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Name: Joana Marie Bueno Score: - Course/Section: BSA 1-2 Date Submitted: 1/17/2020

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Name: Joana Marie Bueno Score: __________________

Course/Section: BSA 1-2 Date Submitted: 1/17/2020

Instruction: Answer the following questions below.

How important healthy eating during this time of pandemic?

Due to the occurrence of the virus, a healthy balanced diet is a must.

Strengthening our immune system is a great self-defense to protect ourselves
and our loved ones from COVID-19. And to have the ideal immune system,
we must have good nutrition. It includes eating lots of vegetables and fruit,
eating protein foods, Limiting processed foods (e.g. junk foods and soft
drinks), and of course, drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day. Having good
nutrition improves our mental well-being as well, which is also important to
cope up with the new way of living.

Is good nutrition more important than exercise?

A healthy lifestyle includes having a good nutrition and regular

exercise, so practically, exercise is as important as good nutrition.
Additionally, Good nutrition leads to a good physical and mental health,
because it is capable of providing the right amount of nutrients that our body
needs, on the other hand, exercise improves our muscle strengths and
endurance, it also helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. With
this, we can clearly depict the importance of having a good nutrition and
exercise, they both have a significant role in our well-being, and thus their
level of importance are equal.

Submitted to:
Ronel Agustin


Daily Food Diary

The Daily Food Diary is designed to help you monitor your weight and dietary
intake. This will be one of your most valuable tools to reach your goals because it will
increase your awareness and help you change.
This activity will help you manage your weight. Complete the diary as
frequently as possible. It is worth the effort!
In the top section of the diary:
• Write your name and the date.
• Fill in your daily calorie goal. Use this chart to select your calories.

• Set a weekly food goal to improve your diet. Example: “I will cut down on
calories by eliminating snacking while watching TV in the evenings this
week,” or “I will drink water or sugar-free beverages in place of regular soda
this week.”
Weigh yourself daily and record your weight in the header row, next to the
Write down everything you eat and drink, and the amount. If you know the
measured amount, list it. If you don’t know the exact amount then estimate the
size (2" x 1" x 1"), the volume (1⁄2 cup), the weight (2 ounces), and/or the
number of items (12) of that type of food. Include as much detail as possible.
Complete the line that has “M PC H” listed:
• Circle M if you were mindful (aware of what & how much you ate).
• Circle PC if the meal was portion-controlled
• Circle H if the meal was healthy
• Mark the numbers on 1–10 Hunger/Fullness rating scale (1=starving,
5=neither hungry nor full, 10=uncomfortably full)
• Place an X over the number that represents the Pre-meal hunger/fullness
• Draw a circle around the number that represents the Post-meal
hunger/fullness level.
Fill in a word to describe your mood (happy, content, sad, angry, lonely,
excited, exhausted, bored, anxious, fearful, or any other emotion).
Use a calorie counter to enter total calories for the day. Purchase a booklet,
use a Web site, or a Smartphone App to count calories easily.
At the end of the day, circle whether you met your goal for the day:
• If you met your goal, circle “I did it!”
• If you almost met your goal, circle “Almost.”
• If you didn’t achieve your goal, circle “Try again.”
Take a photo of yourself while eating your food for documentation.

(Please use the template on the next page)








Look for a collection of pictures of well-known personalities (e.g., athletes, singers,
politicians) and people from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Indicate
whether or not each of these people looks healthy. Discuss how these people might be
healthy and ways in which they might be unhealthy. Consider the different dimensions of
health that you learned from your lesson, and develop a profile of what you believe a healthy

Jessica Soho, a famous Filipina

broadcast journalist known as the host of
the news magazine program Kapuso Mo,
Jessica Soho on GMA Network and the
newscast State of the Nation with Jessica
Soho on GMA News TV.
On my view point, Jessica is
unhealthy. Based on her size and figure, I
can tell that she is experiencing an
excessive body fat. Given the assumption
that her figure is not balance to her height.
However recently, there are noticeable
changes to her size. Perhaps, she started
improving her lifestyle and maintaining a
balanced diet.

Selena Gomez is an American singer,

actress, and producer.
Based on her status, I can conclude
that she is unhealthy. According to sources,
Selena is suffering from depression and
anxiety, which might be the side effect of her
recent kidney transplant. It is most advisable
for her to have a healthy lifestyle and good
nutrition, especially that she has
complication. It will also help to improve her
mental health.

Solenn Heussaff is a Filipina celebrity

with a sexy figure. And considered as a
healthy person. She is known for her active
lifestyle and healthy eating habits. According
to her, in order to achieve a strong and sexy
figure, people should focus not only on
working out, but also on eating well.
Additionally, Solenn do share her recipes to
a less preservatives and trans fat free diet
foods on her YouTube channel, which is a
great way to influence her viewers to switch
in a healthy lifestyle.
Let’s Get FOODucated!

Look at the product above. Read the ingredient list and nutrition facts.
What are the good things about this product?
The good things about the product is that it is trans-fat free and has
zero cholesterol that are essential to developing illnesses such as diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and stroke. It also contains protein, which is good for
the body’s muscles, tissues, and bones. Lastly, containing 10 percent of
vitamin A is a good thing for it strengthens the immune system.

What are the bad things about this product?

The bad thing about the product is that it contains a great amount of
saturated fat, which is considered an unhealthy fats because it can cause
heart disease and can lead to stroke. Another one is it has too much sodium
and sugar that can also lead to some complications.
What nutrition grade should this product get? (Example A, B+, C-). Write the
grade in the Nutrition Grade circle above.
I will grade this product B+, because it gives many benefits to one’s body.
But however, it also has some ingredients that is harmful.

What do you think is a healthier alternative to this product?

