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Hospitality Lighting Design Guide

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We combine the latest energy efficient technology
and design styles to create an extensive range of
attractive and sustainable luminaires. We have over
5,000 products, including many high performance products that can’t be found anywhere
else. Our EcoTechnology solutions offer sustainable energy solutions that meet the qualitative
needs of the visual environment with the least impact on the physical environment.

At ConTech Lighting, our commitment to the environment is as important as our
commitment to innovation, quality and our customers. We believe that lighting can be
environmentally responsible and energy efficient, while providing high-quality performance
and outstanding aesthetic design. EcoTechnology applies to our daily operation as well as
to our products; from materials, manufacturing and transportation to the disposal process
for our products and by-products.

We use the best components and manufacturing methods resulting in the highest quality
fixtures. From cast housings and high performance reflectors, to the testing of each
ballasted fixture before it ships, ConTech Lighting is defined by its quality.

Our responsive, personalized customer focus, and market expertise represents an oasis
of outstanding service in an industry that values it, but frequently doesn’t receive it. We are
here for you, live and in person, Monday through Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm CST.


Our products are in stock and ready to ship. Our unique
SpeedShip™ process helps us toward our goal of shipping 100%
of placed orders within 48 hours; at no additional cost to you.

Every market has its own unique lighting challenges. Designs can get tricky, having to
verify every fixture, test every connector and make certain that every length of track is just
right. We have an experienced staff of sales professionals to assist you with your projects
from concept to completion.

Copyright Conservation Technology of Illinois, LLC ©2017

Hospitality, by definition, is “the quality or disposition
of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a
warm, friendly, generous way.” Lighting plays a sig-
nificant role in setting the mood and atmosphere in
an establishment, whether it be a restaurant, hotel,
resort or casino. There is no single formula to abide
by or a “one size fits all” approach. It is important to
create a careful balance between style, simplicity,
functionality, and energy efficiency.

ConTech Lighting will guide you through the lighting

process and be your lighting resource. ConTech
Lighting is exceptionally qualified to fulfill all your
lighting needs. With an unsurpassed selection of
track systems, both line and low voltage, as well as
recessed downlighting, and many decorative lumi-
naries, ConTech gives you a complete palette from
which to create your signature design. It takes time
and effort to ensure that your investment in lighting
will be returned to the bottom line, and it’s a partner-
ship we’ll be involved with every step of the way.

Goals of Lighting Design 5
Color, Reflection, and Contrast 7
Layers of Light 11
Application Solutions 15

A variety of key characteristics must be considered when de- • Color of the walls: darker walls absorb more light and
veloping lighting plans, including lamp life, system efficiency, may require higher levels of illumination
lumen maintenance, color rendering and appearance, day- • Art work or highlight areas: determining the pieces and
light integration and control, light distribution, points of inter- places to be highlighted helps determine the number of
est, cost, system control and flexibility. ConTech Lighting’s accent lights needed
extensive product selection allows you to create the perfect • Families of luminaires: recessed downlights used as
lighting solution every time. adjustable accents and wall washers should match in
aperture size and trim finish, as well as use similar lamp
Considerations for hospitality lighting: types. Compliment these choices with the same, or
• Size and shape of the space similar, finished fixtures to avoid drawing attention to the
• Traffic patterns through the space lighting system.
• Ceiling height and shape: light will be reflected off of
these surfaces and contribute to the ambient light level in
the room

With the growth and advances in technology, such as smart A well-illuminated store directly contributes to the bottom
phones and tablets, the customer journey doesn’t always be- line. Good lighting can make a first impression positive; creat-
gin and end in a restaurant or hotel; brand image, and ex- ing a warm and inviting environment that makes guests want
perience matter more than ever. Lighting helps to convey a to return as well as recommend to others. Instead of increas-
specific brand message; it sets clients’ expectations on their ing brightness, and therefore also energy consumption, use
visit, helping to create a distinctive environment that gives lighting that is high-contrast, makes perception easier, and
guests a memorable experience. Choosing the right lighting heightens levels of attention.
is critical for projecting the desired image, focusing and at- Diffused general lighting provides a sense of well-being,
tracting attention and enhancing the appeal of your space. while vertical illuminance makes orientation easier in a space.
Lighting solutions vary depending on the target market, space Detailed accent lighting improves the perception and attrac-
concept and brand image; and the best lighting will set you tiveness of highlighted items. Using a high CRI light source
apart from competitors. and a well-balanced mix of light greatly contributes to the
overall feeling of welcomeness, giving guests a feeling of
comfort and security.


