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Communication Barrier Between Nurse and Patient at The Hospital: A Systematic Review

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Andriyanto et al.

/ Communication Barrier between Nurse and Patient

Communication Barrier between Nurse and Patient

at The Hospital: A Systematic Review

Masters Program in Communication Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro


Background: Communication is a multi-dimensional, multi-factorial phenomenon and a dyna-

mic, complex process, closely related to the environment in hospital or related places. Nurses in
hospital need to enhance their skill in communication to improve patient satisfaction. This study
conducted a systematic review to describe the communication barrier between nurse and patient at
the hospital.
Subjects and Method: This was a systematic review conducted by searching databases from
EBSCO e-journals, Elsevier Science Direct, CINAHL Complete, and Google Scholar, published from
2012 to 2017. The literature was analyzed using critical appraisal tool.
Results: Communication barriers included job dissatisfaction due to workload, uncontrolled
patient family presence, distrust of nurse competency, gender incompatibility, nurse lack of
attention, delay and carelessness in providing information, lack of nurse responsibility, difference
in language, over workload, patient family disorder, nurse reluctance to communicate, patient
physical discomfort, physical and psychological complaint, language difficulty, limited nurse
communication skill, insufficient time, busy environment, and noise. Communication barriers
between nurse and patient affected the quality of health service.
Conclusion: Communication barriers between nurse and patient affect the quality of health

Keywords: communication barriers, nurses-patients, hospital

Andriyanto. Masters Program in Communication Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro. Jl. Prof.
H. Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Central Java. Email:

BACKGROUND into account the needs of patients, because

Effective communication is an important through effective communication capable of
element in the quality of nursing care improving nurse-patient relationships even
(Fleischer et al., 2009). This has also been has a profound effect on patients' percep-
mandated in the National Standards for tions of the quality of care and treatment
Hospital Accreditation, that nurses have outcomes (Li et al., 2012).
tasks related to management of commu- Effective communication as the begin-
nication and education, therefore nurses ning of the creation of a relationship
are able to create effective communication between nurses and patients the ability and
skills as a valuable tool allowing to assess ability to communicate effectively will
patient needs and provide appropriate greatly facilitate nurses to establish rela-
physical care, emotional support, know- tionships with patients and families (Lilje-
ledge transfer and information exchange roos et al., 2011) According to Epstein et al.
(Caris-Verhallen et al., 2004). Communi- (2010), through nurse interaction and
cation is also a multidimensional, complex communication patients are very useful
and dynamic process (Sheldon et al., 2006). when responding to their needs, beliefs,
Building effective communication takes hopes, values and preferences. Effective

e-ISSN: 2549-0281 105

Journal of Health Policy and Management (2019), 4(2): 105-110

and flexible communication skills of nurses identify the obstacles to nurse patient
are able to alleviate fears and anxieties communication at the hospital.
related to the illness of patients and their
families (Fakhr-Movahedi et al., 2011). SUBJECTS AND METHOD
Hospital Accreditation Standard A systematic review through review of
states that each element in it can create a patient nurse communication articles to
hospital organization that is safe, effective identify the occurrence of communication
and well-managed. Where the nursing team barriers in hospitals. The inclusion criteria
and management order strengthen so that were all types of research that were
effective communication can encourage reviewed, namely research that describes
health care providers to strive to improve and identifies various barriers to nurse
service quality, especially the quality of patient communication in the hospital.
nursing staff in supporting increasingly Literature search articles that have been
professional nursing management services. published with a population of nurses in
Effective communication is a competency several hospitals which have experienced
that is indispensable in nursing services various communication barriers. The
that is able to bridge every action that will search was carried out using Elsevier Sci-
be taken to the patient so as to reduce the ence Direct, EBSCO E-Journal: CINAHL
adverse effects of medical services and Complete, and Google Scholar with key-
nursing on patients who have communi- words variable communication barriers,
cation barriers to communication. Effective nurses-patients, hospital. Articles found
communication, information service and from each search based on the 2012-2017
effective education in hospitals is one of the publication date. Articles that meet the
national standards for hospital accredita- inclusion criteria were collected and exa-
tion, KARS, 2018 sees that the importance mined systematically. Extraction of study
of effective communication must be carried data was carried out by reading the results
out within the framework of improving the of the study and then taking the essence
quality of services and patient safety in the which included the research title, the name
hospital. of the researcher and the year of the study,
Communication barriers are ineffec- the journal of the publisher, the study
tive communication activities of patients objectives, and methods. All parts are
with health personnel in the communica- included in a table so that it is easier to read
tion process that are carried out so as not to the extraction results. The search process
deliver the message as desired (Ganiem, gets 4 articles that meet the criteria for
2018), this greatly affects the communica- inclusion criteria.
tion process between providers of health
personnel, especially nurses as a main part RESULTS
in nursing services to patients. Communi- Based on the search results, 11 articles that
cation barriers that often occur in nursing are considered to be in accordance with the
services include relationships that are objectives of the study were obtained then
closely related to cultural factors, nurse they were put together and then a screening
attitudes and competencies, gender factors, whether the title of the article is the same or
environmental factors, nurse workload not was done. After screening, there were 8
factors. This article aims to describe and articles with the same title, from 13 of these
articles then screening based on eligibility

