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Math Class 5 Summer Pack

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Pakistan Overseas Dukhtaran-e-Millat H/S School Mandeer

Class: Five Section: _____ Subject: Math’s
Week No.1 Home work Day 1
Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q.No.1 Short Questions
i. Place commas in the Pakistani way
a) 456788912 b) 2927144833

_______________________ _________________________

c) 586753839 d) 18376450

_______________________ _________________________

ii. Write in Word form 3,67,67,222

iii. Write in number name 78, 23, 98,157.
iv. Write in Word form 5,67,65,567
v. Write in number names 15, 67, 87,100.


vi. Write the place value of the circled digit in Pakistani way

Number Place value

a) 3 4 5 7 6 0 83

b) 7 3 20 5785

c) 9 8 4 13790

Week No.1 Home work Day 2

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q.No.1 Short Questions
i. Place commas in International way
a) 968574933 b) 378695736

_______________________ _________________________

c) 183920487 d) 809875432
_______________________ _________________________

ii. Write in Word form 546,435,345

iii. Write in number name 2,135,586,695


iv. Write in Word form 100,234,567

v. Write in number name 84,567,652
vi. Write the place value of the circled digits in International way.

Number Place value

a) 7 8 8 9 8 0 8

b) 6 0 30 86246

c) 8 9 098534

Week No.1 Home work Day 3

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q.No.1 Short Questions
i. Write in expanded form 38,25,296


ii. Write in expanded form 56, 17, 64,633


iii. Write in expanded form 7,675,298


iv. Write in expanded form 214,578,908


v. Write the following in numerals.

a) Five crore , twenty lakh , sixty three thousands , seven hundred and

seventeen = ______________________

b) Two Arab , forty two cores , sixty lakh, seventeen thousand three

hundred and thirty five = _____________________

c) Sixty million , four hundred twenty six thousand , seven hundred and

twenty four = _____________________

d) Five hundred and twenty – three million , fifty thousand , three hundred ,

and forty – six = _________________

e) Eight crore , twenty six lakh , nineteen thousands , five hundred , and

fourteen = ___________________

Week No.1 Home work Day 4

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q.No.1 Short Questions

 Arrange the following in Ascending Order.

i. 584,622 ; 594,266 ; 604,654 ; 456,266


ii. 4,26,123 ; 4,39,235 ; 4,48,444 ; 4,18,359


iii. 987,543,123 ; 987,765,654 ; 987 , 678, 231 ; 987 , 834 , 125


iv. 3, 74,87,183 ; 4,39,23 , 865 ; 9,54,67,200 ; 6,89,18,359


 Arrange the following in descending Order.

i. 34, 56 ,789 ; 34,56 , 876 ; 34 , 56 , 123 ; 34 , 56 , 979


ii. 89 , 900 , 123 ; 89 , 789 ,456 ; 89 , 986 , 752 ; 89 , 100 , 347


iii. 93,24,123 ; 98,76,654 ; 97 , 67, 231 ; 90 , 34 , 125


iv. 774,807,567 ; 309,283 ,721 ; 541,767,280 ; 890,980,359


Week No.1 Home work Day 5

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q.No.1 Compare the following with ( < , > or =).

i. 23,154,435 83,154,234

ii. 645,358 204,987

iii. 67 ,89 64,431 94,43,28,348

iv. 99,99,999 99,99,999

v. 23,44,44,222 89,44,44,222
Q.No.2 Write the successor and predecessor of each given number.
Numbers Predecessor Successor





Q.No.3 Tick the smallest number in each of the following pairs.
i. 87, 45,25 ,125 or 87,45,29,125

ii. 25,95,31,740 or 25,93,31,740

iii. 96,73,82,249 or 96,73,82,158


Week No.1 Home work Day 6

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.1 Whole Numbers
Q No.1 (a) Fill in the blanks.

i. The successor of 99,999 is ------------------------------------

ii. 89,23,154 83,93,154 ( < , >)
iii. The predecessor of 56,98,568 is -------------------
iv. The greatest 5-digit number is -----------------
v. The smallest 3 digit number is----------------------

(c) Encircle the correct answers.

i. How many thousands in one lakh--------
(a) 10thousand (b) 100thousand (c) 1thousand

ii. Ninety nine thousand and nine hundred in numerals.

