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Degree Sem-Iii, Interpretation of Statues

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Paper I Subject Code: LLB305 I Interpretation Of Statutes

Total No. of Printed Pages: 01

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- III) New Cour
Examination, October 2019
[Duration : Three Hours]











E264C84F29BOD6BFA4ED9E6D 12A2D824

LL.B (Degree) Semester Ill, Examination April 2019

Duration: 3 hours Total .Marks: 100

i) Answer any ten questions from Q. No 1 to 14.
ii) Each question carries 10 marks.
(10 X 10= 100)

1. uwords used in the statute must prima facie be interpreted according

to their ordinary and grammatical meaning" - Explain the literal rule
with the help of cases.

2. Explain with the help of cases what is meant by construction 'ut res
magis valeat quam pereat.'

3. Explain the principle of Harmonious construction with the help of


4: What are Internal Aids? Explain the role of Long Title and Preamble in
the interpretation of statutes.

5. Explain with the help of cases when courts adopt a Beneficial


6. Explain the relevance of the following as external aids:

a. uHistorical facts and surrounding circumstances
b. Foreign Decisions

7. "Mandatory statutes differ from Directory statutes"- Explain with the

help of decided cases.

8. Explain the presumption against exceeding territorial nexus with the

help of cases.
9. Explain the maxim contemporaneo expositio. Discuss the limitations of
this maxim, if any.

10. Discuss the presumption against the retrospective operation of


11. Discuss the Rule of Noscitur a Sociis with the help of cases.

12. Explain with the help of cases construction to prevent evasion of


13. Explain the following with reference to the General Clauses Act
a. Commencement and termination of time
b. Effect of repeal
c. Power to appoint
d. Measurement of distances
e. Abet

14. Explain the following:

a. Expressio unius est exclusion alterius
b. Reddenda singular singulis
1111111 111 Bllmlll 01111111 11m 1111101 L-D 0-1830
LL.B. Degree (Semester- Ill) Examination, October 2018
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any 10 questions from Q. No. 1 to 14.

2) Each question carries 10 marks.

(1 Ox1 0=1 00)

1. "A statute must be read as a whole in its context" - Explain the principle of

2. Explain the Golden Rule of interpretation with the help of cases.

3. Explain the importance of the Title and Headings in the interpretation of statutes.

4. When do courts adopt a Restrictive Construction in the interpretation of


5. Explain the role of international conventions and dictionaries in the

interpretation of statutes.

6. Bring out the meaning of and difference between codifying and consolidating

7. Explain the Presumption against ousting the jurisdiction of courts.

8. Explain the rule of Ejusdem Generis and discuss the limitations of the rule.

9. Explain the presumption regarding the constitutionality of the statute with the
help of cases.

10. "The question whether a statute is mandatory or directory depends on the

intention of Legislature and not on the language used in the statute". Discuss.

11. Explain the maxim Generalia specialibus non derogant with the help of cases.

12. Explain what is meant by a construction in bonam partem.

< -1100 ~ 1830 1m~11 m11111111m ~Ill 111111m 111111

13. Explain the following with reference to the General Clauses Act :
a) duty to be "taken pro rata . '
b) computation of time
c) measurement of distances
d) document
e) Gender and number.

14. Explain' the following :

a) Equitable construction
b) Words of rank.
11111111111111111111111111111111 ~Ill liM 1111 LOA -:-1811

LL.B. Degree (Semester - Ill) Examination, April 2018


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any ten questions from questions in all.

2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) .Candidate~ are e; use case law ·a nd illustrations.

1. Elaborate on the Golden Rule of construction.

2. Explain how proviso acts as an internal aid in construing a statute.

3. Explain the following :

a) Foreign Decisions.
b) Dictionaries.

4. The courts while giving 'regard to consequences', 'avoid inconsistency and

repugnancy'. Elucidate.

