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Digest People Gacott

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People vs Gacott CANON 5 - a lawyer shall keep abreast of legal developments, participate in

continuing legal education programs, support efforts to achieve high

Nature: This is a case filed against Judge Gacott for gross ignorance of the
standards in law schools as well as in the practical training of law students
law, which the latter had filed a motion for reconsideration.
and assist in disseminating the law and jurisprudence.
Facts: The antecedent facts are as follows: the respondent judge granted a
As per the constitutional basis of his argument, specifically Article VIII
motion to quash a previous criminal case docketed in his court. The error
Section 11, the court held that there are two situations envisaged by this
committed was the dismissing of such case without careful perusal or even
provision. First (1) is is the declaration of the grant of that disciplinary
mild perusal of PD No.1, LOI No.2, and PD No. 1275. The respondent judge
power to, and the determination of the procedure in the exercise thereof
did not read the test of the cited LOI by prosecution. If he had merely read
by, the court en banc. Second (2), which is the one applicable to this case
it, then he would have acknowledge the validity of the argument proposed
“order their dismissal by a vote of a majority of the members who actually
by the prosecution. The respondent judge pleaded to this court to take all
took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case voted therein”. It is
kind consideration for the penalty he would receive, and not to have his
to be noted that the constitution allows the court to decide on cases in
record stained by this error he committed as this would hinder his chances
divisions of 7, 5, or 3, hence the second version applies. Furthermore, Bar
of promotion in the judiciary in the future. He argues that the responsibility
Matter No. 209 laid down by the Supreme Court considers the dismissal of a
for the decision he made in that criminal case was due to the neglect of the
judge, officer, or employee of the judiciary, or suspending them for more
prosecution for not being able to argue with the current existing laws
than 1 year or a fine exceeding 10,000 or both are to be decided en banc.
applicable, and that even so, he furthers that Article VIII Section 11 requires
However, such is not the case.
that dismissal or to the discipline of judges of lower courts are to be done
en banc by the Supreme Court.

Issue: Whether or not the judge exhibited gross ignorance of the law?

Held: Yes, the court held that the respondent Judge’s utter inexcusable
neglect to check the citations of the prosecution is the mistaken belief that
the duty to inform the court on the applicable law to a particular case
devolves solely upon the prosecution or whoever may be the advocate
before the court. The court furthers that judges are duty bound to take
judicial notice of all the laws of the land (Sec 1, Rule 129 of the ROC).
However, the court also said that they are fully aware that not every error
or mistake of a judge in the performance of his duties is subject to censure.
But the error in this case could have been easily avoided were it not for his
irresponsibility in the performance of his duties. This error is not merely a
simple error, but one amounting to gross ignorance of the law which could
easily undermine the public’s perception of the court’s competence.
Although the court did not cite Canon 5, it is still, however, applicable to this
case for Canon 5 of the Code of Professional Responsibility

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