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GGH1502 Assignment1&2 001 2021 3 B

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Tutorial Letter 001/3/2021

World Issues: A Geographical Perspective

Semester 1 and 2

Department of Geography
Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife e-mail account and
make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module
website, GGH1502-2021-S1/S2, as well as your e-tutor group website



ASSESSMENT CHANGES for 2021 ACADEMIC YEAR......................................................................... 3

1.1 Assignment due dates .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 The assignments .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Other assessment....................................................................................................................... 28
1.4 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 28
Dear Student


Due to the ministerial request to extend the 2021 registration dates, Unisa had to amend both the
semester dates and the assessment arrangements for the 2021 academic year.
During 2021 we will have only one semester and only one tuition and assessment period.
The purpose of this TL001 is to inform you of the new assessment requirements for module
GGH1502 for students registered during 2021 for the one semester period.

1.1 Assignment due dates

Semester 1
Assignment 01 is due – 14 May 2021
Assignment 02 is due – 28 June 2021
Assignment 03 is due – 26 July 2021

1.2 The assignments


This assignment consists of ten multiple choice questions. You must submit the assignment on a
mark reading sheet on myUnisa under Assessment Info.

Please consult Tutorial Letter 102 on myUnisa.

1 Which of the following referencing styles should you use for GGH1502?

(1) Modern Languages Association (MLA) style

(2) Vancouver style
(3) Chicago style
(4) Harvard style

2 How would you correctly cite the following textbook in an assignment? Holden, J. 2012.
An introduction to physical geography and the environment. 3rd edition. London: Pearson.

(1) According to Holden in the textbook An introduction to physical geography and the
environment, …
(2) According to the textbook published in 2012 in An introduction to physical
geography and the environment, …
(3) According to Holden (2012), …


(4) According to the textbook An introduction to physical geography and the

environment published by Pearson, …

3 Which statement regarding referencing is true?

(1) Referencing is only necessary for work that is written for publication.
(2) Referencing involves the inclusion of both an in-text reference and a reference list.
(3) Citing each source in the text once is sufficient acknowledgement of the source.
(4) Referencing is only necessary for quotations taken directly from a source.

4 How would you correctly cite the following journal article in the reference list of an

(1) Heidi Soosalu, Regina Lippitsch, Páll Einarsson. 2006. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 153. Low-frequency earthquakes at the Torfajökull volcano,
south Iceland. Available online at
(2) Soosalu, H., Lippitsch, R. & Einarsson, P. 2006. Low-frequency earthquakes at the
Torfajökull volcano, south Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
153, 187-199.
(3) Soosalu et al. 2006. Low-frequency earthquakes at the Torfajökull volcano, south
Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 153, 187-199.
(4) H. Soosalu, R. Lippitsch & P. Einarsson. 2006. Available online at

5 Which statement does not describe a technique that you can use to avoid committing

(1) After reading the prescribed material, write the entire assignment from memory of
the knowledge you retained.
(2) Cite in the text each piece of information that comes from a source.
(3) Ensure that all the sources you consulted are included in the reference list.
(4) Use the referencing process to strengthen and substantiate an argument with
evidence from academically valid sources.


6 How would you correctly cite the following journal article in the reference list of an

(1) Ferreira, M.P., Alves, D.S. &. Shimabukuro, Y.E. 2014. Forest dynamics and
land-use transitions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: The case of sugarcane
expansion. Regional Environmental Change, 15, 365-377.
(2) Matheus P. Ferreira, Diógenes S. Alves & Yosio E. Shimabukuro. 2014.
Regional Environmental Change 15, 365-377. Forest dynamics and land-use
transitions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: The case of sugarcane expansion.
Available online at DOI 10.1007/s10113-014-0652-6.
(3) M.P. Ferreira, D.S. Alves, Y.E. Shimabukuro. 2014. Forest dynamics and land-
use transitions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: The case of sugarcane
expansion. Regional Environmental Change 15, 365-377. Springer-Verlag:
(4) Ferreira et al. 2014. Forest dynamics and land-use transitions in the Brazilian
Atlantic Forest: The case of sugarcane expansion. Regional Environmental
Change 15, 365-377.

