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NIST - Towards A Reference Architecture For BIG DATA

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Deliverable Suggestions

for Working Groups

Excerpted by Bob Marcus from a presentation
“Towards A General Reference Architecture for BIG DATA” By Gary Mazzaferro, AlloyCloud Nov.2011
BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:

 Definition (Definition and Taxonomy WG)

 Requirements (Requirements WG)

 Reference Architectures (Architecture WG)

 Capabilities and Gaps (Roadmap WG)

 Orphaned Stakeholder Taxonomy

Updated: 07.2013

2 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

Definition (Definition and Taxonomy WG)

Updated: 07.2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Big Data Simple Definition

 Big Data Is A Shift In the Way We Consume, Process And Apply

Information To Create Intelligence.

 Approach:
Take Advantage Of Many Available Data Sources To Expose Hidden
Knowledge Lost In Traditional Data Processing

 How:
Employing Social Media, Text Processing, Natural Language
Processing.. Flexible/Dynamic Database Schemes

 While:
Often Bypassing Tradition Tools, Policy And Processes Accelerating

4 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA Cloud Enterprise Resource Framework:
BIG DATA Myths Dispelled
 BIG Data Is A New Idea FALSE  BIG DATA Generates Standard Reports FALSE
 In the 1980s It Used to be Called “Distributed Database  BIG DATA Technologies Have NO Standards Reports
Management System” (DDBMS)  All Reports Must Be Created By Data Scientists and
 The Techniques Are The Same: Query Load Balancing, Range Programmers
partitioning, Composite partitioning, Vertical partitioning,
Horizontal partitioning (sharding)  BIG DATA Is Low Cost FALSE
 Text and Natural Language Processing Can Consumes a High
 BIG DATA Automatically Discovers New Knowledge FALSE Number of CPU Cycles Driving Up Costs
 BIG DATA does not auto-magically find new information  Infrastructures Require Extreme Network Bandwidth Driving
 A data scientist must analyze each data source and Up Costs
programmers must the code for data processing  Text and Natural Language Processing Intermediate Results Is
 BIG DATA Is A Standard FALSE Usually Kept In High Performance Storage Driving Up Costs
 Today, There are NO International Standards for BIG DATA  Technologies Are Extremely Complex and Difficult to Operate
Without Procuring Costly Support Contracts
 Vendors Claim Apache Hadoop Is a “Defacto Standard”.
Unfortunately It Only Works for “Hadoop BIG DATA”  BIG DATA Is Real Time FALSE (mostly)
 BIG DATA May Leverage Other Standards. However, There  Real-Time Is Subjective, If Data Processing Meets Delivery
Are NO Minimum Compliance Profiles for BIG DATA Requirements, It Is Real-Time
 BIG DATA Is Cloud Computing FALSE  Text and Natural Language Processing Can Take a High
Number of CPU Cycles With Unpredictable Completion Times
 Cloud Computing Is a WAY of Procuring Compute Resources
 BIG DATA Can Be Deployed On Cloud Infrastructures OR
 BIG DATA The Public Internet FALSE (mostly)
Clusters, Mainframes Traditional Compute Infrastructures  Don’t Expect Petabytes of Data Processing to Occur
Overnight Using the Public Internet and Low Cost Cloud
 Map Reduce Is BIG DATA FALSE Computing
 Map Reduce Is Only One Of Many Cluster Computing, Load  1TB of data will take 500-1000hrs to read using a 100mbs
Balancing Techniques Used by Some BIG DATA Technologies network connection. That is 3-6months not including
 Map Reduce is NOT a Requirement for BIG DATA temporary results storage.
 BIG DATA Provides Multi-Tenant Security FALSE  Many BIG DATA Technologies Cannot Operate In A WAN
 Today, Multi-tenancy Is Not Considered Part Of BIG DATA

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Comprehensive Capabilities Taxonomy
 Transforms “Other” Capabilities Formats To A Common Reference Architecture Consumable
 General Systems Capabilities
 Account Management And Monitoring
 User Administration And Monitoring
 Security Nearly 500 Detailed Capabilities/Functions Defined

