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Smart Contract #Audit, For Heodefi: Date: June 11,11:35amest

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Smart Contract #Audit, for


This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only. Audit Version1.0.39
Date: June 11,11:35amEST
© 2016-2021 Bloqchain Science, The Bloqchain. 99 Wall Street Suite Page1
1808, New York, NY 10005.
HEODefi Smart Contracts Initial Audit

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: Saturday,February27 , 2021

The audit makes no statements or warrantees about utility of
thecode, safety of the code,suitability of the business model,
regulatory regime for thebusine ss model, or any other statements
about fitness of the contracts to purpose, or their bug free status.
This is a limited report on our findings based on our analysis, in
accordance with good industry practice as at the date of this
report, in relation to:
(a)cybersecurity vulnerabilities and issues in the smart
contract source code analyzed, the details of which are set out in
this report, (Source Code); and
(b)the Source Code compiling,deploying and performing the
intended functions.
We recommend proceeding to multiple independent audits to
ensure t he security of the smart contracts.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Project Name : HEODefi

Smart Contract Files

├── HEODefi.sol



│ ├── Extra.sol

│ └── Player.sol

├── Order.sol


Audit Item Audit SubClass Audit result

Overflow - Passed

Race Condition - Passed

permissions Permission vulnerability Audit Passed

Excessive Auditing Authority

Safety Design Zeppelin safe math Passed

DDOS Attack Call function security Passed

Gas Optimization - Passed

Design Logic - Passed

Know Attacks - Passed

Audit Result : Passed

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Audit Team: Bloqchain Science Security Team
Statement: Bloqchain Science only issues this report based on the fact that has

o c c u r r e d o r e x i s t e d b e fo r e t h e r e p o r t i s i ssued, and b e a r s t h e

corresponding responsibility in this regard. For the facts occur or exist later after

the report, Bloqchain Science cannot judge the security status of its

smart contract. Bloqchain Science is not responsible for it. The security audit

analysis and other contents of this report are based on the documents and

materials provided by the information provider to Bloqchain as of the date of this

report (referred to as “ the provided information”). Bloqchain Science assumes

that: there has been no information missing, tampered, deleted, or concealed.

If the information provided has been missed, modified, deleted, concealed or

reflected and is inconsistent with the actual situation, Bloqchain Science will not

bear any responsibility for the resulting loss and adverse effects.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Introduction :
This Audit Report will only highlight the overall security and business logic
of HEO Smart C o n t r a c t . With this r e p o r t , we have t ried t o ensure the
reliability, security of their smart c o n t r a c t by c o m p l e t e a s s e s s m e n t of
their system’s architecture, and the smart contract codebase.

Auditing Approach and Methodologies applied:

The Bloqchain team has performed thorough testing of the project starting with
analysing the code design patterns in which we reviewed the smart contract
architecture to ensure it is structured and safe use of third party smart contracts and

Our team then performed a formal line by line inspection of the code of the Smart
Contract to find any potential issue like race conditions, transaction-ordering
dependence, timestamp dependence, and denial of service attacks as mentioned in
the above table.

In the Unit testing Phase, we coded/conducted Custom unit tests written for each
function in the contract to verify that each function works as expected. In

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Automated Testing, Wetested the Smart Contract with our in-house developed
tools to identify vulnerabilities and security flaws.

The code was tested in collaboration of our multiple team

members and this included -

1. Testing the functionality of the Smart Contract to

determine proper logic has been followed throughout the


2. Analyzing the complexity of the code by thorough,

manual review of the code, line-by-line.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
3. Deploying the code on testnet using multiple clients to

run live tests

4. Analyzing failure preparations to check how the Smart

Contract performs in case of bugs and vulnerabilities.

5. Checking whether all the libraries used in the code are on

the latest version.

6. Analyzing the security of the on-chain data.

Audit Details

● Project Name: HEODefi

● Languages: Solidity (Smart contract), Javascript (Unit Testing)

● Platforms and Tools: Remix IDE, Truffle, Truffle Team, Ganache, Slither, Surya

Summary of HEODefi Smart Contract:

Bloqchain conducted a security audit of a smart contract of HEODefi.

