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David Ferrie's Web of Intrigue

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The passage provides an overview of David Ferrie's mysterious life and his links to various organizations and individuals related to the JFK assassination such as Lee Harvey Oswald.

He was a 45-year-old New Orleans resident who was a pilot, hypnotist, pianist and amateur psychologist. He had connections to anti-Castro groups in Cuba. The authorities were interested in him after the JFK assassination due to his links to Oswald.

He was a pilot for Eastern Airlines until fired for homosexual activity. He flew missions to Cuba and was involved in gun smuggling. He had anti-Castro, anti-Kennedy and anti-Communist views. The authorities monitored him for his activities.



By John S Craig

Lee Harvey Oswald has been described by the Warren Commission

and supporters of the Commission's findings, as a loner who ha'
inadequate social skills and a miserable marriage. In reality, howeve
he had numerous relationships with organizations and individuals
linked with the activities of pro-communists, anti-communistsn
Cuban exiles, right-wing groups and the Mafia. One of the moisj
intriguing of these relationships was with the brilliant misfit David'
William Ferrie of New Orleans. This article presents an overview ,47:
research concerning Ferrie that has been reported over the years Nil
serious researchers and official government documents, as well as arit.
investigation of less credible sources that have helped to spin tire
legend of Ferrie.

Introduction Secret Service had an almost Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, Jack Ruby,
immediate interest in Ferrie following Sergio Arcacha Smith and Carlos
Both before and after the the assassination. Ferrie's activities Marcello.
assassination, Ferrie's life is full of and enigmatic behaviour became a
mystery, strange activity and puzzling subject of serious concern for the 1978 Ferrie possessed assorted talents and
behavior. Cuban exiles christened him House Select Committee's invest- eccentricities. He was a pilot who
the "master of intrigue." Jim Garrison, igation of the assassination, citing that learned how to tly in Cleveland at Sky
New Orleans DA during the 'sixties, "several parallels in the lives of the Tech Inc. from 1942-45. At one time
described him as a key figure in the two (Oswald and Feme) emerged: he was a senior pilot with Eastern
assassination of the President and "one complex personality and political Airlines until he was fired for
of history's most important beliefs; difficulty in achieving normal homosexual activity on the job. He
individuals." Robert Morrow, a CIA social adjustment; and a pattern of was also a hypnotist, an accomplished
contract employee from 1959 to 1964, visiting the same locality at the same pianist, a serious researcher into the
claims that he worked with Ferrie on time, and engaging in similar origins of cancer, an amateur
many CIA covert operations and activities." (1) psychologist and the victim of a
believes that Ferrie was the strange disease, alopecia, which made
"mastermind" behind the his body void of hair.
assassination. An ex-roommate of Who was David Ferrie?
Ferrie, Raymond Broshears, declared He listed his name in the telephone
that Ferrie confided details to him At the time of the assassination, David directory as Dr Ferrie by right of a
concerning Ferries role in the Ferrie was a 45-year-old New Orleans doctorate degree in psychology from
assassination. A former Ferrie resident. Since the assassination, an unaccredited school, Phoenix
associate, Jack Martin, contended that researchers and investigators have University of Bari, Italy. Anti-Castro,
Feme was part of a plot to kill the been intensely interested in his anti-Kennedy and anti-Communist,
President, only to withdraw his association with some of the most Ferrie was also a bishop of the
assertions and say that his accusations notorious names said to be linked to Orthodox Old Catholic Church of
were figments of his imagination. The the assassination: Lee Harvey Oswald, North America.
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His odd lifestyle was embellished by Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC). obtained the grenades or why he had
an equally bizarre appearance An FBI report in April 1961 indicated them. (9)
featuring a red toupee and false that Marcello contributed funds to
eyebrows. He often made disparaging Smith's anti-Castro organization in Ferrie became involved with Smith,
remarks concerning the intelligence of exchange for concessions in Cuba Gordon Novel and Layton Martens in
women. Investigator and author after Castro's overthrow. The House a raid on a munitions dump in Houma,
Harrison Livingstone met Ferrie and Select Committee on Assassinations Louisiana. (10) The HSCA discovered
remembered him as "an intense and (HSCA) stated that based on the that in the summer of 1963, Novel,
sinister, cynical, disgusting, evidence available to it, anti-Castro Martens, Ferrie and others associated
disheveled individual who was excited Cuban groups were not involved in the with New Orleans private investigator
at the prospect of preying upon the assassination but the evidence did not Guy Banister, robbed the munitions
vulnesehle, the helpless and the "preclude the possibility that bunker owned by the Schlumberger
innocent." individual members may have been Company of Houma, Louisiana. The
involved." (4) The HSCA investigated men took the stolen munitions to
Ferrie had not always been anti- the most violent and frustrated anti- Banister's 544 Camp Street office.
Castro. In the 'fifties he flew guns to Castro groups and their leaders from Novel claimed that the raid was not an
Castro's rebel forces as they fought among more than 100 Cuban exile illegal act but arranged by the CIA in
Batista's army in the Sierra Maestra. organizations in existence in Operation Mongoose, an official
In August 1959 he was put under November 1963. (5) operation against Cuba, developed by
surveillance by Miami customs agents the National Security Council with the
who believed that he was involved in blessing of JFK in November 1961.
gun smuggling. (2) After a 26-hour Sergio Arcacha Smith Novel lied to the FBI about the CIA's
surveillance and background involvement in the Houma theft
investigation, Customs agents Ferrie worked with Sergio Arcacha because he felt he was expected to lie
informed FAA officials that Ferric Smith in counter-revolutionary about it. In a suit against Playboy, for
was "not involved in any nefarious activities. Ferrie built two miniature having published Jim Garrison's claim
activities of wrongdoing." In 1961 he submarines which he planned to use in that Novel was with the CIA, Novel
flew bombing missions over Cuba and an attack on Havana Harbor. (6) Ferrie testified that Guy Banister and Sergio
sometimes made daring landings to was questioned by the FBI on August Arancha Smith worked under CIA
retrieve anti-Castro resistance fighters. 22, 1961 concerning the submarines operative David Atlee Phillips. In the
When Castro announced his intention and he stated that he was "working same testimony, Novel admitted that
to become a Communist and aligned with, and assisting, the Cuban he had known Clay Shaw since 1959.
his political
philosophy with HSCA
Khrushchev's "Ferrie built' .two miniature subrnari nes which investigator
Soviet Union, Gaeton Fonzi
Ferrie turned he planned= lo- use in an attack on----171avana- looked into a
against him.
_ possible
between David