Federation (Models) Management And Monitoring
Configuration (Models) Management And Monitoring
About 25% - 30% Complete
 Deployment (Models) Management And Monitoring
 Availability – Metrics And Qualitative Levels (Experimental, Commercial, Mission Critical, Life Critical)
 Procurement Compliance Management And Monitoring?
 Maintenance & Diagnostics Management And Monitoring
 License Management And Monitoring
 Data Management And Monitoring
 Supported Ingest Formats
 Supported Output Formats
Note: Some Capabilities Are Functionally Cross-Cutting
 Supported Devices
 Supported Interfaces
 RA and Standards Compliance
 Performance (Models) Management, Monitoring, Metrics And Qualitative Levels
 User Support Capabilities- Education, Help Management And Monitoring
 Vendor Support Capabilities - Maintenance Management And Monitoring
 System Specific Capabilities
 Data Characterizations (Dynamics, Types of Change, Rate Of Change, Confidence, Quality, Demand)
 Workload Management And Monitoring
 Infrastructure Management And Monitoring (Compute Management, Storage Management, Network Management)

6 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

Requirements (Requirements WG)

Updated: 07.2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Application Profile Landscape
BIG DATA Applications Have Widely Differing Operating Needs
Role Applications Characterization

Strategic Tactical Time Sensitive

Mission, Campaign, Operation Planning
Operational Picture Tactical Picture
Time Critical Targeting

P4.5 Long Term P4 Short Term P3 On-The-Fly P2 Immediate P1 Urgent

Planning Planning Plan & Response Response Response

Months Weeks Days Hours Minutes Seconds

Data Retention: Longer Term

Data Retention: Shorter Term
Data Confidence: Higher

Data Confidence: Lower

Data Velocity: Lower
Data Velocity: Higher
Data Volume: Lower Sensor, Higher Other
Data Volume: Higher Sensor, Lower Other
Data Variety: Higher, Cooked
Data Variety: Limited, Rawer
System Avail. : Med. To High
System Avail. : High To Life Critical
Results Needed: Months to Hours (Yesterday)
Results Needed: Hours to Sub-Second
Costs: Determined By Program (or free)
Costs: ANY
NOTE: Anticipated Application Characterizations (Area for Study i.e. Capabilities Catalog/ Taxonomy Spec.)
8 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013
Reference Architectures (Architecture WG)

Updated: 07.2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
General Reference Architecture Views
 Eco-System  Resource Flows
 Aligns Market Drivers With Solutions  Definition of operational concepts
And Participants  Applying a local context to a capability
 Allocation of activities to resources
 Capability
 Identifies and Aligns System Abilities  Deployment
 Facilitate Alignment To Requirements  Identifies Approaches And Options
Surrounding Solution Topology
 Technical
 Identifies and Aligns Technical Areas  Security
 Defines Areas of Technical  Aligns Security Approaches And
Responsibilities Features With Other RA Models
 Defines Interface Surfaces
 Technology Agnostic  May Consider Other Reference Types
 Data Processing Order Agnostic and Topic Areas
 RA of Adopted RAs
 Processes
 Life Cycles

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Ecosystem Viewpoint
Individual Data Transfer
Data Sources
Data Objects Big Data Transfer

VARIETY VOLUME Selected Data Storage and Retrieval

VELOCITY Big Data Storage and Retrieval

Data Transformation Data Infrastructure

Collection Storage &



Aggregation Aggregation
Data Mining Anonymized

Data Usage
Network Operators / Telecom Industries / Businesses Government (incl. health & financial institutions) Academia

Attribution: Orit Levin, Microsoft 07.13.2013 Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

11 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Capabilities Viewpoint

Applications and User Interfaces

Design, Develop,
Real-time Interactive Batch and Deploy Tools
Analytics Analytics Analytics
and Interfaces and Interfaces and Interfaces

High Process
Performance Operational Analytics Management
Operational Databases Database
Data Resource

Stream Processing and ETL Data Processing

Systems Management

Data Sources Foundation Data Store

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013


Attribution: Robert Marcus, 07.19.2013

12 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013
BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Reference Architecture Technical Viewpoint

Visualization Devices

Data Visualization Applications

Legacy Data,
Security, Coalition,
Data Analytics Infrastructure
Capabilities Security US Govt.,
and Partner,
Infrastructure Vendor
Management Data Processing Infrastructure And
Public Web
Data Storage Capabilities
Infrastructure and
Hardware And Communications Networking
Infrastructure Security

