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2D-Forward Modeling of Ground Magnetic Data of Homa-Hills Geothermal Prospect Area, Kenya

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

2D-Forward Modeling of Ground Magnetic Data of

Homa-Hills Geothermal Prospect Area, Kenya
Adero Bernard1, Odek Antony2, Abuga Vincent3, Githiri John4, Willis Ambusso5
1, 3,5
Kenyatta University, Physics Department, P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi
Kisii University, P.O. Box 408-40200, Kisii
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Physics Department, P.O. Box 62000, Nairobi

Abstract: Two dimensional (2D) Euler de-convolution techniques was applied on the selected profiles of reduced ground magnetic
data collected in Homa Hills area. Depth estimates of causative bodies were quantitatively analysed in the anomalous areas on the
residual magnetic intensity map. These depth estimates were later used as start-up parameters for 2D-forward modelling using
“mag2DC” software. Results of the analyses show that the magnetic anomalies in the region are caused by shallow-seated thermal
intrusive structures of carbonatite origin. 2D-Euler solutions revealed subsurface faulting activities up to a depth of 250m and the
presence of fluid-filled zones within the survey area which are marked by absence of magnetic sources. It is postulated from 2D-forward
modelling that the heat sources are shallow intrusive bodies such as dykes, plugs and sills taping from a deeper magmatic body and that
the thermal intrusive structures form along fracture zones.

Keywords: Magnetics, Anomalies, Homa Hills, Thermal structure, Modeling

1. Introduction its structures are well exhibited, is encircled by cliffs steeply

standing out above the surrounding ground. These circular
This paper presents results of a quantitative analysis done on cliffs correspond to the contact between the carbonatite and
reduced magnetic data from the Homa Hills geothermal the Nyanzian metavolcanics. The inside of the cone sheet,
prospect located in Nyanza Rift. The field survey and partial approx. 2.5km across in diameter, has a concentric structure
analysis of data of the ground magnetic survey was in plan and is well observed in the field that the carbonatite
presented by Otieno et. al (2011). The current analysis was sheets dip 40-60 towards the center of the cone. Modes of
intended to determine the subsurface structure of the field. occurrences of various facies of the carbonatite suggest that
The 2D-forward modelling of magnetic data was done to try the present level of erosion stays still in a relatively upper
and locate the nature of the heat sources and delineate the part of the carbonatite complex. The carbonatites adjacent to
geothermal reservoir within the study area. The geothermal the ijolites in the Ndiru Hills and a group of carbonatites
potential of Homa Hills has been studied previously using dykes in the south-eastern part of this area are presumed to
MT and TEM surveys which revealed heat source of deep be of relatively deeper facies judging from distribution of
dome-like magmatic intrusion with several sharp shallow sovite. Figure 2 shows the geologic map of Homa Hills
dikes (Lagat, 2010). Magnetic survey has been conducted as geothermal prospect with hot springs on the northern and
a reconnaissance to the earlier studies. Homa Hills is located southern parts of the area.
to the west of the central southern coast of the Winam Gulf
and takes an incomplete rectangular form cut by a shore line
at its southwest corner, occupying an area of approximately
70Km2. The area is located about 20Km west of Kendu Bay
and 30Km north of Homa Bay townships. It is bounded by
the coordinates: E661000 – 674000 and N9951000 –

2. Geologic setting
The Homa Mountain is a cone sheet complex comprising a
number of carbonatite cone sheets of large and small scales.
Most of carbonatite-alkaline rocks, except those composing
the carbonatite –ijolite complex in the south-eastern part of
this area, is distributed in an oval area approximately 6km
long in the NE-SW direction and 5km wide. The main
carbonatite cone sheet of Homa Mountain, the largest of all,
is located y to the southwest of the center of the oval area
and composes the major structural element of the cone sheet
complex. A series of intrusive activities of these cone sheets
have resulted in domal uplifting of the Nyanzian
Metavolcanics to an elevation 500m above the surrounding
ground. The main cone sheet of the Homa Mountain, where Figure 1: Location of Homa Hills geothermal Prospect

Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Paper ID: 020131363 94
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

3. Ground Magnetic Data Analysis

3.1 Residual magnetic intensity map

Figure 3 shows the residual magnetic map of Homa Hills.

This map was made after correcting for diurnal variations
and removing geomagnetic corrections. Five short profiles
cutting across in different directions as indicated on the map,
were selected for farther enhancement and modeling.

