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(120 minutes)
Resource: LN and PPT Week 6, 7 Session 10, 11

A. Reading skill 5 and 6 (13 Points)

Study the passage and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

John Muir

(1) John Muir (1838-1914), a Scottish immigrant to the United States, is today recognized
for his vital contributions in the area of environmental protection and conservation of the
wilderness. As such, he is often referred to as the unofficial “Father of National Parks.”
(2) Muir came to his role as environmentalist in a rather circuitous way. Born in Dunbar,
Scotland, Muir came to the United States with his family at the age of eleven. The family settled
on a Wisconsin farm, where Muir was educated at home rather than in public school because his
father felt that participation in an education in a public school would violate his strict religious
code. Young Muir did read considerably at home and also developed some interesting
mechanical devices by whittling them from wood; when some of his inventions were put on
display at a state fair, they were noted by officials from the University of Wisconsin, and Muir
was invited to attend the university in spite of his lack of formal education. He left the university
after two and a half years; later, while working in a carriage factory, he suffered an injury to his
eye. His vision did recover, but following the accident he decided that he wanted spend his life
studying the beauty of the natural world rather than endangering his health working in a factory.
He set out on a 1,000-mile walk south to the Gulf of Mexico, and from there he made his way to
Yosemite, California, lured by a travel brochure highlighting the natural beauty of Yosemite.
(3) He arrived in California in 1868, at the age of thirty, and once there, he took a number of
odd jobs to support himself, working as a laborer, a sheepherder, and—after he had become
familiar with the wilderness area—a guide. He also began a writing campaign to encourage
public support for the preservation of the wilderness, particularly the area around Yosemite. He

ENGL6163 - English Professional

married in 1880, and for the years that followed he was more involved in family life and in
running the ranch given to him and his wife by her parents than in preservation of the
(4) He had been away from the environmentalist movement for some time when, in 1889, he
was asked by an editor of the magazine The Century to write some articles in support of the
preservation of Yosemite. The editor, well aware of Muir’s talent as a writer and his efforts in
the 1870s to support the conservation of Yosemite, took Muir camping to areas of Yosemite that
Muir had not seen for years, areas that had been spoiled through uncontrolled development.
(5) Because of the experience of this trip, Muir agreed to write two articles in support of the
institution of a National Parks system in the United States with Yosemite as the first park to be
designated. These two articles in The Century initiated the Yosemite National Park campaign.
(6) The campaign was indeed successful. The law creating Yosemite National Park was
enacted in 1890, and three additional national parks were created soon after. A year later, a bill
known as the Enabling Act was passed; this was a bill that gave U.S. presidents the right to
reserve lands for preservation by the U.S. government. Pleased by this success but keenly aware
of the need to continue the effort to preserve wilderness areas from undisciplined development
Muir established an organization in 1892, the Sierra Club, with the expressed goal of protecting
the wilderness, particularly the area of the Sierra Nevada mountain range where Yosemite is
(7) From then until his death in 1914, Muir worked assiduously in his writing in an effort to
build recognition of the need for environmental protection. His writings from this period include
The Mountains of California (1894), Our National Parks (1901), My First Summer in the Sierra
(1911), and My Boyhood and Youth (1913).
(8) A century later, the results of what John Muir was instrumental in initiating are
remarkable. The National Park Service is now responsible for more than 350 parks, rivers,
seashores, and preserves; more than 250 million people visit these parks each year, and the Sierra
Club has more than 650,000 members.

1. According to paragraph 1, Muir was born
A. In the first half of the eighteenth century
B. In the second half ot the eighteenth century
C. In the first half of the nineteenth century
D. In the second half of the nineteenth century

2. It is stated in paragraph 1 that Muir is known for

A. His contributions to immigration reform
B. His explorations of the wilderness
C. His efforts to maintain natural areas
D. His extensive studies of the national parks

3. It is indicated in paragraph 2 that Muir’s early education

A. Was conducted at home

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B. Took place in a religious school
C. Violated his father’s wishes
D. Was in a public school

4. It is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 that Muir

A. Whittled with wood
B. Was taught how to whittle by his father
C. Whittled mechanical devices
D. Was admitted to the university because of his whittling

5. According to paragraph 2, after Muir left the university, it is NOT true that he
A. Took a job in a factory
B. Suffered an unhealable injury
C. Made a decision to quit his job
D. Embarked on a long walking tour

6. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as jobs that Muir held EXCEPT
A. A laborer
B. An animal tender
C. A wilderness guide
D. A travel writer

7. Is is stated in paragraph 3 that in the years after 1880, Muir

A. Took some odd jobs
B. Devoted a lot of time to his family
C. Gave his wife’s parents a ranch
D. Spent most of his time preserving the environment

8. It is NOT mentioned in paragraph 4 that Muir

A. Had been uninvolved with environmentalists for a period of time
B. Was contracted by an editor for The Century
C. Worked as an editor for The Century
D. Wrote two articles for The Century

