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Andrey Lukyanov-Origami All Letters & Ciphers

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The document contains letters of the alphabet and numbers 0-9 structured as origami ciphers for educational purposes.

The document contains origami designs for letters of the alphabet and numbers 0-9, along with short poems/stories for each. The purpose seems to be educational material for learning letters and numbers through origami.

The document includes letters A-Z and numbers 0-9 in the form of origami ciphers.

Le t t e r s a n d C i p h e r s

Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

To my so n it is devoted
М о е м у с ы н у п о с в я щ ае т с я

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 Letters and Ciphers by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L et t e r " A "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Am y’s alien has an A frame ho us e

T h a t s h e s h a r e s w i t h a s pa c e m o u s e .

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "A" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 13 January 2008
L et t e r " B "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Bo bby built a s no w man o ne c o ld day

Be careful it’s beginning to melt aw ay.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "B" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 20 January 2008
L et t e r " C "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Co dy sees that his co o kie

Has a gigantic lo s t bite " See s ee s ee w hat yo u did
W here did that piece go To my s ugar c o o kie, kid!"
That’s m is sing o n the right?

1. 9 x 9 2 3

 Letter "C" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

4 5 6

7 8
 All rights reserved 21 January 2008
L et t e r " D "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

D ino ate half a cho c o late cake

That his mo m w o rked hard to bake.
" Why did you eat cake, D ino w itho ut asking me? "
" Becaus e the cake s melled so delic io us , m umm y!"

1. 8 x 8 2 3

4 5  Letter "D" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

6 7
 All rights reserved 21 January 2008
L e t t e r " E"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Eve o pens the w indow at night

To s ee the stars s hining bright.
E v e s t a r e s a t t h e d ar k e v e n i n g s k y
As Eve gaz es the c lo uds drift by.

 Letter "E" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8

 All rights reserved 21 January 2008
L et t e r " F "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Felix ho lds in his left hand a flag.

Felix w aves to the left w ith a zigz ag.

 Letter "F" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8

 All rights reserved 21 January 2008
L et t e r " G "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

G ina takes her do ll J ean fo r a ride

In a c arriage by the sunny seas ide.

1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Letter "G" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

4 5 6 7

8 9 home
 All rights reserved 23 January 2008
L e t t e r " H"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Happy has allergies all the time

He sneez es ah ( say h-cho o ) c ho o during the daytime
H a p p y s i ts o n a c h a i r t o b l o w h i s " a h ( s a y h - c h o o ) c h o o " n o s e
Then he go es and c hanges his bo o ger clo thes.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "H" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

6 7
 All rights reserved 13 January 2008
L et t e r " I "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Ida s tretc hed up tall and s traight

Ida threw an ic e ball at her c lass mate.

 Letter "I" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

1. 8 x 8 2

3 4

 All rights reserved 23 January 2008
L e t t e r " J"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

JayJay threw a ball up high

JayJay’s ball hit a dragonfly.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "J" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 16 January 2008
L et t e r " K "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Katie kic ks o ne fo o t very high

Alm o st reaching to the sky.
O n e f o o t s t a y s o n t h e g ro u n d
As K atie tw irls ro und and round.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "K" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 12 January 2008
L e t t e r " L"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Lo lly's elf lives under a tall po st

Lo lly's elf mo ved in fro m the w est co as t.

 Letter "L" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

1. 8 x 8 2

3 4

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L et t e r " M"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Em ma and Mo ns ter w ent up the steep mo untains ide

E m m a ’s a n d M o n s t e r ' s c a n t e e n w a s e m p t y , E m m a c r i e d

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "M" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 11 January 2008
L et t e r " N "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Neat Nic k open the gate

Neat Nic k enter, do n’t w ait.

b a b
1. 9 x 9 2

3 4 5  Letter "N" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

 All rights reserved 13 January 2008
L et t e r " O "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

O prah opens her m ou th w ide

F o r m i n g an o f r o m s i d e t o s i d e .

1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Letter "O" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


6 7

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L et t e r " P "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Peter pigs o ut o n pic kles to eat

Firs t lo ng and so ur, then ro und and sw eet.
Peter eats pic kles ho ur after ho ur
No w Peter has m o re pickle po wer.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "P" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

5 6
 All rights reserved 13 January 2008
L et t e r " Q "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

C ute po nytail in the back o f Q ueenie's head

C ute po nytail tied w ith a ribbo n of red.

1. 9 x 9 2

 Letter "Q" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

6 7
 All rights reserved 14 January 2008
L et t e r " R "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Rudo lph are yo u ready fo r the rac e?

Rudo lph are yo u s et fo r the pac e?
Straight do wn, back up and right
Rudo lph, sto p at the flas hing red light.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "R" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L et t e r " S "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

S is has Esther a pet rattlesnake

Es ther rests by the edge o f the lake.
Es ther curves to the left and right
S ix feet lo ng, black and w hite.

1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Letter "S" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

4 5 6

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L e t t e r " T"
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Tina has a teeny shelf o n the w all

Tina dis plays teacups big and sm all.

 Letter "T" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

1. 8 x 8 2

3 4

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
L et t e r " U "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Uni's unico rn, digs a huge ho le

No w Uni's unico rn, has a sec ret peepho le.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "U" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 16 January 2008
L et t e r " V "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

V ito and Val c o nstantly m oan and groan

W hen ice c ream drips o ut Vito ’s and V al's co ne.

1. 8 x 8 2

 Letter "V" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

7 8
 All rights reserved 18 January 2008
L et t e r " W "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Wendy to ld the blac k bat

While having a friendly c hat
Hanging ups ide do w n yo u’re sm all
Do uble yo u in s ize yo u’re really tall.

1. 8 x 8 2

3 4  Letter "W" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

 All rights reserved 11 January 2008
L et t e r " X "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Xavier exc laim s, "X marks the s pec ial s po t!"

Xavier exc laim s, "X marks the treasure go t!"

1. 8 x 8 2 . To plan all lines

 Letter "X" by Luk yanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 19 January 2008
L et t e r " Y "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Yuppie as ks , "Why is that branc h o n the ground? "

"Why did the w ind blo w it aro und? "

1. 8 x 8 2

3 4  Letter "Y" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 -4

 All rights reserved 19 January 2008
L et t e r " Z "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)

Z ena and her z ebra s aw lightning in the sky

Z e n a a n d h e r z e br a b e g a n t o s c r e a m a n d c r y !

1. 9 x 9 2

 Letter "Z" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

 All rights reserved 25 January 2008
C i p h er " 1 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "1" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4

5 6

7 home
 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 2 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Cipher "2" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


6 7

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 3 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "3" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)



 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 4 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "4" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 5 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Cipher "5" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

4 5 6

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 6 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "6" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 7 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "7" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 8 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2 3

 Cipher "8" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

4 5

7 8

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 9 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


1. 8 x 8 2

 Cipher "9" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)

3 4 5

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008
C i p h er " 0 "
Lukyanov Andrey - Crimea (Ukraine)


2 3
1. 8 x 8

 Cipher "0" by Lukyanov Andrey (Ukraine)


6 7

 All rights reserved 26 January 2008

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