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International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

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Microstructure-sensitive computational modeling of fatigue crack formation

D.L. McDowell a,*, F.P.E. Dunne b
GWW School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Materials Science & Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent trends towards simulation of the cyclic slip behavior of polycrystalline and polyphase microstruc-
Received 9 October 2009 tures of advanced engineering alloys subjected to cyclic loading are facilitating understanding of the rel-
Accepted 14 January 2010 ative roles of intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of microstructure in fatigue crack formation, comprised of
Available online 20 January 2010
nucleation and growth of cracks at the scale of individual grains or phases. Modeling of processes of early
stages of fatigue crack nucleation and growth at these microstructure scales is an important emerging
Keywords: frontier in several respects. First, it facilitates analysis of the influence of local microstructure attributes
on the distribution of driving forces for fatigue crack formation as a function of the applied stress state.
Fatigue crack formation
This can support microstructure-sensitive estimates of minimum life, as well as characterization of com-
Fatigue crack initiation peting failure modes. Second, it can inform modification of process route and its manifestations (e.g.,
Crystal plasticity residual stress, texture) to alter microstructure in ways that promote enhanced resistance to formation
High cycle fatigue of fatigue cracks. Third, microstructure-sensitive modeling, even conducted at the mesocopic scale of
individual grains/phases, can facilitate parametric design exploration in searching for microstructure
morphologies and/or compositions that modify fatigue resistance. Fourth, such technologies offer prom-
ise for integration with advanced nondestructive evaluation methods for prognosis and structural health
monitoring. Finally, as a longer term prospect in view of uncertainties in modeling mechanisms of cyclic
slip, crack nucleation and growth, such modeling can serve to support more quantitative predictions of
fatigue lifetime as a function of microstructure. We first discuss computationally based microstruc-
ture-sensitive fatigue modeling in the context of recent initiatives in accelerated insertion of materials
and integration of computational mechanics, materials science, and systems engineering in design of
materials and structures. We then highlight recent application of such strategies to Ni-base superalloys,
gear steels, and a–b Ti alloys, with focus on the individual grain scale as the minimum length scale of
heterogeneity. Finally, we close by outlining opportunities to advance microstructure-sensitive fatigue
modeling in the next decade.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ‘‘microstructure-sensitive” as used in this overview implies both

an explicit treatment of the polycrystalline grain structure as well
The past decade has witnessed a confluence of high perfor- as constitutive models that reflect the role of crystallography in
mance computing, advanced experimental methods for in situ slip in addition to related microstructure size/scale effects. Such
and ex situ measurement of evolving microstructure at various models are continuously evolving. As another point of clarification,
length scales under cyclic loading, and substantial advances in we refer to the collective processes of grain scale fatigue crack
understanding deformation mechanisms, material degradation, nucleation and early growth as ‘‘crack formation” rather than the
and relevant modeling concepts in fatigue. Together, these various more common term ‘‘crack initiation,” as the latter typically in-
elements have introduced new possibilities to consider the role of vokes an arbitrary length scale that varies widely through the liter-
microstructure in the formation and growth of small cracks in fati- ature. Use of the term ‘‘fatigue crack initiation” stems more from
gue. This article focuses on microstructure-sensitive methods that experimental convenience in reporting the number of cycles re-
involve explicit modeling of elastic–plastic behavior of individual quired to produce a crack of a predefined length to be measured
grains in polycrystalline metals and alloys under cyclic loading experimentally, typically using somewhat coarse scale definitions
conditions, with emphasis on advanced engineering alloys for relative to microstructure.
loading amplitudes below the macroscopic yield point. The term It is important to convey a realistic summary of the current
state-of-the-art. In spite of the perception of maturity, the afore-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 404 894 5128; fax: +1 404 894 0186. mentioned coupling of computing and high resolution, experi-
E-mail address: (D.L. McDowell). ments with sufficient field of view is of relatively recent origin;

0142-1123/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1522 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

hence, in many respects we are in the infancy of grain/phase scale mation [6,15,18–23]. Another distinct body of work has been aimed
understanding of early stages of fatigue crack formation and design at engineering applications requiring prediction of fatigue life of
of fatigue-resistant microstructures. There are many outstanding components under various loading conditions based smooth speci-
issues that challenge our capability to bridge the scales of length men testing. The latter approaches have largely settled upon the
and time necessary to address metal fatigue problems. In spite of construct of ‘‘crack initiation” to circumvent the issue of bridging
substantial advances in first principles and atomistic modeling of the scales in Fig. 1 up to the order of several hundred microns by
the inelastic behavior of metallic materials, there is a substantial introducing semi-empirical relations for the number of cycles to
gulf between the length and time scales of first principles and form a crack of predetermined size which is relatively large com-
atomistic modeling and those scales necessary to quantify the role pared to dislocation substructure or grain size. One goal of this pa-
of microstructure in formation of fatigue cracks. Fatigue is among per is to use simulations to bridge these two parallel branches of
the more daunting of the grand challenge problems in this regard, study to some extent, and to explore what applications might ben-
since the loading is non-monotonic and the number of cycles re- efit from so doing. We may characterize this branch of study as
quired of applications is often in excess of millions. Fig. 1 provides microstructure-sensitive modeling of fatigue processes, with focus
a gap analysis [1], with four orders of magnitude in length scale on the mesocopic description of the response of collections of
spanning the problem of linking the scale of nucleation of a fatigue microstructure attributes. The origins of these kinds of mesoscopic
crack in conventional polycrystalline metallic alloys to atomic level simulations of heterogeneous materials to understand the role of
phenomena that give rise to the evolving state of irreversibility in microstructure and related stochastic/probabilistic aspects with
fatigue. The gap has long been filled by experimental observations applications to failure modes can be traced back to the early to
of cyclic deformation and fatigue crack formation as a function of mid-1980s with the advent of computational micromechanics.
microstructure, which of course limits the scope of exploration to For example, Asaro and colleagues developed early polycrystalline
studies of existing alloys under narrow sets of loading histories finite element models for shear localization in polycrystalline
and environments. This is true not only of fatigue, but more gener- microstructures with ductility and strength in mind [24–28]. Nee-
ally of metal plasticity at either small or large strains. dleman and colleagues [29–32] used finite element methods to
Primarily building on computational simulations, progress is consider the interactions of fibers with matrix material and pro-
being made in addressing the gaps in modeling dislocation plastic- cesses of nucleation and growth of voids at grain boundaries in
ity between atomic scales and scales of dominant microstructure polycyrstals. They also extended these approaches to address inter-
attributes such as grains or phases [1]. Approaches such as micro- facial failure in finite element models of idealized or actual micro-
scopic phase field models and discrete dislocation dynamics that structure representations using cohesive zone methods [33]. By the
can accept information from experiments and atomistic modeling early 1990s, considerable efforts were underway in computational
are advancing to the point where deformation mechanisms are mesoscopic modeling of microstructure-property relations directed
beginning to be understood from a many body defect simulation towards various classes of heterogeneous materials. Extending ear-
standpoint. This can supplement and extend understanding gained lier works of Asaro, Needleman and colleagues, Zikry et al. [34–37]
over the past 20–30 years using SEM and TEM observations [2–12]. considered the effects of crystallite orientation distribution and
Modeling and simulation specific to dislocation structures in fati- grain boundary network on failure modes in large scale computa-
gue such as cells [9,10] or persistent slip bands [6–8,10–18] in sin- tional crystal plasticity using finite element methods.
gle crystals has provided progress in addressing cyclic deformation The integration of modeling fatigue response of polycrystalline
aspects. Still, quantitative connection of such dislocation structures alloys with probabilistic failure descriptions was a natural outcome
to crack nucleation is still in its very early stages. of the rapid development of the field of computational microme-
There are multiple streams of related fatigue research. One body chanics modeling in the 1980s. Haddad [38] considered the effect
of research has addressed the issue of measuring and modeling dis- of microstructure on distribution of slip in polycrystals. The work
location substructure under cyclic loading [3,4,6–12,14–17] and of Chamis and colleagues [39–41] integrated the notions of compu-
experimental observations of slip offsets and progressive crack for- tational micromechanics simulation of heterogeneous materials

Sub-micron MEMs regime Mech.Testing

TEM Specimens; SEM Lab scale

Statistical theories “TOP DOWN”

Atomistic Discrete Dislocation Polycrystal Macroscale

dislocations patterns plasticity plasticity

Min. Length
Scale,L O(10-10 m) O(10-8 m) O(10-7 m) O(10-5 m) O (10-3 m)

Vacancies and Dislocation Slip banding and

dislocation reactions substructures embryonic cracks
Fig. 1. Hierarchy of length scales in metal plasticity ranging from atomic (dislocation cores) to patterns of dislocations to multiple grains to macroscopic scale. The primary
gap in modeling and simulation in multiscale modeling exists between the scales of atomistic simulations and dislocation pattern modeling, with discrete dislocation
simulation playing an increasing role but phenomenological statistical theories presently dominant.
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1523

