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CIV3221 Building Structures and Technology


An introduction to multi-storey structural systems, façade systems, loading and analysis.

Design of steel beams and columns, concrete slabs and footings, and composite
steel/concrete beams and slabs.
Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 1
Lecture notes

Published by Monash University on behalf of the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of


Second Edition

Printed by Department of Civil Engineering


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 2002, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University


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Acknowledgments :

This guide was prepared by Geoff Taplin and Xiao-Ling Zhao

Cover Photo:

Reflections in the façade of the John Hancock Building, Boston USA (Geoff Taplin 2000)
The John Hancock building (60 stories) has one of the most infamous facades in the world.
( )

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 2
Lecture notes



TOPIC 2: FLOOR FRAMING SYSTEM S............................................................ 5

1. GENERAL................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose:.............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Factors affecting the selection of a floor system:............................................... 5
2. TYPES OF FLOOR SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 One way spanning slabs ..................................................................................... 6
2.2 Two way spanning slabs ..................................................................................... 9
2.3 Beams for one and two way spanning slabs ..................................................... 10
2.4 Flat slabs .......................................................................................................... 10
3. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ......................................................................................... 12
4. CHOOSING AN APPROPRIATE FLOOR SYSTEM ............................................................ 12
TOPIC 3: FACADES ............................................................................................. 14
1. WHAT IS A FAÇADE? ................................................................................................ 14
2. CLASSIFYING FACADES ............................................................................................ 14
3. A FACADE TOUR ...................................................................................................... 15
4. COMMON ISSUES :..................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Weatherproofing ............................................................................................... 15
4.2 Allowing for movement ..................................................................................... 16
5. EXAMPLES OF DEFECTS ............................................................................................ 16
TOPIC 4: LOADING ............................................................................................ 17
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 17
2. LOAD COMBINATION ............................................................................................... 17
3. DEAD LOAD (G)....................................................................................................... 18
4. LIVE LOAD (Q) ........................................................................................................ 18
5. WIND LOAD (W)...................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Wind load depends on....................................................................................... 18
5.2 Design wind load .............................................................................................. 19
5.3 Factors.............................................................................................................. 19
5.4 Basic pressure (p’)............................................................................................ 19
6. EARTHQUAKE LOAD ................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Earthquake load depends on ............................................................................ 20
6.2 Static analysis ................................................................................................... 21
6.3 Total base shear force (V) ................................................................................ 21
6.4 Horizontal earthquake force at each level (F x) ................................................ 21
7 EXAMPLE .................................................................................................................. 22
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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 3
Lecture notes

1. CONCEPT OF LIMIT STATE DESIGN .......................................................................... 23

1.1 Working Stress Method..................................................................................... 23
1.2 What is Limit State Design? ............................................................................. 23
1.3 Limit State Design (Adopted in AS4100) .......................................................... 24
2. METHODS OF ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 25
2.1 1st order Elastic Analysis ................................................................................. 25
2.2 2nd order Elastic Analysis ................................................................................ 26
2.3 1st Order Plastic Analysis ................................................................................ 26
2.4 Elastic Buckling Analysis ................................................................................ 26
2.5 Advanced Analysis ............................................................................................ 26
3. SECOND ORDER EFFECTS ......................................................................................... 26
3.1 Moment Amplification Factor........................................................................... 26
3.2 Braced Member ................................................................................................ 27
3.3 Sway Members .................................................................................................. 28
TOPIC 6: FRAME ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 29


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 30
2. ONE- WAY SPANNING REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS ............................................... 31
3. WHAT AFFECTS THE DEFLECTION OF SLABS? ........................................................... 32
3.1 Shrinkage .......................................................................................................... 32
3.2 Creep................................................................................................................. 33
3.3 The value of I .................................................................................................... 33
3.4 Span to depth ratios.......................................................................................... 34
4. TWO WAY SPANNING REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS ............................................... 37
TOPIC 8: FOOTINGS ........................................................................................... 39
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 39
2. REVIEW REINFORCED CONCRETE THEORY................................................................ 39
2.1 Bending failure ................................................................................................. 39
2.2 Shear failure ..................................................................................................... 40
3. APPLY THIS TO FOOTINGS?....................................................................................... 41
3.1. Footings can fail in bending as a wide beam, ................................................. 41
3.2. Footings can fail in shear as a wide beam, ..................................................... 42
3.3. Footings can fail in a third way, by punching shear ....................................... 43
TOPIC 9: COMPOSITE FLOOR SLABS ........................................................... 45
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 45
2. DESIGN ISSUES ......................................................................................................... 48
3. FLEXURAL THEORY FOR COMPOSITE SLABS ............................................................. 48
3.1 Negative bending .............................................................................................. 48
3.2 Positive bending................................................................................................ 48
4. MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESSES .................................................................................. 51
TOPIC 10: COMPOSITE STEEL-CONCRETE BEAMS................................... 52
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 52
2. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 54

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 4
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3. SHEAR CONNECTORS ................................................................................................ 54

4. SHEAR STRENGTH OF WELDED STUD SHEAR CONNECTORS, F VS ................................ 55
5. DESIGN ISSUES ......................................................................................................... 55
6. EFFECTIVE WIDTH OF THE SLAB, BCF ........................................................................ 57
7. DESIGN OF THE SHEAR CONNECTION ........................................................................ 58
8. ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF THE CROSS SECTION ......................................................... 60
9.LONGITUDINAL SHEA R IN THE CONCRETE ................................................................. 61
TOPIC 11: STEEL BEAMS.................................................................................... 62
1. SECTION CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................... 62
2. SECTION CAPACITY ................................................................................................. 63
Example 1. .............................................................................................................. 64
3. EFFECTIVE LENGTH ................................................................................................. 65
4. MEMBER CAPACITY................................................................................................. 65
4.1 Behaviour.......................................................................................................... 65
4.2 Capacity............................................................................................................ 66
Example 2 ............................................................................................................... 68
TOPIC 12: STEEL COLUMNS.............................................................................. 70
1. FORM FACTOR ......................................................................................................... 70
Example 1 ............................................................................................................... 71
2. SECTION CAPACITY ................................................................................................. 72
3. MEMBER CAPACITY................................................................................................. 72
3.1 Behaviour.......................................................................................................... 72
3.2 Capacity............................................................................................................ 75
Example 2 ............................................................................................................... 76
TOPIC 13: STEEL BEAM-COLUMNS................................................................. 79
1. COMBINED ACTIONS ................................................................................................ 79
2. SECTION CAPACITY ................................................................................................. 80
Example 1 ............................................................................................................... 81
3. MEMBER CAPACITY................................................................................................. 82
Example 2 ............................................................................................................... 84
TOPIC 14: STEEL CONNECTIONS..................................................................... 86
1. TYPE OF CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................... 86
2. SHEAR CONNECTIONS (FLEXIBLE END PLATE) ........................................................ 87
2.1 Connection Details ........................................................................................... 87
2.2 Possible failure modes ...................................................................................... 88
2.3 Design capacities .............................................................................................. 89
Example 1 ............................................................................................................... 90
3. MOMENT CONNECTIONS (BOLTED END P LATE) ...................................................... 90
3.1 Connection Details ........................................................................................... 90
3.2 Actions and possible failure modes .................................................................. 92
3.3 Design capacities .............................................................................................. 95
Example 2 ............................................................................................................... 97

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 5
Lecture notes


1. General
1.1 Purpose:

to provide a safe and functional working platform

1.2 Factors affecting the selection of a floor system:

1. $ cost
2. $ cost
3. $ cost
4. spacing of supports (walls, columns)
5. serviceability (ie stiffness and vibration)
6. adaptability to future changes of use

………plus safety

2. Types of floor systems

We can classify floor systems in different ways:

by material
• floor slab – concrete
• beams – concrete or steel

by structural action of the slab

• one way spanning slab
• two way spanning slab
• flat slab

by method of construction
• steel beams with cast-in-situ slab
• steel beams with precast slab
• cast-in-situ concrete beams with cast-in-situ slab
• precast beams with precast slab

The following notes provide some ‘rules-of-thumb’ for the preliminary sizing of slabs
and beams. The thickness of the slab, or the depth of the beam, is given as a span-to-
depth ratio, l/d.

note that d is the effective depth – ie you must add cover thickness to the concrete (say
40 mm)
l/d =30 and slab span = 6 metres υ thickness = 200+40 = 240 mm
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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 6
Lecture notes

2.1 One way spanning slabs

the slab spans in one direction between beams or walls

one-way slab


wall (or beam)

• if the slab is simply-supported (ie one span only), l/d = 24

• if the slab is continuous (ie 2 or more spans), l/d = 28
• if the slab has a cantilever span, l/d = 10
• the slab might be cast on metal decking (usually on steel beams),

steel column

is cast)

steel beam

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• a slab may span one-way onto secondary beams, which in turn span onto primary

• if the slab is supported by beams on 4 edges, but the aspect ratio (ie longer
supported length divided by shorter supported length) > 2, treat as a one-way slab
• if the beams are at very close centres, the floor system becomes a ribbed slab,

• ribbed slabs are require a lot of labour to build the formwork for the slab

• if wide and shallow concrete beams support the slab, it is called a band beam floor

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• band beam systems have simple formwork, and are economical with labour

• precast floor systems can be used with one-way slabs

• precast systems are proprietary systems – ie they are products which you buy from a

• precast planks is one proprietary system (Hollowcore brand) – rectangular planks of

concrete laid on steel or precast concrete beams

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• precast T-beams is another proprietary system

2.2 Two way spanning slabs

When the slab is supported by beams or walls on four sides it is a two-way slab.

two-way slab

wall (or beam)

• if the slab is simply-supported (ie one span only), l/d = 28

• if the slab is continuous (ie 2 or more spans), l/d = 39
• these values assume square panels
• for aspect ratios between 1:1 and 2:1 interpolate between two-way and one-way
values (l is the length of the shorter span)

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• if the beams (in two directions) are at very close centres, the floor system becomes a
waffle slab

• waffle slabs require a lot of labour to build the formwork for the slab

2.3 Beams for one and two way spanning slabs

We now have some ‘rules-of thumb’ for sizing one-way and two-way slabs, but what
about the size of the beams that support them?

• if the beam is simply supported (ie one span only, or no moment connection
between spans), l/d = 12
• if the beam is continuous (ie 2 or more spans), l/d = 15
• if the beam is a cantilever, l/d = 6

These values can be used for steel or concrete floor beams.

2.4 Flat slabs

What if you do not use beams or walls to support the slab, but instead sit it directly on
top of the columns?

These are called flat slabs.

• because there are no beams, the formwork is very easy
• you must be careful to make sure that there is enough strength at the slab/column
junction, and that the slab does not punch through

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• because there are no beams of walls, flat slabs tend to have large deflections, and for
this reason they are not as popular as they were 10 years ago

Flat slabs come in two main types,

1. flat plate
2. flat slab (yes, ‘flat slab’ is a type of flat slab!)

