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Affidavit of Fault and Opportunity To Cure

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Affidavit of Fault and Opportunity to Cure

Ronnette Felicia Boyd

Executor and Paramount Title Holder to the RONNETTE F. BOYD Estate
c/o: 27 Wylie Drive
Longview, Texas [75602]

P.O. Box 53087
Phoenix, Arizona [85072]




To whom this may concern,

I am in receipt of the "Paperwork" issued from your office having a postage of 04/23/2020. However, upon my
inspection of said "Paperwork" it has become glaringly obvious that your office has failed to produce any affidavit in
support of your assertions and have, in effect, acquiesced in favor of my affidavit. The requisite points being the
following; To wit:

1. An Affidavit of rebuttal- Point for Point.

2. An Affidavit must be signed in the full Christian/Family name of the rebutting party.
3. A complete record of all books of accounting and ledgers.
4. Any and all contracts compelling my performance in accordance with said contracts.
5. All contracts must bear my wet blue ink signature.
6. All contracts must bear my Seal.
7. All contracts must be Certified.

In this regard, your office has failed to satisfy the stipulated conditions set forth. It is therefore my best judgement and
belief that you lack any Lawfully verifiable evidence or proof to substantiate your past, present, or future actions in
regard to this matter as you have already stipulated to the facts as they operate in favor of the undersigned. Hence,
your office and all agents acting in concert are now at fault in this regard.

As I wish to resolve this matter as soon as possible, it is of necessity, as I can only do so conditioned upon you
providing the required documents. I will extend to you Ten (10) calendar days to cure your fault of non-response. If
you fail to cure your fault, you will be found in default and will have established your default and dishonor of this offer.

QUESTION ; Were you (as agent) authorized by a supervisor or otherwise by one above you to violate the Right(s),
Title(s) and Interest(s) of the undersigned? Do you TAKE FULL RESONSIBILITY AND LIABILTY for your actions?
And if you do, then the undersigned herein accepts your full liability and herein enters a claim on all of your property
and reserves the right to file such claim upon you via your silence or agreement via the UCC. Please take notice that
Ronnette Felicia Boyd, Executor and Paramount Title Holder to the RONNETTE F. BOYD Estate, is exercising her
right to verify any such proof, discovery, evidence or otherwise [In the nature of her right to challenge any
Debt/Jurisdiction at any time] as to the entire matter per her right within 'Due Process of Law' [via The Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act] and therefore this process, being private in nature, is proper in obtaining such evidence and
to challenge any false claims, charges or otherwise.

As such, you (acting as agent(s)) on behalf of Bridgecrest, having superior knowledge of the Law and access to the
proofs and are now under Real Obligation to provide such proofs as demanded herein above to inform the
undersigned [Secured Party] of your Right (In Law) over any earnings and garnishments of the same from the Estate
of the undersigned [Secured Party]; having a Perfected, superior claim already in place. Should your office fail in
providing the stated proofs, then you will have evidenced upon yourself (as agent(s)), injury, trespass, and damage
perpetrated against the undersigned [Secured Party], for which, I require a $5,000.00 indemnity payment from your
office (and/or agent(s)) for purposes of offsetting any adverse affects incurred resulting from your error in presuming
any Right to garnishment of earnings from my Estate. Should you fail to honor this indemnity offer, the defaulting and
dishonoring party will be foreclosed upon by locks and latches via UCC in addition to the following actions to be
taken. To wit:

1. Formal charges filed in the office of the Attorney General.

2. Complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission, for Fair Debt Collections Practices Act violations.
3. Complaint filed with the Internal Revenue Services' Criminal Investigation Division, for Theft of Public Funds, Theft
of Private Funds without Due Process of Law, Tax Evasion, and Sedition against the Bankruptcy of the United States.
4. Complaint filed with the Insurance Commissioner of the State accompanied by the Criminal Complaint filed in the
office of the Attorney General for processing.

Please see Tabulation of Fees and Violations on attached form(s). Any refutation of the aforementioned and/or the
following issues must be done so, on and for the public record, in writing, by way of a sworn Affidavit, signed in their
full Christian/Family name under penalties of the Law, including but not limited to perjury. An Assessment of
$5,000.00 for each issue and occurrence of perjury, false, misleading, unproven statements, assertions or information
shall be deemed due and owing upon the claimant. No other refuting documents will be accepted. Failure to respond
within Ten (10) calendar days will constitute a complete agreement between the parties an Esotppel and Default with
no other reservations.


texas state ) ss: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT gregg county )

On this___ day of the month________________ in the year______, came before me, the below signed Notary
Public, John Perry Doe, Executor and Paramount Title Holder to the JOHN P. DOE Estate. Who swore/affirmed to
me the foregoing "Affidavit of Fault with Opportunity to Cure" as being executed by his hand and is true and accurate
to the best of his knowledge, understanding and belief.


By:_____________________________ Ronnette Felicia Boyd, Executor and Paramount Title Holder to the

Tabulation of Fees and Violations

Title 18 U.S.C. Violations: Indemnity Costs

§ 1951- Interference with commerce... $10,000.00
§ 41- Extortion and Threats $10,000.00
§ 1583- Enticement in Slavery $10,000.00
§ 1581- Peonage... $10,000.00
§ 1956- Laundering of Monetary Instruments $10,000.00
§ 641- Theft of Public Money, Property... $10,000.00
§ 1001- False Statements, Concealment $10,000.00
§ 1343- Fraud by wire, Radio, or Television $10,000.00
§ Etc. $10,000.00
Total = $90,000.00
Additional violations which may be added later. Mental Anguish (Including Stress) $1,500,000.00 Pain and Suffering
(Including High Blood Pressure $1,500,000.00
Theft of funds/Reimbursement $15,000.00
Postage and Response $700.50
Labor and Time $2,675.00
False Assertions $200,000.00
False Information $200,000.00
Misleading Information $200,000.00
Unproven Statements $200,000.00
No Sworn Affidavit in Support $200,000.00
No Commercial Affidavit in Support $200,000.00
No Signature for Order of Filiation $200,000.00
No Signature for Income Deduction Order $200,000.00
No Signature for Order of Support on Consent $200,000.00
All Documents Lack Affiant's Signature (1-4) $800,000.00
All Documents Lack Affiant's Seal (1-4) $800,000.00
Order of Support on Consent Not Certified $200,000.00
Support Obligation Summary Not Certified $200,000.00
Order of Filiation Not Certified $200,000.00
Income Deduction Order Not Certified $200,000.00
Grand Total = $6,798,399.00
Further Actions/Costs to be Determined Later

Injury, Trespass and Damage To be Determined Executor Dei Son Tort To be Determined
FDCPA Violations To be Determined
IRS, CID Violations To be Determined
Sedition against the Bankruptcy of the U.S. To be Determined
Filing of UCC1 Financing Statement To be Determined
Criminal Violations To be Determined
Civil Violations To be Determined
Court Costs To be Determined
Attorney's Fees To be Determined

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