13 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA Common Reference Architecture:
Example: RA Technical w/ Applicable Standards And Apps
VOMS, Nagios,
Ganglia, OpenView,
WSO2 IDM, OCCI, LDAP, SAML2, Visualization Devices Security Protocols
Oracle, MySQL, Data Visualization Applications TXT, GIS,
100s Others
Accumulo, Legacy Data,
Cassandra, SQL, SPARQL, HTML,
Data Analytics Infrastructure RDF, XML, TOSCA, BPEL,
Hbase, Open-R
Capabilities BPMN, HL7, UN/EDIFACT, US Govt.,
and OGF’s DFDL Partner,
Oracle Grid, VMWare,
XEN, Linux Containers, OCCI, CIMI, OVF, WS* Vendor
Zones, OpenNebula,Data Processing Infrastructure
Management HTTP, CIM, SNMP3 And
OpenStack CDMI
OSD, SCSI, SATA, SAS, Public Web
Amazon S3, Ficon,
Hadoop, Oracle, Data Storage Capabilities
IBM, Dell, HP, Infrastructure HTTP, CIFS, NFS, TCP/IP, HTTP, WebDAV,
EMC, NetApp, WebDAV, SCP, S/FTP, Information
Quantum, SCP, S/FTP, AMPQ
Oracle, IBM, Dell,
Hardware And Communications Networking
HP, EMC, NetApp, Infrastructure
Quantum, Juniper,
Updated: Additional Stds ,6/2012

14 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Ecosystem To Technical Viewpoint Alignment

Big Data Technical Viewpoint

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

15 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Ecosystem To Technical Viewpoint Mapping

Big Data Technical Viewpoint

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

16 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Ecosystem To Capability Viewpoint Alignment

Big Data Capabilities Viewpoint

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

17 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Ecosystem To Capability Viewpoint Mapping

Big Data Capabilities Viewpoint

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

18 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Capability To Technical Viewpoint Mapping

Big Data Capabilities Viewpoint Big Data Technical Viewpoint

Updated: Added Slide, 07.2013

19 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA High Level Operational Concepts (OV-1)
Ingest Data Data
Specialist Scientist Analyst
Data Entry

Structured Data APIs

War Fighters
Traditional Query API

Data Reports
Web Services
File Shares BIG
Traditional Data Processing Reports

Web APIs
External Web Pages
Data Sources

Social Media
Forums, Blogs, Twitter

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA High Level Operational Resource Flow (OV-2)
Ingest Data Data
Specialist Scientist Analyst
Data Entry
Query API Ingest
War Fighters
Highly Processing Reports
Structured Reports Web
Data Web Services

Highly and
Semi Data Analytics
Data Analytics pdfs
Structured Visualization

Traditional Data Processing Web Reports

Reports pdfs
External Processing
Web Pages Note the similarities between
Semi-Structured Traditional Data Processing and BIG DATA
Data Sources
Note BIG DATA includes semi-structured data ingest
and semi-structured data relationships.
Social Media
Forums, Blogs, Twitter

BIG DATA Common Reference Architecture:
e.g. Reference Architecture Mapped to Accumulo/Hadoop

#1 #2 #3 #4
Data Design Data Ingest Analytics Utilization

Data Data
Data Sources Specialist Analyst Consumer

Legacy Data
Visualization Devices
Ingest Planning

Widgets / Apps
Data Visualization
Query Tool
MapReduce (Hive, Pig, . . .)
Data Ingest

Enriched relationships
generated using Data
Data Sources ingested into MapReduce analytics Results
Data Queries
Accumulo as NuWave Tables and stored in Accumulo

Catalog Accumulo

Analytic Applications

Hadoop Distributed File System

( HDFS )
Security, Capabilities and
Ingest Operations
Infrastructure Management Data Processing and Data Storage Infrastructure

Updated: Added Slide,11/2012 Accumulo/Hadoop Attribution: “Big Data from a DoD Perspective 0.2”

22 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA Common Reference Architecture:
Example: Hadoop/Accummulo Using Applicable Standards

