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Simple Mini Camera

p. 8

In this edition
I2S Test Signal Generator
with AVR Microcontroller
New LCR Meter - Part 2
Sensor Network with RPi and RF24
My Project: Homebrew CPUs
Connect Your Thermostat
with ESPHome
Error Analysis
Control Your Home with RPi
electronica Fast Forward
2020 Winners
Data Analysis and Artificial
Intelligence in Python
By our Partner Elettronica Open Source

and much more!

LiPo Charger, Booster Multi-Channel Power Analyzer Parallax Propeller 2

and Protector DIY: Take measurements and Eight cores, 500 kB RAM,
p. 6 p. 66 p. 110
GreatScott! and Elektor present display data! I/O with up to 300 MHz
a portable power supply
€ 31.46
Microcontroller for members

Basics with PIC

Billions of low-power microcontrollers
are deployed throughout the Internet of
Things (IoT). Want to learn how these
tiny devices work? Would you like to
start building PIC microcontroller-based

In Microcontroller Basics with PIC, author

Tam Hanna presents all the essential aspects
of microcontroller programming, without
overloading you with unnecessary details.
Topics covered:

> PIC microntrollers

> An intro to Assembly
> Program sequence control
> Getting started with C
> Hardware accelerated buses
> Storing data
> And much more
Get started with microcontrollers right
away. The possibilities are endless!

NOW Read more on:

€ 31.46
for members

Elektor Magazine, Jens Nickel

English edition
International Editor-in-Chief, Elektor Magazine
Edition 1/2021
Volume 47, No. 505
January & February 2021

ISSN 1757-0875 (UK / US / ROW distribution)

Elektor Magazine, English edition

is published 6 times a year by Develop together -
Elektor International Media
78 York Street
London W1H 1DP
especially now!
United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) (0)20 7692 8344
These are not easy times for any of us. Fortunately, my colleagues and I can work well
Head Office: from our home offices. The fact that we no longer have to commute to the office and
Elektor International Media b.v. that we can dress a little more casually means that we have a lot of free time to spend on
PO Box 11 our favorite hobbies during the week. I’m planning to take a look at the new Raspberry
NL-6114-ZG Susteren
Pi soon. I’m also interested in machine learning. (A few small ideas about what you can
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 46 4389444
do with it in connection with music/video are already ripening.)
Memberships: Maybe you too have had some more time and have used it to finally realize an old project
Please use London address idea? Maybe with one of the small boards you picked up at one of the last (real) fairs? Or
E-mail: with one of the development modules from our store? If so, don’t hesitate to let us and our readers know! On our platform, you can create a project
today and briefly describe what you are planning or have already developed. Neither good
Advertising & Sponsoring:
Margriet Debeij
English nor full documentation is required there. You can submit additional material
Phone: +31 (0)46 43 89444 later. I’m almost certain that someone will quickly post a question about your project or
Mobile: +31 6 380 780 29 tell you that they’ve already done something similar (and where the pitfalls might be).
E-mail: Things develop better together, and the network of networks makes it possible for this
to work even during a lockdown!  
Advertising rates and terms available on request. We editors also look at the Labs projects regularly. None of the projects are forgotten. Our
goal for 2021 is to quickly select what might be suitable for publication in our magazine.
Of course, this also applies to submissions you send us by mail! An editor from our team
will then contact you and look after your article proposal.
Copyright Notice
The circuits described in this magazine are for
domestic and educational use only. All draw- So, let’s develop together and stay healthy!
ings, photographs, printed circuit board layouts,
programmed integrated circuits, disks, CD-
ROMs, DVDs, software carriers, and article texts
published in our books and magazines (other
than third-party advertisements) are copyright
Elektor International Media b.v. and may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, scanning and
recording, in whole or in part without prior writ-
ten permission from the Publisher. Such written The Team
permission must also be obtained before any
part of this publication is stored in a retrieval
International Editor-in-Chief: Jens Nickel
system of any nature. Patent protection may
exist in respect of circuits, devices, components Content Director: C. J. Abate
etc. described in this magazine. The Publisher Membership Manager: Denise Bodrone
does not accept responsibility for failing to
International Editorial Staff: Eric Bogers, Jan Buiting, Stuart Cording,
identify such patent(s) or other protection. The
Publisher disclaims any responsibility for the Rolf Gerstendorf, Denis Meyer,
safe and proper function of reader-assembled Dr Thomas Scherer, Clemens Valens
projects based upon or from schematics, Laboratory Staff: Mathias Claussen, Ton Giesberts,
descriptions or information published in or in
Luc Lemmens, Clemens Valens, Jan Visser
relation with Elektor magazine.
Graphic Design & Prepress: Giel Dols, Harmen Heida
© Elektor International Media b.v. 2021 Publisher: Don Akkermans
Printed in the Netherlands

lektor January & February 2021 3

Volume 49 — Edition 1/2021
No. 505 — January & February 2021

Labs Project:
I S Test Signal
Generator with AVR


Regulars 74 Analogue Filter Design (Part 3)

Passive Filters
3 Colophon
83 Review: JOY-iT Wireless Measurement Module
20 electronica Fast Forward 2020 Winners
92 Error Analysis
36 From Life’s Experience
Tips on Voltage Regular Circuits, PCB Design, and More
The Fine Line Between Order and Chaos
96 Java on the Raspberry Pi
38 Starting Out in Electronics
An Interview with Frank Delporte
Easier Than Imagined!
100 Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence in Python
50 Developer’s Zone
Interpreting Real Data with NumPy, pandas and scikit-learn
Tips & Tricks, Best Practices and Other Useful Information
110 Getting to Know the Parallax Propeller 2
53 Small Circuits Revival
Part 1: An Introduction
From the Elektor Suggestions Box
94 Ethics
The Open Hardware Observatory
107 Project 2.0
Corrections, Updates and Readers’ letters
6 DIY LiPo Supercharger Bundle
114 Hexadoku
GreatScott! and Elektor’s LiPo Charger, Booster, and Protector
The Original Elektorized Sudoku
8 MTheCam
A Simple Mini Thermal Camera
22 I2S Test Signal Generator with AVR Microcontroller
Features 32-Bit 1-kHz Digital Sine, fs 192 kHz,
Level Adjustable from 0 to -110 dB
17 Review: Weller WE 1010 Soldering Station
27 Control Your Home with Raspberry Pi
32 Simulate Circuits Online RPi Snoops on 433.92 MHz
62 Practical ESP32 Multitasking (6) 41 Homelab Tours: Homebrew CPUs
Event Groups The Discrete Microcontroller

4 January & February 2021

Connect Your
Thermostat with Simulate
ESPHome 44 Circuits Online 32

Next Edition
Elektor Magazine Edition 2/2021 (March & April)
Elektor’s friends at SparkFun Electronics are guest editing the next
edition of Elektor Mag! We are excited to announce that our editorial
and engineering teams are currently collaborating closely with engi-
neers at SparkFun Electronics — a Colorado-USA based innovator of
fun and interesting electronics kits and modules — on various amaz-
ing electronics projects, articles, and engineering tutorials for the
March/April edition. Below are just some of the articles and topics
that we are working on:

RPi Snoops on
433.92 MHz 27 >
Getting Started with MicroMod
Tips for Creating Custom Electronic Products
How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station
> Programming an FPGA
> DIY Circuit Board Organization
> Must-Haves for Your Electronics Workspace
> ClockClock: An FPGA Demo Project
> Implementing FreeRTOS on RED-V
44 Connect Your Thermostat with ESPHome
An Attempt at Doing Home Automation the Right Way And much more!

56 Raspberry Pi Full Stack Don’t miss the upcoming special edition of Elektor Mag created by
RPi and RF24 at the Heart of a Sensor Network engineers and makers from Europe and America!
66 Multi-Channel Power Analyzer
Up to 3 Channels, with Graphic and Alphanumeric Display
Elektor Magazine edition 2/2021 (March & April) will be published
86 New LCR Meter 50 Hz - 2 MHz (Part 2) in March 2021. Arrival of printed copies for Elektor Gold Members is
Operation, Calibration, and Firmware Programming subject to transport. Contents and article titles subject to change.

lektor January & February 2021 5


Supercharger Bundle
GreatScott and Elektor’s LiPo Charger, Booster,
and Protector
Need a rechargeable LiPo power supply for 5- and 12-V output? Want to practice SMD
soldering? You can with a little help from GreatScott! (a YouTuber with 1+ million
subscribers) and Elektor. In this article, we detail both the handy portable power supply and
the obstacles we encountered during the development process.

By Mathias Claußen (Elektor)

Figure 1: Boxed product.

For experimenting with electronics we are used to our trusty power GreatScott! [2] has sketched the raw schematic of a LiPo powered,
supplies on a lab bench. While this is the usual way to get prototypes rechargeable supply that shall be user buildable with SMD compo-
up and running the leads sometimes become a bit of a handicap if nents. All the components and ingredients look not that complicated
the device we build is meant to be portable or moving around the lab. on first sight, a charging IC for LiPo batteries, a DC/DC converter
The workaround can be a bunch of batteries carefully crafted with to provide 5 V and 12 V and a battery protection IC. All components
duct tape, hot glue and some cheap DC/DC converter into a kind are chosen to be 1206 in size where possible, to allow even begin-
of portable battery pack. That works for a prototype, but it isn’t that ners to get all SMD components onto the PCB and hopefully show
nice, especially if you need 5 or 12 V for your device. This can be done that soldering SMD is not a kind of black magic that only well trained
in a better way and it has. After meeting at the 2019 productronica wizards can do. Parts that need some kind of special attention are
fair in Munich, Elektor and popular engineer GreatScott! decided to already built onto the PCB to make your start into SMD assembly even
team up to develop a handy DIY kit just for you. a bit easier and avoid dealing with small pins and pads underneath
ICs. For charging you can use direct attached cables providing 5 V
Who is GreatScott? Great Scott! is the name of a Youtube channel [1] or use the USB-C connector on the add-on PCB to provide power
launched back in 2013 presenting electronic projects and knowledge to recharge the battery. With USB-C it is a lot easier to connect the
to more than 1 million subscribers. The videos include a wide variety of plug in the right orientation and the connector on the PCB itself is
DIY projects that viewers can recreate. Many other videos offer inspi- held in place by four THT mounting holes for more stability. Besides
ration and clear solutions to engineering problems. As a few videos using the power supply a fun part of the project is building it in the
have already launched featuring Elektor products, the idea came up first place. And this comes with a nice step by step guide included in
to present a DIY kit that everyone that is interested can use to expend the package. Refer to Figure 1 for a first look.
their knowledge and skills.  

6 January & February 2021

Figure 2: The three iterations from left to right. Figure 3: Assembled PCB.

Input: 5 V +/– 10%
Output: 5 V / 1.5 A or 12 V /0.75 A
Single Cell Lithium battery

The three ICs that make the board work are from a well-known vendor.
The battery protection IC is a XB8089D from Xysemi, a chip only
found at distributors that specialize in Chinese silicon products. This
chip handles overcharge , over discharge, over current and reverse
polarity protection in a small SOP8 package with expose pad for a Figure 4: PCB in action.
reasonable price. While many batteries used in products like drones
have integrated protection, it won’t be safe to remove the chip from
the circuit if a lithium battery without protection is installed.
  The chosen BQ24092 comes from a BQ2409x line and this is where
With the sketches and rough schematic GreatScott provided, Elektor you need to check the datasheet carefully. Depending on the chip
added their experience in creating and designing PCBs. You might chosen the mentioned resistor needs to be 10 k or 100 k, and it was
think this is the end of the story (you have a PCB and everything is easier to change the resistor than the whole charger IC. There are more
fine), but as rule of thumb, it usually takes three iterations, as you can lessons learned as we did three iterations. How to fix the disintegrat-
see at Figure 2. The first prototype worked almost as expected besides ing DC/DC converter is something that is quite simple if you know
a few minor issues, like not charging the battery or disintegrating the what parts you can choose. Also some do’s and don’ts were made
DC/DC converter if load exceeded a certain point. The battery protec- during the iterations and for manufacturing we may have also a few
tion IC will prevent the lithium battery form becoming damaged ( sort lessons learned you can benefit from. Meanwhile you can check out
of ) but the current limit is at 10 A ( meaning 37 W ), so the DC/DC the Youtube channel of GreatScott! and see the assembly and the
converter disintegrated at around 15W. And the charging, that was power supply in action. Details and an in-depth description of the
an easy fix, as there was somewhere a typo, making the desired 10 k circuitry will follow next time. The rough specifications are presented
resistor a 100k resistor, it was just a short swap of components. But in the nearby textbox. The final revision of the PCB looks like what
to be honest, we know where to look when it comes to the wrong you see in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows it in action..
resistor for charging as we have seen this in other projects before. 191188-01

[1] GreatScott! Youtube channel:
[2] GreatScott interview:

lektor January & February 2021 7


A Simple Mini Thermal Camera

By Olaf Mertens (Germany)

Did you blow the candle out? And was the hob turned off? Everyone has, at some point,
experienced that nagging feeling after leaving the house that some heat source or other
might still be on and poised to do untold damage. Now you can find out using MTheCam
and your smartphone. The project described here is based on an eight-by-eight pixel thermal
sensor from Panasonic that, naturally, has many other applications.

When we say ‘hot spot’ we are, of course, not referring to public Internet components will
access points. Instead we are referring to locations that are significantly often give an early
warmer than their surrounding environment (and the opposite for ‘cold indication of their
spots’). They can be symptomatic of a fire, overheating components imminent demise
or short circuits, thermal bridges, or broken seals allowing heat to by becoming
escape. If they are not accompanied by a naked flame or glow then hotter than usual;
they are invisible to humans. To track them down the eye needs some and, in machinery,
assistance: enter MTheCam. worn bearings and inadequately lubricated
  surfaces will heat up, giving a timely warning that can help extend
Tracking down hot spots means much more than detecting a hotplate the life of the equipment. Even people can be detected, tracked and
that has inadvertently been left on. In electronic circuits, overloaded counted using a heat sensor.

8 January & February 2021

Figure 1: Screenshot showing the eight-by-eight Figure 2: Screenshot showing values Figure 3: The Panasonic AMG88xx sensor.
grid of pixels. interpolated in a 32-by-32 grid.

As well as instruments that measure temperature by direct contact attractive, it also makes it easier to recognise objects in the image. The
there are also contactless sensors that measure infrared radiation range of the false colour gradient is also extended somewhat beyond
from objects, thus determining the average temperature in the field of the minimum and maximum temperature values, acting like a magni-
view. This is done by using the pyroelectric effect where the electrical fying glass over the temperature readings (Figure 2).
potential of electrodes in a polarised crystal change when exposed
to thermal radiation. This effect can be exploited using electronics [1]. The AMG88xx thermal sensor
To capture thermal images, Panasonic has developed a powerful
The project thermal MEMS (Figure 3) available in two variants covering different
MTheCam takes measurements up to five times per second simul- temperature ranges. The very tiny package includes the optics, the
taneously from 64 points arranged in eight rows of eight columns. thermoelectric transducers, analogue-to-digital conversion and signal
Similar to an ordinary camera, these are arranged to have a 60° field conditioning [3]. The AMG8853 covers the range from 0°C to 80°C
of view. Each point can detect a temperature between 0°C and 80°C while the AMG8854 covers –20°C to +100°C, with maximum error
(or alternatively from –20°C to +100°C). The individual readings are specifications of ±2.5 K and ±3 K respectively. Both are accessed
displayed using a gradient of colour values, resulting in an image with over an I2C bus. The absolute accuracy is not outstanding, but the
very low resolution. This image can be served as a web page over device is nevertheless perfectly good for qualitative assessment of
a wireless network so that it can be displayed on a smartphone, for relative values.
example. The gaudy but chunky image is certainly not reminiscent  
of HDTV but it does clearly display hot and cold spots in contrast- With a couple of lines of software it is possible to calibrate the readings
ing colours that distinguish them from surrounding objects. As well from the device that increase the accuracy of the results and reduce
as this false-colour image, the temperature of each pixel is shown in noise. The sensor is available in a space-saving SMD package that is
degrees Celsius, allowing for a more precise analysis (see Figure 1). designed for reflow soldering. For our application we use it mounted on
  a small, home-made breakout board that also includes a few passive
Furthermore, the 64 readings can also be requested in JSON format, components (in easily hand-solderable 0805 packages) required for
making it easy to share the information with other applications. decoupling the power supply and pulling up the I2C bus lines. Pads on
  the edge of the board carry the +5 V and GND power supply pins as
A little bit of mathematics lets us give the illusion of a higher resolu- well as the three signal lines required (INT and the I2C bus). This allows
tion than provided the 8-by-8 pixel matrix. Bicubic interpolation [2] is a straight or right-angled pin header to be fitted. Figure 4 shows the
used to create a ‘fake’ 32-by-32 pixel image that not only looks more circuit diagram of the breakout board and, for interest’s sake, a little

lektor January & February 2021 9


R1 R2 R3



1 IC1 8 16V
1 2 Sensor element 9
EXT_VDD Selector
3 3 Control 10
5 4 INT Gain 11
7 5 AD_SELECT 12
8 Thermistor
6 13
To M5Stick-C AMG8853
expansion 7 14 C2

C3 C1

1 5 1
16V 16V


Figure 4: Circuit of the AMG88xx sensor breakout board showing its internal architecture.

of the internal circuitry of the sensor. The free download accompa- For our project we need only the ESP32, the display and the recharge-
nying this project [9] includes layouts of the two layers of the board able battery. The other features are still there, of course, and will no
and the component-mounting plan. Those in search of an easy life doubt find a use in other applications.
can purchase a ready-made module from the author.  
The display on the M5StickC is small but it shows a sharp and colourful
M5StickC, the Jack of all trades image. User interface designers will be challenged to display informa-
Any smartphone with a WiFi interface and a touch screen for input tion within the small area available. The thermal sensor image works
and output makes a perfect user interface for MTheCam. In order to well on the display and we have a couple of lines available to show
use the WiFi interface to communicate with the sensor we equip it readings as text. The display driver library allows plenty of scope for
with a ‘smart’ data transmitter comprising of an SoC (system on a fancy graphics, animations and festivals of light and colour: let your
chip) with a microcontroller and a WiFi peripheral. imagination run riot!
We decided to use an Espressif ESP32 [4]. This module includes every- The 80 mAh lithium-ion battery can power the M5StickC running flat
thing a developer’s heart could wish for and it is inexpensive and out for around an hour. It is charged over a USB-C connector at 5 V
power-efficient. Moreover, it supported by the Arduino ecosystem. The and 500 mA using the cable supplied connected to a standard USB-A
only electronics needed besides the sensor and the ESP module is a socket. A small button on the side turns the device on, while holding
5 V power supply, either from USB or, for mobile use, from a recharge- the button down for six seconds turns it off.
able battery. Looking in the Elektor Store our eyes fell upon a product
in a dazzling shade of orange that includes an ESP32 and some other Cooperation
interesting components, the M5StickC [5], which is perfect for the job. The sensor breakout board is plugged into the external expansion
  connector. It can be connected either flat on its back using a right-an-
The M5StickC crams rather a lot into its tiny 50 mm by 26 mm by 14 mm gled header, or using a straight header to make measurements along
enclosure. It contains an ESP32-Pico with 4 MB of flash and 520 kB of an axis parallel to the longest edge of the device. This allows it to be
SRAM, an 80-by-160 pixel 0.96 inch display, a six-axis motion sensor, ‘fired’ at its target (Figure 6). Any 3D-printing wizard should be able
a real-time clock, a power management unit, a red LED, an infrared to quickly whip up a neat enclosure for either configuration.
LED to allow it to be used as a remote control, a MEMS microphone,  
an 80 mAh rechargeable battery, a USB-C port, a Grove connector The M5StickC expansion connector has eight connections. We only
(power, ground and two I2C ports) and an 8-way header with three use the 5 V output, ground, the two I2C pins carrying data and clock
ports and power supply — enough to make even the most jaded signals (SDA on GPIO26 and SCL on GPIO0), and the INT inter-
engineer sit up and pay attention! rupt signal that we connect to GPIO36. The BAT, 3V3 and 5 V input
  connections are unused. Note that GPIO36 can only be used as an
The small dimensions, display and rechargeable power source mean input, a little piece of information that might save you a while in track-
that the M5StickC can be used as a rather natty smart watch, for which ing down any problems.
a suitably garish strap and mount is included. It certainly makes a  
fashion statement as Figure 5 shows! Who needs the boring products Currently, the interrupt feature is not implemented in the software. The
of a certain Californian fruit company to which you can’t even plug sensor chip is able to generate an INT signal when a specified minimum
anything in? or maximum temperature threshold is exceeded. In fact, this can be

10 January & February 2021

configured for each pixel. Thus the chip can autonomously monitor a
particular point in its field of view and only wake up the ESP32 when
its temperature exceeds a threshold, thereby saving power. A similar
monitoring feature could also be implemented in the smartphone app,
taking into account all the pixels in the image.

A matter of software
To create the firmware it is possible to use either Espressif’s proprietary
development environment or the Arduino ecosystem. The latter is very
easy to use as there is a highly-effective global community support
network. The original Arduino IDE is a good way to get started, but
it is not really up to the task of building more advanced applications.
Instead, the author recommends the free Visual Studio Code editor
from Microsoft that supports Arduino via an extension [6]. M5Stick-C Figure 5: The M5StickC as a bright orange smartwatch. (Source: m5stack.
(esp32) can be found under the Board Manager. com)
The firmware for MTheCam was developed by the author using C++.
Besides the Arduino source code MTheCam_LT.ino and a couple of
.h and .cpp files (Mxxx.cpp/h) we also use the highly-recommended
ArduinoJson library for JSON handling (version 6 of this library is
required; version 5 will not work). The hardware of the platform are
comfortably supported by the M5StickC library [8]. This must be
installed using the library manager (F1 – Arduino: Library Manager).
While the ArduinoJson library documentation is a pleasure to read, this
cannot be said of the descriptions of the M5StickC library. To use it
successfully requires the source code to be tediously and painstakingly
examined and is rather too much like work and not enough like play!
We will now look at various snippets of code covering the various
functions in their logical sequence.
Sensor read
Readings are made available in byte-wide registers in the sensor ten
times per second. The software continuously reads these registers
over the I2C bus using the Wire library. The pixel data has a resolution
of 12 bits and so two bytes are used for each. Thus the code to read
the registers in MTC_readReg() appears as follows. Figure 6: Right-angled or straight — there are two ways the sensor can be
  mounted on the M5StickC.
#define BUF_LENRX 128
int reg = 0x80;
byte _rxBuf[BUF_LENRX];
. . .
Wire.beginTransmission(devAddr); // chip address: see a degree Celsius. This means a temperature of 21.35°C is represented
datasheet as 2135. The sensor is initialised so that, internally, it performs a moving
Wire.write(reg); // 0x80 -> read 128bytes of 64 average of two consecutive frames, thus yielding a significant amount
pixels @ 12bits of noise reduction. The registers are read out in a single pass that
guarantees all the values belong to the same frame. The calculations for
if (Wire.readTransmission(devAddr, rxBuf, BUF_
the pixel temperature and the on-chip thermistor temperature (which
LENRX) == I2C_ERROR_OK) { success = true; }
we do not use here) differ (see the datasheet [3] for more details). For
  improved accuracy in the calculation, intermediate values are repre-
Under some circumstances, Wire.readTransmission() can return sented in units of 1/10,000 of a degree, with a subsequent division
an error code that can come in useful when tracking down bugs in by 100 to produce final results represented in hundredths of a degree.
the read process.  
Calculating the colour value
The code excerpt shown in Listing 1 is responsible for reading the The colour display is implemented using the HSL colour model [10]
sensor and calculating temperature values. With the help of a little (Figure 7) and the M5StickC bundle includes a suitable TFT driver
bit-twiddling, two entries in the rxBuf[] array are converted into a library. Of the three parameters hue (H), saturation (S) and luminance (L)
temperature represented as an integer in units of one-hundredth of we only vary the H parameter, or angle, in the colour wheel. The S

lektor January & February 2021 11

Listing 1: Reading the sensor and calculating the temperature.
. . .
 // read one frame with 64 temp-values à 12bit -> join 2 bytes to 1 int
 // result is int[] with calculated values -> _frame[]
 int  _frame[FRAMESIZE];          // filled by MTC_getFrame()
. . .
 int* MTC_getFrame()
    byte _rxBuf[BUF_LENRX];
    byte dL[FRAME_SIZE];  // low byte
    byte dH[FRAME_SIZE];  // high byte    
    int reg = 0x80;       // start with this reg for next 128 bytes to read
    . . .
    // sensor-read 128 bytes - low + high
    boolean ok = MTC_readReg(MTCADDRESS, reg, _rxBuf, 128);  // readings now in _rxBuf
    if (ok)
        int k = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++)
            int index   = i;
            int d1 = _rxBuf[k++];                 // low byte here
            int d2 = _rxBuf[k++];                 // high byte next: includes sign!
            // sensor on PCB is upside down, start from the end
            index  = (FRAME_SIZE - i - 1);
            _frame[index] = MTC_calcTemp(d1, d2); // 2 bytes calc’d to one int
    return _frame;
. . .
 // make one int from low/hight bytes d1/d2
 int MTC_calcTemp(uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2)        // return temp in deg Celsius * 100
    int factor = (int) (0.25 * 10000);           // pixel-temp, for device-temp use 0.0625
    if (d2 & 0b00001000) d2 |= 0b11111000;       // handle sign-bit #4 in high-byte
    int valRaw = (d2 << 8) | d1;                 // merge to one int …
    int valCalc = (int)(valRaw * factor / 100);  // … with this factor
    return valCalc;
. . .

Listing 2: Calculating colour values.

#define MC_COLORWHEEL_LOW  315     // degrees on colorwheel
#define MC_DIFFCW           60     // diff in degrees high to low
. . .   
int MC_getColorHSL(int value, int vmin, int vmax, int vavg)   
    // do not use 255 - 315 deg = 60 deg -> it’s not clearly ‘felt’ as cold or hot
    // vmin/vmax for minimum spread of spectrum -> less color flicker if no spots seen
    if((vavg - vmin) < MC_TMIN_SPREAD2AVG)  { vmin = vavg-MC_TMIN_SPREAD2AVG; }
    if((vmax - vavg) < MC_TMIN_SPREAD2AVG)  { vmax = vavg+MC_TMIN_SPREAD2AVG; }
    // map range vmin -> 315, vmax -> 15 degree ‘left turn’ - exclude 315...15 = 60 deg
    int colInd = map(value, vmin, vmax, MC_COLORWHEEL_LOW, MC_COLORWHEEL_HIGH); // 315/15
    colInd = colInd – MC_DIFFCW;   // turn - 60: icecold->DEEPBLUE=255, hot->DARKRED=315   
    if (colInd < 0) colInd += 360; // no neg. values!   
    return colInd;   

12 January & February 2021

Figure 7: The HSL colour wheel and the sector used for our display. Figure 8: The range of measurements is stretched to cover the spectrum of
available colours.

and L parameters remain constant. The HSL value is then converted

to RGB for output on the display.
The numerical values corresponding to temperatures from 0°C to 80°C
ranging from 0 to 8000 in steps of one-hundredth of a degree. We want
to normalise these to hue angles to values between 0 and 359. Since
the colour blue is naturally associated with cold and red with hot, it
seems that the sector of the colour wheel from 255° (a blue-green for
minimum temperature) to anticlockwise 315° (a dark red for maximum
temperature) would be ideal for the display. Shades of purple are not
generally associated with temperature, so we avoid using this sector of
the wheel. Of the possible 360 colour values we use 300 and skip 60.
The handy map() function used in Listing 2 first converts the tempera-
ture value into an angle in the 300° sector of the colour wheel anticlock-
wise from 315° to 15°. It then rotates this angle anticlockwise by 60°
in order to reach the desired range from 255° anticlockwise to 315°.
In order to reduce the rather high apparent noise level in areas of Figure 9: Thermal image as displayed on the first prototype.
constant temperature without hot or cold spots, a minimum offset
between both the minimum temperature and the maximum tempera-
ture relative to the average temperature of 500 units is enforced. This
means that the displayed colour range (the ‘magnifying glass’) has a utive readings to avoid jumps in the colour mapping. Alternatively,
minimum range of 1,000 units, or 10 K. If this range were allowed to it could handle the dynamics of the manner in which hot spots and
become very small then tiny changes in the readings would show up the background are separately displayed to bring the hot spots out
as violent changes in colour. more clearly. There is plenty of scope for experts in machine learning
  to deploy AI algorithms for pattern recognition, noise reduction and
Apart from thi,s the full range of colours is always used to represent data analysis.
the temperatures in the image. 255° on the colour wheel represents  
the minimum temperature, running round (anticlockwise, don’t forget!) As Figure 9 shows, the TFT display on the M5StickC shows the origi-
to 315° for the maximum temperature. nal thermal image with the colour map that is used in the upper half of
  the screen, while below the readings for the minimum and maximum
Presentation on the display temperatures over all the pixels of the image (tMin and tMax) are
In order to implement the magnifying glass function that converts the shown, as well as the calculated average value. These are shown in
actual range of readings to the available range of colours, the colour hundredths of a degree (without a decimal point).
conversion function takes the values tminRange and tmaxRange as  
parameters (Figure 8). This only gives a relatively crude level of control WiFi and server
over the colours used in the display. A specialised algorithm could be So far everything has been running locally on the M5StickC without
implemented to make the magnifying glass function more sophisticated. any external connection. However, if we want to show the results on
This could adaptively adjust the range values over multiple consec- a remote portable device or process the readings further, we need to

lektor January & February 2021 13

Listing 3: WiFi and web server.
. . .
    const char *ssid     = “YourSSIDHere”;      // change…
    const char *password = “YourPasswordHere”;  // … to your WLAN
    WebServer webServer(80);                    // listening on port 80 = standard
    WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);                        // switch to ESP station mode
    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);                 // look for known WLAN & try to connect
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)       // wait for connection
       delay(500);                              // 500ms delay
       Serial.print(“.”);                       // still alive      
    Serial.println(“\n[Setup] WIFI connected!”);
    // what to do if browser request is coming in
    webServer.on(“/”, MW_index);                // call MW_index() for / or /index.html
    webServer.on(“/index.html”, MW_index);
    webServer.on(“/frame”, MW_frameJS);         // /frame - output as JSON-Data
    webServer.begin();                          // webserver starts here
. . .
// Webserver callback
void MW_index()     // send HTML-Doc from literally defined PROGMEM var
    webServer.send_P(200, “text/html”, _uidoc); // send_P: use PROGMEM-Var
. . .
// main loop
void loop()
                    // give webserver a chance to handle requests. No delay() in LOOP!
     . . .
. . .

connect the M5StickC to a wireless network and set it up as a web server. excerpts from the WiFi and web server code are given in Listing 3.
  MTheCam can display colourful thermal images on any smartphone.
The Arduino software includes the libraries WiFi.h and WifiClient.h  
that implement just such a web server. All it needs as parameters are HTML and JSON
the access details for the network’s SSID and password. After reset, or Request for the pages / and /index.html generate a web page
a power cycle, the display will show that the device is trying to connect with an eight-by-eight grid of colour patches with the temperature
to the network. If this is successful it will show the IP address to which values superimposed on them. The page also contains the minimum,
it has been assigned. If unsuccessful, it is necessary to verify that the maximum and average temperature values (tmin, tmax and tavg
access details are correct and that the access point is in range. The respectively) over the frame. Different colours represent different
range of the device is surprisingly good and it can certainly hold its temperatures over the range tminrange to tmaxrange, with these
own against smartphones in this respect. limits computed dynamically as described above. The ‘Image’ button
  switches the display to a ‘high-resolution’ false colour mode with
The web server then sits waiting for requests on the local IP address interpolated values, and the ‘Values’ button returns to the original
assigned to it by the router for the pages /, /index.html and /frame. mode. By default a new image is displayed every second. This period
For example, it might respond to can be adjusted using a slider. The ‘Grid’ check box overlays a grid
  on the image.
Once we have set up the WiFi connection we need to tell the web  
server what to do when it receives a request from a client browser. A A request for the page /frame delivers the temperature values in
corresponding function will be called so that, for example, a request for JSON format so that they can be processed further by another appli-
/ (or equivalently for /index.html) will result in a call to MW_index() cation. It is best to leave at least a 200 ms delay between requests as
that, in turn, delivers a document to the client: the sensor chip requires around 100 ms to take a set of readings. If
  push had come to shove the JSON object could have been created
webServer.send_P(200, “text/html”, _uidoc); using ordinary string manipulation functions, but there is a very
  convenient library called ArduinoJson.h that makes things much
send_P is used because the HTML document _uidoc is stored in the neater. This library can also read JSON objects. A typical object
flash memory as PROGMEM in order to reduce RAM usage. Commented might appear as follows.

