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Ilano VS Espnaol

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Victoria J. Ilano represented by her Attorney-in-fact, Milo Antonio C. Ilano vs. Hon.

Dolores L. Espanol, in her capacity as Executive Judge, RTC of Imus, Cavite, Br. 90, et. al
G.R. No. 161756. December 16, 2005
478 SCRA 365
Victoria J. Ilano filed a complaint for Revocation/Cancellation of Promissory Notes and
Bills of Exchange (Checks) with Damages and Prayer for Preliminary Injun
ction or Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against private respondents. The petitioner
alleged, among other things, that respondents, through deceit, abuse of confidence
machination, fraud, falsification, forgery, defraudation, and bad faith, and with malice,
malevolence and selfish intent, succeeded in inducing her to sign antedated promissory
notes and some blank checks, and by taking undue advantage of her signature on
some other blank checks, succeeded in procuring them, even if there was no
consideration for all of these instruments on account of which she suffered anxiety,
tension, sleepless nights, wounded feelings and embarrassment. However, the RTC
dismissed the complaint for failure to allege the ultimate facts-bases of petitioners claim
that her right was violated and that she suffered damages.

The Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal by Branch 20 of the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Cavite at Imus, for lack of cause of action.

For recital of the allegations in the complaint, see photo.

1. Remedial Law: Whether or not petitioner’s complaint failed to state a cause of action.
2. Commercial Law: Is validity and negotiability of Check No. 0084078, drawn against
another account of petitioner and was dishonored on January 12, 2000 due to Account
Closed, affected by the fact that its date of issue bears only the year 1999?
1. While some of the allegations may lack particulars, and are in the form of conclusions
of law, the elements of a cause of action are present. For even if some are not stated
with particularity, petitioner alleged 1) her legal right not to be bound by the instruments
which were bereft of consideration and to which her consent was vitiated; 2) the
correlative obligation on the part of the defendants-respondents to respect said right;
and 3) the act of the defendants-respondents in procuring her signature on the
instruments through deceit, abuse of confidence machination, fraud, falsification,
forgery, defraudation, and bad faith, and with malice, malevolence and selfish intent.
A cause of action has three elements: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) the
correlative obligation of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of the defendant in
violation of said legal right. In determining the presence of these elements, inquiry is
confined to the four corners of the complaint including its annexes, they being parts
thereof. If these elements are absent, the complaint becomes vulnerable to a motion to
dismiss on the ground of failure to state a cause of action.

Where the allegations of a complaint are vague, indefinite, or in the form of conclusions,
its dismissal is not proper for the defendant may ask for more particulars.
2. No. Section 6 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides that the validity and
negotiable character of an instrument are not affected by the fact that:
(a) It is not dated; or
(b) Does not specify the value given, or that any value had been given therefor; or
(c) Does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where it is payable; or
(d) Bears a seal; or
(e) Designates a particular kind of current money in which payment is to be made.

A motion for bill of particulars may not call for matters which should form part of the
proof of the complaint upon trial. (Salita vs. Magtolis, 233 SCRA 100 [1994])
As long as the complaint contains these three elements – (1) a right in favor of the
plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an
obligation on the part of the named defendant to respect or not to violate such right; (3)
an act or ommission on the part of such defendant violative of the right of the plaintiff or
constituting a breach of the obligation of the defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter
may maintain an action for recovery of damages – a cause of action exists even though
the allegations therein are vague. (Virata vs. Sandiganbayan, 272 SCRA 661 {1997})

The issue of defective Information, on the ground that it does not conform substantially
to the prescribed form, should be raised in a motion to quash or a motion for a bill of
particulars, and if an accused fails to take this seasonable step he will be deemed to
have waived the defect in the said information. 