3.2 Euler Deconvolution

Euler deconvolution is a data enhancement technique for

estimating location and depth to magnetic anomaly source. It
relates the magnetic field and its gradient components to the
location of the anomaly source with the degree of
homogeinity expressed as a structural index and it is a
suitable method for delineating anomalies caused by isolated
and multiple sources (El Dawi et al., 2004). Euler
deconvolution is expressed in Equation 3.1 as:

Figure 2: Geologic map of Homa Hills geothermal prospect


9960000 20

B D' 15

9958000 -5

9957000 -15
A' -25

D -35
9955000 -40

C E E'

664000 665000 666000 667000 668000 669000 670000 671000 672000

Figure 3: Residual magnetic map of Homa Hills

Where ( xo , z o ) is the position of a 2D magnetic source

whose total field T is detected at ( x, z ) . The total field has

Applying the Euler’s expression to profile or line-oriented a regional value of B , and n is a measure of fall -off rate of
data (2D source), x-coordinate is a measure of the distance the magnetic field. n is directly related to the source slope
along the profile and y-coordinate is set to zero along the and is referred to as the structural index and depends on the
entire profile. Equation 3.1 is then written in form of geometry of the source (El Dawi et al., 2004). Estimating
Equation 3.2 as: depth to magnetic anomaly using Euler deconvolution
involves: i) Reduction to the pole and ii) Calculation of
horizontal and vertical gradients of magnetic field data,
( x  x o ) T /  x  ( z  z o ) T /  z  n ( B  T ) calculated in frequency domain, iii) choosing window sizes
3.2 and iv) structural index, e.g. contact and dyke.
Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Paper ID: 020131363 95
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

The 2D-dimensional Euler deconvolution was generated by a faulted carbonatite dyke which is a common intrusive in
software developed by Cooper (2004) for constraining the the region. The third zone at station (667000.4-667609.4)
subsurface geometry along the profile lines. The input shows no magnetic sources. The lack of magnetic sources
parameters for the application include the geomagnetic field, coincides with faults, a possible evidence of the presence of
survey locations, inclination and declination angles. The the warm fluids.
results of the International Geomagnetic Refference Field
(IGRF) given in Table 1 were used as the inputs for the Euler solutions for profiles BB’ and CC’ are shown in
process. A window size of 11, 82.28m X-separation and Figures 5 and 6 in which high magnetic signatures, station
41.14m Y-separation were adopted. To better constrain the (66775.2-667975.2) are evident at a depth of about 350m
subsurface geology, 1.0 structural index (steep contact) below the surface for profile BB’ and this is associated with
which is an indication of faults contacts were plotted for all an intrusive body probably a dyke. In profile CC’ there is no
the five profiles; these are shown in Figures (4-8). concentration of Euler solutions at any point an indication of
little tectonic activities along the profile. Figure 7 shows two
Table 1: IGRF components of Homa Hills distinct anomalies along profile DD’. There exist no
Component Field value magnetic sources (station 9955740.4-9956240.2) and
Declination 0.9 degrees (station 9956990.4-9958115.4) an indication of fluid filled
Inclination -22.3 degrees zones. This postulates N-S trending fault in the study area.
Total Intensity 33420nT Figure 8 shows a high magnetic signature at shallower depth
of about 205m (station 667694.8) an indication of magmatic
3.2.1 Interpretation of Euler solutions intrusive body, and a very low magnetic signature (station
Figure 4 shows magnetic anomaly along profile AA’. Three 668194.8-668494.8) could be an indication of a fluid filled
distinct trends are evident which coincide with the location zone. These undulating signatures and the Euler
of dykes and faults within the study area. The profile begins deconvolution solutions clearly show shallower subsurface
with a relatively low magnetic anomaly points at station intrusions and faulting/contacts pattern within the geological
(666000-666509) which could be possibly a sedimentary units.
layer. This signature is followed to the south by high
signatures at station (666600-666700) and is postulated to be

Fault Fault

Figure 4: Processed ground magnetic data with 2D Euler solutions obtained along profile AA’. Plus (+) signs are Euler
solutions for 1.0 structural index.

Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Paper ID: 020131363 96
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Figure 5: Processed ground magnetic data with 2D Euler solutions obtained along profile BB’. Plus (+) signs are Euler
solutions for 1.0 structural index.