14 January & February 2021

Listing 4: Creating an HTML document containing the measured values.
. . .  
/* Canvas-Area 400 px with 8*8/32*32 tiles à 50/12 px */
<div class=”row”>
      <div class=”column”>
        <canvas id=”canvas”></canvas>    /* size see resizeCanvas() */
. . .
/* resize canvas for value or image mode */
function resizeCanvas () {
 . . .
     canvasSize = rectSize * gridSize    /* gridSize: 8 or 32 @rectSize: 12 or 50 */
     canvas.width  = canvasSize
     canvas.height = canvasSize
. . .
/* update image,  rate = 200…3000 ms */
function refresh (rate = 1000) {
 . . .
refresher = setTimeout(function () {
        }, rate)
. . .
/* request temperature-frame from MTC via /frame - call  */
function getData () {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(jsonData => {
          if (mode == 1) {
            // tempvalues, colors (interpolated) in framecolinter array
            paint(jsonData.frame, jsonData.framecolinter);
          } else {
            // tempvalues, colors (original) in framecol array
            paint(jsonData.frame, jsonData.framecol)
          infoText(jsonData)             /* show min/max etc. values */
        }).catch(err => {
          errorText.innerHTML = ‘Error: $’
      }).then(function () {
        refresh()                        /* start timer for next ride */
. . .
/* paint tiles on canvas */
const ctx  = canvas.getContext(“2d”)
function paint(values, colors) {
  . . .
   ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
   colors.foreach(color, index) ….  {
     . . .   /* set x/y of next tile: x+=rectSize … */ . . .
     /* paint tile */
     ctx.rect(x, y, rectSize, rectSize)           /* paint square */
     ctx.fillStyle = ‘hsl($, 100%, 50%)’   /* set color of square */
     if (grid) { ctx.stroke() }                    /* show grid optional */
     ctx.fill()                                   /* do fill */
     if (mode == 0) {                             /* values as text over */
         // show tempvalues @mode=0 -> lowres 8*8 only
         drawText(values[index], x + 7, y + rectSize / 2)
        }  }
 . . .

lektor January & February 2021 15

{“device”: “MTheCam”,”ver”: “1.0”,”rowsize”: A good basis for further projects
8,”batvolt”: 3.39, There is plenty of scope for expanding the firmware. For example, the
“tavg”: 2317,”tmin”: 2050,”tmax”: 2750,”tminrange”: ESP32 could be configured as an access point so that it can deliver data
1817,”tmaxrange”: 2817, directly over WiFi rather than requiring an external wireless network.
“frame”: [2075, 2050, 2100, 2275, 2600, 2475, 2100, Provision could be made for entering the access details for other WiFi
2050, , ...... ]} // 64 values °C * 100 // + 2 networks more conveniently. The colours used for the display and
arrays with ‘HSL’ colours of 8*8 and 32*32 tiles. magnifying glass could be made configurable, and filters could be
  designed to reduce noise and flicker. An Android app could handle
Listing 4 shows the most relevant part of the HTML code. The body multiple MTheCam devices simultaneously, displaying all their images
of the document, including all the CSS and HTML tags, is defined as in a live view. Alarm conditions could be specified, with automatic notifi-
a fixed string and is sent to the client, whereas the thermal image is cations sent out. This could be done relatively simply using Node-RED
implemented as an HTML canvas comprising tiles in an 8-by-8 or and MQTT. It will be worth taking a look at the project web page from
32-by-32 grid in value mode and image mode respectively. time to time [9] as the foundation for some clever and useful appli-
  cations is already there!
A script in the HTML code periodically requests the sensor data from
/frame under control of a timer, obtaining a JSON object as above. The author would like to extend a special thanks to Daniel Zelosko for
JavaScript and JSON work well together and it is easy to extract the developing the prototype.
payload data from the object. jsonData.frame and jsonData. 180337-02
framecol yield arrays that represent the readings and colour values
directly. From these we can extract the original temperature values
and the interpolated colours, then set the colours of the tiles and the
overlaid numbers appropriately. The display update interval can be
adjusted from 200 ms to 3 s.


> M5StickC

Questions or Comments? Contributors

Questions or comments regarding this article? Send an e-mail Circuit, software and text: Editing: Stuart Cording
to the author ( or to the editor Olaf Mertens (Micom) Layout: Giel Dols
( Translation: Mark Owen

[1] Pyrometer:
[2] Interpolation in images:
[3] AMG88xx:
[4] ESP32 documentation:
[5] M5StickC:
[6] Visual Studio:
[7] ArduinoJSON :
[8] M5StickC library:
[9] Author’s project page:
[10] HSL colour model:

16 January & February 2021


Weller WE 1010
Soldering Station
By Harry Baggen (Elektor)

The choice of
soldering irons
and soldering
stations is enormous
but, for many electronics
enthusiasts, the name Weller
will immediately spring to
mind. Weller’s soldering
stations are widely used
and the prices are not
bad. In this review we look at the cheapest soldering station in the professional series,
the WE 1010. With its price of just over €150/£130/$170, this station is also of interest to
the serious hobbyist.

My first Weller was a WTCP soldering station with the famous

Magnastat soldering iron. The temperature was controlled by a
magnet in the tip that lost its magnetic attraction above a certain
temperature (Curie effect). The tips were for sale for different
temperatures so you could ‘set’ a certain temperature. My Weller
(Figure 1) has 10-1978 as the production date on the nameplate, so
it is more than 40 years old, but it still works very well. Now that
I’m doing some more electronics work at home I thought it was
time to buy a more modern soldering station. I wanted one with
a display that shows the temperature and an iron that is a little
easier to handle than the old Magnastat.
These days you can buy very nice soldering stations, mostly made
in China, for a modest outlay. But I also took a look at the Weller
options to see if I could buy something there for not too much
money. In addition to a few hobby stations Weller has a basic version
in its Professional series for around €150, which was what I had
budgeted for a new soldering station. The advantages of such a
Weller version over Chinese alternatives: reliability (hopefully),
long-term support and a very flexible and heat resistant cable to
the soldering iron. I hope that, with such a new soldering station,
I’ll be using this one for a number of years too. Figure 1: My old Weller soldering station is over 40 years old and still works!

lektor January & February 2021 17

Figure 2: The display shows the temperature of the tip and, below that, the Figure 3: You can easily change a tip by unscrewing the metal sleeve.
set value.

Purchased The display shows the current temperature of the soldering tip in
So the decision fell for the WE 1010 consisting of a base station with large digits and below that the set target value in smaller digits.
LCD display and a soldering iron with a power of 70 W. Although In addition to the target value, a heating symbol appears when
this is a soldering iron with passive temperature control (heating the iron is heating up. Even when the standby function is active
and sensor are not in the tip itself but behind it) I don’t think it is or when the lock-out function is used, the corresponding symbols
an issue (more on this later). The box contains a base station with are still displayed.
matching power cord, a WEP 70 soldering iron, a fairly simple stand  
consisting of a moulded base with a holder that is inserted into it, Due to its weight the soldering iron holder stands well on the table.
and a sponge. It all looks rather ordinary but everything is neatly It has a number of holes to accommodate spare tips. To wipe the
finished. On the station there is an on/off button, an LCD and some tip clean there is, of course, the customary yellow sponge. There
control buttons (Figure 2). is no room for brass wool or the like. If you prefer using such a
  bundle of metal wool to wipe the tip you’ll have to buy an extra
Unfortunately, the display is not backlit. However, it is very clear container with metal wool.
and easy to read, even with little ambient light. Alas the power  
switch has no built-in lighting either. Thus you can only see that The soldering iron itself is quite slim and the flexible cable is nice
the station is on because something is visible on the display and and long. It is also so flexible that you hardly notice it when solder-
the power switch, in the on position, shows a red line. ing. The soldering tips can be changed simply by unscrewing the
  metal sleeve of the front part using a plastic nut (Figure 3). It is
The base station is quite heavy (almost 2 kg) and feels solid. The because the tip is indirectly heated, as already mentioned, that
1.5 m long cord (with silicone sheath) on the soldering iron is very replacement tips are very inexpensive — even the original
supple and it lies well in the hand with its covering of a kind of ones from Weller. They are available almost everywhere
pressed foam. The cable of the soldering iron has a 5-pole plug at and I have already bought some with other tip
the end which is inserted into the socket on the base station, then shapes (Figure 4).
locked by turning. The metal part of the soldering iron is connected
to the earthed socket of the mains cable. There is no separate earth Lighting up!
connection on the station. After switching on it took around 35 seconds until the soldering
tip had reached a temperature of 350°C. The 380°C needed for
Operation and use lead-free solder needed around 5 seconds more. Soldering with
The operation of the soldering station is kept very simple. With the WE P70 soldering iron works smoothly. There are no problems
the up and down buttons the temperature can be set higher or when soldering average components and standard copper pads.
lower. On delivery it is preset to 350°C. There is also a menu key With large soldering surfaces you will notice that the temperature
with which you can access the following settings: standby time, drops a bit and the tip needs a few seconds to reach the set point
the time after which the soldering iron is switched back to a lower again (an active soldering iron reacts much faster in such cases),
temperature (max. 99 minutes); offset, for temperature correc- but this only takes a short time thanks to its 70 W heating power.
tion and only useful if you can measure the temperature of the tip In such cases it is advisable to use a short soldering tip with a large,
(max. ±40°C); switching between °C and °F; and finally the abilty bevelled tip so that the heat can be transferred more optimally.
to set a lock code. The tip supplied is rather too narrow for this and is better suited

18 January & February 2021

Figure 4: I have already bought some extra soldering tips. Figure 5: If the soldering iron is not used for a certain period of time, the
station automatically switches to 180°C.

to soldering small components. a lot to me. And the standby function? It’s not ideal, but you
To implement the standby function the station monitors how can live with it. In spite of these minor shortcomings I would
much heat is supplied to the iron rather than using a motion definitely buy the WE 1010 again as it is a quality soldering
detector in the soldering iron. If the heat output remains steady station at this price point.
for a certain time (standby setting), the temperature is automat- 200572-04
ically reduced to 180°C (Figure 5).
The tip temperature is automatically raised again if a lot of heat is
removed from the tip, such as by sliding it over
the wet sponge. A more direct method is to
briefly press one of the buttons on the
base station. For me the longer
standby times are better and

Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments about this article?
Contact Elektor at
30 minutes is just right. Alternatively, you can switch the standby
mode off completely. So far I have not noticed any scaling of the
tips. Should this ever happen, the tips are inexpensive enough to
Text: Harry Baggen Editing: Eric Bogers
Conclusion Photos: Patrick Wielders Layout: Giel Dols
I am very satisfied with the WE 1010 as the successor to my old
Weller soldering station. The soldering iron lies comfortably
in the hand and the soldering is good. The adjustment options
on the base station are limited, but sufficient for normal use. RELATED PRODUCTS
What I am missing is a better optical power-on indicator, as
you have to look at the display or search for the red line on the
> Weller WE 1010 Digital Soldering Station (70 W)
power switch. Would an illuminated power switch or an extra
LED really have cost that much more? It would have been worth

lektor January & February 2021 19



By Clemens Valens (Elektor)

electronica Fast Forward Winners
electronica Fast Forward, the start-up After reviewing the various start-ups and their technologies, the
official e-ffwd jury — headed by Professor Rik De Doncker (RWTH
competition powered by Elektor, went Aachen University, see inset) together with Elektor engineering
virtual in 2020. From January through and editorial representatives — selected the top three winners
October 2020, young electronics-focused based on their high commercial potential and the quality of the
team, two important criteria for a start-up to grow into a success-
companies from around the world ful business. Congratulations to AXS Motionsystem [1], Micro-
presented their elevator pitches, business pack3D [2], and e-Fásli [3]!
plans, and products. We congratulate all
First Prize: AXS Motionsystem Ltd (Hungary)
the talented participants. Here are the Founded in 2014, AXS Motionsystem Ltd develops an ergonomic
winners. expert system to evaluate and qualify workplaces. AXS System
digitally captures the motion and hand-forces of a worker during
the workflow. Based on the recorded data, the evaluation is done
Over the past few years, Elektor has organized the Fast Forward almost completely automatically according to different ergonomics
start-up competition, which has coincided with the electronica and methods. For its achievement, AXS Motionsystem won a €75,000
productronica trade shows. But in 2020, things were a bit differ- Elektor marketing budget and a starter booth at electronica 2022.
ent, and you all know why. Instead of cancelling the event, Elektor
and electronica ( moved electronica fast Second Prize: Micropack-3D (Germany)
forward (e-ffwd) online, where companies from countries such as Micropack-3D is a recently founded start-up that develops adaptive
Germany, the United States, Hungary, and France (to name only a electronic packaging — that is, the housing and connecting of
few) presented their elevator pitches, business plans, and products. integrated circuits (ICs). Its aim is to enable new generations of
  highly adapted and specialized electronics and shorten precious
Even though the e-ffwd competition was open to any start-up development time. The company won a €50,000 Elektor market-
company, not all were admitted to the final round. Only the parti- ing budget for Second Prize.
cipants who submitted a business plan, a company profile, and  
a short video were presented to the jury. The videos replaced the Third Prize: e-Fásli Ltd (Hungary)
elevator pitches that participants would normally deliver live in e-Fásli is the first self-learning heat therapy device. It can be
Coronavirus-free times in front of an audience and a jury. The attached to the body and can maintain a level of temperature
live audience was simulated by public voting as visitors of the between 25°C and 45°C for hours. Patient and disease data are
start-up profiles could rate them by giving stars. gathered by a mobile app and then anonymous data is sent to

20 January & February 2021


First-prize winner AXS

Motionsystem develops
an ergonomic expert
system to evaluate and
qualify workplaces.

2nd 3rd

Runner-up Micropack3D offers innovative A rendering of the fourth prototype of

packaging options for electronic circuits. e-Fásli’s self-learning heat therapy device.

the server processed to determine the optimal and personalized

therapeutic parameters. Then the device is controlled accord- Professor De Doncker
ingly via a WiFi network. For its achievement, e-Fásli Ltd won a The virtual Fast Forward Award
€25,000 Elektor marketing budget. jury was headed by Professor
Rik W. De Doncker from RWTH
See You Next Year? Aachen University.
The virtual the electronica Fast Forward 2020 competition [4]
was a success thanks to its wide field of high-level participants. Rik W. De Doncker (M’87
Visit the e-ffwd page ( to SM’99 F’01) received in 1981
learn about all of the finalists. The technologies included: his Diploma in Electrical-
  Mechanical Engineering and
> Wireless charging > Actuator technologies in 1986 his Ph.D. degree in
> Edge computing > Real-time control and electrical engineering from the
> Electric vehicles monitoring KULeuven, Belgium. In 1987,
> Energy harvesting > And more... he was appointed Visiting
> MEMS mirror and laser Associate Professor at the
scanning solutions University of Wisconsin, Madison. In 1988, he joined the GE
  Corporate Research and Development Center, Schenectady,
Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon, and we’ll see you NY. In November 1994, he joined Silicon Power Corporation
at the next event! (formerly GE-SPCO) as Vice President Technology,
200584-01 developing world’s first medium-voltage static transfer
switch. Since October 1996, he is professor at RWTH Aachen
WEB LINKS University, Germany, where he leads the Institute for Power
Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA). In October 2006, he
[1] AXS Motionsystem Ltd:
was appointed director of the E.ON Energy Research Center
at RWTH Aachen University, where he also founded the
[2] MicroPack3D: Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS). He is director of the RWTH CAMPUS Cluster Sustainable
[3] e-Fásli Ltd: Energy and leads the German Federal Government BMBF
[4] e-ffwd 2020 Participant Profiles: Flexible Electrical Networks (FEN) Research CAMPUS. He has a doctor honoris causa degree of TU Riga, Latvia. 

lektor January & February 2021 21


I2S Test Signal Generator

with AVR Microcontroller
32-Bit 1-kHz Digital Sine, fs 192 kHz,
Level Adjustable from 0 to -110 dB

By Ton Giesberts (Elektor)

When you are testing or repairing an

audio DAC with — for some reason — the
analog audio output signal missing or
being distorted and it is uncertain if the
signal source has a problem (software and/
or hardware) or the DAC circuit itself is
having an issue, this project can provide
the answer. Its highly accurate digital sine
wave test signal is also ideal to measure
the analog performance of the DAC.

22 January & February 2021


S1 IC1

Tags 0

EF 12 2
D 3 23
Digital audio, Raspberry Pi, DAC, I 2S C
4 4
5 24
ATmega328P-20PU 10
10 IC5B
A 6 8 PC1 SER
Level 98 7
entry level – intermediate level – expert level 27
4 13
VCC 28 5 14 R
Time R3
6 3
About 4 hours PD5
11 4
CLK 14 12 5
Tools 15
13 6
9 2
16 2 7 3
Soldering tools (through-hole), AVRISP K1 17
2 1 18 1 R
Cost 4 3 19
PB5/SCK 74HC165 IC4D
Approx. €15 6 5 12



13 =1
ISP VCC 12.288MHz


C3 4
C1 C2 = 15 C4 R4
100n 22p X1 22p

Since its introduction in 1986, the Inter- R1 R2 12.288MHz IC3 22p

11 9

Integrated Circuit Sound (I2S) bus has been 9
VCC 8 CLK 10 6 1
the “de facto” standard for transmission of serial LED1 S2 10 =1 CLK Q3
5 2 =1
3 IC4=74HC86
digital audio signals. During the development Reset Q5
and test of our “Audio DAC for the Raspberry VCC
4 192kHz
Pi” [1], we came up with the idea to design a K3 Q9
16 16 14 14 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 14 SC
dedicated circuit that generates an I2S signal IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5
8 8 7 7 100n 100n 100n 100n 100n 1
to test the DAC without connecting the RPi as 3V3..5V Q12

signal source. This circuit can of course also be 74AC4040

used to test other audio DACs with I2S inputs,

provided that they can handle the 192 kHz
sampling frequency and 24- or 32-bit audio data. Figure 1: Schematic of the I2S signal generator.

Design options
To build an I2S test signal generator, one  
option would be to use a 24-bit ADC with It would be obvious to use a microcontroller The serial clock (SCK or SCLK) must be
I2S outputs, with a signal (sine wave) genera- that supports I2S for this task, but why not 12.288 MHz (2 channels * 192 kHz * 32 bit).
tor as input. But to check if the analog output use a very common microcontroller like the Since the maximum clock frequency of the
signals of the DAC are indeed flawless, the ATmega328P instead? The problem of course microcontroller is 20 MHz, the only way to
sine wave in the I2S signal must be perfect is that it doesn’t support I2S. It was quite a output serial data (SD or SDATA) faster is
to perform proper distortion measurements. challenge to build a digital sine wave genera- to use an external parallel-in serial-out shift
The test signal should not be degraded by tor with I2S output using this microcontroller register and use the clock of the microcon-
an inferior analog source or ADC in any way. and some additional hardware, but this project troller to clock the shift register. PB0 must
  shows that it can be done! The firmware of be configured as CLKO (Clock Out) when
As an alternative, a microcontroller can be the ATmega is developed in BASCOM-AVR. programming the fuses of the ATmega328.
used to generate the I2S signal, using a table The complete schematics of the signal gener-
with 32-bit samples that can be accurately Some extra hardware is needed ator can be seen in Figure 1. Apart from the
calculated to ensure the quality of the audio The goal is to create an I2S signal with 32-bit shift register a ripple counter, a flipflop and
data. This will generate a signal that is perfect data at a sample rate of 192 kHz, which is some Exclusive-ORs are added to free the
for distortion measurements, in this case a close to the maximum sample frequency of microcontroller from other (timing) tasks than
1 kHz sine wave with 192 kHz sample rate. the PCM1794A used in our RPi audio DAC. just outputting the bytes of the samples.

window port D
74HC74 SDATA 7 clock cycles 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
3 zero-bytes + extra NOPs before Do-Loop to start MSB-byte at correct moment
HC165 QH bits 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24

HC165 LOAD with exor's from Q4
1st byte (MS) 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte (LS) 1st byte (MS)






Q6 LRCLK (fs)

CLK=SCLK=12.288 MHz, fs = 192kHz

I2S: SDATA is clocked on the low to high transition of SCLK
bit 31 = MSB
bit 0 = LSB

Figure 2: Timing diagram.

lektor January & February 2021 23

A 74AC4040 (IC3, 12-stage binary ripple
COMPONENT LIST counter) is used to properly align the I2S
Resistors IC4 = 74HC86 signals. This counter advances on the falling
R1 = 2.2 k IC5 = 74HC74 edge of the clock input. It also has a master
R2 = 100 Ω   reset (pin 11) that can be used to synchronize
R3 = 10 k Other it with the microcontroller. The sixth flip-flop
R4 = 150 Ω K1 = 2x3 pin header, vertical, pitch 2.54 mm (pin 2) divides 12.288 MHz by 64 and outputs
  K2 = 1x4 pin header, vertical, pitch 2.54 mm exactly 192 kHz, the frequency we need for
Capacitors K3 = Terminal block 5.08 mm, 2-way, 630 V the word select line.
C1,C2,C4 = 22 pF, C0G/NP0, S1 = Rotary Coded Switch, hexadecimal, real
lead spacing 5 mm code, THT (e.g. Nidec Copal Electronics At the start of the program, the reset of the
C3,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9 = 100 nF,  X7R, SD-1010) counter is activated (high). It is deactivated
lead spacing 5 mm S2 = Switch, tactile, 24 V, 50 mA, 6x6 mm just before the start of the main loop (i.e.,
  X1 = Crystal 12.288 MHz, C-load 18 pF, 10 ppm, about a quarter of a second after power up,
Semiconductors HC-49S which is all the time it takes to create the
LED1 = LED, green, 3 mm PCB 200253-1 v1.1 array). This reset signal synchronizes the data
IC1 = ATmega328P-PU, 20 MHz, DIP28 at the output of the shift register and the word
IC2 = 74HC165 select line. First three samples with value 0
IC3 = 74AC4040 – do not use HC logic !!! and a few NOPs are used so the first byte is
at the output of SDATA at the correct moment.
There is a window of seven clock cycles for
the first MS-byte to be clocked into the shift
register. Each byte at port D is replaced by the
next after eight clock cycles. In other words,
the moment the first MS-byte at port D can
change relative to the load pulse of the shift
register may vary seven clock cycles (see
timing diagram). The data at the output of
port D changes a few nanoseconds after the
rising edge of CLKO (PB0).
An 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift regis-
ter 74HC165 (IC2) is used for serial data. It
has an active low parallel load (pin 1) and
a clock (pin 2) with inhibit (pin 15, active
Figure 3: PCB layout. low enable) which have the same function-
ality (both internally connected to an OR
gate). Depending on component place-
ment swapping connections can simplify
routing. Data is shifted on the rising edge of
  the clock. The serial input (pin 10) is not used
All other software tasks, like calculating the The hardware, in more detail and connected to ground. The load pulse (LD,
32-bit sine wave and creating the array of The timing diagram in Figure 2 can help to active low) for the shift register is derived
sample bytes, must be done before the main choose the external components. The I2S from counter output Q4 using Quad 2-Input
loop of the program starts. The 32-bit samples bus comprises three signals:  the serial data Exclusive-OR 74HC86 (IC4). The signal to pin
are divided into four bytes. This means the (SDATA) is clocked on the rising (low-to-high) 4 of IC4B is inverted and delayed by IC4A
size of the array must be 4 * 192 = 368 bytes. edge of the serial clock (SCLK) and the word by its propagation delay and an extra delay
Left and right channel use the same signal, so select line (WS or LRCLK) indicates the audio of a few nanoseconds by R4/C4. Because
each group of four bytes per sample must be channel (0 for left, 1 for right). Its frequency is of the Exclusive-OR function each change
repeated. The number of lines this part of the equal to the sampling frequency of the digital of Q4 gives a short active low pulse at the
main loop takes can be calculated: audio signal (192 kHz) and can be derived output of IC4B. The pulse is long enough to
from the serial clock. The serial data and word load the new data into the shift register but
2 channels * 4 bytes * 192 samples * 4 lines  select line both must change on the falling short enough to be inactive before the rising
– 3 = 6141 program lines (HIGH-to-LOW) edge of the serial clock. The edge of the clock. To load the data from port
HC-logic family is in principle fast enough to D into the shift register at the correct moment
After the last sample byte in the loop, the three be used as external components, although the pulse must be active just after the rising
NOPs are omitted as the restart of the loop propagation delay of the gates must be edge of the clock (pin 1). This means the
takes three clock cycles, which explains the corrected at one point: 12 ns delay is almost clock of the shift register must be inverted,
“-3” in this calculation. 15% of the microcontroller’s clock period.  which is done by IC4C.

24 January & February 2021

The most significant bit of the serial data of I2S signal generator, but also to make a SIN(X) is in the range of -1 to 1, if we want the
the I2S bus is located one clock period after perfect 1 kHz sine wave test signal with 32-bit 32-bit data to have a full-scale level the value
the change of word select. An extra D-type accuracy. First the BASCOM-AVR instruc- of SIN(X) must multiplied by (2^32)/2 - 1:
flip-flop is needed. Selected is a 74HC74 (IC5), tion for SIN(x) was used in the calculations,  
a dual D-type flip-flop with set and reset and but that isn’t accurate enough, as following SINX = SINX * U
positive edge-trigger. By doing so, the signal examples show: Where U = 2147483647
for SDATA is delayed. To compensate for this    
the inverted clock signal of IC4C is inverted DIM Pi,A,X As Single The conversion to Long can be done in just
again by IC4D to make the serial clock line Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433 one statement, a Long variable gets the value
up with the serial data. X = Pi / 2 of a Double variable. Now, the result of the
A = SIN(X) calculation is available as a signed 32-bit
Adjusting the output level Print "Sin(Pi/2) = " ; A value:
Instead of just producing a 1 kHz sine wave    
with a fixed level, four inputs of port C (with This piece of code results in: SINXlong = SINX
internal pull-ups) are connected to a hexadec- Sin(Pi/2) = 0.99999332, whereas the result  
imal coded rotary switch (SD-1010) to adjust should be exactly 1. And for X = Pi/6 the Splitting up this value into four bytes is just
the output level. This feature can be used result is 0.499993796, but should be exactly a matter of shifting the bits of SINXlong and
to check linearity of the DAC. A four-way 0.5. So, for calculating an extremely accurate store them in four variables of type Byte. A
DIP-switch could have been used instead sine wave, this is just not good enough. The subroutine called SampleX does all these
but changing levels is easier with the rotary only option is to calculate the sine wave using calculations for any value of X. But the calcula-
switch, much like an analog volume control. the Taylor polynomial for SIN(X) with suffi- tion is only really accurate for X = -π/2 through
  cient terms: +π/2. So, first the sine wave is calculated from
There are ‘real code’ and ‘complementary   -π/2 through +π/2, taking 97 samples (four
code’ type of rotary coded switches. The ‘real SIN(X) = X-(X^3)/3!+(X^5)/5!- bytes per sample). The rest of the array is
code’ version is used in this project, but other (X^7)/7!+(X^9)/9!-(X^11)/11!+(X^13)/13! completed by mirroring the elements of the
types can be used if the software is changed. -(X^15)/15! first array per group of four bytes, taking 95
In position ‘0’ all four switches are open. To   samples. Sample 193 is the same as the first
change the output level for the digital audio In BASCOM-AVR calculations can only be of the array (four bytes). The Do-Loop restarts
signal, the microcontroller must be reset to performed on two operands; therefore, the there.
recalculate all values in the sample array, hence polynomial is calculated in many lines of  
the presence of button S2 that must be pressed source code, as can be seen in the source It would have been possible to create an array
to reset the microcontroller when the output code of this project. with only samples of the sine wave from -π/2
level is changed. A Select-Case statement is   through +π/2 and select the correct array
used to set the scale factor U (type Double) to To speed things up, the factorial calculations elements in the main loop to complete the
the correct value for each level-setting. are avoided and constants are used instead data for a full sine wave period at port D. But
  (F3 = 6 … F15 = 1307674368000). All variables instead of a sine wave a more complex signal
The correct values for the scale factors for in the calculations are of type Double, signed that is not symmetrical can be interesting for
each output level are defined as constant 64-bit binary numbers (8 bytes, 5 x 10^-324 other purposes. And if a complete array is
values in the program not only to avoid extra to 3.4 x 10^308). With the Taylor polynomial used, the main loop is easier to read.
calculations, but also because calculations we get the following, more accurate results:  
using BASCOM’s LOG function in the program   With the aid of the shift register, the micro-
are not accurate enough. Sin(Pi/6) = 500E-3 controller has eight clock cycles to process
Sin(Pi/2) = 999.999999993977E-3 each byte.
Calculating the sine wave    
As mentioned earlier, the program calculates To split up the result of the calculation In BASCOM-AVR the instruction PORTD =
the sine wave sample table immediately after of SIN(X) into four bytes it must first be A(n) , where A(n) is an element of a byte
power up or reset, taking into account the converted to a variable of type Long, signed array, only takes five clock cycles when used
level setting of rotary switch S1. The purpose 32-bit binary numbers (-2147483648 to in Do-Loop, surprisingly fast. To make each
of this project was not only to build “some” 2147483647). The result of the calculation of byte take eight clock cycles three NOPs must

[1] Audio DAC for Raspberry Pi:
[2] Downloads gerber files and software:
[3] This project’s Elektor Labs page:

lektor January & February 2021 25

Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments
about his article? Email the author at

the waveform or frequency. Of course, you’ll

need to change the software to support such
functions. Microcontroller pins PB2, PC0
and PC1 can be used without any problem,
whereas PB4 and PB5 are dedicated pins for
In System Programming (ISP) and care must
be taken that additional connected compo-
nents don’t interfere with this programming
Figure 4: The prototype of the generator on Veroboard. LED1 was added to indicate that the proces-
sor is busy calculating the audio sample data,
but since this is finished in only a quarter of a
second PB3 can also be used for additional
be added after every byte. It takes three clock described earlier in this article needs about features. In that case, R1 can be connected
cycles for the Do-Loop to restart, which is 10%. So there is some space left in program to the power supply as power-on indicator.
perfect to produce one full period of 192 memory to extend the code and add extra  
samples of a 1 kHz sine wave. So the only features. Note that the free demo version of If and when you add functionality to this I2S
thing the main loop of the program has to do BASCOM-AVR can not be used to compile the signal generator, if you have any other remarks
is to output the bytes of the array to port D. software due to its program memory limita- or suggestions regarding this project, don’t
tions, you’ll need to buy a registered version forget to share it with us and other readers
Building the hardware if you want to change the program. on the Elektor Labs page [3]!
We have designed the PCB shown in Figure 3   200253-01
for this project, the layout and the Gerber The software download for this project [2]
files are available for download. Alternatively, contains the HEX-file for the original firmware,
you can use a piece of Veroboard, as our so this project can be built without a licensed
designer did in the first prototyping phase BASCOM-AVR version, just an AVR-ISP
(see Figure 4). programming interface and programming Contributors
If you are unable to find a supplier for the software like Atmel AVR Studio or AVRDUDE Idea, Design, Text: Ton Giesberts
74AC4040, it is possible to cut the connection will get your ATmega128 up and running. Schematic and illustrations:
between pin 13 and 14 of IC4. By connect- Ton Giesberts, Patrick Wielders
ing pin13 to ground with a jumper wire a …or hardware Editor: Luc Lemmens
74HC4040 can be used, but timing is far from There are still some I/O pins of the micro- Layout: Giel Dols
optimal and could pose a problem with the controller unused that can be implemented
DAC being tested. This correction works with to control additional features, like changing
our RPi DAC though. The wires from K2 of
the generator to the DAC should be kept as
short as possible.
The supply voltage of this circuit must
match the voltage of the DAC under test. At RELATED PRODUCTS
VCC = 3.3 V, the current consumption is just
over 20 mA. > RPi High End Audio DAC - Bare PCB (160198-1)
Changing software…
The program uses 77% of flash memory
> Raspberry Pi High End Audio DAC – Module (160198-91)
space. Just calculating the sine wave as

26 January & February 2021


Control Your Home

with Raspberry Pi
RPi snoops on 433.92 MHz

By Koen Vervloesem (Belgium)

This installment of Elektor Books

presents a chapter excerpted from Koen
Vervloesem’s book Control Your Home
with Raspberry Pi, which was recently
published by Elektor. Koen explains how
to turn your RPi into a powerful receiver
and decoder for most, if not all, remote
control and sensor signals you can pick up
at 433.92 MHz, one of the best-known and
widest-used ISM frequencies.

In the DIY community (at least in Europe where I’m living), 433.92 MHz protocols
433.92 MHz will ring a bell. Many cheap wireless devices such as Devices that are using the 433.92 MHz frequency operate in the
garage door openers, weather sensors, and doorbells are using this unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) frequency
frequency. Moreover, the hardware to communicate with these band. But the frequency is one thing, the protocol they’re using
devices is equally cheap. is another one. There’s no standard protocol for this frequency.
  This is no Z-Wave or Zigbee. However, many protocols of these
The disadvantage is that most of these devices use plain devices have been reverse engineered, and you can talk to them
unencrypted radio communication, and if they do use some sort as long as you have a transceiver for the frequency band around
of security, it’s quite weak and/or some proprietary algorithm that 433.92 MHz and the right software to decode and/or encode
doesn’t inspire much confidence. But there are so many available the protocol.
devices and they are so cheap, that you can’t ignore them. For  
security reasons, I only use 433.92 MHz temperature sensors: I Some interesting devices are:
have one of them in almost every room of my house, and outside > temperature, humidity and weather sensors by Alecto, Cresta,
too. I wouldn’t trust 433.92 MHz devices for critical tasks. La Crosse, and Oregon Scientific;
  > door/window sensors with Hall sensor;
In this chapter, I show you how you read measurements of these > switches and dimmers by Energenie, KlikAanKlikUit and
wireless temperature sensors and how to relay them to your MQTT LightwaveRF;
broker for further integration in your home automation system. > doorbell chimes by Byron and Chacon.
Note: in this book, I’m talking about 433.92 MHz, but depending You can also find many even cheaper devices on AliExpress and
on where you live you have to substitute this by another frequency. Banggood that support the same protocols. And there are even
For instance, in the Americas, the corresponding frequency is small PCBs such as the STX882 transmitter that you can connect to
915 MHz. Just make sure that you buy the correct devices for a microcontroller or an Arduino board to create your own wireless
your country. sensor boards.

lektor January & February 2021 27

Hardware requirements
For your Raspberry Pi to be able to receive 433.92 MHz sensor
measurements, you need a receiver and an antenna.
Figure 1: For around €5 you A popular type of receiver for 433.92 MHz projects is a Realtek
can find a temperature RTL2832 based DVB dongle. Yes, you read that right, DVB as in
and humidity sensor from
Digital Video Broadcasting. As it turns out, the RTL2832 chip in
DANIU that transmits its
values over 433.92 MHz and many of these dongles can do quite more than decoding digital
shows it on a clear display. video signals: with the right software, you can create a true
software-defined radio (SDR) with it.
So if you have an old DVB dongle lying in your closet, chances are
that you can use it to receive signals from your weather sensors.
Otherwise, the RTL-SDR ( is a good choice
(Figure 2). You can find variations of this stick for €25 and in a kit
with an antenna and other accessories for €40 to €45 [1]. You can
find something useful even cheaper: I have read about €7 DVB
dongles on AliExpress that are working perfectly for this purpose,
but I haven’t had any experience with them.