(a) 99,900 (b) 99,009 (c) 99,090

iii. The predecessor of 10000 is--------------------

(a) 9999 (b) 999 (c) 99999

iv. The place value of circled decimal will be as 1 2 1,458

(a) thousand (b) ten thousand c) million

v. Twenty lakh forty-four thousand two hundred and fifty in numbers

(a) 20, 44,250 (b) 20, 40,215 (c) 20, 14,250

vi. Compare 59,51,692 ---------------- 53,45,456

(a) = (b) < (c) >


Week No.2 Home work Day 1

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.2 Numbers and Operations
Q.No.1 Add the following.
2 4 6 3 5 1 4 1 0 8 2 9 2 8 3 826
+7 3 5 8 2 +9 2 5 6 3 9 + 2 8 3 5 2 19

Q.No.2 Add these

a) 23935677 + 56637878

b) Add 45687782 and 57862843

c) Add 143562, 645378 and 425662.

d) 100000+999999

Week No.2 Home work Day 2

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.2 Numbers and Operations

(Problem Solving)
i. A factory manufactured 4234368 toys in two months. If it produced
2643891 toys in the first month, how many toys did it produce in the
second month?
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

ii. Hairs bought a car for Rs.53673899 and a house for Rs.5653776.How
much money did he spend in total.
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

iii. A farmer grew 958604 carrots in 2016. In 2017, he grew 770082

carrots .How many less carrots did he grew in 2017?
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

iv. Muneeb bought a piece of land for Rs.8497345 to build a masjid. He

spent Rs. 4915672 0n building material. How much money did he
spend altogether?
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

Week No.2 Home work Day 3

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.2 Numbers and Operations
Q.No.1 Subtract the following.
2 5 7 4 94 9 4 1 0 81 8 2 0 3 8 0
- 1 3 5 8 26 -7 2 5 6 3 6 -2 8 3 5 2 6

Q.No.2 Subtract the following.

a) 252005 - 156777

b) Subtract 8017458 from 9236800

c) Subtract and also label this 3508636 and 2656732

d) Solve it 13245+45356 - 65328


Week No.2 Home work Day 4

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.2 Numbers and Operations

(Problem Solving)
i. The sum of two numbers is 78234519. If one number is 24167890 find
the other number.
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
ii. Hina had Rs 5364542 with her. She bought different items for
Rs 4452022. What amount does she have left?
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
iii. Faisal donated Rs. 2648000 as charity from her saving of
Rs.3515000.How much money does she have left?

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------
iv. The total population of a city is 742579. If there are 484014 men, find
the number of women in the city?
------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = -----------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------- = ----------------------------

Week No.2 Home work Day 5

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.2 Numbers and Operations
Q No 1: Encircle the best one.
i. Augend +Addend=………………
(a) Sum (b) Angle (c) Subtraction
ii. In addition the first number is called……………..
(a) Augend (b) Addends (c) Sum
iii. Addition second number is called…………………..
(a)Sum (b) Addend (c) Augend
iv. Minuend-subtrahend=…………………
(a) Difference (b) Sum (c) Augend
v. 432+111=…………………….
(a) 231 (b) 145 (c) 543
(b) Fill in the blanks.
i. In addition the second number is called …………………….
ii. The greater number from which another number is to be subtracted is
iii. The total of addends is called…………………….
iv. Both the augend and addend is called……………………
v. 5.658-134=…………………………
( c ) Choose column A from B Write the correct answer in Column C.

Column A Column B Column C

674-134 537

563-113 653

987-231 680

776-123 756

990-456 450


Week No.2 Home work Day 6

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.3 HCF and LCM
Q.NO.1 Find the common prime factors 0f the following numbers.
i. 36 and 48

ii. 27 , 30 and 42

iii. 134 , 350 ,455

iv. 46 , 38 , 72

Week No.3 Home work Day 2

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.3 HCF and LCM
Q.No.1) Find the HCF of the following numbers using the prime factorization
i. 28,46,72

ii. 64,96,136

iii. 75 and 125

iv. 20,40 ,50


Week No.3 Home work Day 3

Date: _____________ Day:___________
Unit No.3 HCF and LCM
Q.No.1) Find HCF of the following by using the division methods.
i. 96 and 144

ii. 115,175 ,345

iii. 288 and 448

iv. 180 and 254

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