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It belongs to the family is native to India.

Piper longum Linn is a slender, climbing, under shrub, creeper, and rooting below.
The young shoots are downy the leaves are about 5-9 cm in long,5cm wide, ovate,
cordate, with rounded lobes at the base, sub-acute, glabrous. The plant bears
glamorous flowers. the flowers are unisexual flowers. Flowers are in solitary. they
have erect spikes during the rainy season. The male spikes are erect, slender, and
are about 2.5 to 7.5 cm long while the female spikes are about 1.25 to 2 cm in
long. fruit grows to about 3 cm. The berries are ovoid, yellowish-orange, sunk in
thick rachis about 0.25cm in diameter.

Kingdom Plantae
Family Piperaceae
Genus Piper
Species P. Longum
Binomial name Piper Longum l.

Uses: The plant root is used in Ayurveda as a carminative, tonic to the liver,
stomachic, emmenagogue, abortifacient, and Aphrodite.
Fruits contain hematinic, diuretic, digestive, and general tonic properties, besides
being useful in inflammation of the liver, pain in the joints, snakebite, scorpion
sting, and night blindness.
The plant is also used in dyspepsia, abdominal pain, and diuretic plexopathy,
anorexia, asthma, fever, and act as the anti-hemorrhoidal and appetizer.

Phytochemicals present:
Alkaloids, saponins, amygdalin, piperine, sesame.


Phyllanthus niruri plant originated in belongs to the family phyllanthaceae.

Phyllanthus niruri is an erect, slender, branched, annual herb from 10 cm to 50 cm
.of a light greenish to whitish in color .the leaves of the main stem fall very early
so that the side, horizontal and the rather brief twigs, look like the compound leaf
.it has numerous small leaves which are simple, elliptic, to elongated, carrying
minute leaves to their base. the flowers are of small size and the greenish. on the
other half lower of the twigs, flowers and solitary, while they are grouped by 2-4
on the terminal half seeds, wedge-shaped and are of light brown.

Kingdom Plantae

Family phyllanthaceae

Genus Phyllanthus

Species P. niruri

Binomial name Phyllanthus niruri

Uses : Phyllanthus niruri has been used in traditional medicines for various illness
like jaundice, chronic dysentery, dyspepsia, cough, indigestion, diabetes, urinary
tract diseases, skin diseases , ulcers, sores and helps to break the
urinary stones .it help to prevent the liver inflammations and damage .hepatitis b
is a form of viral hepatitis that can cause long term inflammations and damage .it
can eradicate the hepatitis b virus .Phyllanthus have anti-tumor properties that
may one day lead to the development of new class of the cancer cells .

Phytochemicals present:
Flavinoids, quercetin, alkaloids, saponins, cortilagin, astragalin, terpenes.


It is a member of the family zingerberaceae .it is sometimes known as the queen

of the spices alongside the black pepper which is known as the king of the
spices .the dried fruit of the cardamoms have been used as the spice and in the
medicines since the fourth century .It is a herbaceous plant growing up to 6m
tall .leaf shoots are arising from the stout rhizome .it is growing in a thick clump of
up to 20 leafy shoots .Leaves are dark green , long , short , and the sword
shaped .The underside is the paler and the many have a covering of tiny hair .
Flowers are borne on a stalk that can reach at a height of the 1m in length. The
pale green flower contains both male and females’ parts. one of the petals is
white and streaked with violet. Fruits are pale green to yellow in colour, it is
elongate and it is oval in shape. The fruits and seeds are dry to straw brown in
colour and it can be used as flavorings.

Kingdom Plantae

Family Zingiberaceae

Genus Elettaria

Species E. cardamomum

Binomial name Elettaria cardomomum

Uses :the stomach and urinary systems , asthma , bronchitis ,and the heart
diseases .when it is mixed with neem and the camphor it can be used nasal
preparations t threat the colds .An infusion of cardoman can be used as a gargle
to relieve the sore throats ,which can led to this use in the cough sweets .It can be
used in preparations to make a drink that can be used to treat ingestions and
nausea .They can be used to make the tonic to relieve the stress due to the
overwork or the depression .It is given to the patients who is having the bad
breadth and a capsule is taken with honey it can improve the eyesight. It can treat
the skin cancers. It can be used to treat the bodies that have red pigmentations .it
can be incorporated in soaps and creams.

