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Lighting Features in Historical Buildings Scientif

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Lighting Features in Historical Buildings: Scientific
Analysis of the Church of Saint Louis of the
Frenchmen in Sevilla
Jose-Manuel Almodovar-Melendo 1, * , Joseph-Maria Cabeza-Lainez 1
and Inmaculada Rodriguez-Cunill 2
1 School of Architecture and the Faculty of East Asian Studies, University of Seville,
41012 Sevilla, Spain;
2 Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Sevilla, 41003 Sevilla, Spain;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-954-556556

Received: 18 July 2018; Accepted: 14 September 2018; Published: 19 September 2018 

Abstract: Heritage issues have increased significantly in recent years. However, they tend to remain
in the cultural sphere and are often resistant to scientific analyses. If we have to deal with the
contradictory matter of sustainability in design for ancient buildings, such hindrances appear
frequently. A crucial aspect in Architecture has always been its capacity to dispose internal spaces
and apertures in a manner that enhances the balance of light and thus provides attuned perception
and well-being. Poor performance in that respect raised objections against the prestige of admirable
works and famed artists. If we reject the absurd idea of accurately reproducing identical buildings
in the same place repeatedly, how are we supposed to benefit from the said knowledge without the
help of any objective design tools? It is easy to agree that at least we would need some scientific
support to transmit such proper effects. Aware of the former notions, authors have developed a
novel simulation software called DianaX, which is based on mathematical models and equations
produced and expanded by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez, from roughly 1990 to 2018. This non-commercial
software deals with radiative exchanges in all kinds of surfaces (for instance domes, vaults, cylinders,
hyperboloids and curves in general). It also includes direct sun in the simulations unlike most
programs. Therefore, it is ideally suited for the analysis of heritage architecture and especially that
which identifies with the Renaissance, baroque and neoclassical epochs. The case of temples from
the baroque period resumes the conflict expressed in the first paragraph and the Jesuit Church
of Saint Louis (1699–1731) is one of the most relevant examples of efficient illumination found in
Mediterranean latitudes, having been recently restored. In this article, we would like to discuss
the subtle and interesting implications of employing our simulation software for lighting in such a
complex baroque temple. The methodology would be to identify the main energy sources within
the church in order to construct a suitable model for simulation. Subsequently we apply the said
software DianaX to such model and establish the most significant results trying to compare them
with available on-site measurements. Finally, a strategy to enhance day-lighting and supplement it
with other light sources in the church is proposed.

Keywords: daylighting; architectural simulation; monitoring; Saint Louis of the Frenchmen; iconography

1. Introduction
Famous buildings from the past and the present have brandished their excellence in the respect
of lighting control. Their thresholds were praised from an artistic point of view for the way in which
solar radiation penetrated their interiors [1]. It is said that these buildings scattered the light when it

Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352; doi:10.3390/su10093352

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was excessive or augmented it if scarce. Inside their vaults the light itself has been termed by poets or
architects as quaint, bland, dim, uplifting, ruthless or even monosyllabic. Consequently, knowledge of
daylighting has interested many architectural theorists including Siegfried Giedion, Le Corbusier’s
colleague, who pointed out:
“It is light that induces the sensation of space. Space is annihilated by darkness. Light and
space are indissolubly summoned.” [2] (p. 445)
Even though architectural theoreticians have celebrated the excellence of daylighting in relevant
buildings, they carried out very few assessments of such illumination. In fact, the architectural literature
has usually shown a high degree of inaccuracy regarding its most revered buildings (Figures 1 and 2).
Consequently, they have produced an undesired effect, the inability to preserve or transmit the
benefits of daylighting in historic halls, thus provoking inadequacy of environmental measures and
supplementary means of lighting.
We would agree that we require objective evaluation of performance in ancient buildings.
However, such evaluation of lighting is difficult and cumbersome due to the unpredictable behaviour
of visitors and personnel and the variability of weather conditions. Henceforth simulation is an
appropriate tool to evaluate the potential of the building in sustainability terms, given that we take
certain caveats into account [3].
Following such concern, we have been involved, for a number of years, in the development of
a mathematical model to simulate the radiation or more specifically illumination in a physical or
architectural medium. To this end, the authors expand a series of algorithms stemming from the
algebra of configuration factors [4]. This mathematical model extends the radiation properties of
diffuse sources to all kinds of luminous exitance from building surfaces irrespective of their shape
(a significant novelty to our knowledge) and including the reflected component, even for curved
geometries, for the first time in history. The surfaces are therefore treated as radiative emitters by virtue
of the generalized law of the projected solid angle [5,6]. The concept of surface source allows for the
inclusion of direct solar radiations since it is independent of the sky condition. The simulation of the
aforementioned objectives can be fulfilled by entirely geometric or formal factors and thus appropriate
to the architectural profession.
When we are discussing a radiant phenomenon in which a sufficiently diffuse energy is
transmitted, we intend to know how the energy will be propagated or distributed so we can improve
our architectural design with respect to such distribution. In this regard, illumination manifests itself
through fields of a fundamentally vector nature [7]. Therefore, our main objective is to discern the
behaviour of these fields in their unaltered state. On this topic, we have incorporated important
contributions by Yamauchi [8], Moon and Spencer [9,10] among others.
Nevertheless, modifications of architectural features have the potential to alter substantially
the field of study. In this regard, one of the main problems in environmental sciences applied to
architecture has been to determine in which ways the existing physical fields are transformed due
to buildings’ features and towards which direction our design should be oriented in the search for a
sounder transmission of climatic events [11]. In other words, how the design and architectural forms
could be improved to achieve an optimal and coherent distribution of natural energies or at least of
supplementary energy in the case of retrofit of heritage.
In this regard, the proposed mathematical model allows us to determine the illuminance vector at
every point of the space under study and hence to immediately obtain the flux lines in the radiant field
caused by any architecturally conceived form. This procedure has been validated in dozens of projects
and hundreds of radiation measurements around the world [12–23], see Figure 3. Among them,
we would like to present some random cases of the following: in Rome (Italy), the Church of
Sant’Andrea by Bernini, Sant’Ivo by Borromini and the Pantheon. In Paris (France) the National
Library by Henri Labrouste. In Kyoto (Japan), the Buddhist temple of Ryoanji. In Salvador (Brazil)
the Church of Sao Bento, in India the temples of Ajanta and Modhera and in Korea the temple of
Seokguram (Gyeongju). These field works have been completed roughly between 1996 and 2018.
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Figure 1. The Roman Pantheon, lighting simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-
Laïnez. Figure 1. The Roman Pantheon, lighting simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
Figure 1. The Roman Pantheon, lighting simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-

Figure 2. Plans
Plans2.and and Views
Views of Chaitya
of Chaitya numbernumber
26 at26Ajanta
at Ajanta (India)
(India) showing
showing illuminance levels.
illuminance levels. (3000–
(3000–50 lux). Simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
50 lux). Simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
Figure 2. Plans and Views of Chaitya number 26 at Ajanta (India) showing illuminance levels. (3000–
In this manner, such remarkable spaces for Universal Architectural History have been thoroughly
50 lux). Simulation conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
In and
manner, such remarkable
analysed spaces
and we ought forwith
to say that Universal Architectural
the encouragement History have been
of no one.
thoroughly and painstakingly analysed and we ought to say that with the encouragement of no one.
In this manner, such remarkable spaces for Universal Architectural History have been
thoroughly and painstakingly analysed and we ought to say that with the encouragement of no one.
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Figure 3. The Seokguram Buddha temple at Gyeongju (Korea). Simulation of a hypothetical aperture
conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.