Data Virtualization Standard


Data Analytics Infrastructure

Storage Queries

Open Source
Integrated Storage Virtualization Standard Infrastructure Virtualization Standard
Management Tools CDMI OCCI/PAAS

File System Map Reduce

Hadoop Process, Tasks,
File Based Storage

Storage Virtualization Standard Infrastructure Virtualization Standard


OCCI/CDMI/CIM Data Storage Infrastructure Data Processing Infrastructure

Hardware And Communications Networking Infrastructure

Capabilities and Gaps (Roadmap WG)

Updated: 07.2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA Commercial Enterprise Key Capabilities (should have wish list)

 Information Interoperability – Any Information From Anywhere

 Identify Same Data Across Different Sources and Time-Shifted From Same Source
 Autonomous Self-Healing Storage/Compute Infrastructure
 Autonomous, Policy Based, Comprehensive Workload Management
 Signal & Natural Lang. Proc, Work Locations, Users, Jobs, Completion Dates

 Autonomous System Optimization – App Profiles, Data/Data Processing/Network

Performance Tiers
 Standard Capabilities Catalog
 Interoperability Across Vendors Products
 Common, System Wide Event Reporting & Logging
 Application Optimize Through Selecting Best of Breed Technologies
 Reference Architectures – Guides Planning, Design and Deployments

25 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA Defense/Intelligence Additional Key Capabilities
 Generalized Capabilities - not application or program specific)
 Data Anomaly Detection (ADAMS) (Tampering, Errors, Inconsistencies, Age/Currency )
 Anomaly Tolerant Query (non-Stochastic, non-Causal Query)
 Information/Data Confidence Maturity Models
 Autonomous Security Threat Response and Reporting
 Multi-Lateral, Multi-Level, Authentication, Authorization, Confidentiality Information Security -Supports
Redaction (Dynamic ABAC On Steroids)
 Real-Time Information Redaction -e.g. Video, Imaging, Audio, Text, File, DB Records, Documents,
Paragraphs Sentences, Phases, Words, Personal Information, Other Sensitive Information, Meta-Data
 High Granularity Data Management – Search, Resilience, Provenance, Geo-location, Replication,
Confidentiality, Maturity Models, Life Cycle – Near-line, Offline, Archival, Destruction
 Processing Using Encrypted Code At Data Site
 Processing Encrypted Data
 Operation Over Low Bandwidth, Intermittent, Low Integrity Communications Networks
 Access to Other Resource Sources - Scientific Grid, OOI, Web Compute Resources (Other Depts
Agencies, NGOs, Foreign Govt Agencies, Coalition Partners)
 e.g. FAA, DOE, NARA, NIH, FEMA, DOI, Foreign Govt. Agencies, Red Cross, Police, Firefighting,
Local Volunteers, Municipal Transit, Private Doctors, Pharmacies, Hospitals, Ambulance Services,
Oil/Fuel Distribution
 Alignment With Net-Centric Approaches
 DoDAF styled BIG DATA Reference Architectures

26 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA Commercial Enterprise Key Gaps & Short Comings
 Resource Planning, Deployment, Optimization and Costs
 Semi-Structured Data Processing Unpredictable Completion Times Makes Scaling, Resource And Budget Planning Difficult
 BIG DATA Proprietary QLs – Competency/Talent Gap, Rewrite Legacy SQL Reports/Queries, Rewrite Data Warehouse Queries
 No Best Practices Regarding Applications, Architectures, Operations and Deployments
 Disconnected Management, Administration and Deployment Tools from Mainstream Drives Up OpEx and Reduces Agility
 NO Alignment and Leverage with Cloud Data Mgt/Access Standards Without Significant Custom Development
 Each Unique Data Source Requires Custom Development, Costly Data Scientists Required
 NO Trade-Off Model for “On the Fly vs. Stored” Denormalized vs Normalized Data
 NO Integrated Chargeback Tracking/Reporting/Billing for Resource Consumption e.g. Service Levels, Tiers, In Plan, Out Plan
 BIG DATA Can Be Too BIG To Moved Via Networks From Place of Residence, May Require “Secure Agent Based” Data
 Quality and Data Integrity
 Emerging Technologies --- NO Quality of Record
 Poor Leverage/Integration with Existing Storage Infrastructure Management, Data Management and Disaster Recovery
 BIG DATA Tech. NOT HARDENED, Open Source Funding, Sub-Optimal Reliability (“Kindness of Strangers” Quality Model)
 NO System Wide Diagnostics i.e. Execution Logging and Traceability, Logging Proprietary per Technology
 Management, Administration and Interoperability
 BIG DATA Tech. Load Balancing Not Integrated to Cloud/GRID/Cluster Workload Management Tools
 No Consistent/Common Management and Common Monitoring and SLAs NON-Existent Across BIG DATA Technologies
 Security
 Authorization Privileges and Enforcement NOT Consistent Across BIG DATA Technologies
 NO Integrated Third-Party Service/Partner Credential Management

