Development of SA-738 Gr. B High Strength Steel Plate With Excellent Toughness For Power Generating Plants
Development of SA-738 Gr. B High Strength Steel Plate With Excellent Toughness For Power Generating Plants
Development of SA-738 Gr. B High Strength Steel Plate With Excellent Toughness For Power Generating Plants
Development of
SA-738 Gr. B High Strength Steel Plate
with Excellent Toughness
for Power Generating Plants†
OHTSUBO Hirofumi*1 ARAKI Kiyomi*2 MORIYA Yutaka*3
Abstract: SA-738 Gr. B under the ASME Code (ASME Boiler &
JFE Steel has developed ASME SA-738 Gr. B (ASME: Pressure Vessel Code, ASME: The American Society of
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) high Mechanical Engineers) has been designated as a steel
strength steel plate for reactor containment vessels in plate for reactor containment vessels.
response to great demand for new construction of Since the volume of a reactor containment vessel is
nuclear power plants mainly in America, China, and extremely large and construction involves many parts
developing countries. The developed steel has excellent which are performed at the site, post-weld heat treat-
toughness to meet the requirement of exemption rule of ment (PWHT) of field welds increases both construction
post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) in ASME with thick- costs and the work load. On the other hand, the ASME
ness 44.5 mm or less, and also has good weldability Code, Section III, Division I, Subsection NE, Class MC
through the reduction of preheat temperature. Heavy Components (Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility
section plate around 100 mm thickness has good tough- Components) recognizes the possibility of omitting
ness by redeucing impurity levels, and excellent internal PWHT (exemption rule) for SA-738 and certain other
qualities can be obtained through the application of a carbon steels with thicknesses of 44.5 mm or less based
forging and plate rolling process to continuous casting on strict toughness requirements in cases where limits
slabs. These developed steels have already been adapted on the C content and preheat temperature are applied.
to some nuclear power plants. Accordingly, development of steel plates with excellent
low temperature toughness of the base material and
welded joints, which satisfy the requirement in PWHT
1. Introduction
exemption rule within the specified composition range,
In order to prevent global warming due to CO2 emis- has been demanded.
sions and respond to increasing global energy demand, In addition to the above-mentioned materials, heavy
construction of a large number of new nuclear power section plates with 100 mm class thickness are used in
plants is being planned, centering on the United States, equipment hatches and airlocks in reactor containment
China, and the emerging economies. It is generally vessels. When these heavy section plates are produced
assumed that the main stream in nuclear power plants from continuous casting slabs by a plate rolling process,
constructed in the future will be Generation III (III+) deterioration of mechanical properties due to the effects
nuclear reactors1). In the new 1 000 MW class pressur- of center porosities which were not closed in the center
ized water reactor, which is one of these new reactors, of plate thickness is a concern. To improve the internal
Originally published in JFE GIHO No. 29 (Feb. 2012), p. 48–53 *2
Staff Manager,
Plate Business Planning Dept.,
JFE Steel
Senior Researcher Deputy Manager, *3
Staff General Manager,
Steel Products Res. Dept., Plate Business Planning Dept.,
Steel Res. Lab., JFE Steel
JFE Steel
Development of SA-738 Gr. B High Strength Steel Plate with Excellent Toughness for Power Generating Plants
C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr Mo V Nb Ceq
t ≤38.1 ≤0.20
SA-738 38.1<t ≤63.5 0.15/ 1.50
≤0.20 ≤0.030 ≤0.030 ≤0.35 ≤0.60 ≤0.30 ≤0.07 ≤0.04
Gr. B 0.55 ≤0.30
t >63.5 —
soundness of heavy section products, JFE Steel devel- test temperatures for Charpy impact properties and drop
oped a process in which forging is applied to continuous weight properties were calculated based on the ASME
casting slabs before plate rolling2–5), and has supplied a Code, assuming construction in a cold region, and secur-
large number of plates for pressure vessels and other ing toughness at −60°C and −40°C was then set as a
applications. In the developed steel, heavy section mate- development target, also considering a safety allowance.
rials with excellent internal properties were developed In particular, for Charpy impact properties, when the
using continuous casting slabs by applying the combined above-mentioned PWHT exemption rule is to be applied,
forging and plate rolling process. it is necessary to satisfy the specified absorbed energy at
This paper introduces the base material performance, a temperature 5.6°C lower than the specified tempera-
weldability, and welded joint performance of the SA-738 ture, or to increase the absorbed energy at the specified
Gr. B high strength steel plate which was developed as a temperature by 7 J.
material for reactor containment vessels.
