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Kostasstamoulis How To Achive 2030 Feed A Zero Hunger

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Achieving Zero Hunger by

2030: What Is Needed?

Kostas Stamoulis, ADG-ES a.i.
Zero Hunger: What is the problem?

 Nearly 800 million are still hungry

 Two billion suffering from micronutrient deficiency (iron,

zinc, vitamin A)

 Nearly 1 in 4 children under age five today are stunted

 45% of deaths under age five are attributed to malnutrition

 1.9 billion overweight, 600 million obese

 Malnutrition in all its forms represents the #1 risk factor in

the global burden of disease
What are the key challenges and risk factors?

 Continued population growth  9.5 bn + higher incomes

driving a food transition
 Stress and degradation of natural resources
 Resource conflicts
 Climate change
 Rural stagnation: 3.5 bn, not shrinking, getting poorer
 Urbanization changing food access, driving food transition
 Changing food systems: longer value chains, diminished
quality of diets
 Zoonotic diseases and AMRs
Why do agriculture and the rural areas
remain important?

 Ending poverty: 80% of the world’s extreme poverty is in rural areas, rural
share is growing

 Ending hunger: The majority of the world’s food insecure live in rural areas
and grow food, but too little to feed themselves or escape poverty

 Conserving natural resources: Food and agriculture are where people and
planet connect

 Combatting climate change and its impacts: 95% of INDCs in Paris

Agreement include agriculture

 Building peaceful societies: Natural resource conflicts, especially over land

and water; protracted crises and food insecurity, population displacement,
and severe acute malnutrition
The central importance of food systems

The relationship between agriculture and food is changing:

 At global level, more than 80% of the value-addition in food takes place
beyond the farm, though processing

 Food value chains are lengthening, becoming more concentrated

 In general and in the long-term, food prices declining as a share of income

 Strong exception is fruits and vegetables, which are key to dietary

diversity and micronutrients essential for healthy diets

 Dietary transition is contributing to new challenges for achieving healthy

diets; overweight and obesity are endemic 1.3 bn in 2005; 1.9 bn today;
on trend, 3.28 bn in 2030

 Consumer choice is essential for healthy diet but food environments are
FAO vision for the 2030 Agenda
We can be the zero hunger generation

Zero hunger by 2030 is possible with political will, public

participation and the right combination of policies and technical and
financial support:

 We must tackle these three big problems together:

 boosting food production but also increasing and stabilizing

incomes of poor producers through combination of technical
supports and social protection measures;

 making food and agriculture systems more inclusive,

productive, sustainable, nutrition-sensitive and resilient; and

 mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

 The 2030 Agenda recognizes the interconnectedness of these

issues; but policymakers are challenged to cope
Building an enabling environment for food
system transformation

The SDGs call for comprehensive and holistic approaches that enable
transformational change:
 Shift beyond sectoral perspectives to combinations of policies and
programmes – key governance challenges
 Strong commitment to multisectoral and multistakeholder
partnerships that mobilize means of implementation (access to
technology and finance, capacity development, policy support)
 Vital role of UN institutions in providing norms, standards and
“honest broker” functions
 Global reporting, monitoring and follow-up and review to provide
essential data and facilitate shared learning across countries and
Nuclear Applications for Food and Agriculture

 To increase crop and livestock productivity with better

adaptation to climate change
 To improve soil and water management
 To increase fertilizer use efficiency
 To control some key insect pests biologically
 To contribute to control of transboundary animal
 To improve food safety and quality by food irradiation
 To promote international food trade and market access
 To ensure food safety along the food chain
Thank you!

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