A flat plate has a completely flat soffit (that is the underside)

• the slab thickness is usually determined by the need to avoid punch through at the
slab/column junction, and then this thickness is used throughout
• it is economical on formwork (labour), but expensive on material

A flat slab has a thickening at the slab/column junction

• the thickening can be in the slab – called a drop panel
• the thickening can be at the top of the column – called a column capital

flat plate

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 12
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flat slab (with drop panels)

• ‘rule-of-thumb’ l/d = 33 (based on longer span)

3. Prestressed concrete
Prestressing refers to the practice of placing high tensile wires in the concrete, and
stretching them once the concrete has hardened.

Prestressed concrete will not be dealt with in this subject, but it is commonly used in
floor slabs and beams, and results in thinner slabs and beams and/or longer spans.

4. Choosing an appropriate floor system

Referring to the factors outlined at the beginning,

• cost depends upon local practices, but in developed economies easier formwork
leads to lower costs

• less material does not usually lead to lower costs

• flat slabs can give serviceability problems unless carefully designed

• prestressed slabs do not adapt well to future changes of use, because of the critical
nature of the prestressing wires

A guide to the appropriate span range of the various systems is:

one way slabs – up to 6 metres
one way slabs (prestressed) – up to 9 metres

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one way slabs (on metal deck) – up to 3 metres

two way slabs – up to 7.5 metres
ribbed slabs – up to 8 metres
band beams – up to 8 metres
band beams (prestressed) up to 10 metres
flat plates – up to 6 metres
flat slabs – up to 8 metres
precast planks – up to 12 metres
precast T-beams – up to 15 metres

And note, many products in the building industry work on a module of 600 mm (eg
ceiling systems, brick and blockwork). Where possible try to use floor spans which are
multiples of 600 mm, eg
6.0 m – a useful shorter span
7.2 m – a very common span
8.4 m – quite a common span
10.2 m – a long span

But remember, very often other considerations will prevent a 600 mm module being

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 14
Lecture notes


1. What is a façade?
The facade is the walls of a building

• control access and security

• reduce temperature effects on the occupants
• admit daylight
• prevent rain penetration
• seal against cold or hot winds
• allow ventilation
• reduce noise penetration
• minimise energy consumption
• be cost effective
• be adequately strong and stiff
• be durable
• easily constructed and maintained

2. Classifying facades
Facades can be either load bearing or non load bearing. Non load bearing facades
require a separate structural frame to support the loads.

load bearing non load bearing

•concrete •concrete
•masonry (brick and block) •masonry (brick and block)
•timber •timber
•metal decking
•GRC and GRP

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 15
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3. A facade tour
Views of a range of façade types will be shown in the lecture.

4. Common issues:

• weatherproofing
• allowing for movement
• examples of defects

4.1 Weatherproofing

• impermeable facades
o glass
o plastic
o metal sheeting
• low permeability facades
o thick concrete or masonry
• cavity wall construction
o single leaf concrete or masonry

Impermeable facades

• do not allow ventilation - can cause condensation problems

• require careful detailing at junctions
• usually require an extensive framing system
Glass wall systems
• use proprietary components
• aluminum sections are complex extruded shapes
• curtain walls are large assemblies of glass and infill panels supported by a grid
of aluminum members

Low permeability facades

• when wet, water penetrates into the façade by capillary action
• when dry, water evaporates from the faces as vapour
• the wall must have sufficient thickness to ensure that the absorbed water can be
stored within the façade until the wall dries, without reaching the inside face
• acceptable in tropical climates
• not reliable in temperate climates
• often found in old (pre 20th century) buildings
Precast concrete walling
• can be load bearing or non load bearing
• coatings reduce permeability
• can have a cavity system in critical applications
• sealing of joints between panels is critical

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 16
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Cavity wall construction

• the wall is constructed as two ‘leafs’ with a vertical gap between
• water penetrates through the outer leaf of the wall, and drains down the inside of
the outer leaf
• ‘weepholes’ are provided at the base of the cavity to drain the water away
• the inside leaf remains dry
• the wall allows some ventilation

4.2 Allowing for movement

Facades change dimensions and shape due to:

• volumetric change of materials over time
o concrete and concrete masonry shrinks (300 microstrain)
o clay masonry expands (500 microstrain)
• thermal expansion and contraction
o concrete (10 microstrain per o C)
o steel (12 microstrain per o C)
o aluminum (24 microstrain per o C)
o clay masonry (6 microstrain per o C)
o glass (10 microstrain per o C)
• movements in the supporting structure
o foundation movements
o deflections in supporting beams

5. Examples of defects
Views of a range of façade defects will be shown in the lecture

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Unit CIV3221 : Building structures and technology 17
Lecture notes


1. Introduction
It is a very important step in the total design process to determine the design loads for
the structure. Typical loads for a building are dead load, live load, wind load and
earthquake load. Special consideration is sometimes given to impact and fatigue that
may occur in vehicles, cranes or machinery.

2. Load Combination
We must consider combinations of various loads that can be imposed on the structure.
As the number of loads included in the combination increases, it is customary to
introduce a “live load combination factor” (ψ c), which takes into account the
improbability of the maximum value of each load occurring simultaneously. Load
combinations are given in Australian Standard 1170.1 –1989. Please also pay attention
to the direction of loads.

Different load factors are used for strength limit state design and for serviceability limit
state design. Typical examples are given below:

For strength limit state design

1.25G + 1.5 Q
1.25G + Wu + ψ cQ
1.25G + 1.6Feq + ψ cQ

G = dead load
Q = live load
Wu = wind load
Feq = earthquake load

For serviceability limit state design

ψ sQ
G + Ws
G + ψ sQ

Ws = wind load for serviceability limit state
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3. Dead Load (G)

Dead load consists of the weight of the structure itself plus the weight of permanently
installed equipment. It includes the weight of the structural members, floors, ceilings,
ductworks, exterior walls, permanent partitions and unusual items such as water in
swimming pools. Dead load can usually be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Dead
loads are specified in AS1170.1-1989.

4. Live Load (Q)

Live load includes the loads specified by the loading standards for various uses and
occupancies of the building. These specified loads cover the occupants, furniture,
movable equipment, fixtures, books etc, and are the minimum gravity live loads for
which the building can be designed within the jurisdiction of that standard. Live loads
are specified in AS1170.1-1989. Live load includes impact and inertia loads. Live load
excludes wind, snow and earthquake loads.


Case Q (kPa)
if non-trafficable 0.25
If trafficable 3

Floor: see Table on Pages 411 – 415, SAA HB2.2 –1998

Case Q (kPa)
Parking including driveways and ramps for houses 3
Bedrooms and private rooms in residential and apartment buildings 2
Kitchens 5
Corridors, hallways, passageways, foyers, lobbies, public spaces, stairs and 4
landings in office buildings, subject to crowd loading only
Dressing rooms in theatres 2

5. Wind Load (W)

Wind loads are stipulated in AS1170.2-1989. For most structures, wind load can be
treated as a static load and is computed with the aid of reference velocity pressures, gust
factors, exposure factors and shape factors. Tall, slender buildings must be designed
using a dynamic approach to the action of wind gusts or with the aid of experimental
methods such as wind tunnel tests.

5.1 Wind load depends on

Wind direction
Wind speed
Structure height
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Structure shape
Structure component (wall or roof)
Region (which city)
Topographic condition

5.2 Design wind load

• Ultimate strength limit state design wind load (pd)

• Serviceability design wind load = pd x serviceability multiplying factor

serviceability multiplying factor = 0.6 for region A, 0.4 for regions B and C, 0.35 for
region D

pd = p’ x B1 x B2 x B3 x B4

B1 to B4 are factors
p’ = basic pressure (for wall and roof)

5.3 Factors

B1 = regional factor
Region B1
A = normal 1.0
B= intermediate 1.5
C= tropical cyclone 2.3
D = severe tropical cyclone 3.3

B2 = terrain and height factor, see Table 2.5.2

e.g. for suburban, sheltered condition, H=10m, B2 = 0.65

B3 = topographic factor
For flat area, B3 = 1.0

B4 = roof reduction area depending on tributary area, see Table 2.5.4

For wall, B4 = 1.0
For flat roof, B4 = 1.0 is taken for simplicity

5.4 Basic pressure (p’)

• Needs to be done separately for TWO wind directions

• Needs to be done separately for wall and roof
• Needs to be done separately for external pressure and internal pressure
• Needs to combine external pressure and internal pressure


Dimension in the direction of the wind

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External pressure
Internal pressure
Windward sections
Leeward sections
Positive pressure and negative pressure

For roof (external pressure) – see Table

Where d = the minimum roof plan dimension in the direction of the wind
e.g. flat roof (α = 0o ), if ht /d <0.5, negative external pressure = -0.95 kPa

For wall (external pressure) – see Table

e.g. for normal building, windward side, p’=0.75 kPa

For roof and wall (internal pressure) – see Table 2.4.2

e.g. for normal building with dominant openings, maximum negative pressure = -0.7
and maximum positive pressure = 0.75 kPa

Combination of external pressure and internal pressure

Get the worst case
Depending on design of individual member or the whole frame

6. Earthquake Load
Conventional earthquake (seismic) design procedures replace the dynamic earthquake
loads with equivalent static loads. The earthquake loads which are stipulated are
recognised to be much less than the maximum loads possible from a very severe
earthquake. However, AS1170.4-1993 attempts to stipulate earthquake loads large
enough to prevent structural damage and minimise other damage in moderate
earthquakes which occasionally occur, and to avoid collapse or serious damage in
severe earthquakes which seldom occur.

6.1 Earthquake load depends on

Physical items How to take care of it in a design code

Structure types Types I, II and III (see Appendix A of AS1170.4-
Location of the structure Acceleration coefficient (a) in Table 2.3
(which city)
Soil profile Site factor (S) ranging from 0.67 (rock) to 2.0
(soft soil), taken as 1.5 if soil condition is

The earthquake design category (A, B, C, D, or E) can be determined using the above
three items – see Table 2.6, AS1170.4-1993.

For category A and B – no analysis is needed

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For category C, D and E – analysis is needed

6.2 Static analysis

• Determine the total horizontal earthquake base shear force (V)

• Determine the horizontal earthquake force at each level (Fx )

Fx is certain percentage of V depending on the gravity load and height of each level.

6.3 Total base shear force (V)

Physical items How to take care of it in a design code

Importance of the Importance factor (I), I=1 for type I and II, I=1.25 for Type
building III
Total gravity load Sum of gravity load Gg for all levels (= G + ψ cQ)
Location of the structure Acceleration coefficient (a) in Table 2.3
(which city)
Soil profile Site factor (S) ranging from 0.67 (rock) to 2.0 (soft soil),
taken as 1.5 if soil condition is unknown
Structural period T depends on the total height (in metres) of the structure –
see clause 6.2.4 of AS1170.4-1993
Structural system Rf in Table 6.2.6 (a) of AS1170.4-1993

. ⋅ I ⋅ G g ⋅ a ⋅S
T2 / 3 ⋅ R f

Fundamental period: T=
Period for the orthogonal direction: T =

6.4 Horizontal earthquake force at each level (F x)

Fx depends on the gravity load and height of each level.

