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2S/2M AND 4S/2M

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 General Information ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Safety Information............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Trailer Ground and Protection from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) ........................................................ 9
3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Identification .......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 13
4 System Components ..................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Hardware .............................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2 TOOLBOX™ Software .......................................................................................................................... 16
5 ABS Questions and Answers ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.1 RSSplus Components and Features .................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Roll Stability Support Questions and Answers ...................................................................................... 18
5.3 Power Line Carrier (PLC) Communications Questions and Answers ................................................... 19
5.4 ABS Indicator Lamps ............................................................................................................................ 20
5.5 Types of Faults...................................................................................................................................... 21
6 System Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 23
6.1 RSSplus Installation Diagrams ............................................................................................................. 23
6.2 Multiple Trailer Applications .................................................................................................................. 32
6.3 Wiring Diagrams ................................................................................................................................... 35
7 Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Diagnostic Methods .............................................................................................................................. 36
7.2 Important PLC Information for Blink Code Diagnostics......................................................................... 37
7.3 TOOLBOX™ Software .......................................................................................................................... 37
7.4 Vista™/Windows® 7 Installations .......................................................................................................... 37
7.5 Blink Code Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................... 37
7.6 Computer Diagnostics........................................................................................................................... 40

Edition 1 This publication is not subject to any update service. Information contained in this
Version 1 (03.2020) publication was in effect at the time the publication was approved for printing and is subject
MM0888 (en) to change without notice or liability. WABCO reserves the right to revise the information
presented or to discontinue the production of parts described at any time.

Table of Contents

8 Component Replacement ............................................................................................................................ 137

8.1 Component Removal and Installation Procedures.............................................................................. 137
8.2 Cable Connections.............................................................................................................................. 138
8.3 Wheel Speed Sensor .......................................................................................................................... 138
8.4 ECU/Valve Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 139
8.5 ECU/Dual Modulator Valve Assembly ................................................................................................. 142
8.6 Air Lines .............................................................................................................................................. 143
8.7 Distance Sensor.................................................................................................................................. 143
8.8 Distance Sensor Extension Lever ....................................................................................................... 146
9 Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing ............................................................................................ 147
9.1 Testing................................................................................................................................................. 147
9.2 Check ABS Functions ......................................................................................................................... 148
9.3 End of Line Testing ............................................................................................................................. 148
9.4 Putting the Trailer into Service ............................................................................................................ 149
10 Parameter Entry for RSSplus ...................................................................................................................... 156
10.1 Vehicle Parameter Records ................................................................................................................ 156
10.2 Air Suspension Parameters ................................................................................................................ 157
10.3 Mechanical Suspension Parameters .................................................................................................. 160
11 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 165
11.1 Lift Axle Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 165
11.2 Tag Axle Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 184
11.3 Tire Inflation Communication System Troubleshooting ....................................................................... 196
11.4 Door Ajar System with RSSplus Troubleshooting ............................................................................... 203
12 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 211
12.1 Cable Routing Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 212
12.2 Cable Strain Relief Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 212
12.3 Vehicle Electrical Grounding Guidelines ............................................................................................. 215

Table of Contents


The following procedures for servicing brakes are recommended to reduce The following procedures for servicing brakes are recommended to reduce
exposure to asbestos ber dust, a cancer and lung disease hazard. Material Safety exposure to non-asbestos ber dust, a cancer and lung disease hazard. Material
Data Sheets are available from WABCO. Safety Data Sheets are available from WABCO.
Hazard Summary Hazard Summary
Because some brake linings contain asbestos, workers who service brakes must Most recently manufactured brake linings do not contain asbestos bers. These brake
understand the potential hazards of asbestos and precautions for reducing risks. linings may contain one or more of a variety of ingredients, including glass bers,
Exposure to airborne asbestos dust can cause serious and possibly fatal diseases, mineral wool, aramid bers, ceramic bers and silica that can present health risks if
including asbestosis (a chronic lung disease) and cancer, principally lung cancer and inhaled. Scientists disagree on the extent of the risks from exposure to these
mesothelioma (a cancer of the lining of the chest or abdominal cavities). Some studies substances. Nonetheless, exposure to silica dust can cause silicosis, a non-cancerous
show that the risk of lung cancer among persons who smoke and who are exposed to lung disease. Silicosis gradually reduces lung capacity and ef ciency and can result in
asbestos is much greater than the risk for non-smokers. Symptoms of these diseases serious breathing dif culty . Some scientists believe other types of non-asbestos bers,
may not become apparent for 15, 20 or more years after the rst exposure to asbestos. when inhaled, can cause similar diseases of the lung. In addition, silica dust and
ceramic ber dust are known to the State of California to cause lung cancer . U.S. and
Accordingly, workers must use caution to avoid creating and breathing dust when international agencies have also determined that dust from mineral wool, ceramic bers
servicing brakes. Speci c recommended work practices for reducing exposure to and silica are potential causes of cancer.
asbestos dust follow. Consult your employer for more details.
Accordingly, workers must use caution to avoid creating and breathing dust when
Recommended Work Practices servicing brakes. Speci c recommended work practices for reducing exposure to
non-asbestos dust follow. Consult your employer for more details.
1. Separate Work Areas. Whenever feasible, service brakes in a separate area away
from other operations to reduce risks to unprotected persons. OSHA has set a maximum Recommended Work Practices
allowable level of exposure for asbestos of 0.1 f/cc as an 8-hour time-weighted average
and 1.0 f/cc averaged over a 30-minute period. Scientists disagree, however, to what 1. Separate Work Areas. Whenever feasible, service brakes in a separate area away
extent adherence to the maximum allowable exposure levels will eliminate the risk of from other operations to reduce risks to unprotected persons.
disease that can result from inhaling asbestos dust. OSHA requires that the following 2. Respiratory Protection. OSHA has set a maximum allowable level of exposure for
sign be posted at the entrance to areas where exposures exceed either of the maximum silica of 0.1 mg/m3 as an 8-hour time-weighted average. Some manufacturers of non-
allowable levels: asbestos brake linings recommend that exposures to other ingredients found in non-
DANGER: ASBESTOS asbestos brake linings be kept below 1.0 f/cc as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD Scientists disagree, however, to what extent adherence to these maximum allowable
exposure levels will eliminate the risk of disease that can result from inhaling non-
asbestos dust.
ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA. Therefore, wear respiratory protection at all times during brake servicing, beginning
with the removal of the wheels. Wear a respirator equipped with a high-ef ciency
2. Respiratory Protection. Wear a respirator equipped with a high-ef ciency (HEP A) (HEPA) lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA, if the exposure levels may exceed OSHA or
lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA for use with asbestos at all times when servicing manufacturers’ recommended maximum levels. Even when exposures are expected to
brakes, beginning with the removal of the wheels. be within the maximum allowable levels, wearing such a respirator at all times during
3. Procedures for Servicing Brakes. brake servicing will help minimize exposure.
a. Enclose the brake assembly within a negative pressure enclosure. The enclosure 3. Procedures for Servicing Brakes.
should be equipped with a HEPA vacuum and worker arm sleeves. With the a. Enclose the brake assembly within a negative pressure enclosure. The enclosure
enclosure in place, use the HEPA vacuum to loosen and vacuum residue from the should be equipped with a HEPA vacuum and worker arm sleeves. With the enclosure
brake parts. in place, use the HEPA vacuum to loosen and vacuum residue from the brake parts.
b. As an alternative procedure, use a catch basin with water and a biodegradable, b. As an alternative procedure, use a catch basin with water and a biodegradable,
non-phosphate, water-based detergent to wash the brake drum or rotor and other non-phosphate, water-based detergent to wash the brake drum or rotor and other
brake parts. The solution should be applied with low pressure to prevent dust from brake parts. The solution should be applied with low pressure to prevent dust from
becoming airborne. Allow the solution to ow between the brake drum and the becoming airborne. Allow the solution to ow between the brake drum and the
brake support or the brake rotor and caliper. The wheel hub and brake assembly brake support or the brake rotor and caliper. The wheel hub and brake assembly
components should be thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes components should be thoroughly wetted to suppress dust before the brake shoes
or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth. or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake parts clean with a cloth.
c. If an enclosed vacuum system or brake washing equipment is not available, c. If an enclosed vacuum system or brake washing equipment is not available,
employers may adopt their own written procedures for servicing brakes, provided carefully clean the brake parts in the open air. Wet the parts with a solution applied
that the exposure levels associated with the employer’s procedures do not exceed with a pump-spray bottle that creates a ne mist. Use a solution containing water ,
the levels associated with the enclosed vacuum system or brake washing and, if available, a biodegradable, non-phosphate, water-based detergent. The
equipment. Consult OSHA regulations for more details. wheel hub and brake assembly components should be thoroughly wetted to
d. Wear a respirator equipped with a HEPA lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA for use suppress dust before the brake shoes or brake pads are removed. Wipe the brake
with asbestos when grinding or machining brake linings. In addition, do such work in parts clean with a cloth.
an area with a local exhaust ventilation system equipped with a HEPA lter . d. Wear a respirator equipped with a HEPA lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA when
e. NEVER use compressed air by itself, dry brushing, or a vacuum not equipped with a grinding or machining brake linings. In addition, do such work in an area with a local
HEPA lter when cleaning brake parts or assemblies. NEVER use carcinogenic exhaust ventilation system equipped with a HEPA lter .
solvents, ammable solvents, or solvents that can damage brake components as e. NEVER use compressed air by itself, dry brushing, or a vacuum not equipped with a
wetting agents. HEPA lter when cleaning brake parts or assemblies. NEVER use carcinogenic
solvents, ammable solvents, or solvents that can damage brake components as
4. Cleaning Work Areas. Clean work areas with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA lter or wetting agents.
by wet wiping. NEVER use compressed air or dry sweeping to clean work areas. When
you empty vacuum cleaners and handle used rags, wear a respirator equipped with a 4. Cleaning Work Areas. Clean work areas with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA lter
HEPA lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA for use with asbestos. When you replace a or by wet wiping. NEVER use compressed air or dry sweeping to clean work areas.
HEPA lter , wet the lter with a ne mist of water and dispose of the used lter with care. When you empty vacuum cleaners and handle used rags, wear a respirator equipped
with a HEPA lter approved by NIOSH or MSHA, to minimize exposure. When you
5. Worker Clean-Up. After servicing brakes, wash your hands before you eat, drink or replace a HEPA lter , wet the lter with a ne mist of water and dispose of the used lter
smoke. Shower after work. Do not wear work clothes home. Use a vacuum equipped with care.
with a HEPA lter to vacuum work clothes after they are worn. Launder them separately .
5. Worker Clean-Up. After servicing brakes, wash your hands before you eat, drink or
Do not shake or use compressed air to remove dust from work clothes.
smoke. Shower after work. Do not wear work clothes home. Use a vacuum equipped
6. Waste Disposal. Dispose of discarded linings, used rags, cloths and HEPA lters with a HEPA lter to vacuum work clothes after they are worn. Launder them separately .
with care, such as in sealed plastic bags. Consult applicable EPA, state and local Do not shake or use compressed air to remove dust from work clothes.
regulations on waste disposal. 6. Waste Disposal. Dispose of discarded linings, used rags, cloths and HEPA lters
with care, such as in sealed plastic bags. Consult applicable EPA, state and local
Regulatory Guidance regulations on waste disposal.
References to OSHA, NIOSH, MSHA, and EPA, which are regulatory agencies in the
United States, are made to provide further guidance to employers and workers Regulatory Guidance
employed within the United States. Employers and workers employed outside of the References to OSHA, NIOSH, MSHA, and EPA, which are regulatory agencies in the
United States should consult the regulations that apply to them for further guidance. United States, are made to provide further guidance to employers and workers
employed within the United States. Employers and workers employed outside of the
United States should consult the regulations that apply to them for further guidance.

General Information

1 General Information
Symbols used in this document

Description of an immediate situation which will result in irreversible injury or death if the warning is

Description of a possible situation which may result in irreversible injury or death if the warning is

Description of a possible situation which may result in irreversible injury if the warning is ignored.

Description of a possible situation which may result in material damage if the warning is ignored.

Important information, notes and/or tips

Reference to information on the internet

1. Action step
- Action step
 Consequence of an action
 List
• List
Note on the use of a tool/WABCO tool

General Information

How to Obtain Additional Maintenance, Service and Product Information

If you have any questions about the material covered in this publication, or for more information about the
WABCO product line, please contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203, by email at, or visit our website:
Refer to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) website to find all current SAE documents and
standards applicable to WABCO products (such as SAE J447 and SAE J908 at
Refer to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website to find all current documents
referenced in the manual at


The TOOLBOXPLUS™ Software provides PC diagnostic for WABCO products and can be purchased and
downloaded from Also the Software Owners Manual OM1618 can be found on the
WABCO webpage.

WABCO Academy

WABCO online product catalog

Your direct contact to WABCO

WABCO North America LLC

1220 Pacific Drive
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Customer Care Center: (855) 228-3203

Safety Information

2 Safety Information
Provisions for a safe work environment

 Only experienced, trained and qualified automotive technicians may carry out work on the vehicle.
 Read this publication carefully.
 Follow all warnings, notices and instructions to avoid personal injury and property damage.
 Always abide by the vehicle’s Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) specifications and instructions.
 Observe all accident regulations of the repair facility as well as regional and national regulations.
 The workplace should be dry, sufficiently lit and ventilated.
 Use personal protective equipment if required (safety shoes, protective goggles, respiratory protection
and ear protectors).
Read and observe all Danger, Warning and Caution hazard alert messages in this publication. They provide
information that can help prevent serious personal injury, damage to components, or both.

To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye protection when you perform vehicle maintenance or

Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip or fall
over. Serious personal injury and damage to components can result.

This product can expose you to chemicals including Nickel, which is known to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, go to

Safety Information

2.1 Trailer Ground and Protection from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Unintended voltages induced into the electronic control unit can damage the ECU. Disconnect all
connectors from the ECU before you perform any welding, electrostatic painting, or any other activity
that applies high voltage to the vehicle frame. Refer to the equipment manufacturer’s recommended
instructions for correct procedures..
Prevent potential resistance differences in grounding between components (such as axles) and the vehicle
frame (chassis).
Make sure that the resistance between metallic parts of the components connected to the trailer frame is
less than 10 Ohm (< 10Ω).
Connect moving or insulated vehicle parts (such as axles) in a electrically conductive manner with the
Ensure a secure and adequate chassis ground at the J560 seven-way connector ground pin on the trailer.
Use electrically conductive bolted connections when fastening the ECUs to the trailer frame.

2.1.1 Welding Work on the Trailer

Disconnect power to the trailer.
Disconnect all cable connections to devices and components and protect the plug-ins and connections from
contamination and humidity.
Always connect the grounding electrode directly with the metal next to the welding position when welding,
to prevent magnetic fields and current flow via the cable or components.
Make sure that grounding connections are robust by removing paint or rust at the connection points.
Prevent heat influences from the welding activity on devices and cabling when welding.

During Electrostatic Painting the Trailer Frame or Bogie: Disconnect all cable connections to devices
and components and protect the plug-ins and connections from contamination and humidity.

2.1.2 Dielectric Grease

All Enhanced Easy-Stop ECUs and ECU/valve assemblies with a production date of 1515 or later have
NyoGel 760G grease applied. Nyogel 760G is the only grease approved for use on the power, modulator
and sensor extension cables of the Enhanced Easy-Stop ABS System. The grease is pre-applied to
the ECU sensor O-ring, the power/modulator cable terminals and the sensor extension cable terminals.
Additional grease must not be applied to the ECU’s sensor input connectors at a manufacturing or service
facility level.
On ECUs manufactured prior to production date 1515, a thin coating of Nyogel 760G can be applied to
the 8-pin terminals of the power and modulator cables as well as the male terminal pins on the sensor
extension cable. Ensure the greased cables are free from dirt and debris before installation, as the grease
readily collects dirt, debris or dust, which may inhibit functionality.

Safety Information

2.1.3 Vehicle Electrical Grounding Guidelines

Ensure that the vehicle includes a correct common chassis ground point. A common chassis ground point
connects the trailer frame/chassis to the ground pin of the J560 seven-way connector and will protect the
vehicle electrical system from unwanted electrical noise.
Common chassis ground can be verified by measuring the resistance between the J560 ground pin and the
vehicle chassis (or frame) and confirming that the resistance is less than 10 ohm (< 10 Ω). If this is not the
case, the electrical contact at the common chassis ground point is not sufficient or not present. If a common
chassis ground point is present, but not sufficient, ensure that there is no paint or debris inhibiting electrical
contact at the ground point. If a common chassis ground point is not present, WABCO requires adding one.
Consult your trailer manufacturer (OEM) for further instructions on how to perform this task. This ensures
that the trailer OE warranty is not voided.

Do not add more than one common chassis ground point (connecting the J560 ground pin to
the chassis) to avoid potential ground shifts within the vehicle electrical system.

Additionally, all standard trailer components, such as axles, should also be electrically connected to the
common chassis ground. If the axles are not correctly grounded to the chassis, a ground strap electrically
connecting the axle to the chassis must be added to ensure adequate protection from unwanted electrical
noise. This can be verified by measuring the maximum resistance between the vehicle chassis/frame and
the other trailer component, then confirming that the resistance is less than 10 ohm (< 10 Ω).
For more details concerning correct vehicle grounding, reference SAE standard J1908.


3 Introduction
This manual contains service and diagnostic information for WABCO RSSplus™ Trailer ABS with Roll
Stability Control.

3.1 Identification
To identify RSSplus™, check the identification tag on the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The part number is
480 107 001 0. Figure 3.1.
Fig. 3.1

– +

GI05 GI04 GI03 GI0 GI01 f d


Date Code
First Two Digits = Build Week
Last Two Digits = Build Year

480 107 001 0 Part Number

3.1.1 RSSplus Trailer ABS Parts

A list of WABCO RSSplus parts can be found in Table A.
For warranty information, contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203 and ask for
TP99128, WABCO Trailer ABS Warranty Procedure.


TABLE A: RSSplus Parts List

Item Nomenclature Detail

100 001 012 4 RSS Label Adhesive
100 400 004 0 Axle Clamp 5.8" Diameter
431 700 001 0 Pressure Switch Over Ride 70 psi
432 500 005 0 In-Line Filter
441 044 106 0 Transducer 15 bar (1/4" NPTF)
441 050 100 0 Distance Sensor
441 050 712 2 Distance Sensor Linkage
441 050 718 2 Extension Lever Old Style
441 901 715 4 Extension Lever Current Style
449 351 010 0 Power Cable 1 Meter
449 351 047 0 Power Cable 4.7 Meters
449 443 030 0 ATC Generic I/O Cable 3 Meters
449 446 020 0 Generic I/O Cable 5 Meters
449 535 020 0 Generic I/O Cable 2 Meters
449 535 040 0 Generic I/O Cable 4 Meters
449 535 060 0 Generic I/O Cable 6 Meters
449 639 030 0 Diagnostic Cable 3 Meters
449 639 050 0 Diagnostic Cable 5 Meters
449 723 018 0 Sensor Extension Cable 1.8 Meters
449 723 030 0 Sensor Extension Cable 3 Meters
449 723 051 0 Sensor Extension Cable 5.1 Meters
449 723 120 0 Sensor Extension Cable 12 Meters
449 723 170 0 Sensor Extension Cable 17 Meters
449 810 148 0 Solenoid Y Cable 3 Meters
449 811 020 0 Distance Sensor Cable 2 Meters
449 812 100 0 Transducer Cable 10 Meters
480 102 931 2 Cable Clip Repair Kit 1 Large, 1 Small
480 107 000 0 RSSplus™ ECU 4S/2M-2S/2M
884 490 443 0 Tire Inflation I/O Cable 1 Meter
894 590 075 0 LA "Y" Cable 0.4 Meter
894 607 434 0 Stoplight Activation Cable 1 Meter
898 020 462 2 ECU Cable Port Plug Large
898 020 463 2 ECU Cable Port Plug Small
899 201 833 4 Power Label Adhesive
Double Check QRV Combination
934 099 010 0
934 099 025 0 Select High Double Check Valve
934 190 008 4 Breather Valve
TP95172 ABS Label Adhesive


3.2 Description

3.2.1 What Is WABCO’s RSSplus™ Trailer ABS?

WABCO’s RSSplus™ Trailer ABS is an electronic, self-monitoring system that works with standard air
brakes. In addition, RSSplus™ includes Power Line Carrier (PLC) capability and Roll Stability Support. The
major components of the system are the Electronic Control Unit (ECU)/Valve Assembly, tooth wheel
and wheel speed sensor. Figure 3.2.
Fig. 3.2

– +

GI05 GI04 GI03 GI0 GI01 f d





3.2.2 System Configuration

The ABS configuration defines the number of wheel speed sensors and ABS modulator valves used in a
system. For example, a 2S/2M configuration includes two wheel sensors and two ABS modulator valves. A
4S/2M configuration includes four wheel sensors and two ABS modulator valves.

3.2.3 How Trailer ABS Works

WABCO ABS is an electronic system that monitors and controls wheel speed during braking. The system
works with standard air brake systems.
ABS monitors wheel speeds at all times and controls braking during wheel lock situations. The system
improves vehicle directional stability and control by reducing wheel lock during braking.
The ECU receives and processes signals from the wheel speed sensors. When the ECU detects a wheel
lockup, the unit activates the appropriate modulator valve, and air pressure is controlled.
The RSSplus™ ECU provides additional assistance in maintaining trailer directional stability with Roll Sta-
bility Support. Combining the data received from the wheel sensors and an internal lateral accelerometer,
the RSSplus™ will proactively engage the Roll Stability Support to increase trailer stability and reduce the
possibility of a rollover condition.
In the event of a malfunction in the system, the ABS in the affected wheel(s) is disabled; that wheel still has
normal brakes. The other wheels keep the ABS function.
Two ABS indicator lamps (one on the dash and one on the side of the trailer) let drivers know the status of
the system.


RSS is an advanced vehicle control system from WABCO that reduces chances of a rollover and
assists the driver in maintaining control of the vehicle. However, any vehicle may overturn in some
situations with or without RSS.

Having RSSplus™ does not allow drivers to take unnecessary risks. Make sure drivers do not take
curves or turns faster than they would without RSSplus™ and always use safe driving techniques.
Failure to do so can result in serious personal injury, damage to components, or both. An alert
unimpaired driver remains the primary element in maintaining control of the vehicle and reducing the
chances of rollover accidents.

