruck word; (and from this):
Pure music of five words resounds; God Himself sings for him to listen. 8
Bau bYrwgw shij smwqw ] bha-o bairaagaa sahj samaataa.
(Such a yogi) lives in the fear of and love for God, and, merges in Him with natural ease.
haumY iqAwgI Anhid rwqw ] ha-umai ti-aagee anhad raataa.
Renouncing his egotism, he is imbued with the unstruck music.
Amjnu swir inrMjnu jwxY srb inrMjnu rwieAw ]9] anjan saar nira jan jaaṇai, sarab nira jan raa-i-aa. ||9||
With the collyrium (of enlightenment) he understands (i.e. realizes) the Immaculate (Lord);
(and finds that) the Sovereign (Lord) is pervading everywhere. 9
duK BY BMjnu pRBu AibnwsI ] dukh bhai bhaNjan prabh abhinaasee.
The imperishable Lord is the destroyer of sorrows and fears.
rog kty kwtI jm PwsI ] rog katay kaatee jam faasee.
He cures diseases and cuts away the noose of death.
nwnk hir pRBu so Bau BMjnu guir imilAY hir pRBu pwieAw ]10]
naanak, har prabh so bha-o bhaNjan, gur mili-ai har prabh paa-i-aa. ||10||
Nanak (says): God, the Lord, is the Destroyer of Fears; meeting the Guru, God, the Lord, is
found. 10
kwlY kvlu inrMjnu jwxY ] kaalai kaval niraNjan jaaṇai.
One who knows the Immaculate (Lord), eats up death.
bUJY krmu su sbdu pCwxY ] boojhai karam so sabad pachhaaṇai.
One who understands His grace, realizes the word.
Awpy jwxY Awip pCwxY sBu iqs kw coju sbwieAw ]11]
aapay jaaṇai aap pachhaaṇai, sabh tis kaa choj sabaa-i-aa. ||11||
He Himself knows, and, he Himself realizes; all this (world) is His wondrous play. 11
Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw ] aapay saahu aapay vaṇjaaraa.
He Himself is the banker, and, Himself is the Merchant.
Awpy prKy prKxhwrw ] aapay parkhay parkhaṇhaaraa.
The Appraiser Himself appraises (the merchandise).
Awpy kis ksvtI lwey Awpy kImiq pwieAw ]12] aapay kas kasvatee laa-aym aapay keemat paa-i-aa ||12||
He Himself tests upon His touch-stone, and, He Himself estimates the value. 12
Awip dieAwil dieAw pRiB DwrI ] aap da-i-aal da-i-aa prabh dhaaree.
The merciful Lord Himself bestows His mercy.
Git Git riv rihAw bnvwrI ] ghat ghat rav rahi-aa banvaaree.
The Gardener (of the world garden, i.e. God) is pervading each and every heart;
purKu AqIqu vsY inhkyvlu gur purKY purKu imlwieAw ]13]
purakh ateet vasai nihkayval, gur purkhai purakh milaa-i-aa. ||13||
The detached (i.e. immaculate) Primal Being dwells unattached (in all); the Guru gets one to
meet God, the Primal Lord. 13
pRBu dwnw bInw grbu gvwey ] prabh daanaa beenaa, garab gavaa-ay.
God is all-wise and all-knowing; He destroys ego.
dUjw mytY eyku idKwey ] doojaa maytai, ayk dikhaa-ay.
He eradicates duality and reveals the One (i.e. reveals Himself).
Awsw mwih inrwlmu jonI Akul inrMjnu gwieAw ]14] aasaa maahi niraalam, jonee akul nira jan gaa-i-aa ||14||
One, who remains unattached amidst hope; and, sings (the praise of) the Immaculate (Lord)
who has no family of birth. 14
haumY myit sbid suKu hoeI ] ha-umai mayt sabad sukh ho-ee.
Eradicating egotism through the word, he obtains happiness.
Awpu vIcwry igAwnI soeI ] aap veechaaray gi-aanee so-ee.
He alone is (spiritually) learned who contemplates his own self.
nwnk hir jsu hir gux lwhw sqsMgiq scu Plu pwieAw ]15]2]19]
naanak, har jas har guṇ laahaa, satsaNgat sach fal paa-i-aa. ||15||2||19||

Nanak (says): Singing the praise of the excellences of God is the (true) profit (of life); the true
fruit is obtained in the true congregation. 15.2.19

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

scu khhu scY Gir rhxw ] sach kahhu, sachai ghar rahṇaa.
(O! brethren) chant (the name of) the True; you shall find abode in the home of the True (Lord).
jIvq mrhu Bvjlu jgu qrxw ] jeevat marahu bhavjal jag tarṇaa.
Remain dead while yet alive; (you shall) cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
guru boihQu guru byVI qulhw mn hir jip pwir lµGwieAw ]1]
gur bohith, gur bayṛee tulhaa, man har jap paar laNghaa-i-aa. ||1||
The Guru is the ship, the Guru is the boat, and the raft, O! my mind, meditate upon God, it
(i.e. meditation) shall carry you across (the world ocean). 1
haumY mmqw loB ibnwsnu ] ha-umai mamtaa lobh binaasan.
(The name of God) is the destroyer of egotism, (emotional) attachment and greed.
nau dr mukqy dsvY Awsnu ] na-o dar muktay dasvai aasan.
(By meditating upon the name) one is liberated from nine doors and obtains a place in the
Tenth Gate (i.e. one obtains liberation from one’s body and attaches himself to God).
aUpir prY prY AprMpru ijin Awpy Awpu aupwieAw ]2]
oopar parai parai apraMpar jin aapay aap upaa-i-aa. ||2||
He has created Himself; he is lofty, farthest of the far and infinite.2
gurmiq lyvhu hir ilv qrIAY ] gurmat layvhu har liv taree-ai.
(O! brethren) receive (i.e. follow) the Guru’s wisdom; attune yourself to God and cross over
(the world ocean).
Aklu gwie jm qy ikAw frIAY ] akal gaa-ay jam tay ki-aa daree-ai.
Singing (the praise of) the Absolute (Lord), why should anyone be afraid of death?
jq jq dyKau qq qq qum hI Avru n duqIAw gwieAw ]3]
jat jat daykh-a-u tat tat tum hee, avar na dutee-aa gaa-i-aa. ||3||
Wherever I look, there I see only You (pervading); (so) I do not sing of any other. 3
scu hir nwmu scu hY srxw ] sach har naam sach hai sarṇaa.
True is the name of God, and, true is His refuge.
scu gur sbdu ijqY lig qrxw ] sach gur sabad jitai lag tarṇaa.
True is the word of the Guru, attaching to it one is carried across (the world ocean).
AkQu kQY dyKY AprMpru Puin griB n jonI jwieAw ]4]
akath kathai daykhai apraMpar, fun garabh na jonee jaa-i-aa. ||4||
One, who describes the Indescribable (Lord), beholds the Infinite (Lord); and, he does not
have to enter womb (in reincarnation) again. 4
sc ibnu squ sMqoKu n pwvY ] sach bin sat saNtokh na paavai.
Without the True, no one finds truth and patience; and,
ibnu gur mukiq n AwvY jwvY ] bin gur mukat na aavai jaavai.
Without the Guru, there is no liberation, one remains coming and going (in reincarnation).
mUl mMqRü hir nwmu rswiexu khu nwnk pUrw pwieAw ]5]
mool maNtar har naam rasaa-iṇ, kaho naanak pooraa paa-i-aa. ||5||
Nanak (says): the name of God is the source of the essences, (one who meditates upon ) this
mool mantra (i.e. root charm/ mystic formula), finds the Perfect (Lord). 5
P. 1041
sc ibnu Bvjlu jwie n qirAw ] sach bin bhavjal jaa-ay na tari-aa.
Without (name of) the True, the terrifying waters (of the world ocean) can not be crossed.
eyhu smuMdu AQwhu mhw ibKu BirAw ] ayhu samuNd athaahu mahaa bikh bhari-aa.
This ocean is vast and unfathomable, and, is full of poison (i.e. vices).
rhY AqIqu gurmiq ly aUpir hir inrBau kY Gir pwieAw ]6]
rahai ateet gurmat lay oopar, har nirbha-o kai ghar paa-i-aa. ||6||
One, who keeps the wisdom (i.e. instruction) of the Guru over himself (i.e. keeps it in his
head), and, remains detached, obtains a place in the mansion of the Fearless (Lord). 6
JUTI jg ihq kI cqurweI ] iblm n lwgY AwvY jweI ]
jhooṭee jag hit kee chaturaa-ee. bilam na laagai aavai jaa-ee.
False is the cleverness of attachment to the world; it takes no time in coming and going.
nwmu ivswir clih AiBmwnI aupjY ibnis KpwieAw ]7]
naam visaar chaleh abhimaanee, upjai binas khapaa-i-aa. ||7||
Forgetting the name (of God), the proud people depart (from the world); in creation and
destruction, they perish (i.e. their life is wasted in vain). 7
aupjih ibnsih bMDn bMDy ] upjahi binsahi baNdhan baNdhay.
Bound in bondage (of maya) they are (i.e. remain in the cycle of) creation and destruction.
haumY mwieAw ky gil PMDy ] ha-umai maa-i-aa kay gal faNdhay.
The noose of egotism and maya is around their necks.
ijsu rwm nwmu nwhI miq gurmiq so jm puir bMiD clwieAw ]8]
jis raam naam naahee mat gurmat, so jam pur baNdh chalaa-i-aa. ||8||
One, who does not receive the instruction to meditate upon the name of God, through the
wisdom of the Guru, is bound and driven into the city of death. 8
gur ibnu moK mukiq ikau pweIAY ] gur bin mokh mukat ki-o paa-ee-ai.
Without the Guru, how can any one attain liberation?
ibnu gur rwm nwmu ikau iDAweIAY ] bin gur raam naam ki-o dhi-aa-ee-ai.
Without the Guru, how one can meditate upon the name of God?
gurmiq lyhu qrhu Bv duqru mukiq Bey suKu pwieAw ]9]
gurmat layho tarahu bhav dutar, mukat bha-ay sukh paa-i-aa. ||9||
Have (i.e. follow) the wisdom of Guru and cross over the terrifying and difficult-to-cross
(world) ocean; (and, those who have followed Guru’s instruction) they have been liberated and
have found happiness . 9
gurmiq ik®sin govrDn Dwry ] gurmat krisan govardhan dhaaray.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, Krishan* lifted up the Goverdhan (mountain).
gurmiq swieir pwhx qwry ] gurmat saa-ir paahaṇ taaray.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, he (i.e. Rama*) floated stones across the ocean.
[*The stories of Krishan lifting up a mountain and Rama floating stones across the ocean, are not real; this is just
fiction; the Guru has referred to popular myth to assert the importance of following the instruction of the Guru].
gurmiq lyhu prm pdu pweIAY nwnk guir Brmu cukwieAw ]10]
gurmat layho param pad paa-ee-ai; naanak, gur bharam chukaa-i-aa. ||10||
Nanak (says): Receiving the wisdom (i.e. following the instruction) of the Guru, supreme
status is attained; the Guru eradicates (all) doubts. 10
gurmiq lyhu qrhu scu qwrI ] gurmat layho, tarahu sach taaree.
(O! brethren) receive the wisdom of the Guru, and, cross over (the world ocean) through the
boat of truth.
Awqm cInhu irdY murwrI ] aatam cheenahu, ridai muraaree.
Understand your own self, and, (you will behold) the Destroyer of Demons (i.e. God) within
your heart.
jm ky Pwhy kwtih hir jip Akul inrMjnu pwieAw ]11]
jam kay faahay kaateh, har jap; akul niraNjan paa-i-aa. ||11||
The noose of death is cut away, by meditating upon God; and, one obtains the Immaculate
(Lord) who has no lineage. 11
gurmiq pMc sKy gur BweI ] gurmat, paNch sakhay gur bhaa-ee.
Following the instruction of the Guru, five* become companions, (like) the disciples of the
same teacher. [*five virtues, i.e. truth, contentment, faith, compassion and patience].
gurmiq Agin invwir smweI ] gurmat, agan nivaar, samaa-ee.
Following the instruction of the Guru, the (inner) fire is subdued and one merges (into God).
min muiK nwmu jphu jgjIvn ird AMqir AlKu lKwieAw ]12]
man mukh naam japahu jagjeevan, rid aNtar alakh lakhaa-i-aa. ||12||
(O! brethren) chant the name of the Life of the World (i.e. God) with your mind and mouth;
and, know unknowable within your heart. 12
gurmuiK bUJY sbid pqIjY ] gurmukh boojhai, sabad pateejai.
One, who understands (the path of life) through the Guru, is pleased with the word.
ausqiq inMdw iks kI kIjY ] ustat niNdaa kis kee keejai.
Who does he praise or slander? (i.e. then, he does not praise or slander any one).
cInhu Awpu jphu jgdIsru hir jgMnwQu min BwieAw ]13]
cheenahu aap, japahu jagdeesar, har jagaNnaath man bhaa-i-aa. ||13||
Realize your self, and, meditate upon the Lord of the Word, (then) God, the Master of the
World shall be pleasing to your mind. 13
jo bRhmMif KMif so jwxhu ] jo barahmand, khaNd so jaaṇhu.
One, who pervades the universe, know (i.e. realize) Him in the part (i.e. your body) also.
gurmuiK bUJhu sbid pCwxhu ] gurmukh boojhhu, sabad pachhaaṇhu.
Understand Him through the Guru, and, realize Him through the word.
Git Git Bogy Bogxhwrw rhY AqIqu sbwieAw ]14]
ghat ghat bhogay bhogaṇhaaraa, rahai ateet sabaa-i-aa. ||14||
The Enjoyer (God) enjoys each and every heart; (and, yet) He remains detached from all. 14
gurmiq bolhu hir jsu sUcw ] gurmat bolhu har jas soochaa.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, chant the pure praise of God.
gurmiq AwKI dyKhu aUcw ] gurmat, aakhee daykhhu oochaa.
Through the wisdom the Guru, behold the Supreme (Lord) with your eyes.
sRvxI nwmu suxY hir bwxI nwnk hir rMig rMgwieAw ]15]3]20]
sarvaṇee naam suṇai har baṇee, naanak, har raNg raNgaa-i-aa. ||15||3||20||

Nanak (says): Whoever listens to God's Name and (His) word, is imbued with the colour of
His love. 15.3.20

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1

kwmu k®oDu prhru pr inMdw ] kaam krodh parhar par niNdaa.
(O! brethren) forsake sexual desire, anger and slander of others.
lbu loBu qij hohu inicMdw ] lab lobh taj hohu nichiNdaa.
Renounce greed and avarice, and, be carefree.
BRm kw sMglu qoiV inrwlw hir AMqir hir rsu pwieAw ]1]
bharam kaa saNgal torh niraalaa, har aNtar har ras paa-i-aa. ||1||
Break the chain of doubt and remain unattached; and, you shall find God and God’s essence
within (yourself). 1
inis dwmin ijau cmik cMdwiexu dyKY ] Aihinis joiq inrMqir pyKY ]
nis daaman ji-o chamak chaNdaa-iṇ daykhai. ahinis jot niraNtar paykhai.
(O! brethren) as one sees the flash of lightening in the night;
behold (within you) the Light (of God) constantly, day and night.
Awnµd rUpu AnUpu srUpw guir pUrY dyKwieAw ]2] aanaNd roop anoop saroopaa, gur poorai daykhaa-i-aa. ||2||
(God is) the Embodiment of Bliss, and, incomparably beautiful; the perfect Guru has shown
(Him to me). 2
siqgur imlhu Awpy pRBu qwry ] satgur milhu aapay prabh taaray.
(O! brethren) meet with the True Guru, (and, then) God Himself will carry you across (the
world ocean).
sis Gir sUru dIpku gYxwry ] sas ghar soor deepak gaiṇaaray.
(As) the sun (gives light) into the home of the moon; the lamp (of knowledge of the Guru) will
illumine the sky (of your heart).
dyiK Aidstu rhhu ilv lwgI sBu iqRBvix bRhmu sbwieAw ]3]
daykh adisat rahhu liv laagee, sabh taribhavaṇ barahm sabaa-i-aa. ||3||
Behold (in your heart) the unseeable (Lord), and, remain absorbed in Him; (then you shall
realize that ) God is (pervading) throughout all the three worlds. 3
AMimRq rsu pwey iqRsnw Bau jwey ] aMmrit ras paa-ay, tarisnaa bha-o jaa-ay.
One, who obtains the AMmrit essence (i.e. name of God), his desires and fears are dispelled.
AnBau pdu pwvY Awpu gvwey ] anbha-o pad paavai, aap gavaa-ay.
One obtains state of fearlessness by eradicating self-conceit.
aUcI pdvI aUco aUcw inrml sbdu kmwieAw ]4] oochee padvee oocho oochaa, nirmal sabad kamaa-i-aa ||4||
Exalted state, the highest of the high (is obtained), by earning (i.e. practising) immaculate
word. 4
AidRst Agocru nwmu Apwrw ] adrist agochar naam apaaraa.
The name of unseeable and infinite (Lord) is imperceptible.
P. 1042
Aiq rsu mITw nwmu ipAwrw ] at ras meeṭaa naam pi-aaraa.
The name of the Beloved (Lord) is utterly sweet and oppulent.
nwnk kau juig juig hir jsu dIjY hir jpIAY AMqu n pwieAw ]5]

naanak ka-o jug jug har jas deejai, har japee-ai aNt na paa-i-aa. ||5||
Nanak (says): O! God, (please) bless me with Your praise, in each and every ages; meditating
upon God, I can not find His limits. 5
AMqir nwmu prwpiq hIrw ] aNtar naam paraapat heeraa.
Having the name (of God) within is (like) obtaining the jewel.
hir jpqy mnu mn qy DIrw ] har japtay man, man tay dheeraa.
Meditating upon God, the mind is comforted by mind (itself).
duGt Gt Bau BMjnu pweIAY bwhuiV jnim n jwieAw ]6]
dughat ghat bha-o bhaNjan paa-ee-ai, baahuṛ janam na jaa-i-aa. ||6||
On the most difficult path, if one finds the Destroyer of Fears (i.e. God), one does not have to
enter womb again. 6
Bgiq hyiq gur sbid qrMgw ] hir jsu nwmu pdwrQu mMgw ]
bhagat hayt gur sabad taraNgaa. har jas naam padaarath maNgaa.
The wave of (i.e. inspiration for) devotion wells up from the word of the Guru; (that is why)
I beg for the wealth of name and the praise of God.
hir BwvY gur myil imlwey hir qwry jgqu sbwieAw ]7]
har bhaavai gur mayl milaa-ay, har taaray jagat sabaa-i-aa. ||7||
If it pleases God, He unites me in union with the Guru; (thus, through the Guru) God saves the
whole world. 7
ijin jpu jipE siqgur miq vw ky ] jin jap japi-o satgur mat vaa kay.
One, who has meditated upon the name, attains the wisdom of the True Guru.
jmkMkr kwlu syvk pg qw ky ] jamkaNkar kaal sayvak pag taa kay.
The messenger of death becomes a servant at his feet.
aUqm sMgiq giq imiq aUqm jgu Baujlu pwir qrwieAw ]8]
ootam sangat gat mit ootam; jag bha-ojal paar taraa-i-aa. ||8||
In the sublime congregation, one’s state (of mind) and way (of life) become sublime; and, one
crosses the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 8
iehu Bvjlu jgqu sbid gur qrIAY ] ih bhavjal jagat sabad gur taree-ai.
This terrifying world ocean is crossed over through the word of the Guru.
AMqr kI duibDw AMqir jrIAY ] antar kee dubidhaa antar jaree-ai.
(Through the word) the duality within is burnt within.
pMc bwx ly jm kau mwrY ggnµqir DxKu cVwieAw ]9]
paNch baaṇ lay jam ka-o maarai, gaganaNtar dhaṇakh chaṛaa-i-aa. ||9||
(Then) taking five arrows*, he kills the messenger of death, and, draws the bow (i.e. shoots
arrow) towards (the mind’s) sky (i.e. Tenth Gate). 9
[* Five arrows, i.e. five virtues, i.e. truth, contentment, faith, compassion and patience].
swkq nir sbd suriq ikau pweIAY ] saakat nar sabad surat ki-o paa-ee-ai.
How can a non-believer obtain the awareness of the word?
sbdu suriq ibnu AweIAY jweIAY ] sabad surat bin aa-ee-ai jaa-ee-ai.
Without the awareness of the word, one remains coming and going (in incarnation).
nwnk gurmuiK mukiq prwiexu hir pUrY Bwig imlwieAw ]10]
naanak, gurmukh mukat paraa-iṇ, har poorai bhaag milaa-i-aa. ||10||

Nanak (says): To follow the Guru is the source of liberation; God gets ones to meet him by
one’s perfect destiny. 10
inrBau siqguru hY rKvwlw ] nirbha-o satgur hai rakhvaalaa.
The fearless True Guru is our protector.
Bgiq prwpiq gur gopwlw ] bhagat paraapat gur gopaalaa.
One obtains devotion for the Sustainer of the Word from the Guru.
Duin Anµd Anwhdu vwjY gur sbid inrMjnu pwieAw ]11]
dhun anaNd anaahad vaajai, gur sabad niraNjan paa-i-aa. ||11||
The blissful unstruck word resounds (within the one, who) one obtains the Immaculate (Lord)
through the word of the Guru. 11
inrBau so isir nwhI lyKw ] nirbha-o so sir naahee laykhaa.
Fearless is the One, who has no destiny (inscribed) on his head (i.e. forehead).
Awip AlyKu kudriq hY dyKw ] aap alaykh kudrat hai daykhaa.
He Himself is unseen; (but) He reveals Himself through His creation.
Awip AqIqu AjonI sMBau nwnk gurmiq so pwieAw ]12]
aap ateet ajonee saMbha-o; naanak, gurmat so paa-i-aa. ||12||
Nanak (says): He Himself is unatached, unborn, self-existent; he is found through the
wisdom of the Guru. 12
AMqr kI giq siqguru jwxY ] aNtar kee gat satgur jaaṇai.
He, who knows the True Guru, understands the state of (his) mind.
so inrBau gur sbid pCwxY ] so nirbha-o gur sabad pachhaaṇai.
He understand the Fearless (pervading everywhere) who realizes the word of the Guru.
AMqru dyiK inrMqir bUJY Anq n mnu folwieAw ]13] a tar daykh nira tar boojhai, anat na man dolaa-i-aa||13||
He look within his own inner self and realizes the all pervading; and, his mind never wavers
for any one else (i.e. in duality). 13
inrBau so AB AMqir visAw ] Aihinis nwim inrMjn risAw ]
nirbha-o so abh aNtar vasi-aa. ahinis naam niraNjan rasi-aa.
One, within whom the Fearless (Lord) dwells;
day and night, he is delighted the name of the Immaculate (God).
nwnk hir jsu sMgiq pweIAY hir shjy shij imlwieAw ]14]
naanak, har jas saNgat paa-ee-ai, har sehjay sahj milaa-i-aa. ||14||
Nanak (says): one is blessed with the praise of God in the congregation; and, one meets God
intuitively, in natural ease. 14
AMqir bwhir so pRBu jwxY ] rhY Ailpqu clqy Gir AwxY ]
aNtar baahar so prabh jaaṇai. rahai alipat chaltay ghar aaṇai.
One who knows God (pervading) within (the self) and outside (the mind),
remains detached and brings the wandering (mind) back (to its) home.
aUpir Awid srb iqhu loeI scu nwnk AMimRq rsu pwieAw ]15]4]21]
oopar aad sarab tihu lo-ee, sach naanak aMmrit ras paa-i-aa. ||15||4||21||
Nanak (says): The Primal (Lord) is over all the three worlds; (from Him) the true AMmrit
essence is obtained. 15.4.21

mwrU mhlw 1 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 1
kudriq krnYhwr Apwrw ] kudrat karnaihaar apaaraa.
The Creator of creation is infinite.
kIqy kw nwhI ikhu cwrw ] keetay kaa naahee kihu chaaraa.
The created (beings) have no power (over Him).
jIA aupwie irjku dy Awpy isir isir hukmu clwieAw ]1]
jee-a upaa-ay rijak day aapay, sir sir hukam chalaa-i-aa. ||1||
Creating beings, He Himself sustains them; He command controls each and every one. 1
hukmu clwie rihAw BrpUry ] hukam chalaa-ay rahi-aa bharpooray.
Giving His command, He pervades (everywhere).
iksu nyVY iksu AwKW dUry ] kis nayṛai, kis aakhaan dooray.
How can I say that who is near, who is far away (from Him, He is within all).
gupq pRgt hir Git Git dyKhu vrqY qwku sbwieAw ]2]
gupat pargat har ghat ghat daykhhu, vartai taak sabaa-i-aa. ||2||
(O! brethren) behold God (both) unseen and revealed (pervading) in each and every heart;
He Himself (alone) is pervading all. 2
ijs kau myly suriq smwey ] jis ka-o maylay surat samaa-ay.
One, whom He unites (with Himself), his consciousness (i.e. His self) merges in Him.
gur sbdI hir nwmu iDAwey ] gur sabdee har naam dhi-aa-ay.
he meditates upon the name of God, through the words of the Guru.
Awnd rUp AnUp Agocr gur imilAY Brmu jwieAw ]3]
aanad roop anoop agochar, gur mili-ai bharam jaa-i-aa. ||3||
He is Embodiment of Bliss, incomparably beautiful and imperceptible; meeting with the
Guru, all doubts are dispelled. 3
mn qn Dn qy nwmu ipAwrw ] man tan dhan tay naam pi-aaraa.
The name (of God) is more dear (to me), than (my) mind, body, and wealth.
AMiq sKweI clxvwrw ] aNt sakhaa-ee chalaṇvaaraa.
In the end, (when) I (must) depart (from this world), it shall be my (only) friend.
P. 1043
moh pswr nhI sMig bylI ibnu hir gur ikin suKu pwieAw ]4]
moh pasaar nahee saNg baylee, bin har gur kin sukh paa-i-aa. ||4||
(Emotional) attachment and the expanse (of maya) are not friends or companions (at the last
moment); without God, without the Guru, who has found happiness? 4
ijs kau ndir kry guru pUrw ] sbid imlwey gurmiq sUrw ]
jis ka-o nadar karay gur pooraa. sabad milaa-ay, gurmat sooraa.
He, upon whom, perfect Guru bestows his glance (of grace);
(the Guru) unites him with the word; and, through the wisdom of the Guru, he becomes
brave (fighter against vices).
nwnk gur ky crn sryvhu ijin BUlw mwrig pwieAw ]5]
naanak, gur kay charan sarayvhu, jin bhoolaa maarag paa-i-aa. ||5||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) serve at the feet of the Guru, who places, those who stray, back
on the (right) path. 5
sMq jnW hir Dnu jsu ipAwrw ] gurmiq pwieAw nwmu qumwrw ]
saNt janaan har dhan jas pi-aaraa. gurmat paa-i-aa naam tumaaraa.
The wealth of the praise of the name of God, is very dear to God-oriented persons, the
servants (i.e. devotees of God);
they have obtained Your name (O! God), through the wisdom of the Guru.
jwicku syv kry dir hir kY hir drgh jsu gwieAw ]6]
jaachik sayv karay dar har kai, har dargeh jas gaa-i-aa. ||6||
The beggar serves at the door of God; and, in His court, he sings the praise of God. 6
siqguru imlY q mhil bulwey ] swcI drgh giq piq pwey ]
satgur milai, ta mahal bulaa-ay. saachee dargeh, gat pat paa-ay.
When one meets the True Guru, he is called into the mansion (of God); and,
in the True Court, he obtains (exalted spiritual) state and honour.
swkq Taur nwhI hir mMdr jnm mrY duKu pwieAw ]7]
saakat ṭa-ur naahee har maNdar, janam marai dukh paa-i-aa. ||7||
The non-believer has no place (of rest) in the home of God; (hence) he suffers the pains of
birth and death (i.e. the pain of reincarnation). 7
syvhu siqgur smuMdu AQwhw ] pwvhu nwmu rqnu Dnu lwhw ]
sayvhu satgur samuNd athaahaa. paavhu naam ratan dhan laahaa.
(O! brethren) serve the True Guru, (who is deep and profound like) the unfathomable ocean; and,
you shall obtain the profit of the wealth of the jewel of the name (of God).
ibiKAw mlu jwie AMimRq sir nwvhu gur sr sMqoKu pwieAw ]8]
bikhi-aa mal jaa-ay, aMmrit sar naavhu, gur sar saNtokh paa-i-aa. ||8||
Filth of poison (i.e. maya) shall be washed away (when you) bath in the pool of nectar of
AMmrit (word of the Guru); and, you shall obtain (nectar of) patience from the pool of the
Guru. 8
siqgur syvhu sMk n kIjY ] Awsw mwih inrwsu rhIjY ]
satgur sayvhu saNk na keejai. aasaa maahi niraas raheejai.
(O! brethren) serve the True Guru, and, have no doubt (i.e. have faith in your mind);
in midst of hopes (i.e. desires) remain indifferent to hopes (i.e. desires) .
sMsw dUK ibnwsnu syvhu iPir bwhuiV rogu n lwieAw ]9]
saNsaa dookh binaasan sayvhu, fir baahuṛ rog na laa-i-aa. ||9||
Serve (God, who is) the eradicator of doubt and suffering; and, you shall never again be
afflicted by (any) ailment. 9
swcy BwvY iqsu vfIAwey ] kaunu su dUjw iqsu smJwey ]
saachay bhaavai tis vadee-aa-ay. ka-un so doojaa tis samjhaa-ay.
One, who is pleasing to the True (Lord), is blessed with glory (i.e. honour);
who else can counsel him anything (i.e. He himself takes all decisions)?
hir gur mUriq eykw vrqY nwnk hir gur BwieAw ]10]
har gur moorat aykaa vartai; naanak, har gur bhaa-i-aa. ||10||
Nanak (says): God and the Guru pervade in the same form; God loves what pleases the Guru. 10
vwcih pusqk vyd purwnW ] iek bih sunih sunwvih kwnW ]
vaacheh pustak vayd puraanaan. ik bahi suneh sunaaveh kaanaan.

Some read the books (like) Vedas and Puraanas;
some sit and listen with their ears, (what others) read to them.
Ajgr kptu khhu ikau Kul@Y ibnu siqgur qqu n pwieAw ]11]
ajgar kapat kahhu ki-o khulhai, bin satgur tat na paa-i-aa. ||11||
(But) tell me ‘how can the hard gates (of attachment to maya that grips the mind) be opened?’
without the True Guru, the essence (of Reality, i.e. God) can not be obtained. 11
krih ibBUiq lgwvih BsmY ] karahi bibhoot lagaaveh bhasmai.
Some (burn wood and) collect ash, and, smear their body with that ash.
AMqir k®oDu cMfwlu su haumY ] aNtar krodh chaNdaal so ha-umai.
But within them are the outcast (i.e. despicable) anger and egotism.
pwKMf kIny jogu n pweIAY ibnu siqgur AlKu n pwieAw ]12]
pakhaNd keenay jog na paa-ee-ai, bin satgur alakh na paa-i-aa. ||12||
By practising hypocrisy, yoga (i.e. union with God) is not obtained; without the True Guru,
the Unseen (Lord) is not obtained. 12
qIrQ vrq nym krih auidAwnw ] tirath varat naym karahi udi-aanaa.
Some visit places of pilgrimage, observe disciplines of (ritual) fasts, and, some live in forests.
jqu squ sMjmu kQih igAwnw ] jat sat saNjam katheh gi-aanaa.
Some practice celibacy, truth and self-discipline and talk about (spiritual) knowledge.
rwm nwm ibnu ikau suKu pweIAY ibnu siqgur Brmu n jwieAw ]13]
raam naam bin ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai, bin satgur bharam na jaa-i-aa. ||13||
(But) without (meditation upon) the name of God, how can one find happiness? Without the
True Guru, doubt is not dispelled. 13
inaulI krm BuieAMgm BwTI ] ni-ulee karam bhu-i-aNgam bhaaṭee.
Some practice Niulee Karam* and Kundalini** to the Tenth Gate.
[*Niulee (nauli) is a practice of Hath Yoga. The exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region -
digestive organs, small intestine and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the
abdominal muscles. There are four variations of this practice: 1. madhyana nauli: the isolated contraction of the
central muscles of the abdominis; 2. vama nauli: the isolated contraction of the left part of the central muscles of the
abdomen; 3.daksina nauli: the isolated contraction of the right part of the central muscles of the abdomen; 4.nauli
kriya: the circular movement of the central muscles of the abdomen.
**Ku alin, literally means: spiral/coiled/circular, annular. It does occur as a noun for a snake (in the sense of
‘coiled’, as in ‘forming ringlets’. According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called
Pingalaa and Ira, and a hollow canal called Sushumnaa running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow
canal is what the Yogis call the ‘lotus of the Kundalinil; they call this ‘awakening’ of Kundalini, for inner cleaning].
ryck kuMBk pUrk mn hwTI ] raychak, kuMbhak, poorak man haaṭee.
(Some practice) inhaling, exhaling and holding of breath - practices of stubbornness of mind.
pwKMf Drmu pRIiq nhI hir sau gur sbd mhw rsu pwieAw ]14]
pakhaNd dharam pareet nahee har sa-o, gur sabad mahaa ras paa-i-aa. ||14||
By hypocritical religious practices, love for God is not produced; only through the word of
the Guru, the supreme essence is obtained. 14
kudriq dyiK rhy mnu mwinAw ] kudrat daykh rahay man maani-aa.
Seeing the creative power (of God), my mind is satisfied.
gur sbdI sBu bRhmu pCwinAw ] gur sabdee sabh barahm pachhaani-aa.
Through the word of the Guru, I have realize that it is the Ultimate Reality (God) everywhere.

nwnk Awqm rwmu sbwieAw gur siqgur AlKu lKwieAw ]15]5]22]
naanak, aatam raam sabaa-i-aa, gur satgur alakh lakhaa-i-aa. ||15||5||22||
Nanak (says): the Supreme Soul (God) is (i.e. pervading) everywhere; the Guru, the True
Guru, has shown (i.e. revealed to) me that unseen. 15.4.22

PAGE 1043 (Cont).
mwrU solhy mhlw 3 Maaroo, solhay, Mehlaa 3
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hukmI shjy isRsit aupweI ] hukmee sehjay sarisat upaa-ee.
By His command He created the universe in ease.
kir kir vyKY ApxI vifAweI ] kar kar vaykhai apnee vadi-aa-ee.
Creating and creating he beholds His own greatness.
Awpy kry krwey Awpy hukmy rihAw smweI hy ]1]
aapay karay karaa-ay aapay, hukmay rahi-aa samaa-ee hay. ||1||
He Himself acts and gets others to act; in His will He is permeating (in the whole universe). 1
mwieAw mohu jgqu gubwrw ] maa-i-aa moh jagat gubaaraa.
The world is in darkness (because of) attachment to maya.
gurmuiK bUJY ko vIcwrw ] gurmukh boojhai ko veechaaraa.
Only some rare of a Guru-oriented contemplates and understand this.
Awpy ndir kry so pwey Awpy myil imlweI hy ]2] aapay nadar karay so paa-ay, aapay mayl milaa-ee hay. ||2||
He alone finds Him unto whom He bestows His glance (of grace); He Himself unites in His union. 2
P. 1044
Awpy myly dy vifAweI ] aapay maylay day vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself unites one (with the Guru) and bestows greatness (i.e. honour).
gur prswdI kImiq pweI ] gur parsaadee keemat paa-ee.
By the grace of the Guru, one comes to know His worth.
mnmuiK bhuqu iPrY ibllwdI dUjY Bwie KuAweI hy ]3]
manmukh bahut firai billaadee, doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ee hay. ||3||
The mind-oriented wander greatly crying; they are ruined by their love of dulaity. 3
haumY mwieAw ivcy pweI ] ha-umai maa-i-aa vichay paa-ee.
(Having created the universe) He instilled egotism and maya in it.
mnmuK BUly piq gvweI ] manmukh bhoolay pat gavaa-ee.
The mind-oriented are deluded, hence they lose their honour.
gurmuiK hovY so nwie rwcY swcY rihAw smweI hy ]4]
gurmukh hovai so naa-ay raachai, saachai rahi-aa samaa-ee hay. ||4||
He, who is Guru-oriented, is absorbed in the name, and remains immersed in the True (Lord). 4
gur qy igAwnu nwm rqnu pwieAw ] mnsw mwir mn mwih smwieAw ]
gur tay gi-aan naam ratan paa-i-aa. mansaa maar man maahi samaa-i-aa.
He, who has obtained (spiritual) wisdom and the jewel of the name from the Guru;
subduing desires, he remains immersed (in God) within his mind.
Awpy Kyl kry siB krqw Awpy dyie buJweI hy ]5]
aapay khayl karay sabh kartaa; aapay day-ay bujhaa-ee hay. ||5||
The Creator Himself stages all plays; and, He Himself bestows understanding. 5
siqguru syvy Awpu gvwey ] imil pRIqm sbid suKu pwey ]
satgur sayvay aap gavaa-ay. mil preetam sabad sukh paa-ay.
One, who serve the True Guru, eradicating his self-conceit,
meeting the Beloved, he obtains happiness through the word.
AMqir ipAwru BgqI rwqw shij mqy bix AweI hy ]6]
aNtar pi-aar bhagtee raataa, sahj matay baṇ aa-ee hay. ||6||
Within him is love, and, he is imbued with devotion; he is pleased (with God) in natural ease. 6
dUK invwrxu gur qy jwqw ] Awip imilAw jgjIvnu dwqw ]
dookh nivaaraṇ gur tay jaataa. aap mili-aa jagjeevan daataa.
One, who knows the Destroyer of Sufferings through the Guru,
(God) the Life of the World, the Giver, Himself meets him.
ijs no lwey soeI bUJY Bau Brmu srIrhu jweI hy ]7]
jis no laa-ay so-ee boojhai, bha-o bharam sareerahu jaa-ee hay. ||7||
He alone understands whom He attaches to Himself; and, fear and doubt are taken away
from his body. 7
Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY ] scY sbid siqguru syvY ]
aapay gurmukh aapay daivai. sachai sabad satgur sayvai.
One, who He Himself makes Guru-oriented, Himself blesses him.
he serve the True Guru through the word; and,
jrw jmu iqsu joih n swkY swcy isau bix AweI hy ]8]
jaraa jam tis johi na saakai, saachay si-o baṇ aa-ee hay. ||8||
He, who is pleased with the True (Lord), old age and death can not (even) touch him. 8
iqRsnw Agin jlY sMswrw ] tarisnaa agan jalai sansaaraa.
The world is burning up in the fire of desires.
jil jil KpY bhuqu ivkwrw ] jal jal khapai bahut vikaaraa.
It burns and burns, and, is ruined in vices.
mnmuKu Taur n pwey kbhU siqgur bUJ buJweI hy ]9]
manmukh ṭa-ur na paa-ay kabhoo, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee hay. ||9||
The mind-oriented never finds a place (of rest); the True Guru has imparted this
understanding. 9
siqguru syvin sy vfBwgI ] satgur sayvan say vadbhaagee.
Greatly fortunate are those who serve the True Guru.
swcY nwim sdw ilv lwgI ] saachai naam sadaa liv laagee.
They remain focussed on the name of the True (Lord), forever.
AMqir nwmu rivAw inhkyvlu iqRsnw sbid buJweI hy ]10]
aNtar naam ravi-aa nihkayval, tarisnaa sabad bujhaa-ee hay. ||10||
Within them permeates the immaculate name (of God); and, their desires are quenched
through the word (of the Guru). 10
scw sbdu scI hY bwxI ] sachaa sabad sachee hai baṇee.
True is the word, and, true is his (i.e. Guru’s) speech (i.e. teaching).
gurmuiK ivrlY iknY pCwxI ] gurmukh virlai kinai pachhaaṇee.
(But only) some rare of a Guru-oriented realizes this.
scy sbid rqy bYrwgI Awvxu jwxu rhweI hy ]11] sachay sabad ratay bairaagee, aavaṇ jaaṇ rahaa-ee hay||11||
Those who are imbued with the word of the True (Lord) are detached; their coming and

going (in reincarnation) is ended. 11
sbdu buJY so mYlu cukwey ] inrml nwmu vsY min Awey ]
sabad bujhai so mail chukaa-ay. nirmal naam vasai man aa-ay.
One who realizes the word (of the Guru), washes off his filth (of sins);
the immaculate name (of God) comes to abide within his mind.
siqguru Apxw sd hI syvih haumY ivchu jweI hy ]12]
satgur apṇaa sad hee sayveh, ha-umai vichahu jaa-ee hay. ||12||
Those who serve their True Guru forever, egotism is eradicated from within them. 12
gur qy bUJY qw dru sUJY ] gur tay boojhai taa dar soojhai.
(When) one comes to understand (the path of life) through the Guru, then he comes to know
(i.e. find the path to) the door of the Lord.
nwm ivhUxw kiQ kiQ lUJY ] naam vihooṇaa kath kath loojhai.
(But) one without the name argues, debates and quarrels (in vain).
siqgur syvy kI vifAweI iqRsnw BUK gvweI hy ]13]
satgur sayvay kee vadi-aa-ee, tarisnaa bhookh gavaa-ee hay. ||13||
The glory of serving the True Guru is that it eradicates hunger and thirst (of maya). 13
Awpy Awip imlY qw bUJY ] aapay aap milai taa boojhai.
When He (i.e. God) Himself unites one with Himself, (only) then he understand (the right path).
igAwn ivhUxw ikCU n sUJY ] gi-aan vihooṇaa kichhoo na soojhai.
Without (spiritual) knowledge, one understands nothing (at all).
gur kI dwiq sdw mn AMqir bwxI sbid vjweI hy ]14]
gur kee daat sadaa man aNtar, baṇee sabad vajaa-ee hay. ||14||
He, within whose mind the gift of the Guru comes to dwell forever, the word, the teachings (of
the Guru) resound within him. 14
jo Duir iliKAw su krm kmwieAw ] jo dhur likhi-aa so karam kamaa-i-aa.
One acts according to the destiny inscribed (on one’s forehead as preordained).
koie n mytY Duir PurmwieAw ] ko-ay na maytai dhur furmaa-i-aa.
No one can erased the command of the Primal Lord.
sqsMgiq mih iqn hI vwsw ijn kau Duir iliK pweI hy ]15]
satsaNgat meh tin hee vaasaa, jin ka-o dhur likh paa-ee hay. ||15||
He alone dwells in the true congregation, who has such preordained destiny. 15
ApxI ndir kry so pwey ] apnee nadar karay so paa-ay.
He alone obtains (the true congregation) unto whom He grants His glance (of grace).
scY sbid qwVI icqu lwey ] sachai sabad taaṛee chit laa-ay.
He attaches his mind in trance of the True word.
nwnk dwsu khY bynµqI BIiKAw nwmu dir pweI hy ]16]1]
naanak daas kahai baynaNtee, bheekhi-aa naam dar paa-ee hay. ||16||1||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak offers this prayer: (such a person) obtains the gift of the name at
Your door. 16.1

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

eyko eyku vrqY sBu soeI ] gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]
ayko ayk vartai sabh so-ee. gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee.
The One and the One alone is pervading everywhere.
(Only) some rare of a Guru-oriented understands this.
eyko riv rihAw sB AMqir iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI hy ]1]
ayko rav rahi-aa sabh aNtar, tis bin avar na ko-ee hay. ||1||
The One alone is pervading within all, there is no one other than Him. 1
lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey ] lakh cha-oraaseeh jee-a upaa-ay.
He has created eighty-four hundred thousand (i.e. millions) of beings.
P. 1045
igAwnI iDAwnI AwiK suxwey ] gi-aanee dhi-aanee aakh sunaa-ay.
The men of knowledge and meditating proclaim this.
sBnw irjku smwhy Awpy kImiq hor n hoeI hy ]2]
sabhnaa rijak samaahay aapay, keemat hor na ho-ee hay. ||2||
He Himself sustains all, no one else can appraise His value. 2
mwieAw mohu AMDu AMDwrw ] maa-i-aa moh aNdh aNdhaaraa.
Attachment to maya is utter darkness.
haumY myrw psirAw pwswrw ] ha-umai mayraa pasri-aa paasaaraa.
The expanse of ‘Me’ and ‘Mine’ (i.e. egotism and possessiveness) is spread (everywhere).
Anidnu jlq rhY idnu rwqI gur ibnu sWiq n hoeI hy ]3]
an-din jalat rahai din raatee, gur bin saant na ho-ee hay. ||3||
Everyday, day and night, they (i.e. people of the world) burn (in egotism and emotional
attachment); without the Guru, there is no peace. 3
Awpy joiV ivCoVy Awpy ] aapay jorh vichhorhay aapay.
He Himself unites, and, He Himself separates.
Awpy Qwip auQwpy Awpy ] aapay thaap uthaapay aapay.
He Himself establishes, and, He Himself dis-establishes.
scw hukmu scw pwswrw horin hukmu n hoeI hy ]4]
sachaa hukam sachaa paasaaraa, horan hukam na ho-ee hay. ||4||
True is His command, and, true is His expanse (i.e. creation); no one else's command prevails. 4
Awpy lwie ley so lwgY ] aapay laa-ay la-ay so laagai.
He alone is attached (to Him), whom He Himself attaches (to Himself).
gur prswdI jm kw Bau BwgY ] gur parsaadee jam kaa bha-o bhaagai.
By the grace of the Guru, the fear of death runs away (i.e. totally disappears).
AMqir sbdu sdw suKdwqw gurmuiK bUJY koeI hy ]5]
aNtar sabad sadaa sukh-daata gurmukh boojhai ko-ee hay. ||5||
The word, the giver of happiness, dwells forever within one’s self; one who is Guru-oriented
(he alone) realizes it. 5
Awpy myly myil imlwey ] aapay maylay, mayl milaa-ay.
He Himself unites (with the Guru) and, having united unites in union.
purib iliKAw so mytxw n jwey ] purab likhi-aa so maytṇaa na jaa-ay.
Whatever is preordained cannot be erased.
Anidnu Bgiq kry idnu rwqI gurmuiK syvw hoeI hy ]6]
an-din bhagat karay din raatee, gurmukh sayvaa ho-ee hay. ||6||

Day and night, he (the Guru-oriented) continuously practices devotion; service is performed
through the Guru.6
siqguru syiv sdw suKu jwqw ] satgur sayv sadaa sukh jaataa.
Serve the True Guru, everlasting happiness is realized.
Awpy Awie imilAw sBnw kw dwqw ] aapay aa-ay mili-aa sabhnaa kaa daataa.
The Giver to all, Himself has come to meet me.
haumY mwir iqRsnw Agin invwrI sbdu cIin suKu hoeI hy ]7]
ha-umai maar tarisnaa agan nivaaree, sabad cheen sukh ho-ee hay. ||7||
Subduing egotism, the fire of desires has been extinguished; contemplating the word,
happiness is obtained. 7
kwieAw kutMbu mohu n bUJY ] kaa-i-aa kutaMb moh na boojhai.
One, who is attached to his body (i.e. self) and family, does not understand.
gurmuiK hovY q AwKI sUJY ] gurmukh hovai ta aakhee soojhai.
(But, if) one becomes Guru-oriented, sees (the Lord) with his own eyes.
Anidnu nwmu rvY idnu rwqI imil pRIqm suKu hoeI hy ]8]
an-din naam ravai din raatee, mil preetam sukh ho-ee hay. ||8||
Day and night he chants the name (Of God) continuously; meeting with the Beloved (Lord) he
finds happiness. 8
mnmuK Dwqu dUjY hY lwgw ] manmukh dhaat doojai hai laagaa.
The mind-oriented wanders around, (he is) attached to duality.
jnmq kI n mUE AwBwgw ] janmat kee na moo-o aabhaagaa.
Why did not the unfortunate just die, as soon as he was born?
Awvq jwq ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ibnu gur mukiq n hoeI hy ]9]
aavat jaat birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa, bin gur mukat na ho-ee hay. ||9||
In coming and going, he wastes away his life in vain; without the Guru, liberation is not
obtained. 9
kwieAw kusuD haumY mlu lweI ] jy sau Dovih qw mYlu n jweI ]
kaa-i-aa kusudh ha-umai mal laa-ee. jay sa-o dhoveh taa mail na jaa-ee.
Impure is the body that is stained with filth of egotism.
Even if it is washed a hundred times, its filth is (still) not removed.
sbid DopY qw hCI hovY iPir mYlI mUil n hoeI hy ]10]
sabad dhopai taa hachhee hovai fir mailee mool na ho-ee hay. ||10||
(But) if it is washed with (the immaculate water of) the word (of the Guru), then it becomes
clean, and, it does not become filthy again. 10
pMc dUq kwieAw sMGwrih ] paNch doot kaa-i-aa sanghaareh.
The five demons destroy the body. [*The five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
mir mir jMmih sbdu n vIcwrih ] mar mar jaMmeh, sabad na vichaareh.
He dies and dies (i.e. dies to be born, over and over) again, (because) he does not contemplate
the word.
AMqir mwieAw moh gubwrw ijau supnY suiD n hoeI hy ]11]
aNtar maa-i-aa moh gubaaraa, ji-o supnai sudh na ho-ee hay. ||11||
Within him is darkness of attachment to maya; as if in a dream, he does not understand. 11

ieik pMcw mwir sbid hY lwgy ] siqguru Awie imilAw vfBwgy ]
ik paNchaa maar sabad hai laagay. satgur aa-ay mili-aa vadbhaagay.
Some conquer the five (demons)*, and attach themselves to the word (of the Guru).
The True Guru has come to meet them, they are greatly fortunate.
[*The five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
AMqir swcu rvih rMig rwqy shij smwvY soeI hy ]12]
aNtar saach raveh raNg raatay, sahj samaavai so-ee hay. ||12||
Within (their self), they meditate upon the True (Lord); attuned to His love, they merge in
Him, in natural ease. 12
gur kI cwl gurU qy jwpY ] gur kee chaal guroo tay jaapai.
The way of the Guru can be known through the Guru.
pUrw syvku sbid is\wpY ] pooraa sayvak sabad sinjaapai.
The perfect servant is known through (his realization of) the word (of the Guru).
sdw sbdu rvY Gt AMqir rsnw rsu cwKY scu soeI hy ]13]
sadaa sabad ravai ghat aNtar, rasnaa ras chaakhai sach so-ee hay. ||13||
Within his self, he forever meditates upon word; he tastes the essence of (the name of) the
True with his tongue. 13
haumY mwry sbid invwry ] ha-umai maaray sabad nivaaray.
He conquers egotism and eliminated through the word (of the Guru).
hir kw nwmu rKY auir Dwry ] har kaa naam rakhai ur dhaaray.
He enshrines the name of God within his mind.
eyksu ibnu hau horu n jwxw shjy hoie su hoeI hy ]14]
aykas bin ha-o hor na jaaṇaa, sehjay ho-ay so ho-ee hay. ||14||
(It is his faith that) I do not know anyone other than the One (Lord); whatever happens, that
happens in natural ease (i.e. in the will of God).14
ibnu siqgur shju iknY nhI pwieAw ] bin satgur sahj kinai nahee paa-i-aa.
Without the True Guru, no one has (ever) obtained (state of) poise.
gurmuiK bUJY sic smwieAw ] gurmukh boojhai sach samaa-i-aa.
He, who understands through the Guru, is immersed in the True (Lord).
scw syiv sbid sc rwqy haumY sbdy KoeI hy ]15]
sachaa sayv sabad sach raatay, ha-umai sabday kho-ee hay. ||15||
He, who serves the True (Lord), and is imbued with the True word, his egotism is eliminated
through the word. 15
Awpy guxdwqw bIcwrI ] aapay guṇdaataa beechaaree.
(O! God) You are the Giver of virtues, (You) contemplate (and bestow).
gurmuiK dyvih pkI swrI ] gurmukh dayveh, pakee saaree.
Those, whom You bestow (the name) through the Guru; (they have) the winning dice (in the
game of life).
nwnk nwim smwvih swcY swcy qy piq hoeI hy ]16]2]
naanak, naam samaaveh saachai, saachay tay pat ho-ee hay. ||16||2||
Nanak (says): They (the Guru-oriented) immerse in the name of the True (Lord), and, obtain
honour from the True (Lord). 16.2

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
jgjIvnu swcw eyko dwqw ] jagjeevan saachaa ayko daataa.
The One True (Lord), the life to world, is the (only) Giver.
gur syvw qy sbid pCwqw ] gur sayvaa tay sabad pachhaataa.
Serving the Guru, through the word, He is realized.
P. 1046
eyko Amru eykw piqswhI jugu jugu isir kwr bxweI hy ]1]
ayko amar, aykaa patisaahee, jug jug sir kaar baṇaa-ee hay. ||1||
There is one command, and, there is only one emperor-ship; in each and every Age, He
attaches each one to his task. 1
so jnu inrmlu ijin Awpu pCwqw ] so jan nirmal jin aap pachhaataa.
That being is immaculate, who has realized his own self.
Awpy Awie imilAw suKdwqw ] aapay aa-ay mili-aa sukh-daata.
(Lord) the Giver of Happiness, Himself comes to meet them.
rsnw sbid rqI gux gwvY dir swcY piq pweI hy ]2]
rasnaa sabad ratee guṇ gaavai dar saachai pat paa-ee hay. ||2||
His tongue is imbued with word, and, it sings (the praise of) His excellences; and, he is
honoured in the court of the True (Lord). 2
gurmuiK nwim imlY vifAweI ] gurmukh naam milai vadi-aa-ee.
The Guru-oriented is blessed with greatness (i.e. honour), for (meditating upon) the name.
mnmuiK inMdik piq gvweI ] manmukh niNdak pat gavaa-ee.
The mind-oriented, the slanderer loses his honour.
nwim rqy prm hMs bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI hy ]3]
naam ratay param haNs bairaagee, nij ghar taaṛee laa-ee hay. ||3||
Those, who are imbued with the name, are detached supreme swans (souls), they remain
absorbed in trance in their home (of self). 3
sbid mrY soeI jnu pUrw ] sabad marai so-ee jan pooraa.
The being, who dies in the word is perfect.
siqguru AwiK suxwey sUrw ] satgur aakh suṇaa-ay sooraa.
The brave True Guru says and proclaims this.
kwieAw AMdir AMimRq sru swcw mnu pIvY Bwie suBweI hy ]4]
kaa-i-aa aNdar aMmrit sar saachaa, man peevai bhaa-ay subhaa-ee hay. ||4||
Within the body, there is pure pool of AMmrit, the mind drinks it with love, in natural ease. 4
piV pMifqu Avrw smJwey ] paṛ paNdit avraa samjhaa-ay.
The pandit (i.e. priest/ religious scholar) reads and instructs others.
Gr jlqy kI Kbir n pwey ] ghar jaltay kee khabar na paa-ay.
(But) he does not know that his own home is on fire (of desires of maya).
ibnu siqgur syvy nwmu n pweIAY piV Qwky sWiq n AweI hy ]5]
bin satgur sayvay naam na paa-ee-ai, paṛ thaakay saant na aa-ee hay. ||5||
Without serving the True Guru, the name (of God) is not obtained; one may read and get
exhausted but (still) he shall not obtain peace. 5
ieik Bsm lgwie iPrih ByKDwrI ] ik bhasam lagaa-ay fireh bhaykh-dhaaree.
Some smear their bodies with ashes, are wander around in (religious) disguises.
ibnu sbdY haumY ikin mwrI ] bin sabdai ha-umai kin maaree.
(But) without the word who has (ever) subdued egotism?
Anidnu jlq rhih idnu rwqI Brim ByiK BrmweI hy ]6]
an-din jalat raheh din raatee, bharam bhaykh bharmaa-ee hay. ||6||
Day and night, they remain burning continuously; they are confused by doubts and (show of
religious) garbs. 6
ieik igRh kutMb mih sdw audwsI ] ik garih kutaMb meh sadaa udaasee.
Some, in the midst of their household and family, remain always detached.
sbid muey hir nwim invwsI ] sabad mu-ay har naam nivaasee.
They die in word, and, they live in the name of God (i.e. they are imbued with the word, always
and forever).
Anidnu sdw rhih rMig rwqy BY Bwie Bgiq icqu lweI hy ]7]
an-din sadaa raheh raNg raatay, bhai bhaa-ay bhagat chit laa-ee hay. ||7||
Day and night, they remain forever imbued with love; they focus their mind on His fear and
in loving devotion. 7
mnmuKu inMdw kir kir ivguqw ] manmukh niNdaa kar kar vigutaa.
The mind-oriented remains engaged in slander, (and, thus, he) is ruined.
AMqir loBu BaukY ijsu kuqw ] aNtar lobh bha-ukai jis kutaa.
Within him the greed barks like a dog.
jmkwlu iqsu kdy n CofY AMiq gieAw pCuqweI hy ]8]
jamkaal tis kaday na chhodai, aNt ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ee hay. ||8||
The messenger of death never spares him, in the end, he leaves (the world) repenting. 8
scY sbid scI piq hoeI ] sachai sabad sachee pat ho-ee.
Through the True word, True honour is obtained.
ibnu nwvY mukiq n pwvY koeI ] bin naavai mukat na paavai ko-ee.
Without the name, no one can attain liberation.
ibnu siqgur ko nwau n pwey pRiB AYsI bxq bxweI hy ]9]
bin satgur ko naa-o na paa-ay, prabh aisee baṇat baṇaa-ee hay. ||9||
Without the True Guru, no one can obtain the name (of God); such is the set up (i.e. the rule/
the way) which God has made. 9
ieik isD swiDk bhuqu vIcwrI ] ik sidh saadhik bahut veechaaree.
Some are the sidhs (i.e. with spiritual power), seekers and great contmplators.
ieik Aihinis nwim rqy inrMkwrI ] ik ahinis naam ratay niraNkaaree.
Some remain imbued with the name of the Formless (God), day and night.
ijs no Awip imlwey so bUJY Bgiq Bwie Bau jweI hy ]10]
jis no aap milaa-ay so boojhai, bhagat bhaa-ay bha-o jaa-ee hay. ||10||
He alone realizes whom He unites with Himself; through loving devotion fear is dispelled. 10
iesnwnu dwnu krih nhI bUJih ] isnaan daan karahi nahee boojheh.
Some bath (at places of pilgrimage) and give (donations in) charity, but they do not understand.
ieik mnUAw mwir mnY isau lUJih ] ik manoo-aa maar manai si-o loojheh.
Some subdue their mind, and, combat their mind (to conquer it).

swcY sbid rqy iek rMgI swcY sbid imlweI hy ]11]
saachai sabad ratay ik rangee, saachai sabad milaa-ee hay. ||11||
Some are imbued with love for the True word, and, merge in the True, through the word. 11
Awpy isrjy dy vifAweI ] aapay sirjay day vadi-aa-ee.
(O! brethren) He Himself creates and (Himself) bestows greatness.
Awpy BwxY dyie imlweI ] aapay bhaaṇai day-ay milaa-ee.
He His will he unites (with Himself).
Awpy ndir kry min visAw myrY pRiB ieau PurmweI hy ]12]
aapay nadar karay man vasi-aa, mayrai prabh i-o furmaa-ee hay. ||12||
He Himself bestows His grace and comes to dwell in the mind; such is the command of my
God. 12
siqguru syvih sy jn swcy ] satgur sayveh say jan saachay.
Those who serve the True Guru, are true beings (i.e. devotees).
mnmuK syiv n jwxin kwcy ] manmukh sayv na jaaṇan kaachay.
The mind-oriented, who do not know to serve (the Guru), are false
Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY ijau BwvY iqau lweI hy ]13]
aapay kartaa kar kar vaykhai, ji-o bhaavai ti-o laa-ee hay. ||13||
The Creator Himself creates and beholds; he attaches all (to task) as it pleases Him.. 13
juig juig swcw eyko dwqw ] pUrY Bwig gur sbdu pCwqw ]
jug jug saachaa ayko daataa. poorai bhaag gur sabad pachhaataa.
In each and every Age, the True (Lord) is the one and the only Giver.
Through perfect destiny, one realizes this through the word (of the Guru).
sbid imly sy ivCuVy nwhI ndrI shij imlweI hy ]14]
sabad milay say vichhuṛay naahee, nadree sahj milaa-ee hay. ||14||
Those who are immersed in the word, do not separate (again); by His grace, they are
immersed in Him in natural ease. 14
haumY mwieAw mYlu kmwieAw ] mir mir jMmih dUjw BwieAw ]
ha-umai maa-i-aa mail kamaa-i-aa. mar mar jaMmeh doojaa bhaa-i-aa.
Some have earned (i.e. collected) filth of maya;
He dies and die to be born (over and over again) in the love of duality.
ibnu siqgur syvy mukiq n hoeI min dyKhu ilv lweI hy ]15]
bin satgur sayvay mukat na ho-ee, man daykhhu liv laa-ee hay. ||15||
Without serving the True Guru, no one attains liberation. (O! brethren) contemplate in your
mind and see it. 15
jo iqsu BwvY soeI krsI ] jo tis bhaavai, so-ee karsee.
He (i.e. God) does whatever pleases Him.
P. 1047
Awphu hoAw nw ikCu hosI ] aaphu ho-aa, naa kichh hosee.
No one has done (anything), and, nothing can be done (by any one).
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI dir swcY piq pweI hy ]16]3]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, dar saachai pat paa-ee hay. ||16||3||
Nanak (says): through name, one is blessed with glory, and, one obtains honour at the door
(i.e. in the court) of the True (Lord). 16.3
mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
jo AwieAw so sBu ko jwsI ] jo aa-i-aa so sabh ko jaasee.
All, who come (into the world), shall have to depart.
dUjY Bwie bwDw jm PwsI ] doojai bhaa-ay baadhaa jam faasee.
In the love of duality, they are bound by the noose of death.
siqguir rwKy sy jn aubry swcy swic smweI hy ]1]
satgur raakhay say jan ubray, saachay saach samaa-ee hay. ||1||
Those beings (i.e. devotees) who are protected by the True Guru are saved; and, they merge in
(God) the Truest of the true. 1
Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY ] aapay kartaa kar kar vaykhai.
The Creator Himself creates and watches over it (i.e. His wondrous play).
ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu lyKY ] jis no nadar karay, so-ee jan laykhai.
He, upon whom He bestows His glance (of grace), becomes acceptable (in His court).
gurmuiK igAwnu iqsu sBu ikCu sUJY AigAwnI AMDu kmweI hy ]2]
gurmukh gi-aan tis sabh kichh soojhai, agi-aanee aNdh kamaa-ee hay. ||2||
One, who obtains (spiritual) knowledge through the Guru, understands everything;
(whereas) the ignorant one earns blindness (i.e. acts in spiritual blindness). 2
mnmuK shsw bUJ n pweI ] manmukh sahsaa boojh na paa-ee.
The mind-oriented is in doubt, (hence) he does not understand.
mir mir jMmY jnmu gvweI ] mar mar jaMmai janam gavaa-ee.
He dies and dies and is born (in reincarnation), (thus) wastes away his (human) life (in vain).
gurmuiK nwim rqy suKu pwieAw shjy swic smweI hy ]3]
gurmukh naam ratay sukh paa-i-aa, sehjay saach samaa-ee hay. ||3||
The Guru-oriented are imbued with name, (hence) they obtain happiness; they remain
immersed in the True (Lord), in natural ease. 3
DMDY Dwvq mnu BieAw mnUrw ] dhaNdhai dhaavat man bha-i-aa manooraa.
In chase of worldly affairs, their mind becomes (like) slag (i.e. useless corroded iron).
iPir hovY kMcnu BytY guru pUrw ] fir hovai kanchan bhaytai gur pooraa.
(But) meeting the perfect Guru, it becomes (i.e. transmuted into) gold again.
Awpy bKis ley suKu pwey pUrY sbid imlweI hy ]4]
aapay bakhas la-ay, sukh paa-ay, poorai sabad milaa-ee hay. ||4||
(If) He Himself forgives, (then) one finds happiness, and, one is absorbed in the perfect word
(of God). 4
durmiq JUTI burI buirAwir ] durmat jhooṭee buree buri-aar.
One (i.e. soul bride), with bad wisdom (i.e. evil mind), is false, is most vicious of the vicious.
AaugixAwrI AaugixAwir ] a-ugaṇi-aaree a-ugaṇi-aar.
(She is) worthless with worthlessness.
kcI miq PIkw muiK bolY durmiq nwmu n pweI hy ]5]
kachee mat feekaa mukh bolai, durmat naam na paa-ee hay. ||5||
She has false (i.e. vicious) intellect, and makes insipid speech from its mouth; (hence) due to
bad wisdom (i.e. evil mind) it can not obtain the name (of the Lord). 5

AaugixAwrI kMq n BwvY ] a-ugaṇi-aaree kaNt na bhaavai.
The unworthy (soul bride) is not pleasing to her Husband (Lord).
mn kI jUTI jUTu kmwvY ] man kee jooṭee jooṭ kamaavai.
With polluted mind (i.e. sinful/ vicious mind), she earns falsehood.
ipr kw swau n jwxY mUriK ibnu gur bUJ n pweI hy ]6]
pir kaa saa-o na jaaṇai moorakh, bin gur boojh na paa-ee hay. ||6||
The foolish does not know the taste of (i.e. the pleasure of union with) her Husband; without the
Guru she does not understand (at all). 6
durmiq KotI Kotu kmwvY ] durmat khotee khot kamaavai.
One, with bad wisdom is false and earns (i.e. practices) falsehood.
sIgwru kry ipr Ksm n BwvY ] seegaar karay pir khasam na bhaavai.
She decorates herself, but she is not pleasing to her Husband.
guxvMqI sdw ipru rwvY siqguir myil imlweI hy ]7] guṇvantee sadaa pir raavai, satgur mayl milaa-ee hay. ||7||
The virtuous (soul bride) enjoys her Husband forever; the True Guru unites her in his union. 7
Awpy hukmu kry sBu vyKY ] aapay hukam karay sabh vaykhai.
He Himself issues commands and beholds all.
ieknw bKis ley Duir lyKY ] iknaa bakhas la-ay dhur laykhai.
Some are forgiven as it is preordained (for them).
Anidnu nwim rqy scu pwieAw Awpy myil imlweI hy ]8]
an-din naam ratay sach paa-i-aa, aapay mayl milaa-ee hay. ||8||
Day and night, they are imbued with the name, and, they find the True (Lord); He Himself unites
them in union. 8
haumY Dwqu moh ris lweI ] ha-umai dhaat moh ras laa-ee.
Egotism and maya attaches one to the relish of (emotional) attachment.
gurmuiK ilv swcI shij smweI ] gurmukh liv saachee sahj samaa-ee.
The Guru-oriented has true attachment, he remains immersed (in God) in natural ease.
Awpy mylY Awpy kir vyKY ibnu siqgur bUJ n pweI hy ]9]
aapay maylai aapay kar vaykhai, bin satgur boojh na paa-ee hay. ||9||
God Himself unites, He Himself stages (his play) and beholds; without the True Guru
understanding (of His play) is not obtained. 9
ieik sbdu vIcwir sdw jn jwgy ] ik sabad veechaar sadaa jan jaagay.
Some beings contemplate the word and remain awake forever.
ieik mwieAw moih soie rhy ABwgy ] ik maa-i-aa mohi so-ay rahay abhaagay.
Some unfortunate ones remain asleep in attachment to maya.
Awpy kry krwey Awpy horu krxw ikCU n jweI hy ]10]
aapay karay karaa-ay aapay hor karṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ee hay. ||10||
He Himself acts, and, He Himself gets us to act; no one else can do anything. 10
kwlu mwir gur sbid invwry ] kaal maar gur sabad nivaaray.
One conquers death, through the word of the Guru and eliminates it.
hir kw nwmu rKY aur Dwry ] har kaa naam rakhai ur dhaaray.
He enshrines the name of God, within his heart.
siqgur syvw qy suKu pwieAw hir kY nwim smweI hy ]11]
satgur sayvaa tay sukh paa-i-aa har kai naam samaa-ee hay. ||11||
Serving the True Guru, he obtains happiness, and, remains immersed in the name of God. 11
dUjY Bwie iPrY dyvwnI ] mwieAw moih duK mwih smwnI ]
doojai bhaa-ay firai dayvaanee. maa-i-aa mohi dukh maahi samaanee.
In love of duality, the world wander around crazy;
in attachment to maya, it remains immersed in sufferings.
bhuqy ByK krY nh pwey ibnu siqgur suKu n pweI hy ]12]
bahutay bhaykh karai nah paa-ay bin satgur sukh na paa-ee hay. ||12||
Wearing many sorts of (religious) robes, He (i.e. God) is not obtained; without the True
Guru, happiness is not obtained. 12
iks no khIAY jw Awip krwey ] kis no kahee-ai, jaa aap karaa-ay.
Who is to blame (i.e. no one can be blamed), when He Himself does everything?
ijqu BwvY iqqu rwih clwey ] jit bhaavai, tit raahi chalaa-ay.
As He will, He gets us follow that path.
Awpy imhrvwnu suKdwqw ijau BwvY iqvY clweI hy ]13]
aapay miharvaan sukh-daata, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaa-ee hay. ||13||
He Himself is kind, (He Himself is) the giver of happiness; as He wills, so do we move. 13
Awpy krqw Awpy Bugqw ] aapay kartaa aapay bhugtaa.
He Himself is the Creator, and, He Himself the Enjoyer.
Awpy sMjmu Awpy jugqw ] aapay saNjam aapay jugtaa.
He Himself is detached , and, He Himself is attached.
Awpy inrmlu imhrvwnu mDusUdnu ijs dw hukmu n myitAw jweI hy ]14]
aapay nirmal miharvaan madhusoodan*, jis daa hukam na mayti-aa jaa-ee hay. ||14||
He Himself is immaculate, kind, Destroyer of Demons*; His command can not be erased. 14.
[*‘Literally: One who killed Madhu, the demon’; i.e. the ‘Destroyer of demons’ i.e. annihilator of vices, This is one of
the attributes , and, the names of God].
sy vfBwgI ijnI eyko jwqw ] Git Git vis rihAw jgjIvnu dwqw ]
say vadbhaagee jinee ayko jaataa. ghat ghat vas rahi-aa jagjeevan daataa.
Fortunate are those who have known the One alone;
the Life of the World, the Giver (Lord) is dwelling in each and every heart.
P. 1048
iek QY gupqu prgtu hY Awpy gurmuiK BRmu Bau jweI hy ]15]
ik thai gupat pargat hai aapay, gurmukh bharam bha-o jaa-ee hay. ||15||
At the same time, he is (both) hidden and revealed; (this is known) through the Guru doubt
and fear are dispelled. 15
gurmuiK hir jIau eyko jwqw ] gurmukh har jee-o ayko jaataa.
The Guru-oriented knows the One, dear God.
AMqir nwmu sbid pCwqw ] aNtar naam sabad pachhaataa.
Within him is the name (of God, which) he has realized trough the word (of the Guru).
ijsu qU dyih soeI jnu pwey nwnk nwim vfweI hy ]16]4]
jis too deh so-ee jan paa-ay, naanak naam vadaa-ee hay. ||16||4||
Nanak (says): He alone receives it, unto whom You bestow; there is great glory in (meditation
upon) the name. 16.4

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
scu swlwhI gihr gMBIrY ] sach saalaahee gahir gaMbheerai.
I praise the True, deep and profound (Lord).
sBu jgu hY iqs hI kY cIrY ] sabh jag hai tis hee kai cheerai.
All the world is in His power (i.e. under His command).
siB Gt BogvY sdw idnu rwqI Awpy sUK invwsI hy ]1]
sabh ghat bhogvai sadaa din raatee, aapay sookh nivaasee hay. ||1||
He enjoys all the hearts, day and night; He Himself is the house (i.e. source) of all happiness. 1
scw swihbu scI nweI ] sachaa saahib, sachee naa-ee.
True is the Lord, and, true is His name (i.e. His great glory).
gur prswdI mMin vsweI ] gur parsaadee maNn vasaa-ee.
(O! brethren) He is enshrine in the mind, by the grace of the Guru.
Awpy Awie visAw Gt AMqir qUtI jm kI PwsI hy ]2]
aapay aa-ay vasi-aa ghat aNtar, tootee jam kee faasee hay. ||2||
He Himself comes to dwell within the heart; and, the noose of death is cut away. 2
iksu syvI qY iksu swlwhI ] kis sayvee tai kis saalaahee.
(The question is): Whom should I serve and whom should I praise?
siqguru syvI sbid swlwhI ] satgur sayvee sabad saalaahee.
(The answer is): Serve the True Guru and praise the word.
scY sbid sdw miq aUqm AMqir kmlu pRgwsI hy ]3]
sachai sabad sadaa mat ootam, aNtar kamal pargaasee hay. ||3||
Through the True word, the wisdom is exalted forever; and, the lotus within blossoms forth. 3
dyhI kwcI kwgd imkdwrw ] dayhee kaachee kaagad mikdaaraa.
The (human) body is perishable like paper.
bUMd pvY ibnsY Fhq n lwgY bwrw ] booNd pavai binsai, ḍahat na laagai baaraa.
When the drop of water falls upon it, it gets perishes, and, dissolves in no time.
kMcn kwieAw gurmuiK bUJY ijsu AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]4]
kanchan kaa-i-aa gurmukh boojhai, jis aNtar naam nivaasee hay. ||4||
(But) one, who understand (the right path of life) through the Guru, his body is (like) gold;
within him dwells the name (of God). 4
scw caukw suriq kI kwrw ] sachaa cha-ukaa surat kee kaaraa.
True is the kitchen (of the Guru-oriented), (which is) enclosed by the lines of (spiritual) awareness.
hir nwmu Bojnu scu AwDwrw ] har naam bhojan, sach aadhaaraa.
The name of God is his food, and, the truth is his support.
sdw iqRpiq pivqRü hY pwvnu ijqu Git hir nwmu invwsI hy ]5]
sadaa taripat pavitar hai paavan, jit ghat har naam nivaasee hay. ||5||
He is forever satisfied and pure, within whose heart abides the name(of God). 5
hau iqn bilhwrI jo swcY lwgy ] ha-o tin balihaaree jo saachai laagay.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who are attached to the True (Lord).
hir gux gwvih Anidnu jwgy ] har guṇ gaavahi an-din jaagay.
They sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, remain awake day and night.
swcw sUKu sdw iqn AMqir rsnw hir ris rwsI hy ]6]
saachaa sookh sadaa tin aNtar, rasnaa har ras raasee hay. ||6||
Within their mind there is forever true (spiritual) happiness, and, their tongue savours the
essence of (the name of) God. 6
hir nwmu cyqw Avru n pUjw ] har naam chaytaa, avar na poojaa.
I remember the name of God, and, do not worship any other (at all).
eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ] ayko sayvee avar na doojaa.
I serve (only) the One (Lord), and no other (at all).
pUrY guir sBu scu idKwieAw scY nwim invwsI hy ]7]
poorai gur sabh sach dikhaa-i-aa, sachai naam nivaasee hay. ||7||
(He, whom) the perfect Guru has shown the True (Lord pervading) everywhere, dwells (i.e.
remains immersed) in the name of the True (Lord). 7
BRim BRim jonI iPir iPir AwieAw ] bharam bharam jonee fir fir aa-i-aa.
Wandering and wandering through (many) incarnations, over and over again, he has comes
(into the world, in human life).
Awip BUlw jw Ksim BulwieAw ] aap bhoolaa jaa khasam bhulaa-i-aa.
He is deluded, when the Lord deludes him.
hir jIau imlY qw gurmuiK bUJY cInY sbdu AibnwsI hy ]8]
har jee-o milai taa gurmukh boojhai, cheenai sabad abhinaasee hay. ||8||
When he meets with dear God, then he realizes (the right path of life) through the Guru; and,
he remembers the word of the imperishable (Lord). 8
kwim k®oiD Bry hm AprwDI ] kaam krodh bharay ham apraadhee.
We are sinner, stained with sexual desire and anger.
ikAw muhu lY bolh nw hm gux n syvw swDI ] ki-aa muhu lai bolah naa ham guṇ na sayvaa saadhee.
With what face should we speak? We have no virtue, nor have we performed any service.
fubdy pwQr myil lYhu qum Awpy swcu nwmu AibnwsI hy ]9]
dubday paathar mayl laihu tum, aapay saach naam abhinaasee hay. ||9||
We are sinking stones, (please) unite me with Yourself; (O! Lord) You name is True (i.e.
eternal) imperishable. 9
nw koeI kry n krxY jogw ] naa ko-ee karay, na karṇai jogaa.
(O! God) No one does anything (without Your command), nor (anyone) is able to do (anything).
Awpy krih krwvih su hoiegw ] aapay karahi karaaveh so ho-igaa.
That alone will happen which You Yourself do or get to be done.
Awpy bKis lYih suKu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]10]
aapay bakhas laihi sukh paa-ay, sad hee naam nivaasee hay. ||10||
He, whom You Yourself forgive, obtains happiness, and, he forever dwells in (Your) name. 10
iehu qnu DrqI sbdu bIij Apwrw ] ih tan dhartee sabad beej apaaraa.
(O! brethren) make this body is earth, and, plant the seed of the word of the Infinite (Lord);
hir swcy syqI vxju vwpwrw ] har saachay saytee vaṇaj vaapaaraa.
Deal and trade with (the name of) the True God.
scu Dnu jMimAw qoit n AwvY AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]11]
sach dhan jaMmi-aa tot na aavai, aNtar naam nivaasee hay. ||11||

(In this trade) true wealth (of the name of God) is earned, and, it is never exhausted; (because)
the name dwells within. 11
hir jIau AvgixAwry no guxu kIjY ] har jee-o avgaṇi-aaray no guṇ keejai.
O! dear God, (please) bless this virtue-less with virtues.
Awpy bKis lYih nwmu dIjY ] aapay bakhas laihi naam deejai.
You Yourself forgive and bless me with Your name.
gurmuiK hovY so piq pwey iekqu nwim invwsI hy ]12]
gurmukh hovai so pat paa-ay ikat naam nivaasee hay. ||12||
One, who becomes Guru-oriented is honoured, (because) he dwells the name of the One
(Lord alone). 12
AMqir hir Dnu smJ n hoeI ] aNtar har dhan samajh na ho-ee.
The wealth of God is within (every one’s inner being), (but) not everyone realizes it.
gur prswdI bUJY koeI ] gur parsaadee boojhai ko-ee.
(Only) some rare one comes to understand it by the grace of the Guru.
gurmuiK hovY so Dnu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]13]
gurmukh hovai sodhan paa-ay sad hee naam nivaasee hay. ||13||
He, who is Guru-oriented, obtains this wealth, and, dwells forever in the name (of the Lord). 13
Anl vwau Brim BulweI ] mwieAw moih suiD n kweI ]
anal vaa-o bharam bhulaa-ee. maa-i-aa mohi sudh na kaa-ee.
The fire (of desires) and air (of passions) have deluded them into doubts.
In attachment ot maya, they have no understanding.
P. 1049
mnmuK AMDy ikCU n sUJY gurmiq nwmu pRgwsI hy ]14]
manmukh aNdhay kichhoo na soojhai, gurmat naam pargaasee hay. ||14||
The blind mind-oriented does not understand anything; through the Guru’s wisdom the
name illumines (his heart). 14
mnmuK haumY mwieAw sUqy ] Apxw Gru n smwlih AMiq ivgUqy ]
manmukh ha-umai maa-i-aa sootay. apnaa ghar na samaaleh aNt vigootay.
The mind-oriented are asleep in egotism and maya.
They do not care of their own home (i.e. heart), and, are ruined in the end.
pr inMdw krih bhu icMqw jwlY duKy duiK invwsI hy ]15]
par niNdaa karahi, baho chiNtaa jaalai, dukhay dukh nivaasee hay. ||15||
They slander others, great anxiety burns (i.e. ruins) them; and, they dwell in sorrow and
sufferings. 15
Awpy krqY kwr krweI ] aapay kartai kaar karaa-ee.
The Creator Himself gets all acts done.
Awpy gurmuiK dyie buJweI ] aapay gurmukh day-ay bujhaa-ee.
He Himself blesses the Guru-oriented with understanding.
nwnk nwim rqy mnu inrmlu nwmy nwim invwsI hy ]16]5]
naanak, naam ratay man nirmal, naamay naam nivaasee hay. ||16||5||
Nanak (says): Those, who are imbued with the name, become immaculate; they dwell in the
name and the name alone. 16.5
mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
eyko syvI sdw iQru swcw ] ayko sayvee sadaa thir saachaa.
I serve the One alone; (He is) forever stable, True (Lord).
dUjY lwgw sBu jgu kwcw ] doojai laagaa sabh jag kaachaa.
Attached to duality (i.e. maya), the whole world is false.
gurmqI sdw scu swlwhI swcy hI swic pqIjY hy ]1]
gurmatee sadaa sach saalaahee, saachay hee saach pateejai hay. ||1||
Through the wisdom of the Guru; and, I am pleased with the True and True alone. 1
qyry gux bhuqy mY eyku n jwqw ] tayray guṇ bahutay mai ayk na jaataa.
(O! Lord) Your excellences are so many, but I do not know even one.
Awpy lwie ley jgjIvnu dwqw ] aapay laa-ay la-ay jagjeevan daataa.
The Life to the World, the Giver (Lord), Himself attaches one to Himsef.
Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI gurmiq iehu mnu BIjY hy ]2]
aapay bakhsay day vadi-aa-ee gurmat ih man bheejai hay. ||2||
He Himself forgives and bestows greatness (i.e. honour); this mind is pleased (in Him)
through the wisdom of the Guru. 2
mwieAw lhir sbid invwrI ] iehu mnu inrmlu haumY mwrI ]
maa-i-aa lahar sabad nivaaree. ih man nirmal ha-umai maaree.
(He, who) subdues the wave of maya through the word; and,
killing (i.e. conquering) egotism, makes his mind immaculate.
shjy gux gwvY rMig rwqw rsnw rwmu rvIjY hy ]3]
sehjay guṇ gaavai raNg raataa, rasnaa raam raveejai hay. ||3||
Imbued with His love, he sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) in natural ease; he
chants (the name of) God withh his tongue. 3
myrI myrI krq ivhwxI ] mayree mayree karat vihaaṇee.
The life (of the mind-oriented) passes in crying out: ‘mine, mine’ (i.e. in egotism and possessiveness).
mnmuiK n bUJY iPrY ieAwxI ] manmukh na boojhai, firai i-aaṇee.
The mind-oriented does not understand, and, wanders around in ignorance.
jmkwlu GVI muhqu inhwly Anidnu Awrjw CIjY hy ]4]
jamkaal ghaṛee* muhat nihaalay, an-din aarjaa chheejai hay. ||4||
The messenger of death watches over him every minute* and every moment; day and night
the life is decaying (i.e. each and every moment, the life span is decreasing). 4
[*Gharhi is an old system of calculating time, it is 24 minutes of the clock].
AMqir loBu krY nhI bUJY ] isr aUpir jmkwlu n sUJY ]
aNtar lobh karai nahee boojhai. sir oopar jamkaal na soojhai.
(The mind-oriented) practices greed within and does not understand (that):
the messenger of death is (hovering) over his head, he does not occur to him.
AYQY kmwxw su AgY AwieAw AMqkwil ikAw kIjY hy ]5]
aithai kamaaṇaa so agai aa-i-aa, aNtkaal ki-aa keejai hay. ||5||
Whatever one earns her, will come to face him hereafter, what can he do at the very last
moment ? (i.e. one has to face the consequences what one practices in his life). 5
jo sic lwgy iqn swcI soie ] jo sach laagay, tin saachee so-ay.
Those who are attached to the True (Lord), their glory is true (i.e. everlasting).
dUjY lwgy mnmuiK roie ] doojai laagay, manmukh ro-ay.
The mind-oriented are attached to duality, (hence) they weep (i.e. repent and wail).
duhw isirAw kw Ksmu hY Awpy Awpy gux mih BIjY hy ]6]
duhaa siri-aa kaa khasam hai aapay, aapay guṇ meh bheejai hay. ||6||
He is the Lord of both ends (i.e. both worlds: here and hereafter); and, He Himself is pleased in
virtues. 6
gur kY sbid sdw jnu sohY ] nwm rswieix iehu mnu mohY ]
gur kai sabad sadaa jan sohai. naam rasaa-iṇ ih man mohai.
The servant (i.e. devotee of God) is embellished by the word of the Guru;
(his) mind is enticed by the name, the source of essence (of life).
mwieAw moh mYlu pqMgu n lwgY gurmqI hir nwim BIjY hy ]7]
maa-i-aa moh mail pataNg na laagai, gurmatee har naam bheejai hay. ||7||
He is not stained, even a bit, by the filth of maya; (his mind) remains drenched with the name
of God, through the wisdom of the Guru. 7
sBnw ivic vrqY ieku soeI ] gur prswdI prgtu hoeI ]
sabhnaa vich vartai ik so-ee. gur parsaadee pargat ho-ee.
The One (God alone) is contained within all;
by the grace of Guru, He is revealed.
haumY mwir sdw suKu pwieAw nwie swcY AMimRqu pIjY hy ]8]
ha-umai maar sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, naa-ay saachai aMmrit peejai hay. ||8||
One, who subdues his ego, obtains happiness forever; he drinks in AMmrit of the True name. 8
iklibK dUK invwrxhwrw ] kilbikh dookh nivaaraṇhaaraa.
He (i.e. God) is the Destroyer of all sins and sufferings.
gurmuiK syivAw sbid vIcwrw ] gurmukh sayvi-aa sabad veechaaraa.
The Guru-oriented serves and contemplates the word.
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip vrqY gurmuiK qnu mnu BIjY hy ]9]
sabh kichh aapay aap vartai, gurmukh tan man bheejai hay. ||9||
(The Guru-oriented understands that):He Himself is pervading everything; and, the Guru-
oriented is pleased in hismind and body. 9
mwieAw Agin jlY sMswry ] maa-i-aa agan jalai saNsaaray.
The (whole) world is burning in the fire of maya.
gurmuiK invwrY sbid vIcwry ] gurmukh nivaarai sabad veechaaray.
The Guru-oriented saves himself (from it) by contemplating the word.
AMqir sWiq sdw suKu pwieAw gurmqI nwmu lIjY hy ]10]
aNtar saant sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, gurmatee naam leejai hay. ||10||
Within him (i.e. Guru-oriented) is peace and he obtains everlasting happiness, (because) he
meditates upon the name (of God) through the wisdom of the Guru. 10
ieMdR ieMdRwsix bYTy jm kw Bau pwvih ] INdar, INdaraasaṇ baiṭay, jam kaa bha-o paavahi.
Even Indar, sitting upon his throne, is caught in the fear of death.
jmu n CofY bhu krm kmwvih ] jam na chhodai, baho karam kamaaveh.

The messenger of death does not spare them, (even though) they may practice many sorts of
actions (to save themselves).
siqguru BytY qw mukiq pweIAY hir hir rsnw pIjY hy ]11]
satgur bhaytai taa mukat paa-ee-ai, har har rasnaa peejai hay. ||11||
(In fact) when one meets with the True Guru, one is liberated; and, one drinks the essence of
(the name of) God, the Lord. 11
mnmuiK AMqir Bgiq n hoeI ] manmukh aNtar bhagat na ho-ee.
There is no devotion within the mind-oriented (person).
gurmuiK Bgiq sWiq suKu hoeI ] gurmukh bhagat saant sukh ho-ee.
One, who is Guru-oriented, is in devotion; (hence) he enjoys peace and happiness.
pivqR pwvn sdw hY bwxI gurmiq AMqru BIjY hy ]12]
pavitar paavan sadaa hai baṇee, gurmat aNtar bheejai hay. ||12||
The word (of the Guru) is forever pure and sacred; through the wisdom of the Guru, one’s
soul is drenched in it. 12
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu vIcwrI ] qRY gux bDk mukiq inrwrI ]
barahmaa bisan mahays veechaaree. tarai guṇ badhak mukat niraaree.
(O! brethren) think of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiv);
(they are) bound by the three gunaas (i.e. qualities); liberation is distinct (i.e. far) from them.
P. 1050
gurmuiK igAwnu eyko hY jwqw Anidnu nwmu rvIjY hy ]13]
gurmukh gi-aan ayko hai jaataa, an-din naam raveejai hay. ||13||
The Guru-oriented knows only one knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom): chant the name day
and night. 13
byd pVih hir nwmu n bUJih ] bayd paṛeh har naam na boojheh.
He (i.e. priest) reads Vedas, but does not realize the name;
mwieAw kwrix piV piV lUJih ] maa-i-aa kaaraṇ paṛ paṛ loojheh.
For the sake of maya, he reads and reads and argues.
AMqir mYlu AigAwnI AMDw ikau kir duqru qrIjY hy ]14]
aNtar mail agi-aanee aNdhaa, ki-o kar dutar tareejai hay. ||14||
Within him is filth (of egotism); he is ignorant and blind; how can he swim across the un-
crossable (world ocean). 14
byd bwd siB AwiK vKwxih ] n AMqru BIjY n sbdu pCwxih ]
bayd baad sabh aakh vakaaneh. na aNtar bheejai, na sabad pachhaaṇeh.
He reads out and explains Vedas and controversies;
(but) he is not pleased from within nor does he realize the word.
puMnu pwpu sBu byid idRVwieAw gurmuiK AMimRqu pIjY hy ]15]
puNn paap sabh bayd driṛ-aa-i-aa, gurmukh aMmrit peejai hay. ||15||
Vedas teach all about vices and virtues, (but) the Guru-oriented drinks in AMmrit (name). 15
Awpy swcw eyko soeI ] aapay saachaa ayko so-ee.
(O! brethren) the One Himself alone is true.
iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI ] tis bin doojaa avar na ko-ee.
There is no one other than Him.

nwnk nwim rqy mnu swcw sco scu rvIjY hy ]16]6]
naanak naam ratay man saachaa, sacho sach raveejai hay. ||16||6||
Nanak (says): Those, who are imbued with the name, their minds are true; they speak the
truth and truth alone. 16.6

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaro, Mehlaa 3

scY scw qKqu rcwieAw ] sachai sachaa takhat rachaa-i-aa.
The True (Lord) has established His True throne.
inj Gir visAw iqQY mohu n mwieAw ] nij ghar vasi-aa tithai moh na maa-i-aa.
He dwells within the His house of one’s self; where there is no attachment to maya.
sd hI swcu visAw Gt AMqir gurmuiK krxI swrI hy ]1]
sad hee saach vasi-aa ghat aNtar, gurmukh karṇee saaree hay. ||1||
The True forever dwells in the heart of the Guru-oriented whole actions are excellent. 1
scw saudw scu vwpwrw ] sachaa sa-udaa sach vaapaaraa.
True is his merchandise (of the name) and true is the trade (of the name);
n iqQY Brmu n dUjw pswrw ] na tithai bharam, na doojaa pasaaraa.
There is no doubt, nor expanse of duality (in this trade).
scw Dnu KitAw kdy qoit n AwvY bUJY ko vIcwrI hy ]2]
sachaa dhan khati-aa kaday tot na aavai, boojhai ko veechaaree hay. ||2||
(When one) earns the true wealth, it is never exhausted; rare are those who contemplate and
understand it. 2
scY lwey sy jn lwgy ] sachai laa-ay say jan laagay.
They alone are attached (to the name) whom the True (Lord) has attached.
Amqir sbdu msqik vfBwgy ] aNtar sabad mastak vadbhaagay.
Within them is the word, and, good fortune is (inscribed) upon their forehead.
scY sbid sdw gux gwvih sbid rqy vIcwrI hy ]3]
sachai sabad sadaa guṇ gaavahi, sabad ratay veechaaree hay. ||3||
Through the True word (of the Guru) they forever sing (the praise of) the excellences (of God);
and, they remain imbued with the word and contemplate it. 3
sco scw scu swlwhI ] sacho sachaa sach saalaahee.
I praise the True (Lord), the Truest of the True.
eyko vyKw dUjw nwhI ] ayko vaykhaa doojaa naahee.
I see the One (Lord alone) and no other.
gurmiq aUco aUcI pauVI igAwin rqin haumY mwrI hy ]4]
gurmat oocho oochee pa-oṛee, gi-aan ratan ha-umai maaree hay. ||4||
The wisdom of the Guru is the highest ladder (i.e. the highest spiritual knowledge); and,
through this jewel of (spiritual) wisdom, egotism is conquered. 4
mwieAw mohu sbid jlwieAw ] scu min visAw jw quDu BwieAw ]
maa-i-aa moh sabad jalaa-i-aa. sach man vasi-aa jaa tudh bhaa-i-aa.
(One, who) has burnt away the attachment to maya (from within) through the word;
the True (word) comes to dwell (within him) when it pleases You.
scy kI sB scI krxI haumY iqKw invwrI hy ]5]

sachay kee sabh sachee karṇee, ha-umai tikhaa nivaaree hay. ||5||
True are all the actions of the truthful (person), who has subdued the thirst of egotism. 5
mwieAw mohu sBu Awpy kInw ] maa-i-aa moh sabh aapay keenaa.
(O! brethren) He (i.e. God) Himself has created all attachment to maya.
gurmuiK ivrlY ikn hI cInw ] gurmukh virlai kin hee cheenaa.
Some rare of a Guru-oriented has realised it.
gurmuiK hovY su scu kmwvY swcI krxI swrI hy ]6]
gurmukh hovai so sach kamaavai, saachee karṇee saaree hay. ||6||
He, who is Guru-oriented, earns (i.e. practices) Truth, and, true and excellent are his actions. 6
kwr kmweI jo myry pRB BweI ] haumY iqRsnw sbid buJweI ]
kaar kamaa-ee jo mayray prabh bhaa-ee. ha-umai tarisnaa sabad bujhaa-ee.
He (i.e. Guru-orieted) does those deeds which are pleasing to my God;
through the word (of the Guru) he quenches (i.e. subdued) egotism and desires.
gurmiq sd hI AMqru sIqlu haumY mwir invwrI hy ]7]
gurmat sad hee aNtar seetal, ha-umai maar nivaaree hay. ||7||
Through the wisdom of Guru, he remains forever cool;he conquers and eliminates egotism. 7
sic lgy iqn sBu ikCu BwvY ] sach lagay, tin sabh kichh bhaavai.
Those who are attached to the True (Lord), everything is pleasing to them.
scY sbdy sic suhwvY ] sachai sabday sach suhaavai.
Attaching to the True, through True word, they are embellished.
AYQY swcy sy dir swcy ndrI ndir svwrI hy ]8]
aithai saachay say dar saachay, nadree nadar savaaree hay. ||8||
Those who are true here (in this word), are true in His court (as well); the Graceful (Lord)
adorns them through His glance (of grace). 8
ibnu swcy jo dUjY lwieAw ] mwieAw moh duK sbwieAw ]
bin saachay jo doojai laa-i-aa. maa-i-aa moh dukh sabaa-i-aa.
One who has attached his mind to duality and not the True (Lord);
he is inflicted with all suffering for attachment to maya.
ibnu gur duKu suKu jwpY nwhI mwieAw moh duKu BwrI hy ]9]
bin gur dukh sukh jaapai, naahee maa-i-aa moh dukh bhaaree hay. ||9||
Without the Guru, he does not understand (how to dispel) pain and (obtain) pleasure;
attached to maya, he suffers terrible pain. 9
swcw sbdu ijnw min BwieAw ] pUrib iliKAw iqnI kmwieAw ]
saachaa sabad jinaa man bhaa-i-aa. poorab likhi-aa tinee kamaa-i-aa.
Those, whose minds are pleased with the True word;
they have earned, according to their pre-inscribed destiny.
sco syvih scu iDAwvih sic rqy vIcwrI hy ]10]
sacho sayveh sach dhi-aavahi, sach ratay veechaaree hay. ||10||
They serve the True (Lord), (and, they) meditate upon the True; imbued with the True
(Lord) they contemplate Him. 10
gur kI syvw mITI lwgI ] gur kee sayvaa meeṭee laagee.
Service of the Guru seems sweet to them.
Anidnu sUK shj smwDI ] an-din sookh sahj samaadhee.
Day and night, they are immersed in trance, in celestial ease.
hir hir kriqAw mnu inrmlu hoAw gur kI syv ipAwrI hy ]11]
har har karti-aa man nirmal ho-aa, gur kee sayv pi-aaree hay. ||11||
Chanting (the name of) God, the Lord, mind became immaculate; they love serving the Guru. 11
sy jn suKIey siqguir scy lwey ] say jan sukhee-ay satgur sachay laa-ay.
Happy are those beings, whom the True Guru has attached to the True (Lord).
Awpy Bwxy Awip imlwey ] aapay bhaaṇay aap milaa-ay.
He Himself, in His will, merges them (into Himself).
siqguir rwKy sy jn aubry hor mwieAw moh KuAwrI hy ]12]
satgur raakhay say jan ubray, hor maa-i-aa moh khu-aaree hay. ||12||
Those beings, whom the True Guru protects, are saved; others are ruined through
attachment to maya. 12
P. 1051
gurmuiK swcw sbid pCwqw ] nw iqsu kutMbu nw iqsu mwqw ]
gurmukh saachaa sabad pachhaataa. naa tis kutaMb naa tis maataa.
The Guru-oriented realizes the True (Lord) through the word (of the Guru) (and , that),
He (i.e. God) has no family, He has no mother.
eyko eyku rivAw sB AMqir sBnw jIAw kw AwDwrI hy ]13]
ayko ayk ravi-aa sabh aNtar, sabhnaa jee-aa kaa aadhaaree hay. ||13||
The One and the only One (God) alone is pervading within all (beings); He is the Sustainer (i.e.
Support) of all(beings). 13
haumY myrw dUjw BwieAw ] ikCu n clY Duir Ksim iliK pwieAw ]
ha-umai mayraa doojaa bhaa-i-aa. kichh na chalai, dhur khasam likh paa-i-aa.
In duality one is pleased in egotism, ‘mine’ (i.e. possessiveness);
(but) nothing accompanies with him; this is what is preordained by the Lord.
gur swcy qy swcu kmwvih swcY dUK invwrI hy ]14]
gur saachay tay saach kamaaveh, saachai dookh nivaaree hay. ||14||
One, who earns (i.e. practices) Truth through the True Guru, the True dispelles all his pains. 14
jw qU dyih sdw suKu pwey ] jaa too deh sadaa sukh paa-ay.
(O! God) when You bless, one obtains lasting (spiritual) happiness.
swcY sbdy swcu kmwey ] saachai sabday saach kamaa-ay.
through the True word, he earns (i.e. practices) Truth.
AMdru swcw mnu qnu swcw Bgiq Bry BMfwrI hy ]15]
aNdar saachaa, man tan saachaa, bhagat bharay bhaNdaaree hay. ||15||
With True within, his mind and body become true; His treasures are full with devotion. 15
Awpy vyKY hukim clwey ] aapay vaykhai hukam chalaa-ay.
He Himself watches and issues (His) commands.
Apxw Bwxw Awip krwey ] apnaa bhaanaa aap karaa-ay.
He Himself gets His will obeyed (from the beings).
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI mnu qnu rsnw nwim svwrI hy ]16]7]
naanak, naam ratay bairaagee, man tan rasnaa naam savaaree hay. ||16||7||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name (of the Lord) become detached; and, their
mind, body and tongue are embellished with the name. 16.7

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

Awpy Awpu aupwie aupMnw ] aapay aap upaa-ay, upaNnaa.
He Himself created Himself, and came in being (i.e. became revealed).
sB mih vrqY eyku prCMnw ] sabh meh vartai ayk parchhaNnaa.
The One is pervading all, remaining hidden.
sBnw swr kry jgjIvnu ijin Apxw Awpu pCwqw hy ]1]
sabhnaa saar karay jagjeevan, jin apṇaa aap pachhaataa hay. ||1||
The Life of the World (i.e. God) takes care of all; whoever has known his own self, realizes this. 1
ijin bRhmw ibsnu mhysu aupwey ] isir isir DMDY Awpy lwey ]
jin barahmaa bisan mahays upaa-ay. sir sir dhaNdhai aapay laa-ay.
He, who has created Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv);
He Himself has attached everyone to its task.
ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpy myly ijin gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]2]
jis bhaavai tis aapay maylay, jin gurmukh ayko jaataa hay. ||2||
Whoever is pleasing to Him, He merges him into Himself; one, who has known the One
through the Guru, realizes this. 2
Awvw gauxu hY sMswrw ] aavaa ga-oṇ hai saNsaaraa.
This world is a cycle of coming and going.
mwieAw mohu bhu icqY ibkwrw ] maa-i-aa moh, baho chitai bikaaraa.
Due attachment to maya, one thinks of many vices.
iQru swcw swlwhI sd hI ijin gur kw sbdu pCwqw hy ]3]
thir saachaa saalaahee sad hee, jin gur kaa sabad pachhaataa hay. ||3||
One, who have realized the word of the Guru, praises forever the unchanging True (Lord). 3
ieik mUil lgy EnI suKu pwieAw ] fwlI lwgy iqnI jnmu gvwieAw ]
ik mool lagay, onee sukh paa-i-aa. daalee laagay, tinee janam gavaa-i-aa.
Some are attached to the root (i.e. Primal Lord), they obtain happiness;
(but) those who are attached to the branches, waste their lives in vain.
AMimRq Pl iqn jn kau lwgy jo bolih AMimRq bwqw hy ]4]
aMmrit fal tin jan ka-o laagay, jo boleh aMmrit baataa hay. ||4||
They (alone) are blessed with AMmrit (immortalizing) fruit, who chant the AMmrit word (in the
praise of God). 4
hm gux nwhI ikAw bolh bol ] ham guṇ naahee, ki-aa bolah bol.
(O! Lord) we have no virtue, what word should we speak?
qU sBnw dyKih qolih qol ] too sabhnaa daykheh toleh tol.
You behold (the deeds of) all, and, weigh them on (Your) scale (i.e. appraise them);
ijau BwvY iqau rwKih rhxw gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]5]
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakhahi rahṇaa, gurmukh ayko jaataa hay. ||5||
As You preserve us by Your will, so do we live; the Guru-oriented knows (but) One Lord. 5
jw quDu Bwxw qw scI kwrY lwey ] Avgx Coif gux mwih smwey ]
jaa tudh bhaaṇaa taa sachee kaarai laa-ay. avgaṇ chhod guṇ maahi samaa-ay.
When You will, You attach (the beings) to true task;
renouncing vices, they immerse in (Your) virtues.
gux mih eyko inrmlu swcw gur kY sbid pCwqw hy ]6]
guṇ meh ayko nirmal saachaa, gur kai sabad pachhaataa hay. ||6||
The One Immaculate True (Lord) abides in virtues; He is realized through the word of the
Guru. 6
jh dyKw qh eyko soeI ] jah daykhaa tah ayko so-ee.
Wherever I look, there I find the One (Lord) alone.
dUjI durmiq sbdy KoeI ] doojee durmat sabday kho-ee.
Duality and evil wisdom is eradicated through the word (of the Guru).
eyksu mih pRBu eyku smwxw ApxY rMig sd rwqw hy ]7]
aykas meh prabh ayk samaaṇaa, apnai raNg sad raataa hay. ||7||
The One Lord is immersed in the One (i.e. Himself); He is forever imbued with his own love. 7
kwieAw kmlu hY kumlwxw ] mnmuKu sbdu n buJY ieAwxw ]
kaa-i-aa kamal hai kumlaaṇaa. manmukh sabad na bujhai i-aaṇaa.
The body-lotus is withering away;
(but) the mind-oriented is ignorant, (hence, he) does not understand the word.
gur prswdI kwieAw Kojy pwey jgjIvnu dwqw hy ]8]
gur parsaadee kaa-i-aa khojay, paa-ay jagjeevan daataa hay. ||8||
He, who, by the grace of the Guru, searches his body, finds the Life of the World, the Giver
(Lord). 8
kot ghI ky pwp invwry ] sdw hir jIau rwKY aur Dwry ]
kot gahee kay paap nivaaray. sadaa har jee-o raakhai ur dhaaray.
(God) liberates the fort (of body) seized by sins;
(of the one who) enshrines dear God forever in his heart.
jo ieCy soeI Plu pwey ijau rMgu mjITY rwqw hy ]9]
jo ichhay so-ee fal paa-ay, ji-o raNg majeeṭai raataa hay. ||9||
He obtains the fruits of his desires; and, he is dyed in madder (i.e. permanent) colour (of love
of God). 9
mnmuKu igAwnu kQy n hoeI ] manmukh gi-aan kathay na ho-ee.
The mind-oriented speaks of (spiritual) knowledge, but cannot have (understanding).
iPir iPir AwvY Taur n koeI ] fir fir aavai ṭa-ur na ko-ee.
Again and again, he comes (into the word), but finds no place (of rest ).
gurmuiK igAwnu sdw swlwhy juig juig eyko jwqw hy ]10]
gurmukh gi-aan sadaa saalaahay, jug jug ayko jaataa hay. ||10||
The Guru-oriented has (spiritual) knowledge, (hence) he praises (God) forever; and,
throughout each and every Age, he recognizes only the One (Lord). 10
mnmuKu kwr kry siB duK sbwey ] manmukh kaar karay sabh dukh sabaa-ay.
(All) the deeds (that) the mind-oriented does, bring pain.
AMqir sbdu nwhI ikau dir jwey ] aNtar sabad naahee ki-o dar jaa-ay.
The word (of the Guru) is not within him; how can he reach the gate (i.e. court of the Lord)?
gurmuiK sbdu vsY min swcw sd syvy suKdwqw hy ]11]
gurmukh sabad vasai man saachaa, sad sayvay sukh-daata hay. ||11||

The True word dwells within (the heart of) the Guru-oriented; and, he serves the Giver of
Happiness, forever. 11
P. 1052
jh dyKw qU sBnI QweI ] jah daykhaa too sabhnee thaa-ee.
Wherever I look, (I see that) You are everywhere.
pUrY guir sB soJI pweI ] poorai gur sabh sojhee paa-ee.
The perfect Guru has given all this realization.
nwmo nwmu iDAweIAY sdw sd iehu mnu nwmy rwqw hy ]12]
naamo naam dhi-aa-ee-ai sadaa sad, ih man naamay raataa hay. ||12||
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name and (only) name, forever and ever; (thus) this mind is
imbued with the name (of God). 12
nwmy rwqw pivqu srIrw ] naamay raataa, pavit sareeraa.
(He, who is) imbued with the name, (his) body is sanctified.
ibnu nwvY fUib muey ibnu nIrw ] bin naavai doob mu-ay bin neeraa.
Without the name, many are drowned, (they) die without water. 2
Awvih jwvih nwmu nhI bUJih ieknw gurmuiK sbdu pCwqw hy ]13]
aavahi jaaveh naam nahee boojheh, iknaa gurmukh sabad pachhaataa hay. ||13||
(Some) come and go but do not realize the name; (whereas) some realizes the word through
the Guru. 13
pUrY siqguir bUJ buJweI ] ivxu nwvY mukiq iknY n pweI ]
poorai satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. viṇ naavai mukat kinai na paa-ee.
The perfect True Guru has imparted (me this) understanding (that):
without the name, no one has (ever) attained liberation.
nwmy nwim imlY vifAweI shij rhY rMig rwqw hy ]14]
naamay naam milai vadi-aa-ee, sahj rahai raNg raataa hay. ||14||
Through the name (and only) the name (of God) one obtains praise; and, he remains imbued
with His love in natural ease. 14
ngru FhY Fih FyrI ] kaa-i-aa nagar ḍahai ḍeh ḍayree.
The (body) city (finally) falls and collapses into a pile (of dust).
ibnu sbdY cUkY nhI PyrI ] bin sabdai chookai nahee fayree.
Without the word the cycle (of birth and death i.e. reincarnation) does not come to an end.
swcu slwhy swic smwvY ijin gurmuiK eyko jwqw hy ]15]
saach salaahay saach samaavai, jin gurmukh ayko jaataa hay. ||15||
One, who knows the One (Lord) through the Guru, praises the True (Lord) and remains
immersed in the True (Lord). 15
ijs no ndir kry so pwey ] swcw sbdu vsY min Awey ]
jis no nadar karay so paa-ay. saachaa sabad vasai man aa-ay.
He, upon whom He bestows His glance (of grace), obtains (the name); and the True word
comes to dwell in his mind.
nwnk nwim rqy inrMkwrI dir swcY swcu pCwqw hy ]16]8]
naanak, naam ratay niraNkaaree, dar saachai saach pachhaataa hay. ||16||8||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name of the Formless (Lord), are recognized
as true at door of the True (Lord). 16. 8

mwrU solhy 3 ] Maaroo solhay, 3

Awpy krqw sBu ijsu krxw ] aapay kartaa sabh jis karnaa.
(O! God) You Yourself are the Creator, it is all Your creation.
jIA jMq siB qyrI srxw ] jee-a jaNt sabh tayree sarṇaa.
All being and creatures are under Your protection.
Awpy gupqu vrqY sB AMqir gur kY sbid pCwqw hy ]1]
aapay gupat vartai sabh aNtar, gur kai sabad pachhaataa hay. ||1||
You are hidden (and yet) pervading within all; You realized through the word of the Guru. 1
hir ky Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] har kay bhagat bharay bhaNdaaraa.
God's treasures are full with devotion.
Awpy bKsy sbid vIcwrw ] aapay bakhsay sabad veechaaraa.
He Himself blesses; (one realizes this) through contemplation of the word.
jo quDu BwvY soeI krsih scy isau mnu rwqw hy ]2]
jo tudh bhaavai so-ee karseh, sachay si-o man raataa hay. ||2||
You do whatever pleases You; my mind is imbued with the True (Lord). 2
Awpy hIrw rqnu Amolo ] aapay heeraa ratan amolo.
He Himself is the priceless diamond and jewel.
Awpy ndrI qoly qolo ] aapay nadree tolay tolo.
By His grace, He Himself weighs the weight (i.e. He himself appraises Himself).
jIA jMq siB srix qumwrI kir ikrpw Awip pCwqw hy ]3]
jee-a jant sabh saraṇ tumaaree, kar kirpaa aap pachhaataa hay. ||3||
All beings and creatures under Your protection; becoming kind, You get them realize You. 3
ijs no ndir hovY Duir qyrI ] mrY n jMmY cUkY PyrI ]
jis no nadar hovai dhur tayree. marai na jaMmai chookai fayree.
(O! God) He, who has Your glance (of grace) from the very beginning (i.e. preordained by You),
he does not die and is not born; his cycle (of reincarnation) comes to an end.
swcy gux gwvY idnu rwqI juig juig eyko jwqw hy ]4]
saachay guṇ gaavai din raatee, jug jug ayko jaataa hay. ||4||
He sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord); and, throughout each and every
Age, he knows the One (Lord alone). 4
mwieAw moih sBu jgqu aupwieAw ] maa-i-aa mohi sabh jagat upaa-i-aa.
(O! God) all the world (that) You have created, is attached to maya.
bRhmw ibsnu dyv sbwieAw ] barahmaa bisan dayv sabaa-i-aa.
Brahma, Visnhu, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv) and all the gods (too are attached to maya).
jo quDu Bwxy sy nwim lwgy igAwn mqI pCwqw hy ]5]
jo tudh bhaaṇay, say naam laagay; gi-aan matee pachhaataa hay. ||5||
Those who are pleasing to Your will, are attached to (Your) name; they are known through
(spiritual) knowledge and wisdom (through the Guru). 5
pwp puMn vrqY sMswrw ] paap puNn vartai saNsaaraa.
(O! brethren, all) the world is engrossed in vice and virtue.
hrKu sogu sBu duKu hY Bwrw ] harakh sog sabh dukh hai bhaaraa.
(There are) happiness and sorrow; all suffer great pains.
gurmuiK hovY so suKu pwey ijin gurmuiK nwmu pCwqw hy ]6]
gurmukh hovai so sukh paa-ay, jin gurmukh naam pachhaataa hay. ||6||
One, who is Guru-oriented, obtains happiness; the name is recognized through the Guru. 6
ikrqu n koeI mytxhwrw ] kirat na ko-ee maytaṇhaaraa.
No one can erase one’s (past) deeds.
gur kY sbdy moK duAwrw ] gur kai sabday mokh du-aaraa.
The door of liberation is found through the word of the Guru.
pUrib iliKAw so Plu pwieAw ijin Awpu mwir pCwqw hy ]7]
poorab likhi-aa so fal paa-i-aa, jin aap maar pachhaataa hay. ||7||
He, who conquers self-conceit, recognizes (God); and, obtains the pre-destined fruit. 7
mwieAw moih hir isau icqu n lwgY ]
maa-i-aa mohi, har si-o chit na laagai.
In (emotional) attachment to maya, one’s consciousness is not attached to God.
dUjY Bwie Gxw duKu AwgY ] doojai bhaa-ay ghaṇaa dukh aagai.
In love of duality, he suffers great sorrows ahead (i.e. in the world hereafter).
mnmuK Brim Buly ByKDwrI AMq kwil pCuqwqw hy ]8]
manmukh bharam bhulay bhaykh-dhaaree, aNt kaal pachhutaataa hay. ||8||
The mind-oriented are deluded by doubt; (they are) hypocrite; at the very last time, they
repent (for their hypocrisy). 8
hir kY BwxY hir gux gwey ] siB iklibK kwty dUK sbwey ]
har kai bhaaṇai har guṇ gaa-ay. sabh kilbikh kaatay dookh sabaa-ay.
He, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, in the will of God;
he is rid of all his sins and all his sufferings
hir inrmlu inrml hY bwxI hir syqI mnu rwqw hy ]9]
har nirma,l nirmal hai banee; har saytee man raataa hay. ||9||
God is immaculate, and, immaculate is His word; my mind is imbued with God. 9
ijs no ndir kry so gux iniD pwey ] jis no nadar karay, so guṇ nidh paa-ay.
He, whom He blesses with His glance (of grace) obtains (God) the Treasure of Excellences.
haumY myrw Twik rhwey ] ha-umai mayraa ṭaak rahaa-ay.
He blocks egotism and possessiveness (from within).
gux Avgx kw eyko dwqw gurmuiK ivrlI jwqw hy ]10]
guṇ avgaṇ kaa ayko daataa, gurmukh virlee jaataa hay. ||10||
The One (God) alone is the giver of virtue and vice; rare of a Guru-oriented understands it. 10
myrw pRBu inrmlu Aiq Apwrw ] mayraa prabh nirmal at apaaraa.
My God is immaculate, and greatly infinite.
Awpy mylY gur sbid vIcwrw ] aapay maylai gur sabad veechaaraa.
He Himself unites (with Himself), through contemplation of the word (of the Guru).
P. 1053
Awpy bKsy scu idRVwey mnu qnu swcY rwqw hy ]11]
aapay bakhsay, sach driṛ-aa-ay, man tan saachai raataa hay. ||11||

He Himself blesses and implants the truth; (and, then) mind and body are imbued with the
True (Lord). 11
mnu qnu mYlw ivic joiq Apwrw ] man tan mailaa vich jot apaaraa.
My mind and body are dirty, (but) within it is (also) the Light of Infinite (Lord).
gurmiq bUJY kir vIcwrw ] gurmat boojhai kar veechaaraa.
One can realize it by understanding through the wisdom of the Guru.
haumY mwir sdw mnu inrmlu rsnw syiv suKdwqw hy ]12]
ha-umai maar sadaa man nirmal, rasnaa sayv sukh-daata hay. ||12||
Conquering ego, and, serving (i.e. meditating the name of) the Giver of Happiness through
tongue, the mind becomes immaculate, forever.12
gV kwieAw AMdir bhu ht bwjwrw ] garh kaa-i-aa aNdar baho hat baajaaraa.
In the body fort, there are many shops and bazaars (i.e. sense organs, mind, brain).
iqsu ivic nwmu hY Aiq Apwrw ] tis vich naam hai at apaaraa.
Within them is greatly infinite name (of the Lord).
gur kY sbid sdw dir sohY haumY mwir pCwqw hy ]13]
gur kai sabad sadaa dar sohai, ha-umai maar pachhaataa hay. ||13||
He looks beautiful forever in His court, through the word of the Guru; he has realized (God)
by conquering egotism. 13
rqnu Amolku Agm Apwrw ] ratan amolak agam apaaraa.
The jewel (of the name of God) is priceless, inaccessible and infinite.
kImiq kvxu kry vycwrw ] keemat kavan karay vaychaaraa.
How can the poor (being) estimate its worth ?
gur kY sbdy qoil qolwey AMqir sbid pCwqw hy ]14]
gur kai sabday tol tolaa-ay, aNtar sabad pachhaataa hay. ||14||
Its weight is weighed (i.e. the worth of the name of God is known) through the word of the
Guru, and, one realizes the word within the mind. 14
isimRiq swsqR bhuqu ibsQwrw ] mwieAw mohu psirAw pwswrw ]
simrit saastar bahut bisthaaraa. maa-i-aa moh pasri-aa paasaaraa.
Simrities and Shastras present a vast explanation (of religious rituals); (but) all this is
expanse of attachment to maya.
mUrK pVih sbdu n bUJih gurmuiK ivrlY jwqw hy ]15]
moorakh paṛeh sabad na boojheh gurmukh virlai jaataa hay. ||15||
The fools read (these books), do not understand the word (of the Guru); some rare of a Guru-
orented understand (theessence).15
Awpy krqw kry krwey ] aapay kartaa karay karaa-ay.
The Creator Himself acts; and, gets others to act .
scI bwxI scu idRVwey ] sachee banee sach driṛ-aa-ay.
He implants the truth through the true word.
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI juig juig eyko jwqw hy ]16]9]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, jug jug ayko jaataa hay. ||16||9||
Nanak (says): One is blessed the glory (i.e. honour) through the name; and, throughout each
and every Age, he knows the One (Lord alone, pervading everywhere). 16.9
mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
so scu syivhu isrjxhwrw ] so sach sayvihu sirjaṇhaaraa.
(O! brethren) serve the True, the Creator (Lord).
sbdy dUK invwrxhwrw ] sabday dookh nivaaraṇhaaraa.
He destroys sufferings through the word (of the Guru).
Agmu Agocru kImiq nhI pweI Awpy Agm AQwhw hy ]1]
agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee, aapay agam athaahaa hay. ||1||
He is inaccessible and unfathomable; (He) can not be evaluated; He Himself is inaccessible
and immeasurable. 1
Awpy scw scu vrqwey ] aapay sachaa sach vartaa-ay.
The True (Lord) Himself gets the truth prevail.
ieik jn swcY Awpy lwey ] ik jan saachai aapay laa-ay.
The True (Lord) Himself has attaches some beings to Himself.
swco syvih swcu kmwvih nwmy sic smwhw hy ]2]
saacho sayveh, saach kamaaveh, naamay sach samaahaa hay. ||2||
They serve True (Lord), and, earn (i.e. practice) truth; and, through the name they are
absorbed in the True (Lord). 2
Duir Bgqw myly Awip imlwey ] dhur bhagtaa maylay aap milaa-ay.
The Primal (Lord) unites the devotees (with Himself); He Himself has united (them in union).
scI BgqI Awpy lwey ] sachee bhagtee aapay laa-ay.
He Himself attaches them to true devotion.
swcI bwxI sdw gux gwvY iesu jnmY kw lwhw hy ]3]
saachee baṇee sadaa guṇ gaavai, is janmai kaa laahaa hay. ||3||
They (i.e. devotees) forever sing (the praise of) His excellences, through the true word; this is
is the gain of this (human) life. 3
gurmuiK vxju krih pru Awpu pCwxih ] gurmukh vaṇaj karahi par aap pachhaaṇeh.
The Guru-oriented trade (in the name of God), but they realize their own self.
eyks ibnu ko Avru n jwxih ] aykas bin ko avar na jaaṇeh.
He know any one other than the One (Lord).
scw swhu scy vxjwry pUMjI nwmu ivswhw hy ]4]
sachaa saahu, sachay vaṇjaaray, pooNjee naam visaahaa hay. ||4||
True is the Banker, and true are His traders; and, with their capital they trade in the name
(Of God). 4
Awpy swjy isRsit aupwey ] aapay saajay sarisat upaa-ay.
He Himself created (the beings and creatures) and formed the universe.
ivrly kau gur sbdu buJwey ] virlay ka-o gur sabad bujhaa-ay.
He gets some rare ones to understand it through the word of the Guru.
siqguru syvih sy jn swcy kwty jm kw Pwhw hy ]5]
satgur sayveh say jan saachay, kaatay jam kaa faahaa hay. ||5||
Those, who serve the True Guru, are true persons; He snaps the noose of death (from their
necks). 5
BMnY GVy svwry swjy ] bhaNnai ghaṛay savaaray saajay.
He Himself breaks (i.e. the frame of bodies of the beings) and creates; embellishes and adorns.
mwieAw moih dUjY jMq pwjy ] maa-i-aa mohi doojai jaNt paajay.
He Himself attaches them to maya and duality.
mnmuK iPrih sdw AMDu kmwvih jm kw jyvVw gil Pwhw hy ]6]
manmukh fireh sadaa aNdh kamaaveh, jam kaa jayvṛaa gal faahaa hay. ||6||
The mind-oriented remain wandering around, (they) always earn blindness (i.e. act blindly),
and, the noose of death is (always) strung around their neck. 6
Awpy bKsy gur syvw lwey ] gurmqI nwmu mMin vswey ]
aapay bakhsay gur sayvaa laa-ay. gurmatee naam maNn vasaa-ay.
He Himself blesses and attaches one to the service of the Guru; and,
through the wisdom of the Guru, He enshrines the name in their mind.
Anidnu nwmu iDAwey swcw iesu jg mih nwmo lwhw hy ]7]
an-din naam dhi-aa-ay saachaa, is jag meh naamo laahaa hay. ||7||
(O! brethren) day and night, meditates upon the name of the True; (only) the name is the
(true) gain in this world. 7
Awpy scw scI nweI ] aapay sachaa sachee naa-ee.
He Himself is True, and, true is His name (i.e. true is His glory).
gurmuiK dyvY mMin vsweI ] gurmukh dayvai maNn vasaa-ee.
He enshrines (Himself) in the mind (of the beings) through the Guru.
ijn min visAw sy jn sohih iqn isir cUkw kwhw hy ]8]
jin man vasi-aa, say jan soheh, tin sir chookaa kaahaa hay. ||8||
Embellished are those beings in whose minds He abides; and, their heads are free of anxiety. 8
Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pweI ] agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee.
He is inaccessible and unknowable; His value can not be apprised (by anyone).
gur prswdI mMin vsweI ] gur parsaadee maNn vasaa-ee.
By the grace of the Guru, He is enshrined within mind.
sdw sbid swlwhI guxdwqw lyKw koie n mMgY qwhw hy ]9]
sadaa sabad saalaahee guṇdaataa, laykhaa ko-ay na maNgai taahaa hay. ||9||
One, who always praises the Giver of Virtues, through the word (of the Guru), no one calls
him to account. 9
bRhmw ibsnu rudRü iqs kI syvw ] AMqu n pwvih AlK AByvw ]
barahmaa bisan rudar tis kee sayvaa. aNt na paavahi alakh abhayvaa.
Brahma, Vishnu, Ruder (i.e. Shiv) are (always) in His service;
(even) they can not find the limits of unseen and unknowable (Lord).
ijn kau ndir krih qU ApxI gurmuiK AlKu lKwhw hy ]10]
jin ka-o nadar karahi too apṇee, gurmukh alakh lakhaahaa hay. ||10||
Those, upon whom You bestow Your glance (of grace); O! Imperceptible, You reveal
Yourself (to them) through the Guru. 10
P. 1054
pUrY siqguir soJI pweI ] eyko nwmu mMin vsweI ]
poorai satgur sojhee paa-ee. ayko naam maNn vasaa-ee.

The perfect Guru has imparted (me) this realization; (hence, now)
I enshrine the One name (of God only) in mind.
nwmu jpI qY nwmu iDAweI mhlu pwie gux gwhw hy ]11]
naam japee tai naam dhi-aa-ee, mahal paa-ay guṇ gaahaa hay. ||11||
I chant the name (of the Lord), meditate upon the name; and, finding His mansion (i.e. His
presence), I sing (the praise of) His excellences. 11
syvk syvih mMin hukmu Apwrw ] sayvak sayveh maNn hukam apaaraa.
The servant (i.e. devotee) serves (i.e. meditates) and obey the command of the Infinite (Lord).
mnmuK hukmu n jwxih swrw ] manmukh hukam na jaaṇeh saaraa.
(But) the mind-oriented does not know the value of the command (of the Lord).
hukmy mMny hukmy vifAweI hukmy vyprvwhw hy ]12]
hukmay maNnay hukmay vadi-aa-ee, hukmay vayparvaahaa hay. ||12||
One, who obeys command, obeying the command one obtains praise; (such) is the command
of the Carefree (Lord). 12
gur prswdI hukmu pCwxY ] Dwvqu rwKY iekqu Gir AwxY ]
gur parsaadee hukam pachhaaṇai. dhaavat raakhai ikat ghar aaṇai.
One, who realizes the command (of the Lord) through the grace of the Guru,
(he) restraints the wandering mind, and, brings it to the home of the One (Lord).
nwmy rwqw sdw bYrwgI nwmu rqnu min qwhw hy ]13]
naamay raataa sadaa bairaagee, naam ratan man taahaa hay. ||13||
Imbued with the name one is forever detached; and, the jewel of the name (of the Lord) dwells
within his mind. 13
sB jg mih vrqY eyko soeI ] sabh jag meh vartai ayko so-ee.
Throughout all the world, the One (Lord) alone is pervading.
gur prswdI prgtu hoeI ] gur parsaadee pargat ho-ee.
By the grace of the Guru, He is revealed.
sbdu slwhih sy jn inrml inj Gir vwsw qwhw hy ]14]
sabad salaaheh say jan nirmal, nij ghar vaasaa taahaa hay. ||14||
Those beings who praise the word, are immaculate; they dwell within the home of their own
self. 14
sdw Bgq qyrI srxweI ] sadaa bhagat tayree sarṇaa-ee.
(O! God) the devotees abide forever in Your refuge.
Agm Agocr kImiq nhI pweI ] agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee.
O! Inaccessible and Unknowable (Lord), Your value can not be estimated.
ijau quDu Bwvih iqau qU rwKih gurmuiK nwmu iDAwhw hy ]15]
ji-o tudh bhaaveh ti-o too raakhahi, gurmukh naam dhi-aahaa hay. ||15||
As it pleases You, so You keep them; through the Guru, they meditate upon Your name. 15
sdw sdw qyry gux gwvw ] scy swihb qyrY min Bwvw ]
sadaa sadaa tayray guṇ gaavaa. sachay saahib tayrai man bhaavaa.
(O! God, bless me that) forever and ever I may sing (praise of) Your excellences; and,
O! True Lord, I may become pleasing to You.
nwnku swcu khY bynµqI scu dyvhu sic smwhw hy ]16]1]10]

naanak, saach kahai baynaNtee, sach dayvhu sach samaahaa hay. ||16||1||10||
Nanak (says): O! True (Lord), I offer this prayer to You; bless me with the true (name) that I
may merge in the True. 16.1.10

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

siqguru syvin sy vfBwgI ] Anidnu swic nwim ilv lwgI ]
satgur sayvan say vadbhaagee. an-din saach naam liv laagee.
Those who serve the True Guru are greatly fortunate; and,
day and night, they remain attuned to the True name.
sdw suKdwqw rivAw Gt AMqir sbid scY Emwhw hy ]1]
sadaa sukh-daata ravi-aa ghat aNtar, sabad sachai omaahaa hay. ||1||
The Giver of Happiness is forever abides within their hearts; and, through the word of the
True, they remain thrilled. 1
ndir kry qw gurU imlwey ] hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ]
nadar karay taa guroo milaa-ay. har kaa naam maNn vasaa-ay.
When He bestows His glance (of grace), He gets one to meet the Guru;
(and through the blessing of the Guru) he enshrines the name of God within his mind.
hir min visAw sdw suKdwqw sbdy min Emwhw hy ]2]
har man vasi-aa sadaa sukh-daata, sabday man omaahaa hay. ||2||
God, the Giver of Happiness, forever abides within the mind; and, the mind remains thrilled
with the word. 2
ik®pw kry qw myil imlwey ] haumY mmqw sbid jlwey ]
kirpaa karay taa mayl milaa-ay. ha-umai mamtaa sabad jalaa-ay.
When He bestows His kindness, He unites (one with the Guru), and unites with Himself;
(and) one burns away egotism and (emotional) attachment through the word (of the Guru).
sdw mukqu rhY iek rMgI nwhI iksY nwil kwhw hy ]3]
sadaa mukat rahai ik raNgee, naahee kisai naal kaahaa hay. ||3||
In the love of the One (Lord), remain liberated forever; and, he is not in clash with anyone. 3
ibnu siqgur syvy Gor AMDwrw ] ibnu sbdY koie n pwvY pwrw ]
bin satgur sayvay ghor aNdhaaraa. bin sabdai ko-ay na paavai paaraa.
Without serving the True Guru, there is pitch darkness; and,
without the word, no one can cross over to the other shore.
jo sbid rwqy mhw bYrwgI so scu sbdy lwhw hy ]4]
jo sabad raatay mahaa bairaagee, so sach sabday laahaa hay. ||4||
Those who are imbued with the word, they are greatly detached; the True word is their
(greatest) profit (of life). 4
duKu suKu krqY Duir iliK pwieAw ] dUjw Bwau Awip vrqwieAw ]
dukh sukh kartai dhur likh paa-i-aa. doojaa bhaa-o aap vartaa-i-aa.
Pain and pleasure are preordained by the Creator.
He Himself has caused love for duality to permeate (in the world).
gurmuiK hovY su Ailpqo vrqY mnmuK kw ikAw vyswhw hy ]5]
gurmukh hovai so alipato vartai manmukh kaa ki-aa vaysaahaa hay. ||5||

One, who is Guru-oriented, remains detached, how can any one trust the mind-oriented (he
can be enticed by maya at any time)? 5
sy mnmuK jo sbdu n pCwxih ] say manmukh jo sabad na pachhaaṇeh.
Mind-oriented are those, who do not realize the word.
gur ky BY kI swr n jwxih ] gur kay bhai kee saar na jaaṇeh.
They do not know the essence of the fear of the Guru.
BY ibnu ikau inrBau scu pweIAY jmu kwiF leygw swhw hy ]6]
bhai bin ki-o nirbha-o sach paa-ee-ai, jam kaaḍ la-aygaa saahaa hay. ||6||
Without the fear (of the Guru), how can anyone find (i.e. unite with) the True; (he always live
in the fear that) the messenger of death will draw the breath out.6
APirE jmu mwirAw n jweI ] afri-o jam maari-aa na jaa-ee.
The puffed up messenger of death cannot be killed.
gur kY sbdy nyiV n AweI ] gur kai sabday nayṛ na aa-ee.
(But those) attached to the word of the Guru, it does not approach them.
sbdu suxy qw dUrhu BwgY mqu mwry hir jIau vyprvwhw hy ]7]
sabad suṇay taa dhoorahu bhaagai, mat maaray har jee-o vayparvaahaa hay. ||7||
When he hears the word (of the Guru), it runs away from far away; fearing that the
Carefree, dear God may not kill him. 7
hir jIau kI hY sB isrkwrw ] har jee-o kee hai sabh sirkaaraa.
Dear God’s command governs the entire (universe).
eyhu jmu ikAw kry ivcwrw ] ayhu jam ki-aa karay vichaaraa.
What can this poor messenger of death do?
hukmI bMdw hukmu kmwvY hukmy kFdw swhw hy ]8]
hukmee banNaa hukam kamaavai, hukmay kaḍ-daa saahaa hay. ||8||
He (i.e. messenger of death) is slave, under the command (of God); he acts under the
command (of God); and, under His command, he takes draws the breath (of life). 8
gurmuiK swcY kIAw Akwrw ] gurmukh saachai kee-aa akaaraa.
The Guru-oriented knows that the True (Lord) has created the creation.
gurmuiK psirAw sBu pwswrw ] gurmukh pasri-aa sabh paasaaraa.
The Guru-oriented knows that God has expanded the entire expanse (of the universe).
gurmuiK hovY so scu bUJY sbid scY suKu qwhw hy ]9]
gurmukh hovai so sach boojhai, sabad sachai sukh taahaa hay. ||9||
One, who is Guru-oriented, understands the True (Lord); and, through the True word, he
obtains happiness. 9
gurmuiK jwqw krim ibDwqw ] gurmukh jaataa karam bidhaataa.
The Guru-oriented knows (that God is) the Architect of Actions.
P. 1055
jug cwry gur sbid pCwqw ] jug chaaray gur sabad pachhaataa.
Throughout the four Ages, He is realized through the word of the Guru.
gurmuiK mrY n jnmY gurmuiK gurmuiK sbid smwhw hy ]10]
gurmukh marai na janmai gurmukh, gurmukh sabad samaahaa hay. ||10||
The Guru-oriented does not die, the Guru-oriented is not born; the Guru-oriented remains
immersed in the word. 10
gurmuiK nwim sbid swlwhy ] Agm Agocr vyprvwhy ]
gurmukh naam sabad saalaahay. agam agochar vayparvaahay.
Gurmukh praises the name (of God) through the word (of the Guru);
(he praises the name of) the uinaccessible, unknowable, carefree.
eyk nwim jug cwir auDwry sbdy nwm ivswhw hy ]11]
ayk naam jug chaar udhaaray, sabday naam visaahaa hay. ||11||
The One name (of God) has emancipated (the world) throughout the four Ages; and, the
name is traded through the word (of the Guru). 11
gurmuiK sWiq sdw suKu pwey ] gurmukh saant sadaa sukh paa-ay.
The Guru-oriented obtains eternal (spiritually) happiness and peace.
gurmuiK ihrdY nwmu vswey ] gurmukh hirdai naam vasaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented enshrines the name within his heart.
gurmuiK hovY so nwmu bUJY kwty durmiq Pwhw hy ]12]
gurmukh hovai so naam boojhai, kaatay durmat faahaa hay. ||12||
One, who is Guru-oriented realizes the name, and, the noose of his evil intellect is cut off. 12
gurmuiK aupjY swic smwvY ] gurmukh upjai saach samaavai.
The Guru-oriented is born from (the True Lord) and (then) merges (again) into the True.
nw mir jMmY n jUnI pwvY ] naa mar jaMmai, na joonee paavai.
He does not dies, and, he is not born (again); he is not consigned to womb (in reincarnation).
gurmuiK sdw rhih rMig rwqy Anidnu lYdy lwhw hy ]13]
gurmukh sadaa raheh raNg raatay, an-din laiday laahaa hay. ||13||
The Guru-oriented forever remains imbued with the love (of God); and, day and night, he
earns the profit (of life). 13
gurmuiK Bgq sohih drbwry ] gurmukh bhagat soheh darbaaray.
The Guru-oriented are adorned (i.e. obtain honour) in His court.
scI bwxI sbid svwry ] sachee baṇee sabad savaaray.
They are embellished with the True word and the teachings (of the Guru).
Anidnu gux gwvY idnu rwqI shj syqI Gir jwhw hy ]14]
an-din guṇ gaavai din raatee, sahj saytee ghar jaahaa hay. ||14||
Day and night, constantly, they sing (the praise of) the excellences (of God); and, they go the
home (of their own self) in natural ease. 14
siqguru pUrw sbdu suxwey ] Anidnu Bgiq krhu ilv lwey ]
satgur pooraa sabad suṇaa-ay. an-din bhagat karahu liv laa-ay.
The perfect Guru proclaims the word; and, day and night, he remain attuned to devotion.
hir gux gwvih sd hI inrml inrml gux pwiqswhw hy ]15]
har guṇ gaavahi sad hee nirmal, nirmal guṇ paatisaahaa hay. ||15||
One, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, is forever immaculate; (because)
immaculate are the excellences of the Sovereign Lord. 15
gux kw dwqw scw soeI ] gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]
guṇ kaa daataa sachaa so-ee. gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee.
The True (Lord) alone is the Giver of virtues;
(but only) some rare of a Guru-oriented realizes this.
nwnk jnu nwmu slwhy ibgsY so nwmu byprvwhw hy ]16]2]11]
naanak, jan naam salaahay, bigsai so naam bayparvaahaa hay. ||16||2||11||
Nanak (says): The servant (i.e. devotee) praises the name (of the Lord), and, blossoms forth in
the name of the Carefree (Lord). 16.2.11

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

hir jIau syivhu Agm Apwrw ] iqs dw AMqu n pweIAY pwrwvwrw ]
har jee-o sayvihu agam apaaraa. tis daa aNt na paa-ee-ai paaraavaaraa.
(O! brethren) serve dear God, (He is) inaccessible and infinite;
His end or limitations can not be known
gur prswid rivAw Gt AMqir iqqu Git miq Agwhw hy ]1]
gur parsaad ravi-aa ghat aNtar, tit ghat mat agaahaa hay. ||1||
One, in whose heart, He comes to dwell, by the grace of Guru, immeasurable wisdom is
revealed in (i.e. lofty wisdom illumines) that heart.1
sB mih vrqY eyko soeI ] gur prswdI prgtu hoeI ]
sabh meh vartai ayko so-ee. gur parsaadee pargat ho-ee.
The One (God) is permeating amidst all (beings and creatures);
by the grace of Guru, He is revealed.
sBnw pRiqpwl kry jgjIvnu dydw irjku sMbwhw hy ]2]
sabhnaa partipaal karay jagjeevan, daydaa rijak saMbaahaa hay. ||2||
The Life of the World (i.e. God) cherishes all; (He) gives sustenance to all. 2
pUrY siqguir bUiJ buJwieAw ] hukmy hI sBu jgqu aupwieAw ]
poorai satgur boojh bujhaa-i-aa. hukmay hee sabh jagat upaa-i-aa.
The perfect True Guru has imparted this understanding; (that)
by His command He created the entire world
hukmu mMny soeI suKu pwey hukmu isir swhw pwiqswhw hy ]3]
hukam maNnay so-ee sukh paa-ay, hukam sir saahaa paatisaahaa hay. ||3||
Whoever obeys His command obtains (spiritual) happiness; His command is above the
heads of (i.e. His command is obeyed even by) the king and the emperors. 3
scw siqguru sbdu Apwrw ] iqs dY sbid insqrY sMswrw ]
sachaa satgur sabad apaaraa. tis dai sabad nistarai saNsaaraa.
True is the True Guru, and infinite is his word; through his word, the world is emancipated.
Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY dydw sws igrwhw hy ]4]
aapay kartaa kar kar vaykhai, daydaa saas giraahaa hay. ||4||
The Creator Himself creates and beholds (i.e. takes care); (He) blesses it with breath (of life)
and morsel (i.e. sustenance). 4
koit mDy iksih buJwey ] kot madhay kiseh bujhaa-ay.
Amidst the tens of millions, only a few are given to understand.
gur kY sbid rqy rMgu lwey ] gur kai sabad ratay raNg laa-ay.
Imbued with the word of the Guru's word, they delight (in God’s name).
hir swlwhih sdw suKdwqw hir bKsy Bgiq slwhw hy ]5]

har saalaahahi sadaa sukh-daata, har bakhsay bhagat salaahaa hay. ||5||
They forever praise God, the Giver of Happiness; and, God blesses them with His devotion
and praise. 5
siqguru syvih sy jn swcy ] satgur sayveh say jan saachay.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who serve the True Guru, are true.
jo mir jMmih kwcin kwcy ] jo mar jaMmeh kaachan kaachay.
Those who die and are born (in reincarnation) are falsest of the false.
Agm Agocru vyprvwhw Bgiq vClu AQwhw hy ]6]
agam agochar vayparvaahaa, bhagat vachhal athaahaa hay. ||6||
He is inaccessible, imperceptible and carefree; the unknowable (Lord) is the love of His
devotees. 6
siqguru pUrw swcu idRVwey ] scY sbid sdw gux gwey ]
satgur pooraa saach driṛ-aa-ay. sachai sabad sadaa guṇ gaa-ay.
The perfect True Guru implants truth (within the heart);
(and then) one forever sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord), through the
word (of the Guru).
guxdwqw vrqY sB AMqir isir isir ilKdw swhw hy ]7]
guṇdaataa vartai sabh aNtar, sir sir likh-daa saahaa hay. ||7||
The Giver of Virtues is pervading within all (beings). He inscribes (i.e. fixes) the time of their
marriage (i.e. death) on the head of each and every being. 7
sdw hdUir gurmuiK jwpY ] sadaa hadoor gurmukh jaapai.
The Guru-oriented knows Him forever present;
sbdy syvY so jnu DRwpY ] sabday sayvai so jan dharaapai.
One who serves Him through the word, that person is satiated.
Anidnu syvih scI bwxI sbid scY Emwhw hy ]8]
an-din sayveh sachee baṇee, sabad sachai omaahaa hay. ||8||
Those, who serves Him, day and night, through true word, the true word thrills them. 8
AigAwnI AMDw bhu krm idRVwey ] mnhiT krm iPir jonI pwey ]
agi-aanee aNdhaa baho karam driṛ-aa-ay. manhaṭ karam fir jonee paa-ay.
The ignorant, the blind cling to many sorts of rituals;
for performing stubborn practices one is consigned to womb again.
P. 1056
ibiKAw kwrix lbu loBu kmwvih durmiq kw dorwhw hy ]9]
bikhi-aa kaaraṇ lab lobh kamaaveh, durmat kaa doraahaa hay. ||9||
Those, who earn (i.e. practice) greed and avarice for poison (i.e. maya), they are on the path
of duality because of their bad wisdom. 9
pUrw siqguru Bgiq idRVwey ] pooraa satgur bhagat drirh-aa-ay.
The perfect True Guru implants devotion within; and,
gur kY sbid hir nwim icqu lwey ] gur kai sabad har naam chit laa-ay.
through the word of the Guru, one focusses his mind on the name of God.
min qin hir rivAw Gt AMqir min BInY Bgiq slwhw hy ]10]
man tan har ravi-aa ghat aNtar, man bheenai bhagat salaahaa hay. ||10||

God pervades his mind and body and dwells within his heart; and, his mind is drenched
with devotion and the praise (of God).10
myrw pRBu swcw Asur sMGwrxu ] mayraa prabh saachaa, asur saNghaaraṇ.
My True Lord is Destroyer of demons.
gur kY sbid Bgiq insqwrxu ] gur kai sabad bhagat nistaaraṇ.
Through the word of the Guru, He liberates the devotees.
myrw pRBu swcw sd hI swcw isir swhw pwiqswhw hy ]11]
mayraa parabh saachaa sad hee saachaa, sir saahaa paatisaahaa hay. ||11||
My True Lord is forever True; He is the Emperor over the heads of the kings. 11
sy Bgq scy qyrY min Bwey ] say bhagat sachay tayrai man bhaa-ay.
(O! Lord) true are those devotees, who are pleasing to Your mind.
dir kIrqnu krih gur sbid suhwey ]
dar keertan karahi, gur sabad suhaa-ay.
They sing the praise (of Your excellences) at Your door; (they are) embellished by the word of
the Guru.
swcI bwxI Anidnu gwvih inrDn kw nwmu vyswhw hy ]12]
saachee baṇee an-din gaavahi, nirdhan kaa naam vaysaahaa hay. ||12||
Day and night, they sing the True word; the name (of God) is the capital of the poor. 12
ijn Awpy myil ivCoVih nwhI ] jin aapay mayl vichhoṛeh naahee.
Those whom You unite (with Yourself), You do not separate them (again).
gur kY sbid sdw swlwhI ] gur kai sabad sadaa saalaahee.
They praise You forever through the word of the Guru.
sBnw isir qU eyko swihbu sbdy nwmu slwhw hy ]13]
sabhnaa sir too ayko saahib, sabday naam salaahaa hay. ||13||
You are the One Lord over all; (and they) praise Your name through the word. 13
ibnu sbdY quDuno koeI n jwxI ] bin sabdai tudhuno ko-ee na jaaṇee.
Without the word (of the Guru) no one can know you.
quDu Awpy kQI AkQ khwxI ] tudh aapay kathee akath kahaaṇee.
You Yourself narrate the un-narratable story (of Your creation and expanse).
Awpy sbdu sdw guru dwqw hir nwmu jip sMbwhw hy ]14]
aapay sabad, sadaa gur daataa, har naam jap saMbaahaa hay. ||14||
You Yourself are the word, and, forever the giver Guru; (and, as the Guru) You Yourself
meditate upon the name of God and bless all. 14g
qU Awpy krqw isrjxhwrw ] too aapay kartaa sirjaṇhaaraa.
You Yourself are the Creator, creating (the universe).
qyrw iliKAw koie n mytxhwrw ] tayraa likhi-aa ko-ay na maytaṇhaaraa.
No one can erase what You have written.
gurmuiK nwmu dyvih qU Awpy shsw gxq n qwhw hy ]15]
gurmukh naam dayveh too aapay, sahsaa gaṇat na taahaa hay. ||15||
You Yourself bestow the name through the Guru; (and the one who has been blessed with the
name) he has no longer any anxiety or worry. 15
Bgq scy qyrY drvwry ] bhagat sachay tayrai darvaaray.

Your true devotees stand in Your court (at Your door).
sbdy syvin Bwie ipAwry ] sabday sayvan bhaa-ay pi-aaray.
They serve You with love and through the word.
nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI nwmy kwrju sohw hy ]16]3]12]
naanak, naam ratay bairaagee, naamay kaaraj sohaa hay. ||16||3||12||
Nanak (says):Those who are imbued with the name remain detached; through the name,
their affairs are settled. 16.3.12.

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

myrY pRiB swcY ieku Kylu rcwieAw ] mayrai prabh saachai ik khayl rachaa-i-aa.
My True Lord (God) has staged (this world as) a play.
koie n iks hI jyhw aupwieAw ] ko-ay na kis hee jayhaa upaa-i-aa.
He has created no one like any one else.
Awpy Prku kry vyiK ivgsY siB rs dyhI mwhw hy ]1]
aapay farak karay, vaykh vigsai, sabh ras dayhee maahaa hay. ||1||
He Himself makes them different, and, blossoms beholding them; (He has placed) all the
tastes (i.e. attachment to God and also attachment to maya) in the body. 1
vwjY pauxu qY Awip vjwey ] vaajai pa-uṇ tai aap vajaa-ay.
You Yourself have played the sounds of wind (i.e. You Yourself vibrate breath of life).
isv skqI dyhI mih pwey ] siv saktee dayhee meh paa-ay.
You have place Shiv and Shakti (i.e. power of Creator and maya) in the body.
gur prswdI aultI hovY igAwn rqnu sbdu qwhw hy ]2]
gur parsaadee ultee hovai, gi-aan ratan sabad taahaa hay. ||2||
By the grace of the Guru, when (lotus of mind) turns upward (i.e. away from maya), one
obtains the word, the jewel of knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom). 2
AMDyrw cwnxu Awpy kIAw ] aNdhayraa chaanaṇ aapay kee-aa.
He Himself has created darkness (i.e. ignorance) and light (i.e. spiritual wisdom).
eyko vrqY Avru n bIAw ] ayko vartai avar na bee-aa.
The One (God) alone is pervading, there is no other at all.
gur prswdI Awpu pCwxY kmlu ibgsY buiD qwhw hy ]3]
gur parsaadee aap pachhaaṇai, kamal bigsai budh taahaa hay. ||3||
One who realizes himself, by the grace of the Guru, the lotus of his wisdom blossoms forth. 3
ApxI ghx giq Awpy jwxY ] apnee gahaṇ gat aapay jaanai.
(Only) He Himself knows His depth and state (i.e. expanse).
horu loku suix suix AwiK vKwxY ] hor lok suṇ suṇ aakh vakhaaṇai.
Other people listen and hear (and then) narrate and describe.
igAwnI hovY su gurmuiK bUJY swcI isPiq slwhw hy ]4]
gi-aanee hovai, so gurmukh boojhai ,saachee sifat salaahaa hay. ||4||
He, who is a man of (spiritual) knowledge, understands through the Guru; and truly praises
and adores (the True). 4
dyhI AMdir vsqu Apwrw ] dayhee aNdar vasat apaaraa.
(O! brethren) within the body is the wealth (i.e. the name) of the Infinite (Lord).
Awpy kpt Kulwvxhwrw ] aapay kapat khulaavaṇhaaraa.
He Himself opens the doors (of the chamber where this wealth has been placed).
gurmuiK shjy AMimRqu pIvY iqRsnw Agin buJwhw hy ]5]
gurmukh sehjay aMmrit peevai, tarisnaa agan bujhaahaa hay. ||5||
The Guru-oriented drinks the AMmrit in natural ease, and, quenches the fire of desires. 5
siB rs dyhI AMdir pwey ] sabh ras dayhee aNdar paa-ay.
He has (also) placed all the tastes (worldly pleasure) within the body.
ivrly kau guru sbdu buJwey ] virlay ka-o gur sabad bujhaa-ay.
Rare are those who understand this through the word of the Guru.
AMdru Kojy sbdu swlwhy bwhir kwhy jwhw hy ]6]
aNdar khojay sabad saalaahay, baahar kaahay jaahaa hay. ||6||
(He who wants to obtain Him) should search within one’s self through the praise of the word;
why should he go outside (for obtaining it)? 6
ivxu cwKy swdu iksY n AwieAw ] vin chaakhay saad kisai na aa-i-aa.
Without tasting, no one has (ever) enjoyed the taste.
gur kY sbid AMimRqu pIAwieAw ] gur kai sabad aMmrit pee-aa-i-aa.
One drinks in AMmrit through the word of the Guru.
AMimRqu pI Amrw pdu hoey gur kY sbid rsu qwhw hy ]7]
aMmrit pee amraa pad ho-ay, gur kai sabad ras taahaa hay. ||7||
Drinking in AMmrit, one obtains immortal status; (thus he) enjoys the taste of the word of the
Awpu pCwxY so siB gux jwxY ] gur kY sbid hir nwmu vKwxY ]
aap pachhaaṇai so sabh gun jaaṇai. gur kai sabad har naam vakhaaṇai.
One who realizes himself, knows all (His) excellences; and,
through the word of the Guru, he chants the name of God.
P. 1057
Anidnu nwim rqw idnu rwqI mwieAw mohu cukwhw hy ]8]
an-din naam rataa din raatee, maa-i-aa moh chukaahaa hay. ||8||
Day and nigh, he remains imbued with name continually; and, he is rid of attachment to
maya. 8
gur syvw qy sBu ikCu pwey ] haumY myrw Awpu gvwey ]
gur sayvaa tay sabh kichh paa-ay. ha-umai mayraa aap gavaa-ay.
Serving the Guru, one obtains all things;
and, his egotism, possessiveness and self-conceit are taken away.
Awpy ik®pw kry suKdwqw gur kY sbdy sohw hy ]9]
aapay kirpaa karay sukh-daata, gur kai sabday sohaa hay. ||9||
The Giver of Happiness Himself bestows His kindness; and, one is adorned with the word of
the Guru. 9
gur kw sbdu AMimRq hY bwxI ] Anidnu hir kw nwmu vKwxI ]
gur kaa sabad aMmrit hai baṇee. an-din har kaa naam vakhaaṇee.
The Guru's word is AMmrit hymn (i.e. teaching);
(O! brethren) day and night, chant the name of God.
hir hir scw vsY Gt AMqir so Gtu inrmlu qwhw hy ]10]
har har sachaa vasai ghat aNtar, so ghat nirmal taahaa hay. ||10||
(The heart, where) the True God, the Lord, comes to dwell, that heart becomes immaculate. 10
syvk syvih sbid slwhih ] sdw rMig rwqy hir gux gwvih ]
sayvak sayveh sabad salaaheh. sadaa raNg raatay har guṇ gaavahi.
The servants (i.e. devotees of God) serve and praises the word (of the Guru); and,
imbued forever with the colour of His love, they sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
Awpy bKsy sbid imlwey prml vwsu min qwhw hy ]11]
aapay bakhsay sabad milaa-ay, parmal vaas man taahaa hay. ||11||
He Himself blesses them and united them with the word; and, (their lives become so pious that
as if) their mind is filled with the fragrance of sandalwood. 11
sbdy AkQu kQy swlwhy ] myry pRB swcy vyprvwhy ]
sabday akath kathay saalaahay. mayray prabh saachay vayparvaahay.
He speaks of the in-describable (Lord) and praises (Him), through the word;
(and meditates upon) my true and carefree Lord.
Awpy guxdwqw sbid imlwey sbdY kw rsu qwhw hy ]12]
aapay guṇdaataa sabad milaa-ay, sabdai kaa ras taahaa hay. ||12||
One, whom, the Giver of Virtues, Himself unites with the word (of the Guru), enjoys the
essence of the word. 12
mnmuKu BUlw Taur n pwey ] jo Duir iliKAw su krm kmwey ]
manmukh bhoolaa ṭa-ur na paa-ay. jo dhur likhi-aa so karam kamaa-ay.
The mind-oriented is deluded, (hence) he does not find a place (of rest);
he earns (i.e. practices) those deeds which are pre-inscribed for him.
ibiKAw rwqy ibiKAw KojY mir jnmY duKu qwhw hy ]13]
bikhi-aa raatay bikhi-aa khojai, mar janmai dukh taahaa hay. ||13||
Imbued with poison, he searches out poison; he suffers the pains of birth and death. 13
Awpy Awip Awip swlwhy ] aapay aap aap saalaahay.
He Himself praises Him.
qyry gux pRB quJ hI mwhy ] tayray guṇ prabh tujh hee maahay.
Your virtues are in You alone, O! God.
qU Awip scw qyrI bwxI scI Awpy AlKu AQwhw hy ]14]
too aap sachaa, tayree baṇee sachee, aapay alakh athaahaa hay. ||14||
(O! God) You Yourself are true, and true is Your word; You Yourself are imperceptible and
unknowable. 14
ibnu gur dwqy koie n pwey ] lK kotI jy krm kmwey ]
bin gur daatay ko-ay na paa-ay. lakh kotee jay karam kamaa-ay.
Without the Guru, the giver, no one can obtain (the name of God);
(even if) one may earn (i.e. practice) hundred of thousand of deeds (i.e. religious rituals).
gur ikrpw qy Gt AMqir visAw sbdy scu swlwhw hy ]15]
gur kirpaa tay ghat aNtar vasi-aa sabday sach saalaahaa hay. ||15||
By the grace of the Guru, (when) He comes to dwell within the heart, he praises the True
through the word (of the Guru). 15
sy jn imly Duir Awip imlwey ] say jan milay dhur aap milaa-ay.
Only those beings have met Him, whom He Himself has united (with Himself).
swcI bwxI sbid suhwey ] saachee baṇee sabad suhaa-ay.
They are adorned with the True word.
nwnk jnu gux gwvY inq swcy gux gwvh guxI smwhw hy ]16]4]13]
naanak, jan guṇ gaavai nit saachay, guṇ gaavah guṇee samaahaa hay. ||16||4||13||
Nanak (says): the servant (i.e. devotee of God) continually sings (the praise of) the excellences
of the True (Lord); and, singing His excellences, he is immersed in the excellences. 16.4.13

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

inhclu eyku sdw scu soeI ] nihchal ayk sadaa sach so-ee.
The One (God) alone is forever stable (i.e. eternal) and True.
pUry gur qy soJI hoeI ] pooray gur tay sojhee ho-ee.
Through the perfect Guru, this understanding is obtained.
hir ris BIny sdw iDAwiein gurmiq sIlu sMnwhw hy ]1]
har ras bheenay sadaa dhi-aa-in, gurmat seel saNnaahaa hay. ||1||
Those, who are drenched in the essence of God, meditate forever upon Him; through the
wisdom of the Guru, they obtain the armour of gentleness (hence vices can not attack them). 1
AMdir rMgu sdw sicAwrw ] gur kY sbid hir nwim ipAwrw ]
aNdar raNg sadaa sachi-aaraa. gur kai sabad har naam pi-aaraa.
He, within whom is the love (for God), is truthful, forever.
Through the word of the Guru, he loves the name of God.
nau iniD nwmu visAw Gt AMqir CoifAw mwieAw kw lwhw hy ]2]
na-o nidh naam vasi-aa ghat aNtar, chhodi-aa maa-i-aa kaa laahaa hay. ||2||
The name (of God), the (embodiment of) nine treasures, abides within his heart; and, he
renounces the profit of maya. 2
reIAiq rwjy durmiq doeI ] ra-ee-at raajay durmat do-ee.
The kings and their subjects (all) are caught in duality due through bad wisdom.
ibnu siqgur syvy eyku n hoeI ] bin satgur sayvay ayk na ho-ee.
Without serving the True they can not have the One (within them).
eyku iDAwiein sdw suKu pwiein inhclu rwju iqnwhw hy ]3]
ayk dhi-aa-in sadaa sukh paa-in, nihchal raaj tinaahaa hay. ||3||
Those who meditate upon the One (Lord) obtain eternal happiness, and, their rule (i.e.
power) remains ever stable (i.e. eternal). 3
Awvxu jwxw rKY n koeI ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa rakhai na ko-ee.
No one can save (anyone) from coming and going (i.e. reincarnation).
jMmxu mrxu iqsY qy hoeI ] jaMmaṇ maraṇ tisai tay ho-ee.
Birth and death are from Him (i.e. in the hands of God).
gurmuiK swcw sdw iDAwvhu giq mukiq iqsY qy pwhw hy ]4]
gurmukh saachaa sadaa dhi-aavahu, gat mukat tisai tay paahaa hay. ||4||
(So, O! brethren) meditate upon the True (Lord) through the Guru; (high spiritual) state and
liberation is obtained from Him. 4
scu sMjmu siqgurU duAwrY ] sach saNjam satguroo du-aarai.
Truth and self-control are obtained at the door of the True Guru.
haumY k®oDu sbid invwrY ] ha-umai krodh sabad nivaarai.
Egotism and anger are eradicated through the word (of the Guru).
siqguru syiv sdw suKu pweIAY sIlu sMqoKu sBu qwhw hy ]5]
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai, seel saNtokh sabh taahaa hay. ||5||
Serving the True Guru, lasting happiness is obtained; gentleness and patience all come from
Him. 5
haumY mohu aupjY sMswrw ] ha-umai moh upjai saNsaaraa.
Egotism and (emotional) attachment originate in (i.e. are the product of) the worldliness.
sBu jgu ibnsY nwmu ivswrw ] sabh jag binsai naam visaaraa.
Forgetting the name (of God), the whole world perishes.
ibnu siqgur syvy nwmu n pweIAY nwmu scw jig lwhw hy ]6]
bin satgur sayvay naam na paa-ee-ai, naam sachaa jag laahaa hay. ||6||
Without serving the True Guru, the name is not obtained; the name is the true (i.e. ever-
lasting) profit in the world. 6
scw Amru sbid suhwieAw ] pMc sbd imil vwjw vwieAw ]
sachaa amar sabad suhaa-i-aa. paNch sabad mil vaajaa vaa-i-aa.
(One, to whom) the command of the True becomes pleasing through the word;
(within him) the five words join to played music.
P. 1058
sdw kwrju sic nwim suhylw ibnu sbdY kwrju kyhw hy ]7]
sadaa kaaraj sach naam suhaylaa, bin sabdai kaaraj kayhaa hay. ||7||
Through the True name, one’s deed is forever embellished(i.e. purpose of life is accomplished);
without the word what is the use of any deed? (i.e. without the word life is meaningless). 7
iKn mih hsY iKn mih rovY ] khin meh hasai khin meh rovai.
(He who is without the name) one moment he laughs, and, at another moment he weeps .
dUjI durmiq kwrju n hovY ] doojee durmat kaaraj na hovai.
Because of evil wisdom and duality, his affairs are not settles (i.e. not accomplished).
sMjogu ivjogu krqY iliK pwey ikrqu n clY clwhw hy ]8]
saNjog vijog kartai likh paa-ay, kirat na chalai chalaahaa hay. ||8||
Union and separation are pre-inscribed by the Creator; action committed can not be erased,
by (attempt at) erasing them. 8
jIvn mukiq gur sbdu kmwey ] jeevan mukat gur sabad kamaa-ay.
He is the jeevan mukta (liberated while yet alive) who earns (i.e. lives by) the word of the Guru.
hir isau sd hI rhY smwey ] har si-o sad hee rahai samaa-ay.
He remains forever immersed in God.
gur ikrpw qy imlY vifAweI haumY rogu n qwhw hy ]9]
gur kirpaa tay milai vadi-aa-ee ha-umai rog na taahaa hay. ||9||
By the grace of the Guru he is blessed with greatness (i.e. honour); he is not afflicted by
disease of egotism. 9
rs ks Kwey ipMfu vDwey ] ras kas khaa-ay piNd vadhaa-ay.

Eating tasty relishes, he fattens up his body.
ByK krY gur sbdu n kmwey ] bhaykh karai gur sabad na kamaa-ay.
He wears pretentious (religious) robes, (but) does not earn (i.e. live by) the Guru's word.
AMqir rogu mhw duKu BwrI ibstw mwih smwhw hy ]10]
aNtar rog mahaa dukh bhaaree, bistaa maahi samaahaa hay. ||10||
Within him is great disease, he suffers terribly; (and eventually) he ends up in feces. 10
byd pVih piV bwdu vKwxih ] bayd paṛeh paṛ baad vakaaneh.
He reads Vedas, and, reading them indulges in agreements (about them).
Gt mih bRhmu iqsu sbid n pCwxih ] ghat meh barahm tis sabad na pachhaaṇeh.
God is within our heart; but he does not recognize Him through the word.
gurmuiK hovY su qqu iblovY rsnw hir rsu qwhw hy ]11]
gurmukh hovai so tat bilovai, rasnaa har ras taahaa hay. ||11||
One, who is Guru-oriented, churns the essence (of Reality); and, his tongue savours the
essence of God. 11
Gir vQu Cofih bwhir Dwvih ] ghar vath chhodeh baahar dhaaveh.
Those, who forsake the object within their home (i.e. the name that dwells within the heart),
and, runs (i.e. wander) outside.
mnmuK AMDy swdu n pwvih ] manmukh aNdhay saad na paavahi.
The mind-oriented, blind, do not enjoy the taste (of the name of God).
An rs rwqI rsnw PIkI boly hir rsu mUil n qwhw hy ]12]
an ras raatee rasnaa feekee bolay, har ras mool na taahaa hay. ||12||
Imbued with the taste of other things, their tongue speaks insipid (i.e. useless) words; they
never taste the essence of God. 12
mnmuK dyhI Brmu Bqwro ] manmukh dayhee bharam bhataaro.
The mind-oriented (body) has doubt as its spouse (i.e. it is guided by doubt).
durmiq mrY inq hoie KuAwro ] durmat marai nit ho-ay khu-aaro.
It (i.e. body of the mind-oriented) dies of bad wisdom, and, suffers forever.
kwim k®oiD mnu dUjY lwieAw supnY suKu n qwhw hy ]13]
kaam krodh man doojai laa-i-aa, supnai sukh na taahaa hay. ||13||
His mind is attached to sexual desire, ego, and anger; he does not find happiness even in
dreams. 13
kMcn dyhI sbdu Bqwro ] kaNchan dayhee sabad bhataaro.
The golden body(i.e. of the Guru-oriented) has word as its spouse (i.e. it is guided by the word).
Anidnu Bog Bogy hir isau ipAwro ] an-din bhog bhogay, har si-o pi-aaro.
Day and night, it enjoy enjoyments of love of God.
mhlw AMdir gYr mhlu pwey Bwxw buiJ smwhw hy ]14]
mehlaa aNdar gair mahal paa-ay, bhaaṇaa bujh samaahaa hay. ||14||
He finds the One without mansion (i.e. God), dwelling in all mansions (i.e. all hearts); and,
realizing His will he merges in Him. 14
Awpy dyvY dyvxhwrw ] iqsu AwgY nhI iksY kw cwrw ]
aapay dayvai dayvaṇhaaraa. tis aagai nahee kisai kaa chaaraa.
The Giver (God) Himself gives (the gift of the name);
no one has any power against (i.e. no one can exert any pressure upon) Him.
Awpy bKsy sbid imlwey iqs dw sbdu AQwhw hy ]15]
aapay bakhsay sabad milaa-ay, tis daa sabad athaahaa hay. ||15||
He Himself blesses and unites one with the word, His word is unfathomable. 15
jIau ipMfu sBu hY iqsu kyrw ] jee-o piNd sabh hai tis kayraa.
The soul and body, all belong to Him.
scw swihbu Twkuru myrw ] sachaa saahib ṭaakur mayraa.
The True Lord alone is my Master.
nwnk gurbwxI hir pwieAw hir jpu jwip smwhw hy ]16]5]14]
naanak, gurbaaṇee har paa-i-aa, har jap jaap samaahaa hay. ||16||5||14||
Nanak (says): I have found God through the word of the Guru; chanting the word of God, I
merge in Him. 16.5.14

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

gurmuiK nwd byd bIcwru ] gurmukh naad bayd beechaar.
For the Guru-oriented, contemplation (of the word) is sound (of yogis) and reading of Vedas.
gurmuiK igAwnu iDAwnu Awpwru ] gurmukh gi-aan dhi-aan aapaar.
For the Guru-oriented, (meditation upon) the Infinite (Lord) is the (spiritual) knowledge (and
concentration (i.e. mediation).
gurmuiK kwr kry pRB BwvY gurmuiK pUrw pwiedw ]1]
gurmukh kaar karay prabh bhaavai, gurmukh pooraa paa-idaa. ||1||
The Guru-oriented performs those deeds that please God; (and this) the Guru-oriented
obtains the Perfect (Lord).
gurmuiK mnUAw aulit prwvY ] gurmukh manoo-aa ulat paraavai.
The Guru-oriented turns away his mind away (from maya).
gurmuiK bwxI nwdu vjwvY ] gurmukh baṇee naad vajaavai.
The Guru-oriented vibrates the sound of word (within his heart).
gurmuiK sic rqy bYrwgI inj Gir vwsw pwiedw ]2]
gurmukh sach ratay bairaagee, nij ghar vaasaa paa-idaa. ||2||
The Guru-oriented is imbued with the true (name), and, (hence he) is detached; he dwells
within the home of his own self. 2
gur kI swKI AMimRq BwKI ] gur kee saakhee aMmrit bhaakhee.
The Guru's teaching is AMmrit word.
scY sbdy scu suBwKI ] sachai sabday sach subhaakhee.
Through the true words, it is true teaching.
sdw sic rMig rwqw mnu myrw scy sic smwiedw ]3]
sadaa sach raNg raataa man mayraa, sachay sach samaa-idaa. ||3||
My mind forever remains imbued with the love of the True (Lord); it remains immersed in
the Truest of the True.3
gurmuiK mnu inrmlu sq sir nwvY ] gurmukh man nirmal sat sar naavai.
The mind of the Guru-oriented is immaculate, (because) it bathes in the pool of True (name).
mYlu n lwgY sic smwvY ] mail na laagai sach samaavai.

The filth sticks to him, he merges in the True(Lord).
sco scu kmwvY sd hI scI Bgiq idRVwiedw ]4]
sacho sach kamaavai sad hee, sachee bhagat dariṛaa-idaa. ||4||
He earns (i.e. practices) truth and (only) truth, forever; and, implants true devotion (within
him). 4
gurmuiK scu bYxI gurmuiK scu nYxI ] gurmukh sach baiṇee, gurmukh sach nainee.
The True is (i.e. dwells) in the word of the Guru-oriented; and, the True is (contained) in the
looks of the Guru-oriented.
gurmuiK scu kmwvY krxI ] gurmukh sach kamaavai karṇee.
The Guru-oriented earns true deeds.
sd hI scu khY idnu rwqI Avrw scu khwiedw ]5] sad hee sach kahai din raatee, avraa sach kahaa-idaa. ||5||
Day and night, he speaks the truth forever; and gets others to speak the truth. 5
gurmuiK scI aUqm bwxI ] gurmukh sachee ootam baṇee.
True and sublime is the speech of the Guru-oriented.
gurmuiK sco scu vKwxI ] gurmukh sacho sach vakhaaṇee.
The Guru-oriented speaks Truth and (only) truth.
gurmuiK sd syvih sco scw gurmuiK sbdu suxwiedw ]6]
gurmukh sad sayveh sacho sachaa, gurmukh sabad suṇaa-idaa. ||6||
The Guru-oriented serves the Truest of the True, forever; the Guru-oriented speaks (only)
the word (of the Guru even to the others). 6
P. 1059
gurmuiK hovY su soJI pwey ] gurmukh hovai so sojhee paa-ay.
One, who is Guru-oriented obtains understanding.
haumY mwieAw Brmu gvwey ] ha-umai maa-i-aa bharam gavaa-ay.
He rids himself of egotism, maya and doubt.
gur kI pauVI aUqm aUcI dir scY hir gux gwiedw ]7]
gur kee pa-oṛee ootam oochee, dar sachai har guṇ gaa-idaa. ||7||
The ladder (i.e. way) of the Guru is sublime and exalted; (stepping on it) one sings (the praise
of) the excellences of God at the door of the True (Lord). 7
gurmuiK scu sMjmu krxI swru ] gurmukh sach saNjam karṇee saar.
The Guru-oriented (meditates upon) the True and practices self-control and superb deeds;
gurmuiK pwey moK duAwru ] gurmukh paa-ay mokh du-aar.
(thus) the Guru-oriented finds the gate of liberation.
Bwie Bgiq sdw rMig rwqw Awpu gvwie smwiedw ]8]
bhaa-ay bhagat sadaa raNg raataa, aap gavaa-ay samaa-idaa. ||8||
Through loving devotion, he remains forever imbued with the love of God; and, eradicating
his self-conceit, he merges in Him. 8
gurmuiK hovY mnu Koij suxwey ] gurmukh hovai man khoj suṇaa-ay.
One, who is Guru-oriented searches his mind and instructs others (shares his knowledge).
scY nwim sdw ilv lwey ] sachai naam sadaa liv laa-ay.
He is forever attuned to the name of the True.
jo iqsu BwvY soeI krsI jo scy min Bwiedw ]9] jo tis bhaavai so-ee karsee, jo sachay man bhaa-idaa. ||9||

Whatever pleases Him he does, as it is pleasing to the mind of the True (Lord). 9
jw iqsu BwvY siqgurU imlwey ] jaa tis bhaavai satguroo milaa-ay.
When it pleases Him, He unites one with the True Guru.
jw iqsu BwvY qw mMin vswey ] jaa tis bhaavai taa maNn vasaa-ay.
When it pleases Him, He enshrines (His name) within the mind (of his devotee).
AwpxY BwxY sdw rMig rwqw BwxY mMin vswiedw ]10]
aapnai bhaaṇai sadaa raNg raataa, bhaanai maNn vasaa-idaa. ||10||
It is the pleasure of His will that one is imbued with His love; as it pleases His will He
enshrines (His name) within one’s mind. 10
mnhiT krm kry so CIjY ] manhaṭ karam karay so chheejai.
One who practices stubborn (religious ritualistic) practices, is destroyed.
bhuqy ByK kry nhI BIjY ] bahutay bhaykh karay nahee bheejai.
God is not pleased by wearing many sorts of (religious) robes.
ibiKAw rwqy duKu kmwvih duKy duiK smwiedw ]11]
bikhi-aa raatay dukh kamaaveh, dukhay dukh samaa-idaa. ||11||
Dyed (i.e. engrossed) in poison (i.e. maya), earn (only) pain; and, remain immersed in pain. 11
gurmuiK hovY su suKu kmwey ] gurmukh hovai so sukh kamaa-ay.
One, who is Guru-oriented, earns happiness.
mrx jIvx kI soJI pwey ] maraṇ jeevaṇ kee sojhee paa-ay.
He comes to understand death and birth (i.e. mystery of human life).
mrxu jIvxu jo sm kir jwxY so myry pRB Bwiedw ]12]
maraṇ jeevaṇ jo sam kar jaaṇai, so mayray prabh bhaa-idaa. ||12||
One who looks alike on death and life, is pleasing to my Lord. 12
gurmuiK mrih su hih prvwxu ] gurmukh mareh so heh parvaaṇ.
The Guru-oriented who dies (while yet alive), is approved (in the court of God).
Awvx jwxw sbdu pCwxu ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa sabad pachhaaṇ.
He realizes (the mystery of) coming and going through the word (of the Guru).
mrY n jMmY nw duKu pwey mn hI mnih smwiedw ]13]
marai na jaMmai naa dukh paa-ay, man hee maneh samaa-idaa. ||13||
He does not die, he is not born (in reincarnation); and, he does not suffer pain; he remains
immersed (in the name of God) within his mind. 13
sy vfBwgI ijnI siqguru pwieAw ] say vadbhaagee jinee satgur paa-i-aa.
Greatly fortunate are those who have found the True Guru.
haumY ivchu mohu cukwieAw ] ha-umai vichahu moh chukaa-i-aa.
They have eradicated egotism and (emotional) attachment from within.
mnu inrmlu iPir mYlu n lwgY dir scY soBw pwiedw ]14]
man nirmal fir mail na laagai, dar sachai sobhaa paa-idaa. ||14||
Their minds become immaculate; filth (of vices) does not stick to them again; and, they
obtain honour at the door (i.e. in the court of) the True (Lord). 14
Awpy kry krwey Awpy ] aapay karay karaa-ay aapay.
He Himself does (everything) and Himself gets others to act.
Awpy vyKY Qwip auQwpy ] aapay vaykhai thaap uthaapay.

He Himself watches (over all the beings and creatures), and, establishes and disestablishes.
gurmuiK syvw myry pRB BwvY scu suix lyKY pwiedw ]15]
gurmukh sayvaa mayray prabh bhaavai, sach suṇ laykhai paa-idaa. ||15||
The service of the Guru-oriented is pleasing to my Lord; the True listens and approves (the
service of the devotees). 15
gurmuiK sco scu kmwvY ] gurmukh sacho sach kamaavai.
The Guru-oriented earns (i.e. practices) truth and only true.
gurmuiK inrmlu mYlu n lwvY ] gurmukh nirmal, mail na laavai.
The Guru-oriented is immaculate, filth (of vices) does not stick to him.
nwnk nwim rqy vIcwrI nwmy nwim smwiedw ]16]1]15]
naanak, naam ratay veechaaree, naamay naam samaa-idaa. ||16||1||15||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name (of God), contemplate it, and they merge
in the name, the name (of God). 16.1.15

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

Awpy isRsit hukim sB swjI ] aapay sarisat hukam sabh saajee.
He Himself created the universe through His command.
Awpy Qwip auQwip invwjI ] aapay thaap uthaap nivaajee.
He Himself establishes and disestablishes; and, He Himself blesses.
Awpy inAwau kry sBu swcw swcy swic imlwiedw ]1]
aapay ni-aa-o karay sabh saachaa, saachay saach milaa-idaa. ||1||
The True Himself imparts all justice; and, the True merges one in the True (i.e. Himself).1
kwieAw kotu hY Awkwrw ] kaa-i-aa kot hai aakaaraa.
The body is (like) a fort; (it is) a structure.
mwieAw mohu psirAw pwswrw ] maa-i-aa moh pasri-aa paasaaraa.
Within it is the expanse of attachment to maya.
ibnu sbdY BsmY kI FyrI KyhU Kyh rlwiedw ]2]
bin sabdai bhasmai kee ḍayree, khayhoo khayh ralaa-idaa. ||2||
Without the word (of the Guru), it is (like) a pile of dust; (in the end) dust mingles with dust. 2
kwieAw kMcn kotu Apwrw ] ijsu ivic rivAw sbdu Apwrw ]
kaa-i-aa kaNchan kot apaaraa. jis vich ravi-aa sabad apaaraa.
That body is (like) the infinite fort of gold,
in which pervades the infinite word (i.e. word of the Lord).
gurmuiK gwvY sdw gux swcy imil pRIqm suKu pwiedw ]3]
gurmukh gaavai sadaa guṇ saachay, mil pareetam sukh paa-idaa. ||3||
The Guru-oriented forever sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord), meeting
the Beloved (Lord) he finds (spiritual) happiness. 3
kwieAw hir mMdru hir Awip svwry ] kaa-i-aa har maNdar har aap savaaray.
Body is the temple of God. God Himself embellishes it.
iqsu ivic hir jIau vsY murwry ] tis vich har jee-o vasai muraaray.
Within it dwells the beloved God, the Destroyer of the Demons.
gur kY sbid vxjin vwpwrI ndrI Awip imlwiedw ]4]

gur kai sabad vaṇjan vaapaaree, nadree aap milaa-idaa. ||4||
Those trader who trade in the word of the Guru, bestowing His glance (of grace), He unites
them with Himself. 4
so sUcw ij kroDu invwry ] so soochaa je karodh nivaaray.
He alone is pure who eradicates anger.
sbdy bUJY Awpu svwry ] sabday boojhai aap savaaray.
He realizes the word and embellishes himself.
Awpy kry krwey krqw Awpy mMin vswiedw ]5] aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa, aapay mNan vasaa-idaa. ||5||
The Creator Himself acts and gets others to act, and, he Himself enshrines (the name) within
the mind (of the bings). 5
inrml Bgiq hY inrwlI ] nirmal bhagat hai niraalee.
Devotion (to God) is immaculate and unique (i.e. incomparable to any other wealth).
mnu qnu Dovih sbid vIcwrI ] man tan dhoveh sabad veechaaree.
The mid and body are washed (clenan) through contemplation of the word.
P. 1060
Anidnu sdw rhY rMig rwqw kir ikrpw Bgiq krwiedw ]6]
an-din sadaa rahai raNg raataa, kar kirpaa bhagat karaa-idaa. ||6||
One, who is imbued with love (of God), day and night; bestowing His mercy He gets one to
perform His devotion. 6
iesu mn mMdr mih mnUAw DwvY ] is man maNdar meh manoo-aa dhaavai.
In this temple of mind, the mind wanders around
suKu plir iqAwig mhw duKu pwvY ] sukh palar ti-aag mahaa dukh paavai.
Discarding (spiritual) happiness (like) the straw (of paddy), it suffers great sorrow.
ibnu siqgur Byty Taur n pwvY Awpy Kylu krwiedw ]7]
bin satgur bhaytay ṭa-ur na paavai, aapay khayl karaa-idaa. ||7||
Without meeting the True Guru, it finds no place of rest. God Himself has staged this play. 7
Awip AprMpru Awip vIcwrI ] aap apraMpar aap veechaaree.
God Himself is infinite; He Himself contemplates.
Awpy myly krxI swrI ] aapay maylay karṇee saaree.
He Himself unites through excellent actions.
ikAw ko kwr kry vycwrw Awpy bKis imlwiedw ]8]
ki-aa ko kaar karay vaychaaraa, aapay bakhas milaa-idaa. ||8||
What can the poor creature do? He Himself blesses, and, He Himself unites (with Himself). 8
Awpy siqguru myly pUrw ] aapay satgur maylay pooraa.
He Himself gets one meet with the perfect True Guru.
scY sbid mhwbl sUrw ] sachai sabad mahaabal sooraa.
through the true word, he makes one (spiritually) mighty and brave.
Awpy myly dy vifAweI scy isau icqu lwiedw ]9] aapay maylay day vadi-aa-ee, sachay si-o chit laa-idaa ||9||
One, who focusses his mind upon the True (Lord), uniting him with Himself, He bestows
greatness (i.e. honour) upon him. 9
Gr hI AMdir swcw soeI ] ghar hee aNdar saachaa so-ee.
The true is (i.e. dwells) within the home (i.e. heart).
gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ] gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee.
Some rare of a Guru-oriented realizes this.
nwmu inDwnu visAw Gt AMqir rsnw nwmu iDAwiedw ]10]
naam nidhaan vasi-aa ghat aNtar rasnaa naam dhi-aa-idaa. ||10||
One, within whose heart abides the treasure of the name, meditates upon the name (of God)
with his tongue.1 0
idsMqru BvY AMqru nhI Bwly ] disaNtar bhavai aNtar nahee bhaalay.
(The mind-oriented one) wanders through many lands, but does not search within himself.
mwieAw moih bDw jmkwly ] maa-i-aa mohi badhaa jamkaalay.
Attached to maya, he is bound by the messenger of death.
jm kI PwsI kbhU n qUtY dUjY Bwie Brmwiedw ]11]
jam kee faasee kabhoo na tootai, doojai bhaa-ay bharmaa-idaa. ||11||
The noose of death (around his neck) is never broken, he remains wandering in duality. 11
jpu qpu sMjmu horu koeI nwhI ] jb lgu gur kw sbdu n kmwhI ]
jap tap saNjam hor ko-ee naahee. jab lag gur kaa sabad na kamaahee.
Meditation, penance, self-control and others (are of no help);
as long as less he does not earns (i.e. live to) the word of the Guru.
gur kY sbid imilAw scu pwieAw scy sic smwiedw ]12]
gur kai sabad mili-aa sach paa-i-aa, sachay sach samaa-idaa. ||12||
Uniting with (i.e. following) the word of the Guru, one obtains the True (Lord); and through
Truth one merges in the True. 12
kwm kroDu sbl sMswrw ] kaam karodh sabal saNsaaraa.
Sexual desire and anger (i.e. the five passions) are (very) powerful in the world.
bhu krm kmwvih sBu duK kw pswrw ] baho karam kamaaveh sabh dukh kaa pasaaraa.
(Through them) one earns many deeds (i.e. one does many sorts of deeds); (but) these all are (i.e.
all these lead to) the expanse of sorrows.
siqgur syvih sy suKu pwvih scY sbid imlwiedw ]13]
satgur sayveh say sukh paavahi, sachai sabad milaa-idaa. ||13||
One who serves the True Guru finds happiness; he is united with the True word (by the
Guru). 13
pauxu pwxI hY bYsMqru ] pa-uṇ paaṇee hai baisaNtar.
(Within the body) there are air, water and fire (i.e. the pure elements); (but)
mwieAw mohu vrqY sB AMqir ] maa-i-aa moh vartai sabh aNtar.
Within all attachment to maya permeates (i.e. it is maya that rules the body of the being).
ijin kIqy jw iqsY pCwxih mwieAw mohu cukwiedw ]14]
jin keetay jaa tisai pachhaaṇeh, maa-i-aa moh chukaa-idaa. ||14||
(When) one realizes the One who created them, (emotional) attachment to maya is dispelled. 14
ieik mwieAw moih grib ivAwpy ] ik maa-i-aa mohi garab vi-aapay.
Some are engrossed in attachment to maya and self-conceit.
haumY hoie rhy hY Awpy ] ha-umai ho-ay rahay hai aapay.
In self-conceit, they have become egotistical.
jmkwlY kI Kbir n pweI AMiq gieAw pCuqwiedw ]15]

jamkaalai kee khabar na paa-ee, aNt ga-i-aa pachhutaa-idaa. ||15||
They do not think about the messenger of death; in the end they depart repenting.15
ijin aupwey so ibiD jwxY ] jin upaa-ay so bidh jaaṇai.
He alone knows the way who has created (the beings).
gurmuiK dyvY sbdu pCwxY ] gurmukh dayvai sabad pachhaaṇai.
One, whom he attaches to the Guru, realizes the word.
nwnk dwsu khY bynµqI sic nwim icqu lwiedw ]16]2]16]
naanak daas kahai baynaNtee, sach naam chit laa-idaa. ||16||2||16||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak offers this prayer: (the Guru-oriented) attaches his mind to the
True name. 16.2.16

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

Awid jugwid dieAwpiq dwqw ] aad jugaad da-i-aapat daataa.
(O! God) from the very beginning of the Time, and, throughout the Ages, You are Lord of
Mercy and the Giver (of all the gifts).
pUry gur kY sbid pCwqw ] pooray gur kai sabad pachhaataa.
You are realized through the word of the perfect Guru.
quDuno syvih sy quJih smwvih qU Awpy myil imlwiedw ]1]
tudhuno sayveh say tujheh samaaveh, too aapay mayl milaa-idaa. ||1||
Those who serve You, are immersed in You; You unite them in union (with You). 1
Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pweI ] agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee.
You are inaccessible and imperceptible; no one can assess Your worth.
jIA jMq qyrI srxweI ] jee-a jant tayree sarnaa-ee.
All the beings and creatures are in Your refuge.
ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih qU Awpy mwrig pwiedw ]2]
ji-o tudh bhaavai tivai chalaaveh, too aapay maarag paa-idaa. ||2||
As it pleases You, so You drive them; You Yourself place them on the (right) path. 2
hY BI swcw hosI soeI ] hai bhee saachaa hosee so-ee.
The True (Lord) is, and, shall (always) be.
Awpy swjy Avru n koeI ] aapay saajay avar na ko-ee.
He Himself creates, and, there is no other (at all).
sBnw swr kry suKdwqw Awpy irjku phucwiedw ]3]
sabhnaa saar karay sukh-daata, aapay rijak pahuchaa-idaa. ||3||
The Giver of happiness takes care of all; He Himself gives sustenance to them. 3
Agm Agocru AlK Apwrw ] koie n jwxY qyrw prvwrw ]
agam agochar alakh apaaraa. ko-ay na jaaṇai tayraa parvaaraa.
(O! God) You are inaccessible, unknowable, imperceptible and infinite.
No one knows Your extent.
Awpxw Awpu pCwxih Awpy gurmqI Awip buJwiedw ]4]
aapṇaa aap pachhaaṇeh, aapay gurmatee aap bujhaa-idaa. ||4||
You Yourself realize yourself; through the wisdom of the Guru, You reveal Yourself. 4
pwqwl purIAw loA Awkwrw ] iqsu ivic vrqY hukmu krwrw ]

paataal puree-aa lo-a aakaaraa. tis vich vartai hukam karaaraa.
In the nether regions, in the worlds, in all the forms, it is Your might command that operates.
P. 1061
hukmy swjy hukmy Fwhy hukmy myil imlwiedw ]5]
hukmay saajay, hukmay ḍaahay, hukmay mayl milaa-idaa. ||5||
(O! God, You) create by Your command, (You) destroy by Your command; and, (You) unites in
union by Your command. 5
hukmY bUJY su hukmu slwhy ] hukmai boojhai so hukam salaahay.
One who realizes (Your) command, praises (Your) command.
Agm Agocr vyprvwhy ] agam agochar vayparvaahay.
O! (God, You are) inaccessible, imperceptible and carefree.
jyhI miq dyih so hovY qU Awpy sbid buJwiedw ]6] jayhee mat deh so hovai, too aapay sabad bujhaa-idaa ||6||
As is the wisdom You, so does one become. You Yourself reveal this to him through the word. 6
Anidnu Awrjw iCjdI jwey ] an-din aarjaa chhijdee jaa-ay.
Day and night, life is wearing away.
rYix idnsu duie swKI Awey ] raiṇ dinas du-ay saakhee aa-ay.
Day and night, both bear witness to this (wearing away of life).
mnmuKu AMDu n cyqY mUVw isr aUpir kwlu rUAwiedw ]7]
manmukh aNdh na chaytai mooṛaa, sir oopar kaal roo-aa-idaa. ||7||
The mind-oriented is blind, the fool does not remember (i.e. does not realize this); (but) when
death hovers over his head, he cries. 7
mnu qnu sIqlu gur crxI lwgw ] man tan seetal gur charṇee laagaa.
One, who is attached to the feet of the Guru, his mind and body are cooled (i.e. soothed).
AMqir Brmu gieAw Bau Bwgw ] antar bharam ga-i-aa bha-o bhaagaa.
Doubt is eliminated from within (him), and, his fears run away.
sdw Anµdu scy gux gwvih scu bwxI bolwiedw ]8]
sadaa anaNd sachay guṇ gaavahi, sach baṇee bolaa-idaa. ||8||
He is forever in bliss who sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord) and speaks
the true word (from his mouth). 8
ijin qU jwqw krm ibDwqw ] pUrY Bwig gur sbid pCwqw ]
jin too jaataa, karam bidhaataa. poorai bhaag gur sabad pachhaataa.
One, who has known You, O! Architect of Destiny;
(and) by good fortune has realized You through the word of the Guru.
jiq piq scu scw scu soeI haumY mwir imlwiedw ]9]
jat pat sach sachaa sach so-ee, ha-umai maar milaa-idaa. ||9||
The True (Lord), the Truest of the True, is his caste (i.e. social status) and honour; conquering
his ego, he is united with Him (i.e. the True Lord). 9
mnu kToru dUjY Bwie lwgw ] Brmy BUlw iPrY ABwgw ]
man kaṭor doojai bhaa-ay laagaa. bharmay bhoolaa firai abhaagaa.
(One, who has) stubborn mind is attached to the love of duality;
deluded by doubt, the unfortunate wanders around (uselessly).
krmu hovY qw siqguru syvy shjy hI suKu pwiedw ]10]

karam hovai taa satgur sayvay, sehjay hee sukh paa-idaa. ||10||
(But) if he is blessed by the grace (of God), he serves the True Guru, and, obtains happiness,
in natural ease. 10
lK caurwsIh Awip aupwey ] lakh cha-oraaseeh aap upaa-ay.
He Himself created the eighty-four hundred thousand (i.e. 8.4 million species of beings and
mwns jnim gur Bgiq idRVwey ] maanas janam gur bhagat driṛ-aa-ay.
(But, only) in the human life, the Guru implants devotion (within the being).
ibnu BgqI ibstw ivic vwsw ibstw ivic iPir pwiedw ]11]
bin bhagtee bistaa vich vaasaa, bistaa vich fir paa-idaa. ||11||
Without devotion, (it is like) one lives in feces; he is cast into feces again and again. 11
krmu hovY guru Bgiq idRVwey ] karam hovai gur bhagat driṛ-aa-ay.
(But) if he is blessed by the grace (of God), the Guru implants devotion (within him).
ivxu krmw ikau pwieAw jwey ] viṇ karmaa ki-o paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Without His (i.e. God’s) grace, how can one obtain Him?
Awpy kry krwey krqw ijau BwvY iqvY clwiedw ]12]
aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaa-idaa. ||12||
The Creator Himself acts and gets all to act; as he wills so he drives us (i.e. live our life). 12
isimRiq swsq AMqu n jwxY ] simrit saasat aNt na jaaṇai.
The Simritis and the Shastras, do not know His limits.
mUrKu AMDw qqu n pCwxY ] moorakh aNdhaa tat na pachhaaṇai.
The blind fool does not recognize the essence (of Reality).
Awpy kry krwey krqw Awpy Brim Bulwiedw ]13]
aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa aapay bharam bhulaa-idaa. ||13||
The Creator Himself acts and gets all to act; and, Himself deludes in doubts. 13
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip krwey ] sabh kichh aapay aap karaa-ay.
He Himself gets everything to be done.
Awpy isir isir DMDY lwey ] aapay sir sir dhaNdhai laa-ay.
He Himself attaches everyone to his task.
Awpy Qwip auQwpy vyKY gurmuiK Awip buJwiedw ]14]
aapay thaap uthaapay, vaykhai, gurmukh aap bujhaa-idaa. ||14||
He Himself establishes and disestablishes, and takes care (of all); He Himself gives
understanding through the Guru. 14
scw swihbu gihr gMBIrw ] sachaa saahib gahir gaMbheeraa.
The True Lord is deep and profound.
sdw slwhI qw mnu DIrw ] sadaa salaahee taa man dheeraa.
I praise Him forever, and, my mind is comforted.
Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pweI gurmuiK mMin vswiedw ]15]
agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee, gurmukh maNn vasaa-idaa. ||15||
He is inaccessible and imperceptible, His value can not be assayed;(He) is enshrined in the
mind through the Guru. 15
Awip inrwlmu hor DMDY loeI ] aap niraalam, hor dhaNdhai lo-ee.

He Himself is detached; all others are entangled in (worldly) affairs.
gur prswdI bUJY koeI ] gur parsaadee boojhai ko-ee.
By the grace of the Guru one comes to understand this.
nwnk nwmu vsY Gt AMqir gurmqI myil imlwiedw ]16]3]17]
naanak, naam vasai ghat aNtar, gurmatee mayl milaa-idaa. ||16||3||17||
Nanak (says): (When) the name (of God) comes to dwell within the heart, (then) through the
wisdom of the Guru one is united in union (with God).16.3.17

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

jug CqIh kIE gubwrw ] jug chhateeh kee-o gubaaraa.
For thirty-six Ages, there was utter darkness.
qU Awpy jwxih isrjxhwrw ] too aapay jaaṇeh, sirjaṇhaaraa.
Only You Yourself know (all this),O! Creator.
hor ikAw ko khY ik AwiK vKwxY qU Awpy kImiq pwiedw ]1]
hor ki-aa ko kahai ke aakh vakhaaṇai, too aapay keemat paa-idaa. ||1||
What can any one else say? What can anyone say or explain? You Yourself (alone) can assay
Your worth. 1
EAMkwir sB isRsit aupweI ] o-aNkaar sabh sarisat upaa-ee.
The Creator created the entire universe.
sBu Kylu qmwsw qyrI vifAweI ] sabh khayl tamaasaa tayree vadi-aa-ee.
All this (world) is Your play and sport; it is Your greatness.
Awpy vyk kry siB swcw Awpy BMin GVwiedw ]2]
aapay vayk karay sabh saachaa, aapay bhaNn ghaṛaa-idaa. ||2||
The True(Lord) Himself creates distinctions (of species). He Himself breaks and builds. 2
bwjIgir iek bwjI pweI ] baajeegar ik baajee paa-ee.
(God has created this world like a play; it is like) the juggler staged a play.
pUry gur qy ndrI AweI ] pooray gur tay nadree aa-ee.
Through the perfect Guru, one comes to behold it (i.e. understand its mystery); and,
sdw Ailpqu rhY gur sbdI swcy isau icqu lwiedw ]3]
sadaa alipat rahai gur sabdee, saachay si-o chit laa-idaa. ||3||
He remains forever detached (from the word) through (attachment to) the word of the Guru;
and, his mind is attached to the True (Lord). 3
bwjih bwjy Duin Awkwrw ] baajeh baajay dhun aakaaraa.
The musical instruments of the forms (i.e. the bodies of the beings) are resounding;
Awip vjwey vjwvxhwrw ] aap vajaa-ay vajaavaṇhaaraa.
The Player Himself plays (them).
Git Git pauxu vhY iek rMgI imil pvxY sB vjwiedw ]4]
ghat ghat pa-uṇ vahai ik raNgee mil pavṇai sabh vajaa-idaa. ||4||
The air (i.e. breath of life) flows through each and every heart alike, and, through this air (i.e.
breath of life), He plays all the instruments (i.e. causes all the beings to act). 4
P. 1062
krqw kry su inhcau hovY ] kartaa karay so nihcha-o hovai.

Whatever the Creator does, surely comes to happen.
gur kY sbdy haumY KovY ] gur kai sabday ha-umai khovai.
(But, this is realized by the one wo) purges egotism through the word of the Guru.
gur prswdI iksY dy vifAweI nwmo nwmu iDAwiedw ]5]
gur parsaadee kisai day vadi-aa-ee, naamo naam dhi-aa-idaa. ||5||
By the grace of the Guru, some (those) are blessed with greatness (i.e. honour), who meditate
upon the name, the name of God. 5
gur syvy jyvfu horu lwhw nwhI ] gur sayvay jayvad hor laahaa naahee.
There is no other gain as great as the service to the Guru.
nwmu mMin vsY nwmo swlwhI ] naam maNn vasai naamo saalaahee.
The name comes to abide in the mind (of the one who) praises the name (of God).
nwmo nwmu sdw suKdwqw nwmo lwhw pwiedw ]6] naamo naam sadaa sukh-daata, naamo laahaa paa-idaa. ||6||
Name of God is forever the giver of happiness, and, obtains profit through the name. 6
ibnu nwvY sB duKu sMswrw ] bin naavai sabh dukh saNsaaraa.
Without of name, there is suffering all over the world;
bhu krm kmwvih vDih ivkwrw ] baho karam kamaaveh vadheh vikaaraa.
The more one conducts (religious) rituals, the more sins increase.
nwmu n syvih ikau suKu pweIAY ibnu nwvY duKu pwiedw ]7]
naam na sayveh ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai bin naavai dukh paa-idaa. ||7||
Without serving the name, how can anyone find happiness? Without the name one suffers
sorrows. 7
Awip kry qY Awip krwey ] gur prswdI iksY buJwey ]
ap karay tai aap karaa-ay. gur parsaadee kisai bujhaa-ay.
He Himself does (everything) and Himself gets others to act;
(but) by the grace of the Guru, He gives this realization to some rare one.
gurmuiK hovih sy bMDn qoVih mukqI kY Gir pwiedw ]8]
gurmukh hoveh say baNdhan toṛeh, muktee kai ghar paa-idaa. ||8||
One, who is Guru-oriented breaks his bonds and finds the home of liberation. 8
gxq gxY so jlY sMswrw ] gaṇat gaṇai so jalai saNsaaraa.
One, who calculates calculations (i.e. remains accumulating wealth), remains burning (in the
fire of desires) in the world.
shsw mUil n cukY ivkwrw ] sahsaa mool na chukai vikaaraa.
His anxiety and vices are never dispelled.
gurmuiK hovY su gxq cukwey scy sic smwiedw ]9]
gurmukh hovai so gaṇat chukaa-ay, sachay sach samaa-idaa. ||9||
One, who is Guru-oriented gives up the calculations, merges in the Truest of the True.9
jy scu dyie q pwey koeI ] jay sach day-ay, ta paa-ay ko-ee.
If the True (Lord) blesses (the name only) then one can obtain.
gur prswdI prgtu hoeI ] gur parsaadee pargat ho-ee.
By the grace of the Guru it (i.e. the name) is revealed (within the heart).
scu nwmu swlwhy rMig rwqw gur ikrpw qy suKu pwiedw ]10]
sach naam saalaahay raNg raataa, gur kirpaa tay sukh paa-idaa. ||10||

Imbued with the love, he praises the True name; and, by the grace of the Guru, he finds
jpu qpu sMjmu nwmu ipAwrw ] jap tap saNjam naam pi-aaraa.
To love the name (of God) is meditation, penance and self-discipline.
iklivK kwty kwtxhwrw ] kilvikh kaatay kaataṇhaaraa.
(The name is) the destroyer, destroys sins.
hir kY nwim qnu mnu sIqlu hoAw shjy shij smwiedw ]11]
har kai naam tan man seetal ho-aa, sehjay sahj samaa-idaa. ||11||
Through the name of God, mind and body are cooled, and, one merges in celestial poise in
natural ease.11
AMqir loBu min mYlY mlu lwey ] aNtar lobh man mailai, mal laa-ay.
With greed within, the mind is filthy, and, more filth sticks to it.
mYly krm kry duKu pwey ] mailay karam karay, dukh paa-ay.
He does filthy deeds and suffers sorrows.
kUVo kUVu kry vwpwrw kUVu boil duKu pwiedw ]12] kooṛo kooṛ karay vaapaaraa, kooṛ bol dukh paa-idaa ||12||
He deals in falsehood and falsehood (alone); telling lies he suffers sorrows. 12
inrml bwxI ko mMin vswey ] gur prswdI shsw jwey ]
nirmal baṇee ko maNn vasaa-ay. gur parsaadee sahsaa jaa-ay.
If one enshrine the immaculate word within mind;
by the grace of the Guru, his doubt is removed.
gur kY BwxY clY idnu rwqI nwmu cyiq suKu pwiedw ]13]
gur kai bhaaṇai chalai din raatee, naam chayt sukh paa-idaa. ||13||
He walks (i.e. lives in) the will of the Guru, day and night; and, remembering the name (of
God) he obtains (spiritual) happiness. 13
Awip isrMdw scw soeI ] aap siraNdaa sachaa so-ee.
The True (Lord) Himself is the Creator.
Awip aupwie Kpwey soeI ] aap upaa-ay khapaa-ay so-ee.
He Himself creates and dissolves.
gurmuiK hovY su sdw slwhy imil swcy suKu pwiedw ]14]
gurmukh hovai so sadaa salaahay, mil saachay sukh paa-idaa. ||14||
One, who is Guru-oriented praises Him forever; and, meeting the True he finds happiness. 14
Anyk jqn kry ieMdRI vis n hoeI ] anayk jatan karay INdree vas na ha-ee.
(Without the Guru)one may make countless efforts, sexual desire is not overcome.
kwim kroiD jlY sBu koeI ] kaam karodh jalai sabh ko-ee.
Everyone is burning (in the fire of) sexual desire and anger.
siqgur syvy mnu vis AwvY mn mwry mnih smwiedw ]15]
satgur sayvay man vas aavai, man maaray maneh samaa-idaa. ||15||
Serving the True Guru, the mind comes under control; conquering this mind, one merge
within the mind.15
myrw qyrw quDu Awpy kIAw ] mayraa tayraa tudh aapay kee-aa.
You yourself have created (the sense of) ‘mine’ and ‘your’.
siB qyry jMq qyry siB jIAw ] sabh tayray jaNt tayray sabh jee-aa.

All creatures are Yours; all beings are Yours.
nwnk nwmu smwil sdw qU gurmqI mMin vswiedw ]16]4]18]
naanak, naam samaal sadaa too, gurmatee maNn vasaa-idaa. ||16||4||18||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) you remember the name (of God); enshrine the name through
the wisdom of Guru. 16.4.18

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

hir jIau dwqw Agm AQwhw ] har jee-o daataa agam athaahaa.
Dear God is the (great) giver; (He is) inaccessible, unfathomable,
Esu iqlu n qmwie vyprvwhw ] os til na tamaa-ay vayparvaahaa.
He does not have even an iota of greed; he is carefree (i.e. He is His own Master).
iqs no ApiV n skY koeI Awpy myil imlwiedw ]1] tis no apaṛ na sakai ko-ee, aapay mayl milaa-idaa. ||1||
No one can approach Him (through one’s cleverness); He Himself unites one in His union. 1
jo ikCu krY su inhcau hoeI ] jo kichh karai so nihcha-o ho-ee.
Whatever he does, surely comes to happen.
iqsu ibnu dwqw Avru n koeI ] tis bin daataa avar na ko-ee.
There is no other Giver, except for Him.
ijs no nwm dwnu kry so pwey gur sbdI mylwiedw ]2]
jis no naam daan karay so paa-ay, gur sabdee maylaa-idaa. ||2||
Whoever He blesses gift of the name, obtains it; through the word of the Guru, he unites (one
with Himself). 2
caudh Bvx qyry htnwly ] siqguir idKwey AMqir nwly ]
cha-odah bhavaṇ tayray hatnaalay. satgur dikhaa-ay aNtar naalay.
The fourteen worlds (i.e. seven earths and seven skies, i.e. entire universe) are Your bazaars;
the True Guru reveals them within.
nwvY kw vwpwrI hovY gur sbdI ko pwiedw ]3] naavai kaa vaapaaree hovai, gur sabdee ko paa-idaa. ||3||
One, who deals in the name (of God), through the word of the Guru, obtains it. 3
P. 1063
siqguir syivAY shj Anµdw ] satgur sayvi-ai sahj anaNdaa.
Serving the True Guru, one obtains (spiritual) bliss in ease.
ihrdY Awie vuTw goivMdw ] hirdai aa-ay vuṭaa goviNdaa.
The Lord of the Word come to dwell within the heart.
shjy Bgiq kry idnu rwqI Awpy Bgiq krwiedw ]4]
sehjay bhagat karay din raatee, aapay bhagat karaa-idaa. ||4||
He performs devotion, day and night; He (i.e. God) Himself gets one to perform devotion. 4
siqgur qy ivCuVy iqnI duKu pwieAw ] satgur tay vichhuṛay tinee dukh paa-i-aa.
Those who are separated from the True Guru, suffer sorrows.
Anidnu mwrIAih duKu sbwieAw ] an-din maaree-ah dukh sabaa-i-aa.
Day and night they are punished, they suffer all sorrows.
mQy kwly mhlu n pwvih duK hI ivic duKu pwiedw ]5]
mathay kaalay mahal na paavahi, dukh hee vich dukh paa-idaa. ||5||
Their foreheads (i.e. faces) are blackened, they do not obtain the mansion (of God); they
suffer sorrows in sorrows (i.e. they suffer just sorrow and sorrow). 5
siqguru syvih sy vfBwgI ] satgur sayveh say vadbhaagee.
Those who serve the True Guru, are very fortunate.
shj Bwie scI ilv lwgI ] sahj bhaa-ay sachee liv laagee.
They are truly attached to His love, in natural ease.
sco scu kmwvih sd hI scY myil imlwiedw ]6] sacho sach kamaaveh sad hee, sachai mayl milaa-idaa. ||6||
They earn (i.e. practice) Truth and only Truth, forever; uniting them (with himself, the Guru)
unites them with the True (Lord). 6
ijs no scw dyie su pwey ] jis no sachaa day-ay so paa-ay.
He alone obtains (the name) whom the True (Lord) bestows it.
AMqir swcu Brmu cukwey ] aNtar saach bharam chukaa-ay.
Within him dwells Truth, and, he dispels his doubt.
scu scY kw Awpy dwqw ijsu dyvY so scu pwiedw ]7]
sach sachai kaa aapay daataa, jis dayvai so sach paa-idaa. ||7||
The True (Lord) Himself is the giver of true (name); he alone obtains it unto whom He gives. 7
Awpy krqw sBnw kw soeI ] aapay kartaa sabhnaa kaa so-ee.
He alone is the Creator of all.
ijs no Awip buJwey bUJY koeI ] jis no aap bujhaa-ay boojhai ko-ee.
He alone understands it, whom He gets to understand.
Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI Awpy myil imlwiedw ]8] aapay bakhsay day vadi-aa-ee, aapay mayl milaa-idaa. ||8||
He Himself blesses and bestows greatness (i.e. honour); and, uniting (with the Guru) He unites
with Himself. 8
haumY kridAw jnmu gvwieAw ] ha-umai kardi-aa janam gavaa-i-aa.
Living in ego one loses his (precious human) life.
AwgY mohu n cUkY mwieAw ] aagai moh na chookai maa-i-aa.
(Even in the world) hereafter, attachment to maya does not leave him.
AgY jmkwlu lyKw lyvY ijau iql GwxI pIVwiedw ]9]
agai jamkaal laykhaa layvai, ji-o til ghaaṇee peeṛaa-idaa. ||9||
(In the world) hereafter, the messenger of death calls him to account; (there he is found guilty
and) he is crushed like sesame seed (in oil press). 9
pUrY Bwig gur syvw hoeI ] poorai bhaag gur sayvaa ho-ee.
By perfect fortune, one serves the Guru.
ndir kry qw syvy koeI ] nadar karay taa sayvay ko-ee.
If He (i.e. God) bestows His glance (of grace), then one serves.
jmkwlu iqsu nyiV n AwvY mhil scY suKu pwiedw ]10]
jamkaal tis nayṛ na aavai, mahal sachai sukh paa-idaa. ||10||
The messenger of death cannot even come near him; and, in the mansion (i.e. presence) of the
True (Lord) he obtains (spiritual) happiness. 10
iqn suKu pwieAw jo quDu Bwey ] tin sukh paa-i-aa jo tudh bhaa-ay.
They alone obtain happiness who are pleasing to You.
pUrY Bwig gur syvw lwey ] poorai bhaag gur sayvaa laa-ay.
They are perfect fortune, they are attached to the service of the Guru.
qyrY hiQ hY sB vifAweI ijsu dyvih so pwiedw ]11]
tayrai hath hai sabh vadi-aa-ee, jis dayveh so paa-idaa. ||11||
All greatness is in Your hands; he alone obtains it unto whom You bestow it. 11
Amdir prgwsu gurU qy pwey ] aNdar pargaas guroo tay paa-ay.
(One, whom You bless, O! God) he obtains (spiritual) light within through the Guru.
nwmu pdwrQu mMin vswey ] naam padaarath maNn vasaa-ay.
He enshrines the wealth of name within his mind.
igAwn rqnu sdw Git cwnxu AigAwn AMDyru gvwiedw ]12]
gi-aan ratan sadaa ghat chaanaṇ, agi-aan aNdhayr gavaa-idaa. ||12||
The jewel of (spiritual) knowledge forever illumines his heart; and, the darkness of (spiritual)
ignorance is dispelled. 12
AigAwnI AMDy dUjY lwgy ] agi-aanee aNdhay doojai laagay.
The blind ignorant are attached to duality.
ibnu pwxI fuib mUey ABwgy ] bin paaṇee dub moo-ay abhaagay.
The unfortunate are drowned without water and die.
clidAw Gru dru ndir n AwvY jm dir bwDw duKu pwiedw ]13]
chaldi-aa ghar dar nadar na aavai, jam dar baadhaa dukh paa-idaa. ||13||
When they depart (from the world) they do not find the door and the home (of the True Lord);
bound at the door of Death, they suffer sorrows. 13
ibnu siqgur syvy mukiq n hoeI ] igAwnI iDAwnI pUChu koeI ]
bin satgur sayvay mukat na ho-ee. gi-aanee dhi-aanee poochhahu ko-ee.
Without serving the True Guru, no one finds liberation.
One may ask (about this) from the men of (spiritual) knowledge, and, those in concentration.
siqguru syvy iqsu imlY vifAweI dir scY soBw pwiedw ]14]
satgur sayvay tis milai vadi-aa-ee, dar sachai sobhaa paa-idaa. ||14||
One who serves the True Guru, is blessed with greatness (i.e. honour); he obtains honour at
the doors of the True (Lord). 14
siqgur no syvy iqsu Awip imlwey ] satgur no sayvay tis aap milaa-ay.
One who serves the True Guru, He (i.e. God) merges him with Himself.
mmqw kwit sic ilv lwey ] mamtaa kaat sach liv laa-ay.
Cutting away (i.e. eliminating) attachment (to maya), he focusses upon the True (Lord).
sdw scu vxjih vwpwrI nwmo lwhw pwiedw ]15] sadaa sach vaṇjahi vaapaaree, naamo laahaa paa-idaa ||15||
The merchant who deal in Truth forever, obtain the profit of the name (of God). 15
Awpy kry krwey krqw ] aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa.
The Creator Himself does (everything) and gets us to act.
sbid mrY soeI jnu mukqw ] sabad marai so-ee jan muktaa.
He alone is liberated, who dies in (i.e. becomes dedicated to) the word.
nwnk nwmu vsY mn AMqir nwmo nwmu iDAwiedw ]16]5]19]
naanak, naam vasai man aNtar, naamo naam dhi-aa-idaa. ||16||5||19||
Nanak (say): the name (of the Lord) dwells within his mind; he meditates upon the name and
name alone. 16. 5. 19

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
jo quDu krxw so kir pwieAw ] jo tudh karṇaa so kar paa-i-aa.
Whatever You will to do, is done (by You).
Bwxy ivic ko ivrlw AwieAw ] bhaaṇay vich ko virlaa aa-i-aa.
Some rare one lives in Your will.
Bwxw mMny so suKu pwey Bwxy ivic suKu pwiedw ]1]
bhaaṇaa maNnay so sukh paa-ay, bhaaṇay vich sukh paa-idaa. ||1||
One, who obeys (God’s) will, obtains happiness there is (forever) happiness is in His will. 1
gurmuiK qyrw Bwxw BwvY ] shjy hI suKu scu kmwvY ]
gurmukh tayraa bhaaṇaa bhaavai. sehjay hee sukh sach kamaavai.
(O! God) Your will is pleasing to the Guru-oriented; and,
he earns happiness and truth in natural ease.
Bwxy no locY bhuqyrI Awpxw Bwxw Awip mnwiedw ]2]
bhaaṇay no lochai bahutayree, aapṇaa bhaaṇaa aap manaa-idaa. ||2||
Many long to live in the will (of God), He Himself gets one to surrender to His will. 2
qyrw Bwxw mMny su imlY quDu Awey ] tayraa bhaaṇaa maNnay so milai tudh aa-ay.
One who obeys Your will, comes to meet with You.
P. 1064
ijsu Bwxw BwvY so quJih smwey ] jis bhaaṇaa bhaavai so tujheh samaa-ay.
One who is pleased with Your will, is immersed in You.
Bwxy ivic vfI vifAweI Bwxw iksih krwiedw ]3]
bhaaṇay vich vadee vadi-aa-ee, bhaaṇaa kiseh karaa-idaa. ||3||
There is great glory in (obeying) Your will; rare are those whom You get obey Your will. 3
jw iqsu BwvY qw gurU imlwey ] gurmuiK nwmu pdwrQu pwey ]
jaa tis bhaavai taa guroo milaa-ay. gurmukh naam padaarath paa-ay.
When it pleases Him, He gets us to meet the Guru; and,
through the Guru, one obtains the the wealth of name
quDu AwpxY BwxY sB isRsit aupweI ijs no Bwxw dyih iqsu Bwiedw ]4]
tudh aapnai bhaaṇai sabh sarisat upaa-ee, jis no bhaaṇaa deh tis bhaa-idaa. ||4||
You created the whole universe by Your will; those whom You bless (strength to obey) Your
will, is pleased with it. 4
mnmuKu AMDu kry cqurweI ] manmukh aNdh karay chaturaa-ee.
The blind, mind-oriented attempts cleverness.
Bwxw n mMny bhuqu duKu pweI ] bhaanaa na maNnay bahut dukh paa-ee.
He does not obey His will, and suffers great sorrow.
Brmy BUlw AwvY jwey Gru mhlu n kbhU pwiedw ]5]
bharmay bhoolaa aavai jaa-ay, ghar mahal na kabhoo paa-idaa. ||5||
Deluded by doubt, he comes and goes (in reincarnation); He never finds the place, the
mansion (of the Lord). 5
siqguru myly dy vifAweI ] satgur maylay day vadi-aa-ee.
He (i.e. God) unites one with the True Guru and grants greatness (i.e. honour).
siqgur kI syvw Duir PurmweI ] satgur kee sayvaa dhur furmaa-ee.

The service of the True Guru has been ordained by the Primal Lord.
siqgur syvy qw nwmu pwey nwmy hI suKu pwiedw ]6]
satgur sayvay taa naam paa-ay, naamay hee sukh paa-idaa. ||6||
Serving the True Guru, one obtains the name, and, through the name one obtains happiness. 6
sB nwvhu aupjY nwvhu CIjY ] sabh naavhu upjai, naavhu chheejai.
Everything wells up from the name, and, without the name everything perishes.
gur ikrpw qy mnu qnu BIjY ] gur kirpaa tay man tan bheejai.
By the grace of the Guru, the mind and body are pleased.
rsnw nwmu iDAwey ris BIjY rs hI qy rsu pwiedw ]7]
rasnaa naam dhi-aa-ay ras bheejai, ras hee tay ras paa-idaa. ||7||
Meditating upon the name the tongue is drenched with the essence (of God), and, through
this essence, the essence (i.e. bliss) is obtained. 7
mhlY AMdir mhlu ko pwey ] gur kY sbid sic icqu lwey ]
mahlai aNdar mahal ko paa-ay. gur kai sabad sach chit laa-ay.
One, who finds the mansion (of the presence) of the Lord within his own body;
he focusses his mind in the True (Lord) through the word of the Guru.
ijs no scu dyie soeI scu pwey scy sic imlwiedw ]8]
jis no sach day-ay, so-ee sach paa-ay, sachay sach milaa-idaa. ||8||
He alone obtains the truth (i.e. true name) whom the True (Lord) bestows it; and, he merges in
truth and (only) truth. 8
nwmu ivswir min qin duKu pwieAw ] naam visaar man tan dukh paa-i-aa.
Forgetting the name the mind and body suffer sorrow.
mwieAw mohu sBu rogu kmwieAw ] maa-i-aa moh sabh rog kamaa-i-aa.
Through attached to maya one earns nothing but ailments.
ibnu nwvY mnu qnu hY kustI nrky vwsw pwiedw ]9]
bin naavai man tan hai kustee narkay vaasaa paa-idaa. ||9||
Without the name, the mind and body, are (like one having been) afflicted with leprosy, and,
he obtains abode in hell. 9
nwim rqy iqn inrml dyhw ] inrml hMsw sdw suKu nyhw ]
naam ratay tin nirmal dayhaa. nirmal haNsaa, sadaa sukh nayhaa.
Those who are imbued with the name, their bodies are immaculate;
their swan (i.e. soul) is immaculate; and, they obtain happiness forever through love (for God).
nwmu slwih sdw suKu pwieAw inj Gir vwsw pwiedw ]10]
naam salaahi sadaa sukh paa-i-aa nij ghar vaasaa paa-idaa. ||10||
Praising the name they obtain happiness forever; and, they dwell in the home of their self.10
sBu ko vxju kry vwpwrw ] sabh ko vaṇaj karay vaapaaraa.
(In this world) every one deals and trades.
ivxu nwvY sBu qotw sMswrw ] viṇ naavai sabh totaa saNsaaraa.
Without the name all the world loses.
nwgo AwieAw nwgo jwsI ivxu nwvY duKu pwiedw ]11] naago aa-i-aa naago jaasee, viṇ naavai dukh paa-idaa ||11||
Naked he comes (into this world), and, naked he goes (from this world); without the name, he
suffers sorrows. 11
ijs no nwmu dyie so pwey ] jis no naam day-ay so paa-ay.
He alone obtains the name unto whom He bestows it.
gur kY sbid hir mMin vswey ] gur kai sabad, har maNn vasaa-ay.
Through the word of the Guru, he enshrines God comes within his mind.
gur ikrpw qy nwmu visAw Gt AMqir nwmo nwmu iDAwiedw ]12]
gur kirpaa tay naam vasi-aa ghat aNtar, naamo naam dhi-aa-idaa. ||12||
By the grace of the Guru the name comes to dwell within his heart; and, he meditates upon
the name and only name (of the Lord). 12
nwvY no locY jyqI sB AweI ] naavai no lochai jaytee sabh aa-ee.
Everyone who has come (into the world) long for the name (of God).
nwau iqnw imlY Duir purib kmweI ] naa-o tinaa milai dhur purab kamaa-ee.
They alone are blessed with the name, who have it preordained for their past actions.
ijnI nwau pwieAw sy vfBwgI gur kY sbid imlwiedw ]13]
jinee naa-o paa-i-aa say vadbhaagee, gur kai sabad milaa-idaa. ||13||
Those who obtain the name are greatly fortunate; He unites them (with Himself) through the
word of the Guru.13
kwieAw kotu Aiq Apwrw ] kaa-i-aa kot at apaaraa.
The fort of body is utterly incomparable.
iqsu ivic bih pRBu kry vIcwrw ] tis vich bahi prabh karay veechaaraa.
Within it God sits and contemplates.
scw inAwau sco vwpwrw inhclu vwsw pwiedw ]14]
sachaa ni-aa-o, sacho vaapaaraa, nihchal vaasaa paa-idaa. ||14||
True is His justice, and, true is His trade; (and one who trades in His name) He makes (that
body) His eternal dwelling. 14
Amqr Gr bMky Qwnu suhwieAw ] antar ghar baNkay thaan suhaa-i-aa.
Within (the inner self) are graceful homes is beautiful places (of God).
gurmuiK ivrlY iknY Qwnu pwieAw ] gurmukh virlai kinai thaan paa-i-aa.
Some rare of a Guru-oriented finds these places.
iequ swiQ inbhY swlwhy scy hir scw mMin vswiedw ]15]
it saath nibhai, saalaahay sachay, har sachaa maNn vasaa-idaa. ||15||
He alone keeps on there, who praises the True (Lord) and enshrines God, the True (Lord)
within his mind. 15
myrY krqY iek bxq bxweI ] iesu dyhI ivic sB vQu pweI ]
mayrai kartai ik baṇat banaa-ee. is dayhee vich sabh vath paa-ee.
My Creator (Lord) has formed this formation (i.e. system):
He has placed everything (i.e. all the spiritual wealth) within this body.
nwnk nwmu vxjih rMig rwqy gurmuiK ko nwmu pwiedw ]16]6]20]
naanak, naam vaṇjahi raNg raatay, gurmukh ko naam paa-idaa. ||16||6||20||
Nanak (says): Those who deal in the name (of God), remain imbued with His love; (but, only)
some rare of a Guru-oriented obtains the name (of God). 16.6. 20

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

kwieAw kMcnu sbdu vIcwrw ] kaa-i-aa kaNchan sabad veechaaraa.
Contemplating the word (of God) the body becomes golden
iqQY hir vsY ijs dw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ] tithai har vasai jis daa aNt na paaraavaaraa.
Therein (i.e. in that golden body) abides God, who has end or limitation.
Anidnu hir syivhu scI bwxI hir jIau sbid imlwiedw ]1]
an-din har sayvihu sachee baṇee, har jee-o sabad milaa-idaa. ||1||
Day and night, serve God through the True word; dear God unites (in His union) through the
word (of the Guru). 1
P. 1065
hir cyqih iqn bilhwrY jwau ] har cheeteh tin balihaarai jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto those who remember God.
gur kY sbid iqn myil imlwau ] gur kai sabad tin mayl milaa-o.
I unite with their congregation through the word of the Guru.
iqn kI DUir lweI muiK msqik sqsMgiq bih gux gwiedw ]2]
tin kee dhoor laa-ee mukh mastak, satsaNgat bahi guṇ gaa-idaa. ||2||
I apply their (feet) dust to my face and forehead, and, sitting in the true congregation, I sing
(the praise of) the excellences (of God).2
hir ky gux gwvw jy hir pRB Bwvw ] har kay guṇ gaavaa jay har prabh bhaavaa.
I sing, (the praise of) the excellences of God, if I am pleasing to God, the Lord.
AMqir hir nwmu sbid suhwvw ] aNtar har naam sabad suhaavaa.
With the name of God within me (i.e. my heart), I am embellished through the word.
gurbwxI chu kuMfI suxIAY swcY nwim smwiedw ]3]
gurbaanee chahu kuNdee suṇee-ai, saachai naam samaa-idaa. ||3||
The word of the Guru is heard throughout the four corners (of the world); and, through the
name one merges in the True. 3
so jnu swcw ij AMqru Bwly ] gur kY sbid hir ndir inhwly ]
so jan saachaa je aNtar bhaalay. gur kai sabad har nadar nihaalay.
True is that servant (i.e. devotee), who searches within (his heart); and, through the word of
the Guru, beholds God with his eyes.
igAwn AMjnu pwey gur sbdI ndrI ndir imlwiedw ]4]
gi-aan aNjan paa-ay gur sabdee, nadree nadar milaa-idaa. ||4||
He applies the collyrium* of (spiritual) knowledge (to his eyes), through the word of Guru;
and, the graceful (God), in His grace, unites him (with Himself). 4
[*Earlier it was believed to enhance beauty of the eyes, and, even improve the eye-sight]
vfY Bwig iehu srIru pwieAw ] mwxs jnim sbid icqu lwieAw ]
vadai bhaag ih sareer paa-i-aa. maaṇas janam sabad chit laa-i-aa.
By great fortune, one obtains this body; and,
the human life is to attach consciousness to the word.
ibnu sbdY sBu AMD AMDyrw gurmuiK iksih buJwiedw ]5]
bin sabdai sabh aNdh aNdhayraa gurmukh kiseh bujhaa-idaa. ||5||
Without the word, there is utter darkness everywhere; rare are those whom He blesses with
this understanding through the Guru. 5
ieik ikqu Awey jnmu gvwey ] ik kit aa-ay janam gavaa-ay.
Some have come (into the world), why (have they come)? They have wasted their lives (in vain).
mnmuK lwgy dUjY Bwey ] manmukh laagay doojai bhaa-ay.
The mind-oriented are attached to the love of duality.
eyh vylw iPir hwiQ n AwvY pig iKisAY pCuqwiedw ]6]
ayh vaylaa fir haath na aavai, pag khisi-ai pachhutaa-idaa. ||6||
This opportunity shall not come into their hands again; (when) foot slips (i.e. when one dies),
one comes to repent. 6
gur kY sbid pivqRü srIrw ] iqsu ivic vsY scu guxI ghIrw ]
gur kai sabad pavitar sareeraa. tis vich vasai sach guṇee gaheeraa.
With the word of the Guru, the body becomes immaculate; and,
within that abides the True (Lord), the ocean of excellences.
sco scu vyKY sB QweI scu suix mMin vswiedw ]7]
sacho sach vaykhai sabh thaa-ee, sach suṇ maNn vasaa-idaa. ||7||
(Then) one sees the Truest of the True (pervading) everywhere; and, hearing the True (name),
he enshrines Him within his mind. 7
haumY gxq gur sbid invwry ] ha-umai gaṇat gur sabad nivaaray.
Egotism and calculations (of mind) are eliminated through the word.
hir jIau ihrdY rKhu aur Dwry ] har jee-o hirdai rakhahu ur dhaaray.
(O! brethren) enshrine the dear God within the heart.
gur kY sbid sdw swlwhy imil swcy suKu pwiedw ]8]
gur kai sabad sadaa saalaahay, mil saachay sukh paa-idaa. ||8||
One who praises (God) forever, through the word of the Guru, meets with the True (Lord)
and finds happiness. 8
so cyqy ijsu Awip cyqwey ] so chaytay jis aap chaytaa-ay.
He alone remembers (God), whom He Himself gets to remember.
gur kY sbid vsY min Awey ] gur kai sabad vasai man aa-ay.
Through the word of the Guru, He comes to dwell within the mind.
Awpy vyKY Awpy bUJY AwpY Awpu smwiedw ]9] aapay vaykhai aapay boojhai, aapai aap samaa-idaa. ||9||
He Himself sees, and, Himself understands, He merges one into Himself. 9
ijin mn ivic vQu pweI soeI jwxY ] gur kY sbdy Awpu pCwxY ]
jin man vich vath paa-ee so-ee jaaṇai. gur kai sabday aap pachhaaṇai.
He alone knows who has obtained the object (i.e. the name) within his mind;
through the word of the Guru, he comes to realizes himself.
Awpu pCwxY soeI jnu inrmlu bwxI sbdu suxwiedw ]10]
aap pachhaaṇai so-ee jan nirmal, baṇee sabad suṇaa-idaa. ||10||
The servant (i.e. devotee) who realized himself, is immaculate; and, he preaches the word
and the teachings (to others). 10
eyh kwieAw pivqu hY srIru ] gur sbdI cyqY guxI ghIru ]
ayh kaa-i-aa pavit hai sareer. gur sabdee chaytai guṇee gaheer.
This body is sanctified body; (if)
it remembers (God) the ocean of excellences, through the word of the Guru.
Anidnu gux gwvY rMig rwqw gux kih guxI smwiedw ]11]
an-din guṇ gaavai raNg raataa, gun kahi guṇee samaa-idaa. ||11||
Imbued with love, he sings His praise, day and night; and, chanting His excellences, he
merges in Him. 11
eyhu srIru sB mUlu hY mwieAw ] dUjY Bwie Brim BulwieAw ]
ayhu sareer sabh mool hai maa-i-aa. doojai bhaa-ay bharam bhulaa-i-aa.
This body is the source of all maya; in love of duality, it is deluded by doubt.
hir n cyqY sdw duKu pwey ibnu hir cyqy duKu pwiedw ]12]
har na chaytai, sadaa dukh paa-ay; bin har chaytay dukh paa-idaa. ||12||
It does not remember God, (hence) suffers forever; without remembering God, it suffers
sorrows. 12
ij siqguru syvy so prvwxu ] je satgur sayvay so parvaaṇ.
One who serves the True Guru, is approved (in the court of God).
kwieAw hMsu inrmlu dir scY jwxu ] kaa-i-aa haNs nirmal dar sachai jaaṇ.
His body and swan (i.e. soul) are immaculate; (hence) he is recognized (i.e. approved) in the
court of the True (Lord).
hir syvy hir mMin vswey sohY hir gux gwiedw]13] har sayvay, har ma n vasaa-ay, sohai har guṇ gaa-idaa||13||
He serves God, enshrines God within his mind; singing the His excellences he is embellished. 13
ibnu Bwgw guru syivAw n jwie ] bin bhaagaa gur sayvi-aa na jaa-ay.
Without (good) fortune, no one can serve the Guru.
mnmuK BUly muey ibllwie ] manmukh bhoolay mu-ay billaa-ay.
The mind-oriented are deluded; (they) die crying and bewailing.
ijn kau ndir hovY gur kyrI hir jIau Awip imlwiedw ]14]
jin ka-o nadar hovai gur kayree, har jee-o aap milaa-idaa. ||14||
Those who are blesses by the Guru's grace, dear God Himself unites them (with Himself). 14
kwieAw kotu pky htnwly ] kaa-i-aa kot pakay hatnaalay.
Within the body fort there are strongly built bazaar (i.e. organs of perception);
gurmuiK lyvY vsqu smwly ] gurmukh layvai vasat samaalay.
The Guru-oriented purchases the merchandise (of the name) and takes care of it.
hir kw nwmu iDAwie idnu rwqI aUqm pdvI pwiedw ]15]
har kaa naam dhi-aa-ay din raatee, ootam padvee paa-idaa. ||15||
Meditating upon the name of God, day and night, he attains sublime (spiritual) status. 15
Awpy scw hY suKdwqw ] aapay sachaa hai sukh-daata.
The True (Lord) is Himself the Giver of Happiness.
pUry gur kY sbid pCwqw ] pooray gur kai sabad pachhaataa.
He is realized through the word of the perfect Guru.
nwnk nwmu slwhy swcw pUrY Bwig ko pwiedw ]16]7]21]
naanak, naam salaahay saachaa, poorai bhaag ko paa-idaa. ||16||7||21||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise the name of the True (Lord); through perfect destiny one
obtains this (gift of meditating upon His name). 16.7.21

P. 1066
mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
inrMkwir Awkwru aupwieAw ] niraNkaar aakaar upaa-i-aa.
The Formless (God) created the form (of the universe).
mwieAw mohu hukim bxwieAw ] maa-i-aa moh hukam banaa-i-aa.
By His command, He created attachment to maya (also).
Awpy Kyl kry siB krqw suix swcw mMin vswiedw ]1]
aapay khayl karay sabh kartaa; suṇ saachaa maNn vasaa-idaa. ||1||
The Creator Himself stages all the play; hearing (to His wondrous acts), one enshrines the True
within his mind. 1
mwieAw mweI qRY gux prsUiq jmwieAw ] cwry byd bRhmy no PurmwieAw ]
maa-i-aa maa-ee tarai guṇ* parsoot jamaa-i-aa. chaaray bayd barahmay no furmaa-i-aa.
Maya, the mother, gave birth to the three gunaas* (i.e. qualities); and,
He proclaimed the four Vedas to Brahma.
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity, rajas
represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these qualities].
vrHy mwh vwr iQqI kir iesu jg mih soJI pwiedw ]2]
varhay maah vaar thitee kar, is jag meh sojhee paa-idaa. ||2||
(Then) creating (the time into units of) years, months, days and ascending and descending dates
He infused intelligence into the world. 2
gur syvw qy krxI swr ] gur sayvaa tay karṇee saar.
Service to the Guru is the most excellent (i.e. most precious) action.
rwm nwmu rwKhu auir Dwr ] raam naam raakho ur dhaar.
Enshrine the name of God, within your heart.
gurbwxI vrqI jg AMqir iesu bwxI qy hir nwmu pwiedw ]3]
gurbaaṇee vartee jag aNtar, is baṇee tay har naam paa-idaa. ||3||
The word of Guru prevails throughout the world; through this word, the name of God is
obtained. 3
vydu pVY Anidnu vwd smwly ] nwmu n cyqY bDw jmkwly ]
vayd paṛai an-din vaad samaalay. naam na chaytai badhaa jamkaalay.
One (i.e. mind-oriented) reads Vedas, and, day and night, remains engaged in arguments; but,if,
he does not remember the name, he is bound (and punished) by the messenger of death.
dUjY Bwie sdw duKu pwey qRY gux Brim Bulwiedw ]4]
doojai bhaa-ay sadaa dukh paa-ay, tarai guṇ bharam bhulaa-idaa. ||4||
In the love of duality, one suffers sorrows forever; in the confusion of the three gunaas, he is
deluded by doubt. 4
gurmuiK eyksu isau ilv lwey ] gurmukh aykas si-o liv laa-ay.
The Guru-oriented is in tune with the One (i.e. God alone).
iqRibiD mnsw mnih smwey ] taribadh mansaa maneh samaa-ay.
He submerges in his mind the desire of three dispositions (i.e. satav, rajas, tamas).
swcY sbid sdw hY mukqw mwieAw mohu cukwiedw ]5]
saachai sabad sadaa hai muktaa, maa-i-aa moh chukaa-idaa. ||5||
Through the True word, he is liberated forever, and, he abjures attachment to maya. 5
jo Duir rwqy sy huix rwqy ] jo dhur raatay say huṇ raatay.
Those who are preordained to be imbued (with devotion), they are imbued (with devotion).
gur prswdI shjy mwqy ] gur parsaadee sehjay maatay.
By the grace of the Guru, they are intoxicated, in natural ease.
siqguru syiv sdw pRBu pwieAw AwpY Awpu imlwiedw ]6]
satgur sayv sadaa parabh paa-i-aa aapai aap milaa-idaa. ||6||
Serving the True Guru forever, they obtain God; and, He Himself unites them (with Himself). 6
mwieAw moih Brim n pwey ] dUjY Bwie lgw duKu pwey ]
maa-i-aa mohi bharam na paa-ay. doojai bhaa-ay lagaa dukh paa-ay.
In attachment to maya, one can not obtain (God).
Attached to the love of duality, he suffers sorrows.
sUhw rMgu idn QoVy hovY iesu jwdy iblm n lwiedw ]7]
soohaa raNg din thoṛay hovai, is jaaday bilam na laa-idaa. ||7||
The red colour (i.e. of maya) last only for few days, it takes no time in fading away. 7
eyhu mnu BY Bwie rMgwey ] iequ rMig swcy mwih smwey ]
ayhu man bhai bhaa-ay rangaa-ay. it raNg saachay maahi samaa-ay.
(So, one who) dyes this mind in the fear and love (of God);
dyed in this colour, one merges in the True (Lord).
pUrY Bwig ko iehu rMgu pwey gurmqI rMgu cVwiedw ]8]
poorai bhaag ko ih rang paa-ay, gurmatee raNg chaṛaa-idaa. ||8||
By perfect destiny, some (rare one) may obtains this colour; through the wisdom of the
Guru, this colour is applied. 8
mnmuKu bhuqu kry AiBmwnu ] drgh kb hI n pwvY mwnu ]
manmukh bahut karay abhimaan. dargeh kab hee na paavai maan.
The mind-oriented takes great pride in himself; (hence)
in the court of God, he never obtains honour.
dUjY lwgy jnmu gvwieAw ibnu bUJy duKu pwiedw ]9]
doojai laagay janam gavaa-i-aa, bin boojhay dukh paa-idaa. ||9||
Attached to duality, he wastes his life (in vain); without understanding he suffer sorrows. 9
myrY pRiB AMdir Awpu lukwieAw ] mayrai prabh aNdar aap lukaa-i-aa.
My Lord has hidden Himself within the self (of each being)..
gur prswdI hir imlY imlwieAw ] gur parsaadee har milai milaa-i-aa.
By the grace of the Guru, one is united with God (when) united (by the Guru).
scw pRBu scw vwpwrw nwmu Amolku pwiedw ]10]
sachaa prabh sachaa vaapaaraa; naam amolak paa-idaa. ||10||
True is the Lord, and, true is trade, (through this trade) price-less name is obtained. 10
iesu kwieAw kI kImiq iknY n pweI ] is kaa-i-aa kee keemat kinai na paa-ee.
No one has found (i.e. known) the worth of this body.
myrY Twkuir ieh bxq bxweI ] mayrai ṭaakur ih baṇat banaa-ee.
My Lord has formed this design (i.e. system).
gurmuiK hovY su kwieAw soDY Awpih Awpu imlwiedw ]11]
gurmukh hovai so kaa-i-aa sodhai, aapeh aap milaa-idaa. ||11||

One, who is Guru-oriented, purifies his body (i.e. saves it from vices); (and, thus) he unites
himself in union (with God). 11
kwieAw ivic qotw kwieAw ivic lwhw ] kaa-i-aa vich totaa, kaa-i-aa vich laahaa.
Within the body is the loss (of spiritual life), and, within the body is the profit (also).
gurmuiK Kojy vyprvwhw ] gurmukh khojay vayparvaahaa.
The Guru-oriented seeks (and searches within his body) the Carefree (Lord).
gurmuiK vxij sdw suKu pwey shjy shij imlwiedw ]12]
gurmukh vaṇaj sadaa sukh paa-ay, sehjay sahj milaa-idaa. ||12||
The Guru-oriented trades (in the name), and, finds happiness forever; and, he merges himself
in equipoise, in natural ease. 12
scw mhlu scy BMfwrw ] sachaa mahal sachay bhandaaraa.
True (i.e. eternal) is His mansion, and, true (i.e. eternal) is His treasure.
Awpy dyvY dyvxhwrw ] aapay dayvai dayvaṇhaaraa.
The Giver Himself gives (all from His treasure).
gurmuiK swlwhy suKdwqy min myly kImiq pwiedw ]13]
gurmukh saalaahay sukh-daatay, man maylay keemat paa-idaa. ||13||
The Guru-oriented praises the Giver of Happiness; uniting his mind with Him, one comes to
know (i.e. appreciate) His worth. 13
kwieAw ivic vsqu kImiq nhI pweI ] kaa-i-aa vich vasat keemat nahee paa-ee.
Within the body is the thing (i.e. wealth of the name); its value cannot be assayed.
gurmuiK Awpy dy vifAweI ] gurmukh aapay day vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself bestows honour upon the Guru-oriented.
ijs dw htu soeI vQu jwxY gurmuiK dyie n pCoqwiedw ]14]
jis daa hat so-ee vath jaaṇai, gurmukh day-ay na pachhotaa-idaa. ||14||
He alone known the thing (i.e. wealth of the name) who owns the shop; He blesses the Guru-
oriented with this (wealth of the name) and does not come to regret. 14
hir jIau sB mih rihAw smweI ] har jee-o sabh meh rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Dear God is pervading all.
gur prswdI pwieAw jweI ] gur parsaadee paa-i-aa jaa-ee.
By the grace of the Guru, He is found (i.e. one can unite with Him y the Guru’s grace).
Awpy myil imlwey Awpy sbdy shij smwiedw ]15] aapay mayl milaa-ay aapay, sabday sahj samaa-idaa. ||15||
He Himself unites (with the Guru) and unites with Himself; through the word (of the Guru) one
merges (in Him), in natural ease. 15
P. 1067
Awpy scw sbid imlwey ] sbdy ivchu Brmu cukwey ]
aapay sachaa sabad milaa-ay. sabday vichahu bharam chukaa-ay.
The True Himself unites (the beings) with the word (of the Guru); and,
through the word, He drives out doubt from within.
nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI nwmy hI suKu pwiedw ]16]8]22]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, naamay hee sukh paa-idaa. ||16||8||22||
Nanak (says): one obtain glory (i.e. honour) through the name, and, through the name
happiness is obtained. 16.8.22

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3
Agm Agocr vyprvwhy ] Awpy imhrvwn Agm AQwhy ]
agam agochar vayparvaahay. aapay miharvaan agam athaahay.
O! inaccessible, imperceptible, carefree (Lord); You are merciful, inaccessible, unlimited.
ApiV koie n skY iqs no gur sbdI mylwieAw ]1] apaṛ ko-ay na sakai tis no gur sabdee maylaa-i-aa. ||1||
No one can reach up ro him, whom You have unites (with Yourself) through the word of the
Guru. 1
quDuno syvih jo quDu Bwvih ] tudhuno sayveh jo tudh bhaaveh.
Those, who is pleasing to You, they alone serves You.
gur kY sbdy sic smwvih ] gur kai sabday sach samaaveh.
Through the word of the Guru, they remains absorbed in the True (name).
Anidnu gux rvih idnu rwqI rsnw hir rsu BwieAw ]2]
an-din guṇ raveh din raatee, rasnaa har ras bhaa-i-aa. ||2||
All the time, they chants (the praise of) the excellences (of God) day and night; and, their
tongue is pleased with the essence of God. 2
sbid mrih sy mrxu svwrih ] sabad mareh say maraṇ savaareh.
Those who dies in the word (of the Guru), they adorn (i.e. glorify) their death.
hir ky gux ihrdY aur Dwrih ] har kay guṇ hirdai ur dhaareh.
They enshrine the excellences of God, within their hearts.
jnmu sPlu hir crxI lwgy dUjw Bwau cukwieAw ]3]
janam safal har charṇee laagay, doojaa bhaa-o chukaa-i-aa. ||3||
Successful is the life of those who are attached to the feet of the Guru, and, have rid
themselves of love of duality. 3
hir jIau myly Awip imlwey ] gur kY sbdy Awpu gvwey ]
har jee-o maylay aap milaa-ay. gur kai sabday aap gavaa-ay.
Dear God unites them in union with Himself;
(those) who dispel their self-concei through the word of the Guru.
Anidn sdw hir BgqI rwqy ies jg mih lwhw pwieAw]
an-din sadaa har bhagtee raatay, is jag meh laahaa paa-i-aa. ||4||
Day and night, they are imbued with devotion to God; they earn (this) profit in this world. 4
qyry gux khw mY khxu n jweI ] tayray guṇ kahaa, mai kahaṇ na jaa-ee.
I wish to describe Your excellences, (O! God); I can not describe them.
AMqu n pwrw kImiq nhI pweI ] aNt na paaraa, keemat nahee paa-ee.
You have no end or limitation; Your value can not be assayed.
Awpy dieAw kry suKdwqw gux mih guxI smwieAw ]5]
aapay da-i-aa karay sukh-daata gun meh guṇee samaa-i-aa. ||5||
(If) the Giver of Happiness Himself bestows His kindness, (then) one is absorbed in the virtues
of the Virtuous (Lord). 5
iesu jg mih mohu hY pwswrw ] is jag meh moh hai paasaaraa.
In this world, everything is (but) the expanse of (emotional) attachment.
mnmuKu AigAwnI AMDu AMDwrw ] manmukh agi-aanee aNdh aNdhaaraa.
The ignorant mind-oriented is immersed in utter darkness.

DMDY Dwvqu jnmu gvwieAw ibnu nwvY duKu pwieAw ]6]
dhaNdhai dhaavat janam gavaa-i-aa, bin naavai dukh paa-i-aa. ||6||
Chasing after worldly affairs, he wastes his life (in vain); without the name he suffers
sorrows. 6
krmu hovY qw siqguru pwey ] karam hovai taa satgur paa-ay.
If God bestow His grace, then one finds (ie. meets with) the True Guru.
haumY mYlu sbid jlwey ] ha-umai mail sabad jalaa-ay.
He burns the filth of egotism through the word (of the Guru).
mnu inrmlu igAwnu rqnu cwnxu AigAwnu AMDyru gvwieAw ]7]
man nirmal gi-aan ratan chaanaṇ, agi-aan aNdhayr gavaa-i-aa. ||7||
His mind becomes immaculate, and, the jewel of (spiritual) knowledge illumines (his heart),
and, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. 7
qyry nwm Anyk kImiq nhI pweI ] tayray naam anayk, keemat nahee paa-ee.
Your names (i.e. attributes) are countless, Your value can not be estimated.
scu nwmu hir ihrdY vsweI ] sach naam har hirdai vasaa-ee.
(Please bless me that) I may enshrine (Your) True name within my heart
kImiq kauxu kry pRB qyrI qU Awpy shij smwieAw ]8]
keemat ka-uṇ karay prabh tayree, too aapay sahj samaa-i-aa. ||8||
Who can estimate Your value?, O! Lord; You are absorbed in Yourself in natural ease. 8
nwmu Amolku Agm Apwrw ] naam amolak agam apaaraa.
Invaluable is the name of the inaccessible and infinite (Lord).
nw ko hoAw qolxhwrw ] naa ko ho-aa tolaṇhaaraa.
No one has ever been able to weigh (i.e. praise) (the name).
Awpy qoly qoil qolwey gur sbdI myil qolwieAw ]9] aapay tolay tol tolaa-ay, gur sabdee mayl tolaa-i-aa. ||9||
He Himself weighs (i.e. praises); He Himself gets weighed (i.e. gets the name praised); uniting
(with Himself) through the word of the Guru, He gets one to weigh (i.e. praise the word).9
syvk syvih krih Ardwis ] sayvak sayveh karahi ardaas.
(O! God, Your) servant serves and offer prayers.
qU Awpy myil bhwlih pwis ] too aapay mayl bahaaleh paas.
You Yourself unite (them) and let (them) sit near (You).
sBnw jIAw kw suKdwqw pUrY krim iDAwieAw ]10]
sabhnaa jee-aa kaa sukh-daata, poorai karam dhi-aa-i-aa. ||10||
You are the Giver of Happiness to all beings; by perfect destiny, they meditate upon You. 10
jqu squ sMjmu ij scu kmwvY ] jat sat sanjam je sach kamaavai.
Chastity, truth, and self-control come when one earns Truth (i.e. lives truthful life).
iehu mnu inrmlu ij hir gux gwvY ] ih man nirmal je har guṇ gaavai.
This mind becomes immaculate, if it sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
iesu ibKu mih AMimRqu prwpiq hovY hir jIau myry BwieAw ]11]
is bikh meh aMmrit paraapat hovai, har jee-o mayray bhaa-i-aa. ||11||
In this poison (i.e. in this world of maya) one obtains AMmrit, (if it is) pleasing to my God. 11
ijs no buJwey soeI bUJY ] jis no bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai.
He alone understands whom God gets to know.

hir gux gwvY AMdru sUJY ] har guṇ gaavai aNdar soojhai.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, one’s inner-self is awakened.
haumY myrw Twik rhwey shjy hI scu pwieAw ]12]
ha-umai mayraa ṭaak rahaa-ay, sehjay hee sach paa-i-aa. ||12||
‘Me’ and ‘mine’ (i.e. egotism and possessiveness) are restrained; and, one obtains (i.e. one is
united with) the True (Lord) in natural ease. 12
ibnu krmw hor iPrY GnyrI ] bin karmaa hor firai ghanayree.
Without His grace, countless other wander around.
mir mir jMmY cukY n PyrI ] mar mar jaMmai, chukai na fayree.
They die, and die (again) (to be) born (again); their cycle of (reincarnation) does not end.
ibKu kw rwqw ibKu kmwvY suKu n kbhU pwieAw ]13]
bikh kaa raataa bikh kamaavai, sukh na kabhoo paa-i-aa. ||13||
Imbued with poison, they earn poison; they never find happiness. 13
bhuqy ByK kry ByKDwrI ] bahutay bhaykh karay bhaykh-dhaaree.
The disguiser (i.e. hypocrite) disguises himself in many (religious) robes.
ibnu sbdY haumY iknY n mwrI ] bin sabdai ha-umai kinai na maaree.
Without the word no one has (ever) conquered egotism?
jIvqu mrY qw mukiq pwey scY nwie smwieAw ]14]
jeevat marai taa mukat paa-ay, sachai naa-ay samaa-i-aa. ||14||
One who remains dead while yet alive, is liberated; and, merges in the True name. 14
AigAwnu iqRsnw iesu qnih jlwey ] agi-aan tarisnaa is taneh jalaa-ay.
(Spiritual) ignorance and desires burn this (human) body.
P. 1068
iqs dI bUJY ij gur sbdu kmwey ] tis dee boojhai je gur sabad kamaa-ay.
His ( fire of desires) is put off, who earns (i.e. lives according to) the word of the Guru.
qnu mnu sIqlu k®oDu invwry haumY mwir smwieAw ]15]
tan man seetal krodh nivaaray, ha-umai maar samaa-i-aa. ||15||
His mind and body are cooled (i.e. soothed), when he silences his anger; and, conquering his
egotism he merges (in God). 15
scw swihbu scI vifAweI ] sachaa saahib sachee vadi-aa-ee.
True is the Lord, and true is his greatness.
gur prswdI ivrlY pweI ] gur parsaadee virlai paa-ee.
By the grace of Guru, some rare one obtains it.
nwnku eyk khY bynµqI nwmy nwim smwieAw ]16]1]23]
naanak ayk kahai baynaNtee, naamay naam samaa-i-aa. ||16||1||23||
Nanak (says): I offer this one prays: (one who has obtained this state) he remains merged in
the name and name alone . 16.1.23

mwrU mhlw 3 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 3

ndrI Bgqw lYhu imlwey ] nadree bhagtaa laihu milaa-ay.
(O! Lord), by (Your) glance (of grace), unite (Your) devotees (with Yourself).
Bgq slwhin sdw ilv lwey ] bhagat salaahan sadaa liv laa-ay.

The devotees forever praise (You) and focus on You.
qau srxweI aubrih krqy Awpy myil imlwieAw ]1] ta-o sarṇaa-ee ubrahi, kartay aapay mayl milaa-i-aa. ||1||
In Your refuge they are saved (from vices); O! Creator, You have Yourself united them in
union (with You). 1
pUrY sbid Bgiq suhweI ] poorai sabad bhagat suhaa-ee.
Beauteous is the devotion performed through the perfect word.
AMqir suKu qyrY min BweI ] aNtar sukh tayrai man bhaa-ee.
It (i.e. this devotion) brings peace within (the mind), and, is pleasing to Your mind.
mnu qnu scI BgqI rwqw scy isau icqu lwieAw ]2]
man tan sachee bhagtee raataa, sachay si-o chit laa-i-aa. ||2||
Their mind and body are imbued with true devotion; and, they focus their mind upon the
True (Lord). 2
haumY ivic sd jlY srIrw ] ha-umai vich sad jalai sareeraa.
The body is forever burning in egotism.
krmu hovY Byty guru pUrw ] karam hovai bhaytay gur pooraa.
When God grants His Grace, one meets with the perfect Guru.
AMqir AigAwnu sbid buJwey siqgur qy suKu pwieAw ]3]
aNtar agi-aan sabad bujhaa-ay, satgur tay sukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
The word dispels one’s (spiritual) ignorance within, and, through the True Guru, one
obtains happiness. 3
mnmuKu AMDw AMDu kmwey ] manmukh aNdhaa aNdh kamaa-ay.
Blind mind-oriented earns blindness (i.e. acts blindly, ignorantly).
bhu sMkt jonI Brmwey ] baho saNkat jonee bharmaa-ay.
He suffers great trouble, and, wanders in incarnations.
jm kw jyvVw kdy n kwtY AMqy bhu duKu pwieAw ]4]
jam kaa jayvṛaa kaday na kaatai, antay baho dukh paa-i-aa. ||4||
The noose of death (around his neck) is never snapped, and, in the end, he suffers greatf pain. 4
Awvx jwxw sbid invwry ] scu nwmu rKY aur Dwry ]
aavaṇ jaaṇaa sabad nivaaray. sach naam rakhai ur dhaaray.
One’s coming and going (in incarnation) is ended through the word,
(when) one enshrines the True name within his heart
gur kY sbid mrY mnu mwry haumY jwie smwieAw ]5]
gur kai sabad marai man maaray, ha-umai jaa-ay samaa-i-aa. ||5||
He dies in the word of the Guru and conquers his mind; his egotism is stilled and he merges
(in God). 5
Awvx jwxY prj ivgoeI ] aavaṇ jaaṇai paraj vigo-ee.
(The people of) the world is wasting away in coming and going,
ibnu siqgur iQru koie n hoeI ] bin satgur thir ko-ay na ho-ee.
Without the True Guru, no one becomes stable.
AMqir joiq sbid suKu visAw joqI joiq imlwieAw ]6] a tar jot sabad sukh vasi-aa, jotee jot milaa-i-aa. ||6||
(When) the Light (of God) is revealed within, and, through the word happiness comes to
abide (within one’s heart), (then) his light merges in the Light (of God). 6
pMc dUq icqvih ivkwrw ] paNch doot chitvahi vikaaraa.
(In the company of) the five demons one thinks of evil deed (i.e. sins, vices).
mwieAw moh kw eyhu pswrw ] maa-i-aa moh kaa ayhu pasaaraa.
All this is (i.e. everywhere there is) the expanse of attachment to maya.
siqguru syvy qw mukqu hovY pMc dUq vis AwieAw ]7]
satgur sayvay taa mukat hovai, panch doot vas aa-i-aa. ||7||
If one serves the True Guru, then he is liberated; and, the five demons come under control. 7
bwJu gurU hY mohu gubwrw ] baajh guroo hai moh gubaaraa.
Without the Guru, there is darkness of (emotional) attachment (everywhere).
iPir iPir fubY vwro vwrw ] fir fir dubai vaaro vaaraa.
Repeatedly and over and over again, one drowns (in the ocean of attachment to maya).
siqgur Byty scu idRVwey scu nwmu min BwieAw ]8]
satgur bhaytay sach driṛ-aa-ay, sach naam man bhaa-i-aa. ||8||
If one meets with the True Guru, he implants truth within him; and, the true name becomes
pleasing to him. 8
swcw dru swcw drvwrw ] saachaa dar saachaa darvaaraa.
True is His door and true is His court.
scy syvih sbid ipAwrw ] sachay sayveh sabad pi-aaraa.
Serve the True through the beloved word.
scI Duin scy gux gwvw scy mwih smwieAw ]9]
sachee dhun sachay guṇ gaavaa, sachay maahi samaa-i-aa. ||9||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord) in true melody, I am absorbed in the
True (Lord). 9
GrY AMdir ko Gru pwey ] gur kY sbdy shij suBwey ]
gharai aNdar ko ghar paa-ay. gur kai sabday sahj subhaa-ay.
(When) one finds the Home (of the Lord) within one’s home (i.e. inner-self),
he merges in the word of the Guru in natural ease.
EQY sogu ivjogu n ivAwpY shjy shij smwieAw ]10] othai sog vijog na vi-aapai, sehjay sahj samaa-i-aa. ||10||
There (in this state) one is not afflicted with sorrow or separated; and, he remains merged in
in God in natural ease. 10
dUjY Bwie dustw kw vwsw ] doojai bhaa-ay dustaa kaa vaasaa.
Love for duality is (like) living with the evil people.
Baudy iPrih bhu moh ipAwsw ] bha-uday fireh baho moh pi-aasaa.
They remain wandering, in great thirst of attachment (to maya).
kusMgiq bhih sdw duKu pwvih duKo duKu kmwieAw ]11]
kusaNgat baheh sadaa dukh paavahi, dukho dukh kamaa-i-aa. ||11||
Sitting in evil company they always suffer sorrows forever; they earn sorrows and (nothing
but) sorrows. 11
siqgur bwJhu sMgiq n hoeI ] satgur baajhahu saNgat na ho-ee.
Without the True Guru, there is no congregation.
ibnu sbdy pwru n pwey koeI ] bin sabday paar na paa-ay ko-ee.
Without the word, no one can cross over (the world ocean).
shjy gux rvih idnu rwqI joqI joiq imlwieAw ]12] sehjay guṇ raveh din raatee, jotee jot milaa-i-aa. ||12||

One, who chants (the praise of) the excellences (of God), day and night, his light merges into
the Light (of God). 12
kwieAw ibrKu pMKI ivic vwsw ] kaa-i-aa birakh paNkhee vich vaasaa.
The body is (like) a tree, and, the bird lives on (i.e. soul dwells in) it.
AMimRqu cugih gur sbid invwsw ] amrit chugeh gur sabad nivaasaa.
It pecks (i.e. drinks in) Amrit, and, dwells in the word of Guru.
aufih n mUly n Awvih n jwhI inj Gir vwsw pwieAw ]13]
udeh na moolay, na aavahi na jaahee; nij ghar vaasaa paa-i-aa. ||13||
It never flies away; it does not come or go; it dwells in the home of its own self. 13
kwieAw soDih sbdu vIcwrih ] moh TgaurI Brmu invwrih ]
kaa-i-aa sodheh sabad vichaareh. moh ṭag-uree bharam nivaareh.
(Those who) purify their bodies (i.e. save it from sins), and, contemplate the word (of the Guru);
(they) save themselves from the cheating drug of (emotional) attachment and eradicate doubt.
Awpy ik®pw kry suKdwqw Awpy myil imlwieAw ]14] aapay kirpaa karay sukh-daata, aapay mayl milaa-i-aa||14||
The Giver of happiness Himself bestows His kindness, and, He Himself unites one in union. 14
P. 1069
sd hI nyVY dUir n jwxhu ] ad hee nayṛai door na jaaṇhu.
He is always near, deem not Him far away.
gur kY sbid njIik pCwxhu ] gur kai sabad najeek pachhaaṇhu.
Through the word of the Guru, realize that He is very near.
ibgsY kmlu ikrix prgwsY prgtu kir dyKwieAw ]15]
bigsai kamal kiraṇ pargaasai, pargat kar daykhaa-i-aa. ||15||
The lotus (of heart) blossoms forth, (when) the ray (of light) illumines it (i.e. the heart); he (i.e.
the Guru) reveals Him (to the devotee).15
Awpy krqw scw soeI ] aapay kartaa sachaa so-ee.
The True (Lord) Himself is the Creator.
Awpy mwir jIvwly Avru n koeI ] aapay maar jeevaalay, avar na ko-ee.
He Himself kills and (He Himself) gives life; there is no other.
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI Awpu gvwie suKu pwieAw ]16]2]24]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, aap gavaa-ay sukh paa-i-aa. ||16||2||24||
Nanak (says): Through the name greatness (glory/ honour) is obtained; and, eradicating self-
conceit happiness is obtained.16.2.24

mwrU solhy mhlw 4 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 4

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
scw Awip svwrxhwrw ] sachaa aap savaaraṇhaaraa.
The True Himself embellishes (the Guru-oriented).
Avr n sUJis bIjI kwrw ] avar na soojhas beejee kaaraa.
(Hence, the Guru-oriented) does not think of any other work (except meditating upon His name).

gurmuiK scu vsY Gt AMqir shjy sic smweI hy ]1]
gurmukh sach vasai ghat aNtar, sehjay sach samaa-ee hay. ||1||
The True (Lord) abides within the heart of the Guru-oriented; and, he merges in the True
(Lord) in natural ease. 1
sBnw scu vsY mn mwhI ] sabhnaa sach vasai man maahee.
The True (Lord) abides within the minds of all.
gur prswdI shij smwhI ] gur parsaadee sahj samaahee.
By the grace of the Guru, and, they merge in the True (Lord) in natural ease
guru guru krq sdw suKu pwieAw gur crxI icqu lweI hy ]2]
gur gur karat sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, gur charṇee chit laa-ee hay. ||2||
Chanting ‘Guru’, ‘Guru’, they find happiness; and, they focus their mind on the feet of the
Guru. 2
siqguru hY igAwnu siqguru hY pUjw ] siqguru syvI Avru n dUjw ]
satgur hai gi-aan, satgur hai poojaa. satgur sayvee avar na doojaa.
The True Guru is knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom), and, the True Guru is worship;
(hence) I serve the True Guru and no other.
siqgur qy nwmu rqn Dnu pwieAw siqgur kI syvw BweI hy ]3]
satgur tay naam ratan dhan paa-i-aa, satgur kee sayvaa bhaa-ee hay. ||3||
From the True Guru, I have obtained the wealth of the name, (precious like) jewel; the service
of the True Guru is pleasing to me. 3
ibnu siqgur jo dUjY lwgy ] Awvih jwih BRim mrih ABwgy ]
bin satgur jo doojai laagay. aavahi jaahi bharam mareh abhaagay.
Without the True Guru, those who are attached to duality; (these) misfortune ones come and
go and wander in doubt and die (to be born in reincarnation).
nwnk iqn kI iPir giq hovY ij gurmuiK rhih srxweI hy ]4]
naanak, tin kee fir gat hovai, je gurmukh raheh sarnaa-ee hay. ||4||
Nanak (says): they can still be emancipated, if they become Guru-oriented and remain in his
gurmuiK pRIiq sdw hY swcI ] gurmukh preet sadaa hai saachee.
The love of the Guru-oriented is forever true.
siqgur qy mwgau nwmu AjwcI ] satgur tay maaga-o naam ajaachee.
I beg for inestimable (i.e. endless) name from the True Guru.
hohu dieAwlu ik®pw kir hir jIau riK lyvhu gur srxweI hy ]5]
hohu da-i-aal, kirpaa kar har jee-o; rakh layvhu gur sarṇaa-ee hay. ||5||
O! dear God, be kind and bestow Your grace; and (please) keep me in the refuge of the Guru. 5
AMimRq rsu siqgurU cuAwieAw ] aMmrit ras satguroo chu-aa-i-aa.
The True Guru has tricked (i.e. poured in my moth) the AMmrit essence (of the name); and,
dsvY duAwir pRgtu hoie AwieAw ] dasvai du-aar pargat ho-ay aa-i-aa.
He becomes revealed in the Tenth Gate.
qh Anhd sbd vjih Duin bwxI shjy shij smweI hy ]6]
tah anhad sabad vajeh dhun baṇee, sehjay sahj samaa-ee hay. ||6||
The music of the unstruck word is played in the sound of the word; and, one is absorbed (in

God) in natural ease. 6
ijn kau krqY Duir iliK pweI ] Anidnu guru guru krq ivhweI ]
jin ka-o kartai dhur likh paa-ee. an-din gur gur karat vihaa-ee.
Those, for whom the Creator has preordained it;
they spend their day and night pass in chanting (the name of) ‘Guru’, ‘Guru’.
ibnu siqgur ko sIJY nwhI gur crxI icqu lweI hy ]7]
bin satgur ko seejhai naahee, gur charṇee chit laa-ee hay. ||7||
Without the True Guru no one understands; (hence) I focus my mind on the feet of the Guru. 7
ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpy dyie ] jis bhaavai tis aapay day-ay.
He Himself blesses the one with whom He is pleased.
gurmuiK nwmu pdwrQu lyie ] gurmukh naam padaarath lay-ay.
The Guru-oriented obtains the wealth of name.
Awpy ik®pw kry nwmu dyvY nwnk nwim smweI hy ]8]
aapay kirpaa karay naam dayvai, naanak naam samaa-ee hay. ||8||
Nanak (says): He, whom He Himself bestows His grace and grants the name, (that devotee)
remains immersed in the name. 8
igAwn rqnu min prgtu BieAw ] nwmu pdwrQu shjy lieAw ]
gi-aan ratan man pargat bha-i-aa. naam padaarath sehjay la-i-aa.
One, within whose mind the jewel of (spiritual) knowledge (of the Guru) is revealed;
he obtains the wealth of name in natural ease.
eyh vifAweI gur qy pweI siqgur kau sd bil jweI hy ]9]
ayh vadi-aa-ee gur tay paa-ee, satgur ka-o sad bal jaa-ee hay. ||9||
This glory (i.e. honour) is obtained from the Guru; I am for ever a sacrifice unto the True Guru. 9
pRgitAw sUru inis imitAw AMiDAwrw ] AigAwnu imitAw gur rqin Apwrw ]
pargati-aa soor nis miti-aa aNdhi-aaraa. agi-aan miti-aa gur ratan apaaraa.
With the rising of the sun, the darkness of night is dispelled; (similarly),
(spiritual) ignorance is eradicated by the priceless jewel of the Guru.
siqgur igAwnu rqnu Aiq BwrI krim imlY suKu pweI hy ]10]
satgur gi-aan ratan at bhaaree, karam milai sukh paa-ee hay. ||10||
The True Guru is great and lofty jewel of (spiritual) knowledge; it is obtained by (God’s) grace
(and, obtaining it) happiness is found. 10
gurmuiK nwmu pRgtI hY soie ] gurmukh naam pargatee hai so-ay.
One, who obtains the name through the Guru, his glory becomes manifest (everywhere);
chu juig inrmlu hCw loie ] chahu jug nirmal hachhaa lo-ay.
He becomes immaculate throughout the four Ages and is regards as good.
nwmy nwim rqy suKu pwieAw nwim rihAw ilv lweI hy ]11]
naamay naam ratay sukh paa-i-aa, naam rahi-aa liv laa-ee hay. ||11||
Imbued with the name and the name 9alone), he finds happiness; and, he remains attuned with
the name. 11
gurmuiK nwmu prwpiq hovY ] shjy jwgY shjy sovY ]
gurmukh naam paraapat hovai. sehjay jaagai sehjay sovai.
One who obtains name through the Guru;
He sleeps in natural ease and wakes in natural ease.
P. 1070
gurmuiK nwim smwie smwvY nwnk nwmu iDAweI hy ]12]
gurmukh naam samaa-ay samaavai, naanak naam dhi-aa-ee hay. ||12||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented remains immersed and absorbed in the name, and, he
meditates upon the name (forever).12
Bgqw muiK AMimRq hY bwxI ] bhagtaa mukh aMmrit hai baṇee.
The AMmrit word (of the Guru) is (i.e. has abode) in the mouth of the devotees.
gurmuiK hir nwmu AwiK vKwxI ] gurmukh har naam aakh vakhaaṇee.
The Guru-oriented chant and speak (to others) the name of God.
hir hir krq sdw mnu ibgsY hir crxI mnu lweI hy ]13]
har har karat sadaa man bigsai, har charṇee man laa-ee hay. ||13||
Chanting (the name of) God, the Lord, their minds forever blossom forth; they focus their
mind on the feet of God. 13
hm mUrK AigAwn igAwnu ikCu nwhI ] ham moorakh agi-aan gi-aan kichh naahee.
(O! God) we are foolish and ignorant, (we) have no understanding at all.
siqgur qy smJ pVI mn mwhI ] satgur tay samajh parhee man maahee.
Through the True Guru, I have obtained understanding in my mind.
hohu dieAwlu ik®pw kir hir jIau siqgur kI syvw lweI hy ]14]
hohu da-i-aal, kirpaa kar, har jee-o; satgur kee sayvaa laa-ee hay. ||14||
O! dear God, (please) be kind and bestow Your grace (upon me), and, attach me to the service
of the True Guru. 14
ijin siqguru jwqw iqin eyku pCwqw ] jin satgur jaataa tin ayk pachhaataa.
Those who have known the True Guru, they have realized the One (Lord).
srby riv rihAw suKdwqw ] sarbay rav rahi-aa sukh-daata.
The Giver of Happiness is pervading all.
Awqmu cIin prm pdu pwieAw syvw suriq smweI hy ]15]
aatam cheen param pad paa-i-aa; sayvaa surat samaa-ee hay. ||15||
Understanding his own self, he has obtained the supreme status; his mind remains
immersed in (God’s) service. 15
ijn kau Awid imlI vifAweI ] siqguru min visAw ilv lweI ]
jin ka-o aad milee vadi-aa-ee. satgur man vasi-aa liv laa-ee.
Those who have been blessed with greatness, from the very beginning (i.e. from God);
the True Guru dwells within their mind, and , they remain attuned to him.
Awip imilAw jgjIvnu dwqw nwnk AMik smweI hy ]16]1]
aap mili-aa jagjeevan daataa, naanak aNk samaa-ee hay. ||16||1||
Nanak (says): The Giver of the life Himself meets them; and, they remain absorbed in His
embrace. 16.1

mwrU mhlw 4 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 4

hir Agm Agocru sdw AibnwsI ] har agam agochar sadaa abhinaasee.
God is inaccessible, imperceptible, and forever imperishable.
srby riv rihAw Gt vwsI ] sarbay rav rahi-aa ghat vaasee.
He is all pervading, dwells in (each and every) heart.
iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI dwqw hir iqsih sryvhu pRwxI hy ]1]
tis bin avar na ko-ee daataa, har tiseh sarayvhu paraaṇee hay. ||1||
There is no other Giver except Him. Serve Him, O! mortals. 1
jw kau rwKY hir rwKxhwrw ] qw kau koie n swkis mwrw ]
jaa ka-o raakhai har raakhaṇhaaraa. taa ka-o ko-ay na saakas maaraa.
One who is protected by God - the Saviour, no one can kill him.
so AYsw hir syvhu sMqhu jw kI aUqm bwxI hy ]2] so aisaa har sayvhu sa tahu, jaa kee ootam banee hay. ||2||
So, O! God-oriented persons, serve such a Lord, whose word is superb (i.e. sublime). 2
jw jwpY ikCu ikQwaU nwhI ] qw krqw BrpUir smwhI ]
jaa jaapai kichh kithaa-oo naahee. taa kartaa bharpoor samaahee.
When it seems that there is nothing at some place (i.e. when it seems just void);
there the Creator is fully pervading (and permeating everywhere).
sUky qy Puin hirAw kIqonu hir iDAwvhu coj ivfwxI hy ]3]
sookay tay fun hari-aa keeton, har dhi-aavahu choj vidaanee hay. ||3||
He gets the dried up to (blossom up) into green again; (so) meditate upon Him, wondrous are
plays. 3
jo jIAw kI vydn jwxY ] iqsu swihb kY hau kurbwxY ]
jo jee-aa kee vaydan jaaṇai. tis saahib kai ha-o kurbaaṇai.
The One who knows the agony of heart; I am a sacrifice unto that Lord.
iqsu AwgY jn kir bynµqI jo srb suKw kw dwxI hy ]4]
tis aagai, jan, kar baynaNtee, jo sarab sukhaa kaa daaṇee hay. ||4||
O! servant (i.e. devotee), offer your prayer to the One, who is the Giver of all happiness. 4
jo jIAY kI swr n jwxY ] iqsu isau ikCu n khIAY AjwxY ]
jo jee-ai kee saar na jaaṇai. tis si-o kichh na kahee-ai ajaaṇai.
(But) One who does not know the state of your heart,
do not say anything to such an ignorant person.
mUrK isau nh lUJu prwxI hir jpIAY pdu inrbwxI hy ]5]
moorakh si-o nah loojh paraaṇee, har japee-ai pad nirbaaṇee hay. ||5||
Do not quarrel (i.e. argue) with fools, O! mortals; and, meditate upon God, (who blesses) the
state of salvation. 5
nw kir icMq icMqw hY krqy ] naa kar chiNt, chiNtaa hai kartay.
Do not worry, the worries are with the Creator (i.e. He takes care of all).
hir dyvY jil Qil jMqw sBqY ] har dayvai jal thal jaNtaa sabh-tai.
God gives (sustenance) to all creatures in the water and on the land.
AicMq dwnu dyie pRBu myrw ivic pwQr kIt pKwxI hy ]6]
achiNt daan day-ay prabh mayraa, vich paathar keet pakhaaṇee hay. ||6||
My Lord bestows gifts suddenly (He bestow what we don’t have even in out thinking, i.e. what
we have even not asked for); (He provides sustenance even) to the worms in stones, in rocks. 6
nw kir Aws mIq suq BweI ] naa kar aas meet sut bhaa-ee.
(O! brethren) do not place your hopes in friends, sons or brothers.
nw kir Aws iksY swh ibauhwr kI prweI ] naa kar aas kisai saah bi-uhaar kee paraa-ee.

Do not place hope in any banker, or treatment from (i.e. help from) any other.
ibnu hir nwvY ko bylI nwhI hir jpIAY swrMgpwxI hy ]7]
bin har naavai ko baylee naahee, har japee-ai saaraNgpaaṇee* hay. ||7||
Without the name of God, no one is a friend; so, meditate (only) upon God. 7
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ . This is another attribute and name of God].
Anidnu nwmu jphu bnvwrI ] sB Awsw mnsw pUrY QwrI ]
an-din naam japahu banvaaree*. sabh aasaa mansaa poorai thaaree.
Day and night, meditate upon the name of God. He shall fulfill all your hopes and desires.
[*Literally: ‘Lord of the (world) Forest’ / ‘Lord of the World (i.e. the world as big forest)’. This is one of the attributes
and, the names of God].
jn nwnk nwmu jphu Bv KMfnu suiK shjy rYix ivhwxI hy ]8]
jan naanak naam japahu bhav khaNdan, sukh sehjay raiṇ vihaaṇee hay. ||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): meditate upon the name of the Destroyer of Fears; and,
Your night (of life) will pass in peace and poise. 8
ijin hir syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw ] jin har sayvi-aa tin sukh paa-i-aa.
Those who have served (i.e. meditated upon) God, ave obtained (spiritual) happiness.
shjy hI hir nwim smwieAw ] sehjay hee har naam samaa-i-aa.
They are absorbed in the name of God in natural ease.
jo srix prY iqs kI piq rwKY jwie pUChu vyd purwxI hy ]9]
jo saraṇ parai tis kee pat raakhai, jaa-ay poochhahu vayd puraaṇee hay. ||9||
He protects his honour of those who seek His refuge; go and ask (i.e. consult) Vedas and
Purans (i.e. these books too proclaim this). 9
ijsu hir syvw lwey soeI jnu lwgY ] jis har sayvaa laa-ay so-ee jan laagai.
Those beings alone are attached to His service (i.e. meditation), whom God so attaches.
gur kY sbid Brm Bau BwgY ] gur kai sabad bharam bha-o bhaagai.
Through the word of the Guru doubts and fears run away (i.e. are dispelled).
ivcy igRh sdw rhY audwsI ijau kmlu rhY ivic pwxI hy ]10]
vichay garih sadaa rahai udaasee, ji-o kamal rahai vich paaṇee hay. ||10||
Such a person, remains unattached in his home, like a lotus (flower lives) in water. 10
P. 1071
ivic haumY syvw Qwie n pwey ] vich ha-umai sayvaa thaa-ay na paa-ay.
One, who serves in egotism, (his service) is not accepted.
jnim mrY iPir AwvY jwey ] janam marai fir aavai jaa-ay.
He is born and dies, and, he comes and goes again (in reincarnation) .
so qpu pUrw sweI syvw jo hir myry min BwxI hy ]11]
so tap pooraa saa-ee sayvaa, jo har mayray man bhaaṇee hay. ||11||
Perfect is that penance and that service, which is pleasing to the mind of my Lord. 11
hau ikAw gux qyry AwKw suAwmI ] ha-o ki-aa guṇ tayray aakhaa su-aamee.
What excellences of Yours should I chant, O! my Lord?
qU srb jIAw kw AMqrjwmI ] too sarab jee-aa kaa aNtarjaamee.
You are Controller of the Souls of all the beings.

hau mwgau dwnu quJY pih krqy hir Anidnu nwmu vKwxI hy ]12]
ha-o maaga-o daan tujhai peh kartay, har an-din naam vakhaaṇee hay. ||12||
I beg for a gift from You, O! Creator: I chant Your name day and night. 12
iks hI joru AhMkwr bolx kw ] kis hee jor ahaMkaar bolaṇ kaa.
Some have the power and ego of (power of) speaking.
iks hI joru dIbwn mwieAw kw ] kis hee jor deebaan maa-i-aa kaa.
Some one has the power of command (i.e. authority) and maya.
mY hir ibnu tyk Dr Avr n kweI qU krqy rwKu mY inmwxI hy ]13]
mai har bin tayk dhar avar na kaa-ee, too kartay raakh mai nimaaṇee hay. ||13||
I have no support or base of any one, except God, O! Creator, (please) save me, the honour-
less (i.e. humble and without power). 13
inmwxy mwxu krih quDu BwvY ] nimaaṇay maaṇ karahi tudh bhaavai.
You are honour of those without; You do what pleases You.
hor kyqI JiK JiK AwvY jwvY ] hor kaytee jhakh jhakh aavai jaavai.
Many others remain prating; (they) come and go (in reincarnation).
ijn kw pKu krih qU suAwmI iqn kI aUpir gl quDu AwxI hy ]14]
jin kaa pakh karahi too su-aamee, tin kee oopar gal tudh aaṇee hay. ||14||
Those (people), whose side You take, O! Lord, You elevate them above all. 1 4
hir hir nwmu ijnI sdw iDAwieAw ] iqnI gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw ]
har har naam jinee sadaa dhi-aa-i-aa. tinee gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa.
Those who meditate forever upon the name of God, the Lord;
by the grace of the Guru, they obtain the supreme status.
ijin hir syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw ibnu syvw pCoqwxI hy ]15]
jin har sayvi-aa tin sukh paa-i-aa, bin sayvaa pachhotaaṇee hay. ||15||
Those who serve God, obtain (spiritual) happiness; without serving (Him) they repent. 15
qU sB mih vrqih hir jgMnwQu ] too sabh meh varteh har jagaNnaath.
You pervade all, O! God, the Lord of the World.
so hir jpY ijsu gur msqik hwQu ] so har japai jis gur mastak haath.
He alone meditates upon God, upon whose forehead the Guru places his hand.
hir kI srix pieAw hir jwpI jnu nwnku dwsu dswxI hy ]16]2]
har kee saraṇ pa-i-aa har jaapee; jan naanak daas dasaaṇee hay. ||16||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am in the refuge of God, I meditate upon God; I am
slave of His slaves. 16.2

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
klw aupwie DrI ijin Drxw ] kalaa upaa-ay dharee jin dharṇaa.
He, who has created earth with His power;
ggnu rhwieAw hukmy crxw ] gagan rahaa-i-aa hukmay charṇaa.

He has positioned the sky by His command, with the support of His feet.
Agin aupwie eIDn mih bwDI so pRBu rwKY BweI hy ]1]
agan upaa-ay eedhan meh baadhee, so prabh raakhai bhaa-ee hay. ||1||
He has created fire and locked it into fuel (i.e. wood); that Lord protects all, O! brethren. 1
jIA jMq kau irjku sMbwhy ] jee-a jaNt ka-o rijak sambaahay.
He gives nourishment (i.e. sustenance) to all beings and creatures.
krx kwrx smrQ Awpwhy ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath aapaahay.
He Himself is all powerful, the Cause of causes.
iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw soeI qyrw shweI hy ]2]
khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa, so-ee tayraa sahaa-ee hay. ||2||
He establishes and disestablishes in an instant; He is Your help (O! Brethren). 2
mwq grB mih ijin pRiqpwilAw ] maat garabh meh jin partipaali-aa.
He nourished (i.e. sustained) you in the womb of the mother.
swis gRwis hoie sMig smwilAw ] saas garaas ho-ay saNg samaali-aa.
With each and every breath and morsel (of food), He is with you and takes care (of you).
sdw sdw jpIAY so pRIqmu vfI ijsu vifAweI hy ]3]
sadaa sadaa japee-ai so preetam, vadee jis vadi-aa-ee hay. ||3||
Forever and ever meditates upon that Beloved, great is His greatness (i.e. glory). 3
sulqwn Kwn kry iKn kIry ] sultaan khaan karay khin keeray.
He reduces the kings the chiefs into worm, in an instant.
grIb invwij kry pRBu mIry ] gareeb nivaaj karay parabh meeray.
God honours the poor, and makes them into nobles .
grb invwrx srb sDwrx ikCu kImiq khI n jweI hy ]4]
garab nivaaraṇ, sarab sadhaaraṇ, kichh keemat kahee na jaa-ee hay. ||4||
He is the Destroyer of Arrogance, and, the Support of all. His value cannot be assayed. 4
so piqvMqw so DnvMqw ] ijsu min visAw hir BgvMqw ]
so pativaNtaa so dhanvaNtaa. jis man vasi-aa har bhagvaNtaa.
He alone is honourable, and, he alone is wealthy;
within whose mind God, the Lord of Fortune, abides.
mwq ipqw suq bMDp BweI ijin ieh isRsit aupweI hy ]5]
maat pitaa sut baNdhap bhaa-ee, jin ih sarisat upaa-ee hay. ||5||
He, who has created this world, alone is my mother, father, son and brother. 5
pRB Awey srxw Bau nhI krxw ] prabh aa-ay sarṇaa, bha-o nahee karṇaa.
One, who comes into the refuge of God, should fears nothing.
swDsMgiq inhcau hY qrxw ] saadhsaNgat nihcha-o hai tarṇaa.
In the company of the God-oriented persons one is sure to be saved
mn bc krm ArwDy krqw iqsu nwhI kdy sjweI hy ]6]
man bach karam araadhay kartaa, tis naahee kaday sajaa-ee hay. ||6||
One who adores the Creator in mind (i.e. though), word and deed, shall never be punished
(by the messenger of death). 6
gux inDwn mn qn mih rivAw ] jnm mrx kI join n BivAw ]
guṇ nidhaan man tan meh ravi-aa. janam maraṇ kee jon na bhavi-aa.

One, who has remembered the Treasure of Excellences (i.e. God) in mind and body;
he does not wander in incarnation of birth and death.
dUK ibnws kIAw suiK fyrw jw iqRpiq rhy AwGweI hy ]7]
dookh binaas kee-aa sukh dayraa, jaa taripat rahay aaghaa-ee hay. ||7||
When he is satisfied and satiated, his sorrows vanish away and happiness comes to abide. 7
P. 1072
mIqu hmwrw soeI suAwmI ] meet hamaaraa so-ee su-aamee.
The Lord is my (real and only) friend.
Qwn Qnµqir AMqrjwmI ] thaan thanaNtar antarjaamee.
He is in all places and is the Controller of Souls..
ismir ismir pUrn prmysur icMqw gxq imtweI hy ]8]
simar simar pooran parmaysur, chiNtaa gaṇat mitaa-ee hay. ||8||
Remember and remember the perfect Supreme Lord (God), I am rid of all worries and
calculations. 8
hir kw nwmu koit lK bwhw ] har kaa naam kot lakh baahaa.
The name of God is (like having) tens of millions, hundreds of thousands of arms.
hir jsu kIrqnu sMig Dnu qwhw ] har jas keertan saNg dhan taahaa.
The singing of the praise of God, is the wealth with him.
igAwn KVgu kir ikrpw dInw dUq mwry kir DweI hy ]9]
gi-aan khaṛag kar kirpaa deenaa, doot maaray kar dhaa-ee hay. ||9||
Becoming kind, He has given me the sword of knowledge (spiritual wisdom), and, I have
attacked and killed the demons (i.e. the five passions). 9
hir kw jwpu jphu jpu jpny ] har kaa jaap japahu jap japnay.
(O! brethren) meditate upon meditation (i.e. name) of God; this meditation (i.e. only His name)
is worth meditating.
jIiq Awvhu vshu Gir Apny ] jeet aavhu vashu ghar apnay.
Becoming victorious, come and dwell in your own home of self.
lK caurwsIh nrk n dyKhu rsik rsik gux gweI hy ]10]
lakh cha-oraaseeh narak na daykhhu rasak rasak guṇ gaa-ee hay. ||10||
You shall not see the 8.4 million hells (i.e. you shall not have to live in incarnation); (if you)
loving and sweetly sing (the praise of) the excellences (of God). 10
KMf bRhmMf auDwrxhwrw ] khaNd barahmaNd udhaaraṇhaaraa.
He is the Emancipator of continents and the universes.
aUc AQwh AgMm Apwrw ] ooch athaah agaMm apaaraa.
He is very lofty, unfathomable, inaccessible and infinite.
ijs no ik®pw kry pRBu ApnI so jnu iqsih iDAweI hy ]11]
jis no kirpaa karay prabh apnee, so jan tiseh dhi-aa-ee hay. ||11||
That servant (i.e. devotee), unto whom the Lord bestows his grace, meditates upon Him. 11
bMDn qoiV lIey pRiB moly ] kir ikrpw kIny Gr goly ]
baNdhan toṛ lee-ay prabh molay. kar kirpaa keenay ghar golay.
(Those) whose bonds God has broken, and bought them (with payment of His live); and,
bestowing His grace, He made them the slaves of His home.

Anhd rux Juxkwru shj Duin swcI kwr kmweI hy ]12]
anhad ruṇ jhuṇkaar sahj dhun, saachee kaar kamaa-ee hay. ||12||
The sweet melody of unstruck celestial sound vibrates (their minds), when they earn true
deeds (i.e. perform true service /meditation of God). 12
min prqIiq bnI pRB qyrI ] ibnis geI haumY miq myrI ]
man parteet banee prabh tayree. binas ga-ee ha-umai mat mayree.
O! God, (since) I have enshrined faith in You within my mind,
my egotistic wisdom has vanished away (i.e. has been totally destroyed).
AMgIkwru kIAw pRiB ApnY jg mih soB suhweI hy ]13]
aNgeekaar kee-aa prabh apnai, jag meh sobh suhaa-ee hay. ||13||
My Lord has made me His own, (hence) I have been graced with glory in the world. 13
jY jY kwru jphu jgdIsY ] jai jai kaar japahu jagdeesai.
I hail and praise, and, meditate upon the Lord of the Universe.
bil bil jweI pRB Apuny eIsY ] bal bal jaa-ee prabh apunay eesai.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto my God, the Lord.
iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n dIsY eykw jgiq sbweI hy ]14]
tis bin doojaa avar na deesai, aykaa jagat sabaa-ee hay. ||14||
I do not see any other than Him; the One alone is pervades the whole world. 14
siq siq siq pRBu jwqw ] gur prswid sdw mnu rwqw ]
sat sat sat prabh jaataa. gur parsaad sadaa man raataa.
(He, who) has known the Lord as True and True but True (i.e. true and eternal),
by the grace of the Guru his mind is always attuned to Him.
ismir ismir jIvih jn qyry eykMkwir smweI hy ]15]
simar simar jeeveh jan tayray, aykaNkaar samaa-ee hay. ||15||
(O! Lord) Your servants (i.e. devotees) live by remembering and remembering You. They
remain immersed in the One Creator (Lord). 15
Bgq jnw kw pRIqmu ipAwrw ] bhagat janaa kaa pareetam pi-aaraa.
The Dear (Lord) is the Beloved of the devotee beings.
sBY auDwrxu Ksmu hmwrw ] sabhai udhaaran khasam hamaaraa.
Our Master is the Saviour of all.
ismir nwmu puMnI sB ieCw jn nwnk pYj rKweI hy ]16]1]
simar naam puNnee sabh ichhaa, jan naanak paij rakhaa-ee hay. ||16||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the name (of God),
all desires are fulfilled; He protects the honour (of His devotees). 16.1

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sMgI jogI nwir lptwxI ] saNgee jogee naar laptaaṇee.
The (body) bride remains clinging to the Yogi (i.e. individual soul);

auriJ rhI rMg rs mwxI ] urajh rahee raNg ras maaṇee.
She remains engrossed in enjoying pleasures.
ikrq sMjogI Bey iekqRw krqy Bog iblwsw hy ]1] kirat sa jogee bha-ay iktaraa, kartay bhog bilaasaa hay. ||1||
As a consequence of past actions they have come together and enjoy pleasures. 1
jo ipru krY su Dn qqu mwnY ] jo pir karai so dhan tat maanai.
Whatever husband (i.e. soul) does (i.e. commands), the bride immediately accepts.
ipru Dnih sIgwir rKY sMgwnY ] pir dhaneh seegaar rakhai saNgaanai.
The husband adorns his wife and keeps her with him.
imil eykqR vsih idnu rwqI ipRau dy Dnih idlwsw hy ]2]
mil ayktar vaseh din raatee, pari-o day dhaneh dilaasaa hay. ||2||
Joining together they live (happily) day and night; the husband comforts his wife. 2
Dn mwgY ipRau bhu ibiD DwvY ] jo pwvY so Awix idKwvY ]
dhan maagai pari-o baho bidh dhaavai. jo paavai so aaṇ dikhaavai.
When the (body) bride asks (for something), husband runs around in all sorts of ways;
whatever he obtains he brings and shows her.
eyk vsqu kau phuic n swkY Dn rhqI BUK ipAwsw hy ]3]
ayk vasat ka-o pahuch na saakai, dhan rahtee bhookh pi-aasaa hay. ||3||
(But) one thing he cannot reach (i.e. he can not obtain the name); hence the (body) bride
remains thirsty and hungry. 3
Dn krY ibnau doaU kr jorY ] ipRA prdyis n jwhu vshu Gir morY ]
dhan karai bin-o do-oo kar jorai. pari-a pardays na jaahu vashu ghar morai.
With hands pressed together the (body) wife offers her prayer:
‘O! my beloved do not go to foreign lands, (please) stay with me.
AYsw bxju krhu igRh BIqir ijqu auqrY BUK ipAwsw hy ]4]
aisaa baṇaj karahu garih bheetar, jit utrai bhookh pi-aasaa hay. ||4||
Do such business within my home; (with that) my hunger and thirst will be quenched. 4
sgly krm Drm jug swDw ] saglay karam dharam jug saadhaa.
(People) perform all the (religious) rituals of this Age;
ibnu hir rs suKu iqlu nhI lwDw ] bin har ras sukh til nahee laadhaa.
But without the essence of (the name of) God, not equaling even a sesame seed (i.e. even an
iota) of happiness is found.
BeI ik®pw nwnk sqsMgy qau Dn ipr Anµd aulwsw hy ]5]
bha-ee kirpaa naanak satsaNgay, ta-o dhan pir anaNd ulaasaa hay. ||5||
Nanak (says): (When) He bestowed His grace, I joined the true congregation; then the (body)
bride enjoyed ecstasy and bliss (of union) with the husband. 5
P. 1073
Dn AMDI ipru cplu isAwnw ] dhan aNdhee, pir chapal si-aanaa.
The (body) bride is blind, and, the husband is clever and wise.
pMc qqu kw rcnu rcwnw ] paNch tat kaa rachan rachaanaa.
It is engrossed in the game of five the elements.
ijsu vKr kau qum Awey hhu so pwieE siqgur pwsw hy ]6]
jis vakhar ka-o tum aa-ay hahu, so paa-i-o satgur paasaa hay. ||6||

The merchandise, for which you have come into the world (to trade in), is with (i.e. received
only from) the True Guru. 6
Dn khY qU vsu mY nwly ] ipRA suKvwsI bwl gupwly ]
dhan kahai too vas mai naalay. pari-a sukhvaasee baal gupaalay.
The (body) bride says: (please) you live with me; O! my dear, peace-loving young Lord.
quJY ibnw hau ikq hI n lyKY vcnu dyih Coif n jwsw hy ]7]
tujhai binaa ha-o kit hee na laykhai, vachan deh chhod na jaasaa hay. ||7||
Without you, I am of no account (i.e. of no value); (please) give me your word that you will
not leave me (and go away from me). 7
ipir kihAw hau hukmI bMdw ] Ehu Bwro Twkuru ijsu kwix n CMdw ]
pir kahi-aa ha-o hukmee baNdaa. oh bhaaro ṭaakur jis kaaṇ na chhaNdaa.
The husband (i.e. soul) says :I am the slave of the command (of God); and,
He is the great Lord, who is not afraid of dependant on anyone.
ijcru rwKY iqcru qum sMig rhxw jw sdy q aUiT isDwsw hy ]8]
jichar raakhai tichar tum saNg rahṇaa; jaa saday ta ooṭ sidhaasaa hay. ||8||
As long as He keeps, I will remain with you. When He summons me, I shall arise and depart
(from you). 8
jau ipRA bcn khy Dn swcy ] Dn kCU n smJY cMcil kwcy ]
ja-o pari-a bachan kahay dhan saachay. dhan kachhoo na samjhai chaNchal kaachay.
When the husband spoke the true words to the (body) bride;
but the bride is playful and childish, (hence) she understands nothing.
bhuir bhuir ipr hI sMgu mwgY Ehu bwq jwnY kir hwsw hy ]9]
bahur bahur pir hee sang maagai, oh baat jaanai kar haasaa hay. ||9||
Again and again, she begs husband's company. When he speaks (i.e. answers), she thinks he
is just joking. 9
AweI AwigAw iprhu bulwieAw ] aa-ee aagi-aa pirahu bulaa-i-aa.
The order comes (from the Lord), and, the husband (i.e. soul) is called (back).
nw Dn puCI n mqw pkwieAw ] naa dhan puchhee na mataa pakaa-i-aa.
He does not ask her, nor consults her
aUiT isDwieE CUtir mwtI dyKu nwnk imQn mohwsw hy ]10]
ooṭ sidhaa-i-o chhootar maatee, daykh naanak, mithan mohaasaa hay. ||10||
Nanak (says): He arises and marches off, discarding the (body mingled into) dust; this
(relationship between body and soul) was all false (emotional) attachment. 10
ry mn loBI suix mn myry ] ray man lobhee suṇ man mayray.
O! (my) greedy mind, listen O! my mind.
siqguru syiv idnu rwiq sdy ry ] satgur sayv din raat saday hay.
Serve the True Guru, day and night, forever.
ibnu siqgur pic mUey swkq ingury gil jm Pwsw hy ]11]
bin satgur pach moo-ay saakat, niguray gal jam faasaa hay. ||11||
Without the True Guru, the non-believers rot away and die; the noose of death is around
the necks of those who have no Guru. 11
mnmuiK AwvY mnmuiK jwvY ] manmukh aavai manmukh jaavai.

The mind-oriented comes and the mind-oriented goes.
mnmuiK iPir iPir cotw KwvY ] manmukh fir fir chotaa khaavai.
The mind-oriented suffers blow (i.e. obtains punishment) again and again.
ijqny nrk sy mnmuiK BogY gurmuiK lypu n mwsw hy ]12]
jitnay narak say manmukh bhogai; gurmukh layp na maasaa hay. ||12||
The mind-oriented endures many sa many as hells there are; (whereas) the Guru-oriented is
not affected (i.e. is not even touched by hell) even a little bit. 12
gurmuiK soie ij hir jIau BwieAw ] gurmukh so-ay je har jee-o bhaa-i-aa.
he alone is Guru-oriented who is pleasing to dear God.
iqsu kauxu imtwvY ij pRiB pihrwieAw ] tis ka-uṇ mitaavai je prabh pehraa-i-aa.
Who can destroy anyone sho is robed (in honour) by the Lord.
sdw Anµdu kry AwnµdI ijsu isrpwau pieAw gil Kwsw hy ]13]
sadaa anand karay aanaNdee, jis sirpaa-o pa-i-aa gal khaasaa hay. ||13||
He is forever bliss (in the feet of) the Blissful (Lord), whose neck been garlanded with special
robe of honour. 13
hau bilhwrI siqgur pUry ] ha-o balihaaree satgur pooray.
I am a sacrifice unto the perfect True Guru.
srix ky dwqy bcn ky sUry ] saraṇ kay daatay bachan kay sooray.
He is the Giver of refuge, and, the warrior of words (i.e. one who keeps his word).
AYsw pRBu imilAw suKdwqw ivCuiV n kq hI jwsw hy ]14]
aisaa prabh mili-aa sukh-daata, vichhuṛ na kat hee jaasaa hay. ||14||
I have met with such Lord (who is) the Giver of Happiness; and, I shall never leave Him and go
anywhere else.14
gux inDwn ikCu kIm n pweI ] guṇ nidhaan kichh keem na paa-ee.
He is treasure of excellences; His value can not be estimated.
Git Git pUir rihE sB TweI ] ghat ghat poor rahi-o sabh ṭaa-ee.
He is perfectly pervading each and every heart and everywhere.
nwnk srix dIn duK BMjn hau ryx qyry jo dwsw hy ]15]1]2]
naanak saraṇ deen dukh bhaNjan, ha-o rayṇ tayray jo daasaa hay. ||15||1||2||
Nanak (says): I seek (Your) refuge, O! destroyer of Sorrows of the Poor; I am the dust of the
feet of Your slaves. 15.1.2

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
krY Anµdu AnµdI myrw ] Git Git pUrnu isr isrih inbyrw ]
karai anaNd anaNdee mayraa. ghat ghat pooran sir sireh nibayraa.
My blissful (Lord) is enjoying bliss;
He is fills each and every heart, and judges each and everyone.
isir swhw kY scw swihbu Avru nwhI ko dUjw hy ]1]
sir saahaa kai sachaa saahib, avar naahee ko doojaa hay. ||1||
The True Lord is above the heads of all the kings; there is no one other than Him. 1
hrKvMq Awnµq dieAwlw ] harakhvant aanaNt da-i-aalaa.
The Lord of Joys is unlimited and merciful
pRgit rihE pRBu srb aujwlw ] pargat rahi-o prabh sarab ujaalaa.
the Lord is manifesting and giving His Light everywhere.
rUp kry kir vyKY ivgsY Awpy hI Awip pUjw hy ]2]
roop karay kar vaykhai vigsai, aapay hee aap poojaa hay. ||2||
He creates forms, and, having created He beholds them and blossoms forth; He Himself is
getting Himself worshipped. 2
Awpy kudriq kry vIcwrw ] aapay kudrat karay veechaaraa.
He Himself contemplates His own (power of) creation.
Awpy hI scu kry pswrw ] aapay hee sach karay pasaaraa.
The True (Lord) Himself creates the expanse (of His creation).
Awpy Kyl iKlwvY idnu rwqI Awpy suix suix BIjw hy ]3]
aapay khayl khilaavai din raatee, aapay suṇ suṇ bheejaa hay. ||3||
He Himself gets everyone play, day and night; and, He Himself listens and listening (to His
praise) and rejoices. 3
swcw qKqu scI pwiqswhI ] saachaa takhat sachee paatisaahee.
True (i.e. eternal) is His throne and True (i.e. eternal) is His kingdom.
scu KjInw swcw swhI ] sach khajeenaa saachaa saahee.
True is His treasure and True is the Banker.
P. 1074
Awpy scu DwirE sBu swcw scy sic vrqIjw hy ]4]
aapay sach dhaari-o sabh saachaa, sachay sach varteejaa hay. ||4||
He Himself is True and True is all that he has established. The True (command) of the True is
pervading (everywhere). 4
scu qpwvsu scy kyrw ] sach tapaavas sachay kayraa.
True is the justice of the True (Lord).
swcw Qwnu sdw pRB qyrw ] saachaa thaan sadaa prabh tayraa.
Your place is forever true, O! God.
scI kudriq scI bwxI scu swihb suKu kIjw hy ]5]
sachee kudrat, sachee baṇee; sach saahib sukh keejaa hay. ||5||
True is God’s creative power, true is the design (i.e. natural system); (and You) have given
true(i.e. eternal) happiness (through it), O! Lord. 5
eyko Awip qUhY vf rwjw ] ayko aap toohai vad raajaa.
You alone are greatest king.
hukim scy kY pUry kwjw ] hukam sachay kai pooray kaajaa.
By the command of the True, (all our) affairs are fulfilled.
AMqir bwhir sBu ikCu jwxY Awpy hI Awip pqIjw hy ]6]
aNtar baahar sabh kichh jaanai, aapay hee aap pateejaa hay. ||6||
Inwardly and outwardly, He knows everything; and, He Himself is pleased with himself. 6
qU vf rsIAw qU vf BogI ] too vad rasee-aa too vad bhogee.
You are great Reveller, and, You are great Enjoyer.
qU inrbwxu qUhY hI jogI ] too nirbaaṇ, toohai hee jogee.
You are detached, and, You Yourself are an ascetic.
srb sUK shj Gir qyrY Aimau qyrI idRstIjw hy ]7]
sarab sookh sahj ghar tayrai, ami-o tayree daristeejaa hay. ||7||
Total (spiritual) happiness and poise is (there) in Your home; and, Amrit trickles from Your
glance (of grace).7
qyrI dwiq quJY qy hovY ] dyih dwnu sBsY jMq loAY ]
tayree daat tujhai tay hovai. deh daan sabhsai jaNt loai.
You alone give Your gifts; and, You give gifts to all the beings of the world.
qoit n AwvY pUr BMfwrY iqRpiq rhy AwGIjw hy ]8]
tot na aavai poor bhaNdaarai, taripat rahay aagheejaa hay. ||8||
(Your) treasures are (always) full, (they are) never exhausted; (and, enjoying Your gifts) all are
satiated and satisfied. 8
jwcih isD swiDk bnvwsI ] jaacheh sidh saadhik banvaasee.
The sidhs (claiming miraculous powers), seekers, forest-dwellers, (all) beg (from You);
jwcih jqI sqI suKvwsI ] jaacheh jatee satee sukhvaasee.
The celibates, truthful and (those who) abide in happiness, (all) beg (from You).
ieku dwqwru sgl hY jwick dyih dwnu isRstIjw hy ]9]
ik daataar sagal hai jaachik, deh daan saristeejaa hay. ||9||
You alone are the Giver, all are beggar (of You), You bestow gifts to all the world. 9
krih Bgiq Aru rMg Apwrw ] karahi bhagat ar raNg apaaraa.
(Countless) devotees meditate upon You with infinite love (for You).
iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw ] khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa.
In a moment, You establish and disestablish.
Bwro qolu byAMq suAwmI hukmu mMin BgqIjw hy ]10]
bhaaro tol bay-aNt su-aamee, hukam maNn bhagteejaa hay. ||10||
Your weight is boundless (i.e. Your power and might is beyond limits); and, Your devotees are
dedicated to Your command. 10
ijsu dyih drsu soeI quDu jwxY ] Ehu gur kY sbid sdw rMg mwxY ]
jis deh daras so-ee tudh jaaṇai. oh gur kai sabad sadaa raNg maaṇai.
He alone knows (i.e. realizes) You, whom You bless with Your glance; and,
through the word of the Guru, he enjoys your love forever.
cquru srUpu isAwxw soeI jo min qyrY BwvIjw hy ]11]
chatur saroop si-aaṇaa so-ee, jo man tayrai bhaaveejaa hay. ||11||
He alone is clever, beautiful and wise, who is pleasing to Your mind. 11
ijsu cIiq Awvih so vyprvwhw ] jis cheet aavahi so vayparvaahaa.
One, who remembers You becomes carefree.
ijsu cIiq Awvih so swcw swhw ] jis c,heet aavahi so saachaa saahaa.
One, who remembers You, is the true king.
ijsu cIiq Awvih iqsu Bau kyhw Avru khw ikCu kIjw hy ]12]
jis cheet aavahi tis bha-o kayhaa, avar kahaa kichh keejaa hay. ||12||
One, who remembers You, what does he has to fear? what can anyone can do (against him)? 12
iqRsnw bUJI AMqru TMFw ] guir pUrY lY qUtw gMFw ]
tarisnaa boojhee aNtar thaNḍaa. gur poorai lai tootaa gaNḍaa.
The thirst (of desires) is quenched and inner-being is cooled, (when)
the perfect Guru mended the broken one (i.e. united him, the separated one, with God).
suriq sbdu ird AMqir jwgI Aimau Joil Joil pIjw hy ]13]
surat sabad rid aNtar jaagee, ami-o jhol jhol peejaa hay. ||13||
The awareness of word has awakened within his heart, and, shaking and shaking (i.e. with
thrill) it he drank in Amrit. 13
mrY nwhI sd sd hI jIvY ] Amru BieAw AibnwsI QIvY ]
marai naahee sad sad hee jeevai. amar bha-i-aa abhinaasee theevai.
He shall not die, and, shall live forever and ever; and,
he has become immortal and imperishable; and;
nw ko AwvY nw ko jwvY guir dUir kIAw BrmIjw hy ]14]
naa ko aavai naa ko jaavai gur door kee-aa bharmeejaa hay. ||14||
he does not come and does not go (because) the Guru has dispelled his doubt. 14
pUry gur kI pUrI bwxI ] pUrY lwgw pUry mwih smwxI ]
pooray gur kee pooree baṇee. poorai laagaa pooray maahi samaaṇee.
Perfect is the word of the perfect Guru;
one, who is attached to the Perfect (Lord), is immersed in the Perfect (Lord).
cVY svwieAw inq inq rMgw GtY nwhI qolIjw hy ]15]
charhai savaa-i-aa* nit nit raNgaa, ghatai naahee toleejaa hay. ||15||
His love (for the Lord) increases* more and more, day by day; and, when it is weighed (i.e.
assessed) it does not decrease. 15
[*Literally one and a quarter; i.e. additional and more; idiomatically: more and more].
bwrhw kMcnu suDu krwieAw ] ndir srwP vMnI scVwieAw ]
baarhaa* kaNchan sudh karaa-i-aa. nadar saraaf vaNnee sachṛaa-i-aa.
When gold is made one hundred percent* pure;
its colour is true (i.e. pure and genuine) to the eyes of the jeweller.
[*Baarhaa, literally twelve, refers to old weighing system, i.e. one tola had 12 maashaas. To make jewellery, some
copper (usually 4 rati i.e. 1/48th of a tola) is mixed. When there is no copper or any other metal in it, it is known as
‘baaraa maas gold’ or 24 carate gold, i.e. one hundred percent pure].
priK KjwnY pwieAw srwPI iPir nwhI qweIjw hy ]16]
parakh khajaanai paa-i-aa saraafee, fir naahee taa-eejaa hay. ||16||
Assaying it the Jeweller, places it in his treasury.;It is not be heated (i.e. melted down) again
(when one becomes purified, it is accepted by God, and, he is not consigned to womb again). 16
AMimRq nwmu qumwrw suAwmI ] aMmrit naam tumaaraa su-aamee.
Your name is AMmrit, O! my Lord.
nwnk dws sdw kurbwnI ] naanak daas sadaa kurbaanee.
Nanak (says): I, (Your) slave, am forever sacrifice unto You.
sMqsMig mhw suKu pwieAw dyiK drsnu iehu mnu BIjw hy ]17]1]3]
saNtsaNg mahaa sukh paa-i-aa, daykh darsan ih man bheejaa hay. ||17||1||3||
I have obtained great (spiritual) happiness in the congregation of the God-oriented persons;
and, beholding upon Your vision, my mind is pleased. 17.1.3
mwrU mhlw 5 solhy Maaroo, Mehlaa 5, solhay
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
guru gopwlu guru goivMdw ] gur gopaal gur goviNdaa.
The Guru is the Sustainer of the World, the Guru is the Lord of the World.
guru dieAwlu sdw bKisMdw ] gur da-i-aal sadaa bakhsiNdaa.
The Guru is merciful and always forgiving .
guru swsq isimRiq Ktu krmw guru pivqRü AsQwnw hy ]1]
gur saasat simrit khat karmaa, gur pavitar asthaanaa hay. ||1||
The Guru is Shastras, Simritis, and the Six Actions.* The Guru is holy (pious) place. 1
[*literally SIX ACTIONS, are those six rituals which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and impart education,
perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manu (Manusmriti) these six
are: study of vedas, tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of Guru. Still another version is:
jaap (recitation of scripture), hoam (burning offerings), sandhya (twilight prayers), ishnaan (abulation bath), atithi
pooja (serving and entertaining the guests), daan punn (to give alms)].
P. 1075
guru ismrq siB iklivK nwsih ] gur simrat sabh kilvikh naaseh.
Remembering the Guru, all the sins are ferased.
guru ismrq jm sMig n Pwsih ] gur simrat jam saNg na faaseh.
Remembering the Guru, one is not gripped by the messenger of death.
guru ismrq mnu inrmlu hovY guru kwty Apmwnw hy ]2]
gur simrat man nirmal hovai gur kaatay apmaanaa hay. ||2||
Remembering the Guru, the mind becomes immaculate; the Guru erases disgrace. 2
gur kw syvku nrik n jwey ] gur kaa sayvak narak na jaa-ay.
The Guru's servant does not go to hell (i.e. he is not consigned to hell).
gur kw syvku pwrbRhmu iDAwey ] gur kaa sayvak paarbarahm dhi-aa-ay.
The Guru's servant meditates upon the Supreme Reality (God).
gur kw syvku swDsMgu pwey guru krdw inq jIA dwnw hy ]3]
gur kaa sayvak saadhsaNg paa-ay, gur kardaa nit jee-a daanaa hay. ||3||
The Guru's servant joins the company of the Guru-oriented persons. The Guru ever gives
gift of (spiritual) life. 3
gur duAwrY hir kIrqnu suxIAY ] siqguru Byit hir jsu muiK BxIAY ]
gur du-aarai har keertan suṇee-ai. satgur bhayt har jas mukh bhaṇee-ai.
(O! brethren), listen the singing of the praise of God, at the gate of the Guru; and,
meeting with the True Guru, chant the praise of God from mouth.
(*Gur duaaraa does not mean Gurdwara building; it means ‘to follow the instructions of the Guru’).
kil klys imtwey siqguru hir drgh dyvY mwnW hy ]4]
kal kalays mitaa-ay satgur, har dargeh dayvai maanaan hay. ||4||
The True Guru eradicates sorrows and anxieties; and, bestows honour in the court of God. 4
Agmu Agocru gurU idKwieAw ] agam agochar guroo dikhaa-i-aa.

The Guru has shown me the inaccessible and imperceptible (Lord).
BUlw mwrig siqguir pwieAw ] bhoolaa maarag satgur paa-i-aa.
One, who has forgotten the path, the True Guru places him on the right path.
gur syvk kau ibGnu n BgqI hir pUr idRV@wieAw igAwnW hy ]5]
gur sayvak ka-o bighan na bhagtee, har poor darirh-aa-i-aa gi-aanaan hay. ||5||
For being in devotion, the servant (i.e. devotee) of the Guru faces no hurdle. He (i.e. the Guru)
implants him perfect knowledge about God. 5

guir idRstwieAw sBnI TWeI ] gur daristaa-i-aa sabhnee thaan-ee.

Guru has shown me God, at all places.
jil Qil pUir rihAw gosweI ] jal thal poor rahi-aa gosaa-ee.
That Master is pervading waters, lands.
aUc aUn sB eyk smwnW min lwgw shij iDAwnw hy ]6]
ooch oon sabh ayk samaanaan man laagaa sahj dhi-aanaa hay. ||6||
Thus high and low are all alike. My mind is in concentration, in ease. 6
guir imilAY sB iqRsn buJweI ] gur mili-ai sabh tarisan bujhaa-ee.
Meeting with the Guru, all thirst is quenched.
guir imilAY nh johY mweI ] gur mili-ai nah johai maa-ee.
Meeting with the Guru, one is not gazed upon by maya.
squ sMqoKu dIAw guir pUrY nwmu AMimRqu pI pwnW hy ]7]
sat saNtokh dee-aa gur poorai, naam aMmrit pee paanaan hay. ||7||
Onw, whom the perfect Guru blesses with truth and contentment, he drinks in AMmrit name
and gets others to drink. 7
gur kI bwxI sB mwih smwxI ] gur kee banee sabh maahi samaaṇee.
The word of the Guru is contained in all.
Awip suxI qY Awip vKwxI ] aap suṇee tai aap vakhaaṇee.
He (i.e. Guru) himself hears and himself chants it.
ijin ijin jpI qyeI siB insqRy iqn pwieAw inhcl QwnW hy ]8]
jin jin japee tay-ee sabh nistaray, tin paa-i-aa nihchal thaanaan hay. ||8||
Those, who meditate upon it, are liberated; and, they find stable home. 8
siqgur kI mihmw siqguru jwxY ] satgur kee mahimaa satgur jaaṇai.
The glory of the True Guru is known only to, the True Guru.
jo ikCu kry su Awpx BwxY ] jo kichh karay so aapan bhaaṇai.
Whatever he does he does, is in pleasure of His will.
swDU DUir jwcih jn qyry nwnk sd kurbwnW hy ]9]1]4]
saadhoo dhoor jaacheh jan tayray, naanak sad kurbaanaan hay. ||9||1||4||
Nanak (says): Your servant (i.e. devotee) begs for the dust of the feet of the Guru*; I am
forever a sacrifice unto You. 9.1.4 [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awid inrMjnu pRBu inrMkwrw ] aad niraNjan prabh niraNkaaraa.
The Primal immaculate Lord is formless.
sB mih vrqY Awip inrwrw ] sabh meh vartai aap niraaraa.
He pervades all, (but) He Himself remains detached.
vrnu jwiq ichnu nhI koeI sB hukmy isRsit aupwiedw ]1]
varan jaat chihan nahee ko-ee, sabh hukmay sarisat upaa-idaa. ||1||
He has no colour, caste (i.e. social class) or (identifying) mark; by His command He creates
the universe. 1
lK caurwsIh join sbweI ] mwxs kau pRiB dIeI vifAweI ]
lakh cha-oraaseeh jon sabaa-ee. maanas ka-o prabh dee-ee vadi-aa-ee.
He has created all the 8.4 million of species (of creation); but,
God has blessed (only) mankind with glory.
iesu pauVI qy jo nru cUkY so Awie jwie duKu pwiedw ]2]
is pa-oṛee tay jo nar chookai, so aa-ay jaa-ay dukh paa-idaa. ||2||
That man, who misses this step (i.e. opportunity), shall suffer the pain of coming and going. 2
kIqw hovY iqsu ikAw khIAY ] keetaa hovai tis ki-aa kahee-ai.
What should we say to (i.e. in praise of) the one who has been created?(i.e. tt is useless to
praise the created ones; He alone should be praised).
gurmuiK nwmu pdwrQu lhIAY ] gurmukh naam padaarath lahee-ai.
The wealth of the name is obtained (only) through the Guru.
ijsu Awip Bulwey soeI BUlY so bUJY ijsih buJwiedw ]3]
jis aap bhulaa-ay so-ee bhoolai, so boojhai jisahi bujhaa-idaa. ||3||
He alone is strayed whom He Himself strays; and, he alone understands whom he gets to
understand. 3
hrK sog kw ngru iehu kIAw ] harakh sog kaa nagar ih kee-aa.
He has made this (body as the) city of pains and pleasures.
sy aubry jo siqgur srxIAw ] say ubray jo satgur sarṇee-aa.
He alone is emancipated who seeks the refuge of the True Guru.
iqRhw guxw qy rhY inrwrw so gurmuiK soBw pwiedw ]4]
tarihaa guṇaa tay rahai niraaraa, so gurmukh sobhaa paa-idaa. ||4||
One who remains untouched from the three gunaas*, that Guru-oriented is blessed with glory. 4
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction; from another point sattav represents purity,
rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function under these
Aink krm kIey bhuqyry ] jo kIjY so bMDnu pYry ] anik karam kee-ay bahutayray. jo keejai so baNdhan pairay.
One might have done many deeds (i.e. religious rituals); all those become chains for the feet.
kuruqw bIju bIjy nhI jMmY sBu lwhw mUlu gvwiedw ]5]
kurutaa beej beejay nahee jaMmai, sabh laahaa mool gavaa-idaa. ||5||
The seed which is planted out of season, does not germinate; and, all of one’s profits and
capital are lost. 5
kljug mih kIrqnu prDwnw ] gurmuiK jpIAY lwie iDAwnw ]
kaljug meh keertan pardhaanaa. gurmukh japee-ai laa-ay dhi-aanaa.
In the kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), singing of the praise (of God) is the most supreme (sublime);
(So) focus (your mind) and meditate (upon God) through the Guru.
P. 1076
Awip qrY sgly kul qwry hir drgh piq isau jwiedw ]6]
aap tarai saglay kul taaray, har dargeh pat si-o jaa-idaa. ||6||
(One who meditates upon God) he saves himself and his whole family as well; and, he goes to
the court of God with honour. 6
KMf pqwl dIp siB loAw ] siB kwlY vis Awip pRiB kIAw ]
khaNd pataal deep sabh lo-aa. sabh kaalai vas aap prabh kee-aa.
(All the) continents, nether regions, islands and worlds;
God Himself has made them subject to death.
inhclu eyku Awip AibnwsI so inhclu jo iqsih iDAwiedw ]7]
nihchal ayk aap abhinaasee, so nihchal jo tiseh dhi-aa-idaa. ||7||
The One, Imperishable Himself is stable, (and) he (too) is stable who meditates upon Him. 7
hir kw syvku so hir jyhw ] Bydu n jwxhu mwxs dyhw ]
har kaa sayvak so har jayhaa. bhayd na jaaṇhu maaṇas dayhaa.
One who is the servant (i.e. devotee) of God, is also (i.e. becomes) like God.
Do not think he is different because of his human body.
ijau jl qrMg auTih bhu BwqI iPir sllY sll smwiedw ]8]
ji-o jal taraNg uṭeh baho bhaatee, fir sallai salal samaa-idaa. ||8||
It is as the waves of water rise up in various ways, then the water again merges in water. 8
ieku jwicku mMgY dwnu duAwrY ] jw pRB BwvY qw ikrpw DwrY ]
ik jaachik maNgai daan du-aarai. jaa prabh bhaavai taa kirpaa dhaarai.
A beggar begs for gift at His door; when it pleases God, He takes mercy (on him).
dyhu drsu ijqu mnu iqRpqwsY hir kIrqin mnu Thrwiedw ]9]
dayh daras jit man tariptaasai, har keertan man ṭehraa-idaa. ||9||
(O! God, please) bless me with your vision, thus (my) mind will be satiated; the mind is held
steady through the singing of the praise of God.9
rUVo Twkuru ikqY vis n AwvY ] hir so ikCu kry ij hir ikAw sMqw BwvY ]
rooṛo ṭaakur kitai vas na aavai. har so kichh karay je har ki-aa saNtaa* bhaavai.
The beauteous Lord is not controlled in any way; the Lord does what pleases His devotees.

[*Here, sant has been used for the devotees who meditate upon Him].
kIqw loVin soeI krwiein dir Pyru n koeI pwiedw ]10]
keetaa loṛan so-ee karaa-in, dar fayr na ko-ee paa-idaa. ||10||
He does what they wish to be done; no one sends them back from His doors. 10
ijQY AauGtu Awie bnqu hY pRwxI ] iqQY hir iDAweIAY swirMgpwxI ]
jithai a-ughat aa-ay banat hai praaṇee. tithai har dhi-aa-ee-ai saaringpaaṇee*.
Wherever the mortal comes to face a difficulty, there he should meditate upon God*.
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ ].
ijQY puqRü klqRü n bylI koeI iqQY hir Awip Cfwiedw ]11]
jithai putar kalatar na baylee ko-ee, tithai har aap chhadaa-idaa. ||11||
Where there is no son, wife or friends (to help), there God himself comes to rescue. 11
vfw swihbu Agm AQwhw ] ikau imlIAY pRB vyprvwhw ]
vadaa saahib agam athaahaa. ki-o milee-ai prabh vayparvaahaa.
The great Lord is great, inaccessible and unfathomable;
how can one meet the Carefree Lord?
kwit islk ijsu mwrig pwey so ivic sMgiq vwsw pwiedw ]12]
kaat silak jis maarag paa-ay, so vich saNgat vaasaa paa-idaa. ||12||
One, whose noose (of maya) He cuts away and places him on the (right) path, he finds a place
in congregation (of God-oriented persons).12
hukmu bUJY so syvku khIAY ] burw Blw duie smsir shIAY ]
hukam boojhai so sayvak kahee-ai. buraa bhalaa du-ay samsar sahee-ai.
One, who understand His command, is said to be His servant (i.e. devotee);
he endures (i.e. regards) both good or bad alike.
haumY jwie q eyko bUJY so gurmuiK shij smwiedw ]13]
ha-umai jaa-ay ta ayko boojhai, so gurmukh sahj samaa-idaa. ||13||
When ego goes (i.e. is stilled/ silenced), then one comes to realize the One (Lord); he Guru-
oriented merges (in God), in natural ease. 13
hir ky Bgq sdw suKvwsI ] har kay bhagat sadaa sukhvaasee.
The devotees of God dwell forever in happiness;
bwl suBwie AqIq audwsI ] baal subhaa-ay ateet udaasee.
They have child-like nature (i.e. impeccable), and, remain detached and free from worldliness.
Aink rMg krih bhu BwqI ijau ipqw pUqu lwfwiedw ]14]
anik raNg karahi baho bhaatee, ji-o pitaa poot laadaa-idaa. ||14||
They enjoy various (spiritual) pleasures, in many ways (in the lap of God); (and, God caresses
them) like father caresses his son. 14
Agm Agocru kImiq nhI pweI ] agam agochar keemat nahee paa-ee.
He is inaccessible and imperceptible; no one has assayed His value.
qw imlIAY jw ley imlweI ] taa milee-ai jaa la-ay milaa-ee.
We can meet Him, when He gets us (i.e. when He Himself wills one) to meet.
gurmuiK pRgtu BieAw iqn jn kau ijn Duir msqik lyKu ilKwiedw ]15]
gurmukh pargat bha-i-aa tin jan ka-o, jin dhur mastak laykh likhaa-idaa. ||15||
Through the Guru, He is revealed to those persons, who have this destiny inscribed on their
foreheads as preordained. 15
qU Awpy krqw kwrx krxw ] too aapay kartaa kaaraṇ karṇaa.
(O! God) You Yourself are the Creator, the Cause of causes.
isRsit aupwie DrI sB Drxw ] sarisat upaa-ay dharee sabh dharṇaa.
You created the universe, and, You support the whole earth.
jn nwnku srix pieAw hir duAwrY hir BwvY lwj rKwiedw ]16]1]5]
jan naanak saraṇ pa-i-aa har du-aarai, har bhaavai laaj rakhaa-idaa. ||16||1||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek refuge at the door of God; if God wills, He

preserves the honour (of His devotee). 16.1.5

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jo dIsY so eyko qUhY ] jo deesai so ayko toohai.
Whatever is seen, is You, O! One (Lord).
bwxI qyrI sRvix suxIAY ] baṇee tayree sarvaṇ suṇee-ai.
What the eras hear, (all that) is Your word.
dUjI Avr n jwpis kweI sgl qumwrI Dwrxw ]1]
doojee avar na jaapas kaa-ee, sagal tumaaree dhaarṇaa. ||1||
There is nothing else that is seen; You are the support to all . 1
Awip icqwry Apxw kIAw ] aap chitaaray apṇaa kee-aa.
He Himself remembers (i.e. is conscious of/ takes care of) His creation.
Awpy Awip Awip pRBu QIAw ] aapay aap aap prabh thee-aa.
God Himself has established Himself from Himself.
Awip aupwie ricEnu pswrw Awpy Git Git swrxw ]2]
aap upaa-ay rachi-on pasaaraa, aapay ghat ghat saarṇaa. ||2||
Creating (i.e. manifesting) Himself , He has formed the expanse (of the universe); and, He
Himself takes care of each and every heart. 2
ieik aupwey vf drvwrI ] ik upaa-ay vad darvaaree.
(O! God) You have created some to hold great courtiers.
ieik audwsI ieik Gr bwrI ] ik udaasee ik ghar baaree.
Some are renouncers, and, some are house-holders.
P. 1077
ieik BUKy ieik iqRpiq AGwey sBsY qyrw pwrxw ]3]
ik bhookhay ik taripat aghaa-ay sabhsai tayraa paarṇaa. ||3||
Some are hungry, and, some satisfied and satiated; (but) all depend upon Your support. 3
Awpy siq siq siq swcw ] aapay sat sat sat saachaa.
The True Himself (alone) is True, True (i.e. eternal) and True (i.e. the Ultimate Reality).
He Himself is true and only true.
Eiq poiq Bgqn sMig rwcw ] ot pot bhagtan saNg raachaa.
He is woven into His devotees like warp and weft (i.e. through and through).
Awpy gupqu Awpy hY prgtu Apxw Awpu pswrxw ]4] aapay gupat aapay hai pargat, apṇaa aap pasaarṇaa ||4||
He Himself is hidden, and, He Himself is revealed. He Himself spreads Himself out (i.e. the
whole universe is His expanse). 4
sdw sdw sd hovxhwrw ] sadaa sadaa sad hovaṇhaaraa.
(He is) forever and ever, (and, He shall) exist forever.
aUcw Agmu AQwhu Apwrw ] oochaa agam athaahu apaaraa.
He is lofty, inaccessible, unfathomable, andinfinite.
aUxy Bry Bry Bir aUxy eyih clq suAwmI ky kwrxw ]5]
ooṇay bharay, bharay bhar ooṇay, ayhi chalat su-aamee kay kaarṇaa. ||5||
He fills the empty (i.e. less filled), and, empties out the fully-filled; such are the wondrous
acts done by the Lord. 5
muiK swlwhI scy swhw ] mukh saalaahee, sachay saahaa.
O! True Sovereign (bless me that I should always) praise You with my mouth; and,
nYxI pyKw Agm AQwhw ] naiṇee paykhaa, agam athaahaa.
behold You with my eyes, O! inaccessible and unfathomable.
krnI suix suix mnu qnu hirAw myry swihb sgl auDwrxw ]6]
karnee suṇ suṇ man tan hari-aa, mayray saahib sagal udhaaraṇaa. ||6||
Listening and listening (Your praise) with my ears, my mind and body may (always) turn
green (i.e. blossom forth. rejuvenated); O! my Lord, the Liberates of All. 6
kir kir vyKih kIqw Apxw ] kar kar vaykheh keetaa apṇaa.
(O! God) You create and create and gaze upon (i.e. take care of) Your creation.
jIA jMq soeI hY jpxw ] jee-a jaNt so-ee hai japṇaa.
(O! brethren) all beings and creatures meditate upon Him alone.
ApxI kudriq Awpy jwxY ndrI ndir inhwlxw ]7]
apnee kudrat aapay jaaṇai, nadree nadar nihaalaṇaa. ||7||
He Himself knows His creative power; the Graceful (Lord) beholds (all) with His glance (of
grace). 7
sMq sBw jh bYsih pRB pwsy ] saNt sabhaa jah baiseh parabh paasay.
Where the God-oriented persons gather and sit, God is (always there) near them.
Anµd mMgl hir clq qmwsy ] anaNd maNgal har chalat tamaasay.
Beholding the wondrous play of God, they revel joy and bliss.
gux gwvih Anhd Duin bwxI qh nwnk dwsu icqwrxw ]8]
guṇ gaavahi anhad dhun baṇee, tah naanak daas chitaaraṇaa. ||8||
They sing (the praise of) His excellences through the unstruck melody of the word. Slave (i.e.
devotee) Nanak (says): I (too) remember You there (in their company). 8
Awvxu jwxw sBu clqu qumwrw ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa sabh chalat tumaaraa.
Coming and going is all Your wondrous act.
kir kir dyKY Kylu Apwrw ] kar kar daykhai khayl apaaraa.
(O! Brethren) creating and creating, the Infinite (Lord) gazes upon His play.
Awip aupwey aupwvxhwrw Apxw kIAw pwlxw ]9] aap upaa-ay upaavaṇhaaraa, apṇaa kee-aa paalṇaa ||9||
The Creator Himself creates, and, He Himself cherishes His creation. 9
suix suix jIvw soie qumwrI ] suṇ suṇ jeevaa so-ay tumaaree.
Listening and listening to Your glory, I live.
sdw sdw jweI bilhwrI ] sadaa sadaa jaa-ee balihaaree.
I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto You.
duie kr joiV ismrau idnu rwqI myry suAwmI Agm Apwrxw ]10]
du-ay kar joṛ simra-o din raatee, mayray su-aamee agam apaaraṇaa. ||10||
With my hands pressed together, day and night, I remember You, O! my inaccessible,
infinite Lord. 10

quDu ibnu dUjy iksu swlwhI ] tudh bin doojay kis saalaahee.
Other than You whom else should I praise?
eyko eyku jpI mn mwhI ] ayko ayk japee man maahee.
I meditate upon the One and the only (Lord) within my mind.
hukmu bUiJ jn Bey inhwlw ieh Bgqw kI Gwlxw ]11]
hukam boojh jan bha-ay nihaalaa, ih bhagtaa kee ghaalṇaa. ||11||
Realizing Your command, Your servants (i.e. devotees) are enraptured; this is the
achievement of (Your) devotees. 11
gur aupdyis jpIAY min swcw ] gur updays japee-ai man saachaa.
(O! brethren) following the Guru’s teachings, meditate upon the True within your mind;
gur aupdyis rwm rMig rwcw ] gur updays raam raNg raachaa.
Through the teaching of the Guru, one is immersed in the love of God.
gur aupdyis qutih siB bMDn iehu Brmu mohu prjwlxw ]12]
gur updays tuteh sabh baNdhan, ih bharam moh parjaalaṇaa. ||12||
Following the teachings of the Guru, all bonds are broken; and, this doubt and (emotional)
attachment are totally burnt away. 12
jh rwKY soeI suK Qwnw ] jah raakhai so-ee sukh thaanaa.
(The Guru-oriented believes that) wherever He keeps (him) that is (his) place of happiness.
shjy hoie soeI Bl mwnw ] sehjay ho-ay so-ee bhal maanaa.
Whatever naturally happens, he accepts that as good.
ibnsy bYr nwhI ko bYrI sBu eyko hY Bwlxw ]13] binsay bair naahee ko bairee, sabh ayko hai bhaalṇaa ||13||
Animosity (i.e. ill-will, hatred) is destroyed (from within his mind), and, he has no enemy at all;
and, he finds the One (Lord) in all. 13
fr cUky ibnsy AMiDAwry ] pRgt Bey pRB purK inrwry ]
dar chookay binsay aNdhi-aaray. pargat bha-ay prabh purakh niraaray.
Fear (of such a devotee) are removed, and, his (spiritual) darkness is dispelled; (because)
the unattached Primal Person, the Lord is revealed (within him).
Awpu Coif pey srxweI ijs kw sw iqsu Gwlxw ]14] aap chhod pa-ay sarṇaa-ee, jis kaa saa tis ghaalṇaa ||14||
Forsaking self-conceit, they enter the His refuge; they serve the One whom they belong to. 14
AYsw ko vfBwgI AwieAw ] aisaa ko vadbhaagee aa-i-aa.
Rare are those greatly fortunate ones who come into the world; and,
AwT phr ijin Ksmu iDAwieAw ] aaṭ pahar jin khasam dhi-aa-i-aa.
who meditate upon the Lord, all through eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day).
iqsu jn kY sMig qrY sBu koeI so prvwr sDwrxw ]15]
tis jan kai saNg tarai sabh ko-ee, so parvaar sadhaaraṇaa. ||15||
Associating with such persons, all swim across (the world ocean); and, he becomes the
support of his family (i.e. also carries them across the world ocean). 1
ieh bKsIs Ksm qy pwvw ] AwT phr kr joiV iDAwvw ]
ih bakhsees khasam tay paavaa. aaṭ pahar kar joṛ dhi-aavaa.
This is the blessing that I have received from my Lord:
pressing my hands together, I meditate upon Him, all through eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four
hours a day).
nwmu jpI nwim shij smwvw nwmu nwnk imlY aucwrxw ]16]1]6]
naam japee naam sahj samaavaa; naam, naanak, milai uchaaraṇaa. ||16||1||6||
I meditate upon the name, and through the name I merge in Him in natural ease. Nanak
(says): may I obtain the name (of the Lord) and chant it. 16

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

sUriq dyiK n BUlu gvwrw ] soorat daykh na bhool, gavaaraa.
Do not be misled by faces (i.e. appearances of the worldly objects), O! fool.
imQn mohwrw JUTu pswrw ] mithan mohaaraa, jhooṭ pasaaraa.
Attachment to these is false, and, false is all this expanse (i.e. all this is illusion).
jg mih koeI rhxu n pwey inhclu eyku nwrwiexw ]1]
jag meh ko-ee rahaṇ na paa-ay, nihchal ayk naaraa-iṇaa. ||1||
No one can remain (forever) in the world; the One, Omnipresent* (God) alone is stable. 1
[*Naaraai , literally means: dwelling in all beings (i.e. Omnipresent); this is an attribute and the name of God]
gur pUry kI pau srxweI ] mohu sogu sBu Brmu imtweI ]
gur pooray kee pa-o sarṇaa-ee. moh sog sabh bharam mitaa-ee.
(O! brethren) seek the refuge of the perfect Guru;
He eradicates (emotional) attachment, sorrow and doubt.
eyko mMqRü idRVwey AauKDu scu nwmu ird gwiexw ]2]
ayko maNtar driṛ-aa-ay a-ukhadh, sach naam rid gaa-iṇaa. ||2||
He implants only one dictum (i.e. the name of God), and, administers this medicine: ‘sing the
True name within your heart’. 2
P. 1078
ijsu nwmY kau qrsih bhu dyvw ] sgl Bgq jw kI krdy syvw ]
jis naamai ka-o tarseh baho dayvaa. sagal bhagat jaa kee karday sayvaa.
He (i.e. God) for whose name many gods yearn; and, all the devotees serve Him.
AnwQw nwQu dIn duK BMjnu so gur pUry qy pwiexw ]3]
anaathaa naath deen dukh bhaNjan, so gur pooray tay paa-iṇaa. ||3||
(He is) the Master of the master-less, the Destroyer of Sorrows of the Poor; He is found (i.e.
united with) through the perfect Guru. 3
horu duAwrw koie n sUJY ] iqRBvx DwvY qw ikCU n bUJY ]
hor du-aaraa ko-ay na soojhai. taribhavaṇ dhaavai taa kichhoo na boojhai.
No other door strikes to me;
one may even wanders through the three worlds, he will understands nothing.
siqguru swhu BMfwru nwmu ijsu iehu rqnu iqsY qy pwiexw ]4]
satgur saahu bhaNdaar naam jis, ih ratan tisai tay paa-iṇaa. ||4||
The True Guru is the banker who has the treasure of name; this jewel is obtained from him. 4
jw kI DUir kry punIqw ] suir nr dyv n pwvih mIqw ]
jaa kee dhoor karay puneetaa. sur nar dayv na paavahi meetaa.
He, dust of whose feet purifies;
(even) the angelic beings and gods can not obtain, O! friends.
siq purKu siqguru prmysru ijsu Bytq pwir prwiexw ]5]

sat purakh satgur parmaysar, jis bhaytat paar paraa-iṇaa. ||5||
The True Guru is (the form/image of) the True Primal Person, the Supreme Lord; meeting
with him, one is carried across to the other side (of the world ocean). 5
pwrjwqu loVih mn ipAwry ] kwmDynu sohI drbwry ]
paarjaat loṛeh man pi-aaray. kaamdhayn sohee darbaaray.
O! my beloved mind, if you long for Paarjaat (i.e. mythical wish-fulfilling tree);
If you wish for Kaamdhayn** (i.e. mythical Elysian cow), to adorn your court (i.e. home);
[*Paarjaat is a mythical tree which fulfills all wishes of the one who has it. It is one of the five Kalap trees which fulfil all
wishes; these are: Mandaar, Paarjaat, Santaan, Kalapvriksh, Harichandan. These are also known as ‘sur tar’ i.e. trees
of gods. ** Kaamdhayn is a mythical cow which fulfills every wish. In western mythology it is known as Elysian Cow].
iqRpiq sMqoKu syvw gur pUry nwmu kmwie rswiexw ]6]
taripat saNtokh, sayvaa gur pooray, naam kamaa-ay rasaa-iṇaa. ||6||
(Your desires shall be) satisfied and (you shall become) contented by serving the perfect Guru,
and, earn the name, (which is) the source of essence. 6
gur kY sbid mrih pMc DwqU ] gur kai sabad mareh paNch dhaatoo.
Through the word of the Guru, five metals (i.e. five vices) are conquered.
BY pwrbRhm hovih inrmlw qU ] bhai paarbarahm hoveh nirmalaa too.
(O! brethren) in the fear of the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), you shall become immaculate.
pwrsu jb BytY guru pUrw qw pwrsu pris idKwiexw ]7]
paaras* jab bhaytai gur pooraa, taa paaras paras dikhaa-iṇaa. ||7||
When one meets the perfect Guru, the Philosopher’s Stone,* (then) with the touch of the
Philosopher’s Stone (the Guru) one comes to behold (the Lord). 7
[*Paaras is an imaginary 'Philosophers Stone', by the touch of which all the metals (e.g. iron, copper, bronze, brass
etc) turn into gold. In Sikhism, paaras is used for God and His Word; the Guru and the word purify the mortal being].
keI bYkuMT nwhI lvY lwgy ] ka-ee baikuNṭ naahee lavai laagay.
(Even) countless of heavens do not equal to it (i.e. the vision of the Guru);
mukiq bpuVI BI igAwnI iqAwgy ] mukat bapuṛee bhee gi-aanee ti-aagay.
The (spiritually) wise forsake even (mere) poor liberation (for the vision of the Guru).
eykMkwru siqgur qy pweIAY hau bil bil gur drswiexw ]8]
aykaNkaar satgur tay paa-ee-ai; ha-o bal bal gur darsaa-iṇaa. ||8||
One Creator (Lord) is found through the True Guru; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto the
vision of the Guru. 8
gur kI syv n jwxY koeI ] gur kee sayv na jaaṇai ko-ee.
No one knows how to serve the Guru.
guru pwrbRhmu Agocru soeI ] gur paarbarahm agochar so-ee.
The Guru is the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), he is imperceptible
ijs no lwie ley so syvku ijsu vfBwg mQwiexw ]9]
jis no laa-ay la-ay so sayvak, jis vadbhaag mathaa-iṇaa. ||9||
He alone is the servant (i.e. devotee of the Guru) whom he (i.e. Guru) himself attaches to his
service; (and) who has inscribed great fortune inscribed on his forehead. 9
gur kI mihmw byd n jwxih ] quC mwq suix suix vKwxih ]
gur kee mahimaa bayd na jaaṇeh. tuchh maat suṇ suṇ vakaaṇeh.
Even (the scholars of) the Vedas do not know the glory of the Guru.

they describe a tiny bit of what is heard (by them from the others).
pwrbRhm AprMpr siqgur ijsu ismrq mnu sIqlwiexw ]10]
paarbarahm apraMpar satgur, jis simrat man seetlaa-iṇaa. ||10||
The True Guru is (image of) the Supreme Reality (i.e. God), the incomparable (One),
remembering whom the mind is cooled (i.e. soothed). 10
jw kI soie suxI mnu jIvY ] jaa kee so-ay suṇee man jeevai.
Hearing of His glory, the mind comes to life (i.e. becomes spiritually resuurected).
irdY vsY qw TMFw QIvY ] ridai vasai taa ṭaNḍaa theevai.
When He dwells within heart, it (i.e. the heart) is cooled (i.e. soothed).
guru muKhu Alwey qw soBw pwey iqsu jm kY pMiQ n pwiexw ]11]
gur mukhahu alaa-ay taa sobhaa paa-ay, tis jam kai paNth na paa-iṇaa. ||11||
Chanting (the name of God) through (i.e. by following) the Guru with the mouth, one obtains
glory; and, he does not have walk on the path of the messenger of death. 11
sMqn kI srxweI piVAw ] saNtan kee sarṇaa-ee paṛi-aa.
I have entered the refuge of the God-oriented persons; and,
jIau pRwx Dnu AwgY DirAw ] jee-o paraaṇ dhan aagai dhari-aa.
I have placed before them (i.e. surrender to them) my soul, my breath (of life) and wealth.
syvw suriq n jwxw kweI qum krhu dieAw ikrmwiexw ]12]
sayvaa surat na jaaṇaa kaa-ee, tum karahu da-i-aa kirmaa-iṇaa. ||12||
I do not know have understanding to serve (You), (so, O! Lord) You take pity on this worm
(i.e. this poor being). 12
inrgux kau sMig lyhu rlwey ] kir ikrpw moih thlY lwey ]
nirguṇ ka-o saNg layho ralaa-ay. kar kirpaa mohi tahlai laa-ay.
I am virtue-less, (O! Lord, please) merge me in the company (of the God-oriented persons);
bestow Your kindness and attach me to their service.
pKw Pyrau pIsau sMq AwgY crx Doie suKu pwiexw ]13]
pakhaa fayra-o peesa-o saNt aagai, charan dho-ay sukh paa-iṇaa. ||13||
I will wave the fan and grind the grain (for their food) and place before the God-oriented
persons; and, washing their feet, I shall obtain happiness. 13
bhuqu duAwry BRim BRim AwieAw ] bahut du-aaray bharam bharam aa-i-aa.
After wandering and wandering at so many doors, I have come to Your door.
qumrI ik®pw qy qum srxwieAw ] tumree kirpaa tay tum sarṇaa-i-aa.
By Your grace, I have entered Your refuge.
sdw sdw sMqh sMig rwKhu eyhu nwm dwnu dyvwiexw ]14]
sadaa sadaa saNteh saNg raakhhu, ayhu naam daan dayvaa-iṇaa. ||14||
(Please) keep me forever and ever in the company of the God-oriented persons; and, bless
me with this name (of Yours, through them). 14
Bey ik®pwl gusweI myry ] drsnu pwieAw siqgur pUry ]
bha-ay kirpaal gusaa-ee mayray. darsan paa-i-aa satgur pooray.
My Lord of the World has become kind to me; and,
I have obtained the vision of the perfect True Guru.
sUK shj sdw Awnµdw nwnk dws dswiexw ]15]2]7]

sookh sahj sadaa aanaNdaa, naanak daas dasaa-iṇaa. ||15||2||7||
Nanak (says): I have found (spiritual) happiness, poise and bliss, (since I have become) the
slave of the slaves (of God). 15.2.7

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ismrY DrqI Aru Awkwsw ] simrai dhartee ar aakaasaa.
(O! God) the earth and skies meditate upon* (Him).
[Here, in this verse, ‘meditate upon’ means function under God’s order, i.e. under His natural system].
ismrih cMd sUrj guxqwsw ] simrahi chaNd sooraj guṇtaasaa.
The moon and the sun meditate upon the Treasure of Excellences.
paux pwxI bYsMqr ismrih ismrY sgl aupwrjnw ]1]
pa-uṇ paaṇee baisaNtar simrahi, simrai sagal upaarjanaa. ||1||
Air, water, and fire meditate upon (Him); all (His) creation meditates upon(Him). 1
(O! God, the earth, sky, moon, sun, air, water, fore all function as per Your command).
P. 1079
ismrih KMf dIp siB loAw ] simrahi kha d deep sabh lo-aa.

All continent, islands and worlds are remembering you.

ismrih pwqwl purIAw scu soAw ] simrahi paataal puree-aa sach so-aa.
All nether regions and cities remember the True (Lord).
ismrih KwxI ismrih bwxI ismrih sgly hir jnw ]2]
simrahi khaaṇee, simrahi baṇee, simrahi saglay har janaa. ||2||
The sources of life remember (God), the forms of speech remember (God), and, all the
servants (i.e. devotees) remember God. 2
ismrih bRhmy ibsn mhysw ] simrahi barahmay bisan mahaysaa.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv) meditate upon(Him).
ismrih dyvqy koiV qyqIsw ] simrahi dayvtay koṛ tayteesaa.
The three hundred thirty million* gods meditate upon(Him).
[*According to a mythical belief, there are thirty-three crore (i.e. three hundred thirty million) gods in the universe].
ismrih jiK´ dYq siB ismrih Agnqu n jweI jsu gnw ]3]
simrahi jakh-y dait sabh simrahi, agnat na jaa-ee jas ganaa. ||3||
The divines and demons, all meditate upon (Him). His praise is uncountable (i.e.
indescribable); (it) cannot be counted (i.e. cannot be described). 3
ismrih psu pMKI siB BUqw ] simrahi pas paNkhee sabh bhootaa.
All the animals, birds and ghosts meditate upon(Him).
ismrih bn prbq AauDUqw ] simrahi ban parbat a-udhootaa.
The forests, mountains, and ascetics meditate upon (Him).
lqw blI swK sB ismrih riv rihAw suAwmI sB mnw ]4]
lataa balee saakh sabh simrahi rav rahi-aa su-aamee sabh manaa. ||4||

The creepers, vines, branches, all meditate upon(Him). The Lord is pervading all minds. 4
ismrih QUl sUKm siB jMqw ] simrahi thool sookham sabh jaNtaa.
All beings, both bulky and small meditate upon(Him)
ismrih isD swiDk hir mMqw ] simrahi sidh saadhik har maNtaa.
The sidh (i.e. having miraculous powers), the seekers, (all) meditate upon the dictum of God.
gupq pRgt ismrih pRB myry sgl Bvn kw pRB Dnw ]5]
gupat pargat simrahi prabh mayray, sagal bhavan kaa prabh dhanaa. ||5||
Both invisible and visible meditate upon my Lord. God is the Lord of all the worlds. 5
ismrih nr nwrI Awsrmw ] simrahi nar naaree aasramaa.
Men and women, (in all the four*) stages (of life) meditate upon(Him).
[*(Four stages of life): There are four ‘aashram’ (stages) of the life of the Brahmins’ world; the first is barahamcharya
which is the stage of study of Vedas during which one lives with the teacher and spends one’s life in continence and
chastity (as it is in pre-marriage state). The other three stages are: grahsat (life as a householder), vaanprast (i.e. living
in forests or away from household affairs), and finally sanyaas (total renunciation and living on begging/chairty)].
ismrih jwiq joiq siB vrnw ] simrahi jaat jot sabh varnaa.
(The people of) all castes (i.e. social classes), colours and shades meditate upon(Him).
ismrih guxI cqur siB byqy ismrih rYxI Aru idnw ]6]
simrahi guṇee chatur sabh baytay, simrahi raiṇee ar dinaa. ||6||
All the virtuous, clever and learned meditate upon(Him). (Even) Night and day meditate
upon(Him). 6
ismrih GVI mUrq pl inmKw ] simrahi ghaṛee* moorat* pal* nimkhaa.*
(All units of time like) hours, minutes, seconds and fractions meditate upon(Him).
[*These are ancient divisions of time: Visu-ya is 15 nimakhs (i.e. blinking of an eye); Chasa is 15 Visu-ya; Pal is 30
Chasa; Gharhee is 60 Pal; Pahr is seven and a half Gharhee; day is 8 pahr; a month has 15 Thitee. These were the
divisions of time in old days, before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system. In modern system, a Pehar is three
hours (180 minutes), a mahoort/moorat is 48 minutes, a Gharhi is 24 minutes, a Pal is 24 seconds, a Chasa is 4/5
seconds, and a Visuya is 4/75 seconds].
ismrY kwlu Akwlu suic socw ] simrai kaal akaal such sochaa.
Death and life, thought of purification meditate upon(Him).
ismrih saux swsqR sMjogw AlKu n lKIAY ieku iKnw ]7]
simrahi sa-uṇ saastar saNjogaa, alakh na lakhee-ai ik khinaa. ||7||
The shaastaras explaining auspicious signs and moments meditate upon(Him). The
imperceptible (Lord) can not known even for an instant. 7
krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ] karan karaavanhaar su-aamee.
The Lord is the Doer, and, the cause of causes.
sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ] sagal ghataa kay aNtarjaamee.
He is the Controller of all the soouls and hearts.
kir ikrpw ijsu BgqI lwvhu jnmu pdwrQu so ijnw ]8]
kar kirpaa jis bhagtee laavhu, janam padaarath so jinaa. ||8||
One, whom He blesses with His grace and attaches to devotion, (that person) wins the wealth
of life (i.e. accomplishes the purpose of his life). 8
jw kY min vUTw pRBu Apnw ] pUrY krim gur kw jpu jpnw ]
jaa kai man vooṭaa prabh apnaa. poorai karam gur kaa jap* japnaa.
He, within whose mind, our Lord dwells;
by the grace of the Perfect (Lord), he meditates upon the word of the Guru.
[*Jap, here, means the word of the Guru].
srb inrMqir so pRBu jwqw bhuiV n jonI Brim runw ]9]
sarab niraNtar so prabh jaataa, bahuṛ na jonee bharam runaa. ||9||
One, who realizes the Lord pervading within all, does not wander in the womb again, nor
cries (i.e. suffers the pain of birth and death). 9
gur kw sbdu vsY min jw kY ] dUKu drdu BRmu qw kw BwgY ]
gur kaa sabad vasai man jaa kai. dookh darad bharam taa kaa bhaagai.
One, within whose mind the word of Guru abides, his pains sorrow, and doubt run away.
sUK shj Awnµd nwm rsu Anhd bwxI shj Dunw ]10]
sookh sahj aanaNd naam ras, anhad banee sahj dhunaa. ||10||
(He is blessed with) happiness, poise, bliss, and essence of the name; and, the celestial sound
of the unstruck word resounds (within him). 10
so DnvMqw ijin pRBu iDAwieAw ] so dhanvaNtaa jin prabh dhi-aa-i-aa.
He alone is wealthy who meditates upon God.
so piqvMqw ijin swDsMgu pwieAw ] so pativaNtaa jin saadhsaNg paa-i-aa.
He alone is honourable who finds (i.e. joins) the company of the God-oriented persons.
pwrbRhmu jw kY min vUTw so pUr krMmw nw iCnw ]11]
paarbarahm jaa kai man vooṭaa, so poor karaMmaa naa chhinaa. ||11||
One, within whose mind the Supreme Reality (i.e. God) dwells, he is perfectly fortunate and
does not remain hidden (i.e. he becomes revealed in the whole of the world).11
jil Qil mhIAil suAwmI soeI ] jal thal mahee-al su-aamee so-ee.
That Lord is pervading waters, lands and between them (i.e. in the space).
Avru n khIAY dUjw koeI ] avar na kahee-ai doojaa ko-ee.
There is no other said to be so.
gur igAwn AMjin kwitE BRmu sglw Avru n dIsY eyk ibnw ]12]
gur gi-aan aNjan kaati-o bharam saglaa, avar na deesai ayk binaa. ||12||
The collyrium (i.e. light) of the Guru’s wisdom has eradicated all doubts; (hence, now) I do
not see any other except the One (Lord). 12
[*In old days, collyrium was believed to be having the power of enhancing eye-sight; hence, besides being a aid for
make-up, it was considered even a medicine].
aUcy qy aUcw drbwrw ] oochay tay oochaa darbaaraa.
God's court is the highest of the high.
khxu n jweI AMqu n pwrw ] kahan na jaa-ee aNt na paaraa.
His limits and end cannot be described.
gihr gMBIr AQwh suAwmI Aqulu n jweI ikAw imnw ]13]
gahir gaMbheer athaah su-aamee, atul na jaa-ee ki-aa minaa. ||13||
The Lord is deep, profound, unfathomable; He is unweighable, how can He be measured?13
qU krqw qyrw sBu kIAw ] too kartaa tayraa sabh kee-aa.
(O! God) You are the Creator; all is created by You.
quJu ibnu Avru n koeI bIAw ] tujh bin avar na ko-ee bee-aa.
Without You, there is no other at all .
Awid miD AMiq pRBu qUhY sgl pswrw qum qnw ]14]
aad madh aNt prabh toohai; sagal pasaaraa tum tanaa. ||14||
O! God, You are in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. The entire expanse is spread
by You (i.e. the whole expanse of the universe is caused byYou). 14
jmdUqu iqsu inkit n AwvY ] swDsMig hir kIrqnu gwvY ]
jamdoot tis nikat na aavai. saadhsaNg har keertan gaavai.
The messenger of death does not even approach the one, (who)
sings the praise of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons
sgl mnorQ qw ky pUrn jo sRvxI pRB kw jsu sunw ]15]
sagal manorath taa kay pooran jo sarvaṇee prabh kaa jas sunaa. ||15||
All his desires are fulfilled, who listens with his ears, the praise of God. 15
qU sBnw kw sBu ko qyrw ] swcy swihb gihr gMBIrw ]
too sabhnaa kaa sabh ko tayraa. saachay saahib gahir gaMbheeraa.
You belong to all, and, all belong to You; O! True (Lord), You are deep and profound.
P. 1080
khu nwnk syeI jn aUqm jo Bwvih suAwmI qum mnw ]16]1]8]
kaho naanak say-ee jan ootam jo bhaaveh su-aamee tum manaa. ||16||1||8||
Says Nanak: those servants (i.e. devotees) are exalted, who are pleasing to Your mind, O!
Lord. 16.1.8

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

pRB smrQ srb suK dwnw ] prabh samrath sarab sukh daanaa.
O! Lord, (You are) all-powerful, giver of all pleasures.
ismrau nwmu hohu imhrvwnw ] simra-o naam hohu miharvaanaa.
Be merciful (to me) that I may remember (i.e. meditate upon) Your name.
hir dwqw jIA jMq ByKwrI jnu bWCY jwcMgnw ]1]
har daataa jee-a jaNt bhaykhaaree, jan baa chhai jaachaNgnaa. ||1||

(O! brethren) God is the Giver, all beings and creatures are beggars; (His) servants (i.e.
devotees) yearn to beg (from Him). 1
mwgau jn DUir prm giq pwvau ] jnm jnm kI mYlu imtwvau ]
maaga-o jan dhoor param gat paava-o. janam janam kee mail mitaava-o.
I beg for the dust of the feet of His servants (i.e. devotees), that I may obtain supreme state.
(and) the filth of all the births (i.e. countless incarnations) may be washed off.
dIrG rog imtih hir AauKiD hir inrmil rwpY mMgnw ]2]
deeragh rog miteh har a-ukhadh, har nirmal raapai maNgnaa. ||2||
The chronic ailments are cures by the medicine of (the name of) God is pure; I beg to be
imbued with (the name of) the Immaculate Lord. 2
sRvxI suxau ibml jsu suAwmI ] eykw Et qjau ibKu kwmI ]
sarvaṇee suṇa-o bimal jas, su-aamee. aykaa ot, taja-o bikh kaamee.
O! Lord, (Please bless me that) with my ears, I may (always) listen to Your pure praise; and,
with Your one support, I may abandon poison of sexual desire (and other passions).
iniv iniv pwie lgau dws qyry kir suik®qu nwhI sMgnw ]3]
niv niv paa-ay laga-o daas tayray, kar sukarit naahee saNgnaa. ||3||

I should bow and bow and fall at the feet of Your slaves (i.e. devotees); and, should not
hesitate do good deeds. 3
rsnw gux gwvY hir qyry ] imtih kmwqy Avgux myry ]
rasnaa guṇ gaavai har tayray. miteh kamaatay avguṇ mayray.
O! Lord, (Please bless me that) with my tongue I should sing (the praise of) You excellences; and,
the sins I have earned may be erased.
ismir ismir suAwmI mnu jIvY pMc dUq qij qMgnw ]4]
simar simar su-aamee man jeevai, paNch doot taj taNgnaa. ||4||
Remembering and remembering (i.e. meditating upon the name) of my Lord my mind lives,
and, I may rid the five troubling demons (i.e. five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed etc). 4
crn kml jip boihiQ crIAY ] sMqsMig imil swgru qrIAY ]
charan kamal jap bohith charee-ai. saNtsaNg mil saagar taree-ai.
(O! brethren) meditating upon the lotus-feet (of God), one embark His boat.; and,
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, one swims across the (world) ocean.
Arcw bMdn hir smq invwsI bwhuiV join n nµgnw ]5]
archaa baNdan har samat nivaasee, baahuṛ jon na naNgnaa. ||5||
(Understanding that) God is dwelling alike in all should be my flower-offering worship; (so
that) I shall not be reincarnated naked again. 5
dws dwsn ko kir lyhu guopwlw ] ik®pw inDwn dIn dieAwlw ]
daas daasan ko kar layho, gopaalaa. kirpaa nidhaan deen da-i-aalaa.
(Please) make me slave of Your slaves, O! Lord of the World;
O! Treasure of Mercy, Merciful to the Poor.
sKw shweI pUrn prmysur imlu kdy n hovI BMgnw ]6]
sakhaa sahaa-ee pooran parmaysur, mil kaday na hovee bhaNgnaa. ||6||
Meet with me, O! perfect Supreme Lord (God), O! my companion and friend, and, there
should never be any separation. 6
mnu qnu Arip DrI hir AwgY ] jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgY ]
man tan arap dharee har aagai. janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagai.
One, who dedicates one’s mind and body, place them (in offering) before God;
asleep for countless incarnations, he gets awakened.
ijs kw sw soeI pRiqpwlku hiq iqAwgI haumY hMqnw ]7]
jis kaa saa so-ee partipaalak hat ti-aagee ha-umai haNtnaa. ||7||
He, to whom one belong, (that Lord) is the cherisher; He conquers and renounces ego, the
killer (of spiritual life). 7
jil Qil pUrn AMqrjwmI ] Git Git rivAw ACl suAwmI ]
jal thal pooran aNtarjaamee. ghat ghat ravi-aa achhal su-aamee.
(O! brethren) the Controller of the Souls (i.e. God) is fulfilling the waters and the land;
the un-deceivable Lord is pervading each and every heart.
Brm BIiq KoeI guir pUrY eyku rivAw srbMgnw ]8]
bharam bheet kho-ee gur poorai, ayk ravi-aa sarbaNgnaa. ||8||
(When) the perfect Guru demolishes the wall of doubt, (one beholds that) the One alone is
pervading everywhere. 8
jq kq pyKau pRB suK swgr ] jat kat paykha-o prabh sukh saagar.
Wherever I look, there I see the Lord, the Ocean of Happiness.
hir qoit BMfwr nwhI rqnwgr ] har tot bhaNdaar naahee ratnaagar.
God is the treasures of jewels; His stocks are never exhausted.
Agh Agwh ikCu imiq nhI pweIAY so bUJY ijsu ikrpMgnw ]9]
agah agaah kichh mit nahee paa-ee-ai, so boojhai jis kirpangnaa. ||9||
(He) can not be seized, (He is) inaccessible; (His) limits can not be found; he alone realizes
Him upon whom He bestows His grace. 9
CwqI sIql mnu qnu TMFw ] jnm mrx kI imtvI fMJw ]
chhaatee seetal man tan ṭaNḍaa. janam maran kee mitvee daNjhaa.
his breast (i.e. heart) is cooled, and, his mind and body are (also) cooled (i.e. soothed); and,
his fire of birth and death is quenched; (because),
kru gih kwiF lIey pRiB ApunY AimE Dwir idRstMgnw ]10]
kar geh kaaḍ lee-ay prabh apunai, ami-o dhaar daristaNgnaa. ||10||
Grasping his hand, the Lord has lifted them out, by casting His Amrit glance (of grace). 10
eyko eyku rivAw sB TweI ] ayko ayk ravi-aa sabh ṭaa-ee.
The One and the One alone is pervading everywhere.
iqsu ibnu dUjw koeI nwhI ] tis bin doojaa ko-ee naahee.
Without Him, there is no other at all.
Awid miD AMiq pRBu rivAw iqRsn buJI BrmMgnw ]11]
aad madh aNt prabh ravi-aa, tarisan bujhee bharmaNgnaa. ||11||
God pervades in the beginning, in the middle, and in the end; (by His grace) desires and
doubts are subdued. 11
guru prmysru guru goibMdu ] gur parmaysar, gur gobiNd.
The Guru is (the image of) the Supreme Lord (i.e. God), Guru is the Lord of the World.
guru krqw guru sd bKsMdu ] gur kartaa, gur sad bakhsaNd.
The Guru is (the image of) the Creator; the Guru is ever-forgiving.
gur jpu jwip jpq Plu pwieAw igAwn dIpku sMq sMgnw ]12]
gur jap jaap japat fal paa-i-aa, gi-aan deepak saNt saNgnaa. ||12||
Meditating upon the Guru and chanting his word, I have obtained the fruit; and, in the
company of the God-oriented persons, the lamp of knowledge (has illumined my heart). 12
jo pyKw so sBu ikCu suAwmI ] jo paykhaa so sabh kichh su-aamee.
Whatever I see, is all (the immage of) the Lord.
jo sunxw so pRB kI bwnI ] jo sunṇaa so prabh kee baanee.
Whatever I hear is (i.e. resound like) the word of mGod.
jo kIno so qumih krwieE srix shweI sMqh qnw ]13]
jo keeno so tumeh karaa-i-o, saraṇ sahaa-ee saNteh tanaa. ||13||
Whatever I have done, You got me to do, (O! Lord) You are the refuge and help of the God-
oriented persons, Your sons. 13
jwcku jwcY qumih ArwDY ] jaachak jaachai tumeh araadhai.
(O! Lord, Your) beggar beg (from You) and worship You alone.
piqq pwvn pUrn pRB swDY ] patit paavan pooran parabh saadhai.

You are the Purifier f the Sinners, O! perfect accomplished Lord.
eyko dwnu srb suK gux iniD Awn mMgn inhikMcnw ]14]
ayko daan sarab sukh guṇ nidh, aan maNgan nihkiNchnaa. ||14||
O! Treasure of all Happiness and Excellences, I beg for one gift (i.e. of the name); I do not ask
for anything else. 14
P. 1081
kwieAw pwqRü pRBu krxYhwrw ] kaa-i-aa paatar prabh karṇaihaaraa.
God is the Creator of the body-vessel.
lgI lwig sMq sMgwrw ] lagee laag saNt saNgaaraa.
One is attached (to Him) through the company of the God-oriented persons.
inrml soie bxI hir bwxI mnu nwim mjITY rMgnw ]15]
nirmal so-ay baṇee har baṇee, man naam majeṭai raNgnaa. ||15||
Through the word of God, one’s reputation becomes immaculate; and, his mind is coloured
by the madder (i.e. fast) colour of His name. 15
solh klw sMpUrn PilAw ] Anq klw hoie Twkuru ciVAw ]
solah kalaa saMpooran fali-aa. anat kalaa ho-ay ṭaakur chaṛi-aa.
(The mind is) perfectly fructified in the sixteen arts;
(when) the Lord of infinite power is revealed (there).
And ibnod hir nwim suK nwnk AMimRq rsu hir BuMcnw ]16]2]9]
anad binod har naam sukh naanak, aMmrit ras har bhuNchanaa. ||16||2||9||
Nanak (says): (he obtains) bliss, play and happiness through the name of God, and, drinks
AMmrit essence of (the name of) God. 16.2.9

mwrU solhy mhlw 5 Maaroo solhay, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
qU swihbu hau syvku kIqw ] too saahib ha-o sayvak keetaa.
You are my Master, Your have made me Your servant.
jIau ipMfu sBu qyrw dIqw ] jee-o piNd sabh tayraa deetaa.
My soul and body, everything is given by You.
krn krwvn sBu qUhY qUhY hY nwhI ikCu AswVw ]1]
karan karaavan sabh toohai toohai hai naahee kichh asaaṛaa. ||1||
You and You alone are the Doer and the Cause of causes; we have nothing (i.e. no power). 1
qumih pTwey qw jg mih Awey ] tumeh paṭaa-ay taa jag meh aa-ay.
When You sent us, we came into the world.
jo quDu Bwxw sy krm kmwey ] jo tudh bhaaṇaa, say karam kamaa-ay.
Whatever is pleasing to You, we earn (i.e. practice) that deed.
quJ qy bwhir ikCU n hoAw qw BI nwhI ikCu kwVw ]2]
tujh tay baahar kichhoo na ho-aa, taa bhee naahee kichh kaaṛaa. ||2||
Without You, nothing is done; hence, we haves no worry. 2
aUhw hukmu qumwrw suxIAY ] oohaa hukam tumaaraa suṇee-ai.
There (i.e. in the world hereafter), it is Your command that is heard (i.e. obeyed).
eIhw hir jsu qyrw BxIAY ] eehaa har jas tayraa bhaṇee-ai.
Here (in this world), we chant Your praise.
Awpy lyK AlyKY Awpy qum isau nwhI ikCu JwVw ]3]
aapay laykh alaykhai aapay, tum si-o naahee kichh jhaaṛaa. ||3||
You Yourself write the account (of the deeds of everyone), (but) You Yourself are beyond
account; (we can have) no dispute with You. 3
qU ipqw siB bwirk Qwry ] too pitaa, sabh baarik thaaray.
You are our father, we are Your children.
ijau Kylwvih iqau Kylxhwry ] ji-o khaylaaveh ti-o khaylaṇhaaray.
We play as You cause us to play.
auJV mwrgu sBu qum hI kInw clY nwhI ko vypwVw ]4]
ujhaṛ maarag sabh tum hee keenaa, chalai naahee ko vaypaaṛaa. ||4||
The wilderness and (even) paths are made by You, (hence) none can take the wrong path. 4
ieik bYswie rKy igRh AMqir ] ik baisaa-ay rakhay garih antar.
Some You have seated within their homes.
ieik pTwey dys idsMqir ] ik pathaa-ay days disaNtar.
Some wander around in the country and in the foreign lands.
iek hI kau Gwsu iek hI kau rwjw ien mih khIAY ikAw kUVw ]5]
ik hee ka-o ghaas, ik hee ka-o raajaa, in meh kahee-ai ki-aa kooṛaa. ||5||
Some You have given to (cut) grass, and, some are made the kings. Who among these can be
called false? 5
[In the stanza below (no 6), the Guru poses some questions, and, in the stanza following it (no 7), he gives the answers]:
kvn su mukqI kvn su nrkw ] kavan so muktee kavan so narkaa.
(How can we say that): who is liberated, and, who is to go to hell?
kvnu sYswrI kvnu su Bgqw ] kavan saisaaree kavan so bhagtaa.
Who is (in) worldly (entanglements), and, who is a devotee?
kvn su dwnw kvnu su hoCw kvn su surqw kvnu jVw ]6]
kavan so daanaa, kavan so hochhaa, kavan so surtaa kavan jaṛaa. ||6||
Who is a wise, and, who is hollow? Who is aware, and, who is foolish? 6
[Answers to the questions of stanza no 6]:
hukmy mukqI hukmy nrkw ] hukmay muktee hukmay narkaa.
By His command one obtains liberation; and, by His command, one falls into hell
hukim sYswrI hukmy Bgqw ] hukam saisaaree hukmay bhagtaa.
By His command one is (in) worldly (entanglements); and, by His command, one is a devotee.
hukmy hoCw hukmy dwnw dUjw nwhI Avru DVw ]7]
hukmay hochhaa, hukmay daanaa; doojaa naahee avar dhaṛaa. ||7||
By His command one is hollow, and, by His command one is wise; there is no other side (i.e.
he alone does everything). 7
swgru kInw Aiq qum Bwrw ] saagar keenaa at tum bhaaraa.
You (Yourself alone) have made this (world) ocean vast and huge.
ieik KVy rswqil kir mnmuK gwvwrw ] ik khaṛay rasaatal kar manmukh gaavaaraa.
You made some into mind-oriented foolish, and, pushed them into hell.
ieknw pwir lµGwvih Awpy siqguru ijn kw scu byVw ]8]
iknaa paar langhaaveh aapay, satgur jin kaa sach bayṛaa. ||8||
Some You Yourself carry across, they have the True Guru as their true boat. 8
kauqku kwlu iehu hukim pTwieAw ] ka-utak kaal ih hukam paṭaa-i-aa.
Death, the wondrous play, has been sent (into the world) by Your command.
jIA jMq Epwie smwieAw ] jee-a jaNt opaa-ay samaa-i-aa.
You create being and creatures, (and then) absorb them (back into Yourself).
vyKY ivgsY siB rMg mwxy rcnu kInw ieku AwKwVw ]9]
vaykhai vigsai sabh raNg maaṇay, rachan keenaa ik aakhaaṛaa. ||9||
You have created this world as an arena, and, You behold and blossom forth and enjoy all
pleasures. 9
vfw swihbu vfI nweI ] vadaa saahib vadee naa-ee.
Great is the Lord, and, great is His name (i.e. great is His glory).
vf dwqwru vfI ijsu jweI ] vad daataar vadee jis jaa-ee.
He is the great Giver, and, great is His place.
Agm Agocru byAMq Aqolw hY nwhI ikCu AwhwVw ]10]
agam agochar bay-aNt atolaa, hai naahee kichh aahaaṛaa. ||10||
He is inaccessible, imperceptible, infinite and un-weighable; He can not be measured. 10
kImiq koie n jwxY dUjw ] keemat ko-ay na jaaṇai doojaa.
No one else knows His value.
Awpy Awip inrMjn pUjw ] aapay aap niraNjan poojaa.
The immaculate (Lord) Himself is equal to Himself.
Awip su igAwnI Awip iDAwnI Awip sqvMqw Aiq gwVw ]11]
aap so gi-aanee aap dhi-aanee, aap satvaNtaa at gaaṛaa. ||11||
He Himself is (spiritually) learned; He Himself is who meditates; He Himself is very greatly
kyqiVAw idn gupqu khwieAw ] kayt-ṛi-aa din gupat kahaa-i-aa.
For so many days, He remained hidden. (i.e. for a very, very long time He remained in
unmanifest/ recondite/ concealed form).
kyqiVAw idn suMin smwieAw ] kayt-ṛi-aa din suNn samaa-i-aa.
For so many days, He was absorbed in void.
kyqiVAw idn DuMDUkwrw Awpy krqw prgtVw ]12]
kayt-ṛi-aa din dhuNdhookaaraa, aapay kartaa pargatṛaa. ||12||
For how many days there was pitch darkness? (and then) the Creator revealed Himself. 12
P. 1082
Awpy skqI sblu khwieAw ] aapay saktee sabal kahaa-i-aa.
He Himself is called the Power, the (most) powerful.
Awpy sUrw Amru clwieAw ] aapay sooraa amar chalaa-i-aa.
He Himself is brave (i.e. mighty), exercising His command.
Awpy isv vrqweIAnu AMqir Awpy sIqlu Twru gVw ]13]

aapay siv vartaa-ee-an aNtar, aapay seetal ṭaar gaṛaa. ||13||
He Himself spread peace within, and, He Himself is cool like cold hail-balls. 13
ijsih invwjy gurmuiK swjy ] jisahi nivaajay gurmukh saajay.
One, whom He blesses, (spiritually) adorns him through the Guru.
nwmu vsY iqsu Anhd vwjy ] naam vasai tis anhad vaajay.
The name comes to abide within him, and, unstruck sound is revealed within him.
iqs hI suKu iqs hI TkurweI iqsih n AwvY jmu nyVw ]14]
tis hee sukh, tis hee ṭakuraa-ee, tiseh na aavai jam nayṛaa. ||14||
He obtains (spiritual) happiness, and, he is blessed with lord-ship; and, the messenger of
death does not (even) approach him. 14
kImiq kwgd khI n jweI ] keemat kaagad kahee na jaa-ee.
His value cannot be described on paper.
khu nwnk byAMq gusweI ] kaho naanak bay-aNt gusaa-ee.
Says Nanak: The Lord of the World is infinite.
Awid miD AMiq pRBu soeI hwiQ iqsY kY nybyVw ]15]
aad madh aNt prabh so-ee, haath tisai kai naybayṛaa. ||15||
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, God alone (pervades); the (final) decision is in
His hands alone.” 15
iqsih srIku nwhI ry koeI ] tiseh sareek naahee ray ko-ee.
No one is equal to Him.
iks hI buqY jbwbu n hoeI ] kis hee butai jabaab na ho-ee.
No one can refuse anything to Him.
nwnk kw pRBu Awpy Awpy kir kir vyKY coj KVw ]16]1]10]
naanak kaa prabh aapay aapay, kar kar vaykhai choj khaṛaa. ||16||1||10||
Nanak (says): My God is Himself by Himself (i.e. he is all-in-all, all-powerful). He creates and
creates (the creation) and beholds His wondrous play.16.1.10

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

Acuq pwrbRhm prmysur AMqrjwmI ] achut paarbarahm parmaysur aNtarjaamee.
The Lord is the Supreme Reality (God), imperishable, Supreme Lord, Controller of Souls.
mDusUdn dwmodr suAwmI ] madhusoodan* daamodar** su-aamee.
The Lord is Destroyer of Demons*, and, Protector**.
[*‘Literally: one who killed Madhu, the demon; i.e. the ‘Destroyer of demons’ i.e. annihilator of vices].
[** Literally: who has sash around his waist, i.e. ever ready to protect; Protector].
irKIkys govrDn DwrI murlI mnohr hir rMgw ]1]
rikheekays,* govardhan dhaaree,** murlee manohar, har raNgaa. ||1||
He is the Lord of Senses, Lord of Mountains, Lord of Enticing Music and Joyful Lord. 1
[*It is a combination of hrishika/rishee (i.e. senses) and ish/eesh (i.e. Lord). Lord of Senses (or Lord of perception).
[**According to a myth, Krishna (a mythical Hindu king-god) saw huge preparations for the annual offering to Indra
(another mythical god) and questions his father Nanda about it. He debated with the villagers and asked them to do
their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their cattle. The villagers were convinced by Krishna, and did
not proceed with Indra’s worship. Indra was then angered, and flooded the village. Krishna then lifted Mount
Govardhan and held it up as protection to his people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and
recognized Krishna as supreme. Thus, Goverdhan symbolizes the one who protected farmers and animals. These are
the attributes and the names of God].
mohn mwDv ik®s˜ murwry ] mohan maadhav krisan muraaray.
(You are) the Enticer (of hearts), Lord of Maya, Krishan - the Destroyer of demon Mur.
jgdIsur hir jIau Asur sMGwry ] jagdeesur, har jee-o asur saNghaaray.
(You are) the Lord of the World, Beloved God (You destroyed) all the demons.
jgjIvn AibnwsI Twkur Gt Gt vwsI hY sMgw ]2]
jagjeevan abhinaasee ṭaakur ghat ghat vaasee hai saNgaa. ||2||
(You are) the Life of the World, imperishable Lord, dwelling in each and every heart, and,
always with everyone. 2
DrxIDr eIs nrisMG nwrwiex ] dharṇeedhar ees narsiNgh* naaraa-iṇ.
(You are) the Support of the earth, the Lord, the man-lion,* Omnipresent**.
[*According to Bhagavata Purā a Vi u killed the demon Hira ayak a. His younger brother Hira yakaśipu (also
known as Harnakhsh) wanted revenge on Vi u. He undertook many years of austere penance and Brahma was
pleased with him. Thus Brahma offered the demon a boon and Hira yakaśipu asked for the gift of immortality. Brahma
told him that that was not possible, but that he could bind the death of Hira yakaśipu with conditions. Hira yakaśipu
agreed and demanded that (1) let me not meet death from any of the living entities created by you; (2) I should not die
within any residence or outside any residence, (3) neither during the daytime or at night, (4) neither on the ground or in
the sky; (5) neither by any weapon, and(6) neither by any human being or animal etc. When Hira yakaśipu tried to kill
Prehlad, the devotee, Vishnu assumed the form of Narasi haas part-human, part-animal; he came at twilight (when it
is neither day nor night), on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out); he placed Hira yakaśipu on his
thighs (neither on the earth nor in the space); and, using his sharp fingernails (neither animate nor inanimate) as
weapons, he disemboweled and kills Hira yakaśipu]. [**Naaraain, literally means: Dwelling in all beings i.e.
dwVw AgRy ipRQim Drwiex ] daaṛaa agray paritham dharaa-iṇ.
You uplifted the earth on Your fore-teeth.
[*He is the ‘avatar’ of the mythical Hindu god Vishnu in the form of a boar. According to a myth, when the demon
Hiranyaksha stole the earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) and hid her in the primordial waters, Vishnu assumed
the form of Varaha (the boar) to rescue her. Varaha slew the demon Hiranyaksha and retrieved the Earth from the ocean,
lifting it on his fore-tooth and restored Bhudevi (the earth)to its place in the universe. (Hiranyaksha was the elder
brother of Harnakhsh, the father of Prehlaad)].
bwvn rUpu kIAw quDu krqy sB hI syqI hY cMgw ]3]
baavan* roop kee-aa tudh kartay, sabh hee saytee hai chaNga. ||3||
O! Creator, You assumed the form of a pygmy*. You are the good Lord of all. 3
[*According to a myth, when the demon king Bali ruled the entire universe and the gods had lost their power. One day,
assuming the form of a dwarf, Vāmana visited the court of Bali and begged of him as much land as he could step over in
three paces. The King laughingly granted the request. Now, assuming a gigantic form, Vāmana with one step covered
the whole earth, and with the second step the mid-world between earth and heaven. As there was nowhere left to go, the
demon king lowered his head and suggested Vāmana place his foot on it for the promised third step. Vāmana was
pleased, and with the pressure of his foot sent Bali down below to rule the nether world. In the above verse Vaaman has
been spelled as Baavan].
sRI rwmcMd ijsu rUpu n ryiKAw ] saree raamchaNd jis roop na raykh-i-aa.
(O! God) You are that Ram Chand (not the Rama of Aydohya), who has no form, no sign.
bnvwlI ck®pwix dris AnUipAw ] banvaalee chakarpaan daras anoopi-aa.
O! Lord of the (World) Forest, (You are) holding quoit-disc (to destroy evil persons); (You are)
incomparably beautiful.
shs nyqR mUriq hY shsw ieku dwqw sB hY mMgw ]4]
sahas naytar moorat hai sahsaa, ik daataa sabh hai maNgaa. ||4||
(O! God) You have thousands of eyes, and thousands of forms; You alone are the Giver, all
are beggars of You. 4
Bgiq vClu AnwQh nwQy ] bhagat ,anaathah naathay.
You are the lover of Your devotees; the |Master of the of the master-less..
gopI nwQu sgl hY swQy ] gopee naath sagal hai saathay.
(O! God) You are the Lord of the milk-maids; (O! God) companion of all.
bwsudyv inrMjn dwqy brin n swkau gux AMgw ]5]
baasudayv niranjan daatay, baran na saaka-o gun angaa. ||5||
(O! God, You are) Divine- dwelling within all, (You are) immaculate, Giver;, I cannot describe
even part of Your excellences. 5
mukMd mnohr lKmI nwrwiex ] mukand manohar lakhmee naaraa-iṇ.
You are a the Liberator, Fascinating Lord, the Lord of Wealth, Omnipresent.
dRopqI ljw invwir auDwrx ] daropatee lajaa nivaar udhaaraṇ.
You are the Saviour of the honour of Dropti, (and You) liberated (her).
[*According to the Mahabharata, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchāla and the wife of the five
Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing
gamble, the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult
the Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee; and, he began to
disrobe Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs, and, as
Dushasana unwraps layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree keeps getting extended.
Thus, listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
kmlwkMq krih kMqUhl And ibnodI inhsMgw ]6] kamlaakant karahi kantoohal, anad binodee nihsangaa ||6||
(You are) the Lord of Maya, wonder-player, enjoying pleasures, (and yet) unattached. 6
AmoG drsn AwjUnI sMBau ] amogh darsan aajoonee sambha-o.
Your vision is fruitful; (You are) nor born (from womb), (You are)self-existent.
Akwl mUriq ijsu kdy nwhI Kau ] akaal moorat jis kaday naahee kha-o.
Your form is beyond time, which can never be destroyed.
AibnwsI Aibgq Agocr sBu ikCu quJ hI hY lgw ]7]
abhinaasee abigat agochar sabh kichh tujh hee hai lagaa. ||7||
(You are) imperishable, unknowable, imperceptible, everything is attached to Yot. 7
sRIrMg bYkuMT ky vwsI ] sareerang baikunṭ kay vaasee.
(You are) Lord of Wealth, dweller of heavens.
mCu kCu kUrmu AwigAw AauqrwsI ] machh kachh kooram aagi-aa a-utraasee.
By Your will are the incarnations (of Vishnu) as the big fish and the tortoise
kysv clq krih inrwly kIqw loVih so hoiegw ]8]
kaysav chalat karahi niraalay, keetaa loṛeh so ho-igaa. ||8||
(O! Lord) with beautiful hair, You perform wondrous deeds; whatever You wish shall come
to happen. 8
inrwhwrI inrvYru smwieAw ] niraahaaree nirvair samaa-i-aa.
(You are)beyond need of any nourishment, free of enmity and contained (in all).
Dwir Kylu cqurBuju khwieAw ] dhaar khayl chaturbhuj kahaa-i-aa.
Staging Your play (i.e. creation of the universe), You are known as Master of four arms (i.e.
Brahma, the Creator Lord).
swvl suMdr rUp bxwvih byxu sunq sB mohYgw ]9]
saaval sundar roop baṇaaveh, bayṇ sunat sabh mohaigaa. ||9||
(You) assume beautiful form (like that) of dark-coloured (Krisna); hearing his flute all are
bnmwlw ibBUKn kml nYn ] banmaalaa bibhookhan kamal nain.
(You are) adorned with ornament (i.e. garland) of vegetation, and lotus eyes (i.e. as beautiful
and immaculate as the lotus flower).
suMdr kuMfl mukt bYn ] suNdar kuNdal, mukat,bain.
(You are) wearing beautiful (ear)rings, a crown and sweet speech.
sMK ck® gdw hY DwrI mhw swrQI sqsMgw ]10]
saNkh chakar gadaa hai dhaaree, mahaa saarthee satsaNgaa. ||10||
(You are) holding conch, disc-quoit and mace; (You are) the great charioteer (friend) of the
true devotees. 10
pIq pIqMbr iqRBvx DxI ] peet peetambar taribhavaṇ dhaṇee.
(You are) the Master of yellow robes, the Lord of the three worlds.
jgMnwQu gopwlu muiK BxI ] jagaNnaath gopaal mukh bhanee.
(You are) the Master of the World, the Sustainer of the World; I chant (Your name) with my
swirMgDr Bgvwn bITulw mY gxq n AwvY srbMgw ]11]
saaringdhar bhagvaan beeṭulaa,* mai gaṇat na aavai sarbaNgaa. ||11||
(You are) the Archer with a bow (to destroy demons), the Omnipresent Lord; I cannot count
all Your limbs (i.e. excellences). 11 [*Beethulaa, literally: pervading everywhere, i.e. Omnipresent ]
inhkMtku inhkyvlu khIAY ] nihkaNtak nihkayval kahee-ai.
He is said to be without pain and unattached.
DnµjY jil Qil hY mhIAY ] dhananjai jal thal hai mahee-ai.
He is the victor of the wealth (of the world); (He is) pervading the water, land and the skies
(i.e. space).
P. 1083
imrq lok pieAwl smIpq AsiQr Qwnu ijsu hY ABgw ]12]
mirat lok pa-i-aal sameepat, asthir thaan jis hai abhgaa. ||12||
He is in this world and the nether regions, (He is) very near (everyone); His abode is stable
and indivisible (i.e. imperishable). 12
piqq pwvn duK BY BMjnu ] patit paavan dukh bhai bhaNjan.
(He is) the Purifier of the Sinner, and, Destroyer of sorrows and fears.
AhMkwr invwrxu hY Bv KMfnu ] ahaMkaar nivaaraṇ hai bhav khaNdan.
(He is) Liberator of Egotism, and, Eradicator of Wandering (in reincarnation).
BgqI qoiKq dIn ik®pwlw guxy n ikq hI hY iBgw ]13]
bhagtee tokhit deen kirpaalaa, guṇay na kit hee hai bhigaa. ||13||
(He is) pleased with Devotion, Merciful to the Poor; He cannot appeased by any (other) merit. 13
inrMkwru ACl Afolo ] niraNkaar achhal adolo.
(He is) Formless, un-decivable, and, unchanging (i.e. stable).
joiq srUpI sBu jgu maulo ] jot saroopee, sabh jag ma-ulo.
He is the Embodiment of Light; (through Him) the whole world blossoms forth.
so imlY ijsu Awip imlwey Awphu koie n pwvYgw ]14] so milai jis aap milaa-ay, aaphu ko-ay na paavaigaa. ||14||

He alone unites (with Him) whom He Himself unites (with Himself); no one can attain Him by
himself. 14
Awpy gopI Awpy kwnw ] aapay gopee aapay kaanaa.
He Himself is the milk-mai, and, He Himself is Kahn (i.e. Krishan, their lover);
Awpy gaU crwvY bwnw ] aapay ga-oo charaavai baanaa.
He Himself grazes the cows in the forest.
Awip aupwvih Awip Kpwvih quDu lypu nhI ieku iqlu rMgw ]15]
aap upaaveh aap khapaaveh, tudh layp nahee ik til raNgaa. ||15||
(O! God) You Yourself create and You Yourself destroy; not even an iota of the (worldly)
pleasures attaches to You (i.e. You are not affected by these things). 15
eyk jIh gux kvn bKwnY ] ayk jeeh guṇ kavan bakhaanai.
(O! God) I have (just) one tongue, which of Your excellences it can recite?
shs PnI syK AMqu n jwnY ] sahas fanee saykh aNt na jaanai.
Even the thousand-headed serpent (i.e. sheshnaag)* does not know Your limit.
[*In mythology, Seshnaag/Shayshnaag, is a thousand-headed serpent which forms the bed of Vishnu on the ocean of
Milk; he is also known as an incarnate of Vishnu ].
nvqn nwm jpY idnu rwqI ieku guxu nwhI pRB kih sMgw ]16]
navtan naam japai din raatee, ik guṇ naahee prabh kahi saNgaa. ||16||
It (i.e. sheshnaag) meditates upon You every time with a new name day and night, (but even
so) it cannot describe even one of Your (countless) excellences. 16
Et ghI jgq ipq srxwieAw ] ot gahee jagat pit sarṇaa-i-aa.
I have grasped Your support, and, have entered Your refuge, O! Father of the World.
BY BieAwnk jmdUq duqr hY mwieAw ] bhai bha-i-aanak jamdoot, dutar hai maa-i-aa.
The cruel messenger of death is terrifying, and, the ocean of Maya is difficult to swim across.
hohu ik®pwl ieCw kir rwKhu swD sMqn kY sMig sMgw ]17]
hohu kirpaal ichhaa kar raakho, saadh saNtan kai sang saNgaa. ||17||
(O! Lord, please) be merciful and save me in Your will; and attach me to the company of God-
oriented persons. 17
idRsitmwn hY sgl imQynw ] daristimaan hai sagal mithaynaa.
All that is seen is illusion.
ieku mwgau dwnu goibd sMq rynw ] ik maaga-o daan, gobid, saNt raynaa.
I beg for this one gift, O! Lord of the World: (please bless me with) the dust of the feet of the
God-oriented persons
msqik lwie prm pdu pwvau ijsu pRwpiq so pwvYgw ]18]
mastak laa-ay param pad paava-o, jis paraapat so paavaigaa. ||18||
Applying it to my fore-head, I obtain the supreme status; (but) he alone will obtain it (i.e. dust
of the feet), unto whom You bestow. 18
ijn kau ik®pw krI suKdwqy ] iqn swDU crx lY irdY prwqy ]
jin ka-o kirpaa karee sukh-daatay. tin saadhoo charaṇ lai ridai paraatay.
O! Giver of Happiness, those unto whom You have granted Your mercy;
they have grasped the feet-dust of the Guru, and woven (i.e. enshrined) them into their heart.
sgl nwm inDwnu iqn pwieAw Anhd sbd min vwjMgw ]19]
sagal naam nidhaan tin paa-i-aa, anhad sabad man vaajaNgaa. ||19||
They have obtained all the wealth if the name; the unstruck sound of the word resounds
within their mind. 19
ikrqm nwm kQy qyry ijhbw ] kirtam naam kathay tayray jihbaa.
The tongue chants Your imagined names (coined and created by people);
siq nwmu qyrw prw pUrblw ] sat naam tayraa paraa poorbalaa.
‘Satnaam’ (i.e. True Name) is Your primal name (since even before the creation).
khu nwnk Bgq pey srxweI dyhu drsu min rMgu lgw ]20]
kaho naanak bhagat pa-ay sarṇaa-ee, dayh daras man raNg lagaa. ||20||
Says Nanak: The devotees have entered Your refuge; (please) bestow them with Your vision;
their minds are filled with love. 20
qyrI giq imiq qUhY jwxih ] tayree gat mit toohai jaaṇeh.
You alone know your state and extent (i.e. Your grandeur and expanse).
qU Awpy kQih qY Awip vKwxih ] too aapay katheh tai aap vakaaṇeh.
You yourself speak and You Yourself describe it.
nwnk dwsu dwsn ko krIAhu hir BwvY dwsw rwKu sMgw ]21]2]11]
naanak, daas daasan ko karee-ahu, har bhaavai daasaa raakh saNgaa. ||21||2||11||
Nanak (says): (Please) make me slave of Your slaves, O! God, it pleases you, keep me with
Your slaves. 21.2.11

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5 [The following verse has been addressed to Muslim brethren]
Alh Agm KudweI bMdy ] Coif iKAwl dunIAw ky DMDy ]
alah agam khudaa-ee baNday. chhod khi-aal dunee-aa kay dhaNdhay.
O! slave of inaccessible Lord, O! devotee of God;
forsake the thought of the worldly entanglement.
hoie pY Kwk PkIr muswPru iehu drvysu kbUlu drw ]1]
ho-ay pai khaak fakeer, musaafar, ih darvays kabool daraa. ||1||
Become the dust of the feet of Fakeer (i.e. renouncer of worldly life); (consider yourself as)
traveller (on journey of life); such a ‘Darvesh’ (devotee) is accepted (approved) at His doors. 1
scu invwj XkIn muslw ] sach nivaaj, yakeen muslaa.
Let Truth be you prayer; and, faith your prayer-mat.
mnsw mwir invwirhu Awsw ] mansaa maar nivaarihu aasaa.
Let subduing your desires and hopes be your club.
dyh msIiq mnu maulwxw klm KudweI pwku Krw ]2]
dayh maseet, man ma-ulaaṇaa, kalam khudaa-ee paak kharaa. ||2||
Let your body be the mosque, and your mind the priest; and, (make you mind) pure and true
(and let these be) Your divine ‘Kalma’ (hymn/ word). 2
srw srIAiq ly kMmwvhu ] saraa saree-at lay kaMmaavahu.
Let earning (good conduct) be your ‘Shariyat’ (religious path).
qrIkiq qrk Koij tolwvhu ] tareekat tarak khoj tolaavahu.
Let renouncing yourself and searching for God be your ‘Tareekat’ (i.e spiritual purification).
mwrPiq mnu mwrhu Abdwlw imlhu hkIkiq ijqu iPir n mrw ]3]
maarfat man maarahu abdaalaa, milhu hakeekat jit fir na maraa. ||3||

Let conquering your mind be your ‘Maarfat’ (i.e. spiritual wisdom), O! Abdaal (O! faqir),
and, let meeting (with God) be (your achieving the state of) ‘Haqeeqat’; then there you shall not
die again. 3
kurwxu kqyb idl mwih kmwhI ] quraaṇ katayb dil maahi kamaahee.
(O! Faqir) earn (i.e. practice) Quran and Kateb* within your mind.
[*The for Semitic scriptures: Jabur, Taurat, Anjil, Quran].
ds Aaurwq rKhu bd rwhI ] das a-uraat rakhahu bad raahee.
Restrain the ten women (i.e. senses)* from straying into evil ways.
[*Five organs of action (feet, hand, mouth, urinary and sex organ, anus) and five organs of perception (eyes, nose, ears,
tongue, skin)].
pMc mrd isdik ly bwDhu KYir sbUrI kbUl prw ]4]
paNch marad sidak lay baadhhu, khair sabooree kabool paraa. ||4||
Bind (i.e. control) the five men* with faith, charity and contentment, (and, thus) you shall be
acceptable (in his court). 4 [* (i.e. passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride)].
mkw imhr rojw pY Kwkw ] makaa mihar rojaa pai khaakaa.
Let compassion be your Mecca (i.e. holy place), and, dust of the feet (of the God-oriented
persons) be your (ritual) fast.
iBsqu pIr lPj kmwie AMdwjw ] bhisat peer lafaj kamaa-ay aNdaajaa.
Let perfect practise of the word of the prophet be your paradise.
hUr nUr musku KudwieAw bMdgI Alh Awlw hujrw ]5]
hoor noor musak khudaa-i-aa, bandagee alah aalaa hujraa. ||5||
Let the fragrance of the Light of God be your beautiful fairies*; and, the meditation upon
Allah (i.e. God) be your secluded chamber (for meditation). 5
[*As per Islam, one obtains beautiful fairies in the paradise].
P. 1084
scu kmwvY soeI kwjI ] sach kamaavai so-ee kaajee.
He alone is a Qazi, who earns (i.e. practices) truth.
jo idlu soDY soeI hwjI ] jo dil sodhai so-ee haajee.
He alone is a ‘Haajee’* (i.e. pilgrim of Mecca), who purifies his heart.
[*Every Muslim has a religious duty to perform ‘Hajj’ (i.e. pilgrimage to Mecca) at least once in his lifetime].
so mulw mlaUn invwrY so drvysu ijsu isPiq Drw ]6]
so mulaa mala-oon nivaarai, so darvays jis sifat dharaa. ||6||
He alone is a mullah (i.e. maulvi, Muslim priest) who banishes (i.e. gets rid of) evil; and, he
alone is a ‘Darvesh’ (spiritual beggar/ devotee) for whom the praise of God is his support. 6
sBy vKq sBy kir vylw ] Kwlku Xwid idlY mih maulw ]
sabhay vakhat sabhay kar vaylaa. khaalak yaad dilai meh ma-ulaa.
(O! being) all the time and every moment is good (to) remember the Creator; ((so, all the time
and at every moment) enshrine the God within mind.
qsbI Xwid krhu ds mrdnu suMniq sIlu bMDwin brw ]7]
tasbee yaad karahu das mardan, suNat seel baNdhaan baraa. ||7||
Let subjugating the ten* (organs) be your rosary (for meditation); and, let good conduct with
total self-restraint be your circumcision**. 7
[*The ten organs are: five organs of action (feet, hand, mouth, urinary and sex organ, anus) and five organs of
perception (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, skin)].
[**Sunnat means ‘prophet's tradition’. According to Islam, all action their prophet Mohammed performed are
customary ‘sunnat’ for every Muslim; i.e. Mohammed’s conduct is ‘sunnat’ for a Muslim. ‘Quran does not command
khatna/khitna’ (circumcision), but, as Mohammed’s circumcision was performed, hence, it has become a tradition
among the Muslims. The word circumcision has its root in the Latin word ‘circumcidere’, meaning "to cut around"; this
is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human penis].
idl mih jwnhu sB iPlhwlw ] dil meh jaanhu sabh filhaalaa.
(O! being, you must) know in your mind that everything is for the present only (i.e. temporary).
iKlKwnw ibrwdr hmU jMjwlw ] khilkhaanaa biraadar hamoo jaNjaalaa.
Family and household, and, brothers (i.e. relatives), all are entanglements.
mIr mlk aumry PwnwieAw eyk mukwm Kudwie drw ]8]
meer malak umray faanaa-i-aa, ayk mukaam khudaa-ay daraa. ||8||
The kings, rulers, nobles, (all) are mortals; only the gate of God is permanent (place). 8
Avil isPiq dUjI swbUrI ] qIjY hlymI cauQY KYrI ]
aval sifat doojee saabooree. teejai halaymee cha-uthai khairee.
(O! Muslim brethren, make the following five prayers): the first (should be) praise (of God);
the second (should be) contentment.
the third (should be)humility, the fourth (should be)giving to charity;
pMjvY pMjy iekqu mukwmY eyih pMij vKq qyry Aprprw ]9]
puNjvai paNjay ikat mukaamai ayhi paNj vakhat tayray aparparaa. ||9||
The fifth (should be) to hold the five (passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and
pride) at one place. These are the most sublime five times (i.e. five prayers) for you. 9
sglI jwin krhu maudIPw ] saglee jaan karahu ma-udeefaa*.
Let, the knowledge (i.e. realization) that ‘God is everywhere’ be your daily worship.
[*Maudifa means that which means to be done everyday]
bd Aml Coif krhu hiQ kUjw ] bad amal chhod karahu hath koojaa.
Let renunciation of evil actions be your small pot (i.e. water jug) in your hand.
Kudwie eyku buiJ dyvhu bWgW burgU brKurdwr Krw ]10]
khudaa-ay ayk bujh dayvhu baangaan, burgoo barkhurdaar kharaa. ||10||
Let realization the One God be your call for prayer; and, let becoming a good obeying child,
be your playing horn (i.e. trumpet). 10
hku hlwlu bKorhu Kwxw ] hak halaal bakhorahu khaaṇaa.
Make righteous earning your ‘halaal’ food
idl drIAwau Dovhu mYlwxw ] dil daree-aa-o dhovahu mailaaṇaa.
Let your heart be (holy) river and wash away filth (of doubts, vices, sins with its water).
pIru pCwxY iBsqI soeI AjrweIlu n doj Trw ]11]
peer pachhaaṇai bhistee so-ee, ajraa-eel na doj ṭaraa. ||11||
One who realizes (i.e. follows) the prophet, enters heaven; Ajraa-eel (i.e. the messenger/ angel
of death) does not cast him into hell. 11
kwieAw ikrdwr Aaurq XkInw ] kaa-i-aa kirdaar a-urat yakeenaa.
Let your body practising good deeds, be your faithful wife.
rMg qmwsy mwix hkInw ] raNg tamaasay maaṇ hakeenaa.
enjoy pleasure of love of (union with) God.

nwpwk pwku kir hdUir hdIsw swbq sUriq dsqwr isrw ]12]
naapaak paak kar hadoor hadeesaa, saabat soorat** dastaar siraa. ||12||
(Trying to) purify (your) impure (mind) should be presence of (i.e. reading of) ‘hadees’*; and,
let the complete form (of your body)** be turban on your head. 12
[*Hadees is book of Mohammed’s teachings]. [**’saabat soorat’ does not mean uncut hair; this is with regard to
circumcision (i.e. cutting around or surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human penis). Some Sikhs
wrongly refer it as instruction for not cutting hair from any part of body].
muslmwxu mom idil hovY ] AMqr kI mlu idl qy DovY ]
musalmaan mom dil hovai. antar kee mal dil tay dhovai.
Muslim is the one who is kind-hearted; and, he washes away filth from within his heart.
dunIAw rMg n AwvY nyVY ijau kusm pwtu iGau pwku hrw ]13]
dunee-aa raNg na aavai nayṛai, ji-o kusam paat ghi-o paak haraa. ||13||
He does not even draw near (i.e. does not even think of) the worldly pleasures; (he remains)
pure like flower, silk, ghee and deer-skin. 13
jw kau imhr imhr imhrvwnw ] soeI mrdu mrdu mrdwnw ]
jaa ka-o mihar mihar miharvaanaa. so-ee marad marad mardaanaa.
One, who is graced (i.e. blessed) with the grace of the Merciful (Lord);
he alone is (real) man; the manliest among the men.
soeI syKu mswieku hwjI so bMdw ijsu njir nrw ]14]
so-ee saykh masaa-ik haajee so baNdaa jis najar naraa. ||14||
He alone is sheikh, (senior among) sheikhs, ‘haajee’ (i.e. pilgrim to Mecca), and, he alone is a
slave (i.e. devotee of God), who is blessed with grace of God. 14
[*Shaykh/ sheikh means: an old man, worthy of respect, religious scholar. ‘Masaa-ik’ is plural of sheikh; it is also used
for senior sheikh].
kudriq kwdr krx krImw ] kudrat kaadar, karaṇ kareemaa.
It (i.e. the universe) is all God ‘ Creative power; and, He is bestower of grace.
isPiq muhbiq AQwh rhImw ] sifat muhabat athaah raheemaa.
His praise and love of the Merciful (Lord) are unfathomable (i.e. endless).
hku hukmu scu KudwieAw buiJ nwnk bMid Klws qrw ]15]3]12]
hak hukam sach khudaa-i-aa, bujh naanak baNd khalaas taraa. ||15||3||12||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) realize the True and the true command of God, and, you shall be
released from bondage and carried across (the world ocean). 15.3.12

mwrU mhlw 5 ] Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

pwrbRhm sB aUc ibrwjy ] paarbarahm sabh ooch biraajay.
The abode of the Supreme Reality (God) is above al.
Awpy Qwip auQwpy swjy ] aapay thaap uthaapay saajay.
He Himself establishes and disestablishes, (and again) creates.
pRB kI srix ghq suKu pweIAY ikCu Bau n ivAwpY bwl kw ]1]
parabh kee saraṇ gahat sukh paa-ee-ai, kichh bha-o na vi-aapai baal kaa. ||1||
Holding (i.e. by being in) the refuge of God, happiness if found; and, one is not touched by the
fear of Maya. 1
grB Agin mih ijnih aubwirAw ] rkq ikrm mih nhI sMGwirAw ]

garabh agan meh jineh ubaari-aa.rakat kiram meh nahee saNghaari-aa.
He (is the one who) has saved us from the fire of womb;
and, did not destroy us in midst of the worms of blood (in the womb).
Apnw ismrnu dy pRiqpwilAw Ehu sgl Gtw kw mwlkw ]2]
apnaa simran day partipaali-aa, oh sagal ghataa kaa maalkaa. ||2||
By blessing with meditation upon Him, He nurtured us. He is the Master of all the hearts. 2
crx kml srxweI AwieAw ] swDsMig hY hir jsu gwieAw ]
charan kamal sarṇaa-ee aa-i-aa. saadhsaNg hai har jas gaa-i-aa.
One, who seeks the refuge of (His) lotus-feet; and,
sings the praise of God in the company of the God-oriented persons;
jnm mrx siB dUK invwry jip hir hir Bau nhI kwl kw ]3]
janam maraṇ sabh dookh nivaaray, jap har har bha-o nahee kaal kaa. ||3||
(God) erases all pains of birth and death (of such a person); and, meditating upon God, the
Lord, there remians no fear of death. 3
smrQ AkQ Agocr dyvw ] samrath akath agochar dayvaa.
(God is) all-powerful, indescribable, imperceptible, divine.
jIA jMq siB qw kI syvw ] jee-a jaNt sabh taa kee sayvaa.
All beings and creatures serve Him.
AMfj jyrj syqj auqBuj bhu prkwrI pwlkw ]4] andaj jayraj saytaj ut-bhuj baho parkaaree paalkaa. ||4||
All those born from eggs, from wombs, from sweat, and from earth; He cherishes all in so
many ways. 4
iqsih prwpiq hoie inDwnw ] rwm nwm rsu AMqir mwnw ]
tiseh paraapat ho-ay nidhaanaa. raam naam ras aNtar maanaa.
The alone obtains the treasure (of the name of God);
who enjoys the essence of the name of God within (his heart).
kru gih lIny AMD kUp qy ivrly kyeI swlkw ]5] kar geh leenay aNdh koop tay, virlay kay-ee saalkaa. ||5||
Grasping hold of his hand, He pulls him out of blind (i.e. dark) well (of attachment and maya);
such devotees (of God) are very rare. 5
P. 1085
Awid AMiq miD pRBu soeI ] aad a t madh prabh so-ee.

God exists in the beginning, in the middle, in the end.

Awpy krqw kry su hoeI ] aapay kartaa karay so ho-ee.
Whatever the Creator Himself does, comes to happen.
BRmu Bau imitAw swDsMg qy dwild n koeI Gwlkw ]6]
bharam bha-o miti-aa saadhsaNg tay, daalid na ko-ee ghaalkaa. ||6||
(He, whose) fears and doubts are erased in the company of the God-oriented persons,
troubles can not destroy him (spiritually). 6
aUqm bwxI gwau guopwlw ] ootam banee gaa-o gopaalaa.
(O! brethren) sing the sublime word of the Sustainer of the World; and,
swDsMgiq kI mMghu rvwlw ] saadhsaNgat kee maNgahu ravaalaa.
beg for the dust of the feet of the congregation of the God-oriented persons.
bwsn myit inbwsn hoeIAY klml sgly jwlkw ]7]

baasan mayt nibaasan ho-ee-ai, kalmal saglay jaalkaa. ||7||
(Thus) eradicating desires, one becomes free of desires, and, burns away all his sins. 7
sMqw kI ieh rIiq inrwlI ] pwrbRhmu kir dyKih nwlI ]
saNtaa kee ih reet niraalee. paarbarahm kar daykheh naalee.
This is the unique way of the God-oriented persons, (that)
they behold the Supreme Reality (God) (dwelling) with them.
swis swis AwrwDin hir hir ikau ismrq kIjY Awlkw ]8]
saas saas aaraadhan har har, ki-o simrat keejai aalkaa. ||8||
They adore God, the Lord, with each and every breath; (and they think that) why should one
be lazy to meditate uponHim? 8
jh dyKw qh AMqrjwmI ] jah daykhaa tah aNtarjaamee.
Wherever I look, there I see the Controller of Souls.
inmK n ivsrhu pRB myry suAwmI ] nimakh na visrahu prabh mayray su-aamee.
(O! Lord, bless me that) I should never forget my Lord, Master, even for an instant.
ismir ismir jIvih qyry dwsw bin jil pUrn Qwlkw ]9]
simar simar jeeveh tayray daasaa, ban jal pooran thaalkaa. ||9||
(O! Lord) Your slaves live by remembering and remembering (i.e. meditating upon You); You
are permeating the woods, the waters and the land. 9
qqI vwau n qw kau lwgY ] ismrq nwmu Anidnu jwgY ]
tatee vaa-o na taa ka-o laagai. simrat naam an-din jaagai.
(Even) the hot wind does not touch (i.e. calamity/trouble does not afflict) them;
who remains awake remembering His name day and night,
And ibnod kry hir ismrnu iqsu mwieAw sMig n qwlkw ]10]
anad binod karay har simran, tis maa-i-aa saNg na taalkaa. ||10||
He revels and enjoy bliss in remembering God; and, he has no attachment to Maya. 10
rog sog dUK iqsu nwhI ] rog sog dookh tis naahee.
Disease, sorrow, and pain do not affect them;
swDsMig hir kIrqnu gwhI ] saadhsaNg har keertan gaahee.
they sing the praise of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons.
Awpxw nwmu dyih pRB pRIqm suix bynµqI Kwlkw ]11]
aapnaa naam deh, prabh pareetam; suṇ baynaNtee, khaalkaa. ||11||
(Please) bless me with Your name, O! my Creator, my beloved Lord; (please) listen yo my
prayer, O! Creator. 11
nwm rqnu qyrw hY ipAwry ] naam ratan tayraa hai, pi-aaray.
Your name is a (precious) jewel, O! beloved (Lord).
rMig rqy qyrY dws Apwry ] raNg ratay tayrai daas, apaaray.
Your slaves are imbued with Your love, O! Infinite (Lord).
qyrY rMig rqy quDu jyhy ivrly kyeI Bwlkw ]12] tayrai rNng ratay, tudh jayhay, virlay kay-ee bhaalkaa. ||12||
Those, who are imbued with your love, become like You; (but) such persons are rare to be
found. 12
iqn kI DUiV mWgY mnu myrw ] ijn ivsrih nwhI kwhU byrw ]
tin kee dhooṛ maangai man mayraa. jin visrahi naahee kaahoo bayraa.

My mind longs for the dust of the feet of those, who do not forget (God) at any time.
iqn kY sMig prm pdu pweI sdw sMgI hir nwlkw ]13]
tin kai saNg param pad paa-ee, sadaa saNgee har naalkaa. ||13||
Associating with them, I obtain the supreme state; and, God will forever remain with me. 13
swjnu mIqu ipAwrw soeI ] eyku idRVwey durmiq KoeI ]
saajan meet pi-aaraa so-ee. ayk driṛ-aa-ay durmat kho-ee.
He alone is my companion, my beloved friend, (who)
implants (the name of) the One (within me), and, eradicates my evil-mindedness.
kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru qjwey iqsu jn kau aupdysu inrmwlkw ]14]
kaam krodh ahaMkaar tajaa-ay, tis jan ka-o updays nirmaalkaa. ||14||
One who eradicates sexual desire, anger, and egotism (from within me), immaculate are the
teachings of that servant (i.e. devotee of God). 14
quDu ivxu nwhI koeI myrw ] tudh viṇ naahee ko-ee mayraa.
(O! Lord) Other than You, no one (else) is mine.
guir pkVwey pRB ky pYrw ] gur pakṛaa-ay prabh kay pairaa.
The Guru has got me to grasp the feet of God.
hau bilhwrI siqgur pUry ijin KMifAw Brmu Anwlkw ]15]
ha-o balihaaree satgur pooray jin khaNdi-aa bharam anaalkaa. ||15||
I am a sacrifice unto my perfect True Guru, who has destroyed my illusion of duality. 15
swis swis pRBu ibsrY nwhI ] saas saas prabh bisrai naahee.
With each and every breath (I remember God, and) I never forget God.
AwT phr hir hir kau iDAweI ] aaṭ pahar har har ka-o dhi-aa-ee.
(All) the eight-quarters of the day (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), I meditate upon God.
nwnk sMq qyrY rMig rwqy qU smrQu vfwlkw ]16]4]13]
naanak saNt tayrai raNg raatay, too samrath vadaalkaa. ||16||4||13||
Nanak (says): God-oriented persons (i.e. Your devotees) are imbued with Your love; You are
the great and all-powerful (Lord).16.4.13

mwrU mhlw 5 Maaroo, Mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
crn kml ihrdY inq DwrI ] guru pUrw iKnu iKnu nmskwrI ]
charan kamal hirdai nit dhaaree. gur pooraa khin khin namaskaaree.
(I wish I should) enshrine the lotus-feet (of God) continually within my heart; and,
each and every moment, make obeisance to the perfect Guru.
qnu mnu Arip DrI sBu AwgY jg mih nwmu suhwvxw ]1]
tan man arap dharee sabh aagai, jag meh naam suhaavaṇaa. ||1||
I dedicate my body, mind and everything, and place them before the Lord; his name is the
(most) beautiful in the world. 1
so Twkuru ikau mnhu ivswry ] jIau ipMfu dy swij svwry ]

so ṭaakur ki-o manhu visaaray. jee-o piNd day saaj savaaray.
(O! Being) Why forget the Master from mind,
who blessed (you) with body and soul, and embellished you.
swis grwis smwly krqw kIqw Apxw pwvxw ]2] saas garaas samaalay kartaa, keetaa apnaa paavṇaa ||2||
The Creator takes care of you with each and every breath (of life) and morsel (of food); (but)
one receives according to what one has done. 2
jw qy ibrQw koaU nwhI ] jaa tay birthaa ko-oo naahee.
No one is returns empty-handed from Him.
AwT phr hir rKu mn mwhI ] aaṭ pahar har rakh man maahee.
(All) the eight-quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day) keep the Lord in your mind.
P. 1086
swDsMig Bju Acuq suAwmI drgh soBw pwvxw ]3]
saadhsaNg bhaj achut su-aamee, dargeh sobhaa paavṇaa. ||3||
In the company of the God-oriented persons, meditate upon the stable (i.e. imperishable)
Lord, and, you shall be honoured in His court. 3
cwir pdwrQ Ast dsw isiD ] nwmu inDwnu shj suK nau iniD ]
chaar padaarath asat dasaa sidh.naam nidhaan sahj sukh na-o nidh.
The four blessings, eighteen miraculous powers (are found in),
the treasures of name; (and it also blesses with) poise, happiness and the nine treasures.
srb kilAwx jy mn mih cwhih imil swDU suAwmI rwvxw ]4]
sarab kali-aaṇ jay man meh chaaheh, mil saadhoo* su-aamee raavṇaa. ||4||
If you desire in your mind for all happiness, (then) meet the Guru* and remember (i.e.
meditate upon) the Lord. 4 [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
swsq isMimRiq byd vKwxI ] jnmu pdwrQu jIqu prwxI ]
saasat siMmrit bayd vakhaaṇee. janam padaarath jeet paraaṇee.
The Shastras, the Simritis and the Vedas preach (that):
O! mortal (being), win the priceless wealth of life (i.e. accomplish your goal of human life).
kwmu k®oDu inMdw prhrIAY hir rsnw nwnk gwvxw ]5]
kaam krodh niNdaa parharee-ai, har rasnaa naanak gaavṇaa. ||5||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) forsake sexual desire, anger and slander, and, sing (the praise of)
God with your tongue. 5
ijsu rUpu n ryiKAw kulu nhI jwqI ] pUrn pUir rihAw idnu rwqI ]
jis roop na raykh-i-aa kul nahee jaatee. pooran poor rahi-aa din raatee.
(O! brethren) He has no form, no shape, no lineage, no caste (i.e. social class);
(that) Perfect (Lord) is pervading day and night.
jo jo jpY soeI vfBwgI bhuiV n jonI pwvxw ]6] jo jo japai so-ee vadbhaagee, bahurh na jonee paavnaa. ||6||
Whoever meditates upon Him is greatly fotunate; and, he is not consigned to womb again. 6
ijs no ibsrY purKu ibDwqw ] jlqw iPrY rhY inq qwqw ]
jis no bisrai purakh bidhaataa. jaltaa firai rahai nit taataa.
One who forgets the Primal (Lord), the Architect of Destiny;
(he) wanders around burning (in fire of vices) and remains forever tormented.
AikrqGxY kau rKY n koeI nrk Gor mih pwvxw ]7]

akirat-ghaṇai ka-o rakhai na ko-ee, narak ghor meh paavṇaa. ||7||
No one can save an ungrateful person (who forgets God), he is cast into most terrible hell. 7
jIau pRwx qnu Dnu ijin swijAw ] mwq grB mih rwiK invwijAw ]
jee-o paraaṇ tan dhan jin saaji-aa. maat garabh meh raakh nivaaji-aa.
(O! brethren) One, who has blessed you with soul, breath (of life), your and wealth; and,
(He) preserved and nurtured you in your mother's womb.
iqs isau pRIiq Cwif An rwqw kwhU isrY n lwvxw ]8]
tis si-o preet chhaad an raataa, kaahoo sirai na laavṇaa. ||8||
Forsaking His love, you are imbued with another; (you) can not reach any end (i.e. cannot
accomplish goal of your life). 8
Dwir AnugRhu suAwmI myry ] dhaar anoograhu su-aamee mayray.
(Please) bestow Your mercy upon me, O! my Lord.
Git Git vsih sBn kY nyry ] ghat ghat vaseh sabhan kai nayray.
You dwell in each and every heart, (and Your are) near everyone.
hwiQ hmwrY kCUAY nwhI ijsu jxwieih iqsY jxwvxw ]9]
haath hamaarai kachhoo-ai naahee, jis jaṇaa-ihi tisai jaṇaavaṇaa. ||9||
Nothing is in my hands; he alone known whom He gets to know. 9
jw kY msqik Duir iliK pwieAw ] iqs hI purK n ivAwpY mwieAw ]
jaa kai mastak dhur likh paa-i-aa. tis hee purakh na vi-aapai maa-i-aa.
One, who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead from the very beginning;
that person is not afflicted by Maya.
nwnk dws sdw srxweI dUsr lvY n lwvxw ]10] naanak daas sadaa sarṇaa-ee, doosar lavai na laavṇaa. ||10||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I always seek Your refuge; there is no one equal to You. 10
AwigAw dUK sUK siB kIny ] aagi-aa dookh sookh sabh keenay.
In His will, He has made all pain and pleasure.
AMimRq nwmu ibrlY hI cIny ] aMmrit naam birlai hee cheenay.
Rare are those who remember (i.e. meditate upon) AMmrit name (of God).
qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI jq kq EhI smwvxw ]11]
taa kee keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee, jat kat ohee samaavṇaa. ||11||
His value cannot be described; where (one looks) He is pervading (everywhere). 11
soeI Bgqu soeI vf dwqw ] so-ee bhagat so-ee vad daataa.
He alone is the devotees, He alone is the great giver.
soeI pUrn purKu ibDwqw ] so-ee pooran purakh bidhaataa.
He alone is perfect Primal Being, the Architect of Destiny.
bwl shweI soeI qyrw jo qyrY min Bwvxw ]12] baal sahaa-ee so-ee tayraa, jo tayrai man bhaavṇaa. ||12||
He is Your help (i.e. support) since infancy; (He fulfills) whatever Your mind desires. 12
imrqu dUK sUK iliK pwey ] iqlu nhI bDih Gtih n Gtwey ]
mirat dookh sookh likh paa-ay. til nahee badheh, ghateh na ghataa-ay.
Death, pain and pleasure are (all) pre-inscribed;
they can not be increased or decrease by (making an effort for) decreasing, even equaling a
sesame seed (i.e. even a little bit).
soeI hoie ij krqy BwvY kih kY Awpu v\wvxw ]13]

so-ee ho-ay je kartay bhaavai, kahi kai aap vanjaavaṇaa. ||13||
That alone happens which is pleasing to the Creator; speaking of himself (of being capable to
do anything) is ruining himself. 13
AMD kUp qy syeI kwFy ] aNdh koop tay say-ee kaaḍay.
He alone pulls out from the blind (i.e. dark) well (of Maya).
jnm jnm ky tUty gWFy ] janam janam kay tootay gaanḍay.
He unites (with himself) who were separated (from Him) for so many births (i.e. incarnations).
ikrpw Dwir rKy kir Apuny imil swDU goibMdu iDAwvxw ]14]
kirpaa dhaar rakhay kar apunay, mil saadhoo gobiNd dhi-aavaṇaa. ||14||
Bestowing His mercy, He has made them His own, (who) joining the Guru, meditate upon
the Lord of the World. 14
qyrI kImiq khxu n jweI ] tayree keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee.
Your worth cannot be described.
Acrj rUpu vfI vifAweI ] achraj roop vadee vadi-aa-ee.
Wondrous is Your form, and, great is Your glory.
Bgiq dwnu mMgY jnu qyrw nwnk bil bil jwvxw ]15]1]14]22]24]2]14]62]
bhagat daan maNgai jan tayraa, naanak bal bal jaavṇaa. ||15||1||14||22||24||2||14||62||
Nanak (says): Your servant (i.e. devotee) begs for the gift of devotion; I am a sacrifice, a
sacrifice unto You.

mwrU vwr mhlw 3 Maaroo vaar, Mehlaa 3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
ivxu gwhk guxu vycIAY qau guxu shGo jwie ] viṇ gaahak guṇ vaychee-ai ta-o guṇ sahgho jaa-ay.
If virtue is sold when there is no (genuine) customer, then it is sold very cheap (i.e. if some
precious good is offered for sale, and, no one knows the value of that precious thing, then, its worth is not appreciated);
gux kw gwhku jy imlY qau guxu lwK ivkwie ] guṇ kaa gaahak jay milai ta-o guṇ laakh vikaa-ay.
(but) if one meets a buyer of virtue, then virtue is sold for hundreds of thousands.
P. 1087
gux qy gux imil pweIAY jy siqgur mwih smwie ] guṇ tay guṇ mil paa-ee-ai, jay satgur maahi samaa-ay.
Meeting with the one with virtues (i.e. Guru), one obtains virtues, when one merges oneself
in the True Guru.
muoil Amuolu n pweIAY vxij n lIjY hwit ] mol amol na paa-ee-ai, vaṇaj na leejai haat.
The price-less (virtues) can not be obtained for any price; nor can it be purchased at any shop.
nwnk pUrw qolu hY kbhu n hovY Gwit ]1] naanak, pooraa tol hai, kabahu na hovai ghaat. ||1||
Nanak (says): the weight (i.e. price of obtaining virtues) is perfect, it does not get decreases
(i.e. one has to pay full price, and, the price is to merge in the True Guru). 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
nwm ivhUxy Brmsih Awvih jwvih nIq ] naam vihooṇay bharmaseh, aavahi jaaveh neet.
Those, without name, remain wandering around; continually coming and going (in incarnation).
ieik bWDy ieik FIilAw ieik suKIey hir pRIiq ] ik baandhay, ik ḍeeli-aa, ik sukhee-ay har pareet.
Some are in bondage, some are unbound a little, and some are happy in the love of God.
nwnk scw mMin lY scu krxI scu rIiq ]2] naanak, sachaa man lai, sach karṇee sach reet. ||2||
Nanak (says): One, who enshrines faith in the True, his deeds and life-style become true. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gur qy igAwnu pwieAw Aiq KVgu krwrw ] gur tay gi-aan paa-i-aa, at khaṛag karaaraa.
The (spiritual) wisdom obtained through the Guru, is (like) powerful sword.
dUjw BRmu gVu kitAw mohu loBu AhMkwrw ] doojaa bharam gaṛ kati-aa, moh lobh ahaMkaaraa.
(With this sword) the fort of duality and doubt are cut down, (and, the walls of) (emotional)
attachment, greed and egotism (are also pulled down).
hir kw nwmu min visAw gur sbid vIcwrw ] har kaa naam man vasi-aa, gur sabad veechaaraa.
Contemplating the word of the Guru, the name of God comes to abide in the mind.
sc sMjim miq aUqmw hir lgw ipAwrw ] sach saNjam mat ootmaa, har lagaa pi-aaraa.
Through truth and sel-discipline one’s (spiritual) wisdom becomes sublime; and, God
becomes dear to him.
sBu sco scu vrqdw scu isrjxhwrw ]1] sabh sacho sach varatdaa, sach sirjaṇhaaraa. ||1||
(Then one realizes that) the True is the Creator (alone) truly and truly pervades everywhere. 1

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
kydwrw rwgw ivic jwxIAY BweI sbdy kry ipAwru ]
kaydaaraa raagaa vich jaaṇee-ai bhaa-ee, sabday karay pi-aar.
Among the raags, Kedara is known (as good), O! brethren, (if) one (who sings it) comes to
love the word (of the Guru); and,
sqsMgiq isau imldo rhY scy Dry ipAwru ]
satsaNgat si-o mildo rahai, sachay dharay pi-aar.
(Singing Kedara raag is good, if) he remains joining the society of the God-oriented persons,
and, enshrines love for the True (Lord); and,
ivchu mlu kty AwpxI kulw kw kry auDwru ] vichahu mal katay aapnee, kulaa kaa karay udhaar.
(Singing Kedara raag is good, if) he washes away the filth from within (his mind), and, he saves
his family as well.
guxw kI rwis sMgRhY Avgx kFY ivfwir ] gunaa kee raas sangrahai avgaṇ kadhai vidaar.
(Singing of Kedara raag is good, if) he gathers in the capital of virtues, and, destroys and
drives out the vices (from within).
nwnk imilAw so jwxIAY gurU n CofY Awpxw dUjY n Dry ipAwru ]1]
naanak, mili-aa so jaaṇee-ai, guroo na chhodai aapnaa, doojai na dharay pi-aar. ||1||
Nanak (says): He alone is known as united (with God), who does not forsake his Guru and
deos not enshrine love for duality. 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
swgru dyKau fir mrau BY qyrY fru nwih ] saagar daykh-a-u dar mara-o, bhai tayrai dar naahi.
Looking upon the (world) ocean, I get frightened, (but, O! God, if I live) in Your fear, then I
am not afraid.
gur kY sbid sMqoKIAw nwnk ibgsw nwie ]2] gur kai sabad saNtokhee-aa, naanak bigsaa naa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): through the words of the Guru, I am content, and, I blossom forth in His name. 2

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
ciV boihQY cwlsau swgru lhrI dyie ] chaṛ bohithai chaalsa-o, saagar lahree day-ay.
I get on board the boat (of the word of the Guru) and set out, though the (world) ocean is
agitated with waves (of vices).
Twk n scY boihQY jy guru DIrk dyie ] ṭaak na sachai bohithai, jay gur dheerak day-ay.
The boat of Truth faces no obstacles if the Guru gives solace (i.e. encouragement).
iqqu dir jwie auqwrIAw guru idsY swvDwnu ] tit dar jaa-ay utaaree-aa, gur disai saavdhaan.
It will disembark me at His (i.e. God’s) door, (because) the Guru is alert (i.e. watchful).
nwnk ndrI pweIAY drgh clY mwnu ]3] naanak, nadree paa-ee-ai, dargeh chalai maan. ||3||
Nanak (says): It (i.e. boat of Truth) is obtained through His grace, (and boarding it) one
obtains honour in His court. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
inhkMtk rwju BuMic qU gurmuiK scu kmweI ] nihkaNtak raaj bhuNch too gurmukh sach kamaa-ee.
(O! brethren) earn (i.e. practice) truth through the Guru, and, enjoy your (spiritual)
kingdom without any trouble.
scY qKiq bYTw inAwau kir sqsMgiq myil imlweI ]
sachai takhat baithaa ni-aa-o kar, satsaNgat mayl milaa-ee.
Sitting on the True throne, He imparts justice; and, He unites one in union with the true
scw aupdysu hir jwpxw hir isau bix AweI ] sachaa updays har jaapṇaa, har si-o baṇ aa-ee.
(There) meditating upon God, through true teaching (of the Guru), you shall be one with God.
AYQY suKdwqw min vsY AMiq hoie sKweI ] aithai sukh-daata man vasai, aNt ho-ay sakhaa-ee.
If the Giver of Happiness comes to dwell within the mind, here (in this world), (then) in the
end He becomes our help (i.e. support).
hir isau pRIiq aUpjI guir soJI pweI ]2] har si-o preet oopjee, gur sojhee paa-ee. ||2||
Love for God wells up, when the Guru imparts understanding (i.e. realization). 2

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
BUlI BUlI mY iPrI pwDru khY n koie ] bhoolee bhoolee mai firee, paadhar kahai na ko-ay.
Deluded and strayed I wander around, (but) no one shows me the (right) path.
pUChu jwie isAwixAw duKu kwtY myrw koie ] poochhahu jaa-ay si-aaṇi-aa, dukh kaatai mayraa ko-ay.
I go and ask the wise (people), if someone can rid me of my pain.
siqguru swcw min vsY swjnu auq hI Twie ] satgur saachaa man vasai, saajan ut hee ṭaa-ay.
If the True Guru abides within the mind, (then) my friend is (also found) at the same place
(i.e. heart).
nwnk mnu iqRpqwsIAY isPqI swcY nwie ]1] naanak, man tariptaasee-ai ,siftee saachai naa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): My mind is satiated in (singing) the praise (and meditating upon) the True name. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
Awpy krxI kwr Awip Awpy kry rjwie ] aapay karṇee kaar aap, aapay karay rajaa-ay.
He Himself is the Doer, and, he Himself is the deed; and, He Himself does (deeds) in His will.
Awpy iks hI bKis ley Awpy kwr kmwie ] aapay kis hee bakhas la-ay, aapay kaar kamaa-ay.
He Himself blesses some, and, he Himself gets the deed earned (i.e. attaches to meditation).
nwnk cwnxu gur imly duK ibKu jwlI nwie ]2] naanak, chaanaṇ gur milay, dukh bikh jaalee naa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Receiving (Divine) light from the Guru, poison (i.e. sins) and sorrows are
burnt away through (meditation upon) the name. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mwieAw vyiK n Bulu qU mnmuK mUrKw ] maa-i-aa vaykh na bhul too, manmukh moorkhaa.
Do not be fooled by beholding Maya, O! you foolish mind-oriented (person).
clidAw nwil n cleI sBu JUTu drbu lKw ] chaldi-aa naal na chal-ee, sabh jhooṭ darab lakhaa.
It does not go along with when one departs (from the world); all the wealth that is seen is false.
AigAwnI AMDu n bUJeI isr aUpir jm KVgu klKw ] agi-aanee a dh na boojh-ee, sir oopar jam khaṛag kalkhaa.
The blind and ignorant does not understand that the sword of the messenger of death is
(hanging) over his head.
gur prswdI aubry ijn hir rsu cKw ] gur parsaadee ubray jin har ras chakhaa.
Those who have savoured the essence of (the name of) God are saved by the grace of the Guru.
P. 1088
Awip krwey kry Awip Awpy hir rKw ]3] aap karaa-ay karay aap aapay har rakhaa. ||3||
He Himself does; He Himself causes (everything) to be done; and, He, Himself is our Saviour. 3

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ijnw guru nhI ByitAw BY kI nwhI ibMd ] jinaa gur nahee bhayti-aa, bhai kee naahee biNd.
Those, who have not met with the Guru, have not even a bit of fear (of God).
Awvxu jwvxu duKu Gxw kdy n cUkY icMd ] aavaṇ jaavaṇ dukh ghaṇaa kaday na chookai chiNd.
They suffer a lot in coming and going (in reincarnation); and, their anxiety never ends.
kwpV ijvY pCoVIAY GVI muhq GVIAwlu ] kaapaṛ jivai pachhoṛee-ai ghaṛee muhat ghaṛee-aal.
They are (beaten and punished) like the cloth is beaten (while washing on a rock slab), (and like
the bell of) the clock which is struck after every fixed time (i.e. every hour).
nwnk scy nwm ibnu isrhu n cukY jMjwlu ]1] naanak, sachay naam bin, sirahu na chukai janjaal. ||1||
Nanak (says): Without the True name, burden of this chain of entanglement is not removed
from over one’s head. 2

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
iqRBvx FUFI sjxw haumY burI jgiq ] taribhavaṇ ḍooḍee sajṇaa, ha-umai buree jagat.
I have searched throughout the three worlds, O! friend, egotism is (most) bad in this world.
nw Juru hIAVy scu cau nwnk sco scu ]2] naa jhur hee-aṛay sach cha-o, naanak, sacho sach. ||2||
Nanak (says): O! my soul, do not worry, chant (the name of) the True, the Truest of the True.