Fx = C vx ⋅ V

G gx ⋅ h x
If the height of the structure is less than 23 meters: C vx = n

∑G gi ⋅ hi
i =1

Ggx = portion of gravity load located at level x

hx = height above the structural base of the structure to level x
Ggi = portion of the gravity load located at level i

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hi = height above the structural base of the structure to level i

n = number of levels in structure

7 Example
If V = 125 kN, find the horizontal force at level 3 with the conditions given below.

Level (i) Ggi hi

1 1000 kN 3.5 m
2 500 kN 7.5 m
3 250 kN 12.5 m

G g3 ⋅ h 3 250 • 12.5 3125

Cv3 = = = = 0.301 = 301%
1000 • 35
. + 500 • 7.5 + 250 • 12.5 10375
∑G gi ⋅ hi
i= 1

F3 = Cv3 x V = 30.1% x 125 = 37.6 kN

It can also be found that Cv1 = 33.7% and Cv2 = 36.1%.

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1. Concept of Limit State Design

1.1 Working Stress Method

There are uncertainties in load, fabrication, material and theoretical models. Two
different methods are available to take into account the uncertainties, namely the
working stress design method and the limit state design method.

The working stress method can be expressed as:

S* ≤


S = Nominal Stress Capacity

SF= Safety Factor

S* = Design Stress

Stress: Normal or Shear

The disadvantages of working stress method are:

• Not consistently reliable

(One safety factor covers too many cases)
• Too conservative (Wastes material)

1.2 What is Limit State Design?

Limit state design is a design method in which the performance of a structure is checked
against various limiting conditions at appropriate load levels. The limiting conditions to
be checked in structural steel design are ultimate limit state and serviceability limit
state. Ultimate limit states are those states concerning safety, for example, load-carrying
capacity, overturning, sliding, and fracture due to fatigue or other causes. Serviceability
limit states are those states in which the behavior of the structure under normal
operating conditions is unsatisfactory, and these include excessive deflection, excessive
vibration, and excessive permanent deformation.

In essence, the designer attempts to ensure that the maximum strength of a structure (or
elements of a structure) is greater than the loads that will be imposed upon it, with a
reasonable margin against failure. This is the “ultimate limit state” criterion. In addition,
the designer attempts to ensure that the structure will fulfill its function satisfactorily
where subjected to its service loads. This is the “serviceability limit state” criterion.
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The ultimate limit state criterion can be illustrated by the Figure shown below. This
figure shows hypothetical frequency distribution curves for the effects of loads on a
structural element and the strength, or resistance, of the structural element. Where the
two curves overlap, shown by the shaded area, the effect of the loads is greater than the
resistance of the element, and the element will fail. The structure must be proportioned
so that the overlap of the two curves is small, and hence the probability of failure
occurring is small enough to be acceptable.


Magnitude of Effect of Loads (E)

or Strength of Element (R)

1.3 Limit State Design (Adopted in AS4100)

The basic equation for checking the limit state condition is:

S* ≤ Φ ⋅ R n
Rn = Nominal Capacity
Φ= Capacity Factor
S* = Design Load (action) Effects

Action: axial force, bending moment, shear force, torques


• Consistent Reliability
(different Φ for different cases, calibrated using reliability analysis,
i.e certain reliability index and probability of failure)

• More Economical
(saves material)

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2. Methods of Analysis
The following methods are available as shown in the figure below.

a) 1st order Elastic

b) 2nd order Elastic
c) Plastic
d) Elastic Buckling
e) Advanced

λP λP


λ = load factor

∆ = sway

(a) Rigid jointed sway frame

First order elastic

Elastic buckling

Second order elastic

Rigid plastic collapse

Second order

Advanced analysis

(b) Load deflection responses

2.1 1st order Elastic Analysis

The assumptions made are: geometry of structure remains unchanged and material
properties remain unchanged.

Principle of superposition applies.

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2.2 2nd order Elastic Analysis

The assumptions made are: geometry of structure keeps changing and material
properties remain unchanged.

Principle of superposition does not apply.

2.3 1st Order Plastic Analysis

The assumptions made are: geometry of structure remains unchanged and material
properties keep changing.

The design action effects shall be determined using a rigid plastic analysis. It shall be
permissible to assume full strength or partial strength connections, provided the
capacities of these are used in the analysis. The rotation capacity at none of the hinges
in the collapse mechanism must be exceeded.

2.4 Elastic Buckling Analysis

The assumptions made are: only P-δ effect is considered and only elastic buckling load
is obtained.

2.5 Advanced Analysis

The assumptions made are: geometry of structure keeps changing and material
properties keep changing. The analysis includes residual stresses, geometrical
imperfections and erection procedures.

For a frame comprising members of compact section with full lateral restraint, an
advanced structural analysis may be carried out provided the analysis can be shown to
accurately model the behaviour of that class of frame. The analysis shall take into
account the relevant material properties, residual stresses, geometrical imperfections,
second order effects, erection procedures and interaction with the foundations. For the
strength limit state, it shall be sufficient to satisfy the section capacity requirements for
the members and the requirements for the connections.

3. Second Order Effects

3.1 Moment Amplification Factor

a) 1st Order Elastic Analysis → M* m

b) 2nd Order Effects

M * = δ b ⋅ M *m

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M * = δ s ⋅ M *m

δ b = Amplification Factor for braced member

δ s = Amplification Factor for Sway member

3.2 Braced Member

a) δ b = 1.0 if axial force is zero or tensile

b) Axial force is compressive

Cm N omb
δb = λm = for each member
1 N*

C m = 0.6 − 0.4 ⋅ β m ≤ 1.0

βm depends on moment distribution

(see Figure of AS4100)

N* = Axial force (1st order analysis)

Nomb = Elastic buckling load

π2 ⋅ E ⋅ I
N omb =
( k e ⋅ L) 2

ke = Effective length factor which depends on end restraints:

For idealised conditions, use Table of AS4100.

For other conditions, use γ Method, i.e.
∑ ( L )c
γ =
∑ βe ( L) b
The quantity ∑(I/L)c shall be calculated from the sum of the stiffness in the plane of
bending of all the compression members rigidly connected at the end of the member
under consideration, including the member itself.
The quantity ∑(I/L)b shall be calculated from the sum of the stiffness in the plane of
bending of all the beams rigidly connected at the end of the member under
consideration. The contributions of any beams pin-connected to the member shall be
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The modifying factor (β e) which accounts for the conditions at the far ends of the beams
are given in the table below.

Fixity conditions Beam restraining a braced Beam restraining a sway

at far end of beam member member
Pinned 1.5 0.5
Rigidly connected to a column 1.0 1.0
Fixed 2.0 0.67

There are two special cases:

(a) for a compression member whose base is not rigidly connected to a footing, the
γ value shall not be taken as less than 10.
(b) for a compression member whose end is rigidly connected to a footing, the γ value
shall not be taken as less than 0.6.

3.3 Sway Members

N oms
Cm ∑(L
δs = λ ms = for each storey
1 N*
λ ms ∑( L )
Noms = π 2 EI / (keL)2 for each column

N* = axial force in each column with tension taken as negative

Summation includes all columns within a storey

Limitation: δ ≤ 1.4

If δ > 1.4 a 2nd Order analysis is required, corresponding λms = 3.5

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1. Introduction

one-way slab


wall (or beam)

one way slabs - simply supported (guess l/d = 24)

- continuous (guess l/d = 28)

two-way slab

wall (or beam)

two way slabs - simply supported (guess l/d = 28)

- continuous (guess l/d = 39)

The important considerations for slab design are:

ultimate limit state – bending
serviceability limit state – deflection and cracking

Note that shear capacity is almost never a problem (load intensity is lower than on
beams, and the shear capacity is higher because the section is thinner)

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2. One-way spanning reinforced concrete slabs

Think of the slab as a beam with a width of one metre.

span L

1 metre

• Calculate M* in kN-m per m width

• Determine bending reinforcement - use the beam bending equation,

 pf sy 
φM u = φA st fsy d 1 − 
 17 . fc′ 
• Shear is not usually a problem (ligatures not required)
• Deflection (serviceability limit state) is often the critical requirement

If the slab is continuous, design a one metre wide strip as a continuous beam – use
matrix analysis to calculate the bending moment diagram,

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3. What affects the deflection of slabs?


P ü guidance from the loading code

L ü

E - non linear
time dependent
shrinkage affected

I - varies with the reinforcing and the load

Concrete is not a linear elastic material, but, we do give a value to E.

E = ρ1.5 × 0.043 f cm
ρ = concrete density
fcm = mean compressive strength

3.1 Shrinkage

When it dries, this concrete,

shrinks to become this concrete,

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and if I restrain one face with steel reinforcing bars, it becomes this concrete:

So how do I minimise the effect of shrinkage?

3.2 Creep

What happens if we maintain a load on the concrete?

CREEP happens.

ultimate strain
≈ 2.5
creep strain
3.3 The value of I

gross section What is I?


uncracked section What is I?


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when we bend the beam, what

to this concrete?

cracked section D What is I?

I varies ‘unpredictably’ along the beam

3.4 Span to depth ratios

To avoid calculating the non-linear time dependent cracking, creep and shrinkage
effects, we can use deemed to comply span to depth ratios.