System Components

4 System Components

4.1 Hardware
The various system component parts consist of the following:

4.1.1 ECU/Valve Assembly

 12 volt
 Integrated ECU and ABS relay valve
• ECU and valve assembly are serviceable items.
 The ECU/Valve Assembly may be mounted with the sensors facing either the front or rear of the trailer.
Figure 4.1.
Fig. 4.1

– +

GI05 GI04 GI03 GI0 GI01 f d



4.1.2 Sensor with Molded Socket

 Measures the speed of a tooth wheel rotating with the vehicle wheel. Figure 4.2.
 Produces an output voltage proportional to wheel speed.
Fig. 4.2


4.1.3 Sensor Spring Clip

 Holds the wheel speed sensor in close proximity to the tooth wheel. Figure 4.3.
Fig. 4.3


System Components

4.1.4 Tooth Wheel

 A machined ring mounted to the machined surface on the hub of each ABS-monitored wheel. Figure 4.4.
Fig. 4.4


4.1.5 Cables for RSSplus

RSSplus Trailer ABS Indicator Label
 Provides information about the operation of the ABS indicator lamp and illustrates blink code fault
 Label is self-adhesive and is mounted on the trailer near the ABS indicator lamp.
 If there is no warning label on your trailer, let your supervisor know. Labels are available from WABCO.
Ask for Part Number 100 001 012 4.

4.2 TOOLBOX™ Software

TOOLBOX™ Software is a PC-based diagnostics program that can display wheel speed data, test
individual components, verify installation wiring and is required to perform a sign-off for the RSSplus™
WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software, Version 12.2 (or higher) supports RSSplus™ with PLC and runs on
Windows® XP or higher. Figure 4.5. TOOLBOX™ Software is available for purchase via download 24 hours
a day, seven days a week on
Fig. 4.5


System Components

4.2.1 PLC/J1708 Adapter

 Simulates the tractor ABS lamp, ensuring that the trailer ABS is capable of "lighting the light."
 Simulates the trailer ABS lamp, ensuring that the tractor is capable of "lighting the light."
 Use as a trailer/tractor tester to ensure that PLC is functioning correctly. Figure 4.6.
Fig. 4.6


4.2.2 DLA + PLC Adapter

 Simulates the trailer ABS lamp, ensuring that the tractor is capable of "lighting the light."
 Use as a trailer/tractor tester to ensure that PLC is functioning correctly. Figure 4.7.
Fig. 4.7


+ LC




Available from, kit number 12204

ABS Questions and Answers

5 ABS Questions and Answers

5.1 RSSplus Components and Features

5.1.1 The Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

How do you activate the ECU?
In a constant-powered system, the ECU activates and then begins a self-diagnostic check of the system
when you turn the ignition ON. In a stoplight-powered system, the ECU activates when you apply the
brakes. All trailers manufactured on or after March 1, 1998 will be equipped with ABS that has constant
power capability with stoplight power as back-up.
How does the ECU respond to a wheel approaching lock-up?
The ECU directs the ABS relay valve to function as a modulator valve and adjust air pressure to the
chambers up to five times a second. This pressure adjustment allows a wheel (or wheels) to rotate without

5.2 Roll Stability Support Questions and Answers

What is Roll Stability Support?
Roll Stability Support (RSS) is an integrated capability in the RSSplus™ ECU that helps reduce the
chances of a trailer rollover. By monitoring the trailer’s speed, braking and side-to-side acceleration, the
RSSplus™ assists the driver in avoiding a potential rollover condition.
How does it work?
The RSSplus™ ECU continuously monitors the trailer’s wheel speed and lateral acceleration. When the
ECU detects a potentially unstable condition, it requests data from the suspect wheels with a test pulse.
The trailer’s reaction to the test pulse determines whether normal braking, ABS braking, or Roll Stability
braking is required. The test pulse is not generated under normal braking conditions.
Will trailers with Roll Stability Support work with tractors that have standard ABS only?
Yes. WABCO’s trailer Roll Stability Support systems will work with standard tractor ABS made by different
Will trailers with Roll Stability Support work with trailers that have standard ABS only?
Yes. WABCO’s trailer Roll Stability Support systems will work with non-Roll Stability Support ABS systems.
Additional pneumatic considerations are shown in Figure 4.9 in Section 4. Plumbing a non-Roll Stability
Support ABS system with a Roll Stability Support system can easily be accomplished by following the pat-
ented WABCO P5 plumbing instructions. Figure 6.9 in Section 6.
RSS is permitted on the B-train configuration, as this configuration provides maximum stability support.
Contact your WABCO representative for additional information relating to pneumatic considerations for this

ABS Questions and Answers

5.3 Power Line Carrier (PLC) Communications Questions and Answers

What is PLC communications?
PLC stands for Power Line Carrier, which is a method used to communicate information by multiplexing
data on the same wire used for the ABS electrical power. PLC communications convert signal message
data to a radio frequency (RF) signal on top of the +12V power line providing electrical power to the trailer.
What is multiplexing?
Multiplexing means communicating multiple signals or messages on the same transmission media. This
provides an efficient and cost effective means by decreasing the number of wires and connectors which
otherwise would be needed. Without multiplexing, it could take several wires and connections in order to
transmit several different signals to various locations on a vehicle, but with multiplexing these wires and
connectors can be significantly reduced.
Why add PLC technology to tractor and trailer ABS?
By adding PLC technology to the tractor and trailer ABS the industry is able to have the most cost
effective means to meet the March 1, 2001 FMVSS-121 in-cab trailer indicator lamp mandate with no
additional external hardware, harnesses or connectors. Additionally, this new capability of communicating
other information between tractor and trailers provides many more opportunities to further improve
productivity and safety. With every tractor and trailer currently built having ABS technology, integrating PLC
technology into the PC board was the logical choice.
How does it work?
The trailer ABS with PLC takes message information to be sent to the tractor and converts it to an RF
signal. The signal is then sent over the trailer ABS power line (blue wire) and the tractor ABS with PLC
receives the signal. Messages can also be sent from the tractor to the trailer via PLC.
What if a tractor is equipped with PLC technology and the trailer is not, or vice-versa? Will the
tractor and trailer ABS function correctly?
Yes. If the tractor is equipped with PLC and the trailer is not, or vice-versa, your ABS in-cab trailer indicator
lamp will not illuminate, but your ABS will continue to function as normal. To ensure that the trailer ABS is
functioning correctly, the trailer ABS indicator lamp mounted on the trailer should be utilized.
What if a tractor has one manufacturer’s ABS with PLC and the trailer has another manufacturer’s
ABS with PLC? Will the two systems be compatible and operate the trailer ABS lamp as expected?
Yes. ABS with PLC from different manufacturers are designed to be compatible by controlling the trailer
ABS lamp according to the FMVSS-121 standard, even when systems from different manufacturers are
connected to each other. However, certain features beyond the control of the trailer ABS indicator lamp may
or may not be supported by all devices communicating via PLC. SAE task forces continue to standardize
common messages so that maximum compatibility may exist in the future.
How do I diagnose PLC?
PLC can be diagnosed over the J1587/J1708 diagnostic connector on the tractor or on the trailer using
tools designed for PLC diagnostics.
Can I use blink code diagnostics on Enhanced Easy-Stop™ to diagnose PLC?
Yes. Section 7 of this manual describes the method of performing a blink code check using Constant Power
(ignition activation). Blink Code 17 indicates a PLC failure.
If PLC does not seem to be operating correctly, but I don’t get a Blink Code 17 when I run a blink
code check, what else could be wrong?
If there is no Blink Code 17, the PLC is functioning correctly and does not need to be replaced; however,
there could be a problem in the trailer’s wiring harness. Check the wiring system and make the necessary
repairs. If the problem persists, contact WABCO for assistance.

ABS Questions and Answers

5.4 ABS Indicator Lamps

When replacing the bulb, to ensure correct lamp operation use an incandescent type DOT-
approved lamp, or a LED with integral load resistor.

5.4.1 ABS Indicator Lamp (on Dash)

With RSSplus™, there are two ABS indicator lamps; one on the vehicle dash and one on the side of the

5.4.1 ABS Indicator Lamp (on Trailer)

What is the function of the ABS indicator lamp?
The indicator lamp enables a driver to monitor the ABS at all times. Refer to the OEM operating manual for
the mounting location of the indicator lamp.
How does the indicator lamp operate?
How the indicator lamp operates depends on whether the ABS is powered by stoplight or constant power:
 If the trailer was manufactured prior to February 28, 1998, or was manufactured outside of the United
States, the ABS may be either stoplight or constant powered.
 If the trailer was manufactured March 1, 1998 or later — and was manufactured in the United States
— it will have constant power capability. This is mandated by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
(FMVSS) 121.
Check your vehicle specification sheet to determine the type of ABS power. Table B in this section illustrates
indicator lamp operation on constant powered ABS systems.
What does the trailer ABS indicator lamp mean to service personnel?
The trailer ABS indicator lamp on the side of the trailer indicates the status of the trailer ABS. If it comes ON
and stays ON when you apply the brakes to a moving vehicle, there is an ABS malfunction. It is normal for
the lamp to come ON and go OFF to perform a bulb check, but it should not stay ON when the vehicle is
moving above 4 mph (6.45 kph). As with any safety system, it is important not to ignore this indicator. If the
indicator lamp indicates a malfunction, the vehicle can be operated to complete the trip, but it is important to
have it serviced as soon as possible using the appropriate maintenance manual to ensure correct brak-
ing performance and that the benefits of ABS remain available to your drivers. Typical ABS indicator lamp
mounting locations are illustrated in Figure 5.1.

ABS Questions and Answers

Fig. 5.1


Typical ABS Indicator Lamp Mounting Location on Side of Trailer

For more information, contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203.
Can you continue to operate a vehicle when the indicator lamp indicates a fault?
Yes. When a fault exists in the ABS, standard braking returns to the affected wheel, and the ABS still
controls other monitored wheels. This lets you complete the trip. You should not ignore the indicator lamp
and should have the vehicle serviced as soon as possible after the lamp comes ON and stays ON. Indicator
lamp operation is shown in Table B.
TABLE B: Constant Power, System is Ignition Powered

System is Ignition Powered

Fault in Indicator Lamps

Brakes Ignition Vehicle Speed
System (Trailer and Dash)

Released OFF N.A. N.A. OFF

ON NO Less than 4 mph (6.45 kph) ON for three seconds, then go OFF.
ON NO Greater than 4 mph (6.45 kph) OFF
Applied OFF NO Less than 4 mph (6.45 kph) ON for three seconds, then go OFF
ON NO Less than 4 mph (6.45 kph) ON for three seconds, then go OFF
ON NO Greater than 4 mph (6.45 kph) OFF

5.5 Types of Faults

What is a "fault" in the system?
A fault in the system is a problem that can exist in the ABS or in the system’s components. Faults can be
either existing faults or intermittent stored faults.
What is an existing fault?
An existing fault is a problem that exists currently in the system. For example, a damaged sensor cable is
an existing fault that the ECU will detect and store into memory until you identify the cause, repair the cable
and clear the fault from the ECU. An existing fault is also referred to as an "active" fault.

ABS Questions and Answers

What is an intermittent fault?

An intermittent fault is a problem that usually occurs only under certain driving conditions. For example,
the ECU may detect a loose cable or wire or receive an erratic signal from a wheel sensor. Since intermit-
tent faults can be unpredictable and may only happen periodically, you can use information stored in ECU
memory to find and correct the loose cable or wire. An intermittent fault cannot be retrieved using blink
codes. An intermittent fault is also referred to as a "stored" fault.
Is an intermittent fault difficult to locate and repair?
It can be, because you may not be able to easily see the cause of the problem. WABCO recommends that
you write down intermittent faults to help you isolate a fault that recurs over a period of time.
Can the ECU store more than one fault in memory?
Yes. And the ECU retains existing and intermittent faults in memory even when you turn OFF the power to
the ECU.
What if the ECU finds a fault in an ABS component during normal operation?
If the ECU senses a fault in the system (with an ABS valve, for example), the ECU turns the trailer ABS
indicator lamp on and returns the wheel controlled by that valve to standard braking. Or, if the ECU finds a
fault with one wheel speed sensor in a system that has four sensors on a tandem axle, the ECU uses
information from the other sensor on the same side of the tandem to ensure continuous ABS function. The
ECU continues to provide full ABS function to the wheels unaffected by system faults. However, the ECU
will turn the trailer ABS indicator lamp on to tell the driver a fault has been detected in the system.

System Configurations

6 System Configurations

6.1 RSSplus Installation Diagrams

With RSSplus™, standard 2S/2M and 4S/2M sensor location designations will change depending on how
the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly is mounted. It may be mounted facing either the front or the rear
of the trailer. It is important that you identify the location of these sensors before beginning any diagnostics.
Sensor locations for both front and rear-facing installations are depicted in this section. Refer to Table C.

RSSplus™ can only be installed with the 2 modulator valves controlling each side of the trailer
brakes. Never install the valve controlling the trailer brakes axle to axle. Figure 6.1 through
Figure 6.11.

Table C: Sensor Locations

Configuration Figure Reference

2S/2M Standard Mounted with Sensors Facing Front of Trailer Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.3.
2S/2M Standard Mounted with Sensors Facing Rear of Trailer Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.4.
4S/2M Premium Mounted with Sensors Facing Front of Trailer Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.7.
4S/2M Premium Mounted with Sensors Facing Rear of Trailer Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.8.

System Configurations

6.1.1 Typical RSSplus Trailer ABS Installations

WABCO recommends placing the sensors on the axle that will provide the most braking
performance. This is based on the way the suspension reacts during heavy braking
applications. The trailer manufacturer can provide this information. The following Figures
6.1 through Figure 6.11 are recommendations for many of the standard trailers built in North

Fig. 6.1












f /G106





c PORTS 2.2 —

NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.
AIR BAG 4003867f

System Configurations

Fig. 6.2









f /G106


PORTS 2.1 —






NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.

d 4003869d

Fig. 6.3












f /G106





c PORTS 2.2 —

NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.
AIR BAG 4003868c

System Configurations

Fig. 6.4









f /G106


PORTS 2.1 —






lines not shown.

d 4003867g

Fig. 6.5


d f








f /G106


PORT 1 e



c PORTS 2.2 —

NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.
AIR BAG 4003866c
c e

System Configurations

Fig. 6.6


c e







f /G106


PORTS 2.1 —






NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.

d f 4010320a

Fig. 6.7


d f


PORTS 2.1 —






f /G106


PORT 1 e



c PORTS 2.2 — NOTE: Spring brake

ROAD SIDE BRAKES lines not shown.

AIR BAG 4010322a
c e

System Configurations

Fig. 6.8


c e
NOTE: Spring brake
lines not shown.







f /G106


PORTS 2.1 —









d f 4010323a

Fig. 6.9

System Configurations

4 5 2.1 2.1
1 2.1

2.2 2.2 2.2





Fig. 6.10

System Configurations


4 5 2.1 2.1
1 2.1

2.2 2.2 2.2




Fig. 6.11

System Configurations


4 5 2.1 2.1
1 2.1

2.2 2.2 2.2





System Configurations

6.2 Multiple Trailer Applications

Specific multiple trailer applications require additional plumbing and TOOLBOX™ Software configuration.
Not all multiple trailer configurations have been approved. Contact WABCO prior to installation for guidance
on multiple trailer configurations.

6.2.1 P5E
The Roll Stability System can be configured on B-Train trailers through the use of the patented WABCO
P5E pneumatic application. The P5E system ensures that uniform braking occurs on both lead and pup
trailers at the same time, similar to standard braking. The RSSplus™ valve and the P5E are required on the
lead trailer of a B-Train, and it is recommended that an RSSplus™ valve be installed on the pup trailer as
well. Additional valves are required as illustrated in Figure 6.11.
The ATC - Generic I/O Cable, part number 449 443 030 0, is connected to the GIO 3 port on the RSS+
ECU and on the electronics connector of the 3/2 Solenoid Valve, part number 472 170 997 0. The air
system plumbing diagram for integrating the 3/2 Solenoid Valve and the Two Way Check Valves, part
number 934 099 003 0, are illustrated in Figure 6.11.
Once the hardware has been installed, TOOLBOX™ Software parameters must be configured to activate
the P5E system. When programming the ECU, ensure that "Level 2 RSS Activation Output (GIO 3)" is
selected. Figure 6.12. Refer to Section 10 for setting the vehicle parameters.
Fig. 6.12


System Configurations

After the P5E has been installed and the parameters have been saved to the ECU, the End of Line system
sign-off must be performed. Refer to Section 9 for End of Line testing. Once the End of Line testing
is complete and the P5E is ready for testing, proceed to the Tests pull-down menu and select Level 2
Function. Figure 6.13.
Fig. 6.13
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


Press the Start button. Figure 6.14.

Fig. 6.14


System Configurations

During the sign-off procedure, this message will appear asking the technician to monitor the pressure
gauge at the rear gladhand to confirm the RSS system is applying 50 psi (3.45 bar). This test validates that
the pneumatic and electrical connections are correct. Figure 6.15.
Fig. 6.15


Once confirmed that the rear gladhand is maintaining 50 psi (3.45 bar), click the Close button. If
50 psi ± 5 psi (3.45 ± 0.345 bar) is not present, click the Stop Test button, exit the Level 2 test and make
the appropriate repairs.

6.2.2 P5
In certain older multiple trailer applications such as the lead trailer in a B-Train application, additional
plumbing was added to the standard air system. The P5 plumbing configuration is similar to the P5E, but is
used in older applications without the benefit of the electronic control. There are no additional TOOLBOX™
Software parameters required for the P5 configuration. However, note that a Quick Release Valve (such as
the Sealco QRV part number 320100) is used in place of the P5E’s 3/2 Solenoid Valve for P5 application
number 1 (Figure 6.9). A Double Check QRV Combo Valve, part number 934 099 010 0, replaces the 3/2
Solenoid Valve in the P5 application number 2 (Figure 6.10).

System Configurations

6.3 Wiring Diagrams

6.3.1 Power Cable

The following illustration shows the RSS2M power cable. Figure 6.16.
Fig. 6.16
449 351 010 0



2 3
8 7 6 5
1 4
CONNECTOR 4004071c

6.3.2 Lift Axle

A 4S/2M configuration may be configured with a lift axle on either axle.
 Sensors E and F are installed on the sensed, liftable axle.
 The sensed, liftable axle must be specified in the ECU parameters. Refer to the parameter entry
guidelines in Section 10.


7 Diagnostics
Observe the following hazard alert messages when performing diagnostics.

To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.

The ABS is an electrical system. When you work on the ABS, take the same precautions that you
must take with any electrical system to avoid serious personal injury. As with any electrical system,
the danger of electrical shock or sparks exists that can ignite flammable substances. You must
always disconnect the battery ground cable before working on the electrical system.

7.1 Diagnostic Methods

There are two methods used to get fault information from the ECU:
 TOOLBOX™ Software
 Blink code diagnostics
TOOLBOX™ Software requires the PLC/J1708 adapter. Figure 7.1 and Figure 7.2.
Fig. 7.1


Available from Noregon Systems, 336-768-4337

Fig. 7.2


+ LC




Available from, kit number 12204


7.2 Important PLC Information for Blink Code Diagnostics

Blink Code 17 indicates a PLC failure. If PLC does not seem to be operating correctly, but there is no Blink
Code 17, the ECU is functioning correctly and does not need to be replaced; however, there could be a
problem in the trailer’s wiring harness. Check the wiring system and make the necessary repairs. If the
problem persists, contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203 for assistance.

7.3 TOOLBOX™ Software

TOOLBOX™ Software is a PC-based diagnostics program that can display wheel speed data, test
individual components, verify installation wiring and is required to perform a sign-off for the RSSplus™
WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software, Version 12.2 (or higher) supports RSSplus™ with PLC and runs on
Windows® XP through Windows® 7. TOOLBOX™ Software is available for purchase via download 24 hours
a day, seven days a week on
TOOLBOX™ Software has the following functions.
 Supports RSSplus™ with PLC and Enhanced Easy-Stop™ ABS
 Displays both constant and changing information from the ECU being tested.
 Displays both active and stored system faults, as well as the appropriate repair instructions.
 Activates system components to verify:
• System integrity
• Correct component operation
• Installation wiring

A J1587/J1708 to RS232 or PLC to J1708 interface is required to run this software.

7.4 Vista™/Windows® 7 Installations

If you have Microsoft Vista™/Windows® 7 installed on your computer, the Vista™ UAC (User Access
Control) must be disabled before installing the TOOLBOX™ Software. Have your computer support
personnel or your IT (Information Technology) department perform this change. Once disabled,
TOOLBOX™ Software can be installed without issue.
WABCO does not provide computer support.
If TOOLBOX™ Software has already been installed on your personal computer with Vista™/Windows® 7,
your computer support personnel (IT department) must disable the UAC manually. Refer to Vista™ support
documentation for the procedure.

7.5 Blink Code Diagnostics

The WABCO RSSplus™ Trailer ABS ECU detects any electrical fault in the trailer ABS. Each of the faults
has a code. When a fault occurs, the ECU stores the code for that fault in the memory.


There are two kinds of faults: active and stored. Active faults are those currently existing in the system,
such as a broken wire. Active faults can be diagnosed through blink codes or TOOLBOX™ Software.
Stored faults are faults that have occurred but do not presently exist. Active faults can be cleared only after
repairs are completed. Stored faults can only be diagnosed with TOOLBOX™ Software.
The ECU signals a malfunction by lighting both the internal and external indicator lamp when a fault exists.
The external ABS indicator lamp is usually mounted on the left rear of the trailer, near the rear wheels. Blink
codes are activated through Ignition Power Activation.

7.5.1 Ignition Power Activation

Ignition Power Activation is the process of using the vehicle’s ignition switch (or interrupting the power on
the blue wire by some other means) to display blink codes on the trailer ABS indicator lamp located on the
side of the trailer. This method is for constant power vehicles only.

For ignition power activation, power is provided by the ignition switch.

To obtain blink codes using ignition power activation, perform the following procedure:
1. Turn the ignition switch on for no longer than five seconds. The ABS indicator lamp will be on.
2. Turn the ignition switch off. The ABS indicator lamp will go out.
3. Turn the ignition switch on. The ABS indicator lamp will then come on, then go out.
4. The blink code error will be displayed three times by the ABS indicator lamp on the trailer.

Blink Code Counts Component Name

0 No failure
3 Sensor failure c
4 Sensor failure d
5 Sensor failure e
6 Sensor failure f
7 External modulator failure
9 Internal modulator failure H2
10 Internal modulator failure H1
11 No speed failure
12 Control pressure failure
13 Supply pressure failure
14 Power supply failure
15 ECU internal failure*
16 SAE J 1708 failure
17 PLC failure
18 Generic IO failure
19 Load sensing failure
20 Roll stability system failure
*This error code will also appear on newly installed ECUs that have not been put into service with
TOOLBOX™ Software End-of-Line test.