Figure 3. The Seokguram Buddha temple at Gyeongju (Korea). Simulation of a hypothetical aperture
2. A Brief Outline
Figure 3. of
Thethe History
Seokguram of the
Buddha Church
temple at Gyeongju (Korea). Simulation of a hypothetical aperture
conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
conducted and validated by Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
The Church
2. A Briefof Saint of
Outline Louis lies inofSevilla
the History in the southernmost point of Spain (latitude 37°22′ N),
the Church
2. A Brief
(Figure 4). It The Outline
wasChurch of
erected the History
by Louis of
local lies the
of Saint in Sevillabetween 1699 andpoint
in the southernmost 1731 under
of Spain the guidance
(latitude 37◦ 220 N), of Jesuit
architects (Figure
Church of Saint
4). It was among
erected by liesthem
local Angelo
Sevilla theItalia.
inbetween The
1699 andbuilding of was
1731 theso
Spain influential
guidance 37°22′ in the urban
of Jesuit
layout that the 4).
architects Itand
former was erected Street,
King’s by local
hypothetically among inbuilders
which between
Angelo 1699
the church and
Theis 1731 was
located,under the guidance
so influential
changed of urban
in the
its name Jesuit
to the current
architects andthe
layout that hypothetically
former King’samong
Street,them Angelo
in which the Italia.
churchThe buildingchanged
is located, was so influential
its name toin the
the urban
denomination of Saint Louis’ Street.
layout of SaintKing’s
that the former Louis’Street, which the church is located, changed its name to the current
denomination of Saint Louis’ Street.

Figure 4. View of the Dome decorated with frescoes from the inside and the lantern and main eight
windows. Source: Almodovar-Melendo.
Figure 4. View of the Dome decorated with frescoes from the inside and the lantern and main eight
Figure 4. View of the Dome decorated with frescoes from the inside and the lantern and main eight
Despite theSource:
windows. discussion on the authorship of the project, an important participation in the works
windows. Source: Almodovar-Melendo.
of the famous Sevillian master Leonardo de Figueroa has been reported, albeit in collaboration with
other artists. Its Greek-cross disposition is rare in Spain and probably relates to the Italian tradition
Despite theadiscussion
showing clear parallelon thethe
with authorship
church of of the project,
S. Francesco an important
Saverio (St. Francis participation
works in the
Xavier) in Palermo
of the famous Sevillian master Leonardo de Figueroa has been reported, albeit in collaboration with
Sustainability 2018, FOR10,
10, x 2018, 3352 REVIEW
PEER 5 of 23 5 of 23

(Sicily), where Despite

the Jesuit Angelo on
the discussion Italia was the of
the authorship chief architect.
the project, In fact,participation
an important resemblances in the can
worksbe traced to
of the famous Sevillian master Leonardo de Figueroa has been
other important religious constructions, featuring designs by Carlo Fontana, Bernini, reported, albeit in collaboration withRainaldi or
other artists. Its Greek-cross disposition is rare in Spain and probably relates to the Italian tradition
like the church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo or Santa Agnese in Piazza Navona. The
a clear parallel with the church of S. Francesco Saverio (St. Francis Xavier) in Palermo (Sicily),
church haswhere
been the
Jesuit Angelo as Italia
one of wasthethemost outstanding
chief architect. In fact,temples erected
resemblances can bebytraced
the Society
to other of Jesus of
all times and religiousto
comparable constructions,
the ancient featuring
wonders designs
of by Carlo Fontana,
antiquity Bernini, Rainaldi
as ziggurats or Borromini,
et cetera [24].
like the church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo or Santa Agnese in Piazza Navona. The church has
This church is oriented according to the four cardinal points in a way that the main entrance is
been considered as one of the most outstanding temples erected by the Society of Jesus of all times and
located to the east and
comparable the
to the main
ancient altar to
wonders the west
of antiquity and, in et
as ziggurats this manner,
cetera [24]. revolves the usual Christian
disposition where This the
churchmain façadeaccording
is oriented must face west.
to the Many artworks
four cardinal manufactured
points in a way by great
that the main entrance is masters of
the Sevillian to the can
Baroque east and the main
be found inaltar
the west ofand, in church
the this manner, revolves
[25]. the usual Christian
The altarpieces, which exhibit a
disposition where the main façade must face west. Many artworks manufactured by great masters of
great profusion of gilt surfaces and other glistening and reflective details, were mainly carved by
the Sevillian Baroque can be found in the interior of the church [25]. The altarpieces, which exhibit a
Pedro Duque greatCornejo
profusion of andgilt the author
surfaces of the
and other majority
glistening of thedetails,
and reflective frescoes
were was
mainlyDomingo Martinez. The
carved by Pedro
iconographic program
Duque Cornejo andrefers to relevant
the author evangelizers
of the majority andwas
of the frescoes founders
Domingoof the Society
Martinez. of Jesus like Xavier
The iconographic
program refers to relevant evangelizers and founders of the Society of Jesus like Xavier depicted in
depicted in his arrival to the shores of Japan and Loyola. An altarpiece dedicated to Saint Stanislaus
his arrival to the shores of Japan and Loyola. An altarpiece dedicated to Saint Stanislaus Kostka was
Kostka wascarved
carved insouth
in the the south wall,
wall, while while
another another
dedicated dedicated
to Saint to Saint
Francis Borgia Francis
appears in theBorgia appears
north side of in the
north side of
thethe temple
temple (Figure(Figure
5). 5).

Figure 5. Altarpiece
Figure 5. Altarpiece dedicated
dedicated totoSaint
Saint Francis
FrancisBorgia, detail ofdetail
Borgia, the church.
of Source: Almodovar-Melendo.
the church. Source: Almodovar-

Referring to the girth and typology of the building, the width of the cupola is of 13.5 m and it
rests on a drum 14.85 m high, that presents eight tall windows with a total area of 6.3 square meters
each. It is interesting to notice that the ratio of glazing to lateral enveloping area is lesser than 10%
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 6 of 23

Referring to the girth and typology of the building, the width of the cupola is of 13.5 m and it
rests on a drum 14.85 m high, that presents eight tall windows with a total area of 6.3 square meters
each. It is interesting to notice that the ratio of glazing to lateral enveloping area is lesser than 10% and
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR
incomparable PEER REVIEW
to modern buildings made of curtain walls or even fully glazed (Figure 6). 6 of 23

Figure 6. Virtual reality depiction of the central nave of the Church. Source: Gonzalo Pulido.
Figure 6. Virtual reality depiction of the central nave of the Church. Source: Gonzalo Pulido.
3. Description of the Mathematical Model
3. Description of the Mathematical Model
3.1. Fundamentals
A variety of mathematical models has been employed to determine the potential of the physical
3.1. Fundamentals
components at the nave of the church and to simulate its daylighting fields. The basic operations
A variety
involve of mathematical
a configuration factormodels
algebra has
newlybeen employed
developed by theto determine
authors. Another the potential
important of the physical
components at the nave of the church and to simulate its daylighting fields. The basic for
of the method proposed is that it incorporates both the direct and reflected component of light operations
curved surfaces, as we will discuss in more detail below. This
involve a configuration factor algebra newly developed by the authors. Another important procedure, a further advance of the
research of Yamauchi and the American engineers H. Higbie and Levine [26], completes Lambert’s
innovation of the method proposed is that it incorporates both the direct and reflected component of
corollary of reciprocity [27], representing a more generalized version of the form factors concomitant
light for with
thosesurfaces, as transfer
used in heat we willfordiscuss in more
radiometric systems detail
[28]. below. This procedure, a further advance
of the research of Yamauchi
The model extends theand the properties
radiation American engineers
of diffuse sourcesH.toHigbie
luminousand Levine
exitance of all [26],
kinds completes
Lambert’s corollary of reciprocity [27], representing a more generalized version of the form factors
building surfaces that are subsequently considered as radiative emitters. Once the initial intensity of
each surface
concomitant is known
with those used andinthe primary
heat shape
transfer forof radiometric
the exchangerssystems
is fixed, successive
[28]. interchanges are
obtained until a balance of the required accuracy is achieved.
The model extends the radiation properties of diffuse sources to luminous exitance of all kinds
The configuration factor is a dimensionless fraction (varying from zero to one) that originated
of building surfaces
in the work of that are subsequently
J. Lambert considered
(1760). It expresses the amount asofradiative
radiant flux emitters. Once from
Eb that arrives the initial
a givenintensity
of each surface
surface toisothers
known andexposed
directly the primary shape
to the first, if bothofare
the exchangers
perfectly is fixed,Itsuccessive
diffuse emitters. depends solely interchanges
are obtained until asize
the position, balance
and formof the required
of the accuracy
given surfaces. is achieved.
Therefore, we could term it as geometrical and the
corresponding domain of study of these matters
The configuration factor is a dimensionless fraction (varying is geometric optics [29].
zero to one)speaking,
that originated
we can define it by the following integral equation whose terms appear in Figure 7.
in the work of J. Lambert (1760). It expresses the amount of radiant flux Eb that arrives from a given
surface to others directly exposed to the1 first, if both
cos θ1are
cos perfectly diffuse emitters. It depends solely
Z Z 
F12 = 2
dA1 dA2 , (1)
on the position, size and form of the given A1 A surfaces.
2 A1 Therefore, we could term it as geometrical and
the corresponding
where Ebi is thedomain of study
radiant power emittedofbythese matters issurface
the corresponding geometric optics 2[29].
1 or 2 (lumen/m ). Ai isMathematically
the area
speaking,of surface, dAi is the differential of area (m ); r is the distance radio-vector (m). θ i is the angle between7.
we can define it by the following 2integral equation whose terms appear in Figure
1 cos 𝜃 cos 𝜃
𝐹 = 𝑑𝐴 𝑑𝐴 , (1)
𝐴 𝜋𝑟