For a simple beam,

w kN/m

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5 wL4
∆= ×
384 EI
∆ 5 wL3
∴ = ×
L 384  I  3
E 3  bd
 bd 
 I   ∆
3     bE
 L  bd 3   L
∴  =
 d  5 w
 
 384

as calculated must be greater than the actual of the beam, if the
d d

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In AS3600 this is expressed as,

  ∆  bE 3
0.045  
L   L
=  for beams (Cl. 8.5.4)
d  k 2Fdef 
 
  ∆  bE 3
0.053  
L   L
=  for slabs (Cl. 9.3.4, rearranged)
d  k 2 Fdef 
 
I 1
(for an uncracked section, =
3 12
= 0.083)
b = width (one metre for a slab)
k2 = 5/384 for a simple span
= 1/185 for an end span
= 1/384 for an interior span

Fdef = load per metre, including allowance for shrinkage and creep
= (1.0 + kcs)g + (ψ s + kcs ψ l)q

  A sc  
where k cs =  2 − 12
.    ≥ 0.8
  A st  

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4. Two way spanning reinforced concrete slabs


Lx is the shorter span


Bending moments
spanning in the x direction, M*x = β x w Lx 2
spanning in the y direction, M*y = β y w Lx 2
note that it is Lx in both cases

(if Ly /Lx > 2, treat as 1-way spanning, expect M*x = wLx 2 /8, M*y = 0)

The values of β are found in AS3600 Table 7.3.2:

edge condition short span coefficients (β x ) βy

values of Ly /Lx for all
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 ≥2.0 Ly /Lx
all edges continuous 0.024 0.028 0.032 0.035 0.037 0.040 0.044 0.048 0.024
1 short edge 0.028 0.032 0.036 0.038 0.041 0.043 0.047 0.050 0.028
1 long edge 0.028 0.035 0.041 0.046 0.050 0.054 0.061 0.066 0.028
2 short edges 0.034 0.038 0.040 0.043 0.045 0.047 0.050 0.053 0.034
2 long edges 0.034 0.046 0.056 0.065 0.072 0.078 0.091 0.100 0.034
2 adjacent edges 0.035 0.041 0.046 0.051 0.055 0.058 0.065 0.070 0.035
1 long edge 0.043 0.049 0.053 0.057 0.061 0.064 0.069 0.074 0.043
1 short edge 0.043 0.054 0.064 0.072 0.078 0.084 0.096 0.105 0.043
all edges 0.056 0.066 0.074 0.081 0.087 0.093 0.103 0.111 0.056

-ve moment over the beams = 1.33 x corresponding +ve moment

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To check the span/depth ratio for two way slabs, first rearrange the formula,

1 1 1
  ∆  bE 1  ∆
3  ∆ 3 3
0.053    bE   L  bE 
L   L   0.053 3   L  
=  =    = k4 
d  k 2 Fdef   k 2   Fdef  F
 def 
     

 0.053 3
k4 =  
 k2 
 0.053 3
k4 =   = 1.6
5 
If simply supported,
 384
To allow for two way spanning slabs, the value of k4 is adjusted,

edge condition k4
values of Ly /Lx
1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0
all edges continuous 4.00 3.40 3.10 2.75
1 short edge discontinuous 3.75 3.25 3.00 2.70
1 long edge discontinuous 3.75 2.95 2.65 2.30
2 short edges discontinuous 3.55 3.15 2.90 2.65
2 long edges discontinuous 3.55 2.75 2.25 1.80
2 adjacent edges discontinuous 3.25 2.75 2.50 2.20
1 long edge continuous 3.00 2.55 2.40 2.15
1 short edge continuous 3.00 2.35 2.10 1.75
all edges discontinuous 2.50 2.10 1.90 1.70

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1. Introduction
load = N*



pressure = qu

• footings are reinforced concrete elements

• the footing area is determined from the bearing capacity
• they can fail in bending or shear

2. Review reinforced concrete theory

2.1 Bending failure
– moment capacity of under-reinforced sections (φ = 0.8 for bending)

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Under reinforced means that the steel yields before the concrete crushes – ie there is not
too much steel

bd is the area of the cross section

Ast is the area of steel in the cross section
p = (area of steel)/(area of concrete)
= Ast /bd
d is the depth to the steel
fsy is the yield stress of the steel (400 MPa)
f’c is the cylinder strength of the concrete (say 32 MPa)
φ is the capacity reduction factor = 0.8

The ultimate moment capacity,

 pf sy 
φM u = φA st fsy d 1 − 
 17 . fc′ 
2.2 Shear failure
(φ = 0.7 for shear)

Shear forces are carried by the concrete and the steel (ligatures) acting together,

Vu = Vuc + Vus

shear shear
carried by carried by
concrete ligs

The shear contribution which can be carried by the concrete is,

Vuc = β1β2β3bd   A st fc′  3

 bd 

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 d 
β 1 = 1.11.6 − 0  ≥ 1.1, is a depth effect
 1000
β 2 = 1, unless axial tension is large
β 3 = 1 unless the load is near to the support

After calculating Vuc,

(a) if V* < 0.5φVuc

no ligs required if D<750 mm
minimum ligs required otherwise
(b) if 0.5Vuc < V* < φVu min
no ligs required if V* < φVuc and D < 250 mm or B/2
minimum ligs required otherwise
(c) if V* > φVu min
ligs must be designed

If ligs must be designed, they must provide a shear strength of φVus, (found from Vus =
Vu – Vuc).

φVus = 0.7 ×  A sv fsy.f 0  cot θ v

 s
where θv varies between 30 and 45 degrees.

3. Apply this to footings?

3.1. Footings can fail in bending as a wide beam,

section for SECTION
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M* = force × lever arm

D − d   D − d  
= q u   ×   ÷ 2
 2   2  

3.2. Footings can fail in shear as a wide beam,

The critical section for shear is at ‘d’ from the face of the column (as for a beam)

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d [(D-d)/2]-d

V* = pressure x area
= qu × B ×  − d
 2 
Choose D so that you do not need to use ligatures.

3.3. Footings can fail in a third way, by punching shear

a conical shape
‘punches out’ of
the footing

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The failure cone is approximated as a prism with vertical sides, and the sides are taken
to be at d/2 from the column face, where d is the effective depth of the footing.

B y y+d


critical perimeter, u = 2(x+d) + 2(y+d)

shear surface = u x d

shear on the shear surface

V* = (total load) - (load on the area inside the critical perimeter)
= N* - qu x (x+d)(y+d)

shear capacity

φVuo = 0.7 × u × d × 0.34 f c′

Choose D (and hence d) so that V* < φVuo

(Punching shear is covered in AS3600 Clause 9.2)

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1. Introduction
Conventional reinforced concrete slabs like this

require a lot of formwork to contain the wet concrete until it has gained strength

Building and removing formwork is expensive.

Cold formed metal sheeting can be used as both

• temporary support for the wet concrete
• permanent steel reinforcing for the slab

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In Australia there are 3 manufacturers:

1.Bondek II - BHP Building Products

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2. Condeck HP – Stramit Industries

3. Comform – Woodroffe Industries

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2. Design issues
No Australian Standard exists yet.
‘Design of Composite Slabs for Strength’ – BHP Structural Steel, 1998 is the best

• ultimate strength of the bare steel to carry the wet concrete (not considered here)
• ultimate strength of the reinforced concrete slab
o yielding of the steel (flexure)
o crushing of the concrete (flexure)
o slip between the steel and the concrete (longitudinal slip)
• serviceability deflection of the composite slab (treat as for a normal rc slab)

Composite slabs are one-way slabs

3. Flexural theory for composite slabs

3.1 Negative bending

Design for negative bending (hogging) as a normal reinforced concrete slab – ie ignore
the metal sheeting.

3.2 Positive bending

b compression


tension ysh
cross section strain stress at failure

b breadth of the slab

C compressive force in the concrete
DC overall depth of the composite slab (including sheeting)
Tsh tensile force in the sheeting
ysh height at which the sheeting tensile force acts above the bottom of the slab

C = 0.85f’ c x b x (NA depth)

from horizontal equilibrium, C = Tsh

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from top of slab to the line of force C =
0.85 f c′b
lever arm between C and Tsh = Dc − ysh −
0.85 f c′b
therefore, ultimate moment,

 . Tsh 
φ Mu = φ Tsh  Dc − y sh − 
 0.85 fc′b
where φ = 0.8

Assuming the steel has yielded, ysh is tabulated below.

product ysh (mm)
Condeck HP 12.8
Bondek II 15.5
Conform 13.4

Which leaves us with Tsh to find.

Calculation of Tsh

There are 3 possibilities for Tsh at failure:

1. The sheeting yields (under reinforced – flexural failure)

Tsh = Ash × fsy .sh
where, Ash = cross section area of sheeting = design yield stress of sheeting
= 550 MPa for the 3 manufacturers

2. The concrete crushes (over reinforced – flexural failure),

Tsh = 0.85 f c′( Dc − hr )
where hr = height of sheeting ribs

In cases 1 and 2, complete shear connection is achieved at failure. In case 3, the

concrete and the sheeting do not achieve complete shear connection.

3. The sheeting slips along the concrete/steel interface before either 1 or 2 occurs
(longitudinal slip failure),

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Calculation of the interface shear strength

Shear between the sheeting and the concrete has two components:
1. friction
• equals vertical reaction at the support (R*, kN) x coefficient of friction (µ)
2. mechanical resistance
• equals area of sheeting x resistance per unit area of sheeting (Hr, kPa)
• is due to the geometry of the sheeting cross section


reaction, R* A
(per metre width) x
free body diagram

Hrx + µR

interface shear strength = Hrx + µR (per metre width)

So if there is not sufficient distance from the support to the section AA, the cross
section will fail by longitudinal slip, rather than by flexural failure.

In summary,

Tsh = minimum of

Tsh = Ash × fsy .sh flexural failure

or, Tsh = 0.85 f c′( Dc − hr )b flexural failure

or Tsh = ( Hr x + µ R *)b longitudinal slip failure

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product mechanical coefficient

resistance of friction
Hr (kPa) µ
Condeck HP 210 0.5
Bondek II 1.00 mm
Bondek II 0.75 mm 88 f c′ 0.5
76 f c′
Conform 235 0.5

Note that the strength of composite slabs is a function of the position in the span, as
well as the properties of the cross section. This is not the case for reinforced concrete or
steel beams.

4. Minimum slab thicknesses

It is usual for fire rating and other reasons to maintain a minimum concrete thickness
over the ribs of the metal sheeting. This leads to the following minimum slab

product Dc minimum (mm)

Condeck HP 120
Bondek II 120
Conform 125

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1. Introduction

Comprise a steel beam and a concrete slab, joined with shear connectors to achieve
composite action between the two elements.

In building construction the concrete slab is often (but not always) a composite slab – ie
cast on metal sheeting

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Composite beam comprise a steel beam connected to a concrete slab with shear
connectors, such that the two components act as one beam cross section.

The concrete is in compression and the steel is in tension – this is the best application
for each material.

Composite beams are used in buildings and bridges.

2. References
Australian Standard AS2327.1-1996 Composite structures Part 1: Simply supported

‘Design of Simply-Supported Composite Beams for Strength’ – BHP Structural Steel,

(624.1771 B575 1998)

The draft continuous beam code is still under preparation.

3. Shear connectors
Shear connectors are an essential component of composite beams.

They can be
• welded stud shear connectors (most common)
• welded channels
• high strength bolts

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complete shear connection - the strength of the beam cross section is not limited by the
strength of the shear connection

partial shear connection - the strength of the shear connection limits the section

4. Shear strength of welded stud shear connectors, f vs

is the lesser of the 2 values below,

If failure occurs in the steel stud,

fvs = 0.63 d bs2f uc

If failure occurs in the surrounding concrete,

fvs = 0.31d bs2 fc′Ec

• dbs is the stud diameter
• fuc is the characteristic tensile strength of the shear connector material ([ 500
• f’c is the characteristic compressive strength of the concrete

• Ec is the elastic modulus of the concrete, E c = ρ1.5 0.043 f c′

5. Design issues
1. ultimate flexural strength of a cross section - complete shear connection
failure is by yielding of the steel beam in tension, or crushing the compression
2. ultimate flexural strength of a cross section - partial shear connection
failure occurs in the shear connection
3. longitudinal shear failure within the slab
a failure plane develops within the slab
4. ultimate shear strength of a cross section
design for shear as a plain steel beam (ignore the concrete)
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5. deflection
this is complex, because of the deflection caused by the wet concrete on the bare
steel beam. and because of creep and shrinkage effects
6. vibration
must be checked for composite beams

We will look at 1, 2 and 3only, for simply supported beams.