Sky Flakes is a healthier substitute for pop tarts, because it contains a
lesser amount of fat, sugar, and sodium. Also, sky flakes contains vitamins A
and C which is good for the body.
Body Mass Index Calculator
To complete in this Body mass Index activity, visit this website
Body Mass Index is a mathematical formula that correlates highly with body
fat. This weight calculation helps determine whether you are at a healthy weight or
have too much fat.

The formula for BMI =

Weight (kg)
Height (m)2

Note: if you are under the age of 20 years, you have the option of using the
BMI-by-age calculator
Enter your weight and height using English or metric measurements. What is
your BMI?

BMI = 23.5 kg/m2  

What is your weight status according to your BMI calculation? Healthy weight

Rubrics for Assessment

Rubrics for Activity 1 and 3

Category Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates
Comprehension thorough considerable considerable limited
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
topics the topic the topic the topic
Content The response The response The response The response is
indicates depth & indicates lacks focus or unclear, illogical
complexity if simplistic or demonstrates or incoherent
thought in repetitive confused or
answering the thoughts in conflicting
essay question answering the thinking
essay question
Quality of The response The response The response has The response had
Writing was written in an was written in an a little style or no style or voice
extraordinary interesting style voice
style & voice Gives no new
Somewhat Gives some new information & very
Very informative informative & information but poorly organized
& well organized organized poorly organized
Grammar, Almost no Few spelling & Some spelling, So many spelling,
Punctuation & spelling, punctuations punctuation or punctuation &
Spelling punctuation or errors, minor grammatical grammatical
grammatical grammatical errors errors that it
errors errors interferes with the

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rubric for Activity 2

Score Description
4 All requirements of tasks are completed
3 Most requirements of tasks are completed
2 Many of the tasks are missing
1 Demonstrate no understanding of the tasks
0 No response/task not attempted

Rubrics for Activity 4

Category Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Knowledge/ Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates
Comprehension thorough considerable considerable limited
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
topics the topic the topic the topic
Content The response The response The response The response is
indicates depth & indicates lacks focus or unclear, illogical
complexity if simplistic or demonstrates or incoherent
thought in repetitive confused or
answering the thoughts in conflicting
essay question answering the thinking
essay question
Quality of The response The response The response has The response had
Writing was written in an was written in an a little style or no style or voice
extraordinary interesting style voice
style & voice Gives no new
Somewhat Gives some new information & very
Very informative informative & information but poorly organized
& well organized organized poorly organized
Grammar, Almost no Few spelling & Some spelling, So many spelling,
Punctuation & spelling, punctuations punctuation or punctuation &
Spelling punctuation or errors, minor grammatical grammatical
grammatical grammatical errors errors that it
errors errors interferes with the
Sub Totals
Over-all Score

Recommended Learning Materials and Resources for

Supplementary Reading

Pinggang Pinoy: Healthy Food Plate For Filipino Adults
Calculate Your Body Mass Index
Nutrition & Wellness for Life
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other
United Nations (UN) agencies are sharing best practices to help governments
ensure the food supply continues to be stable. More information on what
countries and business are doing in this regard can be found here:

Flexible Teaching-Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted

This chapter adopts the synchronous and asynchronous learning modalities for you to have
better access and learning of the lessons. This may include google classroom, Moodle,
Schoology, Edmodo, Podcast, printed materials, and other resources depending on your
needs and capacity to use the material.

Assessment Task
---------------Cut this page and submit it to your teacher personally or online -------------

Name: Joana Marie Bueno Score: __________________

Course/Section: BSA 1-2 Date Submitted: __________

Instruction: Choose the best answer to the following questions. Write your answer
on the space before the number.
B Which of the following foods are sources of fibre?
a) Potatoes, with the skin left on.
b) Wholegrain pasta.
c) Apples.
d) Fried Chicken
B Which of the following fat choices would help maintain a healthy heart?
a. Eating plenty of saturated fat.
b. Eating as little fat (both saturated and unsaturated) as possible.
c. Replacing saturated fat in the diet with unsaturated fat.
d. Replacing unsaturated fat with saturated fat.
A How much of the calorie intake of a well-balanced diet comes from starchy
foods, like bread, pasta, rice, and cereal?
a) About a third.
b) About half.
c) You should avoid starchy foods.
d) Most of your diet.
A A person's diet contains examples of food rich in protein, fat, vitamins,
mineral ions, fiber, and water. Which of the following types of food would be a
healthy addition to the diet to make it balanced?
a) Eggs
b) Steak
c) Butter
d) Pasta
D Which type of fat is present in healthy diets?
a) Saturated fat
b) Mono-unsaturated fat
c) Disaturated fat
d) Poly-unsaturated fat
D Which parameter is used to calculate the body mass index of an individual?
a) Height
b) Weight
c) Abdominal circumference
d) Both height and weight
A The BMI score is a screening tool that helps in the assessment of weight-
related health risks.
a) True
b) False
A The main ingredient is?
a) corn
b) corn oil 
c) salt
d) Frito
B How many chips per serving?
a) 3
b) 32
c) 160
d) 28
C How many servings per bag?
a) 32
b) 96
c) 3
d) 160


FAO. 2020. Maintaining a healthy diet during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Punzalan, Mondina, Taguba, Navalta, Medina-Bulatao.2019. Revised PHYSICAL
EDUCATION 1 Movement Enhancement. Mindshapers Co., Inc. Manila.
Werner W. K. Hoeger & Sharon A. Hoeger.2012. Principles and Labs for FITNESS &
WELLNESS. Eleventh Edition. Wadsworth Cencage Learning. Belmont,CA.
Claravall, Drolly.2018. Physical Education 1 (Movement Enhancement).
Mindshapers Co., Inc.

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