7 Which of the following statements about a reference list is false?

(1) A reference list enables a reader or a marker of an assignment to access a

source for further consultation if necessary.
(2) A reference list includes all the necessary information about the sources you
have consulted.
(3) A reference list does not need to contain the name of the author, the title and the
year of publication of a source if the ISBN is given.
(4) A reference list supports your arguments and makes your work credible.

8 Which statement corresponds with the Unisa Policy for Copyright Infringement and

(1) Students may be subjected to a disciplinary hearing only if they committed

plagiarism intentionally.
(2) Submitting assignments that were completed by a friend or fellow student is not
an act of plagiarism or dishonesty.
(3) Using direct quotations extensively in an assignment is not plagiarism if they are
not cited correctly in the text and reference list.
(4) Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, is a serious criminal offence.

9 Which of the following is/are example(s) of plagiarism?

(1) "Patch-writing" in which students cut and paste information from the internet without
any acknowledgements.
(2) Using a series of direct quotations with no or very little paraphrasing.
(3) Copying the work of another student.
(4) All of the above.

10 Which statement regarding direct quotations is not correct?

(1) They should be used as frequently as possible to avoid plagiarism.

(2) They are the only way to avoid plagiarising.
(3) They should be used only when absolutely necessary.
(4) They should be used instead of your own thoughtful analysis.

TOTAL [10]



Lesson plan 3: Sustainable development

1 When the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs, we speak of …

(1) the tragedy of the commons. (2)

the impossibility theorem.
(3) sustainable development. (4)
net primary production.

2 Thomas Malthus suggested that …

(1) food supply grows arithmetically.

(2) human population grows geometrically.
(3) population growth will outstrip the food supply.
(4) All of the above.

3 The decline of the Mayan civilization may have been due to …

(1) over-reliance on maize.

(2) deforestation.
(3) overuse of soil.
(4) All of the above.

4 In what year did the Rio+20 Conference take place?

(1) 2000
(2) 2012
(3) 1992
(4) 2010

5 The opposing views on how serious the environmental crisis is and what ought to be
done about it, are related to the ...

(1) fact that all people use environmental resources in the same way.
(2) differences in the life and world views which people maintain.
(3) lack of a fundamental religious motive in most people's cultural background.
(4) significant technological progress during the past century.

6 Which one of the following statements does not reflect the principles of
sustainable development?

(1) Ecological processes must be preserved and biodiversity protected.

(2) Humans are the ‘ultimate resource’.
(3) Economic and ecological systems must be integrated.
(4) The needs of future generations should be taken into consideration.

7 According to economists, environmental degradation occurs because …

(1) information about this phenomenon is not generally available.

(2) environmental resources are becoming scarcer.
(3) technology could not develop fast enough to be able to solve problems.
(4) many aspects of the environment are not properly valued in economic terms.

8 Study Figure 1 and indicate which diagram illustrates the decline of the Mayan

Figure 1: Three diagrams showing the relationship between carrying capacity and

(1) (a)
(2) (b)
(3) (c)
(4) (a) and (c)
Lesson plan 5: Desertification

9 When did the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) come into force?

(1) 1977
(2) 1992
(3) 1996
(4) 2012


10 Salinisation adversely affects crops …

(1) by degrading soil structure.

(2) because salts are toxic to plants.
(3) by causing the collapse of plant cells.
(4) All of the above.

11 Which of the following countries is NOT part of the Sahel?

(1) Botswana
(2) Niger
(3) Nigeria
(4) Mauritania

12 The transformation of arable land into uninhabitable land as a result of climate

change and destructive land use, is referred to as …

(1) deforestation.
(2) desertification.
(3) soil erosion.
(4) acid rain.

13 Which one of the following statements on desertification is true?

(1) The occurrence of desertification is limited to deserts such as the Sahara and
the Namib.
(2) Only the arid and semi-arid parts of the world are affected by desertification.
(3) Desertification is the result of the interaction between certain land use
practices and climatic conditions.
(4) Desertification is the physical expansion of deserts such as the Sahara.

14 A rising salty water table is known as …

(1) saline leak.

(2) saline seep.
(3) saline ooze.
(4) eucalyptus salts.

