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Impact of Multimedia On Biology Achievement Among Grade 12 Students of Mapua University

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Impact of Multimedia on Biology Achievement

among Grade 12 students of Mapua University


Mon Carlo L. Ronquillo

Marc Timey L. Ricalde
Thanel Daevid D. Tuason

A Research Paper Submitted to the Mapua Senior High School Office

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Research Project (RES04)

Mapúa University
February 2018

This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the research paper
prepared by Mon Carlo L. Ronquillo, Marc Timey L. Ricalde, Thanel Daevid D. Tuason
entitled Impact of Multimedia on Biology Achievement among Grade 12 Students’ of
Mapua University and that the said research paper has been submitted for final examination
by the Oral Examination Committee.

Dave Kenneth T. Cayado Teresita L. Zapanta

Content Adviser Research Adviser

As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined this
research paper, presented before the committee on February 19, 2018, and hereby
recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment of the requirement for the course Research
Project (RES04).

Jelline C. Cuales
Panel Member

Rumel Angelo T. Alfaro

Committee Chairman

This research paper is hereby approved and accepted by the Mapúa Senior High School
Office as fulfillment of the requirement for the course Research Project (RES04).

Rumel Angelo T. Alfaro Dr. Dionisia M. Lanuza

Research Committee Chairman Principal


The researchers would like to acknowledge their content adviser Mr. Dave Kenneth T.

Cayado for his immeasurable support on this project. His insight and effort were beyond


They would also like to thank Mr. Alfred Kenneth S. Petiza that stands as the instructor of

control and experimental group. His effort and teaching preciseness is truly recognized.

To all of their parents who inspired them in doing this research, namely Mrs. Marlene J.

Mojica and Mr. Rolando G. Mojica, Crisanto Evangelista M. Paris and April Faith D.

Frisnedi, Mr. Marlon A. Ricalde and Mrs. Myra Claire L. Ricalde, Mrs. Evelyn L. Ronquillo

and Mr. Arcadio L. Ronquillo, Mr. Angelito S. Tuason and Mrs. Ma. Dynah D. Tuason.

They would also like to thank their research adviser Mrs. Teresita L. Zapanta who gave them

guidance and support in this research.

To the students of G223 and G210 for actively participating in our study.

Lastly, to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us wisdom and strength in accomplishing this


Thank you to all of you.













Abstract 11

Introduction 11

Methodology 14

Application Process 14
Respondents of the study 15
Research setting 15
Data Gathering Instruments 16
Conceptual Framework 17
Process Flow Diagram 18
Statistical treatment 19

Results and Discussion 22

Results related to the first question 22

Results related to the second question 24
Results related to the third question 24

Conclusion 26

References 27

Chapter 4: CONCLUSION 28



Appendix A: Pre-test excel computation

Appendix B: Post-test excel computation
Appendix C: Comparison between pre-and
Post-test excel computation
Appendix D: Multimedia and traditional
Approach of teaching
Appendix E: Biology achievement test
for Respiration
Appendix F: Pre-post results
Appendix G: Cohen’s d calculation


Chapter 3










Chapter 3





The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of multimedia on Biology
achievement among grade 12 students in Mapua University. A total of 70 students at the
second-semester of the academic year 2017-2018 participated in the study. The students were
divided into two groups and assigned to a control and experimental group to receive different
treatments. The control group used the traditional approach of teaching (board discussion)
while the experimental group used the multimedia approach (PowerPoint presentation). The
results showed that using multimedia had a significant effect on students’ Biology
achievement. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the utilization of
multimedia could be effective in improving the students’ Biology achievement.

Keywords: Traditional approach, Multimedia approach, PowerPoint presentation,

Cognitive learning

Chapter 1


Media can be used in many ways especially in students' performance tasks such as

group presentations, activities, and case studies. It has been being utilized to assist students in

their daily school works. Needless to say, the emergence of different media has indeed

helped both teachers and students for it make their work easier. For instance, educators use

PowerPoint presentation as an instructional tool, and it is considered as a tool to enhance a

didactic portion on their specific curriculum.

Before the inclusion of media in education, traditional method of teaching has been a

worldwide approach in the field of teaching (Guise, Habib, Thiessen, & Robbins, 2017). But

in recent years, teachers decided to use multimedia to improve the quality of education of the

students. To increase the academic productivity, some teachers searched for a way to

maximize the use of technology within education. It has revolutionized teaching through the

use of multimedia as educational tool (Malik & Agarawal, 2012). Proper use of media builds

a connection between the student and the specific subject. Furthermore, it also encourages

learners to be attentive, making them more interested in the subject matter (Ercan, 2014).