HEODefi contract is used to create the TRC token, which is a Mavro, Smart

contract containing basic functionalities of a TRC token.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Audit Goals
The focus of the audit was to verify that the smart contract system is
secure, resilient and working according to its specifications that has
been provided to the Auditing team. The audit activities can be grouped
in the following three categories:

Security: Identifying security related issues within each contract and the
system of contracts.

Sound Architecture: Evaluation of the a rc h i t e c t u re of this system

through the lens of established smart contract best practices and
general software best practices.

Code Correctness and Quality: A full review of the contract source

code. The primary areas of focus include:

● Correctness

● Readability

● Sections of code with high complexity

● Quantity and quality of test coverage

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
Security Level references:
Every issue in this report was assigned a severity level from

the following:

High severity issues will bring problems and should be fixed

as recommended.

Medium severity issues could potentially bring problems and

should eventual y be fixed according to suggestions and


Low severity issues are minor details and warnings that can
remain unfixed but would be better fixed at some point in

the future.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February 27,1:25amEST
The source code of the HEO smart contract:
pragma solidity >=0.5.4;

interface ITRC20 {
function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function
approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uintvalue);

contract Managable {
address payable public owner;

constructor() public { owner = msg.sender;


modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner);

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST

contract HEOTest5 is Managable

{ struct User {
uint8 cycle; uint8 level;
address upline; uint16

uint256 teams;
uint256 refBonus; uint256
poolBonus; uint256
teamsBonus; uint256
investPayouts; uint256
payouts; uint256
uint256 depositTop;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
uint256 depositPayouts;
uint40 depositTime; uint256

struct Uext {
uint256 directBonus; uint256
totalDeposits; uint256

ITRC20 usdtToken;

address payable private supperUpline;

address payable private adminAddr;
address payable private owesFund;
address payable private supplyFund;
address payable private safeFund;
address payable private encourageFund;
mapping(address => User) private users;
mapping(address => Uext) private uexts; uint256 private

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
uint256 private maxDeposit;
uint8[] private refBonusScale;
uint8[] private teamsBonusScale;
uint8[] private poolBonuses;
uint40 private poolLastDraw = uint40(block.timestamp);
uint256 public poolCycle; uint256 private poolBalance;
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) private


mapping(uint8 => address) private poolTop;

uint256 private totalUsers = 1;

uint256 private totalDeposited;
uint256 private totalWithdraw;
uint256 private adminWithdraw;

event uplineEvent(address indexed addr, address indexed upline);

event depositEvent(address indexed addr, uint256 amount);
event refPayoutEvent(address indexed addr, address indexed from,
uint256 amount);
event teamsPayoutEvent(address indexed addr, address indexed from,
uint256 amount);

event poolPayoutEvent(address indexed addr, uint256 amount);

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
event withdrawEvent(address indexed addr, uint256 amount); event
logDate(uint40 date);

event logIEvent(address indexed addr, uint256 log);

constructor(address payable _trc_addr, address payable

_supper_upline, address payable _admin_addr, address payable
_owes_fund, address payable _supply_fund, address payable
_safe_fund, address payable _encourage_fund) public {
supperUpline = _supper_upline; adminAddr =
_admin_addr; owesFund = _owes_fund; supplyFund =
_supply_fund; safeFund = _safe_fund; encourageFund =

usdtToken = ITRC20(_trc_addr); refBonusScale.push(0);

refBonusScale.push(10); refBonusScale.push(10);
refBonusScale.push(10); refBonusScale.push(10);
refBonusScale.push(5); refBonusScale.push(5);
refBonusScale.push(5); refBonusScale.push(5);
refBonusScale.push(5); teamsBonusScale.push(5);
teamsBonusScale.push(10); teamsBonusScale.push(15);
poolBonuses.push(4); poolBonuses.push(3);
poolBonuses.push(2); poolBonuses.push(1);

minDeposit = 1e8; maxDeposit = 2e9;


function setSupperUpline(address payable _supper_upline) public

onlyOwner {
supperUpline = _supper_upline;