The next item you need is a good antenna. There are whole books
Figure 2: The RTL-SDR decodes a lot of wireless signals, including weather
sensors transmitting on 433.92 MHz. written about antenna theory, and I’m not going to delve into this
vast topic because I’m no antenna specialist.
One thing you should know for the choice of your antenna is
its length. This depends on the wavelength of the signal. The
wavelength equals the speed (in m/s) divided by the frequency
(in Hz), and is measured in metres (m). Let’s do the maths for
433.92 MHz communication. In air, the speed of the wave is virtu-
ally the speed of light. So the wavelength becomes:
299,792,458 m/s / 433,920,000 Hz = 0.69 m.
So the full wavelength is 69 cm, the half-wavelength is 34.5 cm,
and the quarter-wavelength is 17.25 cm. These are the theoretical
optimal lengths for an antenna to receive 433.92 MHz transmis-
sions. In practice, various factors are influencing the antenna’s
characteristics, including positioning, and there’s a rule of thumb
to subtract 5% from this theoretical length.
Again, this is not an antenna theory book, so I’m not going to talk
about the different types of antennas. Moreover, for reading sensor
values in your house it doesn’t even matter that much what the
quality of your antenna is. You could try experimenting with it, but
chances are that it just works if you buy a ‘433 MHz antenna’ for a
few euros on AliExpress or Banggood. If you don’t want to take any
chances, use an antenna included in a kit with the RTL-SDR. The
Figure 3: With the tripod mount, dipole base and telescopic antennas from official antenna kit (Figure 3) has telescopic dipole antennas you
the RTL-SDR kit, you have all you need to receive measurements from all can extend from 5 cm to 1 m, which covers the optimal wavelengths
your 433.92 MHz sensors. for the 433.92 MHz frequency [2].

Receiving sensor values with rtl_433

In this chapter, I’m focusing on the first types of devices: tempera- On the software side, a popular choice to read 433.92 MHz signals
ture and humidity sensors. You can find these for less than 10 euros is ‘rtl_433’ (, which despite its
(Figure 1), even for a few euros on AliExpress or Banggood. Their name is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz
range is quite good: I can read sensors in my whole house, including (SRD), 315 MHz, 345 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands.
in my fridge and freezer, and even on my terrace outside.  

28 January & February 2021

Any Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle should work with rtl_433,
including the official RTL-SDR dongle. I’m using the RTL-SDR
dongle with a dipole antenna from the RTL-SDR antenna kit. Just
connect the antenna to the RTL-SDR and put the RTL-SDR in a USB
port of your Raspberry Pi.
Warning: The RTL-SDR produces quite a lot heat while it’s running.
Take care of where you position it.
Installing rtl_433toMQTT
The rtl_433 program is actively developed and maintained and has
more than 150 protocol decoders for various devices that trans-
mit on 433.92 MHz. Moreover, it can send the received values to
an MQTT broker. Luckily, someone created a Docker container
with rtl_433 for this exact purpose (
Figure 4: The rtl_433 command automatically finds the RTL-SDR receiver
rtl_433toMQTT) [3]. and starts showing received sensor readings.
First, create a directory for the container:
mkdir -p /home/pi/containers/rtl433tomqtt
Then add the container definition to your docker-compose.yml file:
version: ‘3.7’ Search in this list for a line like this:
services: Bus 001 Device 008: ID 0bda:2838 Realtek
mosquitto: Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T
# mosquitto config  
rtl433tomqtt: Note the bus and device number: 001 and 008. Now look at the
image: bademux/rtl_433tomqtt:latest device files for the bus 001:
container_name: rtl433tomqtt  
restart: always ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001
- ./containers/rtl433tomqtt:/home/user/.config/
You should see a line like this:
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
crw-rw---- 1 pi root 189, 10 May 7 20:22 008
- /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
  This shows that the device is owned by the user pi, which has read
Enter the configuration of the Docker container for Mosquitto and write permissions.
instead of ‘#mosquitto config’. The container needs access to  
the USB bus to read from the RTL-SDR device. Note also that the After this, create the container with:
directory you created is mounted as a volume. You don’t have to  
create a configuration file yet. docker-compose up -d
First create a udev rule to give the right permissions to the USB After the container has been created, look at its logs:
  docker logs -f rtl433tomqtt
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/20.rtl-sdr.rules  
  As shown in Figure 4, you should see some messages that the
Enter the following line: rtl_433 program is trying to find a configuration file in a few places,
  that is has registered more than 120 decoding protocols, and that
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idPr is has found a receiver device. Then you should see a message
oduct}=="2838",OWNER="pi", MODE="0660" ‘Tuned to 433.920MHz’ and if all goes well you should now see
  sensor values coming in. Have some patience, because many of
Save the file with Ctrl+o and exit nano with Ctrl+x. Then unplug these sensors only transmit once a minute.
the RTL-SDR and reattach it. Now look at the list of attached USB  
devices: Configuring rtl_433
  In the beginning of the logs, you saw that rtl_433 tried to find some
lsusb configuration files. It didn’t find one, so it just used a default configu-

lektor January & February 2021 29

With the example configuration file, rtl_433 now shows the output
of each sensor as a JSON dictionary (Figure 5). This is already a big
step forward to integrate your 433.92 MHz sensors into your home
automation setup, but the final step is to publish these values to
your MQTT broker.

Publishing 433.92 MHz sensor values to MQTT

The rtl_433 program has already support for sending the sensor
values it receives to an MQTT broker. Open the configuration file
(/home/pi/containers/rtl433tomqtt/rtl_433.conf) and find the line
that says:
output json
You can keep this line here because you can specify multiple
Figure 5: The rtl_433 command can show the sensor values in many
formats, including JSON.
outputs, or change it to output kv if you prefer the default more
human-friendly output. Add the following line to define an MQTT
output mqtt://mosquitto:1883,user=home,pass=PASSWORD
Make sure to enter the correct username and password for your
MQTT broker.
Warning: The rtl_433 program doesn’t support MQTT over TLS. If
you’re running the rtl_433toMQTT container on the same Raspberry
Figure 6: The rtl_433 command can send the received sensor values to your
MQTT broker. Pi as your mosquitto container, it’s no problem that they communi-
cate unencrypted: they’re on the same machine anyway. If you have
your RTL-SDR receiver on another machine than your MQTT broker
(for instance because you have better coverage there), I recom-
ration, which was fine for testing but didn’t use MQTT. Now let’s copy mend you run a mosquitto container aside from the rtl_433toMQTT
an example configuration file to a path where rtl_433 is searching: container and configure it as a bridge to your main MQTT broker
  over an encrypted connection. See the appendix at the end of this
docker cp rtl433tomqtt:/usr/local/etc/rtl_433/ book for the details.
rtl_433.example.conf /home/pi/containers/  
rtl433tomqtt/rtl_433.conf After a restart of your container, you should see an MQTT message
  published under the rtl_433 main topic for each sensor value. You
Because I have mapped the directory containers/rtl433tomqtt in can view this with:
your pi user’s home directory to /home/user/.config/rtl_433 in the  
container, you can now edit this configuration file and restart the mosquitto_sub -t ’rtl_433/#’ -v
container to use this configuration. For instance, you can disable  
protocols you don’t need, or enable protocols that are disabled For instance, every time the temperature and humidity sensor in
by default. my freezer transmits a message, I see data like in Figure 6.
The configuration file is heavily commented, which should help Now, you can still tweak a couple of things from the MQTT config-
you figure out what to change. Moreover, you can find a lot of uration. Consult the comments in the example configuration file
information in rtl_433’s online documentation ( for the details. For instance, this configuration changes the MQTT
rtl_433/), including steps to add support for a sensor that is not topics to something shorter:
(yet) supported.
After the changes to your configuration file, restart the container: mqtt://mosquitto:1883,user=home,pass=PASSWORD,device
  s=rtl433/[model]/ [channel]/[id]
docker restart rtl433tomqtt  
  And if you’re not interested in the low-level metadata about the
If all goes well, the logs should show that rtl_433 stops searching radio connection, such as modulation, frequency, RSSI (received
for a configuration file after the second file and finds it: signal strength indicator), SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and noise,
  just remove or comment out the report_meta level line in the
Reading conf from "/home/user/.config/rtl_433/ configuration file.

30 January & February 2021

Questions or Comments? CONTROL YOUR HOME
If you have any questions regarding this article, feel free to
contact the author by email at
This book shows you how you
can automate your home with a
Raspberry Pi. You’ll learn how to
use various wireless protocols for
So there you have it: all the measurements of your 433.92 MHz home automation, such as Bluetooth,
sensors are sent to your MQTT broker, and you can subscribe to 433.92 MHz radio waves, Z-Wave,
their topics in your Python scripts or your other home automa- and Zigbee. Soon you’ll automate
tion software. your home with Python, Node-RED, and Home Assistant, and
you’ll even be able to speak to your home automation system.
Summary and further exploration All this is done securely, with a modular system, completely
Wireless devices in the 433.92 MHz frequency band are very popular open-source, without relying on third-party services. You’re in
in the DIY community and they are cheap and easy to find in a lot of control of your home, and no one else.
places. Especially interesting are temperature and humidity sensors  
that you can use to monitor your fridge, freezer, or greenhouse. At the end of the book, you can install and configure your
  Raspberry Pi as a highly flexible home automation gateway for
All you need to read these sensors is a cheap DVB dongle and an protocols of your choice, and link various services with MQTT
antenna. The rtl_433 program supports more than 150 protocols to make it your own system.
of 433.92 MHz devices and lets you relay the received signals as  
messages to your MQTT broker, so your other home automation > Turn your Raspberry Pi into a reliable gateway for various
software can act upon them. home automation protocols.
  > Make your home automation setup reproducible with Docker
There are still a lot of interesting topics I barely touched, such as Compose.
the optimal antenna choice and placement for better coverage. It’s > Secure all your network communication with TLS.
also an exciting exercise to try to add support for an unsupported > Create a video surveillance system for your home.
device to rtl_433. The project has detailed documentation about > Automate your home with Python, Node-RED,
how you capture the raw signals and how you should try to reverse Home Assistant and AppDaemon.
engineer the protocol. > Securely access your home automation dashboard from
  remote locations.
You can also try other receivers, for instance, the RFXtrx family of > Use fully offline voice commands in your own language.
devices, which even includes a transceiver that lets you control  
Somfy RTS roller shutters. There’s even a Python library, pyRFX- The software and errata for the book are available on on GitHub.
trx (, to communicate
with your 433.92 MHz devices using a RFXtrx transceiver. Home raspberry-pi-home-automation
Assistant (see Chapter 10) is using this library for its support of
433.92 MHz devices. However, the RFXtrx transceiver costs a lot
> Hard copy:
more than a RTL-SDR.
  > e-Book:
At the other end of the price spectrum, if you want to try what you
can do with the cheapest possible equipment, the STX882 trans-
mitter and SRX887 receiver are good places to start.
200534-01 Contributors
Author: Koen Vervloesem Editor: Jan Buiting
Illustrations: Koen Vervloesem Layout: Giel Dols


[1] Elektor RTL-SDR kit with antennas, mounts and extension cable:
[2] Using a dipole antenna kit on the RTL-SDR:
[3] Right before this book was finished, the developer announced that he wouldn’t actively develop this Docker image (which has more
than 100,000 pulls) anymore, so there will be no new features. It remains to be seen if another image becomes popular.
But even if you need to find another one, you should only need some minor changes to use it: the main configuration file of rtl_433
stays the same.

lektor January & February 2021 31


To Dashboar
Project Nam Code View Code as .ino Component L
e e ist
W orkspac to Save

Serial Monito Plotter


Circuits Online
By Florian Schäffer (Germany) It is often the case that you don’t have all the
components required to build a circuit that is
developing in your mind. Or, perhaps the circuit
you wish to develop uses dangerously high voltages
and currents. In such cases, it makes sense to use
a simulator to test the idea in safety. Simulators
are now commonly available, with the Tinkercad
Circuits platform covered here accessible in your web
browser. As well as simulating circuits, it can also
execute Arduino code, as we show here.

32 January & February 2021

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is the 1. Click on ‘New circuit’. The breadboard view is similar in many
best-known software for simulating analogue and digital electrical ways to that offered by Fritzing. Therefore, it is a good idea to get to
circuits. Unfortunately, it is not that user-friendly and it requires the know Fritzing and read our article about that tool it in the previous
circuit diagram to be expressed in its own special format. So it is good issue.
news that a graphical interface, Tinkercad Circuits, has been developed
that allows you to use it online. There is no need to install any software
and you can build your circuit exactly as if it were on a breadboard. 2. Your design will be permanently stored in the cloud. At the top
It also also offers integration of ATmega (as used in the Arduino Uno) of the screen next to the Tinkercad logo you will find that a made-up
and ATtiny microcontrollers. You can write and execute your programs name has already been assigned to your project. You can click on the
in C or C++, or simply use the Scratch visual programming language. text there and change it to something more appropriate.

3. On the right-hand side you will see a selection of example

projects and components. Under Basic in the selection list you
can find a number of examples that you can try out. Since we
are creating a new project from the beginning choose All under

Switch to the Circuits section of the Dashboard. At the bottom edge,

you can change the language if necessary.

Start by logging in to the website You

can either create a new account or use a third party account such
as Google. From the dashboard, go to the area called Circuits. At the
bottom of the screen you can change the user interface language if
you wish. As a new user you will not have any designs visible.
The project created for this article can be found at

4. From the component selection list choose a power source

(bench supply), the Arduino Uno  R3 and the small breadboard.
Click on each symbol in turn and place them in the working area.

lektor January & February 2021 33

7. A common connection to the GND pin on the Arduino is also
required (black line running off to the right) as well as the (blue)
connection to pin A2..

8. When you have finished building the circuit you can test its
electrical functions and simulate it. Just click on Start Simulation at
the top of the screen. A brief animation will show the USB plug be-
ing plugged into the Arduino to show that it is now being provided
5. In many cases it is possible to adjust the parameters of a with power, and the ‘ON’ LED will light. At the moment, however,
component such as colour, type or dimensions by clicking on it there is no program for the Arduino to execute. The power supply
in the working area. This opens a small dialogue box showing the will also show its output voltage and the instantaneous current be-
settings that can be changed. Click on the power supply and set ing drawn.
the Voltage to ‘5’. You can also use a decimal point for this value if
9. You can click with the mouse on the controls of the pow-
er supply and drag them around. The main part of the circuit will
withstand up to around 18 V, but not the Arduino connected over
the blue wire. In real life you would destroy the microcontroller like
this, but in this simulation you cannot do any damage. The piezo
sounder will emit a spluttering sound if you have a loudspeaker
connected to your PC. You can use the mouse to adjust the blue
potentiometer at the top left of the breadboard: as you turn it, the
sound will change.

6. Place the components and the wiring on the breadboard.

In the diagram you will see which values can be changed for each

34 January & February 2021

10. Click on Stop Simulation and then on Code (next to it on the
left) to open a window that will allow you to enter source code. The
‘code view’ will slide in from the right-hand side and, initially, you
will be presented with the Scratch editor. At the top you can change
to Text (note: a warning will pop up, which you can dismiss).

13. In this example the Arduino will behave as a simple oscil-

loscope, printing out the signal it sees on its input pin. This corre-
sponds to the signal that is driving the piezo sounder. Click on the
bottom of the code view window on Serial Monitor and you will be
11. A small amount of ready-made code will appear in the win- able to see the sequence of ones and zeros. In the far bottom right
dow. Delete all of this and replace it with the following commands. is a waveform icon. Click here to see a graphical representation of
the signal.
const uint8_t iopin = A2;

void setup()
pinMode(iopin, INPUT);

void loop()
} 14. Turn the potentiometer and, as the sound changes, you will
also see the displayed waveform change.

12. When you next click on Start Simulation the program code
will also be executed. If there are any syntax errors in your program
they will be highlighted in the same way as in the Arduino IDE and
must, of course, be fixed before continuing.

This article originally appeared in German in a special edition of

Elektor offering an introduction to electronics based upon the Arduino
platform. The English edition is now available: https://www.elektor.

lektor January & February 2021 35


From Life’s Experience

The fine line between order and chaos

By Ilse Joostens (Belgium)

Every now and then I go somewhere and

it occurs to me that the desk of the typical
electronics engineer stands in sharp contrast
to that of the typical ‘bean counter’. The
latter probably reflects an almost unhealthy,
nearly sadistic desire to organise the world.
Conversely, for the electronics engineers,
chaos is trump and their workstation often
looks like it is awaiting the arrival of a
HAZMAT team.

The classic bean counter, also known as an accountant.

The work bench of the late Bob Pease, inventor of the in-beard but could not find quickly enough or — even worse — deliberately
breadboard, is an infamous example of a messy workspace [1]. We not ordered components that were desperately required because I
know better of course but an unsuspecting layman will have trouble incorrectly thought I still had plenty of them. There was, therefore,
spotting the difference between our bench and a photo of a disaster plenty of scope for improvement…
area after a tropical cyclone has passed through. Although often  
incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein, we can still take solace Many of us have a tendency to sort their components nicely by type
in the quote: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of and by value in storage containers or cabinets with drawers, with
what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” the surreptitious ulterior motive of collecting as complete a series
of values as possible, such as the entire E24-series of resistors. This
Chaos is not only a theory is a relatively good system for hobbyists, electronics designers and
Although I have much to learn from Bob Pease, I have to admit with repairers but, when you are involved with manufacturing, this is
blushing cheeks that I am an incorrigible slob. With my unstoppa- far from flexible.
ble tendency for ‘heap forming’ I have driven my parents, many a  
former employer and even my partner to desperation. I buy the basic components and their through-hole equivalents in
  large quantities, depending on what I need for my products. As such
Years ago I was particularly busy with SMD components and we it is not so wise to have thousands of every value of resistor in the
all know that it is better to leave them in their little bags, unless E24-series in stock (as an example) when more than three-quar-
you want them to get lost or all mixed up. From this good habit ters of those values are practically never used. And that doesn’t
the little bags with components piled up and, after a while, I had even take into consideration sorting them all nicely into drawers.
multiple stacks of storage boxes filled with various components.  
  Thanks to a little industrial espionage during an open-day at one
The consequences are predictable: every time I wanted to build of our suppliers I have come up with a better system. I now use
a small series of circuit boards I spent more time looking for all racks and boxes where every box has its own code that indicates its
the parts than the time it took to populate and reflow the boards location, such as “A5K0”. This means rack “A”, shelf “5”, position “K”
themselves. How often have I ordered parts again that I still had and then the first box from front to back. To know where a compo-

36 January & February 2021

This system works quite well in practice.

nent is I use a spreadsheet. The advantage of selection of bright LEDs at the well-known wholesalers is rather
this system is that components do not need to poor and that is why I occasionally place an order via eBay.
be sorted. The box with microcontrollers can be  
located next to a box with screws. You can also Normally I keep the websites of four or so suppliers open in different
easily move components around and empty tabs in my browser. Whoever offers a component in the quantity
locations can be reused for something else. I desire, at the best price, has my business. Because it is not likely
  that one supplier has everything in stock that I need, I usually end
The spreadsheet is not really the optimal up with orders from at least three different suppliers. Consequently
approach but, unfortunately, I have not a parade of delivery vans turns up a few days later at my door. And
yet found an affordable and more suitable then you get the jealous looks from the neighbour across the road
software solution. Additionally, there is who thinks that nearly every day is Christmas over here. Quite
always something that is not quite right. Now what he would do with a few thousand MOSFETs is anyone’s guess.
I actually spend more time on the booking-in  
and booking-out of components and retriev- It also worthwhile to take a good look at the price break for bulk
ing them from these boxes than populating purchases. These normally encourage you to buy much more than
and reflowing my circuit boards. Naturally I sometimes forget to you were intending. This has resulted in some strange pricing
book something in or out with the result that some orders still go outcomes on more than one occasion. I have encountered that
wrong. Perhaps the chaos was not so bad after all. However, it is one hundred pieces of an IC came to the exact same price as 50
now much quicker to pass on the stock levels at the end of the year pieces. I’ve come to the conclusion that free components really
to our ‘bean counter’ — at least that is an improvement. do exist!
Part ordering for dummies
For improved ‘heap forming’ you obviously require components
and then preferably different ones in large quantities. To be honest,
I haven’t been to a classic electronics shop in years and these days I
order everything online from the well-known wholesalers. Price is
obviously important. However, I nevertheless recommend that, for Questions or Comments?
critical components and semiconductors, you refrain from using Do you have questions or comments regarding this article?
suppliers in the Far East. Also, for reasons unknown to me, the Then email Elektor at

Contributors Translation: Arthur de Beun Layout: Giel Dols

Text and photos: Ilse Joostens Editing: Stuart Cording

[1] Bob Pease, ‘Whats All This Messy Office Stuff Anyhow?’:

lektor January & February 2021 37


Starting Out
in Electronics (6)
Easier Than Imagined!

By Eric Bogers (Elektor Netherlands) Putting this aside, let’s first take a good look at indicate the value of the resistor. This has to
what resistors actually look like. In Figure 1 we be multiplied by a (power of 10) factor that
As promised in the previous have portrayed the most common examples. is indicated by the penultimate band. The
At the bottom you will see a metal-film resistor last band indicates the tolerance. Tolerance
episode of this series, we and a carbon-film resistor above that, both — what’s that? When we take a batch of
will now occupy ourselves with a power rating of 0.25 W. The power 1000 Ω resistors and measure them with a
with ‘tangible’ components rating indicates the maximum power that very accurate ohmmeter, we will find that no
a resistor can convert into heat without the two resistors have the exact same value. For
— with resistors, to be more resistor failing. This is something to keep an example, one will be 1001.3 Ω, and another
specific. A great deal more eye on! 998.6 Ω, an so on. This is because of unavoid-
can be said about them   able small variations during manufacturing.
In addition to the maximum power rating we The tolerance indicates the limits of the range
than that which you may also need to consider maximum voltage rating. of values that the resistor can have, with the
initially appreciate: there If this is exceeded, the resistor can break-over actual value lying somewhere in between.
are resistors, resistors, and and it will likely fail. With the common-or-gar- For a 1000-Ω resistor with a tolerance of 5%
den resistors that are typically used in hobby (this is a ‘normal’ carbon-film resistor) the
resistors… projects, the maximum voltage is generally actual value is somewhere between 950 Ω
rated at 250 V, so we don’t have to worry too and 1050 Ω; with a 1% version (a metal-film
much about this in practice. resistor) the actual value is between 990 Ω
Resistors   and 1010 Ω. There is also a chance that outliers
Resistors are classified as passive compo- Back to Figure 1: in the middle on the left exist with values outside the tolerance range,
nents because (in contrast to active compo- are two resistors with a higher power rating but this does not happen very often.
nents) they cannot amplify signals. Passive (0.5 W and 1 W) and, right at the top, a cement  
components include resistors, capacitors version with a resistance of 39 Ω that can By the way, for most applications the 5%
and inductors; active components include handle 11 W. The power resistor in the middle carbon-film resistors are good enough. Only
transistors, triacs and, yes, diodes are also on the right is a type that can be bolted to a when it is really necessary to be very accurate
considered to be active components. This isn’t heatsink that can handle up to 25 W. (such as filter circuits) and/or when the circuit
correct, strictly speaking (a diode, after all,   must be as low-noise as possible (a high-end
does not amplify), but because we tradition- Normal resistors for regular use are small (the audio amplifier) do we use the, more expen-
ally pile all the semiconductors into one great bottom two in Figure 1) — so small in fact that sive, metal-film resistors.
heap, diodes are also called ‘active’. it is impossible to print their resistance value  
on them in a legible form. This is why the value Table 1 lists the colour codes for resistors. A
is indicated with coloured bands. These days 1% metal-film resistor with a value of 1 kΩ has,
there are much smaller components available, according to Table 1, the colour code brown,
known as SMDs or Surface Mount Devices black, black, brown, brown. Unfortunately,
but, because this series of articles is aimed in this case it is not immediately obvious in
at the electronics beginner and SMDs are which direction the colour code should be
not really suitable for an initial introduction, read — in reverse it could be a resistor of
we will not go into these. We will stick with 110 Ω. However, don’t give up too soon —
trusty ‘leaded’, easily-handled components. practice makes perfect and in the event of
doubt an ohmmeter can be the final arbiter!
The colour code  
There are resistors with both four and five Another disadvantage of the coloured
Figure 1. A few resistors. coloured bands. The first two or three bands bands is that the colours red and orange

38 January & February 2021

Table 1: Colour code for resistors
Value Multiplier Tolerance
4 bands 1st band 2nd band – 3rd band 4th band
5 bands 1st band 2nd band 3rd band 4th band 5th band
black – 0 0 1
brown 1 1 1 10 ±1%
red 2 2 2 100 ±2%
orange 3 3 3 1k
yellow 4 4 4 10 k
green 5 5 5 100 k ±0,5%
blue 6 6 6 1M
violet 7 7 7 10 M
grey 8 8 8 100 M
white 9 9 9 1G
gold – – – 0.1 ±5%
silver – – – 0.01 ±10% Figure 2. Potentiometers and trimpots.

are sometimes difficult to distinguish. In is, of course, the volume control of an ampli-
Table 2: Standard resistor values
case there is any doubt, again, reach for fier (although in the present digital era these
the ohmmeter. are now often digital encoders). The there E3 E6 E12 E24
  are the trimpots that are generally inside the 1 1 1 1
Resistors are (for obvious reasons) not device (usually on the circuit board) and are
produced in every conceivable value. Instead intended for once-only adjustment using a 1.1
they are manufactured in standardised small screwdriver or special trimming tool. 1.2 1.2
E-series. Here the ratio of two consecutive  
values within a decade is more or less the Figure 2 shows various examples of (trim) 1.3
same. The E-values are in turn produced pots. On the right you see the slide potenti- 1.5 1.5 1.5
in different series of decades (for example ometer, or fader, that is often used in mixing
2.2 Ω, 22 Ω, 220 Ω, 2.2 kΩ, 22 kΩ, 220 kΩ and panels. In the middle are two ordinary poten-
2.2 MΩ). Table 2 shows the most common E tiometers with a mono version at the top and 1.8 1.8
series values for E3, E6, E12 and E24, where a stereo version at the bottom. Such a stereo
the number indicates the number of values potentiometer is really two mono potentiom-
per decade. For precision applications there eters on a common shaft. 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
are the E48, E96 and E192 series, i.e. a total   2.4
of seven standardised E series. In the rotary potentiometer a sliding contact
  moves back and forth along a carbon track. 2.7 2.7
By the way, there is also an R-series, but the Such potentiometers often start to ‘crackle’ 3.0
probability that you will get involved with after some time due to age and contamination.
3.3 3.3 3.3
them in electronics is very low. In electrical This is extremely undesirable, particularly with
engineering you will come across R-series only audio amplifiers. If a particular potentiome- 3.6
in relation to fuses or miniature circuit breakers. ter is not hermetically sealed then a special
3.9 3.9
If you need an extremely precise and, at the spray cleaner can give temporary relief (with
same time, awkward value that does not occur the emphasis on temporary). Otherwise you 4.3
in any of the E series, then it can be achieved can try turning it vigorously from one end to
4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7
with an appropriately selected parallel and/ the other a few times, but this too will likely
or series connection of E24 resistors. Or you only be a temporary solution. 5.1
could use a variable resistor…   5.6 5.6
Cermet potentiometers are less sensitive to
Variable resistors these ageing symptoms (and are therefore 6.2
Potentiometers, also known simply as a ‘pot’, also more expensive). Figure 2 at the top in 6.8 6.8 6.8
and trimpots are resistors whose resistance the middle provides two examples (mono on
value can be changed. Potentiometers have the right and stereo on the left). Finally, at the
a shaft that protrudes through a hole in the top left of Figure 2, there are two closed-vari- 8.2 8.2
enclosure of a device that can be operated ant trimpots that are a little less sensitive to
by the user. The most well-known example dirt and dust ingress.

lektor January & February 2021 39

Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments
regarding this article? Then email
Elektor at

Idea and illustrations: Michel Ebner
Figure 3. Potentiometers: schematic symbols. Figure 4. Voltage dependent resistor (VDR). Text: Eric Bogers
Translation: Arthur de Beun
Editing: Stuart Cording
Layout: Giel Dols

Figure 5. NTC- and PTC-resistors.

quantity. The most common ones are briefly current increases further until it finally reaches
discussed below. its nominal value. These current-limiting resis-
  tors are usually bypassed by an (electrome-
Figure 4 shows the schematic symbol for a chanical) relay after a few seconds so that no
Voltage Dependent Resistor (VDR). Once a more power is lost in the NTC-resistor.
certain voltage has been exceeded, the resis-  
tance of a VDR becomes very low. In this Finally, Figure 6 shows a Light Dependent
way the component can protect other parts Resistor (LDR). The resistance value of the
from over-voltage conditions. VDRs are often LDR decreases when the light that falls on it
Figure 6. Light dependent resistor (LDR).
used to protect power transformers against becomes brighter. In the past, these resistors
over-voltage (something that could happen were often used in optical sensors. However,
when the neutral is not connected correctly). one of their disadvantages is that they are
There will then be enough current through the relatively slow to react to changes in light
Linear or logarithmic? VDR to blow the mains fuse and thus avoid level. These days photo-diodes or photo-tran-
Potentiometers in parts lists often have the further damage. However, the VDR often has sistors are preferred for such applications.
abbreviation log or lin in the specification. This to be replaced after such failures too. This brings us to the end of our discussion
means logarithmic and linear respectively   on the topic of resistors. Next time we will
and this indicates how the resistance value In Figure 5 we see several symbols for continue with capacitors.
varies as a function of the angle of rotation. temperature-sensitive resistors. The two 200551-04
Logarithmic potentiometers are mainly used symbols on the left represent an NTC resistor
as volume controls in amplifiers because (Negative Temperature Coefficient); the two The magazine article series “Starting Out in Electronics”
our hearing has a more or less logarithmic symbols on the right represent a PTC resis- is based on the book Basic Electronics for Beginners by
characteristic. tor (Positive Temperature Coefficient). The Michael Ebner, published by Elektor.
  resistance value of an NTC resistor decreases
In Figure 3 you can see the schematic symbols as it becomes warmer; with a PTC resistor
for potentiometers: a potentiometer on the this is, of course, the exact opposite. NTC
left, in the middle a trimpot, and the equiva- resistors are sometimes used to limit inrush
lent circuit on the right. The value of each of currents. In conventional power amplifiers
the resistors depends on the position of the there are usually heavy mains transformers
wiper (the middle connection of the schematic with large, discharged smoothing capaci-
symbol). As with ordinary resistors, potenti- tors when powered off. As a result there is RELATED PRODUCTS
ometers also have a maximum power rating. an extremely large incoming current at turn-on
that could blow the mains fuse. An NTC can Basic Electronics for Beginners
Special resistors help prevent this problem by limiting the initial > Book:
There are a whole range of resistors whose inrush current. As the NTC becomes warmer, > E-book:
value is dependent on a specific physical as a result of the current flowing through it, the

40 January & February 2021


Homebrew CPUs
The discrete microcontroller
By Dennis Kuschel (Germany)

Modern microcontrollers
make it possible to cram a
whole lot of functionality into
an extremely small volume.
Things that, in the past,
required a bag full of chips
to accomplish can now be
realised in a single IC without
any great difficulty. Of course,
such a microcontroller still
needs to be programmed and Figure 1: Dennis Kuschel in his home laboratory. The furnishings can be described as almost spartan.
this is often done with the aid
of high-level programming
languages. But this has the disadvantage that the designer can lose the link to what goes on
at the port or transistor level inside such devices.

This was also Dennis Kuschel’s train of thought when he began his building their own because the cost of the complete MyCPU plus
work on building a discrete microcontroller with individual logic peripherals quickly approaches €1,000. That is why I decided (after
ICs. Perhaps we should call it a ‘macrocontroller’ really. Here we 20 years) to begin a new project: a simple and as-cheap-as-possi-
hand over to Dennis: ble computer that is, of course, entirely built from discrete parts.
  It had to meet two conditions. Firstly, it had to do without an ALU
“Figure 1 shows my work space at home. I only own a few items (Arithmetic Logic Unit) for the simple reason that the previously
of measurment equipment — an oscilloscope and two digital ubiquitous ALU chip 74LC181 is no longer available and alterna-
multimeters. I don’t need anything else and I’m really not missing
anything either. On my work bench you can see an example of the
MyNOR computer where I have replaced 10 of the ICs with discrete
transistor circuits (the cheerfully-coloured jumper wires).
“For Christmas in 1989 I received my first computer: a Commodore
64. I quickly wanted to do more than simply play games — I
preferred to write my own programs and learn how such a device
actually works. Four years later (I was then 17) I built a new computer
from the salvaged parts of a C64 that I then programmed in assem-
bler. During my electrotechnology studies in the 90s, the idea of
building a CPU from simple logic gates and ICs came to me. A few
years later MyCPU [1] was born. This is a computer built from many
tens of logic ICs from the 7400-series CMOS logic family that runs
a version of C64 Basic.
“The MyCPU received a lot of attention at computer festivals and Figure 2: This is the heart of the MyNOR computer: a single, discretely-built
hobby fairs, but many of those who were interested shied away from NOR gate.

lektor January & February 2021 41

Figure 3: The final version of MyNOR. The description on the right shows that a considerable amount of functionality is possible.

tives have become too complicated. And, secondly, it would have erable number of peripherals: a 64 kB EEPROM for ‘mass storage’,
to suffice with a single programmable memory IC (EEPROM). while 8 digital inputs and 24 digital outputs provide communication
  with the outside world. These 32 I/Os allow the usual interfaces
“My new computer uses only a single NOR-gate for its arithmetic (RS232, I2C and SPI) to be realised in software.
– an extremely simple logic unit that I chose because it is easily  
built using two MOSFET transistors and a resistor (Figure 2). All “This single-board computer can achieve a surprising number of
arithmetical operations (such as AND, OR, EXOR, add and subtract) things. For example, I built a simple calculator in the operating
are obtained in software from combining many individual NOR system that can be operated via the RS-232 interface. This calcu-
operations. lator primarily serves as proof that floating-point operations can
  be carried out by a single NOR-gate! Furthermore, the operating
“Because of the central NOR gate I have christened my new system contains a simple monitor program that allows assem-
computer MyNOR [2]. The total number of parts is so few that the bly-language instructions to be entered. This way you can write
entire circuit fits on a circuit board measuring 10 × 13 cm. Figure 3 your own assembly-language programs directly on MyNOR and
shows the formal portrait of MyNOR, while the photo on the right store them in the EEPROM (this is a bit in the style of the C64).
shows what is where on the circuit board. It also contains a consid- But it is, of course, also possible to upload a complete program.
This is done using a text file that represents the binary program
in a special format. A little bit of patience is required because the
connection at 2400 baud is not blindingly fast.
“It becomes really exciting when this single-board computer is
used without the umbilical cord to a PC. For this purpose I have
developed two expansion boards. The first contains 20 pushbut-
tons, an LED and eight 7-segment displays along with the requisite
transistors for driving them. The displays and pushbuttons are
multiplexed in the usual way. I use the ‘pocket calculator’ built in
this manner every day at work.
“The second expansion board turns MyNOR into a real small
computer. This board contains, in addition to the usual pushbut-
tons, a 4 × 20 LCD, a little loudspeaker, a battery-backed real-time
clock and a temperature sensor. When MyNOR is expanded with
Figure 4: The pocket calculator on the left and, on the right, the MyNOR this board there are an endless number of possibilities: I have
with keyboard and display. already programmed a few games (minesweeper, Tetris), a kitchen

42 January & February 2021

Figure 5: The toothbrush timer consists of a MyNOR v1.0 plus the 7-segment Figure 6: Two ICs implemented using individual transistors. The original ICs
board v1.0. The device underneath the timer is, by the way, a high-end are also shown for comparison (74HC541 and 74HC74).
receiver (FM and DAB+) with integrated 11-band equaliser and touch
controls that Dennis built last year.

