Daily Sunnah
Daily Sunnah
Daily Sunnah
Practices of the
(Peace be upon him)
‘Abdullah bin Hamoud al-Furaih
© Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2014
King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data
????????????????./???????????????????? -.Riyadh , 2014
???? p : 14cm X 21 cm
1-??????????????? 2-???????? - Books
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L.D. no. 1435 / ????
ISBN: 978-603-500-???-?
The meaning of Sunnah.......................................................17
Examples of the eagerness of the Salaf
(pious predecessors) to apply the Sunnah:.......................17
Some of the fruits of following the Sunnah:.....................21
Before moving to our target................................................23
The Timed Sunnan...................................................................28
Before Dawn..........................................................................28
The first section: Upon waking:..........................................28
The second section Qiyam al-Layl and witr.......................38
1- Sunnah to pray the nigt prayer on time.............................38
2- The Sunnah here is to offer eleven raka’hs:........................42
3- It is Sunnan to start the night prayer..................................42
with two short rak’ahs..........................................................42
4- It is Sunnah to start the night prayer with the
supplications of the Prophet , among which is :...............42
5- It is also Sunnah to prolong standing, bowing
down, and prostrating, so that all of the
pillars of prayer would be perfected. ....................................44
6-What indicates this are the following ahadith: .................44
7- He should make tasleem (salutation)
every two rak’ahs. .....................................................................45
8- It is also Sunnah to read certain chapters in witr. ...........46
9- It is recommended to make Qunut ....................................46
A question: Should one raise their
hands when making Qunut?....................................................48
A question: With what should one start Qunut? .................48
A question: should one wipe
the face after finishing the Qunut?..........................................49
10- Supplication in the last third of the night. ......................50
11- It is Sunnah for the Muslim to say,...................................50
12- It is recommended for both man and woman ................51
13- It is better for the one who offers
the night prayer to be merciful to him/herself,
lest he lose his humbleness (khushu’):...................................52
14- It is Sunnah to make up what was
missed out of the night prayer.................................................53
Secondly Fajr Time...................................................................54
Leaving the mosque after the adhan
has been pronounced is not permitted. .................................59
The Sunnah of Fajr (i.e. offering two rak’ahs that precede
the two obligatory raka’at), includes many Sunnan: ...........60
Assurance of the daily and Sunnan, ......................................61
The Sunnah of Fajr include many things:...............................62
Going to the mosque ................................................................65
Sunnan of prayer: ......................................................................71
While standing for prayer, ......................................................74
While bowing down .................................................................80
Raising form ruku’ ....................................................................83
Prostration has many Sunnan: ................................................85
It is also an act of Sunnah to sit
between the two prostrations: ...............................................88
Among the Sunnan in tashahhud ..........................................90
Sunnah adhkar after making tasleem
and after finishing the obligatory prayers:.............................96
Morning Adhkar.....................................................................103
Morning and evening adhkar:...............................................104
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!........................................113
Fourthly, The Time of Dhur!.................................................119
Fifthly, The Time of 'Asr!......................................................122
Q: Are there any Sunnan to
be performed before the ‘Asr prayer?...................................123
Morning and evening adhkar: ..............................................124
Q: When does the Time for
morning and afteroon adhkar starts :...................................124
Sixthly, The Time of Maghrib!.............................................127
The first factor is to prevent children
from playing outside at this time..........................................128
The second factor is to lock the door at the
beginning of Maghrib and mention Allah’s name. ............128
The third factor is to offering
two raka’at before the sunset prayer: ...................................130
The fourth factor is that it is disliked
to sleep before the ‘Isha’ prayer.............................................132
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!..............................................133
Disliked to talk after ‘Isha’ prayer:........................................134
It is better to delay the ‘Isha’ prayer providing
no harm would be inflicted upon the worshippers:...........135
Sleeping and it has many Sunnan:........................................136
The Sunnan of dreams:...........................................................150
The one who sees a good vision:...........................................151
Adhikr upon waking:...............................................................153
The Non-Timed Related, Sunnan.......................................155
The Sunnan of food ................................................................156
1. Sunnan of Food:...................................................................159
2. To eat from what is in front of you: .................................162
3. To pick up the fallen morsel, clean it and eat it: .............163
4. Licking one's fingers: ..........................................................164
5. To clean the dish: ................................................................164
6. To eat using three fingers:..................................................165
7. Three breaths in the course of drinking:..........................166
8. Thanking Allah, after finishing the food:.........................167
9. To share food with others:..................................................167
10. Praising the food if a person likes it:...............................168
11. Making du'a for the host: .................................................169
12. It is recommended to offer water ..................................170
to the one on the right-hand side: ...............................170
13. The one who serves the water to the .............................171
people should be the last one to drink: .......................171
14. To cover containers and mention Allah’s
Name when the night falls: ...................................................172
Sunnan of greeting, ...............................................................177
1. To greet people is an act of Sunnah
that is greatly rewarded. ........................................................177
2.It is Sunnah to repeat the greeting thrice if needed.........179
3.It is Sunnah to greet those who you know
and those who you do not:.....................................................180
4.To start greeting people the
same as the Sunnah confirmed:.............................................181
5. It is Sunnah to greet and shake hands with children:....181
6. It is also Sunnah to greet the family
members when entering the home:..................................181
7. It is Sunnah to lower one’s voice when
greeting people if some of them are asleep: ...................183
8. To convey the greeting to people is a Sunnah:................183
9. Giving the Islamic greeting of “Al-Salam”
upon arriving and leaving any place:..............................184
10. Shaking hands with “Al-Salam” is also the Sunnah:....184
11. Smiling is Sunnah:.............................................................184
12. The polite and good word is a form of charity:.............185
13-It is recommended to remember Allah,
the Almighty while sitting:..............................................186
14- It is Sunnah to end the gathering with:
(Kaffarat al-Majlis):..................................................................187
In this chapter the following are forbidden:........................188
Sunnan in dress and adornment .........................................190
1. To start with the right foot when putting on shoes........190
2. To wear white clothes.........................................................193
3. To use perfume (for men)...................................................194
4- Musk is the most fragrant of the scents:..........................196
5-It is abominable to refuse a gift of perfume......................196
6- The use of perfume is emphatically
recommended in the following cases:............................197
The following persons are
excluded from using perfume: ..............................................201
It is Sunnah to start with right side in combing the hair: .202
According to what is mentioned
above,there are three cases:....................................................203
Sunan in sneezing & yawning.............................................206
First, The Manners Of Sneezing:...........................................206
Other Daily Sunnan...............................................................210
1-Dhikr of leaving the bathroom:..........................................211
2- Preparing one’s will:...........................................................212
3- Tolerance and leniency in buying and selling:...............213
4- Offering two raka’hs after performing ablution:...........213
5- Waiting for prayer:..............................................................214
6- As-Siwak (Tooth- stick):......................................................215
7- The renewal of Wudu’ for every prayer:..........................216
8- Du’a (Supplication):.............................................................216
The Sunnan of Du’a:................................................................217
How was the relationship between
the Companions and Al-Qur’an?........................................... 223
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
All praise is due to Allah, the One and only and peace
and blessings be upon our leader and last Prophet.
To commence:
I have read the book of sheikh ‘Abdullah bin Hamoud
al-Furaij entitled:. Al-Minaḥ al-’Aleyyah fi Bayān as-
Sunnan al-Yawmeyyah (i.e. the supreme blessings in
illustrating the daily sunnan ) and have found it a very
useful work. It gathered all the verbal and practical
sunnan that should be followed by day and night. All
sunnan quoted in this book are supported by decisive
evidence. May Allah reward him abundantly.
May Allah grant all of us success, amen.
Written by:
Prof. Dr. Khalid bin ‘Ali al-Misiqah
Teacher in Holy Mosque.
One of the student of
Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen.
Teacher in Qassim University-Sharia College.
On 7th Dhul Qi’dah 1434 A.H.
All praise is due to Allah who says in His Holy Book,
ﮋﯯ ﯰ ﯱ ﯲ ﯳ ﯴ ﯵ ﯶ ﯷ ﯸ ﯹ ﯺ ﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ
“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have
a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting
with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.”
All praise is due to Allah who sent us His final Messenger
and revealed to us through him His perfect Book and prepared
and selected Companions and pious predecessors to carry out
the mission of conveying Islam. As a result, they delivered
this message to us through their sayings and actions, which
have been documented throughout history.
Thus, they were the best bearers of this message who
exhibited great examples and demonstrated their sincere love
for Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon the
most excellent of all human beings, whose Sunnah extends to
the first and the last of all humans. There is no one who can
surpass him with regards to praying, fasting and supplicating.
The Prophet bequeathed us his pure and unscathed Sunnah,
and anybody who adheres to it will be safe from the Hellfire.
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, his family and those
who follow his way until the Day of Judgement.
To proceed:
Respected reader, the following is a compilation of some
Sunnan (practices of the Prophet ) and acts of worship. It
is the very Sunnan that has been passed down to us through
generations, whether they be known or unknown acts of
worship, or those that are neglected, all of which are blessings
of Allah the Almighty, only for this nation. Therefore, by
adhering to them one increases their own acts of worship, as
these Sunnan help to increase and multiply a person’s reward.
Such a reward was not granted to any previous nation since
Allah the Almighty has favoured this nation above all nations.
He bestows great rewards upon those who hasten to practice
such Sunnan, thus, they are greatly sublime, and fruitful. A
very sincere brother suggested that I note them down - may
Allah reward him abundantly.
In fact, there are two reasons that motivated me to make
this compilation.
Firstly, that which disturbs every Muslim, grieves the
heart and fills the eyes with tears is what is fabricated about
the Prophet and makes a mockery of him. May Allah take
revenge on those who say and do such deplorable things.
They make fun of the Prophet and draw mocking cartoons
of him and we still hear of such atrocities occurring from
far and wide to this day. This is not something strange, as
The meaning of Sunnah:
His Lord and his way of informing people about his Sunnah.