• how do we define the beam cross section?

• how so know if we have complete or partial shear connection?
• how do we calculate the ultimate strength of a cross section?
• how do we check the longitudinal shear strength?

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6. Effective width of the slab, b cf



bsf1 section AA


this width Lef
of slab is

bcf is the minimum of: plan

• span/4 = Lef/4
• beam spacing = b1
• beam width + 8 x slab depth = bsf1 + 8 Dc

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7. Design of the shear connection

There are 2 approaches – one is used for buildings, and another is used for bridges

1. Elastic design of the shear connection (for bridges)

Recalling from CIV2204, the longitudinal shear stress on a cross section,

area A
VAy y

where V is the shear force

A is the area of the cross section beyond the shear surface
y is the distance to the centroid of the area A
I is the second moment of area of the cross section
b is the width of the shear surface

so, the shear force per unit length along the shear surface,
τb =
For example, if
τb = 200 kN/m
and if,
we use welded shear studs with dbs = 19 mm and fuc = 410 MPa
f’c = 32 MPa, Ec = 28,600 MPa
then fvs = 93 kN.
We must apply a capacity reduction factor φ = 0.85 to the shear stud strength, fvs., which
reduces it to 79 kN per stud.

So the horizontal spacing of the studs along the beam needs to be,

(200 kN/m) + (79 kN per stud) = 2.53 studs per metre,

ie stud spacing = 395 mm.

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Because the shear force V is changing

constantly along a beam with a UDL, the
theoretical spacing of the shear studs is
different at every point. In practice we
round off the spacings. shear force diagram

1. Plastic design of the shear connection (for buildings)

This uses an ultimate strength approach. The horizontal force that can be transferred at
any cross section equals the total strength of the shear connection between that cross
section and the free end of the beam.

So if the number of studs between a cross section and the end is n, the horizontal force
that can be transferred at that cross section,

F = n × φ × f vs × k n

 018
. 
where φ = 0.85, and k n = 118
. −  allows for the fact that the reliability of
 n
the connection increases with increasing number of studs.

Using this method, the studs can be equally spaced if the beam has a UDL.

We will use this method from now on.

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8. Ultimate strength of the cross section

We will only consider
• cross sections with complete shear connection
• cases where the neutral axis of the composite section is in the slab

NA in slab dc


cross section ultimate stress distribution

The concrete below the neutral axis (in tension) is ignored.

If the neutral axis in is the slab, the steel beam is all yielded, but not all of the concrete
has crushed.

Fcc = Fst

Fst = A sf y
Fcc = 0.85f c′ bcf × d c
so solve for dc.

Moment carried by the cross section,

 d 
φM bc = 0.9 × Fcc  d sr − c 
 2

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9.Longitudinal shear in the concrete

potential longitudinal
shear failure surface

transverse reinforcing to
prevent longitudinal
shear failure

• identify potential longitudinal shear failure planes

• calculate the shear force on each shear plane
• calculate the strength of each shear plane
• if necessary include additional steel reinforcing to prevent longitudinal shear

We will not look at how to do these calculations in this course.

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1. Section Classification
Three typical load deflection curves are shown in the figure below. Three types of
sections are used in AS4100 to classify the behaviour, namely the compact section, non-
compact section and slender section.

Ideal behaviour

Non-Compact including
M0 = design


The compact section must not only develop a moment resistance equal to the plastic
capacity of the member but maintain this resistance through relatively large inelastic
deformations. This will enable the complete structure to redistribute bending moments
and reach the load-carrying capacity anticipated on the basis of a plastic analysis. The
width-to-thickness ratio below which a certain rotation capacity (R defined in the figure
below) can be achieved is called the plasticity width-to-thickness limit. The
corresponding plate slenderness is called the plate plasticity slenderness limit (λep).




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The width-to-thickness limits for non-compact sections are less restrictive than those for
compact sections. The plates composing the cross-section should be capable of allowing
the member to develop a moment resistance equal to the yield moment (My ), and in this
condition the stress in the extreme fibre will be equal to the yield stress fy . In general the
plate will behave elastically at this stage although some deterioration due to the large
compressive residual stresses in the flange tips may be expected.

For slender sections the plates composing the section is not capable to achieve the yield
moment. The width-to-thickness ratio beyond which the yield moment can not be
achieved is called the yield width-to-thickness limit. The corresponding plate
slenderness is called the plate yield slenderness limit (λey).

The concept of compact, non-compact and slender sections are adopted in the
Australian Standard for Steel Structures AS4100-1998 and the American Institute of
Steel Construction LRFD Specification –1993. A similar approach has been adopted in
Eurocode 3 –1992, British Standard BS5950 Part 1- 1990, Japanese Standard AIJ-1990
and the Canadian Standard CSA-S16.1-M89 where a section can be classified from
class 1 to class 4, ie. from a plastic (deformation) section to a slender (buckling) section.
Compact or Class 1 sections can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity required
for plastic design. Slender or Class 4 sections can not reach first yield moment due to
local buckling effect. Non-compact sections include Class 2 and Class 3. A Class 2
section can develop the fully plastic moment, but have limited rotation capacity. A
Class 3 section can reach the first yield moment, but local buckling prevents the
development of the fully plastic moment.

The following rules can be used to determine the section classification:

Compare λs with λsy and λsp

λs < λsp Compact section

λs > λsy Slender section
λsp ≤ λs ≤ λsy Non-compact section

λs= Section Slenderness (see CIV2222)

λsy , λsp = Section Yield and Plasticity Slenderness Limits

2. Section Capacity

Ms = Φ Ze fy
Capacity Factor Φ = 0.90
fy = Yield Stress
Ze = Effective Section Modulus

λ sy − λ s
Ze = Z + ( ) ⋅ ( Z c − Z)
λ sy − λ sp

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where Zc = Min{S , 1.5Z}, Z is the elastic section modulus, S is the plastic section

Ze Compact

λs p λs y λs

λsy can be determined by using stub column tests (see Lecture notes on Steel Columns).
λsp can be determined by using pure bending tests. Plot rotation capacity (R) versus
slenderness λs .

Example 1.
A rotation requirement of R = 4 is adopted in developing the b/t limits in AS4100 for
compact sections. Table 1 gives results of a series of tests carried out for C350 SHS
(square hollow sections) under pure bending. Determine the b/t limit for compact
section for C350 SHS based on the test results. What is the plate slenderness limit (λp )
corresponding to the experimentally determined b/t limit? The yield stress is taken as
350 MPa.
b σy
[Hint: plate slenderness λ = ( ) ⋅ ]
t 250
Table 1Test Results
b/t Rotation (b/t) limit
29.1 2.6 40
24.7 8.5 30
b/t ratio

22.2 9.5
23.9 7.2 20
23.4 7.0
19.2 11.0
22.7 8.4 0
21.8 7.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
27.3 3.8
Rotation Capacity (R)

b σy 350
Solution: for R=4, lower bound (b/t)limit = 25, λ p = ( ) lim it ⋅ = 25 ⋅ = 30
t 250 250

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3. Effective Length
See Section 8.3 and Section 8.4 of CIV 2222 Steel Framed Structures Lecture Notes

Le = k t ⋅ k l ⋅ k r ⋅ L

kt = Twist restraint factor

kl = Load height factor
kr= Lateral rotation restraint factor
see Clause 5.6.3 of AS4100-1998

4. Member Capacity
4.1 Behaviour

It has been assumed so far that the strength of the beam is dependent on the local
buckling of its plate elements. In most cases this assumption is valid. However, if the
beam is laterally unsupported the strength may be governed instead by lateral buckling
of the complete member.

A plot of the relationship between the applied moment (M) and the resulting mid-span
deflection (∆) for a member of length (L) is shown in the figure below. The member,
shown in the insert of the figure, is subjected to end moments producing a uniform
bending moment distribution over the length of the span. Lateral supports are assumed
to be present at the ends of the member so that the laterally unbraced length is equal to
the span.




At low values of M, the member will respond elastically. However, as the moment is
increased yielding will occur due to the strains produced by the applied moment and the
residual strains in the cross-section. Further increase in the applied moment will result
in general yielding over the cross-section as the moment approaches Mp . The movement
of the cross-section during the loading process can be shown in the figure below. As the
member is loaded the cross-section movers vertically from its initial position. At some
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stage of loading, however, the cross-section may twist and bend about its weak axis, ie.
lateral buckling has occurred. Lateral buckling may occur at any stage during the
loading history, e.g. after the member has reached Mp as shown by curves A and B
above, between My and Mp as shown by curve C and even at moments below My as
shown by curve D. The lateral buckling capacity of the member depends on its unbraced
length and on a variety of cross-sectional properties.


Position Position
before after
buckling buckling

4.2 Capacity

The resistance of the member to lateral bending depends on the weak axis bending
stiffness of the cross-section (EIy ). The resistance to a twisting motion can be broken
into two portions. One portion is termed the St Venant resistance and is a function of the
stiffness term, GJ where G represents the shear modulus or the modulus of torsional
regidity and J is the St Venant torsional constant for the section. The second portion of
resistance to twisting is the warping resistance that is developed by cross-bending of the
flanges. For rectangular hollow sections the warping of the section may be ignored.

If full lateral restraint (FLR) is provided to a beam the member capacity of the beam is
the same as the section capacity. The length below which the section capacity can be
achieved is called FLR (Full Lateral Restraint) length.
The calculation of FLR length has been described in 8.4 of CIV 2222 Steel Framed
Structures Lecture Notes. If full lateral restraint is not provided to a beam there is an
interaction of yielding and buckling. To account the interaction in the presence of
residual stresses and geometric imperfections, AS4100 uses a beam design curve which
combines the beam section moment capacity (Ms) with the elastic buckling moment
(Mo ). The beam design curve is expressed in the form of a slender reduction factor (α s)
given by

Ms Ms
α s = 0.6{ ( )2 + 3 − ( )}
M oa M oa

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such that the nominal member moment capacity (Mb) is given by

Mb = Φ α m α s Ms

where α m is called the Moment Modification Factor that accounts for non-uniform
moment as given in Table 5.6.1 of AS4100 for segments fully or partially restrained at
both ends and Table 5.6.2 of AS4100 for segments unrestrained at one end. Moa is the
Elastic buckling moment given by

π 2 EI y π 2 EI w
M oa = ( )( GJ + )
L2e L2e
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity
G = shear modulus of elasticity
Iy = second moment of area about the cross-section minor principal y-axis
J = torsion constant for a cross-section
Iw = warping constant for a cross-section
Le = effective length of a laterally unrestrained member

Different approaches were used in determining the beam curves in different codes. Most
of the beam curves were derived from test results of I-sections. A lower bound approach
was adopted in AS4100. A summary of various beam curves are given in the figure
below. Recent research on RHS beams showed that the beam curve in AS4100 is
conservative when applied to RHS beams. An RHS under bending test is shown below.