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gurmuiK Awpy bKisEnu hir nwim smwxy ] gurmukh aapay bakhsi-on, har naam samaaṇay.
He Himself forgives the Guru-oriented; they are absorbed in (meditation upon) God’s name.
Awpy BgqI lwieEnu gur sbid nIswxy ] aapay bhagtee laa-i-on, gur sabad neesaaṇay.
He Himself attaches them to devotion; they bear the insignia of the word of the Guru.
snmuK sdw sohxy scY dir jwxy ] sanmukh sadaa sohṇay, sachai dar jaaṇay.
They who have their face towards Him, are forever beautiful; they are known (i.e. respected
and honoured) at the door (i.e. in the court) of the True.
AYQY EQY mukiq hY ijn rwm pCwxy ] aithai othai mukat hai, jin raam pachhaaṇay.
Those who have realized God, are liberated here (i.e. in this world) and hereafter (i.e. in the
world hereafter).
DMnu DMnu sy jn ijn hir syivAw iqn hau kurbwxy ]4]
dhaNn dhaNn say jan jin har sayvi-aa, tin ha-o kurbaaṇay. ||4||
Blessed and blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees/ humble beings), who have served (i.e.
meditated upon) God; I am a sacrifice unto them. 4

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
mhl kucjI mVvVI kwlI mnhu ksuD ] mahal kuchjee marvaṛee, kaalee manhu kasudh.
The (soul) bride is ill-mannered, (though) proud of tomb (i.e. her body); (she is) black (i.e.
wicked) and impure at heart.
jy gux hovin qw ipru rvY nwnk Avgux muMD ]1] jay guṇ hovan taa pir ravai, naanak, avguṇ muNdh. ||1||
Nanak (says): If she has virtues, the Husband (Lord) will enjoy (i.e. love) her; (but it is not
possible till) the (soul) bride is possessed by vices. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
swcu sIl scu sMjmI sw pUrI prvwir ] saach seel, sach saNjmee,, saa pooree parvaar.
(If) she (i.e. soul bride) has true conduct and true self-discipline, and, belongs to a perfect (i.e.
noble) family;
nwnk Aihinis sdw BlI ipr kY hyiq ipAwir ]2] naanak, ahinis sadaa bhalee, pir kai hayt pi-aar. ||2||
Nanak (says): day and night, she is always (regarded as) good, (because) she has love for her
Husband (Lord). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpxw Awpu pCwixAw nwmu inDwnu pwieAw ] aapnaa aap pachhaaṇi-aa, naam nidhaan paa-i-aa.
One, who realizes his own self, obtains the treasure of the name (of God).
ikrpw kir kY AwpxI gur sbid imlwieAw ] kirpaa kar kai aapnee, gur sabad milaa-i-aa.
Bestowing His grace, He unites him with the word of the Guru.
gur kI bwxI inrmlI hir rsu pIAwieAw ] gur kee baṇee nirmalee, har ras pee-aa-i-aa.
The word of the Guru is immaculate, through it one drinks in the essence of God.
hir rsu ijnI cwiKAw An rs Twik rhwieAw ] har ras jinee chaakhi-aa an ras ṭaak rahaa-i-aa.
Those who taste the essence of God, forsake other taste (i.e. of Maya).
hir rsu pI sdw iqRpiq Bey iPir iqRsnw BuK gvwieAw ]5]
har ras pee sadaa taripat bha-ay, fir tarisnaa bhukh gavaa-i-aa. ||5||
Drinking in the essence of God, they remain satiated forever; their hunger and thirst are
quenched. 5

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ipr KusIey Dn rwvIey Dn auir nwmu sIgwru ] pir khusee-ay dhan raavee-ay, dhan ur naam seegaar.
Her Husband (Lord) is pleased (with her) and He enjoys (i.e. loves) the (soul) bride, (because)
the (soul) bride adorns her heart with the name (of God).
nwnk Dn AwgY KVI soBwvMqI nwir ]1] naanak, dhan aagai khaṛee, sobhaavaNtee naar. ||1||
Nanak (says): The (soul) bride who stands before Him (in obedience), is an August (soul)
bride. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ssurY pyeIAY kMq kI kMqu AgMmu AQwhu ] sasurai pay-ee-ai kaNt kee, kaNt agamm athaahu.
In her in-law's home (i.e. in the world hereafter), and, in her parent's home (i.e. in this world), she
belongs to her Husband (Lord); (but) her Husband (Lord) is inaccessible and unfathomable.
nwnk DMnu suohwgxI jo Bwvih vyprvwh ]2] naanak, dhaNn sohaagaṇee, jo bhaaveh vayparvaah. ||2||
Nanak (says): blessed is that happy (soul) bride, who is pleasing to the Carefree (Husband
Lord). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qKiq rwjw so bhY ij qKqY lwiek hoeI ] takhat raajaa so bahai, je takh-tai laa-ik ho-ee.
That king sits upon the throne, who is worthy of that throne.
ijnI scu pCwixAw scu rwjy syeI ] jinee sach pachhaaṇi-aa, sach raajay say-ee.
These who have realized the True (Lord), they alone are the true kings.
eyih BUpiq rwjy n AwKIAih dUjY Bwie duKu hoeI ]
ayhi bhoopat raajay na aakhee-ahi, doojai bhaa-ay dukh ho-ee.
These earthly lords are not called kings; in the love of duality, they suffer; and,
kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY ijsu jwdy iblm n hoeI ] keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai jis jaaday bilam na ho-ee.
why should we praise someone who is created (by someone), and, he departs in no time at all.
inhclu scw eyku hY gurmuiK bUJY su inhclu hoeI ]6]
nihchal sachaa ayk hai, gurmukh boojhai so nihchal ho-ee. ||6||
The True (Lord) alone is stable (i.e. eternal); one, who understands (this) through the Guru,
(he too) becomes stable. 6

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
sBnw kw ipru eyku hY ipr ibnu KwlI nwih ] sabhnaa kaa pir ayk hai, pir bin khaalee naahi.
The One (Lord) is the Husband of all; no one is without Husband (Lord).
nwnk sy sohwgxI ij siqgur mwih smwih ]1] naanak say sohaaganee je satgur maahi samaahi. ||1||
Nanak (says): They are happy (soul) brides, who merge in the True Guru. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mn ky AiDk qrMg ikau dir swihb CutIAY ] man kay adhik taraNg, ki-o dar saahib chhutee-ai.
So many waves (of desires and Maya) arise in the mind, (then)how can one be liberated in the
court of the Lord? [The answer is in the following line]:
jy rwcY sc rMig gUVY rMig Apwr kY ] jay raachai sach raNg, gooṛai raNg apaar kai.
If one is absorbed in the love of the True (Lord), the deep colour of the Infinite (Lord);
nwnk gur prswdI CutIAY jy icqu lgY sic ]2] naanak gur parsaadee chhutee-ai jay chit lagai sach. ||2||
Nanak (says): one is liberated by the Guru’s grace, if his mind is attached to the True (Lord). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir kw nwmu Amolu hY ikau kImiq kIjY ] har kaa naam amol hai, ki-o keemat keejai.
The name of God is priceless, how can its value be estimated?
P. 1089
Awpy isRsit sB swjIAnu Awpy vrqIjY ] aapay sarisat sabh saajee-an, aapay varteejai.
He Himself has created the entire universe; and, He Himself is pervading (it).
gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY scu kImiq kIjY ] gurmukh sadaa salaahee-ai, sach keemat keejai.
(O! brethren) praise (God) forever through the Guru; assess the True (Lord like this).
gur sbdI kmlu ibgwisAw iev hir rsu pIjY ] gur sabdee kamal bigaasi-aa, iv har ras peejai.
Through the word of the Guru, the lotus (of heart) blossoms forth; in this way one drinks in
the essence of God.
Awvx jwxw TwikAw suiK shij svIjY ]7] aavaṇ jaaṇaa ṭaaki-aa sukh sahj saveejai. ||7||
(Thus) coming and going (in incarnation) ceases, and, one sleeps in peace and poise. 7

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
nw mYlw nw DuMDlw nw Bgvw nw kcu ] nwnk lwlo lwlu hY scY rqw scu ]1]
naa mailaa naa dhuNdhlaa, naa bhagvaa naa kach. naanak laalo laal hai sachai rataa sach. ||1||
Nanak (says): One, who is imbued with (the name of) the True (Lord) becomes true, (he is)
red, deep red (i.e. drenched in love);
(and this colour of love is) neither dirty, nor dull, nor ochre, nor any colour that fades away. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
shij vxspiq Pulu Plu Bvru vsY BY KMif ] sahj vaṇaspat, ful, fal; bhavar vasai, bhai khaNd.
Poise (is like) vegetation, with flower (of faith), and fruit (of spiritual wisdom), and, bumble-
bee (i.e. seeker) dwells in it fearlessly.
nwnk qrvru eyku hY eyko Pulu iBrMgu ]2] naanak, tarvar ayk hai, ayko ful, bhiraNg. ||2||
Nanak (says): (In fact) there is one true (i.e. Guru), one flower (i.e. devotion) and the bumble-
bee (i.e. seeker) dwells in it. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jo jn lUJih mnY isau sy sUry prDwnw ] jo jan loojheh manai si-o, say sooray pardhaanaa.

Those persons who fight (i.e. struggle) with their minds, are brave and distinguished.
hir syqI sdw imil rhy ijnI Awpu pCwnw ] har saytee sadaa mil rahay, jinee aap pachhaanaa.
Those who realize their own self, they remain forever in union with God.
igAwnIAw kw iehu mhqu hY mn mwih smwnw ] gi-aanee-aa kaa ih mahat hai, man maahi samaanaa.
This is the glory (i.e. credit) of the (spiritually) wise, (that) they are absorbed in their mind.
hir jIau kw mhlu pwieAw scu lwie iDAwnw ] har jee-o kaa mahal paa-i-aa sach laa-ay dhi-aanaa.
They find the mansion of (the presence of) God, by focussing their mind on the True (Lord).
ijn gur prswdI mnu jIiqAw jgu iqnih ijqwnw ]8] jin gur parsaadee man jeeti-aa jag tineh jitaanaa. ||8||
Those, who conquer their mind by the grace of the Guru, conquer the world. 8

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
jogI hovw jig Bvw Gir Gir BIiKAw lyau ] drgh lyKw mMgIAY iksu iksu auqru dyau ]
jogee hovaa, jag bhavaa, ghar ghar bheekhi-aa lay-o. dargeh laykhaa ma gee-ai, kis kis utar day-o.
If I were to become a yogi and wander around the world, begging (food) from door to door;
(but) when I am called to account in the court of God, (then) for what shall I answer and for
what not (that I had done)?
iBiKAw nwmu sMqoKu mVI sdw scu hY nwil ] bhikhi-aa naam saNtokh maṛee, sadaa sach hai naal.
One, who has (begged for) charity of the name (of God), and, contentment is his tomb (i.e.
temple), the True (Lord) is always with him.
ByKI hwQ n lDIAw sB bDI jmkwil ] bhaykhee haath na ladhee-aa, sabh badhee jamkaal.
No one has (ever) found truth by wearing (religious) robes; all are all bound by (i.e. seized by)
the messenger of death.
nwnk glw JUTIAw scw nwmu smwil ]1] naanak, galaa jhooṭee-aa, sachaa naam samaal. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) all talking is false, (so, you) remember the True name (of God). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ijqu dir lyKw mMgIAY so dru syivhu n koie ] jit dar laykhaa maNgee-ai, so dar sayvihu na ko-ay.
That door, for (serving) which one has to account for (one’s deeds), do not serve at (i.e. one
should not attach himself to) that door; (in stead)
Aysw siqguru loiV lhu ijsu jyvfu Avru n koie ] aisaa satgur loṛ lahu, jis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
(so) seek and find such a True Guru, who has no equal as great he is.
iqsu srxweI CUtIAY lyKw mMgY n koie ] tis sarṇaa-ee chhootee-ai, laykhaa maNgai na ko-ay.
In His refuge, one is released, and, no one calls him to account.
scu idRVwey scu idRVu scw Ehu sbdu dyie ] sach driṛ-aa-ay sach dariṛ, sachaa oh sabad day-ay.
He (i.e. True Guru) implants truth within (himself), and, he implants truth (within himself);
and, he bestows the True word.
ihrdY ijs dY scu hY qnu mnu BI scw hoie ] hirdai jis dai sach hai, tan man bhee sachaa ho-ay.
One, who has truth within his heart, his body and are also true.
nwnk scY hukim mMinAY scI vifAweI dyie ] naanak, sachai hukam maNni-ai, sachee vadi-aa-ee day-ay.
Nanak (says): obeying the command of the True (Lord), one is blessed with truehonour.
scy mwih smwvsI ijs no ndir kryie ]2] sachay maahi samaavasee, jis no nadar karay-i. ||2||
One, whom He blesses with His grace, he merges in the True (Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-orhee
sUry eyih n AwKIAih AhMkwir mrih duKu pwvih] sooray ayhi na aakhee-ahi, ahaMkaar mareh dukh paavahi.
They are not called brave, who die in egotism and suffer in pain.
AMDy Awpu n pCwxnI dUjY pic jwvih ] aNdhay aap na pachhaannee, doojai pach jaaveh.
The blind do not realize their own self, (hence) they burn in love of duality.
Aiq kroD isau lUJdy AgY ipCY duKu pwvih ] at karodh si-o loojh-day, agai pichhai dukh paavahi.
In extreme anger, they quarrel , (hence) they suffer sorrows here and hereafter.
hir jIau AhMkwru n BwveI vyd kUik suxwvih ] har jee-o ahaMkaar na bhaav-ee, vayd kook suṇaaveh.
Dear God is not pleased by egotism, (even) the Vedas proclaim it loudly.
AhMkwir muey sy ivgqI gey mir jnmih iPir Awvih ]9]
ahaMkaar mu-ay say vigtee ga-ay, mar janmeh fir aavahi. ||9||
Those, who die in egotism, they depart (from the world) without (obtaining) salvation; they
die and are born again and remain coming (in reincarnation).

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
kwgau hoie n aUjlw lohy nwv n pwru ] kaaga-o ho-ay na oojlaa, lohay naav na paar.
The crows cannot be white, the iron boat cannot float across.
iprm pdwrQu mMin lY DMnu svwrxhwru ] piram padaarath maNn lai, dhaNn savaaraṇhaar.
(But, when) one enshrines the wealth of (i.e. the name of) the Beloved (Lord), the Blessed
(Lord) adorns him.
hukmu pCwxY aUjlw isir kwst lohw pwir ] hukam pachhaaṇai oojlaa, sir kaasat lohaa paar.
One who realizes the command (of God), he becomes clean (i.e. from crow he is transformed
into white swan); (same way) iron (when it is) on the wood floats across.
iqRsnw CofY BY vsY nwnk krxI swru ]1] tarisnaa chhodai bhai vasai, naanak karṇee saar. ||1||
Nanak (says): One, who forsakes desires, and, lives in (God’s) fear, his is the most worthy
action. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mwrU mwrx jo gey mwir n skih gvwr ] maaroo maaraṇ jo ga-ay, maar na sakahi gavaar.
They, who went to deserts to kill (i.e. conquer their mind), those ignorant ones could not kill.
nwnk jy iehu mwrIAY gur sbdI vIcwir ] naanak, jay ih maaree-ai, gur sabdee veechaar.
Nanak (says): If one wants to kill (i.e. conquer one’s mind), (then, he should) contemplate the
word of the Guru.
eyhu mnu mwirAw nw mrY jy locY sBu koie ] ayhu man maari-aa naa marai, jay lochai sabh ko-ay.
This mind is not killed (i.e. conquered), by (any attempt at) killing it, even if one fully long for it.
nwnk mn hI kau mnu mwrsI jy siqguru BytY soie ]2]
naanak, man hee ka-o man maarsee, jay satgur bhaytai so-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): The mind itself will kill (i.e. conquer) mind, if one meets with the True Guru. 2

P. 1090
pauVI ] pa-orhee
dovY qrPw aupweIEnu ivic skiq isv vwsw ] dovai tarfaa opaa-ee-on, vich sakat siv vaasaa.
He created both sides (in this world); Shiv and Shakti (i.e. Maya and soul) both dwell in it.
skqI iknY n pwieE iPir jnim ibnwsw ] saktee kinai na paa-i-o fir janam binaasaa.
Through Maya, no one has ever obtained Him; (on the other hand, in love of Maya) one takes birth
and dies (i.e. one remains in the cycle of reincarnation).
guir syivAY swiq pweIAY jip sws igrwsw ] gur sayvi-ai saat paa-ee-ai, jap saas giraasaa.
Serving the Guru one finds happiness, by meditating upon Him with every breath (of life) and
morsel (of food).
isimRiq swsq soiD dyKu aUqm hir dwsw ] simrit saasat sodh daykh, ootam har daasaa.
Searching and finding from the Simritis and the Shastras, (you shall find that) the slave (i.e
devotee) of God is the most sublime person.
nwnk nwm ibnw ko iQru nhI nwmy bil jwsw ]10] naanak, naam binaa ko thir nahee, naamay bal jaasaa. ||10||
Nanak (says): Without the name, nothing is stable; I am a sacrifice unto the name (of God). 10

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
hovw pMifqu joqkI vyd pVw muiK cwir ] hovaa paNdit jotkee, vayd paṛaa mukh chaar.
If I were a Pandit (i.e. religious scholar), an astrologer, and, recite the four Vedas with my mouth.
nv KMf mDy pUjIAw ApxY cij vIcwir ] nav khaNd madhay poojee-aa, apnai chaj veechaar.
I might be worshipped throughout the nine-continents, for my (good) conduct and wisdom.
mqu scw AKru Buil jwie caukY iBtY n koie ] mat sachaa akhar bhul jaa-ay, cha-ukai bhitai na ko-ay.
(But) let me not forget the word of Truth; and, no one can touch (i.e. enter) my cooking enclosure.
JUTy cauky nwnkw scw eyko soie ]1] jhooṭay cha-ukay naankaa, sachaa ayko so-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): (But) such cooking enclosures are false, only One (Lord) is True. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
Awip aupwey kry Awip Awpy ndir kryie ] aap upaa-ay karay aap, aapay nadar karay-i.
He Himself creates and He Himself acts, and, He Himself bestows his grace.
Awpy dy vifAweIAw khu nwnk scw soie ]2] aapay day vadi-aa-ee-aa, kaho naanak sachaa so-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He Himself grants glory; He alone is the True (Lord). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
kMtku kwlu eyku hY horu kMtku n sUJY ] kaNtak kaal ayk hai, hor kaNtak na soojhai.
(Fear of) death is a (painful) thorn; I cannot think of any other thorn (which is more painful).
APirE jg mih vrqdw pwpI isau lUJY ] afri-o jag meh varatdaa, paapee si-o loojhai.
It (i.e. death) stalks and pervades the world unstopped; and, fights with the sinners.
gur sbdI hir BydIAY hir jip hir bUJY ] gur sabdee har bhaydee-ai, har jap har boojhai.
Through the word of the Guru, one learns the mystery of God; and meditating upon God, one
realizes God.
so hir srxweI CutIAY jo mn isau jUJY ] so har sarṇaa-ee chhutee-ai, jo man si-o joojhai.
He is emancipated in the refuge of God,who struggles with his own mind.
min vIcwir hir jpu kry hir drgh sIJY ]11] man veechaar har jap karay, har dargeh seejhai. ||11||
One, who contemplates God within his mind and meditates upon Him, succeeds in the
court of God. 11

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
hukim rjweI swKqI drgh scu kbUlu ] hukam rajaa-ee saakh-tee, dargeh sach kabool.
(O! brethren) obey His command and will; Truth (alone) is accepted in His court.
swihbu lyKw mMgsI dunIAw dyiK n BUlu ] saahib laykhaa maNgsee, dunee-aa daykh na bhool.
The Lord shall call you to accounts, (so) do not go astray on beholding the world (i.e. Maya).
idl drvwnI jo kry drvysI idlu rwis ] dil darvaanee jo karay, darvaysee dil raas.
One, who keeps watch over one's heart, keeps his heart immaculate.
iesk muhbiq nwnkw lyKw krqy pwis ]1] isak muhabat naankaa, laykhaa kartay paas. ||1||
Nanak (says): The account of ones love and affection, is with the Creator. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
Algau joie mDUkVau swrMgpwix sbwie ] alga-o jo-ay madhookaṛa-o, saraNgpaaṇ* sabaa-ay.
One, who is unattached like bumble-bee, sees the Sustainer of the Earth* everywhere.
[*Saarangpanee literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ ].
hIrY hIrw byiDAw nwnk kMiT suBwie ]2] heerai heeraa baydhi-aa, naanak kaNṭ subhaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): the diamond (of his heart) is pierced though with the diamond (of the name);
and, his neck is decorated with it. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mnmuK kwlu ivAwpdw moih mwieAw lwgy ] manmukh kaal vi-aapdaa, mohi maa-i-aa laagay.
The mind-oriented are afflicted by (the fear of) death, (because) they are attached to Maya.
iKn mih mwir pCwVsI Bwie dUjY Twgy ] khin meh maar pachhaaṛsee, bhaa-ay doojai ṭaagay.
Those who are robbed by love of duality, it (i.e. death) will kill and destroy them.
iPir vylw hiQ n AwveI jm kw fMfu lwgy ] fir vaylaa hath na aavee, jam kaa daNd laagay.
This opportunity (i.e. human life) shall not come in their hands again; (once) they are struck
by the club of the messenger of death.
iqn jm fMfu n lgeI jo hir ilv jwgy ] tin jam daNd na lag-ee jo har liv jaagay.
(But) the club of the messenger of death does not (even) strike those who are awake in the
love of God.
sB qyrI quDu CfwvxI sB quDY lwgy ]12] sabh tayree tudh chhadaavaṇee, sabh tudhai laagay. ||12||
All (the world) is Yours, and, You emancipate them; (that is why) all are attached You. 12

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
srby joie AgCmI dUKu Gnyro AwiQ ] sarbay jo-ay agachhmee, dookh ghanayro aath.
(O! brethren) see (i.e. seek the refuge of) the Imperishable (God) in (i.e. pervading) everyone,
attachment to Maya brings (only) a lot of sufferings.
kwlru lwdis sru lwGxau lwBu n pUMjI swiQ ]1] kaalar laadas sar laaghaṇa-o, laabh na poo jee saath. ||1||
You have to cross over the (world) ocean, (but) you have loaded only alkaline soil, you are

not carrying profit and capital (of the name) with you (hence you will not be able to cross over). 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
pUMjI swcau nwmu qU AKutau drbu Apwru ] pooNjee saacha-o naam too, akhuta-o darab apaar.
(O! brethren) you have the capital of the True name; this treasures shall never exhaust
nwnk vKru inrmlau DMnu swhu vwpwru ]2] naanak, vakhar nirmalo, dhaNn saahu vaapaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): this merchandise (of the name) is immaculate; blessed is the banker who trades
in this (i.e. the name of the Lord). 2

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
pUrb pRIiq iprwix lY motau Twkuru mwix ] poorab pareet piraaṇ, lai mota-o ṭaakur maan.
(O! brethren) realize tour earlier love (i.e. love for God), and enjoy (love of) the great Lord
mwQY aUBY jmu mwrsI nwnk mylxu nwim ]3] maathai oobhai jam maarsee, naanak maylaṇ naam. ||3||
Nanank (says): if you are united with the name (of God), You shall push down the forehead (i.e.
the face) of the messenger of death down (to the ground). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy ipMfu svwirEnu ivic nv iniD nwmu ] aapay piNd savaari-on, vich nav nidh naam.
He Himself has adorned the body and placed the nine treasures of name within it.
ieik Awpy Brim BulwieAnu iqn inhPl kwmu ] ik aapay bharam bhulaa-i-an, tin nihfal kaam.
He has strayed some in doubt; (hence) all their deeds become fruitless.
ieknI gurmuiK buiJAw hir Awqm rwmu ] iknee gurmukh bujhi-aa, har aatam raam.
Some have realized through the Guru that God, the Supreme Soul (pervades everywhere).
ieknI suix kY mMinAw hir aUqm kwmu ] iknee suṇ kai mani-aa, har ootam kaam.
Some listen and obey God, their actions are sublime.
AMqir hir rMgu aupijAw gwieAw hir gux nwmu ]13] aNtar har raNg upji-aa, gaa-i-aa har guṇ naam. ||13||
Love for God weels up within them; and, they sing the praise of the excellences of God and
(chant His) name. 13
P. 1091
sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
Bolqix BY min vsY hykY pwDr hIfu ] bhogtaṇ bhai man vasai, haykai paadhar heed.
(If) innocence and the fear (of God) come to dwell in the mind, the path (of union with Him)
becomes straight (i.e. easy);
Aiq fwhpix duKu Gxo qIny Qwv BrIfu ]1] at daahpaṇ dukh ghaṇo, teenay thaav bhareed. ||1||
(Whereas) extreme jealousy (and envy) causes lots of sufferings, and, all the three* places are
pollutes. 1 [*The three are mind, speech and body].

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
mWdlu byid is bwjxo Gxo DVIAY joie ] maa dal bayd se baajno, ghaṇo dhaṛee-ai jo-ay.

The drum of the Vedas resounds; many groups look towards it (many follow teaching of Vedas).
nwnk nwmu smwil qU bIjau Avru n koie ]2] naanak, naam samaal too, beeja-o avar na ko-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! being) You remember (only) the name; there is none except Him. 2

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
swgru guxI AQwhu ikin hwQwlw dyKIAY ] saagar guṇee athaahu, kin haathaalaa daykhee-ai.
The (world) ocean of the (three) qualities is unfathomable; who has seen its depth?
vfw vyprvwhu siqguru imlY q pwir pvw ] vadaa vayparvaahu, satgur milai ta paar pavaa.
If I meet with the great carefree True Guru, then I can cross over to the other shore.
mJ Bir duK bduK ] majh bhar dukh badukh.
It (i.e. world) is filled with trouble and sufferings.
nwnk scy nwm ibnu iksY n lQI BuK ]3] naanak, sachay naam bin, kisai na lathee bhukh. ||3||
Nanak (says): Without the name of the True (Lord), no one’s hunger is satisfied. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijnI AMdru BwilAw gur sbid suhwvY ] jinee aNdar bhaali-aa, gur sabad suhaavai.
Those who have searched their inner self, they are adorned through the word of the Guru.
jo ieCin so pwiedy hir nwmu iDAwvY ] jo ichhan so paa-iday, har naam dhi-aavai.
Whatever they wish for, they obtain that by meditating upon the name of God
ijs no ik®pw kry iqsu guru imlY so hir gux gwvY ] jis no kirpaa karay, tis gur milai, so har guṇ gaavai.
One, upon whom He bestows His kindness, meets with the Guru, and, he sings (the praise of)
the excellences of God.
Drm rwie iqn kw imqu hY jm mig n pwvY ] dharam raa-ay tin kaa mit hai, jam mag na paavai.
The Judge of Righteousness is (i.e. becomes) his friend, he is not placed on the way of death.
hir nwmu iDAwvih idnsu rwiq hir nwim smwvY ]14] har naam dhi-aavahi dinas raat, har naam samaavai ||14||
He meditates upon the name of God, day and night, and, remains absorbed in the name of
God. 14

sloku mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
suxIAY eyku vKwxIAY surig imriq pieAwil ] suṇee-ai ayk vakhaaṇee-ai, surag mirat pa-i-aal.
It is heard and described that the One (permeates) the heavens, the word and the nether regions.
hukmu n jweI myitAw jo iliKAw so nwil ] hukam na jaa-ee mayti-aa, jo likhi-aa so naal.
His command cannot be erased; whatever is written (for the being) shall go along with him.
kauxu mUAw kauxu mwrsI kauxu AwvY kauxu jwie ] kauxu rhsI nwnkw iks kI suriq smwie ]1]
ka-uṇ moo-aa, ka-uṇ maarsee, ka-uṇ aavai, ka-uṇ jaa-ay.
ka-uṇ rahsee, naankaa, kis kee surat samaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): (Then, the question arises): Who is dead, who kills, who comes and who goes?
Who will enjoy bliss, and whose consciousness merges (in Him). 1
[The answers have been given in the following stanza]:

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
hau muAw mY mwirAw pauxu vhY drIAwau ] ha-o mu-aa, mai maari-aa, pa-uṇ vahai daree-aa-o.
One dies in egotism; possessiveness kills (him); the air (i.e. breath) flows out like a river.
iqRsnw QkI nwnkw jw mnu rqw nwie ] tarisnaa thakee naankaa jaa man rataa naa-ay.
Nanak (says): Desire is exhausted (i.e. eliminated) when the mind is imbued with His name.
loiex rqy loiexI kMnI suriq smwie ] lo-Iṇ ratay lo-Iṇee kaNnee surat samaa-ay.

The eyes are imbued with the eyes (i.e. with His vision), and, through the ears one merge in
His consciousness.
jIB rswieix cUnVI rqI lwl lvwie ] jeebh rasaa-in choonṛee, ratee laal lavaa-ay.
Tasting the source of essence, the tongue becomes beautiful, and, meditating upon the
Beloved (Lord), it gets dyed in (deep) red (colour of the name of the Lord).
AMdru musik JkoilAw kImiq khI n jwie ]2] aNdar musak jhakoli-aa, keemat kahee na jaa-ay. ||2||
His inner being is perfumed with the fragrance (of God); his worth can not be described. 2

pauVI ] pa-orhee
iesu jug mih nwmu inDwnu hY nwmo nwil clY ] is jug meh naam nidhaan hai, naamo naal chalai.
In this Age, the name (of God) is te treasure; and, the name alone goes along in the end.
eyhu AKutu kdy n inKuteI Kwie Kricau plY ] ayhu akhut, kaday na nikhuta-ee, khaa-ay kharchi-o palai.
It is inexhaustible, it never exhausts, (no matter) one may eat, spend and hold it with oneself.
hir jn nyiV n AwveI jmkMkr jmklY ] har jan nayṛ na aavee, jamkaNkar jamkalai.
The messenger of death, (yes) the messenger of death does not even approach the servant (ie.
devotee) of God.
sy swh scy vxjwirAw ijn hir Dnu plY ] say saah sachay vaṇjaari-aa, jin har dhan palai.
They alone are the true banker and traders, who have the wealth of God in their pocket.
hir ikrpw qy hir pweIAY jw Awip hir GlY ]15] har kirpaa tay har paa-ee-ai, jaa aap har ghalai. ||15||
By the grace of God, one finds (the wealth of the name of) God, (only) when God Himself sends
(i.e. bestows). 15

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
mnmuK vwpwrY swr n jwxnI ibKu ivhwJih ibKu sMgRhih ibK isau Drih ipAwru ]
manmukh vaapaarai saar na jaannee, bikh vihaajheh, bikh saNgar-hahi, bikh si-o dhareh pi-aar.
The mind-oriented do not know worth of the (real) trade, (hence) they deal in poison (i.e.
maya), gather poison (i.e. maya), and love poison (i.e. maya).
bwhrhu pMifq sdwiedy mnhu mUrK gwvwr ] baahrahu paNdit sadaa-iday, manhu moorakh gaavaar.
Outwardly, they call themselves scholars, (but) in their minds, they are foolish, ignorant.
hir isau icqu n lwienI vwdI Drin ipAwru ] har si-o chit na laa-inee, vaadee dharan pi-aar.
They do not focus their mind on God, they enshrine love for arguments.
vwdw kIAw krin khwxIAw kUVu boil krih Awhwru ] vaadaa kee-aa karan kahaaṇee-aa, kooṛ bol karahi aahaar.
They tell stories of (i.e. always talk about) arguments; (and, as if) telling lies is their food.
jg mih rwm nwmu hir inrmlw horu mYlw sBu Awkwru ] jag meh raam naam har nirmalaa, hor mailaa sabh aakaar.
In this world, (only) the name of God is immaculate, every other creations are filthy.
nwnk nwmu n cyqnI hoie mYly mrih gvwr ]1] naanak, naam na chaytnee, ho-ay mailay mareh gavaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): Those who do mot remember the name (of God), those fools die in filth. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
duKu lgw ibnu syivAY hukmu mMny duKu jwie ] dukh lagaa bin sayvi-ai, hukam maNnay dukh jaa-ay.
Without serving (the Lord), one suffers sorrows; obeying His command, the sorrows go away.
Awpy dwqw suKY dw Awpy dyie sjwie ] aapay daataa sukhai daa, aapay day-ay sajaa-ay.

He Himself is giver of happiness, and, He Himself awards punishment.
nwnk eyvY jwxIAY sBu ikCu iqsY rjwie ]2] naanak, ayvai jaaṇee-ai, sabh kichh tisai rajaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Know this well : everything is (i.e. happens) in His will.” 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir nwm ibnw jgqu hY inrDnu ibnu nwvY iqRpiq nwhI ]
har naam binaa jagat hai nirdhan, bin naavai taripat naahee.
Without the name of God, the world is poor; and, without name, there is no satisfaction.
dUjY Brim BulwieAw haumY duKu pwhI ] doojai bharam bhulaa-i-aa, ha-umai dukh paahee.
Deluded by duality doubts, one suffers pain in egotism.
P. 1092
ibnu krmw ikCU n pweIAY jy bhuqu locwhI ] bin karmaa kichhoo na paa-ee-ai, jay bahut lochaahee.
Without (good) destiny, nothing can be obtained, no matter how much one may long for it.
AwvY jwie jMmY mrY gur sbid CutwhI ] aavai jaa-ay Mmarai, gur sabad chhutaahee.
One comes and goes, takes birth and dies; this (cycle of reincarnation) ceases through the
word of the Guru.
Awip krY iksu AwKIAY dUjw ko nwhI ]16] aap karai kis aakhee-ai, doojaa ko naahee. ||16||
(When) He Himself acts, whom else should we ask (i.e. complain)? there is no other (at all). 16

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
iesu jg mih sMqI Dnu KitAw ijnw siqguru imilAw pRBu Awie ]
is jag meh santee dhan khati-aa, jinaa satgur mili-aa prabh aa-ay.
In this world, the God-oriented persons earn the wealth (of the name); God comes to meet
God, through the True Guru.
siqguir scu idRVwieAw iesu Dn kI kImiq khI n jwie ]
satgur sach driṛ-aa-i-aa, is dhan kee keemat kahee na jaa-ay.
The True Guru implants truth (within them); the value of this wealth cannot be described.
iequ Din pwieAY BuK lQI suKu visAw min Awie ] it dhan paa-i-ai bhukh lathee, sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Obtaining this wealth, (all) hunger is relieved; and, happiness come to dwell in mind.
ijMn@w kau Duir iliKAw iqnI pwieAw Awie ] jiNnhaa ka-o dhur likhi-aa, tinee paa-i-aa aa-ay.
Those, who have such destiny pre-inscribed (i.e. preordained), come to obtain this.
mnmuKu jgqu inrDnu hY mwieAw no ibllwie ] manmukh jagat nirdhan hai, maa-i-aa no billaa-ay.
The world of the mind-oriented (persons) is poor, he (always) cries out for Maya.
Anidnu iPrdw sdw rhY BuK n kdy jwie ] an-din firdaa sadaa rahai, bhukh na kaday jaa-ay.
Day and night, he wanders continually (for Maya), (but) his hunger is never relieved.
sWiq n kdy AwveI nh suKu vsY min Awie ] saa t na kaday aavee, nah sukh vasai man aa-ay.

He never finds peace, happiness never comes to dwell in his mind.

sdw icMq icqvdw rhY shsw kdy n jwie ] sadaa chiNt chitvadaa rahai ,sahsaa kaday na jaa-ay.
He remains contemplating (is afflicted by) anxiety; and, his doubts never departs.
nwnk ivxu siqgur miq BvI siqgur no imlY qw sbdu kmwie ]
naanak, viṇ satgur mat bhavee, satgur no milai taa sabad kamaa-ay.
Nanak (says): Without the True Guru, his wisdom is perverted; meeting the True Guru he

earns (i.e. practices) the word (of the True Guru).
sdw sdw suK mih rhY scy mwih smwie ]1] sadaa sadaa sukh meh rahai, sachay maahi samaa-ay. ||1||
Forever and ever he dwells in happiness, and, merged in the True (Lord). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ijin aupweI mydnI soeI swr kryie ] jin upaa-ee maydnee, so-ee saar karay-i.
One who has created this world, takes care of it.
eyko ismrhu Bwierhu iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] ayko simrahu bhaa-irahu, tis bin avar na ko-ay.
Remember (i.e. meditate upon) the One (Lord), O! brethren, there none other than Him.
Kwxw sbdu cMigAweIAw ijqu KwDY sdw iqRpiq hoie ]
khaaṇaa sabad chaNg-aa-ee-aa, jit khaadhai sadaa taripat ho-ay.
Eat the food of the word, (the source of) virtue, eating it one remains satiated forever.
pYnxu isPiq snwie hY sdw sdw Ehu aUjlw mYlw kdy n hoie ]
painaṇ sifat sanaa-ay hai; sadaa sadaa oh oojlaa, mailaa kaday na ho-ay.
Dress yourself in the praise and adoration (of the Lord); and, (one who wears this dress, he
remains) forever and ever bright(i.e.immaculate); it never become dirty (i.e. polluted, impure).
shjy scu Dnu KitAw QoVw kdy n hoie ] sehjay sach dhan khati-aa, thoṛaa kaday na ho-ay.
When the True wealth is earned in natural ease, it never decreased.
dyhI no sbdu sIgwru hY ijqu sdw sdw suKu hoie ] dayhee no sabad seegaar hai, jit sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay.
The word (of the Guru) is (the true) decoration for the body; (and, with this) one remains
(spiritually) happy forever and ever.
nwnk gurmuiK buJIAY ijs no Awip ivKwly soie ]2] naanak, gurmukh bujhee-ai, jis no aap vikhaalay so-a ||2||
Nanak (says): He (alone) realizes this through the Guru, whom He Himself reveals it. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
AMqir jpu qpu sMjmo gur sbdI jwpY ] aNtar jap tap saNjamo, gur sabdee jaapai.
Within the self are meditation, austerity and self-discipline; one realizes this through the word.
hir hir nwmu iDAweIAY haumY AigAwnu gvwpY ] har har naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, ha-umai agi-aan gavaapai.
Meditating upon the name of God, egotism and ignorance are eliminated.
AMdru AMimRiq BrpUru hY cwiKAw swdu jwpY ] aNdar aMmrit bharpoor hai, chaakhi-aa saad jaapai.
(One’s) inner being is overflowing with AMmrit, one knows its flavour (i.e. value) when one
tastes it.
ijn cwiKAw sy inrBau Bey sy hir ris DRwpY ] jin chaakhi-aa say nirbha-o bha-ay, say har ras dharaapai.
Those who taste it, become fearless, they are satiated with the essence of (the name of) God.
hir ikrpw Dwir pIAwieAw iPir kwlu n ivAwpY ]17] har kirpaa dhaar pee-aa-i-aa, fir kaal na vi-aapai ||17||
Those who drink it in by the grace of God, are never again afflicted by death. 17

sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
loku Avgxw kI bMn@Y gMTVI gux n ivhwJY koie ] lok avgaṇaa kee baNnhai ganṭ-ṛee, guṇ na vihaajhai ko-ay.
People (i.e. the world) tie up bundles of vices; no one deals in virtues.
gux kw gwhku nwnkw ivrlw koeI hoie ] guṇ kaa gaahak, naankaa, virlaa ko-ee ho-ay.
Nanak (says): Rare are those (persons) who purchase virtues. 1
gur prswdI gux pweIAin@ ijs no ndir kryie ]1] gur parsaadee guṇ paa-ee-anih jis no nadar karay-i ||1||
One is blessed with virtues by the grace of the Guru, (when) He (i.e. God) bestows His glance
(of grace). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
gux Avgux smwin hih ij Awip kIqy krqwir ] guṇ avguṇ samaan heh, je aap keetay kartaar.
Virtues and vices are the same; these are (both) creator by the Creator.
nwnk hukim mMinAY suKu pweIAY gur sbdI vIcwir ]2]
naanak, hukam maNni-ai sukh paa-ee-ai, gur sabdee veechaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): Obeying the command (of God), one obtains happiness, contemplating the
word of the Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
AMdir rwjw qKqu hY Awpy kry inAwau ] aNdar raajaa takhat hai, aapay karay ni-aa-o.
Within the self (of everyone) the King sits on the throne, and, He Himself imparts justice.
gur sbdI dru jwxIAY AMdir mhlu Asrwau ] gur sabdee dar jaaṇee-ai, aNdar mahal asraa-o.
Through the word of the Guru, the door (of God) is known; and, within (the self) is the
mansion (of the Lord) where one finds refuge.
Kry priK KjwnY pweIAin KoitAw nwhI Qwau ] kharay parakh khajaanai paa-ee-an, khoti-aa naahee thaa-o.
(There, all the coins are assayed, and) having tested the genuine ones are placed in treasury,
(while) the counterfeit find no place.
sBu sco scu vrqdw sdw scu inAwau ] sabh sacho sach varatdaa, sadaa sach ni-aa-o.
The Truest of the True prevails everywhere; and, His justice is forever True.
AMimRq kw rsu AwieAw min visAw nwau ]18] aMmrit kaa ras aa-i-aa, man vasi-aa naa-o. ||18||
One comes to enjoy the essence of AMmrit, (when) the name is enshrined within the mind. 18

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
hau mY krI qW qU nwhI qU hovih hau nwih ] ha-o mai karee taa too naahee, too hoveh ha-o naahi.

When I act in egotism, then You are not there; and, when You are there, there is no ego.
P. 1093
bUJhu igAwnI bUJxw eyh AkQ kQw mn mwih ] boojhhu gi-aanee boojh-ṇaa, ayh akath kathaa man maahi.
O! (spiritually) wise person, understand this riddle, this indescribable story, in your mind:
ibnu gur qqu n pweIAY AlKu vsY sB mwih ] bin gur tat na paa-ee-ai, alakh vasai sabh maahi.
The Imperceptible (God) dwells everywhere, (but) without the Guru, the essence (of Reality)
is not found.
siqguru imlY q jwxIAY jW sbdu vsY mn mwih ] satgur milai ta jaaṇee-ai, jaan sabad vasai man maahi.
One understands this when one meets the True Guru, or, when the word comes to dwell in
the mind.
Awpu gieAw BRmu Bau gieAw jnm mrn duK jwih] aap ga-i-aa bharam bha-o ga-i-aa, janam maran dukh jaahi.
When self-conceit departs, doubts and fears (also) depart, and, the pain of birth and death is
gurmiq AlKu lKweIAY aUqm miq qrwih ] gurmat alakh lakhaa-ee-ai, ootam mat taraahi.
Through the wisdom of Guru, the Unseen (Lord) is seen; and, with exalted wisdom one is

carried across (the world ocean).
nwnk sohM hMsw jpu jwphu iqRBvx iqsY smwih ]1]
naanak sohaN haNsaa jap jaapahu, taribhavaṇ tisai samaahi. ||1||
Nanak( says): Meditate upon the chant of ‘Soham Hansaa’ (i.e. He is me and I am He), and
(then you will understand that) the world are absorbed in Him. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mnu mwxku ijin priKAw gur sbdI vIcwir ] sy jn ivrly jwxIAih kljug ivic sMswir ]
man maaṇak jin parkhi-aa, gur sabdee veechaar. say jan virlay jaaṇee-ahi, kaljug vich saNsaar.
The mind is a jewel, one who assays it through contemplation of the word of the Guru;
know that such people are very rare, in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), in this world.
AwpY no Awpu imil rihAw haumY duibDw mwir ] aapai no aap mil rahi-aa, ha-umai dubidhaa maar.
One, who conquers egotism and duality, He merges in his own self.
nwnk nwim rqy duqru qry Baujlu ibKmu sMswru ]2]
naanak, naam ratay dutar taray, bha-ojal bikham saNsaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name, swim across the difficult, treacherous
and terrible world ocean. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mnmuK AMdru n BwlnI muTy AhMmqy ] manmukh andar na bhaalnee, muṭay ahaMmtay.
The mind-oriented do not search within their own selves, (because) they are robbed by their
arrogant wisdom.
cwry kuMfW Biv Qky AMdir iqK qqy ] chaaray kuNdaan bhav thakay, aNdar tikh tatay.
Wandering in the four directions (i.e. everywhere), they grow weary; within (their minds)
they are burning with desires.
isMimRiq swsq n soDnI mnmuK ivguqy ] siMmrit saasat na sodhnee, manmukh vigutay.
They do not study the Simritis and the Shastras, (hence) the mind-oriented ones suffer.
ibnu gur iknY n pwieE hir nwmu hir sqy ] bin gur kinai na paa-i-o, har naam har satay.
Without the Guru, no one obtains the name of God, the True God.
qqu igAwnu vIcwirAw hir jip hir gqy ]19] tat gi-aan veechaari-aa, har jap har gatay. ||19||
One, who contemplates the essence of (spiritual) knowledge, and meditates upon God, is
liberated by God. 19

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
Awpy jwxY kry Awip Awpy AwxY rwis ] aapay jaanai karay aap, aapay aanai raas.
He Himself knows, He Himself acts, and, He Himself sets (everything) right.
iqsY AgY nwnkw Kilie kIcY Ardwis ]1] tisai agai naankaa, khali-ay keechai ardaas. ||1||
Nanak (says): so (O! Brethren), stand before Him and offer your prayer . 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw Awpy jwxY soie ] jin kee-aa tin daykhi-aa, aapay jaanai so-ay.
He, who has created, takes care of it; and, He Himself knows (everything).
iks no khIAY nwnkw jw Gir vrqY sBu koie ]2] kis no kahee-ai, naankaa, jaa ghar vartai sabh ko-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): Unto should we speak to when He is contained (i.e. dwells) in the home (i.e.
heart). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sBy Qok ivswir ieko imqu kir ] sabhay thok visaar, iko mit kar.
(O! brethren) forget everything and be friends with the One (God) alone.
mnu qnu hoie inhwlu pwpw dhY hir ] man tan ho-ay nihaal, paapaa dahai har.
Your mind and body shall be enraptured, and, God shall burn away your sins .
Awvx jwxw cukY jnim n jwih mir ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa chukai, janam na jaahi mar.
You coming and going (in reincarnation) shall cease, and, you shall not be born or die again.
scu nwmu AwDwru soig n moih jir ] sach naam aadhaar, sog na mohi jar.
The True name shall be your support, and, you shall not burn in sorrow and attachment.
nwnk nwmu inDwnu mn mih sMij Dir ]20] naanak, naam nidhaan, man meh saNj dhar. ||20||
Nanak (says): Gather in the treasures of the name (of God) within your mind. 20

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
mwieAw mnhu n vIsrY mWgY dMmw dMm ] maa-i-aa manhu na veesrai, maangai daMmaa daMm.
Man does not forget Maya from his mind; he begs (for it) with each and every breath.
so pRBu iciq n AwveI nwnk nhI krMm ]1] so prabh chit na aavee, naanak nahee karaMm. ||1||
Nanak (says): He does not (even) think of that God; (it is so because) it is not in his destiny. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
mwieAw swiQ n cleI ikAw lptwvih AMD ] maa-i-aa saath na chal-ee, ki-aa laptaavahi aNdh.
Maya shall not go along with you; why do you cling to it, O! blind?
gur ky crx iDAwie qU qUtih mwieAw bMD ]2] gur kay charaṇ dhi-aa-ay too, tooteh maa-i-aa baNdh. ||2||
You meditate upon the feet of the Guru, and, the bond of Maya shall be cut off. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
BwxY hukmu mnwieEnu BwxY suKu pwieAw ] bhaaṇai hukam manaa-i-on, bhaaṇai sukh paa-i-aa.
Those, whom He gets us to obey His command, by pleasure of His will, obtain happiness.
BwxY siqguru myilEnu BwxY scu iDAwieAw ] bhaaṇai satgur mayli-on, bhaaṇai sach dhi-aa-i-aa.
Those, whom He gets to meet with the True Guru by pleasure of His will; and, by pleasure of
His will they meditate upon the True (Lord) .
Bwxy jyvf hor dwiq nwhI scu AwiK suxwieAw ] bhaaṇay jayvad hor daat naahee, sach aakh suṇaa-i-aa.
There is no other gift as great as pleasure of His will; this is the truth, I speak and proclaim.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn scu kmwieAw ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tin sach kamaa-i-aa.
Those who have such pre-inscribed destiny, they (alone) have earned (i.e. live ) the Truth.
nwnk iqsu srxwgqI ijin jgqu aupwieAw ]21] naanak, tis sarṇaagatee, jin jagat upaa-i-aa. ||21||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of the One (Lord), who has created the world. 21

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ijn kau AMdir igAwnu nhI BY kI nwhI ibMd ] jin ka-o aNdar gi-aan nahee, bhai kee naahee bind.

Those who do not have (spiritual) knowledge within, and, do not have even an iota of His fear.
nwnk muieAw kw ikAw mwrxw ij Awip mwry goivMd ]1]
naanak, mu-i-aa kaa ki-aa maarṇaa, je aap maaray goviNd. ||1||
Nanak (says): Why kill those who are already (spiritually) dead? The Lord of the World (God)
Himself has killed them. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mn kI pqRI vwcxI suKI hU suKu swru ] man kee patree vaachṇee sukhee hoo sukh saar.
To read the horoscope of mind, is to enjoy the (greatest) happiness of all happiness (i.e. most
sublime spiritual happiness).
so bRwhmxu Blw AwKIAY ij bUJY bRhmu bIcwru ] so baraahmaṇ bhalaa aakhee-ai je boojhai barahm beechaar.
That Brahman alone is called good, who contemplates and understands God.
hir swlwhy hir pVY gur kY sbid vIcwir ] har saalaahay har paṛai gur kai sabad veechaar.
He praises God, reads of God, and contemplates the word of the Guru.
P. 1094
AwieAw Ehu prvwxu hY ij kul kw kry auDwru ] aa-i-aa oh parvaaṇ hai, je kul kaa karay udhaar.
His coming (into the world) is approved (in God’s court), who emancipates his linage (i.e. family).
AgY jwiq n puCIAY krxI sbdu hY swru ] agai jaat na puchhee-ai, karṇee sabad hai saar.
Hereafter no one is asked about his caste (i.e. social status); the practice of the world is excellence
(i.e. there one’s practice of word is taken into consideration).
horu kUVu pVxw kUVu kmwvxw ibiKAw nwil ipAwru ]
hor kooṛ parh-ṇaa, kooṛ kamaavaṇaa, bikhi-aa naal pi-aar.
Any other study (i.e. ritualistic recitation) is false, any other earning (i.e. ritualistic action) is false;
(such actions) are (like) loving poison (i.e. Maya).
AMdir suKu n hoveI mnmuK jnmu KuAwru ] aNdar sukh na hova-ee, manmukh janam khu-aar.
(With such study and actions) they do not find happiness within; the mind-oriented ruin their lives.
nwnk nwim rqy sy aubry gur kY hyiq Apwir ]2] naanak, naam ratay say ubray, gur kai hayt apaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who are imbued with the name, are saved for their infinite love for the Guru. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy kir kir vyKdw Awpy sBu scw ] aapay kar kar vaykh-daa, aapay sabh sachaa.
He Himself creates and having created, He Himself looks after it, and, the True Himself is (i.e.
pervades everywhere).
jo hukmu n bUJY Ksm kw soeI nru kcw ] jo hukam na boojhai khasam kaa, so-ee nar kachaa.
One who does not understand the command of the Lord is imperfect.
ijqu BwvY iqqu lwiedw gurmuiK hir scw ] jit bhaavai tit laa-idaa, gurmukh har sachaa.
By pleasure of His will, the True Lord, enjoins us to acts through the Guru.
sBnw kw swihbu eyku hY gur sbdI rcw ] sabhnaa kaa saahib ayk hai, gur sabdee rachaa.
The One (Lord) alone is the Master of all; one merges in Him through the word of the Guru.
gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY siB iqs dy jcw ] gurmukh sadaa salaahee-ai, sabh tis day jachaa.
(O! brethren) forever praise Him through the Guru; (we) all are beggars of Him.
ijau nwnk Awip ncwiedw iqv hI ko ncw ]22]1] suDu ]
ji-o naanak aap nachaa-idaa, tiv hee ko nachaa. ||22||1|| sudh.
Nanak (says): As He gets us dance, we dance (as He gets us to act, we act). 21.1
[sudh (literally: corrected or correct) means the text of the above part has been checked and found correct].

mwrU vwr mhlw 5 fKxy mÚ 5 Maaroo vaar, Mehlaa 5, dakh-ṇay, M: 5

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
qU cau sjx mYifAw fyeI issu auqwir ] too cha-o, sajaṇ maidi-aa, day-ee sis utaar.
O! my dear friend, If you tell (command) me, I will cut off my head and present it (to You).
nYx mihMjy qrsdy kid psI dIdwru ]1] nain mahiNjay tarasday, kad pasee deedaar. ||1||
My eyes have longing (for You), when will I have (Your) vision?

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nIhu mihMjw qaU nwil ibAw nyh kUVwvy fyKu ] neehu mahiNjaa ta-oo naal, bi-aa nayh kooṛaavay daykh.
I am in love (only) with You. I have seen that (all) other love is false.
kpV Bog frwvxy ijcru iprI n fyKu ]2] kapaṛ bhog daraavanay, jichar piree na daykh. ||2||
(Even) clothes and pleasures look frightening (to me), as long as I do not see my Beloved. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
auTI JwlU kMqVy hau psI qau dIdwru ] uthee jhaaloo, kaNt-ṛay, ha-o pasee ta-o deedaar.
O! (my) Husband (Lord), I rise early (in the morning), to behold Your vision.
kwjlu hwr qmol rsu ibnu psy hiB rs Cwru ]3] kaajal haar tamol ras, bin pasay habh ras chhaar. ||3||
The collyrium (i.e. eye make-up), necklace, the essence (i.e. fragrance) of betel-leaf: all these
things are dust (i.e. just useless) without seeing you. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qU scw swihbu scu scu sBu DwirAw ] too sachaa saahib sach, sach sabh dhaari-aa.
You are True, O! True Lord; and, all that You sustain is true.
gurmuiK kIqo Qwtu isrij sMswirAw ] gurmukh keeto thaat, siraj saNsaari-aa.
You created the world, making a place for the Guru-oriented.
hir AwigAw hoey byd pwpu puMnu vIcwirAw ] har aagi-aa ho-ay bayd, paap puNn veechaari-aa.
By the command of God, the Vedas came into being; they contemplate sins and virtues.
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRY gux ibsQwirAw ] barahmaa bisan mahays, tarai guṇ bisthaari-aa.
(You created) Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (i.e. Shiv), and, the expanse of the three gunaas*.
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation sattav
represents purity, rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function
under these qualities].
nv KMf ipRQmI swij hir rMg svwirAw ] nav khand parithmee saaj, har raNg savaari-aa.
Creating the nine regions of the earth (i.e. world), God has adorned it in various colours.
vykI jMq aupwie AMqir kl DwirAw ] vaykee jaNt upaa-ay, aNtar kal dhaari-aa.
Created the beings of various kinds, He infused His power into them.
qyrw AMqu n jwxY koie scu isrjxhwirAw ] tayraa aNt na jaaṇai ko-ay, sach sirjaṇhaari-aa.
No one knows Your limits, O! True Creator.
qU jwxih sB ibiD Awip gurmuiK insqwirAw ]1] too jaaṇeh sabh bidh aap, gurmukh nistaari-aa. ||1||
You Yourself know all Your ways; You Yourself save (all) through the Guru.1

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay*, M: 5
[*Dakh-nay, literally ‘of south’, means written in the language of south Punjab: Multan and Sahiwal (in Pakistan)].
jy qU imqRü AswfVw ihk BorI nw vyCoiV ] jay too mitar asaadṛaa, hik bhoree naa vaychhoṛ.
If You are my friend (O! God), (then) do not separate me (from You) even for an instant.
jIau mihMjw qau moihAw kid psI jwnI qoih ]1] jee-o mahiNjaa ta-o mohi-aa, kad pasee jaanee tohi. ||1||
You have enticed my soul, when I will see You, O! my Love. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
durjn qU jlu BwhVI ivCoVy mir jwih ] durjan too jal bhaahṛee, vichhoṛay mar jaahi.
O! evil person, may you burn in fire, (or) die in (pain of) separation.
kMqw qU sau syjVI mYfw hBo duKu aulwih ]2] kaNtaa too sa-o sayjṛee, maidaa habho dukh ulaahi. ||2||
O! my Husband, (when) You sleep in my bedstead (i.e. when You are with me), (then) all my
sufferings end. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
durjnu dUjw Bwau hY vyCoVw haumY rogu ] durjan doojaa bhaa-o hai, vaychhoṛaa ha-umai rog.
Love for duality is (like) bad person (i.e. my enemy), and, separation is (like) ailment of egotism.
sjxu scw pwiqswhu ijsu imil kIcY Bogu ]3] sajaṇ sachaa paatisaahu, jis mil keechai bhog. ||3||
The True Sovereign Lord is my friend; meeting with Him I enjoy pleasures. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qU Agm dieAwlu byAMqu qyrI kImiq khY kauxu ] too agam da-i-aal bay-ant, tayree keemat kahai ka-uṇ.
You are inaccessible, merciful, and infinite; who can describe Your worth?
quDu isrijAw sBu sMswru qU nwieku sgl Baux ] tudh sirji-aa sabh saNsaar, too naa-ik sagal bha-uṇ.
You created the entire world (i.e. universe), you are the Master of all the worlds.
qyrI kudriq koie n jwxY myry Twkur sgl raux ] tayree kudrat ko-ay na jaaṇai, mayray ṭaakur sagal ra-uṇ.
No one knows your creative power, O! my all pervading Master.
quDu ApiV koie n skY qU AibnwsI jg auDrx ] tudh apaṛ ko-ay na sakai, too abhinaasee jag udhraṇ.
No one can equal You; You are imperishable, the Saviour of the World.
quDu Qwpy cwry jug qU krqw sgl Drx ] tudh thaapay chaaray jug, too kartaa sagal dharaṇ.
You established the four Ages,;You are the Creator of all worlds.
quDu Awvx jwxw kIAw quDu lypu n lgY iqRx ] tudh aavaṇ jaaṇaa kee-aa, tudh layp na lagai tariṇ.
You created the comings and goings (of reincarnation); (but) You are not touched by this (i.e.
coming and going) even a little bit.
ijsu hovih Awip dieAwlu iqsu lwvih siqgur crx ] jis hoveh aap da-i-aal, tis laaveh satgur charaṇ.
One, upon whom You Yourself are kind, You attach him to the feet of the True Guru.
qU horqu aupwie n lBhI AibnwsI isRsit krx ]2]
too horat upaa-ay na labhhee, abhinaasee sarisat karaṇ. ||2||
O! imperishable Creator of the world, You can not be found by any other effort (i.e. any way
other than the True Guru). 2

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
jy qU vqih AM|xy hB Driq suhwvI hoie ] jay too vateh aNng-ṇay, habh dharat suhaavee ho-ay.
If You come into my courtyard I.e. heart), the whole earth will become green (i.e. beautiful).
ihksu kMqY bwhrI mYfI vwq n puCY koie ]1] hikas kaNtai baahree, maidee vaat na puchhai ko-ay. ||1||
Other than the Husband(Lord), no one else cares for me. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
hBy tol suhwvxy shu bYTw AM|xu mil ] phI n vM\Y ibrQVw jo Gir AwvY cil ]2]
habhay tol suhaavaṇay, saho baiṭaa a ngaṇ mal. pahee na va njai birthaṛaa, jo ghar aavai chal ||2||
All my adornments become beautiful, (when my) Husband (Lord) sits in my courtyard, (as if)
making it His own;
(Then) no traveler, who comes to my home, shall leave empty-handed. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
syj ivCweI kMq kU kIAw hBu sIgwru ] sayj vichhaa-ee kaNt koo, kee-aa habh seegaar.
I have decorated my bed for my Husband, and, applied all decorations.
ieqI mMiJ n smwveI jy gil pihrw hwru ]3] itee maNjh na samaava-ee, jay gal pahiraa haar. ||3||
If I wear a garland around my neck, even this much space in between (me and my Husband
Lord) does not suit (i.e. any space between me and my Husband Lord does not please me). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qU pwrbRhmu prmysru join n AwvhI ] too paarbarahm parmaysar, jon na aavhee.
(O! God),You are the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord; You do not enter womb (i.e. You
are not born).
qU hukmI swjih isRsit swij smwvhI ] too hukmee saajeh sarisat, saaj samaavahee.
By Your command, You create the universe, and, creating it, You merge into it.
qyrw rUpu n jweI liKAw ikau quJih iDAwvhI ] tayraa roop na jaa-ee lakhi-aa, ki-o tujheh dhi-aavahee.
(O! God), Your form cannot be known; (then) how can we meditate upon You?
qU sB mih vrqih Awip kudriq dyKwvhI ] too sabh meh varteh aap, kudrat daykhaavahee.
You Yourself are pervading all, You reveal (Yourself) through (Your) creative power.
qyrI Bgiq Bry BMfwr qoit n AwvhI ] tayree bhagat bharay bhaNdaar, tot na aavhee.
Your treasures of devotion are overflowing; there never decrease.
eyih rqn jvyhr lwl kIm n pwvhI ] ayhi ratan javayhar laal, keem na paavhee.
These (i.e. Your excellences) are jewels, gems and diamonds; their value cam not be assayed.
ijsu hovih Awip dieAwlu iqsu siqgur syvw lwvhI ] jis hoveh aap da-i-aal, tis satgur sayvaa laavhee.
One, upon whom You Yourself become kind, You attach him to the service of the True Guru.
iqsu kdy n AwvY qoit jo hir gux gwvhI ]3] tis kaday na aavai tot, jo har gun gaavhee. ||3||

One who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, never suffers any shortage. 3

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
jw mU psI hT mY iprI mihjY nwil ] jaa moo pasee ha mai, piree mahijai naal.
When I look into(i.e. gaze within) my heart, I find that my Husband (Lord) is with me.
hBy fuK aulwihAmu nwnk ndir inhwil ]1] habhay dukh ulaahi-am, naanak nadar nihaal. ||1||
Nanak (says): all my pains are relieved, (when) He blesses me with His glance (of grace). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk bYTw BKy vwau lµmy syvih dru KVw ] naanak, baiṭaa bhakhay vaa-o, laMmay sayveh dar khaṛaa.
Nanak (says): I am waiting for Your news, standing at Your door, and, serving You so long.
iprIey qU jwxu mihjw swau joeI sweI muhu KVw ]2]
piree-ay, too jaaṇ mahijaa saa-o, jo-ee saa-ee muhu khaṛaa. ||2||
O! Husband (Lord), You know my motive, I am standing to see the face of the Lord. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ikAw gwlwieE BUC pr vyil n johy kMq qU ] ki-aa galaa-i-o bhoochh, par vayl na johay kaNt too.
What are you talking, O! fool, do not look at the vines (i.e. wives) of others; (rather) you look
at the Husband (Lord).
nwnk Pulw sMdI vwiV iKiVAw hBu sMswru ijau ]3] naanak, fulaa sa dee vaaṛ, khiṛi-aa habh sa saar ji-o ||3||
Nanak (says): As an orchard of flowers blooms, so is the entire world (blooming). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
suGVu sujwxu srUpu qU sB mih vrqMqw ] sughaṛ sujaaṇ saroop too, sabh meh vartaNtaa.
You are wise, all-knowing, and beautiful; You are pervading all.
qU Awpy Twkuru syvko Awpy pUjMqw ] too aapay ṭaakur sayvko, aapay poojaNtaa.
You yourself are the Master and (You Yourself are) the servant; and, You worship Yourself.
dwnw bInw Awip qU Awpy sqvMqw ] daanaa beenaa aap too, aapay satvaNtaa.
You are all-knowing and all-seeing, and, You yourself are truthful.
jqI sqI pRBu inrmlw myry hir BgvMqw ] jatee satee parabh nirmalaa, mayray har bhagvaNtaa.
You are celibate, truthful, immaculate, O! my God, Lord of Fortune.
sBu bRhm pswru pswirE Awpy Kylµqw ] sabh barahm pasaar pasaari-o, aapay khaylaNtaa.
O! God, You have spread out the expanse of the entire universe; You Yourself are playing in it.
iehu Awvw gvxu rcwieE kir coj dyKMqw ] ih aavaa gavaṇ rachaa-i-o, kar choj daykhaNtaa.
You have created this coming and going (of reincarnation); creating the wondrous play, You
behold it.
iqsu bwhuiV griB n pwvhI ijsu dyvih gur mMqw ] tis baahuṛ garabh na paavhee, jis dayveh gur maNtaa.
One, whom You bless with the dictum (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, You do not consign him to
womb again.
ijau Awip clwvih iqau cldy ikCu vis n jMqw ]4] ji-o aap chalaaveh ti-o chalday, kichh vas na jaNtaa ||4||
As You will them to walk (i.e. act/ live), they live (i.e. act/ live); nothing is in the control (i.e.
power) of the beings created (by You). 4
fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
kurIey kurIey vYidAw qil gwVw mhryru ] kuree-ay kuree-ay vaidi-aa, tal gaaṛaa mehrayr.
O! walking along the bank of the river, the land (below you) is greatly slippery.
vyKy iCtiV QIvdo jwim iKsMdo pyru ]1] vaykhay chhitaṛ theevdo, jaam khisaNdo payr. ||1||
Watch out, your foot might slip, and, you might not be splashed (by mud, i.e. Maya). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
scu jwxY kcu vYidE qU AwGU AwGy slvy ] sach jaaṇai kach, vaidi-o, too aaghoo aaghay salvay.
You believe what is false (i.e. wealth) to be true, O! departing (i.e transitory being); and, you
run and run more (i.e. you make great efforts to gather more and more wealth).
nwnk AwqsVI mMiJ nYxU ibAw Fil pbix ijau juMimE ]2]
naanak, aatasṛee maNjh naiṇoo, bi-aa ḍal pabaṇ ji-o juMmi-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): it (i.e. wealth) is like the butter (which gets burnt) in the fire, and, water lily
that fades away (in water; it cannot live longer). 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
Bory Bory rUhVy syvydy Awlku ] bhoray bhoray roohṛay, sayvayday aalak
O! my simple and foolish soul, why are you so lazy when to serve (i.e. meditate upon God).
mudiq peI icrwxIAw iPir kfU AwvY ruiq ]3] mudat pa-ee chiraaṇee-aa, fir kadoo aavai rut. ||3||
Such a long time has passed (but you have mot meditated upon God); when will this season
(i.e. opportunity of human life) will come again. 3
P. 1096
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
quDu rUpu n ryiKAw jwiq qU vrnw bwhrw ] tudh roop na raykh-i-aa, jaat too varnaa baahraa.
(O! God) You have no form or shape; and, You are without caste (i.e. social class) or colour
(i.e. race).
ey mwxs jwxih dUir qU vrqih jwhrw ] ay maanas jaaṇeh door, too varteh jaahraa.
These humans believe You are far away, (but) You pervade quiet evidently.
qU siB Gt Bogih Awip quDu lypu n lwhrw ] too sabh ghat bhogeh aap, tudh layp na laahraa.
You Yourself enjoy in every heart, (yet) no filth sticks to You.
qU purKu AnµdI Anµq sB joiq smwhrw ] too purakh anaNdee anaNt, sabh jot samaaharaa.
You are a blissful infinite Primal Being, and, Your Light pervading all.
qU sB dyvw mih dyv ibDwqy nrhrw ] too sabh dayvaa meh dayv, bidhaatay, narharaa.
You are (most) Divine among all gods, Architect of Destiny, and, God of men (Lord of all).
ikAw AwrwDy ijhvw iek qU AibnwsI Aprprw ] ki-aa aaraadhay jihvaa ik, too abhinaasee, aparparaa.
How can my one (single) tongue adore You? You are imperishable and limitless
ijsu mylih siqguru Awip iqs ky siB kul qrw ] jis mayleh satgur aap tis kay sabh kul taraa.
One whom You Yourself unite with the True Guru, all his lineage is liberated.
syvk siB krdy syv dir nwnku jnu qyrw ]5] sayvak sabh karday sayv, dar naanak jan tayraa. ||5||
All Your servants serve You. Nanak (says): I am Your servant (standing) at Your door. 5

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
ghfVVw iqRix CwieAw gwPl jilEhu Bwih ] gehdṛaṛaa tariṇ chhaa-i-aa, gaafal jali-ohu bhaahi.
Your (body) hut is made of straws, and, O! lethargic, it is burning with fire (of passions).
ijnw Bwg mQwhVY iqn ausqwd pnwih ]1] jinaa bhaag mathaahaṛai, tin ustaad panaahi. ||1||
Those, who have destiny inscribed on their foreheads (i.e. preordained), obtain the refuge of
the Guru. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk pITw pkw swijAw DirAw Awix maujUdu ] naanak, peeṭaa pakaa saaji-aa, dhari-aa aaṇ ma-ujood.
Nanak (says): He grinds the corn, cooks it and places it before himself (for eating).
bwJhu siqgur Awpxy bYTw Jwku drUd ]2] baajhahu satgur aapnay, baiṭaa jhaak darood. ||2||
Without the True Guru, he sits and waits for his prayer (i.e. blessing to eat it). 2
[*Darood (correct word is ‘durood’) is an invocation which Muslims make by saying specific phrases to compliment
their prophet Muhammad. It is a kind of prayer and is mentioned in ‘Hadith’ as well as in Qur'an].

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk BusrIAw pkweIAw pweIAw QwlY mwih ] naanak bhusree-aa pakaa-ee-aa, paa-ee-aa thaalai maahi.
Nanak (says): sweet loaves are baked and are placed on the plate;
ijnI gurU mnwieAw rij rij syeI Kwih ]3] jinee guroo manaa-i-aa, raj raj say-ee khaahi. ||3||
Those who have pleased their Guru, (only) they eat them and are fully satiated. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
quDu jg mih Kylu rcwieAw ivic haumY pweIAw ] tudh jag meh khayl rachaa-i-aa, vich ha-umai paa-ee-aa.
(O! God) You have staged a play in the world, and, have infused egotism into the beings.
eyku mMdru pMc cor hih inq krih buirAweIAw ] ayk maNdar, paNch chor heh, nit karahi buri-aa-ee-aa.
In the one mansion (of this body), there are five thieves, (who) continually commit evils.
ds nwrI ieku purKu kir dsy swid luoBweIAw ] das naaree ik purakh kar, dasay saad lobhaa-ee-aa.
(In this human body) You have created ten women (i.e. sensory organs) one man (i.e. mind), all
the ten are engrossed in pleasures. [*These 10 are: 5 organs of perception (nose, ears, eyes, moth/tongue and
skin); and, 5 organs of action (hands, feet, mouth, penis and anus)].
eyin mwieAw mohxI mohIAw inq iPrih BrmweIAw ] ayn maa-i-aa mohnee mohee-aa, nit fireh bharmaa-ee-aa.
The enticing Maya has charmed them, and, they wander continually in doubt.
hwTw dovY kIqIE isv skiq vrqweIAw ] haaṭaa dovai keetee-o, siv sakat vartaa-ee-aa.
(O! God) You created both sides, manifesting in Shiva (soul) and Shakti (Maya).
isv AgY skqI hwirAw eyvY hir BweIAw ] siv agai saktee haari-aa, ayvai har bhaa-ee-aa.
Shiv (i.e. soul) loses out to Shakti (i.e. Maya); (but what can one do) this is pleasing to God.
ieik ivchu hI quDu riKAw jo sqsMig imlweIAw ] ik vichahu hee tudh rakhi-aa, jo satsaNg milaa-ee-aa.
(But) among them, You have saved (from Maya) by merging them in the true congregation.
jl ivchu ibMbu auTwilE jl mwih smweIAw ]6] jal vichahu biM b uṭaali-o, jal maahi samaa-ee-aa. ||6||
You have raised bubble out of water, which again merges in the water (i.e. as a bubble oand
wave rise from water and again merge into it, so is spirit which again merges into God) . 6

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5

Awgwhw kU qRwiG ipCw Pyir n muhfVw ] aagaahaa koo taraagh, pichhaa fayr na muhadṛaa.
(O! being) long for the ahead (i.e. future), do not turn your shoulder (i.e face) backwards.
nwnk isiJ ievyhw vwr bhuiV n hovI jnmVw ]1] naanak, sijh ivayhaa vaar bahuṛ, na hovee janamṛaa ||1||
Nanak (says): Be successful this time (i.e. in this life), (so that) you shall not be born again. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
sjxu mYfw cweIAw hB khI dw imqu ] sajan maidaa chaa-ee-aa, habh kahee daa mit.
My Friend (i.e. God) is joyful, and, He is friend of all.
hBy jwxin Awpxw khI n Twhy icqu ]2] habhay jaaṇan aapṇaa, kahee na ṭaahay chit. ||2||
All thinks of Him is theirs; He does not (ever) break anyone's heart. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
guJVw lDmu lwlu mQY hI prgtu iQAw ] gujh-rhaa ladham laal, mathai hee pargat thi-aa.
I have found the hidden jewel; it had been revealed on my forehead (i.e. it was pre-inscribed).
soeI suhwvw Qwnu ijQY iprIey nwnk jI qU vuiTAw ]3]
so-ee suhaavaa thaan, jithai piree-ay, naanak, jee too vuṭi-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): Beautiful is that place, where You dwell, O! (my) Dear (Lord). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jw qU myrY vil hY qw ikAw muhCMdw ] jaa too mayrai val hai, taa ki-aa muhchhaNdaa.
When you are on my side, then what is my subservience (i.e. what do I need to worry about)?
quDu sBu ikCu mYno sauipAw jw qyrw bMdw ] tudh sabh kichh maino sa-upi-aa, jaa tayraa baNdaa.
You have entrusted (i.e. blessed) everything to me, (since) I became Your slave (i.e. devotee).
lKmI qoit n AwveI Kwie Kric rhMdw ] lakhmee tot na aavee, khaa-ay kharach rahandaa.
My wealth is inexhaustible, (no matter)I may keep spending and eating (i.e. consuming).
lK caurwsIh mydnI sB syv krMdw ] lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee ,sabh sayv karaNdaa.
All the eighty-four hundred thousand (species) of the universe serve me
eyh vYrI imqR siB kIiqAw nh mMgih mMdw ] ayh vairee mitar sabh keeti-aa, nah maNgeh maNdaa.
You have turned all the enemies into my friends; (now) they do not wish ill (for me).
lyKw koie n puCeI jw hir bKsMdw ] laykhaa ko-ay na puchh-ee, jaa har bhakhsaNdaa.
No one calls me to accounts, when God is my Forgiver.
Anµdu BieAw suKu pwieAw imil gur goivMdw ] anaNd bha-i-aa sukh paa-i-aa, mil gur goviNdaa.
I have become blissful, and, I have found (spiritual) happiness, meeting with the Guru, the
Lord of the World.
sBy kwj svwirAY jw quDu BwvMdw ]7] sabhay kaaj savaari-ai jaa, tudh bhaavaNdaa. ||7||
All my affairs are settled, since You are pleased (with me). 7

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay , M: 5
fyKx kU musqwku muKu ikjyhw qau DxI ] daykhan koo mustaak, mukh kijayhaa ta-o dhaṇee.
I was eager to see; what does Your face look like, O! Master.
iPrdw ikqY hwil jw ifTmu qw mnu DRwipAw ]1] firdaa kitai haal, jaa diṭam taa man dharaapi-aa. ||1||
I wandered around in miserable state, (but) when I saw You, my mind was satiated. 1

P. 1097
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
duKIAw drd Gxy vydn jwxy qU DxI ] dukhee-aa darad ghaṇay, vaydan jaaṇay too dhaṇee.
(I am) miserable; I endure so much pain, O! Master, You (alone) know the agony.
jwxw lK Bvy iprI ifKMdo qw jIvsw ]2] jaaṇaa lakh bhavay, piree dikhaNdo taa jeevsaa. ||2||
I may know(even) hundreds of remedies, (but) I shall live only if I behold my Husband (Lord). 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
FhdI jwie krwir vhix vhMdy mY ifiTAw ] ḍahdee jaa-ay karaar, vahaṇ vahaNday mai diṭi-aa.
I have seen (the erosion of the world like) the river-bank being washed away by flowing waters
(of the stream).
syeI rhy Amwx ijnw siqguru ByitAw ]3] say-ee rahay amaaṇ, jinaa satgur bhayti-aa. ||3||
They alone remain safe, who meet the True Guru. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijsu jn qyrI BuK hY iqsu duKu n ivAwpY ] jis jan tayree bhukh hai, tis dukh na vi-aapai.
The servant (i.e. devotee), who hungers for You (O! Lord), no pain afflicts him.
ijin jin gurmuiK buiJAw su chu kuMfI jwpY ] jin jan gurmukh bujhi-aa, so chahu kuNdee jaapai.
The being, who understands (God) through the Guru, becomes famous in the four directions.
jo nru aus kI srxI prY iqsu kMbih pwpY ] jo nar us kee sarṇee parai, tis kaMbeh paapai.
The person, who enters his (i.e. Guru’s) refuge, sins dread him (i.e. run away from him).
jnm jnm kI mlu auqrY gur DUVI nwpY ] janam janam kee mal utrai, gur dhooṛee naapai.
The filth of countless births (i.e. incarnations) is washed away (by) bathing in the dust of the
feet of the Guru.
ijin hir Bwxw mMinAw iqsu sogu n sMqwpY ] jin har bhaaṇaa maNni-aa, tis sog na saNtaapai.
One, who obeys (i.e. submits to) the will of God, sorrow does not afflict him.
hir jIau qU sBnw kw imqu hY siB jwxih AwpY ] har jee-o too sabhnaa kaa mit hai, sabh jaaṇeh aapai.
O! dear God, You are the friend of all, and, regard all as Your own.
AYsI soBw jnY kI jyvfu hir prqwpY ] aisee sobhaa janai kee, jayvad har partaapai.
The glory of the servant (i.e. devotee) is as great as the glorious lustre of God.
sB AMqir jn vrqwieAw hir jn qy jwpY ]8] sabh aNtar jan vartaa-i-aa, har jan tay jaapai. ||8||
Ge (i.e. God) places (the glory of) His servant (i.e. devotee) within all; God is known through
(the glory of) His servants (i.e. devotees). 8

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
ijnw ipCY hau geI sy mY ipCY BI rivAwsu ] jinaa pichhai ha-o ga-ee, say mai pichhai bhee ravi-aas.
Those, whom I followed, now (they) follow me.
ijnw kI mY AwsVI iqnw mihjI Aws ]1] jinaa kee mai aasṛee, tinaa mahijee aas. ||1||
Those, in whom I placed my hope, now, they place hope in me. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
iglI iglI rofVI BaudI Biv Biv Awie ] gilee gilee rodṛee, bha-udee bhav bhav aa-ay.
The fly flying around comes, (and sits) on wet lump of molasses (and, it is stuck to it and can
not escape; thus dies).
jo bYTy sy PwiQAw aubry Bwg mQwie ]2] jo baiṭay say faathi-aa, ubray bhaag mathaa-ay. ||2||
(So are the beings) who sit (on Maya) are caught in it; they (alone) are saved who have
destiny (inscribed) on their foreheads. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ifTw hB mJwih KwlI koie n jwxIAY ] diṭaa habh majhaahi, khaalee ko-ay na jaaṇee-ai.
I have seen Him (dwelling) within all (hearts), no one is without (Him).
qY sKI Bwg mQwih ijnI myrw sjxu rwivAw ]3] tai sakhee bhaag mathaahi, jinee mayraa sajan raavi-aa. ||3||
Those who enjoy (the Lord), my friend, have good destiny is inscribed on the foreheads. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hau FwFI dir gux gwvdw jy hir pRB BwvY ] ha-o ḍaaḍee dar guṇ gaavda, jay har parabh bhaavai.
If it pleases God, the Lord, (then) I, the minstrel, sitting at His door, sing (the praise of) His
pRBu myrw iQr QwvrI hor AwvY jwvY ] prabh mayraa thir thaavree, hor aavai jaavai.
(Only) my God is stable, (all) others (continue) coming and going.
so mMgw dwnu guosweIAw ijqu BuK lih jwvY ] so mangaa daan gosaa-ee-aa, jit bhukh leh jaavai.
I beg that gift from the Lord of the World, which will satisfy my hunger.
pRB jIau dyvhu drsnu Awpxw ijqu FwFI iqRpqwvY ] prabh jee-o dayvhu darsan aapnaa, jit dhaadhee tariptaavai.
O! dear Lord (God, please) bless me with You vision, that this minstrel be satiated.
Ardwis suxI dwqwir pRiB FwFI kau mhil bulwvY ]
ardaas suṇee daataar prabh, ḍaaḍee ka-o mahal bulaavai.
The Lord, the (great) giver, heard the prayer, and, called the bard to His mansion.
pRB dyKidAw duK BuK geI FwFI kau mMgxu iciq n AwvY ]
prabh daykh-di-aa dukh bhukh ga-ee, ḍaaḍee ka-o maNgaṇ chit na aavai.
Beholding (the vision of) the Lord, the minstrel is rid of the hunger and pain; (now), his
mind does not think of begging (anything).
sBy ieCw pUrIAw lig pRB kY pwvY ] sabhay ichhaa pooree-aa, lag prabh kai paavai.
Thus, attaching to the feet of the Lord, all (my) desires are fulfilled.
hau inrguxu FwFI bKisEnu pRiB puriK vydwvY ]9]
ha-o nirguṇ ḍaaḍee bakhsi-on, prabh purakh vaidaavai. ||9||
I am His virtue-less minstrel, the Primal Person Lord has blessed me, the humble. 9

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
jw Cuty qw Kwku qU suM\I kMqu n jwxhI ] jaa chhutay taa khaak, too suNnjee kant na jaaṇhee.
When you are released (i.e. when the soul depart), you shall become dust; (then) you (will be)
empty (i.e. without life) will not (be able to) realize Husband (Lord).
durjn syqI nyhu qU kY guix hir rMgu mwxhI ]1] durjan saytee nayhu too, kai guṇ har raNg maaṇhee. ||1||
You are in love with evil people; by what virtues will you enjoy the love of God. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk ijsu ibnu GVI n jIvxw ivsry srY n ibMd ] naanak jis bin gharhee na jeevnaa, visray sarai na bind.
Nanak (says): He, without whom, I cannot live (i.e. survive) even for an instant; I cannot
afford forgetting Him, even for a moment.
iqsu isau ikau mn rUsIAY ijsih hmwrI icMd ]2] tis si-o ki-o man roosee-ai, jisahi hamaaree chind. ||2||
Why to be alienated from Him, O! my mind; He takes cares of us. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
rqy rMig pwrbRhm kY mnu qnu Aiq gulwlu ] ratay rang paarbarahm kai, man tan at gulaal.
Those who are imbued with the love for the Supreme Reality (God), their minds and bodies
are coloured in deep red (colour of His love).
nwnk ivxu nwvY AwlUidAw ijqI horu iKAwlu ]3] naanak vin naavai aaloodi-aa jitee hor khi-aal. ||3||
Nanak (says): Without the name, all other thoughts pollute (the mind and the body). 3

pvVI ] pavrhee. Pau-ree

hir jIau jw qU myrw imqRü hY qw ikAw mY kwVw ] har jee-o, jaa too mayraa mitar hai, taa ki-aa mai kaarhaa.
O! dear God, when You are my friend, what worry can afflict me?
ijnI TgI jgu TigAw sy quDu mwir invwVw ] jinee ṭagee jag ṭagi-aa, say tudh maar nivaarhaa.
Those robbers (i.e. five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride),
who have robbed the world, You have killed them and thrown them away.
guir Baujlu pwir lµGwieAw ijqw pwvwVw ] gur bha-ojal paar langhaa-i-aa, jitaa paavaarhaa.
The Guru carried me across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean); and, I have won the
arena (i.e. battle against passions and vices); and,
gurmqI siB rs Bogdw vfw AwKwVw ] gurmatee sabh ras bhogdaa, vadaa aakhaarhaa.
Through the wisdom of Guru, I am enjoying all tastes, here, in this big arena (i.e. the world).
siB ieMdRIAw vis kir idqIE sqvMqw swVw ] sabh indree-aa vas kar ditee-o, satvantaa saarhaa.
He has brought all my senses under my control, (great is) my True (Protector).
P. 1098
ijqu lweIAin iqqY lgdIAw nh iKMjoqwVw ] jit laa-ee-an titai lagdee-aa, nah khinjotaarhaa.
(Now) to whatever I attach them (i.e. my passions), there they are attached; they do not pull
and push (i.e. they do not pressurise me).
jo ieCI so Plu pwiedw guir AMdir vwVw ] jo ichhee so fal paa-idaa, gur andar vaarhaa.
I obtain the fruit (i.e. reward) of my desires; the Guru has admitted me within (my self).
guru nwnku quTw Bwierhu hir vsdw nyVw ]10] gur naanak tuthaa bhaa-irahu, har vasdaa nayrhaa. ||10||
Nank (says): O! brethren, (when) the Guru is pleased (with me), the Lord seems dwelling near
me. 10
fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-nay, M: 5
jw mUM Awvih iciq qU qw hBy suK lhwau ] jaa moo aavahi chit ,taa habhay sukh lahaa-o.

When You come into my consciousness (i.e. when I remember You), then I obtain all happiness..
nwnk mn hI mMiJ rMgwvlw iprI qihjw nwau ]1] naanak, man hee manjh rangvaalaa, piree tahijaa naa-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): O! Beloved, Your name looks beautiful within my mind. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
kpV Bog ivkwr ey hBy hI Cwr ] kapaṛ bhog vikaar, ay habhay hee chhaar.
(Wearing of good) clothes and sensuous pleasures, are all but dust.
Kwku luoVydw qMin Ky jo rqy dIdwr ]2] khaak loṛaydaa taNn khay, jo ratay deedaar. ||2||
I long for the dust (of the feet) of those, who are imbued with the vision (of God). 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ikAw qkih ibAw pws kir hIAVy ihku ADwru ] ki-aa takeh bi-aa paas, kar hee-aṛay hik adhaar.
What are you looking in other directions, O! my heart, take the support of the One (God alone).
Qiau sMqn kI ryxu ijqu lBI suK dwqwru ]3] thee-o saNtan kee rayṇ, jit labhee sukh daataar. ||3||
Become the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons; through which You shall find the
Giver of Happiness.

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ivxu krmw hir jIau n pweIAY ibnu siqgur mnUAw n lgY ]
viṇ karmaa har jee-o na paa-ee-ai, bin satgur manoo-aa na lagai.
Without (good) destiny one can not find (i.e. unite with) dear God; and, without the True Guru,
the mind is not attached to Him.
Drmu DIrw kil AMdry iehu pwpI mUil n qgY ] dharam dheeraa kal aNdray, ih paapee mool na tagai.
In the Kal (i.e. Kaliyuga/ Dark-Age), only dharma (i.e. righteousness) will remain stable; this
sinner (mind) can just not last long.
Aih kru kry su Aih kru pwey iek GVI muhqu n lgY ] ah kar karay so ah kar paa-ay, ik ghaṛee muhat na lagai.
Whatever one does with this hand, (he) obtains (reward for his deeds) on this (i.e. the same)
hand; it takes no time, (not) even a moment.
cwry jug mY soiDAw ivxu sMgiq AhMkwru n BgY ] chaaray jug mai sodhi-aa, viṇ saNgat aha kaar na bhagai.

I have searched though all the four Ages; (and I have found that) without the (true) congregation
the egotism does not depart.
haumY mUil n CuteI ivxu swDU sqsMgY ] ha-umai mool na chhut-ee, viṇ saadhoo satsaNgai.
Egotism is never eradicated without the congregation of the true God-oriented person.
iqcru Qwh n pwveI ijcru swihb isau mn BMgY ] tichar thaah na paav-ee, jichar saahib si-o man bhaNgai.
As long as one’s mind is torn away from the Lord, it can not find place of rest (i.e. peace).
ijin jin gurmuiK syivAw iqsu Gir dIbwxu ABgY ] jin jan gurmukh sayvi-aa, tis ghar deebaaṇ abhgai.
Those who have served Him through the Guru, have the support of the Imperishable (Lord)
within their home (i.e. heart).
hir ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw gur siqgur crxI lgY ]11]
har kirpaa tay sukh paa-i-aa, gur satgur charṇee lagai. ||11||
By the grace of God, happiness is obtained by attaching to the feet of the Guru, the True Guru.

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
loVIdo hB jwie so mIrw mIrMn isir ] loṛeedo habh jaa-ay, so meeraa meeraNn sir.
I have been searching all places for the King over the heads of (all) the kings.
hT mMJwhU so DxI caudo muiK Alwie ]1] haṭ maNjhaahoo so dhaṇee, cha-udo mukh alaa-ay. ||1||
(When) I chant (His name) with my mouth, (I find) that Lord is within my heart. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
mwixkU moih mwau ifMnw DxI Apwih ] maaṇikoo mohi, maa-o, diNnaa dhaṇee apaahi.
O! my mother, the Lord has blessed me the jewel (of His name);
ihAwau mihjw TMFVw muKhu scu Alwie ]2] hi-aa-o mahijaa ṭaNḍ-ṛaa, mukhahu sach alaa-ay. ||2||
Chanting (the name of) the True (Lord), my mind is cooled. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
mU QIAwaU syj nYxw iprI ivCwvxw ] moo thee-aa-oo sayj, naiṇaa piree vichhaavṇaa.
I (wish I should) become the bed and (may) my eyes become the (bed) sheets for my Husband.
jy fyKY ihk vwr qw suK kImw hU bwhry ]3] jay daykhai hik vaar, taa sukh keemaa hoo baahray. ||3||
If He looks at me, just once, then I shall obtain happiness beyond all prices. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mnu locY hir imlx kau ikau drsnu pweIAw ] man lochai har milaṇ ka-o, ki-o darsan paa-ee-aa.
My mind long to meet God, how can I obtain His vision?
mY lK ivVqy swihbw jy ibMd buolweIAw ] mai lakh viṛ-tay saahibaa, jay biNd bolaa-ee-aa.
O! my Lord, I earn(i.e. it will be like obtaining) hundred-thousand (of rupees), if He speaks to
me, even for an instant.
mY cwry kuMfw BwlIAw quDu jyvfu n sweIAw ] mai chaaray kuNdaa bhaalee-aa, tudh jayvad na saa-ee-aa.
I have searched in all the four directions, there is no other as great as You, O! Lord.
mY dishu mwrgu sMqho ikau pRBU imlweIAw ] mai dasihu maarag saNtaho, ki-o prabhoo milaa-ee-aa.
Show me the path, O! God-oriented persons, how can I meet my Lord. [They answer]:
mnu Ariphu haumY qjhu iequ pMiQ julweIAw ] man arpihu, ha-umai tajahu, it paNth julaa-ee-aa.
Dedicate (your) mind (to Him), renounce ego; (this is how) one treads this path (to God)).
inq syivhu swihbu Awpxw sqsMig imlweIAw ] nit sayvihu saahib aapnaa, satsaNg milaa-ee-aa.
Joining the true congregation, serve your Lord continually.
sBy Awsw pUrIAw gur mhil bulweIAw ] sabhay aasaa pooree-aa, gur mahal bulaa-ee-aa.
All hopes shall be fulfilled, when the Guru calls to his mansion.
quDu jyvfu horu n suJeI myry imqR guosweIAw ]12] tudh jayvad hor na sujh-ee, mayray mitar gosaa-ee-aa ||12||
I can not conceive of any other as great as You are, O! my friend, O! Lord of the World. 12

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay M: 5
mU QIAwaU qKqu iprI mihMjy pwiqswh ] moo thee-aa-oo takhat, piree mahiNjay paatisaah.
(I wish) I should become throne for my Beloved, my King (Lord).
pwv imlwvy koil kvl ijvY ibgswvdo ]1] paav milaavay kol, kaval jivai bigsaavdo. ||1||
If You place Your feet (on me) I (shall) blossom forth like a lotus (flower).

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
iprIAw sMdVI BuK mU lwvx QI ivQrw ] piree-aa saNd-ṛee bhukh, moo laavaṇ thee vithraa.
(If he becomes hungry) I shall become vegetable (i.e. dish), to satisfy the hunger of my Beloved.
jwxu imTweI ieK byeI pIVy nw hutY ]2] jaaṇ miṭaa-ee ikh, bay-ee peeṛay naa hutai. ||2||
I shall become sweet (juice) of the sugarcane (for Him); I will not stop being crushed again
and again. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
Tgw nIhu mqRoiV jwxu gMDRbw ngrI ] ṭagaa neehu matroṛ, jaaṇ gaNdharbaa nagree*.
Break off your love with the cheats, know that it an illusionary city.
[*Gandharbnagri, is an imaginary concept; it is like optical illusion of ephemeral and mundane objects like mirage].
suK GtwaU fUie iesu pMDwxU Gr Gxy ]3] sukh ghataa-oo doo-ay, is paNdhaanoo ghar ghaṇay. ||3||
For the pleasures of two moments, the traveller wanders many homes (i.e. for the worldly
pleasures, one has to wander through many incarnations). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Akl klw nh pweIAY pRBu AlK AlyKM ] akal kalaa nah paa-ee-ai, prabh alakh alaykhaN.
(God, the Lord of) indivisible power can be obtained; God is imperceptible and unseeable.
P. 1099
Ktu drsn BRmqy iPrih nh imlIAY ByKM ] khat darsan bharamtay fireh, nah milee-ai bhaykha . N

(The followers of) the six systems wander and roam (in His search, but) He can not be met by
wearing religious robes.
vrq krih cMdRwiexw sy ikqY n lyKM ] varat karahi chaNdraa-iṇaa,* say kitai na laykhaN.
Some observe Chardaraa-ina fast*, (but) these too are of no account (i.e. of no value).
[*This fast is observed for atonement of sins. It is taken in accordance of the vexing and waning of the moon. On the
first day of the fast, which begins on the day of full moon, only one morsel of food is eaten. The number of morsels are
increased on successive days (i.e. two morsels on second day, three morsels on the third day and so on). On the day of
no moon, which is the fifteenth day, fifteen morsels of food are taken. From the next day onward the number of morsels
is decreased by one everyday for fourteen days and a fast is observed on the day of full moon ].
byd pVih sMpUrnw qqu swr n pyKM ] bayd paṛeh saMpoornaa, tat saar na paykhaN.
Some read Vedas in their entirety, (still) they cannot see (i.e. know) the essence of Reality.
iqlku kFih iesnwnu kir AMqir kwlyKM ] tilak kaḍeh isnaan kar, aNtar kaalaykhaN.
Some take (cleansing) bath, and apply (ceremonial) mark (to their foreheads), (but) they are
blackened from within.
ByKI pRBU n lBeI ivxu scI isKM ] bhaykhee parabhoo na labh-ee, viṇ sachee sikhaN.
God is not found by wearing (religious) robes; (He cannot be found) without the True teachings.
Bulw mwrig so pvY ijsu Duir msqik lyKM ] bhoolaa maarag so pavai, jis dhur mastak laykhaN.
One, who has strayed finds the (right) path, if such destiny is pre-inscribed on his forehead.
iqin jnmu svwirAw Awpxw ijin guru AKI dyKM ]13] tin janam savaari-aa aapnaa, jin gur akhee daykha . ||13||
He who sees the Guru with his eyes, embellishes his life (i.e. his life is successful). 13

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
so invwhU gif jo clwaU n QIAY ] so nivaahoo gad, jo chalaa-oo na thee-ai.
Focus on (and implant in your mind) that which willnot pass away.
kwr kUVwvI Cif sMmlu scu DxI ]1] kaar kooṛaavee chha,d saMmal sach dhaṇee. ||1||
Abandon all (your) false actions and remember (i.e. meditate upon) the True Lord. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5

hB smwxI joiq ijau jl GtwaU cMdRmw ] habh samaaṇee jot ji-o, jal ghataa-oo chaNdarmaa.
His light is permeating all, like the moon reflects in the pitcher of water.
prgtu QIAw Awip nwnk msqik iliKAw ]2] pargat thee-aa aap, naanak mastak likhi-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): He Himself is revealed to the one, who has (this destiny) pre-inscribed on his
forehead. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
muK suhwvy nwmu cau AwT phr gux gwau ] mukh suhaavay naam cha-o, aaṭ pahar guṇ gaa-o.
Beautiful are the faces (of those) who chant the name (of God) and sing (the praise of) His
excellence (all through) eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day).
nwnk drgh mMnIAih imlI inQwvy Qwau ]3] naanak, dargeh maNnee-ah, milee nithaavay thaa-o. ||3||
Nanak (says): They (who meditate upon Him) are accepted in His court; and, (by meditating
upon Him) even the home-less find a place (i.e. refuge) there. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
bwhr ByiK n pweIAY pRBu AMqrjwmI ] baahar bhaykh na paa-ee-ai, prabh aNtarjaamee.
By wearing outwardly (religious) robes, He is not found; God is the Controller of Souls.
ieksu hir jIau bwhrI sB iPrY inkwmI ] ikas har jee-o baahree, sabh firai nikaamee.
Without the One, the dear God, all wander uselessly.
mnu rqw kutMb isau inq grib iPrwmI ] man rataa kutaMb si-o, nit garab firaamee.
Those, whose minds are imbued with (attachment to) the family, continually wander (puffed
up) in pride.
iPrih gumwnI jg mih ikAw grbih dwmI ] fireh gumaanee jag meh, ki-aa garbeh daamee.
Those proud (persons) who wander around in the world, why are they proud of their wealth?
clidAw nwil n cleI iKn jwie iblwmI ] chaldi-aa naal na chal-ee, khin jaa-ay bilaamee.
This (wealth) does not go (with them) when they depart; it vanishes in an instant.
ibcrdy iPrih sMswr mih hir jI hukwmI ] bicharday fireh saNsaar meh, har jee hukaamee.
They wander around in the world, according to the command of dear God.
krmu Kulw guru pwieAw hir imilAw suAwmI ] karam khulaa gur paa-i-aa, har mili-aa su-aamee.
When one’s destiny is activated, one finds the Guru; (and through him) one finds God, the
jo jnu hir kw syvko hir iqs kI kwmI ]14] jo jan har kaa sayvko, har tis kee kaamee. ||14||
The one, who is the servants (i.e. devotee) of God, God resolves his affairs. 14

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
muKhu Alwey hB mrxu pCwxMdo koie ] mukhahu alaa-ay habh maran, pachhaaṇaNdo ko-ay.
All speak through their mouths; (but) rare are those ones who realize death.
nwnk iqnw Kwku ijnw XkInw ihk isau ]1] naanak, tinaa khaak, jinaa yakeenaa hik si-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am the dust of the feet of those, who have faith in the One (God). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
jwxu vsMdo mMiJ pCwxU ko hykVo ] jaaṇ vasando maNjh, pachhaaṇoo ko haykṛo.

The Knower (of all the hearts) dwells within (all);(but) some rare one realizes this.
qY qin pVdw nwih nwnk jY guru ByitAw ]2] tai tan paṛ-daa naahi, naanak ,jai gur bhayti-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): Those who meet the Guru, there is (i.e. remains) no veil in their body (i.e. there is
no veil between them and God). 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
mqVI kWFku Awh pwv DovMdo pIvsw ] mat-ṛee kaanḍak aah, paav dhovaNdo peevsaa.
One, who turns out my evil intellect , I will the drink the water which has wash their feet.
mU qin pRymu AQwh psx kU scw DxI ]3] moo tan paraym athaah, pasaṇ koo sachaa dhaṇee. ||3||
My body is filled with immeasurable love, to see my True Lord. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
inrBau nwmu ivswirAw nwil mwieAw rcw ] AwvY jwie BvweIAY bhu jonI ncw ]
nirbha-o naam visaari-aa, naal maa-i-aa rachaa. aavai jaa-ay bhavaa-ee-ai, baho jonee nachaa.
(One, who) has forgotten the name of the Fearless (God), and, is attached to Maya;
He comes and goes, and, wanders and dances in countless incarnations.
bcnu kry qY iKsik jwie boly sBu kcw ] bachan karay tai khisak jaa-ay, bolay sabh kachaa.
One, who gives his word and then backs out, all that he speaks is false.
AMdrhu QoQw kUiVAwru kUVI sB Kcw ] aNdrahu thothaa kooṛi-aar, kooṛee sabh khachaa.
The false person is hollow from within, and, is filled with falsehood and loose talk.
vYru kry inrvYr nwil JUTy lwlcw ] vair karay nirvair naal, jhooṭay laalchaa.
He bears animosity against those who are without animosity, for falsehood and greed.
mwirAw scY pwiqswih vyiK Duir krmcw ] maari-aa sachai paatisaah, vaykh dhur karamchaa.
Looking into his false actions, the True King kills him.
jmdUqI hY hyirAw duK hI mih pcw ] jamdootee hai hayri-aa, dukh hee meh pachaa.
The messenger of death sees him (i.e. placed him under his surveillance); and, he remains
burning away in sorrows.
hoAw qpwvsu Drm kw nwnk dir scw ]15] ho-aa tapaavas dharam kaa, naanak, dar sachaa. ||15||
Nanak (says): Righteous justice is administered in the court of the True (Lord). 15

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
prBwqy pRB nwmu jip gur ky crx iDAwie ] parbhaatay prabh naam jap, gur kay charaṇ dhi-aa-ay.
Early in the morning, meditate upon the name of God, and, focus (your mind) upon the feet of
the Guru; (then)
jnm mrx mlu auqrY scy ky gux gwie ]1] janam maraṇ mal utrai, sachay kay guṇ gaa-ay. ||1||
Sing the excellences of the True (Lord), the filth of your birth and death shall be erased. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
dyh AMDwrI AMDu suM\I nwm ivhUxIAw ] dayh aNdhaaree aNdh, suNnjee naam vihooṇee-aa.
Without the name (of God), the body is blind with darkness (i.e. ignorance) and empty;
nwnk sPl jnµmu jY Git vuTw scu DxI ]2] naanak, safal janNam, jai ghat vuṭaa sach dhaṇee. ||2||
Nanak (says): Fruitful is the birth (i.e. successful is the life) of the one, within whose heart the
True Lord dwells. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
loiex loeI ifT ipAws n buJY mU GxI ] lo-Iṇ lo-ee diṭ, pi-aas na bujhai moo ghaṇee.
I have seen the world with my eyes, but my thirst is so much, it is not quenched.
nwnk sy AKVIAw ibAMin ijnI ifsMdo mw iprI ]3]
naanak, say akh-ṛee-aa bi-aNn, jinee disaNdo maa piree. ||3||
Nanak (says): Those eyes (of knowledge) are different, which can see my Beloved (Lord). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijin jin gurmuiK syivAw iqin siB suK pweI ] jin jan gurmukh sayvi-aa, tin sabh sukh paa-ee.
Whoever has served (God) through the Guru, has obtained total (spiritual) happiness.
Ehu Awip qirAw kutMb isau sBu jgqu qrweI ] oh aap tari-aa kutaMb si-o, sabh jagat taraa-ee.
He himself is saved, along with his family, and, all the world is saved (through him).
Ein hir nwmw Dnu sMicAw sB iqKw buJweI ] on har naamaa dhan saNchi-aa, sabh tikhaa bujhaa-ee.
He has gathered the wealth of the name of God; and, all his thirst is quenched.
Ein Cfy lwlc dunI ky AMqir ilv lweI ] on chhaday laalach dunee kay, aNtar liv laa-ee.
He has renounced worldly greed, and, from within he is attuned (to the Lord).
Esu sdw sdw Gir Anµdu hY hir sKw shweI ] os sadaa sadaa ghar anaNd hai, har sakhaa sahaa-ee.
Forever and ever, her home (i.e. heart) is filled with bliss; and, God is his friend, his help.
Ein vYrI imqR sm kIiqAw sB nwil suBweI ] on vairee mitar sam keeti-aa, sabh naal subhaa-ee.
He looks alike upon foes and friends; and, has love for all.
hoAw EhI Alu jg mih gur igAwnu jpweI ] ho-aa ohee al jag meh, gur gi-aan japaa-ee.
He alone becomes complete (i.e. accomplished) in the world, who meditates upon the
knowledge given by the Guru.
pUrib iliKAw pwieAw hir isau bix AweI ]16] poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa, har si-o baṇ aa-ee. ||16||
He obtains what is preordained (for him); and, God is pleased with him. 16

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
scu suhwvw kwFIAY kUVY kUVI soie ] sach suhaavaa kaaḍee-ai, kooṛai kooṛee so-ay.
(O! brethren) the true one is said to be beautiful, and, false is the reputation of the false.
nwnk ivrly jwxIAih ijn scu plY hoie ]1] naanak, virlay jaaṇee-ahi, jin sach palai ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): Rare are those who are known as having truth with them. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
sjx muKu AnUpu ATy phr inhwlsw ] sajaṇ mukh anoop, aṭay pahar nihaalsaa.
My dear's face is incomparably beautiful; (I wish) I would behold Him all the eight quarters
(i.e. twenty-four hours a day).
suqVI so shu ifTu qY supny hau KMnIAY ]2] sut-ṛee so saho diṭ, tai supnay ha-o khaNnee-ai. ||2||
In sleep I saw my Husband (Lord), I am a sacrifice unto that dream. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
sjx scu priK muiK Alwvxu QoQrw ] sajaṇ, sach parakh, mukh alaavaṇ thothraa.
Explore (i.e. realize) the True (Lord), O! (my) friend; (just) speaking from mouth is useless.
mMn mJwhU liK quDhu dUir n su iprI ]3] maNn majhaahoo lakh, tudhhu door na so piree. ||3||
Behold Him within your mind, (your) Beloved (Lord) is not far away from you. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Driq Awkwsu pwqwlu hY cMdu sUru ibnwsI ] dharat aakaas paataal hai, chaNd soor binaasee.
The earth, the skies, the nether regions, the moon, and the sun, all are perishable.
bwidswh swh aumrwv Kwn Fwih fyry jwsI ] baadisaah saah umraav khaan, ḍaahi dayray jaasee.
Emperors, bankers, nobles, chiefs all shall pass away, and, their homes shall collapse.
rMg quMg grIb msq sBu loku isDwsI ] raNg tuNg gareeb masat, sabh lok sidhaasee.
Paupers, rich, poor, and those intoxicated (with Maya), all these people shall depart.
kwjI syK mswiekw sBy auiT jwsI ]kaajee saykh masaa-ikaa, sabhay uṭ jaasee.
The qazi (i.e. Muslim judge), sheikh (i.e. preacher), all the sheikhs, all will arise and depart.
[*Sheikh (also spelled as shaykh, shaikh) has various shades, e.g. aged person, scholar, respectable , leader, noble].
pIr pYkwbr AaulIey ko iQru n rhwsI ] peer paikaabar a-ulee-ay, ko thir na rahaasee.
The spiritual elderly, prophets, religious leaders, no one (of these) shall remain stable (i.e.
shall remain permanently in this world).
rojw bwg invwj kqyb ivxu buJy sB jwsI ] rojaa baag nivaaj katayb, viṇ bujhay sabh jaasee.
Fasts, calls to prayer, prayer, Katayb* (i.e. scriptures), all shall vanish without knowing.
[*Katayb is the name given to four Semitic scriptures: Jabur, Taurat, Injil, Quaran].
lK caurwsIh mydnI sB AwvY jwsI ] lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee, sabh aavai jaasee.
The eighty-four hundred thousands (species) of the universe, shall all continue coming and
inhclu scu Kudwie eyku Kudwie bMdw AibnwsI ]17]
nihchal sach khudaa-ay ayk, khudaa-ay baNdaa abhinaasee. ||17||
The One True God (alone) is unchanging (i.e. permanent), and, the slave (i.e. one who is
devotee of the Lord) is (also) imperishable. 17

fKxy mÚ 5 ] Dakh-ṇay, M: 5
ifTI hB FMFoil ihksu bwJu n koie ] dithee habh ḍaNḍol, hikas baajh na ko-ay.
I have searched everywhere, and, have found (that) without the One (Lord), there is no one
Awau sjx qU muiK lgu myrw qnu mnu TMFw hoie ]1]
aa-o sajaṇ too mukh lag, mayraa tan man ṭaNḍaa ho-ay. ||1||
Come and show me Your face, O! (my) friend, so that my body and mind may be cooled. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
Awsku Awsw bwhrw mU min vfI Aws ] aasak aasaa baahraa, moo man vadee aas.
The (true) lover is the one who is without hope, but, within my mind there is great hope.
Aws inrwsw ihku qU hau bil bil bil geIAws ]2] aas niraasaa hik too, ha-o bal bal bal ga-ee-aas. ||2||

You alone are detached of hopes; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto You. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ivCoVw suxy fuKu ivxu ifTy mirEid ] vichhoṛaa suṇay dukh vin diṭay mari-od.
(Even if) I (just) hear of separation, I am pained; and, without seeing You, I die.
bwJu ipAwry Awpxy ibrhI nw DIroid ]3] baajh pi-aaray aapnay birhee naa dheerod. ||3||
Without the beloved, the (separated) lover does not have patience. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qt qIrQ dyv dyvwilAw kydwru mQurw kwsI ] tat tirath dayv dayvaali-aa, kaydaar mathuraa kaasee.
River-banks, places of pilgrimage, deities, temples, (places of pilgrimage like) Kedar,
Mathura, Kashi (shall perish);
koit qyqIsw dyvqy sxu ieMdRY jwsI ] kot tayteesaa dayvtay, saṇ INdrai jaasee.
And three hundred and thirty million gods, along with Indra (i.e. god of gods), shall pass away.
isimRiq swsqR byd cwir Ktu drs smwsI ] simrit saastar bayd chaar, khat daras samaasee.
The Simritis, the Shastras, the four Vedas, and, the six systems (of philosophy) shall perish.
poQI pMifq gIq kivq kvqy BI jwsI ] pothee pandit geet kavit, kavtay bhee jaasee.
Religious books, Pandits (i.e. scholar), lsongs, poetry, and poets all shall also depart.
jqI sqI sMinAwsIAw siB kwlY vwsI ] jatee satee saNni-aasee-aa, sabh kaalai vaasee.
The celibates, the truthful, sanniaasees (i.e. renouncers/ hermits), are all subject to death.
muin jogI idgMbrw jmY sxu jwsI ] mun jogee digaMbraa, jamai saṇ jaasee.
The silent sages, yogis, naked wanderers, along with the messenger of death, shall pass away.
jo dIsY so ivxsxw sB ibnis ibnwsI ] jo deesai so viṇsaṇaa, sabh binas binaasee.
Whatever is seen, shall perish; all are perishable and shall perish.
iQru pwrbRhmu prmysro syvku iQru hosI ]18] thir paarbarahm parmaysaro, sayvak thir hosee. ||18||
Only the Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord (God) is permanent; and, His servant shall
also remain permanent. 18

slok fKxy mÚ 5 ] Salok dakh-ṇay, M: 5

sY nµgy nh nµg BuKy lK n BuiKAw ] sai naNgay nah naNg, bhukhay lakh na bhukhi-aa.
(Those who are imbued with God, they may be) naked hundreds of times, (but) they are not
naked; (they may be) hungry hundred-thousand times, (but) they are not hungry.
fuKy koiV n fuK nwnk iprI ipKMdo suB idsit ]1]
dukhay koṛ na dukh, naanak, piree pikhaNdo subh disat. ||1||
(They may have) tens of millions of pains (but) do not feel pain, (because) the Beloved (Lord)
bestows his good glance (i.e. glance of grace). 1
P. 1101
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
suK smUhw Bog BUim sbweI ko DxI ] nwnk hBo rogu imrqk nwm ivhUixAw ]2]
sukh samoohaa bhog, bhoom sabaa-ee ko dhaṇee.
naanak, habho rog mirtak naam vihooṇi-aa ||2||
Even if one enjoys all pleasures, and, is the master of the entire land (i.e. of the world);
Nanak (says): (but if he is) without the name (of God), (then) all that is (just) a disease, and, He
is (like) dead. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ihks kUM qU Awih pCwxU BI ihku kir ] hikas kooN too aahi, pachhaaṇoo bhee hik kar.
(O! brethren) you yearn for the One, and, make Him your friend.
nwnk AwsVI inbwih mwnuK prQweI ljIvdo ]3] naanak, aasṛee nibaahi, maanukh parthaa-ee lajeevdo ||3||
Nanak (says): He alone fulfills (your) hopes; placing hope in (some) human being leads to
disgrace. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
inhclu eyku nrwiexo hir Agm AgwDw ] nihchal ayk naaraa-iṇo, har agam agaadhaa.
The One Omnipresent (God) alone is stable (i.e. imperishable, eternal); God is inaccessible
and unknowable.
inhclu nwmu inDwnu hY ijsu ismrq hir lwDw ] nihchal naam nidhaan hai, jis simrat har laadhaa.
The treasurer of the name is stable (i.e. eternal); remembering it (i.e. meditating upon the
name) God is attained.
inhclu kIrqnu gux goibMd gurmuiK gwvwDw ] nihchal keertan guṇ gobiNd, gurmukh gaavaadhaa.
Singing the praise of the excellences of the Lord of the World, through the Guru, is eternal.
scu Drmu qpu inhclo idnu rYin ArwDw ] sach dharam tap nihchalo, din rain araadhaa.
Truth, faith, and meditation are stable (i.e. eternal); (so, O! brethren) adore Him day and night.
dieAw Drmu qpu inhclo ijsu krim ilKwDw ] da-i-aa dharam tap nihchalo, jis karam likhaadhaa.
Compassion, faith and meditation are eternal; (but he alone obtains them) whom has this
destiny pre-inscribed.
inhclu msqik lyKu iliKAw so tlY n tlwDw ] nihchal mastak laykh likhi-aa, so talai na talaadhaa.
Eternal is the inscription inscribed upon one’s forehead; it can not be avoided by avoidance.
inhcl sMgiq swD jn bcn inhclu gur swDw ] nihchal saNgat saadh jan, bachan nihchal gur saadhaa.
Eternal is the congregation of the God-oriented persons; and, eternal are the words of the
holy Guru.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn sdw sdw AwrwDw ]19] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tin sadaa sadaa aaraadhaa ||19||
Those, who have such destiny pre-inscribed, adore (God) forever and ever. 19

slok fKxy mÚ 5 ] Salok dakh-ṇay, M: 5

jo fubMdo Awip so qrwey ikn@ Ky ] jo dubaNdo aap, so taraa-ay kinh khay.
One, who himself is drowning, how can he carry anyone else across (the world ocean)?
qwrydVo BI qwir nwnk ipr isau riqAw ]1] taaraydaṛo bhee taar, naanak, pir si-o rati-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): One, who is imbued with the love of the Beloved (Lord), he is saved and saves
others as well.

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ijQY koie kQMin nwau suxMdo mw iprI ] mUM julwaUN qiQ nwnk iprI psMdo hirE QIEis ]2]
jithai ko-ay kathaNn, naa-o suṇaNdo maa piree.

mooN julaa-oon tath naanak piree pasaNdo hari-o thee-os. ||2||
Where someone speaks and hears the name of my Beloved (Lord);
Nanak (says): there I go; behold my Beloved and turn green (i.e. blossom forth). 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
myrI myrI ikAw krih puqR klqR snyh ] mayree mayree ki-aa karahi, putar kaltar sanayh.
(O! being) you are in love with (your) son and (your) wife; what are you uttering ‘mine’ mine’
(i.e. why are you claiming them as your own; all this is useless)?
nwnk nwm ivhUxIAw inmuxIAwdI dyh ]3] naanak, naam vihooṇee-aa, nimunee-aadee dayh. ||3||
Nanak (says): Without the name (of God), the (human) body has no foundation. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nYnI dyKau gur drsno gur crxI mQw ] nainee daykh-a-u gur darsano, gur charṇee mathaa.
With my eyes, I behold the vision of my Guru; I touch my forehead to the feet of the Guru.
pYrI mwrig gur cldw pKw PyrI hQw ] pairee maarag gur chaldaa, pakhaa fayree hathaa.
With my feet I walk on the path of the Guru; and, with my hands, I wave the fan over Him.
Akwl mUriq irdY iDAwiedw idnu rYin jpMQw ] akaal moorat ridai dhi-aa-idaa, din rain japaNthaa.
I meditate upon the Eternal Form (i.e. God) within my heart; day and night, I meditate
(upon His name).
mY CifAw sgl Apwiexo BrvwsY gur smrQw ] mai chhadi-aa sagal apaa-ino, bharvaasai gur samrathaa.
I have renounced all my possessiveness, and, have placed my faith in the all-powerful Guru.
guir bKisAw nwmu inDwnu sBo duKu lQw ] gur bakhsi-aa naam nidhaan, sabho dukh lathaa.
The Guru has blessed me with the treasure of the name; I am rid of all sufferings.
Boghu BuMchu BweIho plY nwmu AgQw ] bhogahu bhuNchahu bhaa-eeho, palai naam agthaa.
I have in my lap the name of the Indescribable (Lord); O! brethren, eat and enjoy it.
nwmu dwnu iesnwnu idVu sdw krhu gur kQw ] naam daan isnaan diṛ, sadaa karahu gur kathaa.
Implant (in your mind) the name (of the Lord), charity and (self) purification; and, chant the
story (i.e. praise of the excellences ) of the Guru.
shju BieAw pRBu pwieAw jm kw Bau lQw ]20] sahj bha-i-aa prabh paa-i-aa, jam kaa bha-o lathaa ||20||
I have found poise (since) I have found the Lord; and, I am rid of the fear of the messenger of
death. 20

slok fKxy mÚ 5 ] Salok, dakh-ṇay , M: 5

lgVIAw iprIAMin pyKMdIAw nw iqpIAw ] lagṛee-aa piree-ann, paykhaNdee-aa naa tipee-aa.
My eyes are attached to my Beloved; they are never satiated (even) by beholding Him.
hB mJwhU so DxI ibAw n ifTo koie ]1] habh majhaahoo so dhaṇee, bi-aa na diṭo ko-ay. ||1||
The Lord is (contained) within all; I do not see any other (at all). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
kQVIAw sMqwh qy suKwaU pMDIAw ] kathṛee-aa saNtaah, tay sukhaa-oo paNdhee-aa.
The sayings of the God-oriented persons are the path of happiness;
nwnk lDVIAw iqMnwh ijnw Bwgu mQwhVY ]2] naanak, ladh-ṛee-aa ti naah, jinaa bhaag mathaahaṛai||2||

Nanak (says): They alone obtain them, who have such destiny is inscribed on their
foreheads. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
fUMgir jlw Qlw BUim bnw Pl kMdrw ] dooNgar jalaa thalaa, bhoom banaa fal kandraa.
(God is pervading) the mountains, waters, deserts, lands, forests, fruits and caves; and,
pwqwlw Awkws pUrnu hB Gtw ] paataalaa aakaas, pooran habh ghataa.
The nether regions, the skies, and in all the hearts, He is perfecting (i.e. totally permeating).
nwnk pyiK jIE iekqu sUiq proqIAw ]3] naanak, paykh jee-o, ikat soot parotee-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): I see that they are all strung on the same One thread (i.e. of God).

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir jI mwqw hir jI ipqw hir jIau pRiqpwlk ] har jee maataa, har jee pitaa, har jee-o partipaalak.
(O! brethren) the dear God is my Mother, the dear God is my Father, and, the dear God is my
hir jI myrI swr kry hm hir ky bwlk ] har jee mayree saar karay, ham har kay baalak.
Dear God takes care of me, I am the child of God.
shjy shij iKlwiedw nhI krdw Awlk ] sehjay sahj khilaa-idaa, nahee kardaa aalak.
Steadily, in natural ease, He feeds me; he never become lazy (i.e. never fails).
Aaugxu ko n icqwrdw gl syqI lwiek ] a-ugaṇ ko na chitaardaa, gal saytee laa-ik.
He does not remind me of my vices; (He) hugs me close in (His) embrace.
muih mMgW soeI dyvdw hir ipqw suKdwiek ] muhi maNgaa so-ee dayvdaa, har pitaa sukh-daa-ik.

Whatever I ask for from my mouth, He give me; He is my happiness-giving father.

P. 1102
igAwnu rwis nwmu Dnu sauipEnu iesu saudy lwiek ] gi-aan raas naam dhan sa-opi-on, is sa-uday laa-ik.
He has blessed me with the capital of knowledge, the wealth of name; He has made me
worthy of (dealing in) this merchandise.
swJI gur nwil bhwilAw srb suK pwiek ] saajhee gur naal bahaali-aa, sarab sukh paa-ik.
He (i.e. God) has made me a partner with the Guru; (now) I have obtained total happiness.
mY nwlhu kdy n ivCuVY hir ipqw sBnw glw lwiek ]21]
mai naalahu kaday na vichhuṛai, har pitaa sabhnaa galaa laa-ik. ||21||
God, my father, is potent to do everything; He shall never separate from me. 21

slok fKxy mÚ 5 ] Salok, dakh-ṇay, M: 5

nwnk kciVAw isau qoiV FUiF sjx sMq pikAw ] naanak, kachṛi-aa si-o toṛ, ḍooḍ sajaṇ saNt paki-aa.
Nanak (says): Break away from the false (friends), and, seek out God-oriented persons (who
are) the true friends.
Eie jIvMdy ivCuVih Eie muieAw n jwhI CoiV ]1]
o-ay jeevaNday vichhuṛeh, o-ay mu-i-aa na jaahee chhoṛ. ||1||
They shall (i.e. the false friends) leave (you) even while (you are still) alive; (but) they (i.e. God-
oriented friends) shall not leave (you) even when (you are) dead. 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
nwnk ibjulIAw cmkMin Gurin@ Gtw Aiq kwlIAw ]
naanak, bijulee-aa chamkaNn, ghurnih ghataa at kaalee-aa.
Nanak (says): (during the rainy season) the lightening flashes, the dark black clouds thunder.
brsin myG Apwr nwnk sMgim iprI suhMdIAw ]2]
barsan maygh apaar, naanak ,saNgam piree suhaNdee-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): the downpour from the clouds is heavy, (but) these look beautiful (when) the
wives are in union with their husbands. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
jl Ql nIir Bry sIql pvx Julwrdy ] jal thal neer bharay, seetal pavaṇ jhulaarday.
The ponds and the lands are overflowing with water, and, cold wind is blowing;
syjVIAw soieMn hIry lwl jVMdIAw ] sayjrhee-aa so-inn, heeray laal jaṛaNdee-aa.
The beds are decorated with gold, diamonds and rubies;
suBr kpV Bog nwnk iprI ivhUxI qqIAw ]3] subhar kapaṛ bhog, naanak, piree vihooṇee tatee-aa. ||3||
She (i.e. wife) is blesses with beautiful clothes and pleasures, Nanak (says): (but) without her
husband, she burns (in agony). 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
kwrxu krqY jo kIAw soeI hY krxw ] kaaraṇ kartai jo kee-aa, so-ee hai karṇaa.
Whatever the Creator causes one to do, so one acts.
jy sau Dwvih pRwxIAw pwvih Duir lhxw ] jay sa-o dhaaveh paraaṇee-aa, paavahi dhur lahṇaa.
Even if you run in hundred (directions), O! mortal (being), you shall receive (what you are)
predestined to receive.
ibnu krmw ikCU n lBeI jy iPrih sB Drxw ] bin karmaa kichhoo na labh-ee, jay fireh sabh dharṇaa.
Without (good) destiny, one obtains nothing, (even) if he wanders across the whole world.
gur imil Bau goivMd kw BY fru dUir krxw ] gur mil bha-o goviNd kaa, bhai dar door karṇaa.
Meeting the Guru, the fear of God (wells up); and, (all other) fears are taken away.
BY qy bYrwgu aUpjY hir Kojq iPrxw ] bhai tay bairaag oopjai, har khojat firṇaa.
Through the fear (of God), (feeling of) detachment wells up, and, one sets out in search of God.
Kojq Kojq shju aupijAw iPir jnim n mrxw ] khojat khojat sahj upji-aa, fir janam na marṇaa.
Searching and searching, gnosis (i.e. spiritual wisdom) wells up, and, then there is no (more)
birth or death (i.e. there is no more incarnation).
ihAwie kmwie iDAwieAw pwieAw swD srxw ] hi-aa-ay kamaa-ay dhi-aa-i-aa, paa-i-aa saadh sarṇaa.
Earning (i.e. practising) meditation within heart, one finds refuge of the Guru*.
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
boihQu nwnk dyau guru ijsu hir cVwey iqsu Baujlu qrxw ]22]
bohith, naanak ,day-o gur; jis har chaṛaa-ay, tis bha-ojal tarṇaa. ||22||
Nanak (says): (the name of the) divine Guru is a boat; whoever God gets to embark (this boat),
cross the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 22

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5

pihlw mrxu kbUil jIvx kI Cif Aws ] pahilaa maraṇ kabool, jeevaṇ kee chhad aas.
[In this verse, the Guru gives the message of God]: First accept death, and, give up the hope of life;
hohu sBnw kI ryxukw qau Awau hmwrY pwis ]1] hohu sabhnaa kee rayṇukaa, ta-o aa-o hamaarai paas. ||1||
Become the dust (of the feet) of all, and, then you may come to me (for union). 1

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
muAw jIvMdw pyKu jIvMdy mir jwin ] mu-aa jeevandaa paykh, jeevaNday mar jaan.
See that one who is dead (i.e. one who is liberated from five passions etc) lives; one who lives (in
attachment to passions/ Maya) consider him dead.
ijn@w muhbiq iek isau qy mwxs prDwn ]2] jinhaa muhabat ik si-o, tay maaṇas pardhaan. ||2||
Those who are in love with the One (Lord), are the honourable (i.e. exalted) persons. 2

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
ijsu min vsY pwrbRhmu inkit n AwvY pIr ] jis man vasai paarbarahm, nikat na aavai peer.
One, within whose mind the Supreme Reality (God) abides, pain does not even approach him;
BuK iqK iqsu n ivAwpeI jmu nhI AwvY nIr ]3] bhukh tikh tis na vi-aapa-ee, jam nahee aavai neer. ||3||
Hunger and thirst do not affect him, and, the messenger of death does not approach him. 3

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
kImiq khxu n jweIAY scu swh AfolY ] keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ee-ai, sach saah adolai.
Your worth cannot be estimated, O! True, Unmoving Lord.
isD swiDk igAwnI iDAwnIAw kauxu quDuno qolY ] sidh saadhik gi-aanee dhi-aanee-aa, ka-uṇ tudhuno tolai.
The sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), seekers, men of knowledgeable, and
meditators - who among them can weigh (i.e. evaluate) You? (i.e. no one can evaluate God’s worth).
BMnx GVx smrQu hY Epiq sB prlY ] bhaNnan ghaṛaṇ samrath hai, opat sabh parlai.
He is all-powerful to break and compose (i.e. create and destroy); he creates and destroys all.
krx kwrx smrQu hY Git Git sB bolY ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath hai, ghat ghat sabh bolai.
He is all-powerful and Cause of causes; and, He speaks through each and every heart.
irjku smwhy sBsY ikAw mwxsu folY ] rijak samaahay sabhsai, ki-aa maaṇas dolai.
He gives sustenance to all; why should mankind waver (when He takes care) ?
gihr gBIru AQwhu qU gux igAwn AmolY ] gahir gabheer athaahu too, gun gi-aan amolai.
You are deep, profound and unfathomable; Your excellences and wisdom is priceless
soeI kMmu kmwvxw kIAw Duir maulY ] so-ee kaMm kamaavaṇaa, kee-aa dhur ma-ulai.
One does the deed that one is preordained to do by God.
quDhu bwhir ikCu nhI nwnku gux bolY ]23]1]2] tudhhu baahar kichh nahee, naanak, guṇ bolai. ||23||1||2||
Nanank (says): (O! God) without You, there is nothing at all; I chant (the praise of) Your
excellences. 23.1.2

rwgu mwrU bwxI kbIr jIau kI Raag maaroo, baṇee Kabeer jee-o kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
pfIAw kvn kumiq qum lwgy ] padee-aa, kavan kumat tum laagay.
O! Pandit, in what ill-wisdom you are engaged in?
bUfhugy prvwr skl isau rwmu n jphu ABwgy ]1] rhwau ]
bood-hugay parvaar sakal si-o, raam na japahu, abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall be drowned along with your family, (because) you do not meditate upon God; (you
are) unfortunate person. 1 (pause)
byd purwn pVy kw ikAw gunu Kr cMdn js Bwrw ] bayd puraan paṛay kaa ki-aa gun, khar cha dan jas bhaaraa.
What is the use of reading the Vedas and the Puranas; it is like loading a donkey with
P. 1103
rwm nwm kI giq nhI jwnI kYsy auqris pwrw ]1] raam naam kee gat nahee jaanee, kaisay utras paaraa. ||1||
You have not realized the state of (those who meditate upon) the name of God, how will you
cross over (the world ocean)? 1
jIA bDhu su Drmu kir Qwphu ADrmu khhu kq BweI ]
jee-a badhahu so dharam kar thaapahu, adhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.
(You condemn meat-eating, but) You kill living beings (for sacrifice in a yajna), and, declare it
as a religious action. O! brother, then tell me what would you call irreligious action?
Awps kau muinvr kir Qwphu kw kau khhu ksweI ]2]
aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu, kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||
You declare yourself as a great sage, then tell me whom would you call a butcher? 2
mn ky AMDy Awip n bUJhu kwih buJwvhu BweI ] man kay a dhay, aap na boojhhu, kaahi bujhaavahu bhaa-ee.
O! blind in your mind, you yourself do not understand (real path of life); how can you make
others understand, O! brother.
mwieAw kwrn ibidAw bychu jnmu AibrQw jweI ]3]
maa-i-aa kaaran bidi-aa baychahu, janam abirathaa jaa-ee. ||3||
You sell education (i.e. knowledge) for the sake of money, your life is going waste (in vain)? 3
nwrd bcn ibAwsu khq hY suk kau pUChu jweI ]
naarad bachan bi-aas kahat hai, suk ka-o poochhahu jaa-ee.
Vyas* tells the words of Nard*, and, you may go and ask Suk*.
[*The three are mythical gods in ancient literature].
kih kbIr rwmY rim CUthu nwih q bUfy BweI ]4]1]
kahi kabeer, raamai ram chhootahu, naahi ta booday bhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: You can be saved by chanting (the name of) God, O! brother, otherwise you shall
drown (in the world ocean). 4.1
bnih bsy ikau pweIAY jau lau mnhu n qjih ibkwr ]
baneh basay ki-o paa-ee-ai, ja-o la-o manhu na tajeh bikaar.
How can you find (God) (just) by living in the forests? (not) until you renounce evil from your
from mind.
ijh Gru bnu smsir kIAw qy pUry sMswr ]1] jih ghar ban samsar kee-aa, tay pooray saNsaar. ||1||
Those who look alike upon home and forest, are the perfect (people) in the world. 1
swr suKu pweIAY rwmw ] rMig rvhu AwqmY rwm ]1] rhwau ]

saar sukh paa-ee-ai raamaa. raNg ravhu aatmai raam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The essence of happiness can be obtained from God;
(so) lovingly remember (i.e. meditate upon) God within your being. 1 (pause)
jtw Bsm lypn kIAw khw guPw mih bwsu ] mnu jIqy jgu jIiqAw jW qy ibiKAw qy hoie audwsu ]2]
jataa bhasam laypan kee-aa, kahaa gufaa meh baas.
man jeetay jag jeeti-aa, jaan tay bikhi-aa tay ho-ay udaas. ||2||
You have grown matted-hair, and, smeared (your body) with ash, and, are living in a cave;
(but these do not lead to liberation).
Conquering the mind, one conquers the world; then remain detached from poison (i.e.
Maya; only then you shall attain liberation). 2
AMjnu dyie sBY koeI tuku cwhn mwih ibfwnu ] igAwn AMjnu ijh pwieAw qy loien prvwnu ]3]
aNjan day-ay sabhai ko-ee, tuk chaahan maahi bidaan.
gi-aan aNjan jih paa-i-aa, tay lo-in parvaan.||3||
Everyone applies collyrium (to the eyes) but there is a little different between their objectives
(i.e. some apply collyrium to entice others, whereas some apply it to improve eye-sight);
(But) those eyes to which collyrium of knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom) is applied, are
approved (in the court of God). 3
kih kbIr Ab jwinAw guir igAwnu dIAw smJwie ] kahi kabeer ab jaani-aa, gur gi-aan dee-aa samjhaa-ay.
Says Kabir: Now I know (God); the Guru has given me knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom) to
AMqrgiq hir ByitAw Ab myrw mnu kqhU n jwie ]4]2]
aNtargat har bhayti-aa, ab mayraa man kathoo na jaa-ay. ||4||2||
I have met God within my inner self; now, my mind does not go anywhere else (i.e. it does not
wander in forests of caves etc) . 4.2
iriD isiD jw kau PurI qb kwhU isau ikAw kwj ] ridh sidh jaa ka-o furee, tab kaahoo si-o ki-aa kaaj.
(You say that) “one who is blessed with miraculous powers, what business does he have to do
with anyone?”
qyry khny kI giq ikAw khau mY bolq hI bf lwj ]1]
tayray kahnay kee gat ki-aa kaha-o, mai bolat hee bad laaj. ||1||
What should I say about your speaking (i.e. your words), I feel greatly shy to speak (about
your hypocritical boasting). 1
rwmu ijh pwieAw rwm ] qy Bvih n bwrY bwr ]1] rhwau ]
raam, jih paa-i-aa raam. tay bhaveh na baarai baar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God ! one who has found God;
he does not wander from door to door (for begging food) . 1 (pause)
JUTw jgu fhkY Gnw idn duie brqn kI Aws ] rwm audku ijh jn pIAw iqih bhuir n BeI ipAws ]2]
jhooṭaa jag dahkai ghanaa, din du-ay bartan kee aas.
raam udak jih jan ,tihi bahur na bha-ee pi-aas. ||2||
(The people of) the false world wanders around a lot, (for those things, which) it (i.e. people)
hope to use (only) for a couple of days;
(but) those servants (i.e. devotees) who drink in the water (i.e. Amrit name) of God, they never
become thirsty again. 2
gur pRswid ijh bUiJAw Awsw qy BieAw inrwsu ] gur parsaad jih boojhi-aa, aasaa tay bha-i-aa niraas.
Whoever understands (the true path of life) by the grace of the Guru, becomes free of hope
midst hopes (i.e. he becomes free from the impact of Maya).
sBu scu ndrI AwieAw jau Awqm BieAw audwsu ]3]
sabh sach nadree aa-i-aa, ja-o aatam bha-i-aa udaas. ||3||
He comes to see the True (Lord) everywhere, when his soul becomes detached. 3
rwm nwm rsu cwiKAw hir nwmw hr qwir ] raam naam ras chaakhi-aa, har naamaa har taar.
One, who has tasted the essence of the name of God, (he hears) the name of God in every
sound (i.e. every phenomenon).
khu kbIr kMcnu BieAw BRmu gieAw smudRY pwir ]4]3]
kaho kabeer, kaNchan bha-i-aa, bharam ga-i-aa samudrai paar. ||4||3||
Says Kabir: (thus) he has become pure gold, and, his doubt goes beyond the sea (i.e. his doubt
is dispelled forever). 4.3
audk smuMd sll kI swiKAw ndI qrMg smwvihgy ]
suMnih suMnu imilAw smdrsI pvn rUp hoie jwvihgy ]1]
udak samuNd salal kee saakhi-aa, nadee taraNg samaavhigay.
suNneh suNn mili-aa samadrasee pavan roop ho-ay jaavhigay. ||1||
(Like) the (drop of) water in the water of the ocean, and, like waves of the stream merge in the
stream; and,
void merges in the Void and looks the same, (similarly) I shall also become like air (which,
merging in the air, can not be separated or identified again). 1
bhuir hm kwhy Awvihgy ] Awvn jwnw hukmu iqsY kw hukmY buiJ smwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]
bahur ham kaahay aavhigay.
aavan jaanaa hukam tisai kaa, hukmai bujh samaavhigay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) Why should I come (into the world) again ?
Coming and going is by His command; realizing His command I shall merge in Him.1
jb cUkY pMc Dwqu kI rcnw AYsy Brmu cukwvihgy ]
jab chookai paNch dhaat kee rachnaa, aisay bharam chukaavhigay.
When the structure of (i.e. body of) five elements perishes, then all such doubts shall end.
drsnu Coif Bey smdrsI eyko nwmu iDAwvihgy ]2]
darsan chhod bha-ay samadrasee, ayko naam dhi-aavhigay. ||2||
Giving up (different) schools of philosophy, I shall look upon all equally; and, I shall meditate
upon the One name (i.e. only the name of God). 2
ijq hm lwey iqq hI lwgy qYsy krm kmwvihgy ] jit ham laa-ay tit hee laagay, taisay karam kamaavhigay.
Wherever He has attached us, to that we are attached; (whatever deeds He enjoins us to) such
deeds we shall do.
hir jI ik®pw kry jau ApnI qO gur ky sbid smwvihgy ]3]
har jee kirpaa karay ja-o apnee, tou gur kay sabad samaavhigay. ||3||
When dear God bestows His grace, we shall merge in the word of the Guru. 3
jIvq mrhu mrhu Puin jIvhu punrip jnmu n hoeI ]
jeevat marahu, marahu fun jeevhu, punrap janam na ho-ee.

(O! brethren) dies (from vices) while yet alive, and, by so dying (when) you live; (then) you shall
not be (re)born again.
khu kbIr jo nwim smwny suMn rihAw ilv soeI ]4]4]
kaho kabeer, jo naam samaanay, suNn rahi-aa liv so-ee. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: whosoever is absorbed in the name, remains absorbed in the Void (i.e. Lord). 4
P. 1104
jau qum@ mo kau dUir krq hau qau qum mukiq bqwvhu ]
ja-o tum mo ka-o door karat ha-o, ta-o tum mukat bataavhu.

If You keep me away from you, then tell me what is liberation ?

eyk Anyk hoie rihE sgl mih Ab kYsy Brmwvhu ]1]
ayk anayk ho-ay rahi-o sagal meh, ab kaisay bharmaavahu. ||1||
You are One (manifest) in many forms and, contained in all; how can you delude me? 1
rwm mo kau qwir khW lY jeI hY ] raam, mo ka-o taar kahaan lai ja-ee hai.
O! God, liberating me where will You take me (liberation is being in Your feet)?
soDau mukiq khw dyau kYsI kir pRswdu moih pweI hY ]1] rhwau ]
sodha-o, mukat kahaa day-o kaisee, kar prsaad mohi paa-ee hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Tell me, where and what sort of liberation shall You give me? By Your grace, I have (already)
obtained it. 1 (pause)
qwrn qrnu qbY lgu khIAY jb lgu qqu n jwinAw ] taaran taran tabai lag kahee-ai, jab lag tat na jaani-aa.
Liberating and get liberated are talked of, as long as one does not know the essence of Reality.
Ab qau ibml Bey Gt hI mih kih kbIr mnu mwinAw ]2]5]
ab ta-o bimal bha-ay ghat hee meh, kahi kabeer man maani-aa. ||2||5||
I have now become pure within my heart; says Kabir: my mind is pleased (with You, O! God). 2.5
ijin gV kot kIey kMcn ky Coif gieAw so rwvnu ]1]
jin gaṛ kot kee-ay kaNchan kay, chhod ga-i-aa so raavan. ||1||
He, who constructed castles and forts of gold, that Ravana*, had to abandon them when he
left (i.e. departed from the world). 1
[*refers to the story of Raavan of the epic fiction ‘Ramayana’].
kwhy kIjqu hY min Bwvnu ] kaahay keejat hai man bhaavan.
Why does (this being) act in pleasure of one’s mind?
jb jmu Awie kys qy pkrY qh hir ko nwmu Cfwvn ]1] rhwau ]
jab jam aa-ay kays tay pakrai, tah har ko naam chhadaavan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the messenger of death comes and grabs by hair, then only name of God saves (from
punishment). 1 (pause)
kwlu Akwlu Ksm kw kIn@w iehu prpMcu bDwvnu ] kaal akaal khasam kaa keen aa, ih parpaNch badhaavan.

Death and no-death-ness (immortality) are in the creations of Master, this expanse (of the
world) is only entanglement.
kih kbIr qy AMqy mukqy ijn@ ihrdY rwm rswienu ]2]6]
kahi kabeer, tay aNtay muktay, jinh hirdai raam rasaa-in. ||2||6||
Says Kabir: They (alone) are liberated in the end, who have God, the source of essences, in
whose hearts. 2.6
dyhI gwvw jIau Dr mhqau bsih pMc ikrswnw ] dayhee gaavaa, jee-o dhar mahta-o, baseh pa ch kirsaanaa.

The body is a village, the soul is the Master of lands, the five farmers* live therein.
[*Sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
nYnU nktU sRvnU rspiq ieMdRI kihAw n mwnw ]1]
nainoo naktoo sarvanoo raspat INdree kahi-aa na maanaa. ||1||
The eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and sex-organ do not obey the command (of the soul).1
bwbw Ab n bsau ieh gwau ] baabaa ab na basa-o ih gaa-o.
O! Elder (O! Lord), now I shall not live in this village.
GrI GrI kw lyKw mwgY kwieQu cyqU nwau ]1] rhwau ]
gharee gharee kaa laykhaa maagai, kaa-ith chaytoo naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chitar (i.e. Chitar Gupat) the record keeper (of the Judge of Righteousness) calls me to ask for
account of each and every moment. 1 (pause)
Drm rwie jb lyKw mwgY bwkI inksI BwrI ] dharam raa-ay jab laykhaa maagai, baakee niksee bhaaree.
When the Judge of Righteousness calls for (my) account, there shall be a heavy balance
against me.
pMc ik®swnvw Bwig gey lY bwiDE jIau drbwrI ]2]
paNch kirsaanvaa bhaag ga-ay lai baadhi-o jee-o darbaaree. ||2||
The five farmers@ shall run away, and, the courtiers (of Judge of Righteousness) shall chain
my soul. 2 [* The five sense organs, i.e. eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and sex-organ].
khY kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Kyq hI krhu inbyrw ] kahai kabeer sunhu ray saNtahu, khayt hee karahu nibayraa.
Says Kabir: Listen O! God-oriented persons, (please) settle my accounts at this very farm
(of my body, i.e. in this very human life).
Ab kI bwr bKis bMdy kau bhuir n Baujil Pyrw ]3]7]
ab kee baar bakhas baNday ka-o, bahur na bha-ojal fayraa. ||3||7||
(O! God, please) forgive Your slave this time; (so that) he may not have to return to the
terrible ocean (of the world). 3.7

rwgu mwrU bwxI kbIr jIau kI Raag Maaroo, baṇee Kabeer jee-o kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AnBau iknY n dyiKAw bYrwgIAVy ] anbha-o* kinai na daykhi-aa, bairaagee-aṛay.
No one has seen Him through direct perception, O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate).
ibnu BY AnBau hoie vxwhMbY ]1] bin bhai, anbha-o** ho-ay, vaṇaahaMbai***. ||1||
Without the fear (of God), how can one obtain (the vision of) the Fearless (Lord); is it not true! 1
[*Anbha-o has more than one shades of meanings: 1. knowledge gained without any aid/guidance*, i.e. through direct
perception; 2. Fearless (i.e. God)**; this second shade has been presented in the second line of this verse.
***vanaahambai word has been used to give musical impact].
shu hdUir dyKY qW Bau pvY bYrwgIAVy ] saho hadoor daykhai, taa bha-o pavai, bairaagee-aṛay.

If one beholds the presence of the Husband (Lord), (i.e. if one always realizes presence of God
within one’s heart) then he feels the fear (of God), O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate).
hukmY bUJY q inrBau hoie vxwhMbY ]2] hukmai boojhai, ta nirbha-o ho-ay, vaṇaahaMbai. ||2||
If one realizes His command, then one becomes fearless, is it not true. 2
hir pwKMfu n kIjeI bYrwgIAVy ] har pakhaNd na keej-ee, bairaagee-aṛay.
Do not practice hypocrisy with God, O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate); (but)
pwKMif rqw sBu loku vxwhMbY ]3] pakhaNd rataa sabh lok vaṇaahaMbai. ||3||
the whole world is imbued with hypocrisy; is it not true! 3
iqRsnw pwsu n CofeI bYrwgIAVy ] tarisnaa paas na chhod-ee bairaagee-aṛay.
Thirst (i.e. desire) does not (just ) go away (from the beings),O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate);(but)
mmqw jwilAw ipMfu vxwhMbY ]4] mamtaa jaali-aa piNd, vaṇaahaMbai. ||4||
the body is burning in (the fire of emotional) attachment; is it not true! 4
icMqw jwil qnu jwilAw bYrwgIAVy ] chiNtaa jaal, tan jaali-aa, bairaagee-aṛay.
(When) anxiety is burnt, (then attachment to) body is burnt; O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate);(but)
jy mnu imrqku hoie vxwhMbY ]5] jay man mirtak ho-ay, vaṇaahambai. ||5||
(this can be possible) only if the mind dies (of desires); is it not true! 5
siqgur ibnu bYrwgu n hoveI bYrwgIAVy ] satgur bin bairaag na hova-ee, bairaagee-aṛay.
Without the True Guru, there can be no renunciation; O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate);
jy locY sBu koie vxwhMbY ]6] jay lochai sabh ko-ay, vaṇaahaMbai. ||6||
even though all people may wish for it; is it not true! 6
krmu hovY siqguru imlY bYrwgIAVy ] karam hovai, satgur milai, bairaagee-aṛay.
(When) one is blessed with (His) grace, he meets the True Guru; O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate);
shjy pwvY soie vxwhMbY ]7] sehjay paavai so-ay, vaṇaahaMbai. ||7||
(and, then) one find Him (i.e. God) in natural ease; is it not true! 7
khu kbIr iek bynqI bYrwgIAVy ] kaho kabeer, ik bayntee, bairaagee-aṛay.
Says Kabir: I offer one prayer; O! Bairaagee (O! renunciate);
mo kau Baujlu pwir auqwir vxwhMbY ]8]1]8] mo ka-o bha-ojal paar utaar, vaṇaahaMbai. ||8||1||8||
Carry me across the terrifying (world) ocean; is it not true (prayer)! 8.1.8
P. 1105
rwjn kaunu qumwrY AwvY ] raajan, ka-un tumaarai aavai.
O! king (Duryodhana), who will come to you? (You don't have love for me).
AYso Bwau ibdr ko dyiKE Ehu grIbu moih BwvY ]1] rhwau ]
aiso bhaa-o bidar ko daykhi-o, oh gareeb mohi bhaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have seen such love from Bidar*, that poor man is pleasing to me. 1 (pause)
[*As per the Mahabharata, Vidura/Bidar was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura,
born the son of the sage Vyasa and Parishrami, the maid to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Vidura was
raised and educated by Bhishma as the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. According to Krishna, Vidura was
considered as Dharmaraja, which means the lord of truth. Krishna respected Vidura for his devotion to people's
welfare, and his proficiency in every sphere of knowledge. When Krishna visited Hastinapura as a peace emissary of the
Pandavas, he shunned Duryodhana's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the home of Vidura. Krishna
said that Vidur’s food was presented with love and affection].
hsqI dyiK Brm qy BUlw sRI Bgvwnu n jwinAw ]
hastee daykh bharam tay bhoolaa, saree bhagvaan na jaani-aa.
Gazing upon (your) elephants, you had been deluded (of your power and grandeur); (and
deluded by your pride) You have not known God.
qumro dUDu ibdr ko pwn@o AMimRqu kir mY mwinAw ]1] tumro doodh, bidar ko paanho a mrit kar mai maani-aa. ||1||
(In comparison to) your milk, I judged Bidar's water to be like A mrit.
KIr smwin swgu mY pwieAw gun gwvq rYin ibhwnI] kheer samaan saag mai paa-i-aa, gun gaavat rain bihaanee.
I found (i.e. enjoyed) his (cooked vegetable of) mustard leaves like rice pudding; and, spent
the night (in the company of Bidar in) singing the excellences (of God).
kbIr ko Twkuru And ibnodI jwiq n kwhU kI mwnI ]2]9]
kabeer ko ṭaakur anad binodee, jaat na kaahoo kee maanee. ||2||9||
Kabir's Lord is joyful and blissful; He does not care about anyone's caste (i.e. social status). 2.9

slok kbIr ] Salok, Kabeer

ggn dmwmw bwijE pirE nIswnY Gwau ] gagan damaamaa baaji-o, pari-o neesaanai ghaa-o.
The battle drum beats in the skies (of the mind), the target is taken and the wound is inflicted.
Kyqu ju mWifE sUrmw Ab jUJn ko dwau ]1] khayt jo maandi-o soormaa, ab joojhan ko daa-o. ||1||
When the (spiritual) warrior enters the field (of the battle); then it is time to fight. 1
[This stanza is not about a battle in an arena of political power. It refers to spiritual battle, and the determination of the
warrior devotee, to fight against the vices].
sUrw so pihcwnIAY ju lrY dIn ky hyq ] sooraa so pahichaanee-ai, jo larai deen kay hayt.
He alone is known as (spiritual) warrior, who fights in defence of one’s faith.
purjw purjw kit mrY kbhU n CwfY Kyqu ]2]2] purjaa purjaa kat marai, kabhoo na chhaadai khayt. ||2||2||
He may be cut apart, limb by limb, (but) he never leaves the battle-field. 2.2.32

rwgu mwrU bwxI nwmdyau jI kI

Raag maaroo, baṇee Naamday-o jee kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
cwir mukiq cwrY isiD imil kY dUlh pRB kI srin pirE ]
chaar mukat chaarai sidh mil kai, doolah prabh kee saran pari-o.
Four (kinds of) liberations* and four (kinds of) miraculous powers, were obtained (by me)
when I entered the refuge of Husband Lord.
[*The four liberations are: 1. Salokah (reaching the realm of the Beloved). 2. Samipah (to be near the beloved). 3.
Sarupah (to assume the form of the Beloved). 4. Sajuj (to merge with the Beloved, i.e. one-ness)].
mukiq BieE cauhUM jug jwinE jsu kIriq mwQY CqRü DirE ]1]
mukat bha-i-o cha-uhoo-aN jug jaani-o, jas keerat maathai chhatar dhari-o. ||1||
One, who was liberated, was known (i.e. became famous) throughout the four Ages;
(because) (God) placed the canopy of praise and fame over his forehead (i.e. over his head). 1
rwjw rwm jpq ko ko n qirE ] raajaa raam japat, ko ko na tari-o.
Meditating upon the Sovereign Lord, who (yes) who has not been saved?
gur aupdyis swD kI sMgiq Bgqu Bgqu qw ko nwmu pirE ]1] rhwau ]
gur updays saadh kee saNgat, bhagat bhagat taa ko naam pari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By following the teaching of the Guru, (and joining) the congregation of the God-oriented
persons, he was known by the name of ‘devotee’, ‘devotee’. 1
sMK ck® mwlw iqlku ibrwijq dyiK pRqwpu jmu firE ]
saNkh chakar maalaa tilak biraajit, daykh partaap jam dari-o.
He is adorned with conch, quoit and rosary, and, (ceremonial) mark (on his forehead);
beholding his majesty, the messenger of death got scared away.
inrBau Bey rwm bl grijq jnm mrn sMqwp ihirE ]2]
nirbha-o bha-ay raam bal garjit, janam maran saNtaap hiri-o. ||2||
The power of God thundered through him and he became fearless; his pains of birth and
death are taken away. 2
AMbrIk kau dIE ABY pdu rwju BBIKn AiDk kirE ]
aMbreek ka-o dee-o abhai pad, raaj bhabheekhan adhik kari-o.
Ambreek* was blessed with the state of a fearlessness; (status of) Bhabhikhan** was raised
high by bestowing kingdom upon him.
[*According the Bhagavata Purana, king Ambarisha (known as Ambreek also) performed a yajna, and, Narayana was
pleased to bless him with his ‘Sudarshana Chakra’ as a shield of protection over him. Once, Ambarisha performed a
religious rite known as the Ekadashi and Dvadashi vrata, for 1 year (i.e. the king would fast on the 11th day of every
lunar month, and break his fast the following day). As the moment for breaking this fast drew near, sage Durvasa
arrived; Ambarisha received him with due respect. Durvasa agreed to the king's request to be his honoured guest, and
asked the king to wait until he had finished his bath in the river Yamuna. The auspicious moment soon arrived when the
king had to break his fast, but Durvasa had not yet returned from his bath. Ambarisha was in a dilemma, as, on the one
hand, it was impolite to take food before serving a guest, but on the other, the time had come for the fast to be broken.
After consulting his priests, the king broke his fast by taking a sip of water, and awaited Durvasa's arrival to offer him
food. Durvasa felt that Ambarisha had violated the respect due to a guest by breaking his fast before the guest had taken
his meal, and in his rage created a demon to kill Ambarisha, out of a strand of his hair. Narayana’s Sudarshana Chakra
intervened, destroyed the demon and started chasing Durvasa himself. Durvasa went to Brahma and Shiva for
protection. Both expressed their inability to save him. Durvasa next went to Narayana himself, who said that he could
do nothing as he was bound by the devotion of Ambarisha and suggested that he should seek the pardon of Ambarisha.
Durvasa took this advice and returned to Ambarisha, who prayed to Vishnu to recall the Sudarshana and save the sage,
whereby the ‘chakra’ ceased to afflict him].
[**According to the epic-fiction Ramayana, Bhabheekhan (also known as Vibhishana,Vibhikashan, and Bibhishan)
was the younger half brother of the king Ravana of Lanka. When Ravana abducted Sita (wife of Rama), Vibhishana
advised him to return her to her husband Rama. When Raavana did not listen to his advice, Vibhishana joined Rama's
side. Later, when Rama defeated Ravana, he (Rama) crowned Vibhishana as the king of Lanka].
nau iniD Twkuir deI sudwmY DR¨A Atlu AjhU n tirE ]3]
na-o nidh ṭaakur da-ee sudaamai, dharoo-a atal ajhoo na tari-o. ||3||
The Master of Sudama bestowed nine treasures upon him; and, Dhru was made stable; he
still has not moved. 3
[*Sudama was a childhood friend of the mythical king-god Krishana. They lost contact over the years and while
Krishna became a king. After a series of defeats Krishana had to flee Mathura for Dwarka (in present day Gujarat). As
Sudama was going through some bad times, one day his wife Susheela reminded him of his friendship with Krishna and
asked him to go to him and seek some financial help from him. Though initially reluctant to go to his friend for help,
Sudama finally agreed to go. He took with him some beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present. Krishna was greatly pleased
to see his old friend. He treated him with much love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgot to ask for what he actually
came for. But Krishan realised what His friend needed, and Krishan’s consort Rukmini, gave him many gifts When
Sudama finally returned to his home, he found a palatial mansion instead of the hut he had left. He also found his family
dressed in extremely nice garb and waiting for him. He lived an austere life after that, always thankful to the Lord].
Bgq hyiq mwirE hrnwKsu nrisMG rUp hoie dyh DirE ]
bhagat hayt maari-o harnaakhas, narsiNgh roop ho-ay dayh dhari-o.
For the sake of His devotee, He assumed the form of Narsingh and killed Harnakhsh.
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as Narsinh* (half
lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth
Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
nwmw khY Bgiq bis kysv AjhUM bil ky duAwr Kro ]4]1]
naamaa kahai, bhagat bas kaysav, ajahooN bal kay du-aar kharo. ||4||1||
Nama says: Kesav (i.e. the Lord with beautiful hair) is in the power of devotees; God (who
assumed the form of Vaman and humbled king Bal ) is still standing at the doors of Bal*. 4.1
[*Mythical king Bal was in ego of his charity-giving; he held yajnas to acquire throne of god Inder; but before he could
complete his last yajna, Inder sought the help of Vishnu; the later, posing himself as a Brahmin, appeared before Bal
and asked for charity; Bal’s teacher smelt rat and warned him, but, the ego-ridden Bal did not bother and agreed to give
charity; Vishnu in guise of Brahmin asked for two-and-a-half steps of land which Bal agreed; at this Vishnu
transformed him into such a giant that he covered the whole earth in one step and the sky in the second step and for the
rest he placed his foot on the body of Bal and pushed him into nether regions. This is pure fiction, however, it tells that
one should not be egotist and should listen to the advice of teachers/ intellectuals. Similar myth is also associated with
another mythical god Vaaman].

mwrU kbIr jIau ] Maaroo, Kabeer jee-o

dInu ibswirE ry idvwny dInu ibswirE ry ] deen bisaari-o ray divaanay, deen bisaari-o ray.
You have forgotten (your) religion (i.e. performing meditation and good to others), O! crazy
man; (you) have forgotten (your) religion.
pytu BirE psUAw ijau soieE mnuKu jnmu hY hwirE ]1] rhwau ]
payt bhari-o pasoo-aa ji-o so-i-o, manukh janam hai haari-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You fill your belly and sleep like an animal; you have lost (i.e. wasted) your (this) human life.
1 (pause)
swDsMgiq kbhU nhI kInI ricE DMDY JUT ] saadhsaNgat kabhoo nahee keenee, rachi-o dhaNdhai jhooṭ.
You have never joined the company of the God-oriented persons; you are engrossed in false
suAwn sUkr bwies ijvY Btkqu cwilE aUiT ]1] su-aan sookar baa-is jivai, bhatkat chaali-o ooṭ. ||1||
You wander like a dog, a pig, a crow, and, (you shall finally) arise and depart.1
Awps kau dIrGu kir jwnY Aaurn kau lg mwq ] aapas ka-o deeragh kar jaanai, a-uran ka-o lag maat.
You believe yourself as a very big (person), and, others as very small.
mnsw bwcw krmnw mY dyKy dojk jwq ]2] mansaa baachaa karmanaa, mai daykhay dojak jaat. ||2||
(Those who are false in) thought, word and deed, I have seen them going to hell. 2
kwmI k®oDI cwqurI bwjIgr bykwm ] kaamee krodhee chaaturee, baajeegar baykaam.
The lustful, the angry, the clever (i.e. cunning), deceitful, and idle (persons);
inMdw krqy jnmu isrwno kbhU n ismirE rwmu ]3] ni daa kartay janam siraano, kabhoo na simri-o raam. ||3||
They waste their life in slander; they never remember God. 3
kih kbIr cyqY nhI mUrKu mugDu gvwru ] kahi kabeer chaytai nahee, moorakh mugadh gavaar.
Says Kabir: fools, idiots, and crass do not remember God.3
rwmu nwmu jwinE nhI kYsy auqris pwir ]4]1] raam naam jaani-o nahee, kaisay utras paar. ||4||1||
They do not know (i.e. realize) the name of God, how can they get across (the world ocean)? 4.1
P. 1106
rwgu mwrU bwxI jYdyau jIau kI Raag Maaroo, baṇee Jaiday-o jee-o kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).

cMd sq ByidAw nwd sq pUirAw sUr sq KoVsw dqu kIAw ]
chaNd sat bhaydi-aa, naad sat poori-aa, soor sat khoṛsaa dat kee-aa.
The breath is drawn in through the left nostril; the breath is retained in the central vein; and
exhaled through the right nostril, repeating the name of God sixteen times.
Abl blu qoiVAw Acl clu QipAw AGVu GiVAw qhw Aipau pIAw ]1]
abal bal toṛi-aa, achal chal thapi-aa, aghaṛ ghaṛi-aa, tahaa api-o pee-aa. ||1||
I am powerless, I have broken my power (of body). I have stabilized my unstable mind. I
have adorned my unadorned soul, (then) I drank in Amrit. 1
mn Awid gux Awid vKwixAw ] man, aad guṇ aad vakhaaṇi-aa.
O! (my) mind, I chanted the excellences of the Primal (Lord), the source of excellences; and,
qyrI duibDw idRsit sMmwinAw ]1] rhwau ] tayree dubidhaa darisat saMmaani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(now) Your duality has merged in thevision (of God). 1 (pause)
AriD kau AriDAw sriD kau sriDAw sll kau slil sMmwin AwieAw ]
aradh ka-o ardhi-aa, saradh ka-o sardhi-aa, salal ka-o salal saMmaan aa-i-aa.
I have adored the One, who is adorable; I have faith in the One, who is worthy of faith; like
water merges in water, I have merged (in God).
bdiq jYdyau jYdyv kau rMimAw bRhmu inrbwxu ilv lIxu pwieAw ]2]1]
badat jaiday-o, jaidayv ka-o raMmi-aa, barahm nirbaaṇ liv leeṇ paa-i-aa. ||2||1||
Says Jaideo: I remembered (i.e. meditated upon) the Jai Dev (i.e. Victorious Divine, i.e. God).
I have merged in Detached Lord, God.2.1

kbIru ] mwrU ] Kabeer, Maaroo

rwmu ismru pCuqwihgw mn ] raam simar pachhutaahigaa, man.
O! (my) mind, remember (i.e. meditate upon) God; (or else) you will repent (in the end).
pwpI jIArw loBu krqu hY Awju kwil auiT jwihgw ]1] rhwau ]
paapee jee-araa lobh karat hai, aaj kaal uṭ jaahigaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) sinful soul, you act in greed; (but you have forgotten that) today or tomorrow, you will
have to arise and depart (from the world). 1 (pause)
lwlc lwgy jnmu gvwieAw mwieAw Brm Bulwihgw ]
laalach laagay janam gavaa-i-aa, maa-i-aa bharam bhulaahigaa.
Clinging to greed, you have wasted your (human) life, deluded in the doubts of Maya.
Dn jobn kw grbu n kIjY kwgd ijau gil jwihgw ]1]
dhan joban kaa garab na keejai, kaagad ji-o gal jaahigaa. ||1||
Do not take pride in wealth and youth; like paper (which gets dissolved in water), you shall
dissolve (i.e. finally, you shall be finished). 1
jau jmu Awie kys gih ptkY qw idn ikCu n bswihgw ]
ja-o jam aa-ay kays geh patkai, taa din kichh na basaahigaa.
When the messenger of death comes and grabs you by hair and knocks your down, then, on
that day, you shall be powerless.
ismrnu Bjnu dieAw nhI kInI qau muiK cotw Kwihgw ]2]
simran bhajan da-i-aa nahee keenee, ta-o mukh chotaa khaahigaa. ||2||
You have not remembered and meditated (upon God); you have been practised compassion;

(hence) you shall suffer blows on your face (i.e. shall be severely punished). 2
Drm rwie jb lyKw mwgY ikAw muKu lY kY jwihgw ] dharam raa-ay jab laykhaa maagai ki-aa mukh lai kai jaahigaa.
When the Judge of Righteousness calls for your accounts, (then) what face will you show him?
khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu swDsMgiq qir jWihgw ]3]1]
kahat kabeer sunhu ray saNtahu saadhsaNgat tar jaa higaa. ||3||1|| N

Says Kabir: Listen, O! God-oriented persons, join the company of the holy and you shall
cross over (the world ocean). 3.1

rwgu mwrU bwxI rivdws jIau kI Raag Maaroo, baṇee Ravidaas jee-o kee
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AYsI lwl quJ ibnu kaunu krY ] aisee, laal tujh bin ka-un karai.
O! (my) Dear (God), who else but You, could do such a thing?
grIb invwju guseIAw myrw mwQY CqRü DrY ]1] rhwau ]
gareeb nivaaj gus-ee-aa mayraa, maathai chhatra dharai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Patron of the Poor, my Lord of the World, You put the canopy over their (i.e. the poor’s)
heads. 1 (pause)
jw kI Coiq jgq kau lwgY qw pr quhˆØI FrY ] jaa kee chhot jagat ka-o laagai, taa par tuheen ḍarai.
Those, whose touch pollutes (the people of) the world, You bestow Your merciful upon them.
nIch aUc krY myrw goibMdu kwhU qy n frY ]1] neechah ooch karai mayraa gobind, kaahoo tay na darai. ||1||
My Lord of the World exalts the lowly, (and while doing so) He is not afraid of anyone. 1
nwmdyv kbIru iqlocnu sDnw sYnu qrY ] naamdayv kabeer tilochan, sadhnaa sain tarai.
Namdev, Kabir, Trilochan, Sadhna, and Sain, (all) have crossed over (the world ocean).
kih rivdwsu sunhu ry sMqhu hir jIau qy sBY srY ]2]1]
kahi ,sunhu ray saNtahu, har jee-o tay sabhai sarai. ||2||1||
Says Ravidas: Listen O! God-oriented persons, dear God accomplishes everything. 2.1

mwrU ] Maaroo
suK swgr suirqru icMqwmin kwmDyn bis jw ky ry ]
sukh saagar suritar chiNtaaman, kaamdhayn bas jaa kay ray.
(God is) Ocean of Happiness, and, Surtar* (i.e. all fruits giving tree, i.e. tree of wonders),
Chintaman** (i.e. wish-fulfilling gem) and Kaamdhayn*** (i.e. wish-fulfilling cow), all are
under His power.
[*Surtar (sur i.e. god+tar i.e. tree), literally: the tree of gods. In the ancient literature, there is mention of five mythical
tress which fulfil all wishes; these five are: Mandaar, Paarjaat, Santaan, Kalapvriksh, Harichandan]. [**Litreally a
ma i (jewel) which fulfillls what is chintat (i.e. whatever one wishes for); i.e. one's desires, treasures, clothing and
food can be manifested, while sickness and suffering can be removed, and, water and other things can be purified, etc].
[***As per myth, once the angels and the demons churned the ocean and brought out 14 precious things of miraculous
powers and value; these were: Amrit, wine, moon, Kaamdhayn (Elysian cow), uchaysharva horse, Airaavat elephant,
poison, wealth, Dhanwantri physician, Kaisatmani jewel, Panchjanya conch, Kalap (Elysian) tree, Rambha nymph,
saarang (bow)].
cwir pdwrQ Ast mhw isiD nv iniD kr ql qw kY ]1]
chaar padaarath* asat mahaa sidh, nav nidh kar tal taa kai. ||1||
The four gifts, the eight great miraculous powers, the nine treasure are all in the palm of His
hand. 1
[*The four (cardinal) boons are: 1. Dharam (religious activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam (sexual
pleasure, entertainment), 4.Moksh (liberation)]. [** The presumed eight miraculous powers are: 1. to become very
small, 2. to become very large, 3. to become heavy, 4. to become light, 5. to obtain anything desired, 6. to know others’
thoughts/minds, 7. to command everything according to one’s desires, 8. to bring everyone under one’s control].
hir hir hir n jpis rsnw ] har har har na japas rasnaa.
(O! brethren) (why) don’t you mediatate upon (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, with
your tongue?
Avr sB Cwif bcn rcnw ]1] rhwau ] avar sabh chhaad, bachan rachnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Abandon all other devices of words (i.e abandon all false talks). 1 (pause)
nwnw iKAwn purwn byd ibiD cauqIs ACr mwhI ] naanaa khi-aan puraan bayd bidh, cha-utees achhar
The many contexts of the Puranas and the Vedas, are all composed out of the thirty-four
letters (of the alphabet).
ibAws bIcwir kihE prmwrQu rwm nwm sir nwhI ]2]
bi-aas beechaar kahi-o parmaarath, raam naam sar naahee. ||2||
Contemplating (all the texts) Biaas (i.e. Vyaas) has proclaimed the essence, (that) there is
nothing equal to (meditation upon) the name of God. 2
shj smwiD aupwiD rhq hoie bfy Bwig ilv lwgI ] sahj samaadh upaadh rahat ho-ay, baday bhaag liv
In easeful contemplation, they are rid of troubles; and, those fortunate ones are attuned to
kih rivdws audws dws miq jnm mrn BY BwgI ]3]2]15]
kahi ravidaas, udaas daas mat, janam maran bhai bhaagee. ||3||2||15||
Says Ravidas: the slaves (of God), whose wisdom becomes detached (from the world), the fear
of birth and death, runs away (from him).3.2.15

P. 1107
quKwrI CMq mhlw 1 bwrh mwhw Tukhaaree chhant, Mehlaa 1, baarah maahaa*
[*Baarah Maahaa, literally: twelve months, is a form of poetry. In this, one stanza is attributed to each of the twelve months].
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
qU suix ikrq krMmw purib kmwieAw ] isir isir suK shMmw dyih su qU Blw ]
too suṇ kirat karaMmaa, purab kamaa-i-aa. sir sir sukh sahaMmaa, deh so too bhalaa.
Listen, (O! my God, everyone has one’s destiny) according to deeds earned in one’s past actions;
each and every persons experiences happiness or sorrow; (but, O! God) whatever You give is good.
hir rcnw qyrI ikAw giq myrI hir ibnu GVI n jIvw ]
har rachnaa tayree, ki-aa gat mayree, har bin ghaṛee na jeevaa.
O! God, all that is created is Yours, what in it is my condition? Without You, O! God, I cannot
live even for an instant.
ipRA bwJu duhylI koie n bylI gurmuiK AMimRqu pIvW ]
pari-a baajh duhaylee, ko-ay na baylee, gurmukh aMmrit peevaan.
Without my beloved, I am miserable: I have no friend (without You); (if You bestow Your grace
then) through the Guru, I drink in AMmrit.
rcnw rwic rhy inrMkwrI pRB min krm sukrmw ]
rachnaa raach rahay niraNkaaree, prabh man karam sukarmaa.
O! Formless (Lord), You are contained in (Your) creation; to enshrine the Lord within the mind is
the best act of all the actions.
nwnk pMQu inhwly swDn qU suix Awqm rwmw ]1]
naanak, paNth nihaalay saadhan, too suṇ aatam raamaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): the (soul) bride is looking at Your path; (please) listen O! Supreme Soul (Lord). 1
bwbIhw ipRau boly koikl bwxIAw ] baabeehaa pari-o bolay, kokil baanee-aa.
Rain-bird cries out ‘pri-o’ (i.e. beloved), and, the song-bird sings lyrics.
[Here rain bird symbolises soul and song bird symbolises tongue of the soul bride].
sw Dn siB rs colY AMik smwxIAw ] saa dhan sabh ras cholai, aNk samaaṇee-aa.
The (soul) bride enjoys pleasures and merges in the being (of Husband Lord).
hir AMik smwxI jw pRB BwxI sw sohwgix nwry ] har ank samaaṇee, jaa prabh bhaaṇee, saa sohagaṇ naaray.
She (i.e. soul bride) merges into the being of (Husband) God, when she is pleasing to God; (then)
she becomes fortunate (soul) bride.
nv Gr Qwip mhl Gru aUcau inj Gir vwsu murwry ] nav ghar thaap mahal ghar oocha-o, nij ghar vaas muraaray.
Stabilizing (i.e. controlling) the nine houses (i.e. nine organs), (soul bride) establishes the mansion
(of the Lord) above them, and, behold the mansion of the Lord in the home of the self.
sB qyrI qU myrw pRIqmu inis bwsur rMig rwvY ] sabh tayree, too mayraa preetam, nis baasur raNg raavai.
All the world is Yours, You are my Beloved; day and night, I enjoy Your love.
nwnk ipRau ipRau cvY bbIhw koikl sbid suhwvY ]2]
naanak, pari-o pari-o chavai babeehaa, kokil sabad suhaavai. ||2||
Nanak (says): The rain-bird cries out ‘pri-o’ (i.e. beloved), and, the song-bird is embellished with
the word (so remembers the soul bride through the word of the Guru). 2
suix hir rs iBMny pRIqm Awpxy ] too suṇ, har ras bhiNnay pareetam aapṇay.
(Please) listen, I am drenched with Your love, O! my Beloved Lord.
min qin rvq rvMny GVI n bIsrY ] man tan ravat ravaNnay, ghaṛee na beesrai.
You are absorbed in my mind and body, (listen), I can not forget You even for an instant.
ikau GVI ibswrI hau bilhwrI hau jIvw gux gwey ]
ki-o ghaṛee bisaaree, ha-o balihaaree, ha-o jeevaa guṇ gaa-ay.
How can I forget You even for an instant? I am a sacrifice unto Him; singing (the praise of)
Your excellences, I live.
nw koeI myrw hau iksu kyrw hir ibnu rhxu n jwey ]
naa ko-ee mayraa, ha-o kis kayraa, har bin rahaṇ na jaa-ay.
(When) no one is mine, (then) whom do I belong to ? (God alone is mine, hence) without God,
I cannot (even) survive.
Et ghI hir crx invwsy Bey pivqR srIrw ] ot gahee har charaṇ nivaasay, bha-ay pavitar sareeraa.
I have grasped the support of God, and, have enshrined His feet (within my heart), (now) my
body has become immaculate.
nwnk idRsit dIrG suKu pwvY gur sbdI mnu DIrw ]3]
naanak, darisat deeragh sukh paavai, gur sabdee man dheeraa. ||3||
Nanak (says): (My mind) of profound insight enjoys happiness; and, my mind is comforted
by the word of the Guru. 3
brsY AMimRq Dwr bUMd suhwvxI ] barsai amrit dhaar, boond suhaavaṇee.
Delightful drops of Amrit (name) are raining down.
swjn imly shij suBwie hir isau pRIiq bxI ] saajan milay sahj subhaa-ay, har si-o pareet baṇee.
(In this celestial state) my friend (i.e. Guru) has come to meet with me, and, I have fallen in
love with God.
hir mMdir AwvY jw pRB BwvY Dn aUBI gux swrI ] har maNdar aavai, jaa prabh bhaavai, dhan oobhee guṇ
The Lord comes into the temple (of the body of the soul bride), when it pleases God’s will;
and, she (i.e. the soul bride) stands up and sings (the prise of) His excellences.
Gir Gir kMqu rvY sohwgix hau ikau kMiq ivswrI ] ghar ghar kaNt ravai sohagaṇ, ha-o ki-o kaNt visaaree.
In each and every home (i.e. heart), the Husband (Lord) enjoys the happy (soul) brides; (but)
why has my Husband (Lord) forgotten me?
auniv Gn Cwey brsu suBwey min qin pRymu suKwvY ]
unav ghan chhaa-ay, baras subhaa-ay, man tan paraym sukhaavai.
(The sky is) overcast with heavy low-hanging clouds; the raining is beautiful; and, Beloveds
love comforts the mind and body.
nwnk vrsY AMimRq bwxI kir ikrpw Gir AwvY ]4] naanak, varsai a mrit baṇee, kar kirpaa ghar aavai. ||4||
Nanak (says): (when) the AMmrit word rains down; becoming kind, He comes to my home
(i.e. heart). 4
cyqu bsMqu Blw Bvr suhwvVy ] chayt basaNt bhalaa, bhavar suhaavṛay.
(In the month of) Chayt, it is good (i.e. pleasant) spring; the bumble-bees (humping with joy)
look nice.
P. 1108
bn PUly mMJ bwir mY ipru Gir bwhuVY ] ban foolay maNjh baar, mai pir ghar baahuṛai.
Vegetation is blossoming forth in the midst of the meadows; (but, my heart will blossom forth if
only) my Beloved would come home.
ipru Gir nhI AwvY Dn ikau suKu pwvY ibrih ibroD qnu CIjY ]
pir ghar nahee aavai, dhan ki-o sukh paavai, bireh birodh tan chheejai.
If Beloved does not come home, how can the (soul) bride find happiness? (rather) her body is
decaying in the pangs of separation.
koikl AMib suhwvI bolY ikau duKu AMik shIjY ] kokil aMb suhaavee bolai, ki-o dukh ank saheejai.
(When) the cuckoo-bird (i.e. song bird) sings sweet songs, (perched) on the mango tree; how can
I endure the pain within my bosom (i.e. heart)?
Bvru BvMqw PUlI fwlI ikau jIvw mru mwey ] bhavar bhavaNtaa foolee daalee, ki-o jeevaa, mar maa-ay.
The bumble-bee is buzzing around the flowering branches, how could I (the separated one)
survive? O! mother, I am dying.
nwnk cyiq shij suKu pwvY jy hir vru Gir Dn pwey ]5]
naanak, chayt sahj sukh paavai, jay har var ghar dhan paa-ay. ||5||
Nanak (says): In the month of Chayt, the (soul) bride can obtain happiness in natural ease, if
her Husband (Lord) within her home (i.e. heart). 5
vYswKu Blw swKw vys kry ] vaisaakh bhalaa, saakhaa vays karay.
(In the month of) Vaisakh, (it) is good, the branches are blossoming up (with new flowers).
Dn dyKY hir duAwir Awvhu dieAw kry ] dhan daykhai har du-aar, aavhu da-i-aa karay.
Standing at her door, the (soul) bride yeans to see the Lord, (praying): come and take pity on me.
Gir Awau ipAwry duqr qwry quDu ibnu AFu n molo ] ghar aa-o pi-aaray, dutar taaray, tudh bin adh na molo.
Please come home, O! my dear, and, carry me across the terrifying (world ocean); without
You, I am not worth even half a shell.
kImiq kaux kry quDu BwvW dyiK idKwvY Folo ] keemat ka-uṇ karay tudh bhaavaan, daykh dikhaavai ḍolo.
Who can estimate my worth, if I am pleasing to You; (may some one) behold and get me behold
my Love.
dUir n jwnw AMqir mwnw hir kw mhlu pCwnw ] door na jaanaa, aNtar maanaa, har kaa mahal pachhaanaa.
I do not feel You far away, I know you are within me, and, I have realized the mansion of God.
nwnk vYswKIN pRBu pwvY suriq sbid mnu mwnw ]6]
naanak, vaisaakheen prabh paavai, surat sabad man maanaa. ||6||
Nanak (says): In Vaisakh, (that soul bride) obtains the Lord, whose consciousness is immersed
in the word and mind is pleased with it. 6
mwhu jyTu Blw pRIqmu ikau ibsrY ] maahu jayṭ bhalaa, preetam ki-o bisrai.
(In the month of) Jayth, (it) is good, how could I forget my Beloved!
Ql qwpih sr Bwr sw Dn ibnau krY ] thal taapeh sar bhaar, saa dhan bin-o karai.
The earth is burning like a furnace, and, the (soul) bride offers a prayer (to Husband Lord).
Dn ibnau krydI gux swrydI gux swrI pRB Bwvw ]
dhan bin-o karaydee, guṇ saaraydee; guṇ saaree prabh bhaavaa.
The (soul) bride offers a prayer, and, remembers (i.e. sings the praise of) his excellences;
remembering (i.e. singing the praise of) his excellences, she becomes pleasing to God.
swcY mhil rhY bYrwgI Awvx dyih q Awvw ] saachai mahal rahai bairaagee, aavaṇ deh ta aavaa.
The Unattached (Lord) dwells in His mansion; if He allows me, then I will go to Him.
inmwxI inqwxI hir ibnu ikau pwvY suK mhlI ] nimaaṇee nitaaṇee har bin, ki-o paavai sukh mahlee.
I am a humble (i.e. poor) and powerless; how can I find the home of happiness without God?
nwnk jyiT jwxY iqsu jYsI krim imlY gux gihlI ]7]
naanak, jayṭ jaaṇai tis jaisee, karam milai gun gahilee. ||7||
Nanak (says): In (the month of) Jayth, she (i.e. the soul bride) who known Him, becomes just
like Him; and, with His grace she grasps virtues. 7
AwswVu Blw sUrju ggin qpY ] aasaaṛ bhalaa, sooraj gagan tapai.
(In the month of) Asaar (it) is good; the sun blazes in the sky.
DrqI dUK shY soKY Agin BKY ] dhartee dookh sahai sokhai agan bhakhai.
The earth suffers pain, parched in the fire.
Agin rsu soKY mrIAY DoKY BI so ikrqu n hwry ] agan ras sokhai, maree-ai dhokhai, bhee so kirat na haaray.
The fire (of the heat of sun) dries up its essence (i.e. water on the earth); it dies in agony; still it
does not get tired in (performing) its function.
rQu iPrY CwieAw Dn qwkY tIfu lvY mMiJ bwry ] rath firai, chhaa-i-aa dhan taakai, teed lavai maNjh baaray.
(When) the chariot (of sun) moves on, the (soul) bride seeks shade; the crickets chirp in the land.
Avgx bwiD clI duKu AwgY suKu iqsu swcu smwly ] avgaṇ baadh chalee dukh aagai, sukh tis saach samaalay.
She, who has tied up vices, suffers hereafter; (whereas) one, who remembers the True (Lord)
finds happiness.
nwnk ijs no iehu mnu dIAw mrxu jIvxu pRB nwly ]8]
naanak, jis no ih man dee-aa, maraṇ jeevaṇ prabh naalay. ||8||
Nanak (says): She, whom He has given this mind, remains with Him in life and death (i.e.
remembers Him forever and ever). 8
swvix srs mnw Gx vrsih ruiq Awey ] saavaṇ, saras manaa, ghaṇ varseh rut aa-ay.
In Saavan, O! my mind, be pleased; the cloud are raining; the (rainy) season has come.
mY min qin shu BwvY ipr prdyis isDwey ] mai man tan saho bhaavai, pir pardays sidhaa-ay.
My mind and body are in love with my husband; (but) my Beloved has gone abroad (i.e. away).
ipru Gir nhI AwvY mrIAY hwvY dwmin cmik frwey ]
pir ghar nahee aavai, maree-ai haavai, daaman chamak daraa-ay.
My husband has not come home, I am sighing and dying (in separation); the lightening flashes
and I am scared.
syj iekylI KrI duhylI mrxu BieAw duKu mwey ] sayj ikaylee, kharee duhaylee; maraṇ bha-i-aa dukh, maa-ay.
My lonely marriage-bed makes me suffer in agony; I am dying in pain, O! my mother.
hir ibnu nId BUK khu kYsI kwpVu qin n suKwvey ]
har bin need bhookh kaho kaisee, kaapaṛ tan na sukhaava-ay.
Without the Lord, tell me! how can I sleep or feel hunger? (Even beautiful) clothes give no
comfort to my body.
nwnk sw sohwgix kMqI ipr kY AMik smwvey ]9] naanak, saa sohagaṇ kaNtee, pir kai aNk samaav-ay. ||9||
Nanak (says): she alone is happy (soul) bride, who merges in the embrace of her Husband. 9
Bwdau Brim BulI Bir jobin pCuqwxI ] bhaada-o, bharam bhulee, bhar joban pachhutaaṇee.
In (the month of) Bhadon, the young (soul) bride, deluded by doubt, repents (in separation).
jl Ql nIir Bry brs ruqy rMgu mwxI ] jal thal neer bharay, baras rutay raNg maaṇee.
The waters (i.e. rivers) and earth are overflowing with water; in the rainy season (people)

enjoy love.
brsY inis kwlI ikau suKu bwlI dwdr mor lvMqy ] barsai nis kaalee, ki-o sukh baalee, daadar mor lavaNtay.
In the dark night, it rains; how can the young bride find happiness; the frogs and the
peacocks are sending out their sounds.
ipRau ipRau cvY bbIhw boly BuieAMgm iPrih fsMqy ]
pari-o pari-o chavai babeehaa bolay, bhu-i-aNgam fireh dasaNtay.
The rain-bird (i.e. sparrow hawk) lips-off and utters ‘pari-o’ ‘pari-o’ (i.e. O! dear, O! dear);
and, the snakes slither and bite.
mCr fMg swier Br suBr ibnu hir ikau suKu pweIAY ]
machhar daNg saa-ir bhar subhar, bin har ki-o sukh paa-ee-ai.
The mosquitoes sting, the ponds are full and overflowing (with rain water); without the Lord
how can she (i.e. the soul bride) be happy?
nwnk pUiC clau gur Apuny jh pRBu qh hI jweIAY ]10]
naanak, poochh chala-o gur apunay, jah prabh tah hee jaa-ee-ai. ||10||
Nanak (says): I will go and ask my Guru; and, wherever God is, there I will go. 10
Asuin Awau iprw swDn JUir mueI ] asun, aa-o piraa, saadhan jhoor mu-ee.
In (the month of) Asun (i.e. Assu), Come, O! my Beloved; the (soul) bride is grieving to death.
qw imlIAY pRB myly dUjY Bwie KueI ] taa milee-ai prabh maylay, doojai bhaa-ay khu-ee.
She can only meet, when God gets her to meet (Him); she is ruined by love of duality.
JUiT ivguqI qw ipr muqI kukh kwh is Puly ] jhooṭ vigutee, taa pir mutee; kukah kaah se fulay.
She is plundered by falsehood, hence he Beloved has forsaken her; and, (white) flowers have
blossomed in elephant grass (i.e. the hair of the soul bride have grown white).
P. 1109
AwgY Gwm ipCY ruiq jwfw dyiK clq mnu foly ] aagai ghaam, pichhai rut jaadaa, daykh chalat man dolay.
Summer is left behind, and, winter (season) is ahead; beholding this play, my mind wavers.
dh idis swK hrI hrIAwvl shij pkY so mITw ] dah dis saakh haree haree-aaval, sahj pakai so meeṭaa.
In all the ten directions, the branches are green; (it is) greenery (all around); that which
ripens slowly (in ease) is (surely) sweet.
nwnk Asuin imlhu ipAwry siqgur Bey bsITw ]11]
naanak, asun milhu pi-aaray, satgur bha-ay baseeṭaa. ||11||
Nanak (says): In Asun, (please) meet me, O! Beloved; true Guru has become my mediator. 11
kqik ikrqu pieAw jo pRB BwieAw ] katak, kirat pa-i-aa, jo prabh bhaa-i-aa.
In (the month of) Katak, one obtained fruit of his deeds as it is pleasing to the will of God.
dIpku shij blY qiq jlwieAw ] deepak sahj balai, tat jalaa-i-aa.
(in him) the lamp (of spiritual knowledge) burns in natural ease; it is lit by essence (of reality).
dIpk rs qylo Dn ipr mylo Dn EmwhY srsI ] deepak ras taylo, dhan pir maylo, dhan omaahai sarsee.
(If ) love is oil in the lamp, it unites the (soul) bride with Husband (Lord); then the (soul) bride
blossoms forth in ecstasy.
Avgx mwrI mrY n sIJY guix mwrI qw mrsI ] avgaṇ maaree, marai na seejhai, guṇ maaree taa marsee.
One, who is inflicted by vices, she dies (spiritually) and does not accomplish (purpose of life);
(but) one who dies in virtues, she dies (with accomplishment).
nwmu Bgiq dy inj Gir bYTy Ajhu iqnwVI Awsw ] naam bhagat day, nij ghar baiṭay, ajahu tinaaṛee aasaa.

Those, who are blessed with the name and devotion, sit in the home of their own self.
nwnk imlhu kpt dr Kolhu eyk GVI Ktu mwsw ]12]
naanak, milhu kapat dar kholahu, ayk ghaṛee khat maasaa. ||12||
Nanak (says): (please) open the gates of Your doors (i.e. home), and, meet me; a single
moment (of separation) is like six month (to me).12
mMGr mwhu Blw hir gux AMik smwvey ] maNghar maahu bhalaa, har guṇ aNk samaav-ay.
(The month of) Maghar is good (for that soul bride), who preserves the excellences of God in
her bosom (i.e. heart).
guxvMqI gux rvY mY ipru inhclu Bwvey ] guṇvaNtee guṇ ravai, mai pir nihchal bhaav-ay.
The virtuous (soul bride) remembers the excellences (of Husband Lord and proclaims): ‘the
Unchanging (i.e. eternal) Husband (Lord) is pleasing to me.’
inhclu cquru sujwxu ibDwqw cMclu jgqu sbwieAw ]
nihchal chatur sujaaṇ bidhaataa, chaNchal jagat sabaa-i-aa.
(The Lord is) unchanging (i.e. eternal), all-aware, all-knowing and architect of destiny,
(whereas) all the world is fickle (i.e. transient).
igAwnu iDAwnu gux AMik smwxy pRB Bwxy qw BwieAw ]
gi-aan dhi-aan guṇ aNk samaaṇay, prabh bhaaṇay taa bhaa-i-aa.
When (spiritual) knowledge, meditation merge within the (soul bride’s) bosom (i.e. heart),
(then) she becomes pleasing to God’s will.
gIq nwd kivq kvy suix rwm nwim duKu BwgY ] geet naad kavit kavay suṇ, raam naam dukh bhaagai.
Listening to (the praise of God through) the songs, the music, the poems of the poets, (and
meditating upon) the name of God, her sorrows are taken away.
nwnk swDn nwh ipAwrI AB BgqI ipr AwgY ]13]
naanak, saadhan naah pi-aaree, abh bhagtee pir aagai. ||13||
Nanak (says): that (soul) bride is pleasing to her Husband, who presents her loving devotion
before her Beloved (Lord).13
poiK quKwru pVY vxu iqRxu rsu soKY ] pokh tukhaar paṛai, vaṇ tariṇ ras sokhai.
In (the month of) Pokh, the snow falls, and, the essence (i.e. water/ sap) of the forest (i.e. trees)
and grass is dried up.
Awvq kI nwhI min qin vsih muKy ] aavat kee naahee, man tan vaseh mukhay.
(O! my Lord) why have You not come and dwell in my mind, body and mouth (i.e. tongue).
min qin riv rihAw jgjIvnu gur sbdI rMgu mwxI ] man tan rav rahi-aa jagjeevan, gur sabdee rang maaṇee.
(When) the Life of the World permeates the mind and body, one enjoy His love through the
word of the Guru.
AMfj jyrj syqj auqBuj Git Git joiq smwxI ] aNdaj jayraj saytaj ut-bhuj, ghat ghat jot samaaṇee.
His Light fills (all) those born of eggs, born from womb, born of sweat, born of earth, and,
each and every heart.
drsnu dyhu dieAwpiq dwqy giq pwvau miq dyho ] darsan dayh da-i-aapat daatay, gat paava-o mat dayho.
Grant me Your vision, O! Lord of Mercy, O! Giver; and, (please) bless me with
understanding that I might obtain liberation.
nwnk rMig rvY ris rsIAw hir isau pRIiq snyho ]14]
naanak, raNg ravai ras rasee-aa, har si-o preet sanayho. ||14||

Nanak (says): The source of essence (Lord) enjoys love with the one (i.e. soul bride) who has
love and adoration for God. 14
mwiG punIq BeI qIrQu AMqir jwinAw ] maagh puneet bha-ee, tirath aNtar jaani-aa.
In (the month of) Magh, I became pure; I realized that the place of pilgrimage is within me.
swjn shij imly gux gih AMik smwinAw ] saajan sahj milay, gu geh aNk samaani-aa.
I have met my Friend (Lord) with natural ease, and, I grasped His virtues and absorbed
them (i.e. virtues) within my bosom (i.e. heart).
pRIqm gux AMky suix pRB bMky quDu Bwvw sir nwvw ]
pareetam guṇ aNkay, suṇ prabh baNkay, tudh bhaavaa sar naavaa.
Enshrining the virtues of the Beloved within my heart, listen O! beauteous Lord, if I am
pleasing to You, I bath in (sacred) river.
gMg jmun qh byxI sMgm swq smuMd smwvw ] puMn dwn pUjw prmysur juig juig eyko jwqw ]
gaNg jamun tah bayṇee sangam, saat samund samaavaa.
puNn daan poojaa parmaysur, jug jug ayko jaataa.
Ganga, Jamuna, the confluence of the three rivers, and, the seven seas;
charity, (giving) donations, worship of the Supreme Lord (God), all rest in realizing that
throughout each and every Age (it is only) the One (Lord).
nwnk mwiG mhw rsu hir jip ATsiT qIrQ nwqw ]15]
naanak, maagh mahaa ras har jap, aṭsaṭ tirath naataa. ||15||
Nanak (says): In Magh, the most sublime essence is meditation upon God; this is (like)
bathing in the (waters of) the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage. 15
Plguin min rhsI pRymu suBwieAw ] falgun, man rahsee, praym subhaa-i-aa.
In (the month of) Phalgun, the mind (of the soul bride) is enraptured; love is pleasing to her.
Anidnu rhsu BieAw Awpu gvwieAw ] an-din rahas bha-i-aa, aap gavaa-i-aa.
Her self-conceit is gone; and, day and night, she is enraptured.
mn mohu cukwieAw jw iqsu BwieAw kir ikrpw Gir AwE ]
man moh chukaa-i-aa, jaa tis bhaa-i-aa, kar kirpaa ghar aa-o.
When it was pleasing to Him, (emotional) attachment was eradicated from her mind;
bestowing His kindness, he come into her home (i.e. heart).
bhuqy vys krI ipr bwJhu mhlI lhw n QwE ] bahutay vays karee pir baajhahu, mahlee lahaa na thaa-o.
I dressed myself in many (religious) robes, but without my Beloved, I can not find a place in
His mansion.
hwr for rs pwt ptMbr ipir loVI sIgwrI ] haar dor ras paat pataMbar, pir loṛee seegaaree.
I am adorned with garland (of flowers), (bracelet) string, scented oil, and silk robes -- if I am
desired by the Beloved.
nwnk myil leI guir ApxY Gir vru pwieAw nwrI ]16]
naanak, mayl la-ee gur apnai, ghar var paa-i-aa naaree. ||16||
Nanak (says): One, who has been united by the Guru with him; that (soul) bride has found
her Husband (Lord) within her home (i.e. heart). 16
by ds mwh ruqI iQqI vwr Bly ] GVI mUrq pl swcy Awey shij imly ]
bay das maah, rutee thitee vaar bhalay. gharhee* moorat pal* saachay, aa-ay sahj milay.
All the two and ten (i.e. twelve) months, seasons, (lunar) dates, days are good. All the (units
of time like) hours, auspicious moments (i.e. minutes), seconds (are good), when the True
(Lord) comes and meets (the soul bride) in natural ease.
[*ghaṛee & pal are old measurements of time. This was the old system: Visu-ya is 15 blinkings of an eye; Chasa is 15
Visu-ya; Pal is 30 Chasa; Gharhee is 60 Pal; Pahr is seven and a half Gharhee; day is 8 pahr; a month has 15 Thitee.
These were the divisions of time in old days, before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system. In modern system,
a Pehar is three hours (180 minutes), a mahoort/moorat is 48 minutes, a Gharhi is 24 minutes, a Pal is 24 seconds, a
Chasa is 4/5 seconds, and a Visuya is 4/75 seconds].
pRB imly ipAwry kwrj swry krqw sB ibiD jwxY ] prabh milay pi-aaray, kaaraj saaray, kartaa sabh bidh jaaṇai.
(When) Dear God met (the soul bride), He settled all her affairs. The Creator knows all the ways.
ijin sIgwrI iqsih ipAwrI mylu BieAw rMgu mwxY ] jin seegaaree tiseh pi-aaree, mayl bha-i-aa ra g maanai.

He, who has adorned her, has loved her; when she was united with Him, she enjoyed His love.
Gir syj suhwvI jw ipir rwvI gurmuiK msqik Bwgo ]
ghar sayj suhaavee, jaa pir raavee, gurmukh mastak bhaago.
The bed of her heart became beautiful, when her Husband (Lord) ravished her; through the
Guru, (good) destiny was revealed on her forehead.
P. 1110
nwnk Aihinis rwvY pRIqmu hir vru iQru sohwgo ]17]1]
naanak, ahinis raavai pareetam, har var thir sohaago. ||17||1||
Nanak (says): day and night her Beloved enjoys her; she has found God as her eternal
Husband. 17.1

quKwrI mhlw 1 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 1

pihlY phrY nYx slonVIey rYix AMiDAwrI rwm ] pahilai pahrai, naiṇ salonṛee-ay, raiṇ aNdhi-aaree, raam.
In the first quarter (of the night of life), O! (soul) bride of beautiful eyes, the night is dark (i.e.
it is full of ignorance), O! God.
[*In this verse, like many other verses, some lines end with ‘O! raam’ (literally: ‘O! God). This is just to add music to the
rhyme, and, it is not a part of the context; it can be ignored; but, to preserve the pure text, it has been translated].
vKru rwKu mueIey AwvY vwrI rwm ] vakhar raakh mu-ee-ay, aavai vaaree, raam.
Protect your merchandise (i.e. spiritual wealth), O! mortal, your turn (to depart from the
world) is coming (very soon), O! God. [*mu-ee-ay, literally means ‘one, who is to die’ i.e. mortal. This
expression is used both, positively (mortal) and negatively (’may you die’ or ‘you are like dead to me’)].
vwrI AwvY kvxu jgwvY sUqI jm rsu cUsey ] vaaree aavai, kavaṇ jagaavai, sootee jam ras choos-ay.
When your turn comes, who will get you (i.e. no one will wake you up)? Your juice (i.e. breath
of life) shall be sucked by the messenger of death.
rYix AMDyrI ikAw piq qyrI coru pVY Gru mUsey ] rain aNdhayree, ki-aa pat tayree, chor paṛai ghar moos-ay.
The night is dark(i.e. there is darkness of ignorance); what will become of your honour?
(because) the thieves (i.e. five passions) will break into your house and rob you.
rwKxhwrw Agm Apwrw suix bynµqI myrIAw ] raakhaṇhaaraa, agam apaaraa, suṇ baynaNtee mayree-aa.
O! Saviour, O! Inaccessible and Infinite (Lord), (please) hear my prayer.
nwnk mUrKu kbih n cyqY ikAw sUJY rYix AMDyrIAw ]1]
naanak, moorakh kabeh na chaytai, ki-aa soojhai raiṇ andhayree-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): the fool never remembers (Him), what can she see in the dark of night? 1
dUjw phru BieAw jwgu AcyqI rwm ] doojaa pahar bha-i-aa, jaag achaytee, raam.
The second quarter (of night of life) has begun; wake up, O! unaware (soul bride), O! God.
vKru rwKu mueIey KwjY KyqI rwm ] vakhar raakh, mu-ee-ay, khaajai khaytee, raam.
Protect your wealth (of the name of God), O! mortal, your farm is being eaten up, O! God.

rwKhu KyqI hir gur hyqI jwgq coru n lwgY ] raakho khaytee, har gur haytee, jaagat chor na laagai.
Protect your wealth through love of God and Guru; stay awake, and, thief shall not rob you.
jm mig n jwvhu nw duKu pwvhu jm kw fru Bau BwgY ]
jam mag na jaavhu, naa dukh paavhu, jam kaa dar bha-o bhaagai.
(By remaining alert) you shall not have to got on the path of death; you shall not suffer
sorrows, and, your fear and anxiety of death shall run away.
riv sis dIpk gurmiq duAwrY min swcw muiK iDAwvey ]
rav sas deepak gurmat du-aarai, man saachaa mukh dhi-aav-ay.
The lamps of sun and moon (are lit in the heart) through the wisdom of the Guru, (when) one
meditates upon the True (Lord) in the mind and with the mouth.
nwnk mUrKu Ajhu n cyqY ikv dUjY suKu pwvey ]2]
naanak, moorakh ajahu na chaytai, kiv doojai sukh paav-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): The fool still does not remember (God), how can she find happiness in duality? 2
qIjw phru BieAw nId ivAwpI rwm ] teejaa pahar bha-i-aa, need vi-aapee, raam.
The third quarter (of night of life) has begun; O! God, the being is still in (deep) sleep, O! God.
mwieAw suq dwrw dUiK sMqwpI rwm ] maa-i-aa sut daaraa, dookh saNtaapee, raam.
(Attachment to) Maya, son (i.e. children), wife (i.e. spouse) (still) cause suffering and troubles
(to her), O! God.
mwieAw suq dwrw jgq ipAwrw cog cugY inq PwsY ] maa-i-aa sut daaraa, jagat pi-aaraa, chog chugai nit faasai.
Maya, son (i.e. children), wife (i.e. spouse) and the world are so dear (to the soul bride); it bites
the bait (i.e. indulges in worldly pleasures) and is caught (in emotional attachment).
nwmu iDAwvY qw suKu pwvY gurmiq kwlu n gRwsY ] naam dhi-aavai, taa sukh paavai, gurmat kaal na garaasai.
(But) meditating upon the name, it shall find happiness; and, (by following) the wisdom of the
Guru, it shall not be seized by death.
jMmxu mrxu kwlu nhI CofY ivxu nwvY sMqwpI ] jamaṇ maraṇ kaal nahee chhodai, viṇ naavai saNtaapee.
She can not escape birth, death, the messenger of death; without the name, she (i.e. soul
bride) suffers.
nwnk qIjY iqRibiD lokw mwieAw moih ivAwpI ]3] naanak, teejai taribadh lokaa, maa-i-aa mohi vi-aapee. ||3||
Nanak (says): In the third quarter (of night of life), the people remain asleep in attachment to
Maya of three gunaas. 3
cauQw phru BieAw dauqu ibhwgY rwm ] cha-uthaa pahar bha-i-aa, da-ut bihaagai raam.
The fourth quarter (of the night of life) has begun; the light has dawned (i.e. hair have became
white), O! God.
iqn Gru rwiKAVw juo Anidnu jwgY rwm ] tin ghar raakhi-aṛaa, jo an-din jaagai raam.
Those, who have remain awake, day and night, protect their home, O! God.
gur pUiC jwgy nwim lwgy iqnw rYix suhylIAw ] gur poochh jaagay, naam laagay, tinaa raiṇ suhaylee-aa.
Following the Guru, those who remain awake and meditate upon the name, their night is
pleasant (i.e. their night of life passes in peace).
gur sbdu kmwvih jnim n Awvih iqnw hir pRBu bylIAw ]
gur sabad kamaaveh, janam na aavahi, tinaa har prabh baylee-aa.
They earn (i.e. practice) the word of the Guru, are not born (i.e. reincarnated) again;
(because) God, the Lord is their Friend.
kr kMip crx srIru kMpY nYx AMDuly qnu Bsm sy ]
kar kaMp, charan sareer kaMpai, nain aNdhulay tan bhasam say.
(In the fourth quarter of the night of life) the hands shake, the feet and body totter, the eyes
become blind, and, (finally) body turns to ashes.
nwnk duKIAw jug cwry ibnu nwm hir ky min vsy ]4]
naanak, dukhee-aa jug chaaray, bin naam har kay man vasay. ||4||
Nanak (says): Throughout the four ages people suffer, because the name of God does not
abide in their mind. 4
KUlI gMiT auTo iliKAw AwieAw rwm ] khoolee gaNṭ, uṭo, likhi-aa aa-i-aa, raam.
The knot (of the breaths of life) has been untied, rise up, the order has arrived O! God.
rs ks suK Twky bMiD clwieAw rwm ] ras kas sukh thaakay, bandh chalaa-i-aa, raam.
Now) pleasures and comforts are gone, and, one is bound and driven away, O! God.
bMiD clwieAw jw pRB BwieAw nw dIsY nw suxIAY ]
baNdh chalaa-i-aa, jaa prabh bhaa-i-aa, naa deesai naa suṇee-ai.
One is bound and driven away, when it pleases God; (then) one can not see or hear anything.
Awpx vwrI sBsY AwvY pkI KyqI luxIAY ] aapan vaaree sabhsai aavai, pakee khaytee luṇee-ai.
Everyone has one's turn (to depart), the ripe crop has to be cut down (i.e. reaped).
GVI csy kw lyKw lIjY burw Blw shu jIAw ] ghaṛee* chasay* kaa laykhaa leejai, buraa bhalaa saho jee-aa.
The account of every moment and instant is called for; the soul has to suffer for the bad and
the good (deeds done by it). [*These are old measurement of time, explained on the previous
nwnk suir nr sbid imlwey iqin pRiB kwrxu kIAw ]5]2]
naanak, sur nar sabad milaa-ay, tin parabh kaaran kee-aa. ||5||2||
Nanak (says): He attaches the angelic beings to the word (of the Guru); this is the way God has
caused (for union). 5.2

quKwrI mhlw 1 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 1

qwrw ciVAw lµmw ikau ndir inhwilAw rwm ] taaraa chaṛi-aa laMmaa, ki-o nadar nihaali-aa, raam.
The meteor* has arisen (in the sky); how can it be seen with the eyes?, O! God ?
syvk pUr krMmw siqguir sbid idKwilAw rwm ] sayvak poor karaMmaa, satgur sabad dikhaali-aa, raam.
That servant (i.e. devotee) who has perfect destiny, the Guru shows (i.e. reveals) it to him,
through the word, O! God. [*Here, meteor symbolizes God and the sky is the Tenth Gate.]
gur sbid idKwilAw scu smwilAw Aihinis dyiK bIcwirAw ]
gur sabad dikhaali-aa, sach samaali-aa, ahinis daykh beechaari-aa.
The Guru revealed it through the word, and, one remember and contemplates the True
(Lord), day and night.
Dwvq pMc rhy Gru jwixAw kwmu k®oDu ibKu mwirAw ]
dhaavat paNch rahay, ghar jaaṇi-aa, kaam krodh bikh maari-aa.
(Then) the five are restrained, when he realizes his home (i.e. self); the poison of sexual desire,
anger is conquered.
AMqir joiq BeI gur swKI cIny rwm krMmw ] aNtar jot bha-ee gur saakhee, cheenay raam karaMmaa.
His inner being is illumined by the teachings of the Guru; and, he can behold the play of God.
P. 1111
nwnk haumY mwir pqIxy qwrw ciVAw lµmw ]1] naanak, ha-umai maar pateenay, taaraa chaṛi-aa la maa. ||1||
Nanak (says): killing his ego, he is satisfied; (because in his sky)) the meteor has arisen, (i.e. the Light
of God has illumined his Tenth Gate].1
gurmuiK jwig rhy cUkI AiBmwnI rwm ] gurmukh jaag rahay, chookee abhimaanee, raam.
The Guru-oriented remain awake, their egotistic pride is eradicated, O! God.
Anidnu Boru BieAw swic smwnI rwm ] an-din bhor bha-i-aa, saach samaanee raam.
Day and night (i.e. forever), there is dawns (i.e. there is spiritual light) within him; they merge in
the True (Lord), O! God.
swic smwnI gurmuiK min BwnI gurmuiK swbqu jwgy ]
saach samaanee gurmukh man bhaanee, gurmukh saabat jaagay.
They merge in the True (Lord) through the Guru, and, this pleases their mind; (hence) the Guru-
oriented are perfectly (i.e. fully) awake.
swcu nwmu AMimRqu guir dIAw hir crnI ilv lwgy ] saach naam aMmrit gur dee-aa, har charnee liv laagay.
The Guru has blessed them the AMmrit of the True name; and, they are attuned to the feet of God.
pRgtI joiq joiq mih jwqw mnmuiK Brim BulwxI ] pargatee jot jot meh jaataa, manmukh bharam bhulaaṇee.
The (Divine) Light is revealed (in the Guru-oriented); and, they realize that (the Divine) Light
pervades (everyone); (but) the mind-oriented wander deluded in doubt.
nwnk Boru BieAw mnu mwinAw jwgq rYix ivhwxI ]2]
naanak, bhor bha-i-aa, man maani-aa, jaagat raiṇ vihaaṇee. ||2||
Nanak (says): dawn (i.e. spiritual light) is revealed in them, their minds are satisfied; and, they
pass their night (of life) awake and aware. 2
Aaugx vIsirAw guxI Gru kIAw rwm ] a-ugan veesri-aa, guṇee ghar kee-aa, raam.
(One, in whom spiritual Light dawns) he forsakes vices, and, the virtues come to dwell in his home
(i.e. heart); O! God.
eyko riv rihAw Avru n bIAw rwm ] ayko rav rahi-aa, avar na bee-aa, raam.
The One is permeating (everywhere), there is no other (at all), O! God.
riv rihAw soeI Avru n koeI mn hI qy mnu mwinAw ]
rav rahi-aa so-ee, avar na ko-ee, man hee tay man maani-aa.
He alone is permeating, there is no other (at all); the mind is satisfied with the Mind.
ijin jl Ql iqRBvx Gtu Gtu QwipAw so pRBu gurmuiK jwinAw ]
jin jal thal taribhavaṇ ghat ghat thaapi-aa, so prabh gurmukh jaani-aa.
The One, who has established the water, the land, the three worlds (i.e. earth, sky and nether-
lands), and each and every body, is known through the Guru.
krx kwrx smrQ Apwrw iqRibiD myit smweI ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath apaaraa, taribadh mayt samaa-ee.
Erasing the three-phased (Maya), he merges in the One who is Cause of causes, all-powerful,
infinite (God).
nwnk Avgx guxh smwxy AYsI gurmiq pweI ]3] naanak, avgaṇ guṇah samaanay, aisee gurmat paa-ee. ||3||
Nanak (says): he obtains such wisdom from the Guru that his vices transform into virtues. 3
Awvx jwx rhy cUkw Bolw rwm ] aavaṇ jaaṇ rahay, chookaa bholaa, raam.
(One, in whom spiritual Light dawns) his coming and going have ended, (because) his doubt is
gone, O! God.
haumY mwir imly swcw colw rwm ] ha-umai maar milay, saachaa cholaa, raam.
Conquering his ego, he has met (the Lord), and, his robe (i.e. body) becomes True, O! God.
haumY guir KoeI prgtu hoeI cUky sog sMqwpY ] ha-umai gur kho-ee, pargat ho-ee, chookay sog saNtaapai.
The Guru has eradicated his ego; it is revealed (to all), and, all his sorrows and sufferings
are dispelled.
joqI AMdir joiq smwxI Awpu pCwqw AwpY ] jotee aNdar jot samaaṇee, aap pachhaataa aapai.
His light merges in the Light, (because) he has realized his own self.
pyeIAVY Gir sbid pqIxI swhurVY ipr BwxI ] pay-ee-aṛai ghar sabad pateeṇee, saahurṛai pir bhaaṇee.
In the home oh her parents (i.e. in this world), she (i.e. soul bride) is satisfied with word, and,
in her in-law's home (i.e. in the world hereafter), she will be pleasing to her Husband (Lord).
nwnk siqguir myil imlweI cUkI kwix lokwxI ]4]3]
naanak, satgur mayl milaa-ee, chookee kaaṇ lokaaṇee. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): One, whom the True Guru has united in union, her dependence upon people
has ended. 4.3

quKwrI mhlw 1 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 1

BolwvVY BulI Buil Buil pCoqwxI ] bholaavaṛai bhulee, bhul bhul pachhotaaṇee.
Deluded by doubt (the soul bride) strays and straying she repented
ipir CoifAVI suqI ipr kI swr n jwxI ] pir chhodi-aṛee sutee, pir kee saar na jaaṇee.
Her Husband discarded her (because) she is sleeping (in attachment to Maya), and, she does
not appreciate the worth of her Husband (Lord).
ipir CofI suqI Avgix muqI iqsu Dn ivDx rwqy ] pir chhodee sutee, avgaṇ mutee, tis dhan vidhaṇ raatay.
Her Husband discarded her (because) she was sleeping (in attachment to Maya), and, she is
plundered by her vices; (hence) the night (of life) of that (soul) bride is painful.
kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivguqI haumY lgI qwqy ] kaam krodh ahaMkaar vigutee, ha-umai lagee taatay.
She is ruined by sexual desire, anger and egotism; and, her self-conceit destroys her.
aufir hMsu cilAw PurmwieAw BsmY Bsm smwxI ] udar ha s chali-aa furmaa-i-aa, bhasmai bhasam samaaṇee.
When swan (soul) flies away by the command (of God), the ash mingles with ash.
nwnk scy nwm ivhUxI Buil Buil pCoqwxI ]1] naanak, sachay naam vihooṇee, bhul bhul pachhotaaṇee. ||1||
Nanak (says): Without the True name, she is deluded and strayed (hence) she repents. 1
suix nwh ipAwry iek bynµqI myrI ] suṇ naah pi-aaray, ik baynaNtee mayree.
O! my beloved Husband, (please) listen my one prayer:
qU inj Gir visAVw hau ruil BsmY FyrI ] too nij ghar vasi-aṛaa, ha-o rul bhasmai dhayree.
You dwell within Your home of self, while I roll around to become a heap of dust.
ibnu Apny nwhY koie n cwhY ikAw khIAY ikAw kIjY ]
bin apnay naahai, ko-ay na chaahai, ki-aa kahee-ai ki-aa keejai.
Without my own (Husband Lord) no one (else) likes me (at all), what can I say and what can I
do (about this)?
AMimRq nwmu rsn rsu rsnw gur sbdI rsu pIjY ] aMmrit naam rasan ras, rasnaa gur sabdee ras peejai.
The AMmrit name (of God) is the sources of essences, drink this essence with the tongue,
through the word of the Guru.
ivxu nwvY ko sMig n swQI AwvY jwie GnyrI ] viṇ naavai ko saNg na saathee, aavai jaa-ay ghanayree.
Without the name, no one is a companion or friend, many (people) come and go (in
nwnk lwhw lY Gir jweIAY swcI scu miq qyrI ]2]
naanak, laahaa lai ghar jaa-ee-ai, saachee sach mat tayree. ||2||
Nanak (says): one should return home with profit (of the name); O! True (Lord), (by
following)Your true instruction. 2
swjn dyis ivdysIAVy swnyhVy dydI ] saajan days, vidaysee-aṛay, saanayhṛay daydee.
Her (i.e. soul bride’s) friend (dwells) in the homeland (i.e. her heart), (but, she is in confusion,
hence) she sends Him message (of love) to him in the foreign lands.
swir smwly iqn sjxw muMD nYx BrydI ] saar samaalay tin sajṇaa, muNdh naiṇ bharaydee.
She remembers that Friend (the Lord), and, her eyes are filled with tears.
muMD nYx BrydI gux swrydI ikau pRB imlw ipAwry ]
muNdh naiṇ bharaydee, gun saaraydee, ki-o prabh milaa pi-aaray.
The eyes of the (soul) bride in filled with tears, (she) remembers His virtues; (and prays:) how
can I meet my Lord, (my) Beloved?
mwrgu pMQu n jwxau ivKVw ikau pweIAY ipru pwry ] maarag pa th na jaaṇa-o vikh-ṛaa, ki-o paa-ee-ai pir paaray.
I do not know the way to Him; it is treacherous; how can I find You on the other shore (i.e. by
crossing the world ocean)?
siqgur sbdI imlY ivCuMnI qnu mnu AwgY rwKY ] satgur sabdee milai vichhuNnee, tan man aagai raakhai.
The separated (soul bride) can meet (with the Lord) through the word of the True Guru, (if
she) places her mind and body before Him.
nwnk AMimRq ibrKu mhw rs PilAw imil pRIqm rsu cwKY ]3]
naanak, aMmrit birakh mahaa ras fali-aa, mil preetam ras chaakhai. ||3||
Nanak (says): The tree of AMmrit (name), (bearing fruit of) sublime essence, has blossomed;
meeting with the Beloved, she relishes the taste. 3
mhil bulwieVIey iblmu n kIjY ] mahal bulaa-iṛee-ay, bilam na keejai.
(You have been) called to His mansion (by God), (O! soul bride) do not delay.
P. 1112
Anidnu rqVIey shij imlIjY ] an-din rat-ṛee-ay, sahj mileejai.
Imbued with His love, day and night, You shall meet Him, in natural ease.
suiK shij imlIjY rosu n kIjY grbu invwir smwxI ] sukh sahj mileejai, ros na keejai, garab nivaar samaaṇee.
Meet with Him in peace and poise; do not resent (about difficulties on path of union); by
eradicating one’s pride, one merge in Him.
swcY rwqI imlY imlweI mnmuiK Awvx jwxI ] saachai raatee milai milaa-ee, manmukh aavaṇ jaaṇee.
Imbued with the True (Lord), she is united in union (through the Guru); (whereas) the mind-
oriented continues coming and going (in cycle of reincarnation).
jb nwcI qb GUGtu kYsw mtukI PoiV inrwrI ] jab naachee tab ghooghat kaisaa; matukee foṛ niraaree.
When she (i.e. soul bride) has begun dancing (for union with the Lord), then, why should there
be a veil? breaking of the pot (of social approval), she becomes unattached.
nwnk AwpY Awpu pCwxY gurmuiK qqu bIcwrI ]4]4]
naanak, aapai aap pachhaanai, gurmukh tat beechaaree. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): she (i.e. Guru-oriented soul bride) realizes her own self, and, through the Guru,
she contemplates essence (of Reality). 4.4

quKwrI mhlw 1 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 1
myry lwl rMgIly hm lwln ky lwly ] mayray laal raNgeelay, ham laalan kay laalay.
(O! brthren) He is my joyous Beloved; I am slave of His slaves.
guir AlKu lKwieAw Avru n dUjw Bwly ] gur alakh lakhaa-i-aa, avar na doojaa bhaalay.
The Guru has shown me the Imperceptible (Lord), I do not seek (support of) any other.
guir AlKu lKwieAw jw iqsu BwieAw jw pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]
gur alakh lakhaa-i-aa, jaa tis bhaa-i-aa, jaa parabh kirpaa dhaaree.
The Guru has shown me the Imperceptible (Lord), when it pleased Him and when He
bestowed His grace.
jgjIvnu dwqw purKu ibDwqw shij imly bnvwrI ] jagjeevan daataa, purakh bidhaataa, sahj milay banvaaree.
The Giver of Life to the world, the (great) Giver, the Primal Person, the Architect of Destiny,
the Lord of the (world) Forest, is obtained in natural ease.
ndir krih qU qwrih qrIAY scu dyvhu dIn dieAwlw ]
nadar karahi too taareh, taree-ai, sach dayvhu deen da-i-aalaa.
When You bestow Your glance (of grace), one crosses over (the world ocean) and one cross’s
over; O! Merciful to the Poor, (please) bless me with Truth.
pRxviq nwnk dwsin dwsw qU srb jIAw pRiqpwlw ]1]
paraṇvat naanak, daasan daasaa, too sarab jee-aa partipaalaa. ||1||
Prays Nanak: I am the slave of Your slaves; (O! Lord), You are the Cherisher of all beings. 1
Birpuir Dwir rhy Aiq ipAwry ] bharipur dhaar rahay, at pi-aaray.
The great loving (Lord) is perfectly fulfilling throughout the universe.
sbdy riv rihAw gur rUip murwry ] sabday rav rahi-aa, gur roop muraaray*.
The Destroyer of the Demons (God) is pervading through the word, embodying through the
Guru. [*Muraaray/ muraaree, literally ‘destroyer of demon Murar’. This is an attribute of God; hence one of His names].
gur rUp murwry iqRBvx Dwry qw kw AMqu n pwieAw ]
gur roop muraaray, taribhavaṇ dhaaray, taa kaa aNt na paa-i-aa.
The Guru, the embodiment of Destroyer of the Demons (God), is fulfilling throughout the
three worlds; His limits can not be found.
rMgI ijnsI jMq aupwey inq dyvY cVY svwieAw ] raNgee jinsee jant upaa-ay, nit dayvai chaṛai savaa-i-aa*.
He has created the beings, in many colours and kinds (i.e. species); His blessings increase day
by day. [*Savaaiaa, literally: one and a quarter; it means increasing more and more].
AprMpru Awpy Qwip auQwpy iqsu BwvY so hovY ] aprampar aapay thaap uthaapay, tis bhaavai so hovai.
The Infinite (Lord) Himself establishes and disestablishes; whatever pleases Him, happens.
nwnk hIrw hIrY byiDAw gux kY hwir provY ]2] naanak, heeraa heerai baydhi-aa, guṇ kai haar parovai. ||2||
Nanak (says): The diamond (of the mind) is pierced through by Diamond (i.e. one merges with
Him), (when) one strings garland of virtues (and embellishes one with it). 2
gux guxih smwxy msqik nwm nIswxo ] gun guṇeh samaanay, mastak naam neesaaṇo.
Those virtuous (persons) in the Virtuous (Lord), (whose) foreheads bear the insignia of the
scu swic smwieAw cUkw Awvx jwxo ] sach saach samaa-i-aa, chookaa aavaṇ jaaṇo.
(Becoming truthful) the true (person) merges in the True; his coming and going, are over.
scu swic pCwqw swcY rwqw swcu imlY min BwvY ] sach saach pachhaataa, saachai raataa, saach milai man bhaavai.

The truth (person) realizes the True (Lord), (when he is) imbued with the True, and, the True
is pleasing to his mind.
swcy aUpir Avru n dIsY swcy swic smwvY ] saachay oopar avar na deesai, saachay saach samaavai.
No one else is seen above the True (Lord); and, the true (person) merges in the True (Lord).
mohin moih lIAw mnu myrw bMDn Koil inrwry ] mohan mohi lee-aa man mayraa, baNdhan khol niraaray.
The fascinating (Lord) has fascinated my mind; releasing me from my bonds, He has set me
nwnk joqI joiq smwxI jw imilAw Aiq ipAwry ]3] naanak, jotee jot samaaṇee, jaa mili-aa at pi-aaray ||3||
Nanak (says): When I met the most Beloved (Lord), my light merged into (His) Light. 3
sc Gru Koij lhy swcw gur Qwno ] sach ghar khoj lahay, saachaa gur thaano.
He searches and finds the mansion of the True (Lord), who joins the place of the True Guru.
mnmuiK nh pweIAY gurmuiK igAwno ] manmukh nah paa-ee-ai, gurmukh gi-aano.
The Guru-oriented obtains the knowledge (of God’s mansion), (while) the mind-oriented
does not obtain it.
dyvY scu dwno so prvwno sd dwqw vf dwxw ] dayvai sach daano, so parvaano, sad daataa vad daaṇaa.
Whoever he (i.e. the Guru) blesses with the gift of Truth is accepted (in God’s court); he (i.e.
the Guru) is forever the giver, the great giver.
Amru AjonI AsiQru jwpY swcw mhlu icrwxw ] amar ajonee asthir jaapai, saachaa mahal chiraaṇaa.
He meditates upon the immortal, non-born and eternal; who mansion is true and
doiq aucwpiq lyKu n ilKIAY pRgtI joiq murwrI ] dot uchaapat laykh na likee-ai, pragatee jot muraaree.
The day-to-day ledger (i.e. account) (of his actions) is not recorded, within whom the Light of
God is revealed.
nwnk swcw swcY rwcw gurmuiK qrIAY qwrI ]4]5]
naanak, saachaa saachai raachaa ,gurmukh taree-ai taaree. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): the true (person) is absorbed in the True (Lord); and, through the Guru, one
crosses over the (world) ocean. 4.5

quKwrI mhlw 1 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 1

ey mn myirAw qU smJu Acyq ieAwixAw rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, too samajh achayt i-aaṇi-aa, raam.
O! my mind, O! ignorant and unaware, you understand, O! God.
ey mn myirAw Cif Avgx guxI smwixAw rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, chhad avgaṇ guṇee samaaṇi-aa, raam.
O! my mind, leave behind (i.e. give up/ renounce) vices and be absorbed in virtues, O! God.
bhu swd luBwxy ikrq kmwxy ivCuiVAw nhI mylw ]
baho saad lubhaaṇay, kirat kamaanay, vichhuṛi-aa nahee maylaa.
Those indulging in so many tastes (i.e. pleasures of Maya), are earning (i.e. they are acting)
according to their (past) deeds; these separated (from God) do not obtain union (with Him).
ikau duqru qrIAY jm fir mrIAY jm kw pMQu duhylw ]
ki-o dutar taree-ai, jam dar maree-ai, jam kaa paNth duhaylaa.
How can the un-crossable (world ocean) be crossed; one remains overawed by the fear of
death; the path of the messenger of death is very difficult.
min rwmu nhI jwqw swJ pRBwqw AvGit ruDw ikAw kry ]

man raam nahee jaataa, saajh parbhataa, avghat rudhaa ki-aa karay.
One who has not meditated upon God in the evening nor in the morning, in his mind; (when
he is) trapped on difficult path, what will he do.
bMDin bwiDAw ien ibiD CUtY gurmuiK syvY nrhry ]1]
baNdhan baadhi-aa, in bidh chhootai, gurmukh sayvai narharay. ||1||
Bound in bondage, one can be released (only) by this way: serve God*, through the Guru. 1
[*Narhar, literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals; pervading all, Omnipresent, God].
ey mn myirAw qU Coif Awl jMjwlw rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, too chhod aal jaNjaalaa, raam.
O! my mind, you abandon all worldly ties, O! God.
ey mn myirAw hir syvhu purKu inrwlw rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, har sayvhu purakh niraalaa, raam.
O! my mind, serve God, the Primal Person, Detached (Lord), O! God
P. 1113
hir ismir eykMkwru swcw sBu jgqu ijMin aupwieAw ] har simar ayka kaar saachaa, sabh jagat ji n upaa-i-aa.
Remember God, the One (Lord), the True (Lord), who has created the whole world.
pauxu pwxI Agin bwDy guir Kylu jgiq idKwieAw ] pa-un paanee agan baadhay, gur khayl jagat dikhaa-i-aa.
(God) has bound (i.e. placed in order) the air, water, and fire. The Guru has shown this
(wondrous) play of the world.
Awcwir qU vIcwir Awpy hir nwmu sMjm jp qpo ] aachaar too veechaar aapay, har naam saNjam jap tapo.
This is your conduct, this is your meditation; (meditation upon) the name of God is self
discipline, meditation and penance.
sKw sYnu ipAwru pRIqmu nwmu hir kw jpu jpo ]2] sakhaa sain pi-aar preetam, naam har kaa jap japo. ||2||
This is (your) companion, friends, love and beloved; (so) meditate upon the name of God. 2
ey mn myirAw qU iQru rhu cot n KwvhI rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, too thir rahu, chot na khaavhee, raam.
O! my mind, you remain steady, you will not have to face attack (of vices), O! God.
ey mn myirAw gux gwvih shij smwvhI rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, guṇ gaavahi, sahj samaavahee, raam.
O! my mind, singing His excellences you shall merge (into Him), in natural ease, O! God.
gux gwie rwm rswie rsIAih gur igAwn AMjnu swrhy ]
guṇ gaa-ay raam, rasaa-ay rasee-ah, gur gi-aan aNjan saarhay.
Sing the excellences of God, you shall be filled with joy. Apply the collyrium of wisdom of
the Guru (to the eyes of your mind).
qRY lok dIpku sbid cwnxu pMc dUq sMGwrhy ] tarai lok deepak sabad chaanaṇ, paNch doot saNghaarahay.
The word (of the Guru) is a lamp which illumines the three worlds, (with this light of the word)
you shall slaughter the five demons (i.e. five passions).
BY kwit inrBau qrih duqru guir imilAY kwrj swrey ]
bhai kaat nirbha-o tareh dutar, gur mili-ai kaaraj saar-ay.
Destroying your fear, you shall become fearless, and, you shall cross over the un-crossable
(world ocean); and, meeting with the Guru, all your affairs shall be settled.
rUpu rMgu ipAwru hir isau hir Awip ikrpw Dwrey ]3] roop ra g pi-aar har si-o, har aap kirpaa dhaar-ay. ||3||
(You shall find) love, joy and beauty through love of God, (when) God Himself bestows His
grace (upon you). 3
ey mn myirAw qU ikAw lY AwieAw ikAw lY jwiesI rwm ]
ay man mayri-aa, too ki-aa lai aa-i-aa, ki-aa lai jaa-isee, raam.

O! my mind, what did you bring with you (when you came into the world)? and, what will take
with you, when you depart?, O! God.
ey mn myirAw qw CutsI jw Brmu cukwiesI rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, taa chhutsee, jaa bharam chukaa-isee, raam.
O! my mind, you shall be emancipated when you eradicate your doubts, O! God.
only, if you remove your doubts.
Dnu sMic hir hir nwm vKru gur sbid Bwau pCwxhy ]
dhan saNch har, har naam vakhar, gur sabad bhaa-o pachhaaṇahay.
(So, O! my mind) gather the wealth of God, the merchandise of the name of God, and, through
the word of the Guru, you shall realize love (of God).
mYlu prhir sbid inrmlu mhlu Gru scu jwxhy ] mail parhar sabad nirmal, mahal ghar sach jaaṇhay.
Eradicate filth (of egotism) through the word (of the Guru) and you shall become immaculate,
and, you shall know the mansion of the True (Lord).
piq nwmu pwvih Gir isDwvih Joil AMimRq pI rso ] pat naam paavahi ghar sidhaaveh, jhol aMmrit pee raso.
Through the name you shall obtain honour; and when you shall go to the home (of the Lord);
so drink in with love and enjoy AMmrit (name of th e Lord).
hir nwmu iDAweIAY sbid rsu pweIAY vfBwig jpIAY hir jso ]4]
har naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, sabad ras paa-ee-ai, vadbhaag japee-ai har jaso. ||4||
Meditate upon the name of God, and, drink in the essence of the word; by great fortune sing
the praise of God.
ey mn myirAw ibnu pauVIAw mMdir ikau cVY rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, bin pa-uṛee-aa ma dar ki-o chaṛai, raam.
O! my mind, without a ladder, how can one climb up to the building, O! God.
ey mn myirAw ibnu byVI pwir n AMbVY rwm ] ay man mayri-aa, bin bayṛee paar na ambṛai, raam.
O! my mind, without a boat, how can one reach the other shore, O! God?
pwir swjnu Apwru pRIqmu gur sbd suriq lµGwvey ]
paar saajan apaar pareetam, gur sabad surat laNghaava-ay.
On the other shore (of the world ocean) is my Friend, Beloved infinite (Lord), awareness of
the word of the Guru carry across.
imil swDsMgiq krih rlIAw iPir n pCoqwvey ] mil saadhsaNgat karahi ralee-aa, fir na pachhotaava-ay.
Join in the company of the God-oriented persons, and you shall enjoy pleasure (of the name);
(then) you shall not repent, later on.
kir dieAw dwnu dieAwl swcw hir nwm sMgiq pwvE ]
kar da-i-aa daan da-i-aal saachaa, har naam saNgat paava-o.
Bestow Your mercy, O! Merciful, True (Lord), and bless me with the gift of the company of
Your name.
nwnku pieAMpY suxhu pRIqm gur sbid mnu smJwvE ]5]6]
naanak pa-i-aMpai, suṇhu pareetam, gur sabad man sanjhaava-o. ||5||6||
Nanak prays: Listen, O! my Beloved (Lord), (please) instruct my mind through the word of
Guru. 5.6

quKwrI CMq mhlw 4 Tukhaaree, chhaNt, Mehlaa 4

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;

gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
AMqir iprI ipAwru ikau ipr ibnu jIvIAY rwm ] aNtar piree pi-aar, ki-o pir bin jeevee-ai, raam.
Within me is (i.e. my heart is filled with) love of the Husband (Lord), how can I live without
Him, O! God?
jb lgu drsu n hoie ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY rwm ] jab lag daras na ho-ay, ki-o aMmrit peevee-ai, raam.
So long I do not behold His vision, how I can drink in AMmrit (name), O! God?
ikau AMimRqu pIvIAY hir ibnu jIvIAY iqsu ibnu rhnu n jwey ]
ki-o aMmrit peevee-ai, har bin jeevee-ai, tis bin rahan na jaa-ay.
How can I drink AMmrit? how can I live without God? I cannot (even) survive without Him.
Anidnu ipRau ipRau kry idnu rwqI ipr ibnu ipAws n jwey ]
an-din pari-o pari-o karay din raatee, pir bin pi-aas na jaa-ay.
Day and night, it (i.e. my mind) chants: ‘pari-o’ ‘pari-o’ (i.e. O! Beloved, O! Beloved), all the
time; without my Husband (Lord) my thirst is not quenched.
ApxI ik®pw krhu hir ipAwry hir hir nwmu sd swirAw ]
apnee kirpaa karahu, har pi-aaray, har har naam sad saari-aa.
One, whom You bless me with Your grace, O! Beloved Lord, dwells forever upon the name of
God, the Lord.
gur kY sbid imilAw mY pRIqmu hau siqgur ivthu vwirAw ]1]
gur kai sabad mili-aa mai pareetam, ha-o satgur vitahu vaari-aa. ||1||
Through the word of the Guru, I meet my Beloved, I am a sacrifice unto my True Guru. 1
jb dyKW ipru ipAwrw hir gux ris rvw rwm ] jab daykhaan pir pi-aaraa, har gun ras ravaa, raam.
When I see my beloved Husband, I remember the excellences of God with love, O! God.
P. 1114
myrY AMqir hoie ivgwsu ipRau ipRau scu inq cvw rwm ]
mayrai aNtar ho-ay vigaas, pari-o pari-o sach nit chavaa, raam.
My inner being (i.e. heart) blossoms, I continually chant ‘pari-o’ ‘pari-o’ (i.e. O! Beloved, O!
Beloved),for the True (Lord), O! God.
ipRau cvw ipAwry sbid insqwry ibnu dyKy iqRpiq n Awvey ]
pari-o chavaa pi-aaray, sabad nistaaray, bin daykhay taripat na aav-ay.
I chant ‘pari-o’(i.e. O! Beloved) for my Beloved; (because) He will carry me across (the world
ocean) through the word of the Guru; without seeing Him I am not satisfied.
sbid sIgwru hovY inq kwmix hir hir nwmu iDAwvey ]
sabad seegaar hovai nit kaamaṇ, har har naam dhi-aav-ay.
The (soul) bride who is forever adorned with the word, meditates upon the name of God, the
dieAw dwnu mMgq jn dIjY mY pRIqmu dyhu imlwey ]
da-i-aa daan maNgat jan deejai, mai pareetam dayh milaa-ay.
(Please) bestow this beggar, Your servant, with the gift of mercy, and, unite me with my
Anidnu guru gopwlu iDAweI hm siqgur ivthu Gumwey ]2]
an-din gur gopaal dhi-aa-ee, ham satgur vitahu ghumaa-ay. ||2||

Day and night, I meditate upon the Lord of the World through the Guru; I am a sacrifice
unto the True Guru. 2
hm pwQr guru nwv ibKu Bvjlu qwrIAY rwm ] ham paathar, gur naav, bikh bhavjal taaree-ai, raam.
I am a stone, the Guru is a boat, (please) carry me across the terrifying waters of poison (i.e.
world ocean), O! God.
gur dyvhu sbdu suBwie mY mUV insqwrIAY rwm ] gur dayvhu sabad subhaa-ay, mai mooṛ nistaaree-ai, raam.
O! Guru, (please) lovingly bless me with the word; I am a fool (please) save me, O! God.
hm mUV mugD ikCu imiq nhI pweI qU AgMmu vf jwixAw ]
ham mooṛ mugadh, kichh mit nahee paa-ee, too agaMm vad jaaṇi-aa.
I am a fool, idiot, I no nothing of your extent (i.e. Your grandeur); You are known as
inaccessible and great.
qU Awip dieAwlu dieAw kir mylih hm inrguxI inmwixAw ]
too aap da-i-aal, da-i-aa kar mayleh, ham nirguṇee nimaaṇi-aa.
You are merciful, bestow Your mercy; I am without any virtue and honour-less (i.e. humble).
Anyk jnm pwp kir Brmy huix qau srxwgiq Awey ]
anayk janam, paap kar bharmay, hun ta-o sarṇaagat aa-ay.
Committing sins, I wandered through many lives, now I have come seeking Your refuge.
dieAw krhu riK lyvhu hir jIau hm lwgh siqgur pwey ]3]
da-i-aa karahu rakh layvhu har jee-o, ham laagah satgur paa-ay. ||3||
Bestow Your mercy and save me, O! dear God, I have grasped the feet of the True Guru. 3
gur pwrs hm loh imil kMcnu hoieAw rwm ] gur paaras ham loh, mil kaNchan ho-i-aa, raam.
The Guru is (like) the Philosopher’s Stone, I am (like) iron; by his touch , I have beeen
transformed into gold, O! God.
joqI joiq imlwie kwieAw gVu soihAw rwm ] jotee jot milaa-ay, kaa-i-aa gaṛ sohi-aa, raam.
My light has merged in the Light (of God); the fort of my body has become beautiful.
kwieAw gVu soihAw myrY pRiB moihAw ikau swis igrwis ivswrIAY ]
kaa-i-aa gaṛ sohi-aa, mayrai prabh mohi-aa, ki-o saas giraas visaaree-ai.
That fort of body becomes beautiful, which is fascinated by my Lord; why should I (i.e.
should never) forget Him for even a breath or a morsel (of food).
AidRstu Agocru pkiVAw gur sbdI hau siqgur kY bilhwrIAY ]
adrist agochar pakrhi-aa gur sabdee, ha-o satgur kai balihaaree-ai.
I have grasped the unseen, imperceptible (Lord), through word of the Guru; I am a sacrifice
unto Him.
siqgur AwgY sIsu Byt dyau jy siqgur swcy BwvY ] atgur aagai sees bhayt day-o, jay satgur saachay bhaavai.
I place my head in offering, before the True Guru, if it pleases the True Guru.
Awpy dieAw krhu pRB dwqy nwnk AMik smwvY ]4]1]
aapay da-i-aa karahu prabh daatay, naanak, aNk samaavai. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): (please) bestow your mercy upon me, O! Lord, O! Giver, that I may merge in
Your embrace (i.e. in Your being). 4.1

quKwrI mhlw 4 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 4

hir hir Agm AgwiD AprMpr Aprprw ] har har agam agaadh, apraMpar aparparaa.

God, the Lord, is inaccessible, unfathomable, limitless and the Farthest of the far.
jo qum iDAwvih jgdIs qy jn Bau ibKmu qrw ] jo tum dhi-aavahi, jagdees, tay jan bha-o bikham taraa.
Those (persons) who meditate upon You, O! Lord of the World, those servants (i.e.
devotees) cross over the terrifying treacherous (world ocean).
ibKm Bau iqn qirAw suhylw ijn hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ]
bikham bha-o tin tari-aa suhaylaa, jin har har naam dhi-aa-i-aa.
They easily cross over the terrifying treacherous (world ocean), who meditate upon the
name of God, the Lord.
gur vwik siqgur jo Bwie cly iqn hir hir Awip imlwieAw ]
gur vaak satgur jo bhaa-ay, chalay tin har har aap milaa-i-aa.
Those who lovingly follow the world of the Guru, the True Guru, God, the Lord unites
them with Himself.
joqI joiq imil joiq smwxI hir ik®pw kir DrxIDrw] jotee jot mil jot samaaṇee, har kirpaa kar dharṇeedharaa.
The light (of the mortal being) meets with the Light (of God), and, blends with that Light (of
God), when God, the Support of the Earth, bestows His kindness
hir hir Agm AgwiD AprMpr Aprprw ]1] har har agam agaadh, apraMpar aparparaa. ||1||
God, the Lord, is inaccessible, unfathomable, limitless and the Farthest of the far. 1
qum suAwmI Agm AQwh qU Git Git pUir rihAw ] tum su-aamee agam athaah, too ghat ghat poor rahi-aa.
O! Lord, You are inaccessible, unfathomable; You are fully pervading each and every
qU AlK AByau AgMmu gur siqgur bcin lihAw ] too alakh abhay-o agaMm, gur satgur bachan lahi-aa.
You are unseeable, unknowable, imperceptible; (You are) known through the word of the
True Guru.
Dnu DMnu qy jn purK pUry ijn gur sMqsMgiq imil gux rvy ]
dhan dhaNn tay jan purakh pooray, jin gur saNtsaNgat mil guṇ ravay.
Blessed, blesses are those servants (i.e. devotees), perfect Primal Persons, who join the
company of the God-oriented persons and chant the excellences (of God).
ibbyk buiD bIcwir gurmuiK gur sbid iKnu iKnu hir inq cvy ]
bibayk budh beechaar gurmukh, gur sabad khin khin har nit chavay.
With their discerning wisdom, the Guru-oriented contemplate(Him); and, through the
word of the Guru, they chant (the name of) God continually each and every instant.
jw bhih gurmuiK hir nwmu bolih jw KVy gurmuiK hir hir kihAw ]
jaa baheh gurmukh, har naam boleh, jaa kharhay gurmukh har har kahi-aa.
When the Guru-oriented (persons) sit down, they chant the name of God; and, when they
stand up, (even then) they chant (the name of) God, the Lord.
qum suAwmI Agm AQwh qU Git Git pUir rihAw ]2]
tum su-aamee agam athaah, too ghat ghat poor rahi-aa. ||2||
O! Lord, You are inaccessible, unfathomable; You are fully pervading each and every
heart. 2
syvk jn syvih qy prvwxu ijn syivAw gurmiq hry ] sayvak jan sayveh tay parvaaṇ, jin sayvi-aa gurmat haray.
Those, who have served God, through the wisdom of Guru, (those) servants, (those) beings,
(i.e. those humble devotees) who serve (the Lord) are accepted (in the court of God).
iqn ky koit siB pwp iKnu prhir hir dUir kry ] tin kay kot sabh paap khin parhar, har door karay.
All their tens of millions of sins are taken away in an instant; God takes (their sins) far away.
iqn ky pwp doK siB ibnsy ijn min iciq ieku ArwiDAw ]
tin kay paap dokh sabh binsay, jin man chit ik araadhi-aa.
Those who have adored upon the One, with their mind and heart, all their sins and blemishes
are washed away.
P. 1115
iqn kw jnmu sPilE sBu kIAw krqY ijn gur bcnI scu BwiKAw ]
tin kaa janam safli-o sabh kee-aa kartai, jin gur bachnee sach bhaakhi-aa.
Those, who chanted (the name of) the True, through the Guru, the Creator made fruitful (i.e.
successful) their whole life.
qy DMnu jn vf purK pUry jo gurmiq hir jip Bau ibKmu qry ]
tay dhaNn jan vad purakh pooray, jo gurmat har jap bha-o bikham taray.
Blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees); (they are) great perfect persons, who meditated upon
God, through the wisdom of the Guru, and, crossed over the terrifying treacherous (world
syvk jn syvih qy prvwxu ijn syivAw gurmiq hry ]3]
sayvak jan sayveh tay parvaaṇ, jin sayvi-aa gurmat haray. ||3||
Those servants (i.e. devotee) being, who serve (God) are accepted; those who served God
through the wisdom of the 3
qU AMqrjwmI hir Awip ijau qU clwvih ipAwry hau iqvY clw ]
too aNtarjaamee har aap, ji-o too chalaaveh pi-aaray, ha-o tivai chalaa.
You yourself, God, are the Controller of the Souls; as You make me to walk (on the path of life),
O! Beloved (Lord), so do I walk.
hmrY hwiQ ikCu nwih jw qU mylih qw hau Awie imlw ]
hamrai haath kichh naahi, jaa too mayleh, taa ha-o aa-ay milaa.
Nothing is in my hands, when You unite me (with Yourself), then I come to be united.
ijn kau qU hir mylih suAwmI sBu iqn kw lyKw Cutik gieAw ]
jin ka-o too har mayleh su-aamee, sabh tin kaa laykhaa chhutak ga-i-aa.
Those, whom You unite (with Yourself), O! Lord, all their accounts are settled.
iqn kI gxq n kirAhu ko BweI jo gur bcnI hir myil lieAw ]
tin kee gaṇat na kari-ahu ko, bhaa-ee, jo gur bachnee har mayl la-i-aa.
No one can go into their accounts, O! brethren, who are united with God, through the word of
the Guru.
nwnk dieAwlu hoAw iqn aUpir ijn gur kw Bwxw mMinAw Blw ]
naanak, da-i-aal ho-aa tin oopar, jin gur kaa bhaaṇaa maNni-aa bhalaa.
Nanak (says): God becomes kind to those, who accept the Guru's will as good.
qU AMqrjwmI hir Awip ijau qU clwvih ipAwry hau iqvY clw ]4]2]
too aNtarjaamee har aap, ji-o too chalaaveh pi-aaray, ha-o tivai chalaa. ||4||2||
You yourself, God, are the Controller of the Souls; as You make me to walk (on the path of life),
O! Beloved (Lord), so do I walk. 4.2.

quKwrI mhlw 4 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 4

qU jgjIvnu jgdIsu sB krqw isRsit nwQu ] too jagjeevan jagdees, sabh kartaa sarisat naath.
You are the Life to the World, the Lord of the World, Creator of all, the Lord of the universe.
iqn qU iDAwieAw myrw rwmu ijn kY Duir lyKu mwQu ] tin too dhi-aa-i-aa mayraa raam, jin kai dhur laykh maath.
They (alone) have meditated upon You, O! my God, who have (such) destiny inscribed on their
foreheads from the very beginning.
ijn kau Duir hir iliKAw suAwmI iqn hir hir nwmu ArwiDAw ]
jin ka-o dhur har likhi-aa su-aamee, tin har har naam araadhi-aa.
Those, for whom God has inscribed (such) destiny from the very beginning, they adore the
name of God, the Lord.
iqn ky pwp iek inmK siB lwQy ijn gur bcnI hir jwipAw ]
tin kay paap ik nimakh sabh laathay, jin gur bachnee har jaapi-aa.
Those who have meditated upon (the name of) God, through the Guru, their sins are erased in
an instant,
Dnu DMnu qy jn ijn hir nwmu jipAw iqn dyKy hau BieAw snwQu ]
dhan dhaNn tay jan jin har naam japi-aa, tin daykhay ha-o bha-i-aa sanaath.
Blessed, (yes) blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees), who have meditated upon the name of
God; seeing them, I become one with a Master (i.e. I am blessed with a Protector).
qU jgjIvnu jgdIsu sB krqw isRsit nwQu ]1] too jagjeevan jagdees, sabh kartaa sarisat naath. ||1||
You are the Life to the World, the Lord of the World, Creator of all, the Lord of the universe. 1
qU jil Qil mhIAil BrpUir sB aUpir swcu DxI ] too jal thal mahee-al bharpoor, sabh oopar saach dhaṇee.
You are perfecting (i.e. totally pervading) waters, lands and nether regions; You are above all,
O! True (i.e. eternal) Master.
ijn jipAw hir min cIiq hir jip jip mukqu GxI ] jin japi-aa har man cheet, har jap jap mukat ghaṇee.
Those who have meditated upon God, in their heart and mind, meditating and meditating
upon (that) God, lot many are been liberated.
ijn jipAw hir qy mukq pRwxI iqn ky aUjl muK hir duAwir ]
jin japi-aa har tay mukat paraaṇee, tin kay oojal mukh har du-aar.
Those, who have meditated upon God, those mortals are liberated beings; their faces are
radiant at the door (i.e. in the court of) God.
Eie hliq pliq jn Bey suhyly hir rwiK lIey rKnhwir ]
o-ay halat palat jan bha-ay suhaylay, har raakh lee-ay rakhaṇhaar.
They are happy in this world and the next; God, the Protector, has protected them.
hir sMqsMgiq jn suxhu BweI gurmuiK hir syvw sPl bxI ]
har saNtsaNgat jan suṇhu bhaa-ee, gurmukh har sayvaa safal baṇee.
O! God’s true congregation, O servants (i.e. devotees of God), listen, O! brethren, service of
God, performed through the Guru, is fruitful.
qU jil Qil mhIAil BrpUir sB aUpir swcu DxI ]2]
too jal thal mahee-al bharpoor, sabh oopar saach dhaṇee. ||2||
You are perfecting (i.e. totally pervading) waters, lands and nether regions; You are above all,
O! True (i.e. eternal) Master. 2
qU Qwn Qnµqir hir eyku hir eyko eyku rivAw ] too thaan thanaNtar har ayk, har ayko ayk ravi-aa.
O! God, You are in all places and spaces; God, the One alone pervades (everywhere).

vix iqRix iqRBvix sB isRsit muiK hir hir nwmu civAw ]
vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ sabh sarisat, mukh har har naam chavi-aa.
The forests, the grass (i.e. vegetation), three worlds, and the entire universe, chant the name
of God with their mouth.
siB cvih hir hir nwmu krqy AsMK Agxq hir iDAwvey ]
sabh chaveh har har naam kartay, asaNkh agṇat har dhi-aav-ay.
All chant the name of God, the Lord, the Creator; countless, uncountable (beings) meditate
upon God.
so DMnu Dnu hir sMqu swDU jo hir pRB krqy Bwvey ]
so dhaNn dhan har saNt saadhoo, jo har prabh kartay bhaav-ay.
Blesses and blessed are those God-oriented persons, holy men of God, who are pleasing to
Gos, the Lord, the Creator.
so sPlu drsnu dyhu krqy ijsu hir ihrdY nwmu sd civAw ]
so safal darsan dayh kartay, jis har hirdai naam sad chavi-aa.
O! Creator, (please) bless me with fruitful vision of those, who chant the name of God in
their heart, forever .
qU Qwn Qnµqir hir eyku hir eyko eyku rivAw ]3] too thaan thanaNtar har ayk, har ayko ayk ravi-aa. ||3||
O! God, You are in all places and spaces; God, the One alone pervades (everywhere). 3
qyrI Bgiq BMfwr AsMK ijsu qU dyvih myry suAwmI iqsu imlih ]
tayree bhagat bhaNdaar asa kh, jis too dayveh mayray su-aamee tis mileh.

You have countless treasures of devotion; O! my Lord he alone is blessed with them whom
You bestow.
ijs kY msqik gur hwQu iqsu ihrdY hir gux itkih ] jis kai mastak gur haath, tis hirdai har guṇ tikeh.
He, on whose forehead the Guru places his hand, the (great) virtues of God abide within his
hir gux ihrdY itkih iqs kY ijsu AMqir Bau BwvnI hoeI ]
har guṇ hirdai tikeh tis kai, jis aNtar bha-o bhaavnee ho-ee.
The (great) virtues of God abide within the heart of the one, who has within him (i.e. within
his heart) the fear of and love for God.
P. 1116
ibnu BY iknY n pRymu pwieAw ibnu BY pwir n auqirAw koeI ]
bin bhai kinai na praym paa-i-aa, bin bhai paar na utri-aa ko-ee.
Without His fear, no one can obtain His love, and, without His fear, no one is carried across
(the world ocean).
Bau Bwau pRIiq nwnk iqsih lwgY ijsu qU AwpxI ikrpw krih ]
bha-o bhaa-o pareet naanak tiseh laagai, jis too aapnee kirpaa karahi.
Nanak (says): He alone is blessed with fear(of God) and love (of God) whom You bless with
Your grace.
qyrI Bgiq BMfwr AsMK ijsu qU dyvih myry suAwmI iqsu imlih ]4]3]
tayree bhagat bhaNdaar asaNkh, jis too dayveh, mayray su-aamee, tis mileh. ||4||3||
The treasures of Your devotion are countless; whoever You give, O! my Lord, he alone
obtains them. 4.3

quKwrI mhlw 4 ] Tukhaaree, Mehlaa 4
nwvxu purbu ABIcu gur siqgur drsu BieAw ] naavaṇ purab abheech, gur satgur daras bha-i-aa.
Obtaining a vision of the Guru, the True Guru is (truly) bathing at Abheech* festival.
[*Abheech/ Abhijit is the 28th nakshatra (asterism) in Indian astrology system. Moon is said to have 27 (not 28) wives
with whom he stays for one day in a sidereal lunar month. Each of the 27 asterisms is feminine, only Abhijit is
masculine. Abhijit nakshatra (the day of full moon, i.e. pooranmaashi) is an auspicious time in the Hindu calendar. On
this occasions, the Hindus take a bath in the waters at the places of pilgrimage (especially Kurukashetra and
Haridwar), and, they consider this as very precious. In 1553 this day fell on January 14. Guru Amardas visited
Kurukshetra to enlighten the people on futility of ritual baths, as a lot of pilgrims had gathered there. There is a
reference to the Abhich (Abhijit) bath in a hymn of Guru Ramdas on page 1116 of the Guru Granth Sahib, which says
that having a vision of the Guru is more blessed and blissful than a bath on abheech/ abhijit festival].
durmiq mYlu hrI AigAwnu AMDyru gieAw ] durmat mail haree, agi-aan aNdhayr ga-i-aa.
(With this bath, i.e. having vision of the Guru) the filth of the evil wisdom is washed off, and, the
darkness of ignorance is dispelled
gur drsu pwieAw AigAwnu gvwieAw AMqir joiq pRgwsI ]
gur daras paa-i-aa, agi-aan gavaa-i-aa, aNtar jot pargaasee.
Obtaining the vision of the Guru, ignorance is dispelled, and, (Divine) Light illumines the
inner being.
jnm mrx duK iKn mih ibnsy hir pwieAw pRBu AibnwsI ]
janam maraṇ dukh khin meh binsay, har paa-i-aa prabh abhinaasee.
The pains of birth and death vanish in an instant; and, one finds the imperishable Lord,
hir Awip krqY purbu kIAw siqgurU kulKyiq nwvix gieAw ]
har aap kartai purab kee-aa, satguroo kulkhayt naavaṇ ga-i-aa.
God, the Creator Himself created the festival when the True Guru went to Kulkhayt (i.e.
Kurukshetra) on the bathing day. (This does not mean that the Guru went there to have a bath; it
means he went there on the day of this bath/festival; the Guru used the opportunity of this festival
to give his message to the people gathered there).
nwvxu purbu ABIcu gur siqgur drsu BieAw ]1] naavaṇ purab abheech, gur satgur daras bha-i-aa. ||1||
Obtaining a vision of the Guru, the True Guru is (truly) bathing at Abheech festival. 1
mwrig pMiQ cly gur siqgur sMig isKw ] maarag paNth chalay, gur satgur sang sikhaa.
The Sikhs travelled with the Guru, the True Guru, on the path for the journey.
Anidnu Bgiq bxI iKnu iKnu inmK ivKw ] an-din bhagat baṇee, khin khin nimakh vikhaa.
Day and night, devotional worship was held, each and every moment, and at every step.
hir hir Bgiq bxI pRB kyrI sBu loku vyKix AwieAw ]
har har bhagat baṇee prabh kayree, sabh lok vaykhaṇ aa-i-aa.
The devotion worship of God, the Lord, the Master was held; all the people came to see (the
Guru and participate in devotional worship).
ijn drsu siqgur gurU kIAw iqn Awip hir mylwieAw ] jin daras satgur guroo kee-aa, tin aap har maylaa-i-aa.
Whoever obtained the vision of the True Guru, God Himself united them (with Himself).
qIrQ audmu siqgurU kIAw sB lok auDrx ArQw ] tirath udam satguroo kee-aa, sabh lok udhraṇ arthaa.
The True Guru made a visit to that place of pilgrimage, for the sake of saving all the people.
mwrig pMiQ cly gur siqgur sMig isKw ]2] maarag paNth chalay, gur satgur sang sikhaa. ||2||
The Sikhs travelled with the Guru, the True Guru, on the path for the journey. 2
pRQm Awey kulKyiq gur siqgur purbu hoAw ] paratham aa-ay kulkhayt, gur satgur purab ho-aa.
First, (when) the Guru, the true Guru arrived at Kurukshetra, Guru, it became a festival.
Kbir BeI sMswir Awey qRY loAw ] khabar bha-ee saNsaar, aa-ay tarai lo-aa.
The news spread through the world, and, (the beings of) the three worlds came (to see him).
dyKix Awey qIin lok suir nr muin jn siB AwieAw ] daykhaṇ aa-ay teen lok, sur nar mun jan sabh aa-i-aa.
The (beings of) three worlds came (to see him), and, the angelic beings, silent sages, all came.
ijn prisAw guru siqgurU pUrw iqn ky iklivK nws gvwieAw ]
jin parsi-aa gur satguroo pooraa, tin kay kilvikh naas gavaa-i-aa.
Those who touched (i.e. had the vision of) the perfect True Guru, their sins were erased.
jogI idgMbr sMinAwsI Ktu drsn kir gey gosit FoAw ]
jogee digaMbar saNni-aasee khat darsan, kar ga-ay gosat dho-aa.
The yogi, the nude wanderers, the saniaasees (i.e. renouncers), (i.e. the followers of all) the six
schools* had his vision, talked to him and resented their offerings.
[*The sects of the six schools are: yogi, sanyaasee, jangam, Budhist monks, Jain Sarevarhas, Bairagee sects].
pRQm Awey kulKyiq gur siqgur purbu hoAw ]3] paratham aa-ay kulkhayt, gur satgur purab ho-aa. ||3||
First, (when) the Guru, the true Guru arrived at Kurukshetra, Guru, it became a festival. 3
duqIAw jmun gey guir hir hir jpnu kIAw ] dutee-aa, jamun ga-ay, gur har har japan kee-aa.
Second, the Guru went to Jamuna (river), there he chanted (the name of) God, the Lord.
jwgwqI imly dy Byt gur ipCY lµGwie dIAw ] jaagaatee milay day bhayt, gur pichhai laNghaa-ay dee-aa.
The tax-collectors (who collected pilgrim tax from people) met the Guru and presented him their
offering; and, they allowed his followers to go (i.e. exempted them from paying the pilgrim tax).
sB CutI siqgurU ipCY ijin hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ]
sabh chhutee satguroo pichhai, jin har har naam dhi-aa-i-aa.
All those, who meditated upon the name of God, the Lord, were exempted (from paying tax)
for following the Guru.
gur bcin mwrig jo pMiQ cwly iqn jmu jwgwqI nyiV n AwieAw ]
gur bachan maarag jo paNth chaalay, tin jam jaagaatee nayṛ na aa-i-aa.
Those who walked on the path and follow the word of the Guru, tax-collector, the messenger
of death, does not (even) approach them.
sB gurU gurU jgqu bolY gur kY nwie lieAY siB Cutik gieAw ]
sabh guroo guroo jagat bolai, gur kai naa-ay la-i-ai sabh chhutak ga-i-aa.
All people of the world chanted: ‘Guru, Guru’; and, chanting the name of Guru, they were
all liberated.
duqIAw jmun gey guir hir hir jpnu kIAw ]4] dutee-aa, jamun ga-ay, gur har har japan kee-aa. ||4||
Second, the Guru went to Jamuna (river), there he chanted (the name of) God, the Lord. 4
iqRqIAw Awey sursrI qh kauqku clqu BieAw ] taritee-aa, aa-ay sursaree, tah ka-utak chalat bha-i-aa.
Third, the Guru went to Ganges (river), a wondrous play (scene/ event) happened there.
sB mohI dyiK drsnu gur sMq iknY AwFu n dwmu lieAw ]
sabh mohee daykh darsan gur saNt, kinai aaḍ na daam la-i-aa.
Beholding the vision of the holy Guru, everyone was fascinated; no one imposed (any tax on
them), not even half of a shell.
AwFu dwmu ikCu pieAw n bolk jwgwqIAw mohx muMdix peI ]
aaḍ daam kichh pa-i-aa na bolak, jaagaatee-aa mohaṇ muNdaṇ pa-ee.
Not even half of a shell was placed in their cash-box, (as if) the mouths of the collectors got
BweI hm krh ikAw iksu pwis mWgh sB Bwig siqgur ipCY peI ]
bhaa-ee ham karah ki-aa, kis paas maangah, sabh bhaag satgur pichhai pa-ee.
(They talked to each other) O! brothers, what should we do? who should we ask for (tax)?
(because) everyone is running after the True Guru.
P. 1117
jwgwqIAw aupwv isAwxp kir vIcwru ifTw BMin bolkw siB auiT gieAw ]
jaagaatee-aa upaav si-aaṇap kar veechaar dithaa, bhann bolkaa sabh uṭ ga-i-aa.
The tax-collectors acted smart, they thought about it and saw (i.e. realized), and, breaking
their cash-boxes, they left.
iqRqIAw Awey sursrI qh kauqku clqu BieAw ]5] taritee-aa, aa-ay sursaree, tah ka-utak chalat bha-i-aa ||5||
Third, the Guru went to Ganges (river), a wondrous play (scene/ event) happened there. 5
imil Awey ngr mhw jnw gur siqgur Et ghI ] mil aa-ay nagar mahaa janaa, gur satgur ot gahee.
The respectable men of the town, together came to the refuge of the Guru, the True Guru.
guru siqguru guru goivdu puiC isimRiq kIqw shI ] gur satgur gur govid puchh, simrit keetaa sahee.
The Guru, the true Guru, the Guru is Lord of the World; they consulted Simritis and
confirmed this (as true).
isimRiq swsqR sBnI shI kIqw suik pRihlwid sRIrwim kir gur goivdu iDAwieAw ]
simrit saastar sabhnee sahee keetaa, suk* par-hilaad** sareeraam, kar gur govid dhi-aa-i-aa.
The Simritis, the Shastras all have confirmed, that Suk(i.e. Sukdev) and Prahlad (also)
meditated upon the Guru, the Lord of the Word as Supreme God.
[*Suk (Sukdev) was the son of mythical sage Ved Vyas (presumed to be author/compiler of Vedas). He got initiation from
Raja Janak and meditated upon God. **As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed
having miraculous power; he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as
god and meditated upon God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of
God, who appeared as Narsinh* (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad
has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
dyhI ngir koit pMc cor vtvwry iqn kw Qwau Qyhu gvwieAw ]
dayhee nagar kot paNch chor vatvaaray, tin kaa thaa-o thayhu gavaa-i-aa.
The five thieves, the robbers, who dwell in the fort of the body village, the Guru has (totally)
destroyed (even the signs of) their existence in the (body) town.
kIrqn purwx inq puMn hovih gur bcin nwnik hir Bgiq lhI ]
keertan puraaṇ nit puNn hoveh, gur bachan naanak har bhagat lahee.
Nanak (says): they obtained (gift of) devotion of God, through the word of the Guru, (hence)
they began continual singing the praise (of God), which became reading of Puranas and
giving of charity.
imil Awey ngr mhw jnw gur siqgur Et ghI ]6]4]10]
mil aa-ay nagar mahaa janaa, gur satgur ot gahee. ||6||4||10||
The respectable men of the town, together came to the refuge of the Guru, the True Guru. 6.4.10

quKwrI CMq mhlw 5 Tukhaaree chhaNt, Mehlaa 5
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Goil GumweI lwlnw guir mnu dInw ] ghol ghumaa-ee laalnaa, gur man deenaa.
O! my Beloved, I am a sacrifice to You; through the Guru, I have dedicated my mind to You.
suix sbdu qumwrw myrw mnu BInw ] sun sabad tumaaraa, mayraa man bheenaa.
hearing Your word, my mind is drenched (with love)
iehu mnu BInw ijau jl mInw lwgw rMgu murwrw ] ih man bheenaa, ji-o jal meenaa; laagaa raNg, muraaraa.
This mind is drenched (in your love), like the fish in the water; it is attached to Your love, O!
Destroyer of Demons (i.e. God).
kImiq khI n jweI Twkur qyrw mhlu Apwrw ] keemat kahee na jaa-ee ṭaakur, tayraa mahal apaaraa.
Your worth cannot be described, O! my Master, Your mansion is beyond limits.
sgl guxw ky dwqy suAwmI ibnau sunhu iek dInw ] sagal gunaa kay daatay su-aamee, bin-o sunhu ik deenaa.
O! Giver of all virtues, O! my Master, (please) hear this one prayer of this poor person.
dyhu drsu nwnk bilhwrI jIAVw bil bil kInw ]1]
dayh daras naanak balihaaree, jee-aṛaa bal bal keenaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): (please) bless me with Your vision; I am a sacrifice unto You, my soul is a
sacrifice, a sacrifice (unto You). 1
iehu qnu mnu qyrw siB gux qyry ] ih tan man tayraa, sabh guṇ tayray.
(O! my Beloved) this mind and body are Yours; all virtues are Yours,
KMnIAY vM\w drsn qyry ] khaNnee-ai vaNnjaa, darsan tayray.
I am a sacrifice unto You, cut (myself) bit by bit, for a vision of You.
drsn qyry suix pRB myry inmK idRsit pyiK jIvw ]
darsan tayray, suṇ prabh mayray, nimakh darisat paykh jeevaa.
O! my Master, please hear: I live (only) by beholding Your vision, even if just for an instant.
AMimRq nwmu sunIjY qyrw ikrpw krih q pIvw ] aMmrit naam suneejai tayraa, kirpaa karahi ta peevaa.
I have heard that Your name is AMmrit, (please) bestow Your kindness that I may drink it in.
Aws ipAwsI ipr kY qweI ijau cwiqRku bUMdyry ] aas pi-aasee pir kai taa-ee, ji-o chaatrik booNdayray.
I have (such a) thirst and hope for my Beloved, like the rain-bird longs for a drop of rain.
khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI dyhu drsu pRB myry ]2]
kaho naanak, jee-aṛaa balihaaree, dayh daras prabh mayray. ||2||
Says Nanak: my soul is a sacrifice (unto You), (please) bless me with Your vision, O! my
Master. 2
qU swcw swihbu swhu Aimqw ] too saachaa saahib, saahu amitaa.
You are my True Lord, immeasurable King,.
qU pRIqmu ipAwrw pRwn ihq icqw ] too preetam pi-aaraa, praan hit chitaa.
You are my dear Beloved; (You are) dear to my life and consciousness.
pRwn suKdwqw gurmuiK jwqw sgl rMg bin Awey ] paraan sukh-daata, gurmukh jaataa, sagal raNg ban aa-ay.
You are giver of breath (of life) and happiness; one, who has known You through the Guru,
has enjoyed all pleasures.
soeI krmu kmwvY pRwxI jyhw qU Purmwey ] so-ee karam kamaavai praaṇee, jayhaa too furmaa-ay.
The mortal does only those deeds which You ordain (O! Lord).
jw kau ik®pw krI jgdIsuir iqin swDsMig mnu ijqw ] jaa ka-o kirpaa karee jagdeesur, tin saadhsa g man jitaa.
One, who is blessed by the grace of the Lord of the World, has conquered (his) mind in the
company of the God-oriented persons.
khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI jIau ipMfu qau idqw ]3]
kaho naanak, jee-aṛaa balihaaree, jee-o piNd ta-o ditaa. ||3||
Says Nanak: My soul is a sacrifice unto You; You have given me my soul and body. 3
inrguxu rwiK lIAw sMqn kw sdkw ] nirguṇ raakh lee-aa, saNtan kaa sadkaa.
I am virtue-less (unworthy), (but) He has saved me, for the sake of God-oriented persons.
siqguir Fwik lIAw moih pwpI pVdw ] satgur ḍaak lee-aa, mohi paapee paṛ-daa.
The True Guru has covered my sins (i.e. God has concealed my sins, i.e. He has forgiven my
sins and has protected me from committing further sins).
Fwknhwry pRBU hmwry jIA pRwn suKdwqy ] ḍaakanhaaray prabhoo hamaaray, jee-a paraan sukh-daatay.
My Lord is the protector (of all); He is giver of soul, life and happiness.
AibnwsI Aibgq suAwmI pUrn purK ibDwqy ] abhinaasee abigat su-aamee, pooran purakh bidhaatay.
My Lord is imperishable, unchanging, perfect Primal Person, Architect of Destiny.
ausqiq khnu n jwie qumwrI kauxu khY qU kd kw ] ustat kahan na jaa-ay tumaaree, ka-uṇ kahai too kad kaa.
(O! Lord) Your praise cannot be described; who can say since when You are.
nwnk dwsu qw kY bilhwrI imlY nwmu hir inmkw ]4]1]11]
naanak daas taa kai balihaaree, milai naam har nimkaa. ||4||1||11||
Slave Nanak (says): If I am sacrifice unto the one who would bless me with the name of God
even for an instant. 4.1.11

P. 1118
kydwrw mhlw 4 Gru 1 Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ] mayray man, raam naam nit gaavee-ai, ray*.
O! my mind, sing continually the name of God, O! dear.
[*Ray, literally ‘O! man’ or O! dear’ (or simply ‘O!’), has been added towards the end of each line; it purpose is to add
music to the verses; it has no concern with the though presented therein; however, I have translated it].
Agm Agocru n jweI hir liKAw guru pUrw imlY lKwvIAY ry ] rhwau ]
agam agochar, na jaa-ee har lakhi-aa, gur pooraa milai, lakhaavee-ai, ray. rahaa-o.
God is inaccessible, imperceptible, He cannot be seen; meeting with the perfect Guru, He is
seen, O! dear. (pause)
ijsu Awpy ikrpw kry myrw suAwmI iqsu jn kau hir ilv lwvIAY ry ]
jis aapay kirpaa karay mayraa su-aamee, tis jan ka-o har liv laavee-ai, ray.
One, upon whom my Master, Himself bestows His kindness, God attunes that person, to
Himself, O! dear.
sBu ko Bgiq kry hir kyrI hir BwvY so Qwie pwvIAY ry ]1]
sabh ko bhagat karay har kayree, har bhaavai so thaa-ay paavee-ai, ray. ||1||
Everyone performs devotion to God, (but only that one) who is pleasing to God is accepted (in
His court), O! dear. 1
hir hir nwmu Amolku hir pih hir dyvY qw nwmu iDAwvIAY ry ]
har har naam amolak har peh, har dayvai taa naam dhi-aavee-ai, ray.
The name of God, the Lord, is priceless; and, it is (only) with God; if God bestows it, (then)
one meditates upon His name, O! dear.
ijs no nwmu dyie myrw suAwmI iqsu lyKw sBu CfwvIAY ry ]2]
jis no naam day-ay mayraa su-aamee, tis laykhaa sabh chhadaavee-ai, ray. ||2||
One, whom my Master blesses with His name, his entire account is written off, O! dear. 2
hir nwmu ArwDih sy DMnu jn khIAih iqn msqik Bwgu Duir iliK pwvIAY ry ]
har naam araadheh, say dhaNn jan kahee-ahi, tin mastak bhaag dhur likh paavee-ai, ray.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who adore the name of God, they are said to be blessed ones;
they have such destiny inscribed upon their heads, from the very beginning, O! dear.
iqn dyKy myrw mnu ibgsY ijau suqu imil mwq gil lwvIAY ry ]3]
tin daykhay mayraa man bigsai, ji-o sut mil maat gal laavee-ai, ray. ||3||
Beholding (vision of) them, my mind blossoms forth, like the mother who meets her son and
embraces him close to her bosom. 3
hm bwirk hir ipqw pRB myry mo kau dyhu mqI ijqu hir pwvIAY ry ]
ham baarik, har pitaa prabh mayray, mo ka-o dayh matee jit har paavee-ai, ray.
We are children, and You, O! God, are our father; (please) bless me with such understanding
that I may obtain (the name of) God, O! dear.
ijau bCurw dyiK gaU suKu mwnY iqau nwnk hir gil lwvIAY ry ]4]1]
ji-o bachhuraa daykh ga-oo sukh maanai, ti-o naanak har gal laavee-ai, ray. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Like the cow, which becomes happy upon seeing her calf, O! God, (please)
embrace me close to Your bosom. 4.1

kydwrw mhlw 4 Gru 1 Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
myry mn hir hir gun khu ry ] mayray man, har har gun kaho, ray.
O! my mind, chant (the praise of) the excellences of God, O! dear.
siqgurU ky crn Doie Doie pUjhu ien ibiD myrw hir pRBu lhu ry ] rhwau ]
satguroo kay charan dho-ay dho-ay poojahu, in bidh mayraa har prabh lahu, ray. rahaa-o.
Wash* the feet of the True Guru and worship them; in this way You shall find my God, the
Lord, O! dear. (pause)
[*Washing feet of the Guru means: becoming humble and respecting the Guru; and worshipping Guru’s feet means
to follow foot-steps of the Guru. It is not pgysical washing of the feet of the Guru or worshipping them like deity].
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu AiBmwnu ibKY rs ien sMgiq qy qU rhu ry ]
kaam krodh lobh moh abhimaan bikhai ras, in saNgat tay too rahu, ray.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment, pride, all are essence (i.e. sources) of
poison; keep yourself away from their company, O! dear.
imil sqsMgiq kIjY hir gosit swDU isau gosit hir pRym rswiexu rwm nwmu rswiexu hir rwm nwm rwm rmhu ry ]1]
mil satsaNgat keejai har gosat, saadhoo si-o gosat; har paraym rasaa-iṇ, raam naam rasaa-iṇ, har
raam naam raam ramhu, ray. ||1||
Join the company of the true ones, and speak about (the excellences of) God, speak with the
God-oriented persons. God is the source of love, God’s name is the source, (O! my mind),
chant the name of God, the Lord, the name of God, O! dear. 1
P. 1119
AMqr kw AiBmwnu joru qU ikCu ikCu ikCu jwnqw iehu dUir krhu Awpn ghu ry ]
aNtar kaa abhimaan jor, too kichh kichh kichh jaantaa, ih door karahu aapan gahu, ray.
The egotistical pride and power, whatever and how much you think you have within you;
eliminate it and keep hold on (i.e. restrain) your self.
jn nwnk kau hir dieAwl hohu suAwmI hir sMqn kI DUir kir hry ]2]1]2]
jan naanak ka-o har da-i-aal hohu su-aamee, har saNtan kee dhoor kar, haray. ||2||1||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (please) be kind to me, O! Master, and, make me the dust
of the feet of the God-oriented persons. 2.2

kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 2 Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God.
mweI sMqsMig jwgI ] maa-ee, saNtsaNg jaagee.
O! (my) mother, (for being) in the company of the God-oriented persons, I have awakened
(from sleep in emotional attachment and Maya).
ipRA rMg dyKY jpqI nwmu inDwnI ] rhwau ] pari-a raNg daykhai, japtee naam nidhaanee. rahaa-o.
Beholding the love of (my) Beloved, I meditate upon His name, the treasure (of happiness).
drsn ipAws locn qwr lwgI ] ibsrI iqAws ibfwnI ]1]
darsan pi-aas, lochan taar laagee. bisree ti-aas bidaanee. ||1||
In the thirst for beholding His vision, my eyes are focused (on Him);
they (i.e. my eyes) have forgotten other thirst (i.e. for all other things). 1
Ab guru pwieE hY shj suKdwiek drsnu pyKq mnu lptwnI ]
ab gur paa-i-o hai sahj sukh-daa-ik, darsan paykhat man laptaanee.
Now I have found the Guru, the giver of poise and happiness; beholding his vision, my mind
clings to him (i.e. is in ecstasy).
dyiK dmodr rhsu min aupijE nwnk ipRA AMimRq bwnI ]2]1]
daykh damodar* rahas man upji-o, naanak pari-a aMmrit baanee. ||2||1||
Nanak (says): beholding his vision of the Protector* (God), joy wells up in my mind; and, the
word of my Beloved is AMmrit (for me). 2.1
[*Literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; Protector].

kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 3 kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 ghar 3

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God.
dIn ibnau sunu dieAwl ] deen bin-o sun, da-i-aal.
(Please) listen the prayer of this humble (being), O! Merciful (Lord).
pMc dws qIin doKI eyk mnu AnwQ nwQ ] rwKu ho ikrpwl ] rhwau ]
panch daas, teen dokhee, ayk man, anaath naath. raakh ho kirpaal. rahaa-o.
The five* (have made it their) slave, the three** are its opponents (i.e. enemies), (but) the mind
is one (i.e. alone); O! Master of the Master-less.
(Please) save me (from them), O! Merciful. 1 (pause)
[*Five means, the five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment, pride]. [**the three dispositions of
Maya (satav, rajats, tamas)].
Aink jqn gvnu krau ] anik jatan gavan kara-o.
I make many sorts of efforts; and, go on pilgrimages.
Ktu krm jugiq iDAwnu Drau ] khat karam, jugat dhi-aan dhara-o.
I perform the six actions; and, meditate in the (right) way.
aupwv sgl kir hwirE nh nh hutih ibkrwl ]1] upaav sagal kar haari-o, nah nah huteh bikraal. ||1||
I am tired of all sorts of efforts, but these dreadful (sins and vices) do not leave (me at all). 1
srix bMdn kruxw pqy ] saran baNdan, karuṇaa patay.
I seek Your refuge, and, I bow to You, O! Compassionate (Lord).
Bv hrx hir hir hir hry ] bhav haraṇ, har har har haray.
O! Destroyer of Fear (of birth and death); O! God, Lord, master, Almighty.
eyk qUhI dIn dieAwl ] ayk toohee, deen da-i-aal.
You alone are merciful to the poor.
pRB crn nwnk Awsro ] prabh charan, naanak, aasro.
Nanak (says): the feet of the Lord are my support.
auDry BRm moh swgr ] lig sMqnw pg pwl ]2]1]2]
udhray, bharam moh saagar. lag saNtnaa pag, paal. ||2||1||2||
I have been saved from the ocean of doubt and (emotional) attachment,
by holding the feet and hem (of robe) of the God-oriented persons. 2.1.12

kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 4 Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God
srnI AwieE nwQ inDwn ] sarnee aa-i-o, naath nidhaan.
I have come to Your refuge, O! Master, O! Treasure (of happiness).
nwm pRIiq lwgI mn BIqir mwgn kau hir dwn ]1] rhwau ]
naam pareet laagee man bheetar, maagan ka-o har daan. ||1|| rahaa-o
Love for the name is enshrined within my mind; O! Lord, I beg for the gift (of Your name). 1
suKdweI pUrn prmysur kir ikrpw rwKhu mwn ] sukh-daa-ee pooran parmaysur, kar kirpaa raakho maan.
O! Giver of Happiness, O! my perfect Suoreme Reality (God), (please) bestow Your kindness
and save my honour.
dyhu pRIiq swDU sMig suAwmI hir gun rsn bKwn ]1]
dayh pareet saadhoo saNg su-aamee, har gun rasan bakhaan. ||1||
(Please) bless me with love for the company of the Guru, O! Lord, (so that) my tongue may
chant (the praise of) the excellences of God.1
gopwl dieAwl goibd dmodr inrml kQw igAwn ] gopaal da-i-aal gobid damodar*, nirmal kathaa gi-aan.
O! Sustainer of the World, O! Merciful, O! Lord of the World, O! Protector, Your teachings
and wisdom are immaculate. [*Literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; i.e. Protector].
nwnk kau hir kY rMig rwghu crn kml sMig iDAwn ]2]1]3]
naanak ka-o har kai raNg raagahu, charan kamal saNg dhi-aan. ||2||1||3||
Nanak (says): Imbue (i.e. attune) me to Your love, O! Lord; (so that) I may focus my mind
upon Your lotus feet. 2.1.3

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir ky drsn ko min cwau ] har kay darsan ko man chaa-o.
My mind years for the vision of God.
kir ikrpw sqsMig imlwvhu qum dyvhu Apno nwau ] rhwau ]

kar kirpaa satsaNg milaavhu, tum dayvhu apno naa-o. rahaa-o.
(Please) bestow Your kindness and unite (me) with the true congregation, and, (O! Lord) You
bless me with Your name. (pause)
krau syvw sq purK ipAwry jq sunIAY qq min rhswau ]
kara-o sayvaa sat purakh, pi-aaray, jat sunee-ai tat man rahsaa-o.
(Please bless me, so that) I may serve the true persons, O! Beloved (Lord); and, whenever I
hear (Your praise), there, my mind is in ecstasy.
P. 1120
vwrI PyrI sdw GumweI kvnu AnUpu qyro Twau ]1]
vaaree fayree sadaa ghumaa-ee, kavan anoop tayro thaa-o. ||1||
I am a sacrifice, I am forever a sacrifice; how incomparably beauteous is Your place! 1
srb pRiqpwlih sgl smwlih sgilAw qyrI Cwau ]
sarab paratpaalahi, sagal samaaleh, sagli-aa tayree chhaa-o.
You cherish all, You take care of all; Your shade covers all (i.e. You protect all).
nwnk ky pRB purK ibDwqy Git Git quJih idKwau ]2]2]4]
naanak kay prabh purakh bidhaatay, ghat ghat tujheh dikhaa-o. ||2||2||4||
Nanak (says): O! my Master, Primal Person, Architect of Destiny, (please bless me, so that) I
may behold You in each and every heart. 2.2.4

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

ipRA kI pRIiq ipAwrI ] pari-a kee preet pi-aaree.
I love the love of my Beloved (Lord).
mgn mnY mih icqvau Awsw nYnhu qwr quhwrI ] rhwau ]
magan manai meh, chitva-o aasaa, nainhu taar tuhaaree. rahaa-o.
My mind is absorbed (in You), and, I contemplate hope (filled with hope of beholding Your
vision); my eyes (are always) gazing for You. (pause)
Eie idn phr mUrq pl kYsy Eie pl GrI ikhwrI ] KUly kpt Dpt buiJ iqRsnw jIvau pyiK drswrI ]1]
o-ay din pahar moorat pal kaisay, o-ay pal gharee kihaaree.
khoolay kapat, dhapat bujh tarisnaa, jeeva-o paykh darsaaree. ||1||
How (blessed) will be that day, quarter, (auspicious) time and moment and period;
(when) the hard doors are opened, and desire is quenched; beholding (Your) vision I live. 1
kaunu su jqnu aupwau iknyhw syvw kaun bIcwrI ] ka-un so jatan, upaa-o kinayhaa, sayvaa ka-un beechaaree.
What is the effort and what is the method, and, what is the service should I contemplate?
[The answer is in the following line]:
mwnu AiBmwnu mohu qij nwnk sMqh sMig auDwrI ]2]3]5]
maan abhimaan moh taj, naanak saNteh saNg udhaaree. ||2||3||5||
Nanak (says): abandon your pride, (emotional) attachment; and, you shall be saved in the
company of the God-oriented persons. 2.3.5

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir hir hir gun gwvhu ] har har har gun gaavhu.
(O! my mind) sing (always the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord, the Master.
krhu ik®pw gopwl goibdy Apnw nwmu jpwvhu ] rhwau ]
karahu kirpaa gopaal gobiday, apnaa naam japaavhu. rahaa-o.
Bestow Your kindness (upon me), O! Sustainer of the World, Lord of the World, that I may
meditate upon Your name. (pause)
kwiF lIey pRB Awn ibKY qy swDsMig mnu lwvhu ] kaaḍ lee-ay prabh aan bikhai tay, saadhsaNg man laavhu.
You have lifted up (i.e. saved) others out of vices; (please) attach my mind to the company of
te God-oriented persons.
BRmu Bau mohu kitE gur bcnI Apnw drsu idKwvhu ]1]
bharam bha-o moh kati-o gur bachnee, apnaa daras dikhaavhu. ||1||
You have eradicated my doubt, fear and emotional attachment though the teachings of the
Guru; (now) bless me with Your vision. 1
sB kI ryn hoie mnu myrw AhMbuiD qjwvhu ] sabh kee rayn ho-ay man mayraa, aha -budh tajaavahu.

Let my mind become the dust (of the feet) of all; and, eradicate my egotistical intellect.
ApnI Bgiq dyih dieAwlw vfBwgI nwnk hir pwvhu ]2]4]6]
apnee bhagat deh da-i-aalaa, vadbhaagee naanak har paavhu. ||2||4||6||
Nanak (says): (Please) bless me with Your devotion, O! Merciful (Lord); (so that) by great
fortune I may find You, O! God. 2.4.6

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir ibnu jnmu AkwrQ jwq ] har bin, janam akaarath jaat.
Without (meditation upon the name of) God, life goes waste.
qij gopwl Awn rMig rwcq imiQAw pihrq Kwq ] rhwau ]
taj gopaal aan raNg raachat, mithi-aa pahirat khaat. rahaa-o.
Those, who forsake the Sustainer of the World God, and, become engrossed in other
pleasures, false (i.e useless) is all wearing (of robes) and eating (of foods). (pause)
Dnu jobnu sMpY suK BuogvY sMig n inbhq mwq ] dhan joban saMpai sukh bhogvai, saNg na nibhat maat.
(One enjoys) the pleasure of wealth, youth, property, and comforts; (but) even a little of them
will not stay with him (in the end).
imRg iqRsnw dyiK ricE bwvr dRüm CwieAw rMig rwq ]1]
marig tarisnaa daykh rachi-o baavar, darum chhaa-i-aa raNg raat. ||1||
Seeing the mirage, the crazy man is engrossed in it; (know it that) he is imbued with pleasures
that are (i.e. will pass away) like shade of a tree. 1
mwn moh mhw md mohq kwm k®oD kY Kwq ] maan moh mahaa mad mohat, kaam krodh kai khaat.
Intoxicated with the strong wine of pride and (emotional) attachment, he has fallen into the
pit of sexual desire and anger.
kru gih lyhu dws nwnk kau pRB jIau hoie shwq ]2]5]7]
kar geh layho daas naanak ka-o, prabh jee-o ho-ay sahaat. ||2||5||7||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (please) hold me by my hand (and lift me up from this pit); O!
dear God, (please) be my help. 2.5.7

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir ibnu koie n cwlis swQ ] har bin ko-ay na chaalas saath.

Except God, nothing goes along with (the mortal being).
dInw nwQ kruxwpiq suAwmI AnwQw ky nwQ ] rhwau ]
deenaa naath karuṇaapat su-aamee, anaathaa kay naath. rahaa-o.
(He is) the Master of the Poor, Lord of Compassion; the Lord is the Master of the master-
less. (pause)
suq sMpiq ibiKAw rs Buogvq nh inbhq jm kY pwQ ]
sut saMpat bikhi-aa ras bhogvat, nah nibhat jam kai paath.
Sons (i.e. children), wealth, enjoyments of pleasures of poison (i.e. maya), do not stay with
(i.e. do not go along with the mortal being), on the path of death.
nwmu inDwnu gwau gun goibMd auDru swgr ky Kwq ]1]
naam nidhaan, gaa-o gun gobiNd, udhar saagar kay khaat. ||1||
(O! brethren) the name is the treasure (that goes along with), (so) sing the excellences of the
Lord of the Word, and, you shall be carried across the pit (i.e. depth) of ocean. 1
srin smrQ AkQ Agocr hir ismrq duK lwQ ] saran samrath akath agochar, har simrat dukh laath.
Seeking the refuge of All-powerful, Indescribable, Imperceptible, and, remembering God,
all sorrows vanish away.
nwnk dIn DUir jn bWCq imlY ilKq Duir mwQ ]2]6]8]
naanak deen dhoor jan baanchhat, milai likhat dhur maath. ||2||6||8||
Nanak (says): (O! God) this poor (Nanak) longs for the dust (of the feet) of Your servants; one
obtains if it (i.e. such destiny) is inscribed upon his forehead from the very beginning. 2.6.8

kydwrw mhlw 5 Gru 5 Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 5

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ibsrq nwih mn qy hrI ] bisrat naahi man tay haree.
I do not forget God from (my) mind.
Ab ieh pRIiq mhw pRbl BeI Awn ibKY jrI ] rhwau ]
ab ih pareet mahaa parabal bha-ee aan bikhai jaree. rahaa-o.
Now, this love has become very strong; it has burnt away (love for) all other poison. (Pause)
bUMd khw iqAwig cwiqRk mIn rhq n GrI ] booNd kahaa ti-aag chaatrik. meen rahat na gharee.
How can the rain-bird forsake the (rain) drop, and, fish cannot survive without water, even
for an instant.
P. 1121
gun gopwl aucwru rsnw tyv eyh prI ]1] gun gopaal uchaar rasnaa, tayv ayh paree. ||1||
O! my tongue (you too) chant the excellences of the Sustainer of the World; this has become a
part of my very nature (and I can not survive without it). 1
mhw nwd kurMk moihE byiD qIKn srI ] mahaa naad kurank mohi-o, baydh teekhan saree.
The deer is fascinated by great sound of the bell, and, (so it) is pierced by sharp arrows.
pRB crn kml rswl nwnk gwiT bwiD DrI ]2]1]9]
prabh charan kamal rasaal, naanak, gaaṭ baadh dharee. ||2||1||9||

Nanak (says): The lotus-feet of God are the source of nectar; I am tied to them by a knot (of
love). 2.1.9

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

pRIqm bsq ird mih Kor ] preetam basat rid meh khor.
My Beloved dwells in the cave of my heart.
Brm BIiq invwir Twkur gih lyhu ApnI Er ]1] rhwau ]
bharam bheet nivaar ṭaakur, geh layho apnee or. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Shatter the wall of doubt, O! Lord; hold (my hand) and pull me towards Yourself. 1 (pause)
AiDk grq sMswr swgr kir dieAw cwrhu Dor ] adhik garat sansaar saagar, kar da-i-aa chaarahu dhor.
The world ocean is so very deep, (please) be kind, lift me up and place me up on the shore.
sMqsMig hir crn boihQ auDrqy lY mor ]1] saNtsaNg har charan bohith, udhratay lai mor. ||1||
O! God, (please, keep me in) the company of the God-oriented persons, and place me in the
boat of God's feet, that will carry me across (the world ocean). 1
grB kuMt mih ijnih DwirE nhI ibKY bn mih hor ]
garabh kuNt meh jineh dhaari-o, nahee bikhai ban meh hor.
One who placed (us) in the pit of the womb (of mother), no one else (i.e. other than God) will
save (us) is to save in the forest of poison.
hir skq srn smrQ nwnk Awn nhI inhor ]2]2]10]
har sakat saran samrath, naanak, aan nahee nihor. ||2||2||10||
Nanak (says): God is all-powerful, He is all-powerful to grant refuge; I do not rely on (the
support of) any other. 2.2.10

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

rsnw rwm rwm bKwnu ] gun guopwl aucwru idnu rYin Bey klml hwn ] rhwau ]
rasnaa raam raam bakhaan. gun gopaal uchaar din rain, bha-ay kalmal haan. rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) with your tongue, chant the name of God.
Day and night, chant the excellences of God, all your sins shall be eradicated. (pause)
iqAwig clnw sgl sMpq kwlu isr pir jwnu ] ti-aag chalnaa sagal saMpat, kaal sir par, jaan.
(O! Brethren) You shall have to leave behind all your wealth, when you depart; death is
hovering over your head, know this well.
imQn moh durMq Awsw JUTu srpr mwnu ]1] mithan moh duraNt aasaa, jhooṭ sarpar maan. ||1||
False are (emotional) attachment and infinite hopes (i.e. unbound desires); know that these
are surely false. 1
siq purK Akwl mUriq irdY Dwrhu iDAwnu ] sat purakh akaal moorat, ridai dhaarahu dhi-aan.
The True (Lord) is primal Person, Eternal being; focus upon Him within your heart.
nwmu inDwnu lwBu nwnk bsqu ieh prvwnu ]2]3]11]
naam nidhaan laabh naanak, basat ih parvaan. ||2||3||11||
Nanak (says): The name (of God) is profitable (merchandise); (only) this merchandise is
acceptable (in His court). 2.3.11

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwm ko AwDwru ] har kay naam ko aadhaar.
I take (only) the support of the name of God.
kil klys n kCu ibAwpY sMqsMig ibauhwru ] rhwau ] kal kalays na kachh bi-aapai, sa tsa g bi-uhaar. rahaa-o.
Conflict and clash do not afflict me; I deal (only) with the company of God-oriented persons.
kir AnugRhu Awip rwiKE nh aupjqau bykwru ] kar anoograhu aap raakhi-o, nah upajta-o baykaar.
Bestowing Your mercy, You Yourself have saved me; (now) no evil thought arises (within me).
ijsu prwpiq hoie ismrY iqsu dhq nh sMswru ]1] jis paraapat ho-ay simrai, tis dahat nah saNsaar. ||1||
Whoever receives (Your name), meditates upon it; the fire of the world does not burn him. 1
suK mMgl Awnµd hir hir pRB crn AMimRq swru ] sukh maNgal aanaNd har har, prabh charan aMmrit saar.
Happiness, joy and bliss come from God, the Lord; God’s feet are the essence of AMmrit.
nwnk dws srnwgqI qyry sMqnw kI Cwru ]2]4]12]
naanak daas sarnaagatee tayray saNtnaa kee chhaar. ||2||4||12||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge; I am dust of the feet of Your God-
oriented persons. 2.4.12

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwm ibnu iDRgu sRoq ] har kay naam bin, dharig sarot.
Without (hearing) the name of God, one’s ears are cursed.
jIvn rUp ibswir jIvih iqh kq jIvn hoq ] rhwau ]
jeevan roop bisaar jeeveh, tih kat jeevan hot. rahaa-o.
Those who live while forgetting the Embodiment of Life, what kind of life is this? (pause)
Kwq pIq Anyk ibMjn jYsy Bwr bwhk Koq ] khaat peet anayk biNjan, jaisay bhaar baahak khot.
One who eats and drinks countless delicacies, is like a load-carrying donkey.
AwT phr mhw sRmu pwieAw jYsy ibrK jMqI joq ]1]
aaṭ pahar mahaa saram paa-i-aa, jaisay birakh jaNtee jot. ||1||
He remains weary (all) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), like the bull bound
to an oil-press. 1
qij guopwl ij Awn lwgy sy bhu pRkwrI roq ] taj gopaal je aan laagay, say baho parkaaree rot.
Those who forsake the Sustainer of the World, and, get attached to another, they weep (i.e.
suffer, repent and regret) in many ways.
kr joir nwnk dwnu mwgY hir rKau kMiT proq ]2]5]13]
kar jor naanak daan maagai, har rakha-o kaNṭ parot. ||2||5||13||
Nanak (says): With my hands pressed together, I beg for this (one) gift, that I should keep
God strung around my neck. 2.15.13

kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5

sMqh DUir ly muiK mlI ] guxw Acuq sdw pUrn nh doK ibAwpih klI ] rhwau ]
saNteh dhoor lay, mukh malee. guṇaa achut sadaa pooran, nah dokh bi-aapahi kalee. rahaa-o.
One, who has taken the dust (of the feet) of the God-oriented persons, and, applied it to his face.
(Enshrining) the virtues of the imperishable, forever perfect (Lord), the vices of the kaliyuga
(i.e dark Ages) do not afflict him. (pause)
gur bcin kwrj srb pUrn eIq aUq n hlI ] gur bachan kaaraj sarab pooran, eet oot na halee.
Though the word of the Guru, all his affairs are settled, and, he does not move (i.e. his mind
does not waver) here and there.
pRB eyk Aink srbq pUrn ibKY Agin n jlI ]1] prabh ayk anik sarbat pooran, bikhai agan na jalee. ||1||
(One, who sees) the One God, to be pervading all, in many ways, does not burn in the fire of
poison (i.e. vices). 1
gih Bujw lIno dwsu Apno joiq joqI rlI ] geh bhujaa leeno daas apno, jot jotee ralee.
(When) He holds His slave by the arm, his (i.e. slave’s) light merges in the Light (of God).
pRB crn srn AnwQu AwieE nwnk hir sMig clI ]2]6]14]
prabh charan saran anaath aa-i-o, naanak har saNg chalee. ||2||6||14||
Nanak (says): the orphan (being) who comes to the refuge of the feet of the Lord, he walks
with (in the way of) God. 2.6.14
P. 1122
kydwrw mhlw 5 ] Kaydaaraa, Mehlaa 5
hir ky nwm kI mn rucY ] har kay naam kee man ruchai.
(One, whose) mind has yearning for (meditation upon) the name of God;
koit sWiq Anµd pUrn jlq CwqI buJY ] rhwau ] kot saa t anand pooran, jalat chhaatee bujhai. rahaa-o.

Within him are tens of millions of (i.e. immense) peace and bliss; his burning breast is
quenched (i.e. his mind, burning with desires, is soothed). (pause)
sMq mwrig clq pRwnI piqq auDry mucY ] saNt maarag chalat paraanee, patit udhray muchai.
Walking on the path of God-oriented persons, countless sinner mortal beings are saved.
rynu jn kI lgI msqik Aink qIrQ sucY ]1] rayn jan kee lagee mastak, anik tirath suchai. ||1||
Applying the dust of (the feet of) the servants (i.e. devotees of God), on foreheads, (is like)
obtaining the purity of (cleansing bath at) countless places of pilgrimage. 1
crn kml iDAwn BIqir Git Gtih suAwmI suJY] charan kamal dhi-aan bheetar, ghat ghateh su-aamee sujhai.
Yhose, who meditateupon the lotus-feet (of God) within (their mind), realize the Lord
(pervading) in each and every heart.
srin dyv Apwr nwnk bhuir jmu nhI luJY ]2]7]15]
saran dayv apaar, naanak, bahur jam nahee lujhai. ||2||7||15||
Nanak (says): Those who enter the refuge of Infinite Lord, shall never again be troubled by
messenger of death. 2.7.15

kydwrw CMq mhlw 5 kaydaaraa chhaṇt mehlaa 5

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God
imlu myry pRIqm ipAwirAw ] rhwau ] mil mayray preetam pi-aari-aa. rahaa-o.
(Please) meet me, O! my Dear Beloved (Lord). (pause)
pUir rihAw srbqR mY so purKu ibDwqw ] poor rahi-aa sarbatar mai, so purakh bidhaataa.
He is pervading among all; He is the Primal Person, the Architect of Destiny.
mwrgu pRB kw hir kIAw sMqn sMig jwqw ] maarag prabh kaa har kee-aa, saNtan saNg jaataa.

God has created the path of (union with) the Lord; this is known in the company of the God-
oriented persons.
sMqn sMig jwqw purKu ibDwqw Git Git ndir inhwilAw ]
saNtan saNg jaataa, purakh bidhaataa, ghat ghat nadar nihaali-aa.
The primal Person, the Architect of Destiny is known in the company of the God-oriented
persons; (He dwells) in each and every heart, and, (one can) behold Him by His grace.
jo srnI AwvY srb suK pwvY iqlu nhI BMnY GwilAw ]
jo sarnee aavai, sarab sukh paavai, til nahee bhaNnai ghaali-aa.
One, who enters His refuge, obtains total happiness; not even little of his effort goes waste.
hir gux iniD gwey shj suBwey pRym mhw rs mwqw ]
har guṇ nidh gaa-ay sahj subhaa-ay, praym mahaa ras maataa.
One, who sings the praise of God, the Treasure of Excellences, in natural love, is intoxicated
with sublime essence of love.
nwnk dws qyrI srxweI qU pUrn purKu ibDwqw ]1]
naanak daas tayree sarṇaa-ee, too pooran purakh bidhaataa. ||1||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, You are the Primal Person, the
Architect of Destiny. 1
hir pRym Bgiq jn byiDAw sy Awn kq jwhI ] har praym bhagat jan baydhi-aa, say aan kat jaahee.
The servant (i.e. devotee), who is pierced through the loving devotion to God, (then) where
else can he go?
mInu ibCohw nw shY jl ibnu mir pwhI ] meen bichhohaa naa sahai, jal bin mar paahee.
The fish cannot endure separation, and, without water it (surely) dies.
hir ibnu ikau rhIAY dUK ikin shIAY cwiqRk bUMd ipAwisAw ]
har bin ki-o rahee-ai, dookh kin sahee-ai, chaatrik boond pi-aasi-aa.
How can (one who is pierced through the loving devotion to God) survive without God? how
can he endure the pain (of separation)? like Chatrik (i.e. rain-bird), thirsty for the rain-drop.
kb rYin ibhwvY ckvI suKu pwvY sUrj ikrix pRgwisAw ]
kab rain bihaavai, chakvee sukh paavai, sooraj kiraṇ pargaasi-aa.
When will the night pass, and, the Chakvi* shall find happiness with shining of the sun-rays.
[*Chakvi, i.e. shell-drake or rudy shell-drake bird, both male and female cry all night for one another. When the sun
rises they are united and they become content. This is presented as symbol of love and attachment].
hir dris mnu lwgw idnsu sBwgw Anidnu hir gux gwhI ]
har daras man laagaa, dinas sabhaagaa, an-din har guṇ gaahee.
Those, whose mind is attached to the vision of God; blessed is that day, when, day and night,
they sing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
nwnk dwsu khY bynµqI kq hir ibnu pRwx itkwhI ]2]
naanak daas kahai baynaNtee, kat har bin praaṇ tikaahee. ||2||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak, says his prayer: without (meditation upon) God, how can breath
(of life) remain flowing (through me)? 2
sws ibnw ijau dyhurI kq soBw pwvY ] saas binaa ji-o dayhuree, kat sobhaa paavai.
Without the breath (of life) how can the body obtain glory?
drs ibhUnw swD jnu iKnu itkxu n AwvY ] daras bihoonaa saadh jan, khin tikaṇ na aavai.

Without (beholding) the vision of God, the God-oriented persons does not obtain peace, even
for an instant.
hir ibnu jo rhxw nrku so shxw crn kml mnu byiDAw ]
har bin jo rahṇaa, narak so sahṇaa, charan kamal man baydhi-aa.
Living without God is (like) suffering in hell; (because) his mind is pierced through with the
lotus-feet (of God).
hir risk bYrwgI nwim ilv lwgI kqhu n jwie inKyiDAw ]
har rasik bairaagee, naam liv laagee, katahu na jaa-ay nikhaydhi-aa.
God is (the source of both) loving-pleasure and detached, and, one who is attuned to His
name, is not negated (i.e. dishonoured) anywhere.
hir isau jwie imlxw swDsMig rhxw so suKu AMik n mwvY ]
har si-o jaa-ay milṇaa, saadhsaNg rahṇaa; so sukh aNk na maavai.
Meeting with God is obtained through living (in the company) of the God-oriented persons;
this happiness (of union with God) can not remain contained within one’s being (i.e. this
happiness can not remain hidden and gets revealed).
hohu ik®pwl nwnk ky suAwmI hir crnh sMig smwvY ]3]
hohu kirpaal naanak kay su-aamee, har charnah saNg samaavai. ||3||
Nanak (says): (Please) be kind to me, O! my Master, that I may merge in Your (lotus) feet. 3
Kojq Kojq pRB imly hir kruxw Dwry ] khojat khojat prabh milay, har karuṇaa dhaaray.
I had been searching and searching (finally) God (Himself) has met me, bestowing His mercy.
inrguxu nIcu AnwQu mY nhI doK bIcwry ] nirgun neech anaath mai, nahee dokh beechaaray.
I am virtue-less, lowly, orphan, (but) God does not consider my faults.
nhI doK bIcwry pUrn suK swry pwvn ibrdu bKwinAw ]
nahee dokh beechaaray, pooran sukh saaray, paavan birad bakhaani-aa.
He does not consider my faults; and, blessed me with perfect happiness; it is known that He
has nature of purifying (the sinners).
Bgiq vClu suin AMcluo gihAw Git Git pUr smwinAw ]
bhagat vachhal sun aNchlo gahi-aa, ghat ghat poor samaani-aa.
Hearing that He is the lover of (His) devotees, I have grasped the hem of His robe (i.e. I have
attached myself totally to him); He is fully pervading each and every heart.
suK swgruo pwieAw shj suBwieAw jnm mrn duK hwry ]
sukh saagro paa-i-aa, sahj subhaa-i-aa, janam maran dukh haaray.
I have found the Ocean of Happiness, in natural ease; my pains of birth and death are gone
kru gih lIny nwnk dws Apny rwm nwm auir hwry ]4]1]
kar geh leenay naanak daas apnay, raam naam ur haaray. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): He has held His slave (i.e. devotee) by his hand, and, (he has) strung the name
of God an garland into their hearts (i.e. he has enshrined the name of God within his heart). 4.1
P. 1123
rwgu kydwrw bwxI kbIr jIau kI Raag Kaydaaraa, baṇee Kabeer jee-o kee
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ausqiq inMdw doaU ibbrijq qjhu mwnu AiBmwnw ] lohw kMcnu sm kir jwnih qy mUriq Bgvwnw ]1]
ustat niNdaa do-oo bibarjit, tajahu maan abhimaanaa.
lohaa ka chan sam kar jaaneh, tay moorat bhagvaanaa* ||1||
(Those, who) ignore both praise and slandering, and, renounce self-conceit and pride; and,
look alike upon iron and gold alike, (they) are the image of God. 1
[*Bhagvaan, literally : one who has good fortune, or, the Lord of Fortune. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
qyrw jnu eyku AwDu koeI ] tayraa jan, ayk aadh ko-ee.
Hardly any one is a servant of Yours (O! God).
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu ibbrijq hir pdu cIn@Y soeI ]1] rhwau ]
kaam krodh lobh moh bibarjit, har pad cheen ai so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

One who ignores (i.e. rises above) sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment; he
alone recognize the feet of God (i.e. recognize the path of God). 1 (pause)
rj gux qm gux sq gux khIAY ieh qyrI sB mwieAw ] cauQy pd kau jo nru cIn@Y iqn@ hI prm pdu pwieAw ]2]
raj guṇ tam guṇ sat guṇ kahee-ai, ih tayree sabh maa-i-aa.
cha-uthay pad ka-o jo nar cheenhai tinh, hee param pad paa-i-aa. ||2||
(O! Lord) Rajas* guna, Tamas* guna, Satav* guna are known as (the expanse of) Your Maya;
that person who realizes the fourth state, he alone obtains the supreme state. 2
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation sattav
represents purity, rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function
under these qualities].
qIrQ brq nym suic sMjm sdw rhY inhkwmw ] iqRsnw Aru mwieAw BRmu cUkw icqvq Awqm rwmw ]3]
tirath barat naym such saNjam, sadaa rahai nihkaamaa.
tarisnaa ar maa-i-aa bharam chookaa, chitvat aatam raamaa. ||3||
(Visiting) places of pilgrimage, fasts, (observing ritual) codes, (rituals of) purification, and
self-discipline, he remain always disinterested (in reward of these things); and,
(his) thirst for Maya and doubts depart; (because) he remembers the Supreme Lord. 3
ijh mMdir dIpku prgwisAw AMDkwru qh nwsw ] jih maNdar deepak pargaasi-aa, aNdhkaar tah naasaa.
The home, where the lamp (of knowledge) is lighted, there, the darkness (i.e. ignorance) is
inrBau pUir rhy BRmu Bwgw kih kbIr jn dwsw ]4]1]
nirbha-o poor rahay bharam bhaagaa, kahi kabeer jan daasaa. ||4||1||
Says Kabir, the servant, the slave: (he, in whose heart) the Fearless, all-pervading (dwells),
his doubts run away (i.e. vanish away). 4.1
iknhI bnijAw kWsI qWbw iknhI laug supwrI ] kinhee banji-aa kaansee taanbaa, kinhee la-ug supaaree.
Some deal in bronze and copper, and, some in cloves and betel-nuts.
sMqhu bnijAw nwmu goibd kw AYsI Kyp hmwrI ]1]
saNtahu banji-aa naam gobid kaa, aisee khayp hamaaree. ||1||
The God-oriented persons deal in the name of the Lord of the World; such is my
merchandise (as well). 1
hir ky nwm ky ibAwpwrI ] har kay naam kay bi-aapaaree.
I am a trader in the name of God;
hIrw hwiQ ciVAw inrmolku CUit geI sMswrI ]1] rhwau ]
heeraa haath chaṛi-aa nirmolak, chhoot ga-ee saNsaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The priceless diamond (of the name) has come into my hands; I have become free from
worldliness. 1 (pause)
swcy lwey qau sc lwgy swcy ky ibauhwrI ] saachay laa-ay ta-o sach laagay, saachay kay bi-uhaaree.
(When) the True (Lord) attached me then I was attached to (the name of Lord) the True (Lord);
(now) I am a trader in (the name of ) the True (Lord) .
swcI bsqu ky Bwr clwey phucy jwie BMfwrI ]2]
saachee basat kay bhaar chalaa-ay, pahuchay jaa-ay bhaNdaaree. ||2||
Having loaded the commodity of (the name of) the True, I reached the Treasurer (i.e. Lord). 2
Awpih rqn jvwhr mwink AwpY hY pwswrI ] aapeh ratan javaahar maanik, aapai hai paasaaree.
He Himself is the pearl, the jewel and the ruby, and, He Himself is the jeweller.
AwpY dh ids Awp clwvY inhclu hY ibAwpwrI ]3] aapai dah dis aap chalaavai, nihchal hai bi-aapaaree. ||3||
He Himself moves out (i.e. pervades) in the ten direction; the Merchant (Lord) is stable (i.e.
eternal). 3
mnu kir bYlu suriq kir pYfw igAwn goin Bir fwrI ] man kar bail surat kar paidaa, gi-aan gon bhar daaree.
(To find the Lord) I have made my mind the bull, (I) have made meditation my passage, and, I
have filled the pack with (spiritual) wisdom (of the Guru);
khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu inbhI Kyp hmwrI ]4]2]
kahat kabeer, sunhu ray saNtahu, nibhee khayp hamaaree. ||4||2||
Says Kabir: Listen O! God-oriented persons, my merchandise has succeeded (i.e. purpose of
my life has been accomplished). 4.2
rI klvwir gvwir mUF miq aulto pvnu iPrwvau ] ree kalvaar, gavaar, mooḍ, mat ulto pavan firaava-o.
O! distiller, O! uncultured, uncivilised, foolish, (O! my rustic, brutish, foolish mind) reverse
your breath (from worldliness) and turn in other side (i.e. towards God); and,
mnu mqvwr myr sr BwTI AMimRq Dwr cuAwvau ]1]
man matvaar, mayr sar bhaaṭee, aMmrit dhaar chu-aava-o. ||1||
(Your) mind shall become intoxicated, (when you make) make the Tenth Gate, the furnace;
from there will trickle down stream of AMmrit. 1
bolhu BeIAw rwm kI duhweI ] bolhu bha-ee-aa raam kee duhaa-ee.
O! brethren, call on (i.e. invoke the help of) God.
pIvhu sMq sdw miq durlB shjy ipAws buJweI ]1] rhwau ]
peevhu saNt sadaa mat durlabh, sehjay pi-aas bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, drink in this wine forever, (it is) difficult to obtain (i.e. it is
priceless); it will quench your thirst, in ease. 1 (pause)
BY ibic Bwau Bwie koaU bUJih hir rsu pwvY BweI ]
bhai bich bhaa-o, bhaa-ay ko-oo boojheh, har ras paavai, bhaa-ee.
In the fear (of God), is obtained the love (of God); one, who understands His love, obtains the
essence of God, O! brethren.
jyqy Gt AMimRqu sB hI mih BwvY iqsih pIAweI ]2]
jaytay ghat aMmrit sabh hee meh, bhaavai tiseh pee-aa-ee. ||2||
As many are the hearts, in all of them is AMmrit; He gets them to drink in Hi s pleasure. 2

ngrI eykY nau drvwjy Dwvqu brij rhweI ] iqRkutI CUtY dsvw dru KUl@Y qw mnu KIvw BweI ]3]
nagree aykai na-o darvaajay dhaavat baraj rahaa-ee.
tarikutee chhootai dasvaa dar khoolhai taa man kheevaa bhaa-ee. ||3||
There is one city (i.e. body), and, there are nine gates; one who restrain the running (mind);
his knot of the three gunaas is untied, (then) the tenth gate opens, and, the mind is
intoxicated, O! brethren. 3
[*Literally, guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation sattav
represents purity, rajas represents movement, tamas represents inertia. All the activities, of the entire world, function
under these qualities].
ABY pd pUir qwp qh nwsy kih kbIr bIcwrI ] abhai pad poor, taap tah naasay, kahi kabeer beechaaree.
When one achieves the status of fearlessness, all his sufferings* vanish away; Kabir says this
after contemplation.
aubt clµqy iehu mdu pwieAw jYsy KoNd KumwrI ]4]3]
ubat chalaNtay ih mad paa-i-aa, jaisay khond khumaaree. ||4||3||
Reversing the way (i.e. turning away from worldliness), this wine (of the name) is obtained;
(drinking it) I feel as if intoxicated by grape-wine.
kwm k®oD iqRsnw ky lIny giq nhI eykY jwnI ] kaam krodh tarisnaa kay leenay, gat nahee aykai jaanee.
Those, who are engrossed in sexual desire, anger and (other) desires, does not know the state
of (obtaining union with) the One (Lord);
PUtI AwKY kCU n sUJY bUif mUey ibnu pwnI ]1]
footee aakhai kachhoo na soojhai, bood moo-ay bin paanee. ||1||
Their eyes are blinded, (hence) they see nothing; they arebdrowned to death without water. 1
P. 1124
clq kq tyFy tyFy tyFy ] chalat kat tayḍay tayḍay tayḍay.
(O! fool) why do walk in crooked, crooked, crooked way (i.e. in pride and in vanity)? (pause)
Asiq crm ibstw ky mUMdy durgMD hI ky byFy ]1] rhwau ]
asat charam bistaa kay moonday, durgaNdh hee kay baydhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(You are a pack) sealed with bones, skin, faeces, and, wrapped in (i.e. full of) foul smell. 1
rwm n jphu kvn BRm BUly qum qy kwlu n dUry] raam na japahu, kavan bharam bhoolay, tum tay kaal na dooray.
You do not meditate upon God; what doubt has deluded you? death is not far away from you.
Aink jqn kir iehu qnu rwKhu rhY AvsQw pUry]2] anik jatan kar ih tan raakh-ho, rahai avasthaa pooray ||2||
With all sorts of efforts, you preserve this body, (but) it shall survive until its term is completed. 2
Awpn kIAw kCU n hovY ikAw ko krY prwnI ] aapan kee-aa kachhoo na hovai, ki-aa ko karai paraanee.
By one’s own efforts, nothing is done; what can a mortal being do (i.e. achieve and accomplish)?
jw iqsu BwvY siqguru BytY eyko nwmu bKwnI ]3] jaa tis bhaavai satgur bhaytai, ayko naam bakhaanee. ||3||
When it pleases Him, one meets with the True Guru, and, one chants the One name (of God). 3
blUAw ky GrUAw mih bsqy Pulvq dyh AieAwny ] baloo-aa kay gharoo-aa meh bastay, fulvat dayh, a-i-aanay.
You live in a house of sand*, (but) you still puffed up this body, O! fool.
[*The body is like a house of sand, which is just for a short while and one does all sort of acts to nurture and decorate it].
khu kbIr ijh rwmu n cyiqE bUfy bhuqu isAwny ]4]4]
kaho kabeer jih raam na chayti-o, booday bahut si-aanay. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: Those, who do not remember God, those (may be) very clever, shall drown

(finally) drown (i.e. perish in the world ocean). 4.4
tyFI pwg tyFy cly lwgy bIry Kwn ] tayḍee paag tayḍay chalay, laagay beeray khaan.
Their turban is crooked; they walk crooked (in vanity); and, now they have begun chewing
betel leaves.
Bwau Bgiq isau kwju n kCUAY myro kwmu dIvwn ]1]
bhaa-o bhagat si-o kaaj na kachhoo-ai, mayro kaam deevaan. ||1||
They have nothing to do with loving devotion, (and, they say): ‘my job is to rule’. 1
rwmu ibswirE hY AiBmwin ] raam bisaari-o hai abhimaan.
(O! fool) in your egotistical pride, you have forgotten God.
kink kwmnI mhw suMdrI pyiK pyiK scu mwin ]1] rhwau ]
kanik kaamnee, mahaa suNdree, paykh paykh sach maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding and gazing upon (your) gold, very beautiful lady (i.e. wife), you believe them to be
true (i.e. permanent). 1 (pause)
lwlc JUT ibkwr mhw md ieh ibiD AauD ibhwin ] laalach jhooṭ bikaar mahaa mad, ih bidh a-odh bihaan.
Engrossed in greed, falsehood, and great arrogance, your life is passing away.
kih kbIr AMq kI byr Awie lwgo kwlu indwin ]2]5] kahi kabeer ant kee bayr aa-ay, laago kaal nidaan ||2||5||
Says Kabir: at the very last moment, death will come and grip you finally (and surely). 2.5
cwir idn ApnI naubiq cly bjwie ] chaar din, apnee na-ubat chalay bajaa-ay.
One beats the drum (exerts his power) for four days (i.e. for a few days), and, (then he),
departs (from the world).
ieqnku KtIAw gTIAw mtIAw sMig n kCu lY jwie ]1] rhwau ]
itnak khatee-aa gaṭee-aa matee-aa, saNg na kachh lai jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He has) some earning (ie wealth) in bags or buried (in secret places), (but still) he takes
nothing with hi. 1 (pause)
idhrI bYTI imhrI rovY duAwrY lau sMig mwie ] dihree baiṭee mihree rovai, du-aarai la-o saNg maa-ay.
(When he dies) sitting on the threshold (of house) the wife wails, and the mother is clinges (ie.
accompanies his corpse) up to the (outer) gate (of the house).
mrht lig sBu logu kutMbu imil hMsu iekylw jwie ]1] marhat lag sabh log kuta b mil, hans ikaylaa jaa-ay ||1||
All the people and the members of the family (ie. relatives) join (the corpse) to the cremation
ground, (but then) the swan (soul) goes alone. 1
vY suq vY ibq vY pur pwtn bhuir n dyKY Awie ] vai sut vai bit vai pur paatan, bahur na daykhai aa-ay.
His son (i.e. children), his wealth, his city and town -- he shall not come to see them again.
khqu kbIru rwmu kI n ismrhu jnmu AkwrQu jwie ]2]6]
kahat kabeer raam kee na simrahu, janam akaarath jaa-ay. ||2||6||
Says Kabir: (O! mortal being) why do you not remember God? (without meditating upon
God) your life is going waste. 2.6

rwgu kydwrw bwxI rivdws jIau kI Raag Kaydaaraa, baṇee Ravidaas jee-o kee
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God
Ktu krm kul sMjugqu hY hir Bgiq ihrdY nwih ] crnwribMd n kQw BwvY supc quil smwin ]1]
khat karam* kul saNjugat hai, har bhagat hirdai naahi.
charnaarbiNd na kathaa bhaavai, supach tul samaan. ||1||
(One, who performs) the six (religious) rituals*, and, belongs to a good (i.e. high) family; (but,
if) he does not have devotion to God in his heart; (and)
he is not pleased with the story of the lotus-feet (of God), is just like a pariah (i.e. he is
[*Khat Karam,literally six actions, are those six rituals which have been prescribed by Brahmans: receive and impart
education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity. According to Manu (Manusmriti)
these six are: study of vedas, tappasiya, knowledge, control of organs, non-violence and service of Guru. Still another
version is: jaap (recitation of scripture), hoam (burning offerings), sandhya (twilight prayers), ishnaan (abulation
bath), atithi pooja (serving and entertaining the guests), daan punn (to give alms)].
ry icq cyiq cyq Acyq ] ray chit, chayt chayt achayt.
O (my) mind! remember, remember (God), O! unconscious mind.
kwhy n bwlmIkih dyK ] kaahay na baalmeekahi daykh.
Why do not you look at (i.e. why don’t you remember the story of) Balmik.
iksu jwiq qy ikh pdih AmirE rwm Bgiq ibsyK ]1] rhwau ]
kis jaat tay kih padeh amri-o, raam bhagat bisaykh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
From which caste (i.e. low social status), he reached to what a (high) status; devotion of God
is exceptional (i.e. it is sublime). 1 (pause)
suAwn sqRü Ajwqu sB qy ik®s˜ lwvY hyqu ] su-aan satar ajaat sabh tay, krisan laavai hayt.
(Balmik was) the enemy (i.e. killer/ hunter) of dogs, of the lowest of all castes (i.e. of the lowest
social status), (because of his devotion for God) was loved by Krishan (i.e. God).
[*There are more than one myth about Balmiki: according to one tradition he was a robber; according to another
version he was a killer of dogs].
logu bpurw ikAw srwhY qIin lok pRvys ]2] log bapuraa ki-aa saraahai, teen lok parvays. ||2||
What the poor people would praise him, (his praise) has entered (i.e. has been extended to) the
three worlds. 2
Ajwmlu ipMgulw luBqu kuMcru gey hir kY pwis ] ajaamal piNgulaa lubhat kuNchar, ga-ay har kai paas.
Ajamal*, Pingla**, Lubht (Lodiya, the hunter) and the elephant***, went to God (i.e. they
were liberated);
Aysy durmiq insqry qU ikau n qrih rivdws ]3]1] aisay durmat nistaray, too ki-o na tareh ravidaas ||3||1||
(When even) such evil beings were emancipated, why should you not also be emancipated, O!
Ravidas? 3.1
[*According to this myth, Ajaamar was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and had fathered
ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and the
names of God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the name of God, and, he was saved
[**Pingala was a wealthy prostitute who lived in the city of Bidisha. She was surely attractive and accomplished in her
profession. One day she met the son of a very rich man, and invited him to visit her that night. When the evening came,
she dressed herself most attractively and waited for him. Many others came to seek her favours, but she turned everyone
away. There was just one man in her mind. Night advanced and darkness thickened, but her man hadn’t still arrived.
With great expectation she would rush to the doorsteps but would then return disappointed. This went on till she
couldn’t stay inside any longer. It was past midnight and the pain of waiting was intense and her longing, unbearable.
Then, suddenly vairagya (i.e. disinterestedness in worldly desires and pleasures) arose in her. Her greed and her
longing vanished away as though they were swept off by a broom. She looked back on her life and lamented that she had
wasted it in ignorance. She regretted all those years she had given in to the enjoyment of her gross body, and that
obsessed with greed for wealth, she had sold herself to many, neglecting God, the dweller within herself. Then she was
filled with a profound sense of divine delight . She realized how blessed she was, and, that brought her liberation].
[***As per popular fiction, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that
elephant went to a pond to drink water where an octopus/chrocodile gripped it; when it chanted the name of God , it was

P. 1125
rwgu BYrau mhlw 1 Gru 1 caupdy Raag Bhairo, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1, cha-upday
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
< ikko-o kaar
The One God (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’).
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is real).
[it is not one word, i.e. satnaam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God is truth i.e. God is Truth. the
only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau nirbha-o
(God is) fear-free.
[It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc), to challenge Him].
inrvYru nirvair
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him!].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is a) Being beyond Time
[i.e. His existence is not subject to i.e. affected by Times/Ages or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here Guru has been used for God).
quJ qy bwhir ikCU n hoie ] tujh tay baahar, kichhoo na ho-ay.
Without You, nothing happens (i.e. in this world nothing happens against the will of God).
qU kir kir dyKih jwxih soie ]1] too kar kar daykheh, jaaṇeh so-ay. ||1||
You create and creating (the creatures), behold them (i.e. take care of them), and, You know
(everything of them). 1
ikAw khIAY ikCu khI n jwie ] jo ikCu AhY sB qyrI rjwie ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa kahee-ai, kichh kahee na jaa-ay. jo kichh ahai, sabh tayree rajaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What can we say? nothing can be said (by us).
Whatever is (i.e. exists and happens), is (all) by Your will. 1 (pause)
jo ikCu krxw su qyrY pwis ] iksu AwgY kIcY Ardwis ]2]
jo kichh karṇaa, so tayrai paas. kis aagai keechai ardaas.
Whatever is to be done, rests with You (i.e. that is under Your command).
Unto whom should we offer our prayer? 2
AwKxu sunxw qyrI bwxI ] aakhaṇ sunṇaa, tayree baṇee.
I speak and hear Your word (alone).
qU Awpy jwxih srb ivfwxI ]3] too aapay jaaṇeh, sarab vidaaṇee. ||3||
You Yourself know all Your wondrous play. 3
kry krwey jwxY Awip ] karay karaa-ay, jaaṇai aap.
(O! brethren) He Himself acts, and, causes all others to act; and, He Himself knows (everything).
nwnk dyKY Qwip auQwip ]4]1] naanak, daykhai thaap uthaap. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): He Himself takes care; (He Himself) establishes and disestablishes. 4.1

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
rwgu BYrau mhlw 1 Gru 2 ] Raag Bhairo, Mehlaa 1, ghar 2
gur kY sbid qry muin kyqy ieMdRwidk bRhmwid qry] gur kai sabad taray mun kaytay, I draadik barahmaad taray.
Through the word of the Guru, so many silent sages have been saved; (many like the gods)
Indar and Brahma have been saved.
snk snµdn qpsI jn kyqy gur prswdI pwir pry ]1]
sanak* sanaNdan* tapsee jan kaytay, gur parsaadee paar paray. ||1||
Sanak, Sanandan, and, many men of penitence have been saved by grace of the Guru. 1
[* the sons of Brahma; one of the senior Hindu gods].
Bvjlu ibnu sbdY ikau qrIAY ] bhavjal, bin sabdai ki-o taree-ai.
Without the word (of the Guru), how can one cross over the terrifying waters (of the world
nwm ibnw jgu roig ibAwipAw duibDw fuib fuib mrIAY ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa jag rog bi-aapi-aa, dubidhaa dub dub maree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the word, the world is inflicted with ailment (of egotism); and, (engrossed) in
duality it is drowned and drowned and dies. 1 (pause)
guru dyvw guru AlK AByvw iqRBvx soJI gur kI syvw ]
gur dayvaa, gur alakh abhayvaa, taribhavaṇ sojhee gur kee sayvaa.
The Guru is divine, the Guru is Imperceptible and Unknowable (i.e. mysterious); serving
the Guru, one comes to realize the three worlds.
Awpy dwiq krI guir dwqY pwieAw AlK AByvw ]2] aapay daat karee gur daatai, paa-i-aa alakh abhayvaa ||2||
The Guru, the giver, himself bestows the gift (of the name), and, one finds the
Imperceptible and Unknowable (i.e. mysterious). 2
mnu rwjw mnu mn qy mwinAw mnsw mnih smweI ]
man raajaa, man man tay maani-aa, mansaa maneh samaa-ee.
The mind is the king; the mind satisfied through the with mind (itself), and, the desire is
stilled in mind.
mnu jogI mnu ibnis ibEgI mnu smJY gux gweI ]3]
man jogee, man binas bi-ogee, man samjhai guṇ gaa-ee. ||3||
(Now) the mind is in union (with God), its separation is finished; (now) the mind realizes
Him, and sings (praise of) His excellences.. 3

gur qy mnu mwirAw sbdu vIcwirAw qy ivrly sMswrw ]
gur tay man maari-aa, sabad veechaari-aa, tay virlay saNsaaraa.
Those, who contemplate the word, conquer their mind through the Guru; (but) very rare are
such people in the world.
nwnk swihbu Birpuir lIxw swc sbid insqwrw ]4]1]2]
naanak, saahib bharipur leeṇaa, saach sabad nistaaraa. ||4||1||2||
Nanak (says): The Master is all pervading; and, through the word we are emancipated. 4.1.2

BYrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1

nYnI idRsit nhI qnu hInw jir jIiqAw isir kwlo ] nainee darisat nahee, tan heenaa, jar jeeti-aa sir kaalo.
(O! mortal being) your eyes have lost the sight, the body has withered away, the old age has
overtaken you, and, the death is hovering over your head.
rUpu rMgu rhsu nhI swcw ikau CofY jm jwlo ]1] roop raNg rahas nahee saachaa, ki-o chhodai jam jaalo. ||1||
(But) you do not have (spiritual) form and pleasure, nor the bliss of the True (name); how will
you escape the noose of death. 1
pRwxI hir jip jnmu gieE ] paraanee, har jap janam ga-i-o.
O! mortal being, meditate upon God; your (human) life is passing away (i.e. wasted away).
swc sbd ibnu kbhu n CUtis ibrQw jnmu BieE ]1] rhwau ]
saach sabad bin kabahu na chhootas, birthaa janam bha-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True word, you shall never be saved (from attachment to Maya and the noose of
death ); and, your life shall be totally waste. 1 (pause)
P. 1126
qn mih kwmu k®oDu hau mmqw kiTn pIr Aiq BwrI ] tan meh kaam krodh ha-o mamtaa, kaṭin peer at bhaaree.
Within the body are sexual desire, anger, egotism, (emotional) attachment; this pain is so great
and so difficult (to endure).
gurmuiK rwm jphu rsu rsnw ien ibiD qru qU qwrI ]2]
gurmukh raam japahu ras rasnaa, in bidh tar too taaree. ||2||
Meditate upon (the name of) God, through the Guru, with your tongue and savour it; in this
way you shall cross over to the other side (of the world ocean). 2
bhry krn Akil BeI hoCI sbd shju nhI bUiJAw ]
bahray karan, akal bha-ee hochhee, sabad sahj nahee boojhi-aa.
The ears are deaf and wisdom has become shallow, (hence) you do not realize the word in ease.
jnmu pdwrQu mnmuiK hwirAw ibnu gur AMDu n sUiJAw ]3]
janam padaarath manmukh haari-aa, bin gur aNdh na soojhi-aa. ||3||
The mind-oriented wastes his (priceless) wealth of (human) life; without the Guru, he remains
blind and cannot realize. 3
rhY audwsu Aws inrwsw shj iDAwin bYrwgI ] rahai udaas aas niraasaa, sahj dhi-aan bairaagee.
One, who remains detached and desire-free in the midst of desires, and, meditates in ease, is
(real) unattached.
pRxviq nwnk gurmuiK CUtis rwm nwim ilv lwgI ]4]2]3]
paraṇvat naanak, gurmukh chhootas, raam naam liv laagee. ||4||2||3||
Prays Nanak: One, who is attuned to the name of God, is emancipated through the Guru. 4.2.3

Byrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1
BUMfI cwl crx kr iKsry qucw dyh kumlwnI ] bhooNdee chaal, charaṇ kar khisray, tuchaa dayh kumlaanee.
(Due to old age) his walk become clumsy; his hands and feet shake; the skin of his body withers.
nyqRI DuMiD krn Bey bhry mnmuiK nwmu n jwnI ]1]
naytree dhuNdh, karan bha-ay bahray, manmukh naam na jaanee. ||1||
The eyes are dim, the ears have become deaf, the mind-oriented (still) does not know the
(worth of meditation upon) the name. 1
AMDuly ikAw pwieAw jig Awie ] aNdhulay, ki-aa paa-i-aa jag aa-ay.
O! blind man, what have your obtained (i.e. gained) by coming into the world.
rwmu irdY nhI gur kI syvw cwly mUlu gvwie ]1] rhwau ]
raam ridai nahee gur kee sayvaa, chaalay mool gavaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You do not have God in your mind; you have not served the Guru; after wasting your capital,
you shall be departing (from this world, empty-handed). 1 (pause)
ijhvw rMig nhI hir rwqI jb bolY qb PIky ] jihvaa raNg nahee har raatee, jab bolai tab feekay.
Your tongue is not imbued with the love of God; and, whenever it speaks, it speaks insipid.
sMq jnw kI inMdw ivAwpis psU Bey kdy hoih n nIky ]2]
saNt janaa kee niNdaa vi-aapas, pasoo bha-ay kaday hohi na neekay. ||2||
You indulge in slandering God-oriented persons; one who becomes (like) animal, cannot be
good (i.e. nice and noble). 2
AMimRq kw rsu ivrlI pwieAw siqgur myil imlwey ] aMmrit kaa ras virlee paa-i-aa, satgur mayl milaa-ay.
Only a few obtain the essence of AMmrit, (when) they are united in union with the True Guru.
jb lgu sbd Bydu nhI AwieAw qb lgu kwlu sMqwey ]3]
jab lag sabad bhayd nahee aa-i-aa, tab lag kaal saNtaa-ay. ||3||
As long as one does not understand the mystery of the word, death continues tormenting him. 3
An ko dru Gru kbhU n jwnis eyko dru sicAwrw ] an ko dar ghar kabhoo na jaanas, ayko dar sachi-aaraa.
One, who does not know (i.e. does not bow at) the house or the door of anyone else, finds the
door of the One true (Lord).
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw nwnku khY ivcwrw ]4]3]4]
gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa, naanak kahai vichaaraa. ||4||3||4||
By the grace of the Guru, he has obtained the supreme status; so says Nanak after
contemplating. 4.3.4

BYrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1

sglI rYix sovq gil PwhI idnsu jMjwil gvwieAw ] saglee raiṇ sovat gal faahee, dinas jaNjaal gavaa-i-aa.
He spends the entire night in sleep, the noose (of worldly entanglements) is tied around his
neck; and, his day is (already) wasted in (worldly) entanglements.
iKnu plu GVI nhI pRBu jwinAw ijin iehu jgqu aupwieAw ]1]
khin pal ghaṛee nahee prabh jaani-aa, jin ih jagat upaa-i-aa. ||1||
Even for an instant, for a moment, for a while, he has not known (i.e. remembered) God, who
has created this world. 1
mn ry ikau CUtis duKu BwrI ] man ray, ki-o chhootas dukh bhaaree.
O! (my) mind, how will you escape the great trouble (of reincarnation)!

ikAw ly Awvis ikAw ly jwvis rwm jphu guxkwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa lay aavas, ki-aa lay jaavas, raam japahu guṇkaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What did you bring with you, and, what will you take along? (So, O! mortal being) meditate
upon God, the useful (i.e. gainful) one (and you shall take this gain with you). 1(pause)
aUNDau kvlu mnmuK miq hoCI min AMDY isir DMDw ]
oondha-o kaval manmukh mat hochhee; man aNdhai, sir dhaNdhaa.
O! mind-oriented, your lotus (of heart) is upside-down (i.e. in stead of God, it is inclined
towards Maya), your wisdom is shallow; your mind is blind, and, your head is entangled in
worldly affairs.
kwlu ibkwlu sdw isir qyrY ibnu nwvY gil PMDw ]2] kaal bikaal sadaa sir tayrai, bin naavai gal faNdhaa. ||2||
(O! mortal being) death and birth constantly hover over your head; without (meditation
upon) the name (of God), your neck is caught in the noose(of death). 2
fgrI cwl nyqR Puin AMDuly sbd suriq nhI BweI ]
dagree chaal naytar fun aNdhulay, sabad surat nahee bhaa-ee.
Your steps are unsteady, and, then your eyes are (already) blind; you do not have awareness
of the word (of the Guru), O! brethren.
swsqR byd qRY gux hY mwieAw AMDulau DMDu kmweI ]3]
saastar bayd tarai guṇ hai maa-i-aa, aNdhula-o dhaNdh kamaa-ee. ||3||
(O! mortal being, You read) the Shastras and the Vedas, (but you are always) bound to the three
gunaas of Maya; being (spiritually) blind you earn but entanglements. 3
KoieE mUlu lwBu kh pwvis durmiq igAwn ivhUxy ] kho-i-o mool laabh kah paavas, durmat gi-aan vihooṇay.
You have lost (even your) capital; how can you earn profit? You are evil-minded and have no
(spiritual) knowledge (i.e. wisdom).
sbdu bIcwir rwm rsu cwiKAw nwnk swic pqIxy ]4]4]5]
sabad beechaar raam ras chaakhi-aa, naanak saach pateeṇay. ||4||4||5||
Nanak (says): One, who contemplates the word, takes in (and savours) the essence of (the
name of) God, he is contented (and pleased) in the True (Lord). 4.4.5

BYrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1

gur kY sMig rhY idnu rwqI rwmu rsin rMig rwqw ] gur kai saNg rahai din raatee, raam rasan raNg raataa.
He remains with the Guru, day and night, and, remains imbued with the love of God,
(chanting the name) with his tongue.
Avru n jwxis sbdu pCwxis AMqir jwix pCwqw ]1]
avar na jaanas, sabad pachhaanas, aNtar jaaṇ pachhaataa. ||1||
He does not know any other (i.e. other than God); and, he realizes the word; he knows Him
within (dwelling his self) and, realizes (Him alone). 1
so jnu AYsw mY min BwvY ] Awpu mwir AprMpir rwqw gur kI kwr kmwvY ]1] rhwau ]
so jan aisaa, mai man bhaavai. aap maar apraMpar raataa, gur kee kaar kamaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such a servant (i.e. devotee) is pleasing to my mind; (who),
kills (i.e. conquers/ subdues) his self-conceit, and, is imbued with the Infinite (Lord); and,
performs service according to the instruction of the Guru. 1 (pause)
AMqir bwhir purKu inrMjnu Awid purKu Awdyso ] aNtar baahar purakh niraNjan, aad purakh aadayso.

Within (his) mind and outside (as well), is the Immaculate Primal Person; he bow before
God, the Primal Person.
Gt Gt AMqir srb inrMqir riv rihAw scu vyso ]2]
ghat ghat aNtar sarab niraNtar, rav rahi-aa sach vayso. ||2||
Within each and every heart, and, amidst all, the Embodiment of Truth is pervading. 2
P. 1127
swic rqy scu AMimRqu ijhvw imiQAw mYlu n rweI ] saach ratay sach a mrit jihvaa, mithi-aa mail na raa-ee.

Those, who are imbued with the True (Lord), and, their tongues have (i.e. chant) the true
AMmrit (name); have not even an iota of filth of falsehood.
inrml nwmu AMimRq rsu cwiKAw sbid rqy piq pweI ]3]
nirmal naam amrit ras chaakhi-aa, sabad ratay pat paa-ee. ||3||
Those, who have tasted immaculate Amrit of name, and, are imbued with love with the word,
have obtained honour (in the court of God). 3
guxI guxI imil lwhw pwvis gurmuiK nwim vfweI ]
guṇee guṇee mil laahaa paavas, gurmukh naam vadaa-ee.
The virtuous meet with the virtues and earn the profit (of the name); and, following the Guru
meditates upon the name, and obtains honour.
sgly dUK imtih gur syvw nwnk nwmu sKweI ]4]5]6]
saglay dookh miteh gur sayvaa, naanak, naam sakhaa-ee. ||4||5||6||
Nanak (says): all sorrows are erased by serving the Guru, the name is our (real) friend. 4.5.6

Byrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1

ihrdY nwmu srb Dnu Dwrxu gur prswdI pweIAY ] hirdai naam sarab dhan dhaaraṇ, gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai.
Enshrining the name (of God) within the heart is having all wealth and support; (it is)
obtained by the grace of the Guru.
Amr pdwrQ qy ikrqwrQ shj iDAwin ilv lweIAY ]1]
amar padaarath tay kirtaarath, sahj dhi-aan liv laa-ee-ai. ||1||
One, who obtains this imperishable wealth (of the name) is fulfilled, (if he) focusses (on God)
through poise and concentration. 1
mn ry rwm Bgiq icqu lweIAY ] man ray, raam bhagat chit laa-ee-ai.
O! (my) mind, focus your mind on the devotion of God.
gurmuiK rwm nwmu jip ihrdY shj syqI Gir jweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh raam naam jap hirdai, sahj saytee ghar jaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the name of God, within your heart, through the Guru; and, you shall go to
the home (of your self) with natural ease. 1 (pause)
Brmu Bydu Bau kbhu n CUtis Awvq jwq n jwnI ]
bharam bhayd bha-o kabahu na chhootas, aavat jaat na jaanee.
Doubt, separation (from God) and fear are not eradicated; and, coming and going (in
reincarnation) does not end.
ibnu hir nwm ko mukiq n pwvis fUib muey ibnu pwnI ]2]
bin har naam ko mukat na paavas, doob mu-ay bin paanee. ||2||
Without the name of God, no one obtains liberation; they drown and die without water. 2

DMDw krq sglI piq Kovis Brmu n imtis gvwrw ]
dhaNdhaa karat saglee pat khovas, bharam na mitas gavaaraa.
Indulging in worldly affairs, all honour is lost; and, the ignorant is not rid of doubt.
ibnu gur sbd mukiq nhI kb hI AMDuly DMDu pswrw ]3]
bin gur sabad mukat nahee kab hee, aNdhulay dhaNdh pasaaraa. ||3||
Without the word of the Guru, one is never liberated; the blind remains entangled in the
expanse of the worldly affairs. 3
Akul inrMjn isau mnu mwinAw mn hI qy mnu mUAw ]
akul niraNjan si-o man maani-aa, man hee tay man moo-aa.
My mind is pleased with immaculate (Lord) who has no lineage; the mind is (i.e. passions of
the mind are) subdued by the mind itself.
AMqir bwhir eyko jwinAw nwnk Avru n dUAw ]4]6]7]
aNtar baahar ayko jaani-aa, naanak, avar na doo-aa. ||4||6||7||
Nanak (says): (Then) within and outside, one knows only the One, and, there is (seen) no
other (at all). 4.6.7

BYrau mhlw 1 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 1

jgn hom puMn qp pUjw dyh duKI inq dUK shY ] jagan hom puNn tap poojaa, dayh dukhee, nit dookh sahai.
(Even if) one performs ritual feasts, burning of sacred fires, donate to charity, perform
penance and worship, (still his) body endures pain, continually suffers pain.
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n pwvis mukiq nwim gurmuiK lhY ]1]
raam naam bin mukat na paavas, mukat naam gurmukh lahai. ||1||
(The truth is that) without the name of God, no one can obtain liberation; one can obtain
liberation through (meditation upon) the name, through the Guru. 1
rwm nwm ibnu ibrQy jig jnmw ] raam naam bin, birthay jag janmaa.
Without the name of God, birth into the world goes waste.
ibKu KwvY ibKu bolI bolY ibnu nwvY inhPlu mir BRmnw ]1] rhwau ]
bikh khaavai bikh bolee bolai, bin naavai nihfal mar bharmanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Without the name) one eats poison, speaks poisonous words, and, without the name, he (i.e.
his life) remains fruitless, and, dies to wander (in reincarnation). 1. (pause)
pusqk pwT ibAwkrx vKwxY sMiDAw krm iqkwl krY ]
pustak paaṭ, bi-aakaraṇ vakhaaṇai, saNdhi-aa* karam tikaal karai.
One may reads (religious) books, contemplate grammer, and conducts worship/prayer
rituals* three times a day. [*Sandhya literally means transition moments of the day namely the two
twilights : dawn and dusk and the solar noon (hence, there are three sandhya worships). Thus performing sandhya
means salutation to twilight or solar noon; i.e. worshipping sun and moon].
ibnu gur sbd mukiq khw pRwxI rwm nwm ibnu auriJ mrY ]2]
bin gur sabad mukat kahaa paraaṇee, raam naam bin urajh marai. ||2||
(But) without the word of the Guru, where is the liberation? O! mortal being, without the
name of God, one is entangled (in vices) and dies. 2
fMf kmMfl isKw sUqu DoqI qIriQ gvnu Aiq BRmnu krY ]
daNd kamaNdal sikhaa soot dhotee, tirath gavan at bharman karai.
One may hold staff (i.e. walking stick of Yogis) and begging bowl, (may keep) hair tuft, (wear)
sacred thread, (wear) dhoti (i.e. lion cloth), visit places of pilgrimage and wander all
rwm nwm ibnu sWiq n AwvY jip hir hir nwmu su pwir prY ]3]
raam naam bin saant na aavai jap har har naam so paar parai. ||3||
(But) without the name of God, peace is not obtained; and, one, who meditates upon the
name of God, the Lord, crosses over to the other side (of the world ocean). 3
jtw muktu qin Bsm lgweI bsqR Coif qin ngnu BieAw ]
jataa mukat tan bhasam lagaa-ee, bastar chhod tan nagan bha-i-aa.
One may keep matted (rope like) hair, tangled upon (his head) in knot, and, (he may) smear
his body with ash, give up clothes and wander as naked ascetic;
rwm nwm ibnu iqRpiq n AwvY ikrq kY bWDY ByKu BieAw ]4]
raam naam bin taripat na aavai, kirat kai baandhai bhaykh bha-i-aa. ||4||
(But) without the name of God, one does not obtain satisfaction; (in fact) he is bound by (his
past) actions, hence, he wears (such) religious robes. 4
jyqy jIA jMq jil Qil mhIAil jqR kqR qU srb jIAw ]
jaytay jee-a jaNt jal thal mahee-al, jatar katar too sarab jee-aa.
(O! Lord) as many beings and creatures are there in the water, the land, in the nether regions,
and, wherever they are, You are with them all.
gur prswid rwiK ly jn kau hir rsu nwnk Joil pIAw ]5]7]8]
gur parsaad raakh lay jan ka-o, har ras naanak jhol pee-aa. ||5||7||8||
Nanak (says): one, whom You protect by the grace of the Guru, stirs up the essence of (the
name of) God and drinks it in. 5.7.8

rwgu BYrau mhlw 3 caupdy Gru 1 Raag Bhairo, Mehlaa 3, cha-upday, ghar 1
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jwiq kw grbu n krIAhu koeI ] bRhmu ibMdy so bRwhmxu hoeI ]1]
jaat kaa garab, na karee-ahu ko-ee. barahm biNday, so baraahman ho-ee. ||1||
(O! brethren) no one should be proud of one's caste (i.e. social status);
He alone is Brahman, who realizes God . 1
jwiq kw grbu n kir mUrK gvwrw ] iesu grb qy clih bhuqu ivkwrw ]1] rhwau ]
jaat kaa garab na kar, moorakh gavaaraa. is garab tay chaleh bahut vikaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Do not be proud of your caste (i.e. social status); O! fool, O! ignorant;
many vices (i.e. sins) come from this pride. 1 (pause)
P. 1128
cwry vrn AwKY sBu koeI ] bRhmu ibMd qy sB Epiq hoeI ]2]
chaaray varan aakhai sabh ko-ee. barahm biNd tay sabh opat ho-ee. ||2||
(Though) everyone says: there are four castes (i.e. social classes);
the entire creation is made from the sperm of (i.e. the entire creation has emanated from) God. 2
mwtI eyk sgl sMswrw ] bhu ibiD BWfy GVY kum@wrw ]3]
maatee ayk, sagal saNsaaraa. baho bidh bhaanday ghaṛai kum aaraa. ||3||

The entire world is (all the beings are) made of one (i.e. same) clay.
The Potter (i.e. God) has shaped into many sorts of vessels. 3
pMc qqu imil dyhI kw Awkwrw ] Git viD ko krY bIcwrw ]4]
paNch tat mil, dayhee kaa aakaaraa. ghat vadh ko karai beechaaraa. ||4||
The five elements join together to give form to the body.
Who can say which is less or which is more? (i.e. which body has less/more of the five elements). 4
khqu nwnk iehu jIau krm bMDu hoeI ] ibnu siqgur Byty mukiq n hoeI ]5]1]
kahat naanak, ih jee-o karam baNdh ho-ee. bin satgur bhaytay, mukat na ho-ee. ||5||1||
Says Nanak: this soul is bound by its actions; and,
Without meeting the True Guru, it is not emancipated. 5.1

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

jogI igRhI pMifq ByKDwrI ] ey sUqy ApxY AhMkwrI ]1]
jogee garihee paNdit bhaykh-dhaaree. ay sootay, apnai ahaMkaaree. ||1||
The yogi, the house holder, the Pandit (i.e. priests), those wearing (many religious) robes;
they are (all) asleep (in sleep of ignorance) in their egotism. 1
mwieAw mid mwqw rihAw soie ] jwgqu rhY n mUsY koie ]1] rhwau ]
maa-i-aa mad maataa, rahi-aa so-ay. jaagat rahai, na moosai ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They are asleep, intoxicated by wine of Maya; (but),
one who remains awake, is not robbed by anyone (i.e. by vices). 1 (pause)
so jwgY ijsu siqguru imlY ] pMc dUq Ehu vsgiq krY ]2]
so jaagai, jis satgur milai. paNch doot, oh vasgat karai. ||2||
He alone remains awake, who meets the True Guru;
such a person overpowers (i.e. controls) the five enemies*. 2
[*Five enemies means five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
so jwgY jo qqu bIcwrY ] Awip mrY Avrw nh mwrY ]3]
so jaagai, jo tat beechaarai. aap marai, avraa nah maarai. ||3||
One, who contemplates the essence (of Reality) remains awake,
He Himself dies (i.e. kills his self-conceit), and, does not kill anyone else (i.e. he does not trouble
others). 3
so jwgY jo eyko jwxY ] prikriq CofY qqu pCwxY ]4]
so jaagai, jo ayko jaaṇai. parkirat chhodai, tat pachhaaṇai. ||4||
One who knows the One (i.e. recognizes the One Lord as the only reality) remain awake.
He abandons Mata, and, realizes the essence (of Reality). 4
chu vrnw ivic jwgY koie ] jmY kwlY qy CUtY soie ]5]
chahu varnaa vich jaagai ko-ay. jamai kaalai tay, chhootai so-ay. ||5||
Of the four castes (i.e. social classes), some rare one remain awake.
He alone is released from (the cycle of) birth and death. 5
khq nwnk jnu jwgY soie ] igAwn AMjnu jw kI nyqRI hoie ]6]2]
kahat naanak, jan jaagai so-ay. gi-aan aNjan, jaa kee naytree ho-ay. ||6||2||
Says Nanak: that a person remains awake;
In whose eyes is the collyrium of (spiritual) knowledge has been applied. 6.2

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3
jw kau rwKY ApxI srxweI ] swcy lwgY swcw Plu pweI ]1]
jaa ka-o raakhai, apnee sarṇaa-ee. saachay laagai, saachaa fal paa-ee. ||1||
Whoever He (i.e. God) keeps in His refuge,
is attached to the Truth, and, obtains the true fruit (i.e. true name). 1
ry jn kY isau krhu pukwrw ] hukmy hoAw hukmy vrqwrw ]1] rhwau ]
ray jan, kai si-o karahu pukaaraa. hukmay ho-aa, hukmay vartaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (mortal) being, to whom will you call (for help)?
Everything has been created by His command, and, His command pervades. 1 (pause)
eyhu Awkwru qyrw hY Dwrw ] iKn mih ibnsY krq n lwgY bwrw ]2]
ayhu aakaar, tayraa hai dhaaraa. khin meh binsai, karat na laagai baaraa. ||2||
O! God, this creation is established by You;
in an instant You destroy it; and, take no time to create it (i.e. without a moment’s delay, You
create it again). 2
kir pRswdu ieku Kylu idKwieAw ] gur ikrpw qy prm pdu pwieAw ]3]
kar prsaad, ik khayl dikhaa-i-aa. gur kirpaa tay, param pad paa-i-aa. ||3||
Becoming graceful, He has staged this (world) play.
With the grace of the Guru, one obtains the supreme (spiritual) status. 3
khq nwnku mwir jIvwly soie ] Aysw bUJhu Brim n BUlhu koie ]4]3]
kahat naanak, maar jeevaalay so-ay. aisaa boojhhu, bharam na bhoolahu ko-ay. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: He alone kills and revives (i.e. he is all-powerful to give life and take it back);
(O! brethren) understands this (well), do not be deluded by doubt. 4.3

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

mY kwmix myrw kMqu krqwru ] jyhw krwey qyhw krI sIgwru ]1]
mai kaamaṇ, mayraa kaNt kartaar. jayhaa karaa-ay, tayhaa karee seegaar. ||1||
I am the (soul) bride, the Creator (Lord) is my husband.
As he gets (me) to do, I (spiritually) adorn myself.1
jW iqsu BwvY qW kry Bogu ] qnu mnu swcy swihb jogu ]1] rhwau ]
jaa tis bhaavai, taan karay bhog. tan man, saachay saahib jog. ||1|| rahaa-o.

When it pleases Him, He enjoys me.

My body and mind are for my (i.e. are forever dedicated to)True Master. 1 (pause)
ausqiq inMdw kry ikAw koeI ] jW Awpy vrqY eyko soeI ]2]
ustat niNdaa karay ki-aa ko-ee. jaan aapay vartai, ayko so-ee. ||2||
How can any one be praise or slander any one? the One (Lord) Himself is pervading all. 2
gur prswdI iprm ksweI ] imlaugI dieAwl pMc sbd vjweI ]3]
gur parsaadee piram kasaa-ee. mila-ugee da-i-aal, paNch sabad vajaa-ee. ||3||
By the grace of the Guru, I have been attracted by the love (for my Husband Lord);
Sounding the five sounds (of spiritual music), I shall meet my merciful (Lord). 3
Bniq nwnku kry ikAw koie ] ijs no Awip imlwvY soie ]4]4]
bhanat naanak karay ki-aa ko-ay. jis no aap milaavai so-ay. ||4||4||
Prays Nanak: what can any one do (to the one), whom He Himself gets to unite (with Himself). 4.4

BYrau mhlw 3 Bhairo, Mehlaa 3
so muin ij mn kI duibDw mwry ] duibDw mwir bRhmu bIcwry ]1]
so mun, je man kee dubidhaa maaray. dubidhaa maar, barahm beechaaray. ||1||
He alone is a silent sage, who subdues duality of his mind; and,
subduing his duality, he contemplates God. 1
iesu mn kau koeI Kojhu BweI ] mnu Kojq nwmu nau iniD pweI ]1] rhwau ]
is man ka-o ko-ee khojahu, bhaa-ee. man khojat, naam na-o nidh paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Search you this mind, O! brethren; and,
searching your mind, you shall obtain the name, (which is like all) the nine treasure. 1 (pause).
mUlu mohu kir krqY jgqu aupwieAw ] mmqw lwie Brim BuolwieAw ]2]
mool moh kar, kartai jagat upaa-i-aa. mamtaa laa-ay, bharam bholaa-i-aa. ||2||
The Creator created the world, upon the foundation of (emotional) attachment; and,
attaching it to possessiveness, He deluded it to doubt. 2
iesu mn qy sB ipMf prwxw ] mn kY vIcwir hukmu buiJ smwxw ]3]
is man tay sabh piNd paraaṇaa. man kai veechaar hukam bujh samaaṇaa. ||3||
From (the deeds of) this mind come all (cycle of) body and breath (of life);
through contemplation of mind, one understands His command and merges in Him. 3
P. 1129
krmu hovY guru ikrpw krY ] iehu mnu jwgY iesu mn kI duibDw mrY ]4]
karam hovai, gur kirpaa karai. ih man jaagai, is man kee dubidhaa marai. ||4||
When one is blessed with grace (by God), the Guru bestows his kindness;
then this mind is awakened, and, duality of mind is subdued. 4
mn kw suBwau sdw bYrwgI ] sB mih vsY AqIqu AnrwgI ]5]
man kaa subhaa-om sadaa bairaagee. sabh meh vasai, ateet anraagee. ||5||
It is the (innate) nature of the mind is to be remain forever detached; (hence)
it dwells within all, yet is unattached and reciprocator of Love (for God). 5
khq nwnku jo jwxY Byau ] Awid purKu inrMjn dyau ]6]5]
kahat naanakm jo jaaṇai bhay-o.aad purakh niraNjan day-o. ||6||5||
Says Nanak: one, who understands this mystery,
(he becomes embodiment of) Primal Person, immaculate, divine (Lord). 6.5

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

rwm nwmu jgq insqwrw ]Bvjlu pwir auqwrxhwrw ]1]
raam naam jagat nistaaraa. bhavjal paar utaaraṇhaaraa. ||1||
The world is emancipated through the name of God;
it carries across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 1
gur prswdI hir nwmu sm@wil ] sd hI inbhY qyrY nwil ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaadee har naam samhaal. sad hee nibhai tayrai naal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of Guru, remember (i.e. dwell upon) the name of God;
it shall stand by you forever. 1 (pause)
nwmu n cyqih mnmuK gwvwrw ] ibnu nwvY kYsy pwvih pwrw ]2]
naam na cheeteh, manmukh gaavaaraa. bin naavai, kaisay paavahi paaraa. ||2||
(O! brethren) the foolish mind-oriented (persons) do not remember the name (of God);
without the name, how will they cross over (the world ocean)? 2
Awpy dwiq kry dwqwru ] dyvxhwry kau jYkwru ]3]
aapay daat karay daataar. dayvaṇhaaray ka-o jaikaar. ||3||
The Giver himself bestows the gift (of meditation upon of the name);
(O! brethren) hail (i.e. praise) the Giver. 3
ndir kry siqgurU imlwey ] nwnk ihrdY nwmu vswey ]4]6]
nadar karay, satguroo milaa-ay. naanak, hirdai naam vasaa-ay. ||4||6||
Bestowing His grace, He (i.e. God) unites with the True Guru; (and, through the true Guru)
Nanak (says): the name is enshrined within the heart. 4.6

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

nwmy auDry siB ijqny loA ] gurmuiK ijnw prwpiq hoie ]1]
naamay udhray, sabh jitnay lo-a. gurmukh jinaa paraapat ho-ay. ||1||
All people are saved through the name (of God);
(only they are saved) who obtain it (i.e. the name) through the Guru. 1
hir jIau ApxI ik®pw kryie ] gurmuiK nwmu vifAweI dyie ]1] rhwau ]
har jee-o, apṇee kirpaa karay-i. gurmukh naam vadi-aa-ee day-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) dear God bestows His grace;
He blesses the name through the Guru, and, bestows glory (i.e. honour). 1 (pause)
rwm nwim ijn pRIiq ipAwru ] Awip auDry siB kul auDwrxhwru ]2]
raam naam jin pareet pi-aar. aap udhray, sabh kul udhaaraṇhaar. ||2||
Those who have love for and attachment to the name of God;
(they) save themselves, and, save all their family. 2
ibnu nwvY mnmuK jm puir jwih ] AauKy hovih cotw Kwih ]3]
bin naavai, manmukh jam pur jaahi. a-ukhay hoveh, chotaa khaahi. ||3||
Without name the mind-oriented go to the City of Death;
They suffer troubles and endure beatings (i.e. punishment). 3
Awpy krqw dyvY soie ] nwnk nwmu prwpiq hoie ]4]7]
aapay kartaa dayvai so-ay. naanak, naam paraapat ho-ay. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): (when) the Creator Himself gives this, (then) one receives the name. 4.7

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

goivMd pRIiq snkwidk auDwry ] rwm nwm sbid bIcwry ]1]
goviNd preet, sankaadik udhaaray. raam naam sabad beechaaray. ||1||
The love of the Lord of the World, emancipated Sanak and others (and his brothers);*
(because) they contemplated the word, the name of God. 1
[*Sanak and his brothers Sanandan, Sanat Kumar and Sanatan, the four sons of Brahma, the mythical god of creation].
hir jIau ApxI ikrpw Dwru ] gurmuiK nwmy lgY ipAwru ]1] rhwau ]
har jee-o, apṇee kirpaa dhaar.gurmukh, naamay lagai pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! dear God, (please) bestow your kindness; (so that)
I may embrace love with the name, through the Guru. 1 (pause)
AMqir pRIiq Bgiq swcI hoie ] pUrY guir mylwvw hoie ]2]
aNtar preet ,bhagat saachee ho-ay. poorai gur maylaavaa ho-ay. ||2||
One, who has true devotion within his being, meets (God) through the perfect Guru. 2
inj Gir vsY shij suBwie ] gurmuiK nwmu vsY min Awie ]3]
nij ghar vasai, sahj subhaa-ay. gurmukh, naam vasai man aa-ay. ||3||
He dwells within his the home of his own self, in ease, (when) the name (of God0 comes to
abide within his mind through the Guru. 3
Awpy vyKY vyKxhwru ] nwnk nwmu rKhu aur Dwir ]4]8]
aapay vaykhai vaykhaṇhaar. naanak, naam rakhahu ur dhaar. ||4||8||
Nanak (says): (God) the Beholder, Himself beholds (all); (O! brethren) enshrine the name (of
God) within your heart. 4.8

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

kljug mih rwm nwmu aur Dwru ] ibnu nwvY mwQY pwvY Cwru ]1]
kaljug meh, raam naam ur dhaar. bin naavai ,maathai paavai chhaar. ||1||
(O! brethren) in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), enshrine the name of God within your heart;
without the name, ashes will be thrown in your forehead (i.e. you shall be dishonoured). 1
rwm nwmu dulBu hY BweI ] gur prswid vsY min AweI ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam dulabh hai, bhaa-ee. gur parsaad vasai man aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The name of God is difficult to obtain, O! brehtren;
(only) by the grace of the Guru, it comes to dwell in the mind. 1 (pause)
rwm nwmu jn Bwlih soie ] pUry gur qy pRwpiq hoie ]2]
raam naam jan bhaaleh so-ay. pooray gur tay, praapat ho-ay. ||2||
They alone seek the name of God; who (are destined to) obtain it through the perfect Guru. 2
hir kw Bwxw mMnih sy jn prvwxu ] gur kY sbid nwm nIswxu ]3]
har kaa bhaanaa maNneh, say jan parvaaṇ. gur kai sabad, naam neesaaṇ. ||3||
Those beings, who accept the will of God, are accepted (in His court);
through the word of the Guru, they obtain the insignia of the name. 3
so syvhu jo kl rihAw Dwir ] nwnk gurmuiK nwmu ipAwir ]4]9]
so sayvhu, jo kal rahi-aa dhaar. naanak,, gurmukh naam pi-aar. ||4||9||
(O! brethren) serve the One, who is sustaining the (universe) with his power
Nanak (says): (so, O! brethren) loves the name of God, through the Guru. 4.9

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

kljug mih bhu krm kmwih ] nw ruiq n krm Qwie pwih ]1]
kaljug meh, baho karam kamaahi. naa rut, na karam thaa-ay paahi. ||1||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), (people) perform many rituals;
(but) neither it is the season (i.e. time for rituals), nor these rituals are accepted (in His court). 1
kljug mih rwm nwmu hY swru ] gurmuiK swcw lgY ipAwru ]1] rhwau ]
kaljug meh, raam naam hai saar. gurmukh, saachaa lagai pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), (only meditation upon) the name of God is the sublime act; and,
one is lovingly attached to the (name of) True, though the Guru. 1 (pause)

qnu mnu Koij GrY mih pwieAw ] gurmuiK rwm nwim icqu lwieAw ]2]
tan man khoj, gharai meh paa-i-aa. gurmukh, raam naam chit laa-i-aa. ||2||
Searching my mind and body, I found Him within the home (of my self); and,
through the Guru, I focussed my mind is upon the name of God. 2
P. 1130
igAwn AMjnu siqgur qy hoie ] gi-aan a jan, satgur tay ho-ay.

Collyrium of (spiritual) wisdom is obtained from the True Guru.

rwm nwmu riv rihAw iqhu loie ]3] raam naam rav rahi-aa, tihu lo-ay. ||3||
The Name of God is pervading the three worlds. 3
kiljug mih hir jIau eyku hor ruiq n kweI ] kalijug meh, har jee-o ayk, hor rut na kaa-ee.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), there is season (i.e. time) for (planting, i.e. meditation upon, the
Name of) the One (Lord); it is not the time for anything else.
nwnk gurmuiK ihrdY rwm nwmu lyhu jmweI ]4]10]
naanak, gurmukh hirdai raam naam layho jamaa-ee. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): so, through the Guru, let the name of God grow within his mind. 4.10

BYrau mhlw 3 Gru 2 Bhairo, Mehlaa 3, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
duibDw mnmuK roig ivAwpy iqRsnw jlih AiDkweI ]
dubidhaa manmukh rog vi-aapay, tarisnaa jaleh adhikaa-ee.
The mind-oriented (persons) are afflicted with the disease of duality; they exceeding burn in
the fire of desires.
mir mir jMmih Taur n pwvih ibrQw jnmu gvweI ]1]
mar mar jaMmeh ṭa-ur na paavahi, birthaa janam gavaa-ee. ||1||
They die and die, and are born again, and, they find no place of rest; they waste his life
uselessly. 1
myry pRIqm kir ikrpw dyhu buJweI ] mayray preetam, kar kirpaa, dayh bujhaa-ee.
O! my Beloved (Lord), bestow Your kindness and give me understanding
haumY rogI jgqu aupwieAw ibnu sbdY rogu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
ha-umai rogee jagat upaa-i-aa, bin sabdai rog na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The world was created in the disease of egotism, without the word disease is not cured. 1
isMimRiq swsqR pVih muin kyqy ibnu sbdY suriq n pweI ]
siMmrit saastar paṛeh mun kaytay, bin sabdai surat na paa-ee.
Many silent sages read the Simritis and the Shastras, (but) without the word, no one has
obtained (spiritual) awareness.
qRY gux sBy roig ivAwpy mmqw suriq gvweI ]2] tarai guṇ sabhay rog vi-aapay, mamtaa surat gavaa-ee. ||2||
All those (who are) under the influence of the three gunaas (i.e. dispositions) with disease (of
egotism), and, through (emotional) attachment they have lost their awareness. 2

ieik Awpy kwiF ley pRiB Awpy gur syvw pRiB lwey ]
ik aapay kaadh la-ay prabh, aapay gur sayvaa prabh laa-ay.
God Himself has pulled (i.e. saved) some out (the bondage of emotional attachment), and, God
has attached them to the service of the Guru.
hir kw nwmu inDwno pwieAw suKu visAw min Awie ]3]
har kaa naam nidhaano paa-i-aa, sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay. ||3||
They have obtained the treasure of the name of God; and, happiness comes to dwell within
their minds. 3
cauQI pdvI gurmuiK vrqih iqn inj Gir vwsw pwieAw ]
cha-uthee padvee gurmukh varteh, tin nij ghar vaasaa paa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented (persons) dwell in the fourth state; they obtain dwelling in the home of
their own self.
pUrY siqguir ikrpw kInI ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]4] poorai satgur kirpaa keenee, vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||4||
The perfect Guru bestows his kindness (upon them) and they eradicate self-conceit from
within (their mind). 4
eyksu kI isir kwr eyk ijin bRhmw ibsnu rudRü aupwieAw ]
aykas kee sir kaar ayk, jin barahmaa bisan rudar upaa-i-aa.
Everyone must serve (i.e. obey) the One, who has created Brahma, Vishnu, Rudar (i.e. Shiv).
nwnk inhclu swcw eyko nw Ehu mrY n jwieAw ]5]1]11]
naanak, nihchal saachaa ayko, naa oh marai na jaa-i-aa. ||5||1||11||
Nanak (says): (only) the One True (Lord) is stable (i.e. permanent); He does die, nad, He is not
born. 5.1.11

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

mnmuiK duibDw sdw hY rogI rogI sgl sMswrw ] manmukh dubidhaa sadaa hai rogee, rogee sagal sa saaraa.
The mind-oriented is afflicted with the disease of duality forever, the entire world is diseased.
gurmuiK bUJih rogu gvwvih gur sbdI vIcwrw ]1]
gurmukh boojheh rog gavaaveh, gur sabdee veechaaraa. ||1||
The Guru-oriented realizes and is cures of the disease, contemplating the word of the Guru. 1
hir jIau sqsMgiq mylwie ] har jee-o, satsaNgat maylaa-ay.
O! dear God, let me join the true congregation.
nwnk iqs no dyie vifAweI jo rwm nwim icqu lwie ]1] rhwau ]
naanak, tis no day-ay vadi-aa-ee, jo raam naam chit laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Nanak (says): He blesses with greatness (i.e. honour) to the one, who focusses his mind on the
name of God. 1 (pause)
mmqw kwil siB roig ivAwpy iqn jm kI hY isir kwrw] mamtaa kaal sabh rog vi-aapay, tin jam kee hai sir kaaraa.
Those, who are afflicted with the disease of (emotional) attachment, the (spiritual) death; are
subject to (i.e. they are under the surveillance of) the messenger of death.
gurmuiK pRwxI jmu nyiV n AwvY ijn hir rwiKAw auir Dwrw ]2]
gurmukh paraaṇee jam nayṛ na aavai jin har raakhi-aa ur dhaaraa. ||2||
The messenger of death does not even approach the Guru-oriented mortal being, who has
enshrined the name of God within his heart. 2

ijn hir kw nwmu n gurmuiK jwqw sy jg mih kwhy AwieAw ]
jin har kaa naam na gurmukh jaataa, say jag meh kaahay aa-i-aa.
One, who has not known (i.e. one, who has not meditated upon) the name of God, through the
Guru, why did he come into the world?
gur kI syvw kdy n kInI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]3]
gur kee sayvaa kaday na keenee, birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
One, who has never serve the Guru, has wasted his life in vain. 3
nwnk sy pUry vfBwgI siqgur syvw lwey ] naanak say pooray vadbhaagee satgur sayvaa laa-ay.
Nanak (says): Perfectly fortunate are those whom He (i.e. God) has attached to the service,
of the True Guru.
jo ieCih soeI Plu pwvih gurbwxI suKu pwey ]4]2]12]
jo ichheh so-ee fal paavahi gurbaaṇee sukh paa-ay. ||4||2||12||
They obtain the fruit they desire; and, they obtain (spiritual) happiness through the word of
the Guru. 4.2.12

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

duK ivic jMmY duiK mrY duK ivic kwr kmwie ] dukh vich jaMmai, dukh marai ,dukh vich kaar kamaa-ay.
In pain he (i.e. mind-oriented person) is born, in pain he dies; and, in pain he does his deeds.
grB jonI ivic kdy n inklY ibstw mwih smwie ]1]
garabh jonee vich kaday na niklai, bistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||1||
He remains in the womb (i.e. in reincarnation); and, is never released from it (i.e. the cycle of
birth and death); and, he rots away in faeces (i.e. his life rots away in the filth of vices). 1
iDRgu iDRgu mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw ] pUry gur kI syv n kInI hir kw nwmu n BwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
dharig dharig manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa.
pooray gur kee sayv na keenee, har kaa naam na bhaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Cursed, cursed is the mind-oriented; he has wasted his (human) life away; (because)
he has not served the perfect Guru, and, the name of God is not pleasing to him. 1 (pause)
gur kw sbdu siB rog gvwey ijs no hir jIau lwey ] gur kaa sabad sabh rog gavaa-ay, jis no har jee-o laa-ay.
The word of Guru, cures all diseases; (but, he alone is attached to it) whom dear God attaches.
P. 1131
nwmy nwim imlY vifAweI ijs no mMin vswey]2] naamay naam milai vadi-aa-ee, jis no ma n vasaa-ay. ||2||

Through the name, glory (i.e. honour) is obtained, (he alone obtains it) in whose mind it (i.e.
the name) is enshrined (by God). 2
siqguru BytY qw Plu pwey scu krxI suK swru ] satgur bhaytai taa fal paa-ay, sach karṇee sukh saar.
When one meets the True Guru then he obtains the fruit (of the name); and, his actions
become truthful and he obtains sublime happiness.
sy jn inrml jo hir lwgy hir nwmy Drih ipAwru ]3]
say jan nirmal jo har laagay, har naamay dhareh pi-aar. ||3||
Those beings, who are attached to God, are immaculate; they enshrine love for the name of
God. 3
iqn kI ryxu imlY qW msqik lweI ijn siqguru pUrw iDAwieAw ]
tin kee rayṇ milai taa mastak laa-ee, jin satgur pooraa dhi-aa-i-aa.

If I obtain the dust of the feet of those who have meditated upon the perfect True Guru, I
apply that to my forehead.
nwnk iqn kI ryxu pUrY Bwig pweIAY ijnI rwm nwim icqu lwieAw ]4]3]13]
naanak, tin kee rayṇ poorai bhaag paa-ee-ai, jinee raam naam chit laa-i-aa. ||4||3||13||
Nanak (says): The dust (of the feet) of those, who focus their mind on the name of God, is
obtained by perfect destiny. 3.4.13

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

sbdu bIcwry so jnu swcw ijn kY ihrdY swcw soeI ]
sabad beechaaray so jan saachaa, jin kai hirdai saachaa so-ee.
One, who contemplates the word, that person is true (devotee); the True (Lord) dwells within
his heart.
swcI Bgiq krih idnu rwqI qW qin dUKu n hoeI ]1]
saachee bhagat karahi din raatee, taan tan dookh na ho-ee. ||1||
If one performs true devotion, day and night, then his body will not suffer pains. 1
Bgqu Bgqu khY sBu koeI ] bhagat bhagat kahai sabh ko-ee.
Everyone calls him: ‘bhagat, bhagat’ (i.e. devotee, devotee);
ibnu siqgur syvy Bgiq n pweIAY pUrY Bwig imlY pRBu soeI ]1] rhwau ]
bin satgur sayvay bhagat na paa-ee-ai, poorai bhaag milai prabh so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(But) without serving the True Guru, devotion can not be obtained; (only) through perfect
destiny one does meet (i.e. unites with) God. 1 (pause)
mnmuK mUlu gvwvih lwBu mwgih lwhw lwBu ikdU hoeI ]
manmukh mool gavaaveh laabh maageh, laahaa laabh kidoo ho-ee.
The mind-oriented lose their capital, (and, still, they) demand profits; (but, without meditation
upon the name) how can they earn profit?
jmkwlu sdw hY isr aUpir dUjY Bwie piq KoeI ]2]
jamkaal sadaa hai sir oopar, doojai bhaa-ay pat kho-ee. ||2||
The messenger of death is always (hovering) over their heads; in the love of duality, they lose
their honour. 2
bhly ByK Bvih idnu rwqI haumY rogu n jweI ] bahlay bhaykh bhaveh din raatee, ha-umai rog na jaa-ee.
Those, who try many sorts of (religious) robes, day and night, their disease of egotism is not
piV piV lUJih bwdu vKwxih imil mwieAw suriq gvweI ]3]
paṛ paṛ loojheh baad vakaaṇeh, mil maa-i-aa surat gavaa-ee. ||3||
Reading and reading, they quarrel and debate; attached to Maya, they have lost their
awareness. 3
siqguru syvih prm giq pwvih nwim imlY vifAweI ]
satgur sayveh param gat paavahi, naam milai vadi-aa-ee.
Those, who serve the True Guru, attain the supreme status; through the name, they obtain
glory (i.e. honour in the court of God).
nwnk nwmu ijnw min visAw dir swcY piq pweI ]4]4]14]
naanak, naam jinaa man vasi-aa, dar saachai pat paa-ee. ||4||4||14||

Nanak (says): Those, within whose minds the name (of the True Lord) abides, are honoured
in the court of the True (Lord). 4.4.14

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

mnmuK Awsw nhI auqrY dUjY Bwie KuAwey ] manmukh aasaa nahee utrai, doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ay.
The mind-oriented can not get rid of hope (of worldly wealth and possessions); he is ruined in
the love of duality.
audru nY swxu n BrIAY kbhU iqRsnw Agin pcwey ]1]
udar nai saaṇ na bharee-ai kabhoo, tarisnaa agan pachaa-ay. ||1||
Like a river, his belly is never filled up; he remains burning in the fire of desires. 1
sdw Anµdu rwm ris rwqy ] sadaa anaNd raam ras raatay.
(On the other hand) those who are imbued with the essence (of the name) of God, are ever in bliss.
ihrdY nwmu duibDw min BwgI hir hir AMimRqu pI iqRpqwqy ]1] rhwau ]
hirdai naam dubidhaa man bhaagee, har har aMmrit pee tariptaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The name (of the Lord) dwells in their hearts, and, duality runs away from their minds;
drinking in AMmrit (name) of God, the Lord, they are satiated. 1 (pause)
Awpy pwrbRhmu isRsit ijin swjI isir isir DMDY lwey ]
aapay paarbarahm sarisat jin saajee, sir sir dhaNdhai laa-ay.
The Supreme Reality (God) Himself has created this universe, and, has attached each one to
their tasks.
mwieAw mohu kIAw ijin Awpy Awpy dUjY lwey ]2] maa-i-aa moh kee-aa jin aapay, aapay doojai laa-ay. ||2||
He Himself created attachment to Maya; ad, and He Himself attaches beings to duality. 2
iqs no ikhu khIAY jy dUjw hovY siB quDY mwih smwey ]
tis no kihu kahee-ai, jay doojaa hovai, sabh tudhai maahi samaa-ay.
If there were any other, then we would speak to him; (O! Lord) all will merge into You.
gurmuiK igAwnu qqu bIcwrw joqI joiq imlwey ]3] gurmukh gi-aan tat beechaaraa, jotee jot milaa-ay. ||3||
The Guru-oriented contemplates the essence of (spiritual) knowledge; his light merges in
the Light (of God). 3
so pRBu swcw sd hI swcw swcw sBu Awkwrw ] so prabh saachaa, sad hee saachaa, saachaa sabh aakaaraa.
That Lord is True, forever True, and, true is all His all created expanse.
nwnk siqguir soJI pweI sic nwim insqwrw ]4]5]15]
naanak, satgur sojhee paa-ee, sach naam nistaaraa. ||4||5||15||
Nanak (says): True Guru give me this understanding: emancipation is through (meditation
upon) the True name.4.5.15

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

kil mih pRyq ijn@I rwmu n pCwqw sqjuig prm hMs bIcwrI ]
kal meh parayt jinhee raam na pachhaataa, satjug param hans beechaaree.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), those who do not realize God, are (like) goblins. In the
Satyuga (i.e. Golden Age), those, who contemplated (God) were the supreme swans (i.e.
supreme souls) .
duAwpuir qRyqY mwxs vrqih ivrlY haumY mwrI ]1]

du-aapur taraytai maaṇas varteh, virlai ha-umai maaree. ||1||
In Dwaaper (i.e. Silver Age) and Traytaa (i.e. Brass Age), the mankind did prevail, (but) some
rare ones subdued their egos. 1
kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ] al meh raam naam vadi-aa-ee.
In (this) Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the glory is obtained through the name of God.
juig juig gurmuiK eyko jwqw ivxu nwvY mukiq n pweI ]1] rhwau ]
jug jug gurmukh ayko jaataa, viṇ naavai mukat na paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In each and every Age, the Guru-oriented have known (only) the One (Lord); without the
name, liberation is not attained. 1 (pause)
ihrdY nwmu lKY jnu swcw gurmuiK mMin vsweI ] hirdai naam lakhai jan saachaa, gurmukh maNn vasaa-ee.
One, who realizes the name within his heart is a true servant (i.e. devotee); through the Guru,
he enshrines it (i.e. the name of God) within his mind.
Awip qry sgly kul qwry ijnI rwm nwim ilv lweI ]2]
aap taray, saglay kul taaray, jinee raam naam liv laa-ee. ||2||
Those who are attuned to the name of God, save themselves and save all their family as well. 2
myrw pRBu hY gux kw dwqw Avgx sbid jlwey ] mayraa prabh hai guṇ kaa daataa, avgan sabad jalaa-ay.
My Master is the Giver of virtues; He burns away vices by attaching to the word.
P. 1132
ijn min visAw sy jn sohy ihrdY nwmu vswey ]3] jin man vasi-aa say jan sohay, hirdai naam vasaa-ay. ||3||
Those, in whose mind He dwells, are beautiful, (because) they enshrine the name (of God)
within their hearts. 3
Gru dru mhlu siqgurU idKwieAw rMg isau rlIAw mwxY ]
ghar dar mahal satguroo dikhaa-i-aa, raNg si-o ralee-aa maaṇai.
He, whom the True Guru has revealed the door of the home (i.e. court of God), enjoys
(spiritual) love with joy.
jo ikCu khY su Blw kir mwnY nwnk nwmu vKwxY ]4]6]16]
jo kichh kahai so bhalaa kar maanai, naanak naam vakhaaṇai. ||4||6||16||
Nanak (says): whatever He says (i.e. whatever God commands), he accepts that as good, and,
he (always) chants the name (of the Lord). 4.6.16

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

mnsw mnih smwie lY gur sbdI vIcwr ] mansaa maneh samaa-ay lai, gur sabdee veechaar.
(O! my mind) contemplate the word of the Guru, and, absorb your desires remain within your
gur pUry qy soJI pvY iPir mrY n vwro vwr ]1] gur pooray tay sojhee pavai, fir marai na vaaro vaar. ||1||
One, who obtains understanding from the perfect Guru, he does not die over and over again
(i.e. he does not have to wander in cycle of reincarnation). 1
mn myry rwm nwmu AwDwru ] man mayray, raam naam aadhaar.
O! my mind, take the support of the name of God.
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw sB ieC pujwvxhwru ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa, sabh ichh pujaavaṇhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of the Guru, one attain the supreme status; He is the fulfiller of all desires. 1
sB mih eyko riv rihAw gur ibnu bUJ n pwie ] sabh meh ayko rav rahi-aa, gur bin boojh na paa-ay.
The One (i.e. God) is pervading among all; without the Guru, this understanding is not
gurmuiK pRgtu hoAw myrw hir pRBu Anidnu hir gux gwie ]2]
gurmukh pargat ho-aa mayraa har prabh, an-din har guṇ gaa-ay. ||2||
One, whom God, the Lord, has been revealed through the Guru, day and night (i.e. all the
time), he sings (the praise of) the excellences of God. 2
suKdwqw hir eyku hY hor QY suKu n pwih ] sukh-daata har ayk hai, hor thai sukh na paahi.
God alone is the Giver of (spiritual) Happiness; happiness is not found anyone else.
siqguru ijnI n syivAw dwqw sy AMiq gey pCuqwih ]3]
satgur jinee na sayvi-aa daataa, say aNt ga-ay pachhutaahi. ||3||
Those, who have not served the True Guru, the Giver, depart repenting, in the end. 3
siqguru syiv sdw suKu pwieAw iPir duKu n lwgY Dwie ]
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, fir dukh na laagai dhaa-ay.
One, who has served the True Guru, has obtained ever-lasting (spiritual) happiness, then
he does not suffer pain any longer.
nwnk hir Bgiq prwpiq hoeI joqI joiq smwie ]4]7]17]
naanak, har bhagat paraapat ho-ee, jotee jot samaa-ay. ||4||7||17||
Nanak (says): One, who has obtained the devotion of God, his light merge into the Light (of
God). 4.7.17

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

bwJu gurU jgqu baurwnw BUlw cotw KweI ] baajh guroo jagat ba-uraanaa, bhoolaa chotaa khaa-ee.
Without the Guru, the world is becoming crazy (in Maya, and, in vices), and, having gone
astray, it is suffering hits (i.e. suffers punishment).
mir mir jMmY sdw duKu pwey dr kI Kbir n pweI ]1]
mar mar jaMmai, sadaa dukh paa-ay, dar kee khabar na paa-ee. ||1||
It (i.e. people of the world) dies and dies (over and over again), and, is born (again), and, is
always suffers pain; (because) it does not have realization of the gate (of the court of Lord). 1
myry mn sdw rhhu siqgur kI srxw ] mayray man, sadaa rahhu satgur kee sarṇaa.
O! my mind, remain always in the refuge of the True Guru.
ihrdY hir nwmu mITw sd lwgw gur sbdy Bvjlu qrxw ]1] rhwau ]
hirdai har naam meeṭaa sad laagaa, gur sabday bhavjal tarṇaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, to whose heart, the name of God seems sweet, swims across the terrifying waters (of the
world) through the word of Guru. 1 (pause)
ByK krY bhuqu icqu folY AMqir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] bhaykh karai bahut, chit dolai, a tar kaam krodh aha kaar.
One, who wears various (religious) robes, his mind wavers (for Maya); within him is sexual
desire, anger and egotism.
AMqir iqsw BUK Aiq bhuqI Baukq iPrY dr bwru ]2]
aNtar tisaa bhookh at bahutee, bha-ukat firai dar baar. ||2||
Within his mind in great thirst and hunger, and, he wander from home to home barking
(like dogs) (for fulfilment of his hunger/desires). 2
gur kY sbid mrih iPir jIvih iqn kau mukiq duAwir ] gur kai sabad mareh, fir jeeveh, tin ka-o mukat du-aar.
Those, who die (from the worldly desires), through the word of the Guru, are (spiritually)
born again (i.e. they live forever), and, (they) find the door of liberation.
AMqir sWiq sdw suKu hovY hir rwiKAw aur Dwir ]3] aNtar saant sadaa sukh hovai, har raakhi-aa ur dhaar ||3||
Within them is constant peace and happiness, (because) they are enshrine (the name of) God
within their hearts. 3
ijau iqsu BwvY iqvY clwvY krxw ikCU n jweI ] ji-o tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai, karṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ee.
As it pleases him, He gets us to act; nothing else can be done.
nwnk gurmuiK sbdu sm@wly rwm nwim vifAweI ]4]8]18]
naanak, gurmukh sabad samhaalay, raam naam vadi-aa-ee. ||4||8||18||
Nanak (says): One, who remembers (i.e. meditates upon) the word, through the Guru, obtains
glory in (i.e. for meditation upon) the name of God. 4.8.18

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

haumY mwieAw moih KuAwieAw duKu Kty duK Kwie ]
ha-umai maa-i-aa mohi khu-aa-i-aa, dukh khatay dukh khaa-ay.
One, who is lost in egotism, Maya and (emotional) attachment, he earns pain and eats pain.
Amqir loB hlku duKu BwrI ibnu ibbyk Brmwie ]1] a tar lobh halak dukh bhaaree, bin bibayk bharmaa-ay.
Within him is rabid disease of greed and he suffers great pain; without wisdom, he wanders
around (like a rabid/mad dog). 1
mnmuiK iDRgu jIvxu sYswir ] manmukh, dharig jeevaṇ saisaar.
Cursed is the life of the mind-oriented (person) in the world.
rwm nwmu supnY nhI cyiqAw hir isau kdy n lwgY ipAwru ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam supnai nahee chayti-aa, har si-o kaday na laagai pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not remember the name of God, even in his dream, and, he is never in love with God. 1
psUAw krm krY nhI bUJY kUVu kmwvY kUVo hoie ]
pasoo-aa karam karai nahee boojhai, kooṛ kamaavai kooṛo ho-ay.
He acts like an animal, and, does not understand (anything); he earns (i.e. practices) falsehood
and becomes false (i.e. embodiment of falsehood).
siqguru imlY q aultI hovY Koij lhY jnu koie ]2] satgur milai ta ultee hovai, khoj lahai jan ko-ay. ||2||
(But) if one meets the True Guru, his mind reverses (i.e. turns away from worldliness);
(however) some rare one searches and finds Him (i.e. God). 2
hir hir nwmu irdY sd visAw pwieAw guxI inDwnu ] har har naam ridai sad vasi-aa, paa-i-aa guṇee nidhaan.
One, in whose heart, the name of God, the Lord, abides forever, finds (God) the Treasure of Virtues.
gur prswdI pUrw pwieAw cUkw mn AiBmwnu ]3] gur parsaadee pooraa paa-i-aa, chookaa man abhimaan. ||3||
By the grace of the Guru, he finds the Perfect (Lord), and, self-conceitof his mind is eradicated. 3
Awpy krqw kry krwey Awpy mwrig pwey ] aapay kartaa karay karaa-ay, aapay maarag paa-ay.
The Creator Himself acts and gets us to act, and, He Himself places us on the (right) path.
P. 1133
Awpy gurmuiK dy vifAweI nwnk nwim smwey ]4]9]19]
aapay gurmukh day vadi-aa-ee, naanak naam samaa-ay. ||4||9||19||
Nanank (says): One, who remains absorbed (in Him) through the name, He Himself bless with
glory through the Guru, . 4.9.19

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

myrI ptIAw ilKhu hir goivMd gopwlw ] mayree patee-aa likhahu, har goviNd gopaalaa.
(O! teacher) write upon my wooden-slate that God (alone is) the Lord of the World, the
Sustainer of the World.
dUjY Bwie PwQy jm jwlw ] doojai bhaa-ay, faathay jam jaalaa.
In the love of duality, one is caught in the net of the messenger of death.
siqguru kry myrI pRiqpwlw ] hir suKdwqw myrY nwlw ]1]
satgur, karay mayree partipaalaa. har sukh-daata, mayrai naalaa. ||1||
My True Guru sustains me. God, the giver of happiness, is (always) with me. 1
gur aupdyis pRihlwdu hir aucrY ] gur updays, par-hilaad* har uchrai.
Following the teachings of the Guru, Prahlad chants (the name of) God; and,
swsnw qy bwlku gmu n krY ]1] rhwau ] saasnaa tay baalak gam na karai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The child (Prahlad) is not afraid of admonishment. 1 (pause)
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as Narsinh* (half
lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib
at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone. (*see: Narsinh/Narsimha)].
mwqw aupdysY pRihlwd ipAwry ] puqR rwm nwmu Cofhu jIau lyhu aubwry ]
maataa updaysai, par-hilaad pi-aaray. putar, raam naam chhodahu, jee-o layho ubaaray.
His mother advises: O! (my) dear Prahlad;
O! (my) son, abandon the name of God, and save your life.
pRihlwdu khY sunhu myrI mwie ] rwm nwmu n Cofw guir dIAw buJwie ]2]
par-hilaad kahai, sunhu mayree maa-ay. raam naam na chhodaa, gur dee-aa bujhaa-ay. ||2||
Prahlad said: listen, O! my mother;
I shall not give up the name of God; th Guru has given me (this) understanding. 2
sMfw mrkw siB jwie pukwry ] pRihlwdu Awip ivgiVAw siB cwtVy ivgwVy ]
saNdaa markaa, sabh jaa-ay pukaaray. par-hilaad aap vigrhi-aa, sabh chaatṛay vigaaṛay.
Sanda and Marka, both, went to his father (the king) and cried (i.e. complained):
Prahlad Himself is spoiled, he has spoiled all the students (as well) .
[* Sanda and Marka were the teachers of Prahlad].
dust sBw mih mMqRü pkwieAw ] pRhlwd kw rwKw hoie rGurwieAw ]3]
dusat sabhaa meh, maNtar pakaa-i-aa. prahlaad kaa raakhaa ho-ay raghuraa-i-aa. ||3||
In the court of the wicked (king), they hatched a planning ( to kill Prahlad);
(But, they did not known that) God, the Sovereign, is the Saviour of Prahlad. 3
hwiQ KVgu kir DwieAw Aiq AhMkwir ] hir qyrw khw quJu ley aubwir ]
haath khaṛag kar dhaa-i-aa, at ahaMkaar. har tayraa kahaa, tujh la-ay ubaar.
With sword in his hand, and with great pride, he (i.e. King) ran up to him (i.e. Prahlad);
(and shouted): Where is your God, who will save you?

iKn mih BYAwn rUpu inkisAw QMm@ aupwiV ] khin meh bhai-aan roop, niksi-aa thaMmh upaaṛ.
In an instant,(God, assuming) a terrifying form came out, shattering the pillar.
hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw pRhlwdu lIAw aubwir ]4] harṇaakhas nakhee bidaari-aa, prahlaad lee-aa ubaar. ||4||
He tore apart Harnakash by His nails*, and, saved Prahlad. 4
sMq jnw ky hir jIau kwrj svwry ] saNt janaa kay, har jee-o kaaraj savaaray.
The dear God Himself settles the affairs of the God-oriented persons.
pRhlwd jn ky iekIh kul auDwry ] prahlaad* jan kay ikeeh kul udhaaray.
He saved the twenty-one generations (of the descendants) of Prahlad,* the devotee.
gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwry ] gur kai sabad, ha-umai bikh maaray.
(O! brethren) the poison of egotism is killed through the word of the Guru.
nwnk rwm nwim sMq insqwry ]5]10]20] naanak, raam naam, saNt nistaaray. ||5||10||20||
Nanak (says): Through the name of God, the God-oriented persons are saved. 5.10.20

Byrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

Awpy dYq lwie idqy sMq jnw kau Awpy rwKw soeI ]
aapay dait laa-ay ditay saNt janaa ka-o, aapay raakhaa so-ee.
God Himself makes the demons to chase the God-oriented persons, (and, then) He Himself
becomes their Protector.
jo qyrI sdw srxweI iqn min duKu n hoeI ]1] jo tayree sadaa sarṇaa-ee, tin man dukh na ho-ee. ||1||
Those, who remain forever in Your refuge, their minds are not touched by sorrow. 1
juig juig Bgqw kI rKdw AwieAw ] jug jug, bhagtaa kee rakh-daa aa-i-aa.
In each and every Age, He has been saving the honour of His devotees.
dYq puqRü pRhlwdu gwieqRI qrpxu ikCU n jwxY sbdy myil imlwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
dait putar prahlaad,* gaa-itaree tarpaṇ kichhoo na jaanai, sabday mayl milaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Prahlad, the son of demon, did not know Gayatri* or Tarpan**; (but God) united him in His
union through the word. 1(pause)
[*This is a famous hindu incantation, considered by them as most sacred: “Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ. tát savitúr
váreṇ(i)yaṃ. bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt.” [Meaning: (We) meditate upon that most meditation-
worthy, the most knowable and hence the most relishable self-luminous radiance (in the form of Parabrahman) of the
divine entity called Savita (the all-inspiring, all-creating one), which inspires our activities, properties and intellect].
[**Literally: act of satiation. In Hindu religion, this is a ritual of offering water with hand (or spoon) while chanting
some prescribed verses from their scriptures. The purpose of this ritual is to propitiate forefathers and deities].
Anidnu Bgiq krih idn rwqI duibDw sbdy KoeI ] an-din bhagat karahi din raatee, dubidhaa sabday kho-ee.
Day and night, heperformed devotion, day and night (i.e. all the time), and, through the word
his duality was eradicated.
sdw inrml hY jo sic rwqy scu visAw min soeI ]2]
sadaa nirmal hai jo sach raatay, sach vasi-aa man so-ee. ||2||
Those who imbued with Truth, are forever immaculate, (because) the True (Lord) has come
to abide within their minds. 1
mUrK duibDw pVHih mUlu n pCwxih ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
moorakh dubidhaa paṛeh, mool na pachhaaṇeh, birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa.
The fools read but of duality, and, do not recognize their origin (i.e. Creator/ God); (hence,
they) waste their life in vain.

sMq jnw kI inMdw krih dustu dYqu icVwieAw ]3] sa t janaa kee ni daa karahi, dusat dait chiṛaa-i-aa. ||3||
(Such) wicked persons (i.e. Sanda and Marka) slandered the God-oriented person (i.e.
Prahlad), and irritated the wicked demon (Harnakhash). 3
pRhlwdu duibDw n pVY hir nwmu n CofY frY n iksY dw frwieAw ]
parahlaad dubidhaa na paṛai, har naam na chhodai, darai na kisai daa daraa-i-aa.
Prahlad did not read in duality, and, he did not abandon (meditation upon) the name of God;
he was not afraid of any one’s intimidations.
sMq jnw kw hir jIau rwKw dYqY kwlu nyVw AwieAw ]4]
saNt janaa kaa har jee-o raakhaa, daitai kaal nayṛaa aa-i-aa. ||4||
Dear God (Himself) became the Protector of the God-oriented person (i.e. Prehlad); hence,
death of the demon came near (i.e. death gripped) him. 4
AwpxI pYj Awpy rwKY BgqW dyie vifAweI ] aapnee paij aapay raakhai, bhagtaan day-ay vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself saves his honour (of helping devotees), and, blesses His devotees with honour.
nwnk hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw AMDY dr kI Kbir n pweI ]5]11]21]
naanak, harṇaakhas nakhee bidaari-aa, aNdhai dar kee khabar na paa-ee. ||5||11||21||
Nanak (says): Harnakash was torn apart (by God, in the form of Narinh) with nails (i.e.
claws); the blind knew nothing of the court (of God).

rwgu BYrau mhlw 4 caupdy Gru 1 Raag ,Mehlaa 4, cha-upday, ghar 1

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir jn sMq kir ikrpw pig lwiexu ] har jan saNt, kar kirpaa pag laa-iṇ.
God, becoming kind, gets one attached to the feet of the God-oriented persons.
P. 1134
gur sbdI hir Bju suriq smwiexu ]1] gur sabdee, har bhaj surat samaa-iṇ. ||1||
(O! my mind, you too) meditates upon God, through the word of the Guru, and absorb Him
in your consciousness. 1
myry mn hir Bju nwmu nrwiexu ] mayray man, har bhaj naam naraa-iṇ.
O! my mind, meditate upon God and the name of God.
hir hir ik®pw kry suKdwqw gurmuiK Bvjlu hir nwim qrwiexu ]1] rhwau ]
har har kirpaa karay sukh-daata, gurmukh bhavjal har naam taraa-iṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) God, the Lord, the Giver of Happiness bestows His grace, attaching to the name of
God, through the Guru, one swims across terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 1 (pause)
sMgiq swD myil hir gwiexu ] saNgat saadh mayl har gaa-iṇ.
(O! my mind) join the company of the God-oriented persons, and, sing (the praise) of God.
gurmqI ly rwm rswiexu ]2] gurmatee, lay raam rasaa-iṇ. ||2||
Follow the wisdom of the Guru, meditate upon (the name of) God, the source of nectar. 2
gur swDU AMimRq igAwn sir nwiexu ] gur saadhoo aMmrit gi-aan sar, naa-iṇ.
Bathe in the (spiritual) wisdom of the holy Guru, (which is) the pool of AMmrit.
siB iklivK pwp gey gwvwiexu ]3] sabh kilvikh paap ga-ay gaavaa-iṇ. ||3||

All the sins will be eliminated and (will be) gone (forever). 3
qU Awpy krqw isRsit Drwiexu ] jnu nwnku myil qyrw dws dswiexu ]4]1]
too aapay kartaa sarisat dharaa-iṇ. jan naanak mayl, tayraa daas dasaa-iṇ. ||4||1||
(O! God) You Yourself are the Creator, and, the Support of the Universe;
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Unite me (with Yourself); I am slave of Your slaves. 4.1

Byrau mhlw 4 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 4

boil hir nwmu sPl sw GrI ] bol har naam, safal saa gharee.
Fruitful is that moment (when we) chant the name of God.
gur aupdyis siB duK prhrI ]1] gur updays, sabh dukh parharee. ||1||
(Following) the teachings of the Guru, all sorrows are taken away. 1
myry mn hir Bju nwmu nrhrI ]
kir ikrpw mylhu guru pUrw sqsMgiq sMig isMDu Bau qrI ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, har bhaj naam narharee*. [*Lord of men/beings/mortals; pervading all, Omnipresent].
kar kirpaa maylhu gur pooraa, satsaNgat saNg siNdh bha-o taree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, meditate upon God, the name of the Omnipresent*; (and pray to Him):
One, upon whom You become kind and unite him with the perfect Guru, joining the true
congregation, he swims across the terrifying (world) ocean. 1 (pause)
jgjIvnu iDAwie min hir ismrI ]kot kotMqr qyry pwp prhrI ]2]
jagjeevan dhi-aa-ay, man har simree. kot kotaNtar, tayray paap parharee. ||2||
Meditate upon the Life to the World, and, remember God in your mind;
Tens of millions upon tens of millions of your sins, shall be taken away. 2
sqsMgiq swD DUir muiK prI ] iesnwnu kIE ATsiT sursrI ]3]
satsaNgat saadh dhoor, mukh paree. isnaan kee-o, aṭsaṭ sursaree. ||3||
In the true congregation, when the dust of the feet of the holy is applied on the face;
this is like having bath in the sixty-eight (places of pilgrimage) and the Ganges. 3
hm mUrK kau hir ikrpw krI ] jnu nwnku qwirE qwrx hrI ]4]2]
ham moorakh ka-o, har kirpaa karee. jan naanak taari-o, taaraṇ haree. ||4||2||
God has bestowed His kindness on a foolish like me;
the Saviour Lord has saved servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak. 4.2

Byrau mhlw 4 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 4

suik®qu krxI swru jpmwlI ] ihrdY Pyir clY quDu nwlI ]1]
sukarit karṇee, saar japmaalee. hirdai fayr, chalai tudh naalee. ||1||
Doing good deeds is the best rosary.
(O! brethren, instead of beads) rotate (i.e. the name within) your heart; it shall go along with you. 1
hir hir nwmu jphu bnvwlI ] har har naam japahu banvaalee.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, the Lord, the Lord of the (world) Forest.
kir ikrpw mylhu sqsMgiq qUit geI mwieAw jm jwlI ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa maylhu satsaNgat, toot ga-ee maa-i-aa jam jaalee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) becoming kind, (when) You unite one with the true congregation, he is released
from Maya’s noose of death. 1 (pause)
gurmuiK syvw Gwil ijin GwlI ] iqsu GVIAY sbdu scI tkswlI ]2]
gurmukh, sayvaa ghaal jin ghaalee. tis gharhee-ai sabad, sachee taksaalee. ||2||
One, who has performed service, through great effort, through the Guru;
he (i.e. his being) is moulded in the true mint of the word. 2
hir Agm Agocru guir Agm idKwlI ] har agam agochar, gur agam dikhaalee.
God is Inaccessible and Imperceptible; the Guru has shown that Inaccessible (within my heart).
ivic kwieAw ngr lDw hir BwlI ]3] vich kaa-i-aa nagar, ladhaa har bhaalee. ||3||
Searching within my body village, I have found God. 3
hm bwirk hir ipqw pRiqpwlI ] ham baarik har pitaa partipaalee.
We are (just) children, God is our father, and, He cherishes us;
jn nwnk qwrhu ndir inhwlI ]4]3] jan naanak taarahu nadar nihaalee. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (O! Father, God, please) bestow Your glance of grace and
save me. 4.3

BYrau mhlw 4 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 4

siB Gt qyry qU sBnw mwih ] quJ qy bwhir koeI nwih ]1]
sabh ghat tayray, too sabhnaa maahi.tujh tay baahar ko-ee naahi. ||1||
All bodies (i.e. hearts) are Yours, and, You are in all; there is nothing (that is) without You. 1
hir suKdwqw myry mn jwpu ] har sukh-daata, mayray man jaap.
God is the Giver of happiness, O! my mind, meditate upon Him.
hau quDu swlwhI qU myrw hir pRBu bwpu ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o tudh saalaahee, too mayraa har parabh baap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I praise You, O! God-Master; You are my father. 1 (pause)
jh jh dyKw qh hir pRBu soie ] jah jah daykhaa, tah har prabh so-ay.
Wherever I look, there I see only God, the Lord.
sB qyrY vis dUjw Avru n koie ]2] sabh tayrai vas, doojaa avar na ko-ay. ||2||
Everyone is under Your control; there is no other (at all). 2
ijs kau qum hir rwiKAw BwvY ] iqs kY nyVY koie n jwvY ]3]
jis ka-o, tum har raakhi-aa bhaavai. tis kai nayrhai ko-ay na jaavai. ||3||
One, whom You will to save, O! God; no one can even approach him (to harm him). 3
qU jil Qil mhIAil sB qY BrpUir ] too jal thal mahee-al, sabh tai bharpoor.
You are fully pervading the waters, the lands, the nether regions, everywhere.
jn nwnk hir jip hwjrw hjUir ]4]4] jan naanak, har jap haajraa hajoor. ||4||4||
Servat (i.e devotee) Nanak (says):(O! brethren) meditate upon God, who is ever present. 4.4

Byrau mhlw 4 Gru 2 Bhairo, Mehlaa 4, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir kw sMqu hir kI hir mUriq ijsu ihrdY hir nwmu murwir ]
har kaa saNt har kee har moorat, jis hirdai har naam muraar.*

The God-oriented person is embodiment of God; within his heart is the name of God*.
[*Literally: Destroyer of demon Mur / Destroyer of all demons. This is one of the attributes, and the names of God].
msqik Bwgu hovY ijsu iliKAw so gurmiq ihrdY hir nwmu sm@wir ]1]
mastak bhaag hovai jis likhi-aa, so gurmat hirdai har naam samhaar. ||1||
One, who has such destiny, inscribed on his forehead, he follows the wisdom of the Guru,
and, remembers the name of God within his heart. 1
P. 1135
mDusUdnu jpIAY aur Dwir ] madhusoodan japee-ai ur dhaar.
Enshrine Him in your heart and meditate upon the Destroyer of Demons* (i.e. God).
[*Literally: ‘one who kills Madhu, the demon’; i.e. the ‘Destroyer of demons’ i.e. annihilator of vices].
dyhI ngir qskr pMc DwqU gur sbdI hir kwFy mwir ]1] rhwau ]
dayhee nagar, taskar paNch dhaatoo, gur sabdee har kaaḍay maar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There are five plundering thieves* in the body village; through the word of the Guru, God
has beaten and driven them out. 1 (pause) [*Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
ijn kw hir syqI mnu mwinAw iqn kwrj hir Awip svwir ]
jin kaa har saytee man maani-aa, tin kaaraj har aap savaar.
Those, whose minds are satisfied with God, God Himself settles their affairs.
iqn cUkI muhqwjI lokn kI hir AMgIkwru kIAw krqwir ]2]
tin chookee muhtaajee lokan kee, har aNgeekaar kee-aa kartaar. ||2||
Those, whom the Creator has owned, their dependence on others people is ended. 2
mqw msUriq qW ikCu kIjY jy ikCu hovY hir bwhir ] mataa masoorat taa kichh keejai, jay kichh hovai har baahar.
One can have make some resolve or consultation (with someone else), if something were
beyond (the power of) God.
jo ikCu krY soeI Bl hosI hir iDAwvhu Anidnu nwmu murwir ]3]
jo kichh karai so-ee bhal hosee, har dhi-aavahu an-din naam muraar*. ||3||
Whatever He does, that must be good; day and night, meditate upon the name of God, the
Lord. 3
[*Literally: Destroyer of demon Mur / Destroyer of all demons. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
hir jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awpy Ehu pUiC n iksY kry bIcwir ]
har jo kichh karay, so aapay aapay, oh poochh na kisai karay beechaar.
Whatever God does, He does by Himself; He does not ask or discuss with anyone.
nwnk so pRBu sdw iDAweIAY ijin myilAw siqguru ikrpw Dwir ]4]1]5]
naanak, so prabh sadaa dhi-aa-ee-ai, jin mayli-aa satgur kirpaa dhaar. ||4||1||5||
Nanak (says): Meditate forever upon that Lord, who, granting His grace, has united us with
the True Guru. 4.1.5

Byrau mhlw 4 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 4

qy swDU hir mylhu suAwmI ijn jipAw giq hoie hmwrI ]
tay saadhoo har maylhu su-aamee, jin japi-aa gat ho-ay hamaaree.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) unite me with those God-oriented persons, remembering whom, I
may get liberated.
iqn kw drsu dyiK mnu ibgsY iKnu iKnu iqn kau hau bilhwrI ]1]

tin kaa daras daykh man bigsai, khin khin tin ka-o ha-o balihaaree. ||1||
Beholding their vision, my mind blossoms forth; each and every moment (i.e. over and over
again) I am a sacrifice unto them. 1
hir ihrdY jip nwmu murwrI ] har hirdai jap naam muraaree*.
O! God (please bless me that) I may meditate upon the name of God* within my heart.
ik®pw ik®pw kir jgq ipq suAwmI hm dwsin dws kIjY pinhwrI ]1] rhwau ]
kirpaa kirpaa kar jagat pit su-aamee, ham daasan daas keejai panihaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestow (Your) kindness, bestow (Your) kindness, O! Father of the World, O! Lord; make me
the water-carrier of the slaves of Your slaves. 1 (pause)
[*Literally: Destroyer of demon Mur / Destroyer of all demons. This is one of the attributes, and the names of God].
iqn miq aUqm iqn piq aUqm ijn ihrdY visAw bnvwrI ]
iqn kI syvw lwie hir suAwmI iqn ismrq giq hoie hmwrI ]2]
tin mat ootam, tin pat ootam, jin hirdai vasi-aa banvaaree.
tin kee sayvaa laa-ay har su-aamee, tin simrat gat ho-ay hamaaree. ||2||
Their wisdom is sublime, their honour (too) is sublime, within whose hearts abides the Lord
of the (world) Forest.
(Please) attach me to the service those, O! my God, O! Lord; remembering them, I shall be
liberated. 2
ijn AYsw siqguru swDu n pwieAw qy hir drgh kwFy mwrI ]
jin aisaa satgur saadh na paa-i-aa, tay har dargeh kaaḍay maaree.
Those, who do not find such a God-oriented person, the True Guru, are beaten and thrown
out of the court of God.
qy nr inMdk soB n pwvih iqn nk kwty isrjnhwrI ]3]
tay nar niNdak sobh na paavahi, tin nak kaatay sirjanhaaree. ||3||
Such slanderers do not obtain praise (i.e. respect), their noses are cut (i.e. they are humiliated)
by the Creator (Lord). 3
hir Awip bulwvY Awpy bolY hir Awip inrMjnu inrMkwru inrwhwrI ]
har aap bulaavai aapay bolai, har aap niraNjan niraNkaar niraahaaree.
God Himself speaks, and, He Himself speak (in them); He Himself is immaculate, formless,
and needs no sustenance.
hir ijsu qU mylih so quDu imlsI jn nwnk ikAw eyih jMq ivcwrI ]4]2]6]
har jis too mayleh, so tudh milsee, jan naanak ki-aa ayhi jaNt vichaaree. ||4||2||6||
Nanak (says): O! God, one, whom You Yourself get to meet, he alone meets (You); what these
poor people can do? 4.2.6

BYrau mhlw 4 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 4

sqsMgiq sweI hir qyrI ijqu hir kIriq hir sunxy ] satsaNgat saa-ee har tayree, jit har keerat har sunṇay.
That is Your true congregation, O! God, where the praise of God (is sung), where one hears
(the praise of) God.
ijn hir nwmu suixAw mnu BInw iqn hm sRyvh inq crxy ]1]
jin har naam suṇi-aa man bheenaa, tin ham sarayveh nit charṇay. ||1||
Those, who hear the name of God, are drenched (in his love); (I wish) I serve (i.e. worship)
their feet continually . 1
jgjIvnu hir iDAwie qrxy ] jagjeevan har dhi-aa-ay tarṇay.
(O! brethren) meditating upon the Life of the World, God, one crosses over (the world ocean).
Anyk AsMK nwm hir qyry n jwhI ijhvw iequ gnxy ]1] rhwau ]
anayk asaNkh naam har tayray, na jaahee jihvaa it ganṇay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your names are so many, (they are) countless; this (my) tongue cannot even count (all of)
them. 1 (pause)
gurisK hir bolhu hir gwvhu ly gurmiq hir jpxy ] gursikh har bolhu, har gaavhu, lay gurmat har japṇay.
O! Sikhs (i.e. disciples) of the Guru, chant (the name of) God, sing (the praise of) God, and,
take the wisdom (i.e. instruction) of the Guru and meditate upon God.
jo aupdysu suxy gur kyrw so jnu pwvY hir suK Gxy ]2]
jo updays suṇay gur kayraa, so jan paavai har sukh ghaṇay. ||2||
Whoever listens to the teachings of the Guru, that being receives many pleasures (i.e.
spiritual happiness) from God. 2
DMnu su vMsu DMnu su ipqw DMnu su mwqw ijin jn jxy ] dha n so va s, dha n so pitaa, dha n so maataa jin jan jaṇay.
Blessed is the family, blessed is that father, blessed is that mother, who gave birth to (such)
beings (devotees of God).
ijn swis igrwis iDAwieAw myrw hir hir sy swcI drgh hir jn bxy ]3]
jin saas giraas dhi-aa-i-aa mayraa har har, say saachee dargeh har jan baṇay. ||3||
Those who have meditated upon my God, the Lord, with every breath (of life) and with every
morsel (of food), those servants (i.e. devotees) of God look beautiful in the court of God. 3
hir hir Agm nwm hir qyry ivic Bgqw hir Drxy ] har har agam naam har tayray, vich bhagtaa har dharṇay.
O! God, O! Lord, Your name are inaccessible (i.e. uncountable), O! God; Your devotees
have enshrined (Your names) within their hearts, O! God.
nwnk jin pwieAw miq gurmiq jip hir hir pwir pvxy ]4]3]7]
naanak jan paa-i-aa mat gurmat, jap har har paar pavṇay. ||4||3||7||
Nanak (says): those beings who have obtained instruction from the wisdom of the Guru,
meditating upon God, the Lord, they have crossed over to the other side (of the world ocean).
P. 1136
Byrau mhlw 5 Gru 1 Bhairo, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sglI QIiq pwis fwir rwKI ] Astm QIiq goivMd jnmw sI ]1]
saglee theet, paas daar raakhee. astam theet, govind janmaa see. ||1||
Setting aside all other (lunar) days; (they say) the Lord of the World (God) was born on the
eighth (lunar) day. 1
[*The worshippers of Krishan call him god; as Krishan was born on the 8th day of the lunar month Bhadrav/Bhadon,
they say that God was born on the 8th lunar day. The following verse says that God does not take birth in human form].
Brim BUly nr krq kcrwiex ] jnm mrx qy rhq nwrwiex ]1] rhwau ]
bharam bhoolay nar karat kachraa-iṇ. janam maraṇ tay rahat naaraa-iṇ.* ||1|| rahaa-o.
Deluded by doubt people practice falsehood. God* is beyond birth and doubt. 1 (pause)
[*Naaraa-in, literally: ‘dwelling in all men/beings (i.e. Omnipresent). This one of the attributes and the names of God].
kir pMjIru KvwieE cor ] kar paNjeer, khavaa-i-o chor.
You prepare panjiri (i.e. sweet treat of loaf, butter and sugar) and secretly* feed him.
[*The priest perform the act of feeding the stone-idol secretly, behind the curtain. The stone does not eat but the priests
pose having fed it, whereas they themselves eat it; and, they make people beliveve that they have fed god].
Ehu jnim n mrY ry swkq For ]2] oh janam na marai, ray saakat ḍor. ||2||
God is not born, and, He does not die; O! non-believer, animal (i.e. foolish). 2
sgl prwD dyih loronI ] sagal paraadh, deh loronee.
You sing lullabies (to the stone idol), (this is) the source of all sins.
so muKu jlau ijqu khih Twkuru jonI ]3] so mukh jala-o, jit kaheh ṭaakur jonee. ||3||
Let that mouth (i.e. tongue) be burnt, which says the Lord is subject to womb (i.e. birth). 3
jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ] janam na marai, na aavai na jaa-ay.
He is not born, He does not die; He does not come and go (in reincarnation).
nwnk kw pRBu rihE smwie ]4]1] naanak kaa prabh, rahi-o samaa-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): My God is pervading everywhere. 4.1

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

aUTq suKIAw bYTq suKIAw ] Bau nhI lwgY jW AYsy buJIAw ]1]
ooṭat sukhee-aa, baiṭat sukhee-aa. bha-o nahee laagai, jaan aisay bujhee-aa. ||1|
Standing he up is (spiritually) happy, sitting down, he is (spiritually) happy; and,
He feels no fear, when he obtains this understanding*. 1 (*this understanding is):
rwKw eyku hmwrw suAwmI ] sgl Gtw kw AMqrjwmI ]1] rhwau ]
raakhaa ayk hamaaraa su-aamee. sagal ghataa kaa aNtarjaamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord (God) is my Protector.
He is the Controller of Inner-selves (i.e. Souls) of all the beings. 1 (pause)
soie AicMqw jwig AicMqw ] so-ay achintaa, jaag achiNtaa.
(One who understands that God is His Protector) he sleeps without worry, and, wakes without worry.
jhw khW pRBu qUM vrqMqw ]2] jahaa kahaan prabh tooN vartaNtaa. ||2||
O! God, You are pervading anywhere and everywhere. 2
Gir suiK visAw bwhir suKu pwieAw ] khu nwnk guir mMqRü idRVwieAw ]3]2]
ghar sukh vasi-aa, baahar sukh paa-i-aa. kaho naanak, gur matar driṛ-aa-i-aa. ||3||2||
I dwell in (spiritual) happiness in my home; I have happiness, outside (as well); (because)
Says Nanak: The Guru has implanted the spell (that God is the Protector) within me. 3.2

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

vrq n rhau n mh rmdwnw ] varat na raha-o, na mah ramdaanaa.
I do not keep fasts (like Hindus), nor do I observe (fasts in) the month of Ramdaan.
iqsu syvI jo rKY indwnw ]1] tis sayvee, jo rakhai nidaanaa. ||1||
I serve (only) the One (God), who will save (all) in the end. 1
eyku gusweI Alhu myrw ] ihMdU qurk duhW nybyrw ]1] rhwau ]
ayk gusaa-ee alhu mayraa.hiNdoo turak duhaan naybayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The One, the Lord of the World, the Allah, is my God.
I have decided about both, the Hindus and the Turks (i.e. Muslims). 1 (pause)
[The Hindus call Him Gosai and the Muslims call Him Allah; my God is the One Lord. I have done away with both, the
Hindus and the Muslims, i.e. I do not follow either of them].
hj kwbY jwau n qIrQ pUjw ] haj kaabai jaa-o, na tirath poojaa.
I do not go for Haj at Kaba (i.e. I do not make pilgrimage to Mecca), nor for worship at (the
Hindu) places of pilgrimage (i.e. Kashi/Varanasi, Paryag/Allahabad or Hardwar etc).
eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ]2] ayko sayvee, avar na doojaa. ||2||
I serve the One (God alone), and not any other. 2
pUjw krau n invwj gujwrau ] poojaa kara-o na nivaaj gujaara-o.
I do not perform worship (of Hindu deities); I do not offer namaz (the Muslim prayer).
eyk inrMkwr ly irdY nmskwrau ]3] ayk niraNkaar lay ridai namaskaara-o. ||3||
I have taken (i.e. enshrined) the One Formless (Lord) into my heart; and, I make obeisance to
Him (alone). 3
nw hm ihMdU n muslmwn ] naa ham hiNdoo, na musalmaan.
I am not a Hindu, nor am I a Muslim.
Alh rwm ky ipMfu prwn ]4] alah raam kay piNd paraan. ||4||
My body and breath (of life) belong to Allah, to Ram (both the words mean God). 4
khu kbIr iehu kIAw vKwnw ] kaho kabeer, ih kee-aa vakhaanaa.
Says Kabir: this is what I say.
gur pIr imil Kuid Ksmu pCwnw ]5]3] gur peer mil, khud khasam pachhaanaa. ||5||3||
Meting with the Guru, the spiritual teacher, I have realized my Lord, God. 5.3

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

ds imrgI shjy bMiD AwnI ] das mirgee*, sehjay baNdh aanee.
I easily tied up ten (she)deers and brought them (under my control); and,
pWc imrg byDy isv kI bwnI ]1] paanch mirag** baydhay, siv*** kee baanee. ||1||
I have pierced (shot with arrows) five deers, with the (arrow of) the word of God. 1
[*Ten she-deers means the ten organs: 5 organs of perception: nose, ears, eyes, moth/tongue and skin; and, 5 organs of
action: hands, feet, mouth, penis and anus]. [**Five deers means five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed,
(emotional) attachment and pride]. [***Siv/Shiv, literally blissful/ beneficial, well-being (i.e. the Lord of Well-being);
this is one of the attributes and the names of God. It also means ‘the Supreme Creator of the World’].
sMqsMig ly ciVE iskwr ] imRg pkry ibnu Gor hQIAwr ]1] rhwau ]
saNtsaNg lay chaṛi-o sikaar. marig pakray, bin ghor hathee-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the God-oriented persons, (when) I set out for hunting,
I captured (these) deers without horse or weapon. 1 (pause)
[Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, I brought my senses and passions under my control].
AwKyr ibriq bwhir AwieE Dwie ] Ahyrw pwieE Gr kY gWie ]2]
aakhayr birat baahar aa-i-o dhaa-ay. ahayraa paa-i-o ghar kai gaan-ay. ||2||
My hunting nature, (that) used to run around outside;
I have brought that game (i.e. fickle mind) within my home (i.e. body) village. 2
[My fickle mind that uses to wander around, I have conquered and disciplined it].
imRg pkry Gir Awxy hwit ] marig pakray, ghar aaṇay haat.