Therefore, never, blessed reader, ignore this great request.
Manners are an important cornerstone on which our very
existence depends. We ask Allah, the Almighty, to guide
us to having the best of manners and to keep us away from
possessing bad manners.
Be aware that drawing closer to Allah by performing the
obligatory acts is greater rewarded and is foremost and prior
to drawing closer to Him through the nawafil acts. Allah –
Exalted be He – says in His Qudsi hadith
“…and the most beloved things with which My slave draws
nearer to me, is that which I have enjoined upon him.”
Fourthly, with these Sunnan I am addressing my neglectful
soul as well, and indeed Allah knows that my aim behind
presenting these Sunnan is to be able to benefit from them and
also see whether I am neglectful so I can hasten to apply them.
Besides, another aim is to follow the teachings of the Prophet
and to benefit my brothers and sister in Islam and motivate
you to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad .
Hence, respected reader, we should exert greater effort in
order to bring ourselves closer to the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad .
By doing so, we would also make our days blessed through
the worship of our Lord, revive our hearts and gain Allah the
Almighty’s love and the fruits of the Sunnan.
Lastly, I advise you, dear reader, while dealing with the
Sunnah, two pieces of advice that Imam An-Nawawi (may
Allah have mercy on him) mentioned:
Firstly, never leave any type of the Sunnan when you have
learned of a part of it even once. An-Nawawi (may Allah have
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed
T imed Sunnan means those acts associated with
specific times during the day and night. Thus,
they are to be performed according to such specific
times. I have divided them into seven categories:
Before dawn, dawn, forenoon, noon, afternoon,
sunset and evening.
Before Dawn
This is the time of the day when we wake up to perform the
Fajr prayer. The texts have indicated that there are numerous
Sunnan that the Prophet used to perform during this time.
Accordingly, the Sunnan pertaining to this time are further
divided into two sections:
The Timed Sunnan
‘All praise is due to Allah who has given us life after our
death and to Him is the resurrection.’”3
It was also reported by Muslim through the hadith of Al-
Baraa . 4
3. He would wipe his face after waking.
4. He would look at the sky.
5. He would recite the last verses of the chapter of Al-
’Imran, (i.e. chapter no. 3)
These are the first three Sunnan as they are reported in an
agreed upon hadith related by Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “I spent the
night with my aunt Maimoonah (may Allah be pleased with
her) (who was the wife of the Prophet . During the night,
the Prophet got up to perform his night prayer (Tahajjud). I
also got up and stood at his left side. He then caught hold of
15 Al-Bukhari, no. 245, Muslim, no. 255
25 Muslim no. 255
35 Al-Bukhari, no. 6324
45 Muslim, no. 2711
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
As for the Prophet’s saying
“…for the devil spends the night in the interior of his nose,”
scholars have differed about its meaning. A group said
that it is metaphorical and not real, while another group said
that it is real as the nose is one of the ways that leads to the
heart. All other ways are closed except the nose and ears, thus
the devil would enter through them. ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud
narrated that it was mentioned before the Prophet that
there was a man who slept the night until the morning (after
sunrise). The Prophet said,
“He is a man in whose ears (or ear) Satan has urinated.” 3
As for the mouth, it could be closed also. Hence, the Prophet
encouraged us to close it upon yawning as a means to prevent
the devil from entering. Muslim reported in a sahih hadith
through ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud that the Prophet said ,
“When one of you yawns, he should try to restrain it
with the help of his hand since it is the Satan that enters
In another narration it reads,
“Yawning in prayer is an act of Satan, so when one of you
15 Muslim, no. 2994
25 Al-Bukhari, no. 6226, Muslim no. 2994
35 Al-Bukhari no. 3270, Muslim no. 774
45 Muslim no. 2995
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
ﮋﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﮊ
“O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salat (the
prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to
the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and
(wash) your feet up to ankles.” (5:6)
Hence, the verse did not mention washing the hands.
4. Beginning with the right parts when washing the hands
and legs. ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her)
narrated, “The Prophet would love using his right
hand or leg first when putting on his shoes, waking,
purifying himself and in all of his affairs.”3 Also, the
hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah says,
“Start with your hand right when you make ablution. ”4
5. Starting with rinsing the mouth and sniffing water into
the nostrils. ‘Uthman narrated, “He rinsed his mouth
and sniffed water into his nostrils and then washed his
15 Reported by Ahmad no. 11371, Abu Dawud no, 101, and Ibn Majah no.
25 Al-Bukhari no. 164, Muslim no. 226
35 Al-Bukhari no. 168, Muslim no. 268
45 Abu Dawud, no. 4141
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
Furthermore, it was reported in the hadith narrated by
Abu Sa’id that the Prophet said,
“Whoever makes ablution and says, ‘Glory be to You, O
Allah, and all praise be to You. I bear witness that there
is no god except You. I beg Your forgiveness and I repent
unto you,’ will have it written down for him in the great
book, and placed on a tablet which will not be broken until
the Day of Resurrection.” 2
Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy upon him) authenticated
the isnad (chain of narration) of this hadith and he said it is
not classified as marfu,’ it should be mawquf (refers to a
narration attributed to a Companion, whether a statement of
that companion, an action or otherwise). Nevertheless, there
would be no harm to grade it as marfu.’
Hence, whenever a Muslim intends to perform ablution
let him remember that he is doing an act of worship that has
three great virtues. Firstly, it is a reason to gain Allah’s love.
Secondly, it leads to the forgiveness of sins. Thirdly, he will
be given the best attire and adornments to wear as a type of
compensation for his ablution.
Allah the Almighty says,
ﮋ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟﮊ
“Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance
and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and
cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies,
for their prayers, etc.).” (2:222)
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
six portions. The first three portions are the first half of the
night and he should rise after it, (i.e. to offer prayer at the first
third of the night) and then sleep. Therefore, ‘Aishah (may
Allah be pleased with her) said, “I usually find the Prophet
asleep at that time.”1
Thus, it would be the best to offer the night prayer as the
hadith of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with
him) mentioned.
Therefore, has the worshiper achieved the Divine Descent
of Allah by that time?
The answer is in the affirmative. When the Muslim divides
the night in this way, he has achieved the time in which Allah
descends to the lowest heaven as the hadith has stated. Hence,
the one who rises after midnight has achieved the last third
of the night. Prophet Muhammad guided us to this time
through the hadith of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be
pleased with him) which says, “And the most beloved prayer
to Allah was the prayer of Dawud, who used to sleep the first
half of the night, and pray for one third of it and again sleep
for a sixth of it.’”2
It is the Prophet who guided us to the virtue of night
prayer when he told us that Allah descends (in a way that
suits His Majesty) every night to the lowest heaven in the last
third of the night. Therefore, we can reconcile the two ahadith
according to what has already been mentioned. Thus, the one
who cannot get a virtue, he can move to the other one, thus
he would offer the night prayer in the last third of the night.
In conclusion, the advantage of the night prayer is of
15 Ahmad no. 27481, Abu Dawud no. 1433
25 Al-Bukhari no. 1981, Muslim no. 721
The Timed Sunnan
three categories:
Firstly, that the person sleeps half of the night, prays one of
its thirds, and then sleeps one-sixth of it as has been illustrated.
Secondly, that a person prays the second third of the night.
What indicates this stage is the hadith that Abu Hurairah
narrated that the Prophet said,
“Our Lord - Blessed and Exalted is He - descends every
night to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night
and says: ‘Who is supplicating to Me so that I may answer
him? Who is asking forgiveness from Me so that I may
forgive him?1’”
Also, the hadith of Jabir that will be quoted later.
However, if someone fears that they would not be able to rise,
let them offer the night prayer at the beginning of the night or
any portion of it and this constitutes the third stage.
What proves this stage is the following hadith narrated by
Jabir . The Prophet said,
“Whoever fears losing the first part of the night, let him
pray at that time. Whoever wishes to rise at the last part of
the night, let him pray at that time, as it is blessed by Allah
and that would be better.”2
What supports this also is the recommendation of the
Prophet to Abu Dhar,3 Abu ad-Darda4 and Abu Hurairah5
(may Allah be pleased with them all) as each one of whom
used to say, “My beloved one (i.e. the Prophet ) advised
me with three things, one of which is to offer the witr prayer
15 Al-Bukhari no. 1145, Muslim no. 758.
25 Muslim no. 755
35 An-Nasa’i in as-Sunnan al-Kubra, 2712
45 Ahmad no. 27481, Abu Dawud no. 1433
55 Al-Bukhari no. 1981, Muslim no. 721.
The Timed Sunnan
before I sleep.”
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
15 Op. cit, p. 18
25 Refer to: As-Sunnan al-Kubra, 2/211
35 At-Tirmidhi no. 3477 and he graded it as authentic.
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
The Timed Sunnan
Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Fajr Time
T here are numerous actions that form part of the
Sunnah of the Prophet , of which include:
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
and ‘Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the
Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between
any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).’”
ﮋﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ ﭰ ﭱ ﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ
ﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾ ﭿ ﮀ ﮁ ﮂﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ
ﮇﮈ ﮉ ﮊ
“Say (O Muhamma ):“O people of the Scripture (Jews and
Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and
you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate
no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others
as lords besides Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: “Bear
witness that we are Muslims.” (3:64)
These are some of the Sunnan that came in different forms
and a Muslim may follow any of which they want to choose.
What supports this is the following:
A- The hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet used
to recite chapter no. ﮋ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﮊ108 and chapter
no. ﮋ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﮊ112 in the second raka’ah. 1
B- The hadith of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah
be pleased with him) which mentions that Allah’s
Messenger would recite the verse:
ﮋﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﮊ
“Say (O Muslims), “We believe in Allah and that which has
been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to
15 Al-Bukhari no. 560, Muslim no. 645
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
• Sunnan of prayer:
Prayer has many Sunnan that the Muslim should eager to
follow. Hence, the more he follows such Sunnan, the more
reward he gets. Allah does not do injustice to anybody. People
could be distinguished by applying such Sunnan. So, two
people might join prayer at the same time and might leave
it at the same time too. However, there is a big discrepancy
between both of them as one of them fulfilled the Sunnan,
pillars, and obligatory parts of the prayer while the other one
fulfilled only the pillars and obligatory parts of prayer.