Several studies had argued multimedia can be used as effective educational tool

(Aloraini, 2012; Yamauchi, 2008; Ercan, 2014; Hadmin, 2009; Hung, Huang & Hwang,

2014). The results of these studies show that multimedia approach can be used in different

matter in education. It also shows it effectiveness on the mental process of the students. In

addition to, it can also help in making lessons fun and interesting, pleasing, and in strategy

learning. It can also widen the minds of the students on a specific matter. Several studies

(Hung, Huang and Hwang, 2014; Nikou & Economides, 2015) also reiterates that multimedia

increases the self-efficacy of a student, the higher the self-efficacy the more students are

motivated in acquiring information.

The previous studies present the effectiveness of multimedia in our education world.

Based on the results gathered by the researchers of the previous studies (Aloraini, 2012;

Yamauchi, 2008; Ercan, 2014; Hadmin, 2009; Hung, Huang & Hwang, 2014), it is proven

that there is a significant difference between the traditional method of teaching (pen and

paper, etc.) and use of multimedia. However, these remains a paucity of study that aims to

prove the effectiveness of using multimedia as a medium on teaching Biology. To fill this

gap the present study will be focus on getting the best approach on increasing the Biology

achievement of students in Biology - Will it be traditional way of teaching or the multimedia

approach? To answer this question, this study is composed of two groups: The Control and

Experimental group. With a help of a professor on the said subject, students from the

experimental group were taught using PowerPoint presentation (includes texts, animations,

videos and pictures) while the control group will be taught in the traditional way of pen and

paper. The respondents of this study were 70 Grade 12 students of Mapua University,

Intramuros branch taking the course Biology 2. Both groups consist of 35 students per group.

Also, in this study, in the three domains of learning (Cognitive/Knowledge,

Affective/attitude. Psychomotor/skills by Bloom, 1956) only the cognitive: mental skill

(knowledge) of students is verified.

The purpose of this study is to establish the best approach and implement them in a

way which ensures the development of students’ Biology achievement. For students, they can

distinguish the advantage and disadvantages of using multimedia in studying. They may also

establish new studying technique that will help to lessen the burden of studying. Since

Biology is in the heart of STEM, investigating the impact of multimedia on the performance

of the students’ may lead to further enhancement of student motivation, engagement and

achievement in this course. It can also encourage the enhancement of using multimedia as a

medium in teaching in the University community.

The present study hypothesizes that there is a significant difference between

traditional and technology-assisted teaching when it comes to science achievement. More

specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: [1] Is there a significant

difference between the two groups in Biology achievement? [2] What is the effect size of

control and experimental group in Biology achievement? [3] What is the impact of using

multimedia on students’ Biology achievement?

Chapter 2


Cognitive theory learning by Mayer is a fundamental hypothesis that is used by many

researchers on multimedia learning studies (Mayer, 2005). It is based on three cognitive

science principles of learning – that the human processing information system includes dual

channels for visual/pictorial and auditory/verbal processing; each channel has limited

capacity for processing; and active learning entails carrying out a coordinated set of cognitive

processes during learning. It is also stated in this theory that people learn from words and

pictures than from words alone. This theory is the basis of the hypothesis of the study which

is multimedia will be effective on students’ science achievement particularly in Biology.

Multimedia has been using in three major functions: as an educational tool, a sensory

element and a medium of instruction (Mayer, 2009). These three attracted Umar and Aziz

(2015) to conduct a study to explore the effects of multimedia on students’ recitation

competency using presentation models. Three models were presented, namely (MVRM-

mode that recognize the voice of the students by which they can record their recitation;

MSM- mode that have a video placed solely from the text; MIM- mode that collaborated text

and video (Subtitling). Overall, 140 secondary school students were picked and shows that

multimedia with voice recognition system (MVRM) have an implicit impact on students’

recitation skills. The study proves that it aids students’ in terms of productivity; Broadness on

the specific matter and especially in their recitation proficiency. Therefore, it is concluded

that voice recognition approach can be used in any language learning multimedia.