TO BE CONTINUED? Questions or Comments?

Do you have questions or comments regarding this article?
Would you like to know more about DIY CPUs? Let us know
Then email Elektor at
via and perhaps we will devote a more
comprehensive article to this topic in the future.

timer, a music box and an I2C-bus scanner. Both expansion boards only 22 ICs, it is a nice challenge to replace the 19 logic ICs with
can be seen in Figure 4. discreet transistor circuits. The first experiments toward this goal
  are showing much promise. Figure 6 shows two ICs built using
“The first version of MyNOR on a ‘real’ circuit board was not quite individual transistors.
perfect. Nevertheless, this version (including the 7-segment expan-  
sion) is still serving a purpose: I converted MyNOR v1.0 into a “By the way, I’m not the only one who is busy with DIY CPUs. Many
teeth-brushing timer for my children (Figure 5). of us have come together in the ‘Homebrew CPU Webring’; a visit
  to their website [3] is certainly worthwhile.”
“At the moment I’m busy with the further ‘discretising’ of the 200552-04
computer. Because the entire MyNOR computer comprises of

About the author

Dennis Kuschel first came into contact with electronics when, as a six-year old, he exchanged a bag of lollies for a faulty transistor
radio with a class mate. To the great surprise of his parents he managed to get the radio to work after a short period of time. At the
moment, Dennis works as a hardware developer for a German camera manufacturer. There he designs circuits and 10-layer Starrflex-
HDI circuit boards and programs complex IP-cores for FPGAs. Privately he prefers to go into the opposite direction. “Keep it simple”
is his motto — the smaller the number of parts involved, the less there is to go wrong.

[1] MyCPU:
Text and photos: Editing: Stuart Cording
Dennis Kuschel Layout: Giel Dols [2] MyNOR:
Translation: Arthur de Beun [3] Homebrew CPU Ring:

lektor January & February 2021 43


Connect Your Thermostat

with ESPHome
An Attempt at Doing Home Automation the Right Way

By Clemens Valens (Elektor)

Home automation done properly is like an invisible hand that gently pushes you up a
hill. When it’s there, it makes life a bit more comfortable; when it isn’t, you can still climb
that hill. This article is about designing a thermostat for such a home automation system.
Automated or not, its traditional user interface always keeps you in control of the room’s

About one year ago, I decided to have a go at home automation. In this setup, Home Assistant — running on a Raspberry Pi — plays
My first milestone was the automation of the thermostat in our the role of thermostat, meaning that it decides when to turn on or
living room. I did this by replacing the existing wall thermostat by off the heater. The desktop thermostat itself has become a simple
the Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat (Elektor project 160269, published remote-controlled relay with some LEDs.
in Elektor, January/February 2018 [1][2]) that I had reprogrammed
with ESPHome-based firmware. The new firmware exposed all the Nice, But…
controls of the desktop thermostat (i.e., one relay, two pushbuttons The system worked fine and helped us comfortably through the winter
and three LEDs), allowing them to be automated by a home automa- of 2019-2020. However, it had a few inconveniences:
tion controller like Home Assistant.  

44 January & February 2021

> Wi-Fi network required; The third specification requires some thought as well. About 1 W of
> Home Assistant required; power is needed for a Wi-Fi connection and to power the relay. Building
> Unaesthetic. a small power supply with a transformer can be done, but it is difficult
to make it small enough; we do not want a huge box on the wall. The
Future Proof original thermostat had a transformerless power supply which is fine
At the time of doing these experiments the first problem was not for relatively constant loads, but I am not sure if it performs well with
much of a problem as most of us have a Wi-Fi network running. a load running Wi-Fi. My intention was therefore to use a small AC/
When it stops working, rebooting the router or whatever you have DC converter module instead.
usually fixes it. However, as many of us have experienced several  
times in our lives by now, technologies come and go, and so there Searching through enclosure catalogues I did not find something
is no guarantee that there will always be a Wi-Fi network around. suitable. Creating a good-looking custom enclosure is not my strong
Our homes, on the other hand, are probably still there in thirty point, but today with FabLabs, 3D-printing and laser cutting readily
years’ time or more. In other words, a somewhat future-proof design available even in remote places, this should not be too difficult. Yet I
would be desirable.

Past Proof
The second point is related to the first as Home Assistant and Raspberry
Pi may disappear someday too. But there is more. I kind of know how
to deal with Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi, but most
people I know do not. To allow other people to use my automated
thermostat, it must be “past-proof” as well. It should look like a classic
wall thermostat and behave like one. The automation part may not be
imposed but should be discreetly optional instead. It is there for those
who want to use it, but for those who don’t, it may not be in the way.

A Matter of Taste
The third issue is somewhat personal. The automated desktop thermo-
stat ended up dangling at the end of a length of wire connected to a
hole in the wall where the old thermostat used to be (Figure 1). A few
unused mains-connected wires sticking out of the wall were protected
with bits of isolation tape against silly humans. Also, as the desktop
thermostat needs a 5 V power supply on a USB connector, it was
powered by a phone charger plugged into a nearby power strip. This
meant that there were several very visible wires going to the device
where the original thermostat had none. Although an excellent conver-
sation starter, most visitors didn’t think the system looked very nice
(but “ugly”, “weird” and “dangerous” instead).

Back to the Drawing Board

The shortcomings of the initial desktop thermostat setup made me
decide to redesign it to solve most and if possible, all of the inconve-
niences. This resulted in the following specifications: Figure 1: Some people felt that this way of installing a smart thermostat in a
  living room was “unaesthetic.”
> Local, i.e. on-device setting of target temperature;
> Local control overrules automation;
> Mains powered; didn’t go that way. Instead, I decided to try to reuse the enclosure of
> Proper connections and professional-looking enclosure. the original thermostat as it had already everything I wanted: a poten-
  tiometer with a scale, an LED and a power switch. Furthermore, it had
The second item relates to software, the three others concern the mounting holes in the right places and a good way to connect a PCB
electronics of the new thermostat. to the mains through the bottom, hiding all the wires.
Specification 1 implies an intuitive user interface to set the desired My design effort now boiled down to cramming the redesigned desktop
target temperature. The desktop thermostat has two pushbuttons, thermostat circuit on a circuit board in such a way that it would all
allowing an up/down control of the target temperature. However, it fit inside the existing enclosure with the potentiometer, LED, power
doesn’t have a display to visualise it. Adding a display to the limited switch and mains connector in the exact same positions as in the
number of I/O pins available on the Wi-Fi module is complicated. original thermostat.
Using a potentiometer with a calibrated scale like the original thermo-  
stat seemed simpler and is possible thanks to the Wi-Fi module’s Redesigning the circuit of the desktop thermostat was easy enough
analogue input. (Figure 2). I replaced the USB power supply by a 5 V AC/DC module, and

lektor January & February 2021 45

+5V +3V3

K1 N
1 Re1
N RY211006 D1
5 T1
6 R6
+3V3 2N7002

R11 R3 R4 R8 R7 R5 3 DS18B20
C2 C5






100n 100 2
IC2 100n

1 22 1
2 MOD1 21 2
3 20 3
4 19 4
5 18 5
6 17
7 16
R2 8 15 R9 R1







C3 LED3 9 10 11 12 13 14 LED1 LED2

Figure 2: Basically, the new discreetly
connected thermostat is the Elektor
Desktop Thermostat from 2018
200519-001 with a new power supply. Also, a
potentiometer was added for setting
the target temperature.

I added a potentiometer with a voltage limiting resistor because the Wi-Fi rest, I now had to do automations inside ESPHome. This programming
module cannot handle voltages higher than 1.1 V. I kept the two pushbut- and configuring is done in the YAML file of the thermostat’s ESPHome
tons and the three LEDs as they might come in handy at some point. project (see “Home Automation Made Easy” [3]).
It was a lucky coincidence that the AC/DC module was just small Measure Room Temperature
enough to fit under the plastic knob support of the potentiometer. The First, declare the temperature sensor that measures the room tempera-
potentiometer, power switch and mains terminal block were recovered ture. As the sensor used is a DS18B20 (originally from Dallas, now Maxim
from the old thermostat (Figure 3). I had to replace the relay by a 5 V or even Analog Devices) connected to GPIO pin 5, and since ESPHome
type as the old thermostat’s relay was a 48-V type. I did not manage has a special Dallas component, this translates to the following entries:
to fit the desktop thermostat’s relay, but, lucky me once more, the old  
thermostat’s relay was a type from an industry-standard family that dallas:
is still available and that exists in 5 V.   - pin: GPIO5
Putting it all on a PCB that fitted in the original enclosure required a sensor:
lot of measuring, but I succeeded in the end. All the SMT components   - platform: dallas
including the Wi-Fi module went on the bottom side of the board     address: 0x6D00000C24013928
(Figure 4), while all the through-hole parts found a place on the top     name: “Measured temperature”
    id: t_room
side. A little bit extra board surface was gained by obstructing a couple
of unused mounting holes of the enclosure. The fitting also implied
      - offset: 0.0
cutting away some plastic obstacles inside the enclosure. To route all
the tracks, a flexible approach of recommended isolation standards  
was unfortunately unavoidable. The first line tells ESPHome to include its Dallas 1-wire communica-
tion module and connect GPIO5 to it. The sensor then is of the dallas
Software platform. The address is optional. However, if you specify it, it must
The ESPHome firmware that I had compiled for my first setup also be correct; you can get it from the ESPHome log (don’t use mine, it is
required rethinking. Instead of simply exposing all the sensors and unique). Specifying an id (t_room, pun not intended) is required here
actuators of the thermostat and letting Home Assistant take care of the because we will need to refer to the sensor from somewhere else inside

46 January & February 2021

Figure 3: Some parts from the old thermostat were reused in the new Figure 5: After some minor adjustments of the old thermostat’s enclosure
design. This included the enclosure, which explains the strange shape of the (i.e., cutting away some plastic), the new board fits snuggly.
new PCB. It also put constraints on the positioning of certain components.

  - platform: adc

this YAML file (see below). Adding filters allows for compensating the
    name: “Target temperature”
measured temperature in some way if needed.
    id: t_target
    icon: “mdi:temperature-celsius”
Target Temperature
    pin: A0
The target temperature is set with the potentiometer. Add it to the sensor
    update_interval: 5s
section of the YAML file by defining a sensor of the adc platform type as
    # Convert potentiometer scale to °C (min=6.75°C,
the value is a voltage. Using so-called sensor filters, the input voltage is max=31.75°C)
converted to a temperature value that corresponds to the scale printed     filters:
on the enclosure. The equation Ttarget = 25•Vin + 6.75 fits quite well in my       - multiply: 25.0
case. This translates to a multiply filter with value 25 and an offset filter       - offset: 6.75
with value 6.75. By specifying the units as °C, an automation controller     unit_of_measurement: “°C”
like Home Assistant will treat this data as a temperature.     on_value:

Figure 4: Everything SMT is mounted on the backside of the board. The Figure 6: Assembly completed. The two pushbuttons are accessible through
traces connected to the heater (right upper corner) were reinforced with two cut-outs (left) and the sensor sticks out of what is the bottom. The
extra solder to allow them to carry large currents without overheating. green and yellow LEDs are only visible through the ventilation slits to avoid
The slot right below them provides galvanic isolation between the high- lighting the room at night. Using different colours for them makes it easy to
and low-voltage parts. The black thingy sticking out on the right is the see which one is turned on.
temperature sensor, protected by heat-shrink tubing. All the heat-producing
parts are located on the left side of the board and are supposed to point
upwards after installation of the thermostat.

lektor January & February 2021 47

      then: built in, much like the potentiometer of the thermostat. Fortunately,
      - lambda: |- there is a way around this limitation, and that is by using so-called
          auto call = id(t_controller).make_call(); ‘lambda’ blocks.
          call.perform(); Lambda Blocks
  The concept of lambda blocks is great and terrible at the same time. They
The part at the end after on_value: is an automation and will be are great because they let you do whatever you want, or almost, and
explained after the introduction of the ‘climate’ component below. they are awful because they defy the whole concept of device config-
But first, we will look at the relay. uration by means of a simple YAML file without having to know C++.
Switching the Heater Simply put, a lambda block is C++ code that is injected into the
This is pretty simple as the relay is just a switch connected to GPIO pin 4 ESPHome project, verbatim. To make this possible, the develop-
and it is therefore part of the gpio platform. Like the temperature sensor, it ers had to jump through hoops and loops to come up with a usable
needs an id (heater) to make it accessible to other parts of the YAML file. YAML-to-C++ interface. The result is that lambda code is more compli-
  cated than it would have been, had it been normal C++.
  - platform: gpio Actually, as soon as you find yourself using lambda blocks, you should
    pin: GPIO4 start thinking about creating a custom component. ESPHome supports
    name: “Heater” custom components for nearly everything. I was on the brink of writing
    id: heater a custom climate component to solve the issues I was having but, in
  the end, I decided to keep that subject for another article.
Climate Control Back to setting the target temperature of the climate component.
So, now we have a sensor to measure the room temperature (t_room), Its C++ interface has a function to set the target temperature. The
a potentiometer to set a target temperature (t_target) and a relay to lambda block in the on_value automation section of the potentio-
switch a heater on and off (heater). meter sensor above (repeated below) shows how to use it. Every time
  a new value is available, the set_target_temperature method of the
ESPHome features a climate component to control heating and cooling climate component t_controller is called, like this:
devices. A thermostat therefore is a climate component. The advan-  
tage of using a built-in component is that it saves you work. It will     on_value:
also ensure that it gets a nice graphical control widget in the Home       then:
Assistant user interface.       - lambda: |-
            auto call = id(t_controller).make_call();
climate:           call.set_target_temperature(x);
  - platform: thermostat           call.perform();
    name: “Thermostat”  
    id: t_controller In normal C/C++ this would have been something like:
    sensor: t_room  
    default_target_temperature_low: 20 °C t_controller.set_target_temperature(x);
      - switch.turn_on: heater If the climate component would have had a target temperature input,
things could have been even simpler. For example:
      - switch.turn_off: heater
    hysteresis: 0.5
  - platform: thermostat
      default_target_temperature_low: 15 °C
      name: “Thermostat”
The thermostat described in this article does not cool; it can only heat.     id: t_controller
That makes it a member of the ESPHome thermostat platform. It needs     sensor: t_room
an id so it can be controlled by other things in the YAML file. I set the     target: t_target
ID to t_controller because the platform is already called thermostat     …
and we don’t want to mix things up.  
The climate component has a temperature sensor input, which we  
connect to t_room. It must also be connected to a heater, which we Unfortunately, this way of automating on_value is too simplistic as it
can do thanks to the heater switch we defined earlier. overrides remote control of the target temperature from e.g., Home
  Assistant. To solve this, the automation should only be allowed to run
Like me, you might expect that a climate component also has a target when t_target changes (i.e., when someone turns the potentiome-
temperature input, but it doesn’t. (Maybe it will be added in a future ter). As ESPHome does not have a on_value_changed automation
version of ESPHome?) Instead it has a set-target-temperature control for sensors, we can handle this ourselves in the lambda block, like so:

48 January & February 2021

  on_value: by the Wi-Fi module and the power supply.
     - lambda: |- Conclusion
         static float x_last = 0.0; This article showed how an existing “dumb” thermostat can be replaced
         if (x<x_last-0.1 || x>x_last+0.1) by a home-made smart and connected one suitable for home automa-
         { tion. Cobbling up a prototype that roughly does what it is supposed to
           x_last = x;
do was not too difficult; turning it into something that can be used by
auto call = id(t_controller). make_call();
anyone at any time and that is aesthetically acceptable required some
more effort. No doubt the new thermostat will need some fine-tuning,
but since it can be programmed remotely (in-the-field, as they say),
  this is easy to do.
The small hysteresis on x (±0.1 in this case) improves the immunity of 200519-01
the automation to sensor noise.

The Delta Filter

Another — nicer — solution is to use the delta filter on t_target. This
filter only passes a new value if it differs from the previous value by
an amount of plus or minus delta. So, if delta = 1 and the last value Questions or Comments?
was equal to 20, then the next value will only be passed on when it is Do you have questions or comments about his article? Email
either lower than 19 or higher than 21. the author at or contact Elektor
  - platform: adc
    name: “Target temperature”
    id: t_target
Idea, Design, Text and Photographs: Clemens Valens
      - multiply: 25.0
Schematic: Patrick Wielders
      - offset: 6.75
Editor: C. J. Abate
      - delta: 0.2
Layout: Giel Dols

Filters are executed in the order they appear in, meaning that the
delta filter operates on the value converted to degrees Celsius, and
not directly on the input voltage. Its value should be small, otherwise RELATED PRODUCTS
it is difficult to nudge the thermostat up or down just a little bit, which
makes all the difference in user comfort.
> ESP-12F, ESP8266-based Wi-Fi module
Finalising the Device
With the YAML configuration file ready, the firmware can be uploaded > Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat - bare PCB (160269-1)
to the Wi-Fi module. The first time (i.e., with a module that is not yet
running ESPHome-compatible software) the serial port must be used
for this (available on header K2). Refer to [3] for the exact proce-
> NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller board 
dure. Once the device is executing ESPHome with Over-the-Air (OTA)
programming enabled (when the YAML file contains the line ota:), the > H. Henrik Skovgaard, IoT Home Hacks with
thermostat can be reprogrammed without being physically connected ESP8266 (Elektor, 2020)
to the development system. In other words, it can be installed in place
of the existing thermostat.
The thermostat is mounted so that its temperature sensor is not heated

[1] R. Aarts & C. Valens, “Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat,” Elektor, Jan/Feb 2018:
[2] C. Valens, “Wi-Fi Thermostat at Elektor Labs,” Elektor Labs, 2018:
[3] C. Valens, “Home Automation Made Easy,” Elektor, Sep/Oct 2020:

lektor January & February 2021 49


Developer’s Zone
Tips & Tricks, Best Practices
and Other Useful Information

By Clemens Valens (Elektor)

High-side or Low-side Switching? than short circuits to the positive power line. Think for instance
In systems employing high-side switching, the switch is inserted of cars or machines where most of the structure is connected to
between the positive power line and the load. Low-side switching ground. In such cases it is safer to disconnect the load from the
by contrast connects the load to ground (Figure 1). The principles battery than from ground. Also, in humid environments, this
of operation of high-side and low-side switching are easy enough usually results in less connector corrosion as the load carries no
to grasp, but when do you prefer one method over the other? It’s voltage in the off state.
all application dependent for sure.  
Power Switching Is Better With N-Type Devices
Because N-type transistors in general can carry more current than
P-types, they are preferable for switching heavy loads. Low-side
switching with N-type devices is easier than high-side switching
and can often be done by microcontroller ports without the need
Figure 1: Switch a load to for special drivers.
the supply rail (left) or to  
ground (right)?
Using an N-type transistor for high-side switching is possible but
requires a control voltage higher than the (load) voltage connected
to its source or emitter. To pull the gate or base of the transistor above
its source or emitter voltage, some sort of charge pump is needed or
an extra supply. This complicates the design, not only making it more
expensive but also increasing its sensitivity to noise and interference.
Avoid Dangerous Situations Driving such a high-side switch with a PWM signal to control e.g.,
High-side switching (Figure 2) is the preferred switching technique the speed of a motor or the brightness of an LED can be problem-
in situations where short circuits to ground are likelier to occur atic because of the charge pump.

Figure 3: Low-side
switching is cheap and
easy. However, when a fuse
Figure 2: High-side must be added because the
switching is preferred when distance between the load
the risk of a short circuit and the controller is too big
to ground is higher than a (right), this configuration
short circuit to the supply. can become more
expensive than high-side

50 January & February 2021

 A Fuse Can Make the Difference shifts) between the two when currents are high, and the controller
Thus, low-side switching tends to be cheaper than high-side switch- and load are not close to each other. Low-side switching therefore
ing. However, when the load and its controller are not located is more robust to ground noise than high-side switching.
closely to each other, efficient system wiring may impose separate On the other hand, a switch, when closed, introduces a small resistance
fuses for the load and its controller instead of just one that protects in series with the load. This results in a small voltage drop, meaning
both (Figure 3). High-side switching would only need one. This may that the load’s ground is slightly above the controller’s ground.
seem futile, but when you take into account the wiring and work  
required to make a fuse accessible in a fuse box, having to add one So, What Do I Do?
may very well annihilate the cost advantage of low-side switching. In cases where a (heavy) load only must be switched on or off,
  high-side switching is the preferred method. When the power to
Good Ground Is Good a load must be controlled through (relatively) high-speed PWM,
Low-side switching has one ground connection for both the load for instance in a lighting or heating system, low-side switching is
and its controller. This avoids ground potential differences (ground recommended.


A problem similar to high-side and low-side switching is current Also, low-side current sensing cannot detect if the load is
sensing. Several techniques for sensing currents in a circuit shorted to ground, either internally or at one of its terminals.
exist, but probably the most common one is to place a small
resistor of a known value in series with the load. Since the Handle High Common Mode Voltages
current through the load and the series resistor is the same, High-side current sensing does not suffer from these
Ohm’s law lets you calculate the current by first measuring shortcomings, but it comes with its own issues. For instance,
the voltage over the series resistor and then dividing it by the voltage difference over the sense resistor is not referenced
the resistor’s value. The question that now arises is: where to to ground. Re-referencing it to ground requires extra circuitry,
connect that resistor? Before or after the load? In other words, making the system more expensive and complex.
high-side or low-side current sensing?  
Furthermore, the amplifier must be capable of coping with a
common-mode voltage all the way up to the positive supply
(and even higher in case of transients), which can be hundreds
of volts in certain applications. Therefore, the amplifier must
either support a high supply voltage or have inputs that can
handle such high common-mode voltages. Also, keeping
common-mode voltage errors low implies the use of precision
High-side versus low-side
parts, which is more expensive.
current sensing.
To make the circuit designer’s life a bit easier, several
semiconductor manufacturers have added dedicated high-side
current sensing ICs to their product catalogue.

The current sense method to choose depends on the application
Low-Side Current Sensing Is Cheap (again). High-side current sensing can detect if the load is
In the case of low-side current sensing, the typically small shorted or open, and the load remains referenced to ground.
voltage over the sense resistor is referenced to ground and can However, due to the common mode requirements, it is more
be amplified with low-cost, low-voltage op-amps before being complex and more costly than low-side sensing. Opting for a
digitised and processed further by for instance a microcontroller. dedicated current sensing IC may be the best way forward.
However, like the switch in low-side load switching, the sense
resistor introduces a small voltage drop that lifts the load from
system ground, possibly resulting in noise and ground bounce.

lektor January & February 2021 51

And then there are half H-bridges that require both a high-side Questions or Comments?
and a low-side switch... and PWM... Therefore, as always, before Do you have questions or comments about his article? Email
settling on any technique, make sure that it is a valid choice for the author at or contact Elektor
your application. at


Basically, the current sense amplifier (left) divides the current If transients producing out-of-bounds voltages over the sense
through Rsense by a factor of R1/Rsense (= 1,000) and forces it resistor can be present, the difference amplifier is protected by
through R3. The voltage over R3 therefore is proportional to the its high-value resistors. In such cases the current sense amplifier
current through Rsense. A current of 1 A through Rsense produces must mainly rely on any input overvoltage protection circuitry
a current of 1 mA through R3 (1 kΩ), resulting in a voltage of 1 V built into its opamp. Similarly, a difference amplifier is usually
over R3. also more robust in the case of an inverted supply.
The difference amplifier (right) multiplies the
voltage over Rsense by R4/R2 (= 10). A current
of 1 A through Rsense produces a voltage of 0.1 V
over Rsense, which, amplified by 10, results in 1 V
at the output of the op-amp.
Both circuits produce the same output, yet they
are not equivalent.

First, the bandwidth of the two circuits is not
the same. The difference amplifier usually has a
(much) lower bandwidth than the current sense
amplifier and is therefore more suitable for
measuring the average current flowing through
a load. The current sense amplifier, on the other
Several methods exist for doing high-side current sensing. The current sense amplifier
hand, is fast and can measure instantaneous load and the current shunt monitor or difference amplifier shown here are two of them.
current at high frequencies.

Another important factor to consider is common-mode
rejection, or CMR. As the common mode voltage at the inputs is Power Consumption
high, even a small asymmetry between the two inputs will result Finally, there is power consumption, especially important in
in an error at the amplifier’s output. The difference amplifier (ultra) low-power applications. If connected directly to the
therefore needs high-precision resistors to keep the CMR error supply, the difference amplifier with its resistors will always
as low as possible. In the current sense amplifier, it is mainly consume some current even when the opamp is unpowered.
the opamp that determines CMR, a parameter controlled by its The current sense amplifier features a much higher input
manufacturer. impedance, which helps making batteries last longer.

Robustness Special ICs

On the other hand, thanks to its external resistors, a difference Because of all these subtleties, semiconductor manufacturers
amplifier can more easily be adapted to very high common sell special current sensing ICs based on different topologies,
mode voltages than the current sense amplifier. This brings making it much easier for designers to add current sensing to
us to the subject of robustness of the current sensing circuit. their applications.

52 January & February 2021


Small Circuits Revival

From the Elektor suggestions box

Compiled by Eric Bogers (Elektor)

No appetite for tackling a big project? That’s fortunate because here we have a few more
small circuits that are easy to build and perfect for keeping those ‘January blues’ at bay…

idea: Peter Neufeld (Germany) Some experimentation may be required here, and an impedance of 8-32 Ω. (It turned out
supported by information from the datasheet that the volume was too high when using a
Tranquili-T and the Internet, with other MP3 players. 4 Ω speaker.) Figure 2 shows the ’guts’ of a
The big ideas and projects resulting from the   version built around the DFPlayer Mini while
efforts of an electronics enthusiast are, unfor- With respect to the choice of loudspeaker, Figure 3 shows a completed Tranquili-T in
tunately, not noticed by friends and family — select a model that is as small and flat as all its glory.
that DIY oscillator or servo controller can’t possible with a load capacity of at least 0.5 W
really be called a crowd pleaser. However,
the soothing Tranquili-T by Mr. Neufeld has
received much praise, resulting in him build-
ing several devices to give to friends and
R3 LS1
acquaintances. 500mW

The circuit (see Figure 1) is built around a MP3

cheap MP3 player loaded with soothing music BAT R1 R2

or, for example, the sound of surf or birds.


The soothing effect is then amplified with a
D1 S2 S3 S4 S5
rainbow LED that provides subdued lighting
in a dark room. A video from the author shows V–, < V+, > V–, < V+, >
the Tranquili-T in action [1]. 200557-001
We can be brief about the power supply:
Figure 1: The heart of the circuit is realized with an MP3 player (module).
anything that supplies 4.5 to 5.0 V can be
used. For example, three 1.5 V batteries
are an option, but remember that the LED
draws around 20 mA and the player draws
a further 50 mA at an average sound level.
A USB power bank is a good option, as then
you don’t have to worry about dead batteries.
MP3 players with integrated Class-D ampli-
fiers are preferred for simplicity. The author
has had good experience with the JQ6500
and the DFplayer Mini. These are available at
reasonable prices from the usual suppliers in
the Far East. Figure 1 shows two approaches
for implementing the volume control outlined
in seperate boxes. The variant using S2 and S3
uses two digital inputs; the variant using S4
and S5 uses a single analogue input in combi-
nation with two different resistors. The values Figure 2: The electronics can be built compactly Figure 3: The final Tranquili-T in all its glory.
drawn in the diagram apply to the JQ6500. on a small piece of prototyping board.

lektor January & February 2021 53

Figure 4: Basic circuit of a pulse oscillator based Figure 5: Second variant of a pulse oscillator Figure 6: And finally a third variant; here the
on a modified Schmitt trigger. based on a modified Schmitt trigger. pulse duration can be controlled.

idea: Andrey M. Shustov (Russia) discharged. Transistor T1 turns off again due idea: Elektor Labs
and Michael A. Shustov (Germany) to the discharge of capacitor C1 and thus
switches on transistor T2. The process is then Wandering mono audio
Three shades of Schmitt trigger repeated endlessly. Before digital signal processing entered
oscillator   the scene, musicians had to use ingenious
Schmitt triggers or asymmetrical emitter-cou- The oscillation frequency of the pulse oscil- electromechanical contraptions to create
pled triggers can be used to construct simple lator in Figure 4 can be changed propor- certain sound effects. Take the Hammond
wide-range pulse oscillators. Transforming a tionally by adjusting the capacitance of organ, the electromechanical precursor of the
Schmitt trigger device into a oscillator is quite capacitor C1. Potentiometer R5 permits synthesiser (somewhat succinctly expressed),
simple. The output of the trigger is connected a frequency range greater than 1:10 to be an instrument that musicians like Walter
back to the input by a resistor and a capacitor covered. LED1 provides a visual feedback Wanderley used to create delightful sounds.
is connected between the input of the trigger of the frequency tuning. The LED is at its There was, however, one drawback: such an
and the common supply rail. brightest at the beginning of the range and organ was mono. This resulted in a rather
  is least bright at the end of the range. The feeble sound eminating when on stage in front
Figures 4, 5 and 6 show practical circuits oscillator operates over a frequency range of an audience.
of pulse oscillators, based on the modified of 3 to 30 Hz. Using the values shown in  
Schmitt trigger. A bridge circuit consisting of a the circuit, the current through LED1 varies Fortunately there was Donald Leslie who
resistive divider, where the emitter of the input between 20 and 2 mA at a supply voltage of developed a particularly clever solution to
transistor is connected to the mid-point of a 9 V. When the supply voltage is varied from this problem. He came up with the idea that
resistive divider, and a time-setting RC circuit, 5 to 15 V, the oscillation frequency changes a rotating loudspeaker could ’swing’ the mono
formed by the additional hookup elements, by no more than 10%. sound around the room, creating a much
all act to convert a trigger into a repetitive   wider sound image. Due to the moving parts,
pulse oscillator. The pulse oscillators in Figure  5 and a rotating loudspeaker is difficult to achieve
  Figure 6 also operate at a nominal supply electrically. The Leslie loudspeaker solved this
The p-n transition of the transistor lies voltage of 9 V across the frequency range by mounting a rotating cylinder with a sound
between the diagonally opposite pair of 0.8 to 10 kHz and 0.35 to 2.8 kHz respectively. hole horizontally above the loudspeaker —
connections of the bridge. When capac- The oscillator in Figure 5 is controlled by more or less as sketched in Figure 7.
itor C1 is discharged, transistor T1 blocks changing the ratio of the resistive voltage
and transistor T2 conducts. The voltage divider arms (resistors R4, R5 and R6, the Here we treat you to a (very, very simple)
across then capacitor rises again. Once it right half the bridge circuit). The opera- electronic equivalent that may not match
exceeds the voltage of the mid-point of the tion mode of the oscillator in Figure 6 is the quality of an original (and very expen-
resistor-divider’s mid-point by several volts, controlled by resistor chain R2, R3 and R4 sive) Leslie speaker, but it remains interesting
input transistor T1 conducts again, turning that regulate the discharge/charge processes enough for your own experiments. Figure 8
T2 off. This de-energises the resistor-di- in the left half of the bridge circuit. shows the schematic.
vider and the time-setting capacitor C1 is

54 January & February 2021

On the left is a discretely-con- of light that falls on it. The amount of
structed astable multivibrator, light varies periodically thanks to the
the frequency of which can be astable multivibrator. It will now also
set with P1 to between approx- be clear why we use incandescent
imately 1 Hz and 8 Hz. Note: P1 bulbs and not LEDs: an incandescent
is a linear stereo potentiometer; bulb has a certain inertia that makes
its wiring is shown in the centre the resistance change (and therefore
of Figure 8. The two light bulbs the change of the signal from left to
serve primarily to vary the resis- right and back) more smooth.
tance of the LDRs R3 and R4 and  
also act as collector resistors for The construction of our pseudo-Leslie
the two transistors. is not critical. Only the lamps must be
  mounted in such as way so that they
We come to the diagram on the are close to their corresponding LDRs.
right of Figure 8. A mono signal Here the use of a light-tight tube
(not a stereo signal!) comes in ensures that ambient light cannot
at C3 and is split by P2 (which throw a spanner in the works.
immediately acts as a kind 200557-04
of balance control) into two
branches that go to the L and R
inputs of a stereo amplifier. Due to
Figure 7: The Leslie-box is a horizontally mounted
the light-sensitive resistors, part of loudspeaker with a rotating cylinder that contains a sound Questions or Comments?
the mono signal for each channel hole. Do you have questions or
is dissipated to ground; how much comments regarding this
depends of course on the resis- article? Then email Elektor at
tance value of the LDR and this,
in turn, depends on the amount

Figure 8: The circuit (left) is relatively simple. The wiring for the potentiometer is shown in the centre. The connection to a stereo amplifier is shown on the


[1] Video of Tranquili-T in action:
> Book: Electronic Circuits for All
[2] Donald Leslie, Wikipedia:

lektor January & February 2021 55


Raspberry Pi Full Stack

RPi and RF24 at the Heart of a Sensor Network

By Dr. Peter Dalmaris (Australia)

This installment of Elektor Books presents roughly two

chapters excerpted from Peter Dalmaris’ book Raspberry Pi
Full Stack recently published by Elektor. Aimed at inquisitive
RPi users keen to link hardware and software on their learn-
by-doing journey, the book has a wealth of educational
material to offer. Here’s a ‘day trip’ described in fine detail:
combining an RPi with an RF24 module to read values from
remote sensors incorporated in a small network.