7.5.2 Internal Power-up Check

Whenever the trailer is initially powered up, the ABS light should come on for three seconds and the
valves should click during self-tests. If the ABS light comes on again during the same ignition cycle, it
would indicate an issue. If the valves do not click during the self-test, power and ground checks need to be
performed at the ECU power connector. Also in this case, ensure all sensor cables are seated correctly at
the ECU.

7.5.3 Power and Ground Checks

If the valve is not self-testing (no clicking from the valve), perform the following power and ground checks at
the ABS ECU power connector shown in Figure 6.16.
1. Check the power cable connector at the ECU and verify that the lock tab is there and the connector is
2. Disconnect the cable from the ECU and check for any signs of moisture, corrosion, spread or
damaged pins.
3. Check with the power on voltage from pin 1 (constant power) to chassis ground for 9 to 14 volts.
 If power shows between 9 to 14 volts, go to step 4.
 If power is less or more than 9 to 14 volts, check the wiring for damage and review with the OEM.
4. With power on, check voltage from pins 2 and 3 (stop light power) to chassis ground with the brake
pedal depressed to chassis ground for 9 to 14 volts.
 If power shows between 9 to 14 volts, go to step 5.
 If power is less or more than 9 to 14 volts, check the wiring for damage and review with the OEM.
5. With power off, check the resistance from pin 4 on the ECU power connector to chassis ground for
less than 10 ohm.
 If the resistance is less than 10 ohm, go to step 6.
 If the resistance is higher than 10 ohm, check wiring for damage and review with the OEM.
6. With the power on, check constant power circuit. Perform a load lamp test across pins 1 to 4 and
verify a bright light.
 If the light is bright, go to step 8.
 If the light does not light up brightly, diagnose and review the wiring with the OEM.
7. With the power on, check the stoplight circuit. Perform a load lamp test across pins 2 to 4 with the
brakes applied and verify a bright light
 If the light is bright, go to step 8.
 If the light does not light up brightly, diagnose and review the wiring with the OEM.
8. If no problems are found with the harness, checks may indicate the ECU/valve assembly has failed.


7.6 Computer Diagnostics

7.6.1 TOOLBOX™ Software

TOOLBOX™ Software is a PC-based diagnostics program that can display wheel speed data, test
individual components, verify installation wiring and is required to perform a sign-off for the RSSplus™
WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software, Version 12.2 (or higher) supports RSSplus™ with PLC and runs on
Windows® XP or higher. Figure 7.3. TOOLBOX™ Software is available for purchase via download 24 hours
a day, seven days a week on
Fig. 7.3


7.6.2 PLC/J 1708 Adapter

 Simulates the tractor ABS lamp, ensuring that the trailer ABS is capable of "lighting the light."
 Simulates the trailer ABS lamp, ensuring that the tractor is capable of "lighting the light."
 Use as a tractor/trailer tester to ensure that PLC is functioning correctly. Figure 7.4 and Figure 7.5.
Fig. 7.4


Available from Noregon Systems, 336-768-4337.


Fig. 7.5



+ LC


R 4009718a

Available from, kit number 12204

Main Screen
This screen provides icon and pull-down menu task selections. Select the RSSplus™ icon to enter the Roll
Stability Software. Figure 7.6.
Fig. 7.6



1. From the main screen of the WABCO trailer EBS diagnostics software, select Diagnostics from the
top menu bar. Figure 7.7.
Fig. 7.7
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


2. Select Display Faults from the pull-down menu. All active and stored faults are displayed. Figure 7.8.
Fig. 7.8


3. Repair active faults and take corrective action on stored faults. Once repaired, faults may be cleared
by using the Clear Faults button.

7.6.3 RSSplus Diagnostic Codes

Using TOOLBOX™ Software, diagnostic codes are displayed on the Fault Information screen. Figure 7.8.
Diagnostic codes by SID/FMI are found in the following tables.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

3 1 Wheel Sensor (c) Sensor signal is Sensor air gap is too • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
too low. large; sensor output • Check condition of ABS sensor head.
voltage is too low but is • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
high enough to be read • Check mounting of ABS tone ring and condition of teeth.

by ECU. • Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.

• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

3 2 Wheel Sensor (c) Sensor data ECU has detected speed • Check for tire size mismatch.
is irregular or difference between axles • Check for correct number of tone ring teeth.
incorrect. (c-d) and (e-f).

3 3 Wheel Sensor (c) Over-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to supply sensor connection and • Verify no DC voltage through sensor circuit Key ON.
voltage. battery voltage (short • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
circuit) is detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

3 4 Wheel Sensor (c) Under-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to ground. sensor connection and • Check for continuity between the ABS sensor connection and ground.
ground (short circuit) is • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

3 5 Wheel Sensor (c) Sensor signal An open circuit has • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
interrupted. been detected, i.e. ECU damaged connection.
detects a disconnected • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
wheel speed sensor. • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

3 6 Wheel Sensor (c) High current or Continuity interruption • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
circuit grounded. between the sensor damaged connection.
connections (short circuit) • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
has been detected. wheel speed sensor.

• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.

• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

3 7 Wheel Sensor (c) Tone ring damaged. Wheel speed signal drops • Check for damaged or missing teeth on tone ring.
out periodically at speeds • Verify tone ring is not corroded or contaminated.
higher than 6 mph. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

3 8 Wheel Sensor (c) Excessive slip. Wheel slip over 16 • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
seconds continuously has • Check sensor gap.
been detected. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.

3 10 Wheel Sensor (c) Sensor signal is Wheel speed difference. • Check that tire size and number of teeth are correct.
erratic. • Adjust wheel speed sensor until it touches the tone ring.
• Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
• Check condition of ABS sensor head.
• Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

3 11 Wheel Sensor (c) Abnormal speed Brake drag or • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
(chatter). chatter has been • Check if brake at this location is operating correctly, i.e., potentially
detected. Abnormal dragging.
vibrations detected • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.

which affect sensor • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
signal. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

3 12 Wheel Sensor (c) Software interrupt A non-plausible sensor • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
failure. frequency has been • Check if brake at this location is operating correctly, i.e., potentially
measured. dragging.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.

3 13 Wheel Sensor (c) Signal Tone ring signal irregular. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
characteristic curve • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
error. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• If tone ring and sensor block are not aligned correctly, oscillation may
occur. Small dimensional deviations can result in this failure code. Issue
occurs shortly after going into service and after driving.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

4 1 Wheel Sensor (d) Sensor signal is Sensor air gap is too • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
too low. large; sensor output • Check condition of ABS sensor head.
voltage is too low but is • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
high enough to be read • Check mounting of ABS tone ring and condition of teeth.
by ECU. • Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

4 2 Wheel Sensor (d) Sensor data ECU has detected speed • Check for tire size mismatch.
is irregular or difference between axles • Check for correct number of tone ring teeth.
incorrect. (c-d) and (e-f).

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

4 3 Wheel Sensor (d) Over-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to supply sensor connection and • Verify no DC voltage through sensor circuit Key ON.
voltage. battery voltage (short • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
circuit) is detected. wheel speed sensor.

4 4 Wheel Sensor (d) Under-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to ground. sensor connection and • Check for continuity between the ABS sensor connection and ground.
ground (short circuit) is • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

4 5 Wheel Sensor (d) Sensor signal An open circuit has • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
interrupted. been detected, i.e. ECU damaged connection.
detects a disconnected • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
wheel speed sensor. • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

4 6 Wheel Sensor (d) High current or Continuity interruption • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
circuit grounded. between the sensor damaged connection.
connections (short circuit) • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
has been detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

4 7 Wheel Sensor (d) Tone ring damaged. Wheel speed signal drops • Check for damaged or missing teeth on tone ring.
out periodically at speeds • Verify tone ring is not corroded or contaminated.
higher than 6 mph. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault

code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

4 8 Wheel Sensor (d) Excessive slip. Wheel slip over 16 • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
seconds continuously has • Check sensor gap.
been detected. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.

4 10 Wheel Sensor (d) Sensor signal is Wheel speed difference. • Check that tire size and number of teeth are correct.
erratic. • Adjust wheel speed sensor until it touches the tone ring.
• Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
• Check condition of ABS sensor head.
• Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

4 11 Wheel Sensor (d) Abnormal speed Brake drag or chatter has • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
(chatter). been detected. Abnormal • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
vibrations detected which • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
affect sensor signal. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

4 12 Wheel Sensor (d) Software interrupt A non-plausible sensor • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
failure. frequency has been • Check if brake at this location is operating correctly, i.e., potentially
measured. dragging.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

4 13 Wheel Sensor (d) Signal Tone ring signal irregular. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
characteristic curve • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
error. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• If tone ring and sensor block are not aligned correctly, oscillation may

occur. Small dimensional deviations can result in this failure code. Issue
occurs shortly after going into service and after driving.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

5 1 Wheel Sensor (e) Sensor signal is Sensor air gap is too • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
too low. large; sensor output • Check condition of ABS sensor head.
voltage is too low but is • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
high enough to be read • Check mounting of ABS tone ring and condition of teeth.
by ECU. • Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

5 2 Wheel Sensor (e) Sensor data ECU has detected speed • Check for tire size mismatch.
is irregular or difference between axles • Check for correct number of tone ring teeth.
incorrect. (c-d) and (e-f).

5 3 Wheel Sensor (e) Over-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to supply sensor connection and • Verify no DC voltage through sensor circuit Key ON.
voltage. battery voltage (short • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
circuit) is detected. wheel speed sensor.

5 4 Wheel Sensor (e) Under-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to ground. sensor connection and • Check for continuity between the ABS sensor connection and ground.
ground (short circuit) is • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

5 5 Wheel Sensor (e) Sensor signal An open circuit has • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
interrupted. been detected, i.e. ECU damaged connection.
detects a disconnected • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
wheel speed sensor. • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS

wheel speed sensor.

• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

5 6 Wheel Sensor (e) High current or Continuity interruption • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
circuit grounded. between the sensor damaged connection.
connections (short circuit) • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
has been detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

5 7 Wheel Sensor (e) Tone ring damaged. Wheel speed signal drops • Check for damaged or missing teeth on tone ring.
out periodically at speeds • Verify tone ring is not corroded or contaminated.
higher than 6 mph. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Swap sensor in question with adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code stays in the same location, replace ECU. If the fault code changes
locations, replace the suspect sensor.

5 8 Wheel Sensor (e) Excessive slip. Wheel slip over 16 • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
seconds continuously has • Check sensor gap.
been detected. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

5 10 Wheel Sensor (e) Sensor signal is Wheel speed difference. • Check that tire size and number of teeth are correct.
erratic. • Adjust wheel speed sensor until it touches the tone ring.
• Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.

• Check condition of ABS sensor head.

• Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

5 11 Wheel Sensor (e) Abnormal speed Brake drag or chatter has • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
(chatter). been detected. Abnormal • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
vibrations detected which • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
affect sensor signal. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

5 12 Wheel Sensor (e) Software interrupt A non-plausible sensor • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
failure. frequency has been • Check if brake at this location is operating correctly, i.e., potentially
measured. dragging.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.

5 13 Wheel Sensor (e) Signal Tone ring signal irregular. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
characteristic curve • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
error. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• If tone ring and sensor block are not aligned correctly, oscillation may
occur. Small dimensional deviations can result in this failure code. Issue
occurs shortly after going into service and after driving.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

6 1 Wheel Sensor (f) Sensor signal is Sensor air gap is too • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
too low. large; sensor output • Check condition of ABS sensor head.
voltage is too low but is • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
high enough to be read • Check mounting of ABS tone ring and condition of teeth.

by ECU. • Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.

• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

6 2 Wheel Sensor (f) Sensor data ECU has detected speed • Check for tire size mismatch.
is irregular or difference between axles • Check for correct number of tone ring teeth.
incorrect. (c-d) and (e-f).

6 3 Wheel Sensor (f) Over-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to supply sensor connection and • Verify no DC voltage through sensor circuit Key ON.
voltage. battery voltage (short • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
circuit) is detected. wheel speed sensor.

6 4 Wheel Sensor (f) Under-voltage or Continuity between the • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
short to ground. sensor connection and • Check for continuity between the ABS sensor connection and ground.
ground (short circuit) is • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
detected. wheel speed sensor.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

6 5 Wheel Sensor (f) Sensor signal An open circuit has • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
interrupted. been detected, i.e. ECU damaged connection.
detects a disconnected • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
wheel speed sensor. • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.
• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

6 6 Wheel Sensor (f) High current or Continuity interruption • Check sensor, sensor cable and connectors to verify no loose or
circuit grounded. between the sensor damaged connection.
connections (short circuit) • Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
has been detected. wheel speed sensor.

• Check for corrosion or discoloration at ECU sensor pins and/or connector.

• Visually inspect sensor extension female connector to ensure it is not out
of round or spread resulting in intermittent contact with the ECU sensor
• Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
• Swap sensor in question with the adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code location changes, test the sensor extension cable for shorts and
opens. If the extension cable tests correctly, replace the sensor. If the fault
code remains at the same location, replace the ECU.

6 7 Wheel Sensor (f) Tone ring damaged. Wheel speed signal drops • Check for damaged or missing teeth on tone ring.
out periodically at speeds • Verify tone ring is not corroded or contaminated.
higher than 6 mph. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Swap sensor in question with adjacent sensor at the ECU. If the fault
code stays in the same location, replace ECU. If the fault code changes
locations, replace the suspect sensor.

6 8 Wheel Sensor (f) Excessive slip. Wheel slip over 16 • Adjust wheel sensor to touch tone ring.
seconds continuously has • Check sensor gap.
been detected. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.

6 10 Wheel Sensor (f) Sensor signal is Wheel speed difference. • Check that tire size and number of teeth are correct.
erratic. • Adjust wheel speed sensor until it touches the tone ring.
• Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
• Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
• Check condition of ABS sensor head.
• Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip.
• Check ABS sensor cable routing and clipping.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

6 11 Wheel Sensor (f) Abnormal speed Brake drag or chatter has • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
(chatter). been detected. Abnormal • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
vibrations detected which • Verify 900-2000 ohms resistance through sensor circuit.
affect sensor signal. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.

• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

6 12 Wheel Sensor (f) Software interrupt A non-plausible sensor • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
failure. frequency has been • Check if brake at this location is operating correctly, i.e., potentially
measured. dragging.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.

6 13 Wheel Sensor (f) Signal Tone ring signal irregular. • Check for loose wheel bearings or excessive hub runout.
characteristic curve • Check sensor wiring and connectors for intermittent contact.
error. • Check mounting of tone ring and condition of teeth.
• If tone ring and sensor block are not aligned correctly, oscillation may
occur. Small dimensional deviations can result in this failure code. Issue
occurs shortly after going into service and after driving.
• Check condition and retention of ABS sensor spring clip as well as the
mounting block.
• Check for corroded or damaged wiring between the ECU and the ABS
wheel speed sensor.
• Turn the wheel at half a revolution per second and verify 0.2 AC volt
sensor output voltage.

7 3 External ABS Over-voltage/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve to supply voltage. an over-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
supply voltage condition • Verify if no cable is attached, that the external modulator cap is sealed
on the external modulator and there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS
valve. ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no voltage on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

7 4 External ABS Under-voltage/ ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve short to ground. an under-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
ground condition on the • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
external modulator valve. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.

• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,

reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

7 5 External ABS Open circuit. ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve an open circuit on the plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
external modulator valve. • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

7 6 External ABS High current/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve to ground. a high current/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
ground condition on the • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
external modulator valve. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

9 3 ECU Internal Modulator Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(H2) to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal H2 load test the power and ground circuit.

9 4 ECU Internal Modulator Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(H2) short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
ground condition on the • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
internal H2 modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

9 5 ECU Internal Open circuit. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H2) open circuit on the of moisture or corrosion.
internal H2 modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

9 6 ECU Internal High current/short ECU has detected a high • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H2) to ground. current/short to ground of moisture or corrosion.
condition on the internal • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
H2 modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.

9 11 ECU Internal Circuit failure. ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H2) circuit failure on the of moisture or corrosion.
internal H2 modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

10 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H1) to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal H1 load test the power and ground circuit.

10 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H1) short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
ground condition on the • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
internal H1 modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.

10 5 ECU Internal Open circuit. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H1) open circuit on the of moisture or corrosion.
internal H1 modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

10 6 ECU Internal High current/short ECU has detected a high • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H1) to ground. current/short to ground of moisture or corrosion.
condition on the internal • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
H1 modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.

10 11 ECU Internal Circuit failure. ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (H1) circuit failure on the of moisture or corrosion.
internal H1 modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

58 3 External ABS Over-voltage/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve to supply voltage. an over-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(redundancy) supply voltage condition • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
on the external modulator there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.

valve. • If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

58 4 External ABS Under-voltage/ ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve short to ground. an under-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(redundancy) ground condition on the • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
external modulator valve. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

58 5 External ABS Open circuit. ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve an open circuit on the plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(redundancy) external modulator valve. • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

58 6 External ABS High current/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve to ground. a high current/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(redundancy) ground condition on the • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
external modulator valve. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.

• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,

reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

59 3 External ABS Over-voltage/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve to supply voltage. an over-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(pressure sensor) supply voltage condition • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
on the external modulator there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
valve. • If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

59 4 External ABS Under-voltage/ ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve short to ground. an under-voltage/short to plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(pressure sensor) ground condition on the • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
external modulator valve. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

59 11 External ABS Valve failure. ABS ECU has detected • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve a failure of the external plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(pressure sensor) modulator valve or • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
cabling. there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

59 12 External ABS Pressure ABS ECU has detected a • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve differential. > 29 psi (2 bar) sensor plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(pressure sensor) pressure differential • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
condition on the external there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.

modulator valve. • If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

59 15 External ABS Residual pressure. ABS ECU has detected a • Verify an external modulator is installed by checking to see if a cable is
Modulator Valve > 7 psi (0.5 bar) residual plugged in to the external modulator port of the RSS ECU.
(pressure sensor) pressure condition on • Verify if no cable is attached that the external modulator cap is sealed and
connection there are no signs of moisture or corrosion on the pins of the RSS ECU.
• If no external modulator valve is used and all previous checks pass,
reconfigure the system to a 2S/2M or 4S/2M system depending on how
many sensors are used through the WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software.
• If there is an external modulator valve, check for trapped air in the control
line. If trapped air is found, need to determine source.
• If equipped with an external modulator, verify resistance from the exhaust
and inlet valve to ground is between 4 to 8 ohms through the whole circuit.
• Verify there is no continuity on any of the pins of the external modulator
valve cable to chassis ground.

61 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
(redundancy) supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.

61 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
(redundancy) ground condition on the • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
internal modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.

61 5 ECU Internal Open circuit. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator open circuit on the of moisture or corrosion.
(redundancy) internal modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

61 6 ECU Internal High current/short ECU has detected a high • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator to ground. current/short to ground of moisture or corrosion.
(redundancy) condition on the internal • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

61 11 ECU Internal Unknown error. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator error condition on the of moisture or corrosion.
(redundancy) internal modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

62 0 ECU Internal Pressure deviation. ABS ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure > 7 psi (0.5 bar) pressure of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) deviation between • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
connection 2.2 or 2.1 of load test the power and ground circuit.
the internal modulator

62 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure to supply voltage. an over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal modulator load test the power and ground circuit.

62 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure short to ground. an under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) ground condition on the • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
internal modulator valve. load test the power and ground circuit.

62 11 ECU Internal Residual pressure. ECU has detected > • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure 14 psi (1 bar) residual of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) pressure in the brake • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
cylinder line. load test the power and ground circuit.

62 12 ECU Internal Pressure ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure differential. a > 29 psi (2 bar) sensor of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) pressure differential • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
condition on the internal load test the power and ground circuit.
modulator valve.

62 15 ECU Internal Residual pressure. ABS ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure > 7 psi (0.5 bar) residual of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) pressure condition on • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
connection 2.1 or 2.2 of load test the power and ground circuit.
the internal modulator

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

69 2 ECU Internal Irregular data. No axle load transmitted • Verify pneumatic line is connected from the air bag to port 5.
Modulator (load by TCE. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no
sensors) signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

69 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify pneumatic line is connected from the air bag to port 5.
Modulator (load to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no
sensors) supply voltage condition signs of moisture or corrosion.
on the internal modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

69 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify pneumatic line is connected from the air bag to port 5.
Modulator (load short to ground. under-voltage/short to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no
sensors) ground condition on the signs of moisture or corrosion.
internal modulator. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

69 12 ECU Internal Pressure too low. ABS ECU has detected a • Verify pneumatic line is connected from the air bag to port 5.
Modulator (load low pressure condition on • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no
sensors) the air suspension while signs of moisture or corrosion.
driving. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Check bellows pressure, connectors and fittings.

75 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (brake wear to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal modulator. load test the power and ground circuit.
• Check brake wear sensors, connections or cables.

75 12 ECU Internal Brake lining wear. ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (brake wear at least one brake lining of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) is worn. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Check brake linings and wear sensors.

76 14 ECU Internal Braking with ABS ECU is using • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator redundancy redundancy pressure, of moisture or corrosion.
pressures. ABS still active. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

77 0 ECU Internal Measurement error. Measured pressure value • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure too high. of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

77 1 ECU Internal Measurement error. Measured pressure value • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure too low. of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.

77 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) supply voltage condition • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
on the internal pressure load test the power and ground circuit.

77 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) ground condition on the • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
internal pressure sensor. load test the power and ground circuit.

77 11 ECU Internal Offset error. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure internal pressure sensor of moisture or corrosion.
sensors) offset error. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

77 12 ECU Internal Pressure deviation ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure (driving). a pressure deviation via of moisture or corrosion.
deviation) CAN control pressure. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

77 13 ECU Internal Pressure deviation ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (pressure (driving). a pressure deviation via of moisture or corrosion.
deviation) CAN control pressure. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 0 ECU Internal Measurement error. Measured pressure value • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external too high. of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

78 1 ECU Internal Measurement error. Measured pressure value • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external too low. of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.

78 3 ECU Internal Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) supply voltage condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 4 ECU Internal Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) ground condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 5 ECU Internal Open circuit. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external open circuit condition. of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 11 ECU Internal Open circuit. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external open circuit condition. of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensors) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 12 ECU Internal Pressure deviation ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external (driving). a pressure deviation via of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensor) CAN control pressure. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

78 13 ECU Internal Pressure deviation ABS ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Modulator (external (driving). a pressure deviation via of moisture or corrosion.
pressure sensor) CAN control pressure. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

88 0 Lateral Acceleration Invalid modulator ABS ECU has detected • Verify modulator is in the correct position and reposition if necessary.
Sensor position. a lateral acceleration
positioning error.

