Administrative Manual: St. Andrew Montessori and High School, Inc
Administrative Manual: St. Andrew Montessori and High School, Inc
Administrative Manual: St. Andrew Montessori and High School, Inc
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of
Urdaneta City
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City,
IV. DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY Good corporate governance is necessary to achieve SAMHSI’s corporate goals.
This Manual institutionalizes the principles of good corporate governance in the
A. Enhancing Company Disclosure Policies and Procedures organization.
1. The Board shall establish corporate disclosure policies and procedures
to ensure a comprehensive, accurate, reliable and timely report to
shareholders and other stakeholders that gives a fair and complete
A. Establishing a Competent Board
picture of the organization’s financial condition, results and business
operations. 1. The Board shall be composed of trustees with appropriate mix of knowledge,
experience or expertise that is relevant to the Education sector. The Board shall
2. The Board shall fully disclose all relevant and material information on
ensure that its members remain qualified for their positions individually and
individual board members and key officers to evaluate their experience
collectively, to enable it to fulfill its roles and responsibilities relative to the needs
and qualifications, and assess any potential conflicts of interest that of the organization. The Board shall ensure that its composition considers the
might affect their judgment. obligations of an equal opportunity institution.
3. The organization shall provide a clear disclosure of its policies and 2. Each Board trustee shall undergo an orientation program to educate the
procedure for setting Board and executive remuneration, as well as the trustee about his/her duties and responsibilities, the Company’s business,
level and mix of the same in the Annual Corporate Governance Report. corporate governance, Code of Conduct, and other relevant information. The
Company shall also provide all trustees with relevant continuing education
4. The Organization shall make a full, fair, accurate and timely disclosure
to the public of every material fact or event that occurs, particularly on 3. The Board shall ensure that it is assisted in its duties by a Corporate
the acquisition or disposal of significant assets, which could adversely Secretary.
affect the viability or the interest of its shareholders and other 4. The Board shall ensure that it is assisted in its duties by a Compliance Officer,
stakeholders. who shall have a rank or position with adequate stature and authority in the
B. Establishing clear roles and responsibilities of the Board C. Establishing Board Committees
1. The Board members shall act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, *(Refer to St. Andrew Montessori and High School, Inc. By-Laws of
with due diligence and care, and in the best interest of the institution Incorporation, Articles III, IV, V, VI)
and all shareholders. 1. The Board shall establish board committees that focus on specific board
2. The Board shall be headed by a competent and qualified Chairperson. functions to aid in the optimal performance of its roles and responsibilities.
3. The Board shall be responsible for ensuring and adopting an effective 2. The Board shall establish an Audit Committee to enhance its oversight
succession planning program (including retirement age) for trustees, capability over the institutions financial reporting, internal control system,
key officers and management. internal and external audit processes, and compliance with applicable
4. The Board shall align the remuneration of key officers and board laws and regulations. The committee shall be composed of at least three
members with the long-term interests of the company. Further, no appropriately qualified non-executive trustees, the majority of whom,
trustee shall participate in discussions or deliberations involving his including the Chairman, should be independent. All of the members of the
own remuneration. committee must have relevant background, knowledge, skills, and/or
5. The Board shall have a formal and transparent board nomination and experience in the areas of accounting, auditing and finance. The
election policy that should include: Chairman of the Audit Committee shall not be the chairman of the Board
or ideally, of any other committees.
a) how it accepts nominations from minority shareholders; 3. The Board shall establish a Corporate Governance Committee that shall
b) how it reviews nominated candidates; be tasked to assist the Board in the performance of its corporate
c) and an assessment of the effectiveness of the Board’s processes and governance responsibilities. It shall be composed of at least three
procedures in the nomination, election or replacement of a trustee. members, a majority of whom should be independent trustees, including
the Chairman thorough knowledge and experience on risk and risk
6. The Board shall establish an effective performance management management.
framework that will ensure that the Management, including the 4. All established committees shall have Committee Charters stating in plain
Chairman of the Board, and personnel’s performance is at par with the terms their respective purposes, memberships, structures, operations,
standards set by the Board and Senior Management. reporting processes, resources and other relevant information.