(composites) with probabilistic analyses to advocate low probabil- Bennett [58] and derived papers by Bennett and McDowell
ity of failure design methods for different failure modes. Duva et al. [59,60] used finite element models with crystal plasticity to com-
[42] and Ruggieri and Dodds [43] employed computational simula- pute distributions of slip and to estimate distributions of fatigue
tions of heterogeneous materials and cracked to support probabi- cracks in polycrystals based on multiple realizations of a nominal
listic computational micromechanics characterization of damage microstructure. In addition, they computed the cyclic crack tip dis-
evolution. placement range (both opening and sliding components) as a func-
Appealing to earlier work on stochastic deformation and failure tion of crack length relative to grain size from surfaces in
of random heterogeneous materials [44], and in recognition of the polycrystals [61]. In the DoE USCAR program from 1995 to 2000
expense of finite element methods, lattice-spring methods were [62–64], finite element modeling of microstructure was employed
used by Ostoja-Starzewski et al. [45] to characterize probability to model formation and early growth of interdendritic cracks in
distributions of damage evolution in random heterogeneous mate- A356–T6 casting alloys, culminating in the formulation of a prob-
rials. Zhou and Zhai [46,47] built on the earlier work of Needleman abilistic framework for fatigue response based on various distribu-
to model dynamic fracture of realistic microstructures by placing tions of microstructure attributes at five different length scales
cohesive zone elements throughout the microstructure in explicit [65]. In the same timeframe, Tryon and Cruse [66–68] also related
finite element simulations, including effects of distribution of mesoscopic finite element modeling of microstructure to distribu-
interface cohesive strength and energy. Variability of response tions of fatigue responses of polycrystalline microstructures, albeit
(e.g., crack growth history) with microstructure is a natural out- within the context of a RVE.
come of such simulations. A large body of microstructure-sensitive fatigue modeling work
Some of the earliest mesoscopic approaches to characterizing has evolved since the late 1990s, much of which is covered later in
distributions of driving to support probabilistic fatigue crack for- this manuscript. We focus here on microstructure-sensitive model-
mation for metallic polycrystals can be traced to early works such ing of fatigue crack formation, i.e., the nucleation and growth of fa-
as those of Provan [48,49] and Sakai et al. [50]. The interaction of tigue cracks up to a size at which the microstructure plays a less
small cracks with microstructure and related mesoscopic models pronounced role in affecting variability of subsequent crack
for crack growth in random microstructures had been understood growth. Typically, this implies a crack length of less than three
and modeled in the 1980s [51]. McDowell [52] reviewed the status grains/phase domains in a polycrystalline and/or polyphase alloy
of microstructure sensitivity to formation and growth of small system [69]. Some of the potentially important microstructure
cracks in high cycle fatigue (HCF). Gall et al. [53] used finite ele- attributes that influence fatigue crack formation include micro-
ment simulations to study the effects of crystallographic orienta- structure unit size, morphology, and crystallographic orientation
tion on variability of microstructurally small crack growth rate in [69–72]; at smaller length scales, the development of lattice
crystals using DCTOD concepts. curvature, dislocation substructures, and effects of local grain
Mesoscopic modeling of distributed crack formation within boundary structure have profound effects on cyclic deformation
grains of a polycrystalline ensemble by Hoshide and Socie [54] em- and fatigue.
ployed slip band cracking models and crack growth relations. This Concurrent with development of models to bridge the scales
was an important precedent in motivating later work in the field, shown in Fig. 1 are associated experimental tools (top row in
as all essential elements of crack nucleation in slip bands in grains Fig. 1) for characterization and/or measurement of evolving struc-
and early growth were treated for metallic polycrystals with the ture at different levels of hierarchy to guide understanding of dom-
approximation of the Sachs (isostress) assumption for intergranular inant mechanisms, spatial variation of microstructure evolution,
interactions. McDowell [55] discussed the importance of such mes- and related size effects. They can also provide information that is
oscopic simulations to quantify the role of microstructure from the key to quantifying realistic microstructure to support modeling
perspective of a frequency distribution of driving forces. This latter and simulation, and to calibrate/validate models framed at various
work also clarified that the notion of a statistically homogeneous levels of the hierarchy. Once such modeling techniques are devel-
representative volume element (RVE) for fatigue is problematic; oped for a given class of materials, computational assessment/pro-
for many practical cases, a RVE is simply too large to be relevant jection of microstructure sensitivity of various responses is
to actual specimens or structures, particularly in the HCF regime, gi- enabled; this contrasts with costly experimental exploration that
ven typical gradients of macroscopic field quantities. This had been may not be able to effectively resolve the relative role of mecha-
stressed earlier in the work of Lacy et al. [56], which showed that nisms occurring at various scales of hierarchy in Fig. 1. Attention
the RVE size for elastic stiffness of a field of microcracks in a brittle can be increasingly devoted to design of experiments for model
material (e.g., polycrystalline ceramics) is much too small to be con- calibration and validation. Effective usage of microstructure-sensi-
sidered as a RVE for the evolution of damage. Of course, in this case tive models requires the development of protocols for the extrac-
one might argue that including higher order terms in the Taylor ser- tion of relevant microstructure statistics. Only then may
ies expansion of the deformation gradient in the homogenization simulations be carried out to provide useful information regarding
process would be necessary (e.g., second or higher gradient theory), rare event slip localization processes that relate to minimum ex-
but even this is insufficient to fully capture localization problems in pected fatigue lifetimes, for example. An important topic of re-
damage evolution at the scale of the simulation window. Accord- search in this area, therefore, is identifying and characterizing
ingly, it is necessary to build up statistics based on multiple compu- relevant statistical representations of microstructure attributes.
tational realizations [57] of statistical volume elements (SVEs) to As an example, both textures and micro-textures that result from
arrive at a complete statistical distribution of responses. In other different primary deformation processing routes should be charac-
words, it is not appropriate to select a size for a computational vol- terized as key microstructure attributes of such models [73,74]. In
ume of a heterogeneous material by considering convergence of the addition, the development of micromechanical testing combined
average stress–strain behavior or elastic stiffness if fatigue crack with a range of advanced microscopy techniques is essential for
formation and growth are the relevant responses of interest. The the development of mechanistic understanding and its embodi-
notion of a RVE for fatigue implies that even the higher order mo- ment within modeling techniques.
ments of the statistical distribution of fatigue driving forces are Microstructure-sensitive computational models, coupled with
fully captured, not just the lowest order moments, a point made experiments for (i) calibrating specimen level and relevant grain
earlier by Lacy et al. [56] in general for microstructure evolution scale cyclic deformation and cracking phenomena and (ii) validat-
and by McDowell [55] in reference to fatigue. ing algorithms and methodologies for interpreting simulations, can
1524 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

offer value in understanding failure mechanisms and quantifying to specific products and applications. A broad perspective regard-
sources and magnitude of uncertainty. As such, the confidence lim- ing these initiatives is offered in Ref. [78].
its of fatigue life prediction algorithms can be improved by such
modeling. In such simulations, there can be tradeoffs between
model accuracy and robustness for comparing responses among 2. Regimes of fatigue and cyclic microplasticity
microstructures, depending on whether preliminary or detail de-
sign is under consideration. Given the complexity of phenomena Microstructure-sensitive simulations suggest definitions of the
shown in Fig. 1, absolute predictions of fatigue life is a grand chal- high cycle fatigue (HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF) regimes based
lenge, not yet really practical, due to incomplete and/or uncertain on heterogeneity of cyclic plastic deformation at the scale of micro-
models for deformation and damage mechanisms. Application do- structure [65]. The HCF regime corresponds to stress amplitudes
mains that can be served by microstructure-sensitive modeling in- below macroscopic yielding for which cyclic plastic strain occurs
clude the following: within isolated regions of microstructure concentration (inclu-
sions, favorably oriented grains, etc.). This is the regime of con-
 Supporting fatigue life prediction schemes, with emphasis on strained cyclic microplasticity, in that surrounding regions are
the role of microstructure in minimum life. dominantly elastic [52,65]. Transition to LCF conditions occurs at
 Supporting selection/design of microstructure for application- higher applied stress amplitudes for which the cyclic plasticity be-
specific scenarios. comes widespread and more homogeneously distributed. From a
 Enhancing depth of understanding in analyses of field service mechanics perspective, LCF can be regarded as an homogenization
fatigue failures. problem involving multisite cracking and coalescence. Variability
 Providing guidance for modification of process route to enhance of behavior in LCF is less pronounced for a given microstructure
fatigue resistance. and arises chiefly in relation to crack growth phenomena.
In the HCF regime, crack formation and microstructurally small
Different industry sectors conventionally design components crack growth processes encompassing a scale of perhaps up to 10
for fatigue resistance with a focus either on crack initiation or crack grains often dominate the fatigue lifetime. Under HCF conditions,
propagation. In industry, two distinct approaches are commonly the cyclic plastic deformation is highly heterogeneous within the
pursued: (a) fail-safe design based on fatigue crack initiation esti- microstructure; accordingly, this is the regime in which variability
mates or (b) damage tolerant design based on periodic inspection and size effects are most pronounced. Variability in HCF is con-
and use of fracture mechanics principles for fatigue crack growth. trolled by fatigue crack formation processes, with a significant role
Both approaches are relevant to modeling total fatigue lifetime of of microstructurally small crack growth behavior for many micro-
components. Combined initiation-propagation approaches are also structures. Small crack growth behavior is quite sensitive to micro-
employed in certain industry sectors. Microstructure-sensitive structure and accounts for much of variability of lifetime in
models can provide a basis for predictive parametric exploration practical alloy systems. Moreover, the issue of arrest of small
of the relation of microstructure to fatigue response across a range cracks that form at isolated sites of cyclic plastic strain intensifica-
of microstructures, including virtual microstructures that have not tion is pertinent to estimation of an associated fatigue limit.
yet been processed; they are perhaps of greatest value in applica- Table 1 outlines relevant mechanisms of crack formation and
tions that rely on fatigue crack initiation estimates. As resolution of propagation in the HCF and LCF regimes. Microstructure-sensitive
crack detection schemes improves with advances in prognosis and fatigue analysis is particularly useful as a means of gaining insight
structural health monitoring technologies (including signal pro- into fatigue responses in the HCF regime since experimental results
cessing), the need for microstructure-sensitive models will become are often limited or inconclusive in this regime – one complication
even more pronounced. is the low probability of finding critical formation sites – the rare
There is considerable demand for microstructure-sensitive event or ‘‘needle in haystack” problem. From a mechanics stand-
models to support emerging joint government–industry initiatives point, HCF is a localization problem of extreme value type; strategy
launched within the last decade in the USA. For example, the DAR- for computational HCF modeling of components that must last mil-
PA Accelerated Insertion of Materials (AIM) program [75,76] from lions of cycles, such as shafts, bearings, and gears, for example,
2000 to 2005 offered insight into how computational materials sci- should focus on extreme value statistics of potential sites for
ence and engineering can be harnessed in the future to assist in microplastic strain localization and fracture that drive crack forma-
developing and certifying materials in a shorter timeframe to more tion and early growth.
closely match the system or product design cycle timeframe. AIM Stochasticity or randomness arises in fatigue behavior due to
was a bold initiative that involved materials developers, original interactions of slip and crack path interactions with microstructure
equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and government and academic [52]. Operationally, there are at least three approaches for treating
researchers in a collaborative effort to build designer knowledge such stochasticity:
bases comprised of the various elements of systems design. These
elements include databases, digital realizations of microstructure, (i) Introduce stochastic models at all scales, including sub-grain
modeling and simulation tools that address various levels of scales associated with crack nucleation.
materials hierarchy, experiments, materials characterization, (ii) Embed microstructure-driven stochasticity into variability
process and cost models, statistical approaches to uncertainty, of parameters of mesoscopic or macroscopic fatigue crack
metamodeling, and information protocols for managing workflow initiation and growth models.
and communications. At the core of the AIM methodology are (iii) Adopt a deterministic methodology at some prescribe scale
microstructure-sensitive models that facilitate the linkage of pro- (e.g., crack nucleation and growth models at grain scale),
cess path to properties and end-use applications. More recently, capturing stochasticity at higher scales (e.g., polycrystal)
the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) initiative via micromechanical simulations, and extracting statistics
has been defined by a NAE National Materials Advisory Board study or informing Bayesian probabilistic models.
group [77]. ICME is an approach to concurrent design of products
and their materials to enhance product functionality, efficiency Approach (i) requires a robust multiscale modeling strategy
and sustainability. This is achieved by linking materials models with explicit treatment of microstructure degrees of freedom at
at multiple length and time scales to address problems relevant scales ranging from tens of nanometers to tens or hundreds of
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1525

Table 1
Relative emphasis on fatigue micromechanisms in the LCF and HCF regimes.