where Ebi is the radiant power emitted by the corresponding surface 1 or 2 (lumen/m2). Ai is the area
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 7 of 23

radio-vector at differential element i and the normal to the surface (radians), dΦ1–2 is the differential of
radiant flux from surface 1 to 2 (lumen).
The previous expression states that radiant interchange for every given form depends on its
shape and its relative position in the three-dimensional space. From the times of Lambert to our days,
researchers and scientists in the fields of geometric optics and radiative transfer have sought to provide
solutions to the canonical equation in the figure for a variety of forms [6]. This implies no minor feat,
since the said equation leads, in most cases, to a quadruple integration and the fourth degree primitive
of even simple mathematical expressions often entails lengthy calculations [4].
The configuration
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR factors Fij possess the well-known property by virtue of which,

∑ Fij𝐹 ==1,1, (2)
j =i (2)

For any surface A and this implies within an enclosure of n surfaces,

For any surface Aii and this implies within an enclosure of n surfaces,
F11𝐹 + +
F12𝐹 + +
F13𝐹 + +
. .⋯
. ++F𝐹
1n ==1.0,
1.0, (3)

If only
considered 𝐹 F
considered = 0 =(a 0flat
(asurface does not
flat surface doesseenot
seeBut in theBut
itself). particular
in the
case of baroque churches with many curved surfaces like spheres and cylinders, the
particular case of baroque churches with many curved surfaces like spheres and cylinders, the factors with repeated
with repeatedtend to have values
sub-indexes tendwhich havevalues
to have not been
whichdescribed in the
have not literature
been in aninexact
described the formulation.
literature in
Such is a significant part of the novelty and opportunity of our approach and simulation
an exact formulation. Such is a significant part of the novelty and opportunity of our approach program, one of
the main reasons behind this article.
simulation program, one of the main reasons behind this article.

Figure 7. Equation parameters. Source: Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.

Figure 7. Equation parameters. Source: Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez.
The authors have devoted more than a decade of their careers to solve the former integral equation
The authors have devoted more than a decade of their careers to solve the former integral equation
in an exact manner and the main outcome is that both the accuracy and speediness of computational
in an exact manner and the main outcome is that both the accuracy and speediness of computational time
time with these procedures are radically enhanced.
with these procedures are radically enhanced.
The second fundamental property of configuration factors is lack of symmetry. Since, due to
The second fundamental property of configuration factors is lack of symmetry. Since, due to
Lambert’s law, A1 F12 = A2 F21 consequently, F12 6= F21 , unless both surfaces have the same size.
Lambert’s law, 𝐴 𝐹 = 𝐴 𝐹 consequently, 𝐹 𝐹 , unless both surfaces have the same size.
The authors have established based on these two principle axioms a complete algebra for the first
The authors have established based on these two principle axioms a complete algebra for the first
time in the literature that includes not only addition but also scalar product. We judge that to delve
time in the literature that includes not only addition but also scalar product. We judge that to delve on
on this product exceeds the scope of the present article. Suffice to say that it permits the analysis of
this product exceeds the scope of the present article. Suffice to say that it permits the analysis of
concatenated curved surfaces (previously untreated).
concatenated curved surfaces (previously untreated).
For the particular case of rectangular windows, if we are discussing their effects in the daylighting
For the particular case of rectangular windows, if we are discussing their effects in the daylighting
performance of a building, we should be utterly aware of how and where and especially under
performance of a building, we should be utterly aware of how and where and especially under which
which conditions the light reaches the inner spaces. With this objective in mind, expressions for the
conditions the light reaches the inner spaces. With this objective in mind, expressions for the configuration
configuration factor between rectangular inclined surfaces have been integrated at several angles to be
factor between rectangular inclined surfaces have been integrated at several angles to be used for
used for daylighting simulation (Figure 8).
daylighting simulation (Figure 8).
The window is considered to be, a uniform diffuse luminous source (its luminance L in lumen
is constant for a given instant of time). As a result, we can obtain the following and more general
expression for its illuminance E (lumen/m2):
𝑎 cos 𝜑 − 𝑦 𝑏
⎡ arctg +⎤
𝐿 ⎢ 𝑎 + 𝑦 − 2𝑎𝑦 cos 𝜑 𝑎 + 𝑦 − 2𝑎𝑦 cos 𝜑 ⎥
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 8 of 23

The window is considered to be, a uniform diffuse luminous source (its luminance L in lumen
is constant for a given instant of time). As a result, we can obtain the following and more general
expression for its illuminance E (lumen/m2 ):
a cos ϕ−y
 
√ arctg √ 2 2 b +
L a2 +y2 −2ay cos ϕ √ a +y −2ay cos ϕ
E= , (4)

2 +√
 b cos ϕ a b2 +y2 sin2 ϕ b
arctg b2 +y2 − ay cos ϕ + arctg y
b2 +y2 sin2 ϕ

Angle ϕ defines the relation with the normal to the considered work-plane. If ϕ = 90◦ , cosine is 0
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR
and the expression PEERthe
equates REVIEW
formula for vertical rectangles to a point-source. 8 of 23

" #
L𝐿 b𝑏 y𝑦 b𝑏
𝐸= arctg −−p arctg p ,, (5)
2 2 arctgy𝑦 2 arctg a2 + y2
a𝑎2 ++y𝑦 (5)
𝑎 +𝑦
The above expression
expression (4)
(4) alters
alters if
if we are trying to
to find
find the
the illuminance
illuminance of
surface; consequently, the solving equation
equation would
would bebein
𝑎 sin 𝜑 𝑏
√ 2 a 2sin ϕ
 
⎡ √ 2 2b
arctg + +⎤
L a +y −2ay cos ϕ a√+y −2ay cos ϕ
E 𝐿=⎢ 𝑎 + 𝑦 − 2𝑎𝑦 cos 𝜑 𝑎 2 + 2𝑦 − 2𝑎𝑦 cos
 𝜑 ⎥
, (6)
𝐸= ⎢ 2 b sin ϕ a b +y sin2 ϕ
⎥ , (6)

2 + √𝑏bsin arctg
2 + y𝜑
2 sin2 ϕ b𝑎2 +y 𝑏− ay+cos
2 𝑦 ϕsin 𝜑
⎢ + arctg ⎥
⎣ 𝑏 + 𝑦 sin 𝜑 𝑏 + 𝑦 − 𝑎𝑦 cos 𝜑 ⎦
It is easy to notice in this situation that if ϕ = 90◦ , this would give cosϕ = 0 and sinϕ = 1,
It is easythese
substituting to notice
valuesinin this situation
the former that if ϕ = 90°, this would give cosϕ = 0 and sinϕ = 1,
substituting these values in" the former equation: #
L a b b a
E= 𝐿p 𝑎 arctg p 𝑏 + p 𝑏 arctg p 𝑎 , (7)
𝐸 2= a 2 + y2 arctg a2 + y2 + b2 + y2 arctg b2 + y2 , (7)
2 𝑎 +𝑦 𝑎 +𝑦 𝑏 +𝑦 𝑏 +𝑦
This expression
This expression represents
represents the
the exchange
exchange between
between aa horizontal
horizontal rectangle
rectangle and
and aapoint-source
parallel surface.
parallel surface.