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The proposed beam curve is also shown in the figure below, with the actual expression
give by

M bx = (1056
. − 0.278 λ2 ) ⋅ M px for 0.45 ≤ λ ≤ 1.40

Mbx = M yz fro λ > 1.40

M px
where λ=
M yz

M yz = EI y GJ

The beam length corresponding to λ of 0.45 is called the plastic buckling length (Lp )
while the beam length corresponding to λ of 1.40 is called the elastic buckling length
(Le) for RHS beams.

RHS beams (uniform moment)
Test values (maximum)
1.4 ∆Ι )
Test values (at
Basic FEM model (PI and Trahair)
Proposed (PI and Trahair)
1.2 AS4100--1990
This report

Mbx / Mpx





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Non-Dimensional Slenderness λ

Example 2

Determine the plastic buckling length (Lp ) and elastic buckling length (Le) for C350
Cold-Formed RHS 75x25x2.5.


Set λp = 0.45,

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M px
λp =
M yz

where M yz = π EI y GJ

π EI y GJ
Lp = ⋅ λ2p
M px
when E = 200,000 MPa, Iy = 0.0487 x 106 mm4 , G = 80,000 MPa, J = 0.144 x 106 mm4 ,
Mpx = Sx fy = 10.1 x 103 mm3 x 350 MPa = 3,535 x 106 Nmm

Lp = 1906 mm

Set λe = 1.40,

M px
λe =
M yz

where M yz = EI y GJ

π EI y GJ
Le = ⋅ λ2e
M px
when E = 200,000 MPa, Iy = 0.0487 x 106 mm4 , G = 80,000 MPa, J = 0.144 x 106 mm4 ,
Mpx = Sx fy = 10.1 x 103 mm3 x 350 MPa = 3,535 x 106 Nmm

Lp = 18,451 mm

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1. Form Factor
The maximum strength of a steel column depends, to a large degree, on the member
length. Steel columns can be normally classified as short, intermediate or long
members. Each range has associated with it a characteristic type of behaviour, and
therefore different techniques must be used to assess the maximum strength. The figure
below shows schematically the relationship between the maximum strength of a column
and its length.

Short Intermediate Long

Maximum Strength

inelastic action Inelastic action
Material yielding not as significant


A short (stub) column may be defined as a member which can resist a load equal to the
section capacity (N s). The effective cross-sectional area of a section (Ae) will be less
than the gross cross-section (Ag) for cross-sections with very slender plate elements. In
AS4100, the ratio of the effective area to the gross area of the cross-section is termed
the form factor (kf):

kf = Ae/Ag

In other words when the component plates comprising a short column are sufficiently
slender, the cross-section strength will never attain the yield capacity (Ns) due to the
onset of local buckling. The effective width (be) concept is used to approximate the
strength of a plate undergo local buckling (see Section 10.2 of CIV2222 Lecture Notes).

λ ey
b e = b( )≤b

λey = Plate Yield Slenderness Limit (Table 6.2.4 of AS4100)

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b fy
λe =
t 250

b = clear width

The effective area (Ae) used to calculate the form factor is based on the effective width
of each element, i.e.

Ae = ∑ be ⋅ t
plate_ elements

λey can be determined experimentally from the results of stub column tests as
demonstrated in Example 1, when plotting the ratio Qm (= Pult /Pyield ) versus modified
plate slenderness Sc, which is defined as:

b f y ⋅ 12 ⋅ (1 − ν )

Sc = ⋅ where ν = 0.3, E = 200,000 MPa, kb = 4.0.

t E ⋅ π2 ⋅ k b

b fy 250 ⋅ 12 ⋅ (1 − ν 2 ) λ e
The term Sc can be rewritten as: Sc = ⋅ =
t 250 E ⋅ π2 ⋅ k b 54

Example 1

The ratio Qm (= Pult /Pyield ) is plotted against the modified plate slenderness Sc for C350
and C450 RHS (rectangular hollow sections) based on test results. Determine the yield
slenderness λey.


k f for RHS
1.0 with b/d = 0.6

0.5 k f for SHS

Elastic Local Buckling

k b = 4.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Modified Plate Slenderness (S c )

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A value of Sc = 0.74 is obtained for the transition, which produces a limit of λey = 40.

2. Section Capacity
The section capacity is defined as

Ns = Φ kf An fy
where Capacity Factor Φ = 0.90, kf is the Form Factor, fy is the Yield Stress and An is
the net area of cross-section. Section 6.2.1. of AS4100 states that for sections with
penetrations or unfilled holes that reduce the section area by less than 100[1-
fy /(0.85fu)]%, the gross area Ag may be used in lieu of the net area An .

All of the BHP 300PLUS UC sections and the Grade 300 WC sections have been
specially tailored so that the gross area is effective in compression (i.e. kf = 1). On the
other hand, the deep web of UB sections means that, for the majority of the BHP-
300PLUS UB sections and all the Grade 300 WB sections, the web is not fully effective
and thus kf < 1.0.

3. Member Capacity
3.1 Behaviour

For longer columns, failure is accompanied by a rapid increase in the lateral deflection.
If the member is extremely slender, the load at which this increased deflection takes
place is not sufficient to significantly yield the member. Thus the maximum load is not
a function of the material strength but rather depends on the bending stiffness of the
member (EI), and its length (L). The failure of a long column may occur at stress levels
below that required to initiate local buckling of slender plate elements. The load
deflection relationship for a long column is schematically shown below.

f y = E εy

f =
E ( ε y− ε r ) ( F i r s t y i e l d )


Initially crooked

u0 u (L/2)

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Columns falling into the intermediate range are more complex to analyse but also are
the most common in steel structures. For intermediate length columns, failure is also
characterised by a rapid increase in the lateral deflection, but only after some portions of
the column cross-section have yielded and local buckling of slender plate elements has
occurred. Yielding is initiated first in those portions of the cross-section which have
large compressive residual stresses. The failure in this case is called inelastic instability
and the maximum strength of the column depends not only on the bending stiffness and
length but also on the yield stress of the steel, the distribution of residual stress over the
cross-section, the cross-section slenderness, and the magnitude of the initial
imperfections in columns and component plates of the cross-section. The load deflection
relationship for an intermediate column is schematically shown below.

f y = E εy

N Straight
f =
A column

E( ε y − ε r ) (First yield)


u0 u (L/2)

A column under testing in compression is shown below.

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3.2 Capacity

Column capacity can be calculated using Perry-Robertson equation:

( N s / N om ) + 1 + η 1 2 ⋅ ( N s / N om ) 2
N c = N s ⋅[ ]⋅ 1 − ⋅[ ]
2 ⋅ ( N s / N om ) ( N s / N om ) ( N s / N om ) + 1 + η

where Nom is the elastic buckling load of column and η is the “imperfection parameter”.

The above expression does not consider the influence of residual stresses on the column
strength and behaviour. Since residual stresses are in effect another kind of
imperfection, a simple way of considering them is to empirically adjust the imperfection
parameter η so that the strength prediction shown above is in reasonable agreement with
test results. In principle, this is the approach used in AS4100 since the column strength
equations used therein are based on the Perry-Robertson equation.

AS4100 also places limitations on the actual permissible initial imperfection for
columns (<L/1000 or 3mm). For very slender members, the maximum load carrying
capacity is not greatly reduced by the presence of initial geometric imperfections and
residual stresses. However, for columns of intermediate length the situation is more
serious as it is in this region where the sensitivity to imperfection is greatest. Since the
initial strains corresponding to bending are trigger by initial imperfections, the
imperfection of these two variables (residual strain pattern and magnitude of initial
imperfection) results in a wide scatter in column strengths for intermediate columns.

The Member Capacity can be calculated according to AS4100 as

Nc = Φ α c Ν s = Φ α ckf An fy
where Capacity Factor Φ = 0.90, kf is the form factor, An is the net area of cross-
section, fy is the Yield Stress and α c is the member slenderness reduction factor.

α c depends on λn and α b , see Table 6.3.3 (3) of AS4100

L  fy
λn =  e  ⋅ k f ⋅
 r  250
Le = Effective Length of Column
r = rx or ry (Radius of Gyration)

Member Section Constant α b are given in Table 6.3.3 of AS4100, some of the values
are summarised below.

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Section Description Compression Member Section

Constant (α b)
Hot-formed RHS and CHS -1.0
Cold-formed (stress relieved) RHS and CHS
Cold-formed (non-stress relieved) RHS and CHS -0.5
Hot-rolled UB and UC sections (flange thickness 0.0
up to 40 mm)
Hot-rolled channels 0.5
Hot-rolled UB and UC sections (flange thickness 1.0
over 40 mm)

The design provision of AS4100 can be shown in the figure below where the member
compressive strength (N c) divided by the section compressive strength (N s) is plotted
against the slenderness ratio of the member. It can be seen that multiple columns are
used corresponding to different values of α b. The provisions depicted in the figure are
based on the assumption that failure will involve bending about one of the major axes of
the cross-section. This will be the axis associated with the larger slenderness ratio, i.e.
the larger of (Lex/rx ) and (Ley/ry ). In sections having only one axis of symmetry, or in
sections with no axes of symmetry, the possibility also exists that failure will be
accompanied by both bending and twisting of the cross-section and may occur at a
reduced load. Buckling of this kind is called flexural-torsional buckling, and for sections
which may buckle in this manner, the compressive strength should be based on a
consideration of the actual failure modes.
Dimensionless nominal axial force capacity N c / N y

αb = -1



0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Modified Slenderness λn = (L/r) (fy /250)

Example 2
Member capacity

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Compare the member capacities of columns with length of 3m, pin - ended, cold -
formed (stress - relieved ) tubes:
C350 (350 MPa) SHS 100x100x3
C350 (450 MPa) SHS 100x100x3
C350 (350 MPa) SHS 100x100x6
C350 (350 MPa) SHS 100x100x6


1. SHS 100x100x3 350MPa (= 0.350 kN/mm2 )

(b/t)limit = 33.8

B − 2t 100 − 2 × 3
b/t = = = 31.33 <33.8
t 3

∴kf =1.0

Ns = Aσy = 1140x0.350 = 399 kN

l σy 3000 350
λn = ( e ) k f ( )= = 90
ry 250 39.4 250
From Table 6.3.3 (3), α b = -1.0
α c = 0.737
Nc = α c Ns = 0.737 x 399 = 294kN

2. 100x100x3 SHS 450MPa

(b/t)limit = 29.8

B − 2t 100 − 2 × 3
b /t = = = 31.3 > 29.8
t 3
b σy
λe = = 42
t 250
λ ey 40
k f 〈1.0, be = b = 94( ) = 89.5 mm
λe 42
4be t + 4t 2 1110
kf = = = 0.95
4bt + 4t 2 1164

Ns = kfAσy = 0.95 x1140x0.450 = 487 kN

le σy 3000 450
λn = ( ) kf = 0.95 = 99.8
ry 250 39.3 250

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From Table 6.3.3(3), α b = -0.5

α c = 0.60

Nc= α c Ns = 0.60 x 487 = 292 kN

3. 100 x 100 x 6 SHS, 350MPa

similarly, kf = 1.0, Ns = 746 kN, Nc = 522 kN

4. 100 x 100 x 6SHS, 450 MPa

similarly, kf = 1.0, Ns = 959 kN, Nc = 584 kN

N 450
100 x 100 x3 (350MPa) 100 x 100 x 3 (450MPa)
N 350
Ns 399kN 487kN 22% difference
αc 0.737 0.60
Nc 294kN 292kN -0.7% difference

N 450
100 x 100 x 6 (350MPa) 100 x 100 x 6 (450MPa)
N 350

Ns 746kN 959kN 29% difference

αc 0.70 0.609
Nc 522kN 584kN 12% difference

Difference in Nc is small especially for thin sections.