function setAdminAddr(address payable _admin_addr) public

onlyOwner {

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
adminAddr = _admin_addr;

function setOwesFund(address payable _owes_fund) public onlyOwner

{ owesFund = _owes_fund;

function setSupplyFund(address payable _supply_fund) public onlyOwner

{ supplyFund = _supply_fund;

function setSafeFund(address payable _safe_fund) public onlyOwner

{ safeFund = _safe_fund;

function setEncourageFund(address payable _encourage_fund) public

onlyOwner {
encourageFund = _encourage_fund;

function _setUpline(address _addr, address _upline) private {

if (users[_addr].upline == address(0) && _upline != _addr && _addr !=
supperUpline && (users[_upline].depositTime > 0 || _upline == supperUpline)) {
users[_addr].upline = _upline; users[_upline].referees++; emit
uplineEvent(_addr, _upline); totalUsers++;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < refBonusScale.length; i++) { if (_upline == address(0))
break; users[_upline].teams++;
_upline = users[_upline].upline;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
function _deposit(address _addr, uint256 _amount) private
{ require(users[_addr].upline != address(0) && _addr != supperUpline,
require(users[_addr].depositTime <= 0 || (uint40(block.timestamp) -
users[_addr].depositTime) / 1 days >= 10, "Not yet, Deposit already exists");
address addr = supperUpline;
if (users[_addr].depositTime > 0) {

users[_addr].investLast += payoutOfInterest(_addr);

require(_amount >= minDeposit && _amount <=
maxDeposit + users[_addr].cycle
* 5e8 && _amount <= 1e10, "Bad amount 1");
require(_amount >= users[_addr].depositTop / 2, "Bad
amount 2");

users[_addr].investPayouts +=
users[_addr].depositAmount; users[_addr].payouts
= 0;
if(users[_addr].depositTop <
_amount){ users[_addr].depositTop = _amount;
} else {

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
require(_amount >= minDeposit && _amount <= maxDeposit, "Bad amount

users[_addr].payouts = 0; users[_addr].depositTop = _amount;


users[_addr].depositAmount = _amount; users[_addr].depositPayouts = 0;

users[_addr].depositTime = uint40(block.timestamp); uexts[_addr].totalDeposits
+= _amount;

totalDeposited += _amount;
emit depositEvent(_addr, _amount); if (users[_addr].upline != address(0))
{ if(users[users[_addr].upline].depositAmount >=

_amount){ uexts[users[_addr].upline].directBonus += _amount / 20;


uexts[users[_addr].upline].directBonus +=
users[users[_addr].upline].depositAmount / 20;

users[ addr].teamsBonus += _amount;

users[owesFund].teamsBonus += _amount / 200; users[supplyFund].teamsBonus +=
_amount / 200; users[safeFund].teamsBonus += _amount / 200;
users[encourageFund].teamsBonus += _amount / 200;

if (poolLastDraw + 1 days < uint40(block.timestamp)) {

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
_pollDeposits(_addr, _amount);

uint256 adminScale = _amount / 100; adminWithdraw +=


usdtToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);

usdtToken.transfer(adminAddr, adminScale);

function _pollDeposits(address _addr, uint256 _amount) private

{ poolBalance += _amount / 100;

address upline = users[_addr].upline; if (upline == address(0))


poolUsersRefsDepositsSum[poolCycle][upline] += _amount;
uint8 poolLen = uint8(poolBonuses.length - 1);

if(_isPoolTop(upline) == false){
if (poolTop[poolLen] == upline || poolTop[poolLen] ==
address(0)){ poolTop[poolLen] = upline;
}else{ if(poolUsersRefsDepositsSum[poolCycle][upline] >
{ poolTop[poolLen] = upline;
}else{ return;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
for (uint8 i = poolLen; i > 0; i--) { if(i < 1)return;

if (poolTop[i - 1] == address(0)) { poolTop[i - 1] = poolTop[i];

poolTop[i] = address(0);
}else if(poolUsersRefsDepositsSum[poolCycle][poolTop[i]] >
poolUsersRefsDepositsSum[poolCycle][poolTop[i - 1]]){
address tmpAddr = poolTop[i - 1]; poolTop[i - 1] = poolTop[i];
poolTop[i] = tmpAddr;