27 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
BIG DATA Defense/Intel. Additional Key Gaps & Short Comings
 Resource Planning, Deployment, Optimization and Costs (generalized- not application or program specific)
 Proprietary APIs and Mgt Tool Make Optimizing Applications and Technology Adoption Cost Prohibitive
 NO Reference Architectures to Guide Deployments e.g. Strategic, Applications, Cloud, Partner Interoperability
 Each Unique Data Source Requires Custom Development, Costly Data Scientists Required
 NO Trade-Off Model for “On the Fly vs. Stored” Denormalized Data
 NO Time Deadline Based Resource Provisioning, Acquisition and Workload Management
 NO Workflow Synchronization to External Systems and No Control of External Data Processing Without Custom Development
 NO Knowledge/Information/Data Virtualization and Interoperability Standards: New data Types Require Custom Development
 NO Comm. Channel to Data Type Awareness and Over Low Bandwidth, Intermittent, Low Integrity Communications Networks
 Quality and Data Integrity (generalized- not application or program specific)
 BIG DATA Intolerant Intermittent Data Availability and Anomalous Data and Data Processing
 NO Integrity Management –ie confidence models, currency models, monitoring and data validation, “End to End” Data Integrity Enforcement, Config. Mgt
 NO System Resiliency Repair, Recovery and Validation Tooling
 Management, Administration and Interoperability (generalized- not application or program specific)
 Query and Search, Catalogs, Languages Inconsistent and DO NOT Interoperate Across BIG DATA Technologies
 Query Results DO NOT Interoperate Across BIG DATA Technologies Without Custom Development
 No Interoperation with Standards: Cloud, Data Management, Storage Management, Deployment Configuration,
 No Standards for Capability, Service and Data Catalogs: Joint, Packages, Coalition Contribution
 Security (generalized- not application or program specific)
 NO Integration with Third-Party AA/Confidentiality Systems e.g. User, Rank, Clearance, Partner, Storage, Partner/Vendor Data Services, Multi-Tenant
 No Granular Confidentiality On Data, Multi-Tenant Isolation/Secure Separation
 NO Threat/Data Tampering Detection, Std. Reporting and Response
 NO Processing Encrypted Data and Encrypted Queries
 NO Granular Redaction for Raw Data, Queries and Reports ie Video, Imaging, PII, Scans, Documents, Paragraphs, Text, Audio
 NO Dynamic Authorization e.g. Geo-Location, Access Device, Environment Risk
28 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Possible Applicable Commercial/Enterprise Functional Standards
 Identity/Security – SAML2, LDAP, PKI, X509, SSL, KMIP
 Authorization – SAML2,VOMS, Shibboleth
 Systems Monitoring – DMTF/CIM, SNMP, ISO X.700-CMIS/CMOT, JMS
 Billing Records -TMF/IPDR
 Cloud Resource Mgt – OGF/OCCI, DMTF/CIMI-OVF, IEEE-P2302(Intercloud RA)
 Grid Resource Mgt – OFG specifications, Globus Speficiations
 Data Management – SNIA/CDMI, OASIS CMIS, OGF specifications
 Storage Management – SNIA/SMIS
 Storage Interface – OSD, SCSI, SATA, SAS, iSCSI, Ficon
 File Sharing – CIFS, NFS, HTTP, WebDAV, SCP, S/FTP
 Service Protocols – OMG CORBA, REST, SOAP, SOA
 Application Configuration Deployments – OASIS TOSCA
 Infrastructure Configuration Deployments – DMTF CIM
 Data Services – OASIS WSDL WSRF, OFG DFDL specifications
 Data Expression – W3C XML, RDF/a, JSON, RSS, Mitre/NIST CEE family
 Document Formats – PDF, HTML, ODF, SMIL, UN/EDIFACT, many others
 Query Languages - SQL, W3C SPARQL, Xquery/Xpath
 Service Agreements – OGF GRAAP, WS-Agreement