I caught the deers and have brought them home, the shop (of my body village).
cuK cuK ly gey bWFy bwit ]3] chukh chukh lay ga-ay, baanḍay baat. ||3||
Dividing them up, they have shared them, bit by bit. 3
[The God-oriented persons finished my passions bit by bit, and, have taken away from within me].
eyhu Ahyrw kIno dwnu ] ayhu ahayraa keeno daan.
They (i.e. God-oriented persons) have given one gift to me:
nwnk kY Gir kyvl nwmu ]4]4] naanak kai ghar kayval naam. ||4||4||
(Now) the house of Nanak is filled with the name alone (i.e. heart if filled with God’s name). 4.4

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

jy sau loic loic KwvwieAw ] swkq hir hir cIiq n AwieAw ]1]
jay sa-o loch loch khaavaa-i-aa. saakat, har har cheet na aa-i-aa. ||1||
Even though one may feed him (the name of God) with yearnings and longings;
The non-believer does not remember (the name of) God, the Lord. 1
sMq jnw kI lyhu mqy ] swDsMig pwvhu prm gqy ]1] rhwau ]
saNt janaa kee layho matay. saadhsang paavhu param gatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Take (i.e. follow) the teachings of the God-oriented persons;
in the company of the God-oriented persons, you shall obtain supreme state. 1 (pause)
pwQr kau bhu nIru pvwieAw ] nh BIgY AiDk sUkwieAw ]2]
paathar ka-o baho neer pavaa-i-aa. nah bheegai, adhik sookaa-i-aa. ||2||
Stone may be kept under water for long.
(even then) they do not get wet (i.e. do not absorb water), and, they remain dry. 2
P. 1137
Ktu swsqR mUrKY sunwieAw ] jYsy dh ids pvnu JulwieAw ]3]
khat saastar moorkhai sunaa-i-aa. jaisay dah dis pavan jhulaa-i-aa. ||3||
Reading out the six philosophies to a fool;
(it is) like the wind blows in the ten (i.e. all the) directions. 3
ibnu kx Klhwnu jYsy gwhn pwieAw ] iqau swkq qy ko n brwswieAw ]4]
bin kaṇ khalhaan, jaisay gaahan paa-i-aa. ti-o saakat tay, ko na baraasaa-i-aa. ||4||
Like threshing a crop without grains (one obtains nothing);
In the same way, no one can obtain (any) gain from a non-believer. 4
iqq hI lwgw ijqu ko lwieAw ] khu nwnk pRiB bxq bxwieAw ]5]5]
tit hee laagaa, jit ko laa-i-aa. kaho naanak, prabh baṇat baṇaa-i-aa. ||5||5||
As God attaches them, so are all attached (i.e. no one can do anything of one’s own);
Says Nanak: God has formed such a for (i.e. system). 5.5

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

jIau pRwx ijin ricE srIr ] ijnih aupwey iqs kau pIr ]1]
jee-o paraaṇ, jin rachi-o sareer. jineh upaa-ay, tis ka-o peer. ||1||
He, who has created the soul, the breath (of life) and the body;
He, who has created (all beings), He feels the pain (of His creation). 1
guru goibMdu jIA kY kwm ] hliq pliq jw kI sd Cwm ]1] rhwau ]

gur gobind jee-a kai kaam. halat palat, jaa kee sad chhaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru, the Lord of the World, is the helper of the beings (i.e. He alone is powerful to help);
(It is) He, who provides shade (i.e. protection), here and hereafter. 1 (pause)
pRBu AwrwDn inrml rIiq ] swDsMig ibnsI ibprIiq ]2]
prabh aaraadhan nirmal reet. saadhsaNg binsee bipreet. ||2||
To adore God is the pure way (of life);
In the company of the God-oriented persons, the opposite way (i.e. love for duality) vanishes . 2
mIq hIq Dnu nh pwrxw ] DMin DMin myry nwrwiexw ]3]
meet heet dhan, nah paarṇaa. dhaNn dhaNn, mayray naaraa-iṇaa*. ||3||
Friends, well-wishers, and wealth are of no help (to a being; only God is help and support);
(You are) blessed, blessed (i.e. You alone are worthy of praise), O! my God. 3
[*Naaraa-in, literally: ‘dwelling in all beings’ (i.e. Omnipresent). This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ] eyk ibnw dUjw nhI jwxI ]4]6]
naanak bolai, aMmrit baṇee. ayk binaa, doojaa nahee jaaṇee. ||4||6||
Nanak speaks AMmrit word: except the One (Lord), do not recognize any other (at all). 4.6

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

AwgY dXu pwCY nwrwiex ] miD Bwig hir pRym rswiex ]1]
aagai da-yu*, paachhai naaraa-iṇ**; madh bhaag, har paraym rasaa-iṇ. ||1||
God is in front (of me), and, God is behind (me);
In the middle part (also) is God, the source of nectar and love. 1
[*Da-yu, literally: mercy (God as embodiment of mercy). Naaraa-in, literally: ‘dwelling in all beings’ (i.e.
Omnipresent). These two are among the attributes and the names of God].
pRBU hmwrY swsqR saux ] prabhoo hamaarai, saastar sa-uṇ.
God is my shaastra (i.e. book) of (auspicious/ favourable) omens.
sUK shj Awnµd igRh Baux ]1] rhwau ] sookh sahj aanaNd garih bha-uṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Happiness, poise and bliss are in that home and mansion (i.e. the heart where He dwells). 1
rsnw nwmu krn suix jIvy ] rasnaa naam, karan suṇ jeevay.
My tongue, chanting the name, and, my ears hearing name (of the Lord) live (i.e. survive).
pRBu ismir ismir Amr iQru QIvy ]2] prabh simar simar, amar thir theevay. ||2||
Remembering and remembering (the name of) God, they (i.e. my tongue and ears) have
become immortal, and stable (i.e. eternal). 2
jnm jnm ky dUK invwry ] Anhd sbd vjy drbwry ]3]
janam janam kay dookh nivaaray. anhad sabad vajay darbaaray. ||3||
(Those who meditate upon Him) their pains of countless incarnations have been erased;
the unstruck word resounds in their court (i.e. in their heart). 3
kir ikrpw pRiB lIey imlwey ] nwnk pRB srxwgiq Awey ]4]7]
kar kirpaa, prabh, lee-ay milaa-ay. naanak, prabh sarṇaagat aa-ay. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): those who have entered the refuge of God; bestowing His kindness, God has
unites them (with Himself). 4.7

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5
koit mnorQ Awvih hwQ ] kot manorath aavahi haath.
(By meditating upon the name of God) tens of millions of objectives come into hand (i.e. are
fulfilled/ accomplished); (and, besides)
jm mwrg kY sMgI pWQ ]1] jam maarag kai saNgee paanth. ||1||
On the path of death, it (i.e. the name of God) becomes companion. 1
gMgw jlu gur goibMd nwm ] gaNgaa jal, gur gobiNd naam.
(For me) the name of the Guru, the Lord of the Word, is (the holy) water of Ganges.
jo ismrY iqs kI giq hovY pIvq bhuiV n join BRmwm ]1] rhwau ]
jo simrai, tis kee gat hovai, peevat bahurh na jon bharmaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever remembers (i.e. meditates upon the name), is liberated; whoever drinks it in (the
Amrit name) does not wander in womb (i.e. reincarnation) again. 1 (pause)
pUjw jwp qwp iesnwn ] poojaa jaap taap isnaan.
(The name is my) worship, meditation, austerity and (cleansing) bath.
ismrq nwm Bey inhkwm ]2] simrat naam, bha-ay nihkaam. ||2||
Remembering the name one become free of desires (of any reward). 2
rwj mwl swdn drbwr ] raaj maal saadan darbaar.
(Meditation upon name is like the pleasure of) empire, wealth, king, mansion and courts
ismrq nwm pUrn Awcwr ]3] simrat naam, pooran aachaar. ||3||
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the name brings perfect conduct. 3
nwnk dws iehu kIAw bIcwru ] ibnu hir nwm imiQAw sB Cwru ]4]8]
naanak, daas ih kee-aa beechaar. bin har naam, mithi-aa sabh chhaar. ||4||8||
Nanak (says): the slaves (i.e. devotees of God) have contemplated (that)
without the name of God, everything is false and (worthless like) ashes. 4.8

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

lypu n lwgo iql kw mUil ] dustu bRwhmxu mUAw hoie kY sUl ]1] layp na laago, til kaa mool.
dusat baraahman, moo-aa ho-ay kai sool. ||1||
It (i.e. poison) had absolutely no (harmful) effect; (but) the wicked Brahman dies in pain. 1
hir jn rwKy pwrbRhim Awip ] har jan raakhay paarbarahm aap.
The Supreme Reality (God) Himself saved servants (i.e. devotees) of God; and,
pwpI mUAw gur prqwip ]1] rhwau ] paapee moo-aa, gur partaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
the sinner dies of the glory (i.e. spiritual greatness) of the Guru. 1 (pause)
Apxw Ksmu jin Awip iDAwieAw ] ieAwxw pwpI Ehu Awip pcwieAw ]2]
apnaa khasam, jan aap dhi-aa-i-aa. i-aaṇaa paapee, oh aap pachaa-i-aa. ||2||
The servant (i.e. the devotee of God) meditated upon his own Lord; and,
He (i.e. God) Himself consumed the ignorant (i.e. foolish) sinner. 2
pRB mwq ipqw Apxy dws kw rKvwlw ] inMdk kw mwQw eIhW aUhw kwlw ]3]
prabh maat pitaa, apnay daas kaa rakhvaalaa. niNdak kaa maathaa, eehaan oohaa kaalaa. ||3||
Like mother and father, God is the protector of His slave (i.e. devotee); and,
the forehead (i.e. face) of the slanderer is blackened here and hereafter. 3
jn nwnk kI prmysir suxI Ardwis ] mlyCu pwpI picAw BieAw inrwsu ]4]9]

jan naanak kee parmaysar suṇee ardaas. malaychh paapee pachi-aa, bha-i-aa niraas. ||4||9||
Nanak (says): the Supreme Lord (God) has heard the prayer of His servant (i.e. devotee);
the filthy sinner became hopeless and was ruined to death. 4.9

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

KUbu KUbu KUbu KUbu KUbu qyro nwmu ] khoob* khoob, khoob khoob, khoob tayro naam.
Excellent, great, supreme, beautiful, grand is Your name, (O! God).
JUTu JUTu JUTu JUTu dunI gumwnu ]1] rhwau ] jhooṭ jhooṭ, jhooṭ jhooṭ, dunee gumaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
False, untrue, unreal, meaningless, is the pride (of the people) in the world. 1 (pause)
[*Khoob, literally means excellent, and, jhooth literally means false/unreal. All other synonyms have been given just to
ngj qyry bMdy dIdwru Apwru ] nagaj tayray banday, deedaar apaar.
Beauteous are Your slaves (i.e. devotees); infinite (i.e. invaluable) is (beholding) their vision.
P. 1138
nwm ibnw sB dunIAw Cwru ]1] naam binaa, sabh dunee-aa chhaar. ||1||
Without the name, the whole world is just ashes. 1
Acrju qyrI kudriq qyry kdm slwh ] achraj tayree kudrat, tayray kadam salaah.
Your creative power is wondrous, and, Your (lotus) feet are praise-worthy.
gnIv qyrI isPiq scy pwiqswh ]2] ganeev tayree sifat, sachay paatisaah. ||2||
Your praise is rich (i.e. priceless), O! True King. 2
nIDirAw Dr pnh Kudwie ] grIb invwju idnu rYix iDAwie ]3]
needhri-aa dhar, panah khudaa-ay. gareeb nivaaj, din raiṇ dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
(He is) the Support of the support-less; (O! brethren, seek) the refuge of God;
(He is) the Patron (i.e. Cherisher) of the poor;(O! brethren) meditate upon Him, day and night. 3
nwnk kau Kuid Ksm imhrvwn ] Alhu n ivsrY idl jIA prwn ]4]10]
naanak ka-o, khud khasam miharvaan. alhu na visrai, dil jee-a paraan. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): One, upon whom God Himself is kind;
he does not forget God in his heart, soul, and breath (of life). 4.10

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

swc pdwrQu gurmuiK lhhu ] saach padaarath, gurmukh lahhu.
(O! Brethren) obtain the true wealth (of the name) through the Guru.
pRB kw Bwxw siq kir shhu ]1] prabh kaa bhaaṇaa, sat kar sahhu. ||1||
Accept the will (i.e. command) of God as true. 1
jIvq jIvq jIvq rhhu ] rwm rswiexu inq auiT pIvhu ] hir hir hir hir rsnw khhu ]1] rhwau ]
jeevat jeevat jeevat rahhu. raam rasaa-in, nit uṭ peevhu. har har har har, rasnaa kahhu||1|| rahaa-o.
Live (spiritually), live, live (forever); [how to live forever]:
wake up (early) and drink in daily (the name of) God, (which is) the source of nectars;
with your tongue, chant (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty.1 (pause)
kiljug mih iek nwim auDwru ] nwnku bolY bRhm bIcwru ]2]11]
kalijug meh, ik naam udhaar. naanak bolai barahm beechaar. ||2||11||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the One name alone is saviour.

Nanak (says): I speak the thought of God. 4.11

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

siqguru syiv srb Pl pwey ] jnm jnm kI mYlu imtwey ]1]
satgur sayv sarab fal paa-ay. janam janam kee mail mitaa-ay. ||1||
Serving the True Guru, all fruits (i.e. rewards/ wish-fulfilments) are obtained; and,
the filth of countless life-times is washed away. 1
piqq pwvn pRB qyro nwau ] pUrib krm ilKy gux gwau ]1] rhwau ]
patit paavan, prabh, tayro naa-o. poorab karam likhay guṇ gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your name, O! God, is the Purifier of the fallen ones (i.e. sinners); (but)
If one has good past deeds, one sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God). 1 (pause)
swDU sMig hovY auDwru ] soBw pwvY pRB kY duAwr ]2]
saadhoo saNg hovai udhaar.sobhaa paavai, prabh kai du-aar. ||2||
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, one is saved;
one obtains praise at the doors (i.e. honour in the court) of God. 2
srb kilAwx crx pRB syvw ] Duir bwCih siB suir nr dyvw ]3]
sarab kali-aaṇ, charaṇ prabh sayvaa. dhoor baachheh, sabh sur nar dayvaa. ||3||
Serving at the feet of Guru, all bliss is obtained (i.e. all desires are fulfilled); and,
all the angelic persons and gods long for the dust of the feet (of such a person). 3
nwnk pwieAw nwm inDwnu ] naanak, paa-i-aa naam nidhaan.
Nanak (says): (by His blessing) one obtains the treasure of the name.
hir jip jip auDirAw sgl jhwnu ]4]12] har jap jap udhri-aa sagal jahaan. ||4||12||
Chanting and meditating upon (the name of) God, the whole world is saved. 4.12

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

Apxy dws kau kMiT lgwvY ] inMdk kau Agin mih pwvY ]1]
apnay daas ka-o kaNṭ lagaavai. niNdak ka-o agan meh paavai. ||1||
He hugs His slave (i.e. devotee) close to His throat (i.e. bosom); and,
throws the slanderer (of His devotees) into the fire (i.e. makes them suffer). 1
pwpI qy rwKy nwrwiex ] pwpI kI giq kqhU nwhI pwpI picAw Awp kmwiex ]1] rhwau ]
paapee tay raakhay naaraa-iṇ.*
paapee kee gat kathoo naahee, paapee pachi-aa aap kamaa-iṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God saves (His devotees) from the sinners;
The sinner can never obtain emancipation, he is consumed by (i.e. in the fire of) his own
deeds. 1 (pause)
[*Naaraa-in, literally: ‘dwelling in all beings’ , i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
dws rwm jIau lwgI pRIiq ] inMdk kI hoeI ibprIiq ]2]
daas raam jee-o laagee pareet. niNdak kee ho-ee bipreet. ||2||
The slave (i.e. devotee) is in love with dear God;
The slanderer is in opposite state (i.e. in love with vices). 2
pwrbRhim Apxw ibrdu pRgtwieAw ] doKI Apxw kIqw pwieAw ]3]
paarbarahm apnaa birad paragtaa-i-aa. dokhee, apṇaa keetaa paa-i-aa. ||3||

The Supreme Reality (God) has revealed His (innate) nature (i.e. He took care of His devotees);
the evil-doer (i.e. slanderer) obtains the fruit of his actions. 3
Awie n jweI rihAw smweI ] nwnk dws hir kI srxweI ]4]13]
aa-ay na jaa-ee, rahi-aa samaa-ee. naanak daas, har kee sarṇaa-ee. ||4||13||
God does not come, or goes, He is ever pervading;
Nanak (says): (His) slaves (i.e. devotees) remain in the refuge of God. 4.13

rwgu BYrau mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 Raag Bhairo, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 2
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
sRIDr mohn sgl aupwvn inrMkwr suKdwqw ] sareedhar* mohan sagal upaavan, niraNkaar sukh-daata.
The Lord of Maya, Fascinating, the Creator of All, the Formless, is the Giver of Happiness.
[*Saree dhar, literally: possessor/ keeper of Sri/Laxmi, i.e. Lord of Wealth/Maya].
AYsw pRBu Coif krih An syvw kvn ibiKAw rs mwqw ]1]
aisaa prabh chhod, karahi an sayvaa, kavan bikhi-aa ras maataa. ||1||
Abandoning such a Lord, you serve another, (O! my mind) which kind of poison, you are
intoxicated with. 1
ry mn myry qU goivd Bwju ] Avr aupwv sgl mY dyKy jo icqvIAY iqqu ibgris kwju ]1] rhwau ]
ray man mayray, too govid bhaaj.
avar upaav sagal mai daykhay, jo chitvee-ai tit bigras kaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, you meditate upon the Lord of the World;
I have seen (i.e. tried) all other sorts of efforts, whatever you think of (O! my mind) that will
(only) spoil your deed (of liberation). 1 (pause)
Twkuru Coif dwsI kau ismrih mnmuK AMD AigAwnw ]
ṭaakur chhod, daasee ka-o simrahi, manmukh aNdh agi-aanaa.
Those who forsake the Master and meditate upon slave-maid (i.e. Maya), are blind ignorant
and self-oriented.
hir kI Bgiq krih iqn inMdih ingury psU smwnw ]2]
har kee bhagat karahi tin niNdeh, niguray pasoo samaanaa. ||2||
Those, who slander those who worship God, are without Guru, (they are) like animals. 2
jIau ipMfu qnu Dnu sBu pRB kw swkq khqy myrw ] jee-o piNd tan dhan sabh prabh kaa, saakat kahtay mayraa.
Soul, body, wealth, all belong to God, (but) the non-believers claim they own them.
P. 1139
AhMbuiD durmiq hY mYlI ibnu gur Bvjil Pyrw ]3] aha -budh durmat hai mailee, bin gur bhavjal fayraa ||3||
They are proud, have evil wisdom, and (have) filthy (mind); without the Guru, they remain
re-consigned to the cycle of the terrifying (world ocean). 3
hom jg jp qp siB sMjm qit qIriQ nhI pwieAw ] hom jag jap tap sabh saNjam, tat tirath nahee paa-i-aa.
By conducting sacrificial fire, (ritual) feast, meditation, all sorts of austerity (i.e. disciplines)
and visit to places of pilgrimage, He can not found.
imitAw Awpu pey srxweI gurmuiK nwnk jgqu qrwieAw ]4]1]14]

miti-aa aap pa-ay sarṇaa-ee, gurmukh naanak jagat taraa-i-aa. ||4||1||14||
Nanak (says): Those who entered the refuge (of the Guru), their self-conceit is erased; (this
way) the world is carried across (the world ocean) through the Guru. 4.1.14

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

bn mih pyiKE iqRx mih pyiKE igRih pyiKE audwswey ]
ban meh paykhi-o, tariṇ meh paykhi-o, garihi paykhi-o udaasaa-ay.
I have seen Him in the woods; I have seen Him in the vegetation; I have seen Him in
household and in renunciation.
dMfDwr jtDwrY pyiKE vrq nym qIrQwey ]1] daNddhaar jatdhaarai paykhi-o, varat naym teerthaa-ay ||1||
I have seen Him (in yogi) holding carrying his staff, (in ascetics) with matted hair, (in those)
conducting fasting, (in those) visiting places of pilgrimage. 1
sMqsMig pyiKE mn mweyN ] saNtsaNg, paykhi-o man maa-ayn.
(But) in the company of the God-oriented persons, I have seen Him within my own mind.
aUB pieAwl srb mih pUrn ris mMgl gux gwey ]1] rhwau ]
oobh pa-i-aal sarab meh pooran, ras maNgal guṇ gaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the skies, in the nether regions, and in everything, He is fulfilling (i.e. pervading and
permeating); and, I sing (the praise of) His excellences with joy and love. 1 (pause)
jog ByK sMinAwsY pyiKE jiq jMgm kwpVwey ] jog bhaykh sanni-aasai paykhi-o, jat jaNgam kaaprhaa-ay.
I have seen Him (pervading) in yogis, in those wearing religious robes, the sanniaasees (i.e.
renouncers), celibates, wandering ascetics, and those wearing (patched) dresses.
qpI qpIsur muin mih pyiKE nt nwitk inrqwey ]2]
tapee tapeesur mun meh paykhi-o, nat naatik nirtaa-ay. ||2||
I have seen Him in meditators (ascetics), leaders of meditators, silent sages; (I have seen Him)
in actors,dramas and dancers. 2
chu mih pyiKE Kt mih pyiKE ds AstI isMimRqwey ]
chahu meh paykhi-o, khat meh paykhi-o, das astee siMmritaa-ay.
I have seen Him in the four (Vedas), I have seen Him in the six (shastras), in the eighteen
(Puranas) and (twenty-seven) Smritis.
sB imil eyko eyku vKwnih qau iks qy khau durwey ]3]
sabh mil ayko ayk vakhaaneh, ta-o kis tay kaha-o duraa-ay. ||3||
(When) all together they say there is the One (Lord), then, tell me, from whom He is far away? 3
Agh Agh byAMq suAwmI nh kIm kIm kImwey ] agah agah bay-aNt su-aamee, nah keem keem keemaa-ay.
He is unfathomable and yet beyond, infinite Lord; His value and worth can not be valued
(i.e. can not be assessed).
jn nwnk iqn kY bil bil jweIAY ijh Git prgtIAwey ]4]2]15]
jan naanak, tin kai bal bal jaa-ee-ai, jih ghat pargatee-aa-ay. ||4||2||15||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto the one, in whose heart,
He is revealed. 4.2.15

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

inkit buJY so burw ikau krY ] ibKu sMcY inq frqw iPrY ]

nikat bujhai, so buraa ki-o karai. bikh saNchai, nit dartaa firai.
One, who realizes that He is near, how can he do evil (to anyone)? and,
One, who gathers poison (i.e. Maya), constantly lives in fear.
hY inkty Aru Bydu n pwieAw ] ibnu siqgur sB mohI mwieAw ]1]
hai niktay, ar bhayd na paa-i-aa. bin satgur, sabh mohee maa-i-aa. ||1||
(O! brethren) God is near, but, this mystery is not understood (by everyone); but,
Without the True Guru, everyone is enticed by Maya. 1
nyVY nyVY sBu ko khY ] gurmuiK Bydu ivrlw ko lhY ]1] rhwau ]
nayṛai nayṛai, sabh ko kahai. gurmukh, bhayd virlaa ko lahai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Everyone says : He is near, He is near; (but, only)
some rare one understands this secret through the Guru. 1 (pause)
inkit n dyKY pr igRih jwie ] drbu ihrY imiQAw kir Kwie ]
nikat na daykhai, par garihi jaa-ay. darab hirai, mithi-aa kar khaa-ay.
One who does see Him near , he goes to other's home (i.e. chases the wife of another person);
He steals the wealth of others, (thus) eats by false means (i.e. lives falsehood).
peI TgaurI hir sMig n jwinAw ] bwJu gurU hY Brim BulwinAw ]2]
pa-ee ṭag-uree, har saNg na jaani-aa. baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaani-aa. ||2||
Fascinated by cheating drug (i.e. Maya), does not know that God is within.
Without the Guru, he is deluded by doubt. 2
inkit n jwnY bolY kUVu ] mwieAw moih mUTw hY mUVu ]
nikat na jaanai, bolai kooṛ. maa-i-aa mohi mooṭaa hai mooṛ.
(One, who) does not realize that God is near, he tells lies.
The fool is robbed by his attachment to Maya.
AMqir vsqu idsMqir jwie ] bwJu gurU hY Brim Bulwie ]3]
aNtar vasat, disaNtar jaa-ay. baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaa-ay. ||3||
That (wealth of the name) which is within his own self, he goes abroad to find (i.e. finds it outside).
Without Guru, he is deluded by doubt. 3
ijsu msqik krmu iliKAw illwt ] siqguru syvy Kul@y kpwt ]
jis mastak karam likhi-aa lilaat. satgur sayvay khuh ay kapaat.

He, who has (good) destiny inscribed on his forehead;

(he) serves the True Guru, and, the (hard) gates (of his mind) are opened (wide).
AMqir bwhir inkty soie ] jn nwnk AwvY n jwvY koie ]4]3]16]
aNtar baahar niktay so-ay.jan naanak, aavai na jaavai ko-ay. ||4||3||16||
Within his own self, and outside, he sees Him near (at hand);
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (such a person realizes) does not come and go (in
reincarnation). 4.3.16

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

ijsu qU rwKih iqsu kaunu mwrY ] sB quJ hI AMqir sgl sMswrY ]
jis too raakhahi, tis ka-un maarai. sabh tujh hee aNtar, sagal sansaarai.
Who can kill that one whom you protect? (O! God);(because),
All (the beings) are in Your command; the entire universe is (under Your command).
koit aupwv icqvq hY pRwxI ] so hovY ij krY coj ivfwxI ]1]
kot upaav, chitvat hai paraaṇee. so hovai, je karai choj vidaaṇee. ||1||
The mortal (being) thinks up tens of millions of solutions (i.e. plans for oneself);
(but) that alone happens, which the Lord the Wondrous Plays (i.e. God) does. 1
rwKhu rwKhu ikrpw Dwir ] qyrI srix qyrY drvwir ]1] rhwau ]
raakho raakho kirpaa dhaar. tayree saraṇ tayrai darvaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestow Your kindness and save me, O! God;
I seek Your refuge, (standing) at the court. 1 (pause)
ijin syivAw inrBau suKdwqw ] iqin Bau dUir kIAw eyku prwqw ]
jin sayvi-aa nirbha-o sukh-daata. tin bha-o door kee-aa, ayk paraataa.
Whoever has served the Fearless (Lord), the Giver of Happiness;
he is rid of (all his) fear; and, he knows the One (Lord).
jo qU krih soeI Puin hoie ] mwrY n rwKY dUjw koie ]2]
jo too karahi, so-ee fun ho-ay. maarai na raakhai doojaa ko-ay. ||2||
(O! God) whatever You do, that alone comes to happen;
there is no other who can kill or protect (anyone). 2
ikAw qU socih mwxs bwix ] AMqrjwmI purKu sujwxu ]
ki-aa too socheh, maaṇas baaṇ. aNtarjaamee purakh sujaaṇ.
What do you think with your human way of thinking?
the Primal Person, the All-knowing is the Controller of the Souls .
eyk tyk eyko AwDwru ] sB ikCu jwxY isrjxhwru ]3]
ayk tayk, ayko aadhaar. sabh kichh jaaṇai sirjaṇhaar. ||3||
The One (Lord) is (our) only support and only refuge; the Creator knows everything. 3
ijsu aUpir ndir kry krqwru ] iqsu jn ky siB kwj svwir ]
jis oopar nadar karay kartaar. tis jan kay sabh kaaj savaar.
He, upon whom Creator bestows His glance (of grace),
all the affairs of that person are settled.
P. 1140
iqs kw rwKw eyko soie ] jn nwnk ApiV n swkY koie ]4]4]17]
tis kaa raakhaa ayko so-ay. jan naanak, apaṛ na saakai ko-ay. ||4||4||17||
The One alone is his Protector.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): No one can equal Him. 4.4.17

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

qau kVIAY jy hovY bwhir ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay hovai baahar.
We should feel distressed, if (God) were beyond us (i.e. far away from us).
qau kVIAY jy ivsrY nrhir ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay visrai narhar.
We should feel distressed if we forget God.*
[*Literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals, and, pervading all beings, Omnipresent].
qau kVIAY jy dUjw Bwey ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay doojaa bhaa-ay.
We should feel distressed if we are in love with duality.
ikAw kVIAY jW rihAw smwey ]1] ki-aa kaṛee-ai, jaan rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||1||

(But) why should we feel distressed, when He is pervading everywhere. 1
mwieAw moih kVy kiV picAw ] maa-i-aa mohi kaṛay kaṛ pachi-aa.
One is distressed in attached to Maya, and, he is consumed by distress.
ibnu nwvY BRim BRim BRim KipAw ]1] rhwau ] bin naavai, bharam bharam bharam khapi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the name, he wanders and wanders and wanders, and, is consumed away. 1 (pause)
qau kVIAY jy dUjw krqw ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay doojaa kartaa.
We should feel distressed if there were another Creator.
qau kVIAY jy AinAwie ko mrqw ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay ani-aa-ay ko martaa.
We should feel distressed if someone dies by injustice.
qau kVIAY jy ikCu jwxY nwhI ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay kichh jaaṇai naahee.
We should feel distressed if something were not known to Him (i.e. He knows everything).
ikAw kVIAY jW BrpUir smwhI ]2] ki-aa kaṛee-ai, jaan bharpoor samaahee. ||2||
Why should we feel distressed, when He is pervading everywhere. 2
qau kVIAY jy ikCu hoie iD|wxY ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay kichh ho-ay dhingaaṇai.
We should feel distressed if someone is done high-handedly.
qau kVIAY jy BUil rM\wxY ] ta-o kaṛee-ai, jay bhool raNnjaaṇay.
We should feel distressed if are we are made to suffer by mistake.
guir kihAw jo hoie sBu pRB qy ] qb kwVw Coif AicMq hm soqy ]3]
gur kahi-aa, jo ho-ay sabh prabh tay. tab kaaṛaa chhod, achint ham sotay. ||3||
The Guru says that everything happens by God’s will;
hence, I have abandoned distress (i.e. worrying), and, I now sleep without anxiety. 3
pRB qUhY Twkuru sBu ko qyrw ] prabh toohai ṭaakur, sabh ko tayraa.
O, God! You alone are my Master, and, all belong to You.
ijau BwvY iqau krih inbyrw ] ji-o bhaavai, ti-o karahi nibayraa.
You passs judgements as it please You.
duqIAw nwsiq ieku rihAw smwie ] dutee-aa naasat, ik rahi-aa samaa-ay.
There is no other (at all), the One alone is pervading.
rwKhu pYj nwnk srxwie ]4]5]18] raakho paij, naanak sarṇaa-ay. ||4||5||18||
Nanak (says): (Please) protect my honour, I have come to Your refuge. 4.5.18

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

ibnu bwjy kYso inriqkwrI ] bin baajay, kaiso nirtikaaree.
Without music, how is one to dance (beautifully)?
ibnu kMTY kYsy gwvnhwrI ] bin kaNṭai, kaisay gaavanhaaree.
Without (melodious) voice, how is one to sing?
jIl ibnw kYsy bjY rbwb ] jeel binaa, kaisay bajai rabaab.
Without strings, how is a rebaab (i.e. rebeck) to be played?
nwm ibnw ibrQy siB kwj ]1] naam binaa, birthay sabh kaaj. ||1||
(Similarly) without (meditation upon) the name (of God), all affairs are useless. 1
nwm ibnw khhu ko qirAw ] naam binaa, kahhu ko tari-aa.
Without the name, tell me, how has (ever) anyone crossed over (the world ocean).
ibnu siqgur kYsy pwir pirAw ]1] rhwau ] bin satgur, kaisay paar pari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Without the True Guru, how can anyone cross over to the other shore? 1 (pause)
ibnu ijhvw khw ko bkqw ] bin jihvaa, kahaa ko baktaa.
Without a tongue, how can anyone speak?
ibnu sRvnw khw ko sunqw ] bin sarvanaa, kahaa ko suntaa.
Without ears, how can anyone hear?
ibnu nyqRw khw ko pyKY ] bin naytaraa, kahaa ko paykhai.
Without eyes, how can anyone see?
nwm ibnw nru khI n lyKY ]2] naam binaa, nar kahee na laykhai. ||2||
(Similarly) without (meditation upon) the name (of God), man (i.e. a being) is of no account. 2
ibnu ibidAw khw koeI pMifq ] bin bidi-aa, kahaa ko-ee paNdit.
Without learning, how can anyone become scholar?
ibnu AmrY kYsy rwj mMifq ] bin amrai, kaisay raaj maNdit.
Without (exercise of the power of royal) command, how can there be glory of kingdom?
ibnu bUJy khw mnu Thrwnw ] bin boojhay, kahaa man ṭehraanaa.
Without realizing, how can the mind become stable.
nwm ibnw sBu jgu baurwnw ]3] naam binaa, sabh jag ba-uraanaa. ||3||
Without (meditation upon) the name (of God), the whole world is (wandering) crazy. 3
ibnu bYrwg khw bYrwgI ] bin bairaag, kahaa bairaagee.
Without detachment (from worldliness) , how can one be a detached one.
ibnu hau iqAwig khw koaU iqAwgI ] bin ha-o ti-aag, kahaa ko-oo ti-aagee.
Without renouncing egotism, how can one be a renunciate.
ibnu bis pMc khw mn cUry ] bin bas paNch, kahaa man chooray.
Without subduing (i.e. controlling) the five (passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment
and pride), how can the mind be subdued (i.e. controlled).
nwm ibnw sd sd hI JUry ]4] naam binaa, sad sad hee jhooray. ||4||
Without (meditation upon) the name (of God), one repents and regrets forever and ever. 4
ibnu gur dIiKAw kYsy igAwnu ] bin gur deekhi-aa, kaisay gi-aan.
Without the Guru’s instructions, how can anyone obtain knowledge?
ibnu pyKy khu kYso iDAwnu ] bin paykhay, kaho kaiso dhi-aan.
Without seeing (object of worship), tell me, how can anyone be in concentration.
ibnu BY kQnI srb ibkwr ] bin bhai kathnee, sarab bikaar.
Without the fear (of God) all speech is useless.
khu nwnk dr kw bIcwr ]5]6]19] kaho naanak, dar kaa beechaar. ||5||6||19||
Says Nanak: this the thought of (the path to) His door (i.e. His court). 5.6.19

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

haumY rogu mwnuK kau dInw ] ha-umai rog, maanukh ka-o deenaa.
Man has been given (i.e. afflicted/struck with) the disease of egotism.
kwm roig mYglu bis lInw ] kaam rog, maigal bas leenaa.
The disease of sexual desire overwhelms the elephant.
idRsit roig pic muey pqMgw ] darisat rog, pach mu-ay pataNgaa.
Because of the disease of vision, the moth is burnt to death.
nwd roig Kip gey kurMgw ]1] naad rog, khap ga-ay kuraNgaa. ||1||
Because of the disease of the sound (of the hunter’s bell), the deer is ruined. 1
jo jo dIsY so so rogI ] jo jo deesai, so so rogee.
Whoever is seen, is diseased.
rog rihq myrw siqguru jogI ]1] rhwau ] rog rahit, mayraa satgur jogee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only the True Guru, (who is) in union (with God), is free of disease. 1 (pause)
ijhvw roig mInu gRisAwno ] jihvaa rog, meen garsi-aano.
The fish is engrossed in the disease of tongue (i.e. taste).
bwsn roig Bvru ibnswno ] baasan rog, bhavar binsaano.
Because of the disease of smell, the bumble-bee is destroyed.
hyq rog kw sgl sMswrw ] hayt rog kaa sagal saNsaaraa.
The whole world is engrossed in the disease of attachment.
iqRibiD rog mih bDy ibkwrw ]2] taribadh rog meh badhay bikaaraa. ||2||
In the disease of the three gunaas (i.e. three qualities of Maya), many are engaged in vices. 2
rogy mrqw rogy jnmY ] rogay martaa, rogay janmai.
In disease the beings die; in disease they are born (again).
rogy iPir iPir jonI BrmY ] rogay, fir fir jonee bharmai.
Because of the diseased they wanders in womb (i.e. in reincarnation) over and over again.
P. 1141
rog bMD rhnu rqI n pwvY ] rog ba dh rahan ratee na paavai.

Afflicted by disease, they cannot stay still (i.e. cannot remain at peace), even for an instant.
ibnu siqgur rogu kqih n jwvY ]3] bin satgur, rog kateh na jaavai. ||3||
Without the True Guru the disease is never cured. 3
pwrbRhim ijsu kInI dieAw ] bwh pkiV roghu kiF lieAw ]
paarbarahm, jis keenee da-i-aa. baah pakarh, rogahu kadh la-i-aa.
(When) the Supreme Lord bestows His kindness;
holding by arm, He pulls up out of the disease.
qUty bMDn swDsMgu pwieAw ] khu nwnk guir rogu imtwieAw ]4]7]20]
tootay baNdan, saadhsang paa-i-aa. kaho naanak, gur rog mitaa-i-aa. ||4||7||20||
One, who obtains the company of the God-oriented persons, his bonds are broken.
Says Nanak: the Guru has cures him of the disease. 4.7.20

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

cIiq AwvY qW mhw Anµd ] cheet aavai, taan mahaa anaNd.
When He comes to mind, then one obtains supreme bliss.
cIiq AwvY qW siB duK BMj ] cheet aavai, taan sabh dukh bhanj.
When He comes to mind, then all the pains are shattered (i.e. destroyed).
cIiq AwvY qW srDw pUrI ] cheet aavai, taan sardhaa pooree.
When He comes to mind, then hopes (i.e. desires) are fulfilled.
cIiq AwvY qW kbih n JUrI ]1] cheet aavai, taan kabeh na jhooree. ||1||
When He comes to mind, then one never feels distressed. 1
AMqir rwm rwie pRgty Awie ] guir pUrY dIE rMgu lwie ]1] rhwau ]

aNtar, raam raa-ay pargatay aa-ay. gur poorai, dee-o raNg laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within one’s being, the Sovereign Lord is revealed;
(when) the perfect Guru gets him to love Him. 1 (pause)
cIiq AwvY qW srb ko rwjw ] cheet aavai, taan sarab ko raajaa.
When He comes to mind, then one becomes the king of all.
cIiq AwvY qW pUry kwjw ] cheet aavai, taan pooray kaajaa.
When He comes to mind, then all the matters are settled.
cIiq AwvY qW rMig gulwl ] cheet aavai, taan raNg gulaal.
When He comes to mind, then one is dyed in His crimson (i.e. deep) love.
cIiq AwvY qW sdw inhwl ]2] cheet aavai, taan sadaa nihaal. ||2||
When He comes to mind, then one is in ecstasy forever. 2
cIiq AwvY qW sd DnvMqw ] cheet aavai, taan sad dhanvaNtaa.
When He comes to mind, then one is wealthy forever.
cIiq AwvY qW sd inBrMqw ] cheet aavai, taan sad nibhraNtaa.
When He comes to mind, then one is free from doubt forever.
cIiq AwvY qW siB rMg mwxy ] cheet aavai, taan sabh raNg maaṇay.
When He comes to mind, then one enjoys all pleasures.
cIiq AwvY qW cUkI kwxy ]3] cheet aavai, taa chookee kaaṇay. ||3||

When He comes to mind, then one is rid of all dependence. 3

cIiq AwvY qW shj Gru pwieAw ] cheet aavai, taan sahj ghar paa-i-aa.
When He comes to mind, then one obtains poise in his home (of self i.e. heart).
cIiq AwvY qW suMin smwieAw ] cheet aavai, taan suNn samaa-i-aa.
When He comes to mind, then one is absorbed in (state of) void (trance).
cIiq AwvY sd kIrqnu krqw ] cheet aavai, sad keertan kartaa.
When He comes to mind, then one continually sings His praise.
mnu mwinAw nwnk BgvMqw ]4]8]21] man maani-aa, naanak, bhagvaNtaa. ||4||8||21||
Nanak (says): (then) his mind pleases with God. 4.8.21

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

bwpu hmwrw sd crMjIvI ] baap hamaaraa, sad charaNjeevee.
My Father (Lord) is forever alive (i.e. eternal).
BweI hmwry sd hI jIvI ] bhaa-ee hamaaray, sad hee jeevee.
My brethren (in the true congregation) live forever (as well).
mIq hmwry sdw AibnwsI ] meet hamaaray, sadaa abhinaasee.
My friends are forever imperishable.
kutMbu hmwrw inj Gir vwsI ]1] kutaMb hamaaraa, nij ghar vaasee. ||1||
My family abides in the home of the self (within). 1
hm suKu pwieAw qW sBih suhyly ] guir pUrY ipqw sMig myly ]1] rhwau ]
ham sukh paa-i-aa, taa sabheh suhaylay. gur poorai, pitaa saNg maylay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

I have found happiness, so all are happy; (because)

the perfect Guru has united me with my Father (Lord). 1 (pause)
mMdr myry sB qy aUcy ] maNdar mayray, sabh tay oochay.

(Since the Guru has united me with the Lord) my mansions (within) are the highest of all.
dys myry byAMq ApUCy ] days mayray, bay-aNt apoochhay.
(Now) my countries are infinite and unquestioned (i.e. uncountable).
rwju hmwrw sd hI inhclu ] raaj hamaaraa, sad hee nihchal.
(Now) my (spiritual) kingdom is forever stable.
mwlu hmwrw AKUtu Abyclu ]2] maal hamaaraa, akhoot abaychal. ||2||
(Now) my wealth is inexhaustible and unmovable (i.e. permanent). 2
soBw myrI sB jug AMqir ] sobhaa mayree, sabh jug aNtar.
(Now) I have glory throughout all the Ages.
bwj hmwrI Qwn Qnµqir ] baaj hamaaree, thaan thanaNtar.
(Now) my fame is (spread) throughout all places and spaces.
kIriq hmrI Gir Gir hoeI ] keerat hamree, ghar ghar ho-ee.
(Now) I am praised is in each and every home.
Bgiq hmwrI sBnI loeI ]3] bhagat hamaaree, sabhnee lo-ee. ||3||
My devotion is known to all the people. 3
ipqw hmwry pRgty mwJ ] pitaa hamaaray, pragatay maajh.
My father has revealed Himself within me.
ipqw pUq ril kInI sWJ ] pitaa poot ral keenee saanjh.
The Father and son have joined together (i.e. have become one).
khu nwnk jau ipqw pqIny ] ipqw pUq eykY rMig lIny ]4]9]22]
kaho naanak, ja-o pitaa pateenay. pitaa poot, aykai rang leenay. ||4||9||22||
Says Nanak: When the Father is pleased, (then),
the Father and son, joined in love, have become one. 4.9.22

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

inrvYr purK siqgur pRB dwqy ] hm AprwDI qum@ bKswqy ]
nirvair purakh satgur prabh daatay. ham apraadhee, tumh bakhsaatay.
O! free of enmity, Primal Person, True Guru, Lord, (great) Giver;
we are sinners, You are our Forgiver.
ijsu pwpI kau imlY n FoeI ] srix AwvY qW inrmlu hoeI ]1]
jis paapee ka-o milai na ḍo-ee. saraṇ aavai, taan nirmal ho-ee. ||1||
The sinner, who finds no refuge (anywhere);
if He comes to seek Your refuge, then he becomes immaculate. 1
suKu pwieAw siqgurU mnwie ] sB Pl pwey gurU iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
sukh paa-i-aa, satguroo manaa-ay. sabh fal paa-ay, guroo dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Pleasing the True Guru, I have obtained (spiritual) happiness; and,
meditating upon the Guru, I have obtained all fruits (i.e. rewards). 1 (pause)
pwrbRhm siqgur Awdysu ] mnu qnu qyrw sBu qyrw dysu ]
paarbarahm satgur aadays. man tan tayraa, sabh tayraa days.
O! Supreme Reality (God), the True Guru, I make obeisance to You;
My mind and body are all Yours, all lands are (i.e. all world is) Yours.
cUkw pVdw qW ndrI AwieAw ] Ksmu qUhY sBnw ky rwieAw ]2]

chookaa paṛ-daa, taan nadree aa-i-aa. khasam toohai, sabhnaa kay raa-i-aa. ||2||
When the veil (of attachment and Maya) was removed, I came to see (i.e. know) that,
You are the Master, You are the king of all. 2
iqsu Bwxw sUky kwst hirAw ] tis bhaaṇaa, sookay kaasat hari-aa.
When it pleases Him, even dry wood becomes green.
iqsu Bwxw qW Ql isir sirAw ] tis bhaaṇaa, taa thal sir sari-aa.

When it pleases Him, the rivers flow on the head (i.e. tract) of dry lands.
iqsu Bwxw qW siB Pl pwey ] tis bhaaṇaa, taan sabh fal paa-ay.
When it pleases Him, all fruits are obtained.
icMq geI lig siqgur pwey ]3] chint ga-ee, lag satgur paa-ay. ||3||
By holding the feet (i.e. by following the steps) of the True Guru, all worries are dispelled. 3
P. 1142
hrwmKor inrgux kau qUTw ] mnu qnu sIqlu min AMimRqu vUTw ]
haraamkhor nirguṇ ka-o tooṭaa. man tan seetal, man aMmrit vooṭaa.
He has become pleased with (even) an ungrateful and virtue-less (person like me);
My mind and body became cooled, and, AMmrit rained down in my mind.
pwrbRhm gur Bey dieAwlw ] nwnk dws dyiK Bey inhwlw ]4]10]23]
paarbarahm gur bha-ay da-i-aalaa. naanak daas daykh bha-ay nihaalaa. ||4||10||23||
The Supreme Reality (God), the Guru became kind (to me);
slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): beholding Him I became enraptured. 4.10.23

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

siqguru myrw bymuhqwju ] siqgur myry scw swju ]
satgur mayraa, baymuhtaaj. satgur mayray, sachaa saaj.
My True Guru is dependant upon none (i.e. He is totally independent. He is not subservient to
any one. He is totally sovereign) . True is the creation of my True Guru.
siqguru myrw sBs kw dwqw ] siqguru myrw purKu ibDwqw ]1]
satgur mayraa, sabhas kaa daataa. satgur mayraa, purakh bidhaataa. ||1||
My True Guru is the Giver of all. My True Guru is the Primal Person, Architect of Destiny.1
gur jYsw nwhI ko dyv ] ijsu msqik Bwgu su lwgw syv ]1] rhwau ]
gur jaisaa, naahee ko dayv.jis mastak bhaag, so laagaa sayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There is no deity equal to the Guru.
Whoever has (good) destiny inscribed on his forehead, is attached to his service. 1 (pause)
siqguru myrw srb pRiqpwlY ] siqguru myrw mwir jIvwlY ]
satgur mayraa, sarab paratipaalai. satgur mayraa, maar jeevaalai.
My True Guru is the cherisher of all.
My True Guru kills (attachment to Maya) and bestows (spiritual) life.
siqgur myry kI vifAweI ] pRgtu BeI hY sBnI QweI ]2]
satgur mayray kee vadi-aa-ee. pargat bha-ee hai sabhnee thaa-ee. ||2||
The glory of my True Guru, has become manifest all places (i.e. everywhere). 2
siqguru myrw qwxu inqwxu ] siqguru myrw Gir dIbwxu ]
satgur mayraa taaṇ nitaaṇ.satgur mayraa ghar deebaaṇ.
My True Guru is the power of the power-less.
My True Guru is my support within my home (i.e. heart).
siqgur kY hau sd bil jwieAw ] pRgtu mwrgu ijin kir idKlwieAw ]3]
satgur kai ha-o sad bal jaa-i-aa. prgat maarag jin kar dikhlaa-i-aa. ||3|
I am forever a sacrifice unto myself True Guru,
who has revealed and sown the path (right path of life). 3
ijin guru syivAw iqsu Bau n ibAwpY ] ijin guru syivAw iqsu duKu n sMqwpY ]
jin gur sayvi-aa tis bha-o na bi-aapai. jin gur sayvi-aa tis dukh na saNtaapai.
One who serves the Guru, is not afflicted with fear.
One who serves Guru, does not suffer sorrows.
nwnk soDy isMimRiq byd ] pwrbRhm gur nwhI Byd ]4]11]24]
naanak sodhay siMmrit bayd. paarbarahm gur naahee bhayd. ||4||11||24||
Nanak (says): I have studied the Simritis and the Vedas, (and have found that)
there is no difference between the Supreme Reality (God) and the Guru. 4.11.24

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

nwmu lYq mnu prgtu BieAw ] naam lait, man pargat bha-i-aa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), the mind becomes revealed (i.e. Light is revealed in mind).
nwmu lYq pwpu qn qy gieAw ] naam lait, paap tan tay ga-i-aa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), sins are driven away from the body (i.e. from the being).
nwmu lYq sgl purbwieAw ] naam lait, sagal purbaa-i-aa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), all festival are celebrated (all celebrations are in
meditation upon the name of God).
nwmu lYq ATsiT mjnwieAw ]1] naam lait, aṭsaṭ majnaa-i-aa. ||1||
Meditating upon the name (of God) is bathing at sixty-eight places of pilgrimage. 1
qIrQu hmrw hir ko nwmu ] guir aupdyisAw qqu igAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
tirath hamraa, har ko naam. gur updaysi-aa, tat gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The name of God is my place of pilgrimage.
The Guru has taught me this essence of (spiritual) knowledge. 1 (pause)
nwmu lYq duKu dUir prwnw ] naam lait, dukh door paraanaa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), all sorrows are taken away.
nwmu lYq Aiq mUV suigAwnw ] naam lait, at mooṛ sugi-aanaa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), (even) the foolish becomes (spiritually) wise.
nwmu lYq prgit aujIAwrw ] naam lait, pargat ujee-aaraa.
Meditating upon the name (of God), (spiritual) light is revealed (within).
nwmu lYq Cuty jMjwrw ]2] naam lait, chhutay jaNjaaraa. ||2||
Meditating upon the name (of God), one’s bonds (of Maya) are broken. 2
nwmu lYq jmu nyiV n AwvY ] naam lait, jam nayṛ na aavai.
Meditating upon the name (of God), the messenger of death does not draw near.
nwmu lYq drgh suKu pwvY ] naam lait, dargeh sukh paavai.
Meditating upon the name (of God), one obtains happiness in the court (of God).

nwmu lYq pRBu khY swbwis ] naam lait, prabh kahai saabaas.
Meditating upon the name (of God), God blesses us.
nwmu hmwrI swcI rwis ]3] naam hamaaree saachee raas. ||3||
Name is our true capital. 3
guir aupdysu kihE iehu swru ] hir kIriq mn nwmu ADwru ]
gur updays kahi-o ih saar.har keerat man naam adhaar.
What the Guru has spoken (i.e. instructed to) me; this is its essence:
singing of the praise of God and (meditation upon) the name is the support of mind.
nwnk auDry nwm punhcwr ] naanak, udhray naam punahchaar.
Nanak (says): one is liberated through the name, (which is) conduct of atonement.
Avir krm lokh pqIAwr ]4]12]25] avar karam, lokah patee-aar. ||4||12||25||
All other actions are just to please the people. 4.12.25

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

nmskwr qw kau lK bwr ] iehu mnu dIjY qw kau vwir ]
namaskaar taa ka-o lakh baar. ih man deejai taa ka-o vaar.
I salute (i.e. make obeisance to) Him, hundreds of thousands of times.
I offer this mind in sacrifice unto Him.
ismrin qw kY imtih sMqwp ] hoie Anµdu n ivAwpih qwp ]1]
simran taa kai miteh saNtaap. ho-ay anaNd na vi-aapahi taap. ||1||
Remembering Him, sufferings are erased (i.e. ended);
disease does not occur (i.e. does not afflict), and, bliss wells us. 1
Ayso hIrw inrml nwm ] jwsu jpq pUrn siB kwm ]1] rhwau ]
aiso heeraa, nirmal naam. jaas japat, pooran sabh kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Immaculate name (of God) is such a diamond;
meditating upon which, all matters are accomplished. 1 (pause)
jw kI idRsit duK fyrw FhY ] AMimRq nwmu sIqlu min ghY ]
jaa kee darisat, dukh dayraa ḍahai. aMmrit naam seetal man gahai.
Beholding Him, the camp of sorrows crumbles down; and,
with AMmrit name the mind becomes cool
Aink Bgq jw ky crn pUjwrI ] anik bhagat jaa kay charan poojaaree.
Countless devotees worship His feet.
sgl mnorQ pUrnhwrI ]2] sagal manorath pooranhaaree. ||2||
He is the Fulfiller of all objectives (i.e. desires of life). 2
iKn mih aUxy suBr BirAw ] khin meh, ooṇay subhar bhari-aa.
In an instant, He fills the empty to overflowing.
iKn mih sUky kIny hirAw ] khin meh, sookay keenay hari-aa.
In an instant, He transforms the dry into green.
iKn mih inQwvy kau dIno Qwnu ] khin meh, nithaavay ka-o deeno thaan.
In an instant, He gives place (of shelter) to one without place (i.e. shelter).
iKn mih inmwxy kau dIno mwnu ]3] khin meh, nimaaṇay ka-o deeno maan. ||3||
In an instant, He bestows honour upon those without honour (i.e. poor and humble people). 3
P. 1143
sB mih eyku rihAw BrpUrw ] so jwpY ijsu siqguru pUrw ]
sabh meh, ayk rahi-aa bharpooraa. so jaapai jis satgur pooraa.
The One (Lord) is pervading all.
He alone meditates upon Him, who has (met) the perfect True Guru.
hir kIrqnu qw ko AwDwru ] khu nwnk ijsu Awip dieAwru ]4]13]26]
har keertan taa ko aadhaar. kaho naanak jis aap da-i-aar. ||4||13||26||
Says Nanak: He, upon him He Himself is merciful, praise of God becomes the support (of the
life) of that person. 4.13.26

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

moih duhwgin Awip sIgwrI ] mohi duhaagan, aap seegaaree.
I was discarded (soul bride), but, He (the Husband Lord) Himself has adorned me.
rUp rMg dy nwim svwrI ] roop raNg day naam savaaree.
Blessing me with (spiritual) form and love, and, by attaching me to His name, He has
embellished me.
imitE duKu Aru sgl sMqwp ] miti-o dukh ar sagal saNtaap.
All my sorrows and sufferings have been eradicated.
gur hoey myry mweI bwp ]1] gur ho-ay mayray maa-ee baap. ||1||
The Guru has become my mother and father. 1
sKI shyrI myrY gRsiq Anµd ] kir ikrpw Byty moih kMq ]1] rhwau ]
sakhee sahayree, mayrai garsat anaNd. kar kirpaa, bhaytay mohi kaNt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my friend, my companion, my house-hold is in bliss, (because)
bestowing His kindness, my Husband (Lord) has met me. 1 (pause)
qpiq buJI pUrn sB Awsw ] imty AMDyr Bey prgwsw ]
tapat bujhee, pooran sabh aasaa. mitay aNdhayr, bha-ay pargaasaa.
The fire (of desires) has been extinguished; all my hopes have been fulfilled;
the darkness has been dispelled, and, (Divine) light has blazed (within me).
Anhd sbd Acrj ibsmwd ] anhad sabad achraj bismaad.
(Within my heart) the unstruck word is resounding, which is wondrous and amazing.
guru pUrw pUrw prswd ]2] gur pooraa, pooraa parsaad. ||2||
(O! friends) perfect is my Guru, and, perfect is His grace. 2
jw kau pRgt Bey gopwl ] qw kY drsin sdw inhwl ]
jaa ka-o prgat bha-ay gopaal. taa kai darsan sadaa nihaal.
One unto whom God reveals Himself, beholding his vision one is enraptured forever.
srb guxw qw kY bhuqu inDwn ] jw kau siqguir dIE nwmu ]3]
sarab guṇaa taa kai bahut nidhaan. jaa ka-o satgur dee-o naam. ||3||
One unto whom the True Guru blesses with the name (of the Lord), he obtains all virtues and
so many treasures. 3
jw kau ByitE Twkuru Apnw ] mnu qnu sIqlu hir hir jpnw ]
jaa ka-o bhayti-o ṭaakur apnaa. man tan seetal har har japnaa.
One who meets with his Master,
his mind and body are cooled by meditating upon (the name of) God, the Lord.
khu nwnk jo jn pRB Bwey ] qw kI rynu ibrlw ko pwey ]4]14]27]
kaho naanak, jo jan prabh bhaa-ay. taa kee rayn, birlaa ko paa-ay. ||4||14||27||
Says Nanak: those servants (i.e. devotees) who are pleasing to the Master,
(only) some rare one obtains the dust of their feet. 4.14.29

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

icqvq pwp n Awlku AwvY ] bysuAw Bjq ikCu nh srmwvY ]
chitvat paap, na aalak aavai. baysu-aa bhajat, kichh nah sarmaavai.
(One, who has gone astray) he does not hesitate to think about (committing) sin;
he does not feel ashamed enjoying (sexual intercourse) with a prostitute.
swro idnsu mjUrI krY ] hir ismrn kI vylw bjr isir prY ]1]
saaro dinas majooree karai. har simran kee vaylaa, bajar sir parai. ||1||
He works all through day (for fulfilment of his physical needs), (but)
when it is time to remember (i.e. meditate upon) God, then (it is as if) a hard stone falls upon
his head. 1
mwieAw lig BUlo sMswru ] maa-i-aa lag bhoolo saNsaar.
Attached to Maya, the world is deluded (and, is straying on wrong path).
Awip BulwieAw BulwvxhwrY rwic rihAw ibrQw ibauhwr ]1] rhwau ]
aap bhulaa-i-aa bhulaavaṇhaarai, raach rahi-aa birthaa bi-uhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(It is not the fault of the mortal being himself, in fact) the Deluder (i.e. God) Himself has deluded
him, (and, now) he is engrossed in wasteful (worldly) affairs. 1 (pause)
pyKq mwieAw rMg ibhwie ] gVbV krY kaufI rMgu lwie ]
paykhat maa-i-aa raNg, bihaa-ay. gaṛbaṛ karai, ka-udee raNg laa-ay.
Gazing on (i.e. indulging in) the pleasures of Maya, his life passes away.
He does acts of trickery, in the love for a shell (i.e. he does vile acts for petty gains).
AMD ibauhwr bMD mnu DwvY ] krxYhwru n jIA mih AwvY ]2]
aNdh bi-uhaar baNdh, man dhaavai. karṇaihaar na jee-a meh aavai. ||2||
Bound to blind conduct (i.e. worldly affairs), his mind wanders (i.e. runs after petty things),
(but) the Creator (Lord) does not come to his mind. 2
krq krq iev hI duKu pwieAw ] pUrn hoq n kwrj mwieAw ]
karat karat, iv hee dukh paa-i-aa. pooran hot na kaaraj maa-i-aa.
Working and acting (like this), he suffers this way; (but),
his affairs of Maya are never complete (i.e. are never accomplished or come to an end).
kwim k®oiD loiB mnu lInw ] qViP mUAw ijau jl ibnu mInw ]3]
kaam krodh lobh man leenaa. taṛaf moo-aa, ji-o jal bin meenaa. ||3||
His mind is absorbed in sexual desire, anger, greed (and other passions);
he finally dies wigging like fish without water. 3
ijs ky rwKy hoie hir Awip ] hir hir nwmu sdw jpu jwip ]
jis kay raakhay ho-ay har aap. har har naam sadaa jap jaap.
One, who has God Himself ans his Protector;
he meditates forever upon the chant of the name of God, the Lord.
swDsMig hir ky gux gwieAw ] nwnk siqguru pUrw pwieAw ]4]15]28]
saadhsaNg har kay guṇ gaa-i-aa. naanak, satgur pooraa paa-i-aa. ||4||15||28||
Nanak (says): one who has found the perfect True Guru, he sings (the praise of) the
excellences of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons. 4.15.28

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

ApxI dieAw kry so pwey ] hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ]
apnee da-i-aa karay, so paa-ay. har kaa naam, maNn vasaa-ay.
He alone obtains it (i.e. the name of God), unto whom He bestows His mercy;
he enshrines the name of God within his mind.
swc sbdu ihrdy mn mwih ] jnm jnm ky iklivK jwih ]1]
saach sabad hirday man maahi.janam janam kay kilvikh jaahi. ||1||
with the True word within one’s heart and mind,
the sins of countless births (i.e. incarnations) are washed away. 1
rwm nwmu jIA ko AwDwru ] raam naam jee-a ko aadhaar.
The name of God is the support of life.
gur prswid jphu inq BweI qwir ley swgr sMswru ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaad japahu nit bhaa-ee, taar la-ay saagar saNsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the grace of the Guru, chant (the name of God) continually, O! brethren; it (i.e. the name of
God) carries one across the world ocean. 1 (pause)
ijn kau iliKAw hir eyhu inDwnu ] sy jn drgh pwvih mwnu ]
jin ka-o likhi-aa har ayhu nidhaan. say jan, dargeh paavahi maan.
Those, who have this treasure (of the name) inscribed (upon their foreheads),
those servants (i.e. devotees) obtain honour in His court.
sUK shj Awnµd gux gwau ] sookh sahj aanaNd guṇ gaa-o.
Singing (the praise of) His excellences, one obtains happiness, poise and bliss.
AwgY imlY inQwvy Qwau ]2] aagai milai, nithaavay thaa-o. ||2||
(By meditating upon the name, even) a destitute finds a place hereafter (i.e. in the court of God). 2
jugh jugMqir iehu qqu swru ] hir ismrxu swcw bIcwru ]
jugah jugaNtar ih tat saar. har simraṇ, saachaa beechaar.
Throughout the Ages, this has been the essence of reality:
remembering God is the true thought.
P. 1144
ijsu liV lwie ley so lwgY ] jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgY ]3]
jis laṛ laa-ay la-ay, so laagai. janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagai. ||3||
He alone is attached to the hem of the robe (of God), whom He Himself attaches; and,
asleep for countless births (i.e. incarnations), he (now) awakes. 3
qyry Bgq Bgqn kw Awip ] tayray bhagat, bhagtan kaa aap.
Your devotees belong to You, and, You belong to Your devotees.
ApxI mihmw Awpy jwip ] apṇee mahimaa, aapay jaap.
Your Yourself chant Your praise (i.e. You get the devotees chant Your praise).
jIA jMq siB qyrY hwiQ ] nwnk ky pRB sd hI swiQ ]4]16]29]

jee-a jaNt sabh tayrai haath. naanak kay prabh, sad hee saath. ||4||16||29||
All beings and creatures are in Your hands (i.e. under Your command).
Nanak (says): My God is always with me. 4.16.29

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

nwmu hmwrY AMqrjwmI ] naam, hamaarai aNtarjaamee.
The Name (of God) is the controller of my soul.
nwmu hmwrY AwvY kwmI ] naam, hamaarai aavai kaamee.
The Name (of God) is useful to me (in all my affairs).
roim roim rivAw hir nwmu ] rom rom ravi-aa har naam.
The Name of God is permeating each and every hair of mine (i.e. thoroughly in my body).
siqgur pUrY kIno dwnu ]1] satgur poorai keeno daan. ||1||
The Perfect Guru has given me this gift (of the Name). 1
nwmu rqnu myrY BMfwr ] Agm Amolw Apr Apwr ]1] rhwau ]
naam ratan mayrai bhaNdaar. agam amolaa apar apaar. ||1|| rahaa-o
The jewel of the Name (of God) is my treasure.
It is inaccessible, invaluable, infinite and endless. 1 (pause)
nwmu hmwrY inhcl DnI ] naam hamaarai, nihchal dhanee.
The Name (of God) is my unmoving (i.e. eternal) Master.
nwm kI mihmw sB mih bnI ] naam kee mahimaa, sabh meh banee.
The glory of the Name is accepted by all (i.e. by the whole of the world).
nwmu hmwrY pUrw swhu ] naam hamaarai, pooraa saahu.
The Name (of God) is my perfect Master.
nwmu hmwrY byprvwhu ]2] naam hamaarai, bayparvaahu. ||2||
The Name (of God) is of my Carefree (Lord). 2
nwmu hmwrY Bojn Bwau ] naam hamaarai, bhojan bhaa-o.
The Name (of God) is my food of love.
nwmu hmwrY mn kw suAwau ] naam hamaarai, man kaa su-aa-o.
The Name (of God) is the objective of my mind.
nwmu n ivsrY sMq pRswid ] naam na visrai, saNt prasaad.
By the grace of the God-oriented persons, I do not (ever) forget the Name (of God).
nwmu lYq Anhd pUry nwd ]3] naam lait, anhad pooray naad. ||3||
Chanting the Name (of God), unstruck word resounds (within me). 3
pRB ikrpw qy nwmu nau iniD pweI ] prabh kirpaa tay, naam na-o nidh paa-ee.
By the grace of God, I have obtained the nine treasures of the Name.
gur ikrpw qy nwm isau bin AweI ] gur kirpaa tay, naam si-o ban aa-ee.
By the grace of Guru, I am attuned to the Name (of God).
DnvMqy syeI prDwn ] nwnk jw kY nwmu inDwn ]4]17]30]
dhanvaNtay say-ee pardhaan. naanak, jaa kai naam nidhaan. ||4||17||30||
Nanak (says): they alone are wealthy are noble (i.e. honourable); who have (with them) the
treasure of the Name (of God). 4.17.30

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5
qU myrw ipqw qUhY myrw mwqw ] too mayraa pitaa, toohai mayraa maataa.
You are my Father; and, You are my Mother.
qU myry jIA pRwn suKdwqw ] too mayray jee-a praan sukh-daata.
You are my soul, my breath (of life), the Giver of Happiness.
qU myrw Twkuru hau dwsu qyrw ] too mayraa ṭaakur, ha-o daas tayraa.
You are my Master, I am Your slave.
quJ ibnu Avru nhI ko myrw ]1] tujh bin, avar nahee ko mayraa. ||1||
Without You, I have no other (at all). 1
kir ikrpw krhu pRB dwiq ] qum@rI ausqiq krau idn rwiq ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa karahu prabh daat. tum ree ustat kara-o din raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Bestow Your kindness, O! Master, and, bless me with this gift:

I may sing Your praise, day and night. 1 (pause)
hm qyry jMq qU bjwvnhwrw ] ham tayray jaNt, too bajaavanhaaraa.
(O! God) we are Your musical instruments, and, You are the player (i.e. Musician).
hm qyry iBKwrI dwnu dyih dwqwrw ] ham tayray bhikhaaree, daan deh daataaraa.
We are Your beggars, (please) bless us with Your gift, O! Giver (Lord).
qau prswid rMg rs mwxy ] ta-o parsaad raNg ras maaṇay.
By Your grace, I enjoy love and pleasures (i.e. luxuries of life).
Gt Gt AMqir qumih smwxy ]2] ghat ghat antar tumeh samaaṇay. ||2||
You are contained in (pervading) each and every heart. 2
qum@rI ik®pw qy jpIAY nwau ] tum ree kirpaa tay japee-ai naa-o.

By Your grace, we meditate upon the name; and,

swDsMig qumry gux gwau ] saadhsang tumray guṇ gaa-o.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, I sing (the praise of) Your excellences.
qum@rI dieAw qy hoie drd ibnwsu ] tum ree da-i-aa tay ho-ay darad binaas.

In Your mercy, all my pains are destroyed.

qumrI mieAw qy kml ibgwsu ]3] tumree ma-i-aa tay kamal bigaas. ||3||
By Your mercy, the lotus (of my heart) blossoms forth. 3
hau bilhwir jwau gurdyv ] sPl drsnu jw kI inrml syv ]
ha-o balihaar jaa-o gurdayv. safal darsan, jaa kee nirmal sayv.
I am a sacrifice unto the Divine Guru;
fruitful is (beholding) His vision, and, purifying is serving Him.
dieAw krhu Twkur pRB myry ] gux gwvY nwnku inq qyry ]4]18]31]
da-i-aa karahu, ṭaakur prabh mayray. guṇ gaavai, naanak, nit tayray. ||4||18||31||
Nanak (says): Bestow Your kindeness, O! my Master, Lord; (that) I may continually sings
(the praise of) Your excellences. 4.18.31

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

sB qy aUc jw kw drbwru ] sdw sdw qw kau johwru ]
sabh tay ooch, jaa kaa darbaar. sadaa sadaa taa ka-o johaar.
His court is highest of all; I salute (i.e. I bow to) Him, forever and ever.
aUcy qy aUcw jw kw Qwn ] koit AGw imtih hir nwm ]1]
oochay tay oochaa jaa kaa thaan. kot aghaa miteh, har naam. ||1||
His place is highest of the high; tens of millions of sins are erased by the name of God. 1
iqsu srxweI sdw suKu hoie ] kir ikrpw jw kau mylY soie ]1] rhwau ]
tis sarṇaa-ee, sadaa sukh ho-ay. kar kirpaa jaa ka-o maylai so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In His refuge, there is forever happiness (i.e. eternal bliss);
(this bliss is obtained by) the one whom He unites with Himself in His kindness. 1 (pause)
jw ky krqb lKy n jwih ] jaa kay kartab, lakhay na jaahi.
His wondrous actions cannot be described;
jw kw Brvwsw sB Gt mwih ] jaa kaa bharvaasaa, sabh ghat maahi.
All the hearts rest their faith in Him (i.e. He is the hope and faith of all the beings).
pRgt BieAw swDU kY sMig ] pargat bha-i-aa, saadhoo kai saNg.
He is revealed in the company of the God-oriented persons.
Bgq ArwDih Anidnu rMig ]2] bhagat araadheh an-din raNg. ||2||
The devotees lovingly adore Him, day and night. 2
dydy qoit nhI BMfwr ] dayday tot nahee bhaNdaar.
(He gives to all, and) by giving, His treasure are never exhausted.
iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwr ] khin meh thaap uthaapanhaaraa.
He establishes and dis-establishes, in an instant.
jw kw hukmu n mytY koie ] jaa kaa hukam na maytai ko-ay.
No one can erase (i.e. alter/ disobey) His command.
isir pwiqswhw swcw soie ]3] sir paatisaahaa saachaa so-ay. ||3||
The True (Lord) is above the heads of all the kings. 3
ijs kI Et iqsY kI Awsw ] duKu suKu hmrw iqs hI pwsw ]
jis kee ot, tisai kee aasaa. dukh sukh hamraa, tis hee paasaa.
He is my support; I place hope in Him.
My pain and pleasure are with Him (i.e. He is the Giver of pain and pleasure).
P. 1145
rwiK lIno sBu jn kw pVdw ] nwnku iqs kI ausqiq krdw ]4]19]32]
raakh leeno, sabh jan kaa paṛ-daa. naanak, tis kee ustat kardaa. ||4||19||32||
Everywhere, He protects the honour of His servant (i.e. devotee).
Nanak : I sing His praise. 4.19.32

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

rovnhwrI roju bnwieAw ] rovanhaaree, roj banaa-i-aa.
The wailer wails every day (i.e. she has made her daily routine).
bln brqn kau snbMDu iciq AwieAw ] balan bartan ka-o, san-baNdh chit aa-i-aa.
(She does not wail for her love for the dead, but) for the sake of her necessities (of life), her
relationship comes to her mind (and she wails).
bUiJ bYrwgu kry jy koie ] jnm mrx iPir sogu n hoie ]1]
boojh bairaag karay jay ko-ay. janam maraṇ fir sog na ho-ay. ||1||
(But) if one understands and becomes detached (from worldliness);

then she will not suffer the pain of birth and death. 1
ibiKAw kw sBu DMDu pswru ] ivrlY kIno nwm ADwru ]1] rhwau ]
bikhi-aa kaa sabh dhaNdh pasaar. virlai keeno naam adhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All this (worldliness) is the expanse of poison (i.e. Maya);
(only) some rare one takes the support of the Name. 1 (pasue)
iqRibiD mwieAw rhI ibAwip ] jo lptwno iqsu dUK sMqwp ]
taribadh maa-i-aa rahee bi-aap. jo laptaano, tis dookh santaap.
The three-phased Maya is infecting all;
whoever clings to it, suffers pains and sorrows.
suKu nwhI ibnu nwm iDAwey ] nwm inDwnu bfBwgI pwey ]2]
sukh naahee bin naam dhi-aa-ay. naam nidhaan badbhaagee paa-ay. ||2||
There is no happiness without meditating upon the name; and,
the treasure of the name is obtained by great (i.e. good) fortune.. 2
sÍWgI isau jo mnu rIJwvY ] sÍwig auqwirAY iPir pCuqwvY ]
savaangee si-o jo man reejhaavai.savaag utaari-ai fir pachhutaavai.
One who attaches his mind to a mimicry actor; (but)
when the mimicry actor takes off his robe, he regrets (on finding the truth).
myG kI CwieAw jYsy brqnhwr ] qYso prpMcu moh ibkwr ]3]
maygh kee chhaa-i-aa jaisay bartanhaar. taiso parpaNch moh bikaar. ||3||
Like the shade of cloud is ever moving (i.e. transitory),
so are (transitory) the worldly attachment and vices . 3
eyk vsqu jy pwvY koie ] pUrn kwju qwhI kw hoie ]
ayk vasat, jay paavai ko-ay.pooran kaaj taahee kaa ho-ay.
If one is blessed with one (singular) thing (i.e. the treasure of the name of God); (then)
all his task are accomplished (i.e. purpose of his life is achieved).
gur pRswid ijin pwieAw nwmu ] nwnk AwieAw so prvwnu ]4]20]33]
gur parsaad jin paa-i-aa naam. naanak, aa-i-aa so parvaan. ||4||20||33||
One, who obtains the name, by the grace of the Guru;
Nanak (says): His coming (into the world) is approved (in the court of God). 4.20.33

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

sMq kI inMdw jonI Bvnw ] saNt kee niNdaa, jonee bhavnaa.
Slandering the God-oriented persons, one wanders in wombs (i.e. in reincarnation).
sMq kI inMdw rogI krnw ] saNt kee ninNdaa, rogee karnaa.
Slandering the God-oriented persons, one is diseased.
sMq kI inMdw dUK shwm ] saNt kee niNdaa, dookh sahaam.
Slandering the God-oriented persons, one suffer sorrows.
fwnu dYq inMdk kau jwm ]1] daan dait niNdak ka-o jaam. ||1||
The slanderer is punished by the messenger of death. 1
sMqsMig krih jo bwdu ] iqn inMdk nwhI ikCu swdu ]1] rhwau ]
saNtsaNg karahi jo baad. tin niNdak, naahee kichh saad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who clashes with the God-oriented persons;
that slanderer finds no taste (i.e. finds no happiness in life). 1 (pause)
Bgq kI inMdw kMDu CydwvY ] bhagat kee niNdaa, kaNdh chhaydaavai.
Slandering the devotees (of God), bores the (body) wall (i.e. shatters the body).
Bgq kI inMdw nrku BuMcwvY ] bhagat kee niNdaa, narak bhuNchaavai.
Slandering the devotees (of God), one suffers in hell.
Bgq kI inMdw grB mih glY ] bhagat kee niNdaa, garabh meh galai.
Slandering the devotees (of God), one rots in the womb.
Bgq kI inMdw rwj qy tlY ]2] bhagat kee niNdaa, raaj tay talai. ||2||
Slandering the devotees (of God), one loses his kingdom (i.e. loses his power). 2
inMdk kI giq kqhU nwih ] niNdak kee gat kathoo naahi.
The slanderer never obtains liberation.
Awip bIij Awpy hI Kwih ] aap beej, aapay hee khaahi.
One eats (only) that one has planted (i.e. one obtains the fruit of one’s actions).
cor jwr jUAwr qy burw ] chor jaar joo-aar tay buraa.
He (i.e. a slanderer) is worse than a thief, adulterer and gambler.
Axhodw Bwru inMdik isir Drw ]3] aṇhodaa bhaar, niNdak sir dharaa. ||3||
The slanderer uselessly places (i.e. carries) load upon his head (carries burden of sins). 3
pwrbRhm ky Bgq inrvYr ] paarbarahm kay bhagat nirvair.
The devotees of the Supreme Reality (God) are beyond animosity.
so insqrY jo pUjY pYr ] so nistarai, jo poojai pair.
Whoever worships their feet, is emancipated.
Awid puriK inMdku BolwieAw ] aad purakh, niNdak bholaa-i-aa.
The Primal Person (Himself) has deluded the slanderer.
nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieAw ]4]21]34] naanak, kirat na jaa-ay mitaa-i-aa. ||4||21||34||
Nanak (says): The actions done (in the past) cannot be erased. 4.21.34

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

nwmu hmwrY byd Aru nwd ] naam hamaarai, bayd ar naad.
The Name (of God), is for me the Vedas and the (celestial) sound.
nwmu hmwrY pUry kwj ] naam hamaarai, pooray kaaj.
The Name (of God) settles all my affairs
nwmu hmwrY pUjw dyv ] naam hamaarai, poojaa dayv.
The Name (of God), is my worship of deity.
nwmu hmwrY gur kI syv ]1] naam hamaarai, gur kee sayv. ||1||
The Name (of God), is my service to the Guru. 1
guir pUrY idRiVE hir nwmu ] gur poorai dariṛa-o har naam.
The perfect Guru has planted the name of God within me.
sB qy aUqmu hir hir kwmu ]1] rhwau ] sabh tay ootam, har har kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Meditation upon the name of) God the Lord, is highest task of all. 1 (pause)
nwmu hmwrY mjn iesnwnu ] naam hamaarai, majan isnaan.
The Name (of God), is my (cleansing) bath and ablution
nwmu hmwrY pUrn dwnu ] naam hamaarai, pooran daan.

For me, the Name (of God), is perfect act of giving charity.
nwmu lYq qy sgl pvIq ] naam lait tay sagal paveet.
Those, who meditate upon the name are all purified.
nwmu jpq myry BweI mIq ]2] naam japat, mayray bhaa-ee meet. ||2||
Those, who meditate upon the name are my brothers and friends. 2
nwmu hmwrY saux sMjog ] naam hamaarai, sa-uṇ saNjog.
The Name (of God), is my (auspicious) omen and (good) fortune.
nwmu hmwrY iqRpiq suBog ] naam hamaarai, taripat subhog.
The Name (of God), is my satiating food.
nwmu hmwrY sgl Awcwr ] naam hamaarai, sagal aachaar.
The Name (of God), is my good conduct.
nwmu hmwrY inrml ibauhwr ]3] naam hamaarai, nirmal bi-uhaar. ||3||
The Name (of God), is my immaculate occupation. 3
jw kY min visAw pRBu eyku ] sgl jnw kI hir hir tyk ]
jaa kai man vasi-aa prabh ayk. sagal janaa kee har har tayk.
Those, within whose minds the One God abides;
God, the Lord, is the support of all those servants (i.e. devotees).
min qin nwnk hir gux gwau ] swDsMig ijsu dyvY nwau ]4]22]35]
man tan, naanak, har guṇ gaa-o. saadhsaNg, jis dayvai naa-o. ||4||22||35||
Nanak (says): He, whom He bestows His name, in the company of the God-oriented persons,
sings (the praise of) the excellences of God with their mind and body. 4.22.35

P. 1146
BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5
inrDn kau qum dyvhu Dnw ] Aink pwp jwih inrml mnw ]
nirdhan ka-o, tum dayvhu dhanaa. anik paap jaahi, nirmal manaa.
(O! God) You bless the poor with wealth Of the name); and,
his countless sins are taken away (by chanting the name), and, his mind becomes immaculate.
sgl mnorQ pUrn kwm ] Bgq Apuny kau dyvhu nwm ]1]
sagal manorath, pooran kaam. bhagat apunay ka-o dayvhu naam. ||1||
All his objectives (i.e. desires) are fulfilled, and, (all) tasks are fulfilled (i.e. accomplished)’
(when) You bestow the name to Your devotee. 1
sPl syvw gopwl rwie ] safal sayvaa, gopaal raa-ay.
(O! brethren) service to the Sovereign, the Sustainer of the World, is always fruitful (i.e. rewarding).
krn krwvnhwr suAwmI qw qy ibrQw koie n jwie ]1] rhwau ]
karan karaavanhaar su-aamee, taa tay birthaa ko-ay na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Master is the Cause of causes; no one is turned away from His door empty-handed. 1 (pause)
rogI kw pRB KMfhu rogu ] rogee kaa, prabh, khaNdahu rog.
O! God, You eradicate the disease from the diseased (persons).
duKIey kw imtwvhu pRB sogu ] dukhee-ay kaa, mitaavhu, prabh, sog.
O! God, You erase (i.e. take away) the sorrows of a suffering (person).
inQwvy kau qum@ Qwin bYTwvhu ] nithaavay ka-o, tumh thaan baiṭaavahu.
Those who are without any place, You seat them upon the place (i.e. You bestow them shelter).
dws Apny kau BgqI lwvhu ]2] daas apnay ka-o bhagtee laavhu. ||2||
You attach Your slave (i.e. devotee) to your devotion. 2
inmwxy kau pRB dyqo mwnu ] mUV mugDu hoie cqur suigAwnu ]
nimaaṇay ka-o, prabh dayto maan. mooṛ mugadh ho-ay chatur sugi-aan.
O! God, You bestow honour upon those without honour; and,
the foolish and ignorant (person) becomes clever and extremely wise,
sgl BieAwn kw Bau nsY ] jn Apny kY hir min bsY ]3]
sagal bha-i-aan kaa bha-o nasai. jan apnay kai, har man basai. ||3||
The fear of all the frightening (persons) goes away.
(when) God dwells in the minds of His servants (i.e. devotees). 3
pwrbRhm pRB sUK inDwn ] paarbarahm prabh sookh nidhaan.
The Supreme Reality, God, is the treasure of happiness.
qqu igAwnu hir AMimRq nwm ] tat gi-aan, har aMmrit naam.
The AMmrit name of God is the essence of (spiritual) knowledge.
kir ikrpw sMq thlY lwey ] nwnk swDU sMig smwey ]4]23]36]
kar kirpaa, saNt tahlai laa-ay. naanak, saadhoo saNg samaa-ay. ||4||23||36||
Bestowing His kindness, He attaches the beings to the service of the God-oriented persons.
Nanak (says): Such beings merge in the company of the God-oriented persons. 4.23.26

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

sMq mMfl mih hir min vsY ] saNt maNdal meh, har man vasai.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, God comes to dwell in the mind.
sMq mMfl mih durqu sBu nsY ] saNt maNdal meh, durat sabh nasai.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, all sins run (i.e. vanish) away.
sMq mMfl mih inrml rIiq ] saNt maNdal meh, nirmal reet.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, life-style becomes immaculate.
sMqsMig hoie eyk prIiq ]1] saNtsaNg ho-ay ayk pareet. ||1||
In the company of the God-oriented persons, one comes to love the One (Lord). 1
sMq mMflu qhw kw nwau ] pwrbRhm kyvl gux gwau ]1] rhwau ]
sant mandal, tahaa kaa naa-o. paarbarahm kayval guṇ gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That assembly is known as the society of the God-oriented persons
where only the (praise of) the excellences of the Supreme Reality (God) are sung. 1 (pause)
sMq mMfl mih jnm mrxu rhY ] saNt maNdal meh, janam maraṇ rahai.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, birth and death are ended (i.e. cycle of
reincarnation comes to an end).
sMq mMfl mih jmu ikCU n khY ] saNt maNdal meh, jam kichhoo na kahai.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, the messenger of death cannot (even) touch.
sMqsMig hoie inrml bwxI ] saNtsaNg ho-ay nirmal baṇee.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, one’s speech becomes immaculate.
sMq mMfl mih nwmu vKwxI ]2] saNt maNdal meh, naam vakhaaṇee. ||2||
In the society of the God-oriented persons, one chants the name (of God). 2
sMq mMfl kw inhcl Awsnu ] saNt maNdal kaa nihchal aasan.
The seat of the assembly of the God-oriented persons is (ever) stable (i.e. eternal).
sMq mMfl mih pwp ibnwsnu ] saNt maNdal meh, paap binaasan.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, the sins are destroyed.
sMq mMfl mih inrml kQw ] saNt maNdal meh, nirmal kathaa.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, immaculate story (of God) is spoken.
sMqsMig haumY duK nsw ]3] saNtsaNg, ha-umai dukh nasaa. ||3||
In the society of the God-oriented persons, the pain of egotism runs away (i.e. is cured). 3
sMq mMfl kw nhI ibnwsu ] saNt maNdal kaa nahee binaas.
(O! brethren) the company of the God-oriented persons cannot be destroyed.
sMq mMfl mih hir guxqwsu ] saNt maNdal meh, har guṇtaas.
In the society of the God-oriented persons, the treasure of the excellences of God (is
sMq mMfl Twkur ibsRwmu ] saNt maNdal, ṭaakur bisraam.
The society of the God-oriented persons, the Master dwells.
nwnk Eiq poiq Bgvwnu ]4]24]37] naanak, ot pot bhagvaan. ||4||24||37||
Nanak (says): There (in the society of the God-oriented persons), God is woven (into the fabric
of the devotees) like warp and weft. 4.24.37

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

rogu kvnu jW rwKY Awip ] iqsu jn hoie n dUKu sMqwpu ]
rog kavan, jaan raakhai aap. tis jan ho-ay na dookh saNtaap.
What disease(can afflict) when He (i.e. God) Himself protects; and,

that person does not suffer pain and sorrows.
ijsu aUpir pRBu ikrpw krY ] iqsu aUpr qy kwlu prhrY ]1]
jis oopar, prabh kirpaa karai. tis oopar tay, kaal parharai. ||1||
He, upon whom God bestows His kindness, the messenger of death remains away from him. 1
sdw sKweI hir hir nwmu ] adaa sakhaa-ee, har har naam.
The name of God, the Lord, is forever our friend.
ijsu cIiq AwvY iqsu sdw suKu hovY inkit n AwvY qw kY jwmu ]1] rhwau ]
jis cheet aavai, tis sadaa sukh hovai, nikat na aavai taa kai jaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who remembers Him, forever enjoys happiness; and, the messenger of death cannot
even touch him. 1 (pause)
jb iehu n so qb iknih aupwieAw ] jab ih na so, tab kineh upaa-i-aa.
When this being did not exist, then who created him?
kvn mUl qy ikAw pRgtwieAw ] kavan mool tay, ki-aa paragtaa-i-aa.
From which source, what has been created? (i.e. what a beautiful form has been created from the
sperm of the father)!
Awpih mwir Awip jIvwlY ] aapeh maar, aap jeevaalai.
He Himself kills and he Himself gives life.
Apny Bgq kau sdw pRiqpwlY ]2] apnay bhagat ka-o, sadaa paratipaalai. ||2||
He cherishes His devotees forever. 2
sB ikCu jwxhu iqs kY hwQ ] sabh kichh jaaṇhu tis kai haath.
(O! brethren) know this that everything is in His hands (i.e. in His power/ under His command).
pRBu myro AnwQ ko nwQ ] prabh mayro, anaath ko naath.
My Master is the Master of the master-less.
duK BMjnu qw kw hY nwau ] dukh bhanjan taa kaa hai naa-o.
His name is the destroyer of sorrows.
suK pwvih iqs ky gux gwau ]3] sukh paavahi, tis kay guṇ gaa-o. ||3||
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) His excellences and you shall find happiness. 3
suix suAwmI sMqn Ardwis ] suṇ su-aamee, saNtan ardaas.
O! Lord, You listen tp the prayer of the God-oriented persons.
jIau pRwn Dnu qum@rY pwis ] jee-o paraan dhan tumhrai paas.
They place their soul, breath (of life), and wealth before You.
iehu jgu qyrw sB quJih iDAwey ] ih jag tayraa, sabh tujheh dhi-aa-ay.
(O! God, all) this world is Yours; and, all meditate upon You.
P. 1147
kir ikrpw nwnk suKu pwey ]4]25]38] kar kirpaa, naanak, sukh paa-ay. ||4||25||38||
Nanak (says): he, whom He bestows His kindness, enjoys happiness. 4.25.38

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

qyrI tyk rhw kil mwih ] tayree tayk rahaa, kal maahi.
With Your support, I survive in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age).
qyrI tyk qyry gux gwih ] tayree tayk, tayray guṇ gaahi.
With Your support, I sing (the praise of) Your excellences.
qyrI tyk n pohY kwlu ] tayree tayk, na pohai kaal.
With Your support, death cannot (even) touch (me).
qyrI tyk ibnsY jMjwlu ]1] tayree tayk, binsai jaNjaal. ||1||
With Your support, my (worldly) entanglements vanish. 1
dIn dunIAw qyrI tyk ] deen dunee-aa, tayree tayk.
In this world and the world hereafter, I have Your support
sB mih rivAw swihbu eyk ]1] rhwau ] sabh meh ravi-aa saahib ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord is pervading among all. 1 (pause)
qyrI tyk krau Awnµd ] tayree tayk, kara-o aanaNd.
With Your support, I enjoy bliss.
qyrI tyk jpau gur mMq ] tayree tayk, japa-o gur maNt.
With Your support, I chant the spell (i.e. the word/ teaching) of the Guru.
qyrI tyk qrIAY Bau swgru ] tayree tayk, taree-ai bha-o saagar.
With Your support, I cross over the terrifying (world) ocean.
rwKxhwru pUrw suK swgru ]2] raakhaṇhaar pooraa sukh saagar. ||2||
The Saviour (Lord) is the perfect Ocean full of Happiness. 2
qyrI tyk nwhI Bau koie ] tayree tayk, naahee bha-o ko-ay.
With Your support, I have no fear.
AMqrjwmI swcw soie ] aNtarjaamee saachaa so-ay.
The True (Lord) is the Controller of the Souls.
qyrI tyk qyrw min qwxu ] tayree tayk, tayraa man taaṇ.
I have Your support, and, my mind is filled with Your power.
eIhW aUhW qU dIbwxu ]3] eehaan oohaan too deebaaṇ. ||3||
Here and hereafter, You are my court (i.e. power). 3
qyrI tyk qyrw Brvwsw ] tayree tayk, tayraa bharvaasaa.
I take Your support, and, place faith in You.
sgl iDAwvih pRB guxqwsw ] sagal dhi-aavahi, prabh guntaasaa.
All meditate upon You, O! Lord You are Treasure of Excellences.
jip jip Andu krih qyry dwsw ] jap jap anad karahi tayray daasaa.
Meditating and meditating (upon You), Your slaves (i.e. devotees) enjoys bliss.
ismir nwnk swcy guxqwsw ]4]26]39] simar naanak saachay guṇtaasaa. ||4||26||39||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon the True, the Treasure of Excellences. 4.26.39

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

pRQmy CofI prweI inMdw ] auqir geI sB mn kI icMdw ]
prathmay chhodee, paraa-ee niNdaa. utar ga-ee sabh man kee chiNdaa.
First, (when) one gives up slandering others. All the anxiety of his mind are dispelled.
loBu mohu sBu kIno dUir ] lobh moh sabh keeno door.
(When) one totally banishes greed and attachment;
prm bYsno pRB pyiK hjUir ]1] param baisno,* prabh paykh hajoor. ||1||
Beholding the presence of God, near, at hand, one becomes a (real) Vaishnav* (i.e. devotee). 1
[*Baisno/ Vaishnav, i.e. follower of Vishnu. This verse has been addressed to the devotees of Vaishnu, who claim
themselves men of high conduct. The Guru describes the conduct for a real Vaishnav].

Ayso iqAwgI ivrlw koie ] hir hir nwmu jpY jnu soie ]1] rhwau ]
aiso ti-aagee, virlaa ko-ay. har har naam japai jan so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such a renunciate is very rare (to be found).
Such a servant (i.e. devotee) meditates upon name of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
AhMbuiD kw CoifAw sMgu ] ahaM-budh kaa chhodi-aa saNg.
(For such a devotee) forsakes the company of egotistical intellect
kwm k®oD kw auqirAw rMgu ] kaam krodh kaa utri-aa raNg.
His love for sexual desire and anger are driven out.
nwm iDAwey hir hir hry ] naam dhi-aa-ay har har haray.
He meditates upon the name of God, the Lord; and,
swD jnw kY sMig insqry ]2] saadh janaa kai, saNg nistaray. ||2||
In the company of the God-oriented persons, he is emancipated. 2
bYrI mIq hoey sMmwn ] bairee meet ho-ay saMmaan.
(For such a devotee) the enemies and the friends become all the same.
srb mih pUrn Bgvwn ] sarab meh pooran bhagvaan.
(He beholds) the perfect Lord permeating all.
pRB kI AwigAw mwin suKu pwieAw ] prabh kee aagi-aa maan, sukh paa-i-aa.
Accepting the will of the Lord, he obtains happiness.
guir pUrY hir nwmu idRVwieAw ]3] gur poorai, har naam driṛ-aa-i-aa. ||3||
The perfect Guru has implanted the name within (him). 3
kir ikrpw ijsu rwKY Awip ] soeI Bgqu jpY nwm jwp ]
kar kirpaa, jis raakhai aap. so-ee bhagat japai naam jaap.
That person whom He Himself protects, in His kindness;
that devotee meditates upon the chant of the name (of God).
min pRgwsu gur qy miq leI ] khu nwnk qw kI pUrI peI ]4]27]40]
man pargaas, gur tay mat la-ee. kaho naanak, taa kee pooree pa-ee. ||4||27||40||
That person who obtains the wisdom of the Guru, and his mind is illumined;
Says Nanak :that person is totally successful (i.e. accepted in His court as a devotee). 4.37.40

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

suKu nwhI bhuqY Din Kwty ] sukh naahee, bahutai dhan khaatay.
There is no peace in earning lots of money.
suKu nwhI pyKy inriq nwty ] sukh naahee ,paykhay nirat naatay.
There is no peace in watching dances and plays.
suKu nwhI bhu dys kmwey ] sukh naahee, baho days kamaa-ay.
There is no peace in earning (i.e. capturing) lots of countries.
srb suKw hir hir gux gwey ]1] sarab sukhaa, har har guṇ gaa-ay. ||1||
All (i.e. total) peace comes from singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord. 1
sUK shj Awnµd lhhu ] swDsMgiq pweIAY vfBwgI gurmuiK hir hir nwmu khhu ]1] rhwau ]
sookh sahj aanaNd lahhu.
saadhsaNgat paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee, gurmukh har har naam kahhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) you shall enjoy happiness, poise and bliss; (when you)

find the company of the God-oriented persons by great (good) fortune; and, through the
Guru, chant the name of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
bMDn mwq ipqw suq binqw ] baNdhan, maat pitaa sut banitaa.
Mother, father, son, wife, all are (i.e. place the being in) bondage.
bMDn krm Drm hau krqw ] baNdhan, karam dharam ha-o kartaa.
Religious rituals, done in ego are (i.e. place the being in) bondage.
bMDn kwtnhwru min vsY ] qau suKu pwvY inj Gir bsY ]2]
baNdhan kaatanhaar man vasai. ta-o sukh paavai, nij ghar basai. ||2||
(But, when God) the Smasher of bondages abides in mind;
one obtains peace dwelling within one’s own home (of the self). 2
siB jwick pRB dyvnhwr ] gux inDwn byAMq Apwr ]
sabh jaachik, prabh dayvanhaar. guṇ nidhaan bay-aNt apaar.
Everyone is a beggar; God is the Giver (to all).
He is infinite, and, His treasures of excellences are endless.
ijs no krmu kry pRBu Apnw ] hir hir nwmu iqnY jin jpnw ]3]
jis no karam karay prabh apnaa. har har naam, tinai jan japnaa. ||3||
That person unto whom He bestows His kindness
that servant (i.e. devotee) meditates upon the name of God, the Lord. 3
gur Apny AwgY Ardwis ] kir ikrpw purK guxqwis ]
gur apnay aagai ardaas. kar kirpaa, purakh guṇtaas.
I offer my pray before my Guru;
O! Primal Person, Treasure of Excellences, (please) bless me with Your kindness.
khu nwnk qumrI srxweI ] ijau BwvY iqau rKhu gusweI ]4]28]41]
kaho naanak, tumree sarṇaa-ee. ji-o bhaavai, ti-o rakhahu gusaa-ee. ||4||28||41||
Says Nanak : I have come to Your refuge;
O! Lord of the Word, (please) save me as it pleases You. 4.28.41

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

gur imil iqAwigE dUjw Bwau ] gurmuiK jipE hir kw nwau ]
gur mil, ti-aagi-o doojaa bhaa-o. gurmukh, japi-o har kaa naa-o.
Meeting with the Guru, I have forsaken the love for duality; and,
through the Guru, I have meditated upon the name of God.
P. 1148
ibsrI icMq nwim rMgu lwgw ] bisree chiNt, naam raNg laagaa.
My anxiety is gone (because) I am in love with the name (of God); and,
jnm jnm kw soieAw jwgw ]1] janam janam kaa so-i-aa jaagaa. ||1||
Sleeping through countless births, I am awakened. 1 (My mind is awakened from sleep of ignorance).
kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwey ] swDU sMig srb suK pwey ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay. saadhoo saNg sarab sukh paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestowing His kindness, He has attaches one to His service; and,
in the company of the God-oriented persons, he obtains all pleasures. 1 (pause)
rog doK gur sbid invwry ] nwm AauKDu mn BIqir swry ]

rog dokh, gur sabad nivaaray. naam a-ukhadh, man bheetar saaray.
His ailments and evil are eradicated through the word of the Guru, (because)
his mind has taken in the medicine of name in his mind.
gur Bytq min BieAw Anµd ] srb inDwn nwm BgvMq ]2]
gur bhaytat man bha-i-aa anaNd. sarab nidhaan naam bhagvaNt.* ||2||
Meeting with the Guru, the mind is in bliss;
all treasures are in the name of the Lord of Fortune* (i.e. God). 2
[*Possessor of Fortune / Lord of Fortune. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
jnm mrx kI imtI jm qRws ] janam maraṇ kee mitee jam taraas.
(By meditating upon the name) the fear of birth and death and messenger of death is dispelled.
swDsMgiq aUND kml ibgws ] saadhsaNgat oondh kamal bigaas.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, the inverted lotus (is reversed upward) and
blossoms forth.
gux gwvq inhclu ibsRwm ] guṇ gaavat nihchal bisraam.
Singing (the praise of) His excellences, one obtains stable (i.e. eternal) peace.
pUrn hoey sgly kwm ]3] pooran ho-ay saglay kaam. ||3||
(Meditating upon the name of God) all his tasks are perfectly accomplished. 3
dulB dyh AweI prvwnu ] dulabh dayh, aa-ee parvaan.
The body rarely obtained (i.e. human body/life which is difficult to obtain) is approved (i.e.
accepted in His court).
sPl hoeI jip hir hir nwmu ] safal ho-ee, jap har har naam.
Meditating upon the name of God, the Lord, it becomes successful (i.e. its goal is
khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw krI ] swis igrwis jpau hir hrI ]4]29]42]
kaho naanak, prabh kirpaa karee. saas giraas japa-o har haree. ||4||29||42||
Says Nanak: God has bestowed His kindness (upon me; hence)
I meditate upon God with each and every breath (of life) and morsel (of food). 4.29.42

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

sB qy aUcw jw kw nwau ] sdw sdw qw ky gux gwau ]
sabh tay oochaa jaa kaa naa-o. sadaa sadaa taa kay guṇ gaa-o.
He, whose name is highest of all;
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) his excellences, forever and ever.
ijsu ismrq sglw duKu jwie ] srb sUK vsih min Awie ]1]
jis simrat, saglaa dukh jaa-ay. sarab sookh vaseh man aa-ay. ||1||
Remembering Him, all sorrows are eliminated; and,
all pleasures come to dwell in the mind. 1
ismir mnw qU swcw soie ] hliq pliq qumrI giq hoie ]1] rhwau ]
simar manaa, too saachaa so-ay. halat palat tumree gat ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, You remember that True (Lord);
in this world and hereafter, you shall obtain (high) state. 1 (pause)
purK inrMjn isrjnhwr ] jIA jMq dyvY Awhwr ]
purakh niraNjan sirjanhaar. jee-a jaNt dayvai aahaar.
The Primal Person, Immaculate is the Creator (of all),
(He) gives sustenance to all beings and creatures.
koit Kqy iKn bKsnhwr ] kot khatay, khin bakhsanhaar.
He forgives tens of millions of mistakes (i.e. sins) in an instance
Bgiq Bwie sdw insqwr ]2] bhagat bhaa-ay, sadaa nistaar. ||2||
Through loving devotion, one is emancipated forever. 2
swcw Dnu swcI vifAweI ] gur pUry qy inhcl miq pweI ]
saachaa dhan saachee vadi-aa-ee. gur pooray tay, nihchal mat paa-ee.
True wealth (of His name), and true praise (is obtained by the one),
who obtains stable wisdom from the perfect Guru.
kir ikrpw ijsu rwKnhwrw ] qw kw sgl imtY AMiDAwrw ]3]
kar kirpaa jis raakhanhaaraa. taa kaa sagal mitai aNdhi-aaraa. ||3||
Becoming kind, when He protects (someone),
all his darkness (i.e. spiritual ignorance) is dispelled. 3
pwrbRhm isau lwgo iDAwn ] pUrn pUir rihE inrbwn ]
paarbarahm si-o laago dhi-aan. pooran poor rahi-o nirbaan.
One, who focusses one’s mind on the Supreme Reality (God),
(he beholds) the unattached (Lord) perfectly pervading (everywhere).
Brm Bau myit imly gopwl ] nwnk kau gur Bey dieAwl ]4]30]43]
bharam bha-o mayt, milay gopaal. naanak ka-o gur bha-ay da-i-aal. ||4||30||43||
Nanak (says): Tthe Guru has become kind to me, and, eradicating my fears and doubts, the
Sustainer of the World has met me. 4.30.43

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

ijsu ismrq min hoie pRgwsu ] imtih klys suK shij invwsu ]
jis simrat, man ho-ay pargaas. miteh kalays, sukh sahj nivaas.
(O! Lord, You alone are the one) remembering whom the mind is illumined;
all strife (of the mind) is eradicated, and, one abides in peace and poise.
iqsih prwpiq ijsu pRBu dyie ] pUry gur kI pwey syv ]1]
tiseh paraapat, jis prabh day-ay. pooray gur kee paa-ay sayv. ||1||
(But) he alone achieves this state, whom God (Himself) gives it; and,
he is blessed with the service of the perfect Guru. 1
srb suKw pRB qyro nwau ] sarab sukhaa parabh tayro naa-o.
All happiness is in Your name, O! God.
AwT phr myry mn gwau ]1] rhwau ]
aaṭ pahar mayray man gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, sing (the praise of) His excellences, all the eight quarters (i.e all the twenty-four
hours of the day). 1 (pause)
jo ieCY soeI Plu pwey ] hir kw nwmu mMin vswey ]
jo ichhai, so-ee fal paa-ay. har kaa naam, maNn vasaa-ay.
One obtains the fruit of one’s desires, (when) one enshrines the name of God within his mind.
Awvx jwx rhy hir iDAwie ] avaṇ jaaṇ rahay, har dhi-aa-ay.

Meditating upon Him, coming and going cease (i.e. the cycle of birth and death ends) .
Bgiq Bwie pRB kI ilv lwie ]2] bhagat bhaa-ay, prabh kee liv laa-ay. ||2||
(O! brethren) through loving devotion, focus your mind on God. 2
ibnsy kwm k®oD AhMkwr ] qUty mwieAw moh ipAwr ]
binsay kaam krodh ahaMkaar. tootay maa-i-aa moh pi-aar.
(Meditating upon His name) sexual desire, anger, and egotism are destroyed; and,
love and attachment to Maya are broken
pRB kI tyk rhY idnu rwiq ] pwrbRhmu kry ijsu dwiq ]3]
prabh kee tayk rahai, din raat. paarbarahm karay jis daat. ||3||
He takes to the support of the Lord, (all) day and night,
whom the Supreme Reality (God) blesses with this gift (of the name). 3
krn krwvnhwr suAwmI ] sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ]
karan karaavanhaar su-aamee. sagal ghataa kay aNtarjaamee.
God is the Doer and the Cause (i.e. He is the Cause of causes);
He is the Controller of the Souls of the all the bodies (i.e. beings).
kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwie ] nwnk dws qyrI srxwie ]4]31]44]
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay. naanak daas, tayree sarṇaa-ay. ||4||31||44||
(O! God) bestow Your kindness, and, attach me to Your service.
Nanak, the slave (i.e. devotee), as come to Your refuge. 4.31.44

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

lwj mrY jo nwmu n lyvY ] nwm ibhUn suKI ikau sovY ]
laaj marai, jo naam na layvai. naam bihoon, sukhee ki-o sovai.
One who does not chant the name, dies of shame;
without the name, how can one sleep in peace?
hir ismrnu Cwif prm giq cwhY ] mUl ibnw swKw kq AwhY ]1]
har simran chhaad, param gat chaahai. mool binaa, saakhaa kat aahai. ||1||
If abandoning the remembrance of (the name of) God, one wishes for (attaining) the supreme
state (i.e. liberation);(this is impossible, because)
without the root, how can there be any branches? 1
P. 1149
guru goivMdu myry mn iDAwie ]
jnm jnm kI mYlu auqwrY bMDn kwit hir sMig imlwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur goviNd, mayray man dhi-aa-ay.
janam janam kee mail utaarai, baNdhan kaat har saNg milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the Guru, the Lord of the World, O! my mind;
Filth of countless births (i.e. incarnations) shall be washed away; and, cutting your bonds (of
Maya), he (i.e. the Guru) shall unite you with God. 1 (pause)
qIriQ nwie khw suic sYlu ] tirath naa-ay, kahaa such sail.
How a stone (i.e. stone-like heart) can be purified by bathing at a place of pilgrimage ?
mn kau ivAwpY haumY mYlu ] man ka-o vi-aapai, ha-umai mail.
(On the other hand) filth of egotism clings to the mind (i.e. pride of having had cleansing bath).
koit krm bMDn kw mUlu ] kot karam, baNdhan kaa mool.
The tens of millions of actions (i.e. religious rituals) are the root of bondage (of egotism).
hir ky Bjn ibnu ibrQw pUlu ]2] har kay bhajan bin, birthaa pool. ||2||
Without meditation upon the name of God, one gathers only the bundle of straws (i.e. he
harvests no grain, i.e. one obtains no fruit for acts of ritualism). 2
ibnu Kwey bUJY nhI BUK ] bin khaa-ay, boojhai nahee bhookh.
Without eating hunger is not satisfied.
rogu jwie qW auqrih dUK ] rog jaa-ay, taan utreh dookh.
When the disease is cured, then suffering ends.
kwm k®oD loB moih ibAwipAw ] kaam krodh lobh mohi bi-aapi-aa.
The (mortal) being is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and (emotional) attachment.
ijin pRiB kInw so pRBu nhI jwipAw ]3] jin prabh keenaa, so prabh nahee jaapi-aa. ||3||
He does not meditate upon God, that God who created him. 3
Dnu Dnu swD DMnu hir nwau ] dhan dhan saadh, dhaNn har naa-o.
Blessed, blessed are the God-oriented persons; and, blessed is the name f God.
AwT phr kIrqnu gux gwau ] aaṭ pahar keertan guṇ gaa-o.
They sing the praise of His excellences, (all) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours of the day).
Dnu hir Bgiq Dnu krxYhwr ] dhan har bhagat, dhan karṇaihaar.
Blessed is the devotion of God; and, blessed are those, who do it (i.e. devotion).
srix nwnk pRB purK Apwr ]4]32]45] saran naanak prabh purakh apaar. ||4||32||45||
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of God, the Primal Person, the Infinite (Lord). 4.32.45

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

gur supRsMn hoey Bau gey ] nwm inrMjn mn mih ley ]
gur suparsaNn ho-ay bha-o ga-ay. naam niraNjan man meh la-ay.
When the Guru became totally pleased, one’s fears were taken away;
(because) he enshrines the name of the Immaculate (God) within his mind.
dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ] ibnis gey sgly jMjwl ]1]
deen da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal. binas ga-ay saglay jaNjaal. ||1||
(One, upon whom) the Merciful to the Poor, is forever compassionate;
all their (worldly) entanglements are finished. 1
sUK shj Awnµd Gny ] swDsMig imty BY Brmw AMimRqu hir hir rsn Bny ]1] rhwau ]
sookh sahj aanaNd ghanay.
saadhsaNg mitay bhai bharmaa, aMmrit har har rasan bhanay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One finds happiness, poise and plentiful bliss, and,
in the company of the God-oriented persons, fear and doubt are dispelled; (when) one chants
AMmrit (name) of God, the Lord, with one’s tongue. 1 (pause)
crn kml isau lwgo hyqu ] iKn mih ibnisE mhw pryqu ]
charan kamal si-o laago hayt. khin meh binsi-o mahaa parayt.
The person who is in love with the lotus-feet (of God),
in a moment, the (fear of) the terrifying devil is destroyed.
AwT phr hir hir jpu jwip ] rwKnhwr goivd gur Awip ]2]
aaṭ pahar, har har jap jaap. raakhanhaar govid gur aap. ||2||

(O! brethren) chant the name of God, (all) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day),
The Lord of the World, the Guru Himself shall be your Protector. 2
Apny syvk kau sdw pRiqpwrY ] apnay sayvak ka-o ,sadaa partipaarai.
He Himself cherishes His servant (i.e. devotee) forever.
Bgq jnw ky sws inhwrY ] bhagat janaa kay saas nihaarai.
He watches over (i.e. takes care of) every breath of His devotees.
mwns kI khu kyqk bwq ] jm qy rwKY dy kir hwQ ]3]
maanas kee kaho kaytak baat. jam tay raakhai day kar haath. ||3||
(O! brethren) tell me what is matter of (saving His devotees from) the human beings ?
extending His hand, He protects (even) from messenger of death. 3
inrml soBw inrml rIiq ] pwrbRhmu AwieAw min cIiq ]
nirmal sobhaa nirmal reet. paarbarahm aa-i-aa man cheet.
Immaculate is His glory, immaculate is the way of life (of those),
who remember the Supreme Reality (God) within their minds.
kir ikrpw guir dIno dwnu ] nwnk pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]4]33]46]
kar kirpaa gur deeno daan. naanak, paa-i-aa naam nidhaan. ||4||33||46||
Nanak (says) : One, whom the Guru grants this gift (of the name) in his kindness,
he (alone) obtains the treasure of name. 4.33.46

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

krx kwrx smrQu guru myrw ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath gur mayraa.
My Guru is all-powerful; (he is) the Creator and the cause (of everything).
jIA pRwx suKdwqw nyrw ] jee-a paraaṇ sukh-daata nayraa.
He is the Giver of soul, (breath of) life, happiness; (He is always) near (at hand).
BY BMjn AibnwsI rwie ] bhai bhaNjan abhinaasee raa-ay.
He is the Destroyer of Fears, Imperishable Sovereign (Lord).
drsin dyiKAY sBu duKu jwie ]1] darsan daykhi-ai, sabh dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
Beholding His vision, all sorrow is dispelled. 1
jq kq pyKau qyrI srxw ] jat kat paykha-o tayree sarṇaa.
(O! God) wherever I look, I see Your refuge (i.e. You alone are protecting everywhere).
bil bil jweI siqgur crxw ]1] rhwau ] bal bal jaa-ee satgur charṇaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto the feet of the True Guru. 1 (pause)
pUrn kwm imly gurdyv ] pooran kaam milay gurdayv.
(O! brethren) meeting the Divine Guru,, all tasks are perfectly accomplished.
siB Pldwqw inrml syv ] sabh faldaataa nirmal sayv.
He is Giver of all fruits (i.e. rewards); service Him one becomes immaculate.
kru gih lIny Apuny dws ] rwm nwmu ird dIE invws ]2]
kar geh leenay apunay daas. raam naam rid dee-o nivaas. ||2||
Holding the arm (i.e. hand) of His slaves (i.e. devotees), he makes them His own; and,
places the name of God in their hearts. 2
sdw Anµdu nwhI ikCu sogu ] dUKu drdu nh ibAwpY rogu ]
sadaa anaNd, naahee kichh sog. dookh darad nah bi-aapai rog.
(With the name in their hearts) they are forever in bliss, (and, they have) no sadness; and,
no pain, sorrow or disease afflicts them.
sBu ikCu qyrw qU krxYhwru ] sabh kichh tayraa too karṇaihaar.
Everything is Yours; You are the Creator.
pwrbRhm gur Agm Apwr ]3] paarbarahm gur agam apaar. ||3||
O! Supreme Reality (God), (my) Guru, (You are) inaccessible, infinite. 3
inrml soBw Acrj bwxI ] nirmal sobhaa achraj baṇee.
His glory is immaculate; His word is wondrous;
pwrbRhm pUrn min BwxI ] paarbarahm pooran man bhaaṇee.
The Supreme Reality, the Perfect (Lord), is pleasing to my mind.
jil Qil mhIAil rivAw soie ] jal thal mahee-al ravi-aa so-ay.
He is pervading the waters, the lands, and the nether regions.
nwnk sBu ikCu pRB qy hoie ]4]34]47] naanak sabh kichh prabh tay ho-ay. ||4||34||47||
Nanak (says): Everything comes from God. 4.34.47

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

mnu qnu rwqw rwm rMig crxy ] srb mnorQ pUrn krxy ]
man tan raataa raam raNg charṇay. sarab manorath pooran karṇay.
(One, whose) mind and body are imbued with the love of the feet of God;
all his objectives (i.e. desires) are fulfilled (by God).
P. 1150
AwT phr gwvq BgvMqu ] siqguir dIno pUrw mMqu ]1]
aaṭ pahar gaavat bhagvaNt. satgur deeno pooraa maNt. ||1||
(All) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day) he sing (the praise of the excellences of) God,
(whom) the True Guru has given him the perfect dictum (i.e. instruction). 1
so vfBwgI ijsu nwim ipAwru ] iqs kY sMig qrY sMswru ]1] rhwau ]
so vadbhaagee, jis naam pi-aar. tis kai saNg tarai saNsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Very fortunate is the one who loves the name (of God);
associating with him the world (i.e. the people) cross over (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
soeI igAwnI ij ismrY eyk ] so-ee gi-aanee, je simrai ayk.
He alone is a man of (spiritual) knowledge, who remembers (i.e. meditates upon) the One (Lord).
so DnvMqw ijsu buiD ibbyk ] so dhanvaNtaa, jis budh bibayk.
He alone is wealthy who is blessed with discriminating intellect.
so kulvMqw ij ismrY suAwmI ] so kulvaNtaa, je simrai su-aamee.
He alone is from a noble family, who remembers (i.e. meditates upon) God.
so piqvMqw ij Awpu pCwnI ]2] so pativaNtaa, je aap pachhaanee. ||2||
He alone is honourable, who understands his own self. 2
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw ] gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa.
By the grace of the Guru, he is blessed with supreme status;
gux guopwl idnu rYin iDAwieAw ] guṇ gopaal din rain dhi-aa-i-aa.
Day and night, he meditates upon the excellences of the Sustainer of the World.
qUty bMDn pUrn Awsw ] tootay baNdhan pooran aasaa.
His bonds are broken and his hopes are fulfilled.
hir ky crx ird mwih invwsw ]3] har kay charaṇ rid maahi nivaasaa. ||3||
The feet of God abide in his heart. 3
khu nwnk jw ky pUrn krmw ] so jnu AwieAw pRB kI srnw ]
kaho naanak jaa kay pooran karmaa. so jan aa-i-aa prabh kee sarnaa.
Says Nanak: one, who has perfect destiny,
that servant (i.e. devotee) enters the refuge of God
Awip pivqu pwvn siB kIny ] aap pavit paavan sabh keenay.
He himself is pure and he sanctifies all.
rwm rswiexu rsnw cIn@y ]4]35]48] raam rasaa-iṇ rasnaa cheen ay. ||4||35||48||

He chants with his tongue (the name of) God, the source of nectar. 4.35.48

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

nwmu lYq ikCu ibGnu n lwgY ] naam lait, kichh bighan na laagai.
Chanting (i.e. meditating upon) the name (of God), no obstacle blocks the way.
nwmu suxq jmu dUrhu BwgY ] naam suṇat, jam dhoorahu bhaagai.
Listening the name, the messenger of death runs away from afar.
nwmu lYq sB dUKh nwsu ] naam lait ,sabh dookhah naas.
Chanting the name, all sufferings vanish.
nwmu jpq hir crx invwsu ]1] naam japat, har charaṇ nivaas. ||1||
Chanting the name, (the mind of) one abides in the (lotus) feet of God. 1
inribGn Bgiq Bju hir hir nwau ] nirbighan bhagat bhaj har har naa-o.
Meditating upon the name of God, the Lord, is the unobstructed devotion (for Him).
rsik rsik hir ky gux gwau ]1] rhwau ] rasak rasak har kay guṇ gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing (the praise of) the excellences of God with love and delight. 1 (pause)
hir ismrq ikCu cwKu n johY ] har simrat, kichh chaakh na johai.
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) God, an evil eye does not touch (i.e. evil intention cannot
affect) you.
hir ismrq dYq dyau n pohY ] har simrat, dait day-o na pohai.
Remembering God, demons and ghosts (i.e. evil passions) do not ouch you.
hir ismrq mohu mwnu n bDY ] har simrat, moh maan na badhai.
Remembering God, attachment and pride do not increase.
hir ismrq grB join n ruDY ]2] har simrat, garabh jon na rudhai. ||2||
Remembering God, one is not consigned to the womb. 2
hir ismrn kI sglI bylw ] har simran kee saglee baylaa.
All the time is (good) for remembering (the name of) God.
hir ismrnu bhu mwih iekylw ] har simran, baho maahi ikaylaa.
Among so many, only a few remember God.
jwiq Ajwiq jpY jnu koie ] jo jwpY iqs kI giq hoie ]3]
jaat ajaat japai jan ko-ay. jo jaapai tis kee gat ho-ay. ||3||
(A person of high) caste (i.e. social class) or (a person of) no caste (i.e. lower social class);
anyone may meditate (upon God); and, whoever meditates (upon God) is emancipated. 3
hir kw nwmu jpIAY swDsMig ] hir ky nwm kw pUrn rMgu ]

har kaa naam japee-ai saadhsaNg. har kay naam kaa pooran raNg.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the name of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons;
you shall be dyed perfectly in the name of God.
nwnk kau pRB ikrpw Dwir ] swis swis hir dyhu icqwir ]4]36]49]
naanak ka-o prabh kirpaa dhaar. saas saas har dayh chitaar. ||4||36||49||
Nanak (says): O! God, bestow Your kindness upon me, (that)
I may focus upon You, in my mind, with each and every breath. 4.36.49

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

Awpy swsqu Awpy bydu ] aapay saasat, aapay bayd.
(O! my mind) He (i.e. God) Himself is the Shastras and Himself is the Vedas.
Awpy Git Git jwxY Bydu ] aapay, ghat ghat jaaṇai bhayd.
He Himself knows the secrets of each and every heart.
joiq srUp jw kI sB vQu ] jot saroop jaa kee sabh vath.
He is the embodiment of light; everything belong to Him .
krx kwrx pUrn smrQu ]1] karaṇ kaaraṇ pooran samrath. ||1||
He is the Creator and the Cause of causes; he is perfect and all-powerful. 1

pRB kI Et ghhu mn myry ] crn kml gurmuiK AwrwDhu dusmn dUKu n AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ]
prabh kee ot gahhu, man mayray.
charan kamal gurmukh aaraadhahu, dusman dookh na aavai nayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Grasp the hold of the refuge of God, O! my mind;
Adore the lotus feet (of God) through the Guru; (hence) enemies and sorrows shall not (even)
come near (i.e. shall not approach) you. 1 (pause)
Awpy vxu iqRxu iqRBvx swru ] aapay vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ saar.
He (God) Himself are the essence (i.e. source) of forests, vegetation and the three worlds.
jw kY sUiq proieAw sMswru ] jaa kai soot, paro-i-aa saNsaar.
The (whole) universe is strung on His thread.
Awpy isv skqI sMjogI ] aapay, siv saktee saNjogee.
He Himself is the Uniter of Shiv and Shakti (i.e. mind and matter).
Awip inrbwxI Awpy BogI ]2] aap nirbaaṇee, aapay bhogee. ||2||
He Himself is Detached and He Himself is the Enjoyer. 2
jq kq pyKau qq qq soie ] jat kat paykha-o, tat tat so-ay.
Wherever I look, there He is.
iqsu ibnu dUjw nwhI koie ] tis bin, doojaa naahee ko-ay.
Without Him, there is no other (at all).
swgru qrIAY nwm kY rMig ] gux gwvY nwnku swDsMig ]3]
saagar taree-ai, naam kai raNg. guṇ gaavai, naanak, saadhsaNg. ||3||
Nanak (says): In the love of the name (of God), the (world) ocean is crossed over; (so),
sing (the praise of) his excellences in the company of the God-oriented persons. 3
mukiq Bugiq jugiq vis jw kY ] aUxw nwhI ikCu jn qw kY ]
mukat bhugat jugat vas jaa kai. ooṇaa naahee kichh jan taa kai.

One, under whose control are liberation, enjoyments and way of life;
His servants (i.e. devotees) lack nothing.
kir ikrpw ijsu hoie supRsMn ] nwnk dws syeI jn DMn ]4]37]50]
kar kirpaa jis ho-ay suparsaNn. naanak daas say-ee jan dhaNn. ||4||37||50||
Nanak, the slave (says): One, with whom He is pleased in His kindness, that person is a
blessed one. 4.37.50

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

Bgqw min Awnµdu goibMd ] bhagtaa man aanand gobiNd.
The minds of the devotees of the Lord of the World are (always) in bliss.
AsiQiq Bey ibnsI sB icMd ] asthit bha-ay binsee sabh chiNd.
They remain stable, all their anxiety is over.
P. 1151
BY BRm ibnis gey iKn mwih ] pwrbRhmu visAw min Awie ]1]
bhai bharam binas ga-ay khin maahi. paarbarahm vasi-aa man aa-ay. ||1||
Their fears and doubts are dispelled in an instant, (because)
the Supreme Reality (God) has come dwell in their mind. 1
rwm rwm sMq sdw shwie ] raam raam saNt sadaa sahaa-ay.
God, the Lord, is forever support of the God-oriented persons.
Gir bwhir nwly prmysru riv rihAw pUrn sB Twie ]1] rhwau ]
ghar baahar naalay parmaysar, rav rahi-aa pooran sabh ṭaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Inside the home (i.e. heart) and outside (as well), the Supreme Lord (God) is with them,
permeating all places. 1 (pause)
Dnu mwlu jobnu jugiq gopwl ] dhan maal joban jugat gopaal.
The Sustainer of the World (God) is their wealth, property, youth, and way of life.
jIA pRwx inq suK pRiqpwl ] jee-a paraaṇ nit sukh prtipaal.
He continually cherishes and bestows happiness to their soul and breath (of life).
Apny dws kau dy rwKY hwQ ] apnay daas ka-o day raakhai haath.
Giving (i.e. offering/ extending) His hand, He protects His servants (i.e. devotees); and,
inmK n CofY sd hI swQ ]2] nimakh na chhodai sad hee saath. ||2||
He does not abandon them (alone) even for an instant; He is always with them. 2
hir sw pRIqmu Avru n koie ] har saa preetam, avar na ko-ay.
There is no other beloved like God.
swir sm@wly swcw soie ] saar samhaalay saachaa so-ay.
The True (Lord) takes care of and preserves all.
mwq ipqw suq bMDu nrwiexu ] maat pitaa sut baNdh naraa-iṇ.*
Omnipresent* (i.e. God) is our Mother, Father, Son, and Relations.
[*Naraa-in, literally: ‘present/ dwelling in all men (i.e. people)’; This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
Awid jugwid Bgq gux gwiexu ]3] aad jugaad, bhagat guṇ gaa-iṇ. ||3||
Since the beginning and throughout all Ages, His devotees sing (praise of) His excellences. 3
iqs kI Dr pRB kw min joru ] tis kee dhar, prabh kaa man jor.
God is their support and power of mind.
eyk ibnw dUjw nhI horu ] ayk binaa doojaa nahee hor.
Without the One (Lord), there is no other (at all).
nwnk kY min iehu purKwrQu ] pRBU hmwrw swry suAwrQu ]4]38]51]
naanak kai man ih purkhaarath. prabhoo hamaaraa saaray su-aarath. ||4||38||51||
Nanak (says): my mind has this inspiration, that,
God will accomplish all my objectives (of life). 4.38.51

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

BY kau Bau piVAw ismrq hir nwm ] sgl ibAwiD imtI iqRhu gux kI dws ky hoey pUrn kwm ]1] rhwau ]
bhai ka-o bha-o paṛi-aa simrat har naam.
sagal bi-aadh mitee tarihu guṇ kee, daas kay ho-ay pooran kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering the name of God, fear (itself) becomes afraid (and runs away);
all the disease of the three gunaas (i.e. qualities of Maya) is cured; all tasks of the slave (i.e.
devotee of God) are settled. 1 (pause)
hir ky lok sdw gux gwvih iqn kau imilAw pUrn Dwm ]
har kay lok sadaa guṇ gaavahi, tin ka-o mili-aa pooran dhaam.
The people (i.e. devotees) of God, who ever sing (the praise of) His excellences, they obtain
His perfect mansion.
jn kw drsu bWCY idn rwqI hoie punIq Drm rwie jwm ]1]
jan kaa daras baanchhai din raatee, ho-ay puneet dharam raa-ay jaam. ||1||
Even the Judge of Righteousness and the messenger of death, yearn day and night, to
behold the vision of the servants (i.e. devotees of God), that they may be sanctified. 1
kwm k®oD loB md inMdw swDsMig imitAw AiBmwn ] kaam krodh lobh mad ni daa, saadhsa g miti-aa abhimaan.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment, slandering others and pride are
eradicated in the company of the God-oriented persons.
AYsy sMq Bytih vfBwgI nwnk iqn kY sd kurbwn ]2]39]52]
aisay saNt bhayteh vadbhaagee, naanak tin kai sad kurbaan. ||2||39||52||
Such God-oriented persons are found with great fortune.
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto them. 2.39.52

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

pMc mjmI jo pMcn rwKY ] panch majmee, jo paNchan raakhai.
One who harbours the five*, becomes the gathering (i.e. embodiment) of the five.
[*Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
imiQAw rsnw inq auiT BwKY ] mithi-aa rasnaa, nit uṭ bhaakhai.
Each day, when he gets up, he tells lies with his tongue.
ck® bxwie krY pwKMf ] chakar baṇaa-ay, karai pakhaNd.
He makes (i.e. inscribes) circles (on his forehead and other parts of body) and practices
hypocrisy (i.e. makes a show of being a religious person).
Juir Juir pcY jYsy iqRA rMf ]1] jhur jhur pachai, jaisay tari-a raNd. ||1||
He burns in worries and anxiety (for Maya), like a widow lady (without husband). 1
hir ky nwm ibnw sB JUTu ] har kay naam binaa, sabh jhooṭ.

Withoutn the name of God, everything is false.
ibnu gur pUry mukiq n pweIAY swcI drgih swkq mUTu ]1] rhwau ]
bin gur pooray mukat na paa-ee-ai saachee dargahi saakat mooṭ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the perfect Guru, liberation is not obtained; in the court of the True, the non-
believer is (exposed as) robber. 1 (pause)
soeI kucIlu kudriq nhI jwnY ] so-ee kucheel kudrat nahee jaanai.
One, who does not know (i.e. does not recognize and realize) His creative power, is filthy.
lIipAY Qwie n suic hir mwnY ] leepi-ai thaa-ay na such har maanai.
If one plasters his place (i.e. the kitchen), God does not regard that as pure.
AMqru mYlw bwhru inq DovY ] swcI drgih ApnI piq KovY ]2]
aNtar mailaa baahar nit dhovai. saachee dargahi apnee pat khovai. ||2||
If one is dirty from within, and, washes himself everyday on outside. 2
mwieAw kwrix krY aupwau ] kbih n GwlY sIDw pwau ]
maa-i-aa kaaraṇ karai upaa-o. kabeh na ghaalai seedhaa paa-o.
He makes all efforts for the sake of Maya. He never places his foot on the right path.
ijin kIAw iqsu cIiq n AwxY ] jin kee-aa tis cheet na aaṇai.
One who created him, he (never)focusses his mind on Him.
kUVI kUVI muKhu vKwxY ]3] kooṛee kooṛee mukhahu vakhaaṇai. ||3||
He falsely pretends to speak (the name of God) with his mouth. 3
ijs no krmu kry krqwru ] swDsMig hoie iqsu ibauhwru ]
jis no karam karay kartaar. saadhsaNg ho-ay tis bi-uhaar.
One, whom the Creator blesses with His kindness,
he deals with the company of the God-oriented persons.
hir nwm Bgiq isau lwgw rMgu ] khu nwnk iqsu jn nhI BMgu ]4]40]53]
har naam bhagat si-o laagaa raNg. kaho naanak tis jan nahee bhaNg. ||4||40||53||
One, who is imbued with the name and devotion of God;
Says Nanak: that servant (i.e. devotee) face no obstacle. 4.40.53

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

inMdk kau iPtky sMswru ] niNdak ka-o fitkay saNsaar.
The entire world reproaches (condemns/ curses) the slanderer.
inMdk kw JUTw ibauhwru ] niNdak kaa jhooṭaa bi-uhaar.
The dealings of the slanderer are false.
inMdk kw mYlw Awcwru ] niNdak kaa mailaa aachaar.
The life-style of slanderer is filthy.
dws Apuny kau rwKnhwru ]1] daas apunay ka-o raakhanhaar. ||1||
God is the Protector of His slaves (i.e. devotees). 1
inMdku muAw inMdk kY nwil ] niNdak mu-aa niNdak kai naal.
The slanderer dies with(i.e. in the company of) the slanderers.
pwrbRhm prmysir jn rwKy inMdk kY isir kVikE kwlu ]1] rhwau ]
paarbarahm parmaysar jan raakhay, niNdak kai sir kaṛki-o kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord saves His servants (i.e. devotees); (but) death roars

on the head of the slanderer (i.e. death takes life of the slanderer). 1 (pause)
P. 1152
inMdk kw kihAw koie n mwnY ] ni dak kaa kahi-aa, ko-ay na maanai.

No body believes what the slanderer says.

inMdk JUTu boil pCuqwny ] niNdak jhooṭ bol pachhutaanay.
The slanderer tells lies, and, later, repents.
hwQ pCorih isru Drin lgwih ] inMdk kau deI CofY nwih ]2]
haath pachhoreh, sir dharan lagaahi. niNdak ka-o, da-ee chhodai naahi. ||2||
He wrings his hands and hits his head against the ground (i.e. against the wall); but,
God does not forgive the slanderer. 2
hir kw dwsu ikCu burw n mwgY ] inMdk kau lwgY duK sWgY ]
har kaa daas, kichh buraa na maagai. niNdak ka-o laagai dukh saangai.
The slave of God does not wishes ill for anyone; (whereas, on seeing good of others),
the slanderer suffers the pain (as if stabbed) by a spear.
bguly ijau rihAw pMK pswir ] muK qy boilAw qW kiFAw bIcwir ]3]
bagulay ji-o rahi-aa paNkh pasaar. mukh tay boli-aa, taa kaḍi-aa beechaar. ||3||

He spreads his feathers like a crane (to look like a swan); but,
when he speaks with his mouth, he is noted down and driven out. 3
AMqrjwmI krqw soie ] hir jnu krY su inhclu hoie ]
aNtarjaamee kartaa so-ay. har jan karai, so nihchal ho-ay.
The Creator is the Controller of Souls; (hence)
whatever a servant (i.e. devotee) of God does, happens definitely .
hir kw dwsu swcw drbwir ] jn nwnk kihAw qqu bIcwir ]4]41]54]
har kaa daas, saachaa darbaar. jan naanak, kahi-aa tat beechaar. ||4||41||54||
God’s slave (i.e. devotee) is (recognized as) true in His court.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have contemplated and found this essence. 4.41.54

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

duie kr joir krau Ardwis ] jIau ipMfu Dnu iqs kI rwis ]
du-ay kar jor kara-o ardaas. jee-o piNd dhan, tis kee raas.
With my both hands pressed together, I offer this prayer:
my life, body, wealth are His capital (i.e. capital blessed by Him).
soeI myrw suAwmI krnYhwru ] koit bwr jweI bilhwr ]1]
so-ee mayraa su-aamee karnaihaar. kot baar, jaa-ee balihaar. ||1||
My Lord is all-powerful. Tens of millions of times, I am a sacrifice (unto Him). 1
swDU DUir punIq krI ] saadhoo* dhoor puneet karee.
The dust of the feet of the Guru* purifies.
[*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
mn ky ibkwr imtih pRB ismrq jnm jnm kI mYlu hrI ]1] rhwau ]
man kay bikaar miteh prabh simrat, janam janam kee mail haree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering God, the sins of mind are eradicated, and, the filth of countless births (i.e.
incarnations) is washed away. 1 (pause)

jw kY igRh mih sgl inDwn ] jw kI syvw pweIAY mwnu ]
jaa kai garih meh, sagal nidhaan. jaa kee sayvaa, paa-ee-ai maan.
All treasures are in His house. Serving Him, one attains honour.
sgl mnorQ pUrnhwr ] sagal manorath pooranhaar.
He is the fulfiller all the objectives (i.e. desires of mind).
jIA pRwn Bgqn AwDwr ]2] jee-a paraan bhagtan aadhaar. ||2||
He is the support of the soul and breath (of life) of His devotees. 2
Gt Gt AMqir sgl pRgws ] ghat ghat aNtar sagal pargaas.
His light shines in each and every heart.
jip jip jIvih Bgq guxqws ] jap jap jeeveh bhagat guṇtaas.
Meditating and meditating upon the Treasure of Excellences, His devotees live.
jw kI syv n ibrQI jwie ] jaa kee sayv na birthee jaa-ay.
Serving Him, does not go in vain.
mn qn AMqir eyku iDAwie ]3] man tan aNtar ayk dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
(O! brethren) meditate upon the One (God) within your mind and body. 3
gur aupdyis dieAw sMqoKu ] gur updays da-i-aa saNtokh.
The teachings of Guru inculcate compassion and contentment.
nwmu inDwnu inrmlu iehu Qoku ] naam nidhaan nirmal ih thok.
This treasure of the name is immaculate object.
kir ikrpw lIjY liV lwie ] crn kml nwnk inq iDAwie ]4]42]55]
kar kirpaa leejai laṛ laa-ay. charan kamal, naanak, nit dhi-aa-ay. ||4||42||55||
Nanak (says): (O! God, please) bestow Your kindness and attach me to the hem of Your robe;
I meditate continually upon Your lotus feet. 4.42.55

BYrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

siqgur Apuny sunI Ardwis ] kwrju AwieAw sglw rwis ]
satgur apunay sunee ardaas. kaaraj aa-i-aa saglaa raas.
My True Guru has listened to my prayer; (hence), all my affairs have been resolved.
mn qn AMqir pRBU iDAwieAw ] man tan aNtar prabhoo dhi-aa-i-aa.
I meditated upon God within my mind and body.
gur pUry fru sgl cukwieAw ]1] gur pooray dar sagal chukaa-i-aa. ||1||
The perfect Guru dispelled all my fears. 1
sB qy vf smrQ gurdyv ] siB suK pweI iqs kI syv ] rhwau ]
sabh tay vad samrath gurdayv. sabh sukh paa-ee tis kee sayv. rahaa-o.
My Divine Guru is the greatest of all and all-powerful.
Serving him, I obtain all (i.e. total) happiness. (pause)
jw kw kIAw sBu ikCu hoie ] jaa kaa kee-aa sabh kichh ho-ay.
(It is He) by whose doing (i.e. command) everything comes to happen.
iqs kw Amru n mytY koie ] tis kaa amar na maytai ko-ay.
No one can erase (i.e. alter) His command.
pwrbRhmu prmysru AnUpu ] paarbarahm parmaysar anoop.
The Supreme Reality, the Supreme Lord (God) is incomparably beautiful.

sPl mUriq guru iqs kw rUpu ]2] safal moorat gur tis kaa roop. ||2||
The Guru is fructifying (i.e. fulfilling) image; (he is) His (i.e. God’s) embodiment. 2
jw kY AMqir bsY hir nwmu ] jo jo pyKY su bRhm igAwnu ]
jaa kai aNtar basai har naam. jo jo paykhai so barahm gi-aan.
One, within whom abides the name of God;
whatever and wherever he looks, there he finds (the presence of) Ultimate Reality.
bIs ibsuey jw kY min prgwsu ] iqsu jn kY pwrbRhm kw invwsu ]3]
bees bisu-ay* jaa kai man pargaas. tis jan kai paarbarahm kaa nivaas. ||3||
One whose mind is totally* enlightened;
within that persons, the Supreme Reality (God) abides. 3
[*The term Bees/Veeh Visvay has been derived from land measuring system: one vigha (bigha), a measurement of
land, comprises of 20 visvas; hence 20 visvas are one complete (vigha). In this sense, Bees. Veeh Visvay means
something which is 100%, i.e. one complete whole; i.e. totally/ fully].
iqsu gur kau sd krI nmskwr ] iqsu gur kau sd jwau bilhwr ]
tis gur ka-o sad karee namaskaar.tis gur ka-o sad jaa-o balihaar.
I bow to that Guru forever. I am forever a sacrifice unto that Guru.
siqgur ky crn Doie Doie pIvw ] gur nwnk jip jip sd jIvw ]4]43]56]
satgur kay charan dho-ay dho-ay peevaa. gur naanak jap jap sad jeevaa. ||4||43||56||
I wash* the feet of the True Guru, and, drink in* that water.
Nanak (says):meditating and meditating upon him (i.e. the True Guru),I live forever. 4.43.56
[*’Washing feet, and, drink in that water’, is not in the literal sense. It means follow the feet (path) and live according
to that way of life].
P. 1153
rwgu BYrau mhlw 5 pVqwl Gru 3 Raag Bhairo, Mehlaa 5, paṛ-taal, ghar 3
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
priqpwl pRB ik®pwl kvn gun gnI ] partipaal prabh kirpaal, kavan gun ganee.
O! Cherisher, Compassionate Lord, which of Your excellences, should I count? (i.e. Your
excellences are so many that I cannot even count them all).
Aink rMg bhu qrMg srb ko DnI ]1] rhwau ] anik raNg baho taraNg, sarab ko dhanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(You are surging in) countless (playful) joys, through many waves (i.e. in many forms); You
are the Master of all. 1 (pause)
Aink igAwn Aink iDAwn Aink jwp jwp qwp ] anik gi-aan, anik dhi-aan, anik jaap jaap taap.
(In Your world, there are) countless (beings are engaged in acquiring) knowledge, countless in
concentration, countless in meditation and penance.
Aink guinq Duinq lilq Aink Dwr munI ]1] anik gunit dhunit lalit, anik dhaar munee. ||1||
There are countless virtuous, (playing) sounds, artists and sages practising silence. 1
Aink nwd Aink bwj inmK inmK Aink sÍwd Aink doK Aink rog imtih js sunI ]
anik naad, anik baaj, nimakh nimakh anik savaad; anik dokh, anik rog, miteh jas sunee.
There are countless melodies and countless (musical) instruments, countless tastes (being
enjoyed) each and every moment; countless mistakes (i.e. sins) and diseases, are removed
by hearing Your praise (O! God).
nwnk syv Apwr dyv qth Kth brq pUjw gvn Bvn jwqR krn sgl Pl punI ]2]1]57]8]21]7]57]93]
naanak, sayv apaar dayv, tatah khatah barat poojaa, gavan bhavan jaatar karan, sagal fal punee.
Nanak (says): Serving the Infinite, Divine (Lord), one earns all the fruits and merits of (bathing
at) river-banks (at the places of pilgrimage), performing the six rituals, conducting fasts and
worship, wandering around the earth and making pilgrimages.

BYrau AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 2 Bhairo, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 1, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Awqm mih rwmu rwm mih Awqmu cInis gur bIcwrw ]
aatam meh raam, raam meh aatam, cheenas gur beechaaraa.
God is in the soul and the souls is in God, this is realized through the teachings of the Guru.
AMimRq bwxI sbid pCwxI duK kwtY hau mwrw ]1]
aMmrit baṇee sabad pachhaaṇee, dukh kaatai ha-o maaraa. ||1||
One, who realizes AMmrit word, through the word (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, his sorrow is
dispelled and his ego is eliminated. 1
nwnk haumY rog bury ] naanak, ha-umai rog buray.
Nanak (says): The diseases of egotism are very vicious.
jh dyKW qh eykw bydn Awpy bKsY sbid Dury ]1] rhwau ]
jah daykhaan tah aykaa baydan, aapay bakhsai sabad dhuray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever I look, I see the same agony; (he alone is saved from this agony whom) God Himself
bestows the word. 1 (pause)
Awpy prKy prKxhwrY bhuir sUlwku n hoeI ] aapay parkhay parkhanhaarai, bahur soolaak na ho-ee.
(When) the assayer Himself assays, (then) there is no need to use needles* (to test purity) again.
[*To assay purity of gold, it is pierced through thin rod/ needle].
ijn kau ndir BeI guir myly pRB Bwxw scu soeI ]2]
jin ka-o nadar bha-ee gur maylay, prabh bhaaṇaa sach so-ee. ||2||
Those, upon whomever He bestows His grace, meet the Guru. Those who are pleasing to Him,
they become True (like the True Lord). 2
pauxu pwxI bYsMqru rogI rogI Driq sBogI ] pa-uṇ paaṇee baisaNtar rogee, rogee dharat sabhogee.
Air, water and fire are diseased (with egotism); and, the earth with all its revelments is diseased.
mwq ipqw mwieAw dyh is rogI rogI kutMb sMjogI ]3]
maat pitaa maa-i-aa dayh se rogee, rogee kutaMb sanjogee. ||3||
Mother, father, Maya and the body are diseased; those united through relations are diseased. 3
rogI bRhmw ibsnu srudRw rogI sgl sMswrw ] rogee barahmaa bisan sarudraa, rogee sagal saNsaaraa.
Brahman, Vishnu, Srudra (i.e. Shiv) are diseased, and, the whole world is diseased.
hir pdu cIin Bey sy mukqy gur kw sbdu vIcwrw ]4]
har pad cheen bha-ay say muktay, gur kaa sabad veechaaraa. ||4||
Those, who understand the state of (of union with) God, are liberated through the word of the
Guru. 4
rogI swq smuMd sndIAw KMf pqwl is roig Bry ] rogee saat samuNd sandee-aa, khaNd pataal se rog bharay.
The seven seas, along with the rivers, are diseased; the continents, the nether regions, are also
full of disease.
hir ky lok is swic suhyly srbI QweI ndir kry ]5]
har kay lok se saach suhaylay, sarbee thaa-ee nadar karay. ||5||
The people (i.e. devotees) of God dwell attach to the True (Lord) and remain happy; and, He
blesses them with His glance (of grace) everywhere. 5
rogI Kt drsn ByKDwrI nwnw hTI Anykw ] rogee khat darsan bhaykh-dhaaree, naanaa hathee anaykaa.
The (followers of) the six systems, and, those wearing (religious) garbs, as well as, many (other)
observing stubborn practices, are diseased.
byd kqyb krih kh bpury nh bUJih iek eykw ]6] bayd katayb karahi kah bapuray, nah boojheh ik aykaa. ||6||
What can the poor Vedas and Katebs do? people do not understand the One and the only (Lord). 6
imT rsu Kwie su roig BrIjY kMd mUil suKu nwhI ] mith ras khaa-ay, so rog bhareejai, kaNd mool sukh naahee.
One, who eats sweet and tasty (i.e. enjoys dainties), is filled with disease; and, there is no peace
(even) in eating crops of roots and roots.
nwmu ivswir clih An mwrig AMq kwil pCuqwhI ]7]
naam visaar chaleh an maarag, aNt kaal pachhutaahee. ||7||
Forgetting the name (of God), those walk on (i.e. follow) the other path, at the very last
moment, they repent. 7
qIriQ BrmY rogu n CUtis piVAw bwdu ibbwdu BieAw ]
tirath bharmai rog na chhootas, paṛi-aa baad bibaad bha-i-aa.
One, who wanders around at places of pilgrimage, is not cured of the disease; and, (by mere)
reading he gets involved in (useless) controversies.
duibDw rogu su AiDk vfyrw mwieAw kw muhqwju BieAw ]8]
dubidhaa rog so adhik vadayraa, maa-i-aa kaa muhtaaj bha-i-aa. ||8||
The disease of duality is so very big (i.e. serious), with it one becomes dependent on Maya. 8
gurmuiK swcw sbid slwhY min swcw iqsu rogu gieAw ]
gurmukh saachaa sabad salaahai, man saachaa tis rog ga-i-aa.
One, who is Guru-oriented praises the True through the word; the True (comes to dwell)
within his mind, and, is cured of the disease.
nwnk hir jn Anidnu inrml ijn kau krim nIswxu pieAw ]9]1]
naanak, har jan an-din nirmal, jin ka-o karam neesaaṇ pa-i-aa. ||9||1||
Nanak (says): those servants (i.e. devotees) of God are immaculate, day and night; they bear
the insignia of His grace. 9.1
P. 1154
BYrau mhlw 3 Gru 2 bhairo mehlaa 3 ghar 2
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
iqin krqY ieku clqu aupwieAw ] tin kartai, ik chalat upaa-i-aa.
That creator has staged (this world as) a wondrous play.
Anhd bwxI sbdu suxwieAw ] anhad baṇee sabad suṇaa-i-aa.
He has communicated His word through unstruck word
mnmuiK BUly gurmuiK buJwieAw ] manmukh bhoolay, gurmukh bujhaa-i-aa.
The mind-oriented are strayed (from the right path); the Guru-oriented have got realization.
kwrxu krqw krdw AwieAw ]1] kaaraṇ, kartaa kardaa aa-i-aa. ||1||
The Creator has been causing this. 1
gur kw sbdu myrY AMqir iDAwnu ] hau kbhu n Cofau hir kw nwmu ]1] rhwau ]
gur kaa sabad, mayrai aNtar dhi-aan. ha-o kabahu na chhoda-o, har kaa naam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The word of the Guru is enshrined within me, and, I concentrate upon it.
I shall never forsake the name of God. 1 (pause)
ipqw pRhlwdu pVx pTwieAw ] pitaa, parahlaad* paṛaṇ paṭaa-i-aa.
Prahlad’s* father sent him (to the teacher) to learn.
lY pwtI pwDy kY AwieAw ] lai paatee, paadhay kai aa-i-aa.
He took his (wooden) tablet and went to the teacher.
nwm ibnw nh pVau Acwr ] myrI ptIAw iliK dyhu goibMd murwir ]2]
naam binaa, nah paṛa-o achaar. mayree patee-aa likh dayh, gobiNd muraar. ||2||
(Prahlad declared): Without the name (of God), I shall not read about any other dealing .
write the name of the Lord of the World, the Destroyer of Demons (God) on my tablet. 2
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as Narsinh (half
lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth
Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
puqR pRihlwd isau kihAw mwie ] privriq n pVhu rhI smJwie ]
putar par-hilaad si-o kahi-aa, maa-ay. parvirat na paṛahu, rahee samjhaa-ay.
The mother said to her son Prahlad:
she impressed upon him, not to study other than custom (i.e. what is taught to him).
inrBau dwqw hir jIau myrY nwil ] jy hir Cofau qau kuil lwgY gwil ]3]
nirbha-o daataa har jee-o, mayrai naal. jay har chhoda-o, ta-o kul laagai gaal. ||3||
(Prahlad replied): “the Fearless (Lord), the Giver dear God is (always) with me.
If I were to forsake God, then my family would be insulted (i.e. disgraced).” 3
pRhlwid siB cwtVy ivgwry ] hmwrw kihAw n suxY Awpxy kwrj svwry ]
parahlaad, sabh chaatṛay vigaaray.hamaaraa kahi-aa na suṇai ,aapnay kaaraj savaaray.
(Teacher complained to Prahlad’s father): “Prahlad has spoiled (i.e. corrupted) all the students.
He does not listen to what I say; and, he does his own things (i.e. follows his own way).”
sB ngrI mih Bgiq idRVweI ] dust sBw kw ikCu n vsweI ]4]
sabh nagree meh, bhagat dariṛaa-ee. dusat sabhaa kaa, kichh na vasaa-ee. ||4||
He (i.e. Prahlad) implanted devotion (to God) in whole of the city (i.e. in the mind of the people).
The assembly of the wicked people become helpless (before him). 4
sMfY mrkY kIeI pUkwr ] saNdai markai, kee-ee pookaar.
Sandai* Marka*i raised call for help. [*Sanda and Marka (Amarka) were the two teachers of Prahlad].
sBy dYq rhy JK mwir ] sabhay dait rahay jhakh maar.
All demons kept trying (to convince him, but) in vain.

Bgq jnw kI piq rwKY soeI ] kIqy kY kihAY ikAw hoeI ]5]
bhagat janaa kee pat raakhai so-ee. keetay kai kahi-ai ki-aa ho-ee. ||5||
[The Guru says]: God Himself protects the honour of His devotee beings.
What can be done by the created beings (i.e. the beings who have been created by God)? 5
ikrq sMjogI dYiq rwju clwieAw ] kirat saNjogee, dait raaj chalaa-i-aa.
Because of his past deeds, the demon ruled (over his kingdom).
hir n bUJY iqin Awip BulwieAw ] har na boojhai, tin aap bhulaa-i-aa.
He did not realize God; God Himself had deluded him.
puqR pRhlwd isau vwdu rcwieAw ] putar parahlaad si-o vaad rachaa-i-aa.
He created a debate (i.e. dispute/ quarrel) with his son Prahlad.
AMDw n bUJY kwlu nyVY AwieAw ]6] aNdhaa na boojhai, kaal nayṛai aa-i-aa. ||6||
The blind one (i.e. the demon) did not understand (that) his death was approaching. 6
pRhlwdu koTy ivic rwiKAw bwir dIAw qwlw ] parahlaad koṭay vich raakhi-aa, baar dee-aa taalaa.
Prahlad was put in a chamber, and, the door was locked.
inrBau bwlku mUil n freI myrY AMqir gur gopwlw ]
nirbha-o baalak mool na dar-ee, ‘mayrai aNtar gur gopaalaa’.
The fearless child was not afraid at all; (and he said): “within my being, is the Guru, the
Sustainer of the World.”
kIqw hovY srIkI krY Anhodw nwau DrwieAw ] keetaa hovai sareekee karai, anhodaa naa-o dharaa-i-aa.
One, who is a created being, and, tries to compete with the Creator; (in fact) he had assumed
(undeserved) name in vain.
jo Duir iliKAw suo Awie phuqw jn isau vwdu rcwieAw ]7]
jo dhur likhi-aa so aa-ay pahutaa, jan si-o vaad rachaa-i-aa. ||7||
That which was pre-inscribed, has come to happen; (so) he created a debate (i.e. dispute/
quarrel) with the servant (i.e. devotee of God). 7
ipqw pRhlwd isau gurj auTweI ] khW qum@wrw jgdIs gusweI ]
pitaa, parahlaad si-o guraj uṭaa-ee, : “kahaan tumhaaraa jagdees gusaa-ee.”
The father raised a mace at Prahlad (to strike and kill him); (and, shouted):
Where is your God, the Lord of the World(call Him now).
jgjIvnu dwqw AMiq sKweI ] jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ]8]
jagjeevan daataa, aNt sakhaa-ee. jah daykhaa, tah rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||8||
[Prahlad replied]: “The Life of World (i.e. the Giver of life to the world), is my helps in the end.
Wherever I look, there (I find) He is pervading (and permeating).” 8
QMm@ü aupwiV hir Awpu idKwieAw ] AhMkwrI dYqu mwir pcwieAw ]
thaMmh upaaṛ, har aap dikhaa-i-aa. ahaMkaaree dait, maar pachaa-i-aa.
Tearing down the pillar, God Himself appeared; the proud demon was killed and destroyed.
Bgqw min Awnµdu vjI vDweI ] bhagtaa man aanaNd, vajee vadhaa-ee.
The minds of the devotees were filled with bliss, and, congratulations (i.e. greetings) poured in.
Apny syvk kau dy vifAweI ]9] apnay sayvak ka-o day vadi-aa-ee. ||9||
(This is how) He blessed greatness (i.e. glory) to His servant (i.e. devotee). 9
jMmxu mrxw mohu aupwieAw ] Awvxu jwxw krqY iliK pwieAw ]
jaMmaṇ marṇaa, moh upaa-i-aa. aavaṇ jaaṇaa kartai likh paa-i-aa.

God has created birth and death and (emotional) attachment; and,
the Creator has (pre)ordained coming and going (in reincarnation).
pRhlwd kY kwrij hir Awpu idKwieAw ] Bgqw kw bolu AwgY AwieAw ]10]
parahlaad kai kaaraj har aap dikhaa-i-aa. bhagtaa kaa bol aagai aa-i-aa. ||10||
For (the sake of) the cause of Prahlad, God Himself appeared; and,
the word of the devotees, came before all (as true and fulfilled). 10
dyv kulI liKmI kau krih jYkwru ] mwqw nrisMG kw rUpu invwru ]
dayv kulee, lakhimee ka-o karahi jaikaar. maataa, narsiNgh kaa roop nivaar.
(At the killing of the demon by Narsigh*) the gods, hail the victory of Lakshmi, (and ask her):
O! mother, make this form, of Narsingh disappear (now); (but)
[*Narsingh, literally: half man half lion. As per the myth, this was the form assumed by God to kill the demon].
liKmI Bau krY n swkY jwie ] pRhlwdu jnu crxI lwgw Awie ]11]
lakhimee bha-o karai, na saakai jaa-ay. parahlaad jan charṇee laagaa aa-ay. ||11||
Lakshmi was afraid, and, she did not go near hm.
Prahlad, the servant (i.e. devotee), came and fell at the feet of God (in the form of Narsingh). 11
P. 1155
siqguir nwmu inDwnu idRVwieAw ] rwju mwlu JUTI sB mwieAw ]
satgur, naam nidhaan driṛ-aa-i-aa. raaj maal, jhooṭee sabh maa-i-aa.
(One, whom) the True Guru implanted the treasure of name within,
(he realizes that) kingship (i.e. power), property (i.e. wealth), and all Maya is false.
loBI nr rhy lptwie ] lobhee nar, rahay laptaa-ay.
(But, still) greedy persons remains clinging (to these).
hir ky nwm ibnu drgh imlY sjwie ]12] har kay naam bin, dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||12||
Without the name of God, they are punishmed in His court . 12
khY nwnku sBu ko kry krwieAw ] kahai naanak, sabh ko karay karaa-i-aa.
Says Nanak: Everyone acts as God gets them act.
sy prvwxu ijnI hir isau icqu lwieAw ] say parvaaṇ, jinee har si-o chit laa-i-aa.
They alone are accepted (i.e. approved) who focus their mind upon God.
Bgqw kw AMgIkwru krdw AwieAw ] bhagtaa kaa aNgeekaar kardaa aa-i-aa.
He has (always) been taking His devotees in His embrace (i.e. making them His own, and
protecting them).
krqY Apxw rUpu idKwieAw ]13]1]2] kartai apnaa roop dikhaa-i-aa. ||13||1||2||
(Through His love for the devotees) the Creator has shown (i.e. revealed) His form. 13.1.2

BYrau mhlw 3 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 3

gur syvw qy AMimRq Plu pwieAw haumY iqRsn buJweI ]
gur sayvaa tay aMmrit fal paa-i-aa, ha-umai tarisan bujhaa-ee.
He, who has obtained AMmrit fruit, by serving the Guru, his (fire of) egotism and desires is
hir kw nwmu ihRdY min visAw mnsw mnih smweI ]1]
har kaa naam hirdai man vasi-aa, mansaa maneh samaa-ee. ||1||
The name of God dwells in their hearts and mind, and, his desires are quieted in mind. 1
hir jIau ik®pw krhu myry ipAwry ] har jee-o, kirpaa karahu, mayray pi-aaray.
O! dear God, (please) bestow kindness (upon me), O! my Beloved.
Anidnu hir gux dIn jnu mWgY gur kY sbid auDwry ]1] rhwau ]
an-din har guṇ, deen jan maangai, gur kai sabad udhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night, this poor servant (i.e. devotee) begs for (singing the praise of) the excellences of
God; (please) save me through the word of the Guru. 1 (pause)
sMq jnw kau jmu joih n swkY rqI AMc dUK n lweI ]
saNt janaa ka-o jam johi na saakai, ratee aNch dookh na laa-ee.
(O! brethren) the messenger of death cannot even touch the God-oriented persons; nor, can it
cause them even a little scratch or suffering.
Awip qrih sgly kul qwrih jo qyrI srxweI ]2] aap tareh saglay kul taareh, jo tayree sarnaa-ee. ||2||
(O! God) those, who seek Your refuge save themselves, and, save their family (as well)2
Bgqw kI pYj rKih qU Awpy eyh qyrI vifAweI ] bhagtaa kee paij rakheh too aapay, ayh tayree vadi-aa-ee.
(O! God) You Yourself protect the honour of Your devotees; this is Your (great) glory.
jnm jnm ky iklivK duK kwtih duibDw rqI n rweI ]3]
janam janam kay kilvikh dukh kaateh, dubidhaa ratee na raa-ee. ||3||
You erase their sins and sorrows of countless births (i.e. incarnations); and, there remains not
even a little bit, an iota, of duality (in their minds). 3
hm mUV mugD ikCu bUJih nwhI qU Awpy dyih buJweI ]
ham moorh mugadh, kichh boojheh naahee, too aapay deh bujhaa-ee.
I am a foolish and ignorant, do not understand anything; You Yourself bestow understanding.
jo quDu BwvY soeI krsI Avru n krxw jweI ]4] jo tudh bhaavai so-ee karsee, avar na karnaa jaa-ee. ||4||
Whatever pleases You, that one shall do; nothing else can be done (by anyone). 4
jgqu aupwie quDu DMDY lwieAw BUMfI kwr kmweI ]
jagat upaa-ay tudh dhaNdhai laa-i-aa, bhooNdee kaar kamaa-ee.
Creating the world, You attached everyone to their task; (but, this being) is (still) doing bad
(i.e. evil) deeds.
jnmu pdwrQu jUAY hwirAw sbdY suriq n pweI ]5]
janam padaarath joo-ai haari-aa, sabdai surat na paa-ee. ||5||
(This mortal being) loses the (precious wealth of) human life in gamble, (because) it does not
obtain realization through the word. 5
mnmuiK mrih iqn ikCU n sUJY durmiq AigAwn AMDwrw ]
manmukh mareh tin kichhoo na soojhai, durmat agi-aan aNdhaaraa.
When the mind-oriented persons die, they do not understand anything; they are (enveloped
by) the darkness of evil wisdom, ignorance.
Bvjlu pwir n pwvih kb hI fUib muey ibnu gur isir Bwrw ]6]
bhavjal paar na paavahi kab hee, doob mu-ay bin gur, sir bhaaraa. ||6||
They never cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean), without the Guru, with load
(of vices and sins) on their head, they drown and die. 6
swcY sbid rqy jn swcy hir pRiB Awip imlwey ] saachai sabad ratay jan saachay, har prabh aap milaa-ay.
Those who are imbued with the true word (of the Guru), are true servants (i.e. devotees); God,
the Lord, Himself unites them (with Himself).
gur kI bwxI sbid pCwqI swic rhy ilv lwey ]7]
gur kee baṇee sabad pachhaatee, saach rahay liv laa-ay. ||7||
They realize the word of Guru, through the word, and, remain attuned with the True (Lord). 7
qUM Awip inrmlu qyry jn hY inrml gur kY sbid vIcwry ]
tooN aap nirmal, tayray jan hai nirmal, gur kai sabad veechaaray.
(O! God) You Yourself are immaculate, and immaculate are Your servants (i.e. devotees),
(because) they contemplate the word of the Guru.
nwnku iqn kY sd bilhwrY rwm nwmu auir Dwry ]8]2]3]
naanak, tin kai sad balihaarai, raam naam ur Dhaaray. ||8||2||3||
Nanak (says): I am forever a sacrifice unto those, who enshrine the name of God within their
hearts. 8.2.3

Byrau mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 2 Bhairo, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ijsu nwmu irdY soeI vf rwjw ] jis naam ridai, so-ee vad raajaa.
He is a great king, who keeps (i.e. meditates upon) the name (of God) within his heart.
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pUry kwjw ] jis naam ridai, tis pooray kaajaa.
One who keeps God within his heart, all his tasks are accomplished.
ijsu nwmu irdY iqin koit Dn pwey ] jis naam ridai, tin kot dhan paa-ay.
One who keeps the name in mind, (it is as if) he has obtained tens of millions of riches.
nwm ibnw jnmu ibrQw jwey ]1] naam binaa, janam birthaa jaa-ay. ||1||
Without name, the (human) life passes waste. 1
iqsu swlwhI ijsu hir Dnu rwis ] tis saalaahee, jis har dhan raas.
I praise that persons, who has the wealth of (the name of) God, as his capital.
so vfBwgI ijsu gur msqik hwQu ]1] rhwau ] so vadbhaagee, jis gur mastak haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is greatly fortunate, on whose forehead the Guru has placed his hand (of grace). 1 (pause)
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu kot keI sYnw ] jis naam ridai, tis kot ka-ee sainaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, (it is as if he) has many forts and armies.
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu shj suKYnw ] jis naam ridai, tis sahj sukhainaa.
One who keeps the name in heart, has happiness and poise.
P. 1156
ijsu nwmu irdY so sIqlu hUAw ] jis naam ridai, so seetal hoo-aa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, becomes cool (i.e. calm).
nwm ibnw iDRgu jIvxu mUAw ]2] naam binaa, dharig jeevaṇ, moo-aa. ||2||
Without the name, one’s life is cursed; (he is living like a) dead. 2
ijsu nwmu irdY so jIvn mukqw ] jis naam ridai, so jeevan muktaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is ‘jeevan mukta’ ( liberated while yet alive).
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sB hI jugqw ] jis naam ridai, tis sabh hee jugtaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, knows all the ways (of truthful life).

ijsu nwmu irdY iqin nau iniD pweI ] jis naam ridai, tin na-o nidh paa-ee.
One who keeps the name in his heart, (it is as if he) has nine treasures.
nwm ibnw BRim AwvY jweI ]3] naam binaa, bharam, aavai jaa-ee. ||3||
Without the name, one wanders; (he remains) coming and going (in reincarnation). 3
ijsu nwmu irdY so vyprvwhw ] jis naam ridai, so vayparvaahaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart is carefree (i.e. not dependant upon/ subservient to anyone).
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu sd hI lwhw ] jis naam ridai, tis sad hee laahaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, forever earns profit (i.e. gain of spiritual loftiness).
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu vf prvwrw ] jis naam ridai, tis vad parvaaraa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, has a large family (i.e. the whole world is his family).
nwm ibnw mnmuK gwvwrw ]4] naam binaa, manmukh gaavaaraa. ||4||
Without the name, one is (just) an ignorant, mind-oriented person. 4
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu inhcl Awsnu ] jis naam ridai, tis nihchal aasan.
One who keeps the name in his heart, his seat (i.e. his heart throne) is stable.
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu qKiq invwsnu ] jis naam ridai, tis takhat nivaasan.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is seated on (spiritual) throne.
ijsu nwmu irdY so swcw swhu ] jis naam ridai, so saachaa saahu.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is true banker.
nwmhIx nwhI piq vyswhu ]5] naamheen, naahee pat vaysaahu. ||5||
Without the name, one has no honour, (and, he is) not dependable. 5
ijsu nwmu irdY so sB mih jwqw ] jis naam ridai, so sabh meh jaataa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is known (i.e. famous/ respected) everywhere.
ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu ibDwqw ] jis naam ridai, so purakh bidhaataa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is (embodiment of) the Primal Person, the Architect of
Destiny (i.e. God).
ijsu nwmu irdY so sB qy aUcw ] jis naam ridai, so sabh tay oochaa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, he is highest of all.
nwm ibnw BRim jonI mUcw ]6] naam binaa, bharam jonee moochaa. ||6||
Without the name, one wanders in wombs (i.e. reincarnations). 6
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu pRgit phwrw ] jis naam ridai tis pargat pahaaraa.
One who keeps the name in his heart, sees God revealed in His expanse (of creation).
ijsu nwmu irdY iqsu imitAw AMDwrw ] jis naam ridai tis miti-aa aNdhaaraa.
One who keeps the name in his heart – his darkness (of ignorance) is dispelled.
ijsu nwmu irdY so purKu prvwxu ] jis naam ridai so purakh parvaaṇ.
One who keeps the name in his heart, is acceptable (in the court of God).
nwm ibnw iPir Awvx jwxu ]7] naam binaa fir aavaṇ jaaṇ. ||7||
Without name, one continues coming and going (in reincarnation). 7
iqin nwmu pwieAw ijsu BieE ik®pwl ] tin naam paa-i-aa jis bha-i-o kirpaal.
He alone receives the name, upon whom He (i.e. God) bestows His kindness.
swDsMgiq mih lKy guopwl ] saadhsaNgat meh lakhay gopaal.
He beholds the Sustainer of the World (God) in the company of the God-oriented persons.
Awvx jwx rhy suKu pwieAw ] aavaṇ jaaṇ rahay sukh paa-i-aa.

His coming and going (i.e. cycle of reincarnation) is ended; and, he finds (spiritual) happiness.
khu nwnk qqY qqu imlwieAw ]8]1]4] kaho naanak tatai tat milaa-i-aa. ||8||1||4||
Says Nanak: his essence (i.e. soul) has merged in the Essence (i.e. God). 8.1.4

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

koit ibsn kIny Avqwr ] kot bisan keenay avtaar.
(The Lord of World, God) created tens of millions of incarnations of Vishnu.
koit bRhmMf jw ky DRmswl ] kot barahmaNd, jaa kay dharamsaal.
He has (created) millions of universes as places to practice righteousness.
koit mhys aupwie smwey ] kot mahays, upaa-ay samaa-ay.
He created tens of millions of Shiv and merged them (in Himself).
koit bRhmy jgu swjx lwey ]1] kot barahmay, jag saajaṇ laa-ay. ||1||
He has engaged tens of millions of Brahma to create the world. 1
Ayso DxI guivMdu hmwrw ] brin n swkau gux ibsQwrw ]1] rhwau ]
aiso dhaṇee guviNd hamaaraa. baran na saaka-o, guṇ bisthaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Such is our Lord, the Lord of World.
I cannot (even) narrate the details of His excellences. 1 (pause)
koit mwieAw jw kY syvkwie ] kot maa-i-aa, jaa kai sayvkaa-ay.
Tens of millions are of Mayas are His maid-servants.
koit jIA jw kI ishjwie ] kot jee-a, jaa kee sihjaa-ay.
Tens of millions of souls are His bed (i.e. He has abode in tens of millions of souls/ hearts).
koit aupwrjnw qyrY AMig ] kot upaarjanaa, tayrai aNg.
(O! God) Tens of millions of creations are Your limbs (i.e. are immersed in You) .
koit Bgq bsq hir sMig ]2] kot bhagat, basat har saNg. ||2||
Tens of millions of devotees abide with You, O! God. 2
koit CqRpiq krq nmskwr ] kot chhatarpat, karat namaskaar.
Tens of millions of (kings) having canopy over them (i.e. mighty kings), make obeisance to Him.
koit ieMdR TwFy hY duAwr ] kot INdar, ṭaaḍay hai du-aar.
Tens of millions of Indras are standing at His door.
koit bYkuMT jw kI idRstI mwih ] kot baikuNṭ, jaa kee daristee maahi.
Tens of millions of paradises are in His glance (of grace).
koit nwm jw kI kImiq nwih ]3] kot naam jaa kee keemat naahi. ||3||
He has tens of millions of name, which can not (even) be apprised. 3
koit pUrIAq hY jw kY nwd ] kot pooree-at hai jaa kai naad.
Tens of millions of sounds are played at His door..
koit AKwry cilq ibsmwd ] kot akhaaray chalit bismaad.
Tens of millions of wondrous plays are enacted on His arenas.
koit skiq isv AwigAwkwr ] kot sakat siv aagi-aakaar.
Tens of millions of Shivas and Shaktis are in His attendance (to carry out his command).
koit jIA dyvY AwDwr ]4] kot jee-a dayvai aadhaar. ||4||
He gives sustenance to tens of millions of beings. 4
koit qIrQ jw ky crn mJwr ] kot tirath, jaa kay charan majhaar.

Tens of millions of sacred places are in His feet.
koit pivqR jpq nwm cwr ] kot, pavitar japat naam chaar.
Tens of millions meditate upon His beautiful sacred name.
koit pUjwrI krqy pUjw ] kot poojaaree, kartay poojaa.
Tens of millions of worshippers worship Him.
koit ibsQwrnu Avru n dUjw ]5] kot bisthaaran, avar na doojaa. ||5||
Tens of millions (of beings and creatures) are His expanse; there is no other (at all). 5
koit mihmw jw kI inrml hMs ] kot mahimaa jaa kee nirmal haNs.
(Such great is our God, that) tens of millions of immaculate swans (i.e. souls) praise Him.
koit ausqiq jw kI krq bRhmMs ] kot ustat jaa kee karat barahmaNs.
Tens of millions of the sons of Brahma praise Him.
koit prlau Epiq inmK mwih ] kot parla-o, opat nimakh maahi.
He creates and destroys tens of millions, in an instant.
koit guxw qyry gxy n jwih ]6] kot gunaa tayray, gaṇay na jaahi. ||6||
Tens of millions are Your excellences – (they) cannot (even) be counted. 6
koit igAwnI kQih igAwnu ] kot gi-aanee, katheh gi-aan.
Tens of millions of men of (spiritual) knowledgeable, narrate knowledge (i.e. teach about Him).
koit iDAwnI Drq iDAwnu ] kot dhi-aanee, dharat dhi-aan.
Tens of millions of meditators meditate upon Him..
koit qpIsr qp hI krqy ] kot tapeesar, tap hee kartay.
Tens of millions of penitents practice penitence (i.e. austerities).
koit munIsr muoin mih rhqy ]7] kot muneesar, mon meh rahtay. ||7||
Tens of millions of silent sages dwell in silence. 7
P. 1157
Aivgq nwQu Agocr suAwmI ] pUir rihAw Gt AMqrjwmI ]
avigat naath agochar su-aamee. poor rahi-aa ghat antarjaamee.
He is indestructible(i.e. imperishable) Lord, imperceptible Master. The Controller of Souls
is pervading all hearts.
jq kq dyKau qyrw vwsw ] jat kat daykh-a-u tayraa vaasaa.
Wherever I look, I see Your dwelling (there).
nwnk kau guir kIE pRgwsw ]8]2]5] naanak ka-o gur kee-o pargaasaa. ||8||2||5||
Nanak (says): the Guru has blessed me with (this) enlightenment. 8.2.5

Byrau mhlw 5 ] Bhairo, Mehlaa 5

siqguir mo kau kIno dwnu ] Amol rqnu hir dIno nwmu ]
satgur mo ka-o keeno daan. amol ratan, har deeno naam.
The True Guru has blessed me with this gift:
He has given me the priceless jewel of the name of God.
shj ibnod coj Awnµqw ] nwnk kau pRBu imilE AicMqw ]1]
sahj binod choj aanaNtaa. naanak ka-o prabh mili-o achiNtaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): I enjoy poise and bliss through and endless wondrous plays, (because),
God has spontaneously met with me. 1
khu nwnk kIriq hir swcI ] kaho naanak, keerat har saachee.
Says Nanak: true is the praise of God.
bhuir bhuir iqsu sMig mnu rwcI ]1] rhwau ] bahur bahur, tis saNg man raachee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Again and again, my mind remains engrossed in it (i.e. praise of God). 1 (pause)
AicMq hmwrY Bojn Bwau ] achiNt, hamaarai bhojan bhaa-o.
Spontaneously, His love has become my (spiritual) food.
AicMq hmwrY lIcY nwau ] achiNt, hamaarai leechai naa-o.
Spontaneously, I take (i.e. meditate upon) His name.
AicMq hmwrY sbid auDwr ] achiNt, hamaarai sabad udhaar.
Spontaneously, I am saved by the word (of God).
AicMq hmwrY Bry BMfwr ]2] achiNt, hamaarai bharay bhaNdaar. ||2||
Spontaneously, my treasures (of the name of God) are filled to overflowing (within me). 2
AicMq hmwrY kwrj pUry ] achiNt, hamaarai kaaraj pooray.
Spontaneously, mytasks are accomplished.
AicMq hmwrY lQy ivsUry ] achiNt, hamaarai lathay visooray.
Spontaneously, we are rid of sorrows.
AicMq hmwrY bYrI mIqw ] achiNt, hamaarai bairee meetaa.
Spontaneously, my enemies have become friends.
AicMqo hI iehu mnu vis kIqw ]3] achiNto hee ih man vas keetaa. ||3||
Spontaneously, I have brought out mind under control. 3
AicMq pRBU hm kIAw idlwsw ] achiNt, prabhoo ham kee-aa dilaasaa.
Spontaneously, God has comforted me.
AicMq hmwrI pUrn Awsw ] achiNt, hamaaree pooran aasaa.
Spontaneously, my hopes have been fulfilled.
AicMq hm@w kau sgl isDWqu ] achiNt, hamhaa ka-o sagal sidhaa t.N

Spontaneously, I have realized all essence (of Reality).

AicMqu hm kau guir dIno mMqu ]4] achiNt, ham ka-o gur deeno mant. ||4||
Spontaneously, the Guru has blessed me with the dictum (i.e. the name). 4
AicMq hmwry ibnsy bYr ] achiNt, hamaaray binsay bair.
Spontaneously, I am rid of enmity.
AicMq hmwry imty AMDyr ] achiNt, hamaaray mitay aNdhayr.
Spontaneously, my darkness has been dispelled.
AicMqo hI min kIrqnu mITw ] achiNt, hee man keertan meeṭaa.
Spontaneously, (the singing of) the praise (of God) has become so sweet to my mind.
AicMqo hI pRBu Git Git fITw ]5] achiNto hee prabh ghat ghat deeṭaa. ||5||
Spontaneously, I have seen God (pervading) in each and every heart. 5
AicMq imitE hY sglo Brmw ] achiNt, miti-o hai saglo bharmaa.
Spontaneously, all my doubts have been dispelled.
AicMq visE min suK ibsRwmw ] achiNt, vasi-o man sukh bisraamaa.
Spontaneously, my mind has become resting place (i.e. abode) of happiness and poise.
AicMq hmwrY Anhq vwjY ] achiNt, hamaarai anhat vaajai.
Spontaneously, unstruck melody resounds within me.
AicMq hmwrY goibMdu gwjY ]6] achiNt, hamaarai gobind gaajai. ||6||
Spontaneously, the Lord of the World (God) has begun roaring within me (i.e. He has
revealed Himself within our mind). 6
AicMq hmwrY mnu pqIAwnw ] inhcl DnI AicMqu pCwnw ]
achiNt, hamaarai man patee-aanaa. nihchal dhanee achiNt pachhaanaa.
Spontaneously, my mind has been appeased; and,
it has spontaneously recognized the stable (i.e. eternal) Master.
AicMqo aupijE sgl ibbykw ] achiNto upji-o sagal bibaykaa.
Spontaneously, all discerning (spiritual) wisdom has welled up (within me).
AicMq crI hiQ hir hir tykw ]7] achiNt, charee hath har har taykaa. ||7||
Spontaneously, the support of God, the Lord, has come into my hands. 7
AicMq pRBU Duir iliKAw lyKu ] achiNt prabhoo dhur likhi-aa laykh.
Spontaneously, God has inscribed my preordained destiny.
AicMq imilE pRBu Twkuru eyku ] achiNt, mili-o prabh ṭaakur ayk.
Spontaneously, the One Lord, Master, has met me.
icMq AicMqw sglI geI ] chiNt achiNtaa saglee ga-ee.
Spontaneously, all my worries have been taken away.
pRB nwnk nwnk nwnk meI ]8]3]6] prabh naanak naanak naanak ma-ee. ||8||3||6||
Nanak (says): Nanak (has merged) in God, and, Nanak has become His form. 8.3.6

Byrau bwxI Bgqw kI ] kbIr jIau Gru 1 Bhairo, banee bhagtaa kee. Kabeer jee-o, ghar 1
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
iehu Dnu myry hir ko nwau ] ih dhan mayray, har ko naa-o.
This, the name of God, is my (only true) wealth.
gWiT n bwDau byic n Kwau ]1] rhwau ] gaanṭ na baadha-o, baych na khaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not tie it up with a knot (to hide it), nor do I sell it to eat (i.e. to make my living). 1 (pause)
nwau myry KyqI nwau myry bwrI ] naa-o mayray khaytee, naa-o mayray baaree.
(As crop is life of a farmer) the name (of God) is my crop, the name (of God) is my garden.
Bgiq krau jnu srin qum@wrI ]1] bhagat kara-o jan saran tumhaaree. ||1||
(O! God) I am Your servant, I perform (Your) devotion, and, I seek Your refuge. 1
nwau myry mwieAw nwau myry pUMjI ] naa-o mayray maa-i-aa, naa-o mayray pooNjee.
The name (of God) is my wealth, the name is my capital.
qumih Coif jwnau nhI dUjI ]2] tumeh chhod, jaan-o nahee doojee. ||2||
(I do not) forsake You, and, I do not know any other (at all). 2
nwau myry bMiDp nwau myry BweI ] naa-o mayray baNdhip, naa-o mayray bhaa-ee.
The name (of God) is my relative, the name (of God) is my brother.
nwau myry sMig AMiq hoie sKweI ]3] naa-o mayray saNg, aNt ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||3||
The name (of God) is my companion, who will be my help in the end. 3
mwieAw mih ijsu rKY audwsu ] kih kbIr hau qw ko dwsu ]4]1]

maa-i-aa meh jis rakhai udaas. kahi kabeer ha-o taa ko daas. ||4||1||
One, whom He (i.e. God) keeps detached from Maya; says Kabir: I am his slave. 4.1
nWgy Awvnu nWgy jwnw ] naangay aavan naangay jaanaa.
Naked we come (into the world); and, naked we go (from here).
koie n rihhY rwjw rwnw ]1] ko-ay na rahihai raajaa raanaa. ||1||
No one shall remain (here, forever), not even the kings or the rulers.
Even none of the kings and nobles are to live forever. 1
P. 1158
rwmu rwjw nau iniD myrY ] sMpY hyqu klqu Dnu qyrY ]1] rhwau ]
raam raajaa na-o nidh mayrai. saMpai hayt kalat dhan tayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) for me, the Sovereign Lord is (like) nine treasure; and,
attachment to property and woman are your wealth. 1 (pause)
Awvq sMg n jwq sMgwqI ] khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI ]2]
aavat saNg na jaat saNgaatee. kahaa bha-i-o dar baandhay haathee. ||2|
they do not come with the being, and, they do not go with him; (hence)
so what if one has elephants tied up at his door (they will not go along with him). 2
lµkw gFu sony kw BieAw ] mUrKu rwvnu ikAw ly gieAw ]3]
laNkaa gaḍ sonay kaa bha-i-aa. moorakh raavan ki-aa lay ga-i-aa. ||3||
(As per the popular tradition) the fortress of Lanka was made out of gold; but
what could the foolish Raavan take with him (when he died)? 3
kih kbIr ikCu gunu bIcwir ] cly juAwrI duie hQ Jwir ]4]2]
kahi kabeer kichh gun beechaar. chalay ju-aaree du-ay hath jhaar. ||4||2||
Says Kabir: (O! brethren) think of some virtues (i.e. doing some good deeds; otherwise you will
be like) the gambler shall depart empty-handed. 42
mYlw bRhmw mYlw ieMdu ] mailaa barahmaa, mailaa INd.
Brahma* is polluted, and, Ind (i.e. Indra**) is polluted. [*mythical gods].
riv mYlw mYlw hY cMdu ]1] rav mailaa, mailaa hai chaNd. ||1||
Sun is polluted, and, the moon*** is polluted. 1
[Mailaa, literally: filthy; here, it refers to pollution of mind; and, t he stories mentioned here are all based on myths].
[*As per the myth, once he was enticed by th e beauty of his own daughter and he desired to have sexual intercourse with
her. **According to a myth, Ahilya was the wife of the sage Gautama; she was the most beautiful woman. According a
version Gautama was much older than her. One day, when Gautam was away from home, Indra (another mythical god)
came to her in the guise of her husband; Ahalya saw through his disguise but nevertheless accepted his advances.
According to another sources, she did not know of Indra’s trick and fell prey to his trickery and was raped. When
Gautam leant it, he cursed Ahalya and her lover (or rapist) Indra. As per the curse a thousands signs of female vagina
appeared on the body of Inder. ***According to the same my th, the Moon too had collaborated with Indra, by deluding
Gautama and sending him away from his house].
mYlw mlqw iehu sMswru ] mailaa maltaa ih saNsaar.
The world is polluted in pollution.
ieku hir inrmlu jw kw AMqu n pwru ]1] rhwau ] ik har nirmal, jaa kaa aNt na paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Only the One God is immaculate; He has no end or limitation. 1 (pause)
mYly bRhmMfwie kY eIs ] mailay, barahmaNdaa-i kai ees.
The lord (i.e. rulers) of the universes are polluted.
mYly inis bwsur idn qIs ]2] mailay, nis baasur, din tees. ||2||
Nights and days, and, the thirty days (all the days of the solar month) are polluted. 2
mYlw moqI mYlw hIru ] mailaa motee, mailaa heer.
The pearl is polluted, and, the diamond is polluted.
mYlw paunu pwvku Aru nIru ]3] mailaa, pa-un paavak ar neer. ||3||
Water, air and fire are polluted (these elements too have impurities). 3
mYly isv sMkrw mhys ] mailay, siv saNkraa mahays.
Shiva, Shanker and Mahesh* are polluted.
[*These three are different names of Shiv; Shiv was once enticed by female form of Vishnu and he wanted to have ‘her’].
mYly isD swiDk Aru ByK ]4] mailay, sidh saadhik ar bhaykh. ||4||
The Sidhs (i.e. claiming miraculous powers), the performers of austerities and those wearing
(religious) garbs are polluted. 4
mYly jogI jMgm jtw shyiq ] mailay, jogee jaNgam jataa sahayt.
The yogis, the wandering ascetics, with their matted hair are polluted.
mYlI kwieAw hMs smyiq ]5] mailee kaa-i-aa, haNs samayt. ||5||
The body, along with swan (soul) is polluted. 5
kih kbIr qy jn prvwn ] inrml qy jo rwmih jwn ]6]3]
kahi kabeer, tay jan parvaan. nirmal ,jo raameh jaan. ||6||3||
Says Kabir: those servants (i.e. devotees) persons are approved (in God’s court), and, they
(alone) are immaculate (i.e. not polluted) who know (i.e. realize) God. 6.3
mnu kir mkw ikblw kir dyhI ] man kar makaa, qiblaa kar dayhee.
(This verse has been addressed to Muslim Qazi): Let your mid be Mecca*, and, your body be Qibla**.
bolnhwru prm guru eyhI ]1] bolanhaar, param gur ayhee. ||1||
Regard this speaker (i.e. the soul), as the Supreme Guru. 1
[*Mecca is the Muslim place of pilgrimage. **Qiblah is the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays. It is
fixed as the direction of the Kaaba*** in Mecca. Most mosques contain a wall niche, known as mihrab, that indicates
the Qiblah. ***Kaaba is a cuboid building at the centre of Islam's most sacred mosque, Al-Masjid al-Haram, in Mecca.
It is the most sacred point within this most sacred mosque, making it the most sacred location in Islam].
khu ry mulW bWg invwj ] kaho ray mulaan, baang nivaaj.
O! Mullan, utter the call to namaz (i.e. prayer).
eyk msIiq dsY drvwj ]1] rhwau ] ayk maseet, dasai darvaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The one mosque (of the body) has ten gates. 1 (pause)
imisimil qwmsu Brmu kdUrI ] misimil taamas bharam kadooree.
Slaughter your evil nature, doubt and filth (of mind).
BwiK ly pMcY hoie sbUrI ]2] bhaakh lay paNchai, ho-ay sabooree. ||2||
Consume the five (demons*), and, you shall be blessed with contentment. 2
[*The five demons: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
ihMdU qurk kw swihbu eyk ] hiNdoo turak kaa saahib ayk.
The Hindu and the Turk (i.e. Muslim) have the same One Lord.
kh krY mulW kh krY syK ]3] kah karai mulaan, kah karai saykh. ||3||
What can the Mullan (i.e. Muslim clergy) do, and, what can the Sheikh (i.e. Muslim scholar)
do (the priests and the clergy can do nothing; everything is in the hands of God)? 3
kih kbIr hau BieAw idvwnw ] muis muis mnUAw shij smwnw ]4]4]
kahi kabeer, ha-o bha-i-aa divaanaa. mus mus manoo-aa sahj samaanaa. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: (people think that) I have gone insane;
slaughtering and slaughtering (i.e. conquering) my mind, I have is merged in poise (i.e. have
obtained equipoise). 4.4
gMgw kY sMig silqw ibgrI ] so silqw gMgw hoie inbrI ]1]
gaNgaa kai saNg, salitaa bigree*. so salitaa, gaNgaa ho-ay nibree. ||1||
Flowing with the Ganges, the stream is changed (when it blends Ganges); thus, this stream
finally become Ganges. 1 [*Bigree, literally: spoiled; her, in this verse, it means. transformation].
ibgirE kbIrw rwm duhweI ] swcu BieE An kqih n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
bigri-o kabeeraa, raam duhaa-ee. saach bha-i-o, an kateh na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Just so) Kabir too is blended in the name of God;
hee has become one with the True (Lord), and, he does not go anywhere (else). 1 (pause)
cMdn kY sMig qrvru ibgirE ] so qrvru cMdnu hoie inbirE ]2]
chaNdan kai saNg, tarvar bigri-o. so tarvar, chaNdan ho-ay nibri-o. ||2||
Associating with the sandalwood (tree), the trees (nearby) are changed;
finally, these trees become (i.e. begin to smell like) the sandalwood (tree). 2
pwrs kY sMig qWbw ibgirE ] so qWbw kMcnu hoie inbirE ]3]
paaras kai saNg, taanbaa bigri-o. so taanbaa, kaNchan ho-ay nibri-o. ||3||
Touching with the philosophers’ stone, the copper is changed;
finally, that copper transformed into gold. 3
sMqn sMig kbIrw ibgirE ] so kbIru rwmY hoie inbirE ]4]5]
saNtan saNg, kabeeraa bigri-o. so kabeer, raamai ho-ay nibri-o. ||4||5||
In the society of the God-oriented persons, Kabir is changed,
finally Kabir is transformed into (i.e. has become one with) God. 4.5
mwQy iqlku hiQ mwlw bwnW ] maathay tilak, hath maalaa baanaan.
Some apply (ceremonial) mark on their fore-heads, hold a rosary in their hands, and, wear
(religious) robes.
logn rwmu iKlaunw jwnW ]1] logan, raam khil-a-unaa jaanaan. ||1||
(Such) people think that God is a play- thong (a toy). 1
jau hau baurw qau rwm qorw ] logu mrmu kh jwnY morw ]1] rhwau ]
ja-o ha-o ba-uraa, ta-o raam toraa. log, maram kah jaanai moraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If I am crazy (in the eyes of people), (even) then I am Yours, O! God.
How can the people know of my mystique? 1 (pause)
qorau n pwqI pUjau n dyvw ] tora-o na paatee, pooja-o na dayvaa.
Do not pick leaves as offerings, and, I do not worship idols.
rwm Bgiq ibnu inhPl syvw ]2] raam bhagat bin, nihfal sayvaa. ||2||
Without devotion to God, all service is fruitless (i.e. in vain). 2
siqguru pUjau sdw sdw mnwvau ] satgur pooja-o, sadaa sadaa manaava-o.
I worship the True Guru, and, please him, forever and ever.
AYsI syv drgh suKu pwvau ]3] aisee sayv, dargeh sukh paava-o. ||3||
By such a service, I find happiness in His court. 3
logu khY kbIru baurwnw ] kbIr kw mrmu rwm pihcwnW ]4]6]
log kahai, kabeer ba-uraanaa.kabeer kaa maram raam pahichaanaan. ||4||6||

People say: Kabir has gone crazy. God alone realizes the mystique of Kabir.
aulit jwiq kul doaU ibswrI ] ulat, jaat kul do-oo bisaaree.
Reversing (i.e. turning my mind away from worldliness), I have forgotten both, my caste (i.e.
social class) and my family (of birth).
suMn shj mih bunq hmwrI ]1] suNn sahj meh, bunat hamaaree. ||1||
My weaving (i.e. attachment of my mind), (now) is in void, in poise. 1
hmrw Jgrw rhw n koaU ] pMifq mulW Cwfy doaU ]1] rhwau ]
hamraa jhagraa rahaa na ko-oo. paNdit mulaan chhaaday do-oo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now I have no quarrel (about religious ritualism), (because),
I have abandoned both, the Pandit (i.e. Hindu way) and the Mullan (i.e. Muslim way). 1 (pause)
P. 1159
buin buin Awp Awpu pihrwvau ] bun bun aap, aap pahiraava-o.
I weave and weave, and, I wear myself (i.e. I weave my thoughts and robe my own mind).
jh nhI Awpu qhw hoie gwvau ]2] jah nahee aap, tahaa ho-ay gaava-o. ||2||
Where there is no egotism, there I sing (the praise of God). 2
pMifq mulW jo iliK dIAw ] Cwif cly hm kCU n lIAw ]3]
paNdit mulaan, jo likh dee-aa. chhaad chalay, ham kachhoo na lee-aa. ||3||
Whichever the Pandit and the Mullan have written,
I have left (i.e. rejected), and, have accepted nothing (from them). 3
irdY ieKlwsu inriK ly mIrw ] ridai ikhlaas, nirakh lay meeraa.
(O! brethren) if one’s heart is pure, one can behold God
Awpu Koij Koij imly kbIrw ]4]7] aap khoj khoj, milay kabeeraa. ||4||7||
Kabir (says): Searching and searching within my self, I have met Him. 4.7
inrDn Awdru koeI n dyie ] nirdhan aadar ko-ee na day-ay.
No one respects the poor person.
lwK jqn krY Ehu iciq n Dryie ]1] rhwau ] laakh jatan karai, oh chit na dharay-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He may make tens of thousands of efforts (to please a rich person, but), he gives no attention
to him. 1 (pause
jau inrDnu srDn kY jwie ]Awgy bYTw pIiT iPrwie ]1]
ja-o nirdhan sardhan kai jaa-ay. aagay baiṭaa peeṭ firaa-ay. ||1||
When a poor person goes to a rich person,
(the rich person, though) sitting in front of him, he turns his back. 1
jau srDnu inrDn kY jwie ] dIAw Awdru lIAw bulwie ]2]
ja-o sardhan nirdhan kai jaa-ay. dee-aa aadar lee-aa bulaa-ay. ||2||
(But) when a rich person goes to (the place of) a poor person,
he (i.e. poor person) welcomes him with respect. 2
inrDnu srDnu donau BweI ] pRB kI klw n mytI jweI ]3]
nirdhan sardhan don-o bhaa-ee. prabh kee kalaa na maytee jaa-ee. ||3||
The poor person and the rich person, both are brethren;
God’s (pre-ordained) game cannot be erased. 3
kih kbIr inrDnu hY soeI ] jw ky ihrdY nwmu n hoeI ]4]8]
kahi kabeer nirdhan hai so-ee. jaa kay hirdai naam na ho-ee. ||4||8||

Says Kabir : he alone is poor, who does not have the name in his heart. 4.8
gur syvw qy Bgiq kmweI ] qb ieh mwns dyhI pweI ]
gur sayvaa tay bhagat kamaa-ee. tab ih maanas dayhee paa-ee.
(When) serves the Guru, and earn (i.e. practices) devotion,
then this human body is (fruitfully) obtained.
(i.e. without the service of the Guru and devotion to God, human life is wasted in vain).
ies dyhI kau ismrih dyv ] so dyhI Bju hir kI syv ]1]
is dayhee ka-o simrahi dayv. so dayhee bhaj har kee sayv. ||1||
(Even) the gods meditate for (i.e. long for) this (human) body.
So, through this body, meditate to (i.e. contemplate to) serve God. 1Bjhu guoibMd BUil mq jwhu ]
mwns jnm kw eyhI lwhu ]1] rhwau ]
bhajahu gobind, bhool mat jaahu. maanas janam kaa ayhee laahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the Lord of the World; and, never forget Him.
This (i.e. meditation upon God) is the gain (i.e. purpose) of human life. 1 (pause)
jb lgu jrw rogu nhI AwieAw ] jab lag, jaraa rog nahee aa-i-aa.
As long as the disease of age has not come (to the body);
jb lgu kwil gRsI nhI kwieAw ] jab lag, kaal garsee nahee kaa-i-aa.
As long as death has seized the body;
jb lgu ibkl BeI nhI bwnI ] jab lag, bikal bha-ee nahee baanee.
As long as (your) voice has not become powerless;
Bij lyih ry mn swirgpwnI ]2] bhaj layhi ray man, saarigpaanee*. ||2||
Meditate upon the Sustainer of the World (i.e. God), O! mind. 2
[*Saarangpanee, literally: ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand); thus, it
means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ . This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
Ab n Bjis Bjis kb BweI ] AwvY AMqu n BijAw jweI ]
ab na bhajas, bhajas kab bhaa-ee. aavai aNt, na bhaji-aa jaa-ee.
If you do not meditate upon (God) now, (then) when will you , O! brethren? (because)
When the end comes, you will not be able to meditate upon Him.
jo ikCu krih soeI Ab swru ] iPir pCuqwhu n pwvhu pwru ]3]
jo kichh karahi, so-ee ab saar. fir pachhutaahu, na paavhu paar. ||3||
Whatever you have to do, now is the best time to do; (otherwise) you shall repent afterwards,
and, shall not be carried a cross to the other side (of the world ocean). 3
so syvku jo lwieAw syv ] iqn hI pwey inrMjn dyv ]
so sayvak, jo laa-i-aa sayv. tin hee paa-ay niraNjan dayv.
He alone is a servant, whom God has attached to His service; and,
he alone attains the Taintless Divine (Lord).
gur imil qw ky Kul@y kpwt ] bhuir n AwvY jonI bwt ]4]
gur mil taa kay khulhay kapaat. bahur na aavai jonee baat. ||4||
Meeting the Guru his doors (of mind) are opened (wide); and,
He has not to return to the path of womb (i.e. reincarnation). 4
iehI qyrw Aausru ieh qyrI bwr ] Gt BIqir qU dyKu ibcwir ]
ihee tayraa a-osar, ih tayree baar. ghat bheetar too daykh bichaar.

This (alone) is your chance (i.e. opportunity), and, this(alone) is your time; (so)
look into your heart and contemplate.
khq kbIru jIiq kY hwir ] bhu ibiD kihE pukwir pukwir ]5]1]9]
kahat kabeer jeet kai haar. baho bidh kahi-o pukaar pukaar. ||5||1||9||
Says Kabir: you either win or lose? (now choice is yours),
In so many ways, I have told you, loudly and loudly. 5.1.9
isv kI purI bsY buiD swru ] siv kee puree, basai budh saar.
(This verse has been addressed to the Yogis): In the city of God, the essence of wisdom dwells.
qh qum@ imil kY krhu ibcwru ] tah tum mil kai karahu bichaar.

(O! Yogis) you (too) meet (the wise beings) there and contemplate (God).
eIq aUq kI soJI prY ] kaunu krm myrw kir kir mrY ]1]
eet oot kee sojhee parai ka-un karam mayraa, kar kar marai. ||1||
(Thus) you shall obtain understanding of this world and the world hereafter. What is the use
of saying and saying (i.e. claiming) ‘mine’, (when one has to) die in the end? 1
inj pd aUpir lwgo iDAwnu ] rwjw rwm nwmu morw bRhm igAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
nij pad oopar laago dhi-aan. raajaa raam naam, moraa barahm gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
[In this verse, Kabir refers to the process of the Yogis attaining of the Tenth Gate].
I have focussed my attention only on my state (i.e. Tenth Gate).
The name of the Sovereign Lord is my knowledge of (the Supreme) Reality. 1 (pause)
mUl duAwrY bMiDAw bMDu ] mool du-aarai, baNdhi-aa baNdh.
I have bound and tied (my soul) at the doors of the Primal (Lord).
riv aUpir gih rwiKAw cMdu ] rav oopar, geh raakhi-aa chaNd.
I have placed the moon over the sun.*
pCm duAwrY sUrju qpY ] pachham du-aarai, sooraj tapai.
The sun blazes on the western gate.
myr fMf isr aUpir bsY ]2] mayr daNd, sir oopar basai. ||2||
The staff of death hangs over my head. 2
pscm duAwry kI isl EV ] pascham du-aaray kee sil oṛ.
There is a stone on the western gate.
iqh isl aUpir iKVkI Aaur ] tih sil oopar, khiṛkee a-or.
Above that stone there is another window.
iKVkI aUpir dsvw duAwru ] khiṛkee oopar, dasvaa du-aar.
Above that window is the Tenth Gate.**
kih kbIr qw kw AMqu n pwru ]3]2]10] kahi kabeer, taa kaa aNt na paar. ||3||2||10||
Says Kabir: it has no end, no limitation. 3.2.10
[*In Yogic terminology left and the right breath channels are also known as sun and the moon, respectively. The
controlling of breath in these veins is to attain state of void (i.e. finding the **Dasvan Duar (i.e. Tenth Gate) is a practice
known as ‘pranayaam’ in Yoga. They believe that it is helpful in controlling mind. The mention of these veins, and
pranayam, in the Sikh literature is relative and metaphorical and not conceptual (and only in order to reject them). In
Sikhism, only remembering God is real Yoga].
so mulW jo mn isau lrY ] gur aupdyis kwl isau jurY ]
so mulaan, jo man si-o larai. gur updays, kaal si-o jurai.
He alone is a mullan (i.e. Muslim clergy/ holy man), who struggles with his mind; and,

through the teachings of the Guru, fights with death.
kwl purK kw mrdY mwnu ] iqsu mulw kau sdw slwmu ]1]
kaal purakh kaa mardai maan. tis mulaa ka-o sadaa salaam. ||1||
He crushes the pride of the messenger of the death; I forever salute such a mullan. 1
P. 1160
hY hjUir kq dUir bqwvhu ] hai hajoor, kat door bataavhu.
God is present (right here, now, and forever), why do you say, He is far away (in the seventh sky)?
duMdr bwDhu suMdr pwvhu ]1] rhwau ] dundar baadhhu, sundar paavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Tie up (i.e. control) your quarreling (passions) and find the Beauteous (Lord). 1 (pause)
kwjI so ju kwieAw bIcwrY ] kwieAw kI Agin bRhmu prjwrY ]
kaajee so, jo kaa-i-aa beechaarai. kaa-i-aa kee agan, barahm parjaarai.
He alone is a Qazi, who contemplates the (human) body (which will finally perish); and,
through the fire of body, he illumines (the Light of) God.
supnY ibMdu n dyeI Jrnw ] iqsu kwjI kau jrw n mrnw ]2]
supnai biNd na day-ee jharnaa. tis kaajee ka-o, jaraa na marnaa. ||2||
He does not drop (i.e. release/ lose) his semen even in his dream;
for such a Qazi there is no (i.e. he is not afraid of) old age or death. 2
so surqwnu ju duie sr qwnY ] bwhir jwqw BIqir AwnY ]
so surtaan, jo du-ay sar taanai. baahar jaataa, bheetar aanai.
He alone is a sultan (i.e. king), who keeps two arrows* ready to target;
brings in (i.e. controls) his outgoing (mind).
[*With two arrows of (spiritual) wisdom and detachment, he controls/ restrains his mind from wandering out].
ggn mMfl mih lskru krY ] gagan maNdal meh, laskar karai.
One who gathers his army (of virtues) in the realm of sky (i.e. Tenth Gate);
so surqwnu CqRü isir DrY ]3] so surtaan, chhatar sir dharai. ||3||
Such a king, places (such a royal) canopy (of virtues) over his head. 3
jogI gorKu gorKu krY ] jogee, gorakh gorakh karai.
Yogi chants (the name of) Gorakh Gorakh.
ihMdU rwm nwmu aucrY ] hiNdoo, raam naam uchrai.
The Hindu recites the name of Ram.
muslmwn kw eyku Kudwie ] musalmaan kaa ayk khudaa-ay.
Muslim has (faith in) only One Khuda (God).
kbIr kw suAwmI rihAw smwie ]4]3]11] kabeer kaa su-aamee, rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||4||3||11||
Kabir (says): My Master is all pervading. 4.3.11.

mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
jo pwQr kau khqy dyv ] qw kI ibrQw hovY syv ] jo paathar ka-o kahtay dayv. taa kee, birthaa hovai sayv.
Those who call a stone their god; their service goes waste.
jo pwQr kI pWeI pwie ] iqs kI Gwl AjWeI jwie ]1]
jo paathar kee paan-ee paa-ay.tis kee ghaal, ajaan-ee jaa-ay. ||1||
Those who bow at the feet of a stone (god), their labour (i.e. service) is wasted (in vain). 1
Twkuru hmrw sd bolµqw ] srb jIAw kau pRBu dwnu dyqw ]1] rhwau ]

ṭaakur hamraa sad bolaNtaa. sarab jee-aa ka-o, prabh daan daytaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Lord speaks, forever; God gives gifts to all beings. 1 (pause)
AMqir dyau n jwnY AMDu ] Brm kw moihAw pwvY PMDu ]
aNtar day-o, na jaanai aNdh.bharam kaa mohi-aa, paavai faNdh.
The Divine (Lord) is within (the self), (but) the (spiritually) blind one does not know it; and,
charmed by (i.e. robbed by) doubts, he spread the net (of hypocrisy).
n pwQru bolY nw ikCu dyie ] Pokt krm inhPl hY syv ]2]
na paathar bolai, naa kichh day-ay. fokat karam, nihfal hai sayv. ||2||
The stone does not speaks; and, it does not give anything (to anyone); (hence),
useless are the rituals (of worshipping it, i.e. stone as god) and fruitless is serving it. 2
jy imrqk kau cMdnu cVwvY ] aus qy khhu kvn Pl pwvY ]
jay mirtak ka-o, chaNdan chaṛaavai. us tay kahhu kavan fal paavai.
If one plasters a corpse with sandalwood (oil);
tell me, (then) what does it (i.e. the corpse) gain from it?
jy imrqk kau ibstw mwih rulweI ] qW imrqk kw ikAw Git jweI ]3]
jay mirtak ka-o, bistaa maahi rulaa-ee. taan mirtak kaa, ki-aa ghat jaa-ee. ||3||
If the corpse is rolled in faeces; (then) what does the dead lose from this. 3
khq kbIr hau khau pukwir ] smiJ dyKu swkq gwvwr ]
kahat kabeer, ha-o kaha-o pukaar. samajh daykh, saakat gaavaar.
Says Kabir: I tell you, with a loud voice (i.e. I proclaim it);
O! non-believer, O! ignorant, behold this and understand:
dUjY Bwie bhuqu Gr gwly ] rwm Bgq hY sdw suKwly ]4]4]12]
doojai bhaa-ay, bahut ghar gaalay. raam bhagat hai sadaa sukhaalay. ||4||4||12||
The love of duality has ruined so many homes; (but)
the devotees of God are forever happy (in bliss and poise). 4.4.12
jl mih mIn mwieAw ky byDy ] jal meh meen, maa-i-aa kay baydhay.
The fish in water is pierced through by (i.e. attached to) Maya.
dIpk pqMg mwieAw ky Cydy ] deepak pataNg, maa-i-aa kay chhayday.
The moth (fluttering) around the flame is pierced through by (i.e. attached to) Maya.
kwm mwieAw kuMcr kau ibAwpY ] kaam maa-i-aa, kuNchar ka-o bi-aapai.
(The Maya of) sexual desire afflicts the elephant.
BuieAMgm iBRMg mwieAw mih Kwpy ]1] bhu-i-angam bhariNg, maa-i-aa meh khaapay. ||1||
The snakes and the bumble-bees are ruined through Maya (of smell). 1
mwieAw AYsI mohnI BweI ] maa-i-aa, aisee mohnee bhaa-ee.
Maya is such enticing, O! brethren.
jyqy jIA qyqy fhkweI ]1] rhwau ] jaytay jee-a, taytay dehkaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As many (living) beings are there, have been tempted (by it). 1 (pause)
pMKI imRg mwieAw mih rwqy ] paNkhee marig, maa-i-aa meh raatay.
The birds and the deer are imbued with Maya.
swkr mwKI AiDk sMqwpy ] saakar maakhee adhik saNtaapay.
Sugar creates great trouble for the flies (i.e. flies are attracted to sugar, and, are trapped in it).
qury aust mwieAw mih Bylw ] turay usat, maa-i-aa meh bhaylaa.

The horses, the camels are absorbed in Maya.
isD caurwsIh mwieAw mih Kylw ]2] sidh cha-oraaseeh, maa-i-aa meh khaylaa. ||2||
The (mythical) eighty-four sidhs (claiming miraculous powers) play in Maya. 2
iCA jqI mwieAw ky bMdw ] nvY nwQ sUrj Aru cMdw ]
chhi-a jatee, maa-i-aa kay baNdaa. navai naath, sooraj ar chaNdaa.
The six celibates* are the slaves of Maya.
(So are) the nine Naths**, and, the sun and the moon.
[*Six celibates, in Hindu tradition, are: Hanuman, Bhisham Pitamah, Lachhman, Bhairav, Gorakh and datta Traya].
[**Nine leaders of the Yogi cult: Aad Nath, Machhandar Nath, Gorakh nath, Undai nath, Santokh Nath, Kambar Nath,
Satah nath, Achambh nath and Chaurangi nath].
qpy rKIsr mwieAw mih sUqw ] tapay rakheesar, maa-i-aa meh sootaa.
The penitents (i.e. living in austerity) and sages are sleeping in Maya.
mwieAw mih kwlu Aru pMc dUqw ]3] maa-i-aa meh kaal ar paNch dootaa. ||3||
Death and the five demons (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride) are
acting in Maya. 3
suAwn isAwl mwieAw mih rwqw ] su-aan si-aal maa-i-aa meh raataa.
The dogs and the jackals are imbued with Maya.
bMqr cIqy Aru isMGwqw ] bantar cheetay ar siNghaataa.
The monkeys, the leopards and the lions (are also attached to Maya).
mWjwr gwfr Aru lUbrw ] maanjaar gaadar ar loobraa.
the cats, the sheep and the foxes (are also attached to Maya).
ibrK mUl mwieAw mih prw ]4] birakh mool, maa-i-aa meh paraa. ||4||
the trees, the roots are (all) attached to Maya. 4
mwieAw AMqir BIny dyv ] maa-i-aa aNtar bheenay dayv.
(Even) the gods are drenched in Maya.
swgr ieMdRw Aru Drqyv ] saagar INdraa ar dhartayv.
(So are) the seas, the clouds (i.e. sky), those living on the earth.
kih kbIr ijsu audru iqsu mwieAw ] kahi kabeer, jis udar tis maa-i-aa.
Says Kabir: Whoever has belly (to fill with food), is attached to Maya.
qb CUty jb swDU pwieAw ]5]5]13] tab chhootay, jab saadhoo* paa-i-aa. ||5||5||13||
One is emancipated when he finds the Guru. 5.5.13 [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jb lgu myrI myrI krY ] qb lgu kwju eyku nhI srY ]
jab lag, mayree mayree karai. tab lag, kaaj ayk nahee sarai.
As long as one cries out: “mine mine”; till then, none of his task is accomplished.
jb myrI myrI imit jwie ] qb pRB kwju svwrih Awie ]1]
jab, mayree mayree mit jaa-ay. tab, prabh kaaj savaareh aa-ay. ||1||
When ‘mine’ ‘mine’ (i.e. possessiveness) is erased;
then God (Himself) comes and resolves his task (i.e. God reveals Himself in his heart and
accomplishes his purpose of life). 1
P. 1161
Aysw igAwnu ibcwru mnw ] hir kI n ismrhu duK BMjnw ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa gi-aan bichaar manaa. har kee na simrahu, dukh bhaNjnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Contemplate such (spiritual) knowledge, O! my mind.
Why do not you remember God? the Destroyer of Sorrows. 1 (pause)
jb lgu isMGu rhY bn mwih ] qb lgu bnu PUlY hI nwih ]
jab lag, siNgh rahai ban maahi. tab lag, ban foolai hee naahi.
As long as, the tiger lives in the forest (i.e. as long as egotism dwells in the heart),
till that, the forest does not flower.
jb hI isAwru isMG kau Kwie ] Puil rhI sglI bnrwie ]2]
jab hee si-aar, siNgh ka-o khaa-ay. fool rahee saglee banraa-ay. ||2||
But, when jackal eats up the tiger, (then) the entire forest flowers (i.e. when humility eats up
egotism; then the heart blossoms forth). 2
jIqo bUfY hwro iqrY ] jeeto boodai, haaro tirai.
One, who (thinks that he) is victorious (i.e. egotistical person) is drowned, (while) the defeated
one (i.e. humble one) swims across (the world ocean);
gur prswdI pwir auqrY ] gur parsaadee paar utrai.
By the grace of the Guru, he crosses over to the other shore (of the world ocean, and is saved).
dwsu kbIru khY smJwie ] kyvl rwm rhhu ilv lwie ]3]6]14]
daas kabeer kahai samjhaa-ay. kayval raam rahhu liv laa-ay. ||3||6||14||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Kabir speaks and teaches: remain attuned to God alone. 3.6.14
sqir sYie slwr hY jw ky ] satar sai-ay salaar hai jaa kay.
(In this verse Kabeer, talking to a Muslim preacher, says):
(O! brethren, you say) He who have the seventy hundred commanders*.
[*As per Islamic writers, God sent 7000 angels as commanders, so that the great sermon may be delivered to
Mohammad without any obstacle].
svw lwKu pYkwbr qw ky ] savaa laakh paikaabar* taa kay.
He has one hundred and twenty five thousand prophets.
[*As per Islamic writers, there have been one hundred and twenty five thousand prophets, from Aadam to Mohammed].
syK ju khIAih koit ATwsI ] Cpn koit jw ky Kyl KwsI ]1]
saykh jo kahee-ahi kot aṭaasee. chhapan kot jaa kay khayl khaasee. ||1||
He is said to be having eight hundred and eighty million Shaykhs; and,
has five hundred and sixty million special courtiers. 1
mo grIb kI ko gujrwvY ] mo gareeb kee, ko gujraavai.
I am a poor being; who can convey my prayer there (in such a grand court)?
mjlis dUir mhlu ko pwvY ]1] rhwau ] majlas door, mahal ko paavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Then, O! Muslim preacher, you say that he dwells in the seventh sky).
His court is so far away; only some rare few attain mansion of His presence. 1 (pause)
qyqIs kroVI hY Kyl Kwnw ] caurwsI lK iPrY idvwnW ]
taytees karoṛee hai khayl khaanaa. cha-uraasee lakh, firai divaanaan.
Three hundred and thirty million are His ancestry (i.e. gods), and,
eighty-four hundred thousand (species) are wandering crazy (i.e. wander here and there).
bwbw Awdm kau ikCu ndir idKweI ] auin BI iBsiq GnyrI pweI ]2]
baabaa aadam ka-o, kichh nadar dikhaa-ee. un bhee, bhisat ghanayree paa-ee. ||2||
He showed some glance (of grace) to Baba Adam; (hence),

he too lived in paradise fora lot (of time) 2
idl Klhlu jw kY jrd rU bwnI ] Coif kqyb krY sYqwnI ]
dil khalhal jaa kai, jarad roo baanee. chhod katayb, karai saitaanee.
Those whose minds are disturbed, their faces look pale.
Forsaking Katyb*, they practice Satanic ways.
[*Katayb are the four books of Semitic religions: Jabur (profet Daud), Taurat (prophet Musa/ Judaism), Anjil (Christ/
Christianity) and Quaran (Mohammed, Islam)].
dunIAw dosu rosu hY loeI ] Apnw kIAw pwvY soeI ]3]
dunee-aa dos, ros hai lo-ee. apnaa kee-aa paavai so-ee. ||3||
He blames the world and is angry with the people.
(But, in fact) he receives the reward of his own actions. 3
qum dwqy hm sdw iBKwrI ] dyau jbwbu hoie bjgwrI ]
tum daatay, ham sadaa bhikhaaree. day-o jabaab, ho-ay bajgaaree.
You are the (great) Giver, I am forever a beggar.
If I were to deny You (i.e. Your gifts), (then) I will be a sinner.
dwsu kbIru qyrI pnh smwnW ] iBsqu njIik rwKu rhmwnw ]4]7]15]
daas kabeer, tayree panah samaanaan. bhisat, najeek raakh rehmaanaa. ||4||7||15||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Kabir has entered Your refuge.
Keep me near You, O! Merciful (Lord), (for me this is) paradise. 4.7.15
sBu koeI cln khq hY aUhW ] nw jwnau bYkuMTu hY khW ]1] rhwau ]
sabh ko-ee, chalan kahat hai oohaan. naa jaan-o, baikuNṭ hai kahaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Everyone speaks of going there (in heaven); (but)
I do not (even) know, where heaven is ? 1 (pause)
Awp Awp kw mrmu n jwnW ] bwqn hI bYkuMTu bKwnW ]1]
aap aap kaa maram, na jaanaan. baatan hee, baikuNṭ bakhaanaan. ||1||
They do not know (even) the mystique of their own self; and,
they speak of heaven, (but they are) only talking. 1
jb lgu mn bYkuMT kI Aws ] qb lgu nwhI crn invws ]2]
jab lag, man baikuNṭ kee aas. ab lag, naahee charan nivaas. ||2||
As long as, the mind has hope (i.e. desire) for heaven,
till then, he can not find place at His feet. 2
KweI kotu n prl pgwrw ] khaa-ee kot na paral pagaaraa.
It (i.e. heaven) is not a castle with moats and fortification.
nw jwnau bYkuMT duAwrw ]3] naa jaan-o baikuNṭ du-aaraa. ||3||
I do not know (even) the gate of (what people call) he heaven. 3
kih kmIr Ab khIAY kwih ] swDsMgiq bYkuMTY Awih ]4]8]16]
kahi kameer, ab kahee-ai kaahi. saadhsaNgat baikuNṭay aahi. ||4||8||16||
Says Kamir (Kabir): now what (more) can I say:
The company of the God-oriented persons is heaven. 4.18.16
ikau lIjY gFu bMkw BweI ] ki-o leejai gaḍ baNkaa, bhaa-ee.
How can the strong fort (of body) be conquered, O! brethren.
dovr kot Aru qyvr KweI ]1] rhwau ] dovar kot, ar tayvar khaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

It has double walls (i.e. duality) and triple moats (i.e. three dispositions of Maya). 1 (pause)
pWc pcIs moh md mqsr AwfI prbl mwieAw ] paanch pachees moh mad matsar, aadee parbal maa-i-aa.
It is defended by five (passions), twenty-five (elements), (emotional) attachment, pride,
jealousy, and, greatly powerful Maya.
jn grIb ko joru n phucY khw krau rGurwieAw ]1]
jan gareeb ko jor na pahuchai, kahaa kara-o raghuraa-i-aa. ||1||
I am poor being, I do not have power to fight (against them); what should I do (now), O!
Sovereign Lord ? 1
kwmu ikvwrI duKu suKu drvwnI pwpu puMnu drvwjw ] kaam kivaaree, dukh sukh darvaanee, paap pu n darvaajaa.
Sexual desire is the watchman, pains and pleasures are two gate-keepers, virtue and sin are
two gates (of this fort).
k®oDu pRDwnu mhw bf duMdr qh mnu mwvwsI rwjw ]2]
krodh pardhaan mahaa bad duNdar, tah man maavaasee raajaa. ||2||
Anger, the furious quarrelsome is the commander-in-chef (of this fort), and, the mind is the
rebel king (in this body fort). 2
sÍwd snwh topu mmqw ko kubuiD kmwn cFweI ] savaad sanaah top mamtaa ko, kubudh kamaan chaḍaa-ee.
He (i.e. mind, the rebel king) is wearing the armour of (pleasure of) tastes; has the helmet of
(emotional) attachment greed and he aims with the bow of bad wisdom.
iqsnw qIr rhy Gt BIqir ieau gFu lIE n jweI ]3]
tisnaa teer rahay ghat bheetar, i-o gaḍ lee-o na jaa-ee. ||3||
The greed of his heart is the arrow; with these, the (body) for can not be conquered. 3
pRym plIqw suriq hvweI golw igAwnu clwieAw ] paraym paleetaa, surat havaa-ee, golaa gi-aan chalaa-i-aa.
(But, when) I made Divine love my ignition, awareness the bomb, and, launched the shell of
(spiritual) wisdom.
bRhm Agin shjy prjwlI eykih cot isJwieAw ]4]
barahm agan sehjay parjaalee, aykeh chot sijhaa-i-aa. ||4||
I lit the fire of Divine Reality in natural ease, and, with (just) one shot, the task was
accomplished (i.e. body fort was conquered). 4
squ sMqoKu lY lrny lwgw qory duie drvwjw ] sat saNtokh lai larnay laagaa, toray du-ay darvaajaa.
Taking truth and contentment with me, I began fighting (against the army of the five passions,
i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed etc), and, broke both the gates.
swDsMgiq Aru gur kI ik®pw qy pkirE gF ko rwjw ]5]
saadhsaNgat ar gur kee kirpaa, tay pakri-o gaḍ ko raajaa. ||5||
By the grace of the Guru, and company of the God-oriented persons, I captured the king of
castle (i.e. I conquered the rebel mind). 5
P. 1162
Bgvq BIir skiq ismrn kI ktI kwl BY PwsI ] bhagvat bheer sakat simran kee, katee kaal bhai faasee.
With the crowd (i.e. assembly/ congregation) of the devotees and the strength of meditation, I
cut the noose of the fear of death.
dwsu kmIru ciV@E gV@ aUpir rwju lIE AibnwsI ]6]9]17]
daas kameer charhhi-o garhh oopar, raaj lee-o abhinaasee. ||6||9||17||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Kamir (Kabir), climbed to the top of the castle, and obtained the
imperishable kingdom. 6.9.17
gMg guswiein gihr gMBIr ] jMjIr bWiD kir Kry kbIr ]1]
gaNg gusaa-in*, gahir gaMbheer. jaNjeer baandh kar kharay, kabeer. ||1||
Mother Ganges (river) is deep and profound. Ties up with chains they took Kabir there. 1
[*Gusaa-in, literally means ‘she-Lord of the world’, it is also used in the meaning of the mother].
mnu n ifgY qnu kwhy kau frwie ] crn kml icqu rihE smwie ] rhwau ]
man na digai, tan kaahay ka-o daraa-ay. charan kamal chit rahi-o samaa-ay. rahaa-o.
(When) my mind was not shaken, why should my body be afraid?
My mind remained immersed in the lotus-feet (of God). 1 (pause)
gMgw kI lhir myrI tutI jMjIr ] imRgCwlw pr bYTy kbIr ]2]
gaNgaa kee lahar, mayree tutee jaNjeer. marigchhaalaa par baithay kabeer. ||2||
The waves of Ganges broke my chains; and,
Kabir was then sitting on the deer-skin (i.e. Kabir was sitting in poise). 2
kih kMbIr koaU sMg n swQ ] jl Ql rwKn hY rGunwQ ]3]10]18]
kahi kaMbeer, ko-oo saNg na saath. jal thal raakhan hai raghunaath. ||3||10||18||
Says Kabir: (in this situation) I had no friend or companion.
On the water and on the land (i.e. everywhere), God (alone) is my Protector. 3.10.18

BYrau kbIr jIau AstpdI Gru 2 Bhairo, Kabeer jee-o, asatpadee, ghar 2
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
Agm dRügm giV ricE bws ] agam darugam gaṛ rachi-o baas.
God constructed an inaccessible strong castle (i.e. the Tenth Gate), in which He dwells.
jw mih joiq kry prgws ] jaa meh, jot karay pargaas.
There, His (Divine) Light shines.
ibjulI cmkY hoie Anµdu ] bijulee chamkai, ho-ay anaNd.
When the lighting flashes and bliss reigns.
ijh pauV@y pRB bwl goibMd ]1] jih pa-oṛhay prabh baal gobiNd. ||1||
Therein abides my (eternally) youthful Master, the Lord of the World. 1
iehu jIau rwm nwm ilv lwgY ] jrw mrnu CUtY BRmu BwgY ]1] rhwau ]
ih jee-o, raam naam liv laagai. jaraa maran chhootai bharam bhaagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When this soul is attuned to (meditation upon) the name of God,
it is saved from old age, death and its doubt runs away. 1 (pause)
Abrn brn isau mn hI pRIiq ] haumY gwvin gwvih gIq ]
abran baran si-o, man hee preet. ha-umai gaavan gaavahi geet.
Those whose mind loves (i.e. believe in) high and low caste (i.e. social class);
they sing only the songs of egotism
Anhd sbd hoq Junkwr ] ijh pauV@y pRB sRI gopwl ]2]
anhad sabad hot jhunkaar. jih pa-oṛhay, prabh saree gopaal. ||2||
The unstruck sound of word resounds (in that place),
where God, the supereme Sustainer of the World abides. 2
KMfl mMfl mMfl mMfw ] khaNdal maNdal maNdal maNdaa.
(He is the creator of) the continents and the regions, and regions among regions.
iqRA AsQwn qIin iqRA KMfw ] tari-a asthaan, teen, tari-a khaNda.
He destroys the three worlds, three (presumed deities: Braham, Visnu, Shiv) and the three
gunaas (i.e. qualities of Maya).
Agm Agocru rihAw AB AMq ] agam agochar, rahi-aa abh aNt.
The inaccessible, imperceptible dwells in the heart.
pwru n pwvY ko DrnIDr mMq ]3] paar na paavai ko, dharneedhar maNt. ||3||
No one can find the secret of the Sustainer of the World. 3
kdlI puhp DUp prgws ] kadlee puhap, dhoop pargaas.
He shines forth in the flowers of banana (i.e vegetation), and sun shine.
rj pMkj mih lIE invws ] raj pankaj meh, lee-o nivaas.
He dwells in the pollen of the lotus flower.
duAwds dl AB AMqir mMq ] du-aadas dal, abh aNtar maNt.
God's secret is in the twelve petals of the lotus of heart.
jh pauVy sRI kmlw kMq ]4] jah pa-oṛay, saree kamlaa kaNt. ||4||
Such is the place, where the Lord of Laxami (i.e. Maya) dwells.4
ArD aurD muiK lwgo kwsu ] aradh uradh mukh, laago kaas.
(He is like) the sky spread across the upper, lower and the middle regions (i.e. everywhere);
suMn mMfl mih kir prgwsu ] suNn maNdal meh, kar pargaas.
He reveals Himself and illumines the realm of void .
aUhW sUrj nwhI cMd ] Awid inrMjnu krY Anµd ]5]
oohaan, sooraj naahee chaNd. aad niranjan, karai anaNd. ||5||
Neither the sun nor the moon are there (i.e. their light has no value where His Light blazes);
(there, only) the Primal Immaculate (Lord) enjoys bliss.
so bRhmMif ipMif so jwnu ] so barahmaNd, piNd so jaan.
He is in the universe, know that he is in the body as well.
mwnsrovir kir iesnwnu ] maansarovar, kar isnaan.
(Realising Him in the body) take your (cleansing) bath in Maansarover (i.e. the name God).
sohM so jw kau hY jwp ] jw kau ilpq n hoie puMn Aru pwp ]6]
sohaN so, jaa ka-o hai jaap. jaa ka-o lipat, na ho-ay puNn ar paap. ||6||
Chant Him as: ‘He is me’; He is not afflicted by virtue or vice. 6
Abrn brn Gwm nhI Cwm ] abran baran, ghaam nahee chhaam.
He is not affected by the people of low or high (social) class, nor by sunshine (i.e. happiness)
or sunshade (i.e. sorrow).
Avr n pweIAY gur kI swm ] avar na paa-ee-ai, gur kee saam.
He is found in the refuge of the Guru, and, nowhere else.
twrI n trY AwvY n jwie ] suMn shj mih rihE smwie ]7]
taaree na tarai, aavai na jaa-ay. suNn sahj meh rahi-o samaa-ay. ||7||
(When) one remains absorbed in void, in (natural) ease, (this state) can be diverted by
diversions; and, it does not come or go (i.e remains stable). 7
mn mDy jwnY jy koie ] jo bolY so AwpY hoie ]
man madhay, jaanai jay ko-ay. jo bolai so aapai ho-ay.
One, who knows God within his mind;
Whatever he speaks, God Himself is there (i.e. speaking through him).
joiq mMiqR min AsiQru krY ] kih kbIr so pRwnI qrY ]8]1]
jot, maNtar man asthir karai. kahi kabeer, so praanee tarai. ||8||1||
One, who firmly implants the Light (of God) through dictum (i.e. teaching) within the mind;
says Kabir: Such a being swims crosses (the world ocean). 8.1
koit sUr jw kY prgws ] kot soor, jaa kai pargaas.
Tens of millions of suns shine forHim.
koit mhwdyv Aru kiblws ] kot mahaadayv ar kabilaas.
Tens of millions of Mahadeves (i.e. Shivs) and Kailash mountains (are in His realm).
durgw koit jw kY mrdnu krY ] durgaa kot jaa kai mardan karai.
Tens of millions of Durgas (goddesses) rub (i.e. message) His feet.
bRhmw koit byd aucrY ]1] barahmaa kot bayd uchrai. ||1||
Tens of millions of Brahmas read the Vedas for Him. 1
jau jwcau qau kyvl rwm ] Awn dyv isau nwhI kwm ]1] rhwau ]
ja-o jaacha-o, ta-o kayval raam. aan dayv si-o, naahee kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whenever I beg, I beg only from God. I have nothing to do with any other deity. 1(pause)
P. 1163
koit cMdRmy krih crwk ] kot cha darmay, karahi charaak.

Tens of millions of moons give light (i.e. shine for Him).

sur qyqIsau jyvih pwk ] sur tayteesa-o jayveh paak.
Thirty-three (i.e. three hundred thirty million) gods eat His food.
nv gRh koit TwFy drbwr ] nav garah kot, ṭaadhay darbaar.
Tens of millions of (congregations of) nine-planets stand at His door.
Drm koit jw kY pRiqhwr ]2] dharam kot, jaa kai partihaar. ||2||
Tens of millions of Judges of Righteousness are His gate-keepers 2
pvn koit caubwry iPrih ] pavan kot, cha-ubaaray fireh.
Tens of millions of winds blow around Him on four sides.
bwsk koit syj ibsQrih ] baasak kot, sayj bisathrahi.
Tens of millions of serpents spread (i.e. prepare) His bed.
smuMd koit jw ky pwnIhwr ] samuNd kot, jaa kay paaneehaar.
Tens of millions of oceans are His water-carriers.
romwvil koit ATwrh Bwr ]3] romaaval kot, aṭaarah bhaar. ||3||
Tens of millions of ‘eighteen loads’* are His hair. 3
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’
is an old weighing measure; according to a tradition it is about 19 kilograms; hence 18 weight would mean about 342
kilograms; this is just imaginary; in fact, ‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
koit kmyr Brih BMfwr ] kot kamayr, bhareh bhaNdaar.
Tens of millions of Kamayrs* fill His treasury. [*Kamayr, i.e. Kuber is mythical god of wealth].
koitk lKmI krY sIgwr ] kotik lakhmee, karai seegaar.
Tens of millions of Laxmis* decorate themselves for Him. [*Laxmi is mythical goddess of

koitk pwp puMn bhu ihrih ] kotik paap puNn baho hireh.
Tens of millions of vices and virtues look up to Him (for His command).
ieMdR koit jw ky syvw krih ]4] INdar kot, jaa kay sayvaa karahi. ||4||
Tens of millions of Inders (mythical god, known as god of gods) serve Him. 4
Cpn koit jw kY pRiqhwr ] chhapan kot, jaa kai partihaar.
Fifty six tens of millions (of clouds) are his gatekeepers.
ngrI ngrI iKAq Apwr ] nagree nagree, khi-at apaar.
They are infinitely shining in each and every city (i.e. the clouds are cast all over).
lt CUtI vrqY ibkrwl ] lat chhootee, vartai bikraal.
(Clouds cast over the sky look like) dreadful demons moving about with loosened hair.
koit klw KylY gopwl ]5] kot kalaa, khaylai gopaal. ||5||
(All these are the plays of God) the Sustainer of the World plays in tens of millions of ways. 5
koit jg jw kY drbwr ] kot jag, jaa kai darbaar.
Tens of millions of yajna (i.e. sacrificial/ charitable feasts) are held in His court.
gMDRb koit krih jYkwr ] gaNdharab kot, karahi jaikaar.
Tens of millions of heavenly singers hail Him.
ibidAw koit sBY gun khY ] qaU pwrbRhm kw AMqu n lhY ]6]
bidi-aa kot, sabhai gun kahai. ta-oo, paarbarahm kaa aNt na lahai. ||6||
Tens of millions types of educations describe all virtues.
Even so, the limit of the Supreme Reality (God) cannot be found (i.e. cannot be known). 6
bwvn koit jw kY romwvlI ] rwvn sYnw jh qy ClI ]
baavan kot, jaa kai romaavalee. raavan sainaa, jah tay chhalee.
Five hundred and twenty millions were (soldiers) with hairs (i.e. monkeys);
whcih defeated the army of Ravna.
shs koit bhu khq purwn ] sahas kot, baho kahat puraan.
Billion (i.e. countles) Puraans say more and more about Him (i.e. praise Him).
durjoDn kw miQAw mwnu ]7] durjodhan kaa mathi-aa maan. ||7||
(Countless Krishans) who crushed (i.e. humbled) the pride of Duryodhan (stand at His door . 7
kMdRp koit jw kY lvY n Drih ] AMqr AMqir mnsw hrih ]
kaNdarap kot, jaa kai lavai na dhareh. aNtar aNtar mansaa hareh.
Tens of millions of gods of love, who steal the hearts and the minds (of the mortal beings)
cannot compete with Him (i.e. He is more beautiful than the gods of love).
kih kbIr suin swirgpwn ] dyih ABY pdu mWgau dwn ]8]2]18]20]
kahi kabeer, sun saarigpaan*. deh abhai pad, maanga-o daan. ||8||2||18||20||
Says Kabir: Listen O! Sustainer of the World*,
bless me with the state of fearlessness, I beg this charity (from You).
[*Saarangpaan literally means ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand);
thus, it means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ ].

BYrau bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 1 Bhairo, banee Naamday-o jee-o kee, ghar 1
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ry ijhbw krau sq KMf ] jwim n aucris sRI goibMd ]1]
ray jihbaa, kara-o sat khaNd. jaam na uchras, saree gobiNd. ||1||
O! (my) tongue, I will cut you in hundred pieces;
if you do not chant the name of the Lord of the World. 1
rMgI ly ijhbw hir kY nwie ] surMg rMgIly hir hir iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
raNgee lay jihbaa, har kai naa-ay. suraNg raNgeelay, har har dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) tongue, be imbued with the name of God,
imbue yourself with the excellent colour (of His name), and, meditate upon God, the Lord. 1
imiQAw ijhbw AvryN kwm ] inrbwx pdu ieku hir ko nwmu ]2]
mithi-aa jihbaa, avray kaam. nirbaaṇ pad, ik har ko naam. ||2||

O! (my) tongue, (except meditation upon the name of God, all) other occupations are false.
The state of nirvana (i.e. salvation) is (obtained) only through the name of God. 2
AsMK koit An pUjw krI ] eyk n pUjis nwmY hrI ]3]
asaNkh kot, an poojaa karee. ayk na poojas, naamai haree. ||3||
One may perform tens of millions and countless worship;
they are not equal to even one worship of the name of God. 3
pRxvY nwmdyau iehu krxw ] Anµq rUp qyry nwrwiexw ]4]1]
paranvai naamday-o, ih karṇaa. anaNt roop tayray, naaraa-iṇaa. ||4||1||
Prays Namdev: (O! my tongue) this is (your) occupation: (you should chant:)
“O! God, Your forms are endless”. 4.1
pr Dn pr dwrw prhrI ] qw kY inkit bsY nrhrI ]1]
par dhan par daaraa parharee.taa kai nikat basai, narharee*. ||1||
One, who forsakes (keeps ways from) other's wealth or other’s wife,
God* abides near that person. 1
[Nar-hari, literally: the Lord of Men. This is one of the attributes and the names of God)].
jo n BjMqy nwrwiexw ] iqn kw mY n krau drsnw ]1] rhwau ]
jo na bhajaNtay naaraa-iṇaa*. tin kaa, mai na kara-o darsanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who do not meditate upon the Omnipresent* (God), I do not (even) want to see them. 1
[Nar-aain, literally: dwelling in all beings, i.e. Omnipresent). This is one of the attributes and the names of God)].
ijn kY BIqir hY AMqrw ] jYsy psu qYsy Eie nrw ]2]
jin kai bheetar hai aNtraa. jaisay pas, taisay o-ay naraa. ||2||
Those who, within their inner being, keep distance (from God),
those men (persons) are like the animals. 2
pRxviq nwmdyau nwkih ibnw ] nw sohY bqIs lKnw ]3]2]
paraṇvat naamday-o, naakeh binaa. naa sohai batees lakhnaa. ||3||2||
Prays Namdeo: as a man/woman* without nose,
(he/she) does not look beautiful even if he/she has thirty two qualities. 3.2
[*It seems to be for a woman, because reference to thirty-two qualities/merits is associated with women; and, without
nose means dishonored woman].
dUDu ktorY gfvY pwnI ] kpl gwie nwmY duih AwnI ]1]
doodh katorai, gadvai paanee. kapal gaa-ay, naamai duhi aanee. ||1||
Namdev milked the white cow, and, brought a bowl of milk and a pitcher of water. 1
dUDu pIau goibMdy rwie ] doodh pee-o, gobiNday raa-ay.
(Please) drink this milk, O! Sovereign Lord of the World.
dUDu pIau myro mnu pqIAwie ] doodh pee-o, mayro man patee-aa-ay.
Drink this milk, an my mind will be pleased.
nwhI q Gr ko bwpu irswie ]1] rhwau ] naahee ta ghar ko, baap risaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Otherwise, when I go home, my father will get angry. 1 (pause)
suoien ktorI AMimRq BrI ] so-in katoree, aMmrit bharee.
Taking the golden bowl, he (i.e. Namdev) filled it with AMmrit (milk).
lY nwmY hir AwgY DrI ]2] lai naamai har aagai dharee. ||2||
Namdev picked it up and placed it before god (i.e. idol). 2
eyku Bgqu myry ihrdy bsY ] nwmy dyiK nrwienu hsY ]3]
ayk bhagat mayray hirday basai. naamay daykh naraa-in hasai. ||3||
(God said): this one devotees abides within my heart; (hence) looking at Namdev, God
laughed (God was pleased at the devotion of Namdev). 3
dUDu pIAwie Bgqu Gir gieAw ] doodh pee-aa-ay, bhagat ghar ga-i-aa.
Offering the milk for drinking, the devotee returned home.
nwmy hir kw drsnu BieAw ]4]3] naamay, har kaa darsan bha-i-aa. ||4||3||
Thus Namdev received the vision of God . 4.3
P. 1164
mY baurI myrw rwmu Bqwru ] ric ric qw kau krau isMgwru ]1]
mai ba-uree, mayraa raam bhataar. rach rach taa ka-o kara-o siNgaar. ||1||
I am crazy; God is my husband;
Absorbed and immersed (in thought of union with Him), I adorn myself. 1
Bly inMdau Bly inMdau Bly inMdau logu ] qnu mnu rwm ipAwry jogu ]1] rhwau ]
bhalay niNda-o, bhalay niNda-o, bhalay ninda-o log. tan man, raam pi-aaray jog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You may slander me, you may censure me, you may criticize me, O! people;
My body and mind are dedicated to my Beloved God. 1 (pause)
bwdu ibbwdu kwhU isau n kIjY ] rsnw rwm rswienu pIjY ]2]
baad bibaad, kaahoo si-o na keejai. rasnaa, raam rasaa-in peejai. ||2||
Do not engage in discussion and debate with anyone;
O! (my) tongue, drink in (the name) the essence of God. 2
Ab jIA jwin AYsI bin AweI ] imlau gupwl nIswnu bjweI ]3]
ab jee-a jaan, aisee ban aa-ee. mila-o gupaal, neesaan bajaa-ee. ||3||
Now, within my soul and my being, such a state has arrived; that,
I will meet my Lord by the beat of drum. 3
ausqiq inMdw krY nru koeI ] nwmy sRIrMgu Bytl soeI ]4]4]
ustat niNdaa karai nar ko-ee. naamay sareeraNg bhaytal so-ee. ||4||4||
Namdev (says): One may praise or slander me. I have now met God. 4.4.
kbhU KIir Kwf GIau n BwvY ] kabhoo, kheer khaad ghee-o na bhaavai.

Sometimes, one does not like (i.e. relish) milk, sugar, and ghee; and,
kbhU Gr Gr tUk mgwvY ] kabhoo, ghar ghar took magaavai.
Sometimes, he has to beg for loaf (of bread, i.e. food) from door to door; and,
kbhU kUrnu cny ibnwvY ]1] kabhoo, kooran chanay binaavai. ||1||
Sometimes, he has to pick out grams (i.e. left out food) from garbage. 1
ijau rwmu rwKY iqau rhIAY ry BweI ] ji-o raam raakhai, ti-o rahee-ai, ray bhaa-ee.
As God keeps us, so do we live; O! dear brethren.
hir kI mihmw ikCu kQnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] har kee mahimaa, kichh kathan na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The glory of God, cannot even be described. 1 (pause)
kbhU qury qurMg ncwvY ] kabhoo, turay turaNg nachaavai.
Sometimes, one dance while riding horses; and,
kbhU pwie pnhIE n pwvY ]2] kabhoo, paa-ay panhee-o na paavai. ||2||
Sometimes, he does not even have shoes for his feet 2
kbhU Kwt supydI suvwvY ] kabhoo, khaat supaydee suvaavai.
Sometimes he sleeps on (cozy) bed with white sheets; and,
kbhU BUim pYAwru n pwvY ]3] kabhoo, bhoom pai-aar na paavai. ||3||
Sometimes, he does not have even straw to put down on the ground (to sleep on). 3
Bniq nwmdyau ieku nwmu insqwrY ] bhanat naamday-o, ik naam nistaarai.
Prays Namdev: Only the One name (of God) emancipates.
ijh guru imlY iqh pwir auqwrY ]4]5] jih gur milai, tih paar utaarai. ||4||5||
One, who meets the Guru is carried across (the world ocean). 4.5
hsq Kylq qyry dyhury AwieAw ] Bgiq krq nwmw pkir auTwieAw ]1]
hasat khaylat, tayray dayhuray aa-i-aa. bhagat karat, naamaa pakar uṭaa-i-aa. ||1||
Namdev (says): Laughing and playing, I came to Your temple (O! Lord); while I was in
devotion, I was grabbed and driven out. 1
hInVI jwiq myrI jwidm rwieAw ] CIpy ky jnim kwhy kau AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
heenṛee jaat mayree, jaadim raa-i-aa. chheepay kay janam, kaahay ka-o aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am of a low caste, O! Lord of Yadavs (O! God);
Why was I born in the family of fabric-printers (i.e. social low class)? 1 (pause)
lY kmlI cilE pltwie ] dyhurY pwCY bYTw jwie ]2]
lai kamlee, chali-o paltaa-ay. dayhurai paachhai ,baithaa jaa-ay. ||2||
Picking up my blanket, I went back; I went and sat at the back of the temple. 2
ijau ijau nwmw hir gux aucrY ] Bgq jnW kau dyhurw iPrY ]3]6]
ji-o ji-o naamaa, har gun uchrai. bhagat janaan ka-o, dayhuraa firai. ||3||6||
Namdev (says): As I chanted (the praise of) the excellences of God;
the temple turned around to (the face of) the devotee. 3.6

Byrau nwmdyau jIau Gru 2 Bhairo, Naamday-o jee-o, ghar 2

< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jYsI BUKy pRIiq Anwj ]iqRKwvMq jl syqI kwj ]
jaisee, bhookhay pareet anaaj. tarikhaavaNt, jal saytee kaaj.
As the hungry (person) loves food; the thirsty (person) is interested in water.
jYsI mUV kutMb prwiex ] AYsI nwmy pRIiq nrwiex ]1]
jaisee, mooṛ kutaMb paraa-iṇ. aisee, naamay preet naraa-iṇ. ||1||
As a fool is dependant upon the family; Namdev (says): just so I am in love with God. 1
nwmy pRIiq nwrwiex lwgI ] shj suBwie BieE bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ]
naamay, preet naaraa-iṇ laagee. sahj subhaa-ay, bha-i-o bairaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Namdev (says): I am in love for God. I have became detached in natural ease. 1 (pause)
jYsI pr purKw rq nwrI ] jaisee, par purkhaa rat naaree.
Like the woman who falls in love with another man (other than husband);
loBI nru Dn kw ihqkwrI ] lobhee nar, dhan kaa hitkaaree.
and the greedy person loves (only) wealth;
kwmI purK kwmnI ipAwrI ] kaamee purakh, kaamnee pi-aaree.
The lustful man loves women (i.e. sexual pleasure);
AYsI nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]2] aisee, naamay preet muraaree. ||2||
Namdev (says): just so, I am in love with God. 2
sweI pRIiq ij Awpy lwey ] saa-ee pareet, je aapay laa-ay.
that alone is (real) love, which He Himself attaches to;
gur prswdI duibDw jwey ] gur parsaadee, dubidhaa jaa-ay.
By the grace of the Guru, duality is eradicated.
kbhu n qUtis rihAw smwie ] kabahu na tootas, rahi-aa samaa-ay.
Such love never breaks, and, one remains merging in Him.
nwmy icqu lwieAw sic nwie ]3] naamay chit laa-i-aa, sach naa-ay. ||3||
Namdev (says): I have focussed my mind on the True name (of God). 3
jYsI pRIiq bwirk Aru mwqw ] Aysw hir syqI mnu rwqw ]
jaisee, preet baarik ar maataa. aisaa, har saytee man raataa.
Like the love between the mother and the child; so is my mind imbued with God.
pRxvY nwmdyau lwgI pRIiq ] goibdu bsY hmwrY cIiq ]4]1]7]
paraṇvai naamday-o, laagee preet. gobid basai hamaarai cheet. ||4||1||7||
Prays Namdev: I am in love with God;
the Lord of the World abides within my mind. 4.1.7
P. 1165
Gr kI nwir iqAwgY AMDw ] pr nwrI isau GwlY DMDw ]
ghar kee naar ti-aagai, aNdhaa. par naaree si-o ghaalai dhaNdhaa.
The blind (i.e. foolish) abandons his own wife; and,
has an entanglement (i.e. affair) with another's women.
jYsy isMblu dyiK sUAw ibgswnw ] AMq kI bwr mUAw lptwnw ]1]
jaisay siMbal daykh, soo-aa bigsaanaa. aNt kee baar moo-aa, laptaanaa. ||1||
Like a parrot (which) becomes pleased on seeing simmal (i.e. bombax) tree; (but),
in the end, dies clinging (i.e. stuck) to it. 1
pwpI kw Gru Agny mwih ] jlq rhY imtvY kb nwih ]1] rhwau ]

paapee kaa ghar, agnay maahi. jalat rahai, mitvai kab naahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The home of sinner is in the midst of fire;
it continues burning, and, (this fire) can never be extinguished. 1 (pause)
hir kI Bgiq n dyKY jwie ] har kee bhagat na daykhai jaa-ay.
He does not go see where the devotion to God is practised.
mwrgu Coif Amwrig pwie ] maarag chhod, amaarag paa-ay.
Forsaking the right path (of God), he takes the wrong path.
mUlhu BUlw AwvY jwie ] moolhu bhoolaa, aavai jaa-ay.
Forgetting his Primal Lord, he is caught in coming and going (in cycle of reincarnation).
AMimRqu fwir lwid ibKu Kwie ]2] aMmrit daar, laad bikh khaa-ay. ||2||
Forsaking AMmrit (name), he gather poison to eat (i.e. choses path of vices). 2
ijau bysÍw ky prY AKwrw ] kwpru pihir krih sˆØIgwrw ]
ji-o baisvaa kay parai akhaaraa. kaapar pahir, karahi seengaaraa.
(It is) like the prostitute who comes to dance;
wearing beautiful dress, she decorates her body.
pUry qwl inhwly sws ] vw ky gly jm kw hY Pws ]3]
pooray taal, nihaalay saas. vaa kay galay, jam kaa hai faas. ||3||
She dances by beholding (i.e. causing balance between) sound and the tune;
(because of her sinful life) she has the noose of the messenger of death around her neck. 3
jw ky msqik iliKE krmw ] so Bij pir hY gur kI srnw ]
jaa kay mastak likhi-o karmaa. so bhaj par hai, gur kee sarnaa.
One, who has good fortune inscribed on his forehead;
he runs (i.e. hurries) to enter in the refuge of Guru.
khq nwmdyau iehu bIcwru ] ien ibiD sMqhu auqrhu pwir ]4]2]8]
kahat naamday-o, ih beechaar. in bidh, saNtahu utarahu paar. ||4||2||8||
Says Namdev: (I tell you) this thought (instruction):
O! God-oriented persons, this is the way to cross over to the other side (of world ocean). 4.2.8.
sMfw mrkw jwie pukwry ] saNdaa markaa* jaa-ay pukaaray.
[*The following popular mythical story appears in Guru Granth Sahib at more than one place. As per popular myth,
Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted everyone to consider him
god; but, his own son Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone. When he was sent to
school, the teachers too tried to convince him toworship his father; but, he did not bother, and, rather convinced his
class-fellows to have faith in God alone. His teachers Sand a and marka complained to his father Karnakhas, the king.
At this, Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as
Narsinh (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in
Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
Sanda and Marka (teachers of Prahlaad) went (to his father, king Harnaakhash) and complained:
pVY nhI hm hI pic hwry ] parhai nahee, ham hee pach haaray.
He (i.e. Prahlaad) does not learn, we are tired of (i.e. exhausted) trying (to teach him).
rwmu khY kr qwl bjwvY ctIAw sBY ibgwry ]1] raam kahai kar taal bajaavai, chatee-aa sabhai bigaaray. ||1||
He chants (the name of) God, clapping his hands to the beat; and, he has (also) spoiled all
other learners. 1
rwm nwmw jipbo krY ] ihrdY hir jI ko ismrnu DrY ]1] rhwau ]
raam naamaa japibo karai. hirdai, har jee ko simran dharai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He chants the name of God.
He has enshrined the memory of (the name of) God within his mind. 1 (pause)
bsuDw bis kInI sB rwjy ibnqI krY ptrwnI ] basudhaa bas keenee sabh raajay, bintee karai patraanee.
‘The king has captured the whole world’ (you too should obey his command), prayed the elder
queen (Prahlaad’s mother).
pUqu pRihlwdu kihAw nhI mwnY iqin qau AaurY TwnI ]2]
poot par-hilaad kahi-aa nahee maanai, tin ta-o a-urai ṭaanee. ||2||
(But, when) the son Prahlad does not obey (the request of his mother), he (i.e. Harnaakhshhas)
decided to deal him in another way. 2
dust sBw imil mMqr aupwieAw krsh AauD GnyrI ]
dusat sabhaa mil maNtar upaa-i-aa, karsah a-odh ghanayree.
The council of the villains met and resolved, that let his life should be 'increased' (i.e. he
should be killed).
igir qr jlu juAwlw BY rwiKE rwjw rwim mwieAw PyrI ]3]
gir, tar, jal ju-aalaa bhai raakhi-o, raajaa raam maa-i-aa fayree. ||3||
They threw him down from mountain, bound him with a tree, threw him into the water,
(tried to burn him) in fire, but, God changed the natural law of Maya, and saved him. 3
kwiF KVgu kwlu BY koipE moih bqwau ju quih rwKY ]
kaaḍ khaṛag kaal bhai kopi-o, mohi bataa-o jo tuhi raakhai.
Drawing out sword, he exhibited himself in the form of the messenger of death, and roared:
‘Tell me who can save you?’
pIq pIqWbr iqRBvx DxI QMB mwih hir BwKY ]4]
peet peetaanbar taribhavaṇ dhaṇee, thaMbh maahi har bhaakhai. ||4||
The Lord of the three worlds, dressed in yellow robes, God is present and speaking (even in)
in this very pillar (to which I am tied). 4
hrnwKsu ijin nKh ibdwirE suir nr kIey snwQw ] harnaakhas jin nakhah bidaari-o, sur nar kee-ay sanaathaa.
The Lord who tore Harnakkas apart with His nails; (and proved that) He is a Master of gods
and men.
kih nwmdyau hm nrhir iDAwvh rwmu ABY pd dwqw ]5]3]9]
kahi naamday-o ham narhar dhi-aaveh, raam abhai pad daataa. ||5||3||9||
Says Namdev: I meditate upon the Man-lion (i.e. God), (He is) the giver of the position of
fearlessness. 5.3.9
sulqwnu pUCY sunu by nwmw ] dyKau rwm qum@wry kwmw ]1]
sultaan poochhai, sun bay naamaa. daykh-a-u raam tumhaaray kaamaa. ||1||
Sultan (i.e. king) said: Listen O! Namdev, I want to see the actions of your God. 1
nwmw sulqwny bwiDlw ] dyKau qyrw hir bITulw ]1] rhwau ]
naamaa, sultaanay baadhilaa. daykh-a-u tayraa har beeṭulaa*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sultan (i.e. king) tied (i.e. bound as a prisoner) Namdev, (and said):
“Let me see your beloved God*.” 1 (pause)
[*Beethul / Vishthal, literally: pervading , i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
ibsimil gaU dyhu jIvwie ] nwqru grdin mwrau TWie ]2]
bismil ga-oo, dayh jeevaa-ay. naatar, gardan maara-o ṭaan-ay. ||2||

“Bring this dead cow to life; otherwise, I shall cut off your neck now and here.” 2
bwidswh AYsI ikau hoie ] ibsimil kIAw n jIvY koie ]3]
baadisaah, aisee ki-o ho-ay. bismil kee-aa, na jeevai ko-ay. ||3||
(Namdev said): “O! king, how can this happen?
One who is dead, cannot be brought back to life.” 3
myrw kIAw kCU n hoie ] kir hY rwmu hoie hY soie ]4]
mayraa kee-aa kachhoo na ho-ay. kar hai raam, ho-ay hai so-ay. ||4||
“I cannot do anything of my own; whatever God does, that alone happens.” 4
bwidswhu ciV@E AhMkwir ] gj hsqI dIno cmkwir ]5]
baadisaahu chaṛhi-o ahaMkaar. gaj hastee deeno chamkaar. ||5||
(When Namdev gave this reply) the king lost his temper in egotism; and,
He incited a big elephant to attack him (i.e. Namdev). 5
rudnu krY nwmy kI mwie ] rudan karai naamay kee maa-ay.
(Hearing the king’s order) Namdev’s mother began to cry (and she said to Namdev):
Coif rwmu kI n Bjih Kudwie ]6] chhod raam, kee na bhajeh khudaa-ay. ||6||
“Why don’t you abandon (chanting the name of) Ram and chant Khuda (i.e. why don't you
follow Islam instead of Hinduism)?” 6
n hau qyrw pUMgVw n qU myrI mwie ] ipMfu pVY qau hir gun gwie ]7]
na ha-o tayraa pooNgaṛaa, na too mayree maa-ay. piNd paṛai, ta-o har gun gaa-ay. ||7||
(At this Namdev answered): “I am not your son, and, you are not my mother.”
Even if my body id destroyed, (still) I will (sing the praise of) the excellences of God.” 7
krY gijMdu suMf kI cot ] nwmw aubrY hir kI Et ]8]
karai gajiNd suNd kee chot. naamaa ubrai, har kee ot. ||8||
The elephant attacked him with his trunk; but, Namdev was saved by the protection of God. 8
kwjI mulW krih slwmu ] iein ihMdU myrw milAw mwnu ]9]
kaajee mulaan karahi salaam. in hiNdoo, mayraa mali-aa maan. ||9||
(Seeing this, the king said to himself): the qazis and the maulvis salute me; (but)
this Hindu has trampled (i.e. taken over) my honour.” 9
P. 1166
bwidswh bynqI sunyhu ] nwmy sr Bir sonw lyhu ]10]
baadisaah, bayntee sunayhu. naamay sar bhar, sonaa layho. ||10||
(The Hindus went to him and said): “O! king, hear our prayer; take Namdev’s weight in gold
(and free him).” 10
mwlu lyau qau dojik prau ] dInu Coif dunIAw kau Brau ]11]
maal lay-o, ta-o dojak para-o. deen chhod, dunee-aa ka-o bhara-o. ||11||
(The king replied): “If I take the gold, then I will be consigned to hell;
(because it would mean) forsaking my faith, accepting worldly wealth (i.e. bribe).” 11
pwvhu byVI hwQhu qwl ] nwmw gwvY gun gopwl ]12]
paavhu bayṛee, haathhu taal. naamaa gaavai, gun gopaal. ||12||
With his feet in chains, and, beating tunes with his hands,
Namdev was (still) singing (the praise of) the excellences of God. 12
gMg jmun jau aultI bhY ] qau nwmw hir krqw rhY ]13]

gaNg jamun, ja-o ultee bahai. ta-o, naamaa har kartaa rahai. ||13||
Even if Ganges and Jamuna (rivers) begin flowing backwards,
Namdev will still continue singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Creator. 13
swq GVI jb bIqI suxI ] Ajhu n AwieE iqRBvx DxI ]14]
saat ghaṛee, jab beetee suṇee. ajahu na aa-i-o taribhavaṇ dhaṇee. ||14||
When he heard that seven gharis* (i.e. 168 minutes) have passed,
(Namdev said to himself) ‘even now the Lord of three worlds has not come’. 14
[One gharhi is 24 minutes. T his was the divisions of time in old days before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute
system; under this system a Visu-ya is 15 blinkings of an eye; Chasa is 15 Visu-ya; Pal is 30 Chasa; Gharhee is 60 Pal;
Pahr is seven and a half Gharhee; day is 8 pahr. In modern system, a Pehar is three hours (180 minutes), a
mahoort/moorat is 48 minutes, a Gharhi is 24 minutes].
pwKMqx bwj bjwielw ] gruV cV@y goibMd Awielw ]15]
paakhaNtaṇ baaj bajaa-ilaa. garuṛ chaṛhay, gobiNd aa-ilaa. ||15||
(Right then) playing upon his feathered-wings,
mounted on a garur (i.e. eagle and blue jay like bird), the Lord of the World came.15
Apny Bgq pir kI pRiqpwl ] gruV cV@y Awey gopwl ]16]
apnay bhagat par kee partipaal. garurh chaṛhay aa-ay gopaal. ||16||
mounted on a garur, the Lord of the World came, and, blessed His devotee with His
protection. 16
khih q Drix iekofI krau ] khih q ly kir aUpir Drau ]17]
kaheh, ta dharaṇ ikodee kara-o. kaheh, ta lay kar oopar dhara-o. ||17||
If you wish, I shall tilt the earth sideways. If you wish, I shall turn it upside down. 17
khih q mueI gaU dyau jIAwie ] sBu koeI dyKY pqIAwie ]18]
kaheh, ta mu-ee ga-oo day-o jee-aa-ay. sabh ko-ee daykhai, patee-aa-ay. ||18||
If you wish, I shall bring the dead cow to life; everyone will see and be convinced. 18
nwmw pRxvY syl msyl ] gaU duhweI bCrw myil ]19]
naamaa paraṇvai sayl masayl. ga-oo duhaa-ee, bachhraa mayl. ||19||
Namdev prayed: let the rope be fastened (around the legs of cow);
the calf was brought to the cow and it was milked. 19
dUDih duih jb mtukI BrI ] ly bwidswh ky Awgy DrI ]20]
doodheh duhi, jab matukee bharee. lay baadisaah kay aagay dharee. ||20||
When the pitcher was filled with the milked milk;
it was taken to the king and placed before him. 20
bwidswhu mhl mih jwie ] AauGt kI Gt lwgI Awie ]21]
baadisaahu, mahal meh jaa-ay. a-ughat kee ghat laagee aa-ay. ||21||
The king went into his palace, (as, with this) his heart was troubled. 21
kwjI mulW ibnqI Purmwie ] bKsI ihMdU mY qyrI gwie ]22]
kaajee mulaan, bintee furmaa-ay. bakhsee hiNdoo, mai tayree gaa-ay. ||22||
Through the Qazis and the Maulvis, he (i.e. king) sent his request:
“forgive me, O! Hindu (O! Namdev), I am (like) your cow.” 22
nwmw khY sunhu bwidswh ] iehu ikCu pqIAw muJY idKwie ]23]
naamaa kahai sunhu baadisaah. ih kichh patee-aa mujhai dikhaa-ay. ||23||
Namdev said: listen O! king,
(now) you show (i.e. give) me this assurance (that you shall become a genuine ruler). 23
ies pqIAw kw iehY prvwnu ] swic sIil cwlhu suilqwn ]24]
is patee-aa kaa ihai parvaan. saach seel chaalahu sulitaan. ||24||
This shall be the measurement (i.e. basis) of the assurance; (that)
the king shall walk on the path of truth and modesty. 24
nwmdyau sB rihAw smwie ] imil ihMdU sB nwmy pih jwih ]25]
naamday-o sabh rahi-aa samaa-ay. mil hiNdoo sabh naamay peh jaahi. ||25||
Namdev had immersed in (the heart of) all (i.e. he became famous among all);
the Hindus all went together to Namdev. 25
jau Ab kI bwr n jIvY gwie ] q nwmdyv kw pqIAw jwie ]26]
ja-o ab kee baar na jeevai gaa-ay. ta naamdayv kaa patee-aa jaa-ay. ||26||
If the cow could not been brought to life this time,
(people) would have lost faith in Namdev. 26
nwmy kI kIriq rhI sMswir ] Bgq jnW ly auDirAw pwir ]27]
naamay kee keerat rahee saNsaar. bhagat janaan lay udhri-aa paar. ||27||
The fame of Nama spread throughout the world; and,
he carried he devotee beings across to the other shore (of the world ocean). 27
sgl klys inMdk BieAw Kydu ] nwmy nwrwien nwhI Bydu ]28]1]10]
sagal kalays niNdak bha-i-aa khayd. naamay naaraa-in naahee bhayd. ||28||1||10||
(At this) all the slanderers were afflicted by troubles and sorrows;
(because they had not realized that), there is no difference between Namdev and God. 28.1.10

Gru 2 ] Ghar 2
jau gurdyau q imlY murwir ] ja-o gurday-o, ta milai muraar.
When the divine Guru graces, one meets God.
jau gurdyau q auqrY pwir ] ja-o gurday-o, ta utrai paar.
When the divine Guru graces, one is carried across to other side (of the world ocean).
jau gurdyau q bYkuMT qrY ] ja-o gurday-o, ta baikuNṭ tarai.
When the divine Guru graces, one swims across to heaven.
jau gurdyau q jIvq mrY ]1] ja-o gurday-o, ta jeevat marai. ||1||
When the divine Guru graces, one remains dead while yet alive. 1
siq siq siq siq siq gurdyv ] sat sat sat sat, sat gurdayv.
True, true, true, true, true is the divine Guru.
JUTu JUTu JUTu JUTu Awn sB syv ]1] rhwau ] jhooṭ jhooṭ jhooṭ, jhooṭ aan sabh sayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
False, false, false, false is service of all others. 1 (pause)
jau gurdyau q nwmu idRVwvY ] ja-o gurday-o, ta naam dariṛ-aavai.
When the divine Guru graces, he implants the name (within).
jau gurdyau n dh ids DwvY ] ja-o gurday-o, na dah dis dhaavai.
When the divine Guru graces, one does not wander in ten directions.
jau gurdyau pMc qy dUir ] ja-o gurday-o, paNch tay door.
When the divine Guru graces, one gets away (i.e. is saved) from five (passions).
jau gurdyau n mirbo JUir ]2] ja-o gurday-o, na maribo jhoor. ||2||

When the divine Guru graces, one does not die worrying. 2
jau gurdyau q AMimRq bwnI ] ja-o gurday-o, ta aMmrit baanee.
When the divine Guru graces, one is blessed with the AMmrit word.
jau gurdyau q AkQ khwnI ] ja-o gurday-o, ta akath kahaanee.
When the divine Guru graces, one knows the indescribable (story of the excellences of God).
jau gurdyau q AMimRq dyh ] ja-o gurday-o, ta aMmrit dayh.
When the divine Guru graces, the body becomes AMmrit (i.e. sanctified).
jau gurdyau nwmu jip lyih ]3] ja-o gurday-o, naam jap layhi. ||3||
When the divine Guru graces, one chants and meditates upon the name (of God). 3
jau gurdyau Bvn qRY sUJY ] ja-o gurday-o, bhavan tarai soojhai.
When the divine Guru graces, one sees (i.e. realizes) the three worlds.
jau gurdyau aUc pd bUJY ] ja-o gurday-o, ooch pad boojhai.
When the divine Guru graces, one realizes (the mystery of) the supreme state
jau gurdyau q sIsu Akwis ] ja-o gurday-o, ta sees akaas.
When the divine Guru graces, one’s head is in the skies (i.e. one obtains high honours).
jau gurdyau sdw swbwis ]4] ja-o gurday-o, sadaa saabaas. ||4||
When the divine Guru graces, one is always appreciated (i.e. obtains glory). 4
jau gurdyau sdw bYrwgI ] ja-o gurday-o, sadaa bairaagee.
When the divine Guru graces, one remains detached forever.
jau gurdyau pr inMdw iqAwgI ] ja-o gurday-o, par nindaa ti-aagee.
When the divine Guru graces, one forsakes slandering others.
P. 1167
jau gurdyau burw Blw eyk ] ja-o gurday-o, buraa bhalaa ayk.
When the divine Guru graces, one looks upon good and bad as the same.
jau gurdyau illwtih lyK ]5] ja-o gurday-o, lilaateh laykh. ||5||
When the divine Guru graces, (good) destiny is inscribed on one’s forehead. 5
jau gurdyau kMDu nhI ihrY ] ja-o gurday-o, kandh nahee hirai.
When the divine Guru graces, the wall (of body) is not eroded (with vices).
[*The following three stories are associated with Namdev]
jau gurdyau dyhurw iPrY ] ja-o gurday-o, dayhuraa firai*.
When the divine Guru graces, the temple turn (towards the devotee).
jau gurdyau q Cwpir CweI ] ja-o gurday-o, ta chhaapar chhaa-ee*.
When the divine Guru graces, one’s hut is constructed.
jau gurdyau ishj inksweI ]6] ja-o gurday-o, sihaj niksaa-ee*. ||6||
When the divine Guru graces, the bed is lifted up out (of the river). 6
jau gurdyau q ATsiT nwieAw ] ja-o gurday-o, ta aṭsaṭ naa-i-aa.
When the divine Guru graces, one has bath at the sixty-eight (places of pilgrimage).
jau gurdyau qin ck® lgwieAw ] ja-o gurday-o, tan chakra lagaa-i-aa.
When the divine Guru graces, it is (like) tracing quoits* on the body. [*sacred mark of Visnu].
jau gurdyau q duAwds syvw ] ja-o gurday-o, ta du-aadas sayvaa.
When the divine Guru graces, one has performed twelve services*.
[*There are 12 great temples of Shiva; and, one who worships at all these temples, obtains mind-desired fruits. These 12
are: Somnath Jyotirling in Saurashtra (Gujarat), Mallikarjun jyoptirling in Srisailam (Seema Andhra Pradesh),
Mahakaleshwar jyotirling in Ujjain (Madhya Pardesh), Omkareshwar jyotirling in Shivpuri, Amaleswara (Madhya
Pardesh),Vaidyanath jyotirling in Parali (Maharashtra), Nageswar jyotirling in Darukavanam (Maharashtra),
Kedareswar jyotirling in Kedarnath (Uttra khans),Tryambakeswar jyotirling in Nasik (Maharashtra), Rameshwar
jyotirling in Setubandanam (Tamilnadu), Bhimashankar jyotirling in Dakini (Maharashtra), Visweswar jyotirling in
Varanasi (Uttra Pardesh) and Ghrishneswar jyotirling in Devasrovar (Maharahstra).].
jau gurdyau sBY ibKu myvw ]7] ja-o gurday-o sabhai bikh mayvaa. ||7||
When the divine Guru graces, all poison is transformed into (sweet dry) fruit. 7
jau gurdyau q sMsw tUtY ] ja-o gurday-o, ta saNsaa tootai.
When the divine Guru graces, doubt is shattered (i.e. dispelled).
jau gurdyau q jm qy CUtY ] ja-o gurday-o, ta jam tay chhootai.
When the divine Guru graces, I one escapes from the messenger of death.
jau gurdyau q Baujl qrY ] ja-o gurday-o, ta bha-ojal tarai.
When the divine Guru graces, one swims across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
jau gurdyau q jnim n mrY ]8] ja-o gurday-o, ta janam na marai. ||8||
When the divine Guru graces, one is rid of (the cycle of) birth and death. 8
jau gurdyau ATds ibauhwr ] ja-o gurday-o, aṭ-das bi-uhaar.
When the divine Guru graces, one understands the conduct of the eighteen (puraans).
jau gurdyau ATwrh Bwr ] ja-o gurday-o, aṭaarah bhaar*.
When the divine Guru graces, (it is as if) the eighteen loads* are offered.
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’
is an old weighing measure; according to a tradition it is about 19 kilograms; hence 18 weight would mean about 342
kilograms; this is just imaginary; in fact, ‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
ibnu gurdyau Avr nhI jweI ] nwmdyau gur kI srxweI ]9]1]2]11]
bin gurday-o, avar nahee jaa-ee. naamday-o, gur kee sarṇaa-ee. ||9||1||2||11||
Namdev (says): without the divine Guru, there is no place (where one obtains all this; that is
why); I have entered the refuge of the Guru.

BYrau bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru 2 Bhairo, banee Ravidaas jee-o kee, ghar 2
< siq ikko-o kaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
ibnu dyKy aupjY nhI Awsw ] bin daykhay, upjai nahee aasaa.
Without seeing (something), yearning for it does not arise.
jo dIsY so hoie ibnwsw ] jo deesai, so ho-ay binaasaa.
Whatever is seen, shall perish away.
brn sihq jo jwpY nwmu ] so jogI kyvl inhkwmu ]1]
baran sahit, jo jaapai naam. so jogee, kayval nihkaam. ||1||
One, who narrates (i.e. chants His excellences) and praises the name (of God),
only that yogi is perfectly detached. 1
prcY rwmu rvY jau koeI ] parchai, raam ravai ja-o ko-ee.
God is pleased, if someone chants the name of God with love.
pwrsu prsY duibDw n hoeI ]1] rhwau ] paaras parsai, dubidhaa na ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Touching the philosopher’s stone (i.e. the Guru’s feet), duality is eradicated. 1 (pause)
so muin mn kI duibDw Kwie ] so mun, man kee dubidhaa khaa-ay.
He alone is a silent sage who eats up (i.e. destroys) the duality of his mind,
ibnu duAwry qRY lok smwie ] bin du-aaray, tarai lok samaa-ay.
One, who is without (i.e. one who closes) the doors (i.e. organs)*, merges in the One who is
merged in the three worlds. [*one who controls the organs of action: hands, feet, mouth, penis and anus].
mn kw suBwau sBu koeI krY ] krqw hoie su AnBY rhY ]2]
man kaa subhaa-o, sabh ko-ee karai. kartaa ho-ay, so anbhai rahai. ||2||
Everyone acts (i.e. follows) the nature (i.e. inclinations) of one's mind; (but)
one, who is the man of (i.e. one, who is attuned to) the Creator, remains fear-free. 2
Pl kwrn PUlI bnrwie ] Plu lwgw qb PUlu iblwie ]
fal kaaran, foolee banraa-ay. fal laagaa, tab fool bilaa-ay.
The vegetation blossoms forth to produce fruit;
(but) when the fruit is produced, the flowers disappear (i.e. wither away).
igAwnY kwrn krm AiBAwsu ] igAwnu BieAw qh krmh nwsu ]3]
gi-aanai kaaran, karam abhi-aas. gi-aan bha-i-aa, tah karmah naas. ||3||
For (spiritual) knowledge, people practice deeds (i.e. (religious ritualism);
(but) when (spiritual) knowledge wells up, the action vanishes (are abandoned). 3
iGRq kwrn diD mQY sieAwn ] gharit kaaran, dadh mathai sa-i-aan.
For the sake of ghee (i.e. butter), the wise (woman) churns milk.
jIvq mukq sdw inrbwn ] jeevat mukat sadaa nirbaan.
One who is jeevan mukta (liberated while yet alive), is forever in the state of emancipation.
kih rivdws prm bYrwg ] irdY rwmu kI n jpis ABwg ]4]1]
kahi ravidaas, param bairaag. ridai raam kee na japas, abhaag. ||4||1||
Says Ravidas: Detachment is the supreme state; (to obtain that state),
O! unfortunate, why do not you meditate upon God within your heart? 4.1

nwmdyv ] Naamdayv
Awau klµdr kysvw ] kir AbdwlI Bysvw ] rhwau ]
aa-o kalaNdar kaysvaa. kar abdaalee bhaysvaa. rahaa-o.
Come O! beautiful-haired (Lord),O! kalandar (fakir/ mendicant);
(welcome, O! You) wearing the robe of an Abdal. (pause)
ijin Awkws kulh isir kInI kausY spq pXwlw ] jin aakaas kulah sir keenee, ka-usai sapat pa-yaalaa.
You are wearing the sky as Your cap, and, the seven nether regions are Your wooden sandal.
cmr pos kw mMdru qyrw ieh ibiD bny gupwlw ]1]
chamar pos kaa maNdar tayraa, ih bidh banay gupaalaa. ||1||
Body covered with skin is Your temple; this way (i.e. in this form) You look so nice O!
Sustainer of the World. 1
Cpn koit kw pyhnu qyrw solh shs iejwrw ] chhapan kot kaa payhan tayraa, solah sahas ijaaraa.
The five hundred sixty million clouds are (like) Your robe, and, the sixteen thousand
(milkmaids) are (like)Your trousers.
Bwr ATwrh mudgru qyrw shnk sB sMswrw ]2] bhaar aṭaarah mudgar tayraa, sahnak sabh sa saaraa. ||2||
The of eighteen loads* is Your club, and, all the world is your plate. 2
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’
is an old weighing measure; according to a tradition it is about 19 kilograms; hence 18 weight would mean about 342
kilograms; this is just imaginary; in fact, ‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
dyhI mhijid mnu maulwnw shj invwj gujwrY ] dayhee mehjid man ma-ulaanaa, sahj nivaaj gujaarai.
The (human) body is the mosque; the mind is maulvi, and, it makes prayer, in ease.
bIbI kaulw sau kwienu qyrw inrMkwr AwkwrY ]3] beebee ka-ulaa sa-o kaa-in tayraa nira kaar aakaarai. ||3||
You are married to madam Kaula (i.e. Maya), and, so, You have taken for, O! Formless. 3
Bgiq krq myry qwl iCnwey ikh pih krau pukwrw ]
bhagat karat mayray taal chhinaa-ay, kih peh kara-o pukaaraa.
Performing Your devotion, my cymbals are taken away; to whom should I complain?
nwmy kw suAwmI AMqrjwmI iPry sgl bydysvw ]4]1]
naamay kaa su-aamee aNtarjaamee, firay sagal baydaysvaa. ||4||1||
The Lord of Namdev is the Controller of Minds, operating in all lands, He Himself is has no
(specific) place (i.e. he is Omnipresent). 4.1.

P. 1168
rwgu bsMqu mhlw 1 Gru 1 caupdy duquky Raag BasaNt, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1, cha-upday dutukay
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
mwh mumwrKI ciVAw sdw bsMqu ] maahaa maah mumaarkhee, chaṛi-aa sadaa basaNt.
Among all the months, blessed is that month when (in one’s mind) there is always spring.
prPVu icq smwil soie sdw sdw goibMdu ]1] parfaṛ chit, samaal so-ay, sadaa sadaa gobiNd. ||1||
Blossom forth, O! my mind, contemplate that Lord of the World, forever and ever. 1
BoilAw haumY suriq ivswir ] bholi-aa, ha-umai surat visaar.
O! simple-minded (i.e. innocent / ignorant being), forget your egotistical thinking.
haumY mwir bIcwir mn gux ivic guxu lY swir ]1] rhwau ]
ha-umai maar, beechaar man, guṇ vich guṇ lai saar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Subdue (your) ego; contemplate in your mind, and gather in the virtue (of meditation upon the
Name, which is), the sublime virtue. 1 (pause)
krm pyfu swKw hrI Drmu Pulu Plu igAwnu ] karam payd saakhaa haree, dharam ful fal gi-aan.
(By meditation upon the Name) the tree of your (sublime) actions will blossom up (within you),
with green branches, with flowers of faith and fruit of (spiritual) knowledge.
pq prwpiq Cwv GxI cUkw mn AiBmwnu ]2] pat paraapat chhaav ghaṇee, chookaa man abhimaan. ||2||
(It will have) leaves of realization (of God), and, it will give thick shade (of humility) when ego is
eradicated. 2
AKI kudriq kMnI bwxI muiK AwKxu scu nwmu ] akhee kudrat, kaNnee baṇee, mukh aakhan sach naam.
(Then you will see) His Creative Power with your eyes, and, hear (His) Word with your ears,
and, chant True Name with your mouth.
piq kw Dnu pUrw hoAw lwgw shij iDAwnu ]3] pat kaa dhan pooraa ho-aa, laagaa sahj dhi-aan. ||3||
One attains the perfect wealth of honour, by focussing his mind, with natural ease. 3
mwhw ruqI Awvxw vyKhu krm kmwie ] maahaa rutee aavṇaa, vaykhhu karam kamaa-ay.
The months and the seasons come, observe them (coming and going, but you) earn your deeds
(i.e. practice good deeds).
nwnk hry n sUkhI ij gurmuiK rhy smwie ]4]1]
naanak, haray na sookhee, je gurmukh rahay samaa-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): those who remain immersed (in God) through the Guru, do not wither away;
they remain green (forever). 4.1

mhlw 1 bsMqu ] Mehlaa 1, BasaNt
ruiq AweIly srs bsMq mwih ] rut aa-eelay saras, basant maahi.
(O! Lord) the pleasing season of spring has come.
rMig rwqy rvih is qyrY cwie ] raNg raatay, raveh se tayrai chaa-ay.
Those, who are imbued with Your love, chant (Your Name) with joy.
iksu pUj cVwvau lgau pwie ]1] kis pooj chaṛaava-o, laga-o paa-ay. ||1||
Whom (else) should I worship, and, at whose feet should I bow? 1
qyrw dwsin dwsw khau rwie ] jgjIvn jugiq n imlY kwie ]1] rhwau ]
tayraa daasan daasaa kaha-o, raa-ay. jagjeevan, jugat na milai kaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am the slave of Your slaves, O! (my) Sovereign (Lord), (because)
there is no (other) way to meet You, O! Life of the World. 1 (pause)
qyrI mUriq eykw bhuqu rUp ] tayree moorat aykaa, bahut roop.
You have One Form, (yet) many forms (i.e. manifestations).
iksu pUj cVwvau dyau DUp ] kis pooj chaṛaava-o, day-o dhoop.
Which one should I worship, and, before which should I burn incense.
qyrw AMqu n pwieAw khw pwie ] tayraa aNt na paa-i-aa, kahaa paa-ay.
Your limits cannot be found; how can one find them?
qyrw dwsin dwsw khau rwie ]2] tayraa daasan daasaa kaha-o, raa-ay. ||2||
I am the slave of Your slaves, O! (my) Sovereign (Lord). 2
qyry siT sMbq siB qIrQw ] tayray saṭ saMmbat, sabh teerthaa.
The sixty years*, and, the places of pilgrimage are all in (meditation upon) You.
(*In astronomy it is presumed that Brahma, Visnu and Shiv have a reign of twenty years each and this is repeated
continuously, so one should meditate upon all the three; hence for sixty years ).
qyrw scu nwmu prmysrw ] tayraa sach naam, parmaysraa.
(For me) Your Name (alone) is True, O! Supreme Master.
qyrI giq Aivgiq nhI jwxIAY ] tayree gat avigat nahee jaaṇee-ai.
What is Your state is beyond knowing, it cannot be known.
Axjwxq nwmu vKwxIAY ]3] aṇjaaṇat naam vakhaaṇee-ai. ||3||
(You are) Unknown, (O! Lord, still I) chant Your Name. 3
nwnku vycwrw ikAw khY ] sBu loku slwhy eyksY ]
naanak vaychaaraa, ki-aa kahai. sabh lok, salaahay ayksai.
What can poor Nanak say? All people praise the One (Lord).
isru nwnk lokw pwv hY ] sir naanak, lokaa paav hai.
Nanak (says): I place my head on the feet of such people (who chant Your Name).
bilhwrI jwau jyqy qyry nwv hY ]4]2] balihaaree jaa-o, jaytay tayray naav hai. ||4||2||
I am a sacrifice unto Your Name; as many as (Your Names) there are (O! Lord). 4.2

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

suieny kw caukw kMcn kuAwr ] su-inay kaa cha-ukaa kaNchan ku-aar.
(One may have) kitchen of gold and pitchers (i.e. pots) of gold.
rupy kIAw kwrw bhuqu ibsQwru ] rupay kee-aa kaaraa bahut bisthaar.
(One may have) lines marking the (cooking) square (of kitchen) made of silver, of large

gMgw kw audku krMqy kI Awig ] gaNgaa kaa udak karaNtay kee aag.
(One may have) water from Ganges (river to cleanse the kitchen), and, fire from sacrificial feast.
gruVw Kwxw duD isau gwif ]1] garuṛaa khaaṇaa dudh si-o gaad. ||1||
(One may eat) food of rice, cooked in milk. 1
ry mn lyKY kbhU n pwie ] jwim n BIjY swc nwie ]1] rhwau ]
ray man laykhai kabhoo na paa-ay. jaam na bheejai saach naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, all these are of no account (i.e. of no worth),
if you are not drenched with the True Name. 1 (pause)
P. 1169
ds AT lIKy hovih pwis ] das aṭ leekhay, hoveh paas.
One may have eighteen (Puraans) written in (his own) hand.
cwry byd muKwgr pwiT ] chaaray bayd, mukhaagar paaṭ.
He may recite the four Vedas from memory (by his heart).
purbI nwvY vrnW kI dwiq ] purbee naavai, varnaan kee daat.
He may take (cleansing) baths at (religious) festivals and give charity according to his class (i.e.
social status).
vrq nym kry idn rwiq ]2] varat naym karay, din raat. ||2||
He may observe (ritual) fasts, and, practice religions codes, day and night (but, without
meditation upon the Name of God , these are of no account/ worth). 2
kwjI mulW hovih syK ] kaajee mulaan hoveh saykh.
One may be a qazi, a mulla or a shaykh (religious nobles and holy men in Islam).
jogI jMgm Bgvy ByK ] jogee jaNgam, bhagvay bhaykh.
One may be a yogi, a wandering hermit, wearing ochre coloured robes.
ko igrhI krmw kI sMiD ] ko girhee ,karmaa kee saNdh.
One may be a house-holder, engaged in rituals.
ibnu bUJy sB KVIAis bMiD ]3] bin boojhay, sabh khaṛee-as baNdh. ||3||
(But) without understanding (the essence of the Name of God), all are bound and taken away (by
the messenger of death). 3
jyqy jIA ilKI isir kwr ] jaytay jee-a, likhee sir kaar.
As many beings are there, each one of them has actions (i.e. Command of God) inscribed over
his head.
krxI aupir hovig swr ] karṇee upar, hovag saar.
Each one shall be (finally) judged according to his conduct.
hukmu krih mUrK gwvwr ] hukam karahi moorakh gaavaar.
Only the foolish, and the ignorant ones issue commands (to others).
nwnk swcy ky isPiq BMfwr ]4]3] naanak, saachay kay sifat bhaNdaar. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): the treasures of the praise of the True are overflowing (and he alone obtains them
whose mind is drenched with His love). 4.3
bsMqu mhlw 3 qIjw ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3, Third
bsqR auqwir idgMbru hogu ] jtwDwir ikAw kmwvY jogu ]
bastar utaar digaMbar hog. jataadhaar, ki-aa kamaavai jog.
One may remove his clothes and becomes naked (ascetic);
(but) what yoga does he earn by having matted-hair?

mnu inrmlu nhI dsvY duAwr ] man nirmal nahee, dasvai du-aar.
If mind is not pure, what use is of (holding breath at) the Tenth Gate.
Brim BRim AwvY mUV@w vwro vwr ]1] bharam bharam aavai mooṛhaa, vaaro vaar. ||1||
The fool wanders and wanders, coming (in reincarnation) again and again. 1
eyku iDAwvhu mUV@ mnw ] pwir auqir jwih iek iKnW ]1] rhwau ]
ayk dhi-aavahu, mooṛh manaa. paar utar jaahi, ik khinaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the One, O! (my) foolish mind; and,
you shall cross over to the other side (of the world ocean) in an instant. 1 (pause)
isimRiq swsqR krih viKAwx ] simrit saastar karahi vakhi-aaṇ.
(The pandits recite and) expound on the Simritis and the Shastras.
nwdI bydI pV@ih purwx ] naadee baydee paṛhahi puraaṇ.
(Some are) music player (yogis), (some) recite Vedas and Puranaas.
pwKMf idRsit min kptu kmwih ] iqn kY rmeIAw nyiV nwih ]2]
pakhaNd darisat, man kapat kamaahi. tin kai, rama-ee-aa nayṛ naahi. ||2||
(But) their perceptions are hypocritic, and, they earn (i.e. practice) deception in their minds;
the All-Pervading (Lord) does not (even) come near them. 2
jy ko AYsw sMjmI hoie ] ik®Aw ivsyK pUjw kryie ]
jay ko, aisaa saNjmee ho-ay. kir-aa visaykh, poojaa karay-i.
If there is someone who practices self-discipline; and,
he performs some specific worship (as well).
AMqir loBu mnu ibiKAw mwih ] Eie inrMjnu kYsy pwih ]3]
aNtar lobh, man bikhi-aa maahi. o-ay, niraNjan kaisay paahi. ||3||
(But) if within him is greed and his mind is engrossed in poison (i.e. Maya),
how can he find (i.e. obtain) the Immaculate (God)? 3
kIqw hoAw kry ikAw hoie ] ijs no Awip clwey soie ]
keetaa ho-aa, karay ki-aa ho-ay. jis no aap chalaa-ay so-ay.
What can the created (being) do (by himself)? (because)
He (i.e. the Creator) Himself moves him.
ndir kry qW Brmu cukwey ] hukmY bUJY qW swcw pwey ]4]
nadar karay taan bharam chukaa-ay. hukmai boojhai taan saachaa paa-ay. ||4||
If He (i.e. God) bestows his Glance (of Grace) then one’s doubts are dispelled.
If one realizes His Command, (then) he obtains the True (Lord). 4
ijsu jIau AMqru mYlw hoie ] qIrQ BvY idsMqr loie ]
jis jee-o aNtar mailaa ho-ay. tirath bhavai disaNtar lo-ay.
If someone's soul is polluted from within; then,
he may travel to the places of pilgrimage (even) all over the world (but, it will be of no use).
nwnk imlIAY siqgur sMg ] qau Bvjl ky qUtis bMD ]5]4]
naanak milee-ai satgur saNg. ta-o bhavjal kay tootas baNdh. ||5||4||
Nanak (says): when one joins association with of the True Guru,
then the bounds of the terrifying waters (of the world ocean) are broken. 5.4
bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1
sgl Bvn qyrI mwieAw moh ] sagal bhavan, tayree maa-i-aa moh.
All the world is (i.e. all the people are) engrossed in attachment to Your Maya.

mY Avru n dIsY srb qoh ] mai avar na deesai, sarab toh.
(But) I do not see any other, You (alone) are everywhere.
qU suir nwQw dyvw dyv ] too, sur naathaa dayvaa dayv.
You are the Master of the gods, (You are) the Divine of the divines.
hir nmu imlY gur crn syv ]1] har naam milai, gur charan sayv. ||1||
Serving at the feet of the Guru, the Name of God is obtained. 1
myry suMdr gihr gMBIr lwl ] mayray suNdar gahir gaMbheer laal.
O! my beautiful, deep and profound Beloved (Lord).
gurmuiK rwm nwm gun gwey qU AprMpru srb pwl ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh raam naam gun gaa-ay, too apraMpar sarab paal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who sing the praise of the excellences God, through the Guru; O! Infinite (Lord), You
cherish them all. 1 (pause)
ibnu swD n pweIAY hir kw sMgu ] bin saadh,* na paa-ee-ai har kaa saNg.
Without (the refuge of) the Guru*, the association of (i.e. union with) God is not obtained.
[*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
ibnu gur mYl mlIn AMgu ] bin gur mail maleen aNg.
Without the Guru, one’s body is stained with filth.
ibnu hir nwm n suDu hoie ] bin har naam, na sudh ho-ay.
Without the Name of God, one cannot become pure.
gur sbid slwhy swcu soie ]2] gur sabad salaahay, saach so-ay. ||2||
One, who praises (God), through the Word of the Guru, becomes (like) the True (Lord). 2
jw kau qU rwKih rKnhwr ] siqgurU imlwvih krih swr ]
jaa ka-o too raakhahi, rakhanhaar. satguroo milaaveh, karahi saar.
One, whom You (want to) protect, O! Protector (Lord),
(You) get him to meet the True Guru and take care of him.
ibKu haumY mmqw prhrwie ] siB dUK ibnwsy rwm rwie ]3]
bikh ha-umai mamtaa parahraa-ay. sabh dookh binaasay, raam raa-ay. ||3||
You take away his poison of egotism and attachment; and,
all his sufferings are eradicated, O! Sovereign Lord. 3
aUqm giq imiq hir gun srIr ] gurmiq pRgty rwm nwm hIr ]
ootam gat mit har gun sareer. gurmat pragatay raam naam heer.
His state and condition become sublime, (when) Godly virtues permeate his body (i.e. being);
through the wisdom of the Guru, the diamond of the Name of God is revealed (within him).
ilv lwgI nwim qij dUjw Bwau ] liv laagee naam taj doojaa bhaa-o.
He is lovingly attuned to the Name (of God), when he is rid of the love of duality.
jn nwnk hir guru gur imlwau ]4]5] jan naanak har gur gur milaa-o. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, unite me with the Guru. 4.5

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

myrI sKI shylI sunhu Bwie ] mayree sakhee sahaylee, sunhu bhaa-ay.
O! my friend, (my) companions, listen with love (in your hearts).
myrw ipru rIswlU sMig swie ] mayraa pir reesaaloo, saNg saa-ay.
My Husband (Lord) is pleasure-giving; He is always with me.

Ehu AlKu n lKIAY khhu kwie ] oh alakh, na lakhee-ai, kahhu kaa-ay.
He is Unseen, cannot be seen, how can I describe Him?
guir sMig idKwieE rwm rwie ]1] gur saNg dikhaa-i-o, raam raa-ay. ||1||
The Guru has shown me that the Sovereign Lord is with me (i.e. within me). 1
P. 1170
imlu sKI shylI hir gun bny ] mil sakhee sahaylee, har gun banay.
Joining friends and companions, it behoves to sing the excellences of God.
hir pRB sMig Kylih vr kwmin gurmuiK Kojq mn mny ]1] rhwau ]
har prabh saNg khayleh var kaaman, gurmukh khojat man manay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The beautiful (soul) brides play with their God, the Lord; and, search for Him through the
Guru; their minds are pleased (with Him). 1 (pause)
mnmuKI duhwgix nwih Byau ] manmukhee duhaagaṇ, naahi bhay-o.
The mind-oriened, deserted(soul)brides(i.e.separated from Husband Lord)do not understand
this mystery (of union with Him).
Ehu Git Git rwvY srb pRyau ] oh ghat ghat raavai, sarab paray-o.
The Beloved (Lord) enjoys pervading each and every heart.
gurmuiK iQru cInY sMig dyau ] gurmukh thir, cheenai saNg day-o.
The Guru-oriented one is stable; (as he) understands that God is always with Him.
guir nwmu idRVwieAw jpu jpyau ]2] gur naam driṛ-aa-i-aa, jap japay-o. ||2||
The Guru has implanted the Name (within him); he meditates upon the chant (forever). 2
ibnu gur Bgiq n Bwau hoie ] bin gur, bhagat na bhaa-o ho-ay.
Without the Guru, devotion and love do not well up.
ibnu gur sMq n sMgu dyie ] bin gur, saNt na sang day-ay.
Without the Guru, one is not blessed with the company of the God-oriented person.
ibnu gur AMDuly DMDu roie ] bin gur, aNdhulay dhandh ro-ay.
Without the Guru, the blind ones cry out, entangled in worldly affairs.
mnu gurmuiK inrmlu mlu sbid Koie ]3] man gurmukh nirmal, mal sabad kho-ay. ||3||
Through the Guru, one’s mind becomes immaculate, by washing away his filth through the
Word. 3
guir mnu mwirE kir sMjogu ] Aihinis rwvy Bgiq jogu ]
gur man maari-o, kar saNjog. ahinis raavay, bhagat jog.
(When) the Guru subdues one’s mind, he unites him (with God),
Day and night, he enjoys union of (loving) devotion.
gur sMq sBw duKu imtY rogu ] jn nwnk hir vru shj jogu ]4]6]
gur saNt sabhaa, dukh mitai rog. jan naanak, har var sahj jog. ||4||6||
Associating with the God-oriented Guru, all sorrows and diseases are ended.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (thus) one unites with the Husband Lord with natural
ease. 4.6
bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1
Awpy kudriq kry swij ] aapay kudrat karay saaj.
God Himself creates and fashions (the creation) by His creative power.
scu Awip inbyVy rwju rwij ] sach aap nibayṛay, raaj raaj.
The True (Lord), the King of kings, Himself administers justice.

gurmiq aUqm sMig swiQ ] gurmat ootam, saNg saath.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, one realizes Him (i.e. His praise) always with him; and,
hir nwmu rswiexu shij AwiQ ]1] har naam rasaa-iṇ, sahj aath. ||1||
One obtains in natural ease the Name of God, (which is) the source of essence. 1
mq ibsris ry mn rwm boil ] mat bisras, ray man, raam bol.
O! my mind, chant the Name of God, lest you should forget it.
AprMpru Agm Agocru gurmuiK hir Awip qulwey Aqulu qoil ]1] rhwau ]
apraMpar agam agochar gurmukh, har aap tulaa-ay atul tol. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He is) infinite, inaccessible, imperceptible; (He is) unweighable, He Himself gets weighed (i.e.
He Himself gets appraised) through the Guru. 1 (pause)
gur crn sryvih gurisK qor ] gur charan sarayveh, gursikh tor.
(O! Lord) Yours Guru-oriented disciples serve the feet of the Guru.
gur syv qry qij myr qor ] gur sayv taray, taj mayr tor.
Serving the Guru, they cross over (to the other side of the world ocean) by abandoning
(distinction between) ‘mine’ and ‘your’.
nr inMdk loBI min kTor ] nar nindak lobhee, man kaṭor.
The slanderer and greedy people are hard-hearted.
gur syv n BweI is cor cor ]2] gur sayv na bhaa-ee, se chor chor. ||2||
They do not like to serve the Guru, they are (great) thieves of thieves. 2
guru quTw bKsy Bgiq Bwau ] gur tuṭaa bakhsay, bhagat bhaa-o.
When the Guru is pleased, he blesses with loving devotion (of God).
guir quTY pweIAY hir mhil Twau ] gur tuṭai paa-ee-ai ,har mahal ṭaa-o.
When the Guru is pleased, one obtains place in the mansion (i.e. presence) of God.
prhir inMdw hir Bgiq jwgu ] parhar niNdaa, har bhagat jaag.
(So) renounce slander, and, awaken in devotion of God.
hir Bgiq suhwvI krim Bwgu ]3] har bhagat suhaavee, karam bhaag. ||3||
The devotion to God is beautiful, it comes through destiny and good fortune. 3
guru myil imlwvY kry dwiq ] gur mayl milaavai, karay daat.
The Guru blesses (the Name) and unites in union (with God).
gurisK ipAwry idnsu rwiq ] gursikh pi-aaray, dinas raat.
The Guru loves his disciples day and night.
Plu nwmu prwpiq guru quis dyie ] fal naam paraapat, gur tus day-ay.
One obtains the fruit of the Name, when the Guru bestows it in his pleasure.
khu nwnk pwvih ivrly kyie ]4]7] kaho naanak, paavahi virlay kay-ay. ||4||7||
Says Nanak: only some rare ones obtain it (i.e. the Name of God). 4.7

bsMqu mhlw 3 iek qukw ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3, ik tukaa

swihb BwvY syvku syvw krY ] saahib bhaavai, sayvak sayvaa karai.
When it pleases the Master, the servant serves (Him).
jIvqu mrY siB kul auDrY ]1] jeevat marai, sabh kul udhrai. ||1||
He remains dead while yet alive; and, all his whole family is saved. 1
qyrI Bgiq n Cofau ikAw ko hsY ] swcu nwmu myrY ihrdY vsY ]1] rhwau ]
tayree bhagat na chhoda-o, ki-aa ko hasai. saach naam, mayrai hirdai vasai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I shall not renounce Your devotion (O! Lord), what (does it matter) if people laugh (at me)?
The True Name (of Yours) abides in my heart (forever). 1 (pause)

jYsy mwieAw moih pRwxI glqu rhY ] qYsy sMq jn rwm nwm rvq rhY ]2]
jaisay maa-i-aa mohi, paraaṇee galat rahai. taisay saNt jan, raam naam ravat rahai. ||2||
Just as the mortal (being) remains engrossed in attachment to Maya;
so does the God-oriented person remain absorbed in the Name of God. 2
mY mUrK mugD aUpir krhu dieAw ] qau srxwgiq rhau pieAw ]3]
mai moorakh mugadh oopar karahu da-i-aa. ta-o sarṇaagat raha-o pa-i-aa. ||3||
I am a foolish and ignorant, (O! Lord, please) bestow Your Mercy upon me; (that),
I may (always) remain in Your refuge. 3
khqu nwnku sMswr ky inhPl kwmw ] gur pRswid ko pwvY AMimRq nwmw ]4]8]
kahat naanak, saNsaar kay nihfal kaamaa. gur parsaad, ko paavai aMmrit naamaa. ||4||8||
Says Nanak: (all) the worldly affairs are in fruitless (i.e. vain);
(only) by the Grace of the Guru, one obtains AMmrit Name (of God). 4.8

mhlw 1 bsMqu ihMfol Gru 2 Mehlaa 1, BasaNt, HiNdol, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
swlgRwm ibp pUij mnwvhu suik®qu qulsI mwlw ] saalgaraam* bip pooj manaavahu, sukarit tulsee** maalaa.
O! Brahman, you worship the stone-god* and please it; and, regard (wearing) Tulsi (plant’s)
rosary as great deed (but this will not carry you across the world ocean).
[*Saalgraam (original shaaligraam). The origin of the name is traced to a remote village in Nepal where Vishnu is known
by the name of Shaligraman (known to Hindus as Saalagram), on the bank of Gandaki river from where round stones are
picked up. The orthodox Hindus regards it as the form/ manifestation of Vishnu himself. **Tulsi' plant or Indian basil is an
important symbol in the Hindu religious tradition. Tulsi grows wild in the tropics and warm regions.].
rwm nwmu jip byVw bWDhu dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]1]
raam naam jap bayṛaa baandhahu, da-i-aa karahu da-i-aalaa. ||1||
Chant the Name of God, make it (the Name) your boat; (and to cross over the world ocean, and,
make prayer): (please) bestow Your Mercy upon me, O! Merciful (Lord). 1
P. 1171
kwhy klrw isMchu jnmu gvwvhu ] kaahay kalraa si chahu, janam gavaavahu.

Why do you irrigate saline (i.e. barren) land? You are wasting your (human) life (in vain)?
kwcI Fhig idvwl kwhy gcu lwvhu ]1] rhwau ] kaachee ḍahag divaal, kaahay gach laavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The wall of mud(i.e. this body)* will crumble down; why are you plastering it? 1 (pause)
[*This body will finally fall; why are you plastering it with ritualism; that will not be able to save it].
kr hirht mwl itMf provhu iqsu BIqir mnu jovhu ] kar harihat maal tiNd parovahu, tis bheetar man jovhu.
Let your hands be buckets, strung them on the chain, and, yoke your mind (to pull AMmrit
AMimRqu isMchu Brhu ikAwry qau mwlI ky hovhu ]2]
aMmrit siNchahu, bharahu ki-aaray, ta-o maalee kay hovhu. ||2||
Irrigate the beds of your field (i.e. your sense organs) with AMmrit (Name); then you shall be
owned by the Gardener (i.e. Lord). 2
[*As a farmer irrigates his fields with water, you irrigate your sense organs with AMmrit Name; then you shall be accepted
and approved by God].
kwmu k®oDu duie krhu bsoly gofhu DrqI BweI ] kaam krodh du-ay karahu basolay, godahu dhartee bhaa-ee.
Let sexual desire and anger be your two shovels, and dig the earth (i.e. field), O! brethren.

ijau gofhu iqau qum@ suK pwvhu ikrqu n myitAw jweI ]3]
ji-o godahu, ti-o tumh sukh paavhu, kirat na mayti-aa jaa-ee. ||3||
The more you dig, the more happiness you shall find; your labour will not go waste. 3
bguly qy Puin hMsulw hovY jy qU krih dieAwlw ] bagulay tay fun haNsulaa hovai, jay too karahi da-i-aalaa.
(O! Lord) if You bestow Your Mercy, the crane is again transformed into a swan.
pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]4]1]9]
paraṇvat naanak daasan daasaa, da-i-aa karahu da-i-aalaa. ||4||1||9||
Prays Nanak, the slave of Your slaves: bestow Your Mercy, O! Merciful (Lord). 4.1.9

bsMqu mhlw 1 ihMfol ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1, HiNdol

swhurVI vQu sBu ikCu swJI pyvkVY Dn vKy ] saahuraṛee vath sabh kichh saajhee, payvkaṛai dhan vakhay.
In the house of the in-laws (i.e. Husband Lord, i.e. the world hereafter), everything is for every
one (i.e. jointly owned), but in the parent's house (i.e. in this world) the (soul) bride owns
Awip kucjI dosu n dyaU jwxw nwhI rKy ]1] aap kuchjee dos na day-oo, jaaṇaa naahee rakhay. ||1||
(O! Husband Lord) I myself am ill-mannered; I cannot blame others; I do not know how to take
care of these things (i.e. spiritual wealth). 1
myry swihbw hau Awpy Brim BulwxI ] mayray saahibaa, ha-o aapay bharam bhulaaṇee.
O! my Master, I am myself deluded by doubts (due to my deeds).
AKr ilKy syeI gwvw Avr n jwxw bwxI ]1] rhwau ]
akhar likhay say-ee gaavaa, avar na jaaṇaa baṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sing the words You have inscribed (i.e. whatever is pre-destined for me); I do not know any
other Word. 1 (pause)
kiF ksIdw pihrih colI qW qum@ jwxhu nwrI ] kaḍ kaseedaa pahirahi cholee, taan tumh jaaṇhu naaree.
(O! soul bride) if you embroider your robe (with virtues) and wear it (with love), (only) then you
can be known as (real soul) bride.
jy Gru rwKih burw n cwKih hovih kMq ipAwrI ]2]
jay ghar raakhahi buraa na chaakhahi, hoveh kaNt pi-aaree. ||2||
If you protect you house (i.e. protect your heart from vices) and do not taste evil, then you shall
become beloved of your Husband (Lord). 2
jy qUM piVAw pMifqu bInw duie AKr duie nwvw ] jay tooN paṛi-aa paNdit beenaa, du-ay akhar du-ay naavaa.
If you are a learned person, a wise pandit (i.e. religious scholar), (then) make a boat of two
letters (i.e. the word ‘raam’ i.e. God has two alphabets R and M).
pRxviq nwnku eyku lµGwey jy kir sic smwvW ]3]2]10]
praṇvat naanak, ayk laNghaa-ay, jay kar sach samaavaan. ||3||2||10||
Prays Nanak: the One (Name of God) shall carry you across (the world ocean), if you merge in
the True (Lord). 3.2.10

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 1

rwjw bwlku ngrI kwcI dustw nwil ipAwro ] raajaa baalak, nagree kaachee, dustaa naal pi-aaro.
(O! pandit), the king (i.e. mind) is just a boy (i.e. immature); the (body) city is frail (i.e.
vulnerable); and, he (i.e. mind) is in love with the enemies (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed etc).

duie mweI duie bwpw pVIAih pMifq krhu bIcwro ]1]
du-ay maa-ee du-ay baapaa paṛee-ah, paNdit karahu beechaaro. ||1||
It is read (i.e. it is known) that it has two mothers (i.e. wisdom and ignorance) and two fathers
(i.e. God and soul); O! pandit (O! religious scholar), reflect on it. 1
suAwmI pMifqw qum@ dyhu mqI ] ikn ibiD pwvau pRwnpqI ]1] rhwau ]
su-aamee paNditaa, tumh dayh matee. kin bidh paava-o praanpatee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my master, O! pandit, teach me about this (i.e. instruct me):
how can I find the Lord of Life. 1 (pause)
BIqir Agin bnwspiq maulI swgru pMfY pwieAw ]
bheetar agan banaaspat ma-ulee, saagar paNdai paa-i-aa.
There is fire in the vegetation, (yet) it blooms; and, the ocean is tied into a bundle (i.e. boundary).
cMdu sUrju duie Gr hI BIqir AYsw igAwnu n pwieAw ]2]
chaNd sooraj du-ay ghar hee bheetar, aisaa gi-aan na paa-i-aa. ||2||
The moon* (i.e. coolness) and sun* (i.e. heat), both dwell in the same house; I have not realized
this knowledge (i.e. this mystery). 2 [*moon i.e. peace, and sun i.e. might ,live in the same sky of the mind].
rwm rvMqw jwxIAY iek mweI Bogu kryie ] raam ravaNtaa jaaṇee-ai, ik maa-ee bhog karay-i.
He alone is known as meditating upon God who eats up the one mother (i.e. Maya).
qw ky lKx jwxIAih iKmw Dnu sMgRhyie ]3] taa kay lakhaṇ jaaṇee-ahi, khimaa dhan saNgar-hay-ay. ||3||
The signs (i.e. characteristic) of such person are that he gathers the wealth of compassion. 3
kihAw suxih n KwieAw mwnih iqn@w hI syqI vwsw ]
kahi-aa suṇeh na khaa-i-aa maaneh, tinhaa hee saytee vaasaa.
The mind lives with those, who do not listen whatever is said to them, and, do not admit what
they eat (i.e. they are rebels and wicked).
pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw iKnu qolw iKnu mwsw ]4]3]11]
praṇvat naanak daasan daasaa, khin tolaa* khin maasaa*. ||4||3||11||
Prays Nanak, the slave of slaves: in one instance, it (i.e. mind) is up (and heavy) and in the next
instance it is down (and tiny). 4.3.11
[*Tolaa and Maasaa are old weighing measures. One Tola is about 11 grams and there are 12 Maasaa in one Tolaa].
bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 1
swcw swhu gurU suKdwqw hir myly BuK gvwey ] saachaa saahu guroo sukh-daata, har maylay bhukh gavaa-ay.
The Guru is the True Banker, the Giver of Happiness; (he) unites one with God and satisfies
the hunger (of his disciple).
kir ikrpw hir Bgiq idRVwey Anidnu hir gux gwey ]1]
kar kirpaa har bhagat driṛ-aa-ay, an-din har guṇ gaa-ay. ||1||
Bestowing his Grace, he implants devotion of God within; (due to which) day and night, one
sings (the praise of) the excellences of God. 1
mq BUlih ry mn cyiq hrI ] mat bhooleh ray man, chayt haree.
Lest you should forget (such a Giver of Happiness), O! my mind, keep God in your
ibnu gur mukiq nwhI qRY loeI gurmuiK pweIAY nwmu hrI ]1] rhwau ]
bin gur mukat naahee tarai lo-ee, gurmukh paa-ee-ai naam haree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Guru, there is no liberation in the three worlds; one obtains the Name of God
through the Guru. 1 (pause)

ibnu BgqI nhI siqguru pweIAY ibnu Bwgw nhI Bgiq hrI ]
bin bhagtee nahee satgur paa-ee-ai, bin bhaagaa nahee bhagat haree.
Without devotion, the True Guru is not found, and, without (good) destiny, devotion of God is
not obtained.
ibnu Bwgw sqsMgu n pweIAY krim imlY hir nwmu hrI ]2]
bin bhaagaa satsaNg na paa-ee-ai, karam milai har naam haree. ||2||
Without (good) destiny, true congregation is not obtained; and, the Name of God, the Lord, is
obtained by His Grace. 2
Git Git gupqu aupwey vyKY prgtu gurmuiK sMq jnw ]
ghat ghat gupat upaa-ay vaykhai, pargat gurmukh saNt janaa.
One, who creates and watches over (i.e. takes care of them), He is hidden in each and every
heart; through the Guru, He is revealed to the God-oriented persons.
hir hir krih su hir rMig BIny hir jlu AMimRq nwmu mnw ]3]
har har karahi so har raNg bheenay, har jal aMmrit naam manaa. ||3||
Those, who chant (the Name of) God, the Lord, they are drenched with the love of God; their
minds are filled with the AMmrit water of the Name of God. 3
P. 1172
ijn kau qKiq imlY vifAweI gurmuiK sy prDwn kIey ]
jin ka-o takhat milai vadi-aa-ee, gurmukh say pardhaan kee-ay.
Those, who are blessed with place on the Throne (of the True Lord), through the Guru, they are
renowned as supreme (i.e. honourable) ones.
pwrsu Byit Bey sy pwrs nwnk hir gur sMig QIey ]4]4]12]
paaras bhayt bha-ay say paaras, naanak har gur saNg thee-ay. ||4||4||12||
Nanak (says): touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone) (i.e. the Guru), they themselves
become paaras, they become one with God, the Guru. 4.4.12

bsMqu mhlw 3 Gru 1 duquky BasaNt, Mehlaa 3, ghar 1, dutukay

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the Grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mwhw ruqI mih sd bsMqu ] ijqu hirAw sBu jIA jMqu ]
maahaa rutee meh, sad basaNt. jit hari-aa sabh jee-a jaNt.
Throughout (all) the month and seasons, (You are) always in bloom;
(it is You) who makes all beings and creatures green (i.e .rejuvenated).
ikAw hau AwKw ikrm jMqu ] qyrw iknY n pwieAw Awid AMqu ]1]
ki-aa ha-o aakhaa, kiram jaNt. tayraa, kinai na paa-i-aa aad aNt. ||1||
What can I say ? I am just a worm.
(O! Lord) no one has found (i.e. known) Your beginning and end. 1
qY swihb kI krih syv ] prm suK pwvih Awqm dyv ]1] rhwau ]
tai saahib kee karahi sayv. param sukh paavahi, aatam dayv. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who serve You, O! Master,
(they) obtain supreme (spiritual) happiness, O! Divine Lord. 1 (pause)

krmu hovY qW syvw krY ] gur prswdI jIvq mrY ]
karam hovai, taan sayvaa karai. gur parsaadee, jeevat marai.
If You bestow Your Grace, (only) then one can performs service;
by the Grace of the Guru, he remains dead while yet alive.
Anidnu swcu nwmu aucrY ] ien ibiD pRwxI duqru qrY ]2]
an-din, saach naam uchrai. in bidh, praaṇee dutar tarai. ||2||
Day and night, He chants the Name of the True (Lord).
in this way, he crosses over (the world ocean), which is difficult to cross over. 2
ibKu AMimRqu krqwir aupwey ] sMswr ibrK kau duie Pl lwey ]
bikh aMmrit, kartaar upaa-ay. saNsaar birakh ka-o, du-ay fal laa-ay.
The Creator created the poison and AMmrit (the fruits); and,
He attached the two fruits ( i.e. poison and AMmrit) to the world-tree.
Awpy krqw kry krwey ] aapay kartaa karay karaa-ay.
The Creator Himself Does (everything), and, Causes (every action) done.
jo iqsu BwvY iqsY Kvwey ]3] jo tis bhaavai, tisai khavaa-ay. ||3||
As it pleases Him, He gives us to eat. 3
nwnk ijs no ndir kryie ] AMimRq nwmu Awpy dyie ]
naanak, jis no nadar karay-i. aMmrit naam, aapay day-ay.
Nanak (says): one, upon whom He casts His Glance (of Grace),
He Himself bestows His AMmrit Name (to him).
ibiKAw kI bwsnw mnih kryie ] Apxw Bwxw Awip kryie ]4]1]
bikhi-aa kee baasnaa, maneh karay-i. apnaa bhaaṇaa, aap karay-i. ||4||1||
He Himself ends the desire of poison (i.e. sin);
He Himself carries out His own Will (i.e. no one can instruct or obstruct Him) 4.

. bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3

rwqy swic hir nwim inhwlw ] dieAw krhu pRB dIn dieAwlw ]
raatay saach, har naam nihaalaa. da-i-aa karahu, prabh deen da-i-aalaa.
Those, who are imbued with the True, are happy in (meditation upon) the Name of God.
O! Merciful Lord bestow Your Mercy (upon me and also bless me with Your Name).
iqsu ibnu Avru nhI mY koie ] ijau BwvY iqau rwKY soie ]1]
tis bin, avar nahee mai ko-ay. ji-o bhaavai, ti-o raakhai so-ay. ||1||
Without Him, I have no other (support); He protects me as it pleases His Will. 1
gur gopwl myrY min Bwey ] gur gopaal, mayrai man bhaa-ay.
The great Sustainer of the World is pleasing to my mind.
rih n skau drsn dyKy ibnu shij imlau guru myil imlwey ]1] rhwau ]
reh na saka-o darsan daykhay bin, sahj mila-o gur mayl milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot (even) survive without beholding His vision. One is united with Him with natural
ease, when the Guru unites (him). 1 (pause)
iehu mnu loBI loiB luBwnw ] rwm ibswir bhuir pCuqwnw ]
ih man lobhee, lobh lubhaanaa. raam bisaar, bahur pachhutaanaa.
This mind is greedy; it remains enticed by greed;
Forgetting God, it repents in the end.

ibCurq imlwie gur syv rWgy ] bichhurat milaa-ay, gur sayv raangay.
Those who are imbued with the service of the Guru, those separated ones are united (again).
hir nwmu dIE msqik vfBwgy ]2] har naam dee-o, mastak vadbhaagay. ||2||
God bestows His Name upon those who have great fortune (inscribed) on their foreheads. 2
paux pwxI kI ieh dyh srIrw ] haumY rogu kiTn qin pIrw ]
pa-uṇ paaṇee kee ih dayh sareeraa. ha-umai rog, kaṭin tan peeraa.
This body is made of air and water.
(Those who are) inflicted with the disease of ego, (their) body suffers terrible pain.
gurmuiK rwm nwm dwrU gux gwieAw ] kir ikrpw guir rogu gvwieAw ]3]
gurmukh, raam naam daaroo guṇ gaa-i-aa. kar kirpaa, gur rog gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
Those, who sing (the praise of) the Name of God, it becomes a medicine (for their bodies);
Bestowing his Grace, the Guru cures their disease. 3
cwir ndIAw AgnI qin cwry ] iqRsnw jlq jly AhMkwry ]
chaar nadee-aa agnee, tan chaaray. tarisnaa jalat, jalay ahaMkaaray.
There are four rivers of fire*, all these four are flowing in the body,
(and, one within whom there are all these fires) he burns in desire, burns in egotism.
[*The four streams (of fire): 1. Violence (i.e. causing pain to beings and creatures), 2. emotional attachment (to family and
friends); 3. greed (i.e. longing to achieve object by any means); 4. anger (remaining indignant, even without any reason)].
guir rwKy vfBwgI qwry ] jn nwnk auir hir AMimRqu Dwry ]4]2]
gur raakhay vadbhaagee taaray. jan naanak ur har aMmrit dhaaray. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, whom the Guru saves are very fortunate.
They have enshrined AMmrit Name of God in their hearts. 4.2
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
hir syvy so hir kw logu ] swcu shju kdy n hovY sogu ]
har sayvay, so har kaa log. saach sahj, kaday na hovai sog.
One, who serves God, is God’s person (i.e. devotee);
He dwells in Truth, with natural ease, and, he never suffer sorrows.
mnmuK muey nwhI hir mn mwih ] manmukh mu-ay, naahee har man maahi.
The mind-oriented ones are (spiritually) dead; God is not within their minds.
mir mir jMmih BI mir jwih ]1] mar mar jaMmeh, bhee mar jaahi. ||1||
They die and die (over and over again) and are (re)born (i.e. reincarnated ), to die again. 1
sy jn jIvy ijn hir mn mwih ] say jan jeevay, jin har man maahi.
They alone are alive, who have God enshrined in their minds.
swcu sm@wlih swic smwih ]1] rhwau ] saach samhaalih, saach samaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They remember the True (Lord), and, are absorbed in the True (Lord). 1 (pause)
hir n syvih qy hir qy dUir ] har na sayveh, tay har tay door.
Those, who do not serve God, are far away from God.
idsMqru Bvih isir pwvih DUir ] disaNtar bhaveh, sir paavahi dhoor.
They wander from place to place; dust falls on their heads.
hir Awpy jn lIey lwie ] har aapay, jan lee-ay laa-ay.
God Himself enjoins His servants (i.e. devotees), to His service.
iqn sdw suKu hY iqlu n qmwie ]2] tin sadaa sukh hai, til na tamaa-ay. ||2||
They are forever happy; (and, they) do not have (even) an iota of greed. 2

P. 1173
ndir kry cUkY AiBmwnu ] swcI drgh pwvY mwnu ]
nadar karay, chookai abhimaan. saachee dargeh, paavai maan.
(When) He bestows His Glance (of Grace), ego is eradicated;
(then) one is honoured in the True Court (i.e. Court of the True Lord).
hir jIau vyKY sd hjUir ] gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUir ]3]
har jee-o vaykhai sad hajoor. gur kai sabad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||3||
He beholds the Beloved God always in His presence.
Through the Word of the Guru, (he sees Him) pervading all. 3
jIA jMq kI kry pRiqpwl ] gur prswdI sd sm@wl ]
jee-a jaNt kee karay partipaal. gur parsaadee, sad samhaal.
He cherishes all beings and creatures.
(O! brethren) by the Grace of the Guru, remember Him forever.
dir swcY piq isau Gir jwie ] dar saachai, pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
(One, who meditates upon the Name) he goes to his home of the True Court (of God) with honour.
nwnk nwim vfweI pwie ]4]3] naanak, naam vadaa-ee paa-ay. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): through the Name (of God), one is blessed with the glory. 4.3

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3

AMqir pUjw mn qy hoie ] eyko vyKY Aauru n koie ]
aNtar poojaa, man tay ho-ay. ayko vaykhai, a-or na ko-ay.
One, who worship (God) within his mind, sees only One (Lord pervading everywhere), and no
dUjY lokI bhuqu duKu pwieAw ] siqguir mYno eyku idKwieAw ]1]
doojai, lokee bahut dukh paa-i-aa. satgur maino ayk dikhaa-i-aa. ||1||
In (the love of) duality, people suffer a lot, the True Guru has shown me the One (Lord). 1
myrw pRBu mauilAw sd bsMqu ] iehu mnu mauilAw gwie gux goibMd ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa prabh ma-oli-aa, sad basaNt. ih man ma-oli-aa, gaa-ay guṇ gobiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Lord, (who is) forever spring, is blooming (everywhere); and,
this mind blossoms singing (the praise of) the excellences of God. 1 (pause)
gur pUChu qum@ krhu bIcwru ] qW pRB swcy lgY ipAwru ]
gur poochhahu tumh karahu beechaar. taan prabh saachay, lagai pi-aar.
(When) you consult the Guru and reflect (upon his instructions);
then you shall have love for True Lord.
Awpu Coif hoih dwsq Bwie ] qau jgjIvnu vsY min Awie ]2]
aap chhod, hohi daasat bhaa-ay. ta-o, jagjeevan, vasai man aa-ay. ||2||
(When you) abandon your self-conceit, and, have feeling of love to serve Him;
then, the Life of the World shall come to dwell in your mind. 2
Bgiq kry sd vyKY hjUir ] bhagat karay, sad vaykhai hajoor.
He, who performs devotion (to God), sees Him ever present (i.e. always realizes His presence).
myrw pRBu sd rihAw BrpUir ] mayraa prabh, sad rahi-aa bharpoor.
My Lord is forever pervading (all).

iesu BgqI kw koeI jwxY Byau ] sBu myrw pRBu Awqm dyau ]3]
is bhagtee kaa, ko-ee jaaṇai bhay-o. sabh mayraa prabh aatam day-o. ||3||
Only some rare one knows the secret of this devotion,
(he finds) my Lord illuminating everywhere. 3
Awpy siqguru myil imlwey ] jgjIvn isau Awip icqu lwey ]
aapay satgur mayl milaa-ay. jagjeevan si-o, aap chit laa-ay.
(One, whom) the True Guru himself unites in union,
he himself attaches his mind to the Life of the World.
mnu qnu hirAw shij suBwey ] nwnk nwim rhy ilv lwey ]4]4]
man tan hari-aa ,sahj subhaa-ay. naanak, naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): those who are lovingly attuned to the Name (of God), their mind and body grow
green(i.e. remain rejuvenated), with natural ease. 4.4
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
Bgiq vClu hir vsY min Awie ] gur ikrpw qy shj suBwie ]
bhagat vachhal har vasai man aa-ay. gur kirpaa tay, sahj subhaa-ay.
God, the lover of His devotees, comes to dwell in their minds,
by the Grace of Guru, with natural ease.
[When does God come to dwell in the mind? is answered in the following line]:
Bgiq kry ivchu Awpu Koie ] qd hI swic imlwvw hoie ]1]
bhagat karay, vichahu aap kho-ay. tad hee, saach milaavaa ho-ay. ||1||
(When one) eradicates self-conceit from within and performs devotion (i.e. worship of God),
then, one meets (i.e. is united) with the True (Lord). 1
Bgq sohih sdw hir pRB duAwir ] gur kY hyiq swcY pRym ipAwir ]1] rhwau ]
bhagat soheh, sadaa har prabh du-aar. gur kai hayt, saachai paraym pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The devotees (of God) forever look beauteous at the Door of God, the Lord.
they are attached to the True (Lord) through the love for the Guru. 1 (pause)
Bgiq kry so jnu inrmlu hoie ] gur sbdI ivchu haumY Koie ]
bhagat karay, so jan nirmal ho-ay. gur sabdee, vichahu ha-umai kho-ay.
One, who performs devotion, that person becomes immaculate;
through the Word of the Guru, he eradicates egotism from within.
hir jIau Awip vsY min Awie ] sdw sWiq suiK shij smwie ]2]
har jee-o, aap vasai man aa-ay. sadaa saant sukh sahj samaa-ay. ||2||
Dear God Himself comes to dwell within his mind;
(then) he always remains immersed in peace, happiness, and ease.2
swic rqy iqn sd bsMq ] mnu qnu hirAw riv gux guivMd ]
saach ratay, tin sad basaNt. man tan hari-aa, rav guṇ guviNd.
Those, who are imbued with the True (Lord), are forever in spring (i.e. in bloom/ bliss);
chanting (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, their mind and body remain
green (i.e. rejuvenated).
ibnu nwvY sUkw sMswru ] Agin iqRsnw jlY vwro vwr ]3]
bin naavai, sookaa saNsaar. agan tarisnaa jalai, vaaro vaar. ||3||
Without the Name (of God), the world is all dry;
it burns in the fire of desires, again and again. 3

soeI kry ij hir jIau BwvY ] sdw suKu srIir BwxY icqu lwvY ]
so-ee karay, je har jee-o bhaavai. sadaa sukh sareer, bhaaṇai chit laavai.
One, who does only that which is pleasing to the Dear God;
his body enjoys lasting happiness, when he attaches his mind to the Will (of God).
Apxw pRBu syvy shij suBwie ] nwnk nwmu vsY min Awie ]4]5]
apṇaa prabh sayvay, sahj subhaa-ay. naanak, naam vasai man aa-ay. ||4||5||
One who serves his Lord with natural ease;
Nanak (says): the Name (of God) comes to dwell in his mind. 4.5

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3

mwieAw mohu sbid jlwey ] mnu qnu hirAw siqgur Bwey ]
maa-i-aa moh, sabad jalaa-ay. man tan hari-aa, satgur bhaa-ay.
One, who burns attachment to Maya through the Word,
(his) mind and body grow green (i.e. spiritually blossom forth) by the love of the True Guru.
sPilEu ibrKu hir kY duAwir ] swcI bwxI nwm ipAwir ]1]
safli-o birakh, har kai du-aar. saachee baṇee, naam pi-aar. ||1||
The tree (of devotion) bears fruit at the Door of God.
(when) one is attached to the love of the True Word and the Name (of Lord). 1
ey mn hirAw shj suBwie ] sc Plu lwgY siqgur Bwie ]1] rhwau ]
ay man hari-aa, sahj subhaa-ay. sach fal laagai ,satgur bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind grows green with natural ease,
in the love of the True Guru, it bears the fruit of Truth. 1 (pause)
Awpy nyVY Awpy dUir ] gur kY sbid vyKY sd hjUir ]
aapay nayṛai, aapay door. gur kai sabad, vaykhai sad hajoor.
He Himself is near, He Himself is far away;
through the Word of the Guru, He is seen to be ever-present (right before oneself).
Cwv GxI PUlI bnrwie ] gurmuiK ibgsY shij suBwie ]2]
chhaav ghaṇee, foolee banraa-ay. gurmukh bigsai, sahj subhaa-ay. ||2||
(Just as) the vegetation blossoms forth, giving thick shade;
through the Guru, one blossoms forth, with natural ease. 2
Anidnu kIrqnu krih idn rwiq ] siqguir gvweI ivchu jUiT BrWiq ]
an-din keertan, karahi din raat. satgur gavaa-ee, vichahu jooṭ bharaant.
Day and night, one who sings the praise of God, day and night (i.e. all the time),
the True Guru drives out the filth (i.e. vices) and doubts from within him.
P. 1174
prpMc vyiK rihAw ivsmwdu ] parpa ch vaykh rahi-aa vismaad.

Beholding the expanse (of the creation of God), he (i.e. Guru-oriented) one is wonder-struck.
gurmuiK pweIAY nwm pRswdu ]3] gurmukh paa-ee-ai naam prasaad. ||3||
The Grace of the Name is obtained through the Guru. 3
Awpy krqw siB rs Bog ] aapay kartaa sabh ras bhog.
The Creator Himself enjoys all pleasures.
jo ikCu kry soeI pru hog ] jo kichh karay so-ee par hog.
Whatever He does, surely comes to happen.

vfw dwqw iqlu n qmwie ] vadaa daataa til na tamaa-ay.
He is the Great Giver; He has no greed, even an iota of it.
nwnk imlIAY sbdu kmwie ]4]6] naanak milee-ai sabad kamaa-ay. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): earning (i.e. living according to) the Word, one meet (i.e. unites) with Him. 4.6
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
pUrY Bwig scu kwr kmwvY ] eyko cyqY iPir join n AwvY ]
poorai bhaag, sach kaar kamaavai. ayko chaytai, fir jon na aavai.
By perfect destiny, one earns true deeds; and,
he remembers (i.e. meditates upon) the One (Lord), (then) he does not have to enter womb (i.e.
reincarnation) again.
sPl jnmu iesu jg mih AwieAw ] swic nwim shij smwieAw ]1]
safal janam, is jag meh aa-i-aa. saach naam sahj samaa-i-aa. ||1||
Fruitful is the coming (i.e. birth of that person) in this world,
(who remains) absorbed in the True Name, with natural ease. 1
gurmuiK kwr krhu ilv lwie ] hir nwmu syvhu ivchu Awpu gvwie ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh, kaar karahu liv laa-ay. har naam sayvhu, vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) perform service (of God) through the Guru, and, be lovingly attuned to Him;
serve the Name of God, and, eradicate self-conceit from within. 1 (pause)
iqsu jn kI hY swcI bwxI ] gur kY sbid jg mwih smwxI ]
tis jan kee hai saachee baṇee. gur kai sabad, jag maahi samaaṇee.
True is the speech of that persons;
through the Word of the Guru, it spreads throughout the world.
chu jug psrI swcI soie ] chahu jug pasree, saachee so-ay.
His true glory is spread throughout the four ages.
nwim rqw jnu prgtu hoie ]2] naam rataa, jan pargat ho-ay. ||2||
Imbued with the Name (of God), that servant (i.e. devotee) is revealed (i.e. that servant, who is
imbued with the Name of the Lord, is respected everywhere). 2
ieik swcY sbid rhy ilv lwie ] ik saachai sabad rahay liv laa-ay.
Some remain lovingly attuned to (God) through the True Word.
sy jn swcy swcY Bwie ] say jan saachay, saachai bhaa-ay.
True are those servants (i.e. devotees) who love the True (Lord).
swcu iDAwiein dyiK hjUir ] saach dhi-aa-in, daykh hajoor.
They behold the True (Lord) ever-present before them and meditate upon Him.
sMq jnw kI pg pMkj DUir ]3] saNt janaa kee pag paNkaj dhoor. ||3||
They are (i.e. they regard themselves as) the dust of the lotus-feet of the God-oriented persons.3
eyko krqw Avru n koie ] ayko kartaa, avar na ko-ay.
There is only One Creator (Lord); there is no other (at all).
gur sbdI mylwvw hoie ] gur sabdee maylaavaa ho-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru, one is united (with God).
ijin scu syivAw iqin rsu pwieAw ] nwnk shjy nwim smwieAw ]4]7]
jin sach sayvi-aa, tin ras paa-i-aa. naanak ,sehjay naam samaa-i-aa. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): whoever serves the True (Lord), finds (spiritual) joy.
He is absorbed in the Name (of God), with natural ease. 4.7

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
Bgiq krih jn dyiK hjUir ] bhagat karahi jan, daykh hajoor.
(The devotees) meditate upon (God), and, behold Him ever-present before them.
sMq jnw kI pg pMkj DUir ] sant janaa kee pag paNkaj dhoor.
They are (i.e. they regard themselves as) the dust of the lotus-feet of the God-oriented persons
hir syqI sd rhih ilv lwie ] har saytee, sad raheh liv laa-ay.
They remain lovingly attuned to God, forver.
pUrY siqguir dIAw buJwie ]1] poorai satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ay. ||1||
The perfect Guru has given them this understanding. 1
dwsw kw dwsu ivrlw koeI hoie ] aUqm pdvI pwvY soie ]1] rhwau ]
daasaa kaa daas, virlaa ko-ee ho-ay. ootam padvee paavai so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Rare is the one who becomes the slave of the slaves (of God);
such a person attains the supreme status. 1 (pause)
eyko syvhu Avru n koie ] ijqu syivAY sdw suKu hoie ]
ayko sayvhu, avar na ko-ay. jit sayvi-ai, sadaa sukh ho-ay.
(O! brethren) serve the One (God alone) and no one else;
serving Him, everlasting (spiritual) happiness is obtained
nw Ehu mrY n AwvY jwie ] iqsu ibnu Avru syvI ikau mwie ]2]
naa oh marai, na aavai jaa-ay. tis bin, avar sayvee ki-o maa-ay. ||2||
He does not die, nor does He come and go (in reincarnation);
why should I serve any other than Him, O! (my) mother. 2
sy jn swcy ijnI swcu pCwixAw ] Awpu mwir shjy nwim smwixAw ]
say jan saachay, jinee saach pachhaaṇi-aa. aap maar, sehjay naam samaaṇi-aa.
True are those servants (i.e. devotees) who have realized the True (Lord).
Subduing their self-conceit, they merge into the Name (of God), with natural ease.
gurmuiK nwmu prwpiq hoie ] mnu inrmlu inrml scu soie ]3]
gurmukh naam paraapat ho-ay. man nirmal, nirmal sach so-ay. ||3||
The Name (of God) is obtained through the Guru; (and, one, who obtains the Name),
his mind becomes immaculate, and, (he beholds) the Immaculate, True (Lord everywhere). 3
ijin igAwnu kIAw iqsu hir qU jwxu ] swc sbid pRBu eyku is\wxu ]
jin gi-aan kee-aa, tis har too jaaṇ. saach sabad parabh ayk sinjaaṇ.
Know that God, who gave you (i.e. has blessed you with spiritual) knowledge; and,
realize the One Lord through the True word.
hir rsu cwKY qW suiD hoie ] har ras chaakhai, taa sudh ho-ay.

If one tastes the (sublime) essence of God, then becomes pure.

nwnk nwim rqy scu soie ]4]8] naanak, naam ratay sach so-ay. ||4||8||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the Name, (they) behold the True (everywhere). 4.8

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3

nwim rqy kulW kw krih auDwru ] naam ratay, kulaan kaa karahi udhaar.
Those, who are imbued with the Name (of God), liberate (even) their families.
swcI bwxI nwm ipAwru ] saachee baaṇee, naam pi-aar.
They love the True Word, the Name (of God).

mnmuK BUly kwhy Awey ] nwmhu BUly jnmu gvwey ]1]
manmukh bhoolay, kaahay aa-ay. naamhu bhoolay, janam gavaa-ay. ||1||
The mind-oriented ones forget (the Name), (then) why have they (even) come (into the world)?
Forgetting the Name, they waste their lives away. 1
jIvq mrY mir mrxu svwrY ] gur kY sbid swcu aur DwrY ]1] rhwau ]
jeevat marai, mar maraṇ savaarai. gur kai sabad, saach ur dhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who dies while yet alive, (and when he) dies, he embellishes his death, (because)
through the Word of the Guru, he enshrines the True (Lord) within mind. 1 (pause)
gurmuiK scu Bojnu pivqu srIrw ] mnu inrmlu sd guxI ghIrw ]
gurmukh sach bhojan pavit sareeraa. man nirmal sad guṇee gaheeraa.
Truth is the food of the Guru-oriented one; his body is pure.
His mind is immaculate; and, Deep and Profound (Lord) forever (dwells within him).
jMmY mrY n AwvY jwie ] gur prswdI swic smwie ]2]
jaMmai marai na aavai jaa-ay. gur parsaadee saach samaa-ay. ||2||
He is not born, nor does he die; he does not comes and go (in reincarnation);
by the Grace of the Guru, he merges in the True (Lord). 2
swcw syvhu swcu pCwxY ] gur kY sbid hir dir nIswxY ]
saachaa sayvhu saach pachhaaṇai. gur kai sabad har dar neesaaṇai.
One, who serves the True (Lord), realizes the True;
through the Word of the Guru, he obtains insignia (of approval) at the Door (i.e. in the Court) of
P. 1175
dir swcY scu soBw hoie ] dar saachai, sach sobhaa ho-ay.
He obtains true glory in the Court of the True (Lord).
inj Gir vwsw pwvY soie ]3] nij ghar vaasaa paavai so-ay. ||3||
He comes to dwell in the home of his (inner) self. 3
Awip ABulu scw scu soie ] hoir siB BUlih dUjY piq Koie ]
aap abhul, sachaa sach so-ay. hor sabh bhooleh, doojai pat kho-ay.
The True Eternal (Lord) Himself is infallible;
all others are fallible; in duality, they lose his honour.
swcw syvhu swcI bwxI ] nwnk nwmy swic smwxI ]4]9]
saachaa sayvhu, saachee baaṇee. naanak, naamay saach samaaṇee. ||4||9||
Nanak (says): (so, O! brethren) serve the True (Lord), through True Word; and,
through the Name, one merges in the True (Lord). 4.9
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
ibnu krmw sB Brim BulweI ] bin karmaa, sabh bharam bhulaa-ee.
Without the Grace (of God), all are deluded by doubt.
mwieAw moih bhuqu duKu pweI ] maa-i-aa mohi, bahut dukh paa-ee.
In attachment to Maya, they suffer terribly
mnmuK AMDy Taur n pweI ] manmukh aNdhay ṭa-ur na paa-ee.
The blind mind-oriented one finds no place of rest;
ibstw kw kIVw ibstw mwih smweI ]1] bistaa kaa keeṛaa, bistaa maahi samaa-ee. ||1||
The worm of faeces (i.e. filth), ends up (rots away) in faeces. 1

hukmu mMny so jnu prvwxu ] gur kY sbid nwim nIswxu ]1] rhwau ]
hukam maNnay, so jan parvaaṇ. gur kai sabad, naam neesaaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servant (i.e. devotee) who obeys His Command, is accepted (in God’s Court);
through the Word of the Guru, he is blessed with the insignia of the Name (of God). 1 (pause)
swic rqy ijn@w Duir iliK pwieAw ] hir kw nwmu sdw min BwieAw ]
saach ratay, jinhaa dhur likh paa-i-aa. har kaa naam, sadaa man bhaa-i-aa.
Those, who have this destiny inscribed (for them) from the very beginning (i.e. pre-ordained),
are imbued with the (love of) True (Lord); the Name of God is forever pleasing to their minds.
siqgur kI bwxI sdw suKu hoie ] joqI joiq imlwey soie ]2]
satgur kee baṇee, sadaa sukh ho-ay. jotee jot milaa-ay so-ay. ||2||
Everlasting (spiritual) happiness is obtained through the Word of the True Guru; and,
through it, one’s light merges into the Light (of God). 2
eyku nwmu qwry sMswru ] gur prswdI nwm ipAwru ]
ayk naam, taaray saNsaar.gur parsaadee, naam pi-aar.
The One Name (of God) saves (i.e. only the Name of God can save) the (whole) world; and,
by the Grace of the Guru, one comes to love the Name (of God).
ibnu nwmY mukiq iknY n pweI ] pUry gur qy nwmu plY pweI ]3]
bin naamai, mukat kinai na paa-ee. pooray gur tay, naam palai paa-ee. ||3||
Without the Name (of God), no one obtains salvation; and,
the Name (of God) is obtained through the perfect Guru. 3
so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey ] siqgur syvw nwmu idRV@wey ]
so boojhai, jis aap bujhaa-ay. satgur sayvaa, naam dariṛh-aa-ay.
He alone understands, whom He gets to understand;
through the service of the True Guru, the Name is implanted (in his heart).
ijn ieku jwqw sy jn prvwxu ] nwnk nwim rqy dir nIswxu ]4]10]
jin ik jaataa, say jan parvaaṇ. naanak, naam ratay dar neesaaṇ. ||4||10||
Those, who know (i.e. realize) the One (Lord), those servants (i.e. devotees) are accepted (in His
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the Name (of God), obtain insignia (of approval) at
His Door (i.e. in His Court). 4.10
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
ik®pw kry siqgurU imlwey ] kripaa karay, satguroo milaa-ay.
Bestowing His Grace, He gets one to meet the True Guru.
Awpy Awip vsY min Awey ] aapay aap, vasai man aa-ay.
He Himself comes to abide in the mind.
inhcl miq sdw mn DIr ] hir gux gwvY guxI ghIr ]1]
nihchal mat, sadaa man dheer. har guṇ gaavai, guṇee gaheer. ||1||
His wisdom becomes stable, and, the mind is in patience (i.e. at peace) forever, (becasue)
he sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, the deep Treasure of Excellences. 1
nwmhu BUly mrih ibKu Kwie ] ibRQw jnmu iPir Awvih jwie ]1] rhwau ]
naamhu bhoolay, mareh bikh khaa-ay. baritha janam, fir aavahi jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who forget the Name, die eating poison (i.e. Maya);
their lives are wasted in vain; they continue coming and going (in reincarnation). 1 (pause)

bhu ByK krih min sWiq n hoie ] bhu AiBmwin ApxI piq Koie ]
baho bhaykh karahi, man saant na ho-ay. baho abhimaan, apnee pat kho-ay.
By wearing many sorts of (religious) robes, their minds cannot find peace;
in great egotism, they lose their honour.
sy vfBwgI ijn sbdu pCwixAw ] bwhir jwdw Gr mih AwixAw ]2]
say vadbhaagee, jin sabad pachhaaṇi-aa. baahar jaadaa, ghar meh aaṇi-aa. ||2||
Greatly fortunate are those who have realized the Word;
they bring their wandering mind back home. 2
Gr mih vsqu Agm Apwrw ] gurmiq Kojih sbid bIcwrw ]
ghar meh vasat, agam apaaraa. gurmat khojeh, sabad beechaaraa.
Within the home is the inaccessible and infinite substance (i.e. the Name of God);
those, who find it through the wisdom of the Guru, contemplate the Word.
nwmu nv iniD pweI Gr hI mwih ] sdw rMig rwqy sic smwih ]3]
naam nav nidh paa-ee, ghar hee maahi. sadaa raNg raatay, sach samaahi. ||3||
They obtain the nine treasures of the Name within the home (of their self);
they are forever imbued with the love (for the True Lord) and merge in the True (Lord). 3
Awip kry ikCu krxu n jwie ] Awpy BwvY ley imlwie ]
aap karay, kichh karaṇ na jaa-ay. aapay bhaavai, la-ay milaa-ay.
He (i.e. God) does everything by Himself; no one (else) can do anything (by himself);
when He so Wills, He Himself unites one (with Himself).
iqs qy nyVY nwhI ko dUir ] tis tay nayṛai, naahee ko door.
No one is near Him, no one is far away from Him (i.e. everyone is near Him).
nwnk nwim rihAw BrpUir ]4]11] naanak, naam rahi-aa bharpoor. ||4||11||
Nanak (says): (through) the Name (one understands that He) is all pervading (everywhere). 4.11
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
gur sbdI hir cyiq suBwie ] rwm nwm ris rhY AGwie ]
gur sabdee, har chayt subhaa-ay. raam naam ras rahai aghaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru, one remembers God with love; and,
(he) remains satiated with the (sublime) essence of the Name of God.
kot kotMqr ky pwp jil jwih ] jIvq mrih hir nwim smwih ]1]
kot kotaNtar kay paap, jal jaahi. jeevat mareh, har naam samaahi. ||1||
The sins of the tens of millions over tens of millions are burnt away, (when)
one dies while yet alive, and, remains absorbed in the Name of God. 1
hir kI dwiq hir jIau jwxY ] har kee daat, har jee-o jaaṇai.
Dear God Himself knows (that unto whom he shall bestow) His gifts
gur kY sbid iehu mnu mauilAw hir guxdwqw nwmu vKwxY ]1] rhwau ]
gur kai sabad ih man ma-oli-aa, har guṇdaataa naam vakhaaṇai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) this mind blossoms forth in the Word of the Guru, one chants the Name of God, the
Giver of Virtues. 1 (pause)
BgvY vyis BRim mukiq n hoie ] bhagvai vays, bharam mukat na ho-ay.
No one is liberated by wearing ochre-coloured robes.
bhu sMjim sWiq n pwvY koie ] baho saNjam, saant na paavai ko-ay.
No one can obtain peace by strict self-discipline.

gurmiq nwmu prwpiq hoie ] vfBwgI hir pwvY soie ]2]
gurmat naam paraapat ho-ay. vadbhaagee har paavai so-ay. ||2||
By following the wisdom of the Guru, the Name is obtained; and,
by great (good) fortune, one finds God. 2
kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ] gur pUry qy pwieAw jweI ]
kal meh, raam naam vadi-aa-ee. gur pooray tay paa-i-aa jaa-ee.
In the kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), glory comes through the Name of God; and,
it (i.e. Name) is obtained through the perfect Guru.
P. 1176
nwim rqy sdw suKu pweI ] ibnu nwmY haumY jil jweI ]3]
naam ratay, sadaa sukh paa-ee. bin naamai, ha-umai jal jaa-ee. ||3||
Those, who are imbued with the Name (of God), find everlasting (spiritual) happiness.
(but) without the Name, one burns in egotism. 3
vfBwgI hir nwmu bIcwrw ] vadbhaagee har naam beechaaraa.
(Those, who are) greatly fortunate, contemplate the Name of God.
CUtY rwm nwim duKu swrw ] chhootai raam naam dukh saaraa.
Through the Name of God, all sorrows are eradicated.
ihrdY visAw su bwhir pwswrw ] hirdai vasi-aa, so baahar paasaaraa.
He, who dwells in the heart, pervades outside (in the universe as well).
nwnk jwxY sBu aupwvxhwrw ]4]12] naanak, jaaṇai sabh, upaavaṇhaaraa. ||4||12||
Nanak (says): the Creator (Lord) knows everything. 4. 12

bsMqu mhlw 3 iek quky ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3, ik tukay

qyrw kIAw ikrm jMqu ] tayraa kee-aa, kiram jaNt.
(O! Lord) I am just a worm, created by You.
dyih q jwpI Awid mMqu ]1] deh ta jaapee, aad maNt. ||1||
If You bless me, then I chant Your primal mantra (i.e. True Name). 1
gux AwiK vIcwrI myrI mwie ] hir jip hir kY lgau pwie ]1] rhwau ]
guṇ aakh veechaaree, mayree maa-ay. har jap, har kai laga-o paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I (wish I may) chant and reflect upon His excellences, O! my mother;
(I may) meditate upon God and fall at His feet. 1 (pause)
gur pRswid lwgy nwm suAwid ] kwhy jnmu gvwvhu vYir vwid ]2]
gur prasaad, laagay naam su-aad. kaahay janam gavaavahu, vair vaad. ||2||
By the Grace of the Guru, one can be attached to the taste of (i.e. one can enjoy) the Name.
(O! brethren) why (do you) waste life in animosity and conflict. 2
guir ikrpw kIn@I cUkw AiBmwnu ] shj Bwie pwieAw hir nwmu ]3]
gur kirpaa keenhee, chookaa abhimaan. sahj bhaa-ay paa-i-aa har naam. ||3||
One, upon whom the Guru bestows his Grace, his egotism is eradicated; and,
he obtains the Name of God, with natural ease. 3
aUqmu aUcw sbd kwmu ] nwnku vKwxY swcu nwmu ]4]1]13]
ootam oochaa, sabad kaam. naanak vakhaaṇai, saach naam. ||4||1||13||
Nanak (says): most sublime and exalted occupation is (to meditate upon) the Word;
(that is why) I chant the True Name (i.e. the Name of God). 4.1.13

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
bnspiq maulI ciVAw bsMqu ] iehu mnu mauilAw siqgurU sMig ]1]
banaspat ma-ulee, chaṛi-aa basaNt. ih man ma-oli-aa, satguroo saNg. ||1||
(When) the season of spring comes, the vegetation blossoms forth.
This mind blossoms forth in the company of the True Guru. 1
qum@ swcu iDAwvhu mugD mnw ] qW suKu pwvhu myry mnw ]1] rhwau ]
tumh saach dhi-aavahu, mugadh manaa. taan sukh paavhu, mayray manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You meditate upon the True (Lord), O! my foolish mind;
(only) then you shall find happiness, O! my mind. 1 (pause)
iequ min mauilAY BieAw Anµdu ] AMimRq Plu pwieAw nwmu goibMd ]2]
it man ma-uli-ai, bha-i-aa anaNd. aMmrit fal paa-i-aa naam gobiNd. ||2||
This mind blossoms forth, and, one is in ecstasy; (when)
one is blessed with AMmrit fruit of the Name of the Lord of the World. 2
eyko eyku sBu AwiK vKwxY ] hukmu bUJY qW eyko jwxY ]3]
ayko ayk, sabh aakh vakhaaṇai. hukam boojhai, taan ayko jaaṇai. ||3||
Everyone speaks and proclaims that there is One and only One (Lord);
(but when) one realizes His Command (only) then one (really) comes to know the One (Lord). 3
khq nwnku haumY khY n koie ] AwKxu vyKxu sBu swihb qy hoie ]4]2]14]
kahat naanak, ha-umai kahai na ko-ay. aakhaṇ vaykhaṇ, sabh saahib tay ho-ay. ||4||2||14||
Says Nanak: (when one understands God, then) one does not speak in egotism;
(and one realizes that) all speaking and seeing comes from the Master. 4.2.14
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
siB jug qyry kIqy hoey ] sabh jug, tayray keetay ho-ay.
(O! God) all the ages were created by You.
siqguru BytY miq buiD hoey ]1] satgur bhaytai, mat budh ho-ay. ||1||
Meeting with the True Guru, intellect is awakened within. 1
hir jIau Awpy lYhu imlwie ] gur kY sbid sc nwim smwie ]1] rhwau ]
har jee-o, aapay laihu milaa-ay. gur kai sabad, sach naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Dear God, (one, whom) You Yourself unite with Yourself,
through the Word of the Guru, one merges in the True Name. 1 (pause)
min bsMqu hry siB loie ] Plih PulIAih rwm nwim suKu hoie ]2]
man basaNt, haray sabh lo-ay. faleh fulee-ah, raam naam sukh ho-ay. ||2||
Those, in whose mind dwells the Spring (i.e. Lord, who is forever spring), to him all (people)
look green (i.e. blossoming/ cheerful/ rejuvenated);
(they) flower, fructify (i.e. blossom forth), through the Name of God, and obtain (spiritual)
happiness. 2
sdw bsMqu gur sbdu vIcwry ] rwm nwmu rwKY aur Dwry ]3]
sadaa basaNt, gur sabad veechaaray. raam naam raakhai ur dhaaray. ||3||
One, who contemplates the Word of the Guru, is in spring forever; and,
he enshrines the Name of God in his heart. 3
min bsMqu qnu mnu hirAw hoie ] man basaNt, tan man hari-aa ho-ay.
When Spring (i.e. Lord) is in the mind, the mind and body become green (i.e. blossom forth in
spiritual joy).

nwnk iehu qnu ibrKu rwm nwmu Plu pwey soie ]4]3]15]
naanak, ih tan birakh, raam naam fal paa-ay so-ay. ||4||3||15||
Nanak (says): this body is the tree, which bears the fruit of the Name of God. 4.3.15

bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3

iqn@ bsMqu jo hir gux gwie ] pUrY Bwig hir Bgiq krwie ]1]
tinh basant, jo har guṇ gaa-ay. poorai bhaag, har bhagat karaa-ay. ||1||
Those, who sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, are (always) in the spring (season);
through their perfect fortune, God gets them to devotion. 1
iesu mn kau bsMq kI lgY n soie ] iehu mnu jilAw dUjY doie ]1] rhwau ]
is man ka-o, basaNt kee lagai na so-ay. ih man jali-aa, doojai do-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This mind is not (even) touched by spring,
(when) this mind is burnt by duality and double-mindedness. 1 (pause)
iehu mnu DMDY bWDw krm kmwie ] mwieAw mUTw sdw ibllwie ]2]
ih man, dhaNdhai baandhaa karam kamaa-ay. maa-i-aa mooṭaa, sadaa billaa-ay. ||2||
Entangled in worldly affairs, this mind earns (i.e. performs) deeds (i.e. activities of Maya);
robbed by Maya, it cries out (i.e. suffers) forever. 2
iehu mnu CUtY jW siqguru BytY ] jmkwl kI iPir AwvY n PytY ]3]
ih man chhootai, jaan satgur bhaytai. jamkaal kee, fir aavai na faytai. ||3||
This mind is liberated, when one meets with the True Guru;
then it does not suffer beatings (i.e. punishment) by the messenger of death. 3
iehu mnu CUtw guir lIAw Cfwie ] nwnk mwieAw mohu sbid jlwie ]4]4]16]
ih man chhootaa, gur lee-aa chhadaa-ay. naanak, maa-i-aa moh, sabad jalaa-ay. ||4||4||16||
This mind is liberated when the Guru gets it released (from the clutches of Maya);
Nanak (says): attachment to Maya is burnt through the Word (of the Guru). 4.4.16
bsMqu mhlw 3 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 3
bsMqu ciVAw PUlI bnrwie ] eyih jIA jMq PUlih hir icqu lwie ]1]
basaNt chaṛi-aa, foolee banraa-ay. ayhi jee-a jaNt fooleh, har chit laa-ay. ||1||
(Just as) when the spring (season) comes, the whole vegetation flowers; (just so) the beings and
creatures flower (i.e. blossom forth), when they focus their mind on God. 1
P. 1177
ien ibiD iehu mnu hirAw hoie ] hir hir nwmu jpY idnu rwqI gurmuiK haumY kFY Doie ]1] rhwau ]
in bidh, ih man hari-aa ho-ay.
har har naam japai din raatee, gurmukh ha-umai kaḍai dho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In this way, this mind turns green (i.e. blossoms forth):
meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, day and night; and, washes off and eradicates ego
through the Guru. 1 (pause)
siqgur bwxI sbdu suxwey ] iehu jgu hirAw siqgur Bwey ]2]
satgur baṇee, sabad suṇaa-ay. ih jag hari-aa, satgur bhaa-ay. ||2||
The True Guru chants the Name (of God) through the Word.
This world turns green (i.e. blossoms forth) through the love of the True Guru. 2
Pl PUl lwgy jW Awpy lwey ] fal fool laagay, jaan aapay laa-ay.
One flowers and fructifies, when He Himself causes (i.e. wills).

mUil lgY qW siqguru pwey ]3] mool lagai, taan satgur paa-ay. ||3||
When one is attached to the Primal Root (i.e. Lord), then he finds the True Guru. 3
Awip bsMqu jgqu sBu vwVI ] aap basaNt, jagat sabh vaaṛee.
He (i.e. God) Himself is the spring (season) and the whole world is His orchard.
nwnk pUrY Bwig Bgiq inrwlI ]4]5]17] naanak, poorai bhaag bhagat niraalee. ||4||5||17||
Nanak (says): unique (i.e. wondrous) devotion comes (only) by perfect destiny. 4.5.17

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 3 Gru 2 BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 3, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
gur kI bwxI ivthu vwirAw BweI gur sbd ivthu bil jweI ]
gur kee baṇee vitahu vaari-aa, bhaa-ee, gur sabad vitahu bal jaa-ee.
I am devoted to the Word of the Guru, O! brethren, I am devoted and I am a sacrifice unto the
Word of the Guru.
guru swlwhI sd Apxw BweI gur crxI icqu lweI ]1]
gur saalaahee sad apṇaa, bhaa-ee, gur charṇee chit laa-ee. ||1||
I praise my Guru forever, O! brethren; I focus my consciousness on the feet of the Guru. 1
myry mn rwm nwim icqu lwie ] mnu qnu qyrw hirAw hovY ieku hir nwmw Plu pwie ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, raam naam chit laa-ay.
man tan tayraa hari-aa hovai, ik har naamaa fal paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, focus your consciousness on the Name of God.
This mind and body of yours shall become green (i.e. shall blossom forth) when you obtain the
fruit of the Name of God, the One (Lord). 1 (pause)
guir rwKy sy aubry BweI hir rsu AMimRqu pIAwie ] gur raakhay, say ubray, bhaa-ee, har ras aMmrit pee-aa-ay.
Those, whom the Guru protects, O! brethren, he (i.e. Guru) gets them to drink in AMmrit
essence of God, and, they cross over (the world ocean).
ivchu haumY duKu auiT gieAw BweI suKu vuTw min Awie ]2]
vichahu ha-umai dukh uṭ ga-i-aa, bhaa-ee, sukh vuṭaa man aa-ay. ||2||
Their pain of egotism within is removed (i.e. eradicated), O! brethren; and, happiness comes to
dwell in their minds. 2
Duir Awpy ijn@w no bKisEnu BweI sbdy lieAnu imlwie ] DUiV iqn@w kI AGulIAY BweI sqsMgiq myil imlwie ]3]
dhur aapay jinhaa no bakhsi-on bhaa-ee, sabday la-i-an milaa-ay.
dhooṛ tinhaa kee aghulee-ai, bhaa-ee, satsaNgat mayl milaa-ay. ||3||
Those, whom He Himself has blessed from the very beginning, O! brethren, He unites them
through the Word; and,
those, through whose the dust (of feet), one is liberated, O! brethren, uniting (then) with that
true congregation, He unites (with Himself). 3
Awip krwey kry Awip BweI ijin hirAw kIAw sBu koie ]
aap karaa-ay karay aap, bhaa-ee, jin hari-aa kee-aa sabh ko-ay.
He, who turns everything green, O! brethren, (He) Himself does and gets (everything) done.
nwnk min qin suKu sd vsY BweI sbid imlwvw hoie ]4]1]18]12]18]30]
naanak, man tan sukh sad vasai, bhaa-ee, sabad milaavaa ho-ay. ||4||1||18||12||18||30||
Nanak (says): those who are united through the Word, O! brethren, their minds and bodies
are filled with (spiritual) happiness, forever. 4. 1. 18. 12. 18. 30.
rwgu bsMqu mhlw 4 Gru 1 iek quky Raag BasaNt, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1, ik tukay
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
ijau psrI sUrj ikrix joiq ] iqau Git Git rmeIAw Eiq poiq ]1]
ji-o, pasree sooraj kiraṇ jot. ti-o, ghat ghat rama-ee-aa, ot pot. ||1||
Just as the light of the rays of the sun spread out (everywhere),
so does God pervade each and every heart like warp and weft (i.e. through and through). 1
eyko hir rivAw sRb Qwie ] gur sbdI imlIAY myrI mwie ]1] rhwau ]
ayko har ravi-aa sarab thaa-ay. gur sabdee milee-ai, mayree maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the One (Lord) is pervading all places.
Through the Word of the Guru, we meet with Him, O! my mother. 1 (pause)
Git Git AMqir eyko hir soie ] ghat ghat aNtar, ayko har so-ay.
God, the One (Lord) dwells within each and every heart.
guir imilAY ieku pRgtu hoie ]2] gur mili-ai, ik pargat ho-ay. ||2||
Meeting with the Guru, the One (Lord) is revealed (in manifest form). 2
eyko eyku rihAw BrpUir ] swkq nr loBI jwxih dUir ]3]
yko ayk rahi-aa bharpoor. saakat nar, lobhee, jaaṇeh door. ||3||
The One and the Only (Lord) is prevailing everywhere.
The non-believer, the greedy one, thinks that He is far away. 3
eyko eyku vrqY hir loie ] ayko ayk, vartai har lo-ay.
God, the One and the Only (Lord), is pervading the world.
nwnk hir eykuo kry su hoie ]4]1] naanak, har ayko karay, so ho-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): whatever God, the One (Lord) does, that comes to happen. 4.1
bsMqu mhlw 4 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 4
rYix idnsu duie sdy pey ] raiṇ dinas du-ay, saday pa-ay.
Both, during day and night, the calls are sent out (by death).
mn hir ismrhu AMiq sdw riK ley ]1] man har simrahu, aNt sadaa rakh la-ay. ||1||
O! (my) mind, remember (the Name of) God; which always protects you in the end. 1
hir hir cyiq sdw mn myry ] har har chayt sadaa, man mayray.
Always remember God, the Lord, O! my mind.
sBu Awlsu dUK BMij pRBu pwieAw gurmiq gwvhu gux pRB kyry ]1] rhwau ]
sabh aalas dookh bhaNj prabh paa-i-aa, gurmat gaavhu guṇ prabh kayray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Destroyer of all sufferings and laziness, is found by singing (the praise of) the
excellences of God, through the wisdom of the Guru. 1. pause
mnmuK iPir iPir haumY muey ] manmukh, fir fir ha-umai mu-ay.
The mind-oriented one die of their egotism, again and again.
kwil dYiq sMGwry jm puir gey ]2] kaal dait saNghaaray, jam pur ga-ay. ||2||
The messenger of death destroys them; and, they go to the City of Death. 2
P. 1178
gurmuiK hir hir hir ilv lwgy ] jnm mrx doaU duK Bwgy ]3]
gurmukh, har har har liv laagay. janam maraṇ, do-oo dukh bhaagay. ||3||
The Guru-oriented ones remain lovingly attached to God, the Lord, the Master; and, their
pains of both, birth and death, run away (i.e. are eradicated). 3

Bgq jnw kau hir ikrpw DwrI ] guru nwnku quTw imilAw bnvwrI ]4]2]
bhagat janaa ka-o, har kirpaa dhaaree. gur, naanak, tuṭaa mili-aa banvaaree*. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): God bestows His Grace upon His devotees.
(when) the Guru becomes pleased, one meets the Lord of the (World) Forest*. 4.2
[*Banvaaree (the Lord of the Forest) is one of the attributes and the names of God. The world is forest/garden of God].

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 Gru 2 BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 4, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
rwm nwmu rqn koTVI gV mMdir eyk lukwnI ] raam naam ratan koṭ-ṛee, gaṛ maNdar ayk lukaanee.
The Name of God is a jewel, hidden in a chamber of the palace of the (body) fort.
siqguru imlY q KojIAY imil joqI joiq smwnI ]1] satgur milai ta khojee-ai ,mil jotee jot samaanee. ||1||
When one meets the True Guru, then he searches (for it and finds it); and, one’s light merges
with the Light (of God). 1
mwDo swDU jn dyhu imlwie ] dyKq drsu pwp siB nwsih pivqR prm pdu pwie ]1] rhwau ]
maadho, saadhoo* jan dayh milaa-ay.
daykhat daras paap sabh naaseh, pavitar param pad paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord of Maya (please), lead me to meet with the Guru*.
Beholding (him), all sins vanish away; and, one obtains sanctified, supreme status. 1 (pause)
[Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
pMc cor imil lwgy ngrIAw rwm nwm Dnu ihirAw ]
paNch chor* mil laagay nagree-aa, raam naam dhan hiri-aa.
Joining together, the five thieves* plunder the (body) city; they have stolen the wealth of the
Name of God. [*Five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional att\chment and pride].
gurmiq Koj pry qb pkry Dnu swbqu rwis aubirAw ]2]
gurmat khoj paray tab pakray, dhan saabat raas ubri-aa. ||2||
Through the wisdom of the Guru, they are traced and gripped, and, the wealth, the capital is
saved (i.e. recovered) intact. 2
pwKMf Brm aupwv kir Qwky ird AMqir mwieAw mwieAw ]
pakhaNd bharam upaav kar thaakay, rid aNtar maa-i-aa maa-i-aa.
Practising (acts of) hypocrisy and superstition, (people) have grown weary, but within their
hearts, there is (yearning for) Maya and (only for) Maya.
swDU purKu purKpiq pwieAw AigAwn AMDyru gvwieAw ]3]
saadhoo* purakh purakhpat** paa-i-aa, agi-aan aNdhayr gavaa-i-aa. ||3||
Meeting the Guru*, the supreme person, one finds the Primal Lord**; and, the darkness of
ignorance is dispelled. 3
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru. **purakhpat, literally the Husband (Lord) (of men/people). This is one of
the attributes and the names of God].
jgMnwQ jgdIs gusweI kir ikrpw swDu imlwvY ] nwnk sWiq hovY mn AMqir inq ihrdY hir gux gwvY ]4]1]3]
jagaNnaath jagdees gusaa-ee, kar kirpaa saadh milaavai.
naanak, saant hovai man aNtar, nit hirdai har guṇ gaavai. ||4||1||3||
Nanak (says): the Lord of the Universe, the Master of the World, the Lord of the World, in His
Grace, gets one to meet the Guru; (then), peace comes to abide in the mind, and, one constantly
sings (the praise of) the excellences of God. 4.1.3

bsMqu mhlw 4 ihMfol ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 4, HiNdol
qum@ vf purK vf Agm gusweI hm kIry ikrm qumnCy ]
tumh vad purakh vad agam gusaa-ee, ham keeray kiram tumnachhay.
(O! God) You are Supreme Primal Person, greatly Inaccessible (Lord), Master of the World;
and, I am a mere insect, worm of Yours (i.e. created by You).
hir dIn dieAwl krhu pRB ikrpw gur siqgur crx hm bnCy ]1]
har deen da-i-aal karahu prabh kirpaa, gur satgur charaṇ ham banchhay. ||1||
O! God, Merciful to the Poor, O! Lord (please) bestow Your Grace; I yearn for the (lotus) feet
of the Guru, the True Guru. 1
goibMd jIau sqsMgiq myil kir ik®pCy ] gobiNd jee-o, satsangat mayl kar kirpachhay.
O! dear Lord of the World, (please) bestow Your Grace, and, unite me with the true
jnm jnm ky iklivK mlu BirAw imil sMgiq kir pRB hnCy ]1] rhwau ]
janam janam kay kilvikh mal bhari-aa, mil saNgat kar prabh hanchhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
We are overflowing with the filth of the sins of countless life-times; (please) unite us with the
(true) congregation and make us good (i.e. pure). 1 (pause)
qum@rw jnu jwiq Aivjwqw hir jipE piqq pvICy ] tumhraa jan jaat avijaataa, har japi-o patit paveechhay.
Your servant (i.e. devotee), weather of high class or low class, O! God, meditating upon You,
(even) a sinner becomes pure.
hir kIE sgl Bvn qy aUpir hir soBw hir pRB idnCy ]2]
har kee-o sagal bhavan tay oopa, har sobhaa har prabh dinchhay. ||2||
O! God, You have elevated them above the whole world; O! God, You have blessed them with
Lord’s glory. 2
jwiq Ajwiq koeI pRB iDAwvY siB pUry mwns iqnCy ]
jaat ajaat ko-ee prabh dhi-aavai, sabh pooray maanas tinchhay.
Wether of high class or low class, whoever meditates upon the Lord, all his desires are
sy DMin vfy vf pUry hir jn ijn@ hir DwirE hir aurCy ]3]
say dhaNn vaday vad pooray har jan, jin har dhaari-o har urchhay. ||3||

Blessed and great, and, great and perfect are those servants (i.e. devotees) of God, who have
enshrined God in their hearts. 3
hm FINFy FIm bhuqu Aiq BwrI hir Dwir ik®pw pRB imlCy ]
ham ḍeenḍay ḍeem bahut at bhaaree, har dhaar kirpaa prabh milchhay.
(O! God) we are low, (like) a very heavy lump of clay; O! God, (please) bestow Your Grace and
unite us with Yourself, O! Lord.
jn nwnk guru pwieAw hir qUTy hm kIey piqq pvICy ]4]2]4]
jan naanak, gur paa-i-aa har tooṭay, ham kee-ay patit paveechhay. ||4||2||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (when) God became pleased, I found the Guru; I was a
sinner and he purified me. 4.2.4
bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 4
myrw ieku iKnu mnUAw rih n skY inq hir hir nwm ris gIDy ]
mayraa ik khin manoo-aa reh na sakai, nit har har naam ras geedhay.
Even for a moment, my mind cannot survive (without the Name of God); it always desires for
the essence of the Name of God, the Lord.

ijau bwirku rsik pirE Qin mwqw Qin kwFy ibll iblIDy ]1]
ji-o baarik rasak pari-o than maataa, than kaaḍay bilal bileedhay. ||1||
(It is) like a child who joyfully sucks at his mother's breasts; (and when) the breast is
withdrawn, he weeps and cries. 1
goibMd jIau myry mn qn nwm hir bIDy ] gobiNd jee-o, mayray man tan naam har beedhay.
O! dear Lord of the World, my mind and body are pierced through by the Name of God.
vfY Bwig guru siqguru pwieAw ivic kwieAw ngr hir sIDy ]1] rhwau ]
vadai bhaag gur satgur paa-i-aa, vich kaa-i-aa nagar har seedhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great (good) fortune, I have found the Guru, the True Guru; (by his Grace) God has
revealed Himself in my body city. 1 (pause)
P. 1179
jn ky sws sws hY jyqy hir ibrih pRBU hir bIDy ] jan kay saas saas hai jaytay, har bireh prabhoo har beedhay.
As many are the breaths (i.e. each and every, i.e. all the breaths) of His servants (i.e. devotees),
(those breaths) are pierced through with the pangs of separation from (i.e. intensity of love of)
God, the Lord.
ijau jl kml pRIiq Aiq BwrI ibnu jl dyKy suklIDy ]2]
ji-o jal kamal preet at bhaaree, bin jal daykhay sukleedhay. ||2||
Like the lotus (which) is in very great love with the water, and, it withers away without seeing
water (i.e. it withers away when there is no water in the pond). 2
jn jipE nwmu inrMjnu nrhir aupdyis gurU hir pRIDy ]
jan japi-o naam niranjan narhar*, updays guroo har pareedhay.
The servant (i.e. devotee of God) meditates upon the Name of the Immaculate, Omnipresent*
(Lord); and, God is revealed to him through the teachings of Guru.
[*Narhar literally:‘Lord of men/beings/mortals’; i.e. pervading all, Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the
names of God].
jnm jnm kI haumY mlu inksI hir AMimRiq hir jil nIDy ]3]
janam janam kee ha-umai mal niksee, har aMmrit har jal needhay. ||3||
Their filth of egotism of countless life-times has been washed off, by bathing in AMmrit water of
the ocean of God, the Lord. 3
hmry krm n ibcrhu Twkur qum@ pYj rKhu ApnIDy ]
hamray karam na bichrahu ṭaakur, tum paij rakhahu apneedhay.

(Please) do not take my deeds into account, O! Master; (please) save the honour of Your own
(servant /devotee).
hir BwvY suix ibnau bynqI jn nwnk srix pvIDy ]4]3]5]
har bhaavai suṇ bin-o bayntee, jan naanak saraṇ paveedhay. ||4||3||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, if it pleases You, (please) hear my prayer; I have
sought Your refuge. 4. 3. 5

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 4

mnu iKnu iKnu Brim Brim bhu DwvY iqlu Gir nhI vwsw pweIAY ]
man khin khin, bharam bharam baho dhaavai, til ghar nahee vaasaa paa-ee-ai.
Each and every moment, my mind wanders and strays and runs all around (in doubt); it does
not stay in its own home even for an instant.

guir AMksu sbdu dwrU isir DwirE Gir mMdir Awix vsweIAY ]1]
gur aNkas sabad daaroo sir dhaari-o, ghar maNdar aaṇ vasaa-ee-ai. ||1||
(But, when) the Guru places goad of the Word over its head, as medicine, it (i.e. mind) returns
to dwell in its home. 1
goibMd jIau sqsMgiq myil hir iDAweIAY ] gobind jee-o, satsaNgat mayl har dhi-aa-ee-ai.
O! dear Lord of the World, get me to join the true congregation, (where) we meditate upon You
, O! God.
haumY rogu gieAw suKu pwieAw hir shij smwiD lgweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
ha-umai rog ga-i-aa sukh paa-i-aa, har sahj samaadh lagaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(There, in the true congregation) one is cured of the ailment of ego and one finds (spiritual)
happiness; and, one enters into trance, with natural ease. 1 (pause)
Gir rqn lwl bhu mwxk lwdy mnu BRimAw lih n skweIAY ]
ghar ratan laal baho maaṇak laaday, man bharmi-aa leh na sakaa-ee-ai.
This house (i.e. heart) is loaded with lots of gems, jewels and rubies; (but) the wandering mind
cannot find them.
ijau Efw kUpu guhj iKn kwFY iqau siqguir vsqu lhweIAY ]2]
ji-o odaa koop guhaj khin kaaḍai, ti-o satgur vasat lahaa-ee-ai. ||2||
As (water)-diviner finds the hidden well (i.e. water) instantly, so do we find the hidden thing
(i.e. Name) through the True Guru. 2 [*Diviner is ‘one who can foresee something that is hidden’].
ijn AYsw siqguru swDu n pwieAw qy iDRgu iDRgu nr jIvweIAY ]
jin aisaa satgur saadh na paa-i-aa, tay dharig dharig nar jeevaa-ee-ai.
Those, who do not find such a God-oriented True Guru, cursed (i.e. unfortunate) are such
people and cursed are their lives.
jnmu pdwrQu puMin Plu pwieAw kaufI bdlY jweIAY ]3]
janam padaarath puNn fal paa-i-aa, ka-udee badlai jaa-ee-ai. ||3||
The treasure of (human) life, (which they had) obtained as fruit of virtues, is lost in exchange for
a shell. 3
mDusUdn hir Dwir pRB ikrpw kir ikrpw gurU imlweIAY ]
madhusoodan har dhaar prabh kirpaa, kar kirpaa guroo milaa-ee-ai.
O! Destroyer of Demons (O! God), (please) bestow Your Grace, and, becoming Gracious
(please) get me to meet the Guru.
jn nwnk inrbwx pdu pwieAw imil swDU hir gux gweIAY ]4]4]6]
jan naanak nirbaaṇ pad paa-i-aa, mil saadhoo* har guṇ gaa-ee-ai. ||4||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): he, who, meeting with the Guru*, sings (the praise) of the
excellences of God, attains the state of salvation. 4.4.6. [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 4 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 4
Awvx jwxu BieAw duKu ibiKAw dyh mnmuK suM\I suM\u ]
aavaṇ jaaṇ bha-i-aa dukh bikhi-aa, dayh manmukh suNnjee suNnj.
Coming and going, he suffers pain of poison (i.e. Maya), (because, without the Name of God) the
body of the mind-oriented one remains desolate and empty.
rwm nwmu iKnu plu nhI cyiqAw jim pkry kwil sluM\u ]1]
raam naam khin pal nahee chayti-aa, jam pakray kaal saluNnj. ||1||
He does not remember the Name of God, even for an instant, (hence) the messenger of death
seizes him by his hair. 1

goibMd jIau ibKu haumY mmqw muM\u ] gobind jee-o, bikh ha-umai mamtaa muNnj.
O! dear Lord of the World, (please) rid me of the poison of egotism and (emotional) attachment.
sqsMgiq gur kI hir ipAwrI imil sMgiq hir rsu BuM\u ]1] rhwau ]
satsaNgat gur kee har pi-aaree, mil saNgat har ras bhuNnj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The true congregation is dear to the Guru and God, (please unite me with it, so that) joining that
congregation I may enjoy the essence (of the Name) of God. 1 (pause)
sqsMgiq swD dieAw kir mylhu srxwgiq swDU pM\u ]
satsaNgat saadh* da-i-aa kar maylhu, saraṇaagat saadhoo* paNnj.
(O! Lord, please) be Merciful (to me) and unite me with the congregation of the Guru*, (so that)
I may remain in the refuge of the Guru*. [Here, saadh and sadhoo have been used for the Guru].
hm fubdy pwQr kwiF lyhu pRB qum@ dIn dieAwl duK BM\u ]2]
ham dubday paathar kaaḍ layho prabh, tumh deen da-i-aal dukh bhaNnj. ||2||
I am (like) a (heavy) stone (laden with sins), sinking down, (please lift me up and) pull me out
(from the world ocean), O! Lord; You are Merciful to the Poor, the Destroyer of Sorrows. 2
hir ausqiq Dwrhu ird AMqir suAwmI sqsMgiq imil buiD lµ\u ]
har ustat dhaarahu rid aNtar su-aamee, satsaNgat mil budh laNnj.
O! God, (please) enshrine Your praise within my heart, O! Master, (so that) joining the true
congregation my wisdom may become enlightened.
hir nwmY hm pRIiq lgwnI hm hir ivthu Guim vM\u ]3]
har naamai ham pareet lagaanee, ham har vitahu ghum vaNnj. ||3||
I am in love with the Name of God, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto God. 3
jn ky pUir mnorQ hir pRB hir nwmu dyvhu hir lµ\u ]
jan kay poor manorath har prabh, har naam dayvhu har laNnj.
O! God, O! Lord, fulfill the desires of Your servant (i.e. devotee); O! God (please) bless me
with Your Name.
jn nwnk min qin Andu BieAw hY guir mMqRü dIE hir BM\u ]4]5]7]12]18]7]37]
jan naanak man tan anad bha-i-aa hai, gur maNtra dee-o har bhaNnj. ||4||5||7||12||18||7||37||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): my mind and body are in ecstasy, (because) the Guru has
blessed me with his mantra (i.e. chant) for remembering God.
P. 1180
bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 duquky Basa t, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1, dutukay

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
guru syvau kir nmskwr ] Awju hmwrY mMglcwr ]
gur sayva-o, kar namaskaar. aaj hamaarai maNgalchaar.
I make obeisance, and serve my Guru. Today is a day of (spiritual) joy for me.
Awju hmwrY mhw Anµd ] icMq lQI Byty goibMd ]1]
aaj hamaarai, mahaa anaNd. chiNt lathee bhaytay gobiNd. ||1||
Today is a day of great bliss. I have met the Lord of the World, and, my anxiety is over. 1
Awju hmwrY igRih bsMq ] gun gwey pRB qum@ byAMq ]1] rhwau ]
aaj hamaarai, garihi basaNt. gun gaa-ay prabh tumh bay-aNt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Today, it is spring-time in my home (i.e. heart);
I sing (the praise of) Your excellences, O! Infinite Lord. 1 (pause)

Awju hmwrY bny Pwg ] pRB sMgI imil Kyln lwg ]
aaj hamaarai, banay faag.prabh saNgee mil, khaylan laag.
Today, it has become (celebration of) Phagan* for me.
Joining together, the Lord’s companions have begun playing.
[*On the day of Pooranmaashi (i.e. full moon) of the month of Phagun (corresponding to between the middle of February
to the middle of March) people enjoy the end of winter season. The Hindus celebrate it as their festival of Holi, the festival
of colours].
holI kInI sMq syv ] rMgu lwgw Aiq lwl dyv ]2]
holee keenee, saNt sayv. raNg laagaa, at laal dayv. ||2||
Serving the God-oriented persons is my Holi (festival).
I am imbued with deep red colour (i.e. love) of the Divine (Lord). 2
mnu qnu mauilE Aiq AnUp ] man tan ma-uli-o, at anoop.
My mind and body have blossomed forth, in great incomparable beauty.
sUkY nwhI Cwv DUp ] sookai naahee, chhaav dhoop.
They do not dry out, (neither) in sunshine or in (i.e. nor in) shade (i.e. they are not affected by
happiness or sorrow).
sglI rUqI hirAw hoie ] sd bsMq gur imly dyv ]3]
saglee rootee, hari-aa ho-ay. sad basNnt, gur milay dayv. ||3||
They (i.e. my mind and body) remain green i.e. blossom forth) in all seasons; (because),
when I meet with the Divine Guru, it is always spring-time (for me). 3
ibrKu jimE hY pwrjwq ] Pul lgy Pl rqn BWiq ]
birakh jami-o hai paarjaat. fool lagay, fal ratan bhaant.
(Meeting with the Guru, it is as if) the paarjaat (i.e. Elysian,i.e. wish-fulfilling tree) has grown
(within me); it bears flowers and fruits like those of jewels.
iqRpiq AGwny hir guxh gwie ] jn nwnk hir hir hir iDAwie ]4]1]
taripat aghaanay, har guṇah gaa-ay. jan naanak, har har har dhi-aa-ay. ||4||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, one becomes satisfied and satiated.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master. 4.1

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

htvwxI Dn mwl hwtu kIqu ] hatvaaṇee, dhan maal haat keet.
The shopkeeper deals in merchandise and wealth.
jUAwrI jUey mwih cIqu ] joo-aaree, joo-ay maahi cheet.
The gambler has his mind focused on gambling.
AmlI jIvY Amlu Kwie ] amlee jeevai, amal khaa-ay.
The (opium) addict lives by consuming intoxicant (i.e. opium)
iqau hir jnu jIvY hir iDAwie ]1] ti-o har jan jeevai, har dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
In the same way, the servant (i.e. devotee) of God lives by meditating upon God. 1
ApnY rMig sBu ko rcY ] ijqu pRiB lwieAw iqqu iqqu lgY ]1] rhwau ]
apnai raNg, sabh ko rachai. jit prabh laa-i-aa, tit tit lagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Everyone is absorbed in his own pleasure.
One is attached to whatever the Lord attaches him to. 1 (pause)
myG smY mor inriqkwr ] maygh samai, mor nirtikaar.
When clouds (and the rain) come, the peacocks dance.

cMd dyiK ibgsih kaulwr ] chaNd daykh, bigsahi ka-ulaar.
Seeing moon, the lotus blossoms forth.
mwqw bwirk dyiK Anµd ] maataa, baarik daykh anaNd.
Seeing (her) child, the mother is enraptured.
iqau hir jn jIvih jip goibMd ]2] ti-o har jan jeeveh, jap gobiNd. ||2||
In the same way, the servant (i.e. devotee) of God lives by meditating upon the Lord of the World. 2
isMG rucY sd Bojnu mws ] siNgh ruchai, sad bhojan maas.
The tiger is always pleased to eat meat.
rxu dyiK sUry icq aulws ] raṇ daykh, sooray chit ulaas.
Seeing the battle-field, the warrior's mind is in zeal.
ikrpn kau Aiq Dn ipAwru ] kirpan ka-o, at dhan pi-aar.
The miser is extremely in love with his wealth.
hir jn kau hir hir AwDwru ]3] har jan ka-o, har har aadhaar. ||3||
In the same way, servant (i.e. devotee) of God leans on the Support of God, the Lord. 3
srb rMg iek rMg mwih ] srb suKw suK hir kY nwie ]
sarab raNg, ik raNg maahi. sarab sukhaa, sukh har kai naa-ay.
All love is contained in one love (of God); and,
all happiness is contained in the happiness of the Name of God.
iqsih prwpiq iehu inDwnu ] nwnk guru ijsu kry dwnu ]4]2]
tiseh paraapat ih nidhaan. naanak gur jis karay daan. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): he alone obtains this treasure; unto whom the Guru gives this gift. 4.2

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

iqsu bsMqu ijsu pRBu ik®pwlu ] tis basa t, jis prabh kirpaal.

He alone has (joy of) spring-time, unto whom the Lord is Gracious.
iqsu bsMqu ijsu guru dieAwlu ] tis basaNt, jis gur da-i-aal.
He alone has (joy of) spring-time, unto whom the Guru is Merciful.
mMglu iqs kY ijsu eyku kwmu ] maNgal tis kai, jis ayk kaam.
He alone is in joy, who has (only) one work (i.e. meditation upon the Name of God).
iqsu sd bsMqu ijsu irdY nwmu ]1] tis sad basaNt, jis ridai naam. ||1||
He alone has (joy of) spring-time, within whose heart the Name abides. 1
igRih qw ky bsMqu gnI ] jw kY kIrqnu hir DunI ]1] rhwau ]
garihi taa kay, basaNt ganee. jaa kai keertan, har dhunee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The springtime is known to have come in those homes,
in which the melody of the praise of God resounds. 1 (pause)
pRIiq pwrbRhm mauil mnw ] igAwnu kmweIAY pUiC jnW ]
preet paarbrahm ma-ul manaa. gi-aan kamaa-ee-ai poochh janaan.
O! (my) mind, blossom forth in the love of the Supreme Lord; and,
earn (spiritual) knowledge (i.e. practice wisdom) consulting the servants (i.e. devotees of God).
so qpsI ijsu swDsMgu ] so tapsee, jis saadhsaNg.
He alone is an austere (ascetic), who is in the company of the God-oriented person.
sd iDAwnI ijsu gurih rMgu ]2] sad dhi-aanee, jis gureh raNg. ||2||
He alone is in continual contemplation (i.e. meditation) who loves the Guru. 2

sy inrBau ijn@ Bau pieAw ] say nirbha-o, jinh bha-o pa-i-aa.
He alone is fearless, who has the (noble) fear of God.
so suKIAw ijsu BRmu gieAw ] so sukhee-aa, jis bharam ga-i-aa.
He alone is (spiritually) happy, whose doubts have been dispelled.
so iekWqI ijsu irdw Qwie ] so ikaantee, jis ridaa thaa-ay.
He alone is a recluse, whose mind is stable i.e. steady).
soeI inhclu swc Twie ]3] so-ee nihchal, saach ṭaa-ay. ||3||
He alone is stable who is at True place (i.e. immersed in the True Lord). 3
eykw KojY eyk pRIiq ] drsn prsn hIq cIiq ]
aykaa khojai, ayk preet. darsan parsan, heet cheet.
He seeks the One (Lord) and the loves the One (Lord) ; and,
he loves to have the vision of, and to serve, Him (i.e. God).
hir rMg rMgw shij mwxu ] nwnk dws iqsu jn kurbwxu ]4]3]
har raNg raNgaa, sahj maaṇ. naanak daas tis jan kurbaaṇ. ||4||3||
Imbued with the love of God, he enjoys it with natural ease;
slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto that man. 4.3
P. 1181
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
jIA pRwx qum@ ipMf dIn@ ] jee-a praaṇ, tumh piNd deenh.
(O! God) You gave soul, breath (of life) and body (to us).
mugD suMdr Dwir joiq kIn@ ] mugadh suNdar dhaar jot keenh.
(We are) foolish, You made us beautiful by enshrining Your Light within us.
siB jwick pRB qum@ dieAwl ] sabh jaachik, prabh tumh da-i-aal.
We are all beggar, O! Lord, You are Merciful (to us).
nwmu jpq hovq inhwl ]1] naam japat, hovat nihaal. ||1||
Meditating upon Your Name, we are enraptured. 1
myry pRIqm kwrx krx jog ] hau pwvau qum qy sgl Qok ]1] rhwau ]
mayray preetam, kaaraṇ karaṇ jog. ha-o paava-o tum tay, sagal thok. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Beloved (Lord), (only) You are potent (i.e. powerful) to be the Doer and the Cause (of
causes). I obtain everything from You. 1 (pause)
nwmu jpq hovq auDwr ] naam japat, hovat udhaar.
Meditating upon (Your) Name, one is emancipated.
nwmu jpq suK shj swr ] naam japat, sukh sahj saar.
Meditating upon (Your) Name, sublime (spiritual) happiness and poise are obtained.
nwmu jpq piq soBw hoie ] naam japat, pat sobhaa ho-ay.
Meditating upon (Your) Name, one obtains honour and glory
nwmu jpq ibGnu nwhI koie ]2] naam japat, bighan naahee ko-ay. ||2||
Meditating upon (Your) Name, one faces no obstacle (on the path of life). 2
jw kwrix ieh dulB dyh ] so bolu myry pRBU dyih ]
jaa kaaraṇ, ih dulabh dayh. so bol, mayray prabhoo deh.
The reason (i.e. meditation upon the Name) for which You have blessed this body, (which is)
difficult to obtain; O! Lord, (please) bless me to chant that Name.
swDsMgiq mih iehu ibsRwmu ] saadhsaNgat meh, ih bisraam.
(May) I obtain this state of equipoise in the company of the God-oriented persons.

sdw irdY jpI pRB qyro nwmu ]3] sadaa ridai japee, prabh tayro naam. ||3||
(May) I meditate upon Your Name within my mind O! Lord. 3
quJ ibnu dUjw koie nwih ] tujh bin, doojaa ko-ay naahi.
Other than You, there is no one (at all).
sBu qyro Kylu quJ mih smwih ] sabh tayro khayl, tujh meh samaahi.
Everything is all Your play, (and finally) all merge in You.
ijau BwvY iqau rwiK ly ] ji-o bhaavai, ti-o raakh lay.
Save me as it pleases You (O! Lord).
suKu nwnk pUrw guru imly ]4]4] sukh naanak, pooraa gur milay. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): (spiritual) happiness is obtained by meeting the perfect Guru. 4.4

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

pRB pRIqm myrY sMig rwie ] ijsih dyiK hau jIvw mwie ]
prabh preetam, mayrai saNg, raa-ay. jisahi daykh, ha-o jeevaa, maa-ay.
My (that) Beloved Lord, my Sovereign Lord is with me;
beholding Him, I live, O! (my) mother.
jw kY ismrin duKu n hoie ] kir dieAw imlwvhu iqsih moih ]1]
jaa kai simran, dukh na ho-ay. kar da-i-aa, milaavhu tiseh mohi. ||1||
Remembering whom one suffers no sorrows;
(O! my mother) bestow your mercy, and, get me to meet (i.e. unite me with) Him. 1
myry pRIqm pRwn ADwr mn ] jIau pRwn sBu qyro Dn ]1] rhwau ]
mayray preetam, praan adhaar man. jee-o praan sabh tayro dhan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my Beloved, You are Support of my breath (of life) and my mind.
My soul, breath (of life) and my wealth, are all Yours. 1 (pause)
jw kau Kojih suir nr dyv ] muin jn syK n lhih Byv ]
jaa ka-o khojeh, sur nar dayv. mun jan saykh, na laheh bhayv.
He, who is sought by the gods, humans and divine beings;
the silent sages, the saykhs (i.e. religious teachers) cannot understand His mystery.
jw kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] Git Git Git Git rihAw smwie ]2]
jaa kee gat mit, kahee na jaa-ay. ghat ghat ghat ghat, rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
He, whose state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse) cannot be described;
He is pervading each and every heart, each and every body. 2
jw ky Bgq Awnµd mY ] jaa kay bhagat, aanaNd mai.
(O! Lord, only You are the one) whose devotees are embodiment of bliss;
jw ky Bgq kau nwhI KY ] jaa kay bhagat ka-o naahee khai.
(O! Lord, only You are the one) whose devotees cannot be destroyed.
jw ky Bgq kau nwhI BY ] jaa kay bhagat ka-o, naahee bhai.
(O! Lord, only You are the one) whose devotees are not afraid (of any worldly power);
jw ky Bgq kau sdw jY ]3] jaa kay bhagat ka-o, sadaa jai. ||3||
(O! Lord, only You are the one) whose devotees are victorious forever. 3
kaun aupmw qyrI khI jwie ] ka-un upmaa, tayree kahee jaa-ay.
What praise of Yours can I say (i.e. Your praise is indescribable);

suKdwqw pRBu rihE smwie ] sukh-daata prabh rahi-o samaa-ay.
O! Lord, O! Giver of Happiness, You are pervading all.
nwnku jwcY eyku dwnu ] kir ikrpw moih dyhu nwmu ]4]5]
naanak jaachai, ayk daan. kar kirpaa, mohi dayh naam. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): I beg for this one gift: (please) bestow Your Grace and bless me with Your
Name. 4.5
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
imil pwxI ijau hry bUt ] swDsMgiq iqau haumY CUt ]
mil paaṇee, ji-o haray boot. saadhsaNgat, ti-o ha-umai chhoot.
As the plants turn green upon receiving water;
just so egotism is eradicated in the company of the God-oriented persons.
jYsI dwsy DIr mIr ] qYsy auDwrn gurh pIr ]1]
jaisee, daasay dheer meer. taisay, udhaaran gurah peer. ||1||
Just as a slave has (i.e. is encouraged by) the assurance of the king (his lord);
so one is liberated is by the Guru, the Preceptor. 1
qum dwqy pRB dynhwr ] inmK inmK iqsu nmskwr ]1] rhwau ]
tum daatay, prabh daynhaar. nimakh nimakh, tis namaskaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Giver, O! Giver Lord.
I make obeisance to You each and every moment. 1 (pause)
ijsih prwpiq swD sMgu ] iqsu jn lwgw pwrbRhm rMgu ]
jisahi paraapat, saadh* saNg. tis jan laagaa paarbrahm raNg.
One, who is blessed with the company of the Guru*;
that servant (i.e. devotee) is imbued with the love of the Supreme Lord.
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
qy bMDn qy Bey mukiq ] Bgq ArwDih jog jugiq ]2]
tay, baNdhan tay bha-ay mukat. bhagat araadheh jog jugat. ||2||
The devotees, who adore by the way of uniting (with God), they are liberated from bondage. 2
nyqR sMqoKy drsu pyiK ] rsnw gwey gux Anyk ]
naytar saNtokhay, daras paykh. rasnaa, gaa-ay guṇ anayk.
Their eyes are content beholding the vision (of God); and,
their tongue sings infinite excellences (of God).
iqRsnw bUJI gur pRswid ] mnu AwGwnw hir rsih suAwid ]3]
tarisnaa boojhee, gur prasaad. man aaghaanaa, har raseh su-aad. ||3||
Their thirst is quenched by the Grace of the Guru;
their minds are satiated with the taste of the (sublime) essence of (the Name of) God. 3
syvku lwgo crx syv ]Awid purK AprMpr dyv ]
sayvak laago charaṇ sayv. aad purakh apraMpar dayv.
Your servants (i.e. devotees) are attached to the service of Your feet;
O! Primal Person, Infinite Divine (Lord).
sgl auDwrx qyro nwmu ] nwnk pwieE iehu inDwnu ]4]6]
sagal udhaaraṇ, tayro naam. naanak, paa-i-o ih nidhaan. ||4||6||
Your Name is the Emancipator of all.
Nanak (says): (Your devotees) are blessed with this treasure. 4.6

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
qum bf dwqy dy rhy ] tum bad daatay, day rahay.
You are the great Giver, (You constantly) give (gifts to all).
jIA pRwx mih riv rhy ] jee-a paraaṇ meh, rav rahay.
You pervade in the soul and breath (of life of all).
dIny sgly Bojn Kwn ] moih inrgun ieku gunu n jwn ]1]
deenay, saglay bhojan khaan. mohi nirgun, ik gun na jaan. ||1||
You have given (me) all foods to eat;
(but) I am virtue-less; I know (i.e. recognize) none of Your virtues (i.e. I am ungrateful). 1
hau kCU n jwnau qyrI swr ] ha-o kachhoo na jaan-o, tayree saar.
I do not understand anything of Your worth.
qU kir giq myrI pRB dieAwr ]1] rhwau ] too kar gat mayree, prabh da-i-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You save me, O! Merciful Lord. 1 (pause)
P. 1182
jwp n qwp n krm kIiq ] AwvY nwhI kCU rIiq ]
jaap na taap, na karam keet. aavai naahee, kachhoo reet.
I have not practised meditation, austerities or good deed.
I do not (even) know any way (to practice all this).
mn mih rwKau Aws eyk ] nwm qyry kI qrau tyk ]2]
man meh raakha-o, aas ayk. naam tayray kee tara-o tayk. ||2||
Within my mind I have (just) one hope, (that)
the support of Your Name shall carry me across(the world ocean). 2
srb klw pRB qum@ pRbIn ] AMqu n pwvih jlih mIn ]
sarab kalaa prabh tumh prabeen. aNt na paavahi, jaleh meen.
O! Lord, You are the expert in all arts (i.e. You are All-Powerful, and, no one can know Your limits);
(we are just like) the fish cannot find the limits of the water.
Agm Agm aUch qy aUc ] hm Qory qum bhuq mUc ]3]
agam agam, oochah tay ooch. ham thoray tum bahut mooch. ||3||
(O! God, You are) the most Inaccessible of the inaccessible; and, Highest of the high.
We are small (i.e. petty), and, You are so Great. 3
ijn qU iDAwieAw sy gnI ] ijn qU pwieAw sy DnI ]
jin too dhi-aa-i-aa, say ganee. jin too paa-i-aa, say dhanee.
Those who meditate upon You, (they alone) are rich.
Those, who findYou, (they alone) are wealthy.
ijin qU syivAw suKI sy ] sMq srix nwnk pry ]4]7]
jin too sayvi-aa, sukhee say. saNt saraṇ, naanak paray. ||4||7||
Those, who serve You, (they alone) are (spiritually) happy.
Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of (such) God-oriented persons.4.7

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

iqsu qU syiv ijin qU kIAw ] iqsu ArwiD ijin jIau dIAw ]
tis too sayv, jin too kee-aa. tis araadh, jin jee-o dee-aa.
(O! brethren) serve the One, who created you. Adore the One, who gave you life.

iqs kw cwkru hoih iPir fwnu n lwgY ] iqs kI kir poqdwrI iPir dUKu n lwgY ]1]
tis kaa chaakar hohi, fir daan na laagai. tis kee kar pot-daaree, fir dookh na laagai. ||1||
(O! brethren, if you) become His servant, you shall never again be punished.
Become His accounts-keeper (i.e. trustee), you shall never again feel sorrow. 1
eyvf Bwg hoih ijsu pRwxI ] so pwey iehu pdu inrbwxI ]1] rhwau ]
ayvad bhaag hohi, jis praaṇee. so paa-ay, ih pad nirbaaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who is blessed with so great (good) fortune,
He alone attains this state of emanipation. 1 (pause)
dUjI syvw jIvnu ibrQw ] kCU n hoeI hY pUrn ArQw ]
doojee sayvaa, jeevan birthaa. kachhoo na ho-ee hai, pooran arthaa.
Serving any other (i.e. other than God / in duality), life is wasted (in vain); and,
nothing purposeful is accomplished.
mwxs syvw KrI duhylI ] swD kI syvw sdw suhylI ]2]
maaṇas sayvaa, kharee duhaylee. saadh kee sayvaa, sadaa suhaylee. ||2||
Serving a mortal being is very painful (i.e. it brings suffering); (whereas)
serving a God-oriented person brings happiness forever. 2
jy loVih sdw suKu BweI ] swDU sMgiq gurih bqweI ]
jay loṛeh sadaa sukh, bhaa-ee. saadhoo saNgat, gureh bataa-ee.
If you long for lasting happiness, O! brethren, (then)
join the company of the God-oriented person; this is the Guru’s instruction.
aUhw jpIAY kyvl nwm ] swDU sMgiq pwrgrwm ]3]
oohaa, japee-ai kayval naam. saadhoo saNgat, paargraam. ||3||
There, only the Name (of God) is meditated upon; and,
the company of the God-oriented person carries across (the world ocean). 3
sgl qq mih qqu igAwnu ] srb iDAwn mih eyku iDAwnu ]
sagal tat meh, tat gi-aan. sarab dhi-aan meh, ayk dhi-aan.
Among all the essences, the essence of (spiritual) knowledge (is the supreme).
Among all the meditations, meditation upon the One (Lord is the most sublime).
hir kIrqn mih aUqm Dunw ] nwnk gur imil gwie gunw ]4]8]
har keertan meh, ootam dhunaa. naanak, gur mil gaa-ay gunaa. ||4||8||
Singing the praise of God is the superb melody.
Nanak (says): (so, O! brethren) meeting with the Guru, sings the excellences of God. 4.8

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

ijsu bolq muKu pivqu hoie ] jis bolat, mukh pavit ho-ay.
(O! brethren, chant the Name of God) chanting which, one’s mouth becomes pious.
ijsu ismrq inrml hY soie ] jis simrat, nirmal hai so-ay.
(O! brethren, remember God) remembering which, one’s reputation becomes immaculate.
ijsu ArwDy jmu ikCu n khY ] jis araadhay, jam kichh na kahai.
(O! brethren, adore God) adoring which, the messenger of death does not trouble.
ijs kI syvw sBu ikCu lhY ]1] jis kee sayvaa, sabh kichh lahai. |1|
(O! brethren, serve God) serving whom one obtains everything. 1

rwm rwm boil rwm rwm ] iqAwghu mn ky sgl kwm ]1] rhwau ]
raam raam, bol, raam raam. ti-aagahu, man kay sagal kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant (the Name of) God, the Lord; (O! brethren) chant (the Name of) God, the Lord;
abandon all the desires of mind. 1 (pause)
ijs ky Dwry Drix Akwsu ] jis kay dhaaray, dharaṇ akaas.
(O! brethren, meditate upon the One) who is the Support of the earth and the sky.
Git Git ijs kw hY pRgwsu ] ghat ghat jis kaa hai pargaas.
(O! brethren, meditate upon the One) whose Light illumines each and every heart.
ijsu ismrq piqq punIq hoie ] jis simrat, patit puneet ho-ay.
(O! brethren, meditate upon the One) remembering whom the fallen (i.e. sinners) are purified.
AMq kwil iPir iPir n roie ]2] ant kaal, fir fir na ro-ay. ||2||
(O! brethren, those who meditate upon Him) at the last time, shall not weep over and over again. 2
sgl Drm mih aUqm Drm ] krm krqUiq kY aUpir krm ]
sagal dharam meh, ootam dharam. karam kartoot kai oopar karam.
Among all the religions, this (i.e. meditation upon God) is the supreme religion, and,
among all the rituals and deeds, this (i.e. meditation upon God) is the supreme deed.
ijs kau cwhih suir nr dyv ] sMq sBw kI lghu syv ]3]
jis ka-o chaaheh, sur nar dayv. saNt sabhaa kee lagahu sayv. ||3||
The angelic beings, mortal beings, and divine beings long for it (i.e. the Name of God);
(to obtain it) commit to the service of the society of the God-oriented persons. 3
Awid puriK ijsu kIAw dwnu ] iqs kau imilAw hir inDwnu ]
aad purakh, jis kee-aa daan. tis ka-o mili-aa, har nidhaan.
One, whom the Primal Person has given this gift (of the Name),
he is blessed with the treasure of God.
iqs kI giq imiq khI n jwie ] nwnk jn hir hir iDAwie ]4]9]
tis kee gat mit, kahee na jaa-ay. naanak jan, har har dhi-aa-ay. ||4||9||
His state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse) cannot be described;
servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (so, O! brethren) meditate upon God, the Lord. 4.9
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
mn qn BIqir lwgI ipAws ] guir dieAwil pUrI myrI Aws ]
man tan bheetar, laagee pi-aas. gur da-i-aal, pooree mayree aas.
My mind and body are in the thirst (for the Name of God);
the Merciful Guru has fulfilled my hopes.
iklivK kwty swDsMig ] kilvikh kaatay, saadh saNg.
In the company of the God-oriented persons, (my) sins have been erased.
nwmu jipE hir nwm rMig ]1] naam japi-o, har naam raNg. ||1||
I have meditated upon the Name in the love for God. 1
gur prswid bsMqu bnw ] gur prasaad, basaNt banaa.
By the Grace of the Guru, spring-time has come (within my heart).
crn kml ihrdY auir Dwry sdw sdw hir jsu sunw ]1] rhwau ]
charan kamal hirdai ur dhaaray, sadaa sadaa har jas sunaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have enshrined lotus-feet (of God) within my heart, and, I listen to the praise of God, forever
and ever. 1 (pause)

P. 1183
smrQ suAwmI kwrx krx ] moih AnwQ pRB qyrI srx ]
samrath su-aamee kaaraṇ karaṇ. mohi anaath, prabh tayree saraṇ.
O! All-powerful Lord, O! Doer and the Cause (of causes). I am master-less, O! Lord, I seek
Your refuge.
jIA jMq qyry AwDwir ] kir ikrpw pRB lyih insqwir ]2]
jee-a jaNt, tayray aadhaar. kar kirpaa prabh layhi nistaar. ||2||
All beings and creatures seek Your support; bestow Your Grace and save me. 2
Bv KMfn duK nws dyv ] suir nr muin jn qw kI syv ]
bhav khaNdan, dukh naas dayv. sur nar mun jan, taa kee sayv.
(O! Brethren) Divine (Lord) is the Destroyer of reincarnation and sorrows.
Angelic beings and silent sages (all) serve Him.
Drix Akwsu jw kI klw mwih ] dharaṇ akaas, jaa kee kalaa maahi.
The earth and the sky are in His Power.
qyrw dIAw siB jMq Kwih ]3] tayraa dee-aa, sabh jant khaahi. ||3||
(O! God) all beings eat what You give them. 3
AMqrjwmI pRB dieAwl ] Apxy dws kau ndir inhwil ]
aNtarjaamee prabh da-i-aal. apṇay daas ka-o, nadar nihaal.
O! Controller of Souls, O! Merciful Lord,
(please) bestow Your slave (i.e. devotee) with Your Glance of Grace.
kir ikrpw moih dyhu dwnu ] jip jIvY nwnku qyro nwmu ]4]10]
kar kirpaa, mohi dayh daan. jap jeevai, naanak, tayro naam. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): (please) bestow Your Grace and bless me with this one gift: I may live by
meditating upon Your Name. 4.10

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

rwm rMig sB gey pwp ] raam raNg, sabh ga-ay paap.
Loving God (i.e. being in the love of God), all sins are taken away.
rwm jpq kCu nhI sMqwp ] raam japat, kachh nahee saNtaap.
Meditating upon God, one does not suffer at all.
goibMd jpq siB imty AMDyr ] gobiNd japat, sabh mitay aNdhayr.
Meditating upon the Lord of the World, all darkness is dispelled.
hir ismrq kCu nwih Pyr ]1] har simrat, kachh naahi fayr. ||1||
Remembering God, there is no cycle (of reincarnation). 1
bsMqu hmwrY rwm rMgu ] sMq jnw isau sdw sMgu ]1] rhwau ]
basaNt hamaarai, raam raNg.saNt janaa si-o, sadaa saNg. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Being in the love of God is spring-time for me.
I am always in the company of the God-oriented persons (this is spring-time for me). 1 (pause)
sMq jnI kIAw aupdysu ] jh goibMd Bgqu so DMin dysu ]
saNt janee, kee-aa updays. jah gobiNd bhagat, so dhaNn days.
The God-oriented persons have given me this instruction:
blessed is the land where the devotees of the Lord of the World dwell.

hir BgiqhIn auidAwn Qwnu ] gur pRswid Git Git pCwnu ]2]
har bhagtiheen, udi-aan thaan. gur prasaad, ghat ghat pachhaan. ||2||
That place, where there is no devotion for God, is (like) wilderness.
(O! brethren) by the Grace of the Guru, realize God in each and every heart. 2
hir kIrqn rs Bog rMgu ] har keertan ras bhog raNg.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God and enjoy the essence of His love.
mn pwp krq qU sdw sMgu ] man, paap karat too sadaa saNg.
O! (my) mind, always hesitate (i.e. restrain yourself) from committing sins.
inkit pyKu pRBu krxhwr ] eIq aUq pRB kwrj swr ]3]
nikat paykh prabh karaṇhaar. eet oot prabh kaaraj saar. ||3||
(O! brethren) behold the Creator Lord near (i.e. always present before you).
Here and hereafter, the Lord shall settle (all) your affairs. 3
crn kml isau lgo iDAwnu ] kir ikrpw pRiB kIno dwnu ]
charan kamal si-o lago dhi-aan. kar kirpaa prabh keeno daan.
I focus my concentration on His lotus-feet; (because)
bestowing His Grace, the Lord has blessed me with this gift (of the Name).
qyirAw sMq jnw kI bwCau DUir ] jip nwnk suAwmI sd hjUir ]4]11]
tayri-aa saNt janaa kee baachha-o dhoor. jap naanak su-aamee sad hajoor. ||4||11||
(O! God) I long for the dust of the feet of Your God-oriented persons.
Nanak (says): I meditate upon the Master; He is ever present (before me). 4.11

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

scu prmysru inq nvw ] sach parmaysar, nit navaa.
The True Supreme Master is always new (i.e. ever fresh).
gur ikrpw qy inq cvw ] gur kirpaa tay, nit chavaa.
By the Grace of the Guru, I continually chant (His Name).
pRB rKvwly mweI bwp ] prabh rakhvaalay, maa-ee baap.
The Lord is my Protector; (He is) my Mother and Father.
jw kY ismrix nhI sMqwp ]1] jaa kai simraṇ, nahee saNtaap. ||1||
Remembering Him, there is no sorrow. 1
Ksmu iDAweI iek min iek Bwie ] khasam dhi-aa-ee, ik man ik bhaa-ay.
I meditate upon my Master, single-mindedly, and with single (i.e. total) love.
gur pUry kI sdw srxweI swcY swihib riKAw kMiT lwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooray kee sadaa sarṇaa-ee, saachai saahib rakhi-aa kaNṭ laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I seek the refuge of the perfect Guru, forever, (because due to him) the True Master keeps me
close in His embrace. 1 (pause)
Apxy jn pRiB Awip rKy ] dust dUq siB BRim Qky ]
apnay jan, prabh aap rakhay. dusat doot sabh, bhram thakay.
God Himself protects His servants (i.e. devotees); (that is why)
the demons and the wicked have grown weary of wandering (in their efforts to harm me).
ibnu gur swcy nhI jwie ] duKu dys idsMqir rhy Dwie ]2]
bin gur saachay, nahee jaa-ay. dukh days disaNtar rahay dhaa-ay. ||2||
Without the True Guru, there is no (other) place (of rest);
having wandered through lands and places (they find that) there is suffering everywhere. 2

ikrqu En@w kw imtis nwih ] kirat onhaa kaa, mitas naahi.
(Those, who remain wandering, the record of) their past actions cannot be erased.
Eie Apxw bIijAw Awip Kwih ] o-ay apnaa beeji-aa, aap khaahi.
They (harvest and) eat what they have planted.
jn kw rKvwlw Awip soie ] jn kau phuic n skis koie ]3]
jan kaa rakhvaalaa, aap so-ay. jan ka-o, pahuch na sakas ko-ay. ||3||
God Himself is the Protector of His servants (i.e. devotees);
no one can equal to His servants (i.e. devotees). 3
pRiB dws rKy kir jqnu Awip ] prabh daas rakhay, kar jatan aap.
The Lord Himself has protected His slaves by His own efforts.
AKMf pUrn jw ko pRqwpu ] akhaNd pooran jaa ko prataap.
He has perfect and intact glory.
gux goibMd inq rsn gwie ] guṇ gobiNd, nit rasan gaa-ay.
(So, let us) constantly sing the praise of the excellences of Lord of the World with our tongue.
nwnku jIvY hir crx iDAwie ]4]12] naanak jeevai, har charaṇ dhi-aa-ay. ||4||12||
Nanak (says): I live by meditating upon the feet of God. 4.12
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
gur crx sryvq duKu gieAw ] pwrbRhim pRiB krI mieAw ]
gur charaṇ sarayvat, dukh ga-i-aa. paarbrahm prabh karee ma-i-aa.
Serving the feet of the Guru, my sorrows have gone away;(because)
the Lord, the Supreme Lord has bestowed His Grace (upon me).
srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ] sarab manorath pooran kaam.
All my objectives and tasks are fulfilled.
jip jIvY nwnku rwm nwm ]1] jap jeevai, naanak, raam naam. ||1||
Nanak (says): I lives by meditating upon the Name of God. 1
sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu hir iciq AwvY ] saa rut suhaavee, jit har chit aavai.
Beautiful is that season, when God comes to the mind.
ibnu siqgur dIsY ibllWqI swkqu iPir iPir AwvY jwvY ]1] rhwau ]
bin satgur deesai billaantee, saakat fir fir aavai jaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True Guru, the world cries; the non-believer comes and goes (in reincarnation),
again and again. 1 (pause)
P. 1184
sy DnvMq ijn hir pRBu rwis ] say dhanva t, jin har prabh raas.

They alone are wealthy, who have (the Name of) God, the Lord, as their capital;
kwm k®oD gur sbid nwis ] kaam krodh, gur sabad naas.
Their sexual desire and anger are destroyed through the Word of the Guru.
BY ibnsy inrBY pdu pwieAw ] gur imil nwnik Ksmu iDAwieAw ]2]
bhai binsay, nirbhai pad paa-i-aa. gur mil, naanak, khasam dhi-aa-i-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): their fear vanishes and they attain the state of fearlessness; (because) meeting
with the Guru, they have meditated upon the Master. 2
swD sMgiq pRiB kIE invws ] hir jip jip hoeI pUrn Aws ]
saadh saNgat, prabh kee-o nivaas. har jap jap, ho-ee pooran aas.
Those, whom the Lord gets the company of the congregation of the God-oriented persons;
meditating upon God, their hopes and desires are fulfilled.

jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw ] jal thal mahee-al, rav rahi-aa.
He pervades the waters, land, and the nether regions.
gur imil nwnik hir hir kihAw ]3] gur mil, naanak, har har kahi-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): meeting with the Guru, I chant (the Name of) God, the Lord. 3
Ast isiD nv iniD eyh ] krim prwpiq ijsu nwmu dyh ]
asat sidh nav nidh ayh. karam paraapat, jis naam dayh.
The eight miraculous powers and the nine treasure are contained in it (i.e. Name of God); these
are obtained by those unto whom He bestows the Name by His Grace.
pRB jip jip jIvih qyry dws ] prabh jap jap jeeveh tayray daas.
O! Lord, Your slaves (i.e. devotees) live by chanting and meditating (upon Your Name).
gur imil nwnk kml pRgws ]4]13] gur mil, naanak, kamal pargaas. ||4||13||
Nanak (says): meeting with the Guru, the lotus (of heart) blossoms forth. 4.13

bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 iek quky BasaNt, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1, ik tukay

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
sgl ieCw jip puMnIAw ] sagal ichhaa, jap puNnee-aa.
Meditating upon (God), all desires are fulfilled.
pRiB myly icrI ivCuMinAw ]1] prabh maylay, chiree vichhuNni-aa. ||1||
The Lord (re)unites those (with Himself who have been) separated for so long. 1
qum rvhu goibMdY rvx jogu ] ijqu rivAY suK shj Bogu ]1] rhwau ]
tum ravhu gobiNdai, ravaṇ jog. jit ravi-ai, sukh sahj bhog. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) You remember the Lord of the World, (He alone is) worthy of remembering;
remembering Him, one enjoys (spiritual) happiness and poise. 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw ndir inhwilAw ] Apxw dwsu Awip sm@wilAw ]2]
kar kirpaa, nadar nihaali-aa. apṇaa daas, aap samhaali-aa. ||2||
Becoming Gracious, He blesses us with His Glance of Grace; and,
He Himself takes care of His slave (i.e. devotee). 2
syj suhwvI ris bnI ] Awie imly pRB suK DnI ]3]
sayj suhaavee, ras banee. aa-ay milay, prabh sukh dhanee. ||3||
My bed has been beautified by His love; (because)
The Lord, the Master of Happiness has come to meet me. 3
myrw guxu Avgxu n bIcwirAw ] pRB nwnk crx pUjwirAw ]4]1]14]
mayraa guṇ avgaṇ na beechaari-aa. prabh, naanak, charaṇ poojaaree-aa. ||4||1||14||
Nanak (says): He did not take into consideration my merits or demerits; the Lord got me to
adore His feet. 4.1.14
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
iklibK ibnsy gwie gunw ] Anidn aupjI shj Dunw ]1]
kilbikh binsay, gaa-ay gunaa. an-din upjee, sahj dhunaa. ||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences (of God), the sins are erased; and,
day and night, (celestial) melody of poise wells up (i.e. resounds within the heart). 1

mnu mauilE hir crn sMig ] kir ikrpw swDU jn Byty inq rwqO hir nwm rMig ]1] rhwau ]
man ma-uli-o, har charan saNg.
kar kirpaa saadhoo jan bhaytay, nit raatou har naam raNg. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Attaching to the feet of God, my mind blossoms forth; (because)
bestowing His Grace, He got me to meet with the God-oriented persons; and, I constantly
remain imbued with the Name of God. 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw pRgty guopwl ] liV lwie auDwry dIn dieAwl ]2]
kar kirpaa, pragatay gopaal. laṛ laa-ay udhaaray, deen da-i-aal. ||2||
Bestowing His Grace, the Sustainer of the Word has revealed Himself (to me);
Merciful to the Poor attached me to the hem of His robe (i.e. accepted me as His own) and saved
me. 2
iehu mnu hoAw swD DUir ] inq dyKY suAwmI hjUir ]3]
ih man, ho-aa saadh* dhoor. nit daykhai su-aamee hajoor. ||3||
This mind has become dust (of the feet) of the Guru*; [*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
(now) it beholds the Master, continually ever present 3.
kwm k®oD iqRsnw geI ] nwnk pRB ikrpw BeI ]4]2]15]
kaam krodh tarisnaa ga-ee. naanak, prabh kirpaa bha-ee. ||4||2||15||
Nanak (says): my sexual desire, anger and lust have vanished away; (because)
the Lord has become Gracious (to me). 4.2.15
bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
rog imtwey pRBU Awip ] bwlk rwKy Apny kr Qwip ]1]
rog mitaa-ay, prabhoo aap. baalak raakhay, apnay kar thaap. ||1||
The Lord Himself cures the disease.
He saves His children (i.e. devotees) by laying down His hand (on their head, i.e. by taking them
under His protection). 1
sWiq shj igRih sd bsMqu ] gur pUry kI srxI Awey kilAwx rUp jip hir hir mMqu ]1] rhwau ]
saant sahj garihi, sad basaNt.
gur pooray kee sarṇee aa-ay, kali-aaṇ roop jap har har maNt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There is peace and poise and forever spring-time in their home (i.e. heart of those);
those, who have entered the refuge of the perfect Guru, and, chant the spell (i.e. Name) of God,
the Lord, the Embodiment of Prosperity. 1 (pause)
sog sMqwp kty pRiB Awip ] sog saNtaap, katay prabh aap.
The Lord Himself removes sorrows and sufferings.
gur Apuny kau inq inq jwip ]2] gur apunay ka-o, nit nit jaap. ||2||
(So, O! brethren) I continually, always, meditate upon my Guru. 2
jo jnu qyrw jpy nwau ] siB Pl pwey inhcl gux gwau ]3]
jo jan, tayraa japay naa-o. sabh fal paa-ay, nihchal guṇ gaa-o. ||3||
(O! God) those servants (i.e. devotees) who meditate upon Your Name;
obtain all fruits by singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Unchanging (Lord). 3
nwnk Bgqw BlI rIiq ] suKdwqw jpdy nIq nIiq ]4]3]16]
naanak, bhagtaa bhalee reet. sukh-daata japday, neet neet. ||4||3||16||
Nanak (says): good is the way of the devotees:
they always, continually, meditate upon (the Name of) the Giver of Happiness. 4.3.16

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5
hukmu kir kIn@y inhwl ] Apny syvk kau BieAw dieAwlu ]1]
hukam kar keenhay nihaal. apnay sayvak ka-o, bha-i-aa da-i-aal. ||1||
By His Command, He has made me happy;
He has become Merciful to His servant (i.e. devotee). 1
guir pUrY sBu pUrw kIAw ] AMimRq nwmu ird mih dIAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai, sabh pooraa kee-aa. aMmrit naam, rid meh dee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru has perfected everything (i.e. fulfilled all my wishes).
He has placed (i.e. implanted) the AMmrit Name (of God) in my heart. 1 (pause)
krmu Drmu myrw kCu n bIcwirE ] bwh pkir Bvjlu insqwirE ]2]
karam dharam mayraa, kachh na beechaari-o. baah pakar, bhavjal nistaari-o. ||2||
He has not given consideration to my (good or bad) deeds and (practice of)faith; and,
holding me by my arm, He carried me across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 2
P. 1185
pRiB kwit mYlu inrml kry ] gur pUry kI srxI pry ]3]
prabh kaat mail, nirmal karay. gur pooray kee sarṇee paray. ||3||
The Lord erased my filth (i.e. rid me of my sins) and purified me; (when)
I entered the refuge of the perfect Guru. 3
Awip krih Awip krxYhwry ] kir ikrpw nwnk auDwry ]4]4]17]
aap karahi, aap karṇaihaaray.kar kirpaa, naanak udhaaray. ||4||4||17||
Nanak (says): He Himself Does and Himself is the Causer (i.e. Cause of everything);
bestowing His Grace, he saves us. 4.4.17

bsMqu mhlw 5 BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
dyKu PUl PUl PUly ] AhM iqAwig iqAwgy ]
daykh fool, fool foolay. ahaN ti-aag, ti-aagay.
(O! brethren) behold the flowers; the flowers are blossoming;
(you too) abandon egotism, (and become) detached.
crn kml pwgy ] qum imlhu pRB sBwgy ]
charan kamal paagay. tum milhu prabh, sabhaagay.
Grasp hold of the lotus-feet (of God);
(then) you shall meet with the Lord, O! fortunate one.
hir cyiq mn myry ] rhwau ] har chayt, man mayray. rahaa-o.
O! my mind, remember (i.e. meditate upon) God. (pause)
sGn bwsu kUly ] ieik rhy sUik kTUly ]
saghan baas koolay. ik rahay sook kaṭoolay.
The tender ones (i.e. plants) give a lot of (good) smell;
(whereas) some (others) remain dry like hard wood.
bsMq ruiq AweI ] prPUlqw rhy ]1] basaNt rut aa-ee. parfooltaa rahay. ||1||
The spring season has come; everything is blossoming forth (O! brethren, you too meditate upon
God and blossom forth). 1

Ab klU AwieE ry ] ieku nwmu bovhu bovhu ] ab, kaloo aa-i-o, ray. ik naam bovhu bovhu.
Now Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age) has come, O! dear’;
(now) plant (only) the seed of the Name of the One (Lord).
An rUiq nwhI nwhI ] mqu Brim BUlhu BUlhu ]
an rut naahee naahee. mat bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu.
There is no other season for sowing (i.e. other than human life, there is no other season /
opportunity to plant the seed of the Name of God).
(So, O! brethren) do not wander, deluded by delusion (of Maya).
gur imly hir pwey ] ijsu msqik hY lyKw ] gur milay har paa-ay. jis mastak hai laykhaa.
One, who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead, meeting the Guru, he finds God.
mn ruiq nwm ry ] gun khy nwnk hir hry hir hry ]2]18]
man, rut naam ray. gun kahay, naanak, har haray, har haray. ||2||18||
Nanak (says): O! (my) mind, this is the season of (meditation upon) the Name;
(so) chant the excellences of God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty. 2.18

bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 2 ihMfol BasaNt, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2, HiNdol

God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
hoie iekqR imlhu myry BweI duibDw dUir krhu ilv lwie ]
ho-ay ikatar milhu, mayray bhaa-ee, dubidhaa door karahu liv laa-ay.
Come and join together, O! brethren, and, dispel your duality by absorbing yourself (in God).
hir nwmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPw ivCwie ]1]
har naamai kay hovhu joṛee, gurmukh baishu safaa vichhaa-ay. ||1||
Associate yourself to the Name of God, become Guru-oriented and spread out your mats and
sit down (to play the game of love of God). 1
ien@ ibiD pwsw Fwlhu bIr ] inh bidh, paasaa ḍaalahu, beer.
In this way, throw your dice (i.e. play the game of life), O! brethren.
gurmuiK nwmu jphu idnu rwqI AMq kwil nh lwgY pIr ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh naam japahu din raatee, aNt kaal nah laagai peer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru, meditate upon the Name, day and night; and, at the very last moment, you
shall not have to suffer in pain. 1 (pause)
krm Drm qum@ caupiV swjhu squ krhu qum@ swrI ]
karam dharam tumh cha-upaṛ saajahu, sat karahu tumh saaree.
Let righteous deeds be your dice-board, and, let the true conduct be your dice.
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu jIqhu AYsI Kyl hir ipAwrI ]2]
kaam krodh lobh moh jeetahu, aisee khayl har pi-aaree. ||2||
Conquer sexual desire, anger, greed and (emotional) attachment; (only) such a game is dear to
God. 2
auiT iesnwnu krhu prBwqy soey hir AwrwDy ] uṭ isnaan karahu parbhaatay, so-ay har aaraadhay.
Rise early in the morning and take bath (and meditate upon God); and, adore God before you
go to sleep.

ibKVy dwau lµGwvY myrw siqguru suK shj syqI Gir jwqy ]3]
bikh-ṛay daa-o laNghaavai mayraa satgur, sukh sahj saytee ghar jaatay. ||3||
My True Guru shall get you to (smoothly) cross over difficult paths, and, you shall go to your
home (of self), in peace and poise. 3
hir Awpy KylY Awpy dyKY hir Awpy rcnu rcwieAw ]
har aapay khaylai, aapay daykhai, har aapay rachan rachaa-i-aa.
God Himself plays; He Himself watches; and He Himself has created the creation.
jn nwnk gurmuiK jo nru KylY so ijix bwjI Gir AwieAw ]4]1]19]
jan naanak, gurmukh jo nar khaylai, so jiṇ baajee ghar aa-i-aa. ||4||1||19||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): that person, who plays this game, through the Guru, wins
the game and returns to his home (of self). 4.1.19
bsMqu mhlw 5 ihMfol ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5, HiNdol
qyrI kudriq qUhY jwxih Aauru n dUjw jwxY ] tayree kudrat toohai jaaṇeh, a-or na doojaa jaaṇai.
You alone know Your Creative Power; and, no one else knows it.
ijs no ik®pw krih myry ipAwry soeI quJY pCwxY ]1]
jis no kripaa karahi, mayray pi-aaray, so-ee tujhai pachhaaṇai. ||1||
He alone knows (i.e. realizes) You, O! my dear, unto whom You bestow Your Grace. 1
qyirAw Bgqw kau bilhwrw ] tayri-aa bhagtaa ka-o balihaaraa.
I am a sacrifice unto Your devotees.
Qwnu suhwvw sdw pRB qyrw rMg qyry Awpwrw ]1] rhwau ]
thaan suhaavaa sadaa prabh tayraa, raNg tayray aapaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your place is eternally beautiful, and, Your wondrous feat are infinite. 1 (pause)
qyrI syvw quJ qy hovY Aauru n dUjw krqw ] tayree sayvaa tujh tay hovai, a-or na doojaa kartaa.
Only You Yourself can (get one to) perform Your service; no one else can do it.
Bgqu qyrw soeI quDu BwvY ijs no qU rMgu Drqw ]2]
bhagat tayraa so-ee, tudh bhaavai, jis no too raNg dhartaa. ||2||
Only that devotee of Yours is pleasing to You, within whom You enshrine Your love. 2
P. 1186
qU vf dwqw qU vf dwnw Aauru nhI ko dUjw ] too vad daataa, too vad daanaa, a-or nahee ko doojaa.
You are Great Giver; You are greatly Wise; there is no one other (like You).
qU smrQu suAwmI myrw hau ikAw jwxw qyrI pUjw ]3]
too samrath su-aamee mayraa, ha-o ki-aa jaaṇaa tayree poojaa. ||3||
You are All-powerful; You are my Master; how can I not know how to worship You? 3
qyrw mhlu Agocru myry ipAwry ibKmu qyrw hY Bwxw ]
tayraa mahal agochar, mayray pi-aaray, bikham tayraa hai bhaaṇaa.
Your mansion is imperceptible, O! my Beloved (Lord); and, it is difficult to bow to Your Will.
khu nwnk Fih pieAw duAwrY riK lyvhu mugD Ajwxw ]4]2]20]
kaho naanak, ḍeh pa-i-aa du-aarai, rakh layvhu mugadh ajaaṇaa. ||4||2||20||
Says Nanak: I have fallen at Your Door; (please) save me, I am foolish and ignorant. 4.2.20
bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 5
mUlu n bUJY Awpu n sUJY Brim ibAwpI AhM mnI ]1]
mool na boojhai, aap na soojhai, bharam bi-aapee ahaM manee. ||1||
(The mortal being) does not know the Primal (Lord); (he) does not understand (even) himself;
he is engrossed in doubt and egotism. 1

ipqw pwrbRhm pRB DnI ] moih insqwrhu inrgunI ]1] rhwau ]
pitaa paarbraahm prabh dhanee. mohi nistaarahu, nirgunee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my Father, O! Supreme Lord, (my) Lord and Master.
I am virtue-less, (please) save me (any way). 1 (pause)
Epiq prlau pRB qy hovY ieh bIcwrI hir jnI ]2]
opat parla-o prabh tay hovai, ih beechaaree har janee. ||2||
Creation and destruction come from the Lord; God’s servants (i.e. devotees) believe so. 2
nwm pRBU ky jo rMig rwqy kil mih suKIey sy gnI ]3]
naam prabhoo kay jo raNg raatay, kal meh sukhee-ay say ganee. ||3||
Those, who are imbued with the Name of the Lord, are reckoned as happy in the Kaliyuga (i.e.
Dark Age). 3
Avru aupwau n koeI sUJY nwnk qrIAY gur bcnI ]4]3]21]
avar upaa-o na ko-ee soojhai; naanak, taree-ai gur bachnee. ||4||3||21||
Nanak (says): it is the teachings of the Guru that carry us across (the world ocean); I cannot
think of any other way. 4.3.21

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
rwgu bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 9 ] Raag BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 9
swDo iehu qnu imiQAw jwnau ] Xw BIqir jo rwmu bsqu hY swco qwih pCwno ]1] rhwau ]
saadho ih tan mithi-aa jaan-o. yaa bheetar jo raam basat hai saacho taahi pachhaano ||1|| rahaao
O! God-oriented persons, know that this body is false (i.e. perishable / ephemeral, hence
unreal). God, who dwells in it, recognize that He (alone) is True. 1 (pause)
iehu jgu hY sMpiq supny kI dyiK khw AYfwno ] ih jag hai saMpat supnay kee, daykh kahaa aidaano.
This world is like wealth in dreams; why are you so proud of (holding) it?
sMig iqhwrY kCU n cwlY qwih khw lptwno ]1] saNg tihaarai kachhoo na chaalai, taahi kahaa laptaano. ||1||
Nothing shall go along with you (in the end), (then) why do you cling to it? 1
ausqiq inMdw doaU prhir hir kIriq auir Awno ] ustat niNdaa do-oo parhar, har keerat ur aano.
Leave behind both praise and slander, and, enshrine the praise of God within your heart.
jn nwnk sB hI mY pUrn eyk purK Bgvwno ]2]1]
jan naanak, sabh hee mai pooran, ayk purakh bhagvaano. ||2||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the One Primal Person, the Lord of Fortune (alone) is fully
pervading everybody. 2.1
bsMqu mhlw 9 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 9
pwpI hIAY mY kwmu bswie ] mnu cMclu Xw qy gihE n jwie ]1] rhwau ]
paapee, hee-ai mai kaam basaa-ay. man chaNchal, yaa tay gahi-o na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sinner enshrines sexual desire within his heart; (that is why)
He cannot control his fickle mind. 1 (pause)
jogI jMgm Aru sMinAws ] sB hI pir fwrI ieh Pws ]1]
jogee jaNgam ar saNni-aas. sabh hee par, daaree ih faas. ||1||
The yogis, (wandering) ascetics and sanniaasees (i.e. renunciates);
this net (of sexual desire) is cast over all of them. 1

ijih ijih hir ko nwmu sm@wir ] qy Bv swgr auqry pwir ]2]
jihi jihi, har ko naam samhaar. tay, bhav saagar utray paar. ||2||
Whoever and whichever remembers the Name of God; he crosses over the terrifying (world)
ocean. 2
jn nwnk hir kI srnwie ] dIjY nwmu rhY gun gwie ]3]2]
jan naanak, har kee sarnaa-ay. deejai naam, rahai gun gaa-ay. ||3||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, I seek Your refuge; (please)
bless me with Your Name, that I may remain singing (the praise of) Your excellences. 3.2
bsMqu mhlw 9 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 9
mweI mY Dnu pwieE hir nwmu ] mnu myro Dwvn qy CUitE kir bYTo ibsrwmu ]1] rhwau ]
maa-ee, mai dhan paa-i-o har naam.
man mayro dhaavan tay chhooti-o, kar baiṭo bisraam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! mother, I have obtained the wealth of the Name of God (from the Guru); hence,
my mind has stopped itself from wandering around, (and, now) it has come to rest. 1 (pause)
mwieAw mmqw qn qy BwgI aupijE inrml igAwnu ] maa-i-aa mamtaa tan tay bhaagee, upji-o nirmal gi-aan.
Attachment to Maya has run away from my body (i.e. from my being), (because) immaculate
(spiritual) wisdom (of the Guru) has welled up within me.
loB moh eyh pris n swkY ghI Bgiq Bgvwn]1] lobh moh ayh paras na saakai, gahee bhagat bhagvaan. ||1||
(Now) greed and (emotional) attachment cannot (even) touch me, (because) I have grasped
hold of the devotion of God. 1
jnm jnm kw sMsw cUkw rqnu nwmu jb pwieAw ] janam janam kaa sa saa chookaa, ratan naam jab paa-i-aa.
Doubt of countless life-times (i.e. incarnations) has been eradicated, since I have obtained the
jewel of the Name (of God).
iqRsnw skl ibnwsI mn qy inj suK mwih smwieAw ]2]
tarisnaa sakal binaasee man tay, nij sukh maahi samaa-i-aa. ||2||
All its desires have vanished away from my mind, and, it (i.e. my mind) is absorbed in
happiness of its inner being. 2
jw kau hoq dieAwlu ikrpw iniD so goibMd gun gwvY ] jaa ka-o hot da-i-aal kirpaa nidh, so gobiNd gun gaavai.
That person, upon whom the Treasure of Mercy bestows His Grace; (he) sings (the praise of)
the excellences of the Lord of the World.
khu nwnk ieh ibiD kI sMpY koaU gurmuiK pwvY ]3]3]
kaho naanak, ih bidh kee saMpai, ko-oo gurmukh paavai. ||3||3||
Says Nanak: only some rare one gathers this type of wealth, through the Guru. 3.3
bsMqu mhlw 9 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 9
mn khw ibswirE rwm nwmu ] qnu ibnsY jm isau prY kwmu ]1] rhwau ]
man, kahaa bisaari-o raam naam. tan binsai, jam si-o parai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, why have you forgotten the Name of God?
When your body perishes, you shall have to deal with messenger of death (and then only the
Name of God will be helpful). 1 (pause)
iehu jgu DUey kw phwr ] qY swcw mwinAw ikh ibcwir ]1]
ih jag dhoo-ay kaa pahaar. tai saachaa maani-aa, kih bichaar. ||1||
(O! my mind) This world is (like) a hill of smoke (i.e. it is ephemeral);
what makes you believe that this is real (i.e. eternal). 1

P. 1187
Dnu dwrw sMpiq gRyh ] kCu sMig n cwlY smJ lyh ]2]
dhan daaraa sampat garayh. kachh saNg na chaalai, samajh layh. ||2||
Wealth, wife, property, home;
none of these shall go along with you; understand this (reality). 2
iek Bgiq nwrwien hoie sMig ] khu nwnk Bju iqh eyk rMig ]3]4]
ik bhagat naaraa-in,* ho-ay saNg. kaho naanak, bhaj tih ayk raNg. ||3||4||
Says Nanak: only devotion to Omnipresent* (Lord) shall go along with you; (so)
meditate upon Him with single-minded love. 3.4
[*Naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

bsMqu mhlw 9 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 9

khw BUilE ry JUTy loB lwg ] kCu ibgirE nwihn Ajhu jwg ]1] rhwau ]
kahaa bhooli-o ray, jhooṭay lobh laag. kachh bigri-o naahin, ajahu jaag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! mortal) why are you wandering lost, attached to false greed (of Maya)?
nothing has been lost yet, still (there is time to) wake up. 1 (pause)
sm supnY kY iehu jgu jwnu ] ibnsY iCn mY swcI mwnu ]1]
sam supnai kai, ih jag jaan. binsai chhin mai, saachee maan. ||1||
Know that this world is (false) just like a dream.
It shall perish, in an instant; know this as true. 1
sMig qyrY hir bsq nIq ] ins bwsur Bju qwih mIq ]2]
saNg tayrai, har basat neet. nis baasur bhaj taahi, meet. ||2||
(O! brethren) God constantly abides with you; so,
day and night, meditate upon Him, O! (my) friend. 2
bwr AMq kI hoie shwie ] khu nwnk gun qw ky gwie ]3]5]
baar aNt kee ho-ay sahaa-ay. kaho naanak, gun taa kay gaa-ay. ||3||5||
Says Nanak: (O! brethren) at the very last instant, He (alone) shall be your help; so,
sing (the praise of) His excellences. 3.5

bsMqu mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 1 duqukIAw BasaNt, Mehlaa 1, asatpadee-aa, ghar 1, dutukee-aa
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
jgu kaUAw nwmu nhI cIiq ] jag ka-oo-aa, naam nahee cheet.
The world is like a crow; it does not (i.e. people do not) remember the Name (of God).
nwmu ibswir igrY dyKu BIiq ] naam bisaar, girai daykh bheet.
Forgetting the Name, it falls on seeing bait (i.e. people are attracted by immoral activities).
mnUAw folY cIiq AnIiq ] manoo-aa dolai, cheet aneet.
The mind wavers in immoral intentions.
jg isau qUtI JUT prIiq ]1] jag si-o tootee, jhooṭ pareet. ||1||
(Beholding this) my love with (i.e. attachment to) the (false) world has been broken. 1
kwmu k®oDu ibKu bjru Bwru ] kaam krodh bikh bajar bhaar.
Sexual desire and anger are poison; it is (like carrying) heavy load.

nwm ibnw kYsy gun cwru ]1] rhwau ] naam binaa, kaisay gun chaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Name, how can the conduct become virtuous? 1 (pause)
Gru bwlU kw GUmn Gyir ] ghar baaloo kaa, ghooman ghayr.
(This body is like) the house is of sand, surrounded by whirlpool,
brKis bwxI budbudw hyir ] barkhas baaṇee, budbudaa hayr.
It is like a bubble, formed by falling rain (which vanishes in no time).
mwqR bUMd qy Dir cku Pyir ] matar booNd tay dhar chak fayr.
It is formed (by God) from a (mere) drop (of father’s sperms), by turning the wheel around (i.e.
as a potter forms pots from clay by turning the wheel around, God forms body from a mere drop).
srb joiq nwmY kI cyir ]2] sarab jot, naamai kee chayr. ||2||
All lights (i.e. powers) are the servants of the Name (of God). 2
srb aupwie gurU isir moru ] sarab upaa-ay, guroo sir mor.
(O! God) having created all, You are the Guru above all.
Bgiq krau pg lwgau qor ] bhagat kara-o, pag laaga-o tor.
(I wish I should) meditate upon You and attach myself to Your feet.
nwim rqo cwhau quJ Eru ] naam rato, chaaha-o tujh or.
Imbued with the Name, I long to be attached to You.
nwmu durwie clY so coru ]3] naam duraa-ay chalai, so chor. ||3||
One, who keeps Your Name away from one self, departs (from this world like) a thief. 3
piq KoeI ibKu AMcil pwie ] pat kho-ee, bikh aNchal paa-ay.
Gathering poison (i.e. sins) in the hem of one’s robe (i.e. in one’ s possession), one loses honour.
swc nwim rqo piq isau Gir jwie ] saach naam rato, pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
(On the other hand, one who is) imbued with the True Name, goes to his home with honour.
jo ikCu kIn@is pRBu rjwie ] jo kichh keen as, prabh rajaa-ay.