Communism in Atlee Phillips

Cuba, and Revolutionary Front, which is under and Lee Harvey
Kennedy's inability to do anything the leadership of Sergio Arcacha Oswald. It is Fonzi's belief that
about it, drove Ferric to become Smith, 207 Batter Building, New Phillips and another CIA man,
vociferous in his speech against the Orleans, Louisiana, off and on since Maurice Bishop, are the same person.
President. He turned against Kennedy November 1960. (7) An ex-accountant, Antonio Veciana,
during the Bay of Pigs debacle, In a worked as a Cuban freedom fighter
July 1961 speech before the New Smith requested Eastern Airlines to with the anti-Castro Cuban exile group
Orleans chapter of the Military Order give Ferrie a leave without pay for Alpha 66, and was involved with CIA
of World Wars, the organization put a full-time work for the CRC. Although operations through Maurice Bishop.
stop to Ferrie's remarks when he the request was denied, Ferries Veciana told Fonzi that he had seen
became too critical of Kennedy. (3) vacation in April 1961 coincided with Bishop talking with Oswald (there was
the Bay of Pigs invasion. (8) The no doubt it was him according to
At this time, Ferric became a member HSCA was unable to find whether Veciana) in the lobby of a Dallas
of the anti-Castro Cuban Ferrie had any role in the invasion. office building in late August or early
Revolutionary Front, an organization September 1963. Although Oswald
financed by New Orleans Mafia boss An Eastern Airlines steward, John was residing in Louisiana during late
Carlos "The Little Man" Marcello and Harris, told the FBI that during August August and early September, Fonzi
organized by Sergio Arcacha Smith, 1961 he had seen hand grenades in the believes that there are definite periods
head of the Cuban Revolutionary trunk of Ferries car. Later that same when Oswald's whereabouts are
Front delegation in New Orleans. By day, Ferrie brought two of the hand unknown, specifically September 6th
late April 1961 the Cuban grenades to Harris' apartment. Harris through the 9th, 1963. 1
Revolutionary Front became the did not know where Ferrie had
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zad Rose Cheramie Marcello's New Orleans attorney. This into the restaurant with a man he
arrangement continued through 1963. introduced as Leon Oswald. A few
During the night of November 20, Eventually Ferrie worked extensively days later Lewis said he entered
th, 1963, Rose Cheramie (aka Melba for Marcello and Guy Banister, an ex- Banister's office and found a meeting
in Christine Marcades) was either pushed FBI agent, anti-Communist, who kept in progress involving Banister, Ferric,
from a car or abandoned by two men an office at 544 Camp Street (also Quiroga, Leon Oswald and another
ed on Highway 190, outside Eunice, known as 531 Lafayette) in New person. (15) Although the owner of
el, Louisiana. During her stay in the East Orleans, a location known as a hot-bed 544 Camp Street, Sam Newman, told
ed Louisiana State hospital, she had told of sinister activities surrounding right- the HSCA that he had not rented
or Dr. Victor Weiss and another wing and anti-Castro organizations. It office space to Oswald, (16) former
ns attending doctor that her two has been suggested by authors Banister undercover worker Dan
:er companions had been discussing a plot Michael Canfield and Alan J. Campbell told Jim DtEugenio in a
he to kill the President in Dallas. She said Weberman that CIA agent E. Howard 1994 interview that Oswald was
to that the two men looked Italian and Hunt helped Sergio Arcacha Smith assigned an office at 544 Camp Street
:e. that the "underworld" was involved in link up with Banister at 544 Camp in the summer of 1963. (17)
an the plot. Her story was later confirmed Street. (11)
in by Lieutenant Francis Fruge of the Guy Banister's secretary, Delphine
cal Louisiana State Police. Banister enjoyed a colorful Roberts, told author Anthony
ay professional past that included Summers that at least once, Oswald
Fruge testified to the 1978 HSCA that involvement in the 1934 police killing and Ferrie went together to a Cuban
1. during a follow-up enquiry, he of America's Public Enemy Number exile training camp near New Orleans
..S checked with Mac Manual, owner of One John Dillinger plus work with for rifle practice. According to
:ft the Silver Slipper Lounge, a brothel Naval Intelligence. Guy Banister Roberts, Banister told her directly that
ie where Cheramie had been with her conducted background investigations Oswald was working with their office.
ar two companions. Manual told author of CRC members for Smith. This information was obtained by
rn Anthony Summers that he examined Mercenary Gerry Patrick Hemming Summers only when he paid her for an
el photographs shown to him by Fruge identified Banister as the man who, in interview related to a television
to and had picked out Sergio Arcacha September 1962, offered him a documentary. Roberts told Gerald
A Smith and a Cuban exile named contract to assassinate JFK. (12) Posner that she did not tell Summers
.te Osanto as the men who had Banister died of a heart attack on the "all the truth." When Posner
11 accompanied Cheramie. The HSCA summer of 1964. His files were interviewed Roberts and her daughter
confirmed that Arcacha Smith was a scattered to various individuals. His concerning Oswald and his
friend of David Ferrie and supposedly widow sold some of the files to the associations at 544 Camp Street, he
had contacts with Carlos Marcello. Louisiana State Police. The HSCA's became aware of a woman who
Fruge confirmed to Garrison that review of these files found Oswald's spewed hatred for the U.N., blacks,
zi Cheramie had indeed worked as a name associated with the Fair Play for and Jesse Jackson and believed that
a dancer for Jack Ruby, information Cuba Committee but they found no every Japanese person should have
_k 1 which she had divulged to him during documentary evidence that Banister been wiped off the face of the Earth.
d an interview. Cheramie confirmed had a file devoted solely to Oswald.
I She also claimed that she was the last
is Manual's identification of Osanto and Guy's brother Ross, a Louisiana State person to read the sacred scrolls that
y Smith when she told Fruge at the policeman, said that Guy "had God had written and placed in the Ark
It hospital that one of her travelling mentioned seeing Oswald hand out of the Covenant. Posner also
companions had been called Osanto Fair Play for Cuba literature on one interviewed Roberts' daughter who
and the other Sergio Arcacha Smith. occasion." Ross Banister theorized declared that Oswald did not have an
a, that Oswald had stamped the 544 office at 544 Camp Street, but he lived
Fruge contacted the Dallas police after Camp Street address on his literature in an apartment there for two or three
p the killing of Oswald but they were to embarass Guy. (13) months, a fact that is in direct contrast
A uninterested in his story. Cheramie to Marina Oswald's claim that Oswald
died in 1965 in an auto accident. Her Ferric worked with Banister at the was always at home at night. The
past was checkered with crime: 28 same time he was employed by Gill. It daughter also claimed that she met
Ls offenses, and in 1947 she had been was at 544 Camp Street that Lee Marguerite Oswald in 1963, although
0 declared criminally insane. She also Harvey Oswald may have kept Mrs. Oswald was living in Texas at
told investigators that she was on a company with Banister and Ferric. the time.
drug run from Louisiana to Houston The three men all frequented the
for Jack Ruby and that Oswald and Mancuso Restaurant on the first floor
Ruby knew one another. of 544 Camp Street. (14) A part-time Lake Pontchartrain
private investigator, Daniel L. Lewis,
told Garrison that he was drinking In February 1967, a New Orleans
Guy Banister coffee with Banister's secretary, policeman claimed that he had seen
Delphine Roberts, when Carlos Oswald and Ferrie together in a car
In March 1962 Ferrie began work as a Quiroga, a Cuban exile involved in the near the mysterious training grounds
private investigator for G. Wray Gill, Cuban Revolutionary Front, walked of Lake Pontchartrain early one
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morning in the fall of 1963. This