88 1 Lateral Acceleration Invalid modulator ABS ECU has detected • Verify modulator is in the correct position and reposition if necessary.
Sensor position. Value too a lateral acceleration
low. positioning error.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

88 2 Lateral Acceleration Irregular or ABS ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor incorrect data. lateral acceleration error. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

88 11 Lateral Acceleration Irregular or ABS ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor incorrect data lateral acceleration error. of moisture or corrosion.
(driving). • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

88 12 Lateral Acceleration Lateral acceleration ABS ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor error. lateral acceleration error. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

90 3 ECU GIO Function 8 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

90 4 ECU GIO Function 8 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

90 5 ECU GIO Function 8 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

91 3 ECU GIO Function 7 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

91 4 ECU GIO Function 7 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

91 5 ECU GIO Function 7 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

92 3 ECU GIO Function 6 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

92 4 ECU GIO Function 6 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

92 5 ECU GIO Function 6 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

93 3 ECU GIO Function 5 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

93 4 ECU GIO Function 5 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

93 5 ECU GIO Function 5 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

94 3 ECU GIO Function 4 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

94 4 ECU GIO Function 4 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

94 5 ECU GIO Function 4 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

95 3 ECU GIO Function 3 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

95 4 ECU GIO Function 3 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

95 5 ECU GIO Function 3 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

96 3 ECU GIO Function 2 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

96 4 ECU GIO Function 2 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

96 5 ECU GIO Function 2 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

97 3 ECU GIO Function 1 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) supply. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

97 4 ECU GIO Function 1 Short circuit to ECU has detected a • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) ground. short circuit of the GIO to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

97 5 ECU GIO Function 1 Open circuit (cable ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(freely configurable) break). open circuit of the GIO. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

98 3 Slider Status Over-voltage or Slider Status (input) over- • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to batt. voltage or short to batt of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

99 3 Slot GIO In/Out Over-voltage or Cable over-voltage or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. short to supply detected. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

99 4 Slot GIO In/Out Under-voltage or Cable under-voltage or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. short to ground detected. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

99 11 Slot GIO In/Out Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

100 3 ECU GIO Analog Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely short to supply. circuit of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

100 4 ECU GIO Analog Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely short to ground. circuit of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

100 5 ECU GIO Analog Open circuit. Open circuit (cable • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely break) of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

101 2 ECU GIO Digital Data is irregular or Cable is not connected or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely incorrect. is defective. of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

101 3 ECU GIO Digital Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely short to supply. circuit of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

101 4 ECU GIO Digital Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely short to ground. circuit of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

101 5 ECU GIO Digital Open circuit. Open circuit (cable • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function (freely break) of the GIO cable of moisture or corrosion.
configurable) detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

102 3 ECU GIO SLOT 5 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

102 4 ECU GIO SLOT 5 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

102 11 ECU GIO SLOT 5 Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

103 3 ECU GIO SLOT 4 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

103 4 ECU GIO SLOT 4 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

103 11 ECU GIO SLOT 4 Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

104 3 ECU GIO SLOT 3 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

104 4 ECU GIO SLOT 3 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

104 11 ECU GIO SLOT 3 Component A component with • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
missing undefined parameters of moisture or corrosion.
parameters. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

105 3 ECU GIO SLOT 2 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

105 4 ECU GIO SLOT 2 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

105 11 ECU GIO SLOT 2 Component A component with • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
missing undefined parameters of moisture or corrosion.
parameters. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

106 3 ECU GIO SLOT 1 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

106 4 ECU GIO SLOT 1 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

106 11 ECU GIO SLOT 1 Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

107 3 ECU GIO SLOT 6 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

107 4 ECU GIO SLOT 6 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

107 11 ECU GIO SLOT 6 Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

108 3 ECU GIO SLOT 7 Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

108 4 ECU GIO SLOT 7 Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

108 11 ECU GIO SLOT 7 Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

109 14 ABS Sensor Memory Special fault sensor Vehicle has been • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Bit memory bit. stationary with ignition on of moisture or corrosion.
too long. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Spin all wheels or drive the trailer while the trailer is powered up; light
should extinguish. Verify all sensors can be seen by the ECU using the
Sensor Test within TOOLBOX™ Software.

110 3 ECU GIO SLOT Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
SUBSYSTEMS short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
supply. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application
dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

110 4 ECU GIO SLOT Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
SUBSYSTEMS short circuit to circuit of the GIO of moisture or corrosion.
ground. detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify GIO cable is securely connected to the ECU and application

dependent component. Check cable for shorts or opens. If cable tests
correctly, inspect component for correct operation.

110 11 ECU GIO SLOT Component A component with • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
SUBSYSTEMS missing undefined parameters application.
parameters. detected.

111 3 Button Relaxation Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Function short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

112 3 Button Forced Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Lowering short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

113 3 Smartboard Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

113 4 Smartboard Under-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

114 3 Diagnostic Voltage Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Supply short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

114 4 Diagnostic Voltage Under-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Supply short to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

115 3 Telematics Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

115 4 Telematics Under-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

116 3 IVTM Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

116 4 IVTM Under-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

117 2 ECAS Control Unit Data is irregular or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
incorrect. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

117 3 ECAS Control Unit Over-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

117 4 ECAS Control Unit Under-voltage or Cable may be defective. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

118 3 External Axle Load Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) short to supply. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

118 4 External Axle Load Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) short to ground. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

118 5 External Axle Load Open circuit. Open circuit (cable break) • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

118 12 External Axle Load Support bellows - Air suspension support • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) low pressure. bellows too low while of moisture or corrosion.
driving. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Check bellows pressure, connectors and fittings.

119 3 External Axle Load Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle e-f) short to supply. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

119 4 External Axle Load Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle e-f) short to ground. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

119 5 External Axle Load Open circuit. Open circuit (cable break) • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle e-f) of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

119 12 External Axle Load Support bellows - Air suspension support • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle e-f) low pressure. bellows too low while of moisture or corrosion.
driving. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Check bellows pressure, connectors and fittings.

120 2 Axle Load Distance Irregular or Axle load distance sensor • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) incorrect data. linkage out of range or of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

120 3 Axle Load Distance Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) short to supply. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

120 4 Axle Load Distance Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) short to ground. circuit of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

120 5 Axle Load Distance Open circuit. Open circuit (cable break) • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor (axle c-d) of the sensor cable of moisture or corrosion.
detected. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

120 12 Axle Load Distance Axle load distance Distance sensor value too • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle c-d) sensor. low while driving. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
• Recalibrate distance sensor with TOOLBOX™ Software.
• Distance sensor resistance is 88±5 ohms.

120 13 Axle Load Distance Characteristic Axle load distance sensor • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle c-d) curve error. linkage out of range or • Inspect sensor linkage and verify correct calibration.
broken. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

121 2 Axle Load Distance Irregular or Axle load distance sensor • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) incorrect data. linkage out of range or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

121 3 Axle Load Distance Over-voltage or Over-voltage or short • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) short to supply. circuit of the sensor cable • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
detected. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

121 4 Axle Load Distance Under-voltage or Under-voltage or short • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) short to ground. circuit of the sensor cable • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
detected. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

121 5 Axle Load Distance Open circuit. Open circuit (cable break) • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) of the sensor cable • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
detected. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

121 12 Axle Load Distance Axle load distance Distance sensor value too • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) sensor. low while driving. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

121 13 Axle Load Distance Characteristic Axle load distance sensor • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
Sensor (axle e-f) curve error. linkage out of range or • Inspect sensor linkage and verify correct calibration.
broken. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.

• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

122 12 Freely Programmable Fault detected. ECU has detected • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor if related to the programmed
Function 3 a fault in the freely function.
programmable function. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

123 12 Freely Programmable Fault detected. ECU has detected • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor if related to the programmed
Function 2 a fault in the freely function.
programmable function. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

124 12 Freely Programmable Fault detected. ECU has detected • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor if related to the programmed
Function 1 a fault in the freely function.
programmable function. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

125 3 Unloading Level Switch Short circuit to ECU has detected a short • Verify correct installation and inspect switch.
supply. circuit of the unloading • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
level switch cable to of moisture or corrosion.
supply. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

126 3 Speed Signal Output Short circuit to The cable to the • Verify correct installation speed signal component.
supply. component on the speed • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
output is shorted to of moisture or corrosion.
supply voltage. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

126 4 Speed Signal Output Short circuit to The cable to the • Verify correct installation speed signal component.
ground. component on the speed • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
output is shorted to of moisture or corrosion.
ground. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

126 5 Speed Signal Output Speed output cable The cable to the • Verify correct installation speed signal component.
interruption. component on the speed • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
output is not connected or of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

127 2 Distance Sensor 2 Data is irregular or The data from the sensor • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle e-f) incorrect. is not possible. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

127 3 Distance Sensor 2 Short circuit to The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle e-f) supply. sensor is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply voltage. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

127 4 Distance Sensor 2 Short circuit to The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle e-f) ground. sensor is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

127 5 Distance Sensor 2 Distance sensor The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle e-f) cable interruption. sensor is not connected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

128 2 Distance Sensor 1 Data is irregular or The data from the sensor • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle c-d) incorrect. is not possible. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

128 3 Distance Sensor 1 Short circuit to The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle c-d) supply. sensor is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply voltage. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

128 4 Distance Sensor 1 Short circuit to The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle c-d) ground. sensor is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

128 5 Distance Sensor 1 Distance sensor The cable to the distance • Verify correct installation and inspect sensor.
(axle c-d) cable interruption. sensor is not connected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

129 3 ECAS Valve Block Short circuit to The cable to the ECAS • Verify correct installation.
supply. valve block is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply voltage. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

129 4 ECAS Valve Block Short circuit to The cable to the ECAS • Verify correct installation.
ground. valve block is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

129 5 ECAS Valve Block Supply cable The cable to the ECAS • Verify correct installation.
interruption. valve block is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

130 3 Steady Positive Voltage Over-voltage or The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
2 Output short to supply. positive voltage output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

130 4 Steady Positive Under-voltage or The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
Voltage 2 Output short to ground. positive voltage output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

130 5 Steady Positive Output cable The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
Voltage 2 Output interruption. positive voltage is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

131 3 Steady Positive Over-voltage or The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
Voltage 1 Output short to supply. positive voltage output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

131 4 Steady Positive Under-voltage or The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
Voltage 1 Output short to ground. positive voltage output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

131 5 Steady Positive Output cable The cable to the steady • Verify correct installation.
Voltage 1 Output interruption. positive voltage is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

132 3 RSS Active Signal Over-voltage or The cable to the RSS • Verify correct installation.
Output short to supply. active signal is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

132 4 RSS Active Signal Under-voltage or The cable to the RSS • Verify correct installation.
Output short to ground. active signal output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

132 5 RSS Active Signal Output cable The cable to the RSS • Verify correct installation.
Output interruption. active signal is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

133 3 ABS Active Signal Over-voltage or The cable to the ABS • Verify correct installation.
Output short to supply. active signal is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

133 4 ABS Active Signal Under-voltage or The cable to the ABS • Verify correct installation.
Output short to ground. active signal output is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
shorted to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

133 5 ABS Active Signal Output cable The cable to the ABS • Verify correct installation.
Output interruption. active signal is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

134 3 Road Finisher Brake Over-voltage or The cable to the road • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. finisher brake is shorted • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

137 3 Speed Switch 2 Over-voltage or The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 2) short to supply. switch is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

137 4 Speed Switch 2 Under-voltage or The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 2) short to ground. switch is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

137 5 Speed Switch 2 Output cable The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 2) interruption. switch is not connected or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

138 3 Speed Switch 1 Over-voltage or The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 1) short to supply. switch is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

138 4 Speed Switch 1 Under-voltage or The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 1) short to ground. switch is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

138 5 Speed Switch 1 Output cable The cable to the speed • Verify correct installation.
(ISS 1) interruption. switch is not connected or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

139 3 Residual Pressure Over-voltage or The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (maneuver short to supply. pressure valve is shorted • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
assistance) to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

139 4 Residual Pressure Under-voltage or The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (maneuver short to ground. pressure valve is shorted • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
assistance) to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

139 5 Residual Pressure Output cable The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (maneuver interruption. pressure valve is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
assistance) connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

140 3 Residual Pressure Over-voltage or The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (low speed short to supply. pressure valve is shorted • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
traction control) to supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

140 4 Residual Pressure Under-voltage or The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (low speed short to ground. pressure valve is shorted • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
traction control) to ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

140 5 Residual Pressure Output cable The cable to the residual • Verify correct installation.
Valve (low speed interruption. pressure valve is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
traction control) connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

141 3 Lifting Axle Valve 2 Over-voltage or The cable to the lifting • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. axle valve is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

141 4 Lifting Axle Valve 2 Under-voltage or The cable to the lifting • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. axle valve is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

141 5 Lifting Axle Valve 2 Output cable The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
interruption. lifting axle valve is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

142 3 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Over-voltage or The cable to the lifting • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. axle valve is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
supply. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

142 4 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Under-voltage or The cable to the lifting • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. axle valve is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
ground. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

142 5 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Output cable The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
interruption. lifting axle valve is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
connected or broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

143 15 Pneumatic Control Residual pressure. ECU has detected > 4 • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Line psi (0.3 bar) residual of moisture or corrosion.
pressure in the yellow • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
coupling head. load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

144 0 Supply Pressure Supply pressure ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor exceeds 9.3 bar. supply pressure greater of moisture or corrosion.
than 135 psi (9.3 bar). • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
• Verify air output from towing vehicle is less than 135 psi.

144 1 Supply Pressure Value too low. ECU has detected too • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor low of supply pressure of moisture or corrosion.
65 psi • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
(4.5 bar). load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

144 3 Supply Pressure Over-voltage/short ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor to supply voltage. over-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
supply voltage condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

144 4 Supply Pressure Under-voltage/ ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor short to ground. under-voltage/short to of moisture or corrosion.
ground condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

144 12 Supply Pressure Value too low. ECU has detected too • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor low of supply pressure of moisture or corrosion.
65 psi • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
(4.5 bar). load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

144 13 Supply Pressure Supply pressure fell ECU has detected a loss • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
Sensor below 65 psi (4.5 of pressure while driving. of moisture or corrosion.
bar) while driving. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

145 3 ELM (external) Over-voltage or The cable to the ELM is • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. shorted to supply. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

145 4 ELM (external) Under-voltage or The cable to the ELM is • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. shorted to ground. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

145 5 ELM (external) Output cable The cable to the ELM is • Verify correct installation.
interruption. not connected or broken. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

146 3 ECAS (external) Over-voltage or The cable to the ECAS is • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. shorted to supply. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

146 4 ECAS (external) Under-voltage or The cable to the ECAS is • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. shorted to ground. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

146 5 ECAS (external) Output cable The cable to the ECAS is • Verify correct installation.
interruption. not connected or broken. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

146 12 ECAS (external) Communications ELM communications is • Verify correct installation.

interrupted. not functioning. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

148 2 ECAS Internal Data is irregular or ECAS data is irregular • Verify correct installation and calibrate distance sensors.
Calibration incorrect. or incorrect. Calibration • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
error. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

156 2 J2497 Datalink (PLC) Data is irregular or Multiple causes. • Verify correct installation.
incorrect. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

156 15 J2497 Datalink (PLC) Residual pressure. Multiple causes. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

220 9 Datalink (towing Communication Temporary reception • Verify correct installation.

vehicle/trailer) error, interference. interference. Disregard • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
fault if no EBS towing of moisture or corrosion.
vehicle. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

220 14 Datalink (towing Communication Pins 6 or 7 of trailer • Verify correct installation.

vehicle/trailer) error. connector interrupted or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
broken. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

250 15 J1708 Datalink Residual pressure. Unknown. • Verify correct installation.

• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

251 1 Power Supply Voltage too low. An under-voltage has • Verify correct installation.
occurred. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

251 2 Power Supply Data is irregular or Vehicle was operated via • Verify correct installation.
incorrect. stop light power. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and

load test the power and ground circuit.

• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

251 3 Power Supply Voltage too high. Voltage from towing • Verify correct installation.
vehicle too high. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

251 4 Power Supply Under-voltage or Voltage from towing • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. vehicle is below 16 volts. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

251 5 Power Supply Supply cable The ground circuit is • Verify correct installation.
interruption. intermittent or broken. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

251 12 Power Supply Under-voltage or Under-voltage occurred • Verify correct installation.

short to ground while driving. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
(driving). of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.
Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)

253 2 Parameter Setting Internal checksum ECU internal checksum • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
error. error. application.
• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.

• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

253 12 Parameter Setting Internal checksum ECU detected checksum • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are set for the
error. error. application.
• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and has no signs of
moisture or corrosion.

253 14 Special Fault Initialization start Vehicle has not been put • Verify correct installation and run initial start routine.
up error. into operation. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

254 3 Internal Error Over-voltage or ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to supply. over-voltage condition. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

254 4 Internal Error Under-voltage or ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
short to ground. under-voltage condition. of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

254 11 Internal Error Internal memory bit ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
error. internal error on self of moisture or corrosion.
check. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

254 12 Internal Error Internal error. ECU has detected an • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and has no signs
internal error on self of moisture or corrosion.
check. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power connector and
load test the power and ground circuit.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information

and Location (FMI)

142 3 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Over-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. lifting axle valve is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
shorted to supply. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
142 4 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Under-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. lifting axle valve is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
shorted to ground. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
142 5 Lifting Axle Valve 1 Output cable The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
interruption. lifting axle valve is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
not connected or has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
143 15 Pneumatic Control Line Residual pressure. ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
> 4 psi (0.3 bar) has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
residual pressure in • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
the yellow coupling connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
head. • Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
144 0 Supply Pressure Supply pressure ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Sensor exceeds 9.3 bar. supply pressure has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
greater than 135 psi • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
(9.3 bar). connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify air output from towing vehicle is less than 135 psi.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)
144 1 Supply Pressure Value too low. ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and

Sensor too low of supply has no signs of moisture or corrosion.

pressure 65 psi • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
(4.5 bar). connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
144 3 Supply Pressure Over-voltage/short ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Sensor to supply voltage. an over-voltage/ has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
short to supply • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
voltage condition. connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
144 4 Supply Pressure Under-voltage/short ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Sensor to ground. an under-voltage/ has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
short to ground • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
condition. connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
144 12 Supply Pressure Value too low. ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Sensor too low of supply has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
pressure 65 psi • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
(4.5 bar). connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
144 13 Supply Pressure Supply pressure fell ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Sensor below 65 psi (4.5 a loss of pressure has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
bar) while driving. while driving. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
145 3 ELM (external) Over-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. ELM is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
supply. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
145 4 ELM (external) Under-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. ELM is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
ground. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.


Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)
145 5 ELM (external) Output cable The cable to • Verify correct installation.

interruption. the ELM is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
connected or has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
146 3 ECAS (external) Over-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to supply. ECAS is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
supply. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
146 4 ECAS (external) Under-voltage or The cable to the • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. ECAS is shorted to • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
ground. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
146 5 ECAS (external) Output cable The cable to • Verify correct installation.
interruption. the ECAS is not • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
connected or has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
146 12 ECAS (external) Communications ELM • Verify correct installation.
interrupted. communications is • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
not functioning. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
148 2 ECAS Internal Data is irregular or ECAS data • Verify correct installation and calibrate distance sensors.
Calibration incorrect. is irregular or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
incorrect. Calibration has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
error. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)
156 2 J2497 Datalink (PLC) Data is irregular or Multiple causes. • Verify correct installation.
incorrect. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and

has no signs of moisture or corrosion.

• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
156 15 J2497 Datalink (PLC) Residual pressure. Multiple causes. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify lines are not crimped or bent.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
220 9 Datalink (towing Communication Temporary reception • Verify correct installation.
vehicle/trailer) error, interference. interference. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
Disregard fault if no has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
EBS towing vehicle. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.\
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
220 14 Datalink (towing Communication Pins 6 or 7 of • Verify correct installation.
vehicle/trailer) error. trailer connector • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
interrupted or has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
broken. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
250 15 J1708 Datalink Residual pressure. Unknown. • Verify correct installation.
• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
251 1 Power Supply Voltage too low. An under-voltage • Verify correct installation.
has occurred. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and

has no signs of moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information
and Location (FMI)
251 2 Power Supply Data is irregular or Vehicle was • Verify correct installation.

incorrect. operated via stop • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
light power. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
251 3 Power Supply Voltage too high. Voltage from towing • Verify correct installation.
vehicle too high. • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
251 4 Power Supply Under-voltage or Voltage from towing • Verify correct installation.
short to ground. vehicle is below 16 • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
volts. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
251 5 Power Supply Supply cable The ground circuit • Verify correct installation.
interruption. is intermittent or • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
broken. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
251 12 Power Supply Under-voltage or Under-voltage • Verify correct installation.
short to ground occurred while • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
(driving). driving. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
253 2 Parameter Setting Internal checksum ECU internal • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are
error. checksum error. set for the application.
• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.

Suspect Component Fault Description
SID FMI Cause Repair Information

and Location (FMI)

253 12 Parameter Setting Internal checksum ECU detected • Verify correct installation and that the correct parameters are
error. checksum error. set for the application.
• Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
• Verify cable integrity and assure it is seated correctly and
has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
253 14 Special Fault Initialization start up Vehicle has not • Verify correct installation and run initial start routine.
error. been put into • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
operation. has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
• Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.

7.6.4 TailGUARD Diagnostic Codes

254 3 Internal Error Over-voltage or ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
short to supply. an over-voltage has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
254 4 Internal Error Under-voltage or ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
short to ground. an under-voltage has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
condition. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
254 11 Internal Error Internal memory bit ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and
error. an internal error on has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
self check. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power
connector and load test the power and ground circuit.
254 12 Internal Error Internal error. ECU has detected • Verify the RSS ECU power connector is seated correctly and

For more information related to the TailGUARD system, refer to TP19007.

an internal error on has no signs of moisture or corrosion.
self check. • Verify correct power, ground at the main RSS ECU power

connector and load test the power and ground circuit.

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

47113.09 CAN data Signal failure No CAN • Check the cable between the Electronic Extension Module's power connector and the TEBS

connection to connection to subsystem connector. With Truck and Bus Application (without TEBS-E) this fault should be
the RSSplus the RSSplus ignored.

64782.14 EOL test Value too high The TailGUARD • Please run initial start-up routine.yyyy
TailGUARD system was
not learned or
tested yet

65036.12 ECU Value too high The port • Too many 12V components were defined on the Electronic Extension Module in multivoltage
expansion was operation. Reduce the number to max. 3 components.