15 Which of the following is NOT a root cause of land degradation?

(1) War and civil unrest

(2) Sand dunes advancing to agricultural land
(3) Natural disasters such as droughts
(4) Inappropriate use of technology

16 Which of the following countries in Africa are considered to be hyper-arid.

(1) Rwanda
(2) Egypt
(3) Democratic Republic of Congo
(4) Lesotho

Lesson plan 7: Rivers, Lakes and Wetlands

17 Most of the fresh water on Earth is found in …

(1) aquifers.
(2) caves.
(3) polar ice and glaciers.
(4) lakes and rivers.

18 Hydraulic civilisations have arisen in similar physical locations, which are …

(1) coastal plains.

(2) river valleys.
(3) humid tropical climates.
(4) lake shores.

19 Which of the following diseases is related to water in some way?

(1) Malaria
(2) Cholera
(3) Schistosomiasis
(4) All of the above

20 Which of the following statements about dissolved oxygen in water is false?

(1) Thermal pollution reduces dissolved oxygen content.

(2) Eutrophication reduces dissolved oxygen content.
(3) Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of how much oxygen is used by
micro-organisms in breaking down organic matter.
(4) The lower the dissolved oxygen content of a river, the better for fish and
aquatic plant life.

21 Contamination from which of the following is a non-point source of pollution?

(1) Overflow from a sewage treatment plant

(2) Runoff from agricultural fields
(3) Drainage from an abandoned mine
(4) Hot water from a power station

22 Study Figure 2 and indicate during which period the sedimentation rate into
Chesapeake Bay, USA exceeded more than 10 mm/year.

Figure 2: Sedimentation rate

(1) Pre-European settlement

(2) Early deforestation/agriculture
(3) Peak deforestation/intensive agriculture
(4) Dam building/urbanisation

23 Which one of the following options gives the correct explanation for the deterioration
of the Aral Sea in Central Asia since the 1960s?

(1) The large scale use of the rivers for the irrigation of crops
(2) The sharp increase in population density around the sea
(3) Pollution of the water by factories
(4) A decrease in rainfall as a result of global warming

24 Study Figure 3 and indicate which one of the following human activities is most
likely the major cause that resulted in the environmental degradation over time.

(1) Combustion of fossil fuels

(2)Uncontrolled water abstraction


Figure 3: The Aral Sea (dark areas indicate the remaining water surface and the lighter colour
the estimated original coastline)

Lesson plan 9: Climatic Change

25 What is one likely effect of the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer?

(1) Increased volcanic activity

(2) Increased amounts of UV radiation reaching the earth
(3) Decreased rates of soil erosion
(4) Increased amounts of water in lakes

26 Global agreement to reduce the release of ozone depleting substances was made
in the …

(1)Montreal Protocol.
(2)Kyoto Protocol.

(3)Basel Convention.

(4)Rio Convention.

27 UNFCCC stands for the United Nations …

(1)Foolproof Convention on Climate Change.

(2)Framework Convention on Climate Change.
(3)Follow-on Convention on Climate Change.
(4). Foreign Convention on Chemicals and Climate.

28 Which of the following countries has uncoupled economic growth from growing
fossil fuel consumption over the last few decades?


29 Which of the following gases is not a primary contributor to the greenhouse effect?

(1)Carbon dioxide
(3)Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

30 The depletion in the ozone layer is caused by …

(1)nitrous oxide.
(2)carbon dioxide.

31 Which of the following describe the long-term variations in the Earth's orbit that
can lead to climatic change as calculated by Milankovitch?

(1)Orbital eccentricity with a periodicity of 100,000 years

(2)Axial tilt or obliquity with a periodicity of 41,000 years
(3)Precession of the equinoxes with a periodicity of about 21,000 years
(4)All of the above.

32 Study Figure 4 and indicate when the variation in global temperature reached

Figure 4: Variations in global temperature (1850-2010)

(1) 1850
(2) 1910
(3) 1945
(4) 2000

Lesson plan 10: Acidification

33 The chemistry of the atmosphere is affected by …

(1)industrial pollution.
(3)sea salt.
(4)All of the above.