The Court of Appeals having affirmed the dismissal by Branch 20 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
of Cavite at Imus, for lack of cause of action, Civil Case No. 2079-00, the complaint filed by herein
petitioner Victoria J. Ilano for Revocation/Cancellation of Promissory Notes and Bills of
Exchange (Checks) with Damages and Prayer for Preliminary Injunction or Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO), against herein respondents 15 named defendants (and several John Does), a recital

of the pertinent allegations in the complaint, quoted verbatim as follows, is in order:


3. That defendant AMELIA O. ALONZO, is a trusted employee of [petitioner]. She has been with
them for several years already, and through the years, defendant ALONZO was able to gain the trust
and confidence of [petitioner] and her family;

4. That due to these trust and confidence reposed upon defendant ALONZO by [petitioner], there
were occasions when defendant ALONZO was entrusted with [petitioner’s] METROBANK Check
Book containing either signed or unsigned blank checks, especially in those times when [petitioner]
left for the United States for medical check-up;

5. Sometime during the second week of December 1999, or thereabouts, defendant ALONZO by

means of deceit and abuse of confidence succeeded in procuring Promissory Notes and
signed blank checks from [petitioner] who was then recuperating from illness;

6. That as stated, aside from the said blank checks, defendant ALONZO likewise succeeded
in inducing [petitioner] to sign the Promissory Notes antedated June 8, 1999 in the amount of
SEVENTY TWO (Php 1,428,272.00) payable to defendants EDITH CALILAP and DANILO
CALILAP, and another Promissory Noted dated March 1999 in the amount of PESOS: ONE
MILLION (Php 1,000,000.00) payable to the same defendants EDITH CALILAP and DANILO
CALILAP, copies of said Promissory Notes are hereto attached as Annexes "A" and "A-1" hereof;

7. That another Promissory Note antedated October 1, 1999  thru the machination of defendant
ALONZO, was signed by [petitioner] in the amount of PESOS: THREE MILLION FORTY SIX
THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ONE (Php 3,046,401.00) excluding interest, in favor of her co-
BACAREL and CHERRY CAMACLANG, a copy of said Promissory Note is hereto attached as
Annex "B" hereof;

8. That the Promissory Notes and blank checks were procured thru fraud and deceit. The
consent of the [petitioner] in the issuance of the two (2) aforementioned Promissory Notes
was vitiated. Furthermore, the same were issued for want of consideration, hence, the same should
be cancelled, revoked or declared null and void;

9. That as clearly shown heretofore, defendant ALONZO in collusion with her co-defendants,
induce plaintiff to sign several undated blank checks, among which are:

· Metrobank Check No. 0111544

· Metrobank Check No. 0111545

· Metrobank Check No. 0111546

· Metrobank Check No. 0111547

· Metrobank Check No. 0111515

all in the total amount of Php 3,031,600.00, copies of said checks are hereto attached as Annexes
"C", "C-1", "C-2", "C-3" and "C-4", respectively;

10. That aside from the checks mentioned heretofore, defendant ALONZO, confederated and
conspired with the following co-defendants, FLORA CABRERA, NEMIA CASTRO, EDITH
SABALE and took advantage of the signature of [petitioner] in said blank checks which were
later on completed by them indicated opposite their respective names and the respective amount
thereof, as follows:


Check No.
Flora Cabrera Php 337,584.58 0111460
Flora Cabrera 98,000.00 0111514
Nemia Castro 100,000.00 0111542
Nemia Castro 150,000.00 0084078
Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 490,000.00 0111513
Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 790,272.00 0111512
Edith Calilap/Danilo Calilap 1,220,000.00 0111462
Gloria Dominguez/ 1,046,040.00 0111543

Carmencita Gonzales
Annilyn C. Sable 150,000.00 0085134
Annilyn C. Sable 250,000.00 0085149
Annilyn C. Sable 186,000.00 0085112

Copy attached as Annexes "D", "D-1", "D-2", "D-3", "D-4", "D-5", "D-6", "D-7", "D-8", "D-9" and "D-
10", respectively;

Furthermore, defendant ALONZO colluded and conspired with defendant NEMIA CASTO in

procuring the signature of [petitioner] in documents denominated as "Malayang Salaysay"
dated July 22, 1999 in the amount of PESOS: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND (Php
150,000.00) and another "Malayang Salaysay" dated November 22, 1999 in the amount of
PESOS: ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 100,000.00) Annexes "D-11" and "D-12" hereof;