65052.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least

65068.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least

65084.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least

65100.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least

65116.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least

65420.12 ECU Value too high Switch ignition • If the fault is still current after the ignition reset, contact WABCO customer service.
off for at least
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

26123.11 GIO14 Power stage A component • Run the TailGUARD EOL procedure again.
GIO14 pin1 - that was not
A component parameterised

that was not was detected on

parameterised slot GIO14 pin1
was detected
on slot GIO14

26117.05 GIO14 Break in The component • Check the cable between the control unit and the connected component.
supply cable or the cable on Check for tight seat of the connectors. Check whether the cable is frayed.
the connector If no fault can be identified, replace the connected component.
GIO14 pin1 is
not connected

26116.04 GIO14 Undervoltage/ The component • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to or the cable • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
ground on connector • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
GIO14 pin 1 has fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
a short circuit to may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
ground with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

26115.03 GIO14 Overvoltage/ The component • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to or the cable • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
24 V on connector • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact

GIO14 pin 1 has fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
a short circuit to may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
24V with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

24836.04 GIO14 Undervoltage/ The component • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to or the cable on • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
ground analogue input • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
1 (GIO14) has fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
a short circuit to may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
ground with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

24835.03 GIO14 Overvoltage/ The component • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to or the cable on • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

24 V analogue input • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
1 (GIO14) has fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
a short circuit to may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
24V with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

30995.03 GIO18 Overvoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to for the power • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

24 V supply for • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
the ultrasonic fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
sensor(s) on may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
GIO 18 cable with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
has a short- component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
circuit to 24V step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

30996.04 GIO17/18 Undervoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to for the power • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
ground supply for • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
the ultrasonic fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
sensor(s) on may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
GIO 17 or with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
GIO18 has a component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
short-circuit to step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
ground connected.
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33283.03 GIO17/18 Overvoltage/ The LIN bus to • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
short circuit to the ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

24 V sensors (GIO17 • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
or GIO18) is fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
impaired due may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
to excessive with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
voltage. Check component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
the sensor step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
cable. connected.
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

33285.05 GIO17/18 Break in No sensor is • Check the cable between the control unit and the connected component.
supply cable connected to • Check for tight seat of the connectors. Check whether the cable is frayed.
the LIN bus • If no fault can be identified, replace the connected component.
cable to the
sensors (GIO
17 or GIO 18)

33289.09 GIO17/18 Signal failure The LIN bus to • Switch the ignition off and on again. Check the cable of the ultrasonic sensors (cable to ELEX
the ultrasonic GIO 17 / GIO 18; 449 806 0)
sensors has

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33299.03 GIO17/18 Overvoltage/ The LIN bus to • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
short circuit to the ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
24 V sensors (GIO17 • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact

or GIO18) is fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
impaired due may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
to excessive with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
voltage component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

33300.04 GIO17/18 Undervoltage/ The LIN bus to • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
Short circuit to the ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
ground sensors (GIO17 • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
or GIO18) has fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
a short circuit to may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
ground with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33309.13 GIO17/18 System Failure The ultrasonic • Run the TailGUARD EOL procedure again.
sensors are not


64003.03 GIO17/18 Overvoltage/ The supply

Short circuit to voltage to
24 V the ultrasonic
sensors is too

64004.04 GIO17/18 Undervoltage/ The supply • This fault can also occur in combination with the fault "power supply too low", then ignore.
Short circuit to voltage to
ground the ultrasonic
sensors is too

30740.04 Power supply Undervoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
for ultrasonic Short circuit to for the power • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
sensor GIO ground supply for • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
17/18 the ultrasonic fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
sensor(s) on may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
GIO 17 or with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
GIO18 has a component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
short-circuit to step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
ground connected.
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

30739.03 Power supply Overvoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
for ultrasonic Short circuit to for the power • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

sensor GIO 17 24 V supply for • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
the ultrasonic fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
sensor(s) on may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
GIO 17 cable with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
has a short- component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
circuit to 24V step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

64786.02 Parameter Value too high The parameter • For more information: Read out the parameter set and write it back to the ECU.
setting settings are

642590. 03 Power supply Value too high The supply • Check supply voltage.
voltage to
Module is above
30 V

64260. 04 Power supply Value too low The supply • Check supply voltage.
voltage to
Module is below
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

64275. 03 Power supply Value too high The supply • Check supply voltage
voltage to the

Module is
too high.
The reverse
system was
switched off.

35899.11 Rear outline Lamp Failure Internal fault, • The system has detected a malfunction on one of the relays responsible for controlling the rear
marker lamp the relay for the outline marker lamps. This may have the following causes:
position lights • Very low temperatures in combination with low supply voltage: In very low temperatures the relay
has a fault may not switch correctly from time to time, causing a fault to be detected. Check the function of
the rear outline marker lamps: Select the "Electronic Extension Module signal outputs" menu item
from the "Measured values" menu and there activate the rear outline marker lamps. Check if the
rear outline marker lamps can be switched on and off via diagnosis. If the fault no longer occurs,
ignore the fault and delete the fault memory.
• Only following installation or repair of the TailGUARD system: Check the cabling of the rear
outline marker lamps: The connections to rear outline marker lamps must be connected to GIO
12, pin 6 (yellow-black core, rear outline marker lamp left) and pin 7 (yellow-brown core, position
light right); pin 1 (pink, power supply) and pin 4 (white, ground)
• The relays of the electronic extension module are defective. Either replace the electronic
extension module or use one of the following (more economical) alternatives:
• To deactivate the rear outline marker lamps, proceed as follows:
• Open the parameter setting dialogue in the diagnosis, under "Options" in tab "(10) Electronic
Extension Module" deactivate the "Marker lights control" checkbox.
• Follow the cable from Electronic Extension Module GIO port 12 to the light distributor. In the light
distributor, reconnect the rear outline marker lamp contacts directly to the associated light cable
contacts, i.e.: The contacts connected to the yellow-black core of the GIO12 cable must now be
connected directly to one another. The black and yellow-black cores of the GIO12 cable are no
longer connected. The contacts connected to the brown and the yellow-brown core of the GIO12
cable must also be connected directly to one another. The brown and yellow-brown cores of the
GIO12 cable are no longer connected.

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

38405.05 Stop light Break in The supply • Check the cabling.

supply cable cable for the

stop light (GIO

12 - pin 1) is not
connected. The
stop light cannot
be actuated.

31502.14 TailGUARD System Failure TailGUARD was

during reverse

31500.12 TailGUARD System Failure TailGUARD • This fault occurs when the ultrasonic sensors do not supply correct data, e.g. because they
light function exposed to intense background noise or the sensor membrane was contaminated or covered.
cancelled due to Generally the fault is therefore not stored as active in the fault memory as it occurs only
a sensor error. temporarily during operation with intense background noise and the system functions again
This error can correctly in a different/quieter environment or the system is ready for operation again after the
also occur with sensors are cleaned (snow melts / rain washes dirt away / the vehicle is cleaned).
heavy parasitic • Proceed as follows to check the system:
noises • Switch the ignition off and on again or carry out an ECU reset via the PC diagnosis.
• Then reverse the vehicle to check if the system functions (distance indication and brake
intervention in front of an object).
• If the fault does not reoccur and there are no other faults in the fault memory, ignore the fault and
delete it.

31516.12 TailGUARD System Failure TailGUARD • This fault occurs when the ultrasonic sensors do not supply correct data, e.g. because they
light function exposed to intense background noise or the sensor membrane was contaminated or covered.
cancelled due to Generally the fault is therefore not stored as active in the fault memory as it occurs only
a sensor error temporarily during operation with intense background noise and the system functions again
in the extended correctly in a different/quieter environment or the system is ready for operation again after the
level. This error sensors are cleaned (snow melts / rain washes dirt away / the vehicle is cleaned).
can also occur • Proceed as follows to check the system:
with heavy • Switch the ignition off and on again or carry out an ECU reset via the PC diagnosis.
parasitic noises • Then reverse the vehicle to check if the system functions (distance indication and brake
intervention in front of an object).
• If the fault does not reoccur and there are no other faults in the fault memory, ignore the fault and
delete it.
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

30724.04 Ultrasonic Undervoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
sensor 1 (Left) Short circuit to to ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

ground sensor 1 (Left) • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
has a short fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
circuit to ground may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

30979.03 Ultrasonic Overvoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
sensor 2 Short circuit to to ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";
(Right) 12 V sensor 2 (Right) • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact

has a short fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
circuit to 24V may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

30980.04 Ultrasonic Undervoltage/ The cable • Disconnect the connector from the affected GIO port on the Electronic Extension Module.
sensor 2 Short circuit to to ultrasonic • Open the fault memory and click on "Refresh";

(Right) ground sensor 2 (Right) • Case 1: Generally the fault should now no longer be signalled as active (attention: Note the exact
has a short fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault
circuit to ground may now be indicated as active!!!). To check whether the component connected to the control unit
with the cable is defective or the cable itself, disconnect the plug connection from the connected
component(s); in the next step, reconnect the connector that was disconnected during the first
step to the control unit so that the cable, but not the component connected to the control unit, is
• Update the fault memory again.
• Case 1.1: Now the fault is indicated as active again (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since
the connector has been disconnected from the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated
as active!!!). In this case the cable is defective. Check the cable between the control unit and the
connected component. Use a multimeter (throughput measurement) to check if there is a short
circuit from one plug pin to another pin on the cable connector. Check whether the cable is frayed.
If this is the case, replace the cable.
• Case 1.2: If the fault is not indicated as active again, it is presumably the component connected
to the cable that is defective. Check the connector on the connected component. Check if the
component has a short circuit. Check whether water or moisture has entered into one of the
connectors and check the seals for proper fit.
• Case 2: If the same fault is now still signalled as active, the Electronic Extension Module is
defective (attention: Note the exact fault code!!! Since the connector has been disconnected from
the control unit, a different fault may now be indicated as active!!!).

30978.02 Ultrasonic Data is No echo signal • Check if cable is connected to GIO port
sensor 2 irregular or received from
(Right) incorrect ultrasonic
sensor 2
(Right). Sensor
or sensor cable
defective, or not
plugged in.

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33564.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • The ultrasonic sensor 1 (main level Left) has an internal fault. If this fault occurs frequently,
sensor LIN sensor 1 (main replace the sensor.
1 (main level level Left) has • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

Left) an internal fault • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
• Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33580.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 1 permanently, replace the sensor.

1 (main level (main level • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
Left) Left) is dirty or • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
has a sensor • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
membrane fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33584. 00 Ultrasonic Value too high The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 1 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
1 (main level level Left) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.

Left) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33612.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 1 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

1 (main level level Left) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Left) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33628.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 1 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
1 (main level level Left) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.

Left) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33644.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 1 (main permanently, replace the sensor.

1 (main level level Left) • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
Left) has a sensor • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
membrane fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33653.05 Ultrasonic Break in The cable to • If the fault occurs within the TailGUARD start-up procedure, ignore fault and repeat start-up
sensor LIN supply cable the ultrasonic procedure.
1 (main level sensor 1 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

Left) level Left) is • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
interrupted • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
or the new • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
ultrasonic defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
sensor has fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
not yet been has been replaced. There is no new defect!
learned • This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33820.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

2 (main level level Right) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Right) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33836.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main permanently, replace the sensor.
2 (main level level Right) • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

Right) is dirty or • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
has a sensor • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
membrane fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33840. 00 Ultrasonic Value too high The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

2 (main level level Right) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Right) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
• This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33868.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

2 (main level level Right) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Right) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33884.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

2 (main level level Right) has • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Right) an internal fault • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
• Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33900.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 2 (main permanently, replace the sensor.
2 (main level level Right) • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

Right) is dirty or • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
has a sensor • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
membrane fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

33909.05 Ultrasonic Break in The cable to • If the fault occurs within the TailGUARD start-up procedure, ignore fault and repeat start-up
sensor LIN supply cable the ultrasonic procedure.

2 (main level sensor 2 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
Right) level Right) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
is interrupted • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
or the new • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
ultrasonic defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
sensor has fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
not yet been has been replaced. There is no new defect!
learned • This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34076.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

3 (main level level Centre) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Centre) has an internal • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34092.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main permanently, replace the sensor.

3 (main level level Centre) • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
Centre) is dirty or • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
has a sensor • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
membrane fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34096. 00 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
3 (main level level Centre) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.

Centre) has an internal • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34124.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

3 (main level level Centre) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Centre) has an internal • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34140.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • If this fault occurs frequently, replace the sensor.
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

3 (main level level Centre) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
Centre) has an internal • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34156.12 Ultrasonic Sensor Failure The ultrasonic • Make sure that the sensor membrane is clean and the sensor has free view. If this fault occurs
sensor LIN sensor 3 (main permanently, replace the sensor.

3 (main level level Centre) • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:
Centre) is dirty or • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
has a sensor • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
membrane fault • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
has been replaced. There is no new defect!
• This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all

Component Description Cause Repair Information
and Location

34165.05 Ultrasonic Break in The cable to • If the fault occurs within the TailGUARD start-up procedure, ignore fault and repeat start-up
sensor LIN supply cable the ultrasonic procedure.
3 (main level sensor 3 (main • If the ultrasonic sensor needs to be replaced, proceed as follows:

Centre) level Centre) • Remove the sensor and disconnect the plug connection of the sensor cable.
is interrupted • Install the new sensor 446 122 450 0 and connect it.
or the new • Start the TailGUARD Diagnostic Software via TOOLBOX. Note: A sensor may still be indicated as
ultrasonic defective after it has been replaced; other sensors may now also be reported as defective in the
sensor has fault memory. The reason for this is that the sensors need to be newly assigned after a sensor
not yet been has been replaced. There is no new defect!
learned • This step is optional, but may simplify the subsequent start-up procedure for the system: Select
the "Settings" menu item from the "Options" menu and the "Test options" tab in the settings
dialogue. In the "TailGUARD (RAS/RMS) test" group, deactivate the "Direct Echo Test (optional)"
checkboxes as well as "Object test (optional)". This enables skipping the reflection test and the
object detection test during start-up, thereby reducing the time required for the repair. Attention:
This option should only be deactivated for the replacement of ultrasonic sensors in vehicles that
have already been put into operation and should be reactivated after the repair. For the initial
start-up after installation of a TailGUARD system, the option should be activated.
• A new start-up procedure for the entire vehicle is not necessary. Only the TailGUARD function
must be started up. Open the TailGUARD dialogue by selecting "TailGUARD" or TailGUARD light"
from the "Measured values" menu.
• In the TailGUARD dialogue, click the "Start initial start-up" button.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
• WABCO part number for ultrasonic sensors:446 122 450 0 LIN ultrasonic sensor,1 0°, 3m
cable length, not preconfigured - this sensor is used for TailGUARD light or for TailGUARD in all
Component Replacement

8 Component Replacement

8.1 Component Removal and Installation Procedures

Observe the following hazard alert messages when performing component replacement procedures.

To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.

Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip and
fall over. Serious personal injury and damage to components can results.

The ABS is an electrical system. When you work on the ABS, take the same precautions that you
must take with any electrical system to avoid serious personal injury. As with any electrical system,
the danger of electrical shock or sparks exists that can ignite flammable substances. You must
always disconnect the battery ground cable before working on the electrical system.

When welding on an ABS-equipped vehicle is necessary, disconnect the power connector from the
ECU to avoid damage to the electrical system and ABS components.

High voltages can damage the electronic control unit (ECU). Disconnect all connectors from the ECU
before you perform any welding, electrostatic painting, or any other activity that applies high voltage
to the vehicle frame. Install blind plugs into the ECU to protect the connector openings. Ground the
welding or painting equipment to the part you are working on. If you are working on a moving or
insulated component such as an axle, make sure it is correctly grounded through the frame. Refer to
the equipment manufacturer’s recommended instructions for correct procedures.

Disconnect power from the ECU/Valve Assembly before you remove any components. Failure to
disconnect power from the ECU can cause faults to be recorded and stored in ECU memory.

Component Replacement

8.2 Cable Connections

All cables connecting to the RSSplus™ ECU are secured by means of a yellow locking connector. These
connectors slide forward and back in order to lock or release the cable at the ECU. Use a small open-
ended wrench to lever the locking connector into the open position. Once an existing cable has been
replaced or a new cable installed on an original installation, the connector can be pushed back into the
locked position by hand, securely anchoring the cable connection to the ECU. If correctly installed, the use
of di-electric grease is not necessary.

8.3 Wheel Speed Sensor

8.3.1 Remove the Old Sensor

1. Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s instructions to back off the slack adjuster and remove the tire,
wheel and drum.
2. Hold the sensor, not the cable, and use a twisting motion to pull the sensor out of its sensor holder.
3. Remove the spring clip from the sensor holder.
4. Remove any fasteners that hold the sensor cable to other components.
5. Disconnect the sensor cable from the extension cable.

8.3.2 Install the New Sensor

Sensor locations vary according to suspension types. Typically, a spring suspension has sensors on the
forward axle, and an air suspension has sensors on the rear axle.
1. Apply a mineral oil-based grease that contains molydisulfide to the sensor spring clip and to the
body of the sensor. The grease must be anti-corrosive and contain adhesive properties that will
continuously endure temperatures from -40° to 300°F (-40° to 150°C).
2. Push the spring clip into the sensor holder from the inboard side, until the spring clip tabs are against
the sensor holder. Push the sensor into the spring clip as far as possible. Figure 8.1.
Fig. 8.1


Component Replacement

3. Route the sensor cable toward the brake chamber, over the brake spider, and behind the axle. Secure
the cable to the axle between the brake spider and the suspension brackets. Continue to route the
sensor cable behind the spring seats. Secure the cable to the axle one inch from the molded sensor
plug. Figure 8.2.
Fig. 8.2


4. Install the wheel hub carefully, so that the tooth wheel pushes against the sensor as you adjust the
wheel bearings. After installation there should be no gap between the sensor and the tooth wheel.
During normal operation a gap of 0.040-inch is allowable.
5. Sensor Output Voltage Test: Use a volt/ohm meter to check the AC output voltage of the sensors
while rotating the wheel at approximately one-half revolution per second. Minimum output must be
greater than 0.2 volts AC. If minimum output is less than 0.2 volts AC, push the sensor toward the
tooth wheel. Recheck the sensor output.

8.4 ECU/Valve Assembly

Release all pressure from the air system before you disconnect any components. Pressurized air can
cause serious personal injury.

8.4.1 Remove the Old ECU/Valve Assembly

1. Release all pressure from the air system.
2. Attach labels to identify all air lines.
3. Disconnect the air lines from the ECU/Valve Assembly.
4. Disconnect the power cable, additional relay valve cable (if used), and all sensor cables from the
ECU/Valve Assembly. Figure 8.3.
5. Remove the ECU/Valve Assembly from its mounting location.

Loosen and remove the two mounting bolts and lock nuts that hold the assembly to the cross member
or bracket. Remove the assembly.

Component Replacement

6. If the assembly being replaced is under warranty, please return it to the trailer OEM for replacement.
Fig. 8.3
– +
GI05 GI04 GI03 GI0 GI01 f d







2.2 2.2



8.4.2 Install the New ECU/Valve Assembly

When a sensor cable is not plugged into a sensor connector, the black cap must remain in the
connector to protect it from dirt and contamination. Figure 8.3.

The ECU/Valve Assembly is supplied with black protective caps in each sensor connector.

Component Replacement

8.4.3 Mounting RSSplus™ ECU to Cross Member of Vehicle — Bracket Not

When mounting the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly to the trailer cross member, refer to SAE
specification J447, Prevention of Corrosion of Motor Vehicle Body and Chassis Components. Follow all
recommendations and procedures. Your supervisor should have a copy of this specification. Figure 8.4.
Fig. 8.4

(±2000 MM)


±15° ±3°


(±500 MM)

Location or Mounting Position Permissible Maximum

Y-direction from the vehicle longitudinal axis ±19.68 Inches (±500 MM)
X-longitudinal direction from the center of the axle support ±78.74 Inches (±2000 MM)
Tilt of the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly around the X-axis (roll angle) ±3 Degrees
Tilt of the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly around the Y-axis ±15 Degrees
Rotation of the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly around the Z-axis (yaw angle) ±3 Degrees

Before beginning the installation procedure, perform the following.
Inspect the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly for damage that may have occurred during shipping or
 Look for crushed or bent connectors.
 Verify that the retainer clips have not been bent or otherwise damaged.
 Do not install a damaged ECU/dual modulator valve assembly. Notify your supervisor, or contact
WABCO if there is any apparent damage.

Component Replacement

8.5 ECU/Dual Modulator Valve Assembly

The replacement ECU assembly may not be mounted on an air tank. An air tank will not support the
weight of the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly. A bracket may be fabricated using steel at least
3/16-inch (5 mm) thick or mounted directly to the cross member. Figure 8.6.

RSS will not function correctly if the mounting location does not meet the following requirements.
To complete the RSSplus™ replacement, you must have 120 psi air pressure available. A 12-volt DC
(10 amp minimum) power supply must also be available.
 The ECU assembly must be mounted level onto a rigid structure of the subframe and must be mounted
facing either the front or the rear of the trailer.
 Mount the ECU/dual modulator valve assembly in the center width of the trailer subframe, midway
between the axle spacing. Figure 8.4.
 Do not mount to an air tank.
 Do not mount sideways. The ECU mounting bolts must point toward either the front or the rear of the

8.5.1 Installation Procedure

1. Apply SAE-standard, DOT-approved paste-type thread sealant to all NPTF threads. Do not use
excessive amounts of sealant.
 Supply ports are 3/4-inch NPTF.
 Delivery control and air suspension ports are 3/8-inch NPTF.
2. Mount the assembly level to a rigid structure of the subframe midway between the side rails, close to
the brake chambers the valve serves.
 Attach to the cross member. The center-to-center distance between the two holes must be
2-3/4-inches (70 mm) and mount directly to a rigid structure. Figure 8.5.

 Attach to a mounting bracket with two 9/16-inch (14 mm) mounting holes with 2-3/4-inches (70
mm) center-to-center distance between the two holes. The bracket must be made of cold rolled
1040 to 1080 steel with a reinforcing gusset. Figure 8.6.
Fig. 8.5






f /G106


(70 MM)





Component Replacement

Fig. 8.6


3. Use two 1/2-inch nuts to attach to the integral bolts. Tighten the nuts to 62 ft-lb (85 Nm).
4. For additional corrosion protection, the ECU/dual modulator assembly may be painted. Mask the
exhaust ports before painting. Remove the masking after painting.
5. Washers or spring lock washers are only permitted directly under the nut.
6. The bracket or mounting area must completely cover the bearing surface of the mounting flange.