Aloraini (2012) identified the impact of multimedia between the students’ who were

given the discourse using a digital program (experimental group) and those who use the

traditional method of pen and paper; discussion and dialog. (Control group). The results of

the study present significant discrepancy in favor of the group who is given multimedia as

educational tool. The results of this emphasizes that multimedia can be used in academic

faculties. It also gives catalyst on other researcher to expand the use of multimedia in

teaching, and give confirmation in giving instructional courses to teachers in respect to the

use of multimedia in teaching educational matter. This study serves as concrete evidence that

multimedia as learning tool is effective in the educational world.

Using multimedia (e.g., Ipads, tablets and e-books) are encouraging students to learn

mathematics better. Hung, Huang and Hwang (2014) researched about the effects of digital

game-based program on acquiring information in learning mathematics. The researchers

conducted the study in two experimental groups (A and B) and a control group. The students

in experimental group A used the game-based program approach while experimental group B

used only e-books then the control group learned from the traditional method. Based on the

results, there are no significant discrepancies between the groups, but it was found out that

the experimental groups have higher self-efficacy in acquiring information in mathematics

rather than those who use the traditional method. The data on self-efficacy shows the

potential of making development in learning mathematics in the future.

Multimedia improves the performance of students, lessened jam-packed information,

revised their study habits, and aided them to answer examinations correctly. A study of Hao

(2010) aimed to answer the question does multimedia enhance students’ dexterity on

answering test items? - It investigated the ability of multimedia to mollify the difficulty of

taking examination. To justify the question, the study consists of 390 students in the

Department of Anthropology, at the University of Texas at Austin. The participants will took

a multimedia exam (Vexam) to determine if the difficulty level of taking examination will be

depleted. The result of the study shows that the application of multimedia is not capable for

all categories of test items; however, in terms of the emotive state, students most likely have

the conlusive attitude towards digital examinations. The study shows significant differences

in three particular type of test (Easy, Medium, Difficult), and resulted in a fact that, when a

test is easy, multimedia became unessential. Furthermore, when the test type is medium,

multimedia examination is easier to answer. Finally on the difficulty type of test, the text

only examinations were easier than the multimedia, although they are no big significant

difference. These results concluded that text only examinations were more accessible to

answer because in a given cognitive task, examinees need their complete attention to answer

the examination accurately and multimedia examinations format may cause the split-attention

effect and increase the examinees bemusement. However, 40% students believe that

multimedia improves their performance and gives them another way of studying.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education is gaining more and

more importance lately due to the growing demand in Science and Technology jobs from one

site and the decline in student interest to follow STEM careers from the other (DPE, 2013;

U.S. Department of Education, 2013). Different course of instruction approach along with

pertinent educational technologies (e.g. Power point Presentation) should be employed to

enhance student’s motivation and increase science achievement toward STEM disciplines.

Since Biology is in the heart of STEM, investigating the impact of Multimedia on the

performance of the students’ may lead to further enhancement of student motivation,

engagement and achievement.

Multimedia helps teachers to account students learning habits, interests and learning

motivation. Lee, Hsiao, and Ho (2014) investigated the effects of different multimedia

instructional materials on students’ learning feedback and outcomes. Three set of students

were divided and been provided three types of presentation style in multimedia (A traditional

PowerPoint demonstration; PowerPoint presentation accompanied by a humanly character;

PowerPoint presentation navigated by a fictional character). This study contributed in the

range of e-learning by the use of MIM (methods in multimedia); learning theory into the

form of innovative model, which enlighten the idea of using the three groups in different

MIMs that spur the emotional state of the students and push their limits in learning outcomes.

Yamauchi (2008) studied what would be the outcome of using multimedia

instructional material (DVD) on students' learning. Their study consists of two groups. The

first group used new multimedia material (DVD) and on the other hand, they did not have

access to the new multimedia material and are thought in traditional method. Data results

showed that there are no significant differences between the two, but the use of the new

multimedia is proven to be interesting and useful. It is also made to provide students with

more resources that support the information given by the instructor inside the classroom.