11. That said defendants took undue advantage of the signature of [petitioner] in the said blank
checks and furthermore forged and or falsified the signature of [petitioner] in other unsigned
checks and as it was made to appear that said [petitioner] is under the obligation to pay them
several amounts of money, when in truth and in fact, said [petitioner] does not owe any of
said defendant any single amount;

12. That the issuance of the aforementioned checks or Promissory Notes or the

aforementioned "Malayang Salaysay" to herein defendants were tainted with fraud and
deceit, and defendants conspired with one another to defraud herein [petitioner] as the
aforementioned documents were issued for want of consideration;

13. That the aforesaid defendants conspiring and confederating together and helping one
another committed acts of falsification and defraudation which they should be held
accountable under law;

14. The foregoing acts, and transactions, perpetrated by herein defendants in all bad faith
and malice, with malevolence and selfish intent are causing anxiety, tension, sleepless
nights, wounded feelings, and embarrassment to [petitioner] entitling her to moral damages of
at least in the amount of PESOS: FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 500,000.00);

15. That to avoid repetition of similar acts and as a correction for the public good, the defendants
should be held liable to [petitioner] for exemplary damages in the sum of not less than the amount of

16. That to protect the rights and interest of the [petitioner] in the illegal actuations of the defendants,
she was forced to engage the services of counsel for which she was obliged to pay the sum of
PESOS: ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php 100,000.00) by way of Attorney’s fees plus the amount
of PESOS: THREE THOUSAND (Php 3,000.00) per appearance in court;

x x x (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

The named defendants-herein respondents filed their respective Answers invoking, among other
grounds for dismissal, lack of cause of action, for while the checks subject of the complaint had been
issued on account and for value, some had been dishonored due to "ACCOUNT CLOSED;" and the
allegations in the complaint are bare and general.

By Order dated October 12, 2000, the trial court dismissed petitioner’s complaint for failure "to allege

the ultimate facts"-bases of petitioners claim that her right was violated and that she suffered
damages thereby.

On appeal to the Court of Appeals, petitioner contended that the trial court:






In its Decision of March 21, 2003 affirming the dismissal order of the trial court, the appellate court

held that the elements of a cause of action are absent in the case:


Such allegations in the complaint are only general averments of fraud, deceit and bad faith. There
were no allegations of facts showing that the acts complained of were done in the manner alleged.
The complaint did not clearly ascribe the extent of the liability of each of [respondents]. Neither did it
state any right or cause of action on the part of [petitioner] to show that she is indeed entitled to the
relief prayed for. In the first place, the record shows that subject checks which she sought to cancel
or revoke had already been dishonored and stamped "ACCOUNT CLOSED." In fact, there were
already criminal charges for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 filed against [petitioner] previous to
the filing of the civil case for revocation/cancellation. Such being the case, there was actually nothing
more to cancel or revoke. The subject checks could no longer be negotiated. Thus, [petitioner’s]
allegation that the [respondents] were secretly negotiating with third persons for their delivery and/or
assignment, is untenable.

In the second place, we find nothing on the face of the complaint to show that [petitioner] denied the
genuineness or authenticity of her signature on the subject promissory notes and the allegedly
signed blank checks. She merely alleged abuse of trust and confidence on the part of [Alonzo]. Even
assuming arguendo that such allegations were true, then [petitioner] cannot be held totally
blameless for her predicament as it was by her own negligence that subject instruments/signed
blank checks fell into the hands of third persons. Contrary to [petitioner’s] allegations, the promissory
notes show that some of the [respondents] were actually creditors of [petitioner] and who were
issued the subject checks as securities for the loan/obligation incurred. Having taken the instrument
in good faith and for value, the [respondents] are therefore considered holders thereof in due course
and entitled to payment.

x x x (Underscoring supplied)

Hence, the present petition for review on certiorari, petitioner faulting the appellate court:
1. . . . in sustaining the dismissal of the complaint upon the ground of failure to state a cause of
action when there are other several causes of action which ventilate such causes of action in the

2. . . . in finding that a requirement that a Decision which should express therein clearly and distinctly
the facts and the law on which it is based does not include cases which had not reached pre-trial or
trial stage;

3. . . . in not finding that a notice of hearing which was addressed to the Clerk of Court is totally
defective and that subsequent action of the court did not cure the flaw. 5

In issue then is whether petitioner’s complaint failed to state a cause of action.