There are a number of factors to consider when lighting a space: the size and shape of the space, the intended use
of the space, the intended audience, and the intended message the brand conveys. Many elements come into play,
such as color, reflection, contrast, and energy efficiency, that make a hospitality lighting design successful.

Two units of measure are used defining light source color Reflection and glare are both useful and yet potentially
properties: Correlated Color Temperature and Color Render- harmful to hospitality lighting; they can attract the eye to your
ing Index. environment when used properly, but irritate and annoy when
All light sources are not equal. Two white light sources may used incorrectly.
look the same, but can render colors differently or provide a A very bright space is not the most effective solution.
different feel to the space. By using lamps of the same Cor- Using contrast to highlight different areas of your space,
related Color Temperature and with the same, or very similar, helps guests feel more comfortable and draws attention to
Color Rendering Indices, the space will have even, consistent featured locations.
illumination throughout.

Correlated Color Temperature, or CCT, is a measure of a lamp’s color appearance when
lighted. All lamps are given a color temperature based on the color of the light emitted.
White light falls into three general categories: warm, neutral and cool, measured in Kelvin 7000K CLOUDY SKY

(K). White light with a hint of yellow-like candlelight is called “warm white” (below 3000K); 5500K CLEAR SKY AT NOON

it enhances reds and oranges, dulls blues, and adds a yellow tint to whites and greens.
Neutral white (3000K – 3500K) enhances most colors equally, and does not emphasize
either yellow or blue. Bluish white, like moonlight on snow, is considered “cool white” (above 2900K CERAMIC METAL HALIDE
3500K); enhancing blues, dulls reds and imparts a bluish tint to whites and greens. 2500K INCANDESCENT

Warm light makes a space feel smaller, more comfortable and familiar, where cooler light
make areas appear more spacious. Neutral light improves the feeling of well-being. 1800K HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM



Color Rendering Index, or CRI, is a measure of how a light source renders colors of objects APPEARANCE 
R1 Light Grayish Red
compared to how a reference light source renders the same colors. CRI can be used to
R2 Dark Grayish Yellow
compare sources of the same type and CCT. R3 Strong Yellow Green
R4 Moderate Yellowish Green
A palette of specific colors is used, and the CRI calculation is the difference between each R5 Light Bluish Green
color sample illuminated by the test light source and the reference source. The group of R6 Light Blue
R7 Light Violet
samples is averaged, and a score between 0 and 100 is calculated, with 100 being the best R8 Light Reddish Purple
match between light sources. R9 Strong Red
R10 Strong Yellow
The higher the CRI of a light source, the better – and more natural – colors appear. R11 Strong Green
R12 Strong Blue
R13 Light Yellowish Pink
R14 Moderate Olive Green

Low CRI High CRI

MATERIAL REFLECTANCE PERCENT Reflection of light off of the various surfaces within the space
Diffuse: Uniform surface brightness should be accounted for in the lighting design. When surfaces
Limestone 35-60 with a higher reflectance are used, light is reflected back into
White Paint 75-90
the space, and higher illuminance levels are created. Light re-
White Structural Glass 70-80
flectance is based on a scale of 0, total surface light absorp-
Spread: General diffuse reflection
tion, to 100, total light reflection.
Brushed Aluminum 55-60
Etched Aluminum 70-82 Spread reflection materials, such as brushed aluminum, have
Processed Aluminum (Diffuse) 70-80
a high, though diffused, reflection, reflecting 5-10% of light.
Satin Chrome 50-55
Diffused reflection materials, as simple as a white painted wall,
Specular: Directional control of brightness at specific angles
Chrome 60-65
give a uniform brightness, and are good reflecting backgrounds
Metal coated plastic 75-95 for coves and smaller spaces. In addition to reduced energy
Mirrored and optical coated glass 80-95 costs, white and light-reflective surfaces help reduce shadows
Polished aluminum 69-70
from shelving and low walls.
Stainless Steel 55-65

Hospitality environments need to make the patrons feel com- Contrast is achieved by using an increased illumination within
fortable while accenting key areas and allowing for important the different types of light, commonly task and accent, to em-
tasks. Simply increasing brightness is not only a waste of elec- phasize featured items against the general light levels. Contrast
tricity, but is also not effective. Bright spaces with lots of glare can be used to create visual hierarchies within the environment,
make guests uncomfortable and less likely to return. The key enabling attention to be drawn to and focused on certain items
is layering light and using contrast throughout the space. based on the contrast ratio. For example, a 2:1 contrast ra-
There are four basic layers of lighting: General lighting, also tio, with the accent lighting being two times brighter than the
called ambient, accent lighting, task lighting, and decorative general lighting level, creates a barely recognizable contrast.
lighting. Measured in footcandles, the IESNA has illuminance Whereas a 30:1 contrast ratio will create a strong focal effect
level recommendations based on the type of lighting, the type on the focal items.
of space, the type of guest, and how the lighting will be used Each type of lighting has many options, and by incorporating the
(Page 14). By layering these light types, depth and dimension recommended light levels and contrast ratios, the end result is a
is added to the space. space with high visual interest, depth, and dimension.