(He believes that) the Lord does whatever He Wills.

BY mwnY inrBau myrI mwie ]4] bhai maanai nirbha-o, mayree maa-ay. ||4||
One, who abides in the fear (of God), becomes fearless, O! my mother. 4
kwmin cwhY suMdir Bogu ] pwn PUl mITy rs rog ]
kaaman chaahai suNdar bhog. paan fool meeṭay ras rog.
A charming lady desires to become (i.e. to look) beautiful and enjoy pleasures;
(but enjoying) betel-leaf, (wearing of garlands of) flowers and sweet tastes, lead to disease.
KIlY ibgsY qyqo sog ] kheelai bigsai, tayto sog.
The more she plays and blossoms (i.e. enjoys), the more she suffers in sorrows.
pRB srxwgiq kIn@is hog ]5] prabh sarṇaagat, keenhas hog. ||5||
(But) when she enters the refuge of God, (know that) whatever she wishes, comes to happen. 5
kwpVu pihris AiDku sIgwru ] kaapaṛ pahiras, adhik seegaar.
She wears (beautiful) clothes with a lot of decorations.
mwtI PUlI rUpu ibkwru ] maatee foolee, roop bikaar.
She is puffed up at clay (i.e. (i.e. proud of her body), but this beauty leads to vices.
Awsw mnsw bWDo bwru ] aasaa mansaa baandho baar.
Her hopes and desires block her doorway (to God’s mansion).
nwm ibnw sUnw Gru bwru ]6] naam binaa, soonaa ghar baar. ||6||
Without the Name, one’s home (i.e. heart) remains deserted. 6

gwChu puqRI rwj kuAwir ] gaachhahu, putree raaj ku-aar*.
Go away (from this place of worldly pleasure), O! my daughters, princes*.
nwmu Bxhu scu doqu svwir ] naam bhaṇahu, sach dot savaar.
Chant the Name of the True (Lord) and embellish your day.
[*The Guru addresses them as prince and not princess].
ipRau syvhu pRB pRym ADwir ] pri-o sayvhu, prabh praym adhaar.
Serve your Beloved Lord, and, lean on the support of His love.
gur sbdI ibKu iqAws invwir ]7] gur sabdee, bikh ti-aas nivaar. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru, abandon your thirst for poison (i.e. vices). 7
mohin moih lIAw mnu moih ] mohan, mohi lee-aa man mohi.
O! Fascinating (Lord), You have fascinated my mind.
gur kY sbid pCwnw qoih ] gur kai sabad, pachhaanaa tohi.
Through the Word of the Guru, (O! Lord) I have realized You.
nwnk TwFy cwhih pRBU duAwir ] qyry nwim sMqoKy ikrpw Dwir ]8]1]
naanak, ṭaaḍay chaaheh prabhoo du-aar. tayray naam saNtokhay kirpaa dhaar. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): standing at the Door of God, I desire (that)
Your Name may bless me with contentment, (please) bestow Your Kindness (upon me). 8.1

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

mnu BUlau Brmis Awie jwie ] man bhoola-o, bharmas aa-ay jaa-ay.
The mind, deluded by doubts, comes and goes (i.e. wanders here and there).
Aiq lubD luBwnau ibKm mwie ] at lubadh lubhaana-o, bikham maa-ay.
It is greatly lured, lured by poisonous Maya.
nh AsiQru dIsY eyk Bwie ] ijau mIn kuMflIAw kMiT pwie ]1]
nah asthir deesai, ayk bhaa-ay. ji-o meen kuNdlee-aa kaNṭ paa-ay. ||1||
It does not remain stable in the love of the One (Lord);
just as, (lured by greed), the neck of a fish is pierced through (by a hook, so is a man caught in the
net of Maya). 1
mnu BUlau smJis swic nwie ] gur sbdu bIcwry shj Bwie ]1] rhwau ]
man bhoola-o, samjhas saach naa-ay. gur sabad beechaaray, sahj bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The deluded mind understands (the reality) through True Name,
(when) it contemplates the Word of the Guru, with love, with natural ease. 1 (pause)
P. 1188
mnu BUlau Brmis Bvr qwr ] man bhoola-o, bharmas bhavar taar.
The deluded mind buzzes around like a bumble-bee.
ibl ibrQy cwhY bhu ibkwr ] bil birthay, chaahai baho bikaar.
The (nine) holes* (gates) are worthless, (if) the mind wishes (to commit) so many vices.
[*The nine holes/ gates of the body are: two eyes, two ears, two noses, mouth, penis and anus].
mYgl ijau Pwsis kwmhwr ] kiV bMDin bwiDE sIs mwr ]2]
maigal ji-o faasas kaamhaar. kaṛ baNdhan baadhi-o, sees maar. ||2||
(Human being too is) like an elephant who is entrapped by its sexual desire;
(because of this) it is tightly chained with chains and beaten on head (with goad). 2
[Like the elephant, man is also chained with the chains of Maya and beaten by the messenger of death].

mnu mugDO dwdru BgiqhInu ] man mugdhou daadar bhagtiheen.
The mind is foolish like a frog, (it is) without devotion.
[The foolish frog does not learn anything from the lotus flower which dwells in the same water; similar is the state of a man
without devotion, he does not understand the value of devotion and meditation].
dir BRst srwpI nwm bInu ] dar bharsat saraapee, naam been.
Those without the Name, are cursed and condemned ay His Door (i.e. in the Court of God).
qw kY jwiq n pwqI nwm lIn ] taa kai jaat na paatee, naam leen.
They have no caste (i.e. they are regarded of no good social status), no honour and no one (even)
remembers their name.
siB dUK sKweI guxh bIn ]3] sabh dookh sakhaa-ee, guṇah been. ||3||
Those without virtues, have sorrows as their companions. 3
mnu clY n jweI Twik rwKu ] man chalai na jaa-ee, ṭaak raakh.
The mind (is fickle, hence it) wanders out, (O! brethren) restrain it.
ibnu hir rs rwqy piq n swKu ] bin har ras raatay, pat na saakh.
Without being imbued with the essence of (the Name of) God, one has no honour or credibility.
qU Awpy surqw Awip rwKu ] too aapay surtaa, aap raakh.
You Yourself are the Listener (to our prayers) and You Yourself are (our) Protector.
Dir Dwrx dyKY jwxY Awip ]4] dhar dhaaraṇ daykhai, jaaṇai aap. ||4||
You Yourself sustain the earth, take care of it, and, know (everything). 4
Awip Bulwey iksu khau jwie ] aap bhulaa-ay, kis kaha-o jaa-ay.
(O! Brethren) when He Himself gets me astray, unto whom can I say (i.e. complain)?
guru myly ibrQw khau mwie ] gur maylay, birthaa kaha-o maa-ay.
If He unites me with the Guru, I can tell him of my pain, O! (my) mother.
Avgx Cofau gux kmwie ] avgaṇ chhoda-o, guṇ kamaa-ay.
Abandoning my vices, I earn (i.e. practice) virtues.
gur sbdI rwqw sic smwie ]5] gur sabdee raataa, sach samaa-ay. ||5||
Imbued with the Word of the Guru, I shall merge in the True (Lord). 5
siqgur imilAY miq aUqm hoie ] mnu inrmlu haumY kFY Doie ]
satgur mili-ai, mat ootam ho-ay. man nirmal, ha-umai kaḍai dho-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, intellect is purified;
egotism is washed away (with AMmrit water of the Name), and, the mind becomes immaculate.
sdw mukqu bMiD n skY koie ] sdw nwmu vKwxY Aauru n koie ]6]
sadaa mukat, baNdh na sakai ko-ay. sadaa naam vakhaaṇai, a-or na ko-ay. ||6||
He is liberated forever, and, no one can keep him in bondage;
(because) he chants the Name, forever, and nothing else. 6
mnu hir kY BwxY AwvY jwie ] man, har kai bhaaṇai aavai jaa-ay.
The mind comes and goes (i.e. wanders) according to the Will of God;
sB mih eyko ikCu khxu n jwie ] sabh meh ayko kichh kahaṇ na jaa-ay.
The One (Lord) dwells in everyone (and He controls all of us), hence, nothing can be said.
sBu hukmo vrqY hukim smwie ] sabh hukmo vartai, hukam samaa-ay.
His Command pervades everywhere, and, all merge (in Him) in His Command.
dUK sUK sB iqsu rjwie ]7] dookh sookh sabh tis rajaa-ay. ||7||
All pain and pleasure come by His Will. 7

qU ABulu n BUlO kdy nwih ] too abhul, na bhoolou kaday naahi.
(O! God) You are infallible; You never make mistakes.
gur sbdu suxwey miq Agwih ] gur sabad suṇaa-ay, mat agaahi.
One, whom You get to listen to the Word of the Guru, his intellect becomes deep (i.e. profound).
qU motau Twkuru sbd mwih ] too mota-o ṭaakur, sabad maahi.
(O! God) You are Great Master; You are (contained) in the Word (of the Guru).
mnu nwnk mwinAw scu slwih ]8]2] man, naanak, maani-aa, sach salaahi. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): my mind pleases in the praise of the True (Lord). 8.2

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

drsn kI ipAws ijsu nr hoie ] eykqu rwcY prhir doie ]
darsan kee pi-aas, jis nar ho-ay. aykat raachai, parhar do-ay.
That person, who has thirst for the vision (Of God);
leaving his duality behind, he is absorbed the One (Lord).
dUir drdu miQ AMimRqu Kwie ] door darad, math aMmrit khaa-ay.
He churns (the Word) and takes in Ammrit (Name), and, his pains are taken away.
gurmuiK bUJY eyk smwie ]1] gurmukh boojhai, ayk samaa-ay. ||1||
He understands (the One Lord) through the Guru and merges in the One (Lord). 1
qyry drsn kau kyqI ibllwie ] ivrlw ko cInis gur sbid imlwie ]1] rhwau ]
tayray darsan ka-o, kaytee billaa-ay. virlaa ko cheenas, gur sabad milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord) a lot many cry out for beholding Your vision; (but only)
some rare one realizes You through the Word of the Guru, and, merges (with You). 1 (pause)
byd vKwix khih ieku khIAY ] bayd vakhaaṇ kaheh, ik kahee-ai.
The Vedas say (that we should) chant (the Name of) the One (Lord).
Ehu byAMqu AMqu ikin lhIAY ] oh bay-aNt, aNt kin lahee-ai.
He (i.e. God) is endless; who has found His limits? (i.e. no one has ever known His expanse).
eyko krqw ijin jgu kIAw ] ayko kartaa, jin jag kee-aa.
There is only One Creator, who created the world.
bwJu klw Dir ggnu DrIAw ]2] baajh kalaa dhar, gagan dharee-aa. ||2||
Without any support, He supports the earth and the sky. 2
eyko igAwnu iDAwnu Duin bwxI ] ayko gi-aan dhi-aan, dhun baaṇee.
(All) knowledge and concentration (i.e. meditation) are contained in the melody of the Word.
eyku inrwlmu AkQ khwxI ] ayk niraalam, akath kahaaṇee.
The One (Lord) is detached (from the world), and, His story is (i.e. His excellences are)
eyko sbdu scw nIswxu ] ayko sabad, sachaa neesaan.
The Word alone is the insignia of the True (Lord).
pUry gur qy jwxY jwxu ]3] pooray gur tay, jaaṇai jaaṇ. ||3||
The All-Knowing (Lord) is known through the perfect Guru. 3
eyko Drmu idRVY scu koeI ] ayko dharam, dariṛai sach ko-ee.
If one want to implant Truth within his mind, there is only one religion (i.e. meditation upon the
One Lord).

gurmiq pUrw juig juig soeI ] gurmat pooraa, jug jug so-ee.
Through the wisdom of the Guru (one understands that) He alone pervades through all ages.
Anhid rwqw eyk ilv qwr ] Ehu gurmuiK pwvY AlK Apwr ]4]
anhad raataa, ayk liv taar. oh gurmukh paavai alakh apaar. ||4||
One, who is imbued with the Unlimted (i.e. Lord) and is lovingly absorbed in Him;
that Guru-oriented one attains the Unseen and Infinite (Lord). 4
eyko qKqu eyko pwiqswhu ] ayko takhat, ayko paatisaahu.
There is One throne (of the Lord) and, One King (i.e. God alone).
srbI QweI vyprvwhu ] sarbee thaa-ee, vayparvaahu.
That Carefree (God) is pervading all places.
iqs kw kIAw iqRBvx swru ] tis kaa kee-aa, taribhavaṇ saar.
The (total ) essence of three worlds is His creation.
Ehu Agmu Agocru eykMkwru ]5] oh agam agochar, aykaNkaar. ||5||
The one Creator is unfathomable and unknowable. 5
eykw mUriq swcw nwau ] aykaa moorat, saachaa naa-o.
He is one Form, and, True is His Name.
iqQY inbVY swcu inAwau ] tithai nibṛai, saach ni-aa-o.
True justice is administered there (in His Court).
swcI krxI piq prvwxu ] swcI drgh pwvY mwxu ]6]
saachee karṇee, pat parvaaṇ. saachee dargeh paavai maaṇ. ||6||
There, true deeds are accepted and honoured;
(and one who practices true deeds) he is honoured in the True Court. 6
eykw Bgiq eyko hY Bwau ] ibnu BY BgqI Awvau jwau ]
aykaa bhagat, ayko hai bhaa-o. bin bhai bhagtee, aava-o jaa-o.
There is one devotion (of the Lord), and, one is love (for the Lord).
Without the devotion (of God), and, without the fear (of God), one remains coming and going
(in reincarnation).
gur qy smiJ rhY imhmwxu ] hir ris rwqw jnu prvwxu ]7]
gur tay samajh, rahai mihmaaṇ. har ras raataa, jan parvaaṇ. ||7||
One, who obtains this understanding through the Guru, lives (in this world) like a guest;
(such a person) is imbued with the essence of (the Name of) God, and, such a servant (i.e.
devotee) is accepted (in His Court). 7
P. 1189
ieq auq dyKau shjy rwvau ] it ut daykh-a-u sehjay raava-o.
I see You here and there (i.e. everywhere) and remember (i.e. meditate upon You) with natural
quJ ibnu Twkur iksY n Bwvau ] tujh bin ṭaakur kisai na bhaava-o.
I do not love any one, other than You, O! my Master.
nwnk haumY sbid jlwieAw ] siqguir swcw drsu idKwieAw ]8]3]
naanak, ha-umai sabad jalaa-i-aa. satgur saachaa daras dikhaa-i-aa. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): one, who has burnt (one’s) ego through the Word,
the True Guru has shown (him) the vision of the True (Lord). 8.3

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1
cMclu cIqu n pwvY pwrw ] Awvq jwq n lwgY bwrw ]
chaNchal cheet, na paavai paaraa. aavat jaat, na laagai baaraa.
The fickle mind cannot find the limits (i.e. cannot know the expanse of God),
(because) it takes no time in its coming and going (i.e. it is forever flickering).
dUKu Gxo mrIAY krqwrw ] ibnu pRIqm ko krY n swrw ]1]
dookh ghaṇo maree-ai, kartaaraa. bin preetam, ko karai na saaraa. ||1||
(Because of this) it suffers greatly and dies (in pain), O! my Creator.
Except my Beloved (Lord), no one cares for me. 1
sB aUqm iksu AwKau hInw ] sabh ootam, kis aakha-o heenaa.
All (the people) are high (i.e. good, because God dwells in them), whom can I call low (i.e. how
can I call anyone bad).
hir BgqI sic nwim pqInw ]1] rhwau ] har bhagtee, sach naam pateenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am pleased with the True Name and devotion of God. 1 (pause)
AauKD kir QwkI bhuqyry ] ikau duKu cUkY ibnu gur myry ]
a-ukhadh kar thaakee bahutayray. ki-o dukh chookai, bin gur mayray.
I have taken many sorts of medicines (i.e. have tried many cures), and, I am tired;
(but) how can (my) disease can be cured, without my Guru ?
ibnu hir BgqI dUK Gxyry ] duK suK dwqy Twkur myry ]2]
bin har bhagtee, dookh ghaṇayray. dukh sukh, daatay, ṭaakur mayray. ||2||
Without the devotion of God, the sufferings are so high; and,
(all) the pleasures and pains are with the Giver (Lord), my Master. 2
rogu vfo ikau bWDau DIrw ] rogu buJY so kwtY pIrw ]
rog vado, ki-o baandha-o dheeraa. rog bujhai, so kaatai peeraa.
My disease is so great (i.e. acute), how can I find patience (i.e. solace)!
One (i.e. the Guru) who knows the disease, he (alone) can take away my pain.
mY Avgx mn mwih srIrw ] FUFq Kojq guir myly bIrw ]3]
mai avgaṇ man maahi sareeraa. ḍooḍat khojat, gur maylay, beeraa. ||3||
My mind and body are filled with vices.
I searched and searched, (but finally) (God) united (me) with the Guru, O! brethren. 3
gur kw sbdu dwrU hir nwau ] ijau qU rwKih iqvY rhwau ]
gur kaa sabad, daaroo har naa-o. ji-o too raakhahi, tivai rahaa-o.
The Word of the Guru, the Name of God is the medicine (of all diseases);
as You keep me, so can I live (O! God).
jgu rogI kh dyiK idKwau ] hir inrmwielu inrmlu nwau ]4]
jag rogee, kah daykh dikhaa-o. har nirmaa-il, nirmal naa-o. ||4||
The (whole) world is sick, whom should I say, and find, and show (my disease)?
God is immaculate and immaculate is His Name (He alone can cure my disease). 4
Gr mih Gru jo dyiK idKwvY ] gur mhlI so mhil bulwvY ]
ghar meh ghar, jo daykh dikhaavai. gur mahlee, so mahal bulaavai.
He, who (i.e. Guru) sees and reveals the mansion of God within the home (i.e. self);
that Guru gets one (i.e. soul bride) called to the mansion (of God).

mn mih mnUAw icq mih cIqw ] AYsy hir ky log AqIqw ]5]
man meh manoo-aa, chit meh cheetaa. aisay, har kay log ateetaa. ||5||
Those, whose mind is in mind, and, conscience is in conscience (of whose mind and conscious are
under control); such servants (i.e. devotees) of God, remain detached (from Maya). 5
hrK sog qy rhih inrwsw ] AMimRqu cwiK hir nwim invwsw ]
harakh sog tay raheh niraasaa. aMmrit chaakh, har naam nivaasaa.
They (i.e. devotees of God) remain free from pain and pleasure; (because)
tasting AMmrit (Name of God), they abide in the Name of God.
Awpu pCwix rhY ilv lwgw ] jnmu jIiq gurmiq duKu Bwgw ]6]
aap pachhaaṇ, rahai liv laagaa. janam jeet gurmat dukh bhaagaa. ||6||
One, who recognizes his own self, and, remains lovingly attuned (to God);
wins (the battle of) life, and, through the wisdom of the Guru; his sorrows run away. 6
guir dIAw scu AMimRqu pIvau ] shij mrau jIvq hI jIvau ]
gur dee-aa sach aMmrit peeva-o. sahy.j mara-o, jeevat hee jeeva-o.
The Guru has given me the True AMmrit (Name), and, I drink it in; (now)
I die with natural ease (i.e. negate my self-conceit), and, live (real) life.
Apxo kir rwKhu gur BwvY ] qumro hoie su quJih smwvY ]7]
apṇo kar raakho, gur bhaavai. tumro ho-ay, so tujheh samaavai. ||7||
(O! God) You make them Your own, who are pleasing to the Guru;
one, who becomes Yours, merges in You. 7
BogI kau duKu rog ivAwpY ] bhogee ka-o dukh rog vi-aapai.
One, who indulges in pleasures, is inflicted by sufferings and diseases.
Git Git riv rihAw pRBu jwpY ] ghat ghat rav rahi-aa prabh jaapai.
(One who meditates upon Him, finds that) the Lord is pervading in each and every heart.
suK duK hI qy gur sbid AqIqw ] nwnk rwmu rvY ihq cIqw ]8]4]
sukh dukh hee tay gur sabad ateetaa. naanak raam ravai hit cheetaa. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): he remains unattached from pain and pleasures, though the Word of the Guru;
(because): he remembers (i.e. meditates upon) God, within his heart and his mind. 8.4

bsMqu mhlw 1 iek qukIAw ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1, ik tukee-aa

mqu Bsm AMDUly grib jwih ] ien ibiD nwgy jogu nwih ]1]
mat, bhasam aNdhoolay garab jaahi. in bidh, naagay, jog naahi. ||1||
Do not smear (your body) with ash, O! blind, (by doing so you just) live in ego;
this is not the way of yoga (i.e. union with God), O! naked (yogi). 1
mUV@y kwhy ibswirE qY rwm nwm ] AMq kwil qyrY AwvY kwm ]1] rhwau ]
mooṛhay, kaahay bisaari-o tai raam naam. aNt kaal, tayrai aavai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! fool, why (and how) have you forgotten the Name of God?
At the very last moment, it (alone) shall be of (any) use to you. 1 (pause)
gur pUiC qum krhu bIcwru ] jh dyKau qh swirgpwix ]2]
gur poochh, tum karahu beechaar. jah daykh-a-u, tah saarigpaaṇ. ||2||
(O! foolish mind) ask your guru (i.e. teacher) and reflect over it,
(then you shall find that) wherever I look, I see the Sustainer of the Earth. 2
[*Saarangpaan, literally: ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paan means hand); thus, it means
‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ . This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

ikAw hau AwKw jW kCU nwih ] jwiq piq sB qyrY nwie ]3]
ki-aa ha-o aakhaa, jaan kachhoo naahi.jaat pat sabh, tayrai naa-ay. ||3||
What can I say, (when) I am nothing;
all caste (i.e. my social status) my honour (i.e. everything) is in your Name. 3
kwhy mwlu drbu dyiK grib jwih ] clqI bwr qyro kCU nwih ]4]
kaahay maal darab daykh, garab jaahi. chaltee baar, tayro kachhoo naahi. ||4||
(O! foolish mind) why do you take pride in beholding your wealth?
at the time of (your) departure (from the world), nothing shall go along with you. 4
pMc mwir icqu rKhu Qwie ] jog jugiq kI iehY pWie ]5]
paNch maar, chit rakhahu thaa-ay. jog jugat kee ihai paa -ay. ||5||

(O! brethren) conquer the five (passions), and, hold your mind in its place;
this is the basis of the way of yoga. 5
haumY pYKVu qyry mnY mwih ] hir n cyqih mUVy mukiq jwih ]6]
ha-umai paikhaṛ, tayray manai maahi. har na cheeteh, mooṛay, mukat jaahi. ||6||
The rope of egotism has tied your mind;
(that is why ) you do not think of God, that shall liberate you. 6
mq hir ivsirAY jm vis pwih ] AMq kwil mUVy cot Kwih ]7]
mat, har visri-ai jam vas paahi. aNt kaal, mooṛay, chot khaahi. ||7||
Do not forget God, you shall fall into the grip of the messenger of death;
at the very last moment, O! fool, you shall suffer blows (i.e. shall suffer punishment). 7
P. 1190
gur sbdu bIcwrih Awpu jwie ] swc jogu min vsY Awie ]8]
gur sabad beechaareh, aap jaa-ay. saach jog, man vasai aa-ay. ||8||
(O! brethren, if you) contemplate the Word of Guru, you shall be rid of your ego; and,
true yoga shall come to dwell in your mind. 8
ijin jIau ipMfu idqw iqsu cyqih nwih ] mVI mswxI mUVy jogu nwih ]9]
jin jee-o piNd ditaa, tis chayteh naahi. maṛee masaaṇee, mooṛay, jog naahi. ||9||
He, who has blessed you with life and body, you do not (even) remember Him;
O! fool, yoga is not in (visiting) tombs and (dwelling in) cremation grounds. 9
gux nwnku bolY BlI bwix ] qum hohu sujwKy lyhu pCwix ]10]5]
guṇ, naanak, bolai, bhalee baaṇ. tum hohu sujaakhay, layho pachhaaṇ. ||10||5||
Nanak (says): I speak the word of excellences (of God);
you (behold this) and recognize this with (your spiritual) eyes. 10.5

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

duibDw durmiq ADulI kwr ] mnmuiK BrmY miJ gubwr ]1]
dubidhaa durmat, adhulee kaar. manmukh bharmai, majh gubaar. ||1||
(Acts done in) duality and bad (i.e. evil) wisdom are blind actions; (in duality and evil wisdom)
the mind-oriented one wanders, (lost) in darkness (i.e. ignorance). 1
mnu AMDulw AMDulI miq lwgY ] gur krxI ibnu Brmu n BwgY ]1] rhwau ]
man aNdhulaa, aNdhulee mat laagai. gur karṇee bin, bharam na bhaagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The blind mind follows blind wisdom;
unless one follows the Guru's way, doubt does not depart (i.e. it is not dispelled). 1 (pause)

mnmuiK AMDuly gurmiq n BweI ] psU Bey AiBmwnu n jweI ]2]
manmukh aNdhulay, gurmat na bhaa-ee. pasoo bha-ay, abhimaan na jaa-ee. ||2||
The mind-oriented one is blind; he does not like the wisdom of the Guru;
he has become (like) an animal, (hence) his egotistical pride does not depart. 2
lK caurwsIh jMq aupwey ] lakh cha-oraaseeh jaNt upaa-ay.
(God) has created 8.4 million (i.e. countless) creatures (i.e. species of beings).
myry Twkur Bwxy isrij smwey ]3] mayray ṭaakur bhaaṇay, siraj samaa-ay. ||3||
My Lord, by His Pleasure, creates and (again) merges them (into Himself). 3
sglI BUlY nhI sbdu Acwru ] so smJY ijsu guru krqwru ]4]
saglee bhoolai, nahee sabad achaar. so samjhai, jis gur kartaar. ||4||
All are deluded without (contemplating) Word, and (without following) good conduct.
He alone understands (the True path), who is blessed by the Guru, the Creator. 4
gur ky cwkr Twkur Bwxy ] gur kay chaakar, ṭaakur bhaaṇay.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of the Guru are pleasing to God.
bKis lIey nwhI jm kwxy ]5] bakhas lee-ay, naahee jam kaaṇay. ||5||
Those, who have been forgiven (by God), do not fear of the messenger of death. 5
ijn kY ihrdY eyko BwieAw ] Awpy myly Brmu cukwieAw ]6]
jin kai hirdai, ayko bhaa-i-aa. aapay maylay, bharam chukaa-i-aa. ||6||
Those, whom the One (Lord) alone is pleasing to their hearts;
removing their doubt, He himself unites them. 6
bymuhqwju byAMqu Apwrw ] sic pqIjY krxYhwrw ]7]
baymuhtaaj bay-aNt apaaraa. sach pateejai karṇaihaaraa. ||7||
(God is) Carefree, Limitless and Infinite – the Creator is pleased with the Truth. 7
nwnk BUly guru smJwvY ] eyku idKwvY swic itkwvY ]8]6]
naanak, bhoolay gur samjhaavai. ayk dikhaavai, saach tikaavai. ||8||6||
Nanak (says): the Guru instructs the straying being.
He shows him the One (Lord) by implanting the True (Lord within him). 8.6

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 1

Awpy Bvrw PUl byil ] aapay bhavraa, fool bayl.
He Himself is the bumble-bee, the flower on the vine.
Awpy sMgiq mIq myil ]1] aapay saNgat, meet mayl. ||1||
He Himself is the congregation and unites the friends (in the congregation). 1
AYsI Bvrw bwsu ly ] qrvr PUly bn hry ]1] rhwau ]
aisee bhavraa baas lay. tarvar foolay, ban haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Bumble-Bee* (i.e. Lord) smells (i.e. spreads) such a fragrance; (that)
the trees blossom into flowers, the woods turn green. 1 (pause)
[*Here, God has been presented in the symbol of a bumble-bee].
Awpy kvlw kMqu Awip ] Awpy rwvy sbid Qwip ]2]
aapay kavlaa, kaNt aap. aapay raavay, sabad thaap. ||2||
He (i.e. God) Himself is Maya and He Himself is her Husband (i.e. Lord of Maya);
He Himself creates (the world) through His Word and, He Himself enjoys it. 2
Awpy bCrU gaU KIru ] aapay bachhroo, ga-oo kheer.
He Himself is the calf, the cow and the milk.

Awpy mMdru QMm@ü srIru ]3] aapay maNdar, thaMmh sareer. ||3||
He Himself is the body-temple, and, the Support of it. 3
Awpy krxI krxhwru ] aapay karṇee, karaṇhaar.
He Himself is the Deed, and, He Himself is the Creator.
Awpy gurmuiK kir bIcwru ]4] aapay gurmukh, kar beechaar. ||4||
He Himself contemplates (the Word) through the Guru. 4
qU kir kir dyKih krxhwru ] joiq jIA AsMK dyie ADwru ]5]
too kar kar daykheh, karaṇhaar. jot jee-a asaNkh, day-ay adhaar. ||5||
(You) create and behold (i.e. take care of Your creation); O! Creator (Lord);
You give Support to the light of countless beings. 5
qU sru swgru gux ghIru ] too sar saagar, guṇ gaheer.
You are the sea, deep Ocean of Virtues.
qU Akul inrMjnu prm hIru ]6] too akul niraNjan, param heer. ||6||
You are beyond lineage, Immaculate and Supreme Jewel. 6
qU Awpy krqw krx jogu ] too aapay kartaa, karaṇ jog.
You Yourself are the Creator, and, All-Powerful to create.
inhkyvlu rwjn suKI logu ]7] nihkayval raajan sukhee log. ||7||
You are the detached Sovereign (Lord), and, (those who become) your subjects (i.e. devotees)
are happy. 7
nwnk DRwpy hir nwm suAwid ] naanak dharaapay har naam su-aad.
Nanak (says): I am satisfied with the taste of God's Name.
ibnu hir gur pRIqm jnmu bwid ]8]7] bin har gur preetam janam baad. ||8||7||
Without God, beloved Guru, the life goes waste. 8.7

bsMqu ihMfolu mhlw 1 Gru 2 BasaNt, HiNdol, Mehlaa 1, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
nau sq caudh qIin cwir kir mhliq cwir bhwlI ]
na-o, sat, cha-odah, teen, chaar; kar mahlat chaar bahaalee.
(O! God, you have created) nine (regions), seven (continents), fourteen (worlds: seven skies and
seven earths), three (qualities of Maya) and four (yugas, i.e. ages); and seated (i.e. established)
them in your mansion (i.e. universe).
cwry dIvy chu hiQ dIey eykw eykw vwrI ]1] chaaray deeva, chahu hath dee-ay, aykaa aykaa vaaree. ||1||
(You placed) four lamps one by one, on the four hands (i.e. one lamp illumines each age). 1
imhrvwn mDusUdn mwDO AYsI skiq qum@wrI ]1] rhwau ]
miharvaan madhusoodan maadhou, aisee sakat tumhaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Gracious(Lord), Destroyer of Demons, Lord of Maya, such (mighty) is Your Power. 1
Gir Gir lskru pwvku qyrw Drmu kry iskdwrI ] ghar ghar laskar paavak tayraa, dharam karay sikdaaree.
In each and every home (i.e. body), there is Your Fire (i.e. Light); that is (like) Your army; and,
Righteousness is the leader (of Your army).

DrqI dyg imlY iek vyrw Bwgu qyrw BMfwrI ]2] dhartee dayg milai ik vayraa, bhaag tayraa bha daaree. ||2||
The earth is (like) Your cooking pot; everyone gets (his portion) only once; destiny is Your
store-keeper (of all Your gifts). 2
nw swbUru hovY iPir mMgY nwrdu kry KuAwrI ] naa saaboor hovai fir maNgai, naarad karay khu-aaree.
One is never contented, begs for more (i.e. again and again); thus the (fickle) mind troubles him
(and brings him disgrace).
lbu ADyrw bMdIKwnw Aaugx pYir luhwrI ]3] lab adhayraa baNdeekhaanaa, a-ugan pair luhaaree. ||3||
Greed is (like) the dark dungeon, and, vices are shackles on his feet. 3
P. 1191
pUMjI mwr pvY inq mudgr pwpu kry kuotvwrI ] poo jee maar pavai nit mudgar, paap karay kotvaaree.

His wealth, (like a) big club, batters him constantly, and, sin acts as chief of police .
BwvY cMgw BwvY mMdw jYsI ndir qum@wrI ]4] bhaavai chaNga, bhaavai maNdaa, jaisee nadar tumhaaree. ||4||
Whether one is good or bad, (O! God) he is as You (bestow Your) Glance (of Grace)upon him.4
Awid purK kau Alhu khIAY syKW AweI vwrI ] aad purakh ka-o alhu kahee-ai, saykhaan aa-ee vaaree.
(Now) the Primal Person is called Allah, the turn (the supremacy) of Sheikhs has now come.
dyvl dyviqAw kru lwgw AYsI kIriq cwlI ]5] dayval dayviti-aa kar laagaa, aisee keerat chaalee. ||5||
The temples of (the Hindu) gods are subject to taxes, this is now the order of the day. 5
kUjw bWg invwj muslw nIl rUp bnvwrI ] koojaa baang nivaaj muslaa, neel roop banvaaree*.
(Muslims’ devotional) pot, call (to prayer), Namaaz (prayer for five times a day), (prayer) mate
(all are there); (now) the Lord of the (World) Forest* appears wearing green dress.
Gir Gir mIAw sBnW jIAW bolI Avr qumwrI ]6]
ghar ghar mee-aa, sabhnaan jee-aan, bolee avar tumaaree. ||6||
In each and every home, everyone greets as 'Meeaan’ (i.e. in the Muslim way fo address), the
speech (of the people) has changed (now). 6
jy qU mIr mhIpiq swihbu kudriq kaux hmwrI ] jay too meer maheepat saahib, kudrat ka-uṇ hamaaree.
You are the Lord and the Master of the earth, (if it is Your Will, then) what power do I have (to
say anything against this or object to this state)?
cwry kuMt slwmu krihgy Gir Gir isPiq qum@wrI ]7]
chaaray kuNt salaam karhigay, ghar ghar sifat tumhaaree. ||7||
In (all) the four directions, people make obeisance to You; Your praise (is sung) in each and
every home. 7
qIrQ isMimRiq puMn dwn ikCu lwhw imlY idhwVI ] tirath siMmrit puNn daan, kichh laahaa milai dihaaṛee.
Visiting places of pilgrimage, reading of Simritis, giving donations in charity ---- are (like)
profit for the day (i.e. are minor/ petty gains).
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI mykw GVI sm@wlI ]8]1]8]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, maykaa ghaṛee samhaalee. ||8||1||8||
Nanak (says): great glory is obtained through the Name (of God), if one remembers even for a
moment. 8.1.8

bsMqu ihMfolu Gru 2 mhlw 4 BasaNt, HiNdol, ghar 2, Mehlaa 4

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.

kWieAw ngir ieku bwlku visAw iKnu plu iQru n rhweI ]
kaan-i-aa nagar ik baalak vasi-aa, khin pal thir na rahaa-ee.
Within the city of body, there lives a child (i.e. the fickle mind), which cannot hold still even for
a moment, for an instant.
Aink aupwv jqn kir Qwky bwrM bwr BrmweI ]1]
anik upaav jatan kar thaakay, baaraM baar bharmaa-ee. ||1||
I have grown weary of making many efforts; (but still) it wanders again and again. 1
myry Twkur bwlku iekqu Gir Awxu ] mayray ṭaakur, baalak ikat ghar aaṇ.
O! my Master, bring this child into the home of its self (i.e bring this mind under control).
siqguru imlY q pUrw pweIAY Bju rwm nwmu nIswxu ]1] rhwau ]
satgur milai ta pooraa paa-ee-ai, bhaj raam naam neesaaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the True Guru, one finds the Perfect (Lord); and, meditating upon the Name of God
one receives His insignia (to enter His Court). 1 (pause)
iehu imrqku mVw srIru hY sBu jgu ijqu rwm nwmu nhI visAw ]
ih mirtak maṛaa sareer hai sabh jag, jit raam naam nahee vasi-aa.
Those, within which the Name of God does not dwell, are (like) corpses; the bodies of all (such
people of) the world (are like corpses).
rwm nwmu guir audku cuAwieAw iPir hirAw hoAw risAw ]2]
raam naam gur udak chu-aa-i-aa, fir hari-aa ho-aa rasi-aa. ||2||
When the Guru trickles the (AMmrit) water of God's Name in it, it turns green and ripens. 2
mY inrKq inrKq srIru sBu KoijAw ieku gurmuiK clqu idKwieAw ]
mai nirkhat nirkhat sareer sabh khoji-aa, ik gurmukh chalat dikhaa-i-aa.
Testing and examining I searched all my body; the Guru showed me a wonder (a miracle).
bwhru Koij muey siB swkq hir gurmqI Gir pwieAw ]3]
baahar khoj mu-ay sabh saakat, har gurmatee ghar paa-i-aa. ||3||
All the non-believers searched outside and died; (but) through the wisdom of the Guru, I
found God within the home (of my self). 3
dInw dIn dieAwl Bey hY ijau ik®snu ibdr Gir AwieAw ]
deenaa deen da-i-aal bha-ay hai, ji-o krisan bidar ghar aa-i-aa.
The Merciful (Lord) has become Merciful to the poorest of the poor, like Krishan came to the
house of Bidar*.
[*As per the Mahabharata, Vidura was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the
son of the sage Vyasa and Parishrami, the maid to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Krishna respected Vidura
for his devotion to people's welfare, and his proficiency in every sphere of knowledge.When Krishna visited Hastinapura
as a peace emissary of the Pandavas, he shunned Duryodhana's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the
home of Vidura, on account of him being the only neutral man in the Kaurava court. Krishna said that Vidur’s food was
presented with love and affection].
imilE sudwmw BwvnI Dwir sBu ikCu AwgY dwldu BMij smwieAw ]4]
mili-o sudaamaa bhaavnee dhaar, sabh kichh aagai daalad bhaNj samaa-i-aa. ||4||
(And like) Sudama,* embracing love (for him), came to meet (his friend Krishan, the king); and,
He (i.e. Krishan) sent everything and ended his poverty (even before he reached his home). 4
[*Sudama was a poor person. He was a childhood friend of the mythical king-god Krishana. They lost contact over the
years and while Krishna became a king. After a series of defeats Krishana had to flee Mathura for Dwarka (in present day
Gujarat state). As Sudama was going through some bad times, one day his wife Susheela reminded him of his friendship
with Krishna and asked him to go to him and seek some financial help from him. Though initially reluctant to go to his
friend for help, Sudama finally agreed. He took with him some beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present. Krishna was greatly

pleased to see his old friend. He treated him with much love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgot to ask for what he
actually came for. But Krishan realised what His friend needed. When Sudama finally returned to his home, he found a
mansion instead of the hut he had left. He also found his family dressed in nice robes and waiting for him. He lived an
austere life after that, always thankful to the Lord].
rwm nwm kI pYj vfyrI myry Twkuir Awip rKweI ]
raam naam kee paij vadayree, mayray ṭaakur aap rakhaa-ee.
Great is the honour of the Name of God; and, my Master Himself has preserved it.
jy siB swkq krih bKIlI iek rqI iqlu n GtweI ]5]
jay sabh saakat karahi bakheelee, ik ratee til na ghataa-ee. ||5||
Even if all the non-believers continue slandering (His devotee), it (i.e. his honour) is not reduced
even an iota. 5
jn kI ausqiq hY rwm nwmw dh idis soBw pweI ] jan kee ustat hai raam naamaa, dah dis sobhaa paa-ee.
The Name of God is the praise of His servant (i.e. devotee); it brings him honour in the ten
directions (i.e. everywhere).
inMdku swkqu Kiv n skY iqlu ApxY Gir lUkI lweI ]6]
niNdak saakat khav na sakai, til apnai ghar lookee laa-ee. ||6||
The slanderers and the non-believers cannot tolerate it even a little bit; they set their home
(i.e. heart) on fire (of jealousy). 6
jn kau jnu imil soBw pwvY gux mih gux prgwsw ] jan ka-o jan mil sobhaa paavai, guṇ meh guṇ pargaasaa.
Servant (i.e. devotee) meeting a servant (i.e. devotee), obtains honour; and, his virtues are still
more illumined with virtues.
myry Twkur ky jn pRIqm ipAwry jo hovih dwsin dwsw ]7]
mayray ṭaakur kay jan preetam pi-aaray, jo hoveh daasan daasaa. ||7||
Those servant (i.e. devotee) are beloveds of and are loved by my Master who become the slaves
of His slaves. 7
Awpy jlu AprMpru krqw Awpy myil imlwvY ] aapay jal apraMpar kartaa, aapay mayl milaavai.
The Infinite Creator Himself is the Water (of the life of the world), and, He Himself unites us in
His union.
nwnk gurmuiK shij imlwey ijau jlu jlih smwvY ]8]1]9]
naanak, gurmukh sahj milaa-ay, ji-o jal jaleh samaavai. ||8||1||9||
Nanak (says): He unites (the devotees with Himself) through the Guru, with natural ease, (it is)
like water blends with water. 8.1.9
P. 1192
bsMqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 duqukIAw BasaNt, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1, dutukee-aa
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
suix swKI mn jip ipAwr ] suṇ saakhee man, jap pi-aar.
Listen to the stories (of the devotees), O! (my) mind, and, meditate (upon God) with love.
Ajwmlu auDirAw kih eyk bwr ] ajaamal udhri-aa, kahi ayk baar.
Ajamal* was saved by uttering (just) once (the Name of God).
[*According to a myth, Ajaamar / Ajaamal was a wicked Brahmin from Kannauj. He had married a prostitute and
fathered ten sons. The name of the youngest son was Naarayan (literally Omnipresent, which is one of the attributes and
the names of God). In the act of repeating the name of his son, he (indirectly) chanted the Name of God, and, he was saved

bwlmIkY hoAw swDsMgu ] baalmeekai, ho-aa saadhsaNg.
Balmik* got the company of the God-oriented persons.
[*There are several version of the story of Balmiki /Valmiki who is believed to be the first author of Ramayana and the
Yoga Vasistha. His devotees believe that he was an incarnation of God. According to another version, he was a highway
robber living in the name of Ratnakar. Once, he tried to rob the sage Narada. The latter asked him if his family would share
the sin he was incurring due to the robbery. The robber replied positively, but Narada asked him to confirm this with his
family. The robber asked his family, but none agreed to bear the burden of his sins. Dejected, the robber finally understood
the truth of life and asked for Narada's forgiveness. Narada taught the robber to worship God. But, as Vishnu had
forbidden Narada from preaching the Ram as the Name of God, Narada cleverly wrapped the mantra as "mara-mara".
When repeatedly and continuously uttered it would become raam. Hence Valmiki was liberated by chanting the Name of
DR¨ kau imilAw hir insMg ]1] dharoo ka-o mili-aa har, nisaNg. ||1||
God met Dhru* without any doubt (i.e. definitely). 1
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi was
jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion. Besides, she would constantly chide him asking
him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began meditating
and practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Naarad, a mythical god, he succeeded in pleasing God].
qyirAw sMqw jwcau crn ryn ] tayri-aa saNtaa, jaacha-o charan rayn.
I beg for the dust of the feet of Your devotees.
ly msqik lwvau kir ik®pw dyn ]1] rhwau ] lay mastak laava-o, kar kirpaa dayn. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestow Your Grace and bless me (with the dust of their feet) that I may apply it to my forehead.
1 (pause)
ginkw auDrI hir khY qoq ] ganikaa udhree, har kahai tot.
Ganika* was saved when her parrot uttered (the Name of) God.
[*Gankaa/Ganika was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave her
a parrot which used to chant the Name of God, and, gradually she too began chanting the Name of God. Chanting the
Name of God liberated her. This story had been written to inspire people to chant the Name of God].
gjieMdR iDAwieE hir kIE moK ] gaj-iNdar dhi-aa-i-o, har kee-o mokh.
The elephant* meditated (upon God) and God emancipated him.
[*As per a myth, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that elephant went to a
pond to drink water where an octopus/crocodile gripped it; when it chanted the Name of God , it was saved].
ibpR sudwmy dwldu BMj ] bipar sudaamay, daalad bhaNj.
Poor Sudama's poverty was removed.
ry mn qU BI Bju goibMd ]2] ray man, too bhee bhaj gobiNd. ||2||
O! (my) mind, you too (must) meditate upon Lord of the World. 2
biDku auDwirE Kim pRhwr ] badhik udhaari-o, kham par-haar.
The hunter who shot arrow (at Krishan) was saved.
[*Traditionally, the Badhik were a community of hunters and gatherers, but now they are mainly butchers. According to
Mahabharata story, Badhik is that hunter who shot at the feet of Krishan, the mythical god king. The latter liberated the
kuibjw auDrI AMgust Dwr ] kubijaa udhree, aNgusat dhaar.
Kubja* (the hunchback) was saved when foot was placed (by Krishan) on her thumb.
[*According to a myth, when Krishna, the mythical king-god entered Mathura, he saw a young, unmarried woman who
was hunchback, hence regarded ugly. She was carrying perfume made out of sandalwood to be made over to Kansa, the
king of Mathura. Krishna asked her if she could give him the perfume. As she was already impressed by Krishna, she could
not say no to him and readily and happily gave him the perfume and also other things she was to give to Kans. Krishna
was very pleased at her and decided to take away her disease. He moved forward and placed his feet on her feet and then
gently stretched her by holding her from her shoulders. By his touch, she was transformed into a normal-bodied, beautiful
young woman].

ibdru auDwirE dwsq Bwie ] bidar udhaari-o, daasat bhaa-ay.
Bidar* was saved by his humble love.
[*As per the Mahabharat, Bidar/ Vidura/ Vidur was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtr and Pandu of Hastinapur,
born the son of the sage Vyasa and Parishrami, the maid to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Krishn respected
Vidur for his devotion to people's welfare, and his proficiency in every sphere of knowledge. When Krishn visited
Hastinapur as a peace emissary of the Pandavs, he shunned Duryodhan's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring
instead the home of Vidur, on account of him being the only neutral man in the Kaurav court. Krishna said that Vidur’s
food was presented with love and affection].
ry mn qU BI hir iDAwie ]3] ray man, too bhee har dhi-aa-ay. ||3||
O! (my) mind, you too (must) meditate upon God. 3
pRhlwd rKI hir pYj Awp ] prahlaad rakhee har paij aap.
The Lord Himself saved the honour of Prahlaad*.
[*As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prahlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prahlaad and even tried to kill him. At this, Prahlaad sought the refuge of God,
who appeared as Narsinh (i.e. half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prahlaad. The myth of Prahlaad has
been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone.].
bsqR CInq dRopqI rKI lwj ] bastar chheenat, daropatee rakhee laaj.
When she was disrobed, Dropti’s honour was saved (by God).
[*According to Mahabharata, Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchaala and the wife of the five
Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing gamble,
the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult the
Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) ordered Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee. As he began to disrobe
Draupadi of her dress. Now, Draupadi prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs, and, as Dushasana
unwraped layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree kept getting extending. Thus,
listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
ijin ijin syivAw AMq bwr ] jin jin sayvi-aa, aNt baar.
Whosoever has served (i.e. meditated upon God), (even) at the very last instant (of their lives
were saved by God).
ry mn syiv qU prih pwr ]4] ray man, sayv too pareh paar. ||4||
O! (my) mind, you too (serve Him), and, you (too) shall be carried across (the world ocean). 4
DMnY syivAw bwl buiD ] dhaNnai sayvi-aa, baal budh.
Dhanna* served (God) with childlike wisdom (i.e. innocence).
iqRlocn gur imil BeI isiD ] tarilochan gur mil, bha-ee sidh.
Meeting with the Guru, Trilochan* became accomplished.
byxI kau guir kIE pRgwsu ] bayṇee ka-o, gur kee-o pragaas.
The Guru blessed Beni* with (Divine) Light.
ry mn qU BI hoih dwsu ]5] ray man, too bhee hohi daas. ||5||
O! (my) mind, you too (must) become slave (i.e. devotee of God). 5
jYdyv iqAwigE AhMmyv ] jaidayv, ti-aagi-o ahaMmayv.
Jaidev* renounced his egotism.
nweI auDirE sYnu syv ] naa-ee udhaari-o sain sayv.
Sain*, the barber, was saved by his service (i.e. devotion of God).
[*Dhanna, *Trilochan, *Beni, *Jaidev , *Sain etc were Bhagat poets and devotees of God]
mnu fIig n folY khUM jwie ] man deeg na dolai, kahoo-aN jaa-ay.
(So, O! brethren) let the mind not fall (i.e. wander) or waver or go anywhere else.

mn qU BI qrsih srix pwie ]6] man, too bhee tarseh saraṇ paa-ay. ||6||
O! (my) mind, you too shall cross over (the world ocean), so, seek His refuge. 6
ijh AnugRhu Twkuir kIE Awip ] sy qYN lIny Bgq rwiK ]
jih anoograhu ṭaakur kee-o aap. say, tain leenay bhagat raakh.
Those, upon whom, O! Master, You have bestowed Your Mercy,
You have saved those devotees (of Yours).
iqn kw guxu Avgxu n bIcwirE koie ] tin kaa guṇ avgaṇ na beechaari-o ko-ay.
You did not take into account their merits and demerits.
ieh ibiD dyiK mnu lgw syv ]7] ih bidh daykh man lagaa sayv. ||7||
Seeing this way (of Yours), (my) mind has become attached to (Your) service. 7
kbIir iDAwieE eyk rMg ] kabeer dhi-aa-i-o ayk raNg.
Kabir* meditated upon (God) with single-minded love.
nwmdyv hir jIau bsih sMig ] naamdayv, har jee-o baseh saNg.
Namdev* lived with Dear God (i.e. enshrined God within his heart).
rivdws iDAwey pRB AnUp ] ravidaas dhi-aa-ay, prabh anoop.
Ravidas* meditated upon the Incomparably Beautiful Lord.
[*Kabeer/Kabir, *Namdev and *Ravidas were Bhagat poets, devotees of God]
gur nwnk dyv goivMd rUp ]8]1] gur, naanak, dayv, goviNd roop. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): the Divine Guru is the image of the Lord of the World. 8.1

bsMqu mhlw 5 ] BasaNt, Mehlaa 5

Aink jnm BRmy join mwih ] hir ismrn ibnu nrik pwih ]
anik janam bharamay jon maahi. har simran bin, narak paahi.
One wanders in reincarnations through countless lifetimes; (because),
without remembering God, they fall into hell.
Bgiq ibhUnw KMf KMf ] bhagat bihoonaa, khaNd khaNd.
Without devotion, one is cut apart into pieces (i.e. is destroyed).
ibnu bUJy jmu dyq fMf ]1] bin boojhay, jam dayt daNd. ||1||
Without understanding, one is punished by the messenger of death. 1
goibMd Bjhu myry sdw mIq ] gobind bhajahu, mayray sadaa meet.
Meditate forever upon the Lord of the World, O! my friends.
swc sbd kir sdw pRIiq ]1] rhwau ] saach sabad kar sadaa pareet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Love forever the Word of the True (lord). 1 (pause)
sMqoKu n Awvq khUM kwj ] saNtokh na aavat kahoo-aN kaaj.
Contentment does not come by any means (except by meditation upon the Name of God).
DUMm bwdr siB mwieAw swj ] dhooMm baadar sabh maa-i-aa saaj.
All display of Maya is just (like) a cloud of smoke.
pwp krMqO nh sMgwie ] ibKu kw mwqw AwvY jwie ]2]
paap karaNtou, nah sangaa-ay. bikh kaa maataa, aavai jaa-ay. ||2||
(Engrossed in Maya) one does not hesitate to commit sins; (hence),
intoxicated with poison, he comes and goes (in reincarnation). 2
hau hau krq bDy ibkwr ] ha-o ha-o karat, badhay bikaar.
Acting in egotism and possessiveness, evil intention only increases.

moh loB fUbO sMswr ] moh lobh doobou saNsaar.
The world is drowning in (emotional) attachment and greed.
kwim k®oiD mnu vis kIAw ] supnY nwmu n hir lIAw ]3]
kaam krodh, man vas kee-aa. supnai, naam na har lee-aa. ||3||
Sexual desire and anger have controlled the mind (of the beings);
(hence) even in the dreams, it (i.e. world) does not chant the Name of God. 3
kb hI rwjw kb mMgnhwru ] kab hee raajaa, kab maNganhaar.
Sometimes he is a king, sometimes, he is a beggar.
dUK sUK bwDO sMswr ] dookh sookh baadhou saNsaar.
The world is bound by pain and pleasure.
mn auDrx kw swju nwih ] pwp bMDn inq pauq jwih ]4]
man, udhraṇ kaa saaj naahi. paap baNdhan, nit pa-ut jaahi. ||4||
O! (my) mind, this is not the way to be liberated;
the bondage of sin continues to hold you (everyday, constantly). 4
eIT mIq koaU sKw nwih ] Awip bIij Awpy hI KWih ]
eeṭ meet ko-oo sakhaa naahi. aap beej aapay hee khaanhi.
(At the very last instant) there is no beloved, no friend, no companion.
One eats what he himself plants.
P. 1193
jw kY kIn@Y hoq ibkwr ] sy Coif cilAw iKn mih gvwr ]5]
jaa kai keenhai, hot bikaar. say chhod chali-aa, khin meh gavaar. ||5||
Gathering which sins well up (the mortal remain amassing them, but, in the end),
leaving them (behind) the fool departs in an instance. 5
mwieAw moih bhu BrimAw ] ikrq ryK kir krimAw ]
maa-i-aa moh, baho bharmi-aa. kirat raykh kar, karmi-aa.
In attachment to Maya, one wanders a lot.
He acts in accordance with the inscription (i.e. destiny) of his deeds.
krxYhwru Ailpqu Awip ] nhI lypu pRB puMn pwip ]6]
karṇaihaar, alipat aap. nahee layp prabh puNn paap. ||6||
The Creator Himself is detached. The Lord is not influenced by virtue or vice. 6
rwiK lyhu goibMd dieAwl ] qyrI srix pUrn ik®pwl ]
raakh layho, gobiNd da-i-aal. tayree saraṇ pooran kirpaal.
(Please) save me, O! Lord of the World, O! Merciful (Lord).
I seek Your refuge, O! perfect Gracious (Lord).
quJ ibnu dUjw nhI Twau ] kir ikrpw pRB dyhu nwau ]7]
tujh bin, doojaa nahee ṭaa-o.kar kirpaa prabh, dayh naa-o. ||7||
Without You, I have no other place (i.e. no refuge);
bestow Your Grace, O God, and bless me with Your Name. 7
qU krqw qU krxhwru ] qU aUcw qU bhu Apwru ]
too kartaa, too karaṇhaar. too oochaa, too baho apaar.
(O! God) You are the Creator, and, You are the Doer (i.e. Cause of everything);
You are High (i.e. lofty, exalted), and, totally Infinite.

kir ikrpw liV lyhu lwie ] nwnk dws pRB kI srxwie ]8]2]
kar kirpaa, laṛ layho laa-ay. naanak daas prabh kee sarṇaa-ay. ||8||2||
Bestow Your Grace and attach me to the hem of Your robe (i.e. make me Your own).
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of the Lord. 8.2

bsMq kI vwr mhlu 5 BasaNt kee vaar, Mahal 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
hir kw nwmu iDAwie kY hohu hirAw BweI ] har kaa naam dhi-aa-ay kai, hohu hari-aa, bhaa-ee.
Meditate upon the Name of God and become green (i.e. blossom forth spiritually / be
rejuvenated), O! brethren.
krim ilKMqY pweIAY ieh ruiq suhweI ] karam likhaNtai paa-ee-ai, ih rut suhaa-ee.
By inscription of (good) destiny, one is blessed with this beautiful (spring) season (i.e. human
vxu iqRxu iqRBvxu mauilAw AMimRq Plu pweI ] vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ ma-oli-aa, aMmrit fal paa-ee.
Forests, vegetation and the three worlds are blossoming (in God’s Command), (O! bethren, you
too) obtain the fruit of AMmrit (Name and blossom forth).
imil swDU suKu aUpjY lQI sB CweI ] mil saadhoo sukh oopjai, lathee sabh chhaa-ee.
Meeting with the God-oriented persons happiness wells up, and, all sins are erased.
nwnku ismrY eyku nwmu iPir bhuiV n DweI ]1] naanak, simrai ayk naam, fir bahuṛ na dhaa-ee. ||1||
Nanak (says): he, who meditates upon the One Name (of God), shall never wander in
reincarnation again. 1
pMjy bDy mhwblI kir scw FoAw ] paNjay badhay mahaabalee, kar sachaa ḍo-aa.
The greatly powerful five (passions) are bound down, when one takes the support of the True
Awpxy crx jpwieAnu ivic dXu KVoAw ] aapṇay charaṇ japaa-i-an, vich da-yu khaṛo-aa.
He Himself gets one to meditate upon His feet; and, the Merciful (Lord) Himself stands right in
midst (to protect His devotee).
rog sog siB imit gey inq nvw inroAw ] rog sog sabh mit ga-ay, nit navaa niro-aa.
(Then) all the diseases and sorrows are eradicated, and, one becomes ever-fresh and
idnu rYix nwmu iDAwiedw iPir pwie n moAw ] din rain naam dhi-aa-idaa, fir paa-ay na mo-aa.
He, who meditates upon the Name all day and night, does not die again (in reincarnation).
ijs qy aupijAw nwnkw soeI iPir hoAw ]2] jis tay upji-aa, naankaa, so-ee fir ho-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): He, from whom one came, into Him one merges again (finally). 2
ikQhu aupjY kh rhY kh mwih smwvY ] kithhu upjai, kah rahai, kah maahi samaavai.
(No one knows) from where are we created, where do we live, and, into which we merge again.
jIA jMq siB Ksm ky kauxu kImiq pwvY ] jee-a jaNt sabh khasam kay, ka-uṇ keemat paavai.
All the beings and the creatures belong to the Master, (then) who can place value upon Him?
khin iDAwiein suxin inq sy Bgq suhwvY ] kahan dhi-aa-in suṇan nit, say bhagat suhaavai.
Those, who constantly chant, meditate and hear (His Name), those devotees are embellished.

Agmu Agocru swihbo dUsru lvY n lwvY ] agam agochar saahibo, doosar lavai na laavai.
The Master is inaccessible and unfathomable; no other is equal to Him.
scu pUrY guir aupdyisAw nwnku suxwvY ]3]1] sach poorai gur updaysi-aa, naanak suṇaavai. ||3||1||
Nanak (says): the perfect Guru has taught me the Truth; I proclaim it (to the world). 3.1

bsMqu bwxI BgqW kI ] BasaNt, baaṇee bhagtaan kee.

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
maulI DrqI mauilAw Akwsu ] ma-ulee dhartee, ma-oli-aa akaas.
(With the arrival of the spring season) the earth is in bloom, the sky is in bloom.
Git Git mauilAw Awqm pRgwsu ]1] ghat ghat ma-oli-aa, aatam pargaas. ||1||
In each and every heart the Light of God is blooming. 1
rwjw rwmu mauilAw Anq Bwie ] raajaa raam ma-oli-aa, anat bhaa-ay.
The Sovereign Lord is blooming in countless ways.
jh dyKau qh rihAw smwie ]1] rhwau ] jah daykh-a-u, tah rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading. 1 (pause)
duqIAw mauly cwir byd ] dutee-aa ma-ulay chaar bayd.
Second : the four Vedas are blossoming forth.
isMimRiq maulI isau kqyb ]2] siMmrit ma-ulee, si-o katayb. ||2||
The Simritis blossom forth along with (four) Katybs*. 2
[*Katayb means the four Semitic books of Jews, Christians and Musilms: Jabur, Taurat, Injil, Quran].
sMkru mauilE jog iDAwn ] saNkar ma-uli-o, jog dhi-aan.
Sankar(i.e. Shiv) is blossoming in yogic meditation.
kbIr ko suAwmI sB smwn ]3]1] kabeer ko su-aamee, sabh samaan. ||3||1||
Kabir's Lord is (blossoming / pervading) alike everywhere. 3.1
pMifq jn mwqy piV@ purwn ] paNdit jan maatay, paṛh puraan.
The pandits (i.e. religious scholars) are intoxicated reading the Puraans.
jogI mwqy jog iDAwn ] jogee maatay, jog dhi-aan.
The yogis are intoxicated in yogic meditation.
sMinAwsI mwqy AhMmyv ] saNni-aasee maatay, ahaMmayv.
The saniaasees (i.e. renouncers) are intoxicated in egotism
qpsI mwqy qp kY Byv ]1] tapsee maatay, tap kai bhayv. ||1||
The penitents are intoxicated with the mysteries of penitence. 1
sB md mwqy koaU n jwg ] sMg hI cor Gru musn lwg ]1] rhwau ]
sabh mad maatay, ko-oo na jaag. saNg hee chor, ghar musan laag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All are intoxicated with ego, no one is awake.
The thieves are with them, plundering their homes. 1 (pause)
[All are intoxicated in egotism, and, the thieves (the five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and
pride) are plundering their souls].
jwgY sukdyau Aru AkUru ] jaagai sukday-o ar akoor.
(Though all are sleeping under intoxication of passions, still some devotees are awake)
Sukdeo* and Akur** were awake (i.e. was aware).
[*Sukdeo was the son of Vyas (believed to be the author of Vedas).**Akrur was the brother of Kans and maternal uncle of
Krishan, the god-king of Mahabharat].

P. 1194
hxvMqu jwgY Dir lµkUru ] haṇvaNt jaagai, dhar laNkoor.
Hanuman, with his tail, was awake.
sMkru jwgY crn syv ] saNkar jaagai, charan sayv.
Sankar (i.e. Shiv) was awake, serving at the feet (of God).
kil jwgy nwmw jYdyv ]2] kal jaagay, naamaa jaidayv. ||2||
Nama (Namdev) and Jaidev (i.e. devotee poets) were awake in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age). 2
jwgq sovq bhu pRkwr ] jaagat sovat, baho parkaar.
There are many ways of being awake and sleeping.
gurmuiK jwgY soeI swru ] gurmukh jaagai, so-ee saar.
To be awake though (the wisdom of ) the Guru is the most excellent way.
iesu dyhI ky AiDk kwm ] kih kbIr Bij rwm nwm ]3]2]
is dayhee kay adhik kaam. kahi kabeer, bhaj raam naam. ||3||2||
Says Kabir: The most great (i.e. sublime) of all the deeds of this body is:
meditate upon the Name of God. 3.2
joie Ksmu hY jwieAw ] jo-ay, khasam hai jaa-i-aa.
(In the following lines Kabir describes the impact of Maya, and the results of separation from God):
The wife gives birth to her husband (i.e. Maya gives birth to mind, and then ,mind enjoys Maya),
pUiq bwpu KylwieAw ] poot, baap khaylaa-i-aa.
The son leads his father to play (i.e. mind commands the soul).
ibnu sRvxw KIru iplwieAw ]1] bin sarvaṇaa, kheer pilaa-i-aa. ||1||
Without breasts milk is fed (by the mother). [i.e. mind is feeding the soul without joy]. 1
dyKhu logw kil ko Bwau ] daykhhu logaa, kal ko bhaa-o.
Behold, O! people, this is the impact of the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age).
suiq muklweI ApnI mwau ]1] rhwau ] sut muklaa-ee, apnee maa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The son marries his mother (i.e. the mind has marries Maya). 1 (pause)
pgw ibnu hurIAw mwrqw ] pagaa bin huree-aa maartaa.
Without feet it (i.e. mind) is jumping.
bdnY ibnu iKr iKr hwsqw ] badnai bin, khir khir haastaa.
Without a mouth he bursts into laughter.
indRw ibnu nru pY sovY ] nidraa bin, nar pai sovai.
Without feeling sleepy it is lying down and sleeping.
ibnu bwsn KIru iblovY ]2] bin baasan, kheer bilovai. ||2||
One, without a vessel, is churning milk (i.e. building castles in air). 2
ibnu AsQn gaU lvyrI ] bin asthan, ga-oo lavayree.
Without udders, the cow gives milk.
(i.e. Maya can not give happiness and peace but it is enticing the beings to false pleasures).
pYfy ibnu bwt GnyrI ] paiday bin, baat ghanayree.
Without traveling, a long journey is undertaken.
ibnu siqgur bwt n pweI ] khu kbIr smJweI ]3]3]
bin satgur, baat na paa-ee. kaho kabeer samjhaa-ee. ||3||3||
(But, O! mortal beings) without the True Guru, the path is not found;
Says Kabir: understand this (O! mortal being). 3.3

pRhlwd pTwey pVn swl ] prahlaad paṭaa-ay, paṛan saal.
Prahlaad was sent to school.
sMig sKw bhu lIey bwl ] saNg sakhaa baho lee-ay baal.
He took many children, his friends, along with him.
mo kau khw pV@wvis Awl jwl ] myrI ptIAw iliK dyhu sRI guopwl ]1]
mo ka-o kahaa paṛhaavas aal jaal. mayree patee-aa likh dayh, saree gopaal. ||1||
(He said to his teacher): why do you teach me about worldly entanglements?
(Just) write the Name of Dear Sustainer of the World on my (wooden) tablet.1
nhI Cofau ry bwbw rwm nwm ] myro Aaur pV@n isau nhI kwmu ]1] rhwau ]
nahee chhoda-o ray baabaa, raam naam. mayro, a-or paṛhan si-o nahee kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Baba (i.e. O! elder) I will not forsake (meditation upon) the Name of God.
I have nothing to do with any other study (i.e. of worldly affairs). 1 (pause)
sMfY mrkY kihE jwie ] saNdai markai, kahi-o jaa-ay.
Sanda and Marks went (to the king Harnakhsh) and made complaint.
pRhlwd bulwey byig Dwie ] prahlaad bulaa-ay bayg dhaa-ay.
Prahlaad was summoned, (and they) ran quickly (to bring him).
qU rwm khn kI Cofu bwin ] quJu qurqu CfwaU myro kihE mwin ]2]
too raam kahan kee chhod baan. tujh turat chhadaa-oo, mayro kahi-o maan. ||2||
(The teacher told Prahlaad): “You give up the habit of chanting (the Name of) God.
I shall get you released immediately, if you obey my words”. 2
mo kau khw sqwvhu bwr bwr ] pRiB jl Ql igir kIey phwr ]
mo ka-o kahaa sataavahu, baar baar. prabh, jal thal gir kee-ay pahaar.
(Prahlaad answered): why do you trouble me over and over again?
The Lord has created the waters(i.e. oceans), land, hills and mountains.
ieku rwmu n Cofau gurih gwir ] mo kau Gwil jwir BwvY mwir fwir ]3]
ik raam na chhoda-o, gureh gaar. mo ka-o ghaal jaar, bhaavai maar daar. ||3||
I shall not forsake God, the One (Lord), (and if I did) it would be abusing the Guru (i.e. becoming
a sinner).
(even if) you might as well throw me into the fire or kill me. 3
kwiF KVgu koipE irswie ] quJ rwKnhwro moih bqwie ]
kaaḍ khaṛag, kopi-o risaa-ay. tujh raakhanhaaro, mohi bataa-ay.
Bursting into anger (the king) drew his sword (out of the sheath, and said):
Tell (i.e. show) me who is your Protector (now).
pRB QMB qy inksy kY ibsQwr ] prabh thaMbh tay niksay, kai bisthaar.
The Lord came out of the pillar, assuming a mighty form.
hrnwKsu CyidE nK ibdwr ]4] harnaakhas chhaydi-o, nakh bidaar. ||4||
He killed Harnakhas tearing him apart with his nails. 4
Eie prm purK dyvwiD dyv ] Bgiq hyiq nrisMG Byv ]
o-ay param purakh, dayvaadh dayv. bhagat hayt, narsiNgh bhayv.
He is the Supreme Primal Person, the Divine of the divines;
for the sake of His devotee, He assumed the form of the man-lion.
kih kbIr ko lKY n pwr ] pRhlwd auDwry Aink bwr ]5]4]
kahi kabeer, ko lakhai na paar. prahlaad udhaaray, anik baar. ||5||4||
Says Kabir: no one knows His limits.
He saves (His devotees like) Prahlaad, again and again. 5.4

iesu qn mn mDy mdn cor ] ijin igAwn rqnu ihir lIn mor ]
is tan man madhay, madan chor. jin gi-aan ratan hir leen mor.
Within this body and mind are thieves like sexual desire;
which has stolen my jewel of (spiritual) knowledge.
mY AnwQu pRB khau kwih ] mai anaath, prabh kaha-o kaahi.
I am master-less(i.e. a poor person), O! Lord, unto whom should I complain?
ko ko n ibgUqo mY ko Awih ]1] ko ko na bigooto mai ko aahi. ||1||
Who has not been ruined (i.e. countless have been ruined by sexual desire)? what am I? 1
mwDau dwrun duKu sihE n jwie ] maadha-o, daarun dukh sahi-o na jaa-ay.
O! Lord of Maya, I cannot endure this unbearable pain.
myro cpl buiD isau khw bswie ]1] rhwau ] mayro chapal budh si-o, kahaa basaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What power does my fickle wisdom have against it (i.e against sexual desire). 1 (pause)
snk snµdn isv sukwid ] nwiB kml jwny bRhmwid ]
sanak sanaNdan siv sukaad. naabh kamal jaanay barahmaad.
Sanak, Sanandan, Shiv, Suk etc (the sons of Vyas), and, Brahma (who was) born out of naval-
lotus (of Vishnu).
kib jn jogI jtwDwir ] sB Awpn Aausr cly swir ]2]
kab jan jogee jataadhaar. sabh aapan a-osar chalay saar. ||2||
Poets, yogis with their matted hair ---- all lived their time carefully (and departed). 2
qU AQwhu moih Qwh nwih ] too athaahu, mohi thaah naahi.
(O! God) You are unfathomable, I cannot know (Your depth)
pRB dInw nwQ duKu khau kwih ] prabh deenaa naath, dukh kaha-o kaahi.
O! Lord, O! Master of the poor, unto whom shall I tell my pain?
moro jnm mrn duKu AwiQ DIr ] moro janam maran dukh aath dheer.
(Please) rid me of the pain of birth and death, and bless me with patience (i.e. peace of mind).
suK swgr gun rau kbIr ]3]5] sukh saagar gun ra-o kabeer. ||3||5||
Kabir (says): I chant the excellences of the Ocean of Happiness. 3.5
nwieku eyku bnjwry pwc ] naa-ik ayk, banjaaray paach.
(In this body shop) there is one leader (i.e. banker) and five traders (i.e. organs of perception).
brD pcIsk sMgu kwc ] baradh pacheesak saNg kaach.
Twenty-five oxen (i.e. twenty-five properties)* carry (merchandise of) falsehood.
[*Each one of the 5 elements has five properties each: water: sperm, blood, fat, sweat and urine; earth: bones, flesh,
nails, skin, small body-hair; fire: sleep, hunger, thirst, sweat, stupor; air: walk, run, jump, spread, gather; ether: sex,
anger, greed, emotional attachment, greed].
nau bhIAW ds goin Awih ] na-o bahee-aan, das gon aahi.
There are nine* poles, (which hold) ten** bags.
[*Nine gates of bodys: two eyes, two ears, two noses, mouth, penis and anus. **ten bags, i.e. organs (5 organs of
perception: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and, 5 organs of action: hands, feet, mouth, urinary organ, anus].
ksin bhqir lwgI qwih ]1] kasan bahtar laagee taahi. ||1||
They are tied by seventy-two* ropes. 1
[*It is a popular yoga belief that there are 72 thousand veins in human body; and, out of these 72 are the major ones].
moih AYsy bnj isau nhIn kwju ] ijh GtY mUlu inq bFY ibAwju ] rhwau ]
mohi aisay banaj si-o, naheen kaaj. jih ghatai mool nit baḍai bi-aaj. rahaa-o.
I have nothing to do with such a business, (in which)
my principal amount gets depleted, and, interest goes on increasing constantly. (pause)

P. 1195
swq sUq imil bnju kIn ] saat soot mil banaj keen.
Joining the seven threads*they carry on trade.
[*Seven means: five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin), mind and intellect].
krm BwvnI sMg lIn ] karam bhaavnee, saNg leen.
They are accompanied by the past actions.
qIin jgwqI krq rwir ] teen jagaatee, karat raar.
The three tax collectors* argue with them.
[*Good deeds, bad deeds and mixed deeds]
clo bnjwrw hwQ Jwir ]2] chalo banjaaraa, haath jhaar. ||2||
(Finally) the trader departs empty-handed. 2
pUMjI ihrwnI bnju tUt ] pooNjee hiraanee, banaj toot.
The capital is exhausted and the trade is ruined.
dh ids tWfo gieE PUit ] dah dis taa do, ga-i-o foot.

The caravan is broken (and scattered) in ten directions.

kih kbIr mn srsI kwj ] shj smwno q Brm Bwj ]3]6]
kahi kabeer, man sarsee kaaj. sahj samaano ta bharam bhaaj. ||3||6||
Says Kabir: O! (my) mind, your deed shall be accomplished,
when you merge in poise and your doubts run away. 3.6

bsMqu ihMfolu Gru 2 BasaNt, HiNdol, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
mwqw jUTI ipqw BI jUTw jUTy hI Pl lwgy ] maataa jooṭee, pitaa bhee jooṭaa, jooṭay hee fal laagay.
The mother is impure, and, the father is (also) impure; they produce impure fruit (i.e. children)
Awvih jUTy jwih BI jUTy jUTy mrih ABwgy ]1]
aavahi jooṭay, jaahi bhee jooṭay, jooṭay mareh abhaagay. ||1||
Impure they come, impure they go; the unfortunate ones die in impurity. 1
khu pMifq sUcw kvnu Twau ] jhW bYis hau Bojnu Kwau ]1] rhwau ]
kaho paNdit, soochaa kavan ṭaa-o. jahaan bais, ha-o bhojan khaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Tell me, O! pandit (O! religious scholar), which place is pure? where should I sit and eat my
meals. 1 (pause)
ijhbw jUTI bolq jUTw krn nyqR siB jUTy ] jihbaa jooṭee, bolat jooṭaa, karan naytar sabh jooṭay.
The tongue is impure; its speech is impure; the ears and the eyes, all (organs) are impure.
ieMdRI kI jUiT auqris nwhI bRhm Agin ky lUTy ]2]
iNdree kee jooṭ utras naahee, barahm agan kay looṭay. ||2||
The impurity of sexual organs does not depart; O! brahman, you are burning in the fire (of
egotism). 2
Agin BI jUTI pwnI jUTw jUTI bYis pkwieAw ] agan bhee jooṭee, paanee jooṭaa, jooṭee bais pakaa-i-aa.
The fire is impure, the water is impure; and, impure is the place where one sits and cooks.

jUTI krCI prosn lwgw jUTy hI bYiT KwieAw ]3]
jooṭee karchhee parosan laagaa, jooṭay hee baith khaa-i-aa. ||3||
Impure is the ladle which serves (the food); and, impure is the ones who sits and eats. 3
gobru jUTw caukw jUTw jUTI dInI kwrw ] gobar jooṭaa, cha-ukaa jooṭaa, jooṭee deenee kaaraa.
Impure is the (plastering) animal-dung, impure is the kitchen-square, and, impure are the line
(that mark) around (the kitchen square).
kih kbIr qyeI nr sUcy swcI prI ibcwrw ]4]1]7]
kahi kabeer, tay-ee nar soochay, saachee paree bichaaraa. ||4||1||7||
Says Kabir: only those beings are pure, who have obtained pure understanding. 4.1.7

rwmwnµd jI Gru 1 RaamaanaNd jee, ghar 1

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Ankaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
kq jweIAY ry Gr lwgo rMgu ] kat jaa-ee-ai ray, ghar laago raNg.
Where should I go? My home is filled with bliss.
myrw icqu n clY mnu BieE pMgu ]1] rhwau ] mayraa chit na chalai ,man bha-i-o paNg. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My consciousness does not go out (because) my mind has become crippled. 1 (pause)
eyk idvs mn BeI aumMg ] ayk divas, man bha-ee umaNg.
One day, a desire welled up in my mind.
Gis cMdn coAw bhu sugMD ] ghas chaNdan cho-aa baho sugaNdh.
I grounded up sandal-wood, along with several more scents.
pUjn cwlI bRhm Twie ] so bRhmu bqwieE gur mn hI mwih ]1]
poojan chaalee, brahm ṭaa-ay. so brahm bataa-i-o, gur man hee maahi. ||1||
I was about to go God’s place (ie. a temple) to performed worship there;
(but) the guru told me that God is within my mind. 1
jhw jweIAY qh jl pKwn ] qU pUir rihE hY sB smwn ]
jahaa jaa-ee-ai, tah jal pakhaan. too poor rahi-o hai, sabh samaan.
Wherever I go, I find water (i.e. for cleansing bath) and stones (idols to worship);
(but, O! Lord) you are fully pervading all.
byd purwn sB dyKy joie ] bayd puraan, sabh daykhay jo-ay.
I have searched through all the Vedas and Puraanas.
aUhW qau jweIAY jau eIhW n hoie ]2] oohaan ta-o jaa-ee-ai, ja-o eehaan na ho-ay. ||2||
I would go there if He were not here. 2
siqgur mY bilhwrI qor ] satgur, mai balihaaree tor.
O! True Guru, I am a sacrifice unto you.
ijin skl ibkl BRm kwty mor ] jin sakal bikal bhram kaatay mor.
You have removed all my difficulties (i.e. confusions) and doubts.
rwmwnµd suAwmI rmq bRhm ] raamaanaNd, su-aamee ramat brahm.
Ram Nand (says): my Master is all-pervading God.
gur kw sbdu kwtY koit krm ]3]1] gur kaa sabad, kaatai kot karam. ||3||1||
The Word of the Guru destroys tens of millions of (past) actions. 3.1

bsMqu bwxI nwmdyau jI kI BasaNt, baaṇee Naamday-o jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
swihbu sMktvY syvku BjY ] icrMkwl n jIvY doaU kul ljY ]1]
saahib saNktavai, sayvak bhajai. chiraNkaal na jeevai, do-oo kul lajai. ||1||
(If) the servant runs away (when) the Master is in trouble;
he (i.e. servant) will not live for long, and, bring shame to his both families (i.e. maternal and
paternal). 1
qyrI Bgiq n Cofau BwvY logu hsY ] crn kml myry hIAry bsYN ]1] rhwau ]
tayree bhagat na chhoda-o, bhaavai log hasai. charan kamal, mayray hee-aray basain ||1|| rahaa-o.
I shall not abandon devotion of You (O! God), even if people laugh (at me).
The lotus-feet (of Yours, O! God) abide within my heart. 1 (pause)
jYsy Apny Dnih pRwnI mrnu mWfY ] qYsy sMq jnW rwm nwmu n CwfYN ]2]
jaisay, apnay dhaneh, praanee maran maandai. taisay, sa t janaaN raam naam na chhaadain. ||2||
Just as a mortal being will (even chose to) die for the sake of his wealth.
so, God-oriented persons do not forsake (meditation upon) the Name of God. 2
gMgw gieAw godwvrI sMswr ky kwmw ] nwrwiexu supRsMn hoie q syvku nwmw ]3]1]
ga gaa ga-i-aa godaavree, sa saar kay kaamaa. naaraa-iṇ suparsa n ho-ay, ta sayvak naamaa ||3||1||
Visiting Ganga, Gaya and Godawari are worldly affairs (i.e. mere rituals).
(When) the Omnipresent (Lord) is totally pleased, then alone one is known as a (real) servant
(i.e. devotee). 3.1
P. 1196
loB lhir Aiq nIJr bwjY ] kwieAw fUbY kysvw ]1]
lobh lahar, at neejhar baajai. kaa-i-aa doobai, kaysvaa*. ||1||
The waves of greed are constantly assaulting; my body is drowning, O! Long-haired (Lord)*.1
sMswru smuMdy qwir guoibMdy ] qwir lY bwp bITulw ]1] rhwau ]
saNsaar samuNday taar, gobiNday. taar lai, baap beeṭulaa**. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Please) carry me across the world ocean, O! Lord of the World.
Carry me across! my Father, O! Beetul (Omnipresent Lord)**. 1 (pause)
[*Kaysvaa/ Kesva, literally: one with (long) hair. This is an attribute and one of the names of God].
[**Beeṭulaa / Veeṭulaaa / Beeṭal / Veeṭal, literally: at a remote place; that which/who is far away (i.e. God is far
away). In Pandarpur and some surrounding areas (in Maharashtra) God is worshipped with this name. In Guru Granth
Sahib it has been used as an attribute and one of the names of God].
Ainl byVw hau Kyiv n swkau ] qyrw pwru n pwieAw bITulw ]2]
anil, bayṛaa ha-o khayv na saaka-o. tayraa paar na paa-i-aa, beeṭulaa**. ||2||
In this wind (i.e. storm of desires), I cannot steer my boat (of life).
I cannot find Your limits, O! God**. 2
hohu dieAwlu siqguru myil qU mo kau ] pwir auqwry kysvw ]3]
hohu da-i-aal satgur mayl too, mo ka-o. paar utaaray kaysvaa*. ||3||
(Please) be Merciful and unite me with the True Guru, who will carry me across, O! Kaysvaa
(O! Long-haired Lord)*. 3

nwmw khY hau qir BI n jwnau ] mo kau bwh dyih bwh dyih bITulw ]4]2]
naamaa kahai, ha-o tar bhee na jaan-o. mo ka-o baah deh, baah deh, beeṭulaa**. ||4||2||
Nama (i.e. Namdev) says: I do not know even how to swim.
(Please) give me Your arm (i.e extend Your hand), give me Your arm, O! Beeṭul (O! Omnipresent
Lord)**. 4.2
shj Avil DUiV mxI gwfI cwlqI ] pICY iqnkw lY kir hWkqI ]1]
sahj aval, dhooṛ maṇee gaadee chaaltee. peechhai, tinkaa lai kar haanktee. ||1||
At first, the (body) cart loaded with dust (i.e. sins) moves slowly;
later, it is driven on with (stroke of) stick. 1
jYsy pnkq QR¨itit hWkqI ] sir Dovn cwlI lwfulI ]1] rhwau ]
jaisay, pankat tharootit haanktee. sar dhovan chaalee laadulee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Just as it is (i.e. the cart laden with soiled clothes is) driven towards the pool with the sound of
throotit (i.e. a sound to activate the animal pulling the cart); (so is )
the beloved (pampered) one* goes down to the pool for washing (itself). 1 (pause)
[Just as washerman activates animal to take cart loaded with soiled clothes to the pool, so is soul
activated for a cleansing bath by the true congregation].
DobI DovY ibrh ibrwqw ] hir crn myrw mnu rwqw ]2]
dhobee dhovai, birah biraataa. har charan, mayraa man raataa. ||2||
(Just as) the washerman washes (clothes), imbued with the love;
(so is) my mind is imbued with the feet of God. 2
Bxiq nwmdyau rim rihAw ] Apny Bgq pr kir dieAw ]3]3]
bhaṇat naamday-o, ram rahi-aa. apnay bhagat par kar da-i-aa. ||3||3||
Prays Namdeo: (O! God) You are all-pervading, (please) bestow Your Mercy upon Your
devotee. 3.3

bsMqu bwxI rivdws jI kI BasaNt, baaṇee Ravidaas jee kee

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
quJih suJMqw kCU nwih ] pihrwvw dyKy aUiB jwih ]
tujheh sujhaNtaa kachhoo naahi. pahiraavaa daykhay, oobh jaahi.
(O! mortal being) you do not understand anything.
seeing (your fine) robes, you become proud (of yourself).
grbvqI kw nwhI Twau ] qyrI grdin aUpir lvY kwau ]1]
garabvatee kaa naahee ṭaa-o. tayree gardan oopar, lavai kaa-o. ||1||
O! proud (body), you have no place (i.e. you shall not remain forever).
The crow is cawing over your neck (i.e. the messenger of death is hovering over your head). 1
qU kWie grbih bwvlI ] too kaan-ay garbeh, baavlee.
Why are you so proud? O! crazy women;
jYsy Bwdau KUMbrwju qU iqs qy KrI auqwvlI ]1] rhwau ]
jaisay bhaada-o khooMbraaj, too tis tay kharee utaavalee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Just as is a big mushroom in Bhadon (i.e. in rainy season) you are in a hurry, even more than
that. 1 (pause) [just as a mushroom, even if big in size, is short-lived, so is human body, it too is short-lived].

jYsy kurMk nhI pwieE Bydu ] qin sugMD FUFY pRdysu ]
jaisay kuraNk, nahee paa-i-o bhayd. tan sugaNdh, ḍooḍai pardays.
Just as the deer does not know the secret;
(that) musk is within his own body, (but) it searches for it outside.
Ap qn kw jo kry bIcwru ] iqsu nhI jmkMkru kry KuAwru ]2]
ap tan kaa jo karay beechaar. tis, nahee jamkaNkar karay khu-aar. ||2||
One, who reflects upon his own body (i.e. his being);
the messenger of death does not trouble him. 2
puqR klqR kw krih AhMkwru ] Twkuru lyKw mgnhwru ]
putar kaltar kaa karahi ahaMkaar. ṭaakur laykhaa maganhaar.
One, who is so proud of his son and his wife; the Master shall call him to account (for his deeds).
PyVy kw duKu shY jIau ] pwCy iksih pukwrih pIau pIau ]3]
fayṛay kaa dukh, sahai jee-o. paachhay kiseh pukaareh, pee-o pee-o. ||3||
The soul suffers the pain of its (mis)deeds;
afterwards, whom shall it call ‘O! beloved’ ‘O! beloved’. 3
swDU kI jau lyih Et ] qyry imtih pwp sB koit koit ]
saadhoo* kee ja-o layhi ot. tayray miteh paap sabh, kot kot.
(O! my soul) if you take the refuge of the Guru*;
tens of millions over tens of millions of your sins shall be erased.
{*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
kih rivdws juo jpY nwmu ] iqsu jwiq n jnmu n join kwmu ]4]1]
kahi ravidaas, jo japai naam. tis jaat, na janam, na jon kaam. ||4||1||
Says Ravidas: one who meditates upon the Name of God;
he has no concern with caste (i.e. social status), (family of) birth and (entering) womb (i.e.
reincarnation). 4.1

bsMqu kbIr jIau BasaNt, Kabeer jee-o

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur, prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko A kaar (the un-manifest and
manifest), Absolute Truth.
surh kI jYsI qyrI cwl ] surah kee jaisee tayree chaal.
[Imagining that God appeared before him like a cow; he says]: Your gait is like that of a cow.
qyrI pUMCt aUpir Jmk bwl ]1] tayree pooNchhat oopar jhamak baal. ||1||
The hair on your tail are shiny. 1
ies Gr mih hY su qU FUMiF Kwih ] Aaur iks hI ky qU miq hI jwih ]1] rhwau ]
is ghar meh hai, so too ḍooNḍ khaahi. a-or kis hee kay, too mat hee jaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever is there in this house, you find and eat that.
Do not go out to any other (house). 1 (pause)
cwkI cwtih cUnu Kwih ] chaakee chaateh, choon khaahi.
You lick at (grounding) hand-mill and eat the flour.
cwkI kw cIQrw khW lY jwih ]2] chaakee kaa cheethraa, kahaan lai jaahi. ||2||
where are you taking the rag of hand-mill? 2

CIky pr qyrI bhuqu fIiT ] mqu lkrI sotw qyrI prY pIiT ]3]
chheekay par, tayree bahut deeṭ. mat lakree sotaa, tayree parai peeṭ. ||3||
Your look is fixed on the hanging basket (do not look at it, just eat and go away);
(be careful lest) lest a stick may strike on your back. 3
kih kbIr Bog Bly kIn ] miq koaU mwrY eINt Fym ]4]1]
kahi kabeer, bhog bhalay keen.mat ko-oo maarai eent ḍaym. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: you have enjoyed lots of pleasure;
(now, go away) lest someone may throw a brick or lump of earth at you. 4.1
[This is also a satire on cow worshippers].

 hhh hhh

P. 1197
rwgu swrg caupdy mhlw 1 Gru 1 Raag Saarag, cha-upday, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
k-o kaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibha gur parsaad
n N

< ikko-oⁿkaar
God (onkaar) is (but) One (He is ‘The Only One’), the Formless.
(1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as <
is pronounced as aNkaar which means formless God).
siq nwm sat naam
True (is His) name (His existence is true/eternal).
[it is not one word, i.e. in sat naam;‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words]. [It means that the existence of God
is truth i.e. God is Truth. the only truth, and, His existence is a truth].
krqw purKu kartaa purakh
(He is) the Creator Person.
[It means that "Only He" is the Creator of the whole of the creation. He does not have any agents/assistants].
inrBau inrvYru
nirbha-o, nirvair
(God is) fear-free [It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (like Satan etc)].
(God is) free from enmity (or rancour for any part of His creation).
{How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him].
Akwl mUriq akaal moorat
(God is) Timeless Being (i.e. not subject to time)
[His existence is not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
AjUnI ajoonee
(God is) not born/created (like other beings).
sYBM saibhaN
(God is) self-illumined (God is Self-existent. He is from Himself).
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this) by the grace of Guru (here, Guru has been used for God).
{This is invocation (in Punjabi it is known as mangalacharan/mangal); all the poets begin a verse with invocation}.

Apuny Twkur kI hau cyrI ] crn ghy jgjIvn pRB ky haumY mwir inbyrI ]1] rhwau ]
apunay ṭaakur kee ha-o chayree.
charan gahay jagjeevan prabh kay, ha-umai maar nibayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am (slave) maid of my Master.
I have grasped the feet of God, the Life of the World; He has killed and (totally) eradicated my
egotism. 1 (pause)
pUrn prm joiq prmysr pRIqm pRwn hmwry ] pooran param jot parmaysar, preetam paraan hamaaray.
He is perfect (i.e. pervading everywhere); (He is) the Supreme Light, the Supreme Lord; (He is)
my Beloved, the breath of my life.
mohn moih lIAw mnu myrw smJis sbdu bIcwry ]1]
mohan mohi lee-aa man mayraa, samjhas sabad beechaaray. ||1||
The Fascinating (Lord) has fascinated my mind; contemplating the word (of the Guru), I have
come to understand (this). 1
mnmuK hIn hoCI miq JUTI min qin pIr srIry ]
manmukh heen, hochhee mat jhooṭee, man tan peer sareeray.
The mind-oriented (soul bride) is deficient (i.e. she is imperfect, without the name), (she has)
false and shallow wisdom, she suffers pains in mind and body and in her being.
jb kI rwm rMgIlY rwqI rwm jpq mn DIry]2] jab kee raam ra geelai raatee, raam japat man dheeray ||2||
Since it (i.e. the mind) has come to be imbued with the love of the Beloved God, meditating
upon (the name of) God, the mind is comforted. 2
haumY Coif BeI bYrwgin qb swcI suriq smwnI ]
ha-umai chhod bha-ee bairaagan, tab saachee surat samaanee.
Abandoning egotism, it (i.e. mind) has become detached; and, now it has merged true
Akul inrMjn isau mnu mwinAw ibsrI lwj luokwnI ]3]
akul niraNjan si-o man maani-aa, bisree laaj lokaanee. ||3||
My mind is pleased with the beyond-lineage (i.e. pure) and immaculate (Lord); (now) I have
forgotten (i.e. do not bother) for social approval. 3
BUr BivK nwhI qum jYsy myry pRIqm pRwn ADwrw ]
bhoor bhavikh naahee tum jaisay, mayray pareetam paraan adhaaraa.
There is no one like You, (there was no one) in the past or (will be) in the future, O! my
Beloved, support of breath of my life.
hir kY nwim rqI sohwgin nwnk rwm Bqwrw ]4]1]
har kai naam ratee sohaagan, naanak raam bhataaraa. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): The happy (soul) bride, who is imbued with the name of God; God is her
Husband. 4.1

swrg mhlw 1 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 1

hir ibnu ikau rhIAY duKu ibAwpY ] har bin ki-o rahee-ai, dukh bi-aapai.
How can I survive without (meditating upon) God, (without meditating) I suffer in pain.
ijhvw swdu n PIkI rs ibnu ibnu pRB kwlu sMqwpY ]1] rhwau ]
jihvaa saad na feekee ras bin, bin prabh kaal saNtaapai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My tongue is tasteless; it is insipid without the essence (of love of God); without God it lives
in the fear of the messenger of death. 1 (pause)
jb lgu drsu n prsY pRIqm qb lgu BUK ipAwsI ] jab lag daras na parsai preetam, tab lag bhookh pi-aasee.
As long as I do not obtain the vision of my Beloved (Lord), I remain in hunger and thirst (of
drsnu dyKq hI mnu mwinAw jl ris kml ibgwsI ]1]
darsan daykhat hee man maani-aa, jal ras kamal bigaasee. ||1||
Beholding His vision, the mind pleased; (it is like) lotus blooms in the essence of water. 1
aUniv Gnhru grjY brsY koikl mor bYrwgY ] oonav ghanhar garjai barsai, kokil mor bairaagai.
(Beholding His vision, the devotee become happy just as) the low hanging clouds thunder and
rain, the cuckoo and peacock are filled with love; (and just as)
qrvr ibrK ibhMg BuieAMgm Gir ipru Dn sohwgY ]2]
tarvar birakh bihang bhu-i-aNgam, ghar pir dhan sohaagai. ||2||the trees, bulls, birds, snakes

(become happy), and, the (soul) bride becomes happy when her husband returns home. 2
kuicl kurUip kunwir kulKnI ipr kw shju n jwinAw ]
kuchil kuroop kunaar kulakhnee, pir kaa sahj na jaani-aa.
Filthy and ugly, unwomanly (i.e. damned woman), ill-mannered (is that soul bride) who has not
known the nature (i.e. love) of her husband.
hir rs rMig rsn nhI iqRpqI durmiq dUK smwinAw ]3]
har ras raNg rasan nahee tariptee, durmat dookh samaani-aa. ||3||
She whose tongue is not satisfied with the essence of love of God, due to her evil wisdom, she
remains immersed in pain. 3
Awie n jwvY nw duKu pwvY nw duK drdu srIry ] nwnk pRB qy shj suhylI pRB dyKq hI mnu DIry ]4]2]
aa-ay na jaavai, naa dukh paavai, naa dukh darad sareeray.
naanak, prabh tay sahj suhaylee, prabh daykhat hee man dheeray. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): She, who is embellished in ease by God, and, beholding (the vision of) God her
mind is comforted, does not come or go, or suffer in pain, and, her body does not suffer any
disease . 4.2

swrg mhlw 1 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 1

dUir nwhI myro pRBu ipAwrw ] door naahee, mayro prabh pi-aaraa.
My Beloved God is not far away.
siqgur bcin myro mnu mwinAw hir pwey pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ]
satgur bachan mayro man maani-aa, har paa-ay paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is pleased by the word of the True Guru; and, I have found (i.e. I am blessed with)
God, the support of my breath (of life). 1 (pause)
P. 1198
ien ibiD hir imlIAY vr kwmin Dn sohwgu ipAwrI ] in bidh har milee-ai var kaaman, dhan sohaag pi-aaree.
This is the way to meet Husband Lord, O! beautiful (soul) bride; blessed is the (soul) bride
who is loved (by Husband Lord).
jwiq brn kul shsw cUkw gurmiq sbid bIcwrI ]1]
jaat baran kul sahsaa chookaa, gurmat sabad beechaaree. ||1||
The illusions of caste (i.e. social status), colour (i.e. race) and family (linage) are eliminated, by
contemplating word through the wisdom of the Guru. 1
ijsu mnu mwnY AiBmwnu n qw kau ihMsw loBu ivswry ] jis man maanai, abhimaan na taa ka-o, hi saa lobh visaaray.
One, whose mind is pleased, has no egotism, and, violence and greed are forgotten.
shij rvY vru kwmix ipr kI gurmuiK rMig svwry ]2]
sahj ravai var kaamaṇ pir kee, gurmukh raNg savaaray. ||2||
The (soul) bride of Husband (Lord) enjoys Him, in ease, (when) she is embellished by His love
through the Guru. 2
jwrau AYsI pRIiq kutMb snbMDI mwieAw moh pswrI ]
jaara-o aisee preet kutMb sanbaNdhee, maa-i-aa moh pasaaree.
(O! soul bride) burn away any love of family and (other) relatives; this is but expanse of
attachment to Maya.
ijsu AMqir pRIiq rwm rsu nwhI duibDw krm ibkwrI ]3]
jis aNtar preet raam ras naahee, dubidhaa karam bikaaree. ||3||
One, who does not have love for and the essence of God within her mind, all her actions are
filled with duality and sin. 3
AMqir rqn pdwrQ ihq kO durY n lwl ipAwrI ]
aNtar ratan padaarath hit kou, durai na, laal pi-aaree.
One, who has the wealth of jewel of love, that beloved dear (soul bride) does not remain
nwnk gurmuiK nwmu Amolku juig juig AMqir DwrI ]4]3]
naanak, gurmukh naam amolak, jug jug aNtar dhaaree. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): she enshrines the priceless name within her mind though the Guru, in all the
Ages through. 4.3

swrMg mhlw 4 Gru 1 SaaraNg, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir ky sMq jnw kI hm DUir ] har kay saNt janaa kee ham dhoor.
I am the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons, servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
imil sqsMgiq prm pdu pwieAw Awqm rwmu rihAw BrpUir ]1] rhwau ]
mil satsaNgat param pad paa-i-aa, aatam raam rahi-aa bharpoor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the true congregation, I have obtained the supreme status; (now I see) the Supreme
Lord God pervading everywhere. 1 (pause)
siqguru sMqu imlY sWiq pweIAY iklivK duK kwty siB dUir ]
satgur sant milai saant paa-ee-ai, kilvikh dukh kaatay sabh door.
Meeting the God-oriented True Guru one obtains peace; (because) he (i.e. True Guru) totally
erases and takes away all the sins.
Awqm joiq BeI prPUilq purKu inrMjnu dyiKAw hjUir ]1]
aatam jot bha-ee parfoolit, purakh niraNjan daykhi-aa hajoor. ||1||
(Then) the Divine Light radiates forth, and, one beholds the presence of the Primal Person,
immaculate (Lord). 1
vfY Bwig sqsMgiq pweI hir hir nwmu rihAw BrpUir ]
vadai bhaag satsaNgat paa-ee, har har naam rahi-aa bharpoor.
By great (good) fortune, one finds the true congregation; (and one understands that) the name
of God is pervading everywhere
ATsiT qIrQ mjnu kIAw sqsMgiq pg nwey DUir ]2]
aṭsaṭ tirath majan kee-aa, satsaNgat pag naa-ay dhoor. ||2||
Bathing in dust of the feet of the true congregation is taking (cleansing) bath at the sixty-eight
places of pilgrimage. 2
durmiq ibkwr mlIn miq hoCI ihrdw kusuDu lwgw moh kUru ]
durmat bikaar maleen mat hochhee, hirdaa kusudh laagaa moh koor.
Through evil wisdom and sins, the mind becomes filthy, and, the heart becomes attached to
false attachment.

ibnu krmw ikau sMgiq pweIAY haumY ibAwip rihAw mnu JUir ]3]
bin karmaa ki-o saNgat paa-ee-ai, ha-umai bi-aap rahi-aa man jhoor. ||3||
How can one find (true) company without grace (of God)? Engrossed in egotism, the mind
remains repenting (and regretting). 3
hohu dieAwl ik®pw kir hir jI mwgau sqsMgiq pg DUir ]
hohu da-i-aal kirpaa kar har jee, maaga-o satsaNgat pag dhoor.
Be kind and bestow Your mercy, O! dear Go; I beg for the dust of the feet of the true
nwnk sMqu imlY hir pweIAY jnu hir ByitAw rwmu hjUir ]4]1]
naanak, saNt milai har paa-ee-ai, jan har bhayti-aa raam hajoor. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): Meeting with a God-oriented person one finds God; and, the servant (i.e.
devotee) who finds God, beholds Gods presence (forever). 4.1

swrMg mhlw 4 ] SaaraNg, Mehlaa 4

goibMd crnn kau bilhwrI ] gobiNd charnan ka-o, balihaaree.
(O! brethren) become a sacrifice unto the feet of the Lord of the World.
Bvjlu jgqu n jweI qrxw jip hir hir pwir auqwrI ]1] rhwau ]
bhavjal jagat na jaa-ee tarṇaa, jap har har paar utaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The terrifying world ocean cannot be swum across; chanting (the name of) God, the Lord,
the Master, one is carried across. 1 (pause)
ihrdY pRqIiq bnI pRB kyrI syvw suriq bIcwrI ]
hirdai prateet banee prabh kayree, sayvaa surat beechaaree.
When faith in God comes to fill the heart, one serves God and contemplates in one’s mind.
Anidnu rwm nwmu jip ihrdY srb klw guxkwrI ]1]
an-din raam naam jap hirdai, sarab kalaa guṇkaaree. ||1||
He, who meditates upon the name of God, day and night, which is all-powerful and virtuous. 1
pRBu Agm Agocru rivAw sRb TweI min qin AlK ApwrI ]
prabh agam agochar ravi-aa sarab ṭaa-ee, man tan alakh apaaree.
Gos is inaccessible, imperceptible, pervading all places; the infinite and invisible (abides) in
(all) minds and bodies.
gur ikrpwl Bey qb pwieAw ihrdY AlKu lKwrI ]2]
gur kirpaal bha-ay tab paa-i-aa, hirdai alakh lakhaaree. ||2||
When the Guru becomes kind, one finds the invisible and imperceptible (Lord) within one’s
heart. 2
AMqir hir nwmu srb DrxIDr swkq kau dUir BieAw AhMkwrI ]
aNtar har naam sarab dhaṇeedhar, saakat ka-o door bha-i-aa ahaMkaaree.
The name of the support of the world dwells within everyone; (but) the non-believer is
proud, to him He is far away.
iqRsnw jlq n kbhU bUJih jUAY bwjI hwrI ]3]
tarisnaa jalat na kabhoo boojheh, joo-ai baajee haaree. ||3||
One, who burning in (the fire of) desires, never understands (this truth), (hence) he loses his
game (of life) in gamble. 3

aUTq bYTq hir gun gwvih guir ikMcq ikrpw DwrI ]
ooṭat baiṭat har gun gaavahi, gur kiNchat kirpaa dhaaree.
One, upon whom the Guru has bestowed even a little bit of grace, standing up and sitting
down, he sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
nwnk ijn kau ndir BeI hY iqn kI pYj svwrI ]4]2]
naanak, jin ka-o nadar bha-ee hai, tin kee paij savaaree. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): those, upon whom (the God) has bestowed his glance (of grace), He embellishes
their honour. 4.2
P. 1199
swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4
hir hir AMimRq nwmu dyhu ipAwry ] har har aMmrit naam dayh, pi-aaray.
O! my beloved (Guru), bless me with AMmrit name of God the Lord.
ijn aUpir gurmuiK mnu mwinAw iqn ky kwj svwry ]1] rhwau ]
jin oopar gurmukh man maani-aa, tin kay kaaj savaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those with whom, the mind of the Guru is pleased, their affairs as settled. 1 (pause)
jo jn dIn Bey gur AwgY iqn ky dUK invwry ]
jo jan deen bha-ay gur aagai, tin kay dookh nivaaray.
Those servants (i.e. devotees), who have become humble before the Guru, their sorrows are
taken away.
Anidnu Bgiq krih gur AwgY gur kY sbid svwry ]1]
an-din bhagat karahi gur aagai, gur kai sabad savaaray. ||1||
Day and night, they perform devotion for the Guru; and, they are embellished with the word
of the Guru. 1
ihrdY nwmu AMimRq rsu rsnw rsu gwvih rsu bIcwry ]
hirdai naam, aMmrit ras rasnaa, ras gaavahi ras beechaaray.
Within their hearts is the AMmrit essence (of the name of God) and with their tongues they
savour this essence and contemplate this essence.
gur prswid AMimRq rsu cIin@Aw Eie pwvih moK duAwry ]2]
gur parsaad aMmrit ras cheenhi-aa, o-ay paavahi mokh du-aaray. ||2||
By the grace of the Guru, they understand the AMmrit essence (of the name of God) and find
the door of liberation. 2
siqguru purKu Aclu Aclw miq ijsu idRVqw nwmu ADwry ] iqsu AwgY jIau dyvau Apunw hau siqgur kY bilhwry ]3]
satgur purakh achal achlaa mat, jis dariṛ-taa naam adhaaray.
tis aagai jee-o dayva-o apunaa, ha-o satgur kai balihaaray. ||3||
The True Guru, the Primal Person, is unchanging and His teachings are unchanging; and,
he has firm devotion and the support of the name.
I offer y soul to him and I a a sacrifice unto that True Guru. 3
mnmuK BRim dUjY Bwie lwgy AMqir AigAwn gubwry ]
manmukh bharam doojai bhaa-ay laagay, aNtar agi-aan gubaaray.
The mind-oriented are deluded by doubt, hence (they are) attached to duality; within them is
the darkness of (spiritual) ignorance.
siqguru dwqw ndir n AwvY nw aurvwir n pwry ]4]

satgur daataa nadar na aavai, naa urvaar na paaray. ||4||
They do not see the True Guru, the giver (of the name); hence they are neither on this shore
nor on the other side (of the world ocean). 4
srby Git Git rivAw suAwmI srb klw kl Dwry ]
sarbay ghat ghat ravi-aa su-aamee, sarab kalaa kal dhaaray.
The Lord is pervading each and every heart; the All-Powerful exercise His power.
nwnku dwsin dwsu khq hY kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry ]5]3]
naanak, daasan daas kahat hai, kar kirpaa layho ubaaray. ||5||3||
Nanak, the slave of slaves (i.e. devotee of God) says: (please) be kind and save me. 4.3

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

goibd kI AYsI kwr kmwie ] jo ikCu kry su siq kir mwnhu gurmuiK nwim rhhu ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ]
gobid kee aisee kaar kamaa-ay.
jo kichh karay so sat kar maanhu, gurmukh naam rahhu liv laa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) perform service of the Lord of the World, like this :
Whatever He does, accept that as true; and, remain lovingly absorbed in the name (of God)
through the Guru. 1 (pause)
goibd pRIiq lgI Aiq mITI Avr ivsir sB jwie ]
gobid pareet lagee at meeṭee, avar visar sabh jaa-ay.
(One whom) the love of the Lord of the World seems very sweet; everything else is forgotten
(to him).
Anidnu rhsu BieAw mnu mwinAw joqI joiq imlwie ]1]
an-din rahas bha-i-aa man maani-aa, jotee jot milaa-ay. ||1||
Day and night, he is in ecstasy his mind is pleased (in God), and his light merges into the
Light (of God). 1
jb gux gwie qb hI mnu iqRpqY sWiq vsY min Awie ]
jab gun gaa-ay, tab hee man tariptai ,saant vasai man aa-ay.
When he sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God), his mind is satiated and the peace
comes to abide within his mind.
gur ikrpwl Bey qb pwieAw hir crxI icqu lwie ]2]
gur kirpaal bha-ay tab paa-i-aa, har charṇee chit laa-ay. ||2||
When the Guru becomes kind, he find God by focussing his mind on His feet. 2
miq pRgws BeI hir iDAwieAw igAwin qiq ilv lwie ]
mat pargaas bha-ee har dhi-aa-i-aa, gi-aan tat liv laa-ay.
Meditating upon God, his wisdom is enlightened, and, he remains attuned to the essence of
knowledge (i.e. spiritual wisdom).
AMqir joiq pRgtI mnu mwinAw hir shij smwiD lgwie ]3]
aNtar jot pargatee man maani-aa, har sahj samaadh lagaa-ay. ||3||
(Divine) Light is revealed within him and his mind is pleased; and, he remains immersed in
(the name of) God in trance, in ease. 3
ihrdY kptu inq kptu kmwvih muKhu hir hir suxwie ]
hirdai kapat, nit kapat kamaaveh, mukhahu har har suṇaa-ay.
One, whose mind is filled with wickedness, continues practising wickedness, (even when) he
chants (the name of) God the Lord fro his mouth
AMqir loBu mhw gubwrw quh kUtY duK Kwie ]4]
aNtar lobh mahaa gubaaraa, tuh kootai dukh khaa-ay. ||4||
Within him is utter darkness of greed; (his life is like) thrashing husk and suffer in pain 4
jb supRsMn Bey pRB myry gurmuiK prcw lwie ] nwnk nwm inrMjnu pwieAw nwmu jpq suKu pwie ]5]4]
jab suparsaNn bha-ay prabh mayray, gurmukh parchaa laa-ay.
naanak, naam niraNjan paa-i-aa, naam japat sukh paa-ay. ||5||4||
When my Lord becomes totally pleased(then) one understands through the Guru.
Nanak (says): (then) one finds the name of the Immaculate (God), and, meditating upon the
name, one finds (spiritual) happiness. 5.4

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

myrw mnu rwm nwim mnu mwnI ] mayraa man, raam naam man maanee.
My mind, my mind is pleased by the name of God.
myrY hIArY siqguir pRIiq lgweI min hir hir kQw suKwnI ]1] rhwau ]
mayrai hee-arai satgur preet lagaa-ee, man har har kathaa sukhaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru has implanted love within my heart; the story (of the excellences) of God is
pleasing to my mind. 1 (pause)
dIn dieAwl hovhu jn aUpir jn dyvhu AkQ khwnI ]
deen da-i-aal hovhu jan oopar, jan dayvhu akath kahaanee.
(O! God, please) be merciful to Your servant (i.e. devotee), and, bless him with the
indescribable story (of Your excellences).
sMq jnw imil hir rsu pwieAw hir min qin mIT lgwnI ]1]
saNt janaa mil har ras paa-i-aa, har man tan meeṭ lagaanee. ||1||
Meeting the God-oriented persons, (when) one obtains the essence of (the name of) God; and,
God seems sweet to his mind and body. 1
hir kY rMig rqy bYrwgI ijn@ gurmiq nwmu pCwnI ]
har kai raNg ratay bairaagee, jinh gurmat naam pachhaanee.
Those, who realize the name (of God), through the wisdom of the Guru, are imbued with the
love of God and become detached.
purKY purKu imilAw suKu pwieAw sB cUkI Awvx jwnI ]2]
purkhai purakh mili-aa sukh paa-i-aa, sabh chookee aavaṇ jaanee. ||2||
Meeting with the Primal Person, one finds (spiritual) happiness, and, his coming and going
(in incarnation) are ended. 2
nYxI ibrhu dyKw pRB suAwmI rsnw nwmu vKwnI ]
nainee birahu daykhaa, prabh su-aamee, rasnaa naam vakhaanee.
(I have longing that) I should see Your love with my eyes, O! God, Lord; and, chant Your
name with my tongue.
P. 1200
sRvxI kIrqnu sunau idnu rwqI ihrdY hir hir BwnI ]3]
sarvanee keertan sun-o din raatee, hirdai har har bhaanee. ||3||
Listen to the praise (of God’s excellences) day and night, with my ears; (because the praise of)

God the Lord is pleasing to my heart. 3
pMc jnw guir vsgiq Awxy qau aunmin nwim lgwnI ]
paNch janaa gur vasgat aaṇay, ta-o unman naam lagaanee.
(When) the Guru led me to overcome the five (passions), then I attained the state of spiritual
bliss through the name.
jn nwnk hir ikrpw DwrI hir rwmY nwim smwnI ]4]5]
jan naanak, har kirpaa dhaaree, har raamai naam samaanee. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, upon whom God bestows His kindness, he merge in
the name of God, the Lord. 4.5

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

jip mn rwm nwmu pVHü swru ] jap man, raam naam paṛho saar.
O! my mind, chant the name of God, and reading it is mot excellent (act).
rwm nwm ibnu iQru nhI koeI horu inhPl sBu ibsQwru ]1] rhwau ]
raam naam bin thir nahee ko-ee, hor nihfal sabh bisthaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the name of God, nothing is stable, l the ret of the expanse is useless. 1 (pause)
ikAw lIjY ikAw qjIAY baury jo dIsY so Cwru ] ki-aa leejai ki-aa tajee-ai, ba-uray, jo deesai so chhaar.
What I there to be accepted and what is there to be rejected? O! crazy whatever is seen, h
turn to ash.
ijsu ibiKAw kau qum@ ApunI kir jwnhu sw Cwif jwhu isir Bwru ]1]
jis bikhi-aa ka-o tum apunee kar jaanhu, saa chhaad jaahu sir bhaar. ||1||

That poison (i.e. Maya), which you believe be your own, you shall leave that behind, and,
carry load (of sins on) on your head. 1
iqlu iqlu plu plu AauD Puin GwtY bUiJ n skY gvwru ]
til til pal pal a-odh fun ghaatai, boojh na sakai gavaar.
Little by little, moment by moment, your life is running out, (but) the foolish (mind) cannot
understand this.
so ikCu krY ij swiQ n cwlY iehu swkq kw Awcwru ]2]
so kichh karai je saath na chaalai, ih saakat kaa aachaar. ||2||
He does (i.e. earns/ practices) that will not go along with him (in the end); this is the conduct
(way of life) of the non-believer.2
sMq jnw kY sMig imlu baury qau pwvih moK duAwru ]
saNt janaa kai saNg mil ba-uray, ta-o paavahi mokh du-aar.
So join together with the God-oriented persons, O! crazy, (only) then you shall find the gate
of liberation.
ibnu sqsMg suKu iknY n pwieAw jwie pUChu byd bIcwru ]3]
bin satsaNg sukh kinai na paa-i-aa, jaa-ay poochhahu bayd beechaar. ||3||
Without the true congregation, no one ha ever obtained (spiritual) happiness; go and ask (the
scholars) the though of the Vedas. 3
rwxw rwau sBY koaU cwlY JUTu Coif jwie pwswru ]
raaṇaa raa-o sabhai ko-oo chaalai, jhooṭ chhod jaa-ay paasaar.
The kings and the nobles, all shall depart, and, they leave behind the false expanse (of Maya).
nwnk sMq sdw iQru inhclu ijn rwm nwmu AwDwru ]4]6]
naanak, saNt sadaa thir nihchal, jin raam naam aadhaar. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): The God-oriented persons are forever stable nd steady; (because) they have the
support of the name of God. 4.6

swrg mhlw 4 Gru 3 dupdw Saarag, Mehlaa 4, ghar 3, dupdaa

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kwhy pUq Jgrq hau sMig bwp ] kaahay poot jhagrat ha-o, saNg baap.
O! son, why do you quarrel with your father?
ijn ky jxy bfIry qum hau iqn isau Jgrq pwp ]1] rhwau ]
jin kay jaṇay badeeray tum ha-o, tin si-o jhagrat paap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has given you birth and raised you, it is a sin to quarrel with him. 1 (pause)
ijsu Dn kw qum grbu krq hau so Dnu iksih n Awp ]
jis dhan kaa tum garab karat ha-o, so dhan kiseh na aap.
That wealth, of which you take pride, that wealth does not belongs to (i.e. does not remain
forever with) any one.
iKn mih Coif jwie ibiKAw rsu qau lwgY pCuqwp ]1]
khin meh chhod jaa-ay bikhi-aa ras, ta-o laagai pachhutaap. ||1||
In an instant, (mortal) leaves behind these pleasures of poison, and, then he comes to repent. 1
jo qumry pRB hoqy suAwmI hir iqn ky jwphu jwp ]
jo tumray prabh hotay su-aamee, har tin kay jaapahu jaap.
(O! on) God, who is your Lord, meditate the chant (i.e. name) of that God.
aupdysu krq nwnk jn qum kau jau sunhu qau jwie sMqwp ]2]1]7]
updays karat naanak jan tum ka-o, ja-o sunhu ta-o jaa-ay saNtaap. ||2||1||7||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I give you, if you this instruction, if you listen to it (and
follow it), you shall be rid of your troubles. 2.1.7

swrg mhlw 4 Gru 5 dupdy pVqwl Saarag, Mehlaa 4, ghar 5, dupday, parh-taal
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
jip mn jgMnwQ jgdIsro jgjIvno mnmohn isau pRIiq lwgI mY hir hir hir tyk sB idnsu sB rwiq ]1] rhwau ]
jap man, jagaNnaath jagdeesro jagjeevano, manmohan si-o pareet laagee, mai har har har tayk
sabh dinas sabh raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Master of the Universe, the Lord of the World, the Life of the
World; I am in love with the Enticer of the mind (of everyone); all through day and night, I
take the support of God, the Lord, the Mmster. 1 (pause)
hir kI aupmw Aink Aink Aink gun gwvq suk nwrd bRhmwidk qv gun suAwmI ginn n jwiq ]
har kee upmaa anik anik anik, gun gaavat suk naarad barahmaadik, tav gun su-aamee ganin na

The praise of God is endless, limitless, countless; Suk, Narad and Brahma etc. (all) sing (the
praise of) His excellences; (yet) Your excellences, O! Lord, cannot (even) be counted.
qU hir byAMqu qU hir byAMqu qU hir suAwmI qU Awpy hI jwnih AwpnI BWiq ]1]
too har bay-aNt, too har bay-aNt, too har su-aamee, too aapay hee jaaneh aapnee bhaant. ||1||
O! God, You are infinite, O! God, You are infinite, You God, Lord, only You Yourself know your
hir kY inkit inkit hir inkt hI bsqy qy hir ky jn swDU hir Bgwq ]
har kai nikat nikat, har nikat hee bastay, tay har kay jan saadhoo har bhagaat.
Those who are near, near to God, those who dwell near God, those servants (i.e. devotee) are
God-oriente persons, devotee of God
qy hir ky jn hir isau ril imly jYsy jn nwnk sllY sll imlwiq ]2]1]8]
tay har kay jan, har si-o ral milay, jaisay, jan naanak, sallai salal milaat. ||2||1||8||
Nanak (says): Those servants (i.e. devotee) of God merge with God, like water merging with
water. 2.1.8
P. 1201
swrMg mhlw 4 ] Saara g, Mehlaa 4

jip mn nrhry nrhr suAwmI hir sgl dyv dyvw sRI rwm rwm nwmw hir pRIqmu morw ]1] rhwau ]
jap man, narharay* narhar* su-aamee, har sagal dayv dayvaa, saree raam raam naamaa,
har preetam moraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Lord pervading all, the Omnipresent; (He is) God of all gods of
gods; meditate upon the name of the all-perading God; (He is) my Beloved God. 1 (pause)
[*Narhar, literally: Lord of men/beings; i.e. pervading all, Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes/names of God].
ijqu igRih gun gwvqy hir ky gun gwvqy rwm gun gwvqy iqqu igRih vwjy pMc sbd vf Bwg mQorw ]
jit garihi gun gaavtay, har kay gun gaavtay, raam gun gaavtay,
tit garihi vaajay paNch sabad, vad bhaag mathoraa.
That home (i.e. heart) in which (the praise of His) excellences is sung; (the praise of) the
excellences of God is sung; (the praise of) the excellences of God is sung;
in that home, the five words (i.e. five celestial sounds) resound; (one who dwells in such a home,
that person) has (good) destiny inscribed on (his) forehead.
iqn@ jn ky siB pwp gey siB doK gey siB rog gey kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu AiBmwnu gey iqn@ jn ky hir mwir kFy pMc corw ]1]
tinh jan kay sabh paap ga-ay, sabh dokh ga-ay, sabh rog ga-ay,
kaam krodh lobh moh abhimaan ga-ay, tinh jan kay har maar kaḍay panch choraa. ||1||
All the sins of those servants (i.e. devotees) are taken away; all (their) vices are taken away; all
(their) diseases are taken away; (their) sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment,
(egotistical) pride are taken away; God drives out these five thieves out of the being of such a
servant (i.e. devotee). 1
hir rwm bolhu hir swDU hir ky jn swDU jgdIsu jphu min bcin krim hir hir AwrwDU hir ky jn swDU ]
har raam bolhu har saadhoo, har kay jan saadhoo, jagdees japahu, man bachan karam har har
aaraadhoo, har kay jan saadhoo.
Chant (the name of) God, the Lord, O! God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees) of God; O! God-
oriented persons servants (i.e. devotees) of God; meditate upon the Lord of the Universe;
perform devotion of God, the Lord, in mind, word and deed; O! God-oriented persons servants
(i.e. devotees) of God
hir rwm boil hir rwm boil siB pwp gvwDU ] har raam bol, har raam bol, sabh paap gavaadhoo.
Chant (the name of) God, the Lord; chant (the name of) God, the Lord; it shall rid you of all
(your) sins.
inq inq jwgrxu krhu sdw sdw Awnµdu jip jgdIsuorw ]
nit nit jaagraṇ karahu, sadaa sadaa aanaNd jap jagdeesoraa.
Continually and always remain awake (of passions and vices); (you shall) be in ecstasy
forever and ever (by) meditating upon the Lord of the Universe
mn ieCy Pl pwvhu sBY Pl pwvhu Drmu ArQu kwm moKu jn nwnk hir isau imly hir Bgq qorw ]2]2]9]
man ichhay fal paavhu sabhai fal paavhu, dharam arath kaam mokh, jan naanak har si-o milay,
har bhagat toraa. ||2||2||9||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (God’s devotees) obtain the fruit of their mind’s desires;
they obtain all the fruits: faith, wealth, sexual fulfilment and liberation (i.e the four cardinal
boons). O! God, Your devotees meet (i.e. unite with) You. 2.2.9

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

jip mn mwDo mDusUdno hir sRIrMgo prmysro siq prmysro pRBu AMqrjwmI ]
jap man, maadho madhusoodno har sareeraNgo, parmaysaro sat parmaysaro, prabh aNtarjaamee.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Lord of Maya, the Destroyer of Demons; the Great Enjoyer
God, the Supreme Lord, the True, Supreme Lord, God, the Controller of Souls.
sB dUKn ko hMqw sB sUKn ko dwqw hir pRIqm gun gwEu ]1] rhwau ]
sabh dookhan ko haNtaa, sabh sookhan ko daataa, har preetam gun gaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is the Destroyer of all sorrows, He is the Giver of all pleasures; sing (the praise) of the
excellences of Beloved God. 1 (pause)
hir Git Gty Git bsqw hir jil Qly hir bsqw hir Qwn Qwnµqir bsqw mY hir dyKn ko cwEu ] har ghat ghatay
ghat bastaa har jal thalay har bastaa, har thaan thaanaNtar bastaa, mai har daykhan ko chaa-o.
God dwells in each and every heart; God dwells in waters and on land; God dwells in (all)
places and spaces; I have a (great) longing to behold (the vision of) God.
koeI AwvY sMqo hir kw jnu sMqo myrw pRIqm jnu sMqo moih mwrgu idKlwvY ]
ko-ee aavai saNto, har kaa jan santo, mayraa pareetam jan saNto, mohi maarag dikhlaavai.
If only some God-oriented person, some servant (i.e. devotee) of God, (some) God-oriented
person; my beloved, servant (i.e. devotee) of God, (some) God-oriented person (would come
and) show me the path (of God).
iqsu jn ky hau mil mil Dovw pwEu ]1] tis jan kay ha-o mal mal dhovaa paa-o. ||1||
I would rub and message and wash the feet of that servant (i.e. devotee of God).
(i.e. I shall humbly serve that devotee of God). 1
hir jn kau hir imilAw hir srDw qy imilAw gurmuiK hir imilAw ]
har jan ka-o har mili-aa, har sardhaa tay mili-aa, gurmukh har mili-aa.
The servant (i.e. devotee) of God meets God; one meets God with faith in Him; God meets
through the Guru.
myrY min qin Awnµd Bey mY dyiKAw hir rwEu ] mayrai man tan aanaNd bha-ay, mai daykhi-aa har raa-o.
My mind and body are in ecstasy, (since) I have seen God, (my) Sovereign (Lord).
jn nwnk kau ikrpw BeI hir kI ikrpw BeI jgdIsur ikrpw BeI ]
jan naanak ka-o kirpaa bha-ee, har kee kirpaa bha-ee, jagdeesur kirpaa bha-ee.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have been blessed with (the Guru’s) grace; blessed with
the grace of God; blessed with the grace of the Lord of the Universe.
mY Anidno sd sd sdw hir jipAw hir nwEu ]2]3]10]
mai andino, sad sad sadaa, har japi-aa har naa-o. ||2||3||10||
Day and night, forever and ever and continually, I meditate upon God, the name of God.

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

jip mn inrBau ] siq siq sdw siq ] jap man nirbha-o. sat sat sadaa sat.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Fearless (Lord). (He is) True, True, and, forever True.
inrvYru Akwl mUriq ] AwjUnI sMBau ] nirvair akaal moorat. aajoonee saMbha-o.
He is free from animosity, Timeless form. (He is) beyond birth, Self-existent.
myry mn Anidnuo iDAwie inrMkwru inrwhwrI ]1] rhwau ]
mayray man, andino dhi-aa-ay niraNkaar niraahaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, day and night, meditate upon the Formless, (the one who) needs no food (i.e. self
sustaining). 1 (pause)
hir drsn kau hir drsn kau koit koit qyqIs isD jqI jogI qt qIrQ prBvn krq rhq inrwhwrI ]
har darsan ka-o, har darsan ka-o, kot kot taytees, sidh jatee jogee, tat tirath parbhavan karat,
rahat niraahaaree.
For (beholding) the vision of God, for (beholding) the vision of God, the three hundred and
thirty million* (god), (all) the Sidhs (i.e. those claiming supernatural powers), celibates and
yogis, make journeys to the banks of places of pilgrimage, and, remain without food.
[*The Hindus presume that there are three hundred and thirty million gods].
iqn jn kI syvw Qwie peI ijn@ kau ikrpwl hovqu bnvwrI ]1]
tin jan kee sayvaa thaa-ay pa-ee jin ka-o kirpaal hovat banvaaree. ||1||

The service of that servant (i.e. devotee) is approved, unto whom God bestows His grace. 1
hir ky ho sMq Bly qy aUqm Bgq Bly jo Bwvq hir rwm murwrI ]
har kay ho saNt bhalay, tay ootam bhagat bhalay, jo bhaavat har raam muraaree.
They alone are good God-oriented persons of God; (and, they alone) are lofty and exalted
devotees, who are pleasing to God, the Destroyer of Demons.
ijn@ kw AMgu krY myrw suAwmI iqn@ kI nwnk hir pYj svwrI ]2]4]11]
jin kaa ang karai mayraa su-aamee tin kee naanak har paij savaaree. ||2||4||11||

Nanak (says): Those who are made His won by my Lord, God saves their honour. 2.4.11
P. 1202
swrg mhlw 4 pVqwl ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4, paṛ-taal
jip mn goivMdu hir goivMdu guxI inDwnu sB isRsit kw pRBo myry mn hir boil hir purKu AibnwsI ]1] rhwau ]
jap man, goviNd har goviNd guṇee nidhaan; sabh sarisat kaa prabho, mayray man har bol, har
purakh abhinaasee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Lord of the World, God, the Lord of the World, the
Treasure of Excellences, the Lord of all creation (i.e. the entire universe); O! my mind, chant

(the name of) God, the Lord, the Primal Being, Imperishable. 1 (pause)
hir kw nwmu AMimRqu hir hir hry so pIAY ijsu rwmu ipAwsI ]
har kaa naam aMmrit, har har haray, so pee-ai jis raam pi-aasee.
The name of God is Amrit; he alone drinks in (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, whom
God (Himself) gets to drink.
hir Awip dieAwlu dieAw kir mylY ijsu siqgurU so jnu hir hir AMimRq nwmu cKwsI ]1]
har aap da-i-aal, da-i-aa kar maylai jis satguroo, so jan har har aMmrit naam chakhaasee. ||1||
The Merciful God Himself bestows His mercy, and, the one whom He gets to meet with the
True Guru, that servant (i.e. devotee) tastes the AMmrit name of God, the Lord. 1
jo jn syvih sd sdw myrw hir hry iqn kw sBu dUKu Brmu Bau jwsI ]
jo jan sayveh sad sadaa mayraa har haray, tin kaa sabh dookh bharam bha-o jaasee.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who serve (i.e. meditates upon) my God, the Lord, all their
sorrows, doubts and fears are taken away.
jnu nwnku nwmu ley qW jIvY ijau cwiqRku jil pIAY iqRpqwsI ]2]5]12]
jan naanak naam la-ay taa jeevai, ji-o chaatrik jal pee-ai tariptaasee. ||2||5||12||

Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I chant the name (of God) and so I live, like the rain bird
which is satiated (only) by drinking (rain) water. 2.5.12

swrg mhlw 4 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 4

jip mn isrI rwmu ] jap man siree raam.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Supreme Lord (God).
rwm rmq rwmu ] siq siq rwmu ] raam ramat raam. sat sat raam.
God is all pervading. True, True (i.e. eternal) is Lord (God).
bolhu BeIAw sd rwm rwmu rwmu riv rihAw srbgy ]1] rhwau ]
bolhu bha-ee-aa sad raam raam, raam rav rahi-aa sarabgay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! brethren, chant (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master; He is pervading everywhere. 1
rwmu Awpy Awip Awpy sBu krqw rwmu Awpy Awip Awip sBqu jgy ]
raam aapay aap aapay sabh kartaa, raam aapay aap, aap sabhat jagay.
God is Himself is Himself all; He Himself is the creator of all. God Himself is Himself
pervading all places.
ijsu Awip ik®pw kry myrw rwm rwm rwm rwie so jnu rwm nwm ilv lwgy ]1]
jis aap kirpaa karay mayraa raam raam raam raa-ay, so jan raam naam liv laagay. ||1||
One, upon whom my God, the Lord, the Sovereign Lord, bestows His kindness, that servant
(i.e. devotee) is attuned to the name of God. 1
rwm nwm kI aupmw dyKhu hir sMqhu jo Bgq jnW kI piq rwKY ivic kiljug Agy ]
raam naam kee upmaa daykhhu har saNtahu, jo bhagat janaan kee pat raakhai vich kalijug agay.
O! God-oriented persons of God, behold the (great) glory of the name of God, He saves the
honour of His devotee beings in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age).
jn nwnk kw AMgu kIAw myrY rwm rwie dusmn dUK gey siB Bgy ]2]6]13]
jan naanak kaa aNg kee-aa mayrai raam raa-ay, dusman dookh ga-ay sabh bhagay. ||2||6||13||
Nanak (says): The servant (i.e. devotee) by whose side my Sovereign Lord has taken, his
enemies and sorrows all run away. 2.6.13

swrMg mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 1

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
siqgur mUriq kau bil jwau ] satgur moorat ka-o bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto the image (i.e. the being, the greatness) of the True Guru.
AMqir ipAws cwiqRk ijau jl kI sPl drsnu kid pWau ]1] rhwau ]
aNtar pi-aas chaatrik ji-o jal kee, safal darsan kad paan-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within my mind is the (great) thirst, like that of the song-bird for (rain) water; when shall I
obtain the fruitful vision (of God)? 1 (pause)
AnwQw ko nwQu srb pRiqpwlku Bgiq vClu hir nwau ]
anaathaa ko naath, sarab partipaalak, bhagat vachhal har naa-o.
He is the Master of the master-less, the Cherisher of all; God ‘s name (i.e. He is known) as the
lover of (His) devotees
jw kau koie n rwKY pRwxI iqsu qU dyih Asrwau ]1] jaa ka-o ko-ay na raakhai paraaṇee, tis too deh asraa-o||1||
The person, whom no one protects, You (O! God) bless him with Your support. 1
inDirAw Dr ingiqAw giq inQwivAw qU Qwau ] nidhri-aa dhar, nigti-aa gat, nithaavi-aa too thaa-o.
You are the Support of the support-less, the Saviour of the unsaved, and, the shelter of those
without shelter.
dh ids jWau qhW qU sMgy qyrI kIriq krm kmwau ]2]
dah dis jaan-o tahaan too sangay, tayree keerat karam kamaa-o. ||2||
In the ten directions, wherever I go, you are there with me; I earn the deed of singing Your
praise (i.e. singing Your praise is my only earning). 2
eyksu qy lwK lwK qy eykw qyrI giq imiq kih n skwau ]
aykas tay laakh, laakh tay ayka, tayree gat mit kahi na sakaa-o.
From One (i.e. from Yourself Oneness) become hundreds of thousand (universes), and, from
hundreds of thousand become One (i.e. merge in You); I cannot describe Your state and
extent (i.e. Your expanse and grandeur).
qU byAMqu qyrI imiq nhI pweIAY sBu qyro Kylu idKwau ]3]
too bay-aNt, tayree mit nahee paa-ee-ai, sabh tayro khayl dikhaa-o. ||3||
You are Infinite, Your limit cannot be found (i.e Your expanse cannot be know); everything I
see is Your (wondrous) play. 3
swDn kw sMgu swD isau gosit hir swDn isau ilv lwau ]
saadhan kaa saNg, saadh si-o gosat, har saadhan si-o liv laa-o.
O! God, I join the company of the God-oriented persons, I speak to the God-oriented
persons, and, attune myself (with You) in the company of the God-oriented persons.
jn nwnk pwieAw hY gurmiq hir dyhu drsu min cwau ]4]1]
jan naanak paa-i-aa hai gurmat, har dayh daras man chaa-o. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have found (You) through the wisdom of the Guru, O!
God, (please) bless me with Your vision, my mind yearns (for beholding Your vison). 4.1

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir jIau AMqrjwmI jwn ] har jee-o aNtarjaamee jaan.
(O! brethren), know that dear God is the Controller of the Souls.
krq burweI mwnuK qy CpweI swKI BUq pvwn ]1] rhwau ]
karat buraa-ee, maanukh tay chhapaa-ee, saakhee bhoot pavaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(The being) does evil deeds, and hides from (other) people, but, like the air God is witness (to
everything). 1 (pause)
bYsnO nwmu krq Kt krmw AMqir loB jUTwn ] sMq sBw kI inMdw krqy fUby sB AigAwn ]1]
baisnou naam, karat khat karmaa, aNtar lobh jooṭaan.
saNt sabhaa kee niNdaa kartay, doobay sabh agi-aan. ||1||
Those who calls themselves Vaishnavs (i.e. followers of Vishnu), and, practice six actions, but
within them is the pollution of greed.
They (who) slander the society of the God-oriented persons, (they) shall all be drowned in
his ignorance. 1
P. 1203
krih som pwku ihrih pr drbw AMqir JUT gumwn ] karahi som paak, hireh par darbaa, a tar jhooṭ gumaan.
(They call themselves Vaishnav and pure, hence) they eat food cooked by themselves (i.e.
consider food cooked by others as impure), (but, then) steal wealth of others. Within them is
falsehood and (egotistical) pride.
swsqR byd kI ibiD nhI jwxih ibAwpy mn kY mwn ]2]
saastar bayd kee bidh nahee jaaṇeh, bi-aapay man kai maan. ||2||
They do not know the ways of Shastras and Vedas; their minds are gripped by pride. 2
sMiDAw kwl krih siB vrqw ijau sPrI dMPwn ] saNdhi-aa kaal, karahi sabh vartaa, ji-o safree daMfaan.
They perform Sandhya (i.e. evening worship) three times and observe all fasts, but this is all
but (like) a pedlar’s pretentious show.
pRBU Bulwey aUJiV pwey inhPl siB krmwn]3] prabhoo bhulaa-ay oojhaṛ paa-ay, nihfal sabh karmaan ||3||
(In fact) God has made them stray (from the right path), and, placed them into wilderness;
(hence) all their actions are useless. 3
so igAwnI so bYsnO piV@Aw ijsu krI ik®pw Bgvwn ] so gi-aanee so baisnou paṛhi-aa, jis karee kirpaa bhagvaan.
He alone is a man of (spiritual) knowledge, and, he alone is a Vaishnav scholar, whom God
has blessed with His grace.
Euin siqguru syiv prm pdu pwieAw auDirAw sgl ibsÍwn ]4]
on satgur sayv param pad paa-i-aa, udhri-aa sagal bisvaan. ||4||
Serving the True Guru, he obtains the supreme status, (and also) saves the whole world. 4
ikAw hm kQh ikCu kiQ nhI jwxh pRB BwvY iqvY buolwn ]
ki-aa ham kathah, kichh kath nahee jaaṇah, prabh bhaavai tivai bolaan.
What can we say, we do not know what to say; as it pleases God, so do we speak.
swDsMgiq kI DUir iek mWgau jn nwnk pieE srwn ]5]2]
saadhsaNgat kee dhoor ik maanga-o, jan naanak pa-i-o saraan. ||5||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have come to your refuge, and, I ask for the dust of the
feet of the company of the God-oriented persons. 5.2

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moro nwcno rho ] ab moro naachno raho.
Now my dancing (i.e. wandering here and there) is over.
lwlu rgIlw shjy pwieE siqgur bcin lho ]1] rhwau ]
laal rageelaa sehjay paa-i-o, satgur bachan laho. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have obtained my dear Beloved in (natural) ease; through the word of the True Guru (I
have) found (Him). 1 (pause)
kuAwr kMinAw jYsy sMig shyrI ipRA bcn auphws kho ] jau suirjnu igRh BIqir AwieE qb muKu kwij ljo ]1]
ku-aar kaNniaa jaisay saNg sahayree, pari-a bachan uphaas kaho.
ja-o surijan garih bheetar aa-i-o, tab mukh kaaj lajo. ||1||
The virgin joyfully speaks with her friends about her beloved (would be husband); (but)
when that noble person (i.e. fiancee) comes home, she becomes shy and covers her face. 1
ijau kinko koTwrI ciVE kbro hoq iPro ] jb qy suD Bey hY bwrih qb qy Qwn iQro ]2]
ji-o kaniko koṭaaree chaṛi-o, kabro hot firo.
jab tay sudh bha-ay hai baareh, tab tay thaan thiro. ||2||
When gold is melted in (earthen) crucible, it moves (i.e. flows) about crazily; but,
when it becomes totally pure, it remains at one place (i.e. then it need not be placed into
crucible again). 2
jau idnu rYin qaU lau bijE mUrq GrI plo ] bjwvnhwro aUiT isDwirE qb iPir bwju n BieE ]3]
ja-o din rain ta-oo la-o baji-o moorat* gharee* palo*.
bajaavanhaaro ooṭ sidhaari-o, tab fir baaj na bha-i-o. ||3||
As long as there is day and night (of mortal’s life last), it (i.e. clock of life) strikes each second,
minute and hour*; (but) when the player rises up and leaves, then it does not sound again. 3
[*In old system of measuring time, a Mahoort/Moorat is 48 minutes, a Gharhi is 24 minutes, a Pal is 24 seconds. Here it
means that clock of life strikes seconds, minutes and hours].
jYsy kuMB audk pUir AwinE qb Euhu iBMn idRsto ] khu nwnk kuMBu jlY mih fwirE AMBY AMB imlo ]4]3]
jaisay kuMbh udak poor aani-o, tab ohu bhiNn daristo.
kaho naanak, kuMbh jalai meh daari-o, aMbhai aMbh milo. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: when a pitcher is brought filled with water, (then that water in it) seems distinct;
When that pitcher is placed in the (other) water, the water merges in water. 4.3

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab pUCy ikAw khw ] ab poochhay ki-aa kahaa.
Now if one asks, what would he say?
lYno nwmu AMimRq rsu nIko bwvr ibKu isau gih rhw ]1] rhwau ]
laino naam aMmrit ras neeko, baavar bikh si-o geh rahaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He was to obtain (sublime) essence of AMmrit(name), but the crazy person was engrossed in
poison (i.e. Maya). 1 (pause)
dulB jnmu icrMkwl pwieE jwqau kaufI bdlhw] dulabh janam chira kaal paa-i-o, jaata-o ka-udee badlahaa.
(O! crazy, you) obtained this (human) life, difficult to obtain, after a long time, (but you are)
losing it in exchange for a shell.
kwQUrI ko gwhku AwieE lwidE kwlr ibrK ijvhw ]1]
kaathooree ko gaahak aa-i-o, laadi-o kaalar birakh jivhaa*. ||1||
You came to buy musk, (but you) have loaded saline and plants of Javaas* (grass). 1
[*Javaas is a grass (Botanical name Alhagi Maurorum) which perishes in rainy season. It means petty thing]
AwieE lwBu lwBn kY qweI mohin TwgaurI isau auliJ phw ]
aa-i-o laabh laabhan kai taa-ee, mohan ṭaaga-uree si-o ulajh pahaa.
You came in search of (i.e. to gain) profit, but you are entangled in enticing illusion (of Maya).
kwc bwdrY lwlu KoeI hY iPir iehu Aausru kid lhw ]2]
kaach baadrai laal kho-ee hai, fir ih a-osar kad lahaa. ||2||
You have lost jewel in exchange for (mere) glass. When will you have this opportunity again?
(i. e. you shall not get this opportunity of human life again) 2
sgl prwD eyku guxu nwhI Twkuru Cofh dwis Bjhw ]
sagal paraadh ayk guṇ naahee, ṭaakur chhodah daas bhajhaa.
(O! brethren) we are full of sins, and, do not have (even) a single virtue; forsaking the Master
(i.e. God) we are involved in (God’s) slave (i.e. Maya).
AweI msit jVvq kI inAweI ijau qskru dir sWin@hw ]3]
aa-ee masat jaṛvat kee ni-aa-ee, ji-o taskar dar saannihaa. ||3||
(Finally, when death comes) we shall be in inanimate silence, like a thief is caught when he
enters through the hole of a door (and he is beaten and becomes senseless). 3
Awn aupwau n koaU sUJY hir dwsw srxI pir rhw ] aan upaa-o na ko-oo soojhai, har daasaa sarṇee par rahaa.
I can not see any other remedy (i.e. way out of this state), (hence) I seek the refuge of the slaves
of God.
khu nwnk qb hI mn CutIAY jau sgly Aaugn myit Drhw ]4]4]
kaho naanak tab hee man chhutee-ai, ja-o saglay a-ugan mayt dharhaa. ||4||4||
Says Nanak: O! mind, only then is one emancipated, when all vices are eradicated. 4.4

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI DIir rhI ipRA bhuqu ibrwigE ] maa-ee dheer rahee, pari-a bahut biraagi-o.
O! (my) mother, my patience is gone (i.e. exhausted); I am greatly in love with (i.e. impatient
for) my Beloved.
Aink BWiq AwnUp rMg ry iqn@ isau rucY n lwigE ]1] rhwau ]
anik bhaa t aanoop raNg ray, tin si-o ruchai na laagi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.

There are so many kinds of and incomparable, pleasures, but I feel no interest in any of
them. 1 (pause)
inis bwsur ipRA ipRA muiK tyrau nˆØId plk nhI jwigE ]
nis baasur pari-a pari-a mukh tayra-o, neend palak nahee, jaagi-o.
Day and night, I utter ‘pri-a’ ‘pri-a’ (i.e. O! beloved, O! beloved) with from mouth; I can not
sleep even for a moment; (I remain) awake.
hwr kjr bsqR Aink sIgwr ry ibnu ipr sBY ibKu lwigE ]1]
haar kajar bastar anik seegaar ray, bin pir, sabhai bikh laagi-o. ||1||
(I have) Necklaces, Kaajal (i.e. eye make up), (costly) clothes, and, many (other) decorations --
(but) without Husband (Lord), these are all poison to me. 1

P. 1204
pUCau pUCau dIn BWiq kir koaU khY ipRA dysWigE ]
poochha-o poochha-o deen bhaant kar, ko-oo kahai pari-a daysaa gi-o. N

I ask and ask, with humbleness; may someone tell me which country may Beloved lives in?
hINEu dyNau sBu mnu qnu Arpau sIsu crx pir rwiKE ]2]
heen-o dayn-u sabh man tan arpa-o, sees charan par raakhi-o. ||2||
I would offer my heart, dedicate my mind and body and everything; I place my head at his
feet. 2
crx bMdnw Amol dwsro dyNau swDsMgiq ArdwigE ] krhu ik®pw moih pRBU imlwvhu inmK drsu pyKwigE ]3]
charan baNdnaa, amol daasro, dayn-u saadhsaNgat, ardaagi-o.
karahu kirpaa, mohi prabhoo milaavhu, nimakh daras paykhaagi-o. ||3||
I make obeisance at your feet, (I am your) slave without any price, and, I make prayer before
you, O! congregation of the God-oriented persons:
(please) bestow your kindness and get me meet my Lord, and, behold his vision just for an
instant. 3
idRsit BeI qb BIqir AwieE myrw mnu Anidnu sIqlwigE ] khu nwnk ris mMgl gwey sbdu Anwhdu bwijE ]4]5]
darisat bha-ee, tab bheetar aa-i-o, mayraa man an-din seetlaagi-o.
kaho naanak, ras maNgal gaa-ay, sabad anaahad baaji-o. ||4||5||
Says Nanak: when He became kind (to me), He came to dwell within my being, day and night
(i.e. forever), my mind became cool (i.e. peaceful);
(then) I sang songs of joy with love, and, the unstruck word resounded (within me(. 4.5

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI siq siq siq hir siq siq siq swDw ] maa-ee, sat sat sat har, sat sat sat saadhaa.
O! (my) mother, True, True, True is God, and true, true, true are the God-oriented persons.
bcnu gurU jo pUrY kihE mY CIik gWTrI bwDw ]1] rhwau ]
bachan guroo jo poorai kahi-o, mai chheek gaanṭree baadhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The word, which the perfect Guru spoken to me, I have tightly tied that (to my robe, i.e. I have
firmly enshrined in my heart). 1 (pause)
inis bwsur niKAqR ibnwsI riv ssIAr bynwDw ] nis baasur nakhi-atar binaasee, rav sasee-ar baynaadhaa.
Night and day, the stars (in the sky) shall vanish; the sun and the moon shall (also) vanish.
igir bsuDw jl pvn jwiego ieik swD bcn AtlwDw ]1]
gir basudhaa jal pavan jaa-igo, ik saadh bachan atlaadhaa. ||1||
The mountains, the earth, the water and the air shall pass away; only the word of the God-
oriented person shall remain firm (i.e. eternal). 1
AMf ibnwsI jyr ibnwsI auqBuj syq ibnwDw ] aNd binaasee, jayr binaasee ,ut-bhuj sayt binaadhaa.
Those born of egg shall pass away; those born of placenta (i.e. womb) shall pass away; those
born of earth and sweat shall (also) pass away (i.e. all those are born shall pass away).
cwir ibnwsI Ktih ibnwsI ieik swD bcn inhclwDw ]2]
chaar binaasee, khateh binaasee, ik saadh bachan nihchalaadhaa. ||2||
The four (Vedas) shall pass away, the six (Shastras) shall pass away; only the word of the God-
oriented person shall remain firm (i.e. eternal). 2
rwj ibnwsI qwm ibnwsI swqku BI bynwDw ] raaj binaasee, taam binaasee, saatak bhee baynaadhaa.
Raaj* shall pass away; Taam* shall pass away; and, the Saatak* shall also pass away.
[*Rajas (raaj), Tamas (taam) and Satav (saatak) are three ‘gun’. Literally ‘gun’ means quality /tendency/ disposition.
Rajas represents movement (energy), Tamas represents inertia (lethargy, inactivity), and, Satav represents purity
(light, peace). All the activities, of the entire world, function under these qualities].
idRsitmwn hY sgl ibnwsI ieik swD bcn AwgwDw ]3]
daristimaan hai sagal binaasee, ik saadh bachan aagaadhaa. ||3||
All that is seen shall pass away, only the word of the God-oriented person shall remain firm
(i.e. eternal). 3
Awpy Awip Awp hI Awpy sBu Awpn Kylu idKwDw ] aapay aap, aap hee aapay, sabh aapan khayl dikhaadhaa.
He Himself is Himself, and, by Himself; and, He Himself is showing His play (i.e. universe).
pwieE n jweI khI BWiq ry pRBu nwnk gur imil lwDw ]4]6]
paa-i-o na jaa-ee kahee bhan t ray, parabh naanak gur mil laadhaa. ||4||6||

Nanak(says): He cannot be found by any means; meeting with the Guru God is found. 4.6

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrY min bwisbo gur goibMd ] mayrai man baasibo, gur gobiNd.
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, dwells within my mind.
jhW ismrnu BieE hY Twkur qhW ngr suK Awnµd ]1] rhwau ]
jahaan simran bha-i-o hai thaakur, tahaan nagar sukh aanaNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever the Lord is remembered, happiness, bliss abide in that (body) village. 1 (pause)
jhW bIsrY Twkuru ipAwro qhW dUK sB Awpd ] jahaan beesrai ṭaakur pi-aaro, tahaan dookh sabh aapad.
Wherever (my) beloved Lord is forgotten, all sorrow and disaster is there.
jh gun gwie Awnµd mMgl rUp qhW sdw suK sMpd ]1]
jah gun gaa-ay aanaNd maNgal roop, tahaan sadaa sukh saMpad. ||1||
Wherever the (praise of) the excellences (of my Lord), the Embodiment of Bliss and Joy, is
sung, there is happiness and wealth foreer. 1
jhw sRvn hir kQw n sunIAY qh mhw BieAwn auidAwnd ]
jahaa sarvan har kathaa na sunee-ai, tah mahaa bha-i-aan udi-aanad.
Wherever the story of (the excellences of) God is not listened with ears, there is terrifying
jhW kIrqnu swDsMgiq rsu qh sGn bws PlWnd ]2]
jahaan keertan saadhsaNgat ras, tah saghan baas falaannad. ||2||
Wherever the praise (of God) is sung with love in the company of the God-oriented persons,
there is dense (i.e. great) fragrance of the joy of fruits. 2
ibnu ismrn koit brK jIvY sglI AauD ibRQwnd ] bin simran kot barakh jeevai, saglee a-odh barithaanad.
Without remembering (God), one may live for tens of millions of years, all his praise, all his
life is totally useless.
eyk inmK goibMd Bjnu kir qau sdw sdw jIvwnd ]3]
ayk nimakh gobiNd bhajan kar, ta-o sadaa sadaa jeevaanad. ||3||
(but) if one meditates upon the Lord of the World, (even) for a moment, then he shall live
forever and ever. 3
srin srin srin pRB pwvau dIjY swDsMgiq ikrpwnd ]
saran saran saran prabh paava-o, deejai saadhsangat kirpaanad.
(I seek Your) refuge, (Your) refuge, (Your) refuge, O! God (please) mercifully bless me with
company of the God--oriented persons.
nwnk pUir rihE hY srb mY sgl guxw ibiD jWnd ]4]7]
naanak, poor rahi-o hai sarab mai, sagal guṇaa bidh jaa nad. ||4||7||

Nanak (says): God is pervading all; He knows the way of (inculcating) all virtues. 4.7

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moih rwm Brosau pwey ] ab, mohi raam bharosa-o paa-ay.
Now, I have obtained the faith of (i.e. assurance, support of) God.
jo jo srix pirE kruxwiniD qy qy Bvih qrwey ]1] rhwau ]
jo jo saraṇ pari-o karuṇaanidh, tay tay bhaveh taraa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever and who have entered the refuge of Treasure of Compassion, all of them are carried
across the terrifying (world) ocean. 1 (pause)
suiK soieE Aru shij smwieE shsw gurih gvwey ] sukh so-i-o ar sahj samaa-i-o, sahsaa gureh gavaa-ay.
One, whose doubt has been taken away by the Guru, sleeps in peace, and, merges (into God) in
(natural) ease.
jo cwhq soeI hir kIE mn bWCq Pl pwey ]1] jo chaahat so-ee har kee-o, man baanchhat fal paa-ay. ||1||
Whatever they wish for, God does (i.e. fulfills the same); they obtain the fruit of their mind’s
desires. 1
ihrdY jpau nyqR iDAwnu lwvau sRvnI kQw sunwey ]
hirdai japa-o naytar dhi-aan laava-o, sarvanee kathaa sunaa-ay.
(Now) with in my heart, I meditate upon Him, with my eyes I focus (my concentration) upon
Him, and, with my ears, I listen to the story (of His excellences).
crxI clau mwrig Twkur kY rsnw hir gux gwey ]2]
charnee chala-o maarag ṭaakur kai, rasnaa har guṇ gaa-ay. ||2||
With my feet, I walk on the path of the Lord, and, with my tongue I sing (the praise of) His
excellences. 2
P. 1205
dyiKE idRsit srb mMgl rUp aultI sMq krwey ] daykhi-o darisat sarab maNgal roop, ultee saNt karaa-ay.
I have seen, with my eyes, the Embodiment of All Bliss, (because) the God-oriented persons
have turned me away (from Maya).
pwieE lwlu Amolu nwmu hir Coif n kqhU jwey ]3] paa-i-o laal amol naam har, chhod na kathoo jaa-ay. ||3||
I have obtained the priceless name of the Beloved God; it never leaves me and goes anywhere
else. 3
kvn aupmw kaun bfweI ikAw gun khau rIJwey ]
kavan upmaa, ka-un badaa-ee, ki-aa gun kaha-o reejhaa-ay.
(O! brethren) what praise, what greatness and what excellences should I utter to please Him.
hoq ik®pwl dIn dieAw pRB jn nwnk dws dswey ]4]8]
hot kirpaal deen da-i-aa prabh, jan naanak daas dasaa-ay. ||4||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): Those unto whom God, the Merciful to the Poor, becomes
kind, makes them slave of His slaves.. 4.8

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
Euie suK kw isau brin sunwvq ] And ibnod pyiK pRB drsn min mMgl gun gwvq ]1] rhwau ]
o-ay sukh, kaa si-o baran sunaavat.
anad binod paykh prabh darsan, man maNgal gun gaavat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Who can one tell and describe about that bliss; (that bliss is):
Beholding the vision of the Lord, one obtains joy and ecstasy, and, in his mind he sing the songs
of joy in (the praise of) His excellences (i.e. this joy and bliss cannot be described). 1 (pause)
ibsm BeI pyiK ibsmwdI pUir rhy ikrpwvq ] bisam bha-ee paykh bismaadee, poor rahay kirpaavat.
Beholding the Wondrous (Lord), one is wonderstruck; the Merciful (Lord) is all-pervading
pIE AMimRq nwmu Amolk ijau cwiK gUMgw muskwvq ]1]
pee-o aMmrit naam amolak, ji-o chaakh gooNgaa muskaavat. ||1||
One, who drinks in the priceless AMmrit name (he cannot describe its bliss, it is), like a dumb who
just smiles while tasting (sweets). 1
jYsy pvnu bMD kir rwiKE bUJ n Awvq jwvq ] jw kau irdY pRgwsu BieE hir auAw kI khI n jwie khwvq ]2]
jaisay pavan baNdh kar raakhi-o, boojh na aavat jaavat.
jaa ka-o ridai pargaas bha-i-o har, u-aa kee kahee na jaa-ay kahaavat. ||2||
As the breath is held (by a yogi), and, no one can understand its coming in and going out.
So is (the state of) the one whose heart has been illumined by God; his story (i.e. state) cannot be
described. 2
Awn aupwv jyqy ikCu khIAih qyqy sIKy pwvq ] AicMq lwlu igRh BIqir pRgitE Agm jYsy prKwvq ]3]
aan upaav jaytay kichh kahee-ahi, taytay seekhay paavat.
achiNt laal garih bheetar pargati-o, agam jaisay parkhaavat. ||3||
All other efforts, as one can mention, can be leant and attained.
The heart, in which (my) Beloved Carefree (Lord) reveals Himself, inaccessible (i.e.
unknowable) is testing (his state). 3
inrgux inrMkwr AibnwsI Aqulo quilE n jwvq ] nirgun niraNkaar abhinaasee, atulo tuli-o na jaavat.
He is beyond gunaas (i.e. Absolute), Formless, Imperishable; He cannot be weighed (i.e. assessed).
khu nwnk Ajru ijin jirAw iqs hI kau bin Awvq ]4]9]
kaho naanak, ajar jin jari-aa, tis hee ka-o ban aavat. ||4||9||
Says Nanak: One, who has endured the unendurable, this state belongs (i.e. is known) to him
alone. 4.9

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ibKeI idnu rYin iev hI gudwrY ] goibMdu n BjY AhMbuiD mwqw jnmu jUAY ijau hwrY ]1] rhwau ]
bikh-ee, din rain iv hee gudaarai.
gobiNd na bhajai ahaM-budh maataa, janam joo-ai ji-o haarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The lustful (i.e. one living life of vices) passes his day and night like this (i.e. uselessly).
Intoxicated by egotistical wisdom, he does not meditate upon the Lord of the World; he loses
his life in gamble. 1 (pause)
nwmu Amolw pRIiq n iqs isau pr inMdw ihqkwrY ] Cwpru bWiD svwrY iqRx ko duAwrY pwvku jwrY ]1]
naam amolaa, preet na tis si-o, par niNdaa hitkaarai.
chhaapar baandh savaarai tariṇ ko, du-aarai paavak jaarai. ||1||
The name (of God) is invaluable, (but) he does not love it; he loves (only) to slander others.
He (is like the one who) weaves the grass and builds a hut of straw, and, (then) burns fire at
the door. 1
kwlr pot auTwvY mUMfih AMimRqu mn qy fwrY ] kaalar pot uṭaavai mooNdeh, amrit man tay daarai.
He (is like the one who)carries a load of saline on his head, and drives the AMmrit out of his
EFY bsqR kwjr mih pirAw bhuir bhuir iPir JwrY ]2]
oḍai bastar kaajar meh pari-aa, bahur bahur fir jhaarai. ||2||
(It is like) one wears (good) clothes and falling into (chamber of) collyrium, and, again and
again he shakes it off (to get rid of black soot). 2
kwtY pyfu fwl pir TwFO Kwie Kwie muskwrY ] igirE jwie rswqil pirE iCtI iCtI isr BwrY ]3]
kaatai payd daal par ṭaadhou, khaa-ay khaa-ay muskaarai.
giri-o jaa-ay rasaatal pari-o, chhitee chhitee sir bhaarai. ||3||
Standing on the branch, one cuts down the tree, (and while doing so) he is eating and eating
(sweets) and smiling.
He falls down into deep trench head-long, and (therein he) is shattered into pieces. 3
inrvYrY sMig vYru rcwey phuic n skY gvwrY ] nirvairai saNg vair rachaa-ay, pahuch na sakai gavaarai.
One, who bears enmity against those without enmity (i.e. God-oriented persons); the fool
cannot equal him.
khu nwnk sMqn kw rwKw pwrbRhmu inrMkwrY ]4]10]
kaho naanak, saNtan kaa raakhaa, paarbarahm niraNkaarai. ||4||10||
Says Nanak: The Supreme Reality (God), the Formless, is the Saviour of the God-oriented
persons (hence, no one can harm them). 4.10

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Avir siB BUly BRmq n jwinAw ] eyku suDwKru jw kY ihrdY visAw iqin bydih qqu pCwinAw ]1] rhwau ]
avar sabh bhoolay, bharmat na jaani-aa.
ayk sudhaakhar jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa, tin baydeh tat pachhaani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All others are deluded (by doubt); in delusion (they) do not understand (God);
One, in whose mind the One Pure Word abides, realizes the essence of the Vedas. 1 (pause)
privriq mwrgu jyqw ikCu hoeIAY qyqw log pcwrw] jau lau irdY nhI prgwsw qau lau AMD AMDwrw ]1]
parvirat maarag jaytaa kichh ho-ee-ai, taytaa log pachaaraa.
ja-o la-o ridai nahee pargaasaa, ta-o la-o aNdh aNdhaaraa. ||1||
As much one is involved in active way of life, all that is (just) trying to please the people.
(But) as long as the heart is not enlightened, there is blind (i.e. pitch black) darkness. 1
jYsy DrqI swDY bhu ibiD ibnu bIjY nhI jWmY ] rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI hY qutY nwhI AiBmwnY ]2]
jaisay dhartee saadhai baho biddh, bin beejai nahee jaanmai.
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee hai, tutai naahee abhimaanai. ||2||
Like the land may be prepared in many ways, but if there no seed, nothing grows; (just so),
without (meditating upon) the name of God, no one is liberated, nor is egotism eradicated. 2
nIru iblovY Aiq sRmu pwvY nYnU kYsy rIsY ] ibnu gur Byty mukiq n kwhU imlq nhI jgdIsY ]3]
neer bilovai at saram paavai, nainoo kaisay reesai.

bin gur bhaytay mukat na kaahoo, milat nahee jagdeesai. ||3||
One may churn water and get weary, but how the butter can come up ?
Without meeting Guru, no one is liberated, nor one can meet the Lord of the Universe. 3
P. 1206
Kojq Kojq iehY bIcwirE srb suKw hir nwmw ] khojat khojat ihai beechaari-o sarab sukhaa har naamaa.
Searching and searching, I have realized that all happiness is in the name of God.
khu nwnk iqsu BieE prwpiq jw kY lyKu mQwmw ]4]11]
kaho naanak tis bha-i-o paraapat jaa kai laykh mathaamaa. ||4||11||
Says Nanak: he alone receives it, upon whose head such (destiny) is inscribed. 4.11

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Anidnu rwm ky gux khIAY ] an-din, raam kay guṇ kahee-ai.
(O! brethren) day and night, (let us) chant (the praise of) the excellences of God.
sgl pdwrQ srb sUK isiD mn bWCq Pl lhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
sagal padaarath sarab sookh sidh, man baanchhat fal lahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(We shall obtain) all (kinds of) wealth, all pleasures and sidh (power), and, the fruit of our
mind’s desires. 1 (pause)
Awvhu sMq pRwn suKdwqy ismrh pRBu AibnwsI ] aavhu sa t praan sukh-daatay, simreh parabh abhinaasee.
Come, O! God-oriented persons, let us meditate upon the Imperishable Lord, the Giver of
Breath (of life) and Happiness.
AnwQh nwQu dIn duK BMjn pUir rihE Gt vwsI ]1]
anaathah naath deen dukh bhaNjan, poor rahi-o ghat vaasee. ||1||
(He is) the Master of the master-less, Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, perfectly
pervading and abiding in all hearts 1
gwvq sunq sunwvq srDw hir rsu pI vfBwgy ] gaavat sunat sunaavat sardhaa, har ras pee vadbhaagay.
Those who sing, listen, and chant with faith, drinking in the essence of (the name of) God,
they become fortunate.
kil klys imty siB qn qy rwm nwm ilv jwgy ]2] kal kalays mitay sabh tan tay, raam naam liv jaagay. ||2||
All their sufferings and strife are eradicated from their body; and, they remain awake in the
love of the name of God. 2
kwmu k®oDu JUTu qij inMdw hir ismrin bMDn qUty ] kaam krodh jhooṭ taj niNdaa, har simran baNdhan tootay.
Abandoning their sexual desire, anger, falsehood and slander, they are released from the
bonds by remembering God (i.e. through meditation upon the name of God).
moh mgn AhM AMD mmqw gur ikrpw qy CUty ]3] moh magan aha a dh mamtaa, gur kirpaa tay chhootay. ||3||
They are released from their intoxication of emotional attachment (to Maya), egotism and
blind attachment, through the grace of the Guru. 3
qU smrQu pwrbRhm suAwmI kir ikrpw jnu qyrw ] too samrath paarbarahm su-aamee, kar kirpaa jan tayraa.
You are all-powerful, O! Supreme Lord (God), Master, (please) be kind, I am your servant
(i.e. devotee).
pUir rihE srb mih Twkuru nwnk so pRBu nyrw ]4]12]
poor rahi-o sarab meh ṭaakur, naanak so parabh nayraa. ||4||12||
Nanak (says): Lord is perfectly pervading all; that Lord is very near. 4.12
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
bilhwrI gurdyv crn ] balihaaree, gurdayv charan.
I am a sacrifice unto the feet of the divine Guru.
jw kY sMig pwrbRhmu iDAweIAY aupdysu hmwrI giq krn ]1] rhwau ]
jaa kai saNg paarbarahm dhi-aa-ee-ai, updays hamaaree gat karan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In his company I meditate upon the Supreme Reality (God); His teachings emancipate us. 1
dUK rog BY sgl ibnwsy jo AwvY hir sMq srn ] dookh rog bhai sagal binaasay, jo aavai har saNt saran.
One, who comes to the refuge of the God-oriented persons of the Lord, all his sorrows,
ailments and fears are erased.
Awip jpY Avrh nwmu jpwvY vf smrQ qwrn qrn ]1]
aap japai ,avrah naam japaavai ,vad samrath taaran taran. ||1||
He (i.e. the God-oriented person)himself meditates upon the name and gets others to
meditate upon the name (of God); (He is) greatly all-powerful; (He is) boat to carry across
(the world ocean). 1
jw ko mMqRü auqwrY shsw aUxy kau suBr Brn ] jaa ko maNtar utaarai sahsaa, ooṇay ka-o subhar bharan.
His dictum (i.e. teaching) drives out doubts, and, totally fills the empty ones (i.e. bestows
virtues upon those who are virtue-less).
hir dwsn kI AwigAw mwnq qy nwhI Puin grB prn ]2]
har daasan kee aagi-aa maanat, tay naahee fun garabh paran. ||2||
Those who obey the command of the slaves (i.e. devotees) of God, do not have to enter the
womb (for incarnation) ever again. 2
Bgqn kI thl kmwvq gwvq duK kwty qw ky jnm mrn ]
bhagtan kee tahal kamaavat gaavat, dukh kaatay taa kay janam maran.
Those who perform the service the devotees (of God) and sing (the praise of God), their pains
of birth and death are taken away.
jw kau BieE ik®pwlu bITulw iqin hir hir Ajr jrn ]3]
jaa ka-o bha-i-o kirpaal beeṭulaa, tin har har ajar jaran. ||3||
Those, unto whom God becomes kind, endure the unendurable (name of) God, the Lord. 3
hir rsih AGwny shij smwny muK qy nwhI jwq brn ]
har raseh aghaanay sahj samaanay, mukh tay naahee jaat baran.
Those who are satiated with the essence of (the name of) God, merge (into God) in ease, their
virtues cannot be described with mouth (i.e. cannot be described in word).
gur pRswid nwnk sMqoKy nwmu pRBU jip jip auDrn ]4]13]
gur prasaad naanak saNtokhay, naam prabhoo jap jap udhran. ||4||13||
Nanak (says): those who become contented by the grace of the Guru, meditating and
meditating upon the name of God they are emancipated. 4.13

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

gwieE rI mY gux iniD mMgl gwieE ] Bly sMjog Bly idn Aausr jau gopwlu rIJwieE ]1] rhwau ]
gaa-i-o ree, mai guṇ nidh maNgal gaa-i-o.
bhalay sanjog, bhalay din a-osar, ja-o gopaal reejhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have sung, O! dear, I have sung the song of joy (in the praise of) the Treasure of Excellences.
(For me) blessed became those days and blessed became those times, when I pleased the
Sustainer of the Word. 1(pause)
sMqh crn morlo mwQw ] hmry msqik sMq Dry hwQw ]1]
saNteh charan, morlo maathaa. hamray mastak, saNt dharay haathaa. ||1||
(I placed) my forehead on the feet the God-oriented persons; and,
the God-oriented persons placed their hand on my forehead. 1
swDh mMqRü morlo mnUAw ] qw qy gqu hoey qRY gunIAw ]2]
saadhah maNtar, morlo manoo-aa. taa tay gat ho-ay, tarai gunee-aa. ||2||
I have (enshrined) the dictum (i.e. teaching) of God-oriented persons within my mind;
because of this, I have been saved from (the impact of) the three gunaas. 2
Bgqh drsu dyiK nYn rMgw ] loB moh qUty BRm sMgw ]3]
bhagtah daras daykh, nain raNgaa. lobh moh tootay, bharam saNgaa. ||3||
Beholding the vision of the devotees love has welled up in my eyes; (as a result)
my association with greed, attachment and doubt is broken (i.e. finished). 3
khu nwnk suK shj Anµdw ] Koil@ BIiq imly prmwnµdw ]4]14]
kaho naanak, sukh sahj anaNdaa. kholih bheet, milay parmaanaNdaa. ||4||14||
Says Nanak: (I have obtained) happiness, poise and bliss; (because)
tearing down the wall (of egotism), I have met the Lord of Supreme Bliss. 4.14

swrg mhlw 5 Gru 2 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
kYsy khau moih jIA bydnweI ] drsn ipAws ipRA pRIiq mnohr mnu n rhY bhu ibiD aumkweI ]1] rhwau ]
kaisay kaha-o mohi, jee-a baydnaa-ee.
darsan pi-aas pari-a pareet manohar, man na rahai, baho bidh umkaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can I describe the pain of my heart?
I am so thirsty for the vision of my lovely and enticing Beloved; my mind cannot live (without
Him) , it is yearning (for Him) in many ways. 1 (pause)
P. 1207
icqvin icqvau ipRA pRIiq bYrwgI kid pwvau hir drsweI ]
chitvan chitva-o pari-a preet bairaagee, kad paava-o har darsaa-ee.
Torn in love of my Beloved, I (always) think this thought when will I obtain the vision of God.
jqn krau iehu mnu nhI DIrY koaU hY ry sMqu imlweI ]1]
jatan kara-o ih man nahee dheerai, ko-oo hai ray saNt milaa-ee. ||1||
I try, but my mind does not get consoled, is there any God-oriented person who can lead me to
meet (God) ! 1
jp qp sMjm puMn siB homau iqsu Arpau siB suK jWeI ]
jap tap saNjam punn sabh homa-o, tis arpa-o sabh sukh jaan-ee.

(My) meditation, penance, self-control, good deeds – I shall sacrifice all these and (also)
dedicate all my places of happiness.
eyk inmK ipRA drsu idKwvY iqsu sMqn kY bil jWeI ]2]
ayk nimakh pari-a daras dikhaavai, tis saNtan kai bal jaan-ee. ||2||
One, who helps me to behold the vision of my Beloved even for an instant, I am a sacrifice
unto that God-oriented person. 2
krau inhorw bhuqu bynqI syvau idnu rYnweI ] mwnu AiBmwnu hau sgl iqAwgau jo ipRA bwq sunweI ]3]
kara-o nihoraa, bahut bayntee, sayva-o din rainaa-ee.
maan abhimaan ha-o sagal ti-aaga-o, jo pari-a baat sunaa-ee. ||3||
I make entreaty and offer all my prayer, and, serve him day and nigh; and,
I shall renounce my pride and egotism, if someone tells me the story of my Beloved. 3
dyiK cirqR BeI hau ibsmin guir siqguir puriK imlweI ]
daykh charitar bha-ee ha-o bisman, gur satgur purakh milaa-ee.
Beholding the wondrous play (of God), I am wonder-struck, the Guru, the True Guru, has
got me meet with the Primal Being (God).
pRB rMg dieAwl moih igRh mih pwieAw jn nwnk qpiq buJweI ]4]1]15]
prabh raNg da-i-aal mohi garih meh paa-i-aa, jan naanak tapat bujhaa-ee. ||4||1||15||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): when I found Master, Lord of Love, Merciful, the fire (of
separation within me) got quenched. 4.1.18

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ry mUV@y qU ikau ismrq Ab nwhI ] nrk Gor mih aurD qpu krqw inmK inmK gux gWhI ]1] rhwau ]
ray mooṛhay, too ki-o simrat ab naahee.
narak ghor meh uradh tap kartaa, nimakh nimakh guṇ gaanhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! fool, why are you not meditating (upon God) now (i.e. in this human life).
(When you were) in the terrible hell (of the fire of womb), you performed penance upside-
down; each and every instant, you sang (the praise of) the excellences (of God). 1(pause)
Aink jnm BRmqO hI AwieE mwns jnmu dulBwhI ]
anik janam bharmatou hee aa-i-o, maanas janam dulbhaahee.
(O! fool) having wandered through countless births (i.e. incarnations), (finally) you attained
this rare human birth.
grB join Coif jau inkisE qau lwgo An TWhI]1] garabh jon chhod ja-o niksi-o, ta-o laago an ṭaa hee ||1||
The moment you left the womb, were born, and came out, you (forgot meditation) became
attached to the other (i.e. Maya). 1
krih burweI TgweI idnu rYin inhPl krm kmwhI ]
karahi buraa-ee ṭagaa-ee din rain, nihfal karam kamaahee.
Day and night, you practice evil and cheating, and, earn (i.e. practice) useless actions.
kxu nwhI quh gwhx lwgy Dwie Dwie duK pWhI ]2]
kaṇ naahee tuh gaahaṇ laagay, dhaa-ay dhaa-ay dukh paanhee. ||2||
You thrash the straw (which has) no grains; (in such practice) you run around and around
(doing such useless deeds) and you obtain only suffering. 2
N n
imiQAw sMig kUiV lptwieE auriJ pirE kusmWhI ] mithi-aa sa g kooṛ laptaa-i-o, urajh pari-o kusmaa hee.

Attached to falsehood, you are clinging to transitory things; and are entangled with
safflower (i.e. you are in love with Maya).
Drm rwie jb pkris bvry qau kwl muKw auiT jwhI ]3]
dharam raa-ay jab pakras bavray, ta-o kaal mukhaa uṭ jaahee. ||3||
When the Judge of Righteousness seizes you, O! crazy person, yo shall arise (and depart from
this world) with your face blackened. 3
so imilAw jo pRBU imlwieAw ijsu msqik lyKu ilKWhI ]
so mili-aa jo prabhoo milaa-i-aa, jis mastak laykh likhaanhee.
He alone meets with God whom God Himself gets to meet, and, who has (such destiny)
inscribed on his forehead.
khu nwnk iqn@ jn bilhwrI jo Ailp rhy mn mWhI ]4]2]16]
kaho naanak tinh jan balihaaree, jo alip rahay man maanhee. ||4||2||16||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto that person, who remains detached within his mind. 4.2.16

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ikau jIvnu pRIqm ibnu mweI ] jw ky ibCurq hoq imrqkw igRh mih rhnu n pweI ]1] rhwau ]
ki-o jeevan pareetam bin, maa-ee.
jaa kay bichhurat hot mirtakaa, garih meh rahan na paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How can I live without my Beloved? O! (my) mother.
Separating from Him I become (like) a corpse, and, (a corpse) does not (i.e. a corpse is not
allowed to) remain within the house. 1 (pause)
jIA hˆØIA pRwn ko dwqw jw kY sMig suhweI ] jee-a heen-a paraan ko daataa, jaa kai saNg suhaa-ee.
He is the Giver of soul, heart and breath (of life); and, being with Him this (body) looks
krhu ik®pw sMqhu moih ApunI pRB mMgl gux gweI ]1]
karahu kirpaa saNtahu mohi apunee, parabh maNgal guṇ gaa-ee. ||1||
(Please) bestow your grace, O! God-oriented persons, that I may sing songs of joy and
(praise of) the excellences of God. 1
crn sMqn ky mwQy myry aUpir nYnhu DUir bWCweˆØI ]
charan saNtan kay maathay mayray oopar, nainhu dhoor baanchhaa-een.
I long that my forehead may remain on the feet of the God-oriented persons, and, the dust (of
His feet may remain falling upon) my eyes..
ijh pRswid imlIAY pRB nwnk bil bil qw kY hau jweI ]2]3]17]
jih parsaad milee-ai parabh, naanak, bal bal taa kai ha-o jaa-ee. ||2||3||17||
Nanak (says): Those (God-oriented persons) with whose grace one meets God, I am a
sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto Him. 2.3.17

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

auAw Aausr kY hau bil jweI ] AwT phr Apnw pRBu ismrnu vfBwgI hir pWeI ]1] rhwau ]
u-aa a-osar kai, ha-o bal jaa-ee.
aaṭ pahar apnaa prabh simran, vadbhaagee har paa -ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.

I am a sacrifice unto that occasion (when I obtained the company of the God-oriented persons).
(Now) all the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), I remember my Lord; by great
(good) fortune, I have found God. 1 (pause)
Blo kbIru dwsu dwsn ko aUqmu sYnu jnu nweI ] bhalo kabeer daas daasan ko, ootam sain jan naa-ee.
Kabir became good (i.e. exalted) by becoming slave of slaves (i.e. devotees of God); and, Sain,
the barbar, became sublime.
aUc qy aUc nwmdyau smdrsI rivdws Twkur bix AweI ]1]
ooch tay ooch naamday-o samadrasee, ravidaas ṭaakur ban aa-ee. ||1||
Namdeo, who looked alike upon all, became the highest of the high, and, Ravidas became
attuned to the Lord. 1
jIau ipMfu qnu Dnu swDn kw iehu mnu sMq rynweI ] jee-o piNd tan dhan saadhan kaa, ih man saNt raynaa-ee.
My soul, my being, my body and my wealth (all) belong to the God-oriented persons; this
mind is (forever) the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons .
sMq pRqwip Brm siB nwsy nwnk imly gusweI ]2]4]18]
saNt partaap bharam sabh naasay, naanak milay gusaa-ee. ||2||4||18||
Nanank (says): by the grace of the God-oriented persons, all my doubts have been erased
(i.e. dispelled); and, I have met the Master of the World. 4.2.18

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mnorQ pUry siqgur Awip ] sgl pdwrQ ismrin jw kY AwT phr myry mn jwip ]1] rhwau ]
manorath pooray satgur aap.
sagal padaarath simran jaa kai, aaṭ pahar mayray man jaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru, himself fulfills objectives of mind.
All wealth is obtained by remembrance Him; (so) O! (my) mind, meditate upon Him, all the
eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day). 1 (pause)
P. 1208
AMimRq nwmu suAwmI qyrw jo pIvY iqs hI iqRpqws ] jnm jnm ky iklibK nwsih AwgY drgh hoie Klws ]1]
aMmrit naam su-aamee tayraa, jo peevai tis hee tariptaas.
janam janam kay kilbikh naaseh, aagai dargeh ho-ay khalaas. ||1||
Your name is AMmrit ! Lord, whosoever drinks it in, is satiated.
The sins of countless births are erased, and, hereafter, he is emancipated in the court (of
God). 1
srin qumwrI AwieE krqy pwrbRhm pUrn Aibnws ] saran tumaaree aa-i-o kartay, paarbarahm pooran abinaas.
O! Creator, O! Supreme Reality, perfect, Imperishable (Lord), I have come in Your refuge.
kir ikrpw qyry crn iDAwvau nwnk min qin drs ipAws
kar kirpaa tayray charan dhi-aava-o, naanak man tan daras pi-aas. ||2||5||19||
Nanak (says): (please) bestow Your kindness that I may meditate upon Your (lotus) feet; my
mind and body thirst for beholding Your vision. 2.5.19

swrg mhlw 5 Gru 3 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.

(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mn khw luBweIAY Awn kau ] eIq aUq pRBu sdw shweI jIA sMig qyry kwm kau ]1] rhwau ]
man, kahaa lubhaa-ee-ai aan ka-o.
eet oot prabh sadaa sahaa-ee, jee-a saNg tayray kaam ka-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, why are you lured by other things (i.e. other than God)?
Here and hereafter, God is forever your help; He is with your soul and settles your matters. 1
AMimRq nwmu ipRA pRIiq mnohr iehY AGwvn pWn kau ]
aMmrit naam pari-a pareet manohar, ihai aghaavan paann ka-o.
AMmrit name and the love of the fascinating Beloved; drinking this, one gets satiated.
Akwl mUriq hY swD sMqn kI Twhr nIkI iDAwn kau ]1]
akaal moorat hai saadh saNtan kee, ṭaahar neekee dhi-aan ka-o. ||1||
The Timeless (Lord) dwells in the company of the God-oriented persons, that is the most
sublime place to meditate upon Him. 1
bwxI mMqRü mhw purKn kI mnih auqwrn mWn kau ]
baṇee maNtra mahaa purkhan kee, maneh utaaran maann ka-o.
The word of great men is dictum (i.e. formula), to eradicate pride from the mind.
Koij lihE nwnk suK QwnW hir nwmw ibsRwm kau ]2]1]20]
khoj lahi-o naanak sukh thaanaan, har naamaa bisraam ka-o. ||2||1||20||
Nanak (says): I have searched and found that the name of God is the place for happiness and
peace. 2.1.20

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mn sdw mMgl goibMd gwie ] rog sog qyry imtih sgl AG inmK hIAY hir nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
man, sadaa maNgal gobiNd gaa-ay.
rog sog tayray miteh sagal agh, nimakh hee-ai har naam dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, sing forever the song of joy of the Lord of the World
All your diseases, sorrows and shall be erased, if you meditate upon the name of God even
for an instant. 1 (pause)
Coif isAwnp bhu cqurweI swDU srxI jwie pwie ]
chhod si-aanap baho chaturaa-ee, saadhoo sarṇee jaa-ay paa-ay.
Abandon all your wisdom and cleverness, and, go and seek the refuge of the Guru.
[*Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jau hoie ik®pwlu dIn duK BMjn jm qy hovY Drm rwie ]1]
ja-o ho-ay kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, jam tay hovai dharam raa-ay. ||1||
When God, the Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, becomes merciful, (then) the
messenger of death is turned into Judge of Righteousness. 1
eyks ibnu nwhI ko dUjw Awn n bIE lvY lwie ] aykas bin naahee ko dooja,a aan na bee-o lavai laa-ay.
(O! my mind) without the One (Lord), there is no other (at all); no one else can equal to Him.
mwq ipqw BweI nwnk ko suKdwqw hir pRwn swie ]2]2]21]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee naanak ko, sukh-daata har paraan saa-ay. ||2||2||21||
Nanak (says): God, the Giver of Happiness and breath (of life) is (my) mother, father, and
brethren. 2.2.21

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir jn sgl auDwry sMg ky ] Bey punIq pivqR mn jnm jnm ky duK hry ]1] rhwau ]
har jan, sagal udhaaray saNg kay.
bha-ay puneet pavitar man, janam janam kay dukh haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, save all those in their company.
(In their company) their minds become pure, and, they are rid of the sorrows of countless
births. 1 (pause)
mwrig cly iqn@I suKu pwieAw ijn@ isau gosit sy qry ]
maarag chalay tinhee sukh paa-i-aa, jinh si-o gosat say taray.
Those who follow their path find happiness; and, those who have company with them are
bUfq Gor AMD kUp mih qy swDU sMig pwir pry ]1]
boodat ghor aNdh koop meh, tay saadhoo saNg paar paray. ||1||
Those who are drowning in terrible blind (i.e. deep dark) well are carried across (the world
ocean), in the company of the God-oriented persons. 1
ijn@ ky Bwg bfy hY BweI iqn@ swDU sMig muK jury ]
jinh kay bhaag baday hai bhaa-ee, tinh saadhoo saNg mukh juray.
Those, who have great destiny, have their face towards (i.e. have association with) the God-
oriented persons.
iqn@ kI DUir bWCY inq nwnku pRBu myrw ikrpw kry ]2]3]22]
tinh kee dhoor baanchhai nit, naanak, prabh mayraa kirpaa karay. ||2||3||22||
Nanak (says): I long forever for the dust of their feet, if my God bestows His grace (then I can
obtain the dust of these feet). 2.3.22

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir jn rwm rwm rwm iDAWey ] har jan, raam raam raam dhi-aan-ay.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God meditate upon (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master.
eyk plk suK swD smwgm koit bYkuMTh pWey ]1] rhwau ]
ayk palak sukh saadh samaagam, kot baikuNṭah paan-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The happiness of the company of the God-oriented persons even for an instant is (like)
obtaining tens of millions of heavens. 1 (pause)
dulB dyh jip hoq punIqw jm kI qRws invwrY ] dulabh dayh jap hot puneetaa, jam kee taraas nivaarai.
This (human) body, difficult to obtain, is purified by meditating upon God; and, the fear of
the of the messenger of death is taken away.
mhw piqq ky pwiqk auqrih hir nwmw auir DwrY ]1]
mahaa patit kay paatik utreh, har naamaa ur dhaarai. ||1||
The sins of (even) the great sinners are eradicated by enshrining the name of God within the
heart. 1
jo jo sunY rwm jsu inrml qw kw jnm mrx duKu nwsw ]
jo jo sunai raam jas nirmal, taa kaa janam maraṇ dukh naasaa.

Whoever listens to the immaculate praise of God, his pains of birth and death are dispelled.
khu nwnk pweIAY vfBwgˆØI mn qn hoie ibgwsw ]2]4]23]
kaho naanak, paa-ee-ai vadbhaageen, man tan ho-ay bigaasaa. ||2||4||23||
Says Nanak: by great (good) fortune one obtains this (immaculate praise of God), (and, then)
mind and body blossom forth. 2.4.23
P. 1209
swrg mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 4 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, dupday, ghar 4
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
mohn Gir Awvhu krau jodrIAw ] mohan ghar aavhu, kara-o jodree-aa.
O! (my) Fascinating (Lord), come into (my) home (i.e. heart), I offer prayer (to You).
mwnu krau AiBmwnY bolau BUl cUk qyrI ipRA icrIAw ]1] rhwau ]
maan kara-o abhimaanai bola-o, bhool chook tayree pari-a chiree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Sometimes) I act in pride, speak in egotism, make (many) mistakes and omissions; O! dear,
(but, still) I am your (slave) maid, O! (my) Beloved. 1 (pause)
inkit sunau Aru pyKau nwhI Brim Brim duK BrIAw ]
nikat sun-o ar paykha-o naahee; bharam bharam dukh bharee-aa.
(O! my Beloved!) I hear, (and feel) that You are near, but I cannot see You. I wander and
wander and suffer in delusion.
hoie ik®pwl gur lwih pwrdo imlau lwl mnu hrIAw ]1]
ho-ay kirpaal gur, laahi paardo, mila-o laal man haree-aa. ||1||
O! Guru, become kind to me and removed the veil (between me and my Beloved), meeting my
Beloved, my mind shall blossom forth in lushness. 1
eyk inmK jy ibsrY suAwmI jwnau koit idns lK brIAw ]
ayk nimakh jay bisrai su-aamee, jaan-o kot dinas lakh baree-aa.
(O! brethren) if I were to forget my Lord, even for an instant, it would be like tens of millions
of days and hundreds of thousands of years.
swDsMgiq kI BIr jau pweI qau nwnk hir sMig imrIAw ]2]1]24]
saadhsaNgat kee bheer ja-o paa-ee, ta-o naanak har saNg miree-aa. ||2||1||24||
Nanak (says): When I joined the assembly of the congregation of the God-oriented persons,
I met (my) God. 2.1.24

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab ikAw socau soc ibswrI ] krxw sw soeI kir rihAw dyih nwau bilhwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ab ki-aa socha-o, soch bisaaree. karṇaa saa so-ee kar rahi-aa, deh naa-o balihaaree ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now, what should I think (more), I have given up (all) thinking; (because, now I believe that)
You do whatever You wish to do; (please) bless me with Your name; I am a sacrifice unto
You. 1 (pause)
chu ids PUil rhI ibiKAw ibKu gur mMqRü mUiK gruVwrI ] hwQ dyie rwiKE kir Apunw ijau jl kmlw AilpwrI ]1]
chahu dis fool rahee bikhi-aa bikh, gur mantar mookh garuṛaaree.

haath day-ay raakhi-o kar apunaa, ji-o jal kamlaa alipaaree. ||1||
The poison (of Maya) is flowering forth in all the four directions; the Guru's dictum in their
mouths as antidote (i.e. only those are saved who follow the Guru’s teachings).
One, whom God makes His own and saves by giving His hand; (he remains detached from
Maya) like the lotus that remains unattached in the water. 1
hau nwhI ikCu mY ikAw hosw sB qum hI kl DwrI] ha-o naahee kichh mai ki-aa hosaa, sabh tum hee kal dhaaree.
I am nothing, what can (ever) I be? (O! Lord) You (alone) hold all power (everywhere).
nwnk Bwig pirE hir pwCY rwKu sMq sdkwrI ]2]2]25]
naanak, bhaag pari-o har paachhai, raakh saNt sadkaaree. ||2||2||25||
Nanak (says): I have run to (Your refuge) O! God, (please) save me for the sake of God-
oriented persons. 2.2.25

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moih srb aupwv ibrkwqy ] krx kwrx smrQ suAwmI hir eyksu qy myrI gwqy ]1] rhwau ]
ab, mohi sarab upaav birkaatay.
karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath su-aamee, har aykas tay mayree gaatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now I have abandoned all endeavours.
The Lord is all-powerful; He is the Doer and the Cause of causes; God alone can liberate me.
1 (pause)
dyKy nwnw rUp bhu rMgw An nwhI qum BWqy ] daykhay naanaa roop baho raNgaa, an naahee tum bhaantay.
(O! God) I have seen so many numerous beautiful forms, in motley colours (i.e. in wonderful
forms) , but nothing is like You (i.e. nothing is as grand and powerful as You are).
dyNih ADwru srb kau Twkur jIA pRwn suKdwqy ]1]
day hi adhaar sarab ka-o ṭaakur, jee-a paraan sukh-daatay. ||1||

You give sustenance to all, O! Lord; You are the Giver of soul, breath (of life)and happiness. 1
BRmqO BRmqO hwir jau pirE qau gur imil crn prwqy ]
bharmatou bharmatou haar ja-o pari-o, ta-o gur mil charan paraatay.
Wandering and wandering, I grew tired, then I met the Guru and served at His feet.
khu nwnk mY srb suKu pwieAw ieh sUiK ibhwnI rwqy ]2]3]26]
kaho naanak, mai sarab sukh paa-i-aa, ih sookh bihaanee raatay. ||2||3||26||
Says Nanak : I have found total happiness, and, my night (of life) passes in peace. 2.3.26

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moih lbiDE hY hir tykw ] gur dieAwl Bey suKdweI AMDulY mwixku dyKw ]1] rhwau ]
ab, mohi labdhi-o hai har taykaa.
gur da-i-aal bha-ay sukh-daa-ee, aNdhulai maaṇik daykhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now, I have found the support of God.
The Guru, the Giver of Happiness has became kind (to me), (I was) blind, I have seen (i.e.
found) the jewel (i.e. God). 1 (pause)
kwty AigAwn iqmr inrmlIAw buiD ibgws ibbykw ] ijau jl qrMg Pynu jl hoeI hY syvk Twkur Bey eykw ]1]
kaatay agi-aan timar nirmalee-aa, budh bigaas bibaykaa.
ji-o jal taraNg fayn jal ho-ee hai, sayvak ṭaakur bha-ay aykaa. ||1||

Darkness (i.e. ignorance) has been cut away and I have become immaculate; my perceptive
wisdom has blossomed forth.
As the wave of water and foam again becomes water, (just so) the servant and the Master
have become one (i.e. the servant has merged into the Master). 1
jh qy auiTE qh hI AwieE sB hI eykY eykw ] jah tay uṭi-o tah hee aa-i-o, sabh hee aykai aykaa.
From which one comes up, he gets back into the same; all is in the One and One (alone).
nwnk idRsit AwieE sRb TweI pRwxpqI hir smkw ]2]4]27]
naanak, darisat aa-i-o sarab ṭaa-ee, praaṇpatee har samkaa. ||2||4||27||
Nanak (says): I have come to see the Master of breath (of life) of everyone, at all places. 2.4.27

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrw mnu eykY hI ipRA mWgY ] pyiK AwieE srb Qwn dys ipRA rom n smsir lwgY ]1] rhwau ]
mayraa man, aykai hee pari-a maangai.
paykh aa-i-o sarab thaan days, pari-a rom na samsar laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind longs for the One Beloved (Lord).
I have looked everywhere, in all places, (but) nothing equals even a hair of my Beloved.
mY nIry Aink Bojn bhu ibMjn iqn isau idRsit n krY rucWgY ]
mai neeray anik bhojan baho biNjan, tin si-o darisat na karai ruchaangai.
All sorts of food and dainties have been placed before me, but (my mind is) not interested in
(even) looking at them.
hir rsu cwhY ipRA ipRA muiK tyrY ijau Ail kmlw loBWgY ]1]
har ras chaahai pri-a pri-a mukh tayrai, ji-o al kamlaa lobhaangai. ||1||
I long for the essence of (the name of) God; my mouth utters ‘pri-a’ ‘pri-a’ (i.e. O! Beloved, O!
Beloved) like the bumble-bee longs for the lotus flower. 1
P. 1210
gux inDwn mnmohn lwln suKdweI srbWgY ] gun nidhaan manmohan laalan, sukh-daa-ee sarbaangai.
O! Treasure of Excellences, Fascinating, Beloved, Giver of Happiness to all.
guir nwnk pRB pwih pTwieE imlhu sKw gil lwgY ]2]5]28]
gur, naanak, prabh paahi paṭaa-i-o, milhu sakhaa gal laagai. ||2||5||28||
Nanak (says): The Guru has sent me to the Lord, (O! Lord, please) meet with me like a friend
and hold me in Your embrace. 2.5.28

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moro Twkur isau mnu mwnW ] ab, moro ṭaakur si-o man maanaan.
Now, my mind is pleased with the Lord.
swD ik®pwl dieAwl Bey hY iehu CyidE dustu ibgwnw ]1] rhwau ]
saadh kirpaal da-i-aal bha-ay hai, ih chhaydi-o dusat bigaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The God-oriented person has become kind (to me); this has destroyed the demon of
otherness. 1 (pause)
qum hI suMdr qumih isAwny qum hI suGr sujwnw ] tum hee su dar tumeh si-aanay, tum hee sughar sujaanaa.
(Now) You alone are beautiful, You alone are wise and all-knowing
sgl jog Aru igAwn iDAwn iek inmK n kImiq jwnW ]1]

sagal jog ar gi-aan dhi-aan, ik nimakh na keemat jaanaa . ||1||

All those, who practice Yoga, knowledge and meditation, do not know even a bit of Your
value. 1
qum hI nwiek qum@ih CqRpiq qum pUir rhy Bgvwnw ]
tum hee naa-ik tumhahi chhatarpat, tum poor rahay, bhagvaanaa.
You are the leader, You are king with royal canopy, You are perfectly pervading, O! God.
pwvau dwnu sMq syvw hir nwnk sd kurbwnW ]2]6]29]
paava-o daan saNt sayvaa har, naanak sad kurbaanaan. ||2||6||29||
Nanak (says): I long to obtain the gift of serving the God-oriented persons; I an forever a
sacrifice unto You, O! God. 2.6.29

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrY min cIiq Awey ipRA rMgw ] mayrai man cheet aa-ay pari-a raNgaa.
Wonders of my Lord have come to abide in my mind.
ibsirE DMDu bMDu mwieAw ko rjin sbweI jMgw ]1] rhwau ]
bisri-o dhandh baNdh maa-i-aa ko, rajan sabaa-ee jaNgaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have forgotten the bound of the affairs of Maya; (now) I spend all night (of life) fighting
(with evil). 1 (pause)
hir syvau hir irdY bswvau hir pwieAw sqsMgw ] har sayva-o, har ridai basaava-o, har paa-i-aa satsa gaa.
I serve God; I enshrine God within (my) mind; I have found God in the true congregation.
AYso imilE mnohru pRIqmu suK pwey muK mMgw ]1]
aiso mili-o manohar pareetam, sukh paa-ay mukh maNgaa. ||1||
I have found such a fascinating Beloved that I have obtained all the happiness that I had
asked for. 1
ipRau Apnw guir bis kir dInw Bogau Bog insMgw ] pari-o apnaa gur bas kar deenaa, bhoga-o bhog nisa gaa.
The Guru has brought my Beloved under my control; I enjoy (union with) Him without any
inrBau Bey nwnk Bau imitAw hir pwieE pwTMgw ]2]7]30]
nirbha-o bha-ay, naanak, bha-o miti-aa; har paa-i-o faaṭaNgaa. ||2||7||30||
Nanak (says): I have become fearless, my fears have been eradicated; I have found God
through chanting (of the word). 2.7.30

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir jIau ky drsn kau kurbwnI ] har jee-o kay darsan ka-o kurbaanee.
I am a sacrifice unto the vision of my dear God
bcn nwd myry sRvnhu pUry dyhw ipRA AMik smwnI ]1] rhwau ]
bachan naad mayray saravnahu pooray, dayhaa pari-a aNk samaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sound of His words fills my ear, my body remains merged in the lap (i.e. embrace) of my
Beloved. 1 (pause)
CUtir qy guir kIeI suohwgin hir pwieE suGV sujwnI ]
chhootar tay gur kee-ee sohaagan, har paa-i-o sughaṛ sujaanee.
From a discarded one (i.e. separated from God), the Guru has made me a happy (soul) bride;
and, I have found the wise and all-knowing Lord.
ijh Gr mih bYsnu nhI pwvq so Qwnu imilE bwswnI ]1]
jih ghar meh baisan nahee paavat, so thaan mili-o baasaanee. ||1||
The home (i.e. the feet of the Lord), where it (i.e. my mind) would not even rest, it has found
that home for its dwelling. 1
aun@ kY bis AwieE Bgiq bClu ijin rwKI Awn sMqwnI ]
unh kai bas aa-i-o bhagat bachhal, jin raakhee aan saNtaanee.
God, the lover of the devotees, has come under the control of those God-oriented persons,
whose honour is saved by Him.
khu nwnk hir sMig mnu mwinAw sB cUkI kwix luokwnI ]2]8]31]
kaho naanak, har saNg man maani-aa, sabh chookee kaaṇ lokaanee. ||2||8||31||
Say Nanak: My mind is pleased with God, (and my) subservience to all others (i.e. looking for
other's help) has ended. 2.8.31

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab myro pMcw qy sMgu qUtw ] drsnu dyiK Bey min Awnd gur ikrpw qy CUtw ]1] rhwau ]
ab, mayro paNchaa tay sang tootaa.
darsan daykh bha-ay man aanad, gur kirpaa tay chhootaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now, my association with the five* has come to an end.
Beholding His vision, my mind is in ecstasy; by the grace of the Guru, I am (now) released
(from the association of the five thieves). 1 (pause)
[*The five: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
ibKm Qwn bhuq bhu DrIAw Aink rwK sUrUtw ] bikham thaan, bahut baho dharee-aa, anik raakh soorootaa.
That place,, where great things (i.e. treasures of the name) have been kept, is difficult (to
reach); and, many warriors guard it.
ibKm gwrH kru phucY nwhI sMq swnQ Bey lUtw ]1]
bikham gaarah kar pahuchai naahee, saNt saanath bha-ay lootaa. ||1||
There are difficult moats (around that fort), hands cannot touch (i.e. one can not approach
the fort), but, with the company of the God-oriented persons (I reached there and), I looted
(i.e. captured) them. 1
bhuqu Kjwny myrY pwlY pirAw Amol lwl AwKUtw ] bahut khajaanay mayrai paalai pari-aa, amol laal aakhootaa.
I have obtained a great treasure, (it is full of) priceless inexhaustible jewels.
jn nwnk pRiB ikrpw DwrI qau mn mih hir rsu GUtw ]2]9]32]
jan naanak prabh kirpaa dhaaree, ta-o man meh har ras ghootaa. ||2||9||32||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): When the Lord bestowed His kindness (upon me), then
my mind drank in the essence (of the name) of God. 2.9.32

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab myro Twkur isau mnu lInw ] ab, mayro ṭaakur si-o man leenaa.
Now, my mind is absorbed in the Lord
pRwn dwnu guir pUrY dIAw aurJwieE ijau jl mInw ]1] rhwau ]
paraan daan gur poorai dee-aa, urjhaa-i-o ji-o jal meenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The perfect Guru has blessed me the gift of (spiritual) life, (now) it (i.e. my mind) is entangled
(i.e. attached to him) like fish with the water. 1
kwm k®oD loB md mqsr ieh Arip sgl dwnu kInw ] kaam krodh lobh mad matsar, ih arap sagal daan keenaa.
I have given away sexual desire, anger, greed, egotism, and envy; I have offered them like
(gifts in) charity.
mMqR idRVwie hir AauKDu guir dIE qau imilE sgl pRbInw ]1]
maNtra driṛ-aa-ay har a-ukhadh gur dee-o, ta-o mili-o sagal parbeenaa. ||1||
The Guru has implanted the dictum (i.e. teaching) of the medicine of (the name of) God
(within me), now, I have met with the All-knowing (Lord). 1
igRhu qyrw qU Twkuru myrw guir hau KoeI pRBu dInw ]
garihu tayraa too ṭaakur mayraa, gur ha-o kho-ee parabh deenaa.
My this home (i.e. heart) is Yours, and, You are my Master; the Guru has rid me of egotism
and blessed me with God.
khu nwnk mY shj Gru pwieAw hir Bgiq BMfwr KjInw ]2]10]33]
kaho naanak, mai sahj ghar paa-i-aa, har bhagat bhaNdaar khajeenaa. ||2||10||33||
Says Nanak: I have obtained stocks of the treasure of devotion of God within my home (i.e.
heart) in ease. 2.10.33
P. 1211
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
mohn siB jIA qyry qU qwrih ] Cutih sMGwr inmK ikrpw qy koit bRhmMf auDwrih ]1] rhwau ]
mohan, sabh jee-a tayray too taareh.
chhuteh saNghaar nimakh kirpaa tay, kot barahmaNd udhaareh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) Fascinating (Lord), all beings are Yours, and, You save (them).
Even with a little of your mercy, one is saved from the destruction; You have saved tens of
millions (people of) of universes. 1 (pause)
krih Ardwis bhuqu bynµqI inmK inmK swm@wrih ] hohu ik®pwl dIn duK BMjn hwQ dyie insqwrih ]1]
karahi ardaas bahut baynaNtee, nimakh nimakh saamaa rahi. H

hohu kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, haath day-ay nistaareh. ||1||

Countless (of Your created) beings offer prayers, and, remember You each and every instant:
(Please) be kind, O! Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, give Your hand and carry us
across (the world ocean). 1
ikAw ey BUpiq bpury khIAih khu ey iks no mwrih] ki-aa ay bhoopat bapuray kahee-ahi, kaho ay kis no maareh.
What are these poor (worldly) kings? Tell me, who can they kill? (they have no power; You
alone are all-power)
rwKu rwKu rwKu suKdwqy sBu nwnk jgqu qum@wrih ]2]11]34]
raakh raakh raakh sukh-daatay, sabh naanak jagat tum aarahi. ||2||11||34||

Nanak (says): Save (us), save (us), save(us), O! Giver of Happiness, all the world is Yours.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moih Dnu pwieE hir nwmw ] ab, mohi dhan paa-i-o har naamaa.
Now, I have obtained the (true) wealth, the name of God.
Bey AicMq iqRsn sB buJI hY iehu iliKE lyKu mQwmw ]1] rhwau ]
bha-ay achiNt, tarisan sabh bujhee hai, ih likhi-o laykh mathaamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have become carefree; all my thirst (of worldly wealth) is satiated; such is (the destiny)
inscribed on my forehead. 1 (pause)
Kojq Kojq BieE bYrwgI iPir AwieE dyh igrwmw] khojat khojat bha-i-o bairaagee, fir aa-i-o dayh giraamaa.
Searching and searching (for the true wealth), I had become detached; having wandered (all
around) I have come (back) to my body-village.
guir ik®pwil saudw iehu joirE hiQ cirE lwlu Agwmw ]1]
gur kirpaal sa-udaa ih jori-o, hath chari-o laal agaamaa. ||1||
The merciful Guru arranged this deal, and, the priceless jewel has come into my hands. 1
Awn bwpwr bnj jo krIAih qyqy dUK shwmw ] aan baapaar banaj jo karee-ah, taytay dookh sahaamaa.
All other deals and trade that are done, those bring only sufferings.
goibd Bjn ky inrBY vwpwrI hir rwis nwnk rwm nwmw ]2]12]35]
gobid bhajan kay nirbhai vaapaaree, har raas naanak raam naamaa. ||2||12||35||
Nanak (says): Those who deal in (the trade) of the meditation of God are fearless, (because)
the name of God is their capital. 2.12.35

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrY min imst lgy ipRA bolw ] mayrai man, misat lagay pari-a bolaa.
O! my mind, the words of my Beloved seem sweet (to me).
guir bwh pkir pRB syvw lwey sd dieAwlu hir Folw ]1] rhwau ]
gur baah pakar prabh sayvaa laa-ay, sad da-i-aal har ḍolaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Holding my arm, the Guru has attached me to the service of the Lord; (now I under stand
that) Beloved God is forever benign (to me). 1 (pause)
pRB qU Twkuru srb pRiqpwlku moih klqR sihq siB golw ]
prabh too ṭaakur, sarab partipaalak, mohi kaltar sahit sabh golaa.
O! God, You are (my) Lord, You are the Sustainer of all; my wife and I all are Your slaves.
mwxu qwxu sBu qUhY qUhY ieku nwmu qyrw mY El@w ]1]
maaṇ taaṇ sabh toohai toohai, ik naam tayraa mai ol aa. ||1||

You are (my) honour and power, You (alone) are; Your name is my only cover (i.e. support). 1
jy qKiq bYswlih qau dws qum@wry Gwsu bFwvih kyqk bolw ]
jay takhat baisaaleh ta-o daas tumhaaray, ghaas baḍaaveh kaytak bolaa.
If you seat me on the throne, then I am Your slave; if You get me to cut grass (i.e if You make
me a grass-cutter), even then what can I say? (O! God, it is all Your power that prevails).
jn nwnk ky pRB purK ibDwqy myry Twkur Agh Aqolw ]2]13]36]
jan naanak kay prabh purakh bidhaatay, mayray ṭaakur agah atolaa. ||2||13||36||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! my Primal Person (Lord), Architect of Destiny, my
Lord, (You are) inaccessible and immeasurable. 2.13.36

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

rsnw rwm khq gux sohM ] rasnaa, raam kahat guṇ sohaN.
(O! brethren) the tongue looks beautiful when it utters (the praise of) the excellences of God.

eyk inmK Epwie smwvY dyiK cirq mn mohM ]1] rhwau ]
ayk nimakh opaa-ay samaavai, daykh charit man mohaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In n instant, He (i.e. God) creates (the universe) and merges (in Himself); beholding His
wondrous play (my) mind is fascinated. 1 (pause)
ijsu suixAY min hoie rhsu Aiq irdY mwn duK johM ] jis suṇi-ai man ho-ay rahas at, ridai maan dukh johaN.
Listening to what (i.e. His wondrous play) my mind is in great ecstasy; (and my) heart is rid of
pride and sorrows.
suKu pwieE duKu dUir prwieE bix AweI pRB qohM ]1]
sukh paa-i-o, dukh door paraa-i-o, baṇ aa-ee parabh tohaN. ||1||
O! God, since I have becomes one with You, I have obtains happiness and my sorrows have
been taken away. 1
iklivK gey mn inrml hoeI hY guir kwFy mwieAw dRohM ]
kilvikh ga-ay, man nirmal ho-ee hai, gur kaaḍay maa-i-aa darohaN.
My sins have been erased, my mind has become immaculate; the Guru has pulled up (i.e.
eliminated) the deception of Maya (from within me).
khu nwnk mY so pRBu pwieAw krx kwrx smrQohM ]2]14]37]
kaho naanak, mai so prabh paa-i-aa, karan kaaran samrathohaN. ||2||14||37||
Says Nanak: I have found that Lord, who is All-powerful, Doer and the Cause of causes.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

nYnhu dyiKE clqu qmwsw ] nainhu daykhi-o chalat tamaasaa.
With (my) eyes, I have seen display of wondrous play.
sB hU dUir sB hU qy nyrY Agm Agm Gt vwsw ]1] rhwau ]
sabh hoo door sabh hoo tay nayrai, agam agam ghat vaasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is far from all, (and yet) near to all; (He is) inaccessible and unapproachable; (and yet)
dwells in all hearts. 1 (pause)
ABUlu n BUlY iliKE n clwvY mqw n krY pcwsw ]
abhool na bhoolai, likhi-o na chalaavai, mataa na karai pachaasaa.
(O! brethren) He is infallible, never errs, He does not have to write His decisions (i.e.
commands), nor does He consult fifty (i.e. He does not consult any one).
iKn mih swij svwir ibnwhY Bgiq vCl guxqwsw ]1]
khin meh saaj savaar binaahai, bhagat vachhal guntaasaa. ||1||
In an instant, He creates, embellishes and destroys; (He is) the Lover of (His) Devotees and
Treasure of Excellences. 1
AMD kUp mih dIpku bilE guir irdY kIE prgwsw] aNdh koop meh deepak bali-o, gur ridai kee-o pargaasaa.
(O! brethren) the Guru has illumined the heart (with the name of God), (it is like) lighting the
lamp (of spiritual wisdom) in the blin (i.e. dark) well.
khu nwnk drsu pyiK suKu pwieAw sB pUrn hoeI Awsw ]2]15]38]
kaho naanak, daras paykh sukh paa-i-aa, sabh pooran ho-ee aasaa. ||2||15||38||
Says Nanak: beholding His vision I have found happiness; all my hopes are fulfilled. 2.15.38
P. 1212
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
crnh goibMd mwrgu suhwvw ] Awn mwrg jyqw ikCu DweIAY qyqo hI duKu hwvw ]1] rhwau ]
charnah, gobiNd maarag suhaavaa.
aan maarag jaytaa kichh dhaa-ee-ai,tayto hee dukh haavaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The (most) beautiful path of the Lord of the World.
The more one walks on any other path, the more one suffers and sighs (i.e. regrets). 1 (pause)
nyqR punIq Bey drsu pyKy hsq punIq thlwvw ] naytar puneet bha-ay daras paykhay, hasat puneet tehlaavaa.
Beholding His vision, the eyes become sanctified, and, serving Him the hands are sanctified.
irdw punIq irdY hir bisE msq punIq sMq DUrwvw ]1]
ridaa puneet ridai har basi-o, masat puneet saNt dhooraavaa. ||1||
The heart is sanctified, when He dwells in the heart; and, the forehead that touches the dust
(of the feet) of the God-oriented person are sanctified.1
srb inDwn nwim hir hir kY ijsu krim iliKAw iqin pwvw ]
sarab nidhaan naam har har kai, jis karam likhi-aa tin paavaa.
All treasures are in the name of God, the Lord; (but) he (alone) obtains, who has it inscribed
in his destiny.
jn nwnk kau guru pUrw ByitE suiK shjy And ibhwvw ]2]16]39]
jan naanak ka-o gur pooraa bhayti-o, sukh sehjay anad bihaavaa. ||2||16||39||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have met the perfect Guru, I pass my life in (spiritual)
happiness, poise and bliss. 2.16.39

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

iDAwieE AMiq bwr nwmu sKw ] dhi-aa-i-o, aNt baar naam sakhaa.
He, who meditates upon the name (of God), at the very last instant, it becomes his companion.
jh mwq ipqw suq BweI n phucY qhw qhw qU rKw ]1] rhwau ]
jah maat pitaa sut bhaa-ee na pahuchai, tahaa tahaa too rakhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(In that place and state) where one’s mother, father, son, brother, cannot reach (i.e. cannot
help), there You protect. 1 (pause)
AMD kUp igRh mih iqin ismirE ijsu msqik lyKu ilKw] a dh koop garih meh tin simri-o, jis mastak laykh likhaa.
He alone meditates (upon God), in the blind well of the home (i.e. heart), who has such
inscription (i.e. destiny) inscribed on his forehead.
KUl@y bMDn mukiq guir kInI sB qUhY quhI idKw ]1]
khoolhay baNdhan mukat gur keenee, sabh toohai tuhee dikhaa. ||1||
His bonds are loosened, the Guru liberated him; and, he beholds You and You (alone),
everywhere. 1
AMimRq nwmu pIAw mnu iqRpiqAw AwGwey rsn cKw] a mrit naam pee-aa man taripti-aa aaghaa-ay rasan chakhaa.
He, who drinks in the A mrit name, his mind is satiated, and, tasting it his tongue is satiated.
khu nwnk suK shju mY pwieAw guir lwhI sgl iqKw ]2]17]40]
kaho naanak sukh sahj mai paa-i-aa gur laahee sagal tikhaa. ||2||17||40||
Says Nanak: I have obtained happiness and poise, the Guru has quenched all my thirst. 2.17.40

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

gur imil AYsy pRBU iDAwieAw ] BieE ik®pwlu dieAwlu duK BMjnu lgY n qwqI bwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur mil, aisay prabhoo dhi-aa-i-aa.
bha-i-o kirpaal da-i-aal dukh bhaNjan, lagai na taatee baa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the Guru, I meditated upon the Lord in such a way; (that)
the Destroyer of Sorrows, became (so much) kind and compassionate (to me), that (due to His
protection) even hot wind did not touch me. 1 (pause)
jyqy sws sws hm lyqy qyqy hI gux gwieAw ] jaytay saas saas ham laytay, taytay hee guṇ gaa-i-aa.
With each and every breath I take, with all of them I sing (the praise of) His excellences.
inmK n ibCurY GrI n ibsrY sd sMgy jq jwieAw ]1]
nimakh na bichhurai, gharee na bisrai, sad saNgay, jat jaa-i-aa. ||1||
He is not separate (from me), even for an instant: I do not forget Him even for a moment; He
is always with me, wherever I go. 1
hau bil bil bil bil crn kml kau bil bil gur drswieAw ]
ha-o bal bal, bal bal bal, charan kamal ka-o, bal bal gur darsaa-i-aa.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto His lotus-feet. I am a sacrifice unto
the vison of the Guru.
khu nwnk kwhU prvwhw jau suK swgru mY pwieAw ]2]18]41]
kaho naanak, kaahoo parvaahaa, ja-o sukh saagar mai paa-i-aa. ||2||18||41||
Says Nanak: I do not care about anyone else, because I have found (God) the Ocean of
Happiness. 2.18.41

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrY min sbdu lgo gur mITw ] mayrai man, sabad lago gur meeṭaa.
The word of Guru seems sweet to my mind.
Kuil@E krmu BieE prgwsw Git Git hir hir fITw ]1] rhwau ]
khuliha-o karam bha-i-o pargaasaa, ghat ghat har har deeṭaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(With this) the gate of the grace (of God) has been opened and (Divine) Light has become
manifest (within me); and, I have seen God pervading each and every heart. 1 (pause)
pwrbRhm AwjonI sMBau srb Qwn Gt bITw ] paarbarahm aajonee saMbha-o, sarab thaan ghat beeṭaa.
The Supreme Reality (God), beyond birth, and self-existent, is seated in each and every
heart, everywhere.
BieE prwpiq AMimRq nwmw bil bil pRB crxITw ]1]
bha-i-o paraapat aMmrit naamaa, bal bal prabh charṇeeṭaa. ||1||
I have obtained AMmrit name; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto the feet of the Lord. 1
sqsMgiq kI ryxu muiK lwgI kIey sgl qIrQ mjnITw ]
satsaNgat kee rayṇ mukh laagee, kee-ay sagal tirath majneeṭaa.
The dust of the feet of the true congregation has been anointed on my face (i.e. forehead), (it is
as if) I have bath in all the places of pilgrimage.
khu nwnk rMig clUl Bey hY hir rMgu n lhY mjITw ]2]19]42]
kaho naanak, raNg chalool bha-ay hai, har raNg na lahai majeeṭaa. ||2||19||42||
Says Nanak: I am dyed in red colour of love (of God); and, (the colour of) the love of God is
(fast like) madder (colour), it does not fade. 2.19.42

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
hir hir nwmu dIE guir swQy ] har har naam dee-o gur saathay.
The Guru has given me the name of God, the Lord, as my companion.
inmK bcnu pRB hIArY bisE sgl BUK myrI lwQy ]1] rhwau ]
nimakh bachan prabh hee-arai basi-o, sagal bhookh mayree laathay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I f the word of God dwells within my heart even for an instant, all my hunger is satiated. 1
ik®pw inDwn gux nwiek Twkur suK smUh sB nwQy ]
eyk Aws moih qyrI suAwmI Aaur duqIAw Aws ibrwQy ]1]
kirpaa nidhaan, guṇ naa-ik, thaakur, sukh samooh, sabh naathay.
ayk aas mohi tayree su-aamee, a-or dutee-aa aas biraathay. ||1||
O! Treasure of Mercy, O! Master of Excellences, my Lord, O! Lord of All Happiness,
Master of All;
my hope rests in You alone, O! Lord, hope in anyone else is useless. 1
nYx iqRpqwsy dyiK drswvw guir kr Dwry myrY mwQy ]
naiṇ tariptaasay daykh darsaavaa, gur kar dhaaray mayrai maathay.
Beholding his vision, my eyes are satiated, when the Guru places his hand on my forehead.
khu nwnk mY Aqul suKu pwieAw jnm mrx BY lwQy ]2]20]43]
kaho naanak, mai atul sukh paa-i-a,a janam maraṇ bhai laathay. ||2||20||43||
Says Nanak: I have found un-weighable (i.e. immeasurable) happiness; my fears of birth and
death have been eliminated. 2.20.43
P. 1213
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
ry mUV@y Awn kwhy kq jweI ]
sMig mnohru AMimRqu hY ry BUil BUil ibKu KweI ]1] rhwau ]
ray mooṛhay, aan kaahay kat jaa-ee.
saNg manohar aMmrit hai, ray, bhool bhool bikh khaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! fool, (abandoning God) why are your going somewhere else?
The fascinating AMmrit (name) is with you, O! (mortal being), why do you get deluded and
deluded and you eat poison (i.e. why do you abandon Amrit name and run afterMaya). 1 (pause)
pRB suMdr cqur AnUp ibDwqy iqs isau ruc nhI rweI ] mohin isau bwvr mnu moihE JUiT TgaurI pweI ]1]
prabh suNdar chatur anoop bidhaatay, tis si-o ruch nahee raa-ee.
mohan si-o baavar man mohi-o, jhooṭ ṭag-uree paa-ee. ||1||
The Lord is beautiful, wise, incomparable, and Architect of Destiny; (but) you have no love
for Him.
O! crazy, your mind is enticed by enticing (Maya); you have obtained the intoxicating herb
(i.e. drug) of falsehood. 1
BieE dieAwlu ik®pwlu duK hrqw sMqn isau bin AweI ] sgl inDwn GrY mih pwey khu nwnk joiq smweI ]2]21]44]
bha-i-o da-i-aal kirpaal dukh hartaa, saNtan si-o ban aa-ee.
sagal nidhaan gharai meh paa-ay, kaho naanak jot samaa-ee. ||2||21||44||
When the Destroyer of Sorrows becomes kind and merciful, one gets attuned with the God-
oriented persons; (and then)
Says Nanak: one obtains all treasures within his home (i.e. heart), and, his light is merged in
the Light (of God). 2.21.44

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

EAM ipRA pRIiq cIiq pihlrIAw ] o-aN pri-a preet cheet, pahilaree-aa.
The love for the Beloved God was there in my mind, since the very beginning.
jo qau bcnu dIE myry siqgur qau mY swj sIgrIAw ]1] rhwau ]
jo ta-o bachan dee-o mayray satgur, ta-o mai saaj seegree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When you blessed me with your teaching, O! my True Guru, then I was decorated and
embellished. 1 (pause)
hm BUlh qum sdw ABUlw hm piqq qum piqq auDrIAw ]
ham bhoolah tum sadaa abhoolaa, ham patit tum patit udhree-aa.
(O! True Guru) we make mistakes, you never make mistakes; we are sinners, you are the
saviour of the sinners.
hm nIc ibrK qum mYlwgr lwj sMig sMig bsrIAw ]1]
ham neech birakh tum mailaagar, laaj saNg saNg basree-aa. ||1||
We are (like) lowly trees (i.e. have no quality), you are (like) a sandal tree; (please) save our
honour of those who live with you. 1
qum gMBIr DIr aupkwrI hm ikAw bpury jMqrIAw ]
tum gaMbheer dheer upkaaree, ham ki-aa bapuray jaNtree-aa.
You are profound, even-tempered, benevolent, what am I? (just) a poor being!
gur ik®pwl nwnk hir myilE qau myrI sUiK syjrIAw ]2]22]45]
gur kirpaal naanak har mayli-o, ta-o mayree sookh sayjree-aa. ||2||22||45||
Nanak (says): when the Guru became kind, he united me with God; and, my bed (i.e. heart)
became a seat of happiness. 2.22.45

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mn Eie idns DMin prvwnW ] sPl qy GrI sMjog suhwvy siqgur sMig igAwnW ]1] rhwau ]
man, o-ay dinas dhaNn parvaanaan.
safal tay gharee, saNjog suhaavay, satgur saNg gi-aanaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, those days are approved (in the court of God),
fruitful is that moment, beautiful is that association, when one obtains (spiritual) knowledge
from the True Guru. 1 (pause)
DMin suBwg DMin sohwgw DMin dyq ijin mwnW] dhaNn subhaag, dhaNn sohaagaa, dhaNn dayt jin maanan.
(O! God) blessed is that good fortune, blessed is that good luck, and, blessed are those whom
You gives honour (of association with the True Guru).
iehu qnu qum@rw sBu igRhu Dnu qumrw hINau kIE kurbwnW ]1]
ih tan tumhraa, sabh garihu dhan tumraa, heen-u kee-o kurbaanaan. ||1||
This body is yours, all my home and wealth are yours; I offer my heart as a sacrifice unto
you. 1

koit lwK rwj suK pwey iek inmK pyiK idRstwnW ] kot laakh raaj sukh paa-ay, ik nimakh paykh daristaanaan.
I obtain tens of millions, hundreds of thousands of royal pleasure, when I behold Your vision
even for an instant.
jau khhu muKhu syvk ieh bYsIAY suK nwnk AMqu n jwnW ]2]23]46]
ja-o kahhu mukhahu, sayvak ih baisee-ai, sukh naanak aNt na jaanaan. ||2||23||46||
Nanak (says): (O! God) when You say, from your mouth: ‘O! servant (O! devotee) stay here
(with me)’, the limit of that joy cannot be known. 2.23.46

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab moro shsw dUKu gieAw ] Aaur aupwv sgl iqAwig Cofy siqgur srix pieAw ]1] rhwau ]
ab, moro sahsaa dookh ga-i-aa.
a-or upaav sagal ti-aag chhoday, satgur saraṇ pa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Now, I am rid of my doubts and sorrows.
I have abandoned and given up; I have taken to the refuge of the True Guru. 1 (pause)
srb isiD kwrj siB svry AhM rog sgl hI KieAw ]
sarab sidh kaaraj sabh savray, ahaN rog sagal hee kha-i-aa.
I have attained total perfection and all my tasks are accomplished, and, disease of egotism
has been totally eradicated.
koit prwD iKn mih Kau BeI hY gur imil hir hir kihAw ]1]
kot paraadh khin meh kha-o bha-ee hai, gur mil har har kahi-aa. ||1||
Tens of millions of my sins are destroyed in an instant, (when) meeting with the Guru, I chant
(the name of) God, the Lord. 1
pMc dws guir vsgiq kIny mn inhcl inrBieAw ] paNch daas gur vasgat keenay, man nihchal nirbha-i-aa.
The Guru has subdued the five (passions) and made (them my) slaves; (now) my mind has
become stable and fearless.
Awie n jwvY n kq hI folY iQru nwnk rwjieAw ]2]24]47]
aa-ay na jaavai, na kat hee dolai, thir naanak raaja-i-aa. ||2||24||47||
Nanak (says): it (i.e. my mind) does not come or go (i.e. does not wander) anywhere, (now) it
has found stable kingdom (i.e. the court of God). 2.24.47

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

pRBu myro ieq auq sdw shweI ] prabh mayro, it ut sadaa sahaa-ee.
(O! brethren), here and hereafter, My Lord is forever my help.
mnmohnu myry jIA ko ipAwro kvn khw gun gweI ]1] rhwau ]
manmohan mayray jee-a ko pi-aaro, kavan kahaa gun gaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Fascinating (Lord) is beloved of my soul; which of His excellences can I chant and sing?
1 (pause)
Kyil iKlwie lwf lwfwvY sdw sdw AndweI ] khayl khilaa-ay laad laadaavai, sadaa sadaa andaa-ee.
(In this wondrous play of creation) He gets me to play; he fondles and caresses me; and,
forever and ever blesses with bliss.
pRiqpwlY bwirk kI inAweI jYsy mwq ipqweI ]1] pratipaalai baarik kee ni-aa-ee, jaisay maat pitaa-ee ||1||
He cherishes me, like the father and the mother (cherish their child). 1
iqsu ibnu inmK nhI rih skIAY ibsir n kbhU jweI ]
tis bin nimakh nahee reh sakee-ai, bisar na kabhoo jaa-ee.
I cannot survive without Him, even for an instant; I can never forget Him.
khu nwnk imil sMqsMgiq qy mgn Bey ilv lweI ]2]25]48]
kaho naanak, mil saNtsaNgat tay, magan bha-ay liv laa-ee. ||2||25||48||
Says Nanak: those who join the congregation of the God-oriented persons, they remain
absorbed in and attuned (to God). 2.25.48
P. 1214
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
Apnw mIqu suAwmI gweIAY ] Aws n Avr kwhU kI kIjY suKdwqw pRBu iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
apnaa meet su-aamee, gaa-ee-ai.
aas na avar kaahoo kee keejai, sukh-daata parabh dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Let us sing (the praise) of our Lord, (who is our) Friend.
Do not place hope in anyone else; meditate upon the Lord, the Giver of Happiness. 1 (pause)
sUK mMgl kilAwx ijsih Gir iqs hI srxI pweIAY ] iqsih iqAwig mwnuKu jy syvhu qau lwj lonu hoie jweIAY ]1]
sookh maNgal kali-aaṇ jisahi ghar, tis hee sarṇee paa-ee-ai.
tiseh ti-aag maanukh jay sayvhu, ta-o laaj lon ho-ay jaa-ee-ai. ||1||
He, in whose home dwell happiness, joy and salvation, (let us) seek His refuge; (but)
forsaking Him, if we serve mortal beings, our honour will dissolve like salt (in the water). 1
eyk Et pkrI Twkur kI gur imil miq buiD pweIAY ] ayk ot pakree ṭaakur kee, gur mil mat budh paa-ee-ai.
One, who has grasped the support of the Lord (alone), meeting with the Guru, he obtains
(spiritual) wisdom and intellect (i.e. understanding).
gux inDwn nwnk pRBu imilAw sgl cukI muhqweIAY ]2]26]49]
guṇ nidhaan naanak prabh mili-aa, sagal chukee muhtaa-ee-ai. ||2||26||49||
Nanak (says): one, who has found the Lord, the Treasure of Excellences, all his dependence
on others is ended. 2.26.49

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Et sqwxI pRB jIau myrY ] idRsit n ilAwvau Avr kwhU kau mwix mhiq pRB qyrY ]1] rhwau ]
ot sataaṇee prabh jee-o mayrai.
darisat na li-aava-o, avar kaahoo ka-o, maaṇ mahat prabh tayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have mighty support of my dear Lord.
I do not look up (i.e. I do not giver consideration) to anyone else, my honour and glory are
Yours, O! Lord. 1 (pause)
AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApunY kwiF lIAw ibKu GyrY ] aNgeekaar kee-o prabh apunai ,kaaḍ lee-aa bikh ghayrai.
My Lord has taken my side, and, has pulled me out of the whirlpool of poison (i.e. Maya).
AMimRq nwmu AauKDu muiK dIno jwie pieAw gur pYrY ]1]
aMmrit naam a-ukhadh mukh deeno, jaa-ay pa-i-aa gur pairai. ||1||
He poured the medicine of the AMmrit name into my mouth, (when) I fell at the Guru’s feet. 1
kvn aupmw khau eyk muK inrgux ky dwqyrY ] kavan upmaa kaha-o ayk mukh, nirguṇ kay daatayrai.
How can I say Your praise with one mouth (i.e. with only one tongue)? You are the Giver (of
virtues even) to the virtue-less.

kwit islk jau Apunw kIno nwnk sUK GnyrY ]2]27]50]
kaat silak ja-o apunaa keeno, naanak sookh ghanayrai. ||2||27||50||
Nanak (says): cutting the noose (of Maya), He made me His own; (now) I am blessed with
numerous pleasures. 2.27.50

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

pRB ismrq dUK ibnwsI ] prabh simrat dookh binaasee.
Remembering the Lord, the sorrows vanish away.
BieE ik®pwlu jIA suKdwqw hoeI sgl KlwsI ]1] rhwau ]
bha-i-o kirpaal jee-a sukh-daata, ho-ee sagal khalaasee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) the Giver of the Happiness becomes kind, one is totally liberated. 1 (pause)
Avru n koaU sUJY pRB ibnu khu ko iksu pih jwsI ] avar na ko-oo soojhai prabh bin, kaho ko kis peh jaasee.
I cannot think of any one other than the Lord, tell (me, then), to whom will go (for help)?
ijau jwxhu iqau rwKhu Twkur sBu ikCu qum hI pwsI ]1]
ji-o jaaṇhu ti-o raakho ṭaakur, sabh kichh tum hee paasee. ||1||
As You think right, so do You save me; I have surrendered everything to You (alone).
O! my Master, save me, in the way you like, everything is with you. 1
hwQ dyie rwKy pRiB Apuny sd jIvn AibnwsI ] haath day-ay raakhay prabh apunay, sad jeevan abhinaasee.
Those, whom He saves, giving His hand, are blessed with imperishable (i.e. eternal) life.
khu nwnk min Andu BieAw hY kwtI jm kI PwsI ]2]28]51]
kaho naanak man anad bha-i-aa hai, kaatee jam kee faasee. ||2||28||51||
Says Nanak: My mind is in ecstasy; the noose of the messenger of death has been cut (from
my neck). 2.28.51

Saarag, Mehlaa 5
myro mnu jq kq quJih sm@wrY ] mayro man, jat kat tujheh samhaarai.
My mind remembers You wherever it is (i.e. my mind remembers God all the time).
hm bwirk dIn ipqw pRB myry ijau jwnih iqau pwrY ]1] rhwau ]
ham baarik deen, pitaa prabh mayray, ji-o jaaneh ti-o paarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
We are Your poor (i.e. humble) children, O! my Father, Lord; as You think (i.e. as You deem
fit, please) take us across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
jb BuKO qb Bojnu mWgY AGwey sUK sGwrY ] jab bhukhou tab bhojan maangai, aghaa-ay sookh saghaarai.
When we are hungry, we ask for food; and, when we are satiated, we feel totally happy.
qb Arog jb qum sMig bsqO Cutkq hoie rvwrY]1] tab arog, jab tum sa g bastou; chhutkat ho-ay ravaarai ||1||
When we dwell with You, we are free of disease; when we are separated, we turn to dust. 1
kvn bsyro dws dwsn ko Qwipau QwpnhwrY ] kavan basayro daas daasan ko, thaapi-o thaapanhaarai.
What resort (other than You), the slaves of Your slaves have? O! Establisher and
nwmu n ibsrY qb jIvnu pweIAY ibnqI nwnk ieh swrY ]2]29]52]
naam na bisrai, tab jeevan paa-ee-ai, bintee naanak ih saarai. ||2||29||52||
Nanak (says): I offer this prayer: If I do not forget (Your name only) then I survive. 2.29.52

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
mn qy BY Bau dUir prwieE ] lwl dieAwl gulwl lwifly shij shij gun gwieE ]1] rhwau ]
man tay, bhai bha-o door paraa-i-o.
laal da-i-aal gulaal laadilay, sahj sahj gun gaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The fear and dread have gone away from my mind; (because)
I have sung with peace and poise (the praise of) the excellences of the Loving, Kind, Darling
Beloved (Lord). 1
gur bcnwiq kmwq ik®pw qy bhuir n kqhU DwieE ]
gur bachnaat kamaat kirpaa tay, bahur na kathoo dhaa-i-o.
By the grace (of God) I earn (i.e. practice) the Guru's words; I do not wander anywhere else.
rhq aupwiD smwiD suK Awsn Bgiq vClu igRih pwieE ]1]
rahat upaadh, samaadh sukh aasan, bhagat vachhal garihi paa-i-o. ||1||
(Having) become free from tumult, I am in peaceful trance; I have found the Lover of His
Devotees, within my own home (i.e. heart). 1
nwd ibnod kof Awnµdw shjy shij smwieE ] naad binod kod aanaNdaa, sehjay sahj samaa-i-o.
(I enjoy) the sounds of joy, tens of millions of pleasures, (because) I am absorbed in easeful
krnw Awip krwvn Awpy khu nwnk Awip AwpwieE ]2]30]53]
karnaa aap, karaavan aapay, kaho naanak aap aapaa-i-o. ||2||30||53||
Says Nanak: He Himself does, (and He) Himself is the Cause of causes; He Himself is all in all
(everywhere). 2.30.53

P. 1215
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
AMimRq nwmu mnih AwDwro ] aMmrit naam maneh aadhaaro.
The AMmrit name (i.e. the name of God that immortalizes) is the support of my mind,
ijn dIAw iqs kY kurbwnY gur pUry nmskwro ]1] rhwau ]
jin dee-aa tis kai kurbaanai, gur pooray namaskaaro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto the one (i.e. Guru), who has given it to me; I make obeisance to the perfect
Guru. 1 (pause)
bUJI iqRsnw shij suhylw kwmu k®oDu ibKu jwro ] boojhee tarisnaa sahj suhaylaa, kaam krodh bikh jaaro.
My thirst is quenched, and, I have been embellished in natural ease; the poison of sexual desire
and anger has been burnt away.
Awie n jwie bsY ieh Twhr jh Awsnu inrMkwro ]1]
aa-ay na jaa-ay, basai ih ṭaahar, jah aasan niraNkaaro. ||1||
(Now) it (i.e. my mind) does not come or go (anywhere); and, it abides in that place where the
Formless (Lord) sits. 1
eykY prgtu eykY gupqw eykY DuMDUkwro ] aykai pargat, aykai guptaa, aykai dhuNdhookaaro.
The One (God) is revealed (i.e. manifest in His creation), the (same) One is hidden (i.e. unseen)
and, the (same) One is in darkness.
Awid miD AMiq pRBu soeI khu nwnk swcu bIcwro ]2]31]54]
aad madh aNt prabh so-ee, kaho naanak saach beechaaro. ||2||31||54||
Says Nanak: from the very beginning, throughout the middle, and until the end, it is God; this is
the true thought (i.e. fact). 2.31.54

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ibnu pRB rhnu n jwie GrI ] bin prabh, rahan na jaa-ay gharee.
Without the Lord (God), I cannot survive, even for an instant.
srb sUK qwhU kY pUrn jw kY suKu hY hrI ]1] rhwau ]
sarab sookh taahoo kai pooran, jaa kai sukh hai haree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, who has God, the Embodiment of Happiness (within his heart), obtain perfect happiness.
All pleasures are full only of one, who is enjoying the pleasure of God. 1 (pause)
mMgl rUp pRwn jIvn Dn ismrq And Gnw ] maNgal roop paraan jeevan dhan, simrat anad ghanaa.
(God is) Embodiment of Joy, Breath of Life and Wealth; remembering Him one is blessed with
bliss in abundance (i.e. total joy).
vf smrQu sdw sd sMgy gun rsnw kvn Bnw ]1]
vad samrath sadaa sad saNgay, gun rasnaa kavan bhanaa. ||1||
(He is) greatly (i.e. totally) all-powerful; (He is) with us forever and ever; which of His excellences
can my tongue narrate? 1
Qwn pivqRw mwn pivqRw pivqR sunn khnhwry ] thaan pavitaraa, maan pavitaraa, pavitar sunan kehanhaaray.
His place is sacred, His glory is sacred, and, sacred are those who listen and utter (His name).
khu nwnk qy Bvn pivqRw jw mih sMq qum@wry ]2]32]55]
kaho naanak, tay bhavan pavitaraa, jaa meh saNt tumhaaray. ||2||32||55||
Says Nanak: (O! God) those homes are sacred in which Your God-oriented persons live. 2.32.55

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
rsnw jpqI qUhI qUhI ] mwq grB qum hI pRiqpwlk imRq mMfl iek quhI ]1] rhwau ]
rasnaa japtee toohee toohee.
maat garabh tum hee partipaalak, mitar maNdal ik tuhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) My tongue chants ‘You’, ‘You’ (i.e. only Your name).
You sustained me in the womb of the mother; and, in this mortal world You alone are (the
sustainer). 1 (pause)
qumih ipqw qum hI Puin mwqw qumih mIq ihq Brwqw]
tumeh pitaa, tum hee fun maataa, tumeh meet hit bharaataa.
You are our father, and, You are our mother; You are our friend, well-wisher and brother.
qum prvwr qumih AwDwrw qumih jIA pRwn dwqw ]1]
tum parvaar, tumeh aadhaaraa, tumeh jee-a praan daataa. ||1||
You are our family, and, You are our support; You are the giver of breath of life. 1
qumih KjInw qumih jrInw qum hI mwixk lwlw ] tumeh khajeenaa, tumeh jareenaa, tum hee maaṇik laalaa.
You are our treasure, You are our wealth; and, you are our gems and jewels.
qumih pwrjwq gur qy pwey qau nwnk Bey inhwlw ]2]33]56]
tumeh paarjaat, gur tay paa-ay ta-o, naanak, bha-ay nihaalaa. ||2||33||56||
You are the ‘Paarjaat’ (i.e. wish fulfilling Elysian tree); Nanak (says): I have found You
through the Guru, and, now, I am in ecstasy. 2.33.56

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jwhU kwhU Apuno hI iciq AwvY ] jaahoo kaahoo, apuno hee chit aavai.
Wherever is, his (i.e. everyone’s) mind turns to his own (friends, relatives, masters).
jo kwhU ko cyro hovq Twkur hI pih jwvY ]1] rhwau ]
jo kaahoo ko chayro hovat, ṭaakur hee peh jaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who is a disciple of someone, he goes only to His Master. 1 (pause)
Apny pih dUK Apuny pih sUKw Apny hI pih ibrQw ]
apnay peh dookh, apunay peh sookhaa, apnay hee peh birthaa.
(One shares) his sorrows only with one's own; (one shares) his happiness (i.e. joys) only with
one's own; and, (one share) the state (of one’s mind) with only one's own.
Apuny pih mwnu Apuny pih qwnw Apny hI pih ArQw ]1]
apunay peh maan, apunay peh taanaa, apnay hee peh arthaa. ||1||
(One obtains) honour from his own; (one obtains) strength only from his own; and, (one
tells) one’s needs only to one’s own 1
ikn hI rwj jobnu Dn imlKw ikn hI bwp mhqwrI] kin hee raaj joban dhan milkhaa, kin hee baap mehtaaree.
Some have (i.e. place pride in) regal power, youth, wealth and land (property); and, some
have (i.e. place pride in) father and mother.
srb Qok nwnk gur pwey pUrn Aws hmwrI ]2]34]57]
sarab thok, naanak, gur paa-ay; pooran aas hamaaree. ||2||34||57||
Nanak (says): I have obtained all things from the Guru; (all) my hopes have been fulfilled.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
JUTo mwieAw ko md mwnu ] jhooṭo, maa-i-aa ko mad maan.
(O! ignorant being) false is intoxication and pride in Maya.
DRoh moh dUir kir bpury sMig gopwlih jwnu ]1] rhwau ]
dharoh moh door kar bapuray, saNg gopaaleh jaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Get rid of cheating and (emotional) attachment (from within), O! poor (wretched mortal being),
and, know that the Sustainer of the World is with you. 1 (pause)
imiQAw rwj jobn Aru aumry mIr mlk Aru Kwn ] mithi-aa raaj joban ar umray, meer malak ar khaan.
False are the regal power, youthfulness, (and false are) the nobles, kings, rulers and chiefs.
imiQAw kwpr sugMD cqurweI imiQAw Bojn pwn ]1]
mithi-aa kaapar sugaNdh chaturaa-ee, mithi-aa bhojan paan. ||1||
False are the (fine) clothes, perfumes, smartness; (and false are) the foods and the drinks. 1
dIn bMDro dws dwsro sMqh kI swrwn ] deen badhro, daas daasro, saNteh kee saaraan.
O! Patron of the Poor, I am slave of (Your) slaves; I seek the refuge of the God-oriented
mWgin mWgau hoie AicMqw imlu nwnk ky hir pRwn ]2]35]58]
maangan maanga-o ho-ay achiNtaa, mil naanak kay har praan. ||2||35||58||
Nanak (says): I ask for, I beg of You unhesitatingly: (please) unite me (with Yourself), O! God,
my life. 2.35.58

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ApunI ieqnI kCU n swrI ] apunee, itnee kachhoo na saaree.
(O! fool) you did not preserve even little bit. (i.e. you have not accomplished even a little bit).
Aink kwj Aink Dwvrqw auriJE Awn jMjwrI ]1] rhwau ]
anik kaaj anik dhaavrataa, urjhi-o aan jaNjaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You ran after countless sorts of affairs, in countless ways, and, remained engrossed in other
entanglements. 1 (pause)
idaus cwir ky dIsih sMgI aUhW nwhI jh BwrI ] di-us chaar kay deeseh saNgee, oohaa naahee jah bhaaree.

All are seen companions are for four days (i.e. for short period), they will not be there, when
you are in trouble.
P. 1216
iqn isau rwic mwic ihqu lwieE jo kwim nhI gwvwrI ]1]
tin si-o raach maach hit laa-i-o, jo kaam nahee gaavaaree. ||1||
O! fool, you are hand in glove and have (emotional) attachment with those who are of no use. 1
hau nwhI nwhI ikCu myrw nw hmro bsu cwrI ] ha-o naahee naahee kichh mayraa naa hamro bas chaaree.
I am nothing; nothing belongs to me; I have no power and control.
krn krwvn nwnk ky pRB sMqn sMig auDwrI ]2]36]59]
karan karaavan naanak kay prabh, saNtan saNg udhaaree. ||2||36||59||
Nanak (says): O! my Lord, Doer and Cause of causes, (please) save me in the company of the
God-oriented persons. 2.36.59

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mohnI mohq rhY n horI ] mohnee mohat rahai, na horee.
The Enticer (i.e. Maya) keeps on enticing, it does not stop (even by stopping).
swiDk isD sgl kI ipAwrI qutY n kwhU qorI ]1] rhwau ]
saadhik sidh sagal kee pi-aaree, tutai na kaahoo toree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
She is the beloved of the sidhs (i.e. those claiming miraculous powers) and seekers; (attachment
to) it does not get broken even if one tries to break. 1 (pause)
Ktu swsqR aucrq rsnwgr qIrQ gvn n QorI ] khat saastar uchrat rasnaagar, tirath gavan na thoree.
(Even by) reciting the six Shastras with one’s tongue and visiting places of pilgrimage,
(attachment to) it does not get decreased.
pUjw ck® brq nym qpIAw aUhw gYil n CorI ]1]
poojaa chakar barat naym tapee-aa, oohaa gail na chhoree. ||1||
Worship, (ceremonial) circling marks (on body), (ritual)fasts, following vows (i.e. obeying
religious code), penance – (in spite of doing these) it does not leave chasing. 1
AMD kUp mih piqq hoq jgu sMqhu krhu prm giq morI ]
aNdh koop meh patit hot jag, saNtahu, karahu param gat moree.
The world has fallen in the blind well (of attachment to Maya), O! God-oriented persons,
(please save me and ) bless me with supreme status.
swDsMgiq nwnku BieE mukqw drsnu pyKq BorI ]2]37]60]
saadhsaNgat naanak bha-i-o muktaa, darsan paykhat bhoree. ||2||37||60||
Nanak (says): One, who beholds vision (of God) even for an instant, in the congregation of the
God-oriented persons, is liberated. 2.37.60

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

khw krih ry Kwit KwtulI ] kahaa karahi ray khaat khaatulee.
O! (mortal) what are you doing? (what for are you) earning profits (of Maya).
pvin APwr qor cwmro Aiq jjrI qyrI ry mwtulI ]1] rhwau ]
pavan afaar tor chaamro, at jajree tayree ray maatulee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your skin is puffed up with air, your pitcher(i.e. body) has become very brittle. 1 (pause)
aUhI qy hirE aUhw ly DirE jYsy bwsw mws dyq JwtulI ]
oohee tay hari-o, oohaa lay dhari-o, jaisay baasaa maas dayt jhaatulee.
You snatch (wealth) from here and place that there (i.e. you gather wealth of others and preserve
with you), like the hawk swoops down on flesh (of its prey).
dyvnhwru ibswirE AMDuly ijau sPrI audru BrY bih hwtulI ]1]
dayvanhaar bisaari-o, aNdhulay, ji-o safree udar bharai bahi haatulee. ||1||
O! blind (blinded by attachment to Maya), you have forgotten the Giver (Lord); (you are) like a
traveler who fills his belly sitting at a shop (and forgets that he has yet to cover his journey). 1
swd ibkwr ibkwr JUT rs jh jwno qh BIr bwtulI] saad bikaar bikaar jhooṭ ras, jah jaano tah bheer baatulee.
You are engaged in pleasures of vices and false essence of sins; the path which you have to
take is narrow.
khu nwnk smJu ry ieAwny Awju kwil Kul@Y qyrI gWTulI ]2]38]61]
kaho naanak, samajh ray i-aanay, aaj kaal khul ai tayree gaanṭulee. ||2||38||61||

Says Nanak: Understand this, O! ignorant, today or tomorrow, the knot (of your body bag) is
to be untied (i.e. soon your breath will stop; so do not engage yourself in play of Maya). 2.38.61

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
gur jIau sMig quhwrY jwinE ] gur jee-o, saNg tuhaarai jaani-o.
O! dear Guru, by associating with you, I have known (God).
koit joD auAw kI bwq n puCIAY qW drgh BI mwinE ]1] rhwau ]
kot jodh u-aa kee baat na puchhee-ai, taa dargeh bhee maani-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.

There are tens of millions of warriors (in this world), and, no one talks about them, but (O!
Guru, because of you) I am known (i.e. honoured) even in His court. 1 (pause)
kvn mUlu pRwnI kw khIAY kvn rUpu idRstwinE ]
kavan mool paraanee kaa kahee-ai, kavan roop daristaani-o.
(Look!) what is the origin of the mortal (i.e. human) being (i.e. he is born from sperms of father
and blood of mother), (but) how beautiful is he seen?
joiq pRgws BeI mwtI sMig dulB dyh bKwinE ]1]
jot pargaas bha-ee maatee saNg, dulabh dayh bakhaani-o. ||1||
When Light (of God) is illumined in the clay, the body is known as precious. 1
qum qy syv qum qy jp qwpw qum qy qqu pCwinE ] tum tay sayv, tum tay jap taapaa, tum tay tat pachhaani-o.
(O! Guru) from you, I have learned to serve; from you I have learned to chant meditation;
and from you I have realize the essence (of reality).
kru msqik Dir ktI jyvrI nwnk dws dswinE ]2]39]62]
kar mastak dhar katee jayvree, naanak daas dasaani-o. ||2||39||62||
Nanak (says): placing your hand on my forehead, you have cut my noose (of attachment to
Maya); I am a slave of your slaves. 2.39.62

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir hir dIE syvk kau nwm ] har har dee-o sayvak ka-o naam.
God, the Lord, has blessed His servant (i.e. devotee) with(the gift of) His name.
mwnsu kw ko bpuro BweI jw ko rwKw rwm ]1] rhwau ]
maanas kaa ko bapuro, bhaa-ee, jaa ko raakhaa raam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
What can any poor mortal being do to the one, who has God is his Protector. 1 (pause)
Awip mhw jnu Awpy pMcw Awip syvk kY kwm ] aap mahaa jan, aapay paNchaa, aap sayvak kai kaam.
He Himself is the great chief, He Himself is the elder (i.e. the noble), and, He Himself
accomplishes the tasks of His servant (i.e devotee) .
Awpy sgly dUq ibdwry Twkur AMqrjwm ]1] aapay saglay doot bidaaray, thaakur aNtarjaam. ||1||
He Himself has destroys all demons, He is the Lord, the Controller of the Souls. 1
Awpy piq rwKI syvk kI Awip kIE bMDwn ] aapay pat raakhee sayvak kee, aap kee-o baNdhaan.
He Himself has saves the honour of His servant (i.e devotee), and, He Himself creates stability
for him.
Awid jugwid syvk kI rwKY nwnk ko pRBu jwn ]2]40]63]
aad jugaad sayvak kee raakhai, naanak ko prabh jaan. ||2||40||63||
From the very beginning (of the time) and throughout the Ages, He saves (the honour of) His
servant (i.e devotee). The Lord is the Knower (of everything). 2.40.63

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
qU myry mIq sKw hir pRwn ] too mayray meet sakhaa har paraan.
O! God, You are my friend, companion and my breath (of life).
mnu Dnu jIau ipMfu sBu qumrw iehu qnu sIqo qumrY Dwn ]1] rhwau ]
man dhan jee-o piNd sabh tumraa, ih tan seeto tumrai dhaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind, wealth, soul and body are all Yours; this body (of mine) is sewn with Your
contemplation (i.e. my being is absorbed in Your meditation). 1 (pause)
qum hI dIey Aink pRkwrw qum hI dIey mwn ] tum hee dee-ay anik parkaaraa, tum hee dee-ay maan.
You have blessed me (with gifts) in many ways, and, You have blessed me with honour.
sdw sdw qum hI piq rwKhu AMqrjwmI jwn ]1] sadaa sadaa tum hee pat raakho, aNtarjaamee, jaan. ||1||
Forever and ever, you preserve my honour; You are the Controller of Souls and Knower (of
everything). 1
P. 1217
ijn sMqn jwinAw qU Twkur qy Awey prvwn ] jin saNtan jaani-aa too ṭaakur, tay aa-ay parvaan.
Those God-oriented persons, who have known (i.e. realized) You, O! Lord, their birth (i.e.
coming into the world) is approved (in God’s court; i.e. their coming into the world is fruitful).
jn kw sMgu pweIAY vfBwgI nwnk sMqn kY kurbwn ]2]41]64]
jan kaa saNg paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee, naanak saNtan kai kurbaan. ||2||41||64||
Nanak (says): the congregation of the servants (i.e. devotees, God-oriented persons) is
obtained by great (good) fortune; I am a sacrifice unto those God-oriented persons. 2.41.64

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

krhu giq dieAwl sMqhu morI ] karahu gat, da-i-aal saNtahu, moree.
Save me, O! merciful God-oriented persons
qum smrQ kwrn krnw qUtI qum hI jorI ]1] rhwau ]
tum samrath kaaran karnaa, tootee tum hee joree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are all-powerful to do and the cause of causes; you have ended my separation and
(re)united me (with God). 1 (pause)
jnm jnm ky ibKeI qum qwry sumiq sMig qumwrY pweI ]
janam janam kay bikh-ee tum taaray, sumat saNg tumaarai paa-ee.
You have saved the evil doers of countless births (i.e. incarnations); associating with you, one
obtains sublime wisdom.
Aink join BRmqy pRB ibsrq swis swis hir gweI ]1]
anik jon bharamtay prabh bisrat, saas saas har gaa-ee. ||1||
Forgetting God, they wandered through countless incarnations, (now) they sing (the praise)
of God with each and every breath. 1
jo jo sMig imly swDU kY qy qy piqq punIqw ] jo jo saNg milay saadhoo kai, tay tay patit puneetaa.
Whoever meet with the God-oriented persons, those sinners are purified.
khu nwnk jw ky vfBwgw iqin jnmu pdwrQu jIqw ]2]42]65]
kaho naanak, jaa kay vadbhaagaa, tin janam padaarath jeetaa. ||2||42||65||
Says Nanak: Those who have great (good) fortune, win (this) priceless (human) life. 2.42.65

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
Twkur ibnqI krn jnu AwieE ] srb sUK Awnµd shj rs sunq quhwro nwieE ]1] rhwau ]
ṭaakur, bintee karan jan aa-i-o.
sarab sookh aanaNd sahj ras, sunat tuhaaro naa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord (Your) servant (i.e. devotee) has come to offer (this) prayer:
Hearing Your name one obtains all happiness, bliss, poise and pleasures. 1 (pause)
ik®pw inDwn sUK ky swgr jsu sB mih jw ko CwieE ]
kirpaa nidhaan sookh kay saagar, jas sabh meh jaa ko chhaa-i-o.
O! Treasure of Mercy, Ocean of Happiness, Your praise is spread everywhere.
sMqsMig rMg qum kIey Apnw Awpu idRstwieE ]1] saNtsaNg raNg tum kee-ay, apnaa aap daristaa-i-o. ||1||
You have displayed wonders in the of the society of the God-oriented persons; You have
revealed Yourself (in their congregation). 1
nYnhu sMig sMqn kI syvw crn JwrI kyswieE ] nainhu saNg saNtan kee sayvaa, charan jhaaree kaysaa-i-o.
(Please bless me that) I may behold (the vision of) the God-oriented persons with my eyes,
serve them (with my hands) and dust their feet with my hair.
AwT phr drsnu sMqn kw suKu nwnk iehu pwieE ]2]43]66]
aaṭ pahar darsan saNtan kaa, sukh naanak ih paa-i-o. ||2||43||66||
Nanak (says): (O! God) bless me with this pleasure that I may behold vision of the God-
oriented persons throughout (all) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day). 2.43.66

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jw kI rwm nwm ilv lwgI ] sjnu suirdw suhylw shjy so khIAY bfBwgI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa kee raam naam liv laagee.
sajan suridaa suhaylaa sehjay, so kahee-ai badbhaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who is absorbed in the name of God,
He is a good-hearted friend, pleasant and poised; he is said to be blessed with great (good)
fortune). 1 (pause)
rihq ibkwr Alp mwieAw qy AhMbuiD ibKu iqAwgI ] rahit bikaar alap maa-i-aa tay, aha -budh bikh ti-aagee.
He is rid of vices and detached from Maya, and, he has renounced the poison of egotistical
drs ipAws Aws eykih kI tyk hIAYN ipRA pwgI ]1]
daras pi-aas aas aykeh kee, tayk hee-ain pari-a paagee. ||1||
His thirsts and hopes for(the vision of) the One, and, places his hope in the (lotus) feet of the
Beloved (Lord). 1
AicMq soie jwgnu auiT bYsnu AicMq hsq bYrwgI ] achiNt so-ay jaagan uṭ baisan, achiNt hasat bairaagee.
He sleeps, wakes, stands up and sits down, without any worry; his laughter is that of a
detached person.
khu nwnk ijin jgqu Tgwnw su mwieAw hir jn TwgI ]2]44]67]
kaho naanak, jin jagat ṭagaanaa, so maa-i-aa har jan ṭaagee. ||2||44||67||
Says Nanak: she (i.e. Maya), who has cheated the (whole) world, that Maya is cheated by the
servants (i.e. devotees) of God (i.e. they have conquered Maya). 2.44.67

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Ab jn aUpir ko n pukwrY ] ab, jan oopar ko na pukaarai.
Now, no one speaks against (i.e. complains about) the servant (i.e. devotee) of God.
pUkwrn kau jo audmu krqw guru prmysru qw kau mwrY ]1] rhwau ]
pookaaran ka-o jo udam kartaa, gur parmaysar taa ka-o maarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever attempts to speak against them, the Guru, the Supreme Lord (God) destroys him.
1 (pause)
inrvYrY sMig vYru rcwvY hir drgh Ehu hwrY ] nirvairai saNg vair rachaavai, har dargeh oh haarai.
Whoever harbours enmity against the one beyond enmity, loses in the court of God.
Awid jugwid pRB kI vifAweI jn kI pYj svwrY ]1]
aad jugaad prabh kee vadi-aa-ee, jan kee paij savaarai. ||1||
From the very beginning, and throughout the Ages, is it is the (great) glory of God that He
(saves and) embellishes the honour of His servant. 1
inrBau Bey sgl Bau imitAw crn kml AwDwrY] nirbha-o bha-ay, sagal bha-o miti-aa, charan kamal aadhaarai.
They become fearless and all fears vanish away, when they lean on the support of the lotus-
feet (of God).
gur kY bcin jipE nwau nwnk pRgt BieE sMswrY ]2]45]68]
gur kai bachan, japi-o naa-o, naanak, pargat bha-i-o saNsaarai. ||2||45||68||
Nanank (says): meditating upon the name (of God), through the word (i.e. teaching) of the
Guru, they become revealed throughout the world. 2.45.68

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir jn CoifAw sglw Awpu ] har jan chhodi-aa saglaa aap.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God have abandoned all their self-conceit.
ijau jwnhu iqau rKhu gusweI pyiK jIvW prqwpu ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o jaanhu ti-o rakhahu gusaa-ee, paykh jeevaan partaap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Save us, as You know (i.e. as You see it fit) O, Lord of the World, beholding Your grandeur, I
live. 1 (pause)
gur aupdyis swD kI sMgiq ibnisE sgl sMqwpu ] gur updays saadh kee saNgat binsi-o sagal saNtaap.
Through the teachings of the Guru and the congregation of the God-oriented persons, all
suffering vanished away.
imqR sqR pyiK smqu bIcwirE sgl sMBwKn jwpu ]1]
mitar satar paykh samat beechaari-o, sagal saMbhaakhan jaap. ||1||
One looks upon friends and foes alike; and, all one chants is the meditation (upon the name of
God). 1
qpiq buJI sIql AwGwny suin Anhd ibsm Bey ibsmwd ]
tapat bujhee seetal aaghaanay, sun anhad bisam bha-ay bismaad.
Hearing the unstruck word, one is wonder-struck and amazed, and, one’s heat (i.e. fire of
desires) is extinguished, one becomes cool and satiated
Andu BieAw nwnk min swcw pUrn pUry nwd ]2]46]69]
anad bha-i-aa, naanak, man saachaa, pooran pooray naad. ||2||46||69||
Nanak (says): Those, whose minds are filled with truth, they are in ecstasy; the perfect
sound sounds resound (of the word) within them. 2.46.69

P. 1218
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
myrY guir moro shsw auqwirAw ] mayrai gur, moro sahsaa utaari-aa.
My Guru has rid me of my doubt.
iqsu gur kY jweIAY bilhwrI sdw sdw hau vwirAw ]1] rhwau ]
tis gur kai jaa-ee-ai balihaaree, sadaa sadaa ha-o vaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto that Guru: I am forever and ever a sacrifice (unto him). 1 (pause)
gur kw nwmu jipE idnu rwqI gur ky crn min DwirAw ]
gur kaa naam japi-o din raatee, gur kay charan man dhaari-aa.
Day and night, I meditate upon the name of the Guru; I have enshrined the Guru’s feet (i.e.
the path taught by the Guru) within my mind.
gur kI DUir krau inq mjnu iklivK mYlu auqwirAw ]1]
gur kee dhoor kara-o nit majan, kilvikh mail utaari-aa. ||1||
I bath continually in the dust of the feet of the Guru; this has washed off the filth of my sins. 1
gur pUry kI krau inq syvw guru Apnw nmskwirAw ]
gur pooray kee kara-o nit sayvaa, gur apnaa namaskaari-aa.
I continually serve the perfect Guru; I make obeisance to my Guru.
srb Plw dIn@y guir pUrY nwnk guir insqwirAw ]2]47]70]
sarab falaa deenhay gur poorai, naanak gur nistaari-aa. ||2||47||70||
Nanak (says): the perfect Guru has blessed me with all fruits (i.e. rewards); and, the Guru has
carried me across (the world ocean). 2.47.70

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ismrq nwmu pRwn giq pwvY ] simrat naam, paraan gat paavai.
Remembering the name (of God), the living being (i.e. mortal) obtains salvation.
imtih klys qRws sB nwsY swDsMig ihqu lwvY ]1] rhwau ]
miteh kalays taraas sabh naasai, saadhsaNg hit laavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One’s sorrows are erased, all fears are dispelled, (when) one loves the company of the God-
oriented person. 1 (pause)
qij AiBmwnu kwm k®oDu inMdw bwsudyv rMgu lwvY ]1] hir hir hir hir min AwrwDy rsnw hir jsu gwvY ]
har har har har man aaraadhay, rasnaa har jas gaavai.
taj abhimaan kaam krodh niNdaa, baasudayv raNg laavai. ||1||
(One, who) adores mind adores (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty; and,
his tongue sings the praise of God;
abandoning pride, sexual desire, anger and slander, he embraced with love for God. 1
dwmodr dieAwl AwrwDhu goibMd krq suohwvY ] daamodar da-i-aal aaraadhahu, gobiNd karat sohaavai.
One, who adores the Protector*, the Merciful God, and, chants (the name of) the Lord of the
World, looks beautiful (i.e. embellished).
[* Literally: one, who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; the Protector. This one of the attributes and
the names of God].
khu nwnk sB kI hoie rynw hir hir dris smwvY ]2]48]71]
kaho naanak, sabh kee ho-ay raynaa, har har daras samaavai. ||2||48||71||
Says Nanak: one, who becomes the dust of the feet of all, merges in the vision of God, the
Lord. 2.48.71

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Apuny gur pUry bilhwrY ] apunay gur pooray balihaarai.
I am a sacrifice unto for my perfect Guru.
pRgt pRqwpu kIE nwm ko rwKy rwKnhwrY ]1] rhwau ]
pragat prataap kee-o naam ko, raakhay raakhanhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has revealed the majesty of His name; the Saviour has saved me. 1 (pause)
inrBau kIey syvk dws Apny sgly dUK ibdwrY ] nirbha-o kee-ay sayvak daas apnay, saglay dookh bidaarai.
He has made His servants and slaves fearless, and, has dispelled all their sorrows.
Awn aupwv iqAwig jn sgly crn kml ird DwrY ]1]
aan upaav ti-aag jan saglay, charan kamal rid dhaarai. ||1||
(So, O! mortals) renounce all other efforts, and, enshrine His lotus feet within your mind. 1
pRwn ADwr mIq swjn pRB eykY eykMkwrY ] praan adhaar meet saajan prabh, aykai aykaNkaarai.
The Lord is the support of breath (of life), my friend and companion; He is the One and the
only Creator (of the universe).
sB qy aUc Twkuru nwnk kw bwr bwr nmskwrY ]2]49]72]
sabh tay ooch ṭaakur naanak kaa, baar baar namaskaarai. ||2||49||72||
Nanak (says): My Lord is the highest of all; again and again, I make obeisance to Him. 2.49.72

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ibnu hir hY ko khw bqwvhu ] bin har, hai ko kahaa, bataavhu.
(O! Brethren) tell (me), other than God (who exists), and, where He is?
suK smUh kruxw mY krqw iqsu pRB sdw iDAwvhu ]1] rhwau ]
sukh samooh karuṇaa mai kartaa, tis prabh sadaa dhi-aavahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creator is the Source of all Pleasures and the Embodiment of Compassion; meditate
forever upon that Lord. 1 (pause)
jw kY sUiq proey jMqw iqsu pRB kw jsu gwvhu ] jaa kai soot paro-ay jaNtaa, tis parabh kaa jas gaavhu.
He, in whose thread, all creatures are strung, sing the praise of that Lord.
ismir Twkuru ijin sBu ikCu dInw Awn khw pih jwvhu ]1]
simar ṭaakur jin sabh kichh deenaa, aan kahaa peh jaavhu. ||1||
Remember the Master, who has given everything, (O! brethren) whom else do you go to? 1
sPl syvw suAwmI myry kI mn bWCq Pl pwvhu ] safal sayvaa su-aamee mayray kee, man baanchhat fal
Fruitful is the service to my Master, (so serve Him and) obtain the fruit of your mind’s desires.
khu nwnk lwBu lwhw lY cwlhu suK syqI Gir jwvhu ]2]50]73]
kaho naanak, laabh laahaa lai chaalahu, sukh saytee ghar jaavhu. ||2||50||73||
Says Nanak: Take with you the gain, the profit (of meditation upon God), and, go to your home
in happiness. 2.50.73

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Twkur qum@ srxweI AwieAw ] ṭaakur, tumh sarnaa-ee aa-i-aa.

O! (my) Master, I have come to Your refuge.
auqir gieE myry mn kw sMsw jb qy drsnu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
utar ga-i-o mayray man kaa saNsaa, jab tay darsan paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The doubts of my mind departed when I beheld Your vision. 1 (pause)
Anbolq myrI ibrQw jwnI Apnw nwmu jpwieAw ] anbolat mayree birthaa jaanee, apnaa naam japaa-i-aa.
You know my state (of mind), (even) without speaking (i.e. even without describing it); You got me
to meditate upon Your name.
duK nwTy suK shij smwey And And gux gwieAw ]1]
dukh naaṭay, sukh sahj samaa-ay, anad anad guṇ gaa-i-aa. ||1||
My sorrows have run away, I am absorbed in happiness and poise; singing (the praise of) His
excellences, I have obtained bliss and bliss (i.e. total bliss).1
bwh pkir kiF lIny Apuny igRh AMD kUp qy mwieAw ]
baah pakar kaḍ leenay apunay, garih aNdh koop tay maa-i-aa.
Holding them by their arm, You have pulled out (Your devotees) from the blind well of the
household (i.e. worldliness) and Maya.
khu nwnk guir bMDn kwty ibCurq Awin imlwieAw ]2]51]74]
kaho naanak, gur baNdhan kaatay, bichhurat aan milaa-i-aa. ||2||51||74||
Says Nanak: the Guru has cut away my bonds, and, has united the separated one (with You).
P. 1219
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
hir ky nwm kI giq TWFI ] har kay naam kee gat ṭaanḍee.
The state (i.e. inherent nature) of the name of God is coolness (i.e. the name of God is soothing).
byd purwn isimRiq swDU jn Kojq Kojq kwFI ]1] rhwau ]
bayd puraan simrit saadhoo jan, khojat khojat kaaḍee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Searching and searching the Veda, the Puranas and the Simrities,
the God-oriented persons have (realized and) told this. 1 (pause)
isv ibrMc Aru ieMdR lok qw mih jlqO iPirAw ] siv biraNch ar INdar lok, taa meh jaltou firi-aa.
Even those, who reached in the world of Shiv, Brahma and Indar, wandered around burning up
(with envy); (but)
ismir ismir suAwmI Bey sIql dUKu drdu BRmu ihirAw ]1]
simar simar su-aamee bha-ay seetal, dookh darad bharam hiri-aa. ||1||
meditating and meditating upon the Master they became cool, and their sorrows pains and
doubts were gone away. 1
jo jo qirE purwqnu nvqnu Bgiq Bwie hir dyvw ] jo jo tari-o puraatan navtan, bhagat bhaa-ay har dayvaa.
Whoever has been saved, in the past or the present (time), was saved through the loving
devotion of Divine Lord.
nwnk kI bynµqI pRB jIau imlY sMq jn syvw ]2]52]75]
naanak kee baynaNtee prabh jee-o, milai saNt jan sayvaa. ||2||52||75||
Nanak (says): This is my prayer (to you: O! dear Lord, (please) bless me with the service of Your
servants (i.e. devotees), the God-oriented persons. 2.52.75

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ijhvy AMimRq gux hir gwau ] hir hir boil kQw suin hir kI aucrhu pRB ko nwau ]1] rhwau ]
jihvay, aMmrit guṇ har gaa-o. har har bol, kathaa sun har kee, uchrahu prabh ko naa-o ||1||rahaa-o
O! (my) tongue, sing AMmrit (praise of) the excellences of God.
Chant (the name of) God, the Lord; listen the story (of the excellences) of God, and, utter
(only) the name of God. 1 (pause)
rwm nwmu rqn Dnu sMchu min qin lwvhu Bwau ] raam naam ratan dhan saNchahu, man tan laavhu bhaa-o.
Gather in the jewel, the wealth of the name of God, and, love Him with mind and body.
Awn ibBUq imiQAw kir mwnhu swcw iehY suAwau ]1]
aan bibhoot mithi-aa kar maanhu, saachaa ihai su-aa-o. ||1||
Believe that all other (things of) luxury are false, this alone (i.e. meditation upon the name of
God) is the true purpose (of life). 1
jIA pRwn mukiq ko dwqw eyks isau ilv lwau ] jee-a praan mukat ko daataa, aykas si-o liv laa-o.
He (who) is the Giver of Soul, breath (of life) and liberation; lovingly attune to the One alone.
khu nwnk qw kI srxweI dyq sgl AipAwau ]2]53]76]
kaho naanak, taa kee sarṇaa-ee, dayt sagal api-aa-o. ||2||53||76||
Says Nanak: (O! brethren) seek the refuge of the One (Lord) who gives sustenance all. 2.53.76

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hoqI nhI kvn kCu krxI ] hotee nahee, kavan kachh karṇee.
I cannot do anything, a good deed.
iehY Et pweI imil sMqh gopwl eyk kI srxI ]1] rhwau ]
ihai ot paa-ee mil saNteh, gopaal ayk kee sarṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting the God-oriented persons, I have found this support (i.e. solution): seek the refuge
of the One, the Sustainer of the World. 1 (pause)
pMc doK iCdR ieAw qn mih ibKY ibAwiD kI krxI] pa ch dokh chhidar i-aa tan meh, bikhai bi-aadh kee karṇee.
There are five holes the (five) blemishes* within this body (ie. my being); and, (because of
these) I commit poisonous sinful acts.1
[*The five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
Aws Apwr idns gix rwKy gRsq jwq blu jrxI ]1] aas apaar dinas gaṇ raakhay, garsat jaat bal jarṇee. ||1||
One has infinite hopes, (but) his days are numbered; the old age is swallowing his strength. 1
AnwQh nwQ dieAwl suK swgr srb doK BY hrxI ]
anaathah naath da-i-aal sukh saagar, sarab dokh bhai harṇee.
O! Master of the master-less, Merciful, Ocean of Happiness, Destroyer of sorrows and fears.
min bWCq icqvq nwnk dws pyiK jIvw pRB crxI ]2]54]77]
man baanchhat chitvat naanak daas, paykh jeevaa parabh charṇee. ||2||54||77||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): My mind longs and desires that I ay live beholding (the
vision of) the feet of God. 2.54.77

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

PIky hir ky nwm ibnu swd ] feekay, har kay naam bin saad.
All flavours, other than the name of God, are tasteless (insipid).
AMimRq rsu kIrqnu hir gweIAY Aihinis pUrn nwd ]1] rhwau ]

aMmrit ras keertan har gaa-ee-ai, ahinis pooran naad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Singing the praise of God, the AMmrit essence; (then) day and night, (celestial) sound (of
spiritual music) resonate (within the soul). 1 (pause)
ismrq sWiq mhw suKu pweIAY imit jwih sgl ibKwd ]
simrat saant mahaa sukh paa-ee-ai, mit jaahi sagal bikhaad.
Remembering Him, great (spiritual) happiness and peace is obtained; and, all sorrows and
difficulties are erased.
hir hir lwBu swDsMig pweIAY Gir lY Awvhu lwid ]1]
har har laabh saadhsaNg paa-ee-ai, ghar lai aavhu laad. ||1||
The gain of (meditation upon) God, the Lord, is obtained in the congregation of God-oriented
persons; (those who join the congregation) load it and bring it home. 1
sB qy aUc aUc qy aUco AMqu nhI mrjwd ] sabh tay ooch ooch tay oocho, aNt nahee marjaad.
He is the highest (of all), the highest of the high; (no one can know) the limit of His ways.
brin n swkau nwnk mihmw pyiK rhy ibsmwd ]2]55]78]
baran na saaka-o naanak mahimaa; paykh rahay bismaad. ||2||55||78||
Nanak (says): I cannot narrate His grandeur; beholding upon Him I am wonder-struck.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

AwieE sunn pVn kau bwxI ] aa-i-o, sunan paṛan ka-o baṇee.
(O! brethren), the (mortal) being has come (into this world) to chant and hear to the word (i.e.
to meditate upon the name of God).
nwmu ivswir lgih An lwlic ibrQw jnmu prwxI ]1] rhwau ]
naam visaar lageh an laalach, birthaa janam paraaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Forgetting the name, he becomes attached to other temptations; the life of such a mortal
being is waste (worthless). 1 (pause)
smJu Acyq cyiq mn myry kQI sMqn AkQ khwxI ]
samajh achayt chayt man mayray, kathee saNtan akath kahaaṇee.
O! (my) foolish mind, understand, and keep (i.e. enshrine) it in mind, the God-oriented
persons have spoken this unspoken (i.e. indescribable) story (of the excellences of God).
lwBu lYhu hir irdY ArwDhu CutkY Awvx jwxI]1] laabh laihu har ridai aaraadhahu chhutkai aavaṇ jaaṇee ||1||
(So) adore (i.e. meditate upon) God within your heart, gather in this profit; (with this) your
coming and going (in reincarnation) shall end. 1
audmu skiq isAwxp qum@rI dyih q nwmu vKwxI ] udam sakat si-aanap tum ree, deh ta naam vakhaaṇee.

(O! God) efforts, power, wisdom are (all) Yours, if You bless me (with these) then I can chant
Your name.
syeI Bgq Bgiq sy lwgy nwnk jo pRB BwxI ]2]56]79]
say-ee bhagat bhagat say laagay, naanak jo parabh bhaaṇee. ||2||56||79||
Nanak (says): They alone are the devotees, they alone are attached (to His) devotion, who are
pleasing to Him. 2.56.79

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

DnvMq nwm ky vxjwry ] sWJI krhu nwm Dnu Kwthu gur kw sbdu vIcwry ]1] rhwau ]
dhanvaNt ,naam kay vaṇjaaray.
saa jhee karahu, naam dhan khaatahu, gur kaa sabad veechaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Those, who deal in the name (of God), are wealthy .

(So) become a partner with them, contemplate the word of the Guru and earn the wealth of
the name (of God). 1 (pause)
P. 1220
Cofhu kptu hoie inrvYrw so pRBu sMig inhwry ] chhodahu kapat, ho-ay nirvairaa, so prabh sa g nihaaray.

(O! brethren) abandon (your) deception, and rises above animosity; (because) that Lord is
with you and seeing you.
scu Dnu vxjhu scu Dnu sMchu kbhU n Awvhu hwry ]1]
sach dhan vaṇjahu, sach dhan saNchahu, kabhoo na aavhu haaray. ||1||
Deal (only) in the true wealth (of the name of God), and, gathers in this true wealth, and you
shall never suffer ace defeat (i.e. you shall win the game of life). 1
Kwq Krcq ikCu inKutq nwhI Agnq Bry BMfwry ] khu nwnk soBw sMig jwvhu pwrbRhm kY duAwry ]2]57]80]
khaat kharchat kichh nikhutat naahee, agnat bharay bhaNdaaray.
kaho naanakm sobhaa saNg jaavhu, paarbarahm kai du-aaray. ||2||57||80||
Consuming and spending, it is never exhausted, His treasures are countless and brimfull.
Says Nanak: (this way) you shall go to the door (i.e. the court) of the Supreme Reality (God),
with glory. 2.57.80

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

pRB jI moih kvnu AnwQu ibcwrw ] prabh jee, mohi kavan anaath bichaaraa.
O! dear Lord, what am I? (I am just) a wretched orphan.
kvn mUl qy mwnuKu kirAw iehu prqwpu quhwrw ]1] rhwau ]
kavan mool tay maanukh kari-aa, ih partaap tuhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
From what source did You create (beautiful) human beings (i.e. created from sperms of man
and blood of woman), this is Your glory (i.e. grandeur and greatness). 1 (pause)
jIA pRwx srb ky dwqy gux khy n jwih Apwrw ] jee-a paraaṇ sarab kay daatay, guṇ kahay na jaahi apaaraa.
O! Giver of soul and breath (of life) to all, Your infinite excellences cannot be told.
sB ky pRIqm sRb pRiqpwlk srb GtW AwDwrw ]1]
sabh kay pareetam, sarab partipaalak, sarab ghataan aadhaaraa. ||1||
You are beloved of all, sustainer of all, and, support for all hearts. 1
koie n jwxY qumrI giq imiq Awpih eyk pswrw ] ko-ay na jaaṇai tumree gat mit, aapeh ayk pasaaraa.
No one knows Your state and content (i.e. grandeur and expanse); You alone created (all
this) expanse (of the universe).
swD nwv bYTwvhu nwnk Bv swgru pwir auqwrw ]2]58]81]
saadh naav baiṭaavahu, naanak, bhav saagar paar utaaraa. ||2||58||81||
Nanak (says): (Please) get me sit in the boat of the God-oriented person (thus) I shall cross
over to the other side of the terrifying (world) ocean. 2.58.81

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

AwvY rwm srix vfBwgI ] aavai raam saraṇ vadbhaagee.
One who comes to (i.e. seeks) the refuge of God is very fortunate.
eyks ibnu ikCu horu n jwxY Avir aupwv iqAwgI ]1] rhwau ]
aykas bin kichh hor na jaaṇai, avar upaav ti-aagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He knows of no other than the One (Lord); (and he) renounces all other efforts. 1 (pause)
mn bc k®m AwrwDY hir hir swDsMig suKu pwieAw ]
man bach karam aaraadhai har har, saadhsaNg sukh paa-i-aa.
He adores God, the Lord with mind, word and deed; and, finds (spiritual) happiness in the
congregation of the God-oriented persons.
And ibnod AkQ kQw rsu swcY shij smwieAw ]1]
anad binod akath kathaa ras, saachai sahj samaa-i-aa. ||1||
He enjoys bliss and pleasure in the essence of the unspoken story (of the excellences of the
True Lord), and, merges in the True, in (natural) ease. 1
kir ikrpw jo Apunw kIno qw kI aUqm bwxI ] kar kirpaa jo apunaa keeno, taa kee ootam baṇee.
One whom He, in His mercy, makes His own, his speech becomes sublime.
swDsMig nwnk insqrIAY jo rwqy pRB inrbwxI ]2]59]82]
saadhsaNg naanak nistaree-ai, jo raatay prabh nirbaaṇee. ||2||59||82||
Nanak (says): those who are imbued with the unattached Lord, are liberated in the company
of the God-oriented persons. 2.59.82

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jw qy swDU srix ghI ] sWiq shju min BieE pRgwsw ibrQw kCu n rhI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa tay, saadhoo saraN gahee.
saant sahj man bha-i-o pargaasaa, birthaa kachh na rahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Since I have grasped the refuge of the God-oriented person,
My mind is illumined with peace and poise; (now) I have no anguish at all . 1 (pause)
hohu ik®pwl nwmu dyhu Apunw ibnqI eyh khI ] hohu kirpaal naam dayh apunaa, bintee ayh kahee.
(O! God) be kind to me and bless me with Your name; I had made this request.
Awn ibauhwr ibsry pRB ismrq pwieE lwBu shI ]1]
aan bi-uhaar bisray prabh simrat, paa-i-o laabh sahee. ||1||
I have forgotten all other matters, and, remembering the Lord, I have obtained the right (i.e.
true) profit. 1
jh qy aupijE qhI smwno sweI bsqu AhI ] jah tay upji-o, tahee samaano, saa-ee basat ahee.
From who we have come from, we merge (again) into the same; (and) that wealth (i.e God)
pleases me.
khu nwnk Brmu guir KoieE joqI joiq smhI ]2]60]83]
kaho naanak, bharam gur kho-i-o, jotee jot samhee. ||2||60||83||
Says Nanak: The Guru has eradicated my doubts, and, (my) light has merged into the Light
(of God). 2.60.83

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

rsnw rwm ko jsu gwau ] Awn suAwd ibswir sgly Blo nwm suAwau ]1] rhwau ]

rasnaa, raam ko jas gaa-o. aan su-aad bisaar saglay bhalo naam su-aa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God with (your) tongue.
Abandon all other tastes, the taste of the name (of God) is the best. 1 (pause)
crn kml bswie ihrdY eyk isau ilv lwau ] charan kamal basaa-ay hirdai,, ayk si-o liv laa-o.
Enshrine His lotus-feet within your heart; and, lovingly attune yourself to the One (Lord).
swDsMgiq hoih inrmlu bhuiV join n Awau ]1] saadhsangat hohi nirmal, bahuṛ jon na aa-o. ||1||
In the company of God-oriented persons, (you) shall become immaculate; (and, you) shall
not enter womb (for reincarnation) again. 1
jIau pRwn ADwru qyrw qU inQwvy Qwau ] jee-o praan adhaar tayraa, too nithaavay thaa-o.
(O! God) You are the support of my soul and the breath (of life). You are the shelter of the
swis swis sm@wil hir hir nwnk sd bil jwau ]2]61]84]
saas saas sam aal har har, naanak sad bal jaa-o. ||2||61||84||

Nanak (says): with each and every breath, I remember God the Lord; I am forever a
sacrifice unto You. 2.61.84

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

bYkuMT goibMd crn inq iDAwau ] baikunṭ, gobiNd charan nit dhi-aa-o.
To constantly meditate upon the feet of the Lord of the Word is heaven (for me).
mukiq pdwrQu swDU sMgiq AMimRqu hir kw nwau ]1] rhwau ]
mukat padaarath saadhoo saNgat, aMmrit har kaa naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The AMmrit name of God is the wealth of liberation; it is obtained in the company of the
God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
aUqm kQw suxIjY sRvxI mieAw krhu Bgvwn ] Awvq jwq doaU pK pUrn pweIAY suK ibsRwm]1]
ootam kathaa suṇeejai sarvaṇee, ma-i-aa karahu bhagvaan.
aavat jaat do-oo pakh pooran, paa-ee-ai sukh bisraam. ||1||
O! God, (please) bestow Your kindness upon me, that I ay hear with ears, the sublime story
(of Your excellences);
(with this) the coming and going, both sides are completed (i.e. the cycle of coming and going
in incarnation is ended); and, one attains happiness and peace. 1
P. 1221
soDq soDq qqu bIcwirE Bgiq sryst pUrI ] sodhat sodhat tat beechaari-o, bhagat saraysat pooree.
Searching and searching, I hae contemplated (i.e. realized) the essence (of reality), that
devotion is the most sublime and fulfilling (act) .
khu nwnk iek rwm nwm ibnu Avr sgl ibiD aUrI ]2]62]85]
kaho naanak, ik raam naam bin, avar sagal bidh ooree. ||2||62||85||
Says Nanak: without (meditation upon) the name of the One Lord (God), all other ways are
incomplete. 2.62.85

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

swcy siqgurU dwqwrw ] saachay satguroo daataaraa.
(O! brethren) my True Guru is the eternal giver.
drsnu dyiK sgl duK nwsih crn kml bilhwrw ]1] rhwau ]
darsan daykh sagal dukh naaseh, charan kamal balihaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding his vision all my sorrows are dispelled; I am a sacrifice unto his lotus feet. 1
siq prmysru siq swD jn inhclu hir kw nwau ] sat parmaysar sat saadh jan, nihchal har kaa naa-o.
True (i.e. eternal) is the Supreme Lord (God), true (i.e. eternal) are the God-oriented persons;
and, the name of God stable (i.e. eternal).
Bgiq BwvnI pwrbRhm kI AibnwsI gux gwau ]1]
bhagat bhaavnee paarbarahm kee, abhinaasee guṇ gaa-o. ||1||
(So) perform devotion of the Supreme Reality (God) with love, and, sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the Imperishable (God) . 1
Agmu Agocru imiq nhI pweIAY sgl Gtw AwDwru ] agam agochar mit nahee paa-ee-ai, sagal ghataa aadhaar.
He is Inaccessible and imperceptible; His limits cannot be found; He is the support of all the
nwnk vwhu vwhu khu qw kau jw kw AMqu n pwru ]2]63]86]
naanak, vaahu vaahu kaho taa ka-o, jaa kaa aNt na paar. ||2||63||86||
Nanak (says): chant ‘vaahu’ ‘vaahu’ (i.e. ‘great’ great’) to Him, who has no end no limitation.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

gur ky crn bsy mn myrY ] gur kay charan basay man mayrai.
The Guru's feet abide within my mind.
pUir rihE Twkuru sB QweI inkit bsY sB nyrY ]1] rhwau ]
poor rahi-o ṭaakur sabh thaa-ee, nikat basai sabh nayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord is pervading all places, He dwells near and close to all. 1 (pasue)
bMDn qoir rwm ilv lweI sMqsMig bin AweI ] baNdhan tor raam liv laa-ee, saNtsaNg ban aa-ee.
One, who has broken his bonds (of Maya) and is attuned to God, he gets attached to the God-
oriented persons.
jnmu pdwrQu BieE punIqw ieCw sgl pujweI ]1]
janam padaarath bha-i-o puneetaa, ichhaa sagal pujaa-ee. ||1||
His precious (human) life is sanctified, and, all his desires are fulfilled. 1
jw kau ik®pw krhu pRB myry so hir kw jsu gwvY ] jaa ka-o kirpaa karahu prabh mayray, so har kaa jas gaavai.
He, upon whom You bestow Your kindness, O! my Lord, he (alone) sings the praise of God.
AwT phr goibMd gun gwvY jnu nwnku sd bil jwvY ]2]64]87]
aath pahar gobiNd gun gaavai, jan naanak sad bal jaavai. ||2||64||87||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, (all)
the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), I am a sacrifice unto Him. 2.64.87

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jIvnu qau gnIAY hir pyKw ] jeevan ta-o ganee-ai, har paykhaa.
One is judged to be (spiritually) alive, only if he sees God.
krhu ik®pw pRIqm mnmohn Poir Brm kI ryKw ]1] rhwau ]

karahu kirpaa preetam manmohan, for bharam kee raykhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Please) bestow Your kindness (upon me), O! (my) fascinating Beloved, and, erase the line of
my doubts. 1 (pause)
khq sunq ikCu sWiq n aupjq ibnu ibsws ikAw syKW ]
kahat sunat kichh saant na upjat, bin bisaas ki-aa saykhaan.
By (mere) speaking and listening, peace does not well up (within the mind); what can anyone
learn without faith?
pRBU iqAwig Awn jo cwhq qw kY muiK lwgY kwlyKw ]1]
parabhoo ti-aag, aan jo chaahat, taa kai mukh laagai kaalaykhaa. ||1||
One who renounces God and longs for another, his face is blackened (at the very last time). 1
jw kY rwis srb suK suAwmI Awn n mwnq ByKw ] jaa kai raas sarab sukh su-aamee, aan na maanat bhaykhaa.
One, who is blessed with (the name of) God, the Embodiment of All Happiness, does not
believe in any other (religious) garb (i.e. God alone is His faith).
nwnk drs mgn mnu moihE pUrn ArQ ibsyKw ]2]65]88]
naanak, daras magan man mohi-o, pooran arath bisaykhaa. ||2||65||88||
Nanak (says): One, whose mind is fascinated and absorbed with the vision (of God), all his
objectives are accomplished. 2.65.88

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ismrn rwm ko ieku nwm ] simran, raam ko ik naam.
(O! brethren) remember the name of the One, God (alone).
klml dgD hoih iKn AMqir koit dwn iesnwn ]1] rhwau ]
kalmal dagadh hohi khin aNtar, kot daan isnaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(By meditating upon the name of God) all the sins are burnt off in an instant; (and, it is like)
giving tens of millions in charity and bathing (at the places of pilgrimage). 1 (pause)
Awn jMjwr ibRQw sRmu Gwlq ibnu hir Pokt igAwn ] aan jaNjaar baritha saram ghaalat, bin har fokat gi-aan.
Entanglement in other (worldly) affairs is futile labour; without (the name of) God, all
knowledge is futile.
jnm mrn sMkt qy CUtY jgdIs Bjn suK iDAwn ]1]
janam maran saNkat tay chhootai, jagdees bhajan sukh dhi-aan. ||1||
One is freed from the distress of birth and death (by) meditating upon the Lord of the
Universe and bliss of contemplation.1
qyrI srin pUrn suK swgr kir ikrpw dyvhu dwn ] tayree saran pooran sukh saagar, kar kirpaa dayvhu daan.
O! Perfect (Lord), Ocean of Happiness, I seek Your refuge, (please) bestow Your kindness
and bless me this gift (of Your name).
ismir ismir nwnk pRB jIvY ibnis jwie AiBmwn ]2]66]89]
simar simar naanak prabh jeevai, binas jaa-ay abhimaan. ||2||66||89||
Nanak (says): remembering and remembering the Lord I live, and, all my pride has
vanished away. 2.66.89

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

DUrqu soeI ij Dur kau lwgY ] dhoorat so-ee, je dhur ka-o laagai.

He alone is ‘from the root’, who is attached to the Root (i.e. Primal Lord, God).
soeI DurMDru soeI bsuMDru hir eyk pRym rs pwgY ]1] rhwau ]
so-ee dhuraNdhar, so-ee basuNdhar, har ayk paraym ras paagai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is prominent (i.e. powerful, great), he alone is wealthy, who is absorbed in the
(sublime) essence of the love of the One (Lord). 1 (pause)
blbMc krY n jwnY lwBY so DUrqu nhI mUV@w ] balbaNch karai, na jaanai laabhai, so dhoorat nahee mooṛhaa.
(But) one who cheats, and does not know (what is real) gain, is not ‘attached to the Root (i.e.
God)’; (he is) a fool.
suAwrQu iqAwig AswriQ ricE nh ismrY pRBu rUVw ]1]
su-aarath ti-aag, asaarath rachi-o, nah simrai prabh rooṛaa. ||1||
Abandoning selfless interests (i.e. real profitable deeds/ objectives) he is involved in worthless
things; he does not remember the Beautiful God. 1
soeI cquru isAwxw pMifqu so sUrw so dwnW ] swDsMig ijin hir hir jipE nwnk so prvwnw ]2]67]90]
so-ee chatur, si-aaṇaa paNdit, so sooraa so daanaan.
saadhsaNg jin har har japi-o, naanak, so parvaanaa. ||2||67||90||
he alone is a clever, wise, learned scholar, and, he alone is warrior and intelligent,
who meditates (the name of) God, the Lord, in the congregation of God-oriented persons; and
he alone is accepted (in the court of God). 2.67.90
P. 1222
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
hir hir sMq jnw kI jIvin ] har har, saNt janaa kee jeevan.
God, the Lord, is the life of the servants (i.e. devotees ), the God-oriented persons.
ibKY rs Bog AMimRq suK swgr rwm nwm rsu pIvin ]1] rhwau ]
bikhai ras bhog, aMmrit sukh saagar, raam naam ras peevan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Instead of enjoying (i.e. indulging in) the taste of poison (i.e. vices and sins), they drink in the
AMmrit essence of the name of God, the Ocean of Happiness. 1 (pause)
sMcin rwm nwm Dnu rqnw mn qn BIqir sIvin ] sa chan raam naam dhan ratnaa, man tan bheetar seevan.
They gather up the jewel of the wealth of the name of God, and, weave it in their mind and
hir rMg rWg Bey mn lwlw rwm nwm rs KIvin ]1]
har raNg raang bha-ay man laalaa, raam naam ras kheevan. ||1||
Imbued with the love of God, their minds become deep red (dyed in colour of love); they
remain in ecstasy in the love of the name of God. 1
ijau mInw jl isau aurJwno rwm nwm sMig lIvin ] ji-o meenaa jal si-o urjhaano, raam naam saNg leevan.
As the fish is involved in the water, they remain absorbed in the name of God.
nwnk sMq cwiqRk kI inAweI hir bUMd pwn suK QIvin ]2]68]91]
naanak, saNt chaatrik kee ni-aa-ee, har booNd paan sukh theevan. ||2||68||91||
Nanak (says): the God-oriented persons are like chatrik (ie. rain bird, which drinks only the
rain water and, drinking it in becomes happy); they are comforted drinking in the drop of (the
name of) God. 2.68.91

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwmhIn byqwl ] har kay naamheen, baytaal.
Without name of God, (all the beings are like) ghosts.
jyqw krn krwvn qyqw siB bMDn jMjwl ]1] rhwau ]
jaytaa karan karaavan taytaa, sabh bandhan jaNjaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All the deeds done and got done (by them) are bonds and shackles (of worldliness). 1 (pause)
ibnu pRB syv krq An syvw ibrQw kwtY kwl ] bin prabh sayv karat an sayvaa, birthaa kaatai kaal.
Without serving the Lord, those who serve another, spend their time uselessly (i.e. they
waste their lives).
jb jmu Awie sMGwrY pRwnI qb qumro kaunu hvwl ]1]
jab jam aa-ay saNghaarai paraanee, tab tumro ka-un havaal. ||1||
(O! mortal, you do not meditate upon God but) when the messenger of death comes to kill you,
what will be your condition then? 1
rwiK lyhu dws Apuny kau sdw sdw ikrpwl ] raakh layho daas apunay ka-o, sadaa sadaa kirpaal.
(O! God, You are) forever and ever graceful, (please) protect Your slave (i.e. devotee).
suK inDwn nwnk pRBu myrw swDsMig Dn mwl ]2]69]92]
sukh nidhaan naanak prabh mayraa, saadhsaNg dhan maal. ||2||69||92||
Nanak (says): My Lord is the Treasure of Happiness; this wealth and treasure is (found) in
the congregation of the God-oriented persons. 2.69.92

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

min qin rwm ko ibauhwru ] pRym Bgiq gun gwvn gIDy pohq nh sMswru ]1] rhwau ]
man tan raam ko bi-uhaar.
paraym bhagat gun gaavan geedhay, pohat nah saNsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who deal with (the name of) God with mind and body.
They remain engrossed in singing the excellences (of God) with loving devotion; they are
not affected by worldliness. 1 (pause)
sRvxI kIrqnu ismrnu suAwmI iehu swD ko Awcwru ] sarvaṇee keertan simran su-aamee, ih saadh ko aachaar.
(Listening to the praise of the Lord) with their ears, and, remembering the Lord (within their
mind): this is the conduct of the God-oriented persons.
crn kml AsiQiq ird AMqir pUjw pRwn ko AwDwru ]1]
charan kamal asthit rid aNtar, poojaa paraan ko aadhaar. ||1||
They place the lotus feet(of God) within their hearts, and, worship of God is the support of
their breath (of life). 1
pRB dIn dieAwl sunhu bynµqI ikrpw ApnI Dwru ] nwmu inDwnu aucrau inq rsnw nwnk sd bilhwru ]2]70]93]
prabh deen da-i-aal sunhu baynaNtee, kirpaa apnee dhaar.
naam nidhaan uchara-o nit rasnaa, naanak sad balihaar. ||2||70||93||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, Merciful to the Poor, my Master, (please) hear my prayer and
bestow Your grace (upon me) that I may constantly chant the treasure of name with my
tongue; I am forever a sacrifice (unto You). 2.70.93

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwmhIn miq QorI ] har kay naamheen, mat thoree.

The one without the name of God, has shallow intellect.
ismrq nwih isrIDr Twkur imlq AMD duK GorI ]1] rhwau ]
simrat naahi sireedhar ṭaakur, milat aNdh dukh ghoree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not remember (i.e. meditates upon the name of) the Lord of Wealth, the Master; the
blind suffers in great agony. 1 (pause)
hir ky nwm isau pRIiq n lwgI Aink ByK bhu jorI ]
har kay naam si-o preet na laagee, anik bhaykh baho joree.
Those, who do have embrace love for the name of God, they are greatly attached to various
(religious) robes.
qUtq bwr n lwgY qw kau ijau gwgir jl PorI ]1] tootat baar na laagai taa ka-o, ji-o gaagar jal foree. ||1||
These (i.e. such attachments) are shattered in no time, like water (does not stay) when the
pitcher is broken. 1
kir ikrpw Bgiq rsu dIjY mnu Kicq pRym rs KorI ] kar kirpaa bhagat ras deejai, man khachit praym ras khoree.
(O! God please) bless me with the essence of devotion, (so that) my mind may remain absorbed
in the essence of Your Love.
nwnk dws qyrI srxweI pRB ibnu Awn n horI ]2]71]94]
naanak daas tayree sarṇaa-ee, prabh bin aan na horee. ||2||71||94||
Nanak, the slave (devotee) (says): (O! God) I have come to Your refuge. Without God, there is
no other (refuge). 2.71.94

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

icqvau vw Aausr mn mwih ] hoie iekqR imlhu sMq swjn gux goibMd inq gwih ]1] rhwau ]
chitva-o vaa a-osar, man maahi.
ho-ay ikatar milhu saNt saajan, gun gobiNd nit gaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Within mind, I think about that opportunity:
when I would join the gathering of friends, the God-oriented persons, singing (the praise of)
the excellences of the Lord of the World. 1 (pause)
ibnu hir Bjn jyqy kwm krIAih qyqy ibrQy jWih ] bin har bhajan jaytay kaam karee-ah, taytay birthay jaanhi.
Without meditating upon God, whatever deed we do, all those go waste.
pUrn prmwnµd min mITo iqsu ibnu dUsr nwih ]1] pooran parmaana d man meeṭo, tis bin doosar naahi. ||1||
One, to his mind, the perfect (embodiment of) the Supreme bliss seems sweet, to him there is no
other than Him (who seems sweet to hi). 1
jp qp sMjm krm suK swDn quil n kCUAY lwih ] jap tap sa jam karam sukh saadhan, tul na kachhoo-ai laahi.
Meditation, austerity, self-discipline, rituals and other ways of (obtaining spiritual) happiness,
are not equal to even a tiny bit of Him.
crn kml nwnk mnu byiDE crnh sMig smwih ]2]72]95]
charan kamal naanak man baydhi-o, charnah saNg samaahi. ||2||72||95||
Nanak (says): Their mind is pierced through by His lotus-feet; and, they (i.e. God-oriented
persons) remain absorbed in His feet. 2.72.95

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

myrw pRBu sMgy AMqrjwmI ] mayraa prabh saNgay, aNtarjaamee.
My Lord is always with me; He is the Controller of Souls.
AwgY kusl pwCY Kym sUKw ismrq nwmu suAwmI ]1] rhwau ]
aagai kusal, paachhai khaym sookhaa, simrat naam su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering the name of the Lord, there is happiness in the world hereafter, and, peace and
happiness here (in this world). 1 (pause)
P. 1223
swjn mIq sKw hir myrY gun guopwl hir rwieAw ] saajan meet sakhaa har mayrai, gun gopaal har raa-i-aa.
My God is my friend, beloved and companion; I sing (the praise of) the excellences of the
Sustainer of the World, the Sovereign Lord.
ibsir n jweI inmK ihrdY qy pUrY gurU imlwieAw ]1]
bisar na jaa-ee nimakh hirdai tay, poorai guroo milaa-i-aa. ||1||
I do not forget Him from my heart, even for an instant; the perfect Guru has got me meet (with
Him). 1
kir ikrpw rwKy dws Apny jIA jMq vis jw kY ] kar kirpaa raakhay daas apnay; jee-a jaNt vas jaa kai.
Becoming kind, He protects His slaves. All the beings and creatures are in His power.
eykw ilv pUrn prmysur Bau nhI nwnk qw kY ]2]73]96]
aykaa liv pooran parmaysur, bha-o nahee naanak taa kai. ||2||73||96||
Nanak (says): One, who is attuned to the One, the perfect, Supreme Lord, is rid of (all) fear.

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jw kY rwm ko blu hoie ] sgl mnorQ pUrn qwhU ky dUKu n ibAwpY koie ]1] rhwau ]
jaa kai raam ko bal ho-ay.
sagal manorath pooran taahoo kay, dookh na bi-aapai ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has the power of God with him (i.e. within his heart);
All his desires (ambitions/ objectives) are fulfilled, and, no sorrow afflicts him. 1 (pause)
jo jnu Bgqu dwsu inju pRB kw suix jIvW iqsu soie ] jo jan bhagat daas nij prabh kaa, suṇ jeevaan tis so-ay.
One, who is a devotee, and total slave of the Lord (God), lives by listening to His glory.
audmu krau drsnu pyKn kO krim prwpiq hoie ]1]
udam kara-o darsan paykhan kou, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||1||
I make effort to behold His vision, (but) it is obtained (only) by His grace. 1
gur prswdI idRsit inhwrau dUsr nwhI koie ] gur parsaadee darisat nihaara-o, doosar naahee ko-ay.
By the grace of the Guru, I behold His vision (and find that) other than Him there is no one (at all).
dwnu dyih nwnk Apny kau crn jIvW sMq Doie ]2]74]97]
daan deh naanak apnay ka-o, charan jeevaan saNt dho-ay. ||2||74||97||
Nanak (says): (Please) bless e with the gift that I may wash the feet of the God-oriented persons
and thus live (spiritually).2.74.97

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

jIvqu rwm ky gux gwie ] krhu ik®pw gopwl bITuly ibsir n kb hI jwie ]1] rhwau ]
jeevat, raam kay guṇ gaa-ay.
karahu kirpaa gopaal beeṭulay*, bisar na kab hee jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I live (spiritually) by singing (the praise of) the excellences of God,
(Please) bestow Your kindness (upon me), O! Sustainer of the World, God*, that I may never
forget You. 1 (pause)
[*BEETHULAA / Veethulaaa / Beethal / Veethal, literally: at a remote place; that which/who is far away (i.e. God is far
away). this is one of the attributes and the names of God].
mnu qnu Dnu sBu qumrw suAwmI Awn n dUjI jwie ] ijau qU rwKih iqv hI rhxw qum@rw pYnY@ Kwie ]1]
man tan dhan sabh tumraa su-aamee, aan na doojee jaa-ay.
ji-o too raakhahi tiv hee rahṇaa, tumhraa painhai khaa-ay. ||1||
My mind, body, wealth, all are Yours, O! Master; (without You) I have no other place.
as You keep me, so do I live, I eat and wear whatever You give. 1
swDsMgiq kY bil bil jweI bhuiV n jnmw Dwie ]
saadhsaNgat kai bal bal jaa-ee, bahuṛ na janmaa dhaa-ay.
I am a sacrifice unto the congregation of the God-oriented persons, (because to their
blessings) I shall never be born again (in reincarnation).
nwnk dws qyrI srxweI ijau BwvY iqvY clwie ]2]75]98]
naanak daas tayree sarṇaa-ee, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaa-ay. ||2||75||98||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, inspire me as it pleases You. 2.75.98

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mn ry nwm ko suK swr ] Awn kwm ibkwr mwieAw sgl dIsih Cwr ]1] rhwau ]
man ray, naam ko sukh saar.
aan kaam bikaar maa-i-aa, sagal deeseh chhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, (meditation upon) the name (of God) is the most sublime happiness..
Other affairs of Maya are worthless; they all just (like) ash. 1 (pause)
igRih AMD kUp piqq pRwxI nrk Gor gubwr ] garihi aNdh koop patit praaṇee, narak ghor gubaar.
Worldliness is (like) a blind well; it is (like) a dark, terrifying hell; the mortal has fallen in it.
Aink jonI BRmq hwirE BRmq bwrM bwr ]1] anik jonee bharmat haari-o, bharmat baaraN baar. ||1||
Having wandered through various incarnations, he has grown weary; (and sill) he is
wandering through them again and again. 1
piqq pwvn Bgiq bCl dIn ikrpw Dwr ] patit paavan bhagat bachhal, deen kirpaa dhaar.
O! Purifier of the Sinners, Lover of Devotees, (please) bestow Your grace upon (us) the poor,
kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY swDsMig auDwr ]2]76]99]
kar joṛ naanak daan maangai, saadhsaNg udhaar. ||2||76||99||
Nanak (says): With hands pressed together, I beg for this gift: (O! God please) save me in the
company of the God-oriented persons. 2.76.99

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ibrwijq rwm ko prqwp ] AwiD ibAwiD aupwiD sB nwsI ibnsy qInY qwp ]1] rhwau ]
biraajit raam ko partaap.
aadh bi-aadh upaadh sabh naasee, binsay teenai taap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has glory of God placed within (his heart),
the ailments of the mind and body run away, and, the three fevers* vanish away. 1 (pasue)
[*Literally: three fevers/ailment. A human being can have suffering of three kinds: physical, mental and psychological.
These are known as Aadh (of mind, i.e. worry, anxiety etc), Biadh (of body, i.e. physical) and Upadh (psychological;
such as doubt, confusion, delusion, illusion etc.). All these can be overcome by meditation upon the Name of God. God

is "Tinei taap nivaaran-haara" (i.e. saviour from all the three types of sufferings)].
iqRsnw buJI pUrn sB Awsw cUky sog sMqwp ] tarisnaa bujhee, pooran sabh aasaa, chookay sog saNtaap.
(One, who has the name of God enshrined within, all his) thirst is quenched, his hopes are all
fulfilled, and, his sufferings and troubles are over.
gux gwvq Acuq AibnwsI mn qn Awqm DRwp ]1]
gun gaavat achut abhinaasee, man tan aatam dharaap. ||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Unchanging Imperishable (God), his mind,
body and soul are satiated. 1
kwm k®oD loB md mqsr swDU kY sMig Kwp ] kaam krodh lobh mad matsar, saadhoo kai saNg khaap.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, pride and jealously are destroyed in the company of the God-
oriented person.
Bgiq vCl BY kwtnhwry nwnk ky mweI bwp ]2]77]100]
bhagat vachhal bhai kaatanhaaray, naanak kay maa-ee baap. ||2||77||100||
Nanak (says): He is the Lover of the Devotee, Destroyer of Fears; He is y Mother and the
Father. 2.77.100

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

Awquru nwm ibnu sMswr ] aatur naam bin saNsaar.
Without the name (of God), the world is miserable.
iqRpiq n hovq kUkrI Awsw iequ lwgo ibiKAw Cwr ]1] rhwau ]
taripat na hovat kookree aasaa, it laago bikhi-aa chhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The dog of his desires is (i.e. like a dog, his desires are) never satiated; and, one is attached to
the ashes of poison (i.e. Maya). 1 (pause)
pwie TgaurI Awip BulwieE jnmq bwro bwr ] paa-ay ṭag-uree aap bhulaa-i-o, janmat baaro baar.
Administering the intoxicating herb (i.e. attaching to the cheating Maya), He Himself gets
(the mortal beings) astray; (hence) they are born (i.e. reincarnated) again and again.
hir kw ismrnu inmK n ismirE jmkMkr krq KuAwr ]1]
har kaa simran nimakh na simri-o, jamkaNkar karat khu-aar. ||1||
One, who does not remember and meditate God, even for an instant, the messenger of death
make him suffer. 1
hohu ik®pwl dIn duK BMjn qyirAw sMqh kI rwvwr ] hohu kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, tayri-aa saNteh kee
O! Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, be kind (to me), (so that) I may become the dust of
the feet of Your God-oriented persons.
nwnk dwsu drsu pRB jwcY mn qn ko AwDwr ]2]78]101]
naanak daas daras prabh jaachai, man tan ko aadhaar. ||2||78||101||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I beg for the vision of God, (it is) support of my mind and
body. 2.78.101
P. 1224
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
mYlw hir ky nwm ibnu jIau ] mailaa har kay naam bin, jee-o.
Without the name of God, the being is polluted (because of egotism and vices).

iqin pRiB swcY Awip BulwieAw ibKY TgaurI pIau ]1] rhwau ]
tin prabh saachai aap bhulaa-i-aa, bikhai ṭag-uree pee-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Lord has Himself led him stray, that he may remain drinking the cheating-
causing herb of vices. 1 (pause)
[* an intoxicating herb (potion type) that makes one unconscious and then he is cheated/ robbed by the swindlers].
koit jnm BRmqO bhu BWqI iQiq nhI kqhU pweI ] pUrw siqguru shij n ByitAw swkqu AwvY jweI ]1]
kot janam bharmatou baho bhaantee, thit nahee kathoo paa-ee.
pooraa satgur sahj na bhayti-aa, saakat aavai jaa-ee. ||1||
Wandering through tens of millions of lives (i.e. incarnations), in countless ways, (but) he
could not find stability anywhere; (because)
the non-believer had not found the perfect True Guru, in (natural) ease, hence, he continues
coming and going (in reincarnation). 1
rwiK lyhu pRB sMimRQ dwqy qum pRB Agm Apwr ] raakh layho prabh sa Mmrith daatay, tum prabh agam apaar.
(Please) save me, O! my All-powerful, (great) Giver Lord, You are inaccessible and infinite.
nwnk dws qyrI srxweI Bvjlu auqirE pwr ]2]79]102]
naanak daas tayree sarṇaa-ee, bhavjal utri-o paar. ||2||79||102||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): one who seeks Your refuge, crosses the terrifying waters (of
the world ocean) and reaches the other shore. 2.79.102

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

rmx kau rwm ky gux bwd ] ramaṇ ka-o, raam kay guṇ baad.
To remember Him, chant (i.e. sing the praise of) the excellences of God.
swDsMig iDAweIAY prmysru AMimRq jw ky suAwd ]1] rhwau ]
saadhsang dhi-aa-ee-ai parmaysar aMmrit jaa kay su-aad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Iin the company of the God-oriented persons, meditate upon the Supreme Lord (God),
AMmrit is His (name’s) taste. 1 (pause)
ismrq eyku Acuq AibnwsI ibnsy mwieAw mwd ] simrat ayk achut abhinaasee binsay maa-i-aa maad.
Meditating upon the One unmovable, imperishable (Lord), the intoxication of Maya
vanishes away.
shj And Anhd Duin bwxI bhuir n Bey ibKwd ]1]
sahj anad anhad dhun baṇee bahur na bha-ay bikhaad. ||1||
(Through meditation, one is blessed with) blissful poise, and, the sound of unstruck melody
resounds, and, then, one never suffers again. 1
snkwidk bRhmwidk gwvq gwvq suk pRihlwd ] sankaadik barahmaadik gaavat, gaavat suk par-hilaad.
Sanak and (the three other) sons of Brahma sing (the praise of God); and Suk** and
Prahlad*** also sing (the praise of God).
[*Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan and Sanat Kumar - the four sons of Brahma. ** Sukdev sage was the son of Vyas (all these
are mythical persons, known as sages and/or men of spiritual learning. ***As per popular myth, Prehlad was the son of
a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son
Prehlad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on
Prehlad. Prehlad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as Narsinh* (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and
saved Prehlad .The myth of Prehlad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress
that one should worship God alone.].
pIvq Aimau mnohr hir rsu jip nwnk hir ibsmwd ]2]80]103]
peevat ami-o manohar har ras, jap naanak har bismaad. ||2||80||103||
Nanak (says): Drinking the fascinating AMmrit of God, and, meditating upon God, one is
wonder-struck. 2.80.103

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

kIn@y pwp ky bhu kot ] keenhay, paap kay baho kot.
(O! brethren, forgetting the name) one builds tens of millions of castles (i.e. ramparts) of sin (i.e.
one beomes prisoner in the forts of sins).
idnsu rYnI Qkq nwhI kqih nwhI Cot ]1] rhwau ]
dinas rainee thakat naahee, kateh naahee chhot. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night (he remains committing sins and), he does not get tired; (hence he) never finds
release (from sufferings). 1 (pause)
mhw bjr ibK ibAwDI isir auTweI pot ] mahaa bajar bikh bi-aadhee, sir uṭaa-ee pot.
He carries on his head a heavy bag of great terrible (load of) sins and ailments.
auGir geIAW iKnih BIqir jmih gRwsy Jot ]1] ughar ga-ee-aan khineh bheetar, jameh garaasay jhot. ||1||
(All this) will be exposed in an instant, when the messenger of death seizes him by his hair. 1
psu pryq aust grDB Aink jonI lyt ] pas parayt usat gardhabh, anik jonee layt.
(O! brethren, for living the life of sins) one passes through countless forms of incarnations (like
that) of an animals, ghosts, camels, and donkeys etc.
Bju swDsMig goibMd nwnk kCu n lwgY Pyt ]2]81]104]
bhaj saadhsaNg gobiNd, naanak, kachh na laagai fayt. ||2||81||104||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon the Lord of the World in the congregation of the
God-oriented persons and, you shall not suffer any trouble. 2.81.104

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

AMDy Kwvih ibsU ky gtwk ] aNdhay, khaaveh bisoo kay gataak.
O! blind, you are eating loads of poison (i.e. committing lots of vices/sins).
nYn sRvn srIru sBu huitE swsu gieE qq Gwt ]1] rhwau ]
nain sarvan sareer sabh huti-o, saas ga-i-o tat ghaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your eyes (have lost light), ears (have become deaf), and the body, all are exhausted; (and, now)
the breath is going to be lost instantly. 1. (pause)
AnwQ r\wix audru ly poKih mwieAw geIAw hwit ] anaath ranjaṇ udar lay pokheh, maa-i-aa ga-ee-aa haat.
Making the poor suffer (i.e. exploiting them), you fill your belly; (now, even) the wealth is
withdrawing (from you).
iklibK krq krq pCuqwvih kbhu n swkih CWit ]1]
kilbikh karat karat pachhutaavahi, kabahu na saakeh chhaa t. ||1||

Commit ting sins, again and again, you repent; but you cannot give them up. 1
inMdku jmdUqI Awie sMGwirE dyvih mUMf aupir mtwk ]
niNdak jamdootee aa-ay saNghaari-o, dayveh mooNd upar mataak.
The messenger of death comes to kill the slanderer and gives blows on his head.
nwnk Awpn ktwrI Awps kau lweI mnu Apnw kIno Pwt ]2]82]105]
naanak, aapan kataaree, aapas ka-o laa-ee, man apnaa keeno faat. ||2||82||105||

ry pwpI qY kvn kI miq lIn ] ray paapee, tai kavan kee mat leen.
O! sinner, from whom you have obtained this wisdom (i.e. who has taught you this sinning)?
inmK GrI n ismir suAwmI jIau ipMfu ijin dIn ]1] rhwau ]
nimakh gharee na simar su-aamee, jee-o piNd jin deen. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You do not remember the Lord, even for an instant; (it is He) who has given you life and
body. 1 (pause)
Kwq pIvq svMq suKIAw nwmu ismrq KIn ] khaat peevat savaNt sukhee-aa, naam simrat kheen.
(It is God’s gift that) You eat, drink, sleep and enjoy happiness, (but when it comes to)
remembering Him, you are down.
grB audr ibllwt krqw qhW hovq dIn ]1] garabh udar billaat kartaa, tahaan hovat deen. ||1||
In the womb (of the mother), you were crying, and, there you were very humble. 1
mhw mwd ibkwr bwDw Aink join BRmIn ] mahaa maad bikaar baadhaa, anik jon bharmeen.
(Now) bound by great pride, you are wandering in countless incarnations.
goibMd ibsry kvn duK gnIAih suKu nwnk hir pd cIn@ ]2]85]108]
gobiNd bisray kavan dukh ganee-ah, sukh naanak har pad cheenh. ||2||85||108||
Nanak (says): Forgetting the Lord of the World, (one suffers a lot, and these) sufferings can
not be counted; happiness is in realizing the feet (i.e. following the path) of God. 2.85.108

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI crnh Et ghI ] maa-ee ree, charnah ot gahee.
O! (my) mother, I have grasped the refuge of the feet (of God).
drsnu pyiK myrw mnu moihE durmiq jwq bhI ]1] rhwau ]
darsan paykh mayraa man mohi-o, durmat jaat bahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding the vision, my mind is fascinated, and, evil wisdom is streamed out. 1 (pause)
Agh AgwiD aUc AibnwsI kImiq jwq n khI ] agah agaadh ooch abhinaasee, keemat jaat na kahee.
(O! my mother, God is) unfathomable, incomprehensible, lofty and imperishable; His worth
can not be described (i.e. cannot be appraised).
jil Qil pyiK pyiK mnu ibgisE pUir rihE sRb mhI ]1]
jal thal paykh paykh man bigsi-o, poor rahi-o sarab mahee. ||1||
Beholding Him (manifesting) in the water, on lands (i.e. everywhere), my mind has blossomed
forth (with joy); He is pervading everyone. 1
dIn dieAwl pRIqm mnmohn imil swDh kIno shI ]
deen da-i-aal preetam manmohan, mil saadhah keeno sahee.
(My Lord is) Merciful to the Poor, Beloved, Fascinating to mind; meeting with the God-
oriented persons He is known.
ismir ismir jIvq hir nwnk jm kI BIr n PhI ]2]86]109]
simar simar jeevat har, naanak, jam kee bheer na fahee. ||2||86||109||
Nanak (says): remembering and remembering Him I live, (hence) I shall not be a part of the
crowd of the messenger of death (i.e. I shall not fall in the grip of the messengers of death). 2.86.109

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI mnu myro mqvwro ] maa-ee ree, man mayro matvaaro.

Nanak (says): He hits himself with his dagger, and, hurts his own mind. 2.82.105

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

tUtI inMdk kI AD bIc ] tootee niNdak kee adh beech.
The slanderer is destroyed in the midst of path.
jn kw rwKw Awip suAwmI bymuK kau Awie phUcI mIc ]1] rhwau ]
jan kaa raakhaa aap su-aamee, baymukh ka-o aa-ay pahoochee meech. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Master Himself is the Protector of His servants (i.e. devotees), but, (spiritual) death
comes to those who turn their faces away from (i.e. turn their backs on) the Guru. 1 (pause)
aus kw kihAw koie n suxeI khI n bYsxu pwvY ] us kaa kahi-aa ko-ay na sun-ee, kahee na baisan paavai.
No one listens what he says; and, he does finds any place to sit.
eIhW duKu AwgY nrku BuMcY bhu jonI BrmwvY ]1]
eehaan dukh, aagai narak bhuNchai, baho jonee bharmaavai. ||1||
He suffers sorrows here, and, he suffers in hell hereafter; he wanders in many incarnations. 1
pRgtu BieAw KMfI bRhmMfI kIqw Apxw pwieAw ]
prgat bha-i-aa khandee barahmaNdee, keetaa apnaa paa-i-aa.
He becomes known in the continents and in the universes; he receives (fruit) according what
he had done.
nwnk srix inrBau krqy kI And mMgl gux gwieAw ]2]83]106]
naanak, saraṇ nirbha-o kartay kee, anad maNgal guṇ gaa-i-aa. ||2||83||106||
Nanak (says): (the devotee of God) remains in the refuge of the Fearless Creator (Lord); and,
obtains joy and ecstasy by singing the praise of His excellences. 2.83.106

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

iqRsnw clq bhu prkwir ] pUrn hoq n kqhu bwqih AMiq prqI hwir ]1] rhwau ]
tarisnaa chalat baho parkaar. pooran hot na katahu baateh, aNt partee haar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Desire acts in so many ways.
It is not fulfilled in any way (i.e. it is never fulfilled); and, in the end, it is exhausted and dies. 1
P. 1225
sWiq sUK n shju aupjY iehY iesu ibauhwir ] saant sookh na sahj upjai ihai is bi-uhaar.
(Because of this) peace, happiness, and poise do not well up, this is the way it works.
Awp pr kw kCu n jwnY kwm k®oDih jwir ]1] aap par kaa kachh na jaanai kaam krodheh jaar. ||1||
It does not distinguish between his own and other, and, one burns in sexual desire and anger. 1
sMswr swgru duiK ibAwipE dws lyvhu qwir ] saNsaar saagar dukh bi-aapi-o daas layvhu taar.
The world ocean is enveloped by sufferings, (O! Lord, please) save Your slave (i.e. devotee).
crn kml srxwie nwnk sd sdw bilhwir ]2]84]107]
charan kamal sarṇaa-ay naanak sad sadaa balihaar. ||2||84||107||
Nanak (says): (O! God) I seek the refuge of Your lotus feet; I am forever and ever a sacrifice
(unto You). 2.84.107

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

O! (my) mother, my mind is intoxicated (by beholding God).
pyiK dieAwl And suK pUrn hir ris ripE Kumwro ]1] rhwau ]
paykh da-i-aal, anad sukh pooran, har ras rapi-o, khumaaro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding the Merciful (Lord), I am in perfect happiness and ecstasy; and, imbued with the
essence of God, I am intoxicated. 1 (pause)
inrml Bey aUjl jsu gwvq bhuir n hovq kwro ] nirmal bha-ay oojal jas gaavat, bahur na hovat kaaro.
Singing His praise, I have become immaculate; it shall not become black again (i.e. now, my
mind shall not become filthy win vices and sins).
crn kml isau forI rwcI ByitE purKu Apwro ]1]
charan kamal si-o doree raachee, bhayti-o purakh apaaro. ||1||
My knot is tied (i.e. my mind is focussed) on the feet (of the God); I have met the Infinite Primal
Being. 1
kru gih lIny srbsu dIny dIpk BieE aujwro ] kar geh leenay, sarbas deenay, deepak bha-i-o ujaaro.
Holding me by hand, He has given me everything; He has lit the lamp and (my mind is)
nwnk nwim risk bYrwgI kulh smUhW qwro ]2]87]110]
naanak, naam rasik bairaagee, kulah samoohaan taaro. ||2||87||110||
Nanak (says): Savouring (the essence of) the name on becomes detached, and, he saves all his
generations. 2.87.110

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI Awn ismir mir jWih ] maa-ee ree, aan simar mar jaanhi.
O! (my) mother, those who remember some other (than God) they die (spiritually).
iqAwig goibdu jIAn ko dwqw mwieAw sMig lptwih ]1] rhwau ]
ti-aag gobid jee-an ko daataa, maa-i-aa saNg laptaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Forsaking the Lord of the World, the Giver of life, they are entangled in Maya. 1 (Pause)
nwmu ibswir clih An mwrig nrk Gor mih pwih ] naam bisaar chaleh an maarag, narak ghor meh paahi.
(Those, who) forget (meditation upon) the name (of God) and walk on (i.e. follow) some other
path, are thrown into horrible hell.
Aink sjWeI gxq n AwvY grBY griB BRmwih ]1]
anik sajaan-ee gaṇat na aavai, garbhai garabh bharmaahi. ||1||
They are given uncounted punishments; and, they wander from womb to womb (in
reincarnation). 1
sy DnvMqy sy piqvMqy hir kI srix smwih ] say dhanvaNtay, say pativaNtay, har kee saran samaahi.
They alone are wealthy, and, they alone are honourable, who are absorbed in the refuge of
gur pRswid nwnk jgu jIiqE bhuir n Awvih jWih ]2]88]111]
gur parsaad naanak jag jeeti-o, bahur na aavahi jaanhi. ||2||88||111||
Nanak (says): by the grace of the Guru, they conquer the world; and, they do not come and
go (in reincarnation) again. 2.88.111

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir kwtI kuitlqw kuTwir ] har kaatee kutiltaa, kuṭaar.
God has cut down my crookedness (of my mind) with axe (of the name).
BRm bn dhn Bey iKn BIqir rwm nwm prhwir ]1] rhwau ]
bharam ban dahan bha-ay khin bheetar, raam naam parhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The forests of doubts has been burnt (i.e. eliminated) in an instant, by the stroke of the name
of God. 1 (pause)
kwm k®oD inMdw prhrIAw kwFy swDU kY sMig mwir ] jnmu pdwrQu gurmuiK jIiqAw bhuir n jUAY hwir ]1]
kaam krodh niNdaa parharee-aa, kaaḍay saadhoo kai saNg maar.
janam padaarath gurmukh jeeti-aa, bahur na joo-ai haar. ||1||
(One, who has) given up sexual desire, anger, and slander, (and has) driven them out (by
being) in the company of the God-oriented persons,
He has won the wealth of life through the Guru; he shall not lose it in the gamble, again. 1
P. 1226
AwT phr pRB ky gux gwvh pUrn sbid bIcwir ]aaṭ pahar prabh kay guṇ gaavah, pooran sabad beechaar.
(O! brethren) let us sings (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord, (all) the eight quarters (i.e.
twenty-four hours a day) and contemplate the perfect word.
nwnk dwsin dwsu jnu qyrw punh punh nmskwir ]2]89]112]
naanak daasan daas jan tayraa, punah punah namaskaar. ||2||89||112||
Nanak (says): I am the slave of the slaves of Your servants (i.e. devotees), and, I make
obeisance to them over and over again. 2.39.112

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

poQI prmysr kw Qwnu ] pothee, parmaysar kaa thaan.
The book (of the word) is the home of the Supreme Lord.
swDsMig gwvih gux goibMd pUrn bRhm igAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
saadhsaNg gaavahi guṇ gobiNd, pooran barahm gi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever sings (the praise) of the excellences of the Lord of the World, in the company of the
God-oriented persons, attains the knowledge of the perfect Reality (i.e. God). 1 (pause)
swiDk isD sgl muin locih ibrly lwgY iDAwnu ] saadhik sidh sagal mun locheh, birlay laagai dhi-aan.
The seekers and the Sidhs (i.e. claiming having miraculous powers) and the silent sages (all)
long (to obtain His vision), but, those who concentrate upon Him are rare.
ijsih ik®pwlu hoie myrw suAwmI pUrn qw ko kwmu ]1]
jisahi kirpaal ho-ay mayraa su-aamee, pooran taa ko kaam. ||1||
One, unto whom my Lord becomes kind, all his tasks are perfectly accomplished. 1
jw kY irdY vsY BY BMjnu iqsu jwnY sgl jhwnu ] jaa kai ridai vasai bhai bhaNjan, tis jaanai sagal jahaan.
One, in whose heart abides the Destroyer of Fears, he is known in the whole world.
iKnu plu ibsru nhI myry krqy iehu nwnku mWgY dwnu ]2]90]113]
khin pal bisar nahee mayray kartay, ih naanak maangai daan. ||2||90||113||
Nanak (says): May I never forget You even for a moment, even for an instant, O! my Creator,
I beg for this gift (i.e. blessing). 2.90.113

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

vUTw srb QweI myhu ] vooṭaa sarab thaa-ee mayhu.
The rain has fallen at all places.
And mMgl gwau hir jsu pUrn pRgitE nyhu ]1] rhwau ]
anad maNgal gaa-o har jas, pooran pargati-o nayhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing the songs of joy and bliss in the praise of God, (like the water of the rain) the love of
Perfect is revealed (in all hearts). 1 (pause)
cwir kuMt dh idis jl iniD aUn Qwau n kyhu ] chaar kuNt dah dis jal nidh, oon thaa-o na kayhu.
In all the four sides and ten directions, there is Treasure of water (i.e. God); there is no place
without Him.
ik®pw iniD goibMd pUrn jIA dwnu sB dyhu ]1] kirpaa nidh gobiNd pooran, jee-a daan sabh dayh. ||1||
The Perfect Lord of the World, the Treasure of Mercy, blesses all with the gift of life. 1
siq siq hir siq suAwmI siq swDsMgyhu ] sat sat har sat su-aamee, sat saadhsaNgayhu.
True, True is the Lor, True is my Master; and true is the company of God-oriented persons.
siq qy jn ijn prqIiq aupjI nwnk nh Brmyhu ]2]91]114]
sat tay jan jin parteet upjee, naanak nah bharmayhu. ||2||91||114||
Nanak (says): True are those servants (i.e. devotees) within whom faith wells up; they are not
deluded by doubts. 2.91.114

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

goibd jIau qU myry pRwn ADwr ] gobid jee-o, too mayray paraan adhaar.
O! dear Lord of the World, You are the support of my breath (of life).
swjn mIq shweI qum hI qU myro prvwr ]1] rhwau ]
saajan meet sahaa-ee tum hee, too mayro parvaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are my friend and companion; You are my help; and, You are my family. 1 (pause)
kru msqik DwirE myrY mwQY swDsMig gux gwey ]
kar mastak dhaari-o mayrai maathai, saadhsaNg guṇ gaa-ay.
(When) You placed Your hand on my fore-head, (yes) on my forehead, I sang (the praise of
Your) excellences in the company of the God-oriented persons.
qumrI ik®pw qy sB Pl pwey rsik rwm nwm iDAwey ]1] tumree kirpaa tay sabh fal paa-ay, rasak raam naam
dhi-aa-ay. ||1||
By Your grace, I obtained all fruits, and, meditated upon the name of God with delight.1
Aibcl nIv DrweI siqguir kbhU folq nwhI ] abichal neev dharaa-ee satgur, kabhoo dolat naahee.
My True Guru has laid stable (i.e. eternal) foundation, it shall never be shaken.
gur nwnk jb Bey dieAwrw srb suKw iniD pWhI ]2]92]115]
gur, naanak, jab bha-ay da-i-aaraa; sarab sukhaa nidh paanhee. ||2||92||115||
Nanak (says): when the Guru became kind (to me), I obtained the treasure of total
happiness. 2.92.115

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

inbhI nwm kI scu Kyp ] nibhee, naam kee sach khayp.
Only the true merchandise of the name (of God) stays with us.
lwBu hir gux gwie iniD Dnu ibKY mwih Alyp ]1] rhwau ]

laabh har guṇ gaa-ay nidh dhan, bikhai maahi alayp. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, one earns profit, (this is the true) treasure of
wealth; (and with this) one remains detached even amidst poison (i.e. Maya). 1 (pause)
jIA jMq sgl sMqoKy Awpnw pRBu iDAwie ] jee-a jaNt sagal saNtokhay, aapnaa prabh dhi-aa-ay.
Meditating their their Lord, all beings and creatures find contentment.
rqn jnmu Apwr jIiqE bhuiV join n pwie ]1] ratan janam apaar jeeti-o, bahuṛ jon na paa-ay. ||1||
One, who has won the infinite (i.e. priceless) jewel of this (human) life, he shall not be
consigned to womb (in incarnation) again. 1
Bey ik®pwl dieAwl goibd BieAw swDU sMgu ] hir crn rwis nwnk pweI lgw pRB isau rMgu ]2]93]116]
bha-ay kirpaal da-i-aal gobid, bha-i-aa saadhoo saNg.
har charan raas naanak paa-ee, lagaa prabh si-o raNg. ||2||93||116||
Nanak (says): (when) the Merciful Lord of the World becomes kind, one finds the company
of the Guru*; [*Here saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
(then) I he finds the capital (i.e. wealth) of the (lotus) feet of God; and, he gets imbued with
God. 2.93.116

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI pyiK rhI ibsmwd ] maa-ee ree, paykh rahee bismaad.
O! (my) mother, beholding Him, I am wonder-struck.
Anhd DunI myrw mnu moihE Acrj qw ky sÍwd ]1] rhwau ]
anhad dhunee mayraa man mohi-o, achraj taa kay savaad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The unstruck sound (of His name) has fascinated my mind; its taste is amazing (it cannot be
described). 1 (pause)
mwq ipqw bMDp hY soeI min hir ko Aihlwd ] maat pitaa baNdhap hai so-ee, man har ko ahilaad.
He is my mother, father and relative; O! my mind is delighted in (bliss of the name of) God.
swDsMig gwey gun goibMd ibnisE sBu prmwd ]1] saadhsa g gaa-ay gun gobind, binsi-o sabh parmaad. ||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, in the company of the God-
oriented persons, all intoxication (i.e. craze) is eliminated. 1
forI lpit rhI crnh sMig BRm BY sgly Kwd ] doree lapat rahee charnah saNg, bharam bhai saglay khaad.
The string (of my mind) is clinging (i.e. I am fully attached) to His feet, all my fears and doubts
have been consumed (i.e. finished).
eyku ADwru nwnk jn kIAw bhuir n join BRmwd ]2]94]117]
ayk adhaar naanak jan kee-aa, bahur na jon bharmaad. ||2||94||117||
Nanak (says): the servant, who has taken the support of the One (Lord), shall not enter in
womb (i.e. shall not wander in reincarnation) again. 2.94.117
P. 1227
swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5
mweI rI mwqI crx smUh ] maa-ee ree, maatee charaṇ samooh.
O! (my) mother, I am totally intoxicated with the feet (of God).
eyksu ibnu hau Awn n jwnau duqIAw Bwau sB lUh ]1] rhwau ]
aykas bin ha-o aan na jaan-o, dutee-aa bhaa-o sabh looh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I know none other than the One (Lord); I have burnt off the sense of duality. 1 (pause)
iqAwig guopwl Avr jo krxw qy ibiKAw ky KUh ] ti-aag gopaal avar jo karṇaa, tay bikhi-aa kay khooh.
Abandoning the Sustainer of the World and doing anything else, is (like falling) in a well of
poison (i.e. Maya).
drs ipAws myrw mnu moihE kwFI nrk qy DUh ]1]
daras pi-aas mayraa man mohi-o, kaaḍee narak tay dhooh. ||1||
My mind is enticed in thirst for beholding Him (who has) lifted me up out of the hell. 1
sMq pRswid imilE suKdwqw ibnsI haumY hUh ] saNt parsaad mili-o sukh-daata, binsee ha-umai hooh.
By the grace of the God-oriented persons, I have met (the Lord) the Giver of Happiness, and,
the sound and fury of egotism (within me) has vanished away.
rwm rMig rwqy dws nwnk mauilE mnu qnu jUh ]2]95]118]
raam raNg raatay daas, naanak, ma-uli-o man tan jooh. ||2||95||118||
Nanak (says): Those slaves (i.e. devotees) who are imbued with the love of God, the
boundaries (i.e. the whole of) of their mind and body have blossomed forth. 2.95.118

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

ibnsy kwc ky ibauhwr ] rwm Bju imil swDsMgiq iehY jg mih swr ]1] rhwau ]
binsay kaach kay bi-uhaar. raam bhaj mil saadhsaNgat, ihai jag meh saar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(All) the trade in falsehood vanishes away; (so, O! brethren),
join the company of the God-oriented persons and meditate upon God; this in the most
excellent (i.e. sublime) thing in the world. 1 (pause)
eIq aUq n foil kqhU nwmu ihrdY Dwir ] eet oot na dol kathoo, naam hirdai dhaar.
Here or there (i.e. hereafter), one does not waver (when) one enshrines the name (of God)
within your heart.
gur crn boihQ imilE BwgI auqirE sMswr ]1] gur charan bohith mili-o bhaagee, utri-o saNsaar. ||1||
The boat of the Guru's feet is found by (good) fortune, (and, one, who finds it) is carried
across the world (ocean). 1
jil Qil mhIAil pUir rihE srb nwQ Apwr ] jal thal mahee-al poor rahi-o, sarab naath apaar.
The Infinite (Lord, who) is pervading the waters, the lands, nether regions, is the Lord of all.
hir nwmu AMimRqu pIau nwnk Awn rs siB Kwr ]2]96]119]
har naam aMmrit pee-o, naanak, aan ras sabh khaar. ||2||96||119||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) drink in the AMmrit name of God, all other tastes are alkaline
(i.e. bitter). 2.96.119

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

qw qy krx plwh kry ] mhw ibkwr moh md mwqO ismrq nwih hry ]1] rhwau ]
taa tay, karaṇ palaah karay. mahaa bikaar moh mad maatou, simrat naahi haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That is why, he is whines and cries; (because)
He is intoxicated with great vices of (emotional) attachment and pride; and, does not
remember God. 1 (pause)
swDsMig jpqy nwrwiex iqn ky doK jry ] saadhsaNg japtay naaraa-iṇ, tin kay dokh jaray.
(On the other hand) those who meditate upon the Omnipresent (i.e. God), in the company of
the God-oriented persons, their sins are burnt away.
sPl dyh DMin Eie jnmy pRB kY sMig rly ]1] safal dayh dhaNn o-ay janmay, prabh kai saNg ralay. ||1||
Fruitful (i.e. successful) is their body, and, blessed is their birth, who merge with the Lord. 1
cwir pdwrQ Ast dsw isiD sB aUpir swD Bly] chaar padaarath, asat dasaa sidh, sabh oopar saadh bhalay.
The four (great) blessings and the eighteen supernatural powers (are great, but) the God-
oriented persons are placed all these.
nwnk dws DUir jn bWCY auDrih lwig ply ]2]97]120]
naanak daas dhoor jan baanchhai, udhrahi laag palay. ||2||97||120||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I long for the dust (of the feet of the God-oriented persons);
attached to the hem of their robe, one is saved. 2.97.120

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwm ky jn kWKI ] har kay naam kay jan kaankhee.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, yearn (only) for His name.
min qin bcin eyhI suKu cwhq pRB drsu dyKih kb AwKI ]1] rhwau ]
man tan bachan ayhee sukh chaahat, prabh daras daykheh kab aakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With mind, body and word (i.e. in thought, word and deed), they long for this happiness:
“when shall we behold the vision of God with our eyes”. 1 (pause)
qU byAMqu pwrbRhm suAwmI giq qyrI jwie n lwKI ]
too bay-aNt paarbarahm su-aamee, gat tayree jaa-ay na laakhee.
You are endless, O! Supreme Reality, Lord; Your state (i.e. grandeur) cannot be known.
crn kml pRIiq mnu byiDAw kir srbsu AMqir rwKI ]1]
charan kamal preet man baydhi-aa, kar sarbas aNtar raakhee. ||1||
My mind is pierced through with the love of Your lotus feet; regarding it as everything for
me; I have enshrined it in my mind. 1
byd purwn isimRiq swDU jn ieh bwxI rsnw BwKI ] jip rwm nwmu nwnk insqrIAY horu duqIAw ibrQI swKI ]2]98]121]
bayd puraan simrit saadhoo jan, ih baṇee rasnaa bhaakhee.
jap raam naam, naanak, nistaree-ai; hor dutee-aa birthee saakhee. ||2||98||121||
The Vedas, the Puranas, and the Simrities, and the God-oriented persons have spoken this
word from mouth: (that)
meditating upon the name of God, one is emancipated, all other stories (i.e. teaching) of
duality are useless. 2.98.121

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mwKI rwm kI qU mwKI ] maakhee, raam kee too maakhee.
O! fly, you are (just) a fly of (i.e. created by) God.
(Fly has been presented as a metaphor of Maya: O! Maya, your are just a creation of God).
jh durgMD qhw qU bYsih mhw ibiKAw md cwKI ]1] rhwau ]
jah durgaNdh tahaa too baiseh, mahaa bikhi-aa mad chaakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever, there is foul smell, you sit there, and taste the wine of poison. 1 (pause)
[Maya abides where there is malodour of vices and it delights sins].
ikqih AsQwin qU itknu n pwvih ieh ibiD dyKI AwKI ]
kiteh asthaan too tikan na paavahi, ih bidh daykhee aakhee.

You do not stay put at any one place, I have seen this state with my eyes.
sMqw ibnu qY koie n CwifAw sMq pry goibd kI pwKI ]1]
saNtaa bin tai ko-ay na chhaadi-aa, saNt paray gobid kee paakhee. ||1||
You have not spared anyone except the God-oriented persons; since the God-oriented
persons are on the side (i.e. under the refuge) of the Lord of the World. 1
jIA jMq sgly qY mohy ibnu sMqw iknY n lwKI ] jee-a jaNt saglay tai mohay, bin saNtaa kinai na laakhee.
You have enticed all the beings and creatures; no one has known you (i.e your reality) other
than the God-oriented persons.
nwnk dwsu hir kIrqin rwqw sbdu suriq scu swKI ]2]99]122]
naanak daas har keertan raataa, sabad surat sach saakhee. ||2||99||122||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am imbued with singing the praise of God; and, I behold
the True (Lord) through the word. 2.99.122

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI kwtI jm kI Pws ] hir hir jpq srb suK pwey bIcy gRsq audws ]1] rhwau ]
maa-ee ree, kaatee jam kee faas.
har har japat sarab sukh paa-ay, beechay garsat udaas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mother, the noose of death has been cut away (because):
meditating upon God, the Lord, they have found total happiness; they remain detached
even midst of their household. 1 (pause)
P. 1228
kir ikrpw lIny kir Apuny aupjI drs ipAws ] kar kirpaa leenay kar apunay, upjee daras pi-aas.
Bestowing His grace, (those, whom) he makes them His own, the thirst for beholding Him
wells up within them.
sMqsMig imil hir gux gwey ibnsI duqIAw Aws ]1] saNtsaNg mil har guṇ gaa-ay, binsee dutee-aa aas. ||1||
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, they sing (the praise of) the excellences of
God; and, the hope of duality vanishes (from within them). 1
mhw auidAwn AtvI qy kwFy mwrgu sMq kihE ] mahaa udi-aan atvee tay kaaḍay, maarag saNt kahi-o.
The God-oriented persons showed them the path, and, pulled them out from terrible dense
dyKq drsu pwp siB nwsy hir nwnk rqnu lihE ]2]100]123]
daykhat daras paap sabh naasay, har naanak ratan lahi-o. ||2||100||123||
Nanak (says): beholding Him, all sins vanish away and one finds the jewel of God. 2.100.123

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mweI rI AirE pRym kI Koir ] maa-ee ree, ari-o paraym kee khor.
O! (my) mother, (my mind is) entangled and intoxicated with the love (of God).
drsn ruicq ipAws min suMdr skq n koeI qoir ]1] rhwau ]
darsan ruchit pi-aas man suNdar, sakat na ko-ee tor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind has longing and thirst for the vision of the Beauteous (Lord); no one can break this.
1 (pause)
pRwn mwn piq ipq suq bMDp hir srbsu Dn mor ] paraan maan pat pit sut baNdhap, har sarbas dhan mor.

God is my breath (of life), honour, husband, father, son, relative, wealth and everything.
iDRgu srIru Asq ibstw ik®m ibnu hir jwnq hor ]1] dharig sareer asat bistaa kiram, bin har jaanat hor. ||1||
Cursed is that body, (it is like) a corpse and (like) a pile of worms of faeces, (if) it knows (i.e.
recognizes) any other than God. 1
BieE ik®pwl dIn duK BMjnu prw pUrblw jor ] nwnk srix ik®pw iniD swgr ibnisE Awn inhor ]2]101]124]
bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhaNjan, paraa poorbalaa jor.
naanak, saraṇ kirpaa nidh saagar, binsi-o aan nihor. ||2||101||124||
The Destroyer of the sorrows of the poor becomes kind, by the power of the past deeds;
Nanak (says): (then) he seeks the refuge of the Treasure and Ocean of Grace, his dependence
upon others is over. 2.101.124

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

nIkI rwm kI Duin soie ] neekee, raam kee dhun so-ay.
God’s melody is nice (deed).
crn kml AnUp suAwmI jpq swDU hoie ]1] rhwau ]
charan kamal anoop su-aamee, japat saadhoo ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The lotus-feet of the Lord are incomparably beautiful; meditating upon them, one becomes
God-oriented. 1 (pause)
icqvqw gopwl drsn klmlw kFu Doie ] chitvataa gopaal darsan, kalmalaa kaḍ dho-ay.
Just by thinking the vision of God, the sins are washed away.
jnm mrn ibkwr AMkur hir kwit Cwfy Koie ]1] janam maran bikaar a kur, har kaat chhaaday kho-ay. ||1||
God cuts down and weeds them out the sprout of vices and (the cycle of) birth and death . 1
prw pUrib ijsih iliKAw ibrlw pwey koie ] paraa poorab jisahi likhi-aa, birlaa paa-ay ko-ay.
Some rare ones, who are blessed with pre-inscribed destiny, finds Him.
rvx gux gopwl krqy nwnkw scu joie ]2]102]125]
ravaṇ guṇ gopaal kartay, naankaa sach jo-ay. ||2||102||125||
Nanak (says): chanting (the praise of) the excellences of the Creator, the Sustainer of the
World, one beholds the True (Lord). 2.102.125

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir ky nwm kI miq swr ] har kay naam kee mat saar.
Beautiful (i.e. sublime) is the intellect of (i.e. which leads to meditation upon) the name of God.
hir ibswir ju Awn rwcih imQn sB ibsQwr ]1] rhwau ]
har bisaar jo aan raacheh, mithan sabh bisthaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who forget God and get engrossed in some other, all their (show of) expanse is false. 1
swDsMgim Bju suAwmI pwp hovq Kwr ] saadhsaNgam bhaj su-aamee, paap hovat khaar.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Lord, in the company of the God-oriented persons; (all
your) sins shall become dust (i.e. are erased).
crnwribMd bswie ihrdY bhuir jnm n mwr ]1] charnaarbiNd basaa-ay hirdai, bahur janam na maar. ||1||
Enshrine the lotus-feet (of God) within (your) heart, (then you) shall not be subject to birth
and death again. 1
kir AnugRh rwiK lIny eyk nwm ADwr ] kar anugrah raakh leenay, ayk naam adhaar.
Bestowing His kindness, He protects those who take the support of the One name (of the
idn rYin ismrq sdw nwnk muK aUjl drbwir ]2]103]126]
din rain simrat sadaa, naanak, mukh oojal darbaar. ||2||103||126||
Nanak (says): Remembering Him constantly, day and night, ever, their one’s face radiates in
His court. 2.103.126

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

mwnI qUM rwm kY dir mwnI ] swDsMig imil hir gun gwey ibnsI sB AiBmwnI ]1] rhwau ]
maanee, tooN raam kai dar maanee.
saadhsaNg mil har gun gaa-ay, binsee sabh abhimaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Honoured! (O! soul bride) You shall be honoured at the door (i.e. in the court) of God;
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, sing (the praise of) the excellences of God,
your pride shall vanish away. 1 (pause)
Dwir AnugRhu ApnI kir lInI gurmuiK pUr igAwnI ]
dhaar anoograhu apnee kar leenee, gurmukh poor gi-aanee.
Bestowing His kindness, one, whom He makes His owns, through the Guru she (i.e. soul
bride) becomes perfectly wise.
srb sUK Awnµd Gnyry Twkur drs iDAwnI ]1] sarab sookh aanand ghanayray, thaakur daras dhi-aanee. ||1||
All pleasures and all sorts of joy is obtained, by contemplating the vision of the Lord. 1
inkit vrqin sw sdw suhwgin dh ids sweI jwnI ] nikat vartan saa sadaa suhaagan, dah dis saa-ee jaanee.
She (i.e. the soul bride), who dwells close (to the Husband Lord), is forever happy (soul) bride,
and, she is known in (all) the ten-directions.
ipRA rMg rMig rqI nwrwien nwnk iqsu kurbwnI ]2]104]127]
pari-a raNg raNg ratee naaraa-in, naanak tis kurbaanee. ||2||104||127||
Nanak (says): She, who is imbued with the love of the loving Beloved Omnipresent (Lord), I
am a I sacrifice unto her. 2.104.127

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

quA crn Awsro eIs ] tu-a charan aasro, ees.
I seek the support of Your feet, O! God.
qumih pCwnU swku qumih sMig rwKnhwr qumY jgdIs ] rhwau ]
tumeh pachhaanoo, saak tumeh saNg, raakhanhaar tumai, jagdees. rahaa-o.
You (alone) are my acquaintance; You (alone) are my relative; You (alone) are my protector,
O! Lord of the World. 1 (pause)
qU hmro hm qumry khIAY ieq auq qum hI rwKy ] too hamro, ham tumray kahee-ai, it ut tum hee raakhay.
You are our, we are known to be Yours; here and hereafter, You (alone) are our protector.
qU byAMqu AprMpru suAwmI gur ikrpw koeI lwKY ]1]
too bay-aNt apraMpar su-aamee, gur kirpaa ko-ee laakhai. ||1||
You are Endless and infinite, O! my Master, by the grace of Guru, only some rare one knows
(i.e. understands this). 1
ibnu bkny ibnu khn khwvn AMqrjwmI jwnY ] bin baknay, bin kahan kahaavan, aNtarjaamee jaanai.
Without speaking, without telling or getting told (You know everything); (You are) the
Controller of Souls.
jw kau myil ley pRBu nwnku sy jn drgh mwny ]2]105]128]
jaa ka-o mayl la-ay parabh, naanak, say jan dargeh maanay. ||2||105||128||
Nanak (says): Those whom the Lord unites with Himself, those persons are accepted in His
court. 2.105.128
P. 1229
swrMg mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 5 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, chaupday, ghar 5
< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
hir Bij Awn krm ibkwr ] mwn mohu n buJq iqRsnw kwl gRs sMswr ]1] rhwau ]
har bhaj, aan karam bikaar. maan moh na bujhat tarisnaa, kaal garas saNsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Brethren) meditate upon God, all other actions are useless.
Pride and (emotional) attachment and desires are not quenched (by actions other than
meditation upon God), the world is in the grip of death. 1 (pause)
Kwq pIvq hsq sovq AauD ibqI Aswr ] khaat peevat hasat sovat, a-odh bitee asaar.
Eating, drinking, laughing, sleeping, life is passes uselessly.
nrk audir BRmMq jlqo jmih kInI swr ]1] narak udar bharmaNt jalto, jameh keenee saar. ||1||
Wandering (through incarnations, he remains) in womb, in hell like fire, (and, ultimately)
death takes care of (consumes) him. 1
pr dRoh krq ibkwr inMdw pwp rq kr Jwr ] par daroh karat bikaar niNdaa, paap rat kar jhaar.
Practising cheating, wickedness and slander against others, he sins and washes off his hands
(i.e. tries to present himself as noble).
ibnw siqgur bUJ nwhI qm moh mhW AMDwr ]2] binaa satgur boojh naahee, tam moh mahaan aNdhaar. ||2||
Without the True Guru, he has no understand; he remains in the grip of utter darkness of
greed and (emotional) attachment. 2
ibKu TgaurI Kwie mUTo iciq n isrjnhwr ] bikh ṭag-uree khaa-ay mooṭo, chit na sirjanhaar.
Eating the cheating poison, (he becomes intoxicated, hence he) is robbed (of his spiritual
wealth); (the thought of) the Creator is not come into his mind (i.e. he forgets the Lord).
goibMd gupq hoie rihE inAwro mwqMg miq AhMkwr ]3]
gobiNd gupat ho-ay rahi-o, ni-aaro maataNg mat ahaNkaar. ||3||
The Lord of the World is hidden (within him, but) he remains detached (from Him because he
is like an) elephant intoxicated with wine of egotism. 3
kir ik®pw pRB sMq rwKy crn kml ADwr ] kar kirpaa prabh saNt raakhay, charan kamal adhaar.
Bestowing His kindness, the Lord saves God-oriented persons, giving them the support of
His lotus feet.
kr joir nwnku srin AwieE guopwl purK Apwr ]4]1]129]
kar jor naanak saran aa-i-o, gopaal purakh apaar. ||4||1||129||
Nanak (says): O! Sustainer of the World, God, Primal Person, Infinite (Lord), I have come to
your refuge with my hands pressed together. 4.1.129

swrg mhlw 5 Gru 6 pVqwl Saarag, Mehlaa 5, ghar 6, paṛ-taal

< siq ikko-oⁿkaar, sat,
God (onkaar) is (but) One (i.e. He is ‘The Only One’); (He is) the Truth;
gur pRswid ] gur prsaad.
(I begin writing this verse ) by the grace of the Guru (i.e. God).
suB bcn boil gun Amol ] subh bachan bol, gun amol.
(O! my friend) chant sublime words of (the praise of) the priceless excellences (of God).
ikMkrI ibkwr ] kiNkree bikaar.
Why are you indulging in evil deeds?
dyKu rI bIcwr ] gur sbdu iDAwie mhlu pwie ] hir sMig rMg krqI mhw kyl ]1] rhwau ]
daykh, ree, beechaar. gur sabad dhi-aa-ay, mahal paa-ay.
har saNg raNg, kartee mahaa kayl. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Look, O! (dear), and contemplate (i.e. understand that):
Meditate upon the word of the Guru, and you shall find the mansion (of the Lord).
Imbued with God, you shall play great (game of love) with Him. 1 (pause)
supn rI sMswru ] imQnI ibsQwru ] supan, ree, saNsaar. mithnee bisthaar.
Look, O! (dear), this world is (like) a dream. (All) this display is false (this is an illusion).
sKI kwie moih moihlI ipRA pRIiq irdY myl ]1] sakhee, kaa-ay mohi mohilee, pari-a pareet ridai mayl. ||1||
O! (my) friend, why are you enticed by (emotional) attachment; enshrine the love of the
Beloved (Lord) within your heart. 1
srb rI pRIiq ipAwru ] pRBu sdw rI dieAwru ]
sarab, ree, preet pi-aar. prabh sadaa ree da-i-aar.
Look, O! (dear), He is all love. O! (dear), the Lord is always merciful.
kWeyN Awn Awn rucIAY ] hir sMig sMig KcIAY ]
kaan-ayn, aan aan ruchee-ai. har saNg saNg khachee-ai.
Why should we so involved with others?
Let us always remain engrossed with (I.e. absorbed in) God.
jau swDsMg pwey ] khu nwnk hir iDAwey ] Ab rhy jmih myl ]2]1]130]
ja-o saadhsaNg paa-ay. kaho naanak har dhi-aa-ay. ab rahay jameh mayl. ||2||1||130||
Nanak (says): When one joins the company of the God-oriented persons, one meditates
upon God; then the association with the messenger of death is ended. 2.1.130

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

kMcnw bhu dq krw ] Buim dwnu Arip Drw ]
kaNchnaa baho dat karaa. bhoom daan arap dharaa.
(O! my mind, One may) give a lot of gold in charity. (One may) give away land in charity.
mn Aink soc pivqR krq ] man anik soch pavitar karat.
(One may) purify his mind through various (rituals) of ablution.
nwhI ry nwm quil mn crn kml lwgy ]1] rhwau ]
naahee ray naam tul, man, charan kamal laagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

(But) none (of these) is equal to the name (of God); (so) O! mind attach (yourself) to His lotus
feet. 1 (pause)
cwir byd ijhv Bny ] chaar bayd jihav bhanay.
(One may) recite the four Vedas with his tongue.
ds Ast Kst sRvn suny ] das asat khasat sarvan sunay.
(One may) listen to the eighteen (Upnishads) and six (Shastras) with one’s ears.
nhI quil goibd nwm Duny ] nahee tul gobid naam dhunay.
(But these are) not equal to the (celestial) sound of the name of the Lord of the World.
mn crn kml lwgy ]1] man, charan kamal laagay. ||1||
(So) O! (my) mind, attach (yourself) to His lotus feet. 1
brq sMiD soc cwr ] barat saNdh, soch chaar.
(One may) undertake fast, perform Sandhya (i.e. prayers), (wander in the) four directions for
ik®Aw kuMit inrwhwr ] kir-aa kuNt niraahaar.
(One may) wander in four directions, without eating food,
Aprs krq pwkswr ] apras, karat paaksaar.
(One may) cook his own food untouched by anyone.
invlI krm bhu ibsQwr ] nivlee karam, baho bisthaar.
(One may) perform Nivlee Karam* in great detail.
[*Niulee (nauli) is a practice of Hath Yoga. The exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region -
digestive organs, small intestine and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the
abdominal muscles. There are four variations of this practice: 1. madhyana nauli: the isolated contraction of the
central muscles of the abdominis; 2. vama nauli: the isolated contraction of the left part of the central muscles of the
abdomen; 3.daksina nauli: the isolated contraction of the right part of the central muscles of the abdomen; 4.nauli
kriya: the circular movement of the central muscles of the abdomen].
DUp dIp krqy hir nwm quil n lwgy ] dhoop deep kartay, har naam tul na laagay.
(One may) burn incense, light lamps (for ritual worship), (but) none (of these) is equal to the
name (of God).
rwm dieAwr suin dIn bynqI ] dyhu drsu nYn pyKau jn nwnk nwm imst lwgy ]2]2]131]
raam da-i-aar, sun deen bayntee.
dayh daras, nain paykha-o, jan naanak, naam misat laagay. ||2||2||131||
O! Merciful God, (please) hear the prayer of the poor:
Serant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (please) bless me with Your vision; that I may see You with
(my) eyes; the name is so sweet (to me). 2.2.131

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

rwm rwm rwm jwip rmq rwm shweI ]1] rhwau ]
raam raam raam jaap, ramat raam sahaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master; meditating (upon Him), God
becomes our support. 1 (pause)
P. 1230
sMqn kY crn lwgy kwm k®oD loB iqAwgy gur gopwl Bey ik®pwl lbiD ApnI pweI ]1]
saNtan kai charan laagay, kaam krodh lobh ti-aagay,
gur gopaal bha-ay kirpaal, labadh apnee paa-ee||1||
By attaching to the feet of the God-oriented persons sexual desire, anger, greed get
abandoned; (then) the Guru the Sustainer of the World, becomes kind, and one comes to
obtain what one was searching for. 1
ibnsy BRm moh AMD tUty mwieAw ky bMD pUrn srbqR Twkur nh koaU bYrweI ]
binsay bharam moh a dh, tootay maa-i-aa kay ba dh, pooran sarbatar ṭaakur nah ko-oo bairaa-ee.
Darkness of doubts and (emotional) attachment is dispelled; the bonds of Maya are broken.
(then one beholds) the Perfect Lord pervading everywhere; (and there remains) no enemy.
suAwmI supRsMn Bey jnm mrn doK gey sMqn kY crn lwig nwnk gun gweI ]2]3]132]
su-aamee suparsaNn bha-ay, janam maran dokh ga-ay,
saNtan kai charan laag, naanak, gun gaa-ee. ||2||3||132||
Nanak (says): (when) the Lord is totally pleased, one is rid of the pains of birth and death;
attaching to the feet of the God-oriented persons, one sings the excellences of God. 2.3.132

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

hir hry hir muKhu boil hir hry min Dwry ]1] rhwau ]
har haray har mukhahu bol, har haray man dhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) chant (the name of) God, the Lord, the Master, with (your) mouth; and, enshrine
God, the Lord, God, within (your) mind. 1 (pause)
sRvn sunn Bgiq krn Aink pwiqk punhcrn ] sarvan sunan, bhagat karan, anik paatik punahcharan*.
Listening (the name of God) with ears and practising devotion, are (like) the (pious) ‘ritual for
expiation’* of countless sins.
[*Punahcharan literally means to repeat an incantation over and over again, for expiation of some negative deed/ sin].
srn prn swDU Awn bwin ibswry ]1] saran paran saadhoo, aan baan bisaaray. ||1||
(So, O! brethren) seek the refuge of the God-oriented person and forget other habits(i.e ways). 1
hir crn pRIiq nIq nIiq pwvnw mih mhw punIq ] har charan pareet, neet neet, paavnaa meh mahaa puneet.
Loving God’s (lotus) feet, continually and always, is (a deed) sacred among the most sacred.
syvk BY dUir krn kilml doK jwry ] sayvak bhai door karan, kalimal dokh jaaray.
It (i.e. love for the feet of God) takes away fear away from the servants (i.e. devotees), and,
burns away sins and vices.
khq mukq sunq mukq rhq jnm rhqy ] kahat mukat, sunat mukat, rahat janam rahtay.
Those who recite (the name of God) are liberated, and, those who listen are liberated; and,
those who keep code of conduct are saved from rebirth (i.e. reincarnation).
rwm rwm swr BUq nwnk qqu bIcwry ]2]4]133]
raam raam saar bhoot, naanak, tat beechaaray. ||2||4||133||
Nanak (says): (the name of) God, the Lord, is the essence of everything, (so, O! brethren)
contemplate this essence (of reality). 2.4.133

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

nwm Bgiq mwgu sMq iqAwig sgl kwmI ]1] rhwau ]
naam bhagat maag saNt, ti-aag sagal kaamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) beg for devotion and (meditation upon) the name (of God) from the God-
oriented persons, and, forsake all other deeds. 1 (pause)
pRIiq lwie hir iDAwie gun guoibMd sdw gwie ] preet laa-ay, har dhi-aa-ay, gun gobiNd sadaa gaa-ay.
(O! brethren) meditate lovingly upon God, and, sing forever the excellences of the Lord of the
hir jn kI ryn bWCu dYnhwr suAwmI ]1] har jan kee rayn baanchh, dainhaar su-aamee. ||1||
(O! brethren) long for the dust of the feet of the servants (i.e devotees) of God, from the Lord is
the Giver (of everything). 1
srb kusl suK ibsRwm Awndw Awnµd nwm jm kI kCu nwih qRws ismir AMqrjwmI ]
sarab kusal sukh bisraam, aandaa aanaNd naam, jam kee kachh naahi taraas, simar aNtarjaamee.
(The name of God is the treasure of) total happiness, peace and poise; (the name is) bliss of all
bliss; (meditating upon the name) there remains no fear of death; (so, O! brethren) meditate
upon (God) the Controller of Souls.
eyk srn goibMd crn sMswr sgl qwp hrn ] ayk saran, gobiNd charan, saNsaar sagal taap haran.
Only the refuge of the feet of the Lord of the World destroys all the sufferings of the world.
nwv rUp swDsMg nwnk pwrgrwmI ]2]5]134] naav roop saadhsa g, naanak, paargaraamee. ||2||5||134||
Nanak (says): the company of the God-oriented persons is like a boat, to carry us across to
the other side (of the world ocean). 2.5.134

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

gun lwl gwvau gur dyKy ] gun laal gaava-o, gur daykhay.
I behold the Guru and sing (the praise of) the excellences of (my) Beloved (Lord).
pMcw qy eyku CUtw jau swDsMig pg rau ]1] rhwau ]
paNchaa tay ayk chhootaa, ja-o saadhsaNg pag ra-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When I join company of the God-oriented persons and grasp the feet (of God), (then my this)
one (mind) is liberated from the five (senses).* 1 (pause)
[*The five senses: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride]
idRstau kCu sMig n jwie mwnu iqAwig mohw ] darisat-a-o, kachh saNg na jaa-ay, maan ti-aag mohaa.
Nothing of the seen (world) shall go along with you; (so) abandon (your) pride and (worldly)
eykY hir pRIiq lwie imil swDsMig sohw ]1] aykai har preet laa-ay, mil saadhsaNg sohaa. ||1||
Hae love for One God and join the company of the God-oriented person, and, you shall) be
embellished. 1
pwieE hY gux inDwnu sgl Aws pUrI ] paa-i-o hai guṇ nidhaan, sagal aas pooree.
One, who has found (God) the Treasure of Excellences, all his hopes have been fulfilled.
nwnk min Anµd Bey guir ibKm gwrH qorI ]2]6]135]
naanak, man anaNd bha-ay, gur bikham gaarah toree. ||2||6||135||
Nanak (says): The Guru has shattered the tough fort (of doubt), (and now) my mind is in
ecstasy. 2.6.135

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

min ibrwgYgI ] KojqI drswr ]1] rhwau ] man biraagaigee. khojtee darsaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind has become detached. (I am) seeking (beholding) His vision. 1 (pause)
swDU sMqn syiv kY ipRau hIArY iDAwieE ] saadhoo saNtan sayv kai, pari-o hee-arai dhi-aa-i-o.

Serving the God-oriented persons I meditate upon (my) Beloved within (my) heart.
Awnµd rUpI pyiK kY hau mhlu pwvaugI ]1] aanaNd roopee paykh kai, ha-o mahal paav-ogee. ||1||
Beholding (the vision of) the Embodiment of Bliss, I shall find His mansion. 1
kwm krI sB iqAwig kY hau srix praugI ] kaam karee sabh ti-aag kai, ha-o saraṇ par-ugee.
Forsaking all worldly engagements, I shall seek (only) His refuge.
nwnk suAwmI gir imly hau gur mnwvaugI ]2]7]136]
naanak, su-aamee gar milay, ha-o gur manaav-ugee. ||2||7||136||
Nanak (says): (by the grace of the Guru) my Lord has hugged me in His embrace, (so) I shall
please my Guru (and thank him). 2.7.136

swrg mhlw 5 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 5

AYsI hoie prI ] jwnqy dieAwr ]1] rhwau ] aisee ho-ay paree. jaantay da-i-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This has become my condition; (only) the Merciful (Lord) knows it. 1 (pause)
mwqr ipqr iqAwig kY mnu sMqn pwih bycwieE ] maatar pitar ti-aag kai, man saNtan paahi baychaa-i-o.
Abanding my mother and father, I have sold my mind to the God-oriented persons.
jwiq jnm kul KoeIAY hau gwvau hir hrI ]1] jaat janam kul kho-ee-ai, ha-o gaava-o har haree. ||1||
I hae lost (i.e. forsaken) my (high) caste (i.e. social status), my family (of birth), and my
ancestry; (now) I sing (only the praise) of God. 1
lok kutMb qy tUtIAY pRB ikriq ikriq krI ] lok kutaMb tay tootee-ai, prabh kirat kirat karee.
I have broken away from people and family (i.e. worldly ties); (now) I work (only) for God.
guir mo kau aupdyisAw nwnk syiv eyk hrI ]2]8]137]
gur mo ka-o updaysi-aa, naanak sayv ayk haree. ||2||8||137||
Nanak (says): The Guru has instructed me to serve only the One God 2.8.137

bilhwrI ies jwiq kau ijh jipE isrjnhwru ]2] balihaaree is jaat ka-o, jih japi-o sirjanhaar. ||2||
I am a sacrifice unto my this caste, in which I meditate upon the Creator (i.e. meditation upon
God is my caste and social status, and, I am proud of it). 2
kbIr fgmg ikAw krih khw fulwvih jIau ] kabeer, dagmag ki-aa karahi, kahaa dulaaveh jee-o.
Kabir (says):(O! brethren) why do you waver (in faith), and, for what your mind is unsteady?
srb sUK ko nwieko rwm nwm rsu pIau ]3] sarab sookh ko naa-iko, raam naam ras pee-o. ||3||
Drink in the essence of the Name of God; He is the Chief (i.e. Lord) of all pleasures. 3
kbIr kMcn ky kuMfl bny aUpir lwl jVwau ] dIsih dwDy kwn ijau ijn@ min nwhI nwau ]4]
kabeer, kaNchan kay kuNdal banay, oopar laal jaṛaa-o.
deeseh daadhay kaan ji-o, jinh man naahee naa-o. ||4||
Kabir (says): (if there are) ear-rings made of gold, with jewels studded on them ----
they would look like burnt twigs, if the Name (of God) is not in the mind (of the wearer). 4
kbIr AYsw eyku AwDu jo jIvq imrqku hoie ] kabeer, aisaa ayk aadh, jo jeevat mirtak ho-ay.
Kabir (says): rare, very rare is such a person, who remains dead while yet alive.
inrBY hoie kY gun rvY jq pyKau qq soie ]5] nirbhai ho-ay kai gun ravai, jat paykha-o tat so-ay. ||5||
He is fearless; chants (the praise of) the excellences (of God); and, wherever he looks, finds Him
(i.e. God) there. 5
kbIr jw idn hau mUAw pwCY BieAw Anµdu ] moih imilE pRB Awpnw sMgI Bjih gouibMdu ]
kabeer, jaa din ha-o moo-aa, paachhai bha-i-aa anaNd.
mohi mili-o prabh aapnaa, saNgee bhajeh gobiNd. ||6||
Kabir (says): the day (i.e. since) my egotism died, after this I obtained (spiritual) bliss.
I met my Lord, and, got my companions* (too) meditate upon the Lord of the World. 6
[*my friends, here, means the five sense organs: nose, ears, eyes, moth/tongue and skin; and, intellect and mind].
kbIr sB qy hm bury hm qij Blo sBu koie ] kabeer, sabh tay ham buray, ham taj bhalo sabh ko-ay.
Kabir (says): I am the worst of all, everyone other than me is good.
ijin AYsw kir bUiJAw mIqu hmwrw soie ]7] jin aisaa kar boojhi-aa, meet hamaaraa so-ay. ||7||
One who realizes (himself) like this, is a friend of mine. 7
kbIr AweI muJih pih Aink kry kir Bys ] kabeer, aa-ee mujheh peh, anik karay kar bhays.
Kabir (says): she (i.e. Maya) came to me, wearing (i.e. disguising itself in) various garbs.
hm rwKy gur Awpny auin kIno Awdysu ]8] ham raakhay gur aapnay, un keeno aadays. ||8||
My Guru saved me, (and, now) I make commands to her(i.e. now Maya is my slave). 8
kbIr soeI mwrIAY ijh mUAY suKu hoie ] kabeer, so-ee maaree-ai, jih moo-ai sukh ho-ay.
Kabir (says): kill only that (i.e. duality and egotism), killing which brings (spiritual) happiness.
Blo Blo sBu ko khY buro n mwnY koie ]9] bhalo bhalo sabh ko kahai, buro na maanai ko-ay. ||9||
(Then) everyone shall call you good, and, no one shall think (i.e. regards you ) bad. 9
kbIr rwqI hovih kwrIAw kwry aUBy jMq ] kabeer, raatee hoveh kaaree-aa, kaaray oobhay jaNt.
Kabir (says): (when) the nights are dark, the men rise up to go for (i.e. to commit) black deeds.
P. 1365
lY Pwhy auiT Dwvqy is jwin mwry BgvMq ]10] lai faahay uṭ dhaavtay, se jaan maaray bhagva t. ||10||

(Some) take the noose and rise and run about (to attack); (O! brethren) know that they are dead
of (i.e. they are away from) Lord of Fortune. 10
kbIr cMdn kw ibrvw Blw byiV@E Fwk plws ] kabeer chaNdan kaa birvaa bhalaa, bayṛeha-o ḍaak palaas.
Kabir (says): the sandalwood tree is good, even though it is surrounded by ḍaak palaas (i.e.
Butea Frondosa, i.e. weeds, useless plants).

Eie BI cMdnu hoie rhy bsy ju cMdn pwis ]11] o-ay bhee chaNdan ho-ay rahay, basay jo chaNdan paas. ||11||
Those, which dwell near the sandalwood tree, also become (just like) the sandalwood tree. 11
kbIr bWsu bfweI bUifAw ieau mq fUbhu koie ] kabeer baans badaa-ee boodi-aa i-o mat doobahu ko-ay.
Kabir (says): the bamboo tree is drowned in its egotistical pride (of being tall and erect), no one
should drown like this.
cMdn kY inkty bsY bWsu sugMDu n hoie ]12] chaNdan kai niktay basai, baans sugaNdh na ho-ay. ||12||
It dwells near the sandalwood tree, it does not take up fragrance (from the sandalwood tree). 12
kbIr dInu gvwieAw dunI isau dunI n cwlI swiQ ] kabeer, deen gavaa-i-aa dunee si-o, dunee na chaalee saath.
Kabir (says): man loses his faith for the sake of the world (i.e. worldliness), but the world does
not go along with him (in the end).
pwie kuhwVw mwirAw gwPil ApunY hwiQ ]13] paa-ay kuhaaṛaa maari-aa, gaafal apunai haath. ||13||
The careless (fool) strikes his (own) foot with the axe in his own hands. 13
kbIr jh jh hau iPirE kauqk TwE Twie ] kabeer, jah jah ha-o firi-o, ka-utak ṭaa-o ṭaa-ay.
Kabir (says): wherever I wander, I see His wonders at (all) places and spaces.
iek rwm snyhI bwhrw aUjru myrY BWie ]14] ik raam sanayhee baahraa, oojar mayrai bhaanay. ||14||
Without the lovers (i.e. devotees) of God, it is all (like) wilderness (i.e. wasteland) for me. 14
kbIr sMqn kI JuMgIAw BlI BiT kusqI gwau ] kabeer, saNtan kee jhuNgee-aa bhalee, bhaṭ kustee gaa-o.
Kabir (says): the hut of the God-oriented person is good, and, the dwelling of unrighteous
(persons) is (like) hearth.
Awig lgau iqh Daulhr ijh nwhI hir ko nwau ]15] aag laga-o tih dha-ulhar, jih naahee har ko naa-o. ||15||
Let those mansions just be put on fire, in which the Name of God is not meditated upon. 15
kbIr sMq mUey ikAw roeIAY jo Apuny igRih jwie ] kabeer, saNt moo-ay ki-aa ro-ee-ai, jo apunay garihi jaa-ay.
Kabir (says): why to cry if a God-oriented person dies, he is just going (back) to his own home.
rovhu swkq bwpury ju hwtY hwt ibkwie ]16] rovhu saakat baapuray, jo haatai haat bikaa-ay. ||16||
Cry for the wretched non-believer, who is sold from shop to shop (i.e. he belongs to no one). 16
kbIr swkqu AYsw hY jYsI lsn kI Kwin ] kony bYTy KweIAY prgt hoie indwin ]17]
kabeer, saakat aisaa hai, jaisee lasan kee khaan.
konay baiṭay khaa-ee-ai, pargat ho-ay nidaan. ||17||
Kabir (says): the non-believer is like eating of (a clove of) garlic.
One may eat it sitting in a corner, (yet) it becomes known, in the end (finally) (i.e. the non-
believer is revealed and exposed easily). 17
kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu Jkolnhwru ] kabeer maa-i-aa dolnee, pavan jhakolanhaar.
Kabir (says): Maya is the churning pot, and, air (i.e. breath) is churning-staff.
sMqhu mwKnu KwieAw CwiC pIAY sMswru ]18] saNtahu maakhan khaa-i-aa, chhaachh pee-ai saNsaar. ||18||
The God-oriented persons eat butter (i.e. Name), (while the rest of) the world drinks butter
milk (i.e. non-believers enjoy just meaningless, worldly pleasures). 18
kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu vhY ihv Dwr ] kabeer, maa-i-aa dolnee, pavan vahai hiv dhaar.
Kabir (says): Maya is churning-pot, and, air (i.e. breath) flows like ice water.
ijin ibloieAw iqin KwieAw Avr iblovnhwr ]19] jin bilo-i-aa, tin khaa-i-aa, avar bilovanhaar. ||19||
Whoever does churning, eats (the butter), others remain (like) churning-staffs (i.e. they don't
get the butter, the essence of the Name of God). 19
kbIr mwieAw cortI muis muis lwvY hwit ] kabeer, maa-i-aa chortee, mus mus laavai haat.
Kabir (says): Maya is the thief, which robs and robs (the mortals) and fills its stores.

eyku kbIrw nw musY ijin kInI bwrh bwt ]20] ayk kabeeraa naa musai, jin keenee baarah baat. ||20||
Kabir is the one, who is not robbed, and, he has pushed it (i.e. Maya) twelve streets away. 20
kbIr sUKu n eyNh juig krih ju bhuqY mIq ] kabeer, sookh na aynh jug, karahi jo bahutai meet.
Kabir (says): happiness does not come in this world by making lots of friends (i.e. by aligning
oneself to many gods).
jo icqu rwKih eyk isau qy suKu pwvih nIq ]21] jo chit raakhahi ayk si-o, tay sukh paavahi neet. ||21||
Those, who keep their mind focussed on the One (Lord), find everlasting (eternal) happiness. 21
kbIr ijsu mrny qy jgu frY myry min Awnµdu ] kabeer, jis marnay tay jag darai, mayray man aanaNd.
Kabir (says): death ---- which the world is afraid of , my mind feels joy in it.
mrny hI qy pweIAY pUrnu prmwnµdu ]22] marnay hee tay paa-ee-ai, pooran parmaanaNd. ||22||
It is (only) by death, one obtains the Perfect (Lord), the (embodiment of) Supreme Bliss. 22
rwm pdwrQu pwie kY kbIrw gWiT n Kol@ ] nhI ptxu nhI pwrKU nhI gwhku nhI molu ]23]
raam padaarath paa-ay kai, kabeeraa gaanṭ na kholh.
nahee pataṇ nahee paarkhoo, nahee gaahak nahee mol ||23||
Kabir (says): having earned the wealth of (the Name of) God, do not untie its knot; (because),
there is no market (to sell it), no appraiser (of its worth), no customer, no price. 23
kbIr qw isau pRIiq kir jw ko Twkuru rwmu ] kabeer, taa si-o preet kar, jaa ko ṭaakur raam.
Kabir (says): be in love only with that one, whose Master is God.
pMifq rwjy BUpqI Awvih kauny kwm ]24] paNdit raajay bhooptee, aavahi ka-unay kaam. ||24||
The pandits (i.e. religious scholars), kings, landlords ---- what good are they? (i.e. they are of no
help at the very least time). 24
kbIr pRIiq iek isau kIey Awn duibDw jwie ] BwvY lWby kys kru BwvY Grir mufwie ]25]
kabeer, preet ik si-o kee-ay, aan dubidhaa jaa-ay.
bhaavai laambay kays kar, bhaavai gharar mudaa-ay. ||25||
Kabir (says): being in love with the One (Lord), otherness and duality depart.
(Otherwise, duality does not depart) you may have long hair (i.e. become a yogi), or you may
shave your head bald (i.e. become a Jain). 25
kbIr jgu kwjl kI koTrI AMD pry iqs mwih ] kabeer, jag kaajal kee koṭree, aNdh paray tis maahi.
Kabir (says): this world is (like) a room filled with collyrium, the blind fall into it.
hau bilhwrI iqn kau pYis ju nIkis jwih ]26] ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o, pais jo neekas jaahi. ||26||
I am a sacrifice unto those, who fall and (still) escape (clean). 26
kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw skhu q lyhu bhoir ] kabeer, ih tan jaa-igaa, sakahu ta layho bahor.
Kabir (says): this body shall go (i.e. perish), reverse it (i.e. save it from perishing), if you can.
nWgy pwvhu qy gey ijn ky lwK kroir ]27] naangay paavhu tay ga-ay, jin kay laakh karor. ||27||
(Even) those who possessed hundreds of thousands and tens of millions (of rupees), must
depart bare-footed. 27
kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw kvnY mwrig lwie ] kabeer, ih tan jaa-igaa, kavnai maarag laa-ay.
Kabir (says): this body shall go (i.e. perish away), place it on some (right) path?
kY sMgiq kir swD kI kY hir ky gun gwie ]28] kai saNgat kar saadh kee, kai har kay gun gaa-ay. ||28||
Either join the company of a God-oriented person, or sing (the praise of) the excellences of
God. 28

kbIr mrqw mrqw jgu mUAw mir BI n jwinAw koie ]
kabeer, martaa martaa jag moo-aa, mar bhee na jaani-aa ko-ay.
Kabir (says): dying and dying (i.e. always remaining in the fear of death), (the people of) the
world die, yet no one knows how to die.
AYsy mrny jo mrY bhuir n mrnw hoie ]29] aisay marnay jo marai, bahur na marnaa ho-ay. ||29||
One, who dies such a death (i.e. dies while yet alive), shall never to have die again (i.e. he
becomes emancipated). 29
P. 1366
kbIr mwns jnmu dulµBu hY hoie n bwrY bwr ]kabeer, maanas janam dulaMbh hai, ho-ay na baarai baar.
Kabir (says): it is (very) difficult to obtain (birth as) human body, it is not achieved again and
ijau bn Pl pwky Buie igrih bhuir n lwgih fwr ]30]
ji-o ban fal paakay bhu-ay gireh, bahur na laageh daar. ||30||
(It is) like ripe fruit on the tree; when it falls to the ground, it cannot again get re-attached to
the branch. 30
kbIrw quhI kbIru qU qyro nwau kbIru ] kabeeraa, tuhee kabeer too, tayro naa-o kabeer.
Kabir (says): You (O! God) You are Great, Your Name means Great.
rwm rqnu qb pweIAY jau pihly qjih srIru ]31] raam ratan tab paa-ee-ai, ja-o pahilay tajeh sareer. ||31||
The jewel of (i.e. union with) God is obtained, when one first gives up his body (i.e. his self-
conceit). 31
kbIr JMKu n JMKIAY qumro kihE n hoie ] kabeer, jhaNkh na jhaNkhee-ai, tumro kahi-o na ho-ay.
Kabir (says): (O! mortal being) you should not babble for the sake of babbling; nothing
happens as you say (i.e. as per your wish or Command).
krm krIm ju kir rhy myit n swkY koie ]32] karam kareem jo kar rahay, mayt na saakai ko-ay. ||32||
Whatever deeds the Gracious (Lord) does, no one can erase it. 32
kbIr ksautI rwm kI JUTw itkY n koie ] kabeer, kasa-utee raam kee, jhooṭaa tikai na ko-ay.
Kabir (says): one, who is false, cannot withstand the touchstone of God.
rwm ksautI so shY jo mir jIvw hoie ]33] raam kasa-utee so sahai, jo mar jeevaa ho-ay. ||33||
He alone can pass the test of touchstone of God, who remains dead while yet alive. 33
kbIr aUjl pihrih kwpry pwn supwrI Kwih ] kabeer, oojal pahirahi kaapray, paan supaaree khaahi.
Kabir (says): one, who wears white clothes (to look beautiful), and, chews betel-leaves and
betel-nuts (i.e. enjoy pleasures).
eyks hir ky nwm ibnu bwDy jm puir jWih ]34] aykas har kay naam bin, baadhay jam pur jaanhi. ||34||
Without the Name of the One God, they are bound and taken to the city of death. 34
kbIr byVw jrjrw PUty CyNk hjwr ] kabeer, bayṛaa jarjaraa, footay chhaynk hajaar.
Kabir (says): the boat is worn out (i.e. old), and, it has thousands of holes.
hrUey hrUey iqir gey fUby ijn isr Bwr ]35] haroo-ay haroo-ay tir ga-ay, doobay jin sir bhaar. ||35||
Those who are light (i.e. without sins) cross over, those who carry the weight (of sins) on their
heads are drowned. 35
kbIr hwf jry ijau lwkrI kys jry ijau Gwsu ] kabeer, haad jaray ji-o laakree, kays jaray ji-o ghaas.
Kabir (says): bones burn like wood and hair like grass (i.e. straw).
iehu jgu jrqw dyiK kY BieE kbIru audwsu ]36] ih jag jartaa daykh kai, bha-i-o kabeer udaas. ||36||
Kabir (says): seeing (the people of) the world burning like this, I have become sad. 36

kbIr grbu n kIjIAY cwm lpyty hwf ] kabeer, garab na keejee-ai, chaam lapaytay haad.
Kabir (says): (O! mortal) do not be proud,(you are just a pack of) bones wrapped up in skin.
hYvr aUpir CqR qr qy Puin DrnI gwf ]37] haivar oopar chhatar tar, tay fun dharnee gaad. ||37||
Those, who were on their horses, with canopies over their heads, were (eventually) buried
under the ground (i.e. buried in the graves). 37
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY aUcw dyiK Avwsu ] kabeer, garab na keejee-ai, oochaa daykh avaas.
Kabir (says): Do not be so proud of gazing at (i.e. living in) your tall mansions.
Awju kwil@ Buie lytxw aUpir jwmY Gwsu ]38] aaj kaalih bhu-ay laytṇaa, oopar jaamai ghaas. ||38||
Today or tomorrow (i.e. sooner or later, i.e. eventually), you shall lie beneath the ground, and,
grass will grow above you (i.e. over your grave). 38
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY rMku n hsIAY koie ] kabeer, garab na keejee-ai, raNk na hasee-ai ko-ay.
Kabir (says): do not be so proud (i.e. arrogant), and, do not laugh at a poor (person).
Ajhu su nwau smuMdR mih ikAw jwnau ikAw hoie ]39]
ajahu so naa-o samuNdra meh, ki-aa jaan-o ki-aa ho-ay. ||39||
Your (own) boat is still out at sea, who knows what will happen. 39
kbIr grbu n kIjIAY dyhI dyiK surMg ] kabeer, garab na keejee-ai, dayhee daykh suraNg.
Kabir (says): looking at your beautiful body, do not be so proud.
Awju kwil@ qij jwhugy ijau kWcurI BuXMg ]40] aaj kaaliih taj jaahugay, ji-o kaanchuree bhuyaNg. ||40||
Today or tomorrow (i.e. sooner or later, i.e. eventually), you shall have to leave it behind, like
the snake shedding its skin. 40
kbIr lUtnw hY q lUit lY rwm nwm hY lUit ] kabeer, lootnaa hai ta loot lai, raam naam hai loot.
Kabir (says): if you must plunder, then plunder, but, the plunder of the Name of God
iPir pwCY pCuqwhugy pRwn jwihMgy CUit ]41] fir paachhai pachhutaahugay praan jaahiNgay chhoot. ||41||
Otherwise, later, you will repent, when the breath (of life) leaves (the body). 41
kbIr AYsw koeI n jnimE ApnY Gir lwvY Awig ] kabeer aisaa ko-ee na janmi-o apnai ghar laavai aag.
Kabir (says): no such person is born (in this world), who sets his own home on fire.
pWcau lirkw jwir kY rhY rwm ilv lwig ]42] paancha-o* larikaa jaar kai, rahai raam liv laag. ||42||
(But the God-oriented person) burns his five* sons (i.e. five senses), and, remains lovingly
attuned to God. 42 [*five senses: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride].
ko hY lirkw byceI lirkI bycY koie ] ko hai larikaa* baych-ee larikee** baychai ko-ay.
Kabir (says): rare is the one who sells his sons, or sells his daughters.
[*Here, just as in the previous couplet, ‘sons’ has been used for five senses (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment
and pride), and, daughters means: hopes, desires, jealousy etc; i.e. one purchases the wealth of the Name of God by
selling, i.e. parting with emotions and vices].
swJw krY kbIr isau hir sMig bnju kryie ]43] saajhaa karai kabeer si-o, har saNg banaj karay-i. ||43||
Kabir (says): such a person can enter into partnership with me, and, deal with God. 43.
kbIr ieh cyqwvnI mq shsw rih jwie ] kabeer, ih chaytaavnee, mat sahsaa reh jaa-ay.
Kabir (says): let me warn you; lest you may remain in doubt.
pwCY Bog ju Bogvy iqn ko guVu lY Kwih ]44] paachhai bhog jo bhogvay, tin ko guṛ lai khaahi. ||44||
The pleasure you enjoyed in the past (shall fetch you nothing); you shall obtain (just) molasses
(in return) for them and eat (just) that. 44
kbIr mY jwinE piVbo Blo piVby isau Bl jogu ] kabeer, mai jaani-o paṛibo bhalo, paṛibay si-o bhal jog.
Kabir (says): I thought learning is good, then I thought yoga was better than learning.

