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Tujuan Pembelajaran:: Let's Make A Better World For All

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Chapter 11

Let's Make a Better

World for All


Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Setelah mempelajari Bab 11, siswa dapat
melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

3.7 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik

lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan
remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK

Halaman Apersepsi 149


Task 1: Work in pairs with your chair-mate.

People say that songs create mood. Do you
agree with that? Discuss with your chair-mate
for 10 minutes about the songs that can influence
your mood.

Task 2: Have a brainstorm with your partner.

Now, you are going to listen to a song, titled Heal
the World. From the title brainstorm any possibility
on what the song is about with your partner. The
followings are some of the possible themes. Add
the list with your own.

love between a man and solving world problem

a woman
epidemic diseases giving sympathy
environmental problem humanity disaster
building friendship helping each other
caring for other people creating world solidarity
making peace together …………………………
wars …………………………
famine …………………………
hatred …………………………

150 Bahasa Inggris


Task 1: Listen to the song.

Now, let’s listen to the song played by the teacher. While
listening, do the following activity. Cross the phrases from
the list above (task 2) that are relevant with the song.

Task 2: Write some questions that may come across

your mind as you are listening to the song. After
listening, ask the teacher or your classmates about the
questions to get the answer.

Task 3: Fill the song blanks.

The following are some parts of the song lyrics. Listen
again to the song carefully and fill in the gapped parts.


There's A Place In If We Try

Your Heart We Shall See
And I Know That It Is Love In This _____
And This Place Could We Cannot Feel
Be Much Fear Or _____
______ Than Tomorrow We Stop Existing And
And If You Really Try Start Living
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry Then It Feels That Always
In This Place You'll Feel Love's Enough For

Chapter 11 151
There's No Hurt Or Us ________
______ So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...
There Are Ways
To Get There Heal The World
If You ____ Enough Make It A Better Place
For The Living For You And For Me
Make A Little Space And The ________
Make A Better Place... Human Race
There Are People Dying
____The World If You Care Enough
Make It A Better Place For The Living
For You And For Me Make A Better Place
And The _____ Human For You And For Me
There Are People Dying And The Dream We Were
If You Care Enough ___________ In
For The Living Will Reveal A Joyful Face
Make A Better Place And The World We
For You And For Me Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
If You Want To Know Then Why Do We Keep
Why __________ Life
There's A Love That Wound This Earth
Cannot Lie __________ Its Soul
Love Is Strong Though It's _________
It Only Cares For To See
_____ Giving This World Is Heavenly
Be God's_________

Taken from:

152 Bahasa Inggris


Task: Match the meaning.

Read the following list of words and their meaning.
Check whether the words on the left match their
meanings on the right. Identify two words which
do not match their meanings. Correct them.
Discuss your work with your chair-mate.

1. sorrow a. polite and pleasant

2. bliss b. perfect happiness or enjoyment

c. to feel worried about something that is

3. dread
going to happen or may happen

d. imagine a particular situation that is going to

4. conceive
happen or may happen

5. grace e. a feeling of great sadness

f. to limit the growth or development

6. strangle
of something

g. to kill someone by crucifying them to

7. crucify
a cross

8. glow h. a soft steady light

9. plain i. very clear and easy to understand

10. entire j . all of a group, period of time, amount, etc.

Chapter 11 153

Task 1: Listen and repeat.

Listen again to the song, and pay attention to the
way the words are pronounced. Then, listen to
your teacher reading aloud the following words.
Repeat after him/her.

sorrow : /ˈ sɒrəʊ/
bliss : / blɪs /
dread : /dred /
be conceived in : / bi: kənˈ siːvd in /
grace : / ɡreɪs /
strangle : / ˈ stræŋɡəl /
crucify : / ˈ kruːsəfaɪ/
glow : / ɡloʊ /
plain : / pleɪn /
entire : / ɪnˈ taɪə /

Task 2: Let's sing a song

Listen to the song and sing the song. Imitate how
the words are pronounced

154 Bahasa Inggris


Task: Fill in the blanks.