Mechanisms LCF – percolated, microplasticity HCF – isolated, heterogeneous, microplasticity

Crack formation Propagation-dominated: largest grains or inclusions establish Initiation-dominated: largest grains or inclusions control number of
initial crack length in propagation analysis cycles to form a crack or to escape arrest
Microstructurally crack Cracks grow in elastic–plastic field with less microstructure First few microstructure barriers control fatigue limit and scatter of
growth influence lifetime
Physically small and Elastic–plastic growth persists well into crack growth history; Transition to LEFM-dominated homogeneous crack growth; single
long crack growth coalescence of multisite cracks can occur dominant crack is common

microns, or understanding of appropriate scaling relations for phe- This discussion of emerging frontiers is more concerned with
nomena at various length and time scales. It may represent an ulti- the latter category which offers potential for more utility in captur-
mate long term goal of stochastic modeling, but is presently ing local conditions for fatigue crack formation and linkage to
infeasible. Approach (ii) has been commonly applied in crack experimental verification. Microstructure-sensitive modeling
growth models, and to some extent in fatigue crack formation. It approaches of this type were employed as early as 1988 [54] and
requires physical intuition and an experimental database with more recently within the context of polcrystal plasticity
which to compare. Approach (iii) is the one taken in several [1,59,60,69–72,79–92]. They have been applied to the formation
examples in this article, and consists of asserting applicability of and growth of microstructurally small fatigue cracks [93–99],
physically based models at a certain scale (e.g., individual grain including development of plasticity-induced crack closure [100].
or sub-grain) and then developing statistics based on ensembles Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) theory is of limited utility
of polycrystal simulations. For this reason, we employ the term in relating heterogeneous, localized slip to formation and growth
‘‘microstructure-sensitive” to reflect the underlying physical basis, of small fatigue cracks interacting with microstructure unless pro-
in contrast to approaches that indirectly prescribe dependence on vision is made to explicitly incorporate the details of dislocation
microstructure based on random fields of parameters in mesoscop- distribution and the discrete character of both dislocations and
ic or macroscopic models. In all cases, one key attribute of fatigue, microstructure [101–106]; such discrete dislocation modeling is
particularly HCF, is that simulations are typically conducted over still in a very early stage. The extension of discrete dislocation
length scales (windows of microstructure) too small to target the modeling to consider realistic microstructure in fatigue is highly
response of a so-called representative volume element (RVE), de- complex and has not really been addressed to date. The coupling
fined on the basis of statistical homogeneity of response; in this of mechanical and chemical driving forces for crack formation
case, the response is the probability density of slip-based driving and early growth in fatigue is an area of great importance, also still
forces for forming and growing cracks in the material, which is in its infancy; it is not addressed here. Finally, at present many fac-
known to have strong size effects in HCF due to the very long tors (primarily computational time requirements) limit the ability
correlation lengths of fatigue critical hot spots with highest to consider effects of many cycles necessary to address long term
probability of crack formation. This nuance renders microstruc- transients or complex, variable amplitude load histories; some pro-
ture-sensitive simulation of cyclic plastic deformation and fatigue gress is being made on this front [84]; as a result, most of the work
processes completely different in nature from homogenization of considered here assumes that results from models executed over
heterogeneous material responses such as elastic stiffness or large even limited numbers of cycles (say 3–30) can suffice to provide
offset-defined yield strength. Rather than focusing on RVE simula- certain kinds of information useful to perform relative ranking of
tions, the focus in fatigue is more on statistical volume elements microstructures based on minimum expected fatigue life or other
(SVEs) [1,55,57] which are computationally tractable and can serve metrics. This state of affairs will be improved in due course with
to populate the statistics of the response function. A large number advances in computational methods for multiple time- and
of such SVE responses are necessary to characterize the shape length-scaling, but this is not a problem that can be effectively
(including tail) of the probability density functions of cyclic slip solved in the foreseeable future by simply increasing computing
that relate to fatigue crack formation and early growth. This is power at projected rates. It demands advances in the mechanics
often overlooked in the literature which focuses more on homoge- treatment.
nization than on higher order statistical moments.
Beyond addressing effects of microstructure randomness for a 2.1. Hierarchical stages of fatigue crack formation and growth
given material, we may further categorize microstructure-sensitive
fatigue models according to the level of detail at which microstruc- It behooves us to carefully distinguish regimes of crack nucle-
ture is represented, as follows: ation and early growth from those of growth in later stages. An
operational decomposition of the total fatigue life among stages
(1) Those that introduce granularity/heterogeneity for purposes is given by [65,107,108]
of injecting stochasticity (e.g., lattice models or damage
mechanics models), but are concerned more with global NT ¼ Ninc þ NMSC þ NPSC þ NLC ¼ Ninc þ NMSC=PSC þ NLC ð1Þ
response than local responses at the scale of microstructure.
See McDowell [55] for a critical evaluation of such where N inc ¼ N nucl þ N MSC is the number of cycles required to incu-
approaches for fatigue applications. bate or form a crack (comprised of nucleation plus small crack
(2) Those that consider local details of microstructure in growth through the domain of influence of a large grain, cluster
micromechanical modeling and are concerned with both of inclusions, etc. that promoted nucleation) at a favorable site with
local and global responses. Examples of microstructure initial length, ai, on the order of the scale of certain microstructure
attributes include inclusion/grain size, shape, and orienta- attribute(s). In physical terms we may consider Nnucl to associate
tion distributions. In addition, models for each grain should with a phase or order transition from uncracked to cracked lattice,
employ realistic slip laws, track lattice rotation, etc. This an evolutionary process that depends strongly on underlying
body of work is much more limited in the literature (cf. dislocation substructure. While Nnucl may comprise on the order
[1,50,54,56–72]). of 5–20% of the total lifetime in the HCF regime [109], it serves as
1526 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

a ‘‘trigger” for the process of forming and growing cracks; its linkage of fatigue limit that can be eradicated by overloads. This is why the
to microstructure hot spots is quite relevant. Moreover, the fraction decomposition of incubation and subsequent growth is made. Sec-
of total lifetime consumed in nucleating cracks can increase sub- ond, advances in high resolution characterization via electron
stantially in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime. The term backscatter diffraction (EBSD), micro X-ray diffraction and chemi-
N MSC represents the number of cycles required to propagate the cal composition analysis, focused ion beam (FIB) serial sectioning,
crack beyond the influence of either the high slip concentration and computed tomography have enabled unprecedented levels of
configuration of the nucleation site or beyond the first few strong detail in rendering crack path and shape during the early stages
microstructure barriers that resist crack advance and have a strong of fatigue for which the incubation and microstructurally small
influence on apparent fatigue limit and overload effects; N MSC can crack regimes are applicable. It is also possible to machine artificial
be a significant fraction of N MSC under HCF conditions. Hence, the crack-like notches (crack starters) in a precise way in large, favor-
notion of ‘‘incubation” conveyed in Eq. (1) pertains more to local ably oriented grains along slip planes having highest Schmid factor
environments of microstructure attributes (e.g., extrinsic micro- that replicate quite closely the behavior of naturally occurring
notch such as a pore or inclusion or a set of intrinsic attributes such cracks [111], something not possible with more coarse EDM-ma-
as a large grain and its nearest neighbors, proximity of distinct chined notches. Conventional cellulose acetate replicate tech-
phases, etc.); such environments are typically less than 100 lm in niques cannot render such detail. Also, high fidelity numerical
physical extent. simulations with reasonably realistic crystallographic models for
NMSC, NPSC and NLC represent the number of cycles to propagate dislocation glide offer the capability to interrogate the expected
a crack in the regimes of microstructurally small (approximately mechanical response of the individual grains and even sub-grain
3–10 times the grain or second phase size/spacing that affects regions of polycystals, including reversed and cumulative slip.
retardation of the crack driving force), physically small, and long Accordingly, in spite of the experimental difficulty of imaging the
crack growth, respectively. Physically small crack growth (NPSC) crack tip displacements for such small cracks with present technol-
is distinguished as a regime in which the crack is long compared ogy, means now exist to provide quantitative modeling of aniso-
to microstructure scale, but is subject to breakdown of similitude tropic elastic–plastic behavior of slip.
due to a cyclic plastic zone size that is on the order of grain size The more detailed decomposition in Eq. (1) is also important for
or other key microstructure correlation lengths that affect crack the following reasons:
growth variability. At some point, cracks in the PSC regime have
characteristics of fully developed, mechanically long cracks in that  In designing material microstructure for fatigue resistance, we
the crack front has reached a condition of self-similar crack must clarify what regime of crack length and characteristic life
growth. There are two aspects with regard to the notion of simili- fraction is targeted. It is well known that design for ‘‘initiation”
tude or self-similar growth of cracks that are affected in the tran- versus ‘‘propagation” of fatigue cracks often leads to conflicting
sition through the MSC and PSC regimes. First, the size and shape material requirements in terms of ducility and strength.
of the crack tip cyclic plastic zone relative to the crack length  In modifying process path to enhance fatigue resistance, it is
and microstructural unit size or barrier spacing changes substan- also necessary to understand which regime of crack formation
tially as the crack transitions from modes II to III dominated crys- and growth is to be targeted. Strategies for enhancing long crack
tallographic Stage I shear growth [110] in the MSC regime to the propagation resistance by increasing grain size, for example, can
Stage II, mode I-dominated regime. The cyclic plastic zone in the severely degrade resistance to early stages of crack formation
former case may be constituted by shear bands extending ahead and growth. This depends on scale of notches and applied load
of the crack tip, with dominance of single slip conditions within history. Similarly, strategies for enhancing resistance to crack
the first few grains. As a crack extends, the crack front has higher incubation at inclusions such as shot peening can compromise
probability of sampling multi-slip conditions to accommodate propagation life of longer cracks.
extension and maximize the growth rate; given that the crack typ-  In repairing in-service components, the credit on lifetime to be
ically forms in a favorably oriented large grain, for example, the realized by the repair depends heavily on which stages of forma-
neighboring grains will affect this sampling process as the crack tion and growth that can be restored and those that will be
front meanders and percolates through the microstructure until bypassed by virtue of the length scales and processes involved.
multi-slip conditions are more uniform along the crack front. The
lack of self-similarity due to this meandering process is an impor- The decomposition in Eq. (1) has been termed as a multistage
tant three-dimensional manifestation that influences the transition formulation [65] since it corresponds largely to different physical
from Stage I to Stage II crack growth, and effectively controls the aspects and mathematical modeling treatments in each successive
limits of the MSC propagation phase. Beyond this point, lack of regime. These stages are not to be confused with the aforemen-
self-similarity of crack extension can still exist in the PSC growth tioned Stages I and II of crack growth as defined by Forsyth,
regime if the cyclic plastic zone size is comparable to microstruc- although they are somewhat related. In a sense, they represent a
ture barrier spacing. perhaps more precise, specific decomposition, since the Stage I to
Finally, long crack behavior is typically realized for cracks with Stage II transition depends not only on microstructure, but also
length and cyclic plastic zone size and damage process zone size on strain state and stacking fault energy. Early transition from
suitably large compared to microstructure barrier correlation Stage I to II growth behavior, termed by Socie [112] as conforming
lengths, such that similitude requirements are met in terms of to ‘‘normal stress-dominated” response, is a manifestation of mul-
small scale yielding and damage. Crack lengths of several hundred ti-slip conditions, refined microstructure relative to crack length,
microns and above are typically necessary to meet these conditions or some combination.
in conventional microcrystalline structural alloys, depending on The Paris growth law based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechan-
amplitude and R-ratio of applied remote stress. ics (LEFM) should be applied unconditionally only in the NLC re-
Emerging capabilities in microstructure-sensitive modeling and gime. In view of the physical distinctions of the various stages of
high resolution experimental characterization demand the more fatigue crack formation and growth, the apparent stress intensity
detailed decomposition in Eq. (1). High strength components for factor, DK, based on applied loading and cracked geometry is not
which the elastic strain amplitude dominates the plastic strain strictly applicable as a crack driving force for fatigue within the
amplitude are subject to heterogeneous cyclic plasticity and cracks MSC regime and early portions of the PSC regime due to the roles
may form but frequently arrest; this is an important practical type of slip localization and microstructure; in such cases, the actual
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1527