function _isPoolTop(address _addr) private view

returns(bool isIn){ for (uint8 i = 0; i <
poolBonuses.length; i++) {
if(poolTop[i] == _addr){ return true;
return false;

function _isPoolTop(address _addr) private view

returns(bool isIn){ for (uint8 i = 0; i <
poolBonuses.length; i++) {
if(poolTop[i] == _addr){ return true;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
return false;

function _drawPool() private { poolLastDraw = poolLastDraw + 1

days; poolCycle++;

uint256 draw_amount = poolBalance / 100; for (uint8 i = 0; i <

poolBonuses.length; i++) {
if (poolTop[i] == address(0)) break;
uint256 win = draw_amount * poolBonuses[i];
users[poolTop[i]].poolBonus += win; poolBalance -= win; emit
poolPayoutEvent(poolTop[i], win);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < poolBonuses.length; i++) { poolTop[i] =

function deposit(address _upline, uint256 _amount) payable external {

_setUpline(msg.sender, _upline);
_deposit(msg.sender, _amount);

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
function _refPayout(address _addr, uint256 _amount) private
{ address up = users[_addr].upline; uint256 len =

for (uint8 i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (up == address(0)) break;

if (users[up].referees >= i + 1) {
uint256 bonus = _amount * refBonusScale[i] / 100;
users[up].refBonus += bonus;

emit refPayoutEvent(up, _addr, bonus);

up = users[up].upline;

function _teamsPayout(address _addr, uint256

_amount) private
{ address up = users[_addr].upline; User
memory user; uint8 same = 0;

while (true) {
if (up == address(0)) break;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
if(users[up].referees >= 20 && users[up].teams >=
400){ users[up].level = 3;
if(user.level >= 3 && same == 0){ same = 1;
uint256 tbonus = _amount / 10; users[up].teamsBonus
+= tbonus; return;
}else if(user.level >= 3 && same == 1){ return;

uint256 teamsScale = teamsBonusScale[2]; if(user.level >

0){ teamsScale -= teamsBonusScale[user.level];
uint256 bonus = _amount * teamsScale / 100;
users[up].teamsBonus += bonus;
user = users[up]; same = 0;

}else if(users[up].referees >= 15 && users[up].teams >=

200){ users[up].level = 2;
if(user.level == 2 && same == 0){ same = 1;
uint256 tbonus = _amount / 10; users[up].teamsBonus +=
tbonus; continue;
}else if(user.level == 2 && same == 1){ continue;

uint256 teamsScale = teamsBonusScale[1]; if(user.level

> 0){ teamsScale -= teamsBonusScale[user.level];
uint256 bonus = _amount * teamsScale / 100;
users[up].teamsBonus += bonus;
user = users[up]; same = 0;
}else if (users[up].referees >= 10 && users[up].teams >=
{ users[up].level = 1;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
emit logIEvent(msg.sender, max_payout);
totalWithdraw += max_payout;

uexts[msg.sender].totalPayouts += max_payout;
users[msg.sender].depositPayouts += max_payout;
users[msg.sender].payouts += interest;
users[msg.sender].refBonus = 0;

users[msg.sender].poolBonus = 0;
users[msg.sender].teamsBonus = 0;
users[msg.sender].investPayouts = 0;
users[msg.sender].investLast = 0;
uexts[msg.sender].directBonus = 0;

if(user.level == 1 && same ==

0){ same = 1;
uint256 tbonus = _amount / 10;
users[up].teamsBonus += tbonus;
}else if(user.level == 1 && same ==
1){ continue;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
uint256 bonus = _amount * teamsBonusScale[0] / 100;
users[up].teamsBonus += bonus;
user = users[up];
up = users[up].upline;

function withdraw() public payable {

uint256 interest = payoutOfInterest(msg.sender); uint256 max_payout
= maxPayoutOf(msg.sender); emit logIEvent(msg.sender, max_payout);
require(max_payout > 0, "Zero payout");
require(usdtToken.balanceOf(address(this)) > 0, "Zero balance");
if( max_payout > usdtToken.balanceOf(address(this))){
max_payout = usdtToken.balanceOf(address(this));

if(interest > 0){

_refPayout(msg.sender, interest);

