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ITE 5210 0NA Assig 04 N01326749 MadhavReddyChintapalli

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ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems

Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

1. Lab Activity to be submitted in Microsoft word document.
2. Replace Student# by your student number and MyName by your first and last name at the top of this document.
3. Rename this document by replacing the following in this document name:
a) Student# by your student number and
b) MyName by your first name and last name separated by the “-” character
4. Kindly follow the below steps, Tasks are to be done in sequence.
5. Submit the document via Blackboard.

Task 1 - Wireless Networks

1) What is Mac address spoofing?

2) Summarize Comparison of Wireless Network Types
3) You must have seen WPA and WPA2 connection settings in your cell phone. Explain below wireless security protocols
▪ WPA2

Task 2 – Cloud Services

1) What do you understand by the term cloud? Explain in brief different types of cloud deployment models
2) Explain the following terms
▪ IaaS
▪ PaaS
▪ SaaS

Any time you are stuck in the assignment, please drop me a course message.

Task 1

1. MAC Address Spoofing

 Each network card has a physical static address assigned by manufacturer called MAC address.
 Its physical, permanent and unique.
 Used between devices for transferring packets in right direction because each packet has source MAC and
destination MAC and travels from source to destination.
 Can be used to trace back and identify a device.

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ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

Why change the MAC Address?

1. Increase anonymity.
2. Impersonate other devices.
3. Bypass filters.

The only way to change the MAC address is change it in the RAM – So it will only be changed for the current session and once
you restart, it will revert back to the original one.

Method 1
Terminal -> ifconfig -> ifconfig wlan0 down -> ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 -> ifconfig wlan0 up ->iwconfig
Method 2
Terminal -> ifconfig -> ifconfig wlan0 down -> macchanger --mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0 -> ifconfig wlan0 up ->iwconfig
Method 3
Terminal -> ifconfig -> ifconfig wlan0 down -> macchanger --random wlan0 -> ifconfig wlan0 up ->iwconfig

Type Coverage Performance Standards Applications
Wireless Within reach of a Moderate Wireless PAN Within reach Cable replacement for peripherals
PAN person of a person Moderate
Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15, and
IrDa Cable replacement for
Wireless Building or High IEEE 802.11, Wi-Fi, and Mobile extension of wired networks
LAN campus HiperLAN
Wireless City High Proprietary, IEEE 802.16, Fixed wireless between homes and businesses and the
MAN and WIMAX Internet
Wireless Worldwide Low CDPD and Cellular 2G, 2.5G, Mobile access to the Internet from outdoor areas
WAN and 3G

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ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

● Wired Equivalent Privacy
● Old encryption, uses an algorithm called RC4.
● Random initialization vector IV generates the keystreams.
● Client encrypts data using a unique keystream.
● Encrypted packet sent in the air.
● Router decrypts packet using the keystream.
● IV + Key / password = keystream.
● IV is too small (only 24 bits) and sent in plain text.
● IV’s will repeat on busy networks and repeated IVs can be used to determine the key stream.
 Wi-Fi protected access.
 use of 256-bit keys;
 per-packet key mixing, which generates a unique key for each packet;
 automatic broadcast of updated keys;
 message integrity check;
 larger IV size using 48 bits; and
 mechanisms to reduce IV reuse.
 Wi-Fi protected access 2.
 Uses AES encryption.
 AES comprises 3 block ciphers.
 Each encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits using 128-, 192- and 256-bit keys.
 Not easier to crack

Task 2
1. Cloud is nothing but a network. Cloud Computing is the process of accessing, configuring and manipulation of online applications.
It provides data storage. Cloud computing is platform independent.

3 Of 7
ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

These are divided into four types

A. Public Cloud Model
In Public Cloud Model, cloud systems and services are accessible to public. Eg. Microsoft, Google
1) Advantages
– Cost Effective
– Reliability
– Flexibility
– Location Independence
– High Scalability
2) Disadvantages
– Low Security
– Less customizable

B. Private Cloud Model

In Private Cloud model, cloud systems and services are accessible within an organization. It can be internally managed or by third-
1) Advantages
– Higher Security and Privacy
– More Control
– Cost and energy efficiency

2) Disadvantages
– Restricted Area
– Inflexible Pricing
– Limited Scalability
– Additional Skills

C. Hybrid Cloud Model

The Hybrid Cloud is a combination of public and private cloud. Critical activities are performed using private cloud and non-critical
activities using private cloud.
1) Advantages
– Scalability
– Flexibility
– Cost Efficiencies

2) Disadvantages
– Networking Issues
– Security Compliance
– Infrastructural Dependency

D. Community Cloud Model

4 Of 7
ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

In Community Cloud model, cloud system and services are accessible by group of organizations. It shares the infrastructure between
several organizations. It can be internally managed or by third-party.

