CTPAT Requirements: C-TPAT Means Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Which Is The Result of September 11
CTPAT Requirements: C-TPAT Means Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Which Is The Result of September 11
CTPAT Requirements: C-TPAT Means Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Which Is The Result of September 11
CTPAT Requirements for all visitors should have present valid identification upon arrival. Need to record the
identification of all visitors in visitors’ log book & issue a card/badge to all visitors with clearly identifies the
visitor’s status which must be worn all time…
C-TPAT means Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism which is the result of September 11th, 2001
of the United States has undertaken a number of initiatives to improve US border IT security. One of these
initiatives is the Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism. Factory will CTPAT Requirements all employees
present valid identification upon arrival.
C-TPAT is a joint of government and business initiatives to improve supply chain security. Factory will
inspect the baggage of all visitors & employees upon arrival at the facility.
Visitors escorted at all time by authorized persons/employees in the factory areas specially packing,
shipping & receiving areas.
Parking areas for visitors & employees are separated from each other and also cargo, shipping & receiving
The C-TPAT program is voluntary. C-TPAT provides US importers and their trade partners the opportunity
to join in the war against terrorism and to ensure the timely delivery of imported goods into the United States. No
bag, Tiffin bag, parts allowed in production floors.
Need to collect hand detector for checking the bags of all visitors and employees.
Workers’ name lists (Who work in packing area) should be posted on packing area.
During working time authorized workers will wear their ID card.
If any visitor wants to access into packing area, a visitors’ card should be issued for the individual.
Customs has reorganized that protecting US borders from terrorism requires the close co-operation of
importers, foreign manufactures, transportation and distribution service providers .All workers wear their ID card
while they work.
Pre-screening & background check should be required for Security personnel, cargo, and shipping and
receiving employees.
Emergency & Thaana’s numbers should be posted on main gate area.
A copy of security policy & IT policy should be provided to all employees with acknowledgement sign.
All cargo & vehicles should be inspected by 7 point system.
Need to keep the record of transport agencies and C&F agencies with drivers name & address and vehicle’s
Pre-screen & background check of applicants for all workers specially positions in the packing, shipping &
receiving areas and security personnel also.
Through these initiatives US customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security
practices .Factory has written security policy.
Factory has security policy, procedure include protocols for reporting abnormalities from the factory to
local government or enforcement agencies.
All employees will receive a security policy & procedures with acknowledgement sign.
Need to engage designated qualified personnel who implement the security policy & procedures.
Packing areas should be segregated from manufacturing and receiving areas.
Access limit to packing, shipping and receiving areas to only assigned and authorized employees.
Packing should be supervised by security personnel or factory management.
Packed cargo should be segregated in secure area.
Inbound & Outbound cargo should be inspected by either security personnel or factory management.
Factory will keep all containers both full & empty in a secure area.
Empty containers should be inspected for damage and contamination prior to loading.
Loading containers should be supervised by security personnel or factory management.
Need to maintain a log of seal and containers number for inbound & outbound cargos.
Need to maintain a log of abnormalities and discrepancies with seals.
Need to investigate, resolve and report to local Govt. all appropriate abnormalities and discrepancies with
Factory ensures unidentified & unauthorized individuals are immediately reported to security & removed
the individual.
Factory will maintain a list for Transport agencies, C&F agencies with drivers’ name & address and
vehicles number.
All computers will have protected by passwords which are changed periodically and access limited to
unauthorized persons.
It is US intent to work with their business partners as a team to supply chain security practices.
Need to implement & provide a copy to all employees on IT security policy.
Facility should have 24 hours SG, 7 days/week – Patrolling the perimeter.
Facility should have 6 feet wall and topped by deterrent barbed or razor wire.
Facility should have CCTV & Electronics alarming system.
Need to monitor staff & guest vehicles, parking area should be separated.
Locking devices should have on all outside gates providing access to the packing, shipping & receiving
Adequate locking device should have on all windows & entrance doors.
Exterior lighting should be installed covering all – All entrances, Cargo storage areas, Parking areas,
Shipping & Receiving areas, Packing areas, Perimeter fences.
CTPAT Requirements Need to recover all access keys from terminated/ dismissed employees and retrieve the
badge/ ID cards from employees, no later than the date of termination. To communicate these practices to their
business partners with in the supply chain. US buyer has signed an agreement with US customs and is committed to
assessing and improving supply chain security.
C Tpat Training:
A details case study on C Tpat Training has done in two different factories of different capacities and products.
Orientation and familiarization of the security plan will be conducted to every employee and in case of new
employee, on first day reported to duty.
To discuss about efficiency it is important to know about Standard Minute Value (SMV) of the products to be
produced, input minutes and output minutes.. Security Officers nominated is responsible to carry out
inspection on all security devices and implementation of the system.
Periodical Review:
According to ILO Standard minute is the time taken by a 100 rated worker to complete a given task. All the
five lines produce different styles of products with different SMV. Periodical review on employee’s knowledge
and application of this security plan will be conducted.
1. All the security posts to remain alert round the clock for inside and perimeter security so that they can identify
any suspected person or movement. Therefore, line efficiency (output minute / input minute x 100) is also
different due to varied output minutes.
2. Nobody is allowed to get inside without proper identification. There were huge financial impact to fulfill fire,
electrical and building safety compliance with lower price of the products from the buyers.