Therefore, prayer has many Sunnan, among which are
the following:
1. It is Sunnah to take a sutrah (screen) for both the Imam
and the person who is praying alone. The follower of
the Imam however does not need it, as the sutrah of the
Imam is sufficient for those praying behind the Imam.
Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri narrated an elevated hadith
in which the Prophet said,
“Let the one of you who is in prayer put a sutra in front of
him even if it is an arrow.”1
There are many ahadith that talk about sutrah. The
Prophet used different forms for the sutrah such as
15 Muslim no. 510
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
The first way is it to place the right hand over the top of
the left hand because of the hadith reported by Wael Ibn
Hujr who said, “The Prophet was seen placing his
right hand on the top of his left hand while standing
for prayer.”1
The second way is to place the right hand over the
left arm which is based on the hadith of Sahl Ibn Sa’d
who narrated, “People were ordered to place their
right hands over their left arms while praying.” Thus,
the worshipper could place it on his left hand on one
occasion and on his left arm on another just to be
diverse in applying the Sunnah.
6. It is Sunnah to start the prayer saying the opening
supplication: This supplication has numerous formulae
and it is recommended to vary in using them. Hence,
on one occasion the worshipper could use a certain
formula and use another formula in a different prayer.
The following are some of the Sunnah supplications:
َ ُ تَبَارَك َ اسْم, َ ك الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم و َب ِحَمْدِك
A- »َ وَلا َ ِإله َ غَي ْرُك, َ ك وَتَع َالَى ج َ ّد ُك َ َ سب ْح َان
ُ «
“Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are due unto
you, and blessed is your name and high is your majesty
and none is worthy of worship but you.” Narrated by
Abu Sa’id .2 Imam Muslim reported that ‘Umar Ibn
al-Khattab used to say it loudly in order to teach it
to the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them
all). 3
Secondly Fajr Time
C- , ِب
ِ ق وَال ْمَغْر
ِ ِ َاي كَمَا ب َاعَدْتَ بَيْنَ ال ْمَشْر َ َ« الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم ب َاع ِ ْد بَيْنِي و َبَيْن
َ خطَاي
الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم, س
ِ َ ن الد َّن
َ ِ ْب الأَ ب ْي َُض م
ُ َاي كَمَا يُنَقَّى الث ّ َو َ ْالل ّ َه ُ َ ّم ن َ ِّقنِي م ِن
َ خطَاي
»َِاي ب ِالث ّ َل ِْج وَال ْمَاء ِ وَال ْبَرَد
َ خطَاي
َ ْا ْغسِلْنِي م ِن
“O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have
distanced the East from the West, O Allah, purify me
of my sins as a white robe is purified of dirt, O Allah,
cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice.” 2
Secondly Fajr Time
ﮋﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮊ
“So when you want to recite the Qur’an, seek refuge with
Allah from Shaitan (Satan), the outcast (the cursed one).”
ﮋﮩ ﮪ ﮫ ﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕﮊ
“And if an evil whisper from Shaitan (Satan) tries to
turn you away (O Muhammad) (from doing good, etc.),
then seek refuge in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer,
the All-Knower.” (41:36)
Secondly Fajr Time
15 Ahmad no. 17081, Abu Dawud no. 863, and An-Nasa’i, 1038
25 Has already been authenticated
35 Muslim no. 498
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
would include:
D- “Glory be to the One who has the full Might, all of the
Kingdom, the Pride and Greatness.” 4
Secondly Fajr Time
َ َ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ر َ َب ّنَا ل
B- »ُ ك ا ْلحم َْد َ «
C- َ َ « ر َ َب ّنَا وَل
» ُ ك ا ْلحم َْد
َ َ « ر َ َب ّنَا وَل
D- » ُ ك ا ْلحم َْد
Secondly Fajr Time
above-mentioned formulae.
1. It is Sunnah to mention the following adhkar after
rising from bowing down:
A- ٍ وَم ِلْ ء ُ م َا شِئ ْتَ م ِنْ شَيْء, ض ِ ات وَالأَ ْر ِ َ سَم َاو
ّ م ِلْ ء ُ ال, ُ ك ا ْلحم َْدَ َ « ر َ َب ّنَا ل
َ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم لا, ٌك عَبْد
َ َ وَك ُل ّ ُنَا ل, ُ ل ال ْعَبْد
َ ق م َا قَا َ َ أ, ِل الث َّنَاء ِ وَال ْمَجْد
ُّ ح ُ ْ أَ ه, ُ بَعْد
َ ْ وَلا َ يَنْف َ ُع ذ َا الْج َ ّدِ مِن، َي لم َِا م َنَعْت
»ُّك الْجَد َ ِ وَلا َ مُعْط، َم َان ِ َع لم َِا أَ ْعطَي ْت
“O Allah! our Lord, to You be the praise that would fill
all the heavens and the earth, and all that it pleases You
besides (them). O Possessor of praise and majesty, [the
truest thing a servant has said (of You)], [and we are all
Your Servants]. [O Allah, none can prevent what You
have willed to bestow]. And nobody can give what You
hold back. Hard efforts by anyone for anything cannot
benefit one against Your Will.” 1 The hadith is reported
by Muslim through Abu Sa’id al-Khudri .
B- « ِ »ّ ا ْلحم َْد ُ للّه ِ حَم ْدا ً كَث ِيرا ً طَي ِّبا ً م ُبَارَكا ً ف ِيه
“Praise be to Allah, much praised and blessed.” When
the Messenger of Allah finished the prayer he said:
“Who amongst you uttered these words?” The people
remained silent. He (the Prophet again said): “Who
amongst you uttered these words? He said nothing
wrong.” Then a man said: “I came and had some
difficulty in breathing, so I uttered them.” He replied:
“I saw twelve angels racing one another as to who will
take them up (to Allah).2” The hadith is reported by
Muslim through Anas and was also reported by Al-
Bukhari through Rifa’ah Ibn Rafi’ .
Secondly Fajr Time
C- « وب َ ِ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم َطهّ ِرْنِي م, ِالل ّ َه ُ َ ّم َطهّ ِرْنِي ب ِالث ّ َل ِْج وَال ْبَرَدِ وَال ْمَاء ِ ال ْبَارِد
ِ ُ ن الذ ُّن
ن ال ْو َسَ ِ خ
َ ِ ْب الأَ ب ْي َُض م
ُ ّ» وَالْخَطَاي َا كَمَا يُنَقَّى الث ّ َو
“O Allah! Wash my sins from me with snow, water and
hail. O Allah! Cleanse me of my sins in the manner that
a white garment (is cleansed) from dirt. “1 This addition
was reported by Muslim in the hadith of ‘Abdullah Ibn
abi Awfa . Hence, if a Muslim makes these adhkar, he/
she can prolong these pillars.
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
ِ ّ الر
ُ َ ب ال ْمَلائ َِكَة ِ و
B- وح ٌ وح ق ُ ّد
ّ ُ َ وس ر ٌ ّ س ُُب
“Glory to the Living who does not die, All-Perfect, All-
Pure, the Lord of the angels and the Spirit”2 which is
taken from the hadith of ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased
with her).