Use the words in the box to complete the sentence.
The first letter of the word is given as clue. Some
words can be used more than once

entire bliss conceive

dread glow plain
strangle sorrows grow
crucify grace

1. Selfishness s________ the growth of friendship

among us in this class.

2. We will always remember the joys and s________ that

we have shared together during our community service
helping the victim of the landslide.

3. My idea of b________ is lying on a reclining seat under

a shady tree reading a good book surrounded by children
who are reading their own books too.

4. The disaster has left nothing but the clothes that we are
wearing. We are d________ our future but optimistic
because we will always help each other in difficult time
like this.

Chapter 11 155
5. The orange g________ of the sunset at the beach is so
mesmerizing that I cannot stop feeling grateful for having
this amazingly beautiful country as my homeland.

6. His mother's death was a great s_______ for John. He

mourns for days and neglects all his duties.

7. Greed and selfishness may c________ somebody’s soul

that makes a person unaware of his or her surroundings.
A greedy and selfish person will eventually live a lonely
life because he or she cares for no one but himself or

8. Let’s c________ of a city where most people ride

bicycles to their work places and schools. Can our city
be possibly like that? What do we need to do first?

9. My friend Lily is more mature than most of us. She

always handles herself in g________ by for instance
avoiding any unnecessary arguments with us.

10. The days I spent in this school with my teachers

and classmates have been the best moments in my
e________ life so far.


Task 1: Rewrite the lyrics.

Refer back to the lyrics in sub B.Use the words in
the box to complete the sentence. The first letter of
the word is given as clue. Some words can be used
more than once.

156 Bahasa Inggris


There's A Place In There is a place in your heart.

Your Heart And I know that it is love.
And I Know That It Is Love And this place could be much
And This Place Could brighter than tomorrow.
Be Much And if you really try you’ll find
______ Than Tomorrow that there is no need to cry.
And If You Really Try In this place, you’ll feel there
You'll Find There's No Need is no hurt or sorrows.
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or ______

Task 2: Do the comprehension questions.

Read again the lyrics of the song above. Then,
answer the following questions. Discuss the
answers in groups of twos or three students.

1. What does the title describe? What does the composer

compare the world with?
2. How does the composer describe the world that we live in
now? Mention some phrases from the lyrics
that can support your answer.
3. What dream does the singer have about this
world? Quote some phrases from the lyrics.
4. How can the dream be realized? Show the
lines that tells so.
5. What is one thing that can solve problems in
this world?
6. What do you understand about these lines:
“make a little space make a better place …”

Chapter 11 157

Task 1: Work in pairs.

Find another song whose lyrics raise people’s
awareness of the need to do good things for
family, friends, and other people. Prepare to sing
or present the song in class and explain what the
song is about. Or, if you really like the song in this
chapter, you can choose to sing the song with
your groups. When you sing, try to act out the
message to make your performance captivating.

Task 2: Do the project in groups.

There are problems in this world out there and in
our own environment, such as in our neighborhood
and schools. Work in groups of three to four
students. Identify problems in your surroundings.

1. What questions can you ask? You can ask questions, such
as whether your school environment is healthy.
2. Are the rest rooms clean enough?
3. Is your class or school bullying-free?
4. Is it easy to cross the street in front of the school?
5. What about the foods in the school canteen, are they

Generate more questions, then discuss the most important

and feasible question to be discussed further. Perhaps you
need to do some investigation to find out if such problem does

158 Bahasa Inggris

exist. Then discuss how to make your schoolmates aware of
the problem and propose what students can do to solve the


At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions

to know your learning progress.

1. Have you achieved all of the learning

2. Do you know why people create songs?
3. Do you know to get the contextual
meaning of a song?
4. Can you learn English from listening to and
sing songs?

If your answer is "no" to one of these

questions, see your teacher and discuss with
him/her on how to make you understand and be
able to write or talk about yourself better.

Chapter 11 159

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