Phytochemicals present:
Flavinoids, terpenoids, carotenoids


It belongs to the family malvaceae. It is a shrub. It has perennial durations. It has

the distribution all over the india and srilanka. It is much branched undershrub,
branched densely. The leaves are heart shaped, serrate and truncate. The flowers
are usually small. it is yellow in colour, solitary, calyx is campanulate, it has about
five lobes. Petals are light yellow in the colour. The stamens are Monadelphous.
Fruits are loculicidal capsule, have cilia on the upper margins. Roots are of laterals
it is so small in the size; the outer surface of the leaves is light greyish in colour .it
is odorless with slight bitter taste. Plant flower from the august to the December
and its fruiting October to January.
Kingdom Plantae

Family Malvaceae

Genus Sida

Species S. cordifolia

Binomial name Sida cordifolia

Uses : It is an analgesic to relieve the pain .It is used to prevent asthma attacks ,
it removes mucus from the body , reduce the inflammations by acting on the body
mechanisms ,it neutralize the oxidative effect of the free radicals and the other
substances, it is used to prevent the rheumatism ,used to relieve the spasm of the
involuntary muscle ,it prevent the cough ,it stimulate the sexual desire, it
improves the appetite ,it slows the brain activity this property can be used to
treat the anxiety and the depression , it promote the excretion of the urine ,it
soothe the skin which is irritated, it have a tonifying effect on the nervous
system ,it restores and improves the health, it can prevent the damage to the

Phytochemicals present:
Alkaloids asparagine, ephedrine, phytosterols.


It means ten roots that are categorized as the Mahapanchamoola comprising the
five trees and the Laghupanchamoola comprising the five smaller plants. the roots
of the ten plants are Aegle marmelos, is a thorny deciduous tree, Gmelina arborea
is an unarmed deciduous tree, Oroxylum indicum is a deciduous tree, Premna
corymbosa is a deciduous tree, Stereospermum colais it is a large deciduous tree.
Aerva lanata is an erect and prostrate herb, Desmodium gigenticum is a sub
shrub, Pseudarthria viscida is a small shrub, Solanum surattense is a member of
family Solanaceae, Tribulus terrestris is a prostate villous herb.
Binomial Kingdom Family Genus Species

Aegle Plantae Rutaceae Aegle A.marmelo

marmelos correa s

Gmelina Plantae Lamiaceae Gmelina G. arborea


Premna Plantae Lamiaceae Premna P.

serratifolia serratifolia

Stereosper Plantae Bignoniace Stereosper S.tetragonu

mum colais ae mum m

Oroxylum Plantae Bignoniace Oroxylum O.indicum

indicum ae vent.

Solanum Plantae Solanaceae Solanum S.Surantten

surattense se

Solanum Plantae Solanaceae Solanum S.nigrum


Desmodiu Plantae Fabaceae Desmodiu D.gangeticu

m m m
Tribulus Plantae Zygophyllac Tribulus T.terrestris
terrestris eae

Uraria picta Plantae Fabaceae Uraria U.picta

Uses : It has a significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, it balances

both vata and kapha , it gives relief in the pain , it reduces the inflammations , it
digest the Ama or the undigested food toxins produced in the body .it helps in the
asthma ,fever,and the pain .It reduces the numbness and the stiffness ,it can
reduce the tumours and hence it can useful to treat the parkinsons diseases ,it
help in the regaining the strength of the uterus after the delivery of the baby,It is
compared to that of the Diclofenac sodium and it can be a possible alternative to
the non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs .it is a tonic drug ,it is herbal
combination without any side effect.

Phytochemicals present :
Flavonoids, terpenoids , steroids, phenols , saponins .

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