value of DK is modified by shielding of the crack tip due to short relations for MSC and PSC cracks based on an apparent DK. Tradi-
and long range fields of dislocations [101–105]. Arguments of tional fatigue limits for alloys are of nonpropagating crack type in
similitude that enable use of continuum plasticity models for the MSC regime. The first two types of thresholds are typically too
shielding effects do not apply in this case. The cyclic crack tip dis- low in terms of applied stress level to have practical significance in
placement range DCTD (or other measures of geometry change design for applications. Clearly, the LEFM threshold is just part of
near the crack tip) is a continuum concept that appears to provide the overall picture and its limits of applicability should be re-
common ground among virtually all stages beyond nucleation and spected. It is quite likely that its historical application to very small
can be computed [58,61,101–103]. The DCTD, defined as the mag- cracks has been necessitated by a lack of explicit microstructure-
nitude of a vector of relative crack tip displacement range at some sensitive models. Indeed, one promising emerging frontier in
specified distance behind the physical crack tip, is readily com- fatigue is more complete understanding and characterization of
puted using various computational methods listed above for MSC fatigue arrest limits beyond traditional LEFM concepts.
and PSC regimes, and has been shown in various investigations
to collapse crack growth rate data for small/short cracks in the 2.2. Nature of plastic strain accumulation
MSC and PSC regimes [52]. It reflects crack tip inelastic deforma-
tion which closely relates to the modes of crack extension, includ- Comprehensive exploration of microstructure-sensitive fatigue
ing irreversibility, crack opening and sliding. Micromechanical phenomena demands consideration of the nature of plastic strain
studies are necessary to capture DCTD interactions with micro- accumulation. Cyclic plastic strain behavior falls into three re-
structure [58,59,61]. Moreover, for long cracks under LEFM condi- gimes: elastic shakedown, reversed cyclic plasticity, and plastic
tions there is a direct relation between DCTD and DK; the same is ratcheting [118]. Elastic shakedown is defined as the stress or
true for the DJ-integral in the Elastic–Plastic Fracture Mechanics strain level below which there is a cessation of cyclic plasticity. Re-
(EPFM) case [113,114]. The latter often finds application in the versed cyclic plasticity is the condition in which the material expe-
PSC regime for which sensitivity of crack advance to microstruc- riences reversed plastic straining during cycling with no net
ture has diminished and yet the cyclic plastic crack tip field does directional accumulation of plastic deformation; reversed cyclic
not yet meet requirements of small scale yielding. Much experi- plasticity is sometimes referred as plastic shakedown. Plastic rat-
mental work conducted in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s on phys- cheting describes the condition in which the material accumulates
ically small crack growth in polycrystalline steels, Ni-base a net directional plastic strain during each cycle. The ratcheting
superalloys, etc. clearly demonstrated the efficacy of separating (directional) plastic strain increment per cycle is defined as
the dependence of the fatigue crack growth rate on crack length      
and applied stress range [52]. In particular, in the MSC and early Depij ¼ epij   epij  ð2Þ
ratch End of the cycle Beginning of the cycle
PSC regimes, the dependence of da/dN on Dr and a does not follow
a power law scaling corresponding to the apparent applied DK. The reversed cyclic plastic strain range is given by
This is expected under EPFM conditions and is further complicated       

by a modification of crack length dependence associated with peri- Depij ¼ Depij   Depij ð3Þ
cyc max Over the cycle ratch
odically encountering microstructure barriers in the MSC regime
[51,52,64]. The significance of this distinction is that multiple physical
Plasticity and roughness-induced crack closure are also realized mechanisms of fatigue crack nucleation and early growth can oper-
to varying degree depending on the stage of crack growth. In the ate, depending on the degree of reversed versus directional plastic
MSC regime, by virtue of the limited crack length relative to micro- strain. It has been noted that several mechanisms contribute to
structure and limited effects of free surfaces, plasticity-induced crack nucleation and early growth in ductile crystals that are re-
crack closure is thought to play a reduced role relative to long lated to reversed cyclic plastic strain range: (i) buildup of vacan-
cracks [51,115]. Roughness-induced closure due to tangential cies/free volume at the interface of the matrix with localized
shifts of the fracture surfaces in shear can play a more prominent domains of slip (e.g., slip bands) that degrade material cohesion
role as MSC cracks propagate through a field of grains on a tortuous on slip planes [119–121], (ii) progressive formation of a spatial dis-
crystallographic path. Crack growth into the PSC regime is typically tribution of intrusions and extrusions associated with the intersec-
necessary to realize steady state levels of closure due to plastic tion of slip bands (interaction of dislocation dipole structures) with
wake effects. However, there are limited experimental studies in external or internal free surfaces [13], or some combination. Simi-
this regard, and realistic mesoscopic modeling and simulation of larly, with regard to directional plastic strain accumulation,
such effects for 3D cracks growing in the MSC regime in polycrys- impingement of dislocation pileups within slip bands can lead to
tals are also limited. high stresses at the leading edge that can drive microfracture of
Finally, it is worth mentioning that Miller [116,117] postulated grain or phase boundaries. This mechanism is particularly pro-
the existence of two thresholds for fatigue, depending on the stage nounced under conditions that promote ratcheting, such as the
of crack growth. We can extend Miller’s initial conception to a cas- imposition of mean stress.
cade of thresholds:
2.3. Driving force parameters and microstructure-scale fatigue
 absence of microplasticity (elastic shakedown) indicator parameters
 crack nucleation threshold (lack of irreversible slip, related to
plastic shakedown limit) To facilitate parametric studies of the effects of microstructure
 nonpropagating MSC cracks interacting with the initial set of on fatigue, it is useful to introduce certain mesoscopic fatigue indi-
strong microstructure barriers cator parameters (FIPs) that reflect driving forces for fatigue crack
 nonpropagating MSC or PSC crack that loses driving force in a formation (nucleation and limited microstructurally small crack
gradient field at a micronotch with size typically below 100 lm growth). These FIPs invariably appeal to the notion of slip irrevers-
 LEFM threshold DKth. ibility in linking to fatigue damage. It is not necessary to establish
specific functional relationships between these FIPs and compo-
Only the LEFM threshold requires conditions of similitude and nents of life corresponding to nucleation and/or incubation in or-
small scale yielding to be met; it has often been used (perhaps der to utilize them for comparing responses of a range of
indiscriminantly) as a means of quantifying nonpropagating crack microstructures in parametric studies. In some cases, power law
1528 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

relations are used to relate FIPs to number of cycles necessary to tions are intensive and therefore are unable to pursue a large num-
form a crack of a given microstructure scale, e.g., grain size [122– ber of cycles; accordingly, the information contained in a measure
126]. of cumulative plastic strain based on ðDepij Þcyc differs little from that
Some authors [127,128] have argued that crack nucleation, MSC contained in p for limited numbers of simulated cycles [107,108].
growth and limited PSC growth should depend upon local energy For high R ratios [132] of R = 0.7 and above, ratcheting dominates
dissipation. However, in a material with low to moderate rate of    
Depij  Depij and p may be more closely related to the
work hardening, the differences resulting from consideration of en- ratch cyc

ergy dissipation compared to slip accumulation as a FIP are unli- cumulative directional plastic strain. For conditions under which
kely to be significant. Wilkinson et al. [129] and Ahmed and slip impingement due to ratcheting might dominate crack forma-
Wilkinson [130] have employed electron channeling contrast tion processes, the same FIP might be used but with a different crit-
imaging (ECCI) to provide detailed information about the forma- ical value, or a FIP based on Depij might be used.
tion of persistent slip bands in fatigued single crystal samples of McDowell [108] introduced the notion of a set of FIPs that
OFHC Cu. The experimental observations demonstrate that at the reflect in more explicit manner the relative roles of reversed and
single crystal level, the establishment of persistent slip bands is a cumulative directional slip. For example, the Fatemi-Socie
precursor to fatigue crack nucleation; the nucleated crack lies in [112,133,134] shear-based parameter has been shown to correlate
the plane of the slip band. The accumulated plastic strain can be multiaxial fatigue crack initiation data very well in both LCF and
considered as a FIP for crack formation at this scale HCF regimes at the grain scale and above [112]. It is defined by
[125,126,131], i.e.,
Z t qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Dcp
max rn
PFS ¼ 1 þ K 0 max ð5Þ
p¼ e_ pij e_ pij ds: ð4Þ 2 ry
where Dcpmax =2 is the nonlocal maximum cyclic plastic shear strain
The cumulative plastic strain p does not distinguish between
averaged over a finite volume of material, rn
max and ry are the max-
ratcheting and reversed plasticity outlined in Eqs. (2) and (3) per
imum stress normal to the plane of Dcp max =2 and cyclic yield
se, but is most closely related to the reversed cyclic plastic strain
strength, respectively, and constant K0 mediates the influence of
range in Eq. (3) for many cases involving dominance of reversed
  normal stress. The spatial volume for nonlocal averaging of the driv-
plasticity (e.g., R = 1) at the grain level (i.e., Depij  ing force may be defined according to the nature of the simulation,
ðDepij Þratch ). As a practical matter, microstructure-sensitive simula- and is desirable both for purposes of numerical regularization