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1. Combined Actions
The following loading and behaviour scenarios are possible for beam-columns:

a) The member is subjected to axial compression N* and uniaxial bending Mx * about

the major principal x-axis of the cross-section, as shown in the figure a) below. If the
member is prevented from deflecting laterally, its behaviour is confined to the plane of
bending; the strength of the member may be limited by a local cross-sectional strength
criterion or an overall in-plane member strength criterion relating to major-axis failure.
The latter failure mode is related to the in-plane bending of beams and flexural buckling
of compression members about the major axis. If the member is not completely
restrained from deflecting laterally (i.e. it does not have full lateral restraint), then it
may buckle prematurely out of the plane of bending by deflecting laterally and twisting;
this action is related to the lateral and lateral-torsional buckling of beams discussed in
Section 7. The beam-column strength may thus be governed by an out-of-plane member
strength criterion.

b) The member is subjected to axial compression N* and uniaxial bending My * about

the minor principal y-axis of the cross-section, as shown in the figure b) below. In this
case, there is no possibility that the member will fail in an out-of-plane mode because it
is already deflecting in its weak plane. The strength of the member may be limited by a
local cross-sectional strength criterion or an overall in-plane member strength criterion
involving bending and flexural buckling about the minor-axis.

c) The member is subjected to axial compression N* and biaxial Mx * and My * about

both principal axes of the cross-section, as shown in the figure c) below. The member
bends and deflects in both planes and may also twist. The member strength may be
governed by a cross-section strength criterion, an in-plane member strength criterion, or
an out-of-plane member strength criterion.

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(a) Axial force and major

axis bending
M *x

M *x
M *y
M *y

(b) Axial force and minor

axis bending
M *x

M *y

M *y

(c) Axial force and biaxial

M *x

M *x


2. Section Capacity
a) Symbols Used

N* = Axial force
M* x , M* y = Bending moment about x, y axes
Ns = Column section capacity
Msx, Msy = Beam section capacity about x, y axes
Reduced capacities:
Mrx , Mry = Reduced beam section capacity

b) Format

The design rules in AS4100 for members subjected to combined bending moments and
axial forces have a two tier approach. For section capacity rules, simple linear
interaction formulae are specified. However, for doubly symmetric compact I-sections
and cold-formed square hollow sections, more advanced interaction rules are specified
as higher tiers in AS4100.

(i) Compression (N*) and M* x

• General formula

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M* x ≤ΦMrx = Φ M sx (1 − )

• For special I-sections and compact RHS

M* x ≤ΦMrx = Φ1.18 M sx (1 − )
ΦN s

(ii) Compression (N*) and M* y

• General formula
M* y ≤ ΦMry = ΦMsy (1 − )
ΦN s
• For special I-sections
N* 2
M* y ≤ ΦMry = Φ1.19 Msy [1 − ( ) ]
ΦN s
• For compact RHS
M y ≤ ΦMry = Φ1.18 Msy (1 −
ΦN s

(iii) N* and M* x and M* y

• General formula
N* M x* M *y
+ + ≤1
ΦN s Φ M sx ΦM sy
• For special I-sections and compact RHS
M *x r M*y r
( ) +( ) ≤1
Φ M rx Φ M ry

 N* 
γ = 1.4 +   ≤ 2.0
 φN s 

Example 1

1. Determine the design major (x) axis section moment capacity of a 200UC52.2 of
Grade 250 steel which has a design axial compression force of N* = 112 kN.
2. Determine the design minor (y) axis section moment capacity of a 200UC52.2 of
Grade 250 steel which has a design axial compression force of N* = 112 kN

fy = 250 MPa, capacity factor φ = 0.9, form factor kf = 1.0, compact section
cross-section area An = 6640 mm2 , plastic section modulus Sx = 568,000 mm3 , Sy =
261,000 mm3

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1. about major (x) axis

• using general formula

Msx = Sx fy = 568,000 x 250 = 142 x 106 Nmm = 142 kNm

Ns = kf An fy = 1.0 x 6640 x 250 = 1660 x 103 N = 1660 kN

φMrx = Φ M sx (1 − ) = 0.9 x 142 x [1 – 112/(0.9x1660)] = 118 kNm

• using formula for special I-section

Msx = 142 kNm

Ns = 1660 kN

φMrx = 1.18 x 118 = 139 kNm

2. about minor (y) axis

• using general formula

Msy = Sy fy = 261,000 x 250 = 65.3 x x 106 Nmm = 65.3 kNm

Ns = 1660 kN

φMry = ΦMsy (1 − ) =0.9 x 65.3 x [1 – 112/(0.9x1660)] = 54.4 kNm
ΦN s

• using formula for special I-section

Msy = 65.3 kNm

Ns =1660 kN

N* 2
φMry= Φ1.19 Msy [1 − ( ) ] =0.9 x 1.19 x 65.3 x [1–(112/(0.9x1660))2 ]=69.5kNm
ΦN s
φMry =φMsy = 0.9 x 65.3 = 58.8 kNm

3. Member Capacity
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a) Symbols Used

N* = Axial force
M* x , M* y = Bending moment about x, y axes

Mbx = Beam member capacity about x axis
Mbxo = Mbx with α m = 1.0
Ncx = Column member capacity about principal (x) axis with ke = 1.0
Ncy = Column member capacity about y axis

Reduced capacities:
Mi = Reduced in-plane member moment capacity
Mox = Reduced out-of-plane member moment capacity

β m = Ratio of end moments

Assume x-axis is the principal axis

b) Formulae for beams

Formulae are given for the following three cases: beams with FLR, beams without FLR
and beams under biaxial bending.

(i) With FLR

• General formula

M * x ≤ ΦM i = ΦM sx (1 − )
Φ N cx
• For special I-sections and compact RHS

1 + βm 3 N* 1 + βm 3 N*
M* x ≤ ΦMi = Φ M sx {[1 − ( ) ](1 − ) + 118
. ( ) 1− }
2 ΦN cx 2 φN cx

(ii) Without FLR

• General formula
 N* 
M *x ≤ ΦM ox = Φ M bx  1 − 

 φN cy 
• For special I-sections
N* N*
M ≤ ΦM ox = Φα bc M bxo
(1 − )(1 − )
φN cy φN oz

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GJ + π 2 EI w / L2z
N oz = = Elastic torsional buckling capacity
(I x + I y ) / A

1 1 − βm 1 + βm 3 N*
= +( ) ( 0.4 − 0.23 )
α bc 2 2 φN cy

E, G = the elastic moduli

A, Iw, Ix , Iy and J = the section constant
Lz = the distance between partial or full torsional restraints

(iii) Biaxial Bending

M x* M *y
( ) 1.4 + ( ) 1. 4 ≤ 1
Φ M cx ΦM iy

Mcx = Min {Mix , Mox }

Miy = Mi about y axis

Example 2

Check the in-plane member capacity of the 200UC52.2 beam-column of Grade 250
steel, which is subjected to a combined moment Mx * of 105 kNm and a compression
force of 112 kN. Assume FLR is provided.

fy = 250 MPa, capacity factor φ = 0.9, form factor kf = 1.0, compact section.
Column length L = 5000 mm, effective length factor ke = 1.0, radius of gyration ry = 89
mm, α b = 0


• using general formula

ke L fy 1.0 ⋅ 5000 250

λn = ( ) kf ⋅ =( ) ⋅ 1.0 ⋅ = 56
ry 250 89 250

αc = 0.84 [from Table 6.3.3(3)]

Ns = 1660 kN [from Example 1]

φNc = 0.9 x 0.84 x 1660 = 1255 kN

Msx = 142 kNm [from Example 1]

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N* 112
Φ M i = Φ M sx (1 − ) = 0.9 ⋅ 142 ⋅ (1 − ) = 116 kNm
Φ N cx 1255

• using formula for special I-section

λn = 56

αc = 0.84 [from Table 6.3.3(3)]

Ns = 1660 kN [from Example 1]

φNc = 1255 kN

Msx = 142 kNm [from Example 1]

β m = 1.0 (double curvature bending)

1 + βm 3 N* 1 + βm 3 N*
φMi = Φ M sx {[1 − ( ) ](1 − ) + 118
. ( ) 1− }
2 ΦN cx 2 φN cx
 112 
= 0.9 ⋅ 142 0 + 118
. ⋅ 1−  = 144 kNm, φMi ≤φMrx = 139 kNm (from Example 1).
 1255 

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1. Type of Connections
AS4100 allows three forms of construction which relates to the bahaviour of the
connections. It then requires that the design of the connections be such that the structure
is capable of resisting all design actions, calculated by assuming that the connections are
appropriate to the form of construction of the structure or structural part. The design of
the connections is to be consistent with the form of construction assumed. The three
forms of construction are:

(1) Rigid construction – For rigid construction, the connections are assumed to have
sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between the members unchanged. The joint
deformations must be such that they have no significant influence on the distribution of
the action effects nor on the overall deformation of the frame.

(2) Semi-rigid construction – For semi-rigid construction, the connections may not have
sufficient rigidity to hold the original angles between the members unchanged, but are
required to have the capacity to furnish dependable and known degree of flexural
restraint. The relationship between the degree of flexural restraint and the level of the
load effects is required to be established by methods based on test results. This is
outside the scope of CIV3221.