8.6 Air Lines

1. Connect the air supply line from the supply tank to the 3/4-inch NPTF supply port on the ECU/dual
modulator valve assembly. Use 5/8-inch minimum O.D. nylon tubing.
2. Connect air delivery lines to the ECU valve assembly. The ports labeled 2.1 and 2.2 are 3/8-inch
NPTF. Refer to Figure 8.3 for ECU valve port assignments, and Section 6 for air line configuration.

8.7 Distance Sensor

The Distance Sensor is used only with Roll Stability equipped trailers that have mechanical (spring)
suspensions. Trailers equipped with air suspensions do not use a Distance Sensor with their RSSplus™
The Distance Sensor is attached to the trailer structure or cross member. In some cases, the trailer OEM
may have it attached to a fabricated bracket. Figure 8.7.

Component Replacement

Fig. 8.7




Component Replacement

8.7.1 Remove the Old Distance Sensor

1. Disconnect the cable attached to the Distance Sensor. Figure 8.8.
Fig. 8.8




2. Remove the bolt that attaches the Distance Sensor Lever to the Distance Sensor arm.
3. Remove the two bolts that attach the Distance Sensor to the cross member or bracket.
4. Remove the Distance Sensor.

8.7.2 Install the New Distance Sensor

1. Install the Distance Sensor to the cross member or bracket near the center of the trailer with the two
bolts previously used to mount the replaced sensor. Figure 8.8.
2. Attach the Distance Sensor Lever to the Distance Sensor arm. Use both threaded holes on the
sensor arm to attach the distance sensor lever.
3. Connect the Distance Sensor cable.
4. Once the Distance Sensor has been replaced, it must be calibrated before putting the trailer back into
service. Refer to Section 9 for Distance Sensor Calibration.

Component Replacement

8.8 Distance Sensor Extension Lever

Some trailers experience jounce due to certain spring suspensions’ characteristics and require an extension
of the distance sensor. This extension lever (part number 441 901 715 4) allows the lever length parameter
in the TOOLBOX™ Software to be set to 150 mm. Mounting hardware for the extension lever is found in the
linkage kit (part number 105 100 002 0). Figure 8.9.
Fig. 8.9
441 901 715 4
14 MM

50 MM
90 MM

120 MM

Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

9 Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

Observe the following hazard alert messages when performing adjustment and testing procedures.

To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.

Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip and
fall over. Serious personal injury and damage to components can results.

The ABS is an electrical system. When you work on the ABS, take the same precautions that you
must take with any electrical system to avoid serious personal injury. As with any electrical system,
the danger of electrical shock or sparks exists that can ignite flammable substances. You must
always disconnect the battery ground cable before working on the electrical system.

Disconnect power from the ECU/Valve Assembly before you remove any components. Failure to
disconnect power from the ECU can cause faults to be recorded and stored in ECU memory.

9.1 Testing

9.1.1 Testing the Wheel Speed Sensors

At initial installation, no gap must exist between the sensor and the tooth wheel.

After you intall a hub, always check that the sensor is adjusted correctly.

Operating the trailer can cause a gap to develop between the sensor and the tooth wheel. If the gap
exceeds 0.040-inch, the system may not function correctly.
To adjust the sensor, twist and push the sensor through the sensor bracket as far as possible or until the
sensor touches the tooth wheel. There is no need for a feeler gauge as the sensor will correctly gap itself
when the wheel rotates.

Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing Sensor Test Procedure

1. Disconnect power to the ECU/Valve Assembly.
2. Disconnect the sensor electrical connector from the ECU/Valve Assembly.
3. Connect the volt/ohm meter leads to the two wire rectangular terminals inside the disconnected
4. When checking the resistance, the meter must read 900-2000 ohms.
5. Check and replace the sensor and cables as required.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 for each sensor in the system.

9.1.2 Sensor Output Voltage Test

1. Disconnect power from the ECU/Valve Assembly.
2. Connect the AC volt/ohm meter leads to the sensor terminals inside the connector.
3. Rotate the corresponding wheel at a constant speed of one-half revolution per second.
4. The output voltage must be greater than 0.2 volts AC.
5. When there is no reading:
A. Trace the cable to verify that the cable connects to the wheel you turned.
B. Check that you turned the correct wheel.
C. Check that the system is wired correctly.
D. Check that the sensor touches the tooth wheel.
6. If the volt/ohm meter still indicates no reading or a low reading after following the above procedures,
check and replace the component and cables as required.
7. Repeat Steps 1-5 for each sensor in the system.

9.2 Check ABS Functions

 WABCO requires that you test a vehicle’s ABS after a new installation and after you diagnose, repair
and erase faults in the ABS.
 Perform end of line check using TOOLBOX™ Software.

9.3 End of Line Testing

End of line testing is required on all RSSplus™ installations. To run these tests, WABCO requires you use
TOOLBOX™ Software.
TOOLBOX™ Software and general test procedures are included in this manual. If you are using a Pro-Link,
refer to the operating manual for test instructions.

Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

9.3.1 End of Line Testing Procedure Using TOOLBOX Software

Refer to the Software Owner’s Manual, TP99102, for instructions for running TOOLBOX™

1. Display the Trailer RSS Diagnostics Screen.

2. Verify power and air supply:
 Apply 12 volts DC to the blue wire (constant). Check the screen for correct voltage (9.5 to 14
volts). Constant power voltage is displayed in the Primary field.
 Power supply must have a 10 amp minimum.
 Apply 120 psi to the red (supply) line of the trailer’s air system. Be prepared to also apply 120 psi
to the trailer’s blue (control) line when directed.

9.4 Putting the Trailer into Service

9.4.1 Sign-Off Procedure (End of Line Testing)

Once installed, the WABCO RSSplus™ system must go through a sign-off procedure. This ensures that
the system has been correctly installed and the pneumatic functions of the trailer are supporting the Roll
Stability ABS.
In order to run the sign-off procedure, the trailer must be connected to 12 volt DC power (10 amp
minimum), be connected to supply air (120 psi), have the capability to have control line air applied, and
have the sensed axles raised off the ground.
The following procedure can be performed immediately if the replacement ECU has been installed in
the default configuration (4S/ 2M, air suspension, ECU facing forward). If the ECU is installed in a
non-default configuration, the ECU must be programmed before the sign-off procedure can be
conducted. Refer to Section 10 for details.
For mechanical suspensions, the vehicle parameters must be changed from the default settings. Parameter
Entry guidelines can be found in Section 10.
All RSSplus™ ECUs have 1:1 air delivery default settings. If trailer specific load proportioning is desired,
please contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203 for assistance. If no proportioning is
desired, air pressures are left at the default settings. The administration of these parameters is covered in
the Parameter Entry guidelines in Section 10.

Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

From the initial screen of the TOOLBOX™ Software, click on the RSSplus™ icon. Figure 9.1.
Fig. 9.1


From the Main Screen, select Sign-Off from the pull-down menu bar. Then select Begin Sign-Off Procedure
to begin the automated test procedure. Figure 9.2.
Fig. 9.2
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

9.4.2 The Pressure Test

This portion of the sign-off will check the ECU’s internal modulator valves for correct operation. The test will
begin automatically. Once the test successfully concludes, the sign-off procedure will automatically advance
to the Redundancy Test. There is no input needed from the tester. Figure 9.3.
Fig. 9.3


9.4.3 The Redundancy Test

This portion of the sign-off will check the pneumatic functionality of the trailer’s air system to the RSS
equipment. The Redundancy Test ensures the air capacity and control to the ECU is correct and measures
the pressure at the internal modulator valves. The test will begin automatically. Apply control (blue) line
air when prompted in the lower box. Once the test successfully concludes, the sign-off procedure will
automatically advance to the Sensor Test. Figure 9.4.
Fig. 9.4


Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

9.4.4 The Sensor Test

This portion of the sign-off will check the placement of the ABS wheel sensors. Ensure there is no pressure
on the control (blue) line and that the trailer has all ABS sensed axles up off the ground. The following
message will appear. Press OK after all safety precautions have been taken and release the blue air line to
begin the test. Figure 9.5.
Fig. 9.5


Rotate each wheel individually (in the order shown on the screen) and check the on-screen diagram to
ensure correct sensor placement. Figure 9.6. Errors will occur if the wheels are spun faster than 10
mph (16 kph). Once the placement of all sensors has been correctly verified, the software will automatically
advance to the Warning Lamp Test.
Fig. 9.6


Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

9.4.5 The Warning Lamp Test

This portion of the sign-off will ensure correct operation of the ABS warning lamp. The warning light will
flash on and off. Once correct operation is confirmed, press Yes. Figure 9.7.
Fig. 9.7


9.4.6 Distance Sensor Calibration

If the trailer has a mechanical (spring) suspension, the distance sensor is calibrated next. Ensure that the
trailer is lowered so that all wheels are fully on the ground before proceeding.
The Mechanical Suspension Calibration screen appears. Figure 9.8.
Fig. 9.8


Ensure the Distance Sensor arm is parallel to the ground. Figure 9.9. The trailer must be in the unladen
(empty) state. Once the value in the "Height Sensor" field no longer changes and is within the displayed
acceptable range, press the button labeled Calibrate Height Sensor.

Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

A message appears that the calibration is successful. Press OK. Figure 9.10.
Fig. 9.9


Fig. 9.10


Successfully signing off the trailer will produce the confirmation screen and allow the tester the opportunity
to save the results. Click on the Yes button and save the file in the appropriate data directory. Figure 9.11.
Fig. 9.11
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


Sensor Adjustment and Component Testing

A message appears confirming the file has been saved and shows the location of the data. Figure 9.12.
Fig. 9.12


9.4.7 WABCO Customer Care Center

For additional assistance, contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203.
Before calling the WABCO Customer Care Center, be prepared to provide the following information:
1. The trailer’s original manufacturer and model year.
2. The SPECIFIC symptom or complaint.
3. What is the ABS blink code or TOOLBOX™ Software reading?
4. Have any resistance and/or voltage measurements been taken?
5. What is the result of visual inspection of connectors, harness and components?
6. When does the symptom occur (vehicle moving, fully loaded, etc.)?
7. Does the trailer have any unusual characteristics (for example, mismatched tires or larger than
normal air consumption)?
8. What is the part number of the ECU/Valve Assembly? What is the system configuration?
By having the above information ready when you call, your customer service technician will be
better equipped to assist you. Figure 9.13.
Fig. 9.13


WABCO Customer Care Center, 855-228-3203

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

10 Parameter Entry for RSSplus

10.1 Vehicle Parameter Records

All RSSplus™ ECUs have default parameters already programmed into the unit. If you are installing a
4S/2M system with the ECU facing FORWARD on an air suspension, there is no need to change any
If you are installing the RSSplus™ system in a non-default configuration, you will need to access the
vehicle parameters. Contact your WABCO representative for assistance with non-default configurations.
From the main screen, select System and then Edit Parameters. Figure 10.1.
Fig. 10.1
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


Parameter Entry for RSSplus

RSS System Parameters allows you to correctly configure the system to match the trailer’s specific
characteristics. The RSSplus™ ECU comes preprogrammed with default parameters and requires no
further programming. You will need to add vehicle data and then press Next to continue. Figure 10.2.
Fig. 10.2


10.2 Air Suspension Parameters

Add the following vehicle data into the RSS System Parameters screen. Figure 10.2.
Vehicle Type — Select the appropriate trailer type.
Number of Axles — Select the total number of axles on the trailer.
Axle Definition — Select the sensed axles by indicating the location of each sensor pair. Lift axles are
not sensed and are controlled by generic I/O function. The on-screen illustration will change to reflect the
sensor configuration.
Modulator Mounting — A modulator facing FORWARD will have the mount bolts pointing TOWARD the
rear of the trailer. A forward facing ECU will have this box checked.
ABS System — Select the appropriate ABS type being installed.
Suspension — Select air suspension. NOTE: Mechanical suspensions are covered in the Mechanical
Suspension Parameters section.
Optional Stoplight Activation Cable — Select this field ONLY if the stoplight activation cable is installed.
This optional cable has additional capabilities over the standard power cable.

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Once all the parameters are correctly input, press the NEXT button to advance to the next parameter
screen. Figure 10.3.
Fig. 10.3


The GIO Selection Screen allows the user to pick which Generic Input/Output files are to be loaded into the
ECU. Many of these optional functions are utilized in conjunction with the WABCO PLC Display.
Tire Inflation System — The Tire Inflation System Remote Warning.
Tag Axle (Rear Suspension Dump) — Releases air from a designated axle to facilitate tight turning.
Automatic Lift Axle — Activates the automatic Lift Axle function.
Door Ajar — Warns driver if a secure door is not in the locked position.
Special GIO Functions — Customized functions specific to the trailer. Click in the appropriate check box
to select the function that has been installed on the trailer. Press NEXT to advance to the next parameter
screen. Figure 10.4.
Fig. 10.4


Trailer Data — This area contains important data about the trailer.
Manufacturer — Enter the manufacturer of the trailer.
Type — Enter the trailer type such as tanker, flatbed, van, etc.

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Vehicle I.D. — Enter the last seven digits of the trailer VIN number or the fleet’s trailer number. Do not
leave this field blank as the software creates files using what is entered in this field as file names.
Production Date — Enter the trailer’s production date by week number and year.
Brake Pressures — This area contains parameters affecting how the trailer brakes perform. These fields
are unavailable with mechanical suspensions.
Additional Characteristic Point — This box is normally left blank. Checking this box allows brake
pressure characteristics to be altered across four bands instead of the standard three.
Unladen Axle Load (kg) — Enter the amount of weight each axle will bear when the trailer is empty. The
weight in kilograms can be converted from pounds with the formula 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram.
Unladen Suspension Pressure — The amount of air pressure found in the suspension air bags when the
trailer is empty. The suspension pressure is measured in psi (pounds per square inch).
Unladen Braking Pressure — The default setting is 90 psi. If brake proportioning is desired, the setting
may be less than 90 psi. Do not set this value below 38 psi.
Laden Axle Load — Enter the amount of weight each axle will bear when the trailer is fully loaded. The
weight in kilograms can be converted from pounds with the formula 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram.
Laden Suspension Pressure — The amount of air pressure found in the suspension air bags when the
trailer is fully loaded. The suspension pressure is measured in psi (pounds per square inch).
Laden Braking Pressure — Values in these output fields affect the trailer’s brake performance in the
laden condition. There are three columns (left to right) that affect light, medium, and heavy braking. Please
contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203 for assistance if changing these values from
the default values.
Once all the values have been correctly determined and entered, press the NEXT button to advance to the
last Parameter screen. Figure 10.5.
Fig. 10.5


Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Roll Stability Support — If the trailer will have a single wheel on each side of the axle ("Super Singles"),
select RSS ON — Single Tires. If the trailer will have dual wheels on each side of the axle, select RSS
On — Twin Tires. Only select RSS Off if no roll stability is desired.
Tire Size and Pole Wheel — The Number of Teeth field is for the quantity of teeth on the tone ring. Nearly
all tone rings have 100 teeth. The Tire Circumference is the dynamic tire radius of the tire in millimeters.
The default setting of 3250 will be applicable to most tires, although an exact figure can be obtained from
the tire’s manufacturer.
Once the parameters have been entered, press the Save to ECU button. The parameters are then saved to
the ECU. You are now ready to proceed to the sign-off procedure.
After storing parameters in the ECU, the End-of-Line Start-Up Procedure must be performed. Proceed to
the System Sign-Off procedure in Section 9.

10.3 Mechanical Suspension Parameters

There are additional parameters for a mechanical suspension trailer that must be configured before
releasing the trailer into service.

The distance the springs on a mechanical suspension compress between unladen and
laden states is known as "deflection". This value, in millimeters, MUST be obtained from
the suspension manufacturer prior to programming the ECU. WABCO does not have and
cannot provide this essential information. If the value cannot be obtained from the suspension
manufacturer, the following procedure can be performed to obtain the value.

10.3.1 Determine Spring Deflection Rate

A. With the trailer unloaded, measure from the top of the axle tube (A) to a fixed point (B) on the
underside of the trailer. Note the distance. Figure 10.6.
B. With the trailer loaded (maximum load), measure from the same points (A and B) that were used for
the trailer unloaded measurement. Note the distance. Figure 10.6.
C. Subtract the trailer loaded distance from the trailer unloaded distance. Note the difference. This is the
spring deflection rate for this trailer.

Provide the deflection rate in millimeters.

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Fig. 10.6



From the main screen, select System and then Edit Parameters. Figure 10.7.
Fig. 10.7
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


Input the correct values for each data area. Figure 10.8.

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Fig. 10.8


Vehicle Type — Select the appropriate trailer type.

Number of Axles — Select the total number of axles on the trailer.
Axle Definition — Select the sensed axles by indicating the location of each sensor pair. Lift axles are
not sensed and are controlled by generic I/O function. The on-screen illustration will change to reflect the
sensor configuration.
Modulator Mounting — A modulator facing FORWARD will have the mount bolts pointing TOWARD the
rear of the trailer. A forward facing ECU will have this box checked.
ABS System — Select the appropriate ABS type being installed.
Suspension — Select Mechanical Suspension.
Optional Stoplight Activation Cable — Select this field ONLY if the stoplight activation cable is installed.
This optional cable has additional capabilities over the standard power cable.
When all fields are correctly configured, press NEXT to advance to the second parameter screen.
Figure 10.9.
Fig. 10.9


Parameter Entry for RSSplus

The GIO Selection Screen allows the user to pick which Generic Input/Output files are to be loaded into the
ECU. Many of these optional functions are utilized in conjunction with the WABCO PLC Display.
Tire Inflation System — The Tire Inflation System Remote Warning.
Tag Axle (Rear Suspension Dump) — Releases air from a designated axle to facilitate tight turning.
Lift Axle — Activates the automatic Lift Axle function.
Door Ajar — Warns driver if a secure door is not in the locked position.
Special GIO Functions — Customized functions specific to the trailer. Click in the appropriate check box
to select the function that has been installed on the trailer. Press NEXT to advance to the next parameter
screen. Figure 10.10.
Fig. 10.10


Trailer Data — This area contains important data about the trailer.
Manufacturer — Enter the manufacturer of the trailer.
Type — Enter the trailer type such as tanker, flatbed, van, etc.
Vehicle I.D. — Enter the last seven digits of the trailer VIN number or the fleet’s trailer number. Do not
leave this field blank as the software creates files using what is entered in this field as file names.
Production Date — Enter the trailer’s production date by week number and year.
Unladen Axle Load (kg) — Enter the amount of weight each axle will bear when the trailer is empty. The
weight in kilograms can be converted from pounds with the formula 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram.
Unladen Suspension Path — This value is typically zero for anempty (unladen) trailer.
Unladen Braking Pressure — The default setting is 90 psi. If brakeproportioning is desired, the setting
may be less than 90 psi. Do not set this value below 38 psi.
Laden Axle Load — Enter the amount of weight each axle will bear when the trailer is fully loaded. The
weight in kilograms can be converted from pounds with the formula 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram.
Laden Suspension Path — This value is the amount of spring compression (in millimeters) when
the trailer is fully laden. This value is obtained by the trailer builder from the mechanical suspension

Parameter Entry for RSSplus

Laden Braking Pressure — Values in these output fields affect the trailer’s brake performance in the
laden condition. There are three columns (left to right) that affect light, medium, and heavy braking. Please
contact the WABCO Customer Care Center at 855-228-3203 for assistance if changing these values from
the default values.
Distance Sensor Lever Length — The software defaults to 100 mm. This is the setting when the distance
sensor lever is mounted to the farthest integrated nut on the distance sensor. If the lever is mounted to the
center integrated nut on the distance sensor arm, the value is 50 mm.
Once all the values have been correctly determined and entered, press the NEXT button to advance to the
last Parameter screen. Figure 10.11.
Fig. 10.11


Roll Stability Support — If the trailer will have a single wheel on each side of the axle ("Super Singles"),
select RSS ON — Single Tires. If the trailer will have dual wheels on each side of the axle, select RSS
On — Twin Tires. Only select RSS Off if no roll stability is desired.
Tire Size and Pole Wheel — The Number of Teeth field is for the quantity of teeth on the tone ring. Nearly
all tone rings have 100 teeth. The Tire Circumference is the dynamic tire radius of the tire in millimeters.
The default setting of 3100 will be applicable to most tires, although an exact figure can be obtained from
the tire’s manufacturer.
Once the parameters have been entered, press the Save to ECU button. The parameters are then saved to
the ECU. You are now ready to proceed to the sign-off procedure.


11 Troubleshooting
Observe the following hazard alert messages when performing troubleshooting procedures.

To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe eye protection when you perform vehicle
maintenance or service.

Remove all pressure from the air system before you disconnect any component. Pressurized air can
cause serious personal injury.

Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Support the
vehicle with safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip and
fall over. Serious personal injury and damage to components can results.

Ensure the trailer has correct electrical grounding; refer to SAE Specification J1908.

When you work on an electrical system, the possibility of electrical shock exists, and sparks can
ignite flammable substances. You must always disconnect the battery ground cable before you work
on an electrical system to prevent serious personal injury and damage to components.