would have to have been the early fall "...a New Orleans policeman claimed that he
since Oswald spent most of the fall of
1963 in Dallas. One of the men
'had seen Oswald and Ferrie together in a car
identified himself as Oswald but the 1.4.near the mysterious training grounds of Lake
police officer was not clear on how the
other man identified himself. Since
then he has identified the other man as
David Ferric. Although the officer
I POntchartrain".

took the men to police headquarters, was asked to leave the air patrol just Robert told a reporter, "According to
they were released due to the lack of before Oswald joined but he Lee's own statement, 1954 was the
evidence of any wrongdoing (18) apparently remained close to the year when he first became interested
members of the organization. in communism ... I can't ' help
Cuba intelligence chief General Although Ferric denied any wondering whether it might have been
Fabian Escalante told authoress relationship with Oswald, Edward Ferrie who introduced Lee to
Claudia Furiati that "In New Orleans, Voebel, a former Oswald schoolmate Communist ideas. I realize that I have
in April and May 1963, Oswald's claimed that he, Oswald and Ferrie all nothing solid on which to base such a
primary activity in the Banister unit worked in the Civil Air Patrol. Voebel speculation, except the timing."
was as Dave Ferrie's assistant in the told the Secret Service that "when he Recently the existence of a second
traffic of weapons for Pontchartrain. joined the CAP, Captain Dave Farrie photograph showing Ferrie and
BanN'Tbr would also realize that (sic), a former pilot or co-pilot for Oswald engaged in conversation has
Oswald was the perfect person to set Delta or Eastern Airlines, was the been mentioned by researcher Sheldon
up a pro-Castro front." (19) commander." (21) Voebel also Inkol. (25) Author Norman Mailer
claimed, with no additional questions what Oswald did during his
If Banister had sonic kind of substantiation, that he spotted Ferrie leave from Keesler Air Force Base
"business" relations with Oswald or on television in a Dallas crowd only during his first year in the US Marine
Ferrie, the purpose of a relationship hours after the assassination in Dallas. Corps. Only two hours from New
begs some questions: Why is an anti- (22) Orleans by bus, Oswald returned to
Castro ex-FBI agent working directly New Orleans every weekend on pass.
with (1, Oswald) a Soviet defector Several other members of the Civil His relatives did not see him during
who has shown allegiance to pro- Air Patrol said that Ferrie and Oswald these weekends. Could he have been
Castro activities, and (2, Ferric) a were in the organization at the same spending time with people like David
rabid, anti-Castro, self-styled time. A photograph taken by John Ferric? (26)
investigator who is linked with a Ciravolo in the summer of 1955 at a
major Mafia figure (Marcello)? Were Civil Air Patrol picnic shows Ferric On September 15, 1960, Arthur W.
Oswald's activities designed to create and Oswald together. (23) Roy Koon, Federal Aeronautics
a specific intelligence persona, or McCoy, a former member of the same Administration Tower, Moisant
"legend"? Peter Dale Scott has CAP, called the FBI on November 27, Airport, told the FBI that "a former
developed a theory concerning the 1963 and told agents about a phone secretary in his office, a Mrs. John F.
manipulation of not only Oswald by call his wife had received from Ferric Barrett of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana,
people like Banister, but Ferric as earlier that day. Ferrie was "seeking had told him that her 14-year-old son
well. Scott contends that Jack Martin's information about Oswald and had been influenced to join an
false accusations against Ferric were photographs of Oswald to show that organization called 'Omnipotent.' She
orchestrated by Banister to set up he was not acquainted with Oswald." stated that he had been influenced by
Ferrie's legend. "Ferric was probably (24) Another CAP member, Jerry a 19 or 20-year-old boy whose name
in the same position as Oswald; an Paradis, told the HSCA that "Oswald was unknown to her. Members of that
employee of a private investigator, and Ferric were in the unit together. I organization had to swear allegiance
who at some point was hired, probably know they were because I was there. I and obedience to the 19 or 20-year-old
unwittingly, to create a record or specifically remember Oswald. I can boy and that the purpose of this
'legend' falsely linking himself to the remember him clearly, and Ferric was organization was to train people
assassination." (20) heading the unit then. Fm not saying concerning what they should do in the
they may have been there together, it event of an all-out attack against the
is a certainty." United States. A 'Dr. Ferric' was
Civil Air Patrol behind this organization." (27)
On the day that Oswald handed out
Although Ferric officially denied pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans
knowing Oswald, it is widely believed bearing the 544 Camp Street address. Jack Martin
that they met one another long before Ferric was leading an anti-Castro
their alleged liaison at 544 Camp demonstration a few blocks away. Ferries difficulties with the authorities
Street, New Orleans. In 1955, both concerning Kennedy's murder started
Ferrie and Oswald were members of Oswald joined the Civil Air Patrol in with an FBI interview between agent
the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Ferric 1954. In an interview with Look Jerry P. Stein and New Orleans private
magazine in 1967, Oswald's brother investigator Jack S. Martin. on
November 25, 1963. Martin told the unwelcome news. He told Ferrie's this trip show two calls to radio
FBI that David Ferrie had a friend Layton Martens that Oswald's stations WSHO and WDSH in New
relationship with the accused assassin wallet had been found to contain a Orleans and a collect call to the Town
Lee Harvey Oswald. This certainly library card with Ferrie's name on it. and Country Motel, Marcello's New
must have been unwanted news to the Oswald's former New Orleans Orleans headquarters. (31) Was this
FBI; just the day before, the only landlady, vfrs. Jessie Gamer, was paid visit to Houston the first leg of a trip
suspect in the case had been murdered a visit by a visibly agitated Ferrie, to Dallas designed to eliminate
and now there were others to who wondered if she knew anything Oswald through Ivlarcello's orders, or
investigate. For the FBI, Martin's about the card. Ferric then rushed to was Ferric to act as a getaway pilot?
claims were equally disturbing and an ex-neighbor of Oswald and again Garrison felt the ice rink was a
outrageous: Ferrie had instructed asked for information about the card message center for Ferric, though who
Oswald in the use of a rifle; he may but was again frustrated from finding Ferrie called, and his objective at the
have hypnotized Oswald to shoot the an answer. (29) Mrs. Doris Eames, ice rink have never been revealed.
President; he had seen rifles like the another neighbor of Oswald, told New
one Oswald supposedly used to kill Orleans District Attorney investigators While Ferric was in Houston, law
the President in his (Ferrie's) in 1968 that Ferric had also come to officers and some of Garrison's
apartment, and Ferric was in Texas on her house to enquire about the library investigators broke into his home and
the day of the shooting, acting as card. If Ferric never had any contact confiscated books, photographs and
Oswald's getaway pilot. Martins claim with Oswald, then why was he so other material including a library on
that Ferric was in Texas was found to concerned, and unless the media hypnotism, abstracts on post-hypnotic
be false. Ferrie's Stinson Voyager quickly published or broadcast suggestion, three U.S. passports
airplane was found to be inoperable. Oswald's exact New Orleans address, (stamped but with no pictures or
An FAA document showed either that how would he have known where descriptions) and weapons. (32)
Martin believed that Ferric's airplane Oswald had lived? Immediately after
was airworthy as of July 1963, or that searching for information about his An FBI teletype from the New
Ferrie had access to a Stinson. Martin library card and finding none, Ferrie Orleans office to FBI headquarters
later retracted his allegations made a telephone call to Houston to informed Director Hoover that Carlos
concerning Ferric in a statement to the reserve a room at the Alamotel, a Marcello's attorney G. Wray Gill had
Secret Service. (28) motel owned by Carlos Marcello. notified Ferrie about the library card.
An inventory of Oswald's personal
In 1978 Martin told the FISCA that on property by the Dallas P.D. shows no
the afternoon of November 22, 1963 The Trip to Houston record of a library card. On the
he was having drinks with Guy evening of November 23, 1963 Ferric
Banister when their discussion began When asked why he took the trip to drove to Galveston, stayed the night
to revolve around long-distance phone Houston, Ferrie told federal authorities and returned to New Orleans the next
calls and politics. The two returned to that he and two male companions day. There is no record explaining
Banister's infamous 544 Camp Street drove through the night of November why Ferrie went to Galveston. Noel
office where they came to blows over 21/22. 1963, 350 miles, through a Twyman declares that there may be a
possible connection with Ferrie and
Ruby through Ferrie's Galveston trip
He also claimed the trip was designed to after the ice skating rink episode. He
writes that Ferrie was in Galveston at
gather information on how to run a skating- the same time that Ruby called his
rink, friend Breck Wall at Thomas
McKenna's house (11.44pm,
November 23). Twyman does not
Martin's off-hand remark, "What are elaborate on why Wall and McKenna
fierce thunderstorm to go goose-
you going to do. kill me like you all would be involved, but he sets forth a
hunting in Texas. The purpose of the
did Kennedy?" Banister became theory that Ferrie could have passed
trip was "rest and relaxation." (30) He
furious and heat Martin with a pistol. also claimed the trip was designed to the word from Marcello through Wall
Martin called the New Orleans police gather information on how to run a that Ruby was to eliminate Oswald.
but eventually refused to press skating rink, a business he wished to (33)
charges. This incident may have been open in New Orleans. On the 23rd of
the impetus for the interview with the November Ferric visited Houston's There is the possibility that the card
FBI on November 25th. Winterland Skating Rink, which was never existed and was used to frame
managed by Chuck Rolland. Rolland and provoke Ferrie. Framing Ferrie
later told authorities that he never would implicate Marcello, an act that
Ferrie's Library Card spoke to Ferric about the skating rink would only benefit possible
conspirators. (34) The FBI questioned
business. All Ferrie did, said Rolland,
At I p.m. on November 24, 1963, was make and receive telephone calls Gill about how he learned that Ferrie's
Marcello attorney C. Wray Gill visited for hours at a pay phone. Records library card had been found in
Ferrie's apartment with some from the motels Ferrie used during Oswald's wallet but Gill replied that