(3) Simple construction – For simple construction, the connections at the ends of
members are assumed not to develop bending moments. Connections between members
in simple construction must be capable of deforming to provide the required rotation at
the connection. The connections are required to not develop a level of restraining
bending moment which adversely affects any part of the structure. The rotation capacity
of the connection must be provided by the detailing of the connection and must have
been demonstrated experimentally. The connection is then required to be considered as
subject to reaction shear forces acting at an eccentricity appropriate to the connection

Typical types of connections for simple construction (also called flexible connections)

• Angle seat
• Bearing pad
• Flexible end plate
• Angle cleat
• Web side plate
• Stiff seat
• Bracing cleat

Typical types of connections for rigid construction (also called rigid connections) are:

• moment connection (welded)

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• moment connection (bolted end plate)

This section will only deal with flexible end plate connection (shear connection) and
moment connection (bolted end plate)

2. Shear Connections (Flexible End Plate)

2.1 Connection Details

Typical flexible end plate shear connections are shown in the figure below. Fabrication
of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to length and
adequate consideration must be given to squaring the beam ends such that both end
plates are parallel and the effect of beam camber does not result in out-of-square end
plates that makes erection and field fit-up difficult. Shims may be required on runs of
beams in a line in order to compensate for mill and shop tolerance. The use of this
connection for two sided beam-to-beam connections should be considered carefully.
Installation of bolts in the end plates can cause difficulties in this case. When unequal
sized beams are used, special coping of the bottom flange of the smaller beam may be
required to prevent it fouling the bolts. Since the end plate is intended to behave
flexibly, damage of the end plate during transport is not normally of concern and may
be rectified on site. For coped beams, the top of the end plate and the bottom of the cope
cut should coincide. Curvature of the end plate due to welding can usually be pulled out
when installing the bolts. Check end plate component width to ensure that it will fit
between fillets of column section when connecting to column web.

Cope length L c
ti (if present)
a ei




a ei
t w

uncoped and single web coped beams (end plate located towards top of beam)
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L c (If Coped)

t w
ae i a




ae i

uncoped and single web coped beams (end plate located towards bottom of beam)

ti Lc

a ei


t wc
t w



double web coped beams

2.2 Possible failure modes

The acting force in the connection is shear force V*. Possible failure modes include
weld failure along the web, bolt failure in shear, end plate component failure in shear,
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beam web failure in shear at end plate, coped section failure in shear near connection
and coped section failure in bending near connection.

2.3 Design capacities

Design is based on determining Vdes, the design capacity of the connection, which is the
minimum of the design capacity {Va, Vb, Vc, Vd, Ve, Vf}. The design requirement is
then Vdes ≥ V*. Each of the design capacity is given below.

(a) Weld to web Va = φ vw 2di

The design capacity of the weld of the end plate to the beam web (Va) is based on the
assumption of vertical shear only on the fillet weld.

(b) Bolts in end plate Vb = nb (φVdf)

where nb = 2np , np is the number of bolts in a line at pitch sp and φVdf is the design
capacity of a single bolt in shear.

The design capacity of the bolts in the end plate (Vb) is based on the assumption of
vertical shear acting at the bolt group centroid. Possible failure modes of bolt shear,
local bearing failure and end plate tearout are considered. For economy, either 4.6/S or
8.8/S bolting category is preferred. 8.8/TB category is uneconomic since it has the same
design capacity as 8.8/S and requires tensioning. The use of 8.8/TF bolting category in
this connection is not recommended since 8.8/TF is designed on a "no-slip" basis. While
this may be desirable in certain restricted instances in order to maintain beam levels, it
also rstricts the horizontal slipping of the end plate, which is an inherent part of the
connection's "flexible" behaviour. This may result in the development of high levels of
restraint moment at the support.

(c) End plate component in shear Vc = φ (0.5 fyi ti 2 di)

where φ = 0.9

The design capacity of the end plate in shear (Vc) assumes that failure, if it occurs, takes
place on each side of the weld/web interface and that it occurs by shear yielding.

(d) Beam web in shear at end plate Vd = φ (0.6 fyw twb di)
where φ = 0.9

The expression for the shear capacity of the web at the end plate/web interface (Vd) has
been derived by assuming that a near uniform stress distribution applies at the interface
and that therefore, the nominal capacity is given by Clauses 5.11.2 and 5.11.4 of

(e) Coped section in shear near connection Ve = φVu

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(f) Coped section in bending near connection Vf = φMs/ev

The expression for Ve and Vf deal with the strength of the section remaining after
coping of the supported member.

The following additional design considerations are worth noting. Flexible end plate
connections will exhibit a wide range of connection flexibility depending on the
connection parameters such as plate thickness, plate depth, bolt category, web thickness.
Rotational flexibility in the connection is required if the connection is to meet the
requirements of AS4100 for simple construction. This is provided by the use of a
relatively thin end plate which deforms out of plane under applied rotation, the use of
snug-tightened bolts which allows the end plate to slip horizontally and detailing a wide
gauge between lines of bolts.

Example 1

See section 4.3.3 of AISC DSC/04-1994 Hogan, T.J. and Thomas, I.R. (1994), Design
of Structural Connections, 4th Edition, Australian Institute of Steel Construction,
Sydney, page 58 to page 59

3. Moment Connections (Bolted End Plate)

3.1 Connection Details

Typical bolted end plate moment connections are shown in the figure below.
Fabrication of this type of connection requires close control in cutting the beam to
length and adequate consideration must be given to squaring the beam ends such that
end plates at each end are parallel and the effect of any beam camber does not result in
out-of-square end plates which make erection and field fit-up difficult. Shims may be
required to compensate for mill and shop tolerances. 8.8/T (fully tensioned) bolt
category can be used. Holes are 2mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter.


end plate at right angle to column

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end plate at apex in rigid portal frame



end plate at Knee joint in rigid portal frame

end plate at Knee joint with or without haunch in rigid portal frame
-incoming member inclined to column

This type of connection may be used in the following variations as a beam-to-column

connection (see the figure below):
(i) one sided beam-to-column flange
(ii) two sided beam-to-column flange
(iii) two way, two sided beam-to-column flange plus one sided beam-to-column web
(iv) four ways, two sided beam-to-column flange plus two sided beam-to-column web

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or cruciform

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

3.2 Actions and possible failure modes

This types of connection is considered to be a rigid connection wherein the original

angles between the members remain unchanged during loading and the connection
would be used in a frame where rigid construction was the assumed form of

The design action effects at the connection could be determined from either a first order
elastic analysis with moment amplification or a second order elastic analysis. Applied
actions at a connection are assumed to be bending moment M*, shear force V* and axial
force N* as shown in the figure below.

N *tm t fb

V *v c N*
x db


N *c m

θ= 0
φ= 90

Type A

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y t fb

N *t m db
V* φ N*

V *v c
N *c m

Type B

t fb

N *tm x

V* M *
θ N *c m
V *v c

Type C

The following assumptions are made in determining actions in various components:

(i) The flanges transmit design flange forces due to moment M*, these comprising Ntm *
(tension flange) and Ncm* (compression flange). For the design of the flange and web
welds, the assumption is made that the proportion of the bending moment transmitted
by the web is kmw while the proportion of the bending moment transmitted by the flange
is (1-kmw). The proportion of the bending moment transmitted by the web is given by

k mw =
lw + l f

However for the assessment of the loads on the bolts, and on the end plate and for the
assessment of the necessity for stiffeners and the design of the stiffeners, it is
conventional practice to assume that all the force above and below the neutral axis is
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concentrated at the flanges which is equivalent to assuming that all the bending moment
is transmitted through the flange area.

(ii) The web transmits the design shear force V*.

(iii) For the design of welds, it is assumed that the flanges and web transmit a share of
the axial force N*, the proportion taken by each being proportional to their contribution
to the total section area.

For the design of bolts and the end plate, it is assumed that the flanges transmitted all of
the design axial force N*, the proportion taken by each being proportional to their
contribution to the total section area. This assumption is made because the bolts, which
must transmit the axial force into the column, are concentrated at the flanges.

The design actions can be summarized as follows:

• For the flange welds connecting the beam to the end plate:
(1 − k mw ) + N *  At 
( )
N*fw =
d f − t fb  A
kmw = proportion of the bending moment transmitted by the web (see attached)
At = area of tension flange, A = total area of the section

• For the web welds connecting the beam to the end plate:

Axial force component Nw* = kw N*

Moment component Mw* = kmw M*

Shear force component Vw* = V*

kw = (area of the web)/(total cross-sectional area), kmw as defined above.

• For the bolts, end plate and stiffeners:

M* N*
Total design force in tension flange: N *ft = +
( d b − t fb ) 2

M* N*
Total design force in compression flange: N *fc = ( d − t ) − 2
b fb

Total design shear force at end plate/column interface: Vvc* = V*

Clause 9.1.4 of AS4100 requires that this type of connection be designed for the
following minimum design actions:

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bending moment = 0.5 times the member moment capacity

No minimum requirement is placed on the simultaneously applied shear force or axial

force. It is suggested that the following requirement is placed on the simultaneously
applied shear force or axial force. It is suggested that the following minimum values
might be used simultaneously with the above minimum design bending moment:

Shear force = 40 kN
Axial force = 0

The intention of the AS4100 provision is that connections have a guaranteed minimum
design capacity with some inherent robustness.

Possible failure modes include flange welds failure, web welds failure, bolts failure, end
plate failure and stiffeners failure.

3.3 Design capacities

Design capacities are given for each possible failure mode in the connection.

• Flange welds

Check Nfw* < φ Nw = φ ffy bfb tfb for full penetration butt welds
where φ = 0.9 for SP (structural purpose) weld, ffy = yield stress of beam flange, bbf =
width of beam flange, tfb = beam flange thickness.

Check Nfw* < φ Nw = 2 Lw (φvw) for fillet welds

where Lw =weld length across flange, usually bf and (φvw) = design capacity of fillet
weld per unit length of weld

• Web welds

z + v y ≤ φv w
v*2 *2

N *w 3M *w
v *z = + 2
2Lw Lw

v = *

where v is strength per unit length, Lw = weld length along web = db – 2tfb

• Bolts

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N *ft
Check ≤ φN tf

Check ≤ φVfx orφVfn

where nt is the number of bolts in tension, n is the number of bolts in shear, Nt f, Vfx and
Vfn are capacities for a single bolt.

Check bolt group

1.2 ⋅ N *ft / n t 2 N *vc / n 2

( ) +( ) ≤1
φN tf φN fx orφN fn

• End plate


φ ⋅ f yi ⋅ b i ⋅ t 2i
Check N *ft ≤
a fe

where fyi = yield stress of end plate, bi = width of end plate, ti = end plate thickness, afe
= distance between the bolt center and the top flange of the beam.


Check Vvc* ≤ 2 ⋅ φ ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ f yi ⋅ d i ⋅ t i

and N *ft ≤ 2 ⋅ φ ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ f yi ⋅ b i ⋅ t i
and N *fc ≤ 2 ⋅ φ ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ f yi ⋅ b i ⋅ t i
where di = depth of end plate

• Stiffeners

Check necessity of column stiffeners

N*ft d − t fb
If > b , stiffeners are required.
φ ⋅ f yc ⋅ t wc 2

where fyc = yield stress of column, twc = thickness of column web, db = depth of beam,
tfb = thickness of beam flange.

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Example 2

See section 4.8.4 of AISC DSC/04-1994 Hogan, T.J. and Thomas, I.R. (1994), Design
of Structural Connections, 4th Edition, Australian Institute of Steel Construction,
Sydney, page 115 to page 118

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