5. Discuss the following in brief :

) a) Mens Rea in statutory offences.
b) Words of Rank.

6. While interpreting the statute, courts 'avoid adding or substituting or rejecting

words'. Discuss.

7. Explain the following :

a) Presumption in favour of constitutionality of the statute.
b) Presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.

8. Elucidate on maxim 'Ut res magis Vale at Quam Pereat'.

LOA -1811 . lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
9. Discuss the following
a) Construction of words in Bonam Partem
b) Equitable Construction.

10. The Cardinal· Principle of interpretation is the Literal Rule. Explain.

11. Elucidate on the Rule of Beneficial Construction.

12. Critically analyse as to whether penal and ta~ing statutes can be evaded.

13. Elucidate by giving illustrations the importance of mandatory and directory

provisions in construing a statute.

14. Explain the following with reference to General Clauses Act, 1897:
a) Powers conferred.
b) Computation of time.
c) Document.
d) Will.
e) Ship.

~· ·
111m111/1111011111111111DIIIIglllllllll LD0-1733
. LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill) Examination, November 2017
Duration : 3 Hours T otaJ Marks : 100

LD0-1733 111111111 1111111111111 Ulllllll m111~ 1111

11. Elucidate the significance of mandatory and directory provisions of statute in


12. Explain the following :

a) Codifying statutes
b) Consolidating statutes.
13. Interpretation principle specifies 'Do not supply an omission'. Discuss.

14. Explain following with reference to General Clauses Act 1897

a) Affidavit
b) Public nuisance
c) Immovable property
d) Effect of repeal
e) Vessel. .
· .~

111111111 ~Ill 1111 IIIII IIIII ~Ill 1111 1111 LOA -1710

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - Ill). Examination, April 2017


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : a) Answer any ten questions in all.

· b) Each question carries 10 marks.
c) Candidates are expected to use case law and illustrations.

1. What is meant by 'sententia legis' and 'litera scripta'? How are they correlated
for the purpose of interpretation ?

2. Examine in detail the Mischief Rule of Interpretation.

3. Explain in detail the rule of Ejesdum Generis.

4. 'Doctrine of harmonious construction is to resolve conflict'. Explain.

5. When is construction to prevent evasion and abuse relevant in interpretation ?

6. Distinguish between imperative and directory Statutes with reference to tests

laid down ~y the judiciary..

7. Explain how the Long-Title and Headings in aStatute are aids to construction.

8. 'Ex viscerabus actus' relates to construing a Statute within its four corners.

9. Explain the following :

. a) Presumption against changes in common law.

b) Presumption against violation of International Law.

10. Write short notes on :

a) Ut res magis valet quam pareat

b) Noscitur a sociis


· llllllmiiiiiDUIIIIIII

11. Give a brief ~ccount ot_: .

a) . Generalia specialtbus non derogant

b) Redendo singular singulis.

12. Expiain in detail ttie presumption in favour of constitutionality of the Stat~te.

13. Write short notes on :

. , ' --:. ~
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( ·. . ,.,. . . .
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a) - Codi~ng Statutes. · .
. b) Words of rank.
... '. : ' .r .. ~ -:.· '

14; Explain · any five of the ·following with .reference_on the ~ene~~( Ciauses
. Act, 1897.

a) Abet
b) .Commencement of time
c). Oath
. .d) Immoveable property
·e) Central Government
f) - ·~agistrate. · .·

. ·;': - ·< (

t. · .

'. . .
111111111 ~11111111111 ~1111~1 ~11111111111 LOA -1610
LL.B. Degree (Seme1ster - Ul) Examination, April 2016
Duration : 3 Hqurs Total Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer any 10 questions from Q. No. 1 to 14.