9. The camping trip that is discussed in paragraph 4

A. Occurred in the 1870s
B. Led muir to areas that he had never before seen
C. Took place in areas that were in the natural state
D. Helped to convince Muir to write the articles

10. It is stated in paragraph 5 that the Enabling Act

A. Allowed the president to set aside lands to conserve them
B. Became law in 1890

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C. Called for the establishment of the first three national parks
D. Preserved lands for government use

11. According to paragraph 5, it is NOT true that the Sierra Club was founded
A. After the passage of the Enabling Act
B. By John Muir
C. Before the turn of the century
D. To move Yosemite to the Sierra Nevada
12. It is mentioned in paragraph 6 that, for the last decades of his life, Muir
A. Spent a considerable amount of time in Yosemite
B. Wrote a number of new laws
C. Changed his mind on the need for environmental protection
D. Devoted himself to increasing public awareness of the environment

13. It is NOT indicated in paragraph 7 that early in the twenty-first century

A. Hundreds of locations are part of the National Park Service
B. Nuerous parks, rivers, seashores, and preserves are being developed
C. A quarter of a billion people visit these parks each year
D. More than a half a million people belong to the Sierra Club

B. Reading skill 7 and 8 (10 Points)

Study the passage and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

Ella Deloria

(1) It was not until her posthumous novel Waterlily was published in 1988 that Ella C.
Deloria became known for her literary ability in addition to her already-established reputation in
the academic arena of linguistics and ethnology. During her lifetime, she was recognized for the
linguistic ability and cultural sensitivity that went into the production of a collection of
traditional short stories entitled Dakota Text (1932). After her death, her versions of a number of
longer traditional stories and the novel Waterlily were published; with the publication of
Waterlily came the recognition of her true literary ability and the awareness that it was the
strength of her literary ability, in addition to her linguistic expertise and her deep cultural
understanding, that had made her versions of traditional stories so compelling.
(2) Ella Cara Deloria was born into a Nakota-speaking family in 1889; however, she grew up
among the Lakota people in North Dakota, where her father was a leader in the Episcopal
Church. Her father, the son of a traditional Nakota medicine man, valued both the cultural
traditions of his family and those of the country of this citizenship. As a result, Deloria primarily
spoke Nakota at home and Lakota when she was out in the community, and she was well versed
there in the cultural traditions of her Sioux ancestors with a complex kinship, structure in which
all of a child’s father’s brothers, and all of the children of all these mothers and fathers are
considered siblings. Her education, however, was in English, at the Episcopalian Saint Elizabeth

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Mission School and the All Saints School. After high school, she attended Oberlin College in
Ohio for one year, and then she transferred to Columbia University to study linguistics under
Franz Boas, the founder of American Indian linguistics.
(3) After graduating from Columbia, she was encouraged by Boas to collect and record
traditional Lakota stories. She was in a unique position to take on this task because of her fluency
in the Lakota language as well as in English, her understanding from childhood of the
complexities and subtleties of Lakota culture, and her linguistic training from Columbia. The
result of her research was the Dakota Texts, a bilingual collection of 64 short stories. To create
this remarkable work, Deloria was able to elicit stories from venerable Sioux elders, without
need for translators and with an awareness of appropriately respectful behavior. She listened to
the stories as numerous generations had before her, and then, unlike previous generations,
recorded them in writing—initially in Lakota and later in English. She transcribed them
essentially as they were told but with her own understanding of the nuances of what was being
(4) In addition to the shorter stories that were published in Dakota Texts, Deloria spent 1937
working on transcribing a number of longer and more complicated texts, which were not
published until after her death. “Iron Hawk: Oglala Culture Hero” (1993) presents the diverse
elements of the culture-hero genre; “The Buffalo People” (1994) focuses on the importance of
tribal education in building character; “A Sioux Captive” (1994) tells the story of a Lakota
woman who rescued her husband from the Crow; “The Prairie Dogs” (1994) describes the sense
of hope offered by the Sioux warrior-society ceremonies and dances.
(5) Her novel Waterlily, which was first published 40 years after it was completed and 17
years after her death, reflects her true literary talent as well as her accumulated understanding of
traditional culture and customs. The novel recounts the fictional story of the difficult life of the
title character, with a horrendous childhood experience as witness to a deadly enemy raid and a
first marriage terminated by the untimely death of her husband in a smallpox epidemic, and
comes to a close with the hopeful expectations of an impending second marriage. At the same
time, it presents a masterful account of life in a nineteenth-century Sioux community with its
detailed descriptions of interpersonal relationships and attitudes, everyday tasks and routines,
and special ceremonies and celebrations.
The Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota are related groups of people that are part of the Sioux nation.

1. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that, while she was alive, Ella Deloria
A. Did little to make use of her education in linguistics
B. Achieved acclaim more for her transcriptions than for her novel
C. Was the published author of a number of types of fiction and nonfiction
D. Was recognized for the literary maturity of her novel

2. Why does the author use the word however in paragraph 2?

A. To emphasize that she was born in an earlier century
B. To clarify the differences between the Lakota and the Dakota

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C. To show that she was raised in a different environment from the one where she was born
D. To demonstrate that she was very different from other members of her family

3. Why does the author include the information with a complex kinship, structure in which all
of a child’s father’s brothers, and all of the children of all these mothers and fathers are
considered siblings in parentheses?
A. To provide details to emphasize how the Nakota and the Lakota differed
B. To introduce the idea that Deloria’s education in English was completely different from
her home life
C. To provide an alternate explanation for Deloria’s use of Nakota at home and Lakota in
the community
D. To provide an example of one cultural tradition of the Sioux

4. What does the author begin paragraph 3 with After graduating from Columbia?
A. To indicate that paragraph 3 follows paragraph 2 in chronological order
B. To clarify that paragraph 3 describes Deloria’s education at Columbia
C. To recognize the importance of education throughout Deloria’s life
D. To demonstrate that paragraph 3 provides examples of a concept presented in paragraph 2

5. It is implied in paragraph 3 that Dakota Texts was written

A. Only in English
B. Only in Dakota
C. In Dakota and Lakota
D. In Lakota and English

6. Why does the autorh mention an awareness of appropriately respectful behavior in

paragraph 3?
A. To show one way that Deloria was qualified to elicit stories from Sioux elders
B. To show that Deloria’s linguistic training had been effective
C. To show the difference between Deloria’s transcriptions and her novel
D. To show why Deloria needed to work with a translator

7. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that “Iron Hawk: Oglala Culture Hero” was published
A. In the same year that it was written
B. Just prior to Deloria’s death
C. Long after it was transcribed
D. Long before Waterlily was published

8. Why does the author discuss “The Prairie Dogs” in paragraph 4?

A. It was written by Deloria.
B. It describes Deloria’s own life story.
C. It provides insight into rituals and dances

ENGL6163 - English Professional

D. It was one of the earliest short stories that Deloria transcribed.

9. It can be inferred from the passage that Waterlily was completed

A. In 1937
B. In 1948
C. In 1954
D. In 1988

10. Why does the author mention the untimely death of her husband in a smallpox epidemic in
paragraph 5?
A. It provides a harsh example of Waterlily’s difficult life.
B. It provides evidence of the historical existence of Waterlily.
C. It demonstrates how unusual Waterlily’s life in a nineteenth-century Sioux community
D. It reinforces the overal message of hopelessness of Waterlily.

C. Writing: Compare and Contrast Essay (77 Points)

Please write a minimum 300 words of compare and contrast essay based on the following case:

In recruiting employees, some people think that companies should recruit those innovative and
able to work independently persons, while others think they should recruit those who are able to
work in a team and follow instructions. Discuss both views and support it with some ideas.


1- Write it in Times New Roman 12 and 1.5 line spacing

2- Mind the originality of your work, no copy-paste and no plagiarism
3- Cover your essay with an introduction, a thesis statement, supporting ideas, and closing.

Good Luck

Answer :

independent work or teamwork

talking about work, there are so many criteria people can understand which way of working is good.
Others choose to work independently and still others choose to work in teams. Though both are very
useful for all types of work and they also have different functions and places. Then which one is better?
Here I will discuss about independent work and teamwork, what are the differences and similarities.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Independent work is very useful because someone is not attached and there will be no problem when
no one else can help him, the work continues. Independent work also allows people to stand on their
own without being a burden to others. The work is done more carefully and not confusing. Meanwhile,
teamwork is more useful because it can be done together and does not become a burden for just one
person. Teamwork makes work finish faster, work feels easier because it can be divided.

Every company has unique talent needs. It is necessary to know what the business goals are to target
the best talent that best fits the company. These objectives refer to the core values and principles of the
company, vision and mission, corporate branding and corporate culture. These are important factors
that are taken into consideration at the recruitment stage; it identifies and determines who the
company really is. Does the company need people who can work independently or work in teams.

The company must also define clear specifications of the needs of new employees in the company,
either based on the number, level of expertise, level of education and time periods for meeting these
needs. Then, the company must make plans for employee recruitment in the way needed. If for the
marketing department, people who can work in teams are needed. If it is in the graphic or financial
design division, of course 1 or 2 people are sufficient to work alone, carefully, creatively, and

Independent work is required to be able to work responsively and quickly, not always be supervised,
someone who is willing to fight to the end and is loyal, gives good influence to his work. Its main
function is to encourage teammates so that the company has a positive environment. Teamwork also
generally has good communication skills and can make with other colleagues. Where this will really help
smooth the work process.

Then the equation of independent work and teamwork for the company expects employees who are
adaptable, flexible, and ready to follow the workflow changed by the company, multitasking, have to be
creative, quickly understand and always learn new things and be able to solve problems in a timely and
effective manner. efficient. And the end goal remains the same, to make the company grow and keep
going. Actually, independent work and teamwork can be related to each other and it would be better if
you could do both.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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