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Semi DLP Earth & Life Science

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Lesson Plan in Earth and Life Science


Grade 11 – Aphrodite (3:00 – 4:00 P.M)

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of:
1. The cell is basic unit of life.
2. The different organelles in the cell and its structures and functions.
B. Performance Standard:
 The learners shall be able to make a poster that shows the difference between the organelles in
animal and plant cell.
C. Learning Competency:
 The learners explain how cells carry out functions required for life. (S11/12LT – 11bd – 4)
II. Content: BIOENERGETICS (1 Hour) – Animal & Plant Cell Organelle Structure & Functions
III. Learning Resources:
 For Cell Organelle Activity (Model Analogy of the cell)
For Artistic Group: Make a poster of the cell organelle, its structures and functions in a creative way.
For Musical Group: A composed tune which will fit in the cell organelle, structure and functions
For Linguistic Group: A poem or song lyrics that will fit in the topic
For Kinesthetic Group: A role play with a story line which will fit into the topic.

A. References
Learner’s Material page 90- 94
B. Internet Sources
IV. Materials:
Powerpoint Presentations
Video Clips
V. Procedures:
A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Review
3. Checking of attendance
4. Cleaning up
B. Motivation (Establishing the purpose of the lesson)
 A short game on Pinoy Henyo
C. Lesson Proper
1. Given 5 minute time to answer the Cell Organelle Activity sheet per group.
2. The group will create their own model analogy of the cell and its organelles.
3. Report to the respective group.
4. Show Proper: Each Multiple Intelligences (MI) group will collaborately perform the model
and explain each functions of the different cell organelles.
(Rubrics will be used for the assessment and performance will be their evaluation.
1. What are the different types of animal and plant cell organelles and their differences?
2. Describe each type, structures and functions.
Video presentation that show and describe the different structures and functions of each cell organelle of
animal and plant cell.
Identify and explain the functions and structures of each cell organelle in a creative way.
(See attached Rubrics)
Note: The performance of each group will be the source of the assessment.
Rubrics below:
Criteria Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing
10 pts 8pts Proficiency 5 pts
6 pts
Presentation of Relevance of the Relevance of the Relevance of the There is no
concepts topic is very evident. topic is evident. topic is not clear. relevance of the
Objective is Some concepts are Concepts not well- topic.
obviously meet. given explained
Performance Taken seriously, Taken seriously, Developing, not Inadequate/weak
while having fun; performed well with taken seriously performance, not
very well performed some mistakes taken seriously
(no mistakes) (consider level of
Effort Went above and Put in significant Effort put in only as No effort put in
beyond effort and effort but not asked
really took project necessarily above
what is asked
Teamwork All members Most members Almost all members 3 or more members
collaborated with collaborated with collaborated with of the group did not
the group the group the group collaborate.

Make a poster that show difference between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Observed by:

Master Teacher I

Noted by:


School Principal I
Cell City Analogy
In a far away city called Grant City, the main export and production product is the steel widget. Everyone in
the town has something to do with steel widget making and the entire town is designed to build and
export widgets. The town hall has the instructions for widget making, widgets come in all shapes and sizes
and any citizen of Grant can get the instructions and begin making their own widgets. Widgets are
generally produced in small shops around the city, these small shops can be built by the carpenters union
(whose headquarters are in town hall).
After the widget is constructed, they are placed on special carts which can deliver the widget anywhere in
the city. In order for a widget to be exported, the carts take the widget to the postal office, where the
widgets are packaged and labeled for export. Sometimes widgets don't turn out right, and the "rejects" are
sent to the scrap yard where they are broken down for parts or destroyed altogether. The town powers
the widget shops and carts from a hydraulic dam that is in the city. The entire city is enclosed by a large
wooden fence, only the postal trucks (and citizens with proper passports) are allowed outside the city.
Match the parts of the city (underlined) with the parts of the cell.

1. Mitochondria _____________________________________________

2. Ribosomes _____________________________________________

3. Nucleus _____________________________________________

4. Endoplasmic

5. Golgi

6. Protein _____________________________________________

7. Cell

8. Lysosomes _____________________________________________
9. Nucleolus _____________________________________________

** Create your own analogy below of the cell using a different model. Some ideas might be: a school, a
house, a factory, or anything you can imagine**

Organelle Description Function Animal, Plant or Both

CELL WALL Rigid, tough, made of Protects and supports the Plant
cellulose cell

CELL MEMBRANE Thin, covering, protects Protects the cell, performs Both
cells active transport and
passive transport, moves
materials in and out of the
cell, communication

CYTOPLASM Jelly like substance that Pads and supports Both

contains organelles organelles inside the cell.
Moves by cyclosis

NUCLEUS Dense, ball shaped Controls all of the cell’s Both

structure, contains DNA activities

NUCLEAR MEMBRANE Thin covering over the Covers and protects the Both
nucleus nucleus

NUCLELOUS Small dark area in the Produces ribosome’s Both


CHROMATIN In the nucleus, made of Provides instructions for Both

DNA and protein, contains the cells activities, (growth,
genes reproduction)

ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Clear, tubular system of Transports materials like Both

tunnels throughout the cell proteins around the cell

RIBOSOME Small specks made of RNA. Makes proteins Both

Found in cytoplasm or on
the endoplasmic reticulum

MITOCHONDRIA Location in the cytoplasm, Supplies energy or ATP for Both

bean shaped the cell through cell
respiration using glucose
and oxygen

VACUOLE Large open storage area, Storage tank for food, Both
smaller in animal cells water, wastes or enzymes

CHLOROPLAST Green structures that Captures sunlight and uses Plant

contain chlorophyll it to produce food through

GOLGI BODY Small bags with tubes Packages and secrets Both
connecting them proteins for use in and out
of the cell

LYOSOME Small, round structures, Digests older cell parts, Both

containing enzymes food or other objects

CENTRIOLE Small cylindrical Used with the spindle Animal

apparatus during mitosis

Cell Organelles Worksheet

Use the table above to fill in the chart

Complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or organelle in the right
hand column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column. A cell part may
be used more than once.

Structure/Function Cell Part

Stores material within the cell

Closely stacked, flattened sacs (plants only)

The sites of protein synthesis

Transports materials within the cell

The region inside the cell except for the nucleus

Organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a
eukaryotic cell
Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy from
sunlight and gives plants their green color
Digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food particles and
invading viruses or bacteria
Small bumps located on portions of the endoplasmic
Provides temporary storage of food, enzymes and waste
Firm, protective structure that gives the cell its shape in
plants, fungi, most bacteria and some protests
Produces a usable form of energy for the cell

Packages proteins for transport out of the cell

Everything inside the cell including the nucleus

Site where ribosomes are made

The membrane surrounding the cell

Provides support for the cell, has two “subparts”

Name for the collection of DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic
Consist of hollow tubes which provide support for the cell
Small hair-like structures used for movement or sensing
Composed of a phospholipid bilayer

Longer whip-like structures used for movement

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