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Katzung Laxatives

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The overwhelming majority of people do not need laxatives; yet

they are self-prescribed by a large portion of the population. For most people, intermittent constipation
is best prevented with a
high-fiber diet, adequate fluid intake, regular exercise, and the
heeding of nature’s call. Patients not responding to dietary changes
or fiber supplements should undergo medical evaluation before

initiating long-term laxative treatment. Laxatives may be classi-

fied by their major mechanism of action, but many work through

more than one mechanism.

Bulk-forming laxatives are indigestible, hydrophilic colloids that
absorb water, forming a bulky, emollient gel that distends the
colon and promotes peristalsis. Common preparations include
natural plant products (psyllium, methylcellulose) and synthetic

fibers (polycarbophil). Bacterial digestion of plant fibers within

the colon may lead to increased bloating and flatus.
These agents soften stool material, permitting water and lipids to
penetrate. They may be administered orally or rectally. Common
agents include docusate (oral or enema) and glycerin suppository.
In hospitalized patients, docusate is commonly prescribed to prevent
constipation and minimize straining. Mineral oil is a clear, viscous
oil that lubricates fecal material, retarding water absorption from the

stool. It is used to prevent and treat fecal impaction in young chil-

dren and debilitated adults. It is not palatable but may be mixed with

juices. Aspiration can result in a severe lipid pneumonitis. Long-term

use can impair absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
The colon can neither concentrate nor dilute fecal fluid: fecal
water is isotonic throughout the colon. Osmotic laxatives are
soluble but nonabsorbable compounds that result in increased
stool liquidity due to an obligate increase in fecal fluid.
Nonabsorbable Sugars or Salts
These agents may be used for the treatment of acute constipation
or the prevention of chronic constipation. Magnesium hydroxide
(milk of magnesia) is a commonly used osmotic laxative. It
should not be used for prolonged periods in patients with renal
insufficiency due to the risk of hypermagnesemia. Sorbitol and
lactulose are nonabsorbable sugars that can be used to prevent
or treat chronic constipation. These sugars are metabolized by
colonic bacteria, producing severe flatus and cramps.
High doses of osmotically active agents produce prompt bowel
evacuation (purgation) within 1–3 hours. The rapid movement of
water into the distal small bowel and colon leads to a high volume
of liquid stool followed by bowel evacuation. Several purgatives

are available, which may be used for the treatment of acute con-
stipation or to cleanse the bowel prior to medical procedures (eg,

colonoscopy). These include magnesium citrate, sulfate solu-

tion, and a proprietary combination of magnesium oxide, sodium

picosulfate, and citrate (Prepopik). When taking these purgatives,

it is very important that patients maintain adequate hydration by
taking increased oral liquids to compensate for fecal fluid loss.
Sodium phosphate also is available—by prescription—as a tablet

formulation but is infrequently used due to the risk of hyper-

phosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypernatremia, and hypokalemia.

Although these electrolyte abnormalities are clinically insignificant

in most patients, they may lead to cardiac arrhythmias or acute
renal failure due to tubular deposition of calcium phosphate
(nephrocalcinosis). Sodium phosphate preparations should not

be used in patients who are frail or elderly, have renal insuffi-

ciency, have significant cardiac disease, or are unable to maintain

adequate hydration during bowel preparation.

CHAPTER 62 Drugs Used in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases 1099

Balanced Polyethylene Glycol

Lavage solutions containing polyethylene glycol (PEG) are com-

monly used for complete colonic cleansing before gastrointestinal

endoscopic procedures. These balanced, isotonic solutions contain

an inert, nonabsorbable, osmotically active sugar (PEG) with

sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and potas-

sium chloride. The solution is designed so that no significant

intravascular fluid or electrolyte shifts occur. Therefore, they are

safe for all patients. For optimal bowel cleansing, 1–2 L of solu-
tion should be ingested rapidly (over 1–2 hours) on the evening

before the procedure and again 4–6 hours before the procedure.
For treatment or prevention of chronic constipation, smaller doses
of PEG powder may be mixed with water or juices (17 g/8 oz) and
ingested daily. In contrast to sorbitol or lactulose, PEG does not
produce significant cramps or flatus.
Stimulant laxatives (cathartics) induce bowel movements through
a number of poorly understood mechanisms. These include direct
stimulation of the enteric nervous system and colonic electrolyte
and fluid secretion. There has been concern that long-term use of

cathartics could lead to dependence and destruction of the myen-

teric plexus, resulting in colonic atony and dilation. More recent

research suggests that long-term use of these agents probably is

safe in most patients. Cathartics may be required on a long-term
basis, especially in patients who are neurologically impaired and
in bed-bound patients in long-term care facilities.
Anthraquinone Derivatives
Aloe, senna, and cascara occur naturally in plants. These laxatives
are poorly absorbed and after hydrolysis in the colon, produce a
bowel movement in 6–12 hours when given orally and within
2 hours when given rectally. Chronic use leads to a characteristic
brown pigmentation of the colon known as “melanosis coli.”