106 e-ISSN: 2549-0281

Andriyanto et al./ Communication Barrier between Nurse and Patient

according to the inclusion criteria obtained search strategy can be seen in table 1.
4 articles for further review. The literature
Table 1. Literature search strategy
Search Engine EBSCO Host Sciencedirect Google Scholar
Searching results 63 665 15,500
Fulltext, pdf, 2012-2017 10 7 12
Suitable title 4 3 3
Identical title 3 2 3
Eligible based on the inclusion 2 1 1

Table 2. Data Extraction Results

Author/ Title Journal Purposes Method Results
Vida Barriers to Global To identify several Qualita- Communication barriers
Shafipour, Nurse-Patient Journal of barriers to hospital tive perceived by nurses are
Eesa Communi- Health communication content job dissatisfaction due to
Mohammad cation in Car- Science between patients and all analysis workload, uncontrolled
& Fazlollah diac Surgery nursing staff. methods patient family presence,
Ahmadi Wards: A distrust of nurse
(2014) Qualitative competency, gender
Study incompatibility.
Deepak Communi- Inter- To assess the barriers to Quantita- There are several
Sethi , Maj cation Barrier national communication tive communication barriers
Kirti Rani in Health Journal of between nurses and dengan between nurses and
(2017) Care Setting Nursing patients and find a cross patients. Namely
as perceived Education relationship between sectional, language barriers,
by nurses and factors related to study des- environmental barriers,
patient barriers with criptive cultural barriers, and
sociodemographic overloaded nurse work
variables. schedules, etc. that
influence care services.
Norouzinia Communi- Global To determine the Quanti- Communication barriers
R, Aghaba- cation Journal of barriers of patient nurse tative were found, namely
rari M, Shiri Barriers Per- Health communication. And dengan differences in everyday
M, Karimi ceived by Science assess communication cross sec- language, nurses who
M, Samami Nurses and skills used by patients' tional, were overworked, patient
E (2016) Patients nurses. study family disorders, gender
analytic differences, nurses
descrip- 'reluctance to
tive communicate, and
patients' physical
Ayed Yahya Exploring School of To explore the barriers Quanti- The communication
Alahmmari. Cultural Nursing to cultural tative des- barriers originating from
2016 Barriers to and Mid- communication criptive the patient's side such as:
Effective wifery between expatriate survey disease process (physical
Commu- (Peninsula nurses and Saudi methods & psychological
nication Campus) Arabian patients when complaints), language
Between Faculty of doing the treatment. In difficulties. While the
Expatriate Medicine, addition, to identify communication barriers
Nurses and Nursing cultural communication that come from nurses
Patients in and problems in providing are limited
the Kingdom Health basic information on communication skills,
of Saudi Sciences the development of insufficient time, a very
Arabia. Monash communication busy maintenance
University guidelines environment, and noise.

e-ISSN: 2549-0281 107

Journal of Health Policy and Management (2019), 4(2): 105-110

Decent study consists of several A study by Deepak Sethi et al. (2017)

studies conducted in various countries. The stated that barriers to nurse patient com-
analysis of the 5 articles shows that 1 munication that were not effective, which
journal with qualitative analysis of content was more than 20% in hospitals that have
design, 2 journals with quantitative design an impact on the communication gap.
with cross sectional, analytic descriptive There were several communication barriers
study, and 1 journal with quantitative des- found between nurses and patients
criptive survey design. including language barriers, environmental
After a study of the quality study, 4 barriers, cultural barriers, and overloaded
articles can be categorized as good, then the nurse work schedules that affect care
data extraction is carried out. The data services. Cultural and language diversity
extraction was done by analyzing data was an obstacle for someone to commu-
based on the name of the author, title, nicate. This was because each region has
purpose, research method and results, cultural and language differences that
namely grouping important data in the would affect communication between indi-
article. The results of data extraction can be viduals. In addition, the causes of envi-
seen in table 2. ronmental barriers occurred when patients
feel strange to the hospital they occupy.
DISCUSSIONS Busy ward environment and inappropriate
Based on the analysis of the article, several room conditions (ventilation, heating,
barriers to communication between nurse cooling and lighting).
patients in hospitals were found. Vida A study by Norouzinia et al. (2016)
Shafipour et al. (2014) in his study showed showed thatcommunication barriers that
that there were findings of various commu- were often felt by nurses and patients from
nication barriers namely job dissatisfaction the nurses' point of view were differences in
due to workload. High workload caused the everyday language of nurses and pati-
nurses have not enough time to commu- ents, nurses who were overworked, nurses
nicate with patients, causing negative who were less attentive, patient family
interactions between nurses and patients. disorders, emergency patient attendance on
In addition, the presence of the patient's the ward, while from the patient's pers-
family was not controlled and interfered pective were gender differences between
with the nurse's duties. Distrust of nurse nurses and patients, nurses' reluctance to
competencies caused by some patients not communicate because of the heavy work-
receiving the necessary information from load, busy environment on the ward,
nurses. So that they were considered in- anxiety pain and patient's physical dis-
competent and experienced. Gender incom- comfort were the most important obstacles
patibility from service providers and reci- in communication. Mann Whitney analysis
pients of care were obstacles to commu- showed that Patient-related factors 0.001
nication communication. For example, and Nurse-related factors 0.012 have
male patients were reluctant to interact significant differences between the average
with female nurses, which was caused by value of nurses and patients.
the incompatibility. Therefore, male pati- Ayed (2016) stated that barriers on
ents ignoring advice from female nurses the patient's side including; disease
and communication did not work processes, language difficulties and physical
effectively. and psychological complaints such as pain,

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