1) Advantages
– Cost effective
– Sharing Between Organizations
– Security

2) Disadvantages
– Since all data is housed at one location, therefore one must be careful in storing data in community cloud because it might be
accessible by others.

There are five cloud service models. They are
– Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Model
– Platform as a Service(PaaS) Model
– Software as a Service(SaaS) Model
– Identity as a Service(IDaaS) Model
– Network as a Service(NaaS) Model

A. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS provides access to resources such as
– Virtual machine disk storage
– Virtual local area network (VLANs)
– Load balancers
– IP addresses
– Software bundles
– Physical and virtual machines.

Using server virtualization, the above resources are made available to end client or customer.
1) Advantages
– Portability, Interoperability with Legacy Applications.

2) Disadvantages
– Compatibility with Legacy Security Vulnerabilities
– Virtual Machine Sprawl
– Robustness of VM-level Isolation
– Data Erase Practices

3) Characteristics
– Virtual machines with pre-installed software.
– Virtual machines with pre-installed Operating Systems such as windows, Linux, and Solaris.
– On-demand availability of resources.
– Allows storing of particular data in particular location.

B. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS offers development & deployment tools that are required to develop applications and run time environment for applications.
1) Advantages
– Lower administrative overhead
– Lower total cost of ownership
– Scalable Solutions
– More current system software

5 Of 7
ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

2) Disadvantages
– Lack of portability between PaaS clouds
– Event Based Processor Scheduling
– Security Engineering of PaaS applications

C. Software as a Service (SaaS)

It refers to software that is deployed on a host service and is accessible via internet. Software as a Service (SaaS) model provides
applications as a service to the end users.
1) Applications
– Billing and Invoicing System
– Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications
– Help Desk Applications
– Human Resource (HR) Solutions

2) Characteristics
– SaaS makes the software available over the internet.
– They are available on demand.
– They can be scaled up or down on demand.
– They are automatically upgraded and updated.

3) Advantages
– Modest Software Tools
– Efficient use of Software Licenses
– Centralized Management & Data
– Platform responsibilities managed by provider
– Multitenant solutions.

4) Disadvantages
– Browser based risks
– Network dependence
– Lack of portability between SaaS clouds

D. Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

1) Overview
Company employees need to login to system to perform various tasks. These systems may be based on local server or cloud based.
Following are the problems that an employee might face:
– Remembering different username and password combinations for accessing multiple servers.
– If an employee leaves the company, It's required to ensure that each of the user's account has been disabled. This increases workload
on IT staff.

These problems can be overcome by Identity as a Service (IDaaS).

2) Identity
Objects may have same attributes but not the identities. Identity refers to a set of attributes that make it recognizable.
Identity as a Service includes the following
– Directory Services
– Federated Services
– Registration
– Authentication Services
– Risk and Event monitoring
– Single sign-on services
– Identity and Profile management
3) Single sign-on (SSO)
In Single Sign-On software, user has to login only one time and can manage the access to other systems.

6 Of 7
ITE-5210 Advanced Operating Systems
Assignment 04
Due Date: 10th April 2020
Student#: N01326749 Section: 0NA Name: Madhav Reddy Chintapalli

4) Working of SSO
1) User logs into the authentication server using a username and password.
2) The authentication server returns the user's ticket.
3) User sends the ticket to intranet server which further sends it to authentication server.
4) Authentication server sends the user's security credentials for that server back to the intranet server.

5) Federated Identity Management (fidm)

In this, FIDM uses Security Markup Language (SAML) to package a user's security credentials.
6) Advantages
– Increased site conversation rates.
– Access to greater user profile content.
– Fewer problems with lost passwords
E. Network as a Service (naas)
1) Overview
Networks as a Service allows users to access the network straight away. NaaS is also based on metered service.
How naas is delivered?
Here, consumer first logs to the web page. Then he pays for the usage.
2) Advantages
– Independence
– Analytics
– Resilience
– Ease of Adding new Service Elements
– Isolation of customer traffic
– Support Models

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