Bgiq n Cwfau rwm kI BwvY inMdau logu ]45] bhagat na chhaada-o raam kee, bhaavai niNda-o log. ||45||
(But) I shall never abandon my devotion to God, (even though) people may slander me. 45
kbIr logu ik inMdY bpuVw ijh min nwhI igAwnu ] kabeer, log ke niNdai bapuṛaa, jih man naahee gi-aan.
Kabir (says): how can the poor people slander me; they have no (spiritual) knowledge in
their mind.
rwm kbIrw riv rhy Avr qjy sB kwm ]46] raam kabeeraa rav rahay, avar tajay sabh kaam. ||46||
Kabir remains chanting (praise of) God, and, has abandoned all other affairs. 46
kbIr prdysI kY GwGrY chu idis lwgI Awig ] kabeer, pardaysee kai ghaaghrai, chahu dis laagee aag.
Kabir (says): the (body) robe of the stranger has caught fire on the four (i.e. all) directions.
iKMQw jil koielw BeI qwgy AWc n lwg ]47] khiNthaa jal ko-ilaa bha-ee, taagay aanch na laag. ||47||
The (body) robe has been burnt (and reduced) to charcoal, but the thread (of soul) has not been
touched (by fire). 47
kbIr iKMQw jil koielw BeI Kwpru PUt mPUt ] kabeer, khiNthaa jal ko-ilaa bha-ee, khaapar foot mafoot.
Kabir (says): the (body) robe has been burnt (and reduced) to charcoal, and, the begging bowl
is shattered into pieces.
jogI bpuVw KyilE Awsin rhI ibBUiq ]48] jogee bapuṛaa khayli-o, aasan rahee bibhoot. ||48||
The poor yogi (i.e. soul) has played (his game); only ashes remain in his seat. 48
P. 1367
kbIr QorY jil mwCulI JIvir myilE jwlu ] ieh toGnY n CUtsih iPir kir smuMdu sm@wil ]49]
kabeer, thorai jal maachhulee, jheevar mayli-o jaal.
ih toghnai na chhootsahi, fir kar samuNd samhaal. ||49||
Kabir (says): fish is in little (i.e. shallow) water, and, the fisherman has cast his net;
it cannot escape in this little pool (i.e. shallow water), it should think about (returning to) the
(deep) ocean. 49
kbIr smuMdu n CofIAY jau Aiq Kwro hoie ] poKir poKir FUFqy Blo n kihhY koie ]50]
kabeer, samuNd na chhodee-ai, ja-o at khaaro ho-ay.
pokhar pokhar ḍooḍ-tay, bhalo na kahihai ko-ay. ||50||
Kabir (says): (O! fish) do not leave the ocean, even it is very salty;
(if you go) searching from pool to pool, no one will call you good (i.e. wise). 50
kbIr ingusWeyN bih gey QWGI nwhI koie ] kabeer, nigusaan-ayn bahi ga-ay, thaanghee naahee ko-ay.
Kabir (says): those without the Guru are washed away, and, there is no helper (to save them).
dIn grIbI AwpunI krqy hoie su hoie ]51] deen gareebee aapunee, kartay ho-ay so ho-ay. ||51||
Make modesty and humbleness as your own (i.e. way of life); whatever the Creator does, shall
happen. 51
kbIr bYsnau kI kUkir BlI swkq kI burI mwie ] Eh inq sunY hir nwm jsu auh pwp ibswhn jwie ]52]
kabeer, baisna-o kee kookar bhalee, saakat kee buree maa-ay.
oh nit sunai har naam jas, uh paap bisaahan jaa-ay. ||52||
Kabir (says): (even) the bitch of a devotee of God is good, (while) the mother of a non-believer
is bad.
She (i.e. bitch) hears forever the praise of the Name of God, (while) the other (i.e. mother of non-
beleiver) is engaged in sinning. 52
kbIr hrnw dUblw iehu hrIAwrw qwlu ] lwK AhyrI eyku jIau kyqw bMcau kwlu ]53]
kabeer, harnaa dooblaa, ih haree-aaraa taal. laakh ahayree ayk jee-o, kaytaa ba cha-o kaal. ||53||
Kabir (says): the deer (i.e. mortal being) is weak and the pool (i.e. the world) is very green;
hundreds of thousands of hunters are chasing the soul; how long can it escape death? 53

kbIr gMgw qIr ju Gru krih pIvih inrml nIru ] ibnu hir Bgiq n mukiq hoie ieau kih rmy kbIr ]54]
kabeer gaNgaa teer jo ghar karahi, peeveh nirmal neer.
bin har bhagat na mukat ho-ay, i-o kahi ramay kabeer. ||54||
Kabir (says): some make the bank of Ganges as their dwelling, and, drink pure water (and
believe that they shall be liberated thus);
(but) without devotion of God they cannot be liberated. Kabir proclaims this and leaves. 54
kbIr mnu inrmlu BieAw jYsw gMgw nIru ] pwCY lwgo hir iPrY khq kbIr kbIr ]55]
kabeer, man nirmal bha-i-aa, jaisaa gaNgaa neer.
paachhai laago har firai, kahat kabeer kabeer. ||55||
Kabir (says): my mind has become immaculate, like the (pure) water of Ganges (river);
now God follows after me, calling: ‘Kabir’, ‘Kabir’ (i.e. now God is in love with me). 55
kbIr hrdI pIArI cUMnW aUjl Bwie ] rwm snyhI qau imlY donau brn gvwie ]56]
kabeer, hardee pee-aree chooNnaan oojal bhaa-ay.
raam sanayhee ta-o milai don-o baran gavaa-ay. ||56||
Kabir (says): turmeric is yellow, and, the lime is white (when they join together they become red,
thus, both lose their colours / identity).
One meets the Beloved God, when both colours (i.e. thought of high and low, both) are lost. 56
kbIr hrdI pIrqnu hrY cUn ichnu n rhwie ] bilhwrI ieh pRIiq kau ijh jwiq brnu kulu jwie ]57]
kabeer hardee peertan harai, choon chihan na rahaa-ay.
balihaaree ih preet ka-o, jih jaat baran kul jaa-ay. ||57||
Kabir (says): turmeric loses its yellowness, and, no trace of whiteness of lime remains;
I am a sacrifice unto this love, by which (the identity of ) caste (i.e. social status), colour, and
family (of birth) are taken away. 57
kbIr mukiq duAwrw sMkurw rweI dseyN Bwie ] mnu qau mYglu hoie rihE inkso ikau kY jwie ]58]
kabeer mukat du-aaraa saNkuraa, raa-ee das-ayn bhaa-ay.
man ta-o maigal ho-ay rahi-o, nikso ki-o kai jaa-ay. ||58||
Kabir (says): the door of liberation in very narrow; (its width is about) one-tenth of a mustard
seed. When the mind has become (like) an elephant, how can it pass through? 58
kbIr AYsw siqguru jy imlY quTw kry pswau ] mukiq duAwrw moklw shjy Awvau jwau ]59]
kabeer, aisaa satgur jay milai, tuṭaa karay pasaa-o.
mukat du-aaraa moklaa, sehjay aava-o jaa-o. ||59||
Kabir (says): if I meet such a True Guru, who bestows his Grace in his pleasure;
(then) the door of liberation will open wide, and, I shall pass through it, with natural ease. 59
kbIr nw muoih Cwin n CwprI nw muoih Gru nhI gwau ] mq hir pUCY kaunu hY myry jwiq n nwau ]60]
kabeer, naa mohi chhaan na chhaapree, naa mohi ghar nahee gaa-o.
mat har poochhai ka-un hai, mayray jaat na naa-o. ||60||
Kabir (says): I have no thatched hut, no shed, no home no village;
lest God may ask me who am I? (I shall say): I have no caste (i.e. social status), no name. 60
kbIr muih mrny kw cwau hY mrau q hir kY duAwr ] mq hir pUCY kaunu hY prw hmwrY bwr ]61]
kabeer, muhi marnay kaa chaa-o hai, mara-o ta har kai du-aar.
mat har poochhai ka-un hai, paraa hamaarai baar. ||61||
Kabir (says): I long to die, if I die, (but I wish) I should die at the Door of God (i.e. die from
worldliness and dwell in the congregation of the God-oriented persons).
lest God may ask (i.e. He would not need to ask): ‘who is this, lying at my Door?’ 61

kbIr nw hm kIAw n krihgy nw kir skY srIru ] ikAw jwnau ikCu hir kIAw BieE kbIru kbIru ]62]
kabeer naa ham kee-aa, na karhigay naa kar sakai sareer.
ki-aa jaan-o kichh har kee-aa, bha-i-o kabeer kabeer. ||62||
Kabir (says): I have not done anything, nor I shall do (anything), nor my body can do (anything).
I do not know what God has done, (for which) everyone is calling ‘Kabir (Great)’, ‘Kabir
(Great)’. 61
kbIr supnY hU brVwie kY ijh muiK inksY rwmu ] qw ky pg kI pwnhI myry qn ko cwmu ]63]
kabeer, supnai hoo barṛaa-ay kai, jih mukh niksai raam.
taa kay pag kee paanhee, mayray tan ko chaam. ||63||
Kabir (says): if someone utters the Name of God from his mouth, (even) while mumbling in his
dream; I would make the skin of my body into shoes for his feet. 63
kbIr mwtI ky hm pUqry mwnsu rwiKEu nwau ] cwir idvs ky pwhuny bf bf rUMDih Twau ]64]
kabeer, maatee kay ham pootray, maanas raakhi-o naa-o.
chaar divas kay paahunay, bad bad rooNdheh ṭaa-o. ||64||
Kabir (says): we are (just) puppet of clay, (but, we) are given the name of mankind.
we are guest (here, in this world) for four days (i.e. only for a short span), but, we occupy lots and
lots of land. 64
kbIr mihdI kir GwilAw Awpu pIswie pIswie ] qY sh bwq n pUCIAY kbhu n lweI pwie ]65]
kabeer mahidee kar ghaali-aa, aap peesaa-ay peesaa-ay.
tai sah baat na poochhee-ai, kabahu na laa-ee paa-ay. ||65||
Kabir (says): I have made myself into hena; I got myself grinded into powder.
But, You, O! Lord, have not asked about (i.e. cared for me), and, you have never applied me to
Your feet (i.e. you have not given me place in Your feet). 65
kbIr ijh dir Awvq jwiqAhu htkY nwhI koie ] so dru kYsy CofIAY jo dru AYsw hoie ]66]
kabeer, jih dar aavat jaati-ahu, hatkai naahee ko-ay.
so dar kaisay chhodee-ai, jo dar aisaa ho-ay. ||66||
Kabir (says): that door, through which no one stops from coming and going;
how can I leave such a Door (of God), which is like this. 66
kbIr fUbw Qw pY aubirE gun kI lhir Jbik ] jb dyiKE byVw jrjrw qb auqir pirE hau Prik ]67]
kabeer, doobaa thaa pai ubri-o, gun kee lahar jhabak.
jab daykhi-o bayṛaa, tab utar pari-o ha-o farak. ||67||
Kabir (says), I was drowning, but the wave of virtues quickly saved me.
When I found that the boat is worn out, I immediately got out. 67
P. 1368
kbIr pwpI Bgiq n BwveI hir pUjw n suhwie ] mwKI cMdnu prhrY jh ibgMD qh jwie ]68]
kabeer, paapee bhagat na bhaav-ee, har poojaa na suhaa-ay.
maakhee chaNdan parharai, jah bigaNdh tah jaa-ay. ||68||
Kabir (says): sinner does not like devotion (of God), and, worship of God does not please Him.
(He is like) the fly abandons the sandalwood and goes after the foul smell . 68
kbIr bYdu mUAw rogI mUAw mUAw sBu sMswru ] eyku kbIrw nw mUAw ijh nwhI rovnhwru ]69]
kabeer, baid moo-aa rogee moo-aa, moo-aa sabh saNsaar.
ayk kabeeraa naa moo-aa, jih naahee rovanhaar. ||69||
Kabir (says): the physician is dead, the patient is dead, and, the whole world is dead;
only Kabir is not dead, there is no one to mourn for him. 69
[In this world death comes to everyone; he alone is said to be not dead, for whom no one is left to mourn].

kbIr rwmu n iDAwieE motI lwgI Koir ] kwieAw hWfI kwT kI nw Eh crHY bhoir ]70]
kabeer, raam na dhi-aa-i-o, motee laagee khor.
kaa-i-aa haandee kaaṭ kee, naa oh charhai bahor. ||70||
Kabir (says): those, who have not meditated upon God, such a bad habit is attached to them.
The body is (like) a wooden pot; it cannot again be put on fire. 70
kbIr AYsI hoie prI mn ko Bwvqu kInu ] mrny qy ikAw frpnw jb hwiQ isDaurw lIn ]71]
kabeer, aisee ho-ay paree, man ko bhaavat keen.
marnay tay ki-aa darapnaa, jab haath sida-uraa* leen. ||71||
Kabir (says): such has come to pass, (that) I have done (i.e. chosen) what pleased my mind.
(Now) why should I be afraid of death, when I have taken vermillion-pained-coconut* in my
hand (i.e. why should I be afraid when I have chosen my death). 71
[*During Middle Ages, when the widows used to perform ‘sati’ (i.e. to immolate oneself on the pyre of her dead husband),
they would hold a ‘coconut pained with vermillion’ in their hands. Applying vermillion is a symbol of truthful bride, and,
carrying it at the time of immolation meant confirmation f love, loyalty and sacrifice for the husband].
kbIr rs ko gWfo cUsIAY gun kau mrIAY roie ] AvgunIAwry mwnsY Blo n kihhY koie ]72]
kabeer, ras ko gaando choosee-ai, gun ka-o maree-ai ro-ay.
avgunee-aaray maansai, bhalo na kahihai ko-ay. ||72||
Kabir (says): one sucks at sugarcane for obtaining (sweet) juice, (then) why should one die (i.e.
shirk/ hesitate) when it comes to earning virtues.
The person, who is without virtues ---- no one will call him good. 72
kbIr gwgir jl BrI Awju kwil@ jYhY PUit ] guru ju n cyqih Awpno AD mwiJ lIjihgy lUit ]73]
kabeer, gaagar jal bharee, aaj kaalih jaihai foot.
gur jo na cheeteh aapno, adh maajh leejhigay loot. ||73||
Kabir (says): the pitcher (i.e. body) is full of water (i.e. breath of life); it will break today or
tomorrow (i.e. eventually).
Those, who do not remember their Guru, shall be plundered mid-way (of journey of their lives). 73
kbIr kUkru rwm ko muqIAw myro nwau ] gly hmwry jyvrI jh iKMcY qh jwau ]74]
kabeer, kookar raam ko, mutee-aa mayro naa-o.
galay hamaaray jayvree, jah khiNchai tah jaa-o. ||74||
Kabir (says): I am God’s dog, Motiya (literally: pearl) is my name.
There is a rope around my neck;, wherever He pulls, there I go. 74
kbIr jpnI kwT kI ikAw idKlwvih loie ] ihrdY rwmu n cyqhI ieh jpnI ikAw hoie ]75]
kabeer, japnee kaaṭ kee, ki-aa dikhlaavahi lo-ay.
hirdai raam na chaythee, ih japnee ki-aa ho-ay. ||75||
Kabir (says): (O! mortal being) your rosary is made of (beads of) wood; (through this) what do
you show to the people ?
You do not remember God in your heart; what is (the use of) this rosary (then)? 75
kbIr ibrhu BuXMgmu min bsY mMqu n mwnY koie ] rwm ibEgI nw jIAY jIAY q baurw hoie ]76]
kabeer, birahu bhuyaNgam man basai, maNt na maanai ko-ay.
raam bi-ogee naa jee-ai, jee-ai ta ba-uraa ho-ay. ||76||
Kabir (says): the serpent of (pain of) separation (from God) abides in your mind; it is not
charmed by any spell.
One, separated from God, does not live; if he does live, he becomes crazy. 76

kbIr pwrs cMdnY iqn@ hY eyk sugMD ] iqh imil qyaU aUqm Bey loh kwT inrgMD ]77]
kabeer, paaras chaNdnai, tinh hai ayk sugaNdh. tih mil tay-oo ootam bha-ay, loh kaaṭ nirgaNdh. ||77||
Kabir (says): the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone) and sandalwood have same fervour (i.e.
Whatever comes into their contact gets elevated (i.e. becomes superior); the iron (is
transformed into gold) and the wood becomes fragrant. 77
kbIr jm kw TyNgw burw hY Ehu nhI sihAw jwie ] eyku ju swDU muoih imilE iqin@ lIAw AMcil lwie ]78]
kabeer, jam kaa ṭayngaa buraa hai, oh nahee sahi-aa jaa-ay.
ayk jo saadhoo mohi mili-o, tinih lee-aa aNchal laa-ay. ||78||
Kabir (says): the death's club is hard (it hurts terribly), it cannot be endured.
I have met a God-oriented person; he has attached me to the hem of his robe (and saved me). 78
kbIr bYdu khY hau hI Blw dwrU myrY vis ] ieh qau bsqu gupwl kI jb BwvY lyie Kis ]79]
kabeer, baid kahai ha-o hee bhalaa, daaroo mayrai vas.
ih ta-o basat gupaal kee, jab bhaavai lay-ay khas. ||79||
Kabir (says): the physician says: ‘I alone am the best, the medicine is under my control.’
(But, he does not know that) this thing (i.e. life) belongs to the Sustainer of the World; He takes it
away when he wishes. 79
kbIr naubiq AwpnI idn ds lyhu bjwie ] ndI nwv sMjog ijau bhuir n imlhY Awie ]80]
kabeer, na-ubat aapnee, din das layho bajaa-ay. nadee naav saNjog ji-o, bahur na milhai aa-ay. ||80||
Kabir (says): this (body) is your drum; you may beat it for ten days (i.e. for a short span).
It (i.e. life) is like meeting (people) in a boat; they shall not meet again. 80
kbIr swq smuMdih msu krau klm krau bnrwie ] bsuDw kwgdu jau krau hir jsu ilKnu n jwie ]81]
kabeer saat samuNdeh mas kara-o, kalam kara-o banraa-ay.
basudhaa kaagad ja-o kara-o, har jas likhan na jaa-ay. ||81||
Kabir (says): if I could make ink of the seven seas (i.e. convert the water of the seven oceans into
ink), and, make all vegetation as my pen; and,
make the earth as my paper; yet, (the praise of) the excellences of God cannot be written. 81
kbIr jwiq julwhw ikAw krY ihrdY bsy gupwl ] kabeer, jaat julaahaa ki-aa karai, hirdai basay gupaal.
Kabir (says): what can weaver caste do to my soul (i.e. my being born in low social class cannot
make any difference to my soul, because) the Sustainer of the World dwells in my heart.
kbIr rmeIAw kMiT imlu cUkih srb jMjwl ]82] kabeer, rama-ee-aa ka ṭ mil, chookeh sarab ja jaal. ||82||
Kabir (says): God has taken me in His embrace; (now) all my worldly entanglements are
finished. 82
kbIr AYsw ko nhI mMdru dyie jrwie ] pWcau lirky mwir kY rhY rwm ilau lwie ]83]
kabeer aisaa ko nahee, maNdar day-ay jaraa-ay.
paancha-o larikay maar kai, rahai raam li-o laa-ay. ||83||
Kabir (says): there is no such person who can set his home on fire; and,
killing all his five sons* (i.e. passions) remains lovingly attuned to God. 83
[* sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
kbIr AYsw ko nhI iehu qnu dyvY PUik ] AMDw logu n jwneI rihE kbIrw kUik ]84]
kabeer, aisaa ko nahee, ih tan dayvai fook. aNdhaa log na jaan-ee, rahi-o kabeeraa kook. ||84||
Kabir (says): such person is no where, who can burn his body (i.e. egotism and ignorance).
The blind (i.e. ignorant) people do not understand this; (though) Kabir goes on proclaiming. 84

kbIr sqI pukwrY ich cVI sunu ho bIr mswn ] logu sbwieAw cil gieE hm qum kwmu indwn ]85]
kabeer, satee pukaarai chih chaṛee, sun ho beer masaan.
log sabaa-i-aa chal ga-i-o, ham tum kaam nidaan. ||85||
Kabir (says): the sati (i.e. widow) mounts the funeral pyre, and cries out: listen O! cremation
ground, my brethren:
All people have departed, (now) finally , I and you are here to perform the job (i.e. burn in
funeral pyre). 85
P. 1369
kbIr mnu pMKI BieE auif auif dh ids jwie ] jo jYsI sMgiq imlY so qYso Plu Kwie ]86]
kabeer, man pa khee bha-i-o, ud ud dah dis jaa-ay. jo jaisee sa gat milai, so taiso fal khaa-ay.||86||
Kabir (says): my mind has become a bird, flies and flies to ten (i.e. all) directions.
As is the company it keeps, so are the fruits it eats. 86

kbIr jw kau Kojqy pwieE soeI Tauru ] soeI iPir kY qU BieAw jw kau khqw Aauru ]87]
kabeer, jaa ka-o khojtay, paa-i-o so-ee ṭa-ur. so-ee fir kai too bha-i-aa, jaa ka-o kahtaa a-or. ||87||
Kabir (says): we have found that place, which we were searching for.
(O! mind) you have become the same (i.e. have merged with Him), which you thought to be
different (from you). 87
kbIr mwrI mrau kusMg kI kyly inkit ju byir ] auh JUlY auh cIrIAY swkq sMgu n hyir ]88]
kabeer, maaree mara-o kusaNg kee, kaylay nikat jo bayr.
uh jhoolai, uh cheeree-ai, saakat saNg na hayr. ||88||
Kabir (says): I have been destroyed, ruined by bad company, like banana plant standing near
the (thorny) bayr (i.e. jujube) tree.
(when) it (i.e. thorny tree) waves, it pierces the other (i.e. banana plant). (O! brethren) do not

have company with the non-believer. 88
kbIr Bwr prweI isir crY cilE cwhY bwt ] Apny Bwrih nw frY AwgY AauGt Gwt ]89]
kabeer, bhaar paraa-ee sir charai, chali-o chaahai baat.
apnay bhaareh naa darai ,aagai a-ughat ghaat. ||89||
Kabir (says): carrying the load of (the sins of) others, one wants to walk on the path (of life);
He is not afraid of his load, (and, besides) the journey ahead is difficult. 89
kbIr bn kI dwDI lwkrI TwFI krY pukwr ] miq bis prau luhwr ky jwrY dUjI bwr ]90]
kabeer, ban kee dadhee laakree, ṭaaḍee karai pukaar.
mat bas para-o luhaar kay, jaarai doojee baar. ||90||
Kabir (says): the forest is burning in jungle, the wood (i.e. tree) standing in it cries out:
let me not fall in the hands of blacksmith, who would put me into fire, a second time. 90
kbIr eyk mrMqy duie mUey doie mrMqh cwir ] cwir mrMqh Ch mUey cwir purK duie nwir ]91]
kabeer, ayk maraNtay du-ay moo-ay, do-ay maraNtah chaar.
chaar maraNtah chhah moo-ay, chaar purakh du-ay naar. ||91||
Kabir (says): when one* died, two were dead; when two were dead, four died.
When four died, six were dead: four males and two females. 91
[* two= desires and pleasure; four=sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment; six: (four
males: sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment; two females: desires and pleasure].

kbIr dyiK dyiK jgu FUMiFAw khUM n pwieAw Tauru ] ijin hir kw nwmu n cyiqE khw Bulwny Aaur ]92]
kabeer, daykh daykh jag ḍooNḍi-aa, kahooN na paa-i-aa ṭa-ur.
jin har kaa naam na chayti-o, kahaa bhulaanay a-or. ||92||
Kabir (says): I have seen, looked into and searched (all over) the world, (but) I have found no
place of rest (except in the Name of God). Those, who do not remember the Name of God, in
what else are they straying ? (i.e. in which have they placed their faith, because the Name alone is
the saviour). 92
kbIr sMgiq krIAY swD kI AMiq krY inrbwhu ] swkq sMgu n kIjIAY jw qy hoie ibnwhu ]93]
kabeer, saNgat karee-ai saadh kee, aNt karai nirbaahu.
saakat saNg na keejee-ai, jaa tay ho-ay binaahu. ||93||
Kabir (says): join the company of a God-oriented person, who will stand by you in the end.
Do not associate with a non-believer, who will bring you ruin. 93
kbIr jg mih cyiqE jwin kY jg mih rihE smwie ]
kabeer, jag meh chayti-o jaan kai, jag meh rahi-o samaa-ay.
Kabir (says): those, who mediate upon Him in the world, knowing that He (i.e. God) is
permeating the world (their coming to the world is a success). 94
ijn hir kw nwmu n cyiqE bwdih jnmyN Awie ]94] jin har kaa naam na chayti-o, baadeh janmay aa-ay ||94||
Those, who do not meditate upon the Name of God, their birth (i.e. coming into the world) is
kbIr Awsw krIAY rwm kI AvrY Aws inrws ] kabeer, aasaa karee-ai raam kee, avrai aas niraas.
Kabir (says): place your hope in God (alone), other hopes lead to despair.
nrik prih qy mwneI jo hir nwm audws ]95] narak pareh tay maan-ee, jo har naam udaas. ||95||
Those, who are alienated (i.e. away) from the Name of God, (they) believe (its value) when they
fall into hell. 95
kbIr isK swKw bhuqy kIey kyso kIE n mIqu ] cwly Qy hir imln kau bIcY AtikE cIqu ]96]
kabeer, sikh saakhaa bahutay kee-ay, kayso kee-o na meet.
chaalay thay har milan ka-o, beechai atki-o cheet. ||96||
Kabir (says): those, who have made so many disciples and companions, (but) they have not
made Kayso* (i.e. God) their friend.
They had set out (on a journey) to meet God, (but) their mind stopped mid-way (i.e. they become
engaged in getting worshipped by their disciples). 96
[*Kayso, literally: one with hair (usually long/beautiful hair). This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
kbIr kwrnu bpurw ikAw krY jau rwmu n krY shwie ] ijh ijh fwlI pgu Drau soeI muir muir jwie ]97]
kabeer, kaaran bapuraa ki-aa karai, ja-o raam na karai sahaa-ay.
jih jih daalee pag dhara-o, so-ee mur mur jaa-ay. ||97||
Kabir (says): what can the poor created (being) do, if God does not come to help;
whichever branch he places his foot, cracks and collapses (i.e. all his efforts prove futile). 97
kbIr Avrh kau aupdysqy muK mY pir hY ryqu ] rwis ibrwnI rwKqy KwXw Gr kw Kyqu ]98]
kabeer, avrah ka-o updaystay, mukh mai par hai rayt.
raas biraanee raakh-tay, khaa-yaa ghar kaa khayt. ||98||
Kabir (says): those, who preach to others (but don’t themselves act upon that), sand falls into
their mouths.
(It is like) they protect the capital of others’ (while) their own field (i.e. crop) is being eaten up. 98

kbIr swDU kI sMgiq rhau jau kI BUsI Kwau] kabeer, saadhoo kee saNgat raha-o, ja-o kee bhoosee khaa-o.
Kabir (says): (I wish) I would live in the company of the God-oriented person, and, (even if I
have to) eat the loaf of barley (i.e. coarse bread).
honhwru so hoiehY swkq sMig n jwau ]99] honhaar so ho-ihai, saakat saNg na jaa-o. ||99||
Whatever will happen, let that happen, (but) I will not join the company of a non-believer. 99
kbIr sMgiq swD kI idn idn dUnw hyqu ] kabeer, saNgat saadh kee, din din doonaa hayt.
Kabir (says): in the company of the God-oriented person, love (for God) doubles day by day.
swkq kwrI kWbrI Doey hoie n syqu ]100] saakat kaaree kaanbree, dho-ay ho-ay na sayt. ||100||
The non-beliver is (like) a black blanket, which does not become white with washing. 100
kbIr mnu mUMifAw nhI kys muMfwey kWie ] kabeer, man mooNdi-aa nahee, kays muNdaa-ay kaan-ay.
Kabir (says): (O! man) you have not shaved your mind (i.e. you have not cleaned your mind of
vices), why do you shave your head (i.e. to become an ascetic)?
jo ikCu kIAw so mn kIAw mUMfw mUMfu AjWie ]101]
jo kichh kee-aa, so man kee-aa, mooNdaa mooNd ajaan-ay. ||101||
Whatever is done, is done by your mind; shaving your head is useless (act). 101
kbIr rwmu n CofIAY qnu Dnu jwie q jwau ] kabeer, raam na chhodee-ai, tan dhan jaa-ay ta jaa-o.
Kabir (says): do not abandon (the Name of) God, even if your body and wealth shall go.
crn kml icqu byiDAw rwmih nwim smwau ]102] charan kamal chit baydhi-aa, raameh naam samaa-o ||102||
One, whose mind is pierced through by the lotus-feet (of God), remains absorbed in the Name
of God. 102
kbIr jo hm jMqu bjwvqy tUit geIN sB qwr ] kabeer, jo ham jaNt bajaavtay, toot ga-een sabh taar.
Kabir (says): all the strings of the instrument I played are broken (i.e. the strings of my
emotional attachment to the body instruments are broken now).
jMqu ibcwrw ikAw krY cly bjwvnhwr ]103] jaNt bichaaraa ki-aa karai ,chalay bajaavanhaar. ||103||
What can the poor (body) instrument do? when the player (i.e. mind too) has departed. 103
kbIr mwie mUMfau iqh gurU kI jw qy Brmu n jwie ]
kabeer, maa-ay mooNda-o tih guroo kee, jaa tay bharam na jaa-ay.
Kabir (says): shave (the head of) the mother of that teacher, who cannot take away doubt.
Awp fuby chu byd mih cyly dIey bhwie ]104] aap dubay chahu bayd meh, chaylay dee-ay bahaa-ay. ||104||
He Himself is drowning in the four Vedas, and, has caused to flow (in the currents of flood) his
disciples as well. 104
P. 1370
kbIr jyqy pwp kIey rwKy qlY durwie ] prgt Bey indwn sB jb pUCy Drm rwie ]105]
kabeer, jaytay paap kee-ay, raakhay talai duraa-ay.
pargat bha-ay nidaan sabh, jab poochhay dharam raa-ay. ||105||
Kabir (says): whatever sins he (i.e. hypocrite) had committed, he kept them hidden within;
(but) in the end, they shall be revealed, when the Judge of Righteousness will ask for
(accounts). 105
kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY pwilE bhuqu kutMbu ] DMDw krqw rih gieAw BweI rihAw n bMDu ]106]
kabeer, har kaa simran chhaad kai, paali-o bahut kutaMb.
dhaNdhaa kartaa reh ga-i-aa, bhaa-ee rahi-aa na baNdh. ||106||
Kabir (says): abandoning the meditation (upon the Name) of God, one raises a large family.
He remains engrossed in worldly affairs, (but, in the end) there remains no brother of relative
(to help him). 106

kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY rwiq jgwvn jwie ] srpin hoie kY AauqrY jwey Apuny Kwie ]107]
kabeer, har kaa simran chhaad kai, raat jagaavan jaa-ay.
sarpan ho-ay kai a-utarai, jaa-ay apunay khaa-ay. ||107||
Kabir (says): abandoning the meditation (upon the Name) of God, she gets up at night and
goed to light lamp (at the graves and mausoleums);
she descends (i.e. is reincarnated) as serpent, and eats up her own off-springs. 107
kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY AhoeI rwKY nwir ] gdhI hoie kY AauqrY Bwru shY mn cwir ]108]
kabeer, har kaa simran chhaad kai, aho-ee raakhai naar.
gadhee ho-ay kai a-utarai, bhaar sahai man chaar. ||108||
Kabir (says): abandoning the meditation (upon the Name) of God, she observes fast for non-
existing (goddesses);
she descends (i.e. is reincarnated) as she-donkey, and carries load of four maunds* (i.e. remains
carrying heavy loads). 108 [*Literally: four mounds is circa 145 kg].
kbIr cqurweI Aiq GnI hir jip ihrdY mwih ] sUrI aUpir Kylnw igrY q Twhr nwih ]109]
kabeer, chaturaa-ee at ghanee, har jap hirdai maahi.
sooree oopar khaylnaa, girai ta ṭaahar naahi. ||109||
Kabir (says): it is the utmost cleverness (for a mortal being), that one meditates upon (the Name
of) God within his heart. (but, it is easy to say than to practice, then):
It is (like) playing on cross, if one falls off, he shall find no place of rest. 109
kbIr suoeI muKu DMin hY jw muiK khIAY rwmu ] dyhI iks kI bwpurI pivqRü hoiego gRwmu ]110]
kabeer, so-ee mukh dhaNn hai, jaa mukh kahee-ai raam.
dayhee kis kee baapuree, pavitra ho-igo graam. ||110||
Kabir (says): blessed is that mouth, which utters (i.e. meditates upon) the Name of God.
What to say of the poor body (of such a devotee), the whole village becomes pure (by act of
meditation upon God). 110
kbIr soeI kul BlI jw kul hir ko dwsu ] kabeer, so-ee kul bhalee, jaa kul har ko daas.
Kabir (says): that family is good (i.e. noble), in which God’s slave (i.e. devotee) is born.
ijh kul dwsu n aUpjY so kul Fwku plwsu ]111] jih kul daas na oopjai, so kul ḍaak palaas. ||111||
(But) the family in which (God’s) slave (i.e. devotee of God) is not born, is (useless) like (the plant
of) ḍaak palaas (i.e. Butea frondosa ) [i.e. that family is useless like the weeds]. 111
kbIr hY gie bwhn sGn Gn lwK Djw Phrwih ] ieAw suK qy iBK´w BlI jau hir ismrq idn jwih ]112]
kabeer, hai ga-ay baahan saghan ghan, laakh dhajaa fahraahi.
i-aa sukh tay bhikh-yaa bhalee, ja-o har simrat din jaahi. ||112||
Kabir (says): one may have lots of horses, elephants, carriages and hundreds of thousands of
flags flying;
(but) begging is better than these comforts, if one’s days pass in meditating upon God. 112
kbIr sBu jgu hau iPirE mWdlu kMD cFwie ] koeI kwhU ko nhI sB dyKI Toik bjwie ]113]
kabeer, sabh jag ha-o firi-o, maandal kaNdh chaḍaa-ay.
ko-ee kaahoo ko nahee, sabh daykhee ṭok bajaa-ay. ||113||
Kabir (says): I have wandered all over the world, carrying the drum carried on my shoulders.
No one belongs to anyone else (i.e. all are concerned with their own interests), I have seen and
thoroughly tested it. 113

mwrig moqI bIQry AMDw inkisE Awie ] joiq ibnw jgdIs kI jgqu aulµGy jwie ]114]
maarag motee beethray, aNdhaa niksi-o aa-ay.
jot binaa jagdees kee, jagat ulaNghay jaa-ay. ||114||
The pearls are scattered on the path way, a blind comes there (i.e. happens to pass that way).
Without the Light of the Lord of the Universe, the whole world passes them (i.e. pearls) by.
114. [There are virtues and excellences, everywhere in the world; but without the blessing of the Lord, one
just ignores them and passes his lifetime uselessly].
bUfw bMsu kbIr kw aupijE pUqu kmwlu ] hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY Gir ly AwXw mwlu ]115]
boodaa baNs kabeer kaa, upji-o poot kamaal.
har kaa simran chhaad kai, ghar lay aa-yaa maal. ||115||
Kabir (says): my family will be drowned when a terrific (i.e. strange) son is born; (who)
abandons the meditation of God, and brings (worldly) wealth in his home. 115
kbIr swDU kau imlny jweIAY swiQ n lIjY koie ] pwCY pwau n dIjIAY AwgY hoie su hoie ]116]
kabeer, saadhoo ka-o milnay jaa-ee-ai, saath na leejai ko-ay.
paachhai paa-o na deejee-ai, aagai ho-ay so ho-ay. ||116||
Kabir (says): when one goes to meet a God-oriented person, he should not take anyone else
with him (i.e. leave behind his attachments). One should not turn back, and, keep on going;
come whatever may happen. 116
kbIr jgu bwiDE ijh jyvrI iqh mq bMDhu kbIr ] jYhih Awtw lon ijau son smwin srIru ]117]
kabeer, jag baadhi-o jih jayvree, tih mat baNdhhu kabeer.
jaiheh aataa lon ji-o, son samaan sareer. ||117||
Kabir (says): do not bind yourself with that rope with which the whole world is bound.
As the salt is lost up in flour, so shall (your) golden body (be lost). 117
kbIr hMsu auifE qnu gwifE soJweI sYnwh ] AjhU jIau n CofeI rMkweI nYnwh ]118]
kabeer, haNs udi-o tan gaadi-o, sojhaa-ee sainaah.
ajhoo jee-o na chhod-ee, raNkaa-ee nainaah. ||118||
Kabir (says): (when) the swan (soul) flies away and the body is buried; he still (seems to) makes
gestures; (it means that),
even then the mortal being does not give up his pauper vision (i.e. mean mentality). 118
kbIr nYn inhwrau quJ kau sRvn sunau quA nwau ] kabeer, nain nihaara-o tujh ka-o, sarvan sun-o tu-a naa-o.
Kabir (says): (O! God) with my eyes, I behold You; and, with my ears, I hear Your Name.
bYn aucrau quA nwm jI crn kml ird Twau ]119]
bain uchara-o tu-a naam, jee charan kamal rid ṭaa-o. ||119||
With my tongue I utter Your Name, and, I enshrine Your lotus-feet within my heart. 119
kbIr surg nrk qy mY rihE siqgur ky prswid ] crn kml kI mauj mih rhau AMiq Aru Awid ]120]
kabeer, surag narak tay mai rahi-o, satgur kay parsaad.
charan kamal kee ma-uj meh, raha-o aNt ar aad. ||120||
Kabir (says): by the Grace of the Guru, I have been spared from (desire of) heaven and hell.
(I wish) I (should) abide in the joy of the lotus feet (of God), from the beginning to the end. 120
kbIr crn kml kI mauj ko kih kYsy aunmwn ] kihby kau soBw nhI dyKw hI prvwnu ]121]
kabeer, charan kamal kee ma-uj ko, kahi kaisay unmaan.
kahibay ka-o sobhaa nahee, daykhaa hee parvaan. ||121||
How can one describe the extent of joy of (being in) the lotus-feet (of God) !
Its sublimity cannot be described, seeing (alone) is accepting it. 121

kbIr dyiK kY ikh khau khy n ko pqIAwie ] hir jYsw qYsw auhI rhau hriK gun gwie ]122]
kabeer, daykh kai kih kaha-o, kahay na ko patee-aa-ay.
har jaisaa taisaa uhee, raha-o harakh gun gaa-ay. ||122||
Kabir (says): how can I say what I have seen, no one will believe what is said.
God is just as He is; I dwell in joy singing (the praise of) His excellences. 122
P. 1371
kbIr cugY icqwrY BI cugY cuig cuig icqwry ] jYsy bcrih kUMj mn mwieAw mmqw ry ]123]
kabeer chugai chitaarai bhee chugai, chug chug chitaaray.
jaisay bachrahi kooNj, man maa-i-aa mamtaa ray. ||123||
Kabir (says): she (i.e. flamingo/crane) pecks and keeps in her mind (her chicks left behind), yet
pecks, and pecking and pecking, she keeps them in her mind.
Just as her chicks are dear to flamingo, so is the mind attached to Maya. 123
kbIr AMbr Gnhru CwieAw briK Bry sr qwl ] kabeer aMbar ghanhar chhaa-i-aa barakh bharay sar taal.
Kabir (says): the sky, overcast with clouds, has filled ponds and pools with (water of) rain.
cwiqRk ijau qrsq rhY iqn ko kaunu hvwlu ]124] chaatrik ji-o tarsat rahai, tin ko ka-un havaal. ||124||
Just as chaatrik (i.e. rain bird) remains thirsty (without rain water), what will happen to them
(who are attached to Maya , hence, they cannot behold the vision of God)? 124
kbIr ckeI jau inis bICurY Awie imlY prBwiq ] kabeer chak-ee ja-o nis beechhurai, aa-ay milai parbhaat.
Kabir (says): the chakvi (i.e. ruddy sheldrake) is separated (from its love) all through the night,
(but) meets him (again) when it dawns.
jo nr ibCury rwm isau nw idn imly n rwiq ]125] jo nar bichhuray raam si-o, naa din milay na raat. ||125||
(But) those who are separated from God, do not meet Him in the day or in the night. 125
kbIr rYnwier ibCoirAw rhu ry sMK mJUir ] kabeer rainaa-ir bichhori-aa, rahu ray saNkh majhoor.
Kabir (says): O! conch, separated from the Mine of Jewels (i.e. ocean), you (better) remain
dyvl dyvl DwhVI dysih augvq sUr ]126] dayval dayval dhaahṛee, dayseh ugvat soor. ||126||
Otherwise, when the sun rises, you shall be screaming from temple to temple. 126
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih jwgu roie BY duK ] kabeer, sootaa ki-aa karahi, jaag ro-ay bhai dukh.
Kabir (says): (O! mind) you are sleeping. What are you doing? Wake up and cry (i.e. think
about) about the fear (of death) and the pain (to be inflicted by the messengers of death).
jw kw bwsw gor mih so ikau sovY suK ]127] jaa kaa baasaa gor meh, so ki-o sovai sukh. ||127||
Those, who have to (finally) live in grave, how can they sleep in peace? 127
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih auiT ik n jpih murwir ] kabeer, sootaa ki-aa karahi, uḍ ke na jaapeh muraar*.
Kabir (says): (O! mind) you are sleeping. What are you doing? why do not you rise up and
meditate upon the Destroyer of Demons* ?
[*Muraar, literally: killer of demon Mur, i.e. Destroyer of Demons. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
iek idn sovnu hoiego lWby gof pswir ]128] ik din sovan ho-igo, laanbay god pasaar. ||128||
One day, you shall sleep, with your knees (i.e. legs) outstretched. 128
kbIr sUqw ikAw krih bYTw rhu Aru jwgu ] kabeer, sootaa ki-aa karahi, baiḍaa rahu ar jaag.
Kabir (says): (O! mind) you are sleeping. What are you doing? wake up and sit (in meditation
upon God).
jw ky sMg qy bICurw qw hI ky sMig lwgu ]129] jaa kay saNg tay beechhuraa, taa hee kay saNg laag. ||129||
Attach yourself to the One, from whom you have been separated. 129

kbIr sMq kI gYl n CofIAY mwrig lwgw jwau ] pyKq hI puMnIq hoie Bytq jpIAY nwau ]130]
kabeer, saNt kee gail na chhodee-ai ,maarag laagaa jaa-o.
paykhat hee puNneet ho-ay, bhaytat japee-ai naa-o. ||130||
Kabir (says): do not leave the company of the God-oriented persons, and, keep on walking on
their path.
Seeing them one is sanctified; meeting them one meditate upon the Name (of God). 130
kbIr swkq sMgu n kIjIAY dUrih jweIAY Bwig ] kabeer, saakat saNg na keejee-ai, dooreh jaa-ee-ai bhaag.
Kabir (says): do not associate with the non-believer, run far away from them.
bwsnu kwro prsIAY qau kCu lwgY dwgu ]131] baasan kaaro parsee-ai, ta-o kachh laagai daag. ||131||
If one touches a black vessel, (at least) some soot will stick to him. 131
kbIrw rwmu n cyiqE jrw phUMicE Awie ] kabeeraa, raam na chayti-o, jaraa pahooNchi-o aa-ay.
Kabir (says): (O! mortal) you did not remember God (when you were young), (now) the old age
has come over you (what can you do now ?).
lwgI mMidr duAwr qy Ab ikAw kwiFAw jwie ]132]
laagee maNdir du-aar tay, ab ki-aa kaaḍi-aa jaa-ay. ||132||
(Now that) the door of your (body) mansion is on fire, what can you take out? 132
kbIr kwrnu so BieE jo kIno krqwir ] iqsu ibnu dUsru ko nhI eykY isrjnhwru ]133]
kabeer, kaaran so bha-i-o, jo keeno kartaar. tis bin doosar ko nahee, aykai sirjanhaar. ||133||
Kabir (says): that alone is the cause, whatever the Creator has done.
There is no one other than Him; He alone is the Creator. 133
kbIr Pl lwgy Plin pwkin lwgy AWb ] kabeer fal laagay falan, paakan laagay aanb.
Kabir (says): The fruit trees have begun bearing fruits, and, the mangos are becoming ripe.
jwie phUcih Ksm kau jau bIic n KwhI kWb ]134]
jaa-ay pahoocheh khasam ka-o, ja-o beech na khaahee kaanb. ||134||
They will reach their master, only if the crows (i.e. parrots) do not eat them first. 134
kbIr Twkuru pUjih moil ly mnhiT qIrQ jwih ] dyKw dyKI sÍWgu Dir BUly Btkw Kwih ]135]
kabeer, ṭaakur poojeh mol lay, manhaṭ tirath jaahi.
daykhaa daykhee savaang dhar, bhoolay bhatkaa khaahi. ||135||
Kabir (says): some buy an idol and worship them, and, in their stubborn-mindedness, they go
to places of pilgrimage.
In imitating the others, they wear (religious) robes; (but they) wander in delusion. 135
kbIr pwhnu prmysuru kIAw pUjY sBu sMswru ] kabeer, paahan parmaysur kee-aa, poojai sabh saNsaar.
Kabir (says): they (i.e. brahmins, the priestly class) have set up stones as the Supreme Master,
and, all the people worship (the stones).
ies Brvwsy jo rhy bUfy kwlI Dwr ]136] is bharvaasay jo rahay, booday kaalee dhaar. ||136||
Those, who depend upon it, they will be drowned in black fall (i.e. river of ignorance). 136
kbIr kwgd kI EbrI msu ky krm kpwt ] kabeer, kaagad kee obree, mas kay karam kapaat.
Kabir (says): the papers (i.e. books of rituals) are the prison; ink (of rituals) are doors.
pwhn borI iprQmI pMifq pwVI bwt ]137] paahan boree pirathmee, paNdit paaṛee baat. ||137||
The stones (idols) have drowned the world, and, the pandits (i.e. priests) are robbing it (i.e. the
world) on the way. 137
kbIr kwil krMqw Abih kru Ab krqw suie qwl ] kabeer, kaal karaNtaa abeh kar, ab kartaa su-ay taal.
Kabir (says): that you have to do tomorrow, do it now; and, that you have to do now, do it

pwCY kCU n hoiegw jau isr pir AwvY kwlu ]138] paachhai kachhoo na ho-igaa, ja-o sir par aavai kaal ||138||
When the death hangs over your head, then you shall not be able to do anything. 138
kbIr AYsw jMqu ieku dyiKAw jYsI DoeI lwK ] kabeer, aisaa jaNt ik daykhi-aa, jaisee dho-ee laakh.
Kabir (says): I have seen such a person, (who is) shining as washed wax.
dIsY cMclu bhu gunw miq hInw nwpwk ]139] deesai chaNchal baho gunaa, mat heenaa naapaak. ||139||
He seems to be clever and greatly virtuous, but (in reality) he is without wisdom and defiled
(i.e. sinner). 139
kbIr myrI buiD kau jmu n krY iqskwr ] ijin iehu jmUAw isrijAw su jipAw privdgwr ]140]
kabeer, mayree budh ka-o, jam na karai tiskaar.
jin ih jamoo-aa sirji-aa, so japi-aa parvidagaar ||140||
Kabir (says): (even) the messenger of death shall not insult my wisdom, (because)
I have meditated upon that Sustainer (i.e. the Lord), who has created this messenger. 140
P. 1372
kbIru ksqUrI BieAw Bvr Bey sB dws ] ijau ijau Bgiq kbIr kI iqau iqau rwm invws ]141]
kabeer, kastooree bha-i-aa, bhavar bha-ay sabh daas.
ji-o ji-o bhagat kabeer kee, ti-o ti-o raam nivaas. ||141||
Kabir (says): He (i.e. God) is musk, and, all His slaves are (like) bumble-bees (intoxicated by His
Kabir (says): the more one is devoted to Him, the more God abides within his heart. 141
kbIr ghgic pirE kutMb kY kWTY rih gieE rwmu ] Awie pry Drm rwie ky bIcih DUmw Dwm ]142]
kabeer, gahgach pari-o kutaMb kai, kaanṭai reh ga-i-o raam.
aa-ay paray dharam raa-ay kay, beecheh dhoomaa dhaam. ||142||
Kabir (says): (the mortal being) has fallen in the grip of the family, God has been set aside.
The messenger of the Judge of Righteousness descend upon him, (right) in the midst of his
hustle and bustle. 142
kbIr swkq qy sUkr Blw rwKY AwCw gwau ] auhu swkqu bpurw mir gieAw koie n lYhY nwau ]143]
kabeer, saakat tay sookar bhalaa, raakhai aachhaa gaa-o.
uho saakat bapuraa mar ga-i-aa, ko-ay na laihai naa-o. ||143||
Kabir (says): (even) a pig is better than the non-believer, (at least) it keeps the village clean.
When the wretched non-believer passes away, no one (even) mentions his name. 143
kbIr kaufI kaufI joir kY jory lwK kroir ] clqI bwr n kCu imilE leI lµgotI qoir ]144]
kabeer, ka-udee ka-udee jor kai, joray laakh karor.
chaltee baar na kachh mili-o, la-ee laNgotee tor. ||144||
Kabir (says): (the mortal being) gathers (wealth), shell by shell (i.e. saving penny by penny), thus
he gathers hundreds of thousands and tens of millions;
(but) at the time of departure, he gets nothing (to take along with him); he is even stripped off his
loin-cloth (tied around his waist). 144
kbIr bYsno hUAw q ikAw BieAw mwlw mylIN cwir ] bwhir kMcnu bwrhw BIqir BrI BMgwr ]145]
kabeer, baisno hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa, maalaa mayleen chaar.
baahar kaNchan baarhaa*, bheetar bharee bhaNgaar. ||145||
Kabir (says): what good is it if one is a follower of Vishnu, and, wears four rosaries.
From outside he may look (like) pure gold, but, from within he is stuffed with garbage. 145
[*baarhaa, literally: twelve, i.e. gold purified twelve times with fire; meaning ‘the purest of the pure’].

kbIr roVw hoie rhu bwt kw qij mn kw AiBmwnu ] AYsw koeI dwsu hoie qwih imlY Bgvwnu ]146]
kabeer, roṛaa ho-ay rahu baat kaa, taj man kaa abhimaan.
aisaa ko-ee daas ho-ay, taahi milai bhagvaan. ||146||
Kabir (says):(O! mortal being) let yourself become a brick-pebble on the path, and, abandon
your egotistic pride of the mind.
If some one becomes such a slave (i.e. devotee), the Lord of Fortune comes to meet him. 146
kbIr roVw hUAw q ikAw BieAw pMQI kau duKu dyie ] AYsw qyrw dwsu hY ijau DrnI mih Kyh ]147]
kabeer, roṛaa hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa, paNthee ka-o dukh day-ay.
aisaa tayraa daas hai, ji-o dharnee meh khayh. ||147||
Kabir (says): what good would it be, if one could become a brick-pebble, it would (only) hurt
the travellers (walking) on the path; (better) Your slave is the dust of the earth. 147
kbIr Kyh hUeI qau ikAw BieAw jau auif lwgY AMg ] hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY ijau pwnI srbMg ]148]
kabeer, khayh hoo-ee ta-o ki-aa bha-i-aa, ja-o ud laagai aNg.
har jan aisaa chaahee-ai, ji-o paanee sarbaNg. ||148||
Kabir (says): what good it would be if one could become dust? it is blown up (by wind) and
sticks to body-parts (i.e. of the people).
The servant (i.e. devotee) of God should be like water, which is same to all parts of body. 148
kbIr pwnI hUAw q ikAw BieAw sIrw qwqw hoie ] hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY jYsw hir hI hoie ]149]
kabeer paanee hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa seeraa taataa ho-ay.
har jan aisaa chaahee-ai jaisaa har hee ho-ay. ||149||
Kabir (says): what good it would be if one could become water; (sometimes) it becomes cold
and (sometimes) hot. The servant (i.e. devotee) of God should be just like God. 149
aUc Bvn kn kwmnI isKir Djw Phrwie ] qw qy BlI mDUkrI sMqsMig gun gwie ]150]
ooch bhavan, kan kaamnee, sikhar dhajaa fehraa-ay.
taa tay bhalee madhookree, saNtsaNg gun gaa-ay. ||150||
(One may live in) lofty mansions, (filled with) gold and having a charming lady (in it), and, a flag
(of power) waving over it.
Better than these is food collected from place to place (i.e. begged food), if one sings (the praise
of) the excellences (of God), in the company of the God-oriented person. 150.
kbIr pwtn qy aUjru Blw rwm Bgq ijh Twie ] rwm snyhI bwhrw jm puru myry BWie ]151]
kabeer, paatan tay oojar bhalaa, raam bhagat jih ṭaa-ay.
raam sanayhee baahraa, jam pur mayray bhaan-ay. ||151||
Kabir (says): wilderness is better than a city, (if) devotees of God live there.
Anything other than the love of God, is (like) the city of death (i.e. hell) for me. 151
kbIr gMg jmun ky AMqry shj suMn ky Gwt ] qhw kbIrY mtu kIAw Kojq muin jn bwt ]152]
kabeer gaNg jamun kay aNtray*, sahj suNn kay ghaat.
tahaa kabeerai mat kee-aa, khojat mun jan baat. ||152||
Kabir (says): far away from the Ganges and Jamuna* (rivers), on the bank of void and poise;
(there) I have built a monastery; Kabir (says): the silent sages, the servants (i.e. devotees)
search for the way to (get in) it. 152
[*Here, Kabir rejects the holiness of the rivers Ganges and Jamuna; and, wants people to keep away from them].

kbIr jYsI aupjI pyf qy jau qYsI inbhY EiV ] hIrw iks kw bwpurw pujih n rqn kroiV ]153]
kabeer, jaisee upjee payd tay, ja-o taisee nibhai oṛ.
heeraa kis kaa baapuraa, pujeh na ratan karoṛ. ||153||
Kabir (says): as it (i.e. devotion for God) had begun in the beginning, if it finally continues to be
the same; what (to talk of) a poor diamond, not even the tens of millions of jewels can equal
him. 153
kbIrw eyku AcMBau dyiKE hIrw hwt ibkwie ] bnjnhwry bwhrw kaufI bdlY jwie ]154]
kabeeraa, ayk achaMbha-o daykhi-o, heeraa haat bikaa-ay.
banjanhaaray baahraa, ka-udee badlai jaa-ay. ||154||
Kabir (says): I saw an impossible-like (i.e. surprising) thing: a jewel was being sold in shops.
(But, because) there was no dealer (i.e. buyer), it was going (i.e. selling) for a shell. 154
kbIrw jhw igAwnu qh Drmu hY jhw JUTu qh pwpu ] jhw loBu qh kwlu hY jhw iKmw qh Awip ]155]
kabeeraa, jahaa gi-aan tah dharam hai, jahaa jhooṭ tah paap.
jahaa lobh tah kaal hai, jahaa khimaa tah aap. ||155||
Kabir (says): where there is (spiritual) knowledge, there is righteousness, and, where there is
falsehood, there is sin.
Where there is greed, there is death; and, where there is forgiveness, there is He (i.e. God
Himself). 155
kbIr mwieAw qjI q ikAw BieAw jau mwnu qijAw nhI jwie ] mwn munI muinvr gly mwnu sBY kau Kwie ]156]
kabeer, maa-i-aa tajee, ta ki-aa bha-i-aa, ja-o maan taji-aa nahee jaa-ay.
maan munee munivar galay, maan sabhai ka-o khaa-ay. ||156|
Kabir (says): what good it is if one gives up Maya, if one does not give up his pride.
(Even) silent sages and the supreme seers are destroyed by pride; pride eats up everyone. 156
kbIr swcw siqguru mY imilAw sbdu ju bwihAw eyku ] lwgq hI Buie imil gieAw pirAw klyjy Cyku ]157]
kabeer saachaa satgur mai mili-aa, sabad jo baahi-aa ayk.
laagat hee bhu-ay mil ga-i-aa, pari-aa kalayjay chhayk. ||157||
Kabir (says): the True Guru met me, and, he aimed an arrow of the Word at me.
As soon as it struck me, I fell to the ground, with a hole in my heart. 157
kbIr swcw siqguru ikAw krY jau isKw mih cUk ] AMDy eyk n lwgeI ijau bWsu bjweIAY PUk ]158]
kabeer, saachaa satgur ki-aa karai, ja-o sikhaa meh chook.
aNdhay ayk na laag-ee, ji-o baans bajaa-ee-ai fook. ||158||
Kabir (says): what can the True Guru do, when the followers are at fault.
The blind (ones) do not take in even one (word of his teachings); it is like blowing into bamboo
(which produces no result). 158
kbIr hY gY bwhn sGn Gn CqRpqI kI nwir ] qwsu ptMqr n pujY hir jn kI pinhwir ]159]
kabeer, hai gai baahan saghan ghan, chhatarpatee kee naar.
taas pataNtar na pujai, har jan kee panihaar. ||159||
Kabir (says): the wife of a king has countless horses, elephants, and carriages; (but)
she is not equal to even a water-carrier (i.e. maid) of the servant (i.e. devotee) of God. 159

P. 1373
kbIr inRp nwrI ikau inMdIAY ikau hir cyrI kau mwnu ] Eh mWg svwrY ibKY kau Eh ismrY hir nwmu ]160]
kabeer, nrip naaree ki-o niNdee-ai, ki-o har chayree ka-o maan.
oh maang savaarai bikhai ka-o, oh simrai har naam. ||160||
Kabir (says): why to slander the wife of a king, and, honour the slave (i.e. maid) of God.
(Because) one combs her hair with poison (i.e. enjoys the pleasures of Maya), (while) the other
one remembers (i.e. meditates upon) the Name of God. 160
kbIr QUnI pweI iQiq BeI siqgur bMDI DIr ] kabeer, thoonee paa-ee thit bha-ee, satgur baNdhee dheer.
Kabir (says): having got the support of pillar (of the Name of God), I have become stable (i.e. my
mind has become steady); the True Guru has blessed me with courage.
kbIr hIrw bnijAw mwn srovr qIr ]161] kabeer, heeraa banji-aa, maan sarovar teer. ||161||
Kabir (says): (the support of the Name is such, as if) I have purchased the Diamond, on the
banks of Mansarovar lake (i.e in the true congregation). 161
kbIr hir hIrw jn jauhrI ly kY mWfY hwt ] jb hI pweIAih pwrKU qb hIrn kI swt ]162]
kabeer, har heeraa jan ja-uharee, lay kai maandai haat.
jab hee paa-ee-ah paarkhoo, tab heeran kee saat. ||162||
Kabir (says): God is a diamond, and, His servants (i.e. devotees) are the jewellers, who have
sets up a shop.
As soon as an appraiser is found, a deal is struck for (the purchase of) the diamond. 162
kbIr kwm pry hir ismrIAY AYsw ismrhu inq ] Amrw pur bwsw krhu hir gieAw bhorY ibq ]163]
kabeer, kaam paray har simree-ai, aisaa simrahu nit.
amraa pur baasaa karahu, har ga-i-aa bahorai bit. ||163||
Kabir (says): you remember God, (only) when need arises, (but, if) you remember Him always
(continually, all the time then).
You shall dwell in the city of immorality (i.e. eternal city, of God), and, God shall get restored
(all) the wealth you had lost. 163
kbIr syvw kau duie Bly eyku sMqu ieku rwmu ] rwmu ju dwqw mukiq ko sMqu jpwvY nwmu ]164]
kabeer, sayvaa ka-o du-ay bhalay, ayk saNt ik raam.
raam jo daataa mukat ko, saNt japaavai naam. ||164||
Kabir (says): both are good for performing serving: the God-oriented person and God.
God is the Giver of Liberation, and, the God-oriented person gets us to meditate upon the
Name. 164
kbIr ijh mwrig pMifq gey pwCY prI bhIr ] iek AvGt GwtI rwm kI iqh ciV rihE kbIr ]165]
kabeer, jih maarag paNdit ga-ay, paachhai paree baheer.
ik avghat ghaatee raam kee, tih chaṛ rahi-o kabeer. ||165||
Kabir (says): the crowd follows the path (i.e. observing religious rituals), which the pandits (i.e.
priests) take up (and this is easy path).
Kabir (says): the path of God is (like climbing) a difficult valley; I am climbing that (cliff). 165
kbIr dunIAw ky doKy mUAw cwlq kul kI kwin ] qb kulu iks kw lwjsI jb ly Drih mswin ]166]
kabeer, dunee-aa kay dokhay moo-aa, chaalat kul kee kaan.
tab kul kis kaa laajsee, jab lay dhareh masaan. ||166||
Kabir (says): people die of their worldly problems, for the sake of (i.e. in worry of the prestige
of) their family. Then, whose family will be ashamed of (for his deeds), when he is placed (on
funeral pyre) in crematorium. 166

kbIr fUbihgo ry bwpury bhu logn kI kwin ] pwrosI ky jo hUAw qU Apny BI jwnu ]167]
kabeer, doob-higo ray baapuray, baho logan kee kaan.
paarosee kay jo hoo-aa, too apnay bhee jaan. ||167||
Kabir (says): O! wretched being, you shall drown, from worry of (what) other people (think).
What has happened to the neighbour, know that it will happen to you (as well). [O! mortal, if
the neighbour dies, do not forget that you too shall have to depart from the world; so don't worry
about what others think, and, follow only the path of righteousness]. 167
kbIr BlI mDUkrI nwnw ibiD ko nwju ] dwvw kwhU ko nhI bfw dysu bf rwju ]168]
kabeer, bhalee madhookree, naanaa bidh ko naaj.
daavaa kaahoo ko nahee, badaa days bad raaj. ||168||
Kabir (says): (even) the food collected from place to place (i.e. begged food), (which is) made of
various grains, is good.
No one makes claim on it ---- it may be vast is the country or great empire (the beggar can
obtains such food everywhere). 168
kbIr dwvY dwJnu hoqu hY inrdwvY rhY insMk ] jo jnu inrdwvY rhY so gnY ieMdR so rMk ]169]
kabeer, daavai daajhan hot hai, nirdaavai rahai nisaNk.
jo jan nirdaavai rahai, so ganai iNdar so raNk. ||169||
Kabir (says): those, who make claims, burn(in jealousy); and, those who do not make claims
remain carefree. One who does not make any claim, treats the king and beggar alike. 169
kbIr pwil smuhw srvru Brw pI n skY koeI nIru ] Bwg bfy qY pwieE qUM Bir Bir pIau kbIr ]170]
kabeer, paal samuhaa sarvar bharaa, pee na sakai ko-ee neer.
bhaag baday tai paa-i-o, tooN bhar bhar pee-o, kabeer. ||170||
Kabir (says): the pool is overflowing with water, but no one can drink the water from it.
Kabir (says): by great (good) fortune, you have found it, (so) drink it in brimfull (i.e. you have
found the pool of the company of the God-oriented persons, drink in A mrit to your fill). 170
kbIr prBwqy qwry iKsih iqau iehu iKsY srIru ] ey duie AKr nw iKsih so gih rihE kbIru ]171]
kabeer, parbhaatay taaray khiseh, ti-o ih khisai sareer.
ay du-ay akhar naa khiseh, so geh rahi-o kabeer. ||171||
Kabir (says): just as the stars disappear at dawn, so shall this body disappear.
These two letters (i.e. raam, the name of God, is spelled in two letters: ‘r’ and ‘m’) shall not
disappear; Kabir (says): I hold these (two letters) tight (i.e. I have implanted the Name of God in
my heart; it shall never disappear from my heart). 171
kbIr koTI kwT kI dh idis lwgI Awig ] pMifq pMifq jil mUey mUrK aubry Bwig ]172]
kabeer, koṭee kaaṭ kee, dah dis laagee aag.
paNdit paNdit jal moo-ay, moorakh ubray bhaag. ||172||
Kabir (says): the (world) is (like) a wooden house; it is on fire from ten (i.e. all ) directions.
Those who were pandits (i.e. religious scholars and debaters) have been burnt to death (in fire of
jealousy), (while those whom these scholars regard) fools have run to safety (from the fire of
debates). 172
kbIr sMsw dUir kru kwgd dyh ibhwie ] bwvn AKr soiD kY hir crnI icqu lwie ]173]
kabeer, saNsaa door kar, kaagad dayh bihaa-ay.
baavan akhar sodh kai, har charnee chit laa-ay. ||173||
Kabir (says): give up your doubts (about how will you be saved), and flow (i.e. throw) your
papers (i.e. religious texts) away in water. Explore the fifty two letters (of the alphabet), (i.e.
contemplate) and focus your mind on the feet of God. 173

kbIr sMqu n CwfY sMqeI jau koitk imlih AsMq ] milAwgru BuXMgm byiFE q sIqlqw n qjMq ]174]
kabeer, saNt na chhaadai saNt-ee, ja-o kotik mileh asaNt.
mali-aagar bhuyaNgam bayḍi-o, ta seetaltaa na tajaNt. ||174||
Kabir (says): The God-oriented person never gives up his piety, even though he meets with
tens of millions of evil-minded ones.
(Like) the sandalwood tree, may it be surrounded by snakes, (it) does not give up its coolness
(i.e. fragrance). 174
kbIr mnu sIqlu BieAw pwieAw bRhm igAwnu ] ijin juAwlw jgu jwirAw su jn ky audk smwin ]175]
kabeer, man seetal bha-i-aa, paa-i-aa brahm gi-aan.
jin ju-aalaa jag jaari-aa, so jan kay udak samaan. ||175||
Kabir (says): one, who is blessed with the knowledge of God, his mind is cooled (i.e. soothed).
The fire (of Maya) which has burnt the world, is like water to a God-oriented person. 175
kbIr swrI isrjnhwr kI jwnY nwhI koie ] kY jwnY Awpn DnI kY dwsu dIvwnI hoie ]176]
kabeer, saaree sirjanhaar kee, jaanai naahee ko-ay.
kai jaanai aapan dhanee, kai daas deevaanee ho-ay. ||176||
Kabir (says): this (creation) is the play of the Creator, but, no one know this.
Only the Master Himself or the slaves at His Court (i.e. His devotees) know it. 176
kbIr BlI BeI jo Bau pirAw idsw geˆØI sB BUil ] Erw gir pwnI BieAw jwie imilE Fil kUil ]177]
kabeer, bhalee bha-ee jo bha-o pari-aa, disaa ga-een sabh bhool.
oraa gar paanee bha-i-aa, jaa-ay mili-o ḍal kool. ||177||
Kabir (says): it is good that fear (of God) has welled up (within my mind), and, I have forgotten
all other directions (i.e. everything other than God).
The snow-pellets have melted into water (i.e. my hard-headedness and egotism have turned into
humbleness), and, have flown and joined the river (i.e. my identity has merged into God).177
P. 1374
kbIrw DUir skyil kY purIAw bWDI dyh ] idvs cwir ko pyKnw AMiq Kyh kI Kyh ]178]
kabeeraa, dhoor sakayl kai, puree-aa baandhee dayh.
divas chaar ko paykhnaa, aNt khayh kee khayh. ||178||
Kabir (says): collecting the dust, it was formed into the body town.
It is a show for (only) four (i.e. a few) days; in the end, the dust shall return to dust. 178
kbIr sUrj cWd kY audY BeI sB dyh ] gur goibMd ky ibnu imly plit BeI sB Kyh ]179]
kabeer, sooraj chaand kai, udai bha-ee sabh dayh.
gur gobiNd kay bin milay, palat bha-ee sabh khayh. ||179||
Kabir (says): like (the rising of) the sun and moon, all bodies appear (and then disappear).
Without meeting the Guru, the Lord of the World, they are all reduced to dust again. 179
jh AnBau qh BY nhI jh Bau qh hir nwih ] jah anbha-o tah bhai nahee, jah bha-o tah har naahi.
Where there is the Fearless (i.e. God), there is no (worldly) fear; and, where there is fear, God is
not there.
kihE kbIr ibcwir kY sMq sunhu mn mwih ]180] kahi-o kabeer bichaar kai, saNt sunhu man maahi ||180||
Kabir (says): I speak (this) after careful contemplation, O! God-oriented persons, hear (and
enshrines this) in your minds. 180

kbIr ijnhu ikCU jwinAw nhI iqn suK nId ibhwie ] hmhu ju bUJw bUJnw pUrI prI blwie ]181]
kabeer, jinahu kichhoo jaani-aa, nahee tin sukh need bihaa-ay.
hamhu jo boojhaa boojhnaa, pooree paree balaa-ay. ||181||
Kabir (says): those, who do not known anything, pass their lives in peaceful sleep (like fools).
(But, because) I have realized the riddle, I am faced with all trouble. 181
kbIr mwry bhuqu pukwirAw pIr pukwrY Aaur ] lwgI cot mrMm kI rihE kbIrw Taur ]182]
kabee,r maaray bahut pukaari-aa, peer pukaarai a-or.
laagee chot maraMm kee, rahi-o kabeeraa ṭa-ur. ||182||
Kabir (says): those, who are beaten, cry a lot; more the pain, more the cries.
Kabir (says): one, who is hit by (pangs of) mystery, falls there and then. 182
kbIr cot suhylI syl kI lwgq lyie ausws ] cot shwrY sbd kI qwsu gurU mY dws ]183]
kabeer, chot suhaylee sayl kee, laagat lay-ay usaas.
chot sahaarai sabad kee, taas guroo mai daas. ||183||
The stroke of a lance is simple (i.e. easy to endure); (with this) one takes long breath (sighs).
But one who endures the stroke of the Word (of the Guru), (he is my preceptor) I am slave of that
Guru. 183
kbIr mulW munwry ikAw cFih sWeI n bhrw hoie ]
kabeer, mulaan munaaray ki-aa chaḍeh, saan-ee na bahraa ho-ay.
Kabir (says): O! mulla (i.e. Muslim clergy), why do you climb at the top of the minaret (to give a
call for prayer); the Master is not hard of hearing.
jw kwrin qUM bWg dyih idl hI BIqir joie ]184] jaa kaaran tooN baang deh, dil hee bheetar jo-ay. ||184||
The One, for whom you give the call (to the people, for prayer), look for Him within your
heart. 184
syK sbUrI bwhrw ikAw hj kwby jwie ] saykh, sabooree baahraa, ki-aa haj kaabay jaa-ay.
O! Sheikh (if you are) without contentment, why do you go on pilgrimage to Kaaba (i.e. Mecca).
kbIr jw kI idl swbiq nhI qw kau khW Kudwie ]185]
kabeer, jaa kee dil saabat nahee, taa ka-o kahaan khudaa-ay. ||185||
Kabir (says): one, whose heart is not whole (i.e. not stable), how can he attain God? 185
kbIr Alh kI kir bMdgI ijh ismrq duKu jwie ] idl mih sWeI prgtY buJY blµqI nWie ]186]
kabeer, alah kee kar baNdagee, jih simrat dukh jaa-ay.
dil meh saan-ee pargatai, bujhai balaNtee naan-ay. ||186||
Kabir (says): (O! mortal) practice perform devotion of God, remembering Him (all) sorrows
depart. (When) the Master is revealed in the heart, and, the burning fire (within) is
extinguished. 186
kbIr jorI kIey julmu hY khqw nwau hlwlu ] dPqir lyKw mWgIAY qb hoiego kaunu hvwlu ]187]
kabeer, joree kee-ay julam hai, kahtaa naa-o halaal.
daftar laykhaa maangee-ai, tab ho-igo ka-un havaal. ||187||
Kabir (says): (O! mulla, you say that) to use force is cruelty, but you (kill an animal and) call it
halaal (i.e. permissible). When your accounts will be called for, in the office (i.e. Court of God),
then what will your condition be (i.e. what will happen to you)? 187

kbIr KUbu Kwnw KIcrI jw mih AMimRqu lonu ] hyrw rotI kwrny glw ktwvY kaunu ]188]
kabeer, khoob khaanaa kheechree, jaa meh amrit lon.
hayraa rotee kaarnay, galaa kataavai ka-un. ||188||
Kabir (says): khichri* is excellent (food); and, salt added to it makes it delicious.
Who would (i.e. no one would chose to) get a throat cut, to have food with meat ! 188
[*dish prepared by mixing rice and lentils].
kbIr guru lwgw qb jwnIAY imtY mohu qn qwp ] hrK sog dwJY nhI qb hir Awpih Awip ]189]
kabeer, gur laagaa tab jaanee-ai, mitai moh tan taap.
harakh sog daajhai nahee, tab har aapeh aap. ||189||
Kabir (says): one is known to be attached to the Guru, when his (emotional) attachment and
heat (of passions) is erased from within the body.
If pleasure and pain do not burn (i.e. affect) him, then He becomes (like) God Himself. 189
kbIr rwm khn mih Bydu hY qw mih eyku ibcwru ] soeI rwmu sBY khih soeI kauqkhwr ]190]
kabeer, raam kahan meh bhayd hai, taa meh ayk bichaar.
so-ee raam sabhai kaheh, so-ee ka-utakhaar. ||190||
Kabir (says): there is a mystery in chanting the word ‘Raam’; there is something (i.e. some
concept) to understand. Every one uses the same word for Ram (the son of Dashrath), and, the
same for the Lord of Wonders (i.e. God). 190
kbIr rwmY rwm khu kihby mwih ibbyk ] eyku Anykih imil gieAw eyk smwnw eyk ]191]
kabeer, raamai raam kaho, kahibay maahi bibayk.
ayk anaykeh mil ga-i-aa, ayk samaanaa ayk. ||191||
Kabir (says): use the word ‘Raam’ (only) for the all pervading (God); and, speak this with
discerning wisdom.
One ‘Raam’ (i.e. God) is pervading in everyone; while the (other) one (the son of Dashrath) is
contained only in himself. 191
kbIr jw Gr swD n syvIAih hir kI syvw nwih ] qy Gr mrht swrKy BUq bsih iqn mwih ]192]
kabeer, jaa ghar saadh na sayvee-ah, har kee sayvaa naahi.
tay ghar marhat saarkhay, bhoot baseh tin maahi. ||192||
Kabir (says): that house(i.e. the heart) where neither a God-oriented persons is served, nor
God is served. That house (i.e. the heart) is like the cremation ground, the demons dwell within
them. 192
kbIr gUMgw hUAw bwvrw bhrw hUAw kwn ] pwvhu qy ipMgul BieAw mwirAw siqgur bwn ]193]
kabeer, gooNgaa hoo-aa, baavraa, bahraa hoo-aa kaan.
paavhu tay piNgul bha-i-aa, maari-aa satgur baan. ||193||
Kabir (says): I have become dumb (i.e. I do not slander anyone) and (people think I have gone)
crazy, (I have become) deaf from ears (i.e. I do not listen to evil things);
I have become crippled in feet (and I do not walk on any path other than of God), (since) the True
Guru has shot me with his arrow. 193
kbIr siqgur sUrmy bwihAw bwnu ju eyku ] lwgq hI Buie igir pirAw prw kryjy Cyku ]194]
kabeer, satgur soormay, baahi-aa baan jo ayk.
laagat hee bhu-ay gir pari-aa, paraa karayjay chhayk. ||194||
Kabir (says): the (spiritually) brave True Guru, shot an arrow (of his Word) at me.
As soon as it struck me, I fell to the ground, with a hole in my heart (i.e. the Guru’s arrow/Word
pierced my heart). 194

kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI pir geI BUim ibkwr ] ibnu sMgiq ieau mWneI hoie geI BT Cwr ]195]
kabeer, nirmal booNd akaas kee, par ga-ee bhoom bikaar.
bin saNgat i-o maann-ee, ho-ay ga-ee bhaṭ chhaar. ||195||
Kabir (says): the pure drop (of water) fell, from the sky, on to the ground, and, went waste.
Know that (like this drop going waste) one, without congregation, is like the burnt ash of the
furnace. 195
P. 1375
kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI lInI BUim imlwie ] Aink isAwny pic gey nw inrvwrI jwie ]196]
kabeer, nirmal booNd akaas kee, leenee bhoom milaa-ay.
anik si-aanay pach ga-ay, naa nirvaaree jaa-ay. ||196||
Kabir (says): the pure drop (of water) fell from sky, and, the earth absorbed it.
(Even if) countless wise may get worn out trying, but, it cannot be separated from it (from the
dust). 196
kbIr hj kwby hau jwie Qw AwgY imilAw Kudwie ] sWeI muJ isau lir pirAw quJY ikin@ PurmweI gwie ]197]
kabeer, haj kaabay ha-o jaa-ay thaa, aagai mili-aa khudaa-ay.
saan-ee mujh si-o lar pari-aa: ‘tujhai kinih furmaa-ee gaa-ay’. ||197||
Kabir (says): I was going on a pilgrimage to Kaaba (i.e. Mecca), God met me on the way.
The Master began quarreling with (i.e. scolded) me: “who told you that I am (only) there.” 197
kbIr hj kwbY hoie hoie gieAw kyqI bwr kbIr ] sWeI muJ mih ikAw Kqw muKhu n bolY pIr ]198]
kabeer, haj kaabai ho-ay ho-ay ga-i-aa, kaytee baar, kabeer*.
saan-ee mujh meh ki-aa khataa, mukhahu na bolai, peer**. ||198||
Kabir (says): I made pilgrimage to Kaaba (i.e. Mecca), for so many times, O! Great* (God).
O! Master, what is my fault? You do not speak to me with Your mouth, O! Preceptor* (i.e.
God). 198 [*In the first line of this couplet, the Kabeer means ‘Great’ (i.e. God). In the second line ‘Peer’
means ‘Preceptor’ of Kabeer (i.e. God). The poet asks God: ‘I have come to Mecca so many times but have not obtained
vision of, and dialogue with You, O! God].
kbIr jIA ju mwrih joru kir khqy hih ju hlwlu ] dPqru deI jb kwiF hY hoiegw kaunu hvwlu ]199]
kabeer, jee-a jo maareh jor kar, kahtay heh jo halaal.
daftar da-ee jab kaaḍ hai, ho-igaa ka-un havaal. ||199||
Kabir (says): those, who oppress and kill the living beings; and, call it halaal (permissible).
When their account are called in the office (i.e. Court of God), what will their condition be? 199
kbIr joru kIAw so julmu hY lyie jbwbu Kudwie ] dPqir lyKw nIksY mwr muhY muih Kwie ]200]
kabeer, jor kee-aa so julam hai, lay-ay jabaab khudaa-ay.
daftar laykhaa neeksai, maar muhai muhi khaa-ay. ||200||
Kabir (says): using force is cruelty, God shall call for answer (i.e. call them to account).
In office (i.e. Court of God), when their account is checked, they shall be hit on mouth, on the
face (i.e. they shall be heavily punished). 200
kbIr lyKw dynw suhylw jau idl sUcI hoie ] ausu swcy dIbwn mih plw n pkrY koie ]201]
kabeer, laykhaa daynaa suhaylaa, ja-o dil soochee ho-ay.
us saachay deebaan meh, palaa na pakrai ko-ay. ||201||
Kabir (says): it is easy to render accounts, if one’s heart is pure.
In the Court of the True (Lord), no one shall hold you by hem of your skirt (i.e. no one shall
seize you). 201

kbIr DrqI Aru Awkws mih duie qUM brI AbD ] Kt drsn sMsy pry Aru caurwsIh isD ]202]
kabeer, dhartee ar aakaas meh, du-ay tooN baree abadh.
khat darsan saNsay paray, ar cha-oraaseeh sidh. ||202||
Kabir (says): on the earth and in the skies, O! duality, you are unobstructed (i.e. invincible).
(Even the knowers of) the six systems (of philosophy), and, the eighty four sidhs (i.e. mythical men
of miraculous powers) are placed involved in doubt. 202
kbIr myrw muJ mih ikCu nhI jo ikCu hY so qyrw ] qyrw quJ kau saupqy ikAw lwgY myrw ]203]
kabeer, mayraa mujh meh kichh nahee, jo kichh hai so tayraa.
tayraa tujh ka-o sa-upatay, ki-aa laagai mayraa. ||203||
Kabir (says): (O! God) nothing is mine within myself; whatever there is, is (all) Yours.
If I surrender to You, what is (already) Yours, what does it cost me? 203
kbIr qUM qUM krqw qU hUAw muJ mih rhw n hUM ] jb Awpw pr kw imit gieAw jq dyKau qq qU ]204]
kabeer, tooN tooN kartaa too hoo-aa, mujh meh rahaa na hooN.
jab aapaa par kaa mit ga-i-aa, jat daykh-a-u tat too. ||204||
Kabir (says): chanting ‘You’, ‘You’, I have become (like) You; (now) nothing of ‘me’ (i.e. self-
conceit) remains in me.
When difference between ‘myself’ and the ‘others’ is eliminated; (then, O! God) wherever I
look, there I see (only) You. 204
kbIr ibkwrh icqvqy JUTy krqy Aws ] mnorQu koie n pUirE cwly aUiT inrws ]205]
kabeer, bikaareh chitvatay, jhooṭay kartay aas.
manorath ko-ay na poori-o, chaalay ooṭ niraas. ||205||
Kabir (says): those who think of evil (in their minds), and, entertain false hopes.
None of their objectives is fulfilled, (and, they) depart in despair. 205
kbIr hir kw ismrnu jo krY so suKIAw sMswir ] ieq auq kqih n foleI ijs rwKY isrjnhwr ]206]
kabeer, har kaa simran jo karai, so sukhee-aa saNsaar.
it ut kateh na dol-ee, jis raakhai sirjanhaar. ||206||
Kabir (says): one who remembers (i.e. meditates upon) God, he (alone) is happy in the world.
One, who is protected by the Creator, shall never waver, here and hereafter. 206
kbIr GwxI pIVqy siqgur lIey Cfwie ] prw pUrblI BwvnI prgtu hoeI Awie ]207]
kabeer, ghaaṇee peeṛ-tay, satgur lee-ay chhadaa-ay.
paraa poorablee bhaavnee, pargat ho-ee aa-ay. ||207||
Kabir (says): I was being crushed (like seed) in oil-press, (but) the True Guru saved me.
My pre-ordained love (with the Primal Person) has become revealed. 207
kbIr twlY tolY idnu gieAw ibAwju bFMqau jwie ] nw hir BijE n Kqu PitE kwlu phUMco Awie ]208]
kabeer, taalai tolai din ga-i-aa, bi-aaj baḍaNta-o jaa-ay.
naa har bhaji-o, na khat fati-o, kaal pahooNcho aa-ay. ||208||
Kabir (says): my day (i.e. my youth) passed in evading payments (I did not meditate upon God
when I was young), and, the interest continued to increase .
Neither I have not meditated upon God, nor the letter (of accounts) is torn (i.e. accounts have
not been cleared); (and, now) the (moment of) death has arrived. 208

mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
kbIr kUkru Bauknw krMg ipCY auiT Dwie ] krmI siqguru pwieAw ijin hau lIAw Cfwie ]209]
kabeer, kookar bha-ukanaa, karaNg pichhai uṭ dhaa-ay.
karmee satgur paa-i-aa, jin ha-o lee-aa chhadaa-ay. ||209||
(Guru Arjan says): O! Kabir, the barking dog is chasing after the skeleton (i.e. the human mind
is so greedy; it runs after useless objects). By the Grace (of God), I have found the True Guru,
who has saved me (from this mentality). 209
mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
kbIr DrqI swD kI qskr bYsih gwih ] DrqI Bwir n ibAwpeI aun kau lwhU lwih ]210]
kabeer, dhartee saadh kee, taskar baiseh gaahi.
dhartee bhaar na bi-aapa-ee, un ka-o laahoo laahi. ||210||
(Guru Arjan says): O! Kabir, the earth (i.e. world) belongs to the God-oriented persons, (but)
the thieves have seized and occupied it.
(But) the earth does not feel their burden; (rather) they receive profit (i.e. their life is being
reformed). 210
mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
kbIr cwvl kwrny quK kau muhlI lwie ] kabeer chaaval kaarnay tukh ka-o muhlee laa-ay.
(Guru Arjan says): O! Kabir, for the sake of (separating) the rice, the husk is beaten with a
wooden pestle.
sMig kusMgI bYsqy qb pUCY Drm rwie ]211] saNg kusaNgee baistay tab poochhai dharam raa-ay. ||211||
If people sit in company of bad companions, then the Judge of Righteousness would ask them
(to render accounts of their deeds). 211
nwmw mwieAw moihAw khY iqlocnu mIq ] kwhy CIphu CwielY rwm n lwvhu cIqu ]212]
naamaa maa-i-aa mohi-aa, kahai tilochan, meet.
kaahay chheepahu chhaa-ilai, raam na laavhu cheet. ||212||
Trilochan says: “O! Nama you seem to be fascinated by Maya, O! friend.
Why are you (engaged in) printing sheets; why don’t you focus on God?” 212
nwmw khY iqlocnw muK qy rwmu sMm@wil ] hwQ pwau kir kwmu sBu cIqu inrMjn nwil ]213]
naamaa kahai: tilochanaa, mukh tay raam saMmhaal.
haath paa-o kar kaam sabh, cheet niraNjan naal. ||213||
Nama replies: “O! Trilochan, chant the Name (of God) with your mouth.
Do all your work with hands and feet, but, let your mind remain with (i.e. attached to) the
Immaculate (Lord).” 213
P. 1376
mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
kbIrw hmrw ko nhI hm iks hU ky nwih ] ijin iehu rcnu rcwieAw iqs hI mwih smwih ]214]
kabeeraa hamraa ko nahee, ham kis hoo kay naahi.
jin ih rachan rachaa-i-aa, tis hee maahi samaahi. ||214||
(Guru Arjan says): O! Kabir, no one belongs to us, and, we belong to no one (else).
The One (Lord) who has created the creation, into Him are we absorbed. 214

kbIr kIciV Awtw igir pirAw ikCU n AwieE hwQ ] pIsq pIsq cwibAw soeI inbihAw swQ ]215]
kabeer, keechaṛ aataa gir pari-aa, kichhoo na aa-i-o haath.
peesat peesat chaabi-aa, so-ee nibhi-aa saath. ||215||
Kabir (says): the flour is fallen into mud, nothing has come into my hand
That (flour), which was eaten while it was ground, that alone was of any use. 215
[Here, the mud is the symbol of emotional attachment. When one is absorbed in grounding (i.e. contemplation), he is
earning profit of the Name; but, when he falls in emotional attachment, all his labour (i.e. meditation) goes waste].
kbIr mnu jwnY sB bwq jwnq hI Aaugnu krY ] kwhy kI kuslwq hwiQ dIpu kUey prY ]216]
kabeer, man jaanai sabh baat, jaanat hee a-ugan karai.
kaahay kee kuslaat, haath deep, koo-ay parai. ||216||
Kabir (says): the mind (of the being) knows everything, and, (in spite of) knowing he still
commits vices. What is good in having a lamp in hand, if one falls into the well. 216
kbIr lwgI pRIiq sujwn isau brjY logu Ajwnu ] qw isau tUtI ikau bnY jw ky jIA prwn ]217]
kabeer, laagee preet sujaan si-o, barjai log ajaan.
taa si-o tootee ki-o banai, jaa kay jee-a paraan. ||217||
Kabir (says): I am in love with the All-knowing (Lord); the ignorant people try to dissuade me.
He, who owns our life and breath (of life), how could breaking with Him be useful ! 217
kbIr koTy mMfp hyqu kir kwhy mrhu svwir ] kwrju swFy qIin hQ GnI q pauny cwir ]218]
kabeer, koṭay maNdap hayt kar, kaahay marahu savaar.
kaaraj saaḍay teen hath, ghanee ta pa-unay chaar. ||218||
Kabir (says): why do you kill yourself for love for, and decoration of, your houses and
mansions? (In the end) all that your need is only three and a half cubits, or at the most, a
quarter to four (arms’ length of land for your grave). 218
[*Hath/haath is a measurement, equalling to two cubits/ about half a yard. The same concept has been presented by Leo
Tolstoy in his story: ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need’].
kbIr jo mY icqvau nw krY ikAw myry icqvy hoie ] Apnw icqivAw hir krY jo myry iciq n hoie ]219]
kabeer jo, mai chitva-o naa karai, ki-aa mayray chitvay ho-ay.
apnaa chitvi-aa har karai, jo mayray chit na ho-ay. ||219||
Kabir (says): whatever I think (i.e. wish) for, does not happen. What can happen (merely) by
my thinking? God does whatever He wishes; that does not even occur to my mind. 219

mÚ 3 ] Mehlaa 3
icMqw iB Awip krwiesI AicMqu iB Awpy dyie ] chi taa bhe aap karaa-isee, achiNt bhe aapay day-ay.

He Himself causes anxiety, and, He Himself makes free from anxiety.

nwnk so swlwhIAY ij sBnw swr kryie ]220] naanak, so salaahee-ai, je sabhnaa saar karay-i. ||220||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise (only) the One (Lord), who takes care of all. 220
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
kbIr rwmu n cyiqE iPirAw lwlc mwih ] pwp krMqw mir gieAw AauD punI iKn mwih ]221]
kabeer, raam na chayti-o, firi-aa laalach maahi.
paap karaNtaa mar ga-i-aa, a-odh punee khin maahi. ||221||
O! Kabir, one, who does not remember God, and, wanders around (engrossed) in greed;
committing sins he dies; (thus) his life ends in a moment. 221

kbIr kwieAw kwcI kwrvI kyvl kwcI Dwqu ] swbqu rKih q rwm Bju nwih q ibnTI bwq ]222]
kabeer, kaa-i-aa kaachee kaarvee, kayval kaachee dhaat.
saabat rakheh ta raam bhaj, naahi ta binṭee baat. ||222||
Kabir (says): the body is (like) an unbaked pot of clay, (it is made of) only unbaked material.
(If you wish) to keep it safe and sound, then meditate upon the Name of God; otherwise the
thing will be finished (i.e. body too shall perish). 222
kbIr kyso kyso kUkIAY n soeIAY Aswr ] rwiq idvs ky kUkny kbhU ky sunY pukwr ]223]
kabeer, kayso kayso kookee-ai, na so-ee-ai asaar.
raat divas kay kooknay, kabhoo kay sunai pukaar. ||223||
Kabir (says): chant ‘Kayso’ ‘Kayso’* (i.e. the Name of God); and, do not sleep unaware.
Chanting (His Name) day and night (i.e. all the time), sometimes He shall (eventually) hear your
call. 223
[*Kayso/Kesav/kesavaa, literally: one having (long/beautiful) hair. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
kbIr kwieAw kjlI bnu BieAw mnu kuMcru mX mMqu ] AMksu g´wnu rqnu hY Kyvtu ibrlw sMqu ]224]
kabeer, kaa-i-aa kajlee ban bha-i-aa, man kuNchar ma-y maNt.
aNkas gayaan ratan hai, khayvat birlaa saNt. ||224||
Kabir (says): the body is (like) banana forest, and, the mind is (like) an intoxicated elephant.
The jewel of (spiritual) knowledge (of the Guru) is a goad (that controls it), but some rare of a
Guru-oriented one can control this (elephant like mind). 224
kbIr rwm rqnu muKu koQrI pwrK AwgY Koil ] koeI Awie imlYgo gwhkI lygo mhgy moil ]225]
kabeer, raam ratan mukh kothree, paarakh aagai khol.
ko-ee aa-ay milaigo gaahkee laygo mahgay mol. ||225||
Kabir (says): (the Name of) God is a jewel, and, the mouth is the purse; (O! brethren) open this
(purse) only before the one, who can appraise (its value).
If some (genuine) buyer is found, he shall purchase it for a high price. 225
kbIr rwm nwmu jwinE nhI pwilE ktku kutMbu ] DMDy hI mih mir gieE bwhir BeI n bMb ]226]
kabeer, raam naam jaani-o, nahee paali-o katak kutaMb.
dhaNdhay hee meh mar ga-i-o, baahar bha-ee na baMb. ||226||
Kabir (says): one does not know (the value of) the Name of God, but, raises a large family.
He dies in (entanglements of) worldly affairs, he is not heard (after this death; i.e. no one would
even know about him). 226
kbIr AwKI kyry mwtuky plu plu geI ibhwie ] mnu jMjwlu n CofeI jm dIAw dmwmw Awie ]227]
kabeer, aakhee kayray maatukay, pal pal ga-ee bihaa-ay.
man jaNjaal na chhod-ee, jam dee-aa damaamaa aa-ay. ||227||
Kabir (says): by each twinkling of an eye, and, moment by moment, life is passing away; but,
(man’s) mind does not give up worldly entanglements, and, the messenger of death comes and
beats the drum. 227
kbIr qrvr rUpI rwmu hY Pl rUpI bYrwgu ] CwieAw rUpI swDu hY ijin qijAw bwdu ibbwdu ]228]
kabeer, tarvar roopee raam hai, fal roopee bairaag.
chhaa-i-aa roopee saadh hai, jin taji-aa baad bibaad. ||228||
Kabir (says): God is like a tree, and, detachment (from the world) is like its fruit. The God-
oriented person, who abandons debates and clashes, is like the shade (of this tree). 228

kbIr AYsw bIju boie bwrh mws Plµq ] sIql CwieAw gihr Pl pMKI kyl krMq ]229]
kabeer, aisaa beej bo-ay, baarah maas falaNt.
seetal chhaa-i-aa, gahir fal, paNkhee kayl karaNt. ||229||
Kabir (says): plant such a seed, that shall bear fruit, throughout twelve months (i.e. all the
time). (The tree which has) cool shade and abundant fruits; (there) the birds joyously play. 229
kbIr dwqw qrvru dXw Plu aupkwrI jIvMq ] pMKI cly idswvrI ibrKw suPl Plµq ]230]
kabeer, daataa tarvar, da-yaa fal, upkaaree jeevaNt.
paNkhee chalay disaavaree: birkhaa sufal falaNt. ||230||
Kabir (says): the Giver is the tree, which bears the fruit of compassion; He looks after well-
being of the beings.
(When) the birds migrate to other lands, (they pray): ‘O! tree, you bear the fruits’ (and bless us
with fruit). 230
kbIr swDU sMgu prwpqI iliKAw hoie illwt ] mukiq pdwrQu pweIAY Twk n AvGt Gwt ]231]
kabeer, saadhoo saNg paraapatee, likhi-aa ho-ay lilaat.
mukat padaarath paa-ee-ai, ṭaak na avghat ghaat. ||231||
O! Kabir (says): one obtains the company of the God-oriented persons, if this destiny is pre-
inscribed on one’s forehead. (Then) one obtains the wealth of liberation; (with that) one does
not face obstacles (even) on difficult paths (of life). 231
P. 1377
kbIr eyk GVI AwDI GrI AwDI hUM qy AwD ] Bgqn syqI gosty jo kIny so lwB ]232]
kabeer ayk ghaṛee aadhee gharee aadhee hooN tay aadh.
bhagtan saytee gostay jo keenay so laabh. ||232||
Kabir (says): (whether it is) for one Ghaṛi*, of half of the Ghaṛi, or half of the half;
whatever (time) it is, speaking with the God-oriented persons is (always) gainful. 232
[*A Ghaṛi is 24 minutes. Before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system, these were the divisions of time in old
days. In present system, a Pehar is three hours (180 minutes), a mahoort/moorat is 48 minutes, a Ghaṛi is 24 minutes, a
Pal is 24 seconds, a Chasa is 4/5 seconds, and a Visuya is 4/75 seconds. Here, Ghaṛi means a short time].
kbIr BWg mwCulI surw pwin jo jo pRwnI KWih ] qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rswqil jWih ]233]
kabeer bhaang maachhulee suraa paan, jo jo praanee khaanhi.
tirath barat naym kee-ay, tay sabhai rasaatal jaanhi. ||233||
Kabir (says): those (people), who consume hashish, fish, (chew) betel leaves and (drink)wine.
All the pilgrimages (undertaken), fasts (observed by them), religious codes they follow, all will
go to hell. 233. [Kabir was a vegetarian, hence, for him meat-eating was a forbidden thing.
Here, his message is to refrain from sinful acts, and not to reject meat-eating].
nIcy loien kir rhau ly swjn Gt mwih ] sB rs Kylau pIA sau iksI lKwvau nwih ]234]
neechay lo-in kar raha-o, lay saajan ghat maahi.
sabh ras khayla-o pee-a sa-o, kisee lakhaava-o naahi. ||234||
(Kabir says): I wish I should keep my eyes lowered (in humility), and, enshrine my Beloved
(Lord) within my heart. I enjoy all pleasures with my Beloved, but I will not tell any one. 234
AwT jwm causiT GrI quA inrKq rhY jIau ] nIcy loien ikau krau sB Gt dyKau pIau ]235]
aaṭ jaam, cha-usaṭ gharee, tu-a nirkhat rahai jee-o.
neechay lo-in ki-o kara-o, sabh ghat daykh-a-u pee-o. ||235||
(Kabir says): eight quarters* of a day and sixty four ghaṛis*, my soul continues to see You.
Why should I keep my eyes lowered, (because, when I open my eyes) I see my Beloved (Lord),
pervading every heart. 235 [*Before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system, these were the divisions

of time in old days. A day was divided into eight quarters and a quarter was further divided into seven and a half Ghaṛis.
Here, ‘eight quarters and sixty-four Ghaṛis’ means ‘even more than twenty-four hours a day’.].
sunu sKI pIA mih jIau bsY jIA mih bsY ik pIau ] jIau pIau bUJau nhI Gt mih jIau ik pIau ]236]
sun sakhee pee-a meh jee-o basai, jee-a meh basai ke pee-o.
jee-o pee-o boojha-o nahee, ghat meh jee-o ke pee-o. ||236||
(Kabir says): listen, O! my companion, my soul (i.e. my life) dwells in my Beloved, and, my
Beloved dwells in my soul.
I cannot understand (i.e. distinguish) between my soul (i.e. my life) and my Beloved; whether
my soul (i.e. my life) is in my Beloved (Lord) or my Beloved dwells in my heart. 236
kbIr bwmnu gurU hY jgq kw Bgqn kw guru nwih ] AriJ auriJ kY pic mUAw cwrau bydhu mwih ]237]
kabeer, baaman guroo hai jagat kaa, bhagtan kaa gur naahi.
arajh urajh kai pach moo-aa, chaara-o baydahu maahi. ||237||
Kabir (says): the brahmin may be the guru (i.e. priest of the people of) of the world, but, he is
not the guru of the devotees (of God).
Having remained entangled himself in the four Vedas, he rots and dies. 237
hir hY KWfu ryqu mih ibKrI hwQI cunI n jwie ] kih kbIr guir BlI buJweI kItI hoie kY Kwie ]238]
har hai khaand rayt meh bikhree, haathee chunee na jaa-ay.
kahi kabeer, gur bhalee bujhaa-ee, keetee ho-ay kai khaa-ay. ||238||
God is (like) sugar, scattered in the sand, the elephant cannot pick it up (that sugar).
Says Kabir: the Guru has given me understanding: ‘become an ant and eat it.’ 238
kbIr jau quih swD iprMm kI sIsu kwit kir goie ] Kylq Kylq hwl kir jo ikCu hoie q hoie ]239]
kabeer, ja-o tuhi saadh piraMm kee, sees kaat kar go-ay.
khaylat khaylat haal kar, jo kichh ho-ay ta ho-ay. ||239||
Kabir (says): if you have longing for (playing the game of) love, (then) cut your head and make a
ball of it (and play with it).
Playing and playing lose yourself; (then) whatever will happen, will happen. 239
kbIr jau quih swD iprMm kI pwky syqI Kylu ] kwcI srsauN pyil kY nw Kil BeI n qylu ]240]
kabeer, ja-o tuhi saadh piraMm kee, paakay saytee khayl.
kaachee sarsa-un payl kai, naa khal bha-ee na tayl. ||240||
Kabir (says): If you have longing for (playing the game of) love, (then) play with the pious one
(i.e. True Guru). Pressing the unripe mustard seeds, produces neither oil nor oil-cakes. 240
FUMFq folih AMD giq Aru cInq nwhI sMq ] kih nwmw ikau pweIAY ibnu Bgqhu BgvMqu ]241]
ḍooNḍat doleh aNdh gat, ar cheenat naahee saNt.
kahi naamaa, ki-o paa-ee-ai, bin bhagtahu bhagvaNt. ||241||
Searching (and seeking), (the mortals) stumble like the blind ones, and, cannot recognize a
God-oriented person. Nama said (rightly): ‘how one can one find God, without (the company
of) the devotees of the Lord of Fortune. 241
hir so hIrw Cwif kY krih Awn kI Aws ] qy nr dojk jwihgy siq BwKY rivdws ]242]
har so heeraa chhaad kai, karahi aan kee aas.
tay nar dojak jaahigay, sat bhaakhai ravidaas. ||242||
Forsaking the diamond like God, one puts his hopes on another;
such people shall go to hell ---- Ravidas spoke the truth. 242

kbIr jau igRhu krih q Drmu kru nwhI q kru bYrwgu ] bYrwgI bMDnu krY qw ko bfo ABwgu ]243]
kabeer, ja-o garihu karahi ta dharam kar, naahee ta kar bairaag.
bairaagee baNdhan karai, taa ko bado abhaag. ||243||
Kabir (says): if you live the householder's life, then practice righteousness; otherwise become
detached. If a detached person is bound in worldly entanglements, he is the most unfortunate
one. 243
slok syK PrId ky Salok, Saykh Fareed kay
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
ijqu idhwVY Dn vrI swhy ley ilKwie ] jit dihaaṛai dhan varee, saahay la-ay likhaa-ay.
The day when the (soul) bride is to be wed (i.e. day/moment of death), is pre-inscribed.
mlku ij kMnI suxIdw muhu dyKwly Awie ] malak je kaNnee suṇeedaa, muhu daykhaalay aa-ay.
(On the day) the messenger of death, (which) she had (only) heard with her ears, comes and
shows his face.
ijMdu inmwxI kFIAY hfw kU kVkwie ] jiNd nimaaṇee kaḍee-ai, hadaa koo kaṛkaa-ay.
It breaks the bones (of the body cover), and, pulls out helpless soul (i.e. life).
swhy ilKy n clnI ijMdU kUM smJwie ] saahay likhay na chalnee, jiNdoo kooN samjhaa-ay.
The pre-inscribed time of the wedding cannot be averted; get the soul understand this.
ijMdu vhutI mrxu vru lY jwsI prxwie ] jiNd vahutee, maraṇ var, lai jaasee parṇaa-ay.
The soul (i.e. life) is the bride, and, death is the groom; he will marry her and take her away.
Awpx hQI joil kY kY gil lgY Dwie ] aapaṇ hathee jol kai, kai gal lagai dhaa-ay.
Having (the soul) sent away with its own hands, whom will it (i.e. body) rush to embrace?
vwlhu inkI purslwq kMnI n suxI Awie ] vaalahu nikee puraslaat*, kaNnee na suṇee aa-ay.
The bridge to heaven is narrower than a hair; have you not heard it with your ears?
[*According to Islam, this is a bridge, on the river of fire, on the way to paradise. Only noble souls shall cross it].
PrIdw ikVI pvMdIeI KVw n Awpu muhwie ]1] fareedaa, kiṛee pava dee-ee, khaṛaa na aap muhaa-ay ||1||

Farid (says): the calls are being given (for you); (but) you are standing (i.e. not bothering); do
not let yourself be robbed. 1
PrIdw dr drvysI gwKVI clW dunIAW Biq ] fareedaa, dar darvaysee gaakh-ṛee, chalaan dunee-aan bhat.
Farid (says): it is so difficult to be a dervish (i.e. beggar) at the Door (of God); (so) I walk (i.e.
live) the worldly way of life?
[*Darvays / darvesh, literally: one ‘standing/ begging at the Door’ (of God), i.e. devotee of God. This word is also used for
a beggar/ mendicant/ pious/ holy).
bMin@ auTweI potlI ikQY vM\w Giq ]2] baNeh uṭaa-ee potlee, kithai vaNnjaa ghat. ||2||
(But) I have tied up and picked up the bundle (of asceticism) on my head, where can I go and
throw it off (i.e. how can I get rid of it)? 2
P. 1378
ikJu n buJY ikJu n suJY dunIAw guJI Bwih ] kijh na bujhai, kijh na sujhai, dunee-aa gujhee bhaahi.
I know nothing; I understand nothing; the world is a concealed (i.e. mysterious) fire.
sWeIN myrY cMgw kIqw nwhI q hM BI dJW Awih ]3]
saan-eeNn mayrai chaNga keetaa, naahee ta haN bhee dajhaan aahi. ||3||
My Master did well to (inform) me; otherwise, I (too) would have been burning in it. 3

P. 1294
rwgu kwnVw caupdy mhlw 4 Gru 1 raag Kaanṛaa, cha-upday, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
myrw mnu swD jnW imil hirAw ] mayraa man, saadh janaan mil hari-aa.
Meeting the God-oriented persons, the devotees (of the Lord), my mind has turned green (i.e.
has blossomed forth).
hau bil bil bil bil swD jnW kau imil sMgiq pwir auqirAw ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o bal bal bal bal saadh janaan ka-o, mil saNgat paar utri-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, sacrifice, a sacrifice unto the God-oriented persons, the devotees
(of the Lord);
joining their company, one crosses over to the other side (of the world ocean). 1 (pause)
hir hir ik®pw krhu pRB ApnI hm swD jnW pg pirAw ]
har har kripaa karahu prabh apnee, ham saadh janaan pag pari-aa.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O! Lord, that I may fall at the feet of
the God-oriented persons (i.e. the devotees of the Lord).
Dnu Dnu swD ijn hir pRBu jwinAw imil swDU piqq auDirAw ]1]
dhan dhan saadh*, jin har prabh jaani-aa, mil saadhoo patit udhri-aa. ||1||
Blessed, blessed are the God-oriented persons, who have realized God, the Lord; meeting the
Guru*, (even) the sinners are emancipated. 1
mnUAw clY clY bhu bhu ibiD imil swDU vsgiq kirAw ]
manoo-aa chalai, chalai baho baho bidh, mil saadhoo* vasgat kari-aa.
The mind wanders, and wanders around in lot many ways; meeting with the Guru*, it is
brought under control; (how it is like? is explained in the following line):
ijauN jl qMqu pswirE bDik gRis mInw vsgiq KirAw ]2]
ji-un jal taNt pasaari-o badhak, garas meenaa vasgat khari-aa. ||2||
just as the fisherman spreads his thread (i.e. net), catches the fish, and bringing it under his
control, (he) takes it (to his home). 2
[*Here saadh / saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
hir ky sMq sMq Bl nIky imil sMq jnw mlu lhIAw ]
har kay saNt, saNt bhal neekay, mil saNt janaa mal lahee-aa.
The God-oriented persons of God, the God-oriented persons (of God), are noble and good;
meeting the God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees of God), filth (of mind) is washed away.

haumY durqu gieAw sBu nIkir ijau swbuin kwpru kirAw ]3]
ha-umai durat, ga-i-aa sabh neekar, ji-o saabun kaapar kari-aa. ||3||
Egotism and sins are eradicated, like the soap washes the (dirty) clothes. 3
msqik illwit iliKAw Duir Twkuir gur siqgur crn aur DirAw ]
mastak lilaat likhi-aa dhur ṭaakur, gur satgur charan ur dhari-aa.
The Master had inscribed (destiny) upon my forehead from the very beginning, (so) I
enshrined the (lotus) feet of the Guru, the True Guru within my heart.
sBu dwldu dUK BMj pRBu pwieAw jn nwnk nwim auDirAw ]4]1]
sabh daalad dookh bhaNj prabh paa-i-aa, jan naanak naam udhri-aa. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have found the Lord, the Destroyer of all poverty and
sorrows; and, I am emancipated by (meditating upon) the Name. 4.1
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
myrw mnu sMq jnw pg ryn ] mayraa man, saNt janaa pag rayn.
My mind has become the dust of the feet of the God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees of God).
hir hir kQw sunI imil sMgiq mnu korw hir rMig Byn ]1] rhwau ]
har har kathaa sunee mil saNgat, man koraa har raNg bhayn. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining their company, I have listened to the stories (of the excellences) of God, the Lord, and,
my blank mind is drenched with the love of God. 1 (pause)
hm Aicq Acyq n jwnih giq imiq guir kIey suicq icqyn ]
ham achit achayt, na jaaneh gat mit, gur kee-ay suchit chitayn.
I was insentient and unaware; I did not know (God’s) state and extent (i.e. grandeur and
expanse); the Guru has made me sentient and aware.
pRiB dIn dieAwil kIE AMgIik®qu min hir hir nwmu jpyn ]1]
prabh deen da-i-aal kee-o aNgeekarit, man har har naam japayn. ||1||
The Lord, the Merciful to the Poor, has made me His own, (now) my mind meditates upon the
Name of God, the Lord. 1
hir ky sMq imlih mn pRIqm kit dyvau hIArw qyn ]
har kay saNt mileh man preetam, kat dayva-o hee-araa tayn.
(O! brethren) if I meet the God-oriented persons of God, the beloveds of my mind, I would cut
out my heart and offer it to them.
hir ky sMq imly hir imilAw hm kIey piqq pvyn ]2]
har kay saNt milay, har mili-aa, ham kee-ay patit pavayn. ||2||
Meeting with the God-oriented persons of God, is (like) meeting with God; they sanctifiy me,
the sinner. 2
hir ky jn aUqm jig khIAih ijn imilAw pwQr syn ]
har kay jan ootam jag kahee-ahi, jin mili-aa paathar sayn.
The God-oriented persons of God are said to be sublime in this world; meeting with them,
even the stones are moistened (i.e. become soft).
P. 1295
jn kI mihmw brin n swkau Eie aUqm hir hir kyn ]3]
jan kee mahimaa baran na saaka-o, o-ay ootam har har kayn. ||3||
I cannot (even) narrate the glory of the servants (i.e. devotees of God), (because) God, the Lord
(Himself) has made them sublime (i.e. the best). 3

qum@ hir swh vfy pRB suAwmI hm vxjwry rwis dyn ]
tumh har saah vaday, prabh su-aamee, ham vaṇjaaray raas dayn.
(O! God), You are the great Banker, Lord, Master (of the treasure of the Name); we are (just
poor) traders; (please) grant us the capital (of the Name).
jn nwnk kau dieAw pRB Dwrhu lid vwKru hir hir lyn ]4]2]
jan, naanak, ka-o da-i-aa prabh dhaarahu, lad vaakhar har har layn. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Mercy upon me that I may
load up merchandise (of the Name) of God, the Lord.
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
jip mn rwm nwm prgws ] jap man, raam naam pargaas.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Name of God, and, be blessed with enlightenment (within).
hir ky sMq imil pRIiq lgwnI ivcy igrh audws ]1] rhwau ]
har kay saNt mil preet lagaanee, vichay girah udaas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) meeting with the God-oriented persons of God, focus your love (upon God), and,
you shall remain detached (even) while living as householder. 1 (pause)
hm hir ihrdY jipE nwmu nrhir pRiB ik®pw krI ikrpws ]
ham har hirdai japi-o naam narhar*, prabh kirpaa karee kirpaas.
I meditated upon the Name of the Omnipresent*, within my heart, (when) the Lord, the
Gracious (Lord) bestowed His Grace upon me. [*Narhar, literally: Lord of men/beings; i.e.
pervading all / Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
Anidnu Andu BieAw mnu ibgisAw audm Bey imln kI Aws ]1]
an-din anad bha-i-aa, man bigsi-aa, udam bha-ay milan kee aas. ||1||
Day and night, I am in ecstasy; my mind has blossomed forth; I have made efforts and now I
have hope to meet Him (i.e. unite with Him). 1
hm hir suAwmI pRIiq lgweI ijqny sws lIey hm gRws ]
ham har su-aamee preet lagaa-ee, jitnay saas lee-ay ham garaas.
I am in love with my God, the Master; (I love Him) with each and every breath and every
morsel (of food I take, i.e. all the time).
iklibK dhn Bey iKn AMqir qUit gey mwieAw ky Pws ]2]
kilbikh dahan bha-ay khin aNtar, toot ga-ay maa-i-aa kay faas. ||2||
All my sins were burnt in an instant, and, the bounds of Maya were broken. 2
ikAw hm ikrm ikAw krm kmwvih mUrK mugD rKy pRB qws ]
ki-aa ham kiram, ki-aa karam kamaaveh, moorakh mugadh rakhay prabh taas.
I am just a worm. what deed can I earn (i.e. I am capable of doing nothing)! I am fool, an idiot,
and, that Lord (alone) protects me.
AvgnIAwry pwQr Bwry sqsMgiq imil qry qrws ]3]
avganee-aaray paathar bhaaray, satsaNgat mil taray taraas. ||3||
I am virtue-less, (like) a heavy stone; (but) joining the true congregation, I can be carried
across (to the other shore of the world ocean). 3
jyqI isRsit krI jgdIsir qy siB aUc hm nIc ibiKAws ]
jaytee sarisat karee jagdeesar, tay sabh ooch; ham neech bikhi-aas.
All the creation, which the Lord of the Universe has created, is above (i.e. higher than) me; I
am the lowest, engrossed in poison (i.e. Maya).

hmry Avgun sMig gur myty jn nwnk myil lIey pRB pws ]4]3]
hamray avgun saNg gur maytay; jan naanak mayl lee-ay prabh paas. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): joining the company of the Guru, my vices have been erased; and, he (the Guru)
has united me with the Lord. 4. 3
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
myrY min rwm nwmu jipE gur vwk ] mayrai man, raam naam japi-o gur vaak.
My mind meditated upon the Name of God, through the words (i.e. teachings) of the Guru.
hir hir ik®pw krI jgdIsir durmiq dUjw Bwau gieE sB Jwk ]1] rhwau ]
har har kirpaa karee jagdeesar, durmat doojaa bhaa-o ga-i-o sabh jhaak. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, bestowed His Grace (upon me), and, evil wisdom,
duality, and all gaze (upon other things) are gone away. 1, pause
nwnw rUp rMg hir kyry Git Git rwmu rivE guplwk ]
naanaa roop raNg har kayray, ghat ghat raam ravi-o guplaak.
There are so many forms and colours of God; God is pervading each and every heart in
hidden form (i.e. unseen).
hir ky sMq imly hir pRgty auGir gey ibiKAw ky qwk ]1]
har kay saNt milay, har pragatay, ughar ga-ay bikhi-aa kay taak. ||1||
Meeting the God-oriented person of God, God is revealed; and, the doors of poison (i.e. Maya)
are exposed (and opened wide, i.e. veil of Maya is torn away). 1
sMq jnw kI bhuqu bhu soBw ijn auir DwirE hir risk rswk ]
saNt janaa kee bahut baho sobhaa, jin ur dhaari-o har rasik rasaak.
The glory of the God-oriented person is absolutely great; they have enshrined God, the source
of love within their heart.
hir ky sMq imly hir imilAw jYsy gaU dyiK bCrwk ]2]
har kay saNt milay, har mili-aa, jaisay ga-oo daykh bachhraak. ||2||
Meeting the God-oriented persons God, is (like) meeting God; just as when calf beholds the
cow (mother and becomes pleased). 2
hir ky sMq jnw mih hir hir qy jn aUqm jnk jnwk ]
har kay saNt janaa meh har har, tay jan ootam, janak janaak.
(O! brethren) God, the Lord, is within (i.e. dwells within the hearts of) the God-oriented persons
of God, and, these servants (i.e. devotees) are exalted ones, and, (they) know (the Lord) and get
others to know (Him).
iqn hir ihrdY bwsu bswnI CUit geI muskI muskwk ]3]
tin har hirdai baas basaanee, chhoot ga-ee muskee muskaak. ||3||
They have enshrined the fragrance (of the Name) of God, within their hearts; and, the foul
smell is eliminated (from within them). 3
qumry jn qum@ hI pRB kIey hir rwiK lyhu Awpn Apnwk ]
tumray jan, tum hee prabh kee-ay, har raakh layho aapan apnaak.

O! Lord, You Yourselves make (i.e. embellish) Your servants (i.e. devotees); and, You Yourself
protect Your own.
jn nwnk ky sKw hir BweI mwq ipqw bMDp hir swk ]4]4]
jan naanak, kay sakhaa har bhaa-ee, maat pitaa baNdhap har saak. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee)Nanak (says): God is my companion; and, God is my brother, mother,
father, relative and relation. 4.4

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
myry mn hir hir rwm nwmu jip cIiq ] mayray man, har har raam naam jap cheet.
O! my mind, meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, the Master within your consciousness
(i.e. with concentration).
hir hir vsqu mwieAw giV@ vyV@I gur kY sbid lIE gVu jIiq ]1] rhwau ]
har har vasat maa-i-aa gaṛeh vayṛhee, gur kai sabad lee-o gaṛ jeet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The merchandise (i.e. wealth of the Name) of God, the Lord, is confined (i.e. locked) in the fort
of Maya; this fort is conquered through the Word of the Guru. 1 (pause)
imiQAw Brim Brim bhu BRimAw lubDo puqR klqR moh pRIiq ]
mithi-aa bharam bharam baho bharmi-aa, lubdho putar kaltar moh pareet.
One wanders all around in falsehood and doubts and illusion; and, remains infatuated by
(emotional) attachment to and love for the son (i.e. children) and wife.
jYsy qrvr kI quC CwieAw iKn mih ibnis jwie dyh BIiq ]1]
jaisay tarvar kee tuchh chhaa-i-aa, khin meh binas jaa-ay dayh bheet. ||1||
Jut like the little (i.e. passing/ transient) shade of the tree, this body-wall shall vanish in an
instant. 1
hmry pRwn pRIqm jn aUqm ijn imilAw min hoie pRqIiq ]
hamray praan preetam jan ootam, jin mili-aa man ho-ay prateet.
Those sublime servants (i.e. devotees of God) are my beloved, (my) breath of my life; meeting
them, my mind is filled with faith (in God).
prcY rwmu rivAw Gt AMqir AsiQru rwmu rivAw rMig pRIiq ]2]
parchai, raam ravi-aa ghat aNtar; asthir raam ravi-aa raNg preet. ||2||
(Their mind) is pleased (meeting those) within whose heart God permeates; they are imbued
with love with God, the Stable (Lord). 2
P. 1296
hir ky sMq sMq jn nIky ijn imilAW mnu rMig rMgIiq ]
har kay saNt, saNt jan neekay, jin mili-aan man raNg raNgeet.
The God-oriented persons of God are the pious servants (i.e. devotees); meeting them, my
mind is dyed with love.
hir rMgu lhY n auqrY kbhU hir hir jwie imlY hir pRIiq ]3]
har raNg lahai na utrai kabhoo, har har jaa-ay milai har preet. ||3||
The love of God never fades away or wears off (i.e. does not decrease); through the love of God,
one goes (to His Court) and unites with God, the Lord. 3
hm bhu pwp kIey AprwDI guir kwty kitq ktIiq ]
ham baho paap kee-ay apraadhee, gur kaatay katit kateet.
(O! brethren) I am a sinner, I have committed a lot many sins; the Guru has cut and cut and cut
them (i.e. totally eliminated my sins).
hir hir nwmu dIE muiK AauKDu jn nwnk piqq punIiq ]4]5]
har har naam dee-o mukh a-ukhadh, jan naanak patit puneet. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): he (i.e. Guru) has placed the medicine of the Name of
God, the Lord, in my mouth; I was a sinners (now) I have been purified. 4.5

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
jip mn rwm nwm jgMnwQ ] jap man, raam naam jagaNnaath.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord of the Universe.
GUmn Gyr pry ibKu ibiKAw siqgur kwiF lIey dy hwQ ]1] rhwau ]
ghooman ghayr paray bikh bikhi-aa, satgur kaaḍ lee-ay day haath. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I was caught in the whirlpool of poisonous Maya, the True Guru gave his hand, and pulled me
out. 1 (pause)
suAwmI ABY inrMjn nrhir qum@ rwiK lyhu hm pwpI pwQ ]
su-aamee abhai niraNjan narhar, tumh raakh layho, ham paapee, paath.
O! Fearless, Immaculate, Omnipresent Master, (please) save me, I am a sinner (sinking like a)
kwm k®oD ibiKAw loiB luBqy kwst loh qry sMig swQ ]1]
kaam krodh bikhi-aa lobh lubh-tay, kaasat loh taray saNg saath. ||1||
I am allured by greed of sexual desire, anger and poison (i.e. Maya); (please save me) as iron is
carried across (to the other side of the ocean) along with (the boat of) wood.1
qum@ vf purK bf Agm Agocr hm FUiF rhy pweI nhI hwQ ]
tumh vad purakh bad agam agochar, ham ḍooḍ rahay paa-ee nahee haath.
You are the great Primal Person, greatly inaccessible and imperceptible; we have grown
weary of searching, but could not find Your depth.
qU prY prY AprMpru suAwmI qU Awpn jwnih Awip jgMnwQ ]2]
too parai parai apraMpar su-aamee, too aapan jaaneh aap, jagaNnaath. ||2||
You are farther, and still farther, beyond and beyond, O! Master, You alone know Yourself,
O! Lord of the Universe. 2
AidRstu Agocr nwmu iDAwey sqsMgiq imil swDU pwQ ]
adrist agochar naam dhi-aa-ay, satsaNgat mil saadhoo* paath.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Name of the Unseen, Imperceptible (Lord); join the true
congregation and follow the path of the Guru*. [Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
hir hir kQw sunI imil sMgiq hir hir jipE AkQ kQ kwQ ]3]
har har kathaa sunee mil saNgat, har har japi-o, akath kath kaath. ||3||
The story (of the excellences) of God, the Lord, is listened to by joining the congregation; and,
one meditates upon God, the Lord, and, describes the indescribable story (of the Lord). 3
hmry pRB jgdIs gusweI hm rwiK lyhu jgMnwQ ]
hamray prabh jagdees gusaa-ee, ham raakh layho jagaNnaath.
O! my Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the World; (please) saves me, O! Master of
the Universe.
jn nwnku dwsu dws dwsn ko pRB krhu ik®pw rwKhu jn swQ ]4]6]
jan naanak daas daas daasan ko, prabh karahu kirpaa raakho jan saath. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am the slave of the slaves of Your slaves, O! Lord;
(please) bestow Your Grace and keep me with You (i.e. in Your refuge). 4.6

kwnVw mhlw 4 pVqwl Gru 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4, paṛ-taal, ghar 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.

mn jwphu rwm gupwl ] man, jaapahu raam gupaal.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon (the Name of) God, the Sustainer of the World.
hir rqn jvyhr lwl ] har ratan javayhar laal.
(The Name of) God is jewel, diamond and ruby.
hir gurmuiK GiV tkswl ] har, gurmukh ghaṛ taksaal.
O! God, fashion me as (i.e. make me as) Guru-oriented one in Your mint.
hir ho ho ikrpwl ]1] rhwau ] har ho ho kirpaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God, (please) be Gracipus to me (to me). 1 (pause)
qumry gun Agm Agocr eyk jIh ikAw kQY ibcwrI rwm rwm rwm rwm lwl ]
tumray gun agam agochar, ayk jeeh ki-aa kathai bichaaree, raam raam raam raam, laal.
(O! Lord) Your virtues are inaccessible (i.e. unknowable), imperceptible; how can (my) one
poor tongue describe them? O! God, Lord, Master, Almighty, (my) beloved.
qumrI jI AkQ kQw qU qU qU hI jwnih hau hir jip BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl ]1]
tumree jee akath kathaa, too too too hee jaaneh, ha-o har jap bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||1||
O! dear, You, You, You alone know Your indescribable story (i.e. Your excellences) ; meditating
upon You, I have become enraptured, enraptured, enraptured. 1
hmry hir pRwn sKw suAwmI hir mIqw, myry min qin jIh hir hry hry rwm nwm Dnu mwl ]
hamray har praan sakhaa, su-aamee har meetaa,
mayray man tan jeeh har haray haray, raam naam dhan maal.
God is my breath (of life), my companion, my Master is my friend; my mind, body, and tongue
are attuned to God, the Lord, the Master; (the Name of) God is my wealth and property.
jw ko Bwgu iqin lIE rI suhwgu hir hir hry hry gun gwvY gurmiq;
hau bil bly hau bil bly jn nwnk hir jip BeI inhwl inhwl inhwl ]2]1]7]
jaa ko bhaag, tin lee-o ree suhaag, har har haray haray gun gaavai gurmat;
ha-o bal balay, ha-o bal balay; jan naanak, har jap bha-ee nihaal nihaal nihaal. ||2||1||7||
She alone obtains her Husband (Lord) who is so pre-destined; through the wisdom (i.e.
teachings) of the Guru she sings (the praise of) the virtues of God, the Lord, the Master, the
Almighty. Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice; I am a sacrifice, a
sacrifice, unto her (i.e. the soul bride) who has become enraptured, enraptured, enraptured by
meditating upon God. 2.1.7
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
hir gun gwvhu jgdIs ] har gun gaavhu jagdees.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord of the Universe.
eykw jIh kIcY lK bIs ] aykaa jeeh keechai lakh bees.
Let the one tongue become two hunderd thousand (tongues and sing His praise with each and
every tongue).
jip hir hir sbid jpIs ] hir ho ho ikrpIs ]1] rhwau ]
jap har har sabad japees. har ho ho kirpees. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I meditate upon God, the Lord, through the great chant of the Word.
O! God (please) be, (please) be Gracious to me. 1 (pause)
hir ikrpw kir suAwmI hm lwie hir syvw hir jip jpy hir jip jpy jpu jwpau jgdIs ]
har kirpaa kar su-aamee, ham laa-ay har sayvaa; har jap japay, har jap japay, jap jaapa-o jagdees.
O! God, (please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O! Master; (please) enjoin me to Your service
O! God, that I may meditate upon God, the Lord, the chant (i.e. the Name) of God, the Lord; I
meditate upon the chant (i.e. the Name) of the Lord of the Universe.
qumry jn rwmu jpih qy aUqm iqn kau hau Guim Gumy Guim Guim jIs ]1]
tumray jan raam jaapeh tay ootam, tin ka-o ha-o ghum ghumay, ghum ghum jees. ||1||
(O! Lord), those of Your servants (i.e. devotees), who meditate upon (the Name of) God, are
sublime; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto them. 1
P. 1297
hir qum vf vfy vfy vf aUcy so krih ij quDu BwvIs ]
har tum, vad vaday, vaday vad, oochay, so karahi je tudh bhaavees.
O! God, You are the Greatest of the great, the Greatest of the great, and lofty;
You do whatever pleases You.
jn nwnk AMimRqu pIAw gurmqI Dnu DMnu Dnu DMnu DMnu gurU swbIs ]2]2]8]
jan naanak, aMmrit pee-aa gurmatee, dhan dhaNn dhan dhaNn dhaNn guroo, saabees. ||2||2||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have taken in Ammrit (Name), through the wisdom of the
Guru; blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed is the Guru, praise be to him. 2.2.8

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4

Bju rwmo min rwm ] ijsu rUp n ryK vfwm ]
bhaj, raamo man raam. jis roop na raykh, vadaam.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon God, the Lord.
He has no form, no feature; He is Great.
sqsMgiq imlu Bju rwm ] bf ho ho Bwg mQwm ]1] rhwau ]
satsaNgat mil, bhaj raam. bad ho ho bhaag mathaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Joining the True congregation, meditate upon God; and,
great destiny shall appear on your forehead. 1 (pause)
ijqu igRih mMdir hir hoqu jwsu iqqu Gir Awndo Awnµdu Bju rwm rwm rwm ]
jit garihi maNdar har hot jaas, tit ghar aando aanaNd, bhaj raam raam raam.
That house, that mansion (i.e. that heart), in which the praise of God is chanted (i.e. is sung),
that home is filled with joy of joys (i.e. total spiritual joy); (so, O! brethren) meditate upon God,
the Lord, the Master.
rwm nwm gun gwvhu hir pRIqm aupdyis gurU gur siqgurw suKu hoqu hir hry hir hry hry Bju rwm rwm rwm ]1]
raam naam gun gaavhu har preetam, updays guroo gur satiguraa, sukh hot har haray har haray
haray, bhaj raam raam raam. ||1||
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Name of God, of dear Beloved God,
through the teaching of the great Guru, the True Guru, and, you shall find (spiritual)
happiness; meditate upon God the Lord, God the Lord, God the Lord, God the Lord. 1
sB issit Dwr hir qum ikrpwl krqw sBu qU qU qU rwm rwm rwm ]
sabh sisat dhaar har tum kirpaal, kartaa sabh, too too too raam raam raam.
You are the support of the whole universe, O! Gracious (Lord), You are the Creator of all; it is
You, You and You (alone), O! God, Lord, Master.
jn nwnko srxwgqI dyhu gurmqI Bju rwm rwm rwm ]2]3]9]
jan naanko sarṇaagatee, dayh gurmatee, bhaj raam raam raam. ||2||3||9||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek Your refuge, (please) bless me with the wisdom (i.e.
teaching) of the Guru, that I may meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master. 2.3.9

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
siqgur cwtau pg cwt ] ijqu imil hir pwDr bwt ]
satgur chaata-o pag chaat. jit mil har paadhar baat.
(O! brethren) I kiss, I kiss the feet of the True Guru;
meeting him, the path to God becomes straight (i.e. easy and smooth).
Bju hir rsu rs hir gwt ] bhaj har ras, ras har gaat.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the essence (i.e. Name) of God and gulp down the essence of God.
hir ho ho ilKy illwt ]1] rhwau ] har ho ho likhay lilaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He alone drinks it in) for whom it (i.e. such destiny) is inscribed on his forehead. 1 (pause)
Kt krm ikirAw kir bhu bhu ibsQwr isD swiDk jogIAw kir jt jtw jt jwt ]
khat karam kiri-aa kar baho baho bisthaar, sidh saadhik jogee-aa kar jat jataa jat jaat.
Some perform the six actions, and expanse of lot many (such rituals); and, the sidhs (i.e. those
claiming having miraculous powers) and yogis wear matted and top of matted hair, matted and
top of matted hair.
kir ByK n pweIAY hir bRhm jogu hir pweIAY sqsMgqI aupdyis gurU gur sMq jnw Koil Koil kpwt ]1]
kar bhaykh na paa-ee-ai har brahm jog; har paa-ee-ai satsaNgtee;
updays guroo gur saNt janaa khol khol kapaat. ||1||
By wearing (religious) robes (and performing rituals), yoga (i.e. union) with God, the Lord, is
not obtained. God is found in the True congregation. The teachings of the great Guru, the
God-oriented persons throws wide open the doors (of the mind). 1
qU AprMpru suAwmI Aiq Agwhu qU Brpuir rihAw jl Qly hir ieku ieko iek eykY hir Qwt ]
too apraMpar su-aamee at agaahu, too bharpur rahi-aa jal thalay, har ik iko, ik aykai har thaat.
O! Master, You are beyond and beyond (i.e. limitless, infinite), utterly unfathomable; You are
fully pervading the waters and the land; O! God, You are the One and the One alone; and
from God, the One and the One alone is (all ) the creation.
qU jwxih sB ibiD bUJih Awpy jn nwnk ky pRB Git Gty Git Gty Git hir Gwt ]2]4]10]
too jaaṇeh sabh bidh, boojheh aapay,
jan naanak kay prabh ghat ghatay, ghat ghatay, ghat har ghaat. ||2||4||10||
(O! God) You (alone) know all ways, and, You (alone) understand Yourself.
Nanak (says): O! Lord, You are (contained) in each and every heart, in each and every heart;
O! God (You are) in each and every heart. 2.4.10

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4

jip mn goibd mwDo ] jap man gobid maadho.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Lord of the World, the Lord of Maya.
hir hir Agm AgwDo ] har har agam agaadho.
God, the Lord, is inaccessible and unfathomable.
miq gurmiq hir pRBu lwDo ] Duir ho ho ilKy illwDo ]1] rhwau ]
mat gurmat har prabh laadho. dhur ho ho likhay lilaadho. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the teachings, through the wisdom of the Guru, God, the Lord is found;(if)
this (destiny) is inscribed on the forehead from the very beginning. 1 (pause)

ibKu mwieAw sMic bhu icqY ibkwr suKu pweIAY hir Bju sMq sMq sMgqI imil siqgurU guru swDo ]
bikh maa-i-aa saNch baho chitai bikaar, sukh paa-ee-ai har bhaj, saNt saNt saNgtee, mil satguroo gur
Gathering poisonous of Maya, one thinks of many sorts of evil (deeds); (but) happiness is
found by meditating upon (the Name of) God, in the company of the God-oriented persons,
pious persons, and, meeting with the Guru, the True Guru, the God-oriented persons.
ijau Cuih pwrs mnUr Bey kMcn iqau piqq jn imil sMgqI suD hovq gurmqI suD hwDo ]1]
ji-o chhuhi paaras manoor bha-ay kaNchan, ti-o patit jan mil saNgtee sudh hovat,
gurmatee sudh haadho. ||1||
Just as (iron) slag is transformed into gold by touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone),
similarly, (when) the apostate (i.e. sinner) joins the congregation (of the God-oriented persons),
he becomes pure; one becomes pure through the wisdom of the Guru.
ijau kwst sMig lohw bhu qrqw iqau pwpI sMig qry swD swD sMgqI gur siqgurU gur swDo ]
ji-o kaasat saNg lohaa baho tartaa, ti-o paapee saNg taray saadh saadh saNgtee, gur satguroo gur
Just as a lot of iron floats (i.e. is carried across) when attached to wood (i.e. boat, which is made
of wood); similarly, the sinners are carried across (the world ocean), in the company of the
pious God-oriented persons, the Guru, the True Guru, the Guru, the God-oriented person.
cwir brn cwir AwsRm hY koeI imlY gurU gur nwnk so Awip qrY kul sgl qrwDo ]2]5]11]
chaar baran chaar aasram hai, ko-ee milai guroo gur, naanak, so aap tarai kul sagal taraadho.
Nanak (says): there are four classes*, four stages of life**, (but) whoever meets the great
Guru, is himself carried across (the world ocean), and he carries across all his family (as well).
[*Varan, literally: colour. In the Hindu social hierarchy, varan means the family of birth. In this varna system: the
Brahmin were at the top; their profession was teaching and priestly activities; Kashatri/ Khatri (including Rajput) were
second in status; they were known warriors because armies consisted mainly of Khatris and Rajputs (a section of them
were merchants as well); the third were Vaish who were shopkeepers; and the fourth were menials: their job included
farming, carpentry, smithy, pot-making, cleaning jibs etc, i.e. to serve the other three classes; they were considered
[**(Four stages of life): there are four ‘aashram’ (stages) of the life of the Hindu world; the first is Barahamcharya which
is the stage of study of Vedas during which one lives with the teacher and spends one’s life in continence and chastity (as it
is in pre-marriage state). The other three stages are: grahsat (life as a householder), vaanprast (i.e. living in forests or
away from household affairs), and finally saniyaas (total renunciation and living on begging/chairty)].

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4

hir jsu gwvhu Bgvwn ] har jas gaavhu bhagvaan.
(O! brethren) sing the praise of God, the Lord of Fortune.
jsu gwvq pwp lhwn ] jas gaavat paap lahaan.
Singing His praise sins are washed away.
miq gurmiq suin jsu kwn ] hir ho ho ikrpwn ]1] rhwau ]
mat gurmat sun jas kaan. har ho ho kirpaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) listen to the praise (of God)with your ears, through the wisdom of the Guru and
his teachings; (thus) God shall be, shall be, Gracious(to you). 1 (pause)

P. 1298
qyry jn iDAwvih iek min iek iciq qy swDU suK pwvih jip hir hir nwmu inDwn ]
tayray jan dhi-aavahi ik man ik chit, tay saadhoo sukh paavahi, jap har har naam nidhaan.
(O! Lord) Your servants (i.e. devotees) meditate upon You, with single-mind and single
consciousness. The God-oriented persons obtain (spiritual) happiness by meditating upon the
treasure of the Name of God, the Lord.
ausqiq krih pRB qyrIAw imil swDU swD jnw gur siqgurU Bgvwn ]1]
ustat karahi prabh tayree-aa, mil saadhoo saadh janaa, gur satguroo bhagvaan. ||1||
They praise You, O! Lord, joining with the God-oriented persons, pious servants (i.e.
devotees), the Guru, the True Guru, O! Lord of Fortune. 1
ijn kY ihrdY qU suAwmI qy suK Pl pwvih qy qry Bv isMDu qy Bgq hir jwn ]
jin kai hirdai too su-aamee, tay sukh fal paavahi, tay taray bhav siNdh, tay bhagat har jaan.
Those, in whose hearts You abide, O! Master, (they) enjoy the fruits of happiness; and, they
cross over the terrifying (world) ocean; know that they (alone) are the devotees of God.
iqn syvw hm lwie hry hm lwie hry jn nwnk ky hir qU qU qU qU qU Bgvwn ]2]6]12]
tin sayvaa ham laa-ay haray, ham laa-ay haray,
jan naanak kay har, too too too too too bhagvaan. ||2||6||12||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, attach me to their service, O! God, attach me to
(their) service. You, You, You, You, You (alone) are my Lord of Fortune. 2.6.12

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 2 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gweIAY gux gopwl ik®pw iniD ] gaa-ee-ai guṇ gopaal kirpaa nidh.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Sustainer of the World, the Treasure of
duK ibdwrn suKdwqy siqgur jw kau Bytq hoie sgl isiD ]1] rhwau ]
dukh bidaaran sukh-daatay satgur, jaa ka-o bhaytat ho-ay sagal sidh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru is the Destroyer of Sorrows, the Giver of Happiness, meeting Him one obtains
total success (i.e. accomplishment of life). 1 (pause)
ismrq nwmu mnih swDwrY ] simrat naam maneh sadhaarai.
Meditating upon the Name, is giving support to the mind.
koit prwDI iKn mih qwrY ]1] kot paraadhee, khin meh taarai. ||1||
(Meditating upon the Name) tens of millions of sinners are carried across (the world ocean) in an
instant. 1
jw kau cIiq AwvY guru Apnw ] qw kau dUKu nhI iqlu supnw ]2]
jaa ka-o, cheet aavai gur apnaa. taa ka-o dookh nahee til supnaa. ||2||
One, who keeps his Guru in his mind;
he shall not suffer even a little of sorrow, even in dreams. 2
jw kau siqguru Apnw rwKY ] so jnu hir rsu rsnw cwKY ]3]
jaa ka-o, satgur apnaa raakhai. so jan, har ras rasnaa chaakhai. ||3||
One, whom his True Guru protects,
that person tastes the essence of God, with his tongue. 3

khu nwnk guir kInI mieAw ] hliq pliq muK aUjl BieAw ]4]1]
kaho naanak, gur keenee ma-i-aa. halat palat mukh oojal bha-i-aa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak: (he, upon whom) the Guru bestows his Grace;
here and hereafter, his face radiates. 4.1
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
AwrwDau quJih suAwmI Apny ] aaraadha-o tujheh su-aamee apnay.
I adore (i..e meditate upon)You, O! my Master.
aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq swis swis swis hir jpny ]1] rhwau ]
ooṭat baiṭat sovat jaagat, saas saas saas har japnay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(While) standing up and sitting down, (while) sleeping and awaken, and, with each and every
breath, each and every breath, each and every breath, I meditate upon God. 1 (pause)
qw kY ihrdY bisE nwmu ] jw kau suAwmI kIno dwnu ]1]
taa kai hirdai, basi-o naam. jaa ka-o, su-aamee keeno daan. ||1||
The Name (of God) abides within the heart of that person,
whom the Master blesses with this gift (of the Name). 1
qw kY ihrdY AweI sWiq ] Twkur Byty gur bcnWiq ]2]
taa kai hirdai, aa-ee saant. ṭaakur bhaytay, gur bachnaant. ||2||
Peace comes to (dwell in) the heart of that person,
who meets the Master through the teachings of the Guru. 2
srb klw soeI prbIn ] nwm mMqRü jw kau guir dIn ]3]
sarab kalaa so-ee parbeen. naam maNtra, jaa , gur deen. ||3||
He alone is perfect in all arts, whom the Guru has blessed with the mantra (i.e. teachings) of
the Name. 3
khu nwnk qw kY bil jwau ] kiljug mih pwieAw ijin nwau ]4]2]
kaho naanak, taa kai bal jaa-o. kalijug meh, paa-i-aa jin naa-o. ||4||2||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto the one,
who is blessed with the Name in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age). 4.2

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

kIriq pRB kI gwau myrI rsnW ] keerat prabh kee gaa-o, mayree rasnaan.
O! my tongue, sing the praise of the Lord.
Aink bwr kir bMdn sMqn aUhW crn goibMd jI ky bsnw ]1] rhwau ]
anik baar kar baNdan saNtan, oohaan charan gobiNd jee kay basnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bow to (i.e. make obeisance to) the God-orienteds person again and again, (because) within
them abide the feet of dear Lord of the World. 1 (pause)
Aink BWiq kir duAwru n pwvau ] hoie ik®pwlu q hir hir iDAwvau ]1]
anik bhaant kar, du-aar na paava-o. ho-ay kirpaal, ta har har dhi-aava-o. ||1||
Even by countless means (i.e. rituals), the Door (of the Lord) cannot be found;
when He (Himself) becomes Gracious, then one comes to meditate upon God, the Lord. 1
koit krm kir dyh n soDw ] kot karam kar, dayh na sodhaa.
The body is not purified (even) by tens of millions of rituals.
swDsMgiq mih mnu prboDw ]2] saadhsaNgat meh, man parbodhaa. ||2||
The mind is enlightened in the congregation of the God-oriented person. 2

iqRsn n bUJI bhu rMg mwieAw ] nwmu lYq srb suK pwieAw ]3]
tarisan na boojhee, baho raNg maa-i-aa. naam lait, sarab sukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
Thirst is not quenched (even) by enjoying lot of luxuries of Maya;
(but) by chanting the Name (of the Lord), total (spiritual) happiness is attained. 3
pwrbRhm jb Bey dieAwl ] khu nwnk qau CUty jMjwl ]4]3]
paarbrahm jab bha-ay da-i-aal. kaho naanak, ta-o chhootay jaNjaal. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: when the Supreme Lord becomes Mercful; (then) one is rid of all (worldly)
entanglements. 4.3
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
AYsI mWgu goibd qy ] thl sMqn kI sMgu swDU kw hir nwmW jip prm gqy ]1] rhwau ]
aisee maang gobid tay.
tahal saNtan kee, saNg saadhoo* kaa, har naamaan jap param gatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) beg for such a gift from the Lord of the World:
service of the God-oriented persons, and, the company of the Guru*; (there) meditating upon
the Name of God one attains the supreme status. 1 (pause)
[*Here sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
pUjw crnw Twkur srnw ] soeI kuslu ju pRB jIau krnw ]1]
poojaa charnaa ṭaakur sarnaa. so-ee kusal, jo prabh jee-o karnaa. ||1||
(O! brethren, also beg from the Lord): worship of the feet and the refuge of the Master;
and, take joy in whatever, dear Lord does. 1
sPl hoq ieh durlB dyhI ] jw kau siqguru mieAw kryhI ]2]
safal hot ,ih durlabh dayhee. jaa ka-o, satgur ma-i-aa karayhee. ||2||
This precious (human) body (of that person) becomes successful, upon whom the True Guru
bestows his Grace. 2
P. 1299
AigAwn Brmu ibnsY duK fyrw ] jw kY ihRdY bsih gur pYrw ]3]
agi-aan bharam binsai dukh dayraa. jaa kai hirdai baseh gur pairaa. ||3||
The camp (i.e. abode) of ignorance, doubt and sorrows vanishes away;
(for those), in whose heart abide the feet of the Guru. 3
swDsMig rMig pRBu iDAwieAw ] khu nwnk iqin pUrw pwieAw ]4]4]
saadhsaNg raNg parabh dhi-aa-i-aa. kaho naanak, tin pooraa paa-i-aa. ||4||4||
Says Nanak : one, who lovingly meditates upon the Lord in the company of the God-oriented
person, (he) obtains (union with) the Perfect (Lord). 4.4
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
Bgiq Bgqn hUM bin AweI ] bhagat bhagtan hooN ban aa-ee.
Devotion is the characteristic of (i.e. the nature of) the devotees.
qn mn glq Bey Twkur isau Awpn lIey imlweI ]1] rhwau ]
tan man galat bha-ay ṭaakur si-o, aapan lee-ay milaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, whose bodies and minds are engrossed in (the service of) the Master, He unites them with
Himself.1 (pause)
gwvnhwrI gwvY gIq ] qy auDry bsy ijh cIq ]1]
gaavanhaaree gaavai geet. tay udhray, basay jih cheet. ||1||
The singer sings the song (i.e. people sing the praise of God for performing ritual),
(but) she alone is saved within whose consciousness He dwells. 1

pyKy ibMjn prosnhwrY ] ijh Bojnu kIno qy iqRpqwrY ]2]
paykhay biNjan parosanhaarai. jih bhojan keeno, tay tariptaarai. ||2||
One sets the table (i.e. serves) and sees the food,
(but) the one who eats it, he alone is satisfied. 2
Aink sÍWg kwCy ByKDwrI ] jYso sw qYso idRstwrI ]3]
anik savaang kaachhay, bhaykh-dhaaree. jaiso saa, taiso daristaaree. ||3||
The disguiser disguises himself in many ways; (but, in the end) he is seen as he (truly) is. 3
(i.e. actor wears different robes while playing different roles, but, when his role comes to an end, he
is seen as he truly is).
khn khwvn sgl jMjwr ] kahan kahaavan sagal jaNjaar.
Mere speaking and saying are entanglements (i.e. just formality and ritualism).
nwnk dws scu krxI swr ]4]5] naanak daas, sach karṇee saar. ||4||5||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (meditation upon) the True (Lord) is the (only) excellent thing. 4.5

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

qyro jnu hir jsu sunq aumwihE ]1] rhwau ] tayro jan, har jas sunat, umaahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Listening to Your praise, O! God, Your servant (i.e. devotee) is filled with joy. 1 (pause)
mnih pRgwsu pyiK pRB kI soBw jq kq pyKau AwihE ]1]
maneh pargaas, paykh prabh kee sobhaa, jat kat paykha-o aahi-o. ||1||
Seeing the glory of the Lord, my mind is enlightened; wherever I look, there He is. 1
sB qy prY prY qy aUcw gihr gMBIr AQwihE ]2]
sabh tay parai, parai tay oochaa, gahir gaMbheer athaahi-o. ||2||
He is farthest (i.e. the greatest) of all, highest (of all); He is deep, profound, unfathomable. 2
Eiq poiq imilE Bgqn kau jn isau prdw lwihE ]3]
ot pot mili-o bhagtan ka-o, jan si-o pardaa laahi-o. ||3||
He is united with His devotees like warp and weft (i.e. through and through); He removes the
veil between Him and His servants (i.e. devotees). 3
gur pRswid gwvY gux nwnk shj smwiD smwihE ]4]6]
gur parsaad, gaavai guṇ, naanak, sahj samaadh samaahi-o. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): bBy the Grace of the Guru, I sings (the praise of) His excellences; I am absorbed
in trance (i.e. meditation upon Him), with natural ease. 4.6

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

sMqn pih Awip auDwrn AwieE ]1] rhwau ] saNtan peh aap udhaaran aa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He Himself comes to save the God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
drsn Bytq hoq punIqw hir hir mMqRü idRVwieE ]1]
darsan bhaytat hot puneetaa, har har maNtra dariṛ-aa-i-o. ||1||
Beholding His vision, one is sanctified, and, the mantra(i.e. teaching) of God, the Lord, is
implanted (within him). 1
kwty rog Bey mn inrml hir hir AauKDu KwieE ]2]
kaatay rog, bha-ay man nirmal, har har a-ukhadh khaa-i-o. ||2||
Disease is eradicated and mind becomes immaculate, (by) eating the medicine of (the Name of)
God, the Lord. 2

AsiQq Bey bsy suK Qwnw bhuir n kqhU DwieE ]3]
asthit bha-ay, basay sukh thaanaa, bahur na kathoo dhaa-i-o. ||3||
One becomes steady and dwells in the home of peace, and, one never wanders anywhere. 3
sMq pRswid qry kul logw nwnk ilpq n mwieE ]4]7]
saNt prasaad taray kul logaa, naanak, lipat na maa-i-o. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): by the Grace of the God-oriented persons, all the people are (i.e. the whole world
is) saved; they are not engrossed in Maya. 4.7

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

ibsir geI sB qwiq prweI ] jb qy swD sMgiq moih pweI ]1] rhwau ]
bisar ga-ee sabh taat paraa-ee. jab tay, saadh* saNgat mohi paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have totally forgotten jealousy of others,
since I have found (i.e. joined) the company of the Guru*. 1 (pause)
nw ko bYrI nhI ibgwnw sgl sMig hm kau bin AweI ]1]
naa ko bairee, nahee bigaanaa, sagal saNg ham ka-o ban aa-ee. ||1||
(Now) no one is my enemy, and, no one is a stranger(unrelated, alien); I get along with (i.e. I am
friendly) with everyone. 1
jo pRB kIno so Bl mwinE eyh sumiq swDU qy pweI ]2]
jo prabh keeno, so bhal maani-o, ayh sumat saadhoo* tay paa-ee. ||2||
Whatever the Lord does, I accept that as good; I have obtained this sublime wisdom from the
Guru*. 2 [*Here saadh has been used for the Guru].
sB mih riv rihAw pRBu eykY pyiK pyiK nwnk ibgsweI ]3]8]
sabh meh rav rahi-aa prabh aykai, paykh paykh, naanak, bigsaa-ee. ||3||8||
Nanak (says): the One Lord is pervading all, seeing and beholding this I blossom forth. 3.8

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

Twkur jIau quhwro prnw ] ṭaakur jee-o, tuhaaro parnaa.
O! dear Master, You (alone) are (my) support.
mwnu mhqu qum@wrY aUpir qum@rI Et qum@wrI srnw ]1] rhwau ]
maan mahat tumhaarai oopar, tumhree ot, tumhaaree sarnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My honour and glory are because of You (i.e. You alone are my honour and glory), You are my
support, and, I seek Your refuge. 1 (pause)
qum@rI Aws Brosw qum@rw qumrw nwmu irdY lY Drnw ]
tumhree aas, bharosaa tumhraa, tumraa naam ridai lai dharnaa.
You are my hope, and, You are my faith; I have got Your Name enshrined within my heart.
qumro blu qum sMig suhyly jo jo khhu soeI soeI krnw ]1]
tumro bal, tum saNg suhaylay, jo jo kahhu so-ee so-ee karnaa. ||1||
You are my power; associating with You, I am happy; whatever You say (i.e. whatever Your
Command me), I do (i.e. I follow) that and that alone. 1
qumrI dieAw mieAw suKu pwvau hohu ik®pwl q Baujlu qrnw ]
tumree da-i-aa ma-i-aa sukh paava-o, hohu kirpaal ta bha-ojal tarnaa.
Through Your Mercy and Grace, I find (spiritual) happiness; if You become Gracious, (only)
then I can cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).

ABY dwnu nwmu hir pwieE isru fwirE nwnk sMq crnw ]2]9]
abhai daan naam har paa-i-o, sir daari-o, naanak, saNt charnaa. ||2||9||
Nanak (says): I have obtained the Name of God, (which blesses with) the gift of fearlessness (I
have obtained it), by placing my head on the feet of the Guru. 2.9
P. 1300
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
swD srin crn icqu lwieAw ] saadh* saran charan chit laa-i-aa.
In the refuge of the Guru*, I focus my mind on his feet. [Here, sadh has been used for the Guru].
supn kI bwq sunI pyKI supnw nwm mMqRü siqgurU idRVwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
supan kee baat sunee, paykhee supnaa, naam maNtra satguroo driṛ-aa-i-aa. ||1||
I had heard about the dream (i.e. that the world is a dream) I have seen that it is a dream, (since)
the True Guru has implanted the teaching (i.e. the Name) within me.1 (pause)
nh iqRpqwno rwj jobin Din bhuir bhuir iPir DwieAw ]
nah tariptaano raaj joban dhan, bahur bahur fir dhaa-i-aa.
(This mind) is mot satisfied with kingdom (i.e. power), youth and wealth; it (i.e. mind) runs after
them over and over and again.
suKu pwieAw iqRsnw sB buJI hY sWiq pweI gun gwieAw ]1]
sukh paa-i-aa tarisnaa sabh bujhee hai, saant paa-ee gun gaa-i-aa. ||1||
(With the mediation upon the Name of the Lord) I have obtained (spiritual) happiness, and, all my
thirst (for Maya) has been quenched; and, I have found peace by singing the praise (of God). 1
ibnu bUJy psU kI inAweI BRim moih ibAwipE mwieAw ]
bin boojhay pasoo kee ni-aa-ee, bharam mohi bi-aapi-o maa-i-aa.
Without understanding, one is like an animal; he is engrossed in doubt, (emotional)
attachment and Maya.
swD sMig jm jyvrI kwtI nwnk shij smwieAw ]2]10]
saadh* saNg jam jayvree kaatee, naanak, sahj samaa-i-aa. ||2||10||
Nanak (says): in company of the Guru*, the noose of the messenger of death is cut, and, one
merges in poise. 2.10 [Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
hir ky crn ihrdY gwie ] har kay charan hirdai gaa-ay.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise) of the feet of God within your heart.
sIqlw suK sWiq mUriq ismir ismir inq iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
seetlaa sukh saant moorat, simar simar nit dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is embodiment of coolness, happiness and peace; remember, contemplate and meditate
upon Him continually. 1 (pause)
sgl Aws hoq pUrn koit jnm duKu jwie ]1] sagal aas hot pooran, kot janam dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
(By meditating) all hopes are fulfilled, and, the pain of the tens of millions of life-times is gone.1
puMn dwn Anyk ikirAw swDU sMig smwie ] puNn daan anayk kiri-aa, saadhoo* saNg samaa-ay.
(The benefit of) good deeds, charity and many other deeds (is obtained) by immersing (in God)
in the company of the Guru*. [Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
qwp sMqwp imty nwnk bwhuiV kwlu n Kwie ]2]11]
taap saNtaap mitay, naanak, baahuṛ kaal na khaa-ay. ||2||11||
Nanak (says): (by meditating upon God) sufferings and agony are erased, and, one is never
again devoured by (the fear of) death. 2.11

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 3 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 3
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
kQIAY sMq sMig pRB igAwnu ] kathee-ai saNt saNg prabh gi-aan.
(O! brethren) speak about the knowledge of (the path to) the Lord, in the company of the God-
oriented persons.
pUrn prm joiq prmysur ismrq pweIAY mwnu ]1] rhwau ]
pooran param jot parmaysur, simrat paa-ee-ai maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon Perfect Supreme Light, the Supreme Master, one obtains honour. 1 (Pause)
Awvq jwq rhy sRm nwsy ismrq swDU sMig ] aavat jaat rahay, saram naasay, simrat saadhoo* saNg.
Remembering Him, in the company of the Guru*, one’s coming and going (in reincarnation)
ceases, and, tiredness (i.e. suffering of coming and going) is dispelled.
[Here, saadhoo has been used for the Guru].
piqq punIq hoih iKn BIqir pwrbRhm kY rMig ]1] patit, puneet hohi khin bheetar, paarbrahm kai ra g ||1||
By being in the love for the Supreme Lord, (even) the sinners are sanctified in an instant. 1
jo jo kQY sunY hir kIrqnu qw kI durmiq nws ] sgl mnorQ pwvY nwnk pUrn hovY Aws ]2]1]12]
jo jo kathai sunai har keertan, taa kee durmat naas.
sagal manorath paavai, naanak, pooran hovai aas. ||2||1||12||
Nanak (says): whosoever and whoever, chants and listens to the praise of God, is rid of evil
wisdom; all his objectives are achieved, and, all his hopes are fulfilled. 2.1.12

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

swDsMgiq iniD hir ko nwm ] saadhsaNgat nidh har ko naam.
The treasure of the Name of God is found in the company of the God-oriented persons.
sMig shweI jIA kY kwm ]1] rhwau ] saNg sahaa-ee jee-a kai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is (forever) companion of soul and help (for the being), 1 (pause)
sMq rynu iniq mjnu krY ] jnm jnm ky iklibK hrY ]1]
saNt rayn nit majan karai. janam janam kay kilbikh harai. ||1||
One, who baths continually, in the dust of (the feet of the God-oriented persons,
his sins of countless life-times (i.e. incarnations) are washed off. 1
sMq jnw kI aUcI bwnI ] ismir ismir qry nwnk pRwnI ]2]2]13]
saNt janaa kee oochee baanee. simar simar taray naanak paraanee. ||2||2||13||
The Word of the God-oriented persons is lofty (i.e. it makes one’s life exalted and sublime).
Nanak (says): remembering and meditating (this Word) the mortal beings are carried across
(the world ocean). 2.2.13
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
swDU hir hry gun gwie ] saadhoo, har haray gun gaa-ay
O! God-oriented persons, sing the praise of (the excellences of) God, the Lord.
mwn qnu Dnu pRwn pRB ky ismrq duKu jwie ]1] rhwau ]
maan tan dhan praan prabh kay, simrat dukh jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mind, body, wealth and breath (of life) (all) belong to the Lord; meditating upon Him, (all)
pain (of birth and death) is taken away.1 (pause)

eIq aUq khw luoBwvih eyk isau mnu lwie ]1] eet oot kahaa lobhaaveh, ayk si-o man laa-ay. ||1||
(O! brethren) why are you entangled in this and that; attach your mind to the One (alone). 1
mhw pivqR sMq Awsnu imil sMig goibdu iDAwie ]2] mahaa pavitar sa t* aasan, mil sa g gobid dhi-aa-ay. ||2||
The seat of the Guru* is greatly sacred, (O! brethren) join his company and meditate upon the
Lord of the World. 2
[*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
sgl iqAwig srin AwieE nwnk lyhu imlwie ]3]3]14]
sagal ti-aag saran aa-i-o, naanak, layho milaa-ay. ||3||3||14||
Nanak (says): abandoning every thing, I have come to Your refuge; (O! Lord, please) unite me
with Yourself. 3.3.14
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
pyiK pyiK ibgswau swjn pRBu Awpnw iekWq ]1] rhwau ]
paykh paykh bigsaa-o saajan prabh aapnaa ikaant. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Seeing and beholding my Friend, I blossom forth; my Lord is the One and Only. 1 (pause)
Awndw suK shj mUriq iqsu Awn nwhI BWiq ]1] aandaa sukh sahj moorat, tis aan naahee bhaant. ||1||
He is an image of ecstasy, happiness and poise; there is no other like Him.1
ismrq iek bwr hir hir imit koit ksml jWiq ]2] simrat ik baar har har, mit kot kasmal jaant. ||2||
Remembering God, the Lord, just even once, tens of millions of sins are erased. 2
P. 1301
gux rmMq dUK nwsih ird BieAMq sWiq ]3] guṇ ramaNt dookh naaseh, rid bha-i-aNt saant. ||3||
Chanting (the praise of) His excellences, the sorrows are eradicated, and, the heart becomes
peaceful (i.e. calm and poised). 3
AMimRqw rsu pIau rsnw nwnk hir rMig rwq ]4]4]15]
aMmritaa ras pee-o rasnaa, naanak, har raNg raat. ||4||4||15||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) drink in the AMmrit essence (of the Name) of God with your tongue,
and, remain imbued with His love. 4.4.15
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
swjnw sMq Awau myrY ]1] rhwau ] saajnaa, saNt, aa-o mayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! God-oriented persons, O! (my) friends, (please) come to me. 1 (pause)
Awndw gun gwie mMgl ksmlw imit jwih pryrY ]1]
aandaa gun gaa-ay maNgal, kasmalaa mit jaahi parayrai. ||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences (of God) with joy and pleasure (wells up within me), the
sins are washed away. 1
sMq crn Drau mwQY cWdnw igRih hoie AMDyrY ]2]
saNt charan dhara-o maathai, chaandnaa garihi ho-ay aNdhayrai. ||2||
(When) I place the feet of the God-oriented persons, on my forehead, my dark (i.e. ignorant)
home (i.e heart) is illumined. 2
sMq pRswid kmlu ibgsY goibMd Bjau pyiK nyrY]3]
saNt prasaad kamal bigsai, gobiNd bhaja-o paykh nayrai ||3||
By the grace of the God-oriented persons, the lotus (of my heart) blossoms forth; and, seeing
the Lord of the World (i.e. realizing His presence) near me, I meditate upon Him . 3
pRB ik®pw qy sMq pwey vwir vwir nwnk auh byrY ]4]5]16]
prabh kirpaa tay saNt paa-ay, vaar vaar, naanak, uh bayrai. ||4||5||16||
Nanak (says): by the Grace of the Lord, I have found God-oriented persons; I am a sacrifice
unto that moment (when I met with the God-oriented persons). 4.5.16
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
crn srn gopwl qyrI ] charan saran gopaal tayree.
O! Sustainer of the World, I seek the refuge of Your feet.
moh mwn Doh Brm rwiK lIjY kwit byrI ]1] rhwau ]
moh maan dhoh bharam, raakh leejai kaat bayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(I am chained by) attachment (to Maya), pride, treachery and doubt; (please) cut the chains and
save me. 1 (pause)
bUfq sMswr swgr ] auDry hir ismir rqnwgr ]1]
boodat saNsaar saagar. udhray, har simar ratnaagar*. ||1||
(The people are) drowning in the world ocean.
One can be saved by meditating upon God, the Mine of Gems*. 1
(*the Name of God is the mine/source of gems).
sIqlw hir nwmu qyrw ] seetlaa har naam tayraa.
O! God, Your Name is cooling (i.e. soothing).
pUrno Twkur pRBu myrw ]2] poorno, ṭaakur prabh mayraa. ||2||
(God,) my Lord is the perfect Master. 2
dIn drd invwir qwrn ] deen darad nivaar taaran.
He destroys the pains of poor and carries them across (the world ocean).
hir ik®pw iniD piqq auDwrn ]3] har kirpaa nidh, patit udhaaran. ||3||
God is the Treasure of Grace, and, the Saviour of (even) the sinners. 3
koit jnm dUK kir pwieE ] kot janam dookh kar paa-i-o.
Having suffered pain through tens of millions of life-times (i.e. incarnations) one obtains it (i.e.
human life).
suKI nwnk guir nwmu idRVwieE ]4]6]17] sukhee, naanak, gur naam dariṛ-aa-i-o. ||4||6||17||
Nanak (says): (he alone is) happy, within whom the Guru has implanted the Name (of God).
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
Din auh pRIiq crn sMig lwgI ] dhan uh preet, charan saNg laagee.
Blessed is the love, that is attuned to the (lotus) feet (of the Lord).
koit jwp qwp suK pwey Awie imly pUrn bfBwgI ]1] rhwau ]
kot jaap taap sukh paa-ay, aa-ay milay pooran badbhaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Through this love) one obtains bliss of tens of millions of meditations and penances; and,
through great (good) fortune, one comes to meet the Perfect (Lord). 1 (pause)
moih AnwQu dwsu jnu qyrw Avr Et sglI moih iqAwgI ]
mohi anaath daas jan tayraa, avar ot saglee mohi ti-aagee.
(O! Lord) I am an orphan, (I am) Your slave, (Your) servant, I have given up all other support
and attachment.
Bor Brm kwty pRB ismrq igAwn AMjn imil sovq jwgI ]1]
bhor bharam kaatay prabh simrat, gi-aan aNjan mil sovat jaagee. ||1||
Even little (i.e. total) doubt has been eradicated by meditating upon the Lord; and, having
applied the collyrium of (spiritual) knowledge, I have been awakened from sleep (of
ignorance). 1

qU AQwhu Aiq bfo suAwmI ik®pw isMDu pUrn rqnwgI ]
too athaahu at bado, su-aamee, kirpaa siNdh pooran ratanaagee.
You are immeasurable, immensely great, O! Master, (You are) the Ocean of Grace, Perfect
Mine (i.e. source) of Gems.
nwnku jwcku hir hir nwmu mWgY msqku Awin DirE pRB pwgI ]2]7]18]
naanak, jaachak har har naam maangai, mastak aan dhari-o prabh paagee. ||2||7||18||
Nanak (says): I am (Your) beggar, I beg the Name of God, the Lord; (bless me) O! Lord, I place
my forehead on Your feet.2.7.18

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

kuicl kTor kpt kwmI ] kuchil kaṭor kapat kaamee.
(O! Lord) I am, filthy (minded), hard-headed, deceitful, and, lustful (i.e. obsessed by excessive
sexual desire).
ijau jwnih iqau qwir suAwmI ]1] rhwau ] ji-o jaaneh ti-o taar, su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Carry me across (the world ocean), as You wish, O! Master. 1 (pause)
qU smrQu srin jogu qU rwKih ApnI kl Dwir ]1] too samrath, saran jog, too raakhahi apnee kal dhaar. ||1||
You are all-powerful, worthy of giving refuge; You save us, exerting Your Power. 1
jwp qwp nym suic sMjm nwhI ien ibDy Cutkwr ] jaap taap naym such sanjam, naahee in bidhay chhutkaar.
Meditation, penance, (observing) code (of conduct), purity, self-discipline ---- salvation does
not come by these means.
grq Gor AMD qy kwFhu pRB nwnk ndir inhwir ]2]8]19]
garat ghor aNdh tay kaaḍahu prabh, naanak nadar nihaar. ||2||8||19||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Glance of Grace and lift me up out of this deep
dark ditch (of ignorance). 2.8.19

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 4 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 4

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
nwrwien nrpiq nmskwrY ] naaraa-in* narpat** namaskaarai.
I bow to (i.e. make obeisance to) the Omnipresent* (Lord), the Lord of All Beings**.
[*Naraain, literally: dwelling in all beings (i.e. Omnipresent). **Narpat, literally: Lord of Men, i.e. Lord of all the
people, i.e. Lord of all beings. These are two of the countless attributes and the names of God].
AYsy gur kau bil bil jweIAY Awip mukqu moih qwrY ]1] rhwau ]
aisay gur ka-o bal bal jaa-ee-ai, aap mukat mohi taarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto that Guru, who himself is liberated (i.e. is detached) and shall
carry me across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
kvn kvn kvn gun khIAY AMqu nhI kCu pwrY ] kavan kavan kavan gun kahee-ai, aNt nahee kachh paarai.
Which, which, which (i.e. which of Your countless) virtues should I narrate; there is no end, no
limit (to Your virtues).
lwK lwK lwK keI korY ko hY AYso bIcwrY ]1] laakh laakh laakh ka-ee korai, ko hai aiso beechaarai. ||1||
There are tens of thousands, over tens of thousands, over tens of thousands, and several tens of
millions; (but) is there any one who contemplates. 1

P. 1302
ibsm ibsm ibsm hI BeI hY lwl gulwl rMgwrY ] bisam bisam bisam hee bha-ee hai, laal gulaal raNgaarai.
I am wonder-struck, wonder-struck, wonder-struck (at the wonders of) the Beloved (Lord), (I
am) dyed in red colour of (the love of) my Beloved.
khu nwnk sMqn rsu AweI hY ijau cwiK gUMgw muskwrY ]2]1]20]
kaho naanak, saNtan ras aa-ee hai, ji-o chaakh gooNgaa muskaarai. ||2||1||20||
Says Nanak: the God-oriented persons savour the essence (of the vision of the Lord), (but they
cannot describe it) just as a dumb who tastes (sweets) and smiles(because he cannot tell). 2.1.20

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

n jwnI sMqn pRB ibnu Awn ] na jaanee saNtan, prabh bin aan.
The God-oriented persons do not know any other except the Lord.
aUc nIc sB pyiK smwno muiK bkno min mwn ]1] rhwau ]
ooch neech sabh paykh samaano, mukh bakno man maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They look upon (all) equally: high and low; and, (they) utter (His praise) with their mouths and
believe in Him in their minds. 1 (pause)
Git Git pUir rhy suK swgr BY BMjn myry pRwn ]
ghat ghat poor rahay sukh saagar, bhai bhaNjan, mayray praan.
He is pervading each and every heart; He is the Ocean of Happiness, Destroyer of Fears; (He
is) my breath (of life).
mnih pRgwsu BieE BRmu nwisE mMqRü dIE gur kwn ]1]
maneh pargaas bha-i-o, bharam naasi-o, maNtra dee-o gur kaan. ||1||
My mind was enlightened, and, doubt was dispelled, (when) the Guru conveyed his mantra
(i.e. teaching) into my ears.1
krq rhy k®qg´ kruxw mY AMqrjwmI ig´wn ] karat rahay kratagay karuṇaa mai, aNtarjaamee giyaan.
(The devotees) remain talking of the Compassionate (Lord), the Controller of Souls, and, All-
Knowing (Lord).
AwT phr nwnk jsu gwvY mWgn kau hir dwn ]2]2]21]
aaṭ pahar, naanak, jas gaavai, maangan ka-o har daan. ||2||2||21||
Nanak (says): I sing His praise, (all) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), for
begging the gift of (the Name of) God. 2.2.21

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

khn khwvn kau keI kyqY ] AYso jnu ibrlo hY syvku jo qq jog kau byqY ]1] rhwau ]
kahan kahaavan ka-o, ka-ee kaytai.
aiso jan birlo hai sayvak, jo tat jog ka-o baytai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There are many (people, who) call (themselves great) and get others to say (good about them).
(But) rare are such servants (i.e. devotees), who understand the essence (i.e. the way of) yoga
(i.e. union with the Lord). 1 (pause)
duKu nwhI sBu suKu hI hY ry eykY eykI nyqY ] dukh naahee sabh sukh hee hai ray, aykai aykee naytai.
(One, who understands the real way of union with God) he has no pain; it is total (spiritual)
happiness (with him); with his eyes, he sees the One and the Only (Lord).

burw nhI sBu Blw hI hY ry hwr nhI sB jyqY ]1]
buraa nahee sabh bhalaa hee hai ray, haar nahee sabh jaytai. ||1||
No one seems evil to him; all are good; (he sees) no defeat, and, (for him) it is all victory. 1
sogu nwhI sdw hrKI hY ry Coif nwhI ikCu lyqY ] sog naahee, sadaa harkhee hai ray, chhod naahee kichh laytai.
There is (never) sorrow (within his mind); he is always happy; except this (spiritual happiness)
he does not take (i.e. does not beg for) anything else.
khu nwnk jnu hir hir hir hY kq AwvY kq rmqY ]2]3]22]
kaho naanak, jan har har har hai, kat aavai kat ramtai. ||2||3||22||
Says Nanak: the servant (i.e. devotee, himself) is God, the Lord, the Master; where does he
come from and where does he go? (i.e. he does not come and go in reincarnation). 2.3.22

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

hIey ko pRIqmu ibsir n jwie ] hee-ay ko preetam, bisar na jaa-ay.
(I pray) I may never forget (Lord) the Beloved of my heart.
qn mn glq Bey iqh sMgy mohnI moih rhI morI mwie ]1] rhwau ]
tan man galat bha-ay tih saNgay, mohnee mohi rahee, moree maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It (i.e. Maya) is fascinating (all), my mind and body(too) are engrossed in it, O! my mother. 1
jY jY pih khau ibRQw hau ApunI qyaU qyaU ghy rhy Atkwie ]
jai jai peh kaha-o, baritha ha-o apunee, tay-oo tay-oo gahay rahay atkaa-ay.
Unto whosoever I tell about my agony, they themselves all are gripped and stuck (by Maya).
Aink BWiq kI eykY jwlI qw kI gMiT nhI Corwie ]1]
anik bhaant kee aykai jaalee, taa kee gaNṭ nahee chhoraa-ay. ||1||
It is the same net, cast in different forms; its knots cannot being untied. 1
iPrq iPrq nwnk dwsu AwieE sMqn hI srnwie ] firat firat, naanak daas, aa-i-o saNtan hee sarnaa-ay.
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): wandering and wandering, I have come to the refuge of the
God-oriented persons.
kwty AigAwn Brm moh mwieAw lIE kMiT lgwie ]2]4]23]
kaatay agi-aan bharam moh maa-i-aa, lee-o kaNṭ lagaa-ay. ||2||4||23||
(In the refuge of the God-oriented persons, the bonds of) ignorance, doubts, and (emotional)
attachment are cut off; and, (God) takes one in His embrace. 2.4.23

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

Awnd rMg ibnod hmwrY ] aanad raNg binod hamaarai.
In my home (i.e. heart), there is (always) joy, love and pleasure (because of the Name of God) .
nwmo gwvnu nwmu iDAwvnu nwmu hmwry pRwn ADwrY ]1] rhwau ]
naamo gaavan, naam dhi-aavan, naam hamaaray praan adhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sing the Name, I meditate upon the Name; and, the Name (of the Lord) is the support of my
breath (of life). 1 (pause)
nwmo igAwnu nwmu iesnwnw hir nwmu hmwry kwrj svwrY ]
naamo gi-aan, naam isnaanaa, har naam hamaaray kaaraj savaarai.
The Name (of the Lord) is my (spiritual) knowledge, the Name is my (purifying) bath; and, the
Name of God resolves (all) my matters.

hir nwmo soBw nwmu bfweI Baujlu ibKmu nwmu hir qwrY ]1]
har naamo sobhaa, naam badaa-ee, bha-ojal bikham naam har taarai. ||1||
The Name of God is our glory, the Name is our honour; and, the Name of God carries us across
the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 1
Agm pdwrQ lwl Amolw BieE prwpiq gur crnwrY ]
agam padaarath laal amolaa, bha-i-o paraapat gur charnaarai.
(The Name is) immeasurable wealth, (it is) priceless ruby; I have received it through the feet of
the Guru (i.e. by following the path of the Guru).
khu nwnk pRB Bey ik®pwlw mgn Bey hIArY drswrY ]2]5]24]
kaho naanak, prabh bha-ay kirpaalaa, magan bha-ay hee-arai darsaarai. ||2||5||24||
Says Nanak: (when) the Lord becomes Gracious, one becomes intoxicated by beholding His
vision in one’s heart. 2.5.24
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
swjn mIq suAwmI nyro ] saajan meet su-aamee nayro.
My friend, my dear friend, my Master is (always) near (us).
pyKq sunq sBn kY sMgy QorY kwj buro kh Pyro ]1] rhwau ]
paykhat sunat sabhan kai saNgay, thorai kaaj buro kah fayro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He sees (all our actions) and hears (our prayers), (because) He is with everyone, (then, O!
brethren) why do you commit petty and bad deeds (i.e. sins) for petty gains? 1 (pause)
nwm ibnw jyqo lptwieE kCU nhI nwhI kCu qyro ]
naam binaa jayto laptaa-i-o, kachhoo nahee, naahee kachh tayro.
Except the Name (of the Lord), whatever you are engrossed in, is nothing; nothing is yours.
AwgY idRsit Awvq sB prgt eIhw moihE Brm AMDyro ]1]
aagai darisat aavat sabh pargat, eehaa mohi-o bharam aNdhayro. ||1||
Hereafter, everything is revealed before your eyes; here, you are fascinated by doubt and
ignorance. 1
AtikE suq binqw sMg mwieAw dyvnhwru dwqwru ibsyro ]
atki-o sut banitaa saNg maa-i-aa, dayvanhaar daataar bisayro.
You are caught in (attachment to) son (i.e. children), wife and Maya; and, you have forgotten
the giving Giver (Lord).
khu nwnk eykY Bwrosau bMDn kwtnhwru guru myro ]2]6]25]
kaho naanak, aykai bhaarosa-o, baNdhan kaatanhaar gur mayro. ||2||6||25||
Says Nanak : I have faith in the One alone, (because) my Guru is all powerful to cut the bonds.
P. 1303
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
ibKY dlu sMqin qum@rY gwihE ] bikhai dal, saNtan tumhrai gaahi-o.
(O! God), I have overcome the army of poison (i.e. vices) through Your God-oriented persons
(i.e. devotees).
qumrI tyk Brosw Twkur srin qum@wrI AwihE ]1] rhwau ]
tumree tayk bharosaa, ṭaakur, saran tumhaaree aahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I take Your support and place faith in You; O! Master, I have come to Your refuge. 1 (pause)

jnm jnm ky mhw prwCq drsnu Byit imtwihE ]
janam janam kay mahaa paraachhat, darsan bhayt mitaa-i-o.
(Those, who seek God’s refuge, their) big sins of countless life-times (i.e. incarnations) are
erased, by beholding Your vision.
BieE pRgwsu And aujIAwrw shij smwiD smwihE ]1]
bha-i-o pragaas anad ujee-aaraa, sahj samaadh samaahi-o. ||1||
They (i.e. their minds) are illumined, filled with joy and are enlightened; and, they remain
merged in trance (i.e. remain immersed in meditation), with natural ease. 1
kaunu khY qum qy kCu nwhI qum smrQ AQwihE ] ka-un kahai tum tay kachh naahee, tum samrath athaahi-o.
Who says that You cannot do a thing (i.e. You can do everything); You are infinitely all-
ik®pw inDwn rMg rUp rs nwmu nwnk lY lwihE ]2]7]26]
kripaa nidhaan raNg roop ras, naam, naanak, lai laahi-o. ||2||7||26||
Nanak (says): O! Treasure of Grace, love, beauty and pleasure are attained by those who have
obtained the profit of the Name. 2.7.26

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

bUfq pRwnI hir jip DIrY ] ibnsY mohu Brmu duKu pIrY ]1] rhwau ]
boodat praanee, har jap dheerai. binsai moh bharam dukh peerai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Drowning mortal being (i.e. drowning in the world ocean) is comforted by meditating upon (the
Name of) God (by following the teachings of the Guru); and,
he is rid of (emotional) attachment, doubt, sufferings and pains. 1 (pause)
ismrau idnu rYin gur ky crnw ] simra-o din rain, gur kay charnaa.
(O! brethren) I meditate upon (i.e, I follow) the (lotus) feet of the Guru, day and night.
jq kq pyKau qumrI srnw ]1] jat kat paykha-o, tumree sarnaa. ||1||
Wherever I look, I see (that it is all) Your refuge (O! Lord). 1
sMq pRswid hir ky gun gwieAw ] gur Bytq nwnk suKu pwieAw ]2]8]27]
saNt prasaad, har kay gun gaa-i-aa. gur bhaytat, naanak, sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||8||27||
Nanak (says): those, who sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, by the grace of the God-
oriented persons, meeting with the Guru, they find (spiritual) happiness. 2.8.27
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
ismrq nwmu mnih suKu pweIAY ] swD jnw imil hir jsu gweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
simrat naam, maneh sukh paa-ee-ai. saadh janaa mil, har jas gaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the Name (of God), happiness of mind is obtained;
(so, O! brethren) joining the God-oriented persons, sing the praise of God. 1 (pause)
kir ikrpw pRB irdY bsyro ] crn sMqn kY mwQw myro ]1]
kar kirpaa, prabh, ridai basayro. charan saNtan kai, maathaa mayro. ||1||
O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Grace and come to dwell within my heart; and,
may my forehead remain touching the feet of the God-oriented persons. 1
pwrbRhm kau ismrhu mnW ] gurmuiK nwnk hir jsu sunW ]2]9]28]
paarbrahm ka-o simrahu, manaan. gurmukh, naanak, har jas sunaan. ||2||9||28||
Nanak (says): meditate upon the Supreme Lord, O! my mind; and,
listen to the praise of God, though the Guru. 2.9.28

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
myry mn pRIiq crn pRB prsn ] mayray man preet, charan prabh parsan.
My mind loves to touch the feet of the Lord.
rsnw hir hir Bojin iqRpqwnI AKIAn kau sMqoKu pRB drsn ]1] rhwau ]
rasnaa har har bhojan tariptaanee, akhee-an ka-o saNtokh prabh darsan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My tongue is satiated with the food of the Name of God, the Lord; and, my eyes are contented
with the vision of the Lord. 1 (pause)
krnin pUir rihE jsu pRIqm klml doK sgl ml hrsn ]
karnan poor rahi-o jas preetam, kalmal dokh sagal mal harsan.
My ears remain filled with (listening to)the praise of the Beloved (Lord); and, all my sins, flaws,
and filth (of mind) are erased.
pwvn Dwvn suAwmI suK pMQw AMg sMg kwieAw sMq srsn ]1]
paavan dhaavan su-aamee sukh paNthaa, aNg saNg kaa-i-aa saNt sarsan. ||1||
My feet obtain (spiritual) happiness by walking on the path of the Master, and, my body
blossoms forth with joy in company of the God-oriented persons.1
srin ghI pUrn AibnwsI Awn aupwv Qikq nhI krsn ]
saran gahee pooran abhinaasee, aan upaav thakit nahee karsan.
(Those, who) grasp the refuge of the Perfect, Imperishable (Lord), (they choose) not to get tired
of trying other means (i.e. they do not opt for means other than meditation upon the Lord).
kru gih lIey nwnk jn Apny AMD Gor swgr nhI mrsn ]2]10]29]
kar geh lee-ay, naanak, jan apnay; aNdh ghor saagar nahee marsan. ||2||10||29||
Nanak (says): holding them by hand, He saves his servants (i.e. devotees); (hence) they shall
not die (i.e. drown and perish) in the deep and dark (world) ocean. 2.10.29

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

kuhkq kpt Kpt Kl grjq mrjq mIcu Aink brIAw ]1] rhwau ]
kuhkat kapat, khapat khal garjat, marjat meech anik baree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, within whom, deceit chirps, and, destroying wickeds (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed,
attachment and pride) roar, death crushes them many times. 1 (pause)
AhM mq An rq kuimq ihq pRIqm pyKq BRmq lwK grIAw ]1]
ahaM mat, an rat, kumit hit preetam, paykhat bharmat laakh garee-aa. ||1||
(Those, who are) intoxicated by egotism, and, imbued with other tastes (i.e. worldly pleasures);
and, are in love with evil friends, remain wandering around, gazing in hundreds of thousands
of streets (of the city of vices). 1
Ainq ibauhwr Acwr ibiD hInq mm md mwq kop jrIAw ]
anit bi-uhaar, achaar bidh heenat, mam mad maat kop jaree-aa.
They deal in (i.e. associate themselves with) transitory things, have unprincipled conduct, are
intoxicated with wine of attachment (to Maya), and, remain burning in the fire of anger.
krux ik®pwl guopwl dIn bMDu nwnk auDru srin prIAw ]2]11]30]
karuṇ kirpaal gopaal deen baNdh, naanak, udhar saran paree-aa. ||2||11||30||
Nanak (says): O! Compassionate, Merciful, Sustainer of the World, Friend of the Poor; I seek
Your refuge, (please) save me (from these evil and wicked enemies). 2.11.30

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
jIA pRwn mwn dwqw ] hir ibsrqy hI hwin ]1] rhwau ]
jee-a praan, maan daataa. har bisratay hee haan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(God is) the Giver of soul, breath (of life) and honour;
forgetting God, there is (definitely, all) loss. 1 (pause)
goibMd iqAwig Awn lwgih AMimRqo fwir BUim pwgih ] gobi d ti-aag aan laageh, a mrito daar bhoom paageh.
(O! fool) forsaking the Lord of the World, you become attached to another; you are throwing
away AMmrit down on the earth (i.e. in the dust).
ibKY rs isau Awskq mUVy kwhy suK mwin ]1] bikhai ras si-o aaskat, mooṛay, kaahay sukh maan. ||1||
You are (engrossed) in love with poison (i.e. vices); O! fool, how do you expect to enjoy
happiness? 1
P. 1304
kwim k®oiD loiB ibAwipE jnm hI kI Kwin ] kaam krodh lobh bi-aapi-o, janam hee kee khaan.
(O! fool) you are engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed (and other vices, all these are) the
sources of birth (and death, i.e. the cause of reincarnation).
piqq pwvn srin AwieE auDru nwnk jwin ]2]12]31]
patit paavan, saran aa-i-o, udhar, naanak, jaan. ||2||12||31||
Nanak (says): O! Purifier of the Sinners, I have come to Your refuge; know me (as Your own)
and save me. 2.12.31
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
Aivlokau rwm ko muKwribMd ] aviloka-o raam ko mukhaarbiNd.
I look at the lotus-like face of God.
Kojq Kojq rqnu pwieE ibsrI sB icMd ]1] rhwau ]
khojat khojat ratan paa-i-o, bisree sabh chiNd. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Searching and searching, I have found the gem (i.e. Name); (now) I am rid of all my worries. 1
crn kml irdY Dwir ] auqirAw duKu mMd ]1]
charan kamal ridai dhaar. utri-aa dukh maNd. ||1||
Enshrining the lotus-feet (of the Lord) within my heart,
my pain and evil (within) have been dispelled. 1
rwj Dnu prvwru myrY srbso goibMd ] raaj dhan parvaar mayrai, sarbaso gobiNd.
(Now, the Name of) the Lord of the World is my kingdom, family, wealth and everything.
swD sMgim lwBu pwieE nwnk iPir n mrMd ]2]13]32]
saadh* saNgam laabh paa-i-o, naanak, fir na maraNd. ||2||13||32||
Nanak (says): one, who has earned the profit (of the Name of the Lord) in the company of the
Guru*, shall never die again (i.e. he shall be rid of the cycle of life and death). 2.13.32
[Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 5 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5 ghar 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.

pRB pUjho nwmu ArwiD ] gur siqgur crnI lwig ]
prabh poojho naam araadh. gur satgur charnee laag.
(O! brethren) worship the Lord and adore His Name, (by)
attaching (your mind) to the feet (i.e. by following the footsteps) of the Guru, the True Guru.
hir pwvhu mnu AgwiD ] jgu jIqo ho ho gur ikrpwiD ]1] rhwau ]
har paavhu man agaadh. jag jeeto ho ho, gur kirpaadh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Enshrine God, the Inaccessible (Lord), within your mind, (and, you shall)
conquer the world by the Grace of the Guru. 1 (pause)
Aink pUjw mY bhu ibiD KojI sw pUjw ij hir Bwvwis ]
anik poojaa mai baho bidh khojee, saa poojaa je har bhaavaas.
I have searched (i.e. practised and studied) so many ways of worship, (but, I have found that)
only that worship is the (right) one, which is pleasing to God.
mwtI kI ieh puqrI jorI ikAw eyh krm kmwis ] maatee kee ih putree joree, ki-aa ayh karam kamaas.
This puppet (of body) is created out (i.e. made) of clay; what deed it can earn (i.e. what can it do
by itself)?
pRB bwh pkir ijsu mwrig pwvhu so quDu jMq imlwis ]1]
prabh, baah pakar jis maarag paavhu, so tudh jaNt milaas. ||1||
O! Lord, one, whom You grasp by arm, and, place him on the (right) path, (only) that being can
meet You. 1
Avr Et mY koie n sUJY iek hir kI Et mY Aws ] avar ot mai ko-ay na soojhai, ik har kee ot mai aas.
I do not know any other support; God is my only support and hope.
ikAw dInu kry Ardwis ] jau sB Git pRBU invws ]
ki-aa deen karay ardaas. ja-o sabh ghat prabhoo nivaas.
What prayer this poor person can offer !
(when) the Lord abides in all hearts (i.e. He knows everything).
pRB crnn kI min ipAws ] prabh charnan kee man pi-aas.
My mind thirsts for the (lotus) feet of the Lord.
jn nwnk dwsu khIAqu hY qum@rw hau bil bil sd bil jws ]2]1]33]
jan naanak daas kahee-at hai tum raa, ha-o bal bal sad bal jaas. ||2||1||33||

Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak says: I am known as Your slave (so, O! Lord), keep me in Your
refuge); I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto You. 2.1.33

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 6 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 6

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
jgq auDwrn nwm ipRA qyrY ] jagat udhaaran naam pri-a tayrai.
O! Beloved (Lord), Your Name is the Saviour of the world.
nv iniD nwmu inDwnu hir kyrY ] nav nidh naam nidhaan har kayrai.
(O! brethren) the Name of God is the wealth of nine (i.e. all) treasures.
hir rMg rMg rMg AnUpyrY ] har raNg raNg, raNg anoopayrai.
(This world is full of) the plays of God, and, incomparable is the beauty of His plays.
kwhy ry mn moih mgnyrY ] kaahay ray man, mohi magnayrai.
O! mind, why are you getting engrossed in attachment (to these plays).

nYnhu dyKu swD drsyrY ] so pwvY ijsu ilKqu illyrY ]1] rhwau ]
nainhu daykh saadh* darsayrai. so paavai, jis likhat lilayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o
(O! mind) behold the Guru*, with your eyes;
(but) he alone is blessed with this (i.e. he alone meets the Guru), who has (such destiny) inscribed
upon his forehead . 1 (pause)
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
syvau swD sMq crnyrY ] sayva-o saadh saNt charnayrai.
I serve at the feet of the God-oriented persons.
bWCau DUir pivqR kryrY ] baa chha-o dhoor pavitra karayrai.

I long for the dust (of their feet) - it purifies (the mind).
ATsiT mjnu mYlu kty rY ] aṭsaṭ majan mail katayrai.
(Just like bathing at) the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage; it washes away the filth (of mind).
swis swis iDAwvhu muKu nhI morY ] saas saas dhi-aavahu, mukh nahee morai.
(O! brethren) meditate (upon God), with each and every breath; (God) never turns his face
away (from the devotee who meditates upon Him).
ikCu sMig n cwlY lwK krorY ] kichh saNg na chaalai, laakh karorai.
(O! brethren) nothing shall go along with you; (even if you may have) hundreds of thousands or
tens of millions (i.e. piles of money).
pRB jI ko nwmu AMiq pukrorY ]1] prabh jee ko naam, aNt pakrorai. ||1||
(Only) the Name of dear Lord will call you (i.e. shall come to your help) in the end. 1
mnsw mwin eyk inrMkyrY ] mansaa maan ayk niraNkayrai.
Let your mind have wish for the One Formless (Lord alone).
sgl iqAwghu Bwau dUjyrY ] sagal ti-aagahu bhaa-o doojayrai.
Abandon the love of everything else.
kvn khW hau gun ipRA qyrY ] kavan kahaan ha-o, gun pari-a tayrai.
What excellence of Yours can I narrate, O! Beloved (Lord)?
brin n swkau eyk tulyrY ] baran na saaka-o ayk lutayrai.
I cannot describe even one part (of Your excellences).
drsn ipAws bhuqu min myrY ] darsan pi-aas bahut man mayrai.
My mind is greatly thirsty for Your vision.
imlu nwnk dyv jgq gur kyrY ]2]1]34] mil, naanak, dayv, jagat gur kayrai. ||2||1||34||
Nanak (says): O! Divine Guru of the World, (please come and) meet me. 2.1.34
P. 1305
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
AYsI kaun ibDy drsn prsnw ]1] rhwau ] aisee ka-un bidhay, darsan parsanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(This verse begins with the question): by which measure (i.e. way) I can behold the vision of and
touch (the feet of the Lord)? 1 (pause)
Aws ipAws sPl mUriq aumig hIau qrsnw ]1] aas pi-aas safal moorat, umag hee-o tarsanaa. ||1||
I hope and thirst for (meeting) the Fructifying Being (i.e. the Lord); (this is my) yearning and my
hearts thirsts (for it). 1
dIn lIn ipAws mIn sMqnw hir sMqnw ] deen leen pi-aas meen, saNtnaa har saNtnaa.
(The answer to the above question is): become humble, (and just as) the fish thirsts (for water), be
absorbed in God-oriented persons, the God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees) of God.

hir sMqnw kI ryn ] hIau Arip dyn ]
har saNtnaa kee rayn. hee-o arap dayn.
Become the dust of (the feet of) the God-oriented persons (i.e. devotees) of God; and,
dedicate your heart (to them).
pRB Bey hY ikrpyn ] mwnu mohu iqAwig CoifE qau nwnk hir jIau Bytnw ]2]2]35]
prabh bha-ay hai kirpayn. maan moh ti-aag chhodi-o, ta-o, naanak, har jee-o bhaytnaa ||2||2||35||
Nanak (says): (when) the Lord becomes Gracious;
renouncing one’s pride and leaving behind (emotional) attachment, one meets God. 2.2.35
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
rMgw rMg rMgn ky rMgw ] raNgaa raNg, raNgan kay raNgaa.
Wondrous are the colours of the Wondrous (Lord).
kIt hsq pUrn sB sMgw ]1] rhwau ] keet hasat, pooran sabh saNgaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He is pervading the ant, the elephant and every one (alike). 1 (pause)
brq nym qIrQ sihq gMgw ] barat naym tirath sahit gaNgaa.
(Some) undertake fast, observe (ritual) codes, visit Ganges (river) and other places of
jlu hyvq BUK Aru nµgw ] jal hayvat, bhookh ar naNgaa.
(Some) dwell naked in water and ice (i.e. snow clad mountains), enduring hunger.
pUjwcwr krq mylµgw ] poojaachaar karat maylaNgaa.
(Some) sit cross-legged to perform worship.
ck® krm iqlk KwtMgw ] chakar karam tilak khaataNgaa.
(Some) make circular marks (i.e. religious/ ritualistic marks) on the six part of their body.
drsnu Byty ibnu sqsMgw ]1] darsan bhaytay bin satsaNgaa. ||1||
(But) how can they behold the vision (of God) without joining the (true) congregation. 1
hiT ingRih Aiq rhq ibtMgw ] hau rogu ibAwpY cukY n BMgw ]
haṭ nigrahi at rahat bitaNgaa. ha-o rog bi-aapai, chukai na bhaNgaa.
(Some) practice Hath-yoga, controlling (their senses), and, (some) stand head-down.
(But) they are afflicted with the disease of egotism, and, their blemishes are not ended.
kwm k®oD Aiq iqRsn jrMgw ] kaam krodh at tarisan jaraNgaa.
They burn in (the fire of) sexual desire, anger and (other) desires.
so mukqu nwnk ijsu siqguru cMgw ]2]3]36] so mukat ,naanak, jis satgur chaNga. ||2||3||36||
Nanak (says): he alone is liberated, who meets a nice True Guru. 2.3.36
kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 7 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 7
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
iqK bUiJ geI geI imil swD jnw ] tikh boojh ga-ee ga-ee, mil saadh janaa.
Meeting the God-oriented persons, the servants (i.e. devotees of God), the thirst (of Maya
within me) has been quenched and gone away.
pMc Bwgy cor shjy suKYno hry gun gwvqI gwvqI gwvqI drs ipAwir ]1] rhwau ]
paNch bhaagay chor, sehjay sukhaino,
haray gun gaavtee gaavtee, gaavtee daras pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Singing and singing and singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, in love for (beholding)
His vision, the five thieves* have run away, (and, now) I am in poise, in peace. 1 (pause)
[*Five emotions: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].

jYsI krI pRB mo isau mo isau AYsI hau kYsy krau ]
jaisee karee prabh mo si-o mo si-o, aisee ha-o kaisay kara-o.
That what the Lord has done for me, to me, how can I do? (i.e. I cannot repay it, but)
hIau qum@wry bil bly bil bly bil geI ]1] hee-o tumhaaray bal balay, bal balay bal ga-ee. ||1||
My hearts is a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto You. 1
pihly pY sMq pwie iDAwie iDAwie pRIiq lwie ] pahilay pai saNt paa-ay, dhi-aa-ay dhi-aa-ay pareet laa-ay.
First, I fell at the feet of the God-oriented persons, (and, then) I meditated and meditated upon
and enshrined love for You.
pRB Qwnu qyro kyhro ijqu jMqn kir bIcwru ] prabh thaan tayro kayhro, jit jaNtan kar beechaar.
O! Lord, where is that place, where You contemplate (taking care of) Your beings.
Aink dws kIriq krih quhwrI ] anik daas, keerat karahi tuhaaree.
So many (i.e. countless) of your slaves (i.e. devotees) sing Your praise.
soeI imilE jo Bwvqo jn nwnk Twkur rihE smwie ]
so-ee mili-o, jo bhaavto, jan naanak, ṭaakur rahi-o samaa-ay.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): he alone meets (You), who is pleasing (to You); O! Master,
You pervade everywhere.
eyk qUhI qUhI qUhI ]2]1]37] ayk toohee, toohee toohee. ||2||1||37||
(O! God) You alone, You and You alone (pervade everywhere). 2.1.37
kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 8 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 8
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
iqAwgIAY gumwnu mwnu pyKqw dieAwl lwl hW hW mn crn ryn ]1] rhwau ]
ti-aagee-ai gumaan maan, paykh-taa da-i-aal laal, haan haan, man charan rayn. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) give up your pride and self-conceit; the Merciful, Loving (Lord) is watching
(you); O! yes, O! yes, O! (my) mind, become the dust of the feet (of all). 1 (pause)
hir sMq mMq gupwl igAwn iDAwn ]1] har saNt maNt, gupaal gi-aan dhi-aan. ||1||
Through the (spiritual) teachings of the God-oriented persons of God, contemplate the
knowledge of and meditate upon the Sustainer of the World. 1
ihrdY goibMd gwie crn kml pRIiq lwie dIn dieAwl mohnw ]
hirdai gobiNd gaa-ay, charan kamal preet laa-ay, deen da-i-aal mohnaa.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of the excellences of) Lord of the World in your heart, and, be
lovingly attached to the (lotus) feet of the Merciful to the Poor, the Fascinating (Lord).
ik®pwl dieAw mieAw Dwir ] kirpaal da-i-aa ma-i-aa dhaar.
O! Gracious (Lord), (please) bestow Your Mercy and Grace (upon me) .
nwnku mwgY nwmu dwnu ] qij mohu Brmu sgl AiBmwnu ]2]1]38]
naanak, maagai naam daan. taj moh bharam sagal abhimaan. ||2||1||38||
Nanak (says): (O! Lord) I beg for the gift of the Name.
I have given up (emotional) attachment, doubts and egotism. 2.1.38
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
pRB khn mln dhn lhn gur imly Awn nhI aupwau ]1] rhwau ]
prabh kahan, malan dahan lahan, gur milay; aan nahee upaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) meeting the Guru and chanting (the praise of) the Lord, burns and eradicates the
filth of sins; there are no other means. 1 (pause)

P. 1306
qtn Ktn jtn homn nwhI fMfDwr suAwau ]1]
tatan, khatan, jatan, homan, naahee daNddhaar su-aa-o. ||1||
(Bathing at) the banks (of rivers at the places of pilgrimage), (observing) the six actions (i.e. khat
karam*), (wearing) matted hair (like yogis), (performing) hom (i.e. fire rituals), holding staff (in
hand, like yogis) ---- all these are of no use. 1
[*Khat Karam, literally six actions, are those six rituals which have been prescribed by brahmans: receive and impart
education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity].
jqn BWqn qpn BRmn Aink kQn kQqy nhI Qwh pweI Twau ]
jatan bhaantan, tapan, bharman, anik kathan kathtay; nahee thaah paa-ee ṭaa-o.
(Performing) efforts like: penance, wandering (at places of pilgrimage), chanting many types
of chant ---- none of these get one to know Him and find place (in His Court).
soiD sgr soDnw suKu nwnkw Bju nwau]2]2]39] sodh sagar sodhnaa, sukh, naankaa, bhaj naa-o ||2||2||39||
Nanak (says): I have considered all considerations, but happiness comes only by meditating
upon the Name (of God).

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 9 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 9

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
piqq pwvnu Bgiq bClu BY hrn qwrn qrn ]1] rhwau ]
patit paavan, bhagat bachhal, bhai haran, taaran taran. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(God is) the Purifier of the sinners, Lover of His devotees, Destroyer of fears, (He is a)Boat to
carry across (the world ocean).
nYn iqpqy drsu pyiK jsu qoiK sunq krn ]1] nain tiptay daras paykh, jas tokh sunat karan. ||1||
Beholding His vision my eyes are satiated, and, hearing His praise my ears are satisifed. 1
pRwn nwQ AnwQ dwqy dIn goibd srn ] praan naath, anaath daatay, deen gobid saran.
(He is) the Lord of breath (of life), (He is) the Giver to the orphans (i.e. Master of the master-
less); the Lord of the World is the refuge of the poor (i.e. meek).
Aws pUrn duK ibnwsn ghI Et nwnk hir crn ]2]1]40]
aas pooran, dukh binaasan, gahee ot, naanak, har charan. ||2||1||40||
(God is) the Fulfiller of hopes, Destroyer of sorrows. Nanak (says): I have grasped the support
of His (lotus) feet. 2.1.40
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
crn srn dieAwl Twkur Awn nwhI jwie ] charan saran da-i-aal ṭaakur, aan naahee jaa-ay.
I seek the refuge of the feet of the Merciful Master; and, I do not have any other place (of
piqq pwvn ibrdu suAwmI auDrqy hir iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
patit paavan birad su-aamee, udhratay har dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Purifying the sinners is the (inherent) nature of the Master; those who remember (i.e. meditate
upon) God are emancipated. 1 (pause)
sYswr gwr ibkwr swgr piqq moh mwn AMD ] saisaar gaar bikaar saagar, patit moh maan aNdh.
The world is muddy ocean of vices; those (people who are) blinded by(emotional) attachment
and pride have fallen into it.

ibkl mwieAw sMig DMD ] bikal maa-i-aa saNg dhaNdh.
They are bewildered by entanglements of Maya.
kru ghy pRB Awip kwFhu rwiK lyhu goibMd rwie ]1]
kar gahay prabh aap kaaḍahu, raakh layho gobiNd raa-ay. ||1||
O! Lord, hold their hands and pull them out; save them, O! Lord of the World, O! Sovereign
Lord. 1
AnwQ nwQ snwQ sMqn koit pwp ibnws ] min drsnY kI ipAws ]
anaath naath sanaath saNtan, kot paap binaas. man darsanai kee pi-aas.
O! Master of the master-less, O! Support of the God-oriented persons; O! Destroyer of the
tens of millions of sins; my mind thirsts for (beholding) Your vision.
pRB pUrn gunqws ] prabh pooran guntaas.
The Lord is perfect Treasure of Excellences.
ik®pwl dieAwl gupwl nwnk hir rsnw gun gwie ]2]2]41]
kirpaal da-i-aal gupaal, naanak; har rasnaa gun gaa-ay. ||2||2||41||
Nanak (says): the Sustainer of the World is Gracious and Merciful; I sing (the praise of) the
excellences of God with my tongue. 2.2.41
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
vwir vwrau Aink fwrau ] suKu ipRA suhwg plk rwq ]1] rhwau ]
vaar vaara-o, anik daara-o. sukh pari-a suhaag, palak raat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Over and over again, I am a sacrifice, and, I shall throw away countless (pleasures),
for that one moment's of happiness of the night of blissful union with my Beloved (Lord). 1
kink mMdr pwt syj sKI moih nwih ien isau qwq ]1]
kanik maNdar, paat sayj, sakhee, mohi naahi in si-o taat. ||1||
Mansion of gold, bed of silk (sheets spread on it) ---- O! (my) friend, I have no interest in them. 1
mukq lwl Aink Bog ibnu nwm nwnk hwq ] mukat laal anik bhog, bin naam naanak haat.
Nanak (says): pearls, jewels, and, countless pleasures, are destructive without the Name (of
rUKo Bojnu BUim sYn sKI ipRA sMig sUiK ibhwq ]2]3]42]
rookho bhojan, bhoom sain sakhee, pari-a saNg sookh bihaat. ||2||3||42||
Even (if I have) dry food (i.e. bread), and, sleeping on earth (i.e. floor) ---- O! (my) friend, I live
happily with my Beloved. 2.3.42
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
AhM qoro muKu joro ] guru guru krq mnu loro ] ipRA pRIiq ipAwro moro ]1] rhwau ]
ahaM toro, mukh joro. gur gur karat man loro. pri-a preet pi-aaro moro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) break away with (i.e. give up) your ego, and, turn your face (to the Beloved Lord);
let your yearning mind chant: ‘Guru’, ‘Guru’; and,
turn your love towards dear Beloved (Lord). 1 (pause)
igRih syj suhwvI Awgin cYnw qoro rI qoro pMc dUqn isau sMgu qoro ]1]
garihi sayj suhaavee, aagan chainaa, toro ree toro, paNch dootan si-o saNg toro. ||1||
(O! brethren) the bed of his home (i.e. heart) shall become beautiful, and, there shall be peace in
your courtyard (i.e. in your body/ being), if you break, O! dear, break ties with the five
enemies*. 1 [*The five enemies: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].

Awie n jwie bsy inj Awsin aUND kml ibgsoro ] CutkI haumY soro ] gwieE rI gwieE pRB nwnk gunI ghyro ]2]4]43]
aa-ay na jaa-ay, basay nij aasan, oo dh kamal bigsoro. chhutkee ha-umai soro.

gaa-i-o ree gaa-i-o, prabh, naanak, gunee gahayro. ||2||4||43||

One does not come or go (in reincarnation), and, dwells in His own seat (i.e. home of heart), and,
his inverted lotus (of heart) blossoms forth; (when)
his uproar (i.e. mania) of egotism is silenced; (then)
Nanak (says): she sings and sings (the praise of) the Lord, the Ocean of Excellences. 2.4.43
kwnVw mÚ 5 Gru 9 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 9
qW qy jwip mnw hir jwip ] jo sMq byd khq pMQu gwKro moh mgn AhM qwp ] rhwau ]
taan tay, jaap manaa har jaap. jo saNt bayd kahat, paNth gaakhro, moh magan ahaM taap. rahaa-o.
For that (purpose), O! (my) mind, meditate upon, the chant (i.e. the Name ) of God.
The God-oriented persons and the Vedas say that the path (of union with God) is arduous, and,
(whereas) you are intoxicated with (emotional) attachment and fever of egotism. (pause)
jo rwqy mwqy sMig bpurI mwieAw moh sMqwp ]1] jo raatay maatay saNg bapuree maa-i-aa, moh saNtaap||1||
Those, who remain imbued and intoxicated with the wretched Maya, suffer the pains of
(emotional) attachment. 1
nwmu jpq soaU jnu auDrY ijsih auDwrhu Awp ] naam japat so-oo jan udhrai, jisahi udhaarahu aap.
(O! Lord) only those servants (i.e. devotees) are emancipated by meditating upon the Name,
whom You Yourself emancipate.
ibnis jwie moh BY Brmw nwnk sMq pRqwp ]2]5]44]
binas jaa-ay moh bhai bharmaa, naanak, saNt* prataap. ||2||5||44||
Nanak (says): (emotional) attachment, fears and doubts are dispelled by the Grace of the
Guru*. 2.5.44 [Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
P. 1307
kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 10 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 10
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
AYso dwnu dyhu jI sMqhu jwq jIau bilhwir ] aiso daan dayh, jee, saNtahu, jaat jee-o balihaar.
(Please) bless me with such a gift, O! dear God-oriented persons, that my soul (my life, my
being) would (always) be a sacrifice unto you.
mwn mohI pMc dohI auriJ inkit bisE qwkI srin swDUAw dUq sMgu invwir ]1] rhwau ]
maan mohee, paNch dohee, urajh nikat basi-o; taakee saran saadhoo-aa, doot saNg nivaar. ||1||
Fascinated by pride, plundered by the five (senses: sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional
attachment and pride), I lived near and engrossed in them (i.e. the five); (but, now) I have sought
the refuge of the God-oriented persons, to get rid of these (five) enemies. 1 (pause)
koit jnm join BRimE hwir pirE duAwir ]1] kot janam jon bharmi-o, haar pari-o du-aar. ||1||
(O! God-oriented persons) I have wandered through tens of millions of life-times (i.e.
incarnations); having got tired (i.e. weary and disillusioned), I have fallen at Your Door. 1
ikrpw goibMd BeI imilE nwmu ADwru ] kirpaa gobiNd bha-ee, mili-o naam adhaar.
The Lord of the World has bestowed His Grace, and, has blessed me with the support of the

dulB jnmu sPlu nwnk Bv auqwir pwir]2]1]45] dulabh janam safal, naanak, bhav utaar paar ||2||1||45||
Nanak (says): my precious (human) life has become successful, (because) He has carried me
across to the other shore of the terrifying(world ocean). 2.1.45

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 11 Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5, ghar 11

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
shj suBwey Awpn Awey ] sahj subhaa-ay, aapan aa-ay.
(O ! brethren) He Himself has come to me (i.e. to dwell in my heart), in (His) natural way.
kCU n jwnO kCU idKwey ] kachhoo na jaanou, kachhoo dikhaa-ay.
I know nothing, and, I show nothing (i.e. I have no merit).
pRBu imilE suK bwly Boly ]1] rhwau ] prabh mili-o, sukh, baalay bholay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord has met me, through (my) childlike innocence (i.e. innocent faith), and (I am blessed
with) happiness. 1 (pause)
sMjoig imlwey swD sMgwey ] saNjog milaa-ay, saadh saNgaa-ay.
By (good) destiny, I have been united with the company of the God-oriented persons.
kqhU n jwey Grih bswey ] kathoo na jaa-ay, ghareh basaa-ay.
(So, now), I do not go out anywhere; I dwell in my own home (i.e. heart).
gun inDwnu pRgitE ieh colY ]1] gun nidhaan, pragati-o ih cholai. ||1||
(God), the Treasure of Excellences has been revealed in this robe(i.e. body). 1
crn luBwey Awn qjwey ] charan, aan tajaa-ay.
His (lotus) feet have fascinated (me), and, I have abandoned everyone else.
Qwn Qnwey srb smwey ] thaan thanaa-ay, sarab samaa-ay.
He is pervading all places and spaces.
rsik rsik nwnku gun bolY ]2]1]46] rasak rasak, naanak, gun bolai. ||2||1||46||
Nanak (says): lovingly and joyfully, I chant (i.e. sing the praise of) His excellences. 2.1.46

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5

goibMd Twkur imln durweˆØI ] gobi d ṭaakur milan duraa-een.

(O! brethren), it is hard to meet the Lord of the World, my Master.

primiq rUpu AgMm Agocr rihE srb smweI ]1] rhwau ]
parmit roop agaMm agochar, rahi-o sarab samaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His form is immeasurable, (He is) inaccessible and imperceptible; (yet) He is pervading
everywhere. 1 (pause)
khin Bvin nwhI pwieE pwieE Aink aukiq cqurweI ]1]
kahan bhavan, naahee paa-i-o paa-i-o, anik ukat chaturaa-ee. ||1||
(O! brethren, merely) by speaking (about Him), and wandering (at places of pilgrimage), He is
not found; nor by many schemes or cleverness. 1
jqn jqn Aink aupwv ry qau imilE jau ikrpweI ] jatan jatan, anik upaav, ray, ta-o mili-o ja-o kirpaa-ee.
(Even by) so many efforts, and so many devices (He cannot be found), O! (brethren), He is met
when He Graces.

pRBU dieAwr ik®pwr ik®pw iniD jn nwnk sMq rynweI ]2]2]47]
prabhoo da-i-aar, kirpaar, kirpaa nidh, jan naanak, saNt raynaa-ee. ||2||2||47||
Nanak (says): the Lord is Merciful, Gracious, and, Treasure of Grace, I am the dust (of the
feet) of the God-oriented persons. 2.2.47
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
mweI ismrq rwm rwm rwm ] maa-ee, simrat raam raam raam.
O! (my) mother, I meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master.
pRB ibnw nwhI horu ] icqvau crnwribMd swsn inis Bor ]1] rhwau ]
prabh binaa naahee hor. chitva-o charnaarbiNd saasan nis bhor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Lord, I have no other (support); (hence)
I meditate upon His lotus-feet, with every breath, (all) day and night. 1 (pause)
lwie pRIiq kIn Awpn qUtq nhI joru ] laa-ay preet keen aapan, tootat nahee jor.
Through my love, I have made Him my own; (hence, now) this union shall not be broken.
pRwn mnu Dnu srbsuo hir gun inDy suK mor ]1] praan man dhan sarbaso, har gun nidhay sukh mor. ||1||
He is my breath (of life), the mind, wealth, and, everything; God, the Treasure of Excellences is
(the source of) my happiness. 1
eIq aUq rwm pUrnu inrKq ird Koir ] eet oot raam pooran, nirkhat rid khor.
Here and hereafter, God is perfecting (i.e. pervading); He is seen in the depth of the heart.
sMq srn qrn nwnk ibnisE duKu Gor ]2]3]48] sa t saran taran, naanak, binsi-o dukh ghor ||2||3||48||
Nanak (says): one is carried across (the world ocean) in the company of the God-oriented
persons; and, his terrible pain vanishes away. 2.3.48
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
jn ko pRBu sMgy Asnyhu ] swjno qU mIqu myrw igRih qyrY sBu kyhu ]1] rhwau ]
jan ko, prabh saNgay asnayhu. saajno too meet mayraa, garihi tayrai sabh kayhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servant (i.e. devotee) is in love with the Lord (and, he says):
‘(O! Lord) You are my friend, my dear friend; everything is in Your home’. 1 (pause)
mwnu mWgau qwnu mWgau Dnu lKmI suq dyh ]1] maan maanga-o taan maanga-o, dhan lakhmee sut dayh ||1||
I beg for honour, I beg for power; (please) bless me with wealth, wife and son. 1
mukiq jugiq Bugiq pUrn prmwnµd prm inDwn ] mukat jugat bhugat pooran parmaanaNd param nidhaan.
(O! Lord, You are the Giver of) liberation, way of life, pleasures; You are the Lord of Supreme
Bliss, and, Supreme Treasure.
BY Bwie Bgiq inhwl nwnk sdw sdw kurbwn ]2]4]49]
bhai bhaa-ay bhagat nihaal, naanak, sadaa sadaa kurbaan. ||2||4||49||
Nanak (says): those who meditate upon You in (noble) fear and love, are enraptured. I am
forever and ever a sacrifice unto You. 2.4.49
P. 1308
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 5
krq krq crc crc crcrI ] karat karat, charach charach charcharee.
(O! brethren) the debaters constantly go on debating and debating and debating.
jog iDAwn ByK igAwn iPrq iPrq Drq Drq DrcrI ]1] rhwau ]
jog dhi-aan, bhaykh gi-aan, firat firat, dharat dharat dharcharee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Some are men of) yoga, concentration, (wearers of religious) robes, (spiritual) scholarship, and,
they wander and wander from land to land (and remain debating). 1 (pause)

AhM AhM AhY Avr mUV mUV mUV bvreI ] ahaN ahaN ahai avar, mooṛ mooṛ mooṛ bavra-ee.
(Some are) egotistical, self-conceited, proud; some are foolish, stupid, idiot; some are crazy.
jiq jwq jwq jwq sdw sdw sdw sdw kwl heI]1] jat jaat jaat jaat, sadaa sadaa sadaa sadaa, kaal ha-ee ||1||
Whereever they go, move, wander, roam, forever and ever, always and constantly, death is
(there) near them (very close; hovering over their heads). 1
mwnu mwnu mwnu iqAwig imrqu imrqu inkit inkit sdw heI ]
maan maan maan ti-aag, mirat mirat nikat nikat sadaa ha-ee.
(O! mortal) give up pride, vanity and ego; (know that) death is always close and near you.
hir hry hry Bwju khqu nwnku sunhu ry mUV ibnu Bjn Bjn Bjn Aihlw jnmu geI ]2]5]50]12]62]
har haray haray bhaaj, kahat naanak, sunhu ray mooṛ,
bin bhajan bhajan bhajan, ahilaa janam ga-ee. ||2||5||50||12||62||
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master; and, listen you, O! fool, without
meditation (upon God) your (human) life is being wasted away uselessly.

kwnVw AstpdIAw mhlw 4 Gru 1 Kaanṛaa, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
jip mn rwm nwmu suKu pwvYgo ] ijau ijau jpY iqvY suKu pwvY siqguru syiv smwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
jap man raam naam, sukh paavaigo.
ji-o ji-o japai, tivai sukh paavai, satgur sayv samaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Name of God; (by meditating) one finds happiness.
The more and more one meditates upon (the Name of God), the more he finds happiness;
serving the True Guru one merges (in the Name of God). 1 (pause)
Bgq jnW kI iKnu iKnu locw nwmu jpq suKu pwvYgo ] An rs swd gey sB nIkir ibnu nwvY ikCu n suKwvYgo ]1]
bhagat janaan kee khin khin lochaa, naam japat sukh paavaigo.
an ras saad ga-ay sabh neekar, bin naavai kichh na sukhaavaigo. ||1||
Each and every moment, the devotee beings long for (meditating upon the Name); by
meditating upon the Name, they find happiness.
(those, who meditate upon the Name) all other tastes and pleasures go away from them; except
the Name, nothing pleases (them). 1
gurmiq hir hir mITw lwgw guru mITy bcn kFwvYgo ] siqgur bwxI purKu purKoqm bwxI isau icqu lwvYgo ]2]
gurmat har har meeṭaa laagaa, gur meeṭay bachan kaḍaavaigo.
satgur baaṇee purakh purkhotam, baaṇee si-o chit laavaigo. ||2||
Through the wisdom of the Guru, God, the Lord, seems sweet to him;
the Guru gets him to speak sweet words.
Through the Word of the True Guru, one realizes the Primal Person, the Supreme Person;
(so) one attaches one’s mind to the Word. 2
gurbwxI sunq myrw mnu dRivAw mnu BInw inj Gir AwvYgo ] qh Anhq DunI bwjih inq bwjy nIJr Dwr cuAwvYgo ]3]
gurbaaṇee sunat mayraa man dravi-aa, man bheenaa nij ghar aavaigo.
tah anhat dhunee baajeh nit baajay, neejhar dhaar chu-aavaigo. ||3||
Hearing the Word of the Guru, my mind melts (i.e. softens), and, it is drenched (with love);
(thus) it (i.e. the mind) returns to one’s own home (i.e. heart);
there, the melody of the unstruck sound resounds constantly; and,
the stream (of nectar Name) remains trickling down constantly . 3
rwm nwmu ieku iql iql gwvY mnu gurmiq nwim smwvYgo ] nwmu suxY nwmo min BwvY nwmy hI iqRpqwvYgo ]4]
raam naam ik til til gaavai, man gurmat naam samaavaigo.
naam suṇai, naamo man bhaavai, naamay hee tariptaavaigo. ||4||
One (who is imbued with the Name) sings the Name of God, by each and every moment; through
the wisdom of the Guru, one is absorbed in the Name. He listens (only) the Name; the Name is
pleasing to his mind; one is satsfied only with the Name. 4
kink kink pihry bhu kMgnw kwpru BWiq bnwvYgo ] nwm ibnw siB PIk iPkwny jnim mrY iPir AwvYgo ]5]
kanik kanik pahiray baho kaNgnaa, kaapar bhaant banaavaigo.
naam binaa sabh feek fikaanay, janam marai fir aavaigo. ||5||
One, who wears many bracelets, glittering with gold, and,
decorates (his body) with many sorts of clothes (i.e. dresses); (but)
without the Name (of the Lord), they are all extremely insipid (i.e. tasteless);
(such a person is) born to die, and, to come again (in reincarnation). 5
mwieAw ptl ptl hY BwrI Gru GUmin Gyir GulwvYgo ]
maa-i-aa patal, patal hai bhaaree, ghar ghooman ghayr ghulaavaigo.
Maya is a veil, and, it is a heavy veil; one’s home (i.e. heart) melts away (i.e. smashes) in the
whirlpool (of vices).
pwp ibkwr mnUr siB Bwry ibKu duqru qirE n jwvYgo ]6]
paap bikaar manoor sabh bhaaray, bikh dutar tari-o na jaavaigo. ||6||
Sins and evil deeds are (very) heavy like slag (of iron);
(one, who has load of sins) the treacherous (world) ocean cannot be crossed over (by him). 6
Bau bYrwgu BieAw hY boihQu guru Kyvtu sbid qrwvYgo ]
bha-o bairaag bha-i-aa hai bohith, gur khayvat sabad taraavaigo.
One, who has found the boat of (noble) fear of (God) and detachment;
the Guru, the boatman, shall carry him across through the Word.
rwm nwmu hir BytIAY hir rwmY nwim smwvYgo ]7]
raam naam har bhaytee-ai, har raamai naam samaavaigo. ||7||
Meditating upon God, one meets God; and, he merges in the Name of God. 7
AigAwin lwie svwilAw gur igAwnY lwie jgwvYgo ]
agi-aan laa-ay savaali-aa, gur gi-aanai laa-ay jagaavaigo.
Attaching (the beings) to ignorance, He leads them to sleep; and,
attaching them to the knowledge (i.e. wisdom) of the Guru, He wakes them.
nwnk BwxY AwpxY ijau BwvY iqvY clwvYgo ]8]1]
naanak, bhaaṇai aapṇai, ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaavaigo ||8||1||
Nanak (says): by His Will, He gets us walk (i.e. He gets us act) as He pleases. 8.1
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
jip mn hir hir nwmu qrwvYgo ] jap man; har har naam taraavaigo.
O! (my) mind, meditate (upon the Name of God); the Name of God, the Lord, carries across.
jo jo jpY soeI giq pwvY ijau DR¨ pRihlwdu smwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
jo jo japai so-ee gat paavai; ji-o dharoo pra-hilaad samaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever meditates (upon Him), is emancipated;
like Dhru* and Prahlaad**, one merges in Him. 1 (pause)
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi was

jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him asking
him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began meditating and
practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Narad (another mythical god), he succeeded in pleasing God].
[** As per another myth, Prehlad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prahlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prahlaad and even tred to kill him. At this, Prahlaad sought the refuge of God,
who appeared as Narsinh (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prahlaad. The myth of Prahlaad has
been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].
P. 1309
ik®pw ik®pw ik®pw kir hir jIau kir ikrpw nwim lgwvYgo ]
kripaa kripaa kripaa kar, har jee-o; kar kripaa naam lagaavaigo.
Grace, Grace, bestow Your Grace (upon me), O! dear God, and, bestowing Your Grace,
(please) attaches me to the (i.e. Your) Name.
kir ikrpw siqgurU imlwvhu imil siqgur nwmu iDAwvYgo ]1]
kar kripaa satguroo milaavhu; mil satgur naam dhi-aavaigo. ||1||
(O! Lord) bestow Your Grace, and, get me to meet with the True Guru;
meeting with the True Guru, one meditates upon the Name (of God). 1
jnm jnm kI haumY mlu lwgI imil sMgiq mlu lih jwvYgo ]
janam janam kee ha-umai mal laagee; mil saNgat mal leh jaavaigo.
The filth of egotism of countless lifetimes (i.e. incarnations) is stuck (to the being);
joining the congregation, this filth is washed away.
ijau lohw qirE sMig kwst lig sbid gurU hir pwvYgo ]2]
ji-o lohaa tari-o saNg kaasat; lag sabad guroo har paavaigo. ||2||
As iron is carried across (the waters) when it is attached to wood;
one, attached to the Word of the Guru, finds (i.e. gets united with) God. 2
sMgiq sMq imlhu sqsMgiq imil sMgiq hir rsu AwvYgo ]
saNgat, saNt, milhu satsaNgat; mil saNgat har ras aavaigo.
Congregation; O! God-oriented persons, join the true congregation;
joining the congregation, one receives (i.e. enjoys/ relishes) the essence of (the Name of) God.
ibnu sMgiq krm krY AiBmwnI kiF pwxI cIkVu pwvYgo ]3]
bin saNgat karam karai abhimaanee; kaḍ paaṇee cheekaṛ paavaigo. ||3||
Without joining the congregation, one act in egotistical pride;
(acting in egotism is like one) draws out (clear) water (from well) and throws it in the mud. 3
Bgq jnw ky hir rKvwry jn hir rsu mIT lgwvYgo ]
bhagat janaa kay har rakhvaaray; jan har ras meeṭ lagaavaigo.
God is the Protector of the devotees beings;
God’s essence (i.e. the Name) seems sweet to His servants (i.e. devotees).
iKnu iKnu nwmu dyie vifAweI siqgur aupdyis smwvYgo ]4]
khin khin naam day-ay vadi-aa-ee; satgur updays samaavaigo. ||4||
Each and every moment, He blesses with glory of the Name (to His devotees);
through the teaching of the True Guru, one is absorbed (in God). 4
Bgq jnw kau sdw iniv rhIAY jn invih qw Pl gun pwvYgo ]
bhagat janaa ka-o sadaa niv rahee-ai; jan niveh taa fal gun paavaigo.
(O! brethren) bow forever (i.e. show respect) to the devotee beings;
bowing to the (devotee) beings, one obtains the fruit of virtues.

jo inMdw dust krih Bgqw kI hrnwKs ijau pic jwvYgo ]5]
jo niNdaa dusat karahi bhagtaa kee; harnaakhas ji-o pach jaavaigo. ||5||
The enemy, who slanders the devotees, is burnt (i.e. destroyed) like Harnaaksh. 5
bRhm kml puqu mIn ibAwsw qpu qwpn pUj krwvYgo ]
brahm kamal put meen bi-aasaa; tap taapan pooj karaavaigo.
Brahma, the son of the lotus* and Biaasa (i.e. Vyaas), the son of the fish*, practised penance,
and (in spite of their low birth, i.e. from the flower and the fish) they were worshipped.
[*According to a myth, Brahma was born from the naval of (of Vishnu); and, Vyaas was born to Machhodari, a fish].
jo jo Bgqu hoie so pUjhu Brmn Brmu cukwvYgo ]6]
jo jo bhagat ho-ay so poojahu; bharman bharam chukaavaigo. ||6||
Whosoever is a devotee, worship him;
(by worshipping) the doubts, big doubts (of the devotees) are dispelled. 6
jwq njwiq dyiK mq Brmhu suk jnk pgIN lig iDAwvYgo ]
jaat najaat daykh mat bharmahu; suk janak pageen lag dhi-aavaigo.
(O! brethren) do not get strayed by high and low caste (i.e. social status);
(remember that) Suk (i.e. Sukdev)* bowed at the feet of Janak and meditated (upon God).
[* Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached person,
but, when, he visited him, he found that Janak was really a detached person and had complete faith in the Will and the
Command of God].
jUTn jUiT peI isr aUpir iKnu mnUAw iqlu n fulwvYgo ]7]
jooṭan jooṭ pa-ee sir oopar; khin manoo-aa til na dulaavaigo. ||7||
Even though left-over food and garbage was thrown on his (i.e Sukdev’s) head (by Janak);
(in spite of this) his (i.e. Sukdev’s) mind did not waver even a little bit and even for an instant. 7
jnk jnk bYTy isMGwsin nau munI DUir lY lwvYgo ]
janak janak baithay siNghaasan; na-o munee dhoor lai laavaigo.
(Though) Janak, (king) Janak sat on his throne, (yet) he took the dust (of the feet) of nine God-
oriented persons and applied (that to his forehead).
nwnk ik®pw ik®pw kir Twkur mY dwsin dws krwvYgo ]8]2]
naanak, kripaa kripaa kar ṭaakur mai; daasan daas karaavaigo. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): O! Master, (please) bestow Your Grace and Mercy upon me, and, make me the
slave of Your slaves (i.e. devotee of devotee) ) . 8.2
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
mnu gurmiq ris gun gwvYgo ] man gurmat ras gun gaavaigo.
O! mind, follow the wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, and joyfully sing (the praise of) the
excellences (of God).
ijhvw eyk hoie lK kotI lK kotI koit iDAwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
jihvaa ayk ho-ay lakh kotee, lakh kotee kot dhi-aavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If the tongue becomes hundreds of thousands and tens of millions (of tongues); (all these
tongues) meditate (upon God) hundreds of thousands and tens of millions over tens of millions
of times. 1 (pause)
shs PnI jipE syKnwgY hir jpiqAw AMqu n pwvYgo ]
sahas fanee japi-o saykhnaagai; har japti-aa aNt na paavaigo.
Sheshnag (the serpent king) chanted (the Name of God) with his thousands heads (i.e. mouths);
(but even) with this meditation upon God, he could not find His end.

qU AQwhu Aiq Agmu Agmu hY miq gurmiq mnu ThrwvYgo ]1]
too athaahu at agam agam hai, mat gurmat man ṭehraavaigo. ||1||
(O! God) You are immeasurable, utterly unapproachable and inaccessible;
through the wisdom of the Guru, the mind becomes stable. 1
ijn qU jipE qyeI jn nIky hir jpiqAhu kau suKu pwvYgo ]
jin too japi-o, tay-ee jan neekay; har japti-ahu ka-o sukh paavaigo.
Those, who have meditated upon You are beautiful (i.e. exalted) servants (i.e. devotees);
meditating upon God, one obtains (spiritual) happiness.
ibdr dwsI suqu Cok Cohrw ik®snu AMik gil lwvYgo ]2]
bidar daasee sut chhok chhohraa, krisan aNk gal laavaigo. ||2||
Bidar*, the son of a slave-maid, was an untouchable boy, (but)
Krishan hugged him in his embrace. 2
[*As per the Mahabharat, Vidur / Bidar was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtr and Pandu of Hastinapur, born the
son of the sage Vyasa and Parishrami, the maid to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Vidur was raised and
educated by Bhisham as the half-brother of Dhritarashtr and Pandu. However, since neither of his parents were of the
royal blood, he was made counsellor to his brothers, the kings, rather than a king himself. Krishan respected Vidur for his
devotion to the people's welfare. When Krishan visited Hastinapur as an emissary of the Pandavs, he shunned
Duryodhan's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the home of Vidur].
jl qy Epiq BeI hY kwst kwst AMig qrwvYgo ] jal tay opat bha-ee hai kaasat, kaasat aNg taraavaigo.
The wood is produced from water, and, it (i.e. water) holds on the wood on its body (i.e. surface)
and saves the wood (from drowning).
rwm jnw hir Awip svwry Apnw ibrdu rKwvYgo ]3]
raam janaa har aap savaaray, apnaa birad rakhaavaigo. ||3||
God Himself embellishes His servants (i.e. devotees), and, thus, preserves (i.e. confirms) His
innate nature (to protect). 3
hm pwQr loh loh bf pwQr gur sMgiq nwv qrwvYgo ]
ham paathar loh, loh bad paathar, gur saNgat naav taraavaigo.
I am (like) a stone and (a piece of) iron; (but) in the boat of the congregation, the Guru carries
(even) iron and big stone across (the world ocean).
ijau sqsMgiq qirE julwho sMq jnw min BwvYgo ]4]
ji-o satsaNgat tari-o julaaho, saNt janaa man bhaavaigo. ||4||
Just as the weaver (Kabeer) was saved in the true congregation.
He (i.e. God) is pleasing to the minds of the God-oriented persons. 4
Kry Kroey bYTq aUTq mwrig pMiQ iDAwvYgo ] kharay kharo-ay, baiṭat ooṭat, maarag paNth dhi-aavaigo.
(O! brethren, the devotee of God) while standing and standing up, sitting down and rising up
and walking on path, meditate (upon God).
siqgur bcn bcn hY siqgur pwDru mukiq jnwvYgo ]5]
satgur bachan, bachan hai satgur; paadhar mukat janaavaigo. ||5||
The True Guru is (in his) Word, and, the Word is the True Guru;
(the True Guru) makes known (i.e. teaches) the way of liberation. 5
swsin swis swis blu pweI hY inhswsin nwmu iDAwvYgo ]
saasan saas, saas bal paa-ee hai; nihsaasan naam dhi-aavaigo.
Each and every breath, and breath (of life), one is blessed by His Power; (hence)
one meditates upon the Name of the Absolute (Lord).

gur prswdI haumY bUJY qO gurmiq nwim smwvYgo ]6]
gur parsaadee ha-umai boojhai, tou gurmat naam samaavaigo. ||6||
By the Grace of the Guru, egotism is extinguished (i.e. stilled); and,
then, through the wisdom of the Guru, one is merged in the Name (of the Lord). 6
P. 1310
siqguru dwqw jIA jIAn ko BwghIn nhI BwvYgo] satgur daataa jee-a jee-an ko; bhaagheen nahee bhaavaigo.
The True Guru is the giver of the (spiritual) life to the beings;
the unfortunate ones do not love him.
iPir eyh vylw hwiQ n AwvY prqwpY pCuqwvYgo ]7] fir ayh vaylaa haath na aavai; partaapai pachhutaavaigo ||7||
This time (i.e. opportunity / human life) does not come into hands again; (then)
one laments and repents (i.e. regrets for not having availed this opportun ity). 7
jy ko Blw loVY Bl Apnw gur AwgY Fih Fih pwvYgo ]
jay ko bhalaa loṛai bhal apnaa; gur aagai ḍeh ḍeh paavaigo.
If someone wishes good and well-being of himself; he should bow to and prostrate before the
nwnk dieAw dieAw kir Twkur mY siqgur Bsm lgwvYgo ]8]3]
naanak, da-i-aa da-i-aa kar ṭaakur; mai satgur bhasam lagaavaigo. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): O! Master, (please) bestow Your Kindness and Mercy (upon me), that I may
apply the dust (of the feet) of the True Guru (to my forehead). 8.3

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4

mnu hir rMig rwqw gwvYgo ] man har raNg raataa gaavaigo.
The mind, imbued with the love of God, sings (His praise).
BY BY qRws Bey hY inrml gurmiq lwig lgwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
bhai bhai taraas bha-ay hai nirmal, gurmat laag lagaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the fear (of God), fears get frightened (i.e. dispelled), and, one becomes immaculate, (for this)
one applies mordant of (i.e. one is dyed in love), through the wisdom of the Guru. 1 (pause)
hir rMig rwqw sd bYrwgI hir inkit iqnw Gir AwvYgo ]
har raNg raataa sad bairaagee, har nikat tinaa ghar aavaigo.
He, who is imbued with the love of God, is detached;
God is close to them, and, comes to (dwell in) their home (i.e. heart).
iqn kI pMk imlY qW jIvw kir ikrpw Awip idvwvYgo ]1]
tin kee paNk milai taan jeevaa, kar kirpaa aap divaavaigo. ||1||
If I am blessed with their (feet) dust , then I live (spiritually);
bestowing His Grace, He Himself gets it granted. 1
duibDw loiB lgy hY pRwxI min korY rMgu n AwvYgo] dubidhaa lobh lagay hai praaṇee, man korai ra g na aavaigo.
The mortal beings are attached to duality and greed;
the unwashed (i.e. unbleached) mind does not accept the dye (of the Name of the Lord).
iPir aulitE jnmu hovY gur bcnI guru purKu imlY rMgu lwvYgo ]2]
fir ulti-o janam hovai gur bachnee, gur purakh milai raNg laavaigo. ||2||
The life is transformed through the teachings of the Guru;
meeting the Guru, the Primal person, one is dyed in (the colour of) the love (of the Lord). 2

ieMdRI dsy dsy Puin Dwvq qRY guxIAw iKnu n itkwvYgo ]
indree dasay, dasay fun dhaavat, tarai guṇee-aa khin na tikaavaigo.
(One has) ten organs*, they wander again and again, in ten (i.e. all) directions;
under (the influence of) the three gunaas** (i.e. three qualities f Maya), they (i.e. ten organs) do
not remain stable even for an instant.
[*Ten organs are: five organs of sense (ears, eyes, skin, tongue. nose) and five organs of action (mouth, hands, feet, anus,
penis); some consider intellect/ mind as the eleventh organ.
**guna, literally: quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world, are subject to these qualities.].
siqgur prcY vsgiq AwvY moK mukiq so pwvYgo ]3] satgur parchai vasgat aavai, mokh mukat so paavaigo||3||
(When) one reposes faith in the True Guru, (the t
EAMkwir eyko riv rihAw sBu eyks men) are brought under control; (and, then)
one attains liberation. 3wih smwvYgo ] o-aNkaar ayko rav rahi-aa, sabh aykas maahi samaavaigo.
The (One) Creator (unmanifest and manifestLord) alone is pervading (every where);
(finally) all merge in the One(once again) .
eyko rUpu eyko bhu rMgI sBu eykqu bcin clwvYgo ]4]
ayko roop, ayko baho raNgee, sabh aykat bachan chalaavaigo. ||4||
He has one form, and, He Himself is in (i.e. manifests Himself in) many colours;
He gets all to act according to one Word (i.e. His Command). 4
gurmuiK eyko eyku pCwqw gurmuiK hoie lKwvYgo ] gurmukh ayko ayk pachhaataa, gurmukh ho-ay lakhaavaigo.
The Guru-oriented one realizes the One and the One alone;
becoming Guru-oriented, one realizes (this mystery).
gurmuiK jwie imlY inj mhlI Anhd sbdu bjwvYgo ]5]
gurmukh jaa-ay milai nij mahlee, anhad sabad bajaavaigo. ||5||
The Guru-oriented one goes and meets Him in His mansion within (i.e. within the heart);
(the melody of) the unstruck Word is played therein. 5
jIA jMq sB issit aupweI gurmuiK soBw pwvYgo ] jee-a jaNt sabh sisat upaa-ee; gurmukh sobhaa paavaigo.
God has created all the beings and creatures of the universe, (but)
the Guru-oriented one (alone) is blessed with glory.
ibnu gur Byty ko mhlu n pwvY Awie jwie duKu pwvYgo ]6]
bin gur bhaytay, ko mahal na paavai, aa-ay jaa-ay dukh paavaigo. ||6||
Without meeting the Guru, no one can obtains the mansion (of the Lord);
(without the Guru) one suffers the pain of coming and going (in reincarnation). 6
Anyk jnm ivCuVy myry pRIqm kir ikrpw gurU imlwvYgo ]
anayk janam vichhuṛay mayray preetam, kar kirpaa guroo milaavaigo.
For countless life-times, (the beings) are separated from my Beloved;
through His Grace, they are (re)united (with Him) by the Guru.
siqgur imlq mhw suKu pwieAw miq mlIn ibgswvYgo ]7]
satgur milat mahaa sukh paa-i-aa, mat maleen bigsaavaigo. ||7||
Meeting the True Guru, one obtains great bliss, and,
the polluted wisdom blossoms forth (again into noble wisdom). 7

hir hir ik®pw krhu jgjIvn mY srDw nwim lgwvYgo ]
har har kirpaa karahu jagjeevan, mai sardhaa naam lagaavaigo.
O! God, O! Lord, O! Life to the Universe, (please) bestow Your Grace; that,
I may have faith and (Your) Name.
nwnk gurU gurU hY siqguru mY siqguru srin imlwvYgo ]8]4]
naanak, guroo guroo hai satgur, mai satgur saran milaavaigo. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): the great Guru is the True Guru; and,
the True Guru attaches me to the refuge (of God). 8.4

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4

mn gurmiq cwl clwvYgo ] ma, gurmat chaal chalaavaigo.
the mind walks on the (right) path, through the wisdom of the Guru.
ijau mYglu msqu dIjY qil kuMfy gur AMksu sbdu idRVwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o maigal masat deejai tal kunday, gur aNkas sabad dariṛ-aavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Just as an intoxicated elephant is placed (under control) with the goad,
(the human mind is controlled when) Guru, the goad, implants the Word (in the mind). 1 (pause)
clqO clY clY dh dh idis guru rwKY hir ilv lwvYgo ]
chaltou chalai, chalai dah dah dis, gur raakhai har liv laavaigo.
The fickle (mind) wanders, (and it) wanders in ten directions;
the Guru holds it (i.e. stops it from wandering around), and, lovingly attunes it to God.
siqguru sbdu dyie ird AMqir muiK AMimRqu nwmu cuAwvYgo ]1]
satgur sabad day-ay rid aNtar, mukh aMmrit naam chu-aavaigo. ||1||
The True Guru places (i.e. implants) the Word within the heart; and,
he causes AMmrit Name to trickle into the mouth. 1
ibsIAr ibsU Bry hY pUrn guru gruV sbdu muiK pwvYgo ]
bisee-ar bisoo bharay hai pooran, gur garuṛ sabad mukh paavaigo.
The snakes are totally filled with poison;
the perfect Guru places the Word, the Garuṛ* (spell), in the mouth (and saves from poison).
[*In mythology, Garuṛ/ Garuda is the mount (carriage) of Vishnu (a mythical god); it is depicted as having the golden
body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak. Garuṛ/ Garuda is also depicted as the eternal
sworn enemy of the serpents, and, is known for feeding exclusively on snakes. Garuṛ/ Garuda is presented as the magical
spell or amulet to protect from snake attack and poison].
mwieAw BuieAMg iqsu nyiV n AwvY ibKu Jwir Jwir ilv lwvYgo ]2]
maa-i-aa bhu-i-aNg tis nayṛ na aavai, bikh jhaar jhaar liv laavaigo. ||2||
Maya, the serpent does not (even) come near the one whose poison is shaken off and cast off,
and he is lovingly attached (to the Name of God). 2
suAwnu loBu ngr mih sblw guru iKn mih mwir kFwvYgo ]
su-aan lobh nagar meh sablaa, gur khin meh maar kadhaavaigo.
In this city (of body), the dog of greed is very powerful; (but)
the Guru, strikes and thrashes and drives it out in an instant.
squ sMqoKu Drmu Awin rwKy hir ngrI hir gun gwvYgo ]3]
sat saNtokh dharam aan raakhay, har nagree har gun gaavaigo. ||3||
(The Guru) brings and places (i.e. enshrines) truth, contentedness and faith, in the city of God
(i.e. in the heart); and, one sings (the praise of) the excellences of God. 3

P. 1311
pMkj moh inGrqu hY pRwnI guru inGrq kwiF kFwvYgo ]
paNkaj moh nighrat hai praanee, gur nighrat kaaḍ kaḍaavaigo.
The mortal being is sinking in the mud of (emotional) attachment,
the Guru (bestows His Grace and) takes him out from (the mud and saves him from) sinking.
qRwih qRwih srin jn Awey guru hwQI dy inklwvYgo ]4]
taraahi taraahi saran jan aa-ay, gur haathee day niklaavaigo. ||4||
The servants(i.e. devotees) come (to the Guru) crying: ‘save’, save’ (me),
the Guru gives (i.e. extends) his hand and takes him out (of the swamp of emotional attachment). 4
supnµqru sMswru sBu bwjI sBu bwjI Kylu iKlwvYgo ]
supnaNtar saNsaar sabh baajee, sabh baajee khayl khilaavaigo.
The whole world is all a game in a dream;
He (Himself) plays all the game and gets it to be played.
lwhw nwmu gurmiq lY cwlhu hir drgh pYDw jwvYgo ]5]
laahaa naam gurmat lai chaalahu, har dargeh paidhaa jaavaigo. ||5||
(O! brethren, so) earn the profit of the Name, through the wisdom of the Guru,
(he, who has the Name with him) goes to the Court of God with honour. 5
haumY krY krwvY haumY pwp koiely Awin jmwvYgo ]
ha-umai karai, karaavai ha-umai, paap ko-ilay aan jamaavaigo.
One (who) acts in egotism, and, gets others to act in egotism,
he gathers the coals (i.e. blackness) of sins.
AwieAw kwlu duKdweI hoey jo bIjy so KvlwvYgo ]6]
aa-i-aa kaal dukh-daa-ee ho-ay, jo beejay so khalaavaigo. ||6||
When death comes, these (sins) lead to sufferings; one(reaps and) eats, what he plants. 6
sMqhu rwm nwmu Dnu sMchu lY Krcu cly piq pwvYgo ]
saNtahu raam naam dhan saNchahu, lai kharach chalay pat paavaigo.
O! God-oriented persons, gather the wealth of the Name of God;
he, who has it (i.e. wealth of the Name) with him for spending, obtains honour (in the Court of
Kwie Kric dyvih bhuqyrw hir dydy qoit n AwvYgo ]7]
khaa-ay kharach dayveh bahutayraa, har dayday tot na aavaigo. ||7||
(Those, who have the wealth of the Name with them) they eat (i.e. consume themselves), spend and
give abundantly (in charity); God gives them (constantly), and, there is no (i.e. never)
deficiency. 7
rwm nwm Dnu hY ird AMqir Dnu gur srxweI pwvYgo ]
raam naam dhan hai rid aNtar, dhan gur sarṇaa-ee paavaigo.
The wealth of the Name of God is within the heart; this wealth is found in the refuge of Guru.
nwnk dieAw dieAw kir dInI duKu dwldu BMij smwvYgo ]8]5]
naanak, da-i-aa da-i-aa kar deenee, dukh daalad bhaNj samaavaigo. ||8||5||
Nanak (says): (the wealth of the Name) is blessed by His Mercy and Compassion;
removing sufferings and poverty, He merges (one with Himself). 8.5

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] Kaanṛaa, Mehlaa 4
mnu siqgur srin iDAwvYgo ] man satgur saran dhi-aavaigo.
The mind meditates (upon God) in the refuge of the True Guru.
lohw ihrnu hovY sMig pwrs gunu pwrs ko hoie AwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
lohaa hiran hovai saNg paaras, gun paaras ko ho-ay aavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Iron turns (i.e. is transformed) into gold, by touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), and,
then it takes on the qualities of the paaras. 1 (pause)
siqguru mhw purKu hY pwrsu jo lwgY so Plu pwvYgo ] satgur mahaa purakh hai paaras, jo laagai so fal paavaigo.
The True Guru, (the image of) the great Primal Person, is the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone);
whoever is attached to him, obtains the fruit (of the Name).
ijau gur aupdyis qry pRihlwdw guru syvk pYj rKwvYgo ]1]
ji-o gur updays taray par-hilaadaa, gur sayvak paij rakhaavaigo. ||1||
Just as Prahlaad was emancipated by the teachings of the Guru,
the Guru protects the honour of the servants (i.e. devotees of God). 1
siqgur bcnu bcnu hY nIko gur bcnI AMimRqu pwvYgo ]
satgur bachan bachan hai neeko, gur bachnee aMmrit paavaigo.
The teaching of the True Guru, are sublime teachings;
through the teachings of the Guru, AMmrit is obtained.
ijau AMbrIik Amrw pd pwey siqgur muK bcn iDAwvYgo ]2]
ji-o aMbreek* amraa pad paa-ay, satgur mukh bachan dhi-aavaigo. ||2||
Just as Ambrik* (i.e. Ambarish), who attained the status of immortality,
(to attain that status) one meditates upon the Word (uttered) from the mouth of the True Guru. 2
[*According the Bhagavata Purana, king Ambarisha performed a yajna, and, Narayana was pleased to bless him with his
‘Sudarshana Chakra’ as a shield of protection over him. Once, Ambarisha performed a religious rite known as the
Ekadashi and Dvadashi vrata, for 1 year (i.e. the king would fast on the 11th day of every lunar month, and break his fast
the following day). As the moment for breaking this fast drew near, sage Durvasa arrived; Ambarisha received him with
due respect. Durvasa agreed to the king's request to be his honoured guest, and asked the king to wait until he had finished
his bath in the river Yamuna. The auspicious moment soon arrived when the king had to break his fast, but Durvasa had
not yet returned from his bath. Ambarisha was in a dilemma, as, on the one hand, it was impolite to take food before
serving a guest, but on the other, the time had come for the fast to be broken. After consulting his priests, the king broke his
fast by taking a sip of water, and awaited Durvasa's arrival to offer him food. Durvasa felt that Ambarisha had violated the
respect due to a guest by breaking his fast before the guest had taken his meal, and in his rage created a demon to kill
Ambarisha, out of a strand of his hair. Narayana’s Sudarshana Chakra intervened, destroyed the demon and started
chasing Durvasa himself. Durvasa went to Brahma and Shiva for protection. Both expressed thei inability to save him.
Durvasa next went to Narayana himself, who said that he could do nothing as he was bound by the devotion of Ambarisha
and suggested that he should seek the pardon of Ambarisha. Durvasa took this advice and returned to Ambarisha, who
prayed to Vishnu to recall the Sudarshana and save the sage, whereby the ‘chakra’ ceased to afflict him].
siqgur srin srin min BweI suDw suDw kir iDAwvYgo ]
satgur saran, saran man bhaa-ee, sudhaa sudhaa kar dhi-aavaigo.
The refuge of the True Guru, is the refuge that is pleasing to the mind;
considering it immortalizing AMmrit, one meditates upon it.
dieAwl dIn Bey hY siqgur hir mwrgu pMQu idKwvYgo ]3]
da-i-aal deen bha-ay hai satgur; har maarag paNth dikhaavaigo. ||3||
The True Guru is Merciful to the poor, he shows the path, the way, of (union with) God. 3
siqgur srin pey sy Qwpy iqn rwKn kau pRBu AwvYgo ]
satgur saran pa-ay, say thaapay; tin raakhan ka-o prabh aavaigo.
Those, who have entered the refuge of the True Guru, are established (i.e. honoured),
the Lord (Himself) comes to protect them.

jy ko sru sMDY jn aUpir iPir aulto iqsY lgwvYgo ]4] jay ko sar sa dhai jan oopar, fir ulto tisai lagaavaigo.||4||
If someone aims his arrow at the servants (i.e. devotees of God),
it turns around and hits that person (who had shot at God’s devotee) instead. 4
hir hir hir hir hir sru syvih iqn drgh mwnu idvwvYgo ]
har har, har har, har sar sayveh, tin dargeh maan divaavaigo.
God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, the Omnipresent (Lord) is the pool (of AMmrit ); one
who serves (i.e. meditates upon Him), He (i.e. the Lord) gets him honoured in His Court.
gurmiq gurmiq gurmiq iDAwvih hir gil imil myil imlwvYgo ]5]
gurmat gurmat gurmat dhi-aavahi, har gal mil mayl milaavaigo. ||5||
Those, who meditate upon the wisdom of the Guru, teachings of the Guru, instructions of the
Guru, God hugs them in His embrace, and, unites them in union (with Himself). 5
gurmuiK nwdu bydu hY gurmuiK gur prcY nwmu iDAwvYgo ]
gurmukh naad, bayd hai gurmukh, gur parchai naam dhi-aavaigo.
For the Guru-oriented one, it (i.e. the Guru’s Word) is the (celestial) sound, for the Guru-
oriented one, it (i.e. the Guru’s word) is (the knowledge of) the Vedas; (through) the Guru’s
knowledge, they meditate upon the Name.
hir hir rUpu hir rUpo hovY hir jn kau pUj krwvYgo ]6]
har har roop, har roopo hovai, har jan ka-o pooj karaavaigo. ||6||
(One, who sees) image of God, the Lord (everywhere), (he himself) becomes the image of God;
God gets His servant (i.e. devotee) worshipped (i.e. honoured everywhere). 6
swkq nr siqguru nhI kIAw qy bymuK hir BrmwvYgo ]
saakat nar satgur nahee kee-aa, tay baymukh har bharmaavaigo.
The non-believer does not come to (the refuge of) the True Guru;
God gets the self-oriented (i.e. non-believer) wander (in reincarnation).
loB lhir suAwn kI sMgiq ibKu mwieAw krMig lgwvYgo ]7]
lobh lahar su-aan kee sangat, bikh maa-i-aa karaNg lagaavaigo. ||7||
The waves of greed are (like) the company of a dog,
(as dog sticks to skeleton of the dead animals) one sticks to the skeleton of poison of Maya. 7
rwm nwmu sB jg kw qwrku lig sMgiq nwmu iDAwvYgo ]
raam naam sabh jag kaa taarak, lag saNgat naam dhi-aavaigo.
The Name of God is the Saviour of the whole world,
(he is saved who) joins the congregation and meditates upon the Name.
nwnk rwKu rwKu pRB myry sqsMgiq rwiK smwvYgo ]8]6]
naanak, raakh raakh prabh mayray, satsaNgat raakh samaavaigo. ||8||6||
Nanak (says): protect me, save me, O! my Lord;
keeping in the true congregation, He merges (one in Himself). 8.6
Ckw 1 Chhakaa 1
One sixer (i.e. the above set of six poems is by Guru Ram Das).
P. 1312
kwnVw CMq mhlw 5 Kaanṛaa, chha t, Mehlaa 5 N

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth

sy auDry ijn rwm iDAwey ] say udhray, jin raam dhi-aa-ay.
They alone are emancipated who meditated upon (the Name of) God.
jqn mwieAw ky kwim n Awey ] jatan maa-i-aa kay kaam na aa-ay.
(On the other hand) the efforts for (gathering) wealth are of no use (at the very last moment).
rwm iDAwey siB Pl pwey Din DMin qy bfBwgIAw ]
raam dhi-aa-ay sabh fal paa-ay, dhan dhaNn tay badbhaagee-aa.
(Those, who) meditate upon God, obtain all fruits; they are blessed, blessed and greatly
sqsMig jwgy nwim lwgy eyk isau ilv lwgIAw ] satsaNg jaagay naam laagay, ayk si-o liv laagee-aa.
(Those, who) remain awake(from sleep in attachment to Maya) in the true congregation, are
attached to the Name; and, they are lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
qij mwn moh ibkwr swDU lig qrau iqn kY pwey ] taj maan moh bikaar saadhoo lag, tara-o tin kai paa-ay.
(Those, who) abandon pride, (emotional) attachment and vices, by attaching themselves to the
God-oriented persons; (I wish) I should be carried across (the world ocean) by attaching to
their feet.
ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI bfBwig drsnu pwey ]1]
binvaNt naanak, saraṇ su-aamee, badbhaag darsan paa-ay. ||1||
Nanak prays: (those who) seek the refuge of the Master, by great (good) fortune, they behold
the vision (of the God-oriented persons). 1
imil swDU inq Bjh nwrwiex ] mil saadhoo nit bhajah naaraa-iṇ*.
(O! brethren) join the God-oriented persons, and, continually meditate upon Omnipresent*
[*Naaraain, literally: dwelling in all beings; i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
rsik rsik suAwmI gux gwiex ] rasak rasak su-aamee guṇ gaa-iṇ.
Let us sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Master with joy and pleasure.
gux gwie jIvh hir Aimau pIvh jnm mrxw Bwgey ]
guṇ gaa-ay jeevah, har ami-o peevah, janam marṇaa bhaag-ay.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences (of the Master), we live (spiritually), and, drinking in the
AMmrit (Name) of God, (the cycle of) birth and death is finished.
sqsMig pweIAY hir iDAweIAY bhuiV dUKu n lwgey ]
satsaNg paa-ee-ai, har dhi-aa-ee-ai, bahuṛ dookh na laag-ay.
(O! brethren, let us) find (i.e. join) the true congregation and meditate upon (the Name of) God;
(then) we shall never again be afflicted with sorrow.
kir dieAw dwqy purK ibDwqy sMq syv kmwiex ] kar da-i-aa daatay, purakh bidhaatay, saNt sayv kamaa-iṇ.
(Please) bestow Your Mercy (upon us), O! Giver, O! Primal Person, Architect of Destiny, that
we may earn (i.e. perform) the service of the God-oriented persons.
ibnvMiq nwnk jn DUir bWCih hir dris shij smwiex ]2]
binvaNt naanak, jan dhoor baanchheh, har daras sahj samaa-iṇ. ||2||
Prays Nanak: I long for the dust (of the feet) of the servants (i.e. devotees of God), who are
absorbed in the vision of God, with natural ease. 2
sgly jMq Bjhu gopwlY ] saglay jaNt bhajahu gopaalai.
O! all beings, meditate upon the Sustainer of the World.

jp qp sMjm pUrn GwlY ] jap tap saNjam pooran ghaalai.
(This brings the merits of) meditation, penance (i.e. austerity), discipline and perfect service.
inq Bjhu suAwmI AMqrjwmI sPl jnmu sbwieAw ]
nit bhajahu su-aamee aNtarjaamee, safal janam sabaa-i-aa.
(O! brethren, let us) meditate continuously upon the Master, the Controller of Souls, (with this)
all the life becomes fruitful (i.e. successful).
goibdu gweIAY inq iDAweIAY prvwxu soeI AwieAw ] gobid gaa-ee-ai, nit dhi-aa-ee-ai, parvaaṇ so-ee aa-i-aa.
One, who sings (the praise) and meditates continuously upon the Lord of the World, his
coming (into the world) is approved (in the Court of the Lord).
jp qwp sMjm hir hir inrMjn goibMd Dnu sMig cwlY ]
jap taap saNjam, har har niraNjan, gobiNd dhan saNg chaalai.
(Meditating upon the Name of) God, the Lord, the Immaculate (Lord), the Lord of the World,
(brings in merits of) meditation, penance (i.e. austerity), discipline; and, (this) wealth (alone)
goes along with one (in the end).
ibnvMiq nwnk kir dieAw dIjY hir rqnu bwDau pwlY ]3]
binvaNt naanak, kar da-i-aa deejai, har ratan baadha-o paalai. ||3||
Prays Nanak: O! God, (please) bestow Your Mercy and bless me with the jewel (of the Name),
that I may tie it to the hem of my robe (i.e. may preserve it with me for the last moment). 3
mMglcwr coj Awnµdw ] kir ikrpw imly prmwnµdw ]
maNgalchaar, choj, aanaNdaa. kar kirpaa milay parmaanaNdaa.
(It is) occasions of festivity, playfulness and bliss (for the soul bride),
(when) the Lord of Supreme Bliss meets (the soul bride) by His Grace.
pRB imly suAwmI suKhgwmI ieC mn kI puMnIAw ]
prabh milay su-aamee sukhhagaamee, ichh man kee puNnee-aa.
One (i.e. the soul bride) who meets the Lord, the Master, the Bringer of Happiness, all her
desires of mind are fulfilled.
bjI bDweI shjy smweI bhuiV dUiK n ruMnIAw ]
bajee badhaa-ee, sehjay samaa-ee, bahuṛ dookh na ruNnee-aa.
Congratulations pour in (her mind), and, she is absorbed (in the Lord) with natural ease; and,
she never cries again in pain (of separation).
ly kMiT lwey suK idKwey ibkwr ibnsy mMdw ] ibnvMiq nwnk imly suAwmI purK prmwnµdw ]4]1]
lay kaNṭ laa-ay, sukh dikhaa-ay, bikaar binsay maNdaa.
binvaNt naanak, milay su-aamee, purakh parmaanaNdaa. ||4||1||
He takes her in His embraces, blesses her with (spiritual) happiness; and, evil and vices vanish
(from within her); (whom does He bless so, is explained in the following line):
Prays Nanak: (the soul bride), meets the Master, the Primal Person, the Embodiment of
Supreme bliss. 4.1
kwnVy kI vwr mhlw 4 mUsy kI vwr kI DunI
Kaanṛay kee vaar, Mehlaa 4, Moosay kee vaar* kee dhunee
[*As per the heading, this ballad is to be sung on the tune of the ‘ballad of (bravery of) Musa’, which was very popular in
those days. Musa was a brave chieftain of a state and was engaged to a beautiful princess. Later, the parents of the bride
got her married to another royal family. When Musa came to know about this, he led an army and attacked the chief who
had married her. This was followed by a fierece battle in which Musa was victorious. He captured the bride and the
bridegroom and took them to his palace as prisoners. When she was presented before her, he asked her: ‘what is your

decision now?’; at this she boldly replied: ‘I am your prisoner and you can do whatever you wish, but, I shall remain the
wife of the one I have married ’. This courageous answer moved the heart of Musa and he released her and her husband.
The minstrel composed a ballad in praise of the courageousness and justice imparted by Musa].

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
rwm nwmu inDwnu hir gurmiq rKu aur Dwir ] raam naam nidhaan har, gurmat rakh ur dhaar.
(O! brethren) the Name of God is the treasure of God; enshrine it within your heart through
the wisdom of the Guru.
dwsn dwsw hoie rhu haumY ibiKAw mwir ] daasan daasaa ho-ay rahu ha-umai bikhi-aa maar.
Kill (i.e. get rid of) egotism and poison (i.e. Maya) and become the slave of the slaves (of God).
jnmu pdwrQu jIiqAw kdy n AwvY hwir ] janam padaarath jeeti-aa kaday na aavai haar.
(Thus), you shall win the wealth of life, and, you shall never lose (the game of life).
Dnu Dnu vfBwgI nwnkw ijn gurmiq hir rsu swir ]1]
dhan dhan vadbhaagee naankaa jin gurmat har ras saar. ||1||
Nanak (says): blessed, blessed and greatly fortunate are those, who preserve (i.e. enshrine in
their heart) the essence of (the Name of) God, through the wisdom of the Guru. 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
goivMdu goivdu goivdu hir goivdu guxI inDwnu ] goviNd govid govid har govid guṇee nidhaan.
The Lord of the World, the Lord of the World, the Lord of the World, God, the Lord of the
World, is the treasure of excellences.
goivdu goivdu gurmiq iDAweIAY qW drgh pweIAY mwnu ]
govid govid gurmat dhi-aa-ee-ai, taan dargeh paa-ee-ai maan.
Let us meditate upon the Lord of the World, the Lord of the World, through the wisdom of
Guru, then, we shall obtain honour in the Court (of the Lord).
P. 1313
goivdu goivdu goivdu jip muKu aUjlw prDwnu ] govid govid govid jap, mukh oojlaa, pardhaan.
Meditating upon the Lord of the World, the Lord of the World, the Lord of the World, one’s
face radiates and one is known as prominent (i.e. is honourable/ exalted).
nwnk guru goivMdu hir ijqu imil hir pwieAw nwmu ]2] naanak, gur govi d har, jit mil har paa-i-aa naam. ||2||
Nanak (says): the Guru is (the image of) God, the Lord of the World; meeting him one obtains
the Name of God. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qUM Awpy hI isD swiDko qU Awpy hI jug jogIAw ] tooN aapay hee sidh saadhiko, too aapay hee jug jogee-aa.
(O! Lord) You Yourself are the sidh (i.e. accomplished in spiritual powers); (You are) the
accomplishing one (i.e. becoming perfect); and, You Yourself are the uniting yogi.
qU Awpy hI rs rsIAVw qU Awpy hI Bog BogIAw ]
too aapay hee ras rasee-aṛaa, too aapay hee bhog bhogee-aa.
(O! Lord) You Yourself are the Taster of the tastes, and, You Yourself are the Enjoyer of
enjoyments (i.e. pleasures).

qU Awpy Awip vrqdw qU Awpy krih su hogIAw ] too aapay aap varatdaa, too aapay karahi so hogee-aa.
You Yourself are pervading (everywhere), whatever You Yourself do, comes to happen.
sqsMgiq siqgur DMnu Dnuo DMn DMn Dno ijqu imil hir bulg bulogIAw ]
satsaNgat satgur dhaNn dhano, dhaNn dhaNn dhano, jit mil har bulag bulogee-aa.
Blessed, blessed is the true Congregation of the True Guru; (it is) blessed, blessed, blessed;
meeting it the chant of (i.e. the praise of) God is chanted.
siB khhu muKhu hir hir hry hir hir hry hir bolq siB pwp lhogIAw ]1]
sabh kahhu mukhahu har har haray, har har haray, har bolat sabh paap lahogee-aa. ||1||
(O! brethren) let everyone speak from his mouth, (the Name of) God, the Lord, the Master;
(chant) God, the Lord, the Master; chanting (His Name) all sins are washed away. 1

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir hir hir hir nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ] har har har har naam hai, gurmukh paavai ko-ay.
It is the Name of God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, that some rare one can obtain
through the Guru.
haumY mmqw nwsu hoie durmiq kFY Doie ] ha-umai mamtaa naas ho-ay, durmat kaḍai dho-ay.
(One, who obtains the Name of the Lord, his) egotism and possessiveness (i.e. attachment to
worldly objects) are eradicated, and, evil wisdom (the filth of evil-mindedness) is washed off.
nwnk Anidnu gux aucrY ijn kau Duir iliKAw hoie ]1]
naanak, an-din guṇ uchrai, jin ka-o dhur likhi-aa ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): one, who has (such destiny) inscribed from the very beginning (i.e. one, for whom
it is preordained), chants (the praise of) the excellences (of God), day and night. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir Awpy Awip dieAwlu hir Awpy kry su hoie ] har aapay aap da-i-aal, har aapay karay so ho-ay.
God Himself is Merciful in Himself; whatever God does, comes to happen.
hir Awpy Awip vrqdw hir jyvfu Avru n koie ] har aapay aap varatdaa, har jayvad avar na ko-ay.
God Himself pervades (everywhere); there is no other as great as God (i.e. no one is equal to God).
jo hir pRBu BwvY so QIAY jo hir pRB kry su hoie ]
jo har prabh bhaavai, so thee-ai, jo har prabh karay so ho-ay.
Whatever pleases the Will of God, the Lord, that alone comes to happen; whatever God, the
Lord does, that (alone) gets done.
kImiq iknY n pweIAw byAMqu pRBU hir soie ] keemat kinai na paa-ee-aa bay-aNt prabhoo har so-ay.
No one can appraise Him (i.e. no one can find the end, the limits of the excellences of God); God,
the Lord is endless (infinite).
nwnk gurmuiK hir swlwihAw qnu mnu sIqlu hoie ]2]
naanak gurmukh har salaahi-aa tan man seetal ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who praise God, through (the teaching of) the Guru, their mind and body
are cooled (i.e. soothed). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sB joiq qyrI jgjIvnw qU Git Git hir rMg rMgnw ]
sabh jot tayree, jagjeevanaa, too ghat ghat har raNg raNgnaa.
O! Life of the World, it is all Your Light (illumining every heart); You imbue each and every
heart with Your love.

siB iDAwvih quDu myry pRIqmw qU siq siq purK inrMjnw ]
sabh dhi-aavahi tudh, mayray preetamaa, too sat sat purakh niranjanaa.
All meditate upon You, O! my Beloved (Lord); You are the True (i.e. Eternal), True Primal
Person, and, Immaculate (Lord).
ieku dwqw sBu jgqu iBKwrIAw hir jwcih sB mMg mMgnw ]
ik daataa, sabh jagat bhikhaaree-aa, har jaacheh sabh maNg maNgnaa.
(You alone are) the One Giver, the whole world is beggar; O! God, all beg (from You) for their
demands(i.e. needs).
syvku Twkuru sBu qUhY qUhY gurmqI hir cMg cMgnw ]
sayvak ṭaakur sabh toohai toohai, gurmatee har chaNg chaNgnaa.
You alone are the servant and the Master; through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, O!
God, You make us good and noble (i.e. most high / most sublime).
siB khhu muKhu irKIkysu hry irKIkysu hry ijqu pwvih sB Pl Plnw ]2]
sabh kahhu mukhahu rikheekays* haray, rikheekays* haray, jit paavahi sabh fal falnaa. ||2||
Let everyone chant from mouth: God is the Lord of Senses*, God is the Lord of Senses;
through Him we obtain all fruits and gifts. 2
[*Rikheekays is a combination of Hrishika (Senses)and Isha (Lord).; hence the Lord of Senses (or the Lord of perception).
This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir hir nwmu iDAwie mn hir drgh pwvih mwnu ] har har naam dhi-aa-ay, man, har dargeh paavahi maan.
Meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, O! (my) mind; and, you shall obtain honour in the
Court of the Lord.
jo ieCih so Plu pwiesI gur sbdI lgY iDAwnu ] jo ichheh so fal paa-isee, gur sabdee lagai dhi-aan.
You shall obtain the fruit of your desires; by ocussing upon Him through the Word of the
iklivK pwp siB ktIAih haumY cukY gumwnu ] kilvikh paap sabh katee-ah, ha-umai chukai gumaan.
All your faults and sins shall be erased, and, you shall be rid of your egotism and pride.
gurmuiK kmlu ivgisAw sBu Awqm bRhmu pCwnu ] gurmukh kamal vigsi-aa, sabh aatam barahm pachhaan.
(When) the lotus (of heart) blossoms forth through the Guru, one recognize s God within every
hir hir ikrpw Dwir pRB jn nwnk jip hir nwmu ]1]
har har kirpaa dhaar prabh, jan naanak, jap har naam. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O!
Lord, (so that) I may chant the Name of God. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir hir nwmu pivqu hY nwmu jpq duKu jwie ] har har naam pavit hai, naam japat dukh jaa-ay.
The Name of God, the Lord, is pious (i.e. sacred / immaculate); meditating upon the Name, one
is rid of the sorrows.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn min visAw Awie ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tin man vasi-aa aa-ay.
It comes to abide in the mind of those who have it pre-inscribed (i.e. pre-ordained destiny).
siqgur kY BwxY jo clY iqn dwldu duKu lih jwie ] satgur kai bhaaṇai jo chalai, tin daalad dukh leh jaa-ay.
One, who walks with (i.e. lives life in) the Will of the True Guru, is rid of poverty and suffering.

AwpxY BwxY iknY n pwieE jn vyKhu min pqIAwie ]
aapṇai bhaaṇai kinai na paa-i-o, jan vaykhhu man patee-aa-ay.
No one finds (God) by his own will; O! people, see this (yourself) and satisfy your mind.
jnu nwnku dwsn dwsu hY jo siqgur lwgy pwie ]2] jan naanak daasan daas hai, jo satgur laagay paa-ay. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am the slave of the slaves of those who are attached to the
feet of the True Guru. 2
P. 1314
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qUM Qwn Qnµqir BrpUru hih krqy sB qyrI bxq bxwvxI ]
tooN thaan thanaNtar bharpoor heh, kartay, sabh tayree baṇat baṇaavaṇee.
You are pervading (all) places and spaces, O! Creator, You created all the creation.
rMg prMg issit sB swjI bhu bhu ibiD BWiq aupwvxI ]
raNg paraNg sisat sabh saajee, baho baho bidh bhaant upaavaṇee.
You have created the entire world, in different colours and shades; You formed it in many
countless different forms .
sB qyrI joiq joqI ivic vrqih gurmqI quDY lwvxI ]
sabh, tayree jot jotee vich varteh, gurmatee tudhai laavṇee.
In all, it is all Your light, that pervades in the light (of all); You Yourself attach (people) to the
teachings of the Guru.
ijn hoih dieAwlu iqn siqguru mylih muiK gurmuiK hir smJwvxI ]
jin hohi da-i-aal, tin satgur mayleh, mukh gurmukh har samjhaavaṇee.
Those, unto whom You become Merciful, (You) unite them with the True Guru; and, O! God,
You instruct them through the mouth (i.e. teachings) of the Guru.
siB bolhu rwm rmo sRI rwm rmo ijqu dwldu duK BuK sB lih jwvxI ]3]
sabh bolhu raam ramo saree raam ramo, jit daalad dukh bhukh sabh leh jaavṇee. ||3||
Let everyone chant (the Name of) the all-pervading God, the pervading great God; and, with
this poverty, suffering and hunger of every kind shall be taken away. 3
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir hir AMimRqu nwm rsu hir AMimRqu hir aur Dwir ] har har aMmrit naam ras, har amrit har ur dhaar.
The AMmrit Name of God, the Lord, is delicious; enshrine the AMmrit Name within your heart.
ivic sMgiq hir pRBu vrqdw buJhu sbd vIcwir ] vich saNgat har prabh varatdaa, bujhahu sabad veechaar.
God, the Lord, dwells in the congregation, reflect upon the Word and understand (it).
min hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ibKu haumY kFI mwir ] man har har naam dhi-aa-i-aa, bikh ha-umai kaḍee maar.
Those, who meditate upon the Name of God within the mind, kill and purge the poison of
egotism from within.
ijn hir hir nwmu n cyiqE iqn jUAY jnmu sBu hwir ] jin har har naam na chayti-o, tin joo-ai janam sabh haar.
Those, who do not remember the Name of God, the Lord, lose all their life in gamble.
guir quTY hir cyqwieAw hir nwmw hir aur Dwir ] jn nwnk qy muK aujly iqqu scY drbwir ]1]
gur tuṭai har chaytaa-i-aa, har naamaa har ur dhaar.
jan naanak, tay mukh ujlay tit sachai darbaar. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): when the Guru becomes pleased, he gets one to remember
(the Name of) God; and, he enshrines the Name of God within his heart;
his face becomes radiant in the Court of the True (Lord). 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir kIriq auqmu nwmu hY ivic kiljug krxI swru ] har keerat utam naam hai, vich kalijug karṇee saar.
(To sing) the praise of God and (meditate upon) the Name of God is most sublime deed; in
Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), this is the most excellence deed.
miq gurmiq kIriq pweIAY hir nwmw hir auir hwru ] mat gurmat keerat paa-ee-ai, har naamaa har ur haar.
Praise (of God) is obtained through the wisdom and teaching of the Guru; (and, one wears) the
Name of God, the Lord, as a garland in his heart.
vfBwgI ijn hir iDAwieAw iqn sauipAw hir BMfwru ]
vadbhaagee jin har dhi-aa-i-aa, tin sa-upi-aa har bhaNdaar.
Greatly fortunate are those persons who meditate upon God, and, God entrusts them with the
treasure (of the Name).
ibnu nwvY ij krm kmwvxy inq haumY hoie KuAwru ] bin naavai je karam kamaavṇay, nit ha-umai ho-ay khu-aar.
Without the Name, whatever actions are earned (i.e. all other rituals which are practised); in
egotism (caused by performance of those ritualistic deeds) one continually suffers.
jil hsqI mil nwvwlIAY isir BI iPir pwvY Cwru ] jal hastee mal naavaalee-ai, sir bhee fir paavai chhaar.
(The performance of the rituals is) like scrubbing and bathing an elephant with water, (whereas)
he throws mud on his head again.
hir mylhu siqguru dieAw kir min vsY eykMkwru ] har maylhu satgur da-i-aa kar, man vasai aykaNkaar.
O! God, (please) be Merciful and unite me with the True Guru, (so that) the One Creator
(Lord) may abide within (my) mind.
ijn gurmuiK suix hir mMinAw jn nwnk iqn jYkwru ]2]
jin gurmukh suṇ har maNni-aa, jan naanak tin jaikaar. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): one, who listens through the Guru and believes in God, is
hailed (in the Court of God). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
rwm nwmu vKru hY aUqmu hir nwieku purKu hmwrw ] raam naam vakhar hai ootam, har naa-ik purakh hamaaraa.
The Name of God is the most sublime merchandise; God, the Primal Person, is our Master.
hir Kylu kIAw hir Awpy vrqY sBu jgqu kIAw vxjwrw ]
har khayl kee-aa, har aapay vartai, sabh jagat kee-aa vaṇjaaraa.
God Himself has created this play (of the world), He Himself pervades it, and, the whole world
deals (in the merchandise of His Name).
sB joiq qyrI joqI ivic krqy sBu scu qyrw pwswrw ]
sabh jot tayree jotee vich, kartay, sabh sach tayraa paasaaraa.
Your Light is in the light of everyone; O! Creator (Lord); and, O! True (Lord), this(universe) is
all Your expanse.
siB iDAwvih quDu sPl sy gwvih gurmqI hir inrMkwrw ]
sabh dhi-aavahi tudh safal say, gaavahi gurmatee har niraNkaaraa.
O! God, O! Formless (Lord), all those who meditate upon You, are successful (i.e. their human
life is successfu/); they sing (Your praise), through the wisdom of the Guru.
siB cvhu muKhu jgMnwQu jgMnwQu jgjIvno ijqu Bvjl pwir auqwrw ]4]
sabh chavahu mukhahu jagaNnaath jagaNnaath jagjeevano, jit bhavjal paar utaaraa. ||4||
Let everyone chant with his mouth (the Name of) the Master of the World, the Master of the
World, the Life of the World, and, with this you shall cross over the terrifying waters (of the
world ocean). 4

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hmrI ijhbw eyk pRB hir ky gux Agm AQwh ] hamree jihbaa ayk, prabh har kay guṇ agam athaah.
We have (only) one tongue, (whereas) the excellences of God, the Lord, are inaccessible, and
immeasurable (i.e. totally unknowable).
hm ikau kir jph ieAwixAw hir qum vf Agm Agwh ]
ham ki-o kar japah i-aaṇi-aa, har tum vad agam agaah.
How can I meditate upon You, I am ignorant; O! God, you are great, inaccessible and
immeasurable (i.e. totally unknowable).
hir dyhu pRBU miq aUqmw gur siqgur kY pig pwh ] har dayh prabhoo mat ootmaa, gur satgur kai pag paah.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) bless us with that sublime wisdom, that we may fall at the feet of the
True Guru.
sqsMgiq hir myil pRB hm pwpI sMig qrwh ] satsaNgat har mayl prabh, ham paapee sanN taraah.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) unite us with the true congregation, (where) sinners like us may be
carried across (the world ocean).
jn nwnk kau hir bKis lYhu hir quTY myil imlwh ] jan naanak ka-o har bakhas laihu, har tuṭai mayl milaah.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, forgive us; O! God, (please) be Kind and unite us
in union.
hir ikrpw kir suix bynqI hm pwpI ikrm qrwh ]1]
har kirpaa kar, suṇ bayntee, ham paapee kiram taraah. ||1||
O! God, (please) bestow Your Grace and hear my prayer, (so that) we, the sinner worms may
be carried across (the world ocean). 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir krhu ik®pw jgjIvnw guru siqguru myil dieAwlu ]
har karahu kirpaa jagjeevanaa, gur satgur mayl da-i-aal.
O! God, Life of the World, (please) bestow Your Grace, and, get me to meet the Guru, the
Merciful True Guru.
gur syvw hir hm BweIAw hir hoAw hir ikrpwlu ] gur sayvaa har ham bhaa-ee-aa, har ho-aa har kirpaal.
When God became Gracious to me, the service of the Guru became pleasing to me.
P. 1315
sB Awsw mnsw ivsrI min cUkw Awl jMjwlu ] sabh aasaa mansaa visree, man chookaa aal ja jaal.

All our hopes and desires are forgotten, and, our mind is rid of the worldly entanglements.
guir quTY nwmu idRVwieAw hm kIey sbid inhwlu ] gur tuṭai naam driṛ-aa-i-aa, ham kee-ay sabad nihaal.
Becoming pleased, the Guru implanted the Name (of God within me), and, I am enraptured
with the Word (of God).
jn nwnik Aqutu Dnu pwieAw hir nwmw hir Dnu mwlu ]2]
jan naanak, atut dhan paa-i-aa, har naamaa har dhan maal. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have obtained inexhaustible wealth ----- the Name of
God, (is) the wealth and treasure of God. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir qum@ vf vfy vfy vf aUcy sB aUpir vfy vfOnw ]
har, tumh vad vaday, vaday vad oochay; sabh oopar vaday vadounaa.
O! God, You are the Greatest of the great, Greatest that the great and Lofty; (You are)above
all; the Greatest of the great.

jo iDAwvih hir AprMpru hir hir hir iDAwie hry qy honw ]
jo dhi-aavahi har apraMpar har har, har dhi-aa-ay, haray tay honaa.
Those, who meditate upon God, the Infinite (Lord); meditating upon God, the Lord, the
Master, (they) become the image of God.
jo gwvih suxih qyrw jsu suAwmI iqn kwty pwp ktonw ]
jo gaavahi suṇeh tayraa jas su-aamee, tin kaatay paap katonaa.
Those, who sing and listens to Your praise, O! Master, their tens of millions of sins are erased.
qum jYsy hir purK jwny miq gurmiq muiK vf vf Bwg vfonw ]
tum jaisay har purakh, jaanay mat gurmat mukh, vad vad bhaag, vadonaa.
O! Primal Person, O! God, those who follow the wisdom and teachings of the Guru, are
known like You; (they are) greatest of the great, (they have) great (good) fortune.
siB iDAwvhu Awid sqy jugwid sqy prqiK sqy sdw sdw sqy jnu nwnku dwsu dsonw ]5]
sabh dhi-aavahu aad satay, jugaad satay, partakh satay, sadaa sadaa satay,
jan naanak daas dasonaa. ||5||
Let everyone meditate upon (the Lord, who was) True in the beginning and True throughout
the ages, (who is) revealed as True, (who is) True forever and ever; servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak
(says): I am a slave of His slaves (i.e. devotee of His devotees). 5

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hmry hir jgjIvnw hir jipE hir gur mMq ] hamray har jagjeevanaa, har japi-o har gur maNt.
My God is the Life of the World; I meditate upon God, the Lord, through the teachings of the
hir Agmu Agocru Agmu hir hir imilAw Awie AicMq ]
har agam agochar, agam har, har mili-aa aa-ay achiNt.
God is unapproachable, imperceptible; God is inaccessible; God has spontaneously come to
meet me.
hir Awpy Git Git vrqdw hir Awpy Awip ibAMq ] har aapay ghat ghat varatdaa, har aapay aap bi-aNt.
God Himself pervades each and every heart; God Himself is beyond limits.
hir Awpy sB rs Bogdw hir Awpy kvlw kMq ] har aapay sabh ras bhogdaa, har aapay kavlaa kaNt.
God Himself enjoys all pleasures; God Himself is the Husband (i.e. Lord) of Maya.
hir Awpy iBiKAw pwiedw sB issit aupweI jIA jMq ]
har aapay bhikhi-aa paa-idaa, sabh sisat upaa-ee jee-a jaNt.
God Himself gives in charity (i.e. gives sustenance) to the whole world ---- all beings and
creatures are created by Him.
hir dyvhu dwnu dieAwl pRB hir mWgih hir jn sMq ]
har dayvhu daan, da-i-aal prabh, har maangeh har jan saNt.
O! God, (please) bless us with the gift (of the Name); O! Merciful Lord, O! God, the God-
oriented persons, the servants (i.e. devotees) of the Lord beg (for the Name).
jn nwnk ky pRB Awie imlu hm gwvh hir gux CMq ]1]
jan naanak kay prabh aa-ay mil, ham gaavah har guṇ chhaNt. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! my Lord, please come and meet us, (so that) we may
sing the songs of (the praise of) the excellences of God. 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir pRBu sjxu nwmu hir mY min qin nwmu srIir ] har prabh sajaṇ naam har, mai man tan naam sareer.
God, the Lord, and His Name is my friend; the Name (of God) is permeating my mind, my
body, and, my whole being.
siB Awsw gurmuiK pUrIAw jn nwnk suix hir DIr ]2]
sabh aasaa gurmukh pooree-aa, jan naanak suṇ har dheer. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): all my hopes have been fulfilled through the Guru; and,
hearing the Name of the Lord, I am comforted. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir aUqmu hirAw nwmu hY hir purKu inrMjnu maulw ] har ootam hari-aa naam hai, har purakh nira jan ma-ulaa.
The Name of God is sublime and (forever) green (i.e. rejuvenating); God, the Primal Person is
immaculate (i.e. detached) and united (i.e. pervading through all).
jo jpdy hir hir idnsu rwiq iqn syvy crn inq kaulw ]
jo japday har har dinas raat, tin sayvay charan nit ka-ulaa.
Those, who meditate upon God, the Lord, day and night (i.e. all the time), Maya continuously
serves at their feet.
inq swir smwl@y sB jIA jMq hir vsY inkit sB jaulw ]
nit saar samaalhay sabh jee-a jaNt, har vasai nikat sabh ja-ulaa.
He always looks after and takes care of His beings and creatures; God lives with all, (very)
near and afar (as well).
so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwiesI ijsu siqguru purKu pRBu saulw ]
so boojhai, jis aap bujhaa-isee, jis satgur purakh prabh sa-ulaa.
He alone understands Him, whom He gets to understand; (and the one) upon whom the True
Guru, the Primal Lord is pleased with.
siB gwvhu gux goivMd hry goivMd hry goivMd hry gux gwvq guxI smaulw ]6]
sabh gaavhu guṇ goviNd haray, goviNd haray, govind haray, guṇ gaavat guṇee sama-ulaa. ||6||
Let everyone sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, the Lord of the World, God, the Lord
of the World, God, the Lord of the World, the Master; singing (the praise of) His excellences
one is absorbed in the Virtuous (Lord). 6
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
suiqAw hir pRBu cyiq min hir shij smwiD smwie ]
suti-aa har prabh chayt man, har sahj samaadh samaa-ay.
O! my mind, remember God, the Lord, (not only while awake but also) in sleep, and, get
yourself absorbed in trance, with natural ease.
jn nwnk hir hir cwau min guru quTw myly mwie ]1]
jan naanak, har har chaa-o man, gur tuṭaa maylay, maa-ay. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): my mind longs for God, the Lord; when the Guru is
pleased, he gets one united (with the Lord), O! (my) mother. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir ieksu syqI iprhVI hir ieko myrY iciq ] har ikas saytee pirhaṛee, har iko mayrai chit.
I have love only for God, the One (Lord), and, the One God alone is (enshrined) in my

jn nwnk ieku ADwru hir pRB ieks qy giq piq ]2] jan naanak, ik adhaar har, prabh ikas tay gat pat. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God, the One Lord is my only support; and, through the
One (Lord) alone, one attains emancipation and honour. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
pMcy sbd vjy miq gurmiq vfBwgI Anhdu vijAw ]
paNchay sabad vajay mat gurmat, vadbhaagee anhad vaji-aa.
(O! brethren) through the wisdom of the Guru, five words are being played (in my mind), and,
by great (good) fortune, the unstruck (sound) resonates (in the heart),
Awnd mUlu rwmu sBu dyiKAw gur sbdI goivdu gijAw ]
aanad mool raam sabh daykhi-aa, gur sabdee govid gaji-aa.
I see God, the Source of Bliss everywhere; and, through the Word of the Guru, the Lord of the
World is revealed.
Awid jugwid vysu hir eyko miq gurmiq hir pRBu BijAw ]
aad jugaad vays har ayko, mat gurmat har prabh bhaji-aa.
From the beginning of the time, and, throughout the ages, God has one form; (O! brethren)
meditate upon God, the Lord, through the wisdom of the Guru.
hir dyvhu dwnu dieAwl pRB jn rwKhu hir pRB lijAw ]
har dayvhu daan da-i-aal prabh, jan raakho har prabh laji-aa.
O! God, O! Merciful Lord, (please) bless us with the gift (of the Name); and, O! God, O! Lord,
You protect the honour of Your servants (i.e. devotees).
siB DMnu khhu guru siqgurU guru siqgurU ijqu imil hir pVdw kijAw ]7]
sabh dhaNn kahhu gur satguroo, gur satguroo, jit mil har paṛ-daa kaji-aa. ||7||
Let everyone chant: blessed is the great True Guru, the great True Guru; meeting him, God
covers our faults (i.e. God saves our honour). 7
P. 1316
sloku mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
Bgiq srovru auClY suBr Bry vhMin ] bhagat sarovar uchhlai, subhar bharay vahaNn.
The pool of devotion is overflowing, and, totally filled to the brim it is flowing (i.e. the True
Guru is like a pool in which the hearts of the devotees are overflowing with devotion).
ijnw siqguru mMinAw jn nwnk vf Bwg lhMin ]1] jinaa satgur ma ni-aa, jan naanak, vad bhaag, laha n||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, who obeyed the True Guru, are greatly fortunate,
and, they find (the gems of devotion). 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir hir nwm AsMK hir hir ky gun kQnu n jwih ] har har naam asaNkh har, har kay gun kathan na jaahi.
The names of God, the Lord, the Master are countless; the excellences of God cannot be
hir hir Agmu AgwiD hir jn ikqu ibiD imlih imlwih ] har har agam agaadh har, jan kit bidh mileh milaahi.
God, the Lord, is inaccessible; God is unknowable; how do the servants (i.e. devotees) meet
Him and unite others (with Him)?
hir hir jsu jpq jpMq jn ieku iqlu nhI kImiq pwie ]
har har jas japat japaNt jan, ik til nahee keemat paa-ay.
The servants (i.e. devotees) chant the praise of God, the Lord, and, get (others) chant; (but) they
cannot know (even) a little of His worth.

jn nwnk hir Agm pRB hir myil lYhu liV lwie ]2]
jan naanak, har agam prabh, har mayl laihu laṛ laa-ay. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, O! Inaccessible (Lord), O! God, O! Lord, (please)
attach me to the hem of Your robe and unite me (with You). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir Agmu Agocru Agmu hir ikau kir hir drsnu ipKw ]
har agam agochar, agam har, ki-o kar har darsan pikhaa.
God is inaccessible and imperceptible, God is inaccessible; how can I behold His vision?
ikCu vKru hoie su vrnIAY iqsu rUpu n irKw ] kichh vakhar ho-ay so varnee-ai, tis roop na rikhaa.
If He were a merchandise, then one could describe Him; (but) He has no form of feature.
ijsu buJwey Awip buJwie dyie soeI jnu idKw ] jis bujhaa-ay aap bujhaa-ay day-ay, so-ee jan dikhaa.
One, whom He Himself gets to understand, he (alone) understands; and, only that servant (i.e.
devotee) can behold (His vision).
sqsMgiq siqgur ctswl hY ijqu hir gux isKw ] satsaNgat satgur chatsaal hai, jit har guṇ sikhaa.
The True congregation is a school of the True Guru, where the excellences of God are learnt.
Dnu DMnu su rsnw DMnu kr DMnu su pwDw siqgurU ijqu imil hir lyKw ilKw ]8]
dhan dhaNn so, rasnaa dhaNn kar, dhan so paadhaa satguroo, jit mil har laykhaa likhaa. ||8||
Blessed, blessed is that tongue; blessed are those hands; blessed is the teacher, the True Guru;
meeting whom the account of (the excellences of) God is written. 8

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hY hir jpIAY siqgur Bwie ] har har naam aMmrit hai, har japee-ai satgur bhaa-ay.
The Name of God, the Lord, is AMmrit; (O! brethren) meditate upon (the Name of) God in the
pleasure of the True Guru.
hir hir nwmu pivqu hY hir jpq sunq duKu jwie ] har har naam pavit hai, har japat sunat dukh jaa-ay.
The Name of God, the Lord, is pious (i.e. sacred / pure); chanting and listening to (the Name of)
God, pain is (i.e. sorrows are) taken away.
hir nwmu iqnI AwrwiDAw ijn msqik iliKAw Duir pwie ]
har naam tinee aaraadhi-aa, jin mastak likhi-aa dhur paa-ay.
They alone adore the Name of God, upon whose forehead such (destiny) is inscribed from the
very beginning (i.e. by God).
hir drgh jn pYnweIAin ijn hir min visAw Awie ]
har dargeh jan painaa-ee-an, jin har man vasi-aa aa-ay.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) are robed in honour in the Court of God, in whose minds God
comes to dwell.
jn nwnk qy muK aujly ijn hir suixAw min Bwie ]1]
jan naanak, tay mukh ujlay, jin har suṇi-aa man bhaa-ay. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, who listen to (the Name of) God with love Him in
their minds, their faces are radiant (in the Court of God). 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir hir nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] har har naam nidhaan hai, gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The Name of God, the Lord, is a treasure, (but) it can be obtained through the Guru.

ijn Duir msqik iliKAw iqn siqguru imilAw Awie ] jin dhur mastak likhi-aa, tin satgur mili-aa aa-ay.
Those, who have such (destiny) inscribed upon whose foreheads (by God) from the very
beginning, the True Guru comes to meet them.
qnu mnu sIqlu hoieAw sWiq vsI min Awie ] tan man seetal ho-i-aa, saant vasee man aa-ay.
Their bodies and minds are cooled (i.e. soothed), peace comes to dwell in their minds.
nwnk hir hir cauidAw sBu dwldu duKu lih jwie ]2]
naanak, har har cha-udi-aa, sabh daalad dukh leh jaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): chanting (the Name of) God, the Lord, all poverty and suffering is dispelled. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hau vwirAw iqn kau sdw sdw ijnw siqguru myrw ipAwrw dyiKAw ]
ha-o vaari-aa tin ka-o sadaa sadaa, jinaa satgur mayraa pi-aaraa daykhi-aa.
I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto those, who have seen my beloved True Guru.
iqn kau imilAw myrw siqgurU ijn kau Duir msqik lyiKAw ]
tin ka-o mili-aa mayraa satguroo, jin ka-o dhur mastak laykhi-aa.
They alone meet my True Guru, who have such (destiny) inscribed upon their foreheads (by
God) from the very beginning.
hir Agmu iDAwieAw gurmqI iqsu rUpu nhI pRB ryiKAw ]
har agam dhi-aa-i-aa gurmatee, tis roop nahee prabh raykh-i-aa.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, they meditate upon (the Name of) God, the inaccessible
(Lord); the Lord, who has no form or feature.
gur bcin iDAwieAw ijnw Agmu hir qy Twkur syvk ril eyikAw ]
gur bachan dhi-aa-i-aa jinaa agam har, tay thaakur sayvak ral ayki-aa.
Those, who meditate upon (the Name of) God, the inaccessible (Lord), according to the
teachings of the Guru, those servants (i.e. devotees) merge with their Master and become one
with Him.
siB khhu muKhu nr nrhry nr nrhry nr nrhry hir lwhw hir Bgiq ivsyiKAw ]9]
sabh kahhu mukhahu nar narharay* nar narharay, nar narharay; har laahaa har bhagat vasaykhi-aa
Let everyone chant with their mouths: Nar Narharay*, Nar Narharay, Nar Narharay; the
profit of the devotion of God, the Lord, is unique(i.e. excellent, sublime). 9
[*Nar narharay, literally: Lord of each and every man/being/mortal (i.e. Lord of all , i.e. All-pervading / Omnipresent).
This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
rwm nwmu rmu riv rhy rmu rwmo rwmu rmIiq ] raam naam ram rav rahay, ram raamo raam rameet.
(O! brethren) remember (i.e. meditate upon) the Name of the Lord, who pervades (all); God, the
Lord, the Master alone is pervading (everywhere).
Git Git Awqm rwmu hY pRiB Kylu kIE rMig rIiq ] ghat ghat aatam raam hai, prabh khayl kee-o raNg reet.
God is contained in each and every soul;
the Lord has created this (world as a) play in various colours and ways.
hir inkit vsY jgjIvnw prgwsu kIE gur mIiq ] har nikat vasai jagjeevanaa, pargaas kee-o gur meet.
God, the Life of the World, dwells near (everyone); the Guru, my friend, has revealed this (to

P. 1317
hir suAwmI hir pRBu iqn imly ijn iliKAw Duir hir pRIiq ]
har su-aamee har prabh tin milay, jin likhi-aa dhur har preet.
They alone meet God, the Master, God, the Lord, whose love for God is inscribed (i.e. pre-
destined) from the very beginning.
jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw gur bcin jipE min cIiq ]1]
jan naanak, naam dhi-aa-i-aa, gur bachan japi-o man cheet. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, who meditate upon the Name of God, through the
teachings of the Guru, (they) meditate upon it with their mind. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir pRBu sjxu loiV lhu Bwig vsY vfBwig ] har prabh sajaṇ loṛ lahu, bhaag vasai vadbhaag.
(O! brethren) seek God, the Lord, (your) Friend; by great (good) fortune, He comes dwell
(within your heart).
guir pUrY dyKwilAw nwnk hir ilv lwig ]2] gur poorai daykhaali-aa, naanak, har liv laag. ||2||
Nanak (says): the perfect Guru has shown (i.e. revealed God) to me; now, (I am) lovingly
attuned to God. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Dnu Dnu suhwvI sPl GVI ijqu hir syvw min BwxI ]
dhan dhan suhaavee safal ghaṛee, jit har sayvaa man bhaaṇee.
(O! brethren) blessed, blessed and beautiful is that moment, when service to God becomes
pleasing to my mind.
hir kQw suxwvhu myry gurisKhu myry hir pRB AkQ khwxI ]
har kathaa suṇavhu, mayray gursikhahu, mayray har prabh akath kahaaṇee.
Speak (i.e. narrate) the story of (the excellences of) God, O! sikhs (i.e. disciples) of my Guru; the
story of (the excellences of) my God, the Lord, is, the un-narratable.
ikau pweIAY ikau dyKIAY myrw hir pRBu suGVu sujwxI ]
ki-o paa-ee-ai, ki-o daykhee-ai, mayraa har prabh sughaṛ sujaaṇee.
How can He be attained, and, how can He be seen; my God, the Lord, is all-knowing, all-
hir myil idKwey Awip hir gur bcnI nwim smwxI ]
har mayl dikhaa-ay aap har, gur bachnee naam samaaṇee.
God Himself unites and reveals Himself; and, one gets absorbed (in Him) through the
teachings of the Guru.
iqn ivthu nwnku vwirAw jo jpdy hir inrbwxI ]10]
tin vitahu, naanak, vaari-aa; jo japday har nirbaaṇee ||10||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto those who meditate upon detached (Lord). 10
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir pRB rqy loiexw igAwn AMjnu guru dyie ] har prabh ratay lo-iṇaa, gi-aan aNjan gur day-ay.
One’s eyes are imbued with (the Name of) God, the Lord, (when) the Guru bestows the
collyrium (i.e. light) of (spiritual) knowledge.
mY pRBu sjxu pwieAw jn nwnk shij imlyie ]1] mai prabh sajaṇ paa-i-aa, jan naanak, sahj milay-ay ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have found the Lord, my friend; (I have) found (Him)
with natural ease. 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
gurmuiK AMqir sWiq hY min qin nwim smwie ] gurmukh aNtar saant hai, man tan naam samaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented has peace within; his mind and body are absorbed in the Name.
nwmu icqvY nwmo pVY nwim rhY ilv lwie ] naam chitvai, naamo paṛai, naam rahai liv laa-ay.
He thinks about the Name, reads the Name, and, remains lovingly attuned to the Name.
nwmu pdwrQu pweIAY icMqw geI iblwie ] naam padaarath paa-ee-ai, chiNtaa ga-ee bilaa-ay.
(When) one obtains the wealth of the Name, his worries are ended.
siqguir imilAY nwmu aUpjY iqRsnw BuK sB jwie ] satgur mili-ai naam oopjai, tarisnaa bhukh sabh jaa-ay.
Meetings the True Guru, the Name wells up, and, all hunger of desires departs.
nwnk nwmy riqAw nwmo plY pwie ]2] naanak, naamay rati-aa, naamo palai paa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): one, who is imbued with the Name, gather the Name in his lap (i.e. obtains the
treasure of the Name). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
quDu Awpy jgqu aupwie kY quDu Awpy vsgiq kIqw ] tudh aapay jagat upaa-ay kai ,tudh aapay vasgat keetaa.
(O! Lord) You Yourself create the world, and, You Yourself control it.
ieik mnmuK kir hwrwieAnu ieknw myil gurU iqnw jIqw ]
ik manmukh kar haaraa-i-an, iknaa mayl guroo tinaa jeetaa.
Some are the mind-oriented ones and, they are defeated, and, some (others) are in union with
the Guru; they have won (i.e. have fulfilled the purpose of their lives).
hir aUqmu hir pRB nwmu hY gur bcin sBwgY lIqw ] har ootam har prabh naam hai, gur bachan sabhaagai leetaa.
God, and, the Name of God, the Lord, are supreme (i.e. sublime); the fortunate ones obtain it
through the teachings of the Guru.
duKu dwldu sBo lih gieAw jW nwau gurU hir dIqw ]
dukh daalad sabho leh ga-i-aa, jaan naa-o guroo har deetaa.
All sorrows and poverty were taken away, (when) the Guru bestowed the Name of God.
siB syvhu mohno mnmohno jgmohno ijin jgqu aupwie sBo vis kIqw ]11]
sabh sayvhu mohno manmohno, jagmohno jin jagat upaa-ay sabho vas keetaa. ||11||
(O! brethren) let everyone serve the fascinating Fascinator of the mind; the Fascinator of the
World, who created the world and controls everything. 11

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
mn AMqir haumY rogu hY BRim BUly mnmuK durjnw ]
man aNtar ha-umai rog hai, bharam bhoolay manmukh durjanaa.
The mind-oriented evil beings are deluded by doubt; the disease of egotism is within their
nwnk rogu v\wie imil siqgur swDU sjnw ]1] naanak, rog vanjaa-ay, mil satgur saadhoo sajnaa. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) cure this disease by meeting with the True Guru, the God-oriented
person, (your) friend. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
mnu qnu qwim sgwrvw jW dyKw hir nYxy ] man tan taam sagaaravaa, jaan daykhaa har naiṇay.
My mind and body are embellished, when I behold God with my eyes.
nwnk so pRBu mY imlY hau jIvw sdu suxy ]2] naanak, so prabh mai milai, ha-o jeevaa sad suṇay. ||2||
Nanak (says): when I meet that Lord, I live by hearing His voice. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jgMnwQ jgdIsr krqy AprMpr purKu Aqolu ] jagaNnaath jagdeesar kartay, apraMpar purakh atol.
O! Lord of the Universe, Master of the World, Creator, (You are) Limitless, Immeasurable
Primal Person.
hir nwmu iDAwvhu myry gurisKhu hir aUqmu hir nwmu Amolu ]
har naam dhi-aavahu, mayray gursikhahu, har ootam har naam amol.
Meditate upon the Name of God, O! sikhs (i.e. disciples) of my Guru; God is sublime, and,
God’s Name is invaluable.
ijn iDAwieAw ihrdY idnsu rwiq qy imly nhI hir rolu ]
jin dhi-aa-i-aa hirdai dinas raat, tay milay nahee har rol.
Those, who meditate upon Him in their hearts, day and night, are united with God, there is no
doubt (about it).
vfBwgI sMgiq imlY gur siqgur pUrw bolu ] vadbhaagee saNgat milai, gur satgur pooraa bol.
By great (good) fortune, one joins the (true) congregation, wherein Guru, the True Guru,
speaks perfect words (i.e. gives perfect teaching).
siB iDAwvhu nr nwrwiexo nwrwiexo ijqu cUkw jm JgVu Jgolu ]12]
sabh dhi-aavahu nar naaraa-iṇo*, naaraa-iṇo, jit chookaa jam jhagaṛ jhagol. ||12||
(O! brethren) let everyone meditate upon the Omnipresent*, the Omnipresent (Lord), through
which all conflicts and altercation with the messengers of death are ended. 12
[*Naaraa-iṇo, literally: dwelling in all men/beings (i.e. Omnipresent). This is one of the attributes and names of God].

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hir jn hir hir cauidAw sru sMiDAw gwvwr ] har jan har har cha-udi-aa, sar saNdhi-aa gaavaar.
Servants (i.e. devotees) of God chant (the Name of ) God, the Lord, and, the fools shoot arrow at
him (i.e. slander Him).
nwnk hir jn hir ilv aubry ijn sMiDAw iqsu iPir mwr ]1]
naanak, har jan har liv ubray, jin saNdhi-aa tis fir maar. ||1||
Nanak (says): the servants (i.e. devotees) of God are lovingly attuned to God and are saved;
but, those, who shoot the arrow, are killed in return. 1
P. 1318
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
AKI pRyim ksweIAw hir hir nwmu ipKMin@ ] akhee paraym kasaa-ee-aa, har har naam pikhaNnih.
Those eyes, which are attracted by the love (of God), behold (only) the Name of God, the Lord.
jy kir dUjw dyKdy jn nwnk kiF idcMin@ ]2] jay kar doojaa daykh-day, jan naanak, kaḍ dichaNnih. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): if they (i.e. the eyes) see something else, they should be
pulled (i.e. gouged) out. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
jil Qil mhIAil pUrno AprMpru soeI ] jal thal mahee-al poorno, apraMpar so-ee.
The Infinite Lord totally permeates the water, the land, and the nether-regions.
jIA jMq pRiqpwldw jo kry su hoeI ] jee-a jaNt pratipaaldaa, jo karay so ho-ee.
He sustains (all) beings and creatures; whatever He does comes to happen.
mwq ipqw suq BRwq mIq iqsu ibnu nhI koeI ] maat pitaa sut bharaat meet, tis bin nahee ko-ee.
Without Him, (we have) no mother, father, son (i.e. child), brother, friend.

Git Git AMqir riv rihAw jipAhu jn koeI ] ghat ghat aNtar rav rahi-aa, japi-ahu jan ko-ee.
He is pervading within each and every heart, let any person meditate upon Him (and know).
sgl jphu gopwl gun prgtu sB loeI ]13] sagal japahu gopaal gun, pargat sabh lo-ee. ||13||
Let all meditate upon the excellences of the Sustainer of the World, who is manifesting all over
the world.
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
gurmuiK imly is sjxw hir pRB pwieAw rMgu ] gurmukh milay se sajṇaa, har prabh paa-i-aa raNg.
They alone are friends who meet through the Guru, and, are blessed with the love of God, the
jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU luif luif drgih vM\u]1] jan naanak, naam salaahi too, lud lud dargahi vaNnj. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (O! mortal) you praise the Name (of God), and, you shall go
to His Court, swinging and jumping (i.e. joyfully, in high spirits). 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
hir qUhY dwqw sBs dw siB jIA qum@wry ] har toohai daataa sabhas daa, sabh jee-a tumhaaray.
O! God, You are Giver of all; all beings are Yours.
siB quDY no AwrwDdy dwnu dyih ipAwry ] sabh tudhai no aaraadhaday, daan deh pi-aaray.
They all adore You, You bless them with gifts, O! Beloved (Lord).
hir dwqY dwqwir hQu kiFAw mIhu vuTw sYswry ] har daatai daataar hath kaḍi-aa, meehu vuṭaa saisaaray.
God, the Giver, reaches out His hand, and, the rain (i.e. the Name) starts pouring in the world.
AMnu jMimAw KyqI Bwau kir hir nwmu sm@wry ] aNn jaMmi-aa khaytee bhaa-o kar, har naam samhaaray.
By farming (the Name) the grains of love germinate and one remembers the Name of God.
jnu nwnku mMgY dwnu pRB hir nwmu ADwry ]2] jan naanak ,maNgai daan prabh, har naam adhaaray. ||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I beg from God for the gift of the support of the Name of
God. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ieCw mn kI pUrIAY jpIAY suK swgru ] ichhaa man kee pooree-ai, japee-ai sukh saagar.
The desires of the mind are fulfilled by meditating upon the Ocean of Happiness.
hir ky crn ArwDIAih gur sbid rqnwgru ] har kay charan araadhee-ah, gur sabad ratnaagar.
(O! brethren) adore the feet of God, through the Word of the Guru, the mine of jewels.
imil swDU sMig auDwru hoie PwtY jm kwgru ] mil saadhoo saNg udhaar ho-ay, faatai jam kaagar.
Joining (the company of) the God-oriented persons one is emancipated, and, the paper (i.e.
warrant/ decree) of death is torn off.
jnm pdwrQu jIqIAY jip hir bYrwgru ] janam padaarath jeetee-ai, jap har bairaagar.
The (precious) treasure of life is won, (by) meditating upon God, the Detached (Lord).
siB pvhu srin siqgurU kI ibnsY duK dwgru ]14]
sabh pavahu saran satguroo kee, binsai dukh daagar ||14||
Let everyone seek the refuge (of the feet) of the True Guru, and, all the stains (i.e. signs of sins)
and sufferings will be erased. 14

slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
hau FUMFyNdI sjxw sjxu mYfY nwil ] ha-o ḍooNḍayndee sajṇaa, sajaṇ maidai naal.
I am searching for my Friend, (but) my Friend is with me (right here within my heart) .

jn nwnk AlKu n lKIAY gurmuiK dyih idKwil ]1]
jan naanak alakh na lakhee-ai gurmukh deh dikhaal. ||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the Unseen (Lord) is not seen, (but) He shows Himself to the
Guru-oriented ones. 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
nwnk pRIiq lweI iqin scY iqsu ibnu rhxu n jweI ] naanak, preet laa-ee tin sachai, tis bin rahaṇ na jaa-ee.
Nanak (says): the True (Lord)has attached me to His love; without Him, I cannot survive (now).
siqguru imlY q pUrw pweIAY hir ris rsn rsweI ]2]
satgur milai ta pooraa paa-ee-ai har ras rasan rasaa-ee. ||2||
Meeting the True Guru, whose tongue savours the essence of God, the Perfect (Lord) is found. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
koeI gwvY ko suxY ko aucir sunwvY ] ko-ee gaavai, ko suṇai, ko uchar sunaavai.
Some sing, some listen, some speak and narrate (the excellences of God).
jnm jnm kI mlu auqrY mn icMidAw pwvY ] janam janam kee mal utrai, man chiNdi-aa paavai.
The filth of countless life-times is washed away, one obtains the fruit of one’s mind’s desires.
Awvxu jwxw mytIAY hir ky gux gwvY ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa maytee-ai, har kay guṇ gaavai.
Coming and going (in reincarnation) ceases, by singing (the praise of) the excellences of God.
Awip qrih sMgI qrwih sB kutMbu qrwvY ] aap tareh, saNgee taraahi, sabh kutaMb taraavai.
Such persons save themselves, save their companions, and, save all their family (as well).
jnu nwnku iqsu bilhwrxY jo myry hir pRB BwvY ]15]1] suDu ]
jan naanak, tis balihaarṇai, jo mayray har prabh bhaavai. ||15||1|| sudh.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto that person, who is pleasing to my
God, the Lord 15.1 sudh (i.e. checked and found) correct.

rwgu kwnVw bwxI nwmdyv jIau kI Raag Kaanṛaa, baaṇee Naamdayv jee-o kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
AYso rwm rwie AMqrjwmI ] jYsy drpn mwih bdn prvwnI ]1] rhwau ]
aiso raam raa-ay aNtarjaamee.
jaisay, darpan maahi badan parvaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Sovereign Lord, the Controller of Souls, pervades like this:
just as the face clearly reflects in the mirror. 1 (pause)
bsY Gtw Gt lIp n CIpY ] basai ghataa ghat, leep na chheepai.
He dwells in each and every heart; He has no stain or spot of Maya (on Him).
bMDn mukqw jwqu n dIsY ]1] baNdhan muktaa, jaat na deesai. ||1||
He is free from bondage, He is not seen stuck (to any bondage). 1
pwnI mwih dyKu muKu jYsw ] nwmy ko suAwmI bITlu AYsw ]2]1]
paanee maahi daykh mukh jaisaa. naamay ko su-aamee beeṭal aisaa. ||2||1||
Namdev (says): as one’s face is seen (i.e. reflected) in (clear) water, so is Beeṭal (i.e. the
Omnipresent Lord), my Master. 2.1
[*Beethal / Veethal, literally: at a remote place; that which/who is far away (i.e. God is far away; thus Omnipresent). This
is one of the attributes and the names of God ].

auDry hir sMq dws kwit dInI jm kI Pws piqq pwvn nwmu jw ko ismir nwnk Ehy ]2]10]139]3]13]155]
udhray har saNt daas, kaat deenee jam kee faas,
patit paavan naam jaa ko, simar naanak ohay.
The God-oriented persons, and slaves (i.e. devotees) of God are saved; their noose of the
messenger of death is snapped. Nanak (says): His Name is the purifier of the sinners, (so! O
brethren) meditate upon Him.

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
rwgu swrMg mhlw 9 ] raag SaaraNg, Mehlaa 9
hir ibnu qyro ko n shweI ] har bin, tayro ko na sahaa-ee.
(O! Brethren) except God, no one is your help (i.e. support).
kW kI mwq ipqw suq binqw ko kwhU ko BweI ]1] rhwau ]
kaan kee maat pitaa sut banitaa, ko kaahoo ko bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Who is any one’s mother, father, son or wife, and, who is anyone’s brother (i.e. in the end no one
is anyone’s help and support)? 1 (pause)
Dnu DrnI Aru sMpiq sgrI jo mwinE ApnweI ]
qn CUtY kCu sMig n cwlY khw qwih lptweI ]1]
dhan dharnee ar saMmpat sagree, jo maani-o apnaa-ee.
tan chhootai, kachh saNg na chaalai, kahaa taahi laptaa-ee. ||1||
(All) the wealth, lands, and property, which you believe to be your own.
When the body is deserted (by soul), no one of these shall go along with you; (then) why do you
cling to them ? 1
dIn dieAwl sdw duK BMjn qw isau ruic n bFweI ]
deen da-i-aal sadaa dukh bhaNjan, taa si-o ruch na baḍaa-ee.
(God is) the Merciful to the poor; (He is) forever Destroyer of Sorrows; (but, O! brethren) you
do not develop love for Him.
nwnk khq jgq sB imiQAw ijau supnw rYnweI ]2]1]
naanak kahat, jagat sabh mithi-aa, ji-o supnaa rainaa-ee. ||2||1||
Nanak says: the whole world is false, (it is) like a dream during night (i.e. sleep). 2.1

swrMg mhlw 9 ] raag SaaraNg, Mehlaa 9

khw mn ibiKAw isau lptwhI ] kahaa man, bikhi-aa si-o laptaahee.
O! (my) mind, why are you engrossed in poison (i.e. Maya)?
Xw jg mih koaU rhnu n pwvY ieik Awvih ieik jwhI ]1] rhwau ]
yaa jag meh ko-oo rahan na paavai, ik aavahi ik jaahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
No one can remain in this world (for ever); one comes and (another) one departs. 1 (pause)
kW ko qnu Dnu sMpiq kW kI kw isau nyhu lgwhI ] kaa ko tan dhan, sampat kaa kee, kaa si-o nayhu lagaahee.

(O! my mind) who has a body, and, who has wealth and property; with whom should you fall in
jo dIsY so sgl ibnwsY ijau bwdr kI CwhI ]1] jo deesai so sagal binaasai, ji-o baadar kee chhaahee. ||1||
Whatever is seen, shall all perish away (finally), (it is) like the shade of a (passing) cloud. 1

qij AiBmwnu srix sMqn ghu mukiq hoih iCn mwhI ]
taj abhimaan, saraṇ saNtan gahu, mukat hohi chhin maahee.
(O! my mind) abandon egotism, grasp the refuge of the God-oriented person; and, you shall be
liberated in an instant.
jn nwnk BgvMq Bjn ibnu suKu supnY BI nwhI ]2]2]
jan naanak, bhagvaNt bhajan bin, sukh supnai bhee naahee. ||2||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): without meditating upon the Lord of Fortune, there is no
(spiritual) happiness, even in dreams. 2.2

swrMg mhlw 9 ] SaaraNg, Mehlaa 9

khw nr Apno jnmu gvwvY ] mwieAw mid ibiKAw ris ricE rwm srin nhI AwvY ]1] rhwau ]
kahaa nar, apno janam gavaavai.
maa-i-aa mad bikhi-aa ras rachi-o, raam saran nahee aavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) why does the mortal waste his (precious human) life?
Intoxicated with Maya and engaged in pleasure of poison (i.e. vices), it does not seek the refuge
of God. 1 (pause)
iehu sMswru sgl hY supno dyiK khw loBwvY ] ih saNsaar sagal hai supno, daykh kahaa lobhaavai.
This whole world is just (like) a dream; seeing it why is mortal enticed by it?
jo aupjY so sgl ibnwsY rhnu n koaU pwvY ]1] jo upjai so sagal binaasai, rahan na ko-oo paavai. ||1||
Everything that is created, shall vanish away, nothing shall remain (for ever). 1
imiQAw qnu swco kir mwinE ieh ibiD Awpu bMDwvY ] mithi-aa tan saacho kar maani-o, ih bidh aap ba dhaavai.
The mortal believes this false body as true; in this way it places itself in bondage.
jn nwnk soaU jnu mukqw rwm Bjn icqu lwvY ]2]3]
jan naanak so-oo jan muktaa, raam bhajan chit laavai. ||2||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): he alone is a liberated being, who attaches his mind to the
meditation upon God. 2.3

swrMg mhlw 9 ] raag SaaraNg, Mehlaa 9

mn kir kbhU n hir gun gwieE ] man kar, kabhoo na har gun gaa-i-o.
(O! Brethren) with my mind, I never sang (the praise of) the excellences of God.
P. 1232
ibiKAwskq rihE inis bwsur kIno Apno BwieE ]1] rhwau ]
bikhi-aaskat rahi-o nis baasur, keeno apno bhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night, I remained under the influence of poison (i.e. vices), and, I did what I pleased
(i.e. pleased my mind). 1 (pause)
gur aupdysu suinE nih kwnin pr dwrw lptwieE ] gur updays suni-o neh kaanan, par daaraa laptaa-i-o.
With my ears, I never listened to the teachings of the Guru, and, I was entangled with other’s
pr inMdw kwrin bhu Dwvq smiJE nh smJwieE ]1]
par niNdaa kaaran baho dhaavat, samjhi-o nah samjhaa-i-o. ||1||
I ran greatly (i.e. I remained ever ready) for slandering others; I was instructed but I never
listened (to such advice). 1

khw khau mY ApunI krnI ijh ibiD jnmu gvwieE ]
kahaa kaha-o mai apunee karnee, jih bidh janam gavaa-i-o.
How can I describe my actions, through which I have wasted my life?
kih nwnk sB Aaugn mo mih rwiK lyhu srnwieE ]2]4]3]13]139]4]159]
kahi naanak, sabh a-ugan mo meh, raakh layho sarnaa-i-o.
Says Nanak: I am full of vices, (but) I have come to Your refuge; (O! God, please) save me.

rwgu swrg AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1 raag Saarag, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hir ibnu ikau jIvw myrI mweI ] har bin, ki-o jeevaa mayree maa-ee.
How can I live (i.e. survive) without God, O! my mother ?
jY jgdIs qyrw jsu jwcau mY hir ibnu rhnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
jai jagdees tayraa jas jaacha-o, mai har bin rahan na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord of the Universe, I hail You; I beg to sing Your praise, I cannot survive without (You,
O! ) God. 1 (pause)
hir kI ipAws ipAwsI kwmin dyKau rYin sbweI ] har kee pi-aas, pi-aasee kaaman, daykh-a-u rain sabaa-ee.
I have thirst for God (my Husband Lord); (I am) thirsty charming lady(i.e. soul bride); I look
upon Him, all through the night (of life).
sRIDr nwQ myrw mnu lInw pRBu jwnY pIr prweI ]1]
sareedhar naath mayraa man leenaa, prabh jaanai peer paraa-ee. ||1||
My mind is absorbed into the Lord of Maya*, the Lord (alone) knows the pain of another. 1
[*Sridhar, literally: possessor/ keeper of Sri/Laxmi/Wealth/Maya. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
gxq srIir pIr hY hir ibnu gur sbdI hir pWeI ] gaṇat sareer peer hai har bin, gur sabdee har paan-ee.
Without (meditation upon) God, all other calculations cause pain; God is found through the
Word of the Guru.
hohu dieAwl ik®pw kir hir jIau hir isau rhW smweI ]2]
hohu da-i-aal kirpaa kar har jee-o, har si-o rahaan samaa-ee. ||2||
O! dear God, (please) be Merciful and bestow Your Grace upon me; (so that) I may remain
merged in (You O!) God. 2
AYsI rvq rvhu mn myry hir crxI icqu lweI ] aisee ravat ravhu man mayray, har charṇee chit laa-ee.
O! my mind, follow such a way of remembering God, that you may remain focussed on the feet
of God.
ibsm Bey gux gwie mnohr inrBau shij smweI ]3]
bisam bha-ay guṇ gaa-ay manohar, nirbha-o sahj samaa-ee. ||3||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Fascinating (Lord), I am wonder-struck; I am
absorbed in the Fearless (Lord), with natural ease. 3
ihrdY nwmu sdw Duin inhcl GtY n kImiq pweI ] hirdai naam sadaa dhun nihchal, ghatai na keemat paa-ee.
The heart, in which the sound of the Name of the Unchanging (Lord) constantly vibrates, the
value (of its love for God) does not lessen (i.e. diminish) and cannot be valued.

ibnu nwvY sBu koeI inrDnu siqguir bUJ buJweI ]4]
bin naavai sabh ko-ee nirdhan, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||4||
Without the Name, everyone is poor, the True Guru has given me this understanding. 4
pRIqm pRwn Bey suin sjnI dUq muey ibKu KweI ]
preetam praan bha-ay, sun sajnee, doot mu-ay bikh khaa-ee.
O! (my) dear friend, listen, my Beloved has become breath (of my life); the demons (i.e. vices)
have taken poison and died.
jb kI aupjI qb kI qYsI rMgul BeI min BweI ]5]
jab kee upjee tab kee taisee, raNgul bha-ee man bhaa-ee. ||5||
Since when it (i.e. love for the Lord) has welled up, so it has remained the same; my mind is
imbued with His love. 5
shj smwiD sdw ilv hir isau jIvW hir gun gweI ]
sahj samaadh sadaa liv har si-o, jeevaan har gun gaa-ee.
I am constantly absorbed in meditation upon God, with natural ease; I live by singing (the
praise of) the excellences of God.
gur kY sbid rqw bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI ]6] gur kai sabad rataa bairaagee, nij ghar taaṛee laa-ee. ||6||
Imbued with the Word of the Guru, it (i.e. my mind) has become detached (from the world);
attuned (to God), I dwell within the home of myself (i.e. in my heart). 6
suD rs nwmu mhw rsu mITw inj Gir qqu gusWeIN ]
sudh ras naam mahaa ras meeṭaa, nij ghar tat gusaan-een.
The Name of God is greatly sweet essence; within the home of myself I have enshrined the
essence of the Sustainer of the World.
qh hI mnu jh hI qY rwiKAw AYsI gurmiq pweI ]7]
tah hee man jah hee tai raakhi-aa, aisee gurmat paa-ee. ||7||
Where you keep my mind there it is; I have obtained such wisdom from the Guru. 7
snk snwid bRhmwid ieMdRwidk Bgiq rqy bin AweI ]
sanak sanaad brahmaad iNdraadik, bhagat ratay ban aa-ee.
Sanak*, Sanandan* etc, Brahma** etc, Indar** etc (all) were imbued with devotion (of God),
and came to be in love with Him.
[*Sanak and Sanandan were among the four sons of Brahma. **Brahma and Inder are two senior mythical gods].
nwnk hir ibnu GrI n jIvW hir kw nwmu vfweI ]8]1]
naanak, har bin gharee na jeevaan,har kaa naam vadaa-ee. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): I cannot live without God, even for an instant; the Name of God is greatness(i.e.
honour) for me? 8.11

swrg mhlw 1 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 1

hir ibnu ikau DIrY mnu myrw ] har bin, ki-o dheerai man mayraa.
Without God, how can my mind be comforted? (i.e. it cannot find peace without God)
koit klp ky dUK ibnwsn swcu idRVwie inbyrw ]1] rhwau ]
kot kalap kay dookh binaasan, saach driṛ-aa-ay nibayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It (i.e. the Name of God) destroys tens of millions of sins of the four ages; this truth has been
firmly implanted (in my mind by the Guru). 1 (pause)

k®oDu invwir jly hau mmqw pRymu sdw nau rMgI ] krodh nivaar jalay ha-o mamtaa, praym sadaa na-o raNgee.
Anger is gone, egotism and emotional attachment are burnt away, (when) one is imbued with
ever fresh love (of God).
AnBau ibsir gey pRBu jwicAw hir inrmwielu sMgI ]1]
anbha-o bisar ga-ay prabh jaachi-aa, har nirmaa-il saNgee. ||1||
One, who has begged for the Lord, his all other fears are forgotten (i.e. are dispelled); and, the
Immaculate (Lord) becomes his companion. 1
cMcl miq iqAwig Bau BMjnu pwieAw eyk sbid ilv lwgI ]
chaNchal mat ti-aag bha-o bhaNjan paa-i-aa, ayk sabad liv laagee.
Forsaking his fickle wisdom, he finds (i.e. gets united with) the Destroyer of Fears, and, he is
attuned to the One Word (of God).
hir rsu cwiK iqRKw invwrI hir myil ley bfBwgI ]2]
har ras chaakh tarikhaa nivaaree, har mayl la-ay badbhaagee. ||2||
Tasting the essence of God, the thirst is quenched; and, by great (good) fortune God unites one
(with Himself). 2
ABrq isMic Bey suBr sr gurmiq swcu inhwlw ] abhrat siNch bha-ay subhar sar, gurmat saach nihaalaa.
The empty (mind and other organs) are irrigated (with AMmrit Name) and filled to overflowing,
by beholding the True (Lord), through the wisdom of the Guru.
P. 1233
mn riq nwim rqy inhkyvl Awid jugwid dieAwlw ]3]
man rat naam ratay nihkayval, aad jugaad da-i-aalaa. ||3||
Their minds are imbued with love for the Name of the Immaculate (Lord), (who is) Merciful
from the beginning of the time throughout the ages. 3
mohin moih lIAw mnu morw bfY Bwg ilv lwgI ] mohan mohi lee-aa man moraa, badai bhaag liv laagee.
The Fascinating (Lord) has fascinated my mind; by great (good) fortune I am lovingly
attuned to Him.
swcu bIcwir iklivK duK kwty mnu inrmlu AnrwgI ]4]
saach beechaar kilvikh dukh kaatay, man nirmal anraagee. ||4||
Contemplating the True (Lord), all my sins and sorrows have been erased; (now) my mind has
become immaculate and (it is) imbued with love (for God). 4
gihr gMBIr swgr rqnwgr Avr nhI An pUjw ] gahir gaMbheer saagar ratnaagar, avar nahee an poojaa.
(God is) deep, profound Ocean of Jewels; I do not worship any other.
sbdu bIcwir Brm Bau BMjnu Avru n jwinAw dUjw ]5]
sabad beechaar bharam bha-o bhaNjan, avar na jaani-aa doojaa. ||5||
Contemplating the Word (of the Guru, I have realized that God alone is) the Destroyer of Fears
and Doubts; I do not know any other (i.e. I recognize no other at all). 5
mnUAw mwir inrml pdu cIinAw hir rs rqy AiDkweI ]
manoo-aa maar nirmal pad cheeni-aa, har ras ratay adhikaa-ee.
Conquering my mind, I have known the pure status; (now) I am fully imbued with the essence
of (the Name of) God.
eyks ibnu mY Avru n jwnW siqguir bUJ buJweI ]6]
aykas bin mai avar na jaanaan, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||6||
I do not know any other, except the One (Lord); the True Guru has imparted this
understanding. 6

Agm Agocru AnwQu AjonI gurmiq eyko jwinAw ] agam agochar anaath ajonee, gurmat ayko jaani-aa.
(God is) Inaccessible, Imperceptible, Un-mastered (i.e. self existent), Unborn; through the
wisdom of Guru, I know the One (Lord) alone.
suBr Bry nwhI icqu folY mn hI qy mnu mwinAw ]7]
subhar bharay naahee chit dolai, man hee tay man maani-aa. ||7||
Filled to overflowing (i.e. fully satisfied), my mind does not waver; through the mind, my mind
is pleased (i.e. appeased). 7
gur prswdI AkQau kQIAY khau khwvY soeI ] gur parsaadee aktha-o kathee-ai, kaha-o kahaavai so-ee.
By the Grace of the Guru, the Indescribable (i.e. God) is described; I speak (i.e. describe about
His excellences) what He gets me to speak.
nwnk dIn dieAwl hmwry Avru n jwinAw koeI ]8]2]
naanak, deen da-i-aal hamaaray, avar na jaani-aa ko-ee. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): (only) the Merciful to the Poor is our (Lord); I do not know any other (God alone
is all-powerful). 8.2

swrg mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Gru 1 Saarag, Mehlaa 3, asatpadee-aa, ghar 1

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
mn myry hir kY nwim vfweI ] man mayray, har kai naam vadaa-ee.
O! my mind, (all) honour is in (meditation upon) the Name of God.
hir ibnu Avru n jwxw koeI hir kY nwim mukiq giq pweI ]1] rhwau ]
har bin avar na jaaṇaa ko-ee, har kai naam mukat gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I know of no one other than God; liberation and emancipation is obtained through (meditation
upon) the Name of God. 1 (pause)
sbid Bau BMjnu jmkwl inKMjnu hir syqI ilv lweI ]
sabad bha-o bhaNjan, jamkaal nikhaNjan, har saytee liv laa-ee.
Through the Word (of the Guru) I am lovingly attuned to the Destroys of Fears, and, the
Destroyer of the Messenger of Death.
hir suKdwqw gurmuiK jwqw shjy rihAw smweI ]1]
har sukh-daata, gurmukh jaataa, sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||1||
God is the Giver of Happiness; I have known this through the Guru; I remain absorbed in
Him, with natural ease. 1
BgqW kw Bojnu hir nwm inrMjnu pYn@xu Bgiq bfweI ]
bhagtaa kaa bhojan har naam niraNjan, painhaṇ bhagat badaa-ee.

The immaculate Name of God is the food (for the soul) of His devotees; and the glory of God is
the dress of the devotees (i.e. singing the praise of God’s glory is the robe of honour for the
inj Gir vwsw sdw hir syvin hir dir soBw pweI ]2]
nij ghar vaasaa sadaa har sayvan, har dar sobhaa paa-ee. ||2||
They abide in the home of their self, and, they serve (i.e. meditate upon) God forever; and, they
obtain honour at the Door (i.e. in the Court) of God. 2

mnmuK buiD kwcI mnUAw folY AkQu n kQY khwnI ]
manmukh budh kaachee, manoo-aa dolai, akath na kathai kahaanee.
The wisdom of the mind-oriented one is immature; his mind wavers, (hence) he cannot
describe (the praise) of the story of (the excellences of) Indescribable (Lord).
gurmiq inhclu hir min visAw AMimRq swcI bwnI ]3]
gurmat nihchal har man vasi-aa, aMmrit saachee baanee. ||3||
Following the wisdom of Guru, the Unchangable (Lord) comes to abide within the mind; and,
(one remains attuned to) True Word of AMmrit essence (of God). 3
mn ky qrMg sbid invwry rsnw shij suBweI ] man kay taraNg, sabad nivaaray, rasnaa sahj subhaa-ee.
One, who calms the waves (i.e. passions) of the mind through the Word; his tongue is (absorbed
in peace) with natural ease.
siqgur imil rhIAY sd Apuny ijin hir syqI ilv lweI ]4]
satgur mil rahee-ai sad apunay, jin har saytee liv laa-ee. ||4||
(So, O! brethren) remain united forever with the True Guru, who is lovingly attuned to God. 4
mnu sbid mrY qw mukqo hovY hir crxI icqu lweI ]
man sabad marai taa mukto hovai, har charṇee chit laa-ee.
When the mind dies (from worldliness) in the Word (of the Guru), one is liberated; and, one
remains focussed to the feet of God.
hir sru swgru sdw jlu inrmlu nwvY shij suBweI ]5]
har sar saagar, sadaa jal nirmal, naavai sahj subhaa-ee. ||5||
God is (such) an ocean, (whose) water (AMmrit Name) is forever immaculate, and, one bathes in
it with natural ease. 5
sbdu vIcwir sdw rMig rwqy haumY iqRsnw mwrI ] sabad veechaar sadaa ra g raatay, ha-umai tarisnaa maaree.
Those, who contemplate the Word, are forever imbued with His love; their egotism and
desires are subdued.
AMqir inhkyvlu hir rivAw sBu Awqm rwmu murwrI ]6]
aNtar nihkayval har ravi-aa, sabh aatam raam muraaree. ||6||
God, the Immaculate (Lord), permeates within them, and, (they behold) God, the (Supreme)
Soul, the Destroyer of Demons, pervading all. 6
syvk syiv rhy sic rwqy jo qyrY min Bwxy ] sayvak sayv rahay sach raatay, jo tayrai man bhaaṇay.
(O! L ord) those servants (i.e. devotees) who are pleasing to Your mind, remain imbued with
the Truth and serve You.
duibDw mhlu n pwvY jig JUTI gux Avgx n pCwxy ]7]
dubidhaa mahal na paavai jag jhooṭee, guṇ avgaṇ na pachhaaṇay. ||7||
(On the other hand) those who are involved in duality do not find His mansion; in the world
they are known as false, and, they do not discriminate between virtue and vice. 7
Awpy myil ley AkQu kQIAY scu sbdu scu bwxI ]
aapay mayl la-ay akath kathee-ai, sach sabad sach baaṇee.
If He unites one (with Himself), he describes the indescribable story (of the excellences of God),
the True Word and the True Sermons (i.e. teachings).
nwnk swcy sic smwxy hir kw nwmu vKwxI ]8]1]
naanak, saachay sach samaaṇay, har kaa naam vakhaaṇee. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): they chant the Name of God and remain absorbed in the True (Lord). 8.1

swrg mhlw 3 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 3
mn myry hir kw nwmu Aiq mITw ] jnm jnm ky iklivK Bau BMjn gurmuiK eyko fITw ]1] rhwau ]
man mayray, har kaa naam at meeṭaa.
janam janam kay kilvikh bha-o bhanjan, gurmukh ayko deeṭaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, the Name of God is greatly sweet.
(It is) the Destroyer of Sins and Fears of countless life-times(of those who), through the Guru, I
behold only the One (Lord pervading all). 1 (pause)
P. 1234
koit kotMqr ky pwp ibnwsn hir swcw min BwieAw ] hir ibnu Avru n sUJY dUjw siqguir eyku buJwieAw ]1]
kot kotaNtar kay paap binaasan, har saachaa man bhaa-i-aa.
har bin avar na soojhai doojaa, satgur ayk bujhaa-i-aa. ||1||
God is the Destroyer of the sins of tens of millions over tens of millions (of people); when the
True (Lord) becomes pleasing to the mind; (then) one does not know any other, except God,
(because) the True Guru has revealed the One (God) to him. 1
pRym pdwrQu ijn Git visAw shjy rhy smweI ] praym padaarath jin ghat vasi-aa, sehjay rahay samaa-ee.
Those, in whose hearts the wealth of the Name (of God) abides, remain absorbed (in the state
of) equipoise.
sbid rqy sy rMig clUly rwqy shij suBweI ]2] sabad ratay say raNg chaloolay, raatay sahj subhaa-ee. ||2||
Those, who are imbued with the Word (of the Guru), are dyed in the red (i.e. deep) colour of
love (of God) with natural ease. 2
rsnw sbdu vIcwir ris rwqI lwl BeI rMgu lweI ]rwm nwmu inhkyvlu jwixAw mnu iqRpiqAw sWiq AweI ]3]
rasnaa sabad veechaar ras raatee, laal bha-ee raNg laa-ee.
raam naam nihkayval jaaṇi-aa, man taripti-aa saant aa-ee. ||3||
Contemplating the Word, their tongue is imbued with love (of the Name), and, it is dyed in red
(i.e. deep) colour of love; (then) it comes to realize the Name of God, the pure detached (Lord),
and, the mind is satiated and comforted. 3
pMifq piV@ piV@ monI siB Qwky BRim ByK Qky ByKDwrI ]
paNdit paṛh paṛh monee sabh thaakay, bharam bhaykh thakay bhaykh-dhaaree.
(O! brethren) the Pandits (i.e. religious scholars) and the silent sages, all have grown weary of
reading and studying; and, those wearing (religious) robes have grown weary of wandering (in
search of God, but they have not found Him).
gur prswid inrMjnu pwieAw swcY sbid vIcwrI ]4]
gur parsaad niraNjan paa-i-aa, saachai sabad veechaaree. ||4||
the Immaculate (Lord) is found by the Grace of the Guru by contemplating the Word of the
True (Lord). 4
Awvw gauxu invwir sic rwqy swc sbdu min BwieAw ]
aavaa ga-oṇ nivaar sach raatay, saach sabad man bhaa-i-aa.
Those, whom the True Word is pleasing to their mind, and, they are imbued with Truth, their
coming and going (in reincarnation) is ended.
siqguru syiv sdw suKu pweIAY ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]5]
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai, jin vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||5||
Serving the True Guru eternal happiness is found, and, self-conceit is eliminated from
within. 5

swcY sbid shj Duin aupjY min swcY ilv lweI ] saachai sabad sahj dhun upjai, man saachai liv laa-ee.
Through the True Word, celestial melody wells up, and, the mind is attuned to (i.e. absorbed
in) the True (Lord).
Agm Agocru nwmu inrMjnu gurmuiK mMin vsweI ]6] agam agochar naam niranjan, gurmukh ma n vasaa-ee ||6||
The Name of the Inaccessible, Imperceptible and Immaculate (Lord) abides in the mind of the
Guru-oriented ones. 6
eyks mih sBu jgqo vrqY ivrlw eyku pCwxY ] aykas meh sabh jagto vartai, virlaa ayk pachhaaṇai.
The whole world is contained in the One (Lord), (pnly) some rare one realizes the One (Lord).
sbid mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY Anidnu eyko jwxY ]7] sabad marai taa sabh kichh soojhai, an-din ayko jaaṇai. ||7||
One, who dies in the Word, comes to know everything; and, day and night, he realizes the One
(Lord alone). 7
ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu bUJY horu khxw kQnu n jweI ]
jis no nadar karay so-ee jan boojhai, hor kahṇaa kathan na jaa-ee.
He alone understands upon whomever He bestows His Glance (of Grace); nothing else can be
said (about this).
nwnk nwim rqy sdw bYrwgI eyk sbid ilv lweI ]8]2]
naanak, naam ratay sadaa bairaagee, ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the Name (of Lord), are attuned to the Word alone. 1.2

swrg mhlw 3 ] Saarag, Mehlaa 3

mn myry hir kI AkQ khwxI ] man mayray, har kee akath kahaaṇee.
O! my mind, the story of (the excellences of) God is indescribable.
hir ndir kry soeI jnu pwey gurmuiK ivrlY jwxI ]1] rhwau ]
har nadar karay so-ee jan paa-ay, gurmukh virlai jaaṇee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servant (i.e. devotee) who is blessed by Glance (of Grace) of God, obtains (i.e understands)
it; (only) some rare of a Guru-oriented one understands this. 1 (pause)
hir gihr gMBIru guxI ghIru gur kY sbid pCwinAw ]
har gahir gaMbheer guṇee gaheer, gur kai sabad pachhaani-aa.
God is deep and profound Ocean of Excellences; He is realized through the Word of the Guru.
bhu ibiD krm krih Bwie dUjY ibnu sbdY baurwinAw ]1]
baho bidh karam karahi bhaa-ay, doojai bin sabdai ba-uraani-aa. ||1||
Those, who perform deeds in many ways, in the love of duality, are crazy without the Word. 1
hir nwim nwvY soeI jnu inrmlu iPir mYlw mUil n hoeI ]
har naam naavai so-ee jan nirmal, fir mailaa mool na ho-ee.
The servant (i.e. devotee) who bathes the (the AMmrit water of) the Name of God becomes
immaculate; he never becomes stained (i.e. polluted by vices) again.
nwm ibnw sBu jgu hY mYlw dUjY Brim piq KoeI ]2]
naam binaa sabh jag hai mailaa, doojai bharam pat kho-ee. ||2||
Without the Name, the whole world is polluted; wandering in duality, it loses its honour. 2
ikAw idRVW ikAw sMgRih iqAwgI mY qw bUJ n pweI ]
ki-aa dariṛaan, ki-aa saNgrahi ti-aagee, mai taa boojh na paa-ee.
What should I implant (in my mind), and what should I gather or abandon, I have not
understood (this at all).

hoih dieAwlu ik®pw kir hir jIau nwmo hoie sKweI ]3]
hohi da-i-aal kirpaa kar har jee-o, naamo ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||3||
If dear God becomes Merciful and bestows His Grace, (then ) one can realize that the Name
(alone) is the support (in the end). 3
scw scu dwqw krm ibDwqw ijsu BwvY iqsu nwie lwey ]
sachaa sach daataa karam bidhaataa, jis bhaavai tis naa-ay laa-ay.
The True (Lord) is the True Giver, the Architect of Destiny; one, with whom He is pleased, (He)
attaches him to (the meditation upon) the Name.
gurU duAwrY soeI bUJY ijs no Awip buJwey ]4] guroo du-aarai so-ee boojhai, jis no aap bujhaa-ay. ||4||
He alone comes to understand at the Door of (i.e. through the teachings of) the Guru, whom He
Himself gets to understand. 4
dyiK ibsmwdu iehu mnu nhI cyqy Awvw gauxu sMswrw ]
daykh bismaad ih man nahee chaytay, aavaa ga-oṇ saNsaaraa.
(Even) beholding the wonder of coming and going of the world, in incarnation, this mind (still)
does not think of (i.e. does not meditate upon) Him.
siqguru syvy soeI bUJY pwey moK duAwrw ]5] satgur sayvay so-ee boojhai, paa-ay mokh du-aaraa. ||5||
One, who serves the True Guru, (he alone) understands (the true path of life) and finds the Door
of liberation. 5
ijn@ dru sUJY sy kdy n ivgwVih siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
jinh dar soojhai, say kaday na vigaaṛeh, satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Those, who understand the Door (of the Lord), never suffer separation; the True Guru has
imparted them this understanding.
scu sMjmu krxI ikriq kmwvih Awvx jwxu rhweI ]6]
sach saNjam karṇee kirat kamaaveh, aavaṇ jaaṇ rahaa-ee. ||6||
They practice Truth, self-restraint and good deeds; and, their coming and going (in
reincarnation) are ended. 6
sy dir swcY swcu kmwvih ijn gurmuiK swcu ADwrw ]
say dar saachai, saach kamaaveh, jin gurmukh saach adhaaraa.
Those who have the support of the True (Name) through the Guru, obtain the Door of the True
Lord, (because) they practice Truth.
P. 1235
mnmuK dUjY Brim Bulwey nw bUJih vIcwrw ]7]
manmukh doojai bharam bhulaa-ay, naa boojheh veechaaraa. ||7||
Lost in doubt and duality, the mind-oriented ones wander around, (hence) they do not
understand the( real) thought (i.e. true path of life). 7
Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY Awpy kir kir vyKY ] aapay gurmukh, aapay dayvai; aapay kar kar vaykhai.
He Himself attaches one to the Guru, and, He Himself bestows (the Name). He Himself creates
(this play) and having done this, beholds it.
nwnk sy jn Qwie pey hY ijn kI piq pwvY lyKY ]8]3]
naanak, say jan thaa-ay pa-ay hai, jin kee pat paavai laykhai. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): those beings are approved, whose honour is accounted for (by Him). 8.3

swrg mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 1 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gusweˆØI prqwpu quhwro fITw ] gusaa-een, partaap tuhaaro deeṭaa.
O! Master of the World, I behold Your (great, wondrous) glory.
krn krwvn aupwie smwvn sgl CqRpiq bITw ]1] rhwau ]
karan karaavan, upaa-ay samaavan, sagal chhatarpat* beeṭaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Doer and the Causer (of causes); You create and destroy; and, You are seated as the
great Sovereign of all. 1 (pause) [*Chhatarpat, literally ‘king with canopy’ i.e. great emperor].
rwxw rwau rwj Bey rMkw auin JUTy khxu khwieE ]
raaṇaa raa-o raaj bha-ay raNkaa, un jhooṭay kahaṇ kahaa-i-o.
The (worldly) rulers, nobles and kings become beggars; they display their false shows.
hmrw rwjnu sdw slwmiq qw ko sgl Gtw jsu gwieE ]1]
hamraa raajan sadaa salaamat, taa ko sagal ghataa jas gaa-i-o. ||1||
Our Sovereign Lord is forever stable (ie. eternal); all hearts sing His praise. 1
aupmw sunhu rwjn kI sMqhu khq jyq pwhUcw ] upmaa sunhu raajan kee saNtahu, kahat jayt paahoochaa.
Listen to the praise of (our) Sovereign Lord; I describe that as best as I can say.
bysumwr vf swh dwqwrw aUcy hI qy aUcw ]2] baysumaar vad saah daataaraa, oochay hee tay oochaa. ||2||
Our great Sovereign Lord is immeasurable Giver; He is the Highest of the high. 2
pvin proieE sgl Akwrw pwvk kwst sMgy ] nIru Drix kir rwKy eykq koie n iks hI sMgy ]3]
pavan paro-i-o sagal akaaraa, paavak kaasat saNgay.
neer dharaṇ kar raakhay aykat, ko-ay na kis hee saNgay. ||3||
He has strung the whole creation in the air (i.e. breath of life), and (He has placed) fire is in the
wood. He has placed the water and the land together, but, neither bears enmity with the other
(i.e. the water does not devour land, and, the fire does not burn the wood ). 3
Git Git kQw rwjn kI cwlY Gir Gir quJih aumwhw ]
ghat ghat kathaa raajan kee chaalai, ghar ghar tujheh omaahaa.
In each and every heart, the story of (the excellences) of our Sovereign Lord is talked about;
and, in each and every home, they yearn for (beholding ) You (O! Lord).
jIA jMq siB pwCY kirAw pRQmy irjku smwhw ]4]
jee-a jaNt sabh paachhai kari-aa, parathmay rijak samaahaa. ||4||
First, He provided (everyone) with sustenance; afterwards He created all beings and
creatures. 4
jo ikCu krxw su Awpy krxw msliq kwhU dIn@I ] jo kichh karṇaa so aapay karṇaa, maslat kaahoo deen ee.

What He is to do, He does by Himself; who has ever counseled Him (ie. no one counsels Him)?
Aink jqn kir krh idKwey swcI swKI cIn@I ]5]
anik jatan kar karah dikhaa-ay, saachee saakhee cheenhee. ||5||
We make many effort and show of display; but, Truth is known through (true) teaching. 5
hir Bgqw kir rwKy Apny dInI nwmu vfweI ] har bhagtaa kar raakhay apnay, deenee naam vadaa-ee.
God protects His devotees by extending His hand (i.e. making them His own); and blesses them
with the glory of the Name.

ijin ijin krI AvigAw jn kI qy qYN dIey ruV@weI ]6]
jin jin karee avgi-aa jan kee, tay tain dee-ay ruṛhaa-ee. ||6||
Whoever has shown disrespect to the servants (i.e. devotees of God); You have (O! Lord) got
them swept away (i.e. destroyed). 6
mukiq Bey swDsMgiq kir iqn ky Avgn siB prhirAw ]
mukat bha-ay saadhsaNgat kar, tin kay avgan sabh parhari-aa.
Those, who join the company of the God-oriented persons, are saved; all their vices are taken
iqn kau dyiK Bey ikrpwlw iqn Bv swgru qirAw ]7]
tin ka-o daykh bha-ay kirpaalaa tin bhav saagar tari-aa. ||7||
Seeing them, He (i.e. God) becomes Gracious; and, they are carried across the terrifying
(world) ocean. 7
hm nwn@y nIc qumy@ bf swihb kudriq kaux bIcwrw ]
ham naanhay neech tumhay bad saahib kudrat ka-uṇ beechaaraa.
(O! Lord) we are tiny, humble beings; You are Great Master; how can we (ever) think of (i.e.
understand) Your Creative Power?
mnu qnu sIqlu gur drs dyKy nwnk nwmu ADwrw ]8]1]
man tan seetal gur daras daykhay naanak naam adhaaraa. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): my mind and body are cooled (i.e. soothed) by beholding the vision of the Guru;
the Name (of the Lord) is my (only) support. 8.1

swrg mhlw 5 AstpdI Gru 6 Saarag, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee, ghar 6

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and

. manifest), the Absolute Truth.

Agm AgwiD sunhu jn kQw ] agam agaadh, sunhu jan kathaa.
O! people, listen to the story of (the excellences of) the Inaccessible and Imperceptible (Lord).
pwrbRhm kI Acrj sBw ]1] rhwau ] paarbrahm kee achraj sabhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wondrous in the assembly (i.e. Court) of the Supreme Lord. 1 (pause)
sdw sdw siqgur nmskwr ] sadaa sadaa, satgur namaskaar.
(O! brethren) forever and ever bow to (i.e. make obeisance to) the True Guru.
gur ikrpw qy gun gwie Apwr ] gur kirpaa tay, gun gaa-ay apaar.
By the Grace of the Guru, sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Infinite (Lord).
mn BIqir hovY prgwsu ] man bheetar hovai pargaas.
(Divine) Light shall radiate within your mind.
igAwn AMjnu AigAwn ibnwsu ]1] gi-aan aNjan, agi-aan binaas. ||1||
With the (spiritual) collyrium (i.e. light) of knowledge, (darkness of) ignorance is dispelled. 1
imiq nwhI jw kw ibsQwru ] mit naahee, jaa kaa bisthaar.
(O! brethren) He has no limit to His expanse.
soBw qw kI Apr Apwr ] sobhaa taa kee, apar apaar.
His glory is infinite and endless.
Aink rMg jw ky gny n jwih ] anik raNg jaa kay, ganay na jaahi.
His many colours (i.e. wondrous plays) cannot be counted.

sog hrK duhhU mih nwih ]2] sog harakh duhhoo meh naahi. ||2||
He is not subject to both, pleasure or pain. 2
Aink bRhmy jw ky byd Duin krih ] Aink mhys bYis iDAwnu Drih ]
anik brahmay jaa kay, bayd dhun karahi. anik mahays bais, dhi-aan dhareh.
Countless Brahmas chant His melody in Vedas.
Countless Maheshs (i.e. Shivs) sit in meditation (upon Him).
P. 1236
Aink purK AMsw Avqwr ] Aink ieMdR aUBy drbwr ]3]
anik purakh, aNsaa avtaar. anik iNdar, oobhay darbaar. ||3||
Countless persons, the incarnation of gods; and,
countless Indars stand in His Court (i.e. at His Door). 3
Aink pvn pwvk Aru nIr ] anik pavan paavak ar neer.
Countless winds, fire and water (sing His praise).
Aink rqn swgr diD KIr ] anik ratan saagar dadh kheer.
Countless oceans of jewels, curd and milk (sing His praise).
Aink sUr ssIAr niKAwiq ] anik soor sasee-ar, nakhi-aat.
Countless suns, moons and stars (sing His praise).
Aink dyvI dyvw bhu BWiq ]4] anik dayvee, dayvaa, baho bhaant. ||4||
Countless goddesses and gods of many kinds (sing His praise). 4
Aink bsuDw Aink kwmDyn ] anik basudhaa, anik kaamdhayn.
Countless are earths and countless Kaamdhayns (i.e. mythical wish-fulfilling Elysian Cows sing
His praise).
Aink pwrjwq Aink muiK byn ] anik paarjaat, anik mukh bayn.
Countless Paarjaats (i.e. mythical wish-fulfilling trees), and, countless (Krishans) with flute in
their mouths (i.e. sing His praise).
Aink Akws Aink pwqwl ] anik akaas, anik paataal.
Countless skies and countless nether regions (sing His praise).
Aink muKI jpIAY gopwl ]5] anik mukhee japee-ai gopaal. ||5||
Countless chant (the Name of) the Sustainer of the World with their mouths. 5
Aink swsqR isimRiq purwn ] Aink jugiq hovq biKAwn ]
anik saastar simrit puraan. anik jugat hovat bakhi-aan.
Countless Shastras, Simrities and Puranas describe Him in so many ways.
Aink sroqy sunih inDwn ] anik sarotay, suneh nidhaan.
Countless listeners listen to the treasure (of excellences).
srb jIA pUrn Bgvwn ]6] sarab jee-a pooran bhagvaan. ||6||
The Lord of Fortune fully pervades all beings. 6
Aink Drm Aink kumyr ] anik dharam*, anik kumayr**.
Countless Judges of Righteousness, and, countless Kubers (i.e. gods of wealth) (sing His
praise). [*Dharam, i.e. Dharanraj; ** Kumayr/Kuber i.e. god of wealth -- both mythical gods].
Aink brn Aink kink sumyr ] anik baran, anik kanik sumayr.
Countless kinds (of gods of ocean), and, countless Sumayr (like mountains) of gold (sing His

Aink syK nvqn nwmu lyih ] anik saykh, navtan naam layhi.
Countless Shaishnaags (i.e. mythical ‘thousand-headed snake) chant (God’s) ever-new names.
pwrbRhm kw AMqu n qyih ]7] paarbrahm kaa aNt na tayhi. ||7||
(But) they do not know the limits of the Supreme Lord. 7
Aink purIAw Aink qh KMf ] anik puree-aa, anik tah khaNd.
(There are) countless cities, and countless continents.
Aink rUp rMg bRhmMf ] anik roop raNg barahmaNd.
(There are) countless forms, colours and (the realms of) the universe.
Aink bnw Aink Pl mUl ] anik banaa, anik fal mool.
(There are) countless forests, countless flowers, and fruits and roots.
Awpih sUKm Awpih AsQUl ]8] aapeh sookham, aapeh asthool. ||8||
He Himself is abstract, and, He Himself is concrete (i.e. He Himself is mind and matter). 8
Aink jugwid idns Aru rwiq ]anik jugaad, dinas ar raat.
(He has created) countless ages, days and nights.
Aink prlau Aink auqpwiq ] anik parla-o, anik utpaat.
Countless devastations (i.e. apocalypse / dissolving of the world) and countless creations.
Aink jIA jw ky igRh mwih ] anik jee-a, jaa kay garih maahi.
Countless beings are in His Home (i.e. He has created countless beings and creatures).
rmq rwm pUrn sRb TWie ]9] ramat raam, pooran sarab ṭaan-ay. ||9||
God is perfectly pervading all places. 9
Aink mwieAw jw kI lKI n jwie ] Aink klw KylY hir rwie ]
anik maa-i-aa jaa kee lakhee na jaa-ay. anik kalaa khaylai har raa-ay.
(He has created) many Mayas, which cannot be known; and,
the Sovereign Lord plays (His Maya) in many skills (i.e. arts and ways).
Aink Duinq lilq sMgIq ] anik dhunit lalit saNgeet.
(In His Court) many sounds and beautiful (charming/ enticing) melodies (sing His praise).
Aink gupq pRgty qh cIq ]10] anik gupat* pragatay tah cheet. ||10||
Countless Gupats* are revealed there. 10
[*Chitar and Gupat are mythical scribes who record all the good and bad deeds of the beings].
sB qy aUc Bgq jw kY sMig ] sabh tay ooch bhagat, jaa kai saNg.
He (i.e. God) is above all, and (countless) devotees are with Him.
AwT phr gun gwvih rMig ] aaṭ pahar, gun gaavahi raNg.
(All) the eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), (they) sing (the praise of) His excellences
with love.
Aink Anwhd Awnµd Junkwr ] anik anaahad, aanaNd jhunkaar.
Countless unstruck sounds and blissful melodies (resonate in His Court).
auAw rs kw kCu AMqu n pwr ]11] u-aa ras kaa, kachh ant na paar. ||11||
There is no end or limit of the (bliss of the) essence. 11
siq purKu siq AsQwnu ] sat purakh, sat asthaan.
True is the Primal Person, true is His dwelling.
aUc qy aUc inrml inrbwnu ] ooch tay ooch, nirmal nirbaan.
He is the Highest of the high, Immaculate and Detached.

Apunw kIAw jwnih Awip ] apunaa kee-aa, jaaneh aap.
He alone knows His creation.
Awpy Git Git rihE ibAwip ] aapay ghat ghat rahi-o bi-aap.
He Himself pervades each and every body (i.e. heart).
ik®pw inDwn nwnk dieAwl ] kirpaa nidhaan, naanak, da-i-aal.
Nanak (says): the Merciful (Lord) is the Treasure of Grace.
ijin jipAw nwnk qy Bey inhwl ]12]1]2]2]3]7]
jin japi-aa, naanak, tay bha-ay nihaal.
Nanak (says): those who meditate upon Him, are enraptured.

swrg CMq mhlw 5 Saarag, chhaNt, Mehlaa 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ] sabh daykhee-ai anbhai kaa daataa.
(O! brethren) see (God) the Giver of Fearlessness, in all.
Git Git pUrn hY Ailpwqw ] ghat ghat pooran hai, alipaataa.
He is pervading each and every heart, and, yet He is detached.
Git Git pUrnu kir ibsQIrnu jl qrMg ijau rcnu kIAw ]
ghat ghat pooran, kar bistheeran, jal taraNg ji-o rachan kee-aa.
He is perfectly pervading each and every heart; like wave in the water, He has created (like the
waves are from water, He has created the creation from Himself).
hiB rs mwxy Bog Gtwxy Awn n bIAw ko QIAw ]
habh ras maaṇay, bhog ghataaṇay, aan na bee-aa ko thee-aa.
He enjoys all tastes, and, He enjoys all hearts; there is no other like Him.
hir rMgI iek rMgI Twkuru sMqsMig pRBu jwqw ] har raNgee, ik raNgee ṭaakur, saNtsaNg* prabh jaataa.
In all the colours, the Master has one colour (of love); the Lord is known through the company
of the Guru*. [*Here saNt has been used for the Guru].
nwnk dris lInw ijau jl mInw sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ]1]
naanak, daras leenaa, ji-o jal meenaa; sabh daykhee-ai anbhai kaa daataa. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am so absorbed in His vision, like the fish in the water; the Giver of
Fearlessness is seen in all. 1
kaun aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ] ka-un upmaa day-o, kavan badaa-ee.
What praise should I give Him, and, what greatness (of His I should describe)?
pUrn pUir rihE sRb TweI ] pooran poor rahi-o sarab ṭaa-ee.
The Perfect (Lord) is totally pervading all places.
pUrn mnmohn Gt Gt sohn jb iKMcY qb CweI ]
pooran manmohan, ghat ghat sohan, jab khiNchai tab chhaa-ee.
The Perfect, Fascinating (Lord) looks beautiful in (i.e. adorns) each and every heart; (but)
when He withdraws (consciousness), (the body) turns to ashes.

P. 1237
ikau n ArwDhu imil kir swDhu GrI muhqk bylw AweI ]
ki-o na aaraadhahu mil kar, saadhahu, gharee muhtak baylaa aa-ee.
Why do you not adore (God), joining together, O! God-oriented persons? Any instant, any
moment, your time (for departure) could come.
ArQu drbu sBu jo ikCu dIsY sMig n kChU jweI ] arath darab sabh jo kichh deesai, saNg na kachhhoo jaa-ee.
All the wealth and property that is seen, nothing (of this) shall go along with you.
khu nwnk hir hir AwrwDhu kvn aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ]2]
kaho naanak, har har aaraadhahu, kavan upmaa day-o kavan badaa-ee. ||2||
Says Nanak: adore God, the Lord; what praise and what laudation can I offer Him. 2
pUCau sMq myro Twkuru kYsw ] poochha-o saNt*, mayro ṭaakur kaisaa.
I ask my Guru* ‘what is my Master like?’ [*Here, saNt has been used for the
hˆØIau ArwpauN dyhu sdysw ] heen-o araapa-un, dayh sadaysaa.
I offer my heart to the one, who brings His message (or His news to me).
dyhu sdysw pRB jIau kYsw kh mohn prvysw ] dayh sadaysaa, prabh jee-o kaisaa, kah mohan parvaysaa.
Give me the message (or news) of my dear Lord, and where does the Fascinator (Lord) live?
The answer to this question is:
AMg AMg suKdweI pUrn bRhmweI Qwn Qwnµqr dysw ]
aNg aNg sukh-daa-ee, pooran brahmaa-ee, thaan thaanaNtar daysaa.
The Giver of Happiness dwells in each and every limb (of each and every person); (and He
pervades) the whole of the universe; in lands and spaces and countries.
bMDn qy mukqw Git Git jugqw kih n skau hir jYsw ]
baNdhan tay muktaa, ghat ghat jugtaa, kahi na saka-o har jaisaa.
He is free from bondage, joined to each and every heart; I cannot say what God is like.
dyiK cirq nwnk mnu moihE pUCY dInu myro Twkuru kYsw ]3]
daykh charit naanak man mohi-o, poochhai deen, mayro ṭaakur kaisaa. ||3||
Nanak (says): beholding His wondrous play, my mind is fascinated; I am a humble person, I
ask ‘what is my Master like’? 3
kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ] kar kirpaa apunay peh aa-i-aa.
Bestowing His Grace, He has come to His own (servant, i.e. devotee).
DMin su irdw ijh crn bswieAw ] dhaNn so ridaa, jih charan basaa-i-aa.
Blessed is the heart, which has enshrined His feet.
crn bswieAw sMq sMgwieAw AigAwn AMDyru gvwieAw ]
charan basaa-i-aa, saNt* saNgaa-i-aa, agi-aan aNdhayr gavaa-i-aa.
Enshrining the feet (of God in one’s heart), and, joining the company of the Guru*, the
darkness of ignorance is dispelled. [*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
BieAw pRgwsu irdY aulwsu pRBu loVIdw pwieAw ] bha-i-aa pragaas, ridai ulaas, prabh loṛeedaa paa-i-aa.
The heart is illumined and enraptured, and one finds the desired Lord.
duKu nwTw suKu Gr mih vUTw mhw Anµd shjwieAw ]
dukh naaṭaa, sukh ghar meh vooṭaa, mahaa anaNd sehjaa-i-aa.
Sorrow has run away, happiness has come to abide in the heart; and, great bliss is obtained,

with natural ease.
khu nwnk mY pUrw pwieAw kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ]4]1]
kaho naanak, mai pooraa paa-i-aa, kar kirpaa apunay peh aa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak: I have found the Perfect (Lord). Bestowing His Grace, He has come to His own
(devotee). 4.1
swrMg kI vwr mhlw 4 rwie mhmy hsny kI Duin
SaaraNg kee vaar, Mehlaa 4, Raa-ay Mahmay Hasnay kee dhuni
(This hymn is to be sung on the tune of the ballad of Rai Mehma Hasna*)
[*Mehma (of Kangra) and Hasna (of Dhaula) were two Rajput chieftains. Through his clever manoeuvres, Hasna got
Mehma arrested and imprisoned. Once Akbar, the then ruler of the Indian sub-continent, observed display of chivalry of
the prisoners. Mehma’s wondrous fete impressed Akbar and he ordered immediate release of Mehma. After this, Mehma
led his forces against Hasna. A major battle was fought between the two armies, leading to the victory of Mehma. To
commemorate the bravery of Mehma, the minstrels wrote a ballad which became very popular among the masses].
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2
guru kuMjI pwhU invlu mnu koTw qnu Ciq ] gur kuNjee paahoo nival ,man koṭaa, tan chhat.
The Guru is key that opens the chain (i.e. lock) of attachment (of Maya), of the room of the
mind, under the roof of the body.
nwnk gur ibnu mn kw qwku n auGVY Avr n kuMjI hiQ ]1]
naanak, gur bin man kaa taak na ugh-ṛai, avar na kuNjee hath. ||1||
Nanak (says): without the Guru, the door of the mind cannot not be opened; (because) no one
else holds the key in his hand. 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
n BIjY rwgI nwdI byid ] na bheejai, raagee naadee bayd.
(O! brethren) He is not pleased by music, melody, or the Vedas.
n BIjY surqI igAwnI joig ] na bheejai, surtee gi-aanee jog.
He is not pleased by contemplative meditation, (debates of) knowledge of yoga.
n BIjY sogI kIqY roij ] na bheejai, sogee keetai roj.
He is not pleased by feeling sad everyday (i.e. forever).
n BIjY rUpˆØI mwlˆØI rMig ] na bheejai, roopeen maaleen raNg.
He is not pleased by beauty wealth and pleasures.
n BIjY qIriQ BivAY nµig ] na bheejai, tirath bhavi-ai naNg.
He is not pleased by wandering naked at places of pilgrimage.
n BIjY dwqˆØI kIqY puMin ] na bheejai, daateen keetai puNn.
He is not pleased by giving donations in charity.
n BIjY bwhir bYiTAw suMin ] na bheejai, baahar baiṭi-aa suNn.
He is not pleased by sitting alone, in void (in wilderness).
n BIjY ByiV mrih iBiV sUr ] na bheejai, bhayṛ mareh bhiṛ soor.
He is not pleased by fighting and dying as a warrior in the battle.
n BIjY kyqy hovih DUV ] na bheejai, kaytay hoveh dhooṛ.
He is not pleased by those many who become the dust (of the feet of all).
lyKw ilKIAY mn kY Bwie ] laykhaa likee-ai, man kai bhaa-ay.

The account is written of the love of the mind (of each and every being).
nwnk BIjY swcY nwie ]2] naanak, bheejai saachai naa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He is pleased by (meditating upon) the True Name. 2
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
nv iCA Kt kw kry bIcwru ] nav chhi-a khat kaa karay beechaar.
One may study nine (grammars), six (shastras) and six (parts of Vedas).
inis idn aucrY Bwr ATwr ] nis din uchrai, bhaar aṭaar.
One may recite the eighteen chapters (of Mahabharta) throughout day and night .
iqin BI AMqu n pwieAw qoih ] tin bhee, aNt na paa-i-aa tohi.
Even these cannot find Your limits (O! God).
nwm ibhUx mukiq ikau hoie ] naam bihooṇ, mukat ki-o ho-ay.
Without (meditation upon) the Name (of God), how can anyone be liberated?
nwiB vsq bRhmY AMqu n jwixAw ] naabh vasat, barahmai aNt na jaaṇi-aa.
Brahma* (dwelling) in the navel (of lotus), could not know His limits.
gurmuiK nwnk nwmu pCwixAw ]3] gurmukh, naanak, naam pachhaaṇi-aa. ||3||
Nanak (says): through the Guru one can realize Him through (meditation upon) the Name. 3
[*As per popular myth, Brahma, who is presented as the ‘creator of the world’, was born out of the stem of lotus grown in
the naval of Vishnu (another mythological god). In order to find the root (secret) of the stem of lotus he entered it (the
stem). At this, Vishnu lengthened the stem deep into the nether regions; hence Brahma got into the trap and remained
wandering around but could not find the root, i.e. the limits of God; and, he felt humbled ].

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy Awip inrMjnw ijin Awpu aupwieAw ] aapay aap niraNjanaa, jin aap upaa-i-aa.
The Immaculate (Lord) is Himself by Himself; He created Himself.
Awpy Kylu rcwieEnu sBu jgqu sbwieAw ] aapay khayl rachaa-i-on, sabh jagat sabaa-i-aa.
He Himself created the play of (the creation of) the world.
qRY gux Awip isrijAnu mwieAw mohu vDwieAw ] tarai guṇ aap sirji-an, maa-i-aa moh vadhaa-i-aa.
He Himself creates the three gunaas*, (and, thus) He increased attachment to Maya.
[*Literally, guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world are subject to these qualities].
gur prswdI aubry ijn Bwxw BwieAw ] gur parsaadee ubray, jin bhaaṇaa bhaa-i-aa.
Those, who love the Will (of God), are saved by the Grace of the Guru.
nwnk scu vrqdw sB sic smwieAw ]1] naanak, sach varatdaa, sabh sach samaa-i-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): the True (Lord) is all pervading (everywhere), and, all are contained in the True
(Lord). 1
P. 1238
slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2
Awip aupwey nwnkw Awpy rKY vyk ] aap upaa-ay naankaa, aapay rakhai vayk.
Nanak (says): He Himself creates, and, Himself keeps difference (of nature) in them.
mMdw iks no AwKIAY jW sBnw swihbu eyku ] maNdaa kis no aakhee-ai, jaan sabhnaa saahib ayk.
Who can be called bad? when the One is the Master of all.
sBnw swihbu eyku hY vyKY DMDY lwie ] sabhnaa saahib ayk hai, vaykhai dhaNdhai laa-ay.
The One (Lord) is the Master of all; He watches over (ie. takes care of) all and assigns (everyone)

to their tasks.
iksY QoVw iksY Aglw KwlI koeI nwih ] kisai thoṛaa, kisai aglaa, khaalee ko-ee naahi.
Some have more (bounds of Maya), and, some have less; no one is free from it (i.e. Maya).
Awvih nµgy jwih nµgy ivcy krih ivQwr ] aavahi naNgay, jaahi naNgay, vichay karahi vithaar.
We come naked, and, we go naked; in between we make expanse (of Maya).
nwnk hukmu n jwxIAY AgY kweI kwr ]1] naanak, hukam na jaaṇee-ai, agai kaa-ee kaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): one cannot understand His Command, that what one has to do hereafter? 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
ijnis Qwip jIAW kau ByjY ijnis Qwip lY jwvY ] jinas thaap jee-aan ka-o bhayjai, jinas thaap lai jaavai.
He creates species (of various kinds) and sends them (into the world); and, He takes these
created species (i.e. beings and creatures) back (again).
Awpy Qwip auQwpY Awpy eyqy vys krwvY ] aapay thaap uthaapai aapay, aytay vays karaavai.
He Himself establishes and dis-establishes; He Himself makes them assume various forms.
jyqy jIA iPrih AauDUqI Awpy iBiKAw pwvY ] jaytay jee-a fireh a-udhootee, aapay bhikhi-aa paavai.
All the beings, who wander as recluse, He Himself gives (sustenance) in charity to them.
lyKY bolxu lyKY clxu kwiequ kIcih dwvy ] laykhai bolaṇ, laykhai chalaṇ, kaa-it keecheh daavay.
As it is pre-inscribed, one speaks; as it is pre-inscribed one moves; so why to make claims (i.e.
to make declarations of achievements)?
mUlu miq prvwxw eyho nwnku AwiK suxwey ] krxI aupir hoie qpwvsu jy ko khY khwey ]2]
mool mat parvaaṇaa ayho, naanak, aakh suṇaa-ay.
karṇee upar ho-ay tapaavas, jay ko kahai kahaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): this is the basic understanding and approved (principle); I speak and proclaim
this: ‘Judgement is based on one’s actions; whatever anyone may say or get said (by others)’. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gurmuiK clqu rcwieEnu gux prgtI AwieAw ] gurmukh chalat rachaa-i-on, guṇ pargatee aa-i-aa.
Through His (wondrous) play, he created the Guru-oriented ones and revealed virtues in
gurbwxI sd aucrY hir mMin vswieAw ] gurbaaṇee sad uchrai, har maNn vasaa-i-aa.
He constantly chants the Word of the Guru, and, enshrines God in his mind.
skiq geI BRmu kitAw isv joiq jgwieAw ] sakat ga-ee, bharam kati-aa, siv jot jagaa-i-aa.
The power (of Maya) is gone (i.e. vanished/marginalized) his doubt has been eradicated; and, he
is awakened to the Light of God.
ijn kY poqY puMnu hY guru purKu imlwieAw ] jin kai potai puNn hai, gur purakh milaa-i-aa.
Those, who have virtues in their account (i.e. in their destiny), the Primal Person (Lord) gets
them meet the Guru.
nwnk shjy imil rhy hir nwim smwieAw ]2] naanak, sehjay mil rahay, har naam samaa-i-aa. ||2||
Nanak (says): they unite with Him, with natural ease, and, are absorbed in the Name of God. 2
slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2
swh cly vxjwirAw iliKAw dyvY nwil ] saah chalay vaṇjaari-aa, likhi-aa dayvai naal.
(O! brethren, when) the merchants come from the Banker (i.e. Lord), He gives them what is
(inscribed) in their destiny.
ilKy aupir hukmu hoie leIAY vsqu sm@wil ] likhay upar hukam ho-ay, la-ee-ai vasat samhaal.
On the bases of the inscribed (i.e. destiny), orders are issued (to them), they take care of their

vsqu leI vxjwreI vKru bDw pwie ] vasat la-ee vaṇjaara-ee, vakhar badhaa paa-ay.
The traders (of the Name) purchase their merchandise (of the Name of God), and, pack it
(safely) in their bag.
kyeI lwhw lY cly ieik cly mUlu gvwie ] kay-ee laahaa lai chalay, ik chalay mool gavaa-ay.
Some depart after having earned profit, (while) some depart having lost (even) their capital.
QoVw iknY n mMigE iksu khIAY swbwis ] thoṛaa kinai na mangi-o, kis kahee-ai saabaas.
No one aks for less; whom should we give appreciation?
ndir iqnw kau nwnkw ij swbqu lwey rwis ]1] nadar tinaa ka-o, naankaa, je saabat laa-ay raas. ||1||
Nanak (says): He bestows His Glance (of Grace) upon those, who preserve their capital intact. 1

mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
juiV juiV ivCuVy ivCuiV juVy ] juṛ, juṛ vichhuṛay, vichhuṛ juṛay.
(Soul and body are) united; having united they separate; and, separated are united (again).
jIiv jIiv muey muey jIvy ] jeev, jeev mu-ay, mu-ay jeevay.
The mortals live; they live to die; and, they die to be born (again).
kyiqAw ky bwp kyiqAw ky byty kyqy gur cyly hUey ]
kayti-aa kay baap, kayti-aa kay baytay, kaytay gur chaylay hoo-ay.
They become fathers of many and the sons of many; and, many have become teachers and
disciples of many.
AwgY pwCY gxq n AwvY ikAw jwqI ikAw huix hUey ]
aagai paachhai gaṇat na aavai, ki-aa jaatee ki-aa huṇ hoo-ay.
No account can be made of future or the past; who knows what we were and we are now (and
going to be in future).
sBu krxw ikrqu kir ilKIAY kir kir krqw kry kry ] sabh karṇaa, kirat kar likee-ai, kar kar kartaa karay karay.
All actions and deeds done are recorded; the Doer (i.e. God) does and goes on doing this.
mnmuiK mrIAY gurmuiK qrIAY nwnk ndrI ndir kry ]2]
manmukh maree-ai, gurmukh taree-ai; naanak, nadree nadar karay. ||2||
Nanak (says): the mind-oriented one dies (spiritual death), (whereas) the Guru-oriented is
saved; the Gracious (Lord) bestows His Glance of Grace on him. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mnmuiK dUjw Brmu hY dUjY loBwieAw ] manmukh doojaa bharam hai, doojai lobhaa-i-aa.
The mind-oriented one wanders in duality; (because) he is enticed by duality.
kUVu kptu kmwvdy kUVo AwlwieAw ] kooṛ kapat kamaavday, kooṛo aalaa-i-aa.
He practices falsehood and deception, and, tells lies.
puqR klqRü mohu hyqu hY sBu duKu sbwieAw ] putar kalatar moh hayt hai, sabh dukh sabaa-i-aa.
(All) this is for (emotional) attachment to son and wife; this is total misery.
jm dir bDy mwrIAih Brmih BrmwieAw ] jam dar badhay maaree-ah, bharmeh bharmaa-i-aa.
They are bound at the door of the messenger of death; (they) wander in delusion.
mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw nwnk hir BwieAw ]3] manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa, naanak, har bhaa-i-aa. ||3||
The mind-oriented one wastes his life; Nanak (says): (it is so as) it was pleasing to God as such.3

slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2
ijn vifAweI qyry nwm kI qy rqy mn mwih ] jin vadi-aa-ee tayray naam kee, tay ratay man maahi.
(O! God) those who are blessed with glory of Your Name, their minds are imbued with Your
nwnk AMimRqu eyku hY dUjw AMimRqu nwih ] naanak, aMmrit ayk hai, doojaa aMmrit naahi.
Nanak (says): there is only one AMmrit (i.e. the Name of God), there is no other AMmrit at all.
nwnk AMimRqu mnY mwih pweIAY gur prswid ] naanak, aMmrit manai maahi, paa-ee-ai gur parsaad.
Nanak (says): the AMmrit is within the mind; it is obtained by the Grace of the Guru.
iqn@I pIqw rMg isau ijn@ kau iliKAw Awid ]1] tin ee peetaa raNg si-o, jinh ka-o likhi-aa aad. ||1||

They alone drink it in with love, who have such pre-inscribed destiny. 1
P. 1239
mhlw 2 ] Mehlaa 2
kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kry soie swlwih ] keetaa ki-aa salaahee-ai; karay so-ay saalaahi.
(O! brethren) why praise the created ones (i.e. the beings)? Praise (only) the One who creates
nwnk eykI bwhrw dUjw dwqw nwih ] naanak, aykee baahraa, doojaa daataa naahi.
Nanak (says): except the One (Lord), there is no other Giver.
krqw so swlwhIAY ijin kIqw Awkwru ] kartaa so salaahee-ai, jin keetaa aakaar.
(O! brethren) praise the Creator, who created (the whole) creation.
dwqw so swlwhIAY ij sBsY dy AwDwru ] daataa so salaahee-ai, je sabhsai day aadhaar.
Praise that Giver, who gives sustenance to all.
nwnk Awip sdIv hY pUrw ijsu BMfwru ] naanak, aap sadeev hai, pooraa jis bhaNdaar.
Nanak (says): He is eternal, and, His treasure is over-flowing.
vfw kir swlwhIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]2] vadaa kar salaahee-ai ,aNt na paaraavaar. ||2||
(O! brethren) praise and eulogise Him; He has no end or limitation. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY syivAY suKu pweI ] har kaa naam nidhaan hai, sayvi-ai sukh paa-ee.
The Name of God is a treasure; serving it (spiritual) happiness is obtained.
nwmu inrMjnu aucrW piq isau Gir jWeI ] naam niraNjan uchraan, pat si-o ghar jaan-ee.
(I wish) I chant the Name of the Immaculate (Lord), so that I may go home with honour (i.e. go
to the Court of the Lord with honour).
gurmuiK bwxI nwmu hY nwmu irdY vsweI ] gurmukh baaṇee naam hai, naam ridai vasaa-ee.
For the Guru-oriented one, the Word (of the Guru) is the Name (of Lord); he enshrines the
Name within his heart.
miq pMKyrU vis hoie siqgurU iDAweˆØI ] mat paNkhayroo vas ho-ay, satguroo dhi-aa-een.
The bird of intellect comes under control, by meditating upon the True Guru.
nwnk Awip dieAwlu hoie nwmy ilv lweI ]4] naanak aap da-i-aal ho-ay naamay liv laa-ee. ||4||
Nanak (says): if God becomes Merciful, one can be lovingly attuned to the Name. 4

slok mhlw 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2

iqsu isau kYsw bolxw ij Awpy jwxY jwxu ] tis si-o kaisaa bolṇaa, je aapay jaaṇai jaaṇ.

What to speak before the One, who Himself is all-knowing.
cIrI jw kI nw iPrY swihbu so prvwxu ] cheeree jaa kee naa firai, saahib so parvaaṇ.
His Missive (i.e. decree of Command) cannot be disobeyed, that Master is acceptable one (i.e.
the final authority).
cIrI ijs kI clxw mIr mlk slwr ] cheeree jis kee chalṇaa, meer malak salaar.
By His Missive (even) kings, nobles and commanders (must) depart (from the world).
jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw sweI BlI kwr ] jo tis bhaavai, naankaa, saa-ee bhalee kaar.
Nanak (says): whatever is pleasing to Him, that is the good deed.
ijn@w cIrI clxw hiQ iqn@w ikCu nwih ] jinhaa cheeree chalṇaa, hath tinhaa kichh naahi.
Those, who (have to) depart by (the command of) His Missive; nothing rests in their hands.
swihb kw Purmwxu hoie auTI krlY pwih ] saahib kaa furmaaṇ ho-ay, uṭee karlai paahi.
When the Command of the Master comes, one arises and takes to the (commanded) path.
jyhw cIrI iliKAw qyhw hukmu kmwih ] jayhaa cheeree likhi-aa, tayhaa hukam kamaahi.
Whatever is written in the Missive, so is that Command obeyed.
Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwih ]1] ghalay aavahi, naankaa, saday uṭee jaahi. ||1||
Nanak (says): when He sends, one comes (to the world), and, when one is called back, he arises
and departs (from the world). 1
mhlw 2 ] Mehlaa 2
isPiq ijnw kau bKsIAY syeI poqydwr ] sifat jinaa ka-o bakhsee-ai, say-ee potaydaar.
Those, whom He blessed with His praise, they alone are the (true) keepers of treasures.
kuMjI ijn kau idqIAw iqn@w imly BMfwr ] kuNjee jin ka-o ditee-aa tinhaa, milay bhaNdaar.
Those, who have been given (i.e. blessed with) the key*, they alone receive the treasures (of the
Name). [*Meditation upon His Name is the key of the treasure of His praise].
jh BMfwrI hU gux inklih qy kIAih prvwxu ] jah bhaNdaaree hoo guṇ niklahi, tay kee-ah parvaaṇ.
The treasure (i.e. hearts) from which the virtue (of praise of the Lord) wells up, those treasures
are approved (and accepted).
ndir iqn@w kau nwnkw nwmu ijn@w nIswxu ]2] nadar tinhaa ka-o, naankaa, naam jinhaa neesaaṇ. ||2||
Nanak (says): they (alone) are blessed by His Grace, who bear the insignia of the Name (of the
Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwmu inrMjnu inrmlw suixAY suKu hoeI ] naam niraNjan nirmalaa, suṇi-ai sukh ho-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate (Lord) is pure; hearing it (spiritual) happiness is obtained.
suix suix mMin vsweIAY bUJY jnu koeI ] suṇ suṇ maNn vasaa-ee-ai, boojhai jan ko-ee.
Listening and hearing, it should be enshrined in the mind; (but) rare are the servants (i.e.
devotees) who realize it.
bhidAw auTidAw n ivsrY swcw scu soeI ] bahdi-aa uṭ-di-aa na visrai, saachaa sach so-ee.
Sitting down or standing up (i.e. all the time)He should not be forgotten; He is the Truest of the
Bgqw kau nwm ADwru hY nwmy suKu hoeI ] bhagtaa ka-o naam adhaar hai naamay sukh ho-ee.
The Name (of the Lord) is the support of the devotees; in the Name they find (spiritual) happiness.
nwnk min qin riv rihAw gurmuiK hir soeI ]5] naanak man tan rav rahi-aa gurmukh har so-ee. ||5||
Nanak (says): He permeates the mind and the body; one is attached to God through the

Guru. 5
slok mhlw 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
nwnk qulIAih qol jy jIau ipCY pweIAY ] naanak, tulee-ah tol, jay jee-o pichhai paa-ee-ai.
Nanak (says): one’s weight is weighed when the soul is placed (on the scale). (i.e. one weighs
complete, in the Court of God, if His soul has the earning of good deeds).
ieksu n pujih bol jy pUry pUrw kir imlY ] ikas na pujeh bol, jay pooray pooraa kar milai.
No word (i.e. no ritual or any other act) is equal (to the meditation upon the Name), that makes
one perfect, to unite with the Perfect (Lord).
vfw AwKxu Bwrw qolu ] vadaa aakhaṇ, bhaaraa tol.
Calling Him Great, carries heavy weight (i.e. the praise of the Lord is the greatest thing).
hor haulI mqI hauly bol ] hor ha-ulee matee, ha-ulay bol.
Otherwise wisdom is hollow, and, other words (i.e. other than the praise of God) are hollow.
DrqI pwxI prbq Bwru ] ikau kMfY qolY suinAwru ]
dhartee paaṇee parbat bhaar. ki-o kaNdai tolai suni-aar.
The weight of earth, waters, mountains (are so heavy);
how can the goldsmith weigh them on a scale?
qolw mwsw rqk pwie ] tolaa maasaa ratak paa-ay.
He weighs with (smallest weights like) Tolaa*, Maasha*, Rati.*
[*Before the introdution of the Metric system, the weight and measure systes was in ratti, tola, maashaa, chhatak sayr
(ser) and maṇ (mound). In the old system 8 ratti was one maashaa, 12 maashaa was one tola, five tola was one chhatak
and 16 chhatak or 80 tola was one sayr (ser), and, 40 saysr (ser) was one maṇ (mound). In comparison to the Metric
system, 1tolaa is equal to 11.664 grams, one sayr (ser) is 933.10 grams and one maṇ (mound) is 37.324 kilograms].
nwnk puiCAw dyie pujwie ] naanak, puchhi-aa day-ay pujaa-ay.
Nanak (says): (but) when (the goldsmith is) asked, he satisfies (with this and that answer).
mUrK AMiDAw AMDI Dwqu ] moorakh aNdhi-aa, aNdhee dhaat.
The blind foolish have blind base (i.e. blind wisdom).
kih kih khxu khwiein Awpu ]1] kahi kahi kahaṇ, kahaa-in aap. ||1||
The more they say, the more they project (i.e. expose) themselves. 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
AwKix AauKw sunix AauKw AwiK n jwpI AwiK ] aakhaṇ a-ukhaa, sunaṇ a-ukhaa, aakh na jaapee aakh.
It (i.e. the Name of God) is difficult to chant, and, it is difficult is to listen (to it); (even after
chanting repeatedly) one does not know, what he has chanted.
ieik AwiK AwKih sbdu BwKih ArD aurD idnu rwiq ] ik aakh aakhahi, sabad bhaakhahi, aradh uradh din raat.
Some speak and say in words, low and high (i.e. loudly and slowly), day and night.
jy ikhu hoie q ikhu idsY jwpY rUpu n jwiq ] jay kihu ho-ay, ta kihu disai, jaapai roop na jaat.
If there is something (in concrete form), then something would be visible; (but God) has neither
a form, nor caste (i.e. colour, state or condition).
siB kwrx krqw kry Gt AauGt Gt Qwip ] sabh kaaraṇ kartaa karay, ghat a-ughat ghat thaap.
The Creator (Lord) does all deeds; He establishes high and low places (i.e situations).
AwKix AauKw nwnkw AwiK n jwpY AwiK ]2] aakhaṇ a-ukhaa, naankaa, aakh na jaapai aakh. ||2||
Nanak (says): it is difficult to say it; it cannot be said and known. 2
P. 1240
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie suixAY mnu rhsIAY nwmy sWiq AweI ] naa-ay suṇi-ai man rehsee-ai, naamay saant aa-ee.

Hearing the Name, the mind is delighted; the Name brings peace (i.e. spiritual joy).
nwie suixAY mnu iqRpqIAY sB duK gvweI ] naa-ay suṇi-ai man taripat-ee-ai, sabh dukh gavaa-ee.
Hearing the Name, the mind is satiated; all sufferings are eradicated.
nwie suixAY nwau aUpjY nwmy vifAweI ] naa-ay suṇi-ai naa-o oopjai, naamay vadi-aa-ee.
Hearing the Name, the Name wells up (within the soul), and, (one obtains) glory in the Name.
nwmy hI sB jwiq piq nwmy giq pweI ] naamay hee sabh jaat pat, naamay gat paa-ee.
The Name brings (high) caste and honour; through the Name liberation is obtained.
gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY nwnk ilv lweI ]6] gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, naanak, liv laa-ee. ||6||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented one meditates upon the Name, and, remains lovingly attuned
to it. 6
slok mhlw 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
jUiT n rwgˆØI jUiT n vydˆØI ] jooṭ na raageen, jooṭ na vaydeen.
Impurity is not contained in music (as some religions believe); and, impurity does not come
from the Vedas.
jUiT n cMd sUrj kI BydI ] jooṭ na chaNd sooraj kee bhaydee.
Impurity is not contained in the phases(i.e. waxing and waning) of the moon or of the sun.
jUiT n AMnI jUiT n nweI ] jooṭ na aNnee, jooṭ na naa-ee.
Impurity is not contained in the food; and impurity is not in the (ritual) bath.
jUiT n mIhu virHAY sB QweI ] jooṭ na meehu varhi-ai sabh thaa-ee.
Impurity is not contained in the rain which falls all places.
jUiT n DrqI jUiT n pwxI ] jooṭ na dhartee, jooṭ na paaṇee.
Impurity is not contained in the earth nor is it contained in the water.
jUiT n pauxY mwih smwxI ] jooṭ na pa-uṇai maahi samaaṇee.
Impurity is not contained in the air, which is diffused everywhere.
nwnk inguirAw guxu nwhI koie ] naanak, niguri-aa guṇ naahee ko-ay.
Nanak (says): one, who has no Guru, has no virtue at all.
muih PyirAY muhu jUTw hoie ]1] muhi fayri-ai, muhu jooṭaa ho-ay. ||1||
impurity comes when one turns face away (from God).
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
nwnk culIAw sucIAw jy Bir jwxY koie ] naanak, chulee-aa suchee-aa, jay bhar jaaṇai ko-ay.
[We wash/rinse/cleanse mouth with water; i.e. the mouth needs water to rinse (clean) it].
Nanak (says): the rinsing (i.e. cleansing water) are pure, if one really knows how to fill (use) it.
surqy culI igAwn kI jogI kw jqu hoie ] surtay chulee gi-aan kee, jogee kaa jat ho-ay.
For the (intellectually) awakened, rinsing (i.e. cleansing water) is (spiritual) knowledge; and,
for a yogi it is celibacy (i.e. self-control).
bRhmx culI sMqoK kI igrhI kw squ dwnu ] brahmaṇ chulee saNtokh kee, girhee kaa sat daan.
For the brahman, the rinsing (i.e. cleansing water) is contentedness; and, for the house-holder,
it is truth and charity.
rwjy culI inAwv kI piVAw scu iDAwnu ] raajay chulee ni-aav kee, paṛi-aa sach dhi-aan.
For a king, rinsing (i.e. cleansing water) is imparting justice; and, for the scholar, it is true
pwxI icqu n DopeI muiK pIqY iqK jwie ] paaṇee chit na dhop-ee, mukh peetai tikh jaa-ay.
The heart is not washed with water; (though) drinking it (i.e. water) with mouth the thirst is

pwxI ipqw jgq kw iPir pwxI sBu Kwie ]2] paaṇee pitaa jagat kaa, fir paaṇee sabh khaa-ay. ||2||
Water is (like) the father (i.e. life-giver) of the world; (and, in the end), then water eats up (i.e.
destroys) all. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie suixAY sB isiD hY iriD ipCY AwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai sabh sidh hai, ridh pichhai aavai.
Hearing the Name (of the Lord), all spiritual powers are obtained, and, wealth follows along
nwie suixAY nau iniD imlY mn icMidAw pwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai na-o nidh milai, man chiNdi-aa paavai.
Hearing the Name the nine treasures are received; and, the desires of the mind are obtained.
nwie suixAY sMqoKu hoie kvlw crn iDAwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai santokh ho-ay, kavlaa charan dhi-aavai.
Hearing the Name one becomes contented, and, Maya adores one’s feet (i.e. Maya becomes
one’s servant).
nwie suixAY shju aUpjY shjy suKu pwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai sahj oopjai, sehjay sukh paavai.
Hearing the Name, poise wells up, and, one obtains happiness with natual ease.
gurmqI nwau pweIAY nwnk gux gwvY ]7] gurmatee naa-o paa-ee-ai, naanak, guṇ gaavai. ||7||
Nanak (says): the Name is obtained though the wisdom of the Guru, and, one sings (the praise
of) His excellences. 7
slok mhlw 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
duK ivic jMmxu duiK mrxu duiK vrqxu sMswir ] dukh vich jaMmaṇ, dukh maraṇ, dukh vartaṇ saNsaar.
In pain one is born, in pain one dies; in pain one deals with (i.e. lives in) the world.
duKu duKu AgY AwKIAY piV@ piV@ krih pukwr ] dukh dukh agai aakhee-ai, paṛh paṛh karahi pukaar.
It is said that hereafter, there is (all) pain and pain; the more one reads, the more he cries.
duK kIAw pMfw Kul@IAw suKu n inkilE koie ] dukh kee-aa paNdaa khulhee-aa, sukh na nikli-o ko-ay.
(Everywhere, as if) the packs of pain are untied, and, happiness does not ememrge.
duK ivic jIau jlwieAw duKIAw cilAw roie ] dukh vich jee-o jalaa-i-aa, dukhee-aa chali-aa ro-ay.
In pain the soul burns; and, in pain it departs (from the world) wailing and crying.
nwnk isPqI riqAw mnu qnu hirAw hoie ] naanak, siftee rati-aa, man tan hari-aa ho-ay.
Nanak (says): imbued with the praise (of God), the mind and body turn green (i.e. blossom forth).
duK kIAw AgI mwrIAih BI duKu dwrU hoie ]1] dukh kee-aa agee maaree-ah, bhee dukh daaroo ho-ay. ||1||
In the fire of pain, one dies; but, pain is also a cure (i.e. if one meditates upon God, pain can turn
into pleasure). 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
nwnk dunIAw Bsu rMgu BsU hU Bsu Kyh ] naanak, dunee-aa bhas raNg, bhasoo hoo bhas khayh.
Nanak (says): the worldly pleasures are but dust; they are dust and just ash and dust.
Bso Bsu kmwvxI BI Bsu BrIAY dyh ] bhaso bhas kamaavṇee, bhee bhas bharee-ai dayh.
One earns just dust and dust, and, one’s body is smeared with dust.
jw jIau ivchu kFIAY BsU BirAw jwie ] jaa jee-o vichahu kaḍee-ai, bhasoo bhari-aa jaa-ay.
When the soul (i.e. life) is taken out (of the body), it too is filled (i.e. covered) with dust.
AgY lyKY mMigAY hor dsUxI pwie ]2] agai laykhai maNgi-ai, hor dasooṇee paa-ay. ||2||
When, one’s account is called for hereafter, one receives ten times more (dust). 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie suixAY suic sMjmo jmu nyiV n AwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai such saNjamo, jam nayrh na aavai.
Hearing the Name (of the Lord), one is blessed with Truth and self-discipline, and, the

messenger of death does not draw near.
nwie suixAY Git cwnxw Awn@yru gvwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai ghat chaanṇaa, aanhayr gavaavai.
Hearing the Name (of the Lord), the heart is illumined, and, darkness (of ignorance) is
nwie suixAY Awpu buJIAY lwhw nwau pwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai aap bujhee-ai, laahaa naa-o paavai.
Hearing the Name (of the Lord), one comes to realizes one’s own self, and, the profit of the
Name (which is the real gain of human life) is obtained.
nwie suixAY pwp ktIAih inrml scu pwvY ] naa-ay suṇi-ai paap katee-ah, nirmal sach paavai.
Hearing the Name (of the Lord), the sins are eradicated, and, one finds(i.e. is united with) the
Immaculate True (Lord).
nwnk nwie suixAY muK aujly nwau gurmuiK iDAwvY ]8]
naanak, naa-ay suṇi-ai mukh ujlay, naa-o gurmukh dhi-aavai. ||8||
Nanak (says): hearing the Name (of the Lord), one’s faces becomes radiant; the Guru-oriented
one meditates upon the Name. 8
slok mhlw 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
Gir nwrwiexu sBw nwil ] ghar naaraa-iṇ, sabhaa naal.
In his home (brahmin places the idol of) the Omnipresent (Lord)*, along with all others (i.e. gods).
[*Naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings, i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
pUj kry rKY nwvwil ] pooj karay, rakhai naavaal.
He washes and worships (the stone-god).
P. 1241
kuMgU cMnxu Pul cVwey ] kuNgoo chaNnaṇ ful chaṛaa-ay.
He offers (to the stone-idols) saffron, sandalwood and flowers.
pYrI pY pY bhuqu mnwey ] pairee pai pai, bahut manaa-ay.
Bowing at their (i.e. stone-idols’s) feet, he tries hard to appease them.
mwxUAw mMig mMig pYn@Y Kwie ] maaṇoo-aa maNg maNg, painhai khaa-ay.
Begging and begging from men (i.e. other people), he wears (clothes)and eats ( food).
AMDI kMmI AMD sjwie ] aNdhee kaMmee, aNdh sajaa-ay.
For blind actions, one earns blind (i.e. heavy) punishment.
BuiKAw dyie n mridAw rKY ] bhukhi-aa day-ay na mardi-aa rakhai.
(But, an idol) does not feed the hungry nor does it save the dying one.
AMDw JgVw AMDI sQY ]1] aNdhaa jhagṛaa, aNdhee sathai. ||1||
The blind assembly (of the ignorant people) argues in blindness (i.e. ignorance). 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
sBy surqI jog siB sBy byd purwx ] sabhay surtee, jog sabh, sabhay bayd puraaṇ.
All meditations, all yoga, and all the Vedas and Puranas (are under the Command of the Lord).
sBy krxy qp siB sBy gIq igAwn ] sabhay karṇay, tap sabh, sabhay geet gi-aan.
All actions, all penances, and all songs and knowledge (are under the Command of the Lord).
sBy buDI suiD siB siB qIrQ siB Qwn ] sabhay budhee, sudh sabh, sabh tirath, sabh thaan.
All wisdom, all awareness, all centres of pilgrimages and all places (are under His Command).
siB pwiqswhIAw Amr siB siB KusIAw siB Kwn ]
sabh paatisaahee-aa amar sabh, sabh khusee-aa sabh khaan.

of millions upon tens of millions times (that God is Truth).
AwKUM AwKW sdw sdw khix n AwvY qoit ] aakhooN aakhaan sadaa sadaa, kahaṇ na aavai tot.
With my mouth (i.e. tongue), I say it forever and ever; and, there be no end to saying so.
nw hau QkW n TwkIAw eyvf rKih joiq ] naa ha-o thakaan, na ṭaakee-aa, ayvad rakheh jot.
I do not get tired; I will not be stopped (from saying); I may have such light (i.e. power).
nwnk cisAhu cuK ibMd aupir AwKxu dosu ]2] naanak, chasi-ahu chukh biNd upar, aakhaṇ dos. ||2||
Nanak (says): this (praise of God) is a little bit, and, if I say more than that, that too will be
wrong (i.e. Your greatness cannot be described by any means and to any extent).
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie mMinAY kulu auDrY sBu kutMbu sbwieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai kul udhrai, sabh kutaMb sabaa-i-aa.
With faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), one’s all generations and the whole
family are saved.
nwie mMinAY sMgiq auDrY ijn irdY vswieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai saNgat udhrai, jin ridai vasaa-i-aa.
With faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), one’s companions are saved if they
enshrine (His Name) within their hearts.
nwie mMinAY suix auDry ijn rsn rswieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai suṇ udhray jin rasan rasaa-i-aa.
With faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), those who hear it; (and those) who
savour it with their tongues, are saved.
nwie mMinAY duK BuK geI ijn nwim icqu lwieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai dukh bhukh ga-ee jin naam chit laa-i-aa.
With faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), the hunger and sorrows of those who
have attached their mind to the Name (of the Lord), are dispelled.
nwnk nwmu iqnI swlwihAw ijn gurU imlwieAw]10] naanak, naam tinee salaahi-aa, jin guroo milaa-i-aa.||10||
Nanak (says): they alone praise His Name, whom He has united with the Guru. 10
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
sBy rwqI siB idh siB iQqI siB vwr ] sabhay raatee, sabh dih, sabh thitee, sabh vaar.
All nights, all days, all the lunar dates and, all days of weak (have been created by Him).
sBy ruqI mwh siB siB DrqˆØI siB Bwr ] sabhay rutee, maah sabh, sabh dharteen, sabh bhaar.
All seasons, all months, all earth and all loads (i.e. everything on the earths have been created by
sBy pwxI paux siB siB AgnI pwqwl ] sabhay paaṇee, pa-uṇ sabh, sabh agnee paataal.
All waters, all winds, all fires and all nether regions (have been created by Him).
sBy purIAw KMf siB siB loA loA Awkwr ] sabhay puree-aa, khaNd sabh, sabh lo-a lo-a aakaar.
All cities, all continents, all people and all forms of people (have been created by Him).
hukmu n jwpI kyqVw kih n skIjY kwr ] hukam na jaapee kayt-ṛaa, kahi na sakeejai kaar.
No one knows how great His Command is; and, no one can describe His creation.
AwKih Qkih AwiK AwiK kir isPqˆØI vIcwr ] aakhahi thakeh, aakh aakh, kar sifteen veechaar.
They(i.e. people) say (i.e. try to describe), but saying and narrating, praising and
contemplating, they get tired (and still no one can describe His Greatness).
iqRxu n pwieE bpuVI nwnku khY gvwr ]1] tariṇ na paa-i-o bapuṛee, naanak kahai, gavaar. ||1||
Says Nanak: the poor fools have not known even a tiny bit of Him. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
AKˆØI prxY jy iPrW dyKW sBu Awkwru ] akheen parṇai jay firaan, daykhaan sabh aakaar.
If I walk around with my eyes wide-open, and, looking at all the created forms (still I cannot

All kingdoms, all commands, all joys and all delicacies (are under the Command of the Lord).
sBy mwxs dyv siB sBy jog iDAwn ] sabhay maaṇas dayv sabh, sabhay jog dhi-aan.
All the men (i.e. mankind), all deities, all yoga and meditation (are under His Command).
sBy purIAw KMf siB sBy jIA jhwn ] sabhay puree-aa, khaNd sabh, sabhay jee-a jahaan.
All the worlds, all the continents, all the beings in the world (are under His Command ).
hukim clwey AwpxY krmI vhY klwm ] hukam chalaa-ay aapṇai, karmee vahai kalaam.
He enforces His Command; and, His pen issues Commands as per their deeds.
nwnk scw sic nwie scu sBw dIbwnu ]2] naanak, sachaa sach naa-ay, sach sabhaa deebaan. ||2||
Nanak (says): True (is the Lord), and, True (i.e. eternal) is His Name; True is His Congregation
and True is His Court. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie mMinAY suKu aUpjY nwmy giq hoeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai sukh oopjai, naamay gat ho-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), happiness wells up, and, (meditation
upon) the Name leads to liberation.
nwie mMinAY piq pweIAY ihrdY hir soeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai pat paa-ee-ai, hirdai har so-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), one obtains honour, and, God comes
to abide in one’s heart.
nwie mMinAY Bvjlu lµGIAY iPir ibGnu n hoeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai bhavjal laNghee-ai, fir bighan na ho-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), one crosses over the terrifying waters
(of the world ocean), and no obstructions ever come (on the path to liberation).
nwie mMinAY pMQu prgtw nwmy sB loeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai paNth pargataa, naamay sabh lo-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), the (Divine) path is revealed; and, in
Name, there is total enlightenment.
nwnk siqguir imilAY nwau mMnIAY ijn dyvY soeI ]9]
naanak, satgur mili-ai, naa-o maNnee-ai, jin dayvai so-ee. ||9||
Nanak (says): meeting the True Guru, one comes to have faith in the Name; (but) he alone
obtains it, whom He blesses with it. 9
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
purIAw KMfw isir kry iek pYir iDAwey ] puree-aa khaNda sir karay, ik pair dhi-aa-ay.
(One may) walk on his head through the cities and continents; he may meditate (balanced) on
one foot.
pauxu mwir min jpu kry isru muMfI qlY dyie ] pa-uṇ maar man jap karay, sir muNdee talai day-ay.
Controlling the wind (i.e. holding the breath) one may meditate within his mind, and, one may
tuck his head into his neck (i.e. one may perform rigorous penance), (but all this is of no use).
iksu aupir Ehu itk itkY iks no joru kryie ] kis upar oh tik tikai, kis no jor karay-i.
What power does he lean on, and, to whom can he shows his power ?
iks no khIAY nwnkw iks no krqw dyie ] kis no kahee-ai, naankaa, kis no kartaa day-ay.
Nanak (says): what can be said about whom the Creator blesses (with power and honour).
hukim rhwey AwpxY mUrKu Awpu gxyie ]1] hukam rahaa-ay aapṇai, moorakh aap gaṇay-ay. ||1||
God keeps all under in His Command, but, the fool shows off himself. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
hY hY AwKW koit koit kotI hU koit koit ] hai hai aakhaan kot kot, kotee hoo kot kot.
‘He is’, ‘He is’, I say tens of millions upon tens of millions times, and, tens of millions upon tens

know the mystery of God).
puCw igAwnI pMifqW puCw byd bIcwr ] puchhaa gi-aanee paNdhitaan, puchhaa bayd beechaar.
I ask the giaanees (i.e. spiritual scholars), pandits (i.e. religious scholar)and those who
contemplate Vedas (still I cannot know the mystery of God).
P. 1242
puCw dyvW mwxsW joD krih Avqwr ] puchhaa dayvaan maaṇsaan, jodh karahi avtaar.
I ask the gods, men (i.e mortal beings), warriors, and, those who are known as divine
incarnations (still I cannot know the mystery of God).
isD smwDI siB suxI jwie dyKW drbwru ] sidh samaadhee sabh suṇee, jaa-ay daykhaan darbaar.
Those who are known as the sidhs in meditation (i.e. those claiming having supernatural
powers), I go to see their court (still I cannot know the mystery of God).
AgY scw sic nwie inrBau BY ivxu swru ] agai sachaa, sach naa-ay, nirbha-o, bhai viṇ, saar.
Hereafter, it is the True (Lord alone), and True is His Name; the Fearless (Lord) has no fear at
all, and (He is) Supreme.
hor kcI mqI kcu ipcu AMiDAw AMDu bIcwru ] hor kachee matee kach pich, aNdhi-aa aNdh beechaar.
All other wisdom is shallow, (it is) shallow and immature; the blinds contemplate blindness.
nwnk krmI bMdgI ndir lµGwey pwir ]2] naanak, karmee baNdagee, nadar laNghaa-ay paar. ||2||
Nanak (says): by His Grace one comes to meditate, and, by His Grace, one is carried across
(the world ocean). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie mMinAY durmiq geI miq prgtI AwieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai durmat ga-ee, mat pargatee aa-i-aa.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), evil wisdom is eradicated, and,
(sublime) wisdom is revealed (illumined).
nwau mMinAY haumY geI siB rog gvwieAw ] naa-o maNni-ai ha-umai ga-ee, sabh rog gavaa-i-aa.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), egotism is eradicated, and, all
sickness is cured.
nwie mMinAY nwmu aUpjY shjy suKu pwieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai naam oopjai, sehjay sukh paa-i-aa.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), (love for) the Name wells up, and, one
obtains happiness, with natural ease.
nwie mMinAY sWiq aUpjY hir mMin vswieAw ] naa-ay maNni-ai saant oopjai, har maNn vasaa-i-aa.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), peace wells up, and, God comes to
abide in the mind.
nwnk nwmu rqMnu hY gurmuiK hir iDAwieAw ]11] naanak, naam rataNn hai, gurmukh har dhi-aa-i-aa. ||11||
Nanak (says): the Name is a jewel; and, God is meditated upon through the Guru. 11

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
horu srIku hovY koeI qyrw iqsu AgY quDu AwKW ] hor sareek hovai ko-ee tayraa, tis agai tudh aakhan.
(O! God) if there were any other equal to You, (then) I would speak to him about You.
quDu AgY quDY swlwhI mY AMDy nwau sujwKw ] tudh agai tudhai saalaahee, mai aNdhay naa-o sujaakhaa.
(As there is no other equal to you, therefore), I praise You before Yourself; I am blind (but Your)
Name makes me all-seeing.
jyqw AwKxu swhI sbdI BwiKAw Bwie suBweI ] jaytaa aakhaṇ saahee sabdee, bhaakhi-aa bhaa-ay subhaa-ee.
Whatever is spoken (in Your praise) is through words; (and it is) in the language of love, with

natural ease.
nwnk bhuqw eyho AwKxu sB qyrI vifAweI ]1] naanak, bahutaa ayho aakhaṇ, sabh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||1||
Nanak (says): all that I can say is: all that is (in the universe), is all Your Greatness. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
jW n isAw ikAw cwkrI jW jMmy ikAw kwr ]jaan na si-aa ki-aa chaakree, jaan jaMmay ki-aa kaar.
When it did not exist, what service was performed? when it was born, what could it do?
siB kwrx krqw kry dyKY vwro vwr ] sabh kaaraṇ kartaa karay, daykhai vaaro vaar.
All causes are caused by the Creator; and, He takes care (of all) over and over again (i.e.
jy cupY jy mMigAY dwiq kry dwqwru ] jay chupai jay maNgi-ai, daat karay daataar.
Whether we remain silent or beg (from Him), the Giver gives His gifts.
ieku dwqw siB mMgqy iPir dyKih Awkwru ] ik daataa sabh maNgtay, fir daykheh aakaar.
The One (Lord alone) is the Giver; all (the beings and creatures) are beggars; I have seen this by
wandering through all forms (i.e. everywhere, throughout the universe).
nwnk eyvY jwxIAY jIvY dyvxhwru ]2] naanak, ayvai jaaṇee-ai, jeevai dayvaṇhaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) know this, that the Giver lives forever. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwie mMinAY suriq aUpjY nwmy miq hoeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai surat oopjai, naamay mat ho-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), awareness wells up; and, through the
Name (spiritual) wisdom comes.
nwie mMinAY gux aucrY nwmy suiK soeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai guṇ uchrai, naamay sukh so-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name, one chants (the praise of) the excellences (of
God); and, through the Name (spiritual) happiness is obtained.
nwie mMinAY BRmu ktIAY iPir duKu n hoeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai bharam katee-ai, fir dukh na ho-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), doubt is eradicated, and, one does not
suffer sorrows, again.
nwie mMinAY swlwhIAY pwpW miq DoeI ] naa-ay maNni-ai salaahee-ai, paapaan mat dho-ee.
Having faith in (and meditating upon) the Name (of God), one praises (Him), and, his sinful
wisdom is washed off.
nwnk pUry gur qy nwau mMnIAY ijn dyvY soeI ]12]
naanak, pooray gur tay naa-o maNnee-ai, jin dayvai so-ee. ||12||
Nanak (says): one learns having faith in the Name (of God), through the perfect Guru; (he
alone receives the Name) unto whom He bestows it. 12
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
swsqR byd purwx pV@Mqw ] saastar bayd puraaṇ paṛhaNtaa.
He (i.e. the brahmin / priest) reads the Shastras, the Vedas, and the Puraanas;
pUkwrMqw AjwxMqw ] pookaaraNtaa, ajaaṇaNtaa.
He speaks out but he is ignorant (i.e. he performs ritual reading but does not understand).
jW bUJY qW sUJY soeI ] nwnku AwKY kUk n hoeI ]1]
jaan boojhai, taan soojhai so-ee. naanak aakhai, kook na ho-ee. ||1||
Nanak (says): if he (really) understands (them), (then) he would realize Him (i.e. God);

(then) there will be no need to shout (ritual loud reading). 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
jW hau qyrw qW sBu ikCu myrw hau nwhI qU hovih ]
jaan ha-o tayraa, taan sabh kichh mayraa, ha-o naahee too hoveh.
If I am Yours, then everything is mine; (when) I am (i.e. ‘I-ness’ is) not, You are (there).
Awpy skqw Awpy surqw skqI jgqu provih ] aapay saktaa, aapay surtaa, saktee jagat paroveh.
You Yourself are All-Power, You Yourself are All-Aware; You have strung the world with
Your power.
Awpy Byjy Awpy sdy rcnw ric ric vyKY ] aapay bhayjay, aapay saday, rachnaa rach rach vaykhai.
You Yourself send out (the beings into the world), and, You Yourself call them back; having
constantly created the creation, You behold it.
nwnk scw scI nWeI scu pvY Duir lyKY ]2] naanak, sachaa, sachee naan-ee, sach pavai dhur laykhai. ||2||
Nanak (says): He is True, and, True is His Name; and, through Truth, one is accepted in His
Court. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwmu inrMjn AlKu hY ikau liKAw jweI ] naam niraNjan alakh hai, ki-o lakhi-aa jaa-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate (Lord) is unknowable, how can it be known?
nwmu inrMjn nwil hY ikau pweIAY BweI ] naam niraNjan naal hai, ki-o paa-ee-ai bhaa-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate (Lord) is with us; how can it be obtained, O! brethren.
nwmu inrMjn vrqdw rivAw sB TWeI ] naam niraNjan varatdaa, ravi-aa sabh ṭaan-ee.
The Name of the Immaculate (Lord) is all-pervading, and, it is pervading everywhere.
gur pUry qy pweIAY ihrdY dyie idKweI ] gur pooray tay paa-ee-ai, hirdai day-ay dikhaa-ee.
It is obtained through the perfect Guru, he (i.e. the Guru) reveals it within the mind.
nwnk ndrI krmu hoie gur imlIAY BweI ]13] naanak, nadree karam ho-ay, gur milee-ai bhaa-ee. ||13||
Nanak (says): when He bestows His Glance of Grace, (then) one meets with the Guru. 13
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
kil hoeI kuqy muhI Kwju hoAw murdwru ] kal ho-ee kutay muhee, khaaj ho-aa murdaar.
The Kaliyuga (i.e. in the Dark Age, the mentality of the people has become) like the mouth of dog
(i.e. greedy), and, dead bodies have become their food (i.e. they eat un-earned and impure).
kUVu boil boil Baukxw cUkw Drmu bIcwru ] kooṛ bol bol bha-ukaṇaa, chookaa dharam beechaar.
They speak and tell (only) lies, and bark (i.e. shout) loudly; they have given up the thought of
ijn jIvMidAw piq nhI muieAw mMdI soie ] jin jeevaNdi-aa pat nahee, mu-i-aa maNdee so-ay.
Those, who have no honour, while alive, will have bad reputation after death.
iliKAw hovY nwnkw krqw kry su hoie ]1] likhi-aa hovai, naankaa, kartaa karay so ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): whatever is pre-ordained happens; whatever the Creator does, comes to
happen. 1
P. 1243
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
rMnw hoeIAw boDIAw purs hoey seIAwd ] ra naa ho-ee-aa bodhee-aa, puras ho-ay sa-ee-aad.

The women have become advisors, and, men have become hunters (i.e. of cruel nature).
sIlu sMjmu suc BMnI Kwxw Kwju Ahwju ] seel saNjam such bhaNnee, khaaṇaa khaaj ahaaj.

Gentleness, self-control and purity have run away; they eat what is not eatable.
srmu gieAw Gir AwpxY piq auiT clI nwil ] saram ga-i-aa ghar aapṇai, pat uṭ chalee naal.
Modesty has left its home (i.e. disappeared from hearts), and, honour has gone away with it.
nwnk scw eyku hY Aauru n scw Bwil ]2] naanak, sachaa ayk hai, a-or na sachaa bhaal. ||2||
Nanak (says): there is only One True (i.e. Eternal Lord), do not search for any other to be
eternal. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
bwhir Bsm lypn kry AMqir gubwrI ] baahar bhasam laypan karay, aNtar gubaaree.
(O! brethren, yogi) smears his outer body with ash, (but) within him is darkness (of ignorance).
iKMQw JolI bhu ByK kry durmiq AhMkwrI ] khiNthaa jholee baho bhaykh karay, durmat ahaMkaaree.
(He wears) patched clothes, (carries) a bag (for begging), and wears (yogi’s) robe; (but within)
he is (still) filled with evil wisdom and egotism.
swihb sbdu n aUcrY mwieAw moh pswrI ] saahib sabad na oochrai, maa-i-aa moh pasaaree.
He does not chant the Word of the Master; and, he has attachment to the expanse of Maya.
AMqir lwlcu Brmu hY BrmY gwvwrI ] aNtar laalach bharam hai, bharmai gaavaaree.
Within him he has greed and doubts; and, he wanders like a fool.
nwnk nwmu n cyqeI jUAY bwjI hwrI ]14] naanak, naam na chayt-ee, joo-ai baajee haaree. ||14||
Nanak (says): he does not think of (i.e. does not meditate upon) the Name, thus, he has lost his
game (of life) in gamble. 14
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
lK isau pRIiq hovY lK jIvxu ikAw KusIAw ikAw cwau ]
lakh si-o preet hovai, lakh jeevaṇ, ki-aa khusee-aa ki-aa chaa-o.
One may have love with tens of thousands and live tens of thousands of years; (but) what
(good) are these pleasures and joys ?
ivCuiVAw ivsu hoie ivCoVw eyk GVI mih jwie ] vichhuṛi-aa vis ho-ay vichhoṛaa, ayk ghaṛee meh jaa-ay.
When one separates (from them) it is (like) poison; (but) they will be gone in an instant.
jy sau virHAw imTw KwjY BI iPir kauVw Kwie ] jay sa-o varhi-aa miṭaa khaajai, bhee fir ka-uṛaa khaa-ay.
One may eat sweets for a hundred years; (but) then he shall have to eat bitter (as well).
imTw KwDw iciq n AwvY kauVqxu Dwie jwie ] miṭaa khaadhaa chit na aavai, ka-uṛ-taṇ dhaa-ay jaa-ay.
One does not remember eating when the sweet is out of mind; (but) bitterness remains
affecting (i.e. bitterness persists).
imTw kauVw dovY rog ] miṭaa ka-uṛaa, dovai rog.
The sweet and the bitter are both diseases.
nwnk AMiq ivguqy Bog ] naanak, aNt vigutay bhog.
Nanak (says): enjoying them, one is ruined in the end.
JiK JiK JKxw JgVw JwK ] jhakh jhakh jhakh-ṇaa, jhagṛaa jhaakh.
Struggling for (these pleasures) is like babble; and the babbling one babbles uselessly.
JiK JiK jwih JKih iqn@ pwis ]1] jhakh jhakh jaahi, jhakheh tinh paas. ||1||
Babbling and babbling they go (astray from the true path), and, only babbling remains with
them. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
kwpVu kwTu rMgwieAw rWig ] kaapaṛ kaaṭ raNgaa-i-aa raaNg.
One gets dyed clothes (to wear) and wood-work (of the house to live in), in (various) colours (to

please one’s mind).
Gr gc kIqy bwgy bwg ] ghar gach keetay baagay baag.
He paints the house totally white (to look beautiful).
swd shj kir mnu KylwieAw ] saad sahj kar, man khaylaa-i-aa.
In joy and relaxation, he pleases (i.e. comforts) his mind.
qY sh pwshu khxu khwieAw ] tai sah paashu, kahaṇ kahaa-i-aa.
Then (as a result) he gets spoken to by You, (i.e. gets warning from You), O! Master.
imTw kir kY kauVw KwieAw ] iqin kauVY qin rogu jmwieAw ]
miṭaa kar kai, ka-uṛaa khaa-i-aa. tin ka-uṛai tan rog jamaa-i-aa.
He eats bitter (i.e. indulges in vices), thinking it is sweet.
This bitter, creates disease in the body.
jy iPir imTw pyVY pwie ] qau kauVqxu cUkis mwie ]
jay fir miṭaa payṛai paa-ay. ta-o, ka-uṛ-taṇ chookas, maa-ay.
If later on, he receives sweet (i.e. Name of the Lord);
then, the bitterness shall be gone, O! my mother.
nwnk gurmuiK pwvY soie ] ijs no pRwpiq iliKAw hoie ]2]
naanak, gurmukh paavai so-ay. jis no praapat likhiaa ho-ay.
Nanak (says): that alone obtains this through the Guru, for whom it is pre-inscribed. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijn kY ihrdY mYlu kptu hY bwhru DovwieAw ] jin kai hirdai mail kapat hai, baahar dhovaa-i-aa.
Those, whose hearts are filled with filth (of vices) and deception, (but) wash (i.e. decorate)
themselves from outside.
kUVu kptu kmwvdy kUVu prgtI AwieAw ] kooṛ kapat kamaavday, kooṛ pargatee aa-i-aa.
They earn (i.e. practice) falsehood and deception, (but) their falsehood is (finally) revealed.
AMdir hoie su inklY nh CpY CpwieAw ] aNdar ho-ay so niklai, nah chhapai chhapaa-i-aa.
That which is within, comes out; it cannot be concealed even if one tries to conceal.
kUVY lwlic ligAw iPir jUnI pwieAw ] kooṛai laalach lagi-aa, fir joonee paa-i-aa.
Attached to false greed, one is consigned to womb (i.e. reincarnation) again.
nwnk jo bIjY so Kwvxw krqY iliK pwieAw ]15] naanak, jo beejai so khaavṇaa, kartai likh paa-i-aa. ||15||
Nanak (says): whatever one plants, he has to eat (i.e. whatever one sows, so does he reap); the
Creator (Lord) has pre-inscribed it (i.e. destiny) for him. 15

slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
kQw khwxI bydˆØI AwxI pwpu puMnu bIcwru ] kathaa kahaaṇee baydeen aaṇee, paap puNn beechaar.
The stories and the narrations brought forth by the Vedas, talk about vices and virtues.
dy dy lYxw lY lY dyxw nrik surig Avqwr ] day day laiṇaa, lai lai dayṇaa; narak surag avtaar.
(These stories tell that) whatever is given is received (back); and, whatever is received has to be
given back (i.e. what one does he receives award for that actions); and, (on the basis of these
actions) one ascend to (i.e one is assigned) hell or heaven.
auqm miDm jwqIN ijnsI Brim BvY sMswru ] utam madhim, jaateen jinsee, bharam bhavai saNsaar.
(As a result of his actions, one obtains) high and low caste (i.e. social class) and kind (i.e. status) --
-- the world wanders lost in illusion.
AMimRq bwxI qqu vKwxI igAwn iDAwn ivic AweI ] aMmrit baṇee, tat vakhaaṇee, gi-aan dhi-aan vich aa-ee.
(On the other hand) the AMmrit Word (of the Guru) reveals the essence (of Reality), (because) it

has come through (spiritual) knowledge and contemplation.
gurmuiK AwKI gurmuiK jwqI surqˆØI krim iDAweI ]
gurmukh aakhee, gurmukh jaatee, surteen karam dhi-aa-ee.
It has been said (i.e. revealed) by the Guru, as it has been realized by the Guru; and, by the
Grace (of God), the contemplators have meditated upon it.
hukmu swij hukmY ivic rKY hukmY AMdir vyKY ] hukam saaj, hukmai vich rakhai, hukmai aNdar vaykhai.
By His Command, He forms (the universe), and, by His Command, He keeps it in order, and, by
His Command He takes care of it.
nwnk Aghu haumY qutY qW ko ilKIAY lyKY ]1] nanak, agah haumay tu-tai, tan ko likhiai laykhai.
Nanak (says): first (through the Word) one breaks (i.e. purges) one’s egotism, then he is
accounted for (i.e. approved in His Court). 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
bydu pukwry puMnu pwpu surg nrk kw bIau ] bayd pukaaray puNn paap, surag narak kaa bee-o.
The Vedas proclaim that the vice and virtue are the seed (i.e. root/ cause) of hell and heaven.
jo bIjY so augvY KWdw jwxY jIau ] jo beejai so ugvai, khaandaa jaaṇai jee-o.
Whatever is planted that grows; the being knows that he eats (fruit of one’s ations).
igAwnu slwhy vfw kir sco scw nwau ] gi-aan salaahay vadaa kar, sacho sachaa naa-o.
(But, spiritual) knowledge praises Him as the Great; His Name is the Truest of true.
scu bIjY scu augvY drgh pweIAY Qwau ] sach beejai, sach ugvai, dargeh paa-ee-ai thaa-o.
If one plants Truth, Truth grows, and, one finds place (of honour) in His Court.
P. 1244
bydu vpwrI igAwnu rwis krmI plY hoie ] bayd vapaaree, gi-aan raas; karmee palai ho-ay.
The Vedas are (just like)merchants (they tell about vices and virtues), (but spiritual) knowledge
(given by the Guru) is the capital; and, it is received by His Grace.
nwnk rwsI bwhrw lid n cilAw koie ]2] naanak, raasee baahraa, lad na chali-aa ko-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): without the capital (of the spiritual knowledge), no one has ever loaded (i.e. taken
profit with him to the Court of the Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
inMmu ibrKu bhu sMcIAY AMimRq rsu pwieAw ] niMm birakh baho saNchee-ai, aMmrit ras paa-i-aa.
One may irrigate a (bitter) margosa tree with lot of AMmrit nectar (but its bitterness won’t go).
ibsIAru mMiqR ivswhIAY bhu dUDu pIAwieAw ] bisee-ar maNtra visaahee-ai, baho doodh pee-aa-i-aa.
One may enchant a snake with (i.e. magical) spell, and, feed it a lot of milk (but it won’t give up
its nature of biting).
mnmuKu AiBMnu n iBjeI pQru nwvwieAw ] manmukh abhiNn, na bhij-ee, pathar navaa-i-aa.
(Similarly) a mind-oriented person is indifferent (to any teaching); (he is) like a stone, even if it
is washed (a lot of times), it remains unaffected.
ibKu mih AMimRqu isMcIAY ibKu kw Plu pwieAw ] bikh meh aMmrit siNchee-ai, bikh kaa fal paa-i-aa.
By irrigating AMmrit to (a plant of) poison, (only) poisonous fruit is obtained.
nwnk sMgiq myil hir sB ibKu lih jwieAw ]16] naanak, saNgat mayl har, sabh bikh leh jaa-i-aa. ||16||
Nanak (says): O! God, (please) unite me with the congregation (of God-oriented persons), so
that I may be rid of poison. 16
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
mrix n mUrqu puiCAw puCI iQiq n vwru ] maraṇ na moorat puchhi-aa, puchhee thit na vaar.

Death does not ask for time (specific moment), it does not ask the date or day of the week.
iekn@I lidAw ieik lid cly iekn@I bDy Bwr ] iknhee ladi-aa, ik lad chalay, iknhee badhay bhaar.
Some have packed up (to board the train of death), some have packed up and are gone, and,
some have packed up loads (and are waiting to depart).
iekn@w hoeI swKqI iekn@w hoeI swr ] iknhaa ho-ee saakh-tee, iknhaa ho-ee saar.
Some are making preparations, and, some are taking care of (their paraphernalia).
lskr sxY dmwimAw Cuty bMk duAwr ] laskar saṇai damaami-aa, chhutay baNk du-aar.
They have left their armies and drums, and, given up beautiful doors (i.e. mansions).
nwnk FyrI Cwru kI BI iPir hoeI Cwr ]1] naanak, ḍayree chhaar kee, bhee fir ho-ee chhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): (the human body was a) pile of ashes (i.e. dust ),(it) becomes ashes again. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwnk FyrI Fih peI imtI sMdw kotu ] naanak, ḍayree ḍeh pa-ee, mitee saNdaa kot.
Nanak (says): (when death comes) the pile falls apart; it (i.e. human body) is a fort of dust.
BIqir coru bhwilAw Kotu vy jIAw Kotu ]2] bheetar chor bahaali-aa; khot, vay jee-aa khot. ||2||
The thief (i.e. mind) that had been settled within, was cheat (cheating the soul), O! soul, it was
all cheat. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ijn AMdir inMdw dustu hY nk vFy nk vFwieAw ] jin aNdar niNdaa dusat hai, nak vaḍay, nak vaḍaa-i-aa.
Those, who are filled with slander and wickedness, are (like those) with cut-nose (i.e. are
shamed persons); their noses have been cut (i.e. they have been shamed / dishonoured).
mhw krUp duKIey sdw kwly muh mwieAw ] mahaa karoop dukhee-ay sadaa, kaalay muh maa-i-aa.
They are greatly ugly, and always unhappy; their faces are blackened for their attachment to
Blky auiT inq pr drbu ihrih hir nwmu curwieAw ] bhalkay uṭ nit par darab hireh, har naam churaa-i-aa.
Everyday, they rise in the morning, and steal others's wealth; (but) they sneak away (their
mind) from (meditating upon) the Name of God.
hir jIau iqn kI sMgiq mq krhu riK lyhu hir rwieAw ]
har jee-o, tin kee saNgat mat karahu, rakh layho, har raa-i-aa.
O! dear God, let me not associate with them, save me (from them), O! Sovereign Lord.
nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvdy mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]17]
naanak, pa-i-ai kirat kamaavday, manmukh dukh paa-i-aa. ||17||
Nanak (says): the mind-oriented ones earn (i.e. act) according to their (past) deeds; hence,
they suffer sorrows. 17
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
sBu koeI hY Ksm kw Ksmhu sBu ko hoie ] sabh ko-ee hai khasam kaa, khasmahu sabh ko ho-ay.
Everyone belongs to the Master; everyone came from (i.e. has been created by) the Master.
hukmu pCwxY Ksm kw qw scu pwvY koie ] hukam pachhaaṇai khasam kaa, taa sach paavai ko-ay.
One, who realizes the Command of the Master, finds (i.e. meets/ unites with) the True (Lord).
gurmuiK Awpu pCwxIAY burw n dIsY koie ] gurmukh aap pachhaaṇee-ai, buraa na deesai ko-ay.
One, who realizes his own self, through the Guru, no one appears evil to him.
nwnk gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY sihlw AwieAw soie ]1]
naanak, gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ee-ai, sahilaa aa-i-aa so-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): one, who meditates (upon the Master) through the Guru, beneficial is his coming

(into the world). 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
sBnw dwqw Awip hY Awpy mylxhwru ] sabhnaa daataa aap hai, aapay maylaṇhaar.
He Himself is the Giver to all, He Himself unites (all) with Himself.
nwnk sbid imly n ivCuVih ijnw syivAw hir dwqwru ]2]
naanak, sabad milay na vichhuṛeh, jinaa sayvi-aa har daataar. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who serve (i.e. meditate upon) God, the Giver, are united with the Word;
they shall never be separated again. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gurmuiK ihrdY sWiq hY nwau augiv AwieAw ] gurmukh hirdai saant hai, naa-o ugav aa-i-aa.
The heart of the Guru-oriented one is filled with peace, the Name (of God) sprouts within him.
jp qp qIrQ sMjm kry myry pRB BwieAw ] jap tap tirath saNjam karay, mayray prabh bhaa-i-aa.
Obsering self-disipline is meditation, penance, and place of pilgrimage ---- this is pleasing to
my Lord.
ihrdw suDu hir syvdy sohih gux gwieAw ] hirdaa sudh har sayvday, soheh guṇ gaa-i-aa.
He serves God with pure heart; and, he is embellished for singing His excellences.
myry hir jIau eyvY Bwvdw gurmuiK qrwieAw ] mayray har jee-o ayvai bhaavdaa, gurmukh taraa-i-aa.
My dear God is pleased by this; and, He carries the Guru-oriented one across (the world
nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu hir dir sohwieAw ]18] naanak, gurmukh mayli-an, har dar sohaa-i-aa. ||18||
Nanak (says): He unites the Guru-oriented one with Himself; and, he (i.e. Guru-oriented) is
embellished in the Court of God. 18

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
DnvMqw iev hI khY AvrI Dn kau jwau ] nwnku inrDnu iqqu idin ijqu idin ivsrY nwau ]1]
dhanvaNtaa iv hee kahai, avree dhan ka-o jaa-o. naanak, nirdhan tit din, jit din visrai naa-o. ||1||
The rich person says: ‘I shall go and earn more wealth’.
Nanak (says): (know that) he is poor on that day, when he forgets the Name (of God) 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sUrju cVY ivjoig sBsY GtY Awrjw ] sooraj chaṛai vijog, sabhsai ghatai aarjaa.
The sun rises and separates (i.e. the sun sets everyday), (similarly, with the passage of each day)
the life of everyone is lessening.
qnu mnu rqw Boig koeI hwrY ko ijxY ] tan man rataa bhog, ko-ee haarai ko jiṇai.
(Everyone’s) mind and body are (engaged in) enjoying pleasures; some lose and some win (the
game of life).
sBu ko BirAw PUik AwKix khix n QMm@IAY ] sabh ko bhari-aa fook, aakhaṇ kahaṇ na thaMmh-ee-ai.
Everyone is puffed up with air (of pride and ego), even after they are asked (i.e. instructed), they
do not stop.
nwnk vyKY Awip PUk kFwey Fih pvY ]2] naanak, vaykhai aap, fook kaḍaa-ay ḍeh pavai. ||2||
Nanak (says): He Himself sees all; when He takes out air (i.e. takes breath out of the body), it

falls. 2
P. 1246
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sqsMgiq nwmu inDwnu hY ijQhu hir pwieAw ] satsaNgat naam nidhaan hai, jithahu har paa-i-aa.
The treasure of the Name is in the true congregation, where God is found.
gur prswdI Git cwnxw Awn@yru gvwieAw ] gur parsaadee ghat chaanṇaa, aanhayr gavaa-i-aa.
By the Grace of the Guru, the heart is illumined, and, darkness (of ignorance) is dispelled.
lohw pwris BytIAY kMcnu hoie AwieAw ] lohaa paaras bhaytee-ai, kaNchan ho-ay aa-i-aa.
Iron is transformed into gold when it touches the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone).
nwnk siqguir imilAY nwau pweIAY imil nwmu iDAwieAw ]
naanak, satgur mili-ai naa-o paa-ee-ai, mil naam dhi-aa-i-aa.
Nanak (says): meeting the True Guru, the Name (of God) is obtained; meeting him one
meditates upon the Name.
ijn@ kY poqY puMnu hY iqn@I drsnu pwieAw ]19] jinh kai potai puNn hai, tinhee darsan paa-i-aa. ||19||
Those who have virtue in their account (i.e. treasure), they obtain the vision (of God). 19
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
iDRgu iqnw kw jIivAw ij iliK iliK vycih nwau ] dharig tinaa kaa jeevi-aa, je likh likh vaycheh naa-o.
Cursed is the life of those, who write and inscribe to sell the Name (as amulet/ magical charm).
KyqI ijn kI aujVY KlvwVy ikAw Qwau ] khaytee jin kee ujṛai, khalvaaṛay ki-aa thaa-o.
Those, whose crop is devastated, what harvest will they have in their threshing -floor?
scY srmY bwhry AgY lhih n dwid ] sachai sarmai baahray, agai laheh na daad.
Those, who lack true effort, shall not be appreciated hereafter.
Akil eyh n AwKIAY Akil gvweIAY bwid ] akal ayh na aakhee-ai, akal gavaa-ee-ai baad.
That wisdom, which is wastes in arguments (i.e. useless debate), cannot be called wisdom.
AklI swihbu syvIAY AklI pweIAY mwnu ] aklee saahib sayvee-ai, aklee paa-ee-ai maan.
Through wisdom, one serves the Master; and, through wisdom honour is obtained.
AklI piV@ kY buJIAY AklI kIcY dwnu ] aklee paṛh kai bujhee-ai, aklee keechai daan.
Through wisdom one studies and understands; and, through wisdom one gives in charity.
nwnku AwKY rwhu eyhu hoir glW sYqwnu ]1] naanak, aakhai raahu, ayhu hor galaan saitaan. ||1||
Nanak (says): this is the (true) path; all other things (i.e. other acts) are satanic (i.e. sinful). 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
jYsw krY khwvY qYsw AYsI bnI jrUriq ] jaisaa karai, kahaavai taisaa, aisee banee jaroorat.
One is called (i.e. known) as one acts; that is the need (i.e. this is the way).
hovih ilµ| iJM| nh hovih AYsI khIAY sUriq ] hoveh liNng, jhiNng nah hoveh, aisee kahee-ai soorat.
One should have (perfect) limbs, not to be deformed; such (figure) is called (beautiful) form.
[i.e. one, who has perfect qualities is called virtuous person].
jo Esu ieCy so Plu pwey qW nwnk khIAY mUriq ]2]
jo os ichhay, so fal paa-ay, taan naanak kahee-ai moorat. ||2||
Nanak (says): he is called (perfect) form (i.e. being) who obtains whatever fruit one desires. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
siqguru AMimRq ibrKu hY AMimRq ris PilAw ] satgur aMmrit birakh hai, aMmrit ras fali-aa.
The True Guru is a tree of AMmrit, it bears the fruit of essence of AMmrit.
ijsu prwpiq so lhY gur sbdI imilAw ] jis paraapat so lahai, gur sabdee mili-aa.

He alone receives it for whom is so pre-destined; (he) obtains it through the Word of the Guru.
siqgur kY BwxY jo clY hir syqI rilAw ] satgur kai bhaaṇai jo chalai, har saytee rali-aa.
One, who walks with (i.e. follows) the Will of the True Guru, is united with God.
jmkwlu joih n skeI Git cwnxu bilAw ] jamkaal johi na sak-ee, ghat chaanaṇ bali-aa.
The messenger of death cannot see (i.e. cannot even touch) him; his heart is illumined with
Light (of God).
nwnk bKis imlwieAnu iPir griB n gilAw ]20] naanak, bakhas milaa-i-an, fir garabh na gali-aa. ||20||
Nanak (says): (when) becoming benevolent, He unites (one with Himself), he does not rot away
in womb (i.e. is not reincarnated again). 20
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
scu vrqu sMqoKu qIrQu igAwnu iDAwnu iesnwnu ] sach varat, saNtokh tirath, gi-aan dhi-aan isnaan.
[The following verse refers to the ritualistic activities of a brahmins / priests; e.g. keeping ritual fasts, visiting places of
pilgrimage for a cleansing bath, having a stone-idol for worship, and, a rosary, wearing clean and white lion-cloth, keeping
his kitchen enclosure untouched by others, having ritualistic mark on the forehead and eating food (untouched by any one)].
(O! brethren, one, who has) truth as his fast, patience as his shrine, (spiritual) knowledge and
meditation as his (cleansing) bath (are noble persons).
dieAw dyvqw iKmw jpmwlI qy mwxs prDwn ] da-i-aa dayvtaa, khimaa japmaalee, tay maanas pardhaan.
(One, who has) mercy his deity, forgiveness his rosary; such men (i.e. persons) are (regarded as)
prominent (i.e. they are noble persons).
jugiq DoqI suriq caukw iqlku krxI hoie ] jugat dhotee, surat cha-ukaa, tilak karṇee ho-ay.
For him, (true) path is his dhoti (i.e. lion cloth), (spiritual) awareness be his (purified cooking)
enclosure, and, good deeds are their (ceremonial) mark (on forehead).
Bwau Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw q koeI koie ]1] bhaa-o bhojan, naankaa, virlaa ta ko-ee ko-ay. ||1||
Love is his food. Nanak (says): (but) such persons are very rare. 1

mhlw 3 ] Mehlaa 3
naumI nymu scu jy krY ] na-umee: naym sach jay karai.
Navmi (i.e. ritual fast taken on the ninth day of Lunar month): (O! Brahmin / priest) make
speaking truth as your vow (let it be your fast of Navmi).
kwm k®oDu iqRsnw aucrY ] kaam krodh tarisnaa uchrai.
(O! brethren) eat up (i.e. finish/ get rid of) your sexual desire, anger and desires.
dsmI dsy duAwr jy TwkY eykwdsI eyku kir jwxY ]
dasmee: dasay du-aar jay ṭaakai; aykaadasee: ayk kar jaaṇai.
Dasmi (i.e. ritual fast taken on the tenth day of Lunar month): discipline your ten doors*;
Ikaadasee (i.e. ritual fast taken on the eleventh day of Lunar month), have faith in One (God alone).
[*Ten, i.e. five organs of sense (ears, eyes, skin, tongue. nose) and five organs of action (mouth, hands, feet, anus, penis);
some consider intellect/ mind as the eleventh organ].
duAwdsI pMc vsgiq kir rwKY qau nwnk mnu mwnY ]
du-aadasee: paNch vasgat kar raakhai; ta-o naanak man maanai.
Duaadasee (i.e. ritual fast taken on the twelfth day of Lunar month): Nanak (says): (O! brahmin / O!
priestwhen you) subdue the five**, then your mind shall be pleased.
[**Five passions: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
AYsw vrqu rhIjY pwfy hor bhuqu isK ikAw dIjY ]2]
aisaa varat raheejai, paaday, hor bahut sikh ki-aa deejai. ||2||
O! pandit (i.e. priest)! observe such a fast; what use are other teachings that you are giving? 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Bupiq rwjy rMg rwie sMcih ibKu mwieAw ] bhoopat raajay raNg raa-ay, saNcheh bikh maa-i-aa.
Landlords, kings, rulers enjoy (i.e. are lost in) pleasures; thus (they) gather poison of Maya.
kir kir hyqu vDwiedy pr drbu curwieAw ] kar kar hayt vadhaa-iday, par darab churaa-i-aa.
They get more and more in love with it (i.e. Maya), and, steal the wealth of others.
puqR klqR n ivshih bhu pRIiq lgwieAw ] putra kaltra na vishahi, baho preet lagaa-i-aa.
They do not trust (even) their son or wife; they are greatly attached to it (i.e. Maya).
vyKidAw hI mwieAw Duih geI pCuqih pCuqwieAw ]
vaykh-di-aa hee maa-i-aa dhuhi ga-ee, pachhuteh pachhutaa-i-aa.
(But even) as they look on (i.e. right before their eyes), Maya cheats them, and, they remain
repenting and regretting.
jm dir bDy mwrIAih nwnk hir BwieAw ]21] jam dar badhay maaree-ah, naanak, har bhaa-i-aa. ||21||
Nanak (says): (they are) bound at the doors of death, and, they are beaten (i.e. punished); this is
as it pleases the Will of God. 21
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
igAwn ivhUxw gwvY gIq ] gi-aan vihooṇaa gaavai geet.
[Such is the state of religious ritualism and priestly class]:
One, without (spiritual) knowledge, sings (religious) songs.
BuKy mulW Gry msIiq ] bhukhay mulaan, gharay maseet.
The hungry maulvi (i.e. Muslim clergy) turns his home into a mosque.
mKtU hoie kY kMn pVwey ] makhtoo ho-ay kai, kaNn paṛaa-ay.
One, who is good for nothing, gets his ears pierced (and becomes a yogi).
Pkru kry horu jwiq gvwey ] fakar karay, hor jaat gavaa-ay.
One becomes mendicant and gives up (i.e. loses) his caste (i.e. social status).
guru pIru sdwey mMgx jwie ] gur peer sadaa-ay, maNgaṇ jaa-ay.
One calls himself a guru (i.e. the enlightener) and a peer (i.e. spiritual teacher), while he goes
around begging (for his food from others).
qw kY mUil n lgIAY pwie ] taa kai, mool na lagee-ai paa-ay.
(O! brethren) do not touch their feet (i.e. do not follow such persons).
Gwil Kwie ikCu hQhu dyie ] nwnk rwhu pCwxih syie ]1]
ghaal khaa-ay, kichh hathahu day-ay. naanak, raahu pachhaaneh say-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): one, who works (to earn) for what he eats, and, gives something from himself
(i.e. shares some part of his earning to the others);he alone realizes the (right) path (of life). 1
P. 1246
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
mnhu ij AMDy kUp kihAw ibrdu n jwxn@I ] manhu je aNdhay koop, kahi-aa birad na jaaṇanhee.
Those, whose minds are like blind (i.e. dark deep) well (i.e. those whose minds are totally
ignorant), do not understand their duty (as human being, i.e. they do not know the purpose of
their life), even when (they are) told.
min AMDY aUNDY kvil idsin@ Kry krUp ] man aNdhai, oondhai kaval, disnih kharay karoop.
Their minds are blind, and their lotus (of heart) are upside-down, they look very ugly.
ieik kih jwxih kihAw buJih qy nr suGV srUp ] ik kahi jaaṇeh, kahi-aa bujheh, tay nar sughaṛ saroop.
Some know how to speak (i.e. tell to others), and understand what is told to them; they are all
wise and beautiful.

ieknw nwd n byd n gIA rsu rs ks n jwxMiq ] iknaa, naad na bayd na gee-a ras, ras kas na jaaṇaNt.
Some do not understand the (essence of) music, or the Vedas (i.e. knowledge), or the essence of
songs, (or what is) sweet and sour.
ieknw suiD n buiD n Akil sr AKr kw Byau n lhMiq ]
iknaa, sudh na budh na akal, sar akhar kaa bhay-o na laahaNt.
Some do not have awareness, intelligence or wisdom; they do not realize the mystery of the
Word (of God).
nwnk sy nr Asil Kr ij ibnu gux grbu krMiq ]2] naanak, say nar asal khar, je bin guṇ garab kara t. ||2||
Nanak (says): those persons are really (like) donkeys, who are proud of themselves (but they)
have no virtue (at all). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gurmuiK sB pivqu hY Dnu sMpY mwieAw ] gurmukh sabh pavit hai, dhan saMpai maa-i-aa.
To the Guru-oriented one, everything is pious: wealth, riches and Maya.
hir AriQ jo Krcdy dyNdy suKu pwieAw ] har arath jo kharchaday, daynday sukh paa-i-aa.
Those, who spend (money) for (union with) God, by giving, find happiness through giving.
jo hir nwmu iDAwiedy iqn qoit n AwieAw ] jo har naam dhi-aa-iday, tin tot na aa-i-aa.
Those, who meditate upon the Name of God, are never in shortage.
gurmuKW ndrI Awvdw mwieAw suit pwieAw ] gurmukhaan nadree aavdaa, maa-i-aa sut paa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented, (when they) come to see Him (i.e. God); they throw away (i.e. give up)
nwnk BgqW horu iciq n AwveI hir nwim smwieAw ]22]
naanak, bhagtaan hor chit na aavee, har naam samaa-i-aa. ||22||
Nanak (says): the devotees do not think of anything (of Maya); they are absorbed in the Name
of God. 22
slok mÚ 4 ] Salok, M: 4
siqguru syvin sy vfBwgI ] satgur sayvan, say vadbhaagee.
Those who serve the True Guru are greatly fortunate.
scY sbid ijn@w eyk ilv lwgI ] sachai sabad jinhaa ayk liv laagee.
Through the True Word, they are lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
igrh kutMb mih shij smwDI ] girah kutaMb meh, sahj samaadhee.
(Even while) in their home and family, but are in trance, with natural ease (i.e. even as
householder, they remain absorbed in meditation).
nwnk nwim rqy sy scy bYrwgI ]1] naanak, naam ratay, say sachay bairaagee. ||1||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the Name (of the Lord), are truly detached ones. 1

mÚ 4 ] M: 4
gxqY syv n hoveI kIqw Qwie n pwie ] gaṇtai sayv na hova-ee, keetaa thaa-ay na paa-ay.
Service cannot be done by calculations; and, if it is so done, it is of not approved (in the Court of
sbdY swdu n AwieE sic n lgo Bwau ] sabdai saad na aa-i-o, sach na lago bhaa-o.
(Such a person) does not enjoy flavour of the Word, nor does he have love with the True (Lord).
siqguru ipAwrw n lgeI mnhiT AwvY jwie ] satgur pi-aaraa na lag-ee, manhaṭ aavai jaa-ay.
The stubborn-minded one does not love the True Guru; he comes and goes (in reincarnation).

jy iek ivK Agwhw Bry qW ds ivKW ipCwhw jwie ]
jay ik vikh agaahaa bharay, taan das vikhaan pichhaahaa jaa-ay.
If he places one step forward, then takes ten steps backwards.
siqgur kI syvw cwkrI jy clih siqgur Bwie ] satgur kee sayvaa chaakree, jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
The service of the True Guru is (real) service, if one walks in the Will of the True Guru (i.e.
follow / obeys the Will of the True Guru ) .
Awpu gvwie siqgurU no imlY shjy rhY smwie ] aap gavaa-ay, satguroo no milai, sehjay rahai samaa-ay.
On,e who renounces his self-conceit and meets the True Guru, remains absorbed (in Him)
with natural ease.
nwnk iqn@w nwmu n vIsrY scy myil imlwie ]2] naanak, tinhaa naam na veesrai, sachay mayl milaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): they never forget the Name (of the Lord); they remain united in union with the
True (Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Kwn mlUk khwiedy ko rhxu n pweI ] khaan malook kahaa-iday, ko rahaṇ na paa-ee.
They are called kings and rulers, (but) no one of them will be able to remain (in this world
gV@ mMdr gc gIrIAw ikCu swiQ n jweI ] gaṛh maNdar gach geeree-aa, kichh saath na jaa-ee.
(They have) forts and mansions, plastered with lime; (but) none of these will go along with
soien swKiq paux vyg iDRgu iDRgu cqurweI ] so-in saakhat pa-uṇ vayg, dharig dharig chaturaa-ee.
Their horses with golden cruppers, (which run) as fast as wind; their smartness will become a
curse, a curse.
CqIh AMimRq prkwr krih bhu mYlu vDweI ] chhateeh aMmrit parkaar karahi, baho mail vadhaa-ee.
Eating thirty-six types of AMmrit (i.e. delicacies), they increase (just) a lot of filth.
nwnk jo dyvY iqsih n jwxn@I mnmuiK duKu pweI ]23]
naanak, jo dayvai tiseh na jaaṇanhee, manmukh dukh paa-ee. ||23||
Nanak (says): the mind-oriented ones do not know the Giver (Lord), hence, they suffer a lot. 23
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
piV@ piV@ pMifq muonI Qky dysMqr Biv Qky ByKDwrI ]
paṛh paṛh paNdit monee thakay, daysaNtar bhav thakay bhaykh-dhaaree.
The pandits (i.e. religious scholars) and silent sages have grown weary of reading and
studying, and, those (ascetics) wearing (religious) robes have grown weary of wandering
through foreign lands.
dUjY Bwie nwau kdy n pwiein duKu lwgw Aiq BwrI ]
doojai bhaa-ay naa-o kaday na paa-in, dukh laagaa at bhaaree.
(For being) in love of duality, they cannot obtain the Name (of God); and, they remain suffering
very greatly.
mUrK AMDy qRY gux syvih mwieAw kY ibauhwrI ] moorakh aNdhay tarai guṇ sayveh, maa-i-aa kai bi-uhaaree.
The blind fools serve (under the impact of) three gunaas; they deal (only) in Maya.
[* Literally, guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world are subject to these qualities].

AMdir kptu audru Brx kY qweI pwT pVih gwvwrI ]
aNdar kapat, udar bharaṇ kai taa-ee, paaṭ paṛeh gaavaaree.
Within them is deception; but to fill their bellies*, the fools read texts (i.e. religious books).
[*They perform ritual reading as their job, to earn their livelihoods].
siqguru syvy so suKu pwey ijn haumY ivchu mwrI ] satgur sayvay so sukh paa-ay, jin ha-umai vichahu maaree.
Those, who serve the True Guru, find happiness; they have eradicated egotism from within.
nwnk pVxw gunxw ieku nwau hY bUJY ko bIcwrI ]1]
naanak, paṛ-ṇaa gunṇaa ik naa-o hai, boojhai ko beechaaree. ||1||
Nanak (says): there is One Name (of the Lord) to read and to contemplate; rare are those who
reflect upon this and realize. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
nWgy Awvxw nWgy jwxw hir hukmu pwieAw ikAw kIjY ]
naangay aavṇaa, naangay jaaṇaa, har hukam paa-i-aa ki-aa keejai.
Naked one comes, naked one goes; this is the Command of God, what (else) can one do?
ijs kI vsqu soeI lY jwiegw rosu iksY isau kIjY ] jis kee vasat so-ee lai jaa-igaa, ros kisai si-o keejai.
He, whom the thing belongs to, shall take it away;(so) to whom shall one complain?
gurmuiK hovY su Bwxw mMny shjy hir rsu pIjY ] gurmukh hovai so bhaaṇaa maNnay, sehjay har ras peejai.
He, who is Guru-oriented one accepts His Will, and, drinks the essence of (the Name of) God,
with natural ease.
nwnk suKdwqw sdw slwihhu rsnw rwmu rvIjY ]2]
naanak, sukh-daata sadaa salaahihu, rasnaa raam raveejai. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise the Giver of Happiness forever; and, chant (the Name) of
God with your tongue. 2
P. 1247
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
giV@ kwieAw sIgwr bhu BWiq bxweI ] gaṛh kaa-i-aa seegaar, baho bhaant baṇaa-ee.
(Those, who are attached to Maya) decorate (and adorn) their body fort in so many ways
rMg prMg kqIiPAw pihrih Dr mweI ] raNg paraNg kateefi-aa, pahirahi dhar maa-ee.
The Maya-lovers wear robes of silk of various colours.
lwl supyd dulIicAw bhu sBw bxweI ] laal supayd duleechi-aa, baho sabhaa baṇaa-ee.
They hold grand congregations, on red and white carpets.
duKu Kwxw duKu Bogxw grbY grbweI ] dukh khaaṇaa, dukh bhogṇaa, garbai garbaa-ee.
(But, in fact) their eating is in suffering and their seeking pleasure is in suffering, (because)
they remain proud in their pride (i.e. in their egotism).
nwnk nwmu n cyiqE AMiq ley CfweI ]24] naanak, naam na chayti-o, aNt la-ay chhadaa-ee. ||24||
Nanak (says): (but) they do not remember the Name (of God), which saves one in the end. 24

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
shjy suiK suqI sbid smwie ] Awpy pRiB myil leI gil lwie ]
sehjay sukh sutee, sabad samaa-ay. aapay prabh mayl la-ee gal laa-ay.
Absorbed in the Word, she (i.e. soul bride) sleeps in peace, with natural ease;
God has taken her in His embrace, and, united her (with Himself).

duibDw cUkI shij suBwie ] AMqir nwmu visAw min Awie ]
dubidhaa chookee, sahj subhaa-ay. antar naam vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Her duality is eradicated with natural ease.
The Name (of the Lord) has come to abide in her mind.
sy kMiT lwey ij BMin GVwie ] say kaNṭ laa-ay, je bhaNn ghaṛaa-ay.
He takes those in His embrace, who shatter and re-fashion their being.
nwnk jo Duir imly sy huix Awix imlwie ]1] naanak, jo dhur milay, say huṇ aaṇ milaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): those, for whom it is pre-destined, are brought to unite (with Him), now (in this
human life). 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw ikAw jpu jwpih hoir ] jinhee naam visaari-aa, ki-aa jap jaapeh hor.
Those, who have forgotten the Name (of the Lord), what other chant they can meditate upon?
(i.e. no meditation other than meditation upon God can be useful).
ibstw AMdir kIt sy muTy DMDY coir ] bistaa aNdar keet say, muṭay dhaNdhai chor.
They are (like) worms in the feces; (they) are robbed by worldly entanglements (i.e. Maya).
nwnk nwmu n vIsrY JUTy lwlc hoir ]2] naanak, naam na veesrai, jhooṭay laalach hor. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! God) let Your Name never be forgotten; greed for all other things is false. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwmu slwhin nwmu mMin AsiQru jig soeI ] naam salaahan naam maNn, asthir jag so-ee.
Those, who praise the Name, and, believe in the Name, are stable in the world.
ihrdY hir hir icqvY dUjw nhI koeI ] hirdai har, har chitvai, doojaa nahee ko-ee.
God dwells in their hearts, and, they remember God; there is no other (within their hearts).
roim roim hir aucrY iKnu iKnu hir soeI ] rom rom har uchrai, khin khin har so-ee.
With each and every hair (i.e. within their whole being), they chant the Name of God; and, each
and every instant (they meditate upon) God alone.
gurmuiK jnmu skwrQw inrmlu mlu KoeI ] gurmukh janam sakaarthaa, nirmal mal kho-ee.
The life of the Guru-oriented one is useful; washing off his filth, he has become pure.
nwnk jIvdw purKu iDAwieAw Amrw pdu hoeI ]25]
naanak, jeevdaa purakh dhi-aa-i-aa, amraa pad ho-ee. ||25||
Nanak (says): one, who meditates upon Ever-living (i.e. Eternal) Primal Person (the Lord),
attains the status of immortality. 25
sloku mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ijnI nwmu ivswirAw bhu krm kmwvih hoir ] nwnk jm puir bDy mwrIAih ijau sMn@I aupir cor ]1]
jinee naam visaari-aa, baho karam kamaaveh hor.
naanak, jam pur badhay maaree-ah, ji-o saNnhee upar chor. ||1||
Those, who have forgotten the Name (of the Lord) and practice countless other things;
Nanak (says): they are bound and beaten in the city of death, like the thief who is caught
(stealing) red-handed. 1
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
Driq suhwvVI Awkwsu suhMdw jpMidAw hir nwau ]
dharat suhaavaṛee, aakaas suhaNdaa, japaNdi-aa har naa-o.
Meditating upon the Name of God, the earth seems beautiful and sky seems pleasant.
nwnk nwm ivhUixAw iqn@ qn Kwvih kwau ]2] naanak, naam vihooṇi-aa, tinh tan khaaveh kaa-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who are without the Name, their carcass are eaten up by the crows*. 2
[*i.e. their bodies are eaten up by vices and sinful deeds].

