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Test 4B: Name Class Date

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Name Class Date

1 Circle the correct words. 4 Do you like helping with the gardening sometimes?
0 Have you ever said / told a lie? Do you like helping with the gardening _________?
1 John plays tricks on others and always escapes / gets 5 We’re going skiing in Italy because we’ve saved
away with it. enough money.
2 You won’t be able to hide / open the truth forever! We’re going skiing in Italy _________ we’ve saved
3 Have you ever copied / cheated in an exam? enough money.
4 The insurance company should make / do the right 5
thing and pay all costs for your operation.
5 He is too afraid to say / own up to eating the whole 4 Circle the correct words to complete the
cake. dialogue.
5 MARK Sara, if you 0 see / will see Tim will you
tell him I’ll meet him at the sports centre at 6 o’clock?
2 Complete the conversation with the words in SARA Sure, I 1 tell / ’ll tell him if I see him. But why
the list. don’t you just text him?
MARK I 2 ’d text / ’ll text him if he had a mobile phone,
reconsidering | bad | thought | right | made |
but he hasn’t.
SARA Has he lost another one? His mum said she
MARTA I still don’t know what to study at university. 3
won’t / wouldn’t buy him any more if he did that
SAM I thought you’d already 0 made up your again.
mind about that? You 1__________ long and hard and MARK I know. I don’t think he’s going to tell her.
decided you wanted to study History. She’ll be really angry if he 4 does / did!
MARTA I know, but I’m 2__________ that now. SARA If I lost as many phones as Tim, I 5 won’t /
SAM You don’t think it’s the 3__________ decision? wouldn’t want another one! They’re too expensive!
MARTA No, I think it was a 4__________ decision. I 10
don’t really enjoy History.
SAM Well, you’d better 5__________ to a decision 5 Circle the correct words.
before the end of the year 0 I’ll phone you as soon as / unless / until I arrive.
5 1 Do you know when / as soon as/ until George is
flying to Paris?
3 Rewrite the sentences with now or a phrase 2 Where will you stay unless / if / until the hotel is
with now. full?
0 I’m leaving in a moment. I’m leaving now . 3 The students are going to work on the project as
1 Josh rang me a moment ago. soon as / until / when December.
Josh rang me _________ . 4 I answered your email until / as soon as / if I could.
2 Sometimes I like to play chess with granddad. 5 My brother won’t pay you back if / until / unless you
I like to play chess with granddad _________ . remind him.
3 Brenda feels thirsty at the moment. 5
Brenda feels thirsty _________ .

Think for Bulgaria B1 P1 Unit tests

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form 9 Circle the correct letter. Sometimes both are
of the words in brackets. possible.
0 I wish we lived (live) in a warmer country. 0 A I wish my dad wouldn’t sing so much.
1 If only he __________ (not complain) about the B I wish my dad won’t sing so much.
noise. 1 A What will you do if you found a lot of money?
2 I wish I __________ (can come) to your birthday B What would you do if found a lot of money?
party, but I can’t. 2 A I’ll go swimming with you if I could swim.
3 If only my friends __________ (be) here to help me B I’d go swimming with you if I could swim.
4 My niece wishes she __________ (have) a driving 3 A My parents would buy a new car if they are
licence. rich.
5 I wish they __________ (know) the truth. B My parents would buy a new car if they were
5 rich.
4 A If only I were a few centimeters taller.
B If only I was a few centimeters taller.
7 Match the two halves of the sentences.
5 A Simon wishes he didn’t have to go to school.
0 If you had passed all your exams, a
B Simon wishes he wouldn’t have to go to
1 I’d have made you a sandwich
2 If you had listened to the teacher,
3 Your parents would have been worried
4 We wouldn’t have lost the game
5 If I’d wanted your help, 10 Complete the mini dialogues with the words in the
a your dad would have bought you a motorcycle. list.
b if Maria hadn’t been injured. problem | OK | so | feel | ashamed | worry
c if I’d known you were hungry.
d I’d have asked for it. 0 A I’m really sorry.
e you’d have known what homework to do. B That’s __ OK__.
f if you hadn’t told them you were okay. 1 A I ___________ really awful about losing your
10 book.
B It’s okay.
8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 2 A I broke your mobile. I don’t know what to
words in the list. say.
B Don’t ___________ about it.
enjoy | forget | stay | borrow | make | not rain 3 A I’m sorry about forgetting your birthday.
B No ___________ . I forgot to invite you to
0 If you had forgotten take your umbrella, you’d
my party.
have got very wet!
4 A I’m so ___________ . I was rude to your
1 I’d have had a great weekend if it ____________ so
B It’s okay. He didn’t mind.
2 If I’d known you were coming I ____________ your
5 A I’m ___________ sorry.
favourite cake.
B No worries
3 You ____________ yourself if you had watched the
4 If we’d had more time, we ____________ a few
more days. TOTAL SCORE 80
5 Sam ____________ the money if he had saved some

Think for Bulgaria B1 P1 Unit tests

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2016

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