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Collins Catalog 1961 OCR Page 0014

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COLLINS AM TRANSMITTER carrier power output of 250 -1,000 watts. The 42E -8A
CONVERSION KITS operates with transmitters of 5,000 watts and the
42E -8B operates with transmitters of 10,000 watts.
The conversion kits listed below for the various The electrical circuit of the 42E Antenna Coupling
Collins AM Transmitters include all transformers, Units is a low -pass "T" network with good harmonic
meters and necessary capacitors for the same fre- attenuating properties. A three -wire or two -wire tower
quency. Crystals are not included. One set of tubes lighting filter choke and remote antenna current sam-
is included for the final RF and audio stages only pling transformer may be mounted in the cabinet, and
and any necessary rectifiers. Components for frequency an antenna current meter and line current meter jack
change are additional. are provided.
No Part Number $1,100.00
A horn gap furnishes lightning protection. The an-
300J -2 to 550A. tenna connection is made by an insulated feed-through
No Part Number Si ,395.00 bushing on the side of the cabinet and the bushing
550A to 20V -2.
No Part Number Si ,525.00 has a hollow stud for the lighting circuit. The trans-
330.1-2 to 20V -2. mission line comes through the base of the cabinet.
No Part Number $2,995.00
21E to 21M. Gray weatherproof aluminum housing. Remote an-
tenna current metering kit and antenna current trans-
former for remote reading of antenna current up to
This air -cooled unit provides a load to dissipate
Size: 42E -7 - -
25 amps available for all Collins AM Transmitters.
29" W, 28" H, 18" D. Weight: 64
lbs. Size: 42E -8A /B 36" W, 28" H, 22" D. Weight:
transmitter output for off - the -air testing. Consisting of 124 lbs.
8 ferrule type, non -inductive resistors, with insulated Part No. 522 1028 (Type 42E -7) $350.00
end brackets and clips, it may be mounted on the Part No. 522 1029 (Type 42E -8A) $595.00
transmitter or adjacent wall. The 172G -1 has an im- Part No. 522 1029 (Type 42E -88) $875.00
pedance of 52 ohms; the 172G -2, 73 ohms. Power
Rating: 1 kw. Size: Approx. 6" W, 9" H, 121/2" D.
Part No. 522 1410 014 (Type 172G -1) $62.50 FILTER CHOKES
Part No. 522 1411 014 (Type 172G -2) $62.50


An air -cooled dummy load to dissipate output of
the Collins 21E AM Transmitter. The WG -52 has
an impedance of 52 ohms and a peak of 7.5 kw.
Part No. 097 8138 00 $250.00



These solenoid wound 2- and 3 -wire chokes provide

high impedance throughout the broadcast band for
isolation of the ac power lines from the antenna. Coils
are wound of # 10 wire and are rated at 2,000 watts,
120 v ac, single phase. Provided with mounting
brackets and standoff insulators for mounting in 42E-
7/8 antenna coupling units. Weatherproof cabinets
are available for outdoor mounting.
Part No. 543 3927 $72.50
Unhoused, 2 -wire, 2,000 watts.
Part No. 543 3926 $105.00
Unhoused, 3 -wire, 2,000 watts.


These specially constructed units match a series -fed The Collins remote antenna current metering kit is
vertical radiator to an unbalanced transmission line. designed for the Collins- series of AM transmitters.
Intended for continuous, unattended duty in conjunc- The kit for the 550A -2 and 20V -3 includes RF trans-
tion with transmitters having emission type AO, Al, former, thermocouple, remote meter and meter mount-
A2 or A3, the 42E -7 operates with transmitters of ing bracket. Specify type of tuner, base current of

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