The Raspberry Pi will act as the base node of the RF24 network and download the Gerber files for the HAT from the project’s part list
is responsible for processing the sensor values it receives from the page [1]. You can also order this PCB directly from PCBWay [2].
Arduino node (or nodes, if you have more than one). [The Arduino  
node is described in preceding chapters in the book not excerpted If you prefer to prototype this circuit using the breadboard, please
here, Ed.]. In this chapter, I will show you how to connect the RF24 consult the connections table in Figure 2, and the schematic
module to the Raspberry Pi. You can choose to do the wiring on diagram of the HAT PCB in Figure 3. You can get a high-resolution
a breadboard, or to use a special HAT I designed for this purpose. version of the HAT schematic from the same project parts list [3].
I implemented my Raspberry Pi RF24 module using the HAT break-  
out. You can see it in action in Figure 1. The HAT accommodates In the following list I include all the parts that you will need to
the nRF24 transceiver module, the DHT22, a momentary button, implement that schematic diagram of Figure 2. With some of
and two LEDs (power indicator, and activity indicator). You can these parts, such as the button and DHT22 sensor, you have already

Figure 1: The Raspberry Pi HAT installed on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Figure 2: The connection details for the nRF24 and DHT22 modules.

56 January & February 2021

Figure 3: The schematic diagram of the Raspberry Pi HAT for the nRF24 and DHT22 breakout.

connected in earlier parts of this project. If you are working your this function by studying the driver’s source code [5].
way through the project, the only new components are the nRF24 > Once the radio object is created and initialized, the script
transceiver and its bypass capacitor. creates the network object using the RF24Network construc-
tor. This is the object that makes it possible for the Raspberry
Parts needed: Pi to receive a transmission from the Arduino node. The only
> one DHT22; parameter needed to create the network object is the radio
> one nRF24 breakout; object we created on the previous line. You can learn more
> two resistors, 10 kΩ; about the RF24Network constructor in the source code of
> two resistors, 330 Ω; RF24Network.h [6], on line 373.
> one LED, red (power indicator); > On the next line, with octlit = lambda n: int(n, 8) we
> one LED, blue (activity indicator); create a lambda function which we use later to convert a
> one electrolytic capacitor, 220 μF or similar. decimal number into an octal number. We do this because
the RF24 Network driver uses the octal system for the node
The Raspberry Pi nRF24 receiver script addresses. In Python, a lambda function [7] is similar to a
In this chapter, I will explain the functionality of the Python receiver regular function (where you use the def keyword) but has
script that runs on the Raspberry Pi and takes care of the nRF24 no name. They are convenient to use when you want to do
communications. Note this script will not work ‘out of the box’. things like evaluate a single expression, as is the case here: we
It depends on the RF24 and RF24Network C-language drivers and pass a decimal number to octlit, and the lambda function
the Python wrappers that I will show you how to set up in the next will return its octal-base equivalent using the Python int()
chapter. For now, let’s concentrate on the Python receiver script. You function [8].
can download and then view the full source code of this script in the > In this_node = octlit("00"), we use the octlit lambda to
project repository [4]. I have written this script so that eventually get the octal-base equivalent of 00, and store the value in the
it can run as a background process controlled by systemd (similar this_node variable. This is the RF24 network address of the
to the way you already set up the web application script earlier in Raspberry Pi.
this project). I will show you how to do this later, as first we must > In the next six lines, until the while block, the script will:
be sure the script runs properly on the command line. – start the RF24 radio;
  – wait for 0.1 seconds for the radio to become ready;
The content of the function log_values() is an almost perfect – start the network at channel 90;
copy of the same function in script that is already set – print the radio and network configuration to the console;
to run based on a Cron schedule. This function will simply receive – reset the packets_sent counter to zero;
sensor values as parameters and store them in the local database – and reset the last_sent counter to zero.
and Google Sheet on the Cloud. > Now the radio and network are ready, the script enters an
  infinite loop during which it waits for a transition from an
Below I list and discuss selected elements of the script, in particular Arduino node.
those that relate to the RPI-nRF24 communications. > At the start of each loop, it calls the update() function [9] of
  the network object. This checks for your messages.
> Right after the definition of the log_values() function, the > If there is no new message, the script goes to sleep for
script sets up the nRF24 module. It first initializes the radio 1 second. After this the loop restarts.
variable using the RF24 constructor. This constructor is part of > If there is a new message, the script uses the read() function
the RF24 Python wrapper library that allows us to use the RF24 [10] to read the 12 bytes (the payload) of the message, and pass
C driver from within our Python script. You can learn about them the payload variable. The read function will also get

lektor January & February 2021 57

Once you have assembled the circuit, continue to the next chapter
where you will implement the Python script that handles the nRF24

How to install the Python nRF24 modules

on the Raspberry Pi
In this chapter I will show you how to compile and install the
C-language drivers and relevant Python wrappers for the nRF24
module. There are two modules involved: the main RF24 module,
and RF24Network sub-module. There are several forks of the RF24
Figure 4: Example RF24 receiver script output.
project, but the one you will be using is maintained by TMRh20
[15]. This is optimized for the Raspberry Pi.
You can obtain the source code for the two modules from their
the header of the message and pass it to the header variable. respective Github repositories:
Remember in the Arduino sketch, we created a 12-byte  
payload that looks like this: 51.23,23.09. > RF24 repository:;
> On the next two lines, I use print to print out the payload to > RF24Network repository:
the console. This was useful as I was working to decode the RF24Network;
payload into numbers in the try block that follows.  
> The payload variable contains a string, that looks like this: For each module, the installation process includes these steps:
51.23,23.09. The script uses decode() [11] to convert it  
into a UTF-8 encoding, and the split() function [12] to slip > download the source code of the module from Github;
the temperature and humidity values into an array of two > compile and install the C driver;
substrings, using the ‘,’ as the delimiter. The two values are > compile and install the Python wrapper.
stored in the values variable (an array of strings).  
> In the try block, the script uses the float() function [13] to Before you begin, ensure the SPI interface on your Raspberry Pi
extract the numbers stored in the payload character array is enabled. The nRF24 module uses SPI to communicate with
and convert them into a floating point number. The float() the Raspberry Pi. To check this (and enable SPI if not already
function receives a string, and if it can be converted into a enabled), log in to your Raspberry Pi and type the following on
number, it returns it. the command line:
> With float(values[1][0:5]), the script takes the first  
5 characters of the string stored in index 1 of the values array, sudo raspi-config
and uses the float() function to convert it into a number.  
This is the numerical value stored in the temperature Use the keyboard arrows and Enter key to navigate to Interfacing
variable. Options, and then SPI. Enable SPI if necessary, and exit raspi-con-
> The same happens with the humidity value using fig. Continue by updating Raspbian:
> If any of these two conversions fail, the try block exits and an sudo apt-get update
error message is printed on the console. A conversion can fail sudo apt-get upgrade
if the payload string is not formatted properly by the Arduino,  
or perhaps the payload becomes corrupted during trans- You will download the source code of the modules in your applica-
mission and receipt. Interference may be the cause of such tion directory. You also want to compile the Python wrappers with
corruption. your application Python virtual environment activated so that they
  are available to your application Python scripts.
Take as much time as you need to study this code, so you are  
comfortable with it. When you are ready, copy it into your Prepare your work with these commands:
application directory. Use Vim to create a new file titled ‘rf24_ $ sudo su’. In the Vim buffer, copy the code from the project # cd /var/www/lab_app/
repository [14]. # . bin/activate
  # mkdir rf24libs
Before you can test the RF24 communications, you need to # cd rf24libs
compile the RF24 and RF24Network C language drivers and
Python wrappers. You will do this in the next chapter. But You are now ready to begin the compilation and installation of
before you do this, I want to show you what the script you just the two modules.
learned looks like when running (Figure 4). I have annotated  
this screenshot so you can see the printouts embedded in the RF24 compilation and installation
script. Let’s continue to the next chapter with the setup of the Create a clone of the RF24 source code, from the git at
RF24 and RF24Network drivers.

58 January & February 2021

(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ Go back to the root of the rf23libs directory and create a clone of
rf24libs# git clone the RF24Network source code, from RF24 RF24Network.git.
Cloning into 'RF24'...  
remote: Enumerating objects: 46, done. (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
remote: Counting objects: 100% (46/46), done. rf24libs/RF24/pyRF24# cd
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (41/41), done. ../..
remote: Total 3545 (delta 16), reused 15 (delta 4), (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
pack-reused 3499 rf24libs# git clone
Receiving objects: 100% (3545/3545), 1.54 MiB |
679.00 KiB/s, done. Cloning into 'RF24Network'...
Resolving deltas: 100% (2119/2119), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 2249, done.
remote: Total 2249 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0),
In your source code directory, you now have a new directory:
pack-reused 2249
Receiving objects: 100% (2249/2249), 1.60 MiB |
733.00 KiB/s, done.
(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
Resolving deltas: 100% (1342/1342), done.
rf24libs# ls -al  
total 12 The cloning operation has created a new directory, “RF24Network”.
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 13 01:38 . Change into the new directory and compile the source code:
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 May 13 01:39 ..  
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 May 13 01:38 RF24 (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
  rf24libs# cd RF24Network/
Enter the RF24 directory and install the driver: (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
  rf24libs/RF24Network# make
(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ install
rf24libs# cd RF24/ g++ -Wall -fPIC -c RF24Network.cpp
(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o
rf24libs/RF24# make install
[Running configure] RF24Network.o -lrf24-bcm
[SECTION] Detecting arm compilation environment. [Install]
[OK] arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc detected. [Installing Headers]
[OK] arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ detected.  
… (omitted output)…
The driver is installed. Continue with the Python wrapper for
[Installing Libs to /usr/local/lib]
[Installing Headers to /usr/local/include/RF24]
  (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
The C driver is now installed. Let’s work on the Python wrapper. rf24libs/RF24Network# cd
This operation can take several minutes on the slower Raspberry ../RF24/pyRF24/pyRF24Network/
Pi Zero W. (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/
(lab_app) root@rpi4:/var/www/lab_app/rf24libs/RF24/ pyRF24Network# python install
pyRF24# cd pyRF24/ running install
(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ running build
rf24libs/RF24/pyRF24# running build_ext
python install building 'RF24Network' extension
running install … (omitted output)…
running bdist_egg running install_egg_info
running egg_info Removing /var/www/lab_app/lib/python3.8/
creating RF24.egg-info site-packages/
… (omitted output)… RF24Network-1.0-py3.8.egg-info
Installed /var/www/lab_app/lib/python3.8/ Writing /var/www/lab_app/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
site-packages/RF24-1.3.4-py3.8- RF24Network-1.0-py3.8.egg-info
The Python wrapper RF24Network is installed. Let’s test it.
Processing dependencies for RF24==1.3.4
Finished processing dependencies for RF24==1.3.4
The RF24 module is now installed, and the Python wrapper is ready The easiest way to test that the RF24 and RF24Network modules are
to use. Continue with RF24Network. working properly is to run the Python example programs that ship
  with the source code. You will find these examples in the examples
RF24Network directory of pyRF24Network. Run the ‘rx’ example like this:

lektor January & February 2021 59

Raspberry Pi Full Stack will take you on a whirlwind tour of full-stack web application
development using Raspberry Pi. In addition to learning how to build an application
from the ground up, you will gain experience and know-how of technologies including:
> The Linux operating system and command line.
> The Python programming language.
> The Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input Output pins (GPIOs).
> The Nginx web server.
> Flask Python web application microframework.
> JQuery and CSS for creating user interfaces.
> Dealing with time zones.
> Creating charts with Plotly and Google Charts.
> Data logging with Google Sheet.
> Developing applets with IFTTT.
> Securing your application with SSL.
> Receiving SMS notifications to your phone using Twilio.
This book will also teach you how to set up a remote wireless Arduino sensor node and
collect data from it. Your Raspberry Pi web application will be able to process Arduino
node data in the same way it processes data from its onboard sensor.
Raspberry Pi Full Stack will teach you many skills essential to building Web and Internet of Things applications. The application you
will build in this project is a platform that you can extend upon. This is just the start of what you can do with a Raspberry Pi and the
software and hardware components that you will learn about. This book is supported by the author via a dedicated discussion space.
Hard copy:

(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ (lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/

rf24libs/RF24/pyRF24/ rf24libs/RF24/pyRF24/
pyRF24Network# cd examples/ pyRF24Network/examples# python
(lab_app) root@raspberrypi-zero:/var/www/lab_app/ ================ SPI Configuration ================
rf24libs/RF24/pyRF24/ CSN Pin = CE0 (PI Hardware Driven)
pyRF24Network/examples# ls CE Pin = Custom GPIO22 Clock Speed = 8 Mhz

[1] Gerber files for RF24 HAT board:
[2] HAT PCB (unpopulated) from PCBWay:
[3] High-resolution version of schematic:
[4] script source code:
[5] See line 137 of RF24.h:
[6] See line 373 of RF24Network.h:
[7] Learn about ‘lambda expressions’ :
[8] Learn about ‘int()’ :
[9] Further info at :
[10] Further info at:
[11] Learn about ‘decode()’ :
[12] Learn more about ‘split()’:
[13] Learn about ‘float()’:
[14] Latest version of
[15] The project’s “home”:

60 January & February 2021

================ NRF Configuration ================
STATUS = 0x0e RX_DR=0 TX_DS=0 MAX_RT=0 RX_P_NO=7 About the Author
TX_FULL=0 Dr. Peter Dalmaris is an
RX_ADDR_P0-1 = 0xccccccccc3 0xcccccccc3c educator, an electrical
RX_ADDR_P2-5 = 0x33 0xce 0x3e 0xe3 engineer, and a maker, as well
TX_ADDR = 0xe7e7e7e7e7 as the creator of online video
RX_PW_P0-6 = 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 courses on DIY electronics and
EN_AA = 0x3e the author of several technical
EN_RXADDR = 0x3f books. As a Chief Tech
RF_CH = 0x5a Explorer since 2013 at Tech
RF_SETUP = 0x07 Explorations, the company he
CONFIG = 0x0f
founded in Sydney, Australia,
DYNPD/FEATURE = 0x3f 0x04
Peter’s mission is to explore
Data Rate = 1MBPS
technology and to help educate the world.
Model = nRF24L01+
CRC Length = 16 bits
PA Power = PA_MAX
Notice the output contains statistics from the RF24 module as it is Author: Dr. Peter Dalmaris
starting up. It contains valid values for the RX, an address (that is, Illustrations: Dr. Peter Dalmaris
non-zero values) as well as the rest of the NRF configuration. If the Editor: Jan Buiting
RF24 and RF24Network modules were not installed properly, or if Layout: Giel Dols
the Raspberry Pi could not communicate with the nRF24 module
via SPI, you would either get an error message from the example
program (it would not start at all), or the configuration values would Questions or Comments?
be blank. Now the RF24 modules are installed, the Python script Do you have questions or comments about the book? Email
you installed will be able to work. the author at

Post your ideas and

electronics projects
all sizes / all levels / all sorts
and become famous!

Create a project now at:

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lektor January & February 2021 61


ESP32 Multitasking (6)
Event Groups

By Warren Gay (Canada)

Synchronisation between multiple tasks often arises as a requirement when developing

applications using FreeRTOS. In the previous instalments of this series, we examined
semaphore and task notifications. However, these are only capable of sending an event
from a task or interrupt service routine (ISR) to a single receiving task. When you need to
broadcast an event to several tasks, the Event Group capability is the solution you will be
looking for. In this final article of the series, we examine the capabilities this feature offers
embedded developers.

Let’s start by examining a potential use case. A MIDI drum machine

may be required to make four simultaneous sounds based upon an
input command received by its serial channel. Ideally, all sound-gen-
31 ... 24 23 ... 0
erating tasks should start at the exact same time to avoid sounding
‘off’ to the human ear. Coordination could be achieved by the use of
Reserved Event Flag Bits
four separate semaphores and relying upon the speed of the CPU for
timely delivery. But that approach is clumsy and doesn’t scale well as
the number of receiving tasks increase. Event Groups are the preferred Figure 1: Event flags within the C data type EventBits_t.
implementation method in FreeRTOS for coordinating multiple tasks
from a single event source.

Event flags
FreeRTOS defines 24 event flags for each Event Group object created
(Figure 1). These flags are represented in the C data type EventBits_t,
a 32-bit-wide data type of which 24 bits are available. Bit 0 is the least FCS FSD1
significant bit (LSB) of the available flags. The most significant 8 bits FSD0 FSD3
are reserved for internal use by FreeRTOS.
How these 24 bits are assigned and used by the application is left up IO25

to the programmer. In this demo, the loop() task generates an event IO26 IO23
IO32 IO18
every second that results in two tasks synchronously starting differ- IO33 IO5
ing blink patterns via their associated LEDs. Bit 0 of the Event Group R1 R2 IO27

(value 0b0001/decimal value 1) notifies a task named blink2() that IO14 IO9


blinks LED1 twice. Bit 1 of the Event Group (value 0b0010/decimal IO13 TXD0
value 2) is assigned to notify a task named blink3() that blinks LED1 LED2 IO15

LED2 three times. IO2 IO34

IO4 ESP32 IO38
IO0 IO37
Demo program 3V3 EN

Before we dive into the code, let’s review what the demo program GND GND
5V 3V3
hopes to accomplish. Two LEDs are driven by GPIO pins 25 and 26 USB
(lines 5 and 6) in the active high configuration (see the schematic in
Figure 2). These GPIOs are configured in the setup() function as
outputs (lines 62 to 65). Task blink2() controls LED1 by blinking it
twice before waiting for the next event (lines 19 to 25). Task blink3() Figure 2: The schematic for the demo program evtgrp.ino.

62 January & February 2021

Listing 1: The Arduino program evtgrp.ino using event groups. [1]

0001: // evtgrp.ino 0053:       delay(75);

0002: // MIT License (see file LICENSE) 0054:     }
0003: 0055:   }
0004: // LED is active high 0056: }
0005: #define GPIO_LED1     25 0057:
0006: #define GPIO_LED2     26 0058: void setup() {
0007: 0059:   int app_cpu = xPortGetCoreID();
0008: #define EVBLK2        0b0001 0060:   BaseType_t rc;
0009: #define EVBLK3        0b0010 0061:
0010: #define EVALL         0b0011 0062:   pinMode(GPIO_LED1,OUTPUT);
0011: 0063:   pinMode(GPIO_LED2,OUTPUT);
0012: static EventGroupHandle_t hevt; 0064:   digitalWrite(GPIO_LED1,LOW);
0013: 0065:   digitalWrite(GPIO_LED2,LOW);
0014: void blink2(void *arg) { 0066:
0015: 0067:   delay(2000);
0016:   for (;;) { 0068:
0017:     // Call blocks until EVBLK2 bit set, 0069:   hevt = xEventGroupCreate();
0018:     // and same bit is cleared upon return 0070:   assert(hevt);
0019:     xEventGroupWaitBits( 0071:
0020:       hevt, 0072:   rc = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(
0021:       EVBLK2, 0073:     blink2,   // func
0022:       pdTRUE, 0074:     "blink2", // name
0023:       pdFALSE, 0075:     1024,     // stack bytes
0024:       portMAX_DELAY 0076:     nullptr,  // arg ptr
0025:     ); 0077:     1,        // priority
0026:     // Blink 2 times 0078:     nullptr,  // ptr to task handle
0027:     for ( int x=0; x < 2; ++x ) { 0079:     app_cpu   // cpu#
0028:       digitalWrite(GPIO_LED1,HIGH); 0080:   );
0029:       delay(120); 0081:   assert(rc == pdPASS);
0030:       digitalWrite(GPIO_LED1,LOW); 0082:
0031:       delay(120); 0083:   rc = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(
0032:     } 0084:     blink3,   // func
0033:   } 0085:     "blink3", // name
0034: } 0086:     1024,     // stack bytes
0035: 0087:     nullptr,  // arg ptr
0036: void blink3(void *arg) { 0088:     1,        // priority
0037: 0089:     nullptr,  // ptr to task handle
0038:   for (;;) { 0090:     app_cpu   // cpu#
0039:     // Call blocks until EVBLK3 bit set, 0091:   );
0040:     // and same bit is cleared upon return 0092:   assert(rc == pdPASS);
0041:     xEventGroupWaitBits( 0093: }
0042:       hevt, 0094:
0043:       EVBLK3, 0095: void loop() {
0044:       pdTRUE, 0096:
0045:       pdFALSE, 0097:   delay(1000);
0046:       portMAX_DELAY 0098:   xEventGroupSetBits(
0047:     ); 0099:     hevt,
0048:     // Blink 3 times 0100:     EVBLK2|EVBLK3
0049:     for ( int x=0; x < 3; ++x ) { 0101:   );
0050:       digitalWrite(GPIO_LED2,HIGH); 0102: }
0051:       delay(75); 0103:
0052:       digitalWrite(GPIO_LED2,LOW); 0104: // End evtgrp.ino

controls LED2 by blinking it three times before waiting for the next event execution of the stalled tasks resume by returning from the called
(lines 41 to 47). Both tasks are identical, except for the number of times function. The event is triggered every second by a corresponding call
the blink loop is executed (lines 27 and 49) and the delay times used. to xEventGroupSetBits() in the loop() task (see lines 98 to 101 in
Listing 1 [1]).
Synchronisation is achieved by having the task functions block in a Creating Event Groups
call to xEventGroupWaitBits(). Until the event is triggered, execu- The event group is created by calling xEventGroupCreate() (line 69).
tion stalls inside this function call. Once the Event Group is notified, There are no arguments to supply and the function returns a handle to

lektor January & February 2021 63

the allocated event group object. The returned data type of the handle both tasks will resume at the same time. If the two tasks are assigned
is EventGroupHandle_t. If the returned value is zero, your heap has to the same CPU they will then be scheduled to execute one after the
run out of storage (hence the assertion check in line 70). other. If the two tasks are assigned to different CPUs then it is indeed
  possible for them to both resume and execute simultaneously.
0069:   hevt = xEventGroupCreate();  
0070:   assert(hevt); Once execution resumes in each task they can then blink their LED
in their own unique way. Once that blinking has been completed,
Notification execution resumes at the top of the task loop by waiting for the arrival
There are different choices for manipulating event groups. In of the next event.
this article, we’re using one of the simpler functions named
xEventGroupSetBits(). Event clearing
  The xEventGroupWaitBits() function call is a little bit tricky and the
EventBits_t xEventGroupSetBits( flexibility that it affords does add a little complexity. So, let’s break it down:
  EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,   // Handle  
  const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet     // Bits to set EventBits_t xEventGroupWaitBits(
);   const EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, // Event group handle
    const EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor,
The handle xEventGroup specifies the event group to be operated   const BaseType_t xClearOnExit,
upon, while the argument uxBitsToSet specifies the event bits   const BaseType_t xWaitForAllBits,
you want to atomically set. The value returned will be the event bits   TickType_t xTicksToWait
that were in effect after the call to xEventGroupSetBits() returns. );
However, you need to be aware that the returned value may not always  
include the bits that you have just set as the receiving tasks may have The first argument is the handle to the event group referenced. This
already cleared them upon receipt. is quite straightforward. Argument two specifies the event bits that
  the function wants to wait for. In the demo program, we specified the
The loop() task calls the xEventGroupSetBits() function setting macro EVBLK2 (line 21) for the blink2() task and macro EVBLK3 for the
bit 0 and bit 1 using the macro expression EVBLK2|EVBLK3. blink3() task. The reason for using separate bits will be evident shortly.
0008: #define EVBLK2        0b0001 The third argument xClearOnExit is a C language version of a boolean
0009: #define EVBLK3        0b0010 value (pdTRUE was supplied in lines 22 and 44). This informs the function
  to clear the received event bits before returning. So the blink2() task
0098:   xEventGroupSetBits( waits for bit 0 to become set (macro EVBLK2), and the argument three
0099:     hevt, value pdTRUE informs it to clear that bit upon receipt and return. This
0100:     EVBLK2|EVBLK3 wait-and-clear operation is performed atomically.
0101:   );  
  In our particular case, argument four is academic but let’s examine it.
From this call, it can be seen that both bits 0 and 1 are set atomically Argument xWaitForAllBits is likewise boolean and specifies when
by this call. the function should return:
loop() task > when any of the bits being waited for are set (pdFALSE), or
The loop() task delays for one second (line 97) and then sends out > only once all of the bits being waited for are set (pdTRUE).
an event notification (lines 98 to 101). Then, following Arduino tradition,  
the loop() function exits and repeats. This results in events being Our example only expects a single bit (bit 0 for blink2() and bit 1
triggered approximately one second apart. for blink3()), so indicating any or all doesn’t have a material effect.
However, if you wish to wait for a combination of bits this capability
Receiving tasks can be quite useful.
The tasks blink2() and blink3() are notified by the event group
using the saved handle (lines 12 and 69). For example, blink2() has Event control
its execution suspended at lines 19 to 25 until an event is sent. Likewise, The reason why separate event bits were needed may now be evident.
blink3() has its execution suspended at lines 41 to 47 until an event Each receiving task waits for and then clears its own event bit with a
is sent. Because the events are triggered atomically by lines 98 to 101, call to xEventGroupWaitBits(). Thus there needs to be a separate

[1] Code for evtgrp.ino:
[2] W. Gay, “FreeRTOS for ESP32-Arduino”, Elektor 2020:
[3] FreeRTOS documentation:

64 January & February 2021

bit for each task. In the loop() function both tasks are notified simul- host of other, more sophisticated ways to coordinate events using
taneously by setting their specific event bits at the same time (line 100). other FreeRTOS functions.
As can be seen, the event group bits can be used to create very
complex and creative application code. For more details on the
additional functions see the book FreeRTOS for ESP32-Arduino [2]
and the FreeRTOS documentation [3].
Questions or Comments?
Running the demo Do you have questions or comments about this article?
The demo doesn’t use the Serial Monitor and can be run on just Email the author at or contact Elektor at
about any ESP32 that makes GPIO 25 and 26 available (or you can
change lines 5 and 6 of Listing 1 to use different outputs). Flash the
program evtgrp.ino into the ESP32 with two LEDs and 220-ohm
resistors attached according to the schematic in Figure 2. Once
the ESP32 starts execution there should be blinking LEDs — once
per second LED1 should blink twice and then wait while LED2 Idea and Text: Warren Gay Editor: Stuart Cording
should blink three times (quickly) and then wait. The process will Schematic: Patrick Wielders Layout: Giel Dols
repeat every second. Image: Jack Jamar

Synchronisation complete
This demo illustrates how two completely independent tasks, blink2()
and blink3(), can be synchronised using a single Event Group object. RELATED PRODUCTS
The loop() task broadcasts its event from lines 98 to 101. This approach
can be extended to up to 24 tasks if necessary (the limit is defined by
the number of event flags available in a single Event Group). While
> W. Gay, FreeRTOS for ESP32-Arduino, Elektor, 2020.
this article has shown one way to use Event Groups there are a whole


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lektor January & February 2021 65


Power Analyzer
Up to 3 Channels, with Graphic and Alphanumeric Display
By Wil Dijkman (The Netherlands)

When making voltage, current and power measurements on AC-powered devices things are
getting more complicated than measuring DC, because waveform and phase-shift between
voltage and current play an important role here. This instrument not only measures and
calculates quantities, but also shows waveforms and spectra of AC-signals on a graphical LCD.

This project was inspired by the AC/DC Power Meter published This means that the input and amplifier circuit need a complete
in Elektor Magazine in September 2015 [1]. At first I thought it was redesign. Also, a microcontroller is needed at the hot-side, to make
very interesting and I wanted to build one myself, but I found some automatic offset correction and auto-ranging possible. The block
limitations and drawbacks in this design, so I decided to develop an diagram in Figure 1 shows a main board and (up to) three satellite
“improved” design. Things I wanted to improve were: boards.

> The input circuit: It should be possible to measure current and The Main board
voltage independently: the current through the connecting leads The schematic (see Figure 2) is largely a copy of the EasyPIC V7 board,
should not influence the voltage reading. with a graphic LCD touch screen as user interface. A square wave
> The sampling rate: the low sampling rate makes it only possi- oscillator (circuit around IC1) generates a 12 Vpp square wave with
ble to measure the first eight harmonics of a 50 Hz signal (with a frequency of about 150 kHz for powering the satellite boards. The
perfect filter). This should be increased to the first 40 harmonics. data communication with the satellite boards will be via I2C, where
> The range switching and offset correction must be made the microcontroller on the main board is the master and the satellite
automatically. boards are the slaves.
The power supply section of the main board supports either a 12 V
stabilized or a 15...18 V supply without stabilization. The selection can
Satellite boards be made by a solder joint (SJ1). There are two other solder bridges/
jumpers: MAX1 and MAX2. With these, the number of channels can
be set for the master: closing MAX1 only means one, closing MAX2
Ch 1 means two and closing both means three channels (satellite boards).
V Power
I Some jumper wires (marked with Jx in schematics and on the main
I2C PCB layout) are used to avoid the need for a multilayer PCB.
I LCD + The Satellite board
Ch 2 mainboard touchscreen On the Satellite boards (schematic in Figure 3) I wanted to measure
I voltage and current independently. This is not fully realizable, but with
the circuit the low voltage input and the current input can float about
12V +/- 1 V with respect to each other. This is realized by the diode D3,
D4, D7, D8. Without measures taken, the circuit can be damaged by a
Ch 3 wrong connection: the high potential to the low voltage input and also
I the current input at the low voltage side. To prevent this damage, the
circuit with T10…T14 and reed relay K1 is added. A first current limita-
tion is realized by R11: at 750 V input voltage the maximum current is
Figure 1: Block diagram of the Power Analyzer. 0.5 A. If the current through R11 is larger than some 10 to 20 mA, there

66 January & February 2021

will be a small current through R34, which is detected by T11 and T13.
This will trigger the thyristor circuit with T10 and T12. Once triggered WARNING. Working with high voltage
the thyristor circuit will remain in this state and will switch off T14 and can be fatal. The circuit described here
K1. Signal OC indicates to the microcontroller that the protection is
triggered. When there is no power K1 is also switched off (V-low is is not for beginners. Do not build or use
disconnected), so then the circuit is safe. To restore operation the power it unless you are experienced in dealing
of the circuit must be disconnected and connected again.
  with high voltages!
The voltage divider gives 100 mV output at the maximum input voltage
of 750 V (DC), the maximum AC voltage will be about 500 V. The
voltage drop at the 6.5 mΩ current sense resistor R62 is about 100 mV
at 15 A-DC (about 10 A-AC). The amplifiers for voltage and current are
identical, so I’ll describe only the voltage amplifier. T1, T2 and T4, T6 Galvanic isolation
serve as switches to connect the differential amplifier either with the The square wave coming from the main board is fed to the trans-
signal from the input circuit or short the input to make offset measure- former at the right (ratio 1:1). The rectifiers give then an output voltage
ment possible. The value of the offset can be stored and subtracted of something less than 6 V. With parallel regulators this is controlled
later from the measurement to make a “clean measurement” possible. to +/- 5 V. The windings of the transformer have an isolation value of
The amplifier is a common instrumentation amplifier. T3, T5 switch 900 V, so the total isolation will be 1800 V peak, provided that the rest
the gain of the first stage to either 1x or 25x. IC5 makes the differential of the construction is OK. The I2C signal will go via IC14, which has an
signal single ended. The last stage with IC4 can switch the gain to isolation value of 4 kV peak. So the satellite boards will be completely
either 1x or 5x. So there can be four gains: 1x, 5x, 25x or 125x. The gain floating with respect to the main board and with respect to each other.
setting will be under control of the microcontroller IC13. The ampli-
fier will generate a positive or negative signal with respect to COMV. Update of the satellite board circuit
This signal is 0.5 times VREF, which is generated by the circuit around After the first prototype was built, tests proved that some correc-
IC3. VREF is 4.5 V, so COMV, COMI and CINV are 2.25 V. VREF and tions had to be made. The crosstalk from the switching signal to the
CINV are connected to the ADC of the PIC-controller. The ADC of measurement signal in the offset switches had to be limited. Therefore
the PIC18F26K80 used here can convert to 13 bits when used in the C41-R102 and C40-R103 are added. The protection circuit reacted on
indicated way (12 bits plus a sign bit). For 750 V this gives a resolution spikes, for example when a test lead was plugged. The sensitivity for
of about 200 mV per bit. For 6 V about 1.6 mV/bit. I consider this as spikes has been decreased by adding C33. D14 and R101 also limit he
sufficient for this purpose. sensitivity for positive signals.
The I2C address of a satellite board is programmed by closing or When the amplifiers have the highest gain (approximately 2750x), an
opening SJ1 and SJ2 on the board. Closing SJ1 makes the board offset control is needed. This control is switched off when the gain is
channel 1, closing SJ2 makes it channel 2 and closing both solder lower. Depending the sign of the offset a selection has to be made
joints makes it channel 3. with the solder jumper.

lektor January & February 2021 67

R4 R7





R2 R12



R19 IC2 1n8
V-HIGH 270 R15 R16 R17 R18 IC4
D S D 1 3
T1 T2 OPA170 274 274 12k 12k R20
4 1
0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% OPA170 100
C4 4
R13 0.1%
R14 0.1%
12k R25 0.1%

12k TP1


R22 D D
C5 4
D1 C9 D2 SJ3 C8
T4 T3 470p 1 C11


3 470p
12n 82n


BAS316 BAS316 S S 470p
R26 0.1%
V-LOW G G 12k
R11 T1...T8 = BSH105 C12
T6 T5 IC6 1n8

D D 4
R27 R28 R32
R29 OPA170 274 274 12k
3 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
270 T8 T7

VRP R100
3 9
R35 R39
C39 D5


R34 T10 R30

D3 D4 R38 100n K1
BC848C 150 VRP

T11 C13
GPA1603 GPA1603 BC858C R42

T13 R36 5 5 5 5 100n

R43 150 VRP IC2 IC4 IC5 IC6 TP2


T14 C14 2 2 2 2 C26

BAS316 D14 5 5 5 5 100n 100n R66
BC848C IC8 IC9 IC10 IC12 TP4 150 VRM
R101 2 2 2 2 C30
D7 D8 C33
R50 BC848C

100n R72
GPA1603 GPA1603 150 VRM

R60 IC8 1n8
I-LOW 1k R53 R54 R55 R56 IC9
1 3
OPA170 274 274 12k 12k R58
4 1
0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% OPA170 100
C18 4
R51 0.1%

R52 0.1%
T16...T23 = BSH105 1n8
12k R65 0.1%

12k TP3


R62 D D C21 4
D9 C27 D10 SJ4 C23
0 0065

T17 T16 470p 1 C29

G G 3 470p
12n 82n



BAS316 BAS316 470p

G G R67 0.1%
I-HIGH 12k
F1 T20 T18 IC12
D D 4 1n8 T21 T19
R68 R69 R71
10A T22 T23 1 D S D
R76 OPA170 274 274 12k
D S D 3
1k 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%



10 VRP

IC1 = TL431

R6 R5 IC3 R8


IC1 1
C19 C2 3 5
0.1% 1
4 7 OPA170 1
100n 4
16V R9 C7 C3 C1


R10 4 7 4 7 4 7
0.1% 16V 16V 16V

Figure 2: Main board schematics.