Figure 6: Processed ground magnetic data with 2D Euler solutions obtained along profile CC’. Plus (+) signs are Euler
solutions for 1.0 structural index.

Figure 7: Processed ground magnetic data with 2D Euler solutions obtained along profile DD’. Plus (+) signs are Euler
solutions for 1.0 structural index.
Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Paper ID: 020131363 97
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064


Figure 8: Processed ground magnetic data with 2D Euler solutions obtained along profile EE’. Plus (+) signs are Euler
solutions for 1.0 structural index.

3.3 2D- Forward Modeling

Forward modelling was done using “mag2DC” computer program. “mag2DC” calculates the anomalous field caused by an
assemblage of 2 – dimensional magnetic bodies defined by a polygonal outline. The description of the method of the program
“mag2DC” can be found in the work of Talwani and Heirtzler (1964). The use of this program involves a trial and error
procedure to obtain a good fit to the observed anomalies. Depth estimates of the possible causative bodies determined from
euler deconvolution were used as start-up parameters in the “mag2DC” software. Figures 9 to 13 show the modeled bodies of
the subsurface structures causing anomalies on the selected profiles.

Figure 9: Models on profile AA’

Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Paper ID: 020131363 98
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Figure 10: Model on profile BB’

Figure 11: Models on profile CC’

Figure 12: Models on profile DD’

Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Paper ID: 020131363 99
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Figure 13: Model on profile EE’

Table 2: Modeled parameters of the causative bodies

Profile Causative Modelled depth, Modelled susceptibility, 125m. The second body, Figure 11(f) is perhaps a volcanic
name bodies a, (m) k, (SI) sill along a fracture, due to its horizontal inclination. Its
a 346.19 -0.113 magnetic susceptibility is 0.0232 SI and it is at a depth of
AA’ b 271.47 0.026 about 386m in the subsurface much deeper compared to the
c 59.78 0.005 structure in figure 11(e). Both models on profile AA’ and
BB’ d 511.15 0.0273 profile CC’ tend to agree that at the point of their
CC’ e 125.41 -0.0085
intersection, the subsurface structure is a sill approximately
f 385.87 0.0232
at equal depths, Figure 9(a) at a depth of 346m and Figure
DD’ g 208.18 0.0221
h 333.33 -0.0523
11(f) at a depth of 385m.
EE’ i 210.94 0.0298
Profile DD’ trends in the direction N-S in the TMI map of
3.3.1 Models Interpretations Homa Hills shown in Figure 3. Models on profile DD’ show
two structures Fig. 12(g) and 12(h) of different parameters.
Models on profile AA’ show three subsurface intrusive The first body (Fig. 12g) is near vertical and is at a depth of
bodies which are postulated to be carbonatite sill and dyke about 208m from the surface to the top of the body, its
forming along the fracture zones. The first body, (Fig. 9a) is magnetic susceptibility is modelled to be 0.0221 SI. This
a carbonatite sill forming at a depth of about 346m below body is postulated to be a phonolitic plug along a fracture.
the surface and has a magnetic susceptibility of -0.113 SI. The second body (Fig. 12h) is postulated to be a volcanic
Adjacent to it is the body in Fig. 9(b) which is a carbonatite dyke. It is at a relatively deeper depth of about 333m below
dyke at a depth of about 271m from the surface to the top of the surface and has a magnetic susceptibility of -0.0523 SI.
the dyke and has a susceptibility of 0.026 SI. The third body, The gap between the two structures coinciding with a
(Fig. 9c) is a diagonal dyke much closer to the surface at a negative magnetic anomaly is perhaps a faulted basement
depth of about 60m from the surface to the top of the dyke. that is hydrothermally demagnetised since it acts as a
It has a magnetic susceptibility of 0.005 SI. In between the conduit for geothermal fluid flow. The profile EE’ is on the
bodies are perhaps indications of the faulted regions within southern part of the Homa Hills TMI map shown in Figure
the area. On the northern part of TMI map shown in Figure 3 3. The structure beneath profile EE’ has a magnetic anomaly
is profile BB’ trending NE-SW. A model on profile BB’ of about 150nT. The model on profile EE’ suggests a body
shows an intrusive body with a high magnetic susceptibility at shallow depth of about 210m from the surface inclined in
of 0.0273 SI at a depth of about 311m from the surface to the NW-SE direction. This body is postulated to be a
the top of the body. The intrusive body is near horizontal thermal structure, more specifically, a carbonatite dyke. This
(Fig. 10) and is postulated to be a volcanic sill/vein along is particularly so because it agrees with the model of the
fractures. A high magnetic gradient evidenced on profile body on profile AA’ which intersects with profile EE’ at the
BB’, farther points at a fault-lineament structure having the southern region and it also postulates a thermal structure at a
same orientation as that of the postulated sill on the profile. shallower depth. The broad negative anomaly is due to
Profile CC’ is on the South-western region of the TMI map demagnetisation of the rocks within the area as a result of
of Homa Hills shown in Figure 3. The first body shown on higher subsurface temperatures above the Curie temperature
Figure 11(e) is postulated to be a carbonatite dyke along a (Tc = 580oC).
fracture due to its high magnetic anomaly as well as its
magnetic susceptibility of about -0.0085 SI an indication of 4. Conclusion
probably, a reversely magnetised intrusive body. The depth
from the surface to the top of the plug is approximately The visual inspection and analyses of the total residual
magnetic map, magnetic profiles and the models revealed
Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Paper ID: 020131363 100
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

