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Personal Development Finals

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Turn to Subject Field 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the
corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
Begin here
Choose the letter of the correct answer 7. Social Status and prestige, and control or dominance over
1. What is an organized whole that is perceived as more than people and resources
the sum of its parts? A. Safety
B. Tradition
A. Dualism
C. Power
B. Yin-Yang D. Conformity
C. Gestaltism 8. Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses that are
D. Holism likely to upset or harm others and violate social
2. Excitement, novelty, and challenge in life. expectations or norms.
A. Stimulation A. Safety
B. Hedonism B. Tradition
C. Power
C. Power
D. Conformity
D. Security 9. Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs
3. Independent thought and action; choosing, creating, and and ideas that traditional culture or religion provide the self.
exploring. A. Safety
A. Self-direction B. Tradition
B. Achievement C. Power
C. Benevolence D. Conformity
10. It refers to the process by which a child learns to interact
D. Universalism
with others around them.
4. Who is the known philosopher who remarked people A. Physical Development
perceive things as dual in character? B. Emotional Development
A. Rene Descartes C. Mental Development
B. Philip Declarer D. Social Development
C. Richard Galister 11. It points to the body and its functioning.
D. Abraham Maslow A. Physical Development
4. It often result in personal happiness and self-fulfillment. B. Emotional Development
A. Attitudes C. Mental Development
B. Behavior D. Social Development
C. Values 12. What principle of the eastern culture states that all things
D. Virtue exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites?
5. What is an attempt to understand the laws behind the A. Dualism
ability to acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in B. Yin-Yang
an apparently chaotic world? C. Gestaltism
A. Dualism D. Holism
B. Yin-Yang 13. Who is the South African politician who saw that
C. Gestaltism “Creative evolution synthesizes from the parts a new entity not
D. Holism only different from them, but quite transcending them.”?
6. What is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and A. John A. Smith
culture in general? B. Carl Yuguay
A. Dualism
C. Jan Smuts
B. Yin-Yang
D. Mihaly Csikszentmihaly
C. Gestaltism
14. Which of the following terms involve psychological
D. Holism
needs of the individual conflicting with the needs of society?
1|Final Exam – Personal Development
A. Psychosocial A. Wisdom
B. Psychology B. Hope
C. Ecosocial C. Purpose
D. Social Crisis D. None of the Above
15. Erikson's first psychosocial crisis occurs during the first 25. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
year or so of, what kind of crisis is occurring during this stage? 26. Generativity vs. Stagnation
A. Initiative vs. guilt 27. Trust vs. mistrust
B. Autonomy vs. shame 28. Intimacy vs. Isolation
C. Trust vs. mistrust 29. The Yin-Yang principle is dated back from
D. Industry vs. inferiority A. 20th Century
16. Success over the crisis of number 4 will lead to what B. 10th Century
virtue? C. 3rd Century B.C.E.
A. Love D. 1st Century B.C.E.
B. Care 30. Self-awareness is the knowledge of:
C. Wisdom A. Your characteristics
D. Hope B. All are correct.
17. It is a “time of vigor of action and of behaviors that the C. Your thoughts
parents may see as aggressive." What age limit covers this D. Your feelings
situation? 31. What best describes when your self-concept is being
A. 18-40 threatened?
B. 0-18 Months A. You are at a new job and you were able to make a good
C. 3-5 impression on your employer
D. 18 Months-3years old B. You continue to work on a task and you realize you are
18. During this stage the body image of the adolescent getting better at it every day
changes. C. The person that you met saw you in the way that you
A. Adolescence imagined
B. School Age D. You are repeatedly told that you do not have the ability
C. Infancy to perform a task
D. Maturity 32. What is self-concept?
19. This stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at A. Self-concept is a construct that negotiates the actual and
death. ideal self
A. Puberty B. Self-concept is a construct that lies ahead of the actual
B. Maturity and ideal selves
C. Adulthood C. Self-concept consists only of the actual self
D. Young Adulthood D. Self-concept is a construct that differentiates social roles
20. During this period, we begin to share ourselves more 33. Gestalt psychology is a philosophy of mind of _______
intimately with others. We explore relationships leading toward A. Harvard University School of Medicine
longer-term commitments with someone other than a family B. Tokyo University School of Psychology
member. Which crisis deals with this stage? C. Berlin School of Experimental Psychology
A. Generativity vs. Stagnation D. Harvard University School of Applied Psychology
B. Intimacy vs. Isolation 34. Which component of self identity is related to how we
C. Ego Integrity vs. Despair evaluate our own general worth?
D. Identity vs. Role Confusion A. social identity
B. introspection
For Items 22-29, decide on which virtue will be gained if the C. all of the answers are incorrect
following crisis will be successful. D. self-esteem
A. Care
35. What factors contribute to negative body image?
B. Fidelity
A. Advertisements
C. Competence
B. The media
D. None of the Above
C. Negative comments from others
21. Initiative vs. guilt
D. All answers are correct.
22. Autonomy vs. shame
36. Inborn traits passed on by the generations of offspring
23. Industry vs. inferiority
from both sides of the biological parents' families.
24. Identity vs. Role Confusion
A. Heredity

