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Online Indexing and Retrieval of Images

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11S, September 2019

Online Retrieval and Indexing of Images using

Multi Feature Vectors
Yatin Kumar Agarwal, Dilkeshwar Pandey, Manoj Singhal

Abstract— In technology proliferated era of modern world, image datasets. Especially in large sized image datasets in
health care has witnessed huge developments. The cutting edge healthcare sector, lot of image analysis needs to be carried
technologies have paved way for sophisticated and feature rich out, to extract meaningful information. This medical domain
image processing in medical field using colour tomography and
is considered to be one of the main areas where Content
medical resonance imaging. The images obtained using
radiological techniques can be stored in a database and the Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has found huge application.
features and implications can be recorded in the database after After indexing of images and the storage of images in
the analysis of those images by physicians. These databases can databases, image retrieval techniques are applied for
be used in obtaining the meaningful analysis of the images selecting and displaying the matching images. One of the
obtained through radiology in rural areas of developing countries oldest techniques used in image retrieval is text based. In
like India, where sophisticated medical facilities are a dream for
this text based retrieval of images, the keywords may be
many in developing nations. The dataset of images can be divided
into training and testing set. Training set of data is utilized to image name, date of addition, deletion and modification.
obtain multi feature vectors based on Caffe. Caffe is used in this The fundamental problems faced in text based image
training with a focus on image recognition. The image feature is retrieval include certain intangible components such as
a simple image pattern based on which the description of image feelings, emotions and multiple expressions, with
can be obtained. The features of an image are transformed to a homonyms and misspellings. One of the recently and widely
vector space using computer vision algorithms. Moreover a
used techniques in image retrieval in today’s applications
framework has been evolved in this paper to extract the features
from image using image descriptors-white box algorithms and include CBIR.
neural nets-black box algorithms. We also present the pros and This paper is organized into many sections. Section 2 of
cons of our novel framework for online retrieval and indexing of this paper deals with the corresponding literatures in the
images using multi feature vectors. field of image indexing and retrieval. Section 3 discusses
about the approach taken by us in extracting various features
Keywords: Image processing, vectors, caffe, image descriptors, using multi vectors. Section 4 presents the experimental
neural nets.
results of our approach in the context of precision and
accuracy using WEKA and provides a comparative analysis
with three other approaches that are widely used in
In many applications of image processing, it is very much healthcare. The final section of the paper deals with the
important to store images in a database. After storing in the conclusion of the paper.
database, it becomes necessary in many occasions to retrieve
the images from database. For further processing or II. LITERATURE REVIEW
retrieval, mainly content based concept is employed but for
This section of the paper will deal with the analysis of
indexing, most of the time concept based /description based
various approaches that were followed in the literature.
or text based image indexing [1] is utilized. In text based
Messaoudi et al [4], discussed about medical image
image indexing keywords, description of images, captions or
indexing based on the reports obtained from various experts.
natural language text is used. In the image indexing
Their work concentrated on the removal of unavailability of
methodologies, mostly a set of attributes of an image stored
expert medical facilities in rural and semi urban areas. This
in the database [2] is used. In the second approach, an
paper had proposed a kind of comments’ summary
integrated feature extraction/object recognition subsystem
keywords-based method. The comments based keywords are
was utilized. The third and relatively less used approach
very relevant to the comments or annotations provided by
consists of image annotation [3]. Moreover, low level image
features are utilized in the few of the image indexing
These keywords that are extracted provide robust image
indexation. His approach proposed by the authors is referred
These image indexing techniques find widespread
as Terminology Extraction of Annotation (TEA) mixed
applications in the medical domain and health care sector ,
as huge data storage is available at low cost. Advancements
R.Chbeir et al [5], proposed another efficient method for
in image acquisition techniques paved way for large sized
image indexing in medical application. The authors have
addressed the spatial and evolutionary issues of images
Revised Manuscript Received on September 10, 2019. using different types of relations. This method is considered
Yatin Kumar Agarwal, Research Scholar (AKTU), Lucknow, U.P, to be highly explanatory and reliable mechanism for
indexing images.
Dr. Dilkeshwar Pandey, Professor CSE, KIET, Ghaziabad, U.P, India
Dr. Manoj Singhal, Professor IT, GNIOT, Greater Noida, U.P, India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: K110409811S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1104.09811S19 626 & Sciences Publication
Online Retrieval and Indexing of Images using Multi Feature Vectors