29 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Opportunities For New Functional Standards
 What We Know Today, Ten (10) Key Gaps In Standards for BIG DATA Capabilities

1. Information/Data Interoperability Interface Specification (information structure/translation)(increase data utilization)

2. Information Confidence Grading Specification (trust results )

3. RESTful Cloud Object Management Interface Specification (to drive other new interface specifications)

4. Common Catalog Interface Specification – Searchable Capabilities, Services, Applications, Information, Data (profiles)

5. RESTful URI Search/Query Interface (CDR work?) (reduce dev/ops costs, increase deployment options)

6. Data Virtualization Interface Specification (reduce dev/ops costs, increase deployment options)

7. Infrastructure Management Harmonization Interface Spec. (reduce mgt costs, policy based, autonomic data center mgt)

8. Cloud PAAS/SAAS Management Interface Specification (for workload mgt, improved security)

9. Compute/Data Resource Confidentiality/Authorization Interface Specification (system security)

10. Natural Language Query Specification (extend info harvesting to imaging/video, integrated redaction)

30 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

Orphaned Stakeholder Taxonomy

Updated: 07.2013

31 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Top Level Eco-System Stakeholders
Big Data

Fulfillment Research Consumers Standards Innovators Drivers

Core Capability
Institutional Government SDOs Consultancies Economy

Defense &
Intermediaries Funding Sources SSOs Open Source Market & Media
Intel Communities

Deployment Adhoc Organization

Private Sector Business Supply Side
Models (Defacto) Performance

Freelance Freelance Policy &

Procurement Researchers
Researches Developers Lawmakers

Compliance Education & Secondary

Agents Individuals Influencers

32 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Top Level Organizational Stakeholders

Chief Executive
Traditional Executive Portfolio Officer

Chief Chief Technical

Chief Sales Chief Marketing Chief Financial Chief Operations
Information Officer
Officer Officer Officer Officer

Chief Legal

Chief Chief Data Chief Analytics Chief Security Chief Privacy

Chief Analytics
Administrative Officer Officer Officer Officer

New Additions
Response to New Opportunities and Concerns In Shifting Business and Social Landscape

Note: Procurement May Fall Under Either CFO, COO, CAO, CEO Responsibilities

33 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Top Level “Special Interest” Stakeholders

Infrastructure Analytics Operations

Data Scientists Ingest Specialists

Storage Report
Engineers Specialists

Systems Availability
Data Analysts
Administrators Specialists

Ops Applications
Administrators Development

34 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013

BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Top Level Stakeholder Summary
 As we can see, the Big Data Landscape Creates An
Ecosystem Rich With Diversity

 Today, There’s No Clear Understanding Of How Big Data

Will Unfold Into Interested Communities

 We Can Anticipate The Emergence Of Communities With

Differing Needs and Priorities Surrounding “Big Data”

 We Can Expect Big Data’s Evolution And Adoption Will

Occur Concurrently At Varying Velocities Within And
Across Communities
35 Gary Mazzaferro Copyright @AlloyCloud 2011-2012, 2013
BIG DATA General Reference Architecture:
Document History

Date Edit Author Reason

11.2011 Creation Gary Mazzaferro Conceptualization

02.2012 Added Technical Arch Gary Mazzaferro Storyboard

11.2012 Commercial Slides Gary Mazzaferro DISA, ONI


12.2012 Defense/Intel Slides Gary Mazzaferro Intel

07.2013 Aggregate Several Presentations (broke Gary Mazzaferro NIST Big Data Initiative

07.2013 Added

07.2013 Re-orged and Excerpted Slides Robert Marcus Align With NIST Big Data WGs

07.2013 Added “Ecosystem To Capabilities Slides” And Gary Mazzaferro Align With NIST Big Data RA WG
“Capabilities To Technical Viewpoint Slides”
Cleaned up Typos and Formatting
Added Stakeholder Slides


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