factor between
between aa rectangle
rectangle and a point that
that belongs
belongs to
to aatilted
angle . Source:

3.2. TheProjected
Angle Principle
The former
The former calculations
calculationsallow us tousfind
allow to configuration factors that
find configuration consist
factors of geometric
that consist ofparameters
or proportions. Thus, it seems reasonable that the desired values can also be determined
parameters or proportions. Thus, it seems reasonable that the desired values can also be determined through
through graphic procedures like those employed in geometry. In science, something that maysound
graphic procedures like those employed in geometry. In science, something that may sound
reasonable is not always easy to prove but after some time researching we could arrive
reasonable is not always easy to prove but after some time researching we could arrive at the proper at the
proper demonstrations.
The advantages for architects and researchers are obvious compared with formulas because if
during the calculations doubts appear due to the difficulty of the lighting problem, this mathematical
model provides fast and easy visualization and it is suitable for BIM protocols.
In order to obtain the flux transfer between a surface and a point, we could simply draw a cone
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 9 of 23

The advantages for architects and researchers are obvious compared with formulas because if
during the calculations doubts appear due to the difficulty of the lighting problem, this mathematical
model provides fast and easy visualization and it is suitable for BIM protocols.
In order to obtain the flux transfer between a surface and a point, we could simply draw a cone
whose vertex is the study-point and its base the surface. The intersection of the said cone with a sphere
of unit radius (r = 1) is then projected onto the reference plane (horizontal, vertical, etc.). The area
inside this projection, divided by the projected area of the whole sphere on the same plane (i.e., π),
gives the value of the configuration factors much in the same way as with the analytical methods
already described (Figure 9) [30].
To summarize, view factors are dimensionless quantities or ratios that we can expressed as a
relation of areas. The first area is a projection and the second is the total surface area expressed in
circular terms
Sustainability 2018,
π.10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 23

Figure Thelight-cone
cutsthe areaσ0σ′from
thearea fromthetheunit
sphere.Orthogonal projectionofofσ0
onto the the
σ′ onto illuminated
illuminatedor irradiated
or irradiatedplane gives
plane thethe
gives area
area this
σ”,σ′′, surface
this divided
surface πr2𝜋𝑟= π
divided = equates
𝜋 equates the
value of theofconfiguration
the value factor.
the configuration Source:
factor. authors.
Source: authors.

The main
main consequence
consequence that that we we can
can draw
draw fromfrom this
this fact
fact is
is that
that the
the problem
problem of of finding
finding thethe
configuration factor
factor will
will have aa unique
unique solution
complexity because
because thetheareaarea
of aof
Moreover,the factors
the factorscancanbe understood
be understood as projections and thus
as projections andtheythuspossess the additive
they possess property,
the additive
only recently
property, onlywerecently
have defined
we have thedefined
scalar product
the scalar of configuration factors (see factors
product of configuration above).(seeAddition
Additionwhen dealing
is useful withdealing
when severalwith lightseveral
sources, if we
light can add
sources, their
if we caneffects or under
add their effectsspecial
or underconditions
conditions them. The average
multiply them. The ofaverage
this geometric proportion
of this geometric extendedextended
proportion over theover
corresponding surface
the corresponding
surfacethe configuration
equates factor, which
the configuration in some
factor, whichcases it is non-trivial
in some to find withtoanalytical
cases it is non-trivial find withexpressions,
due to calculus due to calculus constraints.
The usefulcorollary
corollary isis that
that wewe can
can alternately use use graphic
graphic or or analytical
we assumethat thatweweare
solveone oneofofthe
of geometric
geometric procedures.
procedures. ThisThis signifies
signifies thatgeometric
that the the geometric
form is form
very important in this
in this type type of
of problem
and not alland not allshapes
building building may shapes maythe
receive receive
same the same performance
performance from a radiation
from a radiation standpoint.standpoint.
centralized plan plan ofof Saint
Saint Louis’ church contributes
contributes to to increase
transfers between the interior
transfers between the interior surfaces. surfaces. This type of geometry
geometry with axial symmetry generatesgreater
with axial symmetry generates greater
configuration factors than
than a parallelepiped
a parallelepiped surface.
surface. Theretofore,
Theretofore, higherhigher daylighting
daylighting levels
levels are are
with withreduced
the same the sameproportion
reduced proportion
of windows of windows to total
to total surface surface area.

3.3. InternalReflections
We havedealt
question of
of primary
primary or direct radiative
radiative transfer
transfer but
problem completely,wewehave
consider secondary energy sources
sources produced
producedby byreflections
hold fairsignificance
significance in
in some
some particular
particular cases
cases such as in this church. In
In aa closed
closed space,
components of secondary transfer are those produced by the limiting surfaces that, depending on
their properties, re-emit some of the light that reaches them. This phenomenon may be treated with
the help of a procedure similar to the so-called “radiosity” (or balancing infinite rebounds) in the
technical literature, see below [28,29].
Within the process of analysis of an architectural space, it is important to qualify adequately this
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 10 of 23

components of secondary transfer are those produced by the limiting surfaces that, depending on their
properties, re-emit some of the light that reaches them. This phenomenon may be treated with the
help of a procedure similar to the so-called “radiosity” (or balancing infinite rebounds) in the technical
literature, see below [28,29].
Within the process of analysis of an architectural space, it is important to qualify adequately
this component of inter-reflections because direct light may not be satisfactory or even wanted and
secondary sources may add the required surplus to compensate for such decrement.
All cultures have been aware of the phenomena of reflection at some point or another in their
history and they have furnished the interior renderings of their buildings to produce more brightness
and to serve better their spatial purposes and dwelling aims. In that way, their chambers consistently
enjoyed the boons of nature.
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 23
In the case of Saint Louis, the inner surfaces present a lavish decoration enriched by innumerable
artworks, including, gilt pads, mirrors, engravings and frescoes. Beyond the liturgical symbolism of
“enlightenment” undoubtedly refers to spiritual and territorial domains other than the European.
these decorations underlies a univocal aim to enhance illumination of the space. Such “enlightenment”
Oriental and American pre-Hispanic cultures accrue in the forge of the transition to a baroque era, as
undoubtedly refers to spiritual and territorial domains other than the European. Oriental and American
have shown, a period
cultures veryinmuch
accrue informed
the forge by the Jesuits
of the transition as the present
to a baroque era, as weauthors have studied
have shown, a periodin
verytreatises [31].
much informed by the Jesuits as the present authors have studied in other treatises [31].
Particularly,some someofofthe
significant events
events ofof the Jesuit mission
the Jesuit mission in inJapan
church. Saint
shores ofof Kagoshima (Kyushu,Japan)
Kagoshima (Kyushu, Japan)ininaaniche
numerous mirrors, precious stones and other glistening devices. Moreover, presiding
numerous mirrors, precious stones and other glistening devices. Moreover, presiding the altarpiece the altarpiece
of of
Saint Stanislaus
Saint StanislausKotska
there is
is aa representation
representation of of the
(Pablo Miki, Juan Soan de Goto and Diego Kisai) holding palms and embracing the Cross symbol ofof
Miki, Juan Soan de Goto and Diego Kisai) holding palms and embracing the Cross symbol
and torment (Figure10).
torment (Figure 10). Naturally,
Naturally, news news
of theofgreat
the martyrdom
great martyrdom of Nagasaki
of Nagasaki soon
soon diffused
in Spain. Most of the missionaries who travelled to the Asia departed from the ports of Seville and theof
in Spain. Most of the missionaries who travelled to the Asia departed from the ports
Seville and the
maritime citymaritime
of Cadiz. city of Cadiz.
A rather A rather
curious curiousrelated
phenomenon phenomenon
with therelated
formerwith thethe
is that former is that
medallion representing the three
the three martyrs martyrs
of Japan always of remains
Japan always remains in backlight.
in backlight.