Educators use PowerPoint presentation as an instructional tool and considered as a

tool to enhance a didactic portion on their specific curriculum. In the study of Pate and Posey

(2016), using PowerPoint is the most effective way to present ideas and information in the

class. The study revolves in to two different PowerPoint presentations – traditional and the

new version that includes pictures and bullets. The study consists of 153 participants and

shows that 101 (66%) agreed or strongly agreed that they would like pictures and narration to

keep their attention. 102 (66%) agreed/strongly agreed that they would achieve higher

grades, 102 (66%) agreed that lack of bullet make them more attentive in class. Furthermore,

76 (49%) of the participants disagree or strongly disagreed that they found it difficult to keep

up with the PowerPoint presentation. Overall, the use of PowerPoint presentation based on

the results gathered can be used on other specific topics and can develop high academic


Ercan (2014) conducted a study about the effects of multimedia learning material on

students’ academic performance and attitudes towards science subject. It focuses on a

particular lesson in science, “Healthy Nutrition”- it is now considered a unit in science

because of the abnormal rate of obesity nowadays. It aims to investigate students’ academic

performance towards science particularly on the given subject. The study contains two

groups. The control group who is taught through textbook (Science and Technology

textbook, Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2011) and the experimental group with the

software developed by the researcher. The software as a product of multimedia includes

texts, animations, videos and pictures (Paivio, 1991). Based on the results, students who used

the software were found to be higher than the one who used textbooks as educational tool. It

concluded also that web-based software with multimedia assisted animation (Pictures, video

etc.) is more effective on the mental process of the students. In addition to, it can also help in

making lessons fun and interesting, pleasing, and in strategy learning.

Science and technology jobs demands increase invariably, making an effect on the

importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Since Science is in the

center of STEM, Nikou and Economides (2015) investigated the effect of different

approach/assessment towards students’ science achievement and motivation (“Mobile

devices Based Assessment” (MBA) or “Computer-based Assessment” (CBA) and “Paper-

based Assessment” (PBA)). According to Blalock, et al. (2008) there is an absence of

accuracy in reflecting newly developed instruments to assess attitudes of students’ to science

achievement. To elaborate, researchers today use their own validation methods in order to

assess outdated methods of validation to provide sharpness towards the scientific

achievements. Identifying the effect of various approach towards learning motivation and

performance may point to further improvement of students’ achievement and motivation.

This study confirmed that computers or mobile devices approach are effective as assessment

mode in learning Physics (Science related subject) and can boost students’ total motivation

toward studying science. Also, it is stated that higher learning motivation is followed by

higher learning performance. The results also prove that computer-based and mobile-based

assessment are giving students’ the enthusiasm in finishing the task, likewise, the data

gathered on students’ self-efficacy proves that students believes they can perform better on

the task. Therefore, they concluded that the data gathered are somehow complementary in

better learning achievement. This will be another basis (e.g. Ercan, 2014) that multimedia

can lead to higher student performance towards Science.

Visual presentation is an important tool for students to acquire knowledge (Jbeili,

2013). It encouraged broad level of learning, especially in challenging tasks. A study of Jbeili

(2013) proves that visual presentation (Digital Mind Maps) enhances students’ science

achievement than paper-based assessment. It is proven by referring to the following reason-

Digital mind maps have more accurate display than paper-based maps; Have the ability to

hide and show features that support students’ in concentrating in a certain topic; it can be

saved and distributed to colleagues easily. It uses videos, animation and sounds that will

trigger the five senses, therefore a higher performance in students’ science academic

achievement (Lih-Juan, 1997).; The use of mouse and keyboard devices enable students to

maneuver easily through digital mind maps than paper-based maps.

The multimedia tool that will be used is PowerPoint presentation and will be

compared to a paper-based assessment (Nikou & Economides, 2015). As stated by Pate and

Posey (2016), PowerPoint presentation is the most effective way to present ideas and

information in the class. The Powerpoint presentation will consist of videos, pictures,

animation and sounds that will help also in improving students’ performance. (Lih-Juan,


The current study is a pursuit to support the previous studies in using the

experimental approach in studying variables. Different uses of multimedia have shown

various effects on students and have also shown the comparison of using multimedia material

and the traditional teaching method (Aloraini, 2012; Hung et al., 2014; Yamauchi, 2008;

Ercan, 2014). It has been said in the previous studies that the use of multimedia materials has

become an effective educational tool and encourages students to answer questions with a

level of difficulty well and correctly. Multimedia has made the bond of teacher and students

stronger since the students are more enamored of learning through the use of technology,

thus, it has made learning easier and more effective.

Chapter 3



The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of multimedia on science
achievements among grade 12 students in Mapua University. A total of 70 students at the
second-semester of the academic year 2017-2018 participated in the study. The students were
divided into two groups and assigned to a control and experimental group to receive different
treatments. The control group used the traditional approach of teaching (board discussion)
while the experimental group used the multimedia approach (PowerPoint presentation). The
results showed that using multimedia had a significant effect on students’ science
achievement. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded that the utilization of
multimedia could be effective in improving the students’ science achievement.