68 January & February 2021

R44 R78

3 9

R89 R90 R75 R74 R79 R80





100n VDD
1 21
2 23
3 24
4 25
5 26 R81 R88
6 27


7 28 IC14
1 8
11 15 2 7
12 16 3 6
13 17 4 5
14 18
ISO1540 R77
10 9

3 9
5 6
3 4
SJ1 SJ2 8 19
C32 1 2

4 7


R102 R83
10k 10k
R103 R84
10k 10k

R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 R96
C41 C40 T24... T29 = BC858C




10k 10k
100n 100n

D12 R98 C37
BAS316 100n

D13 R99 C38

BAS316 100n
VRP 6 2
R33 R40


C15 100
35V PMEG3020EH
1000 R45 R97


R49 R57


R59 C25
1000 R61 R70
16V C20

IC11 100
TL431 R73 35V PMEG3020EH
VRM 47

TP6 190133-012

lektor January & February 2021 69

+12V-IN +5V
3 9
D1 C1 J4 JP1

16V 5
R38 R39 R34
R35 4




R2 2k2 C2 3
D 2
3 9

D1, D2 = PMEG3020EH 100n R41 R40
R4 1

3 9

3 9
G +5V
T2 C24 C23 +12V-IN
S BSH105
100n 100n R7

3 9
C3 G R9 7 28 R15
S C4
100n VDD VDD

C8 10k

BSH105 30 17 R36
R6 1 8 RA7 RB7 100
10k DT GD1 100n 31 16 R37
IC1 R10 RA6 RB6 100 100n R11
R8 2 RT 7 24 15
1k5 VCC RA5 RB5

D 23 14
3 6 RA4 RB4
22 11 J11
C7 R12 RA3 RB3
C5 4 SS
UCC25600 5 G 21 IC5 10 J10 R16
GD2 10 RA2 RB2
100n C6 20 9 J8
100n RA1 RB1

BSH105 J6

19 8
D2 R18

+5V 27

RE0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20





1 2
1 5 RD7
3 4 RC7 RD7
44 4 RD6
C9 5 6 RC6 RD6 TP4
43 3 RD5 X2
1 RC5 RD5 TP3
J9 42 2 RD4 Y2 LCD1
X3 RC4 RD4 TP2
1 2 J7 37 41 RD3 X1
3 4 36 40 RD2 Y1 Mikroe-240SMT
C14 5 6 35 39 RD1
1 32 38 RD0
3 4 3 9 +5V 29 6
C18 5 6
R7 R20 R19



100n T4
R21 +12V-IN +5V
R22 L78M05ACDT
10k BC858 R24
BC848C 3 9 IC3
J2 T6 X2
10k L1 150 H SJ1

BC858 L78M12CV C15 C16

T7 R26
R25 C17 IC2 330n 330n

J3 10k
BC848C T8 R30 C10 C11 C12
R29 C19

100n 330n 330n
L2 150 H

Figure 3: Satellite board schematics.

Unfortunately I forgot some decoupling capacitors in the supply part, cies there is no problem. Signals with less than three zero-crossings
these had to be added too. The part list for this project in Open Office during the sampling period are treated as DC.
format can be downloaded from [2]. Order codes for Farnell are given,  
but of course you can choose any supplier. The second question is how many samples will be taken in these
  35 ms. A sampling frequency of 10 kHz or higher would be ideal. I have
Software for the satellite board chosen for 357 samples at 10.2 ks/s. This leads to a integer multiple
The program is written in mikroBasic for PIC (V5.6.1) from MikroElektronika, of samples for 50 and 60 Hz signals. These frequencies can then be
a programming language that is relatively easy to understand. analyzed with the highest accuracy.
I wanted that a frequency range from (a bit) less than 50 Hz to a few
hundreds of Hz could be processed. Therefore, the signal needed to There is a library with I2C commands in mikroBasic, but these are only
be sampled for at least 30 ms. Then, at 50 Hz there are at least three for an I2C master. For an I2C-slave I had to write my own procedures.
zero-crossings, so you can detect one period. But that is only true when These procedures are needed to setup and control the communi-
these zero-crossings are equidistant. With a duty cycle unequal to 50 % cation with the main board, the I2C master. The latter just requests
at 50 Hz, 30 ms is not sufficient, that’s why I have chosen for 35 ms. and displays information from the satellite boards, (auto-) ranging
Then with a duty-cycle of less than 25 % there it is possible that the and offset, all signal processing, including sampling and filtering is
frequency is not correctly determined at 50 Hz, with higher frequen- performed on the satellite board(s).

70 January & February 2021

Figure 4a: The main board and display attached to the front panel. Figure 4b: One satellite board attached to the front. Note the extra isolation
(thick red tape) between the board and panel.

Figure 4c: One of the extra support brackets between front panel and cover. Figure 4d: PE-connection

Fast Fourier transforms are also calculated on the satellite boards. The how the units are fixed in the case. Note the ready-made, standard
calculations are not invented by me but “borrowed” from [3]. Digital power supply that is used to power the Power Analyzer.
filtering is based on chapter 16 of The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide  
to Digital Signal Processing [4]. A Blackman-window is used and the Figure 4c shows one of two extra brackets, which are added to prevent
filter has 13 coefficients (M=12). The choice of the length of the filter is the front panel from bending when test leads are plugged in or out. An
a compromise between calculation time, memory needed and perfor- extra hole in the top and bottom cover must be drilled to attach the
mance (i.e. suppression of signals above 2.55 kHz and attenuation of brackets. I used a metal housing so the enclosure must be connected
signals below 2.55 kHz). to the mains Protective Earth, see Figure 4d.
Assembly Operation
A front panel has been designed for a three channel version, which After switching on, the measurement screen appears. It displays some
can be ordered at Schaeffer’s. I used a metal case (order code 1510827 units and their values for the channel that is selected. At the top of the
at Farnell, manufacturer Metcase, M5503110). screen you can select other channels (if available).
Figure 4 shows some detailed pictures of the hardware in this enclo- The screen can display a maximum of seven measurement values,
sure, giving an impression of what the Power Meter can look like and selected in the Configuration Screen.

lektor January & February 2021 71

HOW TO CONNECT Measuring power consumed by a load Measuring power, supplied by a source

There is a difference between connecting test leads for

measuring the power consumption of a load or measuring the
power supplied by a source, as can be seen in Figure 5. With Source Load Source Load

the indicated methods the voltage drop of the connection leads

and the current measurement section is eliminated. The voltage
difference between the I connections and the V- connection
– + – + – + – +
must remain below 0.5 V. Otherwise the protection circuit is
triggered, and the power supply has to be cycled. I V I V
Power Analyzer Power Analyzer

Figure 5. Connecting the test leads

First go to the Main Menu (top right of the screen). Choose Configuration you go back to the Measurement Screen, the chosen formula with
and then the Configuration Screen appears with 16 values to choose the calculated value is displayed for all channels.
from. The selected values to be displayed are highlighted.  
  Back in the Configuration Screen you can also choose for Graphs->
Some of these values will go without saying, but some need explana- Pressing this you can choose between Scope or FFT. Press Scope. This
tion. Vdis and Idis (distortion) are calculated using: brings you to select traces. Trace1 will always be displayed. A selected
trace will be high-lighted. All traces can be “connected” to a channel
40 and to V, I or P of that channel. The display will be “triggered” by a
∑V n
2 positive zero crossing of Trace1. The display will give you an impres-
sion of the wave shape of the signals and their phase relation. Two
Vdis =
V1 periods of the signal will be displayed. The amplitude of the signals
is always the same: voltage signals have the maximum amplitude. To
distinguish them from voltage signals, current signals are displayed
where VN stands for the amplitude of harmonic N of the signal. with a 80 % and power signals at 60 % amplitude. See for example
Re-P means real power, P-VA means Vrms x Irms, Im-P means imagi- the waveforms of a transformer which goes in saturation in Figure 6.
nary power, and PF means power factor, i.e. Re-P / P-VA. The scope display doesn’t show absolute values, it’s just an indication
If you choose Eff-> you enter the Efficiency Screen. Here you can of shape and phase relation.
choose the formula which describes the power relation that you are  
investigating and then you go back to the Configuration Screen. If Back in the Graphic Screen, press FFT. This shows the FFT compo-
nents of a selected signal. On top of the screen you can select the
channel, LINear or LOGarithmic display and either V or I. The largest
harmonic (usually but not necessarily the first harmonic) is displayed
at 100 % or 0 dB. The horizontal scale gives the number of the harmon-
BUILDING THE TRANSFORMER ics, not its frequency.
Transformer TR1 is home made. Here is the recipe.  
When entering the Logging feature, you must first select the time
Ingredients (mentioned at the bottom of the parts list): two period that you want to apply. Possible values are between 0.25 h
core halves, two clips, one coil former, all for EF20, wire with and 128 h in steps of a factor of 2. Next step is to select how many
900 V isolation and diameter of max 1.3 mm. traces you want to log (maximum three). Each trace can be linked
to a channel and from that channel you can choose either V, I or P.
> Take the coil former and cut off pins 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9. Pressing Continue immediately starts the logging. An alphanumeric
> With the wire make 9 turns between pin 1 and 10. You shall screen will be shown, where you can watch the average, maximum
exactly fill one layer. and minimum value and the elapsed time. You can also go to the
> Repeat to make 9 turns between pins 5 and 6. Again you graphical screen. At the top of the screen you can select another
shall exactly fill one layer. trace, if it is switched on. Pressing Return brings you back in the
> Put in the core halves and put on the clips. There is no air main screen, the collected data are lost.
> If everything went well, you will have a transformer with an You can select Crest factor (V-CF or I-CF) in the configuration screen.
equal primary and secondary inductance of about 125 µH. It simply divides the highest peak value (positive or negative) by the
Capacitance between primary and secondary will be in the RMS-value of the signal. Remember that the bandwidth of the measur-
range of 30 pF. ing amplifiers is 2.5 kHz, so this function is not suitable for audio. Only
until, say 250 Hz depending on your taste.

72 January & February 2021

Figure 6a: Measurement of a transformer in Figure 6b: Measurement of a transformer in Figure 6c: Measurement of a transformer in
saturation, FFT of current. saturation, voltage and current. saturation, voltage and power.

How to calibrate and adjust When done calibrating a channel, press ->OK. Then the calibration
From the Main Screen you can go to the Calibration screen. You can data are stored on the satellite board of the selected channel.
choose between calibrating the touchscreen and calibrating the  
channels. At the first start up the touchscreen calibration procedure As far as I’m concerned this project is finished. There will be no more
will automatically be presented. Use a pencil or wooden stylus to large additions or changes. But of course, I will answer any question.
calibrate (and use) the touch screen.  
  This article is based on the information presented on the Elektor Labs
In the channel calibration you will first be prompted to select a channel. project page at [2]. On this page, more detailed information on this
Then the software enters a screen where voltage, current and frequency Power Analyzer including software, PCB design files and BOM can be
can be measured and adjusted. In this screen the automatic ranging found or downloaded. The Eagle CAD-files on Elektor Labs are up to
for V and I is disabled, which will make it easy to adjust the calibration date with the most recent changes, but newer versions of the PCBs
for each range. With the arrows (< and >) you can change ranges and have not been built and/or tested!
adjust the measured value. 190133-B-01
The best method to adjust the frequency is to connect a digital oscil-
loscope to TP8 (signal) and TP2 (GND) on the satellite board of the Contributors
selected channel. Adjust the visible pulse width to 35.00 ms with Idea, Design, Text and Illustrations: Wil Dijkman
the arrows on the frequency line. Second best method to adjust the Schematic: Patrick Wielders
frequency is to use a signal source with a calibrated frequency of 50 Editor: Luc Lemmens, CJ Abate
or 60 Hz and adjust the reading to 50.00 or 60.00 Hz. The reading Layout: Giel Dols
can vary ±0.5 %.

Questions or comments?
Do you have questions or comments about his article? Email RELATED PRODUCTS
the author at or contact Elektor
at > Microcontroller Basics with PIC

[1] AC/DC Power Meter:
[2] Power Analyzer:
[3] FFT calculation:
[4] The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing, by Steven W. Smith, Ph.D.:

lektor January & February 2021 73


Filter Design (Part 3)
Passive Filters
By Alfred Rosenkränzer (Germany)

The third and final part of this series on the design of analogue filters deals with the
subtleties of passive filters. Since only purely passive components such as resistors, coils
and capacitors are used here, amplification is not feasible. Thus high input and low output
impedances cannot be realised. However, high frequencies in the three-digit MHz range and
above are less problematic.

The input impedance of active filters can be made very high by about the correct ‘termination’ or the matching of impedances at
adding a buffer at the input; a buffer at the output can make the the input and the output. However, passive filters are often still used
output impedance very low. As a result, we no longer need to worry at very high frequencies. These are designed for specific input and

LP Shunt First LP Series First HP Shunt First HP Series First

1. Order R1 R1 L1 R1 R1 C1

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 L1

2. Order
R1 R1 R1 C1 R1 C1
L1 L1

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 C1 L1 L1

3. Order
R1 L1 R1 L1 L2 R1 C1 R1 C1 C2

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 C2 C1 L1 L2 L1

4. Order
R1 R1 R1 C1 C2 R1 C1 C2
L1 L2 L1 L2

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 C2 C1 C2 L1 L2 L1 L2

5. Order
R1 L1 L2 R1 L1 L2 L3 R1 C1 C2 R1 C1 C2 C3

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2

6. Order
R1 R1 R1 C1 C2 C3 R1 C1 C2 C3
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

R2 R2 R2 R2
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3


Figure 1: Basic schematics for passive low-pass and high-pass filters with PI and T structures from first through to sixth order. Both the corner frequency and
the frequency characteristic depends on the component values. The structures shown here are suitable for Bessel, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.

74 January & February 2021

LP Shunt First LP Series First HP Shunt First HP Series First
3. Order C3 L3
R1 L1 L2 R1 C1 C2

R1 L1 R1 C1
R2 R2
R2 R2
C1 C2 L1 L2

4. Order
C3 L3
R1 L1 L2 R1 C1 C2

R1 R1 C1 C2
L1 L2
R2 R2
R2 C2 R2 L2
C1 C2 L1 L2

5. Order
C4 C5 L4 L5
R1 R1 C1 C2 C3
L1 L2 L3

R1 R1 C1 C2
L1 L2
C1 C2
L1 L2
R2 R2
R2 R2
C1 C2 C3 L1 L2 L3
L4 L5
C4 C5

6. Order
C4 C5 L4 L5
R1 R1 C1 C2 C3
L1 L2 L3

R1 L1 L2 L3 R1 C1 C2 C3
C1 C2 C3
L1 L2
R2 R2
R2 R2 L3
C1 C2 C3 L1 L2 L3
L4 L5 L6
C4 C5


Figure 2: Basic schematics for low-pass and high-pass filters of third through to sixth order with Cauer or inverse Chebyshev characteristics in PI and T

output impedances (which do not have to be identical). It should Figure 2 shows the basic structure of Cauer (elliptical) and inverse
be noted that deviations from the expected source or load imped- Chebyshev filters (also known as type 2). Here the inductors or
ance can have a strong influence on the filter characteristic. In capacitors are replaced with parallel or series resonant circuits.
this article we will take a look at the types of passive filters that Drawn are low- and high-pass filters in PI and T configurations
are commonly used and what needs to be considered. from the third through to sixth order.
Structures Figure 3 shows the basic structure of band-pass and band-stop
In Figure 1 you can see the basic structure of high- and low-pass filters with a Bessel, Butterworth or Chebyshev characteristic (from
filters of the first through the sixth order. By choosing the correct third through to seventh order), and in Figure 4 we see the more
values for the components, these structures allow filters with Bessel, complex structures with Cauer and inverse Chebyshev characteris-
Butterworth and Chebyshev characteristics to be realised. You can tics (fifth and seventh order). Here too there are PI and T variants.
choose whether a filter starts with a component in series with the
others (T-structure) or with a component to ground (PI-structure). Dimensioning
  A Bessel or Butterworth filter is entirely determined by the filter
In the leftmost column of Figure 1 are the PI low-pass filters that characteristic, the -3dB corner frequency, the chosen structure, the
all begin with a capacitor to ground at their inputs. In the second order, and the input and output impedances. In contrast to the active
column are the T low-pass filters that start with an inductor in series. filters, with passive filters there is no freedom at all when it comes to
  choosing component values. If you would like to select, for example,
The high-pass filters are exactly the other way around. In the third a standard value from an E-series for an inductor, then you will have
column we see the PI high-pass filters with an inductor to ground to adjust the corner frequency of the filter at a given impedance a
and, in the rightmost column, the T high-pass filters with a capac- little. Of course this is only possible if the application allows it.
itor in series.  
  How the characteristics of a Butterworth filter change for the differ-
At the higher orders components are added alternating between ent orders has already been discussed in part 1 of this series [1]. Now
longitudinal (in series) and transversal (to ground). These additional we can see how the component values change depending on the
components have different values than the first components. For chosen corner frequency. In Figure 5 we see the fully dimensioned
the desired functionality it does not matter whether we choose schematic of a fifth-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a corner
a T or PI structure. But, because inductors are not popular with frequency of 1 MHz. If we want to double the corner frequency
electronics designers, it is common to attempt to use as few of to 2 MHz we only need to halve the values of the inductors and
these as possible. the capacitors. This is no surprise because the corner frequency

lektor January & February 2021 75

BP Shunt First BP Series First
3. Order C3

R1 L3 R1 C1 C2
L1 L2

R2 R2
C1 L1 C2 L2 L3 C3

5. Order
C4 C5

R1 L4 L5 R1 C1 C2 C3
L1 L2 L3

R2 R2
C1 L1 C2 L2 C3 L3 L4 C4 L5 C5

7. Order
C5 C6 C7

R1 L5 L6 L7 R1 C1 L1 L2 C2 L3 C3 L4 C4

R2 R2
C1 L1 C2 L2 C3 L3 C4 L4 L5 C5 L6 C6 L7 C7


BS Shunt First BS Series First

3. Order L3 L1 L2

R1 C3 R1 C1 C2

L1 L2 L3
R2 R2

C1 C2 C3

5. Order
L4 L5 L1 L2 L2

R1 C4 C5 R1 C1 C2 C3

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
R2 R2

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

7. Order
L5 L6 L7 L1 L2 L3 L4

R1 C5 C6 C7 R1 C1 C2 C3 C4

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
R2 R2

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


Figure 3: Basic schematics for band-pass filters and band-stop filters of third, fifth and seventh order with Bessel, Butterworth or Chebyshev characteristics
using PI and T structures.

is proportional to 1 / √(L * C). That is why, in the era before pocket Now that we are on the subject of impedances we can also take
calculators and PCs, it was easy to convert a basic schematic with a look at the effect an incorrect source or load resistance has. As
a given corner frequency to the desired design frequency. If the an example we connect a filter that has been dimensioned for an
standard impedance of 50 Ω remains the same then the resistor impedance of 100 Ω to a source with a 50 Ω impedance. It is also
values, of course, also remain the same. terminated at the output with a 50 Ω impedance. Figure 6 shows
  the frequency characteristic in the pass band.
It is also interesting to see how the component values behave when  
a filter is redimensioned for other impedances. This is also possi- Returning to the topic of dimensioning, with a Chebyshev filter
ble without the help of a computer. If we would like to double the the ripple in the pass-band is an additional parameter. The effect
impedances in the 1 MHz low-pass filter in Figure 5 from 50 Ω on the frequency response can be seen in Figure 7. Here we see
to 100 Ω then we only have to double the values of the inductors the amplitude responses of a seventh-order 1 MHz Chebyshev
and halve the values of the capacitors. Again, this is not a surprise, low-pass with a ripple of 0.1 dB, 0.5 dB, 1 dB and 3 dB in the
because Z is proportional to √(L/C). pass-band. The more ripple allowed, the steeper the curve in

76 January & February 2021

BP Shunt First BP Series First
5. Order
C3 C4

R1 L3 L4 R1 C1 L1 L2

L3 L4
R2 R2
C1 L1 C2 L2
C3 C4

7. Order
C4 C5 C6 C7

R1 L4 L5 L6 L7 R1 C1 L1 L2 C2 L3 C3

L4 L5 L6 L7
R2 R2
C1 L1 C2 L2 C3 L3
C4 C5 C6 C7


BS Shunt First BS Series First

5. Order
L3 L4 L1 L2

R1 C3 C4 R1 C1 C2

L1 L2 L3 L4
R2 R2

C1 C2 C3 C4

7. Order
L4 L5 L6 L7 L1 L2 L3

R1 C4 C5 C6 C7 R1 C1 C2 C3

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
R2 R2

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


Figure 4: Basic schematics for band-pass and band-stop filters of fifth and seventh order with Cauer or inverse Chebyshev characteristics in PI and T

the stop band. How much ripple we can allow depends on the other filters, but the point where the curve drops below the defined
application. amount of ripple. If you would like to normalise the curves to the
  -3dB point, in order to compare them better, you will have to adjust
In Figure 8 we have enlarged the pass-band from Figure 7. Here the corner frequency accordingly.
we can see that the corner frequency is not the -3dB point, as with  

R1 L1 L2
12 87 12 87
C1 C2 C3

1n97 6n36 1n97


Figure 5: Butterworth fifth-order low-pass filter with PI structure and with a

corner frequency of 1 MHz.

Figure 6: Frequency response of a fifth-order Butterworth

low-pass filter in the pass-band. The green curve is the correct
response and the red line shows what happens when a 100-Ω
filter is connected to a source and load of 50 Ω.

lektor January & February 2021 77

Figure 7: Frequency response of seventh-order, 1 MHz Chebyshev low-pass Figure 8: A close-up of the pass-band from Figure 7. The corner frequency
filters with a ripple in the pass-band of 0.1 dB (brown), 0.5 dB (blue), 1 dB corresponds to the point on the curve where the amplitude drops below the
(green) and 3 dB (red). defined ripple. Ripple: 0.1 dB (brown), 0.5 dB (blue), 1 dB (green) and 3 dB

With the Cauer filter the minimum attenuation in the stop band
C1 C2 C3 is another additional parameter. The notches provide a much
steeper transition in the stop band, but the curve then returns
L1 1n10
R1 6n56 4n27
L2 L2
50 to a lower attenuation. The number of notches corresponds to
7 90 3 38 4 37

C4 C5 C6 C7
R2 the number of resonant circuits in the circuit (as these have
different frequencies). Figure 9 shows a seventh-order Cauer

4n62 4n71 3n58 3n01

low-pass filter with a minimum attenuation of 40 dB. Table 1
lists the component values for a minimum attenuation of 40,
50, 60 and 70 dB.
Figure 9: Seventh-order Cauer low-pass filter with a ripple of 0.5 dB in the
pass-band and a minimum attenuation of 40 dB. The component values for Figure 10 shows the frequency responses of all four of the Cauer
other levels of attenuation are shown in Table 1. low-pass filters. The height of the ‘bumps’ corresponds to the

Figure 10: Frequency responses of seventh-order, 1-MHz Cauer low-pass Figure 11: Close-up of the pass-band from Figure 10 with a minimum
filters with a minimum attenuation of 40, 50, 60 and 70 dB. attenuation of 40 dB (brown), 50 dB (blue), 60 dB (green) and 70 dB (red).

78 January & February 2021

Table 1: Component values for Figure 9.
Attenuation C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 L1 L2 L3
40 dB 1n10 6n56 4n27 4n62 4n71 3n58 3n01 7µ90 3µ38 4µ37
50 dB 766p 4n10 2n77 4n90 5n48 4n52 3n61 8µ50 4µ78 5µ61
60 dB 541p 2n74 1n88 5n07 6n14 5n36 4n09 8µ92 6µ04 6µ65
70 dB 385p 1n90 1n31 5n20 6n68 6n07 4n45 9µ22 7µ11 7µ49

minimum attenuation. You can see the different slopes of the the filters had to be tuned by hand using a network analyser. There
curves in the transition region and the accompanying minimum aren’t many filter programs that can compute the complete filter.
attenuation. But this also changes the frequency of the notches. The increasing amount of digitisation (also in video technology),
If you would like to filter out a fixed interference frequency from a along with higher clock speeds and oversampling in DACs and
signal, you could tune such a notch to that frequency by adjusting ADCs, means that there are not the same high demands on analogue
the corner frequency or the minimum attenuation. With this you filters as there used to be. This means we can now do without the
have to keep a close eye on the tolerances of the components and compensation for group delay. Figure 14 shows the circuit of a
therefore the exact position of the notches. The enlargement of passive, second-order all-pass filter and, in Figure 15, we see the
the frequency response in Figure 11 shows that the ripple in the corresponding characteristic of the group delay.
pass band is 0.5 dB for all filters.  
  Now an excursion into practice: in Figure 16 you can see a DIY video
The final filter characteristic is the inverse Chebyshev (IT). This looks filter using Neosid inductors (the copper-coloured, square components
like a Butterworth filter in the pass band and therefore has no ripple, with a tuning core). The two coils on the left are part of a fifth-order
so this parameter is omitted. But in the pass band the IT characteristic Cauer low-pass filter. The block of six coils are part of an all-pass filter.
looks more like that of a Cauer filter with notches and an accompany- Each time there are multiple capacitors connected in parallel in order
ing minimum attenuation. The basic schematic is the same as that to realise the necessary ‘awkward’ values. The round, blue components
for the Cauer filter (Figure 9) and only the dimensioning is different. are KP capacitors in the nF range with a tolerance of 2%.
Figure 12 shows the frequency response of the inverse Chebyshev
filters with a minimum attenuation of 50, 60 and 70 dB. Figure 13 is Unusual filters
a zoomed-in view of the pass-band of the characteristic of Figure 12. The filters that we have discussed so far are ‘single ended’: they
operate with single-ended signals with respect to ground. But it is
All-pass filters also possible to build passive filters for differential signals.
In analogue television technology there was (once) the need for  
steep filters, but the large overshoot of the step-response brought Differential filters
about strong interference signals. That is why the group delay was Modern ADCs and DACs for high signal frequencies have differen-
‘pepped up’ using all-pass filters. This took quite a bit of effort and tial inputs and outputs. It is therefore obvious that the necessary

Figure 12: Frequency responses of the inverse Chebyshev filters with a Figure 13: Close-up of the pass-band of Figure 12 with a minimum
minimum attenuation of 50, 60 and 70 dB. The colours are self-explanatory. attenuation of 50 dB (blue), 60 dB (green) and 70 dB (red).

lektor January & February 2021 79


R1 272p
1 98
C2 C3

R2 low-pass filter that is connected directly to the DAC output and

367p 367p
even the anti-aliasing filter at the ADC input are also differential.

The circuit in Figure 17 consists simply of two identical 10 MHz
1 18 Butterworth low-pass filters of the fifth order in a conventional
single-ended design. The signal paths have no shared compo-
200522-014 nents (except ground) so component tolerances can cause differ-
ent behaviours in the two ‘channels’.
Figure 14: Schematic of a passive all-pass filter of the second order.  
The second variant, in Figure 18, looks more like a real differential
filter, but here each of the two capacitors from Figure 17 that were
connected to ground are now combined into one. They therefore
now affect both signal paths in equal amounts. In this case differ-
ences can only occur because of the inductors.
For differential or push-pull signals, both these circuits exhibit
the same filter operation. But for common-mode signals the filter
behaviour is different. Figure 19 shows that, in the combined filter
of Figure 18, only the inductors influence the frequency response
and that, therefore, there is only a weak filter effect for common-
mode signals. Although the common-mode signals from DACs are
reduced by the differential amplifier that follows, this is not optimal
because the common-mode rejection of RF amplifiers reduces as
the frequency increases. Every solution always has its advantages
and disadvantages. To realise filter stages that are as identical as
possible we can, for example, use filter modules from the same
production batch so that the filters are as identical as possible.
Double-inverse fourth-order Chebyshev filter
Figure 15: Characteristic of the group delay of the second-order, passive
all-pass filter in Figure 14. I noticed this filter when reverse-engineering a filter that I had
bought. It consists of two fourth-order filters joined together
(Figure 20) and has a nice characteristic that can be easily realised
with components from the standard E-series. It also requires few
‘awkward’ values, making building it much simpler. If you would
like to change the corner frequency of the filter, then you can
change the values within the standard E-series. This advantage
is however at the cost of a small dip in the pass-band. Figure 21
shows the frequency response of this filter, which has an impres-
sive minimum attenuation of 70 dB in the stop-band. Both notches
have the same frequency and reinforce each other. In Figure 22
we have enlarged the response in the pass-band where we can see
the characteristic dip at 75 MHz.
Figure 16: DIY video filter with eight Neosid inductors.

R1 L1 L2 R1 L1 L2
50 50
1 29 1 29 1 29 1 29
R2 R2
C1 C2 C3


197p 636p 197p

C1 C2 C3

R2' 98p5 318p 98p5 R2'

C1' C2' C3'


197p 636p 197p

R1' L1' L2' R1' L1' L2'
50 50
1 29 1 29 1 29 1 29
200522-017 200522-018

Figure 17: Combination of two ‘normal’ Butterworth low-pass filters to filter a Figure 18: This variant combines the capacitors Cx and Cx’ into one
differential signal. capacitor with half the value of capacitance that, in Figure 17, were each
connected to ground individually.

80 January & February 2021

Choice of components
As we already noted at the beginning, there are no degrees of
freedom when dimensioning the components for passive filters.
When computing these reasonably advanced filters the use of
specialised software is essential. At [2], [3] and [4] you will find a
selection of suitable filter programs. The values for the inductors
and capacitors that are calculated this way will not be available in
most cases. With capacitors this problem is quite easily solved:
simply connect two or three capacitors in parallel to get as close
to the desired awkward value as possible. Capacitors are, after all,
small and not that expensive. You do, however, have to take toler-
ances into account.
In a simulation [5] you will have to verify whether the frequency
response of the filter is close enough to the ideal when using the
actual component values. When building a prototype you cannot
fail to measure and verify the value of the capacitors before fitting
them. Passive filters do not really behave any differently to active
filters and the same is true for both types: a filter is only as good Figure 19: Common-mode frequency response of the double SE-filter of
as its capacitors. SMD capacitors of the X7R type have therefore Figure 17 (red) together with the combined filter of Figure 18 (green).
no place in filter applications. Good capacitors are (unfortunately)
usually large and not very cheap. You can only make a start on the
layout of the circuit board once the circuit is finished and you know
exactly which components you will be using.
Unfortunately the situation with inductors is much more diffi-
C2 C3
cult. You shouldn’t even try connecting them in parallel. Even a
series connection will only work if the inductors are not magnet- R1 L1 L2 12p L3 12p L4
ically coupled. To prevent magnetic coupling you have to fit them 50
68n 120n 120n 68n
perpendicular to each other and arrange them in a zigzag pattern C1 C4 C5

on the circuit board. You can admire this in the filter of Figure 23,

47p 47p 47p
although the third inductor at a relative angle of 45° is not really in
a optimal position. In the filter of Figure 24 the small blue induc- 200522-020
tors are not connected in series and there are also no capacitors
connected in parallel. The manufacturer probably has these compo-
nents specially manufactured so that they fitted perfectly. Figure 20: Double inverse Chebyshev filter of the fourth order.
A possible way out of the problems with inductors is the use of
adjustable versions. Here you can change the self-inductance within
certain limits by turning the ferrite cap or core. This is, for example,
the case with the Neosid inductors that are used in Figure 16.
There is something else that needs to be taken into account with
inductors: the windings have an ohmic resistance that often cannot
be ignored. We have to measure this or find it in the datasheet and
carry that over into the simulation when dimensioning the filters.
The non-ideal behaviour of the inductors, as a consequence of the
resistance of the windings, can lead to a reduced frequency response
in the pass-band. This has to be either corrected or compensated
for in the circuit that follows.
In general, larger inductance values use coils with ferrite cores that
act as a kind of ‘amplification’ compared to the self-inductance
of the winding on its own. Depending on the size of the core, the
number of turns, and the size of the current that flows, the core
can become magnetically saturated and therefore generate an
enormous amounts of distortion. If more harmonics are measured
at the output of a filter than at the input, the signal level should Figure 21: Frequency response of a fourth-order double inverse Chebyshev
be reduced or inductors with larger ferrite cores should be used. filter.

lektor January & February 2021 81

Figure 22: Close-up of the pass-band of the filter in Figure 20 showing the Figure 23: The innards of a filter. Note the positioning of the inductors.
typical small dip near 75 MHz.

Questions or Comments?
Do you have any questions or comments related to this article?
Then email Elektor at

Idea, circuits and text: Translation: Arthur de Beun
Alfred Rosenkränzer Editor: Stuart Cording
Schematics: Patrick Wielders Layout: Giel Dols

Figure 24: A filter in SMD technology with inductors at an angle of 90°.

Noticeable: the blue inductors are not connected in series and the
capacitors are not connected in parallel.

In addition to the already mentioned zigzag pattern for the arrange- > OWON SDS1102 2-ch Digital Oscilloscope (100 MHz)
ment of inductors, you have to ensure short, direct connections 
to ground. Double-sided printed circuit boards with one side for
signals and one side for ground make this much easier. Especially > Siglent SDG2042X Arbitrary Waveform Generator
at higher frequencies, and therefore lower capacitance, you must (40 MHz)
not forget that the solder pads themselves act as little capacitors 
with respect to ground. If this is relevant you will need to take
> OWON XSA1015-TG Spectrum Analyser
these ‘parasitic’ capacitors into account when selecting the value
(9 kHz – 1.5 GHz)
of the capacitor.  

[1] “Analogue Electronics Design - Part 1: Analogue filter theory”, Alfred Rosenkränzer, Elektor September/October 2020:
[2] LC Filter Design Tool:
[3] AADE:
[4] Quickfil 5.1 (DOS program):
[5] Simetrix:

82 January & February 2021


JOY-iT VAX-1030
Wireless Measurement Module
By Harry Baggen (Elektor)

There is often a desire to extend an existing

circuit or some equipment so that it can
display voltage, current and measurement
of other parameters. Today, such
capability is integrated into measurement
modules of such low price there is
little point in building them yourself.
One example is the JOY-iT VAX-1030.
For around €40/£35/$45 it offers such
capabilty as well as communication
over a wireless link.