7. The Board shall oversee that an appropriate internal control system is D. Fostering Commitment
in place, including setting up a mechanism for monitoring and 1. The trustees shall attend and actively participate in all meetings of the
managing potential conflicts of interest of Management, board Board of Trustees, Board Committees, and Members in person or through
members, and shareholders. The Board shall also approve the Internal teleconferencing/ videoconferencing conducted in accordance with the
Audit Charter. rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, except
when justifiable causes bearing on serious personal and professional
issues or unforeseen and fortuitous events prevent them from doing so.
2. In Board and Committee meetings, the Trustees shall review meeting
materials and, if called for, ask the necessary questions or seek
clarifications and explanations.
VIII. ADOPTION AND EFFECTIVITY B. Strengthening the external auditor’s independence and improving audit
1. The Audit Committee shall have a robust process for approving and
This Manual is adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 23,
recommending the appointment, reappointment, removal, and fees of
the external auditor. The appointment, reappointment, removal, and fees
of the external auditor shall be recommended by the Audit Committee,
approved by the Board and ratified by the shareholders. For removal of
the external auditor, the reasons for removal or change should be
Signed by:
disclosed to the regulators and the public through meetings and
announcement to the organization’s FB page.
2. The Audit Committee Charter shall include the Audit Committee’s
responsibility on assessing the integrity and independence of external
auditors and exercising effective oversight to review and monitor the
_____________________________ external auditor’s independence and objectivity and the effectiveness of
the audit process, taking into consideration relevant Philippine
Lena L. Duque
professional and regulatory requirements.
Chairman of the Board
School Operation
Right to Enroll Until Graduation Special Student
Admission to any private school is open to all students who meet A special pupil/student may be admitted to a private school at any
its specific standards, requirements and regulations as expressed in printed time during the school term, without earning credits, subject to such
publications/materials. Except in cases of academic delinquency, violation of requirements and conditions as the school may prescribe. At the discretion of
school rules and regulations, the closure of the program/course of study by the school, a special student maybe exempted from class assignment and
the, or closure of the school itself, the pupil/student who qualifies for examinations.
enrollment is qualified to stay for the entire period in which he is expected to
complete his course in a school, without prejudice to his right to transfer to
other school within the prescribed period Advanced Subjects and Back Subjects
As general rule, a student shall not be permitted to take any
advanced subject until he has satisfactorily passed the prerequisite subject/s.
Admission Credentials
The transfer credentials required for the enrollment of the pupil/student in
case of transfer at the beginning of the school shall be; Subject Load and Sequence shall be in accordance with the approved
curriculum for each program/course study.
a. For admission into Grade 2-10 program, the un-cancelled report card
shall be signed by the authorized school official. The report card shall
be deemed cancelled upon the enrollment of the pupil/student in Excess Load for Graduating Student, graduating HS student maybe
subsequent grade year, and the admitting school shall immediately permitted upon the discretion of the school and additional subject load in
request for the permanent school record (F-137) from the school excess of the normal specified by the school for the year.
b. When the pupil/student is unable to present the required school record
Withholding for Credentials. The release of the transfer of credentials of
indicated, a certificate of illegibility issued by the Secretary or his
any pupil/student maybe withheld for reasons of suspension, expulsion or
duly authorized representative will be required. nonpayment of financial obligation/property responsibility of the
pupil/students to the school.
Submission of Enrollment List
Within 45 days after closed of every enrollment period, every
private school not otherwise exempted herein, shall submit to the
Schools Division Office/Regional Office concerned;
1. A list, in duplicate, of all pupils/students enrolled therein.
2. Summary of the enrollment data for the corresponding school
year/term for the various programs/courses.