that Homa Hills prospect is generally characterised by a [9] M. Talwani, J.R. Heirtzler, “Computation of magnetic
broad and low magnetic signatures at the southern and anomalies caused by two dimensional structures of
northern parts surrounded by high magnetic belt from the arbitrary shape, in Computers in the mineral industries,”
NE and SE. Besides, it includes surficial or local anomalies part 1: Stanford University publications, Geol. Sciences,
of shallow seated origins, with orientations in the direction 9: 464-480, 1964.
N-S, NW-SE and NNW-SSE. The average modeled depth [10] S.E. Williams, et al. “Comparison of grid Euler
for the near surface magnetic anomaly sources (postulated to deconvolution with and without 2D constraints using a
be a carbonatite dyke) of the area is 205m, while that of the realistic 3D magnetic basement model.” Geophysics,
deep-seated anomaly sources is 511m. The results further 70, 13-21, 2005.
support the delineation of faults/fractures trending N-W, [11] Zhang et al. “Euler deconvolution of gravity tensor
NW-SE, NNW-SSE and NE-SW, and heat sources gradient data.” Geophysics, 65, 512-520, 2000.
associated with shallow intrusive along structures.
Author Profile
The ground magnetic study of this area has helped in a
number of ways to delineate lineaments and target zones Adero Bernard received his B. Ed. (Science) degree
with intrusives. Firstly, the major subsurface structures from Moi University and MSc. (Physics) degree from
delineated (faults/fractures, sills and dykes) will aid the Kenyatta University in the year 2012. He is currently a
geothermal exploration work in the area. Secondly, the Petroleum Geophysicist with National Oil Corporation
of Kenya.
linear nature of the anomalies in this part suggests that the
rocks may be bounded and offset by fault. The results
Ambusso Willis received his B.Sc. (Physics) from the
further support the delineation of faults/fractures trending N- University of Nairobi, M.Sc. (Pet. Eng.) from Stanford
W, NW-SE, NNW-SSE and NE-SW, and heat sources and Ph.D. (Physics) from Kenyatta University. He is
associated with shallow intrusive along structures. Since now a senior lecturer at the department of Physics,
geothermal exploration requires multi-disciplinary approach, Kenyatta University.
other exploration methods such as detailed gravity survey
done in the prospect area during the same period need to be Abuga Vincent received his B.Ed. (Sc.) degree from
analysed together with this piece of work in order to discern University of Nairobi 2006; M Sc. in Physics from
deeper tectonic lineaments in this prospect area. Kenyatta University in 2013.

5. Acknowledgement Odek Antony received his B. Ed. (Science) degree

from Egerton University and MSc. (Physics) degree
We wish to acknowledge Kenyatta University, Physics from Kenyatta University in the year 2012. He is
Department for availing the survey instruments. Also we currently a lecturer at Kisii University.
acknowledge Department of Mines and Geology for their
geological report of Homa Hills. Githiri John received his B. Ed. (Science) degree
from Kenyatta University and MSc. (Physics) from
Kenyatta University; Ph.D. (Physics) from Jomo
References Kenyatta University of Agriculture Science and
Technology (JKUAT). He is currently a senior lecturer at JKUAT.
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[5] J. Lagat, “A geothermal resource assessment project
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Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014

Paper ID: 020131363 101

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