What can you expect at such a low price? I honestly

didn’t imagine very much when I saw the small box,
but I was pleasantly surprised when I inspected its
contents. They consisted of a measurement module
with a lot of connectors, a separate display module
with touch keys, a USB cable, a temperature sensor
with a short cable, and a separate small cable for powering
the display (Figure 1).

Figure 1: All of this hardware is included in the little box.

lektor January & February 2021 83

The intent is that the module is fitted into a circuit or device where
voltage and current is to be measured. The measurement module
requires an external 12 V supply voltage. The temperature sensor,
if needed, can be connected to a small connector on the PCB.

There are two options for linking the display module to the
measurement module. You can use the included USB cable to
connect it directly to the measurement module or you can use the
built-in wireless connection. A wireless connection is established
automatically if the USB connection is not available. According
to the manufacturer, several modules can be used at the same
time with up to 26 channels possible simultaneously. Obviously,
when using the wireless connection, the display module must be
provided with its own supply voltage. This can be achieved using
the micro USB port (5 V) or via a two-way JST connector (8–16 V)
for which a matching cable is included.
Figure 2: The measurement module with the top cover unclipped.
The display measures approximately 3 × 2.5 cm and is very bright, so
it is easy to read even under high ambient light conditions. There are
three touch-sensitive buttons next to the display. By default the display
shows the measured voltage and current together with the time at
A lot of current the start of the measurement cycle. A battery icon can be displayed
The version described here is suitable for DC voltages of up to 100 V on the left to indicate the remaining battery capacity after a nominal
and currents of up to 30 A. There is also a version that can handle battery capacity has been entered. The connection mode, relay state
up to 100 A but, unless you want to make measurements on car and measured temperature are shown at the top of the screen.
batteries or the like, 30 A should be enough in most cases. The  
measurement module consists of a small plastic box with several Even more information appears when you touch one of the buttons.
openings in the cover. These allow you to connect the cables and This adds the display of the supplied or consumed power beneath
the power supply to the screw terminals inside the box. the voltage and current. In a further, smaller area you can see how
  many ampere-hours the power source or battery has supplied, the
The internals of the box consist of a sandwich of two PCBs number of watt-hours, and the elapsed usage time. On the right there
(Figure 2). The top PCB holds all the screw terminals and a large is a list with a number of menu items that you can scroll through
relay while the bottom PCB contains the control circuitry and a with the up and down keys. We cover these in more detail shortly.
2.4 GHz transceiver module for wireless communication with the
display module. It looks a lot like an ESP8266 WiFi module but, Potential applications
as the chip is hidden beneath a drop of glue, we can’t be sure. The This set of display and measurement modules can be used for
top part of the enclosure can be easily unclipped to provide good various purposes. For example, you can measure the current
access to the screw terminals. suppled to a load by a power source. If the power source is a battery

DC 12V DC 12V

+ – + – + – + –
Power Load Battery Charger

Figure 3: The load on the output can be replaced by a battery charger. Measurements can be made in both directions.

84 January & February 2021

Figure 4: The display module showing the default screen. Figure 5: After touching a button, a more detailed display including a menu

(primary or rechargeable), you can use this to keep track of how user guide instructions for this module. A little bit of searching
many ampere-hours it has supplied. You can also work in the revealed that it is used for selection of the external 12 V supply
opposite direction, with the load replaced by a battery charger. voltage. In the 3W position an external 12 V supply is necessary
This then shows how much energy has been supplied to the battery for operation of the measurement module. In the 2W position the
(Figure 3). module can derive this voltage from the connected power source,
  as long as the voltage is between 10 V and 30 V. The module tested
There are a number of menu settings that are especially interesting functioned down to 8 V.
for use with rechargeable batteries. For example, the upper and  
lower limits for switching off the relay can be defined. This can be The wireless connection is very convenient for keeping an eye on
used to avoid deep discharging of the battery when it is powering something from a distance. I powered the display module from a
a load, or overcharging when it is being charged. You can also set small powerbank, allowing me to walk around the house with the
a maximum positive current (from the power source to the load) module. You have to be careful with the distance (10 m max.) since
and a maximum negative current (from the charger to the battery) the range drops quickly if there are a few walls between the display
for switching the relay. With this combination you can easily keep and measurement modules. However, the display module includes
track of how much power a connected circuit uses, or how much a signal strength indicator that makes it easy to monitor this.
energy was stored in a battery during charging, without having to
resort to a calculator. The battery icon can also be hidden if you do Conclusion
not need it in a particular application. This set of measurement and display modules is very handy and
affordable for measuring voltage and current in all sorts of circuits.
Practical experience Thanks to the large current range (30 A), it is ideally suited to situa-
The JOY-iT user guide included with the device provides enough tions with high current levels. The ability to use the wireless display
information to get you started, but to learn how to use all the module in one location, while measuring the data somewhere
features properly we recommend that you try each functionality else, is a valuable extra feature that you would scarcely expect at
in the list of menu items. this price. This combination of capabilities is certainly worth the
  price of around €40/£35/$45.
The measured voltage and current are shown on the display with 200571-02
two digits before the decimal point and two digits after (Figure 4
and 5). According to the user guide, the accuracy is ±2% for voltage
and ±5% for current. This turns out to be reasonably correct in a
comparison test with an accurate multimeter. Unfortunately the
display module shows a small voltage even without an input voltage
applied, which is a pity. Although it is within the 2% accuracy speci- RELATED PRODUCTS
fied, it does seem a little strange.
> JOY-iT VAX-1030 Wireless Multimeter
The connector PCB in the measurement module has a jumper with
positions marked 2W and 3W. This jumper is not mentioned in the

lektor January & February 2021 85


New LCR Meter

50 Hz - 2 MHz (Part 2)
Operation, Calibration, and Firmware Programming
By Jean-Jacques Aubry (France)

The measurement principle, the calibration in software and the hardware of this new LCR
meter was discussed in the first part of this article series. In this second and final part, we will
cover the user interface, the calibration, and firmware programming of the AU2019.

In Part 1 of this series, we saw how the AU2019 Operating the LCR meter Stand-alone mode
works, how it measures impedances, the The AU2019 can be used as a stand-alone If the device is fitted with the display exten-
calibration and compensation principles used measurement device, using its LCD, the sion, it can operate independently, without
and the hardware needed. Now it is time to rotary encoder and buttons, but it can also a computer. In this mode, it starts automati-
have a look at this LCR meter from a user’s be operated by a computer via a USB-link. cally when using an external 5 V USB power
point of view. supply. However, if it is being powered from

Table 1.
              50 60       Hz
100 120 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Hz
1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 kHz
10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 kHz
100 120 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 kHz
1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0                 MHz

86 January & February 2021

a PC, but you still want to use it in stand-
alone mode, you’ll need to press the upper
button on the keypad while powering it up.
(The new mode is memorized and no further
action is required for the next start.) The
same action is needed for returning to the
PC mode. When the measurement screen
is displayed, the rotary button changes the
a b
measuring frequency to one of 54 predefined
values (Table 1). 
A long keypress on the rotary button allows
you to enter a user defined frequency. The
digit to be changed is selected using the top
two buttons, and the rotary button changes
its value. After validation, it is this value that is
c d
used (it is displayed in negative) and cannot
be changed by the rotary button. A new long
keypress on the rotary button is required to
exit this mode. If the value is backed up, it will
be offered in the next request.
Button labels are displayed on the screen and
changed to the settings you choose. For some
e f
buttons the action depends on whether they
are pressed short or longer. In the latter case,
the screen flashes briefly to signal that this
state is detected.

> The first (upper) button switches

the component representa-
tion: From AUTO (default mode)
g h
> The second button [TRIM] initiates
the TRIM procedure for the current
Figure 1: The User Menu.
frequency (OPEN or SHORT accord-
ing to the measured impedance). A long
press initiates the procedure of saving
all TRIM actions taken since the last start.
> The third button [AVG S] or [AVG F]
allows you to change the number of User Menu (Figure 1) (1d) allows you to select the standardized
measurements used (average) for the > Language (1a) value in this series.
display, and thus the responsiveness Selection of the language used for the menus. > Sort (1e)
of the instrument. It acts as a switch The current version supports English, French, This menu starts the comparison, with the
between Slow display (Average SLOW German and Dutch. display of the measured value (top), the
is displayed) and Fast display (Average > Q limit for secondary display (1b) upper and lower limits, and of course if the
FAST is displayed). NOTE: This feature Selecting the value of the Q (= 1/D) above test PASSes or FAILs.
is introduced from version 2.0.0 of the which the secondary setting is not displayed. > AC level (1f)
firmware and most screenshots were Possible values are: This menu selects the amplitude of the test
made before the software was updated! 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 no limit signal without load. Possible values are:
> The fourth button [R-HOLD] allows you > Sorting parameters (1c) 100 mV  200 mV  500 mV  1 V (RMS)
to toggle freezing the current range. A This menu lets you select the parame- > DC bias (1g/h)
long press toggles display of the meter’s ters (tolerance and value) used for sorting This menu adjusts the value of the voltage
settings: the range (R1...R4), PGA gain in components. The value proposed will be (for capacitor) or current (for inductance) of
voltage (Ux) and current measurement that of the primary parameter of the refer- DC bias. Possible values are:
(Ix) respectively (with x = 1, 3 or 10). ence component connected before going – 0 to 5.0 V, in 1 V or 0.1 V steps
> The last button [MENU]: Short keypress, into menu mode. These parameters will be – 0 to 50 mA in 10 mA or 1 mA steps
for access to the User Menu (measure- memorized. The first step (1c) allows you
ment parameters), a longer keypress to select the standard tolerance, from E6 Pressing the rotary button changes the value
opens the calibration Menu. (20%) to E96 (1%) series. The second step of the step.

lektor January & February 2021 87

The following steps will take quite some time.
At the end of each step saving of the new
values must be confirmed. Please note that
older parameters will be erased, even if the
new values are NOT saved.
> PGA2: gain 3 calibration followed by
a b
gain 10 calibration
> Calibration of the ranges 1 to 4
> <Open-circuit> Trim, all freq.
> <Short-circuit> Trim, all freq.
At the end of calibrations remove all jumpers
and connect the Kelvin cables or the test
fixture to the BNC connectors. Repeat
the open- and short-circuit Trim proce-
c d
dure to take in account the new parasitic
Figure 2: The Calibration Menu.
Before a test, at a given frequency, it is possi-
ble and even recommended to make the two
corrections TRIM by pressing the correspond-
ing button (the second). New settings (as well
as those at other frequencies) can be backed
For inductances, after validation and a few gold-plated contacts to minimize parasitic up by a long keypress of this button.
seconds for the stabilization, the actual value resistance and disconnect all cables from
of the current is displayed under the label the BNC connectors. The complete calibra- Error checking
<DC>, because it depends on the resis- tion procedure is described in the download- During the firmware start-up sequence,
tance of the DUT. The label of the second able documentation [1]. It is not difficult at all, some checks are performed. First, the
button changes, because the TRIM is no and requires only a multimeter, configuration Bootloader checks the integrity of the
longer possible with DC-bias. It changes to jumpers and a small trimming tool... and a firmware in memory. Then the firmware
BIAS 0 and pressing the button will switch bit of patience because at some steps it will checks for valid language data in high
off the bias. take several minutes. We will only give you memory and verifies the supply voltages.
an overview here. If the power suppl y check fails , the
Calibration menu (Figure 2) message “Power supply Test Error, code
All calibration steps of the device are acces- > Set sine generator offset (2a) A” is displayed and the program loops on
sible in the menu. If the first-time calibra- > Measured value of VRef (DDS) (2b) a sequence with the D12 LED turned on for
tions are performed, it is recommended to > CMRR of voltage differential opamp ½ s and off for 1 s. Each bit of the binary
run them in the menu order. Use jumpers with (2c/d) equivalent number of A shows the state of

Table 2.

The bit is 0 if the

Ux measured voltage

1 -5V -5.3V < Ux <  -4.7V

2 +5V 4.7V < Ux  < 5.3V

3 +3V 2.85V < Ux < 3.15V

4 +6.5V 6.29V < Ux < 6.68V

Figure 3: Controlling the LCR meter via the AU2019 app. 5 +7.5V 7.30V < Ux < 7.60V

88 January & February 2021

one of the verified supply voltages: 0 if the
voltage is correct, otherwise 1 (Table 2).
Of course, it is a good idea to compare this A2019 LCR meter with commercially
PC Mode available equipment. Unfortunately, neither the designer nor the Elektor Lab had
Start the device in PC mode (“Waiting for equipment available to do a comparative test and even worse: it is very difficult to
the GUI…” is displayed), and a few seconds find an LCR meter with measuring frequencies up to 2 MHz. With the kind help and
later start the AU2019 program on the PC assistance of Alfred Rosenkränzer, the AU2019 was compared to a Hameg HM8118
(Figure 3). In the Port menu, select the correct and an HP/Agilent 4263B and a handheld Keysight U1732A, the Hameg with the
serial port, then click the Open port button. highest measuring frequency of 200 kHz. His overall conclusions are the following:
Once the communication is established, the  
firmware version will be displayed to the right The AU2019 has become quite a good measuring device. At some points it has
of the LCR Meter AU2019 app version. After a difficulties (for example, with small coils at 100Hz measuring frequency). This is
short time, all parameters of the DUT will be certainly not the ideal frequency to measure such small coils, the Hameg and HP
displayed. The buttons act as for the stand- produced quite sensible values there.
alone mode.  
  It is nice that you can buy the Kelvin cables and the TH26001A 4 terminal test
Some menus are specific to the PC mode, fixture very cheaply on Ebay, but it is difficult to say how good the quality is. A good
others are the same as those of the stand- connection between component and LCR meter is the key to a stable measurement.
alone mode, all this is explained in the The 16047E test fixture (same type of device as the TH26001A) is very useful.
documentation. There are also instructions  
for firmware and menu text updates. A full It can be said that the overall accuracy of the AU2019 is 1%, and up to 0.1% for values
description can be found in the Operating in the middle of the measurement range, by selecting the correct measurement
instructions document [1]. conditions in relation to the type and value of the component.

How to measure components

Test fixtures have a predominant influence
when measuring at the end of the measur- Capacitor (Figure 5) positive terminals of this bias voltage are J4/
ing range and/or at high frequencies. Special For a capacitor it is possible to superimpose J5. Capacitance must be the dominant part of
attention will be paid to the TRIM procedures. a DC voltage between 0.0 V and 5.0 V on the the impedance, otherwise the LCR meter will
In order for the measurement to be accurate test signal, see the paragraph on DC bias. The automatically switch off the DC-bias voltage!
when the DUT is a low inductance or resis-
tance, it is important that the TRIM short-cir-
cuit compensation is performed just before
the measurement is made. The same goes
for low capacity, in this case with the TRIM
open-circuit compensation.

Resistor (Figure 4)
In most cases, resistors can be measured
with a good multimeter! On the other hand, a b
it may be interesting to know the parasitic
series inductance of a low ohm resistor at
high frequencies, or the parasitic capacitance Figure 4a: Measuring low-ohm resistor at high Figure 4b: Measuring high-ohm resistor at low
of high value resistor. frequency. frequency.

a b c

Figure 5a: Measuring a small capacitor at higher Figure 5b: Measuring a large capacitor at low Figure 5c: Measuring a large capacitor at low
frequency. frequency. frequency and 5 VDC bias.

lektor January & February 2021 89

a b c

Figure 6a: Measuring an inductor with bias Figure 6b: Measuring an inductor at higher Figure 6c: Measuring an inductor without bias
current. frequency. current.


The first time you power up, you need a PC running
Windows and the USB Debug Adapter from Silicon
Labs (e.g. RS part no. 757-0297) for loading the
microcontroller firmware via the JTAG interface
(J15). You must have downloaded the MergedLCR6.
hex file, which is the file that includes both the
bootloader (boot_LCR6.hex), and the firmware LCR6.
hex. Procedures and detailed instructions are given
in the Operating instructions document [1].

LOADING THE FIRMWARE Figure 7a: Programming settings in Silicon Labs’s MCU Production Programmer.
Connect the USB Debug Adapter cable to J15 on the
board and the PC and set SW1 to ON. Run the MCU
Production Programmer [3]:
> Go to Program Menu / Configure Programming Information... and copy all
settings as in the screenshot below, then Accept Settings (you can save
these settings by Save Settings...) (Figure7a/b)
> Click on Program Device to launch the operation.
> After programming is finished, Device Programmed and Verified message
appears in the Status Log window
> Then the display texts (language file) must be uploaded using the
instructions in the Operating instructions document §4.2.5.

Figure 7b: Silicon Labs’s MCU Production

Programmer programming screen.

[1] Documentation and Software Download:
[2] New LCR Meter Project Page on Labs:
[3] Silicon Labs Production Programmer Download:

90 January & February 2021

For the measurement of high value aluminum
electrolytic capacitor, it is important to choose DETERMINING
a test frequency that matches this technol- COMPONENT TYPE AND
ogy and is less than its resonance frequency. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT
This device is designed to measure
Inductor (Figure 6)
three types of components (resistors,
For an inductor it is possible to superimpose
capacitors, inductors) and for each of
a DC current between 0 mA and 50 mA on
the types the conditions of measurement
the test signal (see paragraph 3.1.5 DC bias of
are to be chosen according to its value
the Operating instructions document). Care
and its use. In addition to the value of the
must be taken to ensure that the DC voltage
main parameter, which characterizes the
developed in the internal resistance by this M
component type, it also has a secondary
bias current is less than 0.3 V, otherwise the
parameter that depends mainly on the test
automatic offset circuit of the U7 differential Ω
frequency. The device evaluates the nature
amplifier can no longer work properly.
of the component based on its equivalent
NOTE: The application of 50 mA bias results
in an increase of approximately 210 mA in the
Z = Rs + jXs
total current drawn by the device. Make sure
that your power source can supply it.
from which it calculates the quality factor:
For small RF inductances, make sure the
Q = |Xs|/Rs
measurement is made at sufficiently high
frequency, so that the dominant part of the
In AUTO mode the decision criterion for the
impedance is inductive!
definition of the main parameter and the
equivalent circuit is the value of Q (=1/D)
Figure 8. Equivalent circuit based on quality
and the sign of the reactive component Xs,
Also follow this project on the Elektor Labs project
factor and reactive component. (source: see Figure 8 for the relationship between
page [2], where the author also responds to questions
Fluke) Q, Xs and equivalent circuit.
and comments.

Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments
about his article? Email the author

> Elektor “Kickstarter” Project:
Kit including Main Board + Display Extension Board + all parts

Contributors Schematics: Kurt Diedrich Comparative measurements :

Idea, Design, Text and Illustrations: Editors: Luc Lemmens, Denis Meyer Alfred Rosenkränzer
Jean-Jacques Aubry Layout: Giel Dols

lektor January & February 2021 91


Error Analysis
Tips on Voltage Regular Circuits, PCB Design, and More

Compiled by C. J. Abate (Elektor)

Engineers, makers, and students can learn from

their engineering errors, as well as from the mistakes
of their peers. In our "Error Analysis" series, we let
Elektor community members share their engineering-
related errors and experiences. 

A Case for Voltage Regulator Circuits LEDs inside clear tubing. I calculated the voltage at 13VDC based
on measurements while the boat motor was operating. Then
Have you ever spent hours on an electronics project only to have it I made the mistake of starting the engine without the battery
all go “poof” due to a simple mistake? Scott Coppersmith — a Senior connected and every LED burned out in unison when the alter-
Research Engineer at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, nator output jumped to 21 VDC. Hours and hours of work — poof.
Indiana, USA — has been there. He recently shared his experience Automotive and marine power systems can vary wildly from 8
and offered a tip.  volts to 18 volts or more depending on charge state and load on
  the battery. It’s best to have your own voltage regulator circuits
“I designed a lighting solution for my boat once by stringing for these applications.” — Scott Coppersmith 


Looking for additional info about power systems, LEDs, and voltage regulators? Check out these useful Elektor resources:
> Voltage regulators (
> Power supplies (
> C. Valens, “How to Calculate an ‘LED Resistor’,”, August 2019. (
> M. Heine, “LED Booster for Microcontrollers,”, 2020. (
> C. Valens, “Do You Know the Linear LED Driver?,”, February 2020. (

All Components Are Suspect faulty but brand new components. These included transistors
with their complimentary device in the package or their marking
Looking for tips about printed circuit board (PCB) design? Chris Clapham switched (not sure which) — that is, a PNP in a case with an NPN
is an Auckland, New Zealand-based hardware engineer with 30-plus part number, efficiency diodes that measured nearly identical to a
years of experience working with PCBs. He offers some great advice: good one but did not work properly leaving the power supply to run
always check your components. Even new components can be faulty. very hot. We even had a diode which had the anode and cathode
  swapped. The device the TV manufacture had used (they got them
“Never remove brand new components from the suspect list! While cheap) had the cathode connected to the metal tab (TO-220 type
working for a TV PCB reconditioning company 30-plus years ago case from memory) and that was connecting to the heatsink,
— where we not only repaired faulty PCBs, but they were recondi- which was grounded (no insulator)  but the new part (correctly
tioned, electrolytics replaced, dry joints resoldered, etc., and any made) had the anode connected to the tab, so it shorted when
stressed looking components replaced — we came across a few fitted until you figured out that it needed a mica washer to make it

92 Juli/August 2020

work. Field techs way and not the other, but also it
would replace Never remove brand new must be in the circuit the right way
the shorted origi- (despite the case or PCB marking
components from the suspect list!
nal and then not ).” — Chris Clapham
be able to figure 200562-01
out why the board was still faulty. If they took out the new diode,
it measured fine. And the other diode incident was a DO-201
packaged diode. The shorted diode on the PCB was replaced, yet Share Your Error Analysis
the board would not work. After checking everything several times Want to share details about your electronics-related errors
over and getting advice from a work mate, we noticed that when and learnings? Simply fill out our “Error Analysis” form.
compared to a working PCB the meter leads had to be swapped to Professional electrical engineers, makers, and EE/ECE
get the diode to conduct. The Diode was in the PCB the same way students are welcome to contribute. 
around but the junction inside the case was reversed.  So now I
know that I need to check that the diode not only conducts one


Want tips and insights about PCB design and prototyping? Consider these Elektor resources:
> ElektorTV, “PCB Layout with Pcbnew,” 6/5/2020. (
> C. Valens, “More 3D Libraries for KiCad EDA,” Elektor, 10/7/2019. (
> Elektor, “ElektorPCB4Makers: Your Affordable, Environmentally-Friendly PCB Service,” 1/23/2020.
> KiCad Plugins and Add-ons (
> Schematic Capture with Eeschema (


Authors Wanted
Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on all our
lives and the way we spend our time.

As a consequence, if you find yourself with time on

your hands, why not consider sharing or even selling
some of your expert knowledge with Elektor. We at
Elektor have the know-how and resources to help
bring your video course, article, or book to life.

Send us your idea, and we’ll get back to you.

lektor Juli/August 2020 93


The Open Hardware

Community-Based Open Source Hardware Assessment

By Tessel Renzenbrink (The Netherlands)

The Open Hardware Observatory is an initiative that aims to make open hardware more
accessible. It provides a search engine to help you find open hardware projects published
anywhere on the web. And it is currently developing a community-based platform for
reviewing open source hardware documentation based on DIN SPEC 3105. The Observatory
is being developed by a group of people from Open Source Ecology Germany e.V. and TU
Berlin. Lukas Schattenhofer — together with Consuelo Alberca Susano, Mehrdad Mansouri,
and Nils Weiher — is currently working on the community around the Observatory.
Schattenhofer explains how it works and invites Elektor readers to join the community.

Open-source hardware (OSH) is hardware whose design is made publicly under copyright law too. Not all makers are aware they have to explicitly
available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make and sell assign an open license to enable downstream users to legally re-use
the design or hardware based on that design [1]. To understand the the code or distribute the documentation.
benefits of open hardware, we would have to change our perspective  
on technology, says Lukas Schattenhofer. “For most people, technology The second criterion concerns the documentation. Schattenhofer:
is currently something you consume rather than build and maintain. If a “Documentation is important. OSH is about enabling people to study,
component of their phone breaks, they buy a new one instead of fixing modify and make the hardware. And for that you need the designs.
it. Today, most technology is closed. That means that the information You can’t download the source code as you do with software. With
you need to make repairs isn’t accessible. But if all the documentation hardware, the documentation is the source.”
is available, you wouldn’t need to buy a new phone every two years.  
You would be able to repair it and even build it. Also, it would change Therefore, documentation needs to be in compliance with a minimal
the way products are designed. They would become more modular so set of requirements. An enthusiastic maker who’s uploaded a Youtube
you can swap out parts and combine products with each other.” video of their DIY drip irrigation system probably wants to share it. But
if the video lacks the information needed to reproduce the project, it
“Documentation is the source” isn’t really open source.
But even though there is a thriving open hardware community, OSH
is still much less known than its counterpart open-source software. Documentation assessment platform
The Open Hardware Observatory (OHO) aims to make OSH more Schattenhofer and the team are currently working on the assess-
visible by providing an online repository of open projects [2]. To ment platform. The review process works as follows. An applicant
do so, OHO has created a search engine that crawls the web for uploads a project. Three reviewers assess the documentation. They
projects. These are listed with photos and a short description. But can add comments to point out which parts are missing or should be
not all the projects in the repository are truly open. That is where improved. When the documentation meets all the requirements, the
the second branch of OHO comes in — the assessment platform. project receives an attestation.
It helps makers present their project in such a way that it complies  
with the standards for OSH. The requirements for the documentation are laid down in DIN SPEC
  3105. This is a Publicly Available Specification submitted to DIN, the
There are two main criteria for a project to be open. First, there are German standards body. It specifies concrete measurable criteria for
the licenses. Code or firmware is automatically copyrighted. If a maker OSH compliant documentation. The specification is itself the result
includes software in their project, they must actively assign it an open of a collaborative process of the OSH community. And in accordance
license like the Gnu General Public License or the MIT license [3]. with open source principles, anyone can contribute to the further
Product documentation, especially when it is extensive, often falls development of DIN SPEC 3105 via the Gitlab page [4]. 

94 January & February 2021

There already is an OSH certification process facil-
itated by the Open Source Hardware Association
(OSHWA) [5]. It too is the result of the need felt by
the OSH community to have clear guidelines to
determine whether a project is truly open. But the
OSHWA certification process focuses mainly on
the licensing aspect of open. What was still lacking
were requirements for the documentation side of
OSH, or in other words a clear definition of what
constitutes a source. OHO’s assessment platform
based on the requirements laid out in DIN SPEC
3105 seeks to remedy that gap.

Join the community

The assessment platform is already up and running
but still under development. The developers received
feedback from the community asking for a more Schematic overview of the community-based review process of open-source hardware
intuitive workflow. So they are currently working on documentation. (Image: Courtesy of the Open Hardware Observatory)

The Open Hardware Observatory (OHO) aims to make OSH more

visible by providing an online repository of open projects.

improving the user experience. Schattenhofer and the team are inviting Note: OHO was founded as a collaboration between the non-profit
Elektor readers to join the OHO community. You can join by uploading association Open Source Ecology Germany e.V. (OSEG) and the
your project for review. Or you can apply your technical knowledge as a French-German research project OPEN! Methods and tools for commu-
reviewer. But, Schattenhofer warns, you should be ready to deal with a nity-based product development [6].
website that is not entirely ready yet. So there’s a third role you can take 200560-01
on in the OHO project. You can get involved as a tester of the platform
and help to create a better user interface and workflow.
Schattenhofer: “At the moment, not many people know DIN SPEC 3105
and the community-based assessment platform yet. But we want to
build an active community around the Open Hardware Observatory to
Questions or Comments?
advance mainstream adoption of open source hardware. People who
Do you have questions or comments regarding this article?
join the OHO community now, can really be part of the development
Then get in touch with the Elektor editorial team at
process. If you get involved now, you can bring in your own ideas. If
you are interested in joining OHO, you can contact us at”

Text: Tessel Renzenbrink Editor: Stuart Cording Layout: Giel Dols

[1] This widely used definition was established by the Open Source Hardware Association (no relation to OHO).
[2] Open Hardware Observatory:
[3] List of Open Licenses:
[5] Open Source Hardware Association Certification:
[6] Founding Partners:

lektor January & February 2021 95


Java on the
Raspberry Pi
An Interview with Frank Delporte

By C. J. Abate (Elektor)

You can run Java on the Raspberry Pi. In this interview, Elektor author
Frank Delporte covers the benefits of Java, his Raspberry Pi-based projects,
and much more.

Want to run Java on the Raspberry Pi? experience which was really worth all the
Belgium-based Frank Delporte can help. His hard work.
new book, Getting Started with Java on the  
Raspberry Pi [1], is an excellent resource for Abate: Speaking of your writing and editing
both professional programmers and makers work, we featured your home workspace
interested in experimenting and learning at [3] on the Elektor magazine website in May
their own pace. In this interview, Delporte 2020. Are you still working from home due
talks about the benefits of combining Java to the COVID-19 situation?
and Raspberry Pi, as well as his experiences
as a programmer. Delporte: The situation is more-or-less
back to normal now. I still work at home
Programming, designing, but not really for Covid. At work, we can
and writing keep enough distance, but from time to
time, it’s still better to work home so you
Abate: Congratulations on publishing can focus on a specific task.
the book, Getting Started with Java on the  
Raspberry Pi (Elektor 2020). I will ask more Abate: You have an interesting background,
about the book in a bit. But first: are you which includes work as a software devel-
happy to have all the writing and editing oper, technical lead, author, and video
behind you now? Or do you enjoy that sort editor. Tell us more about yourself.
of work?
Delporte: I’ve always been interested in
Delporte: I really love to write as you can technology and how things work. I was
see on my blog [2]. But I have to admit a full the kind of kid that opened every coffee
book was a lot of work. It requires not only machine, radio or whatever device which
the writing itself, but also collecting all the was broken. I wasn’t able to fix them all,
required information, research, setting up but I learned something new every time!
experiments, drawing eletronic schemes, As a teenager I had a radio show on a local
doing interviews, re-reading, etc. But the station and did some DJing which gave me
feeling of holding your first finished printed the possibility to experiment more with
paper book (Figure 1) is a once-in-a-lifetime electronics.

96 January & February 2021

Figure 1: Delporte’s book,
Getting Started with Java
on the Raspberry Pi. Figure 2: The LED strip setup.

That’s why I decided to study at a (techni- started taking off, I switched to web devel- Abate: At which point did you realize, “Hey,
cal) film school were we learned how film, opment as my customers wanted to share I’m a good instructor/teacher, and I think
radio and television are produced, how the same information on websites with a I can help others interested in Java”? Or,
you calibrate cameras and connect all the content management system. And with did a friend or colleague point you in that
devices and recordings together. After I that knowledge, I grew into Java develop- direction?
graduated, video production changed a lot ment and technical lead doing product
when computer editing got introduced, and development using that technology. Delporte: I like to explain things and
that’s how I got into programming again strongly believe in “learn by teaching.”
when clients wanted their company video Teaching code That’s what I do at CoderDojo with children,
on CD-ROM and Internet. but also with my blog and at work. To fully
  Abate: When did you start organizing understand a topic, you must be able to
Abate: In your bio, you mention the CoderDojo sessions? And what sort of explain it — or vice versa. The articles I
Commodore 64. Do you remember any of courses do you teach? write for my blog are always the result of
your early experiences with it? something I want to try out but don’t really
Delporte: In every company I’ve worked, it know how to do it (yet). During the process
Delporte: I only had one game on my has been a challenge to find good techni- of figuring it out, I write down the steps I’ve
C64, because I really got more interested cal colleagues. Engineering (and definitely taken and what worked and didn’t work.
in programming. Thanks to Elektor, I IT) is still a too male environment. To me, That’s how I learn new stuff and can share
found a book (must be around 1987) with engineering is magic. With a few lines of that knowledge with others.
an electronics board with eight relays you code or a few electronic components, you
could control with the C64 and Basic. I can build “stuff.” I wondered why kids — who A focus on Java
used it to control my Lego train and used love to build and experiment — suddenly
magnetic switches to detect the position of stop doing this and don’t choose a study Abate: Tell us about your history with Java.
that train through the joystick ports. That where they can continue “making things.” Did you first learn it out of curiosity? Or was
was the first time I managed to combine it for a class? Or for work?
software and hardware. Nowadays, such a CoderDojo [4] is a free club where volun-
project would be a lot easier (and cheaper) teers help children from seven to 18 to Delporte: When I started developing multi-
with Arduino or a Raspberry Pi and the experiment with “digital stuff.” We use media applications, I had to learn Action-
many great extension boards. Scratch (block based programming) for Script (and even Lingo before that). Later, I
  programming, build worlds in Minecraft changed to C# and SQL for the web applica-
Abate: What were your career goals in 1994 with JavaScript, control electronics with tions. As you may now know already, I learn
when you left NARAFI Nationaal Radio en Arduino, build robots with Lego, and much by experimenting. But also from reading
Filmtechnisch Instituut in Belgium? more. In 2013, I started such a club in Ieper books and short (on-line) courses. When
and Roeselare and still lead the one in Ieper I started at Televic Rail in 2010, I joined a
Delporte: My first job was video editing —  except now during Corona times, as it team which was already using Java. Switch-
at a local TV station, and after a few years, is difficult to organize such informal clubs ing from C# to Java was very easy. After all
I started doing the same as a freelancer. I when you have to keep a safe distance and these years of programming, I have to say
never had a clear career goal but rolled from can not gather around a PC with different I learn the most from colleagues! Sharing
job to job and learned new things along people. Thanks to CoderDojo and other your work with others in presentations,
the way. That’s how I transformed myself STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering improving the code with pull requests,
from video editor to multimedia devel- and Mathematics) initiatives, we see a accepting comments as how you can do
oper building company presentations on slow increase in the number of engineer things better are all the best ways to learn
DVD and CD-ROM. And when the Internet students — boys and girls! from others.

lektor January & February 2021 97

Figure 3: The drum booth controller’s installed components. Figure 4: Rainbow effect selected for LED strips.