2:1 Ratio 30:1 Ratio

Light Source Brain Decoder Performance requirements for lamps and integrated luminaires:
Eye Receptor
1. Visual appearance of light on a surface
2. Numerical performance, light level, and efficiency
3. Visual appearance and glare control of the luminaire itself


There are four layers of light typically used in hospitality lighting: general (also called ambient) lighting, task lighting, accent lighting,
and decorative lighting. Combining and balancing these lighting types gives visual interest to the space and creates a more attrac-
tive, exiting and inviting environment.

General lighting is the main source of illumination in a Perimeter lighting, or wall washing, helps define spaces,
space. This uniform, base level of lighting can easily become provides vertical lighting and makes the space feel larger.
the focus of energy reduction, as the light levels from other Done with sconces or wall washers, vertical lighting creates
fixtures can be lowered, especially when using LED sources. a pleasant, welcoming environment and adds to the visibility
Recommended light levels for general lighting is 30 - 50 and visual impact of the displays on the walls. It is important
footcandles. General lighting allows the guests and staff that vertical surfaces are lit for visual comfort, spaciousness
circulate throughout the space. Diffused general lighting and visual and directional cues. Vertical brightness influences
ensures a sense of well-being, which makes customers feel the customers’ impression of the space by making orienta-
comfortable. A simple way to achieve this is by arranging tion easier, helping to define spaces, and aiding in making the
recessed fixtures using reflectors, baffles, and lensed trims space’s appearance to be larger, open and more welcoming
in overlapping positions. for the consumer.

Task lighting is used to illuminate an area for a specific task; Pendant luminaries at the front desk are a great way to pro-
providing a focused, localized, and higher level of illumination. vide task light for work; enabling staff to quickly and accu-
Necessary to the functioning of a space, it is important to use rately check guests in, run register sales and credit card
energy efficient sources to reduce operating costs. transactions, minimizing mistakes. Recommended light lev-
Task lighting is most effective when used as a supplement to els for task areas are 50 – 200 footcandles. When lighting a
general lighting in workspaces, conference areas and on count- task area, take into account the difference in brightness, or
er tops. Effective task lighting should eliminate shadows on the contrast, between the task area and the surrounding space.
specific illuminated area, while preventing glare from the lamp A 3:1 ratio of task lighting to general illumination provides
or off surfaces. a nice contrast. The amount of light needed on the task, or
luminance, is usually the most flexible variable of task lighting,
and can be increased to compensate for low contrast levels.

Accent lighting creates a dramatic emphasis on the space us- They are easy to aim precisely to highlight products’ best
ing a focused, or point, light source or sources. It adds depth, attributes and influence the customers’ impression. Accent-
contrast and creates a focal point for items to be displayed; ing everything and emphasizing nothing is a common mistake
it highlights shape, texture, finish and color. If this light is di- with accent lighting; always keep in mind that there such a
rected ambiguously, the end result may have many unwanted thing as providing too much light.
shadows obstructing the details of the highlighted items as The IESNA recommends a 5:1 ratio of accent lighting to am-
well as distracting glare. bient light to make items stand out and create a significant
The key is to make this illumination more precise and of high- visual effect; dark colors may require a higher ratio to bring
er intensity than the surrounding ambient light. Track fixtures, out detail. Recommended light levels for accent lighting are
recessed housings with adjustable trims and concealed ad- between 150 – 500 footcandles. For feature displays, higher
justable illumination with point source lamps provide direc- ratios of 15:1 or 30:1 are used, especially to create sparkle
tional control and are especially effective for accent lighting. in jewelry or crystal.