(a) (b)
Figure 10.10. InteriorofofSaint
Interior SaintLouis
Frenchmen: (a)
(a) niche of St.
St. Xavier;
Xavier; (b)
three martyrs
martyrs ofofJapan.

Returning to technical matters in discussion, we have made a summary of the necessary algebra
Returning to technical matters in discussion, we have made a summary of the necessary algebra
to treat this complex problem. In the first stage, we have considered the illuminance of each surface
to treat this complex problem. In the first stage, we have considered the illuminance of each surface
as a final average, acquired after a high number of reflections (Figure 11). As we mentioned earlier,
as a final average, acquired after a high number of reflections (Figure 11). As we mentioned earlier,
this procedure is akin to the procedure of balancing infinite rebounds of radiation in an enclosed
this procedure is akin to the procedure of balancing infinite rebounds of radiation in an enclosed
volume and is amply used for thermal problems though not so often in lighting, where more detailed
volume and is amply
distributions used
of energy forbe
may thermal problems though not so often in lighting, where more detailed
distributions of energy may be required.
Returning to technical matters in discussion, we have made a summary of the necessary algebra
to treat this complex problem. In the first stage, we have considered the illuminance of each surface
as a final average, acquired after a high number of reflections (Figure 11). As we mentioned earlier,
this procedure is akin to the procedure of balancing infinite rebounds of radiation in an enclosed
Sustainability 2018,and is amply used for thermal problems though not so often in lighting, where more detailed 11 of 23
10, 3352
distributions of energy may be required.

Figure 11. Typical

Figure volume
11. Typical of the
volume central
of the centralspace
in churches composed
churches composed of aof a cylinder
cylinder and a and a spherical
spherical cap cap
used to used
find to
the reflected
find component
the reflected component in in
illuminance exchanges. Source:
exchanges. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

For a given set of surfaces as defined in the figure above, the involved mathematics summarizes
as follows: the total component is made of the direct light plus the reflected light.

Etot = Edir + Ere f , (8)

Thus, if we are able to create two matrices Fd and Fr with the elements described as follows:
 
1 − F12 ρ2 − F13 ρ3
Fr =  − F21 ρ1 1 − F23 ρ3 , (9)
 
− F31 ρ1 − F32 ρ2 1
 
F11 ρ1 F12 ρ2 F13 ρ3
Fr =  F21 ρ1 F22 ρ2 F23 ρ3 , (10)
 
F31 ρ1 F32 ρ2 0
On the understanding that surface 3 represents the floor plane. Fij are the corresponding
configuration factors from surface i to surface j and ρi is the coefficient of reflection of surface i.
Then we could easily establish a relationship between reflected and direct illuminance.

Fr Er = Fd Ed , (11)

For instance, the first line of the matrix product above gives:

Er1 − Er2 F12 Fρ2 − Er3 F13 ρ3 = Ed1 F11 ρ1 + Ed2 F12 ρ2 + Ed3 F13 ρ3 , (12)

And extracting the reflected component at surface 1, we would obtain,

Er1 = ρ1 F11 Ed1 − ρ2 F12 ( Ed2 + Er2 ) + ρ3 F13 ( Ed3 + Er3 ), (13)

Expressed in worlds the former means that, the light reflected on surface 1 is the total received
from surfaces 1, 2 and 3 multiplied by their reflection coefficients and their configuration factors (in the
case of 1 being curved we would deal with F11 , an auto-factor). As we have seen that total light is the
sum of direct and reflected light or once again,

F −1 r Fr Er = F −1 r Fd Fd , , (14)

Er = Frd Ed ; where Frd = F −1 r Fd , (15)

In this situation, the resultant component of illuminance is a sum of a direct component and a
reflected one. That is, the amount of light, which a particular surface receives from the primary source
and a second component consisting of the reflections, received from all the other surfaces in unison.
In this way, the problem is solved from a mathematical point of view.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 12 of 23

Thus, if we know the direct illuminance for each surface we are able to predict all possible
reflections and add them to the first one.
The reflective coefficients are often difficult to find in ancient veneers. In some cases, we had to
determine them at our laboratory by constructing several replicas of the wall materials and measuring
it by means of spectroscopic procedures.
Such coefficients were checked in situ whenever possible by direct monitoring (bearing in mind
that the church has been closed and restored for ten years). The richer decorations correspond with
the lower part of the church and do not add much quantitatively to the illumination of the space,
their effect is mainly qualitative and so to say subjective.
In addition, it is interesting to notice that, the former expressions discussed, give the average value
of illuminance for the whole surface (the entire drum of the church for instance), thus minimizing errors.
In the unlikely event that we would need to know a point-by-point field distribution,
minor adjustments would be required for each case or usually we could divide the problem into
an adequate number of sub-surfaces.

3.4. Sky Model

We should employ direct measurements if available from the meteorological institute, which
we have proved fare well with the algorithm proposed by Pierpoint et al. [32] to obtain daylighting
intensities for vertical and horizontal surfaces depending on the latitude of the place. Such clear
sky-model regulates the vertical component of illuminance (in lux) as a function of the solar altitude
(α) and the azimuth (β), by virtue of the equation below.
2 + cos β
Ev = 4000α1.3 + 12, 000 sin0.3 α cos1.3 α , (16)
3 − cos β

If we have to deal with the CIE standard overcast sky, the former equation simplifies to:

Ev = 8500 sin α, (17)

4. Monitoring
In parallel, the authors have conducted a thorough monitoring campaign to modulate the range
of the simulations and at the same time to check the usefulness of their outputs. We have to outline
that the objective validation of our simulation program has taken place beforehand in other controlled
experiments and test chambers [12–23].
To perform the evaluation, we installed data loggers in Saint Louis to monitor the dry bulb
temperature, mean radiant temperature and relative humidity. The sensors were Onset models
U12-012, UX 120-006 M and TMC6-HD, with data recorded every ten minutes. Temperature sensors
had a measuring range from 0 to +100 ◦ C and an accuracy of ±0.5 ◦ C. The calibration before taking
the measurements guaranteed the proper functionality of the setup.
Accumulative measures of light are not helpful from a spatial point of view, one-time measurements
conducted simultaneously at a ground-floor grid work usually better. To that end, we have
used a lux-meter PCE-170A with ISO calibration, a measuring range from 0 to 40,000 lux and an
accuracy of ±0.3%. Of those, we present a comparison with simulated values for partly cloudy sky,
which correspond well by not showing relevant discrepancies (Figures 12 and 13). The correlation
coefficient of east-west and north-south main axis are 0.93 and 0.92, respectively.
The slight differences registered between simulated and measured data are presumably due to the
event that on the days of performance of the experiments, as the sky was partly cloudy, some sunlight
filtered from the southern fenestration increasing the levels on the north niche (bottom side in the
graph). Besides, the main façade of the church faces east and through the upper choir perceptible
intensities appear around midday but these were deliberately taken out of the simulation. The latter
would explain minor augments of level near the entrance area to the east (left side of the figure).
the event that on the days of performance of the experiments, as the sky was partly cloudy, some
sunlight filtered from the southern fenestration increasing the levels on the north niche (bottom side
in the graph). Besides, the main façade of the church faces east and through the upper choir
perceptible intensities appear around midday but these were deliberately taken out of the simulation.
The 2018, 10,explain
latter would 3352 minor augments of level near the entrance area to the east (left side 13

(a) (b)

Figure 12. 12. Comparison
measured and simulated
and simulated data forfor
data partly cloudy
partly skysky
cloudy at midday on 21
at midday on
21 December. 0 m0 corresponds
m corresponds to to
centralpoint ofof
point the church:
the church:(a)(a)east-west
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 23
to the
the altar
altar (right).
(right). (b)
(b) south-north
south-north axis,
axis, from
from right
right to
to left
left respectively.
respectively. Source: Almodovar-Melendo.

