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Red Blood Cells (RBCS)

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Lab result

CBG (Capillary blood glucose testing)

- is one of the best ways to understand the patients diabetes and how different foods,
medications, and activities affect their diabetes. Keeping track of blood glucose can help
patient and the doctor make a plan to manage this condition.

means there is too much sugar in the blood because the body lacks enough insulin.

* Lack of insulin occurs when insulin-producing cells are damaged or destroyed and so
it stop producing insulin.

Mg/dL- Milligrams per deciliter

Mmol/L- millimoles per liter


Complete Blood Count Test (CBC) test is done in the early stages of pregnancy to
determine any health issues the expecting mom may have developed. The CBC also
determines the count of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

The CBC test is indeed necessary, as it helps to diagnose illnesses or infections in the
expecting mother. As the test calculates the count of the three types of blood cells, too, a
general idea about the expecting mom’s health can also be obtained.

1. Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

The levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin can indicate her capability to carry oxygen
via blood to the fetus. Low hemoglobin levels make pregnant women prone to fatigue
and sickness. Iron supplements are prescribed to correct this situation.

2. White Blood Cells (WBCs)

White blood cells play an important role in the human body, especially during
pregnancy. There are five types of WBCs- basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils,
lymphocytes and monocytes. All of these are important parts of the immune system,
which is greatly responsible for keeping the mother and the child free from any type of
infection. This also finds out if the mother has any blood-related diseases, like sickle cell
anaemia or leukaemia.

3.) Haemoglobin (Hb/Hgb)

Hemoglobin is the protein in blood that holds oxygen.

According to mayo clinic history, In many cases, a low hemoglobin count that's only
slightly lower than normal doesn't affect how you feel. A low hemoglobin count that's
more severe and causes symptoms might mean you have anemia. Likewise, A slightly
low hemoglobin count isn't always a sign of illness — it can be normal for some people.
Women with menstrual periods and pregnant women commonly have low hemoglobin

4.) Hematocrit (Hct)

This calculates the percentage of red blood cells in your blood.

According to Iranian Journal of Nursing nd Midwifery Research, The cause of its

decrease in adults and during pregnancy is anemia.

6. Mean Cell Volume (MCV)

Medically reviewed by Dra. Deborah Weatherspoon , MCV measures the average size
of your red blood cells. The MCV will be lower than normal when red blood cells are too
small. This condition is called microcytic anemia. Microcytic anemia may be caused by:
iron deficiency, which can be caused by poor dietary intake of iron, menstrual bleeding,
or gastrointestinal bleeding.
6.) Platelets
Platelets make up the trio of the types of blood cells and are the smallest of the three
types; however, their importance is huge. Platelets are responsible for clotting of the
blood. If the count of platelets is too low, it means that the blood will not clot soon
enough, while the number being high means that the mother is susceptible to sudden
internal blood clots and hemorrhages.


 To see if your kidneys are working normally. High serum creatinine levels in the blood
indicate that the kidneys aren't functioning properly. Your serum creatinine levels may be
slightly elevated or higher than normal due to: a blocked urinary tract. a high-protein diet.


Medically reviewed by Dra maria Prelipcean, The normal amount of glucose in urine is
0 to 0.8 mmol/L (millimoles per liter). A higher measurement could be a sign of a health
problem. Diabetes is the most common cause of elevated glucose levels.

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