E- ك
َ ِ وَأَ ع ُوذ ُ ب, ك
َ ِ ك م ِنْ عُق ُوبَت َ ِ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم أَ ع ُوذ ُ بِرِضَاك َ م ِنْ سَ خَط
َ ِ و َبِمُع َافَات, ك
َ س َ ْ لا َ ُأحْ ص ِي ثَنَاء ً عَلَي, ك
ِ أَ ن ْتَ كَمَا أَ ث ْنَي ْتَ عَلَى ن َ ْف, ك َ ْ مِن
15 Al-Bukhari no. 794, Muslim no.484
25 Muslim no.487
35 Muslim no. 771
45 Muslim no. 483
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
of the right hand and use the index for pointing and the
left hand should be left loose as Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah
be pleased with him) narrated, “When the Messenger
of Allah sat for tashahhud, he placed his left hand
on his left knee and placed his right hand on his right
knee, and pointed with his finger of attestation.”1
4. It is Sunnah to use both of the formulae of tashahhud:
thus, he would use this formula here and another
formula there. Among these formulae are the following:
َ ك أَ ُ ّيهَا
B- ّالن ّبِي ّ َ ال, ِ طي ِّبَاتُ ل َِل ّه
َ ْ سلاَم ُ عَلَي ّ َ الصّ لَوَاتُ ال
َ , ُالت ّح َِي ّاتُ ال ْمُبَارَك َات
C- ..ّالن ّب ِ ُي
َ ك أ ُ ّيهَا ّ َ ال, الصّ لَوَاتُ ل ل��ه
َ ْ سلاَم ُ عَلَي َ ُالت ّح َِي ّاتُ الطَّي ِّبَات
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
ِ وَعَلَى آ, َ كَمَا ص ََل ّي ْتَ عَلَى ِإ ب ْر َاه ِيم, ل مُحَم ّ ٍد
A- ل ِ وَعَلَى آ, ل عَلَى مُحَم ّ ٍد َ الل ّه ُ َ ّم
ِّ ص َ
B- ك
ْ ِ و َب َار, َ ل ِإ ب ْر َاه ِيم
ِ ل مُحَم ّد كَمَا صَل ّ َي ْتَ عَلَى آ
ِ ل عَلَى مُحَم ّ ٍد وَعَلَى آ َ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم
ِّ ص
َ ّ ِإ َن, َ فِي ال ْع َالم َي ِن, َ ل ِإ ب ْر َاه ِيم
ك ِ ل مُحَم ّ ٍد كَمَا ب َارَكْ تَ عَلَى آ
ِ عَلَى مُحَم ّ ٍد وَعَلَى آ
مج ِيد
َ ٌحَم ِيد
Secondly Fajr Time
مج ِيد
َ ٌحَم ِيد
Secondly Fajr Time
1. َ ِ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم إن ِ ّي أَ ع ُوذ ُ ب
ك من المأْ ث َ ِم والمغْر َ ِم
2. َ ن
الن ّار َ ِ ك الج َنَ ّة َ وَأَ عَوْذ َ ب
َ ِك م َ ُ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم إن ِ ّي أَ سْ أَ ل
3. َ ُ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي ظَلَم ْتُ ن َ ْفس ِي ظُل ْمًا كَث ِير ًا وَل َا يَغْف ِر ُ ال ُذ ّن
ْ فَاغْفِر, َوب ِإ َلّا أَ ن ْت َ
4. ك
َ ِ ن عِبَاد َت
ِ س
ْ ح ُ َ و, َ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم أَ عِن ِ ّي عَلَى ذِكْرِك
ُ َ و, َ شكْرِك
“O Allah! Help me to remember You, to thank you, and
truly worship You.” 4
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
2- ل
ِ ّ ُ ك وَلَه ُ ا ْلحم َْد ُ وَه ُو َ عَلَى ك
ُ ْ لَه ُ ال ْمُل, ُ ك لَه
َ لا َ ِإله َ ِإلا ّ َ اللّه ُ وَحْد َه ُ لا َ شَر ِي
َ ّ وَلا َ نَعْبُد ُ ِإلا,ُ لا َ ِإله َ ِإلا ّ َ اللّه,ِل وَلا َ ق َُو ّة َ ِإلا ّ َ ب ِاللّه َ َ لا,ٌ شَيْء ٍ قَدِير
َ ْ حو
Secondly Fajr Time
َ وَحَمِد َ اللّه َ ثَلاَثا ً وَثَلاث َِين،َل صَلاَة ٍ ثَلاَثا ً وَثَلاث َِين َ ّ م َنْ س ََب
ِ ّ ُ ح اللّه َ فِي د ُبُر ِ ك
َ لا َ ِإله:ِ ل تَمَام َ الْمِائَة
َ وَقَا, َك تِسْع َة ٌ وَتِسْع ُون َ ْ فَتِل،َك َب ّر َ اللّه َ ثَلاَثا ً وَثَلاث َِين
َ َ و،
ٌ ل شَيْء ٍ قَدِير ِ ّ ُ ك وَلَه ُ ا ْلحم َْد ُ وَه ُو َ عَلَى ك
ُ ْ لَه ُ ال ْمُل،ُ ك لَهَ ِإلا ّ َ اللّه ُ وَحْد َه ُ لا َ شَر ِي
15 Al-Bukhari no. 255/1 , Muslim No. 418/1
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
ّ َ )52( ولا إله إلا ال ل��ه، مرة
“Glory be to Allah 25 times, Praise be to Allah 25
time, Allah is the Greatest 25 times, and “There
is no god but Allah alone with no partner. The
kingdom and praise belong to Him and He has
power over everything 25 times.” This formula
was reported by At-Tirmidhi through the hadith
of ‘Abdullah Ibn Zaid . 1
ّ َ )10( وال ل��ه أكبر، مرة
ّ َ )10( والحمد ال ل��ه، مرة
ّ َ )10( سبحان ال ل��ه
“Glory be to Allah 10 times, Praise be to Allah ten
times, and there is no god but Allah etc. ten times.”
These formulas came in the hadith of ‘Abdullah Ibn
‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with them). 2 Besides,
as we stated earlier that the person should move
among these formulas and should not only use
one particular formula all the time. It is Sunnah
to use our fingers when we make tasbeeh as both
Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi reported that the Prophet
said, “And count dhikr using your fingers, for verily
they will be questioned and made to speak (on the
Day of Judgment).”3
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy
on him) said, “Making dhikr with the help of the fingers (to
15 At-Tirmidhi no. 3410
25 Ahmad no. 8719
35 Muslim no. 2723. Please check this footnote as the text says the hadith is
reported by Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi?
Secondly Fajr Time
Secondly Fajr Time
15 Muslim no. 670
Morning Adhkar
T ime for morning adhkar starts from the time
of Fajr once the muezzin makes the adhan.
Undoubtedly, such adhkar protect the Muslim in this
life and are treasures for him in the Hereafter. We will
mention more about morning and evening adhkar
– Allah willing - when we talk about the afternoon
ِ ّ ُ وَه ُو َ عَلَى ك, ُ ك وَلَه ُ ا ْلحم َْد
ُ ْ لَه ُ ال ْمُل, ُ ك لَه َ ل َا ِإلَه َ ِإ َلّا
َ الل ّه ُ وَحْد َه ُ ل َا شَر ِي
ٌ شَيْء ٍ قَدِير
“There is no god but Allah alone with no partner. His
is the kingdom and His is the praise, and He has power
over everything,”
ten times a day in the morning, has the same reward
as if he had freed a slave, and a hundred good deeds
are written for him and a hundred bad deeds are
erased from him and he has protection from Shaytan
on that day until evening. And whoever says that in
the evening, he will have the same reward. ”1 Narrated
form the hadith of Abu Hurairah , and Sheikh Ibn
Baaz (may Allah have mercy upon him) graded its
isnad as Hassan (fair).
15 Ahmad no. 18967, At-Tirmidhi no. 3389, Ibn Majah no. 3870.
Morning Adhkar
ُ ك لَه
َ الل ّه ُ وَحْد َه ُ لا َ شَر ِي َ وَا ْلحم َْد ُ ل َِل ّه ِ لا َ ِإلَه َ ِإ, ِ ك ل َِل ّه
َ ّ لا ُ ْ أَ ْمسَي ْنَا وَأَ مْس َى ال ْمُل
ك م ِنْ شَرِّه َا َ ِ ك م ِنْ خَيْر ِ هَذِه
َ ِ وَأَ ع ُوذ ُ ب,الل ّيْلَة ِ وَخَيْر ِ م َا ف ِيهَا َ ُ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي أَ سْ أَ ل
,ِ وَسُوء ِ ا�لْكِبَر, وَال ْه َر َ ِم, ل
ِ َكس
َ ْ ن ا�ل َ ِ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي أَ ع ُوذ ُ ب
َ ِك م َ , وَشَر ِّ م َا ف ِيهَا
ِ وَعَذ, وَفِت ْنَة ِ ال ُد ّن ْيَا
ِ َاب الْقَبْر
“We entered upon evening and the whole Kingdom of
Allah and praise is due to Allah. There is no god but
Allah, the One Who has no partner with Him. O Allah, I
beg of You the good of this night and I seek refuge in You
from the evil of this night and the evil which follows it.
O Allah, I seek refuge in Thee from sloth, from the evil of
vanity. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from torment in the
Hell-Fire and from torment in the grave."
In the morning he used to say,
َ وَأَ ن َا عَلَى ع َ ْهدِك,َ وَأَ ن َا عَبْدُك,الل ّه ُ َ ّم أَ ن ْتَ ر َب ِ ّي ل َا ِإلَه َ ِإ َلّا أَ ن ْتَ خ َلَقْتَنِي
َ ِ ك بنِِعْم َت
َ َ أَ بُوء ُ ل, ُك م ِنْ شَر ِّ م َا صَنَعْت
َ ِ أَ ع ُوذ ُ ب, ُوَوَعْدِك َ م َا اسْ تَطَعْت
Morning Adhkar
ُ ك
الن ّش ُور َ ْ و َِإلَي, ُك نَمُوت
َ ِ و َب,نح ْيَا
َ ك
َ ِ و َب,ك أَ ْمسَي ْنَا َ ِ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ب
َ ِ و َب,ك أَ صْ ب َحْ نَا َ
“O Allah, by You we enter the morning and by You we
enter the evening, by You we live and by You we die, and
to You is the final return.”
And when the evening comes say,
ُ ك ال ْم َصِ ير
َ ْ ك نَمُوتُ و َِإلَي
َ ِ نح ْيَا و َب
َ ك
َ ِ ك أَ صْ ب َحْ نَا و َب َ ِ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ب
َ ِ ك أَ ْمسَي ْنَا و َب َ
“O Allah, by You we enter the evening and by You we
enter the morning, by You we live and by You we die,
and to You is the final return.”2
Reported from the hadith of Abu Hurairah and
Sheikh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy upon him) –
15 Ahmad no. 4795, Abu Dawud no. 5074, An-Nasa’i in as-Sunnan al-Kubra
no. 10401, Ibn Majah no. 3871. Al-Hakim graded it as sound.
25 Ahmad no. 7898, At-Tirmidhi 3437
Morning Adhkar
َ َ و َِإذ َا أَ خَذْتَ م َضْ جَع, َو َِإذ َا أَ ْمسَي ْت, َقلُْه َا ِإذ َا أَ صْ ب َحْ ت
Morning Adhkar
َ ّ َ وَه ُو َ ال
ٌ ل َ ْم يَضُر ّه ُ شَيْء, ات
ٍ سمِي ُع ال ْعَل ِيم ُ ثَلَاثَ م َ َ ّر
7- َ س َل ّم َ و َب ِمح ُ َمّ ٍد صَلَ ّى, و َب ِال ِْإسْ لَا ِم دِينًا, رَضِيتُ ب َِالل ّه ِ ر َ ًب ّا
َ َ الل ّه ُ عَلَيْه ِ و
Morning Adhkar
َ ُ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي أَ سْ أَ ل
َ ك ال ْعَفْو ِ ك ال ْع َاف ِي َة َ فِي ال ُد ّن ْيَا وَالْآ
َ , ِ خرَة َ ُ الل ّه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي أَ سْ أَ ل
ْ وَآم ِن,الل ّه ُ َ ّم اسْ تُرْ عَو ْرَاتِي
َ , وَأَ ه ْل ِي وَم َال ِي, اي
َ َ وَالْع َاف ِي َة َ فِي دِينِي وَدُن ْي
وَع َنْ يَمِينِي وَع َنْ شِمَال ِي, َي وَم ِنْ خ َلْفِيّ َ الل ّه ُ َ ّم احْ ف َ ْظنِي م ِنْ بَيْنِ يَد
َ ,ر َ ْوعَاتِي
َ ْل م ِن َ ك أَ ْن ُأغْتَا َ ِ وَأَ ع ُوذ ُ ب ِعَظَم َت, وَم ِنْ فَو ْقِي,
“O Allah, I ask you for well-being in this world and the
Next. O Allah, I ask you for forgiveness and well-being
in my religion and in this world and in my family and
my property. O Allah, veil my faults and calm my fears.