Pang S et al [6], proposed a novel biomedical image first ten most similar images to the end user of the system.
indexing and retrieval system based on preferential deep The entire process is depicted in fig. 1 Shown below:
learning. The deep learning approach in this paper is used to
extract the high level and compact features of various
biomedical images. Multiple hidden layer based approach is
used to capture substantial feature structures of images with
high resolution.
Justin Kestelyn et al [7], in his blog post in cloudera
discussed about a solution for storage and retrieval of
medical imaging files using distributed Apache Hadoop
cluster. This method was considered by the authors to be
cost effective and high performance. The discussion in this
blog post considered the industry standard of Picture
Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS).
R Cornet et al [8], proposed an indexing method for
medical images using hierarchical cluster structure and the
LBP operator.
R.Zwiggelaar et al [9], discussed variants of local binary Fig.1: Novel Image Retrieval Architecture
pattern descriptors to classify breast tissue which are widely
used as texture descriptors for local feature extraction and Based on the architecture given in this section, we have
analysed the classification results for the variants of local simulated the processing framework on a sample medical
binary patterns such as classic LBP (Local Binary Pattern), image database and the results of which are discussed in the
ELBP (Elliptical Local Binary Pattern), Uniform ELBP, next section.
LDP (Local Directional Pattern) and M-ELBP (Mean- The master agent for calculation of consolidated scores
ELBP) performs better due to the matching algorithm that we
S.Jabeen et al [10], proposed a novel CBIR technique implemented using Mahalanobis distance than Euclidean
based on the visual words fusion of speeded-up robust distance.
features (SURF) and fast retina keypoint (FREAK) feature Mahalanobis distance always performs better than
descriptors. SURF is a sparse descriptor whereas FREAK is Euclidean distance because the multi feature attributes are
a dense descriptor. taken together to calculate the consolidated similarity
Z.Mehmood et al [11],introduced effective visual words measure. Euclidean distance is calculated using the formula
fusion technique based on speeded-up robust features that contains attributes of the image in question and the
(SURF) and histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) attributes of the reference images are taken into
feature descriptors. HOG is used to extract global features, consideration. Mahalanobis distance is calculated using the
whereas SURF is used for the extraction of local features. multiple attributes along with the covariance matrix
M.Yousuf et al [12], introduced an effective novel calculated based on the multiple feature based attributes.
technique to improve the performance of CBIR on the basis
of visual words fusion of Scale-Invariant Feature Transform IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
(SIFT) and local intensity order pattern (LIOP) descriptors.
The experimental setup used in the analysis of the
proposed novel architecture of image processing consists of
a medical image database that contains 1000 sample records.
The slave agents for image feature extraction and
A unique and novel approach to process the images in the corresponding score calculator for that particular feature
medical image databases is developed and tested. This were implemented in MATLAB [Reference number]. Fig.2
approach utilized the multiple features of an image such as provides the picture of the agent processing that happens in
region, colour, size, texture, HSV (Hue, Saturation Value), the distributed environment. Also, after obtaining the
shape and metadata. These multiple features are utilized in consolidated scores of an image for similarity matching in
the image analysis to improve the precision and accuracy of the databases with the help of master agent, the accuracy
image retrieval from the databases. The approach that is and precision are calculated with the help training set and
used by the authors in this paper consists of Master/Slave testing set data using WEKA data analysis tool. The
agent architecture. Every feature of an image will be proposed novel architecture (Master/Slave Agent
processed and corresponding match score is calculated for Algorithm) have shown to produce better results than those
close image matching. This activity will be performed by feature based image retrieval techniques such as GLCM
corresponding feature agent. These feature agents are a (Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix), CCM (Colour Co-
piece of software code that is capable of handling image Occurence Matrix) for different numbers of training set
processing in a distributed environment. All the scores from images such as 100, 250 , 300, 500, 800 and 1000.
multiple agents belonging to multiple features will be
handed over to a master feature agent in the database server.
This master feature agent will compute the overall weighted
score of the image features and the agent master extracts the