1. Exp~ain the concept of proviso as ari Internal Aid to construction. 10
2. The rule of Literal constructior is considered to be the first principle of
interpretation.- Discuss with decided cas~ laws. 10
Intention of the legislature is fc.und by reading the statute as a whole- Explain ·
the statement. · · · · · 10
4. Explain preamble and illustrations as aids to interpreting construction. 10
5. Inconsistency and repugnancy in a statute may be avoided by the application of
the rule of harmonious c~nstruction. Discuss with the help of suitable ca,ses. 10
6. Explain ~he Statutes in Pari Materia with the help of ca~es. 10
7. When can statutes be givenH~trosp.ective Operation? Explain. · 10 ·
8. Discuss the role of Parliamentary history and dictionar1es in the interpretation of
- statutes. 10
9. Explain the Mischief rule with ·the help of decided cases. . 10
10. The meaning of a provision in a statute may be construed by reading it in its
context. Explain the principle · ~X viscerbus actus. 10
/ 11. Discuss codifying and consolidating statutes. . 10
12. Explain the meaning and appl1cation of the following: 10
a) Contemporaneo exposition
b) Ut res magis valeat quam pareat
13. Discuss the Maxim Noscitur ct Socii with case laws. 10
14. Explain the definitions undert1e General Clauses Act. 10
a) Repeal
b) Commencement
c) Powers conferred
· d) Commencement and termination of time.
Ifiil1ilil!lllililffiffitilIilililll] LDO - 1633

LL.B. Degree (Semester - lll) Examination, October 2016

Duration :3 Hours Total Marks: 100

tnstructions : a) Answer any ten questions in all.

b) Each question caries 10 marks.
c) Candidates are erytedto use ca* law and illudrations.

1 . Examine in detail the significance of the maxim Ut res magis valeat quam pareat
in interpretation of statutes.

2. 'Language ol the statute must be read strictly'. Explain.

3. 'Construction in bona partem is a public policy doctrine'. Explain.

4. lt is settled lawthat Beneficial construction provides reliel and protecls benefits,

which are purported in the legislative intent. Explain.

5. Examine in detail the principle of redendo singular singulis.

6. Give an account of the rule ol ejusdem generis, with exceptions.

7. How are decisions of loreign courts and dictionaries uselulas aids to construction
of statutes ?

8. 'Apparently conllicting statutory provisions are resolved by the doctrine of

harmonious construction'. Explain.

9. Explain the lollowing :

. a) Presumption in lavour of constitutionality ol a statute.

b) Presumption against retrospective operation of Law.

10. Write short notes on :

a) Expressio unius est exclusion alterius

b) Generalia specialibus non derogant
11. Give a brief account ol :

a)' sententia legis' and'litera scripta'

b) Nosclfur a sociis.
LDO - 1633 illilrilillutilffimffiflllll

12. Explain in detail the presumption against intending what is inconvenient and
'13. Write short notes on :

a) Consolidating Statutes
b) Schedule of a Statute as an aid.
14. Explain any live of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act, 1 897.
a) Will
b) Measurement of distance
c) Powerto appoint
d) Duty to be done pro rata
e) Repeal
f) Vessel.
I llllllll llll iilil lill ilt1l Iilil ililt ilil till LDA - 151 1

LL.B. Degree (Semester - lll) Exanlination, April 2015

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks :

lnstructions : ) Answer any ten cluestions

1 from Q. Nos. I to 14.
2) All questions carry equal marks. (10x10=100)

1. Explain lhe literal rule of interpretation with the help of deciderl cases.

2. "The intention of the legislature must tre gathered by reading tire statu,te as a
whole and not by parts" - Explain.

3. Discuss the Mischief Rule of interpretation as laid dorvn in Heydc,n's case.

4. "Marginal notes and the long title are relevant to the construction o{ a statute" -
Comment with the help of cases.

5. Discuss with the help of decided cases how far parliamentary speeches and
debates can be taken into consideration in interpreting a statute.

6. Explain the principles followe:d by the courts in the interpretation of codifying

and consolidating statutes.

7. Explain the application of rule ol Ejusdem Generis in the interpretation of stalutes

and its exceptions.