Location of highest
accumulated plastic strain
and crack formation

Cracking observed
(sample mid-section)
in experiments

Fig. 2. (a) Mapped region showing the grain boundaries, (b) predicted effective accumulated plastic strain developing in the heterogeneous microstructure after two cycles,
and (c) experimentally observed fatigue crack formation at the sample mid-section (approximate conditions of plane strain).
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1529

(mesh insensitivity) and targeting length scales associated with displacement range (DCTD), as well as strain-based critical plane
crack embryos (e.g., slip band width/spacing, inclusion size, etc.). concepts [139]. Moreover, numerous experiments and modeling
A similar but distinct parameter has been introduced by McDowell efforts in the literature point to the efficacy of DCTD (opening
[135] to address correlations of directional plastic strain accumula- and sliding) to correlate crack advance [101,102,140–144].
tion with crack formation due to grain or phase boundary impinge- However, the assessment of driving forces for fatigue crack
ment, i.e., nucleation at scales well below the size of individual grains re-
  mains an open issue. Crack nucleation can be regarded as a phase
0 rGB
PZP ¼ cp
net 1 þ K z ð6Þ transition. As such, further research is necessary to elucidate mate-
ry rial-specific driving forces for nucleation that may differ from the
where cp p
net ¼ maxðni eij mj Þ among all planes with unit tangent and
class of continuum FIPs listed in Eqs. (4)–(6). Current understand-
normal vectors m and n, respectively, is the maximum net plastic ing is that the maximum plastic shear strain range Dcp max =2 or the
shear strain averaged over a finite volume of material, rn GB is the
cumulative plastic strain measure in Eq. (4) may provide most rea-
average peak stress normal to a boundary segment impinged by this sonable correlation with the site of nucleation of cracks less than
slip, and K 0z is a constant that mediates the effect of this normal the grain size in surface grains, as will be discussed later in connec-
stress. tion to experimental data in Figs. 2–4. While continuum-based ap-
In fact, a range or approaches and parameters for multiaxial proaches for fatigue crack nucleation life have been introduced at
loading have been proposed and employed (cf. [54,136,137]) have the mesoscale [119,120], they do not typically deal directly with
been applied at the grain scale, some with more intimate potential dislocation substructures or the discrete nature of defects within
link to fine scale driving forces for crack nucleation and early prop- persistent slip bands that affect this process.
agation. Building on mixed mode propagation arguments by Hos- In the next section, we present a review of integrated computa-
hide and Socie [138], McDowell and Berard [137] showed that tional and experimental strategies in fatigue modeling with an
the FS parameter in Eq. (5) is closely related to the Elastic–Plastic emphasis on crack formation at the scale of grains. We then
Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) DJ-integral and the cyclic crack tip present a range of recent applications of such methodologies to


Locations of highest
accumulated plastic strain
and predicted crack


Fig. 3. (a) Experimentally observed crack formation and early and growth under plane stress conditions and (b) the predicted site of fatigue crack formation and orientation
based on the accumulated plastic strain.
1530 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

Chen et al. [157], Rene88

⎛ Δγ p* ⎞ αg
N nucl ⎜ max ⎟ =
⎝ 2 ⎠ d gr
= A FS τ y (av PFS )a − ΔCTD th

N i = N nucl + N MSC

Fig. 4. Estimated distribution fraction of grains with fatigue cracks that reach a length three times mean grain size (40 lm) as a function of applied loading cycles (lower
right) for multiple statistical realizations of equiaxed polycrystalline IN 100 microstructures with log normal grain size distribution shown at top right subjected to
completely reversed strain-controlled cycling (Re = 1) at T = 650 °C [124]. Ellipses point to the tails of the distributions that related to the life-limiting crack scenarios. (See
above-mentioned reference for further information.)

advanced structural materials. In the final sections we address fu- scale plastic strain and stresses in the vicinity of a fretting contact
ture needs and directions in companion experimental techniques were examined. Polycrystal plasticity combined with damage evo-
to support microstructure-sensitive fatigue modeling. lution equations has been investigated by Dingli et al. [147] for
cyclic behavior, and by Ekh et al. [148]. Some of the limitations
3. Integrated computational and experimental strategies in of conventional crystal plasticity, such as the absence of length
fatigue modeling scale effects and the simplifications made in incorporating grain
boundaries within the models have been addressed by Buchheit
Using FIPs, different microstructures can be compared in terms et al. [149]. The field of microstructure-sensitive crystal plasticity
of their expected values and distributions of driving force(s) to relations is rapidly evolving with improvements in material mod-
form and grow microstructurally small fatigue cracks. A primary els based on the latest experimental studies on advanced alloys
objective of this kind of modeling approach is to estimate the sen- (cf. [150,151]).
sitivity of fatigue responses to microstructure variation (either In the remainder of this section we discuss recent examples of
within a given microstructure or among comparison microstruc- applying the foregoing framework along with microstructure-sen-
tures), thereby using modeling and simulation to substantially sitive cyclic deformation simulations to support understanding of
leverage costly experimental characterization of the variability of service failures and design of fatigue-resistant microstructures.
fatigue life or fatigue strength in smooth and notched specimens The scope of these examples is limited principally to crack incuba-
[107,108,135]. Microslip and its dependence on stress ratio was tion as defined in Eq. (1), assuming the grain as the fundamental
investigated by Morrissey et al. [132,145] who showed that the on- unit of homogeneous lattice orientation and employing FIPs aver-
set of local plastic ratchetting, leading to failure for Ti–6Al–4V, de- aged over a volume on the order of a significant fraction of grain
pended strongly on stress ratio. Bennett and McDowell [59–61] size.
and Morrissey et al. [132] investigated the role of microstructural
heterogeneity on (HCF) using polycrystal plasticity and argued that 3.1. A non-intuitive example: facet fatigue failures in Ti–6Al–4V
the degree of heterogeneity of cyclic slip is a key aspect in HCF in
steels and Ti–6Al–4V, respectively. The work on cast A356–T6 Al Probably the first theoretical attempt at addressing crack nucle-
alloys in the USCAR program [62–65] highlighted the multistage ation was that due to Stroh [152] who considered a line of disloca-
framework discussed in Section 2.1, along with multiple fatigue tions oriented with respect to the remote applied loading and
limits associated with nonpropagating cracks. Shenoy at al [146] carried out an elastic analysis to determine the stress state local
used similar polycrystal techniques to investigate thermomechan- to the line of dislocations. By introducing a fracture criterion, a pre-
ical fatigue in a directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy, diction of the stress required to nucleate a crack was possible. In
embodying a phenomenological creep-fatigue-environment crack the context of facet fatigue crack formation within individual
initiation model. Studies of fretting fatigue using polycrystal plas- grains in titanium alloys, Evans and Bache [153] and Evans [154]
ticity have been carried out by Goh et al. [122,123], in which grain interpreted the experimental data in the light of the Stroh [152]
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1531