Decorative lighting serves a dual purpose: not only to con- Wall sconces and wall mounted cylinders should be mounted
tribute to the lighting layers in a hospitality environment, but approximately 5-1/2 feet a.f.f.; this helps to create a sense of
also to enhance the look of the space as a design element. human scale, especially in a large space.
Decorative lighting includes pendants, sconces, chandeliers, Adding décor, beauty and style using decorative lighting is also
table and floor lamps, and cylinders. Decorative lighting should an important reflection of a store’s brand image, and reinforces
complement and add visual interest to the interior, as well as the theme and style of the space. Decorative lighting can also
provide or contribute to the overall lighting plan. contribute a feeling of hospitality and comfort to the experi-
Pendants should be mounted 8 - 12 feet above the finished ence, putting guests at ease.
floor (a.f.f.) so they are still within view, but not too low as to By combining and layering these lighting types, your environ-
deter the shopping experience. Pendants displayed over count- ment will be more attractive, exciting, and inviting.
ers should be hung 36 - 48 inches above the horizontal plane
so customers can peer into the glass without being hindered
by the luminaire.


Hospitality lighting systems are complex: the key is to create an attractive, comfortable and functional environment. A com-
mon goal of any lighting design, but here, the guests’ satisfaction with the environment determines the business’s success.
When done successfully, hotel lighting should go completely unnoticed; it should integrate with the architecture and décor, it
should feel comfortable and natural, it should welcome guests and provide a sense of comfort and safety.
No where else will you find as many space types - guest rooms, restaurants, meeting rooms, banquet halls – that create the
whole experience. Each element must be addressed as an individual component, yet all are interconnected: by the mood and
atmosphere that the lighting conveys, by the style of the architecture and décor.

THE LOBBY a conventionally low to moderate level. The corridors must remain
continuously illuminated for safety and clear passage; therefore, it is
The hotel lobby gives the first impression about the hotel. Lighting
important to use energy efficient lighting. ConTech Lighting offers a
here must focus on detail as much as the overall design; it must
variety of Energy Star rated fixtures, from downlights to wall sconc-
compliment the architecture, provide a safe exterior-to-interior tran-
es. All corridors must also have emergency lighting and exit signs,
sition, and reinforce brand identity.
as they are paths of regress.
The balance of the lobby must be warm, welcoming, and navigation-
al. The registration area needs higher light levels to attract guests’
attention, as well as provide adequate task lighting for desk staff. GUEST ROOMS
Consideration should be taken to light the front desk staff’s faces When guests arrive in their room, they must feel a sense of total pri-
so they appear approachable. Consider using mono-point pendant vacy, safety, and comfort. This is their home away from home for the
fixtures with one of ConTech Lighting’s exclusive shades to compli- extent of their stay. The lighting should be easy to maintain, and not
ment the décor. easily broken or damaged. While primarily a bedroom, anything from
reading, to watching TV, to entertaining, to sleeping, can occur in
the space. Cost is a significant concern, as each guest room lighting
MEETING ROOMS, CONFERENCE plan is multiplied by dozens, or even hundreds, of rooms. With guest
room lighting, high quality, energy efficient lighting is a necessity.
The key to lighting these areas is flexibility and versatility; as rear-
ranging the seating and partitions, as well as the use of the space Guest Room Lighting Needs
and, therefore, the lighting schemes, are important. Using two or • Light at the bathroom mirror/vanity
more adjustable lighting systems is ideal. The general lighting in the • Light at the entry hall to illuminate the path and the closet or
room, at a comfortable and navigational level, needs to be dimmable clothes storage area.
to vary the illuminance level for audio/visual presentations. • Light by each side of the bed at an adequate foot candle level
for reading
• Light at the desk or work table
CORRIDORS • Adequate ambient lighting so the room does not seem dim
Hallways and corridors are very important elements of the hotel as
they connect the lobby to all other areas of the facility. A safe, navi-
gational, and energy conserving light level is around 5 foot candles,

Lighting design for restaurants all depends on the type of ven- appropriate for the space. Recommended ambient levels are
ue, and the desired atmosphere. The perfect formula for light- around 15 foot candles, with 30 foot candles over the tables
ing restaurants is a mixture of ambient and accent lighting for contrast and functionality. A low voltage mono-point pen-
that blends into the architecture and becomes unnoticeable. dant is a perfect option for over dining tables; the light will be
This allows the addition of decorative luminaires to be just concentrated on the table and one of ConTech’s decorative
that – decorative – adding to the atmosphere and mood of the glass shades adds to the atmosphere.
restaurant. Consider ConTech Lighting Recessed Housings; a Color rendition is extremely important in a restaurant setting;
myriad of voltage, lamp, and trim options make it an excellent not only for the appearance of the space, but also the patrons
ambient light source. and most crucially, the food itself. Using high CRI LED light
It is important to consider zoning: the overall ambient lighting sources from the same bin and closely matched on the MacAd-
should be subtle, but passageways, service areas, and hall- am ellipse will ensure consistent, even, white light.
ways should be more brightly lit. The light levels should be