I Explain construction in bonam partem.

9 Distinguish between mandatory and directory statutes wtth the help of cases.

10. Discuss the presumption in favour of constitutionality ot the statule

11. What is Beneficiirl Construction ? Explain with the trelp of de.cided caseti.

LDA- 1511 I llllilt llilfl ll llli lllll lllll lllllllll lil

't2. Explain Generalia specialibus non derogant as an important maxim applied in

the interpretation of statutes.

13. Explain the following with relerence to the General Clauses Act :

a) Coming into operalion of the enactment

b) Genderandnumber.

14. Write notes on any two of the following :

a) Reddendo singular singulis

b) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius

c) Words of rank

d) Equitable construction.
r ilffi ]il1ilililillllilIilililililililt LDO - 1532
LL.B. Degree (Semester - lll) Examination, October 2015

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

lnstruction : Answer any 10 questions from Q. No. 1 to 14.

1. Explain the concept of proviso as an lnternal Aid to construction. 10

2. The Rule of Literal construction is considered to be the first principle of

interpretation - Discuss with decided case laws. 10

3. lntention of the legislature is found by reading the statute as a whole - explain

the statement. 10

4. Explain Preamble and lllustrations as aids to interpreting construction. 10

5. Discuss the role of Parliamentary history and dictionaries in the interpretation of

statutes. 10

6. Explain the Mischiel Rule with the help ot decided cases. 10

7. The meaning of a provision in a statute may be construed by reading it in its

context. Explain the principle ex viscerbus actus. 10

8. Explain the following presumptions : 10

a) Presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.

b) Presumption against the retrospective operation of statutes.

9. Discuss codifying and consolidating statutes. 10

10. Explain the meaning and applications of the lollowing : 10

a) Contemporaneo exposition.
b) Ut res magis valeat quam pareat.

LDO - 1532 ililtil] lilt fi |1ilil illlillll illll lil ill

11. Discuss the Maxim Noscitur a Socii with case laws. 10

12. Explain the delinitions under the General Clauses Act : 10

a) Repeal.
b) Commencement.
c) Powers Conferred.

d) Commencement and termination of time.

13. lnconsistency and repugnancy in a statute may be avoided by the application of

the rule of harmonious construction. Discuss with the help of suitable cases. 10

14. Explain the Statutes in Pari Materia with the help of cases. 10
1 tilililfi fl]il ltl illlilil tilil llil iltl LDO - 1432
LL.B. Degree (Semester - lll) Examination, October 2O14

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks:100

lnstructions : ) Answer any ten questions from Q. Nos. 1 to 14.


2) All questions carry equal marks.


_1. "A statute is to be construed according to the intent of them that make it' -
Explain. What is meant by intention of the legislature.

Explain the Literal role of construction. State its merits and demerits.
_. 3. Explain the Mischief Rule with the help of decided cases.

4. Explain harmonious construction with the help of cases

5. Explain the function of a proviso to a section in an Act.

6. "The Parliamentary history of a legislation is a permissible aid in interpreting a

statute." - Comment.
7. "Associated words take their meaning from one another." Discuss the principle
of Noscitur a Sociis" with cases.

8. Explain the following with relerence to the General Clauses Act:

a) Commencement and termination of time

b) Genderandnumber.

9. Discuss with the help of cases, the presumption against ousting the jurisdiction
ol the courts.

10. What are the tests to determine whether a provision in a statute is mandatory or
directory ?

LDO - 1432 I illllll ill 1ililil lill lff I ilili illl fiil

11. Explain the meaning and application of the following :

a) contemporaneo expositio
b) ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
12. Explain the presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.
' 13. Explain what is meant by restrictive construction ?

14. Write notes on any two of the following :

a) Statutes in pari materia

b) Construction in bonam partem
c) Equitable construction
d) Fleddendo singula singulis

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