model to postulate that faceting may result from a particularly po- emanate. The location of the highest accumulated plastic strain is
tent and uncommon combination of hcp crystallographic orienta- identified in the figure at the boundary of two grains, precisely
tions in adjacent grains with respect to the loading direction where the mid-section fatigue crack was observed to nucleate
[154]. Recent work by Dunne et al. [70,72] and Rugg et al. [69] gen- and grow in experiments. It is argued, therefore, that the experi-
eralized this and has largely demonstrated that Evans and Bache mentally observed cracking occurs within a band of intense slip
[153] were correct regarding a particular combination of crystallo- predicted by the crystal plasticity simulations. Furthermore, crack
graphic orientations as a necessary but not sufficient requirement nucleation occurs first within that slip band with the highest level
for faceting. In particular, a facet crack formation mechanism based of accumulated plastic strain.
solely on combinations of orientation does not explain the dwell The free surface (as opposed to mid-section) of the bend test
dependence of faceting, the more damaging effect of a stress (as sample was subject to a state of plane stress. The accumulated
opposed to strain) dwell, nor its material volume dependence. Rate plastic strain distribution under these circumstances was also
effects were addressed in particular by Hasija et al. [79] and Venk- modeled and the results and comparisons with experimentally ob-
ataramani et al. [82] and the important phenomenon of load shed- served cracking are shown in Fig. 3. The model test sample was
ding was introduced in which stress redistribution occurs from subjected, in principle, to loading conditions identical to those in
grains well-oriented for slip (e.g., with c-axes normal to the load the experiments. The resulting free-surface cracking observed in
axis) to those less well oriented (c-axes parallel with the load axis). the experiment is shown in Fig. 3a, and the predicted distribution
In the work by Dunne et al. [70,72], it was shown that a worst case of accumulated plastic strain after one cycle of cyclic plasticity is
combination of crystallographic orientations exists – termed a ro- shown in Fig. 3b. Bands of intense slip are predicted to develop,
gue grain combination – in which a ‘hard’ grain is oriented with its emanating from the sample free surface at three particular loca-
c-axis parallel to the applied load and adjacent to a ‘soft’ grain ori- tions. Grain boundary regions (see Fig. 3a for the geometry) seem
ented with its c-axis normal to the load and an active prismatic slip to correlate with the development of the highest levels of plastic
system at about 70° to the normal to the load. In Rugg et al. [69], slip. Comparison of the simulated bands of slip localization with
the same micromechanical, rate-dependent crystal plasticity mod- the experimentally observed sites of crack nucleation in Fig. 3b
el was used to compare strain and stress cycle dwells in the rogue on the free surface shows that the cracks which are observed to
grain combination and it was found that grain boundary stresses nucleate and grow lie within the predicted bands. The orientations
were considerably higher in stress-dwell cycles because of the load of the propagating cracks also match those of the predicted slip
shedding effect [79]. More details will be provided in Section 3.3. patterns. However, crack formation was not observed experimen-
tally in the left-most predicted slip band. Overall, the results indi-
3.2. Ni-base superalloys cate the importance of slip localization as reflected by a continuum
measure of cumulative plastic strain on fatigue crack formation.
Crystal plasticity modeling techniques have also been brought One caveat is that slip localization is not fully modeled by these
to bear upon fatigue crack incubation in complex Ni-base superal- kinds of continuum crystal plasticity models; specifically, details
loys. Dunne et al. [125] carried out low cycle fatigue tests on a of slip band width and spacing are not fully addressed.
model ‘two-dimensional’ polycrystalline Ni-base superalloy, i.e., a These kinds of simulations based on formation of cracks within
directionally solidified material with near prismatic grains. Grain individual grains can be extended to include growth in the MSC re-
morphology and orientation were determined using EBSD, and gime. A multistage approach has recently been used along with
polycrystal plasticity analyses carried out for the characterized hierarchical polycrystal plasticity simulations for c  c0 Ni-base
microstructure with, in principle, identical conditions to the exper- superalloys [124,155,156] to estimate the formation and growth
iment tests. At the length scale of individual grains, fatigue crack of distributed small fatigue cracks for a range of IN 100 microstruc-
nucleation and growth depends crucially on microstructure fea- tures as a function of applied strain amplitude to support design of
tures such as grain boundaries, triple points, crystallographic ori- heat treatment (and associated precipitate distribution) for HCF
entation, and inclusions. It was found that crack nucleation resistance. Fig. 4 illustrates the application of a combined crack
occurred at free surface locations where localized slip banding nucleation and MSC growth algorithm for IN 100 [124]. A micro-
was predicted to develop by the crystal plasticity analyses. Work structure-sensitive crystal plasticity model was used to explicitly
by Manonukul and Dunne [126] on a similar polycrystalline mate- model individual grains and polycrystals, which is then used to ex-
rial also adopted the accumulated plastic strain (i.e., p in Eq. (4)) as plore effects of: (a) grain size distribution and (b) secondary and
a FIP and the model captured the sites for fatigue crack formation tertiary coherent c0 precipitate size distributions and volume frac-
in both HCF and LCF regimes. tions on the distribution of cyclic inelastic strain. Using multiple
Results from polycrystal plasticity simulations employing the statistical volume elements (SVEs) subjected to random periodic
accumulated plastic strain FIP p are compared with experimental boundary conditions to build up statistically significant distribu-
observations for the case of a ‘2D’ directionally solidified polycrys- tions of cyclic microplasticity, multiaxial fatigue criteria with crit-
talline nickel alloy sample subjected to R = 0 three-point bend fati- ical plane approaches were used to estimate the crack initiation life
gue tests. Results are presented only for a small region of the bend based on a criteria for forming a crack on the scale of the largest
sample where stresses are highest; Fig. 2a shows the grain struc- grain and then growing to three times the mean grain size. The
ture and crystallographic orientation in this region. The model test resulting distributions of cracks were representative of those ob-
sample was subjected to loading conditions identical to those in served experimentally.
the experiments. Experimental sample surface observations re-
vealed the development of surface slip traces, and it was shown 3.2.1. Extreme value statistics
[125] that they were found to agree with slip directions obtained In most fatigue design scenarios the target probability of failure
by considering the projection of active slip directions correspond- is quite low (<1%). Consequently, the distribution of rare events of
ing to maximum Schmid factors onto the plane of the sample fatigue crack formation are of most relevant. However, these tails
where the slip traces were observed. We examine, in particular, of probability distributions are quite difficult to characterize exper-
the evolution of the accumulated plastic strain only within the imentally. Przybyla et al. [158] and Przybyla and McDowell [159]
gage section in Fig. 2b. Considerable slip localization is predicted. have explored the linkage of extreme value distributions of FIPs
The crystal plasticity simulations predict the development of for Ni-base superalloys and a–b Ti microstructures in terms of
free-surface roughening from which the bands of intense slip key microstructure attributes that are associated with these rare
1532 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

events. Such an approach seeks to link the distributions of micro- depending on the complexity of the models being analyzed. More-
structure attributes and correlations between various microstruc- over, the number of samples required depends on the response
ture attributes to distributions of local response parameters (e.g., parameter considered and material being analyzed. Analogous
FIPs). To this end, marked correlation functions were introduced experimental data are typically not available.
to explore biased or weighted spatial correlations of microstruc- Fig. 5 shows extreme values of the Fatemi-Socie (Eq. (5)) FIP
ture attributes (e.g., grain size and orientation) in the neighbor- for large numbers (25–100) of statistical volume elements of
hood of FIP hotspots in Ni-base superalloys. Such weighted IN100 [159]. The data are plotted to reveal parameters of the ex-
probability methods depart from conventional approaches that treme value Gumbel distribution, i.e., F Y n ðyn Þ ¼ exp½ean ðyn un Þ .
consider only stereological characterization of attributes and ex- These FIPs were fit with high confidence (R2 > 0.97) by the
treme value spatial correlations of such geometric attributes. In Gumbel distribution. These extreme value distributions of
other words, it is not enough to simply quantitatively characterize the FIP responses coupled with the extreme value marked corre-
microstructure – companion simulations of responses are neces- lation functions permit assessment of the distribution of driving
sary to demarcate microstructure attributes particularly relevant force(s) for fatigue damage formation (i.e., crack nucleation and
to fatigue resistance. microstructurally small crack growth) in polycrystalline IN100.
Given a volume window X over a microstructure, Przybyla and Moreover, by association of the character of the marked correla-
McDowell [159] define the probability distribution of the extreme tion function Rmax(a)(b, b0 |r, X) for extreme value events Fex(a|X),
valued response parameter a as Fex(a|X), which is the probability Przybyla and McDowell [159] demonstrated that for a given
that the response parameter of value a is the extreme value for a applied stress state, the particular microstructure attributes that
sampled statistical volume element of microstructure X. This fol- affect low probability of failure can be identified. These are often
lows the ideas of extreme value sampling from classical extreme non-intuitive and are essentially inaccessible to experiments
value statistics of Gumbel [160,161]. Corresponding to the proba- unless very large numbers are performed, which is usually
bility distribution of the extreme value response parameter is the impractical. Accordingly, they serve as effective indicators to
extreme value marked radial correlation function, Rmax(a)(b, b0 |r, X). guide design of extreme value attributes of microstructure that
We define Rmax(a)(b, b0 |r, X) as the probability of finding of a sphere influence HCF resistance.
centered at the microstructure attribute b corresponding to the
location of the maximum response parameter a in the microstruc- 3.2.2. Surface to subsurface transitions in HCF to VHCF
ture window X, with microstructure attribute b0 at a distance with- Primary inclusions are often dominant sites of fatigue crack
in r to r + dr from b in any direction. Although based on the notion of formation and early growth in high strength steels, powder metal-
the marked correlation functions introduced by Pyrz [162], this lurgy alloys, and casting alloys. Transition from surface-dominated
new construct is fundamentally unique in its framing of extreme fatigue processes to subsurface failure initiation is often observed
value statistics. in these systems in moving from the HCF (106 cycles) to the VHCF
This two part statistical construct captures both the extreme va- regime (109 cycles and beyond) [163,164]. Competition between
lue response of the microstructure as represented by the response near surface and bulk inclusions is key to this failure mode transi-
parameter a and the biased correlations of microstructure attri- tion. Cashman [165] studied competing fatigue failure modes for
butes between b and b0 in the neighborhood of the observed ex- René 95, with nucleation attributed to the presence of small cera-
treme values of a in a microstructure window X. In this way, mic inclusions; the difference in fatigue lives was an order of mag-
spatial correlations are identified between microstructure attri- nitude between surface and subsurface initiated modes of failure.
butes that have a high probability of existing in the neighborhood Jha et al. [166,167] noted that experimental fatigue life data sepa-
of an extreme value response parameter. This sampling is per- rates into two distinct populations corresponding to competing
formed on microstructure window X and is expected to depend surface and bulk initiation at nonmetallic particles, based on data
on the size of X. The method requires multiple instantiations of for two aircraft gas turbine engine materials, a titanium alloy,
X to effectively sample both Fex(a|X) and Rmax(a)(b, b0 |r, X) to build and a Ni-base superalloy. The increased scatter in the experimental
up the tail of the probability distribution corresponding to extreme life data [168,169] in clean steels at low stress amplitudes is attrib-
value response neighborhoods. Such sampling can require exten- uted to the competition between surface and internal inclusion
sive processing time for both simulations and data analysis failure modes that manifest significantly different fatigue lives.

Fig. 5. Example polycrystalline statistical volume element (SVE) (left) and extreme value distribution of the Fatemi-Socie FIP (right) as estimated within most highly
activated grains of individual SVEs among a large set for completely reversed simulations cycled at 0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.7% strain amplitude [159].
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1533

Prediction of the ratio of surface to subsurface probabilities for

crack initiation demands a probabilistic mechanics framework that
incorporates competing effects of local microstructure neighbor-
hoods, proximity to the surface, inclusion size and shape, and
interaction with surface oxides or other environmental effects. As
the applied stress amplitude decreases, the influence of micro-
structure attributes becomes pronounced since localized micro-
plasticity dominates. The probability of life-limiting hotspot
microstructure attributes occurring in the bulk of the specimen
for fatigue crack formation and early growth increases with
decreasing applied stress even though the bulk to surface volume
remains constant. As the applied stress amplitude decreases, the
number density of microstructure hotspots that can produce suffi-
cient driving force for fatigue crack formation in the surface region
decreases and so does the probability of a hotspot located near the
surface. The essential notion used to describe the stress amplitude
Fig. 6. Relative probabilities of surface and subsurface fatigue crack formation for dependence of the failure mode transition from HCF to VHCF re-
LCF to HCF/VHCF transition.
gimes is the weighting of the probability of finding microstructure

Loading Direction
ux = 0
Strain (%)

