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MCQ in Wire and Wireless Communications System Part 8 ECE Board

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MCQ in Wire and Wireless Communications System Part

8 | ECE Board

December 31, 2014

(Last Updated On: May 7, 2020)

This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 8 of the Series in Wire and Wireless
Communications System as one of the Communications Engineering topic. In Preparation
for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every
questions compiled here taken from various sources including but not limited to past
Board Examination Questions in Electronic System and Technologies, Communications
Books, Journals and other Communications References.

MCQ Topic Outline included in ECE Board Exam Syllabi

MCQ in Mobile Communications
MCQ in Cellular Communication
MCQ in Trunk Radio
MCQ in Radio Paging System
MCQ in Facsimile
MCQ in Telephone Set
MCQ in Signaling
MCQ in Transmission Considerations in long distance network
MCQ in Insertion Loss
MCQ in VF Repeaters
MCQ in Traffic Calculations
MCQ in Reference Equivalent and Standards
MCQ in Telephone Networks
MCQ in Billing
MCQ in Network Hierarchy and Class type
MCQ in Connection and Performance of Wire and Wireless Communications

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 8 of the Series

351. The simplest and most straightforward form of telephone service is called

A. Public switch telephone network

B. Mobile telephone switching office

C. Plain and old telephone service

D. Central office service

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


352. _______ are local telephone switches equipped with SS7-compatible software and
terminating signal links

A. switching points

B. service points

C. point codes

D. service switching points

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


353. A PABX is normally connected to the central office via an interface device called

A. branch exchange unit

B. subscriber loop unit

C. foreign exchange unit

D. local exchange unit

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


354. The most widely used fax standard is

A. group 1

B. group 2

C. group 3

D. group 4

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


355. The modern Touch-tone telephone is called

A. 600-type telephone set

B. 2500-type telephone set

C. 2800-type telephone set

D. 1500-type telephone set

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


356. Signals that provides call status information, such as busy or ringback signals

A. supervising

B. hybriding

C. controlling

D. ringing

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


357. A signal sent back to the calling party at the same time the ringing signal is sent to the
called party

A. busy signal

B. ringing signal

C. ringback signal

D. dial tone

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


358. It is comprised of two or more facilities, interconnected in tandem, to provide a

transmission path between a source and a destination

A. telephone line

B. telephone set

C. telephone circuit

D. telephone trunk

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


359. The drum diameter of a facsimile machine is 90.2 mm and the scanning pitch is 0.2
mm per scan. Find the index of cooperation according to CCITT

A. 451

B. 2.22 x 10^-3

C. 1417

D. 144

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


360. It is the ratio in dB of the power of a signal at that point to the power the same signal
would be 0-dBm at any point in the transmission system

A. data level

B. baseband level

C. voice level

D. transmission level

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


361. It is an indirect method of evaluating the phase delay characteristics of the circuit

A. phase delay distortion

B. envelope delay distortion

C. non-linear distortion

D. linear distortion

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


362. It is characterized by high-amplitude peaks of short duration having an approximately

flat frequency response

A. crosstalk

B. interference

C. impulse noise

D. drop out

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


363. It is the presence of one or more continuous, unwanted tones within the message
channels, the tones are often caused by crosstalk or cross modulation between adjacent
channels in a transmission system due to system nonlinearities.

A. multiple-frequency interference

B. single-frequency interference

C. co-channel interference

D. desensitizing

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


364. That portion of the local loop that is strung between the poles

A. aerial

B. distribution cable

C. feeder cable

D. twisted-pair

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


365. It is the primary cause of attenuation and phase distortion on a telephone circuit

A. local line

B. local loop

C. subscriber loop

D. any of these

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


366. It is simply the frequency response of a transmission medium referenced to a 1004 -

Hz test tone

A. attenuation distortion

B. differential gain

C. 1004-Hz deviation

D. any of these

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


367. The time delay measured in angular units, such as degrees or radians is called

A. propagation time

B. phase delay

C. holding time

D. system delay time

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


368. It is a communications term that indicates the presence of a signal power comparable
to the power of an actual message transmission

A. dynamic range

B. loaded

C. node

D. reference

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


369. It is any device used to originate and terminate calls and to transmit and receive
signals into and out of the telephone network

A. instrument

B. station equipment

C. station

D. any of these

View Answer:

Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D


370. Exchanges connected directly to the local loops are called ______________

A. central office

B. local exchange

C. exchange offices

D. any of these

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


371. It provides functionality of communicating with the voice switch by creating the
packets or signal units necessary for transmission over the SS7 network

A. switching points

B. service points

C. point codes

D. service switching points

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


372. In a 4-wire telephone set connection, (used to connect telephone set to central office
switching) the green coded wire is used _______________

A. as ground wire

B. to transmit the signal

C. to receive the signal from the far end

D. as a spare or for special purpose applications

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


373. A technique where the called subscriber is served by any other central office, the
switching equipment will have to transfer the digit dialed to the called switching

A. loop signaling

B. step-by-step switching

C. interoffice calling

D. duplex signaling

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


374. Electromagnetic coupling between two or more physically interconnected

transmission media is what type of crosstalk?