Published By:
Retrieval Number: K110409811S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1104.09811S19 627 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11S, September 2019

vectors of the images. These images are tested using WEKA

tool for online retrieval towards the metrics of accuracy and
precision. Accuracy and Precision of the proposed MSAA is
compared against GLCM and CCM approaches and that it is
concluded that our approach fared better in terms of
different sets of training images in WEKA.

1. Avinash N Bhute, B.B. Meshram, “Text Based Approach
for Indexing and Retrieval of Image and Video: A
Review”, Advances in Vision Computing-An
International Journal, March 2014.
2. G. M. Petrakis,”Image Representation, Indexing and
Retrieval Based on Spatial Relationships and Properties
of Objects”, Ph.D dissertation, University of Crete, 1993.
3. Https://
Fig.2: Agent Processing in MATLAB 4. A. Messaoudi, R. Bouslimi, J. Akaichi, “Indexing
Medical Images based on collaborative experts reports”,
International Journal of Computer Applications, May
Fig.3 provides the performance of Master/Slave Agent
Algorithm from the perspective accuracy and Fig.4 deals 5. S. Atnafu, R. Chbeir, and L. Brunie, “Content-based
with precision in comparison with GLCM and CCM and metadata retrieval in medical image database”.
approaches. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-
Based Medical Systems, pages 327–332, 2002.
6. Pang S, “A novel biomedical image indexing and
retrieval system via deep preference learning”,
7. J. Kestelyn, “How to rocess and ndex Medical images
with Apache Hadoop-Cloudera Engineering Blog”,
8. R. Mukundan, “Image Features Based on Characteristic
Curves and Local Binary Patterns for Automated HER2
Scoring”, Journal of Imaging, February 2018.
9. M. George, R. Zwiggelaar, “Comparative Study on Local
Binary Patterns for Mammographic Density and Risk
Scoring”, Journal of Imaging, February 2019. Safia
Jabeen, Zahid Mehmood, Toqeer Mahmood, Tanzila
Saba, Amjad Rehman, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood, “An
effective content-based image retrieval technique for
Fig.3: Accuracy of MSAA/GLCM/CCM approaches image visuals representation based on the bag-of-visual-
words model”, PLOS ONE, April 2018.
10. Zahid Mehmood, Fakhar Abbas, Toqeer Mahmood,
Muhammad Arshad Javid, Amjad Rehman, Tabassam
Nawaz, “Content-Based Image Retrieval Based on
Visual Words Fusion Versus Features Fusion of Local
and Global Features”, Arabian Journal of Science and
Engineering, December 2018.
11. Muhammad Yousuf, Zahid Mehmood, Hafiz Adnan
Habib, Toqeer Mahmood, Tanzila Saba, Amjad Rehman,
Muhammad Rashid, “A Novel Technique Based on
Visual Words Fusion Analysis of Sparse Features for
Effective Content-Based Image Retrieval”, Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, 2018.

Fig.4: Precision of MSAA/GLCM/CCM approaches

This paper addressed a unique problem in today’s
healthcare industry, i.e., image indexing and retrieval from
medical image databases. The paper utilized a novel
approach in the form of the multi agent software techniques
with master/slave architecture. Also instead of utilizing
Euclidean distance, we have used Mahalanobis distance for
efficient similarity score calculation using multi feature

Published By:
Retrieval Number: K110409811S19/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1104.09811S19 628 & Sciences Publication

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