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwmu slwhin Bwau kir inj mhlI vwsw ] naam salaahan bhaa-o kar, nij mahlee vaasaa.
Those, who lovingly praise the Name (of the Lord), dwell within His own mansion (of their self).
Eie bwhuiV join n AwvnI iPir hoih n ibnwsw ] o-ay baahuṛ jon na aavnee, fir hohi na binaasaa.
They do not enter womb (i.e. are not born again, in reincarnation); (they) are not destroyed again.
hir syqI rMig riv rhy sB sws igrwsw ] har saytee raNg rav rahay, sabh saas giraasaa.
They remain imbued with the love of God, with each and every breath and morsel (of food).
hir kw rMgu kdy n auqrY gurmuiK prgwsw ] har kaa raNg kaday na utrai, gurmukh pargaasaa.
Their love of God never fades away; (because) they have been enlightened through the Guru.
Eie ikrpw kir kY myilAnu nwnk hir pwsw ]26] o-ay kirpaa kar kai mayli-an, naanak har paasaa. ||26||
Nanak (says): bestowing His Grace, God gets them unites (them with Himself); (and, then) He is
in their side. 26
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ijcru iehu mnu lhrI ivic hY haumY bhuqu AhMkwru ] jichar ih man lahree vich hai, ha-umai bahut ahaMkaar.
As long as this mind is affected by waves (of Maya), it is in ego, in great egotistical pride.
sbdY swdu n AwveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] sabdai saad na aavee, naam na lagai pi-aar.
It (i.e. egotistic mind) does not relish the taste of the Word (of the Guru); nor does it embrace
love for the Name (of God).
syvw Qwie n pveI iqs kI Kip Kip hoie KuAwru ] sayvaa thaa-ay na pav-ee, tis kee khap khap ho-ay khu-aar.
Its service is not accepted (in the Court of God); it gets troubled and suffers.
nwnk syvku soeI AwKIAY jo isru Dry auqwir ] naanak, sayvak so-ee aakhee-ai, jo sir dharay utaar.
Nanak (says): he alone is called (true) servant (i.e. devotee), who cuts off his head and offers it
(to the Lord, i.e. he is totally dedicated to the Lord).
siqgur kw Bwxw mMin ley sbdu rKY aur Dwir ]1] satgur kaa bhaaṇaa ma n la-ay, sabad rakhai ur dhaar. ||1||
He accepts the Will of the True Guru, and, enshrines the Word in the heart. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
so jpu qpu syvw cwkrI jo KsmY BwvY ] so jap tap sayvaa chaakree, jo khasmai bhaavai.
(Only) that chanting (of the praise of God), meditation and service is (real and fruitful) service,
which is pleasing to the Master.
Awpy bKsy myil ley Awpqu gvwvY ] aapay bakhsay mayl la-ay, aapat gavaavai.
He Himself forgives and unites one with Himself, and, takes away self-conceit.
imilAw kdy n vICuVY joqI joiq imlwvY ] mili-aa kaday na veechhuṛai, jotee jot milaavai.
One, (who is) united thus, is never separated again; his light merges in the Light (of God).
nwnk gur prswdI so buJsI ijsu Awip buJwvY ]2] naanak, gur parsaadee so bujhsee, jis aap bujhaavai. ||2||
Nanak (says): by the Grace of the Guru, he alone understands whom He gets to understand. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
sBu ko lyKy ivic hY mnmuKu AhMkwrI ] sabh ko laykhay vich hai, manmukh ahaMkaaree.
All are subject to account (i.e. all are governed by Lord’s law), but the mind-oriented one is in
egotism (hence, he does not understand).
hir nwmu kdy n cyqeI jmkwlu isir mwrI ] har naam kaday na chayt-ee, jamkaal sir maaree.
He (i.e. the egotistic mind) never remembers the Name of God, and, the messenger of death hits
him on his head (i.e. punishes him heavily).

P. 1248
pwp ibkwr mnUr siB ldy bhu BwrI ] paap bikaar manoor sabh, laday baho bhaaree.
They are loaded with heavy load of sins and evil deeds, which are like slag of iron.
mwrgu ibKmu frwvxw ikau qrIAY qwrI ] maarag bikham daraavaṇaa, ki-o taree-ai taaree.
The path (of life) is difficult and dreadful; how can they cross over (to the other side)?
nwnk guir rwKy sy aubry hir nwim auDwrI ]27] naanak, gur raakhay say ubray, har naam udhaaree. ||27||
Nanak (says): those, whom the Guru protects, are saved; they are saved by (meditation upon)
the Name of God. 27
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
ivxu siqgur syvy suKu nhI mir jMmih vwro vwr ] viṇ satgur sayvay sukh nahee, mar jaMmeh vaaro vaar.
Without serving the True Guru, no one obtains happiness; (all) die, and are reborn, again and
moh TgaulI pweIAnu bhu dUjY Bwie ivkwr ] moh ṭag-ulee paa-ee-an, baho doojai bhaa-ay vikaar.
They have been given intoxicating cheating drug of (emotional) attachment; in the love of
duality, they commits evil deeds.
ieik gur prswdI aubry iqsu jn kau krih siB nmskwr ]
ik gur parsaadee ubray, tis jan ka-o karahi sabh namaskaar.
Some are saved by the Grace of the Guru; everyone bows before such servants (i.e. devotees).
nwnk Anidnu nwmu iDAwie qU AMqir ijqu pwvih moK duAwr ]1]
naanak, an-din naamdhi-aa-ay, too aNtar jit paavahi mokh du-aar. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) you meditate upon the Name (of God) within (your heart), day and
night, and, you shall find the door of liberation. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mwieAw moih ivswirAw scu mrxw hir nwmu ] maa-i-aa mohi visaari-aa, sach marṇaa har naam.
Attached to Maya, one forgets the Name (of the Lord); (but they do not recognize that) death and
the Name of God are Truth (i.e. inevitable, reality).
DMDw kriqAw jnmu gieAw AMdir duKu shwmu ] dhandhaa karti-aa janam ga-i-aa, aNdar dukh sahaam.
Engrossed in worldly affairs, one’s life is wasted, and, within (his mind) he suffers pain.
nwnk siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw ijn@ pUrib iliKAw krwmu ]2]
naanak, satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa, jinh poorab likhi-aa karaam. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who have such preordained destimy, serve the True Guru and find
happiness. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
lyKw pVIAY hir nwmu iPir lyKu n hoeI ] laykhaa paṛee-ai har naam, fir laykh na ho-ee.
(O! brethren) if one reads the account of the Name of God, he is never again called to account.
puiC n skY koie hir dir sd FoeI ] puchh na sakai ko-ay, har dar sad ḍo-ee.
No one can ask him (for accounts), and, he is always protected at the Door of God.
jmkwlu imlY dy Byt syvku inq hoeI ] jamkaal milai day bhayt, sayvak nit ho-ee.
(Then, when) the messenger of death meets him, he pays him tribute, and, becomes his
permanent servant.
pUry gur qy mhlu pwieAw piq prgtu loeI ] pooray gur tay mahal paa-i-aa, pat pargat lo-ee.
Through the perfect Guru, one finds the mansion (of God); and, his honour is revealed in the
whole of the world.

nwnk Anhd DunI dir vjdy imilAw hir soeI]28] naanak, anhad dhunee dar vajday, mili-aa har so-ee ||28||
Nanak (says): one, who meets (i.e. is united with) God, unstruck melody sounds at his door. 28
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
gur kw kihAw jy kry suKI hU suKu swru ] gur kaa kahi-aa jay karay, sukhee hoo sukh saar.
(O! brethren) if one obeys the teachings of the Guru, he obtains the most sublime happiness of
all happiness.
gur kI krxI Bau ktIAY nwnk pwvih pwru ]1] gur kee karṇee bha-o katee-ai; naanak, paavahi paar. ||1||
Nanak (says): acting in accordance with (the instruction of) the Guru, one’s fear is cut away
(i.e. fear is eradicated), and, one is carried across (the world ocean). 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
scu purwxw nw QIAY nwmu n mYlw hoie ] sach puraaṇaa naa thee-ai, naam na mailaa ho-ay.
The True (Lord) does not grow old (i.e. He is ever fresh); the Name (of God) never gets soiled (i.e.
it is not stained by Maya).
gur kY BwxY jy clY bhuiV n Awvxu hoie ] gur kai bhaaṇai jay chalai, bahuṛ na aavaṇ ho-ay.
If one walks in with the Will of (i.e. follows the path of) the Guru, he does not have to come
again (in reincarnation).
nwnk nwim ivswirAY Awvx jwxw doie ]2] naanak, naam visaari-ai, aavaṇ jaaṇaa do-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who forget the Name (of the Lord), remain both coming and going (in
reincarnation). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
mMgq jnu jwcY dwnu hir dyhu suBwie ] maNgat jan jaachai daan, har dayh subhaa-ay.
I am a beggar, I ask for this gift (from You), O! God, (please) give it to me with love.
hir drsn kI ipAws hY drsin iqRpqwie ] har darsan kee pi-aas hai, darsan tariptaa-ai.
I am thirsty for Your vision, O! God, Your vision satiates me (i.e. gives me peace).
iKnu plu GVI n jIvaU ibnu dyKy mrW mwie ] khin pal ghaṛee na jeev-oo, bin daykhay maraan, maa-ay.
I cannot survive, even for an instant; without seeing You, I die, O! (my) mother.
siqguir nwil idKwilAw riv rihAw sB Qwie ] satgur naal dikhaali-aa, rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ay.
The True Guru has shown me that He (i.e. God) is (always) with me; He is pervading all places.
suiqAw Awip auTwil dyie nwnk ilv lwie ]29] suti-aa aap uṭaal day-ay, naanak, liv laa-ay. ||29||
Nanak (says): He Himself wakes the sleeping one, and, lovingly attunes them to Himself. 29
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
mnmuK boil n jwxn@I Enw AMdir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ]
manmukh bol na jaaṇanhee, onaa aNdar kaam krodh ahaMkaar.
The mind-oriented ones do not know how to speak; within them is sexual desire, anger and
Qwau kuQwau n jwxnI sdw icqvih ibkwr ] thaa-o kuthaa-o na jaaṇnee, sadaa chitvahi bikaar.
They do not know difference between good or bad place; they constantly think in vices.
drgh lyKw mMgIAY EQY hoih kUiVAwr ] dargeh laykhaa maNgee-ai, othai hohi kooṛi-aar.
In the Court (of God), they are called to account; and, there, they are judges to be false ones.
Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awip kry bIcwru ] aapay sarisat upaa-ee-an, aap karay beechaar.
He Himself creates the universe, and, He Himself contemplates (i.e. takes care of it).
nwnk iks no AwKIAY sBu vrqY Awip sicAwru ]1] naanak, kis no aakhee-ai, sabh vartai aap sachiaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): whom should we tell, (when) the True (Lord) Himself is pervading all. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
hir gurmuiK iqn@I ArwiDAw ijn@ krim prwpiq hoie ]
har gurmukh tinhee araadhi-aa, jinh karam paraapat ho-ay.
Only those Guru-oriented ones adore God, who are blessed with (the Name) through His Grace.
nwnk hau bilhwrI iqn@ kau ijn@ hir min visAw soie ]2]
naanak, ha-o balihaaree tinh ka-o, jinh har man vasi-aa so-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto those, in whose mind God dwells. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Aws kry sBu loku bhu jIvxu jwixAw ] aas karay sabh lok, baho jeevaṇ jaaṇi-aa.
All people builds hopes; (because) they believe they will live long lives.
inq jIvx kau icqu gV@ mMfp svwirAw ] nit jeevaṇ ka-o chit, gaṛh maNdap savaari-aa.
They wish to live forever, (hence) they embellish their forts and mansions.
vlvMc kir aupwv mwieAw ihir AwixAw ] valvaNch kar upaav, maa-i-aa hir aaṇi-aa.
By various (acts of) deceptions, they steal the wealth (of others).
jmkwlu inhwly sws Awv GtY byqwilAw ] jamkaal nihaalay saas, aav ghatai baytaali-aa.
(But) the messenger of death watches their (each and every) breath; the life of these goblins is
decreasing (day by day).
nwnk gur srxweI aubry hir gur rKvwilAw ]30] naanak, gur sarṇaa-ee ubray, har gur rakhvaali-aa. ||30||
Nanak (says): those who seek the refuge of the Guru, are saved; great God is their Protector. 30
P. 1249
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
piV piV pMifq vwdu vKwxdy mwieAw moh suAwie ] paṛ paṛ pa dit vaad vkhaaṇday, maa-i-aa moh su-aa-ay.
Reading and studying the pandits (i.e. religious scholars/ priests) engage in debates, for the
purpose of attachment to Maya.
dUjY Bwie nwmu ivswirAw mn mUrK imlY sjwie ]
doojai bhaa-ay naam visaari-aa, man moorakh milai sajaa-ay.
In the love of duality they have forgotten the Name (of God); (hence) the foolish minds receive
ijin@ kIqy iqsY n syvn@I dydw irjku smwie ] jinih keetay tisai na sayvnhee, daydaa rijak samaa-ay.
They do not serve the One (Lord), who has created them, and gives the sustenance.
jm kw Pwhw glhu n ktIAY iPir iPir Awvih jwie ] jam kaa faahaa galhu na katee-ai, fir fir aavahi jaa-ay.
(Hence) the noose of death, around their neck, is not cut off; they come and go (in
reincarnation), again and again.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw siqguru imilAw iqn Awie ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, satgur mili-aa tin aa-ay.
Those, who have such as pre-inscribed (destiny), the True Guru comes and meets them.
Anidnu nwmu iDAwiedy nwnk sic smwie ]1] an-din naam dhi-aa-iday, naanak, sach samaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): day and night, they meditate upon the Name, and, merge into the True (Lord). 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
scu vxjih scu syvdy ij gurmuiK pYrI pwih ] sach vaṇjahi, sach sayvday, je gurmukh pairee paahi.
Those, who are the Guru-oriented ones, they fall at the feet (of the True Lord); (they) deal with
the True (Lord) and serve the True (Lord).

nwnk gur kY BwxY jy clih shjy sic smwih ]2]
naanak, gur kai bhaaṇai jay chaleh, sehjay sach samaahi. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who walk in the Will (i.e. follow the path) of the Guru, merge in True
(Lord) with natural ease. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awsw ivic Aiq duKu Gxw mnmuiK icqu lwieAw ] aasaa vich at dukh ghaṇaa, manmukh chit laa-i-aa.
In hopes (ie desires), there is great pain, the mind-oriented attaches his mind to it (ie. desires).
gurmuiK Bey inrws prm suKu pwieAw ] gurmukh bha-ay niraas, param sukh paa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented ones remain detached; they attain supreme happiness.
ivcy igrh audws Ailpq ilv lwieAw ] vichay girah udaas, alipat liv laa-i-aa.
In the midst of their household, they are detached; being unattached (to worldliness), and, they
are lovingly attuned (to God).
Enw sogu ivjogu n ivAwpeI hir Bwxw BwieAw ] onaa sog vijog na vi-aapa-ee, har bhaaṇaa bhaa-i-aa.
Sorrow and separation do not cling to them; they are pleased with the Will of God.
nwnk hir syqI sdw riv rhy Duir ley imlwieAw ]31]
naanak, har saytee sadaa rav rahay, dhur la-ay milaa-i-aa. ||31||
Nanak (says): they remain forever immersed in God; He has united them (with Himself) from
the very beginning. 31
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
prweI Amwx ikau rKIAY idqI hI suKu hoie ] paraa-ee amaaṇ ki-o rakhee-ai, ditee hee sukh ho-ay.
Why to keep what is held in trust for someone else; giving it back, happiness is obtained.
gur kw sbdu gur QY itkY hor QY prgtu n hoie ] gur kaa sabad gur thai tikai, hor thai pargat na ho-ay.
The Word of the Guru, rests in the Guru, it is not revealed through anyone else.
AMn@y vis mwxku pieAw Gir Gir vycx jwie ] aNnhay vas maaṇak pa-i-aa, ghar ghar vaychaṇ jaa-ay.
(If) a blind one gets hold of a jewel, (and, he) goes from home to home for selling it.
Enw prK n AwveI AFu n plY pwie ] onaa parakh na aavee, aḍ na palai paa-ay.
(But) they cannot assay it, (hence) they do not offer even half a shell (as price for it).
jy Awip prK n AwveI qW pwrKIAw Qwvhu lieEu prKwie ]
jay aap parakh na aavee, taan paarakhee-aa thaavhu la-i-o parkhaa-ay.
If one cannot assay it himself, then he could have it assayed it by an assayer.
jy Esu nwil icqu lwey qW vQu lhY nau iniD plY pwie ]
jay os naal chit laa-ay, taan vath lahai, na-o nidh palai paa-ay.
But if one focuses one’s mind with it, he obtains the object (i.e. Name of God, which is) the nine
Gir hodY Din jgu BuKw muAw ibnu siqgur soJI n hoie ]
ghar hodai dhan jag bhukhaa mu-aa, bin satgur sojhee na ho-ay.
The wealth (of the Name) in within the home (i.e. heart), (while) the world is dying of hunger;
without the True Guru, they do not realize it.
sbdu sIqlu min qin vsY iqQY sogu ivjogu n koie ] sabad seetal man tan vasai, tithai sog vijog na ko-ay.
When the cooling (i.e. soothing) Word comes to dwell in the mind and body, there remains no
sorrow of separation.
vsqu prweI Awip grbu kry mUrKu Awpu gxwey ] vasat paraa-ee aap garab karay, moorakh aap gaṇaa-ay.
The object (i.e. wealth) belongs to someone else, but, the fool is proud of it, and, shows it off.

nwnk ibnu bUJy iknY n pwieE iPir iPir AwvY jwey ]1]
naanak, bin boojhay kinai na paa-i-o, fir fir aavai jaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): without realizing (the Word), no one finds (God); and one comes and goes (in
reincarnation), again and again. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
min Andu BieAw imilAw hir pRIqmu srsy sjx sMq ipAwry ]
man anad bha-i-aa, mili-aa har preetam, sarsay sajaṇ saNt pi-aaray.
My mind is in ecstasy, I have met my Beloved God; my beloved friends, God-oriented persons
are delighted.
jo Duir imly n ivCuVih kbhU ij Awip myly krqwry ]
jo dhur milay, na vichhurheh kabhoo, je aap maylay kartaaray.
Those, who have been united (with the Lord) from the very beginning, shall never be separated
again; the Creator Himself has united them (with Himself).
AMqir sbdu rivAw guru pwieAw sgly dUK invwry ] aNtar sabad ravi-aa gur paa-i-aa, saglay dookh nivaaray.
Those, who have found the Guru, the Word (of the Guru) permeates within them, and, all their
sorrows are dispelled.
hir suKdwqw sdw slwhI AMqir rKW aur Dwry ] har sukh-daata sadaa salaahee, aNtar rakhaan ur dhaaray.
I praise forever God, the Giver of Happiness, and, keep Him enshrined within my mind.
mnmuKu iqn kI bKIlI ik kry ij scY sbid svwry ]
manmukh tin kee bakheelee ke karay, je sachai sabad savaaray.
How can the mind-oriented ones slander those, who are embellished by the Word of the True
Enw dI Awip piq rKsI myrw ipAwrw srxwgiq pey gur duAwry ]
onaa dee aap pat rakhsee mayraa pi-aaraa, sarṇaagat pa-ay gur du-aaray.
My Beloved (Lord) Himself preserves the honour of those, who have sought the refuge at the
Door of the Guru.
nwnk gurmuiK sy suhyly Bey muK aUjl drbwry ]2]
naanak, gurmukh say suhaylay bha-ay, mukh oojal darbaaray. ||2||
Nanak (says): those Guru-oriented ones become happy, and, their faces radiate in the court (of
the Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
iesqrI purKY bhu pRIiq imil mohu vDwieAw ] istaree purkhai baho preet, mil moh vadhaa-i-aa.
Wife and husband are very much in love (with each other); joining together they increase their
attachment (to worldly ties).
puqRü klqRü inq vyKY ivgsY moih mwieAw ] putar kalatar nit vaykhai vigsai mohi maa-i-aa.
Attached to Maya, he gazes daily on his son and wife and blossoms forth.
dyis prdyis Dnu corwie Awix muih pwieAw ] days pardays dhan choraa-ay, aaṇ muhi paa-i-aa.
Stealing wealth in his own country and other countries, he bring it home and feeds them.
P. 1250
AMiq hovY vYr ivroDu ko skY n CfwieAw ] aNt hovai vair virodh, ko sakai na chhadaa-i-aa.
In the end, the animosity and conflict well up, (then) no one can save him.
nwnk ivxu nwvY iDRgu mohu ijqu lig duKu pwieAw]32] naanak, viṇ naavai dharig moh, jit lag dukh paa-i-aa||32||
Nanak (says): without the Name (of God), all other attachments are cursed; engrossed in
them, one suffers sorrows. 2

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
gurmuiK AMimRqu nwmu hY ijqu KwDY sB BuK jwie ] gurmukh aMmrit naam hai, jit khaadhai sabh bhukh jaa-ay.
AMmrit Name is obtained through the Guru; eating it all his hunger departs.
iqRsnw mUil n hoveI nwmu vsY min Awie ] tarisnaa mool na hova-ee, naam vasai man aa-ay.
There remains no desire, (when) the Name comes to dwell in the mind.
ibnu nwvY ij horu Kwxw iqqu rogu lgY qin Dwie ] bin naavai je hor khaaṇaa, tit rog lagai tan dhaa-ay.
Eating anything other than the Name, disease runs to inflict the body.
nwnk rs ks sbdu slwhxw Awpy ley imlwie ]1] naanak, ras kas sabad salaahṇaa, aapay la-ay milaa-ay ||1||
Nanak (says): praising the Word is the essence of (all) flavours, (if one tastes this flavour, then)
He Himself unites one in His union. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
jIAw AMdir jIau sbdu hY ijqu sh mylwvw hoie ] jee-aa aNdar jee-o sabad hai, jit sah maylaavaa ho-ay.
The life within (all) beings is the Word; through it one (i.e. soul bride) is united with the
Husband (Lord).
ibnu sbdY jig Awn@yru hY sbdy prgtu hoie ] bin sabdai jag aanhayr hai, sabday pargat ho-ay.
Without the Word, the world is in darkness (of ignorance); through the Word it is enlightened.
pMifq monI piV piV Qky ByK Qky qnu Doie ] paNdit monee paṛ paṛ thakay, bhaykh thakay tan dho-ay.
The pandits (i.e. religious scholars / priests) and the silent sages are tired of reading and
studying; those wearing (religious) robes are tired of washing their bodies.
ibnu sbdY iknY n pwieE duKIey cly roie ] bin sabdai kinai na paa-i-o, dukhee-ay chalay ro-ay.
Without the Word (of the Guru), no one has ever attained (the Lord); suffering, they depart
nwnk ndrI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]2] naanak, nadree paa-ee-ai, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He is found by His Glance (of Grace); He is obtained by His Grace. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
iesqRI purKY Aiq nyhu bih mMdu pkwieAw ] istaree purkhai at nayhu, bahi maNd pakaa-i-aa.
The man and wife are very much in love; sitting together, they make evil plans.
idsdw sBu ikCu clsI myry pRB BwieAw ] disdaa sabh kichh chalsee, mayray prabh bhaa-i-aa.
All that is seen shall pass away; this is what pleases my Lord.
ikau rhIAY iQru jig ko kFhu aupwieAw ] ki-o rahee-ai thir jag, ko kaḍahu upaa-i-aa.
How can one live forever in the world? let us devise some plan.
gur pUry kI cwkrI iQru kMDu sbwieAw ] gur pooray kee chaakree, thir kaNdh sabaa-i-aa.
(The answer is): serving the perfect Guru, the wall (of life) becomes strong (i.e. stable).
nwnk bKis imlwieAnu hir nwim smwieAw ]33] naanak, bakhas milaa-i-an, har naam samaa-i-aa. ||33||
Nanak (says): (those, whom) God blesses and unites with Himself, and, they merge in His
Name. 33
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
mwieAw moih ivswirAw gur kw Bau hyqu Apwru ] maa-i-aa mohi visaari-aa, gur kaa bha-o hayt apaar.
Attached to Maya, one forgets the fear of the Guru and his infinite love.
loiB lhir suiD miq geI sic n lgY ipAwru ] lobh lahar sudh mat ga-ee, sach na lagai pi-aar.
The wave of greed takes away its awareness and wisdom; (hence) he does not embrace love for
the True (Lord).

gurmuiK ijnw sbdu min vsY drgh moK duAwru ] gurmukh jinaa sabad man vasai, dargeh mokh du-aar.
Those, in whose mind the Word abides through the Guru, find the door of liberation in His
nwnk Awpy myil ley Awpy bKsxhwru ]1] naanak, aapay mayl la-ay, aapay bakhsanhaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): He Himself forgives (us), and, He Himself unites (us with Himself). 1
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
nwnk ijsu ibnu GVI n jIvxw ivsry srY n ibMd ] naanak, jis bin ghaṛee na jeevṇaa, visray sarai na biNd.
Nanak (says): He, without whom, we cannot live (even) for a moment; forgetting Him we
cannot do anything.
iqsu isau ikau mn rUsIAY ijsih hmwrI icMd ]2] tis si-o ki-o man roosee-ai, jisahi hamaaree chiNd. ||2||
O! (my) mind, how can one be angry with Him, who cares (so much) for us. 2
mÚ 4 ] M: 4
swvxu AwieAw iJmiJmw hir gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] saavan aa-i-aa jhimjhimaa, har gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ay.
It is (like) coming of Saawan (i.e. rainy season),thundering and roaring, (when) one meditate
upon the Name through the Guru.
duK BuK kwVw sBu cukwiesI mIhu vuTw Chbr lwie ]
dukh bhukh kaaṛaa sabh chukaa-isee, meehu vuṭaa chhahbar laa-ay.
When it rains in torrents, it (i.e. the Name of the Lord) takes away all pain, hunger and sorrows.
sB Driq BeI hrIAwvlI AMnu jMimAw bohl lwie ]
sabh dharat bha-ee haree-aavalee, aNn jaMmi-aa bohal laa-ay.
The entire earth turns green, and grains grow in piles of heaps.
hir AicMqu bulwvY ik®pw kir hir Awpy pwvY Qwie ] har achiNt bulaavai kripaa kar, har aapay paavai thaa-ay.
Bestowing His Grace, God, the Carefree (Lord) Himself calls; and, God Himself approves
(one’s service).
hir iqsih iDAwvhu sMq jnhu ju AMqy ley Cfwie ]
har tiseh dhi-aavahu saNt janhu, jo aNtay la-ay chhadaa-ay.
So, O! God-oriented persons, meditate upon God; He shall save you in the end.
hir kIriq Bgiq Anµdu hY sdw suKu vsY min Awie ]
har keerat bhagat anaNd hai, sadaa sukh vasai man aa-ay.
The singing of the praise of God and devotion to Him is (all) bliss; (with this) happiness comes
to dwell forever in the mind.
ijn@w gurmuiK nwmu ArwiDAw iqnw duK BuK lih jwie ]
jinhaa gurmukh naam araadhi-aa, tinaa dukh bhukh leh jaa-ay.
Those, who have adored (i.e. meditated upon) the Name, through the Guru, their pain and
hunger depart.
jn nwnku iqRpqY gwie gux hir drsnu dyhu suBwie ]3]
jan naanak, tariptai gaa-ay guṇ, har darsan dayh subhaa-ay. ||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): singing (the praise) of Your excellences, I am satiated; O!
God, (please) bless me with Your vision with natural ease. 3
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
gur pUry kI dwiq inq dyvY cVY svweIAw ] gur pooray kee daat, nit dayvai chaṛai savaa-ee-aa.
The perfect Guru bestows his gifts, which increase a quarter more (i.e. more and more), day-

quis dyvY Awip dieAwlu n CpY CpweIAw ] tus dayvai aap da-i-aal,na chhapai chhapaa-ee-aa.
Becoming pleased, the merciful (Guru) Himself gives (gifts), it cannot be concealed (even) by
concealing it.
ihrdY kvlu pRgwsu aunmin ilv lweIAw ] hirdai kaval pargaas, unman liv laa-ee-aa.
The lotus of heart blossoms forth; and, one is lovingly attuned to (the state of) bliss.
jy ko kry aus dI rIs isir CweI pweIAw ] jay ko karay us dee rees, sir chhaa-ee paa-ee-aa.
If anyone tries to compete him (i.e. the Guru), ash is thrown on his head (by God).
nwnk ApiV koie n skeI pUry siqgur kI vifAweIAw ]34]
naanak, apaṛ ko-ay na sak-ee, pooray satgur kee vadi-aa-ee-aa. ||34||
Nanak (says): no one can equal the great glory of the perfect True Guru. 34
P. 1251
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
Amru vyprvwhu hY iqsu nwil isAwxp n cleI n hujiq krxI jwie ]
amar vayparvaahu hai, tis naal si-aaṇap na chal-ee, na hujat karṇee jaa-ay.
It is the Command of the Carefree (Lord) (that prevails); no cleverness can work against Him;
nor can any argument do anything.
Awpu Coif srxwie pvY mMin ley rjwie ] aap chhod sarṇaa-ay pavai, maNn la-ay rajaa-ay.
(So, O! brethren) abandon your self-conceit, and seek His refuge, and accept His Will.
gurmuiK jm fMfu n lgeI haumY ivchu jwie ] gurmukh jam daNd na lag-ee, ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented one purges his ego from within, (hence) he is not punished by the
messenger of death.
nwnk syvku soeI AwKIAY ij sic rhY ilv lwie ]1]
naanak, sayvak so-ee aakhee-ai, je sach rahai liv laa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): he alone is called (His) servant (i.e. devotee), who remains lovingly attuned to
the True (Lord). 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
dwiq joiq sB sUriq qyrI ] daat jot sabh soorat, tayree.
(O! Lord) all gifts, Light (of life), and beauty are Yours (i.e. blessed by You).
bhuqu isAwxp haumY myrI ] bahut si-aaṇap ha-umai, mayree.
(Show of) excessive cleverness and egotism are mine.
bhu krm kmwvih loiB moih ivAwpy haumY kdy n cUkY PyrI ]
baho karam kamaaveh, lobh mohi vi-aapay, ha-umai kaday na chookai fayree.
One performs many sorts of actions (i.e. rituals); (he is) engrossed in greed and (emotional)
attachment; in egotism the cycle (of reincarnation) never ceases.
nwnk Awip krwey krqw jo iqsu BwvY sweI gl cMgyrI ]2]
naanak,aap karaa-ay kartaa, jo tis bhaavai saa-ee gal chaNgayree. ||2||
Nanak (says): the Creator Himself gets everything done, whatever pleases Him, is the best. 2

pauVI mÚ 5 ] pa-oṛee, M: 5
scu Kwxw scu pYnxw scu nwmu ADwru ] guir pUrY mylwieAw pRBu dyvxhwru ]
sach khaaṇaa, sach painṇaa, sach naam adhaar. gur poorai maylaa-i-aa, prabh dayvaṇhaar.
Truth is his food, Truth is his wearing (of clothes), and, the True Name is his support.
The perfect Guru has united him with the Giver Lord.

Bwgu pUrw iqn jwigAw jipAw inrMkwru ] swDU sMgiq ligAw qirAw sMswru ]
bhaag pooraa tin jaagi-aa, japi-aa niraNkaar. saadhoo saNgat lagi-aa, tari-aa saNsaar.
Their perfect destiny is awakened (i.e. activated), (those, who have) meditated upon the
Formless (Lord).
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, they cross over the world (ocean).
nwnk isPiq slwh kir pRB kw jYkwru ]35] naanak, sifat salaah kar, prabh kaa jaikaar. ||35||
Nanak (says): (O! my mind, you too) praise and hail the Lord. 35
slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
sBy jIA smwil ApxI imhr kru ] sabhay jee-a samaal, apnee mihar kar.
(O! God, please) bestow Your Grace, and, take care of all the beings.
AMnu pwxI mucu aupwie duK dwldu BMin qru ] aNn paaṇee much upaa-ay, dukh daalad bhaNn tar.
You produce plenty of corn (i.e. food) and water; eliminate suffering of poverty, and, carry
(all the beings) across (the world ocean).
Ardwis suxI dwqwir hoeI issit Tru ] ardaas suṇee daataar, ho-ee sisat ṭar.
(When) the Giver (Lord) listened to my prayer, the world got cooled (ie. soothed).
lyvhu kMiT lgwie Apdw sB hru ] layvhu kaNṭ lagaa-ay, apdaa sabh har.
(O! God please) take everyone in Your embrace and take away (all) calamity.
nwnk nwmu iDAwie pRB kw sPlu Gru ]1] naanak, naam dhi-aa-ay, prabh kaa safal ghar. ||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon His Name; the house of God is fruitful (i.e. one is
blessed with all fruit/ gifts from the house of God). 1
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
vuTy myG suhwvxy hukmu kIqw krqwir ] vuṭay maygh suhaavaṇay, hukam keetaa kartaar.
The Creator issued His Command, and, the beautiful clouds began to rain.
irjku aupwieEnu Aglw TWiF peI sMswir ] rijak upaa-i-on aglaa, ṭaanḍ pa-ee saNsaar.
Grain was produced in abundance; the world is cooled (i.e. soothed).
qnu mnu hirAw hoieAw ismrq Agm Apwr ] tan man hari-aa ho-i-aa, simrat agam apaar.
Meditating upon the Inaccessible and Infinite (Lord), the body and the mind turned green (i.e.
have been rejuvenated).
kir ikrpw pRB AwpxI scy isrjxhwr ] kar kirpaa prabh aapṇee, sachay sirjaṇhaar.
O! (my) True Creator, O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Grace (on me).
kIqw loVih so krih nwnk sd bilhwr ]2] keetaa loṛeh so karahi, naanak, sad balihaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): He does whatever He pleases; I am forever a sacrifice unto Him. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
vfw Awip AgMmu hY vfI vifAweI ] vadaa aap agaMm hai, vadee vadi-aa-ee.
(O! brethren) the Great (Lord) is Inaccessible, and, great is His Grandeur.
gur sbdI vyiK ivgisAw AMqir sWiq AweI ] gur sabdee vaykh vigsi-aa, aNtar saant aa-ee.
One, who has blossoms forth through the Word of the Guru, peace comes within him.
sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy hY BweI ] sabh aapay aap varatdaa, aapay hai bhaa-ee.
He is all by Himself, and, He Himself pervades everywhere, O! brethren.
Awip nwQu sB nQIAnu sB hukim clweI ] aap naath, sabh nathee-an, sabh hukam chalaa-ee.
He Himself is the Master (of all); He has subjugated all; and, all act under His Command.
nwnk hir BwvY so kry sB clY rjweI ]36]1] suDu ]
naanak ,har bhaavai so karay, sabh chalai rajaa-ee. ||36||1|| sudh.
Nanak (says): God does whatever He pleases; everyone walks (i.e. acts) according to His wills.
36.1 (Checked this verse and found) Correct.

rwgu swrMg bwxI BgqW kI ] Raag SaaraNg, baṇee bhagtaan kee
kbIr jI ] Kabeer jee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
khw nr grbis QorI bwq ] kahaa nar garbas, thoree baat.
O! man, why are you so proud of small things.
mn ds nwju tkw cwir gWTI AYNfO tyFO jwqu ]1] rhwau ]
man das naaj, takaa chaar gaanṭee, aindou tayḍao jaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Just) ten maunds (i.e. some quantity) of grains, and, four takaas (i.e. some amount of money) in
(your) purse ---- (then, for what) you walk crookedly and arrogantly (i.e. what do you have that
you are so puffed up with pride ?). 1 (pause)
bhuqu pRqwpu gWau sau pwey duie lK tkw brwq ] bahut prataap gaan-o sa-o paa-ay, du-ay lakh takaa baraat.
You may have great lustre, my own one hundred villages, and, an income of two hundred
thousand takaas .
idvs cwir kI krhu swihbI jYsy bn hr pwq ]1] divas chaar kee karahu saahibee, jaisay ban har paat. ||1||
(But) the lordship you shall have would last for four days (i.e. only for a short period), like the
green leaves of the forest (which have short life).
nw koaU lY AwieE iehu Dnu nw koaU lY jwqu ] naa ko-oo lai aa-i-o ih dhan, naa ko-oo lai jaat.
No one had brought this wealth with him (at the time of birth), and, no one will take it with him
(when he departs from the world).
rwvn hUM qy AiDk CqRpiq iKn mih gey iblwq ]2]
raavan hooN tay adhik chhatarpat, khin meh ga-ay bilaat. ||2||
The kings, even greater than Raavna, passed away (empty handed) in an instant. 2
P. 1252
hir ky sMq sdw iQru pUjhu jo hir nwmu jpwq ] har kay saNt sadaa thir, poojahu jo har naam japaat.
(O! brethren) the God-oriented persons are stable forever, worship those, who (themselves
meditate upon God and) get you to meditate upon the Name of God.
ijn kau ik®pw krq hY goibdu qy sqsMig imlwq ]3] jin ka-o kirpaa karat hai gobid, tay satsaNg milaat. ||3||
Those, whom the Lord of the World blesses in His Grace, unites them with the True
congregation. 3
mwq ipqw binqw suq sMpiq AMiq n clq sMgwq ] maat pitaa banitaa sut saMpat at na chalat saNgaat.
Mother, father, wife, wealth, son and wealth ---- no one shall go along with you in the end.
khq kbIru rwm Bju baury jnmu AkwrQ jwq ]4]1]
kahat kabeer raam bhaj ba-uray, janam akaarath jaat. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: O! crazy (man), meditate upon God, your life is going waste. 4.1
rwjwsRm imiq nhI jwnI qyrI ] raajaasaram, mit nahee jaanee tayree.
O! Lord of (royal) Palace (O! Sovereign Lord), I do not know limits (of Your Creative Power).
qyry sMqn kI hau cyrI ]1] rhwau ] tayray saNtan kee ha-o chayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(But, all I can say is) I am maid (slave) of Your God-oriented persons. 1 (pause)
hsqo jwie su rovqu AwvY rovqu jwie su hsY ] hasto jaa-ay, so rovat aavai; rovat jaa-ay, so hasai.
One, who goes laughing returns crying, and, (another) one, who goes crying, returns laughing
(O! Lord, such wondrous is Your play of creation !).

bsqo hoie hoie suo aUjru aUjru hoie su bsY ]1] basto ho-ay ho-ay so oojar, oojar ho-ay so basai. ||1||
What is inhabited becomes deserted, and, what is deserted becomes inhabited. 1
jl qy Ql kir Ql qy kUAw kUp qy myru krwvY ] jal tay thal kar, thal tay koo-aa; koop tay mayr karaavai.
He turns the water into land (i.e. desert), and, land (i.e. desert) turns into a well; and, then turns
well into a high mountain.
DrqI qy Awkwis cFwvY cFy Akwis igrwvY ]2] dhartee tay aakaas chaḍaavai, chaḍay akaas giraavai. ||2||
From the earth, He raises (i.e. exalts) one to the skies, and, from the skies, He throws him down
ByKwrI qy rwju krwvY rwjw qy ByKwrI ] bhaykhaaree tay raaj karaavai, raajaa tay bhaykhaaree.
He transforms a beggar into a ruler, and, (turns) a king into a beggar.
Kl mUrK qy pMifqu kirbo pMifq qy mugDwrI ]3] khal moorakh tay pa dit karibo, pa dit tay mugdhaaree. ||3||
He turns a wicked, fool into a pandit (i.e. religious scholar), and, a pandit into a fool. 3
nwrI qy jo purKu krwvY purKn qy jo nwrI ] naaree tay jo purakh karaavai, purkhan tay jo naaree.
He creates men from women, and, then, woman from men.
khu kbIr swDU ko pRIqmu iqsu mUriq bilhwrI ]4]2]
kaho kabeer, saadhoo ko preetam, tis moorat balihaaree. ||4||2||
Says Kabir : He is the Beloved of the God-oriented persons; I am a sacrifice unto His (blessed)
image. 8.2
swrMg bwxI nwmdyau jI kI ] SaaraNg, baaṇee Naamday-o jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
kweyN ry mn ibiKAw bn jwie ] kaa-ayn ray man, bikhi-aa ban jaa-ay.
O! my mind, why do you go to the forest of poison (i.e. Maya).
BUlO ry TgmUrI Kwie ]1] rhwau ] bhoolou ray, ṭagmooree khaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have gone astray, you are eating intoxicating herb (i.e. deceiving drug of Maya). 1 (pause)
jYsy mInu pwnI mih rhY ] kwl jwl kI suiD nhI lhY ]
jaisay, meen paanee meh rahai. kaal jaal kee sudh nahee lahai.
(You are) like a fish living in water, (which) does not care for the net of death.
ijhbw suAwdI lIilq loh ] jihbaa su-aadee leelit loh.
For the taste of tongue (i.e. flavour), it (i.e. the fish) swallows iron (i.e. the hook).
AYsy kink kwmnI bwiDE moh ]1] aisay, kanik kaamnee baadhi-o moh. ||1||
The same way, you are bound by attachment to gold and woman (i.e. wealth and sexual
pleasure). 1
ijau mDu mwKI sMcY Apwr ] mDu lIno muiK dInI Cwru ]
ji-o, madh maakhee saNchai apaar. madh leeno, mukh deenee chhaar.
Just as honey-bee stores a lot (of honey).
(Then, someone)throws ash in its mouth (i.e. through smoke, one gets the honey-bees fly away),
and, takes away honey.
gaU bwC kau sMcY KIru ] glw bWiD duih lyie AhIru ]2]
ga-oo baachh ka-o saNchai kheer. galaa baandh duhi lay-ay aheer. ||2||
The cow stores up milk for the calf;
(but) the milkman comes, ties it by its neck and milks the cow. 2

mwieAw kwrin sRmu Aiq krY ] so mwieAw lY gwfY DrY ]
maa-i-aa kaaran, saram at karai. so maa-i-aa, lai gaadai dharai.
(Similarly) one works very hard for the sake of Maya;
taking money, he buries it in the earth (i.e hides it underground).
Aiq sMcY smJY nhI mUV@ ] at saNchai, samjhai nahee mooṛh.
He collects (i.e. acquires) a lot, (but) the fool does not understand;
Dnu DrqI qnu hoie gieE DUiV ]3] dhan dhartee, tan ho-ay ga-i-o dhooṛ. ||3||
The wealth remains (buried) under the earth, (while) his body turns into dust (i.e. ash). 3
kwm k®oD iqRsnw Aiq jrY ] kaam krodh tarisnaa at jarai.
He burns in great sexual desire, anger and greed.
swDsMgiq kbhU nhI krY ] saadhsaNgat, kabhoo nahee karai.
He never joins the company of the God-oriented persons.
khq nwmdyau qw cI Awix ] inrBY hoie BjIAY Bgvwn ]4]1]
kahat naamday-o, taa chee aaṇ. nirbhai ho-ay bhajee-ai bhagvaan. ||4||1||
Says Namdeo: (O! brethren) come to Him (i.e. come to God), (seek His refuge); and, become
fearless and meditate upon the Lord of Fortune. 4.1
bdhu kI n hof mwDau mo isau ] badahu kee na hod, maadha-o, mo si-o.
Why not make a bet with me, O! Lord of Maya.
Twkur qy jnu jn qy Twkuru Kylu pirE hY qo isau ]1] rhwau ]
ṭaakur tay jan, jan tay ṭaakur, khayl pari-o hai to si-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
From the Master, the servant is (known), and, from the servant, the Master is (known); this is
my play with you (let us play). 1 (pause)
Awpn dyau dyhurw Awpn Awp lgwvY pUjw ] aapan day-o, dayhuraa, aapan aap lagaavai poojaa.
You Yourself are the deity; You Yourself are the temple; and, You Yourself attach (devotees) to
jl qy qrMg qrMg qy hY jlu khn sunn kau dUjw ]1]
jal tay taraNg, taraNg tay hai jal; kahan sunan ka-o doojaa. ||1||
The wave are (i.e. rise) from water, and, from waves, the water (is known); though it is said and
heard that they (water and waves) are two. 1
Awpih gwvY Awpih nwcY Awip bjwvY qUrw ] aapeh gaavai, aapeh naachai, aap bajaavai tooraa.
(O! Lord) You Yourself sing, and, You Yourself dance, and, You Yourself blow the bugle.
khq nwmdyau qUM myro Twkuru jnu aUrw qU pUrw ]2]2]
kahat naamday-o, tooN mayro ṭaakur; jan ooraa, too pooraa. ||2||2||
Says Namdeo: You are my Master (and I am Your servant); (Your) servant (i.e. devotee) is
imperfect; You are Perfect. 2.2
dws AinMn myro inj rUp ] daas aniNn mayro, nij roop.
(God says): the slave (who is) devoted only to me, is my own image.
drsn inmK qwp qReI mocn prsq mukiq krq igRh kUp ]1] rhwau ]
darsan nimakh taap tar-ee mochan, parsat, mukat karat garih koop. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sight (of my devotee), (even) for an instant, cures the three* fevers; and, touching him,
liberates one from the well of home (i.e. from household affairs). 1 (pause)
[*Teen taap, literally: three fevers/ailment. A human being can have suffering of three kinds: physical, mental and
psychological. These are known as Aadh (of mind, i.e. worry, anxiety etc), Biaadh (of body, i.e. physical) and Upaadh
(psychological; such as doubt, confusion, delusion, illusion etc.)].

myrI bWDI Bgqu CfwvY bWDY Bgqu n CUtY moih ]
mayree baandhee bhagat chhadaavai, baandhai bhagat, na chhootai mohi.
(God says): one, bound (with knot of attachment) by me can be liberated by a devotee, but if a
devotee binds (one with his love), (even) I cannot liberate (him).
eyk smY mo kau gih bWDY qau Puin mo pY jbwbu n hoie ]1]
ayk samai mo ka-o geh baandhai, ta-o fun mo pai jabaab na ho-ay. ||1||
If at any time, he (the devotee), grips and binds me, then, even I cannot challenge him. 1
P. 1253
mY gun bMD sgl kI jIvin myrI jIvin myry dws ]
mai gun baNdh sagal kee jeevan, mayree jeevan mayray daas.
(God says): I am bound by my virtue (of loving all); (thus) I am life of all, but my life is in my
slaves (i.e. devotees).
nwmdyv jw ky jIA AYsI qYso qw kY pRym pRgws ]2]3]
naamdayv, jaa kay jee-a aisee, taiso taa kai paraym pargaas. ||2||3||
Namdeo (says): as is (the quality in) one’s soul, so is (my) love, which illumines in him. 2.3

swrMg ] saarang
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
qY nr ikAw purwnu suin kInw ] tai nar, ki-aa puraan sun keenaa.
O! man, what have you gained by listening to the Puranas ?
AnpwvnI Bgiq nhI aupjI BUKY dwnu n dInw ]1] rhwau ]
anpaavnee bhagat nahee upjee, bhookhai daan na deenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(In spite of listening to the Puranas) devotion for the Imperishable (Lord) has not welled up
within you; and, you have never given food to the hungry ones. 1 (pause)
kwmu n ibsirE k®oDu n ibsirE loBu n CUitE dyvw ] kaam na bisri-o, krodh na bisri-o, lobh na chhooti-o, dayvaa.
You have not forgotten sexual desire, you have not forgotten anger; (even) greed has not left
you, O! (my) God ! (i.e. O! my God, the man’s mind has achieved nothing).
pr inMdw muK qy nhI CUtI inPl BeI sB syvw ]1]
par niNdaa mukh tay nahee chhootee, nifal bha-ee sabh sayvaa. ||1||
Slandering others has not left your mouth; (hence) all your service has gone waste. 1
bwt pwir Gru mUis ibrwno pytu BrY ApRwDI ] baat paar ghar moos biraano, payt bharai, apraadhee.
By breaking into other's houses and robbing them, you fill your belly, O! sinner.
ijih prlok jwie ApkIriq soeI AibidAw swDI ]2] jihi parlok jaa-ay apkeerat, so-ee abidi-aa saadhee. ||2||
(But) when you go to the world hereafter, infamy will go with you; you have committed (such
acts of) foolishness. 2
ihMsw qau mn qy nhI CUtI jIA dieAw nhI pwlI ]
hiNsaa ta-o man tay nahee chhootee, jee-a da-i-aa nahee paalee.
Violence (i.e. cruelty) has not left your mind; and you have not cherished mercy for other beings.
prmwnµd swDsMgiq imil kQw punIq n cwlI ]3]1]6]
parmaanaNd, saadhsaNgat mil, kathaa puneet na chaalee. ||3||1||6||
Parmanand (says): you have not joined the company of the God-oriented persons, nor have
you followed the pious teachings (of God). 3.1.16
[The following line is from a verse by poet Surdas. In some volumes of Guru Granth Sahib, only this line has been given,

and, the rest of the verse has either not been give or has been deleted. In the rest part of the verse, the poet says that those
who turn their faces away from God are ugly, dirty, idiot, false, and are like crow, dog, snake etc, and, they cannot get
liberated. Guru Arjan has rejected this notion. He says that if (even) such persons seek the refuge of God, they can find
place of rest in the Court of God. Guru Arjan’s verse follows the single line by Surdas].
Cwif mn hir ibmuKn ko sMgu ] chhaad man, har bimukhan ko saNg.
O! my mind, renounce the company of those, who have turned their face away from God.

swrMg mhlw 5 sUrdws ] SaaraNg, Mehlaa 5, Soordaas

[This is a verse by Guru Arjan (Mahalla 5) and it is addressed to Surdaas (apparently in reply to the above
mentioned verse by Surdaas)]
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hir ky sMg bsy hir lok ] har kay saNg basay har lok.
The people (i.e. devotees) of God, dwell in the company of God.
qnu mnu Arip srbsu sBu AripE And shj Duin Jok ]1un jhok. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They have dedicated their mind and body, and, they have surrendered everything (unto Him);
and, they have found the bliss of (celestial) melody, with natural ease. 1 (pause)
drsnu pyiK Bey inribKeI pwey hY sgly Qok ] darsan paykh bha-ay nirbikha-ee, paa-ay hai saglay thok.
Beholding the vision (of the Lord), people become free from poison (i.e. are cleansed of sins),
and, they are blessed with absolutely everything.
Awn bsqu isau kwju n kCUAY suMdr bdn Alok ]1] aan basat si-o kaaj na kachhoo-ai,su dar badan alok. ||1||
They have nothing to do with anything else; (they have obtained) the glimpse of the Beautiful
Body (i.e. the Lord).
isAwm suMdr qij Awn ju cwhq ijau kustI qin jok ] si-aam suNdar taj aan jo chaahat, ji-o kustee tan jok.
(But) forsaking the Black Beauty* (i.e. God), harbouring desire for something/someone else, is
like a leech on the body of a leper (which sucks dirty blood).
[*Siaam/ Shaam/ Shaam Sunder/Krishan, literally black, is one of the attributes and the names of God]
sUrdws mnu pRiB hiQ lIno dIno iehu prlok ]2]1]8]
soordaas man prabh hath leeno, deeno ih, parlok. ||2||1||8||
O! Surdaas, one whose mind has been taken by the Lord in His hands, He blesses him with this
(world) and heaven (both). 2.1.8

swrMg kbIr jIau ] SaaraNg, Kabeer jee-o

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hir ibnu kaunu shweI mn kw ] har bin, ka-un sahaa-ee man kaa.
Other than God, who is the support of the mind?
mwq ipqw BweI suq binqw ihqu lwgo sB Pn kw ]1] rhwau ]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banitaa, hit laago sabh fan kaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mother, father, brother, son, wife ---- all these attachment are but an illusion. 1 (pause)

Awgy kau ikCu qulhw bWDhu ikAw Brvwsw Dn kw ]
aagay ka-o kichh tulhaa baandhahu, ki-aa bharvaasaa dhan kaa.
(So, O! brethren) built a raft (of the wealth of the Name of the Lord) to (the world) hereafter; what
faith do you place in the wealth (i.e. worldly wealth/ Maya)?
khw ibswsw ies BWfy kw ieqnku lwgY Tnkw ]1] kahaa bisaasaa is bhaa day kaa, itnak laagai ṭankaa. ||1||
(O! Brethren) what confidence do you place in this pot (i.e. human body)? (it is so fragile that) it
will break up with slight stroke. 1
sgl Drm puMn Pl pwvhu DUir bWChu sB jn kw ]
sagal dharam puNn fal paavhu, dhoor baanchhahu sabh jan kaa.
You shall obtain the fruit (i.e. reward) of all righteousness and good deeds, if you seek the dust
(of the feet) of all the servant (i.e. devotees of God).
khY kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu iehu mnu aufn pMKyrU bn kw ]2]1]9]
kahai kabeer sunhu ray saNtahu ih man udan paNkhayroo ban kaa. ||2||1||9||
Says Kabir: listen O! God-oriented persons, this mind is like a bird, flying above the forests
(i.e. it does not rest at one place). 2.1.9

P. 1254
rwgu mlwr caupdy mhlw 1 Gru 1 Raag Malaar, cha-upday, Mehlaa 1, ghar 1
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
Kwxw pIxw hsxw sauxw ivsir gieAw hY mrxw ] khaaṇaa peeṇaa, hasṇaa sa-uṇaa, visar ga-i-aa hai marṇaa.
Eating, drinking, laughing and sleeping ---- (amidst all this, the mortal being) forgets about dying.
Ksmu ivswir KuAwrI kInI iDRgu jIvxu nhI rhxw ]1]
khasam visaar khu-aaree keenee, dharig jeevaṇ, nahee rahṇaa. ||1||
Forgetting the Master, he is ruined; cursed is such life; (he forgets that) he cannot remain
pRwxI eyko nwmu iDAwvhu ] ApnI piq syqI Gir jwvhu ]1] rhwau ]
praaṇee, ayko naam dhi-aavahu. apnee pat saytee ghar jaavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! mortal (being), meditate only upon the One Name (of the Lord);
(and you shall) go to the home (i.e. presence of / the Court of the Lord) with honour. 1 (pause)
quDno syvih quJu ikAw dyvih mWgih lyvih rhih nhI ]
tudhno sayveh, tujh ki-aa dayveh, maangeh, layveh, raheh nahee.
(O! God), those who serve You, what do they give You? (rather) they beg for, and receive;
(they) cannot remain (without begging ro You).
qU dwqw jIAw sBnw kw jIAw AMdir jIau quhI ]2]
too daataa jee-aa sabhnaa kaa, jee-aa aNdar jee-o tuhee. ||2||
You are the Giver to all beings: You are the life within all the beings. 2
gurmuiK iDAwvih is AMimRqu pwvih syeI sUcy hohI ]
gurmukh dhi-aavahi, se aMmrit paavahi, say-ee soochay hohee.
Those, who meditate upon You, through the Guru, receive AMmrit; they alone become pure.
Aihinis nwmu jphu ry pRwxI mYly hCy hohI ]3] ahinis naam japahu, ray praaṇee, mailay hachhay hohee. ||3||
(So) day and night, meditate upon the Name (of God), O! mortal being; (doing so even) filthy
(minds) become clean (i.e. pure / immaculate). 3
jyhI ruiq kwieAw suKu qyhw qyho jyhI dyhI ] jayhee rut kaa-i-aa sukh tayhaa, tayho jayhee dayhee.
As is the season, so is the comfort of the body, and so becomes the body itself.
nwnk ruiq suhwvI sweI ibnu nwvY ruiq kyhI ]4]1]
naanak, rut suhaavee saa-ee, bin naavai rut kayhee. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): that season is beautiful (when one meditates upon the Name of God); (but) without
the Name, what season is? (i.e. without meditation upon the Name no season is good). 4.1

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1
krau ibnau gur Apny pRIqm hir vru Awix imlwvY ] kara-o bin-o gur apnay, preetam har var aaṇ milaavai.
I offer prayer to my beloved Guru, that he may unite me with God, my Husband (Lord).
suix Gn Gor sIqlu mnu morw lwl rqI gux gwvY ]1]
suṇ ghan ghor, seetal man moraa; laal ratee guṇ gaavai. ||1||
Hearing the thunder of the clouds, my mind is cooled (ie. soothed); imbued with the love of the
Beloved, I sing (the praise of) His excellences.
brsu Gnw myrw mnu BInw ] baras ghanaa, mayraa man bheenaa.
(O! cloud) pour down rain (i.e. O! Guru, give me AMmrit Name), (so that) my mind is drenched
(with love for God).
AMimRq bUMd suhwnI hIArY guir mohI mnu hir ris lInw ]1] rhwau ]
aMmrit booNd suhaanee hee-arai, gur mohee man har ras leenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The drop of AMmrit (Name) has pleased my heart; the Guru has fascinated (my soul), and my
mind is drenched in the essence of God. 1 (pause)
shij suKI vr kwmix ipAwrI ijsu gur bcnI mnu mwinAw ]
sahj sukhee, var kaamaṇ pi-aaree, jis gur bachnee man maani-aa.
One, whose mind is pleased by the teachings of the Guru, that charming lady (i.e. soul bride) is
loved by her Husband (Lord), and, she enjoys happiness, with natural ease.
hir vir nwir BeI sohwgix min qin pRymu suKwinAw ]2]
har var naar bha-ee sohagan, man tan praym sukhaani-aa. ||2||
She is the happy (soul) bride of God, her Husband (Lord); her mind and body are pleased. 2
Avgx iqAwig BeI bYrwgin AsiQru vru sohwgu hrI ]
avgaṇ ti-aag bha-ee bairaagan, asthir var sohaag haree.
Renouncing her vices, she has become detached (from the world), and, God is her eternal
sogu ivjogu iqsu kdy n ivAwpY hir pRiB ApxI ikrpw krI ]3]
sog vijog tis kaday na vi-aapai, har prabh apṇee kirpaa karee. ||3||
She will never suffer sorrows or separation; (because) God, the Lord, Himself has bestowed
His Grace upon her. 3
Awvx jwxu nhI mnu inhclu pUry gur kI Et ghI ] aavaṇ jaaṇ nahee, man nihchal, pooray gur kee ot gahee.
She, who has taken the refuge of the perfect Guru, her mind becomes stable, and; she does not
have to come and go (in reincarnation).
nwnk rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK Dnu sohwgix scu shI ]4]2]
naanak, raam naam jap gurmukh, dhan sohagaṇ sach sahee. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): meditating upon the Name of God, through the Guru, she becomes blessed
happy (soul) bride, and, becomes one with the True (Lord). 4
mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1
swcI suriq nwim nhI iqRpqy haumY krq gvwieAw ]
saachee surat naam nahee triptai, ha-umai karat gavaa-i-aa.
Those who don't have True awareness, are not are satiated by the Name; (they) waste (their
lives) engrossed in egotism. P.
pr Dn pr nwrI rqu inMdw ibKu KweI duKu pwieAw ]
parddhan par naaree rat niNdaa bikh khaa-ee dukh paa-i-aa.
They eat poison of attachment to the wealth of others and women of others, and, slander;
(hence) they suffer sorrows.
sbdu cIin BY kpt n CUty min muiK mwieAw mwieAw ]
sabad cheen bhai kapat na chhootay, man mukh maa-i-aa maa-i-aa.
They have not been released from fear and wickedness by contemplating the Word (of the
Guru); (because) it is Maya and Maya (alone) that dwells in their mind and mouth.
Ajgir Bwir ldy Aiq BwrI mir jnmy jnmu gvwieAw ]1]
ajgar bhaar laday at bhaaree, mar janmay janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1||
Loaded with difficult very heavy load (of sins), they die and are (re) born; (thus) they waste
their (human) life. 1
min BwvY sbdu suhwieAw ] man bhaavai sabad suhaa-i-aa.
Those, to whose mind the Word (of the Guru) pleases, (their lives) become beautiful.
BRim BRim join ByK bhu kIn@y guir rwKy scu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
bhram bhram jon bhaykh baho keenhay, gur raakhay sach paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Some) wander and wander through reincarnations, wearing many (religious) robes; (but
those) who are protected by the Guru, find the True (Lord). 1 (pause)
qIriQ qyju invwir n n@wqy hir kw nwmu n BwieAw ] tirath tayj nivaar na nhaatay, har kaa naam na bhaa-i-aa.
Those, who do not abandon anger, and take bath in the sacred (waters of the A mrit Name), do
not love the Name of God.
rqn pdwrQu prhir iqAwigAw jq ko qq hI AwieAw ]
ratan padaarath parhar ti-aagi-aa, jat ko tat hee aa-i-aa.
Those, who abandon and give up the jewel of wealth (of the Name), go back from where they
had come (i.e. they attain human life, but, they go back to reincarnation).
ibstw kIt Bey auq hI qy auq hI mwih smwieAw ] bistaa keet bha-ay ut hee tay, ut hee maahi samaa-i-aa.
(It is like) the worms of faces are born from it (i.e. faces), and, in that they are absorbed.
AiDk suAwd rog AiDkweI ibnu gur shju n pwieAw ]2]
adhik su-aad rog adhikaa-ee, bin gur sahj na paa-i-aa. ||2||
The more they taste, the more they are diseased; without the Guru, no one obtains poise. 2
syvw suriq rhis gux gwvw gurmuiK igAwnu bIcwrw ]
sayvaa surat rahas guṇ gaavaa, gurmukh gi-aan beechaaraa.
(O! God, I wish) I should focus my awareness on service, and, sing (the praise of) His
excellences, and, contemplate (spiritual) knowledge through the Guru.
KojI aupjY bwdI ibnsY hau bil bil gur krqwrw ] khojee upjai, baadee binsai, ha-o bal bal gur kartaaraa.
(O! God, I know that) the seeker comes up (i.e. succeeds / achieves), the debater (i.e. disputant)
perishes; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto the Guru and the Creator (Lord).
hm nIc huoqy hIxmiq JUTy qU sbid svwrxhwrw ]
ham neech hotay, heeṇmat jhooṭay, too sabad savaaraṇhaaraa.
We are of low with shallow wisdom, and false; it is You who embellishes us through the Word.
Awqm cIin qhw qU qwrx scu qwry qwrxhwrw ]3]
aatam cheen tahaa too taaraṇ, sach taaray taaraṇhaaraa. ||3||
Wherever there is self realization, there You are to save (us); O! True, (You are) the Saviour, to
carry us across. 3
bYis suQwin khW gux qyry ikAw ikAw kQau Apwrw ]
bais suthaan, kahaan guṇ tayray, ki-aa ki-aa katha-o, apaaraa.
(O! God) seated at the best place (i.e. true congregation), I chant Your excellences; (but) which

of them should I chant, (Your excellences are) infinite?
AlKu n lKIAY Agmu AjonI qUM nwQW nwQxhwrw ]
alakh, na lakhee-ai, agam ajonee, tooN naathaan naathaṇhaaraa.
(O! God) You are unknowable and cannot be known, (You are) imperceptible, unborn (Lord);
You are the Master of the of masters.
iksu pih dyiK khau qU kYsw siB jwck qU dwqwrw ] kis peh daykh kaha-o too kaisaa, sabh jaachak too daataaraa.
(I see all) whom can I compare You to those I see? All are beggars, You (alone) are the Giver.
BgiqhIxu nwnku dir dyKhu ieku nwmu imlY auir Dwrw ]4]3]
bhagtiheeṇ naanak dar daykhhu, ik naam milai ur dhaaraa. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): lacking devotion, I look to Your Door; (please) bless me with (Your) One Name
that I may enshrine it in my heart. 4.3

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1

ijin Dn ipr kw swdu n jwinAw sw iblK bdn kumlwnI ]
jin dhan pir kaa saad na jaani-aa, saa bilakh badan kumlaanee.
The (soul) bride, who has not known the taste (i.e. love) of her Husband (Lord), wails with a
withered face.
BeI inrwsI krm kI PwsI ibnu gur Brim BulwnI ]1]
bha-ee niraasee karam kee faasee, bin gur bharam bhulaanee. ||1||
She remains hopeless, caught in the noose of her actions, without the Guru, she wanders
deluded by doubt. 1
brsu Gnw myrw ipru Gir AwieAw ] baras ghanaa, mayraa pir ghar aa-i-aa.
Rain down, O! clouds, my Beloved (Husband Lord) has come home.
bil jwvW gur Apny pRIqm ijin hir pRBu Awix imlwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
bal jaavaan gur apnay preetam, jin har prabh aaṇ milaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto my beloved Guru, who has got me to meet God, (my) Lord. 1 (pause)
nauqn pRIiq sdw Twkur isau Anidnu Bgiq suhwvI ]
na-utan preet sadaa ṭaakur si-o, an-din bhagat suhaavee.
My love with my Master is forever fresh; day and night, I am embellished with His devotion.
mukiq Bey guir drsu idKwieAw juig juig Bgiq suBwvI ]2]
mukat bha-ay gur daras dikhaa-i-aa, jug jug bhagat subhaavee. ||2||
The Guru has shown me the vision (of God), (hence) I am liberated; His devotion blesses glory
throughout the ages. 2
hm Qwry iqRBvx jgu qumrw qU myrw hau qyrw ] ham thaaray, taribhavaṇ jag tumraa; too mayraa; ha-o tayraa.
(O! God) I am yours , the people of three worlds are Yours; You are mine, and, I am Yours.
siqguir imilAY inrMjnu pwieAw bhuir n Bvjil Pyrw ]3]
satgur mili-ai niraNjan paa-i-aa, bahur na bhavjal fayraa. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, I have found the Immaculate (Lord); I shall not have to enter
terrifying waters (of the world ocean) again. 3
Apuny ipr hir dyiK ivgwsI qau Dn swcu sIgwro ]
apunay pir har daykh vigaasee, ta-o dhan saach seegaaro.
Beholding Gd, her Husband (Lord), she (i.e. soul bride) blossoms forth, (then) her decoration
becomes true.

Akul inrMjn isau sic swcI gurmiq nwmu ADwro ]4]
akul niraNjan si-o sach saachee, gurmat naam adhaaro. ||4||
When she leaned on the support of the Name, through the wisdom of the Guru, she became
true like the True Immaculate and beyond-lineage (Lord) .
mukiq BeI bMDn guir Kol@y sbid suriq piq pweI ]
mukat bha-ee, baNdhan gur kholhay, sabad surat pat paa-ee.
She is liberated, her bonds are untied by the Guru; she has obtained honour through the
awareness of the Word.
nwnk rwm nwmu ird AMqir gurmuiK myil imlweI ]5]4]
naanak, raam naam rid aNtar, gurmukh mayl milaa-ee. ||5||4||
Nanak (says): one, within whose heart the Name of God is enshrined, is united in union (with
God) through the Guru. 5.
mhlw 1 mlwr ] Mehlaa 1, Malaar
pr dwrw pr Dnu pr loBw haumY ibKY ibkwr ] par daaraa, par dhan, par lobhaa, ha-umai bikhai bikaar.
Others’ wife, others’ wealth, greed, egotism, poison (i.e. vices) and evil — (O! mortal being,
give them up).
dust Bwau qij inMd prweI kwmu k®oDu cMfwr ]1] dusat bhaa-o, taj niNd paraa-ee, kaam krodh chaNdaar. ||1||
Give up evil passions, slandering others, sexual desire, and aggressive anger. 1
mhl mih bYTy Agm Apwr ] mahal meh, baithay agam apaar.
The Inaccessible, Infinite (Lord) is sitting in the (body) mansion.
BIqir AMimRqu soeI jnu pwvY ijsu gur kw sbdu rqnu Awcwr ]1] rhwau ]
bheetar aMmrit, so-ee jan paavai, jis gur kaa sabad ratan aachaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The AMmrit is placed within (the body mansion), he alone obtains it whose conduct is according
to the jewel of the Word of the Guru. 1 (pause)
P. 1256
duK suK doaU sm kir jwnY burw Blw sMswr ] dukh sukh do-oo sam kar jaanai, buraa bhalaa sa saar.

He regards pain and pleasure both as the same, (and also) good and bad in the world.
suiD buiD suriq nwim hir pweIAY sqsMgiq gur ipAwr ]2]
sudh budh surat naam har paa-ee-ai, satsaNgat gur pi-aar. ||2||
Wisdom, understanding and awareness are obtained in the Name of God, through the love for
the Guru in the true congregation. 2
Aihinis lwhw hir nwmu prwpiq guru dwqw dyvxhwru ] ahinis laahaa har naam paraapat, gur daataa dayvaṇhaar.
Day and night, one obtains the profit of the Name of God; the Guru, the giver, gives (this profit).
gurmuiK isK soeI jnu pwey ijs no ndir kry krqwru ]3]
gurmukh sikh so-ee jan paa-ay, jis no nadar karay kartaar. ||3||
He alone obtains instruction through the Guru, whom the Creator blesses with His Glance (of
Grace). 3
kwieAw mhlu mMdru Gru hir kw iqsu mih rwKI joiq Apwr ]
kaa-i-aa mahal maNdar ghar har kaa, tis meh raakhee jot apaar.
The body is a palace, a temple, mansion of God; He has placed His infinite Light in it.
nwnk gurmuiK mhil bulweIAY hir myly mylxhwr ]4]5]
naanak, gurmukh mahal bulaa-ee-ai, har maylay maylaṇhaar. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): one is called to His mansion through the Guru, and, God, the Uniter, unites one
in His union. 4.5

mlwr mhlw 1 Gru 2 Malaar, Mehlaa 1, ghar 2
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
pvxY pwxI jwxY jwiq ] kwieAW Agin kry inBrWiq ] jMmih jIA jwxY jy Qwau ] surqw pMifqu qw kw nwau ]1]
pavṇai paaṇee jaaṇai jaat. kaa-i-aa agan karay nibhraant. jaMmeh jee-a jaaṇai jay thaa-o.

surtaa paNdit, taa kaa naa-o. ||1||

(If) he knows that (the whole) creation is (formed through) water and air;
(and knows) definitely that body is made through fire;
(and) knows the place of soul's birth (i.e. God);
then his name should be a learned pandit (then alone he should be known as aware scholar). 1
gux goibMd n jwxIAih mwie ] guṇ gobiNd na jaaṇee-ahi, maa-ay.
The excellences of the Lord of the World cannot be known, O! mother.
AxfITw ikCu khxu n jwie ] ikAw kir AwiK vKwxIAY mwie ]1] rhwau ]
aṇdeeṭaa, kichh kahaṇ na jaa-ay. ki-aa kar aakh vakhaaṇee-ai, maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without seeing (Him), one cannot say anything (about Him).
What can one say to describe Him, O! mother? 1 (pause)
aUpir dir Asmwin pieAwil ] oopar dar, asmaan pa-i-aal.
(God is) high above in the sky, in between and in the nether regions (i.e. everywhere);
ikau kir khIAY dyhu vIcwir ] ki-o kar kahee-ai, dayh veechaar.
How can one say (about Him)? tell me your opinion (O! mother).
ibnu ijhvw jo jpY ihAwie ] koeI jwxY kYsw nwau ]2]
bin jihvaa, jo japai hi-aa-ay. ko-ee jaaṇai, kaisaa naa-o. ||2||
(He alone can know about Him) who meditates upon Him within one’s heart, (if he) could tell
about Him without tongue (i.e. without speaking). Such one can know about His Name ? 2
kQnI bdnI rhY inBrWiq ] kathnee badnee rahai nibhraant.
(In describing God) speech of body becomes silent, definitely (i.e. words cannot describe Him).
so bUJY hovY ijsu dwiq ] so boojhai, hovai jis daat.
He alone understands (God), whom He blesses.
Aihinis AMqir rhY ilv lwie ] ahinis, aNtar rahai liv laa-ay.
Day and night, he remains attuned to Him within (his heart);
soeI purKu ij sic smwie ]3] so-ee purakh, je sach samaa-ay. ||3||
He alone is a (true) person, who is merged in the True (Lord). 3
jwiq kulInu syvku jy hoie ] qw kw khxw khhu n koie ]
jaat kuleen sayvak jay ho-ay. taa kaa kahṇaa, kahhu na ko-ay.
If someone from a high caste (i.e. higher social status) becomes a servant (i.e. devotee of God),
then nothing can be said about him (i.e. his praise cannot be expressed).
ivic snwqˆØI syvku hoie ] nwnk pxHIAw pihrY soie ]4]1]6]
vich sanaateen, sayvak ho-ay. naanak, paṇhee-aa pahirai so-ay. ||4||1||6||
(But) if someone from a low caste (i.e. lower social status) becomes a servant (i.e. devotee),
Nanak (says): (then) let him wear the shoes (of my skin). 4.1.6

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1
duKu vyCoVw ieku duKu BUK ] dukh vaychhoṛaa, ik dukh bhookh.
(For a mortal being) one pain is that of separation (i.e. emotional loss, e..g. death of parents,
children, friends); another is pain of hunger (i.e. loss of wealth).
ieku duKu skqvwr jmdUq ] ik dukh, sakatvaar jamdoot.
One pain is that of the powerful messengers of death.
ieku duKu rogu lgY qin Dwie ] ik dukh, rog lagai tan dhaa-ay.
One pain is of that disease that attacks the body.
vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]1] vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||1||
O! ignorant physician, do not give me medicine (there is no medicine for all these ailments). 1
drdu hovY duKu rhY srIr ] AYsw dwrU lgY n bIr ]1] rhwau ]
darad hovai, dukh rahai sareer. aisaa daaroo lagai na, beer. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When pains persists then body remains suffering;
such medicine has no effect, O! brother. 1 (pause)
Ksmu ivswir kIey rs Bog ] qW qin auiT Kloey rog ]
khasam visaar, kee-ay ras bhog. taan, tan uṭ khalo-ay rog.
Forgetting the Master, one enjoys (sensuous) pleasures;
because of that, diseases rise (i.e. appear) in the body.
mn AMDy kau imlY sjwie ] man aNdhay ka-o milai sajaa-ay.
The blind mind (i.e. blinded by Maya) receives punishment.
vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]2] vaid na bholay daaroo laa-ay. ||2||
O! ignorant physician, do not give me medicine (there is no medicine for all these ailments). 2
cMdn kw Plu cMdn vwsu ] chaNdan kaa fal, chaNdan vaas.
The fruit (i.e. value) of sandalwood lies in the fragrance of sandalwood.
mwxs kw Plu Gt mih swsu ] maaṇas kaa fal, ghat meh saas.
The human's fruit (i.e. value) lasts so long there is breath in his body.
swis gieAY kwieAw Fil pwie ] saas ga-i-ai, kaa-i-aa ḍal paa-ay.
When the breath is taken away, the body crumbles away (i.e. become dust).
qw kY pwCY koie n Kwie ]3] taa kai paachhai, ko-ay na khaa-ay. ||3||
After that no one eats (any medicine). 3
kMcn kwieAw inrml hMsu ] ijsu mih nwmu inrMjn AMsu ]
kaNchan kaa-i-aa, nirmal haNs. jis meh naam niranjan aNs.
The body (of the mortal being) is (like) gold, and, the swan (i.e. soul) is immaculate; and,
within it is a part of the Name of the Immaculate (Lord).
dUK rog siB gieAw gvwie ] dookh rog sabh ga-i-aa gavaa-ay.
(With the medicine of the Name of the Lord) all the pains and diseases are taken away.
nwnk CUtis swcY nwie ]4]2]7] naanak, chhootas saachai naa-ay. ||4||2||7||
Nanak (says): one is saved through the True Name. 4.2.7

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1

duK mhurw mwrx hir nwmu ] dukh mahuraa, maaraṇ har naam.
The pains are poison, and, the Name of God is antidote.
islw sMqoK pIsxu hiQ dwnu ] silaa saNtokh, peesaṇ hath daan.
Make contentment stone (for grinding), and, giving charity by hand be the grinding stone

P. 1257
inq inq lyhu n CIjY dyh ] nit nit layho, na chheejai dayh.
Take (this medicine) each and every day, and, your body shall not decay.
AMq kwil jmu mwrY Tyh ]1] aNt kaal, jam maarai ṭayh. ||1||
At the very last instant, you shall strike down (the fear of) the messenger of death. 1
AYsw dwrU Kwih gvwr ] ijqu KwDY qyry jwih ivkwr ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa daaroo khaahi, gavaar. jit khaadhai, tayray jaahi vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Take such a medicine, O! fool;
eating which, your vices shall be taken away. 1 (pause)
rwju mwlu jobnu sBu CWv ] riQ iPrMdY dIsih Qwv ]
raaj maal joban, sabh chhaanv. rath firaNdai, deeseh thaav.
Kingdom, youth, and wealth ---- all are (like) shadows; and,
(as) the chariot (of the sun) moves (i.e. when the sun sets), they are seen in their own places (i.e.
they disappear).
dyh n nwau n hovY jwiq ] dayh na naa-o, na hovai jaat.
There, one’s body (i.e. youth/power), name (i.e. status/fame), and caste (i.e. family of birth/social
status) do not matter.
EQY idhu AYQY sB rwiq ]2] othai dihu, aithai sabh raat. ||2||
In the world hereafter, there is day (i.e. Light of Truth) and here it is only night (i.e. darkness of
ignorance). 2
swd kir smDW iqRsnw iGau qylu ] kwmu k®oDu AgnI isau mylu ]
saad kar samdhaan, tarisnaa ghi-o tayl. kaam krodh agnee si-o mayl.
Make your taste (i.e. pleasure) the firewood, and your desires ghee and oil (for fire rituals); and,
burn your sexual desire and anger in fire.
hom jg Aru pwT purwx ] jo iqsu BwvY so prvwx ]3]
hom jag ar paaṭ puraaṇ. jo tis bhaavai ,so parvaaṇ. ||3||
Your fire offering, sacrificial feast and reading of the Puranas (should be faith in),
whatever pleases Him, is acceptable. 3
qpu kwgdu qyrw nwmu nIswnu ] tap kaagad, tayraa naam neesaan.
Make meditation your paper, and (meditation upon) the Name as your insignia.
ijn kau iliKAw eyhu inDwnu ] jin ka-o likhi-aa, ayhu nidhaan.
Those who have this inscribed (as their destiny), obtain this treasure.
sy DnvMq idsih Gir jwie ] say dhanvaNt diseh ghar jaa-ay.
Such people look wealthy when they reach their (true) home.
nwnk jnnI DMnI mwie ]4]3]8] naanak, jannee dhaNnee maa-ay. ||4||3||8||
Nanak (says): blessed is the mother who gave birth to them. 4.3.8

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1

bwgy kwpV bolY bYx ] baagay kaapaṛ, bolai baiṇ.
You wear white clothes, and speak (sweet) words.
lµmw nku kwly qyry nYx ] laMmaa nak, kaalay tayray naiṇ.
Your nose is sharp and your eyes are black.
kbhUM swihbu dyiKAw BYx ]1] kabahooN saahib daykhi-aa, bhaiṇ. ||1||
Have you ever seen your Master? O! sister (have you seen the Lord who has blessed you all this). 1

aUfW aUif cVW Asmwin ] swihb sMimRQ qyrY qwix ]
oodaan ood chaṛaan asmaan. saahib saMmrith, tayrai taaṇ.
I fly and fly (high) and ascend to the skies. O! Master, it is all by Your power.
jil Qil fUMgir dyKW qIr ] Qwn Qnµqir swihbu bIr ]2]
jal thal dooNgar, daykhaan teer. thaan thanaNtar, saahib beer. ||2||
I see in the waters, in land, in mountains, and the banks of rivers.
In all the places and spaces, (I find) the Master, O! (my) brother. 2
ijin qnu swij dIey nwil KMB ] Aiq iqRsnw aufxY kI fMJ ]
jin, tan saaj, dee-ay naal khaMbh. at tarisnaa, udṇai kee daNjh.
He, who has created body and given it wings; (and) He has (also) given great desire to fly.
ndir kry qW bMDW DIr ] nadar karay, taan baNdhaan dheer.
When He bestows His Glance (of Grace), I am in patience (i.e. desires do not affect me).
ijau vyKwly iqau vyKW bIr ]3] ji-o vaykhaalay, ti-o vaykhaan, beer. ||3||
As He makes me see, so do I behold Him, O! (my) brother. 3
n iehu qnu jwiegw n jwihgy KMB ] na ih tan jaa-igaa, na jaahigay khaMbh.
Neither this body nor its wings shall go along with (to the world hereafter);
pauxY pwxI AgnI kw snbMD ] pa-uṇai paaṇee agnee kaa san-baNdh.
This is all combination (i.e. fusion) of air, water and fire.
nwnk krmu hovY jpIAY kir guru pIru ] sic smwvY eyhu srIru ]4]4]9]
naanak, karam hovai, japee-ai kar gur peer. sach samaavai ayhu sareer. ||4||4||9||
Nanak (says): if one has (God’s) Grace, he meets the Guru, the peer (i.e. spiritual teacher), and
meditates upon the Name; (then) this body is absorbed in the True (Lord). 4.4.9

mlwr mhlw 3 caupdy Gru 1 Malaar, Mehlaa 3, cha-upday, ghar 1

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
inrMkwru Awkwru hY Awpy Awpy Brim Bulwey ] niraNkaar aakaar hai aapay, aapay bharam bhulaa-ay.
All this form (i.e. expanse of creation) is Formless Himself; He Himself deludes in doubt.
kir kir krqw Awpy vyKY ijqu BwvY iqqu lwey ] kar kar kartaa aapay vaykhai, jit bhaavai tit laa-ay.
Creating and creating, the Creator Himself beholds (i.e. takes care); He attaches us (to tasks)
as it pleases Him.
syvk kau eyhw vifAweI jw kau hukmu mnwey ]1]
sayvak ka-o ayhaa vadi-aa-ee, jaa ka-o hukam manaa-ay. ||1||
This is greatness of the servant that He gets His Command obeyed (by us). 1
Awpxw Bwxw Awpy jwxY gur ikrpw qy lhIAY ] aapṇaa bhaaṇaa aapay jaaṇai, gur kirpaa tay lahee-ai.
Only He Himself knows His Will; one can know it by the Grace of the Guru.
eyhw skiq isvY Gir AwvY jIvidAw mir rhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
ayhaa sakat sivai ghar aavai, jeevdi-aa mar rahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the shakti comes to the home of shiv (i.e. when Maya surrenders to God), then one
remains dead while yet alive. 1 (pause)
vyd pVY piV vwdu vKwxY bRhmw ibsnu mhysw ] vayd paṛai paṛ vaad vakhaaṇai ,barahmaa bisan mahaysaa.
(One, who does not bow to God’s pleasure) reads Vedas, and having read engages in debate, and
talks about Brahma*, Vishnu* and Mahesh*. [* the three senior mythical gods].
eyh iqRgux mwieAw ijin jgqu BulwieAw jnm mrx kw shsw ]
ayh tariguṇ maa-i-aa, jin jagat bhulaa-i-aa, janam maraṇ kaa sahsaa.
This Maya of three gunaas* has deluded the world, and, has led it into doubts about birth and
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world are subject to these qualities].
gur prswdI eyko jwxY cUkY mnhu AMdysw ]2] gur parsaadee ayko jaaṇai, chookai manhu aNdaysaa. ||2||
One, who know the One alone, by the Grace of the Guru, his doubt of mind is taken way. 2
hm dIn mUrK AvIcwrI qum icMqw krhu hmwrI ]
ham deen moorakh aveechaaree, tum chiNtaa karahu hamaaree.
(O! Lord) I am week, foolish, and thoughtless; (so please) you take care of me.
hohu dieAwl kir dwsu dwsw kw syvw krI qumwrI ] hohu da-i-aal kar daas daasaa kaa, sayvaa karee tumaaree.
(Please) bestow Your Mercy, and, make me slave of Your slaves, (so that) I may serve you.
eyku inDwnu dyih qU Apxw Aihinis nwmu vKwxI ]3] ayk nidhaan deh too apṇaa, ahinis naam vakhaaṇee. ||3||
(Please) bless me with this one treasures (of Your Name), that, day and night, I may chant Your
Name. 3
khq nwnku gur prswdI bUJhu koeI AYsw kry vIcwrw ] ijau jl aUpir Pynu budbudw qYsw iehu sMswrw ]
kahat naanak, gur parsaadee boojhhu, ko-ee aisaa karay veechaaraa.
ji-o jal oopar fayn budbudaa, taisaa ih saNsaaraa.
Says Nanak: by the grace of the Guru, understand this and know (that it is) like this:
Like foam bubbling on (the surface of) water, so is (mortal being in) this world.
ijs qy hoAw iqsih smwxw cUik gieAw pwswrw ]4]1]
jis tay ho-aa tiseh samaaṇaa, chook ga-i-aa paasaaraa. ||4||1||
From which, it came, it shall merges into that; and, all its expanse shall be finished. 4.1
P. 1258
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
ijnI hukmu pCwixAw sy myly haumY sbid jlwie ]
jinee hukam pachhaaṇi-aa, say maylay ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay.
Those, who realize His Command, He unite them (with Himself) by burning their egotism
through the Word.
scI Bgiq krih idnu rwqI sic rhy ilv lwie ] sachee bhagat karahi din raatee, sach rahay liv laa-ay.
Day and night, they perform true devotion, and, remain lovingly attuned to the True (Lord).
sdw scu hir vyKdy gur kY sbid suBwie ]1] sadaa sach har vaykh-day, gur kai sabad subhaa-ay. ||1||
They see the True (Lord) forever, through the Word of the Guru, with natural ease. 1
mn ry hukmu mMin suKu hoie ] man ray, hukam maNn sukh ho-ay.
O! (my) mind, obey His Command and you shall find (spiritual) happiness.
pRB Bwxw Apxw Bwvdw ijsu bKsy iqsu ibGnu n koie ]1] rhwau ]
prabh bhaaṇaa apṇaa bhaavdaa, jis bakhsay tis bighan na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord is pleased by the pleasure of His own Will; whomever He blesses (with obeying it),
does not face any obstacle. 1 (pause)
qRY gux sBw Dwqu hY nw hir Bgiq n Bwie ] tarai guṇ sabhaa dhaat hai, naa har bhagat na bhaa-ay.
Everyone is affected by the three gunaas*, (hence) they do not love the devotion of God.
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents

preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world are subject to these qualities].
giq mukiq kdy n hoveI haumY krm kmwih ] gat mukat kaday na hova-ee, ha-umai karam kamaahi.
They can never be saved or liberated (because) they earn (i.e. practice) their deeds in egotism.
swihb BwvY so QIAY pieAY ikriq iPrwih ]2] saahib bhaavai, so thee-ai, pa-i-ai kirat firaahi. ||2||
Whatever the Master Wills, comes to happens; people wander according to their (past) actions. 2
siqgur ByitAY mnu mir rhY hir nwmu vsY min Awie ]
satgur bhayti-ai, man mar rahai, har naam vasai man aa-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, the mind is subdued (i.e. egotism is ended), and, the Name of God
comes to abide in the mind.
iqs kI kImiq nw pvY khxw ikCU n jwie ] tis kee keemat naa pavai, kahṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
The value of such a person cannot be assessed; nothing can be said about him.
cauQY pid vwsw hoieAw scY rhY smwie ]3] cha-uthai pad vaasaa ho-i-aa, sachai rahai samaa-ay. ||3||
He comes to dwell in the fourth state; he remains merged in the True (Lord). 3
myrw hir pRBu Agmu Agocru hY kImiq khxu n jwie ]
mayraa har prabh agam agochar hai, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ay.
My God, the Lord, is inaccessible and unknowable; His value cannot be described.
gur prswdI buJIAY sbdy kwr kmwie ] gur parsaadee bujhee-ai, sabday kaar kamaa-ay.
By the Grace of the Guru, one comes to realize Him; and, one earns (i.e. practices) the Word.
nwnk nwmu slwih qU hir hir dir soBw pwie ]4]2]
naanak, naam salaahi too, har har dar sobhaa paa-ay. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): (O! mortal) you praise the Name (of God), and you shall be honoured at the Door
of God, the Lord. 4.2
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
gurmuiK koeI ivrlw bUJY ijs no ndir kryie ] gur ibnu dwqw koeI nwhI bKsy ndir kryie ]
gurmukh ko-ee virlaa boojhai, jis no nadar karay-i.
gur bin daataa ko-ee naahee, bakhsay nadar karay-i.
Some rare one of a Guru-oriented, upon whom (the Guru) bestows His Glance (of Grace),
understands (that) there is no giver, except the Guru; (he alone) blesses and bestows His
Glance (of Grace).
gur imilAY sWiq aUpjY Anidnu nwmu leyie ]1] gur mili-ai saant oopjai, an-din naam la-ay-ay. ||1||
Meeting with the Guru, peace wells up, and, day and night one meditates upon the Name. 1
myry mn hir AMimRq nwmu iDAwie ] mayray man, har aMmrit naam dhi-aa-ay.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the AMmrit Name of God.
siqguru purKu imlY nwau pweIAY hir nwmy sdw smwie ]1] rhwau ]
satgur purakh milai naa-o paa-ee-ai, har naamay sadaa samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting with the True Guru, the Primal person, one is blessed with the Name, and, one
remain absorbed in the Name of God. 1 (pause)
mnmuK sdw ivCuVy iPrih koie n iks hI nwil ] manmukh sadaa vichhuṛay fireh, ko-ay na kis hee naal.
The mind-oriented ones are forever separated (from God); no one is with them.
haumY vfw rogu hY isir mwry jmkwil ] ha-umai vadaa rog hai, sir maaray jamkaal.
Great disease of egotism (afflicts them), the messenger of death strikes on their head (i.e. they
are heavily punished by the messenger of death).

gurmiq sqsMgiq n ivCuVih Anidnu nwmu sm@wil ]2]
gurmat satsaNgat na vichhuṛeh, an-din naam samhaal. ||2||
Those, who follow the wisdom of the Guru, are never separate from the true congregation and,
day and night, they remember (i.e. dwell on/ meditate upon) the Name (of God). 2
sBnw krqw eyku qU inq kir dyKih vIcwru ] sabhnaa kartaa ayk too, nit kar daykheh veechaar.
(O! God) You are the only Creator of all; You continually create, see and take care (of them).
ieik gurmuiK Awip imlwieAw bKsy Bgiq BMfwr ] ik gurmukh aap milaa-i-aa, bakhsay bhagat bhaNdaar.
You unite some with Yourself through the Guru and bless him with the treasure of devotion.
qU Awpy sBu ikCu jwxdw iksu AwgY krI pUkwr ]3] too aapay sabh kichh jaaṇdaa, kis aagai karee pookaar. ||3||
You yourself know everything; unto whom should I complain ? 3
hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hY ndrI pwieAw jwie ] har har naam aMmrit hai, nadree paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
The Name of God, the Lord, is AMmrit; it is obtained by His Glance (of Grace).
Anidnu hir hir aucrY gur kY shij suBwie ] nwnk nwmu inDwnu hY nwmy hI icqu lwie ]4]3]
an-din har har uchrai, gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
naanak, naam nidhaan hai, naamay hee chit laa-ay. ||4||3||
(One, who obtains the Name) chants (the Name of) God, the Lord, day and night, in love of the
Guru, with natural ease. Nanak (says): (for him) the Name (of the Lord) is a treasure, and he
focusses his mind upon the Name. 4.3
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
guru swlwhI sdw suKdwqw pRBu nwrwiexu soeI ] gur saalaahee sadaa sukh-daata, prabh naaraa-iṇ* so-ee.
(O! brethren) I praise the Guru, the giver of (spiritual) happiness, forever; (for me) he is(the
image of) the Lord, the Omnipresent*.
[* Naraa-iṇ, literally ‘dwelling in (all) beings’ i.e. Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw vfI vifAweI hoeI ] gur parsaad param pad paa-i-aa, vadee vadi-aa-ee ho-ee.
By the Grace of the Guru, I have obtained the supreme status, and have obtained great glory.
Anidnu gux gwvY inq swcy sic smwvY soeI ]1] an-din guṇ gaavai nit saachay, sach samaavai so-ee. ||1||
One, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of the True (Lord), day and night, merges in the
True (Lord). 1
mn ry gurmuiK irdY vIcwir ] man ray, gurmukh ridai veechaar.
O! (my) mind, contemplate (the Lord) in your heart, through the Guru.
qij kUVu kutMbu haumY ibKu iqRsnw clxu irdY sm@wil ]1] rhwau ]
taj kooṛ kutaMb ha-umai bikh tarisnaa, chalaṇ ridai samhaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Abandon (attachment to) your false family, egotism, the poison (i.e. vices), desires, and,
remember in your heart that you shall have to depart (from this world). 1 (pause)
P. 1259
siqguru dwqw rwm nwm kw horu dwqw koeI nwhI ] satgur daataa raam naam kaa, hor daataa ko-ee naahee.
The True Guru is the giver of the Name of God; there is no other giver (at all).
jIA dwnu dyie iqRpqwsy scY nwim smwhI ] jee-a daan day-ay tariptaasay, sachai naam samaahee.
Those beings, upon whom He bestows the gift of (spiritual) life, get satiated (from Maya); and,
remain absorbed in the True Name.
Anidnu hir rivAw ird AMqir shij smwiD lgwhI ]2]
an-din har ravi-aa rid aNtar, sahj samaadh lagaahee. ||2||
Day and night, (the Name of) God remains enshrined in their hearts, and, they remain in
(meditative) trance, with natural ease. 2

siqgur sbdI iehu mnu ByidAw ihrdY swcI bwxI ] satgur sabdee ih man bhaydi-aa, hirdai saachee baṇee.
Those, whose mind is pierced through the Word of the True Guru, the True Word permeates
their hearts.
myrw pRBu AlKu n jweI liKAw gurmuiK AkQ khwxI ]
mayraa prabh alakh, na jaa-ee lakhi-aa, gurmukh akath kahaaṇee.
My Lord is imperceptible, (He) cannot be perceived; the indescribable story (of His
excellences) can be described through the Guru.
Awpy dieAw kry suKdwqw jpIAY swirMgpwxI ]3]
aapay da-i-aa karay sukh-daata, japee-ai saariNgpaaṇee*. ||3||
When, the Giver of happiness, bestows His Mercy, one meditates upon the Sutainer of the
World*. 3
[*Saarangpaanee literally: ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand); thus, it
means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ .
Awvx jwxw bhuiV n hovY gurmuiK shij iDAwieAw ] aavaṇ jaaṇaa bahuṛ na hovai, gurmukh sahj dhi-aa-i-aa.
Those, who have meditated (upon God) through the Guru with natural ease, do not have to
come and go (in reincarnation) again.
mn hI qy mnu imilAw suAwmI mn hI mMnu smwieAw ]
man hee tay man mili-aa su-aamee, man hee maNn samaa-i-aa.
They find their Master from their mind, within their mind, and, their mind absorbs (in God)
within the mind (itself).
swcy hI scu swic pqIjY ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]4]
saachay hee sach saach pateejai, vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||4||
They are truly satisfied in the True Eternal (Lord); they eradicate egotism from within. 4
eyko eyku vsY min suAwmI dUjw Avru n koeI ] ayko ayk vasai man su-aamee, doojaa avar na ko-ee.
The One and the only Master dwells within their minds; and, there is no other (at all).
eykuo nwmu AMimRqu hY mITw jig inrml scu soeI ] ayko naam aMmrit hai meeṭaa, jag nirmal sach so-ee.
To them, (only) the One AMmrit Name (of the Lord) is sweet, (it is) immaculate and eternal in the
nwnk nwmu pRBU qy pweIAY ijn kau Duir iliKAw hoeI ]5]4]
naanak, naam prabhoo tay paa-ee-ai, jin ka-o dhur likhi-aa ho-ee. ||5||4||
Nanak (says): the Name is obtained from the Lord, (and, he alone obtains it) for whom it is pre-
inscribed. 5.4
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
gx gMDrb nwmy siB auDry gur kw sbdu vIcwir ] gaṇ ga dharab naamay sabh udhray, gur kaa sabad veechaar.
Servants of gods, and, heavenly singers, all are liberated through the Name, by contemplating
the Word of the Guru.
haumY mwir sd mMin vswieAw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ]
ha-umai maar sad maNn vasaa-i-aa, har raakhi-aa ur dhaar.
Subduing their ego, they stabilize (the Name) in their minds, and, enshrine God in their hearts.
ijsih buJwey soeI bUJY ijs no Awpy ley imlwie ] jisahi bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai, jis no aapay la-ay milaa-ay.
He alone understands whom He gets to understand; He unites him with Himself.
Anidnu bwxI sbdy gWvY swic rhY ilv lwie ]1] an-din baaṇee sabday gaanvai, saach rahai liv laa-ay. ||1||
Day and night, he sings the hymns, the Word (of the Guru), and, remains lovingly attuned to
the True (Lord). 1

mn myry iKnu iKnu nwmu sm@wil ] man mayray, khin khin naam samhaal.
O! my mind, remember the Name (of the Lord), each and every moment.
gur kI dwiq sbd suKu AMqir sdw inbhY qyrY nwil ]1] rhwau ]
gur kee daat sabad sukh aNtar, sadaa nibhai tayrai naal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Word, the gift of the Guru, shall bring pleasures within (you); and, it shall always stand by
you. 1 (pause)
mnmuK pwKMfu kdy n cUkY dUjY Bwie duKu pwey ]
manmukh pakhaNd kaday na chookai, doojai bhaa-ay dukh paa-ay.
The hypocrisy of the mind-oriented ones never ends; they suffers in the love of duality.
nwmu ivswir ibiKAw min rwqy ibrQw jnmu gvwey ] naam visaar bikhi-aa man raatay, birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
Forgetting the Name (of the Lord), their minds are imbued with poison (i.e. vices); they waste
away their lives uselessly.
ieh vylw iPir hiQ n AwvY Anidnu sdw pCuqwey ] ih vaylaa fir hath na aavai, an-din sadaa pachhutaa-ay.
This time (i.e. opportunity, i.e. human life) shall not come into their hands again; day and night,
they shall always repent.
mir mir jnmY kdy n bUJY ivstw mwih smwey ]2]
mar mar janmai kaday na boojhai, vistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||2||
They die and die to be born (again), but they never realize; they end up in faeces (i.e. in filth). 2
gurmuiK nwim rqy sy auDry gur kw sbdu vIcwir ] gurmukh naam ratay say udhray, gur kaa sabad veechaar.
The Guru-oriented ones are imbued with the Word of the Guru; contemplating the Word of
the Guru, (they) are liberated.
jIvn mukiq hir nwmu iDAwieAw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ]
jeevan mukat har naam dhi-aa-i-aa, har raakhi-aa ur dhaar.
Meditating upon the Name of God, they are liberated while yet alive; they enshrine God
within their hearts.
mnu qnu inrmlu inrml miq aUqm aUqm bwxI hoeI ] man tan nirmal, nirmal mat ootam, ootam baṇee ho-ee.
Their mind and body become immaculate; their wisdom becomes immaculate; and, their
speech becomes sublime.
eyko purKu eyku pRBu jwqw dUjw Avru n koeI ]3] ayko purakh, ayk prabh jaataa, doojaa avar na ko-ee. ||3||
They recognize the One Primal Person, the One Lord (i.e. God alone);and, no other (at all). 3
Awpy kry krwey pRBu Awpy Awpy ndir kryie ] aapay karay karaa-ay prabh aapay, aapay nadar karay-i.
The Lord Himself does, Himself gets done, and, He Himself bestows Glance (of Grace).
mnu qnu rwqw gur kI bwxI syvw suriq smyie ] man tan raataa gur kee baṇee, sayvaa surat samay-ay.
One, whose mind and body are imbued with the Word of the Guru, his consciousness is
immersed in his service.
AMqir visAw AlK AByvw gurmuiK hoie lKwie ] aNtar vasi-aa alakh abhayvaa, gurmukh ho-ay lakhaa-ay.
The Imperceptible and Unknowable (Lord) dwells within; one who becomes Guru-oriented is
led to see Him.
nwnk ijsu BwvY iqsu Awpy dyvY BwvY iqvY clwie ]4]5]
naanak, jis bhaavai, tis aapay dayvai, bhaavai tivai chalaa-ay. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): He gives (the gift of the Name) to whomever He pleases; He leads the beings on as
it pleases Him. 4.5

mlwr mhlw 3 duquky ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3, dutukay
siqgur qy pwvY Gru dru mhlu su Qwnu ] satgur tay paavai, ghar dar mahal so thaan.
Through the True Guru, one finds (his own) home, the door of the mansion, that (beautiful)
place (of God).
gur sbdI cUkY AiBmwnu ]1] gur sabdee, chookai abhimaan. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru, one’s egotism is dispelled (from within). 1
ijn kau illwit iliKAw Duir nwmu ] Anidnu nwmu sdw sdw iDAwvih swcI drgh pwvih mwnu ]1] rhwau ]
jin ka-o lilaat likhi-aa dhur naam.
an-din naam sadaa sadaa dhi-aavahi, saachee dargeh paavahi maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those, who have the Name (of the Lord) inscribed on their foreheads from the very beginning;
day and night, forever and ever, they meditate (upon the Name) and obtain honour in the
Court of the True (Lord). 1 (pause)
mn kI ibiD siqgur qy jwxY Anidnu lwgY sd hir isau iDAwnu ]
man kee bidh satgur tay jaaṇai, an-din laagai sad har si-o dhi-aan.
He learns the ways of (conquering) the mind from the True Guru; and, night and day, his mind
is focussed upon God.
gur sbid rqy sdw bYrwgI hir drgh swcI pwvih mwnu ]2]
gur sabad ratay sadaa bairaagee, har dargeh saachee paavahi maan. ||2||
Imbued with the Word of the Guru, he remains forever detached; and, obtains honour in True
Court of God. 2
P. 1260
iehu mnu KylY hukm kw bwDw iek iKn mih dh ids iPir AwvY ]
ih man khaylai hukam kaa baadhaa, ik khin meh dah dis fir aavai.
Bound in His Command, this mind plays (the game of life); in an instant, it wanders out in ten
directions, and returns (back to its place).
jW Awpy ndir kry hir pRBu swcw qW iehu mnu gurmuiK qqkwl vis AwvY ]3]
jaan aapay nadar karay har prabh saachaa, taan ih man gurmukh tatkaal vas aavai. ||3||
When the True Lord, God, Himself bestows His Glance (of Grace), then, through the Guru,
this mind is instantly brought under control. 3
iesu mn kI ibiD mn hU jwxY bUJY sbid vIcwir ] is man kee bidh man hoo jaaṇai, boojhai sabad veechaar.
The ways of this mind are known only by the mind, and, are realized by contemplating the
nwnk nwmu iDAwie sdw qU Bv swgru ijqu pwvih pwir ]4]6]
naanak, naam dhi-aa-ay sadaa too, bhav saagar jit paavahi paar. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): O! my mind, meditate forever upon the Name (of God), and, you shall cross over
the terrifying (world) ocean. 4.6
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
jIau ipMfu pRwx siB iqs ky Git Git rihAw smweI ]
jee-o piNd paraaṇ sabh tis kay, ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Life, body, and breath, are all His (i.e. belong to Him), He is pervading each and every heart.
eyksu ibnu mY Avru n jwxw siqguir dIAw buJweI ]1]
aykas bin mai avar na jaaṇaa, satgur dee-aa bujhaa-ee. ||1||
Except for the One (Lord), I do not know any other; the True Guru has revealed (this to me).1

mn myry nwim rhau ilv lweI ] man mayray, naam raha-o liv laa-ee.
O! my mind, remain lovingly attuned to the Name (of God).
Aidstu Agocru AprMpru krqw gur kY sbid hir iDAweI ]1] rhwau ]
adisat agochar apraMpar kartaa, gur kai sabad har dhi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He is) Unseen, Imperceptible, Infinite Creator ---- meditate upon God through the Word of
the Guru. 1 (pause)
mnu qnu BIjY eyk ilv lwgY shjy rhy smweI ] man tan bheejai ayk liv laagai, sehjay rahay samaa-ee.
One, whose mind and body are pleased, and, is attuned to the One, and, remains absorbed in
Him with natural ease.
gur prswdI BRmu Bau BwgY eyk nwim ilv lweI ]2]
gur parsaadee bharam bha-o bhaagai, ayk naam liv laa-ee. ||2||
By the Grace of the Guru doubt and fears run away (i.e. are eliminated), and, one remain
lovingly attuned to the One Name (of the Lord). 2
gur bcnI scu kwr kmwvY giq miq qb hI pweI ] gur bachnee sach kaar kamaavai, gat mat tab hee paa-ee.
When one earns actions (i.e. practices truth), following the teachings of the Guru, then he
attains the wisdom of (i.e. learns the way of attaining) liberation.
koit mDy iksih buJwey iqin rwm nwim ilv lweI ]3]
kot madhay kiseh bujhaa-ay, tin raam naam liv laa-ee. ||3||
Among tens of millions, rare are those whom He gives understanding, and, they are lovingly
attuned to the Name of God. 3
jh jh dyKw qh eyko soeI ieh gurmiq buiD pweI ] jah jah daykhaa tah ayko so-ee, ih gurmat budh paa-ee.
Wherever I look, there I find only the One (Lord); this understanding has come through the
wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru.
mnu qnu pRwn DrˆØI iqsu AwgY nwnk Awpu gvweI ]4]7]
man tan praan dhareen tis aagai, naanak, aap gavaa-ee. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): purging my self-conceit, I place my mind, body, and breath (of life) in offering,
before Him. 4.7
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
myrw pRBu swcw dUK invwrxu sbdy pwieAw jweI ]
mayraa prabh saachaa dookh nivaaraṇ, sabday paa-i-aa jaa-ee.
My True Lord is the Eradicator of Sufferings; He is found through the Word (of the Guru).
BgqI rwqy sd bYrwgI dir swcY piq pweI ]1] bhagtee raatay sad bairaagee, dar saachai pat paa-ee. ||1||
Those, who are imbued with devotion, are forever detached; they are honoured at the Door
(i.e. in the Court) of the True (Lord). 1
mn ry mn isau rhau smweI ] man ray, man si-o raha-o samaa-ee.
O! my mind, remain absorbed in (the Lord, dwelling in) the mind.
gurmuiK rwm nwim mnu BIjY hir syqI ilv lweI ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh raam naam man bheejai, har saytee liv laa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through the Guru, the mind is pleased with the Name of God, and, one is lovingly attuned to
God. 1 (pause)
myrw pRBu Aiq Agm Agocru gurmiq dyie buJweI ]
mayraa prabh at agam agochar, gurmat day-ay bujhaa-ee.
My Lord is supremely inaccessible and imperceptible; the wisdom of the Guru gives this
scu sMjmu krxI hir kIriq hir syqI ilv lweI]2] sach sanjam karṇee har keerat, har saytee liv laa-ee ||2||
(For him) the praise of God is true self-discipline, and, he remains lovingly attuned to God. 2
Awpy sbdu scu swKI Awpy ijn@ joqI joiq imlweI ] aapay sabad sach saakhee, aapay jinh jotee jot milaa-ee.
He, who has merged his light in His Light, (realizes that) He Himself is the Word, and, He
Himself is true teaching.
dyhI kwcI pauxu vjwey gurmuiK AMimRqu pweI ]3] dayhee kaachee pa-uṇ vajaa-ay, gurmukh a mrit paa-ee ||3||
The body is frail (structure); air (i.e. breath) makes it play (i.e. survive); one obtains AMmrit
through the Guru. 3
Awpy swjy sB kwrY lwey so scu rihAw smweI ] aapay saajay sabh kaarai laa-ay, so sach rahi-aa samaa-ee.
He Himself creates and He Himself attaches all to task; the True (Lord) is pervading
nwnk nwm ibnw koeI ikCu nwhI nwmy dyie vfweI ]4]8]
naanak, naam binaa ko-ee kichh naahee, naamay day-ay vadaa-ee. ||4||8||
Nanak (says): without the Name no one is anything; He blesses glory through the Name. 4.8

mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3

haumY ibKu mnu moihAw lidAw Ajgr BwrI ] ha-umai bikh man mohi-aa, ladi-aa ajgar bhaaree.
Egotism is poison, the mind (of the mortal being) is fascinated by poison (i.e. vices), and, one is
loaded with such a heavy serpent (i.e. the source of poison).
gruVu sbdu muiK pwieAw haumY ibKu hir mwrI ]1]
garuṛ sabad mukh paa-i-aa, ha-umai bikh har maaree. ||1||
(When) one places Garuṛ* (i.e. spell) of the Word, in his mouth, (then) God destroys the poison
of egotism. 1
[*In mythology, Garuda is the mount (carriage) of Vishnu (a mythical god); it is depicted as having the golden body of a
strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak. In myth, Garuda is depicted as the eternal sworn enemy of
the serpents, and, is known for feeding exclusively on snakes. Garuda is also presented as the charm or amulet to protect
from snake attack and its poison].
mn ry haumY mohu duKu BwrI ] man ray, ha-umai moh dukh bhaaree.
O! (my) mind, egotism and attachment (to Maya) are heavy loads of pain.
iehu Bvjlu jgqu n jweI qrxw gurmuiK qru hir qwrI ]1] rhwau ]
ih bhavjal jagat na jaa-ee tarṇaa, gurmukh tar har taaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
This terrifying ocean of the world cannot be crossed; (but) through the Guru, it can be crossed
on the boat of God. 1 (pause)
qRY gux mwieAw mohu pswrw sB vrqY AwkwrI ] tarai guṇ maa-i-aa moh pasaaraa, sabh vartai aakaaree.
The expanse of attachment to the three-phased Maya, pervades all the created forms.
qurIAw guxu sqsMgiq pweIAY ndrI pwir auqwrI ]2]
turee-aa* guṇ satsaNgat paa-ee-ai, nadree paar utaaree. ||2||
The Turee-aa* guna (i.e. state of supreme awareness) is to be attained in the true congregation;
and, one crosses over (the world ocean) by the Glance (of Grace of God). 2
[*Turee-aa / Turiya, literally, the fourth state/stage or ‘Chautha Pad’. It means beyond ‘three gunaas’; this is the
state/realm of of spiritual awareness. This is also an assumed state of the ‘four stages’ of perceiving/spirit: (jaagat, sovat,
sukhupati, turiya; respectively: awake, dreaming, deep sleep, pure impersonal spirit/Brahm); in Sikhism, the term
‘chautha pad’ i.e. ‘fourth sate’ is used in reference to consciousness/ spiritual knowledge].
cMdn gMD sugMD hY bhu bwsnw bhkwir ] chaNdan gaNdh sugaNdh hai, baho baasnaa behkaar.
The smell of the sandalwood is fine fragrance; its great aroma spreads (all around).

hir jn krxI aUqm hY hir kIriq jig ibsQwir ]3] har jan karṇee ootam hai, har keerat jag bisthaar. ||3||
(Likewise) the deeds of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God are sublime; they spread the praise of
God throughout the world. 3
P. 1261
ik®pw ik®pw kir Twkur myry hir hir hir aur Dwir ] kirpaa kirpaa kar, ṭaakur mayray, har har har ur dhaar.
Bestow Your Kindness and Grace (upon me), O! my Master, (so that), (I may) enshrine (the
Name of), God, the Lord, the Almighty, in my heart.
nwnk siqguru pUrw pwieAw min jipAw nwmu murwir ]4]9]
naanak, satgur pooraa paa-i-aa, man japi-aa naam muraar*. ||4||9||
Nanak (says): one, who has found the perfect True Guru, he meditates upon the Name of the
Destroyer of Demons*. 4.9 [* Muraar, literally:‘Destroyer of demon Mur’, hence ‘destroyer of all demons’. This
is one of the attributes and the names of God].

mlwr mhlw 3 Gru 2 Malaar, Mehlaa 3, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
iehu mnu igrhI ik iehu mnu audwsI ] ih man girhee, ke ih man udaasee.
(O! pandit, first reflect on this): is this a mind a house-holder, or is this mind a renunciate (i.e.
detached) ?
ik iehu mnu Avrnu sdw AivnwsI ]ke ih man avran, sadaa avinaasee.
Is this mind mortal, or forever indestructible ? 1
ik iehu mnu cMclu ik iehu mnu bYrwgI ] ke ih man chaNchal, ke ih man bairaagee.
Is this mind fickle , or is this mind detached?
iesu mn kau mmqw ikQhu lwgI ]1] is man ka-o, mamtaa kithhu laagee. ||1||
From where (i.e. how) has possessiveness (i.e. attachment to Maya) come to be attached to this
mind. 1
pMifq iesu mn kw krhu bIcwru ] Avru ik bhuqw pVih auTwvih Bwru ]1] rhwau ]
paNdit, is man kaa karahu beechaar. avar ke bahutaa paṛeh, uṭaaveh bhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! pandit (i.e. religious scholar), reflect on (the state of) this mind.
Otherwise, why do you read so much and carry heavy load (of books) on yourself? 1 (pause)
mwieAw mmqw krqY lweI ] maa-i-aa mamtaa, kartai laa-ee.
The Creator has attached it (i.e. world) to Maya and possessiveness.
eyhu hukmu kir isRsit aupweI ] ayhu hukam kar sarisat upaa-ee.
Issuing His Command, He created the universe.
gur prswdI bUJhu BweI ] sdw rhhu hir kI srxweI ]2]
gur parsaadee boojhhu bhaa-ee. sadaa rahhu har kee sarṇaa-ee. ||2||
By the Grace of the Guru understand this, O! brethren; and,
remain forever in the refuge of God. 2
so pMifqu jo iqhW guxw kI pMf auqwrY ] Anidnu eyko nwmu vKwxY ]
so paNdit, jo tihaan guṇaa kee paNd utaarai. an-din, ayko naam vakhaaṇai.
He alone is a pandit (i.e. religious scholar), who sheds the load of the three gunaas*; and,
day and night chants the One Name (of the Lord).
[*Literally guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents

preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world are subject to these qualities].
siqgur kI Ehu dIiKAw lyie ] siqgur AwgY sIsu Dryie ]
satgur kee oh deekhi-aa lay-ay. satgur aagai sees dharay-ay.
He receives instruction from the True Guru; and,
places his head before (i.e. he is ever ready to obey) the True Guru.
sdw Algu rhY inrbwxu ] sadaa alag rahai nirbaaṇ.
He remains forever unattached and uninvolved.
so pMifqu drgh prvwxu ]3] so paNdit, dargeh parvaaṇ. ||3||
Such a pandit (i.e. religious scholar) is accepted in His Court. 3
sBnW mih eyko eyku vKwxY ] sabhnaan meh ayko ayk vakhaaṇai.
He proclaims that the One (Lord) is within all (the beings).
jW eyko vyKY qW eyko jwxY ] jaan ayko vaykhai, taan ayko jaaṇai.
As he sees the One (Lord pervading all), he knows the One.
jw kau bKsy myly soie ] jaa ka-o bakhsay, maylay so-ay.
That person whom He blesses, He unites him (with Himself).
AYQY EQY sdw suKu hoie ]4] aithai othai, sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||4||
Here and hereafter he finds eternal (spiritual) happiness. 4
khq nwnku kvn ibiD kry ikAw koie ] kahat naanak, kavan bidh karay ki-aa ko-ay.
Says Nanak: what and which way, can any one do anything?
soeI mukiq jw kau ikrpw hoie ] so-ee mukat, jaa ka-o kirpaa ho-ay.
He alone is liberated whom He blesses with His Grace.
Anidnu hir gux gwvY soie ] an-din, har guṇ gaavai so-ay.
Night and day, he sings (the praise of) His excellences.
swsqR byd kI iPir kUk n hoie ]5]1]10] saastar bayd kee, fir kook na ho-ay. ||5||1||10||
Then, he no longer bothers with the cries (i.e. proclamations) of the Shastras and the Vedas.
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
BRim BRim join mnmuK BrmweI ] bharam bharam jon, manmukh bharmaa-ee.
Deluded by doubt the mind-oriented wanders lost in reincarnations.
jmkwlu mwry inq piq gvweI ] jamkaal maaray, nit pat gavaa-ee.
The messenger of death constantly beats (i.e. punishes) him, and he loses his honour.
siqgur syvw jm kI kwix cukweI ] satgur sayvaa, jam kee kaaṇ chukaa-ee.
Serving the True Guru, one’s subservience to (i.e. the fear of) the messenger of death is ended.
hir pRBu imilAw mhlu Gru pweI ]1] har prabh mili-aa, mahal ghar paa-ee. ||1||
He meets God, the Lord, and, finds (i.e. enters) the mansion and the home (i.e. Court of God). 1
pRwxI gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] praaṇee, gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ay.
O! mortal (being), meditate upon the Name (of God) through the Guru
jnmu pdwrQu duibDw KoieAw kaufI bdlY jwie ]1] rhwau ]
janam padaarath dubidhaa kho-i-aa, ka-udee badlai jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Lost in duality you are losing the (priceless) wealth of (human) life; it is going (waste) in
exchange for a shell. 1 (pause)

kir ikrpw gurmuiK lgY ipAwru ] AMqir Bgiq hir hir auir Dwru ]
kar kirpaa gurmukh lagai pi-aar. aNtar bhagat har har ur dhaar.
By His Grace, one is attached to love, through the Guru; and,
he enshrines devotion for God, the Lord, within his heart
Bvjlu sbid lµGwvxhwru ] bhavjal sabad laNghaavaṇhaar.
The Word carries him across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
dir swcY idsY sicAwru ]2] dar saachai, disai sachiaar. ||2||
He appears true at the Door (i.e. in the Court) of the True (Lord). 2
bhu krm kry siqguru nhI pwieAw ] baho karam karay, satgur nahee paa-i-aa.
Performing many sorts of (religious) deeds (i.e. rituals), one cannot find the True Guru.
ibnu gur Brim BUly bhu mwieAw ] bin gur, bharam bhoolay baho maa-i-aa.
Without the Guru, many (people) wander in doubt and lost in Maya.
haumY mmqw bhu mohu vDwieAw ] ha-umai mamtaa, baho moh vadhaa-i-aa.
In egotism and possessiveness, they increase attachment (to Maya)
dUjY Bwie mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]3] doojai bhaa-ay, manmukh dukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
In the love of duality, the mind-oriented one suffers sorrows. 3
Awpy krqw Agm AQwhw ] aapay kartaa, agam athaahaa.
The Creator Himself is inaccessible and immeasurable.
gur sbdI jpIAY scu lwhw ] gur sabdee japee-ai, sach laahaa.
(So) meditate upon Him, through the Word of the Guru and earn true profit.
hwjru hjUir hir vyprvwhw ] haajar hajoor har vayparvaahaa.
God, the Carefree (Lord) is (ever) present here and now (ie. right before us).
nwnk gurmuiK nwim smwhw ]4]2]11] naanak, gurmukh naam samaahaa. ||4||2||11||
Nanak (says): one merges in the Name through the Guru. 4.2.11
P. 1262
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
jIvq mukq gurmqI lwgy ] jeevat mukat, gurmatee laagay.
Those, who are attached to the wisdom (i.e. follow the instructions) of the Guru, are liberated
while yet alive.
hir kI Bgiq Anidnu sd jwgy ] har kee bhagat, an-din sad jaagay.
In the devotion for God, they remain forever awake (from entanglement of Maya), day and
night (all the time).
siqguru syvih Awpu gvwie ] satgur sayveh, aap gavaa-ay.
They eradicate their self-conceit and serve the Guru.
hau iqn jn ky sd lwgau pwie ]1] ha-o, tin jan kay, sad laaga-o paa-ay. ||1||
I always fall at the feet of such servants (i.e. devotees). 1
hau jIvW sdw hir ky gux gweI ] ha-o jeevaa sadaa, har kay guṇ gaa-ee.

Constantly singing the excellences of God I live (spiritual life).

gur kw sbdu mhw rsu mITw hir kY nwim mukiq giq pweI ]1] rhwau ]
gur kaa sabad, mahaa ras meeṭaa, har kai naam mukat gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Word of the Guru is greatly sweet nectar; through the Name of God, I have attained the
state of liberation (from vices). 1 (pause)
mwieAw mohu AigAwnu gubwru ] maa-i-aa moh, agi-aan gubaar.
Attachment to Maya is darkness of ignorance.

mnmuK mohy mugD gvwr ] manmukh mohay, mugadh gavaar.
The mind-oriented ones, the foolish, idiots are fascinated by it.
Anidnu DMDw krq ivhwie ] an-din, dhaNdhaa karat vihaa-ay.
Day and night, they pass (their lives) in worldly entanglements.
mir mir jMmih imlY sjwie ]2] mar mar jaMmeh, milai sajaa-ay. ||2||
They die and die (again and again) to be (re)born (in reincarnation), and, are given punishment.2
gurmuiK rwm nwim ilv lweI ] gurmukh, raam naam liv laa-ee.
The Guru-oriented are attuned to the Name of God,
kUVY lwlic nw lptweI ] kooṛai laalach, naa laptaa-ee.
They do not cling to false greed (of Maya).
jo ikCu hovY shij suBwie ] jo kichh hovai, sahj subhaa-ay.
Whatever comes to happen, (they believe) that happens (under the Command of God) with
natural ease.
hir rsu pIvY rsn rswie ]3] har ras peevai, rasan rasaa-ay. ||3||
They drink in the essence (of the Name) of God, and, their tongue enjoys its essence. 3
koit mDy iksih buJweI ] kot madhay, kiseh bujhaa-ee.
He gives this understanding only to some rare one among tens of millions.
Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI ] aapay bakhsay, day vadi-aa-ee.
He Himself blesses and bestows honour.
jo Duir imilAw su ivCuiV n jweI ] nwnk hir hir nwim smweI ]4]3]12]
jo dhur mili-aa, so vichhuṛ na jaa-ee. naanak, har har naam samaa-ee. ||4||3||12||
Nanak (says): one, who is united (with the Lord) from the very beginning, shall never be
separated (again);(because)
he is absorbed in the Name of (i.e. he has become one with) God, the Lord. 4.3.12
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
rsnw nwmu sBu koeI khY ] rasnaa, naam sabh ko-ee kahai.
Everyone recites the Name (of God) with the tongue.
siqguru syvy qw nwmu lhY ] satgur sayvay, taa naam lahai.
But (only) the one, who serves the True Guru, receives the Name.
bMDn qoVy mukiq Gir rhY ] baNdhan toṛay, mukat ghar rahai.
He breaks the bonds (of Maya) and dwells in the house of liberation
gur sbdI AsiQru Gir bhY ]1] gur sabdee, asthir ghar bahai. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru, it sits in stable in home (i.e. his mind sits in its home of his self). 1
myry mn kwhy rosu krIjY ] mayray man, kaahay ros kareejai.
O! my mind, why are you angry.
lwhw kljuig rwm nwmu hY gurmiq Anidnu ihrdY rvIjY ]1] rhwau ]
laahaa kaljug raam naam hai, gurmat, an-din hirdai raveejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the Name of God is (the real) profit; (so) through the wisdom of
the Guru, day and night, remember the Name in your heart.1 (pause)
bwbIhw iKnu iKnu ibllwie ] ibnu ipr dyKy nˆØId n pwie ]
baabeehaa khin khin billaa-ay. bin pir daykhay, neend na paa-ay.
(As) the babeehaa (i.e. rain-bird / sparrow hawk), wails each and every instant (for a drop of
rain-water); (just so) without seeing her Beloved, she (i.e. soul bride) cannot sleep (at all).

iehu vyCoVw sihAw n jwie ] ih vaychhoṛaa, sahi-aa na jaa-ay.
She i.e. soul bride) cannot endure this separation.
siqguru imlY qW imlY suBwie ]2] satgur milai, taa milai subhaa-ay. ||2||

When she meets the True Guru, then she meets Him with natural ease. 2
nwmhIxu ibnsY duKu pwie ] naamheeṇ binsai dukh paa-ay.
Without the Name, one suffers sorrows and perishes.
iqRsnw jilAw BUK n jwie ] trisnaa jali-aa, bhookh na jaa-ay.
He burns (in the fire of) desires, and, his hunger (for Maya) does not depart.
ivxu Bwgw nwmu n pwieAw jwie ] viṇ bhaagaa, naam na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Without (good) destiny, one cannot find the Name.
bhu ibiD Qwkw krm kmwie ]3] baho bidh thaakaa, karam kamaa-ay. ||3||
Performing many sorts of actions (i.e. religious rituals), he gets exhausted. 3
qRY gux bwxI byd bIcwru ] ibiKAw mYlu ibiKAw vwpwru ]
tarai guṇ* baṇee bayd beechaar. bikhi-aa mail, bikhi-aa vaapaar.
Contemplating the Word of the Vedas, (which is) related to three gunaas*,
one remains dealing in poison and filth (i.e. vices and sins).
mir jnmih iPir hoih KuAwru ] mar janmeh, fir hohi khu-aar.
He dies and is (re)born (i.e. born again in reincarnation), and is ruined (again and again)
gurmuiK qurIAw guxu auir Dwru ]4] gurmukh, turee-aa** guṇ ur dhaar. ||4||
The Guru-oriented one enshrines the virtues of the fourth state**, in his heart. 4
[*Literally, guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world, are subject to these qualities].
**Turee-aa/ Turiya, literally, the fourth state/stage or ‘Chautha Pad’. It means beyond ‘three gunaas’; this is the
state/realm of of spiritual awareness. This is also an assumed state of the ‘four stages’ of perceiving/spirit: (jaagat, sovat,
sukhupati, turiya; respectively: awake, dreaming, deep sleep, pure impersonal spirit/Brahma); in Sikhism the term
‘chautha pad’ i.e. ‘fourth sate’ is used in reference to consciousness/ spiritual knowledge].
guru mwnY mwnY sBu koie ] gur maanai, maanai sabh ko-ay.
One, who obeys (i.e. follows the teachings of) the Guru, everyone obeys (i.e. respects) him.
gur bcnI mnu sIqlu hoie ] gur bachnee, man seetal ho-ay.
Through the teachings of the Guru, the mind is cooled (i.e. soothed).
chu juig soBw inrml jnu soie ] chahu jug sobhaa, nirmal jan so-ay.
Throughout the four ages (i.e. forever) he is known to be immaculate (pure holy).
nwnk gurmuiK ivrlw koie ]5]4]13]9]13]22] naanak, gurmukh virlaa ko-ay. ||5||4||13||9||13||22||
Nanak (says): (but) such a Guru-oriented one is so rare

rwgu mlwr mhlw 4 Gru 1 caupdy Raag Malaar, Mehlaa 4, ghar 1, cha-upday
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
Anidnu hir hir iDAwieE ihrdY miq gurmiq dUK ivswrI ]
an-din har har dhi-aa-i-o hirdai, mat gurmat dookh visaaree.
One, who meditates upon God, the Lord, within his heart, day and night, through the Guru’s
teachings his sorrows are forgotten (i.e. dispelled).

sB Awsw mnsw bMDn qUty hir hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]1]
sabh aasaa mansaa baNdhan tootay, har har prabh kirpaa dhaaree. ||1||
All his hopes and desires (are taken away) and his bonds (of Maya) are broken (when) God, the
Lord, the Master bestows His Grace (upon him). 1
nYnI hir hir lwgI qwrI ] nainee, har har laagee taaree.
My eyes are in deep meditation upon God, the Lord.
siqguru dyiK myrw mnu ibgisE jnu hir ByitE bnvwrI ]1] rhwau ]
satgur daykh mayraa man bigsi-o, jan har bhayti-o banvaaree*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding the True Guru, my mind has blossomed forth; I have met with God, the Lord of the
(World) Forest*. 1 (pause)
[*Banvaaree, literally: the lord of forest. The world has been presented as great forest and God as its lord. Thus God is the
‘Lord of the (world) Forest’ . This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
P. 1263
ijin AYsw nwmu ivswirAw myrw hir hir iqs kY kuil lwgI gwrI ]
jin aisaa naam visaari-aa mayraa har har, tis kai kul laagee gaaree.
One, who has forgotten such a (precious) Name of God, Lord, the Master, his family is
hir iqs kY kuil prsUiq n krIAhu iqsu ibDvw kir mhqwrI ]2]
har tis kai kul parsoot na karee-ahu, tis bidhvaa kar mehtaaree. ||2||
God does not bless such family with progeny (i.e. makes them barren), and, his mother is made a
widow. 2
hir hir Awin imlwvhu guru swDU ijsu Aihinis hir auir DwrI ]
har har aan milaavhu gur saadhoo, jis ahinis har ur dhaaree.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) get me to meet Guru, the God-oriented person, who, day and night,
keeps God enshrined in his heart.
guir fITY gur kw isKu ibgsY ijau bwirku dyiK mhqwrI ]3]
gur deeṭai, gur kaa sikh bigsai, ji-o baarik daykh mehtaaree. ||3||
Seeing the Guru, the Sikh (i.e. disciple) of the Guru blossoms forth, like the child (blossoms
forth) seeing his mother. 3
Dn ipr kw iek hI sMig vwsw ivic haumY BIiq krwrI ]
dhan pir kaa ik hee saNg vaasaa, vich ha-umai bheet karaaree.
The wife (i.e. soul bride) and Husband (Lord) live together (in the heart), but the hard wall of
egotism stands in between.
guir pUrY haumY BIiq qorI jn nwnk imly bnvwrI ]4]1]
gur poorai ha-umai bheet toree, jan naanak milay banvaaree*. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): the perfect Guru has demolished the wall of egotism, and, the servant (i.e.
devotee) has met the Lord of the (World) Forest*. 4.1

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4

gMgw jmunw godwvrI srsuqI qy krih audmu DUir swDU kI qweI ]
gaNgaa jamunaa godaavree sarsutee, tay karahi udam dhoor saadhoo* kee taa-ee.
The Ganges, the Yamuna, the Godawari, the Saraswati (rivers) ---- these (rivers) strive for the
dust of the feet of the Guru* (i.e. the feet of the Guru are sacred than these river).

iklivK mYlu Bry pry hmrY ivic hmrI mYlu swDU kI DUir gvweI ]1]
kilvikh mail bharay paray hamrai vich, hamree mail, saadhoo* kee dhoor gavaa-ee. ||1||
(The rivers say): we are overflowing with the filth of the sins (and people come and take
cleansing bath in us, but), our filth is washed away by the dust (of the feet) of the Guru*. 1
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
qIriQ ATsiT mjnu nweI ] tirath aṭsaṭ majan naa-ee.
(O! brethren) bathing at the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage is (contained) in the Name (of God)
[i.e. river-waters at places of pilgrimage do not wash the sins; but meditation upon the Name of God
is real cleansing bath].
sqsMgiq kI DUir prI auif nyqRI sB durmiq mYlu gvweI ]1] rhwau ]
satsaNgat kee dhoor paree ud naytree, sabh durmat mail gavaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the dust (of the feet) of true Congregation rises up and enters into the eyes, all the filth of
evil wisdom is washed off. 1 (pause)
jwhrnvI qpY BwgIriQ AwxI kydwru QwipE mhsweI ]
jaaharnavee* tapai bhaageerath aaṇee, kaydaar thaapi-o mehsaa-ee.
(Myth says that) Jahnavi * (i.e. Ganges river) was brought (on the earth) by Bhagirath the
penitent, and, Kedar was established by Mahesh (i.e. Shiva).
[*Ganges has its origin near Mana Pass (Indo-Tibetan border). There, it is known as Jaharnavee (Jahaavi, also known as
Jarh Ganga, i.e. root of the Ganges river). It confluences with Bhagirathi River at Bhaironghati. Bhagirathi joins
Alaknanda at Devparyag and hereafter it is known as Ganges. Hence, Jahnavi is considered as another name of the
Ganges river].
kWsI ik®snu crwvq gwaU imil hir jn soBw pweI ]2]
kaansee, krisan charaavat gaa-oo, mil har jan sobhaa paa-ee. ||2||
Kashi (the city of Shiv) and (Brindaban) where Krishan used to graze cows ---- (all places)
attained glory by meeting (i.e through the touch of) the servants (i.e. devotees) of God. 2
ijqny qIrQ dyvI Qwpy siB iqqny locih DUir swDU kI qweI ]
jitnay tirath dayvee thaapay, sabh titnay locheh dhoor saadhoo* kee taa-ee.
All the places of pilgrimage, that have been established by the gods, long for the dust of (the
feet of) the Guru*.
hir kw sMqu imlY gur swDU lY iqs kI DUir muiK lweI ]3]
har kaa saNt milai gur saadhoo, lai tis kee dhoor mukh laa-ee. ||3||
When they (i.e. the places of pilgrimage) meet a God-oriented person (i.e. devotee) of God, the
Guru, the God-oriented person, they apply his (feet)dust to their faces. 3
ijqnI isRsit qumrI myry suAwmI sB iqqnI locY DUir swDU kI qweI ]
jitnee sarisat tumree, mayray su-aamee, sabh titnee lochai dhoor saadhoo* kee taa-ee.
All (the beings and creatures) of Your universe, O! my Master, all that longs for the dust (of the
feet) of the Guru*.
nwnk illwit hovY ijsu iliKAw iqsu swDU DUir dy hir pwir lµGweI ]4]2]
naanak, lilaat hovai jis likhi-aa, tis saadhoo* dhoor day har paar laNghaa-ee. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): one, who has (such destiny) inscribed on his forehead, God blesses him with the
dust (of the feet) of the Guru*, and, carries him across (the world ocean). 4.2
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4
iqsu jn kau hir mIT lgwnw ijsu hir hir ik®pw krY ] tis jan ka-o har meeṭ lagaanaa, jis har har kirpaa karai.
God seems sweet to that servant (i.e. devotee), who is blessed by the Grace of God, the Lord.
iqs kI BUK dUK siB auqrY jo hir gux hir aucrY ]1]
tis kee bhookh dookh sabh utrai, jo har guṇ har uchrai. ||1||
One, who chants (the Name of) God, and, (the praise of) the excellences of God, all his hungers
and sorrows are taken away. 1
jip mn hir hir hir insqrY ] jap man, har har har nistarai.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon God, the Lord; (meditating upon) God, the Lord, one is
gur ky bcn krn suin iDAwvY Bv swgru pwir prY ]1] rhwau ]
gur kay bachan, karan sun dhi-aavai, bhav saagar paar parai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who listens to the teachings of the Guru, with his ears (i.e. attentively, i.e. with devotion),
and, meditates upon them, is carried across the terrifying (world) ocean. 1 (pause)
iqsu jn ky hm hwit ibhwJy ijsu hir hir ik®pw krY ] tis jan kay ham haat bihaajhay, jis har har kirpaa karai.
I am a slave sold at the shop of the servant (i.e. devotee) who is blessed by the Grace of God, the
hir jn kau imilAW suKu pweIAY sB durmiq mYlu hrY ]2]
har jan ka-o mili-aan sukh paa-ee-ai, sabh durmat mail harai. ||2||
Meeting the servant (i.e. devotee) of God, (spiritual) happiness is obtained; and, all the filth of
evil wisdom is washed away. 2
hir jn kau hir BUK lgwnI jnu iqRpqY jw hir gun ibcrY ]
har jan ka-o har bhookh lagaanee, jan tariptai jaa har gun bichrai.
The servants (i.e. devotees) feel hunger (only) for (the Name of) God; they are satiated (only)
when they chant (the praise of) the excellences of God.
hir kw jnu hir jl kw mInw hir ibsrq PUit mrY ]3]
har kaa jan, har jal kaa meenaa, har bisrat foot marai. ||3||
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God are (like) a fish in the water of God; forgetting God, he (ie.
devotee of God) will bitterly weep and die. 3
ijin eyh pRIiq lweI so jwnY kY jwnY ijsu min DrY ]
jin ayh preet laa-ee so jaanai, kai jaanai jis man dharai.
He alone knows (the value of this love), who has infused this love; or, the one, in whose mind it
(i.e. love for God) has been enshrined, he (too) knows it.
jnu nwnku hir dyiK suKu pwvY sB qn kI BUK trY ]4]3]
jan naanak har daykh sukh paavai, sabh tan kee bhookh tarai. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): beholding God, I obtain (spiritual) happiness, and all
hunger of my body (i.e. my being) is satisfied. 4.3

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4

ijqny jIA jMq pRiB kIny iqqny isir kwr ilKwvY ] jitnay jee-a jaNt prabh keenay, titnay sir kaar likhaavai.
All the beings and creatures, which the Lord has created, (He) has inscribed their tasks (of life)
on their heads (i.e. foreheads).

hir jn kau hir dIn@ vfweI hir jnu hir kwrY lwvY ]1]
har jan ka-o har deenh vadaa-ee, har jan har kaarai laavai. ||1||
God has blessed glory to His servants (i.e. devotees), and, He (i.e. God) has enjoined them to the
task of God (i.e. meditation upon the Name of God ). 1
siqguru hir hir nwmu idRVwvY ] satgur, har har naam dariṛ-aavai.
The True Guru implants the Name of God, the Lord (within the heart of His devotees).
P. 1264
hir bolhu gur ky isK myry BweI hir Baujlu jgqu qrwvY ]1] rhwau ]
har bolhu gur kay sikh, mayray bhaa-ee, har bha-ojal jagat taraavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant (the Name of) God, O! Sikhs (i.e. disciples) of the Guru, my brethren; (only) God will
carry you across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean). 1 (pause)
jo gur kau jnu pUjy syvy so jnu myry hir pRB BwvY ]
jo gur ka-o jan poojay sayvay, so jan mayray har prabh bhaavai.
The servant (i.e. devotee) who worships and serves the Guru, is pleasing to my God, the Lord.
hir kI syvw siqguru pUjhu kir ikrpw Awip qrwvY ]2]
har kee sayvaa satgur poojahu, kar kirpaa aap taraavai. ||2||
Worshipping the True Guru is serving God; bestowing His Grace, He Himself carries one
across (the world ocean). 2
Brim BUly AigAwnI AMDuly BRim BRim PUl qorwvY ]
bharam bhoolay agi-aanee aNdhulay, bharam bharam fool toraavai.
(O! brethren) the ignorant, the blind (people) are deluded by doubts; wandering in delusion,
they pick flowers (to offer them to idols and monasteries).
inrjIau pUjih mVw sryvih sB ibrQI Gwl gvwvY ]3]
nirjee-o poojeh, maṛaa sarayveh, sabh birthee ghaal gavaavai. ||3||
They worship life-less (stones), and, serve the monasteries, and waste all their labour. 3
bRhmu ibMdy so siqguru khIAY hir hir kQw suxwvY ] brahm bi day, so satgur kahee-ai, har har kathaa sunaavai.
He alone is said to be the True Guru who realizes God; and, narrates the story of (the
excellences of) God, the Lord.
iqsu gur kau Cwdn Bojn pwt ptMbr bhu ibiD siq kir muiK sMchu iqsu puMn kI iPir qoit n AwvY ]4]
tis gur ka-o chhaadan bhojan paat pataMbar, baho bidh,
sat kar mukh saNchahu; tis puNn kee fir tot na aavai. ||4||
Offer that Guru food, clothes, silk and silky robes; and, place before his mouth (i.e. present to
him) with faith, all sorts (of gifts) ---- then (merits of) the good deed (of such offerings) shall
never leave you deficient.
siqguru dyau prqiK hir mUriq jo AMimRq bcn suxwvY ]
satgur day-o partakh har moorat, jo aMmrit bachan suṇaavai.
The Divine True Guru is the manifest image of God; he chants the AMmrit Word (of God).
nwnk Bwg Bly iqsu jn ky jo hir crxI icqu lwvY ]5]4]
naanak, bhaag bhalay tis jan kay, jo har charṇee chit laavai. ||5||4||
Nanak (says): good is the fortune of that servant (i.e devotee) who focusses his mind on the feet
of God (through the Guru). 5.4

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4
ijn@ kY hIArY bisE myrw siqguru qy sMq Bly Bl BWiq ]
jinh kai hee-arai basi-o mayraa satgur, tay saNt bhalay bhal bhaant.
Those, within whose mind dwells my True Guru, those God-oriented persons are good in
every way.
iqn@ dyKy myrw mnu ibgsY hau iqn kY sd bil jWq ]1]
tinh daykhay mayraa man bigsai, ha-o tin kai sad bal jaant. ||1||
Seeing them my mind blossoms forth, I am forever a sacrifice unto them. 1
igAwnI hir bolhu idnu rwiq ] gi-aanee, har bolhu din raat.
O! giaanee (O! spiritual scholar), chant (the Name of) God, day and night.
iqn@ kI iqRsnw BUK sB auqrI jo gurmiq rwm rsu KWiq ]1] rhwau ]
tinh kee tarisnaa bhookh sabh utree, jo gurmat raam ras khaant. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All (worldly) thirst and hunger and lust is satisfied of those who partake the essence of (the
Name of) God through the wisdom of the Guru. 1 (pause)
hir ky dws swD sKw jn ijn imilAw lih jwie BrWiq ]
har kay daas saadh sakhaa jan, jin mili-aa leh jaa-ay bharaant.
The slaves (i.e. devotees) of God are our God-oriented companions; meeting them, our doubts
are taken away.
ijau jl duD iBMn iBMn kwFY cuix hMsulw iqau dyhI qy cuix kwFY swDU haumY qwiq ]2]
ji-o jal dudh bhiNn bhiNn kaaḍai chuṇ haNsulaa,
ti-o dayhee tay chuṇ kaaḍai saadhoo ha-umai taat. ||2||
As the swan separates the milk from the water, so does a God-oriented person separate and
remove the heat (i.e. fire) of egotism from our body (i.e. from our being). 2
ijn kY pRIiq nwhI hir ihrdY qy kptI nr inq kptu kmWiq ]
jin kai preet naahee har hirdai, tay kaptee nar, nit kapat kamaant.
Those, who do not have love for God in their hearts, are deceitful persons; they continually
practice deception.
iqn kau ikAw koeI dyie KvwlY Eie Awip bIij Awpy hI KWiq ]3]
tin ka-o ki-aa ko-ee day-ay khavaalai, o-ay aap beej aapay hee khaant. ||3||
What can anyone give them to eat; whatever they plant, so they eat. 3
hir kw ichnu soeI hir jn kw hir Awpy jn mih Awpu rKWiq ]
har kaa chihan, so-ee har jan kaa, har aapay jan meh aap rakhaant.
Whatever is the characteristics (i.e. quality/ excellence) of God, so is that of the servant (i.e.
devotee) of God as well; God places Himself (i.e. His essence) within the servant (i.e. devotee).
Dnu DMnu gurU nwnku smdrsI ijin inMdw ausqiq qrI qrWiq ]4]5]
dhan dhaNn guroo, naanak, samadrasee, jin, niNdaa ustat taree taraant. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): blessed, blessed is the Guru, who is impartial; who has crossed over (i.e. who is
free from) praise and slandering and (also) gets others to cross over. 4.5
mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4
Agmu Agocru nwmu hir aUqmu hir ikrpw qy jip lieAw ]
agam agochar naam har ootam, har kirpaa tay jap la-i-aa.
The Name of God is inaccessible, imperceptible and sublime; it is meditated upon by Grace of

sqsMgiq swD pweI vfBwgI sMig swDU pwir pieAw ]1]
satsaNgat saadh paa-ee vadbhaagee, saNg saadhoo paar pa-i-aa. ||1||
By great (good) fortune one finds true company of the God-oriented person; and, one crosses
over (the world ocean) in the company of the God-oriented person. 1
myrY min Anidnu Andu BieAw ] mayrai man, an-din anad bha-i-aa.
(O! brethren) day and night, my mind is in ecstasy.
gur prswid nwmu hir jipAw myry mn kw BRmu Bau gieAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur parsaad naam har japi-aa mayray, man kaa bharam bha-o ga-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the Guru, I have meditated upon the Name of God; and, doubt and fear are
gone from my mind. 1 (pause)
ijn hir gwieAw ijn hir jipAw iqn sMgiq hir mylhu kir mieAw ]
jin har gaa-i-aa, jin har japi-aa, tin saNgat har maylhu kar ma-i-aa.
Those who have sung (the praise of) God, and, those who have meditated upon God, O! God,
(please) bestow Your Grace and unite me with their company.
iqn kw drsu dyiK suKu pwieAw duKu haumY rogu gieAw ]2]
tin kaa daras daykh sukh paa-i-aa, dukh ha-umai rog ga-i-aa. ||2||
Beholding their vision, one obtains (spiritual) happiness, and, his sufferings and disease of
egotism are gone (i.e. dispelled). 2
jo Anidnu ihrdY nwmu iDAwvih sBu jnmu iqnw kw sPlu BieAw ]
jo an-din hirdai naam dhi-aavahi, sabh janam tinaa kaa safal bha-i-aa.
Those, who meditate upon the Name of God day and night, all their (human) life becomes
Eie Awip qry isRsit sB qwrI sBu kulu BI pwir pieAw ]3]
o-ay aap taray sarisat sabh taaree, sabh kul bhee paar pa-i-aa. ||3||
They themselves cross over (the world ocean), and, also carry all their family across. 3
quDu Awpy Awip aupwieAw sBu jgu quDu Awpy vis kir lieAw ]
tudh aapay aap upaa-i-aa sabh jag tudh aapay vas kar la-i-aa.
(O! God) You Yourself created the whole world, and, You Yourself keep it under your control.
P. 1265
jn nwnk kau pRiB ikrpw DwrI ibKu fubdw kwiF lieAw ]4]6]
jan naanak ka-o prabh kirpaa dhaaree bikh dubdaa kaaḍ la-i-aa. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the Lord has bestowed His Grace upon me, I was
drowning in (the ocean of) poison (of Maya), and He has lifted me up. 4.6

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4

gur prswdI AMimRqu nhI pIAw iqRsnw BUK n jweI ]
gur parsaadee aMmrit nahee pee-aa, tarisnaa bhookh na jaa-ee.
He, who has not taken in AMmrit by the Grace of the Guru, his thirst and hunger (of Maya) does
not depart (from within).
mnmuK mUV@ jlq AhMkwrI haumY ivic duKu pweI ]
manmukh mooṛh jalat ahaMkaaree, ha-umai vich dukh paa-ee.
The mind-oriented one burns in fire in egotistical pride, he suffers sorrows in egotism.

Awvq jwq ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw duiK lwgY pCuqweI ]
aavat jaat birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa, dukh laagai pachhutaa-ee.
Coming and going, he wastes his life uselessly; (when he is) afflicted with pain, he repents.
ijs qy aupjy iqsih n cyqih iDRgu jIvxu iDRgu KweI ]1]
jis tay upjay, tiseh na chayteh, dharig jeevaṇ dharig khaa-ee. ||1||
He does not remember the One from whom he is originated; cursed is his life, cursed is his
eating (of food).1
pRwxI gurmuiK nwmu iDAweI ] praaṇee, gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ee.
O! mortal (being), meditate upon the Name (of God), through the Guru.
hir hir ik®pw kry guru myly hir hir nwim smweI ]1] rhwau ]
har har kirpaa karay gur maylay, har har naam samaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, upon whom God, the Lord bestows His Grace, gets one to meet the Guru, (through the
Guru) he gets absorbed in the Name of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
mnmuK jnmu BieAw hY ibrQw Awvq jwq ljweI ] manmukh janam bha-i-aa hai birthaa, aavat jaat lajaa-ee.
The life of the mind-oriented is wasted, he comes and goes in shame.
kwim k®oiD fUby AiBmwnI haumY ivic jil jweI ] kaam krodh doobay abhimaanee, ha-umai vich jal jaa-ee.
The proud (mind-oriented) ones are drowned in sexual desire and anger; they are burn in
iqn isiD n buiD BeI miq miDm loB lhir duKu pweI ]
tin sidh na budh, bha-ee mat madhim, lobh lahar dukh paa-ee.
They do not have perfection or intelligence; their wisdom is dimmed (i.e. diminished, feeble);
in (i.e. tossed by) the waves of greed, they suffer sorrows.
gur ibhUn mhw duKu pwieAw jm pkry ibllweI ]2]
gur bihoon mahaa dukh paa-i-aa, jam pakray billaa-ee. ||2||
Without the Guru, they suffer terribly; when messenger of death seizes them, they wail. 2
hir kw nwmu Agocru pwieAw gurmuiK shij suBweI ]
har kaa naam agochar paa-i-aa, gurmukh sahj subhaa-ee.
The imperceptible (i.e. unfathomable) Name of God is obtained (by the Guru-oriented) through
the Guru with natural ease.
nwmu inDwnu visAw Gt AMqir rsnw hir gux gweI ]
naam nidhaan vasi-aa ghat aNtar, rasnaa har gun gaa-ee.
One, within whose heart the treasure of the Name abides, sings (the praise of) the excellence of
God, with his tongue.
sdw Anµid rhY idnu rwqI eyk sbid ilv lweI ] sadaa anaNd rahai din raatee, ayk sabad liv laa-ee.
Attuned to the One Word (of God), he dwells forever in bliss, (all) day and night.
nwmu pdwrQu shjy pwieAw ieh siqgur kI vifAweI ]3]
naam padaarath sehjay paa-i-aa, ih satgur kee vadi-aa-ee. ||3||
He obtains the wealth of the Name, with natural ease; this is the great glory of the True Guru. 3
siqgur qy hir hir min visAw siqgur kau sd bil jweI ]
satgur tay har har man vasi-aa, satgur ka-o sad bal jaa-ee.
(O! brethren) God, the Lord, comes to dwell in the mind through the True Guru; I am forever
sacrifice unto the True Guru.

mnu qnu Arip rKau sBu AwgY gur crxI icqu lweI ]
man tan arap rakha-o sabh aagai, gur charṇee chit laa-ee.
I dedicate my mind and body to the Guru and place everything before him; I focus my mind in
his feet.
ApxI ik®pw krhu gur pUry Awpy lYhu imlweI ] apṇee kirpaa karahu gur pooray, aapay laihu milaa-ee.
(Please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O! perfect Guru, and, unite me with yourself.
hm loh gur nwv boihQw nwnk pwir lµGweI ]4]7]
ham loh gur naav bohithaa, naanak, paar laNghaa-ee ||4||7||
Nanak (says): we are (like) iron (i.e. we are heavily loaded with sin), the Guru is (like) a boat, a
ship, to carry us across (the world ocean). 4.7

mlwr mhlw 4 pVqwl Gru 3 Malaar, Mehlaa 4, paṛ-taal, ghar 3

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hir jn bolq sRIrwm nwmw imil swDsMgiq hir qor ]1] rhwau ]
har jan bolat sareeraam naamaa, mil saadhsaNgat har tor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God chant the Name of the great God, joining the congregation
of Your God-oriented persons, O! God. 1 (pause)
hir Dnu bnjhu hir Dnu sMchu ijsu lwgq hY nhI cor ]1]
har dhan banjahu, har dhan saNchahu, jis laagat hai nahee chor. ||1||
(O! brethren, you too) deal (only) in the wealth of (the Name of) God, and gather (only) the
wealth of (the Name of) God, which no thief can steal. 1
cwiqRk mor bolq idnu rwqI suin Ginhr kI Gor ]2] chaatrik mor bolat din raatee, sun ghanihar kee ghor ||2||
(Just as) the chatrik (i.e. rain-bird, sparrow-hawk) and the peacock sing day and night, hearing
the thunder of the clouds, (O! brethren, you too meditate upon the Name of God). 2
jo bolq hY imRg mIn pMKyrU su ibnu hir jwpq hY nhI hor ]3]
jo bolat hai marig meen paNkhayroo, so bin har jaapat hai nahee hor. ||3||
Whatever the deer, the fish, and the birds sing, they chant nothing other than God. 3
nwnk jn hir kIriq gweI CUit gieE jm kw sB sor ]4]1]8]
naanak jan har keerat gaa-ee, chhoot ga-i-o jam kaa sabh sor. ||4||1||8||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (when) I sang the praise of God, the uproar (i.e. threats and
fear) of the messenger of death was gone away. 4.18

mlwr mhlw 4 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 4

rwm rwm boil boil Kojqy bfBwgI ] raam raam bol bol, khojtay badbhaagee.
(Those, who) continually chant (the Name of) God, the Lord, and, seek Him, are greatly
hir kw pMQu koaU bqwvY hau qw kY pwie lwgI ]1] rhwau ]
har kaa paNth ko-oo bataavai, ha-o taa kai paa-ay laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever shows me the way to (find) God, I will fall at his feet. 1 (pause)
hir hmwro mIqu sKweI hm hir isau pRIiq lwgI ] har hamaaro meet sakhaa-ee, ham har si-o preet laagee.
God is my friend, my companion; I am in love with God.

hir hm gwvih hir hm bolih Aauru duqIAw pRIiq hm iqAwgI ]1]
har ham gaavahi, har ham boleh, a-or dutee-aa preet ham ti-aagee. ||1||
I sing (the praise) of God, I speak of God; I have discarded all other love (i.e. other than love for
God). 1
P. 1266
mnmohn moro pRIqm rwmu hir prmwnµdu bYrwgI ]
manmohan, moro preetam raam, har parmaanaNd bairaagee.
My Beloved God is the Fascinator of the Minds; God is (the Embodiment of) Supreme Bliss;
and, (He is) Detached (from worldliness).
hir dyKy jIvq hY nwnku iek inmK plo muiK lwgI ]2]2]9]9]13]9]31]
har daykhay jeevat hai, naanak, ik nimakh palo mukh laagee. ||2||2||9||9||13||9||31||
Nanak (says): I live by gazing upon God, (even if) I see Him for a moment, or (just) for an

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 Raag Malaar, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
ikAw qU socih ikAw qU icqvih ikAw qUM krih aupwey ]
ki-aa too socheh, ki-aa too chitvahi, ki-aa tooN karahi upaa-ay.
(O! brethren) what are you thinking? what are you contemplating? what efforts are you
trying ?
qw kau khhu prvwh kwhU kI ijh gopwl shwey ]1]
taa ka-o kahhu parvaah kaahoo kee, jih gopaal sahaa-ay. ||1||
Why should he have subservience of any one, who has Sustainer of the World as his help. 1
brsY myGu sKI Gir pwhun Awey ] barsai maygh sakhee, ghar paahun aa-ay.
O! (my) companion, (it seems that) the clouds (of the Grace of the Guru) are raining that the
Guest (my Beloved Lord) has come into my home (of my heart).
moih dIn ik®pw iniD Twkur nv iniD nwim smwey ]1] rhwau ]
mohi deen kirpaa nidh ṭaakur, nav nidh naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am poor (i.e. meek), O! (my) Master, O! Treasure of Grace; (I am) absorbed in (Your) nine
treasure of the Name. 1 (pause)
Aink pRkwr Bojn bhu kIey bhu ibMjn imstwey ] anik parkaar bhojan baho kee-ay, baho biNjan mistaa-ay.
I have prepared many sorts of food in many ways (i.e. of many tastes), and many sorts of sweet
krI pwkswl soc pivqRw huix lwvhu Bogu hir rwey ]2]
karee paaksaal soch pavitaraa, hun laavhu bhog har raa-ay. ||2||
I have my kitchen clean and pure; now, O! my Sovereign Lord, come and enjoy my food (i.e. I
have made my heart pure and sacred, please enjoy my food of love) . 2
dust ibdwry swjn rhsy ieih mMidr Gr Apnwey ] dusat bidaaray, saajan rahsay, ihi maNdir ghar apnaa-ay.
The scoundrels (i.e. my enemies: sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride) were
destroyed, and my friends (i.e. virtues of truth, contentment, faith compassion, fortitude) were
pleased, when You made this home (i.e. my heart) as Your own abode.

jau igRih lwlu rMgIE AwieAw qau mY siB suK pwey ]3]
ja-o garihi laal raNgee-o aa-i-aa, ta-o mai sabh sukh paa-ay. ||3||
When my playful Beloved (Lord) came into my home (i.e. heart), then I found total happiness.3
sMq sBw Et gur pUry Duir msqik lyKu ilKwey ] saNt sabhaa ot gur pooray, dhur mastak laykh likhaa-ay.
(O! my companion) in the company of the God-oriented persons I obtained the support of the
perfect Guru. This is (because of) the pre-ordained destiny inscribed on my forehead.
jn nwnk kMqu rMgIlw pwieAw iPir dUKu n lwgY Awey ]4]1]
jan naanak, kaNt raNgeelaa paa-i-aa, fir dookh na laagai aa-ay. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have found my playful Husband (Lord); I shall never
have to suffer sorrows again. 4.1
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
KIr ADwir bwirku jb hoqw ibnu KIrY rhnu n jweI ]
kheer adhaar baarik jab hotaa, bin kheerai rahan na jaa-ee.
When milk is the (only) food for the baby, it cannot live (i.e. survive) without it.
swir sm@wil mwqw muiK nIrY qb Ehu iqRpiq AGweI ]1]
saar samhaal maataa mukh neerai, tab oh taripat aghaa-ee. ||1||
(When) the mother takes care of it and pours milk into its mouth, then it is satisfied and
satiated. 1
hm bwirk ipqw pRBu dwqw ] ham baarik, pitaa prabh daataa.
We are the children, and, the Giver Lord is our father.
BUlih bwirk Aink lK brIAw An Taur nwhI jh jwqw ]1] rhwau ]
bhooleh baarik anik lakh baree-aa, an ṭa-ur naahee, jah jaataa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The child makes mistakes countless hundreds of thousands of times; but there is no where he
goes. 1 (pause)
cMcl miq bwirk bpury kI srp Agin kr mylY ] chaNchal mat baarik bapuray kee, sarap agan kar maylai.
The mind of the poor child is fickle, he handles even snake and fire.
mwqw ipqw kMiT lwie rwKY And shij qb KylY ]2]
maataa pitaa kaNṭ laa-ay raakhai, anad sahj tab khaylai. ||2||
(When) his mother and father take him in their embrace, so he plays, in joy, with natural ease. 2
ijs kw ipqw qU hY myry suAwmI iqsu bwirk BUK kYsI ]
jis kaa pitaa too hai, mayray su-aamee, tis baarik bhookh kaisee.
He, who has You as the Father, O! my Master, what hunger can that child have ?
nv iniD nwmu inDwnu igRih qyrY min bWCY so lYsI ]3]
nav nidh naam nidhaan garihi tayrai, man baanchhai so laisee. ||3||
In Your home there is the Name, the nine treasures; one obtains whatever he desires. 3
ipqw ik®pwil AwigAw ieh dInI bwirku muiK mWgY so dynw ]
pitaa kirpaal aagi-aa ih deenee, baarik mukh maangai so daynaa.
My Gracious Father (Lord) has issued this Command: whatever the child asks for with his
mouth, give him.
nwnk bwirku drsu pRB cwhY moih ihRdY bsih inq crnw ]4]2]
naanak, baarik daras prabh chaahai, mohi hirdai baseh nit charnaa. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): this child longs for the vision of the Lord (and prays): ‘may His feet always dwell
within my heart’. 4.2

mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
sgl ibDI juir Awhru kirAw qijE sgl AMdysw ] sagal bidhee jur aahar kari-aa, taji-o sagal aNdaysaa.
Making efforts by all devices collectively, I have discarded all my anxieties.
kwrju sgl ArMiBE Gr kw Twkur kw Bwrosw ]1]
kaaraj sagal araaMbhi-o ghar kaa, ṭaakur kaa bhaarosaa. ||1||
I have begun (to set in order) the affairs of my house (i.e. my heart), with faith in (the support of)
my Master. 1
sunIAY bwjY bwj suhwvI ] sunee-ai baajai baaj suhaavee.
I listen to the pleasing resonating (celestial) melody (i.e. I am in bliss).
Boru BieAw mY ipRA muK pyKy igRih mMgl suhlwvI ]1] rhwau ]
bhor bha-i-aa, mai pri-a mukh paykhay, garihi maNgal suhlaavee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding the face of my Beloved, (means) the morning has dawned; my home (i.e. heart) is
(now) filled with joy and (spiritual) happiness. 1 (pause)
mnUAw lwie svwry QwnW pUCau sMqw jwey ] manoo-aa laa-ay savaaray thaanaan, poochha-o saNtaa jaa-ay.
Focussing my mind, I have adorned my place (i.e. purified my heart), and, I go to the God-
oriented persons and ask them: (where is my Husband Lord?).
Kojq Kojq mY pwhun imilE Bgiq krau iniv pwey ]2]
khojat khojat mai paahun mili-o, bhagat kara-o niv paa-ay. ||2||
Seeking and searching, I have found my Guest (i.e. Husband Lord); I bow at His feet, and,
perform his devotion. 2
P. 1267
jb ipRA Awie bsy igRih Awsin qb hm mMglu gwieAw ]
jab pri-a aa-ay basay garihi aasan, tab ham maNgal gaa-i-aa.
When my Beloved (Lord) came to dwell in my home, in His seat, then I sang the song of joy.
mIq swjn myry Bey suhyly pRBu pUrw gurU imlwieAw ]3]
meet saajan mayray bha-ay suhaylay, prabh pooraa guroo milaa-i-aa. ||3||
My friends and companions (i.e. my sense organs) became happy; the Lord has united me with
the Perfect Guru. 3
sKI shylI Bey Anµdw guir kwrj hmry pUry ] sakhee sahaylee bha-ay anaNdaa, gur kaaraj hamray pooray.
My friends and companions (i.e. my sense organs) are in ecstasy; the Guru has settled all my
khu nwnk vru imilAw suKdwqw Coif n jweI dUry ]4]3]
kaho naanak, var mili-aa sukh-daata, chhod na jaa-ee dooray. ||4||3||
Says Nanak: I have found my Husband, the Giver of Happiness; He shall not leave me and go
away. 4.3
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
rwj qy kIt kIt qy surpiq kir doK jTr kau Brqy ] raaj tay keet, keet tay surpat, kar dokh jaṭar ka-o bhartay.
From a king to worm, and, from a worm to the lord of gods, they (all) commit sins to fill their
ik®pw iniD Coif Awn kau pUjih Awqm GwqI hrqy ]1]
kirpaa nidh chhod aan ka-o poojeh, aatam ghaatee hartay. ||1||
Renouncing the Treasure of Grace, they worship some other; they are thieves, and, the killers
of souls. 1

hir ibsrq qy duiK duiK mrqy ] har bisrat, tay dukh dukh martay.
Those, who forget God, they suffer sorrows and die in sorrows.
Aink bwr BRmih bhu jonI tyk n kwhU Drqy ]1] rhwau ]
anik baar bharmeh baho jonee, tayk na kaahoo dhartay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They wander in many wombs (i.e. in many reincarnation) many a time; (they) do not find place
of rest anywhere. 1 (pause)
iqAwig suAwmI Awn kau icqvq mUV mugD Kl Kr qy ]
ti-aag su-aamee, aan ka-o chitvat, mooṛ mugadh khal khar tay.
Those, who forget the Master and think of some other, (they) are stupid, idiots, foolish, (and are
like) donkeys.
kwgr nwv lµGih kq swgru ibRQw kQq hm qrqy ]2]
kaagar naav, laNgheh kat saagar, baritha kathat ‘ham tartay’. ||2||
How can get one cross over the ocean by boarding a boat of paper; it is useless (i.e. non sense) to
say: “we will cross over?” 2
isv ibrMic Asur sur jyqy kwl Agin mih jrqy ] siv biraNch* asur sur jaytay, kaal agan meh jartay.
Shiva, Brahma*, all the gods and demons, all burn in the fire of death.
[*Biranch is another name of Brahma, a mythical god].
nwnk srin crn kmln kI qum@ n fwrhu pRB krqy ]3]4]
naanak, saran charan kamlan kee, tumh na daarahu prabh kartay. ||3||4||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, O! Creator, I seek the refuge of Your lotus-feet, (please) do not throw
me away (and keep me in Your sanctuary). 3.4

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 1 Raag Malaar, Mehlaa 5, dupday, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
pRB myry Eie bYrwgI iqAwgI ] prabh mayray o-ay, bairaagee ti-aagee.
O! Lord, those, who are detached and free from attachment (to Maya) are mine (friends).
hau ieku iKnu iqsu ibnu rih n skau pRIiq hmwrI lwgI ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o ik khin tis bin reh na saka-o, preet hamaaree laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot live without them even for an instant; I am (so much) in love with them. 1 (pause)
aun kY sMig moih pRBu iciq AwvY sMq pRswid moih jwgI ]
un kai saNg mohi prabh chit aavai, saNt prasaad mohi jaagee.
In association with them the Lord comes into my consciousness; by the grace of the God-
oriented persons, I have been awakened (from sleep in Maya).
suin aupdysu Bey mn inrml gun gwey rMig rWgI ]1]
sun updays bha-ay man nirmal, gun gaa-ay raNg raangee. ||1||
Hearing their teachings, my mind has become immaculate. Imbued with the love (of God), I
sing (the praise of) His excellences.1
iehu mnu dyie kIey sMq mIqw ik®pwl Bey bfBwgˆØI ]
ih man day-ay kee-ay saNt meetaa, kirpaal bha-ay badbhaagee . N

Offering (i.e. dedicating) my mind, I have made the God-oriented persons, my friends; I am
fortunate that they have become Gracious (to me).

mhw suKu pwieAw brin n swkau rynu nwnk jn pwgI ]2]1]5]
mahaa sukh paa-i-aa, baran na saaka-o, rayn naanak jan paagee. ||2||1||5||
Nanak (says): obtaining the dust of the feet of these beings (i.e. devotees of God), I have found
so great (spiritual) happiness, that I cannot describe it, . 2.1.5
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
mweI moih pRIqmu dyhu imlweI ] maa-ee, mohi pareetam dayh milaa-ee.
O! (my) mother, get me to meet (i.e. unite) with my Beloved (Lord).
sgl shylI suK Bir sUqI ijh Gir lwlu bsweI ]1] rhwau ]
sagal sahaylee sukh bhar sootee, jih ghar laal basaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All my friends, whose Husband (Lord) dwells in their homes (i.e. heart), sleep in (spiritual)
happiness. 1 (pause)
moih Avgn pRBu sdw dieAwlw moih inrguin ikAw cqurweI ]
mohi avgan prabh sadaa da-i-aalaa mohi nirgun ki-aa chaturaa-ee.
I am virtue-less, the Lord is forever Merciful; I am without any virtue, (then) with what
cleverness (can I meet with Him)?
krau brwbir jo ipRA sMig rwqˆØI ieh haumY kI FITweI ]1]
kara-o baraabar jo pari-a saNg raateen ih ha-umai kee ḍeeṭaa-ee. ||1||
I try to be at par with those, who are imbued with their Beloveds; this (vain attempt) is my
stubborn egotism. 1
BeI inmwxI srin iek qwkI gur siqgur purK suKdweI ]
bha-ee nimaaṇee saran ik taakee gur satgur purakh sukh-daa-ee.
Becoming humble, I sought one refuge, of the Guru, the True Guru, (the image of) the Primal
Person, the Giver of Happiness.
eyk inmK mih myrw sBu duKu kwitAw nwnk suiK rYin ibhweI ]2]2]6]
ayk nimakh meh mayraa sabh dukh kaati-aa naanak sukh rain bihaa-ee. ||2||2||6||
Nanak (says): in a moment, he (i.e. True Guru) erased all my sorrows, (now) I pass my night (i.e.
life) in (spiritual) happiness (i.e. peace/poise). 2.2.6
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
brsu myG jI iqlu iblmu n lwau ] baras maygh* jee, til bilam na laa-o.
Rain down, O! dear cloud*, do not delay (even for an instant).
[O! Guru, rain down the AMmrit Name of the Lord. Here, cloud symbolises the Guru and the rain is AMmrit Name].
brsu ipAwry mnih sDwry hoie Andu sdw min cwau ]1] rhwau ]
baras pi-aaray, maneh sadhaaray, ho-ay anad sadaa man chaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Rain down (AMmrit Name), O! dear (Guru), O! support of (my) mind; you bring eternal bliss
and joy in my mind 1 (pause)
hm qyrI Dr suAwmIAw myry qU ikau mnhu ibswry ]
ham tayree dhar, su-aamee-aa mayray, too ki-o manhu bisaaray.
I take to Your support (and no other), O! my Master; why do you forget (me) from Your mind?
P. 1268
iesqRI rUp cyrI kI inAweI soB nhI ibnu Brqwry ]1]
istaree roop chayree kee ni-aa-ee, sobh nahee bin bhartaaray. ||1||
(I am) like a woman, a maid, who has no glory (i.e. honour) without (her) Husband. 1
[i.e. I am Your soul bride, O! Lord, I have no honour without You].

ibnau suinE jb Twkur myrY byig AwieE ikrpw Dwry ]
bin-o suni-o jab ṭaakur mayrai, bayg aa-i-o kirpaa dhaaray.
(When) my Master listened to my prayer, bestowing His Grace, he immediately rushed (to
dwell in my heart).
khu nwnk myro binE suhwgo piq soBw Bly Acwry ]2]3]7]
kaho naanak, mayro bani-o suhaago, pat sobhaa bhalay achaaray. ||2||3||7||
Says Nanak: now I have (become happy soul bride of) my Husband (Lord); (now), I have
honour, glory, and, my conduct has become good. 2.3.7
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
pRIqm swcw nwmu iDAwie ] preetam saachaa naam dhi-aa-ay.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the True Name of the Beloved (Lord).
dUK drd ibnsY Bv swgru gur kI mUriq irdY bswie ]1] rhwau ]
dookh darad binsai, bhav saagar, gur kee moorat ridai basaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sorrows and pains are destroyed, and, one crosses over the terrifying (world) ocean, by
enshrining the image of the Guru within the heart. 1 (pause)
dusmn hqy doKI siB ivAwpy hir srxweI AwieAw ]
dusman hatay, dokhee sabh vi-aapay, har sarṇaa-ee aa-i-aa.
The enemies and rivals, who had been troubling, are killed, (when) one comes to the refuge of
rwKnhwrY hwQ dy rwiKE nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw ]1]
raakhanhaarai haath day raakhi-o, naam padaarath paa-i-aa. ||1||
The Saviour (Lord) saves him by giving His hand; and, he obtains the wealth of the Name. 1
kir ikrpw iklivK siB kwty nwmu inrmlu min dIAw ]
kar kirpaa kilvikh sabh kaatay, naam nirmal man dee-aa.
Bestowing His Grace, He eradicates all his sins, and places (i.e. enshrines) the Name in his
gux inDwnu nwnk min visAw bwhuiV dUK n QIAw ]2]4]8]
guṇ nidhaan, naanak, man vasi-aa, baahuṛ dookh na thee-aa. ||2||4||8||
Nanak (says): (when) the Treasure of Excellences comes to dwell in his mind, and, one does not
suffer sorrows again. 2.4.8
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
pRB myry pRIqm pRwn ipAwry ] prabh mayray preetam, praan pi-aaray.
O! Lord, my Beloved, (You are) more beloved than my breath (of life).
pRym Bgiq Apno nwmu dIjY dieAwl AnugRhu Dwry ]1] rhwau ]
praym bhagat apno naam deejai, da-i-aal anoograhu dhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Merciful (Lord), bestow Your Kindness and bless me with loving devotion and Your Name.
1 (pause)
ismrau crn quhwry pRIqm irdY quhwrI Awsw ] simra-o charan tuhaaray preetam, ridai tuhaaree aasaa.
I meditate upon Your feet, O! (my) Beloved (Lord), and, my mind is filled with hope in You.
sMq jnw pih krau bynqI min drsn kI ipAwsw ]1]
saNt janaa peh kara-o bayntee, man darsan kee pi-aasaa. ||1||
I offer my prayer to the God-oriented persons (to help me behold Your vision): my mind thirsts
for Your vision (O! God). 1

ibCurq mrnu jIvnu hir imlqy jn kau drsnu dIjY ] bichhurat maran, jeevan har miltay, jan ka-o darsan deejai.
Separation (from God) is death, and, union with God is life; (O! God, please) bless Your servant
(i.e. devotee) with Your vision.
nwm ADwru jIvn Dnu nwnk pRB myry ikrpw kIjY ]2]5]9]
naam adhaar jeevan dhan, naanak, prabh mayray kirpaa keejai. ||2||5||9||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, please bestow Your Grace and bless me with the support of the Name,
(which is) the wealth of my life. 2.5.9
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
Ab Apny pRIqm isau bin AweI ] ab, apnay preetam si-o ban aa-ee.
Now, I am united with my Beloved (Lord).
rwjw rwmu rmq suKu pwieE brsu myG suKdweI ]1] rhwau ]
raajaa raam ramat sukh paa-i-o, baras maygh sukh-daa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditating upon the Sovereign Lord, I have found (spiritual) happiness; O! happiness-giving
cloud, (now) rain down (i.e. O! Guru, pour the Name of the Lord in my heart). 1 (pause)
ieku plu ibsrq nhI suK swgru nwmu nvY iniD pweI ]
ik pal bisrat nahee sukh saagar, naam navai nidh paa-ee.
(Now) the Ocean of Happiness (the Lord) does not forget me, even for an instant; I have
obtained the nine treasure of (His) Name.
audOqu BieE pUrn BwvI ko Byty sMq shweI ]1] udout bha-i-o pooran bhaavee ko, bhaytay sa t* sahaa-ee. ||1||
My perfect destiny has been illumined, (hence) I have met with the Guru* (who is) my help. 1
[*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
suK aupjy duK sgl ibnwsy pwrbRhm ilv lweI ] sukh upjay, dukh sagal binaasay, paarbrahm liv laa-ee.
(Since) I am attuned to the Supreme Lord, happiness has welled up (in me) and my sorrows
have vanished away.
qirE sMswru kiTn BY swgru hir nwnk crn iDAweI ]2]6]10]
tari-o saNsaar kaṭin bhai saagar, har naanak charan dhi-aa-ee. ||2||6||10||
Nanak (says): meditatinging upon the feet of God, I have crossed over the arduous and
terrifying (world) ocean. 2.6.10
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
Ginhr bris sgl jgu CwieAw ] ghanihar baras, sagal jag chhaa-i-aa.
Spreading all over the world, the cloud* is raining down.
[*Here Guru has been presented as cloud, and, the Name of the Lord has been symbolized as the rain].
Bey ik®pwl pRIqm pRB myry And mMgl suK pwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
bha-ay kirpaal preetam prabh mayray, anad maNgal sukh paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Since) my Beloved Lord has become Gracious to me, I am blessed with bliss, joy and
happiness. 1. (pause)
imty klys iqRsn sB bUJI pwrbRhmu min iDAwieAw ]
mitay kalays tarisan sabh boojhee, paarbraham man dhi-aa-i-aa.
My sorrows are erased, and, all my thirst (of desires) is quenched, (since) I have meditated
upon the Supreme Lord, within my mind.
swDsMig jnm mrn invwry bhuir n kqhU DwieAw ]1]
saadhsaNg janam maran nivaaray, bahur na kathoo dhaa-i-aa. ||1||
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, (the cycle of) birth and death comes to an
end; and, one does not have to wander anywhere (ever) again. 1

mnu qnu nwim inrMjin rwqau crn kml ilv lwieAw ]
man tan naam niraNjan raata-o, charan kamal liv laa-i-aa.
The mind and body are imbued with the Name of the Immaculate (Lord), when one is lovingly
attuned to His lotus-feet.
AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApnY nwnk dws srxwieAw ]2]7]11]
aNgeekaar kee-o prabh apnai, naanak daas sarṇaa-i-aa. ||2||7||11||
Nanak (says): the slave (i.e. devotee) who has enters the refuge of the Lord, He accepts him as
His own. 2.7.11
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
ibCurq ikau jIvy Eie jIvn ] icqih aulws Aws imlby kI crn kml rs pIvn ]1] rhwau ]
bichhurat ki-o jeevay, o-ay jeevan. chiteh ulaas aas milbay kee, charan kamal ras peevan. ||1||
How can they live a life of separation (from God) !
Their mind has yearning and hope to meet (the Lord), and, drink in the essence of His lotus-
feet. 1 (pause)
ijn kau ipAws qumwrI pRIqm iqn kau AMqru nwhI ] jin ka-o pi-aas tumaaree, preetam, tin ka-o a tar naahee.
Those, who are thirsty for You, O! Beloved (Lord), they have no distance (from You).
ijn kau ibsrY myro rwmu ipAwrw sy mUey mir jWhIN ]1]
jin ka-o bisrai mayro raam pi-aaraa, say moo-ay, mar jaanheen. ||1||
Those, who forget my Beloved God, they are (spiritually) dead, and dying. 1
P. 1269
min qin riv rihAw jgdIsur pyKq sdw hjUry ] man tan rav rahi-aa jagdeesur, paykhat sadaa hajooray.
One, in whose mind the Lord of the Universe is pervading, he beholds Him ever present and
visible (right before him).
nwnk riv rihE sB AMqir srb rihAw BrpUry ]2]8]12]
naanak, rav rahi-o sabh aNtar, sarab rahi-aa bharpooray. ||2||8||12||
Nanak (says): He is contained within all, and, (He) is pervading everywhere. 2.8.12
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
hir kY Bjin kaun kaun n qwry ] har kai bhajan, ka-un ka-un na taaray.
Meditating upon God, who and which ones have not been carried across (the world ocean)?
Kg qn mIn qn imRg qn brwh qn swDU sMig auDwry ]1] rhwau ]
khag tan, meen tan, marig tan, baraah tan; saadhoo* saNg udhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Those born into) the body of a bird, the body of a fish, the body of a deer,
the body of a boar ---- in the company of the Guru,* all have been liberated. 1 (pause)
[Here, sadhoo (God-oriented person) has been used for the Guru].
dyv kul dYq kul jK´ ikMnr nr swgr auqry pwry ] dayv kul, dait kul, jakhy, kiNnar, nar; saagar utray paaray.
The families of gods, the families of demons, the attendants of gods, the singers of the courts of
gods, and the humans ---- (all) have crossed over to the other side of the (world) ocean.
jo jo Bjnu krY swDU sMig qw ky dUK ibdwry ]1] jo jo bhajan karai saadhoo* sa g, taa kay dookh bidaaray ||1||
Whoever and whosoever meditates (upon God), in the company of the Guru* ---- his sorrows
are dispelled. 1 [Here, sadhoo (i.e. the God-oriented person) has been used for the Guru].
kwm kroD mhw ibiKAw rs ien qy Bey inrwry ] kaam karodh mahaa bikhi-aa ras, in tay bha-ay niraaray.
Sexual desire, anger, extreme pleasures of poison (i.e. vices), — they have been kept away (i.e.
they have been saved) from them.

dIn dieAwl jpih kruxw mY nwnk sd bilhwry ]2]9]13]
deen da-i-aal jaapeh karuṇaa mai, naanak ,sad balihaaray. ||2||9||13||
Nanak (says): those, who meditate upon the Merciful to the Poor, the Embodiment of
Compassionate, I am a sacrifice unto them. 2.9.13
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
Awju mY bYisE hir hwt ] aaj ,mai baisi-o har haat.
Today, I am seated in the shop of God.
nwmu rwis swJI kir jn isau jWau n jm kY Gwt ]1] rhwau ]
naam raas saajhee kar jan si-o, jaan-o na jam kai ghaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With (my) capital of the Name (of God), I have entered into partnership with the servants (i.e.
devotees of God), (now) I shall not (have to) take to the path of death. 1 (pause)
Dwir AnugRhu pwrbRhim rwKy BRm ky Kuly@ kpwt ]
dhaar anoograhu paarbarahm raakhay, bharam kay khulhay kapaat.
Bestowing His Mercy, the Supreme Lord has protected me; the doors of doubt have been
opened wide.
bysumwr swhu pRBu pwieAw lwhw crn iniD Kwt ]1]
baysumaar saahu prabh paa-i-aa, laahaa charan nidh khaat. ||1||
I have found the Lord, the Infinite Banker, and, as profit I have earned the treasure of His feet
(i.e. the honour of being in His feet). 1
srin ghI Acuq AibnwsI iklibK kwFy hY CWit ] saran gahee achut abhinaasee, kilbikh kaaḍay hai chhaa t.
I have grasped the refuge of the Ever-steady, Imperishable (Lord); He has picked up all my
sins and thrown them out.
kil klys imty dws nwnk bhuir n jonI mwt ]2]10]14]
kal kalays mitay, daas naanak, bahur na jonee maat. ||2||10||14||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): my troubles and sorrows have been erased (i.e. finished), my
clay (i.e. body / my being) shall not be consigned to the womb, again. 2.10.14
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
bhu ibiD mwieAw moh ihrwno ] baho bidh, maa-i-aa moh, hiraano.
In so many ways, the attachment to Maya robs (and ruins the beings).
koit mDy koaU ibrlw syvku pUrn Bgqu icrwno ]1] rhwau ]
kot madhay ko-oo birlaa sayvak, pooran bhagat chiraano. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Among tens of millions some rare one is a servant (i.e. devotee of God), who remains a perfect
devotee for very long time. 1 (pause)
ieq auq foil foil sRmu pwieE qnu Dnu hoq ibrwno ] it ut dol dol saram paa-i-o, tan dhan hot biraano.
Wandering and roaming, here and there, (finally) one gets tired; and, the body, the wealth (for
which he toils so hard) becomes strangers to him.
log durwie krq TigAweI hoqO sMig n jwno ]1] log duraa-ay karat thagi-aa-ee, hotou saNg na jaano. ||1||
Hiding from people, one practices cheating, (but) he does not know the One who is (always)
with him. 1
imRg pMKI mIn dIn nIc ieh sMkt iPir Awno ] marig paNkhee meen deen neech, ih saNkat fir aano.
(In the love of Maya, one lives his life like) the low incarnations of deer, bird and fish (but, he
continues committing vices, and forgets that), this calamity is to come again (i.e. it is to be
repeated again).

khu nwnk pwhn pRB qwrhu swDsMgiq suK mwno ]2]11]15]
kaho naanak, paahan prabh taarahu, saadhsaNgat sukh maano. ||2||11||15||
Says Nanak: O! Lord, I am (like) a stone (please) carry me across (the world ocean), so that I
may enjoy the happiness of being in the company of the God-oriented persons. 2.11.15

mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5

dust muey ibKu KweI rI mweI ] dusat mu-ay bikh khaa-ee, ree maa-ee.
The wicked ones* have died having taken poison, O! my mother,.
[*The passions of sexual desire, anger, greed, attachment and pride are dead, now].
ijs ky jIA iqn hI riK lIny myry pRB kau ikrpw AweI ]1] rhwau ]
jis kay jee-a tin hee rakh leenay, mayray prabh ka-o kirpaa aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One, whom we (all) belong to, has saved us; (this has happened because) my Lord has
bestowed His Grace. 1 (pause)
AMqrjwmI sB mih vrqY qW Bau kYsw BweI ] aNtarjaamee sabh meh vartai, taan bha-o kaisaa bhaa-ee.
(When) the Controller of the Souls is contained within all, then why should one be afraid (of
any thing), O! brethren?
sMig shweI Coif n jweI pRBu dIsY sBnI TweˆØI ]1]
saNg sahaa-ee, chhod na jaa-ee, prabh deesai sabhnee ṭaa-en. ||1||
(He is) the Companion (of all) and always with us; He shall never leave us; the Lord is seen
(pervading) everywhere. 1
AnwQw nwQu dIn duK BMjn Awip lIey liV lweI ] anaathaa naath, deen dukh bhaNjan, aap lee-ay laṛ laa-ee.
He is the Master of the master-less; the Destroyer of the Sorrows of the Poor, He Himself has
attached us to the hem of His robe (i.e. he has taken all under His protection).
hir kI Et jIvih dws qyry nwnk pRB srxweI ]2]12]16]
har kee ot jeeveh daas tayray, naanak, prabh sarṇaa-ee. ||2||12||16||
Nanak (says): O! Lord, Your slaves (i.e. devotees) live by Your support, O! God; O! Lord, I
(too) have come to Your refuge. 2.12.16

mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5

mn myry hir ky crn rvIjY ] man mayray, har kay charan raveejai.
O! my mind, dwell on the feet of God.
drs ipAws myro mnu moihE hir pMK lgwie imlIjY ]1] rhwau ]
daras pi-aas mayro man mohi-o, har paNkh lagaa-ay mileejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is fascinated by thirst for the vision (of God); I wish I had wings (and fly) to meet
God. 1 (pause)
Kojq Kojq mwrgu pwieE swDU syv krIjY ] khojat khojat maarag paa-i-o, saadhoo* sayv kareejai.
Searching and seeking, I have found the path (to God) (and, the path is) to serve the Guru*.
[Here, sadhoo (God-oriented person) has been used for the Guru].
Dwir AnugRhu suAwmI myry nwmu mhw rsu pIjY ]1]
dhaar anoograhu su-aamee mayray, naam mahaa ras peejai. ||1||
(Please) bestow Your Mercy (upon me), O! my Master that I may drink in the sublime essence
of (Your) Name. 1

qRwih qRwih kir srnI Awey jlqau ikrpw kIjY ] traahi traahi kar sarnee aa-ay, jalta-o kirpaa keejai.
Calling: ‘Protect’ ‘protect’ , I have come to Your refuge, I am burning (in the fire of vices),
(please) bestow Your Grace upon me.
kru gih lyhu dws Apuny kau nwnk Apuno kIjY ]2]13]17]
kar geh layho daas apunay ka-o, naanak, apuno keejai. ||2||13||17||
Nanak (says): (I am) Your slave (i.e. devotee), (please) hold my hand, and make me Your own.
P. 1270
mlwr mÚ 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
pRB ko Bgiq bClu ibrdwieE ] prabh ko, bhagat bachhal birdaari-o.
It is the Lord’s nature that He loves (His) devotees.
inMdk mwir crn ql dIny Apuno jsu vrqwieE ]1] rhwau ]
niNdak maar charan tal deenay, apuno jas vartaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Killing the slanderers (of the devotees), He places them under His feet (i.e. He crushes and
destroys), and manifests His glory
jY jY kwru kIno sB jg mih dieAw jIAn mih pwieE ]
jai jai kaar keeno sabh jag meh, da-i-aa jee-an meh paa-i-o.
He glorifies them (i.e. His devotees) in the whole of the world; He blesses all beings with
compassion (for His devotee).
kMiT lwie Apuno dwsu rwiKE qwqI vwau n lwieE ]1]
kaNṭ laa-ay apuno daas raakhi-o, taatee vaa-o na laa-i-o. ||1||
Taking them in His embrace, He does not let hot air (even) touch them (i.e. He does not let them
suffer even a little bit). 1
AMgIkwru kIE myry suAwmI BRmu Bau myit suKwieE ]
aNgeekaar kee-o mayray su-aamee, bharam bha-o mayt sukhaa-i-o.
Making them (i.e. devotees) His own, my Master dispels their fears and doubts, and makes
them happy.
mhw Anµd krhu dws hir ky nwnk ibsÍwsu min AwieE ]2]14]18]
mahaa anaNd karahu daas har kay, naanak, bisvaas man aa-i-o. ||2||14||18||
Nanak (says): those slaves (i..e devotees) of God, in whose minds faith wells up, enjoy great
ecstasy. 2.14.18

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 Raag Malaar, Mehlaa 5, cha-upday, ghar 2
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gurmuiK dIsY bRhm pswru ] gurmukh, deesai barahm pasaar.
Through the Guru, one sees (the whole universe as) the expanse of God.
gurmuiK qRY guxIAW ibsQwru ] gurmukh, trai guṇee-aan* bisthaar.
Through the Guru, one sees the whole creation is) the expanse of the three gunaas*.
[*Literally, guna means quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world, are subject to these qualities].

gurmuiK nwd byd bIcwru ] gurmukh, naad bayd beechaar.
Through the Guru, one reflects upon the (celestial) sound and the thought of the Vedas.
ibnu gur pUry Gor AMDwru ]1] bin gur pooray, ghor aNdhaar. ||1||
Without perfect Guru, it is all terrible haze. 1
myry mn guru guru krq sdw suKu pweIAY ] mayray man, gur gur karat sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai.
O! my mind, chanting (the Name of) the Guru, the Guru, one obtains eternal happiness.
gur aupdyis hir ihrdY visE swis igrwis Apxw Ksmu iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
gur updays har hirdai vasi-o, saas giraas apṇaa khasam dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Through (i.e. by following) the instructions of the Guru, God comes to dwell within the heart;
(O! brethren, let us) meditate upon our Master by (every) breath and morsel (of food). 1 (pause)
gur ky crx ivthu bil jwau ] gur kay charaṇ vitahu, bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto the feet of the Guru.
gur ky gux Anidnu inq gwau ] gur kay guṇ, an-din nit gaa-o.
Day and night, I continually sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Guru,
gur kI DUiV krau iesnwnu ] gur kee dhooṛ, kara-o isnaan.
I take (cleansing) bath in the dust (of the feet) of the Guru.
swcI drgh pweIAY mwnu ]2] saachee dargeh, paa-ee-ai maan. ||2||
(Hence, by the Grace of the Guru) I am honored in the True Court (of God). 2
guru boihQu Bvjl qwrxhwru ] gur bohith, bhavjal taaraṇhaar.
The Guru is the boat, to carry across the terrifying (world) ocean.
guir ByitAY n hoie join Aauqwru ] gur bhayti-ai, na ho-ay jon a-utaar.
Meeting with the Guru, one does not ascend the womb (i.e. one is not reincarnated).
gur kI syvw so jnu pwey ] jw kau krim iliKAw Duir Awey ]3]
gur kee sayvaa, so jan paa-ay. jaa ka-o, karam likhi-aa dhur aa-ay. ||3||
Only that servant (i.e. devotee) obtains the service of the Guru;
who has such destiny inscribed upon his forehead (i.e. pre-ordained) from the very beginning. 3
guru myrI jIvin guru AwDwru ] gur mayree jeevan, gur aadhaar.
The Guru is my life; the Guru is my support (of life).
guru myrI vrqix guru prvwru ] gur mayree vartaṇ, gur parvaar.
The Guru is my conduct (i.e. way of life); the Guru is my family.
guru myrw Ksmu siqgur srxweI ] gur mayraa khasam satgur sarṇaa-ee.
The Guru is my Master, the True Guru is my sanctuary.
nwnk guru pwrbRhmu jw kI kIm n pweI ]4]1]19]
naanak, gur paarbrahm, jaa kee keem na paa-ee. ||4||1||19||
Nanak (says): the Guru is (the form / image of) the Supreme Lord; His value cannot be assayed.
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
gur ky crn ihrdY vswey ] gur kay charan, hirdai vasaa-ay.
I enshrined the feet of the Guru within my heart.
kir ikrpw pRiB Awip imlwey ] kar kirpaa, prabh aap milaa-ay.
Bestowing His Grace, the Lord Himself has united me with Himself.
Apny syvk kau ley pRBu lwie ] apnay sayvak ka-o, la-ay prabh laa-ay.
The Lord Himself attaches His servant to Himself.

qw kI kImiq khI n jwie ]1] taa kee keemat, kahee na jaa-ay. ||1||
(One, who is attached to God) his val
, aithai othai nibhai naal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! (my) mind, remember (i.e. dwell upon) the Name, forever and ever.
it (i.e. the Name) is obtained through the service of the perfect Guru; and, it remains with us,
here and hereafter. 1 (pause)
duKu BMnw BY BMjnhwr ] AwpixAw jIAw kI kIqI swr ]
dukh bhaNnaa, bhai bhaNjanhaar. aapṇi-aa jee-aa kee keetee saar.
He is the Destroyer of Sorrows, and, the Destroyer of Fears. He takes care of His beings.
rwKnhwr sdw imhrvwn ] sdw sdw jweIAY kurbwn ]2]
raakhanhaar sadaa miharvaan. sadaa sadaa, jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. ||2||
He is the Protector, and, forever Gracious. I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto Him. 2
kwlu gvwieAw krqY Awip ] kaal gavaa-i-aa kartai aap.
The Creator Himself has eliminated the (fear of) death.
sdw sdw mn iqs no jwip ] sadaa sadaa, man tis no jaap.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon Him, forever and ever.
idRsit Dwir rwKy siB jMq ] darisat dhaar, raakhay sabh jaNt.
Bestowing His Glance (of Grace), He takes care of all.
gux gwvhu inq inq BgvMq ]3] guṇ gaavhu nit nit bhagvaNt. ||3||
Continually and forever, sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of Fortune*. 3
[*Bhagvant, literally: the ‘Possessor/Lord of Fortune. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
eyko krqw Awpy Awp ] ayko kartaa aapay aap.
The One Creator is Himself by Himself (i.e He is everything/ all power).
hir ky Bgq jwxih prqwp ] har kay bhagat jaaṇeh partaap.
The devotees of God know His Grandeur.
nwvY kI pYj rKdw AwieAw ] naavai kee paij rakh-daa aa-i-aa.
He preserves the honour of His Name.
nwnku bolY iqs kw bolwieAw ]4]3]21] naanak, bolai tis kaa bolaa-i-aa. ||4||3||21||
Nanak (says): I speak as He gets me to speak. 4.3.21

mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5

gur srxweI sgl inDwn ] swcI drgih pweIAY mwnu ]
gur sarṇaa-ee sagal nidhaan. saachee dargahi paa-ee-ai maan.
All treasures are (found) in the refuge of the Guru; and,
one is blessed with honour in the True Court (of God).
Brmu Bau dUKu drdu sBu jwie ] swDsMig sd hir gux gwie ]1]
bharam bha-o dookh darad, sabh jaa-ay. saadhsaNg, sad har gun gaa-ay. ||1||
(All) doubts, fears, sorrows, pains are taken away, (by)
singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, in the company of the God-oriented persons. 1
mn myry guru pUrw swlwih ] man mayray gur pooraa saalaahi.
O! my mind, praise the perfect Guru.

nwmu inDwnu jphu idnu rwqI mn icMdy Pl pwie ]1] rhwau ]
naam nidhaan japahu din raatee, man chiNday fal paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Day and night, meditate upon the Name, (which is) the treasure (of total happiness), and, you
shall obtain the fruit of your mind’s desires. 1 (pause)
siqgur jyvfu Avru n koie ] satgur jayvad avar na ko-ay.
No one else is as great as the True Guru.
guru pwrbRhmu prmysru soie ] gur paarbrahm parmaysar so-ay.
The Guru is (the image of) the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master.
jnm mrx dUK qy rwKY ] mwieAw ibKu iPir bhuiV n cwKY ]2]
janam maraṇ dookh tay raakhai. maa-i-aa bikh, fir bahuṛ na chaakhai. ||2||
He saves (us) from the pains of birth and death; (hence)
one does not have to taste the poison of Maya, ever again. 2
gur kI mihmw kQnu n jwie ] guru prmysru swcY nwie ]
gur kee mahimaa, kathan na jaa-ay. gur parmaysar, saachai naa-ay.
The glory of the Guru cannot be described.
The Guru (is the image of) the Supreme Master; (He is) absorbed in the True Name.
scu sMjmu krxI sBu swcI ] so mnu inrmlu jo gur sMig rwcI ]3]
sach saNjam, karṇee sabh saachee. so man nirmal, jo gur saNg raachee. ||3||
True is his (i.e the Guru’s) discipline, and, true are his actions.
Immaculate is that mind, which is imbued with the Guru. 3
guru pUrw pweIAY vf Bwig ] kwmu k®oDu loBu mn qy iqAwig ]
gur pooraa paa-ee-ai vad bhaag. kaam krodh lobh, man tay ti-aag.
The Perfect Guru is obtained by great (good) fortune;
(and, then) one drives out sexual desire, anger, greed from one’s mind.
kir ikrpw gur crx invwis ] nwnk kI pRB scu Ardwis ]4]4]22]
kar kirpaa, gur charaṇ nivaas. naanak kee prabh, sach ardaas. ||4||4||22||
Nanak (says): (please) bestow Your Grace that I may enshrine the feet of the Guru (within my
heart). O! Lord, I offer this true prayer (unto You). 4.4.22

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 pVqwl Gru 3 Raag Malaar, Mehlaa 5, paṛ-taal, ghar 3
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gur mnwir ipRA dieAwr isau rMgu kIAw ] kIno rI sgl sˆØIgwr ]
gur manaar, pri-a da-i-aar si-o raNg kee-aa. keeno ree sagal seengaar.
(The soul bride, who has) pleased the Guru, and, enjoyed love with Merciful Husband (Lord);
(in doing so) O! dear, she has made all her decorations; and,
qijE rI sgl ibkwr ] Dwvqo AsiQru QIAw ]1] rhwau ]
taji-o ree sagal bikaar. dhaavto asthir thee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! dear, she has renounced all vices, and, has made her wandering mind steady.1 (pause)
AYsy ry mn pwie kY Awpu gvwie kY kir swDn isau sMgu ]
aisay, ray man, paa-ay kai, aap gavaa-ay kai, kar saadhan si-o saNg.
O! (my) mind, achieve this (state) by losing your self-conceit, and, by associating with the God-
oriented persons.

bwjy bjih imRdMg Anwhd koikl rI rwm nwmu bolY mDur bYn Aiq suhIAw ]1]
baajay bajeh maridaNg, anaahad kokil ree, raam naam bolai, madhur bain at suhee-aa. ||1||
(Then within your mind ) the drums of the unstruck melody (of the Word) shall resound; and,
(your tongue) shall chant the Name of God as the cuckoo sings in sweet and beautiful words. 1
AYsI qyry drsn kI soB Aiq Apwr ipRA AmoG qYsy hI sMig sMq bny ]
aisee tayray darsan kee sobh, at apaar pari-a amogh, taisay hee saNg saNt banay.
(O! God), such is the glory of Your vision, (which is) greatly infinite and fruitful; and, such is
(the state of) company of the God-oriented persons !
Bv auqwr nwm Bny ] rm rwm rwm mwl ] bhav utaar naam bhanay. ram raam raam maal.
Chanting the Name, one crosses over the frightening (world ocean);
by meditating upon the rosary of (the Name of) God, the Lord, the Master.
P. 1272
min Pyrqy hir sMig sMgIAw ] jn nwnk ipRau pRIqmu QIAw ]2]1]23]
man fayrtay har saNg saNgee-aa. jan naanak, pri-o preetam thee-aa. ||2||1||23||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, who turn their mind towards God, in the company
of the congregation (of the God-oriented persons); the Beloved (Lord) becomes sweet to them.
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
mnu GnY BRmY bnY ] man, ghanai bharmai banai.
(My) mind wanders through thick forest (i.e. the world).
aumik qris cwlY ] umak, taras chaalai.
In longing, it walks with enthusiasm.
pRB imlby kI cwh ]1] rhwau ] prabh milbay kee chaah. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It has longing for union with the Lord. 1 (pause)
qRY gun mweI moih AweI khMau bydn kwih ]1] tarai gun maa-ee mohi aa-ee, kahaN-o baydan kaahi. ||1||
Maya, with its three gunaas has come to fascinate (me), whom can I tell my agony?
Awn aupwv sgr kIey nih dUK swkih lwih ] aan upaav sagar kee-ay, neh dookh saakeh laahi.
I tried, many other ways, but (they) could not rid me of my pain.
Bju srin swDU nwnkw imlu gun goibMdih gwih ]2]2]24]
bhaj saran saadhoo*, naankaa, mil gun gobiNdeh gaahi. ||2||2||24||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) run to the refuge of the Guru*; and, joining him sing (the praise of)
the excellences of the Lord of the World. 2.2.24 [*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
ipRA kI soB suhwvnI nIkI ] pri-a kee sobh, suhaavanee neekee.
The glory of my Beloved(Lord) is beautiful, and superb.
hwhw hUhU gMDRb Apsrw Anµd mMgl rs gwvnI nIkI ]1] rhwau ]
haahaa hoohoo, gaNdharab apsaraa, anaNd maNgal ras gaavnee neekee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(It seems that) Haha, Huhu (a kind of heavenly singers), and, heavenly beauties, are singing the
sublime songs of love, bliss and joy. 1 (pause)
Duinq lilq gung´ Aink BWiq bhu ibiD rUp idKwvnI nIkI ]1]
dhunit lalit gun-gay anik bhaant, baho bidh roop dikhaavanee neekee. ||1||
The worthy (musicians) play the sounds of melody of many types (in praise of the Lord), and,
their presentation of many forms seems superb. 1

iqAwig mwieAw Doh ] imil sMq nwnk jwigAw ]2]5]27]
ti-aag maa-i-aa dhoh. mil saNt, naanak, jaagi-aa. ||2||5||27||
Nanak (says): renouncing the cheating of Maya, and,
joining the God-oriented person, it (i.e. the mind) is awakened. 2.5.27

mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5

gun guopwl gwau nIq ] rwm nwm Dwir cIq ]1] rhwau ]
gun gopaal gaa-o neet. raam naam dhaar cheet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) sing forever (the praise of) the excellences of God; and,
enshrine the Name of God within (your) consciousness. 1 (pause)
Coif mwnu qij gumwnu imil swDUAw kY sMig ] chhod maan, taj gumaan, mil saadhoo-aa kai saNg.
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, forsake your pride and renounce your self-
hir ismir eyk rMig imit jWih doK mIq ]1] har simar, ayk raNg, mit jaanhi dokh meet. ||1||
Remember (i.e. meditate upon the Name of) God with single-minded love; and, your sorrows
shall be ended, O! (my) friend. 1
pwrbRhm Bey dieAwl ] ibnis gey ibKY jMjwl ] paarbrahm bha-ay da-i-aal. binas ga-ay bikhai jaNjaal.
(When) the Supreme Lord becomes Merciful,
all entanglements of poison (i.e. Maya) vanish away.
swD jnW kY crn lwig ] nwnk gwvY goibMd nIq ]2]6]28]
saadh janaan kai charan laag. naanak, gaavai gobiNd neet. ||2||6||28||
Nanak (says): (then) grasping the feet of the God-oriented persons, he sings forever (the praise
of) the excellences of the Lord of the World. 2.6.28
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
Gnu grjq goibMd rUp ] gun gwvq suK cYn ]1] rhwau ]
ghan garjat gobiNd roop. gun gaavat sukh chain. ||1|| rahaa-o
(The Guru) the embodiment of the Lord of the World roars (like thunder of) the cloud; and,his
singing (of the praise of) His excellences brings happiness and peace. 1 (pause)
hir crn srn qrn swgr Duin Anhqw rs bYn ]1]
har charan saran, taran saagar, dhun anhataa ras bain. ||1||
The refuge of the (lotus) feet of God carries across the (world) ocean, and, the sweet word (of
the Guru) are the unstruck melody. 1
piQk ipAws icq srovr Awqm jlu lYn ] pathik pi-aas, chit sarovar, aatam jal lain.
The mind of the (spiritually) thirsty traveller goes to the pool (i.e. the Guru)to get (AMmrit) water
for his soul.
hir drs pRym jn nwnk kir ikrpw pRB dYn ]2]7]29]
har daras praym, jan naanak, kar kirpaa prabh dain. ||2||7||29||
Servants (i.e. devotees) Nanak (says): I love(to behold)the vision of God; bestowing His Grace,
the Lord blesses me with it. 2.7.29
P. 1273
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
hy goibMd hy gopwl hy dieAwl lwl ]1] rhwau ] hay gobiNd, hay gopaal, hay da-i-aal laal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Lord of the World, O! Sustainer of the World, O! Merciful, O! Beautiful (Lord). 1 (pause)

igir qr Ql jl Bvn Brpuir Git Git lwln CwvnI nIkI ]
gir tar thal jal bhavan bharpur, ghat ghat laalan chhaavnee neekee.
(God is permeating) throughout the mountains, the trees (i.e. forests), the lands, the waters (i.e.
oceans), and, in the (three) worlds;
the grandeur of the Beloved (Lord) is pervading each and every heart.
swDsMig rwmeIAw rsu pwieE nwnk jw kY BwvnI nIkI ]2]3]25]
saadhsaNg raam-ee-aa ras paa-i-o, naanak, jaa kai bhaavnee neekee. ||2||3||25||
Nanak (says): those, who have sublime faith, obtain the love of God in the congregation of the
God-oriented persons. 2.3.25
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
gur pRIiq ipAwry crn kml ird AMqir Dwry ]1] rhwau ]
gur preet pi-aaray, charan kamal rid aNtar dhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With the love of the beloved Guru, I enshrine the lotus feet (of God), within my heart. 1 (pause)
drsu sPilE drsu pyiKE gey iklibK gey ] daras safli-o, daras paykhi-o, ga-ay kilbikh ga-ay.
Fruitful is the vision (of the Guru); (because of this) I have beheld the vision (i.e. of God), and all
my sins are erased and taken away; and,
mn inrml aujIAwry ]1] man nirmal ujee-aaray. ||1||
the mind has become immaculate and enlightened. 1
ibsm ibsmY ibsm BeI ] bisam bismai bisam bha-ee.
Beholding His wonders, I am amazed and wonder-struck.
AG koit hrqy nwm leI ] agh kot hartay, naam la-ee.
Meditating upon His Name, tens of millions of sins are erased.
gur crn msqku fwir phI ] gur charan, mastak daar pahee.
Placing my forehead I have fallen at the feet of the Guru.
pRB eyk qUMhI eyk quhI ] Bgq tyk quhwry ]
prabh, ayk tooNhee, ayk tuhee. bhagat tayk tuhaaray.
O! Lord, You alone are, You alone are (in this world and in the world hereafter).
You (alone) are the Support of the devotees.
jn nwnk srin duAwry ]2]4]26] jan naanak saran du-aaray. ||2||4||26||
Servant (i.e. devotee)Nanak (says): I seek refuge at Your Door. 2.4.26
mlwr mhlw 5 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 5
brsu srsu AwigAw ] hoih Awnµd sgl Bwg ]1] rhwau ]
baras saras, aagi-aa. hohi aanaNd sagal bhaag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! cloud) rain down with happiness, in the Will of God;
this brings total joy and (good) fortune. 1 (pause)
sMq sMgy mnu prPVY imil myG Dr suhwg ]1] saNt saNgay man parfaṛai, mil maygh dhar suhaag. ||1||
The mind blossoms forth, in the company of the God-oriented persons, (just as) meeting
(soaked up by) the clouds, the earth becomes fortunate. 1
GnGor pRIiq mor ] icqu cwiqRk bUMd Er ] Ayso hir sMgy mn moh ]
ghanghor, preet mor. chit chaatrik, booNd or. aiso har saNgay man moh.
The peacock loves the thunder of the clouds;
The mind of the chaatrik (i.e rain bird), is (always) attached to the rain-drop;
so is the mind (of the devotee) attached to God; (and, then)

P. 1410
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal moorat******, ajoonee,
saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-
free****, free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-
incarnated), self-existent (i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which
makes 1E as < , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of
God]. [** sat + naam is not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of
God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the
Creator of the entire creation. He does not have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that
there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for
and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is not subject to Time/Age or any other
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an

slok vwrW qy vDIk ] salok vaaraa tay vadheek Saloks in addition to the Vaars

mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
auqMgI pYEhrI gihrI gMBIrI ] utaNgee pai-ohree, gahiree gaMbheeree.
[A friend asks]: O! You (young lady) with swollen breast, (let your nature) become deep
and profound (i.e. do not be proud of your youth and become humble and sober).
ssuiV suhIAw ikv krI invxu n jwie QxI ] sasuṛ suhee-aa kiv karee, nivaṇ na jaa-ay thaṇee.
[She replies]: How can I bow to my mother-in-law; because of my (stiff, heavy) nipples, I
cannot bow.
gcu ij lgw igVvVI sKIey DaulhrI ] sy BI Fhdy ifTu mY muMD n grbu QxI ]1]
gach je lagaa girvaṛee, sakhee-ay dha-ulharee.
say bhee ḍahday diṭ mai, muNdh na garab thaṇee. ||1||
[The friend says again]: O! (my) companion, (look at) those (mansions built as tall and
high) as mountains, plastered with lime. I have seen (even) those falling down;
(therefore) O! (soul) bride, do not be proud of your nipples (i.e. youth and beauty). 1
suix muMDy hrxwKIey gUVw vYxu Apwru ] suṇ muNdhay harṇaakhee-ay, gooṛaa vaiṇ apaar.
O! (soul) bride, with deer-like eyes, listen deep and infinite words (i.e. words of wisdom).
pihlw vsqu is\wix kY qW kIcY vwpwru ] pahilaa vasat sinjaaṇ kai, taan keechai vaapaar.
First examine the merchandise, then (alone) engage in trading.
dohI idcY durjnw imqRW kUM jYkwru ] dohee dichai durjanaa, mitraan kooN jaikaar.
Proclaim (dissociation with) evil people, and, celebrate victory of the friends (i.e.
proclaim praise of the noble people).
ijqu dohI sjx imlin lhu muMDy vIcwru ] jit dohee sajaṇ milan, lahu muNdhay veechaar.
The proclamation that gets you to meet friends, O! (soul) bride, give thought to that.
qnu mnu dIjY sjxw AYsw hsxu swru ] tan man deejai sajṇaa, aisaa hasaṇ saar.
Surrender your body and mindto the friends; and, such laughing (i.e. pleasure) is

iqs sau nyhu n kIceI ij idsY clxhwru ] tis sa-o nayhu na keech-ee, je disai chalaṇhaar.
Do not fall in love with one, which is (sure/ destined) to leave (i.e. who is ephemeral/ transitory).
nwnk ijn@I iev kir buiJAw iqn@w ivthu kurbwxu ]2]
naanak, jinhee iv kar bujhi-aa, tinhaa vitahu kurbaaṇ ||2||
Nanak (says): those who understand (reality) this way, I am a sacrifice unto them. 2
jy qUM qwrU pwix qwhU puCu iqVMn@ kl ] jay tooN taaroo paaṇ, taahoo puchh tiṛNnh kal.
If you wish to cross over the waters (of the world ocean), then ask (i.e. learn from) those who
know the art (of swimming).
qwhU Kry sujwx vM\w eyn@I kprI ]3] taahoo kharay sujaaṇ, vaNnjaa aynhee kapree. ||3||
Those, who have (successfully) crossed over through these (vicious) waves(of world ocean), are
very wise. 3
JV JKV EhwV lhrI vhin lKysrI ] jhaṛ jhakhaṛ ohaaṛ, lahree vahan lakhaysaree.
The storm is raging and the rain is flooding (the world ocean), and, hundreds of thousands of
waves are surging.
siqgur isau Awlwie byVy fubix nwih Bau ]4] satgur si-o aalaa-ay, bayṛay dubaṇ naahi bha-o. ||4||
Speak (i.e. ask for help) to the True Guru; (then) there will be no fear of sinking of your boat. 4
nwnk dunIAw kYsI hoeI ] swlku imqu n rihE koeI ]
naanak dunee-aa kaisee ho-ee. saalak mit na rahi-o ko-ee.
Nanak (says): what has happened to the world? (Now) there is no guide or friend.
BweI bMDI hyqu cukwieAw ] dunIAw kwrix dInu gvwieAw ]
bhaa-ee baNdhee hayt chukaa-i-aa. dunyaa kaaraṇ deen gawaaya.
There is no love (even) between brothers and relations.
For the sake world (i.e. wealth), they have lost their faith. 5
hY hY kir kY Eih kryin ] gl@w iptin isru Kohyin ] hay hay kar kai oohe karen. galhaa pitan sir khohayn.
(When someone dies) they utter ‘hai’ hai’ (i.e. sounds of wailing), and, ‘ooh’ (i.e. sounds of grief).
They beat (i.e. slap) their cheeks (and breasts) and pull their hair out.
nwau lYin Aru krin smwie ] nwnk iqn bilhwrY jwie ]6]
naa-o lain, ar karan samaa-ay. naanak, tin balihaarai jaa-ay. ||6||
(But, those, who) chant the Name (of God) and keep peace (i.e. bow to the pleasure of God);
Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice unto them. 6
ry mn fIig n folIAY sIDY mwrig Dwau ] ray man, deeg na dolee-ai, seedhai maarag dhaa-o.
O! (my) mind, do not waver or take on uneven path, and, take the straight (i.e. right/true) path.
pwCY bwGu frwvxo AwgY Agin qlwau ] paachhai baagh daraavṇo, aagai agan talaa-o.
Behind you are terrible tigers, and, the pool of fire is ahead.
shsY jIArw pir rihE mw kau Avru n FMgu ] sahsai jee-araa par rahi-o, maa ka-o avar na ḍaNg.
My mind is in doubts, and, I cannot see any other way (to save myself from the tigers and fire).
nwnk gurmuiK CutIAY hir pRIqm isau sMgu ]7] naanak, gurmukh chhutee-ai, har preetam si-o saNg. ||7||
Nanak (says): one can be saved, if one finds the company of the Beloved (Lord) through the
Guru. 7
bwGu mrY mnu mwrIAY ijsu siqgur dIiKAw hoie ] baagh marai man maaree-ai, jis satgur deekhi-aa ho-ay.
If the mind is killed (i.e. conquered), (then) the tiger (i.e. fear of death) is killed, if one has (i.e.

follows) the teaching of the True Guru.
Awpu pCwxY hir imlY bhuiV n mrxw hoie ] aap pachhaaṇai, har milai, bahuṛ na marṇaa ho-ay.
One who realizes his own self, meets God; and, never dies again.
P. 1411
kIciV hwQu n bUfeI eykw ndir inhwil ] keechaṛ haath na bood-ee, aykaa nadar nihaal.
(When) the One (Lord) casts His Glance of Grace, one’s hand does not get dipped in the mud
(i.e. is not be stained by the filth of vices).
nwnk gurmuiK aubry guru srvru scI pwil ]8] naanak, gurmukh ubray, gur sarvar sachee paal. ||8||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented ones are saved; the Guru surrounds the sea with the
embankment of Truth. 8
Agin mrY jlu loiV lhu ivxu gur iniD jlu nwih ] agan marai jal loṛ lahu, viṇ gur nidh jal naahi.
If you wish to put out the fire (of desires), then look for water (i.e. the Name), but, without the
Guru, the ocean of water (i.e. AMmrit) is not found.
jnim mrY BrmweIAY jy lK krm kmwih ] janam marai bharmaa-ee-ai, jay lakh karam kamaahi.
(Without the water of the Name) one has to wander through birth and death (i.e. reincarnation),
even if one may earn (i.e. practice) hundreds of thousands of (religious) deeds (i.e. rituals).
jmu jwgwiq n lgeI jy clY siqgur Bwie ] jam jaagaat na lag-ee, jay chalai satgur bhaa-ay.
One is not taxed by the messenger of death, if one walks in the Will of the True Guru.
nwnk inrmlu Amr pdu guru hir mylY mylwie ]9] naanak, nirmal amar pad, gur har maylai maylaa-ay. ||9||
Nanak (says): one obtains immaculate immortal status when the Guru unites one in union
with God. 9
klr kyrI CpVI kaUAw mil mil nwie ] mnu qnu mYlw AvguxI icMju BrI gMDI Awie ]
kalar kayree chhapṛee, ka-oo-aa mal mal naa-ay.
man tan mailaa avguṇee, chinj bharee gandhee aa-ay.
The crow* rubs and washes itself in pond (which is) filled with alkaline soil.
Its mind and body are polluted with vices, and, its beak is filled with dirt.
[*Crow symbolizes mind-oriented person, who lives life of vices and sins].
srvru hMis n jwixAw kwg kupMKI sMig ] sarvar haNs na jaaṇi-aa, kaag kupaNkhee saNg.
The swan (i.e. one who has inherited nobility) does not know the pool (of vices and sins), because
it (i.e. such pool) has association with damned birds like crows.
swkq isau AYsI pRIiq hY bUJhu igAwnI rMig ] saakat si-o aisee preet hai, boojhhu gi-aanee raNg.
Such is the love with the non-believer; O! giaanees (spiritual scholars), understand this with
sMq sBw jYkwru kir gurmuiK krm kmwau ] saNt* sabhaa jaikaar kar, gurmukh karam kamaa-o.
(So) hail the victory (i.e. praise) of the company of the Guru*, and, act as Guru-oriented one.
[*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
inrmlu n@wvxu nwnkw guru qIrQu drIAwau ]10] nirmal nhaavaṇ, naankaa, gur tirath daree-aa-o. ||10||
Nanak (says): immaculate (cleansing) bath is in being with the Guru, the place of pilgrimage
(i.e. the Guru is place of pilgrimage and the Lord’s Name is the cleansing water). 10
jnmy kw Plu ikAw gxI jW hir Bgiq n Bwau ] janmay kaa fal ki-aa gaṇee, jaan har bhagat na bhaa-o.
What should be counted as the gain (i.e. reward) of (this human) life if one does not have love
and devotion for God.

pYDw KwDw bwid hY jW min dUjw Bwau ] paidhaa khaadhaa baad hai, jaan man doojaa bhaa-o.
(All) wearing (of clothes) and eating (of food) is useless, if one’s mind is filled with love of
vyKxu sunxw JUTu hY muiK JUTw Awlwau ] vaykhaṇ sunṇaa jhooṭ hai, mukh jhooṭaa aalaa-o.
(All his) seeing and hearing is false, and, all he speaks from his mouth (i.e. with his tongue) is
nwnk nwmu slwih qU horu haumY Awvau jwau ]11]
naanak, naam salaahi too, hor ha-umai aava-o jaa-o. ||11||
Nanak (say): praise the Name (of God); everything else is coming and going in egotism (i.e.
egotism leads to the cycle of reincarnation). 11
hYin ivrly nwhI Gxy PYl PkVu sMswru ]12] hain virlay, naahee ghaṇay, fail fakaṛ saNsaar. ||12||
(Those who meditate upon the Name) they are few and not many; the world is a show of
nonsensical actions (i.e. most of the people of the world are engaged in vain deeds) . 12
nwnk lgI quir mrY jIvx nwhI qwxu ] naanak, lagee tur marai ,jeevanṇ naahee taaṇ.
Nanak (says): one, who is hit (by arrow of love) dies instantaneously; his power to live is lost.
cotY syqI jo mrY lgI sw prvwxu ] chotai saytee jo marai, lagee saa parvaaṇ.
One who dies with stroke (of love), his stroke (i.e. attachment) is accepted (in the Court of God).
ijs no lwey iqsu lgY lgI qw prvwxu ] jis no laa-ay tis lagai, lagee taa parvaaṇ.
He alone is struck (with arrow of love) who is struck by Him (i.e. God); and, such stroke is
accepted (in the Court of God).
iprm pYkwmu n inklY lwieAw iqin sujwix ]13] piram paikaam na niklai, laa-i-aa tin sujaaṇ. ||13||
The arrow of love, shot by the All-knowing (God), cannot be pulled out. 13
Bwfw DovY kauxu ij kcw swijAw ] bhaandaa dhovai ka-uṇ, je kachaa saaji-aa.
Who can wash that pot which has been formed as the unbaked? (i.e. no body can purify the pot
of the human body).
DwqU pMij rlwie kUVw pwijAw ] dhaatoo paNj ralaa-ay, kooṛaa paaji-aa.
Joining the five elements together, He has made a false show.
Bwfw Awxgu rwis jW iqsu BwvsI ] bhaandaa aaṇag raas, jaan tis bhaavsee.
The (body) pot is set right, when it pleases Him.
prm joiq jwgwie vwjw vwvsI ]14] param jot jaagaa-ay, vaajaa vaavsee. ||14||
Illuminating the Supreme Light, He shall resonate sound (of the Word) within.14
mnhu ij AMDy GUp kihAw ibrdu n jwxnI ] manhu je aNdhay ghoop, kahi-aa birad na jaaṇnee.
Those, who are totally blind (i.e. utterly foolish) in the mind, do not know innate nature (i.e.
their duty) to carry on what they are told (i.e. taught by the True Guru).
min AMDY aUNDY kvl idsin Kry krUp ] man aNdhai oondhai kaval, disan kharay karoop.
The lotus of their minds are upside-down, and, they look very ugly.
ieik kih jwxin kihAw buJin qy nr suGV srUp ] ik kahi jaaṇan, kahi-aa bujhan, tay nar sughaṛ saroop.
Some know what to speak, and understand what is told to them; those people are wise and
beautiful forms.
ieknw nwdu n bydu n gIA rsu rsu ksu n jwxMiq ] iknaa, naad na bayd na gee-a ras, ras kas na jaaṇaNt.
Some do not know (unstruck) sound current, Vedas (i.e. spiritual knowledge), essence of music;
(they) do not know, even the sweet or sour taste.
ieknw isiD n buiD n Akil sr AKr kw Byau n lhMiq ]

iknaa, sidh na budh na akal sar, akhar kaa bhay-o na laahaNt.
Some have no idea of perfection, wisdom or understanding; they do not understand the
mystery of the Word.
nwnk qy nr Asil Kr ij ibnu gux grbu krMq ]15] naanak, tay nar asal khar, je bin guṇ garab kara t ||15||
Nanak (says): those people are real donkeys, who have no virtue (but still) they are (very)
proud. 15
so bRhmxu jo ibMdY bRhmu ] so brahmaṇ, jo biNdai brahm.
He alone is a (real) Brahman who knows God.
jpu qpu sMjmu kmwvY krmu ] jap tap saNjam, kamaavai karam.
He (performs) meditation, (practices) austerity, (observes) self-disciplin and earns (i.e.
practices) (good) deeds.
sIl sMqoK kw rKY Drmu ] seel saNtokh kaa rakhai dharam.
He keeps faith in humility and contentment ,
bMDn qoVY hovY mukqu ] baNdhan toṛai, hovai mukat.
He breaks bonds (of Maya) and is liberated (i.e. detached from worldliness).
soeI bRhmxu pUjx jugqu ]16] so-ee brahmaṇ, poojaṇ jugat. ||16||
(Only) such a Brahman is worthy of worship (i.e. worthy of respect). 16
KqRI so ju krmw kw sUru ] khatree so jo karmaa kaa soor.
He alone is a (real) Khatri, who is warrior of (good) deeds.
puMn dwn kw krY srIru ] puNn daan kaa karai sareer.
He makes his body ( a source) of righteous deeds and charity.
Kyqu pCwxY bIjY dwnu ] khayt pachhaaṇai beejai daan.
He understands his field and plants the seed (of the Name).
so KqRI drgh prvwxu ] so khatree dargeh parvaaṇ.
Such a Khatri is accepted in the Court (of God).
lbu loBu jy kUVu kmwvY ] Apxw kIqw Awpy pwvY ]17]
lab lobh jay kooṛ kamaavai. apṇaa keetaa aapay paavai. ||17||
Whoever earns (i.e practices) greed, avarice and falsehood,
(he) shall receive the fruit of his actions. 17
qnu n qpwie qnUr ijau bwlxu hf n bwil ] tan na tapaa-ay tanoor ji-o, baalaṇ had na baal.
Do not heat your body like a furnace, or burn your bones like firewood.
isir pYrI ikAw PyiVAw AMdir iprI sm@wil ]18] sir pairee ki-aa fayṛi-aa, aNdar piree samhaal. ||18||
What wrong your head and feet have done (i.e. why do you trouble them)? remember your
Beloved (Lord) within yourself. 18
P. 1412
sBnI GtI shu vsY sh ibnu Gtu n koie ] sabhnee ghatee saho vasai, sah bin ghat na ko-ay.
The Husband (Lord) dwells within all hearts, there is no body (i.e. heart) without the Husband
(Lord) .
nwnk qy sohwgxI ijn@w gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]19]
naanak, tay sohaagaṇee, jinhaa gurmukh pargat ho-ay. ||19||
Nanak (says): those (ladies) are happy (soul) brides, to whom He is revealed through the
jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ] isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]

ja-o ta-o, praym khaylaṇ kaa chaa-o. sir dhar talee, galee mayree aa-o.
If you have yearning to play the game of love; (then) come to my street (i.e. on my path) with
your head on your palm (i.e. with readiness to make every sacrifice).
iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ] isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20]
it maarag, pair dhareejai. sir deejai, kaaṇ na keejai. ||20||
Once you place your foot on this path,
then give (i.e. surrender) your head, and, do no bother for public opinion. 20
nwil ikrwVw dosqI kUVY kUVI pwie ] naal kiraaṛaa dostee, kooṛai kooṛee paa-ay.
False is fhe friendship with a businessman (i.e. money-lender), and, false is its base (i.e. one who
is greedy and attached to Maya, cannot be a true friend).
mrxu n jwpY mUilAw AwvY ikqY Qwie ]21] maraṇ na jaapai mooli-aa, aavai kitai thaa-ay. ||21||
O! mulla (O! mortal), no one knows where death shall come? 21
igAwn hIxM AigAwn pUjw ] gi-aan heeṇaN, agi-aan poojaa.
(Those, who are) without (spiritual) knowledge, worship ignorance.
AMD vrqwvw Bwau dUjw ]22] aNdh vartaavaa, bhaa-o doojaa. ||22||
Those who have love for duality, deal in (i.e. live in) darkness. 22
gur ibnu igAwnu Drm ibnu iDAwnu ] gur bin gi-aan, dharam bin dhi-aan.
Without the Guru, there can be no (spiritual) knowledge; and, without faith there can be no
sc ibnu swKI mUlo n bwkI ]23] sach bin saakhee, moolo na baakee. ||23||
Without Truth, there is no goodwill, (even) capital does not remain with (i.e. it is lost). 23
mwxU GlY auTI clY ] swdu nwhI ievyhI glY ]24]
maaṇoo ghalai uṭee chalai. saad naahee ivayhee galai. ||24||
Man (i.e. mortal being) is sent (into the world); it arises and departs (without achieving or
accomplishing anything). There is no pleasure in this (sort of living). 24
rwmu JurY dl mylvY AMqir blu AiDkwr ] raam jhurai, dal maylvai, aNtar bal adhikaar.
Raam grieves; (in spite that he had) collected an army; and, he had the strength and authority
(as well).
bMqr kI sYnw syvIAY min qin juJu Apwru ] baNtar kee sainaa sayvee-ai, man tan jujh apaar.
He had the army of the monkeys at his service; with infinite zeal in mind and body he fought.
sIqw lY gieAw dhisro lCmxu mUE srwip ] seetaa lai ga-i-aa dehsiro, lachhmaṇ moo-o saraap.
The ten-headed (i.e. Raavan) had taken away Seeta (his wife), and, Lachhman (his brother) was
dead of a curse.
nwnk krqw krxhwru kir vyKY Qwip auQwip ]25]
naanak, kartaa karaṇhaar, kar vaykhai thaap uthaap. ||25||
Nanak (says): (Raam or any one else have no power) the Creator (alone) is the Doer (i.e. Creator
of everything); He establishes and dis-established, and, watches over (His play). 25
mn mih JUrY rwmcMdu sIqw lCmx jogu ] man meh jhoorai raamcha d, seetaa lachhmaṇ jog.

In his mind, Raam Chand grieved for Sita and Lachhman.

hxvMqru AwrwiDAw AwieAw kir sMjogu ] haṇvaNtar aaraadhi-aa, aa-i-aa kar saNjog.
(Then) he remembered (i.e. offered prayer to) Hanuman, who came to him as destined.
BUlw dYqu n smJeI iqin pRB kIey kwm ] bhoolaa dait na samjha-ee, tin prabh kee-ay kaam.
The misguided demon (i.e. Raavan) did not understand: the Lord is the Doer of (all) deeds?

nwnk vyprvwhu so ikrqu n imteI rwm ]26] naanak, vayparvaahu so, kirat na mit-ee, raam. ||26||
Nanak (says): He (i.e. God) is Carefree, (but even Raavan and Raam could not understand that)
one’s destiny cannot be erased, O! God. 26
lwhOr shru jhru khru svw phru ]27] laahour sahar, jahar kahar savaa pahar. ||27||
The city of Lahore is (overflowing with) poison (i.e. sins); there is tyranny for one and a quarter
of (day’s) quarter (literally, three hours and forty five minutes, i.e. the period when tyrannous
orders of the cruel rulers are executed). 27
mhlw 3 ] Mehlaa 3
lwhOr shru AMimRq sru isPqI dw Gru ]28] laahour sahar, aMmrit sar siftee daa ghar. ||28||
(With the birth of Guru Ram Das) the city of Lahore has became pool of AMmrit, the home of
praise (of the Lord). 28
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
audoswhY ikAw nIswnI qoit n AwvY AMnI ] udosaahai ki-aa neesaanee, tot na aavai aNnee.
What are the signs of an affluent person? His food never runs out (i.e. his wealth is always
audosIA Gry hI vuTI kuiVeˆØI rMnI DMmI ] udosee-a gharay hee vuṭee, kuṛi-een raNnee dhaMmee.
The affluent person dwells in the home; with resounding of girls and women.
sqI rMnI Gry isAwpw rovin kUVI kMmI ] satee raNnee gharay si-aapaa, rovan kooṛee kammee.
(All) the seven women, in his home quarrel and wail over futile things.
jo lyvY so dyvY nwhI Kty dMm shMmI ]29] jo layvai so dayvai naahee, khatay daMm sahaMmee. ||29||
Whatever he takes (i.e. borrows), does not give back; he earns wealth, (but) remains sacred (of
losing it). 29
pbr qUM hrIAwvlw kvlw kMcn vMin ] pabar tooN haree-aavlaa, kavlaa kaNchan vaNn.
O! pool, you were green, and, your lotus (flowers) were like gold.
kY doKVY siVEih kwlI hoeIAw dyhurI nwnk mY qin BMgu ] jwxw pwxI nw lhW jY syqI myrw sMgu ]
kai dokh-ṛai saṛi-ohi, kaalee ho-ee-aa dayhuree; naanak, mai tan bhaNg.
jaaṇaa paaṇee naa lahaa , jai saytee mayraa saNg.

What troubles has burnt you, and, your body has turned black. Nanak (says): (the pool
replies) my body is battered. I know that I have not received water, which is my companion.
ijqu ifTY qnu prPuVY cVY cvgix vMnu ]30] jit diṭai tan parfuṛai, chaṛai chavgaṇ vaNn. ||30||
Seeing it (i.e. water) my body blossomed forth, and, I was blessed with four times colour (i.e
more and more beauty). 30
rij n koeI jIivAw phuic n cilAw koie ] raj na ko-ee jeevi-aa, pahuch na chali-aa ko-ay.
No one lives as long that would make him contented, and, no one accomplishes (everything)
before departing.
igAwnI jIvY sdw sdw surqI hI piq hoie ] gi-aanee jeevai sadaa sadaa, surtee hee pat ho-ay.
The giaanees (i.e. spiritual scholars) live forever and ever, their awareness is attuned (to God)
and, they obtain honour (in His Court).
srPY srPY sdw sdw eyvY geI ivhwie ] sarfai sarfai sadaa sadaa, ayvai ga-ee vihaa-ay.
One tries to save and save it forever and ever, but, bit by bit, it passes away.
nwnk iks no AwKIAY ivxu puiCAw hI lY jwie ]31]
naanak, kis no aakhee-ai, viṇ puchhi-aa hee lai jaa-ay. ||31||
Nanak (says): unto whom should we complain? It (i.e. death) takes away (one’s life) without

asking (one’s consent). 31
dosu n dyAhu rwie no miq clY jW buFw hovY ] dos na day-ahu raa-ay no, mat chalai jaan buḍaa hovai.
Do not blame the rich one, his wisdom leaves him when he grows old.
glW kry GxyrIAw qW AMn@y pvxw KwqI tovY ]32]
galaan karay ghaṇayree-aa, taan annNay pavṇaa khaatee tovai. ||32||
He talks too much, (that is why) the blind (i.e. spiritually ignorant) falls into the ditch. 32
pUry kw kIAw sB ikCu pUrw Git viD ikCu nwhI ]
pooray kaa kee-aa sabh kichh pooraa, ghat vadh kichh naahee.
All that the Perfect (Lord) does is perfect; there is nothing deficient, and, nothing too much.
nwnk gurmuiK AYsw jwxY pUry mWih smWhI ]33]
naanak, gurmukh aisaa jaaṇai, pooray maanhi samaanhee.||33||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented one believes so, hence, he merges into the Perfect (Lord) . 33
P. 1413
slok mhlw 3 Salok, Mehlaa 3
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
AiBAwgq eyh n AwKIAih ijn kY mn mih Brmu ] iqn ky idqy nwnkw qyho jyhw Drmu ]1]
abhi-aagat ayh na aakhee-ahi, jin kai man meh bharam.
tin kay ditay, naankaa, tayho jayhaa dharam. ||1||
Do no call them (even) mendicants (wandering ascetics), (if) their minds are filled with doubt.
Nanak (says): giving charity to them means having faith like them (i.e. just useless).1
ABY inrMjn prm pdu qw kw BIKku hoie ] iqs kw Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw pwey koie ]2]
abhai niraNjan param pad, taa kaa bheekhak ho-ay.
tis kaa bhojan, naankaa, virlaa paa-ay ko-ay. ||2||
One, who begs for the supreme status of (union with) the Fearless, Immaculate (Lord);
Nanak (say): (only) some rare one obtains the food of such a person. 2
hovw pMifqu joqkI vyd pVw muiK cwir ] nvw KMfw ivic jwxIAw Apny cj vIcwr ]3]
hovaa paNdit jotkee, vayd paṛaa mukh chaar.
navaa khaNda vich jaaṇee-aa, apnay chaj veechaar. ||3||
If I become a pandit (i.e. religious scholar) or an astrologer, or can recite the four Vedas with
mouth. I shall be known in the nine regions, (only) by my conduct and thought. 3
bRhmx kYlI Gwqu kM\kw AxcwrI kw Dwnu ] iPtk iPtkw koVu bdIAw sdw sdw AiBmwnu ]
brahmaṇ kailee ghaat kaNnjkaa, aṇchaaree kaa dhaan.
fitak fitkaa koṛ badee-aa, sadaa sadaa abhimaan.
By killing a Brahman, cows or a girl or accepting offerings from a man of evil conduct;
one earns curses and curses of leprosy of vices, and, forever and ever he abides in egotism.
pwih eyqy jwih vIsir nwnkw ieku nwmu ] sB buDI jwlIAih ieku rhY qqu igAwnu ]4]
paahi aytay jaahi veesar, naankaa, ik naam. sabh budhee jaalee-ah, ik rahai tat gi-aan. ||4||
Nanak (says): so many sins cling to the one who forget the One Name (of God).
(then) all wisdom is burnt away (i.e. are useless), except for the essence of (spiritual) wisdom. 4
mwQY jo Duir iliKAw su myit n skY koie ] maathai jo dhur likhi-aa, so mayt na sakai ko-ay.
No one can erase destiny inscribed on one’s forehead from the very beginning (i.e. by God).

nwnk jo iliKAw so vrqdw so bUJY ijs no ndir hoie ]5]
naanak, jo likhi-aa so varatdaa ,so boojhai jis no nadar ho-ay. ||5||
Nanak (says): whatever is inscribed (on forehead), comes to happen; he alone understands
who is blessed by His Glance (of Grace). 5
ijnI nwmu ivswirAw kUVY lwlic lig ] DMDw mwieAw mohxI AMqir iqsnw Aig ]
jinee naam visaari-aa, kooṛai laalach lag. dhaNdhaa maa-i-aa mohṇee, aNtar tisnaa ag.
Those, who forget His Name by getting attached to false greed (i.e. ephemeral things).
They are engrossed in entanglement of fascinating Maya; within them is fire of desires.
ijn@w vyil n qUMbVI mwieAw Tgy Tig ] jinhaa vayl na tooMbṛee, maa-i-aa ṭagay ṭag.
Those, within whom the vine of pumpkin (i.e. devotion) has not grown, are robbed by Maya,
the robber.
mnmuiK bMin@ clweIAih nw imlhI vig sig ] manmukh baNnh chalaa-ee-ah, naa milhee vag sag.
The mind-oriented ones are bound and led away; the dogs cannot join the herd of cows (i.e. the
mind-oriented cannot join the Guru-oriented ones to the Court of God).
Awip Bulwey BulIAY Awpy myil imlwie ] aap bhulaa-ay bhulee-ai, aapay mayl milaa-ay.
One is misled when He Himself gets one misled; and, He Himself unites one in (His) union.
nwnk gurmuiK CutIAY jy clY siqgur Bwie ]6] naanak, gurmukh chhutee-ai, jay chalai satgur bhaa-ay. ||6||
Nanak (says): one is saved though the Guru, if one live in the Will of the True Guru. 6
swlwhI swlwhxw BI scw swlwih ] saalaahee salaahṇaa, bhee sachaa saalaahi.
(O! brethren) praise (only) the Praiseworthy (Lord); praise the True (Lord).
nwnk scw eyku dru bIBw prhir Awih ]7] naanak, sachaa ayk dar, beebhaa parhar aahi. ||7||
Nanak (says): only the One Door (of the Lord) is True (i.e. eternal); give up all other doors. 7
nwnk jh jh mY iPrau qh qh swcw soie ] naanak, jah jah mai fira-o, tah tah saachaa so-ay.
Nanak (says): wherever I go, I find the True there and everywhere.
jh dyKw qh eyku hY gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]8] jah daykhaa tah ayk hai, gurmukh pargat ho-ay. ||8||
Wherever I look, I see the One (Lord); (but) this is revealed (i.e. known) through the Guru. 8
dUK ivswrxu sbdu hY jy mMin vswey koie ] dookh visaaraṇ sabad hai, jay maNn vasaa-ay ko-ay.
The Word (alone) is the dispeller of sorrows, (but only) if one enshrines it in the mind.
gur ikrpw qy min vsY krm prwpiq hoie ]9] gur kirpaa tay man vasai, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||9||
By the Grace of the Guru, it dwells in mind, and, by His Grace it is obtained. 9
nwnk hau hau krqy Kip muey KUhix lK AsMK ] naanak, ha-o ha-o kartay khap mu-ay, khoohaṇ lakh asaNkh.
Nanak (says): practising egotism and self-conceit, tens and hundreds of thousands and
countless have been wasted away to death.
siqgur imly su aubry swcY sbid AlµK ]10] satgur milay so ubray, saachai sabad alaNkh. ||10||
They alone are saved who meet the True Guru, through (meditation upon) the True Word of
Imperceptible (Lord). 10
ijnw siqguru iek min syivAw iqn jn lwgau pwie ] jinaa satgur ik man sayvi-aa, tin jan laaga-o paa-ay.
Those, who serve the True Guru single-mindedly, I fall at the feet of those servants (i.e.
gur sbdI hir min vsY mwieAw kI BuK jwie ] gur sabdee har man vasai, maa-i-aa kee bhukh jaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru, God comes to abide in the mind, and, the hunger of Maya
sy jn inrml aUjly ij gurmuiK nwim smwie ] say jan nirmal oojlay, je gurmukh naam samaa-ay.
Immaculate and pure are those persons, who merge in the Name, through the Guru.
nwnk hoir piqswhIAw kUVIAw nwim rqy pwiqswh ]11]
naanak, hor patisaahee-aa kooṛee-aa, naam ratay paatisaah. ||11||
Nanak (says): all other empires are false, (true) emperors are those who are imbued with the
Name (of God). 11
ijau purKY Gir BgqI nwir hY Aiq locY BgqI Bwie ]
ji-o purkhai ghar bhagtee naar hai, at lochai bhagtee bhaa-ay.
The man, who has a devoted wife (who) greatly yearns for (serving him with) loving devotion.
bhu rs swlxy svwrdI Kt rs mITy pwie ] baho ras saalṇay savaardee, khat ras meeṭay paa-ay.
She prepares (for him) many sorts of dishes, and, serves him sour and sweet delicacies.
iqau bwxI Bgq slwhdy hir nwmY icqu lwie ] ti-o baaṇee bhagat salaahday, har naamai chit laa-ay.
In the same way, the devotees praise the Word, and, focus their mind on the Name of God.
mnu qnu Dnu AwgY rwiKAw isru vyicAw gur AwgY jwie ]
man tan dhan aagai raakhi-aa, sir vaychi-aa gur aagai jaa-ay.
They place (in offering) their mind, body and wealth, and, sell (i.e. surrender) their head to the
BY BgqI Bgq bhu locdy pRB locw pUir imlwie ]
bhai bhagtee bhagat baho lochday, prabh lochaa poor milaa-ay.
Those, who yearn for devotion of the Lord in His (noble) fear, He fulfills their desire and unites
them (with Himself).
P. 1414
hir pRBu vyprvwhu hY ikqu KwDY iqpqwie ] har prabh vayparvaahu hai, kit khaadhai tiptaa-ay.
[Question]: God, the Lord, is carefree (i.e. not dependant on any one) ---- consuming which food
He gets satisfied (i.e. pleased)?
siqgur kY BwxY jo clY iqpqwsY hir gux gwie ] satgur kai bhaaṇai jo chalai, tiptaasai har guṇ gaa-ay.
One, who walks in the will (i.e. path) of the True Guru, and, is satisfied in singing (the praise of)
the excellences of God, He is satisfied (i.e. pleased with him).
Dnu Dnu kljuig nwnkw ij cly siqgur Bwie ]12]
dhan dhan kaljug, naankaa, je chalay satgur bhaa-ay. ||12||
Nanak (says): in the Kaliyuga (i.e. dark Age), blessed, blessed are they who walk in the will (i.e.
path) of the True Guru. 12
siqgurU n syivE sbdu n riKE aur Dwir ] iDgu iqnw kw jIivAw ikqu Awey sMswir ]
satguroo na sayvi-o, sabad na rakhi-o ur dhaar. dhig tinaa kaa jeevi-aa, kit aa-ay saNsaar ?
Those, who do not serve the True Guru, and, do not enshrine the Word in their hearts :
cursed are their lives; and, why did they (even) come into the world?
gurmqI Bau min pvY qW hir ris lgY ipAwir ] gurmatee bha-o man pavai, taan har ras lagai pi-aar.
Following the wisdom of the Guru, one keeps the (noble) fear (of God) in his mind, and, he is
attuned to the essence of the love of God.
nwau imlY Duir iliKAw jn nwnk pwir auqwir ]13] naa-o milai dhur likhi-aa, jan naanak paar utaar. ||13||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): one is blessed with the Name if it is inscribed (for him) from
the very beginning (i.e. by God); and, he is carried across (the world ocean). 13
mwieAw moih jgu BrimAw Gru musY Kbir n hoie ]
maa-i-aa mohi jag bharami-aa, ghar musai khabar na ho-ay.
The world is wandering (strayed) in (emotional) attachment to Maya; it is not aware that its

own home (i.e. heart) is being plundered.
kwm k®oiD mnu ihir lieAw mnmuK AMDw loie ] kaam krodh man hir la-i-aa, manmukh aNdhaa lo-ay.
In this world, the mind-oriented one is blind; his mind is lured away by sexual desire and
igAwn KVg pMc dUq sMGwry gurmiq jwgY soie ]
gi-aan khaṛag paNch doot* saNghaaray, gurmat jaagai so-ay.
One, who kills the five demons* with the sword of (spiritual) wisdom, remains awake (i.e.
aware) through the wisdom of the Guru. [*sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
nwm rqnu prgwisAw mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ] naam ratan pargaasi-aa, man tan nirmal ho-ay.
(In the heart of such being) the jewel of the Name is revealed, and, his mind and body are purified.
nwmhIn nkty iPrih ibnu nwvY bih roie ] naamheen naktay fireh, bin naavai bahi ro-ay.
(On the other hand) those without Name, wander around with their noses cut off (i.e. shameless
and disgraced), without the Name, they sit and cry.
nwnk jo Duir krqY iliKAw su myit n skY koie ]14]
naanak, jo dhur kartai likhi-aa, so mayt na sakai ko-ay||14||
Nanak (says): whatever is inscribed by the Creator from the very beginning, no one can erase
that. 14
gurmuKw hir Dnu KitAw gur kY sbid vIcwir ] gurmukhaa har dhan khati-aa, gur kai sabad veechaar.
The Guru-oriented ones earn (the profit of) the wealth of (the Name of) God, (by) contemplating
the Word of the Guru.
nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw Aqut Bry BMfwr ] naam padaarath paa-i-aa, atut bharay bhaNdaar.
They are blessed with the wealth of the Name, and, their treasures are overflowing and
hir gux bwxI aucrih AMqu n pwrwvwru ] har guṇ baṇee uchrahi, aNt na paaraavaar.

They chant (the praise of) the excellences of God, through the Word (of the Guru); there is no
end and limitation (to the excellences of God).
nwnk sB kwrx krqw krY vyKY isrjnhwru ]15] naanak, sabh kaaraṇ kartaa karai, vaykhai sirjanhaar ||15||
Nanak (says): the Creator is the Doer (i.e. Creator / Cause)of all, and, the Creator beholds (all). 15
gurmuiK AMqir shju hY mnu ciVAw dsvY Awkwis ] gurmukh aNtar sahj hai, man chaṛi-aa dasvai aakaas.
Within the Guru-oriented one there is poise; his mind ascends to the ‘tenth sky’ (i.e. in the
highest spiritual state).
iqQY aUNG n BuK hY hir AMimRq nwmu suK vwsu ] tithai oongh na bhukh hai, har aMmrit naam sukh vaas.
There is no sleep (of ignorance), no hunger (of desires), and, one dwells in the joy of AMmrit
Name of God.
nwnk duKu suKu ivAwpq nhI ijQY Awqm rwm pRgwsu ]16]
naanak dukh sukh vi-aapat nahee, jithai aatam raam pragaas. ||16||
Nanak (says): where (the Light of) God, the Supreme Soul illumines, there, pain and pleasure
do not afflict (anyone). 16
kwm k®oD kw colVw sB gil Awey pwie ] kaam krodh kaa cholṛaa, sabh gal aa-ay paa-ay.
All have come (into the world) wearing the robe of sexual desire and anger.
ieik aupjih ieik ibnis jWih hukmy AwvY jwie ] ik upjahi, ik binas jaanhi ;hukmay aavai jaa-ay.
Some are born, and, some pass away; (all) come and go according to the Command (of God).
jMmxu mrxu n cukeI rMgu lgw dUjY Bwie ] jaMmaṇ maraṇ na chuk-ee, raNg lagaa doojai bhaa-ay.

Their (cycle of) birth and death does not end; they are imbued with the love of duality.
bMDin bMiD BvweIAnu krxw kCU n jwie ]17]
baNdhan baNdh bhavaa-ee-an, karṇaa kachhoo na jaa-ay. ||17||
Bound in bondage, they are made to wander; and, they cannot do anything (about it). 17
ijn kau ikrpw DwrIAnu iqnw siqguru imilAw Awie ] jin ka-o kirpaa dhaaree-an, tinaa satgur mili-aa aa-ay.
Those, upon whom He bestows His Grace, the True Guru comes to meet them.
siqguir imly aultI BeI mir jIivAw shij suBwie ] satgur milay ultee bha-ee, mar jeevi-aa sahj subhaa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, they turn away (from worldliness); they remain dead while yet alive,
with natural ease.
nwnk BgqI riqAw hir hir nwim smwie ]18] naanak, bhagtee rati-aa, har har naam samaa-ay. ||18||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with devotion (of God), remain absorbed in the Name of
God, the Lord.18
mnmuK cMcl miq hY AMqir bhuqu cqurweI ] manmukh chaNchal mat hai, aNtar bahut chaturaa-ee.
The intellect of the mind-oriented is fickle, (because) within him is a lot of cleverness.
kIqw kriqAw ibrQw gieAw ieku iqlu Qwie n pweI ] keetaa karti-aa birthaa ga-i-aa, ik til thaa-ay na paa-ee.
Whatever he has done or (whatever he) does, goes waste; not even an iota of it is accepted (in the
Court of God).
puMn dwnu jo bIjdy sB Drm rwie kY jweI ] puNn daan jo beejday, sabh dharam raa-ay kai jaa-ee.
His sowing (i.e. activity) of (ritualistic) good deeds and charity, all goes to the Judge of
Righteousness (for judgement).
ibnu siqgurU jmkwlu n CofeI dUjY Bwie KuAweI ]
bin satguroo jamkaal na chhod-ee, doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-ee.
Without the True Guru, the messenger of death does not spare (the being); one is ruined in the
love of duality.
jobnu jWdw ndir n AwveI jru phucY mir jweI ] joban jaandaa nadar na aavee, jar pahuchai mar jaa-ee.
Youth is passing away (but) one does not see this (and remains asleep in emotional attachment);
(finally) the old age comes and one dies.
puqu klqu mohu hyqu hY AMiq bylI ko n sKweI ] put kalat moh hayt hai, aNt baylee ko na sakhaa-ee.
One remains caught in (emotional) attachment to sons and wife; (but) none (of them) will be his
friend or companion in the end.
siqguru syvy so suKu pwey nwau vsY min AweI ] satgur sayvay, so sukh paa-ay, naa-o vasai man aa-ee.
One, who serves the True Guru, finds (spiritual) happiness; the Name comes to abide in his mind.
nwnk sy vfy vfBwgI ij gurmuiK nwim smweI ]19]
naanak, say vaday vadbhaagee, je gurmukh naam samaa-ee. ||19||
Nanak (says): great and very fortunate are those who are absorbed in the Name (of God)
through the Guru. 19
mnmuK nwmu n cyqnI ibnu nwvY duK roie ] manmukh naam na chaytnee, bin naavai dukh ro-ay.
The mind-oriented one does not remember (i.e. does not meditate upon) the Name (of God);
without the Name, they cry in pain.
P. 1415
Awqmw rwmu n pUjnI dUjY ikau suKu hoie ] aatmaa raam na poojnee, doojai ki-o sukh ho-ay.
They do not worship God, the Supreme Soul; how can they be happy in the love of duality?
haumY AMqir mYlu hY sbid n kwFih Doie ] ha-umai antar mail hai, sabad na kaaḍeh dho-ay.
Within them is the filth of egotism; they do not wash it away with the Word.

nwnk ibnu nwvY mYilAw muey jnmu pdwrQu Koie ]20]
naanak, bin naavai maili-aa mu-ay, janam padaarath kho-ay. ||20||
Nanak (says): without the Name, they die in the filth (of egotism); (they) waste away the
(precious) wealth of (human) life. 20
mnmuK boly AMDuly iqsu mih AgnI kw vwsu ] manmukh bolay aNdhulay, tis meh agnee kaa vaas.
The mind-oriented ones are deaf and blind; within them is the abode of fire (of desires).
bwxI suriq n buJnI sbid n krih pRgwsu ] baṇee surat na bujhnee, sabad na karahi pragaas.
They do not understand how to concentrate upon the Word, (hence) they are not illumined
with the Word (of the Guru).
Enw AwpxI AMdir suiD nhI gur bcin n krih ivswsu ]
onaa aapṇee aNdar sudh nahee, gur bachan na karahi visaas.
They do not have awareness of their inner being; and, they have no faith in the teachings of the
igAwnIAw AMdir gur sbdu hY inq hir ilv sdw ivgwsu ]
gi-aanee-aa aNdar gur sabad hai, nit har liv sadaa vigaas.
The Word of the Guru is (enshrined) within the inner being of the giaanees (i.e spiritual
scholars); and, lovingly attuned to God, they blossom forth, forever.
hir igAwnIAw kI rKdw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ] har gi-aanee-aa kee rakh-daa, ha-o sad balihaaree taas.
God saves the honour of the (spiritually) wise ones; I am forever a sacrifice unto them.
gurmuiK jo hir syvdy jn nwnku qw kw dwsu ]21] gurmukh jo har sayvday, jan naanak taa kaa daas. ||21||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those Guru-oriented ones, who serve God, I am a slave
unto them. 21
mwieAw BuieAMgmu srpu hY jgu GyirAw ibKu mwie ]
maa-i-aa bhu-i-aNgam sarap hai, jag ghayri-aa bikh maa-ay.
Maya is(like) a snake, a serpent; the poison of Maya has surrounded this world.
ibKu kw mwrxu hir nwmu hY gur gruV sbdu muiK pwie ]
bikh kaa maaraṇ har naam hai, gur garuṛ* sabad mukh paa-ay.
The Name of God is the spice (i.e. antidote) to (kill) this venom (of Maya); (so, O! brethren)
places the Garuṛ* (i.e. magic spell) of the Word of the Guru into your mouth.
[*In mythology, Garuṛ (an eagle like bird) is the mount (carriage) of Vishnu (a mythical god); it is depicted as having the
golden body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak. Garuda is also depicted as the eternal
sworn enemy of the serpents, and, is known for feeding exclusively on snakes. Garuda is presented as the charm or amulet
to protect from snake attack and snake-poison].
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn siqguru imilAw Awie ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tin satgur mili-aa aa-ay.
Those, who are blessed with pre-inscribed destiny, the True Guru comes to meet them.
imil siqgur inrmlu hoieAw ibKu haumY gieAw iblwie ]
mil satgur nirmal ho-i-aa, bikh ha-umai ga-i-aa bilaa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, they become immaculate, and, their poison of egotism is eradicated.
gurmuKw ky muK aujly hir drgh soBw pwie ] gurmukhaa kay mukh ujlay, har dargeh sobhaa paa-ay.
The faces of the Guru-oriented ones are radiant; they are honoured in the Court of God.
jn nwnku sdw kurbwxu iqn jo cwlih siqgur Bwie ]22]
jan naanak sadaa kurbaaṇ tin, jo chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay. ||22||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am forever a sacrifice unto those, who walk (i.e. live) in

the will of the True Guru. 22
siqgur purKu inrvYru hY inq ihrdY hir ilv lwie ] satgur purakh nirvair hai, nit hirdai har liv laa-ay.
The True Guru is a person, who has no animosity; his heart is constantly lovingly attuned
to God.
inrvYrY nwil vYru rcwiedw ApxY Gir lUkI lwie ] nirvairai naal vair rachaa-idaa, apṇai ghar lookee laa-ay.
One, who directs animosity against the one who has no animosity, (only) sets his own home (i.e.
heart) on fire.
AMqir k®oDu AhMkwru hY Anidnu jlY sdw duKu pwie ] aNtar krodh ahaMkaar hai, an-din jalai sadaa dukh paa-ay.
Anger and egotism are within him, day and night, he burns and continually suffers sorrow.
kUVu boil boil inq Baukdy ibKu KwDy dUjY Bwie ] kooṛ bol bol nit bha-ukday, bikh khaadhay doojai bhaa-ay.
They keep on telling lies and bark constantly, (because) they eat the poison of love of duality.
ibKu mwieAw kwrix Brmdy iPir Gir Gir piq gvwie ]
bikh maa-i-aa kaaraṇ bharamday, fir ghar ghar pat gavaa-ay.
For the sake of poison of Maya, they wander from house to house, and, lose honour.
bysuAw kyry pUq ijau ipqw nwmu iqsu jwie ] baysu-aa kayray poot ji-o, pitaa naam tis jaa-ay.
They are like the son of a prostitute, who has lost the name of his father (i.e. whose father’s
Name is not known).
hir hir nwmu n cyqnI krqY Awip KuAwie ] har har naam na chaytnee, kartai aap khu-aa-ay.
They do not remember the Name of God, the Lord; the Creator Himself has caused them to
hir gurmuiK ikrpw DwrIAnu jn ivCuVy Awip imlwie ]
har gurmukh kirpaa dhaaree-an, jan vichhuṛay aap milaa-ay.
God bestows His Grace upon the Guru-oriented ones, and, He Himself (re)unites the
separated ones (with Himself).
jn nwnku iqsu bilhwrxY jo siqgur lwgy pwie ]23] jan naanak tis balihaarṇai, jo satgur laagay paa-ay ||23||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am forever a sacrifices unto those, who fall at the feet of
the True Guru. 23
nwim lgy sy aUbry ibnu nwvY jm puir jWih ] naam lagay say oobray, bin naavai jam pur jaanhi.
Those, who are attached to the Name (of God) are saved; and, those without the Name, (must)
go to the city of death.
nwnk ibnu nwvY suKu nhI Awie gey pCuqwih ]24]
naanak, bin naavai sukh nahee, aa-ay ga-ay pachhutaahi. ||24||
Nanak (says): without the Name (of God) , they find no (spiritual) happiness; they come and go
(in reincarnation), and, repent. 24
icMqw Dwvq rih gey qW min BieAw Anµdu ] chiNtaa dhaavat reh ga-ay, taan man bha-i-aa anaNd.
When wandering in anxiety comes to an end, then bliss comes into their mind.
gur pRswdI buJIAY swDn suqI inicMd ] gur prasaadee bujhee-ai, saadhan sutee nichiNd.
By the Grace of the Guru, (the soul bride) comes to understand (this secret), and, then, she
sleeps without anxiety.
ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn@w ByitAw gur goivMdu ] jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa, tinhaa bhayti-aa gur goviNd.
Those, who have (such destiny) pre-inscribed, meet with the Guru, the Lord of the World.

nwnk shjy imil rhy hir pwieAw prmwnµdu ]25]
naanak, sehjay mil rahay, har paa-i-aa parmaanaNd ||25||
Nanak (says): they get united with God, the Embodiment of Supreme Bliss, and, merge (in
Him) with natural ease. 25
siqguru syvin Awpxw gur sbdI vIcwir ] siqgur kw Bwxw mMin lYin hir nwmu rKih aur Dwir ]
satgur sayvan aapṇaa, gur sabdee veechaar.
satgur kaa bhaaṇaa maNn lain, har naam rakheh ur dhaar.
Those, who serve their True Guru, by reflecting upon the Word of the Guru;
(they) obey the Will of the True Guru, and, keep the Name of God enshrined in their hearts.
AYQY EQY mMnIAin hir nwim lgy vwpwir ] aithai othai maNnee-an, har naam lagay vaapaar.
They are accepted (i.e. honoured) here and hereafter, (because) they are engaged in the trade of
the Name of God.
gurmuiK sbid is\wpdy iqqu swcY drbwir ] gurmukh sabad sinjaapadai, tit saachai darbaar.
The Guru-oriented ones are recognised, in the Court of the True (Lord), through the Word.
scw saudw Krcu scu AMqir iprmu ipAwru ] sachaa sa-udaa, kharach sach, aNtar piram pi-aar.
The (Name of the) True (Lord) is their merchandise, the (Name of the) True (Lord) is their
spending; and, within their inner being they have the love for the their Beloved (Lord).
jmkwlu nyiV n AwveI Awip bKsy krqwir ] jamkaal nayṛ na aavee, aap bakhsay kartaar.
The messenger of death does not come near those, whom the Creator Himself blesses.
P. 1416
nwnk nwm rqy sy DnvMq hYin inrDnu horu sMswru ]26]
naanak, naam ratay say dhanvaNt hain, nirdhan hor saNsaar. ||26||
Nanak (says): they alone are wealthy who are imbued with the Name; the rest of the world is
(just) poor. 26
jn kI tyk hir nwmu hir ibnu nwvY Tvr n Twau ] jan kee tayk har naam, har bin naavai ṭavar na ṭaa-o.
The Name of God is the support of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, without the Name, there
is no other place, no place of rest.
gurmqI nwau min vsY shjy shij smwau ] gurmatee naa-o man vasai, sehjay sahj samaa-o.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, the Name abides in the mind, and, one is absorbed in poise,
with natural ease.
vfBwgI nwmu iDAwieAw Aihinis lwgw Bwau ] vadbhaagee naam dhi-aa-i-aa, ahinis laagaa bhaa-o.
By great (good) fortune, they meditate upon the Name, and, day and night, they embrace love
(for the Name).
jn nwnku mMgY DUiV iqn hau sd kurbwxY jwau ]27]
jan naanak, maNgai dhooṛ tin, ha-o sad kurbaaṇai jaa-o. ||27||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I beg for their dust (i.e. dust of the feet of those who meditate
upon God); I am forever a sacrifice unto them. 27
lK caurwsIh mydnI iqsnw jlqI kry pukwr ] lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee, tisnaa jaltee karay pukaar.
The 8.4 million (species of beings) of the world, burn in desire and cry (for help).
iehu mohu mwieAw sBu psirAw nwil clY n AMqI vwr ]
ih moh maa-i-aa sabh pasri-aa, naal chalai na aNtee vaar.
All this is expanse of (emotional) attachment to Maya (spread all over), (but) it shall not go
along with us at the (very) last instance.
ibnu hir sWiq n AwveI iksu AwgY krI pukwr ] bin har saant na aavee, kis aagai karee pukaar.

Without God, peace does not come (into the mind); unto whom (else) should we go and complain ?
vfBwgI siqguru pwieAw bUiJAw bRhmu ibcwru ] vadbhaagee satgur paa-i-aa, boojhi-aa brahm bichaar.
By great (good) fortune, one meets with the True Guru, and, comes to understand the
contemplation of God.
iqsnw Agin sB buiJ geI jn nwnk hir auir Dwir ]28]
tisnaa agan sabh bujh ga-ee, jan naanak, har ur dhaar. ||28||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the fire of desires is totally extinguished (when) one
enshrines God within the heart. 28
AsI Kqy bhuqu kmwvdy AMqu n pwrwvwru ] asee khatay bahut kamaavday, aNt na paaraavaar.
We earn (i.e. commit) so many mistakes; there is no end or limit (to them).
hir ikrpw kir kY bKis lYhu hau pwpI vf gunhgwru ]
har kirpaa kar kai bakhas laihu, ha-o paapee vad gunahgaar.
O! God, (please) bestow Your Grace and forgive me, I am a sinner, a great sinner.
hir jIau lyKY vwr n AwveI qUM bKis imlwvxhwru ]
har jee-o, laykhai vaar na aavee, tooN bakhas milaavaṇhaar.
O! dear God, if You take an account (of my deeds), my turn (to be forgiven for my sins) would not
come; (please) forgive me, You (alone) are the One to unite.
gur quTY hir pRBu myilAw sB iklivK kit ivkwr ] gur tuṭai har prabh mayli-aa, sabh kilvikh kat vikaar.
When the Guru is pleased, he cuts away (i.e. erases) one’s sins and vices and unites him with
God, the Lord.
ijnw hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw jn nwnk iqn@ jYkwru ]29]
jinaa har har naam dhi-aa-i-aa, jan naanak, tin jaikaar. ||29||

Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those who meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, are
hailed (everywhere). 29
ivCuiV ivCuiV jo imly siqgur ky BY Bwie ] vichhuṛ vichhuṛ jo milay, satgur kay bhai bhaa-ay.
Those, who are separated since long (from God), are united with Him (again), through the fear
and love of the True Guru.
jnm mrx inhclu Bey gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] janam maraṇ nihchal bha-ay, gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ay.
Those, who meditate upon the Name (of God) through the Guru, become steady (i.e. free) from
(the cycle of) birth and death.
gur swDU sMgiq imlY hIry rqn lBMin@ ] gur saadhoo saNgat milai, heeray ratan labhaNnih.
Those who find the company of the Guru, the God-oriented person, find diamonds and jewels
(of the Name from his company).
nwnk lwlu Amolkw gurmuiK Koij lhMin@ ]30] naanak, laal amolkaa, gurmukh khoj lahaNnih. ||30||
Nanak (says): this jewel (of the Name) is priceless; the Guru-oriented ones seek and find it. 30
mnmuK nwmu n cyiqE iDgu jIvxu iDgu vwsu ] manmukh naam na chayti-o, dhig jeevaṇ dhig vaas.
The mind-oriented ones do not meditate upon the Name; cursed are their lives and cursed is
their living (in the world).
ijs dw idqw Kwxw pYnxw so min n visE guxqwsu ] jis daa ditaa khaaṇaa painṇaa, so man na vasi-o guṇtaas.
He, who gives them (so much) to eat and dress ---- they do not enshrine that Treasure of
Excellences in their minds.
iehu mnu sbid n ByidE ikau hovY Gr vwsu ] ih man sabad na baydi-o, ki-o hovai ghar vaas.
Their mind is not pierced through by the Word (of the Guru) ---- how can it come to dwell in its

home (of the self)?
mnmuKIAw dohwgxI Awvx jwix mueIAwsu ] manmukhee-aa duhaagaṇee, aavaṇ jaaṇ mu-ee-aas.
The mind-oriented ones are (like) the deserted wives; they remain coming and going (in the
cycle of reincarnation), and, remain (spiritually) dead.
gurmuiK nwmu suhwgu hY msqik mxI iliKAwsu ] gurmukh naam suhaag hai, mastak maṇee likhi-aas.
The Guru-oriented (soul brides) have the Name as their martial bliss; the jewel of (good
destiny) is inscribed on their foreheads.
hir hir nwmu auir DwirAw hir ihrdY kml pRgwsu ] har har naam ur dhaari-aa, har hirdai kamal pragaas.
They enshrine the Name of God, the Lord, within their hearts, and, God illumines the lotus of
their heart.
siqguru syvin Awpxw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ] satgur sayvan aapṇaa, ha-o sad balihaaree taas.
Those, who serve their True Guru, I am forever a sacrifice unto them.
nwnk iqn muK aujly ijn AMqir nwmu pRgwsu ]31] naanak, tin mukh ujlay, jin aNtar naam pargaas. ||31||
Nanak (says): the faces of those (Guru-oriented ones) are radiant, whose inner beings are
illumined with the Name in mind (of God). 31
sbid mrY soeI jnu isJY ibnu sbdY mukiq n hoeI ] sabad marai, so-ee jan sijhai, bin sabdai mukat na ho-ee.
He alone succeeds (i.e. fulfills purpose of his life) who dies (from the vices) in the Word (of the
Guru); without the Word, no one is liberated.
ByK krih bhu krm ivguqy Bwie dUjY prj ivgoeI ]
bhaykh karahi baho karam vigutay, bhaa-ay doojai paraj vigo-ee.
(Those, who) wear (religious) robes and perform many sorts of rituals, are ruined; (the world
is) ruined in the love of duality.
nwnk ibnu siqgur nwau n pweIAY jy sau locY koeI ]32]
naanak, bin satgur naa-o na paa-ee-ai, jay sa-o lochai ko-ee. ||32||
Nanak (says): without the True Guru, the Name (of God) is not obtained; one may long for it
hundreds of times. 32
hir kw nwau Aiq vf aUcw aUcI hU aUcw hoeI ] har kaa naa-o at vad oochaa, oochee hoo oochaa ho-ee.
The Name of God is very high and lofty; it is loftiest of the lofty.
ApiV koie n skeI jy sau locY koeI ] apaṛ ko-ay na sak-ee, jay sa-o lochai ko-ee.
No one can reach up to it; one may long for it hundreds of times.
muiK sMjm hCw n hoveI kir ByK BvY sB koeI ]
mukh saNjam hachhaa na hova-ee, kar bhaykh bhavai sabh ko-ee.
(Merely) speaking with mouth about self-discipline (one does not make oneself good); everyone
wanders wearing (religious) robes.
gur kI pauVI jwie cVY krim prwpiq hoeI ] gur kee pa-oṛee jaa-ay chaṛai, karam paraapat ho-ee.
One can reach (the Door of God) by climbing (through) the ladder (i.e. Word) of the Guru, if one
is blessed by His Grace.
AMqir Awie vsY gur sbdu vIcwrY koie ] aNtar aa-ay vasai, gur sabad veechaarai ko-ay.
(God) comes to dwell within the one, if one contemplates the Word of the Guru.
nwnk sbid mrY mnu mwnIAY swcy swcI soie ]33]
naanak, sabad marai man maanee-ai, saachay saachee so-ay. ||33||
Nanak (says): when someone dies in the Word, the mind is pleased; true is the praise of the one
who is (absorbed) in the True (Lord). 33
P. 1417

mwieAw mohu duKu swgru hY ibKu duqru qirAw n jwie ]
maa-i-aa moh dukh saagar hai, bikh dutar tari-aa na jaa-ay.
(Emotional) attachment to Maya is (like) an ocean of sorrows; (this) poisonous terrifying
(ocean) cannot be crossed over (without the Grace of the Guru).
myrw myrw krdy pic muey haumY krq ivhwie ] mayraa mayraa karday pach mu-ay, ha-umai karat vihaa-ay.
Claiming ‘mine’ ‘mine’, many (mind-oriented ones) rot and die; (many) pass their lives in
mnmuKw aurvwru n pwru hY AD ivic rhy lptwie ] manmukhaa urvaar na paar hai, adh vich rahay laptaa-ay.
The mind-oriented are neither on this side (of the terrifying world ocean) nor on the other side
(i.e. world hereafter), they remain struck in the middle (i.e. in limbo).
jo Duir iliKAw su kmwvxw krxw kCU n jwie ] jo dhur likhi-aa so kamaavaṇaa, karṇaa kachhoo na jaa-ay.
One earns (i.e. acts) as it is pre-inscribed; nothing can be done (by anyone).
gurmqI igAwnu rqnu min vsY sBu dyiKAw bRhmu suBwie ]
gurmatee gi-aan ratan man vasai, sabh daykhi-aa brahm subhaa-ay.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, the jewel of knowledge abides in the mind, (and then) one
sees love of God everywhere.
nwnk siqguir boihQY vfBwgI cVY qy Baujil pwir lµGwie ]34]
naanak, satgur bohithai vadbhaagee chaṛai, tay bha-ojal paar laNghaa-ay. ||34||
Nanak (says): the very fortunate ones embark the boat of the True Guru; they are carried
across the terrifying (world) ocean. 34
ibnu siqgur dwqw ko nhI jo hir nwmu dyie AwDwru ] bin satgur daataa ko nahee, jo har naam day-ay aadhaar.
Without the True Guru, there is no Giver, who can bestow the support of the Name of God.
gur ikrpw qy nwau min vsY sdw rhY auir Dwir ] gur kirpaa tay naa-o man vasai, sadaa rahai ur dhaar.
By the Grace of the Guru, the Name comes to dwell in the mind, (and, then) one keeps it
enshrined in the heart forever.
iqsnw buJY iqpiq hoie hir kY nwie ipAwir ] tisnaa bujhai, tipat ho-ay, har kai naa-ay pi-aar.
(The fire of) desire is quenched and one gets satiated, through the love of the Name of God
nwnk gurmuiK pweIAY hir ApnI ikrpw Dwir ]35]
naanak, gurmukh paa-ee-ai, har apnee kirpaa dhaar. ||35||
Nanak (says): one finds God through the Guru, when He bestows His Grace. 35
ibnu sbdY jgqu brilAw khxw kCU n jwie ] bin sabdai jagat barli-aa, kahnaa kachhoo na jaa-ay.
Without the Word, the world is so crazy, that it cannot be described.
hir rKy sy aubry sbid rhy ilv lwie ] har rakhay say ubray, sabad rahay liv laa-ay.
Those, who are protected by God are saved; they remain lovingly attuned to the Word.
nwnk krqw sB ikCu jwxdw ijin rKI bxq bxwie ]36]
naanak, kartaa sabh kichh jaaṇdaa, jin rakhee baṇat baṇaa-ay. ||36||
Nanak (says): the Creator, who has made this making (i.e.the order of the creation), knows
everything. 36
hom jg siB qIrQw piV@ pMifq Qky purwx ] hom jag sabh teerthaa, paṛh paNdit thakay puraaṇ.
The pandits (i.e. religious scholars) have grown weary of reading Puraans, conducting hom (i.e.
sacrificial fires) and yajna (i.e. fire offerings), and making pilgrimage to places of pilgrimage.
ibKu mwieAw mohu n imteI ivic haumY Awvxu jwxu ] bikh maa-i-aa moh na mit-ee, vich ha-umai aavaṇ jaaṇ.
(But, by all these religious rituals) the poison of attachment to Maya is not erased; they continue

to come and go in egotism (in the cycle of reincarnation).
siqgur imilAY mlu auqrI hir jipAw purKu sujwxu ] satgur mili-ai mal utree, har japi-aa purakh sujaaṇ.
Meeting with the True Guru, the filth is washed away, (when) one meditates upon God, the
All-knowing Primal Being.
ijnw hir hir pRBu syivAw jn nwnku sd kurbwxu ]37]
jinaa har har prabh sayvi-aa, jan naanak, sad kurbaaṇ. ||37||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those, who serve God, the Lord, the Master, I am forever a
sacrifice unto them. 37
mwieAw mohu bhu icqvdy bhu Awsw loBu ivkwr ] maa-i-aa moh baho chitvaday, baho aasaa lobh vikaar.
Some (i.e. mind-oriented ones) give great thought to attachment to Maya; (hence) they harbour
great hopes, greed and vices.
mnmuiK AsiQru nw QIAY mir ibnis jwie iKn vwr ]
manmukh asthir naa thee-ai, mar binas jaa-ay khin vaar.
The mind-oriented ones do not become stable, they die and perish in an instant
vf Bwgu hovY siqguru imlY haumY qjY ivkwr ] vad bhaag hovai, satgur milai, ha-umai tajai vikaar.
One, who is blessed with great (good) fortune, meets the True Guru; and, renounces egotism
and vices.
hir nwmw jip suKu pwieAw jn nwnk sbdu vIcwr ]38]
har naamaa jap sukh paa-i-aa, jan naanak, sabad veechaar. ||38||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): meditating upon the Name of God, one finds happiness, by
contemplating the Word. 38
ibnu siqgur Bgiq n hoveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] bin satgur bhagat na hova-ee, naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without the True Guru, there is no devotion; and, there can be no love for the Name.
jn nwnk nwmu ArwiDAw gur kY hyiq ipAwir ]39] jan naanak, naam araadhi-aa, gur kai hayt pi-aar ||39||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): one worships the Name through the love and affection of
the Guru. 39
loBI kw vyswhu n kIjY jy kw pwir vswie ] lobhee kaa vaysaahu na keejai, jay kaa paar vasaa-ay.
(O! brethren) do not trust a greedy person, if you can avoid doing so.
AMiq kwil iqQY DuhY ijQY hQu n pwie ] aNt kaal tithai dhuhai, jithai hath na paa-ay.
At the very last moment, he will drag (i.e. throw) you there, where no one will be able to lend
hand (i.e. he will deceive you to such an extent that no one will be able to help you).
mnmuK syqI sMgu kry muih kwlK dwgu lgwie ] manmukh saytee saNg karay, muhi kaalakh daag lagaa-ay.
Whoever associates with the mind-oriented person, will have his face blackened and stigma
stuck to him.
muh kwly iqn@ loBIAW jwsin jnmu gvwie ] muh kaalay tinh lobhee-aan, jaasan janam gavaa-ay.
The faces of these greedy ones will be blackened (there); they will depart (from the world)
wasting their (human) lives.
sqsMgiq hir myil pRB hir nwmu vsY min Awie ] satsaNgat har mayl prabh, har naam vasai man aa-ay.
O! God, O! Lord, (please) unite me with the true congregation, (where) the Name of God,
comes to abide in my mind.
jnm mrn kI mlu auqrY jn nwnk hir gun gwie ]40]
janam maran kee mal utrai, jan naanak, har gun gaa-ay. ||40||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): singing (the praise of) the excellences of God, the filth of
birth and death is washes away. 40
Duir hir pRiB krqY iliKAw su mytxw n jwie ] dhur har prabh kartai likhi-aa, so maytṇaa na jaa-ay.
Whatever is inscribed (on the forehead) by God, the Lord, from the very beginning, cannot be
jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw pRiqpwil kry hir rwie ] jee-o piNd sabh tis daa, pratipaal karay har raa-ay.
Soul and body are all His; the Sovereign Lord cherishes (all).
cugl inMdk BuKy ruil muey eynw hQu n ikQwaU pwie ]
chugal niNdak bhukhay rul mu-ay, aynaa hath na kithaa-oo paa-ay.
The back-biters and the slanderers, remain hungry; (they) roll in dust and die; their hands
reach no where (i.e. they do not get help from any quarter).
bwhir pwKMf sB krm krih min ihrdY kptu kmwie ]
baahar pakhaNd sabh karam karahi, man hirdai kapat kamaa-ay.
Outwardly, they perform all deeds (i.e. religious rituals) in hypocrisy; (but) in their minds and
hearts, they earn (i.e. practice) deception.
Kyiq srIir jo bIjIAY so AMiq KloAw Awie ] khayt sareer jo beejee-ai, so aNt khalo-aa aa-ay.
Body is (like) a field, whatever we sow in it, shall come and stand before us in the end.
nwnk kI pRB bynqI hir BwvY bKis imlwie ]41]
naanak kee prabh bayntee har bhaavai bakhas milaa-ay. ||41||
Nanak (says): I offer my pray, O! God, O! Lord, if it pleases You, (please) forgive me and unite
me with Yourself. 41
P. 1418
mn Awvx jwxu n suJeI nw suJY drbwru ] man, aavaṇ jaaṇ na sujh-ee, naa sujhai darbaar.
O! (my) mind, (mortal being) does not understand the coming and going (in reincarnation);
(hence) he does not understand the Court (of God).
mwieAw moih plyitAw AMqir AigAwnu gubwru ] maa-i-aa mohi palayti-aa, aNtar agi-aan gubaar.
He is wrapped (i.e. engrossed) in (emotional) attachment to Maya; and, within his being is the
darkness of ignorance.
qb nru suqw jwigAw isir fMfu lgw bhu Bwru ] tab nar sutaa jaagi-aa, sir daNd lagaa baho bhaar.
The sleeping person (sleeping in attachment to Maya) wakes up when his head is hit by a very
heavy club (of the messenger of death).
gurmuKW krW aupir hir cyiqAw sy pwiein moK duAwru ]
gurmukhaan karaan upar har chayti-aa, say paa-in mokh du-aar.
The Guru-oriented ones remember God, on their hands (i.e. while performing their activities
with their hands); and, they find the doors of liberation.
nwnk Awip Eih auDry sB kutMb qry prvwr ]42]
naanak, aap ohi udhray, sabh kutaMb taray parvaar ||42||
Nanak (says): they themselves are liberated; and, their families and relatives are carried
across (as well). 42
sbid mrY so muAw jwpY ] sabad marai, so mu-aa jaapai.
One who dies in the Word, seems to be (truly) dead.
gur prswdI hir ris DRwpY ] gur parsaadee, har ras dharaapai.
By the Grace of the Guru, he is satiated with the essence of (the Name of) God.
hir drgih gur sbid is\wpY ] har dargahi gur sabad sinjaapai.

In the Court of God, he is recognized through the Word of the Guru.
ibnu sbdY muAw hY sBu koie ] bin sabdai, mu-aa hai sabh ko-ay.
Without the Word, everyone is (spiritually) dead.
mnmuKu muAw Apunw jnmu Koie ] manmukh mu-aa apunaa janam kho-ay.
The mind-oriented one dies, wasting his life.
hir nwmu n cyqih AMiq duKu roie ] har naam na chayteh, anNt dukh ro-ay.
One, who does not remember the Name of God, cries (in repentance) in the end (when he dies).
nwnk krqw kry su hoie ]43] naanak, kartaa karay so ho-ay. ||43||
Nanak (says): whatever the Creator does , comes to happen. 43
gurmuiK buFy kdy nwhI ijn@w AMqir suriq igAwnu ] gurmukh buḍay kaday naahee, jinhaa aNtar surat gi-aan.
The Guru-oriented ones never grow old (i.e. are never weak / powerless); within them is
awareness and (spiritual) wisdom.
sdw sdw hir gux rvih AMqir shj iDAwnu ] sadaa sadaa har guṇ raveh, aNtar sahj dhi-aan.
They chant (the praise of) the excellences of God forever and ever; within them is (the state of)
meditative poise.
Eie sdw Anµid ibbyk rhih duiK suiK eyk smwin ] o-ay sadaa ana d bibayk raheh, dukh sukh ayk samaan.
They dwell always in bliss and rationality; they regard pain and pleasure alike.
iqnw ndrI ieko AwieAw sBu Awqm rwmu pCwnu ]44]
tinaa nadree iko aa-i-aa, sabh aatam raam pachhaan.||44||
They see the One (Lord) alone; (and, they) recognize the All-pervading God(everywhere). 44
mnmuKu bwlku ibriD smwin hY ijn@w AMqir hir suriq nwhI ]
manmukh baalak biradh samaan hai, jinhaa aNtar har surat naahee.
The mind-oriented ones are like the children and the old (i.e. they are ignorant and weak),
because they do not have awareness of God.
ivic haumY krm kmwvdy sB Drm rwie kY jWhI ]
vich ha-umai karam kamaavday, sabh dharam raa-ay kai jaanhee.
They act in egotism, and, all of them go to (appear before) the Judge of Righteousness.
gurmuiK hCy inrmly gur kY sbid suBwie ] gurmukh hachhay nirmalay, gur kai sabad subhaa-ay.
The Guru-oriented ones are good, immaculate, (because) they are in love with the Word of the
Enw mYlu pqMgu n lgeI ij clin siqgur Bwie ] onaa mail pataNg na lag-ee, je chalan satgur bhaa-ay.
Not even a tiny bit of filth (of vices) sticks to those who walk (i.e. live) in the will of the True
mnmuK jUiT n auqrY jy sau Dovx pwie ] manmukh jooṭ na utrai, jay sa-o dhovaṇ paa-ay.
The falsehood of the mind-oriented ones is not removed, even if they wash a hundred times
(i.e. even if they have cleansing bath at hundred places of pilgrimage).
nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu gur kY AMik smwie ]45] naanak, gurmukh mayli-an, gur kai aNk samaa-ay. ||45||
Nanak (says): those Guru-oriented ones are united (with Himself, by God) who are merged into
(the being of) the Guru. 45
burw kry su kyhw isJY ] buraa karay, so kayhaa sijhai.
One, who acts in evil, how can he succeed (in his life)?
AwpxY roih Awpy hI dJY ] aapṇai rohi, aapay hee dajhai.

By his own anger, he (just) burns himself.
mnmuiK kmlw rgVY luJY ] manmukh kamlaa, ragṛai lujhai.
The mind-oriented one is crazy, he remains disputing and quarrelling.
gurmuiK hoie iqsu sB ikCu suJY ] gurmukh ho-ay, tis sabh kichh sujhai.
One, who is Guru-oriented, understands everything.
nwnk gurmuiK mn isau luJY ]46] naanak, gurmukh man si-o lujhai. ||46||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented one struggles with his own mind (to save it from evil). 46
ijnw siqguru purKu n syivE sbid n kIqo vIcwru ] Eie mwxs jUin n AwKIAin psU For gwvwr ]
jinaa satgur purakh na sayvi-o, sabad na keeto veechaar.
o-ay maaṇas joon na aakhee-an, pasoo dhor gaavaar.
Those, who do not serve the True Guru, (the image of) the Primal Person, and, do not reflect
upon the Word ---- do not call them human beings, they are (just like) animals, dead cattle and
Enw AMqir igAwnu n iDAwnu hY hir sau pRIiq n ipAwru ]
onaa aNtar gi-aan na dhi-aan hai, har sa-o pareet na pi-aar.
They have no (spiritual) knowledge or contemplation within their being; they do not have love
for, or attachment to, God.
mnmuK muey ivkwr mih mir jMmih vwro vwr ] manmukh mu-ay vikaar meh, mar jaMmeh vaaro vaar.
The mind-oriented ones die in evil (i.e. in sin); they die, and die to be born again and again.
jIvidAw no imlY su jIvdy hir jgjIvn aur Dwir ] jeevdi-aa no milai so jeevday, har jagjeevan ur dhaar.
They live (forever) who meet with the (spiritually) living ones; (they) enshrine God, the Life of
the World, within their hearts.
nwnk gurmuiK sohxy iqqu scY drbwir ]47] naanak, gurmukh sohṇay, tit sachai darbaar. ||47||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented ones look beautiful in the Court of the True (Lord). 47
hir mMdru hir swijAw hir vsY ijsu nwil ] har maNdar har saaji-aa, har vasai jis naal.
God (Himself) has built (this body as) the mansion of God; and, God abides within it.
gurmqI hir pwieAw mwieAw moh prjwil ] gurmatee har paa-i-aa, maa-i-aa moh parjaal.
By the wisdom (i.e. following the teaching) of the Guru, one finds God, (by) totally burning
away with attachment to Maya.
hir mMdir vsqu Anyk hY nv iniD nwmu smwil ] har maNdar vasat anayk hai, nav nidh naam samaal.
Within this (body) mansion of God, there are many things (i.e. excellences); the Name is nine
treasures, (O! brethren) dwell upon it (i.e. meditate upon the Name).
Dnu BgvMqI nwnkw ijnw gurmuiK lDw hir Bwil ]
dhan bhagvaNtee, naankaa, jinaa gurmukh ladhaa har bhaal.
Nanak (says): blessed and greatly fortunate are those, who have searched and found God (in
the body, the mansion of God), through the Guru.
vfBwgI gV mMdru KoijAw hir ihrdY pwieAw nwil ]48]
vadbhaagee gaṛ maNdar khoji-aa, har hirdai paa-i-aa naal. ||48||
The fortunate ones have searched the (body) fort (i.e. the mansion of God), and, have found God
within their heart, (dwelling) with them. 48
P. 1419
mnmuK dh idis iPir rhy Aiq iqsnw loB ivkwr ] manmukh dah dis fir rahay, at tisnaa lobh vikaar.

The mind-oriented ones wander in ten directions; (led by) intense desire, greed and vices.
mwieAw mohu n cukeI mir jMmih vwro vwr ] maa-i-aa moh na chuk-ee, mar jaMmeh vaaro vaar.
Their attachment to Maya does not end; they die to be born again and again (in reincarnation).
siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw Aiq iqsnw qij ivkwr ] satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa, at tisnaa taj vikaar.
Serving the True Guru, one finds (spiritual) happiness; and, intense desires and vices are
jnm mrn kw duKu gieAw jn nwnk sbdu bIcwir ]49]
janam maran kaa dukh ga-i-aa, jan naanak sabad beechaar. ||49||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the pains of birth and death are taken away (by) reflecting
upon the Word. 49
hir hir nwmu iDAwie mn hir drgh pwvih mwnu ] har har naam dhi-aa-ay, man, har dargeh paavahi maan.
Meditate upon (the Name of) God, the Lord, O! (my) mind, and, you shall be honoured in the
Court of God.
iklivK pwp siB ktIAih haumY cukY gumwnu ] kilvikh paap sabh katee-ah, ha-umai chukai gumaan.
All yours misdeeds and sins shall be erased, and, you shall be rid of egotism and self-conceit.
gurmuiK kmlu ivgisAw sBu Awqm bRhmu pCwnu ] gurmukh kamal vigsi-aa, sabh aatam brahm pachhaan.
(When) the lotus of heart blossoms forth through the Guru, one realizes God (pervading) the
souls of all.
hir hir ikrpw Dwir pRB jn nwnk jip hir nwmu ]50]
har har kirpaa dhaar prabh, jan naanak, jap har naam. ||50||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, O! Lord, (please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O!
Lord, that I may chant the Name of God. 50
DnwsrI DnvMqI jwxIAY BweI jW siqgur kI kwr kmwie ]
dhanaasree dhanvaNtee jaaṇee-ai, bhaa-ee*, jaan satgur kee kaar kamaa-ay.
She (i.e. a soul bride) is known as wealthy and praiseworthy, O! brethren*, if she earns (i.e
performs) the service of the True Guru.
[*bhaee (O! brethren), in some lines of the verse is for poetic music. It has no role in or impact on the rest of the text].
qnu mnu saupy jIA sau BweI ley hukim iPrwau ] tan man sa-upay jee-a sa-o, bhaa-ee, la-ay hukam firaa-o.
She surrenders her mind and body and life (to the Guru), O! brethren, and, lives according to
his (i.e. Guru’s) Command.
jh bYswvih bYsh BweI jh Byjih qh jwau ] jah baisaaveh baisah, bhaa-ee, jah bhayjeh tah jaa-o.
(She tells the Guru): I sit wherever you wish me to sit, O! brethren, and, wherever you send me I
eyvfu Dnu horu ko nhI BweI jyvfu scw nwau ] ayvad dhan hor ko nahee, bhaa-ee, jayvad sachaa naa-o.
There is no wealth as great, O! brethren, such as the greatness of the True Name.
sdw scy ky gux gwvW BweI sdw scy kY sMig rhwau ]
sadaa sachay kay guṇ gaavaan, bhaa-ee, sadaa sachay kai saNg rahaa-o.
I sing forever (the praise) of the excellences of the True (Lord); O! brethren, and, I remain with
the True (Lord), forever.
pYnxu gux cMigAweIAw BweI AwpxI piq ky swd Awpy Kwie ]
painaṇ guṇ chaNg-aa-ee-aa, bhaa-ee, aapṇee pat kay saad aapay khaa-ay.
She wears (the clothes of) virtues and excellences, O! brethren, and, she enjoys the flavour of
her honour.

iqs kw ikAw swlwhIAY BweI drsn kau bil jwie ]
tis kaa ki-aa salaahee-ai, bhaa-ee, darsan ka-o bal jaa-ay.
How can one praise her (i.e. such a soul bride)? O! brethren, I am a sacrifice unto her vision.
siqgur ivic vfIAw vifAweIAw BweI krim imlY qW pwie ]
satgur vich vadee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa, bhaa-ee, karam milai taan paa-ay.
Great is the grandeur of the True Guru, O! brethren, if one is blessed with His Grace, he finds
ieik hukmu mMin n jwxnI BweI dUjY Bwie iPrwie ]
ik hukam maNn na jaaṇnee, bhaa-ee, doojai bhaa-ay firaa-ay.
Some do not know how to obey His Command, O! brethren, and, they wander around (lost) in
the love of duality.
sMgiq FoeI nw imlY BweI bYsix imlY n Qwau ] saNgat ḍo-ee naa milai, bhaa-ee, baisaṇ milai na thaa-o.
They find no refuge in the congregation, O! brethren, and, they find no place to sit.
nwnk hukmu iqnw mnwiesI BweI ijnw Dury kmwieAw nwau ]
naanak, hukam tinaa manaa-isee, bhaa-ee, jinaa dhuray kamaa-i-aa naa-o.
Nanak (says): He (i.e. God) gets only those to obey His Command, O! brethren, who have
earned (i.e. practised) the Name as pre-ordained.
iqn@ ivthu hau vwirAw BweI iqn kau sd bilhwrY jwau ]51]
tinh vitahu ha-o vaari-aa, bhaa-ee, tin ka-o sad balihaarai jaa-o. ||51||
I am a sacrifice unto them, O! brethren, I am forever a sacrifice unto them. 51
sy dwVIAW scIAw ij gur crnI lgMin@ ] say daaṛee-aan sachee-aa, je gur charnee lagaNnih.
True are those beards, which serve the feet of Guru (i.e. those persons, who serve the Guru, are
judged as true in the Court of God).
Anidnu syvin guru Awpxw Anidnu Anid rhMin@ ] an-din sayvan gur aapṇaa, an-din anad rahaNnih.
Those, who serve their Guru, day and night, live in bliss, day and night.
nwnk sy muh sohxy scY dir idsMin@ ]52] naanak, say muh sohṇay, sachai dar disaNnih. ||52||
Nanak (says): those faces are beautiful, which are seen at the Door of the True (Lord). 52
muK scy scu dwVIAw scu bolih scu kmwih ] mukh sachay, sach daaṛee-aa, sach boleh, sach kamaahi.
True are the faces and true are the beards (of those) who speak Truth and earn (i.e practise/
live) Truth.
scw sbdu min visAw siqgur mWih smWih ] sachaa sabad man vasi-aa, satgur maanhi samaanhi.
The True Word abides in their minds, and, they are absorbed in the True Guru.
scI rwsI scu Dnu auqm pdvI pWih ] sachee raasee sach dhan, utam padvee paanhi.
True is their capital and true is their wealth, and, they attain sublime status.
scu suxih scu mMin lYin scI kwr kmwih ] sach suṇeh sach maNn lain, sachee kaar kamaahi.
They hear Truth, they obey the Truth , and, they earn True deeds.
scI drgh bYsxw scy mwih smwih ] sachee dargeh baisṇaa, sachay maahi samaahi.
They sit in True Court (i.e. obtain place to sit in the Court of the True Lord ), they are absorbed in
the True (Lord).
nwnk ivxu siqgur scu n pweIAY mnmuK BUly jWih ]53]
naanak, viṇ satgur sach na paa-ee-ai, manmukh bhoolay jaanhi. ||53||
Nanak (says): without the True Guru, the True (Lord) is not found; the mind-oriented ones
remain wandering around (uselessly). 53

bwbIhw ipRau ipRau kry jliniD pRym ipAwir ] baabeehaa pri-o pri-o karay, jalnidh praym pi-aar.
Babeehaa (i.e. rain bird) cries: ‘pri-’ ‘pri-o’ (O! Beloved, O! Beloved), in love with, and in
attachment to, the ‘treasure of (rain) water’ (i.e. cloud, which symbolises the Guru).
gur imly sIql jlu pwieAw siB dUK invwrxhwru ] gur milay seetal jal paa-i-aa, sabh dookh nivaaraṇhaar.
Meeting with the Guru, the cooling water is obtained, which dispels all his sorrows.
iqs cukY shju aUpjY cukY kUk pukwr ] tis chukai sahj oopjai, chukai kook pukaar.
(When) his thirst is quenched, poise wells up (within him), and, his cries and screams end.
nwnk gurmuiK sWiq hoie nwmu rKhu auir Dwir ]54]
naanak, gurmukh saant ho-ay, naam rakhahu ur dhaar. ||54||
Nanak (says): peace is obtained by enshrining the Name (of God) in the heart, through the
Guru. 54
bwbIhw qUM scu cau scy sau ilv lwie ] baabeehaa, tooN sach cha-o, sachay sa-o liv laa-ay.
O! Babeehaa (i.e. rain bird), utter the True (Name), and, be attuned to the True (Lord).
boilAw qyrw Qwie pvY gurmuiK hoie Alwie ] boli-aa tayraa thaa-ay pavai, gurmukh ho-ay alaa-ay.
Become Guru-oriented and speak (the True Name), and, your word (i.e. chanting of the Name)
shall be accepted (and rewarded by God).
sbdu cIin iqK auqrY mMin lY rjwie ] sabad cheen tikh utrai, maNn lai rajaa-ay.
Understand the Word, and, your thirst shall be quenched. (You) accept the Will (of the Lord):
P. 1420
cwry kuMfw Joik vrsdw bUMd pvY shij suBwie ] chaaray ku daa jhok varasdaa, boo d pavai sahj subhaa-ay.

(O! babeehaa, when you accept His Will) it will pour down (i.e. rain) in four directions (on all
sides), the drops will fall (in your mouth), with natural ease.
jl hI qy sB aUpjY ibnu jl ipAws n jwie ] jal hee tay sabh oopjai, bin jal pi-aas na jaa-ay.
Everything is produced from water; without water, the thirst is not quenched (i.e. without the
Name of the Lord, thirst for Maya is not quenched).
nwnk hir jlu ijin pIAw iqsu BUK n lwgY Awie ]55]
naanak, har jal jin pee-aa, tis bhookh na laagai aa-ay. ||55||
Nanak (says): whoever drinks in the water of (the Name of) God, shall never become hungry
(i.e. thirsty of Maya) again. 55
bwbIhw qUM shij boil scY sbid suBwie ] baabeehaa, tooN sahj bol, sachai sabad subhaa-ay.
O! Babeehaa (i.e. rain bird), you speak the Word of the True, with love and with natural ease.
sBu ikCu qyrY nwil hY siqguir dIAw idKwie ] sabh kichh tayrai naal hai, satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ay.
Everything is with you (i.e. all bliss is in the Name), — the True Guru has shown (this to you).
Awpu pCwxih pRIqmu imlY vuTw Chbr lwie ] aap pachhaaṇeh, preetam milai, vuṭaa chhahbar laa-ay.
Whoever understands one’s self, meets the Beloved (Lord), and, He rains down (the Name
water) continually.
iJim iJim AMimRqu vrsdw iqsnw BuK sB jwie ] jhim jhim aMmrit varasdaa, tisnaa bhukh sabh jaa-ay.
Slowly and gently, the AMmrit rains down, and, all thirst and hunger (for Maya) is gone.
kUk pukwr n hoveI joqI joiq imlwie ] kook pukaar na hova-ee, jotee jot milaa-ay.
(Then) screams and cries cease, and, ones light merges in the Light (of the Lord).
nwnk suiK svin@ sohwgxI scY nwim smwie ]56]
naanak, sukh savnih sohaagaṇee, sachai naam samaa-ay. ||56||
Nanak (says): absorbed in the True Name, the happy (soul) brides sleep in peace. 56

Durhu Ksim ByijAw scY hukim pTwie ] dharahu khasam bhayji-aa, sachai hukam paṭaa-ay.
The Master has sent it (i.e. cloud) from His Court; He has sent it (i.e. cloud) by His True
ieMdu vrsY dieAw kir gUV@I Chbr lwie ] iNd varsai da-i-aa kar, gooṛhee chhahbar laa-ay.
In their mercy, the clouds rains down, which falls heavily and constantly.
bwbIhy qin min suKu hoie jW qqu bUMd muih pwie ]
baabeehay, tan man sukh ho-ay, jaan tat booNd muhi paa-ay.
The body and the mind of the Babeehaa (i.e. rain bird) are pleased, when the drop, the essence
(of rain water) falls into its mouth.
Anu Dnu bhuqw aupjY DrqI soBw pwie ] an dhan bahutaa upjai, dhartee sobhaa paa-ay.
(With this) a lot of grain grows and wealth is produced, and, the earth becomes dignified.
Anidnu loku Bgiq kry gur kY sbid smwie ] an-din lok bhagat karay, gur kai sabad samaa-ay.
Day and night, people perform devotion, and, are absorbed in the Word of Guru.
Awpy scw bKis ley kir ikrpw krY rjwie ] aapay sachaa bakhas la-ay, kar kirpaa karai rajaa-ay.
The True Himself forgives them, bestows His Grace, and, gets them to follow His Will.
hir gux gwvhu kwmxI scY sbid smwie ] har guṇ gaavhu kaamṇee, sachai sabad samaa-ay.
O! the charming lady (i.e. soul bride), sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, be
absorbed in the True Word.
BY kw shju sIgwru kirhu sic rhhu ilv lwie ] bhai kaa sahj seegaar karihu, sach rahhu liv laa-ay.
Decorate yourself with the (noble) fear (of God), with natural ease, and, remain lovingly
attuned to the True (Lord).
nwnk nwmo min vsY hir drgh ley Cfwie ]57]
naanak, naamo man vasai, har dargeh la-ay chhadaa-ay. ||57||
Nanak (says): (when) the Name (of God) abides in the mind, God save him in His Court. 57
bwbIhw sglI DrqI jy iPrih aUif cVih Awkwis ] baabeehaa, saglee dhartee jay fireh, ood chaṛeh aakaas.
Babeehaa (i.e. rain bird), wanders over all over the earth, flying high over the skies (but it
cannot find water).
siqguir imilAY jlu pweIAY cUkY BUK ipAws ] satgur mili-ai jal paa-ee-ai, chookai bhookh pi-aas.
Water is obtained when one meets the True Guru; then his hunger and thirst are finished.
jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw sBu ikCu iqs kY pwis ] jee-o piNd sabh tis kaa, sabh kichh tis kai paas.
Life and body all belong to Him (i.e. God), and, everything belongs to Him.
ivxu boilAw sBu ikCu jwxdw iksu AwgY kIcY Ardwis ] viṇ boli-aa sabh kichh jaaṇdaa, kis aagai keechai ardaas.
(When) He knows everything without (even) being told; (then) unto whom should we offer our
nwnk Git Git eyko vrqdw sbid kry prgws ]58]
naanak, ghat ghat ayko varatdaa, sabad karay pargaas. ||58||
Nanak (says): the One (Lord) pervades each and every heart, and, He illumines (everyone) with
His Word. 58
nwnk iqsY bsMqu hY ij siqguru syiv smwie ] naanak, tisai basant hai, je satgur sayv samaa-ay.
Nanak (says): it is the spring time, when one serves the True Guru.
hir vuTw mnu qnu sBu prPVY sBu jgu hrIAwvlu hoie ]59]
har vuṭaa man tan sabh parfaṛai, sabh jag haree-aaval ho-ay. ||59||
When God becomes Kind (He rains His Grace), and, mind and body blossom forth; and, the

entire world becomes green. 59
sbdy sdw bsMqu hY ijqu qnu mnu hirAw hoie ] sabday sadaa basaNt hai, jit tan man hari-aa ho-ay.
Through the Word there is spring, forever; it turns the mind and body green.
nwnk nwmu n vIsrY ijin isirAw sBu koie ]60] naanak, naam na veesrai, jin siri-aa sabh ko-ay. ||60||
Nanak (says): let us not forget the Name (of God), which has created everyone. 60
nwnk iqnw bsMqu hY ijnw gurmuiK visAw min soie ]
naanak, tinaa basaNt hai, jinaa gurmukh vasi-aa man so-ay.
Nanak (says): it is the spring time for those Guru-oriented ones, within whose mind God
hir vuTY mnu qnu prPVY sBu jgu hirAw hoie]61] har vuṭai man tan parfaṛai, sabh jag hari-aa ho-ay ||61||
When God becomes Kind (He rains His Grace), and, the mind and body blossom forth; and, all
the world turns green. 61
vfVY Jwil JluMBlY nwvVw leIAY iksu ] vadṛai jhaal jhaluMbhlai, naavṛaa la-ee-ai kis.
In the early hours of the morning, whose Name should one chant (i.e. meditate upon)?
nwau leIAY prmysrY BMnx GVx smrQu ]62] naa-o la-ee-ai parmaysrai, bhaNnaṇ ghaṛaṇ samrath. ||62||
Chant the Name of the Supreme Master, who is all-powerful to create and destroy. 62
hrht BI qUM qUM krih bolih BlI bwix ] harhat bhee tooN tooN karahi, boleh bhalee baaṇ.
The Persian wheel (of the well) utters (the sound of) ‘toon’ ‘toon’ (i.e. You, You); and, it utters in
good (sweet) sound.
swihbu sdw hdUir hY ikAw aucI krih pukwr ] saahib sadaa hadoor hai ki-aa, uchee karahi pukaar.
The Master is always present (before you), why do you cry out (to Him) so loudly?
ijin jgqu aupwie hir rMgu kIAw iqsY ivthu kurbwxu ] jin jagat upaa-ay har ra g kee-aa, tisai vitahu kurbaaṇ.
God, who has created (this) world, and, has created the play, (O! brethren) become a sacrifice
unto Him.
Awpu Cofih qW shu imlY scw eyhu vIcwru ] aap chhodeh taan saho milai, sachaa ayhu veechaar.
When one gives up his self-conceit, then one meets the Master ---- regard this as True.
haumY iPkw bolxw buiJ n skw kwr ] ha-umai fikaa bolṇaa, bujh na sakaa kaar.
By speaking insipid (words) through egotism, one does not understand (how to perform) the
service (of the Lord).
vxu iqRxu iqRBvxu quJY iDAwiedw Anidnu sdw ivhwx ]
vaṇ tariṇ taribhavaṇ tujhai dhi-aa-idaa, an-din sadaa vihaaṇ.
(O! Lord) the forests, the (whole) vegetation, the three worlds, (all) meditate upon You; the
days and nights are being spent forever( like this).
ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieAw kir kir Qky vIcwr ] bin satgur kinai na paa-i-aa, kar kar thakay veechaar.
Without the True Guru, no one finds Him; (people) have grown weary of thinking about it.
P. 1421
ndir krih jy AwpxI qW Awpy lYih svwir ] nadar karahi jay aapṇee, taan aapay laihi savaar.
(O! Lord) if You cast Your Glance (of Grace), then You Yourself embellish (lives of mortals).
nwnk gurmuiK ijn@I iDAwieAw Awey sy prvwxu ]63]
naanak, gurmukh jinhee dhi-aa-i-aa, aa-ay say parvaaṇ. ||63||
Nanak (says): those, who have meditated (upon God) through the Guru, their coming (into the
world) is approved (in the Court of God).63

jogu n BgvI kpVI jogu n mYly vyis ] jog na bhagvee kapṛee, jog na mailay vays.
Union (with God) is not obtained by wearing red-ochre (coloured) clothes or by wearing dirty
nwnk Gir bYiTAw jogu pweIAY siqgur kY aupdyis ]64]
naanak, ghar baiṭi-aa jog paa-ee-ai, satgur kai updays. ||64||
Nanak (says): union is obtained (even) while sitting in (one’s own) home (i.e. while living life as
a householder), through (i.e. by following) the teachings of the True Guru. 64
cwry kuMfw jy Bvih byd pVih jug cwir ] chaaray kuNdaa jay bhaveh, bayd paṛeh jug chaar.
(O! brethren) even if you wander in four (i.e. all) directions and read Vedas throughout four
ages (you shall not obtain union with God without the True Guru; but :)
nwnk swcw BytY hir min vsY pwvih moK duAwr ]65]
naanak, saachaa bhaytai har man vasai, paavahi mokh du-aar. ||65||
Nanak (says): if you meet with the True Guru, God shall come to dwell in your mind, and, you
shall find the door of salvation. 65
nwnk hukmu vrqY Ksm kw miq BvI iPrih cl icq ]
naanak, hukam vartai khasam kaa, mat bhavee fireh chal chit.
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) the Command of the Master prevails (everywhere); (but) your
wisdom is strayed (from the path of God); (you are) wandering around led by fickle mind.
mnmuK sau kir dosqI suK ik puCih imq ] manmukh sa-o kar dostee, sukh ke puchheh, mit.
You have made friends with the mind-oriented ones; how can you (still) ask for (spiritual)
happiness? O! (my) friend.
gurmuK sau kir dosqI siqgur sau lwie icqu ] jMmx mrx kw mUlu ktIAY qW suKu hovI imq ]66]
gurmukh sa-o kar dostee, satgur sa-o laa-ay chit.
jaMmaṇ maraṇ kaa mool katee-ai taan sukh hovee, mit ||66||
(O! Brethren) make friends with the Guru-oriented ones, and, focus (your) mind upon the True
Guru; (then) the root (i.e. source) of birth and death will be cut away; and, you shall obtain
(spiritual) happiness, O! (my) friend. 66
BuilAW Awip smJwiesI jw kau ndir kry ] bhuli-aan aap samjhaa-isee, jaa ka-o nadar karay.
He Himself instructs the straying ones, (when) He casts His Glance (of Grace).
nwnk ndrI bwhrI krx plwh kry ]67] naanak, nadree baahree, karaṇ palaah karay. ||67||
Nanak (says): those (who are) without His Grace, (always) cry and wail. 67

slok mhlw 4 Salok, Mehlaa 4

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
vfBwgIAw sohwgxI ijn@w gurmuiK imilAw hir rwie ]
vadbhaagee-aa sohaagaṇee, jinhaa gurmukh mili-aa har raa-ay.
Greatly fortunate are those happy (soul) brides, who meet the Sovereign Lord, through the
AMqir joiq prgwsIAw nwnk nwim smwie ]1] aNtar jot pargaasee-aa, naanak, naam samaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): the Light (of God) is revealed within them (i.e. Light of God illumines them); and,
(they are) absorbed in the Name (of God). 1

vwhu vwhu siqguru purKu hY ijin scu jwqw soie ] vaahu vaahu satgur purakh hai, jin sach jaataa so-ay.
Wondrous (i.e. great/ blessed / marvellous) is the True Guru, (the image of) the Primal Person,
who has known (i.e. realized) that True (Lord).
ijqu imilAY iqK auqrY qnu mnu sIqlu hoie ] jit mili-ai tikh utrai, tan man seetal ho-ay.
Meeting him, thirst (i.e. desire of Maya) is quenched, and, the body and the mind are cooled
(i.e. soothed).
vwhu vwhu siqguru siq purKu hY ijs no smqu sB koie ]
vaahu vaahu satgur sat purakh hai, jis no samat sabh ko-ay.
Wondrous (i.e. great/ blessed/ marvellous) is the True Guru, (the image of) the Primal Person,
who looks upon all alike.
vwhu vwhu siqguru inrvYru hY ijsu inMdw ausqiq quil hoie ]
vaahu vaahu satgur nirvair hai, jis niNdaa ustat tul ho-ay.
Wondrous (i.e. great / blessed / marvellous) is the True Guru, who is without malice; slander
and praise are all the same to Him.
vwhu vwhu siqguru sujwxu hY ijsu AMqir bRhmu vIcwru ]
vaahu vaahu satgur sujaaṇ hai, jis aNtar brahm veechaar.
Wondrous is the all-knowing True Guru, who has the knowledge of God within him (i.e. in his
vwhu vwhu siqguru inrMkwru hY ijsu AMqu n pwrwvwru ] vaahu vaahu satgur niraNkaar hai, jis ant na paaraavaar.
Wondrous is the True Guru, (the image of) the Formless (Lord) who has no end or limitations.
vwhu vwhu siqgurU hY ij scu idRVwey soie ] vaahu vaahu satguroo hai, je sach driṛ-aa-ay so-ay.
Wondrous is the True Guru, who implants the Truth within (the hearts of the beings).
nwnk siqgur vwhu vwhu ijs qy nwmu prwpiq hoie ]2]
naanak, satgur vaahu vaahu, jis tay naam paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): wondrous is the all-knowing True Guru, from whom the Name (of the Lord) is
obtained. 2
hir pRB scw soihlw gurmuiK nwmu goivMdu ] har prabh sachaa sohilaa, gurmukh naam goviNd.
For the Guru-oriented, (to chant) the Name of the Lord of the World, is (singing) the True song
of praise of God, the Lord.
Anidnu nwmu slwhxw hir jipAw min Awnµdu ] an-din naam salaahṇaa, har japi-aa man aanaNd.
Those, who praise the Name and meditate upon the Name of God, day and night, their minds
are in bliss.
vfBwgI hir pwieAw pUrn prmwnµdu ] vadbhaagee har paa-i-aa, pooran parmaanaNd.
By great (good) fortune, God, the perfect Embodiment of Supreme Bliss is found.
jn nwnk nwmu slwihAw bhuiV n min qin BMgu ]3]
jan naanak, naam sahaali-aa, bahuṛ na man tan bhaNg. ||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): those who meditate upon the Name (of God), no obstacle
blocks their mind and body (from enjoying spiritual bliss), again (i.e. ever). 3
mUM iprIAw sau nyhu ikau sjx imlih ipAwirAw ] mooN piree-aa sa-o nayhu, ki-o sajaṇ mileh pi-aari-aa.
I am in love with my Beloved (Lord); how can I meet with my (those) dear friends (who will
unite me with Him)!
hau FUFydI iqn sjx sic svwirAw ] ha-o ḍooḍaydee tin sajaṇ, sach savaari-aa.

I seek those friends, who are embellished with Truth.
siqguru mYfw imqu hY jy imlY q iehu mnu vwirAw ] satgur maidaa mit hai, jay milai ta ih man vaari-aa.
The True Guru is my (true) friend, if I meet him, I will offer this mind as a sacrifice unto him.
dyNdw mUM ipru dis hir sjxu isrjxhwirAw ] dayndaa mooN pir das, har sajaṇ sirjaṇhaari-aa.
He (i.e. the True Guru himself alone) can show me God, (my) Friend, the Creator.
nwnk hau ipru BwlI Awpxw siqgur nwil idKwilAw ]4]
naanak, ha-o pir bhaalee aapṇaa, satgur naal dikhaali-aa. ||4||
Nanak (says): I was searching for my Beloved (Lord); the True Guru has shown Him (dwelling
always) with me (within my heart). 4
hau KVI inhwlI pMDu mqu mUM sjxu Awvey ] ha-o khaṛee nihaalee paNdh, mat mooN sajaṇ aav-ay.
I am standing by the side of the road, looking (i.e. waiting) for Him; my friend may come.
ko Awix imlwvY Aju mY ipru myil imlwvey ] ko aaṇ milaavai aj, mai pir mayl milaava-ay.
If only someone would come, and, unite me in union with my Beloved (Lord).
P. 1422
hau jIau krI iqs ivtau cau KMnIAY jo mY iprI idKwvey ]
ha-o jee-o karee tis vita-o cha-o khaNnee-ai, jo mai piree dikhaava-ay.
I will cut my self into four pieces (in offering), for anyone who shows me my Beloved.
nwnk hir hoie dieAwlu qW guru pUrw mylwvey ]5]
naanak, har ho-ay da-i-aal, taan gur pooraa maylaava-ay.||5||
Nanak (says): if God becomes Merciful, He gets us to meet the perfect Guru. 5
Amqir joru haumY qin mwieAw kUVI AwvY jwie ] aNtar jor ha-umai tan maa-i-aa, koṛee aavai jaa-ay.
One, within whom is (i.e. prevails) power of ego, and, whose body is attached to Maya, comes
and goes falsely (i.e. visits the Guru as a formality).
siqgur kw PurmwieAw mMin n skI duqru qirAw n jwie ]
satgur kaa furmaa-i-aa maNn na sakee, dutar tari-aa na jaa-ay.
He does not obey the command of the True Guru, (hence) he cannot cross over the terrifying
(world ocean).
ndir kry ijsu AwpxI so clY siqgur Bwie ] nadar karay jis aapṇee, so chalai satgur bhaa-ay.
One, upon whom, He bestows His Grace walks (i.e. lives) in the Will of the True Guru.
siqgur kw drsnu sPlu hY jo ieCY so Plu pwie ] satgur kaa darsan safal hai, jo ichhai so fal paa-ay.
The vision of the True Guru is fruitful, (through this) one obtains the fruit of his desires.
ijnI siqguru mMinAW hau iqn ky lwgau pwie ] jinee satgur maNni-aan, ha-o tin kay laaga-o paa-ay.
Those, who obey (i.e. have faith in ) the True Guru, I touch (i.e. bow at) their feet.
nwnku qw kw dwsu hY ij Anidnu rhY ilv lwie ]6] naanak, taa kaa daas hai, je an-din rahai liv laa-ay. ||6||
Nanak (says): I am a slave of those, who, day and night, remain lovingly attuned to him (i.e.
Guru). 6
ijnw iprI ipAwru ibnu drsn ikau iqRpqIAY ] nwnk imly suBwie gurmuiK iehu mnu rhsIAY ]7]
jinaa piree pi-aar, bin darsan ki-o taripat-ee-ai.
naanak, milay subhaa-ay, gurmukh ih man rehsee-ai ||7||
Those, who are in love with their Beloved, how they can become satiated without (beholding)
his vision. Nanak (says): they meet him, through the Guru, with natural ease; and, their mind
is filled with ecstasy.7
ijnw iprI ipAwru ikau jIvin ipr bwhry ] jW shu dyKin Awpxw nwnk QIvin BI hry ]8]
jinaa piree pi-aar, ki-o jeevan pir baahray.

jaan saho daykhan aapnaa, naanak, theevan bhee haray ||8||
Those, who are in love with their Beloved, how can they live without Him? Nanak (says): when
they see their Master, they turn all green (i.e. they blossom forth and become rejuvenated). 8
ijnw gurmuiK AMdir nyhu qY pRIqm scY lwieAw ] rwqI AqY fyhu nwnk pRyim smwieAw ]9]
jinaa gurmukh aNdar nayhu, tai preetam sachai laa-i-aa.
raatee atai dayhu, naanak, praym samaa-i-aa. ||9||
Nanak (says): those, within whom You have enshrined (Your) love, through the Guru, O! True
Beloved (Lord), day and night, they remain absorbed in Your love. 9
gurmuiK scI AwskI ijqu pRIqmu scw pweIAY ] Anidnu rhih Anµid nwnk shij smweIAY ]10]
gurmukh sachee aaskee, jit preetam sachaa paa-ee-ai.
an-din raheh anaNd, naanak, sahj samaa-ee-ai. ||10||
The love of the Guru-oriented (person) is true (i.e. eternal); through it the True Beloved is
found. Nanak (says): (through this love) day and night, one remains in bliss; (hence) one
remains immersed in poise. 10
scw pRym ipAwru gur pUry qy pweIAY ] kbhU n hovY BMgu nwnk hir gux gweIAY ]11]
sachaa praym pi-aar, gur pooray tay paa-ee-ai.
kabhoo na hovai bhaNg, naanak, har guṇ gaa-ee-ai. ||11||
True (i.e. eternal) love and affection are obtained from the perfect Guru.
Nanak (says): this (love) never breaks; (so) sing (the praise of) the excellences of God. 11
ijn@w AMdir scw nyhu ikau jIvin@ iprI ivhUixAw ] gurmuiK myly Awip nwnk icrI ivCuMinAw ]12]
jinhaa aNdar sachaa nayhu, ki-o jeevnih piree vihooṇi-aa.
gurmukh maylay aap, naanak, chiree vichhuNni-aa. ||12||
Those, who have true (i.e. eternal) love within them, how can they live without the Beloved?
Nanak (says): through the Guru, (those) who were separated (from Him) since long, He
Himself unites (with Himself). 12
ijn kau pRym ipAwru qau Awpy lwieAw krmu kir ] jin ka-o praym pi-aar, ta-o aapay laa-i-aa karam kar.
Those, who are filled with love, You Yourself have blessed it (to them) by Your Grace.
nwnk lyhu imlwie mY jwick dIjY nwmu hir ]13] naanak, layho milaa-ay, mai jaachik deejai naam har||13||
Nanak (says): O! God, (please) bless me with Your Name, and, unite me (with Yourself). 13
gurmuiK hsY gurmuiK rovY ] gurmukh hasai, gurmukh rovai.
The Guru-oriented one (sometimes) laughs (in love of the Lord), and, the Guru-oriented
(sometimes) cries (in feeling/ pang of separation).
ij gurmuiK kry sweI Bgiq hovY ] je gurmukh karay, saa-ee bhagat hovai.
Whatever the Guru-oriented one does, that is (his) devotion.
gurmuiK hovY su kry vIcwru ] gurmukh hovai so karay veechaar.
Whoever is a the Guru-oriented one, contemplates (the Lord).
gurmuiK nwnk pwvY pwru ]14] gurmukh, naanak, paavai paar. ||14||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented one crosses over to the other shore (of the world ocean). 14
ijnw AMdir nwmu inDwnu hY gurbwxI vIcwir ] iqn ky muK sd aujly iqqu scY drbwir ]
jinaa aNdar naam nidhaan hai, gurbaaṇee veechaar. tin kay mukh sad ujlay, tit sachai darbaar.
Those, who have (enshrined) the treasure of the Name within, through the contemplation of
the Word of the Guru; their faces are always radiant in that Court of the True (Lord).

iqn bhidAw auTidAw kdy n ivsrY ij Awip bKsy krqwir ]
tin bahdi-aa uṭ-di-aa kaday na visrai, je aap bakhsay kartaar.
Sitting down or standing up, they never forget Him, whom the Creator Himself blesses (them).
nwnk gurmuiK imly n ivCuVih ij myly isrjxhwir ]15]
naanak, gurmukh milay na vichhuṛeh, je maylay sirjaṇhaar. ||15||
Nanak (says): the Guru-orented one, whom the Creator has united (with Himself), shall never
be separated (again). 15
gur pIrW kI cwkrI mhW krVI suK swru ] gur peeraan kee chaakree, mahaan karṛee, sukh saar.
The service of the Gurus, the spiritual teachers, is greatly tough (i.e. difficult), (but, it brings)
most excellent (spiritual) happiness.
ndir kry ijsu AwpxI iqsu lwey hyq ipAwru ] nadar karay jis aapṇee, tis laa-ay hayt pi-aar.
One upon whom He bestows His Glance (of Grace), blesses him with love and affection.
siqgur kI syvY ligAw Baujlu qrY sMswru ] satgur kee sayvai lagi-aa, bha-ojal tarai saNsaar.
Attaching to (i.e. by performing) the service of the True Guru, one cross over the terrible
waters of the world (ocean).
mn icMidAw Plu pwiesI AMqir ibbyk bIcwru ] man chiNdi-aa fal paa-isee, aNtar bibayk beechaar.
One, within whom is discerning power and understanding, shall obtain the fruit of his mind’s
nwnk siqguir imilAY pRBu pweIAY sBu dUK invwrxhwru ]16]
naanak, satgur mili-ai prabh paa-ee-ai, sabh dookh nivaaraṇhaar. ||16||
Nanak (says): meeting the True Guru, one finds the Lord, the Eradicator of all Sorrows. 16
mnmuK syvw jo kry dUjY Bwie icqu lwie ] manmukh sayvaa jo karay, doojai bhaa-ay chit laa-ay.
Whatever service the mind-oriented one does, his mind is attached to the love of duality.
puqu klqu kutMbu hY mwieAw mohu vDwie ] put kalat kutaMb hai, maa-i-aa moh vadhaa-ay.
(Attached to) son (i.e. children), wife and relatives, his attachment to Maya increases.
drgih lyKw mMgIAY koeI AMiq n skI Cfwie ] dargahi laykhaa maNgee-ai, ko-ee aNt na sakee chhadaa-ay.
When he shall be called to account, in the Court (of God), in the end, no one will be able to
save him.
P. 1423
ibnu nwvY sBu duKu hY duKdweI moh mwie ] bin naavai sabh dukh hai, dukh-daa-ee moh maa-ay.
Without the Name, all is pain; attachment to Maya is (also) painful.
nwnk gurmuiK ndrI AwieAw moh mwieAw ivCuiV sB jwie ]17]
naanak, gurmukh nadree aa-i-aa, moh maa-i-aa vichhuṛ sabh jaa-ay. ||17||
Nanak (says): the Guru-oriented comes to see that all attachment to Maya (is short-lived),l this
(finally) separates (i.e. departs from the mortal being). 17
gurmuiK hukmu mMny sh kyrw hukmy hI suKu pwey ]
gurmukh hukam maNnay sah kayraa, hukmay hee sukh paa-ay.
The Guru-oriented (soul bride) obeys the Command of the Husband (Lord); and, through the
Command, she finds (spiritual) happiness.
hukmo syvy hukmu ArwDy hukmy smY smwey ] hukmo sayvay, hukam araadhay, hukmay samai samaa-ay.
She serves His Command, adores His Command, and, remains absorbed in His Command.
hukmu vrqu nymu suc sMjmu mn icMidAw Plu pwey ] hukam varat naym such saNjam, man chiNdi-aa fal paa-ay.
(Obeying) His Command is her (ritual) fast, religious code, purity, self-discipline; and,
(through it, i.e. His Command) she obtains the fruit of her mind’s desires.

sdw suhwgix ij hukmY buJY siqguru syvY ilv lwey] sadaa suhaagaṇ je hukmai bujhai, satgur sayvai liv laa-ay.
She is always happy (soul) bride, if she realizes His Command, and, serves the True Guru with
loving devotion.
nwnk ik®pw kry ijn aUpir iqnw hukmy ley imlwey ]18]
naanak, kripaa karay jin oopar, tinaa hukmay la-ay milaa-ay. ||18||
Nanak (says): those, upon whom He bestows His Grace, unites them (with Himself) in His
Command. 18
mnmuiK hukmu n buJy bpuVI inq haumY krm kmwie ]
manmukh hukam na bujhay bapuṛee, nit ha-umai karam kamaa-ay.
The wretched mind-oriented (soul bride) does not realize His Command; she continually acts
in ego.
vrq nymu suc sMjmu pUjw pwKMif Brmu n jwie ] varat naym such saNjam poojaa, pakhaNd bharam na jaa-ay.
(She undertakes ritual) fasts, (observes) religious codes, purity, self-discipline, and performs
(ritual) worship ---- (but) doubt of mind does not depart through (such acts of) hypocrisy.
AMqrhu kusuDu mwieAw moih byDy ijau hsqI Cwru aufwey ]
aNtrahu kusudh maa-i-aa mohi baydhay, ji-o hastee chhaar udaa-ay.
Those, who are inwardly pierced through by attachment to Maya, are like the elephant that
throws dust (on its body right after its bath).
ijin aupwey iqsY n cyqih ibnu cyqy ikau suKu pwey ] jin upaa-ay tisai na chayteh, bin chaytay ki-o sukh paa-ay.
Those, who do not remember the One who created them; how can they find happiness without
remembering Him?
nwnk prpMcu kIAw Duir krqY pUrib iliKAw kmwey ]19]
naanak, parpaNch kee-aa dhur kartai, poorab likhi-aa kamaa-ay. ||19||
Nanak (says): the Creator has made the display (of the world) as pre-ordained; all act as it is
pre-inscribed (for them). 19
gurmuiK prqIiq BeI mnu mwinAw Anidnu syvw krq smwie ]
gurmukh parteet bha-ee man maani-aa, an-din sayvaa karat samaa-ay.
(When) the Guru-oriented one has faith, his mind is satisfied; and, day and night, he serves (the
Guru) and remains absorbed in him.
AMqir siqguru gurU sB pUjy siqgur kw drsu dyKY sB Awie ]
aNtar satgur guroo sabh poojay, satgur kaa daras daykhai sabh aa-ay.
(The Guru-oriented one realizes that) the Guru, the True Guru is within, and, all worship him,
and, everyone comes to see the True Guru.
mMnIAY siqgur prm bIcwrI ijqu imilAY iqsnw BuK sB jwie ]
maNnee-ai satgur param beechaaree, jit mili-ai tisnaa bhukh sabh jaa-ay.
The True Guru is known as supreme thinker; meeting him, all hunger and thirst depart.
hau sdw sdw bilhwrI gur Apuny jo pRBu scw dyie imlwie ]
ha-o sadaa sadaa balihaaree gur apunay, jo prabh sachaa day-ay milaa-ay.
I am forever and ever a sacrifice unto my Guru, who gets me to unite with the True Lord.
nwnk krmu pwieAw iqn scw jo gur crxI lgy Awie ]20]
naanak, karam paa-i-aa tin sachaa, jo gur charṇee lagay aa-ay. ||20||
Nanak (says): those, who come and get attached to (i.e. serve at) the feet of the Guru, are

blessed with Grace of the True (Lord). 20
ijn iprIAw sau nyhu sy sjx mY nwil ] jin piree-aa sa-o nayhu, say sajaṇ mai naal.
Those companions who are in love with the Beloved (Lord) are with me (i.e. within my heart).
AMqir bwhir hau iPrW BI ihrdY rKw smwil ]21] antar baahar ha-o firaa , bhee hirdai rakhaa samaal ||21||

I (may) wander around inside and outside, but, I (always) keep Him enshrined within (my)
heart. 21
ijnw iek min iek iciq iDAwieAw siqgur sau icqu lwie ] iqn kI duK BuK haumY vfw rogu gieAw inrdoK Bey ilv lwie ]
jinaa ik man ik chit dhi-aa-i-aa, satgur sa-o chit laa-ay.
tin kee dukh bhukh ha-umai vadaa rog ga-i-aa; nirdokh bha-ay liv laa-ay.
Those, who attach their mind to he True Guru, and, meditate upon Him single-mindedly, and
single-heartedly; (they) are rid of sufferings, hunger, and great disease of egotism; and, (when
they are) lovingly attuned to Him, they become free of vices.
gux gwvih gux aucrih gux mih svY smwie ] guṇ gaavahi guṇ uchrahi, guṇ meh savai samaa-ay.
They sing (the praise of) His excellences, they chant (the praise of) His excellences; they sleep
absorbed in His excellences.
nwnk gur pUry qy pwieAw shij imilAw pRBu Awie ]22]
naanak, gur pooray tay paa-i-aa, sahj mili-aa prabh aa-ay. ||22||
Nanak (says):(God is) found through the perfect Guru, and, the Lord comes to meet (the
devotees), with natural ease. 22
mnmuiK mwieAw mohu h Y nwim n lgY ipAwru ] manmukh maa-i-aa moh hai, naam na lagai pi-aar.
The mind-oriented one is (emotionally) attached to Maya; he does not love the Name (of the Lord).
kUVu kmwvY kUVu sMGrY kUiV krY Awhwru ] kooṛ kamaavai, kooṛ saNghrai, kooṛ karai aahaar.
He earns (i.e. practices) falsehood; gathers falsehood; and, falsehood is his food (i.e. nourishment).
ibKu mwieAw Dnu sMic mrih AMiq hoie sBu Cwru ] bikh maa-i-aa dhan saNch mareh, aNt ho-ay sabh chhaar.
(Those, who) gather wealth of poison (i.e. Maya), they die (spiritually) and, in the end,
everything is reduced to ashes.
krm Drm suic sMjmu krih AMqir loBu ivkwr ] karam dharam such saNjam karahi, aNtar lobh vikaar.
They perform religious rituals, (outwardly) purification (of body), live in self-discipline, (but)
within them are greed and vices.
nwnk mnmuiK ij kmwvY su Qwie n pvY drgh hoie KuAwru ]23]
naanak, manmukh je kamaavai, so thaa-ay na pavai, dargeh ho-ay khu-aar. ||23||
Nanak (says): whatever the mind-oriented one earns, is not accepted; and, in the Court of
God, he suffers humiliation 23
sBnw rwgW ivic so Blw BweI ijqu visAw min Awie ]
sabhnaa raagaan vich so bhalaa, bhaa-ee, jit vasi-aa man aa-ay.
Among all raagas (i.e. music metres) that raag is good, O! brethren, by which He comes to
abide in the mind.
rwgu nwdu sBu scu hY kImiq khI n jwie ] raag naad sabh sach hai, keemat kahee na jaa-ay.
All the rages, and sounds are true; their value cannot be described.
rwgY nwdY bwhrw ienI hukmu n bUiJAw jwie ] raagai naadai baahraa, inee hukam na boojhi-aa jaa-ay.
(God) is outside the raagas and the sounds; through these, His Command cannot be understood.
nwnk hukmY bUJY iqnw rwis hoie siqgur qy soJI pwie ]
naanak, hukmai boojhai, tinaa raas ho-ay, satgur tay sojhee paa-ay.
Nanak (says): those, who understand His Command, for them these (ragas and sounds) are

good; (but) this understanding is obtained from the True Guru.
sBu ikCu iqs qy hoieAw ijau iqsY dI rjwie ]24] sabh kichh tis tay ho-i-aa, ji-o tisai dee rajaa-ay. ||24||
Everything has happened by Him, and, it happens as He Wills. 24
P. 1424
siqgur ivic AMimRq nwmu hY AMimRqu khY khwie ] satgur vich aMmrit naam hai, aMmrit kahai kahaa-ay.
The AMmrit ṭame (of God) is with the True Guru; he chants AMmrit (Name) and gets others to
chant it.
gurmqI nwmu inrmluo inrml nwmu iDAwie ] gurmatee naam nirmalo, nirmal naam dhi-aa-ay.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, one obtains immaculate Name; and, meditating upon the
Name, one becomes immaculate.
AMimRq bwxI qqu hY gurmuiK vsY min Awie ] aMmrit baṇee tat hai, gurmukh vasai man aa-ay.
The AMmrit Word is the essence (of reality), it comes to abide in the mind through the Guru.
ihrdY kmlu prgwisAw joqI joiq imlwie ] hirdai kamal pargaasi-aa, jotee jot milaa-ay.
(When AMmrit Word abides in the mind) the lotus of heart blossoms forth; and, one’s light merges
in the Light (of God).
nwnk siqguru iqn kau myilEnu ijn Duir msqik Bwgu ilKwie ]25]
naanak, satgur tin ka-o mayli-on, jin dhur mastak bhaag likhaa-ay. ||25||
Nanak (says): He gets those (persons) meet with the True Guru, who have this destiny
inscribed upon their foreheads, from the very beginning. 25
AMdir iqsnw Aig hY mnmuK BuK n jwie ] aNdar tisnaa ag hai, manmukh bhukh na jaa-ay.
Within the mind-oriented one, there is fire of desires, his hunger never departs.
mohu kutMbu sBu kUVu hY kUiV rihAw lptwie ] moh kutaMb sabh kooṛ hai, kooṛ rahi-aa laptaa-ay.
(Emotional) attachment to family is totally false, (due to this) one remains engrossed in
Anidnu icMqw icMqvY icMqw bDw jwie ] an-din chiNtaa chiNtvai, chiNtaa badhaa jaa-ay.
Day and night, he remains anxious about anxieties; bound to anxiety he departs.
jMmxu mrxu n cukeI haumY krm kmwie ] jaMmaṇ maraṇ na chuk-ee, ha-umai karam kamaa-ay.
His (cycle of) birth and death does not end; he earns (i.e. performs) his deeds in egotism.
gur srxweI aubrY nwnk ley Cfwie ]26] gur sarṇaa-ee ubrai, naanak, la-ay chhadaa-ay. ||26||
Nanak (says): seeking the refuge of the Guru, one is saved, and, he (the Guru) gets him freed
(from attachment to Maya). 26
siqgur purKu hir iDAwiedw sqsMgiq siqgur Bwie ]
satgur purakh har dhi-aa-idaa, satsaNgat satgur bhaa-ay.
The True Guru meditates upon God, (the image of)the Primal Person; and, the true
congregation is pleasing to the True Guru.
sqsMgiq siqgur syvdy hir myly guru mylwie ] satsaNgat satgur sayvday, har maylay gur maylaa-ay.
Those, who join the true congregation and serve the True Guru; God unites them (with
Himself), in union, through the Guru.
eyhu Baujlu jgqu sMswru hY guru boihQu nwim qrwie ]
ayhu bha-ojal jagat saNsaar hai, gur bohith naam taraa-ay.
This world is a terrifying world-ocean; Guru, the boat, carries us across through the Name.
gurisKI Bwxw mMinAw guru pUrw pwir lµGwie ] gursikhee bhaaṇaa maNni-aa, gur pooraa paar laNghaa-ay.
The sikhs (i.e. disciples) of the Guru obey His Will; and, the perfect Guru carries them across
(the world ocean).

gurisKW kI hir DUiV dyih hm pwpI BI giq pWih ]
gursikhaan kee har dhooṛ deh, ham paapee bhee gat paanhi.
O! God, (please) bless us with dust of (the feet of) the sikhs (i.e. disciples) of the Guru, so that
we, the sinner may also get emancipated.
Duir msqik hir pRB iliKAw gur nwnk imilAw Awie ]
dhur mastak har prabh likhi-aa; gur, naanak, mili-aa aa-ay.
Nanak (says): one, upon whose forehead, God, the Lord, has inscribed it from the very
beginning, the Guru comes to meet (him).
jmkMkr mwir ibdwirAnu hir drgh ley Cfwie ]
jamkaNkar maar bidaari-an, har dargeh la-ay chhadaa-ay.
(The Guru) beats and throws away the messenger of death; and, saves (the disciples, the Guru-
oriented ones) in the Court of God.
gurisKw no swbwis hY hir quTw myil imlwie ]27] gursikhaa no saabaas hai, har tuṭaa mayl milaa-ay ||27||
Blessed are the sikhs (i.e. disciples) of the Guru; in His pleasure, God unites them in union. 27
guir pUrY hir nwmu idVwieAw ijin ivchu Brmu cukwieAw ]
gur poorai har naam diṛaa-i-aa, jin vichahu bharam chukaa-i-aa.
The perfect Guru has implanted the Name of God (within me); it has dispelled (all) doubts
from my mind.
rwm nwmu hir kIriq gwie kir cwnxu mgu dyKwieAw ]
raam naam har keerat gaa-ay, kar chaanaṇ mag daykhaa-i-aa.
(Meditating upon) the Name of God, and, singing the praise of God, he (i.e. the Guru) has
illumined (my mind) and shown (me) the path (of God).
haumY mwir eyk ilv lwgI AMqir nwmu vswieAw ] ha-umai maar ayk liv laagee, aNtar naam vasaa-i-aa.
One conquers his ego, and, remains lovingly attuned to the One (Lord); (because) the Name (of
God) dwells within him.
gurmqI jmu joih n skY scY nwie smwieAw ] gurmatee jam johi na sakai, sachai naa-ay samaa-i-aa.
(For) following the wisdom of Guru, the messenger of death cannot (even) see him; he is
immersed in the True Name.
sBu Awpy Awip vrqY krqw jo BwvY so nwie lwieAw ]
sabh aapay aap vartai kartaa, jo bhaavai so naa-ay laa-i-aa.
The Creator Himself is pervading (everywhere); whoever is pleasing to Him, He attaches him
to His Name.
jn nwnku nwau ley qW jIvY ibnu nwvY iKnu mir jwieAw ]28]
jan naanak, naa-o la-ay taan jeevai, bin naavai khin mar jaa-i-aa. ||28||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I live by chanting the Name (of God); without the Name, I
die in an instant. 28
mn AMqir haumY rogu BRim BUly haumY swkq durjnw ]
man aNtar ha-umai rog, bharam bhoolay ha-umai saakat durjanaa.
One, within whose mind there is the disease of ego, that non-believer, evil person wanders
around lost, deluded by doubt.
nwnk rogu gvwie imil siqgur swDU sjxw ]29] naanak, rog gavaa-ay, mil satgur saadhoo sajaṇaa. ||29||
Nanak (says): the disease (of egotism) is eradicated by meeting the True Guru, the God-
oriented persons, (our) friend. 29
gurmqI hir hir boly ] gurmatee har har bolay.
(The soul bride) chants the (Name of) God, the Lord, through the wisdom of the Guru.

hir pRyim ksweI idnsu rwiq hir rqI hir rMig coly ]
har praym kasaa-ee dinas raat, har ratee har raNg cholay.
Attracted by the love of God, day and night, she (i.e. soul bride) is imbued with (the Name of)
God; her (body) robe is imbued with the love of God.
hir jYsw purKu n lBeI sBu dyiKAw jgqu mY toly ]
har jaisaa purakh na labh-ee, sabh daykhi-aa jagat mai tolay.
I have searched and looked all over the world, (but) I have not found any being like God.
gur siqguir nwmu idVwieAw mnu Anq n kwhU foly ] gur satgur naam diṛaa-i-aa, man anat na kaahoo dolay.
The Guru, the True Guru has implanted the Name (of God) within (me); (now) my mind, does
not waver or wander anywhere.
jn nwnku hir kw dwsu hY gur siqgur ky gul goly ]30]
jan naanak, har kaa daas hai, gur satgur kay gul golay. ||30||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am a slave of God; I am a slave of the slaves (of the true
Guru). 30
P. 1425
slok mhlw 5 Salok, Mehlaa 5
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
rqy syeI ij muKu n moVMin@ ijn@I is\wqw sweI ] ratay say-ee, je mukh na moṛaNnih, jinhee sinjaataa saa-ee.
They alone are imbued (with God), who have realized the Master, and, they do not turn their
faces away from Him.
JiV JiV pvdy kcy ibrhI ijn@w kwir n AweI ]1]
jhaṛ jhaṛ pavday kachay bir-hee, jinhaa kaar na aa-ee. ||1||
Those who are unripe (imperfect, immature, false) lovers, they do not know the way (of love),
(so) they drop and fall (like leaves from the trees). 1
DxI ivhUxw pwt ptMbr BwhI syqI jwly ] dhaṇee vihooṇaa paat pataMbar, bhaahee saytee jaalay.
(The soul bride says): without the Master, I shall burn my clothes, the silk clothes in fire.
DUVI ivic lufMdVI sohW nwnk qY sh nwly ]2]
dhooṛee vich ludaNd-ṛee sohaan, naanak, tai sah naalay. ||2||
Nanak (says): O! Husband (Lord), if I am with You, I will look beautiful, (even when) rolling in
dust. 2
gur kY sbid ArwDIAY nwim rMig bYrwgu ] gur kai sabad araadhee-ai, naam raNg bairaag.
(O! brethren) adore Him through the Word of the Guru; detachment (from Maya) comes
through the love of the Name.
jIqy pMc bYrweIAw nwnk sPl mwrU iehu rwgu ]3]
jeetay paNch bairaa-ee-aa, naanak, safal maaroo ih raag.||3||
Nanak (says): if one conquers the five enemies*, (only then) the singing of the Maru raag is
fruitful. 3 [*Five enemies: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
jW mUM ieku q lK qau ijqI ipnxy dir ikqVy ] jaan mooN ik ta lakh, ta-o jitee pinṇay dar kit-ṛay.
(O! Brahmin) when I have the One (Lord with me), (I have) hundred of thousand (with me);
(otherwise) countless beggars like you beg at His Door.

bwmxu ibrQw gieE jnµmu ijin kIqo so ivsry ]4] baamaṇ birthaa ga-i-o janNam, jin keeto so visray. ||4||
O! Brahman, your life has been wasted away; you have forgotten the One, who created you. 4
soriT so rsu pIjIAY kbhU n PIkw hoie ] soraṭ, so ras peejee-ai, kabhoo na feekaa ho-ay.
(Singing) in the Soraṭ raag, (let us) drink in the essence (of the Name) which never loses taste.
nwnk rwm nwm gun gweIAih drgh inrml soie ]5]
naanak, raam naam gun gaa-ee-ah, dargeh nirmal so-ay. ||5||
Nanak (says): singing (the praise of) the excellences of Name of God, one obtains immaculate
glory (i.e. praise) in the Court (of God). 5
jo pRiB rKy Awip iqn koie n mwreI ] jo prabh rakhay aap, tin ko-ay na maar-ee.
Those, who are protected by the Lord Himself, no one can kill them.
AMdir nwmu inDwnu sdw gux swreI ] aNdar naam nidhaan, sadaa guṇ saar-ee.
Those, who have the treasure of the Name within, always remembers His excellences.
eykw tyk AgMm min qin pRBu DwreI ] aykaa tayk agaMm, man tan prabh dhaar-ee.
Those, who have the support of the One, Inaccessible (Lord), enshrine the Lord in the mind
and the body.
lgw rMgu Apwru ko n auqwreI ] lagaa raNg apaar, ko na utaara-ee.
(When) one is imbued with the love of the Infinite (Lord); no one can wipe it away.
gurmuiK hir gux gwie shij suKu swreI ] gurmukh har guṇ gaa-ay, sahj sukh saar-ee.
The Guru-oriented one sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, and, obtains sublime
(spiritual) happiness and poise.
nwnk nwmu inDwnu irdY auir hwreI ]6] naanak, naam nidhaan, ridai ur haar-ee. ||6||
Nanak (says): he (i.e. the Guru-oriented) enshrines the treasure of the Name in his heart like a
garland of the heart (i.e. like a garland around the neck). 6
kry su cMgw mwin duXI gxq lwih ] ApxI ndir inhwil Awpy lYhu lwie ]
karay so chaNga maan, duyee gaṇat laahi. apṇee nadar nihaal, aapay laihu laa-ay.
(O! brethren) whatever He does, accept that as good; and, leave behind (all) considerations of
duality. Casting His Glance (of Grace), He shall attach (you) to Himself.
jn dyhu mqI aupdysu ivchu Brmu jwie ] jan dayh matee updays, vichahu bharam jaa-ay.
(O! God) instruct Your servant (i.e. devotee) with (sublime) teaching, so that doubt may depart
from within my mind.
jo Duir iliKAw lyKu soeI sB kmwie ] jo dhur likhi-aa laykh, so-ee sabh kamaa-ay.
Everyone earns (i.e. does deeds) as destiny is inscribed (on one’s forehead) from the very
sBu kCu iqs dY vis dUjI nwih jwie ] sabh kachh tis dai vas, doojee naahi jaa-ay.
Everything is under His Control; and, there is no other place (of refuge for the beings).
nwnk suK And Bey pRB kI mMin rjwie ]7] naanak, sukh anad bha-ay, prabh kee maNn rajaa-ay. ||7||
Nanak (says): accepting the Will of the Lord, one obtains happiness and bliss.
guru pUrw ijn ismirAw syeI Bey inhwl ] gur pooraa jin simri-aa, say-ee bha-ay nihaal.
Those, who meditate upon the perfect Guru, they become enraptured.
nwnk nwmu ArwDxw kwrju AwvY rwis ]8] naanak, naam araadhaṇaa, kaaraj aavai raas. ||8||
Nanak (says): by adoring (i.e. meditating upon) His Name, all affairs are settled. 8
pwpI krm kmwvdy krdy hwey hwie ] paapee karam kamaavday, karday haa-ay haa-ay.
The sinners earn (i.e. commit) wrong deeds, (and for that) they wail and cry.

nwnk ijau mQin mwDwxIAw iqau mQy DRm rwie ]9]
naanak, ji-o mathan maadhaaṇee-aa, ti-o mathay dharam raa-ay. ||9||
Nanak (says): just as the churning-stick churns (curd for butter), so does the Judge of
Righteousness churn them (i.e. punishes the sinners). 9
nwmu iDAwiein swjnw jnm pdwrQu jIiq ] naam dhi-aa-in, saajnaa, janam padaarath jeet.
(Those, who) meditate upon the Name (of God), O! friend, win the treasure of life.
nwnk Drm AYsy cvih kIqo Bvnu punIq ]10] naanak, dharam aisay chaveh, keeto bhavan puneet. ||10||
Nanak (says): those, who chant faith (i.e. the Name), sanctify the place (wherever they go). 10
KuBVI kuQwie imTI glix kumMqRIAw ] khubh-ṛee kuthaa-ay, miṭee galaṇ kumaNtree-aa.
(Mortals are) struck in evil place, in the marsh of sweet words of the evil advisors.
nwnk syeI aubry ijnw Bwgu mQwih ]11] naanak, say-ee ubray, jinaa bhaag mathaahi. ||11||
Nanak (says): they alone are saved, who have (good) destiny (inscribed on) their foreheads. 11
suqVy suKI svMin@ jo rqy sh AwpxY ] sut-ṛay sukhee savaNnih, jo ratay sah aapṇai.
They alone sleep in peace, who are imbued with the love with their Husband (Lord).
pRym ivCohw DxI sau ATy phr lvMin@ ]12] praym vichhohaa dhaṇee sa-o, aṭay pahar lavaNnih. ||12||
Those, (who are) separated from the love of their Lord, call out (i.e. cry for help) (all) the eight
quarters (i.e. all through twenty-four hours). 12
suqVy AsMK mwieAw JUTI kwrxy ] sut-rhay asaNkh, maa-i-aa jhooṭee kaarṇay.
Countless are asleep (in ignorance), for the sake of (i.e. for attachment to) false Maya.
nwnk sy jwgMin@ ij rsnw nwmu aucwrxy ]13] naanak, say jaagaNnih, je rasnaa naam uchaarṇay. ||13||
Nanak (says): they alone are awake, who chant the Name (of God) with their tongues. 13
imRg iqsnw pyiK Bulxy vuTy ngr gMDRb ] mirag tisnaa paykh bhulṇay, vuṭay nagar gaNdharab.
(This world is like) the mirage and Gandharbnagri* (i.e. optical illusion), beholding it people
are deluded (and robbed by it).
[* Gandharbnagri (or Harchandauri) is an imaginary concept; it is like optical illusion of ephemeral and mundane
objects like mirage].
ijnI scu ArwiDAw nwnk min qin Pb ]14] jinee sach araadhi-aa, naanak, man tan fab. ||14||
Nanak (says): those who adore (i.e. meditate upon) the True (Lord), their mind and body look
beautiful. 14
P. 1426
piqq auDwrx pwrbRhmu sMmRQ purKu Apwru ] patit udhaaraṇ paarbrahm, saMmrath purakh apaar.
The Supreme Lord is the Saviour of the Fallen ones (i.e. sinners); (He is) all-powerful, Infinite
Primal Person.
ijsih auDwry nwnkw so ismry isrjxhwru ]15] jisahi udhaaray, naankaa, so simray sirjaṇhaar. ||15||
Nanak (says): those, whom He saves (from sins), meditate upon the Creator. 15
dUjI Coif kuvwtVI ieks sau icqu lwie ]
doojee chhod kuvaataṛee, ikas sa-o chit laa-ay.
(O! brethren) forsake duality and evil path (of Maya), and, focus your mind on the One (Lord).
dUjY BwvˆØI nwnkw vhix luV@MdVI jwie ]16]
doojai bhaaveen, naankaa, vahaṇ luṛhaNdaṛee jaa-ay. ||16||
Nanak (says): in the love of duality, (the people) are being washed downstream. 16
iqhtVy bwjwr saudw krin vxjwirAw ] tihtaṛay baajaar, sa-udaa karan vaṇjaari-aa.

In the bazaars and the shops of the three gunaas (i.e. under the impact of the three qualities),.
scu vKru ijnI lidAw sy scVy pwswr ]17] sach vakhar jinee ladi-aa, say sachṛay paasaar. ||17||
the merchants are trading (in Maya). Those, who load the merchandise of Truth, their display
is true. 17
pMQw pRym n jwxeI BUlI iPrY gvwir ] nwnk hir ibsrwie kY paudy nrik AMD´wr ]18]
paNthaa praym na jaaṇ-ee, bhoolee firai gavaar.
naanak, har bisraa-ay kai, pa-uday narak aNdhyaar. ||18||
She, who does not know the path of love, that foolish (soul bride) is wandering in delusion.
Nanak (says): forgetting God, they fall into dark (pit of) hell. 18
mwieAw mnhu n vIsrY mWgY dMmW dMm ] so pRBu iciq n AwveI nwnk nhI krMim ]19]
maa-i-aa manhu na veesrai, maangai daMmaan damm.
so prabh chit na aavee, naanak, nahee karaMm. ||19||
The mind (of the mortal) does not forget wealth; and, he begs for more and more wealth.
Nanak (says): that Lord does not (even) come into his mind, (because) he does not have the
Grace (of God in his destiny). 19
iqcru mUil n QuVˆØIdo ijcru Awip ik®pwlu ] tichar mool na thuṛeendo, jichar aap kirpaal.
One does not run out of capital, as long as the Lord Himself is Gracious to him.
sbdu AKutu bwbw nwnkw Kwih Kric Dnu mwlu ]20]
sabad akhut, baabaa, naankaa, khaahi kharach dhan maal. ||20||
Nanak (says): O! elder (i.e. O! brethren), the Word (of God) is inexhaustible treasure ---- (no
matter as much as one may) consume and spend this wealth. 20
KMB ivkWdVy jy lhW iGMnw swvI qoil ] qMin jVWeI AwpxY lhW su sjxu toil ]21]
khaMbh vikaand-ṛay jay lahaan, ghiNnaa saavee tol.
taNn jaṛaan-ee aapṇai, lahaan so sajaṇ tol. ||21|
If I could find wings for sale, I would buy them (paying wealth) equal to my weight.
I would fix (i.e. attach) them to my body, and (fly to) search and find my Friend (the Lord). 21
sjxu scw pwiqswhu isir swhW dY swhu ] ijsu pwis bihiTAw sohIAY sBnW dw vyswhu ]22]
sajaṇ sachaa paatisaahu, sir saahaan dai saahu.
jis paas bahiṭi-aa sohee-ai, sabhnaan daa vaysaahu. ||22||
My Friend is True Emperor; (He is) the King over the heads of the kings.
Sitting by His side, one looks beautiful (i.e. one is exalted); He is the Faith (i.e. Support) of all.

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.

(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
slok mhlw 9 ] Salok, Mehlaa 9
gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ] gun gobiNd gaa-i-o nahee, janam akaarath keen.
(O! brethren, if) you do not sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, you
render your life useless.
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1] kaho naanak, har bhaj manaa, jih bidh jal ka-o meen ||1||
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, O! (my) mind, like the fish is in (love with) the water. 1
ibiKAn isau kwhy ricE inmK n hoih audwsu ] bikhi-an si-o kaahay rachi-o, nimakh na hohi udaas.
(O! brethren) why are you engrossed in poison (i.e. vices)? you are not detached (from these),

even for an instant.
khu nwnk Bju hir mnw prY n jm kI Pws ]2] kaho naanak, bhaj har manaa, parai na jam kee faas. ||2||
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, O! (my) mind, (and, then) you shall not be caught in the noose
of death. 2
qrnwpo ieau hI gieE lIE jrw qnu jIiq ] khu nwnk Bju hir mnw AauD jwqu hY bIiq ]3]
tarnaapo i-o hee ga-i-o, lee-o jaraa tan jeet.
kaho naanak ,bhaj har manaa, a-odh jaat hai beet. ||3||
(O! brethren) your youth has passed away like this, and, old age has overtaken your body.
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, O! (my) mind, the life is passing away (uselessly). 3
ibriD BieE sUJY nhI kwlu phUicE Awin ] khu nwnk nr bwvry ikau n BjY Bgvwnu ]4]
biradh bha-i-o, soojhai nahee, kaal pahoochi-o aan.
kaho naanak ,nar baavray, ki-o na bhajai bhagvaan. ||4||
(O! brethren) you have become old, (but) you do not understand, death is approaching (fast).
Says Nanak: listen, O! crazy man, why do you not meditate upon the Lord of Fortune. 4
Dnu dwrw sMpiq sgl ijin ApunI kir mwin ] ien mY kCu sMgI nhI nwnk swcI jwin ]5]
dhan daaraa saMpat sagal, jin apunee kar maan.
in mai kachh saNgee nahee, naanak, saachee jaan. ||5||
Wealth, wife, luxury ---- which you believe as your own ----
none of these shall go along you; Nanak (says): know this as true. 5
piqq auDwrn BY hrn hir AnwQ ky nwQ ] khu nwnk iqh jwnIAY sdw bsqu qum swiQ ]6]
patit udhaaran, bhai haran, har anaath kay naath.
kaho naanak, tih jaanee-ai, sadaa basat tum saath. ||6||
(O! brethren) He is the Saviour of the fallen ones (i.e. sinners), the Destroyer of Fears, the
Master of the master-less. Says Nanak: know Him, He always dwells with you. 6
qnu Dnu ijh qo kau dIE qW isau nyhu n kIn ] khu nwnk nr bwvry Ab ikau folq dIn ]7]
tan dhan jih to ka-o dee-o, taa si-o nayhu na keen.

kaho naanak, nar baavray, ab ki-o dolat deen. ||7||

(O! brethren) He, who has given you body and wealth, (but) you did not love Him.
Says Nanak: O! crazy man, why do you now tremble (like) poor (i.e meek / helpless) person. 7
qnu Dnu sMpY suK dIE Aru ijh nIky Dwm ] khu nwnk sunu ry mnw ismrq kwih n rwmu ]8]
tan dhan saMpai sukh dee-o, ar jih neekay dhaam.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, simrat kaahi na raam. ||8||
(O! brethren) He, who has given you body, wealth, luxury, happiness and beautiful mansions.
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, why do you not remember (i.e. meditate upon) God? 8
sB suK dwqw rwmu hY dUsr nwihn koie ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw iqh ismrq giq hoie ]9]
sabh sukh daataa raam hai, doosar naahin ko-ay.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, tih simrat gat ho-ay. ||9||
God alone is the giver of all happiness; there is no other (at all).
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, (only) by meditating upon Him, salvation is attained. 9
P. 1427
ijh ismrq giq pweIAY iqh Bju ry qY mIq ] khu nwnk sunu ry mnw AauD Gtq hY nIq ]10]

jih simrat gat paa-ee-ai tih bhaj, ray, tai meet.
kaho naanak sun ray manaa a-odh ghatat hai neet. ||10||
One, remembering whom salvation is attained, you meditate upon Him, O! (my) friend.
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, with each (passing) day, life is becoming short. 10
pWc qq ko qnu ricE jwnhu cqur sujwn ] ijh qy aupijE nwnkw lIn qwih mY mwnu ]11]
paanch tat ko tan rachi-o, jaanhu chatur sujaan.
jih tay upji-o, naankaa, leen taahi mai maan ||11||
(Your) body is made up of the five elements; know this well, O! clever, O!wise (being).
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) you shall merge (once again) into the One from whiom you were
produced (i.e. originated). 11
Gt Gt mY hir jU bsY sMqn kihE pukwir ] khu nwnk iqh Bju mnw Bau iniD auqrih pwir ]12]
ghat ghat mai har joo basai, saNtan kahi-o pukaar.
kaho naanak, tih bhaj, manaa, bha-o nidh utreh paar. ||12||
Dear God abides in each and every heart, the God-oriented persons say and proclaim this;
Says Nanak: meditate upon Him, O! (my) mind, and, you shall cross over the terrifying (world)
ocean. 12
suKu duKu ijh prsY nhI loBu mohu AiBmwnu ] khu nwnk sunu ry mnw so mUriq Bgvwn ]13]
sukh dukh jih parsai nahee, lobh moh abhimaan.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, so moorat bhagvaan. ||13||
One, who is not touched by pleasure or pain, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride.
Says Nanak: listen, O! (my) mind, he is the (very) image of the Lord of Fortune. 13
ausqiq inMidAw nwih ijih kMcn loh smwin ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin ]14]
ustat niNdi-aa naahi jihi, kaNchan loh samaan.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, mukat taahi tai jaan. ||14||
One, who is beyond praise and slander, and, who looks upon gold and iron alike.
Says Nanak: listen, O! (my) mind, know that such a person is a liberated one. 14
hrKu sogu jw kY nhI bYrI mIq smwin ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin ]15]
harakh sog jaa kai nahee, bairee meet samaan.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, mukat taahi tai jaan. ||15||
One, who is beyond pleasure and pains, and, treats enemies and friends alike.
Says Nanak: listen, O! (my) mind, know that such a person is a liberated one. 15
BY kwhU kau dyq nih nih BY mwnq Awn ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw igAwnI qwih bKwin ]16]
bhai kaahoo ka-o dayt neh, neh bhai maanat aan.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, gi-aanee taahi bakhaan. ||16||
One, who dos not frighten any one, and, who does not fear anyone.
Says Nanak: listen, O! (my) mind, call him giaanee (i.e. spiritual ly wise). 16
ijih ibiKAw sglI qjI lIE ByK bYrwg ] khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh nr mwQY Bwgu ]17]
jihi bikhi-aa saglee tajee, lee-o bhaykh bairaag.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, tih nar maathai bhaag. ||17||
One, who has forsaken all poison (i.e. Maya), wears the robe of detachment.
Says Nanak: listen, O! (my) mind, (good) destiny is (inscribed) upon his forehead. 17
ijih mwieAw mmqw qjI sB qy BieE audwsu ] khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh Git bRhm invwsu ]18]

jihi maa-i-aa mamtaa tajee, sabh tay bha-i-o udaas.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, tih ghat barahm nivaas. ||18||
One, who has forsaken attachment to Maya, and, has become detached from every one.
Says Nanak , listen, O! (my) mind, God abides in his heart. 18
ijih pRwnI haumY qjI krqw rwmu pCwin ] khu nwnk vhu mukiq nru ieh mn swcI mwnu ]19]
jihi praanee ha-umai tajee, kartaa raam pachhaan.
kaho naanak, vahu mukat nar, ih man saachee maan. ||19||
The mortal being, who has forsaken egotism, and, realizes God, the Creator.
Says Nanak: that man is a liberated one; O! (my) mind, know this as true. 19
BY nwsn durmiq hrn kil mY hir ko nwmu ] inis idnu jo nwnk BjY sPl hoih iqh kwm ]20]
bhai naasan, durmat haran, kal mai har ko naam.
nis din jo, naanak, bhajai, safal hohi tih kaam. ||20||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the Name of God is the Destroyer of Fears, and, Eradicator of
evil- wisdom. Nanak (says): whoever meditates upon Him, day and night, all his matters are
successfully accomplished. 20
ijhbw gun goibMd Bjhu krn sunhu hir nwmu ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw prih n jm kY Dwm ]21]
jihbaa gun gobiNd bhajahu, karan sunhu har naam.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, pareh na jam kai dhaam. ||21||
Chant with your tongue (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World; and; hear the
Name of God, with your ears.
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, you shall not enter the City of Death. 21
jo pRwnI mmqw qjY loB moh AhMkwr ] khu nwnk Awpn qrY Aaurn lyq auDwr ]22]
jo praanee mamtaa tajai, lobh moh ahaMkaar.
kaho naanak, aapan tarai, a-uran layt udhaar. ||22||
That mortal being, who renounces possessiveness, greed, (emotional) attachment and egotism
---- he himself is liberated and liberates (many) others as well, Says Nanak. 22
ijau supnw Aru pyKnw AYsy jg kau jwin ] ien mY kCu swco nhI nwnk ibnu Bgvwn ]23]
ji-o supnaa ar paykhnaa, aisay jag ka-o jaan.
in mai kachh saacho nahee, naanak, bin bhagvaan. ||23||
Just as is a dream and a show (i.e. play); (O! brethren) know that so is this world.
Nanak (says): none of these (i.e. dream and the world) is true, without God. 23
inis idnu mwieAw kwrny pRwnI folq nIq ] kotn mY nwnk koaU nwrwienu ijh cIiq ]24]
nis din maa-i-aa kaarnay, praanee dolat neet.
kotan mai, naanak, ko-oo, naaraa-in jih cheet. ||24||
Day and night, for the sake of Maya, the mortal being continually wavers (in faith).
Nanak (says): among tens of millions, scarcely anyone keeps God in his mind. 24
jYsy jl qy budbudw aupjY ibnsY nIq ] jg rcnw qYsy rcI khu nwnk suin mIq ]25]
jaisay jal tay budbudaa, upjai binsai neet.
jag rachnaa taisay rachee, kaho naanak, sun meet. ||25||
Says Nanak:(just) as the bubbles in the water, constantly well up and disappear (again); so is
the creation of world; listen, O! my friend: . 25
pRwnI kCU n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu ] khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn prq qwih jm PMD ]26]
praanee kachhoo na chayt-ee, mad maa-i-aa kai aNdh.

kaho naanak, bin har bhajan, parat taahi jam faNdh. ||26||
Blinded by the intoxication of Maya, the mortal being does not remember (God) even for an
instant. Says Nanak: without meditating upon God, he is caught by the noose of the messenger
of death. 26
jau suK kau cwhY sdw srin rwm kI lyh ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw durlB mwnuK dyh ]27]
ja-o sukh ka-o chaahai sadaa, saran raam kee layh.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, durlabh maanukh dayh. ||27||
(O! mortal) if you yearn for ever-lasting (spiritual) happiness, (then) seek the refuge of God.
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, this human body is difficult to obtain. 27
mwieAw kwrin DwvhI mUrK log Ajwn ] khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn ibrQw jnmu isrwn ]28]
maa-i-aa kaaran dhaavhee, moorakh log ajaan.
kaho naanak bin har bhajan birthaa janam siraan. ||28||
For the sake of Maya, the fools and ignorant people run around.
Says Nanak: without meditating upon God, (their) life passes away in vain. 28
P. 1428
jo pRwnI inis idnu BjY rUp rwm iqh jwnu ] hir jn hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu ]29]
jo praanee nis din bhajai, roop raam tih jaan.
har jan har aNtar nahee; naanak, saachee maan. ||29||
The mortal being, who meditates upon (God), day and night, (O! brethren) know him to be the
embodiment of God. There is no difference between God and servants (i.e. devotees) of God.
Nanak (says): know this true. 29
mnu mwieAw mY PiD rihE ibsirE goibMd nwmu ] khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn jIvn kauny kwm ]30]
man maa-i-aa mai fadh rahi-o, bisri-o gobiNd naam.
kaho naanak, bin har bhajan, jeevan ka-unay kaam ||30||
(One, whose) mind is entangled in Maya, forgets the Name of the Lord of the World.
Says Nanak: without meditating upon God, what is the use of (human) life ? 30
pRwnI rwmu n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu ] khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu prq qwih jm PMD ]31]
praanee raam na chayt-ee, mad maa-i-aa kai aNdh.
kaho naanak, har bhajan bin, parat taahi jam faNdh. ||31||
The mortal being does not remember God, (because) he is blinded by intoxication of Maya.
Says Nanak: without meditating upon God, he (i.e. his neck) is caught by the noose of death. 31
suK mY bhu sMgI Bey duK mY sMig n koie ] khu nwnk hir Bju mnw AMiq shweI hoie ]32]
sukh mai baho saNgee bha-ay, dukh mai saNg na ko-ay.
kaho naanak, har bhaj manaa, aNt sahaa-ee ho-ay. ||32||
In good times, there are many friends around, (but) in bad times, there is no one (to help).
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, O! (my) mind, He (alone) shall be your help in the end. 32
jnm jnm Brmq iPirE imitE n jm ko qRwsu ] khu nwnk hir Bju mnw inrBY pwvih bwsu ]33]
janam janam bharmat firi-o, miti-o na jam ko taraas.
kaho naanak, har bhaj manaa, nirbhai paavahi baas ||33||
One wanders lost through countless life-times; and, his fear of death is never removed.
Says Nanak: meditate upon God, O! (my) mind, and, you shall dwell in the Fearless (Lord). 33
jqn bhuqu mY kir rihE imitE n mn ko mwnu ] durmiq isau nwnk PiDE rwiK lyhu Bgvwn ]34]

jatan bahut mai kar rahi-o, miti-o na man ko maan.
durmat si-o, naanak fadhi-o, raakh layho bhagvaan ||34||
I tried so many things (i.e. ways/ means), (but) the pride of my mind has not been erased.
Nanak (says): I am engrossed in evil wisdom, (please) save me, O! Lord of Fortune. 34
bwl juAwnI Aru ibriD Puin qIin AvsQw jwin ]
khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu ibrQw sB hI mwnu ]35]
baal ju-aanee ar biradh fun, teen avasthaa jaan.
kaho naanak, har bhajan bin, birthaa sabh hee maan. ||35||
Childhood, youth and old age, know as the three stages (of life).
Says Nanak: without meditation upon God, beleive that all these (stages) are useless. 35
krxo huqo su nw kIE pirE loB kY PMD ] nwnk simE rim gieE Ab ikau rovq AMD ]36]
karṇo huto so naa kee-o, pari-o lobh kai faNdh.
naanak, sami-o ram ga-i-o, ab ki-o rovat aNdh. ||36||
What you should have done, you have not done, you are entangled in the trap of greed.
Nanak (says): now, the time has passed (is gone), why are you crying, O! blind (fool). 36
mnu mwieAw mY rim rihE inksq nwihn mIq ] nwnk mUriq icqR ijau Cwifq nwihn BIiq ]37]
man maa-i-aa mai ram rahi-o, niksat naahin meet.
naanak, moorat chitar ji-o, chhaadit naahin bheet. ||37||
The mind is absorbed in (i.e. entrapped in the mud of) Maya; it cannot get out of it, O! friend.
Nanak (says): it is like the picture (painted) on the wall, it (i.e. picture) cannot leave it (the wall).
nr cwhq kCu Aaur AaurY kI AaurY BeI ] icqvq rihE Tgaur nwnk PwsI gil prI ]38]
nar chaahat kachh a-or, a-urai kee a-urai bha-ee.
chitvat rahi-o thaga-ur, naanak, faasee gal paree. ||38||
The man wishes for something; but, something different and opposite happens.
Nanak (says): he thinks of robbing others, (instead) his (own) neck is caught in the noose. 38
jqn bhuq suK ky kIey duK ko kIE n koie ] khu nwnk suin ry mnw hir BwvY so hoie ]39]
jatan bahut sukh kay kee-ay, dukh ko kee-o na ko-ay.
kaho naanak, sun ray manaa, har bhaavai so ho-ay. ||39||
One makes many efforts to find happiness, but, no one tries to obtain sorrows.
Says Nanak: listen O! (my) mind, whatever pleases God comes to happen. 39
jgqu iBKwrI iPrq hY sB ko dwqw rwm] khu nwnk mn ismru iqh pUrn hovih kwm ]40]
jagat bhikharee firat hai, sab ko data raam.
kaho naanak, man simar tih, pooran hoveh kaam. ||40||
The world wanders around begging, (but) God is the giver of all.
Say Nanak: meditate upon Him, (and, all) your matters will be accomplished. 40
JUTY mwnu khw krY jgu supny ijau jwnu ] ien mY kCu qyro nhI nwnk kihE bKwin ]41]
jhooṭai maan kahaa karai, jag supnay ji-o jaan.
in mai kachh tayro nahee, naanak, kahi-o bakhaan. ||41||
(O! mortal being) why do you take pride in false (ephemeral/ transitory) things? (you must)
know that the world is (just) like a dream.
Nanak (says): I tell you this (that) none of these is yours. 41
grbu krqu hY dyh ko ibnsY iCn mY mIq ] ijih pRwnI hir jsu kihE nwnk iqih jgu jIiq ]42]

garab karat hai dayh ko, binsai chhin mai, meet.
jihi praanee har jas kahi-o, naanak, tih jag jeet ||42||
You are so proud of your body, it shall perish in an instant, O! (my) friend.
Nanak (says) : the mortal being who chants the praise of God, conquers the world. 42
ijh Git ismrnu rwm ko so nru mukqw jwnu ] iqih nr hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu ]43]
jih ghat simran raam ko, so nar muktaa jaan.
tihi nar har aNtar nahee, naanak, saachee maan. ||43||
That person whose heart meditates upon God, that person is a liberated one; (O! brethren)
know this well.
Nanak (says): there is no difference between that (liberated) person and God; accept this as
truth. 43
eyk Bgiq Bgvwn ijh pRwnI kY nwih min ] jYsy sUkr suAwn nwnk mwno qwih qnu ]44]
ayk bhagat bhagvaan, jih praanee kai naahi man.
jaisay sookar su-aan, naanak, maano taahi tan. ||44||
The mortal being, who does not have devotion to the One Lord of Fortune, in the mind;
Nanak (says): know that his body is like that of a pig or a dog. 44
suAwmI ko igRhu ijau sdw suAwn qjq nhI inq ] nwnk ieh ibiD hir Bjau iek min huie iek iciq ]45]
su-aamee ko garihu ji-o sadaa, su-aan tajat nahee nit.
naanak, ih bidh har bhaja-o, ik man hu-ay ik chit. ||45||
Like a dog, who never abandons the home of his master. Nanak (says): just in the same way,
meditate upon God, single-mindedly and single-heartledy. 45
qIrQ brq Aru dwn kir mn mY DrY gumwnu ] nwnk inhPl jwq iqh ijau kuMcr iesnwnu ]46]
tirath barat ar daan kar, man mai dharai gumaan.
naanak, nihfal jaat tih, ji-o kuNchar isnaan. ||46||
One may visit (many) places of pilgrimage, observe (ritual) fasts, and, give charity, (but if he)
takes pride (of all this) in his mind; ---- Nanak (says): these deeds are useless like the bath of an
elephant (who rolls in dust after having bath). 46
isru kMipE pg fgmgy nYn joiq qy hIn ] khu nwnk ieh ibiD BeI qaU n hir ris lIn ]47]
sir kaMpi-o, pag dagmagay, nain jot tay heen.
kaho naanak, ih bidh bha-ee, ta-oo na har ras leen. ||47||
The head shakes, the feet stagger, and, the eyes loose light; -----says Nanak: (O! mortal being)
this has become your state, (but, even now) you have not savoured the essence of God. 47
P. 1429
inj kir dyiKE jgqu mY ko kwhU ko nwih ] nwnk iQru hir Bgiq hY iqh rwKo mn mwih ]48]
nij kar daykhi-o jagat mai, ko kaahoo ko naahi.
naanak, thir har bhagat hai, tih raakho man maahi. ||48||
I have looked upon the world as my own; (but I have found that) no one belongs to anyone.
Nanak (says): only devotion of God is stable (i.e. forever), enshrine that in your mind. 48
jg rcnw sB JUT hY jwin lyhu ry mIq ] kih nwnk iQru nw rhY ijau bwlU kI BIiq ]49]
jag rachnaa sabh jhooṭ hai, jaan layho ray meet.
kahi naanak, thir naa rahai, ji-o baaloo kee bheet. ||49||
The created world is totally false (i.e. ephemeral), know this, O! (my) friend.
Says Nanak: it does not remain stable, (it is) like a wall of sand. 49
rwmu gieE rwvnu gieE jw kau bhu prvwru ] khu nwnk iQru kCu nhI supny ijau sMswru ]50]

raam ga-i-o, raavan ga-i-o, jaa ka-o baho parvaar.
kaho naanak, thir kachh nahee, supnay ji-o saNsaar. ||50||
Ram (Chand) is gone (i.e. dead/ passed away), Ravan (too) is gone, (even though) they had large
families. Says Nanak: nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream. 50
icMqw qw kI kIjIAY jo AnhonI hoie ] iehu mwrgu sMswr ko nwnk iQru nhI koie ]51]
chiNtaa taa kee keejee-ai, jo anhonee ho-ay.
ih maarag saNsaar ko, naanak, thir nahee ko-ay. ||51||
(One should) worry only for that thing, which is impossible.
Nanak (says): this is the way of the world; nothing is permanent here. 51
jo aupijE so ibnis hY pro Awju kY kwil ] nwnk hir gun gwie ly Cwif sgl jMjwl ]52]
jo upji-o so binas hai, paro aaj kai kaal. naanak, har gun gaa-ay lay, chhaad sagal jaNjaal. ||52||
Whatever is created, shall (surely) perish, (everyone shall perish) today or tomorrow (i.e.
sooner or later). Nanak (says): sing (the praise of) the excellences of God; and, give up all other
entanglements. 52
dohrw ] Dohraa
blu CutikE bMDn pry kCU n hoq aupwie ] khu nwnk Ab Et hir gj ijau hohu shwie ]53]
bal chhutki-o, baNdhan paray, kachhoo na hot upaa-ay.
kaho naanak, ab ot har, gaj ji-o hohu sahaa-ay. ||53||
My strength is exhausted, I am in bondage; (now) I cannot make any effort (to save myself).
Says Nanak: now God is my (only) support; (He will) help me, as (He helped) the elephant. 53
[*As per popular myth, a musician of the court of gods got cursed and he was reborn as an elephant; once that elephant
went to a pond to drink water where an octopus/chrocodile gripped it; when it chanted the Name of God , it was saved].
blu hoAw bMDn Cuty sBu ikCu hoq aupwie ] nwnk sBu ikCu qumrY hwQ mY qum hI hoq shwie ]54]
bal ho-aa, baNdhan chhutay, sabh kichh hot upaa-ay.
naanak, sabh kichh tumrai haath mai, tum hee hot sahaa-ay. ||54||
Strength has been (re)gained, (my) bonds have been broken; (now) all efforts are successful.
Nanak (says): O! God, everything is in Your hands; You are my help. 54
sMg sKw siB qij gey koaU n inbihE swiQ ] khu nwnk ieh ibpiq mY tyk eyk rGunwQ ]55]
saNg sakhaa sabh taj ga-ay, ko-oo na nib-hi-o saath.
kaho naanak, ih bipat mai, tayk ayk raghunaath. ||55||
All my friends and companions have deserted me, no one has remained with me.
Says Nanak: in this time of calamity, the Sovereign Lord alone is my support. 55
nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56]
naam rahi-o, saadhoo rahi-o, rahi-o gur gobiNd.
kaho naanak, ih jagat mai, kin japi-o gur maNt. ||56||
The Name (of God) remains; God-oriented persons remain; and, Guru, (the image of) the Lord
of the World remains (forever).
Says Nanak: rare are those who meditate upon the chant of the Guru, in this world. 56
rwm nwmu aur mY gihE jw kY sm nhI koie ] ijh ismrq sMkt imtY drsu quhwro hoie ]57]1]
raam naam ur mai gahi-o, jaa kai sam nahee ko-ay.
jih simrat saNkat mitai, daras tuhaaro ho-ay. ||57||1||
I have enshrined the Name of God, within my heart, no one is equal to Him.
Meditating upon it (i.e. Name of God) all the troubles are taken away, and, I behold Your
vision. 57.1

muMdwvxI mhlw 5 ] MuNdaavaṇee, Mehlaa 5
Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ] thaal vich tiNn vastoo pa-ee-o, sat saNtokh veechaaro.
Upon the plate (i.e. Guru Granth Sahib) three things have been placed: truth, contentment and
AMimRq nwmu Twkur kw pieE ijs kw sBsu ADwro ] aMmrit naam ṭaakur kaa pa-i-o, jis kaa sabhas adhaaro.
(These three can be obtained through) the AMmrit Name of the Master (that) is placed therein; it
is the support of all.
jy ko KwvY jy ko BuMcY iqs kw hoie auDwro ] jay ko khaavai, jay ko bhuNchai, tis kaa ho-ay udhaaro.
One, who eats (i.e. drinks in this AMmrit Word) and enjoys it, shall be emancipated.
eyh vsqu qjI nh jweI inq inq rKu auir Dwro ] ayh vasat tajee nah jaa-ee, nit nit rakh ur dhaaro.
This thing (AMmrit Word) cannot be forsaken; (so, O! brethren) forever and ever enshrine it in
your mind.
qm sMswru crn lig qrIAY sBu nwnk bRhm pswro ]1]
tam sanNaar, charan lag taree-ai; sabh, naanak, brahm pasaaro. ||1||
Nanak (says): the world (ocean) is dark (i.e. full of ignorance); all this is the expanse of God; it
can be crossed over by attaching to (i.e. by following the path of the Guru, i.e. Guru Granth
Sahib). 1
slok mhlw 5 ] Salok, Mehlaa 5
qyrw kIqw jwqo nwhI mYno jogu kIqoeI ] tayraa keetaa jaato naahee, maino jog keeto-ee.
I have not appreciated what You have done for me; You have made me capable (of doing
mY inrguixAwry ko guxu nwhI Awpy qrsu pieEeI ] mai nirguṇi-aaray ko guṇ naahee,aapay taras pa-i-o-ee.
I am virtue-less; I have no virtue (at all); You Yourself took pity on me.
qrsu pieAw imhrwmiq hoeI siqguru sjxu imilAw ] taras pa-i-aa mihraamat ho-ee, satgur sajaṇ mili-aa.
You took pity (on me), and, blessed me with Your Grace, and, I met with the True Guru, my

nwnk nwmu imlY qW jIvW qnu mnu QIvY hirAw ]1]
naanak, naam milai taan jeevaa , tan man theevai hari-aa. ||1||

Nanak (says): if I am blessed with the Name, I survive; and, my mind and body turn green (i.e.
blossom forth).1
< siq gur pRswid ]
rwg mwlw ]
rwg eyk sMig pMc brMgn ]sMig Alwpih AwTau nµdn ] pRQm rwg BYrau vY krhI ] pMc rwgnI sMig aucrhI ] pRQm
BYrvI iblwvlI ] puMinAwkI gwvih bMglI ] puin AslyKI kI BeI bwrI ] ey BYrau kI pwcau nwrI ] pMcm hrK idswK sunwvih
] bMgwlm mDu mwDv gwvih ]1] llq iblwvl gwvhI ApunI ApunI BWiq ] Ast puqR BYrv ky gwvih gwien pwqR ]1]
duqIAw mwlkausk Awlwpih ]sMig rwgnI pwcau Qwpih ]goNfkrI Aru dyvgMDwrI ] gMDwrI sIhuqI aucwrI ] DnwsrI ey pwcau
gweI ] mwl rwg kausk sMig lweI ] mwrU msqAMg myvwrw ] pRblcMf kausk auBwrw ] KauKt Aau Baurwnd gwey ] Ast
mwlkausk sMig lwey ]1] puin AwieAau ihMfolu pMc nwir sMig Ast suq ] auTih qwn klol gwien qwr imlwvhI ]1] qylµgI
dyvkrI AweI ]bsMqI sMdUr suhweI ] srs AhIrI lY Bwrjw ] sMig lweI pWcau Awrjw ] surmwnµd Bwskr Awey ] cMdRibMb
mMgln suhwey ] srsbwn Aau Awih ibnodw ]gwvih srs bsMq kmodw ]Ast puqR mY khy svwrI ] puin AweI dIpk kI bwrI
]1] kCylI ptmMjrI tofI khI Alwip ] kwmodI Aau gUjrI sMig dIpk ky Qwip ]1] kwlµkw kuMql Aau rwmw ] kmlkusm cMpk
ky nwmw ] gaurw Aau kwnrw kl´wnw ] Ast puqR dIpk ky jwnw ]1] sB imil isrIrwg vY gwvih ] pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih
]bYrwrI krnwtI DrI ] gvrI gwvih AwswvrI ]iqh pwCY isMDvI AlwpI ] isrIrwg isau pWcau QwpI ]1]swlU swrg swgrw
Aaur goNf gMBIr ] Ast puqR sRIrwg ky guMf kuMB hmIr ]1] Kstm myG rwg vY gwvih ] pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih ]soriT goNf
mlwrI DunI ] puin gwvih Awsw gun gunI ] aUcY suir sUhau puin kInI ]myG rwg isau pWcau cInI ]1] bYrwDr gjDr kydwrw ]
jblIDr nt Aau jlDwrw ]puin gwvih sMkr Aau isAwmw ] myG rwg puqRn ky nwmw ]1] Kst rwg auin gwey sMig rwgnI qIs
] sBY puqR rwgMn ky ATwrh ds bIs ]1]1]
This Raag Mala has been taken from Aalam Kavi's book Maadhvana Kaam
Kandalaa (stanzas 63 to 72). It is not Gurbaani. It is still unknown as to how it got added to
Guru Granth Sahib. There are still available several old handwritten volumes of Guru
Granth Sahib, which are without the Raagmala. It is like an index of the Raags but it does
not mention all the Raags used in Guru Granth Sahib and some of the Raags mentioned in
these stanzas are not represented in Guru Granth Sahib. Hence, it has nothing to do with the
text of Guru Granth Sahib. According to the 'Sikh Rahit Maryada” too it is not Gurbaani and
a Sikh has no oblgation to read it. The recitation (Paatth) of Guru Granth Sahib is complete
without its reading. Even according to resolution no 149, dated 12.10.1936 of the SGPC,
Raag Mala is not Gurbaani. (For details, see: Khasht Raag Kin Gayei by Mohinder Singh
Josh, published from Chandigarh, in 2005).


P. 1327
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.

rwgu prBwqI ibBws mhlw 1 caupdy Gru 1 ]

Raag Parbhaatee Bibhaas, Mehlaa 1, cha-upday, ghar 1
nwie qyrY qrxw nwie piq pUj ] naa-ay tayrai tarṇaa, naa-ay pat pooj.
Through (meditation upon) Your Name (O! God), one crosses over (the world ocean); and, the
Name brings respect and worship (i.e. honour).
nwau qyrw ghxw miq mksUdu ] naa-o tayraa gahṇaa, mat maksood.
Your Name is ornament (for the being), (Your Name is ) the object of (the man of) wisdom.
nwie qyrY nwau mMny sB koie ] naa-ay tayrai, naa-o maNnay sabh ko-ay.
By (meditating upon) Your Name, everyone honours the name (of the one who meditates).
ivxu nwvY piq kbhu n hoie ]1] viṇ naavai, pat kabahu na ho-ay. ||1||
Without (meditating upon) the Name, no one (ever) obtains honour. 1
Avr isAwxp sglI pwju ] avar si-aaṇap saglee paaj.
All other cleverness is just hypocrisy.
jY bKsy qY pUrw kwju ]1] rhwau ] jai bakhsay, tai pooraa kaaj. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When He blesses then all the affairs are perfectly settled. 1 (pause)
nwau qyrw qwxu nwau dIbwxu ] naa-o tayraa taaṇ, naa-o deebaaṇ.
Your Name is the (real) strength, and, Your Name is (the real royal) power.
nwau qyrw lskru nwau sulqwnu ] naa-o tayraa laskar, naa-o sultaan.
Your Name is (the power of) army, and, meditation upon)Your Name is (the power of a) king.
nwie qyrY mwxu mhq prvwxu ] naa-ay tayrai maaṇ mahat parvaaṇ.
By (meditating upon) Your Name one obtains honour, importance and recognition.
qyrI ndrI krim pvY nIswxu ]2] tayree nadree karam, pavai neesaaṇ. ||2||
By Your Glance (of Grace) and benevolence, one is blessed with the insignia (of approval). 2
nwie qyrY shju nwie swlwh ] naa-ay tayrai sahj, naa-ay saalaah.
By (meditating upon) Your Name one attains poise, and, by the Name one is praised.
nwau qyrw AMimRqu ibKu auiT jwie ] naa-o tayraa aMmrit, bikh uṭ jaa-ay.
Your Name is AMmrit, (with which) the poison (of vices) is wiped out.

nwie qyrY siB suK vsih min Awie ] naa-ay tayrai, sabh sukh vaseh man aa-ay.
By (meditating upon) Your Name all happiness (i.e. total peace) come to abide in the mind.
ibnu nwvY bwDI jm puir jwie ]3] bin naavai, baadhee jam pur jaa-ay. ||3||
(Those) without the Name, (all the people) are bound and taken to the city of death. 3
nwrI byrI Gr dr dys ] mn kIAw KusIAw kIcih vys ]
naaree bayree, ghar dar days. man kee-aa khusee-aa, keecheh vays.
The wife is fetter (i.e. bondage), (and, so are) home, court (i.e. power), lands (i.e. kingdom);
(these are) the pleasures of mind, (and so are) wearing (luxurious) robes.
jW sdy qW iFl n pwie ] jaan saday, taan ḍil na paa-ay.
(But) when there is a call (of God), one cannot make delay.
nwnk kUVu kUVo hoie jwie ]4]1] naanak, kooṛ kooṛo ho-ay jaa-ay. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): the false (i.e. those without the Name of the Lord) turn out to be false. 8.1
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
qyrw nwmu rqnu krmu cwnxu suriq iqQY loie ] tayraa naam ratan, karam chaanaṇ, surat tithai lo-ay.
(Where there is) the jewel of Your Name, (there is) light of Your Grace; and, in this awareness is
Your light (illumining the mind).
AMDyru AMDI vwprY sgl lIjY Koie ]1] aNdhayr aNdhee vaaprai, sagal leejai kho-ay. ||1||
(Where there is) blindness(i.e. Maya), darkness (of ignorance) prevails; and, there everything is
lost. 1
iehu sMswru sgl ibkwru ] ih saNsaar, sagal bikaar.
This whole of this world is involved in vices.
qyrw nwmu dwrU Avru nwsiq krxhwru Apwru ]1] rhwau ]
tayraa naam daaroo, avar naasat, karaṇhaar apaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your Name is the (only) cure; no other (remedy) exists, O! Creator, O! Infinite (Lord).1 (pause)
pwqwl purIAw eyk Bwr hovih lwK kroiV ] qyry lwl kImiq qw pvY jW isrY hovih hoir ]2]
paataal puree-aa ayk bhaar, hoveh laakh karoṛ.
tayray laal keemat taa pavai, jaan sirai hoveh hor. ||2||
If all the nether regions and the cities (i.e. the whole earth), are bound as one weight (i.e. as one
object), and, hundreds of thousands and tens of millions (of diamonds placed in the scale),
(even then) the worth of Your (Name) jewel cannot be known; (but) if some other thing (great
like that of Your Name) is there, on the other side (of the scale, only then Your Name can be
appraised). 2
P. 1328
dUKw qy suK aUpjih sUKI hovih dUK ] dookhaa tay sukh oopjahi, sookhee hoveh dookh.
Out of pain (i.e. difficulties), (spiritual) happiness is produces, and, from pleasure (of vices)
come sufferings.
ijqu muiK qU swlwhIAih iqqu muiK kYsI BUK ]3] jit mukh too salaahee-ah, tit mukh kaisee bhookh. ||3||
The mouth that praises You, what hunger (of worldly objects) could that mouth (ever) have? 3
nwnk mUrKu eyku qU Avru Blw sYswru ] naanak, moorakh ayk too, avar bhalaa saisaar.
Nanak (says): (O! mortal being, if you do not meditate upon the Name) you alone are the foolish
and all the rest of the world is good.
ijqu qin nwmu n aUpjY sy qn hoih KuAwr ]4]2] jit tan naam na oopjai, say tan hohi khu-aar. ||4||2||
The body in which the Name does not well up, that body (surely) suffers. 4.2

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
jY kwrix byd bRhmY aucry sMkir CofI mwieAw ] jai kaaraṇ bayd barahmai uchray, saNkar chhodee maa-i-aa.
For whose (i.e. God’s) sake, Brahma recited Vedas, and, Shankar renounced Maya.
jY kwrix isD Bey audwsI dyvI mrmu n pwieAw ]1]
jai kaaraṇ sidh bha-ay udaasee, dayvee maram na paa-i-aa. ||1||
For whose sake the sidhs (i.e. yogis) became detached (i.e. renunciates)? and, (even) the gods
could not realize His mystery. 1
bwbw min swcw muiK swcw khIAY qrIAY swcw hoeI ]
baabaa, man saachaa, mukh saachaa kahee-ai, taree-ai saachaa ho-ee.
O! Baba (O! elder/ brethren), (enshrining) the True in the mind, chanting (the Name of) the True
with the mouth, one crosses over (the world ocean) by becoming (the image of) the True.
dusmnu dUKu n AwvY nyVY hir miq pwvY koeI ]1] rhwau ]
dusman dookh na aavai nayṛai, har mat paavai ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If one obtains the wisdom of (mediating upon) the Lord, (then) the enemies and sorrows do not
(even) approach him. 1 (pause)
Agin ibMb pvxY kI bwxI qIin nwm ky dwsw ] agan biMb pavṇai kee baaṇee, teen naam kay daasaa.
(This world is) made of fire (tamas*), water (satav*), and air (rajas*); and, all the three are the
slaves of the Name (of God).
[*The world functions under three gunaas (dispositions/ qualities): Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Literally guna means quality
/tendency/ disposition. Satav represents preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents
destruction. According to another interpretation sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and
energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the activities, of the entire world are subject it these qualities].
qy qskr jo nwmu n lyvih vwsih kot pMcwsw ]2] tay taskar jo naam na layveh, vaaseh kot paNchaasaa. ||2||
Thos,e who do not meditate upon the Name are thieves; (they always) dwell in the fort of the
five (senses, i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride). 2
jy ko eyk krY cMigAweI min iciq bhuqu bPwvY ] jay ko ayk karai chaNgi-aa-ee, man chit bahut bafaavai.
If someone does some good for some other, he puffs himself (i.e. boasts and feels proud of) a lot
within his mind and consciousness.
eyqy gux eyqIAw cMigAweIAw dyie n pCoqwvY ]3]
aytay guṇ, aytee-aa chaNg-aa-ee-aa, day-ay na pachhotaavai. ||3||
(But,) He (the Lord) bestows so many virtues (i.e. excellences), and, so much goodness, He does
not (ever) regret it. 3
quDu swlwhin iqn Dnu plY nwnk kw Dnu soeI ] tudh saalaahan tin dhan palai, naanak kaa dhan so-ee.
Those, who praise You, gather the wealth in their lap; Nanak (says): this is my wealth too.
jy ko jIau khY Enw kau jm kI qlb n hoeI ]4]3]
jay ko jee-o kahai onaa ka-o, jam kee talab na ho-ee ||4||3||
Whoever welcomes (i.e. shows respect to) them, is not summoned by the messenger of death.4.3

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee,Mehlaa 1

jw kY rUpu nwhI jwiq nwhI nwhI muKu mwsw ] siqguir imly inrMjnu pwieAw qyrY nwim hY invwsw ]1]
jaa kai roop naahee, jaat naahee, naahee mukh maasaa.
satgur milay niraNjan paa-i-aa, tayrai naam hai nivaasaa. ||1||
One, who has no beauty, no (high) caste, no mouth (i.e. attractive face), no flesh (i.e. strength);
meeting with the True Guru, and, by dwelling in Your Name, he finds the Immaculate
(Lord). 1

AauDU shjy qqu bIcwir ] jw qy iPir n Awvhu sYswir ]1] rhwau ]
a-odhoo, sehjay tat beechaar. jaa tay, fir na aavhu saisaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! renunciate (yogi), contemplate the essence (of Reality), with natural ease;
and then, you shall not come to the world again. 1 (pause)
jw kY krmu nwhI Drmu nwhI nwhI suic mwlw ] isv joiq kMnhu buiD pweI siqgurU rKvwlw ]2]
jaa kai karam naahee, dharam naahee, naahee such maalaa.
siv jot kaNnahu budh paa-ee, satguroo rakhvaalaa. ||2||
One ,who does not have good deeds, (observes) no religious (rituals), has no sacred rosary;
(but if) the True Guru is his protector, he is blessed with wisdom through the Light of God.
jw kY brqu nwhI nymu nwhI nwhI bkbweI ] giq Avgiq kI icMq nwhI siqgurU PurmweI ]3]
jaa kai barat naahee, naym naahee, naahee bakbaa-ee.
gat avgat kee chiNt naahee, satguroo furmaa-ee. ||3||
One, who does not observe fasts, does not follow religious codes, and, does not talk much;
he does not have to worry for liberation or existence forever (i.e. eternity), (because he follows
what) the True Guru utters (i.e. instructs him). 3
jw kY Aws nwhI inrws nwhI iciq suriq smJweI ] qMq kau prm qMqu imilAw nwnkw buiD pweI ]4]4]
jaa kai aas naahee, niraas naahee, chit surat samjhaa-ee.
taNt ka-o param taNt mili-aa, naankaa budh paa-ee ||4||4||
One, who does not have hope (i.e, desire for worldly objects), nor he is without hope (i.e. is not a
renunciate), (but) in his mind, he has awareness of the teachings (of the True Guru);
Nanak (says): he is blessed with wisdom, and, his being merges with the Supreme Lord. 4.4

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

qw kw kihAw dir prvwxu ] ibKu AMimRqu duie sm kir jwxu ]1]
taa kaa kahi-aa, dar parvaaṇ. bikh aMmrit du-ay, sam kar jaaṇ. ||1||
He, who regards poison and AMmrit as one and the same, whatever he says is accepted in the
Court (of God). 1
ikAw khIAY srby rihAw smwie ] jo ikCu vrqY sB qyrI rjwie ]1] rhwau ]
ki-aa kahee-ai, sarbay rahi-aa samaa-ay. jo kichh vartai, sabh tayree rajaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) what can we say, You are pervading all.
Whatever happens, is all Your Will. 1 (pause)
pRgtI joiq cUkw AiBmwnu ] siqguir dIAw AMimRq nwmu ]2]
pragatee jot, chookaa abhimaan. satgur dee-aa aMmrit naam. ||2||
The Light is revealed and egotism is dispelled; (when) the True Guru bestows AMmrit Name. 2
kil mih AwieAw so jnu jwxu ] swcI drgh pwvY mwxu ]3]
kal meh aa-i-aa, so jan jaaṇ. saachee dargeh paavai maaṇ. ||3||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the coming of that being is known (i.e. one, who meditates upon
the Name, coming of that being into the world is approved); and, he obtains honour in the True
Court (of the Lord). 3
khxw sunxw AkQ Gir jwie ] kQnI bdnI nwnk jil jwie ]4]5]
kahṇaa sunṇaa, akath ghar jaa-ay. kathnee badnee, naanak jal jaa-ay. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): one, who chants and listens (to the Name of) the Indescribable (Lord), goes to His
home; one, who just talks, is burnt (i.e. wasted) away. 4.5

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
AMimRqu nIru igAwin mn mjnu ATsiT qIrQ sMig ghy ] a mrit neer, gi-aan man majan, aṭsaṭ tirath sa g gahay.
One, who baths his mind in the AMmrit water of (spiritual) knowledge, (it is, as if) he carries
along with him the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage.
gur aupdyis jvwhr mwxk syvy isKu suo Koij lhY ]1]
gur updays javaahar maaṇak, sayvay sikh so khoj lahai. ||1||
The teachings of the Guru are the gems and jewels; the sikh (i.e. disciple) who serves him,
finds them out. 1
gur smwin qIrQu nhI koie ] sru sMqoKu qwsu guru hoie ]1] rhwau ]
gur samaan, tirath nahee ko-ay. sar saNtokh, taas gur ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
There is no place of pilgrimage equal to the Guru.
The Guru is the Oceans of Contentment. 1 (pause)
P. 1329
guru drIAwau sdw jlu inrmlu imilAw durmiq mYlu hrY ]
gur daree-aa-o sadaa jal nirmal, mili-aa durmat mail harai.
The Guru is (such) a river, of (i.e. from which) pure water is obtained forever; whoever finds it
(i.e. takes bath in this water) filth of his evil wisdom is washed away.
siqguir pwieAY pUrw nwvxu psU pryqhu dyv krY ]2]
satgur paa-i-ai pooraa naavaṇ, pasoo paraytahu dayv karai. ||2||
Meeting the True Guru is perfect (purifying) bathing; it transforms (even) animals and
demons into divines. 2
rqw sic nwim ql hIAlu so guru prmlu khIAY ] rataa sach naam tal hee-al, so gur parmal kahee-ai.
One, who is imbued with the True Name, from the core of his heart, that Guru is called
(smelling the scent of) sandalwood.
jw kI vwsu bnwspiq saurY qwsu crx ilv rhIAY ]3]
jaa kee vaas banaaspat sa-urai, taas charaṇ liv rahee-ai. ||3||
One, by whose fragrance (even) the vegetation perfumes, focus on his (i.e. that Guru’s) feet. 3
gurmuiK jIA pRwn aupjih gurmuiK isv Gir jweIAY ]
gurmukh jee-a praan upjahi, gurmukh siv ghar jaa-ee-ai.
Breath (of life) wells up (i.e. spiritual life is infused) in the mortals, through the Guru; and,
through the Guru, one enter the house of God.
gurmuiK nwnk sic smweIAY gurmuiK inj pdu pweIAY ]4]6]
gurmukh, naanak, sach samaa-ee-ai, gurmukh nij pad paa-ee-ai. ||4||6||
Nanak (says): through the Guru, one merges in the True; and, through the Guru, one attains
the status of self (realization). 4.6

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

gur prswdI ividAw vIcwrY piV piV pwvY mwnu ] gur parsaadee vidi-aa veechaarai, paṛ paṛ paavai maan.
By the Grace of the Guru, one contemplates (spiritual) knowledge; and, by reading and
studying it, he obtains honour.
Awpw mDy Awpu prgwisAw pwieAw AMimRqu nwmu ]1]
aapaa madhay aap pargaasi-aa, paa-i-aa aMmrit naam||1||
Within his self, his self is revealed (i.e. illumined); and, he is blessed with AMmrit Name. 1

krqw qU myrw jjmwnu ] kartaa, too mayraa jajmaan.
O! Creator, You (alone) are my benefactor (i.e. Giver of gifts).
iek diKxw hau qY pih mwgau dyih Awpxw nwmu ]1] rhwau ]
ik dakhiṇaa ha-o tai peh maaga-o, deh aapṇa naam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I beg for (only) one gift (i.e. blessing) from You, please bless me with Your Name. 1 (pause)
pMc qskr Dwvq rwKy cUkw min AiBmwnu ] paNch taskar dhaavat raakhay, chookaa man abhimaan.
(By the strength of Your Name) I have been saved from the five wandering thieves (i.e. five
passions), and, the egotism of my mind has been vanquished.
idsit ibkwrI durmiq BwgI AYsw bRhm igAwnu ]2] disat bikaaree durmat bhaagee, aisaa brahm gi-aan ||2||
Vision of vices (i.e. thinking of committing sins) and bad wisdom have run away ---- such
(powerful) is the (spiritual) knowledge of the Supreme Lord. 2
jqu squ cwvl dieAw kxk kir pRwpiq pwqI Dwnu ] dUDu krmu sMqoKu GIau kir AYsw mWgau dwnu ]3]
jat sat chaaval, da-i-aa kaṇak, kar praapat paatee dhaan.
doodh karam saNtokh ghee-o kar, aisaa maanga-o daan. ||3||
(When the brahmin, the priest, performs yajna, before performing rituals he asks his benefactor for gift of
rice, wheat, money, milk and butter etc; the Guru says, O ! Lord, I beg from You, as You are my benefactor):
I beg for the rice of truth and celibacy (i.e. self-restraint), wheat of Mercy, and, leaf-plate and
money of meditation; and,milk of Your Grace, ghee (i.e. clarified butter) of contentment ----
such are the gifts I beg. 3
iKmw DIrju kir gaU lvyrI shjy bCrw KIru pIAY ]
khimaa dheeraj kar ga-oo lavayree, sehjay bachhraa kheer pee-ai.
Let forgiveness and patience be my milch-cow, and, let the calf (of my mind) drink in milk, in
natural ease.
isPiq srm kw kpVw mWgau hir gux nwnk rvqu rhY ]4]7]
sifat saram kaa kapṛaa maa ga-o; har guṇ, naanak, ravat rahai. ||4||7||

Nanak (says): I beg for the clothes of the modesty and the praise (of God). (Bless me with all this
and also that) I may keep on chanting (the praise of) the excellences of God. 4.7

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

Awvqu iknY n rwiKAw jwvqu ikau rwiKAw jwie ] aavat kinai na raakhi-aa, jaavat ki-o raakhi-aa jaa-ay.
(When) no one can stop one from coming (into the world), (then) how could any one stop anyone
from going?
ijs qy hoAw soeI pru jwxY jW aus hI mwih smwie ]1]
jis tay ho-aa so-ee par jaaṇai, jaan us hee maahi samaa-ay. ||1||
He, from whom one comes, He alone understands this (game); in Him is one merged. 1
qUhY hY vwhu qyrI rjwie ] toohai hai, vaahu tayree rajaa-ay.
(O! Lord) You alone are (the Creator); and, wondrous is Your Will.
jo ikCu krih soeI pru hoiebw Avru n krxw jwie ]1] rhwau ]
jo kichh karahi so-ee par ho-ibaa, avar na karṇaa jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever You do, shall surely come to happen; nothing else can happen. 1 (pause)
jYsy hrht kI mwlw itMf lgq hY iek sKnI hor Pyr BrIAq hY ] qYso hI iehu Kylu Ksm kw ijau aus kI vifAweI ]2]
jaisay harhat kee maalaa tiNd lagat hai, ik sakhnee hor fayr bharee-at hai.
taiso hee ih khayl khasam kaa, ji-o us kee vadi-aa-ee. ||2||
Just as the chain of buckets of the Persian wheel rotates; one is emptied out and another is
filled. So is this play of the Master; such is His (wondrous) Greatness. 2
surqI kY mwrig cil kY aultI ndir pRgwsI ] surtee kai maarag chal kai, ultee nadar pargaasee.
Walking on the path of awareness, one turns away (from worldliness) and, his vision is
min vIcwir dyKu bRhm igAwnI kaunu igrhI kaunu audwsI ]3]
man veechaar daykh barahm gi-aanee, ka-un girhee ka-un udaasee. ||3||
Contemplate in your mind, and see (if you are) the knower of God: that, who is house-holder
and who is a renunciate. 3
ijs kI Awsw iqs hI sauip kY eyhu rihAw inrbwxu ] jis kee aasaa, tis hee sa-up kai, ayhu rahi-aa nirbaaṇ.
He, from whom hope comes, surrendering it to him, one attains the state of emancipation.
ijs qy hoAw soeI kir mwinAw nwnk igrhI audwsI so prvwxu ]4]8]
jis tay ho-aa, so-ee kar maani-aa; naanak, girhee udaasee so parvaaṇ. ||4||8||
Nanak (says): He, from whom we come, attaching ourselves to Him, one is approved (in His
Court), whether one is householder or renunciate. 4.8

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

idsit ibkwrI bMDin bWDY hau iqs kY bil jweI ] disat bikaaree baNdhan baandhai, ha-o tis kai bal jaa-ee.
One, who binds evil thinking in bondage, I am a sacrifice unto him.
pwp puMn kI swr n jwxY BUlw iPrY AjweI ]1] paap puNn kee saar na jaaṇai, bhoolaa firai ajaa-ee. ||1||
One, who does not know the essence of (i.e. cannot differentiate between) vice or virtue,
wanders around meaninglessly. 1
bolhu scu nwmu krqwr ] Puin bhuiV n Awvx vwr ]1] rhwau ]
bolhu, sach naam kartaar. fun, bahuṛ na aavaṇ vaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren) chant (i.e. meditate upon) the True Name of the Creator; (then)
you shall never have to come again (into the world). 1 (pause)
aUcw qy Puin nIcu krqu hY nIc krY sulqwnu ] oochaa tay fun neech karat hai, neech karai sultaan.
(O! brethren) He turns the high into the low, and, makes (i.e. turns) lowly into a king.
ijnI jwxu sujwixAw jig qy pUry prvwxu ]2] jinee jaaṇ sujaaṇi-aa, jag tay pooray parvaaṇ. ||2||
Those, who have known the All-knowing (God), their coming into the world is approved as
perfect. 2
qw kau smJwvx jweIAY jy ko BUlw hoeI ] taa ka-o samjhaavaṇ jaa-ee-ai, jay ko bhoolaa ho-ee.
If any one is mistaken (i.e. strayed from the path), (then) one should go to instruct him.
P. 1330
Awpy Kyl kry sB krqw AYsw bUJY koeI ]3] aapay khayl karay sabh kartaa, aisaa boojhai ko-ee. ||3||
The Creator Himself plays all the games, only some rare one understands this. 3
nwau pRBwqY sbid iDAweIAY Cofhu dunI prIqw ] pRxviq nwnk dwsin dwsw jig hwirAw iqin jIqw ]4]9]
naa-o prabhaatai sabad dhi-aa-ee-ai, chhodahu dunee preetaa.
praṇvat naanak, daasan daasaa, jag haari-aa tin jeetaa. ||4||9||
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Name, the Word of the True (Lord), early in the morning, and,
leave attachment to the worldly entanglements behind; and,
Prays Nanak, the slave of the slaves (i.e. devotee of the devotees of God): the world loses and he
(who mediates upon the Name of the True Lord)wins. 4.9

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
mnu mwieAw mnu DwieAw mnu pMKI Awkwis ] man maa-i-aa, man dhaa-i-aa, man paNkhee aakaas.
The mind is (attached to) Maya, the mind chases (after Maya), the mind is a bird flying across
the sky (in chase after Maya).
qskr sbid invwirAw ngru vuTw swbwis ] taskar sabad nivaari-aa, nagar vuṭaa saabaas.
(When) the thieves (occupying the town of mind) are dislodged through the Word, the town
prospers and there is glory.
jw qU rwKih rwiK lYih swbqu hovY rwis ]1] jaa too raakhahi raakh laihi, saabat hovai raas. ||1||
(O! God) when you save someone, he is saved; his capital (of breaths of life) is (also) safe. 1
AYsw nwmu rqnu iniD myrY ] aisaa naam ratan, nidh mayrai.
The jewel of the Name is my such treasure (may it remain with me);
gurmiq dyih lgau pig qyrY ]1] rhwau ] gurmat deh, laga-o pag tayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God, please) bless me with the wisdom of the Guru, that I may get attached to Your feet. 1
mnu jogI mnu BogIAw mnu mUrKu gwvwru ] man jogee man bhogee-aa man moorakh gaavaar.
(Sometimes) the mind is a yogi (i.e. detached), (sometimes) the mind is an enjoyer, and,
(sometimes) the mind is foolish and ignorant.
mnu dwqw mnu mMgqw mn isir guru krqwru ] man daataa, man maNgtaa, man sir gur kartaar.
(Sometimes) the mind is the giver, (sometimes) the mind is the beggar; (but) the Guru, (the
image of) the Creator (Lord) stands (continuously) above the head of the mind.
pMc mwir suKu pwieAw AYsw bRhmu vIcwru ]2] paNch maar sukh paa-i-aa, aisaa brahm veechaar. ||2||
(When the mind obeys the Guru) it conquers the five* (thieves) and obtains happiness; such is
the thought of God. 2
[*these five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
Git Git eyku vKwxIAY khau n dyiKAw jwie ] ghat ghat ayk vakhaaṇee-ai, kaha-o na daykhi-aa jaa-ay.
The One (Lord) is said to be (dwelling) in each and every heart, but no one can see Him.
Koto pUTo rwlIAY ibnu nwvY piq jwie ] khoto pooṭo raalee-ai, bin naavai pat jaa-ay.
The false ones are cast upside down (into the womb of reincarnation); without (meditating upon)
the Name, they lose honour.
jw qU mylih qw imil rhW jW qyrI hoie rjwie ]3]
jaa too mayleh, taa mil rahaan, jaan tayree ho-ay rajaa-ay. ||3||
When You unite (me with Yourself), I shall get united, (that even) if it is Your Will. 3
jwiq jnmu nh pUCIAY sc Gru lyhu bqwie ] jaat janam nah poochhee-ai ,sach ghar layho bataa-ay.
(O! brethren) do not ask (anyone) about one's caste (i.e. social status) or (family of) birth, ask
one about (the path of) the True home.
sw jwiq sw piq hY jyhy krm kmwie ] saa jaat saa pat hai, jayhay karam kamaa-ay.
(In fact) the (real) caste (i.e. social status) and honour is, the deeds earned (by him).
jnm mrn duKu kwtIAY nwnk CUtis nwie ]4]10]
janam maran dukh kaatee-ai; naanak, chhootas naa-ay. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): by(meditating upon) the Name; the pains of birth and death are eradicated, and
one is liberated. 4.10
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
jwgqu ibgsY mUTo AMDw ] jaagat bigsai, mooṭo aNdhaa.
While one is awake, he (believes that he) is happy; (but) the blind (does not know that he) is being
gil PwhI isir mwry DMDw ] gal faahee, sir maaray dhaNdhaa.
The noose (of death) is around his neck, (but) his head (i.e. mind) is (still engrossed) in
entanglements (of Maya).
Awsw AwvY mnsw jwie ] aasaa aavai, mansaa jaa-ay.
In hope he comes, and, in desires he leaves (the world).
aurJI qwxI ikCu n bswie ]1] urjhee taaṇee, kichh na basaa-ay. ||1||
His strings (of life) are tangled up; and, he is totally helpless. 1
jwgis jIvx jwgxhwrw ] jaagas jeevaṇ jaagaṇhaaraa.
(God) the Life of the World is (always) awake.
suK swgr AMimRq BMfwrw ]1] rhwau ] sukh saagar, aMmrit bhaNdaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(He is) the Ocean of Happiness, the Treasure of AMmrit. 1 (pause)
kihE n bUJY AMDu n sUJY BoNfI kwr kmweI ] kahi-o na boojhai, aNdh na soojhai, bhondee kaar kamaa-ee.
One does not understand, (he is) blind (i.e. blinded by attachment to Maya), he does not realize;
(hence) he earns (i.e. commits) evil deeds.
Awpy pRIiq pRym prmysuru krmI imlY vfweI ]2] aapay preet praym parmaysur, karmee milai vadaa-ee. ||2||
The Supreme Master Himself attaches one to love and affection, and, by His Grace one is
blessed with greatness (i.e. honour, glory, laurels). 2
idnu idnu AwvY iqlu iqlu CIjY mwieAw mohu GtweI ] din din aavai, til til chheejai, maa-i-aa moh ghataa-ee.
With coming (i.e. passing out) of each and every day, (life) is wearing away bit by bit; (but, still)
attachment to Maya remains (permeating) in his heart.
ibnu gur bUfo Taur n pwvY jb lg dUjI rweI ]3] bin gur boodo, ṭa-ur na paavai, jab lag doojee raa-ee. ||3||
Without the Guru, he is drowning, and, finds no place of rest (i.e. refuge), as long as he is
attached to duality, even a little bit. 3
Aihinis jIAw dyiK sm@wlY suKu duKu purib kmweI ] ahinis, jee-aa daykh samhaalai, sukh dukh purab kamaa-ee.
Day and night, He (i.e. God) looks after His (created) beings; they receive pain and pleasure
(i.e. suffering and happiness) according to their past earning (i.e. deeds).
krmhIxu scu BIiKAw mWgY nwnk imlY vfweI ]4]11]
karamheeṇ sach bheekhi-aa maangai; naanak, milai vadaa-ee. ||4||11||
Nanak (says): (God is so compassionate that even if) some unfortunate one begs for charity of
Truth, he is blessed with this greatness. 4.11

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

msit krau mUrKu jig khIAw ] masat kara-o, moorakh jag kahee-aa.
If I remain silent, the world (i.e. people) calls me a fool.
AiDk bkau qyrI ilv rhIAw ] adhik baka-o, tayree liv rahee-aa.
If I speak (i.e. talk/ debate)too much, (then) I miss out my attuning to (i.e. love for) You.
BUl cUk qyrY drbwir ] bhool chook, tayrai darbaar.
My mistakes and omissions are (judged) in Your Court.
nwm ibnw kYsy Awcwr ]1] naam binaa, kaisay aachaar. ||1||
Without the Name, how can there be good conduct? 1
AYsy JUiT muTy sMswrw ] aisay, jhooṭ muṭay saNsaaraa.
In such way, the world is being robbed by falsehood.

inMdku inMdY muJY ipAwrw ]1] rhwau ] niNdak niNdai, mujhai pi-aaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The slanderer slanders (those who meditate upon God); (but, still) I love (Your Name). 1 (pause)
ijsu inMdih soeI ibiD jwxY ] jis niNdeh, so-ee bidh jaaṇai.
One, who is being slandered, he alone knows the way (of life).
gur kY sbdy dir nIswxY ] gur kai sabday dar neesaaṇai.
Through the Word of the Guru, one obtains insignia of His Court.
kwrx nwmu AMqrgiq jwxY ] kaaraṇ naam aNtargat jaaṇai.
He realizes the Name of the Cause (i.e. Creator) within himself.
ijs no ndir kry soeI ibiD jwxY ]2] jis no nadar karay so-ee bidh jaaṇai. ||2||
He alone knows the way, who is blessed by His Grace. 2
mY mYlO aUjlu scu soie ] mai mailou oojal sach so-ay.
I am filthy (i.e. have filth of egotism within me), (but) the True (Lord) is immaculate.
aUqmu AwiK n aUcw hoie ] ootam aakh na oochaa ho-ay.
By calling oneself superb, one does not become sublime.
mnmuKu KUil@ mhw ibKu Kwie ] gurmuiK hoie su rwcY nwie ]3]
manmukh, khooli mahaa bikh khaa-ay. gurmukh ho-ay, so raachai naa-ay. ||3||

The mind-oriented one openly eats the great poison (of Maya); but,
one, who is Guru-oriented, is absorbed in the Name (of God). 3
AMDO bolO mugDu gvwru ] aNdhou bolou, mugadh gavaar.
(The mind-oriented is) blind, deaf, foolish and ignorant.
hIxO nIcu burO buirAwru ] heeṇou neech, burou buri-aar.
(He is) lowest of the low, and, worst of the worst.
P. 1331
nIDn kO Dnu nwmu ipAwru ] needhan kou dhan naam pi-aar.
For a poor, the (real) wealth is love for the Name (of the Lord).
iehu Dnu swru horu ibiKAw Cwru ]4] ih dhan saar, hor bikhi-aa chhaar. ||4||
This wealth is (most) superb; all else is poison (i.e. Maya) and ashes. 4
ausqiq inMdw sbdu vIcwru ] ustat niNdaa, sabad veechaar.
(O! brethren, do not bother for) praise or slandering; and, contemplate the Word (of the Guru).
jo dyvY iqs kau jYkwru ] jo dayvai, tis ka-o jaikaar.
Celebrate the One who blesses (the Name).
qU bKsih jwiq piq hoie ] too bakhsahi, jaat pat ho-ay.
Whomever You (O! God) bless, obtains caste (i.e. social status) and honour.
nwnku khY khwvY soie ]5]12] naanak, kahai kahaavai so-ay. ||5||12||
Nanak (says): I speak as You get me to speak. 5.12

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

KwieAw mYlu vDwieAw pYDY Gr kI hwix ] khaa-i-aa, mail vadhaa-i-aa, paidhai ghar kee haaṇ.
By eating (too much) one increases (only) filth, and, wearing (indecent) clothes, one’s family is
bik bik vwdu clwieAw ibnu nwvY ibKu jwix ]1] bak bak vaad chalaa-i-aa, bin naavai bikh, jaaṇ. ||1||
Speaking and talking too much, one leads to debate; without the Name everything is poison;
know this (O! brethren). 1

bwbw AYsw ibKm jwil mnu vwisAw ] baabaa, aisaa bikham jaal man vaasi-aa.
O! Baba (O! elder, O! brethren), such is treacherous trap (of Maya), in which my mind is snared.
ibblu Jwig shij prgwisAw ]1] rhwau ] bibal jhaag, sahj pargaasi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Getting out of such stormy water, it (i.e. mind) has been enlightened, with natural ease. 1
ibKu Kwxw ibKu bolxw ibKu kI kwr kmwie ] bikh khaaṇaa, bikh bolṇaa, bikh kee kaar kamaa-ay.
(Forgetting God whatever) one eats is poison, (whatever one) speaks is poison, and, one earns
deeds of poison.
jm dir bwDy mwrIAih CUtis swcY nwie ]2] jam dar baadhay maaree-ah, chhootas saachai naa-ay. ||2||
Such beings are bound and beaten (i.e. punished) at the door of death; (they) can be saved
(only) through the True Name (of the Lord). 2
ijv AwieAw iqv jwiesI kIAw iliK lY jwie ] jiv aa-i-aa tiv jaa-isee, kee-aa likh lai jaa-ay.
As one has come (i.e. naked), so shall he go (i.e. depart from the world); (but, while departing) one
takes along with him the record of his deeds.
mnmuiK mUlu gvwieAw drgh imlY sjwie ]3] manmukh mool gavaa-i-aa, dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||3||
The mind-oriented one loses (even) his capital, and, is punished in the Court (of the Lord). 3
jgu KotO scu inrmlO gur sbdIN vIcwir ] jag khotou sach nirmalou, gur sabdee veechaar. N

The world is false, the True (Lord alone) is immaculate; (this is known by) contemplating the
Word of the Guru.
qy nr ivrly jwxIAih ijn AMqir igAwnu murwir ]4] tay nar virlay jaaṇee-ahi, jin a tar gi-aan muraar.* ||4||
Those persons are known to be rare ones, who have knowledge of the Destroyer of Demons,*
within (their minds). 4
[*Muraar, literally: killer of demon Mur, i.e. Destroyer of Demons. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
Ajru jrY nIJru JrY Amr Anµd srUp ] ajar jarai, neejhar jharai, amar anaNd saroop.