be could not recall who told him the 1967, Russo detailed how, after the shooter would make the kill. (40)
"rumor." The FBI dropped the matter. party broke up, a group of anti-Castro a
There would be one shooter who tl
(35) In another version, Gill said that Cubans began talking of the would take the blame. In his 1967
he spoke to a man named Hardy possibilities of assassinating Fidel Playboy interview, Jim Garrison
Davis, who in turn was told about the a
Castro. Ferrie introduced Russo to a discussed finding a book on firearms
library card by Jack Martin. Martin '1
tall, distinguished-looking, white- characteristics in Ferrie's apartment.
told the FBI that the library card story haired man named Clem Bertrand, a The margins were filled with notations
came from "a television program name Garrison thought was an alias of and the most heavily annotated section
which mentioned the possibility that Clay Shaw. Whether Russo really was one that described the direction
David Ferric was associated with Lee E
encountered Shaw became the subject and distance a cartridge travels from a
Harvey Oswald ... that Oswald had of acute controversy during the rifle after ejection.
used or carried Ferrie's library card." u
Garrison trial of Clay Shaw. Ferric
However, there is no record of any c
also introduced Russo to a • bearded Russo also spoke of Ferries weird
New Orleans television stations man named Leon, whom Ferrie said weekly black masses where he wore a F
reporting anything about Ferrie's was a real nut about guns. The black toga, worshipped with a chalice
library card. (36) The entire library 5
conversation eventually drifted on to of animal blood and called himself a
card story seems to be another false s.
the subject of Kennedy's inability to priest of the American Eastern
accusation concerning Ferric that can control the communists in Cuba. Catholic Orthodox Church. Russo
be traced to Jack Martin. Why was a
Ferric dramatically took the floor and additionally claimed that Ferrie tried
Martin accusing Ferrie? I have discussed the possibility of killing to hypnotize him. V
previously mentioned Banister's Castro and illustrated his points by
possible motives to create a suspicious showing his audience a map of Cuba, Questions about Russo's testimony tl
legend for Ferrie, but more likely the where the assassination team could were immediate. Saturday Evening s-
reasons rest with the fact that Ferrie land, and the routes to and from Post author James Phelan reported that ST
had physically thrown Martin out of Havana. he had seen the original 3500 word L
Gill's office in May 1963, an act that memo, written by Andrew Sciambra, a
may have created a grudge against rr.
Russo claimed that he and Ferrie Garrison aide. Sciambra interviewed
Ferrie. A Secret Service report became friends and had several Russo on 25 February, 1967, three
concluded that "information furnished meetings. They were acquainted from days after Ferrie died, but Phelan said p
by Jack S. Martin to the effect that 1962 to 1965. Russo and Ferrie met that the original report had no mention C
David William Ferrie associated with through a mutual friend, Al Landry. of any assassination plot, the party at
Lee Harvey Oswald at New Orleans According to Russo, Landry's mother Ferrie's apartment or any identification
and trained Oswald in the use of a asked Russo to try to break the of Shaw or Oswald. It was two days p
rifle" was "without foundation." (37) relationship between her son and later, when Russo was put under the
The report further stated that Martin Ferrie. Landry was supposedly the influence of sodium pentothal, the it
had the appearance of an alcoholic and subject of hypnotic trances induced by truth serum, at New Orleans' Mercy h:
had a reputation of furnishing Ferrie. Russo encouraged Landry to Hospital, that any indication of the rt
incorrect information to law break off their relationship. Ferrie plot, the party or of seeing Shaw or
enforcement officers. Additionally, turned to Russo and told him that Oswald was given. (41). Garrison had tt
Martin told the FBI that his either he or one of his men would kill Russo placed under hypnosis three ti
information about Ferrie and Oswald Russo for what he had done to Ferrie times to help him to "refresh" his ar
was "a figment of his imagination and and Landry. (39) memory. Niles Peterson was one of at.
that he had made up the story after
two friends that Russo claimed had 7C
reading the newspapers and watching Russo said that at one time Ferrie attended the party. Peterson was at the
television." (38) spoke of killing Kennedy and blaming Ferrie party but saw no one who re
it on Castro. This would give anti- resembled Shaw or Oswald. It has
Although the Secret Service and FBI Castro activists an excuse to invade never been entirely clear why Russo
refused to investigate Ferrie any Cuba. An assassination followed by an suddenly spoke up about Fcrrie and B.
further, the New Orleans District invasion would rid Ferrie of two of his Shaw after Ferrie's death and years re
Attorney's Office continued to follow enemies, Castro and Kennedy, and after the death of Kennedy. R
Ferrie and secretly photograph and open Cuba to free enterprise. He
film his apartment in December of rr
believed that Kennedy could be killed In the February 27, 1967 memo from 0
1963. by a triangulation of rifle fire. Ferric Sciambra to Garrison (re: Interview 0
elaborated on his plan of triangulation with Perry Russo), Sciambra wrote
saying that two shooters would create that in the summer of 1963 "Ferrie or
Perry Russo diversionary shots and the third became obsessed with the idea that an K
In September 1963, Perry Raymond
Russo, a New Orleans insurance
agent, attended a parry at David citio otibUtal: Ja
Ferries apartment. In an interview
with Andrew Sciambra in February Pt