A. coupling crosstalk

B. transmission crosstalk

C. linear crosstalk

D. non-linear crosstalk

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


375. The number of dedicated lines used to interconnect 100 parties

A. 99 lines

B. 1250 lines

C. 4950 lines
D. 3450 lines

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


376. Class of switching office which is the local exchange where the subscriber loops
terminated and received dial tone.

A. Class 5

B. Class 4C

C. Class 3

D. Class 1

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


377. The maximum intelligibility of voice frequency is between

A. 2000 and 3000 Hz

B. 1000 and 3000 Hz

C. 2500 and 4000 Hz

D. 1000 and 2500 Hz

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Answer: Option B


378. It is the state of the telephone when it is idle.

A. on-hook

B. off-hook

C. semi-hook
D. hook-in

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


379. Type of loop signaling which is widely used in new switching systems to supervise
trunks between two central offices.

A. battery and ground pulsing

B. reverse battery signaling

C. loop pulsing

D. duplex signaling

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


380. Printed documents to be transmitted by fax are converted into a baseband electrical
signal by the process of

A. reflection

B. scanning

C. modulation

D. light variations

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


381. The transmission speed of group 4 fax is

A. 4800 baud

B. 9600 baud

C. 56 kbps

D. 192 kbps

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


382. It is a distortion formed if SSB is used where the information bandwidth is greater
than half of the carrier frequency.

A. near-far effect

B. hauffman effect

C. kendall effect

D. herringbone effect

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


383. It is simply an unshielded twisted pair transmission line consisting of two insulated
conductors twisted together.

A. local loop

B. local line

C. subscriber loop

D. any of these

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


384. It is an audible signal comprised of two frequencies: 350 Hz and 440 Hz

A. dial tone

B. ringback signal

C. busy tone

D. call waiting tone

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


385. It enables the destination station of a telephone call to display the name of the
telephone number of the calling party before the telephone is answered.

A. conference call

B. call wait

C. call forwarding

D. caller id

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


386. The largest cable used in a local loop, usually 3600 pair of copper wires placed
underground or in conduit.

A. feeder cable

B. distribution cable

C. drop wire

D. drop-wire cross-connect cables

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


387. A weighting technique that assumes a perfect receiver only, therefore its weighting
curve corresponds to the frequency response of the ear only.

A. relative noise weighting

B. above relative noise weighting

C. C-message noise weighting

D. psophometric noise weighting

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


388. The difference between the absolute delays of all frequencies.

A. relative phase delay

B. phase delay distortion

C. absolute phase delay

D. phase distortion

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


389. A special type of line conditioning that sets the minimum requirements for signal-to-
noise ratio a nonlinear distortion.

A. A-type line conditioning

B. B-type line conditioning

C. C-type line conditioning

D. D-type line conditioning

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


390. It is a form of incidental phase modulation – a continuous uncontrolled variations in

the zero crossings of a signal.

A. crosstalk

B. co-channel interference

C. phase jitter

D. spikes

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


391. A type of crosstalk which is a direct result of nonlinear amplification in analog

communications system

A. linear crosstalk

B. transmittance crosstalk

C. nonlinear crosstalk

D. coupling crosstalk

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Answer: Option C


392. The operator of the telephone instrument

A. subscriber

B. destination

C. source

D. terminal

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


393. It is a system of sensors, switches and other electronic and electrical devices that
allow subscriber to give instructions directly to the switch without having to go through the

A. manual switching system

B. automated switching system

C. common switching system

D. crossbar switching system

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


394. Toll offices are connected to other toll offices with _____________

A. intertoll trunks

B. intratoll trunks

C. interoffice trunks

D. intraoffice trunks

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


395. The highest ranking office in the DDD network in term of size of the geographical area
served and the trunk options available.

A. End office

B. Sectional center

C. Regional center

D. Toll center

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


396. He invented the automatic line selector, which led to the automatic telephone system.

A. Alexander Bain

B. Alexander Graham Bell

C. Thomas Edison

D. Almon Strowger

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


397. It allows customers to change to a different service and still keep the same phone

A. changing

B. porting

C. transporting

D. portability

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


398. By definition, speech power is equal to v.u. reading minus ___________

A. 1.8 dB

B. 4 dB

C. 1.4 dB
D. 3 dB

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


399. When the telephone set is in the ____________ state, a direct current from the
central office (CO) flows through the transmitter and receiver of the handset.

A. on-hook

B. off-hook

C. semi-hook

D. hook-in

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


400. Type of loop signaling which involves opening and closing the loop to dial to or
through the central office.

A. ear and mouth

B. duplex

C. loop pulsing

D. interoffice calling

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Answer: Option C


Questions and Answers in Wire and Wireless Communications System Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Wire and Wireless Communications

PART 1: MCQ from Number 1 – 50 Answer key: PART 1
PART 2: MCQ from Number 51 – 100 Answer key: PART 2
PART 3: MCQ from Number 101 – 150 Answer key: PART 3
PART 4: MCQ from Number 151 – 200 Answer key: PART 4
PART 5: MCQ from Number 201 – 250 Answer key: PART 5
PART 6: MCQ from Number 251 – 300 Answer key: PART 6
PART 7: MCQ from Number 301 – 350 Answer key: PART 7
PART 8: MCQ from Number 351 – 400 Answer key: PART 8
PART 9: MCQ from Number 401 – 450 Answer key: PART 9
PART 10: MCQ from Number 451 – 500 Answer key: PART 10
MORE ON: Questions and Answers in Wire and Wireless Communications

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2020. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


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