One, who endures the un-endurable, (within his heart) the flow of the essence of the
Embodiment of Bliss constantly trickles down.
nwnku jl kO mInu sY Qy BwvY rwKhu pRIiq ]5]13]
naanak, jal kou meen sai, thay bhaavai, raakho preet. ||5||13||
Nanak (says): (just as) the fish loves water, (O! God), if it pleases You, (please) enshrine (such)
love within (my heart). 5.13
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
gIq nwd hrK cqurweI ] rhs rMg Purmwieis kweI ]
geet naad harakh chaturaa-ee. rahas raNg furmaa-is kaa-ee.
Songs, sounds (i.e. music), pleasures, and, (display of) smartness;
(worldly) joys, love, and, many desires;
pYn@xu Kwxw cIiq n pweI ] paiṇhan khaaṇaa, cheet na paa-ee.
wearing (fine clothes) and eating (luxurious food), have no place in my mind.
swcu shju suKu nwim vsweI ]1] saach sahj sukh, naam vasaa-ee. ||1||
True poise and happiness (eternal peace) rests in the Name (of God). 1
ikAw jwnW ikAw krY krwvY ] ki-aa jaanaan, ki-aa karai karaavai.
What do I know (i.e. I do not know), what He (i.e. God) does and gets done.
nwm ibnw qin ikCu n suKwvY ]1] rhwau ] naam binaa, tan kichh na sukhaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Name (of God), nothing comforts my body. 1 (pause)

jog ibnod sÍwd Awnµdw ] miq sq Bwie Bgiq goibMdw ]
jog binod, savaad aanaNdaa. mat sat bhaa-ay, bhagat gobiNdaa.
(Plays of) yoga, merriment, (delicious) flavours, and, joy (have no place in my mind, because):
devotion to the Lord of the World, through true love, is enshrined in my mind
kIriq krm kwr inj sMdw ] keerat karam, kaar nij saNdaa.
(Now) praise (of God) has become my own daily occupation.
AMqir rvqO rwj rivMdw ]2] aNtar ravtou, raaj raviNdaa. ||2||
Within my mind dwells (God) the illuminator of the sun and the moon. 2
ipRau ipRau pRIiq pRyim aur DwrI ] pri-o pri-o preet, praym ur dhaaree.
I have enshrined the love of my loving Beloved (Lord), within my heart.
dInw nwQu pIau bnvwrI ] deenaa naath, pee-o banvaaree.
The Beloved (Lord )is the Master of the poor, and, the Lord of the (World) Forest.
Anidnu nwmu dwnu bRqkwrI ] an-din, naam daan bratkaaree.
(Meditating upon) the Name (of the Lord) day and night, (is my act of) charity and fasting.
iqRpiq qrMg qqu bIcwrI ]3] taripat taraNg tat beechaaree. ||3||
Contemplating the essence (of Reality), I have satiated (i.e. calmed) the waves (of passions). 3
AkQO kQau ikAw mY joru ] akthou katha-o, ki-aa mai jor.
What power do I have to describe the In-describable (Lord)!
Bgiq krI krwieih mor ] bhagat karee, karaa-ihi mor.
I perform Your devotion, if You get me (to do so).
AMqir vsY cUkY mY mor ] aNtar vasai, chookai mai mor.
When You dwell within me, my self-conceit and possessiveness is dispelled.
iksu syvI dUjw nhI horu ]4] kis sayvee, doojaa nahee hor. ||4||
(So) whom should I serve, there is no other (O! Lord). 4
gur kw sbdu mhw rsu mITw ] gur kaa sabad, mahaa ras meeṭaa.
The Word of the Guru is greatly sweet.
AYsw AMimRqu AMqir fITw ] aisaa aMmrit, aNtar deeṭaa.
I have seen such AMmrit within my mind.
ijin cwiKAw pUrw pdu hoie ] jin chaakhi-aa, pooraa pad ho-ay.
Whoever tastes it, attains the state of perfection.
nwnk DRwipE qin suKu hoie ]5]14] naanak, dharaapi-o, tan sukh ho-ay. ||5||14||
Nanak (says): he (i.e. mind of such a person) is satisfied, and, his body attains happiness. 5.14

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

N n
AMqir dyiK sbid mnu mwinAw Avru n rWgnhwrw ] a tar daykh sabad man maani-aa, avar na raa ganhaaraa.
Beholding within, through the Word (of the Guru), my mind is satisfied, that (without God)
there is no other who can dye (my mind in love).
Aihinis jIAw dyiK smwly iqs hI kI srkwrw ]1] ahinis jee-aa daykh samaalay, tis hee kee sarkaaraa. ||1||
Day and night, He watches over the being (created by Him) and takes care of them; and, it is His
rule that prevails (everywhere). 1
myrw pRBu rWig GxO Aiq rUVO ] mayraa prabh raang ghaṇou, at rooṛou.
My Lord is dyed in greatly beautiful colour (of love).

dIn dieAwlu pRIqm mnmohnu Aiq rs lwl sgUVO ]1] rhwau ]
deen da-i-aal preetam manmohan, at ras laal sagooṛou. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Merciful to the Poor, the Beloved (Lord) is the Fascinator of the minds; (He is) greatly imbued
with deep colour of love. 1 (pause)
aUpir kUpu ggn pinhwrI AMimRqu pIvxhwrw ] oopar koop gagan panihaaree, aMmrit peevaṇhaaraa.
Up in sky (in the Tenth Gate) is the well, the water carrier (i.e. mind) draws AMmrit and one
drinks in.
ijs kI rcnw so ibiD jwxY gurmuiK igAwnu vIcwrw ]2]
jis kee rachnaa, so bidh jaaṇai, gurmukh gi-aan veechaaraa. ||2||
One, who has created, He alone knows its ways ---- the Guru-oriented one contemplates this
(spiritual) knowledge. 2
P. 1332
psrI ikrix ris kml ibgwsy sis Gir sUru smwieAw ]
pasree kiraṇ ras kamal bigaasay, sas ghar soor samaa-i-aa.
With the spreading out of the ray of light (i.e. spiritual knowledge), the lotus (of mind) blossoms
forth with its essence; and, the sun enters (i.e. the burning passions are absorbed) into the home
of moon (i.e. into peace).
kwlu ibDuMis mnsw min mwrI gur pRswid pRBu pwieAw ]3]
kaal bidhuNs mansaa man maaree ,gur prasaad prabh paa-i-aa. ||3||
By the Grace of the Guru, (when) one finds the Lord, and, he conquers death and destroys the
passions of the mind. 3
Aiq ris rMig clUlY rwqI dUjw rMgu n koeI ] at ras raNg chaloolai raatee doojaa raNg na ko-ee.
(The mind) that has been dyed in deep red colour of love (of the Lord), cannot be dyed by any
other colour.
nwnk rsin rswey rwqy riv rihAw pRBu soeI ]4]15]
naanak rasan rasaa-ay raatay rav rahi-aa prabh so-ee. ||4||15||
Nanak (says): one, whose tongue is saturated with His taste (i.e. love), realizes (the presence of)
the Lord pervading everywhere. 4.15
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
bwrh mih rwvl Kip jwvih chu iCA mih sMinAwsI ]
baarah meh raaval khap jaaveh, chahu chhi-a meh saNni-aasee.
The Yogis* are divided into twelve sects, and, the Sanniaasees** (i.e. renouncers are divided)
into ten; they are ruined (finally , and,without achieving anything) .
[*Yogis (12 sects): 1. Hetu, 2. Paav, 3. Aaee (Ayi), 4. Gamya, 5. Kambarhi, 6. Paagal, 7. Gopal, 8. Raaval, 9. Baan, 10.
Dhuj, 11. Choli, 12. Daas. **Saannaasis (10 sects): 1. Tirath, 2. Aashram, 3. Ban, 4. Arainyah, 5. Giri, 6. Dandi
(Parbati), 7. Sagar, 8. Sarasvati, 9. Bharti, 10. Puri].
jogI kwpVIAw isrKUQy ibnu sbdY gil PwsI ]1] jogee, kaapṛee-aa, sirkhoothay, bin sabdai gal faasee. ||1||
The yogis with (i.e. those wearing patched) clothes, and, those plucking all their hairs (i.e. Jains)
have the noose (of death) around their necks (for not meditating upon the Word of the Guru).1
sbid rqy pUry bYrwgI ] sabad ratay, pooray bairaagee.
Those, who are imbued with the Word (of God), are fully (i.e. totally, perfectly) detached ones.
AauhiT hsq mih BIiKAw jwcI eyk Bwie ilv lwgI ]1] rhwau ]
a-uhaṭ hasat meh bheekhi-aa jaachee, ayk bhaa-ay liv laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They extend their hand (i.e. beg) for charity from the one dwelling in the heart; they have
embraced love for and attachment to the One (Lord). 1 (pause)

bRhmx vwdu pVih kir ikirAw krxI krm krwey ] barahmaṇ vaad paṛeh kar kiri-aa, karṇee karam karaa-ay.
The brahman reads and debates (about scriptures), performs (religious ceremonial) rituals,
and, gets others to conduct such rituals.
ibnu bUJy ikCu sUJY nwhI mnmuKu ivCuiV duKu pwey ]2]
bin boojhay kichh soojhai naahee, manmukh vichhuṛ dukh paa-ay. ||2||
Without understanding (the Word of the Guru), the mind-oriented one does not realize
anything; separated (from God) he suffers in pain. 2
sbid imly sy sUcwcwrI swcI drgh mwny ] sabad milay say, soochaachaaree, saachee dargeh maanay.
Those, who are attached to the Word, live truthful living; they are approved in the True Court
(of the Lord).
Anidnu nwim rqin ilv lwgy juig juig swic smwny ]3]
an-din naam ratan liv laagay, jug jug saach samaanay. ||3||
Day and night, they are attuned to the jewel of the Name; and, throughout the ages, they are
merged in the True (Lord). 3
sgly krm Drm suic sMjm jp qp qIrQ sbid vsy ]
saglay karam dharam such saNjam, jap tap tirath sabad vasay.
All religious rituals, purity, self-discipline (i.e. austerity), meditation, penance, places of
pilgrimage---- (all these) abide in the Word (of the Guru).
nwnk siqgur imlY imlwieAw dUK prwCq kwl nsy ]4]16]
naanak, satgur milai milaa-i-aa, dookh paraachhat kaal nasay. ||4||16||
Nanak (says): one is united in union (with the Lord) through the True Guru; and, (all)
sufferings, sins and (fear of) death run away. 4.6
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
sMqw kI ryxu swD jn sMgiq hir kIriq qru qwrI ] saNtaa kee rayṇ, saadh jan saNgat, har keerat tar taaree.
The dust of (the feet of) the God-oriented persons, the company of the devotee persons,
(singing of) the praise of God ---- (O! my mind) cross over (the world ocean) in this boat.
khw krY bpurw jmu frpY gurmuiK irdY murwrI ]1]
kahaa karai bapuraa jam darpai, gurmukh ridai muraaree. ||1||
What can the wretched messenger of death do? He is (rather) terrified from the one who has
enshrined God in his heart, through the Guru. 1
jil jwau jIvnu nwm ibnw ] jal jaa-o jeevan, naam binaa.
May that life be burnt down which is without the Name.
hir jip jwpu jpau jpmwlI gurmuiK AwvY swdu mnw ]1] rhwau ]
har jap jaap, japa-o japmaalee, gurmukh aavai saad, manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I meditate upon God; I meditate upon the chant of (God) on the rosary of (the Lord); and, I
savour it, through the Guru; O! (my) mind. 1 (pause)
gur aupdys swcu suKu jw kau ikAw iqsu aupmw khIAY ]
gur updays saach sukh jaa ka-o, ki-aa tis upmaa kahee-ai.
One, who has obtained eternal happiness, through the teachings of the Guru; how can we
(even) narrate the praise of such a person ? (i.e. one has no words to praise such a person).
lwl jvyhr rqn pdwrQ Kojq gurmuiK lhIAY ]2]
laal, javayhar, ratan padaarath, khojat gurmukh lahee-ai.||2||
Gems, jewels, rubies (are precious) wealth; (but) seeking through the Guru, one finds (the
Name which is more precious than all these). 2

cInY igAwnu iDAwnu Dnu swcO eyk sbid ilv lwvY ] cheenai gi-aan dhi-aan dhan saachou, ayk sabad liv laavai.
One, who remains attuned to the One Word, recognizes the (real) knowledge, meditation and
the true wealth (of the Name).
inrwlµbu inrhwru inhkyvlu inrBau qwVI lwvY ]3] niraala b nirhaar nihkayval, nirbha-o taaṛee laavai. ||3||
He sits in deep meditation upon on One, (the Lord) who is self-independant, does not take any
food, and, is detached and fearless. 3
swier spq Bry jl inrmil aultI nwv qrwvY ] saa-ir sapat bharay jal nirmal ,ultee naav taraavai.
The seven seas* are over-flowing with immaculate water, he inverts his boat to the opposite
direction (i.e. his mind is diverted away from the worldliness).
[*The seven are: the five organs of perception (eyes, ears, nose, mouth/tongue and skin), 6. mind and 7. ntellect)].
bwhir jwqO Twik rhwvY gurmuiK shij smwvY ]4] baahar jaatou thaak rahaavai, gurmukh sahj samaavai. ||4||
He restrains the mind from wandering out; and, through the Guru, he gets absorbed (in God)
with natural ease. 4
so igrhI so dwsu audwsI ijin gurmuiK Awpu pCwinAw ]
so girhee, so daas udaasee, jin gurmukh aap pachhaani-aa.
One may be a householder or renouncer, he is a slave (i.e. devotee of the Lord) who has realized
his own self, through the Guru .
nwnku khY Avru nhI dUjw swc sbid mnu mwinAw ]5]17]
naanak kahai, avar nahee doojaa, saach sabad man maani-aa. ||5||17||
Nanak says: one, whose mind is appeased by the True Word, sees no other at all. 5.17

rwgu pRBwqI mhlw 3 caupdy Raag Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3, cha-upday

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gurmuiK ivrlw koeI bUJY sbdy rihAw smweI ] gurmukh virlaa ko-ee boojhai, sabday rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Some rare one understands though the Guru, that, God pervades the Word (of the Guru).
nwim rqy sdw suKu pwvY swic rhY ilv lweI ]1] naam ratay, sadaa sukh paavai, saach rahai liv laa-ee. ||1||
Those, who are imbued with the Name, find eternal happiness; they remain attuned to the
True (Lord). 1
P. 1333
hir hir nwmu jphu jn BweI ] har har naam japahu, jan bhaa-ee.
Meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, O! beings, O! brethren.
gur pRswid mnu AsiQru hovY Anidnu hir ris rihAw AGweI ]1] rhwau ]
gur prasaad man asthir hovai, an-din har ras rahi-aa aghaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the Guru, the mind becomes stable; day and night, it remains satiated with the
essence of (the Name of) God. 1 (pause)
Anidnu Bgiq krhu idnu rwqI iesu jug kw lwhw BweI ]
an-din bhagat karahu din raatee, is jug kaa laahaa, bhaa-ee.
Day and night, perform devotion (i.e. meditation upon God); this is the profit (to be obtained) in
this age (i.e. Kaliyuga/ Dark Age), O! brethren.

sdw jn inrml mYlu n lwgY sic nwim icqu lweI ]2]
sadaa jan nirmal, mail na laagai, sach naam chit laa-ee. ||2||
Those, who focus their mind to the True Name, are forever immaculate, the filth (of vices) does
not stick to them. 2
suKu sIgwru siqgurU idKwieAw nwim vfI vifAweI ]
sukh seegaar satguroo dikhaa-i-aa, naam vadee vadi-aa-ee.
The True Guru has revealed the ornaments of happiness, that, there is great glory in
(meditation upon) the Name.
AKut BMfwr Bry kdy qoit n AwvY sdw hir syvhu BweI ]3]
akhut bhaNdaar bharay kaday tot na aavai, sadaa har sayvhu, bhaa-ee. ||3||
His treasures are inexhaustible; there is never any shortage; so serve God forever, O!
brethren. 3
Awpy krqw ijs no dyvY iqsu vsY min AweI ] aapay kartaa jis no dayvai, tis vasai man aa-ee.
One, whom the Creator Himself blesses, He comes to abide in his mind.
nwnk nwmu iDAwie sdw qU siqguir dIAw idKweI ]4]1]
naanak, naam dhi-aa-ay sadaa too, satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) you remember forever upon the Name (of God), that the True
Guru has revealed to you. 4.1
pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3
inrguxIAwry kau bKis lY suAwmI Awpy lYhu imlweI ]
nirguṇee-aaray ka-o bakhas lai su-aamee, aapay laihu milaa-ee.
I am virtue-less, (please) forgive me, O! Master, and, unite me with Yourself.
qU ibAMqu qyrw AMqu n pwieAw sbdy dyhu buJweI ]1]
too bi-aNt, tayraa aNt na paa-i-aa, sabday dayh bujhaa-ee. ||1||
You are endless, no one has (ever) known Your limits; (please) bless me with understanding
through the Word (of the Guru). 1
hir jIau quDu ivthu bil jweI ] har jee-o, tudh vitahu bal jaa-ee.
O! dear God, I am a sacrifice unto You.
qnu mnu ArpI quDu AwgY rwKau sdw rhW srxweI ]1] rhwau ]
tan man arpee tudh aagai raakha-o, sadaa rahaan sarṇaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I dedicate my mind and body and place it (in offering) before You, (so that) I may remain in
Your refuge, forever. 1 (pause)
Awpxy Bwxy ivic sdw rKu suAwmI hir nwmo dyih vifAweI ]
aapṇay bhaaṇay vich sadaa rakh su-aamee, har naamo deh vadi-aa-ee.
(Please) always keep me under Your Will, O! Master, and, bless me with glory through
(meditation upon) Your Name, O! God.
pUry gur qy Bwxw jwpY Anidnu shij smweI ]2] pooray gur tay bhaaṇaa jaapai, an-din sahj samaa-ee. ||2||
Through the perfect Guru, Your Will is revealed; (and, then), day and night, one remains
absorbed in poise. 2
qyrY BwxY Bgiq jy quDu BwvY Awpy bKis imlweI ]
tayrai bhaaṇai bhagat, jay tudh bhaavai, aapay bakhas milaa-ee.
One can meditate upon in Your Will, if it is pleasing to You; and, You forgive and unite him
(with Yourself).

qyrY BwxY sdw suKu pwieAw guir iqRsnw Agin buJweI ]3]
tayrai bhaaṇai sadaa sukh paa-i-aa, gur tarisnaa agan bujhaa-ee. ||3||
Following Your Will, one obtains everlasting happiness; the Guru extinguishes the fire of
desires. 3
jo qU krih su hovY krqy Avru n krxw jweI ] jo too karahi so hovai, kartay, avar na karṇaa jaa-ee.
Whatever You do, comes to happen. O! Creator (Lord), nothing else can be done (opposite to
nwnk nwvY jyvfu Avru n dwqw pUry gur qy pweI ]4]2]
naanak, naavai jayvad avar na daataa, pooray gur tay paa-ee. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): there is no other gift as great as is the Name (of the Lord), and, it is obtained
through the perfect Guru. 4.2

pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3

gurmuiK hir swlwihAw ijMnw iqn slwih hir jwqw ] gurmukh har salaahi-aa jiNna, tin salaahi har jaataa.
Those, who have praised God, through the Guru, (they) have realized God through His praise.
ivchu Brmu gieAw hY dUjw gur kY sbid pCwqw ]1]
vichahu bharam ga-i-aa hai doojaa, gur kai sabad pachhaataa. ||1||
Doubt and duality are gone from within, (because) they have realized (the Lord) through the
Word of the Guru. 1
hir jIau qU myrw ieku soeI ] har jee-o, too mayraa ik so-ee.
O! dear God, You are my One and the Only (Friend).
quDu jpI quDY swlwhI giq miq quJ qy hoeI ]1] rhwau ]
tudh japee, tudhai saalaahee, gat mat tujh tay ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I meditate upon You, praise You, and, wisdom of (obtaining) liberation comes from You. 1
gurmuiK swlwhin sy swdu pwiein mITw AMimRqu swru ] gurmukh saalaahan, say saad paa-in, meeṭaa am rit saar.
Those, who praise You, through the Guru, enjoy the taste of the essence of sweet AMmrit.
sdw mITw kdy n PIkw gur sbdI vIcwru ]2] sadaa meeṭaa, kaday na feekaa, gur sabdee veechaar. ||2||
Those, who contemplate (the Name of God), through the Word of the Guru, (to them) it tastes
forever sweet and it is never tasteless. 2
ijin mITw lwieAw soeI jwxY iqsu ivthu bil jweI ] jin meeṭaa laa-i-aa so-ee jaaṇai, tis vitahu bal jaa-ee.
He alone knows (its mystery), who has made it seem sweet to me; I am a sacrifice unto Him.
sbid slwhI sdw suKdwqw ivchu Awpu gvweI ]3]
sabad salaahee sadaa sukh-daata, vichahu aap gavaa-ee. ||3||
Eradicating self-conceit from within, I praise the Giver of Happiness (the Lord), through the
Word (of the Guru). 3
siqguru myrw sdw hY dwqw jo ieCY so Plu pwey ] satgur mayraa sadaa hai daataa, jo ichhai so fal paa-ay.
My True Guru is forever the giver; I receive whatever fruit I desire.
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI gur sbdI scu pwey ]4]3]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, gur sabdee sach paa-ay. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): glory is obtained through the Name; the True (Lord) is found through the Word
of the Guru 4.3

pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3
jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqn qU rwKn jogu ] jo tayree sarṇaa-ee har jee-o, tin too raakhan jog.
Those, who enter Your refuge, O! God, You are all-powerful to protect them.
quDu jyvfu mY Avru n sUJY nw ko hoAw n hogu ]1] tudh jayvad mai avar na soojhai, naa ko ho-aa na hog. ||1||
I cannot (even) think of any other as great as You are; there never was, and never shall be. 1
hir jIau sdw qyrI srxweI ] har jee-o, sadaa tayree sarṇaa-ee.
O! dear God, I shall remain in Your refuge, forever.
ijau BwvY iqau rwKhu myry suAwmI eyh qyrI vifAweI ]1] rhwau ]
ji-o bhaavai ti-o raakho, mayray su-aamee, ayh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As it pleases You, You save me, O! my Master; this is Your Greatness. 1 (pause)
jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqn kI krih pRiqpwl ] jo tayree sarṇaa-ee, har jee-o, tin kee karahi partipaal.
Those, who seek Your refuge, O! dear God, You cherish (i.e. take care of) them.
P. 1334
Awip ik®pw kir rwKhu hir jIau poih n skY jmkwlu ]2]
aap kripaa kar raakho, har jee-o, pohi na sakai jamkaal. ||2||
One, whom You protect in Your Grace, the messenger of death cannot (even) touch him. 2
qyrI srxweI scI hir jIau nw Eh GtY n jwie ] tayree sarnaa-ee sachee har jee-o naa oh ghatai na jaa-ay.
Your refuge is true (i.e. eternal), O! dear God; it never diminishes or ends.
jo hir Coif dUjY Bwie lwgY Ehu jMmY qY mir jwie ]3]
jo har chhod doojai bhaa-ay laagai oh jammai tai mar jaa-ay. ||3||
Those, who abandon God, and, become attached to the love for duality, (continue to) take birth
and die. 3
jo qyrI srxweI hir jIau iqnw dUK BUK ikCu nwih ]
jo tayree sarṇaa-ee, har jee-o, tinaa dookh bhookh kichh naahi.
Those, who are in Your refuge, O! dear God, (they) never suffer any hunger or sorrow.
nwnk nwmu slwih sdw qU scY sbid smwih ]4]4]
naanak, naam salaahi sadaa too, sachai sabad samaahi. ||4||4||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) praise the Name (of God) forever; and, merge in the True Word.4.4

pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3

gurmuiK hir jIau sdw iDAwvhu jb lgu jIA prwn ]
gurmukh har jee-o sadaa dhi-aavahu, jab lag jee-a paraan.
(O! brethren) meditate upon dear God forever, through the Guru, as long as there is breath of
gur sbdI mnu inrmlu hoAw cUkw min AiBmwnu ] gur sabdee man nirmal ho-aa, chookaa man abhimaan.
Through the Word of the Guru, the mind becomes immaculate, (because) egotism of mind
vanishes away.
sPlu jnmu iqsu pRwnI kyrw hir kY nwim smwn ]1]
safal janam tis praanee kayraa, har kai naam samaan ||1||
Fruitful (i.e. successful) is the life of that being, who is absorbed in the Name of God. 1
myry mn gur kI isK suxIjY ] mayray man, gur kee sikh suṇeejai.
O! my mind, listen the teachings of the Guru.

hir kw nwmu sdw suKdwqw shjy hir rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ]
har kaa naam sadaa sukh-daata, sehjay har ras peejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Name of God is forever the giver of (spiritual) happiness; drink in the essence of (the Name
of) God, with natural ease. 1 (pause)
mUlu pCwxin iqn inj Gir vwsw shjy hI suKu hoeI ]
mool pachhaaṇan, tin nij ghar vaasaa, sehjay hee sukh ho-ee.
Those, who realize their own Origin (i.e. God), dwell in their own home (of self), and, obtain
(spiritual) happiness with natural ease.
gur kY sbid kmlu prgwisAw haumY durmiq KoeI ] gur kai sabad kamal pargaasi-aa, ha-umai durmat kho-ee.
Through the Word of the Guru, lotus (of heart) blossoms forth;(they),egotism and bad wisdom
are eradicated,
sBnw mih eyko scu vrqY ivrlw bUJY koeI ]2] sabhnaa meh ayko sach vartai, virlaa boojhai ko-ee. ||2||
The One, the True (Lord) pervades among all,; (but) some rare one realizes this. 2
gurmqI mnu inrmlu hoAw AMimRqu qqu vKwnY ] gurmatee man nirmal ho-aa, aMmrit tat vakhaanai.
One, whose mind becomes immaculate, through the wisdom (i.e. teachings) of the Guru;
chants AMmrit essence (of the Name).
hir kw nwmu sdw min visAw ivic mn hI mnu mwnY ]
har kaa naam sadaa man vasi-aa, vich man hee man maanai.
The Name of God, forever dwells in his mind, and, the mind is pleased within the mind.
sd bilhwrI gur Apuny ivthu ijqu Awqm rwmu pCwnY ]3]
sad balihaaree gur apunay vitahu, jit aatam raam pachhaanai. ||3||
I am forever a sacrifice unto my Guru, who has realized God, the Supreme Soul. 3
mwns jnim siqgurU n syivAw ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
maanas janam satguroo na sayvi-aa, birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa.
Those, who have not served the True Guru, in human life, have wasted their life uselessly.
ndir kry qW siqguru myly shjy shij smwieAw ] nadar karay taan satgur maylay, sehjay sahj samaa-i-aa.
When He bestows His Glance (of Grace), then He unites one with the True Guru, and, one
merges in poise, with natural ease.
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI pUrY Bwig iDAwieAw ]4]5]
naanak, naam milai vadi-aa-ee, poorai bhaag dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||5||
Nanak (says): one meditates upon (the Name) by perfect destiny, obtains glory through the
Name. 4.5
pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3
Awpy BWiq bxwey bhu rMgI issit aupwie pRiB Kylu kIAw ]
aapay bhaant baṇaa-ay baho raNgee, sisat upaa-ay prabh khayl kee-aa.
He Himself has created the universe in many colours and forms; and, creating the world, the
Lord has staged a play.
kir kir vyKY kry krwey srb jIAw no irjku dIAw ]1]
kar kar vaykhai,karay karaa-ay, sarab jee-aa no rijak dee-aa. ||1||
Creating and creating, He watches over it; He acts and gets others to act; and, He gives
sustenance to all. 1
klI kwl mih rivAw rwmu ] kalee kaal meh ravi-aa raam.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark-Age), God (alone) is all-prevaiding.

Git Git pUir rihAw pRBu eyko gurmuiK prgtu hir hir nwmu ]1] rhwau ]
ghat ghat poor rahi-aa prabh ayko, gurmukh pargat har har naam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord is pervading each and every heart; the Name of God, the Lord, is revealed
through the Guru. 1 (pause)
gupqw nwmu vrqY ivic kljuig Git Git hir BrpUir rihAw ]
guptaa naam vartai vich kaljug, ghat ghat har bharpoor rahi-aa.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark-Age), the Name of God is hidden; (but) God is perfectly (i.e. totally,
fully) permeating each and every heart.
nwmu rqnu iqnw ihrdY pRgitAw jo gur srxweI Bij pieAw ]2]
naam ratan tinaa hirdai pragati-aa, jo gur sarṇaa-ee bhaj pa-i-aa. ||2||
The jewel of the Name is revealed in the hearts of those who hurry to the refuge of the Guru. 2
ieMdRI pMc pMcy vis AwxY iKmw sMqoKu gurmiq pwvY ]
iNdree paNch, paNchay vas aaṇai, khimaa saNtokh gurmat paavai.
The organs are five (i.e. hands, mouth, feet, penis and anus) , and, these are overpowered by the
five (divine virtues: truth, contentment, faith, compassion and fortitude); forgiveness and
contentment (etc five virtues) are obtained through the wisdom of the Guru.
so Dnu Dnu hir jnu vf pUrw jo BY bYrwig hir gux gwvY ]3]
so dhan dhan, har jan vad pooraa, jo bhai bairaag har guṇ gaavai. ||3||
Blessed, blessed, perfect and great is that servant (i.e. devotee of God) who sings (the praise of)
the excellences of God in His (noble) fear and love. 3
gur qy muhu Pyry jy koeI gur kw kihAw n iciq DrY ] kir Awcwr bhu sMpau sMcY jo ikCu krY su nrik prY ]4]
gur tay muhu fayray jay ko-ee, gur kaa kahi-aa na chit dharai.
kar aachaar baho saMpa-o saNchai ,jo kichh karai so narak parai. ||4||
One, who turns his face away from the Guru, and, does not enshrine his teachings in his mind;
he may conduct (all sorts of) rituals and accumulate a lot of wealth; (but) whatever he does (is
useless), and, (in the end) he shall fall into hell. 4
eyko sbdu eyko pRBu vrqY sB eyksu qy auqpiq clY ]
ayko sabad ayko prabh vartai, sabh aykas tay utpat chalai.
The One Word, of One Lord, is prevailing (everywhere); and, all the creation comes from the
nwnk gurmuiK myil imlwey gurmuiK hir hir jwie rlY ]5]6]
naanak, gurmukh mayl milaa-ay, gurmukh har har jaa-ay ralai. ||5||6||
Nanak (says): one, whom He unites in union (with Himself), through the Guru, (he) merges into
God, the Lord, through the Guru. 4.6

pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

myry mn guru Apxw swlwih ] mayray man, gur apṇaa saalaahi.
O! my mind, praise your Guru.
pUrw Bwgu hovY muiK msqik sdw hir ky gux gwih ]1] rhwau ]
pooraa bhaag hovai mukh mastak, sadaa har kay guṇ gaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has perfect destiny, inscribed on his face and forehead, forever sings (the praise of)
the excellences of God. 1 (pause)

P. 1335
AMimRq nwmu Bojnu hir dyie ] koit mDy koeI ivrlw lyie ] ijs no ApxI ndir kryie ]1]
aMmrit naam bhojan, har day-ay. kot madhay, ko-ee virlaa lay-ay. jis no, apṇee nadar karay-i. ||1||
God (always) gives (i.e. blesses with) the food of the AMmrit Name; (but)
among tens of millions, some rare one receives it.
(it is received only by) the one whom He blesses with His Glance (of Grace). 1
gur ky crx mn mwih vswie ] duKu An@yrw AMdrhu jwie ] Awpy swcw ley imlwie ]2]
gur kay charaṇ man maahi vasaa-ay. dukh anhayraa, aNdrahu jaa-ay.
aapay saachaa la-ay milaa-ay. ||2||
One, who enshrines the feet of Guru, within his mind,
(he) is rid of sorrows and darkness (i.e. ignorance) from within,
the True (Lord) Himself unites him (with Himself). 2
gur kI bwxI isau lwie ipAwru ] AYQY EQY eyhu ADwru ] Awpy dyvY isrjnhwru ]3]
gur kee baṇee si-o, laa-ay pi-aar. aithai othai, ayhu adhaar. aapay dayvai sirjanhaar. ||3||
(So, O! brethren) embrace love for the Word of the Guru.
Here and hereafter, this will be your (only) support.
The Creator Himself bestows it. 3
scw mnwey Apxw Bwxw ] sachaa manaa-ay, apṇaa bhaaṇaa.
The True Himself gets one to accept His Will.
soeI Bgqu suGVu suojwxw ] so-ee bhagat sughaṛ sojaaṇaa.
(One who accepts His Will) only that devotee is wise and all-knowing
nwnku iqs kY sd kurbwxw ]4]7]17]7]24] naanak, tis kai sad kurbaaṇaa. ||4||7||17||7||24||
Nanak (says): I am forever a sacrifices unto him.

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ibBws Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4, bibhaas

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
rsik rsik gun gwvh gurmiq ilv aunmin nwim lgwn ]
rasak rasak gun gaavah gurmat, liv unman naam lagaan.
(O! brethren) singing (the praise of) the excellences of God with joy and delight, through the
wisdom of the Guru; and, one’s intoxicated mind gets attuned to the Name .
AMimRqu rsu pIAw gur sbdI hm nwm ivthu kurbwn ]1]
aMmrit ras pee-aa gur sabdee, ham naam vitahu kurbaan. ||1||
I have taken in AMmrit essence (of the Name) through the Word of the Guru; I am a sacrifice
unto the Name.1
hmry jgjIvn hir pRwn ] hamray jagjeevan har praan.
God, the Life of the world, is my breath (of life).
hir aUqmu ird AMqir BwieE guir mMqu dIE hir kwn ]1] rhwau ]
har ootam rid aNtar bhaa-i-o, gur maNt dee-o har kaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God, the Sublime (Lord) became pleasing to me, within my heart, (when) the Guru gave (i.e.
infused) the teaching about God, into my ears. 1 (pause)

Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir nwmu vKwn ]
aavhu saNt milhu, mayray bhaa-ee, mil har har naam vakhaan.
Come, O! God-oriented persons, my brethren, let us join together and chant the Name of God,
the Lord.
ikqu ibiD ikau pweIAY pRBu Apunw mo kau krhu aupdysu hir dwn ]2]
kit bidh, ki-o paa-ee-ai, prabh apunaa, mo ka-o karahu updays har daan. ||2||
How and which way can I find my Lord, (please) bless me with the gift of the teachings about
God. 2
sqsMgiq mih hir hir visAw imil sMgiq hir gun jwn ]
satsaNgat meh har har vasi-aa, mil saNgat har gun jaan.
God, the Lord, abides in the true congregation; joining the congregation, let us know the
excellences of God.
vfY Bwig sqsMgiq pweI guru siqguru pris Bgvwn ]3]
vadai bhaag satsaNgat paa-ee, gur satgur paras bhagvaan. ||3||
By great (good) fortune the true congregation is found; touching the feet of (i.e. following the
path of) the True Guru, one finds the Lord of the World. 3
gun gwvh pRB Agm Twkur ky gun gwie rhy hYrwn ]
gun gaavah prabh agam ṭaakur kay, gun gaa-ay rahay hairaan.
(O! brethren) sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord, the inaccessible Master; singing
(the praise of) the excellences (of the Lord), one is amazed.
jn nwnk kau guir ikrpw DwrI hir nwmu dIE iKn dwn ]4]1]
jan naanak ka-o gur kirpaa dhaaree, har naam dee-o khin daan. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the Guru has bestowed his Grace upon me, and, in an
instant, he has blessed me with the gift of the Name of God. 4.1

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4

augvY sUru gurmuiK hir bolih sB rYin sm@wlih hir gwl ]
ugvai soor gurmukh har boleh, sabh rain samhaalih har gaal.
With the rising of the sun, the Guru-oriented persons chants (the Name of) God, and, all
through the night, they remembers God’s words (i.e. Name).
hmrY pRiB hm loc lgweI hm krh pRBU hir Bwl ]1]
hamrai prabh ham loch lagaa-ee, ham karah prabhoo har bhaal. ||1||
My Lord has created this longing within me; that I should search for my God, the Lord. 1
myrw mnu swDU DUir rvwl ] mayraa man, saadhoo dhoor ravaal.
My mind is the dust of (the feet of) the God-oriented persons.
hir hir nwmu idRVwieE guir mITw gur pg Jwrh hm bwl ]1] rhwau ]
har har naam dariṛ-aa-i-o gur meeṭaa, gur pag jhaarah ham baal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru has implanted the sweet Name of God, the Lord (within me) I will dust the feet of the
Guru with my hair. 1(pause)
swkq kau idnu rYin AMDwrI moih PwQy mwieAw jwl ] saakat ka-o din rain a dhaaree, mohi faathay maa-i-aa jaal.
For the non-believers, the day and night (both) are dark (i.e. full of ignorance); they are caught
in the trap of Maya.

iKnu plu hir pRBu irdY n visE irin bwDy bhu ibiD bwl ]2]
khin pal har prabh ridai na vasi-o, rin baadhay baho bidh baal. ||2||
God, the Lord, does not dwell in their hearts, even for a moment, an instant; every hair of
theirs is tied up in debt. 2
sqsMgiq imil miq buiD pweI hau CUty mmqw jwl ]
satsaNgat mil mat budh paa-ee, ha-o chhootay mamtaa jaal.
Joining the true congregation, those who obtain wisdom and understanding, are released
from trap of possessiveness (i.e. attachment to Maya).
hir nwmw hir mIT lgwnw guir kIey sbid inhwl ]3]
har naamaa har meeṭ lagaanaa, gur kee-ay sabad nihaal. ||3||
God has got the taste of His Name seem sweet to them; and, the Guru has made them happy
through the Word. 3
hm bwirk gur Agm gusweI gur kir ikrpw pRiqpwl ] ham baarik gur agam gusaa-ee, gur kar kirpaa partipaal.
We are (just like) children, and, the Guru is unfathomable Lord of the World; O! Guru, bestow
Your Grace and take care of us.
ibKu Baujl fubdy kwiF lyhu pRB gur nwnk bwl gupwl ]4]2]
bikh bha-ojal dubday, kaaḍ layho prabh, gur, naanak, baal gupaal. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): we are drowning, (please) pull us out of the terrifying ocean of poison, O! Lord;
O! Guru, we are your children, O! Sustainer of the World. 4.2

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4

ieku iKnu hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI gun gwey rsk rsIk ]
ik khin har prabh kirpaa dhaaree, gun gaa-ay rasak raseek.
One, upon whom the Lord bestowed His kindness (even) for an instant, sings (the praise of) His
excellences with love and delight.
P. 1336
gwvq sunq doaU Bey mukqy ijnw gurmuiK iKnu hir pIk ]1]
gaavat sunat do-oo bha-ay muktay jinaa gurmukh khin har peek. ||1||
Those who drank in (the AMmrit Name of) God, through the Guru, and, sing and listen to (God’s
praise), both are liberated. 1
myrY min hir hir rwm nwmu rsu tIk ] mayrai man, har har raam naam ras teek.
The essence of the Name of God, the Lord, the Master is enshrined within my mind.
gurmuiK nwmu sIql jlu pwieAw hir hir nwmu pIAw rsu JIk ]1] rhwau ]
gurmukh naam seetal jal paa-i-aa, har har naam pee-aa ras jheek. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have obtained cooling water of the Name, through the Guru; I gulp in (i.e. drink continuously)
the essence of the Name of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
ijn hir ihrdY pRIiq lgwnI iqnw msqik aUjl tIk ] jin har hirdai preet lagaanee, tinaa mastak oojal teek.
Those, whose hearts are attached to the love of God, have shining mark (of sublimity) of their
hir jn soBw sB jg aUpir ijau ivic aufvw sis kIk ]2]
har jan sobhaa sabh jag oopar, ji-o vich udvaa sas keek. ||2||
The glory of such servants (i.e. devotees) is manifest throughout the world, like the moon
appears among the stars. 2

ijn hir ihrdY nwmu n visE iqn siB kwrj PIk ] jin har hirdai naam na vasi-o, tin sabh kaaraj feek.
Those, in whose hearts the Name of God does not abide, all their acts are insipid (useless).
jYsy sIgwru krY dyh mwnuK nwm ibnw nkty nk kIk ]3]
jaisay seegaar karai dayh maanukh, naam binaa naktay nak keek. ||3||
As a person decorates his body, but without the Name (of God), he looks like his nose has been
cut off. 3
Git Git rmeIAw rmq rwm rwie sB vrqY sB mih eIk ]
ghat ghat rama-ee-aa ramat raam raa-ay, sabh vartai sabh meh eek.
The Sovereign Lord, God, pervades each and every heart; the One (Lord) is permeating all
(places) and everyone.
jn nwnk kau hir ikrpw DwrI gur bcn iDAwieE GrI mIk ]4]3]
jan naanak ka-o har kirpaa dhaaree, gur bachan dhi-aa-i-o gharee meek. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God has bestowed His Grace upon me; through the Word
(i.e. teachings) of the Guru I meditate upon Him each moment. 4.3

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4

Agm dieAwl ik®pw pRiB DwrI muiK hir hir nwmu hm khy ]
agam da-i-aal kripaa prabh dhaaree, mukh har har naam ham kahay.
(When) the Inaccessible, Merciful Lord bestowed His Grace (upon me), I began chanting the
name of God, the Lord, with my mouth.
piqq pwvn hir nwmu iDAwieE siB iklibK pwp lhy ]1]
patit paavan har naam dhi-aa-i-o, sabh kilbikh paap lahay. ||1||
Meditating upon the Name of God, the Purifier of the Sinners, I was rid of all my sins and
sorrows. 1
jip mn rwm nwmu riv rhy ] jap man, raam naam rav rahay.
O! my mind, meditate upon the Name of the all-prevailing God.
dIn dieAwlu duK BMjnu gwieE gurmiq nwmu pdwrQu lhy ]1] rhwau ]
deen da-i-aal dukh bhaNjan gaa-i-o, gurmat naam padaarath lahay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who sings (the praise of) (the Lord) the Merciful to the Poor and Destroyer of Sorrows,
through the wisdom of Guru, obtains the wealth of the Name. 1 (pause)
kwieAw ngir ngir hir bisE miq gurmiq hir hir shy ]
kaa-i-aa nagar, nagar har basi-o, mat gurmat har har sahay.
The body is (like) a town; God abides in (this body) town; through the wisdom of the Guru,
God, the Lord is revealed (to the mind).
srIir srovir nwmu hir pRgitE Gir mMdir hir pRBu lhy ]2]
sareer sarovar, naam har pragati-o, ghar maNdar har prabh lahay. ||2||
The body is (like) a pool, (when the water of) the Name of God is revealed in it, one finds God,
the Lord, within the temple of the mansion (i.e. within one’s heart). 2
jo nr Brim Brim auidAwny qy swkq mUV muhy ] jo nar bharam bharam udi-aanay, tay saakat mooṛ muhay.
Those beings who wander in the wilderness of doubt, those non-believers, fools, are robbed.
ijau imRg nwiB bsY bwsu bsnw BRim BRimE Jwr ghy ]3]
ji-o marig naabh basai baas basnaa, bharam bharmi-o jhaar gahay. ||3||
(They are) like the deer, the scent of musk is contained in its (own) naval, but it wanders and
wanders around searching for it in the bushes. 2

qum vf Agm AgwiD boiD pRB miq dyvhu hir pRB lhy ]
tum vad agam agaadh bodh, prabh, mat dayvhu har prabh lahay.
You are Great, Inaccessible, beyond the reach of wisdom, O! Lord, (please) bless me with
wisdom that I may find You, O! God, O! Lord.
jn nwnk kau guir hwQu isir DirE hir rwm nwim riv rhy ]4]4]
jan naanak ka-o gur haath sir dhari-o, har raam naam rav rahay. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): One, upon whose head the Guru places his hand, chants
the Name of all-pervading God. 4.4
pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4
min lwgI pRIiq rwm nwm hir hir jipE hir pRBu vfPw ]
man laagee pareet raam naam har, har japi-o, har prabh vadfaa.
One, whose mind falls in love with the Name of God, the Lord, he meditated upon God, the
great God, the Lord.
siqgur bcn suKwny hIArY hir DwrI hir pRB ik®pPw ]1]
satgur bachan sukhaanay hee-arai, har dhaaree har prabh kripfaa. ||1||
The words (i.e. teachings) of the True Guru become pleasing to his heart; (when) God, the
Lord, the Master bestows His Grace upon him. 1
myry mn Bju rwm nwm hir inmKPw ] mayray man, bhaj raam naam har, nimkhafaa.
O! my mind, meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, for a (i.e. each and every) instant.
hir hir dwnu dIE guir pUrY hir nwmw min qin bsPw ]1] rhwau ]
har har daan dee-o gur poorai, har naamaa man tan basfaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru has blessed me with the Name of God, the Lord; the Name of God abides in
my mind and body. 1 (pause)
kwieAw ngir visE Gir mMdir jip soBw gurmuiK krpPw ]
kaa-i-aa nagar vasi-o ghar maNdar, jap sobhaa gurmukh karpafaa.
He (i.e. God) abides in the body-town, in my home, my mansion (i.e. heart); the Guru-oriented
ones meditate upon Him and obtain glory.
hliq pliq jn Bey suhyly muK aUjl gurmuiK qrPw ]2]
halat palat jan bha-ay suhaylay, mukh oojal gurmukh, tarfaa. ||2||
Here and hereafter, they are in bliss; their faces become radiant through the Guru and they
are carried across (the world ocean). 2
AnBau hir hir hir ilv lwgI hir aur DwirE guir inmKPw ]
anbha-o har har har liv laagee, har ur dhaari-o gur nimkhafaa.
They are attuned to the Fearless God, the Lord, the Master, (who have) enshrined God within
their hearts, through the Guru, even for an instant.
koit koit ky doK sB jn ky hir dUir kIey iek plPw ]3]
kot kot kay dokh sabh jan kay, har door kee-ay ik palfaa. ||3||
The sins of the tens of millions over tens of millions (of the lifetimes) the servants (i.e. devotees)
are taken away by God, in an instant. 3
qumry jn qum hI qy jwny pRB jwinE jn qy muKPw ]
tumray jan tum hee tay jaanay, prabh jaani-o jan tay mukhfaa.
Your servants (i.e. devotees) are known only through You; those who have known God become

hir hir Awpu DirE hir jn mih jn nwnku hir pRBu iekPw ]4]5]
har har aap dhari-o har jan meh; jan, naanak, har prabh ikfaa. ||4||5||
God has enshrined Himself within (the hearts of) His servants (i.e. devotees); Nanak (says):
God, the Lord, and His servants (i.e. devotees) are one and the same. 4.5
P. 1337
pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 4
gur siqguir nwmu idRVwieE hir hir hm muey jIvy hir jipBw ]
gur satgur naam dariṛ-aa-i-o har har, ham mu-ay jeevay har japibhaa.
The Guru, the True Guru, has implanted the Name of God, the Lord (within me); I was
(spiritually) dead (but) meditating upon (the Name of) God, I have come back to life.
Dnu DMnu gurU guru siqguru pUrw ibKu fubdy bwh dyie kiFBw ]1]
dhan dhaNn guroo, gur satgur pooraa, bikh dubday, baah day-ay kaḍibhaa. ||1||
Blessed, blessed is the Guru, the perfect True Guru; giving his arm (i.e. reaching out to me with
his hand) he has pulled me up from drowning in (the ocean of) poison. 1
jip mn rwm nwmu ArDWBw ] jap man, raam naam ardhaanbhaa.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Name of the adorable God.
aupjMip aupwie n pweIAY kqhU guir pUrY hir pRBu lwBw ]1] rhwau ]
upjaMp upaa-ay na paa-ee-ai kathoo, gur poorai har prabh laabhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He cannot be found by any apropos efforts (i.e. by way of rituals); God, the Lord, is found
(only) through the perfect Guru. 1 (pause)
rwm nwmu rsu rwm rswiexu rsu pIAw gurmiq rsBw ] raam naam ras raam rasaa-iṇ, ras pee-aa gurmat rasbhaa.
The Name of God is the source of all essences of God; drinking it in, through the wisdom of the
Guru, one enjoys bliss.
loh mnUr kMcnu imil sMgiq hir aur DwirE guir hirBw ]2]
loh manoor kaNchan mil saNgat, har ur dhaari-o gur haribhaa. ||2||
(Just as) the slag of iron is transformed into gold by join the company (i.e. by touching the
Philosopher’s Stone), one, who enshrines God within his heart, through the Guru, becomes the
light (i.e. reflection) of God. 2
haumY ibiKAw inq loiB luBwny puq klq moih luiBBw ]
iqn pg sMq n syvy kbhU qy mnmuK BUMBr BrBw ]3]
ha-umai bikhi-aa nit lobh lubhaanay, put kalat mohi lubhibhaa.
tin pag saNt na sayvay kabhoo, tay manmukh bhooMbhar bharbhaa. ||3||
Those who are continually charmed by greed, egotism and sin; and, charmed by attachment
to son and wife; they never serve at the feet of the God-oriented person, (the minds of) such
mind-oriented persons are filled with burnt ashes. 3
qumry gun qum hI pRB jwnhu hm pry hwir qum srnBw ]
tumray gun tum hee prabh jaanhu ,ham paray haar tum sarnabhaa.
O! Lord, You alone know Your virtues; having grown wearing (of efforts) I seek Your refuge.
ijau jwnhu iqau rwKhu suAwmI jn nwnku dwsu qumnBw ]4]6]
ji-o jaanhu ti-o raakho su-aamee jan naanak daas tumnabhaa. ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): save me as You know best, O! Lord, I am just Your slave. 4.6
Ckw 1 ] chhakaa 1. One set of six (poems).

pRBwqI ibBws pVqwl mhlw 4 Prabhaatee, bibhaas, paṛ-taal, Mehlaa 4
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-oⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ik Oⁿkaar (unmanifest and manifest),
the Absolute Truth.
jip mn hir hir nwmu inDwn ] hir drgh pwvih mwn ]
jap man har har naam nidhaan. har dargeh paavahi maan.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, (which is the real) treasure; and,
You shall obtain honour in the Court of God.
ijin jipAw qy pwir prwn ]1] rhwau ] jin japi-aa, tay paar paraan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who meditate upon are carried across to the other shore (of the world ocean). 1 (pause)
suin mn hir hir nwmu kir iDAwnu ] sun man, har har naam kar dhi-aan.
O! (my) mind, listen attentively to the Name of God.
suin mn hir kIriq ATsiT mjwnu ] sun man, har keerat aṭsaṭ majaan.
Listen, O! (my) mind, singing the praise of God, is (equal to) bathing at sixty-eigh* (places of
pilgrimage). [*Many Hindus believe that bathing sixty-eight places of pilgrimage leads to liberation].
suin mn gurmuiK pwvih mwnu ]1] sun man, gurmukh paavahi maan. ||1||
O! (my) mind, listen (to the Name of God) through the Guru, and, you shall obtain honour. 1
jip mn prmysuru prDwnu ] jap man, parmaysur pardhaan.
O! (my) mind, meditate upon the Supreme Master, the Lofty (Lord);
iKn KovY pwp kotwn ] khin khovai, paap kotaan.
tens of millions of sins shall be destroyed in a moment.
imlu nwnk hir Bgvwn ]2]1]7] mil, naanak, har bhagvaan*. ||2||1||7||
Nanak (says): meet me, O! God, O! Lord of Fortune. 2.1.7
[*Bhagvaan, literally: ‘Possessor/Lord of Fortune’. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ibBws Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5, Bibhaas

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-oⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ik Oⁿkaar (unmanifest and manifest),
the Absolute Truth.
mnu hir kIAw qnu sBu swijAw ] man har kee-aa, tan sabh saaji-aa.
God created the mind and fashioned the entire body.
pMc qq ric joiq invwijAw ] paNch tat rach, jot nivaaji-aa.
Creating (the body structure of) five elements, He honoured it with Light (i.e. infused His Light
into it).
ishjw Driq brqn kau pwnI ] sihjaa dharat, bartan ka-o paanee.
He gave earth for bed (living on it), and, water to use (for survival).
inmK n ivswrhu syvhu swirgpwnI ]1] nimakh na visaarahu, sayvhu saarigpaanee*. ||1||
(O! brethren) do not forget even for an instant, and, serve the Sustainer of the World*. 1
[*Saarangpaanee, literally: ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand); thus, it
means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ ].
mn siqguru syiv hoie prm gqy ] man satgur sayv ho-ay param gatay.
O! (my) mind, serve the True Guru, and, you shall attain supreme status.

hrK sog qy rhih inrwrw qW qU pwvih pRwnpqy ]1] rhwau ]
harakh sog tay raheh niraaraa, taan too paavahi paranpatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If you remain indifferent to (i.e. unaffected by) pains and pleasures, then you shall obtain the
Lord of Breath (of Life). 1 (pause)
kwpV Bog rs Aink BuMcwey ] kaapaṛ bhog ras, anik bhuNchaa-ay.
(God) has given you clothes (to wear), meals (to eat) and, many pleasures to enjoy.
mwq ipqw kutMb sgl bnwey ] maat pitaa kutaMb, sagal banaa-ay.
He has blessed you with mother, father and all relatives.
irjku smwhy jil Qil mIq ] rijak samaahay jal thal, meet.
He provides sustenance in the waters, and on the lands (i.e. everywhere), O! friend.
so hir syvhu nIqw nIq ]2] so har sayvhu, neetaa neet. ||2||
So (O! friend), serve that God, forever and ever. 2
qhw sKweI jh koie n hovY ] tahaa sakhaa-ee, jah ko-ay na hovai.
He is a friend, where no one else is there (to help).
koit ApRwD iek iKn mih DovY ] kot apraadh, ik khin meh dhovai.
He washes away (i.e. erases) tens of millions of sins in a moment.
dwiq krY nhI pCuoqwvY ] daat karai, nahee pachhotaavai.
He bestows with gifts and never regrets.
eykw bKs iPir bhuir n bulwvY ]3] aykaa bakhas, fir bahur na bulaavai. ||3||
One, whom He forgives once, never calls (to accounts) again . 3
P. 1338
ikrq sMjogI pwieAw Bwil ] swDsMgiq mih bsy gupwl ]
kirat saNjogee paa-i-aa bhaal. saadhsaNgat meh basay gupaal.
In accordance with one’s deeds and pre-ordained destiny, one finds and obtains (God).
The Sustainer of the World (i.e. God) abides in the company of the God-oriented persons.
gur imil Awey qumrY duAwr ] jn nwnk drsnu dyhu murwir ]4]1]
gur mil aa-ay tumrai du-aar. jan naanak, darsan dayh, muraar*. ||4||1||
Meeting the Guru, I have come to Your Door, (O! God).
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (please) bless me with Your vision, O! Destroyer of
Demons*. 4.1
[*Literally: Destroyer of demon Mur / destroyer of all demons. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

pRB kI syvw jn kI soBw ] prabh kee sayvaa, jan kee sobhaa.
Servicing the Lord, the servants (i.e. devotees) are praised (everywhere).
kwm k®oD imty iqsu loBw ] kaam krodh mitay tis lobhaa.
(By serving the Lord, indulgence in) sexual desire, anger and greed are eradicated.
nwmu qyrw jn kY BMfwir ] naam tayraa, jan kai bhaNdaar.
(O! God) Your Name is the treasure of (Your) servant (i.e. devotee).
gun gwvih pRB drs ipAwir ]1] gun gaavahi, prabh daras pi-aar. ||1||
O! Lord, they sing (the praise of) the Your excellences, in love of (beholding) Your vision. 1
qumrI Bgiq pRB qumih jnweI ] tumree bhagat, prabh, tumeh janaa-ee.
O! Lord, You Yourself reveal (the value of)Your devotion (to Your devotees).

kwit jyvrI jn lIey CfweI ]1] rhwau ] kaat jayvree, jan lee-ay chhadaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Breaking their bonds, You emancipate Your servants (i.e. devotees). 1 (pause)
jo jnu rwqw pRB kY rMig ] iqin suKu pwieAw pRB kY sMig ]
jo jan raataa, prabh kai raNg. tin sukh paa-i-aa, prabh kai saNg.
The servant (i.e. devotee), who is imbued with the love of the Lord,
(he) finds (spiritual) happiness in the company of (i.e. in the service of) the Lord.
ijsu rsu AwieAw soeI jwnY ] jis ras aa-i-aa, so-ee jaanai.
Those, who have enjoyed the essence (of the Name of God), they alone know( its bliss).
pyiK pyiK mn mih hYrwnY ]2] paykh paykh, man meh hairaanai. ||2||
Seeing and beholding (enjoying) it, they are wonder-struck in their minds. 2
so suKIAw sB qy aUqmu soie ] jw kY ihRdY visAw pRBu soie ]
so sukhee-aa, sabh tay ootam so-ay. jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa prabh so-ay.
They are (most) happy and supreme of all, within their hearts dwells the Lord.
soeI inhclu AwvY n jwie ] Anidnu pRB ky hir gux gwie ]3]
so-ee nihchal, aavai na jaa-ay. an-din, prabh kay har guṇ gaa-ay. ||3|
Those, who sing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord, day and night, become stable, and,
they do not come or go (in reincarnation),. 3
qw kau krhu sgl nmskwru ] jw kY min pUrnu inrMkwru ]
taa ka-o karahu sagal namaskaar. jaa kai man pooran nirankaar.
(O! brethren) all bow (i.e. make obeisance) to the one,
in whose mind is (i.e. dwells) the Perfect Formless (Lord).
kir ikrpw moih Twkur dyvw ] nwnku auDrY jn kI syvw ]4]2]
kar kirpaa mohi, ṭaakur dayvaa. naanak, udhrai jan kee sayvaa. ||4||2||
Nanak (says): O! Divine Master, (please) bestow Your Grace upon me,
that I may be emancipated by serving Your servants (i.e. devotees). 4.2

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

gun gwvq min hoie Anµd ] AwT phr ismrau BgvMq ]
gun gaavat, man ho-ay anaNd. aaṭ pahar simra-o bhagvaNt.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences, the mind is in (spiritual) delight;
(so) I remember (i.e. meditate upon) the Lord of Fortune for eight quarters (i.e. twenty four
hours a day).
jw kY ismrin klml jwih ] iqsu gur kI hm crnI pwih ]1]
jaa kai simran kalmal jaahi. tis gur kee, ham charnee paahi. ||1||
Remembering whom, the sins go away (i.e. are eradicated), I bow at the feet of that Guru. 1
sumiq dyvhu sMq ipAwry ] ismrau nwmu moih insqwry ]1] rhwau ]
sumat dayvhu, saNt pi-aaray. simra-o naam, mohi nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! dear God-oriented persons, (please) bless me with (sublime) wisdom (that);
remembering the Name (of the Lord), I may be carried across (the world ocean). 1 (pause)
ijin guir kihAw mwrgu sIDw ] sgl iqAwig nwim hir gIDw ]
jin gur kahi-aa maarag seedhaa. sagal ti-aag, naam har geedhaa.
The Guru, who has told (shown) me straight (i.e. right) path (of union with God), and,
renouncing everything (else) I am pleased in(meditation upon) the Name of God.

iqsu gur kY sdw bil jweIAY ] hir ismrnu ijsu gur qy pweIAY ]2]
tis gur kai, sadaa bal jaa-ee-ai. har simran, jis gur tay paa-ee-ai. ||2||
The Guru, through whom I meditate upon God, I am forever a sacrifice unto that Guru. 2
bUfq pRwnI ijin gurih qrwieAw ] boodat praanee, jin gureh taraa-i-aa.
The Guru saves the mortal from drowning and carries him across (the world ocean);
ijsu pRswid mohY nhI mwieAw ] jis prasaad, mohai nahee maa-i-aa.
By His Grace, one is not fascinated by Maya.
hlqu plqu ijin gurih svwirAw ] halat palat, jin gureh savaari-aa.
The Guru embellishes one, here and hereafter.
iqsu gur aUpir sdw hau vwirAw ]3] tis gur oopar, sadaa ha-o vaari-aa. ||3||
I am forever a sacrifice unto that Guru. 3
mhw mugD qy kIAw igAwnI ] gur pUry kI AkQ khwnI ]
mahaa mugadh tay kee-aa gi-aanee. gur pooray kee akath kahaanee.
From utterly stupid, he makes one giaanee (i.e spiritual scholar);
indescribable is the story of (the excellences of) the perfect Guru
pwrbRhm nwnk gurdyv ] vfY Bwig pweIAY hir syv ]4]3]
paarbrahm, naanak, gurdayv. vadai bhaag, paa-ee-ai har sayv. ||4||3||
Nanak (says): the Divine Guru is (an image of) the Supreme Lord;
by great (good) fortune, one is blessed with the service of God. 4.3

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

sgly dUK imty suK dIey Apnw nwmu jpwieAw ] saglay dookh mitay, sukh dee-ay, apnaa naam japaa-i-aa.
Getting me to meditate upon His Name, all my sufferings have ben eradicated and I have been
blessed with (spiritual) happiness.
kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwey sglw durqu imtwieAw ]1]
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay, saglaa durat mitaa-i-aa. ||1||
Bestowing His Grace, He has attached me on His service, and has eradicated all my sins. 1
hm bwirk srin pRB dieAwl ] ham baarik, saran prabh da-i-aal.
I am only a child; I seek the refuge of the Merciful Lord.
Avgx kwit kIey pRiB Apuny rwiK lIey myrY gur gopwil ]1] rhwau ]
avgaṇ kaat kee-ay prabh apunay, raakh lee-ay mayrai gur gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Erasing my vices, the Lord has made me His own (child), and, the great Sustainer of the World
(now) protects me. 1 (pause)
qwp pwp ibnsy iKn BIqir Bey ik®pwl gusweI ] taap paap binsay khin bheetar, bha-ay kripaal gusaa-ee.
My ailments and sins vanished away in an instant, (when) the Lord of the World bestowed His
Grace (upon me).
swis swis pwrbRhmu ArwDI Apuny siqgur kY bil jweI ]2]
saas saas paarbrahm araadhee, apunay satgur kai bal jaa-ee. ||2||
With each and every breath, I adore the Supreme Lord; and, I am a sacrifice unto my True
Guru. 2
Agm Agocru ibAMqu suAwmI qw kw AMqu n pweIAY ] agam agochar bi-aNt su-aamee, taa kaa aNt na paa-ee-ai.
The Master is Inaccessible, Imperceptible, and, Infinite; His limits cannot be found.

lwhw Kwit hoeIAY DnvMqw Apunw pRBU iDAweIAY ]3]
laahaa khaat ho-ee-ai dhanvaNtaa, apunaa prabhoo dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||3||
Let us earn profit and become wealthy (by) meditating upon our Lord. 3
P. 1339
AwT phr pwrbRhmu iDAweI sdw sdw gun gwieAw ]
aaṭ pahar paarbrahm dhi-aa-ee, sadaa sadaa gun gaa-i-aa.
Through eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), I meditate upon the Supreme Lord, and,
forever and ever, I sing the praise of His excellences.
khu nwnk myry pUry mnorQ pwrbRhmu guru pwieAw ]4]4]
kaho naanak, mayray pooray manorath, paarbrahm gur paa-i-aa. ||4||4||
Says Nanak: my mind’s desires have been fulfilled, I have found the Supreme Lord, my Guru. 4.
pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
ismrq nwmu iklibK siB nwsy ] scu nwmu guir dInI rwsy ]
simrat naam, kilbikh sabh naasay. sach naam, gur deenee raasay.
Meditating upon the Name, all (my) sins have been destroyed.
The Guru has blessed me with the capital of the True Name.
pRB kI drgh soBwvMqy ] syvk syiv sdw sohMqy ]1]
prabh kee dargeh sobhaavaNtay. sayvak sayv sadaa sohaNtay. ||1||
They are praised in the Court of the Lord.
Serving Him the servants (i.e. devotees) look beauteous (i.e. are embellished). 1
hir hir nwmu jphu myry BweI ] sgly rog doK siB ibnsih AigAwnu AMDyrw mn qy jweI ]1] rhwau ]
har har naam japahu, mayray bhaa-ee.
saglay rog dokh sabh binsahi, agi-aan aNdhayraa man tay jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, O! my brethren.
All your ailments and sins shall vanish away; and, your mind shall be rid of darkness of
ignorance. 1 (pause)
jnm mrn guir rwKy mIq ] hir ky nwm isau lwgI pRIiq ]
janam maran gur raakhay, meet. har kay naam si-o laagee preet.
Those, who are in love with the Name of God, the Guru, our friend, saves them from (the cycle
of) birth and death.
koit jnm ky gey klys ] jo iqsu BwvY so Bl hos ]2]
kot janam kay ga-ay kalays. jo tis bhaavai, so bhal hos. ||2||
Their sufferings of tens of millions of life-times are erased.
Whatever pleases Him is good (i.e. they feel happy in His Will ). 2
iqsu gur kau hau sd bil jweI ] ijsu pRswid hir nwmu iDAweI ]
tis gur ka-o, ha-o sad bal jaa-ee. jis parsaad, har naam dhi-aa-ee.
I am forever a sacrifice unto that Guru, by whose Grace I meditate upon the Name of God.
AYsw guru pweIAY vfBwgI ] ijsu imlqy rwm ilv lwgI ]3]
aisaa gur, paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee. jis miltay, raam liv laagee. ||3||
Such a Guru is found by great (good) fortune, meeting whom, one is lovingly attuned to God.3
kir ikrpw pwrbRhm suAwmI ] sgl Gtw ky AMqrjwmI ]
kar kirpaa paarbrahm su-aamee. sagal ghataa kay aNtarjaamee.
Bestow Your Grace, O! Supreme Lord, O! Master.
You are the Controller of all the Souls, and the hearts.

AwT phr ApunI ilv lwie ] jnu nwnku pRB kI srnwie ]4]5]
aaṭ pahar, apunee liv laa-ay. jan naanak, prabh kee sarnaa-ay. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (O! Lord) lovingly attune me to Yourself (all) the eight
quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day); I have come to Your refuge. 4.5
pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
kir ikrpw Apuny pRiB kIey ] hir kw nwmu jpn kau dIey ]
kar kirpaa, apunay prabh kee-ay. har kaa naam japan ka-o dee-ay.
Bestowing His Grace, the Lord has made them His own; and,
God has blessed them with His Name to meditate upon.
AwT phr gun gwie guibMd ] BY ibnsy auqrI sB icMd ]1]
aaṭ pahar, gun gaa-ay gubiNd. bhai binsay, utree sabh chiNd. ||1||
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World throughout the eight quarters
(i.e. twenty-four hours a day), fears are dispelled and worries are eliminated. 1
aubry siqgur crnI lwig ] ubray satgur charnee laag.
Attaching to the feet of the True Guru (many) are saved.
jo guru khY soeI Bl mITw mn kI miq iqAwig ]1] rhwau ]
jo gur kahai so-ee bhal meeṭaa, man kee mat ti-aag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever the Guru says is good and sweet (to them), and, they renounce the wisdom (i. e.
cleverness) of their own mind. 1 (pause)
min qin visAw hir pRBu soeI ] kil klys ikCu ibGnu n hoeI ]
man tan vasi-aa, har prabh so-ee. kal kalays, kichh bighan na ho-ee.
(When) God, the Lord, abides within one’s mind and body,
one is not afflicted by sufferings, clash, or any obstacle.
sdw sdw pRBu jIA kY sMig ] auqrI mYlu nwm kY rMig ]2]
sadaa sadaa prabh jee-a kai saNg. utree mail, naam kai raNg. ||2||
The Lord is forever and ever with the being.
The filth (of egotism) is washed away by the love of the Name (of the Lord). 2
crn kml isau lwgo ipAwru ] ibnsy kwm k®oD AhMkwr ]
charan kamal si-o laago pi-aar. binsay, kaam krodh ahaMkaar.
One, who is in love with the lotus feet (of God),
his sexual desire, anger and pride vanish away.
pRB imln kw mwrgu jwnW ] Bwie Bgiq hir isau mnu mwnW ]3]
prabh milan kaa maarag jaanaan. bhaa-ay bhagat, har si-o man maanaan. ||3||
One, who has known (i.e. realized) the way to meet (i.e. union with) the Lord,
through loving devotion, his mind is pleased with God. 3
suix sjx sMq mIq suhyly ] nwmu rqnu hir Agh Aqoly ]
suṇ sajaṇ saNt meet suhaylay. naam ratan har agah atolay.
Listen O! friend, O! God-oriented person, O! well-wisher friend,
the jewel of the Name (of God) is unfathomable and un-weighable (i.e. immeasurable).
sdw sdw pRBu gux iniD gweIAY ] khu nwnk vfBwgI pweIAY ]4]6]
sadaa sadaa prabh guṇ nidh gaa-ee-ai. kaho naanak, vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. ||4||6||
(O! brethren) forever and ever sing (the praise of) the treasure of the excellences of the Lord,
says Nanak : He is found by great (good) fortune. 4.6

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
sy DnvMq syeI scu swhw ] hir kI drgh nwmu ivswhw ]1]
say dhanvaNt, say-ee sach saahaa. har kee dargeh, naam visaahaa. ||1||
They alone are wealthy, and, they alone are true (i.e. everlasting) bankers, (because)
they have traded in (i.e. have credit of) His Name, to go to the Court of God. 1
hir hir nwmu jphu mn mIq ] har har naam japahu man, meet.
(So) meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord, in your mind, O! my friends.
guru pUrw pweIAY vfBwgI inrml pUrn rIiq ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooraa paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee, nirmal pooran reet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru is found by great (good) fortune, (and, from whom the Guru, one learns)
perfect immaculate way (of meditation). 1 (pause)
pwieAw lwBu vjI vwDweI ] sMq pRswid hir ky gun gweI ]2]
paa-i-aa laabh, vajee vaadhaa-ee. saNt prasaad har kay gun gaa-ee. ||2||
Those, who have earned profit (of the Name) are congratulated (i.e. praised and honoured),
by the Grace of the God-oriented persons, they sing (the praise of) the excellences of God. 2
sPl jnmu jIvn prvwxu ] safal janam, jeevan parvaaṇ.
Their lives are successful, and, (in the Court of God) their birth (i.e. coming into the world) is
accepted (as accomplished).
gur prswdI hir rMgu mwxu ]3] gur parsaadee, har raNg maaṇ. ||3||
By the Grace of the Guru, they enjoy the love of God. 3
ibnsy kwm k®oD AhMkwr ] binsay kaam krodh ahaMkaar.
Their sexual desire, anger and egotism vanish away.
nwnk gurmuiK auqrih pwir ]4]7] naanak, gurmukh utreh paar. ||4||7||
Nanak (says): they are carried across (the world ocean) through the Guru. 4.7

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

guru pUrw pUrI qw kI klw ] gur pooraa, pooree taa kee kalaa.
The Guru is perfect and perfect is His (spiritual) power.
gur kw sbdu sdw sd Atlw ] gur kaa sabad, sadaa sad atlaa.
The Word of the Guru is unchanging (i.e. eternal), forever and ever.
P. 1340
gur kI bwxI ijsu min vsY ] dUKu drdu sBu qw kw nsY ]1]
gur kee baaṇee, jis man vasai. dookh darad sabh, taa kaa nasai. ||1||
One, within whose mind, the Word of the Guru abides, all his pains and sorrows run away. 1
hir rMig rwqw mnu rwm gun gwvY ] mukquo swDU DUrI nwvY ]1] rhwau ]
har raNg raataa, man raam gun gaavai. mukto, saadhoo dhooree naavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, whose mind is imbued with the love of God, sings (the praise of) the excellences of God;
bathing in the dust of (the feet of) the God-oriented persons, he is liberated. 1 (pause)
gur prswdI auqry pwir ] gur parsaadee utray paar.
By the Grace of the Guru, they are carried across to the other shore (of the world ocean).
Bau Brmu ibnsy ibkwr ] bha-o bharam binsay bikaar.
Their doubts, fears and vices (i.e. evil-intentions) vanish away.

mn qn AMqir bsy gur crnw ] man tan aNtar basay gur charnaa.
Within their minds and bodies abide the feet of the Guru,
inrBY swD pry hir srnw ]2] nirbhai saadh paray har sarnaa. ||2||
They become fearless God-oriented persons (by) resorting to the refuge of God. 2
And shj rs sUK Gnyry ] anad sahj ras sookh ghanayray.
They are blessed with lots of joy, poise and pleasures
dusmnu dUKu n AwvY nyry ] dusman dookh na aavai nayray.
Enemies and sorrows do not (even) come near them.
guir pUrY Apuny kir rwKy ] gur poorai, apunay kar raakhay.
The perfect Guru makes them his owns and protects them.
hir nwmu jpq iklibK siB lwQy ]3] har naam japat, kilbikh sabh laathay. ||3||
Meditating upon Name of God, they are rid of all their sins. 3
sMq swjn isK Bey suhyly ] guir pUrY pRB isau lY myly ]
saNt, saajan, sikh bha-ay suhaylay. gur poorai, prabh si-o lai maylay.
The God-oriented persons, companions, the sikhs (i.e. disciples) become happy;
the perfect Guru gets them united with the Lord.
jnm mrn duK Pwhw kwitAw ] janam maran dukh faahaa kaati-aa.
Their noose of the pain of birth and death is snapped.
khu nwnk guir pVdw FwikAw ]4]8] kaho naanak, gur paṛ-daa dhaaki-aa. ||4||8||
Says Nanak: the Guru covers their secrets (i.e. protects their honour). 4.8

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

siqguir pUrY nwmu dIAw ] And mMgl kilAwx sdw suKu kwrju sglw rwis QIAw ]1] rhwau ]
satgur poorai naam dee-aa.
anad maNgal kali-aaṇ sadaa sukh, kaaraj saglaa raas thee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, upon whom the perfect True Guru bestows the Name (of God),
is blessed with bliss, joy, well-being and everlasting (spiritual) happiness,.1 (pause)
crn kml gur ky min vUTy ] dUK drd BRm ibnsy JUTy ]1]
charan kamal gur kay man vooṭay. dookh darad bharam binsay jhooṭay. ||1||
One, within whom mind abide the lotus feet of the Guru,
(all) pains, sorrows, doubts and falsehood vanish away (from within him). 1
inq auiT gwvhu pRB kI bwxI ] nit uṭ gaavhu, prabh kee baaṇee.
(O! brethren) always rise early and sing the Word of the Guru.
AwT phr hir ismrhu pRwxI ]2] aaṭ pahar har simrahu, praaṇee. ||2||
Meditate upon God, (all) through eight quarters (i.e. twenty-four hours a day), O! mortals. 2
Gir bwhir pRBu sBnI QweI ] ghar baahar prabh sabhnee thaa-ee.
Home and outside (i.e. inwardly and outwardly), the Lord is (the help and support) everywhere.
sMig shweI jh hau jweI ]3] saNg sahaa-ee jah ha-o jaa-ee. ||3||
Wherever I go, He is along with me, my Helper. 3
duie kr joiV krI Ardwis ] sdw jpy nwnku guxqwsu ]4]9]
du-ay kar joṛ karee ardaas. sadaa japay, naanak, guṇtaas. ||4||9||
Nanak (says): with my both hands pressed together, I offer (this) prayer:
(please bless me that I may) meditate forever upon (God) the Treasure of Excellences. 4.9

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
pwrbRhmu pRBu suGV sujwxu ] paarbrahm prabh sugharh sujaaṇ.
The Supreme Lord, the Master is all-wise, all-knowing.
guru pUrw pweIAY vfBwgI drsn kau jweIAY kurbwxu ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooraa paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee, darsan ka-o jaa-ee-ai kurbaaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The perfect Guru (who unites with God) is found by great (good) fortune; I am a sacrifice unto
his vision. 1 (pause)
iklibK myty sbid sMqoKu ] nwmu ArwDn hoAw jogu ]
kilbikh maytay, sabad saNtokh. naam araadhan ho-aa jog.
All sins are erased through the Word (of the Guru) and one is blessed with contentment; and,
one becomes worthy of adoring the Name (of God).
swDsMig hoAw prgwsu ] crn kml mn mwih invwsu ]1]
saadhsaNg ho-aa pargaas. charan kamal, man maahi nivaas. ||1||
In the congregation of the God-oriented persons, one is enlightened; and,
the lotus feet (of God) abide within his mind. 1
ijin kIAw iqin lIAw rwiK ] pRBu pUrw AnwQ kw nwQu ]
jin kee-aa, tin lee-aa raakh. prabh pooraa anaath kaa naath.
One, who has created us, protects us; the perfect Lord is the Master of the master-less.
ijsih invwjy ikrpw Dwir ] pUrn krm qw ky Awcwr ]2]
jisahi nivaajay kirpaa dhaar. pooran karam taa kay aachaar. ||2||
One, whom He favours with His Grace, all his deeds and his conduct are accomplished. 2
gux gwvY inq inq inq nvy ] lK caurwsIh join n Bvy ]
guṇ gaavai nit nit nit navay. lakh cha-oraaseeh* jon na bhavay.
One who sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) continually, always, fresh and new,
he does not have to wander through 8.4 million incarnations*.
[*Eighty-four lacs i.e. 8.4 million refers to all the species (human beings and all other creatures; this figure is not exact
and it means the whole creation. Secondly, reference to this does not mean that a man has to pass through (or live the life
of) 8.4 million beings; it means there are so many types of beings and creatures; and, the man is supreme among them.
Similarly, ‘many life-times’ does not mean that there are many births of a human being. In Sikhism many life-times mean:
one lives life of many living species during his life-time; sometimes he behaves as pig, and sometimes as an ass, tiger, dog,
monkey etc; thus he remains in the cycle of living as such].
eIhW aUhW crx pUjwry ] muKu aUjlu swcy drbwry ]3]
eehaan oohaan charaṇ poojaaray. mukh oojal saachay darbaaray. ||3||
Here and hereafter, his feet are worshipped (i.e. he is honoured);
his face radiates in the Court of the True (Lord). 3
ijsu msqik guir DirAw hwQu ] koit mDy ko ivrlw dwsu ]
jis mastak, gur dhari-aa haath. kot madhay, ko virlaa daas.
One, upon whose forehead the Guru places his hand,
such a slave (i.e. devotee of God) is rare one, one out of tens of millions.
jil Qil mhIAil pyKY BrpUir ] nwnk auDris iqsu jn kI DUir ]4]10]
jal, thal, mahee-al, paykhai bharpoor. naanak, udhras tis jan kee dhoor. ||4||10||
Nanak (says): one, who sees God pervading the waters, land, and the nether regions;
(he) is liberated with the dust of (the feet of) that servant (i.e. devotee). 4.10

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
kurbwxu jweI gur pUry Apny ] ijsu pRswid hir hir jpu jpny ]1] rhwau ]
kurbaaṇ jaa-ee, gur pooray, apnay. jis prasaad, har har jap japnay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice unto my perfect Guru,
by his Grace, I meditate upon the chant (i.e Name) of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
AMimRq bwxI suxq inhwl ] ibnis gey ibiKAw jMjwl ]1]
aMmrit banee suṇat nihaal. binas ga-ay bikhi-aa jaNjaal. ||1||
Listening to the AMmrit Word (of the Guru), I am enraptured; and, my entanglements of poison
(i.e. Maya) vanish away (i.e. I am rid of entanglements of Maya). 1
swc sbd isau lwgI pRIiq ] hir pRBu Apunw AwieAw cIiq ]2]
saach sabad si-o laagee preet. har prabh apunaa aa-i-aa cheet. ||2||
I am in love with the True Word.
God, the Lord, has come into my consciousness. 2
nwmu jpq hoAw prgwsu ] gur sbdy kInw irdY invwsu ]3]
naam japat ho-aa pargaas. gur sabday keenaa ridai nivaas. ||3||
Meditating upon the Name I am enlightened.
The Word of the Guru, has comes to dwell within my mind. 3
P. 1341
gur smrQ sdw dieAwl ] gur samrath, sadaa da-i-aal.
The Guru is all-powerful; and, he is Merciful forever .
hir jip jip nwnk Bey inhwl ]4]11] har jap jap, naanak, bha-ay nihaal. ||4||11||
Nanak (says): chanting and meditating upon God, I am enraptured. 4.11
pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
guru guru krq sdw suKu pwieAw ] gur gur karat, sadaa sukh paa-i-aa.
Chanting ‘Guru’ ‘Guru’ (remembering and chanting the Name of the Guru), I find everlasting
(spiritual) happiness.
dIn dieAwl Bey ikrpwlw Apxw nwmu Awip jpwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
deen da-i-aal bha-ay kirpaalaa, apnaa naam aap japaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Merciful to the Poor has become Gracious to me, and, has got me to meditate upon His
Name. 1 (pause)
sMqsMgiq imil BieAw pRgws ] saNtsaNgat mil, bha-i-aa pragaas.
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, I am enlightened.
hir hir jpq pUrn BeI Aws ]1] har har japat, pooran bha-ee aas. ||1||
Meditating upon (the Name of) God, the Lord, my hopes are fulfilled. 1
srb kilAwx sUK min vUTy ] sarab kali-aaṇ sookh man vooṭay.
Total well being and (spiritual) happiness has come to (dwell in) my mind.
hir gux gwey gur nwnk qUTy ]2]12] har guṇ gaa-ay, gur, naanak, tooṭay. ||2||12||
Nanak (says): the Guru is pleased with me, (now) I sing (the praise of) the excellences of
God. . 2.12
pRBwqI mhlw 5 Gru 2 ibBws Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2, bibhaas
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth

Avru n dUjw Twau ] nwhI ibnu hir nwau ] avar na doojaa ṭaa-o. naahee, bin har naa-o
There is no other place of rest; there is nothing without the Name of God.
srb isiD kilAwn ] pUrn hoih sgl kwm ]1]
sarab sidh kali-aan. pooran hohi sagal kaam. ||1||
(In meditation upon the Name of God, there are) all perfections (i.e. success) and well-being; and,
all matters are accomplished. 1
hir ko nwmu jpIAY nIq ] kwm k®oD AhMkwru ibnsY lgY eykY pRIiq ]1] rhwau ]
har ko naam japee-ai neet. kaam krodh ahaMkaar binsai, lagai aykai preet. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! brethren, let us) constantly meditate upon the Name of God;
(by meditating upon the Name), sexual desire, anger, egotism (and other passions) vanish away,
and, one is attuned to the love of the One (Lord). 1 (pause)
nwim lwgY dUKu BwgY srin pwln jogu ] naam laagai dookh bhaagai ,saran paalan jog.
One, who is attuned to the Name (of God), sorrows run away (from him); (the Name is) all
powerful to protect in its refuge (i.e. those who seek the refuge of the Name are protected).
siqguru BytY jmu n qytY ijsu Duir hovY sMjogu ]2] satgur bhaytai jam na taytai, jis dhur hovai saNjog. ||2||
He, who has such pre-ordained destiny, meets the True Guru, (then) the messenger of death
cannot (even) approach him. 2
rYin idnsu iDAwie hir hir qjhu mn ky Brm ] rain dinas dhi-aa-ay har har, tajahu man kay bharam.
(O! brethren) meditate upon God, the Lord, day and night (i.e. all the time), abandon the
doubts of your mind.
swD sMgiq hir imlY ijsih pUrn krm ]3] saadh* saNgat har milai, jisahi pooran karam. ||3||
One, who has perfect destiny, meets God through the company of the Guru*. 3
[*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru, as referred to in preceding lines].
jnm jnm ibKwd ibnsy rwiK lIny Awip ] janam janam bikhaad binsay, raakh leenay aap.
(One, who meditates upon the Name of God, his) sins of countless life-times are destroyed (i.e.
erased); He (i.e. God) Himself protects him.
mwq ipqw mIq BweI jn nwnk hir hir jwip ]4]1]13]
maat pitaa meet bhaa-ee, jan naanak, har har jaap. ||4||1||13||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): He is our mother, father, friend and brother, (so) meditate
upon God, the Lord. 4.1.13

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ibBws pVqwl Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5, bibhaas, paṛ-taal

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
rm rwm rwm rwm jwp ] kil klys loB moh ibnis jwie AhM qwp ]1] rhwau ]
ram raam, raam raam jaap. kal kalays lobh moh, binas jaa-ay ahaM taap. ||1|| rahaa-o.
God is pervading (everywhere), (O! brethren) meditate upon (the Name of) God, the Lord.
(All your) strife, anxiety, greed, (emotional) attachment, and, the fever of egotism shall vanish
away. 1 (pause)
Awpu iqAwig sMq crn lwig mnu pivqu jwih pwp ]1] aap ti-aag, sa t charan laag, man pavit jaahi paap. ||1||
Renounce your self-conceit, and grasp the feet of the God-oriented persons; your mind shall
be sanctified and your sins shall be taken away. 1

nwnku bwirku kCU n jwnY rwKn kau pRBu mweI bwp ]2]1]14]
naanak, baarik kachhoo na jaanai, raakhan ka-o prabh maa-ee baap. ||2||1||14||
Nanak (says): (I am) a child, (I do not) know nothing; O! Lord, protect me, You are my Mother
and Father. 2.1.14
pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
crn kml srin tyk ] charan kamal saran tayk.
(O! God, all seek) the refuge and support of Your lotus-feet.
aUc mUc byAMqu Twkuru srb aUpir quhI eyk ]1] rhwau ]
ooch mooch bay-aNt ṭaakur, sarab oopar tuhee ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are high, lofty and infinite, O! Master, You (alone) are above all. 1 (pause)
pRwn ADwr duK ibdwr dYnhwr buiD ibbyk ]1] praan adhaar, dukh bidaar, dainhaar budh bibayk. ||1||
You are the support of the breath (of life); you are Destroyer of Sorrows; You are the Giver of
discerning reasoning. 1
nmskwr rKnhwr min ArwiD pRBU myk ] namaskaar rakhanhaar, man araadh prabhoo mayk.
(O! brethren) make obeisance to the Saviour; and, adore in your mind (only) the One Lord.
sMq rynu krau mjnu nwnk pwvY suK Anyk ]2]2]15]
saNt rayn kara-o majan, naanak, paavai sukh anayk. ||2||2||15||
Nanak (says): one, who bathes in the dust (of the feet) of the God-oriented persons, is blessed
with countless comforts (i.e. unlimited spiritual happiness). 2.2.15
P. 1342
pRBwqI AstpdIAw mhlw 1 ibBws Prabhaatee, asatpadee-aa, Mehlaa 1m Bibhaas
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth
duibDw baurI mnu baurwieAw ] dubidhaa ba-uree, man ba-uraa-i-aa.
Duality is craziness; it drives the mind crazy.
JUTY lwlic jnmu gvwieAw ] jhooṭai laalach, janam gavaa-i-aa.
Attached to false greed, one wastes away his life.
lpit rhI Puin bMDu n pwieAw ] lapat rahee, fun baNdh na paa-i-aa.
It (i.e. duality) clings (to the mind), again and again; and, it cannot be stopped (i.e. restrained).
siqguir rwKy nwmu idRVwieAw ]1] satgur raakhay, naam driṛ-aa-i-aa. ||1||
The True Guru saves (from it), by implanting the Name (of God within the mind). 1
nw mnu mrY n mwieAw mrY ] naa man marai, na maa-i-aa marai.
Neither the mind is subdued (i.e. it does not renounce Maya), nor Maya dies (i.e. it remains
clinging to the mind).
ijin ikCu kIAw soeI jwxY sbdu vIcwir Bau swgru qrY ]1] rhwau ]
jin kichh kee-aa so-ee jaaṇai, sabad veechaar bha-o saagar tarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He, who has created it, He alone knows (the way to get rid of it); contemplating the Word, one is
carried across the terrifying (world) ocean. 1 (pause)
mwieAw sMic rwjy AhMkwrI ] mwieAw swiQ n clY ipAwrI ]
maa-i-aa saNch raajay ahaMkaaree. maa-i-aa saath na chalai pi-aaree.
Gathering the wealth (i.e. power of Maya), the kings become proud.
(But) the wealth, (which is) dear (to them), does not go along (with them in the end).

mwieAw mmqw hY bhu rMgI ] maa-i-aa mamtaa hai baho raNgee.
Attachment to Maya is motley-coloured (i.e. it appears in many forms and patterns).
ibnu nwvY ko swiQ n sMgI ]2] bin naavai, ko saath na saNgee. ||2||
But without the Name (of God), (in the end) there is no friend, no companion. 2
ijau mnu dyKih pr mnu qYsw ] ji-o man daykheh, par man taisaa.
As one sees one’s own mind, so does he see the mind of others (i.e. one, whose mind is attached to
Maya, he thinks that others’ minds are also engrossed in Maya).
jYsI mnsw qYsI dsw ] jaisee mansaa, taisee dasaa.
As are one’s desires, so becomes the nature (i.e. way of life).
jYsw krmu qYsI ilv lwvY ] jaisaa karam, taisee liv laavai.
As are one’s actions, so does one become attuned to.
siqguru pUiC shj Gru pwvY ]3] satgur poochh sahj ghar paavai. ||3||
Asking (the path) from the True Guru, one finds his home (i.e. state of) of equipoise. 3
rwig nwid mnu dUjY Bwie ] raag naad, man doojai bhaa-ay.
In music and in sounds (i.e. in pleasures and delights), the mind is attached to duality.
AMqir kptu mhw duKu pwie ] aNtar kapat, mahaa dukh paa-ay.
With deception within, one suffers great trouble.
siqguru BytY soJI pwie ] scY nwim rhY ilv lwie ]4]
satgur bhaytai, sojhee paa-ay. sachai naam, rahai liv laa-ay. ||4||
(But) meeting with the True Guru, one is blessed with understanding; and,
one remains lovingly attuned to the True Name. 4
scY sbid scu kmwvY ] sachai sabad, sach kamaavai.
Through he True Word (of the Guru), one earns (i.e. practices) Truth.
scI bwxI hir gux gwvY ] sachee baaṇee, har guṇ gaavai.
Through the True Word (of the Guru), he sings (the praise of) the excellences of God.
inj Gir vwsu Amr pdu pwvY ] nij ghar vaas, amar pad paavai.
He dwells in his own home (of self), and, obtains immortal status.
qw dir swcY soBw pwvY ]5] taa, dar saachai sobhaa paavai. ||5||
Then, he obtains praise (i.e. blessing/ honour) in the Court of the True. 5
gur syvw ibnu Bgiq n hoeI ] Anyk jqn krY jy koeI ]
gur sayvaa bin, bhagat na ho-ee. anayk jatan karai jay ko-ee.
Without serving the Guru, there can be no devotion;
even though one may make many efforts.
haumY myrw sbdy KoeI ] inrml nwmu vsY min soeI ]6]
ha-umai mayraa sabday kho-ee. nirmal naam vasai man so-ee. ||6||
(The state of) egotism and possessiveness can be rid of through the Word; and,
immaculate Name (of God) comes to abide in the mind. 6
iesu jg mih sbdu krxI hY swru ] is jag meh sabad karṇee hai saar.
In this world, (the practice of) the Word is the most excellence deed.
ibnu sbdY horu mohu gubwru ] bin sabdai hor moh gubaar.
Without the Word, everything else is darkness of (emotional) attachment.
sbdy nwmu rKY auir Dwir ] sbdy giq miq moK duAwru ]7]
sabday naam rakhai ur dhaar. sabday gat mat mokh du-aar. ||7||
One, who enshrines the Word within his mind;
through the Word, he obtains wisdom of liberation and (finds) the door of salvation. 7

Avru nwhI kir dyKxhwro ] avar naahee kar daykhaṇhaaro.
There is no other (than God) who creates and looks after.
swcw Awip AnUpu Apwro ] saachaa aap anoop apaaro.
The True (Lord) Himself is infinite and incomparable beauty.
rwm nwm aUqm giq hoeI ] raam naam, ootam gat ho-ee.
One obtains exalted (i.e. sublime) state through (i.e. by meditating upon) the Name of God.
nwnk Koij lhY jnu koeI ]8]1] naanak, khoj lahai jan ko-ee. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): some rare of a servant (i.e. devotee) searches and finds (God). 8.1

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

mwieAw moih sgl jgu CwieAw ] maa-i-aa mohi, sagal jag chhaa-i-aa.
Attachment to Maya is spread out all over the world.
kwmix dyiK kwim loBwieAw ] kaamaṇ daykh kaam lobhaa-i-aa.
Seeing a charming lady, a lustful (man) is affected by (sexual) desire.
suq kMcn isau hyqu vDwieAw ] sut kaNchan si-o, hayt vadhaa-i-aa.
One’s love for (i.e. attachment to) the son (i.e. children), and for gold, (constantly) increases.
sBu ikCu Apnw ieku rwmu prwieAw ]1] sabh kichh apnaa, ik raam paraa-i-aa. ||1||
He sees everything (of material world, i.e. Maya) as his own, (but), he does not see God as his
own (i.e. has no love for or attachment to God). 1
AYsw jwpu jpau jpmwlI ] duK suK prhir Bgiq inrwlI ]1] rhwau ]
aisaa jaap japa-o japmaalee. dukh sukh parhar, bhagat niraalee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I meditate upon such a chant, on the rosary (of the Word);
renouncing (i.e. rising above) pains and pleasures, I practice pure devotion. 1 (pause)
gux inDwn qyrw AMqu n pwieAw ] guṇ nidhaan, tayraa aNt na paa-i-aa.
O! Treasure of Excellences, no one has (ever) found Your limits.
swc sbid quJ mwih smwieAw ] saach sabad tujh maahi samaa-i-aa.
Through True Word, one is absorbed in You.
Awvw gauxu quDu Awip rcwieAw ] aavaa ga-oṇ, tudh aap rachaa-i-aa.
You Yourself created (the cycle of) coming and going (in reincarnation).
syeI Bgq ijn sic icqu lwieAw ]2] say-ee bhagat, jin sach chit laa-i-aa. ||2||
They alone are (His) devotees, who focus their mind upon the True (Lord). 2
igAwnu iDAwnu nrhir inrbwxI ] ibnu siqgur Byty koie n jwxI ]
gi-aan dhi-aan narhar* nirbaaṇee. bin satgur bhaytay, ko-ay na jaaṇee.
Spiritual knowledge and meditation upon the Omnipresent*, Detached (Lord) ----
without meeting the True Guru, no one can know this.
[*Narhar, literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals; pervading all, Omnipresent; Nirbaan (detached). Both are among the
attributes and the names of God].
sgl srovr joiq smwxI ] Awnd rUp ivthu kurbwxI ]3]
sagal sarovar jot samaaṇee. aanad roop vitahu kurbaaṇee. ||3||
His (i.e. God’s) Light is contained in all the pools (i.e. hearts),
I am a sacrifice unto that Embodiment of Bliss. 3
Bwau Bgiq gurmqI pwey ] haumY ivchu sbid jlwey ]
bhaa-o bhagat gurmatee paa-ay. ha-umai vichahu sabad jalaa-ay.
The loving devotion is found through the wisdom of the Guru;
by burning away egotism from within through the Word (of the Guru).

P. 1343
Dwvqu rwKY Twik rhwey ] scw nwmu mMin vswey ]4]
dhaavat raakhai thaak rahaa-ay. sachaa naam maNn vasaa-ay. ||4||
H restrains the wandering (mind from running after vices) and holds it in its place; and,
enshrines the True Name within his mind. 4
ibsm ibnod rhy prmwdI ] gurmiq mwinAw eyk ilv lwgI ]
bisam binod rahay parmaadee. gurmat maani-aa ayk liv laagee.
(In loving devotion) the intoxicating and thrilling plays come to an end, (when) one accepts (i.e.
follows) the wisdom of the Guru, and, becomes lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
dyiK invwirAw jl mih AwgI ] daykh nivaari-aa jal meh aagee.
Seeing (the vision of God), the fire (of desires) within is extinguished by the water (of the Name).
so bUJY hovY vfBwgI ]5] so boojhai, hovai vadbhaagee. ||5||
He alone realizes it who is blessed with great (good) fortune. 5
siqguru syvy Brmu cukwey ] atgur sayvay, bharam chukaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru he eradicates doubt from within.
Anidnu jwgY sic ilv lwey ] an-din jaagai, sach liv laa-ay.
Day and night, he remains awake (from enchantment of Maya), and, lovingly attunes himself to
the True (Lord).
eyko jwxY Avru n koie ] ayko jaaṇai avar na ko-ay.
He knows the One (Lord), and no other.
suKdwqw syvy inrmlu hoie ]6] sukh-daata sayvay, nirmal ho-ay. ||6||
He serves the Giver of Happiness, and, becomes immaculate. 6
syvw suriq sbid vIcwir ] sayvaa surat sabad veechaar.
He obtains awareness of service by contemplating the Word
jpu qpu sMjmu haumY mwir ] jap tap saNjam ha-umai maar.
Meditation, austerity and self-discipline come by subduing one’s ego.
jIvn mukqu jw sbdu suxwey ] jeevan mukat jaa sabad suṇaa-ay.
One become liberated while yet alive, when one chants the Word.
scI rhq scw suKu pwey ]7] sachee rahat, sachaa sukh paa-ay. ||7||
His lives truthful life, and, finds true (spiritual) happiness. 7
suKdwqw duKu mytxhwrw ] sukh-daata dukh maytaṇhaaraa.
(He realizes that) God is the Giver of Happiness, and, the Destroyer of Sorrows.
Avru n sUJis bIjI kwrw ] avar na soojhas beejee kaaraa.
He does not know any other service (other than meditation upon the Name).
qnu mnu Dnu hir AwgY rwiKAw ] tan man dhan har aagai raakhi-aa.
He places his mind, body and wealth, (in offering) before God.
nwnku khY mhw rsu cwiKAw ]8]2] naanak kahai mahaa ras chaakhi-aa. ||8||2||
Nanak says: (only such a person) tastes the great essence (of the Name of God). 8.2
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
invlI krm BuAMgm BwTI ryck pUrk kuMB krY ]
nivlee* karam, bhu-aNgam bhaaṭee, raychak, poorak, kuMbh karai.
One may perform Nivlee (i.e. yogic exercise of cleaning inner body); may make his central vein
(i.e. Kundalini) a furnace (to purify); may perform inhaling and exhaling (raychak and poorak),
and, holding of breathe (kumbh); [these are yogic exercises to take breath to the tenth gate]. [*Niulee (nauli) is a

practice of Hath Yoga. This exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region - digestive organs, small
intestine; and, is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the abdominal muscles].
ibnu siqgur ikCu soJI nwhI Brmy BUlw bUif mrY ] bin satgur kichh sojhee naahee, bharmay bhoolaa bood marai.
(These yogic exercises are useless) without the True Guru, one does not realize anything; and,
deluded by doubt, he drowns (in the world ocean) and dies.
AMDw BirAw Bir Bir DovY AMqr kI mlu kdy n lhY ]
aNdhaa bhari-aa bhar bhar dhovai, aNtar kee mal kaday na lahai.
The blind (i.e. blinded by egotistical wisdom) is filled (with filth of vices), he may rub and rub to
wash (by performing rituals), but the filth within is never washed off.
nwm ibnw Pokt siB krmw ijau bwjIgru Brim BulY ]1]
naam binaa fokat sabh karmaa, ji-o baajeegar bharam bhulai. ||1||
Without the Name, all his actions (i.e. rituals) are useless; (this is) like a magician deceiving
(the audience) through (tricks of) illusion. 1
Ktu krm nwmu inrMjnu soeI ] khat karam*, naam niraNjan so-ee.
(O! brethren) (the merits of) the six actions* are in (i.e. obtained through meditating upon) the
Name of the Immaculate (Lord).
[*Khat Karam, literally six actions, are those six rituals which have been prescribed by Brahmans: receive and impart
education, perform yajna and get it done by others, give charity and receive charity].
qU gux swgru Avgux mohI ]1] rhwau ] too guṇ saagar, avguṇ mohee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You (O! God) are Ocean of Excellences, I am (totally) virtue-less. (pause)
mwieAw DMDw DwvxI durmiq kwr ibkwr ] maa-i-aa dhaNdhaa dhaavṇee, durmat kaar bikaar.
Running after the entanglements of Maya is a wasteful act of evil wisdom.
mUrKu Awpu gxwiedw bUiJ n skY kwr ] moorakh aap gaṇaa-idaa, boojh na sakai kaar.
The fool makes a show of his self-conceit, (in fact) he does not understand the (true) deed.
mnsw mwieAw mohxI mnmuK bol KuAwr ] mansaa maa-i-aa mohṇee, manmukh bol khu-aar.
The mind-oriented one is fascinated by his desire of Maya, but, his words are unappreciated.
mjnu JUTw cMfwl kw Pokt cwr sINgwr ]2] majan jhooṭaa chaNdaal kaa, fokat chaar seengaar. ||2||
(His words are like) the (ritual cleaning) bath of a pariah (i.e. sinner) which is false, and, useless
is his decoration and conduct. 2
JUTI mn kI miq hY krxI bwid ibbwdu ] jhooṭee man kee mat hai, karṇee baad bibaad.
False is the wisdom of his mind, and, his actions are (like useless) debates and disputes.
JUTy ivic AhMkrxu hY Ksm n pwvY swdu ] jhooṭay vich ahaMkaraṇ hai, khasam na paavai saad.
The false one is filled with egotism; he does not obtain the taste of (union with) the Master.
ibnu nwvY horu kmwvxw iPkw AwvY swdu ] bin naavai hor kamaavaṇaa, fikaa aavai saad.
Without the Name all other earning (i.e. ritualistic practice) is insipid (i.e. tasteless).
dustI sBw ivgucIAY ibKu vwqI jIvx bwid ]3] dustee sabhaa viguchee-ai, bikh vaatee jeevaṇ baad. ||3||
Associating with the wicked, one is ruined; their speech is poisonous, and their lives are vain. 3
ey BRim BUly mrhu n koeI ] siqguru syiv sdw suKu hoeI ]
ay bharam bhoolay, marahu na ko-ee. satgur sayv sadaa sukh ho-ee.
O! deluded by doubt, do not die (spiritual death);
serve the True Guru, and, you shall obtain (spiritual) happiness forever.
ibnu siqgur mukiq iknY n pweI ] Awvih jWih mrih mir jweI ]4]
bin satgur mukat kinai na paa-ee. aavahi jaanhi mareh mar jaa-ee. ||4||
Without the True Guru, no one obtains liberation;
people come and go (in reincarnation); (they are born and) die over and over again. 4

eyhu srIru hY qRY gux Dwqu ] ies no ivAwpY sog sMqwpu ]
ayhu sareer hai tarai guṇ dhaat. is no vi-aapai sog saNtaap.
The body wanders after (i.e. acts according to) three gunaas (dispositions);
It is afflicted by sorrows and sufferings.
[*Guna, literally: quality /tendency/ disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world, are subject to these qualities].
so syvhu ijsu mweI n bwpu ] ivchu cUkY iqsnw Aru Awpu ]5]
so sayvhu, jis maa-ee na baap. vichahu chookai, tisnaa ar aap. ||5||
(So, O! brethren) serve the One, who has no mother or father; and,
desire and self-conceit shall depart from within. 5
jh jh dyKw qh qh soeI ] jah jah daykhaa, tah tah so-ee.
Wherever I look, I see Him (i.e. I find God pervading everywhere).
ibnu siqgur Byty mukiq n hoeI ] bin satgur bhaytay, mukat na ho-ee.
Without meeting the True Guru, no one obtains liberation.
ihrdY scu eyh krxI swru ] hirdai sach, ayh karṇee saar.
Enshrine the True (Lord) within your heart; this is the most excellent action.
horu sBu pwKMfu pUj KuAwru ]6] hor sabh pakhaNd pooj khu-aar. ||6||
All other actions are (i.e. ritualism is) hypocrisy, (and, all other) worship brings ruin. 6
duibDw cUkY qW sbdu pCwxu ] Gir bwhir eyko kir jwxu ]
dubidhaa chookai, taan sabad pachhaaṇ. ghar baahar, ayko kar jaaṇ.
When one is rid of duality, then he realizes the Word; and,
he comes to know that inside and outside, the One (Lord) is (pervading and permeating).
eyhw miq sbdu hY swru ] ivic duibDw mwQY pvY Cwru ]7]
ayhaa mat, sabad hai saar. vich dubidhaa maathai pavai chhaar. ||7||
This is the (true) wisdom that the Word (of the Guru) is most excellent;
ash falls on the forehead (i.e. head) of the one who is in duality. 7
krxI kIriq gurmiq swru ] karṇee keerat, gurmat saar.
To praise (God) is the (true) deed; and, (to follow) the wisdom of the Guru is sublime (effort).
sMq sBw gux igAwnu bIcwru ] saNt sabhaa guṇ gi-aan beechaar.
(O! brethren) contemplate the knowledge and the excellences (of God in the society of the God-
oriented person).
mnu mwry jIvq mir jwxu ] man maaray jeevat mar jaaṇ.
One, who has subdued his mind, is known as dead while yet alive.
nwnk ndrI ndir pCwxu ]8]3] naanak nadree nadar pachhaaṇ. ||8||3||
Nanak (says): by His Grace, the Gracious (Lord) is realized. 8.3
P. 1344
pRBwqI mhlw 1 dKxI ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1 dakh-nee
goqmu qpw AihilAw iesqRI iqsu dyiK ieMdRü luBwieAw ]
gotam tapaa ahili-aa istaree, tis daykh iNdar lubhaa-i-aa.
Ahalya was the wife of Gautam the sage; seeing her (beauty), Indar (god) was allured (i.e.
sexually attracted towards her).

shs srIr ichn Bg hUey qw min pCoqwieAw ]1]
sahas sareer chihan bhag hoo-ay, taa man pachhotaa-i-aa. ||1||
(He disguised himself as her husband and raped her; as a punishment) a thousand marks of
vagina appeared on his body; then he felt regret (for his conduct) in his mind. 1
[*According to a myth, Ahilya was the wife of the sage Gautama. One day, when Gautam was away from home, Indra
(another mythical god) came to her in the guise of her husband; Ahalya saw through his disguise but nevertheless
accepted his advances. According to another sources, she did not know of Indra’s trick and fell prey to his trickery and was
raped. When Gautam learnt it, he cursed Ahalya and her lover (or rapist) Indra. As per the curse she was turned into a
stone. As per the myth, she was finally redeemed by Raam Chander].
koeI jwix n BUlY BweI ] ko-ee jaaṇ na bhoolai, bhaa-ee.
O! brethren, no one knowingly goes astray.
so BUlY ijsu Awip Bulwey bUJY ijsY buJweI ]1] rhwau ]
so bhoolai jis aap bhulaa-ay, boojhai jisai bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone strays, whom He (i.e. God) gets to astray (from the right path); and, He (i.e. God) alone
knows whom He gets to understand (the true path). 1 (pause)
iqin hrI cMid ipRQmI piq rwjY kwgid kIm n pweI ]
tin haree chaNd parithmee pat raajai, kaagad keem na paa-ee.
Hari Chand, the king, was the lord of (vast) land, (did so many acts of charity which) could not
be evaluated in papers (i.e. they are so many that they cannot be recorded in words).
Aaugxu jwxY q puMn kry ikau ikau nyKwis ibkweI ]2]
a-ugaṇ jaaṇai ta puNn karay ki-o, ki-o naykhaas bikaa-ee. ||2||
If he had knows that (giving charity) was not act of merit, then why would he have given
charity; and, he would not have been sold in the market. 2
krau AFweI DrqI mWgI bwvn rUip bhwnY ] ikau pieAwil jwie ikau ClIAY jy bil rUpu pCwnY ]3]
kara-o aḍaa-ee* dhartee maangee, baavan roop bahaanai.
ki-o pa-i-aal jaa-ay ki-o chhalee-ai, jay bal roop pachhaanai. ||3||
Disguising himself as dwarf, he (i.e. Vishnu) asked him for two and half karams* of land.
Had (king) Bal** recognized him, he would not have been deceived and sent to nether regions. 3
[*a small measurement, equalling to about five feet].
[**Bal was in ego of his charity-giving nature; he held yajnas to acquire throne of god Inder; but before he could complete
his last yajna, Inder sought the help of Vishnu; the later, posing himself as a Brahmin, appeared before Bal and asked for
charity; Bal’s teacher smelt rat and warned him, but, the ego-ridden Bal did not bother and agreed to give charity; Vishnu
in guise of a brahmin asked for two-and-a-half steps of land which Bal agreed. At this Vishnu transformed him into such a
giant that he covered the whole earth in one step and the sky in the second step and for the rest he placed his foot on the
body of Bal and pushed him into nether regions. It tells that one should not be egotist and should listen to the advice of
teachers/ intellectuals].
rwjw jnmyjw dy mqˆØI brij ibAwis pV@wieAw ]iqin@ kir jg ATwrh Gwey ikrqu n clY clwieAw ]4]
raajaa janmayjaa day mateen, baraj bi-aas paṛhaa-i-aa.
tini kar jag aṭaarah ghaa-ay; kirat na chalai chalaa-i-aa. ||4||

Vyas (a sage) taught and advised king Janmeja* to refrain (from doing certain acts);
(yet) he conducted a sacred feast and killed eighteen* (Brahmans); the past deed cannot be
erased (i.e. the preordained cannot be changed). 4
[*According to a myth Janmeja was a King of the Pandava dynasty; he was the great grandson of Arjun, the grandson of
Abhimanyu and the son of king Parikshit. He is known for performing the ritual of naag-yagya (i.e. snake yajna) and
killing all the snakes to seek revenge of his father's death (which was due to a snake bite). According to another account,
Pandit Vyas had warned him of some bad omens that would ruin him. Vyas had warned him that if he came across some
beautiful lady in a forest he should not bring her into his home; but he did not bother and brought a woman from the forest,
who was in fact a witch. When the brahmins saw her naked, they laughed and Janmeja got those eighteen Brahmins killed.
These killings finally ruined him].

gxq n gxˆØI hukmu pCwxw bolI Bwie suBweI ]
gaṇat na gaṇeen, hukam pachhaaṇaa, bolee bhaa-ay subhaa-ee.
I do not get into calculations; I realize His Command; and, I speak with love and ease.
jo ikCu vrqY quDY slwhˆØI sB qyrI vifAweI ]5]
jo kichh vartai tudhai salaaheen, sabh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||5||
Whatever happens, I praise You for it, (as) it is all Your Greatness (O! Lord). 5
gurmuiK Ailpqu lypu kdy n lwgY sdw rhY srxweI ]
gurmukh alipat, layp kaday na laagai, sadaa rahai sarṇaa-ee.
The Guru-oriented one remains detached; filth (of Maya) never sticks (to him), (because) he
remains forever in the refuge (of God).
mnmuKu mugDu AwgY cyqY nwhI duiK lwgY pCuqweI ]6]
manmukh mugadh, aagai chaytai naahee, dukh laagai pachhutaa-ee. ||6||
The mind-oriented is fool; he does not think of future; he regrets (when) he suffers. 6
Awpy kry krwey krqw ijin eyh rcnw rcIAY ]
aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa, jin ayh rachnaa rachee-ai.
The Creator, who created this creation, He Himself acts and gets (everything) done.
hir AiBmwnu n jweI jIAhu AiBmwny pY pcIAY ]7]
har abhimaan na jaa-ee jee-ahu, abhimaanay pai pachee-ai. ||7||
O! God, ego does not depart from within our souls; engrossed in ego, one is burnt in it.
Bulx ivic kIAw sBu koeI krqw Awip n BulY ] bhulaṇ vich kee-aa sabh ko-ee, kartaa aap na bhulai.
Everyone is subject to mistakes, only the Creator does not make mistakes (i.e. he is infallible).
nwnk sic nwim insqwrw ko gur prswid AGulY ]8]4]
naanak, sach naam nistaaraa, ko gur parsaad aghulai. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): salvation comes through the True Name; some rare one is released (from the
bonds of vices) through the Grace of the Guru. 8.4
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
AwKxw sunxw nwmu ADwru ] DMDw Cutik gieAw vykwru ]
aakh-ṇaa sunṇaa naam adhaar. dhaNdhaa chhutak ga-i-aa vaykaar.
One, who has chanting and listening the Name (of God) as his support,
he is rid of worthless worldly entanglements.
ijau mnmuiK dUjY piq KoeI ] ibnu nwvY mY Avru n koeI ]1]
ji-o manmukh doojai pat kho-ee. bin naavai, mai avar na ko-ee. ||1||
The mind-oriented one loses his honour in love for duality,
Except the Name (of God), I have no other (support). 1
suix mn AMDy mUrK gvwr ] Awvq jwq lwj nhI lwgY ibnu gur bUfY bwro bwr ]1] rhwau ]
suṇ man, aNdhay, moorakh, gavaar.
aavat jaat laaj nahee laagai? bin gur boodai baaro baar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Listen, O! blind, foolish, idiot mind (you are engrossed in Maya).
Are you not ashamed of coming and going (in reincarnation)? Without the Guru, you shall
drown, again and again. 1 (pause)
iesu mn mwieAw moih ibnwsu ] Duir hukmu iliKAw qW khIAY kwsu ]
is man maa-i-aa mohi binaas. dhur hukam likhi-aa, taan kahee-ai kaas.
This mind is ruined by attachment to Maya.
(But, when) it is the pre-ordained Command of God, then to whom should one say (i.e. pray)?

gurmuiK ivrlw cIn@Y koeI ] nwm ibhUnw mukiq n hoeI ]2]
gurmukh virlaa cheenhai ko-ee. naam bihoonaa, mukat na ho-ee. ||2||
Some rare of a Guru-oriented one realizes this, (that)
without the Name (of God), there can be no liberation. 2
Brim BRim folY lK caurwsI ] bharam bhram dolai, lakh cha-uraasee.
(In attachment to Maya) one wanders, strays and staggers through 8.4 million* (incarnations).
[*Eighty-four lacs i.e. 8.4 million refers to all the species (human beings and all other creatures. First, this figure is not
exact / precise, and, it means the whole creation. Secondly, reference to this does not mean that a man has to pass through
(or live the life of) 8.4 million beings and creatures; it means there are so many types of beings and man is supreme among
them. In Sikhism many life-timesmean: one lives life of many living species during his life-time; sometimes he behaves as
pig, and sometimes as an ass, tiger, dog, monkey etc; thus he remains in the cycle of living as such].
ibnu gur bUJy jm kI PwsI ] bin gur boojhay, jam kee faasee.
Without knowing (the real path) from the Guru, (one remains caught in) the noose of death.
iehu mnUAw iKnu iKnu aUiB pieAwil ] ih manoo-aa, khin khin oobh pa-i-aal.
From one moment to the next, this mind (sometimes) rises to heavens and (sometimes) falls into
nether world.
gurmuiK CUtY nwmu sm@wil ]3] gurmukh chhootai, naam samhaal. ||3||
The Guru-oriented one is liberated by remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the Name (of God). 3
Awpy sdy iFl n hoie ] aapay saday, ḍil na ho-ay.
When He Himself calls (i.e. when God issues summons), no delay can be made.
sbid mrY sihlw jIvY soie ] sabad marai, sahilaa jeevai so-ay.
One, who dies (from Maya) in the Word, lives in (spiritual) peace.
ibnu gur soJI iksY n hoie ] bin gur sojhee, kisai na ho-ay.
Without the Guru, no one can attain understanding.
Awpy krY krwvY soie ]4] aapay karai karaavai so-ay. ||4||
God Himself does (everything) and Himself gets (everything) done (from the beings). 4
JgVu cukwvY hir gux gwvY ] jhagaṛ chukhaavai, har guṇ gaavai.
One, who sings (the praise of) the excellences of God, his conflicts (of Maya) are ended.
pUrw siqguru shij smwvY ] pooraa satgur, sahj samaavai.
Through the perfect Guru, he is absorbed (in God), with natural ease.
iehu mnu folq qau ThrwvY ] scu krxI kir kwr kmwvY ]5]
ih man dolat ta-o ṭehraavai. sach karṇee kar kaar kamaavai. ||5||
The wobbling (i.e. unsteady/ wavering) mind is stabilized, (when)
one lives truthfully and earns deed (of meditation upon the Name). 5
AMqir jUTw ikau suic hoie ] sbdI DovY ivrlw koie ]
aNtar jooṭaa ki-o such ho-ay. sabdee dhovai virlaa ko-ay.
When someone is false within, how can he be pure?
(Falsehood can be washed off through the Word, but) rare are those who wash (their innerselves) with the
gurmuiK koeI scu kmwvY ] Awvxu jwxw Twik rhwvY ]6]
gurmukh ko-ee sach kamaavai. aavaṇ jaaṇaa ṭaak rahaavai. ||6||
Some Guru-oriented one (i.e. some rare one) earns true deeds (i.e. lives truthfully); and,
stops coming and going (i.e. stops wandering of his mind). 6
P. 1345

Bau Kwxw pIxw suKu swru ] bha-o khaaṇaa peeṇaa sukh saar.
Eating and drinking His fear is the most excellent happiness (i.e. one, for whom the fear of God
is his nourishment, obtains spiritual happiness); and,
hir jn sMgiq pwvY pwru ] har jan saNgat paavai paar.
Joining the company of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God, one gets across (the world ocean).
scu bolY bolwvY ipAwru ] sach bolai bolaavai pi-aar.
He (i.e. Guru-oriented one) speaks truth, and, gets others to speak (the language of) love.
gur kw sbdu krxI hY swru ]7] gur kaa sabad karṇee hai saar. ||7||
(Meditation upon) the Word of the Guru is his most excellent deed (for him). 7
hir jsu krmu Drmu piq pUjw ] har jas karam dharam pat poojaa.
For him, the praise of God is his religious rituals, worship and honour.
kwm k®oD AgnI mih BUMjw ] kaam krodh agnee meh bhooNjaa.
His sexual desire and anger (i.e. vices) are burnt off in the fire (of spiritual wisdom).
hir rsu cwiKAw qau mnu BIjw ] pRxviq nwnku Avru n dUjw ]8]5]
har ras chaakhi-aa ta-o man bheejaa. praṇvat naanak, avar na doojaa. ||8||5||
One, who tastes essence of (the Name of) God, his mind is drenched in it.
Nanak prays: there is no other (essence, other than that of God, which he likes). 8.5

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1

rwm nwmu jip AMqir pUjw ] raam naam jap, aNtar poojaa.
(O! brethren) chant (i.e. meditate upon) the Name of God; this is worship from within.
gur sbdu vIcwir Avru nhI dUjw ]1] gur sabad veechaar, avar nahee doojaa. ||1||
Contemplate the Word of the Guru; (there is) no other (than God). 1
eyko riv rihAw sB TweI ] ayko rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee.
The One (alone) is pervading all places.
Avru n dIsY iksu pUj cVweI ]1] rhwau ] avar na deesai, kis pooj chaṛaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not see any other; unto whom should I offer worship? 1 (pause)
mnu qnu AwgY jIAVw quJ pwis ] ijau BwvY iqau rKhu Ardwis ]2]
man tan aagai, jee-aṛaa tujh paas. ji-o bhaavai ti-o rakhahu, ardaas. ||2||
(I place) my mind and body (in offering) before You; I dedicate my life unto You.
(O! God) save me, as it pleases You; (this is my) prayer. 2
scu ijhvw hir rsn rsweI ] sach jihvaa, har rasan rasaa-ee.
True is that tongue that enjoys the essence (of the Name ) of God.
gurmiq CUtis pRB srxweI ]3] gurmat chhootas, prabh sarṇaa-ee. ||3||
One, who seeks the refuge of the Lord, is saved through the wisdom of the Guru. 3
krm Drm pRiB myrY kIey ] nwmu vfweI isir krmW kIey ]4]
karam dharam prabh mayrai kee-ay. naam vadaa-ee sir karmaan kee-ay. ||4||
My Lord created (all) the religious beliefs; (but)
He has blessed greatness to (meditation upon) the Name, above (all) rituals. 4
siqgur kY vis cwir pdwrQ ] qIin smwey eyk ik®qwrQ ]5]
satgur kai vas, chaar padaarath. teen samaa-ay, ayk kirtaarath. ||5||
The ‘four blessings’ are in the hands of the True Guru.
when the three are stilled, one is blessed with the fourth (i.e. liberation). 5
[*The four (cardinal) blessings are: 1. Dharam (religious activities/faith), 2. Arth (material comforts), 3. Kaam (sexual
pleasure, entertainment), 4.Moksh (liberation)].

siqguir dIey mukiq iDAwnW ] hir pdu cIin@ Bey prDwnw ]6]
satgur dee-ay mukat dhi-aanaan. har pad cheeneh bha-ay pardhaanaa. ||6||
Those, whom the True Guru blesses with liberation (from worldliness) and meditation;
realizing the state of God, they become prominent (i.e. noble and sublime). 6
mnu qnu sIqlu guir bUJ buJweI ] man tan seetal, gur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Those, whom the Guru imparts understanding (of spiritual life), their mind and body are
cooled (i.e. soothed).
pRBu invwjy ikin kImiq pweI ]7] prabh nivaajay, kin keemat paa-ee. ||7||
Those, whom the Lord blesses with honour, who can appraise their value ? 7
khu nwnk guir bUJ buJweI ] nwm ibnw giq iknY n pweI ]8]6]
kaho naanak, gur boojh bujhaa-ee. naam binaa, gat kinai na paa-ee. ||8||6||
Says Nanak: the Guru has imparted this understanding (to me): that,
without the Name, no one attains (the state of) emancipation. 8.6
pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 1
ieik Duir bKis ley guir pUrY scI bxq bxweI ] ik dhur bakhas la-ay gur poorai, sachee baṇat baṇaa-ee.
Some are forgiven (and blessed) by the perfect Guru, from the very beginning, and, are given
true making (of way of life).
hir rMg rwqy sdw rMgu swcw duK ibsry piq pweI ]1]
har raNg raatay, sadaa raNg saachaa, dukh bisray, pat paa-ee. ||1||
They are imbued with the love of God; they are forever imbued with Truth; their sorrows are
forgotten (i.e. dispelled) and (they) obtain honour (in the Court of God). 1
JUTI durmiq kI cqurweI ] ibnsq bwr n lwgY kweI ]1] rhwau ]
jhooṭee durmat kee chaturaa-ee. binsat baar na laagai kaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
False is the cleverness of evil wisdom (i.e. short-lived is the achievement of evil mindedness) ;
it takes no time to disappear. 1 (pause)
mnmuK kau duKu drdu ivAwpis mnmuiK duKu n jweI ]
manmukh ka-o dukh darad vi-aapas, manmukh dukh na jaa-ee.
The mind-oriented one is afflicted by pains and sorrows, and, the sufferings of the mind-
oriented do not (i.e. never) depart.
suK duK dwqw gurmuiK jwqw myil ley srxweI ]2]
sukh dukh daataa gurmukh jaataa, mayl la-ay sarṇaa-ee. ||2||
The Giver of happiness and sufferings is known through the Guru; He unites (one with Himself
by taking one) in His refuge. 2
mnmuK qy AB Bgiq n hovis haumY pcih idvwny ]
manmukh tay abh bhagat na hovas, ha-umai pacheh divaanay.
The mind-oriented one cannot be in loving devotion; the crazy ones are burnt away in
iehu mnUAw iKnu aUiB pieAwlI jb lig sbd n jwny ]3]
ih manoo-aa khin oobh paa-i-aalee, jab lag sabad na jaanay. ||3||
This mind rises upwards and falls downwards in an instant, as long as it does not know (i.e.
realize and follow) the Word (of the Guru). 3
BUK ipAwsw jgu BieAw iqpiq nhI ibnu siqgur pwey ]
bhookh pi-aasaa jag bha-i-aa, tipat nahee bin satgur paa-ay.
The world has become hungry and thirsty (with hopes and desires), without the True Guru, it
cannot get satiated.

shjY shju imlY suKu pweIAY drgh pYDw jwey ]4] sahjai sahj milai sukh paa-ee-ai, dargeh paidhaa jaa-ay ||4||
When one merges in poise, with natural ease, one obtains (spiritual) happiness; and, one goes
to His Court, wearing robes (of honour). 4
drgh dwnw bInw ieku Awpy inrml gur kI bwxI ] dargeh daanaa beenaa ik aapay, nirmal gur kee baaṇee.
In His Court (i.e. attuning oneself to His presence, one realizes that), the One (Lord) Himself
(alone) is all-knowing and all-seeing; (this is realized) through immaculate Word of the Guru.
Awpy surqw scu vIcwris Awpy bUJY pdu inrbwxI ]5]
aapay surtaa sach veechaaras, aapay boojhai pad nirbaaṇee. ||5||
(He) Himself is all-aware, and, contemplates Truth; (and, He) Himself understands the state of
emancipation. 5
jlu qrMg AgnI pvnY Puin qRY imil jgqu aupwieAw ] jal taraNg agnee pavnai fun, tarai mil jagat upaa-i-aa.
(Creating) the waves of water, fire and air, He then joined the three and created the world.
AYsw blu Clu iqn kau dIAw hukmI Twik rhwieAw ]6]
aisaa bal chhal tin ka-o dee-aa,hukmee ṭaak rahaa-i-aa. ||6||
God has blessed them (i.e. water, fire and air) such (great) power (of being the elements of
creation), (but He) has bound them under His Command. 6
AYsy jn ivrly jg AMdir priK KjwnY pwieAw ] aisay jan virlay jag aNdar, parakh khajaanai paa-i-aa.
Such servants (i.e. devotees) are rare in this world, whom He assays and places in His treasury.
jwiq vrn qy Bey AqIqw mmqw loBu cukwieAw ]7]
jaat varan tay bha-ay ateetaa, mamtaa lobh chukaa-i-aa. ||7||
They are above (the distinction of) caste and colour, and, have rid themselves of attachment to
worldliness and greed. 7
nwim rqy qIrQ sy inrml duKu haumY mYlu cukwieAw ]
naam ratay tirath say nirmal, dukh ha-umai mail chukaa-i-aa.
Those, who are imbued with the Name (of God) are immaculate like a place of pilgrimage,
(and they are) immaculate; they are rid of sorrows and the filth of egotism.
nwnku iqn ky crn pKwlY ijnw gurmuiK swcw BwieAw ]8]7]
naanak, tin kay charan pakhaalai, jinaa gurmukh saachaa bhaa-i-aa. ||8||7||
Nanak (says): I wash the feet of those who are in love the True (Lord) through the Guru. 8.7
P. 1346
pRBwqI mhlw 3 ibBws Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3, Bibhaas
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
gur prswdI vyKu qU hir mMdru qyrY nwil ] gur parsaadee vaykh too, har maNdar tayrai naal.
By the Grace of the Guru, (O! brethren) you see that the temple (i.e. home/ abode) of God is with
(i.e. within) you.
hir mMdru sbdy KojIAY hir nwmo lyhu sm@wil ]1] har ma dar sabday khojee-ai, har naamo layho samhaal. ||1||
The temple (i.e. abode) of God is found through the Word (of the Guru), (so) remember the
Name of God. 1
mn myry sbid rpY rMgu hoie ] man mayray, sabad rapai raNg ho-ay.
O! my mind, by being imbued with the Word, (one is) attuned to the love (of God).

scI Bgiq scw hir mMdru pRgtI swcI soie ]1] rhwau ]
sachee bhagat, sachaa har maNdar, pragatee saachee so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Where) devotion is true, the temple (i.e. abode) of God is true; and, true glory is manifested
there. 1 (pause)
hir mMdru eyhu srIru hY igAwin rqin prgtu hoie ] har maNdar ayhu sareer hai, gi-aan ratan pargat ho-ay.
This body is the temple (i.e. abode) of God, (in it) the jewel of (spiritual) knowledge is revealed.
mnmuK mUlu n jwxnI mwxis hir mMdru n hoie ]2]
manmukh mool na jaaṇnee, maaṇas har maNdar na ho-ay. ||2||
The mind-oriented ones do not know their Origin (i.e. God); (hence) they do not believe that
human (body, i.e. heart) is the ‘temple (i.e. abode) of God’. 2
hir mMdru hir jIau swijAw riKAw hukim svwir ] har maNdar har jee-o saaji-aa, rakhi-aa hukam savaar.
Dear God has created this temple (i.e. abode) of God; and, has adorned it by His Command.
Duir lyKu iliKAw su kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]3]
dhur laykh likhi-aa so kamaavaṇaa, ko-ay na maytaṇhaar. ||3||
One earns (i.e. acts) as it is inscribed (for him) from the very beginning (i.e. by God); no one can
erase it. 3
sbdu cIin@ suKu pwieAw scY nwie ipAwr ] sabad cheeneh sukh paa-i-aa, sachai naa-ay pi-aar.
Those, who love the Name (of God), obtain (spiritual) happiness by contemplating the Word.
hir mMdru sbdy sohxw kMcnu kotu Apwr ]4] har maNdar sabday sohṇaa, kaNchan kot apaar. ||4||
The temple (i.e. abode) of God is embellished with the Word; (it becomes like) an infinite fort of
gold. 4
hir mMdru eyhu jgqu hY gur ibnu GorMDwr ] har maNdar ayhu jagat hai, gur bin ghoraNdhaar.
(All) this world is a temple (i.e. abode) of God; (but) without the Guru, there is (only) pitch
darkness (of ignorance).
dUjw Bwau kir pUjdy mnmuK AMD gvwr ]5] doojaa bhaa-o kar poojday, manmukh aNdh gavaar. ||5||
Those, who worship (any other) in the love of duality, are blind foolish mind-oriented ones. 5
ijQY lyKw mMgIAY iqQY dyh jwiq n jwie ] jithai laykhaa maNgee-ai, tithai dayh jaat na jaa-ay.
Where one is called to accounts, there this body or caste (i.e. social status) do not go along.
swic rqy sy aubry duKIey dUjY Bwie ]6] saach ratay say ubray, dukhee-ay doojai bhaa-ay. ||6||
Those, who are imbued with the True (Lord), are saved, (but) those in the love of duality suffer
sorrows. 6
hir mMdr mih nwmu inDwnu hY nw bUJih mugD gvwr ]
har maNdar meh naam nidhaan hai, naa boojheh mugadh gavaar.
The treasure of the Name is in temple (i.e. abode) of God; the fool, the idiot does not realize it.
gur prswdI cIin@Aw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ]7] gur parsaadee cheenhi-aa, har raakhi-aa ur dhaar. ||7||
Those, who have realized (God) by the Grace of Guru, enshrine God within their hearts. 7
gur kI bwxI gur qy jwqI ij sbid rqy rMgu lwie ] gur kee baṇee gur tay jaatee, je sabad ratay raNg laa-ay.
The Word of the Guru is known through the Guru; (but, only they come to know it) who are
imbued with the love of the Word.
pivqu pwvn sy jn inrml hir kY nwim smwie ]8] pavit paavan say jan nirmal, har kai naam samaa-ay. ||8||
Pious, pure, and immaculate are those beings, who remain absorbed in the Name of God. 8
hir mMdru hir kw hwtu hY riKAw sbid svwir ] har maNdar har kaa haat hai, rakhi-aa sabad savaar.
The temple (i.e. abode) of God, is the shop of (the Name of) the Lord, He has embellished it with
His Word.

iqsu ivic saudw eyku nwmu gurmuiK lYin svwir ]9] tis vich sa-udaa ayk naam, gurmukh lain savaar. ||9||
In that (shop), there is merchandise of the One Name; the Guru-oriented ones embellish
themselves (i.e. adorn their lives by trading in the Name). 9
hir mMdr mih mnu lohtu hY moihAw dUjY Bwie ] har maNdar meh man lohat hai, mohi-aa doojai bhaa-ay.
In this temple (i.e. abode) of God, the mind is like iron slag, (if) it is lured by the love of duality.
pwris ByitAY kMcnu BieAw kImiq khI n jwie ]10]
paaras bhayti-ai kaNchan bha-i-aa, keemat kahee na jaa-ay. ||10||
Meeting with the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone , i.e. Guru), it (i.e. mind) becomes gold; (then)
its value cannot be described. 10
hir mMdr mih hir vsY srb inrMqir soie ] har maNdar meh har vasai, sarab niraNtar so-ay.
God abides in the temple (i.e. abode) of God; He is pervading all.
nwnk gurmuiK vxjIAY scw saudw hoie ]11]1] naanak, gurmukh vaṇjee-ai, sachaa sa-udaa ho-ay. ||11||1||
Nanak (says): when one trades through the Guru, he obtains True merchandise (of the
Name). 11.1
pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 3
BY Bwie jwgy sy jn jwgRx krih haumY mYlu auqwir ]
bhai bhaa-ay jaagay, say jan jaagraṇ karahi, ha-umai mail utaar.
Those, who remain awake in the fear and love (of God), ridding themselves of the filth of
egotism, they are (really) awakened.
sdw jwgih Gru Apxw rwKih pMc qskr kwFih mwir ]1]
sadaa jaageh, ghar apṇaa raakhahi, paNch taskar kaaḍeh maar. ||1||
They remain awake forever, and, protect their home (i.e. heart), by beating and driving out the
five thieves (i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment, and pride). 1
mn myry gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] man mayray, gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ay.
O! my mind, meditate upon the Name (of God) through the Guru.
ijqu mwrig hir pweIAY mn syeI krm kmwie ]1] rhwau ]
jit maarag har paa-ee-ai, man say-ee karam kamaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! my mind, earn (i.e. practice) only those deeds, which lead to the path of God. 1 (pause)
gurmuiK shj Duin aUpjY duKu haumY ivchu jwie ] gurmukh sahj dhun oopjai, dukh ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay.
Through the Guru, melody of poise wells up, and, the pain of egotism is taken away from
hir nwmw hir min vsY shjy hir gux gwie ]2] har naamaa, har man vasai, sehjay har guṇ gaa-ay. ||2||
God and the Name of God abides in the mind, (when) one sings (the praise of) the excellences of
God, with natural ease. 2
gurmqI muK sohxy hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ] gurmatee mukh sohṇay, har raakhi-aa ur dhaar.
The faces (of those ones) are beautiful, (who have) enshrined God in their hearts, through the
wisdom of the Guru.
AYQY EQY suKu Gxw jip hir hir auqry pwir ]3] aithai othai sukh ghaṇaa, jap har har utray paar. ||3||
They obtain great (spiritual) happiness, here and hereafter; and, meditating upon (the Name
of) God, the Lord, they are carried across to the other shore (of the world ocean). 3
P. 1347
haumY ivic jwgRxu n hoveI hir Bgiq n pveI Qwie ]
ha-umai vich jaagraṇ na hova-ee, har bhagat na pav-ee thaa-ay.
In egotism, one cannot remain awake (i.e. aware), and, (even) one’s devotion of God is not
accepted (in His Court).
mnmuK dir FoeI nw lhih Bwie dUjY krm kmwie ]4]
manmukh dar ḍo-ee naa laheh, bhaa-ay doojai karam kamaa-ay. ||4||
The mind-oriented one does not find refuge at His Door (i.e. in the Court of God), (because) he
does deeds in the love of duality. 4
iDRgu Kwxw iDRgu pYn@xw ijn@w dUjY Bwie ipAwru ] dharig khaaṇaa dharig painhṇaa, jinhaa doojai bhaa-ay pi-aar.
Cursed is eating (food), and, cursed is wearing (clothes), of those, who are in love of duality.
ibstw ky kIVy ibstw rwqy mir jMmih hoih KuAwru ]5]
bistaa kay keeṛay bistaa raatay, mar jaMmeh hohi khu-aar. ||5||
They are (like) worms (i.e. maggots) of faeces, (which are) imbued with faeces; they die to be
born (again) and suffer. 5
ijn kau siqguru ByitAw iqnw ivthu bil jwau ] jin ka-o satgur bhayti-aa, tinaa vitahu bal jaa-o.
Those, who have met the True Guru, I am a sacrifice unto them.
iqn kI sMgiq imil rhW scy sic smwau ]6] tin kee saNgat mil rahaan, sachay sach samaa-o. ||6||
(I wish) I should join and remain in their company, and, merge in the Truest of the True. 6
pUrY Bwig guru pweIAY aupwie ikqY n pwieAw jwie ]
poorai bhaag gur paa-ee-ai, upaa-ay kitai na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
By perfect fortune, the Guru is found; he cannot be found by any effort.
siqgur qy shju aUpjY haumY sbid jlwie ]7] satgur tay sahj oopjai, ha-umai sabad jalaa-ay. ||7||
Through the True Guru, poise wells up, by burning egotism through the Word. 7
hir srxweI Bju mn myry sB ikCu krxY jogu ] har sarṇaa-ee bhaj, man mayray, sabh kichh karṇai jog.
Hurry to the refuge of God, O! my mind, He is potent (i.e. all powerful) to do everything.
nwnk nwmu n vIsrY jo ikCu krY su hogu ]8]2]7]2]9]
naanak, naam na veesrai, jo kichh karai so hog. ||8||2||7||2||9||
Nanak (says): (O! God, please bless me that) I may not forget the Name; whatever He does,
comes to happen.

ibBws pRBwqI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Bibhaas, Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5, asatpadee-aa

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
mwq ipqw BweI suqu binqw ] cUgih cog Anµd isau jugqw ]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banitaa. choogeh chog anaNd si-o jugtaa.
Mother, father, brothers, sons and wife;
join together and they peck (i.e. eat food), and enjoy (i.e. pleasures of Maya).
auriJ pirE mn mIT muohwrw ] urajh pari-o, man meeṭ mohaaraa.
Their minds are entangled in sweet (emotional) attachment.
gun gwhk myry pRwn ADwrw ]1] gun gaahak, mayray praan adhaaraa. ||1||
(Those, who are) the customers (i.e. seekers) of the virtues are the support of my breath (of life).
eyku hmwrw AMqrjwmI ] ayk hamaaraa aNtarjaamee.
The One (Lord), the Controller of the Souls is mine (Protector).
Dr eykw mY itk eyksu kI isir swhw vf purKu suAwmI ]1] rhwau ]
dhar aykaa, mai tik aykas kee, sir saahaa vad purakh su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One alone is my Support; the One alone is my Protector; (He is) above the heads of the
kings; (He is) the great Primal Person, my Master. 1 (pause)

Cl nwgin isau myrI tUtin hoeI ] guir kihAw ieh JUTI DohI ]
chhal naagan si-o, mayree tootan ho-ee. gur kahi-aa, ih jhooṭee dhohee.
I have broken with the deceitful she-serpent (i.e. Maya);
(because) the Guru has told me that it is false and betrayer.
muiK mITI KweI kaurwie ] mukh meeṭee, khaa-ee ka-uraa-ay.
In mouth, it (i.e. Maya) tastes (i.e. on its face it seems) sweet, (but) when eaten, it tastes bitter.
AMimRq nwim mnu rihAw AGwie ]2] aMmrit naam, man rahi-aa aghaa-ay. ||2||
My mind remains satiated with AMmrit Name (of God). 2
loB moh isau geI ivKoit ] guir ik®pwil moih kInI Coit ]
lobh moh si-o ga-ee vikhot. gur kirpaal mohi keenee chhot.
I have broken my ties with greed and (emotional) attachment.
The Gracious Guru has released(i.e. rescued/ saved) me (from them).
ieh TgvwrI bhuqu Gr gwly ] hm guir rwiK lIey ikrpwly ]3]
ih ṭagvaaree bahut ghar gaalay. ham gur raakh lee-ay kirpaalay. ||3||
These cheaters have destroyed so many homes (i.e. families);
(but) the Gracious Guru has protected me (from them). 3
kwm k®oD isau Twtu n binAw ] gur aupdysu moih kwnI suinAw ]
kaam krodh si-o, ṭaat na bani-aa. gur updays, mohi kaanee suni-aa.
I have not set up association with sexual desire and anger; (because)
I have listened to the teachings of Guru with my ears.
jh dyKau qh mhw cMfwl ] rwiK lIey ApunY guir gopwl ]4]
jah daykh-a-u, tah mahaa chaNdaal. raakh lee-ay apunai gur gopaal. ||4||
Wherever I look, there I see big (i.e. terrible) goblin (i.e. Maya); (but)
my Guru, the Sustainer of the World, has saved me. 4
ds nwrI mY krI duhwgin ] guir kihAw eyh rsih ibKwgin ]
das naaree, mai karee duhaagan. gur kahi-aa, ayh raseh bikhaagan.
I have abandoned the ten women*; (because)
the Guru has told me that they are fires of poison (i.e. sources of vices and sins).
[i.e. ten organs: five organs of sense (ears, eyes, skin, tongue. nose) and five organs of action (mouth, hands, feet, anus,
ien snbMDI rswqil jwie ] hm guir rwKy hir ilv lwie ]5]
in sanbaNdhee, rasaatal jaa-ay. ham gur raakhay, har liv laa-ay. ||5||
Those, who associate with them, go to hell. The Guru has saved me by attuning me to God. 5
AhMmyv isau msliq CofI ] guir kihAw iehu mUrKu hofI ]
ahaMmayv si-o, maslat chhodee. gur kahi-aa, ih moorakh hodee.
I have given up counseling with (i.e. I have stopped seeking advice of) my ego; (because)
the Guru has told me that this (i.e. my ego) is foolish and stubborn.
iehu nIGru Gru khI n pwey ] hm guir rwiK lIey ilv lwey ]6]
ih neeghar ghar kahee na paa-ay. ham gur raakh lee-ay liv laa-ay. ||6||
It (i.e. ego) is homeless (now, because); it finds no home (i.e. it finds no place in my heart).
The Guru has saved me by attuning me (to God). 6
ien logn isau hm Bey bYrweI ] eyk igRh mih duie n KtWeI ]
in logan* si-o ham bha-ay bairaa-ee. ayk garih meh du-ay na khataan-ee.
I have become alien to these people*. We two cannot live together in one home.
[*Passions like sexual desire, anger, greed emotional attachment and pride].

Awey pRB pih AMcir lwig ] aa-ay prabh peh aNchar laag.
Holding the hem (of the robe of the Guru), I have come to the Lord (for refuge).
krhu qpwvsu pRB srbwig ]7] karahu tapaavas prabh sarbaag. ||7||
O! All-knowing Lord, (please) do justice unto me. 7
pRB his boly kIey inAWeyN ] prabh has bolay kee-ay ni-aan-ayn.
God laughed (i.e. smiled) and spoke: I have done justice.
sgl dUq myrI syvw lwey ] sagal doot mayree sayvaa laa-ay.
(He) placed all demons to serve me.
qUM Twkuru iehu igRhu sBu qyrw ] khu nwnk guir kIAw inbyrw ]8]1]
tooN ṭaakur ih garihu sabh tayraa. kaho naanak, gur kee-aa nibayraa. ||8||1||
Says Nanak: (this is how) the Guru passed the judgement: You are the Master, and, all this my
home belongs to you. 8.1
P. 1348
pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5
mn mih k®oDu mhw AhMkwrw ] pUjw krih bhuqu ibsQwrw ]
man meh krodh, mahaa ahaMkaaraa. poojaa karahi, bahut bisthaaraa.
Within his mind are anger and great egotism; (but he)
performs worship with great expanse (of pomp and show).
kir iesnwnu qin ck® bxwey ] AMqr kI mlu kb hI n jwey ]1]
kar isnaan, tan chakar banaa-ay. aNtar kee mal, kab hee na jaa-ay. ||1||
He takes (ritual) bath, and, paints circles (i.e. ritual marks) on his body;
(but) the filth within (him) never departs. 1
iequ sMjim pRBu ikn hI n pwieAw ] BgauqI mudRw mnu moihAw mwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
it saNjam, prabh kin hee na paa-i-aa. bhag-utee mudraa, man mohi-aa maa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With this discipline (i.e. in this way, i.e. by observing rituals), no one has ever found the Lord;
(one paints) signs of devotion (of Vishnu), but, the mind remains fascinated by Maya. 1 (pause)
pwp krih pMcW ky bis ry ] qIriQ nwie khih siB auqry ]
paap karahi paNchaan kay bas ray. tirath naa-ay, kaheh sabh utray.
They commit sins, under the influence of the five (passions, i.e. sexual desire, anger, greed,
emotional attachment and pride); (and then)
they takes bath at places of pilgrimage, and, say: “everything (i.e. all sin) has been wash off”.
bhuir kmwvih hoie insMk ] bahur kamaaveh ho-ay nisaNk.
Then they earns (i.e. commit sins) again, without any doubt (i.e. fearlessly);
jm puir bWiD Kry kwlµk ]2] jam pur baandh kharay, kaalaNk. ||2||
They are bound and taken to the city of death, for their sins. 2
GUGr bwiD bjwvih qwlw ] AMqir kptu iPrih byqwlw ]
ghooghar baadh bajaaveh taalaa. aNtar kapat,fireh baytaalaa.
Some wear ankle-bells and shake cymbals (i.e. dance and play music);
within them is deception; they wander like demons.
vrmI mwrI swpu n mUAw ] pRBu sB ikCu jwnY ijin qU kIAw ]3]
varmee maaree, saap na moo-aa. prabh sabh kichh jaanai, jin too kee-aa. ||3||
By destroying the hole, the snake is not killed (similarly, by practising penance, the mind is not
subdued). The Lord, who created you, knows everything. 3

pUMAr qwp gyrI ky bsqRw ] Apdw kw mwirAw igRh qy nsqw ]
pooNar taap, gayree kay bastaraa. apdaa kaa maari-aa, garih tay nastaa.
He, who burns fire (i.e. performs ascetic practice of austerity) and wears red-ochre (i.e. saffron)
caught in calamity, he runs away from householder’s life (i.e. abandons home).
dysu Coif prdysih DwieAw ] days chhod pardayseh dhaa-i-aa.
Leaving (his own) country, he goes to (i.e. wanders through) foreign lands
pMc cMfwl nwly lY AwieAw ]4] paNch chaNdaal naalay lai aa-i-aa. ||4||
(But) he has taken the five demons with him (i.e. he could not get rid of the five passions: sexual
desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride). 4
kwn Prwie ihrwey tUkw ] Gir Gir mWgY iqRpqwvn qy cUkw ]
kaan faraa-ay hiraa-ay tookaa. ghar ghar maangai, tariptaavan tay chookaa.
One gets his ears split (i.e. pierced), and, looks for crumbs (i.e. begs for meals).
He begs from home to home (i.e. door to door), but, he remains unsatiated.
binqw Coif bd ndir pr nwrI ] banitaa chhod, bad nadar par naaree.
Abandoning his own wife, he casts evil eye on other's women.
vyis n pweIAY mhw duiKAwrI ]5] vays na paa-ee-ai, mahaa dukhi-aaree. ||5||
(God) is not found by religious garb; (rather one’s life becomes) greatly painful. 5
bolY nwhI hoie bYTw monI ] bolai naahee, ho-ay baiṭaa monee.
One sits in silence and does not speak.
AMqir klp BvweIAY jonI ] aNtar kalap, bhavaa-ee-ai jonee.
Within (his mind), he imagines that he is made to wander in wombs (in reincarnation).
AMn qy rhqw duKu dyhI shqw ] ann tay rahtaa, dukh dayhee sahtaa.
One abstains from food; his body suffers in pain.
hukmu n bUJY ivAwipAw mmqw ]6] hukam na boojhai, vi-aapi-aa mamtaa. ||6||
He does not realize the Command (of God); he is afflicted by attachment (to worldly objects). 6
ibnu siqgur iknY n pweI prm gqy ] pUChu sgl byd isMimRqy ]
bin satgur, kinai na paa-ee param gatay. poochhahu sagal bayd siMmritay.
Without the True Guru, no one has attained supreme status.
(O! brethren) you may ask (i.e. consult) all Vedas and the Simritis.
mnmuK krm krY AjweI ] ijau bwlU Gr Taur n TweI ]7]
manmukh karam karai ajaa-ee. ji-o baaloo ghar ṭa-ur na ṭaa-ee. ||7||
The mind-oriented one does (i.e. indulges in) useless deeds.
(These deeds are) like a house in sand, which cannot stand (i.e. cannot survive long). 7
ijs no Bey guoibMd dieAwlw ] gur kw bcnu iqin bwiDE pwlw ]
jis no bha-ay gobiNd da-i-aalaa. gur kaa bachan, tin baadhi-o paalaa.
He, unto whom, the Lord of the World becomes Merciful;
he binds the Word of the Guru with the hem of his robe (i.e. enshrines in his mind).
koit mDy koeI sMqu idKwieAw ] nwnku iqn kY sMig qrwieAw ]8]
kot madhay, ko-ee saNt dikhaa-i-aa. naanak, tin kai saNg taraa-i-aa. ||8||
Nanak (says): among tens of millions, a rare one of God-oriented person is found; and, along
with him we are carried across (the world ocean). 8

jy hovY Bwgu qw drsnu pweIAY ] Awip qrY sBu kutMbu qrweIAY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]2]
jay hovai bhaag, taa darsan paa-ee-ai.
aap tarai, sabh kutaMb taraa-ee-ai.||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||2||
If one has (good) destiny, he beholds the vision (of God);
he crosses over himself, and, carries all his family across (the world ocean). 1 (pause second) 2

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] Prabhaatee, Mehlaa 5

ismrq nwmu iklibK siB kwty ] simrat naam, kilbikh sabh kaatay.
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the Name, all sins are erased.
Drm rwie ky kwgr Pwty ] dharam raa-ay kay kaagar faatay.
The papers (i.e. accounts) held by the Judge of Righteousness are torn up.
swDsMgiq imil hir rsu pwieAw ] pwrbRhmu ird mwih smwieAw ]1]
saadhsaNgat mil har ras paa-i-aa. paarbrahm rid maahi samaa-i-aa. ||1||
Joining the company of the God-oriented persons, one finds the essence of (the Name of) God;
and, enshrines the Supreme Lord in his mind. 1
rwm rmq hir hir suKu pwieAw ] qyry dws crn srnwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
raam ramat har har, sukh paa-i-aa. tayray daas charan sarnaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who has sought the refuge of the (lotus) feet of Your slaves (i.e. devotees), remembering
(i.e. meditating upon) the all-pervading God, the Lord, he finds happiness. 1 (pause)
cUkw gauxu imitAw AMiDAwru ] guir idKlwieAw mukiq duAwru ]
chookaa ga-on, miti-aa aNdhi-aar. gur dikhlaa-i-aa, mukat du-aar.
One, whom the Guru has shown (i.e. revealed) the doors of liberation, his cycle of (coming and)
going (in reincarnation) is ended, and, the darkness (of ignorance) is dispelled.
hir pRym Bgiq mnu qnu sd rwqw ] pRBU jnwieAw qb hI jwqw ]2]
har praym bhagat, man tan sad raataa. prabhoo janaa-i-aa, tab hee jaataa. ||2||
One comes to understand( this), when the Lord gets him to know this; (then) the mind and
body are forever imbued with loving devotion to God. 2
Git Git AMqir rivAw soie ] ghat ghat aNtar ravi-aa so-ay.
He is contained in (i.e. God is pervading) each and every heart.
iqsu ibnu bIjo nwhI koie ] tis bin, beejo naahee ko-ay.
Without Him. there is no other at all.
bYr ibroD Cydy BY BrmW ] pRiB puMin AwqmY kIny Drmw ]3]
bair birodh chhayday bhai bharmaan. prabh, puNn aatmai*, keenay dharmaa. ||3||
(All) animosity, opposition, fear and doubts are destroyed; (when)
the Lord, the Soul of Virtuous Deeds*, administers righteousness. 3
mhw qrMg qy kWFY lwgw ] mahaa taraNg tay kaanḍai laagaa.
From the strong (i.e. terrifying) waves, one is carried across to the shore.
jnm jnm kw tUtw gWFw ] janam janam kaa tootaa gaanḍaa.
One, separated (from Him) for countless life-times, is united (again).
jpu qpu sMjmu nwmu sm@wilAw ] ApunY Twkuir ndir inhwilAw ]4]
jap tap saNjam naam samhaali-aa. apunai ṭaakur nadar nihaali-aa. ||4||
One, whom, my Lord has blessed with His Glance (of Grace), (for him, all) meditation,
austerity, and, self- discipline are in remembrance of the Name (of God). 4

P. 1349
mMgl sUK kilAwx iqQweIN ] jh syvk gopwl gusweI ]
maNgal sookh kali-aaṇ, tithaa-een. jah, sayvak gopaal gusaa-ee.
Joy, happiness and well being is (found) in that place -----
where servants (i.e. devotees) of the Sustainer of the World abide.
pRB supRsMn Bey gopwl ] jnm jnm ky imty ibqwl ]5]
prabh suparsaNn bha-ay gopaal. janam janam kay mitay bitaal. ||5||
(When) the Lord, the Sustainer of the World becomes very pleased,
the evil spirits of countless life-times (dwelling within the body) are destroyed. 5
hom jg aurD qp pUjw ] koit qIrQ iesnwnu krIjw ] crn kml inmK irdY Dwry ]
hom jag uradh tap poojaa. kot tirath isnaan kareejaa. charan kamal, nimakh, ridai dhaaray.
Hom (i.e. fire offerings), yajna (i.e. sacred feast), (observing) austere discipline with body
upside-down and worship;
and, taking of baths at tens of millions places of pilgrimage (are obtained by) ----
enshrining the lotus feet (of God) within the heart (even) for an instant.
goibMd jpq siB kwrj swry ]6] gobiNd japat sabh kaaraj saaray. ||6||
Meditating upon (the Name of) the Lord of the World, all affairs are settled. 6
aUcy qy aUcw pRB Qwnu ] hir jn lwvih shij iDAwnu ]
oochay tay oochaa prabh thaan. har jan laaveh sahj dhi-aan.
(O! brethren) the Lord’s place is Highest of the high.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, focus their mind (upon Him) with natural ease.
dws dwsn kI bWCau DUir ] srb klw pRIqm BrpUir ]7]
daas daasan kee baanchha-o dhoor. sarab kalaa preetam bharpoor. ||7||
I long for the dust of (the feet of) the slaves of His slaves.
My Beloved (Lord) is overflowing with all powers. 7
mwq ipqw hir pRIqmu nyrw ] maat pitaa har preetam nayraa.
(You are my) Mother and Father, O! Beloved God; (and, You are always very) close (to me).
mIq swjn Brvwsw qyrw ] meet saajan bharvaasaa tayraa.
(You are my) Friend and Companion; and, You are my (only) Support.
kru gih lIny Apuny dws ] kar geh leenay apunay daas.
Holding Your slaves (i.e. devotees) by hand, You make them Your own.
jip jIvY nwnku guxqws ]8]3]2]7]12] jap jeevai, naanak, guṇtaas. ||8||3||2||7||12||
Nanak (says): I live by meditating upon You, O! Treasure of Excellences.

ibBws pRBwqI bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI bibhaas Prabhaatee, baaṇee bhagat Kabeer jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
mrn jIvn kI sMkw nwsI ] Awpn rMig shj prgwsI ]1]
maran jeevan kee saNkaa naasee. aapan raNg sahj pargaasee. ||1||
My doubt about (i.e. fear and anxiety of) death and birth (i.e. reincarnation) is gone,
(because) He has revealed His love (within me)with natural ease. 1

pRgtI joiq imitAw AMiDAwrw ] pragatee jot miti-aa aNdhi-aaraa.
(Divine) Light has dawned, and, darkness (of ignorance) has been dispelled.
rwm rqnu pwieAw krq bIcwrw ]1] rhwau ] raam ratan paa-i-aa karat beechaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Contemplating (the Lord), I have obtained the jewel (of the Name) of God. 1 (pause)
jh Anµdu duKu dUir pieAwnw ] jah anaNd dukh door pa-i-aanaa.
Where there is bliss, and, sorrows run far away (from that place).
mnu mwnku ilv qqu lukwnw ]2] man maanak liv tat lukaanaa. ||2||
Attuned (to God), the mind becomes jewel, and, gets concealed (i.e. merged) in Him. 2
jo ikCu hoAw su qyrw Bwxw ] jo kichh ho-aa so tayraa bhaaṇaa.
Whatever has happened, is by Your Will (O! Lord).
jo iev bUJY su shij smwxw ]3] jo iv boojhai so sahj samaaṇaa. ||3||
Whoever understands this, is merged (in God), with natural ease. 3
khqu kbIru iklibK gey KIxw ] mnu BieAw jgjIvn lIxw ]4]1]
kahat kabeer kilbikh ga-ay kheeṇaa. man bha-i-aa jagjeevan leeṇaa. ||4||1||
Says Kabir: all the sins are destroyed,
(when) the mind is(absorbed and) merged into the Life of the World. 4.1

pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
Alhu eyku msIiq bsqu hY Avru mulKu iksu kyrw ] alhu ayk maseet basat hai, avar mulakh kis kayraa.
(O! Mullah/ Muslim savant) if God lives in the mosque alone, (then) whom does the rest of the
country (i.e. rest of the land/ world) belong to?
ihMdU mUriq nwm invwsI duh mih qqu n hyrw ]1] hi doo moorat naam nivaasee, duh meh tat na hayraa ||1||
The Hindus believe that the Name (of God) abides in the idol; (it means) the both (i.e. Muslims
and Hindus) have not visualized (i.e. perceived) the essence (of the Lord). 1
Alh rwm jIvau qyry nweI ] qU kir imhrwmiq sweI ]1] rhwau ]
alah, raam, jeeva-o tayray naa-ee. too kar mihraamat, saa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o
O! Allah,* O! Ram* (please bless me that) I (may) live by (meditating upon) Your Name.
(Please) bestow Your Grace upon me, O! (my) Master. 1 (pause)
[*In Islam, Allah is the Name of God, and, the Hindus remember Him as Raam].
dKn dyis hrI kw bwsw piCim Alh mukwmw ] dakhan days haree kaa baasaa, pachhim alah mukaamaa.
(The Hindus believe that) God lives in southern land (i.e. in Puri, in Odisha, in India); and, Allah
(i.e. God of Muslims) has abode in the west (i.e. in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia).
idl mih Koij idlY idil Kojhu eyhI Taur mukwmw ]2] dil meh khoj dilai dil khojahu, ayhee ṭa-ur mukaamaa||2||
(O! brethren) search (the Lord) in your hearts, seek in your heart of hearts (i.e. deep within the
heart); this(heart) is the place where He lives in. 2
bRhmn igAws krih caubIsw kwjI mh rmjwnw ]
brahman gi-aas* karahi cha-ubeesaa**, kaajee mah ramjaanaa.
The Brahmans observe fast on twenty-four** ‘eleventh* (Lunar) days’; and, the Muslims fast
during the month of Ramzaan (i.e. the Muslims observe fast for 30 days).
[*Gi-aas, literally eleven, refers to Hindu ritual of observing fast on every Ekadashi, i.e. 11th day of waxing and waning in
a Lunar calendar]. **Cha-ubeesaa, literally twenty-four; it means there are twenty-four Ekadashis (i.e. waxing and
waning of the Moon) in the twelve months, in a Lunar calendar].
igAwrh mws pws kY rwKy eykY mwih inDwnw ]3] gi-aareh maas paas kai raakhay, aykai maahi nidhaanaa. ||3||
They (i.e. Muslims) set aside eleven months, (and believe that) the treasure (of God) is found
only in one month (of Ramzan). 3

khw aufIsy mjnu kIAw ikAw msIiq isru nWeyN ] kahaa udeesay majan kee-aa, ki-aa maseet sir naan-ayn.
What is in (i.e. what is the use of) bathing in Odisha (i.e. in the waters at Puri city of Odisha, in
South India); and, what if they bow their head in the mosque (at Mecca)?
idl mih kptu invwj gujwrY ikAw hj kwbY jWeyN ]4]
dil meh kapat nivaaj gujaarai, ki-aa haj kaabai jaan-ayn.||4||
If one has deception in his heart, what good is in offering Namaaz (i.e. the Muslim prayers
offered for five times a day), and, what good is in going to Kaaba (i.e. Mecca) on pilgrimage? 4
eyqy Aaurq mrdw swjy ey sB rUp qum@wry ] aytay a-urat mardaa saajay, ay sabh roop tumhaaray.
(O! God) all these men and women that You have created; all these are your forms.
kbIru pUMgrw rwm Alh kw sB gur pIr hmwry ]5]
kabeer, pooNgraa raam alah kaa, sabh gur peer hamaaray.||5||
Kabir (says): I am an infant (.e. child) of Ram and Allah; all Gurus and prophets are mine. 5
khqu kbIru sunhu nr nrvY prhu eyk kI srnw ] kyvl nwmu jphu ry pRwnI qb hI inhcY qrnw ]6]2]
kahat kabeer, sunhu nar narvai, parahu ayk kee sarnaa.
kayval naam japahu ray praanee, tab hee nihchai tarnaa. ||6||2||
Says Kabir: listen O! men and women, seek the refuge of the One (God); and,
chant only the Name (of God), then you shall surely be carried across (the world ocean). 6.2

pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
Avil Alh nUru aupwieAw kudriq ky sB bMdy ] aval alah noor upaa-i-aa, kudrat kay sabh baNday.
First Allah (i.e. God) created the Light; (then) by His Creative Power, He created all beings.
eyk nUr qy sBu jgu aupijAw kaun Bly ko mMdy ]1] ayk noor tay sabh jag upji-aa, ka-un bhalay ko ma day ||1||
(When) from the (same) One Light, the entire world has welled up; (then) who is good and who
is bad?
P. 1350
logw Brim n BUlhu BweI ] logaa, bharam na bhoolahu bhaa-ee.
O! people, my brethren, do not wander in (i.e. do not remain deluded by) doubt.
Kwilku Klk Klk mih Kwilku pUir rihE sRb TWeI ]1] rhwau ]
khaalik khalak, khalak meh khaalik, poor rahi-o sarab ṭaan-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The creation is in the Creator, and, the Creator is in (His) creation; He is fully pervading all
places. 1 (pause)
mwtI eyk Anyk BWiq kir swjI swjnhwrY ] maatee ayk, anayk bhaant kar, saajee saajanhaarai.
The clay is the same, the Fashioner (i.e. Creator) has fashioned it in various ways (and forms).
nw kCu poc mwtI ky BWfy nw kCu poc kuMBwrY ]2]
naa kachh poch maatee kay bhaanday, naa kachh poch kuMbhaarai. ||2||
There is nothing wrong with the pot of clay (i.e. creation of the Lord), and, there is nothing
wrong with the Potter (i.e. Creator) . 2
sB mih scw eyko soeI iqs kw kIAw sBu kCu hoeI ]
sabh meh sachaa ayko so-ee, tis kaa kee-aa sabh kachh ho-ee.
The One True (Lord) abides in all, and, by His doing (i.e. Command) everything happens (in this
hukmu pCwnY su eyko jwnY bMdw khIAY soeI ]3] hukam pachhaanai so ayko jaanai, ba daa kahee-ai so-ee. ||3||
Whoever realizes His Command, knows the One (Lord); he alone is called slave (i.e. devotee of
God). 3

Alhu AlKu n jweI liKAw guir guVu dInw mITw ] alhu alakh na jaa-ee lakhi-aa, gur gurṛ deenaa meeṭaa.
Allah (i.e. God) is unseen; He cannot be seen; the Guru has blessed me with sweet molasses (of
His teachings).
kih kbIr myrI sMkw nwsI srb inrMjnu fITw ]4]3]
kahi kabeer, mayree saNkaa naasee, sarab niraNjan deeṭaa. ||4||3||
Says Kabir: (all) my doubts have been dispelled (because) I have seen the Immaculate (Lord)
pervading everywhere. 4.3

pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
byd kqyb khhu mq JUTy JUTw jo n ibcwrY ] bayd katayb kahhu mat jhooṭay, jhooṭaa jo na bichaarai.
(O! brethren, you) do not say that Vedas and Kataybs are false; false is the one, who does not
reflect (upon the knowledge in them).
jau sB mih eyku Kudwie khq hau qau ikau murgI mwrY ]1]
ja-o sabh meh ayk khudaa-ay kahat ha-o, ta-o ki-o murgee maarai. ||1||
(O! Mulla, if) you say that the One Khuda (i.e. God) is in all, then why do you kill a chicken?
(i.e. when you proclaim that God abide in all beings and creatures, then tell me, ‘does God not abide
in the chicken’?1
mulW khhu inAwau KudweI ] qyry mn kw Brmu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]
mulaan, kahhu ni-aa-o khudaa-ee. tayray man kaa bharam na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! Mulla, you tell (i.e. explain to the others) about the Divine justice;
(Whereas) the doubt of your (own) mind is not dispelled. 1 (pause)
pkir jIau AwinAw dyh ibnwsI mwtI kau ibsimil kIAw ]
pakar jee-o aani-aa dayh binaasee, maatee ka-o bismil kee-aa.
You seize and bring a creature and kill its body; you have killed clay (i.e. body is made of clay).
joiq srUp Anwhq lwgI khu hlwlu ikAw kIAw ]2] jot saroop, anaahat laagee, kaho halaal ki-aa kee-aa. ||2||
The light of the being has merged into the Imperishable, (so) tell me what have you killed? 2
ikAw aujU pwku kIAw muhu DoieAw ikAw msIiq isru lwieAw ]
ki-aa ujoo paak, kee-aa muhu dho-i-aa, ki-aa maseet sir laa-i-aa.
What if you have washed hands, feet and cleaned your mouth to purify (for saying prayers)?
What if you have bowed your head in the mosque?
jau idl mih kptu invwj gujwrhu ikAw hj kwbY jwieAw ]3]
ja-o dil meh kapat nivaaj gujaarahu, ki-aa haj kaabai jaa-i-aa. ||3||
(When) your heart is full of deceit, what good is your (ritualistic) Namaaz (prayer), and, what
good is in going for pilgrimage to Kaabaa (i.e. Mecca)? 3
qUM nwpwku pwku nhI sUiJAw iqs kw mrmu n jwinAw ]
tooN naapaak paak nahee soojhi-aa, tis kaa maram na jaani-aa.
You are defiled (i.e. unholy/ impure), you have not realized the Pure (Lord), (and, you) do not
known His mystery.
kih kbIr iBsiq qy cUkw dojk isau mnu mwinAw ]4]4]
kahi kabeer, bhisat tay chookaa, dojak si-o man maani-aa. ||4||4||
Says Kabir: you have missed paradise; and, your mind is pleased with the hell ? 4.4

pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
suMn sMiDAw qyrI dyv dyvwkr ADpiq Awid smweI ]
suNn saNdhi-aa* tayree dayv dayvaakar, adhpat aad samaa-ee.
O! Absolute, Divine of divines, Primal Lord, All-pervading, I perform Your Sandhiaa*
[*Sandhya literally: transition moments of the day namely the two twilights : dawn and dusk and the solar noon (hence,
there are three sandhya worships). Thus performing sandhya means salutation to twilight or solar noon; i.e. worshipping
sun and moon].
isD smwiD AMqu nhI pwieAw lwig rhy srnweI ]1]
sidh samaadh aNt nahee paa-i-aa, laag rahay sarnaa-ee. ||1||
The sidhs (yogis), sitting in trance (meditation) have not found Your limits, (so) they have
taken to (i.e. entered) Your refuge. 1
lyhu AwrqI ho purK inrMjn siqgur pUjhu BweI ] layho aartee, ho purakh nira jan, satgur poojahu, bhaa-ee.
O! brethren, learn the worship of the Primal Person, Immaculate (Lord), by worshipping the
True Guru.
TwFw bRhmw ingm bIcwrY AlKu n liKAw jweI ]1] rhwau ]
ṭaaḍaa brahmaa nigam beechaarai, alakh na lakhi-aa jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Standing at His Door, Brahma studied the Vedas; (but, God) the Unseen cannot be seen. 1
qqu qylu nwmu kIAw bwqI dIpku dyh auj´wrw ] tat tayl, naam kee-aa baatee, deepak dayh uj-yaaraa.
With the oil of knowledge, and the wick of the Name (of the Lord), this lamp illumines the body.
joiq lwie jgdIs jgwieAw bUJY bUJnhwrw ]2] jot laa-ay jagdees jagaa-i-aa, boojhai boojhanhaaraa. ||2||
With the Light of the Lord of the Universe, this lamp is lit; (only) a knower (of God) knows this
(mystery of worship). 2
pMcy sbd Anwhd bwjy sMgy swirMgpwnI ] paNchay sabad anaahad baajay, saNgay sariNgpaanee.
The unstruck melody of the five words resonated, and, (I realized myself) dwelling with the
Sustainer of the World.
[*Saarangpaanee literally: ‘the hand that controls the earth’ (saarang means earth, and, paanee means hand); thus, it
means ‘the Cherisher/ Sustainer of the Earth/World’ .
kbIr dws qyrI AwrqI kInI inrMkwr inrbwnI ]3]5]
kabeer daas tayree aartee keenee, niraNkaar nirbaanee. ||3||5||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Kabir (says): O! Formless Lord of Liberation, I have offered this aarti (i.e.
worship of lamps) for You. 3.5

pRBwqI bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI Prabhaatee, baaṇee bhagat Naamdayv jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
mn kI ibrQw mnu hI jwnY kY bUJl AwgY khIAY ]
man kee birthaa man hee jaanai, kai boojhal aagai kahee-ai.
The mind alone knows the agony of the mind; or, let it be told to the Knower (i.e. God)?
AMqrjwmI rwmu rvWeI mY fru kYsy chIAY ]1] aNtarjaamee raam ravaan-ee, mai dar kaisay chahee-ai. ||1||
I remember (i.e. meditate upon) the All-pervading God, the Controller of Souls;
why should I be afraid of ? 1

byDIAly gopwl guosweI ] baydhee-alay gopaal gosaa-ee.
The Sustainer of the World, the Lord of the World, has pierced through (my heart).
myrw pRBu rivAw srby TweI ]1] rhwau ] mayraa prabh ravi-aa, sarbay ṭaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Lord is pervading all places. 1 (pause)
mwnY hwtu mwnY pwtu mwnY hY pwswrI ] maanai haat maanai paat, maanai hai paasaaree.
The mind is the shop; the mind is the town; the mind is the grosser.
mwnY bwsY nwnw BydI Brmqu hY sMswrI ]2] maanai baasai naanaa bhaydee, bharmat hai saNsaaree. ||2||
The One, (who manifests Himself) in various forms (i.e. God) dwells in the mind; but (deluded
by Maya, the mind) wanders all across the world. 2
gur kY sbid eyhu mnu rwqw duibDw shij smwxI ] gur kai sabad ayhu man raataa, dubidhaa sahj samaaṇee.
(But, when) this mind is imbued with the Word of the Guru, then duality is overcome, and, it
(i.e. mind) merges (in itself), with natural ease.
sBo hukmu hukmu hY Awpy inrBau smqu bIcwrI ]3]
sabho hukam hukam hai aapay, nirbha-o samat beechaaree. ||3||
All are under His Command and, He Himself is the Commander; and, the Fearless (Lord)
regards (i.e. takes care of) all alike. 3
P. 1351
jo jn jwin Bjih purKoqmu qw cI Aibgqu bwxI ] jo jan jaan bhajeh purkhotam, taa chee abigat baaṇee.
The servant (i.e. devotee), who knows and meditates upon the Supreme Primal Person, his
speech becomes eternal.
nwmw khY jgjIvnu pwieAw ihrdY AlK ibfwxI ]4]1]
naamaa kahai jagjeevan paa-i-aa, hirdai alakh bidaaṇee. ||4||1||
Nama says: I have found the Life to the World, the Unseen Wondrous (Lord) within my
heart. 4.1
pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
Awid jugwid jugwid jugo jugu qw kw AMqu n jwinAw ] aad, jugaad, jugaad, jugo jug; taa kaa aNt na jaani-aa.
(God existed) in the beginning, before the ages, beyond the ages, all through the ages; His
limits cannot be known.
srb inrMqir rwmu rihAw riv AYsw rUpu bKwinAw ]1]
sarab niraNtar raam rahi-aa rav, aisaa roop bakhaani-aa. ||1||
God is continuously pervading amongst all; this is how His form is described (by scriptures). 1
goibdu gwjY sbdu bwjY ] gobid gaajai sabad baajai.
The Lord of the World roars (i.e. appears with the heart), (where) His Word sounds (i.e. Word is
chanted/ meditated upon).
Awnd rUpI myro rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] aanad roopee, mayro raam-ee-aa*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My All-Pervading* (Lord) is the Embodiment of Bliss. 1 (pause)
[*Raameeaa/ Ramaiya, literally: pervading all and everywhere. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
bwvn bIKU bwnY bIKy bwsu qy suK lwiglw ] baavan beekhoo, baanai beekhay; baas tay sukh laagilaa.
The sandalwood tree, is a tree in jungle; its fragrance pleases (everyone).
srby Awid prmlwid kwst cMdnu BYielw ]2] sarbay aad paramlaad, kaasat chaNdan bhai-ilaa. ||2||
(God) the source of everything, is (like) the sandalwood (tree); His fragrance transforms (all)
the wood into sandalwood. 2

qum@ cy pwrsu hm cy lohw sMgy kMcnu BYielw ] tumh chay paaras, ham chay lohaa, saNgay kaNchan bhai-ilaa.
(O! God) You are the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), I am (like) iron, associating with You, I
am transformed into gold.
qU dieAwlu rqnu lwlu nwmw swic smwielw ]3]2] too da-i-aal ratan laal, naamaa saach samaa-ilaa. ||3||2||
(O! God) You are Merciful, (You are) the Gem and Jewel.
Nama (i.e. Namdev say): I am absorbed into (You) the True (Lord). 3.2

pRBwqI ] Prabhaatee
Akul purK ieku cilqu aupwieAw ] Git Git AMqir bRhmu lukwieAw ]1]
akul purakh, ik chalit upaa-i-aa. ghat ghat aNtar, brahm lukaa-i-aa. ||1||
The Primal Person, with no lineage, has staged (this world as) a wondrous play:
He has hidden God(i.e. Himself) in each and everyheart. 1
jIA kI joiq n jwnY koeI ] jee-a kee jot, na jaanai ko-ee.
No one knows (about) the Light of the beings (i.e. the Light of the Lord is hidden within all).
qY mY kIAw su mwlUmu hoeI ]1] rhwau ] tai, mai kee-aa, so maaloom ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever I do, is known to You (through that Light of Yours hidden within). 1 (pause)
ijau pRgwisAw mwtI kuMByau ] ji-o pragaasi-aa maatee kuMbhay-o.
Just as pitcher is made from clay (i.e. clay is the cause of the pitcher).
Awp hI krqw bITulu dyau ]2] aap hee kartaa beeṭul* day-o. ||2||
So is the detached* Divine Creator (Cause of everything). 2
[*Beeṭula / Veṭulaaa / Beṭal / Veeṭal, literally: at a remote place; that which/who is far away (i.e. God is far away, i.e. and
also Omnipresent). This also means ‘far away from Maya’, i.e. detached . This is one of the attributes and the names of
jIA kw bMDnu krmu ibAwpY ] jee-a kaa baNdhan karam bi-aapai.
The acts (of the being) hold the soul in bondage.
jo ikCu kIAw su AwpY AwpY ]3] jo kichh kee-aa so aapai aapai. ||3||
(But) whatever He does He does it by Himself. 3
pRxviq nwmdyau iehu jIau icqvY su lhY ] paraṇvat naamday-o, ih jee-o chitvai so lahai.
Prays Namdeo: whatever the mind longs, it obtains that.
Amru hoie sd Awkul rhY ]4]3] amar ho-ay sad, aakul rahai. ||4||3||
(Similarly) one, who abides in the One without linage (i.e. God), becomes immortal forever. 4.3
pRBwqI Bgq byxI jI kI Prabhaatee, bhagat Bayṇee jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
qin cMdnu msqik pwqI ] tan chaNdan, mastak paatee.
(You rub your) body with sandalwood (oil), and, (place) leaves (of basil) on your forehead.
ird AMqir kr ql kwqI ] rid aNtar kar tal kaatee.
(But, you) hold a scissor (i.e. a dagger) in hands, and, within your heart.
Tg idsit bgw ilv lwgw ] ṭag disat, bagaa liv laagaa.
You gaze like a cheat, you sit in trance (i.e. pose) like a crane.
dyiK bYsno pRwn muK Bwgw ]1] daykh baisno praan mukh bhaagaa. ||1||
You look like (i.e. seem to be) a Vaishnav, (but looking at your body, it seems that) the breath (of
life) has escaped from your mouth. 1
kil Bgvq bMd icrWmM ] k®¨r idsit rqw inis bwdM ]1] rhwau ]
kal, bhagvat baNd chiraanmaN. karoor disat, rataa nis baadaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! hypocrite) You (pose to) perform devotion (i.e. perform the worship of) the Lord of Fortune
for long hours; (but) You have cruelty in your eyes (i.e. you have evil look), and, you are
engrossed in conflicts throughout (even) night (i.e. all the time). 1 (pause)
inqpRiq iesnwnu srIrM ] nitparat isnaan sareeraN.
You wash your body everyday.
duie DoqI krm muiK KIrM ] irdY CurI sMiDAwnI ]
du-ay dhotee, karam mukh kheeraN. ridai chhuree saNdhi-aanee.
You keep two dhotis (i.e. lion clothes), conduct (religious) rituals, and, put (only) milk in your
mouth (i.e. pose to be sweet and religius/holy); (but)
in your heart you have (drawn) a dagger, (thinking) to strike (to steal the wealth of others).
pr drbu ihrn kI bwnI ]2] par darab hiran kee baanee. ||2||
You remain snatching others’ wealth. 2
isl pUjis ck® gxysM ] sil poojas chakra gaṇaysaN.
You perform worship of the stone (idols), and, paint marks of Ganesha* (on your body to give
the look of a religious person). [*Ganesha is a mythical god].
inis jwgis Bgiq pRvysM ] nis jaagas bhagat parvaysaN.
You remain awake (even) at night, to pretend yourself performing devotion (of God).
pg nwcis icqu AkrmM ] pag naachas chit akarmaN.
Your feet dance (posing to be full of joy in singing the praise of God), but, your consciousness is
filled with evil deeds.
ey lµpt nwc ADrmM ]3] ay laMpat, naach adharmaN. ||3||
O! lewd, (your) this dance is unrighteous (i.e. irreligious, profane, hypocritical). 3
imRg Awsxu qulsI mwlw ] marig aasaṇ tulsee maalaa.
You sit on deer-skin, and, hold a rosary of (the beads of) basil (in your hands).
kr aUjl iqlku kpwlw ] kar oojal tilak kapaalaa.
You clean your hands and put mark on forehead (to look a religious person).
irdY kUVu kMiT rudRwKM ] ridai kooṛ kaNṭ rudraakhaN.
Your heart is filled with falsehood, (but) around your neck (you wear) rosary of rudrakash
(rosary made of the beads of the fruit of this tree is believed to be a symbol of Shiva’s worship).
ry lµpt ik®snu ABwKM ]4] ray laMpat, krisan* abhaakhaN. ||4||
O! lewd, you are not chanting the Name of God* (i.e. by doing so, at least you are not chanting
the Name of the Lord; you might be doing something else). 4
[*Krishan is one of the attributes and the names of God].
ijin Awqm qqu n cIin@Aw ] sB Pokt Drm AbIinAw ]
jin aatam tat na cheenhi-aa. sabh fokat dharam abeeni-aa.
One, who has not known (i.e. realized) the essence of soul,
all his religious actions are vision-less, (hence) useless.
khu byxI gurmuiK iDAwvY ] ibnu siqgur bwt n pwvY ]5]1]
kaho bayṇee gurmukh dhi-aavai. bin satgur baat na paavai. ||5||1||
Says Beni: (O! brethren) meditate through the Guru (and, one who meditates so, is the real
devotee). Without the True Guru, one does not find the (real) path (of life). 5.1

P. 1319
rwgu kilAwn mhlw 4 Raag Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.

rwmw rm rwmY AMqu n pwieAw ] raamaa ram, raamai aNt na paa-i-aa.

The All-Pervading God is pervading (everyone), no one has (ever) found His limits.
hm bwirk pRiqpwry qumry qU bf purKu ipqw myrw mwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
ham baarik pratipaaray tumray, too bad purakh, pitaa mayraa maa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! God) I am a child; sustained by You; You are the Great Primal Person, my Father, my
Mother. 1 (pause)
hir ky nwm AsMK Agm hih Agm Agm hir rwieAw ]
har kay naam asaNkh agam heh, agam agam har raa-i-aa.
(O! brethren) the names of God are countless, inaccessible (i.e. unknowable); the Sovereign
Lord is inaccessible and unapproachable (i.e. totally unknowable).
guxI igAwnI suriq bhu kInI ieku iqlu nhI kImiq pwieAw ]1]
guṇee gi-aanee surat baho keenee, ik til nahee keemat paa-i-aa. ||1||
The virtuous ones and the giaanees (i.e. spiritual scholars) have given great thought (to know
the Lord, but), they have not found even a little of His worth. 1
goibd gux goibd sd gwvih gux goibd AMqu n pwieAw ]
gobid guṇ gobid sad gaavahi, guṇ gobid aNt na paa-i-aa.
(Countless people sing the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the World, (they) sing praise
of (the excellences of) the Lord of the World; (but) they have not found the limit of His
qU Aimiq Aqolu AprMpr suAwmI bhu jpIAY Qwh n pwieAw ]2]
too amit atol apraMpar su-aamee, baho japee-ai thaah na paa-i-aa. ||2||
(O! God) You are immeasurable, un-weighable and infinite, O! Master; (no matter) how much
one may meditate upon You, (the end of) Your depth cannot be known. 2
ausqiq krih qumrI jn mwDO gun gwvih hir rwieAw ]
ustat karahi tumree jan maadhou, gun gaavahi, har raa-i-aa.
Your servants (i.e. devotees) praise You, O! Lord of Maya; they sing (the praise of) Your
excellences, O! Sovereign Lord.
qum@ jl iniD hm mIny qumry qyrw AMqu n kqhU pwieAw ]3]
tumh jal nidh ham meenay tumray, tayraa aNt na kathoo paa-i-aa. ||3||
(O! God) You are (like) treasure (i.e. ocean) of water, I am (like) Your fish; Your end cannot be
known by any means. 3
jn kau ik®pw krhu mDsUdn hir dyvhu nwmu jpwieAw ]
jan ka-o kirpaa karahu madhsoodan,* har dayvhu naam japaa-i-aa.
(Please) bestow Your Grace upon Your servant (i.e. devotee), O! God, O! Destroyer of
Demons*, get him to meditate upon Your Name.
[*Madhusoodan, literaly: the killer of Madhu demon, i.e. Destroyer of Demons. This is one of the attributes and the names
of God].
mY mUrK AMDuly nwmu tyk hY jn nwnk gurmuiK pwieAw ]4]1]
mai moorakh aNdhulay naam tayk hai, jan naanak, gurmukh paa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I am foolish, blind; Your Name is my (only) support; it (i.e.
Your support) is found through the Guru. 4.1

kilAwnu mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4

hir jnu gun gwvq hisAw ] har jan, gun gaavat hasi-aa.
Singing His excellences, the servant (i.e. devotee) of God laughs (i.e. blossoms forth).
hir hir Bgiq bnI miq gurmiq Duir msqik pRiB iliKAw ]1] rhwau ]
har har bhagat banee mat gurmat, dhur mastak prabh likhi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One is blessed with the devotion of God, the Lord, through the teachings and the wisdom of
the Guru; as it is inscribed on the forehead from the very beginning, by the Lord. 1 (pause)
gur ky pg ismrau idnu rwqI min hir hir hir bisAw ]
gur kay pag simra-o din raatee, man har har har basi-aa.
I meditate upon the feet of the Guru, day and night; God, the Lord, the Master has come to
dwell in my mind.
hir hir hir kIriq jig swrI Gis cMdnu jsu GisAw ]1]
har har har keerat jag saaree, ghas chaNdan jas ghasi-aa. ||1||
The praise of God, the Lord, the Master is the most excellent (thing) in the world (it gives the
fragrance of the Name of the Lord), as the rubbing of sandalwood gives fragrance. 1
hir jn hir hir hir ilv lweI siB swkq Koij pieAw ]
har jan har har har liv laa-ee, sabh saakat khoj pa-i-aa.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, are attuned to God, the Lord, the Master, and, all the non-
believers look for them (to follow them).
ijau ikrq sMjoig cilE nr inMdku pgu nwgin Cuih jilAw ]2]
ji-o kirat saNjog chali-o nar niNdak, pag naagan chhuhi jali-aa. ||2||
The slanderous person acts in accordance with his (past) deeds; his foot touches the she-snake
i.e. Maya), and, he is burnt by its touch (i.e. by its poisonous sting). 2
jn ky qum@ hir rwKy suAwmI qum@ juig juig jn riKAw ]
jan kay tumh har raakhay su-aamee, tumh jug jug jan rakhi-aa.
You are the Protector of Your servants (i.e. devotees), O! God, O! Master; have protect Your
servants (i.e. devotees) in each and every age.

khw BieAw dYiq krI bKIlI sB kir kir Jir pirAw ]3]
kahaa bha-i-aa dait karee bakheelee, sabh kar kar jhar pari-aa. ||3||
What does it matter if some demon exhibit jealousy; (whosoever plays mischief), all those doing
and acting so, just fall down (i.e. are destroyed). 3
jyqy jIA jMq pRiB kIey siB kwlY muiK gRisAw ]
jaytay jee-a jaNt prabh kee-ay, sabh kaalai mukh garsi-aa.
All the being and creatures, created by the Lord, are caught in the mouth of death.
hir jn hir hir hir pRiB rwKy jn nwnk srin pieAw ]4]2]
har jan har har har prabh raakhay, jan naanak, saran pa-i-aa. ||4||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the servants (i.e. devotees) of God are protected by God,
the Lord, the Master, the Almighty; (hence) they seek His refuge. 4.2
P. 1320
kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
myry mn jpu jip jgMnwQy ] mayray man, jap jap jagaNnaathay.
O! my mind, meditate and meditate upon the Lord of the Universe.
gur aupdyis hir nwmu iDAwieE siB iklibK duK lwQy ]1] rhwau ]
gur updays har naam dhi-aa-i-o, sabh kilbikh dukh laathay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One, who meditates upon the Name of God, through the teachings of the Guru, all his sins and
sorrows vanish away. 1 (pause)
rsnw eyk jsu gwie n swkY bhu kIjY bhu rsunQy ]
rasnaa ayk, jas gaa-ay na saakai, baho keejai baho rasunathay.
I have (only) one tongue; it cannot sing (Your complete) praise, (please) bless me with many
many tongues.
bwr bwr iKnu pl siB gwvih gun kih n skih pRB qumnQy ]1]
baar baar khin pal sabh gaavahi, gun kahi na sakahi prabh tumnathay. ||1||
Again and again, each and every moment, all (beings) sing (the praise of) Your excellences,
(but, even then) they cannot narrate all Your excellences, O! Master. 1
hm bhu pRIiq lgI pRB suAwmI hm loch pRBu idKnQy ]
ham baho preet lagee prabh su-aamee, ham lochah prabh dikhnathay.
We are (so) greatly in love with (You, O!) Lord, the Master, (that) we long to behold Your vision,
O! Lord.
qum bf dwqy jIA jIAn ky qum jwnhu hm ibrQy ]2]
tum bad daatay jee-a jee-an kay, tum jaanhu ham birthay. ||2||
(O! God) You are the Great Giver of all beings and creatures, and, You know our agony. 2
koeI mwrgu pMQu bqwvY pRB kw khu iqn kau ikAw idnQy ]
ko-ee maarag paNth bataavai prabh kaa, kaho tin ka-o ki-aa dinthay.
If only someone would tell me the path, the way of the Lord; tell me, what could I give him?
sBu qnu mnu Arpau Arip Arwpau koeI mylY pRB imlQy ]3]
sabh tan man arpa-o, arap araapa-o, ko-ee maylai prabh milthay. ||3||
I would surrender, offer and dedicate, all my body and mind (unto him), if someone would
unite me in union with the Lord. 3
hir ky gun bhuq bhuq bhu soBw hm quC kir kir brnQy ]
har kay gun bahut bahut, baho sobhaa, ham tuchh kar kar barnathay.
The excellences of God are so many, and, great is His Glory; (but) we can narrate only a small
bit of them?

hmrI miq vsgiq pRB qumrY jn nwnk ky pRB smrQy ]4]3]
hamree mat vasgat prabh tumrai, jan naanak, kay prabh samrathay. ||4||3||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! all-powerful Lord, my intellect is under Your control,
O! Lord. 4.3
kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
myry mn jip hir gun AkQ sunQeI ] mayray man, jap har gun akath suntha-ee.
O! my mind, meditate upon the excellences of God, which are said to be indescribable.
Drmu ArQu sBu kwmu moKu hY jn pICY lig iPrQeI ]1] rhwau ]
dharam arath sabh kaam mokh hai, jan peechhai lag firtha-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Faith, wealth, sexual pleasure, (and finally) liberation ---- all follow the servants (i.e. devotees
of God). 1 (pause)
so hir hir nwmu iDAwvY hir jnu ijsu bfBwg mQeI ]
so har har naam dhi-aavai har jan, jis badbhaag math-ee.
Only that servant (i.e. devotee) of God meditates upon the Name of God, the Lord, who has
(such) great (good) fortune (inscribed) on his forehead.
jh drgih pRBu lyKw mwgY qh CutY nwmu iDAwieQeI ]1]
jah dargahi prabh laykhaa maagai, tah chhutai naam dhi-aa-itha-ee. ||1||
If the Court (of God), where the Lord calls for accounts, there, one is saved by meditating upon
the Name. 1
hmry doK bhu jnm jnm ky duKu haumY mYlu lgQeI ]
hamray dokh baho janam janam kay, dukh ha-umai mail lagtha-ee.
Our sins are of countless life-times (i.e. they are gathered within), and, we are stained with the
pain (of births and deaths) and the filth of egotism.
guir Dwir ik®pw hir jil nwvwey sB iklibK pwp gQeI ]2]
gur dhaar kirpaa har jal naavaa-ay, sabh kilbikh paap gath-ee. ||2||
Bestowing his Grace, the Guru bathed me in the water of (the Name of) God, and all our sins
and sorrows were taken off. 2
jn kY ird AMqir pRBu suAwmI jn hir hir nwmu BjQeI ]
jan kai rid aNtar prabh su-aamee, jan har har naam bhajtha-ee.
The Lord, the Master, dwells within the hearts of His servants (i.e. devotees); and the servants
(i.e. devotees) meditate upon the Name of God, the Lord.
jh AMqI Aausru Awie bnqu hY qh rwKY nwmu swQeI ]3]
jah aNtee a-osar aa-ay banat hai, tah raakhai naam saath-ee. ||3||
When the very last moment (i.e. death) comes, then, the Name saves us as our companion. 3
jn qyrw jsu gwvih hir hir pRB hir jipE jgMnQeI ]
jan tayraa jas gaavahi har har, prabh har japi-o jagaNnatha-ee.
Your servant (i.e. devotee) sings Your praise, O! God, O! Lord, O! Master; he meditates upon
God, the Lord of the Universe.
jn nwnk ky pRB rwKy suAwmI hm pwQr rKu bufQeI ]4]4]
jan naanak, kay prabh raakhay su-aamee, ham paathar rakh budtha-ee. ||4||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! Lord, my Saviour, my Master, I am (like) a stone,
(please) save me from sinking down. 4.4

kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
hmrI icqvnI hir pRBu jwnY ] hamree chitvanee, har prabh jaanai.
God, the Lord, knows (well) my thought (i.e. desires of mind).
Aauru koeI inMd krY hir jn kI pRBu qw kw kihAw ieku iqlu nhI mwnY ]1] rhwau ]
a-or ko-ee niNd karai har jan kee, prabh taa kaa kahi-aa ik til nahee maanai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If someone slander the servants (i.e devotees) of God, the Lord, does not accept even a tiny bit
of what he says. 1 (pause)
Aaur sB iqAwig syvw kir Acuq jo sB qy aUc Twkuru BgvwnY ]
a-or sabh ti-aag sayvaa kar achut, jo, sabh tay ooch ṭaakur bhagvaanai.
(So, O! brethren) give up everything else and serve the Imperishable (Lord), who is the highest
(i.e. supreme) Master, the Lord of Fortune.
hir syvw qy kwlu joih n swkY crnI Awie pvY hir jwnY ]1]
har sayvaa tay kaal johi na saakai, charnee aa-ay pavai har jaanai. ||1||
Serving God, death cannot even see (the devotee of God); it (i.e. death) comes and falls at the
feet of the servants (i.e. devotees) of God. 1
jw kau rwiK lyie myrw suAwmI qw kau sumiq dyie pY kwnY ]
jaa ka-o raakh lay-ay mayraa su-aamee, taa ka-o sumat day-ay pai kaanai.
One, whom my Master protects, He gives (i.e. imparts) him superior wisdom (i.e. teachings) in
his ears.
qw kau koeI Apir n swkY jw kI Bgiq myrw pRBu mwnY ]2]
taa ka-o ko-ee apar na saakai, jaa kee bhagat mayraa prabh maanai. ||2||
No one can equal him, whose devotion is accepted by my Lord. 2
hir ky coj ivfwn dyKu jn jo Kotw Krw iek inmK pCwnY ]
har kay choj vidaan daykh jan, jo khotaa kharaa ik nimakh pachhaanai.
(O! brethren) behold the wondrous and amazing play of God, who distinguishes genuine from
counterfeit (being) in an instant.
qw qy jn kau Andu BieAw hY ird suD imly Koty pCuqwnY ]3]
taa tay jan ka-o anad bha-i-aa hai, rid sudh milay, khotay pachhutaanai. ||3||
That is why the servants (i.e. devotees of God) are in bliss; the pure hearts are united (with the
Lord) (while) the counterfeit (i.e. evil) ones repent (i.e. regret). 3
qum hir dwqy smrQ suAwmI ieku mwgau quJ pwshu hir dwnY ]
tum har daatay samrath su-aamee, ik maaga-o tujh paashu har daanai.
You are the Giver, All-powerful Master, I beg for (only) one gift from you, O! God:
jn nwnk kau hir ik®pw kir dIjY sd bsih irdY moih hir crwnY ]4]5]
jan naanak ka-o har kirpaa kar deejai, sad baseh ridai mohi har charaanai. ||4||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, bestow Your Grace and bless me that Your (lotus)
feet may abide forever within my heart, O! God. 4.5
P. 1321
kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
pRB kIjY ik®pw inDwn hm hir gun gwvhgy ] prabh keejai kirpaa nidhaan, ham har gun gaavhagay.
O! Lord, Treasure of Grace, (please) bestow Your Grace that we may remain singing (praise
of) Your excellences.

hau qumrI krau inq Aws pRB moih kb gil lwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]
ha-o tumree kara-o nit aas, prabh mohi kab gal laavhigay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I always place hope in You, O! Lord, when will You take me in Your embrace! 1 (pause)
hm bwirk mugD ieAwn ipqw smJwvihgy ] ham baarik mugadh i-aan, pitaa samjaavhigay.
(O! brethren) we are foolish and unwise children; (our) Father (Lord always) teaches us.
suqu iKnu iKnu BUil ibgwir jgq ipq Bwvihgy ]1] sut khin khin bhool bigaar, jagat pit bhaavhigay. ||1||
(Just as) the son makes mistakes and causes losses, each and every moment, (so do the devotees
of God make mistakes, yet) the Father of the World is pleased with us. 1
jo hir suAwmI qum dyhu soeI hm pwvhgy ] jo har su-aamee tum dayh, so-ee ham paavhagay.
O! God, (our) Master, whatever You give us, that is what we can receive.
moih dUjI nwhI Taur ijsu pih hm jwvhgy ]2] mohi doojee naahee ṭa-ur, jis peh ham jaavhagay. ||2||
I do not have any other place (of refuge), where I can go. 2
jo hir Bwvih Bgq iqnw hir Bwvihgy ] jo har bhaaveh bhagat, tinaa har bhaavhigay.
Those devotees, who are pleasing to God, God is pleasing to them.
joqI joiq imlwie joiq ril jwvhgy ]3] jotee jot milaa-ay, jot ral jaavhagay. ||3||
Merging their light in His Light, they blend in His Light (i.e. become one with Him). 3
hir Awpy hoie ik®pwlu Awip ilv lwvihgy ] har aapay ho-ay kirpaal, aap liv laavhigay.
God Himself will bestow His Grace, and, He Himself will get me lovingly attuned to Him.
jnu nwnku srin duAwir hir lwj rKwvihgy ]4]6] jan naanak saran du-aar, har laaj rakhaavhigay ||4||6||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I seek refuge at His Door, God (Himself) shall protect my
honour. 4.6
Ckw 1 ] chhakaa 1. one sixer (i.e. the above was a collection of six poems).

kilAwnu BopwlI mhlw 4 Kali-aan Bhopaalee, Mehlaa 4

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
pwrbRhmu prmysuru suAwmI dUK invwrxu nwrwiexy ]
paarbrahm, parmaysur, su-aamee, dookh nivaaraṇ,* naaraa-iṇay**.
O! Supreme Lord, Supreme Master, O! Master, Destroyer of Sorrows, Omnipresent.
sgl Bgq jwcih suK swgr Bv iniD qrx hir icMqwmxy ]1] rhwau ]
sagal bhagat jaacheh, sukh saagar*** bhav nidh taraṇ**** har chiNtaamaṇay*****||1|| rahaa-o.
All (Your) devotees beg (of You), O! Ocean of Happiness, (You are) Boat Carrying Across
Terrifying Ocean (of the world), O! God (You are) Fulfiller of Desires of Mind. 1 (pause)
[*dookh nivaaraṇ, literally: Remover/ Destroyer of Sorrows/Pains/Distress. **Naaraaiṇ, literally: dwelling in all
beings i.e. Omnipresent. ***sukh saagar, literally: ocean of happiness/peace. ****bhav nidh taraṇ, literally:
boat (i.e. taraṇ) to carry across the terrifying ocean. *****Chintaamaṇi, literally: fulfiller of desires of the mind (also
wish fulfilling gem). These are some of the many attributes and the names of God].
dIn dieAwl jgdIs dmodr hir AMqrjwmI goibMdy ]
deen da-i-aal, jagdees, damodar*, har, aNtarjaamee**, gobiNday.
O! Merciful to the Poor, Master of the Universe, Protector*, Controller of Souls**, Lord of the
[*damodar, literally: who has sash around his waist (odar) i.e. ever ready to protect, i.e. Protector. ** antarjaamee,
literally controller (yamee= controller)of the inner selves (i.e. souls)].

qy inrBau ijn sRIrwmu iDAwieAw gurmiq murwir hir mukMdy ]1]
tay nirbha-o jin sareeraam dhi-aa-i-aa, gurmat muraar* har mukaNday**. ||1||
They become fearless who meditate upon the Great God, through the wisdom of the Guru;
(the Lord is) the Destroyer of Demons, the Lord of Liberation. 1
[*muraar, literally: one who killed Murar, the demon, i.e. destroyer of Murar (like demons). **mukand, literally: giver
of mukti/liberation, i.e. the Lord of Liberation. These two are among the many attributes and the names of God].
jgdIsur crn srn jo Awey qy jn Bv iniD pwir pry ]
jagdeesur charan saran jo aa-ay, tay jan, bhav nidh paar paray.
Those, who come to the refuge of the (lotus) feet of the Lord of the Universe, ---- those beings
cross over the terrifying (world) ocean.
Bgq jnw kI pYj hir rwKY jn nwnk Awip hir ik®pw kry ]2]1]7]
bhagat janaa kee paij har raakhai, jan naanak, aap har kirpaa karay. ||2||1||7||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God Himself bestows His Grace, and, protects the honour
of His devotee beings. 2.1.7

rwgu kilAwnu mhlw 5 Gru 1 Raag Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5, ghar 1

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hmwrY eyh ikrpw kIjY ] Ail mkrMd crn kml isau mnu Pyir Pyir rIJY ]1] rhwau ]
hamaarai, ayh kirpaa keejai. al makraNd, charan kamal si-o, man fayr fayr reejhai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord, please), grant me this blessing:
(just as) a black-bee is attached to honey (in the flowers), may my mind be pleased in (the honey
of)Your lotus feet, over and over again. 1 (pause)
Awn jlw isau kwju n kCUAY hir bUMd cwiqRk kau dIjY ]1]
aan jalaa si-o kaaj na kachhoo-ai, har booNd chaatrik ka-o deejai. ||1||
I am not concerned with (i.e. desirous of) any other water (other than the AMmrit Name), O! God,
bless (this) chaatrik (i.e. rain bird) with a drop of Your water (i.e. AMmrit Name). 1
ibnu imlby nwhI sMqoKw pyiK drsnu nwnku jIjY ]2]1]
bin milbay, naahee saNtokhaa, paykh darsan naanak jeejai. ||2||1||
Nanak (says): without meeting You (O! Lord), I am not satisfied; beholding (Your) vision, I
live. 2.1
kilAwn mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
jwicku nwmu jwcY jwcY ] jaachik, naam jaachai jaachai.
The beggar begs and begs for (Your) Name (O! Lord).
srb Dwr srb ky nwiek suK smUh ky dwqy ]1] rhwau ]
sarab dhaar sarab kay naa-ik, sukh samooh kay daatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(O! Lord) You are the Support of All, Headman (Master) of All, and, Giver of Total Happiness.
1 (pause)
kyqI kyqI mWgin mwgY BwvnIAw so pweIAY]1] kaytee kaytee maa gan maagai, bhaavnee-aa so paa-ee-ai ||1||
So many, a lot many beg for charity (from You); one receives, what is one’s wish (of mind) . 1
sPl sPl sPl drsu ry pris pris gun gweIAY ] safal safal safal daras ray, paras paras gun gaa-ee-ai.
Fruitful, fruitful, fruitful is the vision (of the Lord), (so, O! brethren) touching and touching
(His lotus feet) sing (the praise of) His excellences.

nwnk qq qq isau imlIAY hIrY hIru ibDweIAY ]2]2]
naanak ,tat tat si-o milee-ai, heerai heer bidhaa-ee-ai. ||2||2||
Nanak (says): (just as) an element blends in the element (and becomes one), let us pierce the
diamond (of our heart) through the Diamond (God). 2.2
P. 1322
kilAwn mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
myry lwln kI soBw ] mayray laalan kee sobhaa.
The glory of my Beloved (Lord).
sd nvqn mn rMgI soBw ]1] rhwau ] sad navtan, man raNgee sobhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is forever young (i.e. fascinating); (and, this) glory dyes my mind (with love). 1 (pause)
bRhm mhys isD muin ieMdRw Bgiq dwnu jsu mMgI ]1]
brahm mahays sidh mun iNdraa, bhagat daan jas maNgee. ||1||
Brahma, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv), sidh (i.e. those claiming having spiritual / miraculous powers), silent
sages and Indar, (i.e. even all these gods) beg for the gift of devotion to and (singing of) the
praise (of the Lord). 1
jog igAwn iDAwn syKnwgY sgl jpih qrMgI ] jog gi-aan dhi-aan saykhnaagai, sagal jaapeh taraNgee.
Yogis, men of (spiritual) knowledge, meditators and Saykhnag*, all meditate upon the Wave-
like (i.e. Lord of Wonders).
[*mythical thousand-headed serpent sings the praise of God with his thousand tongues].
khu nwnk sMqn bilhwrY jo pRB ky sd sMgI ]2]3]
kaho naanak, saNtan balihaarai, jo prabh kay sad saNgee. ||2||3||
Says Nanak: I am a sacrifice unto those God-oriented persons, who are forever companions of
the Lord (i.e. are always immersed in Him). 2.3

kilAwn mhlw 5 Gru 2 Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
qyrY mwin hir hir mwin ] tayrai maan, har har, maan.
Having faith in You, O! God, O! Lord, brings honour.
nYn bYn sRvn sunIAY AMg AMgy suK pRwin ]1] rhwau ]
nain bain sarvan sunee-ai, ang aNgay sukh paraan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Beholding (You) with eyes, and, hearing with ears, in each and every limb (of body) and breath
(of life) I obtain (spiritual) happiness (i.e. peace). 1 (pause)
ieq auq dh idis rivE myr iqnih smwin ]1] it ut dah dis ravi-o, mayr tineh samaan. ||1||
Here and there, and, in the ten directions, You are pervading, (even in) mountains and straws
(i.e. vegetation), You are equally pervading. 1
jq kqw qq pyKIAY hir purK piq prDwn ] jat kataa tat paykhee-ai, har purakh pat pardhaan.
Wherever I look, I see God, the Lord of Men (i.e. Lord of Beings) in prominence (i.e. pervading).
swDsMig BRm BY imty kQy nwnk bRhm igAwn ]2]1]4]
saadhsaNg bharam bhai mitay, kathay naanak barahm gi-aan. ||2||1||4||
Nanak (says): in the company of the God-oriented persons, all fears and doubts are dispelled;
(O! brethren) I speak the wisdom of God. 2.1.4

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
gun nwd Duin Anµd byd ] gun naad dhun, anaNd bayd.
(Singing the praise of God’s) excellences is the sound of (the celestial) melody, and, the bliss of
the Vedas.
kQq sunq muin jnw imil sMq mMflI ]1] rhwau ] kathat sunat, mun janaa, mil saNt maNdlee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The silent sage devotees, joining the association of the God-oriented persons, chant and listen
(to the praise of God). 1 (pause)
igAwn iDAwn mwn dwn mn risk rsn nwmu jpq qh pwp KMflI ]1]
gi-aan dhi-aan maan daan, man rasik rasan naam japat, tah paap khaNdlee. ||1||
(Spiritual) knowledge, meditation, honour, and charity (are there); and, joyfully meditating
upon the Name (of the Lord) through their tongue and with the mind ---- (through these) the
sins are destroyed. 1
jog jugiq igAwn Bugiq suriq sbd qq byqy jpu qpu AKMflI ]
jog jugat, gi-aan bhugat, surat sabad tat baytay, jap tap akhaNdlee.
(Therein are) the ways of yoga (i.e. way of union with God), food of (spiritual) knowledge,
concentration of the Word; and, the knowers of (spiritual) Reality meditate and contemplate
Eiq poiq imil joiq nwnk kCU duKu n fMflI ]2]2]5]
ot pot, mil jot, naanak kachhoo dukh na daNdlee. ||2||2||5||
Nanak (says): they merge into His Light, like warp and weft (i.e. through and through, i.e.
totally); and, then, they suffer no sorrow or punishment. 2.2.5

kilAwnu mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5

kaunu ibiD qw kI khw krau ] ka-un bidh taa kee, kahaa kara-o.
What is the way (to unite with Him), and, what (effort) should I do?
Drq iDAwnu igAwnu ssqRigAw Ajr pdu kYsy jrau ]1] rhwau ]
dharat dhi-aan gi-aan sastargi-aa, ajar pad kaisay jara-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Some) perform concentration (of mind), (some pursue) the knowledge of the Shashtras (but
these acts do not lead to salvation); (but) how can I endure the unendurable state (of separation
from God) ! 1 (pause)
ibsn mhys isD muin ieMdRw kY dir srin prau ]1] bisan mahays sidh mun iNdraa, kai dar saran para-o. ||1||
Vishnu, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv), sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous/spiritual powers), silent
sages, Indar (i.e. there are so many claiming themselves as accomplished ones) ---- at whose door
should I seek refuge? 1
kwhU pih rwju kwhU pih surgw koit mDy mukiq khau ]
kaahoo peh raaj, kaahoo peh surgaa, kot madhay mukat kaha-o.
Some (claim to) have kingdom, some (claim to) have heavens; (but) is there any one among the
tens of millions who can be called the liberated one.
khu nwnk nwm rsu pweIAY swDU crn ghau ]2]3]6]
kaho naanak, naam ras paa-ee-ai, saadhoo charan gaha-o. ||2||3||6||
Says Nanak: to obtain the essence of the Name, let us grasp the feet (i.e. follow the foot-steps) of
the God-oriented persons. 2.3.6

kilAwn mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
pRwnpiq dieAwl purK pRB sKy ] grB join kil kwl jwl duK ibnwsnu hir rKy ]1] rhwau ]
praanpat, da-i-aal purakh, prabh, sakhay.
garabh jon, kal kaal jaal, dukh binaasan har rakhay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord of Breath (of life), Merciful Primal Person, the Lord and the Friend ----
in the womb of reincarnation, from the noose of death in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), God, the
Destroyer of Sorrows, protects (us). 1 (pause)
nwm DwrI srin qyrI ] naam dhaaree saran tayree.
Enshrining Your Name (within), I have come to Your refuge.
pRB dieAwl tyk myrI ]1] prabh da-i-aal tayk mayree. ||1||
O! Merciful Lord, You (alone) are my support. 1
AnwQ dIn AwsvMq ] anaath deen aasvaNt.
(O! Lord) the master-less, the poor place hopes on You.
nwmu suAwmI mnih mMq ]2] naam su-aamee, maneh maNt. ||2||
O! Master, (please bless us that) the mantra* (i.e. teaching) of (Your) Name may remain
(enshrined) in my mind. 2
[*Mantra, literally dictum / charm / spell. Here, it means the teaching of the Word].
quJ ibnw pRB ikCU n jwnU ] tujh binaa, prabh kichhoo na jaanoo.
Without You, O! Lord, I know no one (i.e. I do not have faith in any one other than God).
srb jug mih qum pCwnU ]3] sarab jug meh, tum pachhaanoo. ||3||
Throughout all the ages, I recognise (only) You. 3
hir min bsy inis bwsro ] har man basay, nis baasro.
Day and night, God dwells in my mind.
goibMd nwnk Awsro ]4]4]7] gobiNd, naanak aasro. ||4||4||7||
Nanak (says): the Lord of the World is my (only) support. 4.4.7
kilAwn mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
min qin jwpIAY Bgvwn ] man tan jaapee-ai bhagvaan.
(O! brethren) meditate upon the Lord of Fortune, within mind and body.
[*Bhagvaan, literally: ‘Possessor/Lord of Fortune’. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
gur pUry supRsMn Bey sdw sUK kilAwn ]1] rhwau ]
gur pooray suparsaNn bha-ay, sadaa sookh kali-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(When) the Perfect Guru becomes very pleased, one is blessed with happiness and bliss. 1
srb kwrj isiD Bey gwie gun gupwl ] sarab kaaraj sidh bha-ay, gaa-ay gun gupaal.
All matters are successfully accomplished, (by) singing (the praise of) the excellences of the
Sustainer of the World.
imil swDsMgiq pRBU ismry nwiTAw duK kwl ]1] mil saadhsaNgat prabhoo simray, naaṭi-aa dukh kaal. ||1||
Joining the congregation of the God-oriented person and meditating upon the Lord, the pain
of death is taken away. 1
kir ikrpw pRB myirAw krau idnu rYin syv ] nwnk dws srxwgqI hir purK pUrn dyv ]2]5]8]
kar kirpaa prabh mayri-aa, kara-o din rain sayv.
naanak daas sarṇaagatee, har purakh pooran dayv. ||2||5||8||
(Please) bestow Your Grace (upon me), O! my Lord, that I may serve You, day and night. Slave
(i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have come to Your refuge, O! Primal Person, Perfect Divine. 2.5.8

P. 1323
kilAwnu mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
pRBu myrw AMqrjwmI jwxu ] prabh mayraa aNtarjaamee, jaaṇ.
My Lord is the Controller of Souls; (He is) the Knower (of the state of my heart).
kir ikrpw pUrn prmysr inhclu scu sbdu nIswxu ]1] rhwau ]
kar kirpaa pooran parmaysar, nihchal sach sabad neesaaṇ. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bestow Your Grace (upon me), O! Perfect Supreme Master, and, bless me with the insignia of
the True (i.e. Eternal )Word. 1 (pause)
hir ibnu Awn n koeI smrQu qyrI Aws qyrw min qwxu ]
har bin aan na ko-ee samrath, tayree aas, tayraa man taaṇ.
O! God, other than You, no one is all-powerful; I place hope in You; You are the strength of my
srb Gtw ky dwqy suAwmI dyih su pihrxu Kwxu ]1]
sarab ghataa kay daatay su-aamee, deh so pahiraṇ khaaṇ. ||1||
You are the giver of all hearts (i.e. beings), I eat and wear, whatever you give me. 1
suriq miq cqurweI soBw rUpu rMgu Dnu mwxu ] surat mat chaturaa-ee sobhaa, roop raNg dhan maaṇ.
Awareness, wisdom, smartness, fame, beauty, wealth, honour (are obtained by meditating upon
God) .
srb sUK Awnµd nwnk jip rwm nwmu kilAwxu ]2]6]9]
sarab sookh aanaNd, naanak, jap raam naam kali-aaṇ. ||2||6||9||
Nanak (says): all pleasures, bliss and salvation are in (i.e. obtained by) meditating upon the
Name of God. 2.6.9
kilAwnu mhlw 5 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 5
hir crn srn kilAwn krn ] har charan saran kali-aan karan.

The refuge of the (lotus) feet of God brings salvation.
pRB nwmu piqq pwvno ]1] rhwau ] prabh naam patit paavno. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Name of the L|ord is Purifier of the Sinners. 1 (pause)
swD sMig jip insMg jmkwlu iqsu n Kwvno ]1] saadh saNg, jap nisaNg, jamkaal tis na khaavno. ||1||
(O! brethren) whoever meditates (upon God) dauntlessly (i.e. with devotion), in the company of
the God-oriented person, is not consumed by death. 1
mukiq jugiq Aink sUK hir Bgiq lvY n lwvno ] mukat jugat, anik sookh, har bhagat lavai na laavno.
The ways of liberation, countless pleasures, do not equal the devotion of God.
pRB drs lubD dws nwnk bhuiV join n Dwvno ]2]7]10]
prabh daras lubadh daas naanak, bahuṛ jon na dhaavno. ||2||7||10||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): (those who are) desirous of the vision of the Lord, shall never
wander in womb (i.e. reincarnation). 2.7.10

kilAwn mhlw 4 AstpdIAw ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4, asatpadee-aa

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
rwmw rm rwmo suin mnu BIjY ] raamaa ram, raamo sun man bheejai.
Hearing (the Name of) God, the all-pervading God, the mind is drenched (with love).

hir hir nwmu AMimRqu rsu mITw gurmiq shjy pIjY ]1] rhwau ]
har har naam aMmrit ras meeṭaa, gurmat sehjay peejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Name of God, the Lord, is AMmrit, (it is) sweet essence; (it is) drunk in with natural ease,
through the wisdom of the Guru. 1 (pause)
kwst mih ijau hY bYsMqru miQ sMjim kwiF kFIjY ] kaasat meh ji-o hai baisa tar, math sanjam kaaḍ kaḍeejai.
There is fire (hidden) within the wood, (like obtaining butter through churning) it can be
extracted (i.e. obtained) by churning it through (proper) process (i.e. there is potential energy of
fire within the wood; it gets released by generating friction).
rwm nwmu hY joiq sbweI qqu gurmiq kwiF leIjY ]1]
raam naam hai jot sabaa-ee, tat gurmat kaaḍ la-eejai. ||1||
(Just as the fire in the wood) the Name of God is the Light within all; this essence can be
extracted (i.e. obtained) through the wisdom of the Guru. 1
nau drvwj nvy dr PIky rsu AMimRqu dsvy cueIjY ] na-o darvaaj navay dar feekay, ras a mrit dasvay chu-eejai.
(There are) nine gates* in the body, (but) all the nine gates are insipid; the essence of AMmrit
trickles down through the Tenth one.
[*In a being’s body there are nine ‘doors/gates’ (entrances/exits) i.e. two eyes, two ears. two noses, mouth, anus and
urine/semens hole, which are visible; brain (intellect) is the ‘dasvan duaar’ (tenth door) through which one gets inference
and issues commands to act. Some people believe that there is an actual invisible door (which cannot be known/realized
by every one). Entering the Tenth Gate means attaining the highest spiritual state, the state of equipoise and, finally, union
with God].
ik®pw ik®pw ikrpw kir ipAwry gur sbdI hir rsu pIjY ]2]
kripaa kripaa kripaa kar pi-aaray, gur sabdee har ras peejai. ||2||
Bestow Your Grace, Mercy, Kindness, O! (my) Beloved (Lord), that I may drink in the essence
of (the Name of) God through the teachings of the Guru. 2
kwieAw ngru ngru hY nIko ivic saudw hir rsu kIjY ]
kaa-i-aa nagar, nagar hai neeko, vich sa-udaa har ras keejai.
The body is (like) a city; it is sublime city; therein the merchandise of essence of (the Name of)
God is traded.
rqn lwl Amol Amolk siqgur syvw lIjY ]3] ratan laal amol amolak, satgur sayvaa leejai. ||3||
(The essence of the Name is like) the gems and jewels (which) are price-less, invaluable (i.e.
precious), (and these are) obtained by serving the True Guru. 3
siqguru Agmu Agmu hY Twkuru Bir swgr Bgiq krIjY ]
satgur agam agam hai ṭaakur, bhar saagar bhagat kareejai.
The True Guru is inaccessible, and, the Master (too) is inaccessible; (He is) overflowing ocean
(i.e. like water in the ocean, God and the True Guru are overflowing with the essence of the Name);
(to obtain it) meditate upon (God).
ik®pw ik®pw kir dIn hm swirMg iek bUMd nwmu muiK dIjY ]4]
kripaa kripaa kar, deen ham saariNg, ik booNd naam mukh deejai. ||4||
Bestow Your Grace, Mercy, Kindness; we are (like) poor saarang (i.e. rain birds, which long for
rain water), (please) pour a drop of (Your) Name in our mouths. 4
lwlnu lwlu lwlu hY rMgnu mnu rMgn kau gur dIjY ] laalan laal, laal hai raNgan, man raNgan ka-o gur deejai.
The love of the Beloved (Lord) is deep (like crimson) red colour; O! Guru, bless me with this
colour to imbue my mind (with His love).

rwm rwm rwm rMig rwqy rs risk gtk inq pIjY ]5]
raam raam raam raNg raatay, ras rasik gatak nit peejai. ||5||
Those who are imbued with the love of God, the Lord, the Master, drink it in, in gulps and
enjoy its taste (i.e. meditate upon the Name with love and devotion). 5
bsuDw spq dIp hY swgr kiF kMcnu kwiF DrIjY ] myry Twkur ky jn ienhu n bwCih hir mwgih hir rsu dIjY ]6]
basudhaa sapat deep hai saagar, kaḍ kaNchan kaaḍ dhareejai.
mayray ṭaakur kay jan inahu na baachheh, har maageh har ras deejai. ||6||
The earth has seven continents and oceans, if (all) the gold is taken out (from them) and placed
before them; the servants (i.e. devotees) of my Master would not want them; they would beg
for God to bless them with the (sublime) essence of the Name of God. 6
swkq nr pRwnI sd BUKy inq BUKn BUK krIjY ]
saakat nar praanee sad bhookhay, nit bhookhan bhookh kareejai.
(On the other hand) the non-believer mortals remain hungry, forever; they continually remain
crying outs in hunger (of Maya).
Dwvqu Dwie Dwvih pRIiq mwieAw lK kosn kau ibiQ dIjY ]7]
dhaavat dhaa-ay dhaaveh preet maa-i-aa, lakh kosan* ka-o bith deejai. ||7||
They rush out, run out, and wander in the love for Maya; they would cover hundreds of
thousands of miles* (in pursuit of Maya). 7 [*Kos is two miles, and, about 3.2 kilometres].
hir hir hir hir hir jn aUqm ikAw aupmw iqn@ dIjY ] har har har har har jan ootam, ki-aa upmaa tinh deejai.
The servants (i.e. devotees) of God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, the Divine are sublime
( lofty, exalted); what appreciation should be given to them ! (i.e. no words can praise them).
P. 1324
rwm nwm quil Aauru n aupmw jn nwnk ik®pw krIjY ]8]1]
raam naam tul a-or na upmaa, jan naanak, kirpaa kareejai. ||8||1||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): nothing can equal to the Name of God, (O! Lord, please)
bestow Your Grace (that I may remain meditating upon Your Name). 8.1

kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4

rwm guru pwrsu prsu krIjY ] raam, gur paaras, paras kareejai.
O! God, the Guru is the paaras (i.e. a Philosopher’s Stone)*, (please bless me that) I may touch
(him and be transformed into gold).
[*Paaras / Philosopher’s Stone, is mythical stone which transforms everything into gold].
hm inrguxI mnUr Aiq PIky imil siqgur pwrsu kIjY ]1] rhwau ]
ham nirguṇee manoor at feekay, mil satgur paaras keejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am (like) slag (of iron), without virtues, utterly tasteless (i.e useless), (please) unite me with
the True Guru, and, transform me into the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone). 1. pause
surg mukiq bYkuMT siB bWCih iniq Awsw Aws krIjY ]
surag mukat baikuNṭ sabh baanchheh, nit aasaa aas kareejai.
Everyone longs for heaven, liberation, paradise;(they) continually place their hope in them.
hir drsn ky jn mukiq n mWgih imil drsn iqRpiq mnu DIjY ]1]
har darsan kay jan mukat na maangeh, mil darsan taripat man dheejai. ||1||
(But) those (who are) desirous of (beholding) the vision of God, do not assk for liberation;
(by) meeting and beholding (the vision of) Him, their minds are satiated and comforted. 1

mwieAw mohu sblu hY BwrI mohu kwlK dwg lgIjY ] maa-i-aa moh sabal hai bhaaree, moh kaalakh daag lageejai.
Attachment to Maya is very powerful; this attachment is (like) black stain (which) sticks (to the
myry Twkur ky jn Ailpq hY mukqy ijau murgweI pMku n BIjY ]2]
mayray ṭaakur kay jan alipat hai muktay, ji-o murgaa-ee paNk na bheejai. ||2||
The servants (i.e. devotees) of my Master are unattached and liberated; (they are) like ducks
whose feathers do not get wet (in the water). 2
cMdn vwsu BuieAMgm vyVI ikv imlIAY cMdnu lIjY ]
chaNdan vaas bhu-i-aNgam vayṛee, kiv milee-ai chaNdan leejai.
The fragrant sandalwood tree is encircled by snakes; how can one get to the sandalwood ? (i.e.
the mortal’s soul is surrounded by passions like sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment,
pride and ego; then, how can one meet God)?
kwiF KVgu gur igAwnu krwrw ibKu Cyid Cyid rsu pIjY ]3]
kaaḍ khaṛag gur gi-aan karaaraa, bikh chhayd chhayd ras peejai. ||3||
Drawing out the mighty sword of the Guru's (spiritual) knowledge, one can cut and destroy
(the roots of) the poison (of Maya) and drink in the essence (of the Name). 3
Awin Awin smDw bhu kInI plu bYsMqr Bsm krIjY ]
aan aan samdhaa baho keenee, pal baisaNtar bhasam kareejai.
(One may) bring, gather and stock lots of wood, (but) in an instant, the fire can reduce it (i.e. the
piles of the wood) into ash.
mhw augR pwp swkq nr kIny imil swDU lUkI dIjY ]4]
mahaa ugar paap saakat nar keenay, mil saadhoo* lookee deejai. ||4||
The non-belivers commit heinous sins; meeting the Guru*, they (i.e. sins) can be set to fire. 4
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
swDU swD swD jn nIky ijn AMqir nwmu DrIjY ] saadhoo saadh, saadh jan neekay, jin aNtar naam dhareejai.
Those accomplished God-oriented persons are superb (i.e. sublime/ exalted/ lofty), who have
enshrined the Name (of the Lord) within them (i.e. in their hearts).
prsin prsu Bey swDU jn jnu hir Bgvwnu idKIjY ]5]
parasan paras, bha-ay saadhoo jan, jan har bhagvaan dikheejai. ||5||
By meeting and touching the God-oriented persons, the servants (i.e. devotees) (get blessed),
and, behold God, the Lord (pervading everywhere). 5
swkq sUqu bhu gurJI BirAw ikau kir qwnu qnIjY ] saakat soot baho gurjhee bhari-aa, ki-o kar taan taneejai.
The thread of non-believer is full of entangled knots, how can anything be woven (with this)?
(i.e. the life of a non-believer is full of vices; how can it become a success)?
qMqu sUqu ikCu inksY nwhI swkq sMgu n kIjY ]6] tant soot kichh niksai naahee, saakat saNg na keejai. ||6||
This thread can produce no yarn (i.e. non-belever is a useless person), (so, O! brethren) do not
associate with a non-believer. 6
siqgur swDsMgiq hY nIkI imil sMgiq rwmu rvIjY ] satgur saadhsa gat hai neekee, mil sa gat raam raveejai.
The True Guru’s true congregation is superb (i.e. sublime/ exalted/ lofty), (O! brethren) join its
company, and, remember (i.e. meditate upon the Name of) God.
AMqir rqn jvyhr mwxk gur ikrpw qy lIjY ]7] aNtar ratan javayhar maaṇak, gur kirpaa tay leejai. ||7||
Within (the being) are the gems, jewels, rubies; by the Grace of the Guru, they can be
obtained. 7

myrw Twkuru vfw vfw hY suAwmI hm ikau kir imlh imlIjY ]
mayraa ṭaakur vadaa vadaa hai su-aamee, ham ki-o kar milah mileejai.
My Master is great, great (is my) Master, how can I be united in His union.
nwnk myil imlwey guru pUrw jn kau pUrnu dIjY ]8]2]
naanak, mayl milaa-ay gur pooraa, jan ka-o pooran deejai. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): the perfect Guru unites the servants (i.e. devotees) in union, and, blesses them
with (the state of) perfections (i.e. liberation). 8.2

kilAwnu mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4

rwmw rm rwmo rwmu rvIjY ] raamaa ram, raamo raam raveejai.
(O! brethren) God is all-pervading; remember (i.e. meditate upon) the all-pervading God.
swDU swD swD jn nIky imil swDU hir rMgu kIjY ]1] rhwau ]
saadhoo saadh saadh jan neekay, mil saadhoo har raNg keejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The God-oriented persons who practice perfection, those God-oriented persons are sublime;
joining the God-oriented person, (let us) love God. 1 (pause)
jIA jMq sBu jgu hY jyqw mnu folq fol krIjY ] jee-a jaNt sabh jag hai jaytaa, man dolat dol kareejai.
All the beings and creatures, the whole of the world (that has been created) -- their mind wavers
and wavers.
ik®pw ik®pw kir swDu imlwvhu jgu QMmn kau QMmu dIjY ]1]
kripaa kripaa kar saadh* milaavhu, jag thaMman ka-o thaMm deejai. ||1||
(O! God) bestow Your Grace and Mercy, and, unite them with the Guru*, who would grant
support to support the world. 1
bsuDw qlY qlY sB aUpir imil swDU crn rulIjY ]
basudhaa talai, talai sabh oopar, mil saadhoo* charan ruleejai.
The earth is beneath all, and, (after one’s death) from beneath it comes over; (O! brethren) meet
with the Guru* and fall at his feet.
[*Here, sadh / sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
Aiq aUqm Aiq aUqm hovhu sB issit crn ql dIjY ]2]
at ootam at ootam hovhu, sabh sisat charan tal deejai. ||2||
(This way) you shall become exalted and greatly sublime; (then) the whole world will place
itself under your feet. 2
gurmuiK joiq BlI isv nIkI Awin pwnI skiq BrIjY ]
gurmukh jot bhalee siv neekee, aan paanee sakat bhareejai.
The Guru-oriented ones are blessed with sublime Divine Light (of the Lord); and, Maya comes
to carry water for him (i.e. Maya becomes their slave).
mYndMq inksy gur bcnI swru cib cib hir rsu pIjY ]3]
maindaNt niksay gur bachnee, saar chab chab har ras peejai. ||3||
Through the words (i.e. teachings) of the Guru, the teeth of wax (i.e. teeth of knowledge) grow,
and, they bite and chew iron (of sins), drinking in the essence (of the Name) of God. 3
rwm nwm AnugRhu bhu kIAw gur swDU purK imlIjY ]
raam naam anoograhu baho kee-aa, gur saadhoo purakh mileejai.
(When) God bestows great Mercy and blesses with His Name, and, one meets the Guru, the
God-oriented person, the Primal Person.

gun rwm nwm ibsQIrn kIey hir sgl Bvn jsu dIjY ]4]
gun raam naam bistheeran kee-ay, har sagal bhavan jas deejai. ||4||
(The Guru) spreads out the virtues of the Name (everywhere), and, God extends the praise all
over the world (i.e. praise of those who meditate upon the Name). 4
swDU swD swD min pRIqm ibnu dyKy rih n skIjY ]
saadhoo saadh saadh man preetam, bin daykhay reh na sakeejai.
Those accomplished God-oriented persons, who have love for the Beloved (Lord) within their
minds, cannot live without beholding (His vision).
ijau jl mIn jlµ jl pRIiq hY iKnu jl ibnu PUit mrIjY ]5]
ji-o jal meen, jalaN jal preet hai, khin jal bin foot mareejai. ||5||
Just as a fish in the water loves only water; (when it is) without water (even) for an instant, it
breaks down and dies. 5
P. 1325
mhw ABwg ABwg hY ijn ky iqn swDU DUir n pIjY ]
mahaa abhaag abhaag hai jin kay, tin saadhoo dhoor na peejai.
Those, who have terrible fortune and ill-luck, do not drink in (water which washes) the dust (of
the feet) of the God-oriented persons.
iqnw iqsnw jlq jlq nhI bUJih fMfu Drm rwie kw dIjY ]6]
tinaa tisnaa jalat jalat nahee boojheh, daNd dharam raa-ay kaa deejai. ||6||
The fire of desires (burns) within them, and, the fire does not get extinguished; they are given
punishment by the Judge of Righteousness. 6
siB qIrQ brq jg´ puMn kIey ihvY gwil gwil qnu CIjY ]
sabh tirath barat jagy puNn kee-ay, hivai gaal gaal tan chheejai.
One may visit all the places of pilgrimage, observe (ritual) fasts, perform yajna (i.e. fire rituals),
give charity, and, destroy his body decayed and decomposed in snow.
Aqulw qolu rwm nwmu hY gurmiq ko pujY n qol qulIjY ]7]
atulaa tol raam naam hai, gurmat ko pujai na tol tuleejai. ||7||
The weight of the Name of God is un-weighable; (one, who meditates) through the wisdom of
the Guru, nothing can equal its weight. 7
qv gun bRhm bRhm qU jwnih jn nwnk srin prIjY ]
tav gun brahm brahm too jaaneh, jan naanak, saran pareejai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! God, O! Lord, You alone known Your excellences, I
seek Your refuge.
qU jl iniD mIn hm qyry kir ikrpw sMig rKIjY ]8]3]
too jal nidh meen ham tayray, kar kirpaa saNg rakheejai. ||8||3||
You are the treasure (i.e. ocean) of water, and, I am Your fish, (please) bestow Your Grace and
keep me with You. 8.3
kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
rwmw rm rwmo pUj krIjY ] raamaa ram, raamo pooj kareejai.
God is all-pervading; (O! brethren) worship God (i.e. meditate upon Him).
mnu qnu Arip Drau sBu AwgY rsu gurmiq igAwnu idRVIjY ]1] rhwau ]
man tan arap dhara-o sabh aagai, ras gurmat gi-aan dariṛeejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I shall surrender my mind and body, place everything before Him, who implants (within me)
the essence of (spiritual) knowledge, through the wisdom of the Guru. 1 (pause)

bRhm nwm gux swK qrovr inq cuin cuin pUj krIjY ]
brahm naam guṇ saakh tarovar, nit chun chun pooj kareejai.
The Name of God is tree, and, His excellences are its branches, picking and gathering (flowers
of the Name), I worship Him. 1
Awqm dyau dyau hY Awqmu ris lwgY pUj krIjY ]1] aatam day-o day-o hai aatam, ras laagai pooj kareejai. ||1||
God is Divine, God (alone) is Divine; worship Him with love. 1
ibbyk buiD sB jg mih inrml ibcir ibcir rsu pIjY ]
bibayk budh sabh jag meh nirmal, bichar bichar ras peejai.
Discerning wisdom is immaculate in the world, pondering over and contemplating drink in
the essence (of the Name).
gur prswid pdwrQu pwieAw siqgur kau iehu mnu dIjY ]2]
gur parsaad padaarath paa-i-aa, satgur ka-o ih man deejai. ||2||
By the Grace of the Guru, the wealth (of the Name) is obtained; dedicate this mind to the True
inrmolku Aiq hIro nIko hIrY hIru ibDIjY ] nirmolak at heero neeko, heerai heer bidheejai.
(The Name of God is) priceless and sublime diamond, the diamond pierces the diamond (of the
mnu moqI swlu hY gur sbdI ijqu hIrw priK leIjY ]3]
man motee saal hai gur sabdee, jit heeraa parakh la-eejai. ||3||
This mind is supreme diamond; through the Word of the Guru, one appraises the diamond
and obtains it. 3
sMgiq sMq sMig lig aUcy ijau pIp plws Kwie lIjY ]
saNgat saNt saNg lag oochay, ji-o peep palaas khaa-ay leejai.
Attaching oneself to the company of the God-oriented persons, one is exalted, like the pippal*
tree that absorbs the ‘palah’ * tree.
[* Botanical name of the Pipal tree is Ficus religosa , and, that of the Palaas/Paaah is butia fondosa].
sB nr mih pRwnI aUqmu hovY rwm nwmY bwsu bsIjY ]4]
sabh nar meh praanee ootam hovai, raam naamai baas baseejai. ||4||
Amongst all the men (i.e. beings), that mortal being is supreme, in whom the fragrance of the
Name dwells. 4
inrml inrml krm bhu kIny inq swKw hrI jVIjY ]
nirmal nirmal karam baho keenay, nit saakhaa haree jaṛeejai.
One, who does lots of pure and sacred deeds, green branches sprout continually in him (i.e. he
remains blossoming forth continually).
Drmu Pulu Plu guir igAwnu idRVwieAw bhkwr bwsu jig dIjY ]5]
dharam ful fal gur gi-aan driṛ-aa-i-aa, behkaar baas jag deejai. ||5||
It bears the flowers of faith, and the fruit of knowledge implanted by the knowledge given by
the Guru, and, spreads the perfume and fragrance into the world. 5
eyk joiq eyko min visAw sB bRhm idRsit ieku kIjY ] ayk jot ayko man vasi-aa, sabh braham darisat ik keejai.
There is One Light and the One (Lord) abides within the mind (of all), and, (one should) behold
God in all.
Awqm rwmu sB eykY hY psry sB crn qly isru dIjY ]6]
aatam raam sabh aykai hai pasray, sabh charan talay sir deejai. ||6||
The One Pervading God is spread out in every soul; one should place one’s head under the feet
of all (because God dwells in all). 6
nwm ibnw nkty nr dyKhu iqn Gis Gis nwk vFIjY ]
naam binaa naktay nar daykhhu, tin ghas ghas naak vaḍeejai.
Those persons, who are without the Name, are seen with their noses cut off; their noses are cut
off by rubbing and crushing (i.e. they are badly insulted).
swkq nr AhMkwrI khIAih ibnu nwvY iDRgu jIvIjY ]7]
saakat nar ahaMkaaree kahee-ahi, bin naavai dhirag jeeveejai. ||7||
The non-believers are called egoistical; without the Name, their life are cursed. 7
jb lgu swsu swsu mn AMqir qqu bygl srin prIjY ] jab lag saas saas man aNtar, tat baygal saran pareejai.
As long as there is breath breathing (i.e. running) within the mind (i.e. body), one should hurry
to seek His refuge.
nwnk ik®pw ik®pw kir Dwrhu mY swDU crn pKIjY ]8]4]
naanak, kripaa kripaa kar dhaarahu, mai saadhoo charan pakheejai. ||8||4||
Nanak (says): (O! God, please) bestow Your Grace and Mercy upon me, that I may remain
washing the feet of the God-oriented persons. 8.4

kilAwn mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4

rwmw mY swDU crn DuvIjY ] raamaa, mai saadhoo* charan dhuveejai.
O! God, (bless me that) I may wash the feet of the Guru.*
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
iklibK dhn hoih iKn AMqir myry Twkur ikrpw kIjY ]1] rhwau ]
kilbikh dahan hohi khin aNtar, mayray ṭaakur kirpaa keejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(With this) my sins shall be burnt away in an instant; O! my Master, (please) bestow Your
Grace(upon me). 1 (pause)
mMgq jn dIn Kry dir TwFy Aiq qrsn kau dwnu dIjY ]
maNgat jan deen kharay dar ṭaaḍay, at tarsan ka-o daan deejai.
The poor beggar servants (i.e. devotees) stand begging at Your Door, (please) take pity on them
and bestow them the gift (of the Name).
qRwih qRwih srin pRB Awey mo kau gurmiq nwmu idRVIjY ]1]
traahi traahi saran prabh aa-ay, mo ka-o gurmat naam dariṛeejai. ||1||
Crying ‘save me’ save me’, I have come to Your refuge, O! Lord, (please) implant the Name
within me through the wisdom of the Guru. 1
kwm kroDu ngr mih sblw inq auiT auiT jUJu krIjY ]
kaam karodh nagar meh sablaa, nit uṭ uṭ joojh kareejai.
Sexual desire and anger are very powerful in city (of body), I rise up and have a fight against
them every day.
AMgIkwru krhu riK lyvhu gur pUrw kwiF kFIjY ]2]
aNgeekaar karahu rakh layvhu, gur pooraa kaaḍ kaḍeejai. ||2||
(O! Lord, please) make me Your own and save me; drive them out, through the perfect Guru. 2
AMqir Agin sbl Aiq ibiKAw ihv sIqlu sbdu gur dIjY ]
aNtar agan sabal at bikhi-aa, hiv seetal sabad gur deejai.
Within me is raging greatly powerful fire of poison (i.e. Maya), (O! Lord, please) bless me with
the ice cool Word of the Guru (to extinguish it).

P. 1326
qin min sWiq hoie AiDkweI rogu kwtY sUiK svIjY ]3]
tan man saant ho-ay adhikaa-ee, rog kaatai sookh saveejai. ||3||
(Through the Word of the Guru) the mind and body are greatly calmed and the disease (within) is
cured, and one sleeps in peace. 3
ijau sUrju ikrix rivAw srb TweI sB Git Git rwmu rvIjY ]
ji-o sooraj kiraṇ ravi-aa sarab ṭaa-ee, sabh ghat ghat raam raveejai.
Just as the ray of sun spreads out everywhere, God pervades each and every heart.
swDU swD imly rsu pwvY qqu inj Gir bYiTAw pIjY ]4]
saadhoo saadh milay ras paavai, tat nij ghar baithi-aa peejai. ||4||
When one meets a perfected God-oriented persons, one drinks in the essence (of God), while
sitting in his own home (of his own inner being/ in his heart). 4
jn kau pRIiq lgI gur syqI ijau ckvI dyiK sUrIjY ]
jan ka-o preet lagee gur saytee, ji-o chakvee daykh sooreejai.
The servants (i.e. devotees) are in love with the Guru, like the Chakvi* bird (loves) beholding
the sun. [*Chakva is ruddy sheldrake, the bird which is united with its partner when it is sunlight].
inrKq inrKq rYin sB inrKI muKu kwFY AMimRqu pIjY ]5]
nirkhat nirkhat rain sabh nirkhee, mukh kaaḍai aMmrit peejai. ||5||
Watching and watching throughout the night, it remains watching (and waiting); when the
sun shows its face, she drinks elixir of life (i.e. beholds its partner, the male Chakva). 5
swkq suAwn khIAih bhu loBI bhu durmiq mYlu BrIjY ]
saakat su-aan, kahee-ahi baho lobhee, baho durmat mail bhareejai.
The non-believer is (like a) dog, (he) is said to be very greedy; within him greatly overflows the
filth of evil wisdom.
Awpn suAwie krih bhu bwqw iqnw kw ivswhu ikAw kIjY ]6]
aapan su-aa-ay karahi baho baataa, tinaa kaa visaahu ki-aa keejai. ||6||
He talks too much about his self-interest; how can he be trusted? 6
swDU swD srin imil sMgiq ijqu hir rsu kwiF kFIjY ]
saadhoo saadh saran mil saNgat, jit har ras kaaḍ kaḍeejai.
When one finds the refuge of a perfected God-oriented persons, and joins his company, (then)
one finds (and obtains) the essence of (the Name of) God
praupkwr bolih bhu guxIAw muiK sMq Bgq hir dIjY ]7]
par-upkaar boleh baho guṇee-aa, mukh saNt bhagat har deejai. ||7||
Show me the faces of such God-oriented persons and devotees, who speak for doing good
deeds for the others, and, have many virtues (excellences in their being); O! God. 7
qU Agm dieAwl dieAw piq dwqw sB dieAw Dwir riK lIjY ]
too agam, da-i-aal ,da-i-aa pat, daataa, sabh da-i-aa dhaar rakh leejai.
(O! God) You are Inaccessible, Merciful, Lord of Compassion, the Giver; (please) bestow Your
Mercy and save us.
srb jIA jg jIvnu eyko nwnk pRiqpwl krIjY ]8]5]
sarab jee-a jag jeevan ayko, naanak, partipaal kareejai. ||8||5||
Nanak (says): You alone are the giver of life to all the beings of the world, (please) cherish (i.e.
take care of) them. 8.5

kilAwnu mhlw 4 ] Kali-aan, Mehlaa 4
rwmw hm dwsn dws krIjY ] raamaa, ham daasan daas kareejai.
O! God, (please) make me slave (i.e. devotee) of Your slaves (i.e. devotee) .
jb lig swsu hoie mn AMqir swDU DUir ipvIjY ]1] rhwau ]
jab lag saas ho-ay man aNtar, saadhoo dhoor piveejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As long as there is breath (i.e. life) in my mind, let me drink in (the water that washed) the dust
(of the feet) of the God-oriented persons (i.e. let me follow their foot-steps). 1 (pause)
sMkru nwrdu syKnwg muin DUir swDU kI locIjY ] saNkar naarad saykhnaag mun, dhoor saadhoo kee locheejai.
Sankar (i.e. Shiv), Naarad, Sayshnaag, and the silent sages, (all) long for the dust of the feet of
the God-oriented persons.
Bvn Bvn pivqu hoih siB jh swDU crn DrIjY ]1]
bhavan bhavan pavit hohi sabh jah, saadhoo charan dhareejai. ||1||
All those homes and places are sanctified where the God-oriented persons place their feet. 1
qij lwj AhMkwru sBu qjIAY imil swDU sMig rhIjY ] taj laaj ahaMkaar sabh tajee-ai, mil saadhoo saNg raheejai.
(So, O! brethren) let your shame go, give up all your egotism, and, join and live in the company
of the God-oriented persons.
Drm rwie kI kwin cukwvY ibKu fubdw kwiF kFIjY ]2]
dharam raa-ay kee kaan chukhaavai, bikh dubdaa kaaḍ kaḍeejai. ||2||
(The God-oriented persons) shall rid you of (i..e. save yourself from) the fear of the Judge of
Righteousness; and, lift you up and save you from drowning in (the ocean of) poison. 2
Brim sUky bhu auiB suk khIAih imil swDU sMig hrIjY ]
bharam sookay baho ubh suk kahee-ahi, mil saadhoo saNg hareejai.
Those, who remain in doubt are parched, (but) even when standing parched, joining the
company of the God-oriented persons, they can turn green (i.e. rejuvenated).
qw qy iblmu plu iFl n kIjY jwie swDU crin lgIjY ]3]
taa tay bilam pal ḍil na keejai jaa-ay, saadhoo charan lageejai. ||3||
So, do not delay even for an instant and go and fall at the feet of the God-oriented persons. 3
rwm nwm kIrqn rqn vQu hir swDU pwis rKIjY ]
raam naam keertan ratan vath, har saadhoo paas rakheejai.
(Singing) the praise of the Name of God, is a priceless jewel, (it is great) wealth; God has placed
it with the God-oriented persons.
jo bcnu gur siq siq kir mwnY iqsu AwgY kwiF DrIjY ]4]
jo bachan gur sat sat kar maanai, tis aagai kaaḍ dhareejai. ||4||
Whoever accepts the teachings of the Guru as true and true (and follows it) , this (jewel of the
Name, this wealth) is taken out and placed before him. 4
sMqhu sunhu sunhu jn BweI guir kwFI bwh kukIjY ]
jy Awqm kau suKu suKu inq loVhu qW siqgur srin pvIjY ]5]
saNtahu sunhu, sunhu jan bhaa-ee, gur kaaḍee baah kukeejai.
jay aatam ka-o sukh sukh nit loṛahu, taa satgur saran paveejai. ||5||

Listen, O! God-oriented persons, listen O! servants (i.e. devotees), my brethren; the Guru
raises his arm and gives a call:
“If you long for everlasting happiness and peace for your soul, then enter the refuge of the
True Guru”. 5

jy vf Bwgu hoie Aiq nIkw qW gurmiq nwmu idRVIjY ]
jay vad bhaag ho-ay at neekaa, taa gurmat naam dariṛeejai.

If one has great (good) and nice fortune, then one plants the Name (of God within his heart)
through the wisdom of the Guru.
sBu mwieAw mohu ibKmu jgu qrIAY shjy hir rsu pIjY ]6]
sabh maa-i-aa moh bikham jag, taree-ai, sehjay har ras peejai. ||6||
All attachment to Maya is (like a) treacherous world (ocean), one can cross over (by) drinking
in the essence (of the Name of) God with natural ease. 6
mwieAw mwieAw ky jo AiDkweI ivic mwieAw pcY pcIjY ]
maa-i-aa maa-i-aa kay jo adhikaa-ee, vich maa-i-aa pachai pacheejai.
Those who are greatly attached to Maya and (only) Maya, shall be burnt and destroyed in
AigAwnu AMDyru mhw pMQu ibKVw AhMkwir Bwir lid lIjY ]7]
agi-aan aNdhayr mahaa paNth bikhṛaa, ahaMkaar bhaar lad leejai. ||7||
Within them is darkness of ignorance, and, this path is utterly arduous, and, they are loaded
with load of egotism. 7
nwnk rwm rm rmu rm rm rwmY qy giq kIjY ] naanak, raam ram ram ram; ram raamai tay gat keejai.
Nanak (says): chant (the Name of) the All-pervading God, (who is) pervading and permeating
(everywhere); one is emancipated by (meditating upon) the All-pervading God.
siqguru imlY qw nwmu idRVwey rwm nwmY rlY imlIjY ]8]6]
satgur milai taa naam driṛ-aa-ay, raam naamai ralai mileejai. ||8||6||
(When) one meets the True Guru, he implants the Name (within the devotee), and, one is united
and merged with the Name of God. 8.6
Ckw 1 ] Chhakaa 1 one sixer (i.e. the above was a set of six verses).

P. 1385
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and manifest),
Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****, free from
enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent (i.e. He is
from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
svXy sRI muKbwk´ mhlw 5 ] Sava-yay saree mukhbaaky, Mehlaa 5
The savayyas (stanzas/verses) from the mouth of Mahal 5
Awid purK krqwr krx kwrx sB Awpy ] aad purakh kartaar, karaṇ kaaraṇ sabh aapay.
O! Primal Person, O! Creator (Lord), You Yourself are the Doer (i.e. Creator) and the Cause of
srb rihE BrpUir sgl Gt rihE ibAwpy ] sarab rahi-o bharpoor, sagal ghat rahi-o bi-aapay.
You are all-pervading, and, You are contained in all the hearts
b´wpqu dyKIAY jgiq jwnY kaunu qyrI giq srb kI rK´w krY Awpy hir piq ]
bayaapat daykhee-ai jagat, jaanai ka-un tayree gat, sarab kee rakhyaa karai, aapay har pat.
You are seen pervading (all) the world, who knows Your state? You protect all, O! God, You
Yourself are the Husband (Lord).
AibnwsI Aibgq Awpy Awip auqpiq ] abhinaasee abigat, aapay aap utpat.
You are imperishable, indivisible, and, You created Yourself.
eykY qUhI eykY An nwhI qum Biq ] aykai toohee aykai, an naahee tum bhat.
You are the One and the only One, and, no one else is like You.
hir AMqu nwhI pwrwvwru kaunu hY krY bIcwru jgq ipqw hY sRb pRwn ko ADwru ]
har aNt naahee paaraavaar, ka-un hai karai beechaar, jagat pitaa hai srab praan ko adhaar.
O! God, You have no end or limitation; who can contemplate You (i.e. Your end or limits)? You
are the Father of the world, the Support of breath (of life) of all.
jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ]
jan naanak, bhagat dar tul brahm samsar, ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says):the devotees accepted at the Door of God are like Him;
how can one tongue describe them?
hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]1] haan ke, bal bal, bal bal, sad balihaar. ||1||
Yes! I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice (unto You). 1
AMimRq pRvwh sir Aqul BMfwr Bir prY hI qy prY Apr Apwr pir ]
aMmrit prvaah sar, atul bhaNdaar bhar, parai hee tay parai, apar apaar par.
Streams of (Your) AMmrit (Name) flow (forever); (Your) treasures are unweighable and
overflowing; (You are) beyond and beyond, infinite and incomparable.

Awpuno Bwvnu kir mMiqR n dUsro Dir Epiq prlO eykY inmK qu Gir ]
aapuno bhaavan kar, maNtra na doosro dhar, opat parloua aykai nimakh to ghar.
You do what You please; (You) do not take advice from others; in Your home, creation and
destruction happen in an instant.
Awn nwhI smsir aujIAwro inrmir koit prwCq jwih nwm lIey hir hir ]
aan naahee samsar, ujee-aaro nirmar, kot paraachhat jaahi naam lee-ay har har.
No one else is equal to You; Your Light is immaculate; tens of millions of sins are washed away
by meditating upon (Your) Name, O! God, O! Lord.
jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ]
jan naanak, bhagat dar tul brahm samsar, ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): the devoteed accepted at the Door of God are like Him;
how can one tongue describe them?
hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]1] haan ke, bal bal, bal bal, sad balihaar. ||1||
Yes! I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice (unto You). 2
sgl Bvn Dwry eyk QyN kIey ibsQwry pUir rihE sRb mih Awip hY inrwry ]
sagal bhavan dhaaray, ayk thayn kee-ay bisthaaray, poor rahi-o sarab meh, aap hai niraaray.
You created all the worlds, (You) expanded (all) from within Yourself; You are pervading all,
(yet) You remain detached.
hir gun nwhI AMq pwry jIA jMq siB Qwry sgl ko dwqw eykY AlK murwry ]
har gun naahee aNt paaray, jee-a jaNt sabh thaaray, sagal ko daataa, aykai, alakh, muraaray*.
O! God, there is no end, no limit, to Your excellences; all beings and creatures are Yours; You
are the Giver of all, the One, Imperceptible, the Destroyer of Demons*.
[*Muraaree, literally: destroyer of demon Mur, i.e. destroyer of all demons. This is one of the many attributes and the
names of God].
P. 1386
Awp hI Dwrn Dwry kudriq hY dyKwry brnu ichnu nwhI muK n mswry ]
aap hee dhaaran dhaaray, kudrat hai daykhaaray, baran chihan naahee, mukh na masaaray.
You Yourself sustain the universe, revealing Your Creative Power. You have no colour, sign,
face or beard.
jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ]
jan naanak bhagat dar, tul brahm samsar, ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says):the devotees accepted at the door of God are like Him; how
can one tongue describe them?
hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]3] haan ke, bal bal, bal bal, sad balihaar. ||3||
Yes! I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice (unto You). 3
srb gux inDwnµ kImiq n g´wnµ D´wnµ aUcy qy aUcO jwnIjY pRB qyro Qwnµ ]
sarab guṇ nidhaanaN, keemat na gayaanaN dhayaanaN,
oochay tay oochou jaaneejai, prabh tayro thaanaN.
You are treasure of all excellences; no one can value your knowledge and contemplation, O!
Lord, Your place is known as the highest of the high.
mnu Dnu qyro pRwnµ eykY sUiq hY jhwnµ kvn aupmw dyau bfy qy bfwnµ ]
man dhan tayro praanaN, aykai soot hai jahaanaN, kavan upmaa day-o, baday tay badaanaN.
Our mind, wealth and breath (of life) belong to You; (You) have strung the world upon one
thread (of Yours); what praise can I give (to You)! (You) are the Greatest of the great.

jwnY kaunu qyro Byau AlK Apwr dyau Akl klw hY pRB srb ko Dwnµ ]
jaanai ka-un tayro bhay-o, alakh apaar day-o, akal kalaa hai prabh sarab ko dhaanaN.
Who can know Your mystery? O! Divine, You are imperceptible and infinite; Your power is
indivisible; O! Lord, You are the Support of all.
jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ]
jan naanak bhagat dar, tul barahm samsar, ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says):the devotee accepted at the door of God are like Him; how
can one tongue describe them?
hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]4] haan ke bal bal bal bal sad balihaar. ||4||
Yes! I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice (unto You). 4
inrMkwru Awkwr ACl pUrn AibnwsI ] niraNkaar, aakaar, achhal, pooran, abhinaasee.
(O! God, You are) Formless and Formed (i.e. revealed in Your creation); (you are) Un-
deceivable, Perfect and Imperishable.
hrKvMq Awnµq rUp inrml ibgwsI ] harakhvaNt, aanaNt, roop nirmal, bigaasee.
You are all-Happiness, Boundless Beauty, Immaculate, Blossoming (Lord).
gux gwvih byAMq AMqu ieku iqlu nhI pwsI ] guṇ gaavahi bay-aNt, aNt ik til nahee paasee.
Countless are those who sing (the praise of) Your excellences; (but, they) do not know even a
tiny bit of You.
jw kau hoNih ik®pwl su jnu pRB qumih imlwsI ] jaa ka-o honhi kripaal, so jan, prabh, tumeh milaasee.
He, unto whom You become Gracious, that person meets with You, O! Lord.
DMin DMin qy DMin jn ijh ik®pwlu hir hir BXau ] dhaNn dhaNn tay dhaNn jan, jih kirpaal har har bha-ya-o.
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those persons, unto whom God, the Lord, has became Gracious.
hir guru nwnku ijn prisAau is jnm mrx duh Qy rihE ]5]
har gur, naanak, jin parsi-o, se janam maraṇ duh thay rahi-o. ||5||
Nanak (says): those who have met with Guru-God, are rid of both: birth and death. 5
siq siq hir siq siq sqy siq BxIAY ] sat sat, har sat; sat satay sat bhaṇee-ai.
True, True, God is True; (He) is called True, the Truest of the True.
dUsr Awn n Avru purKu paUrwqnu suxIAY ] doosar aan na avar, purakh pa-uraatan suṇee-ai.
There is no other like Him; He (alone) is known the Primal Person, Primal (Lord).
AMimRqu hir ko nwmu lYq min sB suK pwey ] aMmrit har ko naam, lait man sabh sukh paa-ay.
The Name of God is AMmrit; chanting (His Name) the mind is blessed with total happiness.
jyh rsn cwiKE qyh jn iqRpiq AGwey ] jayh rasan chaakhi-o, tayh jan taripat aghaa-ay.
Those persons who taste (i.e. chant His Name) with their tongue, are contented and satiated.
ijh Twkuru supRsMnu BXuo sqsMgiq iqh ipAwru ] jih ṭaakur suparsaNn bha-yo, satsaNgat tih pi-aar.
Those, with whom the Lord is pleased, love the true congregation.
hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE iqn@ sB kul kIE auDwru ]6]
har gur, naanak, jinh parsi-o, tinh sabh kul kee-o udhaar. ||6||
Nanak (says): those who have met with Guru-God, save all their generations. 6
scu sBw dIbwxu scu scy pih DirE ] sach sabhaa, deebaan, sach sachay peh dhari-o.
True is His congregation; True is His Court; and, the True (Lord) has established the Truth.
scY qKiq invwsu scu qpwvsu kirE ] sachai takhat nivaas, sach tapaavas kari-o.
Seating on the True throne, He administers true justice.

sic isrij´au sMswru Awip AwBulu n Bulau ] sach sirjiya-o saNsaar, aap aabhul na bhula-o.
The True Himself created the world; He Himself is Infallible, and, does not make mistakes.
rqn nwmu Apwru kIm nhu pvY Amulau ] ratan naam apaar, keem nahu pavai, amula-o.
The Name of the Infinite (Lord) is the jewel; its value cannot be appraised; it is priceless.
ijh ik®pwlu hoXau guoibMdu srb suK iqnhU pwey ] jih kripaal ho-ya-o gobiNd, sarab sukh tinhoo paa-ay.
He, upnto whom the Lord of the World becomes Gracious, is blessed with total happiness.
hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE qy bhuiV iPir join n Awey ]7]
har gur, naanak, jinh parsi-o, tay bahuṛ fir jon na aa-ay. ||7||
Nanak (says): those, who have met with Guru-God, do not enter womb (in reincarnation)
again. 7
kvnu jogu kaunu g´wnu D´wnu kvn ibiD ausœiq krIAY ]
kavan jog, ka-un gayaan dhayaan, kavan bidh ustat karee-ai.
What is the yoga, the wisdom and meditation, and, what is the way to praise (God)?
isD swiDk qyqIs koir iqru kIm n prIAY ] sidh saadhik taytees kor, tir keem na paree-ai.
The sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), the seekers, three hundred thirty-
three millions* (gods) cannot find His value (i.e. His Grandeur).
[*According to Hindu belief, there are three hundred and thirty millions gods].
bRhmwidk snkwid syK gux AMqu n pwey ] brahmaadik sankaad saykh, guṇ aNt na paa-ay.
Brahma, Sanak etc*, Shayshnaag** could not know the limit of your excellences.
[*Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are the four sons of mythical god Brahma. They are also mentioned as
Sanakaad (literally: Sanak etc). **Shayshnaag/ Shaykh is a mythical serpent with one thousand heads; also known as
Lord of the Serpents].
Aghu gihE nhI jwie pUir sRb rihE smwey ] agahu, gahi-o nahee jaa-ay, poor srab rahi-o samaa-ay.
He is un-seizable (i.e. imperceptible, inapprehensible); He is pervading and permeating
amongst all.
ijh kwtI islk dXwl pRiB syie jn lgy Bgqy ] jih kaatee silak da-yaal, prabh say-ay jan lagay bhagtay.
Those, whose noose is cut (i.e. those who are freed from bondage of Maya) by the Merciful Lord,
those servants (i.e. devotees) are attached to His devotion.
hir guru nwnku ijn@ prisE qy ieq auq sdw mukqy]8] har gur, naanak, jinh parsi-o, tay it ut sadaa muktay ||8||
Nanak (says): those, who have met with Guru-God, are liberated forever, here and hereafter. 8
pRB dwqau dwqwr pir´au jwcku ieku srnw ] prabh daata-o daataar, pariya-o jaachak ik sarnaa.
O! Lord, the (great) Giver of givers, I am a beggar (before You), seeking (Your) refuge.
imlY dwnu sMq ryn jyh lig Baujlu qrnw ] milai daan saNt rayn, jayh lag bha-ojal tarnaa.
(Please) bless me with the gift of the dust (of the feet) of the God-oriented persons; attaching to
them (i.e. their feet), I cross over the terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
ibniq krau Ardwis sunhu jy Twkur BwvY ] binat kara-o ardaas, sunhu jay ṭaakur bhaavai.
I request You, I offer my prayer, (please) listen (to it) if it pleases You, O! Master.
dyhu drsu min cwau Bgiq iehu mnu ThrwvY ] dayh daras man chaa-o, bhagat ih man ṭehraavai.
My mind yearns for Your vision, (so that) my this mind may abide in Your devotion.
P. 1387
bilE crwgu AMD´wr mih sB kil auDrI iek nwm Drm ]
bali-o charaag aNdhyaar meh, sabh kal udhree ik naam dharam.
The lamp (of the Name) is lit, in the darkness; all (the people) in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age) are
saved through the One Name (of God) and the faith.

pRgtu sgl hir Bvn mih jnu nwnku guru pwrbRhm ]9]
pragat sagal har bhavan meh, jan naanak, gur paarbrahm. ||9||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): God is revealed in all the hearts, through the Guru (who is
the image of) the Supreme Lord. 9

svXy sRI muKbwk´ mhlw 5 ] Sava-yay saree mukhbaaky, Mehlaa 5

The savayyas (stanzas/verses) from the mouth of Mahal 5 (Guru Arjan).
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
kwcI dyh moh Puin bWDI sT kTor kucIl kuigAwnI ]
kaachee dayh, moh fun baandhee; saṭ, kaṭor, kucheel, kugi-aanee.
My body is frail (i.e. transitory), (yet it is) bound to (emotional) attachment; (I am) foolish,
stone-hearted, filthy and unwise.
Dwvq BRmq rhnu nhI pwvq pwrbRhm kI giq nhI jwnI ]
dhaavat, bhramat, rahan nahee paavat; paarbrahm kee gat nahee jaanee.
(My mind) wanders in delusion, does not remain steady; I have not known the state of the
Supreme Lord.
jobn rUp mwieAw md mwqw ibcrq ibkl bfO AiBmwnI ]
joban roop maa-i-aa mad maataa, bichrat bikal badou abhimaanee.
(My mind is) intoxicated with the wine of youthfulness, beauty and wealth; I wander around
perplexed, in great (i.e. excessive) egotistical pride.
pr Dn pr Apvwd nwir inMdw Xh mITI jIA mwih ihqwnI ]
par dhan, par apvaad, naar, niNdaa; yeh meeṭee jee-a maahi hitaanee.
The wealth of others, censure of others, the women, slandering others ---- are sweet and dear
to my heart.
blbMc Cip krq aupwvw pyKq sunq pRB AMqrjwmI ]
balbaNch chhap karat upaavaa, paykhat sunat prabh aNtarjaamee.
I make attempts to commit forcible cheating secretly; (but) the Controller of Souls sees and
hears everything.
sIl Drm dXw suc nwisœ AwieE srin jIA ky dwnI ]
seel, dharam, da-yaa, such naasit; aa-i-o saran, jee-a kay daanee.
Gentleness, faith, compassion or purity ---- are not (within me); (so) I have come to Your
refuge, O! Giver of Life.
kwrx krx smrQ isrIDr rwiK lyhu nwnk ky suAwmI ]1]
kaaraṇ karaṇ samrath sireedhar; raakh layho, naanak kay su-aamee. ||1||
Nanak (says): O! Cause of causes, All-Powerful, Lord of the Maya, (please) save me, O! my
Master. 1
kIriq krn srn mnmohn john pwp ibdwrn kau ]
keerat karan saran manmohan, johan paap bidaaran ka-o.
Singing the praise (of God), (seeking) the refuge of the fascinating (Lord), are potent to destroy

hir qwrn qrn smrQ sBY ibiD kulh smUh auDwrn sau ]
har taaran taran samrath sabhai bidh, kulah samooh udhaaran sa-o.
God is the boat to carry across (the world ocean); in every way (He is) All Powerful, to liberate
all our generations.
icq cyiq Acyq jwin sqsMgiq Brm AMDyr moihE kq DNau ]
chit chayt achayt jaan satsaNgat, bharam aNdhayr mohi-o kat dha -u. N

O! unconscious mind, understand and contemplate Him in the true Congregation; why are
you wandering around, O! robbed by the darkness of doubt.
mUrq GrI csw plu ismrn rwm nwmu rsnw sMig lau ]
moorat* gharee* chasaa* pal* simran; raam naam rasnaa saNg la-o.
Remember Him (each) moorat,* gharee,* chasaa,* pal* (i.e. each and every moment, hour and
time); chant the Name of God with your tongue.
[*These were the divisions of time in old days, before the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system: a mahoort/moorat
is 48 minutes, a ghari is 24 minutes, a pal is 24 seconds, a chasa is 4/5 seconds; a pehar is three hours (180 minutes’ Here,
it means: ‘remember God every minute and every second, i.e. all the time’].
hoCau kwju Alp suK bMDn koit jnµm khw duK BNau ]
hochha-o kaaj alap sukh baNdhan, kot janNam kahaa dukh bhan-u.
Worthless deeds, for petty pleasures, are the (cause of) bondage; (O! my mind) why do you
(want to) suffer sorrows for tens of millions of lifetimes (i.e. incarnations).
isK´w sMq nwmu Bju nwnk rwm rMig Awqm isau rNau ]2]
sikh-yaa saNt naam bhaj, naanak, raam raNg aatam si-o rann-u. ||2||
Nanak (says): (follow) the teachings of the God-oriented person and meditate upon the, Name
(of God); remember with love in your soul in the love of God. 2
rMck ryq Kyq qin inrimq durlB dyh svwir DrI ]
raNchak rayt, khayt tan nirmit, durlabh dayh savaar dharee.
A little of sperm germinates in the field of body (of the mother), and, the (human) body, so
difficult to obtain, is adorned from it.
Kwn pwn soDy suK BuMcq sMkt kwit ibpiq hrI ] khaan paan sodhay, sukh bhu chat, sa kat kaat bipat haree.
(Then this body is) blessed with pure food and drinks; and, it enjoy pleasures; his sufferings are
erased and calamity is taken away.
mwq ipqw BweI Aru bMDp bUJn kI sB sUJ prI]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee ar baNdhap, boojhan kee sabh soojh paree.
Mother, father, brother and relatives ---- he is given understanding to recognize them.
brDmwn hovq idn pRiq inq Awvq inkit ibKMm jrI ]
baradhmaan hovat din prat nit, aavat nikat bikhaMm jaree.
Day and night, everyday, he grows; (but, in fact), the difficult time of old age comes closer
ry gun hIn dIn mwieAw ik®m ismir suAwmI eyk GrI ]
ray gun heen deen maa-i-aa kiram, simar su-aamee ayk gharee.
O! worthless, petty worm of Maya, remember the Master, at least (just) for an instant*.
[*One gharee, though equivalent to 24 minutes, here, it means a moment, an instant].
kru gih lyhu ik®pwl ik®pw iniD nwnk kwit BrMm BrI ]3]
kar geh layho kirpaal kirpaa nidh, naanak, kaat bharaMm bharee. ||3||
Nanak (says): (please) hold my hand, O! Treasure of Compassion, and cut away (i.e. remove
away) the bundle (i.e .load) of doubts. 3

ry mn mUs iblw mih grbq krqb krq mhW muGnW ]
ray man, moos bilaa meh garbat, kartab karat mahaan mughnaan.
O! (my) mind, (you are) like a mouse sitting in mouse hole (of body), you are so proud (of
yourself), (but you) are committing great follies.
sMpq dol Jol sMig JUlq mwieAw mgn BRmq GuGnw ]
saMpat dol jhol saNg jhoolat, maa-i-aa magan bharmat ghughnaa.
You swing in the swing of wealth; and, intoxicated with Maya, you wander like an owl.
suq binqw swjn suK bMDp qw isau mohu biFE su Gnw ]
sut banitaa saajan sukh baNdhap, taa si-o moh baḍi-o so ghanaa.
Son, wife, friends and relatives of happiness (i.e. good days) ---- your (emotional) attachment to
them is greatly increasing
boieE bIju AhM mm AMkuru bIqq AauD krq AGnW ]
bo-i-o beej ahaM, mam aNkur, beetat a-odh, karat aghnaan.
You have planted the seed of egotism; it has germinated into possessiveness; and, your life is
passing in committing sins.
imrqu mMjwr pswir muKu inrKq BuMcq Bugiq BUK BuKnw ]
mirat maNjaar pasaar mukh nirkhat, bhuNchat bhugat bhookh bhukhnaa.
The cat of death, with its wide open mouth, is watching you. You eat and enjoy, (but, because of
your desires) you are still hungry.
ismir gupwl dieAwl sqsMgiq nwnk jgu jwnq supnw ]4]
simar gupaal da-i-aal satsaNgat; naanak, jag jaanat supnaa. ||4||
Nanak (says): meditate upon the Merciful (Lord), the Sustainer of the World, in true
congregation, and, know that the world is just (like) a dream.4
P. 1388
dyh n gyh n nyh n nIqw mwieAw mq khw lau gwrhu ]
dayh na gayh na nayh na neetaa, maa-i-aa mat kahaa la-o gaarahu.
Neither body, nor house, nor (emotional) attachment last forever; O! intoxicated with Maya,
how long will you be proud (of them).
CqR n pqR n caur n cwvr bhqI jwq irdY n ibcwrhu ]
chhatar na patar na cha-ur na chaavar, bahtee jaat ridai na bichaarahu.
Neither royal canopy (i.e. throne and crown), nor letter (of authority, i.e. power to command), nor
chaur (i.e. royal honour) and chaur-wavers (i.e. servants) ---- they are (all) passing on; (but) you
do not you consider this in your heart ?
rQ n AsÍ n gj isMGwsn iCn mih iqAwgq nWg isDwrhu ]
rath na asav na gaj siNghaasan, chhin meh ti-aagat, naang sidhaarahu.
Neither chariots, nor horses, nor elephants, nor throne (shall last forever); in an instant, you
shall (have to) leave them, and, depart naked (from this world).
sUr n bIr n mIr n Kwnm sMig n koaU idRsit inhwrhu ]
soor na beer na meer na khaanam, saNg na ko-oo darisat nihaarahu.
Neither the brave ones, nor warriors, nor kings, nor chiefs (shall last forever); no one
accompanies (in the end); see this with (your) eyes.

kot n Et n kos n Cotw krq ibkwr doaU kr Jwrhu ]
kot na ot na kos na chhotaa, karat bikaar do-oo kar jhaarahu.
Neither fort, nor shelter, nor treasure will save (you). You do evil deeds; with both empty-
hands, you shall depart (from the world).
imqR n puqR klqR swjn sK aultq jwq ibrK kI CWrhu ]
mitar na putar kaltar saajan sakh, ultat jaat birakh kee chhaanrahu.
Friends, sons, wife, nears and dears (won’t last forever)---- they change like the shade of a tree.
dIn dXwl purK pRB pUrn iCn iCn ismrhu Agm Apwrhu ]
deen da-yaal purakh prabh pooran, chhin chhin simrahu agam apaarahu.
(He is) Merciful to the Poor, Primal Person, Perfect Lord ---- each and every instant meditate
upon that Inaccessible, Infinite (Lord).
sRIpiq nwQ srix nwnk jn hy BgvMq ik®pw kir qwrhu ]5]
sreepat naath saraṇ, naanak jan, hay bhagvaNt kirpaa kar taarahu. ||5||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): O! Lord of Maya, my Master, I seek Your refuge, O! Lord
of Fortune, (please) bestow Your Grace and carry me across (the world ocean). 5
pRwn mwn dwn mg john hIqu cIqu dy ly ly pwrI ] praan maan daan mag johan, heet cheet day, lay lay paaree.
(Risking) breath (of life), (losing) honour, (begging) charity, (and, committing) highway
robberies ---- (the mortals) attach their mind (to wealth) and acquire and gather it.
swjn sYn mIq suq BweI qwhU qy ly rKI inrwrI ] saajan sain meet sut bhaa-ee, taahoo tay lay rakhee niraaree.
They keep it away (i.e. concealed) from friends, relatives, dears, sons and brothers.
Dwvn pwvn kUr kmwvn ieh ibiD krq AauD qn jwrI ]
dhaavan paavan koor kamaavan, ih bidh karat a-odh tan jaaree.
They run on their foot to practice falsehood; this way, they burn their body and life.
krm Drm sMjm suc nymw cMcl sMig sgl ibiD hwrI ]
karam dharam saNjam such naymaa, chaNchal saNg sagal bidh haaree.
(Good) deeds, righteousness, self-discipline, purity, religious pledges ---- they lose all (these
good) way in attachment to fickle Maya.
psu pMKI ibrK AsQwvr bhu ibiD join BRimE Aiq BwrI ]
pas paNkhee birakh asthaavar, baho bidh jon bharmi-o at bhaaree.
(As a result, like) animals and birds, trees and mountains ---- in lot of ways, one wanders in lots
of incarnations.
iKnu plu csw nwmu nhI ismirE dInw nwQ pRwnpiq swrI ]
khin pal chasaa|* naam nahee simri-o, deenaa naath praanpat saaree.
They do not remember the Name of the Master of the poor, the Lord of Breath (of life), even
for a moment*, an instant, a little time.
[*Visuya is 15 blinkings of an eye; chasa is 15 Visu-ya; pal is 30 chasa. These were the divisions of time in old days, before
the adoption of month, day, hour, minute system. In modern system, a pal is 24 seconds, a chasa is 4/5 seconds, and a
visuya is 4/75 seconds. Here, it means that they do not remember God, even for the shortest time.].
Kwn pwn mIT rs Bojn AMq kI bwr hoq kq KwrI ] khaan paan meeṭ ras bhojan, a t kee baar hot kat khaaree.
The food and drinks, sweet and tasty delicacies ---- become totally bitter at the last moment.
nwnk sMq crn sMig auDry hoir mwieAw mgn cly siB fwrI ]6]
naanak, saNt charan saNg udhray, hor maa-i-aa magan chalay sabh daaree. ||6||
Nanak (says): those, who are in the company of the God-oriented persons, (and remain) in
their feet, are saved; others, (who are) intoxicated with Maya depart, leaving everything
behind. 6

bRhmwidk isv CMd munIsur rsik rsik Twkur gun gwvq ]
brahmaadik siv chhaNd muneesur, rasak rasak ṭaakur gun gaavat.
Brahma and others (like him), the verses of Vedas, the silent sages, sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the Master with love and joy.
ieMdR muinMdR Kojqy gorK Drix ggn Awvq Puin Dwvq ]
iNdar muniNdra khojtay gorakh, dharaṇ gagan aavat fun dhaavat.
Indar,* Muninder (i.e. Vishnu), Gorakh* are searching for Him on the earth and in the sky;
and, they come and go (in reincarnation).
[*Inder is a mythical god. Gorakh was one of the major leaders of the yogis]
isD mnuK´ dyv Aru dwnv ieku iqlu qw ko mrmu n pwvq ]
sidh manukhy dayv ar daanav, ik til taa ko maram na paavat.
The sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous power), humans, gods and demons, cannot find
even a tiny bit of the mystery of God.
ipRA pRB pRIiq pRym rs BgqI hir jn qw kY dris smwvq ]
pri-a prabh preet praym ras bhagtee, har jan taa kai daras samaavat.
Imbued with the love of the Beloved Lord, in the joy of love of devotion, the servants (i.e.
devotees) of God are absorbed in His vision.
iqsih iqAwig Awn kau jwcih muK dMq rsn sgl Gis jwvq ]
tiseh ti-aag aan ka-o jaacheh, mukh daNt rasan sagal ghas jaavat.
Those, who forsake Him, and, beg from another ---- their mouth, teeth and tongue wear away
(begging, but they obtain nothing).
ry mn mUV ismir suKdwqw nwnk dws quJih smJwvq ]7]
ray man mooṛ, simar sukh-daata, naanak, daas tujheh samjhaavat. ||7||
O! foolish mind, meditate upon the Giver of Happiness; slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak imparts you
this teaching. 7
mwieAw rMg ibrMg krq BRm moh kY kUip gubwir pirE hY ]
maa-i-aa raNg biraNg karat, bhram moh kai koop gubaar pari-o hai.
Maya plays through many colours, in its motley colours; in attached to it and in doubt, one
falls in dark well (of ignorance).
eyqw gbu Akwis n mwvq ibstw Asœ ik®im audru BirE hY ]
aytaa gab akaas na maavat, bistaa ast kiram udar bhari-o hai.
He is so much proud, (that) even the sky cannot contain it (i.e. pride); his belly is filled with
faeces, bones and worms.
dh ids Dwie mhw ibiKAw kau pr Dn CIin AigAwn hirE hY ]
dah dis dhaa-ay mahaa bikhi-aa ka-o, par dhan chheen agi-aan hari-o hai.
He run around in ten (i.e. all) directions, for the sake of great poison; he snatches (i.e. robs) the
wealth of others; (in fact) he himself is robbed (i.e. destroyed) by ignorance.
jobn bIiq jrw roig gRisE jmdUqn fMnu imrqu mirE hY ]
joban beet jaraa rog garsi-o, jamdootan daNn, mirat mari-o hai.
His youth has passed away, the diseases of old age have seized him; the messengers of death
punish him; he dies such a death.
Aink join sMkt nrk BuMcq swsn dUK griq girE hY ]
anik jon saNkat narak bhuNchat, saasan dookh garat gari-o hai.
Through countless incarnations, he suffers distress of hell; (he suffers) pain of censure (of the
messenger of death) and rots away in pit of sorrows.

pRym Bgiq auDrih sy nwnk kir ikrpw sMqu Awip kirE hY ]8]
praym bhagat udhrahi say, naanak, kar kirpaa saNt aap kari-o hai. ||8||
Nanak (says): they are carried across (the world ocean) by their loving devotion, whom,
bestowing His Grace, He Himself has made God-oriented ones. 8
gux smUh Pl sgl mnorQ pUrn hoeI Aws hmwrI ] guṇ samooh fal sagal manorath, pooran ho-ee aas
(I have obtained) all virtues and fruits (i.e. rewards) and (fulfilment of) desires; and, (all my)
hopes have been fulfilled (by meditation upon the Name of God).
AauKD mMqR qMqR pr duK hr srb rog KMfx guxkwrI ]
a-ukhadh maNtra taNtra par dukh har, sarab rog khaNdaṇ, guṇkaaree.
It (i.e. the Name) is the medicine, charms, and spells to eradicate the sorrows of (i.e. given by)
others; it destroys all diseases, and, imparts virtues.
P. 1389
kwm k®oD md mqsr iqRsnw ibnis jwih hir nwmu aucwrI ]
kaam krodh mad matsar tarisnaa, binas jaahi har naam uchaaree.
Sexual desire (i.e. lust), anger, egotism, jealousy, and desires (i.e. all vices) vanish away by
chanting the Name of God.
iesnwn dwn qwpn suic ikirAw crx kml ihrdY pRB DwrI ]
isnaan daan taapan such kiri-aa, charaṇ kamal hirdai prabh dhaaree.
(The merits of) bathing (i.e. cleansing bath), charity, penance, and actions for purity (i.e. rituals
for ablution), (all are obtained) by enshrining the lotus-feet of the Lord within the heart.
swjn mIq sKw hir bMDp jIA Dwn pRB pRwn ADwrI ]
saajan meet sakhaa har baNdhap, jee-a dhaan prabh praan adhaaree.
God is our friend, beloved, companion and relative. He is the Sustenance of the Soul and the
Support for Breath (of life).
Et ghI suAwmI smrQh nwnk dws sdw bilhwrI ]9]
ot gahee su-aamee samartheh, naanak daas, sadaa balihaaree. ||9||
Slave (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I have grasped in refuge of all-powerful Master; I am forever
a sacrifice unto Him. 9
AwvD kitE n jwq pRym rs crn kml sMig ] aavadh kati-o na jaat, praym ras charan kamal saNg.
They cannot be cut (i.e. killed) by weapons; they relish the love of the lotus-feet of God.
dwvin bMiDE n jwq ibDy mn drs mig ] daavan baNdhi-o na jaat, bidhay man daras mag.
They cannot be bound by ropes; their minds are pierced through by the vision of path (of
pwvk jirE n jwq rihE jn DUir lig ] paavak jari-o na jaat, rahi-o jan dhoor lag.
They cannot be burnt by fire, (because they) are attached to the dust (of the feet) of the God-
oriented persons.
nIru n swkis boir clih hir pMiQ pig ] neer na saakas bor, chaleh har paNth pag.
Water cannot drown those, whose feet walk on the path of God.
nwnk rog doK AG moh iCdy hir nwm Kig ]1]10]
naanak, rog dokh agh moh, chhiday har naam khag ||1||10||
Nanak (says): diseases, sins, (emotional) attachment are pierced through (i.e. destroyed) by the
arrow of the Name of God. 10

audmu kir lwgy bhu BwqI ibcrih Aink swsqR bhu KtUAw ]
udam kar laagay baho bhaatee, bichrahi anik saastra baho khatoo-aa.
(Many people) engage themselves in making many sorts of efforts, and, contemplate various
aspects of the six Shastras.
Bsm lgwie qIrQ bhu BRmqy sUKm dyh bMDih bhu jtUAw ]
bhasam lagaa-ay tirath baho bharamtay, sookham dayh, baNdheh baho jatoo-aa.
(Many) smear ashes (on their bodies), wander around at various places of pilgrimage, make
their bodies thin (by fasting), and, braid their hair into long tangled knots.
ibnu hir Bjn sgl duK pwvq ijau pRym bFwie sUq ky htUAw ]
bin har bhajan sagal dukh paavat, ji-o praym baḍaa-ay soot kay hatoo-aa.
(But) without meditation upon (the Name of) God, they all suffer; like (the silk worm) they get
caught in tangled web of love.
pUjw ck® krq sompwkw Aink BWiq Qwtih kir QtUAw ]2]11]20]
poojaa chakar karat sompaakaa, anik bhaant thaateh kar thatoo-aa. ||2||11||20||
They perform worship (ceremonies), draw (ritual) circles on their body, cook their own food,
and, they make pretentious show (of themselves) in many ways. 2.11.20

sveIey mhly pihly ky 1 Sava-ee-ay, Mahlay Pahilay kay, 1

The sava-ee-yas (i.e. verses) for Mehlaa 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
iek min purKu iDAwie brdwqw ] ik man purakh dhi-aa-ay bardaataa.
I meditate single-mindedly upon the Primal Person, the Bestower of Blessings.
sMq shwru sdw ibiKAwqw ] saNt sahaar sadaa bikhi-aataa.

He is the Support of the God-oriented persons, and, is forever present.
qwsu crn ly irdY bswvau ] taas charan lay ridai basaava-o.
I grasp His feet and enshrine them in my heart.
qau prm gurU nwnk gun gwvau ]1] ta-o param guroo naanak gun gaava-o. ||1||
Next, I sing (the praise of) the excellences of the supreme Guru Nanak. 1
gwvau gun prm gurU suK swgr durq invwrx sbd sry ]
gaava-o gun param guroo sukh saagar, durat nivaaraṇ, sabad saray.
I sing (the praise of) the excellences of the supreme Guru (i.e. God), the Ocean of Happiness,
the Eradicator of sins, the Source of the Word.
gwvih gMBIr DIr miq swgr jogI jMgm iDAwnu Dry ]
gaavahi gaMbheer dheer mat saagar, jogee jaNgam dhi-aan dharay.
The profound (beings), men of patience, sing (the praise of God) the Ocean of Wisdom; the
yogis and the wandering hermits meditate upon Him.
gwvih ieMdRwid Bgq pRihlwidk Awqm rsu ijin jwixE ]
gaavahi iNdraad, bhagat par-hilaadik, aatam ras jin jaaṇi-o.
Indar etc. and devotees like Prahlaad* etc, who have known the joy of soul, sing (His praise).
[*As per popular myth, Prahlaad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prahlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prahlaad and ever tried to kill him. At this, Prehlad sought the refuge of God,
who appeared as Narsinh* (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prahlaad .The myth of Prahlaad has
been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone].

kib kl sujsu gwvau gur nwnk rwju jogu ijin mwixE ]2]
kab kal, sujas gaava-o gur naanak, raaj jog jin maaṇi-o. ||2||
Poet Kal (says): I sing the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoyed Raj-yoga (i.e. lordship
of temporal and spiritual kingdom). 2
gwvih jnkwid jugiq jogysur hir rs pUrn srb klw ]
gaavahi jankaad jugat jogaysur, har ras pooran sarab kalaa.
(King) Janak* and other masters of the ways of yoga (i.e. union with God), (too) sing the praise
of the essence of the All-powerful perfect God.
[*Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached person.
When he went to Janak, he found him surrounded by pretty ladies who were giving physical message to him. This created
doubts about the personality of Janak in his mind, that how could such a person be spiritually enlightened and detached
one. But, then he noticed that Janak had placed one of his legs in fire. This meant that Janak regarded pleasure and plain
as one and the same. At this Sukdev decided to become the disciple of king Janak].
gwvih snkwid swD isDwidk muin jn gwvih ACl Clw ]
gaavahi sankaad saadh sidhaadik, mun jan gaavahi achhal chhalaa.
Sanak* etc. (the four sons of Brahma), the God-oriented persons, the sidhs (i.e. those who claim
having miraculous powers), the silent sages, (all) sing (the praise of the Lord) who cannot be
[*Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are the four sons of mythical god Brahma. They are also mentioned as
Sanakaad (literally: Sanak etc)].
gwvY gux Domu Atl mMflvY Bgiq Bwie rsu jwixE ]
gaavai guṇ dhom atal* maNdlavai bhagat bhaa-ay ras jaaṇi-o.
Dhom, (the seer) and (Dhruv)* of the unmoving realm, who had known the essence of loving
devotion (also) sing (the praise of God).
[*According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi was
jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him asking
him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began meditating and
practising penance; and, finally, through the guidance of Naarad, another mythical god, he succeeded in pleasing God].
kib kl sujsu gwvau gur nwnk rwju jogu ijin mwixE ]3]
kab kal sujas gaava-o gur naanak, raaj jog jin maaṇi-o. ||3||
Poet Kal (says): I sing the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoyed Raj-yoga (i.e. lordship
of the temporal and spiritual kingdom). 3
gwvih kiplwid Awid jogysur AprMpr Avqwr vro ] gaavahi kapilaad aad jogaysur apraMpar avtaar varo.
Kapil* etc great Yogis sing (the praise of) the Infinite (Lord), in the incarnates form (as well).
[*Kapil (son of Kardam and Devhuti) is known as the founder of Samkhya school of thought. According to Bhagwat
Puran, he was the fifth incarnation of Vishnu. All other Brahminic books preach liberation through yajnas and ritual
worship, but Kapil preached that liberation can be achieved only by way of spiritual knowledge. Once, when king Sagar's
yajna horse was stolen, his sixty thousand sons went in search of the horse. When they reached the place where Kapil was
busy in meditation, they began using bad words for Kapil. At this he burnt all of them in an instant].
gwvY jmdgin prsrwmysur kr kuTwru rGu qyju hirE ]
gaavai jamadgan parasraamaysur kar kuṭaar ragh tayj hari-o.
Paras Ram*, (the son of) Jamdagan,* whose axe and power was taken away by Ram Chander,
also sing (the praise of God).
[*Jamdagan was the son of Richik and Satyavati. He was married to Renuka. She born five sons to him. One day, when
Renuka was beholding the birds making love, she too became sexually exited. At this Jamdagan asked his sons to kill her
Four of his five sons refused to kill their mother but Parasram / Parsuram, the youngest one, obeyed his father's
command and killed her. At this Jamdagan asked Parsram to get one of his wishes fulfilled as a reward for obeying his

command. At this, Parsuram asked him to bring his mother back to life; and, Jagdaman fulfilled his promise by bringing
her back to life. Once, Sahasarbahu (sister-in-law's husband) forcible took away Kapila (a wish fulfilling Elysian Cow)
from Jamdagan. At this Parsuram (son of Jagdam) attacked Sahasarbahu and killed him. Angered by their father's death
Sahasarbahu's sons killed Jagdaman. To avenge the killing of Jagdaman Parsu Ram killed all of them. Now, Parsuram
began killing all the Khatris (i.e. the tribe of Sahasarbahu). He carried these killings 21 times and finally finished all of
them. According to another myth, Parsuram has been bestowed with a hammer by Shiva (one of the mythical gods).
Parsuram was also the teacher of Karan (one of the heroes of Mahabharat), and, in the same battle he had fought against
Bhisham (Pitamah) as well. When Ramchander (another god king) broke the bow of Seeta, Parsuram became angry. At
this Ramchander took away the miraculous power of Parasram. (If we combie all these stories, Parasram is present
during the period of Ramchande rof Ramayna, Krishan of Mahabharta and Jagdaman (of still older period). This clearly
proves that all this is just fiction].
auDO Ak®¨ru ibdru gux gwvY srbwqmu ijin jwixE ] udhou akroor bidar guṇ gaavai, sarbaatam jin jaaṇi-o.
Udho*, Akrur**, Bidar***, who knew (Lord) the Soul of All, (also) sing (the praise of) His
[*Udho (son of Devbhag) was a devotee of mythical god king Krishan (he was his uncle as well). He used to carry
messages of gopis (of Gokal) for their lover Krishan, who lived at Brindaban. When Krishan had to flee Brindaban for
Dwarka, then too, Udho played the role of a messenger between the gopis and Krishan. **Akur (son of Sooflak and
Gandali) was one of the uncles of mythical god king Krishan. Once, when king Kans invited Krishan and Balram (son of
Yashodha, who was the caretaker mother of Krishan) to participate in one of his yajnas, Akur escorted them to Mathura.
Akrur is considered as one of the respectable devotees of Krishan. *** As per the Mahabharat, Vidur/Bidar was the half-
brother to the kings Dhritarashtr and Pandu of Hastinapur, born the son of the sage Vyasa and Parishrami, the maid to the
queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Vidur/Bidar was raised and educated by Bhisham as the half-brother of
Dhritarashtr and Pandu. Once, when Krishn visited Hastinapur as a peace emissary of the Pandavs, he shunned
Duryodhan's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the home of Vidur/Bidar, on account of him being the only
neutral man in the Kaurav court. Krishna praised Vidur/Bidar’s food and said that it was presented with love and
kib kl sujsu gwvau gur nwnk rwju jogu ijin mwixE ]4]
kab kal sujas gaava-o gur naanak raaj jog jin maaṇi-o. ||4||
Poet Kal (says): I sing the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoyed Raj-yoga (i.e. lordship
of the temporal and spiritual kingdom). 4
P. 1390
gwvih gux brn cwir Kt drsn bRhmwidk ismrMiQ gunw ]
gaavahi guṇ, baran chaar, khat darsan, brahmaadik simraNth gunaa.
(The people of) the four colours (i.e. castes), the six systems sing (the praise of) the excellences
(of God); also, Brahma and others sing (the praise of) the excellences of the All-Powerful
gwvY gux sysu shs ijhbw rs Awid AMiq ilv lwig Dunw ]
gaavai guṇ says, sahas jihbaa ras, aad aNt liv laag dhunaa.
The serpent, with thousand tongues, sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) with delight,
remaining lovingly attuned to Him from the very beginning to end (i.e. forever).
gwvY gux mhwdyau bYrwgI ijin iDAwn inrMqir jwixE ]
gaavai guṇ mahaaday-o bairaagee, jin dhi-aan niraNtar jaaṇi-o.
Mahadeo (i.e. Shiv), the detached one, who is known for his constant concentration, (also)
sings (the praise of) the excellences (of God) .
kib kl sujsu gwvau gur nwnk rwju jogu ijin mwixE ]5]
kab kal sujas gaava-o gur naanak, raaj jog jin maaṇi-o. ||5||
Poet Kal (says): I sing the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoyed Raj-yoga (i.e. lordshhip
of the temporal and spiritual kingdom). 5

rwju jogu mwixE bisE inrvYru irdMqir ] raaj jog maaṇi-o, basi-o nirvair ridaNtar.
He enjoyed Raj yoga, the (Lord) beyond animosity dwelt within his heart.
isRsit sgl auDrI nwim ly qirE inrMqir ] sarisat sagal udhree, naam lay tari-o niraNtar.
The whole world is carried across (the world ocean) continually chanting His Name.
gux gwvih snkwid Awid jnkwid jugh lig ] guṇ gaavahi sankaad, aad jankaad jugah lag.
Sanak* and others, and, Janak** and others sing (the praise of) His excellences, age after age
(throughout ages).
[*Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are the four sons of mythical god Brahma. They are also mentioned as
Sanakaad (literally: Sanak and others).**Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached
person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his son Sukdev to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he
thought how can a king be a detached person, but, when he visited him, he found that Janak was really a detached person
and had complete faith in the Will and Command of God].
DMin DMin guru DMin jnmu skXQu BlO jig ] dhaNn dhaNn gur dhaNn, janam sakyath bhalou jag.
Blessed, blessed and blessed is the Guru, and, fruitful is his birth into the world.
pwqwl purI jYkwr Duin kib jn kl vKwixE ] paataal puree jaikaar dhun, kab jan kal vakhaaṇi-o.
Servant (i.e. devotee) poet Kal says: his praise resounds (even) in the nether regions.
hir nwm risk nwnk gur rwju jogu qY mwixE ]6] har naam rasik naanak gur, raaj jog tai maaṇi-o. ||6||
O! enjoyer of nectar of the Name of God, Guru Nanak, you enjoyed Raj yoga (i.e. lordship of
the temporal and spiritual kingdoms). 6
sqjuig qY mwixE CilE bil bwvn BwieE ] satjug tai maaṇi-o, chhali-o bal baavan bhaa-i-o.
In the Satyuga (i.e. True Age / Golden Age), they enjoyed (the worship of) the one (i.e. Vishnu)
who deceived (king) Bal, by becoming dwarf.
qRyqY qY mwixE rwmu rGuvMsu khwieE ] taraytai tai maaṇi-o, raam raghoovaNs kahaa-i-o.
In Taraytaa (i.e. Third Age / Silver age), they enjoyed (the worship of) the one who was called
Ram of the family of (king) Raghu.
duAwpuir ik®sn murwir kMsu ikrqwrQu kIE ] du-aapur krisan* muraar*, kans* kirtaarath kee-o.
In Doaapar, (i.e. second/brass age), (they enjoyed the worship of) Krishan who killed Mur the
demon and emancipated (even cruel king like) Kans.
augRsYx kau rwju ABY Bgqh jn dIE ] ugarsaiṇ* ka-o raaj, abhai bhagtah jan dee-o.
He (i.e. Krishan) blessed Ugarsen with kingdom, and, with fearlessness to his devotee beings.
[*Kans was the maternal uncle of Krishan. He had forcibly occupied the kingdom of Mathura from his father Ugarsen. At
this time, some astrologer told him that he will be killed by one of his sister’s son. At this, he decided to kill all the male
children of his sister, but, under a planning, one of their sons Krishan was able to escape being murdered. Much later,
when Kans came to know about this, he made many attempts to kill Krishan. Krishan killed Mur the demon (sent by Kans)
and many other attackers. Later, Kans too was killed by Krishna, and, Ugrasena was reinstated as the King of Mathura].
kiljuig pRmwxu nwnk guru AMgdu Amru khwieE ] kalijug parmaaṇ naanak, gur aNgad amar kahaa-i-o.
In Kaliyug (i.e. Dark Age) Nanak (Guru) was accepted; (and then he was), known as (i.e. then
this honour was bestowed upon) Gurus Angad and Amar (Das).
sRI gurU rwju Aibclu Atlu Awid puriK PurmwieE ]7]
saree guroo raaj abichal atal, aad purakh furmaa-i-o ||7||
The kingdom of the great Guru is unmoving, stable; according to the Command of the Primal
Person (Lord). 7
gux gwvY rivdwsu Bgqu jYdyv iqRlocn ] guṇ gaavai ravidaas bhagat, jaidayv tarilochan.
(The praise of) the excellences (of God) is sung by the devotees (Bhagat) Ravidas, (Bhagat poets)
Jaidev and Trilochan.

nwmw Bgqu kbIru sdw gwvih sm locn ] naamaa bhagat kabeer, sadaa gaavahi sam lochan.
The devotees Naamaa (i.e. (Bhagat Namdev) and Kabir sing (praise of His excellences)
continually, (knowing you as One) who sees everyone alike.
Bgqu byix gux rvY shij Awqm rMgu mwxY ] bhagat bayṇ guṇ ravai, sahj aatam raNg maaṇai.
The devotee Baynee sings (the praise of) His excellences, and, enjoys the love of God, with
natural ease.
jog iDAwin gur igAwin ibnw pRB Avru n jwxY ] jog dhi-aan gur gi-aan, binaa prabh avar na jaaṇai.
With concentration upon yoga (i.e. union with God), through the teachings of the Guru, he
knows no one other than the Lord.
suKdyau prIK´qu gux rvY goqm iriK jsu gwieE]
sukh-day-o, pareekh-yat guṇ ravai, gotam rikh jas gaa-i-o.
Sukhdev* and Prikshat** sing (the praise of) His excellences; Gautam***, the sage, (too) sings
His praise.
[*Suk (Sukhdev) was the son of Vyas (believed to be the author of the Vedas). Vyas sent Sukdev to king Janak to seek
spiritual knowledge from him. When he went to Janak, he found him surrounded by pretty ladies who were giving physical
message to him. This created doubts about the personality of Janak in his mind, that how such a person could be
spiritually enlightened and detached one. But, then he noticed that Janak had placed one of his legs in fire. This meant that
Janak regarded pleasure and plain as one and the same. At this Sukdev decided to become the disciple of king Janak.
**Prikhat/ Prikashat was the son of Abhimanyu and grandson of Arjan (of Mahabharat epic). According to a version,
when he was still in the womb of his mother, Ashavthama killed him but Krishan saved him. When he was born he tried to
find his saviour, hence he came to be known as 'Prikhat'. He succeeded Yudhishaar as the ruler of Hastinapur. Once, he
went to the forest for hunting, and, there he became thirsty; and, searching for water he reached near the hut of Shameek, a
sage. He asked the sage to give him water but as the sage was fast asleep, he could not respond. At this Prikshat became
angry and he placed a dead snake around the neck of the sage. When Sringi (the son of the sage reached there and saw the
snake) he pronounced that Prikshat will be killed within a week by a snake's bite. Prikashat tried to save himself but as per
the omen he was killed by a snake. ***According to a myth, Ahilya was the wife of the sage Gautam. One day, when
Gautam was away from home, Inder (another mythical god) came to her in the guise of her husband; Ahalya saw through
his disguise but nevertheless accepted his advances. According to another sources, she did not know of Indra’s trick and
fell prey to his trickery and was raped. According Balmiki Ramayan, she was in love with Inder. When Gautam leant it, he
cursed Ahalya and her lover Indra. As per the curse she was turned into a stone. She was finally redeemed by Raam
kib kl sujsu nwnk gur inq nvqnu jig CwieE ]8]
kab kal, sujas naanak gur, nit navtan jag chhaa-i-o ||8||
Poet Kal (says): I sing the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who is ever-fresh and, spread
throughout the world. 8
gux gwvih pwXwil Bgq nwgwid BuXMgm ] guṇ gaavahi paa-yaal, bhagat naagaad bhuyaNgam.
In the nether world, the devotee Naga (i.e. Shayshnaag, the mythical one thousand headed-serpant,
known as lord of the serpents) etc. and other snakes, sing (the praise of) His excellences.
mhwdyau gux rvY sdw jogI jiq jMgm ] mahaaday-o guṇ ravai, sadaa jogee jat jaNgam.
Mahadeo (i.e. Shiv) and other yogis, celibates, and (other) wandering hermits, sing (the praise
of) His excellences, forever.
gux gwvY muin b´wsu ijin byd b´wkrx bIcwirA ] guṇ gaavai mun byaas, jin bayd bayaakaraṇ beechaari-a.
Vayaas, the silent sage, who contemplated (i.e. compiled) the grammer of the Vedas, sings (the
praise of) His excellences.
bRhmw gux aucrY ijin hukim sB isRsit svwrIA ] brahmaa guṇ uchrai, jin hukam sabh sarisat savaaree-a.
Brahma, who (is said to have) created the entire universe, in Command (of God), sings (the
praise of) His excellences.

bRhmMf KMf pUrn bRhmu gux inrgux sm jwixE ] brahmaNd khaNd pooran barahm, guṇ nirguṇ sam jaaṇi-o.
God is perfectly pervading (all) the universes and the regions; He is known to be the same ----
with gunaas and without gunaas (i.e. in manifest and in un-manifest form).
jpu kl sujsu nwnk gur shju jogu ijin mwixE ]9] jap kal, sujas naanak gur, sahj jog jin maaṇi-o. ||9||
Poet Kal (says): I chant the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, who enjoyed union (with the Lord)
with natural ease. 9
gux gwvih nv nwQ DMin guru swic smwieE ] guṇ gaavahi nav naath, dhaNn gur saach samaa-i-o.
The nine masters of yoga* sing (the praise of) His excellences. Blessed is the Guru who is
absorbed in the True (Lord).
[*The nine senior yogis are: Aad Nath, Machninder Nath, Udey Nath, Santokh Nath, Kanthar Nath, Satya Nath, Achambh
Nath, Chaurangi Nath, Gorakh Nath].
mWDwqw gux rvY jyn ck®vY khwieE ] maandhaataa guṇ ravai, jayn chakravai kahaa-i-o.
Maandhata,* who called himself the ruler of the world, sings (the praise of) His excellences.
[*Mandhaata (son of king Yashnasav) was born to his father without a mother. Inder (another mythical god) gave him
breast-feeding; hence his name 'Maan-dharata'. Mandhata meditated upon God at Kailash mountain (now a part of
Tibet) for many years. That hill came to be known as Maandhatri].
gux gwvY bil rwau spq pwqwil bsMqO ] guṇ gaavai bal raa-o, sapat paataal basaNtou.
King Bal, dwelling in the seventh neither regions, sings (the praise of) His excellences.
BrQir gux aucrY sdw gur sMig rhMqO ] bharthar guṇ uchrai, sadaa gur saNg rahaNtou.
Bharthar (yogi), living forever with his guru (Gorakh), sings (the praise of) His excellences.
dUrbw prUrau AMgrY gur nwnk jsu gwieE ] doorbaa, paroora-o, aNgrai; gur naanak jas gaa-i-o.
Durba* (i.e. Durbasha), Paroorao** (i.e. king Parurav) and Angre (i.e. Angrish seer) sang the
praise of the One, (whose praise was) sung by Guru Nanak.
[*According to a myth, once some Yadavs played a trick with Durvasas/Durbasa by presenting Samba (son of god-king
Krishan) as a pregnant woman. At this, Durbasa cursed them that their whole clan shall be annihilated; and, his prophesy
turned true when all the Yadavs were kiiled. Finally, Krishan (whom the Hindus regards as god) was also killed by a
hunter, named Jara.**Parurau was the son of Budh and grandsion of Chardarma (Moon). He was the first ruler of the
Chandarbnsi clan. Prishnan (near Paryag) was his capital. He fathered six sons. Among them Prishnan became a
powerful king who founded the Kankubaj state.
kib kl sujsu nwnk gur Git Git shij smwieE ]10]
kab kal, sujas naanak gur, ghat ghat sahj samaa-i-o. ||10||
Poet Kal (says): I chant the sublime praise of Guru Nanak, (whose praise is) absorbed in each
and every heart with natural ease. 10
P. 1391
sveIey mhly dUjy ky 2 Sava-ee-ay, Mahlay doojay kay 2
The sava-ee-yas (i.e. verses) for Mehlaa 2
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
soeI purKu DMnu krqw kwrx krqwru krx smrQo ]
so-ee purakh dhaNn kartaa, kaaraṇ kartaar, karaṇ samratho.
Blessed is the Primal Person (Lord), the Creator, the Cause (of causes) and All-powerful.
siqgurU DMnu nwnku msqik qum DirE ijin hQo ] satguroo dhaNn naanak, mastak tum dhari-o jin hatho.
Blessed is the True Guru Nanak, who placed his hand upon your forehead (O! Guru Angad).

q DirE msqik hQu shij Aimau vuTau Cij suir nr gx muin boihX Agwij ]
ta dhari-o mastak hath sahj, ami-o vuṭ-o chhaj, sur nar gaṇ mun, bohiy agaaj.
When he placed his hand on your forehead, (then) the nectar (of the Name) rained down in
torrents, with natural ease; gods, humans, community, silent sages, (all) were drenched in
fragrance (of the Name).
mwirE kMtku kwlu grij Dwvqu lIE brij pMc BUq eyk Gir rwiK ly smij ]
maari-o kaNtak kaal garaj, dhaavat lee-o baraj, paNch bhoot ayk ghar raakh lay samaj.
(O! Guru Angad) you killed the dreadful demon of death; you restrained the wandering
(mind); you overpowered the five demons (i.e. passions) and kept them in one home.
jgu jIqau gur duAwir Kylih smq swir rQu aunmin ilv rwiK inrMkwir ]
jag jeeta-o gur du-aar, khayleh samat saar, rath unman liv raakh niraNkaar.
You conquered the world by being at (i.e. through) the door of Guru (Nanak), (hence) you play
(i.e. deal) with everyone alike; and, you kept the chariot (i.e. flow of mind) steady, lovingly
attuned to the Formless (Lord).
khu kIriq kl shwr spq dIp mJwr lhxw jgqR guru pris murwir ]1]
kaho keerat kal sahaar, sapat deep majhaar, lahṇaa jagtar gur, paras muraar*. ||1||
O! Kalashar, chant his (i.e. Lehna’s) praise, throughout the seven continents; meeting with the
Destroyer of Demons*, Lahna (i.e. Angad) became the Guru for the world. 1
jw kI idRsit AMimRq Dwr kwluK Kin auqwr iqmr Ag´wn jwih drs duAwr ]
jaa kee darisat aMmrit dhaar, kaalukh khan utaar, timar agyaan jaahi daras du-aar.
His (i.e. Guru Angad’s) look is* the stream of AMmrit, which washes away the soot (i.e. filth) of
sins; the sight of his door dispels the darkness of ignorance.
[*Bhatt poets have presented the personality and the work of the Gurus in present perfect tense and not in past tense].
Eie ju syvih sbdu swru gwKVI ibKm kwr qy nr Bv auqwir kIey inrBwr ]
o-ay jo sayveh sabad saar, gaakh-ṛee bikham kaar; tay nar bhav utaar kee-ay nirbhaar.
Those, who serve the sublime Word (of the Guru), accomplish an uneven and difficult task ----
those persons are carried across the terrifying (the world ocean), and, their load (of sins) is
taken off.
sqsMgiq shj swir jwgIly gur bIcwir inMmrI BUq sdIv prm ipAwir ]
satsaNgat sahj saar, jaageelay gur beechaar, niMmree bhoot sadeev param pi-aar.
In the true congregation, in sublime ease, they remain awake (by) through the teaching of the
Guru; and, they remain the embodiment of humility , and, are forever in sublime love.
khu kIriq kl shwr spq dIp mJwr lhxw jgqR guru pris murwir ]2]
kaho keerat kal sahaar, sapat deep majhaar, lahṇaa jagtar gur, paras muraar*. ||2||
O! Kalashar, chant his (i.e. Lehna’s) praise, throughout the seven continents; meeting with the
Destroyer of Demons*, Lahna (i.e. Angad) became the Guru for the world. 2
qY qau idRiVE nwmu Apwru ibml jwsu ibQwru swiDk isD sujn jIAw ko ADwru ]
tai ta-o dariṛa-o naam apaar, bimal jaas bithaar, saadhik sidh sujan jee-aa ko adhaar.
You implanted the Infinite Name (of the Lord); your immaculate praise is spread (throughout
the world); You are the support of the seekers, the sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous
powers) and the noble beings.

qU qw jink rwjw Aauqwru sbdu sMswir swru rhih jgqR jl pdm bIcwr ]
too taa janik raajaa a-utaar, sabad saNsaar saar, raheh jagtar, jal padam beechaar.
You are (like) the incarnation of king Janak; your Word is sublime throughout the world; you
live in the world, like the concept of the lotus (flower) in the water.
[*Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev (Suk) to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached
person. When he went to Janak, he found him surrounded by pretty ladies who were giving physical message to him. This
created doubts about the personality of Janak in his mind, that how could such a person be spiritually enlightened and
detached one. But, then he noticed that Janak had placed one of his legs in fire. This meant that Janak regarded pleasure
and plain as one and the same. At this Sukdev decided to become the disciple of king Janak].
kilp qru rog ibdwru sMswr qwp invwru Awqmw iqRibiD qyrY eyk ilv qwr ]
kalip tar*, rog bidaar, saNsaar taap nivaar, aatmaa taribadh, tayrai ayk liv taar.
You are (like) the Kalap* tree (i.e. Elysian Tree), you cure the ailments, and, take away the
fevers (i.e. sufferings) of the world. All the beings are attached to the three gunaas, (but) you
are lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
[*Kalap-tar / Sur-tar, is mythical Elysian Tree, which fulfills all the wishes].
khu kIriq kl shwr spq dIp mJwr lhxw jgqR guru pris murwir ]3]
kaho keerat kal sahaar, sapat deep majhaar, lahṇaa jagtar gur, paras muraar*. ||3||
O! Kalashar, chant his (i.e. Lehna’s) praise, throughout the seven continents; meeting with the
Destroyer of Demons*, Lahna (i.e. Angad) became the Guru for the world. 3
qY qw hdriQ pwieE mwnu syivAw guru prvwnu swiD Ajgru ijin kIAw aunmwnu ]
tai taa hadrath paa-i-o maan, sayvi-aa gur parvaan, saadh ajgar jin kee-aa unmaan.
You were blessed with honour, by the prophet (i.e. Guru Nanak), and, you served the approved
Guru, who subdued the serpent (of your m ind), and gave it the state of ecstasy.
hir hir drs smwn Awqmw vMqigAwn jwxIA Akl giq gur prvwn ]
har har daras samaan, aatmaa vaNtgi-aan, jaaṇee-a akal* gat gur parvaan.
Your vision is like that of God, the Lord; you are the knower of spiritual wisdom; you know
the state of the Undivided* (Lord) and are approved by the Guru (i.e. Guru Nanak).
jw kI idRsit Acl Twx ibml buiD suQwn pihir sIl snwhu skiq ibdwir ]
jaa kee darisat achal ṭaaṇ, bimal budh suthaan, pahir seel sanaahu, sakat bidaar.
Your glance is focussed upon the unmoving place; your immaculate wisdom is attached to
sublime place; and, wearing the armour of gentleness, you have overcome Maya.
khu kIriq kl shwr spq dIp mJwr lhxw jgqR guru pris murwir ]4]
kaho keerat kal sahaar, sapat deep majhaar, lahṇaa jagtar gur, paras muraar*. ||4||
O! Kalashar, chant his (i.e. Lehna’s) praise, throughout the seven continents; meeting with the
Destroyer of Demons*, Lahna (i.e. Angad) became the Guru for the world. 4
idRsit Drq qm hrn dhn AG pwp pRnwsn ] darisat dharat tam haran, dahan agh paap parnaasan.
Casting your glance you dispel the darkness (of ignorance), and burn away pains, and destroy
sbd sUr blvMq kwm Aru k®oD ibnwsn ] sabad soor balvaNt, kaam ar krodh binaasan.
You are the brave warrior of the Word; you destroy sexual desire and anger.
loB moh vis krx srx jwick pRiqpwlx ] lobh moh vas karaṇ, saraṇ jaachik partipaalaṇ.
You are the controller of greed and (emotional) attachment; you are the sustainer of those who
seek your refuge.

Awqm rq sMgRhx khx AMimRq kl Fwlx ] aatam rat saNgar-haṇ, kahaṇ aMmrit kal ḍaalaṇ.
You are the gatherer of the love of soul; your words have power to extract AMmrit.
siqgurU kl siqgur iqlku siq lwgY so pY qrY ] satguroo kal satgur tilak, sat laagai so pai tarai.
You are appointed the True Guru, by the True Guru (i.e. Guru Nanak) in Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark
Age); whoever is truly attached to you is carried across (the world ocean).
guru jgq iPrxsIh AMgrau rwju jogu lhxw krY ]5]
gur jagat, firaṇseeh aNgara-o, raaj jog lahṇaa karai ||5||
The Guru of the world, is lion (like) the son of Phiran (i.e. Pheru), Lehna enjoyed Raj yoga (i.e.
lordship of the temporal and spiritual kingdoms). 5
P. 1392
sdw Akl ilv rhY krn isau ieCw cwrh ] sadaa akal liv rahai, karan si-o ichhaa chaarah.
You remain lovingly attached to the Undivided (Lord), and, you do whatever you wish.
dRüm spUr ijau invY KvY ksu ibml bIcwrh ] darum sapoor ji-o nivai, khavai kas bimal beechaareh.
Just as the tree, laden with fruit, bows and endures pain (of the load), you are pure in thoughts
iehY qqu jwixE srb giq AlKu ibfwxI ] ihai tat jaaṇi-o, sarab gat alakh bidaaṇee.
You have known this reality that the Imperceptible and Wondrous (Lord) is all-pervading.
shj Bwie sMicE ikrix AMimRq kl bwxI ] sahj bhaa-ay saNchi-o, kiraṇ aMmrit kal baṇee.
You have irrigated (the world) with the rays of fascinating AMmrit Word, with natural ease.
gur gim pRmwxu qY pwieE squ sMqoKu gRwhij lXO ] gur gam parmaaṇ tai paa-i-o, sat saNtokh graahaj la-you.
You have been blessed with the authority of the path of the Guru, and, you have grasped (i.e.
acquired) truth and contentment.
hir prisE klu smulvY jn drsnu lhxy BXO ]6] har parsi-o kal samulavai, jan darsan lahṇay bha-you ||6||
(Poet) Kal (says): whoever has beheld the vision of Lahina (i.e. Guru Angad), (as if) he has met
with God. 6
min ibswsu pwieE ghir ghu hdriQ dIE ] man bisaas paa-i-o, gahar gahu hadrath dee-o.
(O! Guru Angad) your mind attained faith, and, the prophet (i.e. Guru Nanak) gave you access
to the Profound (Lord).
grl nwsu qin nTXo Aimau AMqrgiq pIE ] garal naas tan naṭyo, ami-o aNtargat pee-o.
The fatal poison ran away from your body, and, you drank AMmrit from within.
irid ibgwsu jwigE AliK kl DrI jugMqir ] rid bigaas jaagi-o, alakh kal dharee jugaNtar.
Your heart blossomed, (with the Light of) the Imperceptible(Lord), who has infused His power
through the ages.
siqguru shj smwiD rivE swmwin inrMqir ] satgur sahj samaadh, ravi-o saamaan niraNtar.
O! True Guru, you remained absorbed in trance, with natural ease, pervading (all)
continually and equally.
audwrau icq dwird hrn ipKMiqh klml qRsn ] udaara-o chit, daarid haran, pikhaNtai kalmal tarsan.
You are free-minded (i.e. have a grand heart) and (you are)Destroyer of Poverty; seeing you
the sins get scared.
sd rMig shij klu aucrY jsu jMpau lhxy rsn ]7] sad raNg sahj kal uchrai, jas jaMpa-o lahṇay rasan. ||7||
(Poet) Kal (says): I lovingly and continually chant the praise of Lahina (i.e. Guru Angad), with
my tongue, with natural ease.

nwmu AvKDu nwmu AwDwru Aru nwmu smwiD suKu sdw nwm nIswxu sohY ]
naam avkhadh, naam aadhaar, ar naam samaadh sukh, sadaa naam neesaaṇ sohai.
The Name (of God) is the medicine, the Name is the support (of all), the Name is the (spiritual)
happiness of trance; and, the Name is the insignia that embellishes forever.
rMig rqO nwm isau kl nwmu suir nrh bohY ] raNg ratou naam si-o, kal, naam sur narah bohai.
Kal (says): (Guru Angad) is imbued with the Name (of God), which is fragrance of gods and
human beings.
nwm prsu ijin pwieE squ pRgitE riv loie ] naam paras jin paa-i-o, sat pargati-o rav lo-ay.
Whoever obtained the touch of the Name (which is) the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone, i.e.
from Guru Angad), became (embodiment of) Truth, and, was revealed throughout the world like
the sun.
drsin prisAY gurU kY ATsiT mjnu hoie ]8] darsan parsi-ai guroo kai, aṭsaṭ majan ho-ay. ||8||
Beholding the vision of the Guru is (like) bathing in sixty-eight (places of pilgrimage). 8
scu qIrQu scu iesnwnu Aru Bojnu Bwau scu sdw scu BwKMqu sohY ]
sach tirath, sach isnaan, ar bhojan bhaa-o sach, sadaa sach bhaakhaNt sohai.
The (Name of the) True (Lord) is the place of pilgrimage, the (Name of the) True (Lord) is the
(cleansing) bath, and (Name of the True Lord is) the food of love; chanting (the Name of ) the
True (Lord), one is embellished forever.
scu pwieE gur sbid scu nwmu sMgqI bohY ] sach paa-i-o gur sabad, sach naam saNgtee bohai.
(The Name of) the True (Lord) is obtained through the Word of Guru, and, the True Name
fragrances the (true) congregation.
ijsu scu sMjmu vrqu scu kib jn kl vKwxu ] drsin prisAY gurU kY scu jnmu prvwxu ]9]
jis sach saNjam varat sach, kab jan kal vakhaaṇ.
darsan parsi-ai guroo kai, sach janam parvaaṇ. ||9||
The poet Kal proclaims: (Guru Angad) whose discipline is (the Name of) the True (Lord), (and
whose) fast is (the Name of) the True:
beholding the vison of (such a) Guru, one obtains the True, and, one’s life is approved. 9
AimA idRsit suB krY hrY AG pwp skl ml ] kwm k®oD Aru loB moh vis krY sBY bl ]
ami-a darisat subh karai, harai agh paap sakal mal. kaam krodh ar lobh moh, vas karai sabhai bal.
When he (i.e. Guru Angad) bestows his sublime AMmrit Glance (of Grace), it eradicates all sins
and filth; (and)
it overcomes sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and powerful (passions).
sdw suKu min vsY duKu sMswrh KovY ] sadaa sukh man vasai, dukh saNsaarah khovai.
Happiness comes to dwell in the mind forever, and, all worldly sufferings vanish away.
guru nv iniD drIAwau jnm hm kwlK DovY ] gur nav nidh daree-aa-o, janam ham kaalakh dhovai.
The Guru is the river of the nine (i.e. all) treasures; he washes off the filth of our lives.
su khu tl guru syvIAY Aihinis shij suBwie ] so kaho tal gur sayvee-ai, ahinis sahj subhaa-ay.
(Poet) Tal says: (let us) serve the Guru, this way(i.e. with loving devotion), day and night, with
love, with natural ease.
drsin prisAY gurU kY jnm mrx duKu jwie ]10]
darsan parsi-ai guroo kai, janam maraṇ dukh jaa-ay||10||
Beholding the vision of the Guru, the pains of birth and death are taken away. 10

sveIey mhly qIjy ky 3 sava-ee-ay, Mahlay teejay kay, 3
The sava-ee-yas (i.e. verses) for Mehlaa Third, 3
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
soeI purKu isvir swcw jw kw ieku nwmu AClu sMswry ]
so-ee purakh sivar saachaa, jaa kaa ik naam achhal, saNsaaray.
Meditate upon that true Primal Person, in the world, whose One Name (alone) is un-
ijin Bgq Bvjl qwry ismrhu soeI nwmu prDwnu ] jin bhagat bhavjal taaray, simrahu so-ee naam pardhaan.
That (Name), which has carried the devotees across the terrifying waters (of the world ocean);
meditate upon that supreme Name.
iqqu nwim risku nwnku lhxw QipE jyn sRb isDI ] tit naam rasik naanak, lahṇaa thapi-o, jayn sarab sidhee.
Nanak delighted in that Name, (and through the Name) he (i.e. Guru Nanak) established Lehna
(as Guru), who obtained all (spiritual) powers (through the Name).
kiv jn kl´ sbuDI kIriq jn Amrdws ibsœrIXw ] kav jan kaly sabudhee, keerat jan amardaas bistree-yaa.
Humble poet Kal (says) : the glory of the sublime wisdom of (Guru) Amar Das, is spread
among the people.
kIriq riv ikrix pRgit sMswrh swK qrovr mvlsrw ]
keerat rav kiraṇ pragat saNsaarah, saakh tarovar mavalsaraa.
His praise is revealed throughout the world like rays of the sun; (and, like the fragrance spread
by) the branches of maulsari tree.*
[*Mavalsaraa/Maulsari (botanical name: Mimusop Elengi, is a soft-wood tree with fragrant flowers. During the rainy
season, it blooms with sweet-smellig flowers. Its flowers are used for preparing perfumes, scents and fragrance oils].
auqir diKxih puib Aru psçim jY jY kwru jpMiQ nrw ]
utar dakh-ṇahi, pub ar pascham, jai jai kaar japaNth naraa.
In the north, south, east and west (i.e. in all the directions), the people chant his victory (i.e.
chant praise of the glory of Guru Amar Das) .
P. 1393
hir nwmu rsin gurmuiK brdwXau aulit gMg psçim DrIAw ]
har naam rasan gurmukh baraad-ya-o ulat gaNg pascham dharee-aa.
The Guru bestowed the (chanting of) the Name of God, with his tongue (in all the directions);
(i.e. the Guru) turned the flow of the Ganges river to the opposite direction (i.e. turned the tide of
the hearts of the people from worldliness towards God).
soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]1]
so-ee naam achhal, bhagtah bhav taaraṇ, amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||1||
The same un-deceivable (i.e. pure) Name, which carries the devotees across the terrifying
(world) ocean, came into the mind of (i.e. was revealed to) Guru Amar Das. 1
ismrih soeI nwmu jK´ Aru ikMnr swiDk isD smwiD hrw ]
simrahi so-ee naam jakhy ar kiNnar, saadhik sidh samaadh haraa.
The same Name is remembered by the yaksh (i.e. attendants of gods) and kinnar, (singers of the
courts of gods), sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), seekers, and Shiv in trance.

ismrih nK´qR Avr DR¨ mMfl nwrdwid pRhlwid vrw ]
simrahi nakhyatar avar dharoo maNdal, naardaad prahlaad varaa.
The stars, the other realms,Dhru, Naard and Prahlad and other (devotees) meditate (upon the
Name of God).
ssIAru Aru sUru nwmu aulwsih sYl loA ijin auDirAw ] sasee-ar ar soor naam ulaaseh, sail lo-a jin udhri-aa.
The moon and the sun (also) long for the (same) Name, which has saved (even) the stone-
hearted people.
soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]2]
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaraṇ, amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||2||
The same un-deceivable (i.e. pure) Name, which carries the devotees across the terrifying
(world) ocean, came into the mind of (i.e. was revealed to) Guru Amar Das. 2
soeI nwmu isvir nv nwQ inrMjnu isv snkwid smuDirAw ]
so-ee naam sivar nav naath* niraNjan, siv sankaad** samudhri-aa.
Meditating upon the same Name of the Immaculate (Lord), the nine* yoga masters, Shiv and
Sanak** and (many) others have been emancipated.
[*Aad Nath, Machninder Nath, Udey Nath, Santokh Nath, Kanthar Nath, Satya Nath, Achambh Nath, Chaurangi Nath,
Gorakh Nath.**Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are the four sons of mythical god Brahma. They are also mentioned as
Sanakaad (literally: Sanak etc)].
cvrwsIh isD buD ijqu rwqy AMbrIk Bvjlu qirAw ]
chavraaseeh sidh budh jit raatay, aMbreek bhavjal tari-aa.
The eighty-four sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), and other (spiritually)
wise, were imbued with the same (Name), (that) carried Ambrik (devotee) across the terrifying
(world) ocean.
auDau Ak®¨ru iqlocnu nwmw kil kbIr iklivK hirAw ]
udha-o*, akroor**, tilochan, naamaa; kal kabeer kilvikh hari-aa.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the sins of Udho*, Akrur**, Trilochan(Bhagat poet), Nama (i.e.
Namdev, Bhagat poet) and Kabir (Bhagat poet), were erased.
[*Udho (son of Devbhag) was a devotee of mythical god king Krishan (he was his uncle as well). He used to carry
messages of gopis (of Gokal) for their lover Krishan, who lived at Brindaban. When Krishan had to flee Brindaban for
Dwarka, then too, Udho played the role of a messenger between the gopis and Krishan. **Akur (son of Sooflak and
Gandali) was one of the uncles of mythical god king Krishan. Once, when king Kans invited Krishan and Balram (son of
Yashodha, who was the caretaker mother of Krishan) to participate in one of his yajnas, Akur escorted them to Mathura.
Akrur is considered as one of the respectable devotees of Krishan].
soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]3]
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaraṇ, amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||3||
The same un-deceivable (i.e. pure) name, which carries the devotees across the terrifying
(world) ocean, came into the mind of (i.e. was revealed to) (Guru) Amar Das. 3
iqqu nwim lwig qyqIs iDAwvih jqI qpIsur min visAw ]
tit naam laag taytees dhi-aavahi, jatee tapeesur man vasi-aa.
Attached to that Name, the three hundred thirty million (gods) meditate (upon God); (and, the
same Name) is enshrined in the minds of the celibates, the chiefs of ascetics.
soeI nwmu ismir gMgyv ipqwmh crx icq AMimRq risAw ]
so-ee naam simar gaNgayv pitaameh, charaṇ chit aMmrit rasi-aa.
(Bhisham) Pitama (of Mahabharta), the son of Ganges, meditated upon the same Name; he
delighted in the AMmrit(Name) in the feet (of God).

iqqu nwim gurU gMBIr grUA miq sq kir sMgiq auDrIAw ]
tit naam guroo gaMbheer garoo-a mat, sat kar sangat udhree-aa.
Attached to the same Name, accepting (i.e. following) the wisdom of the great profound Guru,
the congregation has been emancipated.
soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]4]
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaraṇ, amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||4||
The same un-deceivable (i.e. pure) Name, which carries the devotees across the terrifying
(world) ocean, came into the mind of (i.e. was revealed to) Guru Amar Das. 4
nwm ikiq sMswir ikrix riv surqr swKh ] naam kit sa saar, kiraṇ rav surtar saakhah.

The glory of the Name spreads throughout the world, like the rays of the sun in trees, and (like
the fragrance of) the branches of the Surtar (i.e. Elysian Tree).
auqir diKix puib dyis psçim jsu BwKh ] utar dakhiṇ pub days, pascham jas bhaakhah.
In the north and the west, the east and the south (i.e. in all) countries, the praise (of the Name) is
jnmu q iehu skXQu ijqu nwmu hir irdY invwsY ] janam ta ih sakyath, jit naam har ridai nivaasai.
This (human) life is fruitful (only) if the Name of God abides in the heart.
suir nr gx gMDrb iCA drsn AwswsY ] sur nar gaṇ gaNdharab, chhi-a darsan aasaasai.
The gods, heavenly servants and celestial singers, and (the followers of) the six systems yearn
for this (name).
Blau pRisDu qyjo qnO kl´ joiV kr D´wieAE ] bhala-o prasidh tayjo tanou, kaly joṛ kar dhayaa-i-o.
The son of Tej (Bhan Bhalla) became famous. Kal (the poet) meditates upon him with his hands
pressed together.
soeI nwmu Bgq Bvjl hrxu gur Amrdws qY pwieE ]5]
so-ee naam bhagat bhavjal haraṇ, gur amardaas tai paa-i-o. ||5||
That Name, which takes away the fears of the devotees about the terrifying waters (of the
world ocean). O! Guru Amar Das, you have obtained (that Name of the Lord). 5
nwmu iDAwvih dyv qyqIs Aru swiDk isD nr nwim KMf bRhmMf Dwry ]
naam dhi-aavahi dayv taytees ar saadhik sidh nar, naam khaNd barahmaNd dhaaray.
The three hundred thirty million (gods), the sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous
powers), and the seekers meditate (upon the Name); and, the Name supports the continents and
the worlds.
jh nwmu smwiDE hrKu sogu sm kir shwry ] jah naam samaadhi-o, harakh sog sam kar sahaaray.
One, who meditates upon the Name, endures sorrows and joys as one and the same.
nwmu isromix srb mY Bgq rhy ilv Dwir ] naam siromaṇ sarab mai, bhagat rahay liv dhaar.
The Name is the most sublime of all; the devotees are lovingly attuned to it.
soeI nwmu pdwrQu Amr gur quis dIE krqwir ]6] so-ee naam padaarath amar gur, tus dee-o kartaar. ||6||
The same wealth of the Name was given to Guru Amar (Das), by the Creator, in His pleasure. 6
siq sUrau sIil blvMqu sq Bwie sMgiq sGn grUA miq inrvYir lIxw ]
sat soora-o, seel balvaNt, sat bhaa-ay, saNgat saghan, garoo-a mat, nirvair leeṇaa.
He (i.e. Guru Amar Das) is warrior of Truth, humility is his power ---- this is truth, (followed
by) big congregation, of great wisdom, and, is absorbed in the Lord (who is) free of animosity.
ijsu DIrju Duir Dvlu Dujw syiq bYkuMT bIxw ] jis dheeraj dhur dhaval, dhujaa sayt, baikuNṭ beeṇaa.
He has obtained white banner of patience from the very beginning, and, planted on the bridge
to heaven.

prsih sMq ipAwru ijh krqwrh sMjogu ] parseh saNt pi-aar, jih kartaareh saNjog.
The God-oriented persons meet him (i.e. Guru Amar Das) with love; he (i.e. Guru) is united
withe the Creator.
siqgurU syiv suKu pwieE Amir guir kIqau jogu ]7] satguroo sayv sukh paa-i-o, amar gur keeta-o jog. ||7||
Serving the True Guru, they obtain (spiritual) happiness; the Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) has
given them this ability. 7
nwmu nwvxu nwmu rs Kwxu Aru Bojnu nwm rsu sdw cwX muiK ims† bwxI ]
naam naavaṇ, naam ras khaaṇ, ar bhojan naam ras, sadaa chaa-y mukh mist baṇee.
The Name is his (cleansing) bath; the Name is his eating delicious food; the Name is the
delicacy he enjoys. He has always yearning for the Name, and, he chants sweet words from his
Din siqguru syivE ijsu pswie giq Agm jwxI ] dhan, satgur sayvi-o, jis pasaa-ay gat agam jaaṇee.
He served the blessed True Guru (Angad); and, by His Grace, he could know the state of
Imperceptible (Lord).
kul sMbUh smuDry pwXau nwm invwsu ] kul saMbooh samudhray, paa-ya-o naam nivaas.
All his families were liberated, (because) the Name found abode (in his heart).
skXQu jnmu kl´ücrY guru pris´au Amr pRgwsu ]8]
sakyath janam kalyuchrai, gur parasyi-o amar pargaas. ||8||
Kal says: fruitful is the life of the person, who has met with the illumined Guru Amar (Das)
(i.e. illumined with Light of God). 8
P. 1394
bwirju kir dwihxY isiD snmuK muKu jovY ] baarij kar daahiṇai, sidh sanmukh mukh jovai.
On his (i.e. Guru Amar Das’s) right hand is (the sign of) lotus*; and, the sidhis (i.e. those claiming
having miraculous powers) standing, face to face and awaiting (i.e. to carry his Command).
[*As per the belief of palmistry, one, having a sign of lotus flower on his hand or foot, becomes either a great king or
spiritual leader or alike.]
iriD bsY bWvWig ju qIin lokWqr mohY ] ridh basai baanvaang, jo teen lokaantar mohai.
On his left side are worldly powers, which fascinate (the people of) the three worlds.
irdY bsY AkhIau soie rsu iqn hI jwqau ] ridai basai ak-hee-o, so-ay ras tin hee jaata-o.
In his heart dwells the Inexpressible (Lord); and, he alone knows this joy (of presence of Lord).
muKhu Bgiq aucrY Amru guru iequ rMig rwqau ] mukhahu bhagat uchrai, amar gur, it raNg raata-o.
Guru Amar (Das) pronounces the words of devotion from his mouth; he is imbued with this love.
msqik nIswxu scau krmu kl´ joiV kr D´wieAau ]
mastak neesaaṇ sacha-o karam, kaly joṛ kar dhyaa-i-a-o.
On his forehead is the insignia of the Grace of the True (Lord). (Poet) Kal (says): with my
hands pressed together, I meditate upon him.
prisAau gurU siqgur iqlku srb ieC iqin pwieAau ]9]
parsi-o guroo satgur tilak*, sarab ichh tin paa-i-a-o. ||9||
Whoever meets with the Guru, the anointed* True Guru, all his wishes are fulfilled. 9
[ i.e. installed by Guru Angad, on the throne of Guru Nanak]
crx q pr skXQ crx gur Amr pvil rX ] charaṇ ta par sakyath*, charaṇ, gur amar paval ra-y.
Greatly successful are those feet , which walk on the path of Guru Amar (Das).
[*Sakyath is a combination of shakti and arth, i.e. power and meaningfulness/fruitfulness, hence ‘greatly successful’].

hQ q pr skXQ hQ lgih gur Amr pX ] hath ta par sakyath, hath lageh gur amar pa-y.
Greatly successful are those hands, which touch the feet of Guru Amar (Das).
jIh q pr skXQ jIh gur Amru BixjY ] jeeh ta par sakyath, jeeh gur amar bhaṇijai.
Greatly successful is the tongue, which chants the praise of Guru Amar (Das).
nYx q pr skXQ nXix guru Amru ipiKjY ] naiṇ ta par sakyath, na-yaṇ gur amar pikhijai.
Greatly successful are those eyes, which behold Guru Amar (Das).
sRvx q pr skXQ sRvix guru Amru suixjY ] sarvaṇ ta par sakyath, sarvaṇ gur amar suṇijai.
Greatly successful are those ears, which hear (the praise of) Guru Amar (Das).
skXQu su hIau ijqu hIA bsY gur Amrdwsu inj jgq ipq ]
sakyath so hee-o, jit hee-a basai gur amardaas nij, jagat pit.
Greatly successful is that heart, in which Guru Amar Das, the father of the world, himself
skXQu su isru jwlpu BxY ju isru invY gur Amr inq ]1]10]
sakyath so sir, jaalap bhaṇai, jo sir nivai gur amar nit. ||1||10||
(Poet) Jalap (says): greatly successful is that head, which bow forever before Guru Amar
(Das). 1.10
iq nr duK nh BuK iq nr inDn nhu khIAih ] te nar dukh nah bhukh, te nar nidhan nahu kahee-ahi.
Such persons do not suffer sorrow or hunger, nor such persons can be called poor.
iq nr soku nhu huAY iq nr sy AMqu n lhIAih ] te nar sok nahu hu-ai, te nar say aNt na lahee-ah.
Such persons do not face grief, and, the limits of such persons cannot be known.
iq nr syv nhu krih iq nr sX shs smpih ] te nar sayv nahu karahi, te nar sa-y sahas sampeh.
Such persons do not serve any one else (i.e. are not subordinate to, or dependant upon, anyone);
(but), such persons give hundreds and thousands of gifts (to others).
iq nr dulIcY bhih iq nr auQip ibQpih ] te nar duleechai baheh, te nar uthap bithpahi.
Such persons sit on (precious) carpets; and, such persons (can) establish and dis-establish
(others at their will).
suK lhih iq nr sMswr mih ABY ptu irp miD iqh ] sukh laheh te nar saNsaar meh, abhai pat rip madh tih.
Such persons find happiness in the world; and, wearing the robe of fearlessness, they dwell
amidst enemies.
skXQ iq nr jwlpu BxY gur Amrdwsu supRsMnu ijh ]2]11]
sakyath te nar, jaalap bhaṇai, gur amardaas suparsaNn jih. ||2||11||
(Poet) Jalap (says): such persons are greatly successful, with whom Guru Amar Das is greatly
pleased. 2.11
qY piFAau ieku min DirAau ieku kir ieku pCwixE ] tai paḍi-a-o ik, man dhari-a-o ik, kar ik pachhaaṇi-o.
(O! Guru Amar Das) You read the One (Lord); (you) enshrined the One in your mind; and, (you)
realized the One and the only One (Lord).
nXix bXix muih ieku ieku duhu TWie n jwixE ] na-yaṇ ba-yaṇ muhi ik ik, duhu ṭaan-ay na jaaṇi-o.
With (your) eyes (you saw only the One) and with words (you chanted the praise of) only One,
you did not know any other place of rest (i.e. you did not have duality in mind).
supin ieku prqiK ieku ieks mih lIxau ] supan ik partakh ik, ikas meh leeṇa-o.
You beheld only the One (even) while dreaming, and, remained absorbed in One alone.
qIs ieku Aru pMij isDu pYqIs n KIxau ] tees ik ar paNj sidh, paitees na kheeṇa-o.
(You remained absorbed in) the One through (all) thirty (days, i.e. all the time), and, the five
(passions) did not weaken (your meditation upon the One).

iekhu ij lwKu lKhu AlKu hY ieku ieku kir vrinAau ] ikahu je laakh lakhahu alakh, hai ik ik kar varni-a-o.
The One (Lord) who takes (i.e. manifests Himself in) hundreds of thousands of forms cannot be
seen; you described Him as One and One alone.
gur Amrdws jwlpu BxY qU ieku loVih ieku mMinAau ]3]12]
gur amardaas, jaalap bhaṇai, too ik loṛeh ik maNni-a-o. ||3||12||
(Poet) Jalap (says): O! Guru Amar Das, you long for the One, and, believe in the One. 3.12
ij miq ghI jYdyiv ij miq nwmY sMmwxI ] je mat gahee jaidayv, je mat naamai saMmaaṇee.
The wisdom (i.e. the kind of understanding) Jaidev* had grasped; and, the wisdom, which
permeated Nama* (i.e. Namdev);
ij miq iqRlocn iciq Bgq kMbIrih jwxI ] je mat tarilochan chit, bhagat kaMbeereh jaaṇee.
The wisdom which was in the mind of Trilochan*; and, known by Bhagat Kabir*.
[*Jaidev, Namdev, Trilochan, and Kabir were devotee poets. Their wisdom was: meditation upon the Name of God].
rukmWgd krqUiq rwmu jMphu inq BweI ] rukmaangad kartoot, raam jaMpahu nit bhaa-ee.
(King) Rukmaagand's daily routine was (to meditate upon God and also) get others to meditate
upon God, O! brethren.
AMmrIik pRhlwid srix goibMd giq pweI ] aMmreek parahlaad, saraṇ gobiNd gat paa-ee.
Amrik *and Prahlad** sought the refuge of Lord of the World, and, attained salvation.
[*According the Bhagavata Purana, king Ambarisha performed a yajna, and, Narayana was pleased to bless him with his
'Sudarshana Chakra' as a shield of protection over him. Once, Ambarisha performed a religious rite known as the
Ekadashi and Dvadashi vrata, for 1 year (i.e. the king would fast on the 11th day of every lunar month, and break his fast
the following day). As the moment for breaking this fast drew near, sage Durvasa arrived; Ambarisha received him with
due respect. Durvasa agreed to the king's request to be his honoured guest, and asked the king to wait until he had finished
his bath in the river Yamuna. The auspicious moment soon arrived when the king had to break his fast, but Durvasa had
not yet returned from his bath. Ambarisha was in a dilemma, as, on the one hand, it was impolite to take food before
serving a guest, but on the other, the time had come for the fast to be broken. After consulting his priests, the king broke his
fast by taking a sip of water, and awaited Durvasa's arrival to offer him food. Durvasa felt that Ambarisha had violated the
respect due to a guest, by breaking his fast before the guest had taken his meal, and in his rage created a demon to kill
Ambarisha, out of a strand of his hair. Narayana's Sudarshana Chakra (magical quoit) intervened, destroyed the demon
and started chasing Durvasa himself. Durvasa went to Brahma and Shiva for protection. Both expressed their inability to
save him. Durvasa next went to Narayana himself, who said that he could do nothing as he was bound by the devotion of
Ambarisha and suggested that he should seek the pardon of Ambarisha. Durvasa took this advice and returned to
Ambarisha, who prayed to Vishnu to recall the Sudarshana chakra and save the sage, whereby the 'chakra' ceased to
afflict him. **As per popular myth, Prehlaad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he
wanted everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God
alone. Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlaad and even tried to kill him. At this, Prehlaad sought the refuge
of God, who appeared as Narsinh* (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prehlaad .The myth of
Prehlaad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship
God alone].
qY loBu k®oDu iqRsnw qjI su miq jl´ jwxI jugiq ] tai lobh krodh tarisnaa tajee, so mat, jaly, jaaṇee jugat.
Jal (i.e. Jalap, the minstrel says, O Guru Amar Das): You renounced greed, anger, lust, and,
attained that wisdom (i.e. the understanding that Jaidev, Namdev, Trilochan and Kabir had
obtained) and the way (of union with God).
guru Amrdwsu inj Bgqu hY dyiK drsu pwvau mukiq ]4]13]
gur amardaas nij bhagat hai, daykh daras paava-o mukat. ||4||13||
Guru Amar Das is His (God’s) own devotee; beholding his vision one is liberated. 4.13
guru Amrdwsu prsIAY puhim pwiqk ibnwsih ] gur amardaas parsee-ai, puham paatik binaaseh.
By touching (the feet of) Guru Amar Das, the sins (of the people) of the earth are destroyed.

guru Amrdwsu prsIAY isD swiDk Awswsih ] gur amardaas parsee-ai, sidh saadhik aasaaseh.
The sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers) and the seekers long to touch (the feet
of) Guru Amar Das.
guru Amrdwsu prsIAY iDAwnu lhIAY pau muikih ] gur amardaas parsee-ai, dhi-aan lahee-ai pa-o mukihi.
By touching (the feet of) Guru Amar Das, one is absorbed in meditation (upon God) and his
journey (i.e. cycle of coming and going reincarnation) comes to an end.
guru Amrdwsu prsIAY ABau lBY gau cuikih ] gur amardaas parsee-ai, abha-o labhai, ga-o chukihi.
By touching (the feet of) Guru Amar Das, one finds the Fearless (Lord), and his (coming and)
going (i.e. cycle of transmigration) comes to an end.
P. 1395
ieku ibMin dugx ju qau rhY jw sumMiqR mwnvih lih ]
ik biNn, dugaṇ jo ta-o rahai, jaa sumaNtar maanvahi leh.
(When) one comes to know (i.e. realize) the One, then duality ceases, and, then, with the
sublime teaching (of the Guru), the humans obtain (everything).
jwlpw pdwrQ ieqVy gur Amrdwis ifTY imlih ]5]14]
jaalpaa padaarath it-ṛay, gur amardaas diṭai, mileh. ||5||14||
(Bard) Jalap (says): so many (i.e. countless) gifts (i.e. boons), are obtained by beholding (the
vision of) Guru Amar Das. 5.14
scu nwmu krqwru su idRVu nwnik sMgRihAau ] sach naam kartaar, so dariṛ naanak saNgar-hi-a-o.
(Guru) Nanak gathered the True Name of the Creator and implanted it within (his heart).
qw qy AMgdu lhxw pRgit qwsu crxh ilv rihAau ] taa tay aNgad lahṇaa pragat, taas charṇah liv rahi-a-o.
Through Him, Lehna became manifest as (Guru) Angad; he remained lovingly attuned to his
(i.e. Guru Nanak’s) feet.
iqqu kuil gur Amrdwsu Awsw invwsu qwsu gux kvx vKwxau ]
tit kul gur amardaas, aasaa nivaas, taas guṇ kavaṇ vakhaaṇa-o.
Guru Amar Das, of that lineage, is home of hopes; how can I narrate his excellences !
jo gux AlK AgMm iqnh gux AMqu n jwxau ] jo guṇ alakh agaMm, tinah guṇ aNt na jaaṇa-o.
His excellences are unknowable and inaccessible, I do not know the limit of those excellences.
boihQau ibDwqY inrmXO sB sMgiq kul auDrx ] bohitha-o bidhaatai niramyou, sabh saNgat kul udhraṇ.
The Creator, the Architect of Destiny has made him a boat to carry all his family and the
congregation across (the world ocean).
gur Amrdws kIrqu khY qRwih qRwih quA pw srx ]1]15]
gur amardaas, keerat kahai, taraahi taraahi tu-a paa saraṇ. ||1||15||
(Bard) Kirat says: O! Guru Amar Das, (please) save me (too), protect me (too), I seek the refuge
of your feet. 1.15
Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ] aap naraa-iṇ kalaa dhaar, jag meh parvari-ya-o.
(Beholding Guru Amar Das it seems as if) wielding His power, the Omnipresent* (Lord) Himself
has entered the world .
[*Naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings (i.e. Omnipresent). This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ] niraNkaar aakaa, jot jag maNdal kari-ya-o.
(As if) the Formless (Lord) assumed the form (of Guru Amar Das), and, with (His) Light, he has
illumined the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ] jah kah tah bharpoor, sabad deepak deepaa-ya-o.
He is all-pervading and everywhere; he (i.e. Guru Amar Das) has illuminated (i.e. revealed) this
through the lamp of the Word.
ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ] jih sikhah saNgarahi-o, tat har charaṇ milaa-ya-o.
Whoever has learnt and gathered in the essence (of Reality), has been absorbed in the feet of
God (by Guru Amar Das).
nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ] naanak, kul nimmal avtar-yi-o, angad lahṇay sang hu-a.
In the house of (Guru) Nanak, the immaculate (Guru Amar Das) has descended by joining the
company of Lehna (who became) Angad (by joining Guru Nanak).
gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16]
gur amardaas, taaraṇ taraṇ, janam janam paa saraṇ tu-a. ||2||16||
O! Guru Amar Das, (you are) boat to carry us across; in life-time after life-time, I seek the
refuge of your feet. 2.16
jpu qpu squ sMqoKu ipiK drsnu gur isKh ] jap tap sat saNtokh, pikh darsan gur sikhah.
Beholding the vision of the Guru, the sikhs (i.e. disciples) (obtain the gifts of) chanting,
meditation, truth and contentment.
srix prih qy aubrih Coif jm pur kI ilKh ] saraṇ pareh, tay ubrahi, chhod jam pur kee likhah.
Whoever seeks his refuge, is saved, and, his account in the city of death is cleared.
Bgiq Bwie BrpUru irdY aucrY krqwrY ] bhagat bhaa-ay bharpoor, ridai uchrai kartaarai.
He is filled with loving devotion, and, his heart chants (the Name of) the Creator.
guru gauhru drIAwau plk fubMq´h qwrY ] gur ga-uhar daree-aa-o, palak dubaNtyah taarai.
The Guru is (like) the river (full) of pearls; in an instant, he carries the drowning ones across
(the world ocean).
nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au gux krqwrY aucrY ] naanak kul niMmal avtaryi-o, guṇ kartaarai uchrai.
In the house of Guru Nanak, the pure (Guru Amar Das) has descended; he chants (the praise of)
the excellences of the Creator.
guru Amrdwsu ijn@ syivAau iqn@ duKu dirdRü prhir prY ]3]17]
gur amardaas jinh sayvi-a-o, tinh dukh daridar par-har parai. ||3||17||
Those, who serve Guru Amar Das, their sorrows and poverty are taken far far away. 3.17
iciq icqvau Ardwis khau pru kih iB n skau ] chit chitva-o, ardaas kaha-o, par kahi bhe na saka-o.
I contemplate in my consciousness to offer prayer, but I cannot express.
srb icMq quJu pwis swDsMgiq hau qkau ] sarab chiNt tujh paas, saadhsaNgat ha-o taka-o.
I place all my worries before You, and, look to the company of God-oriented person for help.
qyrY hukim pvY nIswxu qau krau swihb kI syvw ] tayrai hukam pavai neesaaṇ, ta-o kara-o saahib kee sayvaa.
(O! Guru Amar Das) if I am blessed with your insignia (on my forehead), then, by your
command, I will serve the Master.
jb guru dyKY suB idsit nwmu krqw muiK myvw ] jab gur daykhai subh disat, naam kartaa mukh mayvaa.
O! Guru, when you gaze (at me) with your good Glance (of Grace), the fruit of the Name of the
Creator is placed within my mind,
Agm AlK kwrx purK jo Purmwvih so khau ] agam, alakh, kaaraṇ purakh; jo furmaaveh so kaha-o.
The Inaccessible, Invisible, Cause (of everything), Primal Person (Lord) ---- whatever He
Commands, so do you speak (O! Guru Amar Das).

gur Amrdws kwrx krx ijv qU rKih iqv rhau ]4]18]
gur amardaas kaaraṇ karaṇ, jiv too rakheh tiv raha-o. ||4||18||
Guru Amar Das, you are the Doer and the Caus (of causes), as you keep me, so do I live. 4.18

iBKy ky ] bhikhay kay. Stanzas by (the bard) Bhikha

guru igAwnu Aru iDAwnu qq isau qqu imlwvY ] gur gi-aan ar dhi-aan, tat si-o tat milaavai.
The Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) is (the embodiment of) knowledge and meditation; he merges
his essence with the Essence (of the Lord).
sic scu jwxIAY iek icqih ilv lwvY ] sach sach jaaṇee-ai, ik chiteh liv laavai.
He (truly) knows the True (Lord) with truth, and, is lovingly attuned to Him with his mind.
kwm k®oD vis krY pvxu aufMq n DwvY ] kaam krodh vas karai, pavaṇ udaNt na dhaavai.
He disciplines sexual desire and anger, and (his mind) does not fly and wander like wind.
inrMkwr kY vsY dyis hukmu buiJ bIcwru pwvY ] nirankaar kai vasai days, hukam bujh beechaar paavai.
He dwells in the land of the Formless (Lord), and, realizing His Command, he attains wisdom.
kil mwih rUpu krqw purKu so jwxY ijin ikCu kIAau ]
kal maahi roop kartaa purakh, so jaaṇai jin kichh kee-a-o.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), he (i.e. Guru Amar Das) is the form of the Creator, the Primal
Person; He (i.e. Creator) alone knows who has done it.
guru imil´au soie iBKw khY shj rMig drsnu dIAau ]1]19]
gur miliya-o so-ay, bhikhaa kahai, sahj raNg darsan dee-a-o. ||1||19||
Bhikha says: I have met the Guru; he has blessed me with his vision in love and with natural
ease. 1.19
rihE sMq hau toil swD bhuqyry ifTy ] rahi-o saNt ha-o tol, saadh bahutayray diṭay.
I have been searching for the (real) God-oriented persons; and, I have seen many a ascetics.
sMinAwsI qpsIAh muKhu ey pMifq imTy ] sani-aasee tapsee-ah, mukhahu ay paNdit miṭay.
The renunciates, penitents and pandits (i.e. religious scholars) are very sweet in speech.
brsu eyku hau iPirE iknY nhu prcau lwXau ] baras ayk ha-o firi-o, kinai nahu parcha-o laa-ya-o.
I wandered around for one year, no one could satisfy (my mind).
P. 1396
khiqAh khqI suxI rhq ko KusI n AwXau ] kehti-ah kahtee suṇee, rahat ko khusee na aa-ya-o.
I listened to them saying (i.e. preaching), but I could not become happy with their life-styles.
hir nwmu Coif dUjY lgy iqn@ ky gux hau ikAw khau ]
har naam chhod doojai lagay, tinh kay guṇ ha-o ki-aa kaha-o.
Abandoning the Name of God, they have become attached to duality; what merits of theirs
should I describe (i.e. they have no merits)?
guru diX imlwXau iBiKAw ijv qU rKih iqv rhau ]2]20]
gur da-yi milaa-ya-o, bhikhi-aa, jiv too rakheh tiv raha-o. ||2||20||
Bhika (says): the Merciful (Lord) has got me to meet the Guru; (O! Guru) I remain, as you keep
me. 2.20
pihir smwiD snwhu igAwin hY Awsix ciVAau ] pahir samaadh sanaahu, gi-aan hai aasaṇ chaṛi-a-o.
(O! Guru Amar Das) wearing the armour of meditation, you have mounted the horse (i.e. seat)
of (spiritual) knowledge.

DRMm DnKu kr gihE Bgq sIlh sir liVAau ] dharaMm dhanakh kar gahi-o, bhagat seelah sar laṛi-a-o.
Holding the bow of faith in your hands, you have shot the arrow of devotion and humilty.
BY inrBau hir Atlu min sbid gur nyjw gifE ] bhai nirbha-o har atal man, sabad gur nayjaa gadi-o.
Enshrining the fear of God, the Fearless Eternal (Lord) in your mind; you have thrust the
spear of the Word (to fight against vices).
kwm k®oD loB moh Apqu pMc dUq ibKMifE ] kaam krodh lobh moh apat, paNch doot bikhaNdi-o.
Sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment, and self-conceit ---- you have cut down
the five demons.
Blau BUhwlu qyjo qnw inRpiq nwQu nwnk bir ] bhala-o bhoohaal tayjo tanaa, nript naath naanak bar.
O! son of Tejo* (i.e. Tej Bhan), of the noble Bhalla* (dynasty), you are (i.e. have become) the lord
of the kings, with the blessings of (Guru) Nanak.
[*Guru Amar Das was the son of Tej Bhan, of Bhalla dynasty].
gur Amrdws scu sl´ Bix qY dlu ijqau iev juDu kir ]1]21]
gur amardaas, sach saly bhaṇ, tai dal jita-o iv judh kar. ||1||21||
Sal (the bard) speaks the truth: O! Guru Amar Das, you have conquered the army (of vices, i.e.
sexual desire, anger, greed etc), fighting the battle this way. 1.21
Gnhr bUMd bsuA romwvil kusm bsMq gnµq n AwvY ]
ghanhar booNd, basu-a romaaval, kusam basaNt, ganaNt na aavai.
The rain drops of the clouds, the vegetation of the earth, and the flowers of spring season,
cannot be counted.
riv sis ikrix audru swgr ko gMg qrMg AMqu ko pwvY] rav sas kiraṇ, udar saagar ko, ga g tara g, a t ko paavai.
The rays of the sun and the moon, the belly (i.e. inside) of ocean, and the waves of Ganges river
---- who can know their limits?
rudR iDAwn igAwn siqgur ky kib jn Bl´ aunh juo gwvY ]
rudra dhi-aan gi-aan satgur kay kab jan bhaly unah jo gaavai.
Poet Bhall (says): by meditation like Shiv*, and, blessed with (spiritual) knowledge of the True
Guru, one may sing the praise (of God).
[*As per myth, one meditation of Shiv lasted for 80 thousand years, and, he performed such meditation several times. The
reference, here, is to say that even millions of meditations of Shiv could not find the limts of God].
Bly Amrdws gux qyry qyrI aupmw qoih bin AwvY ]1]22]
bhalay amardaas guṇ tayray tayree upmaa tohi ban aavai. ||1||22||
O! generous Guru Amar Das, your excellences are so great, that your praise belongs only to
you (i.e. no one can equal your grandeur). 1.22

sveIey mhly cauQy ky 4 Sava-ee-ay, Mahlay cha-uthay kay, 4

The sava-ee-yas (i.e. verses) for Mehlaa Fourth, 4
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
iek min purKu inrMjnu iDAwvau ] ik man, purakh niraNjan dhi-aava-o.
I meditate upon Primal Person, Immaculate (Lord) with single-mind.
gur pRswid hir gux sd gwvau ] gur prasaad, har guṇ sad gaava-o.
By the Grace of the Guru, I sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, forever.

gun gwvq min hoie ibgwsw ] gun gaavat, man ho-ay bigaasaa.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences (of God), my mind blossoms forth.
siqgur pUir jnh kI Awsw ] satgur, poor janah kee aasaa.
The True Guru fulfills the hopes of his servants (i.e. devotees).
siqguru syiv prm pdu pwXau ] AibnwsI Aibgqu iDAwXau ]
satgur sayv, param pad paa-ya-o. abhinaasee abigat dhi-aa-ya-o.
Serving the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) obtained the supreme
status; and, meditated upon the Imperishable and Unknowable (Lord).
iqsu Byty dwirdRü n cMpY ] tis bhaytay, daaridar na chaMpai.
Meeting with him, poverty does not stick.
kl´ shwru qwsu gux jMpY ] kaly sahaar, taas guṇ jaMpai.
Kal Sahar chants (the praise of) his excellences.
jMpau gux ibml sujn jn kyry AimA nwmu jw kau PuirAw ]
jaMpa-o guṇ bimal sujan jan kayray, ami-a naam jaa ka-o furi-aa.
I chant the (the praise of) the sublime excellences of that noble servant (i.e. Guru Ram Das),
who realized the AMmrit Name.
iein sqguru syiv sbd rsu pwXw nwmu inrMjn auir DirAw ]
in satgur sayv sabad ras paa-yaa, naam niraNjan ur dhari-aa.
Serving the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) was blessed with the
(sublime) essence of the Word; and, he enshrined the Name of the Immaculate (Lord) in his
hir nwm risku goibMd gux gwhku cwhku qq smq sry ]
har naam rasik, gobiNd guṇ gaahak, chaahak tat, samat saray.
He is the enjoyer of the Name of the Lord of the World, purchaser of the excellences, seeker of
the essence (of Reality), and, fountain of equality.
kiv kl´ Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]1]
kav kaly, ṭakur hardaas tanay, gur raamdaas, sar abhar bharay. ||1||
Poet Kal (says): Guru Ram Das, the son of honourable Hardas, fills empty pools to the fill. 1
Cutq prvwh AimA Amrw pd AMimRq srovr sd BirAw ]
chhutat parvaah ami-a amraa pad, aMmrit sarovar sad bhari-aa.
The AMmrit pool (of Guru Ram Das) is forever overflowing; and, the stream of AMmrit
(constantly) flows and blesses with immortal status.
qy pIvih sMq krih min mjnu pub ijnhu syvw krIAw ]
tay peeveh saNt, karahi man majan, pub jinahu sayvaa karee-aa.
Those God-oriented persons, who have served (i.e. meditated upon God) in the past, drink (this
Amrit) in and cleanse their minds in it.
iqn Bau invwir AnBY pdu dInw sbd mwqR qy auDr Dry ]
tin bha-o nivaar anbhai pad deenaa, sabad matra tay udhar dharay.
You took away their fears, and blessed them, with the state of fearlessness, and, they saved
them through the Word.
kiv kl´ Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]2]
kav kaly, ṭakur hardaas tanay, gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||2||
Poet Kal (says): Guru Ram Das, the son of honourable Hardas, fills empty pools to the fill. 2

sqgur miq gUV@ ibml sqsMgiq Awqmu rMig clUlu BXw ]
satgur mat gooṛh bimal satsaNgat, aatam raNg chalool bha-yaa.
The True Guru’s (i.e. Guru Amar Das’s) wisdom is profound, his congregation is pure, and,
(joining it)his (i.e. Guru Ram Das’s) soul is drenched in deep red colour of love (of God).
jwg´w mnu kvlu shij prkws´w ABY inrMjnu Grih lhw ]
jaagyaa man kaval, sahj parkaasyaa, abhai niraNjan ghareh lahaa.
The lotus of his (i.e. Guru Ram Das’s) mind is awake; it has blossomed forth with natural ease;
and, he has found the Fearless Immaculate (Lord) within his home (i.e. heart).
P. 1397
sqguir dXwil hir nwmu idRV@wXw iqsu pRswid vis pMc kry ]
satgur da-yaal har naam dariṛ-aa-yaa tis prasaad vas paNch karay.
The Merciful True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) has implanted the Name of God within him (i.e.
Guru Ram das), and, by his Grace he overpowered the five (thieves).
kiv kl´ Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]3]
kav kaly, ṭakur hardaas tanay, gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||3||
Poet Kal (says): Guru Ram Das, the son of honourable Hardas, fills empty pools to the fill. 3
AnBau aunmwin Akl ilv lwgI pwrsu ByitAw shj Gry ]
anbha-o unmaan akal liv laagee, paaras bhayti-aa sahj gharay.
With intuitive knowledge, lofty mind and wisdom, he is lovingly attuned (to God), (because) he
has met with (Guru Amar Das) the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), within his home with
natural ease.
sqgur prswid prm pdu pwXw Bgiq Bwie BMfwr Bry ]
satgur parsaad param pad paa-yaa, bhagat bhaa-ay bhaNdaar bharay.
By the Grace of the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), he obtained the supreme status; his
treasures are overflowing with loving devotion.
myitAw jnmWqu mrx Bau Bwgw icqu lwgw sMqoK sry ]
mayti-aa janmaant maraṇ bha-o bhaagaa, chit laagaa saNtokh saray.
His cycle of births is erased, his fear of death is taken away, his mind is attached to the pool for
contentment (i.e. God).
kiv kl´ Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]4]
kav kaly, ṭakur hardaas tanay, gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||4||
Poet Kal (says): Guru Ram Das, the son of honourable Hardas, fills empty pools to the fill. 4
Abr Bry pwXau Apwru ird AMqir DwirE ] abhar bharay paa-ya-o apaar, rid aNtar dhaari-o.
He has found the Infinite (Lord), who fills empty to overflowing, and, has enshrined Him
within his heart.
duK BMjnu Awqm pRboDu min qqu bIcwirE ] dukh bhaNjan aatam prabodh, man tat beechaari-o.
Within his mind, he has reflected upon the essence (of Reality), the Destroyer of Suffering, the
Enlightener of the Soul.
sdw cwie hir Bwie pRym rsu Awpy jwxie ] sadaa chaa-ay har bhaa-ay, praym ras aapay jaaṇ-ay.
He (i.e. Guru Ram Das) yearns for the love of God, forever; he himself knows the taste of the
essence of (that) love.
sqgur kY prswid shj syqI rMgu mwxie ] satgur kai parsaad, sahj saytee raNg maaṇ-ay.
By the Grace of the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) enjoys His love,
with natural ease.

nwnk pRswid AMgd sumiq guir Amir Amru vrqwieE ]
naanak prasaad, aNgad sumat, gur amar amar vartaa-i-o.
With the Grace of (Guru) Nanak, the sublime teachings of (Guru) Angad, Guru Amar has
conveyed the Command (of the Lord).
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY qYN Atl Amr pdu pwieE ]5] gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tai atal amar pad paa-i-o ||5||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you have attained the unmoving and eternal status. 5
sMqoK srovir bsY AimA rsu rsn pRkwsY ] saNtokh sarovar basai, ami-a ras rasan parkaasai.
He (Guru Ram Das) abides in the pool of contentment, and, within his tongue, he reveals
AMmrit essence (of the Name).
imlq sWiq aupjY durqu dUrMqir nwsY ] milat saant upjai, durat doorantar naasai.
Meeting with him peace wells up (in the mind) and the sins run far away.
suK swgru pwieAau idMqu hir mig n hutY ] sukh saagar paa-i-a-o diNt, har mag na hutai.
He (Guru Ram Das) has attained ocean of happiness (i.e. the Name of the Lord), (given to him by
Guru Amar Das), (hence) he never gets tired on the path of God.
sMjmu squ sMqoKu sIl sMnwhu mPutY ] saNjam sat saNtokh, seel saNnahu mafutai.
The armour of self-restraint, truth, contentment, and humility does not break.
siqguru pRmwxu ibD nY isirau jig js qUru bjwieAau ]
satgur pramaaṇ bidh nai siri-o, jag jas toor bajaa-i-a-o.
The Creator has certified (i.e. approved) the True Guru, and, the world plays the trumpet of
his praise.
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY qY ABY Amr pdu pwieAau ]6]
gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tai abhai amar pad paa-i-a-o. ||6||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you have attained the unmoving and eternal status. 7
jgu ijqau siqgur pRmwix min eyku iDAwXau ] jag jita-o satgur parmaaṇ, man ayk dhi-aa-ya-o.
The approved True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das) has conquered the world by single-mindedly
meditating upon the One (Lord).
Din Din siqgur Amrdwsu ijin nwmu idRVwXau ] dhan dhan satgur amardaas, jin naam dariṛaa-ya-o.
Blessed, blessed is Guru Amar Das, who has implanted the Name within (Guru Ram Das).
nv iniD nwmu inDwnu iriD isiD qw kI dwsI ] nav nidh naam nidhaan, ridh sidh taa kee daasee.
The Name is the treasure of the nine treasures, and, all (worldly) riches and supernatural
powers are its (i.e. the Name’s) slave-maids.
shj srovru imilE purKu ByitE AibnwsI ] sahj sarovar mili-o, purakh bhayti-o abhinaasee.
He has found the Pool of Equipoise; he has met with the Primal Person, the Imperishable
Awid ly Bgq ijqu lig qry so guir nwmu idRVwieAau ]
aad lay bhagat jit lag taray, so gur naam dariṛaa-i-a-o.
The Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) has implanted that Name within (Guru Ram Das), through
which the devotees have been carried across (the world ocean) since primal times.
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY qY hir pRym pdwrQu pwieAau ]7]
gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tai har praym padaarath paa-i-a-o. ||7||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you have obtained the wealth of love of God. 7
pRym Bgiq prvwh pRIiq publI n hutie ] praym bhagat parvaah, preet publee na hut-ay.
The flow of loving devotion and love of earlier times (of Guru Ram Das) does not stop.

siqgur sbdu AQwhu AimA Dwrw rsu gutie ] satgur sabad athaahu, ami-a dhaaraa ras gut-ay.
The Word of the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) is infinite; he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) drinks in
the essence of AMmrit stream (of the Word) with joy.
miq mwqw sMqoKu ipqw sir shj smwXau ] mat maataa saNtokh pitaa, sar sahj samaa-ya-o.
With wisdom as his mother, and, contentment as his father, he is absorbed in the pool of
AwjonI sMBivAau jgqu gur bcin qrwXau ] aajonee saMbhvi-a-o, jagat gur bachan taraa-ya-o.
He is unborn and self illumined; by the Word of the Guru (Amar Das), he carries across the
(whole) world.
Aibgq Agocru Aprpru min gur sbdu vswieAau ] abigat agochar aparpar, man gur sabad vasaa-i-a-o.
He is (the form / embodiment of) the Unseen, Imperceptible, and Infinite (Lord); he has
enshrined the Word of the Guru within his mind.
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY qY jgq auDwrxu pwieAau]8]
gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tai jagat udhaaraṇ paa-i-a-o. ||8||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you have attained (God) the Saviour of the world. 8
jgq auDwrxu nv inDwnu Bgqh Bv qwrxu ] jagat udhaaraṇ nav nidhaan, bhagtah bhav taaraṇ.
(The Name of God is) the Saviour of the world, the nine treasures; it carries the devotees across
the terrifying (world) ocean.
AMimRq bUMd hir nwmu ibsu kI ibKY invwrxu ] aMmrit booNd har naam, bis kee bikhai nivaaraṇ.
(Guru Ram Das has) the drop of the AMmrit Name of God, (which is) the eradicator of the poison
of the world.
shj qrovr PilE igAwn AMimRq Pl lwgy ] sahj tarovar fali-o, gi-aan amrit fal laagay.
(Guru Ram Das is) the tree of equipoise; it bears AMmrit fruit of (spiritual) knowledge.
gur pRswid pweIAih DMin qy jn bfBwgy ] gur prasaad paa-ee-ah, dhaNn tay jan badbhaagay.
Blessed are those servants (i.e. devotees) who receive it (i.e. AMmrit fruit) by the Grace of the
qy mukqy Bey siqgur sbid min gur prcw pwieAau ]
tay muktay bha-ay satgur sabad, man gur parchaa paa-i-a-o.
Those, whose minds are pleased with the Guru, are liberated through the Word of the True
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY qY sbd nIswnu bjwieAau ]9]
gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tai sabad neesaan bajaa-i-a-o. ||9||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you beat the drum of (i.e. proclaimed the supremacy of)
the Word. 9
P. 1398
syj sDw shju Cwvwxu sMqoKu srwiecau sdw sIl sMnwhu sohY ]
sayj sadhaa, sahj chhaavaan, saNtokh saraa-icha-o sadaa seel saNnahu sohai.
(The heart of Guru Ram Das is) the bed of faith, with bedding of poise, (secured by) tent of
contentment, and, the armour of humility forever adorn it.
gur sbid smwcirE nwmu tyk sMgwid bohY ] gur sabad samaachri-o, naam tayk saNgaad bohai.
He earned the Word of the Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das), the support (of the Name) gives
fragrance to his companions.

AjonIau Bl´ü Amlu siqgur sMig invwsu ] ajonee-o, bhalyu amal satgur saNg nivaas.
He (Guru Ram Das) abides with the Unborn (Lord) and good and unstainedTrue Guru (Amar
gur rwmdws kl´ücrY quA shj srovir bwsu ]10] gur raamdaas, kalyuchrai, tu-a sahj sarovar baas. ||10||
(Bard) Kal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you abide in the pool of equipoise. 10
guru ijn@ kau supRsMnu nwmu hir irdY invwsY ] gur jinh ka-o suparsaNn, naam har ridai nivaasai.
Those ,who are very pleasing to the Guru, the Name of God abides in their hearts.
ijn@ kau guru supRsMnu durqu dUrMqir nwsY ] jinh ka-o gur suparsaNn, durat dooraNtar naasai.
Those, who are very pleasing to the Guru, sins run far away from them.
guru ijn@ kau supRsMnu mwnu AiBmwnu invwrY ] gur jinh ka-o suparsaNn, maan abhimaan nivaarai.
Those, who are very pleasing to the Guru, eradicate pride and egotism from within.
ijn@ kau guru supRsMnu sbid lig Bvjlu qwrY ] jinh ka-o gur suparsaNn, sabad lag bhavjal taarai.
Those, who are very pleasing to the Guru, are attached to the Word; and, they are carried
across terrifying waters (of the world ocean).
prcau pRmwxu gur pwieAau iqn skXQau jnmu jig ]
parcha-o parmaaṇ gur paa-i-a-o, tin sakaytha-o janam jag.
Those, who have obtained the paper (i.e. approval / blessing) of the certified (i.e. authentic)
Guru, fruitful is their birth in the world (i.e. meaningful is their coming into the world) .
sRI gurU srix Bju kl´ kib Bugiq mukiq sB gurU lig ]11]
saree guroo saraṇ bhaj kaly kab, bhugat mukat sabh guroo lag. ||11||
Poet Kal (says): (O! brethren) run to the refuge of the great Guru; by attaching to the Guru,
one obtains pleasures, liberation, and everything. 11
siqguir Kymw qwixAw jug jUQ smwxy ] satgur khaymaa taaṇi-aa, jug jooth samaaṇay.
The True Guru has pitched the tent (of the praise of God), under which (the people of) all the
ages are absorbed (i.e. have taken refuge).
AnBau nyjw nwmu tyk ijqu Bgq AGwxy ] anbha-o nayjaa, naam tayk, jit bhagat aghaaṇay.
He has the spear of revealed knowledge (in his hand), and, the support of the Name, through
which all the devotees are satiated.
guru nwnku AMgdu Amru Bgq hir sMig smwxy ] gur naanak, aNgad, amar; bhagat har saNg samaaṇay.
The Gurus: Nanak, Angad, Amar (Das) and (all) the devotees have merged into the Lord.
iehu rwj jog gur rwmdws qum@ hU rsu jwxy ]12] ih raaj jog gur raamdaas, tumh hoo ras jaaṇay. ||12||
O! Guru Ram Das, you alone know the taste of this Raj-yoga (i.e. lordship of the temporal and
spiritual kingdoms). 12
jnku soie ijin jwixAw aunmin rQu DirAw ] janak so-ay jin jaaṇi-aa, unman rath dhari-aa.
He alone is (enlightened like) Janak*,; he has realized (God), and, has placed the chariot of his
mind in state of contemplation.
[*Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev (Suk) to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached
person. When he went to Janak, he found him surrounded by pretty ladies who were giving physical message to him. This
created doubts about the personality of Janak in his mind, that how could such a person be spiritually enlightened and
detached one. But, then he noticed that Janak had placed one of his legs in fire. This meant that Janak regarded pleasure
and plain as one and the same. At this Sukdev decided to become the disciple of king Janak].
squ sMqoKu smwcry ABrw sru BirAw ] sat saNtokh samaachray, abhraa sar bhari-aa.
He has gathered (the virtues of) truth and contentment, and, he has filled the unfilled pool (of
his heart, i.e. has become satiated).

AkQ kQw Amrw purI ijsu dyie su pwvY ] akath kathaa amraa puree, jis day-ay so paavai.
The story of the eternal city (i.e. description of the eternal state) cannot be narrated; he alone
obtains it (i.e. this state), unto whom God gives it.
iehu jnk rwju gur rwmdws quJ hI bix AwvY ]13] ih janak raaj, gur raamdaas, tujh hee baṇ aavai. ||13||
O! Guru Ram Das, this Janak (i.e. king Janak-like) kingdom (i.e. spiritual sovereignty), is yours
alone. 13
siqgur nwmu eyk ilv min jpY idRV@ü iqn@ jn duK pwpu khu kq hovY jIau ]
satgur naam, ayk liv man japai dariṛhu, tinh jan, dukh paap, kaho, kat hovai, jee-o*.
One, who meditates upon the Name of the True Guru and is lovingly attuned and implants
(the Name) within the mind — tell (me) how can that person suffer sorrow or sin, O! dear*.
[*In some lines of this verse, ‘jee-o’ (O! dear) is just for poetic music; it has no role in or impact on the rest of the text].
qwrx qrx iKn mwqR jw kau idRis† DwrY sbdu ird bIcwrY kwmu k®oDu KovY jIau ]
taaraṇ taraṇ, khin matar jaa ka-o darisat dhaarai, sabad rid beechaarai, kaam krodh khovai, jee-o.
When (Lord) the Boat to carry across (the world ocean), bestows His Glance (of Grace) even for
an instant, (that person) contemplates the Word within his heart; his sexual desire and anger
(etc) are eradicated, O! dear.
jIAn sBn dwqw Agm g´wn ibK´wqw Aihinis D´wn DwvY plk n sovY jIau ]
jee-an sabhan daataa, agam gayaan bikhyaataa, ahinis dhayaan dhaavai, palak na sovai, jee-o.
He (i.e. Guru) is the giver to all beings; he imparts the knowledge of the Inaccessible (Lord).
Day and night he meditates upon Him, and, does not sleep even for an instant, O! dear.
jw kau dyKq dirdRü jwvY nwmu so inDwnu pwvY gurmuiK g´win durmiq mYlu DovY jIau ]
jaa ka-o daykhat daridar jaavai, naam so nidhaan paavai, gurmukh gayaan, durmat mail dhovai,
Seeing him, poverty vanishes, and, one is blessed with the treasure of the Name; (then) with the
(spiritual) knowledge of the Guru, he washes away the filth of bad wisdom, O! dear.
siqgur nwmu eyk ilv min jpY idRVu iqn jn duK pwp khu kq hovY jIau ]1]
satgur naam, ayk liv man japai dariṛ, tin jan dukh paap kaho kat hovai, jee-o. ||1||
One, who meditates upon, and, implants (within the mind) the Name of the True Guru and
lovingly attuned and with single-mind ---- tell (me) how can that person suffer sorrow or sin,
O! dear. 1
Drm krm pUrY siqguru pweI hY ] dharam karam, poorai satgur paa-ee hai.
Faith and (doing) good deeds are obtained from the perfect True Guru.
jw kI syvw isD swD muin jn suir nr jwcih sbd swru eyk ilv lweI hY ]
jaa kee sayvaa, sidh saadh, mun jan, sur nar jaacheh; sabad saar ayk liv laa-ee hai.
(Guru Ram Das is the one) the sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), God-
oriented persons, silent sages, gods and humans yearn to serve him, (because) his teachings
are sublime, and, he is lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
Puin jwnY ko qyrw Apwru inrBau inrMkwru AkQ kQnhwru quJih buJweI hY ]
fun, jaanai ko tayraa apaar, nirbha-o niraNkaar, akath kathanhaar tujheh bujhaa-ee hai.
Then: who can know your limits; (you are the embodiment of) the Infinite, Fearless, Formless
(Lord); you alone have the understanding of narrating the Indescribable (Lord).

Brm BUly sMswr Cuthu jUnI sMGwr jm ko n fMf kwl gurmiq D´weI hY ]
bharam bhoolay saNsaar, chhutahu joonee saNghaar, jam ko na daNd kaal gurmat dhayaa-ee hai.
O! (people of) the world, you are deluded by doubt; you shall be saved from (entering in)
womb (i.e. birth) and death, and, shall not suffer punishment by the messenger of death, (if
you) meditate (upon God) through the wisdom of the Guru.
mn pRwxI mugD bIcwru Aihinis jpu Drm krm pUrY siqguru pweI hY ]2]
man praaṇee mugadh beechaar, ahinis jap, dharam karam poorai satgur paa-ee hai. ||2||
O! foolish mortal being, reflect upon this in your mind, day and night meditate (upon the Name
of God). Faith and (doing) good deeds are obtained from the perfect True Guru.2
hau bil bil jwau siqgur swcy nwm pr ] ha-o bal bal jaa-o, satgur saachay naam par.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, unto the True Name of the True Guru.
kvn aupmw dyau kvn syvw sryau eyk muK rsnw rshu jug joir kr ]
kavan upmaa day-o, kavan sayvaa saray-o, ayk : mukh rasnaa rasahu, jug jor kar.
With what should I compare (i.e. what praise can I offer to you)? what service can I perform for
you? One (thing I do is): with my hands pressed together and with my mouth and tongue, I
delight (in your Name).
Puin mn bc k®m jwnu Anq dUjw n mwnu nwmu so Apwru swru dIno guir ird Dr ]
fun, man bach kram jaan, anat doojaa na maan, naam so apaar saar, deeno gur rid dhar.
Then: in thought, word and deed, I know (i.e. recognize only God), and, do not accept any other
one. The Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das) has enshrined the most valuable Name of the Infinite
(Lord) within my heart. P. 1399
nl´ kiv pwrs prs kc kMcnw huie cMdnw subwsu jwsu ismrq An qr ]
naly kav, paaras paras, kach kaNchnaa hu-ay, chaNdnaa subaas, jaas simrat an tar.
Poet Nal (says): touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), the raw (iron) is transformed
into gold, and, the sandalwood imparts its fragrance into other trees; (so is Guru Ram Das)
remember (him and you too shall be transformed into a sublime person).
jw ky dyKq duAwry kwm k®oD hI invwry jI hau bil bil jwau siqgur swcy nwm pr ]3]
jaa kay daykhat du-aaray, kaam krodh hee nivaaray;
jee, ha-o bal bal jaa-o, satgur saachay naam par. ||3||
Seeing his doors, one is rid of sexual desire and anger.
O! dear, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice unto the True Name of the True Guru. 3
rwju jogu qKqu dIAnu gur rwmdws ] raaj jog takhat, dee-an gur raamdaas.
Guru Ram Das was blessed with the throne of Raj yoga* (by Guru Amar Das).
[*Raj Yog, i.e. mastery of temporal and spiritual kingdom].
pRQmy nwnk cMdu jgq BXo Awnµdu qwrin mnuK´ jn kIAau pRgws ]
prathmay naanak chaNd, jagat bha-yo aanaNd, taaran manukhy jan kee-a-o pragaas.
First: (Guru) Nanak appeared like the moon; seeing him the world was filled with bliss; to
carry the human beings across (the world ocean), he bestowed light (i.e. he illumined the world
with spiritual light).
gur AMgd dIAau inDwnu AkQ kQw igAwnu pMc BUq bis kIny jmq n qRws ]
gur aNgad dee-a-o nidhaan, akath kathaa gi-aan; paNch bhoot bas keenay, jamat na taraas.
He blessed Guru Angad with the treasure of (spiritual) knowledge of the story (i.e. mystery) of
the Indescribable (Lord). (With this spiritual knowledge, Guru Angad) overcame the five demons
and the fear of the messenger of death.

gur Amru gurU sRI siq kiljuig rwKI piq AGn dyKq gqu crn kvl jws ]
gur amar guroo saree sat, kalijug raakhee pat; aghan daykhat gat, charan kaval jaas.
(Then, with Guru Angad appeared) Guru Amar (Das), the great and True Guru; he saved the
honour of Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age). Beholding his lotus-feet, the sins vanish away.
sB ibiD mwin´au mnu qb hI BXau pRsMnu rwju jogu qKqu dIAnu gur rwmdws ]4]
sabh bidh maaniya-o man, tab hee bha-ya-o prasaNn; raaj jog takhat, dee-an gur raamdaas. ||4||
When his mind was satisfied in every way, he was totally pleased; then he bestowed upon
Guru Ram Das the throne of Raj Yoga (i.e. lordship of the temporal and spiritual kingdoms). 4

rf ] rad [Rad is form of poetry]

ijsih Dwir´au Driq Aru ivaumu Aru pvxu qy nIr sr Avr Anl Anwid kIAau ]
jisahi dhaariya-o, dharat, ar vi-um, ar pavaṇ, tay neer sar; avar anal anaad kee-a-o.
He (is the one who) established the earth, the sky, the air, the pools of water (i.e. oceans); and,
produced fire and food.
sis iriK inis sUr idin sYl qrUA Pl Pul dIAau ] sas, rikh nis, soor din, sail taroo-a fal ful dee-a-o.
(He created) the moon, the stars at the night, the sun for the day, and mountains; He blessed
trees with fruits and flowers.
suir nr spq smudR ikA DwirE iqRBvx jwsu ] sur nar sapat samudar ki-a, dhaari-o taribhavaṇ jaas.
He created gods, humans and the seven seas; and, He established the three spheres (skies, earth
and nether worlds).
soeI eyku nwmu hir nwmu siq pwieE gur Amr pRgwsu ]1]5]
so-ee ayk naam, har naam sat, paa-i-o gur amar pargaas. ||1||5||
That One Name, the Name of God, the Eternal (Name); ---- its Light was obtained (by Guru
Ram Das) from Guru Amar (Das). 1.5
kchu kMcnu BieAau sbdu gur sRvxih suixE ] kachahu kaNchan bha-i-a-o, sabad gur sarvaṇeh suni-o.
Listening to the Word of the Guru, with one’s ears, glass is transformed into gold (i.e. listening
to the Word of the Guru, one becomes a priceless sublime person) .
ibKu qy AMimRqu huXau nwmu siqgur muiK BixAau ] bikh tay aMmrit hu-ya-o, naam satgur mukh bhani-a-o.
Chanting the name of the True Guru, from the mouth, poison is transformed into AMmrit.
lohau hoXau lwlu ndir siqguru jid DwrY ] loha-o ho-ya-o laal, nadar satgur jad dhaarai.
When the True Guru bestows his Glance (of Grace), the iron is transformed into jewel.
pwhx mwxk krY igAwnu gur kihAau bIcwrY ] paahaṇ maaṇak karai, gi-aan gur kahi-a-o beechaarai.
When one contemplates the knowledge given by the Guru, the stone is transformed into
kwThu sRIKMf siqguir kIAau duK dirdR iqn ky gieA ]
kaaṭahu sareekhaNd, satgur kee-a-o, dukh daridar tin kay ga-i-a.
The True Guru transforms (ordinary) wood into sandalwood, and, their sorrows and pains get
siqgurU crn ijn@ prisAw sy psu pryq suir nr BieA ]2]6]
satguroo charan jinh parsi-aa, say pas parayt sur nar bha-i-a. ||2||6||
Whoever touches (i.e. serve at) the feet of the True Guru, is transformed from an animal and
ghost into a divine being. 2.6

jwim gurU hoie vil Dnih ikAw gwrvu idjie ] jaam guroo ho-ay val, dhaneh ki-aa gaarav dij-ay.
When the Guru is on one’s side, how would he be proud of his wealth?
jwim gurU hoie vil lK bwhy ikAw ikjie ] jaam guroo ho-ay val, lakh baahay ki-aa kij-ay.
When the Guru is on one’s side, what would hundred thousands arms (i.e. armies, supporters,
weapons and power) do for him?
jwim gurU hoie vil igAwn Aru iDAwn Ann pir ] jaam guroo ho-ay val, gi-aan ar dhi-aan anan par.
When the Guru is on one’s side, he does not depend upon any one else for (spiritual) knowledge
and meditation.
jwim gurU hoie vil sbdu swKI su sch Gir ] jaam guroo ho-ay val, sabad saakhee so sachah ghar.
When the Guru is on one’s side, the Word becomes his companion, and, he abides in the home
of the Truth.
jo gurU gurU Aihinis jpY dwsu Btu byniq khY ] jo gurU nwmu ird mih DrY so jnm mrx duh Qy rhY ]3]7]
jo guroo guroo ahinis japai, daas bhat baynat kahai.
jo guroo naam rid meh dharai, so janam maraṇ duh thay rahai. ||3||7||
Bard (Nall) offers prayer: one who chants ‘Guru, Guru’, day and night; and,
one, who enshrines the Name of the Guru within his mind, is rid of both: birth and death. 3.7
gur ibnu Goru AMDwru gurU ibnu smJ n AwvY ] gur bin ghor aNdhaar, guroo bin samajh na aavai.
Without the Guru, there is utter darkness (in the heart); and, without the Guru, understanding
does not come (i.e. understanding of spiritual life is not obtained).
gur ibnu suriq n isiD gurU ibnu mukiq n pwvY ] gur bin surat na sidh, guroo bin mukat na paavai.
Without the Guru, there is no awareness, no success; and, without the Guru, one cannot attain
guru kru scu bIcwru gurU kru ry mn myry ] gur kar sach beechaar, guroo kar ray man mayray.
(So) O! my mind, make him your Guru (i.e. seek the refuge of the Guru), and, contemplate the
Truth; make him your Guru (i.e. follow the teachings of the Guru).
ponder over the truth taught by Guru, and have faith in him.
guru kru sbd spuMn AGn ktih sB qyry ] gur kar sabad sapuNn, aghan kateh sabh tayray.
Make that one your Guru who is absolute with the Word; and, all your sins shall be erased.
guru nXix bXix guru guru krhu gurU siq kiv nl´ kih ]
gur na-yaṇ, ba-yaṇ gur gur karahu, guroo sat kav naly kahi.
Poet Nal says: with your eyes behold the Guru; with your words chant ‘Guru, Guru’ (i.e. sing
the praise of the Guru); the Guru is True (i.e. eternal).
ijin gurU n dyiKAau nhu kIAau qy AkXQ sMswr mih ]4]8]
jin guroo na daykhi-a-o, nahu kee-a-o; tay akyath saNsaar meh. ||4||8||
Those, who have neither seen the Guru, or have not had (i.e. adopted) the Guru, they are
useless in this world (i.e. useless is their coming into the world). 4.8
P. 1400
gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ] guroo guroo gur kar, man mayray.
O! my mind, chant ‘Guru, Guru, Guru’ (i.e. dwell / meditate upon the Guru).
qwrx qrx smRQu kiljuig sunq smwiD sbd ijsu kyry ]
taaraṇ taraṇ samrath kalijug, sunat samaadh sabad jis kayray.
In Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the all powerful (Guru) is a boat to carry across (the world ocean).
Hearing his Word, one is absorbed in trance.

Puin duKin nwsu suKdwXku sUrau jo Drq iDAwnu bsq iqh nyry ]
fun, dukhan naas, sukh-daa-yak soora-o; jo dharat dhi-aan, basat tih nayray.
Then, he is (spiritual) hero (i.e. master), who destroys sorrows and brings happiness; one, who
meditates upon him, he (i.e. Guru) is near him.
pUrau purKu irdY hir ismrq muKu dyKq AG jwih pryry ]
poora-o purakh ridai har simrat, mukh daykhat agh jaahi parayray.
He (i.e. Guru)is the perfect person, who meditates upon God within his heart; seeing his face,
the sins run away.
jau hir buiD iriD isiD cwhq gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ]5]9]
ja-o har budh ridh sidh chaahat, guroo guroo gur kar man mayray. ||5||9||
If you long for wisdom, wealth, and (spiritual) perfection from God, then O! my mind, chant
‘Guru, Guru, Guru’ (i.e. dwell / meditate upon the Guru). 5.9
gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXau ] guroo mukh daykh garoo sukh paa-ya-o.
Beholding the face (vision) of the Guru, I found great (spiritual) happiness.
huqI ju ipAws ipaUs ipvMn kI bMCq isiD kau ibiD imlwXau ]
hutee jo pi-aas pi-oos pivaNn kee, baNchhat sidh ka-o bidh milaa-ya-o.
I had (great) thirst, to drink AMmrit; to fulfill my desire, the Guru himself laid out the way.
pUrn Bo mn Taur bso rs bwsn isau ju dhM idis DwXau ]
pooran bho, man ṭa-ur baso, ras baasan si-o jo dahaN dis dhaa-ya-o.
My mind, which used to run towards ten (i.e. all) directions, in its desires and lust, now dwells
at one (right) place.
goibMd vwlu goibMd purI sm jl´n qIir ibpws bnwXau ]
gobiNd vaal gobiNd puree sam, jalyan teer bipaas banaa-ya-o.
(Poet)Jallan (says): Gobindvaal is the city of Lord of the World, built on the bank of Beas
gXau duKu dUir brKn ko su gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXau ]6]10]
ga-ya-o dukh door barkhan ko, so guroo mukh daykh garoo sukh paa-ya-o. ||6||10||
Beholing the face (i.e. vision) of the Guru, the sorrows of so many years have been taken away,
and I am blessed with great (spiritual) happiness. 6.10
smrQ gurU isir hQu Dr´au ] samrath guroo sir hath dhar-ya-o.
The all powerful Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) placed his hand on his (Guru Ram Das’s) head.
guir kInI ik®pw hir nwmu dIAau ijsu dyiK crMn AGMn hr´au ]
gur keenee kripaa, har naam dee-a-o, jis daykh charaNn aghaNn harya-o.
The Guru bestowed His Grace, and blessed him with the Name of God; beholding the feet (of
Guru Amar Das), all the sins (of Guru Ram Das) were taken away.
inis bwsur eyk smwn iDAwn su nwm suny suqu Bwn fr´au ]
nis baasur ayk samaan dhi-aan, so naam sunay sut bhaan darya-o.
Day and night, he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) continually meditated upon the One (Lord); hearing the
Name (of God), the ‘son of the sun’ (i.e. messenger of death) got frightened.
Bin dws su Aws jgqR gurU kI pwrsu Byit prsu kr´au ]
bhan daas, so aas jagtra guroo kee, paaras bhayt paras karya-o.
Slave (i.e. devotee) says: he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) placed faith in the Guru of the world (i.e. Guru
Amar Das); touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), he was transformed into paaras.

rwmdwsu gurU hir siq kIXau smrQ gurU isir hQu Dr´au ]7]11]
raamdaas guroo har sat kee-ya-o, samrath guroo sir hath dharya-o. ||7||11||
God has established Guru Ram Das as the True (Guru); the all-powerful Guru (i.e. Guru Amar
Das) has placed his hand on his head. 7.11
Ab rwKhu dws Bwt kI lwj ] ab raakho daas bhaat kee laaj.
Now (O! Guru), please protect the honour of (your) slave (i.e. devotee) bard (Nalh).
jYsI rwKI lwj Bgq pRihlwd kI hrnwKs Pwry kr Awj ]
jaisee raakhee laaj bhagat par-hilaad kee, harnaakhas faaray kar aaj.
Just as (God) protected the honour of devotee Prahlad*, (by) tearing apart Harnaksh, with his
[*As per popular myth, Prehlaad was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted
everyone to consider him god; but, his own son Prehlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone.
Harnakash perpetrated many atrocities on Prehlaad and even tried to kill him. At this, Prehlaad sought the refuge of God,
who appeared as Narsinh* (half lion half human) and killed Harnakash with his clawsand saved Prehlaad .The myth of
Prehlaad has been referred to in Guru Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship
God alone].
Puin dRopqI lwj rKI hir pRB jI CInq bsqR dIn bhu swj ]
fun, daropatee* laaj rakhee har prabh jee, chheenat bastar, deen baho saaj.
Then: dear God, the Lord, protected the honour of Daropati*; when her clothes were taken
away (i.e. when she was being stripped off clothes), she was blessed with still more.
[*According to Mahabharata, Daropati /Daraupadee was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchaal and the wife of the
five Pandavavs. She is also referred as Panchaalee (i.e. the queen of the kingdom of Panchaal). Once, while playing
gamble, the Pandavs lost to the Kauravs and finally they put Daraupadee at stake; this time too they lost. Now, to insult
the Pandavs, Duryodhana (the chief of the Kauravs) orders Dushasana to disrobe Daraupadee. When he began to
disrobe Draupadi of her dress, she prayed to God to protect her honour. Then, a miracle occurs. When Dushasana
unwraped the layers and layers of her saaree (i.e. robe of the Hindu women), her saaree keept getting extended. Thus,
listening to her prayers, God saved her honour].
sodwmw Apdw qy rwiKAw ginkw pVHq pUry iqh kwj ]
sodaamaa apdaa tay raakhi-aa, ganikaa paṛhat pooray tih kaaj.
Sudama* was saved from crisis, and, Ganika** (when she) chanted (the Name of God), all her
affairs were resolved.
[*Sudama, the son of Matuka and Rochana Devi, was a poor person. He was a childhood friend of the mythical king-god
Krishana. They lost contact over the years and while Krishna became a king. After a series of defeats Krishana had to flee
Mathura for Dwarka (in present day Gujarat). As Sudama was going through some bad times, one day his wife Susheela
reminded him of his friendship with Krishna and asked him to go to him and seek some financial help from him. Though
initially reluctant to go to his friend for help, Sudama finally agreed. Krishna was greatly pleased to see his old friend. He
treated him with much love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgot to ask for what he actually came for. But Krishan
realised what His friend needed. When Sudama finally returned to his home, he found a mansion instead of the hut he had
left. He also found his family dressed in extremely nice garb and waiting for him].
[**Gankaa/Ganika was a prostitute. Once, she had a chance to serve a God-oriented person; before departing he gave
her a parrot which used to chant Raam (one of the names of God), and, gradually she too began chanting the Name of
God. Chanting the Name of God liberated her].
sRI siqgur supRsMn kljug hoie rwKhu dws Bwt kI lwj ]8]12]
saree satgur, suparsaNn kaljug ho-ay, raakho daas bhaat kee laaj. ||8||12||
Now, in the Kaliyga (i.e. Dark Age), O! great True Guru, in your great pleasure, (please) save
the honour of your slave (i.e. devotee) bard (Nalh). 8.12
Jolnw ] Jholnaa [Jholnaa is a form of poetry]
gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ] guroo gur, guroo gur, guroo jap praanee-ahu.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O! mortal beings.

sbdu hir hir jpY nwmu nv iniD ApY rsin Aihinis rsY siq kir jwnIAhu ]
sabad har har japai, naam nav nidh apai, rasan ahinis rasai, sat kar jaanee-ahu.
One who meditates upon the Word (i.e. Name of) God, the Lord, is accorded (i.e. blessed with)
the nine treasures; (then) day and night, he savours (the delight of chanting the Name of God)
with his tongue; (O! brethren) know it as true.
Puin pRym rMg pweIAY gurmuKih iDAweIAY AMn mwrg qjhu Bjhu hir g´wnIAhu ]
fun, praym ra g paa-ee-ai, gurmukheh dhi-aa-ee-ai; a n maarag tajahu bhajahu har, gayaanee-ahu
Then: one obtains affection and love (of God), by meditating upon (God), through the Guru;
(so) give up all other ways and meditate upon God, O! (spiritually) enlightened ones.
bcn gur irid Drhu pMc BU bis krhu jnmu kul auDrhu dÍwir hir mwnIAhu ]
bachan gur rid dharahu, paNch bhoo bas karahu, janam kul udhrahu, davaar har maanee-ahu.
Enshrine the teachings of the Guru within your heart, and, control your conscious; your life (as
human being) and your family shall be saved; and, you shall be honoured at the Door of God.
jau q sB suK ieq auq qum bMCvhu gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ]1]13]
ja-o ta sabh sukh it ut tum baNchhvahu, guroo gur guroo gur, guroo jap praanee-ahu. ||1||13||
If you desire all the pleasures, here and hereafter, then chant (continually) Guru, Guru, Guru,
Guru, Guru, O! mortal beings. 1.13
gurU guru gurU guru gurU jip siq kir ] guroo gur, guroo gur, guroo jap, sat kar.
(O! my mind) chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, with faith.
Agm gun jwnu inDwnu hir min Drhu D´wnu Aihinis krhu bcn gur irdY Dir ]
agam gun jaan nidhaan, har man dharahu dhayaan, ahinis karahu, bachan gur ridai dhar.
Know that God is the Treasure of Countless Excellences; (so) focus your mind upon God; day
and night (meditate upon Him) by enshrining the teachings of the Guru within your heart.
Puin gurU jl ibml AQwh mjnu krhu sMq gurisK qrhu nwm sc rMg sir ]
fun, guroo jal bimal athaah majan karahu, saNt gursikh tarahu, naam sach raNg sar.
Then, bath in the immaculate and immeasurable water of the Guru; O! God-oriented
persons, enjoy swimming in the pool of love of the True Name, through the Guru.
sdw inrvYru inrMkwru inrBau jpY pRym gur sbd ris krq idRVu Bgiq hir ]
sadaa nirvair niraNkaar nirbha-o japai, paraym gur sabad ras karat dariṛ bhagat har.
He (i.e. Guru Ram Das) meditates forever upon (the Lord, who is) the Free of Animosity,
Formless, Fearless. He implants the meditation of God in the love of the Word of the Guru.
mugD mn BRmu qjhu nwmu gurmuiK Bjhu gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu siq kir ]2]14]
mugadh man, bharam tajahu, naam gurmukh bhajahu, guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap sat kar.
O! (my) foolish mind, give up your doubts, and, meditate upon the Name (of the Lord), through
the Guru; and (constinually) chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, with faith. 2.14
P. 1401
gurU guru guru krhu gurU hir pweIAY ] guroo gur gur karahu, guroo har paa-ee-ai.
(O! brethren) chant Guru, Guru, Guru; God is found through the Guru.
audiD guru gihr gMBIr byAMqu hir nwm ng hIr mix imlq ilv lweIAY ]
udadh gur, gahir gaMbheer bay-aNt, har naam nag heer maṇ, milat liv laa-ee-ai.
The Guru is deep, profound and infinite ocean; by being lovingly attuned to the Name of God,
one is blessed with jewel, diamonds and emeralds.

Puin gurU prml srs krq kMcnu prs mYlu durmiq ihrq sbid guru D´weIAY ]
fun, guroo parmal saras, karat kaNchan paras, mail durmat hirat, sabad gur dhayaa-ee-ai.
Then, touch of the Guru is like the sandalwood, that perfumes others; he is paaras (i.e.
Philosopher’s Stone) that transforms (even brass) into gold; filth of bad wisdom is removed (by)
meditating upon the Word.
AMimRq prvwh CutkMq sd dÍwir ijsu g´wn gur ibml sr sMq isK nweIAY ]
aMmrit parvaah chhutkaNt sad davaar jis, gayaan gur bimal sar, saNt sikh naa-ee-ai.
Stream of AMmrit flows continually from his (i.e. Guru’s) Door; and, the Sikhs (i.e. disciples) and
the God-oriented persons bath in the immaculate pool of the Guru’s (spiritual) knowledge.
nwmu inrbwxu inDwnu hir auir Drhu gurU guru guru krhu gurU hir pweIAY ]3]15]
naam nirbaaṇ nidhaan har ur dharahu, guroo gur gur karahu, guroo har paa-ee-ai. ||3||15||
(O! brethren) enshrine the treasure of the immortal Name of the God within your heart; and,
chant Guru, Guru, Guru; God is found through the Guru. 3.15
gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ] guroo gur, guroo gur, guroo jap, maNn ray.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O! (my) mind.
jw kI syv isv isD swiDk sur Asur gx qrih qyqIs gur bcn suix kMn ry ]
jaa kee sayv, siv sidh saadhik, sur asur gaṇ, tareh taytees, gur bachan suṇ kaNn, ray*.
Serving him (i.e. Guru), Shiv, sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), gods,
demons, attendants of gods, and three-hundred and thirty millions gods are carried across
(terrifying ocean); listen to the teachings of the Guru, with your ears, O! dear*.
[*Ray (O! dear), in the end of many lines of the verse is just for poetic music. It has no role in or impact on the rest of the
Puin qrih qy sMq ihq Bgq guru guru krih qirE pRhlwdu gur imlq muin jMn ry ]
fun, tareh tay saNt, hit bhagat gur gur karahi, tari-o parahlaad, gur milat mun jaNn, ray.
Then: the God-oriented persons and the devotees who love (Him) are carried across (terrifying
ocean) by chanting Guru, Guru. Meeting the Guru, Prahlaad and (many) silent sages were
carried across (terrifying ocean), O! dear.
qrih nwrdwid snkwid hir gurmuKih qrih iek nwm lig qjhu rs AMn ry ]
tareh naardaad sankaad har gurmukheh, tareh ik naam lag, tajahu ras aNn, ray.
Naarad (a mythical god) and others, and, Sanak* and others were carried across (terrifying
ocean) by attaching to the One Name of God, through the Guru, and, they abandoned all other
tastes (i.e. pleasures), O! dear.
[*Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are the four sons of mythical god Brahma. They are also mentioned as Sanakaad
(literally: Sanak etc)].
dwsu byniq khY nwmu gurmuiK lhY gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ]4]16]29]
daas baynat kahai, naam gurmukh lahai, guroo gur, guroo gur, guroo jap maNn ray. ||4||16||29||
This is the prayer of the slave (i.e. poet Kalh): the Name of God is found through the Guru; (so)
O! (my) mind, chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru. 4.16.29
isrI gurU swihbu sB aUpir ] krI ik®pw sqjuig ijin DR¨ pir ]
siree guroo, saahib sabh oopar. karee kirpaa satjug jin dharoo par.
That Great Guru (i.e. God) is the Master of all. In the Satyuga (i.e. Golden Age/ Age of Truth)He
bestowed His Grace upon Dhroo (the devotee).

sRI pRhlwd Bgq auDrIAM ] hsœ kml mwQy pr DrIAM ]
saree parahlaad bhagat udhree-aN.hast kamal maathay par dharee-aN.
He saved the great devotee Prahlad, placing His lotus-hand upon his forehead.
AlK rUp jIA lK´w n jweI ] alakh roop, jee-a lakhyaa na jaa-ee.
He is Indefinable Form; the (mortal) beings cannot perceive Him.
swiDk isD sgl srxweI ] saadhik sidh sagal sarṇaa-ee.
The sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), the seekers, all are in his refuge.
gur ky bcn siq jIA Dwrhu ] mwxs jnmu dyh insœwrhu ]
gur kay bachan, sat jee-a dhaarahu. maaṇas janam dayh nistaarahu.
(O! brethren) enshrine the true teachings of the Guru within your heart; (and thus) emancipate
your human birth and your body.
guru jhwju Kyvtu gurU gur ibnu qirAw n koie ] gur jahaaj, khayvat guroo, gur bin tari-aa na ko-ay.
The Guru is the boat, and, the Guru is the boatman; without the Guru no one crosses over (the
world ocean).
gur pRswid pRBu pweIAY gur ibnu mukiq n hoie ] gur prasaad prabh paa-ee-ai, gur bin mukat na ho-ay.
By the Grace of Guru, God is obtained; without the Guru, no one is liberated.
guru nwnku inkit bsY bnvwrI ] gur naanak, nikat basai banvaaree.
Guru Nanak dwells near the Lord of the World Forest.
iqin lhxw Qwip joiq jig DwrI ] tin, lahṇaa thaap jot jag dhaaree.
He (i.e. Guru Nanak) established Lehna (as Guru), and, (through him) he placed(i.e. spread) the
Light (of God), in the world.
lhxY pMQu Drm kw kIAw ] Amrdws Bly kau dIAw ]
lahṇai, paNth dharam kaa kee-aa. amardaas bhalay ka-o dee-aa.
Lehna preached the path of faith. He passed it on to (Guru) Amar Das Bhalla.
iqin sRI rwmdwsu soFI iQru Qp´au ] tin, saree raamdaas soḍee thir thapya-o.
He nominated and established great Ram Das Sodhi (as the Guru).
hir kw nwmu AKY iniD Ap´au ] har kaa naam akhai nidh apya-o.
He blessed him with the treasure of the imperishable Name.
Ap´au hir nwmu AKY iniD chu juig gur syvw kir Plu lhIAM ]
apya-o har naam, akhai nidh chahu jug, gur sayvaa kar fal lahee-aN.
He (i.e. Guru Amar Das) blessed (i.e. Guru Ram Das) with the treasure of the Name of God,
(which is) inexhaustible throughout four ages; serving the Guru, he received this reward.
bMdih jo crx srix suKu pwvih prmwnµd gurmuiK khIAM ]
baNdeh jo charaṇ, saraṇ sukh paavahi, parmaanaNd gurmukh kahee-aN.
Those persons, who bow at his feet and seek his refuge, obtain happiness, supreme bliss; and,
they are known as the Guru-oriented ones.
prqiK dyh pwrbRhmu suAwmI Awid rUip poKx BrxM ]
partakh dayh paarbrahm su-aamee, aad roop pokhaṇ bharṇaN.
The Guru is the embodiment of the Supreme Lord, the Master; the form of the Primal Lord
who sustains and cherishes (all).
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]1]
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee, saree raamdaas taaraṇ tarṇaN. ||1||
(So, O! brethren) serve the Guru, the True Guru, whose state is indefinable; the great (Guru)
Ram Das is the boat to carry us across (the world ocean). 1

ijh AMimRq bcn bwxI swDU jn jpih kir ibiciq cwE ] Awnµdu inq mMglu gur drsnu sPlu sMswir ]
jih aMmrit bachan baaṇee, saadhoo jan jaapeh kar bichit chaa-o.
aanaNd nit maNgal, gur darsan safal saNsaar.
(The Guru) whose Word, the AMmrit teachings ---- the God-oriented persons meditate upon
(the Word) with enthusiasm in their mind. The vision of that Guru is fruitful and joy-giving in
this world.
sMswir sPlu gMgw gur drsnu prsn prm pivqR gqy ]
saNsaar safal gaNgaa gur darsan, parsan param pavitar gatay.
The vision of that Guru is fruitful in this world, (it is pure) like the Ganges (river); those who
meet (i.e. serve the Guru) obtain supreme sacred status.
jIqih jm loku piqq jy pRwxI hir jn isv gur g´win rqy ]
jeeteh jam lok patit jay praaṇee, har jan siv gur gayaan ratay.
(Even) fallen (sinful) mortal beings can conquer the city of death, if they become servants (i.e.
devotees) of God by being imbued with the (spiritual) knowledge of the Guru.
rGubMis iqlku suMdru dsrQ Gir muin bMCih jw kI srxM ]
raghubaNs tilak, suNdar dasrath ghar, mun baNchheh jaa kee sarṇaN.
In the dynasty of Raghu, (Rama* was known as) supreme and handsome (son of) Dashrath,
and, the silent sages sought his refuge. [*god king of Ramayana]
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]2]
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee, saree raamdaas taaraṇ tarṇaN. ||2||
(Similarly, O! brethren) serve the Guru, the True Guru, whose state is indefinable; the great
(Guru) Ram Das is the boat to carry us across (the world ocean). 2
P. 1402
sMswru Agm swgru qulhw hir nwmu gurU muiK pwXw ]
saNsaar agam saagar, tulhaa har naam guroo mukh paa-yaa.
The world is an unfathomable ocean, and, the Name of God from the mouth of the Guru is a
raft (to cross over this ocean).
jig jnm mrxu Bgw ieh AweI hIAY prqIiq ] jag janam maraṇ bhagaa, ih aa-ee hee-ai parteet.
The (cycle of) birth and death in this world is ended, for the one who has this faith in his heart.
prqIiq hIAY AweI ijn jn kY iqn@ kau pdvI auc BeI ]
parteet hee-ai aa-ee jin jan kai, tinh ka-o padvee uch bha-ee.
He, who has this faith in his heart, is blessed with the highest position.
qij mwieAw mohu loBu Aru lwlcu kwm k®oD kI ibRQw geI ]
taj maa-i-aa moh lobh ar laalach, kaam krodh kee britha ga-ee.
They forsake Maya, (emotional) attachment, greed and avarice; and, they get rid of the pain of
sexual desire and anger.
Avlok´w bRhmu Brmu sBu Cutk´w idb´ idRis† kwrx krxM ]
avlokyaa brahm, bharam sabh chhutyaa, diby darisat kaaraṇ karṇaN.
Beholding (the vision of) God, all their doubts are dispelled; and, with their spiritual insight,
they realize the Doer (i.e. Creator) and the Cause (i.e. Cause of everything).
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]3]
satgur gur sayv, alakh gat jaa kee, saree raamdaas taaraṇ tarṇaN. ||3||
(So, O! brethren) serve the Guru, the True Guru, whose state is indefinable; the great (Guru)
Ram Das is the boat to carry us across (the world ocean). 3

prqwpu sdw gur kw Git Git prgwsu BXw jsu jn kY ]
partaap sadaa gur kaa ghat ghat, pargaas bha-yaa jas jan kai.
The (great) glory of the Guru is forever manifest in each and every heart; and his praise is
there in (the hearts of) his servants (i.e. devotees).
ieik pVih suxih gwvih prBwiqih krih ies˜wnu ] ik paṛeh suṇeh gaavahi, parbhaatihi karahi isnaan.
Some read, listen and sing (the praise of the Guru); some take (cleansing) bath (in the Name) in
early in the morning.
ies˜wnu krih prBwiq suD min gur pUjw ibiD sihq krM ]
isnaan karahi parbhaat, sudh man, gur poojaa bidh sahit karaN.
Some take (cleansing) bath (in the Name) in early in the morning, and, with their pure mind,
they adore (i.e. worship) the Guru in formal way (i.e. proper manner).
kMcnu qnu hoie pris pwrs kau joiq srUpI D´wnu DrM ]
kaNchan tan ho-ay paras paaras ka-o, jot saroopee dhayaan dharaN.
Touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), their bodies are transformed into gold; they
focus their conscious on the Embodiment of (Divine) Light.
jgjIvnu jgMnwQu jl Ql mih rihAw pUir bhu ibiD brnµ ]
jagjeevan jagaNnaath jal thal meh, rahi-aa poor baho bidh baranaN.
(God,) the Life of the World, the Lord of the World, is contained in the waters and the land,
perfectly and in many ways and colours (i.e. forms).
siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]4]
satgur gur sayv, alakh gat jaa kee, saree raamdaas taaraṇ tarṇaN. ||4||
(So, O! brethren) serve the Guru, the True Guru, whose state is (i.e. whose ways are)
indefinable; the great (Guru) Ram Das is the boat to carry us across (the world ocean). 4
ijnhu bwq insçl DR¨A jwnI qyeI jIv kwl qy bcw ]
jinahu baat nischal dharoo-a jaanee, tay-ee jeev kaal tay bachaa.
Those, who realized the teachings (of the Guru) with faith like Dhru, those beings were saved
from (i.e. they became immune from the fear of) death.
iqn@ qirE smudRü rudRü iKn iek mih jlhr ibMb jugiq jgu rcw ]
tinh tari-o samudra rudra khin ik meh, jalhar biMb jugat jag rachaa.
They crossed over the terrifying (world) ocean in an instant; this world is like the image of the
clouds and a bubble of water.
kuMflnI surJI sqsMgiq prmwnµd gurU muiK mcw ]
kuNdlanee surjhee satsaNgat, parmaanaNd guroo mukh machaa.
Their Kundalani (i.e. knot of ignorance) was resolved in the true congregation; and, they
obtained supreme bliss through the Guru.
isrI gurU swihbu sB aUpir mn bc k®Mm syvIAY scw ]5]
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar, man bach kraMm sayvee-ai sachaa. ||5||
The great Guru is the Master over all; (so) serve the True (Lord) in thought, word and deed.5
vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ] vaahiguroo*, vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahi, jee-o**.
O! Guru (you are) wondrous*, O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you are) wondrous, (you
are) wondrous, O! dear**.
[* Here, vaahiguroo, i.e. wondreous Guru, is used for Guru Ram Das and not for God]. [*Jee-o (O! dear), in the end of
many lines of the verse is just for poetic music. It has no role in or impact on the rest of the text].

kvl nYn mDur bYn koit sYn sMg soB khq mw jsod ijsih dhI Bwqu Kwih jIau ]
kaval nain, madhur bain, kot sain saNg sobh, kahat maa jasod jisahi dahee bhaat khaahi jee-o.
You have lotus-like eyes, sweet speech, embellished with tens of millions of companions. (For
me You are the one whom) mother Yashoda invited (as Krishan) to eat (dish of cooked) rice and
yogurt, O! dear.
dyiK rUpu Aiq AnUpu moh mhw mg BeI ikMknI sbd Jnqkwr Kylu pwih jIau ]
daykh roop at anoop, moh mahaa mag bha-ee, kiNknee sabad jhanatkaar, khayl paahi, jee-o.
Seeing upon his great beautiful form, and, listening to the sound of tinkling of the waist-band
ankles, she was intoxicated with joy, O! dear.
kwl klm hukmu hwiQ khhu kaunu myit skY eIsu bMm´ü g´wnu D´wnu Drq hIAY cwih jIau ]
kaal kalam hukam haath, kahhu ka-un mayt sakai,
ees baMmyu, gayaan dhayaan, dharat hee-ai chaahi, jee-o.
The pen issuing command of death, is in your hand. Tell (me)! who can erase it? (Even) Shiva
and Brahma, yearn to enshrine your knowledge and meditation in their hearts, O! dear.
siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]1]6]
sat saach saree nivaas, aad purakh sadaa tuhee;
vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahi jee-o. ||1||6||
You are the True, eternal; the abode of Maya (is in Your feet), (You are) the Primal Person; You
(alone) are forever. O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you
are) wondrous, (you are) wondrous, O! dear. 1.6
rwm nwm prm Dwm suD buD inrIkwr bysumwr srbr kau kwih jIau ]
raam naam, param dhaam, sudh budh, nireekaar, baysumaar, sarbar ka-o kaahi, jee-o.
(O! Guru Ram Das) You name is Ram (like that of God), (whose) mansion is supreme, (who is
embodiment of) consciousness,(who is) Formless and Infinite; who can compare to you, O!
suQr icq Bgq ihq ByKu DirE hrnwKsu hirE nK ibdwir jIau ]
suthar chit, bhagat hit, bhaykh dhari-o, harnaakhas hari-o nakh bidaar, jee-o.
(O! Guru Ram Das, for me it was you) for the sake of the pure-hearted devotee (Prahlaad), you
guised Yourself (as man lion), and, tore apart Harnaksh, with your claws, O! dear.
sMK ck® gdw pdm Awip Awpu kIE Cdm AprMpr pwrbRhm lKY kaunu qwih jIau ]
saNkh chakra gadaa padam, aap aap kee-o chhadam,
apraMmpar paarbrahm, lakhai ka-un taahi, jee-o.
(O! Guru Ram Das, for me it was you) with conch, quoit, mace, lotus mark, you took the
deceiving form (of dwarf and deceived the king Bal). O! Infinite, Supreme Reality (God), who
can know you ? O! dear.
siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]2]7]
sat saach, saree nivaas, aad purakh sadaa tuhee;
vaahiguroo*, vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahi jee-o. ||2||7||
You are the True, eternal; the abode of Maya (is in Your feet), (You are) the Primal Person; You
(alone) are forever. O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you
are) wondrous, (you are) wondrous, O! dear. 2.7
[* Here, vaahiguroo, i.e. wondreous Guru, is used for Guru Ram Das and not for God].

pIq bsn kuMd dsn ipRA sihq kMT mwl muktu sIis mor pMK cwih jIau ]
peet basan, kuNd dasan, pari-a sahit, kaNṭ maal, mukat sees mor paNkh chaahi, jee-o.
(As Krishan) you wear yellow robes, (your) teeth are like jasmine flowers; (You dwell) with Your
beloved (Radha); (you have) rosary around (your) neck; and, (you) joyfully wear the crown of
peacock feathers on Your head, O! dear.
P. 1403
byvjIr bfy DIr Drm AMg AlK Agm Kylu kIAw AwpxY auCwih jIau ]
bayvjeer, baday dheer, dharam aNg, alakh agam, khayl kee-aa aapṇai uchhaahi, jee-o.
You have no minister (i.e. advisor), and, so greatly patience, (you are) upholder of faith; you are
unseen and inaccessible. You have staged this play (of the universe) with joy, O! dear.
AkQ kQw kQI n jwie qIin lok rihAw smwie suqh isD rUpu DirE swhn kY swih jIau ]
akath kathaa, kathee na jaa-ay, teen lok rahi-aa samaa-ay,
sutah sidh roop dhari-o, saahan kai saahi, jee-o.
(Your) indescribable story cannot be described; (You) are pervading the three worlds; (You)
assume any form spontaneously, O! king of the kings, O! dear.
siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]3]8]
sat saach, saree nivaas, aad purakh sadaa tuhee;
vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahiguroo, vaahi jee-o. ||3||8||
You are the True, Eternal; the abode of Maya (is in Your feet), (You are) the Primal Person; You
(alone) are forever. O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you are) wondrous, O! Guru (you
are) wondrous, (you are) wondrous, O! dear. 3.8
siqgurU siqgurU siqguru guibMd jIau ] satguroo, satguroo, satgur gubiNd, jee-o.
(O! brethren) the True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is (the form of) the Lord of the
World, O! dear.
bilih Cln sbl mln Bigœ Pln kwn@ kuAr inhklµk bjI fMk cVH¨ dl rivMd jIau ]
balihi chhalan, sabal malan, bhagat falan,
kaanh ku-ar, nihkalaNk, bajee dank, chaṛhoo dal raviNd, jee-o.
(He Himself is) the deceiver of Bal (king); crusher of the mighty; blesses fruit to the devotees.
(He is) the prince Krishna, and, (after that) Nihkalank (prophet about whom it is said:) thunder
of his drum shall echo (across the world) and his army of the sun and the moon (shall rise), O!
rwm rvx durq dvx skl Bvx kusl krx srb BUq Awip hI dyvwiD dyv shs muK PinMd jIau ]
raam ravaṇ, durat davaṇ, sakal bhavaṇ kusal karaṇ, sarab bhoot aap hee dayvaadh dayv, sahas
mukh faniNd, jee-o.
(O! True Guru, you are) the meditator upon (the Name of) God, the destroyer of sins, the
bestower of happiness in all realms; and, you yourself are god of gods, divinity of the divine,
and, the thousand-faced cobra (i.e. mythical Sheshnaag, the lord of serpents), O! dear.
jrm krm mC kC huA brwh jmunw kY kUil Kylu KyilE ijin igMd jIau ]
jaram karam machh kachh, hu-a baraah, jamunaa kai kool khayl khayli-o jin giNn, jee-o.
(You are the one, who) took birth as the incarnation of fish, tortoise and wild boar and
performed his part; and, who played games of ball on the bank of Yamuna (river), O! dear.

nwmu swru hIey Dwru qju ibkwru mn gXMd siqgurU siqgurU siqgur guibMd jIau ]4]9]
naam saar, hee-ay dhaar, taj bikaar man, ga-yaNd;
satguroo, satguroo, satgur gubiNd, jee-o. ||4||9||
(Poet) Gayand (says): O! (my) mind, enshrine the valuable Name (of God) within your heart
and renounce vices. The True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is (the image of) the Lord of
the World, O! dear. 4.9
isrI gurU isrI gurU isrI gurU siq jIau ] siree guroo, siree guroo, siree guroo sat, jee-o.
The great Guru, the great Guru, the great Guru is True (i.e. Eternal), O! dear.
gur kihAw mwnu inj inDwnu scu jwnu mMqRü iehY inis bwsur hoie kl´wnu lhih prm giq jIau ]
gur kahi-aa maan, nij nidhaan, sach jaan manNtra ihai,
nis baasur ho-ay kalyaan, laheh param gat, jee-o.
Obey what the Guru says, (this is your) personal treasures; know this teaching (of the Guru) as
true; (and, meditate upon this teaching) day and night ---- it will bring you liberation, and, you
shall obtain supreme status, O! dear.
kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu jx jx isau Cwfu Dohu haumY kw PMDu kwtu swDsMig riq jIau ]
kaam krodh lobh moh, jaṇ jaṇ si-o chhaad dhohu, ha-umai kaa faNdh kaat, saadhsaNg rat, jee-o.
(Renounce) sexual desire, anger, greed, and (emotional) attachment; and, give up deceiving
each and every person; snap the noose of egotism and be imbued with the company of the
God-oriented ones, O! dear.
dyh gyhu iqRA snyhu icq iblwsu jgq eyhu crn kml sdw syau idRVqw kru miq jIau ]
dayh gayhu tari-a sanayhu, chit bilaas, jagat ayhu,
charan kamal sadaa say-o, dariṛ-taa kar mat, jee-o.
(Attachment to) body, home, wife, are the worldly pleasures of mind (so give up all this); so,
serve forever at the lotus feet (of God), and, implant these teachings within, O! dear.
nwmu swru hIey Dwru qju ibkwru mn gXMd isrI gurU isrI gurU isrI gurU siq jIau ]5]10]
naam saar, hee-ay dhaar, taj bikaar man, ga-yaNd;
siree guroo siree guroo siree guroo sat jee-o. ||5||10||
(Poet) Gayand (says): O! (my) mind, enshrine the valuable Name (of God) within your heart
and renounce vices. The great Guru, the great Guru, the great Guru is True (i.e. Eternal), O!
dear. 10
syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ]
sayvak kai bharpoor, jug jug, vaahguroo tayraa sabh sadkaa.
(The treasures of) Your servants (i.e. devotees) are overflowing, throughout the ages, O!
Wondrous Guru, it is all Your endowment (i.e. all this is because of Your blessing).
inrMkwru pRBu sdw slwmiq kih n skY koaU qU kd kw ]
niraNkaar prabh sadaa salaamat, kahi na sakai ko-oo too kad kaa.
O! Formless (Lord), Your are forever intact (i.e. Eternal); no one can say when You came into
bRhmw ibsnu isry qY Agnq iqn kau mohu BXw mn md kw ]
barahmaa bisan siray tai agnat, tin ka-o moh bha-yaa man mad kaa.
(O! Wondrous Guru, O! God) You created countless Brahmas and Vishnus (i.e. mythical gods);
their minds got (emotionally) attached to egotism (they believed that they were the creators and

cvrwsIh lK join aupweI irjku dIAw sB hU kau qd kw ]
chavraaseeh lakh jon upaa-ee, rijak dee-aa sabh hoo ka-o tad kaa.
You have created 8.4 millions incarnations (i.e. species of beings), and, since then, You provide
for their sustenance.
syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ]1]11]
sayvak kai bharpoor, jug jug, vaahguroo tayraa sabh sadkaa. ||1||11||
(The treasures of) Your servants (i.e. devotees) are overflowing, throughout the ages, O!
Wondrous Guru, it is all Your endowment (i.e. all this is because of Your blessing). 1.11
vwhu vwhu kw bfw qmwsw ] vaahu vaahu kaa badaa tamaasaa.
(This world is) a great play of the Wondrous, the Wondrous (Lord).
Awpy hsY Awip hI icqvY Awpy cMdu sUru prgwsw ] aapay hasai aap hee chitvai, aapay chaNd soor pargaasaa.
He Himself laughs, He Himself thinks, and, He Himself illumines the moon and the sun.
Awpy jlu Awpy Qlu QMm@nu Awpy kIAw Git Git bwsw ]
aapay jal, aapay thal thaMmhan, aapay kee-aa ghat ghat baasaa.
He Himself is the water (i.e. oceans), He Himself is the earth and its support; He Himself
abides in each and every heart.
Awpy nru Awpy Puin nwrI Awpy swir Awp hI pwsw ] aapay nar, aapay fun naaree, aapay saar aap hee paasaa.
He Himself is male, and then, He Himself is female: He Himself is the chess-board and He
Himself is the dice.
gurmuiK sMgiq sBY ibcwrhu vwhu vwhu kw bfw qmwsw ]2]12]
gurmukh saNgat sabhai bichaarahu, vaahu vaahu kaa badaa tamaasaa. ||2||12||
O! Guru-oriented persons, join the congregation and contemplate: (this world is) a great play
of the Wondrous, the Wondrous (Lord). 2.12
kIAw Kylu bf mylu qmwsw vwihgurU qyrI sB rcnw ]
kee-aa khayl bad mayl tamaasaa, vaahiguroo, tayree sabh rachnaa.
You have created this play of the great union (of elements); O! Wondrous Guru (God), this
(world) is all Your creation.
qU jil Qil ggin pXwil pUir rh´w AMimRq qy mITy jw ky bcnw ]
too jal thal gagan pa-yaal poor rah-yaa, aMmrit tay meeṭay jaa kay bachnaa.
You are pervading the waters, land, skies, and nether regions; Your words are sweeter than
mwnih bRhmwidk rudRwidk kwl kw kwlu inrMjn jcnw ]
maaneh brahmaadik rudraadik, kaal kaa kaal niraNjan jachnaa.
Brahma and others, Rudar (i.e. Shiv) and others, (all) recognize You (as the Supreme and obey
Your Command); You are the Death of the death, O! Formless (Lord), (and all) beg from You.
P. 1404
gur pRswid pweIAY prmwrQu sqsMgiq syqI mnu Kcnw ]
gur prasaad paa-ee-ai parmaarath, satsaNgat saytee man khachnaa.
By the Grace of the Guru, most excellent substance (i.e. spiritual knowledge) is obtained; and,
the mind gets involved in the true congregation.
kIAw Kylu bf mylu qmwsw vwhgurU qyrI sB rcnw ]3]13]42]
kee-aa khayl bad mayl tamaasaa, vaahguroo, tayree sabh rachnaa. ||3||13||42||
You have created this play of the great union (of elements); O! Wondrous Guru (O! God), this
(world) is all Your creation. 3. 13. 42

Agmu Anµqu Anwid Awid ijsu koie n jwxY ] agam anaNt anaad, aad jis ko-ay na jaaṇai.
(God is) Inaccessible, Infinite, Eternal and Primal; no one knows His beginning.
isv ibrMic Dir D´wnu inqih ijsu bydu bKwxY ] siv biraNch dhar dhayaan, niteh jis bayd bakhaaṇai.
Shiva and Brahma meditate upon Him; and, the Vedas constantly describe Him.
inrMkwru inrvYru Avru nhI dUsr koeI ] niraNkaar nirvair, avar nahee doosar ko-ee.
(God is) formless and beyond enmity; there is no one else (like Him).
Bmjn gVHx smQu qrx qwrx pRBu soeI ] bhaNjan gaṛhaṇ samrath, taraṇ taaraṇ prabh so-ee.
(God is) all-powerful to create and destroy; the Lord is a boat to carry across (the world ocean).
nwnw pRkwr ijin jgu kIE jnu mQurw rsnw rsY ] naanaa parkaar jin jag kee-o, jan mathuraa, rasnaa rasai.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Mathura (says): He, who created the world in various forms; I meditate
upon Him with my tongue.
sRI siq nwmu krqw purKu gur rwmdws icqh bsY ]1]
saree sat naam kartaa purakh, gur raamdaas chitah basai. ||1||
The Great True Name, the Creator, Primal Person, dwells in the consciousness of Guru Ram
Das. 1
gurU smrQu gih krIAw DRüv buiD sumiq smHwrn kau ]
guroo samrath, geh karee-aa, dharuv budh sumat samhaaran ka-o.
The Guru is all-powerful; I have grasped hold of him (i.e. his feet), to make my mind steady
and preserve sublime wisdom (within me).
Puin DRMm Dujw PhrMiq sdw AG puMj qrMg invwrn kau ]
fun dharaMm dhujaa fahraNt sadaa, agh puNj taraNg nivaaran ka-o.
Further: His banner of faith waves forever, to defend against the waves of multitudes of sins.
mQurw jn jwin khI jIA swcu su Aaur kCU n ibcwrn kau ]
mathuraa jan, jaan kahee jee-a saach, so a-or kachhoo na bichaaran ka-o.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Mathura (says): having knowing this truth, I speak it from my soul, that
there is nothing more to think over (i.e. there is nothing to debate about).
hir nwmu boihQu bfO kil mY Bv swgr pwir auqwrn kau ]2]
har naam bohith badou kal mai, bhav saagar paar utaaran ka-o. ||2||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age) the Name of God is big boat to carry us across to the other shore
of the terrifying (world) ocean. 2
sMqq hI sqsMgiq sMg surMg rqy jsu gwvq hY ] saNtat hee satsaNgat saNg, suraNg ratay jas gaavat hai.
Imbued with love, they constantly sing the praise (of God), in the company of true
DRm pMQu DirE DrnIDr Awip rhy ilv Dwir n Dwvq hY ]
dhram paNth dhari-o dharneedhar aap, rahay liv dhaar, na dhaavat hai.
The Support of the Earth has established this path of faith; (those, who adopt it) remain
lovingly attuned to it and do not wander (anywhere else).
mQurw Bin Bwg Bly aun@ ky mn ieCq hI Pl pwvq hY ] riv ky suq ko iqn@ qRwsu khw ju crMn gurU icqu lwvq hY ]3]
mathuraa bhan, bhaag bhalay unh kay, man ichhat hee fal paavat hai.
rav kay sut ko tinh taraas kahaa, jo charaNn guroo chit laavat hai. ||3||
Says Mathura: those, who focus their mind on the feet of the Guru, are blessed with good
fortune, (and they) receive the fruits of their mind’s desires; and, why should they fear the son
of the sun (i.e. Judge of Righteousness). 3

inrml nwmu suDw prpUrn sbd qrMg pRgitq idn Awgru ]
nirmal naam sudhaa parpooran, sabad taraNg pragtit din aagar.
(Guru Ram Das is) overflowing pool of immaculate Name; the waves of the Word are revealed
in it before the dawn of the day.
gihr gMBIru AQwh Aiq bf suBru sdw sB ibiD rqnwgru ]
gahir gaMbheer athaah at bad, subhar sadaa, sabh bidh ratnaagar.
(This pool is) deep, profound, unfathomable, immensely great; always overflowing with all
sorts of jewels.
sMq mrwl krih kMqUhl iqn jm qRws imitE duK kwgru ]
saNt maraal karahi kaNtoohal, tin jam traas miti-o dukh kaagar.
The God-oriented swans (i.e. souls) delight in it; their fear of death is erased and (so is torn
away) the account of their sorrows.
kljug durq dUir krby kau drsnu gurU sgl suK swgru ]4]
kaljug durat door karbay ka-o, darsan guroo, sagal sukh saagar. ||4||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), the vision of the Guru, the ocean of happiness, takes away (all)
the sins. 4
jw kau muin D´wnu DrY iPrq sgl jug kbhu k koaU pwvY Awqm pRgws kau ]
jaa ka-o mun dhayaan dharai firat sagal jug, kabahu ka ko-oo paavai aatam pargaas ka-o.
(For His vision) the sages, wandering though all the ages, focus their consciousness (upon
Him); rarely, some rare one, obtains spiritual light.
byd bwxI sihq ibrMic jsu gwvY jw ko isv muin gih n qjwq kiblws kMau ]
bayd baaṇee sahit, biraNch jas gaavai jaa ko, siv mun geh na tajaat kabilaas kaN-u.
Brahma sings His praise in the words of Vedas. Shiva and sages (meditate upon Him and) hold
(their place on) the Kailash (mountain), and do not leave it.
jw kO jogI jqI isD swiDk Anyk qp jtw jUt ByK kIey iPrq audws kau ]
jaa kou, jogee jatee, sidh saadhik anayk tap, jataa joot bhaykh kee-ay, firat udaas ka-o.
The yogis, celibates, sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), seekers, countless
ascetics, and, sects of those wearing matted hair, are wandering as renunciates.
su iqin siqguir suK Bwie ik®pw DwrI jIA nwm kI bfweI deI gur rwmdws kau ]5]
so tin satgur, sukh bhaa-ay kripaa dhaaree jee-a,
naam kee badaa-ee da-ee, gur raamdaas ka-o. ||5||
That True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das, the image of the Lord), bestowing his Grace for the
pleasure of the beings, blessed Guru Ram Das with the greatness (i.e. glory) of the Name. 5
nwmu inDwnu iDAwn AMqrgiq qyj puMj iqhu log pRgwsy ]
naam nidhaan, dhi-aan aNtargat, tayj puNj, tihu log pragaasay.
(Guru Ram Das has) treasure of the Name; he focusses his mind within; (he is) embodiment of
Light, (and is) illuming the three worlds.
dyKq drsu Btik BRmu Bjq duK prhir suK shj ibgwsy ]
daykhat daras bhatak bharam bhajat, dukh parhar sukh sahj bigaasay.
Beholding his vision, wandering and doubts run away; sorrows are eradicated, and,
happiness blossoms, with natural ease.

syvk isK sdw Aiq luiBq Ail smUh ijau kusm subwsy ]
sayvak sikh sadaa at lubhit, al samooh ji-o kusam subaasay.
The servants (i.e. devotees) and Sikhs (i.e. disciples) are always infatuated (i.e. captivated by his
vision), just as the community of the bumble-bees is attracted by the fragrance of flowers.
ibd´mwn guir Awip Qp´au iQru swcau qKqu gurU rwmdwsY ]6]
bidyamaan gur aap thapya-o thir, saacha-o takhat guroo raamdaasai. ||6||
The Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) himself apparently established and seated Guru Ram Das on
the Eternal True Throne. 6
qwr´au sMswru mwXw md moihq AMimRq nwmu dIAau smrQu ]
taarya-o saNsaar maa-yaa mad mohit, aMmrit naam dee-a-o samrath.
The all-powerful (Guru Ram Das) saved the world (which was) intoxicated by the wine of
Maya, and, blessed it with AMmrit.
Puin kIriqvMq sdw suK sMpiq iriD Aru isiD n Cofie sQu ]
fun, keertivaNt sadaa sukh saMmpat, ridh ar sidh na chhod-ay sath.
Then: the greatly glorified (Guru Ram Das) is forever blessed with happiness and wealth;
riches and miraculous powers never leave him.
dwin bfO AiqvMqu mhwbil syvik dwis kihE iehu qQu ]
daan badou ativaNt mahaabal, sayvak daas kahi-o ih tath.
His gifts are enormous and greatly powerful; servant and slave (i.e. poet Mathra) speaks
the truth.
qwih khw prvwh kwhU kI jw kY bsIis DirE guir hQu ]7]49]
taahi kahaa parvaah kaahoo kee, jaa kai basees dhari-o gur hath. ||7||49||
One, upon whose head the Guru has placed his hand, of whom should he bother for (i.e. he
shall not fear from any one, and, shall not be subservient of any one)? 7.49
qIin Bvn BrpUir rihE soeI ] teen bhavan bharpoor rahi-o so-ee.
He alone is pervading the three (i.e. all) realms.
Apn srsu kIAau n jgq koeI ] apan saras kee-a-o na, jagat, ko-ee.
In all the world, He has not created another like Him.
Awpun Awpu Awp hI aupwXau ] aapun aap, aap hee upaa-ya-o.
He Himself created Himself by Himself.
suir nr Asur AMqu nhI pwXau ] sur, nar, asur; aNt nahee paa-ya-o.
Gods, humans and demons have not found His limits.
pwXau nhI AMqu sury Asurh nr gx gMDRb KojMq iPry ]
paa-ya-o nahee aNt, suray, asureh, nar, gaṇ, gaNdharab, khojaNt firay.
Gods, humans, demons, attendants of deities and heavenly singers, wander around searching
for Him, (but) they have not found His limits.
AibnwsI Aclu AjonI sMBau purKoqmu Apwr pry ]
abhinaasee achal ajonee saMbha-o, purkhotam apaar paray.
He is Imperishable, Unmoving, Unborn, Self-Existent, Primal Sublime Person, and
beyond Infinity.
krx kwrx smrQu sdw soeI srb jIA min D´wieXau ]
karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath sadaa so-ee, sarab jee-a man dhayaa-i-ya-o.
He is the Doer (i.e. Creator) and the Cause (of causes), forever All-powerful; all beings
meditate upon Him in their minds.