assassination could be carried out in Post. To Phelan's shock, Russo told present, walk into the room and then
10 the USA...he was the kind of person him that he would like to see Shaw "so walk out and state on television that he
-i7 who could successfully plan an I'd be sure." After positively had never known Shaw, that Oswald
in assassination...asked him [Russo] identifying Shaw in a court of law as was never at Ferries apartment and
as 'How many times do you remember the man who sat in Ferries apartment that he never knew of any plot to kill
it. seeing Eisenhower riding in an open talking about killing the President, JFK. Russo told an interviewer for the
as top automobile exposed to everyone Russo wanted to 'just sit in a room 1992 John Barbour video The
In without any protection whatsoever?' with him" without lawyers. Phelan Garrison Tapes that "I didn't go to
an He was the key to the availability of tried to set up a meeting but Russo Biloxi because what Walter Sheridan
a exit as he could jump into any plane backed off, fearing possible perjury was asking me to do was an absolute
under the sun and fly it out of the charges from Garrison. Five days later lie. Shaw was there [in Ferries
country to a place that would not Russo told Phelan that the real reason apartment], Ferrie was there, Oswald
td extradite, such as Cuba or Brazil." he did not want to meet with Shaw was there." (43) Barbour's video also
a Russo also recognized a picture of was "that I'd know he's not the guy produced a shadowy, black-and-white
Sergio Arcacha Smith when Sciambra and then all I could do is go on the photograph of poor quality that
a showed it to him; Russo's brother run". surfaced "a few years after the Shaw
rn Steve also recognized Smith as being trial" that supposedly shows Ferrie,
30 associated with Ferrie. Phelan was stunned by Russo's Oswald and Shaw together.
ed comments, but no more than by what
When Russo was shown a picture of Garrison said concerning Russo's
Clay Shaw, he said that he had seen associations with Shaw, Oswald and Clay Shaw
the man twice; once at Ferries service Ferric. Just days before NBC would
rg station and another time when JFK broadcast a critical program During his testimony at his trial in
at spoke at the Nashville Street Wharf, concerning the Garrison investigation,New Orleans, Clay Shaw categorically
rd Later, Russo, upon reviewing the Garrison discussed a question that denied ever knowing or meeting Lee
.a memo with James Phelan, said he Phelan had posed to him previously; Harvey Oswald. He did admit
"should have said three times, why had supposed criminal knowing Ferries roommate Layton
ee counting the party." When shown a masterminds like Ferric and Shaw Martens but denied knowing that
.id photograph of Martens was
in Oswald, associated with
at Russo said it David Ferric.
in was ...why had supposed criminal masterminds like
ys person Ferrie Nicholas and
he had Ferrie and Shaw discussed the assassination of a Matilda Tadin
he introduced to President in front of a person they barely testified to the
cy him as his contrary at
he roommate. He
Shaw's trial.
or [Russo] said The Tadins
ad that the only discussed the assassination of a knew Ferric as
.ee thing that did not make him stand up president in front of a person they a flight instructor for their teenage
115 and say that he was sure beyond a barely knew? Garrison told an son. In the summer of 1964 they saw
of shadow of a doubt is the fact that the incredulous Phelan, "Perry Russo had Ferrie and Shaw exit together from a
.ad roommate was always so cruddy and to be a part of the conspiracy, that's hangar at Lakefront Airport in New
he had a bushy beard ... the name Leon why they talked about it in front of Orleans. Nicholas Tadin quoted Ferrie
ho really rings a bell." him." Phelan argued that there would as saying that Shaw was a friend of his
be no motive for Russo to accuse his and that he was in charge of the
'so The March 15, 1967 issue of the co-conspirators of plotting a murder in International Trade Mart. The Tadins'
.nd Raton Rouge Morning Advocate which he was involved. Phelan told testimony was questioned by Shaw's
ars reviewed a television interview with Garrison, ''If he does that, how does attorney but was never found to be
Russo. Russo said that "Ferrie never he know that Shaw isn't going to turn false.
mentioned Oswald's name." Marina around and finger him back? And they
Oswald testified at the Shaw trial that both go down the tube." Garrison A March 1967 FBI report cited Jim
TAY Oswald never wore a beard and he dropped the issue with Phelan. (43) Garrison's investigation that "a group
'te never mentioned the names of Shaw of Cuban refugees training near Lake
tic or Ferric. She did admit that Oswald NBC investigator Walter Sheridan, in Pontchartrain, Louisiana, presumably
an had kept her in the dark when it came his 1967 quest to gather incriminating during the period Oswald resided in
to what her husband did and who his information about Garrison's New Orleans these Cubans
friends were. investigation, asked Russo to state reportedly had been 'left in the lurch'
fi unequivocally, once and for all, that and had become angry at everyone ...
James Phelan met Perry Russo after he he had never known Shaw. He asked some of these Cubans attended a
published his critical review of the Russo to go into a Biloxi, Mississippi meeting in the apartment of David
Garrison case in the Saturday Evening motel room where Shaw would be William Ferrie. One of the Cubans