2.2 Development Concept
2. Development Targets for SA-738 Gr. B for To achieve the target properties, a study was carried
Reactor Containment Vessels out based on SPV490 6–8), which is a JIS material (JIS:
Japanese Industrial Standards) of tempered 600 MPa
2.1 Target Properties of SA-738 Gr. B
grade steel, and has a record of use as a steel plate for
Table 1 shows the target properties of SA-738 Gr. B reactor containment vessels at nuclear power plants in
high strength steel plate, which was developed for reac- Japan.
tor containment vessels, based on the ASME Code for Regarding the manufacturing method, although both
chemical composition and mechanical properties. SA-738 Gr. B and SPV490 are Q-T materials, if the tem-
SA-738 Gr. B is a 600 MPa class steel which is pro- per temperature is set to an elevated temperature of
duced by quench-temper (Q-T) treatment. Upper limits 650°C or more, recovery of dislocations, precipitation
for the contents of alloy elements and carbon equivalent coarsening, etc. generally proceed. As these changes
Ceq are specified by plate thickness. In order to guaran- reduce the strength of the material, consideration of the
tee properties after applying PWHT (615°C×10 h), one composition design is necessary, for example, measures
target in material development was to secure the to improve resistance to temper softening, etc. in order
required mechanical properties with a temper tempera- to secure the required strength when applying high tem-
ture of 650°C or higher. perature tempering followed by PWHT.
The toughness guarantee temperature was set based To satisfy the PWHT exemption rule with steel plates
on the lowest service metal temperature, and was modi- having thicknesses of 44.5 mm or less, it is important to
fied based on the reactor structure, location of construc- prevent increased hardness of the heat affected zone
tion, plate thickness, etc. In material development, the (HAZ) by reducing the C content and weld-crack sensi-
Table 6 Welding condition and mechanical properties of welded joints of the developed steel
points, even under a condition of no preheating, and the strength satisfying the specification of the base material
plate possesses excellent weldability, having a cracking and excellent weld toughness were obtained before and
prevention preheat temperature of room temperature or after PWHT. In case the PWHT exemption rule is
less. applied, it is necessary to satisfy the specified toughness
The mechanical properties of welded joints of the value at a temperature 5.6°C lower than the lowest ser-
developed steel are shown in Table 6. Welded joint vice metal temperature, or to increase the absorbed
energy at the specified temperature by 7 J. However, the manufactured by the quench-temper (Q-T) process, are
developed steel has excellent low temperature toughness shown in Table 7. The heavy thickness plate assumes
which amply exceeds the specified value at −40°C even PWHT. Before and after PWHT, this plate possesses
without PWHT. The above-mentioned base material strength amply satisfying the specified value at both the
toughness and welded joint toughness results confirmed 1/4t and 1/2t positions and excellent low temperature
that the developed steel has excellent low temperature toughness at −40°C.
toughness satisfying the PWHT exemption rule. The results of the y-groove weld cracking test with a
103.1 mm full thickness test specimen of the developed
3.2 Base Material and Welded Joint Properties
steel are shown in Table 8. The crack prevention preheat
of Developed Steel (Thickness: 103.1 mm)
temperature is 125°C, and the plate displays sufficiently
The chemical composition of the heavy thickness high weldability as a heavy section plate of 600 MPa
plate used as a material for equipment hatches and air- class steel.
locks of reactor containment vessels is shown in Table 2. The mechanical properties of welded joints of the
As shown in Photos 1 and 2, forging is applied to con- developed steel are shown in Table 9. Before and after
tinuous casting slabs in the width and thickness direc- PWHT, the plate possesses welded joint strength satisfy-
tions, followed by plate rolling. The mechanical proper- ing the specification of the base material and excellent
ties of the base plate of the developed steel, which is low temperature toughness in the weld at −40°C.
Table 9 Welding condition and mechanical properties of welded joints of the developed steel