Figure 13. Extension of Figure 12, measurements effected at the ground floor in winter solstice at 12 h.
Figure 13. Extension of Figure 12, measurements effected at the ground floor in winter solstice at 12
Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.
h. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

We investigated other sky plus sun conditions with occasional registers, these showing the
We investigated other sky plus sun conditions with occasional registers, these showing the
reliability of the simulations. As stated above, the model has been validated in previous campaigns of
reliability of the simulations. As stated above, the model has been validated in previous campaigns
projects with straight
of projects parallelepiped
with straight parallelepiped shapes in laboratory-like
shapes in laboratory-like conditions
conditions and
reasonswe weare
in the position here to offer a full-range validation for such unusual architecture,
not in the position here to offer a full-range validation for such unusual architecture, as is this as is this church.
In order to discuss the environmental performance of the building, measured daylighting values
have been correlated
In order to other
to discuss environmental
the environmental parameters
performance ofsuch as temperature
the building, measured and relative humidity,
daylighting values
relevant for the IEQ of the building [33,34]. Measurement data registered during
have been correlated to other environmental parameters such as temperature and relative humidity, the summer show
the lighting values
for the IEQ ofarethe
in building
a range of 200 toMeasurement
[33,34]. 400 lux, by alldata
standards a steady
registered duringlevel
theof lightingshow
summer apt for
thethat the lighting
majority values
of visual areOn
tasks. in athe
200 towe400identified
lux, by all consistent
standards atemperatures
steady level of lighting
nearing ◦ C in
thefor thelevel
floor majority ofnave,
of the visualattasks.
a time Oninthe otherexternal
which hand, we identified
shade consistent
temperature reach 45 ◦ C or
cantemperatures nearing 25
even more
°C in the floor level of the nave, at a time in which external shade temperature
on the north face of the cylindrical drum (Figure 14). This means that such adequate illumination can reach 45 °C or is
even more on the north face of the cylindrical drum (Figure 14). This means
not attained by means of discomfort or excessive overheating, as is the case of so many contemporary that such adequate
buildings, fullyisglazed.
not attained
Shadingby means
devices of are
generally or not
requiredoverheating, as isofthe
in this kind case of soHowever,
structure. many
contemporary buildings, fully glazed. Shading devices are generally not required in this kind of
we found photographs of late 1920s in which the tall windows were shaded from the inside with
structure. However, we found photographs of late 1920s in which the tall windows were shaded from
the inside with fabrics, a curiosity which may attest to the significant amount of light that impinges
on the lower levels of the compound.
Theretofore, the property of the capacitive mass of this masonry and tile (ceramics) building is
noticeable. Moreover, the low ratio of window to total surface area (under 10% as previously
mentioned) averts excessive solar gains and contributes to obtain an optimal thermal performance.
In this regard, we have to remind that daylight is the lighting source with the best light to heat ratio
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 14 of 23

fabrics, a curiosity which may attest to the significant amount of light that impinges on the lower levels
of the compound.
Theretofore, the property of the capacitive mass of this masonry and tile (ceramics) building
is noticeable. Moreover, the low ratio of window to total surface area (under 10% as previously
mentioned) averts excessive solar gains and contributes to obtain an optimal thermal performance.
In this regard, we have to remind that daylight is the lighting source with the best light to heat ratio
(up to 160 lumen/W).
The indoor relative humidity remained around 50% during the daily cycle though it could increase
slightly at night.
Sustainability monitoring
2018, results
10, x FOR PEER were obtained by the authors at another baroque paradigm, the church
REVIEW 14 of 23
of San Lorenzo in Turin (Italy) by Guarino Guarini (Figure 15). However, this temple is located almost
10 degrees 2018,
Sustainability more10,tox the
FORnorth than Saint Louis and markedly receives less solar radiation.
PEER REVIEW 14 of 23

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Temperature measured at the Church in summer to check overheating effects: (a) external
Figure 14.
Figure at the dome,
14. Temperature (b) internal
measured at the temperature at floor
Church in summer level overheating
to check near the altar. Notice
effects: that when
(a) external
external at the
temperature dome,
in (b)
the internal
north temperature
face of the at
drumfloor level
reaches near
a the altar.
scorching Notice
50 °C,that
temperature at the dome, (b) internal temperature at floor level near the altar. Notice that when when
the external
altar zone we
temperature in the north face of the drum reaches a scorching 50 ◦ C, at the altar zone we measured a
measured a much cooler
external temperature maximum
in the of 26
north face °C. drum
of the Source: authors.
reaches a scorching 50 °C, at the altar zone we
much cooler
measured maximum
a much 26 ◦ C. Source:
coolerofmaximum of 26 authors.
°C. Source: authors.

Figure 15. Clear Sky monitoring in April at the famous church by C. G. Guarini. Turin. Lat. 45◦ 60 N.
Figure 15.Clear
Clear Sky
Sky monitoring
monitoring in
thefamous church byby
C. C.
G. G.
Guarini. Turin. Lat. Lat.
N. N.
Cabeza-Laïnez. famous church Guarini. Turin.
Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.
Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

5. Discussion of the Results

5. Discussion of the Results
Due to the particular orientation of the church that defies the postulate of the longitudinal West-
Due to the particular orientation of the church that defies the postulate of the longitudinal West-
East axis from entrance to altar, which presided over European architecture until late Renaissance;
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 15 of 23

5. Discussion of the Results

Due to the particular orientation of the church that defies the postulate of the longitudinal
West-East axis from entrance to altar, which presided over European architecture until late Renaissance;
the solar events like solstices and equinoxes are critical to define the performance of the central space
under consideration. In fact, the fenestrated cylindrical drum allows the capture of solar radiation
impinging from every solar position and suppresses the absolute necessity of offering a southern
façade to achieve solar gains for natural heating and lighting, especially in winter, as was the case of
Gothic architecture in England, France and Germany. The inner cylinder so to speak funnels direct
solar radiation and due to its considerable height, it seldom permits the sunrays from reaching the
floor level avoiding visual discomfort to the visitors.
In each case, we have investigated two situations: overcast conditions (isotropic but with hourly
and monthly variation (Figure 16) and clear sky with sun (where orientation and hourly/monthly
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
variations are mandatory). The first condition refers to conventional models for cold climates while
the second
condition is more
is moreinnovative and typical
innovative of warmer
and typical regions regions
of warmer but manybut simulation programs
many simulation
are unableare
programs to unable
deal with it notwith
to deal to mention with the with
it not to mention occurrence of curved
the occurrence of surfaces (Figures(Figures
curved surfaces 17–19).
The daylighting levels have been calculated in a plane located 1 m above the floor,
17–19). The daylighting levels have been calculated in a plane located 1 m above the floor, a position a position deemed
for a sitting
deemed for person.
a sitting person.
Spectroscopy analyses
analyses were
were necessary
necessary toto evaluate the reflective
evaluate the reflective coefficients
coefficients for
for this
this simulation.
To this aim the authors conducted several on site tests. Such values tend
To this aim the authors conducted several on site tests. Such values tend to differ from to differ from those suggested
by conventional
suggested colour charts,
by conventional because
colour ageing,
charts, becausecandle fumes
ageing, or inadequate
candle refurbishments
fumes or inadequate may have
may have thealtered
originalthe condition
originalof the veneers.
condition of the veneers.

Figure 16. Cloudy Sky at midday in winter.

winter. Source:
Source: Almodovar-Melendo
Almodovar-Melendo and
and Cabeza-Laïnez.

