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Erectus Walks Amongst Us Review

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Erectus walks amongst us review

Erectus Walks Among Us is a book published in 2008 to uncover TheOry Outside Africa. A politically motivated theory created and promoted by the liberal arts department of major universities, not the scientific departments. The book is divided into 5 sections: (1) What the reader needs to know about fossil humans, evolution, neo-calving,
genetic distance and evolutionary psychology. (2) Characteristics of live humans' races, hard and soft tissue, behaviour, intelligence and achievements, (3) non-African theory of modern human origin, including the promotion of fossil fuels, the promotion of mtDNA and nuclear DNA and the alleged replacement of Eurasia by Africans some
65 000 years ago(4) Theory of human origin outside Eurasia, including evolution to dual-belt monkeys, why human intelligence has increased until recently, Neanderthals and the origins of Eurasian, African and Asian natives, and (5) policies based on previous sections, i.e. classification of races, misconception, hybrids, segregation,
eugenics, left, egalitarianism, individualism, morality and the present situation. Filter... Clear all improvements {{parameters.value == true ? New: Used}} {{parameters.value == true ? Big print: Standard printing}} You know you're looking for something interesting when reviews are as polarized as here. Lots of 4/5 stars and also lots of 1
star reviews. Just by reading the prologue, you know if you like it or hate it. There is controversy against the current orthodoxy that reigns over us. They claim that all races are equal (or do not even exist!), intelligence has nothing to do with genetics, Africans achieve less because they are oppressed. There are many political reasons why
these ideas are spreading, but they are not true. The claim that we are all Africans is one of the worst! It is used to justify all kinds of dysgenic policies and measures, including mass immigration, social security, racial integration and misjudgment. Richard Fuerle, who is at the roots of this book, gives us an overview of the process of
evolution by natural selection, which is fascinating in itself. But that's when it brings us differences between races and a compelling story about how these differences might have evolved that it really shines. Five stars. After more root research as well as the current reality of certain issues, I removed some articles and revised a lot (as I
usually do, but even more so). The U.S. has no problem with prisons or guns; has a problem with certain races. As separation (segregation) is no longer possible, the US is forced to build more prison facilities. It also needs many more concealed weapons holders - that it is not necessary in some other places, it is not an argument against
such, but rather strengthens the case, because it is necessary, and it becomes so now over the crumbling west. Recent articles I have reviewed are from Africa (OoA): What they do not tell us; important added message [1] I will continue to discuss. I just didn't know how far the corruption of science, which I know well through my personal
experience in several other fields, threatened research around old bones. As is often the case with corrupt science, it is initially difficult to understand this issue, because distortions are based so incredibly idiotic that an honest person may not be able to accept that other intelligent educated people could threaten their output in this way. As
usual, the truth is suppressed to fight some bad XYZ, but the presented alternative is much more XYZ than could ever be suppressed! I showed examples of this in physics, where one famous XYZ was the ether of basic time-planning relativity. With the OoA, evil is called racism. I didn't understand why intellectuals insist on the OoA,
thinking: Do these educated people really stop outside of Africa, so we're all the same, Kumbaya!, supporting a theory that brings Africans closer to primitive origin in African chimpanzees, a theory that gives white status an advanced evolutionary model, something that theories about the emergence of multiple regions don't do? How can
they be so stupid and undermine their own position in such naively racist ways? Well, now I know. Basically, yes, they're so stupid. They think that if someone gives a common origin 65,000 years ago and suppresses all the evidence against them, everyone will agree that evolution does not have enough time to develop differences
between people. But who thinks 65,000 years isn't enough to make a difference? Ashkenazim Jews have increased their average IQ by the entire standard deviation in about a thousand years! I sincerely apologise for being careless and writing things beyond reasonable doubt about the establishment science, which is naïve to the
systemic corruption of the scientific community. That brings me to my first book recommendation. Every time I read a book, I'm almost always disgusted, even though I like the book quite a bit and consider it important. An interesting book relevant to the question of race is, for example, Jared Diamond Guns Germs, and Steel, but it is so
damn biased, so of course it focuses on the pleasure of egalitarian... No, as an honest scientist, I can't recommend it. The book Erectus Walks Among Us [1] is very different, full of science that no scientist can say. Like any good book that says too much real science: Nowhere is it recommended, especially not by science bloggers!
Sometimes, especially when Fuerle mentions Jews, one can feel animosity, but get this: it does not lead to misrepresentation of facts such as the high average Ashkenazim IQ. No wonder people don't recommend the book far right. About 500 pages, almost every page is overcooked with scientific references and a host of controversial
new ideas to introduce: Of course there are flaws and I disagree with all or the overall outlook (discussing the future without mentioning AI). However, the author was so thorough, so sincere, and the message is so important today, as well as suppressed, I put my neck out and do something I've never done before: I recommend a book!
Even those who are not interested in the details of old bones and genetics or race mixing and related IQ depression and liberal deformities hybrid Vigor and all that, an introduction to the corruption of science is enough to recommend this book to anyone interested in science! If you can't read the book critically and take what it's worth
taking, don't read Erectus coming between us. For those who are hungry for honest scientific writing on important issues: Read Erectus comes between us! A huge amount of facts about bones and teeth and alletes and everything that's pretty tedious, so maybe you'll want to skip the whole section, which is kind of difficult. At first I skipped
and then I didn't understand his theory about the off-theuan (OoE), so I had to read it on the page. The book could be better organized. Fuerle, however, didn't even want to write a book and had to stop at some point after four years of dedicated hard work, so the sub-ideal arrangement is justified. Thank you Richard Fuerle.----------------[1]
Richard D. Fuerle: Erectus walks among us: Evolution of Modern People Spooner Press NY, (2008)UPDATE: Sorry - the comments are closed and I can't open them. Here's my answer to Adam's question What is the genetic mechanism that produces depression from breeding? My initial idea would be that isolated breeding populations,
over time, - due to the fixation of alleles in the population - can actually develop a genetic architecture in which epistical effects contribute to IQ negligibils. When populations are mixed, these epistical effects are lost. :Genes evolve together and depend on each other. If we divide the population into two isolated gene pools, at some point,
even with a mere random genetic shift, there will be speculation, i.e. you can no longer mix them, because genes that have not developed sufficiently together, because separation no longer work together and collide. In other words, there is a spectrum ranging from one extreme, namely hybrid strength (with recently isolated and still very
similar genes, where, moreover, in-breeding has led to a lack of the kind of necessary diversity good for rapid adaptation), to the other extreme, namely the usual spectration (long-separated gene pools). In between, if the gene pools are large and diverse, there is no hybrid force to disguise the clotting of genes that will no longer work
well, so we have out-breeding In short: Depression from reproduction is not necessarily some peculiar, independent effect, but an expected, usual general development. (Of course, there may be and probably interesting mechanisms of depression that deserve to be described as separate, developed mechanisms of evolution, as well as
sexual procreation bringing increased adaptive diversity is little more than a fully anticipated general development, but I emphasize those mechanisms that are fully expected from pure mathematics algorithmic development) ©2020 Walmart Stores Inc. Our system takes too long to respond. Please try again. Library items Contains a list of
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