11.1 Lift Axle Troubleshooting

The first step taken when troubleshooting the Lift Axle system is to ensure that the system is pneumatically
plumbed and electrically connected correctly. Refer to Figures 11.9, 11.10 and 11.11 in this section for the
correct schematic, depending upon the configuration.
For additional information, refer to TP08103, Lift Axle Installation Manual, available at
When testing the Lift Axle system, ensure the trailer is supplied with a minimum of 100 psi air pressure to
the supply air and 12 volts DC power rated at a minimum of 10 amps to the trailer’s constant power circuit.
Use of a volt-ohm meter may be required. A lift axle test rig may be built by the maintenance shop to
facilitate the testing of the lift axle system. See Figure 11.12.
The ability to raise the trailer’s fixed axles in order to conduct an end of line test may be required.
This troubleshooting section is based on the use of TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.2 or higher. If you
have an earlier version of software, visit or contact your Snap-On dealer.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Lift Axle Func- Inspect RSS2 ECU electrical Ensure that all cables are correctly installed.
tion Unavailable connections.
in TOOLBOX™ Verify the TOOLBOX™ Software Ensure TOOLBOX™ Software 12.2 or later is
Software version. installed.
Lift Axle Will Not Recycle trailer power. The ECU valve should audibly click during its
Raise or Lower power-up self-test. If the ECU fails to click,
ensure that the sensor extension cables are
securely attached to the ECU and ensure
that 12 volts is present at pin 1 on the ECU
power connector. Refer to Figure 11.1.
Retrieve diagnostic information When the trailer power is cycled, the trailer-
via TOOLBOX™ Software version mounted ABS warning light will illuminate
12.2 or higher. and extinguish as a light test. If warning
light remains on, begin diagnostics with
TOOLBOX™ Software. Repair and clear all
faults found.
Check the Notebook feature Service information will display raise and
in TOOLBOX™ Software to lower pressures if the lift axle function is
determine if lift axle function has active when using TOOLBOX™ Software
been enabled. version 12 or greater.
Verify the lift axle function From the main TOOLBOX screen, select
is activated in TOOLBOX™ the Modify pull-down. Select Lift Axle Raise/
Software. Lower Pressures and active settings will be
displayed. Input values if needed and save to
Inspect lift axle control valve Ensure the LACV cable 449 518 030 0 is
(LACV) cable 449 518 030 0. securely fastened to the LACV and to the
"D1" lead of the multiple I/O cable 449 866
010 0.
Inspect multiple I/O cable 449 442 Ensure the multiple I/O cable 449 442 010 0
010 0. is securely fastened to the ECU and that the
"D1" lead is connected to the LACV cable
449 518 030 0.
Check lift axle control valve cable Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
integrity. open circuits on LACV cable 449 518 030 0.
Refer to Figure 11.2.
Check multiple I/O cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
open circuits on lead "D1" of the multiple I/O
cable 449 866 010 0. Refer to Figure 11.3.
Inspect the lift axle control valve Ensure the LACV cable is securely fastened
463 084 050 0. to the valve.
Check the coil of the lift axle Using an ohm meter, check the resistance
control valve. between pins 1 and 4 and pins 1 and 2. The
resistance should be 19 ohms (+/- 2 ohms at
room temperature). Resistance between pins
2 and 4 should be less than 1 ohm. Refer to
Figure 11.4.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Test the pressure switch 431 700 Refer to Figure 11.5 for the connector
002 0. diagram of Pressure Switch 431 700 002 0.
Use regulated shop air and an ohm meter
to check the functionality of the switch. With
greater than 70 psi (but less than 120 psi)
applied to the switch, pins 1 and 2 resistance
reading should show infinity. With less than
70 psi applied to the switch, pins 1 and 2
resistance reading should show less than 1
Test the pressure sensor 441 044 Refer to Figure 11.12 for the construction of
106 0. a Lift Axle Test Rig. Attach regulated shop
air to the pneumatic connector of pressure
switch 441 044 106 0. Increase pressure
so that it exceeds the parameterized lower
axle threshold and the axle should deploy.
Decrease pressure so that it drops below the
parameterized threshold to raise the axle and
the axle should rise. Replace the Pressure
Sensor if axle fails to rise or lower.
Check "Y" cable integrity (if Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
applicable). or open circuit on the lift axle "Y" cable 894
590 075 0. Refer to Figure 11.8.
Lift Axle with Using TOOLBOX™ Software, Repair and clear all active faults. Cycle the
Automatic Override ensure there are no active faults. ECU power.
Will Not Lower Inspect pressure switch 431 700 Ensure pressure switch is plumbed into the
When Trailer is 001 0 installation. delivery line to the spring brake. Refer to
Parked; Trailer Figures 11.9, 11.10 and 11.11.
Has Power and Air
Inspect the connection of pressure Ensure the pressure switch is correctly
switch 431 700 001 0. connected to the "A1" lead of the multiple I/O
cable 449 866 010 0.
Test the pressure switch 431 700 Refer to Figure 11.5 for the connector
001 0. diagram of pressure switch 431 700 001 0.
Use regulated shop air and an ohm meter
to check the functionality of the switch. With
greater than 70 psi applied to the switch,
pins 1 and 2 resistance reading should show
infinity. With less than 70 psi applied to the
switch, pins 1 and 2 resistance reading
should show less than 1 ohm.
Check "Y" cable integrity (if Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
applicable). open circuits on ABS "Y" cable 894 590 075
0. Refer to Figure 11.8.
Check multiple I/O cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on the "A1" lead of multiple I/O
cable 449 866 010 0. Refer to Figure 11.3.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Lift Axle Will Not Inspect the pneumatic connections Refer to Figures 11.9, 11.10 and 11.11 for the
Lower When Trailer at the lift axle control valve 463 plumbing schematics, depending on system
Is Unpowered 084 050 0. configuration.
Lift Axle Raises ECU was programmed with an Reprogram ECU with TOOLBOX™ Software
When Trailer is out-ofdate version of TOOLBOX™ version 12.2 or higher.
Moving Software.
Lift Axle Lowers Verify power to the ECU. Ensure the trailer has blue center pin power
Only When Tractor at the J560 connector at the front of the
Brakes are Applied trailer. Inspect the towing vehicle’s power
output to the J560. Ensure the J560 is wired
correctly to the trailer OEM’s specifications.
Check power cable throughput. Ensure 12 volts DC power is present at pin
1 on power cable 449 351 010 0. Refer to
Figure 11.1.
Check power cable throughput. Ensure 12 volts DC power is present at the
power cable 449 351 010 0 from the ABS
breakout of the trailer power cable. Refer to
Figure 11.1.
Inspect trailer power/light cable. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
open circuits on the trailer power/light cable
from the J560 connector at the trailer nose to
the ABS breakout pigtail. Continuity should
be found between pin 7 on the J560 and
the pin mating with pin B on the ABS power
cable. Refer to Figures 11.1 and 11.13.
Manual Override Inspect the manual override switch Ensure the lift axle control valve is functional
Switch Does Not and 12v analog input cable 449 by disconnecting the LACV cable from the
Function 428 030 0. LACV. The axle should lower.
Verify toggle switch operation. Ensure the toggle switch is functional using
an ohm meter. Switch output should show
infinity ohms when the switch is in the OFF
position and less than 1 ohm when the switch
is in the ON position.
Check multiple I/O cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on the "A1" lead of multiple I/O
cable 449 866 010 0. Refer to Figure 11.3.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Lift Axle Lowers Verify override switch functionality. Ensure the manual override toggle switch is
When Powered not intermittently functional by checking with
Trailer Stops an ohm meter. Switch output should show
Moving infinity ohms when the switch is in the OFF
position and less than 1 ohm when the switch
is in the ON position. Induce vibration to
the switch and switch wiring when checking
switch activation.
Inspect toggle switch installation. Ensure wires connected to the switch are
secure and not damaged.
Inspect pneumatic component Ensure pressure switch 431 700 001 0 is
installation. plumbed correctly. Refer to Figures 11.9,
11.10 and 11.11 for the plumbing schematics,
depending on system configuration.
Check multiple I/O cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on the "A1" lead of the
multiple I/O cable 449 866 010 0. Refer to
Figure 11.3.
Check analog input cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on the analog input cable 449
711 060 0. Refer to Figure 11.6.
Check "Y" cable integrity (if Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
applicable). or open circuit on the lift axle "Y" cable 894
590 075 0. Refer to Figure 11.8.
Lift Axle Lowers Inspect lift axle control valve 463 Ensure that there are no air leaks in the air
and/or Raises at 084 050 0 installation. circuit where lift Axle control valve 463 084
Values Inconsistent 050 0 is attached.
With Values in the Inspect system wiring. Ensure the system is wired correctly. Refer to
ECU Parameter Figures 11.9, 11.10 and 11.11 depending on
Settings the system configuration.
Ensure correct ECU configuration. Reprogram ECU with TOOLBOX™ Software
version 12.2 or greater.
Optional Lift Inspect LED lamp assembly. Ensure the load-resistored LED or
Axle Indicator incandescent lamp is functional.
Lamp Does Not Inspect LED lamp assembly. Ensure load-resistored LED or incandescent
Illuminate lamp is wired correctly. Ensure the brown
wire is connected to ground and the black
wire is connected to power.
Verify ECU voltage output. A reading of 3 volts DC should be read
across the two pins on "D1" of the light output
cable 449 711 030 0 when the light is not
illuminated (lift axle down). A reading of 12v
DC should be read across the two pins on
"D1" of the light output cable 449 711 030 0
when the light is illuminated (lift axle up).
Check light output cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on cable 449 711 030 0. Refer
to Figure 11.7.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Optional Lift Axle Inspect indicator lamp and cable. If damaged, replace the LED lamp with a
LED Indicator load-resistored LED or incandescent lamp.
Lamp Stays on Inspect indicator light wiring. Ensure the load-resistored LED lamp is
Faintly wired correctly. Make sure the brown wire
is connected to ground and the black wire
hooked to power.
Inspect indicator light. When using an LED lamp, ensure the LED
assembly has a 1k ohm load resistor. When
using an incandescent light, ensure that a
12v light is being used.
Check light output cable integrity. Using a volt/ohm meter, check for a shorted
or open circuit on light output cable 449 711
030 0. Refer to Figure 11.7.
Pressure Switch Check pressure switch 431 700 Refer to Figure 11.5 for the connector
Test 001 0 functionality. diagram of pressure switch 431 700 001 0.
Use regulated shop air and an ohm meter
to check the functionality of the switch. With
greater than 70 psi (and less than 100 psi)
applied to the switch, pins 1 and 2 resistance
reading should show infinity. With less than
70 psi applied to the switch, pins 1 and 2
resistance reading should show less than 1
Fig. 11.1

449 351 010 0




2 3
8 7 6 5
1 4
CONNECTOR 4004071c


Fig. 11.2


449 518 ... 0 ... ...M


BLUE 1 BLUE 1 4012468a

Fig. 11.3

449 866 010 0

D1 E1 E3

B2 E2 E4


C1 A E
2 1
LS 1 2
D1 B 4





Fig. 11.4







Fig. 11.5

3/8-18 NPTF PRESSURE SWITCH, P/N 431 700 002 0

1-1/8 HEX

2 4012471a

Fig. 11.6

12V ANALOG INPUT CABLE, P/N 449 428 030 0



449 428 ... 0


Fig. 11.7

LIGHT OUTPUT CABLE, P/N 449 711 030 0

449 711 ... 0



Fig. 11.8


894 590 075 0

X 894 590 075 0


2 1



Fig. 11.9


CABLE P/N 449 711 060 0






P/N 480 107 001 0 PORT #5




P/N 449 711 060 0

P/N 449 518 030 0

P/N 463 084 050 0

1.1 2.1


38 2.2








Fig. 11.10


CABLE P/N 449 711 060 0

P/N 449 866 010 0 LIGHT (OPTIONAL)




P/N 480 107 001 0 PORT #5






sup 6
del 6 110800 del 6

del 6 del 6

con 6

P/N 431 700 001 0
GROUND. VALVE CABLE P/N 463 084 050 0
P/N 449 518 030 0 WABCO

1.1 2.1







Fig. 11.11


CABLE P/N 449 711 060 0
SWITCH) P/N 449 866 010 0 LIGHT (OPTIONAL)




P/N 480 107 001 0 PORT #5





P/N 449 711 060 0 SUPPLY LINE


"Y" CABLE sup 6

P/N 894 590 075 0

del 6 110800 del 6

del 6 del 6

con 6

P/N 431 700 001 0

VALVE CABLE P/N 463 084 050 0
P/N 449 518 030 0 WABCO

1.1 2.1







Fig. 11.12





(0-100 PSI) (0-100 PSI)


1/2" HOSE 1/2" HOSE

1/2" TO 3/8" 1/2" TO 1/4"

P/N 441 044 106 0
P/N 431 700 002 0 4012474a

Fig. 11.13



ABS POWER 4012478a


11.1.1 Activating the Lift Axle Option with TOOLBOX™ Software

Once the hardware has been installed, the Lift Axle option must be activated using WABCO TOOLBOX™
software version 12.2 or later. When installing the Lift Axle option on new or replacement ECUs, the
activation process is part of your normal programming procedure. Refer to the procedures in this manual
or Installation Guide TP0887, Trailer ABS with Roll Stability Support (RSSplus™) for Trailers with Air or
Mechanical Suspensions, for step-by-step instructions on programming and conducting the End-of-Line
1. Activate the Roll Stability portion of TOOLBOX™ Software. From the top menu bar, go to the System
pull-down menu and select Edit Parameters from ECU. Figure 11.14.
Fig. 11.14
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics



2. From the first parameter screen labeled RSS System Parameters, ensure that the settings are
correct. Within the Axle Definition area, if the lift axle is a sensed axle, be sure that sensors "e" and
"f" are on the lift axle and that the "Sensors e-f Used On Lift Axle" box is checked. If the lift axle is not
sensed, indicate "e" and "f" on the appropriate axle and do not check the box. Once all the settings
are correct, press the Next button. Figure 11.15.
Fig. 11.15


3. The GIO Selection screen appears. Click the Lift Axle check box. Ensure that a check appears in the
box. Then press the Next button at the bottom of the screen. Figure 11.16.
Fig. 11.16



4. The Lift Axle Lowering/Lifting Pressures screen appears. Enter in the correct lift and lowering values
for the Lift Axle, based upon the trailer’s specific requirements (these values may only be obtained
directly from the suspension manufacturer). Note: Inputting anything other than the trailer specific
values can result in improper functioning of the lift axle.
Type the Lowering and Lifting Pressures in the fields provided. The values must fall within the
following restrictions:
 Valid range: 5-100 psi
 Lowering Pressure must be greater than Lifting Pressure
 Lowering and Lifting Pressures must differ by at least 15 psi

Press the OK button at the bottom of the window. Figure 11.17. You will be returned to the GIO
Selection screen where you will press the Next button.

Fig. 11.17




5. From the screen labeled RSS LSV Parameters, press the Next button at the bottom of the screen.
There is no need to change the values if you are using the default settings. Figure 11.18.
Fig. 11.18



6. From the screen labeled RSS/ABS Parameters, press the Save to ECU button at the bottom of the
screen. NOTE: Ensure that one of the RSS On options is selected. Figure 11.19.
Fig. 11.19


7. Once a message appears confirming a successful save, you may exit the TOOLBOX™ Software. Be
sure to cycle the power on the trailer in order to reset the ECU. The End-Of-Line test that is required
on new ECU’s is not necessary for a previously programmed ECU.

11.1.2 Lift Axle Test

The Lift Axle Test must be performed after the RSS system has been properly programmed and, if needed,
the End of Line Test has been successfully performed.
The trailer must have constant power applied, have air supplied to the supply/emergency (red) line, and air
supplied to the ride bags.

11.1.3 Lift Axle Test — Manual Override

The trailer must have power applied and have air supplied to both the supply/emergency (red) line and
the air suspension circuit. A second regulated air supply is required for this test. A test rig illustrated in
Figure 11.12 may be used.
1. Activate the manual override switch to confirm that the lift axle lowers in an unladen state. The
optional lift axle indicator light should extinguish. Once confirmed, return the switch to its original
position, the lift axle should raise, and the optional lift axle indicator light should illuminate.
2. Exhaust the trailer’s air system.
3. Remove the air line from port #5 on the ECU valve assembly and plug the air line that was removed.
4. Connect regulated air to port 5 on the ECU valve assembly. It should allow air pressure between 0
and 95 psi to be applied to port 5.
5. Refill the trailer air system through the supply/emergency (red) line.


6. Increase the regulated air pressure going to port 5 so that it equals or exceeds the value set in the
TOOLBOX™ Software to lower the axle. The lift axle should lower and the optional lift axle indicator
light should extinguish.
7. Reduce the regulated air pressure going to port 5 so that it equals or drops below the value set in the
TOOLBOX™ Software to raise the lift axle. The lift axle should raise and the optional lift axle indicator
light should illuminate.
8. Remove power to the trailer. The lift axle should lower.
9. Exhaust the trailer air system. Remove the regulated air from the ECU valve assembly‘s port 5.
Unplug the suspension air line and reconnect to port 5.

This completes the manual override lift axle test. If results differ from what is stated above, inspect the
installation and program parameters. Make corrections as needed.

11.1.4 Lift Axle Test – Automatic Override

The trailer must have power applied and air to the normal air suspension available.
The trailer must have constant power applied and have air available for the supply/emergency (red) line. A
second regulated air supply is required for this test. A test rig illustrated in Figure 11.12 may be used.
1. Exhaust the trailer’s air system.
2. Remove the air line from port #5 on the ECU valve assembly and plug the air line that was removed.
3. Connect regulated air to port 5 on the ECU valve assembly. It should allow air pressure between 0
and 95 psi to be applied to port 5.
4. Refill the trailer air system through the supply/emergency (red) line.
5. Increase the regulated air pressure going to port 5 so that it equals or exceeds the value set in the
TOOLBOX™ Software to lower the axle. The lift axle should lower and the optional lift axle indicator
light should extinguish.
6. Reduce the regulated air pressure going to port 5 so that it equals or drops below the value set in the
TOOLBOX™ Software to raise the lift axle. The lift axle should raise and the optional lift axle indicator
light should illuminate.
7. Remove power to the trailer. The lift axle should lower and the optional lift axle indicator light should
8. Exhaust the trailer air system. Remove the regulated air from the ECU valve assembly‘s port 5.
Unplug the suspension air line and reconnect to port 5.
Testing the configuration that has the delivery line pressure switch in place of the manual toggle switch
requires a tractor. Correct operation should be tested after the trailer End of Line test has been completed.
1. Attach the unladen trailer to a tractor and ensure both air and power are hooked up.
2. Release the trailer spring brakes using the red trailer brake valve on the tractor dash. The lift axle
should move to the raised position once the spring brake has released and the optional indicator light
should illuminate.
3. Apply the spring brakes (exhausting air) using the red trailer brake valve on the tractor dash. The lift
axle should lower and the optional lift axle indicator light should extinguish.

This completes the automatic override lift axle test. If results differ from what is stated above, inspect
the installation and program parameters. Make corrections as needed.


11.1.5 Lift Axle Label

The lifting and lowering pressures should be clearly written with indelible ink on label TP09174. This label
should be affixed near the lift axle on the trailer body by the trailer’s original equipment manufacturer.
Figure 11.20.
Fig. 11.20


11.2 Tag Axle Troubleshooting

A tractor with a Tag Axle activation switch installed is required.
The first step taken when troubleshooting the Tag Axle system is to ensure that the system is pneumatically
plumbed and electrically connected correctly. Refer to Figures 9.9, 9.10 and 9.11 in this section for the
correct schematic, depending upon the configuration.
For additional information, refer to installation manual TP1034, Tag Axle Installation for RSSplus, available
When testing the Tag Axle system, ensure the trailer is supplied with 100-120 psi air pressure to the supply
air and 12 volts DC power rated at a minimum of 10 amps to the trailer’s constant power circuit.
Use of a volt-ohm meter may be required.
This troubleshooting section is based on the use of TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.2 or higher. If you
have an earlier version of software, visit or contact your Snap-On dealer.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Tag Axle Function Cycle trailer power. ECU valve should audibly click during its
Will Not Activate power-up self-test. ABS warning light will
illuminate and extinguish as a light test. If
warning light remains on, begin diagnostics
with TOOLBOX™ Software. If the ECU fails
to click, ensure that the sensor extension
cables are securely attached to the ECU and
ensure that 12 volts is present at pin 1 on the
ECU power connector. Refer to Figure 11.21.
Retrieve diagnostic information via If warning light is on, begin diagnostics with
TOOLBOX™ Software. TOOLBOX™ Software. Repair and clear all
faults found.
Ensure no other TIO files have In TOOLBOX™ Software under the Modify
been loaded Into the ECU. pull down, select the Notebook feature.
Verify that only the tag axle TIO file has been
activated or loaded. The tag axle TIO file is
named "T_00102a.TIO".
Ensure the tag axle system is
Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23.
plumbed correctly.
Inspect the cab-mounted tag axle Using an ohm meter, verify the switch
toggle switch. functionality. Switch should be a single-
pole, single-throw toggle switch. Refer to
the switch manufacturer’s documentation for
electrical contact information. 12v DC should
be present when the switch is in the ON
position and 0v DC when the switch is in the
OFF position.
Verify toggle switch installation. The cab-mounted toggle switch is connected
to 12v tractor power. The black wire from the
switch cable 449 711 150 0 is connected to
the switch contact opposite the 12v tractor
power. The brown wire is unused and
capped. Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23.
Verify switch output. Using a volt/ohm meter, check the switch for
correct operation and functionality.
Verify 12v analog input cable is Ensure the switch cable 449 711 150 0 is
correctly connected to the generic securely fastened to the "A1" lead of the
I/O cable 449 442 010 0. generic I/O cable 449 866 010 0.
Verify the 12v analog input cable Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
449 428 030 0 integrity. open circuits on the 12v analog input cable.
Refer to Figure 11.24.
Verify the operation of the 3/2 Apply 12v DC power and ground to pins 1
solenoid valve 472 170 997 0. and 2 in the 3/2 valve’s bayonet connector.
The solenoid should energize and dump the
air on the tag axle. Removing the power and
ground will cause the tag axle air bags to re-
inflate. Figure 11.25.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Check 3/2 solenoid valve cable Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted
449 518 010 0 integrity. or open circuits on the solenoid valve cable.
Refer to Figure 11.26.
Verify generic I/O cable 449 442 Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23. Ensure
866 0 is correctly hooked up. that lead "LS" is unused and correctly
Check generic I/O cable 449 866 Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
010 0 integrity. open circuits on the multiple I/O cable 449
866 010 0. Refer to Figure 11.27.
Tag Axle Will Not Using TOOLBOX™ Software, Repair and clear all active faults. Cycle the
Reset ensure there are no active faults. ECU power.
Ensure the tag axle system is
Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23.
plumbed correctly.
Verify ECU is reading wheel Using TOOLBOX™ Software, perform the
speed. Sensor Test from the Component Tests pull
Inspect the cab-mounted tag axle Using an ohm meter, verify the switch
toggle switch. functionality. Switch should be a single-
pole, single-throw toggle switch. Refer to
the switch manufacturer’s documentation for
electrical contact information.
Verify toggle switch installation. The cab-mounted toggle switch is connected
to 12v tractor power. The black wire on the
activation switch cable 449 711 150 0 (with
indicator lamp) or the blue wire on the "Y"
cable 449 810 148 0 (without indicator lamp)
is connected to the switch contact opposite
the 12v tractor power. See Figures 11.22 and
11.23. The remaining wire from either cable
is unused and capped.
Verify switch output. Using a volt/ohm meter, check the switch for
correct operation and functionality.
Verify 12v activation switch cable Ensure the 12v activation switch cable 449
is correctly connected to the 711 150 0 is securely fastened to the "A1"
generic I/O cable 449 866 010 0. lead of the generic I/O cable 449 866 010 0.
Verify the 12v activation switch Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted
cable 449 711 150 0 integrity. or open circuits on the 12v activation switch
cable. See Figure 11.29.
Verify the operation of the 3/2 Apply 12v DC power and ground to pins 1
solenoid valve 472 170 997 0. and 2 in the 3/2 valve’s bayonet connector.
The solenoid should energize and dump the
air on the tag axle. Removing the power and
ground will cause the tag axle air bags to re-


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Tag Axle Comes to Using TOOLBOX™ Software, Repair and clear all active faults. Cycle the
Rest on Axle Bump ensure there are no active faults. ECU power.
Stops Ensure tag axle system is plumbed
Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23.
Verify the 3/2 solenoid valve has
Refer to Figure 11.28.
optional components installed.
Check for air leaks. Ensure no air leaks at the 1/4" to 3/8"
adapter, the residual pressure valve and the
breather valve. Refer to Figure 11.28.
Tag Axle is Using TOOLBOX™ Software, Repair and clear all active faults. Cycle the
Intermittent ensure there are no active faults. ECU power.
Verify tag axle system is plumbed
Refer to Figures 11.22 and 11.23.
correctly and check for air leaks.
Ensure that the air volume
capacity of the trailer meets trailer Verify the output of the towing vehicle’s air
OEM standards for operating a tag compressor to the trailer.
Optional Tag Axle Using TOOLBOX™ Software, Repair and clear all active faults. Cycle the
Indicator Light ensure there are no active faults. ECU power.
Does Not Function Verify the type of tag axle 12 volt The lamp must be an incandescent lamp or a
DC indicator lamp. load-resistored LED lamp.
Verify the lamp is correctly wired
The black wire is hooked to power and the
to the light output cable 449 711
brown wire is hooked to ground.
120 0.
Verify the integrity of light output Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
cable 449 711 150 0. open circuits on the light output cable. Refer
to Figure 11.29.
Verify the generic I/O cable 449 Using a volt/ohm meter, check for shorted or
866 010 0 integrity. open circuits on the "D1" lead of the generic
I/O cable. Refer to Figure 11.27.
Optional Tag Axle Inspect the type of indicator lamp. Replace generic LED lamp with a load-
LED Indicator resistored LED or incandescent lamp. The
Lamp Stays on black wire is hooked to power and the brown
Faintly wire is hooked to ground.