3. It has been instructed to all workers regarding quick information to the admin dept. or security for any
suspected incident or suspicious person. With the stringent compliance requirement and shrinkage price, the
number of the factories have been reduced but Bangladesh RMG export industry has been maintaining steady
i. Hewill interrogated by company security guard and administration department. Unauthorized persons will
be detained for further action. Many entrepreneurs still are investing to expand their existing production
capacity and going for LEED certified factories.
ii. Unauthorized person shall be handed over to the DEPZ security or police with valid reason.
iii. A general dairy to be entry in local police station. With this reality, factories have taken various initiative,
especially after Rana plaza accident, to enhance productivity to be competitive and sustainable.
The factory authority adopts appropriate measures to ensure a good standard security in all the vulnerable
places in the factory. To ascertain the adopted measures the responsible persons of administration and
personnel dept with the instruction from higher authority undertakes the activities mentioned below:
i. A
surprise security is found to undertake spot checks suspecting any activities against the security of any
area of the factory. It includes the identity checking in different workplaces, stair and gate.
ii. Checking any section for the authorized persons are working or not.
iii. Checking for whether any person is disappeared without permission for considerable time. Present study has
tried to illustrate how increased productivity is helping in offsetting incremental wages over the period.
iv. Observe closely the interaction and discussion not concern to the production.
v. Checking for the ID card for any unauthorized persons.
vi. In a certain day 5 to 10 workers/employees are picked up while entering or leaving the factory to check
whether anybody is carrying any harmful thing.
vii. In a certain day one of the stair is cordoned to check for any unauthorized persons.
2. The surprise checking team with the involvement of the packing In-charge opens few cartons in random basis
to check for any harmful teams.
3. The team checks suddenly while containers are being loaded or unloaded. It checks whether the cartons are
4. The team surprise checks the lock and seal of the containers while loaded or unloaded.
5. For any discrepancy regarding the said matters the administration with help from personnel department take
corrective and legal action as per the decision of the higher authority.
Any shipment is to be exported should be checked and confirmed with Commercial invoice before loading by
store team. Shipments should be counted at Cover Van while loading and it should be recorded style wise,
truck wise. After completing loading, a delivery Challan should be made and it should be signed by store
person, commercial person, security and Truck driver for confirmation. If any shortages/ Overages will be
there in shipment, Store team should inform to Production GM and to Commercial dept immediately.
According to the container loading of Ctpat security guideline, all the workers and security guard
should comply with the ruling in order to assure that the security system can execute effectively.
When all goods and materials (including raw materials, mechanic equipments, stationery,
commodities, etc.) enter the factory/warehouse, it should be security checked and verified. All the related
documents should be kept for tracing.
All workers have the obligation to assure that no unauthorized people or unidentified/illegal materials
enter to the factory’s province.
In case of finding some unidentified/illegal materials enter the factory; the worker has to report to the
nearest security guard or security supervisor immediately.
Since all the departments have their own necessities, so in order to have a clear stock list, the
supervisor or the top management should approve and record down all the details before extracting or
written off the materials.
Should not expose factory’s documentary to third party unless having a mutual
understanding/agreement with the buyer. Otherwise, all unauthorized people are not allowed to call out any
documentary from the factory.
C Tpat Training
1. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the security plan, all the doors, pathways, workplaces and
warehouse are suggested to add in the video camera to monitor the activities in the factory. This set up is
only for security purposes instead of affecting worker’s activities.
2. In order to ensure that all the workers understand the whole security plan, factory should provide some
training courses to the worker annually (suggest to be on the quarter of each year). For all new corners, the
security guideline of the related department, the administrative officer has to explain clearly the whole
factory’s security plan to the new corner. The training should include:
5. The Security Compliance audit or drill should be carried out annually. All the workers, including the
supervisor and top management, should participate in this Security Compliance audit or drill. All Security
Compliance audit or drill should be recorded and kept for at least 12 months.
6. In order to enhance the security plan continuously, all workers are encouraged to express their
opinions or suggestions on the security plan. He/she is free to bring out their suggestions to their
department supervisor, the chief security or the top management by all means.
A competent member of garmentspedia conducts the C Tpat Training workshop on Cptat quarterly for every
level of employees. Facilitator explains the purpose of security system and provides necessary guidelines to
follow and ensure secured work environment. The facilitator also explains about the procedural security
system. The workers are also given tips on what to do in case of an emergency.
Personal Security
Physical Security
Storage & Distribution
Shipment Information Controls
Information Access Controls
Contractor Controls
Export Logistics
Records & Documentation
Facility Photos
CAP in Chinese and English
The application is easy and can be completed online. Firstly, a company needs to review
the C TPAT Minimum Security Criteria to ensure their business is eligible for the
program. Secondly, the company should submit the application via the C TPAT Portal
and agree to participate.
Thirdly, the company must complete a supply chain security profile, and this explains
how the company is currently meeting C TPAT’s security criteria. Therefore, a risk
assessment is also necessary. Lastly, the C TPAT program has up to 90 days to certify the
company into the program or to reject the application. Once certified, the company will
be validated within a year of certification.
Recommended Practices and Procedures Land Border CBP Ports routinely report that C-TPAT company
drivers frequently request to be sent for a secondary exam due to their self-developed risk indicators
e.g. directed to pick up a trailer at a first time or unknown location. C-TPAT members routinely test
their contingency plans and “what if” scenarios as a means of proactively addressing the possibility that
a compromise occurs. Regular verifications of security plans and practical exercises enable companies to
react quickly in the event of an incident. C-TPAT is working closely with our colleagues from Mexico
Customs’ New Scheme of Certified Companies (NEEC Program) to ensure that the practice of reporting
security concerns is also required and encouraged by the NEEC program – as it is by Canada’s Partners