O Allah, give me protection in front of me and behind
me, on my right and my left and above me. I seek refuge
by Your might from being overwhelmed from under
9- ق
َ َ ات م ِنْ شَر ِّ م َا خ َل َ ِ الل ّه
ِ ّالت ّا َم َ اتِ َ أَ ع ُوذ ُ بِكَل ِم
Morning Adhkar
َ ِ م ِنْ مَنْز ِلِه ِ ذَل
“I seek refuge in the Perfect Word of Allah from the evil
of what He has created,” nothing would harm him until
he marches from that stopping place.”1
10- The Prophet used to say in the morning,
َ صَلَ ّى- وَدِي ِن نَب ِي ِّنَا مُحَم ّ ٍد,ِ وَكَل ِمَة ِ ال ِْإخْلَاص, أَ صْ ب َحْ نَا عَلَى فِطْرَة ِ ال ِْإسْ لَا ِم
ُ الل ّه
َ وَم َا ك َانَ م ِنْ ال ْمُشْرِكِين, وَم ِلَ ّة ِ أَ بِينَا ِإ ب ْر َاه ِيم َ حَن ِيف ًا- َ س َل ّم
َ َ عَلَيْه ِ و
“We have entered a new day upon the natural religion
of Islam, the word of sincere devotion, the religion of
our Prophet Muhammad , and the faith of our father
Ibrahim. He was upright (in worshipping Allah), and
a Muslim. He was not of those who worship others
besides Allah.”
When the night comes he would say,
Morning Adhkar
سب ْ َع
َ , ِيم
ِ ش ال ْعَظ
ِ ب ال ْع َر
ّ ُ َ سبِي َ ال ل��ه لا َ ِإله َ ِإلا ّ َ ه ُو َ عَلَيْه ِ تَوَكَّلتُ وَه ُو َ ر
ْ ح
ُ كف َاه ُ ال ل��ه م َا أَ ه َم ّه
َ ات ؛
ٍ م َ َ ّر
The Time of
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
The Time of
I t is a Sunnah at the time of adh-Dhuha for the
worshipper to offer the Dhuha prayer. Abu
Hurairah said, “My friend (i.e. the Prophet )
advised me to do three things:
(i) to fast for three days in every month,
(ii) to offer a two rak’ah prayer at adh-Dhuha and
(iii) to offer the witr prayer before sleeping.”1
The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) offered differing
opinions regarding the nature of the Sunnah of Adh-Dhuha:
The first opinion held that it is a
Sunnah to offer it sometimes.
Those who adhered to this opinion cited as evidence the
hadith of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri , who said, “The Messenger
of Allah used to offer the Dhuha prayer until we would say,
‘He will not leave it.’ And he would leave it until we would
say, ‘He will not pray it (again).’2 But this is weak, because its
chain of narrators contains ‘Atiyyah Ibn Sa’eed Al-‘Awfi.3
15 Narrated by Al-Bukhari (no. 1981) and by Muslim (no. 721).
25 Narrated by Imam Ahmad (11155) and by At-Tirmidhi (no. 477).
35 Translator’s note: Yahya Ibn Ma’een and others described him as weak and a
mudallis (one who conceals the identity of a weak narrator, such as by mention-
ing him by his first name only, or by his agnomen).
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
Thirdly,The Time of Adh-Dhuha!
The Time of
Fourthly, The Time of Dhur!
The Time of
This includes various areas of discussion
Fourthly, The Time of Dhur!
The Time of
Fifthly, The Time of 'Asr!
The Time of
Q: Are there any Sunnan to
be performed before the ‘Asr prayer?
Fifthly, The Time of 'Asr!
Fifthly, The Time of 'Asr!
Fifthly, The Time of 'Asr!
this stands for what should be said before sunrise and sunset.
Hence, the time for adhkar is directly after the Fajr and ‘Asr
Sheikh bin ‘Uthaimeen (may Allah have mercy on him)
was asked, “What is the time for the evening adhkar? Which
time is the best to make it and can it be made up if it was not
He answered, “All praise is due to Allah, the entire time
from after ‘Asr prayer until the night prayer (‘Isha) is called
evening. There is no difference if the adhkar is made at the
beginning or the end of this time except for some adhkar that
is linked to a specific time, such as Ayatul Kursi in the hadith,
“…who recites it at the evening…” Hence, what is dedicated
to the daytime should be said during the day and the adhkar
for the night should be said at that specific time also. As for
making the adhkar up in case of forgetting to say it, I ask Allah
to reward the one who do so.”2
15 Refer to: Al-Wabi as-Sayyeb p. 186 and refer to what Ibn Taymiyyah also said
in this regard.
25 Refer to: Ibn ‘Uthaimeen’s fatawa for Da’wa magazine vol. 174, part. 7/2 1421
AH, page. 36. Also refer to: Sharh Riyadh as-Salheen, 2/1533, chapter of morn-
ing and evening adhkar.
The Time of
Sixthly, The Time of Maghrib!
The Time of
T here are many factors to be considered and
mentioned regarding this period of time:
Sixthly, The Time of Maghrib!
Sixthly, The Time of Maghrib!
15 Refer to: Fath al-Bari, hadith no. 3280, chapter of the description of Iblis (head
of the devils) and his soldiers.
25 Refer to: Fatawas of the Permanent Committee, 26/317.
35 Al-Bukhari no. 1183.
45 Al-Bukhari no. 503.
55 Muslim no. 837
Sixthly, The Time of Maghrib!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
The Time of
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
The Time of
There are several areas of discussion here:
The first one is that it is
disliked to talk after ‘Isha’ prayer:
The previous hadith of Abu Barza al-Aslami says, “The
Prophet never liked to sleep before it and talk after it.” There
is no problem however if a person wants to stay awake to
discuss beneficial information for Muslims, for work, or for
welcoming a guest and so on. What substantiates this is the
A- The hadith of ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab who said,
“The Prophet used to talt with Abu Bakr about the
affair of the Muslims’ and I was with them.”1
B- Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated
“ Once I stayed overnight at the house of (my aunt)
Maymuna while the Prophet was with her, to
see how the night prayer of Allah’s Messenger
was. He talked to his wife for a while and then
15 Ahmad no. 178, At-Tirmidhi no. 169 and he graded it as fair.
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
The reason that it is disliked to stay awake after ‘Isha’ – and
Allah knows best – is that the person might oversleep and not
perform the Fajr prayer or miss the additional night prayer if
it was his habit to do so. Thus, the Prophet chided the one
who oversleeps and misses the Fajr prayer as it is reported
in Ibn Mas’ud’s two sound sahihs that Ibn Mas’ud said,
“A person was mentioned before the Prophet and he was
told that he had kept on sleeping until morning and had not
woken up for the prayer. The Prophet said: ‘He is a man in
whose ears (or ear) Satan had urinated.’”2 The significance of
this hadith is that it is disliked for the person to oversleep as
he might lose the Fajr prayer. ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab used
to prevent people from spending the whole night awake (for
no valid reason) as this would lead them to neglect the Fajr
prayer. He – as ‘Abdul Razzak said in his collection of ahadith
- used to say, “Awake in the beginning of the night and sleep
at its end.”3
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
15 Refer to his explanation of Muslin’s sahih, hadith no. 2015, chapter of covering
the vessels and tightening the water-skin.
25 Refer to: Fath al-Bari, hadith no. 6293, chapter of: Do not leave the fire burning
when you go to bed.
35 Al-Bukhari no. 2710, Muslim no. 247
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
15 Refer to his explanation of Muslim’s sahih, hadith no. 2710, chapter of what
should the person say when going to bed.
25 Al-Bukhari no. 6320, Muslim no. 2714
35 Al-Bukhari no. 7393
45 Muslim no. 2714
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
15 Refer to his explanation of Muslin’s sahih, hadith no. 808, chapter of the vir-
tues of the chapter of Al-Fatihah and the last verses of Surah al-Baqarah.
25 Please check this footnote.
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
B- ن أَ حْ يَيْتَهَا
ْ ِإ,مح ْيَاه َا َ َ ل,« الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم خ َلَقْتَ ن َ ْفس ِي وَأَ ن ْتَ تَو َف ّ َاه َا
َ َ ك مَمَاتُهَا و
َ ُ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم ِإن ِ ّي أَ سْ أَ ل, و َِإ ْن أَ م َتّهَا فَا ْغفِر ْ لَهَا،فَاحْ ف َ ْظه َا
»َ ك ال ْع َاف ِي َة
15 Ahmad no. 21934, Abu Dawud no. 5055, at-Tirmidhi no. 3403 and Al-Albani
graded it as fair.
25 Fath al-Bari, hadith no. 6319, chapter of asking Allah’s refuge against the devil
and reciting some chapter while going to bed.
35 Al-Bukhari no. 6324 through the hadith of Hudhaifah .
45 Muslim no. 2712 through the hadith of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar – may Allah be
pleased with them.