One of the most
of the most unfavourable
unfavourablecases casesoccurs
under cloudy
cloudy skysky condition.
condition. EvenEven so,
so, the
the average
average value
value is more
is more than
than 80 80
luxlux (Figure
(Figure 16)which
16) whichisisconsidered
sufficienttoto perform
perform basic
basic tasks
even with modern standards. The light field is rather homogeneous (from 120 to
even with modern standards. The light field is rather homogeneous (from 120 to 80 lux) in the central 80 lux) in the central
nave and
and presents
presents aa marked
marked axial
axial symmetry
symmetry appropriate
appropriate forfor the
the liturgy
liturgy and
and reinforcement
reinforcement of of the
design intentions.
intentions. TheThe minimum
minimum levels
levels remain
remain well
well over
over 50
50 lux.
In spring,
spring, the situation
situation is much
much enhanced,
enhanced, as even in the the mornings
mornings or or afternoons
afternoons the the mean
illuminance is about 150 lux and values lying in the range from 200 to 300 lux lux are
are easily
easily reached
(Figure 17).
average level is is
level over 200200
over luxlux
a maximum
a maximum of circa 10001000
of circa lux can
be found in several points, the light is more varied but without abrupt contrasts
can be found in several points, the light is more varied but without abrupt contrasts in a soft in a soft progression
from 200 to 500
progression fromlux200
towards the towards
to 500 lux north niche the where the sun
north niche impinges
where the sunduring the equinox.
impinges during the equinox.
The cloudy sky condition is slightly lower in its intensities but we have not presented that here
since it is untypical of Seville in spring and autumn, its probability of occurrence is of 18% according
to meteorological data; even so minimum values remain over 50 lux.
In summer, the mean illuminance lies in the range of 150 lux in early morning and late afternoon
(Figure 19) and reaches 250 lux at noon.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 16 of 23

The cloudy sky condition is slightly lower in its intensities but we have not presented that here
since it is untypical of Seville in spring and autumn, its probability of occurrence is of 18% according
to meteorological data; even so minimum values remain over 50 lux.
In summer, the mean illuminance lies in the range of 150 lux in early morning and late afternoon
(Figure 19) and reaches 250 lux at noon.
If, following with the discussion on the simulations, we refer below to the vertical component
of the radiation vector; the simulations show an interesting performance of light in the more likely
event in Seville of enjoying a clear sky with direct sun (Figure 20). According to a TMY (typical
meteorological year) of Seville provided in the software Energy Plus and derived from the Spanish
Weather for Energy Calculations (SWEC), the probability of occurrence of non-clear skies in spring,
autumn and summer combined is of 11%.
The illumination sectional vector keeps at an angle of around 45 degrees (which means it is not
too steep), this clearly allows for distinct perception of artworks and wall decorations unlike Roman
pantheon and derived churches like San Bernardo alle Terme (built under the dome of an ancient
thermal 2018,
Sustainability 10, 10,
2018, x FOR PEER
of of
23 23

Figure 17. Spring clear sky with sun. Probability of 74% (76% in autumn). The graph is symmetric at
Figure 17. Spring clear skywith
Probability of
of 74%
74% (76%
(76% in
graphis is
symmetric at at
h. Spring
Source:clear sky
Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez. symmetric
15.15 h. Source: Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.
15.15 h. Source: Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.

Figure 18. Spring clear
18. Spring clear sky
sky with
with sun
sun at
at midday,
midday, at some spots
at some spots values
values of
of 1000
1000 lux
lux are
are registered.
registered. Source:
Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.
Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.
Figure 18. Spring clear sky with sun at midday, at some spots values of 1000 lux are registered. Source:
Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.
Figure 18. Spring clear sky with sun at midday, at some spots values of 1000 lux are registered. Source:
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 17 of 23
Almodovar-Melendo and Cabeza-Laïnez.

Figure 19. Summer Clear Sky with sun. Symmetric with 8.45 h. Source: Almodovar-Melendo and
Sustainability 19.
2018, 10,Summer Clear
x FOR PEER Sky with sun. Symmetric with 8.45 h. Source: Almodovar-Melendo and 17 of 23

FigureFigure 20. Daylight

20. Daylight Section
Section atatthe
the spring
spring equinox
equinoxwith sun,sun,
with midday. Values Values
midday. reach 300reach
lux at 300
floor lux
at floor
Source: Cabeza-Laïnez and Almodovar-Melendo.
level. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez and Almodovar-Melendo.
Such character is less pronounced for the infrequent case of cloudy skies but can still be perceived
and itcharacter is lessagainst
has been checked pronounced for(Figure
monitoring the infrequent
21). case of cloudy skies but can still be
perceived and it has
To sum been
up, the checked
results against
examined frommonitoring
Figures 16–21 (Figure 21).the daylighting field is balanced;
show that
with a range of around 100 lux in plan for cloudy sky in winter. In other sky conditions, values
exceeding 300 lux can be amply found and over 200 lux are guaranteed in the central circle of the nave
for a 56% of the total daytime. To clarify the results, we have compared in Figure 22 simulated data in
Summer, Spring and Winter for clear sky with sun.
The vertical situation of lighting also facilitates orientation and perception of the space and adds
variety or spark in the disposition of liturgical spaces for Southern Spain. In a famous poem (by Angel
Camacho), dating from 1733 the church of Saint Louis was compared, precisely for its lighting features,
to the temples of Jerusalem and Zorobadel in ancient Babylon.
Figure 20. Daylight Section at the spring equinox with sun, midday. Values reach 300 lux at floor
level. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez and Almodovar-Melendo.

Such character is less pronounced for the infrequent case of cloudy skies but can still be
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 18 of 23
perceived and it has been checked against monitoring (Figure 21).

Figure 21. Daylight Section at the spring equinox in a cloudy situation. Maximum values of 200 lux on
Figure 21. Daylight Section at the spring equinox in a cloudy situation. Maximum values of 20018lux
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 23
the ground. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez and Almodovar-Melendo.
on the ground. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez and Almodovar-Melendo.

To sum up, the results examined from Figures 16–21 show that the daylighting field is balanced;
with a range of around 100 lux in plan for cloudy sky in winter. In other sky conditions, values
exceeding 300 lux can be amply found and over 200 lux are guaranteed in the central circle of the
nave for a 56% of the total daytime. To clarify the results, we have compared in Figure 22 simulated
data in Summer, Spring and Winter for clear sky with sun.
The vertical situation of lighting also facilitates orientation and perception of the space and adds
variety or spark in the disposition of liturgical spaces for Southern Spain. In a famous poem (by Angel
Camacho), dating from 1733 the church of Saint Louis was compared, precisely for its lighting
features, to the temples of Jerusalem and Zorobadel in ancient Babylon.

(a) (b)
Figure 22.22. Comparison
Comparison of simulated
of simulated datadata
for afor a sky
clear clearwith
sky sun
withat sun at midday:
midday: (a) east-west
(a) east-west axis, from
axis, from entrance (left) to the altar (right). (b) south-north axis, from right to left respectively.
entrance (left) to the altar (right). (b) south-north axis, from right to left respectively. Source:
Source: Almodovar-Melendo.

Coming back on the figures to describe this considerable success of religious architecture, the small
Coming back on the figures to describe this considerable success of religious architecture, the
proportion of window to total surface area (less than 10%) alongside with the low latitude of Seville
small◦ proportion of window to total surface area (less than 10%) alongside with the low latitude of
(37 220 N) may lead to such admirable results. We should notice that the values in this church are
Seville (37°22′ N) may lead to such admirable results. We should notice that the values in this church
comparatively less than at its earlier baroque counterparts, which were mostly built in temperate
are comparatively less than at its earlier baroque counterparts, which were mostly built in temperate
north-central Italy and thus using wider fenestration in disregard of the heat.
north-central Italy and thus using wider fenestration in disregard of the heat.
Such could be the upfront explanation for the subdued illuminance levels attained on the inside of
the Saint Louis be
Such could the upfront
temple. explanation
Especially for the
if we compare themsubdued illuminance
with some levels attained
jewels of Roman on the inside
Baroque (Figure 23),
of like
the Sant’Ivo
Saint Louis temple. Especially if we compare them with some jewels of Roman Baroque
by Borromini, the church at the site of ancient University of Rome and mainly Sant’Andrea (Figure
bylike Sant’Ivo
Bernini (Figureby24),
Borromini, the church
an oval shaped at the site
masterpiece andofnot
ancient University
casually of Rome
commissioned andJesuits
by the mainly
as well. by Bernini (Figure 24), an oval shaped masterpiece and not casually commissioned by
the Jesuits as the
So far, well.
analysis performed by the authors permit to trace a sure-handed line in the evolution
So far, the analysis
of centralized performedtoby
temples pertaining thethe authors
baroque era.permit to trace
Such line a sure-handed
is deeply chiselled inline
of acentralized temples
proto-scientific pertaining
artisanship to the
of light baroque
within space. era. Such line is deeply chiselled in what we may
call a proto-scientific artisanship of light within space.
Sant’Andrea by Bernini (Figure 24), an oval shaped masterpiece and not casually commissioned by
the Jesuits as well.
So far, the analysis performed by the authors permit to trace a sure-handed line in the evolution
of centralized temples pertaining to the baroque era. Such line is deeply chiselled in what we may
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 19 of 23
call a proto-scientific artisanship of light within space.

