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Ppl1o - Training Principles

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Unit/Conceptual Focus: Planning for Physical Fitness

Lesson #: 1 Focus: Training Principles

Curriculum Expectations:
• Critical and Creative Thinking (CT)* 1.5 use a range of critical and creative thinking skills and processes to assist
them in making connections, planning and setting goals, analysing and solving problems, making decisions, and
evaluating their choices in connection with learning in health and physical education.
• A2.2 describe the short-term and long-term benefits of developing both health-related fitness (i.e.,
cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition) and skill-
related fitness (i.e., balance, agility, power, reaction time, speed, and coordination), and explain how to use basic
training principles to enhance both types of fitness (e.g., progressive overload: increasing the frequency, intensity,
and/or duration of the activity or exercise over time to enhance health-related fitness; specificity: participating in
physical activities that develop specific aspects of fitness, as when using aerobic activity to improve
cardiorespiratory fitness or doing in-line skating or skateboarding to develop balance and agility) [PS, CT]
• A2.3 assess their level of health-related fitness during various physical activities, and monitor changes in their
health-related fitness over time [PS, CT]

Learning Goals:
We are learning to:

● Understand the fundamentals of fitness.

● Differentiate between health and skill-related fitness components.
● How to apply specific training principles to your own fitness schedule.
● Incorporate progressive overload into weekly workout logs.

Guiding Questions:
● What does physical fitness mean to you?

● What fitness testing corresponds to each health-related fitness component?

● How can we use these training principles to improve our physical fitness?

Before: Minds On Materials

Time: ● Guiding Question: What does physical fitness mean to you?

10 Minutes ● Allow students to share their unique and diverse answers to show them
that everyone’s fitness journey is different. Not one single definition for - Laptop, phone,
physical fitness – many components.
Time: During: Action! Materials

Activity: Mental Health Powerpoint
30 Minutes f8zLBDHBd6T1ac/edit#slide=id.gbfefd0c1eb_3_92
- Powerpoint
- Pear Deck
- Laptop/Tablet
● Go through the powerpoint with the class that discusses; What is
physical fitness, health & skill-related fitness components, training
principles (focus on progressive overload)

- Running shoes,
Activity: Movement Break
workout clothes,
• Guide the students through a series of rock, paper, scissors games. Each
water bottle
result (win, loss, tie) determines what movements students should do
(on slide deck)
• Students will examine each movement and relate back to appropriate
fitness component

Time: After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

20 Minutes Activity: Progressive Overload Worksheet

Objectives: - Worksheet
● Students will complete the progressive overload worksheet (on D2L)
- Pencil/Pen
● Go through each question with the students so they understand the
- Laptop/tablet
expectations and how to appropriately apply the training principles to
each situation.
● Work through question #1 with the students so they have a template for
the remainder of the questions
Assessment Opportunities
● Assessment as learning- As students learn through experience, they are able to better understand what each skill-
related fitness component is and how it can be beneficial to their own training program.
● Assessment of learning – The worksheet provides an excellent summative assessment of the students
understanding of how to apply training principles to each specific scenario to improve that individual’s physical
fitness. Also allows students to assess their own fitness level, provide a goal and how they will use the training
principles to reach that goal.
Next Steps

● Help students develop and implement their own fitness plan depending on their unique goals.
● Review and assess students’ submissions of worksheet and identify common errors and mistakes.
● Round #2 of fitness testing, allowing students to provide evidence of how they are utilizing these principles.
● Introduce F.I.T.T principle

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