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
C- ر َ َب ّنَا, ِيم
ِ ش ال ْعَظ
ِ ْ ب ال ْعَر
ّ َ َ ض وَر
ِ ب الأَ ْر
ّ َ َ ات وَر ّ َ ب ال
ِ َ سم َاو ّ َ َ « الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم ر
ِ ل وَالْفُر ْقَا
ِ الإنْ ج ِي َ ل
ِ َ الت ّو ْرَاة ِ و َ َب و
َ ِ وَمُنْز, الن ّو َى َ ِ فَال,ٍل شَيْء
ِّ َ ق الْح ِّ ُ ب ك
ّ َ َ وَر
ل ِ ل شَيْء ٍ أَ ن ْتَ آ
ُ الل ّ َه ُ َ ّم أَ ن ْتَ الأَ َ ّو, ِ خذٌ بنَِاصِيَتِه ِ ّ ُ ك م ِنْ شَرِّ ك
َ ِ أَ ع ُوذ ُ ب,
ُ وَأَ ن ْتَ الظَّاه ِر, ٌ ْس بَعْدَك َ شَيْء َ خر ُ فَلَيِ وَأَ ن ْتَ الآ, ٌ ك شَيْء َ َ ْس قَب ْل
َ فَلَي
َ ْ ض ع ََن ّا ال َد ّي
ن ِ ْ اق, ٌ ك شَيْء
َ َ ْس د ُونَ ن فَلَيُ ِ وَأَ ن ْتَ ال ْبَاط, ٌ ك شَيْء
َ َ ْس فَو ْق
َ فَلَي
»ِن الْف َ ْقر
َ ِ وَأَ غْن ِنَا م
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
E- َ فَك َ ْم م َِم ّنْ لا َ ك َافِي,كف َان َا وَآوَان َا َ َ « ا ْلحم َْد ُ للّه ِ ال ّ َذ ِي أَ طْ عَم َنَا و
َ َ و،سق َان َا
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
the night, they will be upon the Fitrah of Ibrahim, and if they
wake up in the morning, they will gain the charity of the day.
It is important to refer to this great Dhikr which has a great
reward. In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Shadad Ibn Aws said that the
Prophet said,
ِ وَم َنْ قَالَهَا م ِنْ ال َنّهَارِ م ُوق ِنًا بِهَا فَمَاتَ م ِنْ يَوْمِه: ل َ قَا, َوب ِإ َلّا أَ ن ْت َ ُ ال ُذ ّن
ن بِهَا
ٌ ِ ل وَه ُو َ م ُوق َ ْ وَم َنْ قَالَهَا م ِن, ِ ل الْج َنَ ّة
ِ ْ الل ّي ِ ْ ل أَ ْن يمُْسِيَ فَه ُو َ م ِنْ أَ ه
َ ْ قَب
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
ِ ّ ُ ك وَلَه ُ ا ْلحم َْد ُ وَه ُو َ عَلَى ك ُ ْ لَه ُ ال ْمُل, ُ ك لَه َ الل ّه ُ وَحْد َه ُ ل َا شَر ِي َ ل َا ِإلَه َ ِإ َلّا
وَل َا, ُ الل ّه ُ أَ كْ ب َر َ وَل َا ِإلَه َ ِإ َلّا, ِ الل ّه
َ َ و, ُ الل ّه َ َسب ْح َانُ َ و, ِ ا ْلحم َْد ُ ل َِل ّه, ٌ شَيْء ٍ قَدِير
, ُ ِيب لَه َ :َ ث َُم ّ قَال,ِل وَل َا ق َُو ّة َ ِإ َلّا ب َِالل ّه
َ أَ ْو د َعَا اسْ تُج, الل ّه ُ َ ّم اغْفِر ْ ل ِي َ ْ حو
Seventhly, The Time of `Isha!
The words “wake up” in the previous hadith has many
meanings such as speak, pay attention and wake up terribly
Ibn Al-Atheer, Ibn Manzoor, Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
and Ibn Baaz1 said that it means to wake up after sleeping. It
is a great mercy and blessing from Allah. Therefore, whoever
hears these words should never forget to repeat them.2
Ibn Hajr said that Ibn Battal said: “Allah promised us
through his Prophet’s tongue to accept the dua and the prayer
of those who wake up from their sleep and utter the words
of Tawheed with complete submission to Allah, admitting His
favors, praising Him, Glorifying Him, saying Allahu Akbar
and feeling that all the power is for Him Only and by Him.”3
We have now concluded the section on Sunnah related to
The Non-Timed
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed
T his makes up the second part of the daily Sunnan
and is a detailed and miscellaneous section. Some
of these Sunnan do not change due to change of place,
people or time, and I shall illustrate what is the most
repeated. I am going to pass over certain Sunnan as
this section cannot be restricted to something specific.
I put my trust in the Lord and I will do my best -
if my memory will serve me correctly – to apply the
information in this humble paper.
The non-timed related Sunnan
the Companions and pious predecessors. They did not have the
luxury of having various types of food like we do in this day
and age. At this juncture, I am particularly referring to those
who were unable to have meals at certain times due to a lack of
it. The majority of them – may Allah have mercy on them all
often queried whether they had anything to eat or not?
Here is the example of the Prophet , the luminous lamp
of this nation and the best that Allah has ever created, where
he goes to 'Aishah (may Allah have mercy on her) and asks
her one day,
“O 'Aishah! Do we have anything to eat?” She answered,
“O Messenger of Allah! No.” He then said, “So, I am
Abu Hurairah narrated,
“One day a poor and hungry man came to Prophet Muhammad
to ask for some food. Prophet Muhammad guided him to
go to the homes of his wives and get something to eat. All of
them had no food in their homes and thus could not offer the
poor man anything. He returned to Prophet Muhammad
who then asked his Sahabah (Companions), 'Who is going to
invite this guest to his home?' Then, a man from among the
Ansaar (Helpers) hosted him." 2
That was a true indication of the Companions' life and at
the top we find Abu Bakr and 'Umar (may Allah be pleased
with them). It was reported by Imam Muslim through Abu
Hurairah who said,
"The Prophet went out during an hour in which he
would normally not go out, nor meet with anyone. Then Abu
Bakr came to him. So he said: ‘What brought you O Abu
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
1. Sunnan of Food:
Before you eat or drink anything, begin by saying:
“Bismillah” (In the name of Allah.” 'Umar ibn abu
Salamah narrated,
“I was a boy under the care of Allah's Messenger and
my hand used to go around the dish while I was eating.
Therefore, Allah's Apostle said to me, 'O boy! Mention
15 Al-Buhkari no. 7324.
25 At-Tirmidhi no. 2368.
The non-timed related Sunnan
the Name of Allah, eat with your right hand and eat of
the dish what is nearest to you.' Since then I have applied
those instructions when eating.”1
It is better to stick to the phrase “Bismillah” (In the name
of Allah) as the texts confirm.
Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) stated, “What is
meant, is to say: ‘Bismillah’ before your first sip or bite.” The
most vivid example in this regard is the hadith reported by
Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i through Umm Kulthum through
'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with them all) – that the
Prophet said,
“When one of you eats, he should mention Allah’s name
(Bismillah); if he forgets to mention Allah’s Name at the
beginning, he should say (when he remembers): ‘Bismi
Allah fi awalihi wa fi akhirih’ (I begin with the name of
Allah at the beginning and at the end.”2 Abu Dawud and
An-Nasa'i also report a hadith through Umayyah ibn
Makhsi which supports this. The Prophet said, "Satan had
been eating with him but when he mentioned the Name of
Allah, Satan vomited up all that was in his stomach."
As for an-Nawawi's saying (may Allah have mercy on hi m)
in his book entitled ‘Adhkar,’ in the chapter of the etiquettes of
eating, “The formula of saying in the Name of Allah is the best
thing to know. It is better to say: 'In the Name of Allah, most
Compassionate, most Merciful.' It is enough for the Muslim
just to say: 'In the name of Allah,' and through this formula
he/she has applied the Sunnah." However, I did not find any
proof that supports an-Nawawi's opinion.3
15 Al-Bukhari no. 5376, Muslim no. 2022
25 Abu Dawud no. 3767, At-Tirmidhi no. 1858
35 Refer to: Fath al-Bari hadith no. 5376, chapter of saying in the name ofAl-
lah upon eating.
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
vinegar they used was sweet and not sour like the one we use
today. An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) classified
a chapter in his book and called it, "Don't criticize food and the
recommendation to praise it."
Sheikh bin 'Uthaimeen said, “This is also from the Prophet's
Sunnan that if one likes food or bread, they should praise it.
It is therefore recommended to do the same and by doing so
you would have followed the Sunnah.”1
The one who contemplates over our current situation will
find that a lot of people do not follow the Sunnah. Rather,
they oppose it by dishonouring food in many cases. This is not
following the guidance of the Prophet as we are told by Abu
Hurairah's hadith collected in the two sound collections,
“The Prophet never dishonored any food. If he liked it, he
would eat it; if not he would leave it.”2
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
It is Sunnah for the one who drinks milk to rinse his mouth
after finishing drinking so that no trace of fat will be left in his
15 Al-Bukhari no. 2605, Muslim no. 2030.
25 Refer to his explanation of Muslim’s sahih, chapter of giving priority in
drinking and eating to the one who is on the right hand side, hadith no.
35 Muslim no. 681
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
up such thoughts.” 1
In conclusion, Satan is present in all of man’s affairs as
Allah’s Messenger said, “Satan is present in all your affairs.”2
Thus it is imperative that every Muslim be aware of Satan’s
whispers and plots so that they do not lose any of their good
deeds. Hence, in order not to lose any blessings, the Muslim
should be cautious and try to keep Satan away from their life.
Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that
Allah’s Messenger said,
“If, whenever anyone of you sexually approaches
their spouse, you should say: ‘O Allah, keep Satan
away from us, and keep him away from any offspring
You may bless us with,’ then the Satan will never
harm any offspring you are destined to produce.’”3
Also when a Muslim recited Ayatul Kursi before sleeping,
Allah will keep Satan away from that person, as is proved
in the sound hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah .4
And Allah knows best.