Fig. 11.21

449 351 010 0




2 3
8 7 6 5
1 4
CONNECTOR 4004071c


Fig. 11.22


P/N TM101 P/N 449 810 148 0




P/N 480 107 001 0






res-6 del-6 P/N 1300-05
sup-6 Exh

VALVE P/N 110591
P/N 937 190 008 4 P/N 937 190 008 4







Fig. 11.23


CABLE P/N 449 711 060 0

P/N TM101
P/N 449 866 010 0 INDICATOR LAMP




P/N 480 107 001 0





P/N 449 711 150 0 VALVE

P/N 449 518 030 0

res-6 del-6
P/N 1300-05
sup-6 Exh

VALVE P/N 110591
P/N 937 190 008 4 P/N 937 190 008 4







Fig. 11.24

12V ANALOG INPUT CABLE, P/N 449 428 030 0



449 428 ... 0


Fig. 11.25

3/2 SOLENOID VALVE CABLE, P/N 472 170 997 0




Fig. 11.26


449 518 ... 0 ... ...M


BLUE 1 BLUE 1 4012468a

Fig. 11.27

449 866 010 0

D1 E1 E3

B2 E2 E4


C1 A E
2 1
LS 1 2
D1 B 4





Fig. 11.28



THIS SIDE 1/4" TO 3/8"



1/4" TO 3/8"
SEALCO P/N 110591
P/N 934 190 008 4

EXHAUST Pressure
CAP adjustment
screw. Do
not adjust. 4007006d

Fig. 11.29


449 711 ... 0


11.2.1 Activating the Tag Axle Option with TOOLBOX™ Software

Once the hardware has been installed, the Generic I/O Tag Axle option must be activated using WABCO
TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.2 or later.
After Generic I/O activation, the End-of-Line test must be completed for new builds or new ECU
replacement. Refer to the procedures in this manual or Installation Guide TP0887, Trailer ABS with Roll
Stability Support (RSSplus™) for Trailers with Air or Mechanical Suspensions, for step-by-step instructions
on programming and conducting the End-of-Line test.


1. Enter the Roll Stability portion of TOOLBOX™ Software. From the top menu bar, go to the System
pull-down menu and select Edit Parameters from ECU. Figure 11.30.
Fig. 11.30
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


2. From the first parameter screen labeled RSS System Parameters, press the Next button located at
the bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.31.
Fig. 11.31



3. The GIO Selection screen appears. Click the Tag Axle (Rear Suspension Dump) check box.
Ensure that a check mark appears in the box. Then, press the Next button at the bottom of the
screen. Figure 11.32.
Fig. 11.32


4. From the parameter screen labeled RSS LSV Parameters, press the Next button located at the
bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.33.
Fig. 11.33



5. From the parameter screen labeled RSS / ABS Parameters, press the Save To ECU button located at
the bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.34.

Ensure that "RSS On - Twin Tires" or "RSS On - Single Tires" is selected.

Fig. 11.34


6. Once a message appears confirming a successful save, you may exit the TOOLBOX™ Software. Be
sure to reset the power on the trailer in order to recycle the ECU. An End-Of-Line test is not required
on a previously programmed ECU.

11.3 Tire Inflation Communication System Troubleshooting

Refer to TP1087, Tire Inflation Communication System Manual found at
The first step taken when troubleshooting the Tire Inflation Communication System is to ensure that the
system is electrically connected correctly. Refer to Figure 11.36.

If the Tire Inflation System status lamp is not present or is not functioning, then the Tire
Inflation Communication System will not function.

This troubleshooting section is based on the use of TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.2 or higher. If you
have an earlier version of TOOLBOX™ Software, visit or contact your Snap-On dealer.


Condition Experienced Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Tire Inflation System LED Confirm the Tire Inflation Replace light as necessary.
Illuminates with a Dim System LED is an Ensure light is correctly grounded.
Glow All the Time incandescent or LED
with resistor part number
WABCO Tire Inflation Correct installation needs to Confirm WABCO Tire Inflation
Communication System be verified. Communication System is installed per
is not Broadcasting a Figures 11.37, 11.38 and 11.39.
"Low Tire Pressure" Make sure all electrical connections are fully
Message When There is seated.
a Fill Event and the Tire ECU valve should audibly Ensure that 12 volts is present across pin
Inflation System Light is click during its power-up self- 1 and (pin 4) on the ECU power connector.
Illuminated test. Figure 11.21.
Check continuity of the I/O Check continuity for the XXX X generic I/O
cable. cable. Refer to Figure 11.35.
Check diode cable. Check diode on pre-installed Tire Inflation
System cable pigtail. Place the volt/ ohm
meter to "Diode". Place red lead on single
male pin. Place the black lead on the
dual tab connector. Continuity should be
observed on the volt/ohm meter. Switching
the leads in the opposite direction, an
"Open" should be displayed on the volt/ ohm
meter. Refer to Figure 11.36.
Confirm Tire Inflation System From the Roll Stability portion of the
has been activated in the TOOBOX™ Software, select the System
ECU. pull-down. Select Edit Parameters from
ECU. Press the Next button. Ensure the
box next to Tire Inflation System is checked.
Press Close and then exit the TOOLBOX™
Software. If the T.I.S. is not checked,
proceed to Activating the Tire Inflation
System in this section.
"Low Tire Pressure" Correct installation needs to Confirm WABCO Tire Inflation
Message is Being be verified. Communication System is installed per
Broadcasted All the Time Figures 11.37, 11.38 and 11.39.
Make sure all electrical connections are fully
Confirm the Tire Inflation Replace light as necessary.
System LED is an Ensure light is grounded.
incandescent or LED
with resistor part number
Tire Inflation System Correct installation needs to Confirm Tire Inflation System is installed per
LED Does Not Illuminate be verified. MM14P.
During a Fill Event Confirm Tire Inflation System LED is not
burned out.
Replace Tire Inflation System LED as
required with part number 31263-20.


Condition Experienced Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

The Parameter File Confirm T_0109b.tio is visible Call the WABCO Customer Care Center at
T_0109b.tio Has in the "Notebook" section of 855-228-3203.
Been Successfully TOOLBOX™ Software 12.2
Downloaded to the ECU, or higher.
but Tire Inflation System
Message is Not Being
Fig. 11.35


884 490 443 0


2 1
1 2

Fig. 11.36


P/N 31184-00




Fig. 11.37



Fig. 11.38






– +










ABS- d ABS- c


CONTROL BOX 4012758a


Fig. 11.39



P/N 449 712 XXX 0


P/N 884 490 443 0 4008086c

11.3.1 Activating the Tire Inflation Option with TOOLBOX™ Software

Once the hardware has been installed, the Tire Inflation Option must be activated using WABCO
TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.2 or later. When installing the Tire Inflation Option on new or
replacement ECUs, the activation process is part of your normal programming procedure. Refer to the
procedures in this manual or Installation Guide TP0887, Trailer ABS with Roll Stability Support (RSSplus™)
for Trailers with Air or Mechanical Suspensions, for step-by-step instructions on programming and
conducting the End-of-Line test.


1. Enter the Roll Stability portion of TOOLBOX™ Software. From the menu bar at the top, choose the
System pull-down menu and select Edit Parameters From ECU. Figure 11.40.
Fig. 11.40
WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


2. From the first parameter screen labeled RSS System Parameters, press the Next button located at
the bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.41.
Fig. 11.41



3. The GIO Selection screen appears. Click on the box adjacent to the label Tire Inflation System.
Ensure that a check mark appears in the box. Then press the button labeled Next at the bottom of the
screen. Figure 11.42.
Fig. 11.42


4. From the parameter screen labeled RSS LSV Parameters, press the Next button located at the
bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.43.
Fig. 11.43



5. From the parameter screen labeled RSS / ABS Parameters, press the Save To ECU button located at
the bottom of the window. There is no change in parameters at this screen. Figure 11.44.
Ensure that "RSS On - Twin Tires" or "RSS On - Single Tires" is selected.

Fig. 11.44


6. Once a message is displayed confirming a successful save, you may exit the TOOLBOX™ Software.
Be sure to cycle the power on the trailer in order to reset the ECU. An End-Of-Line test is not required
on a previously programmed ECU.

11.4 Door Ajar System with RSSplus Troubleshooting

ECU part numbers 480 107 001 0 and 480 107 000 0 are the RSSplus™ valve that have Door
Ajar System functionality.

The first step taken when troubleshooting the Door Ajar System is to ensure that the system electrical
cables are connected correctly. Refer to Figure 11.45, Figure 11.46 and Figure 11.47 in this section for parts
and the correct schematic, depending upon the configuration.
For additional information, refer to TP17132, Installing and Configuring the WABCO Trailer RSSplus™ with
Tire inflation and Door Ajar Systems, found at
This troubleshooting section is based on the use of TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.5 or higher. If you
have an earlier version of TOOLBOX™ Software, visit or contact your Snap-On dealer.


Condition Action to Take Troubleshooting Details

Door ajar system Correct installation needs to be Confirm WABCO Door Ajar System is
is not broadcast- verified. installed per Figure 11.45, Figure 11.46
ing a "Door Ajar" and Figure 11.47. Make sure all electrical
message when the connections are fully seated.
trailer door is open. ECU valve should audibly click Ensure that 12 volts is present across pin 1
during its power-up self-test. and pin 4 on the ECU power connector.
Check continuity of the I/O cable. Check continuity for the XXX X generic I/O
cable. Refer to Figure 11.35.
Check proximity switch part An volt/ohm meter must be used to check the
number 446 147 XXX 4. proximity switch, part number 446 147 XXX
4. Figure 11.47. Make sure the ohm meter
shows more than 1 MΩ when magnets are
actuated (access point is closed) and less
than 1Ω when access point is open. Also the
gap between the mating connector to enable
correct NO NC contact should be less than
2.5 inches (64 mm).
Confirm Door Ajar System has From the Roll Stability portion of the
been activated in the ECU. TOOLBOX™ Software, select the System
pull-down. Select Edit Parameters from ECU.
Press the Next button. Ensure the box next to
Door Ajar is checked. Press Close and then
exit the TOOLBOX™ Software. If the Door
Ajar is not checked, proceed to Activating the
Door Ajar System in this section.
"Door Ajar" mes- Correct installation needs to be Confirm WABCO Door Ajar System is
sage is being verified. installed per Figure 11.45, Figure 11.46
broadcasted all the and Figure 11.47. Make sure all electrical
time. connections are fully seated.
"Door Ajar" mes- Contact the telematics provider. Since WABCO does not provide telematics
sage is not broad- unit, please contact the telematics provider.
casted on the
telematics display.
The Parameter File Confirm "Tire inflation & Door Ajar. Call the WABCO Customer Care Center at
"Tire inflation & tio" is visible in the "Notebook" 855-228-3203.
Door ajar.tio" has section of TOOLBOX™ Software
been successfully 12.5 or higher.
downloaded to the
ECU, but Door Ajar
System message
is not being broad-


Fig. 11.45


P/N 480 107 001 0 MERITOR TIRE

P/N 449 712 XXX 0


P/N 884 490 443 0

P/N 446 147 XXX 4


P/N 449 535 XXX 0 BLUE: CAPPED 4013508b


Fig. 11.46




P/N 480 107 001 0
TIREMAAX: P/N 449 025 XXX 0
STEMCO: P/N 449 027 XXX 0


P/N 884 490 443 0
P/N 449 712 XXX 0

P/N 446 147 XXX 4


BLUE: CAPPED 4013509b

Fig. 11.47
P/N 446 147 XXX 4


MAGNETS 4013861a


11.4.1 Activating the Tire Inflation and Door Ajar Systems Option with
TOOLBOX™ Software
Once the hardware has been installed, both the Tire Inflation System and Door Ajar options must be
activated using WABCO TOOLBOX™ Software version 12.5 or later. When installing Tire Inflation and
Door Ajar Systems option on new or replacement ECUs, the activation process is part of the normal
programming procedure. Refer to Installation Guide TP0887, Trailer ABS with Roll Stability Support
(RSSplus™) for Trailers with Air or Mechanical Suspensions, or Maintenance Manual MM0888, RSSplus™
Trailer ABS with Roll Stability Support, for step-by-step instructions on programming and conducting the
End-of-Line test.
1. Click the TOOLBOX icon on the desktop and then click the J1708/PLC icon. Figure 11.48.
Fig. 11.48


2. Click on the RSS icon to initiate the Roll Stability System portion of TOOLBOX™ Software.
Figure 11.49.

To enable trailer and TOOLBOX™ Software communication, make sure the correct adapter
is selected under System Setup tab.

Fig. 11.49




3. From the top menu bar, go to the System pull-down menu and select Edit Parameters from ECU.
Figure 11.50.
Fig. 11.50

WABCO Trailer RSS Diagnostics


4. From the RSS System Parameters screen, verify that the settings are correct, then click Next.
Figure 11.51.
Fig. 11.51



5. When the GIO Selection screen is displayed, click both the Tire Inflation Systems and Door Ajar
check boxes. Ensure that a check appears in each box. Then, press the Next button at the bottom of
the screen. Figure 11.52.
Fig. 11.52


6. From the RSS LSV Parameters screen, press the Next button at the bottom of the screen. Please use
default settings unless directed otherwise by WABCO. Figure 11.53.
Fig. 11.53



7. From the RSS/ABS Parameters screen, ensure that one of the RSS On options is selected, then
press the Save to ECU button at the bottom of the screen. Figure 11.54.
Fig. 11.54


8. Once a message is displayed confirming a successful save, click Exit in the main screen to close the
TOOLBOX™ Software.
9. Cycle the power on the trailer in order to reset the ECU.
The End-Of-Line test is required on a new ECU and recommended each time after
programming the ECU.


12 Appendix

12.1 Cable Routing Guidelines

All wires should be tightly secured to a solid member in intervals not greater than 18-inches (457 mm) to
avoid excess cable vibration and potential snags with road debris. The correct cable installation should not
allow the cable to slide through beam clamps/zip ties, but not tight enough to pinch the internal wires. Refer
to technical bulletins TP20212 and TP1593 for more information. Figure 12.1.
Fig. 12.1


Wiring should NEVER go through any bare, unprotected metal holes. Use grommets, caulk or wire wrap to
protect wire from premature wear. Figure 12.2.
Fig. 12.2


When routing the cable through the wiring channel on the edge or center of the trailer, secure the shorter
leg of the latch connectors to the longer leg to ease wire routing. Figure 12.3.
Fig. 12.3




When using a wire snake to pull the cable up through the frame, make sure to tape the connectors correctly
to the wire snake. Figure 12.4.
Fig. 12.4



12.2 Cable Strain Relief Guidelines

It is important that cabling follows good strain relief practices to ensure maximum performance and
durability. Failure to provide adequate strain relief on the cables can result in future maintenance that is not
covered under warranty.
Strain relief is defined as a small amount of slack in the cable at the area of connection. This lack of cable
tension allows for slight movement of the cable during times when components of the suspension and air
system are in motion. A small amount of slack also eases access to other system components.
A taut cable can negatively affect the lifespan of the cable and attached component. Cables without
adequate strain relief can potentially stress a cable connection enough that moisture could intrude into the
cable connector. Internal wire stress at bend points can be the result of a cable under tension.
Cable strain relief is a universal practice. It applies to all WABCO product lines from Anti-Lock Brake (ABS)
systems to Roll Stability Systems (RSS).

12.2.1 Excess Cable Length

In cases where the length of cable exceeds what is required, the excess must be bundled in an efficient
 Cables should not be draped or wrapped around components or left unsecured.
 All slack remaining in the cable once the connections are made can be bundled in a Z-shaped loop. Do
not coil the cable into a circular bundle.
 The bend at the end of the bundled cable should be greater than or equal to ten times the diameter of
the cable.
 All cable fasteners should be tightened in a manner only to the extent that the cable is held sufficiently in
place. Over tightening can result in damage to the cable.
 Fasten the excess cable to an area that is free of sharp edges and moving components.
WABCO has many lengths of cables available so it is a best practice to obtain a length that suits the
requirements of the installation.


12.2.2 Strain Relief at the ECU – Bracket Mounting

It is recommended that cable connections to a component, such as an ECU valve assembly, display a
visible amount of slack in the cable up to the first fastener, that secures the cable to trailer structure or air
line. This applies to both zip ties or cable clips. This first anchor point should be a minimum 6-inches and a
maximum 12-inches of cable length from the cable/component connection. This applies to all sensor, pow-
er, valve and GIO cables. Regardless of whether zip ties or cable clips are used, cables should be secured
at intervals of a maximum of 18-inches to avoid cable vibration or excess cable that could potentially snag
with external objects.
Ideally, cables should be affixed to the rigid structure of the trailer. It is a requirement to have the bend of
the cable, also known as bend radius, be greater than or equal to ten times the diameter of the cable. If the
cable is one-quarter-inch in diameter, then the bend should be a minimum of 2-1/2-inches. Figure 12.5.
Fig. 12.5



R 욷 10 X D

Bend radius (R) equal to or greater than 2.2 2.2

10 times cable diameter (D).
First fastener must be a minimum R
6-inches (152 mm) and a maximum of 12-inches
(305 mm) from connector.

R 욷 10 X D 4011413a

12.2.3 Sensor Extension Cables at the ECU

On valves with no trailer structure nearby, the sensor extension cables are attached to the air lines. Cable
clips are preferred to zip ties. It is important to remember that cables should be fastened in a manner where
the cable is secured enough where the cable will not move or chafe against what it is mounted to. A small
amount of slack should be present to ensure that the cables do not become taut after installation or the
servicing of components. Figure 12.6 illustrates correct amount of slack in the sensor extension cables and
correct attachment to the air delivery lines for RSSplus ECUs.


Fig. 12.6


RSS 2M ECU valve assemblies have a zip tie channel on the valve assembly to secure the power cable.
Slide the zip tie through the valve assembly’s channel and then secure the power cable. When installing a
RSS 2M ECU valve assembly, secure the sensor extension cables by fastening them to nearby air lines.
It is important to note that an appropriate amount of slack is left in the cables and that cables are secured
only to the extent that the cable is held sufficiently in place. Figure 12.7.
Fig. 12.7




12.2.4 Placement of Cables on Air Lines — Cable-to-Cable Connections

It is important to ensure all cable-to-cable connections maintain good strain relief. Cable restraints must
be placed between two- and four-inches (51-102 mm) from the cable connector to ensure correct strain
relief. Regardless of whether zip ties or cable clips are used, cables should be secured at intervals not
greater than 18-inches (457 mm) to avoid cable vibration. Refer to Figure 12.8 for air line attachment and
Figure 12.9 for axle attachment.
Fig. 12.8

3" 3"
(76 MM) (76 MM)

Fig. 12.9
(76 MM)


12.3 Vehicle Electrical Grounding Guidelines

Ensure that the vehicle includes a correct common chassis ground point. A common chassis ground point
connects the trailer frame/ chassis to the ground pin of the J560 seven-way connector and will protect the
vehicle electrical system from unwanted electrical noise.
Common chassis ground can be verified by measuring the resistance between the J560 ground pin and the
vehicle chassis (or frame) and confirming that the resistance is less than 10 ohm (< 10 Ω). If this is not the
case, the electrical contact at the common chassis ground point is not sufficient or not present. If a common
chassis ground point is present, but not sufficient, ensure that there is no paint or debris inhibiting electrical
contact at the ground point. If a common chassis ground point is not present, WABCO requires adding one.
Consult your trailer manufacturer (OEM) for further instructions on how to perform this task. This ensures
that the trailer OE warranty is not voided.


WABCO (NYSE: WBC) is the leading global supplier of braking control systems and other advanced
technologies that improve the safety, efficiency and connectivity of commercial vehicles. Originating
from the Westinghouse Air Brake Company founded 150 years ago, WABCO is powerfully “Mobilizing
Vehicle Intelligence” to support the increasingly autonomous, connected and electric future of the
commercial vehicle industry. WABCO continues to pioneer innovations to address key technology
milestones in autonomous mobility and apply its extensive expertise to integrate the complex control and
fail-safe systems required to efficiently and safely govern vehicle dynamics at every stage of a vehicle’s
journey – on the highway, in the city and at the depot. Today, leading truck, bus and trailer brands
worldwide rely on WABCO’s differentiating technologies. Powered by its vision for accident-free driving
and greener transportation solutions, WABCO is also at the forefront of advanced fleet management
systems and digital services that contribute to commercial fleet efficiency. In 2019, WABCO reported
sales of over $3.4 billion and has more than 14,000 employees in 40 countries. For more information,

© 2020 WABCO – All Rights Reserved – MM0888 / 03-2020

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