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]1]
saree gur raamdaas, ja-yo ja-y jag meh, tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||1||
O! great Guru Ram Das! your victory and glory is being hailed around the world; you have
attained the supreme status from God. 1
siqguir nwnik Bgiq krI iek min qnu mnu Dnu goibMd dIAau ]
satgur naanak bhagat karee ik man, tan man dhan gobiNd dee-a-o.
The True Guru Nanak meditated upon God single-midedly, he surrendered his mind, body
wealth to the Lord of the World.
AMgid Anµq mUriq inj DwrI Agm g´win ris rs´au hIAau ]
aNgad anaNt moorat nij dhaaree, agam ga-yaan ras ras-ya-o hee-a-o.
(Guru) Angad enshrined the image of the Boundless (i.e. Infinite Lord) within him; and, his
heart was drenched with the essence of the (spiritual) knowledge of the Imperceptible (Lord).
guir Amrdwis krqwru kIAau vis vwhu vwhu kir D´wieXau ]
gur amardaas kartaar kee-a-o vas, vaahu vaahu kar dhayaa-i-ya-o.
Guru Amar Das won the Creator (i.e. won His blessings); and, he meditated upon calling Him
‘Wondrous, Wondrous’.
sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]2]
saree gur raamdaas, ja-yo ja-y jag meh, tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||2||
The great Guru Ram Das! your victory and glory is being hailed around the world; you have
attained the supreme status from God. 2
nwrdu DR¨ pRhlwdu sudwmw pub Bgq hir ky ju gxM ]
naarad dharoo prahlaad sudaamaa, pub bhagat har kay jo gaṇaN.
Nard, Dhru, Prahlad, Sudama, are accounted (among) the devotees of earlier times.
AMbrIku jXdyv iqRlocnu nwmw Avru kbIru BxM ] aMbreek ja-ydayv tarilochan, naamaa avar kabeer bhaṇaN.
Amrik, Jaidev, Trilochan, Nama (i.e. Namdev) and Kabir are also stated (to be devotees).
iqn kO Avqwru BXau kil iBMqir jsu jgqR pir CwieXau ]
tin kou avtaar bha-ya-o kal bhiNtar, jas jagtar par chhaa-i-ya-o.
They were born in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age); and, their praise spread all over the world.
sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]3]
saree gur raamdaas ja-yo ja-y jag meh, tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||3||
The great Guru Ram Das, your victory and glory is being hailed around the world; you have
attained the supreme status from God. 3
mnsw kir ismrMq quJY nr kwmu k®oDu imitAau ju iqxM ]
mansaa kar simraNt tujhai nar, kaam krodh miti-a-o jo tiṇaN.
(O! Guru Ram Das) those persons, who meditate upon you within their minds, their sexual
desire and anger are taken away.
bwcw kir ismrMq quJY iqn@ duKu dirdRü imtXau ju iKxM ]
baachaa kar simraNt tujhai, tin dukh daridar miti-ya-o jo khiṇaN.

Those, who meditate upon you with their words (by chanting the Name), their sorrows and
poverty are taken away in an instant.
krm kir quA drs prs pwrs sr bl´ Bt jsu gwieXau ]
karam kar tu-a daras paras*, paaras sar, bal-y bhat jas gaa-i-ya-o.
Those, who obtain your vision, by their (good) deeds, and touch (the feet of) you, (they) become
like the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone); (O! Guru Ram Das) Balh, the bard, sings your praise.

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]4]
saree gur raamdaas, ja-yo ja-y jag meh, tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||4||
O! great Guru Ram Das, your victory and glory is being hailed around the world; you have
attained the supreme status from God. 4
ijh siqgur ismrMq nXn ky iqmr imtih iKnu ] jih satgur simraNt, na-yan kay timar miteh khin.
(Guru Ram Das is) the True Guru, meditating upon whom, the darkness of eyes (i.e. ignorance)
is removed in an instant.
ijh siqgur ismrMiQ irdY hir nwmu idno idnu ] jih satgur simraNth, ridai har naam dino din.
(Guru Ram Das is) the True Guru, meditating upon whom, the Name of God permeates (i.e.
blossoms forth) in their hearts day by day.
ijh siqgur ismrMiQ jIA kI qpiq imtwvY ] jih satgur simraNth, jee-a kee tapat mitaavai.
(Guru Ram Das is) the True Guru, meditating upon whom, one extinguishes the heat (i.e. fire)
of his heart.
ijh siqgur ismrMiQ iriD isiD nv iniD pwvY ] jih satgur simranth, ridh sidh nav nidh paavai.
(Guru Ram Das is) the True Guru, meditating upon whom, one obtains wealth, supernatural
powers and the nine treasures.
soeI rwmdwsu guru bl´ Bix imil sMgiq DMin DMin krhu ]
so-ee raamdaas gur, baly bhaṇ, mil saNgat dhaNn dhaNn karahu.
(Poet) Bal says: joining the congregation chant: ‘blessed, blessed is that Guru Ram Das’.
ijh siqgur lig pRBu pweIAY so siqguru ismrhu nrhu ]5]54]
jih satgur lag prabh paa-ee-ai, so satgur simrahu, narahu. ||5||54||
Attaching to whom the Lord is found, O! men, meditate upon that True Guru. 5.54
ijin sbdu kmwie prm pdu pwieE syvw krq n CoifE pwsu ]
jin sabad kamaa-ay param pad paa-i-o, sayvaa karat na chhodi-o paas.
Earning (i.e. practising) the Word, he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) attained supreme status; serve him,
he did not leave his (i.e. Guru Amar Das’s) side.
qw qy gauhru g´wn pRgtu aujIAwrau duK dirdR AMD´wr ko nwsu ]
taa tay ga-uhar gayaan pragat ujee-aara-o, dukh daridra aNdhyaar ko naas.
For that (practise of the Word), the light of the jewel of (spiritual) knowledge was revealed; and,
it destroyed pain, poverty and darkness (of ignorance).
P. 1406
kiv kIrq jo sMq crn muiV lwgih iqn@ kwm k®oD jm ko nhI qRwsu ]
kav keerat, jo saNt charan muṛ laageh, tinh kaam krodh jam ko nahee traas.
Poet Kirat (says): those, who turned (from worldliness) and got attached to the feet of the Guru
(Ram Das), were rid of sexual desire, anger, and the fear of messenger of death.
ijv AMgdu AMig sMig nwnk gur iqv gur Amrdws kY guru rwmdwsu ]1]
jiv aNgad aNg saNg naanak, gur tiv gur amardaas kai gur raamdaas. ||1||
Just as Angad remained part and parcel of (i.e. forever attached to) Guru Nanak, so did Guru
Ram Das remain a part and parcel of Guru Amar Das. 1
ijin siqguru syiv pdwrQu pwXau inis bwsur hir crn invwsu ]
jin satgur sayv padaarath paa-ya-o, nis baasur har charan nivaas.
He (i.e. Guru Ram Das) who served the True Guru (i.e. Guru Amar Das) and obtained the
wealth (of the Name), day and night, dwells at the feet of God.

qw qy sMgiq sGn Bwie Bau mwnih qum mlIAwgr pRgt subwsu ]
taa tay saNgat saghan bhaa-ay bha-o maaneh, tum malee-aagar pargat subaas.
Because of that, the whole congregation has love for and (noble) fear (of you); you are like
sandalwood tree, whose fragrance is manifest (all over).
DR¨ pRhlwd kbIr iqlocn nwmu lYq aupj´o ju pRgwsu ]
dharoo parahlaad kabeer tilochan, naam lait upjayo jo pargaas.
Dhru, Prahlad, Kabir, Trilochan chanted the Name (of God), and, (Divine) Light was revealed
within them.
ijh ipKq Aiq hoie rhsu min soeI sMq shwru gurU rwmdwsu ]2]
jih pikhat, at ho-ay rahas man, so-ee saNt sahaar guroo raamdaas. ||2||
Seeing whom the mind is greatly delighted, that is Guru Ram Das, the refuge of the God-
oriented persons. 2
nwnik nwmu inrMjn jwn´au kInI Bgiq pRym ilv lweI ]
naanak, naam niraNjan jaanya-o, keenee bhagat praym liv laa-ee.
(Guru) Nanak realized the Name of the Taintless (i.e. immaculate Lord, God); he was in lovingly
devoted and attuned (to God).
qw qy AMgdu AMg sMig BXo swieru iqin sbd suriq kInI vrKweI ]
taa tay aNgad aNg saNg bha-yo saa-ir, tin sabad surat keenee varkhaa-ee.
(Guru) Angad, the ocean (of the word) remained with him as a part and parcel; he showered
the rain of meditation upon the Word.
gur Amrdws kI AkQ kQw hY iek jIh kCu khI n jweI ]
gur amardaas kee akath kathaa hai, ik jeeh kachh kahee na jaa-ee.
The story of (the excellences of) Guru Amar Das is indescribable; only one tongue cannot
express it.
soFI isRis† skl qwrx kau Ab gur rwmdws kau imlI bfweI ]3]
soḍee sarisat sakal taaraṇ ka-o, ab gur raamdaas ka-o milee badaa-ee. ||3||
Now(i.e. after Guru Amar Das), Guru Ram Das (of) Sodhi (family) has been blessed with
greatness (i.e. honour) to carry the world across (the terrifying world ocean). 3
hm Avguix Bry eyku guxu nwhI AMimRqu Cwif ibKY ibKu KweI ]
ham avguṇ bharay ayk guṇ naahee, aMmrit chhaad bikhai bikh khaa-ee.
We are overflowing with vices, we have not (even) a single virtue; abandoning AMmrit (Name),
we consume poison and (just) poison (i.e. live life of sins and vices).
mwXw moh Brm pY BUly suq dwrw isau pRIiq lgweI ]
maa-yaa moh bharam pai bhoolay, sut daaraa si-o pareet lagaa-ee.
In(emotional) attached to Maya, we have been deluded by doubt; we are in love with our son
(i.e. children) and wife.
ieku auqm pMQu suinE gur sMgiq iqh imlµq jm qRws imtweI ]
ik utam paNth suni-o gur saNgat, tih milaNt jam taraas mitaa-ee.
(When) we heard of the most exalted path of the congregation of the Guru, meeting with it our
fear of death was taken away.
iek Ardwis Bwt kIriq kI gur rwmdws rwKhu srxweI ]4]58]
ik ardaas bhaat keerat kee, gur raamdaas raakho sarṇaa-ee. ||4||58||
Bhatt Kirat offers (this) one prayer : O! Guru Ram Das (please) take me in your refuge. 4.58

mohu mil ibvis kIAau kwmu gih kys pCwV´au ] moh mal bivas kee-a-o, kaam geh kays pachhaaṛya-o.
(O! Guru Ram Das) You crushed and overpowered (emotional) attachment, and, seized sexual
desire by hair and, knocked it down.
k®oDu KMif prcMif loBu Apmwn isau JwV´au ] krodh khaNd parchaNd, lobh apmaan si-o jhaaṛya-o.
With your illustrious power, you cut anger into pieces; and, thrashed greed and insulted it.
jnmu kwlu kr joiV hukmu jo hoie su mMnY ] janam kaal kar joṛ, hukam jo ho-ay so mannai.
(Now) life and death, with their hands pressed together, (stand at your door and) obey your
given command.
Bv swgru bMiDAau isK qwry supRsMnY ] bhav saagar baNdhi-a-o, sikh taaray suparsaNnai.
You have bound the terrifying ocean (of the world in natural law), and, have carried the sikhs
(i.e. disciples) across (the world ocean), in your pleasure (of Will).
isir Awqpqu scO qKqu jog Bog sMjuqu bil ] sir aatpat sachou takhat, jog bhog saNjut bal.
You are seated on the throne of Truth, with canopy above your head, (embellished) with
powers of yoga and enjoyment of pleasures (i.e. temporal and spiritual powers).
gur rwmdws scu sl´ Bix qU Atlu rwij ABgu dil ]1]
gur raamdaas, sach saly bhaṇ, too atal raaj abhag dal. ||1||
(Poet) Salh speaks the truth: O! Guru Ram Das, your sovereignty is eternal, and, your army
(i.e. power) is unbreakable. 1
qU siqguru chu jugI Awip Awpy prmysru ] too satgur chahu jugee, aap aapay parmaysar.
(O! Guru Ram Das) You are the True Guru, throughout the four ages; You Yourself are the
(the image of) Supreme Master.
suir nr swiDk isD isK syvMq Durh Duru ] sur nar saadhik sidh, sikh sayvaNt dhurah dhur.
The gods, humans, sidhs (i.e. those claiming having miraculous powers), the seekers, the sikhs
(i.e. disciples), have served You since the very beginning.
Awid jugwid Anwid klw DwrI iqRhu loAh ] aad jugaad anaad, kalaa dhaaree tarihu lo-ah.
From the very beginning, throughout the ages, and beyond ages, You power sustains the three
Agm ingm auDrx jrw jMimih AwroAh ] agam nigam udhraṇ, jaraa jaMmihi aaro-ah.
You are the saviour of the Shastras and the Vedas; you have ascended over (i.e. overpowered)
old age and death.
gur Amrdwis iQru QipAau prgwmI qwrx qrx ] gur amardaas thir thapi-a-o, pargaamee taaraṇ taraṇ.
Guru Amar Das has permanently established you; you are the emancipator, the boat to carry
AG AMqk bdY n sl´ kiv gur rwmdws qyrI srx ]2]60]
agh aNtak badai na, saly kav, gur raamdaas tayree saraṇ. ||2||60||
Poet Sal (says): O! Guru Ram Das, you are the destroyer of the sins; I do not consider any
other (than You, as the destroyer of sins, ); (therefore) I seek your refuge. 2. 60

sveIey mhly pMjvy ky 5 Sava-ee-ay, Mahlay PaNjvay kay, 5

Swayyas in praise of the Fifht Guru
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.

ismrM soeI purKu Aclu AibnwsI ] ijsu ismrq durmiq mlu nwsI ]
simaraN so-ee purakh achal abhinaasee. jis simrat durmat mal naasee.
I meditate upon that Primal Person, who is Eternal and Imperishable.
Meditating upon Him, the filth of bad wisdom (i.e. evil-mindedness) is eradicated.
siqgur crx kvl irid DwrM ] satgur charaṇ kaval rid dhaaraN.
I enshrine the lotus-feet of the True Guru within my mind.
P. 1407
gur Arjun gux shij ibcwrM ] gur arjun guṇ sahj bichaara . N

I contemplate the excellences of Guru Arjan, with natural ease.

gur rwmdws Gir kIAau pRgwsw ] gur raamdaas ghar kee-a-o pragaasaa.
He (Guru Arjan) was revealed (i.e. born) in the house of Guru Ram Das.
sgl mnorQ pUrI Awsw ] sagal manorath pooree aasaa.
All the hopes and desires were fulfilled.
qY jnmq gurmiq bRhmu pCwixE ] tai janmat, gurmat brahm pachhaaṇi-o.
From (his very) birth (i.e. right from early days), he realized God, through the teachings of the
kl´ joiV kr sujsu vKwixE ] kaly, joṛ kar, sujas vakhaaṇi-o.
With hands pressed together, (poet) Kal narrates his sublime praise.
Bgiq jog kO jYqvwru hir jnku aupwXau ] bhagat jog kou jaitvaar, har janak upaa-ya-o.
To conquer the yoga of (i.e. union with God through) devotion, God created (him like) Janak*.
[*Raja Janak was the ruler of a state. In spite of ruling a state he was a detached person. Vyas (a mythical sage) sent his
son Sukdev to seek initiation from him. At first, Sukdev hesitated because he thought how can a king be a detached person,
but, when he visited him, he found that Janak was really a detached person and had complete faith in the Will and
Command of God].
sbdu gurU prkwisE hir rsn bswXau ] sabad guroo parkaasi-o, har rasan basaa-ya-o.
He revealed the Word of the Guru (in his heart), and, made his tongue the abode of God.
gur nwnk AMgd Amr lwig auqm pdu pwXau ] guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws Bgq auqir AwXau ]1]
gur naanak aNgad, amar laag, utam pad paa-ya-o.
gur arjun, ghar gur raamdaas, bhagat utar aa-ya-o. ||1||
(As) by attaching himself to Guru Nanak and (Guru) Angad, (Guru) Amar (Das) (i.e. by
attaching to the feet of Guru Nanak and Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das) attained the supreme status.
(Just so) in the house of Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan, the devotee (of God), has ascended (i.e. is
born). 1
bfBwgI aunmwinAau irid sbdu bswXau ] badbhaagee unmaani-a-o, rid sabad basaa-ya-o.
By great (good) fortune, he attained supreme state, and, enshrined the Word in his heart.
mnu mwxku sMqoiKAau guir nwmu idRV@wXau ] man maaṇak saNthokhi-a-o, gur naam dariṛaah-ya-o.
The jewel of his mind was contented (when) the Guru implanted the Name(within).
Agmu Agocru pwrbRhmu siqguir drswXau ] agam agochar paarbrahm, satgur darsaa-ya-o.
The True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das) revealed (God) the Inaccessible, Imperceptible, Supreme
Lord (within his heart).
guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws AnBau ThrwXau ]2] gur arjun, ghar gur raamdaas, anbha-o ṭahraa-ya-o ||2||
In the house of Guru Ram Das, the Guru Arjan was established as the (embodiment of)
revealed knowledge. 2

jnk rwju brqwieAw sqjugu AwlIxw ] janak raaj bartaa-i-aa, satjug aaleeṇaa.
He (i.e. Guru Arjan) has established the rule (like that) of Janak (i.e. reign of knowledge), and,
the Satyuga (i.e. Golden Age) has merged (in the Kaliyuga, i.e. the Dark Age).
gur sbdy mnu mwinAw ApqIju pqIxw ] gur sabday man maani-aa, apteej pateeṇaa.
Through the Word of the Guru, the mind is pleased; the unsatisfied (mind) is satisfied.
guru nwnku scu nIv swij siqgur sMig lIxw ] gur naanak sach neev saaj, satgur saNg leeṇaa.
Guru Nanak laid the foundation of Truth, and, got merged with the True Guru .
guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws AprMpru bIxw ]3] gur arjun, ghar gur raamdaas, apraMpar beenaa. ||3||
In the house of Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan has appeared as (embodiment of) the Infinite
(Lord). 3
Kylu gUV@au kIAau hir rwie sMqoiK smwcir´E ibml buiD siqguir smwxau ]
khayl gooṛha-o kee-a-o har raa-ay, saNtokh samaachriya-o bimal budh satgur samaaṇa-o.
God, the Sovereign Lord staged wondrous play; and, contentment, good conduct and sublime
wisdom merged in the True Guru (Guru Arjan).
AwjonI sMBivAau sujsu kl´ kvIAix bKwixAau ] aajonee saMbhvi-a-o, sujas kaly kavee-aṇ bakhaaṇi-a-o.
(Poet) Kal (says): he is (the image of) the Unborn and Self-existent (Lord), (that is why) the poets
have chanted his sublime praise.
guir nwnik AMgdu vr´au guir AMgid Amr inDwnu ] gur naanak aNgad varya-o, gur aNgad amar nidhaan.
Guru Nanak anointed (Guru) Angad, and, Guru Angad anointed (Guru) Amar (Das) and
blessed with treasure (of the Name).
guir rwmdws Arjunu vr´au pwrsu prsu pRmwxu ]4] gur raamdaas arjun varya-o, paaras paras pramaaṇ ||4||
Guru Ram Das anointed (Guru) Arjan, just as the evidence of touching by the paaras (i.e.
Philosopher’s Stone) (so was he transformed into paaras). 4
sd jIvxu Arjunu Amolu AwjonI sMBau ] sad jeevaṇ arjun amol, aajonee saMbha-o.
(Guru) Arjan is (the image of) forever-alive (i.e. immortal), invaluable, unborn and self-existent.
BX BMjnu pr duK invwru Apwru AnµBau ] bha-y bhaNjan par dukh nivaar, apaar aNnbha-o.
He is (the image of) destroyer of fears, dispeller of others’ sorrows, infinite and (image of) self-
evident knowledge.
Agh ghxu BRmu BRWiq dhxu sIqlu suK dwqau ] agah gahaṇ bharam bharaant dahaṇ, seetal sukh daata-o.
He has reached to Unreachable, has burnt away doubts and illusions, (and, he is) the giver of
coolness (calmness) and happiness.
AwsMBau audivAau purKu pUrn ibDwqau ] asaMbha-o udvi-a-o, purakh pooran bidhaata-o.
(In him) self-existent, perfect Primal Person, the Creator has been revealed.
nwnk Awid AMgd Amr siqgur sbid smwieAau ] naanak aad aNgad amar, satgur sabad samaa-i-a-o.
(Just as) (Guru) Nanak, (then Guru)Angad, (then Guru) Amar Das were absorbed in the Word
of the True Guru.
Dnu DMnu gurU rwmdws guru ijin pwrsu pris imlwieAau ]5]
dhan dhaNn guroo raamdaas gur, jin paaras paras milaa-i-a-o. ||5||
Blessed, blessed is Guru Ram Das, the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), who, by giving a touch,
transformed (Guru Arjan) into himself. 5
jY jY kwru jwsu jg AMdir mMdir Bwgu jugiq isv rhqw ]
jai jai kaar jaas jag aNdar, maNdar bhaag jugat siv rahtaa.
He, whose victory (i.e. glory) is proclaimed throughout the world, His fortune awakened in his
home (i.e. heart); and, he remained attached to God.

guru pUrw pwXau bf BwgI ilv lwgI mydin Bru shqw ]
gur pooraa paa-ya-o bad bhaagee, liv laagee maydan bhar sahtaa.
By great (good) fortune, he found the perfect Guru; he remained lovingly attuned (to God),
and, endured the load (i.e. burden) of the universe.
BX BMjnu pr pIr invwrnu kl´ shwru qoih jsu bkqw ]
bha-y bhaNjan, par peer nivaaran, kaly sahaar tohi jas baktaa.
(Poet) Kalsahar (says): O! destroyer of the fears, O! remover of the pains of others, I sing your
kuil soFI gur rwmdws qnu Drm Dujw Arjunu hir Bgqw ]6]
kul soḍee gur raamdaas tan, dharam dhujaa arjun har bhagtaa. ||6||
(O! brethren) the son of Guru Ram Das, of Sodhi family, (Guru Arjan) is devotee of God and
standard bearer of religion.6
DRMm DIru gurmiq gBIru pr duK ibswrxu ] dharaMm dheer gurmat gabheer, par dukh bisaaraṇ.
He (i.e. Guru Arjan) is the solace (i.e. support) of faith, profound in the wisdom of the Guru,
and, eradicator of the pains of others.
sbd swru hir sm audwru AhMmyv invwrxu ] sabad saar har sam udaar, ahaMmayv nivaaraṇ.
He is the essence of the Word, gracious like God, and, the remover of egotism.
mhw dwin siqgur igAwin min cwau n hutY ] mahaa daan satgur gi-aan, man chaa-o na hutai.
He is great giver, (knower of) the (spiritual) wisdom of the True Guru, and, his mind does not
grow weary of yearning (for God).
siqvMqu hir nwmu mMqRü nv iniD n inKutY ] satvaNt har naam maNtra, nav nidh na nikhutai.
He is embodiment of truth, (meditation upon) the Name of God is his mantra (i.e. power); his
nine treasures (of the name) are never exhausted.
gur rwmdws qnu srb mY shij cMdoAw qwixAau ] gur raamdaas tan, sarab mai, sahj chaNdo-aa taaṇi-a-o.
The son of Guru Ram Das is contained amidst all, and, the canopy of poise is spread over him.
gur Arjun kl´ücrY qY rwj jog rsu jwixAau ]7] gur arjun kalyuchrai, tai raaj jog ras jaaṇi-a-o. ||7||
(Poet) Kal says: O! Guru Arjan, you have known (and enjoyed) the essence of Raj Yoga (i.e.
lordship of temporal and spiritual kingdom). 7
P. 1408
BY inrBau mwixAau lwK mih AlKu lKwXau ] bhai nirbha-o maaṇi-a-o, laakh meh alakh lakhaa-ya-o.
(O! Guru Arjan) in the fear (of God), you enjoyed (the vision of) the Fearless (Lord); you have
caused to see the Unseen (Lord) to the hundreds of thousands (of beings).
Agmu Agocr giq gBIru siqguir prcwXau ] agam agochar gat gabheer, satgur parchaa-ya-o.
The True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das) got you to know the state of the Inaccessible,
Imperceptible and Profound (Lord).
gur prcY prvwxu rwj mih jogu kmwXau ] gur parchai parvaaṇ, raaj meh jog kamaa-ya-o.
Through the Guru's knowledge you got accepted (in the Court of God), and practised Raj-
Yoga (i.e. enjoyed the mastery of temporal and spiritual kingdom).
DMin DMin guru DMin ABr sr suBr BrwXau ] dhaNn dhaNn gur dhaNn, abhar sar subhar bharaa-ya-o.
Blessed, blessed, blessed is the Guru, who has got filled to overflowing the pools which were
empty (i.e. you filled the empty hearts with the Name of God).
gur gm pRmwix Ajru jirE sir sMqoK smwieXau ] gur gam parmaaṇ ajar jari-o, sar saNtokh samaa-i-ya-o.
Having approach to the approved Guru (i.e. with the blessing of Guru Ram Das), you endured
the unendurable.

gur Arjun kl´ücrY qY shij jogu inju pwieXau ]8] gur arjun kalyuchrai, tai sahj jog nij paa-i-ya-o. ||8||
(Poet) Kal says: O! Guru Arjan, you have attained yoga within yourself with natural ease. (i.e.
yo have attained union with God, through the meditation upon His name).” 8
Aimau rsnw bdin br dwiq AlK Apwr gur sUr sbid haumY invwr´au ]
ami-o rasnaa, badan bar daat alakh apaar gur soor, sabad ha-umai nirvaarya-o.
You bestow AMmrit from (your) tongue, and blessings from (your) mouth, O! imperceptible,
infinite, brave (i.e. spiritually mighty); and, through the Word, you eradicate egotism.
pMcwhru indilAau suMn shij inj Gir shwr´au ] paNchaahar nidli-a-o, suNn sahj nij ghar sahaar-ya-o.
You have crushed (i.e. overpowered) the controller of the five (sense organs, i.e. consciousness),
and, have endured (i.e. enshrined), with natural ease, the Absolute within your home of self.
hir nwim lwig jg auDr´au siqguru irdY bswieAau ] har naam laag jag udharya-o, satgur ridai basaa-i-a-o.
Attached to the Name of God, you have saved the world, by enshrining the True Guru (i.e.
Guru Ram Das) within your heart.
gur Arjun kl´ücrY qY jnkh klsu dIpwieAau ]9] gur arjun kalyuchrai, tai jankah kalas deepaa-i-a-o. ||9||
(Poet) Kal says: O! Guru Arjan, you have illuminated pinnacle of knowledge. 9

sorTy ] Sorṭay [Sorṭa is a form of poetry]

guru Arjunu purKu pRmwxu pwrQau cwlY nhI ] gur arjun, purakh parmaaṇ, paartha-o chaalai nahee.
Guru Arjan is certified (i.e. revealed form of) Primal Person; he does not leave (the battlefield)
like Parath (i.e. Arjun of Mahabharata epic).
nyjw nwm nIswxu siqgur sbid svwirAau ]1] nayjaa naam neesaaṇ, satgur sabad savaari-a-o. ||1||
(He has) the spear of the insignia of the Name (of God), that has been embellished with the
Word of the True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das). 1
Bvjlu swieru syqu nwmu hrI kw boihQw ] bhavjal saa-ir sayt, naam haree kaa bohithaa.
The Name of God is the boat and the bridge, to cross the terrifying waters (of world-ocean).
quA siqgur sM hyqu nwim lwig jgu auDr´au ]2] tu-a satgur saN hayt, naam laag jag udharyao. ||2||
You are in love with the True Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das), attached to the Name (of God), you
have saved the world. 2
jgq auDwrxu nwmu siqgur quTY pwieAau ] Ab nwih Avr sir kwmu bwrMqir pUrI pVI ]3]12]
jagat udhaaraṇ naam, satgur tuṭai paa-i-a-o.
ab naahi avar sar kaam, baaraNtar pooree paṛee. ||3||12||
The Name (of the Lord) is the saviour of the world; it is obtained by the pleasure of the True
Guru. Now, we are not concerned with any one else; I am fulfilled at Your Door. 3.12
joiq rUip hir Awip gurU nwnku khwXau ] jot roop har aap, guroo naanak kahaa-ya-o.
The Embodiment of Light, God Himself got called Guru Nanak (i.e. God enshrined His Light
in Guru Nanak).
qw qy AMgdu BXau qq isau qqu imlwXau ] taa tay aNgad bha-ya-o, tat si-o tat milaa-ya-o.
From him became Angad (Guru), the essence was merged in the essence (i.e. spiritual wisdom
of Guru Nanak passed into Guru Amar Das, through Guru Angad).
AMgid ikrpw Dwir Amru siqguru iQru kIAau ] aNgad kirpaa dhaar, amar satgur thir kee-a-o.
Bestowing his Grace, (Guru) Angad established Amar (Das) as the True Guru.
Amrdwis Amrqu CqRü gur rwmih dIAau ] amardaas amrat chhatar, gur raameh dee-a-o.
(Guru) Amar Das bestowed the umbrella of immortality unto (Guru) Ram Das.

gur rwmdws drsnu pris kih mQurw AMimRq bXx ] mUriq pMc pRmwx purKu guru Arjunu ipKhu nXx ]1]
gur raamdaas darsan paras, kahi mathuraa aMmrit ba-yaṇ.
moorat paNch parmaaṇ purakh, gur arjun pikhahu na-yaṇ. ||1||
Mathura speaks: beholding the vision and touching (the feet of) Guru Ram Das, his speech
became (as sweet as) nectar.
With your eyes see the approved Primal Person, Guru Arjan, the manifestation of the five
(Gurus). 1
siq rUpu siq nwmu squ sMqoKu DirE auir ] sat roop, sat naam, sat saNtokh dhari-o ur.
(God is) the Embodiment of Truth, (He is) the True Name; (Guru Arjan) enshrined the truth
and contentment within His heart.
Awid puriK prqiK ilK´au ACru msqik Duir ] aad purakh, partakh likh-ya-o achhar mastak dhur.
The Primal Person (i.e. God) had written these words (i.e. this destiny) upon his forehead, from
the very beginning.
pRgt joiq jgmgY qyju BUA mMfil CwXau ] pragat jot jagmagai, tayj bhoo-a maNdal chhaa-ya-o.
The Revealed Light (of God) shines forth and radiantly (in the heart of Guru Arjan), and (glitter
of) its grandeur is cast over the realms of the earth (i.e. over the entire universe).
pwrsu pris prsu pris guir gurU khwXau ] paaras paras, paras paras, gur guroo kahaa-ya-o.
Meeting with the worthy Guru, touching the paaras (i.e. Philosopher’s Stone), the Guru (Guru
Arjan) is called (i.e. proclaimed as the) Guru.
Bin mQurw mUriq sdw iQru lwie icqu snmuK rhhu ]
bhan mathuraa, moorat sadaa thir, laa-ay chit sanmukh rahhu.
(Poet) Mathura says: (O! brethren) constantly focus your mind on him and look to him (for
kljuig jhwju Arjunu gurU sgl isRis† lig ibqrhu ]2]
kaljug jahaaj arjun guroo, sagal sarisat lag bitrahu. ||2||
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), Guru Arjun is the boat; attached to him, the entire universe is
carried across (the world ocean). 2
iqh jn jwchu jgqR pr jwnIAqu bwsur rXin bwsu jw ko ihqu nwm isau ]
tih jan jaachahu jagtra par jaanee-at, baasur ra-yan baas jaa ko hit naam si-o.
O! people, beg from him, who is known all over the world, and, day and night, he dwells in and
loves the Name of God.
prm AqIqu prmysur kY rMig rMg´O bwsnw qy bwhir pY dyKIAqu Dwm isau ]
param ateet parmaysur kai raNg raNgy-ou, baasnaa tay baahar, pai daykhee-at dhaam si-o.
He is completely unattached, and, is imbued with the love of the Supreme Master, and, is free
from desires, (but he is) seen in his home (i.e. known as householder).
Apr prMpr purK isau pRymu lwg´O ibnu BgvMq rsu nwhI AaurY kwm isau ]
apar paraMpar purakh si-o praym laagy-ou, bin bhagvaNt* ras naahee a-urai kaam si-o.
He is in love with Supreme, Infinite, Primal Person; he has no concern for any other except the
Lord of Fortune (i.e. God).
[*Bhagwant, literally: ‘Possessor/Lord of Fortune. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
mQurw ko pRBu sRb mX Arjun guru Bgiq kY hyiq pwie rihE imil rwm isau ]3]
mathuraa ko prabh sarab ma-y arjun gur, bhagat kai hayt paa-ay rahi-o mil raam si-o. ||3||
Mathura (says): for me Guru Arjun is (ike) the All-pervading Lord; in his devotion, I remain
attached to (the feet of) God. 3

P. 1409
AMqu n pwvq dyv sbY muin ieMdR mhw isv jog krI ] aNt na paavat dayv sabai, mun iNdar mahaa siv jog karee.
The gods and the silent sages, all (of them) have not found the limits (of God); even Indar and
great Shiva, have meditated (for knowing Him).
Puin byd ibrMic ibcwir rihE hir jwpu n Cwif´au eyk GrI ]
fun, bayd biraNch bichaar rahi-o, har jaap na chhaadiya-o ayk gharee.
Then: Brahma, the author of Vedas, contemplated, and, he did not give up meditation upon
God, even for an instant (even he could not find the limits of God ).
mQurw jn ko pRBu dIn dXwlu hY sMgiq isRis† inhwlu krI ]
mathuraa jan ko prabh deen da-yaal hai, saNgat sarisat nihaal karee.
(Poet) slave (i.e. devotee) Mathura (says): my Lord is Kind to poor, he has pleased the
congregation (i.e. people) of the world (with the Name of God).
rwmdwis gurU jg qwrn kau gur joiq Arjun mwih DrI ]4]
raamdaas guroo, jag taaran ka-o, gur jot arjun maahi dharee. ||4||
To carry (the people of) the world across (the world ocean), Guru Ram Das placed the light of
the Guruship in (Guru) Arjun. 4
jg Aauru n Xwih mhw qm mY Avqwru aujwgru Awin kIAau ]
jag a-or na yaahi mahaa tam mai, avtaar ujaagar aan kee-a-o.
(When) there was no other (saviour) in the utter darkness (of the world), (God) incarnated His
Light (in Guru Arjun).
iqn ky duK koitk dUir gey mQurw ijn@ AMimRq nwmu pIAau ]
tin kay dukh kotik door ga-ay, mathuraa jinh aMmrit naam pee-a-o.
Mathura (says): those, who drank in AMmrit Name (through Guru Arjun), tens of millions of
their sorrows were taken away.
ieh pDiq qy mq cUkih ry mn Bydu ibBydu n jwn bIAau ]
ih padhat tay mat chookeh, ray man, bhayd bibhayd na jaan bee-a-o.
O! (my) mind, do not go away from this path, and, lest you may think that there is any
difference between Him (i.e. God) and the other (i.e. Guru Arjun).
prqiC irdY gur Arjun kY hir pUrn bRhim invwsu lIAau ]5]
partachh ridai gur arjun kai, har pooran brahm nivaas lee-a-o. ||5||
Evidently, God, the Perfect (Lord), has taken abode in the heart of Guru Arjun. 5
jb lau nhI Bwg illwr audY qb lau BRmqy iPrqy bhu DwXau ]
jab la-o, nahee bhaag lilaar udai, tab la-o, bharamtay firtay baho dhaa-ya-o.
As long as the destiny was not revealed on the forehead, I wandered around, running in
countless directions.
kil Gor smudR mY bUfq Qy kbhU imit hY nhI ry pCuqwXau ]
kal ghor samudar mai boodat thay, kabhoo mit hai nahee, ray, pachhotaa-ya-o.
I was drowning in the terrifying ocean of Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), and, O! dear, my repenting
would have never ended.
qqu ibcwru XhY mQurw jg qwrn kau Avqwru bnwXau ]
tat bichaar yahai mathuraa, jag taaran ka-o avtaar banaa-ya-o.
Mathura (says): I have contemplated this fact (and have found), that he was incarnated (as
Guru) to save the world.

jp´au ijn@ Arjun dyv gurU iPir sMkt join grB n AwXau ]6]
japya-o jinh, arjun, dayv guroo, fir saNkat jon garabh na aa-ya-o. ||6||
Whoever meditates upon (Guru) Arjun, the divine Guru, shall not have to suffer the pains of
womb (i.e. shall not be re-incarnated). 6
kil smudR Bey rUp pRgit hir nwm auDwrnu ] kal samudar bha-ay roop pragat har naam udhaaran.
In the ocean of the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), he (i.e. Guru Arjun) has been revealed, in the form
of the Name of God, to save (the world).
bsih sMq ijsu irdY duK dwirdR invwrnu ] baseh saNt* jis ridai, dukh daridar nivaaran.
He, within whose heart Guru* (Arjun) abides, his sorrows and pains are dispelled.
[*Here, saNt has been used for Guru Arjun].
inrml ByK Apwr qwsu ibnu Avru n koeI ] nirmal bhaykh apaar, taas bin avar na ko-ee.
He (i.e. Guru Arjun) is the immaculate form of the Infinite (Lord); except for Him, there is no
other (at all).
mn bc ijin jwixAau BXau iqh smsir soeI ] man bach jin jaaṇi-a-o, bha-ya-o tih samsar so-ee.
Whoever knows Him in his mind (i.e. thought) and word, becomes like Him.
Drin ggn nv KMf mih joiq sÍrUpI rihE Bir ] dharan, gagan, nav khaNd meh, jot savroopee rahi-o bhar.
He is totally pervading the earth, the skies, and the nine regions; he (i.e. Guru Arjun) is the
embodiment of His spirit.
Bin mQurw kCu Bydu nhI guru Arjunu prqK´ hir ]7]19]
bhan mathuraa, kachh bhayd nahee, gur arjun partakhy har. ||7||19||
Mathura says: there is no difference (between God and the Guru), Guru Arjun is the
manifestation of God. 7.19
AjY gMg jlu Atlu isK sMgiq sB nwvY ] ajai gaNg jal atal, sikh saNgat sabh naavai.
The water (i.e. the Name of the Lord, chanted in the Court of Guru Arjun) is unstoppable like(the
water of) Ganges (river); (all) the sikhs (i.e. disciples) and the congregations bath in it.
inq purwx bwcIAih byd bRhmw muiK gwvY ] nit puraaṇ baachee-ah, bayd barahmaa mukh gaavai.
(It seems as if) the Puranas are continually read out, and, Brahma sings (the praise of God)
through the Vedas with his mouth.
AjY cvru isir FulY nwmu AMimRqu muiK lIAau ] ajai chavar sir ḍulai, naam aMmrit mukh lee-a-o.
The chaur (i.e. fan of honour) of the Invincible (Lord) is being waved over his head; and, he
drinks in AMmrit with his mouth (i.e. chants AMmrit Name) .
gur Arjun isir CqRü Awip prmysir dIAau ] gur arjun sir chhatar, aap parmaysar dee-a-o.
The Supreme Master Himself has placed the royal canopy over the head of Guru Arjun.
imil nwnk AMgd Amr gur guru rwmdwsu hir pih gXau ]
mil naanak aNgad amar gur, gur raamdaas har peh ga-ya-o.
(Just as Guru) Angad met (Guru) Nanak, and, Guru Amar (Das) met (Guru) Angad, (so did)
Guru Ram Das (met Guru Amar Das) and went to (the Court of) God.
hirbMs jgiq jsu sMcr´au su kvxu khY sRI guru muXau ]1]
harbaNs jagat jas saNcharya-o, so kavaṇ kahai saree gur mu-ya-o. ||1||
Harbans (says): the praise of the Guru is resounding all over the world. Who can says that the
great Guru (i.e. Guru Ram Das) is dead? 1
dyv purI mih gXau Awip prmysÍr BwXau ] dayv puree meh ga-ya-o, aap parmaysvar bhaa-ya-o.
When he (i.e. Guru Ram Das) went to City of God, it pleased the Supreme Master.

hir isMGwsxu dIAau isrI guru qh bYTwXau ] har siNghaasaṇ dee-a-o, siree gur tah baṭaa-ya-o.
God Himself offered him the throne, and seated the great Guru upon it.
rhsu kIAau sur dyv qoih jsu jX jX jMpih ] rahas kee-a-o sur dayv, tohi jas ja-y ja-y jaMpeh.
The angels and gods were pleased, and, they chanted and proclaimed your praise and victory
(O! Guru Ram Das).
Asur gey qy Bwig pwp iqn@ BIqir kMpih ] asur ga-ay tay bhaag, paap tinh bheetar kampeh.
The demon ran away from there; their sins trembled within them (i.e. made them tremble).
kwty su pwp iqn@ nrhu ky guru rwmdwsu ijn@ pwieXau ]
kaatay so paap tinh marahu kay, gur raamdaas jinh paa-i-ya-o.
Those person who obtained Guru Ram Das, their sins were erased.
CqRü isMGwsnu iprQmI gur Arjun kau dy AwieAau ]2]21]9]11]10]10]22]60]143]
chhatar siNghaasan pirathmee, gur arjun ka-o day aa-i-a-o. ||2||21||9||11||10||10||22|| 60||143||
He gave the royal canopy and throne of the earth (i.e. of the world) to Guru Arjun (and went to
his eternal home).

PrIdw jy jwxw iql QoVVy sMmil buku BrI ] fareedaa, jay jaaṇaa til thoṛ-ṛay, saMmal buk bharee.
Farid (says): if I had known that I had so few sesame seeds, I would have been (more) careful
with the palmful (of them) [i.e. had I known that I have limited wealth of breaths of life, I would
have avoided committing vices].
jy jwxw shu nµFVw qW QoVw mwxu krI ]4] jay jaaṇaa saho naNḍ-ṛaa, taa thoṛaa maaṇ karee. ||4||

If I knew that my Husband was so young, I would not have taken so pride (and, I would have
lived a virtuous life). 4
jy jwxw lVu iCjxw pIfI pweIN gMiF ] jay jaaṇaa laṛ chhijnaa, peedee paa-een gaNḍ.
If I had known that the hem of the robe (i.e. bond of the matrimony of the soul bride) could wear
out, I would have tied a tighter knot (i.e. I would have implanted love and faith in my mind).
qY jyvfu mY nwih ko sBu jgu ifTw hMiF ]5] tai jayvad mai naahi ko, sabh jag diṭaa haNḍ. ||5||
I have found that no one is as Great as You are, I have looked and tested the whole world. 5
PrIdw jy qU Akil lqIPu kwly ilKu n lyK ] fareedaa, jay too akal lateef, kaalay likh na laykh.
Farid (says): (O! brethren) if you have pure wisdom (then) do not write black words (i.e. evil
about others).
AwpnVy igrIvwn mih isru nˆØIvW kir dyKu ]6] aapnaṛay gireevaan meh, sir nee vaan kar daykh. ||6||

Bow (i.e. be humble) and look beneath your collars (i.e. within heart). 6
PrIdw jo qY mwrin mukIAW iqn@w n mwry GuMim ] fareedaa jo tai maaran mukee-aan, tinhaa na maaray ghuMm.
Farid (says): do not turn around and strike those who strike you with their fists (i.e. do not take
revenge from those who trouble you).
AwpnVY Gir jweIAY pYr iqn@w dy cuMim ]7] aapnaṛai ghar jaa-ee-ai, pair tinhaa day chuMm. ||7||
(Rather) kiss their feet (i.e. express your humility) and return to your home (i.e. dwell in peace
within your heart). 7
PrIdw jW qau Ktx vyl qW qU rqw dunI isau ] fareedaa jaan ta-o khataṇ vayl, taan too rataa dunee si-o.
Farid (says): when there was time (i.e. opportunity) for you to earn (good deeds), you were in
love with (the affairs of) the world.
mrg svweI nIih jW BirAw qW lidAw ]8] marag savaa-ee neehi, jaan bhari-aa taan ladi-aa. ||8||
(Now) death’s foothold is strong (i.e. death has become inevitable), the load (of life) is full, it will
move through (i.e. taken away). 8
dyKu PrIdw ju QIAw dwVI hoeI BUr ] daykh fareedaa jo thee-aa, daaṛee ho-ee bhoor.
Farid (says): look what has happened, your beard has become grey (i.e. death is approaching).
Aghu nyVw AwieAw ipCw rihAw dUir ]9] agahu nayṛaa aa-i-aa, pichhaa rahi-aa door. ||9||
The future (time to depart) is coming near, and, the past is left far behind. 9
dyKu PrIdw ij QIAw skr hoeI ivsu ] daykh fareedaa je thee-aa, sakar ho-ee vis.
Farid (says): see what has happened, the sugar (i.e. vices) has become poison.
sWeI bwJhu Awpxy vydx khIAY iksu ]10] saan-ee baajhahu aapṇay, vaydaṇ kahee-ai kis. ||10||
Without my Master, whom can I narrate my agony? 10
PrIdw AKI dyiK pqIxIAW suix suix rIxy kMn ] fareedaa, akhee daykh pateeṇee-aan, suṇ suṇ reeṇay kaNn.
Farid (says): seeing (the play of the world) my eyes have become weak, and, hearing and
listening (to the words of slander), my ears have become hard of hearing.
swK pkMdI AweIAw hor kryNdI vMn ]11] saakh pakaNdee aa-ee-aa, hor karayndee vaNn. ||11||
The branches (i.e. crop of the body) has become ripe, and, its colour is changed. 11

PrIdw kwlˆØI ijnI n rwivAw DaulI rwvY koie ] fareedaa, kaaleen jinee na raavi-aa, dha-ulee raavai ko-ay.
Farid (says): those, who did not remember (Lord), when their hair was black (i.e. at the time of
youth), hardly anyone remembers when they (i.e. hair) turn grey (i.e. when they grow old ).
kir sWeI isau iprhVI rMgu nvylw hoie ]12] kar saan-ee si-o pir-haṛee, raNg navaylaa ho-ay. ||12||
(O! brethren) be in love with the Master, and, your colour shall ever be fresh (i.e. you shall
forever blossom forth). 12
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
PrIdw kwlI DaulI swihbu sdw hY jy ko iciq kry ] fareedaa kaalee dha-ulee saahib sadaa hai, jay ko chit karay.
O! Farid, whether it is (i.e. the colour of the hair) is black or white, the Master is always with us,
only if one remembers Him.
Awpxw lwieAw iprmu n lgeI jy locY sBu koie ] aapṇaa laa-i-aa piram na lag-ee, jay lochai sabh ko-ay.
Love (for the Lord) does not come by one’s own efforts, even if all may yearn for it.
eyhu iprmu ipAwlw Ksm kw jY BwvY qY dyie ]13] ayhu piram pi-aalaa khasam kaa, jai bhaavai tai day-ay ||13||
This cup of the love belongs to the Master, He gives it to the one whomever He Wills. 13
PrIdw ijn@ loiex jgu moihAw sy loiex mY ifTu ] kjl ryK n shidAw sy pMKI sUie bihTu ]14]
fareedaa, jinh lo-iṇ jag mohi-aa, say lo-iṇ mai diṭ.
kajal raykh na sehdi-aa, say paNkhee soo-ay bahiṭ. ||14||
Fari (says): the eyes which had fascinated the world, I have seen those eyes.
(Once they were so delicate that) they could not bear (even) a line (i.e. touch) of collyrium
(powder), (now) the birds hatch their young in them. 14
PrIdw kUkyidAw cWgyidAw mqI dyidAw inq ] jo sYqwin vM\wieAw sy ikq Pyrih icq ]15]
fareedaa, kookaydi-aa, chaangaydi-aa, matee daydi-aa nit.
jo saitaan vaNnjaa-i-aa, say kit fayreh chit. ||15||
Farid (says): shouting and yelling, and, continually wise counselling is given (to them);
(but) those whom the Satan has spoiled, how can they turn their mind (towards God)? 15
PrIdw QIau pvwhI dBu ] jy sWeI loVih sBu ] fareedaa, thee-o pavaahee dabh. jay saan-ee loṛeh sabh.
Farid (says): (O! my mind) become the grass (lying) on path, if you long for (union with) the
Master of all.
ieku iCjih ibAw lqwVIAih ] qW sweI dY dir vwVIAih ]16]
ik chhijeh bi-aa lataaṛee-ah. taan saa-ee dai dar vaaṛee-ah. ||16||
If you are destroyed, or you are trampled (under the feet of the people);
then you shall find entry into the home of the Master. 16
PrIdw Kwku n inMdIAY KwkU jyfu n koie ] jIvidAw pYrw qlY muieAw aupir hoie ]17]
fareedaa, khaak na niNdee-ai, khaakoo jayd na ko-ay.
jeevadi-aa pairaa talai, mu-i-aa upar ho-ay. ||17||
Farid (says): do not slander (i.e. speak ill) of the dust; nothing is as great as dust is.
When we are alive, it is under our feet, and, when we die (and are buried) it is above us. 17
PrIdw jw lbu qw nyhu ikAw lbu q kUVw nyhu ] fareedaa, jaa lab taa nayhu ki-aa, lab ta kooṛaa nayhu.
Farid (says): when there is greed (of worldly objects), then what love can there be (with God) !
ikcru Jiq lGweIAY Cpir qutY myhu ]18] kichar jhat laghaa-ee-ai, chhapar tutai, mayhu. ||18||
How long can one remain under a leaking thatched hut, when it rains. 18

PrIdw jMglu jMglu ikAw Bvih vix kMfw moVyih ] vsI rbu ihAwlIAY jMglu ikAw FUFyih ]19]
fareedaa, jaNgal jaNgal ki-aa bhaveh, vaṇ kaNdaa moṛayhi.
vasee rab hi-aalee-ai, jangal ki-aa ḍooḍayhi. ||19||
Farid (says): why do you wander from jungle to jungle, crashing the thorns of the forest.
God abides in the heart, why are your looking (for Him) in the jungle? 19
PrIdw ienI inkI jMGIAY Ql fUMgr BivEim@ ] Aju PrIdY kUjVw sY kohW QIEim ]20]
fareedaa, inee nikee jaNghee-ai, thal dooNgar bhavi-omih.
aj, fareedai, koojṛaa, sai kohaan thee-om. ||20||
Farid (says): with these small legs, I have wandered through deserts and mountains.
Farid (says): today my (water) jug (which is lying so near), seems hundreds of miles away (i.e. I
am so weak that I cannot pick it up to quench my thirst). 20
P. 1379
PrIdw rwqI vfIAW DuiK DuiK auTin pws ] iDgu iqn@w dw jIivAw ijnw ivfwxI Aws ]21]
fareedaa, raatee vadee-aan, dhukh dhukh uṭan paas.
dhig tin aa daa jeevi-aa, jinaa vidaaṇee aas. ||21||

Farid (says): the nights are long; my limbs (i.e. sides) are constantly burning with pain.
Cursed are the loves of those who place their hopes in others (i.e. other than God). 21
PrIdw jy mY hodw vwirAw imqw AwieiVAW ] hyVw jlY mjIT ijau aupir AMgwrw ]22]
fareedaa, jay mai hodaa, vaari-aa mitaa aa-iṛi-aan.
hayṛaa jalai majeeṭ ji-o, upar aNgaaraa. ||22||
Farid (says): if I had (something), I would have sacrificed that unto my friend when he came.
(If I had and did not offer to them, then) let my body burn like madder on flames of coal. 22
PrIdw loVY dwK ibjaurIAW ikkir bIjY jtu ]hMFY auNn kqwiedw pYDw loVY ptu ]23]
fareedaa, loṛai daakh bij-uree-aan, kikar beejai jat.
haNḍai unn kataa-idaa, paidhaa loṛai pat. ||23||
Farid (says): the farmer plants acacia (tree), and wishes for (fruit of) the grapes of Bijor*.
(It is like) spinning wool, but wishing to wear silk. 23
[*Land between Swat and Chitral (an area in Pakistan) is known as Bajaur-- the grapes of this area are very sweet. Bijaur
also means of small size; grapes of small size are usually very sweet].
PrIdw glIey ickVu dUir Gru nwil ipAwry nyhu ] fareedaa, galee-ay chikaṛ door ghar, naal pi-aaray nayhu.
Farid (says): the streets are (i.e. path is) muddy and the house of my Beloved, who I love (too
much) is far away.
clw q iBjY kMblI rhW q qutY nyhu ]24] chalaa ta bhijai kaMblee, rahaan ta tutai nayhu. ||24||
If I go out, my blanket gets soaked; if I remain (at home), then my love will be broken (i.e.
failed). 24
iBjau isjau kMblI Alh vrsau myhu ] jwie imlw iqnw sjxw qutau nwhI nyhu ]25]
bhija-o sija-o kMblee, alah varsa-o mayhu.
jaa-ay milaa tinaa sajṇaa, tuta-o naahee nayhu. ||25||
Let my blanket be soaked and drenched (with rain water); let God pour (more and more) rain.
I shall go to meet my Friend, so that my love will not be broken. 25
PrIdw mY Bolwvw pg dw mqu mYlI hoie jwie ] gihlw rUhu n jwxeI isru BI imtI Kwie ]26]
fareedaa, mai bholaavaa pag daa, mat mailee ho-ay jaa-ay.
gahilaa roohu na jaaṇ-ee, sir bhee mitee khaa-ay. ||26||
Farid (says): I was swayed by the feeling (i.e. worried) that my turban might become dirty.
My crazy self does not realize that (some day) the head itself will be consumed by dust. 26

PrIdw skr KMfu invwq guVu mwiKEu mWJw duDu] sBy vsqU imTIAW rb n pujin quDu ]27]
fareedaa, sakar khaNd nivaat guṛ, maakhi-o maanjhaa dudh.
sabhay vastoo miṭee-aan, rab na pujan tudh. ||27||
Farid (says): sakkar (i.e. raw sugar), sugar, lump sugar, jaggery, honey and buffalo's milk --
-- all these things are sweet, but they are not (at all) equal to You, O! God. 27
PrIdw rotI myrI kwT kI lwvxu myrI BuK ] ijnw KwDI copVI Gxy shingy duK ]28]
fareedaa, rotee mayree kaaṭ kee, laavaṇ mayree bhukh.
jinaa khaadhee chopṛee, ghaṇay sehnigay dukh. ||28||
Farid (says): my bread is (like that) of wood (i.e. simple food), and, hunger is my vegetable.
Those, who eat buttered bread, will suffer lots of sorrows. (I am cool and happy with my simple
life; those, who live luxurious life shall suffer in the Court of God). 28
ruKI suKI Kwie kY TMFw pwxI pIau ] PrIdw dyiK prweI copVI nw qrswey jIau ]29]
rukhee sukhee khaa-ay kai, ṭaNḍaa paaṇee pee-o.
fareedaa, daykh paraa-ee chopṛee, naa tarsaa-ay jee-o. ||29||
Farid (says): (O! my mind) eat dry bread (i.e. simple food) and drink cold water;
seeing someone else’s buttered (bread), don't cause thirst in your soul (i.e. don't get your mind
tempted by desires). 29
Aju n suqI kMq isau AMgu muVy muiV jwie ] jwie puChu fohwgxI qum ikau rYix ivhwie ]30]
aj na sutee kaNt si-o, aNg muṛay muṛ jaa-ay.
jaa-ay puchhahu dohaagaṇee, tum ki-o raiṇ vihaa-ay. ||30||
Today (i.e. this night), I did not sleep with my Husband (Lord), and, (now) limbs are (i.e. my
body is) pining in pain. (This is my state after one day’s separation) go and ask the deserted
bride: “how do you pass your night?” 30
swhurY FoeI nw lhY pyeIAY nwhI Qwau ] ipru vwqVI n puCeI Dn sohwgix nwau ]31]
saahurai ḍo-ee naa lahai, pay-ee-ai naahee thaa-o.
pir vaat-ṛee na puchh-ee, dhan sohagaṇ naa-o. ||31||
She finds no refuge in the in-law's home, and, she finds no place of rest in her parents' home.
Her husband does not care for her; (how is it / what for) she is known as a blessed happy (soul)
bride ! 31
swhurY pyeIAY kMq kI kMqu AgMmu AQwhu ] nwnk so sohwgxI ju BwvY byprvwh ]32]
saahurai pay-ee-ai kaNt kee, kaNt agaMm athaahu.
naanak, so sohaagaṇee, jo bhaavai bayparvaah. ||32||
In her father-in-law's, and, in her parent's home, she belongs (i.e. pleasing) to her Husband;
and, her Husband (Lord) is Inaccessible and Unfathomable. Nanak (says): she (alone) is happy
(soul) bride, who is pleasing the Carefree (Husband Lord). 32
nwqI DoqI sMbhI suqI Awie nicMdu ] PrIdw rhI su byVI ihM|u dI geI kQUrI gMDu ]33]
naatee dhotee saMbhee, sutee aa-ay nachiNd.
fareedaa, rahee so bayṛee hiNng dee, ga-ee kathooree gaNdh. ||33||
Having bathed, washed, and decorated (herself), (but, if) she came to sleep without anxiety (of
having union with Him). Farid (says): she smells like hing (i.e. asafetida, which has pungent
smell), and, the fragrance of musk is gone. 33
jobn jWdy nw frW jy sh pRIiq n jwie ] joban jaanday naa daraan, jay sah preet na jaa-ay.
I am not afraid of losing my youth, as long as I do not lose love for my Husband(Lord).

PrIdw ikqˆØI jobn pRIiq ibnu suik gey kumlwie ]34]
fareedaa, kiteen joban preet bin, suk ga-ay kumlaa-ay. ||34||
Farid (says): (look !) so many youths, without His love, have dried up and withered away. 34
PrIdw icMq Ktolw vwxu duKu ibrih ivCwvx lyPu ] eyhu hmwrw jIvxw qU swihb scy vyKu ]35]
fareedaa, chiNt khatolaa, vaaṇ dukh, bireh vichhaavaṇ layf.
ayhu hamaaraa jeevṇaa; too saahib sachay vaykh. ||35||
Farid (says): anxiety is my cot, sorrow is its twine*, pangs of separation are my bed-sheets and
quilt-cover. This is my life; behold, You, O! True Master. 35
[*vaan is twine of reed-fibre, used for stringing cots]
ibrhw ibrhw AwKIAY ibrhw qU sulqwnu ] PrIdw ijqu qin ibrhu n aUpjY so qnu jwxu mswnu ]36]
bir-haa bir-haa aakhee-ai, bir-haa too sultaan.
fareedaa, jit tan birahu na oopjai, so tan jaaṇ masaan. ||36||
We talk of the pangs and suffering (of separation), but O! pain, you are the ruler (of all).
Farid (says): the body within which pang of separation does not well up, know that body as a
cremation ground. 36
PrIdw ey ivsu gMdlw DrIAW KMfu ilvwiV ] ieik rwhydy rih gey ieik rwDI gey aujwiV ]37]
fareedaa, ay vis gaNdlaa, dharee-aan khaNd livaaṛ.
ik raahayday reh ga-ay, ik raadhee ga-ay ujaaṛ. ||37||
Farid (says): these (worldly pleasures) are poisonous tender sprouts, coated with sugar.
Some departed (i.e. died) planting them, and, some departed after planting and spoiling (i.e.
indulging in worldly pleasures, people spoil their crops of lives). 37
PrIdw cwir gvwieAw hMiF kY cwir gvwieAw sMim ] lyKw rbu mMgysIAw qU AWho kyrHy kMim ]38]
fareedaa, chaar gavaa-i-aa haNḍ kai, chaar gavaa-i-aa saMm.
laykhaa rab maNgaysee-aa, too aanho kayrhay kaMm. ||38||
Farid (says): (O! brethren) you wasted four quarters (i.e. half of the day) in wandering (i.e.
worldly occupations), and wasted four (quarters of the day) in sleep.
God shall call for your accounts, (and ask): what for did you come (into the world)? (then you
will have no answer). 38
PrIdw dir drvwjY jwie kY ikau ifTo GVIAwlu ] eyhu indosW mwrIAY hm dosW dw ikAw hwlu ]39]
fareedaa, dar darvaajai jaa-ay kai, ki-o diṭo ghaṛee-aal.
ayhu nidosaan maaree-ai, ham dosaan daa ki-aa haal. ||39||
Farid (says): you have gone to the doors of a temple; have you seen the gong there?
That blameless (object) is being beaten; (imagine!) what will be the state of us, who are the
guilty ones. 39
GVIey GVIey mwrIAY phrI lhY sjwie ] so hyVw GVIAwl ijau fuKI rYix ivhwie ]40]
ghaṛee-ay ghaṛee-ay maaree-ai pahree lahai sajaa-ay.
so hayṛaa ghaṛee-aal ji-o dukhee raiṇ vihaa-ay. ||40||
It (i.e. the gong) is beaten each and every hour; and, it is punished every quarter of the day.
This body (which lives the life of sin) is like the gong, it passes the night in pain. 40
P. 1380
buFw hoAw syK PrIdu kMbix lgI dyh ] jy sau vir@Aw jIvxw BI qnu hosI Kyh ]41]
buḍaa ho-aa, saykh fareed, kaMbaṇ lagee dayh.
jay sa-o vareh-aa jeevṇaa, bhee tan hosee khayh. ||41||
Shaikh Farid (says): when one grows old, his body begins to tremble.
Even if one could live for a hundred years, (still) the body shall (eventually) turn to dust. 41

PrIdw bwir prwieAY bYsxw sWeI muJY n dyih ] jy qU eyvY rKsI jIau srIrhu lyih ]42]
fareedaa, baar paraa-i-ai baisṇaa, saan-ee mujhai na deh.
jay too ayvai rakhsee, jee-o sareerahu layhi. ||42||
Farid (says): O! Master, ( please) do not let me sit at another's door.
If You keep me in this way, (then, rahter) take the life out of my body. 42
kMiD kuhwVw isir GVw vix kY sru lohwru ] PrIdw hau loVI shu Awpxw qU loVih AMigAwr ]43]
kaNdh kuhaaṛaa, sir ghaṛaa, vaṇ kai sar lohaar.
fareedaa, ha-o loṛee saho aapṇaa, too loṛeh aNgi-aar. ||43||
(Carrying) an axe on his shoulders, and, bucket on his head, the blacksmith is ready to cut
down the tree.
Farid (speaks to the blacksmith): I long for my Master (and want to sit under this tree to meditate
upon Him), (whereas) you long (only) for the charcoal. 43
PrIdw ieknw Awtw Aglw ieknw nwhI loxu ] AgY gey isM\wpsin cotW KwsI kauxu ]44]
fareedaa, iknaa aataa aglaa, iknaa naahee loṇ.
agai ga-ay siNnjaapsan, chotaan khaasee ka-uṇ. ||44||
Farid (says): some have flour for hereafter, and, some do not have even (equal to) salt (i.e. some
have wealth of good deeds for the world hereafter; whereas some have not even a little bit of that).
When they go hereafter (in the Court of God), it shall be known who will be given punishment
(for not having done good deeds). 44
pwis dmwmy Cqu isir ByrI sfo rf ] jwie suqy jIrwx mih QIey AqImw gf ]45]
paas damaamay, chhat sir, bhayree sado rad.
jaa-ay sutay jeeraaṇ meh, thee-ay ateemaa gad. ||45||
Those, who have drums (beaten in their honour), and, canopies (spread) over their heads,
bugles are blown (on their arrival), and, in their praise, songs are sung (by the minstrels).
They (too) have gone to sleep in the cemetery; they lie buried like orphans. 45
PrIdw koTy mMfp mwVIAw auswrydy BI gey ] kUVw saudw kir gey gorI Awie pey ]46]
fareedaa, koṭay maNdap maaṛee-aa, usaarayday bhee ga-ay.
kooṛaa sa-udaa kar ga-ay, goree aa-ay pa-ay. ||46||
Farid (says): those, who built houses, palaces and mansions, are also gone.
Having traded in false merchandise, they have gone into the grave. 46.
PrIdw iKMQiV myKw AglIAw ijMdu n kweI myK ] vwrI Awpo AwpxI cly mswiek syK ]47]
fareedaa, khiNthaṛ maykhaa aglee-aa, jiNd na kaa-ee maykh.
vaaree aapo aapnee, chalay masaa-ik saykh. ||47||
Farid (says): (there are) so many tacks stitched on my patched coat (eventually it too will get
worn out); (whereas) there is no stitch on the soul (but, that too has to depart).
Every one departs in his own turn; even the shaykhs (i.e. religious scholars) and the leaders of
the shaykhs have departed. 47
PrIdw duhu dIvI blµidAw mlku bihTw Awie ] gVu lIqw Gtu luitAw dIvVy gieAw buJwie ]48]
fareedaa, duhu deevee balaNdi-aa, malak bahiṭaa aa-ay.
gaṛ leetaa, ghat luti-aa, deevṛay ga-i-aa bujhaa-ay. ||48||
Farid (says): the lamps are lit (i.e. the eyes are beholding), (but) the messenger of death has
come (over the head of the mortal being).
He captures the (body) fort, plunders the home (i.e. heart), extinguishes the lamps (i.e. light of
the eyes) and departs. 48
PrIdw vyKu kpwhY ij QIAw ij isir QIAw iqlwh ] kmwdY Aru kwgdY kuMny koieilAwh ]
fareedaa, vaykh kapaahai, je thee-aa, je sir thee-aa tilaah.
kamaadai ar kaagdai, kuNnay ko-ili-aah.
Farid (says): look! what has happened to cotton, and, what the sesame have undergone (it is
crushed to obtain oil); (and what has happened to) sugarcane (it is crushed to obtain juice),
paper(which finally decays and becomes a part of dust), clay pots (when they are broken we
discard and throw them away) and charcoal (which is burnt and turns into ash).
mMdy Aml kryidAw eyh sjwie iqnwh ]49] maNday amal karaydi-aa, ayh sajaa-ay tinaah. ||49||
(Such like) punishments are for those who do evil deeds. 49
PrIdw kMin muslw sUPu gil idil kwqI guVu vwiq ] fareedaa, kaNn muslaa, soof gal, dil kaatee guṛ vaat.
Farid (says): (O! hypocrite, you have) prayer-mat on (your) shoulders, (black) woolen robe on
(your) body; (your) words are sweet, (but) you have a dagger in (your) heart.
bwhir idsY cwnxw idil AMiDAwrI rwiq ]50] baahar disai chaanṇaa, dil aNdhi-aaree raat. ||50||
Outwardly you looks bright, but, your heart is dark as the night. 50
PrIdw rqI rqu n inklY jy qnu cIrY koie ] jo qn rqy rb isau iqn qin rqu n hoie ]51]
fareedaa, ratee rat na niklai, jay tan cheerai ko-ay. jo tan ratay rab si-o tin tan rat na ho-ay. ||51||
Farid (says): not (even) a little of blood would issue forth, if someone cuts their bodies.
Those bodies, which are imbued with God, those bodies contain no blood. 51

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
iehu qnu sBo rqu hY rqu ibnu qMnu n hoie ] ih tan sabho rat hai, rat bin taNn na ho-ay.
This body is all blood, and, without blood the body could not exist.
jo sh rqy Awpxy iqqu qin loBu rqu n hoie ] jo sah ratay aapṇay, tit tan lobh rat na ho-ay.
Those, who are imbued with their Husband (Lord), do not have blood of greed in their bodies.
BY pieAY qnu KIxu hoie loBu rqu ivchu jwie ] bhai pa-i-ai tan kheeṇ ho-ay, lobh rat vichahu jaa-ay.
When the fear (of God) enters the body, it becomes thin, and, the blood of greed departs from
ijau bYsMqir Dwqu suDu hoie iqau hir kw Bau durmiq mYlu gvwie ]
ji-o baisaNtar dhaat sudh ho-ay, ti-o har kaa bha-o durmat mail gavaa-ay.
Just as metal is purified by the fire, just so, the fear of God removes the filth of evil wisdom.
nwnk qy jn sohxy ij rqy hir rMgu lwie ]52] naanak, tay jan sohṇay, je ratay har raNg laa-ay. ||52||
Nanak (says): those servants (i.e. devotees) are beautiful, who are dyed with the love of God. 52
PrIdw soeI srvru FUiF lhu ijQhu lBI vQu ] fareedaa, so-ee sarvar ḍooḍ lahu, jithahu labhee vath.
Farid (says): seek that pool , from wherein the object (of spiritual knowledge) is found.
CpiV FUFY ikAw hovY ickiV fubY hQu ]53] chhapaṛ ḍooḍai ki-aa hovai, chikaṛ dubai hath. ||53||
What is the use of searching in a (dirty) pond? Only the hand will sink in i.e. stained with) the
mud. 53
PrIdw nµFI kMqu n rwivE vfI QI mueIAwsu ] fareedaa, naNḍee kaNt na raavi-o, vadee thee mu-ee-aas.
Farid (says): When she is young, she does not enjoy her Husband (i.e. does not meditate upon
Husband Lord), and, when she grows up, she dies.
Dn kUkyNdI gor myN qY sh nw imlIAwsu ]54] dhan kookayndee gor: mayn tai sah naa milee-aas. ||54||
While lying in the grave the (soul) bride cries (and repents): “(why) I did not meet you (i.e. why I
did not meditate upon You, while I was alive), O! (my) Husband (Lord)”. 54

n n
PrIdw isru pilAw dwVI plI muCW BI plIAW ] fareedaa, sir pali-aa, daaṛee palee, muchhaa bhee palee-aa .
Farid (says): (O! my mind) the head has (i.e. hair have) turned grey, the beard has turned grey,
the moustache too has turned grey.
ry mn gihly bwvly mwxih ikAw rlIAW ]55] ray man gahilay baavlay, maaṇeh ki-aa ralee-aan. ||55||
O! careless, crazy mind, why are you (still) indulging in pleasures? 55
PrIdw koTy Dukxu kyqVw ipr nIdVI invwir ] fareedaa, koṭay dhukaṇ kayt-ṛaa, pir need-ṛee nivaar.
Farid (says): how long can you run on the roof- top? Give up sleep for (meeting with) your
Husband (Lord).
jo idh lDy gwxvy gey ivlwiV ivlwiV ]56] jo dih ladhay gaaṇvay, ga-ay vilaaṛ vilaaṛ. ||56||
The days you have found (i.e. are allotted to you) are numbered, (but) they are passing away in
running about. 56
PrIdw koTy mMfp mwVIAw eyqu n lwey icqu ] fareedaa, kothay maNdap maaṛee-aa, ayt na laa-ay chit.
Farid (says): houses, palaces and mansions (are there) ---- do not attach your mind to them.
imtI peI AqolvI koie n hosI imqu ]57] mitee pa-ee atolavee, ko-ay na hosee mit. ||57||
When (after your death) immeasurable dust falls (i.e. when you are laid in the grave), no one of
these will be your friend. 57
PrIdw mMfp mwlu n lwie mrg sqwxI iciq Dir ] sweI jwie sm@wil ijQY hI qau vM\xw ]58]
fareedaa, maNdap maal na laa-ay, marag sataaṇee chit dhar.
saa-ee jaa-ay samhaal, jithai hee ta-o vaNnjnṇaa. ||58||
Farid (says): do not focus (your mind) on mansions and wealth, (rather) focus your mind on
death, the powerful one. Remember (only) that place, where you have to (i.e. must) go. 58
P. 1381
PrIdw ijn@I kMmI nwih gux qy kMmVy ivswir ] mqu srimMdw QIvhI sWeI dY drbwir ]59]
fareedaa, jinhee kaMmee naahi guṇ, tay kaMmṛay visaar.
mat sarmiNdaa theevhee, saan-ee dai darbaar. ||59||
Farid (says): forget about those deeds, which are of no worth (to your soul).
Lest you should be put to shame, in the Court of the Master. 59
PrIdw swihb dI kir cwkrI idl dI lwih BrWid ] drvysW no loVIAY ruKW dI jIrWid ]60]
fareedaa, saahib dee kar chaakree, dil dee laahi bharaand.
darvaysaan* no loṛee-ai, rukhaan dee jeeraand. ||60||
Farid (says): perform service of (i.e. devotion to) the Master, and dispel doubts of your mind.
The dervishes* need to have the patience (i.e. power of endurance) like the trees. 60
[*Darvays / darvesh, literally: one ‘standing/ begging at the Door’ (of God), i.e. devotee of God. This word is also used for
a beggar/ mendicant/ pious/ holy).
PrIdw kwly mYfy kpVy kwlw mYfw vysu ] gunhI BirAw mY iPrw loku khY drvysu ]61]
fareedaa, kaalay maiday kapṛay, kaalaa maidaa vays.
gunhee bhari-aa mai firaa, lok kahai darvays. ||61||
Farid (says): my clothes are black, my apparel is black.
I wander around, full of sins, (yet) people call me a dervish*. 61
[*Here, dervish has been used for a pious person].
qqI qoie n plvY jy jil tubI dyie ] PrIdw jo fohwgix rb dI JUrydI JUryie ]62]
tatee to-ay na palvai, jay jal tubee day-ay.
fareedaa, jo dohaagaṇ rab dee, jhooraydee jooray-ay. ||62||
The burnt up plants will not bloom (i.e. grow green again) even if it is soaked in water.
Farid (says):that (soul bride) who has been deserted by God, repents and grieves. 62

jW kuAwrI qw cwau vIvwhI qW mwmly ] PrIdw eyho pCoqwau viq kuAwrI n QIAY ]63]
jaan ku-aaree taa chaa-o, veevaahee taan maamlay.
fareedaa, ayho pachhotaa-o, vat ku-aaree na thee-ai. ||63||
When she was virgin, she was eager (to get married), (now) when she gets married, it is all
(worldly) affairs (i.e. entanglements).
Farid (says): (now) she has this one regret: ‘I cannot be a virgin, again’. 63
klr kyrI CpVI Awie aulQy hMJ ] icMjU boVin@ nw pIvih aufx sMdI fMJ ]64]
kalar kayree chhapṛee, aa-ay ulthay haNjh.
chiNjoo boṛnih naa peeveh, udaṇ saNdee daNjh. ||64||
The swans have descended in a small pond of saline water.
They dip their beaks, but do not drink, they are desirous of flying (from there). 64
hMsu aufir koDRY pieAw loku ivfwrix jwie ] gihlw loku n jwxdw hMsu n koDRw Kwie ]65]
haNs udar kodhrai pa-i-aa, lok vidaaraṇ jaa-ay.
gahilaa lok na jaaṇdaa, haNs na kodhraa khaa-ay. ||65||
The swan flew away and landed in field of barley, the people (i.e. owner) go to chase him away.
The crazy people do not know that the swan does not eat barley. 65
cil cil geIAW pMKIAW ijn@I vswey ql ] PrIdw sru BirAw BI clsI Qky kvl iekl ]66]
chal chal ga-ee-aa paNkhee-aan, jin ee vasaa-ay tal.

fareedaa sar bhari-aa bhee chalsee, thakay kaval ikal. ||66||

The birds which inhabited in this pool (of the world) have flown away and gone.
Farid (says): the overflowing pool shall also pass away (shall become dry, one day), and, the
lotus (flowers) shall remain alone (and they too shall die without water; i.e. everything is
transient). 66
PrIdw iet isrwxy Buie svxu kIVw liVE mwis ] kyqiVAw jug vwpry iekqu pieAw pwis ]67]
fareedaa, it siraaṇay bhu-ay savaṇ, keeṛaa laṛi-o maas.
kayt-ṛi-aa jug vaapray, ikat pa-i-aa paas. ||67||
Farid (says): a brick will be his pillow, and earth will be his bed, and, the worms shall sting (i.e.
eat) his flesh. Countless ages pass, and, he remains lying on one side. 67
PrIdw BMnI GVI svMnvI tutI nwgr lju ] AjrweIlu Prysqw kY Gir nwTI Aju ]68]
fareedaa, bhaNnee ghaṛee savaNnavee, tutee naagar laj.
ajraa-eel faraystaa, kai ghar naaṭee aj. ||68||
Farid, (says): the beautiful pitcher (of body) is broken and the delicate rope (of breath) is broken.
(Let us see) in the house where Ajraeel the angel (i.e. messenger of death) will be a guest today. 68
PrIdw BMnI GVI svMnvI tUtI nwgr lju ] jo sjx Buie Bwru Qy sy ikau Awvih Aju ]69]
fareedaa, bhaNnee ghaṛee savaNnvee, tootee naagar laj.
jo sajaṇ bhu-ay bhaar thay, say ki-o aavahi aj. ||69||
Farid, (says): the beautiful pitcher (of body) is broken and the delicate rope (of breath) is
broken; those friends, who were (earlier) a burden on the earth, how can they come today
(again)! 69
PrIdw by invwjw kuiqAw eyh n BlI rIiq ] kbhI cil n AwieAw pMjy vKq msIiq ]70]
fareedaa, bay nivaajaa kuti-aa, ayh na bhalee reet.
kabhee chal na aa-i-aa, paNjay vakhat maseet. ||70||
Farid (says): O! you without Namaaz, O! dog (i.e. without prayer to God, you are like a dog);
this is not a good way (of life). You never walk into the mosque, for (all) the five daily (prayer)
times. 70

auTu PrIdw aujU swij subh invwj gujwir ] jo isru sWeI nw invY so isru kip auqwir ]71]
uṭ fareedaa, ujoo* saaj, subah nivaaj gujaar. jo sir saan-ee naa nivai, so sir kap utaar. ||71||
Farid (says): rise up and cleanse yourself and offer your morning prayer.
The head which does not bow before the Master, chop that head off and remove that. 71
[*ujoo is cleansing of hand, feet and face]
jo isru sweI nw invY so isru kIjY kWie ] kuMny hyiT jlweIAY bwlx sMdY Qwie ]72]
jo sir saa-ee naa nivai, so sir keejai kaan-ay.
kuNnay hayṭ jalaa-ee-ai, baalaṇ saNdai thaa-ay. ||72||
The head that does not bow before the Master, what is to be done with that head?
Put it under small cooking pot, to burn, instead of firewood (i.e. use it as fuel). 72
PrIdw ikQY qYfy mwipAw ijn@I qU jixEih ] qY pwshu Eie lid gey qUM AjY n pqIxoih ]73]
fareedaa, kithai taiday maapi-aa, jin ee too jaṇi-ohi.

tai paashu o-ay lad ga-ay too ajai na pateeṇohi. ||73||


Farid (says): where are your parents? (they) who gave birth to you.
They have gone away from you (i.e. they are dead); you are not (yet) convinced (that death is
inevitable and you too have to depart). 73
PrIdw mnu mYdwnu kir toey itby lwih ] AgY mUil n AwvsI dojk sMdI Bwih ]74]
fareedaa man maidaan kar to-ay tibay laahi. agai mool na aavsee dojak saNdee bhaahi. ||74||
Farid (says): flatten out your mind, and, level out the pits and the mounds (i.e. dispel doubts
and duality of your mind). Then) hereafter, the fire of hell shall not (even) approach you. 74

mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
PrIdw Kwlku Klk mih Klk vsY rb mwih ] mMdw iks no AwKIAY jW iqsu ibnu koeI nwih ]75]
fareedaa, khaalak khalak meh,khalak vasai rab maahi.
maNdaa kis no aakhee-ai, jaan tis bin ko-ee naahi. ||75||
O! Farid, the Creator is in the creation, and the creation abides in God (the Creator).
Whom can we call bad, when there is no one other than Him. 75
PrIdw ij idih nwlw kipAw jy glu kpih cuK ] pvin n ieqI mwmly shW n ieqI duK ]76]
fareedaa, je dihi naalaa kapi-aa, jay gal kapeh chukh.
pavan na itee maamlay, sahaan na itee dukh. ||76||
Farid (says): the day, when my umbilical cord was cut, (in stead) if my throat had been cut a
bit, I would not have been involved in so many entanglements and would not have suffered so
many hardships. 76
cbx clx rqMn sy suxIAr bih gey ] hyVy muqI Dwh sy jwnI cil gey ]77]
chabaṇ chalaṇ rataNn, say suṇee-ar bahi ga-ay.
hayṛay mutee dhaah, say jaanee chal ga-ay. ||77||
My teeth, feet, eyes and ears, all are worn out.
My body cries out : those who were my dear ones have left me. 77
PrIdw bury dw Blw kir gusw min n hFwie ] dyhI rogu n lgeI plY sBu ikCu pwie ]78]
fareedaa, buray daa bhalaa kar, gusaa man na haḍaa-ay.
dayhee rog na lag-ee, palai sabh kichh paa-ay. ||78||
Farid (says): do good (even) to the bad ones, and do not let your mind live in with anger.
(Then) your body shall not suffer from any ailment, and, you shall obtain everything. 78

P. 1382
PrIdw pMK prwhuxI dunI suhwvw bwgu ] naubiq vjI subh isau clx kw kir swju ]79]
fareedaa, paNkh paraahuṇee, dunee suhaavaa baag.
na-ubat vajee subah si-o, chalaṇ kaa kar saaj. ||79||
Farid (says): this world is (like) a beautiful garden, and, the birds (i.e. the mortal beings) are
(only) guests (here).
The drums are beating (right) since the morning; you get ready to leave (the world garden). 79
PrIdw rwiq kQUrI vMfIAY suiqAw imlY n Bwau ] ijMn@w nYx nˆØIdRwvly iqMn@w imlxu kuAwau ]80]
fareedaa, raat kathooree vaNdee-ai, suti-aa milai na bhaa-o.
jiNnhaa naiṇ neendraavalay, tiNnhaa milaṇ ku-aa-o. ||80||
Farid (says): (the fragrance of ) musk (i.e. the Name of the Lord) is released at night; those, who
remain asleep, do not receive their share
Those, whose eyes are heavy with (always) in sleep, how can they receive it (i.e. the Name). 80
PrIdw mY jwinAw duKu muJ kU duKu sbwieAY jig ] aUcy ciV kY dyiKAw qW Gir Gir eyhw Aig ]81]
fareedaa, mai jaani-aa dukh mujh koo, dukh sabaa-i-ai jag.
oochay chaṛ kai daykhi-aa, taan ghar ghar ayhaa ag. ||81||
Farid (says): I thought I (alone) am in trouble; (in fact) the whole world is in trouble.
When I climbed the roof and looked around, I saw this fire in each and every house. 81

mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
PrIdw BUim rMgwvlI mMiJ ivsUlw bwg ] jo jn pIir invwijAw iqMn@w AMc n lwg ]82]
fareedaa, bhoom raNgaavalee, maNjh visoolaa baag.
jo jan peer nivaaji-aa, tiNnhaa aNch na laag. ||82||
O! Farid, this earth is (all) beautiful, (but) in the midst of it, there is the garden of poison.
Those persons, who are honoured (i.e. blessed) by their peer (i.e. spiritual mentor (i.e. guru), do
not suffer even a little heat (of sufferings). 82

mhlw 5 ] Mehlaa 5
PrIdw aumr suhwvVI sMig suvMnVI dyh ] fareedaa, umar suhaavaṛee, saNg suvaNnṛee dayh.
(Guru Arjan says): O! Farid, life is beautiful, along with beautiful body.
ivrly kyeI pweIAin ijMn@w ipAwry nyh ]83] virlay kay-ee paa-ee-an, jiNnhaa pi-aaray nayh. ||83||
Only a rare few are found, who love the Beloved (Lord). 83
kMDI vhx n Fwih qau BI lyKw dyvxw ] ijDir rb rjwie vhxu iqdwaU gMau kry ]84]
kaNdhee vahaṇ na ḍaahi, ta-o bhee laykhaa dayvṇaa.
jidhar rab rajaa-ay, vahaṇ tidaa-oo gaN-o karay. ||84||
O! flow (of the river) do not pull down (i.e. destroy) the banks, you too will have to give your
accounts (of your deeds).
(But, it is not your fault), the flow (of the river) moves in whatever direction God Wills. 84
PrIdw fuKw syqI idhu gieAw sUlW syqI rwiq ] fareedaa, dukhaa saytee dihu ga-i-aa, soolaan saytee raat.
Farid (says): the day passes in sorrows, and, the night (passes) in sufferings.
Kvw pukwry pwqxI byVw kpr vwiq ]85] khaṛaa pukaaray paat-ṇee, bayṛaa kapar vaat. ||85||
The boatman is standing and shouting: ‘the boat is caught in the mouth of tidings (i.e.
whirlpool)’. 85

lµmI lµmI ndI vhY kMDI kyrY hyiq ] byVy no kpru ikAw kry jy pwqx rhY sucyiq ]86]
laMmee laMmee nadee vahai, kaNdhee kayrai hayt.
bayṛay no kapar ki-aa karay, jay paataṇ rahai suchayt. ||86||
The river (of life) flows on and on to eat its own banks.
What can the tidings do to the boat, if the boatmen remains alert ! 86
PrIdw glˆØI su sjx vIh ieku FUMFydI n lhW ] DuKW ijau mWlIh kwrix iqMn@w mw iprI ]87]
fareedaa, galeen so sajaṇ veeh, ik ḍooNḍaydee na lahaan.
dhukhaan ji-o maanleeh, kaaraṇ tinhaa maa piree. ||87||
Farid (says): there are twenty (i.e. many) who say that they are friends (i.e. they perform just lip
service), but (when) I search, I cannot find even one (real friend).
I smoulder like wet cow-dung (i.e. I burn with agony), for (not having found) such beloved (real)
friends. 87
PrIdw iehu qnu Baukxw inq inq duKIAY kauxu ] kMnI bujy dy rhW ikqI vgY pauxu ]88]
fareedaa, ih tan bha-ukaṇaa, nit nit dukhee-ai ka-uṇ.
kaNnee bujay day rahaan, kitee vagai pa-uṇ. ||88||
Farid (says): this body is (constantly) barking, who can suffer for it each and every day?
I shall put plugs in my ears; and, do not care how much the wind is blowing. 88
PrIdw rb KjUrI pkIAW mwiKA neI vhMin@ ] jo jo vM\YN fIhVw so aumr hQ pvMin ]89]
fareedaa, rab khajooree pakee-aan, maakhi-a na-ee vahaNnih.
jo jo vaNnjain deehṛaa, so umar hath pavaNn. ||89||
Farid (says): God's dates have ripened, and, the river of honey is flowing (and the mortal is
engrossed in enjoying them); but,
with each and every passing day, the age (i.e. life) is being taken away. 89
PrIdw qnu sukw ipMjru QIAw qlIAW KUMfih kwg ] AjY su rbu n bwhuiVE dyKu bMdy ky Bwg ]90]
fareedaa, tan sukaa piNjar thee-aa, talee-aan khooNdeh kaag.
ajai so rab na baahuṛi-o, daykh baNday kay bhaag. ||90||
Farid (says): his body has withered out and reduced to a skeleton, the crows are pecking at
his palms.
Still God has not come (to help); look, this is the fate of the man (who has lived the life of vices). 90
kwgw krMg FMFoilAw sglw KwieAw mwsu ] ey duie nYnw miq Cuhau ipr dyKn kI Aws ]91]
kaagaa, karaNg ḍaNḍoli-aa, saglaa khaa-i-aa maas.
ay du-ay nainaa mat chhuha-o, pir daykhan kee aas. ||91||
O! crow, you have searched my skeleton, and, eaten all my flesh.
But (please) do not touch these two eyes (of mine), I (yet) hope to see my Beloved (Lord). 91
kwgw cUMif n ipMjrw bsY q aufir jwih ] ijqu ipMjrY myrw shu vsY mwsu n iqdU Kwih ]92]
kaagaa, chooNd na piNjraa, basai ta udar jaahi.
jit piNjrai mayraa saho vasai, maas na tidoo khaahi. ||92||
O! crow, do not peck at my skeleton, if you have landed (on it), (then) fly away.
The skeleton within which my Husband (Lord) abides, (you) do not eat flesh from that. 92
PrIdw gor inmwxI sfu kry inGirAw Gir Awau ] srpr mYQY Awvxw mrxhu n firAwhu ]93]
fareedaa, gor nimaaṇee sad karay, nighri-aa ghar aa-o.
sarpar maithai aavṇaa, marṇahu na dari-aahu. ||93||
Farid (says): the poor grave calls out: O! homeless ones, come back to your home (i.e. to me).
You shall surely have to come to me, do not be afraid of death. 93

eynI loiexI dyKidAw kyqI cil geI ] aynee lo-iṇee daykh-di-aa, kaytee chal ga-ee.
These eyes have seen that a great many have departed (from the world).
PrIdw lokW Awpo AwpxI mY AwpxI peI ]94] fareedaa, lokaan aapo aapṇee, mai aapṇee pa-ee. ||94||
Farid (says): people are concerned about their own self (i.e. their worldly entanglements); and, I
have my own concern (i.e. to unite with God). 94
Awpu svwrih mY imlih mY imilAw suKu hoie ] aap savaareh mai mileh, mai mili-aa sukh ho-ay.
(God says): ‘If you adorn (i.e. reform) yourself, you shall meet me; and, meeting me you shall
find (spiritual) happiness’.
PrIdw jy qU myrw hoie rhih sBu jgu qyrw hoie ]95]
fareedaa, jay too mayraa ho-ay raheh, sabh jag tayraa ho-ay. ||95||
Farid (says): (God says): ‘if you will be mine, (then) the whole world will be yours’. 95
kMDI auqY ruKVw ikcrku bMnY DIru ] kaNdhee utai rukh-ṛaa kichrak baNnai dheer.
How long can a tree remain patient (i.e. keep standing) on the bank (of a river)?
PrIdw kcY BWfY rKIAY ikcru qweI nIru ]96] fareedaa, kachai bhaandai rakhee-ai, kichar taa-ee neer||96||
Farid (says): how long can water be kept in an unbacked pitcher. 96
PrIdw mhl insKx rih gey vwsw AwieAw qil ] fareedaa, mahal nisakhaṇ reh ga-ay, vaasaa aa-i-aa tal.
Farid (says): the homes are left totally empty, the owners have gone to live under the earth (i.e.
in the graves).
P. 1383
gorW sy inmwxIAw bhsin rUhW mil ] goraan say nimaaṇee-aa, bahsan roohaan mal.
The souls shall occupy and remain in those un-honoured graves (i.e. which are disliked).
AwKIN syKw bMdgI clxu Aju ik kil ]97] aakheen saykhaa baNdagee, chalaṇ aj ke kal. ||97||
O! Shaikh (Farid), you have been told to meditate (upon God) ---- as you have to depart today
or tomorrow (i.e. shall have to depart sooner or later). 97
PrIdw mauqY dw bMnw eyvY idsY ijau drIAwvY Fwhw ]
fareedaa, ma-utai daa baNnaa ayvai disai, ji-o daree-aavai ḍaahaa.
Farid (says): the shore of death looks like the bank of the river, being eroded (by water).
AgY dojku qipAw suxIAY hUl pvY kwhwhw ] agai dojak tapi-aa, suṇee-ai hool pavai kaahaahaa.
It is said that hereafter the hell is burning; (there) the cries and shrieks (of sinners) are heard.
ieknw no sB soJI AweI ieik iPrdy vyprvwhw ] iknaa no sabh sojhee aa-ee, ik firday vayparvaahaa.
Some have realized completely, (while) others are (still) wandering around carelessly.
Aml ij kIiqAw dunI ivic sy drgh Egwhw ]98] amal je keeti-aa dunee vich, say dargeh ohaagaa. ||98||
Those deeds, which are in this world, shall become witness in His Court. 98
PrIdw drIAwvY kMn@Y bgulw bYTw kyl kry ] fareedaa, daree-aavai kaNnhai bagulaa, baiṭaa kayl karay.
Farid (says): sitting on the bank of river, the crane was playing joyfully.
kyl krydy hMJ no AicMqy bwj pey ] kayl karayday haNjh no, achiNtay baaj pa-ay.
When the crane was playing joyfully, the hawk (of death) suddenly pounced upon it.
bwj pey iqsu rb dy kylW ivsrIAW ] baaj pa-ay tis rab day, kaylaan visree-aan.
When the hawk of God pounced upon, all playful joy is forgotten.
jo min iciq n cyqy sin so gwlI rb kIAW ]99] jo man chit na chaytay san, so gaalee rab kee-aan. ||99||
God does those actions that is not (even) in the mind or thoughts. 99

swFy qRY mx dyhurI clY pwxI AMin ] saaḍay tarai maṇ dayhuree, chalai paaṇee aNn.
The body of three and half maunds* (weight) is nourished by water and food.
[*Before the introduction of the metric system, the weight and measure system was in ratti, tola, maashaa, chhatak sayr
(ser) and maṇ (mound). One maṇ (mound) is equivalent to 37.324 kilograms. Here, reference to weight means that, during
his lifetime, one remains engrossed in relishing eating and drinking. One goes on consuming and gaining weight].
AwieE bMdw dunI ivic viq AwsUxI bMin@ ] aa-i-o baNdaa dunee vich, vat aasooṇee baneh.
Man comes into the world, carrying a (complete) bundle of hopes (i.e. great aspirations).
mlkl mauq jW AwvsI sB drvwjy BMin ] malkal ma-ut jaan aavsee, sabh darvaajay bhaNn.
(But) when the messenger of death comes, it breaks down all the gates (i.e. nothing can stop him,
and, he grips the soul and takes it away).
iqn@w ipAwirAw BweIAW AgY idqw bMin@ ] tinhaa pi-aari-aa bhaa-ee-aan, agai ditaa baNeh.
Then, the brothers, the dear ones, bind him (i.e. pack him up) and place him before them.
vyKhu bMdw cilAw chu jixAw dY kMin@ ] vaykhhu bandaa chali-aa, chahu jaṇi-aa dai kaNnih.
Behold! the man is going away, carried on the shoulders of four persons.
PrIdw Aml ij kIqy dunI ivic drgh Awey kMim ]100]
fareedaa, amal je keetay dunee vich, dargeh aa-ay kaMm. ||100||
Farid (says):(only good) deeds done in this world will be of any use, in the Court (of God). 100
PrIdw hau bilhwrI iqn@ pMKIAw jMgil ijMn@w vwsu ]
fareedaa, ha-o balihaaree tinh paNkhee-aa, jaNgal jiNnhaa vaas.
Farid (says): I am a sacrifice unto those birds, which live in forests.
kkru cugin Qil vsin rb n Cofin pwsu ]101] kakar chugan, thal vasan, rab na chhodan paas. ||101||
They peck at stones (for their food), live on the ground, but do not leave the side of God. 101
PrIdw ruiq iPrI vxu kMibAw pq JVy JiV pwih ] fareedaa, rut firee vaṇ kaMbi-aa, pat jhaṛay jhaṛ paahi.
Farid (says): the season changes, (the trees of) the forest shack and (their) leaves fall.
N N n
cwry kuMfw FUMFIAW rhxu ikQwaU nwih ]102] chaaray ku daa ḍoo ḍee-aa , rahaṇ kithaa-oo naahi. ||102||
I have searched all the four directions (i.e. the whole of the world), I have found no (permanent)
place of rest anywhere (i.e. one has to depart, definitely). 102
PrIdw pwiV ptolw Dj krI kMblVI pihryau ] ijn@I vysI shu imlY syeI vys kryau ]103]
fareedaa, paaṛ patolaa dhaj karee, kaMblaṛee pahiray-o.
jinhee vaysee saho milai, say-ee vays karay-o. ||103||
Farid (says): I shall tear away my silken clothes into pieces, and, wear (only) rough blanket.
I shall wear only that robe (I shall live only that life-style) which would get me to meet my
Husband (Lord). 103

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
kwie ptolw pwVqI kMblVI pihryie ] nwnk Gr hI bYiTAw shu imlY jy nIAiq rwis kryie ]104]
kaa-ay patolaa paaṛ-tee, kaMblaṛee pahiray-ay.
naanak, ghar hee baiṭi-aa saho milai, jay nee-at raas karay-i. ||104||
(O! soul bride) why do you tear apart (your) silken clothes, and, take to wearing (only) a rough
blanket. Nanak (says): even, sitting in your own home (i.e. heart), you can meet the Husband
(Lord), if you have right intention. 104

mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw grbu ijn@w vifAweIAw Din jobin Awgwh ] KwlI cly DxI isau itby ijau mIhwhu ]105]
fareedaa, garab jinhaa vadi-aa-ee-aa, dhan joban aagaah.
khaalee chalay dhaṇee si-o, tibay ji-o meehahu. ||105||
O! Farid, those who are proud of their great glory, wealth and youth, in abundance.
(They) shall depart without the blessing of the Master, like mounds (which remain without
water) after the rain. 105
PrIdw iqnw muK frwvxy ijnw ivswirEnu nwau ] AYQY duK GxyirAw AgY Taur n Twau ]106]
fareedaa, tinaa mukh daraavaṇay, jinaa visaari-on naa-o.
aithai dukh ghaṇayri-aa, agai ṭa-ur na ṭaa-o. ||106||
Farid (says): the faces of those who forget the Name (of the Lord), are dreadful.
They suffer lot of trouble here; and, hereafter they find no place of rest or refuge. 106
PrIdw ipCl rwiq n jwigEih jIvdVo muieEih ] jy qY rbu ivswirAw q rib n ivsirEih ]107]
fareedaa, pichhal raat na jaagi-ohi, jeevad-ṛo mu-i-ohi.
jay tai rab visaari-aa, ta rab na visari-ohi. ||107||
Farid (says): (If) you do not wake up in the fourth quarter of night (i.e. before it is dawn), you
are (spiritually) dead, though you are (physically) alive.
(Though) you might have forgotten God, God has not forgotten you (He is watching you). 107
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw kMqu rMgwvlw vfw vymuhqwju ] fareedaa kaNt raNgvaalaa, vadaa vaymuhtaaj.
O! Farid, my Husband (Lord) is full of joy, and, greatly self-independent (i.e. not subordinate or
dependant upon any one).
Alh syqI riqAw eyhu scwvW swju ]108] alah saytee rati-aa, ayhu sachaavaan saaj. ||108||
To be imbued with God ---- this is the most true decoration. 108
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw duKu suKu ieku kir idl qy lwih ivkwru ] fareedaa dukh sukh ik kar, dil tay laahi vikaar.
O! Farid, (if you want to be imbued with God, then) look upon pains and pleasures as the same,
and, eradicate all (thoughts of) sins from the heart.
Alh BwvY so Blw qW lBI drbwru ]109] alah bhaavai so bhalaa, taan labhee darbaar. ||109||
Whatever pleases God is good, (if you accept this) then you can find His Court. 109
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw dunI vjweI vjdI qUM BI vjih nwil ] fareedaa dunee vajaa-ee vajdee, tooN bhee vajeh naal.
O! Farid, the world plays (i.e. dances on the tunes of Maya) as it is made to play; you also play
with it.
soeI jIau n vjdw ijsu Alhu krdw swr ]110] so-ee jee-o na vajdaa, jis alhu kardaa saar. ||110||
That person does not play (on the tunes of Maya), who is under the care of God. 110
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
PrIdw idlu rqw iesu dunI isau dunI n ikqY kMim ] imsl PkIrW gwKVI su pweIAY pUr krMim ]111]
fareedaa dil rataa is dunee si-o, dunee na kitai kaMm.
misal fakeeraan gaakh-ṛee, so paa-ee-ai poor karaMm. ||111||
(Guru Arjan says): O! Farid, the heart is imbued with the worldliness (i.e. Maya), and, the
worldliness is of no use (at all). The life-style of the fakirs* is difficult (to follow); it is
obtained only by perfect Grace (of God). 111 [*Fakir is self-denying, detached person]

P. 1384
pihlY phrY PulVw Plu BI pCw rwiq ] jo jwgMin@ lhMin sy sweI kMno dwiq ]112]
pahilai pahrai fulṛaa, fal bhee pachhaa raat. jo jaagaNnih lahaNn, say saa-ee kaNno daat. ||112||
(Farid says): the first quarter of night brings flower (of meditation), and, (the same quarter of)
the night brings fruits. Those, who remain awake, receive this gift (of the Name) from the
Master. 112
dwqI swihb sMdIAw ikAw clY iqsu nwil ] ieik jwgMdy nw lhin@ iekn@w suiqAw dyie auTwil ]113]
daatee saahib saNdee-aa, ki-aa chalai tis naal.
ik jaagaNday naa lahnih, iknhaa suti-aa day-ay uṭaal. ||113||
(All) the gifts are from the Master; who can force Him (to bestow them)?
Some are awake and (still they) do not receive (the gifts); and, to some He wakes from sleep to
bless them. 113
FUFydIey suhwg kU qau qin kweI kor ] ijn@w nwau suhwgxI iqn@w Jwk n hor ]114]
ḍooḍaydee-ay suhaag koo, ta-o tan kaa-ee kor.
jinhaa naa-o suhaagaṇee, tinhaa jhaak na hor. ||114||
(O! soul bride) you search for Husband (Lord); you (must) have some fault in your body.
Those, who are known as happy (soul) brides, do not look for anyone else. 114
sbr mMJ kmwx ey sbru kw nIhxo ] sbr sMdw bwxu Kwlku Kqw n krI ]115]
sabar maNjh kamaaṇ, ay sabar kaa neehṇo. sabar saNdaa baaṇ, khaalak khataa na karee. ||115||
If one has the bow of patience within, and, makes patience the string; and,
makes patience as (his) arrow, (then) the Creator will not let him miss the target. 115
sbr AMdir swbrI qnu eyvY jwlyin@ ] hoin njIik Kudwie dY Byqu n iksY dyin ]116]
sabar aNdar saabree, tan ayvai jaalaynih. hon najeek khudaa-ay dai, bhayt na kisai dayn. ||116||
Those, who are patient, (and abide) in patience, and, they burn (their ego within) their body.
They are close to God; (but) they do not reveal their secret to anyone. 116
sbru eyhu suAwau jy qUM bMdw idVu krih ] viD QIvih drIAwau tuit n QIvih vwhVw ]117]
sabar ayhu su-aa-o, jay too baNdaa diṛ karahi.

vadh theeveh daree-aa-o, tut na theeveh vaahṛaa. ||117||

This patience is the purpose (of life); if you plant this within (your being),
(then, you shall) grow into the river, and, shall not get broken to become a rivulet. 117
PrIdw drvysI gwKVI copVI prIiq ] fareedaa, darvaysee gaakh-ṛee, chopṛee pareet.
Farid (says): it is difficult to be a dervish (detached / mendicant), (it is easier to) love buttered
iekin iknY cwlIAY drvyswvI rIiq ]118] ikan kinai chaalee-ai, darvaysaavee reet. ||118||
Only some rare ones follow the way of a dervish. 118
qnu qpY qnUr ijau bwlxu hf blµin@ ] tan tapai tanoor ji-o, baalan had balaNnih.
My body is burning like an oven, and, (in it) my bones (are burning) like firewood.
pYrI QkW isir julW jy mUM iprI imlµin@ ]119] pairee thakaan sir julaan, jay mooN piree milaNnih. ||119||
If my feet are tired, I will walk on my head — if (by doing so) I can meet my Beloved (Lord). 119
qnu n qpwie qnUr ijau bwlxu hf n bwil ] tan na tapaa-ay tanoor ji-o, baalan had na baal.
[Though Mehlaa 3 or 5 does not appear as heading but saloks 120 and 121 seem to be written by the Guru. In salok
number 121, Nanak as poet-name (poets’’s seal) proves it]:
Do not burn your body like oven, and, do not burn your bones like firewood.

isir pYrI ikAw PyiVAw AMdir iprI inhwil ]120] sir pairee ki-aa fayṛi-aa, aNdar piree nihaal. ||120||
What wrong your head and feet have done to you? Behold your Beloved within yourself. 120
hau FUFydI sjxw sjxu mYfy nwil ] nwnk AlKu n lKIAY gurmuiK dyie idKwil ]121]
ha-o ḍooḍaydee sajṇaa, sajaṇ maiday naal.
naanak, alakh na lakhee-ai, gurmukh day-ay dikhaal. ||121||
I am searching for my Friend (the Lord), (but) my Friend (the Lord) is (already) with me (i.e.
dwelling in my heart).
Nanak (says): the Unseen (Lord) cannot be seen; He reveals Himself through the Guru. 121
hMsw dyiK qrMidAw bgw AwieAw cwau ] fuib muey bg bpuVy isru qil aupir pwau ]122]
haNsaa daykh taraNdi-aa, bagaa aa-i-aa chaa-o.
dub mu-ay bag bapuṛay, sir tal upar paa-o. ||122||
Seeing the swans swimming, the cranes became aspirant. The poor cranes were drowned to
death, with their head down (i.e. below the water) and their feet above. 122
mY jwixAw vf hMsu hY qW mY kIqw sMgu ] jy jwxw bgu bpuVw jnim n ByVI AMgu ]123]
mai jaaṇi-aa vad haNs hai, taan mai keetaa saNg.
jay jaaṇaa bag bapuṛaa, janam na bhayṛee aNg. ||123||
I thought him as a great swan, so I joined his company. If I had known that he was a wretched
crane, I would never, in my life, had let any part of my body touch him. 123
ikAw hMsu ikAw bgulw jw kau ndir Dry ] jy iqsu BwvY nwnkw kwghu hMsu kry ]124]
ki-aa haNs ki-aa bagulaa, jaa ka-o nadar dharay.
jay tis bhaavai, naankaa, kaagahu haNs karay. ||124||
[Though Mehlaa 3 or 5 does not appear as heading but salok number 124seems to be written by the Guru. In 121 Nanak as
poet-name (poets’’s seal) proves it]:
(It does not make any difference) whether it is a swan or a crane – if God bestows His Grace.
Nanak (says): if God Wills, He can transform (even) a crow into a swan. 124
srvr pMKI hykVo PwhIvwl pcws ] iehu qnu lhrI gfu iQAw scy qyrI Aws ]125]
sarvar paNkhee haykṛo, faaheevaal pachaas. ih tan lahree gad thi-aa, sachay tayree aas. ||125||
In the pool, there is only one bird, (but there are) fifty hunters.
The body is caught in the waves (of vices); O! True (Lord), You are my (only) hope. 125
kvxu su AKru kvxu guxu kvxu su mxIAw mMqu ] kvxu su vyso hau krI ijqu vis AwvY kMqu ]126]
kavaṇ so akhar, kavaṇ guṇ, kavaṇ so maṇee-aa maNt.
kavaṇ so vayso ha-o karee, jit vas aavai kaNt. ||126||
What is that word, what is that virtue , and, what is that chant and bead of rosary (to rotate)?
Which robe should I wear, with which I can charm my Husband (Lord). 126
invxu su AKru Kvxu guxu ijhbw mxIAw mMqu ] ey qRY BYxy vys kir qW vis AwvI kMqu ]127]
nivaṇ so akhar, khavaṇ guṇ, jihbaa maṇee-aa maNt.
ay tarai bhaiṇay vays kar taan vas aavee kaNt. ||127||
(The answer to the above question is): humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and, (sweet)
tongue is the chant and the bead of rosary (to rotate).
O! sister : wear these three robes, and, then you will charm(i.e. please) your Husband (Lord). 127

miq hodI hoie ieAwxw ] qwx hody hoie inqwxw ] Axhody Awpu vMfwey ] ko AYsw Bgqu sdwey ]128]
mat hodee, ho-ay i-aaṇaa. taaṇ hoday, ho-ay nitaaṇaa.
aṇhoday, aap vaNdaa-ay. ko aisaa, bhagat sadaa-ay. ||128||
If one is wise, but behaves as an innocent; if one has power, but behaves as humble;
If one has little (to share), but (still) shares with others;
only such a person can be called (real) devotee. 128
ieku iPkw n gwlwie sBnw mY scw DxI ] ihAwau n kYhI Twih mwxk sB Amolvy ]129]
ik fikaa na gaalaa-ay, sabhnaa mai sachaa dhaṇee.
hi-aa-o na kaihee ṭaahi, maaṇak sabh amolvay. ||129||
Do not speak even a discourteous word (to any one); the True Master abides in all.
Do not break anyone's heart, all (beings) are (like) priceless jewels. 129
sBnw mn mwixk Twhxu mUil mcWgvw ] jy qau iprIAw dI isk ihAwau n Twhy khI dw ]130]
sabhnaa man maaṇik, ṭaahaṇ mool machaangvaa.
jay ta-o piree-aa dee sik, hi-aa-o na ṭaahay kahee daa. ||130||
The minds of all are (like) priceless jewels; to hurt them is not good at all.
If you yearn for your Beloved (Lord), do not hurt anyone's heart. 130

pRwn nwQ AnwQ sKy dIn drd invwr ]1] praan naath, anaath sakhay, deen darad nivaar. ||1||
O! Lord of breath (of life), O! Companion of the master-less,O! Remover of pains of the poor. 1
hy smRQ Agm pUrn moih mieAw Dwir ]2] hay samrath, agam, pooran, mohi ma-i-aa dhaar. ||2||
O! All-powerfull, Inaccessible, Perfect (Lord), (please) bestow Your Grace upon me. 2
AMD kUp mhw BieAwn nwnk pwir auqwr ]3]8]30]
aNdh koop, mahaa bha-i-aan, naanak, paar utaar. ||3||8||30||
Nanak (says): (this world is like) the blind well, greatly terrifying ---- (please) carry me to the
other side. 3.8.30
mlwr mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 1 Malaar, Mehlaa 1, asatpadee-aa, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
ckvI nYn nˆØId nih cwhY ibnu ipr nˆØId n pweI ] chakvee, nain neend neh chaahai, bin pir, neend na paa-ee.
The chakvi (i.e. ruddy sheldrake) does not want sleep in her (sleepy) eyes; without her beloved ,
she does not sleep.
sUru crHY ipRau dyKY nYnI iniv iniv lwgY pWeI ]1]
soor charhai, pari-o daykhai nainee, niv niv laagai paan-ee. ||1||
When the sun rises, she sees her beloved with her eyes, she bows and bows and touches his
[Rudy sheldrake has been presented as a symbol of soul-bride and the sun symbolizes God; as rudy sheldrake cannot
remain without seeing the sun, just so the soul-bride cannot live without beholding the vision of God].
ipr BwvY pRymu sKweI ] pir bhaavai praym sakhaa-ee.
The love of my Beloved Companion is pleasing.
iqsu ibnu GVI nhI jig jIvw AYsI ipAws iqsweI ]1] rhwau ]
tis bin, ghaṛee nahee jag jeevaa, aisee pi-aas tisaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without Him, I cannot live in this world, even for an instant; such is my thirst for (i.e. longing
for beholding) Him. 1 (pause)
srvir kmlu ikrix AwkwsI ibgsY shij suBweI ] sarvar kamal, kiraṇ aakaasee, bigsai sahj subhaa-ee.
The lotus is in the pool, and the ray (of the sun) is in the sky; (but, it loves the rays so much that
beholding it) it blooms, with natural ease.
pRIqm pRIiq bnI AB AYsI joqI joiq imlweI ]2] preetam preet banee abh aisee, jotee jot milaa-ee. ||2||
Such is the love for the Beloved, in my heart, that my light has merged into His Light. 2
cwiqRku jl ibnu ipRau ipRau tyrY iblp krY ibllweI ] chaatrik, jal bin pari-o pari-o tayrai, bilap karai billaa-ee.
Without (rain) water, the Chatrik (i.e. rain bird/ sparrow hawk) cries out: ‘pri-o’ ‘pri-o’ (i.e. O!
beloved, O! beloved); and, laments and bewails (for it).
Gnhr Gor dsO idis brsY ibnu jl ipAws n jweI ]3]
ghanhar ghor dasou dis barsai, bin jal pi-aas na jaa-ee. ||3||
The thundering clouds rain down in ten directions (i.e. everywhere), but without water (i.e.
until its mouth catches rain drop), its thirst is not quenched. 3
mIn invws aupjY jl hI qy suK duK purib kmweI ]
meen nivaas upjai jal hee tay, sukh dukh purab kamaa-ee.
The fish lives in the water from which it was born; it finds happiness and pain according to its
past actions.

iKnu iqlu rih n skY plu jl ibnu mrnu jIvnu iqsu qWeI ]4]
khin til reh na sakai pal jal bin, maran jeevan tis taan-ee. ||4||
It cannot live (i.e. survive) without water, even for a while, for an instant; its life and death are
in it (i.e. depend upon it). 4
Dn vWFI ipru dys invwsI scy gur pih sbdu pTweˆØI ]
dhan vaanḍee, pir days nivaasee, sachay gur peh sabad paṭaa-een.
The wife (i.e. soul bride) is separated from Husband (Lord); He lives in His own country (i.e.
His mansion); He sends His word (i.e. message) through the True Guru.
gux sMgRih pRBu irdY invwsI Bgiq rqI hrKweI ]5]
guṇ saNgrahi, prabh ridai nivaasee, bhagat ratee harkhaa-ee. ||5||
She gathers virtues, and the Lord who dwells in her heart (is revealed); and, imbued with
(loving) devotion, she becomes happy. 5.
ipRau ipRau krY sBY hY jyqI gur BwvY ipRau pweˆØI ]
pri-o pri-o karai sabhai hai jaytee, gur bhaavai pari-o paa-een.
Everyone cries out (i.e. all the soul brides cry out): ‘pri-o’ ‘pri-o’ (i.e. O! beloved, O! beloved);
but, she alone finds her Beloved (Lord) who is pleasing to the Guru.
ipRau nwly sd hI sic sMgy ndrI myil imlweI ]6]
pari-o naalay, sad hee sach saNgay, nadree mayl milaa-ee. ||6||
The Beloved (Lord) is always with us; and, one who is attached to the True (Lord), is united in
His union through the Glance (of Grace of the Guru). 6
sB mih jIau jIau hY soeI Git Git rihAw smweI ]
sabh meh jee-o, jee-o hai so-ee, ghat ghat rahi-aa samaa-ee.
He is the life in everyone, He alone is the life; He pervades each and every heart.
gur prswid Gr hI prgwisAw shjy shij smweI ]7]
gur parsaad ghar hee pargaasi-aa, sehjay sahj samaa-ee. ||7||
By the Grace of the Guru, He is revealed within the home (i.e. heart), and, one is absorbed into
Him with natural ease. 7
Apnw kwju svwrhu Awpy suKdwqy gosWeˆØI ] apnaa kaaj savaarahu aapay, sukh-daatay gosaan-een.
O! Giver of Happiness, Lord of the World, You Yourself settled all affairs (and attach the
beings to Yourself).
gur prswid Gr hI ipru pwieAw qau nwnk qpiq buJweI ]8]1]
gur parsaad ghar hee pir paa-i-aa, ta-o naanak tapat bujhaa-ee. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): by the Grace of the Guru, one finds the Husband (Lord) within the home (i.e.
heart), and, the heat (i.e. fire of desires) is extinguished. 8.1

mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1

jwgqu jwig rhY gur syvw ibnu hir mY ko nwhI ] jaagat jaag rahai gur sayvaa, bin har mai ko naahee.
(O! mortal) remain awake and aware in the service of the Guru, (and remember that) ‘except
God, no one is mine’.
Aink jqn kir rhxu n pwvY Awcu kwcu Fir pWhI ]1]
anik jatan kar rahaṇ na paavai, aach kaach ḍar paanhee. ||1||
Even by making many efforts, it (i.e. the body) shall not remain (forever); it shall melt like glass
in fire. 1

iesu qn Dn kw khhu grbu kYsw ] is tan dhan kaa, kah-hu garab kaisaa.
(O! brethren) tell me, why are you so proud of your body and wealth?
ibnsq bwr n lwgY bvry haumY grib KpY jgu AYsw ]1] rhwau ]
binsat baar na laagai, bavray, ha-umai garab khapai jag aisaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They shall perish in no time, O! crazy being; this is how the world is perishing away in egotism
and self-conceit. 1 (pause)
jY jgdIs pRBU rKvwry rwKY prKY soeI ] jai jagdees prabhoo rakhvaaray, raakhai parkhai so-ee.
Hail to the Lord, the Lord of Universe, our Protector; He alone (Himself) judges and saves (all
the beings).
jyqI hY qyqI quJ hI qy qum@ sir Avru n koeI ]2] jaytee hai taytee tujh hee tay, tumh sar avar na ko-ee. ||2||
All (the world) that is, it begs from You; no one else is equal to You (O! Lord). 2
jIA aupwie jugiq vis kInI Awpy gurmuiK AMjnu ] jee-a upaa-ay jugat vas keenee, aapay gurmukh aNjan.
Creating the beings, You have kept their ways under You; You bless them collyrium (i.e. light
of knowledge) through the Guru.
Amru AnwQ srb isir morw kwl ibkwl Brm BY KMjnu ]3]
amar anaath sarab sir moraa, kaal bikaal bharam bhai khaNjan. ||3||
My Master is eternal, master-less (i.e. subordinate to no one), over the heads of all; He is the
Destroyer of doubts and fears of (the cycle of) death and birth. 3
P. 1274
kwgd kotu iehu jgu hY bpuro rMgin ichn cqurweI ] nwn@I sI bUMd pvnu piq KovY jnim mrY iKnu qweˆØI ]4]
kaagad kot ih jag hai bapuro, raNgan chihan chaturaa-ee.
naanhee see booNd, pavan pat khovai, janam marai khin taa-een. ||4||
This poor world is (like) a fortress of paper, (which has been) cleverly given colours and forms.
(But) a tiny drop (of water) or (a gust of) wind, can damage its glamour (i.e. of the fortress of
paper); (just so) it (i.e. the world) is born and dies, in an instant. 4
ndI aupkMiT jYsy Gru qrvru srpin Gru Gr mwhI ] aultI ndI khW Gru qrvru srpin fsY dUjw mn mWhI ]5]
nadee upkhaNṭ, jaisay ghar tarvar, sarpan ghar ghar maahee.
ultee nadee, kahaan ghar tarvar, sarpan dasai, doojaa man maanhee. ||5||
It is like a house or tree near the bank of a river, or, there is a den of serpent in the house.
When the river changes its course, then what remains of the house or the tree; and, the serpent
bites; (just so is) the duality of the mind. 5
gwruV gur igAwnu iDAwnu gur bcnI ibiKAw gurmiq jwrI ]
gaaruṛ gur gi-aan dhi-aan gur bachnee, bikhi-aa gurmat jaaree.
The ‘Gaaruṛ’* (charm) of the Guru, the (spiritual) knowledge and meditation and Guru’s
teachings (is magic spell); and, the poison (of the venom of Maya, the serpent) is burnt away,
through the wisdom of the Guru.
[*In mythology, Gaaruṛ / Garuda is the mount (carriage) of Vishnu (a mythical god); it is depicted as having the golden
body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak. In myth, Garuda is depicted as the eternal sworn
enemy of the serpents, and, is known for feeding exclusively on snakes. Gaaruṛ / Garuda is also presented as the charm or
amulet to protect from snake attack and its poison].
mn qn hyNv Bey scu pwieAw hir kI Bgiq inrwrI ]6]
man tan haynv bha-ay sach paa-i-aa, har kee bhagat niraaree. ||6||
The mind and the body are cooled (i.e. soothed) when one is blessed with the Truth (i.e true
Name); such unique (i.e. wondrous) is the devotion of God. 6

jyqI hY qyqI quDu jwcY qU srb jIAW dieAwlw ] jaytee hai taytee tudh jaachai, too sarab jee-aan da-i-aalaa.
All that it is (i.e. all the creation that is seen), begs of You, and, You are Merciful to all beings.
qum@rI srix pry piq rwKhu swcu imlY gopwlw ]7]
tumhree saraṇ paray, pat raakho, saach milai, gopaalaa. ||7||
We have entered Your refuge, (please) save our honour, and, bless us with Truth (i.e. true
Name), O! Sustainer of the World. 7
bwDI DMiD AMD nhI sUJY biDk krm kmwvY ] baadhee dhaNdh aNdh nahee soojhai, badhik karam kamaavai.
Bound in entanglements, the blind (people of the world) do not understand, and, act like the
bonded labourer.
siqgur imlY q sUJis bUJis sc min igAwnu smwvY ]8]
satgur milai ta soojhas boojhas, sach man gi-aan samaavai. ||8||
(But) if one meets the True Guru, then one understands and realizes; and, the true knowledge
is diffused in his mind. 8
inrgux dyh swc ibnu kwcI mY pUCau guru Apnw ] nwnk so pRBu pRBU idKwvY ibnu swcy jgu supnw ]9]2]
nirguṇ dayh, saach bin kaachee, mai poochha-o gur apnaa.
naanak, so prabh prabhoo dikhaavai, bin saachay jag supnaa. ||9||2||
Without Truth (i.e. True Name), the virtue-less body is false; (so) I ask my Guru (the path of
God). Nanak (says): (through the Guru) the Lord reveals the Lord (i.e. Himself) to me; without
the True (Lord) the world is (just like) a dream. 9.2
mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1
cwiqRk mIn jl hI qy suKu pwvih swirMg sbid suhweI ]1]
chaatrik meen jal hee tay sukh paavahi, saariNg sabad suhaa-ee. ||1||
The chaatrik (i.e. rain bird / song bird) and the fish find happiness with the water, and, the deer
is pleased by the word (i.e sound of the bell of the hunter). 1
rYin bbIhw boilE myrI mweI ]1] rhwau ] rain babeehaa boli-o, mayree maa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The babeehaa (i.e. sparrow hawk) chirps in the night, O! my mother. 1 (pause)
ipRA isau pRIiq n aultY kbhU jo qY BwvY sweI ]2]
pri-a si-o preet na ultai kabhoo, jo tai bhaavai, saa-ee. ||2||
(As the love of the chaatrik, fish and babeeha does not end, just so) my love with my Beloved
(Lord) shall never be reversed (i.e. shall never get broken); if it is Your Will, O! my Master. 2
nId geI haumY qin QwkI sc miq irdY smweI ]3]
need ga-ee ha-umai tan thaakee, sach mat ridai samaa-ee. ||3||
My sleep (of Maya) is gone, the egotism is exhausted (i.e. subdued) from the body; and, true
wisdom (of meditation) is diffused in my heart. 3
rUKˆØI ibrKˆØI aUfau BUKw pIvw nwmu suBweI ]4]
rookheen birkheen ooda-o bhookhaa, peevaa naam subhaa-ee. ||4||
(Like the rain bird) I fly among the trees and the plants (i.e. sources of food), (yet) I remain
hungry; and, I lovingly drink in the Name (of the Lord and get satiated). 4
locn qwr llqw ibllwqI drsn ipAws rjweI ]5] lochan taar laltaa billaatee, darsan pi-aas rajaa-ee. ||5||
My eyes constantly gaze, and, my tongue is crying out, with great thirst for His vision. 5
ipRA ibnu sIgwru krI qyqw qnu qwpY kwpru AMig n suhweI ]6]
pri-a bin seegaar karee, taytaa tan taapai, kaapar aNg na suhaa-ee. ||6||
Without my Beloved, the more I decorate myself, the more my body burns; (even) the clothes
do not look nice on body. 6

Apny ipAwry ibnu ieku iKnu rih n skNau ibn imly nˆØId n pweI ]7]
apnay pi-aaray bin, ik khin reh na sakna-u, bin milay neend na paa-ee. ||7||
Without my Beloved, I cannot live (i.e. survive) even for an instant, and, without meeting Him,
I cannot (even) sleep. 7
ipru njIik n bUJY bpuVI siqguir dIAw idKweI ]8]
pir najeek, na boojhai bapuṛee, satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ee. ||8||
(Her) Husband (Lord) is nearby (within her heart), (but) the poor, (soul bride) does not realize it;
(but) the True Guru has shown (i.e. revealed Him) to her. 8
shij imilAw qb hI suKu pwieAw iqRsnw sbid buJweI ]9]
sahj mili-aa, tab hee sukh paa-i-aa, tarisnaa sabad bujhaa-ee. ||9||
(When) she met Him, with natural ease, so she found (spiritual) happiness, and, her desire was
quenched by the Word. 9
khu nwnk quJ qy mnu mwinAw kImiq khnu n jweI ]10]3]
kaho naanak, tujh tay man maani-aa, keemat kahan na jaa-ee. ||10||3||
Says Nanak: my mind is pleased with You, (O! Lord) Your worth cannot be described. 10.3

mlwr mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 2 Malaar, Mehlaa 1, asatpadee-aa, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
AKlI aUNfI jlu Br nwil ] fUgru aUcau gVu pwqwil ]
akhlee oondee, jal bhar naal. doogar oocha-o, gaṛ paataal.
(The earth is) bent under the weight of the water, (as well as)
the high mountains and the trenches (i.e. caves which go) up to the nether-lands (i.e. the path of
life is so difficult).
swgru sIqlu gur sbd vIcwir ] saagar seetal, gur sabad veechaar.
(But) contemplating the Word of the Guru, the (world) ocean becomes calm (and one can
comfortably cross it).
mwrgu mukqw haumY mwir ]1] maarag muktaa, ha-umai maar. ||1||
The path to liberation (is found) by subduing ego. 1
mY AMDuly nwvY kI joiq ] mai aNdhulay, naavai kee jot.
I was blind (i.e. blinded by Maya), (but I have found) the Light of the Name (of the Lord).
nwm ADwir clw gur kY BY Byiq ]1] rhwau ] naam adhaar chalaa, gur kai bhai bhayt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Taking the support of the Name, I walk (on the path of life), in the fear of the Guru, and,
according to the mystery revealed by him. 1 (pause)
P. 1275
siqgur sbdI pwDru jwix ] satgur sabdee, paadhar jaaṇ.
Through the Word of the True Guru, the (true) path is known.
gur kY qkIAY swcY qwix ] gur kai takee-ai, saachai taaṇ.
With the support of the Guru, one is blessed with the strength of the True (Lord).
nwmu sm@wlis rUV@I bwix ] naam samhaalas, rooṛhee baaṇ.
(Having known the Lord’spath, and with his strength, one) remembers (i.e. meditates upon) the
Name (of the True Lord) through beautiful Word (of the Guru).

QYN BwvY dru lhis iprwix ]2] thain bhaavai, dar lahas piraaṇ. ||2||
(O! God) if it pleases You, (then) one can find the (i.e. Your) path. 2
aUfW bYsw eyk ilv qwr ] oodaan baisaa, ayk liv taar.
Flying (high) or sitting down, I am lovingly attuned to the One (Lord).
gur kY sbid nwm AwDwr ] gur kai sabad, naam aadhaar.
Through the Word of the Guru, I take the support of the Name.
nw jlu fUMgru n aUcI Dwr ] naa jal dooNgar, na oochee dhaar.
(Then) neither the waters (of vices), nor the mountains (i.e. pride), nor over-flowing waves (of
desires and aspirations) matter to me (i.e. these obstacles do not block my path).
inj Gir vwsw qh mgu n cwlxhwr ]3] nij ghar vaasaa, tah mag na chaalaṇhaar. ||3||
(Then) I dwell in my own home (i.e. heart), and, there is no one traveling on it (i.e. no duality). 3
ijqu Gir vsih qUhY ibiD jwxih bIjau mhlu n jwpY ]
jit ghar vaseh, toohai bidh jaaṇeh, beeja-o mahal na jaapai.
You alone know the ways to the home (i.e. heart) where You dwell; no other can know about
Your mansion.
siqgur bwJhu smJ n hovI sBu jgu dibAw CwpY ] satgur baajhahu samajh na hovee, sabh jag dabi-aa chhaapai.
Without the True Guru, there can be no understanding;
the whole world is buried under the nightmare (of ignorance).
krx plwv krY ibllwqau ibnu gur nwmu n jwpY ] karaṇ palaav karai billata-o, bin gur naam na jaapai.
(In such a state) one tries many sorts of efforts and wails, but, without the Guru, he does not
understand the Name.
pl pMkj mih nwmu Cfwey jy gur sbdu is\wpY ]4]
pal paNkaj meh naam chhadaa-ay, jay gur sabad sinjaapai. ||4||
The Name saves in the twinkling of an eye ---- if one realizes the Word of the Guru. 4
ieik mUrK AMDy mugD gvwr ] ik, moorakh aNdhay, mugadh gavaar.
Some are foolish and blind (i.e. blinded by Maya), (they behave as) stupid and ignorant.
ieik siqgur kY BY nwm ADwr ] ik, satgur kai bhai naam adhaar.
(Whereas) some live in the fear of the True Guru, and, take the support of the Name (of God).
swcI bwxI mITI AMimRq Dwr ] saachee baṇee, meeṭee aMmrit dhaar.
Through the True Word (of the Guru, they drink in) sweet stream of AMmrit (Name).
ijin pIqI iqsu moK duAwr ]5] jin peetee, tis mokh du-aar. ||5||
Whoever drinks it in, finds the door of liberation. 5
nwmu BY Bwie irdY vswhI gur krxI scu bwxI ] naam bhai bhaa-ay ridai vasaahee, gur karṇee sach baaṇee.
(Those persons, who) through the fear and love of the Name, enshrine it in their hearts, and, act
according to the instructions of the True Word of the Guru.
ieMdu vrsY Driq suhwvI Git Git joiq smwxI ] iNd varsai dharat suhaavee, ghat ghat jot samaaṇee.
The (Guru) cloud rains (blessing on them), and, the earth (i.e. their heart) becomes beautiful;
and, (they see) the light of God permeating each and every heart.
kwlir bIjis durmiq AYsI ingury kI nIswxI ] kaalar beejas, durmat aisee, niguray kee neesaaṇee.
The evil-minded plants the seed in saline (i.e. barren) land; such is the sign of the one who has
no Guru.
siqgur bwJhu Gor AMDwrw fUib muey ibnu pwxI ]6]
satgur baajhahu ghor aNdhaaraa, doob mu-ay bin paaṇee. ||6||
Without the True Guru, there is utter darkness (of ignorance); and, they (i.e. those without True
Guru) drown down even without water. 6

jo ikCu kIno su pRBU rjwie ] jo kichh keeno, so prabhoo rajaa-ay.
Whatever the Lord has done is (all) by His own Will.
jo Duir iliKAw su mytxw n jwie ] jo dhur likhi-aa, so maytṇaa na jaa-ay.
Whatever is pre-inscribed (on one’s forehead), cannot be erased.
hukmy bwDw kwr kmwie ] hukmay baadhaa, kaar kamaa-ay.
Bound in His Will, one does his deeds.
eyk sbid rwcY sic smwie ]7] ayk sabad raachai, sach samaa-ay. ||7||
One, who is absorbed in the One Word, merges in the True (Lord). 7
chu idis hukmu vrqY pRB qyrw chu idis nwm pqwlµ ]
chahu dis hukam vartai prabh tayraa, chahu dis naam pataalaN.
Your command rules in (all) the four directions, O! Lord; and, Your Name pervades in four
directions and (even) in the nether regions.
sB mih sbdu vrqY pRB swcw krim imlY bYAwlµ ]
sabh meh sabad vartai prabh saachaa, karam milai bay-aalaN.
The True Word of the Lord is pervading amongst all; and, by His Grace, one finds (i.e. one is
united with) the Eternal (Lord).
jWmxu mrxw dIsY isir aUBO KuiDAw indRw kwlµ] jaanmaṇ marṇaa deesai sir oobhou, khudhi-aa nidraa kaalaN.
Birth and death hang over the heads (of all beings); (and also) hunger, sleep and death.
nwnk nwmu imlY min BwvY swcI ndir rswlµ ]8]1]4]
naanak, naam milai man bhaavai, saachee nadar rasaalaN. ||8||1||4||
Nanak (says): through the Grace of the True (Lord), the Source of Bliss, one is blessed with the
Name, and (this Name) is pleasing to the mind. 8.1.4
mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 1
mrx mukiq giq swr n jwnY ] maraṇ mukat gat, saar na jaanai.
It (i.e. ignorant soul) does not know the state of death and liberation.
kMTy bYTI gur sbid pCwnY ]1] kaNṭay baiṭee, gur sabad pachhaanai. ||1||
(It is) sitting on bank of the river (i.e. last leg of life); (but, it can) realize through the Word of
the Guru. 1
qU kYsy AwiV PwQI jwil ] too kaisay aaṛ, faathee jaal.
O! stork (O! soul), how are you caught in the net (of death)?
AlKu n jwcih irdY sm@wil ]1] rhwau ] alakh na jaacheh, ridai samhaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why don’t you remember Him in your heart and seek for (the help of) the Unseen (God). 1
eyk jIA kY jIAw KwhI ] ayk jee-a, kai jee-aa khaahee.
For one (i.e. for your own) life, you eat many lives (from the water).
jil qrqI bUfI jl mwhI ]2] jal tartee, boodee jal maahee. ||2||
You swim on the water and you drown in the water (to pick up small animals for your food). 2
srb jIA kIey pRqpwnI ] sarab jee-a, kee-ay pratpaanee.
You have tormented all beings.
jb pkVI qb hI pCuqwnI ]3] jab pakṛee, tab hee pachhutaanee. ||3||
When you will be seized (by death), you shall (regret and) repent. 3
jb gil Pws pVI Aiq BwrI ] aUif n swkY pMK pswrI ]4]
jab gal faas paṛee, at bhaaree. ood na saakai, paNkh pasaaree. ||4||
When very strong noose (of the messenger of death) is placed around your neck,
(then) you shall not be able to fly by spreading your wings. 4

ris cUgih mnmuiK gwvwir ] PwQI CUtih gux igAwn bIcwir ]5]
ras choogeh, manmukh gaavaar. faathee chhooteh, guṇ gi-aan beechaar. ||5||
You enjoy tastes, O! mind-oriented, O! foolish.
(But you do not know that you are) trapped, you can only be saved by (inculcating) virtues,
(spiritual) wisdom and contemplation (of the Word). 5
siqguru syiv qUtY jmkwlu ] ihrdY swcw sbdu sm@wlu ]6]
satgur sayv tootai jamkaal. hirdai saachaa sabad samhaal. ||6||
Serving the True Guru, (the noose of) the messenger of death shall be broken;
(so) remember (i.e. dwell upon) the True Word in your heart. 6
gurmiq swcI sbdu hY swru ] hir kw nwmu rKY auir Dwir ]7]
gurmat saachee, sabad hai saar. har kaa naam, rakhai ur dhaar. ||7||
True (Eternal) is the wisdom (i.e. teaching) of the Guru, and, sublime is the Word.
Keeps the Name of God enshrined in your heart. 7
sy duK AwgY ij Bog iblwsy ] say dukh aagai, je bhog bilaasay.
One, who indulges in enjoying pleasures, shall suffer sorrows, hereafter.
nwnk mukiq nhI ibnu nwvY swcy ]8]2]5] naanak ,mukat nahee bin naavai saachay. ||8||2||5||
Nanak (says): there is no liberation without the True Name. 8.2.5
P. 1276
mlwr mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Gru 1 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3, asatpadee-aa, ghar 1
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
krmu hovY qw siqguru pweIAY ivxu krmY pwieAw n jwie ]
karam hovai taa satgur paa-ee-ai, viṇ karmai paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
If one is blessed by the Grace (of God), then one find the True Guru; without His Grace, he (i.e.
True Guru) cannot be found.
siqguru imilAY kMcnu hoeIAY jW hir kI hoie rjwie ]1]
satgur mili-ai kaNchan ho-ee-ai, jaan har kee ho-ay rajaa-ay. ||1||
Meeting the True Guru, one become (i.e. is transformed into) gold (i.e. virtuous, pure king), ----
(it happens) if it is the will of God. 1
mn myry hir hir nwim icqu lwie ] man mayray, har har naam chit laa-ay.
O! my mind, focus your consciousness upon the Name of God, the Lord.
siqgur qy hir pweIAY swcw hir isau rhY smwie ]1] rhwau ]
satgur tay har paa-ee-ai saachaa, har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the True Guru, God, the Truth is found; and, one remains merged in God. 1
siqgur qy igAwnu aUpjY qW ieh sMsw jwie ] satgur tay gi-aan oopjai, taan ih saNsaa jaa-ay.
(Divine)knowledge wells up through the True Guru; then the doubt (of the cycle of
reincarnation) is dispelled.
siqgur qy hir buJIAY grB jonI nh pwie ]2] satgur tay har bujhee-ai, garabh jonee nah paa-ay. ||2||
Through the Grace of the True Guru, one comes to realize God; and, then one is not consigned
to womb (i.e. is not reincarnated) again. 2

gur prswdI jIvq mrY mir jIvY sbdu kmwie ] gur parsaadee jeevat marai, mar jeevai sabad kamaa-ay.
By the Grace of the Guru, one dies while yet alive; and, by so dying, he lives (spiritually) by
earning (i.e. practising) the Word.
mukiq duAwrw soeI pwey ij ivchu Awpu gvwie ]3] mukat du-aaraa so-ee paa-ay, je vichahu aap gavaa-ay||3||
He alone finds the door of liberation, who eradicates self-conceit from within. 3
gur prswdI isv Gir jMmY ivchu skiq gvwie ] gur parsaadee siv& ghar jaMmai, vichahu sakat* gavaa-ay.
By the Grace of the Guru, he eradicates Maya** from within, and, is born in the home of God*
(and remains forever attached to God).
Acru crY ibbyk buiD pwey purKY purKu imlwie ]4]
achar charai bibayk budh paa-ay, purkhai purakh milaa-ay. ||4||
(Through the wisdom of the Guru) he is blessed with discerning wisdom, and, is united through
the (Guru) Person, with the Primal Person (i.e. God). 4
Dwqur bwjI sMswru Acyqu hY clY mUlu gvwie ] dhaatur baajee, saNsaar achayt hai, chalai mool gavaa-ay.
This (world) is a passing show (i.e. it is transitory); but, the world is not aware (of it); (hence)
losing his (spiritual) capital, one departs (empty-handed).
lwhw hir sqsMgiq pweIAY krmI plY pwie ]5] laahaa har satsaNgat paa-ee-ai, karmee palai paa-ay. ||5||
The profit of (the Name of) God is obtained in the True congregation; but (this profit) is found
through His Grace. 5
siqgur ivxu iknY n pwieAw min vyKhu irdY bIcwir ] satgur viṇ kinai na paa-i-aa, man vaykhhu, ridai beechaar.
Without the True Guru, no one finds (God); (O! brethren) see it through your mind and
contemplate it in your hearts.
vfBwgI guru pwieAw Bvjlu auqry pwir ]6] vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa, bhavjal utray paar. ||6||
Those, who have found the Guru by great (good) fortune, have crossed over of the terrifying
waters (of the world ocean). 6
hir nwmW hir tyk hY hir hir nwmu ADwru ] har naamaan har tayk hai, har har naam adhaar.
The Name of God, the Lord is my support; the Name of God, the Lord is my base.
ik®pw krhu guru mylhu hir jIau pwvau moK duAwru ]7]
kripaa karahu gur maylhu har jee-o, paava-o mokh du-aar. ||7||
O! dear God, (please) bestow Your Grace, and, get me to meet the Guru, that I may find the
door of liberation. 7
msqik illwit iliKAw Duir Twkuir mytxw n jwie ] mastak lilaat likhi-aa dhur ṭaakur, maytṇaa na jaa-ay.
Those, upon whose foreheads the Master has inscribed (destiny) from the very beginning,
that cannot be erased.
nwnk sy jn pUrn hoey ijn hir Bwxw Bwie ]8]1]
naanak, say jan pooran ho-ay, jin har bhaaṇaa bhaa-ay. ||8||1||
Nanak (says): those persons are perfect, who are pleased with the Will of God. 8.1
mlwr mhlw 3 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3
byd bwxI jgu vrqdw qRY gux kry bIcwru ] bayd baaṇee jag varatdaa, tarai guṇ karay beechaar.
The world is involved in the word of the Vedas, and, reflects on the three gunaas* (but does not
think of the fourth state**).
[*guna,literally:quality / tendency /disposition; Three gunaas are: Satav, Rajas and Tamas. Satav represents
preservation, Rajas represents creation and activity, Tamas represents destruction. According to another interpretation
sattav represents purity, light, peace, rajas represents movement and energy, tamas represents lethargy, inertia. All the
activities, of the entire world, are subject tor these qualities.
**Chautha Pad, literally ‘fourth stage/state’, means beyond ‘three gunaas’; this is the state/realm of of spiritual

knowledge. This is also an assumed state of the ‘four stages’ of perceiving/spirit: (jaagat, sovat, sukhupati, turiya;
respectively: awake, dreaming, deep sleep, pure impersonal spirit / Brahm); in Sikhism the term ‘chautha pad’ i.e. ‘fourth
sate’ is used in reference to consciousness/ spiritual awareness / knowledge].
ibnu nwvY jm fMfu shY mir jnmY vwro vwr ] bin naavai jam daNd sahai, mar janmai vaaro vaar.
Without (meditation upon) the Name, it suffers punished by the messenger of death; and, it
dies to be born (in reincarnation), again and again.
siqgur Byty mukiq hoie pwey moK duAwru ]1] satgur bhaytay, mukat ho-ay, paa-ay mokh du-aar. ||1||
Meeting with the True Guru, it is liberated, and, finds the door of salvation. 1
mn ry siqguru syiv smwie ] man ray, satgur sayv samaa-ay.
O! (my) mind, serve the True Guru and remain absorbed (in God).
vfY Bwig gur pUrw pwieAw hir hir nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
vadai bhaag gur pooraa paa-i-aa, har har naam dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By great (good) fortune, one finds the perfect Guru, and, (through the Guru) one meditates
upon the Name of God, the Lord. 1 (pause)
hir AwpxY BwxY isRsit aupweI hir Awpy dyie ADwru ]
har aapṇai bhaaṇai sarisat upaa-ee, har aapay day-ay adhaar.
God has created the world in His own Will, and, He Himself gives it sustenance.
hir AwpxY BwxY mnu inrmlu kIAw hir isau lwgw ipAwru ]
har aapṇai bhaaṇai man nirmal kee-aa, har si-o laagaa pi-aar.
God, in His own Will, makes one’s mind immaculate, and, one is lovingly attuned to God.
hir kY BwxY siqguru ByitAw sBu jnmu svwrxhwru ]2]
har kai bhaaṇai satgur bhayti-aa, sabh janam savaaraṇhaar. ||2||
In the Will of God, one meet the True Guru, the embellisher of all his life. 2
vwhu vwhu bwxI siq hY gurmuiK bUJY koie ] vaahu vaahu baṇee sat hai, gurmukh boojhai ko-ay.
Hail! hail! the Word of the Guru is True (i.e. Eternal); some rare one understands it through
the Guru.
vwhu vwhu kir pRBu swlwhIAY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
vaahu vaahu kar prabh salaahee-ai, tis jayvad avar na ko-ay.
Praise the Lord, chanting ‘hail’, ‘hail’ (for Him); no one is as great as He is.
Awpy bKsy myil ley krim prwpiq hoie ]3] aapay bakhsay mayl la-ay, karam paraapat ho-ay. ||3||
He Himself blesses and unites one ( in His union), when one obtains His Grace. 3
swcw swihbu mwhro siqguir dIAw idKwie ] saachaa saahib maahro, satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ay.
The True Master is the (perfect) Knower (i.e. knows everything), the True Guru has shown (i.e.
revealed) it to me.
AMimRqu vrsY mnu sMqoKIAY sic rhY ilv lwie ] aMmrit varsai, man saNtokhee-ai, sach rahai liv laa-ay.
(When) AMmrit (Name) rains down, the mind is satisfied, and, one remains lovingly attuned to
the True (Lord).
hir kY nwie sdw hrIAwvlI iPir sukY nw kumlwie ]4]
har kai naa-ay sadaa haree-aavalee fir sukai naa kumlaa-ay. ||4||
In the Name of God, it is forever green (i.e. spiritual joy); and, it does not whither away or dry
up again. 4

P. 1277
ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieE min vyKhu ko pqIAwie ] bin satgur kinai na paa-i-o, man vaykhhu ko patee-aa-ay.
Without the True Guru, no one can find (the Lord); one may try and see it with his mind.
hir ikrpw qy siqguru pweIAY BytY shij suBwie ] har kirpaa tay satgur paa-ee-ai, bhaytai sahj subhaa-ay.
By the Grace of God, the True Guru is found; (and then) one meets (the Lord) with natural
mnmuK Brim BulwieAw ibnu Bwgw hir Dnu n pwie ]5]
manmukh bharam bhulaa-i-aa, bin bhaagaa har dhan na paa-ay. ||5||
The mind-oriented one is deluded by doubt; without (good) fortune, the wealth of (the Name
of) God is not obtained. 5
qRY gux sBw Dwqu hY piV piV krih vIcwru ] tarai guṇ sabhaa dhaat hai, paṛ paṛ karahi veechaar.
The three gunaas are totally Maya, (people) read and study and contemplate it;
mukiq kdy n hoveI nhu pwiein@ moK duAwru ] mukat kaday na hova-ee, nahu paa-inih mokh du-aar.
(These people) are never liberated; they cannot find the door of liberation.
ibnu siqgur bMDn n quthI nwim n lgY ipAwru ]6] bin satgur baNdhan na tuthee, naam na lagai pi-aar. ||6||
Without the True Guru, one is not released from bondage; nor does one embrace love for the
Name. 6
piV piV pMifq monI Qky bydW kw AiBAwsu ] paṛ paṛ paNdit monee thakay, baydaan kaa abhi-aas.
Reading and studying, and practicing the thought of the Vedas, the pandits (i.e. religious
scholars and the priests) and the silent sages have grown weary.
hir nwmu iciq n AwveI nh inj Gir hovY vwsu ] har naam chit na aavee, nah nij ghar hovai vaas.
The Name of God does not even enter in their minds, nor do they dwell in their own home (i.e.
jmkwlu isrhu n auqrY AMqir kpt ivxwsu ]7] jamkaal sirahu na utrai, aNtar kapat viṇaas. ||7||
The messenger of death does not move away from (i.e. remain hovering over) their heads; and,
they are ruined by the deceit within themselves. 7
hir nwvY no sBu ko prqwpdw ivxu BwgW pwieAw n jwie ]
har naavai no sabh ko partaapdaa, viṇ bhaagaan paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
Everyone longs for (obtaining) the Name of God, but, without (good) fortune, it is not
ndir kry guru BytIAY hir nwmu vsY min Awie ] nadar karay gur bhaytee-ai, har naam vasai man aa-ay.
When He (i.e. God) bestows His Glance (of Grace), one meets the Guru, and, the Name of God
comes to dwell within the mind.
nwnk nwmy hI piq aUpjY hir isau rhW smwie ]8]2]
naanak, naamay hee pat oopjai, har si-o rahaan samaa-ay. ||8||2||
Nanak (says): through the Name, honour wells up, and, one remains merged in God. 8.2

mlwr mhlw 3 AstpdI Gru 2 ] Malaar, Mehlaa 3, asatpadee, ghar 2

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hir hir ik®pw kry gur kI kwrY lwey ] har har kirpaa karay, gur kee kaarai laa-ay.
If God, the Lord, bestows (His) Grace, He attaches one to the task (i.e. service) of the Guru

duKu pl@ir hir nwmu vswey ] dukh palhar, har naam vasaa-ay.
(Then) his sorrows are taken away, and, God's Name comes to dwell within (the mind).
swcI giq swcY icqu lwey ] saachee gat, saachai chit laa-ay.
By attaching (his mind) to the True (Lord), he obtains true (spiritual) state.
gur kI bwxI sbid suxwey ]1] gur kee baṇee, sabad suṇaa-ay. ||1||
(Then) he speaks (i.e. preaches) the teachings of Guru, through the Word. 1
mn myry hir hir syiv inDwnu ] man mayray, har har sayv nidhaan.
O! my mind, serve God, the Lord, (this is the true) treasure.
gur ikrpw qy hir Dnu pweIAY Anidnu lwgY shij iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ]
gur kirpaa tay har dhan paa-ee-ai, an-din laagai sahj dhi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By the Grace of the Guru, the wealth of (the Name of) God is obtained; and, day and night, one
remains focussed on meditation with natural ease. 1 (pause)
ibnu ipr kwmix kry sˆØIgwru ] duhcwrxI khIAY inq hoie KuAwru ]
bin pir, kaamaṇ karay seengaar. duhchaarṇee kahee-ai, nit ho-ay khu-aar.
The charming lady (i.e. soul bride) who decorates herself without her Husband (Lord),
(she) is called (i.e. is known as) of bad character (i.e. immoral/ vicious), and, constantly suffers.
mnmuK kw iehu bwid Awcwru ] manmukh kaa, ih baad aachaar.
This is the useless conduct (i.e way of life) of a mind-oriented one.
bhu krm idRVwvih nwmu ivswir ]2] baho karam dariṛaaveh, naam visaar. ||2||
He implants (i.e. enshrines / learns) so many actions (in his mind), but forgets the Name. 2
gurmuiK kwmix bixAw sIgwru ] sbdy ipru rwiKAw aur Dwir ]
gurmukh, kaamaṇ baṇi-aa seegaar. sabday, pir raakhi-aa ur dhaar.
The charming lady (soul bride), who is embellished through the Guru,
(she) enshrines the Husband (Lord) within her heart, through the Word.
eyku pCwxY haumY mwir ] soBwvMqI khIAY nwir ]3]
ayk pachhaaṇai, ha-umai maar. sobhaavaNtee kahee-ai naar. ||3||
Subduing her ego, she realizes the One (Lord, alone); and,
she is called a dignified (soul) bride. 3
ibnu gur dwqy iknY n pwieAw ] bin gur daatay, kinai na paa-i-aa.
Without the Guru, the Giver, no one obtains (union with the Lord).
mnmuK loiB dUjY loBwieAw ] manmukh lobh, doojai lobhaa-i-aa.
The mind-oriented one is enticed by duality.
AYsy igAwnI bUJhu koie ] ibnu gur Byty mukiq n hoie ]4]
aisay gi-aanee boojhhu ko-ay. bin gur bhaytay mukat na ho-ay. ||4||
Some rare one of a gissnee(i.e. spiritual scholar) realizes it (that):
without meeting the Guru, liberation is not obtained. 4
kih kih khxu khY sBu koie ] ibnu mn mUey Bgiq n hoie ]
kahi kahi kahaṇ, kahai sabh ko-ay. bin man moo-ay, bhagat na ho-ay.
(It is just to) say and say for the sake of saying, and, everyone says (that he meditates);
(but) without subduing the mind, there can be no devotion.
igAwn mqI kml prgwsu ] iqqu Git nwmY nwim invwsu ]5]
gi-aan matee, kamal pargaas. tit ghat, naamai naam nivaas. ||5||
With the knowledge of (spiritual) wisdom, the lotus (of mind) blossoms forth; and,
in that heart, the Name comes to abide. 5

haumY Bgiq kry sBu koie ] nw mnu BIjY nw suKu hoie ]
ha-umai, bhagat karay sabh ko-ay. naa man bheejai, naa sukh ho-ay.
In egotism, everyone performs devotion (i.e. rituals of worship);
(but, with this) neither his mind is softened, nor does he obtain (spiritual) happiness.
kih kih khxu Awpu jwxwey ] kahi kahi kahaṇ, aap jaaṇaa-ay.
By saying and saying for the sake of saying, one shows off his self-conceit;
ibrQI Bgiq sBu jnmu gvwey ]6] birthee bhagat, sabh janam gavaa-ay. ||6||
His (such) devotion is useless, and, he wastes away all his (human) life . 6
sy Bgq siqgur min Bwey ] Anidnu nwim rhy ilv lwey ]
say bhagat ,satgur man bhaa-ay. an-din, naam rahay liv laa-ay.
They alone are(true) devotees, who are pleasing to the mind of the True Guru.
Day and night, they remain lovingly attuned to the Name (of God).
sd hI nwmu vyKih hjUir ] gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUir ]7]
sad hee, naam vaykheh hajoor. gur kai sabad, rahi-aa bharpoor. ||7||
They behold (presence of) the Name ever present (near them); and,
through the Word of the Guru, (they behold the Lord) pervading everywhere. 7
P. 1278
Awpy bKsy dyie ipAwru ] aapay bakhsay, day-ay pi-aar.
He (i.e. God) Himself blesses and bestows His love.
haumY rogu vfw sMswir ] ha-umai rog vadaa, saNsaar.
Egotism is the greatest (i.e. most terrible) disease in the world.
gur ikrpw qy eyhu rogu jwie ] nwnk swcy swic smwie ]8]1]3]5]8]
gur kirpaa tay, ayhu rog jaa-ay. naanak, saachay saach samaa-ay. ||8||1||3||5||8||
Nanak (says): by the Grace of the Guru, this disease is cured; and, then,
one remains merged in the True (God) through (meditation upon the Name of) the True (Lord).
rwgu mlwr CMq mhlw 5 ] Raag Malaar, chhaNt, Mehlaa 5
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
pRIqm pRym Bgiq ky dwqy ] preetam praym bhagat kay daatay.
(My) Beloved (Lord) is the giver of loving devotion.
Apny jn sMig rwqy ] apnay jan saNg raatay.
He is imbued with His servants (i.e. devotees).
jn sMig rwqy idnsu rwqy iek inmK mnhu n vIsrY ] jan sa g raatay, dinas raatay, ik nimakh manhu na veesrai.
He is imbued with His servants (i.e. devotees), day and night; He does not forget them from
His mind, even for an instant.
gopwl gux iniD sdw sMgy srb gux jgdIsrY ] gopaal guṇ nidh, sadaa saNgay, sarab guṇ jagdeesrai.
The Sustainer of the World is the Treasure of Excellences; He is always with us; the Lord of
the Universe possesses all the excellences (i.e. virtues).
mnu moih lInw crn sMgy nwm ris jn mwqy ] man mohi leenaa charan saNgay, naam ras jan maatay.
He has fascinated the mind (of His devotees) with His (lotus) feet; His servants (devotees) are
intoxicated with the essence of His Name.

nwnk pRIqm ik®pwl sdhUM iknY koit mDy jwqy ]1]
naanak, preetam kirpaal sadahooN, kinai kot madhay jaatay. ||1||
Nanak (says): my Beloved is always Gracious; some rare one amidst tens of millions realizes
this. 1
pRIqm qyrI giq Agm Apwry ] preetam, tayree gat agam apaaray.
O! my Beloved, Your state (i.e. Your grandeur) is inaccessible and infinite.
mhw piqq qum@ qwry ] mahaa patit, tumh taaray.
You have saved (even) the great (i.e. terrible / worst) sinners.
piqq pwvn Bgiq vCl ik®pw isMDu suAwmIAw ] patit paavan, bhagat vachhal, kirpaa siNdh su-aamee-aa.
O! Master, You are the Purifier of the Sinners, the Lover of the Devotees, and, the Ocean of
sMqsMgy Bju insMgy rNau sdw AMqrjwmIAw ] saNtsaNgay, bhaj nisaNgay, ran-o sadaa aNtarjaamee-aa.
(O! my mind) meditate upon the Controller of the Souls, unhesitatingly, forever, in the
company of the God-oriented persons.
koit jnm BRmMq jonI qy nwm ismrq qwry ] kot janam bharmaNt jonee, tay naam simrat taaray.
Those, who wander through the womb for tens of millions of life-times (i.e. incarnations), are
carried across (the world ocean) by remembering (i.e. meditating upon) the Name.
nwnk drs ipAws hir jIau Awip lyhu sm@wry ]2] naanak, daras pi-aas har jee-o, aap layho sam aaray. ||2||

Nanak (says): O! my dear God, I have thirst for beholding (vision of) You; You Yourself take
care of me. 2
hir crn kml mnu lInw ] har charan kamal, man leenaa.
My mind is absorbed in the lotus feet of God.
pRB jl jn qyry mInw ] prabh jal, jan tayray meenaa.
O! Lord, You are (like) the water and Your servants (i.e. devotees) are (like) the fish (in it).
jl mIn pRB jIau eyk qUhY iBMn Awn n jwnIAY ] jal meen, prabh jee-o, ayk toohai, bhiNn aan na jaanee-ai.
O! dear Lord, You alone are the water and the fish; there is no difference between the two.
gih Bujw lyvhu nwmu dyvhu qau pRswdI mwnIAY ] geh bhujaa layvhu, naam dayvhu, ta-o prasaadee maanee-ai.
(O! Lord) take hold of my arm, and, bless me with Your Name; all honour is in Your Grace.
Bju swDsMgy eyk rMgy ik®pwl goibd dInw ] bhaj saadhsaNgay, ayk raNgay, kirpaal gobid deenaa.
(O! brethren) in the company of the God-oriented person, meditate with love upon the One, the
Lord of the World, Gracious to the Poor.
AnwQ nIc srxwie nwnk kir mieAw Apunw kInw ]3]
anaath neech sarṇaa-ay, naanak, kar ma-i-aa apunaa keenaa. ||3||
Nanak (says): (those) master-less, the lowly (who) seek His refuge, bestowing His Grace, He
make them His own. 3
Awps kau Awpu imlwieAw ] aapas ka-o, aap milaa-i-aa.
He Himself unites (one) with Himself
Brm BMjn hir rwieAw ] bharam bhaNjan, har raa-i-aa.
The Sovereign Lord is the Destroyer of Doubts.
Awcrj suAwmI AMqrjwmI imly gux iniD ipAwirAw ]
aacharaj su-aamee, aNtarjaamee, milay guṇ nidh pi-aari-aa.
He is wondrous Master, the Controller of Souls; the Treasure of Excellences Himself meets
His lovers (i.e. His devotees).

mhw mMgl sUK aupjy goibMd gux inq swirAw ] mahaa maNgal sookh upjay, gobiNd guṇ nit saari-aa.
Supreme joy and (spiritual) happiness well up, by constantly remembering the excellences of
the Lord of the World.
imil sMig sohy dyiK mohy purib iliKAw pwieAw ] mil saNg sohay, daykh mohay, purab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
Meeting with Him, one is embellished; beholding Him, one is fascinated; one obtains as it is
pre-inscribed (destiny) for him.
ibnvMiq nwnk srin iqn kI ijn@I hir hir iDAwieAw ]4]1]
binvaNt naanak, saran tin kee, jinhee har har dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak: I seek the refuge of those, who meditate upon God, the Lord. 4.1

vwr mlwr kI mhlw 1, rwxy kYlws qQw mwldy kI Duin ]

Vaar Malaar kee, Mehlaa 1, Raaṇay Kailaas tathaa Maalday kee dhun
[This ballad is to be sung on the tunes of the then poplar ballad about Kailash Deo and Maal Deo, the two powerful
Rajput chieftains, who used to pay tribute to the king of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the Moghul emperor Jahangir.
Both the brothers loved each other. The emperor was always scared of them, hence he wanted to weaken them. Finally, he
was successful in creating differences and enmity between them. This resulted into a battle between the two brothers,
which was won by Maal Deo, and, he imprisoned his brother Kailash Deo. After some time a relative of theirs revealed to
them as to how the emperor had conspired to create differences between them. As a result of this mediation, both the
brothers were united again, and, Maal Deo returned the land of Kailash Deo to him. The ballad writers wrote verses
praising their bravery as well as generosity of Maal Deo].
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
slok mhlw 3 ] Salok, Mehlaa 3
guir imilAY mnu rhsIAY ijau vuTY Drix sIgwru ] gur mili-ai man rehsee-ai, ji-o vuṭai dharaṇ seegaar.
Meeting the Guru, the mind is delighted, like the earth is beautified by (the falling of) the rain.
sB idsY hrIAwvlI sr Bry suBr qwl ] sabh disai haree-aavalee, sar bharay subhar taal.
All the earth seems green (i.e. blossoms forth); the pools and ponds are filled to overflowing.
AMdru rcY sc rMig ijau mMjITY lwlu ] aNdar rachai sach rag, ji-o maNjeeṭai laal.
(The mind) within (i.e. inner self) is imbued with the (fast, permanent) love of the True (Lord),
like the redness of madder (plant).
kmlu ivgsY scu min gur kY sbid inhwlu ] kamal vigsai sach man, gur kai sabad nihaal.
The lotus of mind blossoms forth, with the True (dwelling) in the mind; and, through the Word
of the Guru, it becomes pleased.
P. 1279
mnmuK dUjI qrP hY vyKhu ndir inhwil ] manmukh doojee taraf hai, vaykhhu nadar nihaal.
The mind-oriented one is on the other side (i.e. in wrong state); open your eyes and see it.
PwhI PwQy imrg ijau isir dIsY jmkwlu ] faahee faathay mirag ji-o, sir deesai jamkaal.
(He is) like the deer, trapped in net; the messenger of death is seen (i.e. hovering) over his head.
KuiDAw iqRsnw inMdw burI kwmu k®oDu ivkrwlu ] khudhi-aa tarisnaa niNdaa buree, kaam krodh vikraal.
Hunger (of Maya), desire (of wealth), and slander are evil; sexual desire and anger are
terrifying (but he is caught in them).
eynI AKI ndir n AwveI ijcru sbid n kry bIcwru ]
aynee akhee nadar na aavee, jichar sabad na karay
One cannot see with his these (physical) eyes (these vices), until one contemplates the Word.

quDu BwvY sMqoKIAW cUkY Awl jMjwlu ] tudh bhaavai saNtokhee-aan, chookai aal jaNjaal.
(O! Lord) if it is pleasing to You, they (i.e. eyes) get contented; their (all worldly) entanglements
are ended.
mUlu rhY guru syivAY gur pauVI boihQu ] mool rahai gur sayvi-ai, gur pa-oṛee bohith.
Serving the Guru, the capital (of life) is saved; the Guru is the ladder to (board) the boat for (to
crossing over the world ocean).
nwnk lgI qqu lY qUM scw min scu ]1] naanak, lagee tat lai, tooN sachaa man sach. ||1||
Nanak (says): one, who is attached to Him (i.e. the Guru), finds the essence (of Reality); and, O!
True, You come to (dwell in) the true mind. 1
mhlw 1 ] Mehlaa 1
hyko pwDru hyku dru gur pauVI inj Qwnu ] hayko paadhar, hayk dar, gur pa-oṛee nij thaan.
There is one path and the one door; the Guru is ladder to reach one’s own place.
rUVau Twkuru nwnkw siB suK swcau nwmu ]2] rooṛa-o ṭaakur, naankaa, sabh sukh saacha-o naam. ||2||
Nanak (says): the Master is beautiful, all happiness is in His the Name of the True (Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
AwpIn@Y Awpu swij Awpu pCwixAw ] aapeenhai aap saaj, aap pachhaaṇi-aa.
He Himself has created Himself, and, He Himself understands Himself (i.e. His own mystery).
AMbru Driq ivCoiV cMdoAw qwixAw ] aMmbar dharat vichhoṛ, chando-aa taaṇi-aa.
Separating the sky and earth, He has spread out (the sky as if) canopy (over His throne).
ivxu QMm@w ggnu rhwie sbdu nIswixAw ] viṇ thaMmhaa gagan rahaa-ay, sabad neesaaṇi-aa.
Without any pillars, He supports the sky; (and has established) the Word as His emblem.
sUrju cMdu aupwie joiq smwixAw ] sooraj chaNd upaa-ay, jot samaaṇi-aa.
Creating the sun and the moon, He has infused His Light (in everyone).
kIey rwiq idnµqu coj ivfwixAw ] kee-ay raat dinaNt, choj vidaaṇi-aa.
He created night and day; wondrous are His plays.
qIrQ Drm vIcwr nwvx purbwixAw ] tirath dharam veechaar, naavaṇ purbaaṇi-aa.
(He has created) places of pilgrimage where people contemplate faith, and, take (cleaning)
bath on occasions of festivals.
quDu sir Avru n koie ik AwiK vKwixAw ] tudh sar avar na ko-ay, ke aakh vakhaaṇi-aa.
There is no other equal to You; what can one say to describe You (i.e. Your wondrous play).
scY qKiq invwsu hor Awvx jwixAw ]1] sachai takhat nivaas, hor aavaṇ jaaṇi-aa. ||1||
You are seated on True (i.e. Eternal) throne; all others come and go (in reincarnation). 1
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1
nwnk swvix jy vsY chu Emwhw hoie ] nwgW imrgW mCIAW rsIAW Gir Dnu hoie ]1]
naanak, saavaṇ jay vasai, chahu omaahaa ho-ay.
naagaan, mirgaan, machhee-aan, rasee-aan ghar dhan ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): when it rains in (the month of) Saawan (i.e. in the rainy season), the four are
delighted: the snakes, the deers, the fish and the pleasure-seekers who have (lot of) wealth in
their home (i.e. in their possession). 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
nwnk swvix jy vsY chu vyCoVw hoie ] gweI puqw inrDnw pMQI cwkru hoie ]2]
naanak, saavaṇ jay vasai ,chahu vaychhoṛaa ho-ay.
gaa-ee putaa, nirdhanaa, paNthee, chaakar ho-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): When it rains in (the month of) Saawan (i.e. in the rainy season), the four suffer
separation: the calves of cows, the poor, the travelers, and the servants. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qU scw sicAwru ijin scu vrqwieAw ] too sachaa sachiaar, jin sach vartaa-i-aa.
O! True (Lord), You are True (i.e. Eternal), who dispenses Truth (everywhere).
bYTw qwVI lwie kvlu CpwieAw ] baiṭaa taaṛee laa-ay, kaval chhapaa-i-aa.
(When there was no universe)You were seated in (primal) trance; (even) the (mythical) lotus*
was hidden (within You).
bRhmY vfw khwie AMqu n pwieAw ] brahmai vadaa kahaa-ay, aNt na paa-i-aa.
Brahma* who is (i.e. gets himself) called great, (he too) does not know Your limits.
[* As per the myth, Brahma, who is presented as the ‘creator of the world’, was born out of the stem of lotus grown in the
naval of Vishnu (another mythological god). In order to find the root (secret) of the stem of the lotus he entered it (the
stem). At this, Vishnu lengthened the stem deep into the nether regions; hence Brahma got into the trap and remained
wandering around but could not find the root, the end, the limits. The Guru says that if Brahma could not find the end of
lotus, how could he know about the mystery of God].
nw iqsu bwpu n mwie ikin qU jwieAw ] naa tis baap na maa-ay, kin too jaa-i-aa.
(O! brethren) He (i.e. God) does not have father or mother; (O! Lord) who gave birth to You?
nw iqsu rUpu n ryK vrn sbwieAw ] naa tis roop na raykh, varan sabaa-i-aa.
He does not have any form or sign (i.e. feature), and (no colour) of all colours (i.e. He belongs to
no social class).
nw iqsu BuK ipAws rjw DwieAw ] naa tis bhukh pi-aas, rajaa dhaa-i-aa.
He has no hunger or thirst; (He is) satisfied and satiated.
gur mih Awpu smoie sbdu vrqwieAw ] gur meh aap samo-ay, sabad vartaa-i-aa.
He has immersed Himself in the Guru, and, pervades through the Word.
scy hI pqIAwie sic smwieAw ]2] sachay hee patee-aa-ay, sach samaa-i-aa. ||2||
By pleasing Him with Truth, one merges in the True (Lord). 2

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, Mehlaa 1

vYdu bulwieAw vYdgI pkiV FMFoly bWh ] vaid bulaa-i-aa vaidgee, pakaṛ ḍaNḍolay baanh.
(When) the physician is called for treatment, (he) holds the arm (of the patient) and feels the
Bolw vYdu n jwxeI krk klyjy mwih ]1] bholaa vaid na jaaṇ-ee, karak kalayjay maahi. ||1||
The ignorant physician does not know, that the pain was in the mind. 1

mÚ 2 ] M: 2
vYdw vYdu suvYdu qU pihlW rogu pCwxu ] AYsw dwrU loiV lhu ijqu vM\Y rogw Gwix ]
vaidaa, vaid suvaid too, pahilaan rog pachhaaṇ. aisaa daaroo loṛ lahu, jit vaNnjai rogaa ghaaṇ.
O! physician, among the physicians, you are a good physician, (if) you first know (i.e.
diagnose) the disease; (and, then)
find out(i.e. prescribe) such a medicine, which would totally cure the disease.
ijqu dwrU rog auiTAih qin suKu vsY Awie ] jit daaroo rog uṭi-ah, tan sukh vasai aa-ay.
(O! physician, administer that) medicine by which disease is cured, and, happiness comes to
dwell in the body.
rogu gvwieih Awpxw q nwnk vYdu sdwie ]2] rog gavaa-ihi aapṇaa, ta naanak vaid sadaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! physician, Only when) you cure your own disease, then you will be called a
good physician. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] barahmaa bisan mahays, dayv upaa-i-aa.
(O! Lord, it is believed that) You have created deities (like) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (i.e. Shiv).
bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] barahmay ditay bayd, poojaa laa-i-aa.
You gave Vedas to Brahma, and, enjoined him to worship (according to the Vedas).
ds AvqwrI rwmu rwjw AwieAw ] das avtaaree, raam raajaa aa-i-aa.
(From among) the ten incarnations*, Rama, the king came (as incarnation of Vishnu).
[*The ten mythical incarnations:1 Machh (big fish), 2. Kachh (tortoise), 3. Brah (swine), 4. Baawan (dwarf), 5. Paras
Ram 6. Ram Chander 7. Krishan, 8. Buddha 9. Nar-sinhm (man lion) 10. Kalki].
dYqw mwry Dwie hukim sbwieAw ] daitaa maaray dhaa-ay, hukam sabaa-i-aa.
He quickly killed (all) the demons; all this was His Command.
eIs mhysuru syv iqn@I AMqu n pwieAw ] ees mahaysur sayv, tinhee aNt na paa-i-aa.
Ish, Mahesh etc (the eleven incarnations of Shiv) served You, but could not find Your limits.
scI kImiq pwie qKqu rcwieAw ] sachee keemat paa-ay, takhat rachaa-i-aa.
He established His throne, for delivering Truth (i.e. imparting Justice).
dunIAw DMDY lwie Awpu CpwieAw ] dunee-aa dhaNdhai laa-ay, aap chhapaa-i-aa.
He enjoined (all) the world to its tasks; and, He kept Himself hidden (from the view).
Drmu krwey krm Durhu PurmwieAw ]3] dharam karaa-ay karam, dharahu furmaa-i-aa. ||3||
The Judge of Righteousness will monitor (all) deeds; He has proclaimed this (from the very
beginning). 3
P. 1280
slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, Mehlaa 2
swvxu AwieAw hy sKI kMqY iciq kryhu ] saavaṇ aa-i-aa, hay sakhee, kaNtai chit karayhu.
(The month of) Saawan has come, O! my companion, think of your Husband (Lord).
nwnk JUir mrih dohwgxI ijn@ AvrI lwgw nyhu ]1]
naanak, jhoor mareh duhaagaṇee, jinh avree laagaa nayhu. ||1||
Nanak (says): the discarded wife (i.e. soul bride, separated from God), who is in love with
another (i.e. other than God), repents and dies (in pain). 1
mÚ 2 ] M: 2
swvxu AwieAw hy sKI jlhru brsnhwru ] saavaṇ aa-i-aa, hay sakhee, jalhar barsanhaar.
(The month of) Saawan has come, O! my companion, the clouds are full of rain.
nwnk suiK svnu sohwgxI ijn@ sh nwil ipAwru ]2] naanak, sukh savan sohaagaṇee, jin sah naal pi-aar. ||2||

Nanak (says): happy wives (i.e. soul brides), who are in love with their Husband (Lord), will
sleep in peace. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy iCMJ pvwie mlwKwVw ricAw ] aapay chhiNjh pavaa-ay, malaakhaaṛaa rachi-aa.
He (i.e God) Himself has staged wrestling match, and, arranged arena for the wrestlers.
lQy BVQU pwie gurmuiK micAw ] lathay bhaṛthoo paa-ay, gurmukh machi-aa.
The roaring Guru-oriented one (wrestlers) have tumultuously entered (the arena).
mnmuK mwry pCwiV mUrK kicAw ] manmukh maaray pachhaaṛ, moorakh kachi-aa.
The mind-oriented ones, the foolish and false, have been defeated and subdued.
Awip iBVY mwry Awip Awip kwrju ricAw ] aap bhiṛai, maaray aap, aap kaaraj rachi-aa.
He (i.e. God) Himself wrestles, and, He Himself defeats; He Himself stages the play.

sBnw Ksmu eyku hY gurmuiK jwxIAY ] sabhnaa khasam ayk hai, gurmukh jaaṇee-ai.
The One (alone) is the Master of all; this is known through the Guru.
hukmI ilKY isir lyKu ivxu klm msvwxIAY ] hukmee likhai sir laykh, viṇ kalam masvaaṇee-ai.
He writes the inscription (of destiny) on the foreheads (of all), without pen or ink.
sqsMgiq mylwpu ijQY hir gux sdw vKwxIAY ] satsaNgat maylaap, jithai har guṇ sadaa vakhaaṇee-ai.
Union (with Him) is obtained in the true congregation, where (the praise of) the excellences of
God is chanted forever.
nwnk scw sbdu slwih scu pCwxIAY ]4] naanak, sachaa sabad salaahi, sach pachhaaṇee-ai. ||4||
Nanak (says): praising the True Word, one comes to realize the True (Lord). 4
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw Avir kryNdw vMn ] oonnav oonnav aa-i-aa, avar karay daa vaNn.

Bowing low and low, they (i.e. clouds) have come, changing (i.e. assuming) different colours.
ikAw jwxw iqsu swh isau kyv rhsI rMgu ] ki-aa jaaṇaa, tis saah si-o, kayv rahsee raNg.
How do I know, how my love for (my) Husband (Lord) shall survive.
rMgu rihAw iqn@ kwmxI ijn@ min Bau Bwau hoie ] raNg rahi-aa tinh kaamṇee, jinh man bha-o bhaa-o ho-ay.
The love of those charming ladies (i.e. soul brides) survives, who have fear and love(for their
Husband Lord) in their minds.
nwnk BY Bwie bwhrI iqn qin suKu n hoie ]1] naanak, bhai bhaa-ay baahree, tin tan sukh na ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): those, who have no fear and love (of God), their body shall not obtain (spiritual)
happiness. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw vrsY nIru inpMgu ] oonnav oonnav aa-i-aa, varsai neer nipaNg.
Bowing low and low, they (i.e. clouds) have come, and, pure water rains down.
nwnk duKu lwgw iqn@ kwmxI ijn@ kMqY isau min BMgu ]2]
naanak, dukh laagaa tinh kaamṇee, jinh kaNtai si-o man bhaNg. ||2||
Nanak (says): those charming ladies(i.e. soul brides) suffer in pain, whose mind is torn away
from the Husband (Lord). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
dovY qrPw aupwie ieku vriqAw ] dovai tarfaa upaa-ay, ik varti-aa.
Creating both sides (i.e. the Guru-oriented ones and the mind-oriented ones), the One (Himself) is
pervading (both).
byd bwxI vrqwie AMdir vwdu GiqAw ] bayd baaṇee vartaa-ay, aNdar vaad ghati-aa.
Making the expanse of the word of Vedas, He ushered argument (and debate) within them.
privriq inrivriq hwTw dovY ivic Drmu iPrY rYbwirAw ]
parvirat nirvirat haaṭaa dovai, vich dharam firai raibaari-aa.
Active and inactive (i.e. ascetic) life (i.e. attachment and detachment), are the two sides (created
by Him), and, religion is the guiding spirit (for both).
mnmuK kcy kUiVAwr iqn@I inhcau drgh hwirAw ]
manmukh kachay kooṛi-aar, tinhee nihcha-o dargeh haari-aa.
The mind-oriented ones are false and worthless, they definitely lose in the Court (of God).
gurmqI sbid sUr hY kwmu k®oDu ijn@I mwirAw ] gurmatee sabad soor hai, kaam krodh jinhee maari-aa.
Those, who have conquered sexual desire and anger, through the wisdom and the Word of the
Guru, are brave (warriors in the arena of the world ).

scY AMdir mhil sbid svwirAw ] sachai aNdar mahal, sabad savaari-aa.
Embellished by the Word, they enter into the mansion of the True (Lord).
sy Bgq quDu Bwvdy scY nwie ipAwirAw ] say bhagat tudh bhaavday, sachai naa-ay pi-aari-aa.
Only those devotees are pleasing to You (O! God), who love for True Name.
siqguru syvin Awpxw iqn@w ivthu hau vwirAw]5] satgur sayvan aapṇaa, tinhaa vitahu ha-o vaari-aa ||5||
(Those, who) serve their True Guru, I am a sacrifice unto them. 5
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw vrsY lwie JVI ] oonnav oonnav aa-i-aa, varsai laa-ay jhaṛee.
Bowing low and low, they (i.e. clouds) have come, and rain down constantly.
nwnk BwxY clY kMq kY su mwxy sdw rlI ]1] naanak, bhaaṇai chalai kaNt kai, so maaṇay sadaa ralee. ||1||
Nanak (says): one, who walks in (i.e. follows) the Will of Husband (Lord), enjoys pleasure (i.e
spiritual happiness) forever. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ikAw auiT auiT dyKhu bpuVyN iesu myGY hiQ ikCu nwih ]
ki-aa uṭ uṭ daykhhu bapuṛayn, is mayghai hath kichh naahi.
Why are you standing up and rising up to look, O! poor (wretched being); this cloud has
nothing in its hands.
ijin eyhu myGu pTwieAw iqsu rwKhu mn mWih ] jin ayhu maygh paṭaa-i-aa, tis raakho man maanhi.
He, who has sent this cloud, enshrine Him in your mind.
iqs no mMin vswiesI jw kau ndir kryie ] tis no maNn vasaa-isee, jaa ka-o nadar karay-i.
He alone shall enshrine Him in the mind, upon whom He bestows His Glance (of Grace).
nwnk ndrI bwhrI sB krx plwh kryie ]2] naanak, nadree baahree, sabh karaṇ palaah karay-i. ||2||
Nanak (says): all those (who are) without His Grace, cry and wail in sorrow. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
so hir sdw sryvIAY ijsu krq n lwgY vwr ] so har sadaa sarayvee-ai, jis karat na laagai vaar.
(O! brethren, we should) serve God forever; it is He who takes no time in creating.
Awfwxy Awkws kir iKn mih Fwih auswrxhwr ] aadaaṇay aakaas kar, khin meh ḍaahi usaaraṇhaar.
He creates and stretches the skies; He creates and destroy in an instant.
Awpy jgqu aupwie kY kudriq kry vIcwr ] aapay jagat upaa-ay kai ,kudrat karay veechaar.
He Himself creates the world, and, contemplates through His Creative Power.
mnmuK AgY lyKw mMgIAY bhuqI hovY mwr ] manmukh agai laykhaa maNgee-ai, bahutee hovai maar.
The mind-oriented one will be called to account hereafter; and, he will be severely punished.
P. 1281
gurmuiK piq isau lyKw inbVY bKsy isPiq BMfwr ] gurmukh pat si-o laykhaa nibṛai, bakhsay sifat bhaNdaar.
The account of the Guru-oriented one is settled with honour, (because) God blesses him with
the treasure of praise.
EQY hQu n ApVY kUk n suxIAY pukwr ] othai hath na apṛai, kook na suṇee-ai pukaar.
No one’s hand can reach there (i.e. no one’s approach matters there), and, no one hears (any
one’s) cries (i.e. no one can help, there).
EQY siqguru bylI hovY kiF ley AMqI vwr ] othai satgur baylee hovai, kaḍ la-ay anNtee vaar.
There, (only) the True Guru is a friend, and, he saves us at the last instant.
eynw jMqw no hor syvw nhI siqguru isir krqwr ]6] aynaa jaNtaa no hor sayvaa nahee, satgur sir kartaar. ||6||
These beings need not serve any one (other than the True Guru); (because) the True Guru and
the Creator are above the heads of all. 6

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw ijs no qU pUkwrdw iqs no locY sBu koie ] baabeehaa, jis no too pookaardaa, tis no lochai sabh ko-ay.
O! baabeehaa (O! rain bird), the One unto whom you call (to bless clouds with rain), everyone
longs for Him.
ApxI ikrpw kir kY vssI vxu iqRxu hirAw hoie ] apṇee kirpaa kar kai vassee, vaṇ tariṇ hari-aa ho-ay.
Bestowing His Grace, He shall (get clouds) rain, and, the forests and (all) the vegetation shall
grow green (i.e. blossom forth).
gur prswdI pweIAY ivrlw bUJY koie ] gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai, virlaa boojhai ko-ay.
By the Grace of the Guru, He is found; (but only) some rare one understands this.
bhidAw auTidAw inq iDAweIAY sdw sdw suKu hoie ]
bahdi-aa uṭ-di-aa nit dhi-aa-ee-ai, sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay.
(O! brethren) sitting down and standing up, meditate continually upon Him; this brings
(spiritual) happiness forever and ever.
nwnk AMimRqu sd hI vrsdw gurmuiK dyvY hir soie ]1]
naanak, aMmrit sad hee varasdaa, gurmukh dayvai har so-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): AMmrit (Name) rains down forever; (but) God gives it (only) to the Guru-
oriented ones. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
klmil hoeI mydnI Ardwis kry ilv lwie ] kalmal ho-ee maydnee, ardaas karay liv laa-ay.
When the world is (i.e. people are) in strife, they offer prayer with love.
scY suixAw kMnu dy DIrk dyvY shij suBwie ] sachai suṇi-aa kaNn day, dheerak dayvai sahj subhaa-ay.
The True (Lord) listens carefully, and, comforts (the people) with natural ease.
ieMdRY no PurmwieAw vuTw Chbr lwie ] iNdrai no furmaa-i-aa, vuṭaa chhahbar laa-ay.
He orders Indar (i.e. god of rain) to rain down, and, it (i.e. rain) pours down continuously.
Anu Dnu aupjY bhu Gxw kImiq khxu n jwie ] an dhan upjai baho ghaṇaa, keemat kahaṇ na jaa-ay.
Food (i.e. grain) and wealth are produced in great abundance, their value cannot be
nwnk nwmu slwih qU sBnw jIAw dydw irjku sMbwih ] ijqu KwDY suKu aUpjY iPir dUKu n lwgY Awie ]2]
naanak, naam salaahi too, sabhnaa jee-aa daydaa rijak saMbaahi.
jit khaadhai sukh oopjai, fir dookh na laagai aa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): (O! being) praise the Name (of the Lord); He (reaches out to all) and gives total
sustenance to all(beings). Eating this (Name), (spiritual) happiness wells up, and, one does not
suffers sorrow again. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hir jIau scw scu qU scy lYih imlwie ] har jee-o sachaa sach too, sachay laihi milaa-ay.
O! dear God, You are the Truest of the true; those who are truthful, You unite them (into Your
dUjY dUjI qrP hY kUiV imlY n imilAw jwie ] doojai doojee taraf hai, kooṛ milai na mili-aa jaa-ay.
Those, who are in duality are on the other side (i.e. the side of vices); those attached to
falsehood cannot meet Him (i.e. the false ones cannot be united with God).
Awpy joiV ivCoiVAY Awpy kudriq dyie idKwie ] aapay joṛ vichhoṛi-ai, aapay kudrat day-ay dikhaa-ay.
He Himself unites and (He Himself) separates; (thus) He reveals His Creative Power.

mohu sogu ivjogu hY pUrib iliKAw kmwie ] moh sog vijog hai, poorab likhi-aa kamaa-ay.
(Emotional) attachment brings sorrows and separation; one earns (i.e. acts) in accordance
with one’s pre-inscribed writ (i.e. pre-ordained destiny).
hau bilhwrI iqn kau jo hir crxI rhY ilv lwie ] ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o, jo har charṇee rahai liv laa-ay.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who remain lovingly attached to the feet of God.
ijau jl mih kmlu Ailpqu hY AYsI bxq bxwie ] ji-o jal meh kamal alipat hai, aisee baṇat baṇaa-ay.
Just as the lotus in water remains detached (those who are attached to lotus feet of God also
remain detached from worldliness); He has created such an arrangement (i.e. system).
sy suKIey sdw sohxy ijn@ ivchu Awpu gvwie ] say sukhee-ay sadaa sohṇay, jinh vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
They alone are happy and beautiful forever, who eradicate self-conceit from within.
iqn@ sogu ivjogu kdy nhI jo hir kY AMik smwie ]7] tinh sog vijog kaday nahee, jo har kai a k samaa-ay. ||7||
They, who are merge in the being of God, never suffer sorrow or separation. 7

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
nwnk so swlwhIAY ijsu vis sBu ikCu hoie ] naanak, so salaahee-ai, jis vas sabh kichh ho-ay.
Nanak (says): (O! being) praise Him (i.e. God), who has everything in His power.
iqsY sryivhu pRwxIho iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] tisai sarayvihu praaṇeeho, tis bin avar na ko-ay.
Serve Him, O! mortal beings, there is no one other than Him.
gurmuiK hir pRBu min vsY qW sdw sdw suKu hoie ]
gurmukh har parabh man vasai, taan sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay.
(When) God, the Lord, comes to abides in the mind, through the Guru, (then) there is (spiritual)
happiness forever and ever.
shsw mUil n hoveI sB icMqw ivchu jwie ] sahsaa mool na hova-ee, sabh chiNtaa vichahu jaa-ay.
He does not have any doubt at all, all his worries are taken away from within (his mind).
jo ikCu hoie su shjy hoie khxw ikCU n jwie ] jo kichh ho-ay so sehjay ho-ay, kahṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
Whatever happens, happens in natural ease (in God’s Will), no one can say anything (about it).
scw swihbu min vsY qW min icMidAw Plu pwie ] sachaa saahib man vasai, taan man chiNdi-aa fal paa-ay.
(When) the True Master abides within the mind, then one obtains the mind-desired fruit.
nwnk iqn kw AwiKAw Awip suxy ij lieAnu pMnY pwie ]1]
naanak, tin kaa aakhi-aa aap suṇay, je la-i-an paNnai paa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): He Himself hears their prayer, whom He has attached to His side.1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
AMimRqu sdw vrsdw bUJin bUJxhwr ] a mrit sadaa varasdaa, boojhan boojhaṇhaar.

AMmrit (Name) rains down continually; he (alone) realizes it who has realization.
gurmuiK ijn@I buiJAw hir AMimRqu riKAw auir Dwir ] gurmukh jinhee bujhi-aa, har aMmrit rakhi-aa ur dhaar.
Those, who have realized it through the Guru, keep the AMmrit enshrined within their heart.
hir AMimRqu pIvih sdw rMig rwqy haumY iqRsnw mwir ]
har aMmrit peeveh sadaa raNg, raatay ha-umai tarisnaa maar.
They drink in the AMmrit of God, and, remain forever imbued (with Him), by conquering their
egotism and desires.
AMimRqu hir kw nwmu hY vrsY ikrpw Dwir ] aMmrit har kaa naam hai, varsai kirpaa dhaar.
The Name of God is AMmrit; it rains down when He bestows His Grace.

nwnk gurmuiK ndrI AwieAw hir Awqm rwmu murwir ]2]
naanak, gurmukh nadree aa-i-aa, har aatam raam muraar. ||2||
Nanak (says): He can be glanced through the Guru. God is the Supreme Soul, the Destroyer
of the Demons*. 2
[*Literally: destroyer of demon Mur; i.e. destroyer of all demons. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
P. 1282
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Aqulu ikau qolIAY ivxu qoly pwieAw n jwie ] atul, ki-o tolee-ai, viṇ tolay paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
He is unweighable*; how can He be weighed? Without weighing, He cannot be obtained.
[*He cannot be assayed/ valued; all His excellences cannot be described. Without contemplating His excellences, He
cannot be obtained].
gur kY sbid vIcwrIAY gux mih rhY smwie ] gur kai sabad veechaaree-ai, guṇ meh rahai samaa-ay.
Reflecting upon the Word of the Guru, one remains absorbed in His excellences.
Apxw Awpu Awip qolsI Awpy imlY imlwie ] apṇaa aap, aap tolsee, aapay milai milaa-ay.
He Himself will weigh Him, and, He Himself will unite in union (through the Guru).
iqs kI kImiq nw pvY khxw ikCU n jwie ] tis kee keemat naa pavai, kahṇaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
His value cannot be estimated, and, nothing can be said about this.
hau bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijin scI bUJ idqI buJwie ]
ha-o balihaaree gur aapnay, jin sachee boojh ditee bujhaa-ay.
I am a sacrifice unto my Guru, who has made me realize (this) true realization.
jgqu musY AMimRqu lutIAY mnmuK bUJ n pwie ] jagat musai, aMmrit lootee-ai, manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
(Without following the wisdom of the Guru) the world is being robbed; (the treasure of) AMmrit
(Name) is being plundered; the mind-oriented one does not realize it.
ivxu nwvY nwil n clsI jwsI jnmu gvwie ] viṇ naavai naal na chalsee, jaasee janam gavaa-ay.
Without the Name, nothing will go along with us; (without the Name) one wastes his life and
departs (from this world).
gurmqI jwgy iqn@I Gru riKAw dUqw kw ikCu n vswie ]8]
gurmatee jaagay, tinhee ghar rakhi-aa, dootaa kaa kichh na vasaa-ay. ||8||
Those, who follow the wisdom of the Guru, wake up, and, protect their homes (i.e. hearts); the
demons become powerless (i.e. cannot harm them). 8
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw nw ibllwie nw qrswie eyhu mnu Ksm kw hukmu mMin ]
baabeehaa naa billaa-ay, naa tarsaa-ay ayhu man, khasam kaa hukam maNn.
O! baabeehaa (O! rain bird), do not wail (i.e. cry out); do not let your mind long (in thirst for
water), and, obey the Command of the Master.
nwnk hukim mMinAY iqK auqrY cVY cvgil vMnu ]1]
naanak, hukam maNni-ai, tikh utrai, chaṛai chavgal vaNn. ||1||
Nanak (says): obeying His Command, your thirst shall be quenched, and, the colour (of His
love ) shall increase four-fold . 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
bwbIhw jl mih qyrw vwsu hY jl hI mwih iPrwih ] jl kI swr n jwxhI qW qUM kUkx pwih ]
baabeehaa, jal meh tayraa vaas hai, jal hee maahi firaahi.
jal kee saar na jaaṇhee, taan tooN kookaṇ paahi.
O! baabeehaa (O! rain bird), your abode is in water, and, you move about in water; (but)
you do not know the worth of water, that is why you cry out.

jl Ql chu idis vrsdw KwlI ko Qwau nwih ] jal thal chahu dis varasdaa, khaalee ko thaa-o naahi.
It rains down in the waters and on the lands, in the four directions; no place is without it.
eyqY jil vrsdY iqK mrih Bwg iqnw ky nwih ] aytai jal varsadai, tikh mareh, bhaag tinaa kay naahi.
With so much of the water raining down, those who (still) die of thirst, are not fortunate ones.
nwnk gurmuiK iqn soJI peI ijn visAw mn mwih ]2]
naanak, gurmukh tin sojhee pa-ee, jin vasi-aa man maahi. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, within whose minds He (i.e. God) abides, obtain understanding through
the Guru. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
nwQ jqI isD pIr iknY AMqu n pwieAw ] naath, jatee, sidh peer; kinai aNt na paa-i-aa.
(O! God, there have been countless) yogis, celibates, sidhs (i.e. claiming having miraculous
powers), peers (i.e. spiritual preceptors) ---- no one of them has found Your limits.
gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie quJY smwieAw ] gurmukh naam dhi-aa-ay, tujhai samaa-i-aa.
The Guru-oriented one meditates upon the Name, and, merges in You.
jug CqIh gubwru iqs hI BwieAw ] jug chhateeh gubaar, tis hee bhaa-i-aa.
For thirty-six ages, there remained utter darkness, (this was) as it pleased Him.
jlw ibMbu Asrwlu iqnY vrqwieAw ] jalaa biMb asraal, tinai vartaa-i-aa.
He made vast expanse of dreadful water prevail (all around).
nIlu AnIlu AgMmu srjIqu sbwieAw ] neel aneel* agaMm, sarjeet sabaa-i-aa.
The Creator of all is Infinite, Uncountable and Inaccessible.
[*Neel is ten billons and aneel means beyond and beyond ten billons; i.e. uncountable and infinite].
Agin aupweI vwdu BuK iqhwieAw ] agan upaa-ee vaad, bhukh tihaa-i-aa.
He created (also) fire (of desires), conflict, hunger and thirst.
dunIAw kY isir kwlu dUjw BwieAw ] dunee-aa kai, sir kaal doojaa bhaa-i-aa.
Death hangs over the heads of (those people of) the world, who have love for duality.
rKY rKxhwru ijin sbdu buJwieAw ]9] rakhai rakhaṇhaar, jin sabad bujhaa-i-aa. ||9||
The Saviour (Lord) saves those (from fire, conflict, hunger and thirst), whom He has given
realization of the Word (through the Guru). 9
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
iehu jlu sB qY vrsdw vrsY Bwie suBwie ] ih jal sabh tai varasdaa, varsai bhaa-ay subhaa-ay.
The water (i.e. the Name) rains down on all; it rains down in love, in natural order.
sy ibrKw hrIAwvly jo gurmuiK rhy smwie ] say birkhaa haree-aavlay, jo gurmukh rahay samaa-ay.
(With A mrit water of the Name) those trees (i.e. beings) become green, which remain immersed
(in God) through the Guru.
nwnk ndrI suKu hoie eynw jMqw kw duKu jwie ]1]
naanak, nadree sukh ho-ay, aynaa jaNtaa kaa dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): by His Grace, (spiritual) happiness wells up, and, the sorrows of these beings are
taken away. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
iBMnI rYix cmikAw vuTw Chbr lwie ] bhiNnee raiṇ chamki-aa, vuṭaa chhahbar laa-ay.
On a dewy night, it (i.e. light of the cloud) flashes and rain pours down continuously.
ijqu vuTY Anu Dnu bhuqu aUpjY jW shu kry rjwie ] jit vuṭai an dhan bahut oopjai, jaan saho karay rajaa-ay.
When it rains, a lot of grains and wealth are produced ---- if it is in the Will of the Husband

ijqu KwDY mnu iqRpqIAY jIAW jugiq smwie ] jit khaadhai man taripat-ee-ai, jee-aan jugat samaa-ay.
Eating it (i.e. food), the mind is satiated, and, the way of life merges in the beings (i.e. they
adopt pure way of life) .
iehu Dnu krqy kw Kylu hY kdy AwvY kdy jwie ] ih dhan kartay kaa khayl hai, kaday aavai kaday jaa-ay.
This wealth is the play of the Creator, sometimes it comes, sometimes it goes.
igAwnIAw kw Dnu nwmu hY sd hI rhY smwie ] gi-aanee-aa kaa dhan naam hai, sad hee rahai samaa-ay.
The Name (of God) is the (real) wealth of the giaanees (i.e. spiritual scholars) knowledge; it
remains forever merged within them.
nwnk ijn kau ndir kry qW iehu Dnu plY pwie ]2]
naanak, jin ka-o nadar karay, taan ih dhan palai paa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, upon who He bestows His Grace, (they are) blessed with this wealth. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awip krwey kry Awip hau kY isau krI pukwr ] aap karaa-ay, karay aap, ha-o kai si-o karee pukaar.
He Himself does and Himself causes (everything done); unto whom should I complain?
Awpy lyKw mMgsI Awip krwey kwr ] aapay laykhaa maNgsee, aap karaa-ay kaar.
He Himself will ask for account, and, He Himself gets us to do deeds.
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY hukmu kry gwvwru ] jo tis bhaavai, so thee-ai, hukam karay gaavaar.
Whatever pleases Him, happens; only a foolish one issues commands (on other beings).
Awip Cfwey CutIAY Awpy bKsxhwru ] aap chhadaa-ay, chhutee-ai, aapay bakhsaṇhaar.
(When) He saves, one is saved; He Himself is the Forgiver.
Awpy vyKY suxy Awip sBsY dy AwDwru ] aapay vaykhai, suṇay aap, sabhsai day aadhaar.
He Himself sees, and, He Himself hears; He gives sustenance to all.
sB mih eyku vrqdw isir isir kry bIcwru ] sabh meh ayk varatdaa, sir sir karay beechaar.
He alone is pervading all; and, He considers (the deeds of) each and every one.
P. 1283
gurmuiK Awpu vIcwrIAY lgY sic ipAwru ] gurmukh aap veechaaree-ai lagai sach pi-aar.
Reflecting upon one’s self through the Guru, one is attached to the love of the True (Lord).
nwnk iks no AwKIAY Awpy dyvxhwru ]10] naanak kis no aakhee-ai aapay dayvanhaar. ||10||
Nanak (says): whom can we ask for? He Himself is the Giver (of everything). 10

slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw eyhu jgqu hY mq ko Brim Bulwie ]
baabeehaa ayhu jagat hai, mat ko bharam bhulaa-ay.
This world is (like) the baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird); let no one be deluded by doubts; (and)
iehu bwbINhw psU hY ies no bUJxu nwih ] AMimRqu hir kw nwmu hY ijqu pIqY iqK jwie ]
ih baabeenhaa pasoo hai, is no boojhaṇ naahi. aMmrit har kaa naam hai, jit peetai tikh jaa-ay.
This baabeehaa (i.e. this world) is (like) an animal, it does not have understanding (that):
the Name of God is AMmrit ; drinking it in, thirst is quenched.
nwnk gurmuiK ijn@ pIAw iqn@ bhuiV n lwgI Awie ]1]
naanak, gurmukh jinh pee-aa, tinnh bahuṛ na laagee aa-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): those, who drinks it, through the Guru, shall never again be afflicted by it (i.e.

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
mlwru sIql rwgu hY hir iDAwieAY sWiq hoie ] malaar seetal raag hai, har dhi-aa-i-ai saant ho-ay.
Malar is cooling (i.e. soothing) raaga, meditating upon God (through it) brings peace.
hir jIau ApxI ik®pw kry qW vrqY sB loie ] har jee-o apṇee kirpaa karay, taan vartai sabh lo-ay.
If dear God bestows His Grace, then this (peace) can prevail upon all the world.
vuTY jIAw jugiq hoie DrxI no sIgwru hoie ] vuṭai jee-aa jugat ho-ay, dharṇee no seegaar ho-ay.
When it rains, all the beings find a way (of life), and, the earth becomes embellished.
nwnk iehu jgqu sBu jlu hY jl hI qy sB koie ] naanak, ih jagat sabh jal hai, jal hee tay sabh ko-ay.
Nanak (says): this world is all water, and, everyone comes from water (i.e. like rain water,
everything of the world is a blessing from God).
gur prswdI ko ivrlw bUJY so jnu mukqu sdw hoie ]2]
gur parsaadee ko virlaa boojhai, so jan mukat sadaa ho-ay. ||2||
By the Grace of the Guru, some rare one realizes (this); (and, the one who realizes this) that
servant (i.e. devotee) is liberated forever. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
scw vyprvwhu ieko qU DxI ] sachaa vayparvaahu, iko too dhaṇee.
(O! God) You alone are True and Carefree Master.
qU sBu ikCu Awpy Awip dUjy iksu gxI ] too sabh kichh aapay aap, doojay kis gaṇee.
You Yourself are everything; who else should I count (of any worth)?
mwxs kUVw grbu scI quDu mxI ] maaṇas kooṛaa garab, sachee tudh maṇee.
False is the pride of man. True is Your (great) Glory.
Awvw gauxu rcwie aupweI mydnI ] aavaa ga-oṇ rachaa-ay, upaa-ee maydnee.
Creating the coming and going (in reincarnation), you have created the universe.
siqguru syvy Awpxw AwieAw iqsu gxI ] satgur sayvay aapṇaa, aa-i-aa tis gaṇee.
One, who serves his True Guru, his coming ( into the world, i.e. birth as human) is worthwhile.
jy haumY ivchu jwie q kyhI gxq gxI ] jay ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay, ta kayhee gaṇat gaṇee.
If egotism is eradicated from within, then where is the need for calculating the accounts* ?
[*i.e. then there is no need to assess the deeds of such a person].
mnmuK moih gubwir ijau Bulw mMiJ vxI ] manmukh mohi gubaar, ji-o bhulaa maNjh vaṇee.
The mind-oriented one is in the darkness of (emotional) attachment; (he is) like the one
straying in jungle (i.e. lost in wilderness).
kty pwp AsMK nwvY iek kxI ]11] katay paap asaNkh, naavai ik kaṇee. ||11||
Countless sins are erased by (even) a particle (i.e. a little) of (meditation upon) the Name (of
God). 11
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw KsmY kw mhlu n jwxhI mhlu dyiK Ardwis pwie ]
baabeehaa, khasmai kaa mahal na jaaṇhee, mahal daykh ardaas paa-ay.
O! baabeehaa (O! rain bird), you do not know the mansion of the Master (i.e. presence of the
Master in His mansion i.e. your heart); (first) offer your prayer and see (Him in) His mansion.
AwpxY BwxY bhuqw bolih boilAw Qwie n pwie ] aapṇai bhaaṇai bahutaa boleh, boli-aa thaa-ay na paa-ay.
You speak too much as it pleases you; so your speech is not accepted.
Ksmu vfw dwqwru hY jo ieCy so Pl pwie ] khasam vadaa daataar hai, jo ichhay so fal paa-ay.
The Master is the great Giver; whatever you desire, you shall receive that fruit from him.

bwbIhw ikAw bpuVw jgqY kI iqK jwie ]1] baabeehaa ki-aa bapuṛaa, jagtai kee tikh jaa-ay. ||1||
Not only (the thirst of) the poor baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird), the thirst of the whole world is
quenched (by God). 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
bwbIhw iBMnI rYix boilAw shjy sic suBwie ] baabeehaa bhiNnee raiṇ boli-aa, sehjay sach subhaa-ay.
Baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird) sings in drew-strewn night (i.e. early in the morning), in true love,
with natural ease:
iehu jlu myrw jIau hY jl ibnu rhxu n jwie ] ih jal mayraa jee-o hai, jal bin rahaṇ na jaa-ay.
This water is my life, I cannot live without it (i.e. as rain bird cannot survive without rain water,
the mortal being cannot survive without the Name of God) .
gur sbdI jlu pweIAY ivchu Awpu gvwie ] gur sabdee jal paa-ee-ai, vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru, water (i.e A mrit Name) is obtained, by eradicating self-
conceit from within.
nwnk ijsu ibnu csw n jIvdI so siqguir dIAw imlwie ]2]
naanak, jis bin chasaa na jeevdee, so satgur dee-aa milaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): He, without whom I cannot live (i.e. survive) even for a moment, the True Guru
has got me to meet Him. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
KMf pqwl AsMK mY gxq n hoeI ] khaNd pataal asaNkh, mai gaṇat na ho-ee.
There are countless of regions and the nether regions (of the universe), I cannot count them.
qU krqw goivMdu quDu isrjI quDY goeI ] too kartaa goviNd, tudh sirjee tudhai go-ee.
You are the Creator, O! Lord of the World; You (alone) create and You (alone) destroy it.
lK caurwsIh mydnI quJ hI qy hoeI ] lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee, tujh hee tay ho-ee.
The eighty-four lacs* (i.e. 8.4 million) of (species of) the earth, have come forth from You.
[*Eighty-four lacs i.e. 8.4 million refers to all the species (i.e. human beings and other creatures). This figure is not exact,
and, it means the whole creation].
ieik rwjy Kwn mlUk khih khwvih koeI ] ik raajay khaan malook, kaheh kahaaveh ko-ee.
Some call themselves and get themselves called kings, nobles and emperors.
ieik swh sdwvih sMic Dnu dUjY piq KoeI ] ik saah sadaaveh, saNch dhan, doojai pat kho-ee.
Some get themselves called bankers, and, accumulate wealth; they lose their honour in
(attachment to) duality.
ieik dwqy iek mMgqy sBnw isir soeI ] ik daatay, ik maNgtay, sabhnaa sir so-ee.
Some are givers, some are beggars; (but) He (i.e. God) alone is above the heads of all.
ivxu nwvY bwjwrIAw BIhwvil hoeI ] viṇ naavai baajaaree-aa, bheehaaval ho-ee.
Without the Name, they are loiters and dreadful.
kUV inKuty nwnkw scu kry su hoeI ]12] kooṛ nikhutay, naankaa, sach karay so ho-ee. ||12||
Nanak (says): the false is (finally) diminished (i.e. finished); and, whatever the True (Lord)
does, comes to happen. 12
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw guxvMqI mhlu pwieAw AaugxvMqI dUir ] baabeehaa guṇva tee mahal paa-i-aa, a-ugaṇva tee door.
O! baabeehaa (O! rain bird), the virtuous (soul bride) attains the mansion (i.e. presence of the
Lord, in His mansion of the heart); the virtue-less remains far away.

AMqir qyrY hir vsY gurmuiK sdw hjUir ] aNtar tayrai har vasai, gurmukh sadaa hajoor.
(O! being) within your inner being God abides; through the Guru, you can behold Him ever
kUk pukwr n hoveI ndrI ndir inhwl ] kook pukaar na hova-ee, nadree nadar nihaal.
(When He is present within one’s inner being, then) there remains no need of crying and
complaining, (because) He bestows His Glance of Grace and makes one enraptured.
nwnk nwim rqy shjy imly sbid gurU kY Gwl ]1]
naanak, naam ratay sehjay milay, sabad guroo kai ghaal. ||1||
Nanak (says): those, who are imbued with the Name, unite (with the Lord) with natural ease,
(by) practising (i.e. following) the Word of the Guru. 1
P. 1284
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
bwbIhw bynqI kry kir ikrpw dyhu jIA dwn ] baabeehaa bayntee karay, kar kirpaa dayh jee-a daan.
Baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird) prays: (O! God, please) bestow Your Grace and bless me with the gift
of life.
jl ibnu ipAws n aUqrY Cutik jWih myry pRwn ] jal bin pi-aas na ootrai, chhutak jaanhi mayray paraan.
Without the water (i.e. Name), my thirst is not quenched, and, my breath (of life) is leaving me.
qU suKdwqw byAMqu hY guxdwqw nyDwnu ] too sukh-daata bay-aNt hai, guṇdaataa naydhaan.
You are the Giver of Happiness, O! Infinite (Lord), You are the Giver of the Treasure of
nwnk gurmuiK bKis ley AMiq bylI hoie Bgvwnu ]2]
naanak, gurmukh bakhas la-ay, aNt baylee ho-ay bhagvaan. ||2||
Nanak (says): the Lord of Fortune blesses through the Guru, and, becomes one’s friend, in the
end. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awpy jgqu aupwie kY gux Aaugx kry bIcwru ] aapay jagat upaa-ay kai, guṇ a-ugaṇ karay beechaar.
He Himself creates the world; and, He considers the merits and demerits(of the beings).
qRY gux srb jMjwlu hY nwim n Dry ipAwru ] tarai guṇ sarab jaNjaal hai, naam na dharay pi-aar.
(Those, who are) entangled in the three gunaas (of Maya), do not love the Name (of the Lord).
gux Coif Aaugx kmwvdy drgh hoih KuAwru ] guṇ chhod a-ugaṇ kamaavday, dargeh hohi khu-aar.
Forsaking the virtues, they earn vices (i.e. commit sins) ; (hence) they suffer in His Court.
jUAY jnmu iqnI hwirAw ikqu Awey sMswir ] joo-ai janam tinee haari-aa, kit aa-ay saNsaar.
They lose their life in gamble; why did they (even) come into the world ?
scY sbid mnu mwirAw Aihinis nwim ipAwir ] sachai sabad man maari-aa, ahinis naam pi-aar.
Those, who subdue (i.e. conquer) their mind, through the True Word; day and night, they love
the Name (of the Lord).
ijnI purKI auir DwirAw scw AlK Apwru ] qU guxdwqw inDwnu hih AsI AvgixAwr ]
jinee purkhee ur dhaari-aa, sachaa alakh apaar. too guṇdaataa nidhaan heh, asee avgaṇi-aar.
Those persons, who enshrine the True, Imperceptible, Infinite (Lord) within their hearts (i.e.
offer prayer): (O! Lord) You are the Giver of Virtues, You are the treasure (of virtues); we are
ijsu bKsy so pwiesI gur sbdI vIcwru ]13] jis bakhsay so paa-isee, gur sabdee veechaar. ||13||
One, whom He blesses, he alone shall find Him by contemplating the Word of the Guru. 13

slok mÚ 5 ] Salok, M: 5
rwiq n ivhwvI swkqW ijn@w ivsrY nwau ] raat na vihaavee saaktaan, jin aa visrai naa-o.

The night of the non-believers, who forget the Name (of God), does not come to pass.
rwqI idns suhylIAw nwnk hir gux gWau ]1] raatee dinas suhaylee-aa, naanak, har guṇ gaan-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): those (soul brides) who sing (the praise of) the excellences of God, their days and
nights become comfortable. 1
mÚ 5 ] M: 5
rqn jvyhr mwxkw hBy mxI mQMin ] ratan javayhar maaṇkaa, habhay maṇee mathaNn.
Jewels, gems, diamonds and pearls are (inscribed, i.e. shine forth) on their foreheads.
nwnk jo pRiB BwixAw scY dir sohMin ]2] naanak, jo prabh bhaaṇi-aa, sachai dar sohaNn. ||2||
Nanak (says): those, who are pleasing to the Lord, look beautiful in the True Court.
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
scw siqguru syiv scu sm@wilAw ] sachaa satgur sayv, sach samhaali-aa.
Through the service of the True Guru, (the Guru-oriented ones) remember the True (Lord).
AMiq KloAw Awie ij siqgur AgY GwilAw ] aNt khalo-aa aa-ay, je satgur agai ghaali-aa.
The service they had done for (i.e. following the instructions of) the True Guru, that stood by
them (i.e. became useful/ helpful) in the end.
poih n skY jmkwlu scw rKvwilAw ] pohi na sakai jamkaal, sachaa rakhvaali-aa.
The messenger of death cannot (even) touch (that person) who is protected by the True (Lord).
gur swKI joiq jgwie dIvw bwilAw ] gur saakhee jot jagaa-ay, deevaa baali-aa.
Lighting the lamp of the teachings of the Guru (within their mind), they illumine the lamp (of
mnmuK ivxu nwvY kUiVAwr iPrih byqwilAw ] manmukh viṇ naavai kooṛi-aar, fireh baytaali-aa.
Without the Name (of God), the mind-oriented are false ones; they wander around (like) demons.
psU mwxs cMim plyty AMdrhu kwilAw ] pasoo maaṇas chaMm, palaytay aNdrahu kaali-aa.
They are (like) animals, wrapped up in (human) skin; they are black (hearted) from within.
sBo vrqY scu scY sbid inhwilAw ] sabho vartai sach, sachai sabad nihaali-aa.
The True (Lord) is pervading all; (the True Lord) can seen through the True Word.
nwnk nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY guir dyKwilAw ]14] naanak, naam nidhaan hai, poorai gur daykhaali-aa. ||14||
Nanak (says): the Name (of the Lord) is a treasure (of all happiness), the perfect Guru has
revealed this. 14
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhY hukmu pCwixAw gur kY shij suBwie ] baabeehai hukam pachhaaṇi-aa, gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
Baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird) realized the (Lord’s) Command with natural ease, through the Guru.
myGu vrsY dieAw kir gUVI Chbr lwie ] maygh varsai da-i-aa kar, gooṛee chhahbar laa-ay.
In His Mercy, the clouds burst down rain in torrents.
bwbIhy kUk pukwr rih geI suKu visAw min Awie ]
baabeehay kook pukaar reh ga-ee, sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The cries and the wailing of Baabeehaa (i.e. rain bird) stopped, and happiness came to abide in
his mind.
nwnk so swlwhIAY ij dyNdw sBnW jIAw irjku smwie ]1]
naanak, so salaahee-ai, je day daa sabhnaan jee-aa rijak samaa-ay. ||1||

Nanak (says): praise that (Lord) who reaches out and gives sustenance to all the beings. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
cwiqRk qU n jwxhI ikAw quDu ivic iqKw hY ikqu pIqY iqK jwie ]
chaatrik too na jaaṇhee, ki-aa tudh vich tikhaa hai, kit peetai tikh jaa-ay.
O! chaatrik (O! sparrow hawk), you do not know, what thirst is within you, and, what should
you drink to quench it.
dUjY Bwie BrMimAw AMimRq jlu plY n pwie ] doojai bhaa-ay bharaMmi-aa, aMmrit jal palai na paa-ay.
You wander in love of duality, (hence) you do not obtain hold of the AMmrit water.
ndir kry jy AwpxI qW siqguru imlY suBwie ] nadar karay jay aapnee, taa satgur milai subhaa-ay.

When God bestows His Glance (of Grace), then one meets the True Guru with natural ease.
nwnk siqgur qy AMimRq jlu pwieAw shjy rihAw smwie ]2]
naanak, satgur tay aMmrit jal paa-i-aa, sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
Nanak (says): AMmrit water is obtained from the True Guru, (and, then) one remains merged
(in God) with natural ease. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ieik vx KMif bYsih jwie sdu n dyvhI ] ik vaṇ khaNd baiseh jaa-ay, sad na dayvhee.
Some go and sit in the regions of the forests, (and, then) do not answer any calls (i.e. observe
total silence).
ieik pwlw kkru BMin sIqlu jlu hyNvhI ] ik paalaa kakar bhaNn, seetal jal haynvahee.
Some, bearing snow-flakes (i.e. intense icy cold), (take seat) in cold freezing water.
ieik Bsm cV@wvih AMig mYlu n DovhI ] ik bhasam chaṛhaavahi aNg, mail na dhovhee.
Some smear ash on their bodies, and, do not wash off their dirt.
ieik jtw ibkt ibkrwl kulu Gru KovhI ] ik jataa bikat bikraal, kul ghar khovhee.
Some wear unshorn matted dreadful hair (thus, by becoming ascetics); they lose their family
and their home.
P. 1285
ieik ngn iPrih idnu rwiq nˆØId n sovhI ] ik nagan fireh din raat, neend na sovhee.
Some wander naked, day and night, and, do not have sleep at all.
ieik Agin jlwvih AMgu Awpu ivgovhI ] ik agan jalaaveh aNg, aap vigovahee.
Some burn their limbs in fire, and, ruin themselves (i.e. their bodies).
ivxu nwvY qnu Cwru ikAw kih rovhI ] viṇ naavai tan chhaar, ki-aa kahi rovhee.
Without the Name (of the Lord), the body becomes ash; what use is it to speak and weep, then?
sohin Ksm duAwir ij siqguru syvhI ]15] sohan khasam du-aar, je satgur sayvhee. ||15||
Those, who serve the True Guru, are embellished at the Door (i.e. in the Court) of the Master. 15
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
bwbIhw AMimRq vylY boilAw qW dir suxI pukwr ] myGY no Purmwnu hoAw vrshu ikrpw Dwir ]
baabeehaa aMmrit vaylai boli-aa, taan dar suṇee pukaar.
mayghai no furmaan ho-aa, varsahu kirpaa dhaar.
The baabeehaa* (i.e rain bird) chirps in the ambrosial hour (i.e. early in the morning, before the
dawn), and, his cry (i.e prayer) is heard in the Court (of God).; and,
The Command is issued to the cloud* to become Gracious and rain down (the AMmrit Name).
[*Here, baabeehaa has been presented as a symbol of the human being, the devotee, praying for the water (i.e. Amrit
Name); and, the cloud has been presented as the symbol of the Guru].
hau iqn kY bilhwrxY ijnI scu riKAw auir Dwir ] ha-o tin kai balihaarṇai, jinee sach rakhi-aa ur dhaar.
I am a sacrifice unto those, who enshrine the True (Lord) in their hearts.

nwnk nwmy sB hrIAwvlI gur kY sbid vIcwir ]1]
naanak, naamay sabh haree-aavalee, gur kai sabad veechaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): through the Name, everything (i.e. the entire universe) is turned green,
contemplating the Word of the Guru. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
bwbIhw iev qyrI iqKw n auqrY jy sau krih pukwr ] baabeehaa, iv tayree tikhaa na utrai, jay sa-o karahi pukaar.
O! baabeehaa (i.e rain bird), this way your thirst will not be quenched, (even though) you may
cry out a hundred times.
ndrI siqguru pweIAY ndrI aupjY ipAwru ] nadree satgur paa-ee-ai, nadree upjai pi-aar.
By His (God's) Grace, the True Guru is found, and, by His Glance (of Grace) love wells up.
nwnk swihbu min vsY ivchu jwih ivkwr ]2] naanak, saahib man vasai, vichahu jaahi vikaar. ||2||
Nanak (says): (when) the Master abides in mind, the vices (i.e. evil intentions) leave from
within. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ieik jYnI auJV pwie Durhu KuAwieAw ] ik jainee ujhaṛ paa-ay, dharahu khu-aa-i-aa.
Some are Jains, who have been deluded, from the very beginning (i.e. by their destiny).
iqn muiK nwhI nwmu n qIriQ n@wieAw ] tin mukh naahee naam, na tirath nhaa-i-aa.
They do not have the Name (of God) in their mouth (i.e. on their lips), and, they do not bath at
places of pilgrimage.
hQI isr Kohwie n Bdu krwieAw ] hathee sir khohaa-ay, na bhad karaa-i-aa.
They do not shave themselves, (in stead) they pull out their head (i.e. hair) with hands.
kuicl rhih idn rwiq sbdu n BwieAw ] kuchil raheh din raat, sabad na bhaa-i-aa.
They remain dirty (i.e. unclean) day and night; the Word (of the Guru) does not please them.
iqn jwiq n piq n krmu jnmu gvwieAw ] tin jaat na pat na karam, janam gavaa-i-aa.
They have no caste (i.e. social status), no honour, no good deeds; they waste away their (human)
life (in vain).
min jUTY vyjwiq jUTw KwieAw ] man jooṭai vayjaat jooṭaa khaa-i-aa.
Their minds are false and low-caste (i.e. polluted), they eat impure (i.e. left over by others) food.
ibnu sbdY Awcwru n ikn hI pwieAw ] bin sabdai aachaar na kin hee paa-i-aa.
Without the Word, no one attains good conduct (i.e. good way of life).
gurmuiK EAMkwir sic smwieAw ]16] gurmukh o-aNkaar sach samaa-i-aa. ||16||
The Guru-oriented one is absorbed in the Creator Lord, the True (Lord). 16
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
swvix srsI kwmxI gur sbdI vIcwir ] saavaṇ sarsee kaamṇee, gur sabdee veechaar.
In (the month of) Saawan (i.e. rainy season), the charming lady (i.e. soul bride) is happy,
contemplating the Word of the Guru.
nwnk sdw suhwgxI gur kY hyiq Apwir ]1] naanak, sadaa suhaagaṇee, gur kai hayt apaar. ||1||
Nanak (says): she is happy (soul)bride forever, (because) she has infinite love for the Guru. 1

mÚ 3 ] M: 3
swvix dJY gux bwhrI ijsu dUjY Bwie ipAwru ] saavaṇ dajhai guṇ baahree, jis doojai bhaa-ay pi-aar.
In (the month of) Saawan (i.e. rainy season), she, who has no virtues, is burned for (i.e. because
of) her love and attachment for duality.

nwnk ipr kI swr n jwxeI sBu sIgwru KuAwru ]2]
naanak, pir kee saar na jaaṇ-ee, sabh seegaar khu-aar. ||2||
Nanak (says): she does not realize (and appreciate) the value of her Husband (Lord), (hence) all
her decorations (are useless and) cause suffering. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
scw AlK AByau hiT n pqIjeI ] sachaa alakh abhay-o, haṭ na pateeja-ee.
The True, Unseen, Indivisible (Lord), is not pleased by (acts/ rituals of) stubbornness.
ieik gwvih rwg prIAw rwig n BIjeI ] ik gaavahi raag paree-aa, raag na bheej-ee.
Some sing (His praise) in raagas (i.e. musical measures) and variations of musical measures (i.e.
symphonies); (but) He is not pleased by these raagas.
ieik nic nic pUrih qwl Bgiq n kIjeI ] ik nach nach pooreh taal, bhagat na keej-ee.
Some dance and dance, keeping perfect beat, but do not perform devotion.
ieik AMnu n Kwih mUrK iqnw ikAw kIjeI ] ik aNn na khaahi moorakh, tinaa ki-aa keej-ee.
Some fools do not eat food, what can be done with them ?
iqRsnw hoeI bhuqu ikvY n DIjeI ] tarisnaa ho-ee bahut, kivai na dheej-ee.
Thirst (of desires) has greatly increased; it is not satisfied by any (such) means.
krm vDih kY loA Kip mrIjeI ] karam vadheh kai lo-a, khap mareeja-ee.
Some are bound down by (religious) rituals, they are ruined and die away.
lwhw nwmu sMswir AMimRqu pIjeI ] laahaa naam saNsaar, aMmrit peej-ee.
In this world (real) profit comes by drinking in the A mrit (Name of the Lord)
hir BgqI Asnyih gurmuiK GIjeI ]17] har bhagtee asnayhi, gurmukh gheej-ee. ||17||
The Guru-oriented ones gather in the loving meditation of God. 18
slok mÚ 3 ] Salok, M: 3
gurmuiK mlwr rwgu jo krih iqn mnu qnu sIqlu hoie ]
gurmukh, malaar raag jo karahi, tin man tan seetal ho-ay.
Those (persons), who sings in Malaar raaga, through the Guru ---- their minds and bodies
become cool (i.e soothed).
gur sbdI eyku pCwixAw eyko scw soie ] gur sabdee ayk pachhaaṇi-aa, ayko sachaa so-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru, they realizes One, the One True (Lord).
mnu qnu scw scu min scy scI soie ] man tan sachaa, sach man, sachay sachee so-ay.
Their minds and bodies are true; and, the True (Lord) is in their mind; and, they have true
fame (i.e. praise).
AMdir scI Bgiq hY shjy hI piq hoie ] aNdar sachee bhagat hai, sehjay hee pat ho-ay.
Within them is true devotion, (hence) they obtain honour with natural ease.
kiljug mih Gor AMDwru hY mnmuK rwhu n koie ] kalijug meh ghor aNdhaar hai, manmukh raahu na ko-ay.
In the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age), there is utter darkness (of ignorance), (hence) the mind-
oriented one cannot find the way (to God).
sy vfBwgI nwnkw ijn gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]1] say vadbhaagee, naankaa, jin gurmukh pargat ho-ay. ||1||
Nanak (says): greatly fortunate are those, unto whom He (i.e. God) is revealed through the
Guru. 1
mÚ 3 ] M: 3
ieMdu vrsY kir dieAw lokW min aupjY cwau ] iNd varsai kar da-i-aa, lokaan man upjai chaa-o.
The cloud rains down (i.e. the Guru rains down the Name of the Lord) mercifully, and, joy wells
up in the minds of the people.

ijs kY hukim ieMdu vrsdw iqs kY sd bilhwrY jWau ]
jis kai hukam iNd varasdaa, tis kai sad balihaarai jaan-o.
I am forever a sacrifice unto Him, by whose Command the clouds shower rain.
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gurmuiK sbdu sm@wlIAY scy ky gux gwau ] gurmukh sabad samhaalee-ai, sachay kay guṇ gaa-o.
(O! brethren) remember the Word (of the Lord) through the Guru, and, sing (the praise of) the
excellences of the True (Lord).
nwnk nwim rqy jn inrmly shjy sic smwau ]2]
naanak, naam ratay jan nirmalay, sehjay sach samaa-o. ||2||
Nanak (says): those servants (i.e. devotees), who are imbued with the Name (of the Lord), are
immaculate; they merge in the True (Lord), with natural ease. 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
pUrw siqguru syiv pUrw pwieAw ] pooraa satgur sayv, pooraa paa-i-aa.
Serving the perfect True Guru, one finds the Perfect (Lord).
pUrY krim iDAwie pUrw sbdu mMin vswieAw ] poorai karam dhi-aa-ay, pooraa sabad maNn vasaa-i-aa.
Meditating upon the Perfect (Lord) through His Grace, one enshrines the perfect Word within
his mind.
pUrY igAwin iDAwin mYlu cukwieAw ] poorai gi-aan dhi-aan, mail chukaa-i-aa.
Through the perfect (spiritual) wisdom and meditation, the filth (of mind) is washed away.
hir sir qIriQ jwix mnUAw nwieAw ] har sar tirath jaaṇ, manoo-aa naa-i-aa.
Believing (the Name of) God as sacred (waters of the) place of pilgrimage, I wash my mind in it.
sbid mrY mnu mwir DMnu jxydI mwieAw ] sabad marai man maar dhaNn jaṇaydee maa-i-aa.
One, who dies in the Word (of the Guru) and conquers his mind ---- blessed is the mother who
gave birth to him.
dir scY sicAwru scw AwieAw ] dar sachai sachiaar, sachaa aa-i-aa.
He is (judged) true at the Door (i.e. Court) of the True (Lord); and, his coming (into the world) is
true (i.e. fruitful).
puiC n skY koie jW KsmY BwieAw ] puchh na sakai ko-ay, jaan khasmai bhaa-i-aa.
No one can question the one, who is pleasing to the Master.
nwnk scu slwih iliKAw pwieAw ]18] naanak, sach salaahi, likhi-aa paa-i-aa. ||18||
Nanak (says): praising the True (Lord), one obtains pre-inscribed (i.e. one’s pre-inscribed good
destiny is activated). 18
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
kulhW dyNdy bwvly lYNdy vfy inlj ] kulhaan daynday baavlay, lainday vaday nilaj.
Those, who give out the hat (i.e. ceremonial hats of spiritual authority to their disciples) are
crazy, and, those who receive them are greatly shameless.
cUhw Kf n mwveI iqkil bMn@Y Cj ] choohaa khad na maav-ee, tikal baNnhai chhaj.
The mouse cannot fit in (i.e. enter) its hole, with a winnowing basket tied around its waist.
dyin@ duAweI sy mrih ijn kau dyin is jwih ] daynih du-aa-ee say mareh, jin ka-o dayn se jaahi.
Those, who give out blessings shall die, and, those, whom they bless shall also depart.
nwnk hukmu n jwpeI ikQY jwie smwih ] naanak, hukam na jaap-ee, kithai jaa-ay samaahi.
Nanak (says): they do not understand His Command, where shall they go and merge?

Psil AhwVI eyku nwmu swvxI scu nwau ] fasal ahaaṛee ayk naam, saavṇee sach naa-o.
The crop of (the month of) Ahaarh (i.e. spring harvest) is the Name of the One (Lord), and, (the
harvest of the month) of Saawan (i.e. autumn) is the True Name (of the Lord).
mY mhdUdu ilKwieAw KsmY kY dir jwie ] mai mehdood likhaa-i-aa, khasmai kai dar jaa-ay.
I have received an agreement of rules (i.e. letter of authority), which is approved from the
Court of the Master.
dunIAw ky dr kyqVy kyqy Awvih jWih ] dunee-aa kay dar kayt-ṛay, kaytay aavahi jaanhi.
There are so many courts of the world (i.e. seats of the monasteries); and, so many come and go.
kyqy mMgih mMgqy kyqy mMig mMig jwih ]1] kaytay maNgeh maNgtay, kaytay maNg maNg jaahi. ||1||
There are so many beggars begging, and, so many beg and beg and depart. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
sau mxu hsqI iGau guVu KwvY pMij sY dwxw Kwie ]
sa-o maṇ hastee ghi-o guṛ khaava,i paNj sai daaṇaa khaa-ay.
An elephant eats a hundred maunds of ghee (butter) and molasses, and five hundred maunds
of corn.
[*Before the introduction of the Metric system, the weight and measure system was in ratti, tola, maashaa, chhatak sayr
(ser) and maṇ (maund). In the old system 8 ratti was one maashaa, 12 maashaa was one tola, five tola was one chhatak
and 16 chhatak or 80 tola was one sayr (ser), and, 40 saysr (ser) was one maṇ (maund). In conversion to the Metric
system, 1tolaa is equal to 11.664 grams, one sayr (ser) is 933.10 grams and one maṇ (maund) is 37.324 kilograms].
fkY PUkY Kyh aufwvY swih gieAY pCuqwie ] dakai fookai, khayh udaavai, saahi ga-i-ai pachhutaa-ay.
He belches, blows and scatters dust, (but when) the breath (of life) is gone, it repents.
AMDI PUik mueI dyvwnI ] aNdhee fook mu-ee dayvaanee.
The blind (world is like the elephant, it) dies in craziness.
Ksim imtI iPir BwnI ] khasam mitee, fir bhaanee.
(But) if it merges into the Master, (then) it is pleasing to Him.
Adu gulHw icVI kw cugxu gYix cVI ibllwie ] adh gulhaa chiṛee kaa chugaṇ, gaiṇ chaṛee billaa-ay.
(On the other hand) the sparrow pecks (i.e. eats) only half a corn cob; (then) it flies (through the
sky) and chirps
KsmY BwvY Ehw cMgI ij kry Kudwie Kudwie ] khasmai bhaavai ohaa cha gee, je karay khudaa-ay khudaa-ay.
One, who chants ‘God’ ‘God’ (i.e. chants the Name of God), is good and is pleasing to the Master.
skqw sIhu mwry sY imirAw sB ipCY pY Kwie ] saktaa seehu maaray sai miri-aa, sabh pichhai pai, khaa-ay.
The powerful tiger kills hundreds of deer, and, others follow him to eat (what it leaves).
hoie sqwxw GurY n mwvY swih gieAY pCuqwie ] ho-ay sataaṇaa, ghurai na maavai, saahi ga-i-ai pachhutaa-ay.
Becoming powerful (i.e. fat), it cannot be contained in its den;(but when) the breath (of life) is
gone, it repents.
AMDw iks no buik suxwvY ] aNdhaa, kis no buk suṇaavai.
(When) the blind (i.e. spiritually ignorant) roars, to whom he gets to listen (i.e. impress)?
KsmY mUil n BwvY ] khasmai, mool na bhaavai.
It is not pleasing to the Master.
Ak isau pRIiq kry Ak iqfw Ak fwlI bih Kwie ] ak si-o preet karay ak tidaa, ak daalee bahi khaa-ay.
The hopper of ak (plant)*, loves the ak, perched on the branch of ak, it eats it.
(*It is a plant of sandy wilderness; its biotanical name is: calotropis procera)
KsmY BwvY Eho cMgw ij kry Kudwie Kudwie ] khasmai bhaavai oho chaNga, je karay khudaa-ay khudaa-ay.
That alone is good and pleasing to the Master, who chants ‘God’, ‘God’ (i.e. Name of God).

nwnk dunIAw cwir idhwVy suiK kIqY duKu hoeI ] naanak, dunee-aa chaar dihaaṛay, sukh keetai dukh ho-ee.
Nanak (says): the world lasts for (only) four days (i.e. life of a being is very short), indulgence in
pleasure causes sufferings.
glw vwly hYin Gxyry Cif n skY koeI ] galaa vaalay hain ghaṇayray, chhad na sakai ko-ee.
There are many who talk (i.e. boast of detachment from worldliness), but no one (of them) can
renounce (i.e. remain detached).
mKˆØI imTY mrxw ] makhen, miṭai marṇaa.
The fly dies in sweets (i.e. for sweets).
ijn qU rKih iqn nyiV n AwvY iqn Bau swgru qrxw ]2]
jin too rakheh, tin nayṛ na aavai, tin bha-o saagar tarṇaa. ||2||
(O! Lord) those, whom You protect, it (Maya) does not (even) approach them, they cross over
the terrifying (world) ocean. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Agm Agocru qU DxI scw AlK Apwru ] agam agochar, too dhaṇee, sachaa alakh apaar.
You are inaccessible, imperceptible Master; O! True(Lord), You are invisible and infinite.
qU dwqw siB mMgqy ieko dyvxhwru ] too daataa, sabh maNgtay, iko dayvaṇhaar.
You are the Giver, all are beggar (of You); You alone are the Giver.
ijnI syivAw iqnI suKu pwieAw gurmqI vIcwru ] jinee sayvi-aa, tinee sukh paa-i-aa, gurmatee veechaar.
Those, who serve You, reflecting upon the teachings of the Guru, obtain happiness
ieknw no quDu eyvY Bwvdw mwieAw nwil ipAwru ] iknaa no tudh ayvai bhaavdaa, maa-i-aa naal pi-aar.
Some, as You Will so, are in love with Maya.
gur kY sbid slwhIAY AMqir pRym ipAwru ] gur kai sabad salaahee-ai, aNtar paraym pi-aar.
(O! brethren) praise (the Lord) through the Word of the Guru, with love and affection within
(the mind).
ivxu pRIqI Bgiq n hoveI ivxu siqgur n lgY ipAwru ]
viṇ preetee bhagat na hova-ee, viṇ satgur na lagai pi-aar.
Without love, there is no devotion, and, without the True Guru, love is not embraced.
qU pRBu siB quDu syvdy iek FwFI kry pukwr ] dyih dwnu sMqoKIAw scw nwmu imlY AwDwru ]19]
too prabh, sabh tudh sayvday, ik ḍaaḍee karay pukaar.
deh daan saNtokhee-aa, sachaa naam milai aadhaar. ||19||
You are the Lord, everyone serves You; a minstrel offers this prayer (to You):
(O! Lord, please) bless me with the gift of contentment, that I may receive the support of Your
True Name. 19
P. 1287
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
rwqI kwlu GtY idin kwlu ] raatee kaal ghatai, din kaal.
Through the night, the time diminishes (i.e. the life is getting short/ ticks away), and, through the
day the time diminishes (i.e. the life is getting short, day and night, continually).
iCjY kwieAw hoie prwlu ] chhijai kaa-i-aa, ho-ay paraal.
The body wears away, and, becomes (dry and week like) husk (i.e. becomes worthless).
vrqix vriqAw srb jMjwlu ] vartaṇ varti-aa, sarab jaNjaal.
This life is entangled all in worldly entanglements.

BuilAw cuik gieAw qp qwlu ] bhuli-aa, chuk ga-i-aa tap taal.
(The mortal being) has forgotten the way of austerity (i.e. meditation).
AMDw JiK JiK pieAw Jyir ] aNdhaa, jhakh jhakh pa-i-aa jhayr.
The blind (i.e. ignorant mortal being) is caught in senseless and useless clashes.
ipCY rovih ilAwvih Pyir ] pichhai roveh, li-aaveh fayr.
Those, who weep for someone dead, (and wish to) bring him back (to life, but it is not possible)?
ibnu bUJy ikCu sUJY nwhI ] bin boojhay, kichh soojhai naahee.
Without realizing, nothing can be understood.
moieAw roNih roNdy mir jWhˆØI ] mo-i-aa ronhi, ronday mar jaa heen.

People weep for the dead, and, those who weep, shall themselves die (as well).
nwnk KsmY eyvY BwvY ] naanak, khasmai ayvai bhaavai.
Nanak (says): this is as it pleases the Master.
syeI muey ijin iciq n AwvY ]1] say-ee mu-ay, jin chit na aavai. ||1||
They alone are (spiritually) dead, who do not keep Him in the mind (i.e. do not remember Him). 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
muAw ipAwru pRIiq mueI muAw vYru vwdI ] mu-aa pi-aar, preet mu-ee, mu-aa vair vaadee.
(When one is dead) love dies, affection dies, and, (also) die enmity and disputes.
vMnu gieAw rUpu ivxisAw duKI dyh rulI ] vaNn ga-i-aa, roop viṇsi-aa, dukhee dayh rulee.
The (fair) colour fades and beauty vanishes; and, the body suffers and finally rolls down (in fire
and dust). [and then, people begin talking about him:]
ikQhu AwieAw kh gieAw ikhu n sIE ikhu sI ] kith-hu aa-i-aa, kah ga-i-aa, kihu na see-o, kihu see.
Where from he came, where has he gone to? what he was not, and what he was?
min muiK glw goeIAw kIqw cwau rlI ] man mukh galaa go-ee-aa, keetaa chaa-o ralee.
The mind-oriented one talked of many things (i.e. when he was alive, he boasted of many things),
and, indulged in pleasures and revelries.
nwnk scy nwm ibnu isr Kur piq pwtI ]2] naanak, sachay naam bin, sir khur pat paatee. ||2||
Nanak (says): without the Name of the True (Lord), one’s honour is torn away, from head to
foot (i.e. one is totally dishonoured in the Court of God). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw AMqy hoie sKweI ] aMmrit naam sadaa sukh-daata, aNtay ho-ay sakhaa-ee.
The AMmrit Name is forever giver of (spiritual) happiness; it is one’s companion, in the end.
bwJu gurU jgqu baurwnw nwvY swr n pweI ] baajh guroo jagat ba-uraanaa, naavai saar na paa-ee.
Without the Guru, the world is crazy (i.e. bewildered), it does not understand the worth of
(meditation upon) the Name (of the Lord).
siqguru syvih sy prvwxu ijn@ joqI joiq imlweI ] satgur sayveh say parvaaṇ, jinh jotee jot milaa-ee.
Those, who serve the True Guru, are accepted (in the Court of God); their light merges into the
Light (of God).
so swihbu so syvku qyhw ijsu Bwxw mMin vsweI ] so saahib, so sayvak tayhaa, jis bhaaṇaa maNn vasaa-ee.
One, who enshrines the Will (of the Master) within his mind, that servant (i.e. devotee) becomes
just like his Master.
AwpxY BwxY khu ikin suKu pwieAw AMDw AMDu kmweI ]
aapṇai bhaaṇai, kaho, kin sukh paa-i-aa; aNdhaa aNdh kamaa-ee.
Tell me(O! brethren), who has obtained happiness, by following his own will; the (spiritually)
blind earns (i.e. acts in) blindness.

ibiKAw kdy hI rjY nwhI mUrK BuK n jweI ] bikhi-aa kaday hee rajai naahee, moorakh bhukh na jaa-ee.
One is never satiated by poison (i.e. committing vices and sins); the hunger of the fool does not
depart (i.e. desires of the spiritually ignorant ones are never satisfied).
dUjY sBu ko lig ivguqw ibnu siqgur bUJ n pweI ] doojai sabh ko lag vigutaa, bin satgur boojh na paa-ee.
In attachment to duality all are ruined; without the True Guru, one does not understand (the
essence of life).
siqguru syvy so suKu pwey ijs no ikrpw kry rjweI ]20]
satgur sayvay, so sukh paa-ay; jis no kirpaa karay, rajaa-ee. ||20||
One, who servers the True Guru, finds (spiritual) happiness, (when God) bestows His Grace in
His Will. 10
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
srmu Drmu duie nwnkw jy Dnu plY pwie ] saram dharam du-ay, naankaa, jay dhan palai paa-ay.
Nanak (says): modesty and righteousness, both are there, if one has the wealth (of the Name)
with him.
so Dnu imqRü n kWFIAY ijqu isir cotW Kwie ] so dhan mitra na kaanḍee-ai, jit sir chotaan khaa-ay.
That wealth is not called a friend, which leads one to blows on his head (i.e. lead to suffering).
ijn kY plY Dnu vsY iqn kw nwau PkIr ] jin kai palai dhan vasai, tin kaa naa-o fakeer.
Those, who have (worldly) wealth in their possession, are known as faqir (i.e. mendicant).
ijn@ kY ihrdY qU vsih qy nr guxI ghIr ]1] jinh kai hirdai too vaseh, tay nar guṇee gaheer. ||1||
(But) those, within whose heart You dwell, are men of deep (i.e. rich in) virtues. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
duKI dunI shyVIAY jwie q lgih duK ] dukhee dunee sahayṛee-ai, jaa-ay ta lageh dukh.
Worldly wealth is obtained by suffering (i.e. struggle and difficulty); (when) it is gone, one
(again) suffers pain.
nwnk scy nwm ibnu iksY n lQI BuK ] naanak, sachay naam bin, kisai na lathee bhukh.
Nanak (says): without (meditation upon) the True Name, no one's hunger is quenched.
rUpI BuK n auqrY jW dyKW qW BuK ] roopee bhukh na utrai, jaa daykhaan taan bhukh.

Beholding beauty, hunger is not satisfied; the more one sees (beauty), the more he hungers.
jyqy rs srIr ky qyqy lgih duK ]2] jaytay ras sareer kay, taytay lageh dukh. ||2||
As many are the tastes (i.e. pleasures) of the body, so many are the pains (afflicted by them). 2
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
AMDI kMmI AMDu mnu min AMDY qnu AMDu ] aNdhee kaMmee, aNdh man; man aNdhai, tan aNdh.
Acting blindly, the mind becomes blind; and, the blind mind makes the body blind.
ickiV lwieAY ikAw QIAY jW qutY pQr bMDu ] chikaṛ laa-i-ai, ki-aa thee-ai, jaan tutai pathar baNdh.
What is the use of plastering with mud, when a stony embankment gives way.
bMDu qutw byVI nhI nw qulhw nw hwQ ] baNdh tutaa, bayṛee nahee, naa tulhaa naa haath.
(When) the embankment is burst, and, there is no boat, and, there is no raft; and, it (i.e. ocean)
cannot be crossed on foot.
nwnk scy nwm ivxu kyqy fuby swQ ]3] naanak, sachay naam viṇ, kaytay dubay saath. ||3||
Nanak (says): without the True Name, lot many caravans (i.e. multitudes) have drowned. 3
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
lK mx suienw lK mx rupw lK swhw isir swh ] lakh maṇ su-inaa, lakh maṇ rupaa, lakh saahaa sir saah.
(One may have) hundreds of thousands of maunds* of gold, hundreds of thousands of
maunds* of silver, and, one may (even) be king over hundreds of thousands of kings.
[*Before the introduction of the Metric system, the weight and measure system was in ratti, tola, maashaa, chhatak sayr

(ser) and maṇ (maund). In the old system 8 ratti was one maashaa, 12 maashaa was one tola, five tola was one chhatak and
16 chhatak or 80 tola was one sayr (ser), and, 40 saysr (ser) was one maṇ (maund). In the Metric system, one tolaa is equal
to 11.664 grams, one sayr (ser) is 933.10 grams and one maṇ (maund) is 37.324 kilograms].
lK lskr lK vwjy nyjy lKI GoVI pwiqswh ] lakh laskar, lakh vaajay nayjay, lakhee ghoṛee paatisaah.
(One may have) hundreds of thousands of armies, hundreds of thousands of bugles (i.e.
marching bands) and lances (i.e. spear-men), and, (one may be) an emperor of hundreds of
thousands of horses (i.e. cavalry).
ijQY swieru lµGxw Agin pwxI Asgwh ] kMDI idis n AwveI DwhI pvY khwh ]
jithai saa-ir laNgh-ṇaa, agan paaṇee asgaah. kaNdhee dis na aavee, dhaahee pavai kahaah.
(But) where the unfathomable (world) ocean of water and fire is to be crossed; and,
the (other) shore of sea cannot be seen, (and, where only) cries and wailing (can be heard).
nwnk EQY jwxIAih swh kyeI pwiqswh ]4] naanak, othai jaaṇee-ahi, saah kay-ee paatisaah||4||
Nanak (says): there, it shall be known, who is (really) a king and (who is) an emperor. 4

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
ieknw glIN jMjIr bMid rbwxIAY ] iknaa galee jaNjeer, baNd rabaaṇee-ai.

Some have chains around their necks, and, (they) are bound by God.
bDy Cutih sic scu pCwxIAY ] badhay chhuteh sach, sach pachhaaṇee-ai.
They are released from bondage by the True (Name), if they realize the True (Lord).
P. 1288
iliKAw plY pwie so scu jwxIAY ] likhi-aa palai paa-ay, so sach jaaṇee-ai.
He, by whose Command, the pre-inscribed (destiny) is obtained, know that True (Lord).
hukmI hoie inbyVu gieAw jwxIAY ] hukmee ho-ay nibayṛ, ga-i-aa jaaṇee-ai.
By His Command, settlement (of the accounts) is known, when one goes (to His Court).
Baujl qwrxhwru sbid pCwxIAY ] bha-ojal taaraṇhaar, sabad pachhaaṇee-ai.
He (alone) carries across the terrifying waters; it is know through the Word.
cor jwr jUAwr pIVy GwxIAY ] chor jaar joo-aar, peeṛay ghaaṇee-ai.
Thieves, adulterers and gamblers, are pressed (like seeds) in oil-press (i.e. they are heavily
inMdk lwieqbwr imly hV@vwxIAY ] niNdak laa-itbaar, milay haṛhvaaṇee-ai.
Slanderers and gossip-mongerers are hand-cuffed.
gurmuiK sic smwie su drgh jwxIAY ]21] gurmukh sach samaa-ay, so dargeh jaaṇee-ai. ||21||
Those, who are absorbed in the True (Lord) through the Guru, are recognized (i.e. accepted
and approved) in His Court. 21
slok mÚ 2 ] Salok, M: 2
nwau PkIrY pwiqswhu mUrK pMifqu nwau ] naa-o fakeerai paatisaahu, moorakh paNdit naa-o.
The beggar is known as an emperor, and, the fool is known as pandit (i.e. religious scholar).
AMDy kw nwau pwrKU eyvY kry guAwau ] aNdhay kaa naa-o paarkhoo, ayvai karay gu-aa-o.
The blind is known as assayer ---- this is how it is said (by the people).
ieliq kw nwau cauDrI kUVI pUry Qwau ] ilat kaa naa-o cha-udhree, kooṛee pooray thaa-o.
The mischief-maker is known as leader, and, the liar is seated in the perfect place (of honour).
nwnk gurmuiK jwxIAY kil kw eyhu inAwau ]1] naanak, gurmukh jaaṇee-ai, kal kaa ayhu ni-aa-o. ||1||
Nanak (says): this is known through the Guru, that such is justice in Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age).1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
hrxW bwjW qY iskdwrW eyn@w piV@Aw nwau ] harṇaan baajaan tai sikdaaraan, aynhaa paṛh-aa naa-o.
Deers, falcons, and (government) officers ---- these are known to be clever.
PWDI lgI jwiq Phwiein AgY nwhI Qwau ] faandhee lagee jaat fahaa-in, agai naahee thaa-o.
When the trap is set, they trap (i.e. sacrifice) their own tribe (i.e. their own brethren), and,
hereafter they find no place (in the Court of the Lord).
so piVAw so pMifqu bInw ijn@I kmwxw nwau ] so paṛi-aa, so paNdit beenaa, jinhee kamaaṇaa naa-o.
He alone is learned one, and, he alone is a pandit (i.e. religious scholar) and intelligent, who
earns (i.e. practices) the Name (of the Lord).
pihlo dy jV AMdir jMmY qw aupir hovY CWau ] pahilo day jaṛ aNdar jaMmai, taa upar hovai chhaan-o.
First it (i.e. tree) grows up in root, then it spreads out the shade above (i.e. first the Name sprouts
in the heart, and, then one’s life is beautified).
rwjy sIh mukdm kuqy ] raajay seeh, mukdam kutay.
The kings are (like) tigers and (their) officials are (like) dogs.
jwie jgwiein@ bYTy suqy ] jaa-ay jagaa-inih baiṭay sutay.
They go out and awaken the (peacefully) sitting and sleeping (people and harass them).
cwkr nhdw pwiein@ Gwau ] chaakar nahdaa, paa-inih ghaa-o.
The servants (i.e. officials) inflict wounds with their nails.
rqu ipqu kuiqho cit jwhu ] rat pit, kutiho chat jaahu.
The dogs (i.e. officials) lick up the blood and bile (that is spilled).
ijQY jIAW hosI swr ] nkˆØI vFˆØI lwieqbwr ]2] jithai, jee-aan hosee saar. nakeen vaḍeen laa-itbaar. ||2|
(But, there, in the Court of the Lord) where the beings will be judged;
(these) non- trustworthy will have their nose cut (i.e. will be disgraced). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
Awip aupwey mydnI Awpy krdw swr ] aap upaa-ay maydnee, aapay kardaa saar.
He Himself creates the world, and, He Himself takes care of it.
BY ibnu Brmu n ktIAY nwim n lgY ipAwru ] bhai bin bharam na katee-ai, naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without the fear (of God), doubt is not dispelled, and, love for the Name does not well up.
siqgur qy Bau aUpjY pweIAY moK duAwr ] satgur tay bha-o oopjai, paa-ee-ai mokh du-aar.
The fear (for God) wells up through the True Guru, (and in this fear), one finds the door of
BY qy shju pweIAY imil joqI joiq Apwr ] bhai tay sahj paa-ee-ai, mil jotee jot apaar.
Through the fear (of God), one obtains poise, and, one’s light merges into the Light of the
Infinite (Lord).
BY qy BYjlu lµGIAY gurmqI vIcwru ] bhai tay bhaijal laNghee-ai, gurmatee veechaar.
Through the fear (of God), and, reflecting upon the teachings of the Guru, the terrifying
waters of (the world ocean) are crossed over.
BY qy inrBau pweIAY ijs dw AMqu n pwrwvwru ] bhai tay nirbha-o paa-ee-ai, jis daa aNt na paaraavaar.
Through the fear (of God), the Fearless (Lord) is found; His has no end or limitations.
mnmuK BY kI swr n jwxnI iqRsnw jlqy krih pukwr ]
manmukh bhai kee saar na jaaṇnee, tarisnaa jaltay karahi pukaar.
The mind-oriented ones do not know the value of the fear (of the Lord); burning in (th fire of)
desires, they call for help.

nwnk nwvY hI qy suKu pwieAw gurmqI auir Dwr ]22]
naanak, naavai hee tay sukh paa-i-aa, gurmatee ur dhaar. ||22||
Nanak (says): happiness is obtained through (meditation upon) the Name, by enshrining the
Guru’s wisdom (i.e. Guru’s teachings) within the heart. 22
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
rUpY kwmY dosqI BuKY swdY gMFu ] roopai kaamai dostee, bhukhai saadai gaNḍ.
Beauty and sexual desire are friends; and, hunger and taste (i.e. tasty food) are tied together.
lbY mwlY Guil imil imcil aUNGY sauiV plµGu ] labai maalai, ghul mil michal, oonghai sa-uṛ palaNgh.
The greed and wealth become intimate and get united with each other, and, for the sleepy
(person) even tiny space is a (comfortable) bed.
BMaukY kopu KuAwru hoie PkVu ipty AMDu ] bhaNukai kop, khu-aar ho-ay, fakaṛ pitay aNdh.
Anger (i.e. an angry person) barks (i.e. rebukes and swears) and brings ruin (on itself); the blind
(i.e. fool) beats (i.e. pronounces) nonsensical talk.
cupY cMgw nwnkw ivxu nwvY muih gMDu ]1] chupai chaNga, naankaa, viṇ naavai muhi gaNdh. ||1||
Nanak (says): it is good to remain silent; without the Name (of the Lord), one’s mouth emits
(only) foul smell.
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
rwju mwlu rUpu jwiq jobnu pMjy Tg ] raaj maal roop jaat joban, paNjay ṭag.
Royal power, wealth, beauty, caste (i.e. high social status) and youth, are the five cheats.
eynI TgIN jgu TigAw iknY n rKI lj ] aynee ṭageen jag ṭagi-aa, kinai na rakhee laj.
These cheats have cheated the (whole) world; no one's honour has been spared.
eynw Tgin@ Tg sy ij gur kI pYrI pwih ] aynaa ṭagnih ṭag say, je gur kee pairee paahi.
(But) these (five) cheats are cheated by those who fall at the feet of the Guru.
nwnk krmw bwhry hoir kyqy muTy jwih ]2] naanak, karmaa baahray, hor kaytay muṭay jaahi. ||2||
Nanak (says): so many, who are without His Grace, are getting cheated (by these cheats). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
piVAw lyKydwru lyKw mMgIAY ] paṛi-aa laykhaydaar, laykhaa maNgee-ai.
One, who is a learned person, that creditor (too) is called to account (for his actions).
ivxu nwvY kUiVAwru AauKw qMgIAY ] viṇ naavai kooṛi-aar, a-ukhaa taNgee-ai.
Without the Name (of the Lord), one is (judged) false; he faces hardship and suffers.
AauGt ruDy rwh glIAW rokIAW ] a-ughat rudhay raah, galee-aan rokee-aan.
His path is arduous, and, his passage is full of hurdles.
scw vyprvwhu sbid sMqoKIAW ] sachaa vayparvaahu, sabad saNtokhee-aan.
The Carefree True (Lord) blesses patience, through the Word.
gihr gBIr AQwhu hwQ n lBeI ] gahir gabheer athaahu, haath na labh-ee.
He is deep, profound and unfathomable; His depth cannot be found.
muhy muih cotw Kwhu ivxu gur koie n CutsI ] muhay muhi chotaa khaahu, viṇ gur ko-ay na chhutsee.
Without the Guru, no one is released (i.e. no one finds liberation); they suffer blows in the face
(i.e. they are heavily punished).
piq syqI Gir jwhu nwmu vKwxIAY ] pat saytee ghar jaahu, naam vakhaaṇee-ai.
He, who chants the Name (of the Lord), returns to his home (i.e. the Court of God) with honour.
hukmI swh igrwh dyNdw jwxIAY ]23] hukmee saah giraah dayndaa jaaṇee-ai. ||23||
By His Command He gives breath (of life) and morsel (of food; i.e. sustenance), know this (O!

P. 1289
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
pauxY pwxI AgnI jIau iqn ikAw KusIAw ikAw pIV ]
pa-uṇai paaṇee agnee jee-o tin ki-aa, khusee-aa ki-aa peeṛ.
(Forming living beings from) air, water and fire, He placed soul (in it). What is pleasure and
what is pain (for these elements of air, water and fire)?
DrqI pwqwlI AwkwsI ieik dir rhin vjIr ] dhartee paataalee aakaasee, ik dar rahan vajeer
On the earth, in the nether regions and in the skies (there are countless beings); some of them
remain as ministers in His Court (i.e. obtain honour in His Court).
ieknw vfI Awrjw ieik mir hoih jhIr ] iknaa vadee aarjaa, ik mar hohi jaheer.
Some live long lives (thus enjoy happy life), (while) some suffer sorrows and die.
ieik dy Kwih inKutY nwhI ieik sdw iPrih PkIr ] ik day khaahi nikhutai naahee, ik sadaa fireh fakeer.
Some give (charity), and consume (themselves), (still, their wealth) is not exhausted; (while)
some wander as faqirs (i.e. penniless mendicants).
hukmI swjy hukmI Fwhy eyk csy mih lK ] hukmee saajay, hukmee ḍaahay, ayk chasay meh lakh.
By His Command, He creates, and, by His Command, He destroys, hundreds of thousands (of
them), in an instant.
sBu ko nQY niQAw bKsy qoVy nQ ] sabh ko nathai nathi-aa, bakhsay toṛay nath.
(Like a) string-master (i.e. controller), He has stringed everyone (with His string), (but, when)
He forgives, He breaks the string (i.e. frees and emancipates).
vrnw ichnw bwhrw lyKy bwJu AlKu ] varnaa chihnaa baahraa, laykhay baajh alakh.
He has no colour or sign (i.e. feature or form); He is imperceptible and not subject to accounts.
ikau kQIAY ikau AwKIAY jwpY sco scu ] ki-o kathee-ai, ki-o aakhee-ai, jaapai sacho sach.
How can we describe Him and How can we say about Him? He is seen as Truest of the true.
krxw kQnw kwr sB nwnk Awip AkQu ] karṇaa kathnaa kaar sabh, naanak, aap akath.
Nanak (says): all the actions, commands and deeds are done by the Indescribable (Lord).
AkQ kI kQw suxyie ] iriD buiD isiD igAwnu sdw suKu hoie ]1]
akath kee kathaa suṇay-ay. ridh budh sidh gi-aan, sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||1||
One who hears the story of (the excellences of) the Indescribable (Lord);
(he) is blessed with riches, wisdom, miraculous powers, (spiritual) knowledge and happiness. 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
Ajru jrY q nau kul bMDu ] ajar jarai, ta na-o kul baNdh.
One, who bears the unbearable, controls nine holes* (of body).
[*In a being’s body there are nine ‘doors’ (entrances/exits) i.e. two eyes, two ears. two noses, mouth, anus and
urine/semens hole (i.e. penis), which are visible; brain is the ‘dasvan duaar’ (tenth door) through which one gets
inference and issues commands to act. Some writers believe that there is an invisible tenth door (which cannot be
known/realized by every one)].
pUjY pRwx hovY iQru kMDu ] khW qy AwieAw khW eyhu jwxu ]
poojai paraaṇ, hovai thir kaNdh. kahaan tay aa-i-aa, kahaan ayhu jaaṇ.
One, who worships (God) by every breath, his wall (i.e. body) becomes stable.
(Then this issue gets solved ): where has one come from, and, where will he go?
jIvq mrq rhY prvwxu ] jeevat marat, rahai parvaaṇ.
One, who remains dead while yet alive, is accepted (in the Court of God).

hukmY bUJY qqu pCwxY ] hukmai boojhai, tat pachhaaṇai.
One, who understands His Command, realizes the essence (of Reality).
iehu prswdu gurU qy jwxY ] ih, parsaad guroo tay jaaṇai.
This is known through the Grace of the Guru.
hoNdw PVIAgu nwnk jwxu ] hondaa faṛee-ag, naanak jaaṇ.
Nanak (says): the egotist is caught (in the net of reincarnation).
nw hau nw mY jUnI pwxu ]2] naa ha-o naa mai, joonee paaṇ. ||2||
Those, who have no ego nor in I-ness (i.e. self-conceit), are not consigned to womb (in
reincarnation). 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
pV@IAY nwmu swlwh hoir buDˆØI imiQAw ] paṛhee-ai naam saalaah, hor budheen mithi-aa.
(O! brethren) read the Name (of the Lord) and praise (Him); all other wisdom (i.e. debates of
Vedas etc) is false.
ibnu scy vwpwr jnmu ibriQAw ] bin sachay vaapaar, janam birthi-aa.
Without dealing in the True (Name), the life is waste (i.e. useless/ worthless).
AMqu n pwrwvwru n ikn hI pwieAw ] aNt na paaraavaar, na kin hee paa-i-aa.
No one has ever found the end or limitation (of the Lord).
sBu jgu grib gubwru iqn scu n BwieAw ] sabh jag garab gubaar, tin sach na bhaa-i-aa.
All the world is enveloped by the darkness of egotistical pride; they (the people of the world) do
not like Truth.
cly nwmu ivswir qwvix qiqAw ] bldI AMdir qylu duibDw GiqAw ]
chalay naam visaar, taavaṇ tati-aa. baldee aNdar tayl, dubidhaa ghati-aa.
Those, who depart from the world forgetting the Name, are roasted in cauldron (i.e. are
severely punished). (Their) duality is poured as oil in that fire.
AwieAw auTI Kylu iPrY auviqAw ] aa-i-aa uṭee khayl, firai uvti-aa.
They come and depart when the game is over; (all their lives) they wander aimlessly.
nwnk scY mylu scY riqAw ]24] naanak, sachai mayl, sachai rati-aa. ||24||
Nanak (says): (those who are) imbued with the True (Lord), are united with the True(Lord). 24

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
pihlW mwshu inMimAw mwsY AMdir vwsu ] pahilaan maasahu niMmi-aa*, maasai aNdar vaas**.
First, one is conceived in the flesh*, (and, then) he dwells in the flesh**. [*One is conceived in the body
through the sperm of man and the blood of woman. ** dwells in the womb; all these are flesh].
jIau pwie mwsu muih imilAw hfu cMmu qnu mwsu ] jee-o paa-ay, maas muhi mili-aa, had chaMm tan maas.
When he comes in life (within the womb), his mouth takes flesh (i.e. food through veins of
mother); his bones, skin and body (all) are (but) flesh.
mwshu bwhir kiFAw mMmw mwsu igrwsu ] maasahu baahar kaḍi-aa, maMmaa maas giraas.
When he is brought out of flesh (i.e. out of the womb), he is given flesh of breasts (in his mouth)
for morsel (i.e. for feeding him milk).
muhu mwsY kw jIB mwsY kI mwsY AMdir swsu ] muhu maasai kaa, jeebh maasai kee, maasai aNdar saas.
His mouth is of flesh, his tongue is of flesh, and his breath (of life) is in the flesh.
vfw hoAw vIAwihAw Gir lY AwieAw mwsu ] vadaa ho-aa vee-aahi-aa, ghar lai aa-i-aa maas.
When he grown up and marries, he brings (wife of) flesh into his home.

mwshu hI mwsu aUpjY mwshu sBo swku ] maasahu hee maas oopjai, maasahu sabho saak.
Flesh is (i.e. children are) produced from flesh, and, all relatives are (made of) flesh.
siqguir imilAY hukmu buJIAY qW ko AwvY rwis ] satgur mili-ai, hukam bujhee-ai, taan ko aavai raas.
Meeting the True Guru, one realizes His Command, (then) the matter is settled (i.e. then one
obtains understanding).
Awip Cuty nh CUtIAY nwnk bcin ibxwsu ]1] aap chhutay, nah chhootee-ai ,naanak, bachan biṇaas. ||1||
Nanak (says): till one is released(i.e. dies), one cannot escape it (i.e. flesh); through words (i.e.
empty debates) one is ruined. 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
mwsu mwsu kir mUrKu JgVy igAwnu iDAwnu nhI jwxY ]
maas maas kar moorakh jhagṛay, gi-aan dhi-aan nahee jaaṇai.
The fools(i.e. the Vaishnavites, non-vegetarians) quarrel (i.e. argue crying) ‘flesh’ ‘flesh’; (in
fact) they do not understand (spiritual) knowledge or meditation.
kauxu mwsu kauxu swgu khwvY iksu mih pwp smwxy] ka-uṇ maas ka-uṇ saag kahaavai, kis meh paap samaaṇay.
What is called flesh, and, what is called green vegetable? and, what leads to sin?
gYNfw mwir hom jg kIey dyviqAw kI bwxy ] gaindaa maar hom jag kee-ay, dayviti-aa kee baaṇay.
Killing the rhinoceros, they offered feast of fire; this was the nature (i.e. way) of the gods.
mwsu Coif bYis nku pkVih rwqI mwxs Kwxy ] maas chhod bais nak pakṛeh, raatee maaṇas khaaṇay.
Those, who renounce flesh (i.e. meat) and hold their nose, while sitting near (meat, posing that
flesh gives foul smell), devour men at night (i.e. enjoy flesh through sexual intercourse).
PVu kir lokW no idKlwvih igAwnu iDAwnu nhI sUJY ]
faṛ kar lokaan no dikhlaavahi, gi-aan dhi-aan nahee soojhai.
They exhibit hypocrisy (and make a show) before the people; (in fact) they do not understand
(spiritual) knowledge or meditation.
nwnk AMDy isau ikAw khIAY khY n kihAw bUJY] naanak, a dhay si-o ki-aa kahee-ai; kahai na kahi-aa boojhai.
Nanak (says): what can be said of a blind (i.e. ignorant person)? even if we tell him he does not
understand what he is told.
AMDw soie ij AMDu kmwvY iqsu irdY is locn nwhI ] aNdhaa so-ay je aNdh kamaavai, tis ridai se lochan naahee.
He alone is blind who earns blindness (i.e. acts blindly); he has no eye (i.e. insight/
understanding/ wisdom) in his heart.
mwq ipqw kI rkqu inpMny mCI mwsu n KWhI ] maat pitaa kee rakat nipaNnay, machhee maas na khaanhee.
They are produced from the blood of the mother and the father, but, they do not eat the fish or
P. 1290
iesqRI purKY jW inis mylw EQY mMDu kmwhI ] istaree purkhai jaa nis maylaa, othai ma dh kamaahee.
n N

(When) during the night, when man and wife mate, there they mate with flesh.
mwshu inMmy mwshu jMmy hm mwsY ky BWfy ] maasahu niMmay, maasahu jaMmay, ham maasai kay bhaanday.
In flesh we are conceived, and, in flesh we are born; (in fact) we are vessels of flesh.
igAwnu iDAwnu kCu sUJY nwhI cquru khwvY pWfy]
gi-aan dhi-aan kachh soojhai, naahee chatur kahaavai paanday.
You do not understand (spiritual) knowledge or meditation, (though) you call yourself clever,
O! paanday (O! priest).

bwhr kw mwsu mMdw suAwmI Gr kw mwsu cMgyrw]
baahar kaa maas maNdaa su-aamee, ghar kaa maas chaNgayraa.
O! Master, (you believe that) the flesh brought from outside is bad, (but) the flesh (of those) in
your own home is good.
jIA jMq siB mwshu hoey jIie lieAw vwsyrw ] jee-a jaNt sabh maasahu ho-ay, jee-ay la-i-aa vaasayraa.
All beings and creatures are created from flesh, and, life has taken up abode in it (i.e. in the
womb, the flesh).
ABKu BKih BKu qij Cofih AMDu gurU ijn kyrw ] abhakh bhakheh bhakh taj chhodeh, aNdh guroo jin kayraa.
Those, whose Guru is blind, eat uneatable and abandon what is eatable.
mwshu inMmy mwshu jMmy hm mwsY ky BWfy ] maasahu niMmay, maasahu jaMmay, ham maasai kay bhaanday.
In flesh we are conceived, and, in flesh we are born; (in fact) we are vessels (i.e. structure) of
igAwnu iDAwnu kCu sUJY nwhI cquru khwvY pWfy ]
gi-aan dhi-aan kachh soojhai naahee, chatur kahaavai, paanday.
You do not understand (spiritual) knowledge or meditation, (though) you call yourself clever,
O! paanday.
mwsu purwxI mwsu kqybˆØI chu juig mwsu kmwxw ] maas puraaṇee, maas kaytaabee , chahu jug maas kamaaṇaa.
Flesh (i.e. meat) is (allowed) in Puraanas, flesh (i.e. meat) is (allowed) in Kataybs*; and,
throughout (all) the four ages, flesh (i.e. meat) has been used (i.e. eaten).
[*Puraana are ancients books. There are eighteen Puraans: Brahma, Padam, Vishnu, Shiv, Bhagwat, Narad,
Markanday, Agni, Bhavikhat, Braham Vivarat, Ling, Varah, Sakand, Vaaman, Kurum, Mats, Garurh, Brahmand.
**Kayatb: the for religious books of the Semitic religions: Jabur (of Daud), Taurat (of Moses), Anjil (of Christ), Quran (of
jij kwij vIAwih suhwvY EQY mwsu smwxw ] jaj kaaj vee-aahi suhaavai, othai maas samaaṇaa.
It adorned the sacred feasts and marriage ceremonies; there did exist meat (i.e. served and
iesqRI purK inpjih mwshu pwiqswh sulqwnW ] istaree purakh nipjahi maasahu, paatisaah sultaanaan.
Women and men, and, emperors and rulers have originated (i.e are born) from flesh.
jy Eie idsih nrik jWdy qW aun@ kw dwnu n lYxw ] jay o-ay diseh narak jaanday, taan unh kaa daan na laiṇaa.
If you see (i.e. believe) them going to hell (because of eating flesh), then, do not accept (gifts of)
charity from them.
dyNdw nrik surig lYdy dyKhu eyhu iD|wxw ] dayndaa narak surag laiday, daykhhu ayhu dhingaaṇaa.
The giver (of charity) goes to hell, and, the receiver (i.e. priest) goes to heaven; look at this high-
handedness (i.e. injustice)!
Awip n bUJY lok buJwey pWfy Krw isAwxw ] aap na boojhai, lok bujhaa-ay, paanday kharaa si-aaṇaa.
You do not understand yourself, but, make the people understand, O! pandey, you are (really)
very clever !
pWfy qU jwxY hI nwhI ikQhu mwsu aupMnw ] paanday too jaaṇai hee naahee, kithhu maas upaNnaa.
O! paandey, you just do not know, where the flesh originated.
N n N
qoieAhu AMnu kmwdu kpwhW qoieAhu iqRBvxu gMnw ] to-i-ahu a n kamaad kapaahaa , to-i-ahu tribhavaṇ ga naa.
Corn, sugarcane, cotton are (produced) from water; (all) the three worlds are counted so (i.e.
produced from water; just so flesh/meat is produced from water).
qoAw AwKY hau bhu ibiD hCw qoAY bhuqu ibkwrw ] to-aa aakhai ha-o baho bidh hachhaa, toai bahut bikaaraa.
Water says: ‘I am good in many ways’; and, water assumes many variations.

eyqy rs Coif hovY sMinAwsI nwnku khY ivcwrw ]2]
aytay ras chhod, hovai saNni-aasee, naanak kahai, vichaaraa.||2||
Nanak says: by forsaking these (so many) tastes (i.e. delicacies and pleasures), does one become
a sanniaasee (i.e. renouncer)? (O! paanday) reflect upon this. 2
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
hau ikAw AwKw iek jIB qyrw AMqu n ikn hI pwieAw ]
ha-o ki-aa aakhaa, ik jeebh, tayraa aNt na kin hee paa-i-aa.
(O! God) what can I say (how can I narrate Your excellences) with (my) one tongue; no one has
found Your limits.
scw sbdu vIcwir sy quJ hI mwih smwieAw ] sachaa sabad veechaar, say tujh hee maahi samaa-i-aa.
Those, who contemplate (Your) True Word, are absorbed in You.
ieik Bgvw vysu kir Brmdy ivxu siqgur iknY n pwieAw ]
ik bhagvaa vays kar bharamday, viṇ satgur kinai na paa-i-aa.
Some wander around in ochre robes (i.e. as hermits); (but) without the True Guru, no one finds
You (O! Lord).
dys idsMqr Biv Qky quDu AMdir Awpu lukwieAw ] days disaNtar bhav thakay, tudh aNdar aap lukaa-i-aa.
They wander around through the country and in foreign lands, and, grow weary; (but) You
hide Yourself within (their hearts of the beings).
gur kw sbdu rqMnu hY kir cwnxu Awip idKwieAw ] gur kaa sabad rataNn hai, kar chaanaṇ aap dikhaa-i-aa.
The Word of the Guru is a jewel; (through it) He enlightens and reveals Himself.
Awpxw Awpu pCwixAw gurmqI sic smwieAw ] aapṇaa aap pachhaaṇi-aa, gurmatee sach samaa-i-aa.
Through the wisdom of the Guru, one realize one’s own self, and, meres in the True (Lord).
Awvw gauxu bjwrIAw bwjwru ijnI rcwieAw ] aavaa ga-oṇ bajaaree-aa, baajaar jinee rachaa-i-aa.
Coming and going (i.e. transmigration) is for those show-men (i.e. hypocrite priestly class), who
make display of their show.
ieku iQru scw swlwhxw ijn min scw BwieAw ]25] ik thir sachaa salaahṇaa, jin man sachaa bhaa-i-aa ||25||
Those, whose minds are pleased with the True (Lord), (they) praise the True and the Stable (Lord).
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
nwnk mwieAw krm ibrKu Pl AMimRq Pl ivsu ] naanak, maa-i-aa karam birakh, fal aMmrit fal vis.
Nanak (says): Maya is a tree of actions; it yields fruits of AMmrit and fruits of poison (i.e. both).
sB kwrx krqw kry ijsu Kvwly iqsu ]1] sabh kaaraṇ kartaa karay, jis khavaalay tis. ||1||
The Creator (Lord) does all deeds; one eats (the fruit) that He ordains. 1
mÚ 2 ] M: 2
n n
nwnk dunIAw kIAW vifAweIAW AgI syqI jwil ] naanak, dunee-aa kee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa , agee saytee jaal.
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) burn the worldly greatness (i.e. glory) into the fire.
eynI jlIeIN nwmu ivswirAw iek n clIAw nwil]2] aynee jalee-ee naam visaari-aa, ik na chalee-aa naal ||2||
These burnt (i.e. unfortunate/ cursed) ones have caused the beings to forget the Name (of the
Lord), (but, at the time of death) not even one (of these) goes along with the being.
pauVI ] pa-oṛee
isir isir hoie inbyVu hukim clwieAw ] sir sir ho-ay nibayṛ, hukam chalaa-i-aa.
Each and every one is subject to (His) Judgement; by His Command, He leads (us all).
qyrY hiQ inbyVu qUhY min BwieAw ] tayrai hath nibayṛ, toohai man bhaa-i-aa.
Judgement is in Your hands (O! Lord); You are pleasing to my mind.

kwlu clwey bMin koie n rKsI ] kaal chalaa-ay baNn, ko-ay na rakhsee.
(When) the messenger of death binds (the being) and leads him away, no one can save him.
jru jrvwxw kMin@ ciVAw ncsI ] jar jarvaaṇaa kaNnih, chaṛi-aa nachsee.
Old age, the tyrant, will dance on shoulders (of the being).
siqguru boihQu byVu scw rKsI ] satgur bohith bayṛ, sachaa rakhsee.
The True Guru is a boat, a ship; (O! brethren, board his boat) the True (Guru) shall save you.
Agin BKY BVhwVu Anidnu BKsI ] agan bhakhai bhaṛhaaṛ, an-din bhakhsee.
The fire (of desires) is burning and flaming; day and night, it is consuming (the beings).
PwQw cugY cog hukmI CutsI ] faathaa chugai chog, hukmee chhutsee.
Trapped in the net (of desires), one pecks at the corn (i.e. vices); (only) through His Command,
he will be released.
krqw kry su hogu kUVu inKutsI ]26] kartaa karay so hog, kooṛ nikhutsee. ||26||
Whatever the Creator (Lord) does, comes to happen; the falsehood shall fail (in the end). 26
P. 1291
slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
Gr mih Gru dyKwie dyie so siqguru purKu sujwxu] ghar meh ghar daykhaa-ay day-ay, so satgur purakh sujaaṇ.
He, who shows the home (i.e. presence of the abode of God) in the home (i.e. our heart), is the
True Guru, the all-knowing person.
pMc sbd Duinkwr Duin qh bwjY sbdu nIswxu ] paNch sabad dhunikaar dhun, tah baajai sabad neesaaṇ.
(Within that home) the sound of the five* words (i.e. instruments) constantly resound; and,
there, the kettledrum of the word resonates.
[*Literally: five words/ five sounds (stringed instruments, instruments of leather, instruments of metal, earthen
instruments, wind instruments). It is mentioned in reference to five celestial sounds, produced with natural ease, without
any instrument].
dIp loA pwqwl qh KMf mMfl hYrwnu ] deep lo-a paataal tah, khaNd maNdal hairaan.
(There, beholding the grandeur of) the continents, worlds, nether regions, divisions, countries,
one is wonder-struck.
qwr Gor bwijMqR qh swic qKiq sulqwnu ] taar ghor baajiNtra tah, saach takhat sultaan.
(There), the sound of the stringed instruments is being played vigorously; (there, one beholds)
the Lord sitting on His True Throne.
suKmn kY Gir rwgu suin suMin mMfil ilv lwie ] sukhman kai ghar raag sun, suNn maNdal liv laa-ay.
(There), one listens to the music in the home of Sukhman* (i.e. central vein); and, is lovingly
attuned to the the region of void.
[*As supposed by the yogis, Sukhman is the central vein which starts from the point of the nose, and passing through the
inner parts of the forehead, reaches up to the brain].
AkQ kQw bIcwrIAY mnsw mnih smwie ] akath kathaa beechaaree-ai, mansaa maneh samaa-ay.
(There), one thinks of the indescribable story (of the excellences of God), and, the desires of the
mind are merged (i.e. dissolved) in the mind (itself).
aulit kmlu AMimRiq BirAw iehu mnu kqhu n jwie ] ulat kamal aMmrit bhari-aa, ih man katahu na jaa-ay.
(There), the lotus (of the heart) is turned upside-down, and, is filled with AMmrit; (then) this
mind goes nowhere (i.e. becomes steady).
Ajpw jwpu n vIsrY Awid jugwid smwie ] ajpaa jaap na veesrai, aad jugaad samaa-ay.
(Then) one does not forget chanting the chant without the help of tongue, and, one is immersed
in the One (i.e. Primal Lord, who existed) from the beginning of time (before aeons).

siB sKIAw pMcy imly gurmuiK inj Gir vwsu ] sabh sakhee-aa paNchay milay, gurmukh nij ghar vaas.
All the companions (i.e. the ten organs*) obtain the five** (virtues), (when) through the Guru,
one dwells in the home of his self.
[*5 organs of perception: nose, ears, eyes, moth/tongue and skin; and, 5 organs of action: hands, feet, mouth, penis and
anus. Sometimes there is reference to 7 organs (of perception); intellect and mind are added to the five sensory organs. **
five virtues: truth, contentment, faith, compassion and fortitude].
sbdu Koij iehu Gru lhY nwnku qw kw dwsu ]1] sabad khoj ih ghar lahai, naanak, taa kaa daas. ||1||
Nanak (says): I am a slave of the one, who seeks the Word, and, finds this home (of his self). 1
mÚ 1 ] M: 1
icilimil ibsIAwr dunIAw PwnI ] chilimil bisee-aar, dunee-aa faanee.
The greatly glittering (display of the glamour of the) world is perishable.
kwlUib Akl mn gor n mwnI ] kaaloob akal, man gor na maanee.
My twisted (i.e. not firm) wisdom, and, my mind, do not think of grave (i.e. death is inevitable).
mn kmIn kmqrIn qU drIAwau KudwieAw ] man kameen kamatreen, too daree-aa-o, khudaa-i-aa.
I am mean, lowest; You are a river (i.e. Ocean of Excellences), O! God.
eyku cIju muJY dyih Avr jhr cIj n BwieAw ] ayk cheej mujhai deh, avar jahar cheej na bhaa-i-aa.
(O! God, please) bless me with the one thing (i.e. Your Name), everything else is poison, (they) do
not please me.
purwb Kwm kUjY ihkmiq KudwieAw ] puraab khaam koojai, hikmat khudaa-i-aa.
My pot (i.e body) is filled with water (of life), (this is) Your Wisdom (i.e. Power), O! God.
mn quAwnw qU kudrqI AwieAw ] man tu-aanaa, too kudratee aa-i-aa.
My power (if any) is granted by Your Creative Power (i.e. Your Might).
sg nwnk dIbwn msqwnw inq cVY svwieAw ] sag naanak deebaan, mastaanaa, nit chaṛai savaa-i-aa.
Nanak (says): I am (like) a dog in Your Court, and, I am intoxicated more and more (in Your
love), continually (i.e. all the time).
Awqs dunIAw Kunk nwmu KudwieAw ]2] aatas dunee-aa, khunak naam, khudaa-i-aa. ||2||
This world is on fire, Your Name is cooling (i.e. soothing), O! God. 2
pauVI nvI mÚ 5 ] pa-oṛee navee (i.e. new), Mehlaa 5
sBo vrqY clqu clqu vKwixAw ] sabho vartai chalat, chalat vakhaaṇi-aa.
All this (world) is His wondrous play that is pervading (everywhere); this is described as
wondrous play.
pwrbRhmu prmysru gurmuiK jwixAw ] paarbarahm parmaysar, gurmukh jaaṇi-aa.
(The Creator of this wondrous play) the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master; (He) can be
known through the Guru.
lQy siB ivkwr sbid nIswixAw ] lathay sabh vikaar, sabad neesaaṇi-aa.
All my vices are washed away through the insignia of the Word (of the Guru).
swDU sMig auDwru Bey inkwixAw ] saadhoo* saNg udhaar, bha-ay nikaaṇi-aa.
In the company of the Guru*, one is saved and becomes free (of any subjugation).
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
ismir ismir dwqwru siB rMg mwixAw ] simar simar daataar, sabh raNg maaṇi-aa.
Remembering and meditating upon the Giver (Lord), one enjoys all pleasures.
prgtu BieAw sMswir imhr CwvwixAw ] pargat bha-i-aa saNsaar, mihar chhaavaaṇi-aa.
Under the canopy of His Grace, one becomes famous through the world.

Awpy bKis imlwey sd kurbwixAw ] aapay bakhas milaa-ay, sad kurbaaṇi-aa.
He Himself forgives and unites (with Himself); I am forever a sacrifice unto Him.
nwnk ley imlwie KsmY BwixAw ]27] naanak, la-ay milaa-ay, khasmai bhaaṇi-aa. ||27||
Nanak (says): He unites with Himself, if it is the Will of the Master. 27

slok mÚ 1 ] Salok, M: 1
DMnu su kwgdu klm DMnu Dnu BWfw Dnu msu ] Dnu lyKwrI nwnkw ijin nwmu ilKwieAw scu ]1]
dhaNn so kaagad kalam dhaNn, dhan bhaaNdaa dhan mas.
dhan laykhaaree, naankaa, jin naam likhaa-i-aa sach. ||1||
Nanak (says): blessed is that paper, blessed is that pen; blessed is that (ink) pot and the ink;
and, blessed is that writer, who writes the True (i.e. Eternal) Name (of the Lord). 1

mÚ 1 ] M: 1
Awpy ptI klm Awip aupir lyKu iB qUM ] aapay patee, kalam aap, upar laykh bhe tooN.
(O! God) You Yourself are the (writing) tablet; You Yourself are the pen; and, You Yourself are
the writing (i.e. inscription) on it.
eyko khIAY nwnkw dUjw kwhy kU ]2] ayko kahee-ai, naankaa, doojaa kaahay koo. ||2||
Nanak (says): speak of the One (Lord); why (to talk) about any other? 2

pauVI ] pa-oṛee
qUM Awpy Awip vrqdw Awip bxq bxweI ] tooN aapay aap varatdaa, aap baṇat baṇaa-ee.
You yourself are all pervading, and, You have created (all) the creation.
quDu ibnu dUjw ko nhI qU rihAw smweI ] tudh bin doojaa ko nahee, too rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Without You, there is no other at all; You (alone) are pervading everywhere.
qyrI giq imiq qUhY jwxdw quDu kImiq pweI ] tayree gat mit toohai jaaṇdaa, tudh keemat paa-ee.
You alone know Your state and extent (i.e. grandeur and expanse), and, You (alone) can assay
Your worth.
qU AlK Agocru Agmu hY gurmiq idKweI ] too alakh agochar agam hai, gurmat dikhaa-ee.
You are invisible, imperceptible, inaccessible; You are revealed through the wisdom of the
AMqir AigAwnu duKu Brmu hY gur igAwin gvweI ] aNtar agi-aan dukh bharam hai, gur gi-aan gavaa-ee.
Within (us, there) is ignorance, suffering and doubt; through the knowledge of the Guru, these
can be eradicated.
ijsu ik®pw krih iqsu myil lYih so nwmu iDAweI ] jis kirpaa karahi tis mayl laihi, so naam dhi-aa-ee.
One, whom You unite (with Yourself) in Your Grace, meditates upon Your Name.
qU krqw purKu AgMmu hY rivAw sB TweI ]too kartaa purakh agaMm hai ravi-aa sabh ṭaa-ee.
O! Creator Primal Person (Lord), You are inaccessible; (but, You are) pervading all places.
ijqu qU lwieih sicAw iqqu ko lgY nwnk gux gweI ]28]1] suDu ]
jit too laa-ihi sachi-aa tit ko lagai, naanak, guṇ gaa-ee. ||28||1|| sudh.
Nanak (says): to whatever You attach (the being), to that he is attached, O! True (Lord); I sing
(the praise of) Your excellences. 28.1 (Checked and found) Correct.

P. 1292
rwgu mlwr bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jIau kI Raag Malaar, baaṇee bhagat Naamdayv jee-o kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
syvIly gopwl rwie Akul inrMjn ] sayveelay gopaal raa-ay, akul niraNjan.
I serve You, O! Sustainer of the World, O! Sovereign Lord, (You are) beyond ancestry,
Bgiq dwnu dIjY jwcih sMq jn ]1] rhwau ] bhagat daan deejai, jaacheh saNt jan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Please) bless us with the gift of devotion, (which) the God-oriented persons beg for. 1 (pause)
jW cY Gir idg idsY srwiecw bYkuMT Bvn icqRswlw spq lok swmwin pUrIAly ]
jaan chai ghar dig disai saraa-ichaa, baikuNṭ bhavan chitarsaalaa sapat lok saamaan pooree-alay.
His home is seen with canopy in (all) the ten directions; His heavenly home is decorated with
paintings. He is pervading alike (all) the seven worlds.
jW cY Gir liCmI kuAwrI cMdu sUrju dIvVy kauqku kwlu bpuVw kotvwlu sukrw isrI ]
jaan chai ghar lachhimee ku-aaree;
chaNd sooraj deevṛay, ka-utak kaal bapuṛaa, kotvaal so karaa siree.
In His home the virgin Lakshmi dwells. The sun and the moon are His two lamps; the poor
messenger of death stages plays (for Him), and, the great Sukara* stands on as guard.
[*He was the son of Bhrigu and priest of king Bali; he is also known as the preceptor of the demons].
su AYsw rwjw sRI nrhrI ]1] so aisaa raajaa, saree narharee*. ||1||
Such is the Sovereign Lord, great Omnipresent (Lord)*. 1
[ Nar-haree: Literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals; i.e. pervading all, i.e. Omnipresent].
jW cY Gir kulwlu bRhmw cqur muKu fWvVw ijin ibsÍ sMswru rwcIly ]
jaan chai ghar kulaal barahmaa, chatur mukh daanvrhaa, jin bisav saNsaar raacheelay.
In His home dwells the four-faced Brahma, the potter, (i.e. known as the creator of the beings),
the patten-maker (who fashions beautiful faces), who has created the whole world.
jW kY Gir eIsru bwvlw jgq gurU qq swrKw igAwnu BwKIly ]
jaan kai ghar eesar baavlaa, jagat guroo, tat saarkhaa gi-aan bhaakheelay.
In His home dwells Isar (i.e Shiv), the crazy one, (known as) the teacher of the world, who
imparts knowledge of the essence of reality (i.e. knowledge of death).
pwpu puMnu jW cY fWgIAw duAwrY icqR gupqu lyKIAw ]
paap puNn jaan chai daangee-aa du-aarai chitar gupat laykhee-aa.
Vice and virtue are His two bamboo-bearing (i.e. mace-bearing guards) on His gate, and,
Chitar and Gupt are His scribes (i.e. record-keeprs of the accounts of the deeds of the beings).
Drm rwie prulI pRiqhwru ] dharam raa-ay parulee pratihaar.
Dharamraaj (i.e. the Judge of Righteousness) is the gatekeeper of the Lord of Destruction.
suo AYsw rwjw sRI gopwlu ]2] so aisaa raajaa saree gopaal. ||2||
Such is the Sovereign Lord, the great Sustainer of the World. 2
jW cY Gir gx gMDrb irKI bpuVy FwFIAw gwvMq AwCY ]
jaan chai ghar gaṇ gaNdharab, rikhee, bapuṛay ḍaaḍee-aa, gavaNt aachhai.
In His home are attendants of deities, heavenly singers; sages are (like His) poor minstrels,
who sing beautifully.

srb swsqR bhu rUpIAw AngrUAw AwKwVw mMflIk bol bolih kwCy ]
sarab saastar baho roopee-aa, angaroo-aa, aakhaaṛaa, maNdleek bol boleh kaachhay.
All Shastras are (like) His multifaceted characters in His small theatre; there, the assembly of
the God-riented persons speaks sweet words (i.e. sings sweet songs of His praise).
caur FUl jW cY hY pvxu ] cha-ur ḍool, jan chai hai pavaṇ.

The wind is (like) His royal-fan (i.e. royal fan of honour, waving over Him).
cyrI skiq jIiq ly Bvxu ] chayree sakat, jeet lay bhavaṇ.
Shakti (i.e. Maya), who had conquered all the (three*) world, is His maid.
AMf tUk jw cY BsmqI ] aNd took, jaa chai bhasmatee.
The part of shell** (of ‘egg’, i.e. the earth) is His fire place.
suo AYsw rwjw iqRBvx pqI ]3] so aisaa raajaa, taribhavaṇ patee. ||3||
Such is the king, the Lord of the three worlds*. 3
[*Three world: earth, skies and the nether-regions]. [**According to mythology. a golden egg was laid before the
creation of the univese. After two thousand years, it burst and gave birth to seven upper worlds and seven lower worlds
(known as ‘chaudah bhavan’, i.e. fourteen worlds). Braham (i.e. Ultimate Reality/God) and Brahama (i.e. mythical
god) are two different things.
jW cY Gir kUrmw pwlu shsR PnI bwsku syj vwlUAw ]
jaan chai ghar, koormaa paal, sahsar fanee, baasak sayj vaaloo-aa.
In His home turtle* is His bed-frame, (decorated) with the strings of the thousand-headed
[*According to mythology, turtle is second mythical incarnation of Vishnu. ** According to a myth, the deities and the
demons used this serpent /snake as a rope to churn the ocean. This mystical snake has one thousand heads].
Atwrh Bwr bnwspqI mwlxI iCnvY kroVI myG mwlw pwxIhwrIAw ]
aṭaarah* bhaar banaaspatee maalṇee, chhinvai karoṛee maygh maalaa paaṇeehaaree-aa.
The eighteen* loads of vegetation are His flower-girls; and, nine hundred and sixty million
rows of clouds are His water-carriers.
[*As per mythical belief, if leaves/flowers of all the plants are collected, its weight would amount to ‘18 bhaar’; ‘bhaar’ is
an old weighing measure; according to a tradition it is about 19 kilograms; hence 18 weight would mean about 342
kilograms; this is just imaginary; in fact, ‘bhaar 18' means the entire flora].
nK pRsyv jw cY sursrI ] nakh parsayv, jaa chai sursaree.
The sweat of His nails is Ganges river.
spq smuMd jW cY GVQlI ] sapat samuNd, jaan chai ghaṛthalee.
The seven seas are His pitchers’ stands.
eyqy jIA jW cY vrqxI ] aytay jee-a, jaan chai vartaṇee.
All the so many beings are utensils (of His household).
suo AYsw rwjw iqRBvx DxI ]4] so aisaa raajaa, taribhavaṇ dhaṇee. ||4||
He is such the Sovereign King, the Lord of the three worlds. 4
jW cY Gir inkt vrqI Arjnu DR¨ pRhlwdu AMbrIku nwrdu nyjY isD buD gx gMDrb bwnvY hylw ]
jaan chai ghar nikat vartee arjan, dharoo, parahlaad, aMbreek, naarad, nayjai, sidh, budh, gaṇ,
gaNdharab, baanvai haylaa.
In His home are residing Arjan*, Dhru**, Prahlad***, Ambrik****, Naarad*****,
Nayjaa******, the sidhs (those, claiming having miraculous/spiritual powers), men of wisdom,
and, the ninety-two attendants of deities and heavenly singers playing their wonders.
[*Arjun, a Pandav chief, one of the heroes of epic Mahabharat. **According to a myth, Dharoo/Druv was the son of a
king Uttaanpad and and queen Suniti. His step mother Suruchi was jealous of him and would not allow him his father’s
love and compassion; besides, she would constantly chide him asking him that as he was a devotee of God, he should ask

God to get him his rightful position. At this Dhroo began meditating and practising penance; and, finally, through the
guidance of Narad, another mythical god, he succeeded in pleasing God]. ***As per a popular myth, Prahlaad/Prehlad
was the son of a king Harnakash, who claimed having miraculous power; he wanted everyone to consider him god; but,
his own son Prahlaad refused to recognize him as god and meditated upon God alone. Harnakash perpetrated many
atrocities on Prahlaad and even tried to kll him. At this, Prahlaad sought the refuge of God, who appeared as Narsinh
(half lion half human) and killed Harnakash and saved Prahlaad.The myth of Prahlaad has been referred to in Guru
Granth Sahib at several places; the purpose is to stress that one should worship God alone.
**** According to Bhagavata Purana, a mythical king Ambarisha performed a yajna, and, Narayana was pleased to
bless him with his ‘Sudarshana Chakra’ as a shield of protection over him. *****Naarad is one of the mythical sages. He
is believed to be the composer of many verses of the four Vedas. According to another myth, he was born from the forehead
of Brahma, a mythical god.******Nayjay/Nayjaa is the name of a mythical Brahmin, born from Ganges river. According
to another myth Brahma is also known as Nayjyaa because he was born from the lotus grown in the naval of Nayy (i.e.
Vishnu). All these are mythical figures. Namdev says that they have no power; they are just servants of God].
eyqy jIA jW cY hih GrI ] srb ibAwipk AMqr hrI ]
aytay jee-a jaan chai heh gharee. sarab bi-aapik aNtar haree.
So many being are in His house; and,
God is contained (i.e. His Light is diffused) within (the being of) all.
pRxvY nwmdyau qW cI Awix ] sgl Bgq jw cY nIswix ]5]1]
paraṇvai naamday-o taan chee aaṇ. sagal bhagat jaa chai neesaaṇ. ||5||1||
Prays Namdev: I have sought His refuge; all the devotees are the carriers of His insignia. 5.1

mlwr ] Malaar
mo kau qUM n ibswir qU n ibswir ] mo ka-o tooN na bisaar, too na bisaar.
(O! God) You do not forget me, (please)You do not forget me.
qU n ibswry rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] too na bisaaray, raam-ee-aa*. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Please)do not forget me, O! All-Pervading (Lord). 1 (pause)
AwlwvMqI iehu BRmu jo hY muJ aUpir sB koiplw ] aalaavaNtee ih bharam jo hai, mujh oopar sabh kopilaa.
The priests of the temple have doubts, that is why all (of them) are furious with me.
sUdu sUdu kir mwir auTwieE khw krau bwp bITulw ]1]
sood sood kar maar uṭaa-i-o, kahaa kara-o baap beeṭulaa**. ||1||
Calling me ‘sood’* ‘sood’ (low caste and untouchable), they beat me and turned me out(of the
temple); what should I do (now)? O! Beloved Father, O! Omnipresent (Lord)**, 1
[*Sood/Sudra/Shudra, literally: belonging to fourth (i.e. the lowest) class in the hierarchical division of the Hindu social
system (the other being Brahmins at the top, followed by Khatris, the soldiers’ class and the Vaish, the trading class), The
Jatt (farmers), Julahas (weavers), Chamaars (cobblers) and Chuhraas (scavengers), the menial workers are classed as
[**Beeṭulaa / Veethulaaa / Beeṭal / Viṭal, literally: ‘at a remote place’; that which/who is far away (i.e. God is far away,
and, also present everywhere, hence Omnipresent). In Pandarpur and some surrounding areas (in Maharashtra) God is
worshipped with this name. This is one of the many attributes and the names of God].
mUey hUey jau mukiq dyhugy mukiq n jwnY koielw ]
moo-ay hoo-ay, ja-o mukat dayhugay, mukat na jaanai ko-ilaa.
(O! God) if You bless me with liberation when I am dead, no one will know(the value) of that
liberation (i.e. no one will know that I am a liberated soul).
ey pMfIAw mo kau FyF khq qyrI pYj ipCMaufI hoielw ]2]
ay paNdee-aa, mo ka-o ḍayḍ* kahat, tayree paij pichhaNudee ho-ilaa. ||2||
These pandas (i.e. priests) calls me low*, (when they say so) it degrades Your honour (as well).2
[*ḍayḍ, literally: crow or one belonging to cobbler class; i.e. of low social status. low birth, untouchable].

qU ju dieAwlu ik®pwlu khIAqu hYN AiqBuj BieE Apwrlw ]
too jo da-i-aal kirpaal kahee-at hain, atibhuj bha-i-o apaarlaa.
(O! God) You are called Merciful and Gracious, with infinite power.
Pyir dIAw dyhurw nwmy kau pMfIAn kau ipCvwrlw ]3]2]
fayr dee-aa dayhuraa naamay ka-o, paNdee-an ka-o pichhvaarlaa. ||3||2||
(Hearing the prayer of Namdev) God turned the temple around towards the face of Nama; and,
turned His back on the pandas. 3.2
P. 1293
mlwr bwxI Bgq rivdws jI kI Malaar, baaṇee bhagat Ravidaas jee kee
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-oⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ik Oⁿkaar (unmanifest and manifest),
the Absolute Truth.
nwgr jnW myrI jwiq ibiKAwq cMmwrM ] irdY rwm goibMd gun swrM ]1] rhwau ]
naagar janaan, mayree jaat bikhi-aat chaMmaaraN. ridai raam, gobiNd gun saaraN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O! town people, it is well-known that my caste is chamaar (low-caste in your eyes).
(But I have) God is in my heart; I (always) meditate upon the excellences of the Lord of the
World (so I am no more low caste). 1 (Pause)
sursrI sll ik®q bwrunI ry sMq jn krq nhI pwnµ ]
sursaree salal kirat baarunee, ray, saNt jan karat nahee paanaN.
(Even if) wine is made from the water of the (river) Ganges, O! dear, the God-oriented persons
do not drink it.
surw ApivqR nq Avr jl ry sursrI imlq nih hoie Awnµ ]1]
suraa apvitar nat avar jal, ray, sursaree milat, neh ho-ay aanaN. ||1||
Impure wine, or any other (polluted) water, O! dear, when it mixes in the water of Ganges, is
not separate from it (i.e. that also become pious like the water of Ganges; hence, meditating upon
God, now I am not different from God). 1
qr qwir ApivqR kir mwnIAY ry jYsy kwgrw krq bIcwrM ]
tar taar, apvitar kar maanee-ai, ray, jaisay kaagraa karat beechaaraN.
The tree of ‘taar’ (i.e. palmyra palm tree) is regarded impure, and so its leaves are (also)
considered (as impure).
Bgiq Bwgauqu ilKIAY iqh aUpry pUjIAY kir nmskwrM ]2]
bhagat bhaag-ut, likee-ai tih oopray, poojee-ai kar namaskaaraN. ||2||
But when (the words of) devotion of God are written on them, (then people) bow before them
and worship. 2
myrI jwiq kut bWFlw For FovMqw inqih bwnwrsI Aws pwsw ]
mayree jaat kut baanḍlaa, ḍor ḍovaNtaa, niteh baanaarsee aas paasaa.
My caste (i.e. my occupation) is to cut animals (for leather), and, carry away (dead) animals (i.e.
carcass) everyday, from inside and around (the town of) Banaras.
Ab ibpR prDwn iqih krih fMfauiq qyry nwm srxwie rivdwsu dwsw ]3]1]
ab bipar pardhaan, tihi karahi daNd-ut, tayray naam sarṇaa-ay ravidaas daasaa. ||3||1||
Slave (i.e.devotee) Ravidas (says): now the respectable Brahmins (of the town, who regard
themselves people of highest social status), make obeisance (to me), (because) I have entered the
refuge of Your Name. 3.1

mlwr ] Malaar
hir jpq qyaU jnw pdm kvlws piq qws sm quil nhI Awn koaU ]
har japat tay-oo janaa padam kavlaas pat*, taas sam tul nahee aan ko-oo.
Those servants (i.e. devotees) who meditate upon the lotus-feet of the Lord of Maya*, no one
else is equal to them.
[*Kavlas-pat, Kamla-pat, literally the husband of Kawla/Maya. It is one of the attributes and the names of God].
eyk hI eyk Anyk hoie ibsQirE Awn ry Awn BrpUir soaU ] rhwau ]
ayk hee ayk anayk ho-ay bisathri-o, aan ray aan bharpoor so-oo. rahaa-o.
He (i.e. the Lord) is One, (who has) expanded (i.e. diffused/ manifested) Himself into many
(forms); bring Him, O! dear, bring Him (within your heart), the all-pervading. (pause)
jw kY Bwgvqu lyKIAY Avru nhI pyKIAY qws kI jwiq AwCop CIpw ]
jaa kai bhaagvat laykhee-ai, avar nahee paykhee-ai, taas kee jaat aachhop chheepaa.
One, (in whose home) the Name of God was written, and, did not see anything else (by birth), he
was untouchable caste calico-printer (Namdev) (but, now, he is known in the whole of the world).
ibAws mih lyKIAY snk mih pyKIAY nwm kI nwmnw spq dIpw ]1]
bi-aas meh laykhee-ai, sanak meh paykhee-ai, naam kee naamnaa sapat deepaa. ||1||
The importance of the Name is written in the writings of Vyas*, and, is seen in the narration of
Sanak**, and, is found throughout the seven continents. 1
[*According to one version, Vyas is presumed to be author/scribe of Brahma Sutra, Mahabharta, Vedas and Puranas
(believed to be written between 1800 and 1500 O.E.). According to another version, he narrated the Mahabharta, the
Upanishads and the 18 Puranas while Ganesha (a mythical god: half elephant half human) wrote them. He has also been
presented as an incarnation of Vishnu, another mythical god. According to still another version, he had fathered
Dharitrashtra, Pandavs, Sukdev and Vidur/ Bidar (a son from a slave-maid)]. [**Sanak was one of the four sons of
mythical god Brahma; the other three being Sanandan, Sanatan, Sanatkumar are. They are also mentioned as Sanakaad
(literally: Sanak and others).].
jw kY eIid bkrIid kul gaU ry bDu krih mwnIAih syK shId pIrw ]
jaa kai eed bakreed, kul ga-oo ray badh karahi, maanee-ah saykh saheed peeraa.
He (i.e. Kabir), whose family used to kill cows, at the festivals of Eid and Bakareid, is (now)
regarded (and honoured) like Sheikhs (i.e. religious scholars), martyrs, peers (i.e. spiritual
jw kY bwp vYsI krI pUq AYsI srI iqhU ry lok prisD kbIrw ]2]
jaa kai baap vaisee karee, poot aisee saree, tihoo ray lok parsidh kabeeraa. ||2||
He, whose father used to do such things (i.e. killing of animals for their living), his son did so
(great service) that, in three worlds, he became famous as (great) Kabira. 2
jw ky kutMb ky FyF sB For FovMq iPrih Ajhu bMnwrsI Aws pwsw ]
jaa kay kutaMb kay ḍayḍ sabh, ḍor ḍovaNt fireh, ajahu baNnaarsee aas paasaa.
He, all the leather-workers of whose family, even now, carry away dead (dead) animals from
inside and around Banaras.
Awcwr sihq ibpR krih fMfauiq iqn qnY rivdws dwswn dwsw ]3]2]
aachaar sahit bipar karahi daNd-ut tin tanai ravidaas daasaan daasaa. ||3||2||
Those brahmins, (i.e. claiming themselves as the most respectable people) bow, with (religious)
etiquettes, before their son Ravidas, the slave of the slaves (i.e. devotees of God). 3.2

mlwr Malaar
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
imlq ipAwro pRwn nwQu kvn Bgiq qy ] milat, pi-aaro, praan naath, kavan bhagat tay.
With what sort of (i.e. through which kind of) devotion, can I meet (i.e. unite with) my Beloved
(Lord), the Lord of my Breath (of life)? (the answer to this question is):
swDsMgiq pweI prm gqy ] rhwau ] saadhsaNgat paa-ee param gatay. rahaa-o.
The great status (i.e. emancipation) is obtained in the company of the God-oriented persons.
mYly kpry khw lau Dovau ] mailay kapray, kahaa la-o dhova-o.
How long shall I wash dirty clothes? (i.e. how long shall I continue slandering others? I shall not
do it as I have joined the company of the God-oriented persons).
AwvYgI nId khw lgu sovau ]1] aavaigee need, kahaa lag sova-o. ||1||
Sleep will come (upon me, but) how long shall I remain sleeping? 1
[i.e. sleep of ignorance will try to lead me to sleep; but, now I am awake and aware, so it will not affect me].
joeI joeI joirE soeI soeI PwitE ] jo-ee jo-ee jori-o, so-ee so-ee faati-o.
Whatever I had collected, all that is torn away (i.e. all the vices I was attached to have been
JUTY bnij auiT hI geI hwitE ]2] jhooṭai banaj, uṭ hee ga-ee haati-o. ||2||
The shop of trade of falsehood is closed down. 2
khu rivdws BieE jb lyKo ] joeI joeI kIno soeI soeI dyiKE ]3]1]3]
kaho ravidaas, bha-i-o jab laykho. jo-ee jo-ee keeno, so-ee so-ee daykhi-o. ||3||1||3||
Says Ravidas: when the accounts are called for,
whatever one had done, he shall see all that (in his account). 3.1.3

P. 1352
< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
rwgu jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] Raag JaijaavaNtee, Mehlaa 9
rwmu ismir rwmu ismir iehY qyrY kwij hY ] raam simar, raam simar, ihai tayrai kaaj hai.
(O! brethren) remember (i.e. meditate upon) God, remember God; this alone is of use to you.
mwieAw ko sMgu iqAwgu pRB jU kI srin lwgu ] maa-i-aa ko saNg ti-aag, prabh joo kee saran laag.
Abandon your association with Maya, and, take to the refuge of the Lord.
jgq suK mwnu imiQAw JUTo sB swju hY ]1] rhwau ]
jagat sukh maan mithi-aa, jhooṭo sabh saaj hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Consider the pleasures of the world as false; the whole built up (i.e. display/ show/ expanse of
the world) is (just) untrue (i.e. just an illusion). 1 (pause)
supny ijau Dnu pCwnu kwhy pir krq mwnu ] supnay ji-o dhan pachhaan, kaahay par karat maan.
Regard this wealth just like (a good obtained in) a dream. What are you so proud of?
bwrU kI BIiq jYsy bsuDw ko rwju hY ]1] baaroo kee bheet jaisay, basudhaa ko raaj hai. ||1||
(Even) the kingdoms of the world are like the walls of sand. 1
nwnku jnu khqu bwq ibnis jYhY qyro gwqu ] naanak jan, kahat baat ,binas jaihai tayro gaat.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I tell you the fact: your body shall perish and pass away.
iCnu iCnu kir gieE kwlu qYsy jwqu Awju hY ]2]1] chhin chhin kar ga-i-o kaal, taisay jaat aaj hai. ||2||1||
Moment by moment, yesterday has passed; same way, today is passing as well. 2.11

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] JaijaavaNtee, Mehlaa 9

rwmu Bju rwmu Bju jnmu isrwqu hY ] raam bhaj, raam bhaj, janam siraat hai.
(O! brethren) meditate upon God, meditate upon God, your life is slipping away.
khau khw bwr bwr smJq nh ikau gvwr ] kaha-o kahaa baar baar, samjhat nah ki-o, gavaar.
What should I tell you again and again; why don’t you understanding? O! fool.
ibnsq nh lgY bwr Ery sm gwqu hY ]1] rhwau ] binsat nah lagai baar, oray sam gaat hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your body is like hail-stone; it perishes away in no time. 1 (pause)
sgl Brm fwir dyih goibMd ko nwmu lyih ] sagal bharam daar deh, gobind ko naam layhi.
(So) give up all doubts, and, meditate upon the Name of the Lord of the World.

AMiq bwr sMig qyrY iehY eyku jwqu hY ]1] aNt baar saNg tayrai, ihai ayk jaat hai. ||1||
At the very last time, only this (meditation upon the Name) alone shall go along with you. 1
ibiKAw ibKu ijau ibswir pRB kO jsu hIey Dwir ] bikhi-aa bikh ji-o bisaar, prabh kou jas hee-ay dhaar.
Forget the poison of (i.e. attachment to) Maya, and, enshrine the praise of the Lord in your
nwnk jn kih pukwir Aausru ibhwqu hY ]2]2] naanak jan, kahi pukaar, a-osar bihaat hai. ||2||2||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I proclaim that this opportunity (of human lifetime) is
slipping away. 2.2
jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] JaijaavaNtee, Mehlaa 9
ry mn kaun giq hoie hY qyrI ] ray man, ka-un gat ho-ay hai tayree.
O! (my) mind, (you don’t realize that without meditating upon the Name) what will your condition be?
ieh jg mih rwm nwmu so qau nhI suinE kwin ] ih jag meh raam naam, so ta-o nahee suni-o kaan.
In this world, you have the Name of God (which is your real companion), but, you have not
(ever) listened to it with your ears; and,
ibiKAn isau Aiq luBwin miq nwihn PyrI ]1] rhwau ]
bikhi-an si-o at lubhaan, mat naahin fayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are so greatly engrossed in poison (i.e. vices); and, you have not (ever) turned your mind
away (from them). 1 (pause)
mwns ko jnmu lInu ismrnu nh inmK kInu ] maanas ko janam leen, simran nah nimakh keen.
You obtained this human life, (but) you have not remembered (God), even for an instant.
dwrw suK BieE dInu pghu prI byrI ]1] daaraa sukh bha-i-o deen, pagahu paree bayree. ||1||
You have become slave (i.e. subservient) to pleasure of wife (i.e. carnal pleasure), (as a result)
your feet are bound (by chain of emotional attachment). 1
nwnk jn kih pukwir supnY ijau jg pswru ] naanak jan, kahi pukaar, supnai ji-o jag pasaar.
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I proclaim that the expanse of the world is just a dream.
ismrq nh ikau murwir mwieAw jw kI cyrI ]2]3]
simrat nah ki-o muraar*, maa-i-aa jaa kee chayree. ||2||3||
(So, O! brethren) why don’t you remember (i.e. meditate upon) the Destroyer of Demons*?
Maya (with which you are totally engrossed) is His slave-maid. 2.3

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] JaijaavaNtee, Mehlaa 9

bIq jYhY bIq jYhY jnmu Akwju ry ] beet jaihai, beet jaihai, janam akaaj, ray.
(O! brethren, without meditation upon the Name of God, your human life-time is) slipping away,
slipping away, uselessly, O! dear.
inis idnu suin kY purwn smJq nh ry Ajwn ] nis din sun kai puraan, samjhat nah, ray ajaan.
Day and night, you listen to the Puranas, (but) you do not understand, O! ignorant (being).
kwlu qau phUicE Awin khw jYhY Bwij ry ]1] rhwau ]
kaal ta-o pahoochi-o aan, kahaa jaihai bhaaj ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
(Now) death has arrived near you; (now) where will you run (i.e. to escape from death)? 1
P. 1353
AsiQru jo mwinE dyh so qau qyrau hoie hY Kyh ] asthir jo maani-o dayh, so ta-o tayra-o ho-ay hai khayh.
The body that you believe to be eternal, that is going to turn into dust.

ikau n hir ko nwmu lyih mUrK inlwj ry ]1] ki-o na har ko naam layhi, moorakh nilaaj ray. ||1||
(So) why do not you chant the Name of God, O! shameless fool,O! man . 1
rwm Bgiq hIey Awin Cwif dy qY mn ko mwnu ] raam bhagat hee-ay aan, chhaad day tai man ko maan.
(O! brethren) bring (i.e. enshrine) the devotion of God in your heart, and, abandon the (false)
pride of your mind.
nwnk jn ieh bKwin jg mih ibrwju ry ]2]4] naanak jan, ih bakhaan, jag meh biraaj, ray. ||2||4||
Servant (i.e. devotee) Nanak (says): I proclaim that this is the (true) way to live in this world. 2.4

< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal
moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN, gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.
slok shsik®qI mhlw 1 ] Salok Sehaskiritee, Mehlaa 1
piV@ pusœk sMiDAw bwdM ] parh pustak, sandhi-aa*, baadaN.

He (i.e. the brahmin) reads (religious) books, performs Sandhya* (worship) and argues.
[*Sandhya, literally: transition moments of the day namely the two twilights : dawn and dusk and the solar noon (hence,
there are three sandhya worships). Thus performing sandhya means salutation to twilight or solar noon; i.e. worshipping
the sun and the moon].
isl pUjis bgul smwDM ] sil poojas bagul samaadhaN.
He worships stones (i.e. idol), and, sits like a crane.
muiK JUTu ibBUKn swrM ] mukh jhooṭ bibhookhan saaraN.
He speaks lies, (but presents his lies) like ornaments of gold.
qRYpwl iqhwl ibcwrM ] taraipaal tihaal bichaaraN.
He reflects upon (i.e. chants and talks about) Gaytri* (hymn) three times a day.
[*This is a famous Hindu incantation (hymn), considered by them as most sacred: “Om bhoor bhuvah svah; tat savitur
varen-i-yam; bhargo devasya dhimahi; dhiyo yo naḥ prachodaya” [Meaning: (We) meditate upon that most meditation-
worthy, the most knowable and hence the most relishable self-luminous radiance (in the form of Parabrahman) of the
divine entity called Savita (the all-inspiring, all-creating one), which inspires our activities, properties and intellect].
gil mwlw iqlk illwtM ] gal maalaa tilak lilaataN.
He wears rosary around his neck, and, (paints) a sacred mark on his forehead.
duie DoqI bsqR kpwtM ] du-ay dhotee bastar kapaataN.
He wears two dhotees (i.e. lion-clothes), and, keeps a cloth for (covering) his hair.
jo jwnis bRhmM krmM ] sB Pokt inscY krmM ]
jo jaanas brahmaN karmaN. sabh fokat nischai karmaN.
If one knows the deed (i.e. path) of God;
(then he knows that) all these actions (i.e. rituals) are certainly useless.

khu nwnk inscO iD´wvY ] kaho naanak, nischou dhi-yaavai.
Says Nanak: one, who meditates upon Him with faith (he is united with God).
ibnu siqgur bwt n pwvY ]1] bin satgur baat na paavai. ||1||
Without the True Guru, no one finds the path (of union with God). 1
inhPlµ qs´ jnms´ jwvd bRhm n ibMdqy ] nihfalaN tas-y janmas-y, jaavad brahm na biNdtay.
Fruitless is the life (of the mortal), so long he does not know God?
swgrM sMswrs´ gur prswdI qrih ky ] saagraN saNsaarsa-y, gur parsaadee tareh kay.
The world ocean is crossed over by the Grace of the Guru.
krx kwrx smrQu hY khu nwnk bIcwir ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samrath hai, kaho naanak beechaar.
The Cause of creation (i.e. God) is all-powerful. Says Nanak: (O! mortal) contemplate this:
kwrxu krqy vis hY ijin kl rKI Dwir ]2] kaaraṇ kartay vas hai, jin kal rakhee dhaar. ||2||
The creation is under the control of the Creator, who sustains it by His Power. 2
jog sbdM igAwn sbdM byd sbdM q bRwhmxh ] jog sabdaN gi-aan sabdaN bayd sabdaN ta barahmaṇeh.
The word (i.e. religious duty) of the Yogis is (to acquire spiritual) knowledge; the word of the
Brahman is (the study of) the Vedas.
K´qRI sbdM sUr sbdM sUdR sbdM prw ik®qh ] kha-ytaree sabdaN soor sabdaN soodar sabdaN paraa kirteh.
The word of a Khatri is bravery (in the battle field); the word of the Sudra is service to others.
srb sbdM q eyk sbdM jy ko jwnis Byau ] sarab sabdaN ta ayk sabdaN jay ko jaanas bhay-o.
(One may belong to any class, but) the word (i.e. religious duty) of everyone is (to meditate upon)
the One (Lord); if one knows this secret (only then he can perform this duty).
nwnk qw ko dwsu hY soeI inrMjn dyau ]3] naanak taa ko daas hai, so-ee niraNjan day-o. ||3||
Nanak (says): I am a slave of that person (who knows the secret of God); and, he is (the image of)
the Divine Immaculate (Lord). 3
eyk ik®s˜M q srb dyvw dyv dyvw q Awqmh ] AwqmM sRI bwsÍdyvs´ jy koeI jwnis Byv ] nwnk qw ko dwsu hY soeI inrMjn dyv ]4]
ayk krisanN ta sarab dayvaa, dayv dayvaa ta aatmah.
aatmaN saree baasavdaivasy, jay ko-ee jaanas bhayv.
naanak, taa ko daas hai, so-ee niranjan dayv. ||4||
The One Krishan* (i.e. God) is the Divine of all divines. If one knows this secret: the Supreme
Soul is manifest in all gods. Nanak (says): I am His slave; He alone is Immaculate Divine. 4
[*Krishan, literally: black. God is presented as black /dark as well; this is one of the attributes and names of God].

slok shsik®qI mhlw 5 Salok Sehaskaritee, Mehlaa 5

< siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ikko-ankaar*, sat**, naam**, kartaa purakh***, nirbha-o****, nirvair*****, akaal moorat******, ajoonee, saibhaN,
gur prasaad
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko* Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), Truth Nu-men (i.e. Absolute Truth)**, Creator Primal Person***, fear-free****,
free from enmity*****, Timeless Form, not born/created(i.e. un-incarnated), self-existent
(i.e. He is from Himself).
[*1E is pronounced as ikko which means ‘only one’, and, Æ , the long O of Gurmukhi script over E , which makes 1E as
< , is pronounced as ANkaar which means the Ikko is un-manifest and ANkaar is manifest form of God]. [** sat + naam is
not one word, i.e. ‘sat’ and ‘naam’ are two different words. It means that the existence of God is true i.e. God is Truth. Nu-
men, i.e. Absolute Truth]. [***It means that the Primal Person alone is the Creator of the entire creation. He does not
have any agents/assistants/helpers/advisors]. [****It implies that there exists no other power, good or evil (e.g. Satan
etc)]. [*****How can a Creator have enmity/hatred for and/or fear of any thing created by Him]. [******His existence is
not subject to Time/Age or any other phenomenon].
{This is invocation (in Punjabi: mangalacharan /mangal); many poets begin their verses with an invocation}.

kqMc mwqw kqMc ipqw kqMc binqw ibnod suqh ] kata ch maataa, kata ch pitaa, kata ch banitaa binod sutah.
Who is the mother, who is the father; what are the pleasure of wife and son!
kqMc BRwq mIq ihq bMDv kqMc moh kutMb´qy ] kata ch bharaat meet hit ba dhav, kata ch moh kuta byatay.
Who are the brothers, friends, companions and relatives, and, what is the (emotional)
attachment to the family!
kqMc cpl mohnI rUpM pyKMqy iqAwgM kroiq ] kataNch chapal mohnee, roopaN paykhaNtay ti-aagaN karot.
What is the fascinating (Maya), it leaves as soon as we see it.
rhMq sMg Bgvwn ismrx nwnk lbD´M Acuq qnh ]1]
rahant saNg bhagvaan simraṇ, naanak, labdhayaN achut tanah. ||1||
Nanak (says): (only) remembering (i.e. meditation upon the Name of) the Lord of Fortune
remains (always) with us; and, this (meditation) is found with the sons of the Imperishable (i.e.
devotees of the Lord). 1
p. 1354
iDRgMq mwq ipqw snyhM iDRg snyhM BRwq bWDvh ]
dhirgaNt maat pitaa sanayhaN, dhirag sanayhaN bharaat baandhvah.
Cursed is love for (i.e. emotional attachment to) the mother and father; and, cursed is love for
the brothers and relatives.
iDRg s˜yhM binqw iblws suqh ] dhirag sneh-aN banitaa bilaas, sutah.
Cursed is love for the enjoyment of the wife, and (attachment to) the sons.
iDRg s˜yhM igRhwrQ kh ] dhirag sneh-aN garihaarath kah.
Cursed is love for the household affairs.
swDsMg s˜yh siq´M suKXM bsMiq nwnkh ]2] saadhsaNg sneh satiyaN, sukh-yaN basaNt, naankah. ||2||
Nanak (says): (only) the love for congregation is true (i.e. ever lasting), (those who love the
congregation of the God-oriented persons) dwell in happiness. 2
imQ´Mq dyhM KIxMq blnµ ] mithyaNt dayhaN, kheeṇaNt balanaN.
False is this body; its power is perishable.
brDMiq jrUAw ihq´Mq mwieAw ] bardhaNt jaroo-aa hityaNt maa-i-aa.
As it grows old, so increases its love for Maya.
Aq´Mq Awsw AwiQq´ Bvnµ ] atyaNt aasaa, aathity bhavanaN.
He has great hopes, but, the body (in which the hopes dwell) is temporary.
gnµq sÍwsw BYXwn DrmM ] ganaNt savasaa, bhaiyaan dharmaN.
The dreadful Judge of Righteousness counts each and every breath.
pqMiq moh kUp durlB´ dyhM qq AwsRXM nwnk ] pataNt moh koop, durlabhay dayhaN, tat aasryaN, naanak.
Nanak (says): the human body (i.e. birth as human), rare to obtain, has fallen in (dark) well of
emotional attachment; its only hope is the Essence (of Reality, i.e. God).
goibMd goibMd goibMd gopwl ik®pw ]3] gobiNd gobiNd gobiNd gopaal kripaa. ||3||
O! Lord of the World, O! Lord of the World, O! Lord of the World, O! Sustainer of the World,
(please) bestow Your Grace. 3
kwc kotM rcMiq qoXM lypnµ rkq crmxh ] kaach kotaN rachaNt to-yaN, laypanaN rakat charamṇeh.
This fragile fortress (of body) is made up of water (i.e. sperms of father), and, is plastered with
blood (of mother) and (i.e. wrapped in) skin.
nvMq duAwrM BIq rihqM bwie rUpM AsQMBnh ] navaNt du-aaraN bheet rahitaN, baa-ay roopaN asthaMbhnah.
It has nine gates* (but) without doors; the pillar of wind (i.e. breath of life) is supporting it.
[*In a being’s body there are nine ‘gates’(entrances/exits) i.e. two eyes, two ears. two noses, mouth, anus and
urine/semens hole (i.e. penis)].

goibMd nwmM nh ismrMiq AigAwnI jwnµiq AsiQrM ] gobiNd naamaN nah simraNt, agi-aanee jaanaNt asthiraN.
(But) the ignorant (person) does not remember the Name of the Lord of the World, and, thinks
that this body is permanent !
durlB dyh auDrMq swD srx nwnk ] hir hir hir hir hir hry jpMiq ]4]
durlabh dayh udhraNt, saadh saraṇ naanak. har har har har, har haray japaNt. ||4||
Nanak (says): this body, rare to obtain, is emancipated (by being) in the refuge of the Guru*,
by meditating upon (the Name of) God, the Lord, the Master, the Almighty, the Omnipresent,
the All-Pervading. 4 [*Here, saadh has been used for the Guru].
suBMq quXM Acuq guxg´M pUrnµ bhulo ik®pwlw ] subhaNt tu-yaN, achut guṇgayaN, pooranaN bahulo kripaalaa.
Your glory (is manifest everywhere), O! Imperishable (Lord), Lord of Excellences, All-
pervading, greatly Gracious.
gMBIrM aUcY srbig Apwrw ] gaMbheeraN oochai, sarbag apaaraa.
(You are) Profound, All-knowing and Infinite.
iBRiqAw ipRAM ibsRwm crxM ] bhariti-aa pari-aN, bisraam charṇaN.
(You are) Lover of Your devotees; Your (lotus) feet are their refuge.
AnwQ nwQy nwnk srxM ]5] anaath naathay, naanak, sarṇaN. ||5||
Nanak (says): O! Master of the master-less; I seek Your refuge. 5
imRgI pyKMq biDk pRhwryx lK´ AwvDh ] mrigee paykhaNt, badhik par-haarayṇ, lakhy aavdhah.
Seeing the deer, the hunter aims at it with his weapon.
Aho js´ rKyx gopwlh nwnk rom n Cyd´qy ]6] aho jas-y rakhayṇ gopaalah, naanak, rom na chhayd-ytay ||6||
Nanak (says): (but) if one is protected by the Sustainer of the World, (then) not (even) a hair (of
its body) will be touched. 6
bhu jqn krqw blvMq kwrI syvMq sUrw cqur idsh ]
baho jatan kartaa balvaNt kaaree, sayvaNt sooraa chatur disah.
One may be capable of making many efforts (to save himself); (he may be) a powerful (warrior),
many brave may serve him from (all) the four directions.
ibKm Qwn bsMq aUch nh ismrMq mrxM kdWch ]
bikham thaan, basaNt oochah, nah simraNt marṇaN kadaancheh.
He may dwell in a high place, difficult to approach, and, never (even) think of death.
hovMiq AwigAw Bgvwn purKh nwnk kItI sws AkrKqy ]7]
hovaNt aagi-aa bhagvaan pukhah; naanak, keetee saas akarkhatay. ||7||
Nanak (says): (but) when the Command of the Lord of Fortune, the Primal Person, comes,
(then) even an ant can take away his breath (of life, i.e. even an ant can destroy him). 7
sbdM rqM ihqM mieAw kIrqM klI krm ik®quAw ] sabdaN rataN hitaN ma-i-aa, keertaN kalee karam kirtu-aa.
To be imbued with the Word, (to be filled with) love and compassion, (singing) the praise (of
God) ---- these are the worth-doing deeds in the Kaliyuga (i.e. Dark Age).
imtMiq qqRwgq Brm mohM ] Bgvwn rmxM srbqR Qwin´M ]
mitaNt tatraagat bharam mohaN. bhagvaan ramṇaN sarbatra thaaniyaN.
In this way, doubts and (emotional) attachment are dispelled; (and one sees that) God is
pervading all places.
idRst quXM AmoG drsnµ bsMq swD rsnw ] darisat tu-yaN amogh darsanaN, basaNt saadh rasnaa.
Those God-oriented persons, on whose tongue dwells (Your Name), are blessed with Your
fruitful vision by Your Glance (of Grace).

hir hir hir hry nwnk ipRAM jwpu jpnw ]8] har har har haray, naanak, pri-aN jaap japnaa. ||8||
Nanak (says): meditate upon the chant (i.e. Name) of God, the Lord, the Master, the All-
Pervading (Lord). 8
GtMq rUpM GtMq dIpM GtMq riv ssIAr nK´qR ggnµ ]
ghataNt roopaN, ghataNt deepaN, ghataNt rav sasee-ar nakhyatar gaganaN.
Beauty fades away (i.e is perishable), continents fade away; sun, moon, stars and sky fade
away (i.e. all these are perishable).
GtMq bsuDw igir qr isKMfM ] ghataNt basudhaa gir tar sikhaNdaN.
The earth, mountains, trees (i.e. vegetation) and land fade away (i.e. are perishable).
GtMq llnw suq BRwq hIqM ] ghataNt lalnaa sut bharaat heetaN.
One’s wife, sons, brothers, and friends fade away (i.e. are perishable).
GtMq kink mwink mwieAw sÍrUpM ] ghatant kanik maanik maa-i-aa savroopaN.
Gold, jewels, and (all) forms of Maya fade away (i.e. are perishable).
nh GtMq kyvl gopwl Acuq ] AsiQrM nwnk swD jn ]9]
nah ghataNt kayval gopaal achut. asthiraN, naanak, saadh jan. ||9||
Nanak (says): only the ever-steady Sustainer of the World does not fade away (i.e. is not
perishable); and, the God-oriented servants (i.e. devotee) are stable (i.e. eternal). 9
nh iblµb DrmM iblµb pwpM ] nah bilaMb dharmaN, bilaMb paapaN.
(O! brethren) do not delay in practising righteousness; (and, rather) delay in committing sins.
idRVMq nwmM qjMq loBM ] dariṛ-aaNt naamaN, tajaNt lobhaN.
Implants the Name (of God within yourself), and, abandon greed.
srix sMqM iklibK nwsM pRwpqM Drm liK´x ] saraṇ saNtaN, kilbikh naasaN, praaptaN dharam lakhyiṇ.
In the refuge of the God-oriented persons (all) the sins are erased; and, one attains the
characteristics (i.e. virtues) of religion.
nwnk ijh supRsMn mwDvh ]10] naanak, jih suparsaNn maadhvah. ||10||
Nanak (says): (he alone attains this) with whom the Lord of Maya is pleased. 10
imrq mohM Alp buD´M rcMiq binqw ibnod swhM ] mirat mohaN alap budhyaN, rachaNt banitaa binod saahaN.
One, with shallow wisdom, dies in (emotional) attachment; he is engrossed in luxurious
pleasures with wife.
jObn bihk®m kink kuMflh ] bicqR mMidr soBMiq bsqRw ieq´Mq mwieAw b´wipqM ]
jouban bahikram kanik kuNdlah. bachitra maNdir, sobhaNt bastaraa, ityaNt maa-i-aa biyaapitaN.
Youth, power, golden ear-rings,
wondrous mansions, decorated clothes ---- this way Maya prevails (i.e. clings to the mortals).
hy Acuq srix sMq nwnk Bo Bgvwney nmh ]11]
hay achut, saraṇ saNt, naanak, bho bhagvaana-ay namah. ||11||
Nanak (says): O! Imperishable Lord, Refuge of the God-oriented persons, O! Lord of
Fortune, I bow (i.e. make obeisance) to You. 11
[*Bhagwaan, literally: the ‘Possessor/Lord of Fortune. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
jnmM q mrxM hrKM q sogM BogM q rogM ] janmaN ta marṇaN, harkhaN ta sogaN, bhogaN ta rogaN.
If (there is) birth, then (there is) death; If (there is) pleasure, then (there is) pain; if (there are)
pleasures, then (there are)diseases.
aUcM q nIcM nwn@w su mUcM ] oochaN ta neechaN, naanhaa so moochaN.
If (there is) high, then (there is) low; if (there is) small, then (there is) big (as well).

P. 1355
rwjM q mwnµ AiBmwnµ q hInµ ] raajaN ta maanaN, abhimaanaN ta heenaN.
If (there is) kingship (i.e. power), then (there is) pride; if (there is) egotism, then (there is)
pRivriq mwrgM vrqMiq ibnwsnµ ] pravirat maargaN, vartaNt binaasanaN.
Indulging in (i.e. getting engrossed in) worldly ways, one perishes (i.e. one is ruined).
goibMd Bjn swD sMgyx AsiQrM nwnk BgvMq Bjnwsnµ ]12]
gobiNd bhajan saadh saNgayṇ asthiraN, naanak,bhagvaNt bhajnaasnaN. ||12||
Nanak (says): meditating upon the Lord of the World, in the company God-oriented persons,
one becomes stable; meditating upon the Lord of Fortune, one obtains place (in His Court). 12
ikrpMq hrIAM miq qqu igAwnµ ] ibgsIiD´ buDw kusl Qwnµ ]
kirpaNt haree-aN, mat tat gi-aanaN. bigseedhiy budhaa, kusal thaanaN.
(When) God bestows His Grace, (then) knowledge of Reality comes to the mind.
One’s intellect blossoms forth, and, he attains a place of bliss.
bis´Mq iriKAM iqAwig mwnµ ] sIqlµq irdXM idRVu sMq igAwnµ ]
bas-yaNt rikhi-aN, ti-aag maanaN. seetlaNt rid-yaN, dariṛ saNt gi-aanaN.
The senses come under control, (when) one abandons pride.
The heart is cooled (i.e. soothed) (when) wisdom of God-oriented person is implanted within.
rhMq jnmM hir drs lIxw ] rahaNt janmaN, har daras leeṇaa.
(The cycle of) birth (i.e. reincarnation) ceases, (when) one obtains the vision of God.
bwjMq nwnk sbd bIxW ]13] baajaNt, naanak, sabad beeṇaan. ||13||
Nanak (says): the flute of Word (of the praise of God) is played (i.e. resounds within him). 13
khMq bydw guxMq gunIAw suxMq bwlw bhu ibiD pRkwrw ]
kahaNt baydaa, guṇaNt gunee-aa, suṇaNt baalaa, baho bidh prakaaraa.
The Vedas say (i.e. narrate) multitudes of the excellences (of God); the boys (i.e. disciples) hear
them by various ways.
idRVMq suibidAw hir hir ik®pwlw ] dariṛ-aaNt subidi-aa, har har kripaalaa.
Sublime knowledge is implanted within those unto whom God, the Lord becomes Gracious.
nwm dwnu jwcMq nwnk dYnhwr gur gopwlw ]14] naam daan jaachaNt, naanak, dainhaar gur gopaalaa||14||
Nanak (says): I beg for the gift of the Name from the Giver, the Guru, the Sustainer of the
World. 14
nh icMqw mwq ipq BRwqh nh icMqw kCu lok kh] nah chiNtaa maat pit bharaatah, nah chiNtaa kachh lok kah.
Do not worry about mother, father, brothers, and, do not worry about others.
nh icMqw binqw suq mIqh pRivriq mwieAw snbMDnh ]
nah chiNtaa banitaa sut meetah, parvirat maa-i-aa sanbaNdhnah.
Do not worry about wife, sons, friends; they are related to us due to involvement in Maya.
dieAwl eyk Bgvwn purKh nwnk srb jIA pRiqpwlkh ]15]
da-i-aal ayk bhagvaan pukhah, naanak, sarab jee-a partipaalkeh. ||15||
Nanak (says): the Lord of Fortune, the Primal Person alone is Merciful; He looks after all the
living being. 15
Ainq´ ivqM Ainq´ icqM Ainq´ Awsw bhu ibiD pRkwrM ]
anity vitaN, anit-y chitaN, anity aasaa baho bidh parkaaraN.
Wealth is transitory, and, transitory (i.e. useless) is thinking (about it); and, transitory are
hopes of very many sorts.

Ainq´ hyqM AhM bMDM Brm mwieAw mlnµ ibkwrM ]
anity haytaN, ahaN baNdhaN, bharam maa-i-aa malanaN bikaaraN.
Transitory are (emotional) attachment, egotism and bonds; wanderings of Maya are filth and
iPrMq join Anyk jTrwgin nh ismrMq mlIx buD´M ]
firaNt jon anayk jaṭraagan, nah simrant maleeṇ budhyaN.
One passes through the fire of womb countless times, (because) he does not remember (i.e. he
does not meditate upon God) due to his filthy wisdom.
hy goibMd krq mieAw nwnk piqq auDwrx swD sMgmh ]16]
hay gobiNd karat ma-i-aa, naanak, patit udhaaraṇ saadh saNgmah. ||16||
Nanak (says): O! Lord of the World, when You bestow Your Grace, You unite one with the
congregation of the God-oriented persons, the redeemer of the sinners. 16
igrMq igir piqq pwqwlµ jlµq dydIp´ bYsÍWqrh ] bhMiq Agwh qoXM qrMgM duKMq gRh icMqw jnmM q mrxh ]
giraNt gir patit paataalaN, jalaNt daydeepy baisvaaNtareh.
bahaNt agaah to-yaN taraNgaN, dukhaNt grah chiNtaa, janmaN ta marṇah.
(One may) fall down from the mountains, or (one may) fall into the nether-regions, or (one may)
be burnt in lustrous (i.e. blazing) fire; one may be swept away by strong current of water; (but)
most painful is the worry of household affairs, (which is the source of) birth and death (in
Aink swDnµ n isD´qy nwnk AsQMBM AsQMBM AsQMBM sbd swD sÍjnh ]17]
anik saadhanaN na sidhyatai, naanak, asthaMbhaN asthaMbhaN asthaMbhaN sabad saadh savajnih. ||17||
Nanak (says): one may resort to countless means, (but) one cannot succeed (in breaking bonds
of Maya); the (only) support, help, refuge is the word (i.e. teachings) of the friendly God-
oriented persons. 17
Gor duK´M Aink hq´M jnm dwirdRM mhw ibK´wdM ] imtMq sgl ismrMq hir nwm nwnk jYsy pwvk kwst BsmM kroiq ]18]
ghor dukhyaN anik hatyaN, janam daaridaraN mahaa bikhyaadN.
mitaNt sagal simraNt har naam, naanak, jaisay paavak kaasat bhasmaN karot. ||18||
Terrible pain, countless killings, poverty of countless life-times, great disappointments ----
Nanak (says): all these are destroyed by meditating upon the Name of God, just as fire burns
(great piles of) wood to ashes. 18
AMDkwr ismrq pRkwsM gux rmMq AG KMfnh ] aNdhkaar simrat parkaasaN, guṇ ramaNt agh khaNdnah.
Remembering (i.e. meditating upon the Name of God), darkness is (dispelled and one gets)
enlightened; and, dwelling on (i.e. singing the praise of) His excellences, sins are destroyed.
ird bsMiq BY BIq dUqh krm krq mhw inrmlh ]
rid basaNt bhai bheet dootah, karam karat mahaa niramleh.
(When the Name of God) dwells in heart, the messengers (of death) get frightened and terrified;
and, by doing (good) deeds one becomes greatly immaculate.
jnm mrx rhMq sRoqw suK smUh AmoG drsnh ]
janam maraṇ rahaNt sarotaa, sukh samooh amogh darasneh.
By listening (to the Name of God), (the cycle of) birth and death is ended; and, by obtaining
fruitful vision (of God) total happiness is obtained.

srix jogM sMq ipRA nwnk so Bgvwn KymM kroiq ]19]
saraṇ jogaN saNt pri-a, naanak, so bhagvaan khaymaN karot. ||19||
Nanak (says): God (who) is potent (i.e. all-powerful) to give refuge; (He is) the Beloved of the
God-oriented persons; that Lord of Fortune, blesses with emancipation. 19
pwCM kroiq AgRxIvh inrwsM Aws pUrnh ] paachhaN karot agarṇeeveh, niraasaN aas poornah.
Those (who were) left behind, (God) brings them to the front; (He) fulfills the hopes of the
inrDn BXM DnvMqh rogIAM rog KMfnh ] nirdhan bha-yaN dhanvaNtah, rogee-aN rog khaNdnah.
(By His Grace) the poor become rich, and, the diseases of the diseased get cured.
Bgq´M Bgiq dwnµ rwm nwm gux kIrqnh ] bhagatyaN bhagat daanaN, raam naam guṇ keeratneh.
He blesses His devotees with devotion and the singing of the praise of the Name and the
excellences of God.
pwrbRhm purK dwqwrh nwnk gur syvw ikM n lB´qy ]20]
paarbraham purakh daataareh, naanak, gur sayvaa kiN na labhyatai. ||20||
Nanak (says): the Supreme Lord is the (great) Giver Primal Being; serving the Guru, what is
(that which is)not obtained? 20
ADrM DrM Dwrxh inrDnµ Dn nwm nrhrh ] adhraN dharaN dhaarṇah, nirdhanaN dhan, naam narhareh*.
The Name of the Omniporesent* is the support of those without support, and, the wealth of
the poor. [*Narhar/ Narhareh, literally: ‘Lord of men/beings/mortals’; i.e. pervading all, Omnipresent. This is one
of the many attributes and the names of God].
AnwQ nwQ goibMdh blhIx bl kysvh ] anaath naath gobiNdah, balheeṇ bal kaysvah*.
The Lord of the World is the Master of the master-less; the Beautiful-haired (Lord) is the
power of the weak.
[*Kysava/Kaysava/Kesav: one having hair.; God has been portrayed as one with long/beautiful hair. This is one of the
countless attributes and the names of God].
srb BUq dXwl Acuq dIn bWDv dwmodrh ] sarab bhoot da-yaal achut, deen baandhav daamodareh*.
The Imperishable God is Merciful to all; the Protector* (Lord) is the relative (i.e. family) of
the poor.
[*Damodar: Literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; Protector. This is one of the many
attributes and the names of God].
srbg´ pUrn purK Bgvwnh Bgiq vCl kruxw mXh ]
sarabgay pooran purakh bhagvaaneh, bhagat vachhal karuṇaa ma-yeh.
He is All-Knowing, Perfect, Primal Person, Lord of Fortune, Lover of His Devotees, and
Embodiment of Compassion.
P. 1356
Git Git bsMq bwsudyvh pwrbRhm prmysurh ]
ghat ghat basaNt baasudayveh,* paarbrahm parmaysureh.
The Omnipresent (Lord), the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master dwells in each and every
heart. [*Baasudeva, literally: the Divine which dwells all/ manifesting all/ manifesting everywhere/ Omnipresent.
This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
jwcMiq nwnk ik®pwl pRswdM nh ibsrMiq nh ibsrMiq nwrwiexh ]21]
jaachaNt naanak, kripaal prasaadaN, nah bisraNt nah bisraNt naaraa-iṇeh*. ||21||
Nanak (says): I beg, O! Gracious (Lord), bestow Your Grace, that I may not ever forget you,
never forget You, O! Omnipresent* (Lord). 21
[*Naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings/ Omnipresent. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].

nh smrQM nh syvkM nh pRIiq prm purKoqmM ] nah samrathaN, nah sayvkaN, nah preet param parkhotamaN.
I have no capability, I do not serve You, I do not have love for You, O! Supreme Sublime
Primal Person.
qv pRswid ismrqy nwmM nwnk ik®pwl hir hir gurM ]22]
tav prasaad simartay naamaN, naanak, kirpaal har har guraN. ||22||
Nanak (says): by Your Grace I meditate upon Your Name, O! Gracious God, O! Lord, O! my
Guru. 22
Brx poKx krMq jIAw ibsRwm Cwdn dyvMq dwnµ ]
bharan pokhaṇ karaNt jee-aa, bisraam chhaadan dayvaNt daanaN.
He feeds and sustains all beings, and, (provides) place of rest (i.e dwelling) and gift of clothes.
isRjMq rqn jnm cqur cyqnh ] sirjaNt ratan janam chatur chaytnah.
He creates jewel of (human) life, with cleverness and consciousness.
vrqMiq suK Awnµd pRswdh ] vartaNt sukh aanaNd, prasaadeh.
By His Grace, happiness and bliss prevail.
ismrMq nwnk hir hir hry ] Ainq´ rcnw inrmoh qy ]23]
simraNt, naanak, har har haray. anity rachnaa nirmoh tay. ||23||
Nanak (says): those, who remember God, the Lord, the Master, are released from attachment
to transitory creation (i.e. world). 23
dwnµ prw pUrbyx BuMcMqy mhIpqy ] daanaN paraa poorbayṇ bhuNchaNtay maheepatay.
The kings enjoy fruits of deeds of charity done in the past.
ibprIq buD´M mwrq lokh nwnk icrMkwl duK Bogqy ]24]
bipreet budh-yaN maarat lokah, naanak, chiraNkaal dukh bhogtay. ||24||
Nanak (says): those with perverted mind, who kill people, suffer for it, for long time. 24
ibRQw AnugRhM goibMdh js´ ismrx irdMqrh ] britha anugrahaN gobiNdah, jasy simraṇ ridaNtrah.
Those, who meditate upon the Lord of the Word in their hearts, look upon (even) pain as His Gift.
Awrog´M mhw rog´M ibisimRqy kruxw mXh ]25] aarogyaN mahaa rogyaN, bisimritay karuṇaa ma-yeh. ||25||
Those, who forget the Embodiment of Compassion, are very sick even if they are healthy. 25
rmxM kyvlµ kIrqnµ suDrmM dyh Dwrxh ] ramṇaN kayvlaN keeratanaN, sudharmaN dayh dhaarṇah.
To sing only the praise of God is the most sublime religious duty for taking birth (as human).
AMimRq nwmu nwrwiex nwnk pIvqM sMq n iqRp´qy ]26]
aMmrit naam naaraa-iṇ, naanak, peevtaN saNt na triptayatay. ||26||
Nanak (says): the Name of the Omnipresent (Lord) is AMmrit; drinking it in, the God-oriented
persons are never satiated (i.e. they want to drink it in more and more). 26
shx sIl sMqM sm imqRs´ durjnh ] nwnk Bojn Aink pRkwryx inMdk AwvD hoie aupiqstqy ]27]
sahan seel saNtaN sam mitarsay durajneh.
naanak, bhojan anik prakaarayṇ, niNdak aavadh ho-ay uptistatay. ||27||
Nanak (says): the God-oriented persons are (so) tolerant, that friends and foes are alike for
them. (They remain unaffected)one may place food of many sorts (before them), or slander them
or may be standing up (near them) with a weapon drawn (to kill).
iqrskwr nh BvMiq nh BvMiq mwn BMgnh ] tiraskaar nah bhavaNt, nah bhavaNt maan bhaNgnah.
Insult does not happen to them (i.e. does not affect them), and, dishonour does not happen to
them (i.e. does not affect them).

soBw hIn nh BvMiq nh pohMiq sMswr duKnh ] sobhaa heen nah bhavaNt, nah pohaNt saNsaar dukhnah.
Disrespect does not happen to them (i.e. does not affect them); and, sorrows of the world do not
(even) touch them.
goibMd nwm jpMiq imil swD sMgh nwnk sy pRwxI suK bwsnh ]28]
gobiNd naam japaNt mil saadh saNgah, naanak, say praaṇee sukh baasnah. ||28||
Nanak (says): those mortal beings, who join the company of the God-oriented persons and
meditate upon the Name of the Lord of the World, abide in happiness, forever. 28
sYnw swD smUh sUr AijqM sMnwhM qin inMmRqwh ] sainaa saadh samooh soor ajitaN, saNnaahaN tan niNmartaah.
The God-oriented persons are an invincible army of the brave warrior, wearing armour of
modesty on their bodies.
AwvDh gux goibMd rmxM Et gur sbd kr crmxh ]
aavdhah guṇ gobiNd ramṇaN, ot gur sabad kar charamṇeh.
Singing (the praise of) the excellences of the Lord of the Word is their weapon; and, the refuge
of the Word of the Guru is their shield (of leather).
AwrUVqy AsÍ rQ nwgh buJMqy pRB mwrgh ] aarooṛ-tay asav rath naagah, bujhaNtay prabh maargah.
For them, understanding the path of (union with) God is riding horses, elephants and chariots.
ibcrqy inrBXM sqRü sYnw DwXMqy guopwl kIrqnh ]
bichartay nirabh-yaN satar sainaa, dhaa-yaNtay gopaal keeratneh.
They walk fearlessly through the armies of enemy (i.e. army of the passions like sexual desire,
anger, greed etc), and, they attack them with (the singing of) the praise of the Sustainer of the
ijqqy ibsÍ sMswrh nwnk vs´M kroiq pMc qskrh ]29]
jittay bisav saNsaarah, naanak, vasyaN karot paNch taskarah. ||29||
Nanak (says): they conquer the entire world by overpowering the five thieves (i.e. passions). 29
imRg iqRsnw gMDrb ngrM dRüm CwXw ric durmiqh ]
mirag tirasnaa gaNdharab nagraN*, drum chhaa-yaa rach duramtih.
Mixing with mirage, the illusory world*, and, (passing) shade of a tree; ---- engrossing with
them, one earns bad wisdom.
[*Harchandauri (or Gandharbnagri) is an imaginary concept; it is like optical illusion of ephemeral and mundane
objects like mirage].
qqh kutMb moh imQ´w ismrMiq nwnk rwm rwm nwmh ]30]
tatah kutaMb moh mithyaa, simraNt naanak raam raam naamah. ||30||
Same way (emotional) attachment to the family is false. Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate
upon the Name of God, the Lord (and remain unaffected by Maya) . 30
nc ibidAw inDwn ingmM nc guxg´ nwm kIrqnh ]
nach bidi-aa nidhaan nigamaN, nach guṇgay naam keeratneh.
One may not have the treasure of the knowledge of the Vedas, nor virtues, nor (merits of
singing) the praise of the Name (of God).
nc rwg rqn kMTM nh cMcl cqur cwqurh ] nach raag ratan kaNṭaN, nah chaNchal chatur chaatureh.
(He may not have) beautiful voice to sing jewel melodies (of the Name), nor cleverness,
shrewdness and intelligence;
Bwg auidm lbD´M mwieAw nwnk swDsMig Kl pMifqh ]31]
bhaag udim labdhayaN maa-i-aa, naanak, saadhsaNg khal paNditah. ||31||
Nanak (says): by destiny and effort, one may obtain wealth; and, in the company of the God-
oriented persons, (even) a fool becomes scholar. 31

kMT rmxIX rwm rwm mwlw hsq aUc pRym DwrxI ] jIh Bix jo auqm slok auDrxM nYn nµdnI ]32]
kaNṭ ramṇeey raam raam maalaa, hasat ooch praym dhaarṇee.
jeeh bhaṇ jo utam salok, udharṇaN nain naNdnee. ||32||
One, who has rosary of the Name of God around his neck, and, makes enshrining of the love (of
God) as his hand bag (for keeping that rosary); and,
One, who chants the sublime hymns, with his tongue, saves himself from (Maya) which is
pleasing to the eyes (i.e. Maya that enchants). 32
gur mMqR hIxs´ jo pRwxI iDRgMq jnm BRstxh ] gur maNtra heeṇsay jo praaṇee dhrigaNt janam bharsatṇah.
That mortal being, who is without the teachings of the Guru, is cursed and his life is polluted.
kUkrh sUkrh grDBh kwkh srpnh quil Klh ]33]
kookrah sookrah garadh-bheh kaakah sarapneh tul khalah. ||33||
He is just like a dog, a pig, a donkey, a crow, a snake. 33
crxwribMd Bjnµ irdXM nwm Dwrxh ] kIrqnµ swDsMgyx nwnk nh idRstMiq jmdUqnh ]34]
charṇaarbiNd bhajanaN, rid-yaN naam dhaarṇah.
keeratanaN saadhsaNgayṇ, naanak, nah darisat-aNt jamdootneh. ||34||
Nanak (says): one, who meditates upon the lotus feet (of God) and enshrines His Name within
the heart; and,
sings the praise (of God) in the company of the God-oriented person, shall never see the
messenger of death. 34
P. 1357
nc durlBM Dnµ rUpM nc durlBM sÍrg rwjnh ] nach durlabha dana roopa , nach durlabha savarag raajnah.
Wealth and beauty are not so difficult to obtain; paradise and kingship (i.e. royal power) are
not so difficult to obtain.
nc durlBM Bojnµ ibMjnµ nc durlBM sÍC AMbrh ]
nach durlabhaN bhojanaN biNjanaN, nach durlabhaN savachh aMbreh.
Food and delicacies are not so difficult to obtain; clean (i.e. elegant) clothes are not so difficult
to obtain.
nc durlBM suq imqR BRwq bWDv nc durlBM binqw iblwsh ]
nach durlabhaN sut mitar bharaat baandhav, nach durlabhaN banitaa bilaaseh.
Sons, friends, brothers, relatives are not so difficult to obtain; merriment with the wife is not
so difficult to obtain.
nc durlBM ibidAw pRbIxM nc durlBM cqur cMclh ]
nach durlabhaN bidi-aa prabeeṇaN, nach durlabhaN chatur chaNchleh.
Knowledge and skill are not so difficult to obtain; cleverness and smartness are not so difficult
to obtain
durlBM eyk Bgvwn nwmh nwnk lbiD´M swDsMig ik®pw pRBM ]35]
durlabhaN ayk bhagvaan naamah, naanak, labdhiyaN saadhsaNg kirpaa prabhaN. ||35||
Only the Name of God is difficult to obtain.
Nanak (says): it is obtained by the Grace of God, in company of the God-oriented persons. 35
jq kqh qqh idRstM sÍrg mrq pXwl lokh ]
jat katah tatah daristaN, savarag marat pa-yaal lokah.
Wherever I look, there I see (God, pervading) in (this) world, in the paradise, and, in the nether

srbqR rmxM goibMdh nwnk lyp Cyp n ilp´qy ]36]
sarbatra ramṇaN gobiNdah, naanak, layp chhayp na lip-yatai. ||36||
Nanak (says): the Lord of the World is pervading all (and everywhere); no plaster (i.e. blot) or
stain (i.e. blame) sticks to him. 36
ibKXw BXMiq AMimRqM dRüstW sKw sÍjnh ] bikhyaa bha-yaNt aMmritaN, darustaan sakhaa savajniN.
The poison is transformed into AMmrit, and, enemies become friends and one’s own.
duKM BXMiq suK´M BY BIqM q inrBXh ] dukhaN bha-yaNt sukhyaN, bhai bheetaN ta nirabhyeh.
Sorrows are transformed into happiness, and, the fearful (persons) become fearless.
Qwn ibhUn ibsRwm nwmM nwnk ik®pwl hir hir gurh ]37]
thaan bihoon bisraam naamaN, naanak, kripaal har har gurah. ||37||
Those, without place (i.e. homeless) find place of rest in the Name (of God);
Nanak (says): (this happens only when) God, the great Lord, becomes Gracious. 37
srb sIl mmM sIlµ srb pwvn mm pwvnh ] sarab seel mamaN seelaN, sarab paavan mam paavnah.
He (who) blesses humility to all, He blesses humility to me (as well); He(who) purifies all,
purifies me (as well).
srb krqb mmM krqw nwnk lyp Cyp n ilp´qy ]38]
sarab kartab mamaN kartaa, naanak, layp chhayp na lipyatai. ||38||
The Creator of all is the Creator of me (as well); Nanak (says): no plaster (i.e. blot) or stain (i.e.
blame) sticks to him. 38
nh sIqlµ cMdR dyvh nh sIqlµ bwvn cMdnh ] nah seetlaN chandar dayvah, nah seetlaN baavan chaNdnah.
The moon-god is not (so) cool; the white sandalwood(tree) is not (so) cool.
nh sIqlµ sIq ruqyx nwnk sIqlµ swD sÍjnh ]39]
nah seetlaN seet rutayṇ, naanak, seetlaN saadh savajanah. ||39||
The winter season is not (so) cool. Nanak (says): the God-oriented persons, His own servants
(i.e. devotees) are cool. 39
mMqRM rwm rwm nwmM D´wnµ srbqR pUrnh ] maNtraN raam raam naama N, dhayaana sarbatra poornah.

[The following stanza (no. 40) narrates the qualities of the God-oriented persons]:
(1) Through the spell (i.e. hymn) of the Name of God, the Lord, they contemplate (i.e. meditate)
upon the all-pervading (Lord).
g´wnµ sm duK suKM jugiq inrml inrvYrxh ] gayaanaN sam dukh sukhaN, jugat nirmal nirvairṇeh.
(2) Their wisdom is that they look alike upon pain and pleasure; (they live) immaculate way of
life, and, are free of malice.
dXwlµ srbqR jIAw pMc doK ibvrijqh ] da-yaalaN sarbatra jee-aa, paNch dokh bivarjiteh.
(3) They are merciful to all beings, they place the five blemishes* (i.e. vices) under check.
[*The five are: sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment, and, pride].
Bojnµ gopwl kIrqnµ Alp mwXw jl kml rhqh ]
bhojanaN gopaal keeratanaN, alap maa-yaa jal kamal rahtah.
(4) Singing the praise of the Sustainer of the World is their food; like the lotus (flower) in the
water, they remain untouched by Maya .
aupdysM sm imqR sqRh BgvMq Bgiq BwvnI ] updaysaN sam mitar satreh, bhagvaNt bhagat bhaavnee.
(5) They impart teaching to friends and foes alike, in the loving devotion of the Lord of

pr inMdw nh sRoiq sRvxM Awpu iq´wig sgl ryxukh ] par ni daa nah sarot sarvaṇa , aap ti-yaag sagal rayṇukeh.
(6) They do not listen with their ears the slandering of others; renouncing their self-conceit,
they become the dust (of the feat) of all.
Kt lK´x pUrnµ purKh nwnk nwm swD sÍjnh ]40]
khat lakhyaṇ pooranaN pukhah, naanak, naam saadh savajanah. ||40||
Nanak (says): those, who are perfect in (these) six attributes (i.e. qualities), can be given the
Name of the God-oriented persons, His own servants (i.e. devotees). 40
Ajw BogMq kMd mUlµ bsMqy smIip kyhrh ] ajaa bhogaNt kaNd moolaN, basaNtay sameep kayhrah.
The she-goat enjoys eating fruits and roots, (but if) it lives near a tiger (it is always fearful).
qqR gqy sMswrh nwnk sog hrKM ibAwpqy ]41]
tatra gatay saNsaarah, naanak, sog harkhaN bi-aapatay ||41||
Nanak (says): the same is the condition (of the people) of the world, they are afflicted by pain
and pleasure. 41
Clµ iCdRM koit ibGnµ AprwDM iklibK mlµ ] chhalaN chhidaraN kot bighanaN, apraadhaN kilbikh malaN.
(One, who commits) frauds, (is full of) blemishes, creates tens of millions of obstacles (for
others); (he, is full of) filth of crimes and sins.
Brm mohM mwn Apmwnµ mdM mwXw ibAwipqM ] imRq´ü jnm BRmMiq nrkh Aink aupwvM n isD´qy ]
bharam mohaN maan apmaanaN, madaN maa-yaa bi-aapitaN.
mitrayo janam bharmaNt narkah, anik upaavaN na sidhyatai.
(One, who is full of) doubts, attachment, pride, dishonour and intoxication of Maya;
wanders in fear of death and (re)birth and hell; and, in spite of countless efforts, he cannot
succeed (to come out of all this).
inrmlµ swD sMgh jpMiq nwnk gopwl nwmM ] nirmalaN saadh saNgah, japaNt naanak, gopaal naamaN.
Nanak (says): joining the company of the God-oriented persons and meditating upon the
Sustainer of the World, they become immaculate.
rmMiq gux goibMd inq pRqh ]42] ramaNt guṇ gobiNd, nit prateh. ||42||
They dwell upon (singing the praise of) the excellences of God, always and ever. 42
qrx srx suAwmI rmx sIl prmysurh ] taraṇ saraṇ su-aamee, ramaṇ seel parmaysureh.
The refuge of the Master, the charming gentle Supreme Master, is a boat to cross over (the
world ocean).
krx kwrx smrQh dwnu dyq pRBu pUrnh ] karaṇ kaaraṇ samartheh, daan dayt prabh poornah.
The perfect Lord is All-powerful, the Doer (i.e. the Creator) and the Cause (of everything); the
Perfect Lord is the Giver of gifts(to all).
inrws Aws krxM sgl ArQ AwlXh ] niraas aas karṇaN, sagal arath aalyeh.
He gives hope to those without hope; He is the home (i.e. treasure) of all riches.
gux inDwn ismrMiq nwnk sgl jwcMq jwickh ]43]
guṇ nidhaan simraNt, naanak, sagal jaachaNt jaachikeh. ||43||
Nanak (says): (all) remember (i.e. meditate upon) the Treasure of Excellences; all are beggars,
begging (at His Door). 43
durgm sQwn sugmM mhw dUK srb sUKxh ] durgam sathaan sugamaN, mahaa dookh sarab sookh-ṇah.
The most difficult place becomes easy, and great pain turns into happiness.
durbcn Byd BrmM swkq ipsnµ q surjnh ] durbachan bhayd bharamaN, saakat pisanaN ta surajneh.
Men of evil words (i.e. bad-tongued people), those causing differences and duality, the
faithless, and the slanderers become virtuous.

AsiQqM sog hrKM BY KIxM q inrBvh ] asthitaN sog harkhN , bhai kheeṇaN ta nirabhveh.

Pain becomes stable in (i.e. pain is consumed by) pleasures, and, (those, who are afraid and
scared) shedding fear they become fearless.
P. 1358
BY AtvIAM mhw ngr bwsM Drm lK´x pRB mieAw ]
bhai atvee-aN mahaa nagar baasaN, dharam lakhyaṇ prabh ma-i-aa.
The terrifying woods become big populated cities. These are the merits of faith achieved by
the Grace of the Lord.
swD sMgm rwm rwm rmxM srix nwnk hir hir dXwl crxM ]44]
saadh saNgam raam raam ramṇaN, saraṇ naanak har har da-yaal charṇaN. ||44||
Nanak (says): (all this is obtained by) chanting the Name of God, the Lord, in the company pf
the God-oriented persons, and, in the refuge of the feet of the Merciful God, the Lord. 44
hy Aijq sUr sMgRwmM Aiq blnw bhu mrdnh ] hay ajit soor saNgraamaN, at balnaa baho maradneh.
(O! emotional attachment) O! invincible warrior of the battlefield, you totally crush (even) the
most powerful.
gx gMDrb dyv mwnuK´M psu pMKI ibmohnh ] gaṇ gaNdharab dayv maanukhyaN, pas paNkhee bimohneh.
You entice (i.e. enslave) (even) the attendants of gods, heavenly singers, gods, mortal (beings),
animals and birds.
hir krxhwrM nmskwrM srix nwnk jgdIsÍrh ]45]
har karaṇhaaraN namaskaaraN, saraṇ naanak jagdeesvareh. ||45||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren, if you want to save yourself from this emotional attachment, then) bow
before (i.e. surrender to) God, the Creator, and, seek the refuge of the Lord of the Universe. 45
hy kwmM nrk ibsRwmM bhu jonI BRmwvxh ] hay kaamaN, narak bisraamaN, baho jonee bhramaavṇeh.
O! sexual desire, you lead (mortal beings) to hell, and, make them wander through countless
icq hrxM qRY lok gMm´M jp qp sIl ibdwrxh ] chit harṇaN trai lok gaMmyaN jap tap seel bidaarṇeh.
You steal (i.e. cheat) the consciousness; (you) pervade the three worlds; (you) destroy
meditation, penance and good conduct (of the noble people).
Alp suK Aivq cMcl aUc nIc smwvxh ] alap sukh, avit, chaNchal, ooch neech samaavṇeh.
You give (only) a little pleasure, (while, you) make them penniless; you are transitory(i.e. don’t
abide at one place); and, (you) pervade low and high (i.e. all).
qv BY ibmuMicq swD sMgm Et nwnk nwrwiexh ]46]
tav bhai bimuNchit saadh saNgam, ot, naanak, naaraa-iṇeh. ||46||
Nanak (says): one becomes free from your fear in the company of the God-oriented persons,
through the support of the Omnipresent (Lord). 46
[*naaraa-in, literally: dwelling in all beings (i.e. Omnipresent). This is one the attributes and the names of God].
hy kil mUl k®oDM kdMc kruxw n auprjqy ] hay kal mool krodh-aN, kadaNch karuṇaa na uparjatay.
O! anger, (you are) the root of all conflicts; compassion never rises up in you.
ibKXMq jIvM vs´M kroiq inrq´M kroiq jQw mrkth ]
bikh-yaNt jeevaN vas-yaN karot, nirt-yaN karot jathaa marakteh.
You take vicious (i.e. sinful) people in your power; and, they dance (to your tunes) like the

Aink swsn qwVMiq jmdUqh qv sMgy ADmM nrh ]
anik saasan taaṛaNt jamdooteh, tav saNgay adhamaN narah.
In your association, they become mean persons; (hence) the messenger of death punishes
them in many ways.
dIn duK BMjn dXwl pRBu nwnk srb jIA rK´w kroiq ]47]
deen dukh bhaNjan da-yaal prabh, naanak, sarab jee-a rakh-yaa karot. ||47||
Nanak (says): the Destroyer of the Sufferings of the Poor, the Merciful Lord, protects all the
beings (from anger). 47
hy loBw lµpt sMg isrmorh Aink lhrI klolqy ] hay lobhaa, laMpat saNg sirmohreh, anik lahree kalolatay.
O! greed, you cling even the great (persons), with your waves (i.e. your fancy), in many ways.
DwvMq jIAw bhu pRkwrM Aink BWiq bhu folqy ] dhaavaNt jee-aa baho parkaaraN, anik bhaant baho doltay.
(Clinging to you) they run around in many ways; and, they waver greatly in many ways.
nc imqRM nc iestM nc bwDv nc mwq ipqw qv ljXw ]
nach mitraN, nach istaN, nach baadhav, nach maat pitaa, tav lajyaa.
You have no respect, neither for friend, nor for deity, nor for relations, nor for mother and
AkrxM kroiq AKwid´ Kwd´M Aswj´M swij smjXw ] akraṇa karot, akhaad-ya khaad-ya , asaaj-ya saaj samajyaa.
You get them do what is not worth-doing; you get them eat what is not worth-eating, you get
them wear, what is not worth-wearing in the society.
qRwih qRwih srix suAwmI ibg´wipœ nwnk hir nrhrh ]48]
traahi traahi saraṇ su-aamee, bigyaapati, naanak, har narhareh. ||48||
Prays Nanak: ‘Save me’ save me’, I have come to Your refuge, O! Master; I pray (to You) O!
God, O! Omnipresent* (Lord). 48
[*Narhar, literally: Lord of men/beings/mortals; pervading all, Omnipresent. This is one the attributes and the names of
hy jnm mrx mUlµ AhMkwrM pwpwqmw ] hay janam maraṇ moolaN, ahaMkaaraM, paapaatmaa.
O! egotism, you are the root of birth and death (i.e.reincarnation); (you are) the soul of sins.
imqRM qjMiq sqRM idRVMiq Aink mwXw ibsœIrnh ] mitraN tajaNt, satraN dariṛ-aaNt, anik maa-yaa bisteernah.
You get friends forsaken, and, hold fast to enemies; and, you spread out (the net of) Maya in
many ways.
AwvMq jwvMq QkMq jIAw duK suK bhu Bogxh ] aavaNt jaavaNt thakaNt jee-aa, dukh sukh baho bhogṇah.
(Because of you) the living beings come and go (in countless incarnations), and, they get
exhausted (suffering great pain), and, they experience pain and pleasure.
BRm BXwn auidAwn rmxM mhw ibkt AswD rogxh ]
bhram bha-yaan udi-aan ramṇN, mahaa bikat asaadh rogṇah.
You get them wander through the terrifying wilderness of doubt, and, get them contact great
terrible incurable diseases.
bYd´M pwrbRhm prmysÍr AwrwiD nwnk hir hir hry ]49]
baidyaN paarbrahm parmaysvar, aaraadh, naanak, har har haray. ||49||
Nanak (says): the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master is the (only) physician (to cure their
diseases); (so, O! brethren) meditate upon God, the Lord, the Master. 49
hy pRwx nwQ goibMdh ik®pw inDwn jgd guro ] hay praaṇ naath gobiNdah, kripaa nidhaan jagad guro.
O! Master of Breath (of life), Lord of the World, Treasure of Grace, Guru for the world.

hy sMswr qwp hrxh kruxw mY sB duK hro ] hay saNsaar taap harṇah, karuṇaa mai sabh dukh haro.
O! Reliever of the fever of the world, Embodiment of Compassionate, (please) take away all
my sorrows.
hy srix jog dXwlh dInw nwQ mXw kro ] hay saraṇ jog da-yaaleh, deenaa naath ma-yaa karo.
O! Merciful (Lord), Potent (i.e. powerful) to give refuge, Master of the poor, (please) bestow
Your Grace.
srIr sÍsQ KIx smey ismrMiq nwnk rwm dwmodr mwDvh ]50]
sareer savasth kheeṇ sam-ay, simraNt, naanak, raam daamodar* maadhvah**. ||50||
Nanak (says): (my) body may be healthy or weakened, get me to meditate upon (the Name of)
God, the Protector*, the Lord of Maya. 50
[*Damodar, literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; the Protector. **Maadav, literally:
husband/lord/controller of Maya. These are among the attributes and the names of God].
crx kml srxM rmxM gopwl kIrqnh ] charaṇ kamal sarṇaN, ramṇaN gopaal keeratnah.
(O! brethren) seek the refuge of His lotus feet; and, sing the praise of the Sustainer of the World.
swD sMgyx qrxM nwnk mhw swgr BY duqrh ]51]
saadh saNgayṇ tarṇaN, naanak, mahaa saagar bhai dutrah. ||51||
Nanak (says): in the company of the God-oriented persons, one crosses over the greatly,
terrifying difficult (world) ocean. 51
isr msœk rK´w pwrbRhmM hsœ kwXw rK´w prmysÍrh ]
sir mastak rakhyaa paarbrahmaN, hast kaa-yaa rakhyaa parmaysvareh.
The Supreme Lord places His hand on (i.e. protects) my head and forehead, and, the Supreme
Master saves my hands and body.
Awqm rK´w gopwl suAwmI Dn crx rK´w jgdIsÍrh ]
aatam rakhyaa, gopaal su-aamee; dhan, charaṇ rakhyaa jagdeesvareh.
The Sustainer of the World saves my soul, and, the feet of the Lord of the Universe save my
srb rK´w gur dXwlh BY dUK ibnwsnh ] sarab rakhyaa gur da-yaaleh, bhai dookh binaasneh.
The Merciful Guru protects everything (of mine); He destroys my fears and sorrows.
Bgiq vCl AnwQ nwQy srix nwnk purK Acuqh ]52]
bhagat vachhal anaath naathay; saraṇ, naanak, purakh achuteh. ||52||
Nanak (says): I have entered the refuge of the Lover of Devotees, the Master of the master-
less, Primal Person, the Imperishable Lord. 52
jyn klw DwirE AwkwsM bYsMqrM kwst bystM ] jayn kalaa, dhaari-o aakaasaN baisaNtaaraN kaasat baystaN.
He, whose power sustains the sky (without pillars); and, has concealed fire in the wood.
jyn klw sis sUr nK´qR joiq´M swsM srIr DwrxM ]
jayn kalaa, sas soor nakhyatar jotyaN, saasaN sareer dhaarṇaN.
He, whose power has placed (His) Light in the sun, the moon and stars; and has placed breath
(of life) in the body.
P. 1359
jyn klw mwq grB pRiqpwlµ nh CydMq jTr rogxh ]
jayn kalaa, maat garabh paritpaalaN, nah chhaydaNt jaṭar rogṇah.
He, whose power provides nourishment (to the baby) in the womb of the mother, and, does not
let diseases of the abdomen strike it (i.e. the baby).

qyn klw AsQMBM srovrM nwnk nh iCjMiq qrMg qoXxh ]53]
tayn kalaa, asthaMbhaN sarovaraN, naanak, nah chhijaNt taraNg toyṇeh. ||53||
His power holds back (i.e. controls) the ocean. Nanak (says): (it is God’s power that hinders) the
waves of water from destroying (the land). 53
gusWeI girs† rUpyx ismrxM srbqR jIvxh ] gusaan-ee garist roopayṇ, simarṇaN sarbatra jeevṇah.
The Lord of the World is the Supreme Form (i.e. power); His mediation is the (souce of) life of
all the living beings.
lbD´M sMq sMgyx nwnk sÍC mwrg hir Bgqxh ]54]
labdhayaN saNt saNgayṇ; naanak, savachh maarag har bhagat-ṇah. ||54||
Nanak (says): meditation upon God is the pure path (to unite with Him), and, (this is found) in
the company of the God-oriented persons. 54
mskM Bgnµq sYlµ krdmM qrMq ppIlkh ] maskaN bhagnaNt sailaN, kardamaN taraNt papeelkeh.
The mosquito pierces through a stone, and, the ant crosses the mud.
swgrM lµGMiq ipMgM qm prgws AMDkh ] saagraN laNghaNt pi-aNgaN, tam pargaas aNdhkah.
The cripple crosses the ocean, the blind sees in the darkness.
swD sMgyix ismrMiq goibMd srix nwnk hir hir hry ]55]
saadh saNgayṇ simraNt gobiNd. saraṇ, naanak, har har haray. ||55||
(This happens) by meditating upon the Lord of the World, in the company of the God-oriented
persons. Nanak (says): I seek the refuge of (that) God, the Lord, the Master.
iqlk hIxM jQw ibpRw Amr hIxM jQw rwjnh ] AwvD hIxM jQw sUrr nwnk Drm hIxM qQw bYs˜vh ]56]
tilak heeṇaN jathaa bipraa, amar heeṇaN jathaa raajnah.
aavadh heeṇaN jathaa soorar; naanak, dharam heeṇaN tathaa baisnveh. ||56||
Like a brahman without (ritual) mark (on his forehead), and, a king without (power to force his)
Command; like a warrior without weapons; so is a Vaishno (i.e. devotee of Vishnu) without
faith. 56
n sMKM n ck®M n gdw n isAwmM ] na saNkhaN, na chakaraN, na gadaa, na si-aamaN.
(God is the Lord of everything, but, He does not carry any thing on His person)
He has no conch (shell), no quoit, no mace; nor does He have black colour (of skin).
Asçrj rUpM rhMq jnmM ] ascharaj roopaN rahaNt janmaN.
His form is wondrous; He is unborn (beyond incarnation).
nyq nyq kQMiq bydw ] nayt nayt, kathaNt baydaa.
The Vedas narrate: (He is) ‘not this’, ‘not this’ (i.e. He is indescribable).
aUc mUc Apwr goibMdh ] ooch mooch apaar gobiNdah.
The Lord of the World is high, lofty and infinite.
bsMiq swD irdXM Acuq buJMiq nwnk bfBwgIAh ]57]
basaNt saadh rid-yaN achut; bujhaNt, naanak, badbhaagee-ah. ||57||
The Imperishable (Lord) dwells in the hearts of the God-oriented persons.
Nanak (says): those who realize Him, are greatly fortunate ones. 57
auidAwn bsnµ sMswrM snbMDI sÍwn isAwl Krh ]
udi-aan basanaN saNsaaraN, sanbaNdhee savaan si-aal kharah.
Living in the world, is (like living in) a jungle, (where) dogs, jackals and donkeys are his
relatives (i.e. people with the qualities of dogs, jackal ad donkeys etc are his relatives).

ibKm sQwn mn moh midrM mhW AswD pMc qskrh ]
bikham sathaan man moh madiraN, mahaaN asaadh paNch taskarah.
The mind is (dwelling) in a difficult place, where there is (emotional) attachment, and, (there
live) greatly invincible five thieves.
hIq moh BY Brm BRmxM AhM PWs qIK´x kiTnh ]
heet moh bhai bharam bharmaṇaN, ahaN faans teekhyaṇ kaṭinah.
(They are gripped by) love, (emotional) attachment, fears and doubts; and, (they are caught in)
sharp and hard noose of egotism.
pwvk qoA AswD GorM Agm qIr nh lµGnh ] paavak to-a asaadh ghoraN, agam teer nah laNghnah.
(They are drowning in) the ocean of fire, (which is) deep and impassable; the shore is
inaccessible (i.e. far away); it cannot be crossed over.
Bju swDsMig guopwl nwnk hir crx srx auDrx ik®pw ]58]
bhaj saadhsaNg gopaal; naanak, har charaṇ saraṇ, udhraṇ kripaa. ||58||
Nanak (says): (O! brethren) meditate upon the Sustainer of the World, in the company of the
God-oriented persons; ---- seeking the refuge of the (lotus) feet of God, one crosses (the world
ocean) by His Grace. 58
ik®pw krMq goibMd gopwlh sgl´M rog KMfxh ] kirpaa karaNt gobiNd gopaalah, sagalyaN rog khaNdṇah.
(When) the Lord of the World bestows His Grace, all illness is cured.
swD sMgyix gux rmq nwnk srix pUrn prmysurh ]59]
saadh saNgayṇ guṇ ramat ,naanak, saraṇ pooran parmaysureh. ||59||
Nanak (says): (so, O! brethren) chant (the praise of) His excellences, in the company of the God-
oriented person; and, seek the refuge of the Perfect Supreme Master. 59
isAwmlµ mDur mwnuK´M irdXM BUim vYrxh ] invMiq hovMiq imiQAw cyqnµ sMq sÍjnh ]60]
si-aamalaN madhur maanukhyaN, rid-yaN bhoom vairṇah.
nivaNt hovaNt mithi-aa, chaytnaN saNt savajnah. ||60||
One may be beautiful and (speak) is sweet (words), (but if he) harbours animosity in the land of
his heart; (then) his bowing (before others in humbleness) is false (i.e. pretentious / hypocritical).
The God-oriented persons, noble persons, remain aware of them. 60.
Acyq mUVw n jwxMq GtMq swsw inq pRqy ] achayt mooṛaa na jaaṇaNt, ghataNt saasaa nit pratay.
The thoughtless fool does not know that his breaths are being used up each and every day.
iCjMq mhw suMdrI kWieAw kwl kMinAw gRwsqy ] chhijaNt mahaa suNdree kaan-i-aa, kaal kaNniaa graastay.
His most beautiful body is wearing away; the daughter of death (i.e. old age) is eating it up.
rcMiq purKh kutMb lIlw Ainq Awsw ibiKAw ibnod ] racha t pukhah kuta b leelaa, anit aasaa bikhi-aa binod.
(In spite of this) man is engrossed in family play, and, is engaged in poisonous pleasures of
transitory hopes.
BRmMiq BRmMiq bhu jnm hwirE srix nwnk kruxw mXh ]61]
bharmaNt bharmaNt baho janam haari-o; saraṇ, naanak, karuṇaa ma-yeh. ||61||
Nanak (says): wandering and wandering, through countless lifetimes (i.e. incarnations), he is
exhausted; (only) the refuge of the Embodiment of Compassion (can save him). 61
hy ijhby hy rsgy mDur ipRA quXM ] hay jihbay, hay rasgay, madhur pri-a tu-yaN.
O! (my) tongue, O! enjoyer of tastes, you love (to enjoy) sweet (delicacies).

sq hqM prm bwdM Avrq eyQh suD ACrxh ] goibMd dwmodr mwDvy ]62]
sat hataN, param baadaN, avrat aythah sudh achharṇeh. gobiNd daamodar* maadhvay. ||62||
(O! being) you are dead to the Truth, (as) you are involved in disputes (and debates). (Better)
you repeatedly chant the pure Word:
(i.e. the Name of the) the Lord of the World, the Protector (Lord), the Lord of Maya. 62
[*Damodar, literally: who has sash around his waist i.e. ever ready to protect; Protector. **Maadhav: literally:
husband/lord/controller of Maya. These are among the attributes and the names of God].
grbMiq nwrI mdon mqM ] blvMq blwq kwrxh ] crn kml nh BjMq iqRx smwin iDRgu jnmnh ]
garba t, naaree madon mata . balva t, balaat kaarṇah. charan kamal nah bhaja t,
tariṇ samaan, dharig janamneh.
(One, who is) proud of intoxication (of being) in pleasures of woman;
(one, who) asserts (i.e. forces) his power on the others;
(one, who) does not meditate upon the lotus-feet (of God);
he is (worthless) like straw, and, cursed is his birth (i.e. his coming into the world).
hy ppIlkw gRsty goibMd ismrx quXM Dny ] hay papeelkaa grastay, gobiNd simraṇ tu-yaN dhanay.
O! ant you are great, if remembering the Lord of the World is your wealth (i.e. even a very modest
person is richer and greater than a worldly powerful person, if he has wealth of the Name with him).
nwnk Aink bwr nmo nmh ]63] naanak, anik baar namo namah. ||63||
Nanak (says): for countless times, I bow to (i.e. make obeisance to) Him (who elevates the
devotees). 63
iqRxM q myrM shkM q hrIAM ] tariṇN ta mayraN, sehkaN ta haree-aN.
The straw becomes a mountain; the dry (i.e. barren land) becomes green;
bUfM q qrIAM aUxM q BrIAM ] boodaN ta taree-aN, ooṇaN ta bharee-aN.
The drowning one crosses over; and, the empty ones becomes overflowing;
AMDkwr koit sUr aujwrM ] aNdhkaar, kot soor ujaara .

The darkness turns into brightness of tens of millions of suns;

ibnvMiq nwnk hir gur dXwrM ]64] binvaNt naanak, har gur dayaaraN. ||64||
Prays Nanak: (this happens, when) God , the Guru, becomes Merciful. 64
P. 1360
bRhmxh sMig auDrxM bRhm krm ij pUrxh ] brahmaṇeh saNg udharṇaN, barahm karam je poorṇah.
One gets saved in the company of a brahmin, if he is perfect in deeds relating to God (i.e.
meditation upon God).
Awqm rqM sMswr ghM qy nr nwnk inhPlh ]65] aatam rata sa saar gaha ; tay nar, naanak, nihfaleh ||65||
Nanak (says): those persons, whose souls are in love with the world, are fruitless (their lives are
useless) . 65
pr drb ihrxM bhu ivGn krxM aucrxM srb jIA kh ]
par darab hirṇaN, baho vighan karṇaN, ucharṇaN sarab jee-a kah.
(Those, who) steal the wealth of others (for their self and their family), and, create so many
obstacles (in the path of others), (yet) preach sermon, to all the beings.
lau leI iqRsnw Aiqpiq mn mwey krm krq is sUkrh ]66]
la-o la-ee tarisnaa atipat man maa-ay, karam karat se sookrah. ||66||
They have (in fact) desire of take and possess (wealth of others), but, they are never satiated
within their minds; (in fact) they act like a pig. 66

mqy smyv crxM auDrxM BY duqrh ] matay samayv charṇaN, udharṇaN bhai dutrah.
Those, who are intoxicated (in meditation upon God), are absorbed in His (lotus) feet, cross over
the difficult and terrifying (world ocean).
Anyk pwiqk hrxM nwnk swD sMgm n sMsXh ]67]4]
anayk paatik harṇaN, naanak, saadh saNgam na saNsyah. ||67||4||
Nanak (says): countless sins are destroyed in the company of the God-oriented persons; there
is no doubt about it. 67.4

mhlw 5 gwQw Mehlaa 5, Gaathaa

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
krpUr puhp sugMDw prs mwnuK´ dyhM mlIxM ] karpoor puhap sugaNdhaa, paras manukh-y dayhaN maleeṇaN.
The smell of the camphor-flowers, when it comes into contacts with human body, becomes
mjw ruiDr dRügMDw nwnk AiQ grbyx Ag´wnxo ]1]
majaa rudhir darugaNdhaa, naanak, ath garbayṇ agyaanaṇo. ||1||
Nanak (says): (yet) the ignorant one is proud of his foul-smelling marrow, blood and bones. 1
prmwxo prjMq Awkwsh dIp loA isKMfxh ] gCyx nYx Bwryx nwnk ibnw swDU n isD´qy ]2]
parmaaṇo parjaNt aakaaseh, deep lo-a sikhaNdṇah.
gachhayṇ naiṇ bhaarayṇ, naanak, binaa saadhoo* na sidh-yatai. ||2||
Even if one could turn his body to the extent of a thin particle (i.e. atom), and, fly through the
skies, continents and worlds, in the blink of an eye; Nanak (says): (but) without the Guru*, he
shall not accomplish (the purpose of his life). 2 [Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
jwxo siq hovMqo mrxo idRstyx imiQAw ] jaaṇo sat hovaNto marṇo, daristayṇ mithi-aa.
Know as truth that death will come and whatever is seen, is false (i.e. transient).
kIriq swiQ clµQo BxMiq nwnk swD sMgyx ]3]
keerat saath chalaNtho, bhaṇaNt, naanak, saadh saNgayṇ. ||3||
Nanak (says): (only) the praise (of God); chanted in the company of the God-oriented persons,
shall go along with (in the end). 3
mwXw icq Brmyx iest imqRyKu bWDvh ] maa-yaa chit bharmayṇ, isat mitraykh baandhvah.
Maya allures the mind, through attachment to beloveds, friends and relatives.
lbD´M swD sMgyx nwnk suK AsQwnµ gopwl BjxM ]4]
labdha-yaN saadh saNgayṇ, naanak, sukh asthaanaN gopaal bhajṇaN. ||4||
Nanak (says): (but) the place of eternal happiness is in the meditation upon the Sustainer of
the World, (which is) found in the company of the God-oriented persons. 4
mYlwgr sMgyx inMmu ibrK is cMdnh ] mailaagar* saNgayṇ, niMm birakh se chaNdnah*.
The tree of neem (i.e. margosa), grown near the sandalwood(tree), becomes (just like)
sandalwood (tree). [*Mailaagr and chandan are among many names of sandalwood]
inkit bsMqo bWso nwnk AhM buiD n bohqy ]5] nikat basaNto baanso, naanak, ahaM budh na bohtay. ||5||
(But) the bamboo (tree), (also) growing near it (i.e. sandalwood tree), does not become fragrant,
(because of its) egotistical (i.e. vain) intellect. 5

gwQw guMP gopwl kQM mQM mwn mrdnh ] gaathaa guNf gopaal kathaN, mathaN maan maradneh.
In this Gaatha (i.e. narration) the story (i.e. sermon / teaching) of the Sustainer of the World, is
woven; churning it (i.e. contemplating it in the mind), egotism is crushed.
hqM pMc sqRyx nwnk hir bwxy pRhwrxh ]6] hataN paNch satrayṇ, naanak, har baaṇay par-haarṇeh. ||6||
Nanak (says): the five enemies* are killed by shooting the arrows of (the Name of) God. 6
[*sexual desire, anger, greed, (emotional) attachment and pride].
bcn swD suK pMQw lhMQw bf krmxh ] bachan saadh sukh paNthaa, lahaNthaa bad karamṇeh.
The teachings of the Guru are the path of (spiritual) happiness; (but) they are obtained by His
rhMqw jnm mrxyn rmxM nwnk hir kIrqnh ]7]
rahaNtaa janam marṇayn ramṇaN, naanak, har keeratneh||7||
Nanak (says): cycle of birth and death is ended, (by) singing the praise of God. 7
pqR Buirjyx JVIXM nh jVIAM pyf sMpqw ] patra bhurijayṇ jhaṛee-yaN, nah jaṛee-aN payd sapaNtaa.
(When) the leaves wither and fall, they cannot again be attached to the branch of the tree
nwm ibhUx ibKmqw nwnk bhMiq join bwsro rYxI ]8]
naam bihooṇ bikhmataa, naanak, bahaNt jon baasro raiṇee. ||8||
Nanak (says): without the Name (of God), there is distress; day and night(the mortals) remain
wandering in(i.e. the fear of entering again in) the womb (i.e. reincarnation). 8
BwvnI swD sMgyx lBMqM bf Bwgxh ] bhaavnee saadh saNgayṇ, labhaNtaN bad bhaagṇah.
Loving devotion is found in the company of the God-oriented persons, by great (good) fortune.
hir nwm gux rmxM nwnk sMswr swgr nh ibAwpxh ]9]
har naam guṇ ramṇaN, naanak, saNsaar saagar nah bi-aapṇeh. ||9||
Nanak (says): singing the Name and (the praise of) the excellences of God, one does not suffer
in world ocean. 9
gwQw gUV ApwrM smJxM ibrlw jnh ] gaathaa gooṛ apaaraN, samjhaṇaN birlaa janah.
The story (of excellences of God) is profound and infinite; rare are those who understand it.
sMswr kwm qjxM nwnk goibMd rmxM swD sMgmh ]10]
saNsaar kaam tajṇaN, naanak, gobiNd ramṇaN saadh saNgmah. ||10||
Nanak (says): (to understand it, one must) withdraw from worldly occupations and sexual
desire, and, sing (the praise) of God in the company of the God-oriented persons. 10
sumMqR swD bcnw koit doK ibnwsnh ] sumaNtra saadh bachnaa, kot dokh binaasneh.
The teachings of the Guru are the most sublime mantra (i.e. spell), to eradicate tens of millions
of sins.
hir crx kml D´wnµ nwnk kul smUh auDwrxh ]11]
har charaṇ kamal dha-yaanaN, naanak, kul samooh udhaarṇah. ||11||
Nanak (says): meditating at the lotus-feet of God, all one’s generations are redeemed. 11
suMdr mMdr sYxh jyx mD´ hir kIrqnh ] suNdar maNdar saiṇah, jayṇ madhy har keeratneh.
Beautiful are those places, in which the praise of God is sung.
mukqy rmx goibMdh nwnk lbD´M bf Bwgxh ]12]
muktay ramaṇ gobiNdah, naanak, labdha-yaN bad bhaagṇah. ||12||
Nanak (says): chanting (the Name of) the Lord of the World, one is liberated, (but) one is
blessed with this (i.e. chanting the Name of God) by great (good) fortune. 12

hir lbDo imqR suimqo ] ibdwrx kdy n icqo ]
har labdho, mitar sumito. bidaaraṇ kaday na chito.
I have found God, my Friend, my noble Friend. He shall never break my heart.
jw kw AsQlu qolu Aimqo ] jaa kaa asthal tol amito.
His dwelling and weight cannot be weighted (i.e. cannot be assayed).
suoeI nwnk sKw jIA sMig ikqo ]13] so-ee, naanak, sakhaa jee-a saNg kito. ||13||
Nanak (says): I have made a friend, who always remains with the heart. 13
ApjsM imtMq sq puqRh ] ismrqb´ irdY gur mMqRxh ]
apjasaN mitaNt sat putreh. simartab-y ridai gur maNtarṇeh.
One’s ignominy (i.e. disgrace) is erased by a true (i.e. worthy) son; (if)
he (always) remembers the teachings of the Guru in his heart.
P. 1361
pRIqm Bgvwn Acuq ] nwnk sMswr swgr qwrxh ]14]
preetam bhagvaan achut. naanak, saNsaar saagar taarṇah. ||14||
Nanak (says): the Beloved Imperishable Lord of Fortune carries us across the world ocean.14
mrxM ibsrxM goibMdh ] jIvxM hir nwm D´wvxh ]
marṇaN, bisraṇaN gobindah. jeevaṇaN, har naam dha-yaavaṇeh.
Forgetting the Lord of the World, is (to die spiritual)death.
Meditating upon the Name (of God), is (living immortal) life.
lBxM swD sMgyx ] nwnk hir pUrib ilKxh ]15]
labh-ṇaN saadh saNgayṇ. naanak, har poorab likh-ṇeh. ||15||
Nanak (says): He is found in the company of the God-oriented persons;
if it is pre-inscribed (i.e. if one has pre-inscribed destiny). 15
dsn ibhUn BuXMgM mMqRM gwruVI invwrM ] dasan bihoon bhu-yaaNgaN, maNtraN gaaruṛee nivaaraN.
The snake-charmer, by Garuṛ* spell, removes the fangs (i.e. teeth that inject venom) to
neutralize the poison of the snake.
[* In mythology, Garuṛ/Garuda is the mount (carriage) of Vishnu (a mythical god); it is depicted as having the golden
body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak. Garuṛ/Garuda is depicted as the eternal sworn
enemy of the serpents, and, is known for feeding exclusively on snakes. Garuṛ/Garuda is also presented as the spell or
amulet to protect from snake attack and snake poison].
b´wiD aupwVx sMqM ] nwnk lbD krmxh ]16]
bayaadh upaaṛaṇ saNtaN*. naanak, labadh karamṇeh. ||16||
Just so the Guru* removes ailment. [*Here, saNt has been used for the Guru].
Nanak (says): (but, such a Guru) is found by (good) fortune. 16
jQ kQ rmxM srxM srbqR jIAxh ] jath kath ramṇaN, sarṇaN sarbatra jee-aṇah.
God is all-pervading everywhere; (He) gives refuge to all living beings
qQ lgxM pRym nwnk ] prswdM gur drsnh ]17]
tath lagṇaN praym, naanak. parsaadaN gur darasneh. ||17||
Nanak (says): one is attached to the love (of God), (when) the Guru graces with his vision. 17
crxwribMd mn ibD´M ] isD´M srb kuslxh ]
charṇaarbiNd man bidh-yaN. sidhyaN sarab kusalṇeh.
One, whose mind is pierced through by the lotus-feet (of God),
he is blessed with total (spiritual) happiness.

gwQw gwvMiq nwnk Bb´M prw pUrbxh ]18] gaathaa gavaNt, naanak, bhabyaN paraa poorabṇeh. ||18||
Nanak (says): they (alone) sing (the praise of) the narration (of the excellences of God), who
have such a pre-inscribed fortune (inscribed on their foreheads). 18
suB bcn rmxM gvxM swD sMgyx auDrxh ] sMswr swgrM nwnk punrip jnm n lB´qy ]19]
subh bachan ramṇaN gavṇaN, saadh saNgayṇ udharṇeh.
saNsaar saagraN, naanak, punrap janam na labh-yatai. ||19||
Chanting and singing the sublime word (of the praise of God) in the congregation of God-
oriented persons, one is emancipated.
Nanak (says): (one, who is thus carried across) the world ocean,(he) shall not have to be born
again (in reincarnation). 19
byd purwx swsqR bIcwrM ] bayd puraaṇ saastar beechaaraN.
(People) contemplate the Vedas, Puranas, Shastras.
eykMkwr nwm aur DwrM ] kulh smUh sgl auDwrM ]
aykaNkaar naam ur dhaaraN. kulah samooh sagal udhaaraN.
(But) by enshrining the Name of the One Creator Lord, within the heart,
the whole family and everyone is liberated.
bfBwgI nwnk ko qwrM ]20] badbhaagee naanak ko taaraN. ||20||
Nanak (says): only a few, with great (good) fortune, carry (others) across (the world ocean). 20
ismrxM goibMd nwmM auDrxM kul smUhxh ] simarṇaN gobiNd naamaN, udharṇaN kul samoohṇeh.
Meditating upon the Name of the Lord of the World, all one’s generations are emancipated.
lbiDAM swD sMgyx nwnk vfBwgI BytMiq drsnh ]21]
labdhi-aN saadh saNgayṇ, naanak, vadbhaagee bhaytaNt darasneh. ||21||
(The meditation upon the Name) is found in the company of the God-oriented persons.
Nanak (says): by great (good) fortune, one obtains the vision (of God).21
srb doK prMiqAwgI srb Drm idRVMqxÚ ] lbDyix swD sMgyix nwnk msqik ilK´xÚ ]22]
sarab dokh paraNtiaagee, sarab dharam dariṛ-aaNtaṇ-a.
labh-dhayṇ saadh saNgayn, naanak, mastak likhyaṇ-a. ||22||
Abandoning all sins, and, implanting all righteousness (within the mind).
Nanak (says): such (gift) is found in company of the God-oriented persons, if it is pre-inscribed
on one’s forehead. 22
hoXo hY hovMqo hrx Brx sMpUrxÚ ] hoyo hai hovaNto haraṇ bharaṇ saMpooraṇ-a.
(God) was, (He) is, (and, He) shall (always) be; (it is He who) destroys and sustains, and, is
perfect (i.e. perfectly pervading everywhere).
swDU sqm jwxo nwnk pRIiq kwrxM ]23] saadhoo* satam jaaṇo, naanak, preet kaarṇaN. ||23||
Nanak (says): know that the Guru* is true, because he loves Him (i.e. God). 23
[*Here, sadhoo has been used for the Guru].
suKyx bYx rqnµ rcnµ ksuMB rMgxÚ ] sukhayṇ baiṇ ratanaN rachanaN kasuMbh raNgaṇ-a.
(Spiritual) happiness is (found) the teachings of (the Guru, which are like) the gems; (but, the
mortals) engross themselves in colours of safflower (i.e. transitory pleasures which fade away
rog sog ibEgM nwnk suKu n supnh ]24] rog sog biogaN, naanak sukh na supnah. ||24||
Nanak (says): disease, sorrows and separation afflict them, they don't find happiness (not
even) in dreams. 24

Punhy mhlw 5 Funhay, Mehlaa 5
< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
hwiQ klµm AgMm msqik lyKwvqI ] haath kalaMm agaMm, mastak laykhaavatee.
O! Inaccessible (Lord), the pen in Your hand writes (the destiny) upon every forehead.
auriJ rihE sB sMig AnUp rUpwvqI ] urajh rahi-o sabh saNg, anoop roopaavatee.
The Incomparably Beautiful (Lord) is involved with (i.e. concerned about) all.
ausqiq khnu n jwie muKhu quhwrIAw ] ustat kahan na jaa-ay, mukhahu tuhaaree-aa.
I cannot narrate Your praise with my mouth (i.e. my tongue cannot narrate Your praise).
mohI dyiK drsu nwnk bilhwrIAw ]1] mohee daykh daras, naanak, balihaaree-aa. ||1||
Nanak (says): beholding Your vision, I am a sacrifice unto You. 1
sMq sBw mih bYis ik kIriq mY khW ] saNt sabhaa meh bais ke keerat mai kahaan.
Seated in the company of the God-oriented persons, I chant Your praise.
ArpI sBu sIgwru eyhu jIau sBu idvw ] arpee sabh seegaar, ayhu jee-o sabh divaa.
I (wish to) dedicate (in offering) my adornments, and, give (even) my life unto You.
Aws ipAwsI syj su kMiq ivCweIAY ] aas pi-aasee sayj, so kaNt vichhaa-ee-ai.
In yearning and hope (of union), I have made (and decorated) my bed for my Husband (Lord).
hirhW msqik hovY Bwgu q swjnu pweIAY ]2] harihaan, mastak hovai bhaag, ta saajan paa-ee-ai. ||2||
Yes, O! God, if (good) destiny is inscribed on my forehead, then, I shall find (you), my Friend.2
sKI kwjl hwr qMbol sBY ikCu swijAw ] sakhee, kaajal haar taMbol, sabhai kichh saaji-aa.
O! friend, I have prepared everything: collyrium (i.e. eye make up), necklace and betel leaves.
solh kIey sIgwr ik AMjnu pwijAw ] solah kee-ay seegaar, ke aNjan paaji-aa.
I have adorned myself with sixteen decoration, and, applied collyrium to my eyes.
jy Gir AwvY kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAY ] jay ghar aavai kaNt, ta sabh kichh paa-ee-ai.
If Husband (Lord) comes to my home (i.e. heart), then (it is as if) I have obtained everything,
hirhW kMqY bwJu sIgwru sBu ibrQw jweIAY ]3] harihaan, kaNtai baajh, seegaar sabh birthaa jaa-ee-ai. ||3||
Yes, O! God, without my Husband (Lord), all these ornamentation are useless. 3
ijsu Gir visAw kMqu sw vfBwgxy ] jis ghar vasi-aa kaNt, saa vadbhaagṇay.
Very fortunate is she (i.e. soul bride) within whose home (i.e. heart) the Husband (Lord) abides.
iqsu bixAw hBu sIgwru sweI sohwgxy ] tis baṇi-aa habh seegaar, saa-ee sohaagṇay.
All her decorations are justified, and, she is happy wife (i.e. soul bride).
hau suqI hoie AicMq min Aws purweIAw ] ha-o sutee ho-ay achiNt, man aas puraa-ee-aa.
(Now) I sleep carefree (i.e. in peace), as all my hopes have been fulfilled.
hirhW jw Gir AwieAw kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAw ]4]
harihaain, jaa ghar aa-i-aa kaNt, ta sabh kichh paa-ee-aa. ||4||
Yes, O! God, (when) my Husband (Lord) came into my home (i.e. heart), I obtained
everything. 4
P. 1362
Awsw ieqI Aws ik Aws purweIAY ] aasaa itee aas, ke aas puraa-ee-ai.
I have hope(i.e. desire), so much hope (to behold His vision); (O! Guru, please) fulfill my hope.
siqgur Bey dieAwl q pUrw pweIAY ] satgur bha-ay da-i-aal, ta pooraa paa-ee-ai.
If the True Guru becomes Merciful, then, one attain the Perfect (Lord).

mY qin Avgx bhuqu ik Avgx CwieAw ] mai tan avgan bahut, ke avgaṇ chhaa-i-aa.
My body is full of so many vices, (so much so) that I am covered with vices.
hirhW siqgur Bey dieAwl q mnu ThrwieAw ]5] harihaa , satgur bha-ay da-i-aal, ta man ṭehraa-i-aa ||5||
Yes, O! God, (when) the True Guru becomes Merciful, then the mind is held stable. 5
khu nwnk byAMqu byAMqu iDAwieAw ] kaho naanak. bay-aNt bay-aNt dhi-aa-i-aa.
Says Nanak: (the Lord is) infinite, (O! mortal) meditate upon the Infinite (Lord).
duqru iehu sMswru siqgurU qrwieAw ] dutar ih saNsaar, satguroo taraa-i-aa.
This world (ocean) is difficult to cross, the True Guru has carried me across.
imitAw Awvw gauxu jW pUrw pwieAw ] miti-aa aavaa ga-oṇ, jaan pooraa paa-i-aa.
My coming and going (i.e. cycle of reincarnation) ended, when I found the Perfect (Lord).
hirhW AMimRqu hir kw nwmu siqgur qy pwieAw ]6] harihaan, aMmrit har kaa naam, satgur tay paa-i-aa. ||6||
Yes, O! God, I have obtained AMmrit Name of God from the True Guru. 6
myrY hwiQ pdmu Awgin suK bwsnw ] mayrai haath padam*, aagan sukh baasnaa.
The (sign of) lotus* is in my hand , in the courtyard (of my heart) there is fragrance of joys.
[*Presumed sign of lotus in the lines of the palm is believed to great fortune].
sKI morY kMiT rqMnu pyiK duKu nwsnw ] sakhee, morai kaNṭ rataNn, paykh dukh naasnaa.
O! friend, there is jewel (of the Name) around my neck; beholding it, all sorrows run away.
bwsau sMig gupwl sgl suK rwis hir ] baasa-o saNg gupaal, sagal sukh raas har.
I abide with the Sustainer of the World; the capital of all pleasures is with God.
hirhW iriD isiD nv iniD bsih ijsu sdw kir ]7] harihaan, ridh sidh nav nidh baseh jis sadaa kar. ||7||
Yes, O! God, the spiritual wealth and the nine treasures abide in Your hands, forever. 7
pr iqRA rwvix jwih syeI qw lwjIAih ] par tari-a raavaṇ jaahi, say-ee taa laajee-ah.
Those (men), who go out to enjoy other's women, shall suffer shame.
inqpRiq ihrih pr drbu iCdR kq FwkIAih ] nitparat hireh par darab, chhidar kat ḍaakee-ah.
Those, who steals the wealth of others, how can their guilt be covered?
hir gux rmq pivqR sgl kul qwreI ] har guṇ ramat, pavitar, sagal kul taar-ee.
Those, who chant (the praise of) the excellences of God, become pious, and, they liberate all
their families.
hirhW sunqy Bey punIq pwrbRhmu bIcwreI ]8]
harihaan, suntay bha-ay puneet, paarbrahm beechaara-ee. ||8||
Yes, O! God, those, who listen and contemplate the Supreme Lord, become sanctified. 8
aUpir bnY Akwsu qlY Dr sohqI ] oopar banai akaas, talai dhar sohtee.
The sky above looks graceful, and, the earth below looks beautiful.
dh ids cmkY bIjuil muK kau johqI ] dah dis chamkai beejul, mukh ka-o johtee.
Lightening flashes in all the ten (i.e. all) directions, and, reveals the faces (of all).
Kojq iPrau ibdyis pIau kq pweIAY ] khojat fira-o bidays, pee-o kat paa-ee-ai.
I am searching for Him in foreign lands, how can I find my Beloved?
hirhW jy msqik hovY Bwgu q dris smweIAY ]9] harihaa , jay mastak hovai bhaag, ta daras samaa-ee-ai ||9||
Yes, O! God, if such destiny is inscribed on my forehead, I am absorbed in Your vision. 9
ifTy sBy Qwv nhI quDu jyihAw ] diṭay sabhay thaav, nahee tudh jayhi-aa.
[Here, in this stanza the reference is to ‘raamdaaspur’, means “the city of the slaves (i.e. devotees) of God”, i.e. the
congregation of the God-oriented persons is ‘raamdaaspur’, and, not the present town of Amritsar. In the whole of this
‘Funhay’ verse, there is no reference to the city of Amritsar].
I have seen all places, but no one can compare to you.
bDohu puriK ibDwqY qW qU soihAw ] badhohu purakh bidhaatai, taan too sohi-aa.
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has established you; thus you look beautiful.
vsdI sGn Apwr AnUp rwmdws pur ] vasdee saghan apaar, anoop, raamdaas pur.
O! city of the slaves (i.e. devotees) of God, you are thickly populated (with excellences of God),
(hence you look) incomparably beautiful.
hirhW nwnk ksml jwih nwieAY rwmdws sr ]10]
harihaan, naanak kasmal jaahi, naa-i-ai raamdaas sar. ||10||
Nanak (says): yes, O! God, having (spiritual) bath in the pool (i.e. in the true congregation) in
the city of the slaves (i.e. devotees) of God, all sins are washed away. 10
cwiqRk icq suicq su swjnu cwhIAY ] chaatrik chit suchit, so saajan chaahee-ai.
The Chatrik (i.e. rain bird) is smart (i.e. alert) in its mind (it longs for water, its friend), if one
longs for the Friend (the Lord, then, one should be alert like the rain bird).
ijsu sMig lwgy pRwx iqsY kau AwhIAY ] jis saNg laagay praaṇ, tisai ka-o aahee-ai.
It longs for that, to which its breath (of life) is attached (life of the rain bird is attached to water).
bnu bnu iPrq audws bUMd jl kwrxy ] ban ban firat udaas, booNd jal kaarṇay.
It wanders in despondency, from forest to forest, for the sake of a drop of (rain) water.
hirhW iqau hir jnu mWgY nwmu nwnk bilhwrxy ]11]
harihaan, ti-o har jan maangai naam, naanak balihaarṇay. ||11||
Yes, O! God, the servant (i.e. devotee) of God begs for the Name. Nanak (says): I am a sacrifice
unto him (i.e. the seeker of the Name of God). 11
imq kw icqu AnUpu mrMmu n jwnIAY ] mit kaa chit anoop, maraMm na jaanee-ai.
The mind of my friend is incomparably beautiful; its mystery cannot be known.
gwhk gunI Apwr su qqu pCwnIAY ] gaahak gunee apaar, so tat pachhaanee-ai.
One, who is the buyer of the infinite excellences (of God), recognizes the essence (of Reality).
icqih icqu smwie q hovY rMgu Gnw ] chiteh chit samaa-ay, ta hovai raNg ghanaa.
When one’s heart merges in (the One dwelling in) the heart, it enjoys great bliss.
hirhW cMcl corih mwir q pwvih scu Dnw ]12]
harihaan, chaNchal choreh maar, ta paavahi sach dhanaa. ||12||
Yes, O! God, overcoming the fickle thieves*, true wealth is obtained. 12
[*sexual desire, anger, greed, emotional attachment and pride].
supnY aUBI BeI gihE kI n AMclw ] supnai oobhee bha-ee, gahi-o kee na aNchlaa.
In my dream, (beholding my Beloved Lord) I got up, (but I don't know) why did I not grasp the
hem of His robe.
suMdr purK ibrwijq pyiK mnu bMclw ] suNdar purakh biraajit, paykh man banchlaa.
Beholding the beautiful Primal person (i.e. Lord) sitting there, my mind was charmed (and I
forgot to grasp the hem of His robe).
Kojau qw ky crx khhu kq pweIAY ] khoja-o taa kay charaṇ, kahhu kat paa-ee-ai.
(Now) I am searching for His feet; tell me, how can I find Him ?
hirhW soeI jqMnu bqwie sKI ipRau pweIAY ]13]
harihaan so-ee jataNn, bataa-ay sakhee pri-o paa-ee-ai. ||13||
Yes, O! God, tell me, O! friends, by which effort I can find my Beloved. 13
nYx n dyKih swD is nYx ibhwilAw ] naiṇ na daykheh saadh, se naiṇ bihaali-aa.
The eyes which do not see a God-oriented persons, are miserable.

krn n sunhI nwdu krn muMid GwilAw ] karan na sunhee naad, karan muNd ghaali-aa.
The ears which do not hear the celestial sound, those ears should be blocked.
rsnw jpY n nwmu iqlu iqlu kir ktIAY ] rasnaa japai na naam, til til kar katee-ai.
The tongue which does not chant the Name (of God), should be cut out, bit by bit.
hirhW jb ibsrY goibd rwie idno idnu GtIAY ]14]
harihaan, jab bisrai gobid raa-ay, dino din ghatee-ai. ||14||
Yes, O! God! one, who forgets the Lord of the World, the Sovereign Lord, gets reduced day by
day. 14
pMkj PwQy pMk mhw md guMiPAw ] paNkaj faathay paNk, mahaa mad guNfi-aa.
(Just as) the wings (of the bumble bee), greatly intoxicated (in its fragrance), are strung in (the
petals of) the lotus (flower) (so is mortal caught in intoxication of worldliness).
AMg sMg aurJwie ibsrqy suMiPAw ] aNg saNg urjhaa-ay, bisratay suNfi-aa.
Entangled in the petals, it forgets flying away .
P. 1363
hY koaU AYsw mIqu ij qorY ibKm gWiT ] hai ko-oo aisaa meet, je torai bikham gaa ṭ. N

Is there any such a friend, who can break (i.e. untie) this difficult knot (of separation from God)?
nwnk ieku sRIDr nwQu ij tUty lyie sWiT ]15] naanak, ik sareedhar* naath, je tootay lay-ay saaNṭ. ||15||
Nanak (says): the One, the Lord of Maya*, the Master (of the world), (alone) reunites the
separated ones (with Himself). 15
[*Sridhar, literally: possessor of Sri/Laxmi, i.e. Lord of Maya. This is one of the attributes and the names of God].
Dwvau dsw Anyk pRym pRB kwrxy ] dhaava-o dasaa anayk, praym prabh kaarṇay.
Searching for the love of the Lord, I run around in countless directions.
pMc sqwvih dUq kvn ibiD mwrxy ] paNch sataaveh doot, kavan bidh maarṇay.
(Question): the five enemies are troubling me, how can I kill (i.e. get rid of) them?
qIKx bwx clwie nwmu pRB D´weIAY ] teekhan baaṇ chalaa-ay, naam prabh dha-yaa-ee-ai.
(Answer): meditate upon the Name of the Lord, shoot these sharp arrows (of the Name).
n n
hirhW mhW ibKwdI Gwq pUrn guru pweIAY ]16] harihaa , mahaa bikhaadee ghaat, pooran gur paa-ee-ai ||16||
Yes, O! God, (these) terrible enemies are slaughtered (when) one finds the perfect Guru. 16
siqgur kInI dwiq mUil n inKuteI ] satgur keenee daat, mool na nikhuta-ee.
The True Guru has blessed me with the gift, which shall never be exhausted.
Kwvhu BuMchu siB gurmuiK CuteI ] kaavahu bhuNchahu sabh, gurmukh chhut-ee.
Eating and consuming it, one is emancipated through the Guru.
AMimRqu nwmu inDwnu idqw quis hir ] aMmrit naam nidhaan, ditaa tus har.
In His pleasure, God has blessed me with the treasure of the AMmrit Name.
nwnk sdw ArwiD kdy n jWih mir ]17] naanak, sadaa araadh, kaday na jaanhi mar. ||17||
Nanak (says):(O! brethren) adore this (Name), forever, and, you shall never die. 17
ijQY jwey Bgqu su Qwnu suhwvxw ] jithai jaa-ay bhagat, so thaan suhaavaṇaa.
Wherever the devotee (of God) goes, that place becomes beautiful (i.e. blessed).
sgly hoey suK hir nwmu iDAwvxw ] saglay ho-ay sukh, har naam dhi-aavaṇaa.
All comforts are obtained by meditating upon the Name of God.
jIA krin jYkwru inMdk muey pic ] jee-a karan jaikaar, niNdak mu-ay pach.
People hail (i.e. praise) them, (while) the slanderers burn (in fire of jealousy) and die.

swjn min Awnµdu nwnk nwmu jip ]18] saajan, man aanaNd, naanak, naam jap. ||18||
Nanak (says): O! friend, meditate upon the Name (God), and, your mind shall be in bliss. 18
pwvn piqq punIq kqh nhI syvIAY ] paavan patit puneet, katah nahee sayvee-ai.
God is immaculate, the Purifier of the Sinners, they (i.e. mind-oriented ones) do not serve Him.
JUTY rMig KuAwru khW lgu KyvIAY ] jhooṭai raNg khu-aar, kahaan lag khayvee-ai.
Attached to the love of the false pleasures, how long will they row (the boat of life)?
hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy suKu mwinAw ] harichaNd-uree paykh, kaahay sukh maani-aa.
Looking at optical illusions, why do you take pleasure in them ?
n N
hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn ij drgih jwinAw ]19] harihaa , ha-o balihaaree ti n, je dargahi jaani-aa. ||19||
Yes, O! God, I am a sacrifice unto those, who are known (i.e. approved) in His Court. 19
kIny krm Anyk gvwr ibkwr Gn ] keenay karam anayk, gavaar bikaar ghan.
The fool commits so many deeds, so many vices (i.e. sinful deeds).
mhw dRügMDq vwsu sT kw Cwru qn ] mahaa darugaNdhat vaas, saṭ kaa chhaar tan.
The body of the fool is an abode of foul smells; it is like ash.
iPrqau grb gubwir mrxu nh jwneI ] firta-o garab gubaar, maraṇ nah jaan-ee.
He wanders in darkness (i.e. ignorance) of pride, and, never thinks of death.
hirhW hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy scu mwneI ]20]
harihaan, harichaNd-uree* paykh, kaahay sach maan-ee ||20||
Yes, O! God, looking at optical illusions*, (don’t know) why does he think them to be true? 20
[*Harchandauri (or Gandharbnagri) is an imaginary concept; it is like optical illusion of ephemeral and mundane
objects like mirage].
ijs kI pUjY AauD iqsY kauxu rwKeI ] jis kee poojai a-odh, tisai ka-uṇ raakh-ee.
When one’s days are (i.e. life span is) over, who can save him?
bYdk Aink aupwv khW lau BwKeI ] baidak anik upaav, kahaan la-o bhaakh-ee.
Therapies, (attempt at)so many remedies — how long can they (i.e. physicians) prescribe.
eyko cyiq gvwr kwij qyrY AwveI ] ayko chayt gavaar, kaaj tayrai aavee.
O! fool, remember the One (Lord), He alone shall of help to you (in the end).
hirhW ibnu nwvY qnu Cwru ibRQw sBu jwveI ]21] harihaa , bin naavai tan chhaar, britha sabh jaav-ee. ||21||
Yes, O! God, without the Name, the body turns to ashes, and, everything goes to waste. 21
AauKDu nwmu Apwru Amolku pIjeI ] a-ukhadh naam apaar, amolak peej-ee.
The Name of God is incomparable medicine, this is invaluable, (O! mortals) drink it in.
imil imil Kwvih sMq sgl kau dIjeI ] mil mil khaaveh saNt, sagal ka-o deej-ee.
Meeting together with the God-oriented person, they consume it in, and, give it to everyone.
ijsY prwpiq hoie iqsY hI pwvxy ] jisai paraapat ho-ay, tisai hee paavṇay.
He alone is blessed with it, who is destined to receive it.
hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn@ ij hir rMgu rwvxy ]22] harihan, ha-o balihaaree tiNnh, je har raNg raavṇay. ||22||
Yes, O! God, I am a sacrifice unto those, who enjoy the love of God. 22
vYdw sMdw sMgu iekTw hoieAw ] vaidaa saNdaa saNg, ikṭaa ho-i-aa.
The physicians meet together, in their assembly
AauKd Awey rwis ivic Awip KloieAw ] a-ukhad aa-ay raas, vich aap khalo-i-aa.
Their medicines become effective (when) He Himself stands in their midst.
jo jo Enw krm sukrm hoie psirAw ] jo jo onaa karam, sukaram ho-ay pasri-aa.
Whatever was their good deed and action, that spread (i.e. became revealed).

hirhW dUK rog siB pwp qn qy iKsirAw ]23] harihaan, dookh rog sabh paap, tan tay khisri-aa. ||23||
Yes, O! God, all sufferings, diseases and sins vanish away from their bodies. 23

cauboly mhlw 5 Cha-ubolay, Mehlaa 5

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
[This verse is addressed to Saman and (his son) Musan, two Sikhs of the time of Guru Arjan. In the last part, verse 9,
another name Jamaal too appears].
sMmn jau ies pRym kI dm ik´hu hoqI swt ] rwvn huqy su rMk nih ijin isr dIny kwit ]1]
saMman, ja-o is praym kee, dam kiyahoo hotee saat.
raavan hutay so raNk neh, jin sir deenay kaat. ||1||
O! Saman, if love could be exchanged for (i.e. traded with) money; (then)
Ravana was not a pauper; he cut and presented his heads in offering (to god Shiv to obtain his
blessings). 1
pRIiq pRym qnu Kic rihAw bIcu n rweI hoq ] preet praym tan khach rahi-aa, beech na raa-ee hot.
One, whose body is engrossed in the love (for God), there remains no distance between them,
even that of a mustard seed (not even a tiny distance).
crn kml mnu byiDE bUJnu suriq sMjog ]2] charan kamal man baydhi-o, boojhan surat saNjog. ||2||
His mind is pierced through by the lotus-feet (of God); (but) one realizes this (when) one’s
consciousness is attached to (the Lord). 2
P. 1364
swgr myr auidAwn bn nv KMf bsuDw Brm ] mUsn pRym iprMm kY gnau eyk kir krm ]3]
saagar mayr udi-aan ban, nav khaNd basudhaa bharam.
moosan, praym piraMm kai, gan-o ayk kar karam. ||3||
I may wander the oceans, mountains, wilderness, forests, nine continents of the whole earth;
O! Musan, for the love of the Beloved (Lord), I treat them only one step. 3
mUsn mskr pRym kI rhI ju AMbru Cwie ] bIDy bWDy kml mih Bvr rhy lptwie ]4]
moosan, maskar praym kee, rahee jo aMbar chhaa-ay.
beedhay baandhay kamal meh, bhavar rahay laptaa-ay. ||4||
O! Musan, it is the light of love that has spread across the sky.
(My heart remains clung to God, as) the bumble-bee, pierced through with love, is caught in (the
petals of) the lotus flower. 4
jp qp sMjm hrK suK mwn mhq Aru grb ] mUsn inmKk pRym pir vwir vwir dyNau srb ]5]
jap tap saNjam harakh sukh, maan mahat ar garab.
moosan, nimkhak praym par, vaar vaar dayn-u sarab. ||5||
Meditation, austerity, self-discipline, happiness, pleasures, honour, glory and importance;
---- O! Musan, I would sacrifice and offer in dedication, all (this) wealth, for the love (of God)
just for a moment. 5
mUsn mrmu n jwneI mrq ihrq sMswr ] moosan, maram na jaan-ee, marat hirat saNsaar.
O! Musan, the world is dying and being robbed; they do not know the mystery of love.

pRym iprMm n byiDE auriJE imQ ibauhwr ]6] paraym piraMm na baydhi-o, urjhi-o mith bi-uhaar. ||6||
They are not pieced through by the love of the Beloved (Lord); it is entangled in false dealings
(of the body). 6
Gbu dbu jb jwrIAY ibCurq pRym ibhwl ] ghab dab jab jaaree-ai, bichhurat praym bihaal.
When the home and property are burnt (one suffers in pain); (but) one is (really) in miserable
state when one is separated from the Beloved (Lord).
mUsn qb hI mUsIAY ibsrq purK dieAwl ]7] moosan, tab hee moosee-ai, bisrat purakh da-i-aal. ||7||
O! Musan, one is robbed (only) when one forgets the Merciful Primal Lord. 7
jw ko pRym suAwau hY crn icqv mn mwih ] jaa ko praym su-aa-o hai, charan chitav man maahi.
Those, who enjoy the taste of the love (of God), (they) focus upon His (lotus) feet within their
nwnk ibrhI bRhm ky Awn n kqhU jwih ]8] naanak, bir-hee brahm kay, aan na kat-hoo jaahi. ||8||
Nanak (says): those who are the lovers of God, do not go anywhere else. 8
lK GwtIN aUNcO Gno cMcl cIq ibhwl ] lakh ghaateen oonchou ghano, chaNchal cheet bihaal.
Climbing hundreds of thousands of very steep hillsides, the fickle mind becomes miserable.
nIc kIc inimRq GnI krnI kml jmwl ]9] neech keech nimrit ghanee, karnee kamal, jamaal. ||9||
(Whereas) mud is lowly, very humble, due to this doing the lotus comes out of it, O! Jamaal. 9
kml nYn AMjn isAwm cMdR bdn icq cwr ] kamal nain aNjan si-aam, chaNdra badan chit chaar.
He has lotus-eyes, (adorned) with black collyrium; His body (i.e. face) is (beautiful) like the
moon, and, the mind (too) is beautiful.
mUsn mgn mrMm isau KMf KMf kir hwr ]10] moosan, magan maraMm si-o, khaNd khaNd kar haar. ||10||
O! Musan, I am absorbed in the mystery of His love, (and to find Him) I shall break my
necklaces (of pride) into pieces. 10
mgnu BieE ipRA pRym isau sUD n ismrq AMg ] magan bha-i-o pari-a praym si-o, soodh na simrat aNg.
I am intoxicated with the love of my Beloved, while meditating upon Him, I do not remain
conscious of my body (i.e. my being).
pRgit BieE sB loA mih nwnk ADm pqMg ]11]
pragat bha-i-o sabh lo-a meh, naanak, adham pataNg ||11||
Nanak (says): humble moth (sacrifices himself on the light of the lamp, but) is revealed all
throughout the world. 11

slok Bgq kbIr jIau ky Salok bhagat Kabeer jee-o kay

< siq gur pRswid ] ikko-aⁿkaar, sat, gur prasaad.
(I begin writing this) by the Grace of the Guru, (who is) Ikko Aⁿkaar (unmanifest and
manifest), the Absolute Truth.
kbIr myrI ismrnI rsnw aUpir rwmu ] kabeer, mayree simrnee, rasnaa oopar raam.
Kabir (says): the Name of God on my tongue, is my rosary (i.e. chanting of the Name of God is
my rosary).
Awid jugwdI sgl Bgq qw ko suKu ibsRwmu ]1] aad jugaadee, sagal bhagat, taa ko sukh bisraam. ||1||
From the very beginning and throughout the ages, all the devotees have obtained (spiritual)
happiness and poise through it (i.e. through meditation upon the Name of God). 1
kbIr myrI jwiq kau sBu ko hsnyhwru ] kabeer, mayree jaat ka-o, sabh ko rasnayhaar.
Kabir (says): everyone laughs at my caste (i.e. the low social status of family of my birth).


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