• Prohibited things in this section: It is prohibited to
eat or drink from silver or gold vessels, to eat birds
and animals which have talons and canines with
which they catch prey, to breathe into the vessel, to
eat while lying down, to eat using the left hand, to
eat two dates at the same time (and this also applies
to other fruits), to over eat and to offer prayer in the
presence of food.
The non-timed related Sunnan
Sunnan of greeting,
gathering and sitting with others
1. To greet people is an act of Sunnah that is
greatly rewarded.
There are numerous detailed evidences that support this
Sunnah. Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah’s Messenger
“Six are the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim.”
It was said to him: “Allah’s Messenger, what are these?”
Thereupon he said: “When you meet him, offer him
greetings; when he invites you to a feast accept it, when
he seeks your council give him, and when he sneezes and
says: ‘All praise is due to Allah,’ you say ‘Yarhamuk Allah’
(may Allah show mercy to you); and when he fails ill visit
him; and when he dies follow his bier."1
In another narration it mentions,
“If you meet him, greet him,”
and this was the practice of the Prophet and his
Companions. There is also more than one hadith that
indicates this act of Sunnah. As for replying to this greeting, it
is obligatory as Allah the, Almighty says,
ﮋﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ ﰄ ﰅ ﰆﰇ ﰈ ﰉ ﰊ ﰋ ﰌ ﰍ ﰎﮊ
“But when you are greeted with a greeting [of peace], answer
The non-timed related Sunnan
with an even better greeting, or [at least] with the like thereof.
Verily, Allah keeps count indeed of all things. ”(4:86)
The majority of the scholars such as Ibn Hazm, Ibn ‘Abdul
Barr, Sheikh Taqy ed-Din, and others (may Allah have mercy
on them) all agree that it is obligatory to reply to a Muslim’s
The non-timed related Sunnan
“By Him in whose Hand is my soul, you will not enter
paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until
you love one another: ‘spread salaam’ (the greeting of
peace) among you.”1
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
From the above-mentioned discussion, we can conclude
that there are three Sunnan when entering the home:
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
made with the niyah of charity, will be the reason for receiving
these great rewards.
Ibn ‘Uthaimeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“These good words are saying things such as: ‘How are you?’
‘How are your brothers?’ ‘How is your family?’ etc. These
kind words please your friend and every good and polite
word is a form of charity and the reward will be bestowed by
Allah, the Almighty for saying them.”1
13-It is recommended to remember Allah,
the Almighty while sitting:
There are many ahadith about the bounty of remembering
Allah in order to urge us to remember Allah at all times.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said,
“Allah has some angels who look for those who celebrate
the Praises of Allah on the roads and paths. And when
they find some people celebrating the Praises of Allah,
they call each other, saying, ‘Come to the object of your
pursuit.’’ He added, “Then the angels encircle them with
their wings up to the sky of the world.” He added, “(After
those people celebrated the Praises of Allah, and the angels
go back), their Lord, asks them (those angels) --though He
knows better than them--’What do My slaves say?’ The
angels reply, ‘They say: Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar,
and Alham-du-lillah.’ Allah then says ‘Did they see Me?’
The angels reply, ‘No! By Allah, they didn’t see You.’
Allah says, ‘How it would have been if they saw Me?’ The
angels reply, ‘If they saw You, they would worship You
more devoutly and celebrate Your Glory more deeply, and
15 Refer to: Sharh Riyadh as-Saliheen, 2/996, chapter of speaking gently and
meeting people with a cheerful face.
The non-timed related Sunnan
ُ ُ أَ سْ تَغْف ِرُك َ وَأَ ت، َك اللّه ُ َ ّم و َ ب ِحَمْدِك َ أَ شْهَد ُ أن لا َ إلَه َ إلا ّ أن ْت
وب َ َ سب ْح َان
َ ِ سه ِ ذ َل
ِ ِ مج ْل
َ ك ِإلا ّ غ ُف ِر َ لَه ُ م َا ك َانَ في
َ ْ ِإلَي
‘Glory be to You, O Allah and Your praise. I testify that
there is no god but You. I ask Your forgiveness and I
15 Al-Bukhari no. 6408, Muslim no. 2689.
25 Ahmad no. 10680, Abu Dawud no. 4855, and At-Tirmidhi no. 3380.
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
• To gossip.
• To revile others.
• To be involved in blameworthy debates.
• Hatred
• To swear by anything else other than Allah the
Almighty especially in selling and buying.
• To boost ancestors and feeling proud of their
achievements and lineage.
• To disdain others.
• To involve in false accusation against Muslims.
• To feel happy upon the disasters of others and so on.
• Envy
• Spleen and so on of the heart diseases.
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
‘In this world, women and perfume have been made dear
to me, and my comfort has been provided in prayer.’”1
The hadith which mentions, “In this world, three
things are endeared to me...” is a weak hadith.
B- Anas also narrated, “I have never touched silk or
Dibaj (thick silk) softer than the palm of the Prophet
nor have I smelled a perfume nicer than the sweat of
the Prophet.’”2
C- Nafi’ narrated that when Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah
be pleased with him) wanted to perfume himself he
acquired the scent from aloes wood, without mixing
anything with it, or putting camphor with it and then
said: “This is how Allah’s Messenger perfumed
Imam Al-Nawawi (may Allah be merciful to him) said:
“To fragrance oneself means to use perfumes and incense. It
is derived from which is incense.”
Al-asmae’ and Abu ‘Obaid and other linguists mention:
“Aloes wood means the joss stick and his saying ‘without
mixing anything with it,’ means without mixing it with
another perfume.” The hadith reveals that using perfume
is recommended (mustahab) for men like women, but men
use perfumes which have appeared scent and hidden color.
If women want to go to the mosque or any other place, it
is abominable to use perfume with an apparent scent. It is
strongly recommended for men on Fridays, ‘Eid prayer, while
attending Muslim convocations, or when a husband or wife
wants to be intimate with their partner and so on and Allah
15 Ahmed no. 12293, an-Nasa’I no. 3940
25 Al-Bukhari no. 3561.
35 Muslim no. 2254
The non-timed related Sunnan
Knows best.
The Prophet hated to have an unpleasant odor. ‘A’ishah
(may Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah’s
Messenger disliked it very much that any unpleasant odor
should emit from him.” 1
4- Musk is the most fragrant of the scents:
It is reported in Sahih Muslim that Abu Sa’id Khudri
reported that Allah’s Messenger made mention of a woman
of Bani Israel who had filled her ring with musk and musk
is the most fragrant of the scents.2 Abu Dawud reported it in
other words too:
“The best of your perfumes is musk.”3
Muslims should use the best perfume they can find as the
Prophet used to do so before he entered the state of Ihram;
‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: “When
the Messenger of Allah intended to enter upon the state of
Ihram he perfumed himself with the best of perfumes he could
find and afterwards I would see the glistening of (perfume)
oil on his head and beard.”4
5-It is abominable to refuse a gift of perfume
This is supported by the following ahadith:
a. Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him)
“The Prophet never refused a gift of perfume.”5
b. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
In at-Tirmidhi it states:
“They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Make a Dhat Anwat
for us as they have a Dhat Anwat.’ The Prophet said:
‘Allahu Akbar! This is the way of those who were before
you.’” 1
Thus, saying Takbir and Tasbih are allowed in instances of
astonishment, but some scholars have said that the takbir is
abominable in the case of astonishment and it is a preferred
3-Befor entering the state of Ihram:
A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported.
“I applied perfume to the Messenger of Allah before he
entered upon the state of Ihram and (concluding) before
circumambulating the (sacred) House.”2
This hadith illustrates that it is recommended to use
perfume in this case and before Tawaf Al-Ifadah for the one
who wants to exit his first ihram.
4-Perfuming the dead:
It was narrated that Umm ‘Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased
with her) said:
“One of the daughters of the Prophet died, and he sent
word to us saying:
‘Wash her with water and lotus leaves and wash her an odd
number of times, three, five, or seven if you think (that is
needed), and put some camphor on her the last time. When
you have finished, inform me.’ When we had finished, we
informed him, and he threw his waist-wrap to us and said:
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
pleased with her). “We were forbidden to mourn for more than
three days for a dead person, except for a husband, for whom
a wife should mourn for four months and ten days (while in
the mourning period) we were not allowed to put kohl on our
eyes, nor perfume our-selves, nor wear dyed clothes, except
a garment of ‘Asb (special clothes made in Yemen). However,
it was permissible for us that when one of us became clean
from our menses and took a bath, to use a piece of a certain
kind of incense. And it was forbidden for us to follow funeral
2- When she passes by men who are not her Mehram: It is
forbidden for to be perfumed in this case. This is substantiated
by the following ahadith: It was narrated by Al-Ash’ari who
said, The Messenger of Allah said:
“Any woman who puts on perfume and passes by people
so that they can smell her fragrance is considered to be like
an adulteress.”2
Zainab, the wife of ‘Abdullah (bin ‘Umar), reported,
“The Messenger of Allah said to us: ‘When any one of
you comes to the mosque, she should not apply perfume.’”3
Abu Hurairah narrated,
“The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Whoever perfumes
herself with scent should not join us in the ‘Isha’ prayer.’”4
It is Sunnah to start with
right side in combing the hair:
‘A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated, “Allah’s
15 Al-Bukhari no. 313, Muslim no. 938.
25 Ahmad no. 19576, Abu Dawud no. 4173, At-Tirmidhi no. 2786.
35 Muslim no. 443.
45 Muslim no. 444.
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
start with the right side in ablution, however, if one did the
opposite, the ablution would still be valid, but it is better to
start with the right side first.”1
It is Sunnah for the one who wants to have his hair shaved
to start with the right side and then the left one. Regrettably,
this is an act of Sunnah that people have abandoned. Anas
narrated, “Allah’s Messenger went to Mina and he threw
the stones. Then, he slaughtered an animal and asked for a
barber and said to him: ‘Cut the right part first and then he
gave his hair to the people. ‘”2
What is prohibited in this section is
when men imitate women and vice-versa.
