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Sample Model Exam

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Mekelle University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management
Model Exam for Management Information System


Instruction: choose the best answer for the given alternatives and write the capital letter of your
best choices on the space provided.

1. What provides knowledge workers with access to workgroup information such as e-mails,
reports, meeting minutes, and memos?
A. Marketing Information system
B. Intranet-processing enterprise information portal
C. Collaborative-processing enterprise information portal
D) Decision-processing enterprise information portal
2. What provides knowledge workers with corporate information for making key marketing
management decisions?
A. Decision-processing enterprise information portal
B. Transaction Information system
C. Collaborative-processing enterprise information portal
D. Intranet-processing enterprise information portal
3. Which of the following is the primary characteristic of an intranet?
A. People outside the organization can't access it
B. Employee of the organization can’t access it
C. People inside the organization can't access it
D. People outside the organization can access it

4. Marketing information systems deals with the coordination and use of four very important
organizational resources including:
A. Data, Information, information technology, and people
B. Information, information technology, and Internet
C. Internet, information-literate knowledge workers, and people
D. Information, Internet, and information-literate knowledge workers
5. Which layer in the traditional organization pyramid Marketing manages and directs the day-to-
day operations and implementations of the goals and strategies?
A. Operational management B. Non management employees
C. Tactical management D. Strategic management
6. Which data administration function periodically backs up information contained in a database?
A. Backup and recovery facilities B. Security management facilities
C . Reorganization facilities. D. Concurrency control facilities
7. What does a database management system help you specify?
A. Physical organization for a database
B. Physical structure for the data dictionary
C. Logical organization for a database
D. Logical structure for the data dictionary
8. Decision support systems are essential for
A. Top level strategic decision making
B. Ensuring that organizations are profitable.
C. Providing statutory information.
D. Day–to-day operation of an organization.

9. Data mining can not be done if

A. Earlier management decisions are not available
B. all processing had been only batch processing
C. operational data has not been archived
D. The organization is large

10. A management information system is one which

A. allows better management of organizations

B. Is required by all managers of an organization
C. Processes data to yield information of value in tactical management
D. Provides operational information

11. Which is the most unlikely function of a marketing division of an organization?

A. order processing B. customer preference analysis
C. sales analysis D. advertising
12. ___________is the smallest data in the data structure /level
A. A Byte B. A file C. A Bit D. A record
13. If a marketing Manager is responsible to allocate resource to different marketing units of an
organization, then he most likely can be supported by;
A. Expert Information system B. MIS C. DSS D. TPS
14. An element of Decision Support system that deals with how the end user interacts with the
computer system is ____________.
A. Model Base B. User interface C. The data base D. Special Report
15. Which one of the following is/are INCORRECT about OLAP basic analytical operations?
A. Consolidation involves the detail data of the organizational data base
B. Drill Down display the detail data of the organization.
C. Consolidation involves the aggregation of data.
D. Slicing and Dicing is the ability to look at the customer data base from different
16. What is the best amount of advertising to have, given our budget and choice of media? This
statement indicates ______________types of DSS analytical modeling.
A. Sensitivity Analysis B. Optimization Analysis
C. What If Analysis D. Goal Seeking Analysis
17. What is an internal organizational Internet that is guarded against outside access by a special
security feature called a firewall (which can be software, hardware, or a combination of the
A. Thin client B.Client/server network C. Intranet D. Extranet
18. Which phase of decision making finds or recognizes a problem, need, or opportunity?
A. Design B. Implementation C. Intelligence D. Choice
19. Which one of the following is not a function of main memory?

A. Perform arithmetic and logical operations B. Store data permanently and temporary
C. Hold instructions for doing the processing D. Hold data being processed
20. Assume there were 150 applications for a position of sales force automation specialist in an
organization. The selection has been made and Mr. Hassan, one of the candidates, has been
hired. Following this transaction which particularly human resources database and inventory
are /is not affected?
A. Benefits data base D. Application Data base
B. Position inventory E. All except “C”
C. Skills inventory

21. Which Information system is designed specifically to improve the performance of teams by
supporting the sharing and flow of information?
A. Electronic data interchange
B. Online transaction processing system
C. Collaboration system
D. Inter organizational system
22. Which phase of decision making examines and weighs the merits of each solution, estimates the
consequences of each, and chooses the best one?
A) Choice B) Implementation C) Design D) Intelligence
23. Which type of decision involves processing a certain kind of information in a specified way so that
you will always get the right answer?
A) Unstructured decision B) Recurring decision
C) Nonrecurring decision D) Structured decision
24. Which of the following is not a DSS component?
A) Information management B) User interface management
C) Model management D) Data management
25. Which component of a DSS performs the function of storing and maintaining the information that
you want your DSS to use?
A) Model management B) User interface management C) Data management D) All
26. Most retailers now use a computer-based information system to help their employees record
customer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employees, buy new merchandise, and evaluate
sales trends. This statement indicates specifically to which role of information system

A. Support competitive advantage C) Support business operation.
B. Support decision Making. D) All
27. Which of the following statements about information systems is not correct?

A. Information systems tend to follow the structure of the organization.

B. Any information system can be strategic

C. Information systems are concentrated in the IS Department

D. Information systems are based on the needs of employees.

28. Using a decision support system involves several basic types of analytical modeling
activities. Which one of the following analysis would be best used to answer the following
question: What if we cut advertising by 10 percent? What would happen to sales?