34 Roughly what proportion of atmospheric CO2 emitted by humankind has been
absorbed by the oceans since the Industrial Revolution began?

(1) 30 per cent

(2) 20 per cent
(3) 10 per cent
(4) None

35 Which of the following statements about acidification is false?

(1) Conifer plantations frequently result in soil acidification.

(2) The smelting of metals is not associated with acid rain.
(3) Most lichens are very sensitive to atmospheric pollution by sulphur dioxide.
(4) Acid mist has been associated with forest dieback in Germany.

36 Study Figure 5 and indicate which process is represented by A.

Figure 5: Emission and transport of acid rain

(1) Dry deposition

(2) Acid hail
(3) Ocean acidification
(4) Evaporation

37 Acid rain has a pH of …

(1) above 7.
(2) exactly 7.
(3) below 5.6.
(4) between 5.6 and 7.

38 Which one of the following statements regarding acid rain is true?

(1)The source areas of acid rain pollutants and affected areas are often far apart.
(2)Acid rain occurs only in the southern hemisphere.
(3)Acid rain presents the most serious environmental problem in developing
(4)Industrialised countries are least affected by acid rain.

39 Which of the following forests in Europe have been affected by acid rain?

(1)Fichtelgebirge (German-Czech border)

(2)Inner Bavarian Forest (Germany)
(3)Erzgebrige-Silesia (German-Czech-Polish borders)
(4)All of the above.

40 Which one of the following protocols does not regulate sulphur emissions?

(1)Helsinki Protocol
(2)Oslo Protocol
(3)Gothenburg Protocol
(4)Kinshasa Protocol

41 Which of the following is an important precursor to acid rain?

(1) Sulphur dioxide

(2) Methane
(3) Carbon dioxide
(4) Radon

Lesson plan 11: Food Production

42 Over pumping of groundwater for irrigation in coastal locations can …

(1) increase the salinity of the aquifer.

(2) decrease the salinity of the aquifer.
(3) increase the water table.
(4) None of the above.

43 Which of the following is not characteristic of the Green Revolution?

(1)Chemical farming techniques

(2)Mechanised agriculture
(3)Hunting and gathering
(4)Expansion of irrigation

44 Cultivated systems cover roughly what proportion of the Earth?

(1) 10 per cent

(2) 15 per cent
(3) 25 per cent
(4) 50 per cent

45 Which of the following is NOT a driver of the so-called Livestock Revolution

occurring in the developing world?

(1) Urbanisation
(2) Growth in population
(3) Growth in income
(4) The wastefulness of consumers

TOTAL [45]


Lesson plan 3: Sustainable Development

1 What are the three pillars of sustainable development?

(1) Economic development, social development and environmental protection

(2) Poverty, population and degradation
(3) Economic growth, population growth and environmental protection
(4) Strong, weak and balanced sustainability

2 In the I = P x A x T equation, …

(1) I is impact, P is production and A is affluence and T is technology.

(2) I is impact, P is prosperity and A is affluence and T is tax.
(3) P is population, A is affluence and T is technology.
(4) P is prosperity, A is affluence and T is telecommunications.

3 The decline of the civilization on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) may have been due to

(1) pollution.
(2) over-reliance on maize.
(3) deforestation.
(4) overuse of soil.

4 If human activities taking place in an area exceed the carrying capacity of the
specific area, …

(1) it will act as a stimulus for further growth and development.

(2) an improvement in the quality of the environment will occur.
(3) the carrying capacity will gradually increase until a new equilibrium is
(4) degradation of resources will occur.

5 According to economists, environmental degradation occurs because …

(1) information about this phenomenon is not generally available.

(2) environmental resources are becoming scarcer.
(3) technology could not develop fast enough to be able to solve problems.
(4) many aspects of the environment are not properly valued in economic terms.

6 Study Figure 1 and indicate which process the letter X represents in the
relationship between humans and the environment.

Figure 1: Three ways of human interaction with the environment

(1) Fossil fuel combustion

(2) Sustainable development
(3) Waste incineration
(4) Pesticide use

7 According to which one of the following perspectives or theories is technological
change the result of human inventiveness reacting to needs?