To imitate disbelievers in their dress and the like, to wear
something for the sake of showing off, to wear something
transparent that displays the body, to wear gold and silk
except with a legal excuse (for men), to shave one’s beard, to
leave the moustache, for the woman to show her adornment,
to pluck the eyebrows, for the woman to be tattooed or make a
space between her teeth to look more attractive, to wear a wig
or join artificial hair to hers, to change the creation of Allah,
the Almighty and to die her hair black.
The non-timed related Sunnan
Sunan in
sneezing & yawning
The Prophet said,
``Verily, Allah loves sneezing and detests yawning;
so if one of you sneezes and [then] praises Allah, it is a
right upon every Muslim who hears him to say to him,
`Yarhamakullah (May Allah have mercy on you).’ As for
yawning, then verily, it is from the Shaitaan only; so if one
of you yawns, then let him ward it off (i.e., ward off and
stifle the yawn) as much as he is able to1......
First, The Manners Of Sneezing:
1)Saying `May Allah Have Mercy On You’
To The Person Who Sneezed
Sneezing is a blessing of Allah upon His slaves, and when
one is given a blessing from Allah , he should praise Allah and
thank Him for it. The matter is no different in regard to sneezing,
for when a person sneezes, it is legislated for him to praise
Allah , by saying, ‘‘ Alhamdulillah (All praise is to Allah).’’ Al-
Baraa Ibn `Aazib said, ``The Prophet ordered us with seven
[commands] and forbade us from seven [prohibited matters]:
he ordered us to follow funerals (by praying the funeral prayer
and then following the corpse until the burial is completed), to
visit the sick, to answer (i.e., accept the invitation of) a person
who invites [one to partake of a meal, for example], to help the
one who is wronged, to fulfill one’s oath, to return greetings of
15 Bukhari no. 2626.
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
The non-timed related Sunnan
15 Refer to Al-Fath
25 Al-Bukhari no. 3298, Muslim no. 2994
35 Ahmad no. 9540
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Other Daily Sunnan
Other Daily
T he dhikr of entering and leaving the bathroom:The
one who enters the bathroom should say the
dhikr that is recorded in the hadith collected in Sahih
Al-Bukhari and Muslim, which states:
• Advantage:
It is said that we say “Ghufranak” because when man
remembers that he has to get rid of the harm of the body
15 Al-Bukhari 6322, Muslim no. 375
25 Ahmad no. 25220, Abu Dawud no. 30, at-Tirmidhi no. 7
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prayer and after entering one’s home and Allah knows best.
7- The renewal of Wudu’ for every prayer:
It is Sunnah for the Muslim to renew wudu’ for every
prayer. If a Muslim has made wudu’ for Al-Maghrib and is still
in wudu’ when ‘Isha’ prayer comes in, it is Sunnah to make a
new wudu.’
What proves this is what Al-Bukhari reported that the
Prophet used to make wudu’ for every prayer.1
It is also Sunnah to keep the wudu’ during the day. Thawban
(may Allah have mercy on him) said that the Prophet said:
“No one could keep his wudu’ during the day except the
8- Du’a (Supplication):
The Du’a is one of the main causes of attaining the message.
It is a sign of Tawheed when the slave makes du’a with complete
obedience to Allah the Almighty, admitting that there is no
power but in Allah the Most High, the Most Great.
Al-Du’a makes a person feel the sweetness of submission
and obedience. It is a reason to gain blessings and remove
afflictions and has many other advantages that these short
lines cannot include. Al-Du’a is an act of worship which
signifies the complete dependence on Allah, the Almighty.
There are two kinds of Du’a:
a) Du’a as an act of worship: it is included in Al-dhikr
and we shall discuss it later.
b) Du’a to ask Allah for something: it is when a slave
has a need and he supplicates to ask for whatever
Other Daily Sunnan
he wants.
There are some daily situations when Du’a is more likely to
be accepted, such as in: Sujud, the third part of the night and
between the Adhan and the Iqamah.
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ﮋﮨ ﮩ ﮪ ﮫﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮊ
“Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not
the aggressors.” (7:55).
Making du’a in secret is more sincere; hence Allah praised
ﮋﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ ﮊ
“When he called out his Lord (Allah) a call in secret.” (19:3).
Some interpreters said that he did so in order to be sincere.
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah be pleased with
him) said: “Muslims made special efforts to make du’a silently.
No one could hear them. It was only whispers between
themselves and God, because Allah the Almighty said,
ﮋﮨ ﮩ ﮪ ﮫﮬ ﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮊ
“Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the
aggressors.” (7:55).
Sheikh al-Islam referred to many reasons why Muslims
should make du’a in secret.
In making Du’a we should not be hostile, use a lot of
rhyme, or exaggerate with regards to linguistic styles, or ask
for what is forbidden or evil, i.e. calling for sins or the cutting
of from relations with relatives, gaining illegal money etc, as
these prevent the acceptance of the du’a, the same one should
not hesitate when making du’a and also not say Insha’Allah in
the du’a.
Other Daily Sunnan
Someone might say: What can I ask for in du’a?
A person should make du’a to ask for whatever they want
from this world or the Hereafter. It is better to use the du’as
that are found in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, as they include
all the good things in the world and the Hereafter. When
someone asked the Prophet this question, he answered
with great words that collect all good things in the world and
the Hereafter for the Muslim. Abu Malik al-Ashja’i reports
through his father (may Allah be pleased with him) that
he narrated that a man came to the Prophet and said, “O
Messenger of Allah! What should I say when I supplicate
my Lord?” The Prophet said: “Say: ‘O Allah! Forgive me,
have mercy on me, give me soundness in this life and in the
hereafter, give me sustenance.’” He would collect his finger
except the thumb. Then the Prophet said, “This supplication
will give you the goodness of this life and the hereafter.”1
In another narration, it is reported that when a man would
meet the Prophet, he would order him to use these words
for supplication, “O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy upon
me, guide me, give me soundness in both lives, and give me
It is Sunnah to pray for your brother when he does not see
or hear you, and it is an accepted du’a and the one who does
so will be rewarded greatly. Imam Muslim (may Allah bless
him) says in his Sahih hadith that Abi Al-Darda’ said that the
Prophet said : “‘The du’a of a person for his Muslim brother
15 Muslim no. 2697
25 Muslim no. 2697
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Other Daily Sunnan
it from when the sun has passed the meridian until the dhuhr
prayer has not missed it, or it is as if he has caught it.”1
Aus Ibn Hudhaifa said, “I asked the companions of the
Messenger : ‘How do you divide the Qur’an?’ They said:
‘3 Surahs, and 5 Surahs, and 7 Surahs, and 9 Surahs, and 11
Surahs, and the section of the “Mufassal” from Surah Qaaf until
the end.”2 They mean the first three Surat on the first day, then
the coming five Surat… until they completed the Qur’an in a
week. Our ancestors were the same as the companions that
were taught in their school. History tells us that they recited
the Qur’an very frequently and completed it every few days
or over a short period of time like a week.
Hamad Ibn Yazeed said that Ataa’ Ibn El-Sai’b (may Allah
be pleased with him) said that Aba Abd-El-Rahman said: “We
took the Qur’an from some people who said: ‘When we would
learn 10 verses of the Qur’an, we should not jump to learn new
ones until we applied these 10 into our lives. Thus, we used to
learn the Qur’an and act accordingly. Yet, some people might
come after us who would not apply the Qur’an to their lives.”3
Dhikr revives the heart:
In this day and age, many people complain of the hardness
of their hearts due to their preoccupancy with this worldly
life, thus their heart forgets the remembrance of Allah. In a
hadith collected in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Abu Mousa Al-Ash’ri
said that the Prophet said:
“The example of the one who remembers his Lord (God) in
comparison with the one who does not remember his Lord
is that of the living and the dead.”
15 Muslim no. 747
25 Ahmad no. 16166, Abu Dawud no. 1393
35 Siyar a’lam an-Nubala, 4/269
Other Daily Sunnan
In Muslim’s narration,
“The example of the house in which Allah’s name is
remembered and the house in which Allah’s name is not
remembered is that of the living and the dead.”1
In Madarij as-Salikeen, in the chapter of
“The value of the Dhikr,”
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyem said,
“Al-Dhikr is from the greatest stages of the pious. ‘You
(Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for
each and everything),’ from which people increase their
strength on their path to Allah. They always go to this stage
which makes the connection. It is the light of life which if they
forget, their bodies become like empty vessels. Ad-Dhikr is
a kind of treatment for the heart. When man increases his/
her remembrance of Allah, his/her love and longing for Allah
increases too. It is the greatest means for the slave to connect
with Allah which is never closed except by the slave who
forgets Allah.”2
Ibn Al-Qayyem mentioned in Al-Wabil as-Saiib more than
100 benefits of doing Al-Dhikr. It is better to read the Qur’an
to increase your will to maintain this great worship. He gave
examples for those who remembered Allah often, like his
beloved teacher, Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.3
1-Allah urges us in numerous
verses to remember Him:
ﮋﯺ ﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ ﰄ ﮊ
15 Muslim no. 779
25 Madarij as-Salikeen, 2/422
35 Al-Wabil Al-Saiib, p. 94
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ﮋﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾ ﭿ ﮀ ﮁ ﮂ ﮃ
ﮄﮅﮆﮇﮈﮉ ﮊ ﮊ
“Those (hypocrites) who wait and watch about you; if you
gain a victory from Allah, they say: ‘Were we not with you,’
but if the disbelievers gain a success, they say (to them): ‘Did
we not gain mastery over you and did we not protect you
from the believers?’ Allah will judge between you (all) on
the Day of Resurrection. And never will Allah grant to the
disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers.” (4:142)
4- Allah warned us of paying all our attention to money
and offspring and forgetting Allah the Almighty:
ﮋﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧﮨ ﮩ
ﮪ ﮫﮬﮭﮮ ﮊ
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ﮋﯩ ﯪ ﮊ
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Praise be to Allah,
by His favors goodness is accomplished.
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