0.01 0.02 Time (s)

uy = 0

Primary ‘Hard’ Grain

Secondary ‘Soft’ Grain

σn T Loading
A θ r A

Slip Plane
Fig. 7. (a) Schematic polycrystal showing the path through three grains along which stresses are determined and the boundary conditions, (b) representative crystallographic
orientations of the three (primary, secondary and tertiary) grains, and (c) the displacement-controlled loading applied at the top boundary of the polycrystal shown in (a).
1534 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

attributes of a certain size, shape, and spatial correlation with of approximately 70° to the normal to the loading direction. This ro-
other microstructure attributes by the corresponding potency for gue grain combination gives rise to the highest grain boundary
forming fatigue cracks, using a nonlocal average FIP parameter stresses between the primary hard grain and the secondary soft
from numerical simulations. In effect, this is entirely analogous grain.
to the use of the marked correlation function described in the last The polycrystal in Fig. 7a has also been subjected to strain- and
section to identify the extreme value statistics for HCF in micro- stress-controlled loading with and without a strain or stress dwell
structures with complex, multivariate interactions. Work is under- period, respectively. The local stresses along the path shown in
way to pursue the description of the HCF to VHCF failure mode Fig. 7 are given in Fig. 9 for both displacement/strain- and load/
transition illustrated schematically in Fig. 6 [158]. stress-controlled histories at both the post-hold and pre-hold
points in the loading. Under strain-controlled conditions, the stres-
3.3. Ti–6Al–4V and a–b Ti variants ses both before and after the dwell period are quite similar,
although in the soft, secondary and tertiary grains (shown sche-
Facet fatigue crack nucleation in titanium alloys, discussed in matically in Fig. 7), some stress relaxation is observed following
Section 3.1, is becoming increasingly well understood with assis- the dwell period. However, for the case of stress-controlled load-
tance from polycrystal plasticity modeling. Fig. 7a shows a polycrys- ing, at the grain boundaries, the stresses can be seen to increase
tal model comprised of 27 grains with different crystallographic significantly after the dwell. This occurs because during the stress
orientation. Three grains, however, have had their crystallographic dwell, the softer (secondary and tertiary) grains creep, leading to
orientations specified, namely the primary, secondary and tertiary local stress relaxation. The requirement to maintain the applied
grains through which a path has been drawn in Fig. 7a, as schemat- stress therefore results in the hard (primary) grain carrying a high-
ically shown in Fig. 7b. The displacement-controlled loading applied er stress. This effect has been termed load-shedding by Hasija et al.
to the polycrystal is shown in Fig. 7c in terms of strain versus time; [79], but a comparison of responses obtained under load- and dis-
the yy stresses developed at a time of 0.01 s (Fig. 7c) are given in placement-controlled deformation had not been addressed. It is of
Fig. 8 for a range of orientations of the secondary, soft, grain, for considerable significance that a load-controlled dwell leads to
fixed orientations of the primary and tertiary grains. At the primary notably higher stresses within the primary grain, close to the
– secondary grain boundary, the orientation variation of the boundary, relative to those obtained under displacement-con-
secondary grain leads to a stress variation of about 120 MPa. Work trolled loading, since facet formation under cyclic loading contain-
by Dunne et al. [70] showed that there exists a worst case combina- ing a dwell period has been observed in experiments to be much
tion for hcp crystals; as shown schematically in Fig. 7b, this worst more likely for the load-controlled case.
case corresponds to a primary grain with c-axis near-parallel to Sinha et al. [170] have carried out load-controlled dwell-fatigue
the loading direction adjacent to two (secondary and tertiary) tests on a near-a titanium sample for which microstructural
grains with c-axes near-normal to the loading direction together examination revealed the nucleation of a facet, shown in Fig. 10a.
with an active slip system in the secondary grain making an angle Detailed SEM and EBSD with serial sectioning enabled determina-
tion of the location of facet formation, and the orientations of the
grain in which faceting occurred and surrounding grains. The basal
1000 orientation distribution in a sample section (normal to the loading
900 direction) [170] is shown in Fig. 10a together with the faceted
Stress yy (MPa)

grain. The facet was found to occur in a grain with basal plane ori-
800 40
ented nearly normal to the loading direction and adjacent grains
700 had c-axes nearly normal to the faceted grain. This is precisely
600 the worst combination of orientations predicted by crystal plastic-
ity modelling and indeed for the loading shown in Fig. 10b, the
500 80
modeling techniques were able to predict the formation of a facet
400 90
precisely where it was observed in the experiment, shown in
300 Fig. 10c and d.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Bridier et al. [171,172] considered the spatial and orientation
Normalised Distance distributions of cyclic slip on various slip systems and found that
parameters that combine effects of plastic shear strain range with
Fig. 8. Normal stress component yy along the path shown in Fig. 7 through the normal stresses on such planes (e.g., FS parameter in Eq. (5)) are
primary, secondary and tertiary grains for the in-plane orientations of grain S
useful to identify individual grains where cracks form in duplex
(denoted by h in Fig. 7b).
Ti–6Al–4V, using microstructure-sensitive constitutive models for
Ti-64 [173,174]. In particular, it is observed that cracks form at
within mesoscopic bands of preferred crystallographic texture in
grains with high FS FIPs; such micro-textures are important in con-
trolling minimum fatigue life in a–b Ti alloys [172]. It is noted that
Strain control, post-hold standard crystal plasticity models typically predict too many oper-
ative slip systems for this class of alloys, so provision must be
Strain control, pre-hold
made for preferred softening of initially activated systems due to
breakdown of short range order [172,174]. In addition, this high
Stress control, post-hold
degree of slip planarity promotes formation of shear bands; as
Stress control, pre-hold
shown in Fig. 11, an explicit strategy for allowing shear to localize
in bands is necessary to both model progressive cyclic softening for
single crystals in different orientations and to properly localize
cyclic plastic strain for purposes of modeling the driving force for
fatigue crack formation [175]. This demonstrates the importance
Fig. 9. The local yy normal stress component along the path shown in Fig. 7a and b of constitutive modeling in applying these types of FIP-based
through the rogue grain combination. algorithms.
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1535

Fig. 10. (a) Experimentally determined crystallographic orientations (courtesy of [170]) used in the modeling, (b) the load-controlled history (rc = 1200 MPa) with a stress
dwell leading to (c) the initial formation of the facet in the rogue grain combination early in the dwell period, followed by (d) full facet formation at the end of the dwell
period. In (c) and (d), any color other than that of the background indicates that the cleavage failure criterion has been achieved and that at that point, the material has no

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimentally measured slip traces with predicted cumulative plastic strain distribution at an applied strain et = 2% in Ti–6Al–4V [175].
1536 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

(a) 0 (b)
Residual Stress (MPa)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Depth ( m)

(c) Tooth Fracture Surface Mating Fracture Surface

4 4
2 3 3
1 2 1

Backscatter Image
20 µm

(d) 1.4

1.2 5μm
FIP (x 10-5)



( Δγ p* (
max / 2
0.0 ΔΓ

50 100 150 200 250 300

Depth ( m)
Fig. 12. Variation of nonlocal maximum cyclic plastic shear strain amplitude and FS parameter DC=PFS with depth for single partially debonded particle in martensitic gear
steel. Remote uniaxial cyclic loading direction is parallel to Z-axis.

3.4. Martensitic gear steels strengthened by carburization and shot crucial role in improving the HCF resistance of martensitic steels.
peening Due to the hierarchical microstructure of martensite [181–185]
and the scales over which process-induced strengthening effects
High strength martensitic gear steel is a viable candidate mate- are realized in components, it is quite challenging to develop
rial for high performance, reliable transmission systems in aero- models that couple process effects and microstructure attributes
space and automotive applications. Microstructure at different at different length scales. A hierarchical approach is most suitable
length scales (inclusions, precipitates, and composition gradients) and computationally conducive to investigate the coupling of pro-
affects fatigue performance of martensitic steels [176–180]; how- cess route with grain scale cyclic plastic deformation phenomena
ever, efforts to develop computational models that correlate these in components.
attributes with variability in fatigue crack formation and micro- In a study of FerriumÒ C61 alloy gear steel, a carburized, fully
structurally small crack growth have been limited. Additionally, lath martensitic steel [186] developed by Questek Innovations
processing steps such as carburization and shot peening play a LLC [187], Prasannavenkatesan et al. [188] and Zhang et al. [189]
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1537

developed simulation strategies that account for the effect of the the literature have attempted to measure the 3D nature of fatigue
gradient of carbon content on mechanical properties and the ef- cracks and sequence of formation and propagation events; what
fects of shot peening on subsurface residual stresses in the vicinity appears to be crack formation at the surface may sometimes corre-
of intact, cracked and partially debonded primary Al2O3 inclusions spond to subsurface formation and growth to the surface, for
and inclusion clusters. example. The nature of the crack front is not captured unless some
The measured residual stress profile after shot peening is shown type of tomographic imaging is used. There is a tremendous need
in Fig. 12a. Under reversed bending stress with R = 0.05, it is ob- for experimental strategies that facilitate selective formation of
served that fatigue cracks form at a depth of approximately 200– cracks that are indistinguishable from naturally occurring cracks,
270 lm below surface, as shown in Fig. 12b. The location of crack and to track them through the MSC growth in the first few grains
formation is not within the tensile residual stress zone of the shot in 3D manner rather than just relying on optical surface measure-
peening-affected region. SEM analysis of the fracture surface and ments [190].
its mating surface in Fig. 12c indicates that the cracks are formed Much recent work has focused on the development of micro-
at clusters of debonded Al2O3 inclusions (particles 1, 2, 3 and 4) testing methods. For example, Gong and Wilkinson [191] have
on the tooth fracture surface [186]. The location of subsurface fati- developed techniques for micro-milling cantilever beams of length
gue crack formation is accurately predicted using either the two about 20 lm using a FIB. Nano-indentation is then used to apply
parameter FIP in Eq. (5) or the cyclic plastic shear strain range loading at the free end. The cantilevers may be single crystal or
Dcp 3
max =2, both averaged over 1 lm at the micronotch root. The may contain a single grain boundary. Careful choice of the location
simulation results indicate a strong propensity for crack formation for FIBbing enables control of the particular crystallographic orien-
at subsurface depths in accordance with experiments. By varying tation(s) of the single or bi-crystal. In this way, it is possible to con-
the initial condition of the interface between primary inclusion trive slip to occur on very particular slip systems and it is feasible
and the matrix (debonded versus intact, as well as cracked parti- that this experimental technique could provide valuable informa-
cles), Prasannavenkatesan et al. [188] and Zhang et al. [189] tion about slip transfer across a grain boundary. It also potentially
showed that residual stresses following shot peening are sensitive provides information about highly localized planar slip. These sorts
to inclusion interface conditions. The gradient of material proper- of experiments, probably combined with discrete dislocation mod-
ties, applied stress, and distribution of residual stress can coopera- eling, can potentially enable the development of ‘rules’ for slip
tively affect subsurface fatigue crack formation, as can alignment transfer (dependent on combinations of crystallographic orienta-
of inclusion stringers relative to the free surface and orientation tions and grain morphologies) that can be employed in crystal
of primary applied stress. plasticity. Mechanistic understanding and validation could be ob-
tained through post-processing of tested samples using TEM and
X-ray synchrotron diffraction techniques.
4. Companion experimental techniques and studies A higher length scale pertains to an aggregate of say 10–20
grains. Here, there is a need for experimental techniques to deter-
Modeling techniques are now capable of providing support in mine grain-level deformation (e.g., using samples with grids or
the development of mechanistic understanding of material behav- employing digital image correlation) and pre- and post-test EBSD
ior at the length scale of grains and below in polycrystals. However, that provides information regarding lattice rotation. In addition,
micromechanical testing is crucial to the development of mecha- EBSD techniques developed by Wilkinson et al. [192] also enable
nistic understanding and support of models. In this section, we the direct determination of lattice curvature (although not out-
identify some important experimental and characterization tech- of-plane) from which estimates of densities of geometrically neces-
niques that should be employed both for the calibration and vali- sary dislocations can be made; this can reinforce the results from
dation of modeling techniques. discrete dislocation simulations and can provide further validation
There remain substantial hurdles to the development of realis- for the dislocation-based hardening rules implemented in the crys-
tic microstructure-level models for fatigue crack formation and tal plasticity model. Measurement of deformation and lattice cur-
early growth. These include the paucity in understanding of grain vature at scales involving hundreds of grains is presently
boundaries and slip transfer, the development of highly localized problematic.
planar slip which is characteristic of metals with low to moderate From a practical perspective, variation of composition in alloys
stacking fault energy, and the development of dislocation substruc- can have a profound effect on local strength and ductility. It is
tures within grains. A further practical problem is that most cur- rarely characterized experimentally. Initial dislocation density is
rent modeling strategies neglect initial residual stress, which can typically not well characterized to provide initial conditions and
substantially affect HCF response. An immediate complexity, even calibration for microstructure-sensitive crystal plasticity models.
with respect to a ‘simple’ single phase metal, is the three dimen- Residual stresses are often neglected in experiments, as is charac-
sionality of the grain structure. One way to simplify is to consider terization of initial texture or texture gradients. All of these aspects
pseudo two-dimensional grain structures, both in experiments and play a first order role not only in calibrating and validating models,
modeling, but this is strictly limited to directionally-solidified which is the usual context in which they are mentioned, but also in
materials, for example. Another model simplification is to mesh proper interpretation of experimental data. In other words, pursuit
2D representations of 3D microstructures (e.g., cutting planes). In of a strategy for microstructure-sensitive fatigue modeling relies
this case, not only is the constraint problematic, but the 3D nature heavily on updating testing and characterization protocols to pro-
of the material is not fully considered, including more complex vide more details of the state of the material, particularly if the goal
interactions of grains/phases. Nonetheless, such 2D idealizations is to predict the fatigue life distribution; this is the current state of
provide significant simplification and can enable larger parametric affairs.
studies. The increase in computing time when moving from 2D to
3D microstructures is often several orders of magnitude, and such
computations are highly intensive even in 2D. Although 3D data 5. Opportunities for next generation simulation-based fatigue
would inherently seem preferable, a statistically significant set of
quantitative 3D microstructure data are often limited for a given With increased emphasis on reducing materials development
material. Moreover, in exploring virtual microstructures, such data and insertion cycle times and design of reliable fatigue resistant
do not exist. For microstructurally small cracks, very few studies in materials, microstructure-sensitive modeling and simulation come
1538 D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542

