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Lesson Plan: Teacher's Name: School: Date Time: Number of Students: Grade: Textbook: Unit: Level: Pre

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Teacher`s name: Mihaela Laura Roman

School: Școala Gimnazială “Dimitrie Cantemir”, Baia Mare
Date: 16 februarie 2021
Time: 45’
Number of students: 28
Grade: 7th B
Textbook: Limba modernă 1, Engleză-clasa a VII –a, Editura ARTKLETT
Unit : 5
Lesson : Social Networking
Level: Pre-intermediate/ A2+
SPECIFIC COMPETENCES: Identify the main information from a recorded/written material;
participate in conversations; express an opinion on a practical issue; show a positive attitude
towards participating in the exchange of written message.
 to present information about five social networks
 to practice listening and reading for specific information
 to be able to give their opinions on social networks
 to use Mentimeter platform in different tasks
I anticipate that the following may cause problems:
- some students may have problems in recognizing expressing themselves freely
- some students may need more practice using their English
- some students may tend to be noisy and disrupt others
- there might be some technical issues for both students and teacher
 conversation/discussion
 lead-in
 elicitation/presentation
 frontal/individual work

 Textbook, digital books, notebooks, Mentimeter platform
 board, chalk , video projector, mobile phones, laptop
Nr. Stages Activities- Reasons for Materials Time
students and teacher activities

1. Introductory -T greets Ss and asks them about their -to induce a friendly 1’
stage mood (while waiting on the platform for atmosphere
the class to start, Ss write about their
feelings in the check box)
-T checks attendance

2. Checking -Ss read their homework; T asked them to -tell the class what -textbook 9’
homework find out about five social networking sites they have found
(Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Linkedln,
Twitter). They had to work in pairs make a
project. Some of the projects are presented
to the class.
Interaction: T-Ss
Role of the teacher: Assessor

3. Lead-in - T asks Ss to prepare their mobile phones - make the connection - board 5’
and answer the question on Mentimeter with the lesson
platform : What do you use social networks - express their opinion
for?. A word cloud with students’ ideas is related to the question
formed using Mentimeter platform.
-T reads some of their ideas and -raise interest in the
encourages conversation. topic
Interaction: S-T, T-S, S-S
Role of the teacher: Participant and

4. Presentation - T announces the aims of the lesson and - introduce the topic of -board/ 5’
of the new asks students to look at the logos at page the lesson Laptop
lesson 54 and name them. Ss also discuss the
questions (What do you think of the - answer the questions
previously presented social networks? Do -Anchor
you know any other social networks?) and Charts
decide the best social networking.
-Ss are asked to read through the sentences -give their opinion on
from exercise 2/54 and check the statements
understanding. Ss are given some silent
thinking time to think of their answers to
the questions. T monitors and help with
any question and vocabulary. Ss are asked
to make some notes of their answers.
Interaction: S-T, T-S
Role of the teacher: Resource, facilitator

5. Guided - T pre-teaches some vocabulary words -check understanding - student’s 15’

reading/ (consequence, to post on, turn into, of the vocabulary book
listening nightmare, smashing windows, teens, -board
practice worldwide, share the passwords, beware,
cyberbullying, rumours) taken from the
text SS are about to read and listen to.
-Ss are asked to read the sentences -read the sentences -student’s
carefully at exercise 3/54 and decide book
which key information they need to look
for. Ss are given time to read and the
sentences and the difficult vocabulary is
-T tells Ss they are going to read and listen - listen and read the
an article about giving advice in their article
books/page 55 on using social networks. T
plays the audio while Ss listen and read.
Then they complete the exercise. Ss can
compare their answers. The audio is played
again for Ss to check or change their
Interaction: S-T, T-S, S-S
Role of the teacher: Organizer, resource,
prompter, assessor

6. Follow-up/ -laptop 5’
Production - T asks SS to use their mobile phones
again, to log again on Mentimeter and -mobile
answer the question: What are the phones
responsible online behaviors you should
respect? Ss work individually to complete -Mentimeter
the task. As feedback, T creates a list with platform
DOs and DON’Ts.
Interaction: S-S, T-S
Role of the teacher: Organizer, prompter,
observer, assessor
8. Setting -SS are asked to add three more DOs and -practice -textbook 5’
homework DON’Ts –statements related to online -Google
behavior. classroom

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