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Roads of Enlightenment Guide

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Vampire: The Dark Ages
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Vampire: the Dark Ages

Roads of Enlightenment Guide
thics are much more flexible in the Dark Ages. Despite Caine's admonition to keep the
Silence of the Blood, Cainites don't necessarily hide what they are. Many eschew
Humanity in favor of other codes of ethics. These are codified in a number of broad

Mechanically, Roads function just like Humanity and Paths (see BNS ​Vampire: The
Masquerade​ pp. 253-259, 299-306), with three small changes.

1. Roads are more accessible, and thus have a reduced Merit cost.

2. Paragons of Roads (Road rating 4+) gain an Aura reflective of that road which manifests
as an additional Status spend. See the ​Cainite Society Guide​ for the Status spends.

3. Characters following Roads other than Humanity are capped at level 4 at character
creation, but may purchase their Road rating to 5 with experience points, thereafter.

Leaving Humanity to walk a Road, or leaving one Road to walk another, follows the rules laid
out on BNS ​Vampire: The Masquerade​ pp. 306.

Humanity allows characters to blend into mortal society. However, other Roads do not. Please
note the following for all Roads aside from Humanity from BNS ​Vampire the Masquerade​ pp.

“[Roads] are utterly inhuman. Players wishing their characters to adopt [Roads] should expect
extremely demanding roleplaying experiences. These are alien codes of immortal ethics; it
should be obvious to players, as well as characters, when a vampire is on a [Road]. Players
whose characters are on a [Road] must wear a sticker to denote this, utilize heavy makeup, or
otherwise be obvious about their character’s state of existence; others should be able to easily
discern this fact about the character.”

Major Roads
The Major Roads are generally known to all Cainites; though, in-depth knowledge of them
requires a Lore specialty in that Road if you do not walk it. The Merit cost for any Major Road is

Road Aura Mechanics

Road of the Beast Menace Path of Feral Heart, BNS 255. Remove "engage in
politics" and replace it with "fail to challenge a weak

Road of Heaven Holiness Path of Heaven, BNS 256

Road of Kings Command You do not gain Beast traits when performing a sin, as
long as you commit that sin in order to directly increase
your personal power, whether physical or political, or to
prevent yourself from losing such power, unless doing so
would break your word.

If you allow your followers to be abused by anyone other

than you, defy a superior you are not willing to directly
challenge, disrespect a peer or superior, or break your
word, you gain Beast traits as though you committed a
level 4 sin.

Road of Humanity Human Normal Humanity, BNS 300

Road of Sin Temptation Path of Cathari, BNS 254

Minor Roads
The minor roads are typically practiced within particular clans or factions. Members of those
clans or factions have general knowledge of the related roads. Where adherents of the road will
have greater in-depth knowledge, others need a lore specialty. The merit cost is 0 if you are a
member of the named clan and/or factions. Otherwise the cost is 2 merit points.

Road Aura Association Mechanics

Road of Blood Hunger Assamites (Warrior Path of Blood, BNS 254

& Sorcerer only)

Road of Bones Stillness Cappadocians (Not Path of Death & Soul, BNS 254

Road of Chivalry Honor Toreador (Not Path of Chivalry, BNS 254

Ishtarri), Baronies
of Avalon, Courts
of Love

Road of Ecstasy Pleasure Followers of Set Path of Ecstasy, BNS 255

(Not Vipers),
Courts of Fire &

Road of Lilith Hardship Lamia, Lhiannan Path of Lilith, BNS 256

Road of Adaptation Tzimisce and Path of Metamorphosis, BNS

Metamorphosis Koldun (Not 257

Road of Night Emptiness Lasombra Path of Night, BNS 257

Road of Paradox Destiny Ravnos Path of Paradox, BNS 258

Road of the Scorched Detachment True Brujah Path of the Scorched Heart,
Heart BNS 258

Road of the Serpent Corruption Followers of Set Path of Typhon-Set, BNS 259
and Vipers

Road of Screams Damnation Baali & Infernal Path of Evil Revelation, BNS
Power Merit 255

The Roads provide Status abilities to the Cainite walking them. They are set out here for easy
review, and are also set out in the ​Cainite Society Guide​.

If your Road rating is 4 or higher, you embody its ethos to such a degree that you gain an
almost supernatural aura. You may harness this Aura to produce effects with your Status.

Road of Beast, Road of Blood:​ Spend 1 Valor to cause all within 5 steps to take one step
back. Countered with Valor or 1 Willpower.

Road of Heaven:​ Spend 1 Valor to give an order to one Cainite or 5 mortals, which must be
followed for 5 minutes. The target(s) must be of your Faith, not necessarily Road, and the order
must be obviously in the service of your Faith. Countered with 1 Valor or 1 Willpower.

Road of Kings, Road of Chivalry:​ Spend 1 Conviction and introduce yourself truthfully (name,
Domain, position, monikers, anything else important) to a target you have not met. The target
must do the same. Targets with an Alternate ID of 4+ may answer with their Alternate Identity’s
information if they so choose. Countered with 1 Conviction or 1 Willpower.

Road of Humanity:​ Spend 1 Cunning to reduce the Beast Traits a target within 5 steps is
suffering under by one. You may only affect a particular target once per hour and you may not
decrease a target’s Beast traits beyond two with this ability. Countered with 1 Cunning or 1

Road of Sin, Road of Screams:​ Spend 1 Cunning to increase the Beast Traits a target within 5
steps is suffering under by one. A particular target cannot be affected more than once per hour
and you may not increase a target’s Beast traits beyond three with this ability. Countered with 1
Cunning or 1 Willpower.

Road of Bones, Road of the Scorched Heart: ​Spend 1 Conviction to calm someone down
from a heightened emotional state (this has no effect upon supernaturally induced emotions like
that from Presence) or to reduce their number of Derangement traits by 1. Although you can
target yourself, you may only affect a particular target once per hour and you may not decrease
a Malkavian’s Derangement traits below one with this ability Countered with 1 Conviction or 1

Road of Ecstacy, Road of Lilith: ​Spend 1 Conviction to increase a target’s number of

Derangement traits by 1. A particular target cannot be affected more than once per hour, and
you may not increase a target’s Derangement traits beyond the usual maximum of three with
this ability. Countered with 1 Conviction or 1 Willpower.

Road of Metamorphosis, Road of Paradox: ​Spend 1 Cunning to change your Archetype to

any other for the evening. You may do this once per hour, but the change otherwise lasts the
night. You cannot use this and activate the Archetype Willpower retest in the same round.

Road of Night, Road of the Serpent:​ Spend 1 Cunning after advising a target on how to leave
their current morality behind. For the next hour, when that target would gain Beast Traits, she
gains one additional Beast Trait. A particular target cannot be affected more than once per hour
and this ability fails if the target is on the same Road as you. Countered with 1 Cunning or 1

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