was named Diaz ... also present at the photographs appear to show them Walter Sheridan's one hour NBC b
meeting were Clay Bertrand, aka Clay together at two different social program on June 19, 1967 on the
Shaw ..." (44) gatherings. (46) The HSCA disclosed Garrison investigation featured two t,
that Shaw and Ferrie flew to Montreal fellow Parish Prison inmates. John c
It is well known that Oswald used the in the fall of 1963. The HSCA Cancler and Miguel Torres both stated j.
alias A J Hidell and more recently speculated that they were there to that Bundy told them that he had been
there is evidence that Clay Shaw, the meet Major L M Bloomfield, a board approached by members of Garrison's
subject of Jim Garrison's New Orleans member of Centro Mondiale staff to give perjured testimony
investigation into the assassination, Commerciale (CMC). CMC was an against Shaw. Cancler claimed that he
used the alias Lambert. An affidavit international trade organization was approached by the DA's staff to
accompanying the HSCA RG 233 centred on Rome and was a CLA front "plant" some kind of incriminating
document claims that Georgian organization used for international evidence in Shaw's home. Tones told
Edwatd`l Girnus stated in 1967 that secret spying and a- classified his story of how he was to testify that
one of Clay Shaw's aliases was information communications conduit he had participated in sex orgies with
Lambert. Girnus told Assistant District among countries where the CIA Shaw. Torres later repeated the same
Attorney James Alcock that he had operated. (47) Bloomfield, a Canadian story to author James Kirkwood, who
met with Clay Shaw and Oswald in lawyer, was allegedly a confidant of 1 wrote in detail about the Garrison
New Orleans during April 1963 to Edgar Hoover and a major force in the investigation in his book American
discuss the purchase of guns. Shaw organization Permindex, to be Grotesque. When Garrison
told Girnus that he knew people who discussed later. investigator James Alcock was
wantrf to buy guns. (45) After Shaw questioned by Kirkwood about the
made a phone call, Oswald and an The sightings of Shaw and Oswald sensational charges of Cancler and
unknown man entered the office to together are extremely rare and Bundy, Alcock said, " ... That's totally
discuss the deal. Girnus said that he usually have less than credible ridiculous. Can you imagine us having
saw Shaw and Oswald at a parry held witnesses. Vernon Bundy, a self- him plant evidence? ... They had this
at an old colonial house he thought confessed heroin addict, testified at other man, this burglar Torres, said
was owned by Shaw. the Shaw trial that he saw Shaw meet we'd offered him a month's vacation
Oswald along a lake one day in June in the Bahamas and something like a
1963 while he [Bundy] was shooting couple pounds of heroin. I mean that's
The mysterious Flight Plan heroin. In testimony only two weeks totally absurd." (49) Other Garrison
after Shaw's arrest, Bundy described assistants and supporters declared
HSCA records released in 1993 "Oswald" as a "real junkie" and said Cancler and Torres' stories to be false.
revealed a flight plan (HSCA RG 233) that his name was "Pete." (48) The two convicted felons were
dated April 8, 1963. The flight plan Ludicrous as this sounds, Bundy branded as unreliable and in the case
names the pilot as "Ferrie" who was survived cross-examination by Shaw's of Torres, ironically, unreliable
flying three passengers, attorney Irvin Dymond. Several because he was a heroin addict.
Lambert and Diaz, from New Orleans members of the Garrison camp did not
to Garland, Texas. This would appear want Bundy to testify but Garrison Another sighting of Shaw and Oswald,
to be a very important document insisted. Bundy's testimony provided with overtones equally bizarre as the
linking Ferrie, Oswald (Hidell) and some interesting observations: that Bundy sighting, came from a New
Shaw (Lambert), though it was never Shaw and Oswald met at a Lake York accountant, Charles Spiesel.
mentioned in the Shaw trial. On Pontchartrain beach; that Shaw gave Spiesel testified at the Garrison trial
November 8, 1978 the HSCA Oswald money; that Oswald said that he met Shaw at a party through
interviewed Garrison and asked him "What am I gonna tell her?"; that a his old Air Force buddy David Ferrie.
about this remarkable document. He Fair Play for Cuba leaflet fell from No one seemed to question the fact
was asked if the document came from Oswald's pants as be stuffed the that Ferric had never been in the Air
his files and he merely said that he money into his pocket; that Shaw had Force, although there is some
believed that it had. The only other a twisted walk (due to a bad back, evidence that he may have been part
comments he had about the flight plan Shaw did walk with a halting gait); of some kind of Armed Services
was that "it looked quite credible" but and that Shaw arrived at the lake in a reserve program in 1950. (50)
he and his investigators were unable to black limousine, which sounded
determine if it was genuine. similar to the limousine witnessed in
Clinton, Louisiana during the voter How to kill the President
Although Shaw and Ferrie denied registration incident.
knowing one another, two 1949 At one point during the party,
President Kennedy became the subject
of conversation. Spiesel said that
Shaw was "amused" about the
conversation, which eventually
VV—V' Rio""rir.14111,' focused on killing the President with a
high-powered rifle. Shaw, said
Spiesel, declared that the killer could