2|Final Exam – Personal Development

B. Environment B. establish key aspects of identity
C. Maturation C. develop and apply abstract thinking skills
37. Covers our capacity to learn, to speak, to understand, to 48. Becoming more in touch with their emotions and see the
reason and to create complex variances among strong emotions and feelings
A. physical development A. self- reliance
B. cognitive development B. positive attitude toward work
C. psychological development C. social responsibility
38. Process in which persons reflect upon themselves and D. understand and express more complex emotional
accept what they discover about themselves and learn new sets experiences
of values attitudes and behavior 49. The ability to identify their own skills and knowledge,
A. personality development capabilities and not rely too much on others answer choices
B. psychosocial development A. self responsibility
C. personal development B. self reliance
39. It happens most of the time but not all the time C. personal responsibility
A. uniqueness D. mature work orientation
B. consistency 50. Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate oneself as a
C. nurture unique person
40. Gestalt is focusing on the entirety of something not on A. embracing a healthy lifestyle
the parts B. developing self esteem
A. true C. developing your spirituality
B. false 51. Finding what gives meaning to your life and to all the
41. It is always good to consider these five aspects of experiences you are going through
Holistic Development and what it is about this person that A. embracing a healthy lifestyle
makes him/her unique B. developing your spirituality
A. true C. social responsibility
B. false 52. Part of one's identity, such as being a son or daughter to
42. Early Adolescence your parents, being a brother or sister to your siblings or a
A. ages around 9 to 12 member of your organization
B. ages around 10 to 13 A. regaining self esteem
C. ages from 14 to 16 B. health and nutrition
43. Manifestation or acting out of the attitudes an individual C. roles
has. 53. The adolescent who is creating identity for himself is
A. Behavior faced with an urgent need to identify what course to take in
B. attitudes college and establish a career path for the future
C. feelings A. Relationships
44. A person's thoughts, feelings, and emotions about B. career choice
another person, object, idea, behavior, or situation C. material poverty
A. Behavior 54. Five aspects of Holistic Development (in order)
B. natureattitudes A. social, spiritual, psychological, physiological, cognitive
45. pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself B. physiological, cognitive, psychological, social, spiritual
A. conformity C. cognitive, psychological, physiological, social, spiritual
B. achievement 55. At what time of life does Erikson stage Industry vs.
C. hedonism Inferiority occur?
D. tradition A. old age
46. understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for B. adolescence
the welfare of all people and of nature C. infancy
A. universalism D. school age
B. self-direction 56. Which of these are associated with insecurely attached
C. power infants in later life?
D. benevolence A. less competent
47. effectively understand and coordinate abstract ideas, B. has less mature friends
thinking out possibilities and coming out with their own C. less socially skilled
personal philosophies D. all of the above
A. adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings 57. Which of these is a misconception about heredity?
3|Final Exam – Personal Development
A. heredity means that a person will not change 66. Preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with
B. it is a waste of effort to try to influence a trait that has a whom one is in frequent personal contact.
strong heredity component A. Self-direction
C. if the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society B. Achievement
has had little influence on the trait C. Benevolence
D. All of the above D. Universalism
58. It is a manifestation or acting out of the attitudes an 67. Understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection
individual has? for the welfare of all people and of nature.
A. Attitudes A. Self-direction
B. Behavior B. Achievement
C. Values C. Benevolence
D. Virtue D. Universalism
59. A system of beliefs that adhere to the highest ideals of 68. It is the essence of a person: his thoughts, feelings and
human existence? actions, experiences, beliefs, values, principles, and
A. Attitudes relationships. It includes a person’s life purpose, meaning, and
B. Behavior aspirations.
C. Values A. Nature
D. Virtue B. Self
60. Person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions about another C. Nurture
person, object, idea, behavior, or situation. D. Personality
A. Attitudes 69. It refers to human development that is meant to involve
B. Behavior all the parts of a person.
C. Values A. Intrapersonal Development
D. Virtue B. Interpersonal Development
61. It is a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good C. Physical Development
and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral D. Holistic Development
being. Two statements are provided in each number, read and
A. Attitudes understand the statements carefully and choose the letter that
B. Behavior corresponds the answer from the choices below.
C. Values A. Statement I is TRUE and II is FALSE
D. Virtue B. Statement I is FALSE and II is TRUE
62. It is the way in which an animal or person acts in C. Both statements are TRUE
response to a particular situation or stimulus. D. Both statements are FALSE
A. Attitudes 70. I. there are four basic emotions. Those are;
B. Behavior II. Laughter, Cry, Shout and Faint.
C. Values 71. I. In a state of strong emotion, the person’s physical
D. Virtue responses include faster heartbeat, profuse sweating and
63. It is a result of a person’s evaluation of an experience dilation of eye pupil’s, higher blood pressure, and muscular
with another person, object, idea, behavior, or situation based tremors, affecting the nervous system in general.
on his or her values and belief systems? II. FEELINGS arise from the brain as it interprets an emotion,
A. Attitudes which is usually caused by physical sensations experienced by
B. Behavior the body as a reaction to a certain internal stimulus.
C. Values 72. I. My behavior affects your behavior.
D. Virtue II. Your behavior affects my attitude.
64. Pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself 73. I. Behavior is a result of a person’s evaluation of an
A. Stimulation experience with another person, object, idea, behavior, or
B. Hedonism situation based on his or her values and belief systems.
C. Power II. Attitude is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,
D. Security especially toward others.
65. Personal success through demonstrating. 74. Stimulation is….
A. Self-direction I. Excitement, novelty, and challenge in life
B. Achievement II. Desolation, despondency, anguish
C. Benevolence 75. Synergy is…
D. Universalism I. Standing together

4|Final Exam – Personal Development

II. Everyone is connected to everyone else
76. Power is…
I. Social Status and prestige
II. Control or dominance over people and resources

ESSAY PART: (Choose only two topics)

In a separate YELLOW paper, make a one paragraph
essay about the following:
A. Crazy People are not sick people
B. Eating can kill you
C. I hear voices in my head, Help!
D. Depression can kill, what is the best remedy?

5|Final Exam – Personal Development


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