There has been some concern that these agents may be carci-
nogenic, but epidemiologic studies do not suggest a relation to

colorectal cancer.
Diphenylmethane Derivatives
Bisacodyl is available in tablet and suppository formulations for
the treatment of acute and chronic constipation. It also is used
in conjunction with PEG solutions for colonic cleansing prior
to colonoscopy. It induces a bowel movement within 6–10 hours
when given orally and 30–60 minutes when taken rectally. It has
minimal systemic absorption and appears to be safe for acute and
long-term use.
Lubiprostone is a prostanoic acid derivative labeled for use in

chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with pre-

dominant constipation. It acts by stimulating the type 2 chloride

channel (ClC-2) in the small intestine. This increases chloride-

rich fluid secretion into the intestine, which stimulates intestinal

motility and shortens intestinal transit time. Over 50% of patients

experience a bowel movement within 24 hours of taking one dose.
A dose of 24 mcg orally twice daily is the recommended dose for
treatment of chronic constipation. There appears to be no loss of
efficacy with long-term therapy. After discontinuation of the drug,
constipation may return to its pretreatment severity. Lubiprostone
has minimal systemic absorption but is designated category C for

pregnancy because of increased fetal loss in guinea pigs. Lubipro-

stone may cause nausea in up to 30% of patients due to delayed

gastric emptying.
Linaclotide and plecanatide are minimally absorbed, short

amino acid peptides that stimulate intestinal chloride secre-

tion through a different mechanism by binding to and acti-
vating guanylate cyclase-C on the luminal surface. This leads

to increased intracellular and extracellular cyclic guanosine

monophosphate (cGMP) with activation of the cystic fibrosis
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), followed by
chloride-rich secretion and acceleration of intestinal transit.

Both agents are approved for the treatment of chronic constipa-

tion (linaclotide 145 mcg orally once daily; plecanatide 3 mg

orally once daily); linaclotide is also approved for the treatment

of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (290 mcg orally
once daily). These agents result in an average increase of 1–2
bowel movements per week that usually occurs within the first
week of treatment. Upon discontinuation of the drug, bowel
movement frequency returns to normal within 1 week. The
most common side effect is diarrhea, which occurs in up to
20% of patients, with severe diarrhea in 2%. These drugs have

negligible absorption at standard doses. Both drugs are contra-

indicated in pediatric patients because of reports of increased

mortality in juvenile mice from dehydration. (Crofelemer is a

small molecule with the opposite effect: it is an inhibitor of the
CFTR channel and has recently been approved for the treatment
of HIV-drug-induced diarrhea.)
Acute and chronic therapy with opioids may cause constipation

by decreasing intestinal motility, which results in prolonged tran-

sit time and increased absorption of fecal water (see Chapter 31).

Use of opioids after surgery for treatment of pain as well as endog-

enous opioids also may prolong the duration of postoperative

ileus. These effects are mainly mediated through intestinal mu

(μ)-opioid receptors. Two selective antagonists of the μ-opioid
receptor are commercially available: methylnaltrexone bromide
and alvimopan. Because these agents do not readily cross the
blood-brain barrier, they inhibit peripheral μ-opioid receptors
without impacting analgesic effects within the central nervous
system. Methylnaltrexone is approved for the treatment of
opioid-induced constipation in patients receiving palliative care
for advanced illness who have had inadequate response to other
agents. It is administered as a subcutaneous injection (0.15 mg/
kg) every 2 days. Alvimopan is approved for short-term use to

1100 SECTION X Special Topics

shorten the period of postoperative ileus in hospitalized patients
who have undergone small or large bowel resection. Alvimopan
(12 mg capsule) is administered orally within 5 hours before
surgery and twice daily after surgery until bowel function has

recovered, but for no more than 7 days. Because of possible cardio-

vascular toxicity, alvimopan currently is restricted to short-term

use in hospitalized patients only.

Stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors on the presynaptic terminal of
submucosal intrinsic primary afferent nerves enhances the release

of their neurotransmitters, including calcitonin gene-related pep-

tide, which stimulates second-order enteric neurons to promote

the peristaltic reflex (Figure 62–4). These enteric neurons stimu-

late proximal bowel contraction (via acetylcholine and substance P)

and distal bowel relaxation (via nitric oxide and vasoactive intes-
tinal peptide).

Tegaserod is a serotonin 5-HT4 partial agonist that has high

affinity for 5-HT4 receptors but no appreciable binding to 5-HT3
or dopamine receptors. Tegaserod was approved for the treatment
of patients with chronic constipation and IBS with predominant
constipation. It has since been withdrawn. Prucalopride is a
high-affinity 5-HT4 agonist that is available in Europe (but not
in the USA) for the treatment of chronic constipation in women.
In contrast to cisapride and tegaserod, it does not appear to have
significant affinities for either hERG K+

channels or 5-HT1B
receptors. In three 12-week clinical trials of patients with severe
chronic constipation, it resulted in a significant increase in bowel
movements compared with placebo. The long-term efficacy and
safety of this agent require further study.

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