Since I started experimenting with Java experience with Arduino and Raspberry I also joined the Pi4J-team. Pi4J is a frame-
on Raspberry Pi, I got involved in some Pi. They brought there kits to the club, and work and library to combine Java applica-
open-source projects and discussions, and I was really amazed of the power of these tions with the full power of the GPIOs of
that’s a complete new world to me, where inexpensive boards and what you can the Raspberry Pi. This project was started
I meet a lot of very bright people who are achieve with them combined with small by Robert Savage, and he was looking for
also willing to share their knowledge and electronic components. extra team members to bring this project to
experience. Still every day I’m amazed by a new generation which fully supports Java
the stuff you can learn from these projects I was blogging already for some time, but 11+ and the Raspberry Pi 4 with Java modules
and people. You don’t have to contribute my first “public” Raspberry Pi-project was and an easily extendable architecture. I’m
code, but you can also join such a project indeed this Pong game that we used on really excited about the second version of this
by reviewing pull requests, helping to test some activities of the school of my son. framework, which we hope to release soon.
or document the code. I used Python for the user interface; but  
  I have to be honest, I didn’t like to code Abate: Let’s return to the book, Getting
Abate: Are you anti-Python or anti-C? I it very much. For that kind of applica- Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi. Why
assume you aren’t, but I have to ask. tion, I really prefer JavaFX for which there did you write it?
is even a very nice gaming framework:
Delporte: Definitely not! I hate haters. FXGL [6]. Delporte: When starting the drum booth
There are no bad programming languages!   project, I had to find out how to use Java on
I once read a quote which says, “The best Abate: Do you have any RPi-based designs the Raspberry Pi, how to install the right
tool for the job is the one you know the or applications running at home or in your version of JavaFX, how to control the GPIO
best.” In my case, that’s Java and JavaFX if workspace? and an Arduino, etc. That’s when I wrote my
I want to make an application with a nice first article [9], which was published in MagPi
user interface. But in my book, I also used Delporte: I started with Java on the (July 2019, Dutch [10] and French [11] edition).
Python to control a LED number display Raspberry Pi to build a drum booth control-
and an Arduino with LED strips. ler [7] for my son. It’s a touch-screen user Elektor contacted me and asked if this
interface to control multiple lights with a could be the subject of a book. As I couldn’t
For each project (Figure 2), you must make relay-board and LED strips controlled by find a recent one on this topic and Java
a decision what the best tool, programming Arduino (Figure 3). had some major changes in the last years,
language or framework is. And once you’ve this question really triggered me and the
decided, go for it! Maybe you’ll realize later This way I learned to use serial communi- next day I started writing. It took me more
you didn’t make the best choice, but at least cation between the two boards and I²C to than six months and a lot of evening and
you will have learned new things. control the relays. In my book, I extended nights, but I really had fun while writing
this further and used a Mosquitto queue to and experimenting. And, of course, I hope
Working with Java on the exchange messages between more boards it’s as much fun to read the book and try out
Raspberry Pi and PCs. the projects that I included.
Abate: You have been blogging about technol- Abate: What else are you working on these Abate: Do you have any advice for engineers
ogy since 2007. It looks like your first post days? New projects, programs, or books? or makers who are thinking about using Java
about Rapsberry Pi was “Pong on a Raspberry for their Raspberry Pi-based designs?
Pi” [5] (December 2017). Can you tell us about Delporte: I’m further experimenting with
your first experiences and projects with RPi? Java on the Raspberry Pi, of course. I wrote Delporte: Try it, really! Java is still one of
When did you get started with it? some more blog posts on this subject and also the top programming languages world-
experimented with other Java technologies wide. Whether you are an experienced
Delporte: When I started with CoderDojo, (Quarkus [8], Spring, GraalVM) and 64-bit Java developer or starting from scratch,
there were some coaches who already had operating systems on the board. there is a lot to learn and experiment when

98 January & February 2021

Java is not only a programming language,
but also a virtual machine which runs the Java code.
Frank Delporte

you combine Java with a Raspberry Pi and Abate: Is there a programming language ger information to screens on whole sets of
electronic components. that you don’t know that you plan to learn? trains. Solving this technical challenge and
Any hardware you’re thinking of trying out? finally walking through a driving train with
The examples in my book use very cheap 100 screens showing the departing trains at
parts like LEDs, buttons, LCD, LED number Delporte: Java is not only a programming the next station with real-time delays and
display, etc., so you may already have these language, but also a virtual machine which platform changes is very satisfying.
available, or find them in any starter kit. All runs the Java code. On this same VM, you The flow needed to bring all this data
the book examples can be used to combine can also run Scala, Kotlin and many other through unreliable wireless connections
them to the project of your dreams. The languages. So still a lot to explore within (GSM signals aren’t really designed to handle
drumbooth controller I made for my son is this world. For the Pi4J project, I want to fast driving vehicles) is a real masterpiece of
a combination of multiple of those examples extend the example code and documenta- which I’m very proud we could realize with
(Figure 4). tion website, so I will need to set up multiple a small team. But I’m equally impressed by
  small hardware examples and learn a lot of the children at CoderDojo who manage to
Abate: What has the feedback been so far? new stuff myself. make their first Flappy Bird game in Scratch
or blink a LED with Arduino!
Delporte: Although Python was the initial Programming success 200503-01
language to be used on the Raspberry
Pi (yes, that’s where the Pi comes from) Abate: Let’s wrap up with your biggest
and some still believe it’s the only right engineering- or programming-related
choice, I got a lot of positive feedback success. Is there a specific project (software
and questions on this topic. I even got the or hardware) that stands out? What was diffi-
chance to write a post for the Oracle Java cult about that project? What did you learn? Related Product
Magazine [12], which got a lot of readers
and shares! There is a clear interest in Delporte: In my job at Televic, we use > F. Delporte, Getting Started with
this topic, and the future new generation a combination of Java and embedded Java on the Raspberry Pi
of Pi4J will make it even easier to build programming to connect multiple servers
powerful applications. and data sources to bring real-time passen-

[1] Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi:
[2] WebTechie Blog:
[3] “A Software Developer’s Space for DIY Projects and Writing”:
[4] CoderDojo:
[5] “Pong on a Raspberry Pi”:
[6] “Getting Started with FXGL Game Development”:
[7] “Drumbooth Controller with Raspberry Pi and JavaFX”:
[8] Quarkus:
[9] WebTechie Articles:
[10] MagPi (Dutch):
[11] MagPi (French):
[12] “Getting Started with JavaFX on Raspberry Pi”:

lektor January & February 2021 99


Data Analysis
and Artificial
Intelligence in
Interpreting real data with NumPy,
pandas and scikit-learn

The analysis and interpretion of data the entire production line, or make use of contextual information
that originates from our surroundings that indicates the age and type of each machine. This set of data,
or dataset, can be used for different purposes. This could include
and environment is a topic of increasing predictive maintenance, allowing us to evaluate and predict the
interest. Such data is now an established occurrence of abnormal situations, plan orders for replacement
part of our everyday lives, ranging from that parts, or undertake repairs before failures occur, all of which result
in cost savings and increased productivity. In addition, the knowl-
collected about our climate to data acquired edge of the data’s history allows us to correlate the data measured
during smart manufacturing processes. by each sensor, highlighting possible cause/effect relationships.
The quantity of data allows us, in theory, to As an example, if a sudden increase in temperature and humidity
of the room was followed by a decrease in the number of pieces
characterize any phenomenon. However, manufactured, it may be necessary to make changes that maintain
dealing with it requires the mastery of many constant climatic conditions using air conditioning.
skills, both theoretical and practical. Here we  
The implementation of such a system is certainly not within every-
examine some of these techniques and make one’s reach. However, it is simplified by the tools made available
use of Python for the analysis of this real- by the open source community. All that is required is a PC (or,
world data. alternatively, our trusty Raspberry Pi can be used, if the amount
of data to be processed is not huge), a knowledge of Python (which
you can deepen by following a tutorial like this [2]) and, of course,
By Angelo Cardellicchio (Italy) some knowledge of the ’tools of the trade’. OK — let’s get started
and discover them together!
Terms such as big data and artificial intelligence have become a
permanent entry in our everyday language. This is primarily due The tools of the trade 
to two factors. This first is the increasing and pervasive diffusion of Needless to say, we must be able to create programs written in
data acquisition systems that has allowed the creation of virtually Python. To do so, we will have to install the interpreter. This can be
endless knowledge repositories. The second is the continued growth found on the official Python website [3]. In the rest of this article
in computational capability, due to the widespread use of GPGPUs we will assume that Python has already been installed and added
(general-purpose graphics processing units) [1], which has made to the system environment variables.
it possible to tackle computational challenges whose resolution
was once considered essentially impossible. The virtual environment
  Once the Python setup is complete, it is time to set up a virtual
Let’s start with the description of an application scenario that environment. This is implemented as a sort of ’container’ that is
will accompany us through this article. Let’s imagine having to separate from the rest of our system and into which the libraries
monitor an entire production chain (the precise product does used are installed. The reason for using a virtual environment for
not play a role here). We have the ability to acquire data from a the global installation of libraries relates to the rapid evolution of
wide range of sources. For example, we can place sensors along the Python world. Very often, substantial differences arise even

100 January & February 2021

between minor releases of the interpreter, resulting in libraries (and, the corresponding computer vector but should instead be under-
consequently, programs) that are incompatible as they were written stood in the algebraic and geometric sense as a matrix. Since data
for different Python versions. By having a deterministic environ- analysis is based on algebraic and matrix operations, Numpy is
ment where we know the version of each single installed library also the basis for two of the most used frameworks: Scikit-Learn
provides a sort of ‘guarantee’ that our programs will function. In (covered shortly) and TensorFlow.
fact, it will be enough to replicate precisely the configuration of the  
virtual environment and we can be sure that everything will work. A natural complement to Numpy is Pandas, a library that manages
  and reads data from heterogeneous sources, including Excel
To manage our virtual environments we use a package called spreadsheets, CSV files, or even JSON and SQL databases. Pandas
virtualenvwrapper. This can be installed from the shell by using pip: is extremely flexible and powerful, allowing you to organize data into
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper structures called dataframes that can be manipulated as required
  and exported with ease directly into Numpy arrays.
Once the installation is complete we create a new virtual environ-  
ment as follows: The third library we will use is Scikit-Learn. Born from an academic
$ mkvirtualenv ml-python project, Scikit-Learn is a framework that implements most of
  the machine learning algorithms used nowadays by providing a
Note that ml-python is the name of the virtual environment chosen common interface. The latter concept is precisely that of object-ori-
for our example scenario. Obviously, such names can vary and an ented programming: it is, in fact, possible to use virtually every
appropriate name can be chosen by the developer. We proceed algorithm offered by Scikit-Learn through the fit_transform
next by activating the virtual environment: method by passing at least two parameters, such as the data under
$ workon ml-python analysis and the labels associated with it.
We are now ready to install the elements necessary to follow the The last two libraries we will use are Matplotlib and Jupyter. The
rest of the article. first one, together with its complement Seaborn, is necessary to
visualize the results of our experiments in the form of graphs. The
Libraries second offers us the use of notebooks, interactive environments of
The libraries that we present and use here are the five most-used simple and immediate use that allows the data analyst to write and
for data analysis in Python. execute parts of code independently from the others.
The first, and perhaps most famous, is Numpy, which can be consid- Before proceeding further, however, we will introduce some theoret-
ered a sort of port of MATLAB for Python. Numpy is a library for ical concepts that are needed to build a ‘common base’ for discourse.
algebraic and matrix calculations. As a result, those who regularly
use MATLAB will find many similarities, both in terms of syntax and The concepts
optimization. Using algebraic calculation in Numpy is, in fact, more The first concept required is that of datasets, something that is
efficient than nested cycles in MATLAB (to learn more, I leave you often simply taken for granted. These are sets of samples, each of
the link to this article [4]). Predictably, the type of data at the core of them characterized by a certain number of variables or features,
Numpy’s functionality is the array. This is not to be confused with that describe the phenomenon under observation. For simplicity

lektor January & February 2021 101

Figure 1: The home screen for managing notebooks in Jupyter.

Figure 2: An empty notebook.

we can think of a dataset as an Excel spreadsheet. The rows provide sentative of the reading of a single sensor at a given instance in
the samples, that is the individual observations of the phenome- time. The dataset also contains labels that distinguish failures and
non, while the columns provide the features, that is the values anomalies from the proper functioning of the system.
that characterize each of the aspects of the process. Returning to  
the example of smart manufacturing, each row will represent the Once the dataset is downloaded, we install the libraries mentioned
conditions of the production chain at a given moment while each above. From the command line, enter: 
column will indicate the reading of a given sensor. $ pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
  seaborn jupyter numpy pandas install
When we talked about Scikit-Learn, we briefly mentioned  
the concept of label or class. The presence or absence of labels Once the libraries are installed we can set up a simple pipeline
allows you to distinguish between supervised and unsupervised for data analysis.
algorithms. The difference is, at least in principle, quite simple:
supervised algorithms require a priori knowledge of the class of each The first notebook
sample in the example dataset, while the unsupervised algorithms do The first step is to create a new notebook. From the command line
not. In practical terms, to use a supervised algorithm it is required we launch Jupyter using the following instruction: 
that a domain expert establishes the class of belonging for each $ jupyter-notebook 
sample. In the case of a smart manufacturing process, an ’expert’  
could determine if a set of readings, from a specific moment of time, A screen similar to the one shown in Figure 1 will open. We create
represent an abnormal situation or not. Thus the single sample a notebook by selecting New > Python 3. A new tab will open in our
can be associated with one of these two possible classes (abnor- browser with the newly created notebook. Let’s take a moment
mal/normal). This is not necessary for unsupervised algorithms. to familiarize ourselves with the interface, shown in Figure 2,
  which resembles (very vaguely) an interactive command line, a
Futhermore, a distinction must be made between processes with top menu, and several options. 
independent and identically distributed data (IID) and with data in  
a chronological order. The difference is related to the nature of the The first thing that jumps out is the cell, one part of the view we
phenomenon under observation. Samples of an IID process are can now see. The execution of single cells is initiated by the Run
independent of each other, while in a time series each sample button and is independent from that of the other cells (we must
depends on a linear or non-linear combination of the values that keep in mind that the concept of scope of variables remains valid). 
the process output at previous points in time.  
The three buttons immediately to the right of the Run button
Let’s get started! allow you to stop, reboot and reset the kernel, i.e. the instance
With the necessary theoretical and practical terms covered, we that Jupyter associates to our notebook. Restarting the instance
move on to using a suitable dataset for our example case. The may be necessary to reset the local and global variables associated
dataset used is SECOM, an acronym that stands for SEmiCOnductor with the script, which is especially useful when you are experi-
Manufacturing, that contains the values read by a set of sensors menting with new methods and libraries. 
during the monitoring of a semiconductor manufacturing process.  
In the dataset, which can be downloaded from different sources Another useful option is the one that allows you to select the cell
(such as Kaggle [5]) there are 590 variables, each of which is repre- type, choosing between Code (i.e. Python code), Markdown (useful

102 January & February 2021

Figure 3: The first five lines of the SECOM dataset.

Figure 4: Short statistical description of the SECOM dataset.

for inserting comments and descriptions in the format used, for Visualizing the first lines of the dataframe can be useful to have a
example, by GitHub READMEs), Raw NBContent (plain text) and first overview of the data to analyze. In this case we immediately
Heading (offering a shortcut to insert titles). notice the presence of some values equal to ‘?’ that presumably
  represent null values. Moreover, it is evident that the range of the
Importing and displaying data values vary greatly, a factor that we will have to keep in mind later
Once we are familiar with the interface we can move on to imple- on. We can also use the describe() function to get a quick overview
ment our script. Here we import the libraries and modules that of the statistical characteristics of each variable (Figure 4). 
we will use: data.describe()
import numpy as np Statistical analysis can, in general, highlight conditions with a lack
import pandas as pd of normalcy (i.e., data distributed according to a non-parametric
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt distribution), or the presence of anomalies. To offer an example,
%matplotlib inline we note that the standard deviation (std) associated with the
import seaborn as sns variables a116 and a118 is, proportionally, quite high, so we expect
from ipywidgets import interact a high significance of these variables in their analysis. On the other
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier hand, variables such as a114 have a low std, so they are expected to
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer be discarded as they are not very explanatory with respect to the
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split process being analyzed. 
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler  
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, Once the loading and display of the dataframe is complete, we
accuracy_score can move on to a fundamental part of the pipeline: preprocessing. 
from sklearn.utils import resample
  Preprocessing data
It is worth highlighting the instruction %matplotlib inline that As a first step we display the number of samples associated with
allows us to display the graphs produced by Matplotlib correctly.  each class. To do so, we will use the value_counts() function on
  the classvalue column as it contains the labels associated with
Next, the data of the file containing the SECOM dataset is imported each sample. 
using the Pandas read_csv function. Note that, in this example, data[’classvalue’]. value_counts()
the relative path to the file is hardcoded for the sake of simplicity.  
However, it would be advisable to use the Python os package to We see that there are 1463 samples collected in the normal operat-
allow our program to determine this path itself when required.  ing situation (class -1) and 104 in the failure situation (class 1). The
data = pd.read_csv(’data/secom.csv’) dataset is therefore strongly imbalanced and it would be appropriate
  to undertake steps to make the distribution of samples between the
The previous instruction reads in the data contained in the secom. different classes more ‘uniform’. This relates back to the intrinsic
csv file, organizing it in a dataframe named data. We can display functionality of machine learning algorithms that learn on the basis
the first five lines of the dataframe through the head() instruction, of the data available to them. In this specific case, the algorithm will
as shown in Figure 3.  learn to characterize a situation of standard behavior successfully,
data.head() but will have ’uncertainties’ in characterizing abnormal situations.

lektor January & February 2021 103

Figure 5: Number of samples per class in SECOM dataset.

The unbalance is even more evident when looking at the scatterplot column into numeric values. By combining them we generate unique
(shown in Figure 5):  data and we will also remove the values that cannot be handled by
sns.scatterplot(data.index, data[’classvalue’], alpha=0.2) Numpy and Scikit-Learn: data.apply(pd.to_numeric)
With this imbalance in mind (we’ll come back to it later), we proceed We now need to evaluate which features among those contained in
to ‘separate’ the labels from the data:  the dataset are actually useful. We typically use techniques (of higher
labels = data[’classvalue’] or lower complexity) of feature selection to reduce redundancies and
data.drop(’classvalue’, axis=1, inplace=True) the size of the problem to be treated, delivering obvious benefits in
  terms of processing time and performance of the algorithm. In our
Note the use of the axis parameter in the drop function that allows case, we rely on a less complex technique that involves the elimina-
us to specify that the function must operte on the columns of the tion of features of low variance (and therefore, as mentioned above,
dataframe (by default, Pandas functions operate on the rows).  of low significance). We create, therefore, an interactive widget that
  allows us to visualize, in the form of a histogram, the distribution
Another aspect that can be extrapolated from the dataset analysis is of data for each feature: 
that, in this specific version of SECOM data, many columns contain @interact(col=(0, len(df.columns) - 1)
data of different types (i.e. both strings and numbers). As a result, def show_hist(col=1):
Pandas is unable to uniquely determine the type of data with which     data[’a’ + str(col)]. value_counts().hist(grid=False,
each feature is represented and defers the definition of this to the figsize=(8, 6))
user. Therefore, to bring all data into numerical format, it is neces-  
sary to use three functions offered by Pandas.  Interactivity is ensured by the decorator @interact, whose reference
  value (i.e. col) varies between 0 and the number of features present
The first function we will use is replace(), with which we can replace in the dataset. Exploring the displayed data through the widget, we
all question marks with the constant value numpy.nan, the place- will determine how many features assume a single value, meaning
holder used to handle null values in Numpy arrays.  they can be simply overlooked in the analysis. We can then decide
data = data.replace(’?’, np.nan, regex=False) to eliminate them as follows: 
  single_val_cols = data.columns[len(data)/data.nunique()
The first parameter of the function is the value to replace, the second < 2]
is the value to use for the replacement, and the third is a flag indicat- secom = data.drop(single_val_cols, axis=1)
ing whether or not the first parameter represents a regular expres-  
sion. We could also use an alternative syntax using the inplace Of course, there are more relevant and refined feature selection
parameter set to True, as follows:  techniques using, for example, statistical parameters. For a complete
data.replace(’?’, np.nan, regex=False, inplace=True) overview, the Scikit-Learn documentation can be consulted [6]. 
The second and third functions that we can use to solve the problems The last step is to deal with the null values (which we replaced previ-
highlighted above are the apply() and to_numeric() functions ously with np.nan). We inspect the dataset to see how many there
respectively. The first allows you to apply a certain function to all are; to do so, we use a heatmap, as shown in Figure 6, where the
columns (or rows) of a dataframe, while the second converts a single white points represent the null values. 

104 January & February 2021

sns.heatmap(secom.isnull(), cbar=False) Using the test_size parameter we can specify the percentage of data
  reserved for the test; the standard values for this parameter usually
It is evident that many samples show a high percentage of null values range between 0.2 and 0.3. 
that should not be considered in order to remove the bias effect on  
the data.  It is also important to normalize the data. We have already noticed
na_cols = [col for col in secom.columns if secom[col]. that some features assume values with much higher variation than
isnull().sum() / len(secom) > 0.4]  others, and this will result in them being given more weight. Normal-
secom_clean = secom.drop(na_cols, axis=1) izing them allows you to bring them within a single range of values
secom_clean.head() so that there are no imbalances due to initial offsets. To do this, we
  use StandardScaler: 
Thanks to the previous commands, a comprehension list has now scaler = StandardScaler()
isolated all features with more than 40% null values, allowing them X_train = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X_train),
to be removed from the dataset. index=X_train.index, columns=X_train.columns)
The features with less than 40% of null values still need to be dealt X_test = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X_test),
with. Here we can use our first Scikit-Learn object, the SimpleIm- index=X_test.index, columns=X_test.columns)
puter, which assigns values to all NaNs based on a user-defined strat-  
egy. In this case, we will use an average (mean) strategy, associating It is interesting to note the usefulness of the common interface offered
the average value assumed by the feature to each NaN.  by Scikit-Learn. Both scaler and imputer use the fit_transform
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy=’mean’) method to process data that, in complex pipelines, greatly simplifies
secom_imputed = pd.DataFrame(imputer. code writing and library understanding. 
secom_imputed.columns = secom_clean.columns We are now finally ready to classify the data. In particular, we will use a
  random forest [8], obtaining, after training, a model able to distinguish
As an exercise, we can verify that we have no zero values in the between normal and abnormal situations. We will verify the perfor-
dataset through another heatmap (which, predictably, will assume a mance of the model identified in two ways. The first is the accuracy
uniformly dark color). Then we can move on to the actual processing.  score. This is the percentage of samples belonging to the test set
correctly classified by the algorithm. The second is the confusion matrix
Data processing [9] that highlights the number of false positives and false negatives.
We will divide our dataset into two sub-sets: one training and one test.  
This subdivision is necessary to mitigate the phenomenon of overfit- First, we create the classifier: 
ting, which makes the algorithm ’adhere too much’ to the data (see clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500,
here for more background [7]), and ensures the the model’s applica- max_depth=4)
bility to cases different from the ones upon which it was trained. To  
do this, we use the train_test_split function: This creates a random forest with 500 estimators whose maximum
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(secom_ depth is 4 levels. Now we can train our model on training data: 
imputed, labels, test_size=0.3), y_train)

Figure 6: Map of null

values in SECOM

lektor January & February 2021 105

Once the training is finished, the trained model is used to classify for our example:
the test samples:  Model accuracy on test set is: 0.8631921824104235
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) The confusion matrix of the model is:
  [[276 41]
This results in two labels that relate to each of the two tests. The  [ 43 254]]
first one, belonging to y_test, represents the ‘truth’, while the  
second one, belonging to y_pred, is the value predicted by the We immediately notice that the accuracy of the model has
algorithm. By comparing them we determine both the accuracy decreased. This is presumably due to the greater heterogeneity
and the confusion_matrix.  induced in the dataset. However, looking at the confusion matrix,
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)) we immediately notice that the model has in reality improved its
 cf = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)) generalization capabilities, also succeeding in correctly classifying
  samples belonging to anomalous situations. 
The example generates the following results:
Model accuracy on test set is: 0.9341825902335457 Conclusions and references
The confusion matrix of the model is: In this article we introduced a pipeline for the analysis of data from
[[440    0] real processes in Python. It is clear, however, that each of the topics
 [ 31    0]] covered is extremely diverse and theoretical and practical experi-
  ence is essential if you want to seriously engage in data analysis. We
The accuracy, which is around 93%, is very good, so the model looks also learned that you should not stop at the first result achieved,
good. However, we note that the model is very accurate at classify- even in such complex situations such as the one discussed. Instead,
ing the samples of the predominant class, but equally inaccurate in it is necessary to interpret the results obtained from different points
classifying the samples belonging to the minority class. Thus a bias of view in order to discover the difference between a working model
is evidently present. Therefore, we need a strategy to improve this and a model that is, more or less obviously, distorted.
situation. This can be performed by upsampling the data belonging  
to the minority class so as to balance, at least partially, the dataset. The message to take home is then the following: data analysis
To do this we will use the Pandas resample function.  cannot be a mechanical discipline, instead demanding a critical,
normals = data[data[’classvalue’] == -1] in-depth and varied analysis of the phenomenon under observa-
anomalies = data[data[’classvalue’] == 1] tion, guided by theoretical notions and practical skills. I can also
anomalies_upsampled = resample(anomalies, replace=True, highly recommend the references provided through which you
n_samples=len(normals)) can deepen your knowledge in some of the aspects touched on in
  the article, along with the link to the GitLab repository where you
This increases the size of the dataset in order to bring the number can consult the code written for this article.
of normal samples closer to the number of abnormal samples. As   200505-01
a result we have to redefine both X and Y as follows: 
upsampled = pd.concat([normals, anomalies_upsampled]) This article was first published in Italian by Elettronica Open Source
X_upsampled = upsampled.drop(’classvalue’, axis=1) ( Elektor translated it with permission.
y_upsampled = upsampled[’classvalue’]
By performing the training again (including repeating the split
and normalization procedures) we acquire the following results

[1] MATLAB GPU computing support:
[2] Beginners guides for Python programming:
[3] Python:
[4] Best practices for optimisation in MATLAB:
[5] UCI SECOM dataset:
[6] Scikit-Learn user guide:
[7] Overfitting vs. underfitting: a complete example:
[8] Understanding random forest:
[9] Understanding confusion matrix:
[10] GitLab repository for this article:

106 January & February 2021


Project 2.0
Corrections, Updates and Readers’ Letters
By Ralf Schmiedel (Elektor) and Jens Nickell (Elektor)

USB to S/PDIF Interface E-e-e-ternal Blinker

September/October 2020 issue, page 6 (180027) July/August 2020 issue, page 65 (200200)
The circuit diagram in Figure 5 and the parts list There is an error in the circuit diagram: T1 to T3
both give the wrong part number for IC1. The cor- are labelled as BC548C (NPN) transistors, but T3
rect part is the PIC32MX270F256B-50I/SO rather than the PIC- is shown as a PNP type. T3 should be a PNP type as marked
32MX274F256B-I/SO. The printed circuit board is correct. and a BC558 can be used.

New LCR Meter 50 Hz - 2 MHz

November/December 2020 issue, page 6 (190311)
Due to a technical problem we published an old version of the article in the printed edition, we have to apologize for
this! The PDF on the webpage shows the correct version, free download:

Questions or Comments?
Do you have questions or comments? Then get in touch with
Elektor by email at

How to Take (Successful) Photos of Electronics

July/August 2020 issue, page 44 (200186)
I found the article ‘How to Take (Successful) Photos of Electronics’ a
fascinating read. However, it is possible to reduce the effort involved
somewhat and leave the lens in your magnifier lamp without reducing
the quality of the results. Very low-cost ring lights are available to fit all current SLR
cameras and, despite their price, they are of good quality. In my photography I use a
Fositan RF-550D that is available from Amazon for around £30. The unit comes with
a wide range of adaptors to fit lenses of different diameters. If you are not the lucky
owner of a macro lens then an add-on close-up lens can be used: use +2 dioptres to
be on the safe side. When using the ring light it is necessary to put the camera into
manual mode, setting the aperture and shutter speed by hand. At normal brightness
(setting 0) and ISO 100 I have obtained good results at f/11 and 1/60 s. If the images
are too dark then the ISO setting can be increased to 200. With these values it is also
possible to work without a tripod.
The light works very well in conjunction with my camera (a Canon 80D with 18–55 mm
zoom lens) without having to dig into its more obscure settings. First the appropriate
adaptor ring is threaded onto the front of the lens and then the control box can be
mounted onto the flash bracket. The ring light itself is then attached to the adaptor.
Volker Schmidt


lektor January & February 2021 107


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lektor January & February 2021 109


Getting to Know
the Parallax Propeller 2 (Part 1)
An Introduction

By Mathias Claußen (Elektor)

Parallax put its new Propeller 2 chip — eight

cores, half a megabyte of RAM and high-
speed I/O with up to 300 MHz — into silicon.
We received an evaluation board, so let’s take
a look at the Propeller 2 and its features.

Figure 1: Parallax Propeller 2 Evaluation Board Rev.C.

When Parallax introduced its first Propeller chip in 2006, it was and 512 × 32 Bit Lookup RAM per core. Besides core count and
something different than what we had seen before. In recent RAM, the chip includes a whole set of interesting peripherals and
months, while working on the Propeller 2, Parallax has asked features that include:
users and engineers to give feedback, as the first appearance of
the chip was not in form of silicon but was given as bitstream for an > CORDIC solver with scale-factor correction
Altera DE10-Nano FPGA board. Over the time Parallax collected the > 16 semaphore bits with Atomic read-modify write
feedback and went on to get the design for the Propeller 2 in silicon. > 64 bit free running counter
Fortunately, the company wrote about the process in the Propeller > USB 2.0 FS host and slave interface
forum so that the community can learn about the chip manufac- > Smart I/O pins (For more details, refer to the “Smart Pin
turing process. As I write this, Revision C silicon is approved for Functions” textbox.)
production. Let’s take a look at the Propeller 2 and its features.  
Parallax was kind enough to send us an evaluation kit (Figure 1) with
The Propeller 2 a Revision C engineering sample on it, so that we could have a first
The chip is officially rated for 180 MHz clock speed, resulting in look at and start playing. So I will use this article series to give you
90 MIPS per core, and every instruction takes at least two clock some insight into the chip, its peripherals, sample code, and more.
cycles. Overclocking the Propeller 2 is possible and speeds beyond  
300 MHz can be reached, resulting in 150 MIPS per core. When A word of warning: as I write this, the chip is officially not released,
it comes to CPU cores, your microcontroller has usually one, or so you should expect that we will hit some rough spots when it
sometimes two. The Propeller 2 has eight independent cores, called comes to software that might still be under construction. We were
cogs, which provide a lot of computation power. All cogs share provided with not only the evaluation board, but also a stack of
512 KB RAM on this model, and additional 512 × 32 Bit Registers add-ons to test and play with (see Figure 2).

The Propeller 2 has eight independent cores, called

cogs, which provide a lot of computation power.

110 January & February 2021

> 8-bit, 120-Ω (3 ns) and 1-kΩ DACs with 16-bit oversampling, logic/1.5 k/15 k/150 k/1 mA/100 µA/10 µA/float
noise, and high/low digital modes > Programmable 32-bit clock output, transition output, NCO/
> Delta-sigma ADC with five ranges, two sources, and VIO/GIO duty output
calibration > Triangle/sawtooth/SMPS PWM output, 16-bit frame with
> Several ADC sampling modes: automatic 2n SINC2, 16-bit prescaler
adjustable SINC2/SINC3, oscilloscope > Quadrature decoding with 32-bit counter, both position and
> Logic, Schmitt, pin-to-pin-comparator, and 8-bit-level- velocity modes
comparator input modes > 16 different 32-bit measurements involving one or two signals
> 2/3/5/8-bit-unanimous input filtering with selectable > USB full-speed and low-speed (via odd/even pin pairs)
sample rate > Synchronous serial transmit and receive, 1 to 32 bits, up to
> Incorporation of inputs from relative pins, -3 to +3 clock/2 baud rate
> Negative or positive local feedback, with or without clocking > Asynchronous serial transmit and receive, 1 to 32 bits, up to
> Separate drive modes for high and low output: clock/3 baud rate

Where have the peripherals gone? the individual peripherals and their special features will be quiet
Wondering where the SPI, I2C and UART modules are? Those can long and boring at the beginning, we are going to introduce them
be formed by using the smart pins and some code inside the cogs. while we move along with the Propeller 2, so introducing them
Even if they are not directly on the feature map, they are avail- “On-Demand”. The next step will be a short look at the development
able. With this approach we will be able to output an HDMI signal environment and getting our first I/O pin to drive an LED.
directly to a monitor and display content from a flash chip. But 200479-01
that is planned for the end of this series. As an introduction to

Questions or Comments? Contributors

Do you have questions or comments about his article? Email Author: Mathias Claußen
the author at or contact Elektor Editor: Jens Nickel and C. J. Abate
at Layout: Giel Dols

Figure 2: Add-on baords for the Propeller 2 Evaluation board.

lektor January & February 2021 111


The Elektor Store

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The Elektor Store has developed from the that we ourselves are enthusiastic about or that
community store for Elektor’s own products we simply want to try out. If you have a nice
like books, magazines, kits and modules, into suggestion, we are here (
a mature webshop that offers great value for Our main conditions:
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112 January & February 2021

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Member Price: €22.46 Member Price: €62.96

lektor January & February 2021 113


Hexadoku The Original Elektorized Sudoku

Traditionally, the last page of Elektor magazine is reserved for our puzzle with an electronics
slant: welcome to Hexadoku! Find the solution in the gray boxes, submit it to us by email,
and you automatically enter the prize draw for one of five Elektor store vouchers.

The Hexadoku puzzle employs numbers in the hexadecimal range A number of clues are given in the puzzle and these determine
0 through F. In the diagram composed of 16 × 16 boxes, enter the start situation.
numbers such that all hexadecimal numbers 0 through F (that’s
0-9 and A-F) occur once only in each row, once in each column Correct entries received enter a prize draw. All you need to do is
and in each of the 4×4 boxes (marked by the thicker black lines). send us the numbers in the gray boxes.


Correct solutions received from Ultimately February 10th, 2021,
the entire Elektor readership supply your name, street address
automatically enter a prize draw and the solution (the numbers in the
for five Elektor store vouchers gray boxes) by email to:
worth €50.00 each, which should
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The solution of Hexadoku in edition 6/2020 (November & December) is: F1235.
The store vouchers have been awarded to:
Huub Liebregts, G.D. (Joe) Young, Jean-Claude Carré, Ralf Boldt Velbert and R. Torfs.
Congratulations everyone!

The competition is not open to employees of Elektor International Media, its subsidiaries, licensees and/or associated publishing houses.

114 January & February 2021

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