A cause of action has three elements: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) the correlative obligation
of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. In
determining the presence of these elements, inquiry is confined to the four corners of the
complaint including its annexes, they being parts thereof. If these elements are absent, the
6  7 

complaint becomes vulnerable to a motion to dismiss on the ground of failure to state a cause of

As reflected in the above-quoted allegations in petitioner’s complaint, petitioner is seeking twin

reliefs, one for revocation/cancellation of promissory notes and checks, and the other for damages.

Thus, petitioner alleged, among other things, that respondents, through "deceit," "abuse of
confidence" "machination," "fraud," "falsification," "forgery," "defraudation," and "bad faith," and "with
malice, malevolence and selfish intent," succeeded in inducing her to sign antedated promissory
notes and some blank checks, and "[by taking] undue advantage" of her signature on some other
blank checks, succeeded in procuring them, even if there was no consideration for all of these
instruments on account of which she suffered "anxiety, tension, sleepless nights, wounded feelings
and embarrassment."

While some of the allegations may lack particulars, and are in the form of conclusions of law, the
elements of a cause of action are present. For even if some are not stated with particularity,
petitioner alleged 1) her legal right not to be bound by the instruments which were bereft of
consideration and to which her consent was vitiated; 2) the correlative obligation on the part of the
defendants-respondents to respect said right; and 3) the act of the defendants-respondents in
procuring her signature on the instruments through "deceit," "abuse of confidence" "machination,"
"fraud," "falsification," "forgery," "defraudation," and "bad faith," and "with malice, malevolence and
selfish intent."

Where the allegations of a complaint are vague, indefinite, or in the form of conclusions, its dismissal
is not proper for the defendant may ask for more particulars. 9

With respect to the checks subject of the complaint, it is gathered that, except for Check No.
0084078, they were drawn all against petitioner’s Metrobank Account No. 00703-955536-7.

Annex "D-8" of the complaint, a photocopy of Check No. 0085134, shows that it was dishonored

on January 12, 2000 due to "ACCOUNT CLOSED." When petitioner then filed her complaint
on March 28, 2000, all the checks subject hereof which were drawn against the same closed
account were already rendered valueless or non-negotiable, hence, petitioner had, with respect to
them, no cause of action.
With respect to above-said Check No. 0084078, however, which was drawn against another account
of petitioner, albeit the date of issue bears only the year − 1999, its validity and negotiable character
at the time the complaint was filed on March 28, 2000 was not affected. For Section 6 of the
Negotiable Instruments Law provides:

Section 6. Omission; seal; particular money. – The validity and negotiable character of an
instrument are not affected by the fact that –

(a) It is not dated; or

(b) Does not specify the value given, or that any value had been given therefor; or

(c) Does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where it is payable; or

(d) Bears a seal; or

(e) Designates a particular kind of current money in which payment is to be made.

x x x (Emphasis supplied)

However, even if the holder of Check No. 0084078 would have filled up the month and day of issue
thereon to be "December" and "31," respectively, it would have, as it did, become stale six (6)
months or 180 days thereafter, following current banking practice. 12

It is, however, with respect to the questioned promissory notes that the present petition assumes
merit. For, petitioner’s allegations in the complaint relative thereto, even if lacking particularity, does
not as priorly stated call for the dismissal of the complaint.


The March 21, 2003 decision of the appellate court affirming the October 12, 2000 Order of the trial
court, Branch 20 of the RTC of Imus, Cavite, is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in light of the
foregoing discussions.

The trial court is DIRECTED to REINSTATE Civil Case No. 2079-00 to its docket and take further
proceedings thereon only insofar as the complaint seeks the revocation/cancellation of the
subject promissory notes and damages.

Let the records of the case be then REMANDED to the trial court.


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