(1) Malthusian perspective

(2) Boserup theory
(3) Green perspective
(4) Machako’s perspective

8 Thomas Malthus suggested that …

(1) food supply grows arithmetically.

(2) human population grows geometrically.
(3) population growth will outstrip the food supply.
(4) All of the above.

Lesson plan 5: Desertification

9 How long has the word 'desertification' been used?

(1) At least 150 years

(2) At least 50 years
(3) At least 15 years
(4) At least 10 years

10 An increase in surface albedo, resulting in a cooler land surface, which reduces

convection and hence rainfall, resulting in less vegetation and higher surface
albedo is an example of …

(1) a negative feedback.

(2) the complexity of systems.
(3) the interrelatedness of systems.
(4) a positive feedback.

11 A rising salty water table is known as …

(1) saline leak.

(2) saline seep.
(3) saline ooze.
(4) eucalyptus salts.

12 Which one of the following countries in Africa are considered to be hyper-arid.

(1) Rwanda
(2) Egypt
(3) Democratic Republic of Congo
(4) Lesotho

13 Identify the main cause of desertification in the Sahel region during the 1970s and

(1) Soil degradation

(2) Drought
(3) Oil spill
(4) Overgrazing

14 Which of the following is NOT a root cause of land degradation?

(1) War and civil unrest

(2) Sand dunes advancing to agricultural land
(3) Natural disasters such as droughts
(4) Inappropriate use of technology

15 Salinization adversely affects crops …

(1) by degrading soil structure.

(2) because salts are toxic to plants.
(3) by causing the collapse of plant cells.
(4) All of the above.

16 The transformation of arable land into uninhabitable land as a result of climate

change and destructive land use, is referred to as …

(1) deforestation.
(2) desertification.
(3) soil erosion.
(4) acid rain.

Lesson plan 7: Rivers, Lakes and Wetlands

17 Protection of wetlands is the aim of the …

(1) Rio Conference 1992.

(2) Ramsar Convention 1971.
(3) Basel Convention 1989.
(4) London Dumping Convention 1972.

18 Which of the following can result in cultural eutrophication when introduced into
rivers, lakes and wetlands?

(1) Nitrogen
(2) Acid wastes
(3) Bacteria
(4) Pesticides

19 Contamination from which of the following is a non-point source of pollution?

(1) Overflow from a sewage treatment plant

(2) Runoff from agricultural fields
(3) Drainage from an abandoned mine
(4) Hot water from a power station

20 Which countries in the Nile basin have agreements over use of the Nile?

(1) None
(2) Egypt and Sudan
(3) Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia
(4) Ethiopia and Uganda

21 Which of the following is not a type of wetland?

(1) Marsh
(2) Wasteland
(3) Peatland
(4) Fen

22 Which one of the following statements on wetlands is true?

(1) The gathering of fuel wood is one of the biggest threats to wetlands in many
developing countries.
(2) Although wetlands have great ecological value, it is of very little economic
(3) The reclamation of wetlands to make more land available for agriculture
always have positive results.
(4) Up to now the St. Lucia system is the only Ramsar wetland in South Africa.

23 Study Figure 2 and indicate in which year 50 fish species were recorded in the
Thames River.

Figure 2: Fish diversity in the Thames River

(1) 1964
(2) 1970
(3) 1974
(4) 1977

Lesson plan 9: Climatic Change

24 Which of the following is NOT a major greenhouse gas?

(1) Methane
(2) Water vapour
(3) Calcium Carbonate
(4) Carbon Dioxide

25 Atmospheric concentrations of CFCs are much lower than that of CO 2, but CFCs
are still potent greenhouse gases because …

(1) they do not have natural sources.

(2) they remain in the atmosphere for much longer.
(3) their warming properties are much more effective.
(4) they are difficult to remove from chimneys.

26 Which of these greenhouse gases is entirely anthropogenic in origin?

(1) Methane
(2) Nitrous oxide
(3) Chlorofluorocarbons
(4) Carbon dioxide

27 Which of the following statements about climatic change is true?

(1) Water vapour is the most powerful greenhouse gas.

(2) Record snowfall disproves global warming.
(3) Over the past 200 years, human action has significantly increased the
concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
(4) Human activities are too insignificant to affect global climate.