_teamsPayout(msg.sender, interest);

usdtToken.transfer(msg.sender, max_payout);
emit withdrawEvent(msg.sender, max_payout);

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
function maxPayoutOf(address _addr) view private returns(uint256 payout)
{ uint256 amount = payoutOfInterest(_addr) + users[_addr].investLast +
users[_addr].investPayouts + users[_addr].teamsBonus + users[_addr].poolBonus +
users[_addr].refBonus + uexts[_addr].directBonus;
return amount;

function maxPayoutOfNow(address _addr) view external returns(uint256 payout,

uint256 payoutInterestTop) {
payoutInterestTop = payoutOfInterest(_addr);
uint256 amount = payoutOfInterest(_addr) + users[_addr].investLast +
users[_addr].investPayouts + users[_addr].teamsBonus + users[_addr].poolBonus +
users[_addr].refBonus + uexts[_addr].directBonus;
return (amount, payoutInterestTop);

function payoutOfInterest(address _addr) view private returns(uint256 payout)

{ if(users[_addr].depositTime <= 0){ return 0;
uint256 day = (uint40(block.timestamp) - users[_addr].depositTime) / 1 days; if
(day > 10) {
day = 10;

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
uint256 scale = 15 - users[_addr].cycle; if(scale <= 10){ scale
= 10;

payout = users[_addr].depositAmount * day / 1000 * scale -

users[_addr].payouts; return payout;
function userInfo(address _addr) view external returns(address upline, uint40
depositTime, uint256 depositAmount, uint256 depositTop, uint256 investPayouts, uint256
depositPayouts, uint256 directBonus) {
return (users[_addr].upline, users[_addr].depositTime, users[_addr].depositAmount,
users[_addr].depositTop, users[_addr].investPayouts, users[_addr].depositPayouts,
function userInfoBonus(address _addr) view external returns( uint256 refBonus,
uint256 poolBonus, uint256 teamsBonus) {
return (users[_addr].refBonus, users[_addr].poolBonus, users[_addr].teamsBonus);
function userInfoTotals(address _addr) view external returns(uint16 cycle, uint16
referees, uint256 totalDeposits, uint256 totalPayouts, uint256 teams, uint256 depositDay)
uint256 day = (uint40(block.timestamp) - users[_addr].depositTime) / 1 days; return
(users[_addr].cycle, users[_addr].referees, uexts[_addr].totalDeposits,
uexts[_addr].totalPayouts, users[_addr].teams, day);
function contractInfo() view external returns(uint256 rtotalUsers, uint256
rtotalDeposited, uint256 rtotalWithdraw, uint40 rpoolLastDraw, uint256 rpoolBalance,
uint256 radminWithdraw, uint256 toketBalance, uint256 safeFunds) {
uint256 teamBonus = users[safeFund].teamsBonus;
return (totalUsers, totalDeposited, totalWithdraw, poolLastDraw, poolBalance,
adminWithdraw, usdtToken.balanceOf(address(this)), teamBonus);

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
function poolTopInfo() view external returns(address[4] memory addrs, uint256[4]
memory deps) {
for (uint8 i = 0; i < poolBonuses.length; i++) { if (poolTop[i] == address(0))
addrs[i] = poolTop[i];
deps[i] = poolUsersRefsDepositsSum[poolCycle][poolTop[i]];

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
NO Implementation Recommendations

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST
Use case of the smart contract is very well designed and
Implemented. Overall, the code is written and demonstrates effective
use of abstraction, separation of concerns, and

modularity. HEO development team demonstrated high technical

capabilities, both in the design of the architecture and in the


Allthebugs ,s ugges tions andrecom m ends has been

c o n s i d e r e d by HEO t eam and some of the i ssues they will

handle t o their own as those issues or calls have been handle by

the only owner.

Bloqchain Science did not find any security issues with the HEO
smart contract.

Audit Version2.0.25
Date: February27,1:25amEST

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