3C be whisked away to safety by the Conclusion The HSCA concluded that the
the piloting talents of Ferric. The party Oswald-Ferrie relationship was a
NO took place at a building which was Aside from Oswald, Shaw and Ruby, significant Oswald association. "David
hn owned by Clay Shaw. Spiesel led the no other person in the vast cast of Ferrie's experience with the
- ed jury to an apartment on Esplanade characters mentioned in the underground activities of the Cuban
-en Street in New Orleans where he assassination of JFK has been more exile movement as a private
n's claimed the party had been held. Shaw maligned or investigated than David investigator for Carlos Marcello and
ny testified that he owned the very same William Ferrie. His associations and Guy Banister might have made him a
he building until 1962 or 1963 when he activities concerning the assassination good candidate to participate in a
to sold it. Upon further questioning by make him a suspicious character. The conspiracy plot. He may not have
ng Shaw's attorney Irvin Dymond, first questions concerning Ferrie's known what was to be the outcome of
Spiesel claimed that he had been possible involvement in the his actions, but once the assassination
aat hypnotized fifty or sixty times by a assassination came from his associate had been successfully completed and
tth New York psychiatrist, by the police Jack Martin_ Martin's initial his own name cleared, Ferrie would
ne and by "others", all under the auspices allegations have been shown to be have had no reason to reveal his
ho of a possible communist conspiracy. false and malicious. Martin eventually knowledge of the plot. Further, fear
.on Spiesel had filed a $16 million suit said himself that the allegations were for his life may have prevented him
an against the New York psychiatrist and "a figment of his imagination." from doing so." (55)
.on the City of New York concerning his
.as undesired hypnosis. He also testified Ferrie was associated with an Transcripts of Ferries FBI interview
the that he had been followed by New inordinate number of anti-Kennedy have been buried in the National
nd York officials when he had travelled figures and men directly investigated Archives. They were not turned over
Ily to New Orleans. (Si) Spiesel told the following the assassination: Oswald, to the Warren Commission. Author
.ng jury that he checked his own Shaw, Marcello, Smith, Banister and John H. Davis, a member of the Board
his daughter's fingerprints at his New many anti-Castro figures with possible of Advisors to the Assassination
aid York apartment when she returned motivations to harm the President. Archives and Research Center in
on from New Orleans. He feared that the Ferrie contradicted himself about his Washington, DC, has reported that a
'a government had replaced her with a relationship with Oswald and there is 30-page FBI report on Ferrie is
at's duplicated person. Spiesel joined the some solid evidence that he lied about missing from the National Archives.
'On growing ranks of "witnesses" with knowing Clay Shaw. Rose Cherarnie's
7ed questionable credibility. (52) credibility is highly questionable but Although the JFK Assassination
se. her claims of travelling with Smith Records Collection Act of 1992 has
Alvin Beauboeuf, one of the friends and Osanto had some degree of released a significant amount of key
ase who had accompanied Ferrie on the corroboration from Silver Slipper documents, in August 1993 two
ble mysterious Houston ice rink trip, owner Mac Manual. HSCA documents concerning Ferrie
claimed that he was offered $3,000 were officially restricted from the
and a job with an airline by Garrison Feriae has been pictured with Oswald public record. Both records, according
Lid, investigators if he agreed to further and seen with Oswald on more than to the National Archives, were
the associate Shaw with Ferrie. Fred one occasion and by numerous "withdrawn from this file" because the
ew Lemanns, owner of a New Orleans witnesses. In his final interview, only records contain "otherwise restricted
Turkish bath, alleged that Garrison hours before his death, Ferrie denied information." One record, whose
-741 had offered to finance a private club that he knew Oswald. subjects included Sergio Arcacha
agh for Lemanns if he would sign a Smith, Ernesto Betancourt, Ferrie and
tie. statement maintaining that he had It is a similar story with Clay Shaw. Juan Dill, was withdrawn by the
fact known Clay Shaw as Clay Bertrand Ferric was supposedly pictured more authority of the FBI, INS and HSCA.
Air and that Shaw and Oswald visited his than once with Shaw and seen with (56) The other record, whose subjects
me establishment. (53) Shaw on several occasions but both were Ferrie, Broshears, Jim Garrison
-Art men clearly denied any relationship. and Lyndon Johnson, was withdrawn
ces The HSCA discovered that the CIA Ferrie worked directly with Carlos by the authority of the Secret Service.
had planted a number of agents on Marcello and Guy Banister. Both men (57)
Garrison's staff. According to Victor have been quoted at least once that
Marchetti, CIA Director Richard they desired to depose the President in My next article on David Ferrie, due
Helms was concerned about Garrison's a violent manner, curiously a threat to appear in the March 1999 issue of
investigation and that he might open that has been attributed to Ferrie more this journal, is entitled David Ferrie:
rtY, some doors that the CIA would prefer than once. He was associated with Assassination Mastermind? In it., I
feet remained closed. (54) Sergio Arcacha Smith, who was will investigate Ferries relationship
.hat identified as a with Carlos Marcello and Jack Ruby;
the figure who overheard comments made by Ferrie
illy may have at an airport in 1964; Ferrie's
"Ferrie_ denied that Ke' knew been plotting mysterious death; his possible
:aid the death of connection to Permindex; the Clinton,
Oswald"` the President. Louisiana incident; and incriminating
, uld


