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Course Syllabus Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations (60 ECTS)

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Handläggare: Anneli Hovberger

Course Syllabus
Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations (60 ECTS)
Course code: COLLEC
Main field of study: Fine Art
Disciplinary domain: Fine Art
Grading: Pass – Fail
Level of progression: AXX
Education: Freestanding course
Level: Postgraduate
Established by: ERC
Determining date: 2021-02-09
Date of revision: –
Valid: Academic year 2021–22

Education cycle
Second-cycle course.

Entry requirements
General entry requirements: General requirements for freestanding courses at a second cycle
Specific entry requirements: Degree of Master of Fine Arts, or a master’s degree in another
relevant field of study, or equivalent relevant professional experience, minimum 4 years and
English 5 and 6, or equivalent knowledge in English.

The selection is based on a CV, a personal letter of intent and a presentation of one of the
applicants realized work which relates to the theme of the course. In the letter, the candidate
should motivate in which ways the conceptual frame of the course is relevant to their profile.
Collective should apply as individuals. An on-line interview will be part of the final selection.

Language of instruction

Scope of the course and the rate of study
60 ECTS- credits, full-time.

Course objectives
This course aims to develop an extensive understanding of collective practices within the field of
arts and across other domains and traditions by proposing an experimental method of teaching
based on mutual learning and field work. The course is intended for those who are concerned
with the ecological, social and political dimensions of collective practice.

Learning outcomes
After module 1, Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations A (30 ECTS), the students are
expected to:

• in depth show an understanding of a wide range of collective practices across disciplines

and societies.
• show knowledge of theoretical notions around collective practices, from classical to
contemporary perspectives.
• show the ability to work experimentally with existing collective practices
• be able to use skills and methods to achieve and to share collective practices.

After module 2, Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations A (30 ECTS), the students are
expected to:

• show an ability to work collectively in various contexts.

• show an ability to conceive an experimental collective practice which addresses a societal

Course content
Collective practices exist within all societies and share a rich heritage throughout the fields of
arts, politics and sciences. Nowadays, they are qualified by terms like participation, group,
collectivity, ensemble, collaboration, mutualisation, community, cooperation, sharing, assembly,
commons and network. Often reduced to strictly human activities, they are performed with or by
non-human entities–such as pets, viruses, smartphones or artificial intelligence.
In the course, the term ‘collective’ is considered primarily as a practice: exercises, habits,
protocols and attitudes realized on a regular basis.

The course trains the students to “put on the glasses” of the collective and to compose together
their knowledge to better understand the complexity of societal issues. To do so, students learn,
teach each other and experiment with collective practices that reflect on ownership, governance,
environment, technique, discrimination, attention, and knowledge, and contribute to build a more
inclusive and sustainable society

The course will inquire about the application of symbiotic practices and models to cultural
organizations. Often opposed to a narrow interpretation of Darwinism that considers evolution of
species as a fight of everyone against each other, symbiosis (from Greek σύν, « together », and

βίωσις, « living ») is a close and sustainable interaction between organisms in order to survive.
Since the end of the 19th Century, the development of societies has followed this scientific
controversy. Whereas competition and individualism became dominant values of art and culture
over the 20th Century, symbiosis inspires more caring, diverse, cooperative and sustainable
practices and models in various fields.

Through collective learning and experimental field work, the students will develop together a
final presentation (exhibition, event, publication, or any hybrid format) on symbiotic cultural

Forms of teaching
The course is divided into two modules during one academic year. The semester is divided into
five mandatory blocks of 5-10 days during each semester. Between the blocks, weekly mandatory
meetings and occasional sessions are scheduled (1-3 hours per week online), and the students
independently develop their work.

The course is organized around principles of mutual learning, regular practice, holding space for
each other and site-specific trans-disciplinary experimentation.

The course teaching is composed of:

• Collective readings, exercises and trainings
• Seminars, lectures and workshops
• Group and individual supervision
• Site visits and study trips
• Public events

The course articulates 3 organs:

• Commissions: students will form groups to work on one cultural organization from
September 2021 to June 2022. They will develop experimental methods of field work.
• Studio Practice: with guest teachers, the students will elaborate together a regular training
composed of a body of practices from arts and culture that use the collective as a medium.
• Seminars and lecture series: with guest teachers, students will learn and teach each other
about key concepts, genealogies and case studies around the theme of the course

The students take part in the governance of the course. Some of the sessions include public events
or are open to the students of other courses at the Royal Institute of Art and partner institutions.

The course is divided into two modules in one academic year:

• Module 1 – Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations A, 30 ECTS-credits.
• Module 2 – Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations B, 30 ECTS-credits.

The first module, Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations A,30 ECTS, is examined on
the basis of a submitted assignment and by active participation in the scheduled mandatory
seminars, workshops and group supervision.

The second module - Collective Practices II: Symbiotic Organizations B,30 ECTS, is examined
upon the basis of a public presentation of their assignments that could be either individual or
collective, which includes response from an external panel. The students are allowed to present
their assignments by using any relevant format that can be included in the final exhibition.

The Examinator is nominated by the Area Head.

Course requirements
To pass the course, active participation is required during the scheduled mandatory study blocks
(a minimum of 75 per cent attendance is required), submission of an assignment and contribution
to a public presentation at the end of the academic year is also mandatory. To pass the course, all
the above parts must be performed in a way that meets the expected learning outcomes.

Grading Criteria
Pass – The student has met the expected learning outcomes.
Fail – The student has not met the expected learning outcomes.

Study resources
A list of obligatory course literature will be distributed before the start of the course. The list of
reference literature will expand during the course.

Other terms and conditions

The course will offer field trips in Sweden and abroad. Course participants are expected to pay
for part of the costs. The field trips are not mandatory and for those who are unable to take part a
substitute assignment will be given.

The validity of the course syllabus

The course syllabus is valid the academic year 2021-2022. After discontinuation, the student is
entitled to be examined once a term for the following 18 months.

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