A. Goal seeking analysis Decision support information system model

B. Sensitivity analysis of Decision support Information System model

C .Optimization analysis of Decision Support Information System model.

D.What if analysis of Decision support Information system model.

29. Information systems in the real world typically are integrated combinations of two or more

Functional information systems which are commonly referred to as:

A. Enterprise information systems B. Management information systems.

C. Operational planning systems. D. Cross functional information systems

30. Which one of the following information systems would be not be considered a type of
information systems that would be used to support a business function?

A. Accounting information system B. Production/operations information

C. Marketing information system D. Information Report system.
31. The goal of enterprise collaboration systems is to enable us to work together more easily and

Effectively by helping us to communicate. Which one of the following statements best applies to
the concept of coordination?

A. Work together cooperatively on joint projects and assignments.

B. Share information with each other.
C. Organize our individual work efforts and use of resources with each other.
D. None of the above apply

32. Executive information systems (EIS) are information systems that combine many of the
features of management information systems and decision support systems. Which one
of the following statements would not apply to EIS’s:

A. Are most helpful in supporting unstructured decision making processes

B. Provide management with immediate and easy access to information about the
firms’ critical success factors.

C. Are most useful to managers at the operational level of management

D. Provide information to support the intelligence stage of the decision making process.

33. Of the following is not correct related to Information Quality measurement Time

A. Currency Information should be up-to-date when it is provided

B. Frequency Information should be provided as often as needed

C. Time period Information can be provided about past, present, and future time periods

D. Time period Information should be provided when it is needed

34. Which of the following statement is not correct?

A. Information is a processed data as source of perform business activities and management

decision making

B. An information system is supposed to assist all marketing managers with respect to the level
in the managerial hierarchy

C. All employee in the organization needs information to make decision and solve problems.

D. All marketers need the same information regardless of their level in the organization

35. A computer based information system is needed because

A. Computers are available
B. Difficult to get clerks to process data
C. The size of organization has become large and data is massive D. All
36. Computer based information systems:

A. Have caused dramatic decreases in middle managers as businesses have decreased

the depth and scope of their operations

B. Have had more impact on the number of supervisory personnel in organizations

than was originally predicted.

C. Have caused significant reductions in the number of people required to perform

manual tasks in many organizations.

D. . Have caused reductions in the number of knowledge workers required in


37. Why do organization and their Marketing Managers need to practice data resources

A. Organization and Marketing Manager Need not practices data resource Management

B. data is either created or accessed with the online mouse click, generating heavy demand on
data storage while also driving the need to analyze every bit of data extracted for competitive

C. Organization requires quantity data to be successful and to accomplish that goal fresh data
needs to be created frequency..

D. Organization builds warehouses to consolidate software tools for data management, requiring
the application of information system technologies to be effective.

38. _____________is an interactive computer Based information systems that use decision
model and specialized data base to support marketing manager at a time of making Decision.

A. Decision Support System

B. Expert Information system

C. Marketing information system

D. Management Information system

39. Which one of the following statements concerning the effect of information system on
global competition is true?

A. Global firms do not worry about the quality of telecommunications service in foreign

B. Information system does not improve the efficiency of large, global firms.

C. Even small firms can now take advantage of the productivity and efficiency of
computer-based information systems

D. Information system makes the use of branch offices less efficient.

40. Which one of the following is not true related to Marketing Information Reporting system

A. Periodic Scheduled Reports has a Pre-specified format on a regular basis

B. Exception Reports is a report May not produced regularly or when exception occurs

C. Demand Reports and Responses is Information available when demanded

D. Push Reporting is refers to Information pushed to manager

41. Which one of the following is /are not the Business benefits of ERP in business organization

A. Improve the Enterprise agility

B. Improve Quality and efficiency

C. Increase the operating costs of the organization

D. Support the Decision process

42. Of the following are Input of marketing management systems except

A. Transaction processing data

B. Product development

C. Marketing research data

D. Marketing intelligence data

43. Which one of the following is not task of operating system?

A. Resource Management B. perform the arithmetic operations

C . Providing User Interface D. Task Management
44. Telecommunications can add value to business. It has three basic effects on the operation of
a business except:
A. Reduce the limits placed on a firm’s business activities by geographic distances.
B. extended the time taken to accomplish business activities
C. Restructure traditional business relationships with a firm’s customs and suppliers and
with other organizations.
D. None

45. Before computerization Business organization, data was stored using manual filing system.
In a manual system, data is usually stored in an organized way in a filing cabinet i.e. files are
stored in alphabetical or numerical order inside a file cabinet. This way of storing data has a
number of disadvantages except:
A. Files are prone to errors
B. Easy to access and maintain the files

C. There is duplicate of files in different sections.

D. Difficult to share the file at the same time Files are easily damaged, lost or misplaced
46. Which one of the following is not one of the basic components of an organization according
to the sociotechnical systems view?

A. Data. B. Technology. C. Tasks. D. People.


1. Information Resource Management (IRM) has become a popular way to emphasize a

major change in the management and mission of the information systems function in
many organizations. To give a response for poor performance of Information systems
IRM view to five dimensions. Discuss in detail the concept of the five Dimensions. (2
2. Discuss the main Functions of Marketing Decisions Support System (2 mark)
3. According to Porter, in the new economy, technology has become the most important
driver of change. List and describe three emerging forces that will affect technology as

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