to the forefront. Achieving enhanced predictive capability is a ma-  Crack growth relations from micron-scale inclusions or pores
jor current research driver for simulation-based design. There are within the microstructure do not typically address the impor-
some areas in which crystal plasticity models need to improve tant role of discrete dislocations at such scales. Microstructural-
for modeling cyclic plasticity. For example, low symmetry crystal ly small cracks growing from heterogeneities such as inclusions
structures often exhibit both slip and twinning. Heterogeneity of are subject to consideration of the scale of dislocation spacing
slip and twinning at the grain scale is typically not considered in relative to mesh size in continuum relations, and hybrid discrete
crystal plasticity, but would be relevant to crack formation. As dislocation models may be useful to pursue [106].
highlighted in Fig. 11, nonlocal models capable of predicting local-  As mentioned above, grain boundaries are treated largely as
ization of shear at the mesoscale, calibrated or validated by exper- compatibility surfaces (mechanical effects of misorientation)
iments, is an emerging frontier. Another area is the treatment of without acknowledging effects of their structure on dislocation
grain boundaries in mediation of slip. Much recent interest has fo- mediation. Grain boundary engineering is appealing as a context
cused on the role of grain boundaries in mediating plastic deforma- for design using microstructure-sensitive fatigue. Gao et al.
tion [193–196] and how this may contribute to fatigue crack [197] have shown, for example, that GB-engineered polycrystals
formation and early growth [197]. The issue of how much fidelity of ME3 Ni-base superalloy can achieve reduced average crack
is necessary in models to resolve grain level response is greatly growth rates in the MSC regime compared to as-received mate-
tempered by the reality that our present state of modeling is lack- rial. Existing methods to account for grain boundaries are of
ing in realism in capturing slip transfer reactions at grain and simplified nature and lack predictive quality.
phase boundaries. Frankly, this is enough of a concern that it  Strain localization processes associated with dislocation sub-
dampens the urgency of methods for smooth topological meshing structure formation (e.g., slip bands) are not naturally treated
of grains in 3D polycrystals until it is properly addressed. in the local continuum representation of slip. The relative ratios
Several compelling aspects requiring future development are of transgranular and intergranular crack nuclei cannot presently
listed below: be predicted, nor can the fractions of transgranular and inter-
granular growth paths in the MSC regime. Calibration is neces-
 Amplitude, stress state, and material-specific predictive rela- sary. For example, some promising recent work is devoted to
tions are lacking for fatigue crack nucleation. In spite of consid- understanding the role of cyclic softening in strain localization
erable literature regarding dislocation substructure formation in [203,204] in martensitic steels.
fatigue, crack nucleation is a very complex multiscale phenom-  HCF and particularly VHCF are characterized as extreme value
enon, still very much in the early stages of modeling. It seems to problems in terms of the relevant statistics that govern reliabil-
us incontrovertible that unless mechanistic understanding of ity. Extreme value statistics are necessary to address these
material behavior at length scales appropriate to crack issues, and are not presently well developed, particularly with
nucleation is better developed and captured by the modeling regard to the common case of low probability of failure [159].
techniques, prediction of nucleation will remain elusive. As  Characterization of scatter in fatigue via modeling is a promising
mentioned before, various nucleation models in the existing lit- future trend for microstructure-sensitive fatigue simulation
erature appeal to energetics of fracture processes with evolving [1,107,108,205,206] in view of its practicality and potential for
irreversibility and are not of predictive nature [119,120]. Kirane augmenting and reducing the number of required experiments.
and Ghosh [83] have recently proposed an approach for fatigue  Methods for accelerating simulations [84] to capture responses
crack nucleation based on the observed similarities between of polycrystals over tens or hundreds of thousands of cycles
crack evolution at the tip of a crack and a dislocation pileup. are presently not well developed and would be of substantial
The nucleation model is calibrated and validated using data utility for evolving residual stresses and cumulative plastic
available from acoustic microscopy though real time monitoring deformation, particularly for metastable microstructures (e.g.,
of crack evolution in dwell fatigue experiments. Sauzay and cyclic softening or hardening).
Gilormini [198] have considered the role of the free surface on
nucleation of fatigue cracks in slip bands. The roles of free vol-
ume and related atomistic aspects have not yet been fully woven 6. Conclusions
into mesoscale criteria or models.
 Crack growth is related to irreversibility of slip arising from The development of microstructure-sensitive computational
environmental interactions with slip, interaction of point and methods for fatigue crack formation in polycrystalline microstruc-
line defects with microstructure, and internal stresses that tures over the past few decades is reviewed. The concept of micro-
evolve with dislocation structure and modify the crack tip driv- plasticity within individual grains is introduced as a key driving
ing force, yet continuum crystal plasticity slip measures do not force parameter for fatigue crack formation, and associated fatigue
reflect this irreversibility nor do they employ any predictive indicator parameters (FIPs) are introduced that relate to grain scale
means to account for it, particularly for realistic microstructures. fatigue crack formation and microstructurally small fatigue crack
Phenomenological models have been introduced [199,200], growth. Strategies are discussed which employ explicit 2D repre-
including extensions of fracture mechanics concepts that con- sentations of a set of experimentally characterized surface grains,
sider microstructure [201] or models based on continuously dis- as well as 3D statistical volume elements that are constructed by
tributed dislocations [202]. Discrete dislocation models offer a sampling spatial statistics of microstructure attributes. The former
more predictive pathway to understand amplitude, R-ratio and are used to understand mechanisms of cyclic plastic deformation
overload/underload effects but are presently highly idealized and fatigue crack formation and to validate models, and the latter
in terms of slip mode, geometry and interaction with surround- are used to support design of fatigue-resistant microstructures
ing microstructure. The use of combined strategies of discrete and build up statistics of failure probability. One may pursue multi-
dislocation models with mixed mode cohesive zone strategies ple pathways in designing fatigue-resistant microstructures. One is
may offer qualitative description of trends and phenomena to reduce nucleation probability though refinement and strength-
[104–106]; it remains to be seen if the basic physics of fatigue ening of microstructure, or to decrease the number density of nucle-
crack growth is adequately treated by such idealizations to ation sites by controlling morphology. Another is to increase the
offer predictive capability in the context of hierarchical threshold for MSC propagation by reducing barrier spacing, promot-
microstructure. ing extension of Stage I propagation, or increasing barrier strength.
D.L. McDowell, F.P.E. Dunne / International Journal of Fatigue 32 (2010) 1521–1542 1539

Simulations Distribution of FIPs

Digital SVEs

Assess Fatigue
Rank-order Range of
Variability via FIPs
(for max. min. life or
Robust Materials min. variability)
Fig. 13. Using microstructure-sensitive simulations to ‘‘close the loop” in rank ordering microstructures for fatigue resistance, including design for desired failure probability
(courtesy of C. Przybyla, Georgia Tech).

From a ‘‘top-down” perspective, the methodology of quantify- C.-H. Goh, M. Shenoy, M. Zhang, R. Prasannavenkatesan, C. Przyby-
ing the effects of microstructure morphology on the distribution la, and N. Salajegheh, as well as post docs A. Wang, R. Kumar, J.
of fatigue response is a logical component of microstructure-sensi- Zhang, and F. Bridier. Professor Dunne would like to acknowledge
tive design and prognosis strategies. Fig. 13 provides a philosoph- the contributions of David Rugg and Adrian Walker, Rolls-Royce,
ical construct for using computational micromechanics to relate in connection with the facet fatigue work and those of Angus Wil-
variation of microstructure (within a single sample or a popula- kinson in micro-mechanics and microscopy.
tion) to variability in fatigue response (or properties). We note that
although a given simulation is deterministic, statistics are com-
piled by simulating a population of microstructures (SVEs) and re- References
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