comments made by CIA contract 14. Deposition of Adrian T. Alba, 34. Mike Sylwester: "The Kennedy
agent Robert Morrow and Ferries May 5, 1978, HSCA p. 19 (JFK Contract: A Review", The Fourth
roommate Raymond Broshears. Document 0099641). Decade, vol. 1, no. 1, November 1993;
p. 25.
15. Rosemary James and Jack
Sources and footnotes Wardlaw: Plot or Politics?; Pelican 35. John H. Davis: The Kennedy
Publishing House, New Orleans, Contract, McGraw Hill, USA, 1992;
1. HSCA X, (394). 1967; p. 49. pp. 113-114.

2. HSCA X, p. 109. 16. HSCA XIII (466). 36. Internet: alt.assassination.jfk;

http://mcadarns.posc.mtt eduilib-
3. JFK document 014904. 17. Roger Peterson: "Declassified", cardtat
American History, July 1; 1996, p.54.
4. HSCA Report, Section IC3. 37. Secret Service report 12-13-63,
18. HSCA 180-10090-10315. New Orleans Office, Agent Anthony
5. Groups investigated by the HSCA Gerrets: Warren Commission
included Alpha 66, the Cuban 19. Claudia Furiati: ZR Rifle: The Plot Document 87.
Revolutionary Junta (JURE), to Kill Kennedy and Castro; Ocean
Commandos L, the Directorio Press, Australia, 1994; p. 137. 38. ibid.
Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE), the
Cubits' Revolutionary Council (CRC) 20. Peter Dale Scott: Deep Politics 39. James Kirkwood: American
which included the Frente and the Death of .IFK; University of Grotesque, Harper, USA, 1968; p. 260
Revolucionario Democratico (FRD), California Press, Berkeley, 1993. (Sciambra Memo).
the Junta del Gobiemo de Cuba en el
Exilio (JGCE), the 30th of November, 21. CE 3119, p. 771: Secret Service 40. Andrew Sciambra's interview with
the International Penetration Forces Report 00-2-34,030 [Voebel refers to Perry Raymond Russo at the Mercy
(InterPen), the Revolutionary Ferrie as "Farriel Hospital, New Orleans on February
Recovery Movement (MRR) and the 27, 1967.
Ejercito Invasor Cubano (EIC). 22. Joachim Joesten: The Garrison
Enquiry: Truth or Consequences; 41. James and Wardlaw; p. 79.
6. The HSCA reported that the FAA, Peter Dawney Ltd., London, 1967.
vol. 5 Attachment QQ document listed 42. Interview with James Phelan by
the submarines as being found "in 23. Robert J. Groden: The Search for James Kirkwood. See American
Ferrie's house. Also discovered among Lee Harvey Oswald; Penguin Studio Grotesque; pp. 168-171.
Ferrie's effects were: a Morse code Books, New York, 1995; p. 18.
key, four model 1903 Springfield 43. "The Garrison Tapes", written and
rifles, two .22 caliber rifles, one rifle, 24. FBI file # 89-69. directed by John Barbour, JFK
a flare gun, a .38 caliber revolver, a Productions, 1992.
sword, a quantity of ammunition, three 25. Researcher Sheldon lnkol's letter
maps (of Havana Harbor, the coast of to the Editor: The Fourth Decade, vol. 44. FBI report 62-109060.
Cuba, West Indies, Cuba and North 5, no. 5, July 1998; p. 38.
Coast) ..." 45. HSCA RG 233.
26. Norman Mailer: Oswald's Tale -
7. FBI 62-109060-4344, 62-109060- An American Mystery; Random 46. Groden; p. 46.
4535; CIA 1363-501. House, New York, 1995; pp. 618-9.
47. HSCA, JFK Record Number 157-
8. HSCA X, p. 109. 27. FBI 105-104340-1. 10005-10276.

9. FBI 105-104340-3, 105-104340-I. 28. HSCA v. X, p. 115. 48. Gerald Posner: "Garrison Guilty,
Another Case Closed". New York
10. HSCA X, p. 109. 29. HSCA XII, (456). Times, August 6, 1995.

11. Michael Canfield and Alan J. 30. HSCA XII, (451). 49. Kirkwood; p. 591.
Weberman: Coup D'Etat In America;
Quick American Archives, 1992, p.36. 31. HSCA XII, (455). 50. Southern Research Company
report on David Ferric, HSCA 180-
12. JFK-Lancer November in Dallas 32. James and Wardlaw; p. 44. 10121-10084, p. 20.
Conference, November 23, 1996, The
Hemming Panel. 33. Noel Twyman: Bloody Treason, 51. Kirkwood; p. 235.
Laurel Publishing, Rancho Santa Fe,
13. HSCA XIII (491). CA, 1997; p. 275. 52. "The Garrison Tapes" video.


'dy 53. Kirkwood; p. 175. 56. HSCA 180-10078-10412. are developments of articles which
rth have previously appeared in the pages
93; 54. Gaeton Fonzi: The Last 57. HSCA 180-10076-10172. of JFK/Deep Politics Quarterly (Vol.
Investigation, Thunder's Mouth Press, 1, Nos. 2 and 3) in January and April
New York, 1993; pp. 239 and 375. (Editor's note: This and John Craig's 1997 and also on John Kelin's Fair
edy follow-up article on David Ferrie Play web page on the Internet).
'92; 55. HSCA X, (515). (which will appear in our next issue)


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