Casinos are a multi-purpose environment; in addition to gam-
ing, many casinos have restaurants, bars, shows, shopping
and even rides. This variety requires a specialized lighting
design, where energy efficiency is an important issue.
The gaming floor can be divided into two basic areas: slots
and tables. The slot areas require general illumination from
at least two sources, the first predominantly from the slot
machines themselves, the second usually from recessed
downlights or pendant fixtures. Consider ConTech Lighting’s
recessed multiples; they are even with the ceiling plane, are
available in one to four lamp configurations, and are adjust-
able. This flexibility allows for changes in the layout of the
gaming floor.


ConTech offers a variety of high quality exit and emergen-
cy lighting fixtures to suit your space. When general lighting
systems fail, exit and emergency lighting direct the safe exit
of the building’s occupants. If no exit is required, the lighting
should provide security and comfort until the general lighting
can be restored. ConTech’s exit and emergency fixtures are
tested to the highest safety standards; meeting or exceeding
NFPA101, NEC and UL294.

Type of Activity Illuminance Category Footcandles Reference Work-Plane
Public spaces with dark surroundings A 2-3-5
Simple orientation for short temporary visits B 5-7.5-10 General lighting through
Working spaces where visual tasks are only spaces
C 10-15-20
occasionally performed
Performance of visual tasks of high contrast
D 20-30-50
or large size
Performance of visual tasks of medium con-
E 50-75-100 Illuminance on task
trast or small size
Performance or visual tasks of low contrast
F 100-150-200
or very small size
Performance of visual tasks of low contrast
G 200-300-500
and very small size over a prolonged period Illuminance on task, ob-
Performance of very prolonged and exacting tained by a combination of
H 500-750-1000
visual task general and local (supple-
Performance of very special visual tasks of mental lighting)
I 1000-1500-2000
extremely low contrast and small size


For Illuminance Categories A through C
Weighting factor
Room and Occupant Characteristics
-1 0 +1
Occupant Ages Under 40 40-55 Over 55
Room Surface Reflectances* Greater than 70% 30-70% Less than 30%
For Illuminance Categories D through I
Weighting factor
Task and Worker Characteristics
-1 0 +1
Worker’s Ages Under 40 40-55 Over 55
Speed and/or Accuracy 2
Not Important Important Critical
Reflectance of Task Background 3
Greater than 70% 30-70% Less than 30%

*Average weighted surface reflectances, including wall, floor, and ceiling reflectances, if they encompass a large portion of the task area or visual surround. For instance, in an
elevator lobby, where the ceiling height is 25 feet, neither the task nor the visual surround encompass the ceiling, so only the floor and wall reflectances would be considered.

1. IESNA Lighting Handbook, 8th Edition

2. In determining whether speed and/or accuracy is not important, important, or critical, the following questions need to be answered: What are the limitations? How important is
it to perform the task rapidly? Will errors produce an unsafe condition or product? Will errors reduce productivity and be costly? For example, in reading for leisure there are no
time limitations and it is not important to read rapidly. Errors will not be costly and will not be related to safety. Thus, speed and/or accuracy is not important. If, however, a
worker is involved in exacting work, accuracy is critical because of the close tolerances, and time is important because of production demands.
3. The task background is that portion of the task upon which the meaningful visual display is exhibited. For example, on this page the meaningful visual display includes each
letter which combines with other letters to form words and phrases. the display medium, or task background, is the paper, which has a reflectance of approximately 85%.



Areas/Activity Illuminance Category
Bathrooms, for Grooming D
Bedrooms, for Reading D
Corridors, Elevators, and Stairs C
Front Desk E
Linen Room
Sewing F
General C
General Lighting C
Reading and Working Areas D

Food Service Facilities

Dining Areas
Cashier D
Cleaning C
Dining B
Kitchen E

Service Stations
Stairways, Corridors C
Elevators, Freight and Passenger C
Toilets and Washrooms C

Exhibition Halls C

Conference Rooms D

Dance Halls and Discotheques B

Club and Lodge Rooms D

1. IESNA Lighting Handbook, 8th Edition

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725 Landwehr Road

Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Designed and Printed
Designed and Printed Designed and Printed
in the USA Designed in the USA in the USA

All specifications subject to change without notice. and Printed

in the USA

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