28 Many scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is the result of …

(1) overgrazing of land in developing nations.

(2) burning large amounts of oil and coal in developed nations.
(3) testing nuclear weapons along coastlines.
(4) using natural fertilisers to increase crop production.

29 Study Figure 4 and indicate which statement is true.

Figure 4: Change in temperature

(1) The last 1,000 years have seen only warmer periods.
(2) The last 1,000 years have seen only colder periods.
(3) The last 1,000 years have seen both a relatively warmer and colder period.
(4) None of the above.

30 Since 1850 the average global temperature has increased by approximately ... C.

(1) 5
(2) 0.8
(3) 0.08
(4) 2.8

31 Which of the following small island developing states (SIDS) are expected to lose
significant proportions of their national territory due to rising sea levels?

(1) Fiji, Samoa and Australia

(2) Kiribati, Marshall Islands and the Maldives
(3) Australia, Madagascar and Sicily
(4) None of the above.

Lesson plan 10: Acidification

32 Which of the following is measured on the pH scale?

(1) Turbidity
(2) Acidity
(3) Salinity
(4) Hardness

33 Which of the following is an important precursor to acid rain?

(1) Sulphur dioxide

(2) Methane
(3) Carbon dioxide
(4) Radon

34 Which of the following statements about buffering capacity is true?

(1) It is the ability of people to neutralise acids entering an ecosystem.

(2) It is a measure of shallow soils which are sensitive to acidification.
(3) It is the ability of an ecosystem to neutralize incoming acids.
(4) It is an assessment of how land use change can affect acidification.

35 Which of the following has NOT been associated with acid rain?

(1) Forest dieback

(2) Deterioration of marble buildings and monuments
(3) Fish deaths
(4) Sheep deaths

36 Which of the following combinations regarding the effect of acid rain is false?

(1) Limestone; dissolve

(2) Plastic; corrosion
(3) Health; breathing difficulties
(4) Trees; damage to needles, leaves and bark

37 Which one of the following parts of the world is not significantly affected by acid

(1) East Asia, especially Japan, China and South Korea

(2) Antarctica, St Helena and Marion Island
(3) Europe (from Wales to Poland)
(4) North America (USA and Canada)

38 Which of the following is not a technology that could be used to limit emissions of
industrial pollutants causing acid rain?

(1) Fuel desulphurisation

(2) Incineration of waste
(3) Flue gas desulphurisation
(4) Fluidised bed technology

49 Study Figure 5 and indicate what the sulphur dioxide deposition over Rome, Italy is
in grams per S/m2.

Figure 5: Sulphur dioxide deposition over Europe


(1) Between 10-20 g S/m2

(2) Between 20-50 g S/m2
(3) Between 50-100 g S/m2
(4) Between 100-200 g S/m2

40 Roughly what proportion of atmospheric CO2 emitted by humankind has been

absorbed by the oceans since the Industrial Revolution began?

(1) 30 per cent

(2) 20 per cent
(3) 10 per cent
(4) None.

Lesson plan 11: Food Production

41 The three primary soil macronutrients are …

(1) carbon, oxygen and water.

(2) potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.
(3) copper, cadmium, and carbon.
(4) None of the above.

42 GM stands for …

(1) genetically modified.

(2) grossly modified.
(3) generally manageable.
(4) general modes.

43 Which of the following animals was NOT first domesticated in the Middle East?

(1) Pig
(2) Sheep
(3) Llama
(4) Goat

44 Roughly what proportion of the world's population suffers from food insecurity and

(1) 5 per cent

(2) 10 per cent
(3) 15 per cent
(4) 25 per cent

45 The term “Green Revolution” is used to describe the …

(1) tensions between developing and developed nations.

(2) heavy reliance on manual labour in agriculture.
(3) environmental destruction caused by industry.
(4) development of new farming techniques to increase crop yields.

TOTAL [45]

1.3 Other assessment

There are no additional formative assessments planned for this module.
1.4 The examination
For general information on and the requirements for the examination, see the brochure my
Studies @ Unisa, and will also be provided on the myUnisa module site.
For all other information regarding module GGH1502, you should still refer to Tutorial letter 101.



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