Figure 23. Simulations at Sant’Ivo by Borromini in Rome. December at 9:55 am. Clear sky plus sun.
Sustainability 23. Simulations at REVIEW
10, x FOR PEER Sant’Ivo by Borromini in Rome. December at 9:55 am. Clear sky plus sun.
19 of 23
Source: Almodovar-Melendo.
Source: Almodovar-Melendo.

Figure 24.24. Simulations
Simulations atatSant’Andrea
by Bernini
Bernini in
in Rome.
Rome. Summer

As we have clearly seen, sundry environmental and historical design strategies such as lighting,
As we have clearly seen, sundry environmental and historical design strategies such as lighting,
thermal comfort, et cetera, do intertwine in this analysis whilst at the same time they recall human
thermal comfort, et cetera, do intertwine in this analysis whilst at the same time they recall human
and cultural nuances of architecture. For instance, the introduction of gilding and reflective specular
veneers is critical in maintaining an acceptable visual perception with a restrained glazed surface.
Such design features contribute to overcoming a situation perhaps created by an excessive seclusion
from external climatic conditions.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 20 of 23

and cultural nuances of architecture. For instance, the introduction of gilding and reflective specular
veneers is critical in maintaining an acceptable visual perception with a restrained glazed surface.
Such design features contribute to overcoming a situation perhaps created by an excessive seclusion
from external climatic conditions.
Moreover, we confirm that the hypothesis by which the galleries of the nave were used as a place
of study for the novices is plausible given the bright atmosphere that is achieved at the upper levels
and the accuracy in which the educational and liturgical details of the interior of the dome cum drum
are perceived from above.

6. Conclusions
In correspondence with all the former, the conservative distribution of light in the church in
winter under cloudy sky starts at a dim range (around 80–100 lux) but it suffices to perform basic
tasks due to its homogeneity and character as shown in the simulations and surveys. For the most
part of the year, with sunny conditions, illumination is adequate though not excessive (200–400 lux)
thereby avoiding overheating or solar discomfort. Thus, it leads to acceptable thermal conditions,
as demonstrated by the data recorded and presented in Figures 11–14 and elsewhere. Therefore, we are
reinforced in the belief that the project of this church was designed outside Spain by Father Angelo
Italia, after his own experiences in a harsh warm climate in Sicily, 1699 (Figure 25).
The diverse strategies for sustainability be it thermal, luminous, acoustic and so forth,
do accumulate in search of an architectural opportunity, encompassing a wealth of cultural nuances.
Now and then, sustainable architecture demands an inclusive methodology to provide for the physical
and aesthetic improvement of intercultural societies [35].
For instance, the whole previous analysis together with other considerations developed in
the references, lead us to conclude that the Jesuit builders had been carefully summoning an
ecumenical model of church. A model that could be exported outside Italy and precisely because of its
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 23
environmental character, it was somewhat more encompassing for the believers of diverse cultures,
be it
be it American,
American, AsianAsian oror African
African (Figure
(Figure 26). Nevertheless, ignorant
26). Nevertheless, ignorant of
of the
the climate
climate variations
variations to
to be
faced, they
faced, they were
were unsure
unsure ofof the
the real
real effects
effects of
of their
their works
works and
and consequently
consequently their
their success
success was
was limited
outside Europe arguably for want of sustainable strategies and
outside Europe arguably for want of sustainable strategies and techniques. techniques.

Figure 25. Summer Solstice. Interior

Interior of
of the
the Jesuit
Jesuit Church
Church of
of San
San Francesco
Francesco Saverio
Saverio (St. Francis
Francis Xavier)
in Palermo, Sicily (Italy). Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

In this article, we continue in proving that simulation is a feasible tool for enhancing our
knowledge of human architectural heritage [36], as well as in the matters of understanding the
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 21 of 23

Figure 25.and restoration
Summer ofInterior
Solstice. space, modulation of energy
of the Jesuit Church andFrancesco
of San eventually needs
Saverio (St.for supplementary
Francis Xavier)
artificial means (Figure 27).
in Palermo, Sicily (Italy). Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

Simulationof of
reflected radiation
reflected byby
radiation white
whitesands, under
sands, thethe
under eaves of of
eaves the
Buddhist temple
the Buddhist of Ryoanji
temple in Kyoto
of Ryoanji (Japan).
in Kyoto ValuesValues
(Japan). reach 10,000 lux as monitored
reach 10,000 by Joseph
lux as monitored by Cabeza-

InThrough geometrical
this article, parameters
we continue within which
in proving the subtle mathematics
that simulation is a feasible of configuration
tool factors
for enhancing our
resides, we are finally able to recognize the importance of geometry related to
knowledge of human architectural heritage [36], as well as in the matters of understanding the lighting [37] and by
extension to
production and sustainability
restoration matters.
of space, modulation of energy and eventually needs for supplementary
Not in vain, one of the architects hereby analysed—the sublime priest Camillo Guarino
artificial means (Figure 27).
Guarini—wrote in his treatise “Euclides Adauctus et Methodicus”:
Through geometrical parameters within which the subtle mathematics of configuration factors
we are thefinally
magic able
of insuperable
to recognizewondrous mathematics
the importance shines brightly
of geometry relatedontomarvellous andand by
lighting [37]
extension Architecture”
sustainability matters.
vain, Thaumaturga
one of the Mathematicorum
architects hereby analysed—the
miraculorum sublime
insigne vereque priest Camillo Guarino
Regali Architectura
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 23
coruscat) in his treatise “Euclides Adauctus et Methodicus”:
“Since famed
the magic quote
quote praised
ofpraised the the
insuperable Savoyard
for for
his his architectural
mathematics wisdom
shines brightly onbut but
the the author
marvellous of the
of the
truly regal Architecture” (Sed insuper Thaumaturga Mathematicorum miraculorum insigne vereque ofEra
immortal Chapel
Chapel of of
the the
HolyHoly Shroud
Shroud in in Turin,
Turin, inexplicably
inexplicably ruined
ruined by by
arson arson
in in
1998, 1998,
dawned dawned
the the
of Baroque
Regali Reason.
Architectura coruscat)

Figure 27. Simulation of an array of nine circular skylights in the Paris National Library. Clear sky
Figure 27. Simulation of an array of nine circular skylights in the Paris National Library. Clear sky
with sun. Architect Henri Labrouste. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.
with sun. Architect Henri Labrouste. Source: Cabeza-Laïnez.

Author Contributions: Each author contributed equally to the article.

Acknowledgments: Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez and Jose M. Almodovar-Melendo are grateful for the consistent help
of the following young researchers: Lorenzo Muro Álvarez, Miguel Gutiérrez Villarrubia, César Puchol Barcina,
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3352 22 of 23

Author Contributions: Each author contributed equally to the article.

Acknowledgments: Joseph Cabeza-Laïnez and Jose M. Almodovar-Melendo are grateful for the consistent help
of the following young researchers: Lorenzo Muro Álvarez, Miguel Gutiérrez Villarrubia, César Puchol Barcina,
Juan Martínez Bonilla and Gonzalo Pulido López. Inmaculada Rodriguez-Cunill would like to thank the artist
and conserver Eva Guil Walls as well as professor and lighting artist Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel. The assistance
of professor and art historian Paula Revenga Dominguez is deeply recognised.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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