1. Introduction

Media can be used in many ways especially in students' performance tasks such as

group presentations, activities, and case studies. It has been being utilized to assist students in

their daily school works. Needless to say, the emergence of different media has indeed

helped both teachers and students for it make their work easier. For instance, educators use

PowerPoint presentation as an instructional tool, and it is considered as a tool to enhance a

didactic portion on their specific curriculum.

Before the inclusion of media in education, traditional method of teaching has been a

worldwide approach in the field of teaching (Guise, Habib, Thiessen, & Robbins, 2017). But

in recent years, teachers decided to use multimedia to improve the quality of education of the

students. To increase the academic productivity, some teachers searched for a way to

maximize the use of technology within education. It has revolutionized teaching through the

use of multimedia as educational tool (Malik & Agarawal, 2012). Proper use of media builds

a connection between the student and the specific subject. Furthermore, it also encourages

learners to be attentive, making them more interested in the subject matter (Ercan, 2014).

Several studies had argued multimedia can be used as effective educational tool

(Aloraini, 2012; Yamauchi, 2008; Ercan, 2014; Hadmin, 2009; Hung, Huang & Hwang,

2014). The results of these studies show that multimedia approach can be used in different

matter in education. It also shows it effectiveness on the mental process of the students. In

addition to, it can also help in making lessons fun and interesting, pleasing, and in strategy

learning. It can also widen the minds of the students on a specific matter. Several studies

(Hung, Huang and Hwang, 2014; Nikou & Economides, 2015) also reiterates that multimedia

increases the self-efficacy of a student, the higher the self-efficacy the more students are

motivated in acquiring information.

The previous studies present the effectiveness of multimedia in our education world.

Based on the results gathered by the researchers of the previous studies (Aloraini, 2012;

Yamauchi, 2008; Ercan, 2014; Hadmin, 2009; Hung, Huang & Hwang, 2014), it is proven

that there is a significant difference between the traditional method of teaching (pen and

paper, etc.) and use of multimedia. However, these remains a paucity of study that aims to

prove the effectiveness of using multimedia as a medium on teaching Biology. To fill this

gap the present study will be focus on getting the best approach on increasing the Science

achievement of students in Biology 2 - Will it be traditional way of teaching or the

multimedia approach? To answer this question, this study is composed of two groups: The

Control and Experimental group. With a help of a professor on the said subject, students

from the experimental group were taught using PowerPoint presentation (includes texts,

animations, videos and pictures) and be given assignments through computers/online while

the control group will be taught in the traditional way of pen and paper. The respondents of

this study are 70 Grade 12 students of Mapua University, Intramuros branch taking the

course Biology 2. Both groups consist of 35 students per group. Also, in this study, in the

three domains of learning (Cognitive/Knowledge, Affective/attitude. Psychomotor/skills by

Bloom, 1956) only the cognitive: mental skill (knowledge) of students is verified.

The purpose of this study is to establish the best approach and implement them in a

way which ensures the development students’ science achievement. For students, they can

distinguish the advantage and disadvantages of using multimedia in studying. They may also

establish new studying technique that will help to lessen the burden of studying. Since

Biology is in the heart of STEM, investigating the impact of multimedia on the performance

of the students’ may lead to further enhancement of student motivation, engagement and

achievement. It can also encourage the enhancement of using multimedia as a medium in

teaching in the University community.

The present study hypothesizes that there is a significant difference between

traditional and technology-assisted teaching when it comes to science achievement. More

specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: [1] Is there a significant

difference between the two groups in Biology achievement? [2] What is the effect size of

control and experimental group in Biology achievement? [3] What is the impact of using

multimedia on students’ Biology achievement?

2. Methodology

This section presents the methodology of the study regarding the impact of using

multimedia on students’ science achievement. It will include the application process,

participants, the research setting, the data-gathering instruments and the statistical treatment

for the measurement. This study is divided into two groups- the experimental and control

group. The experimental method was used in studying the effect of an independent variable

(power point presentation) on the dependent variable (Science achievement). The

experimental group (N=40) used the PowerPoint presentation along with a teacher, while the

control group (N=40) educated studying using the traditional approach (teacher, lecture,

discussion (Aloraini, 2012)) of teaching. The variables were controlled, which means that

both groups were equal in terms of population, academic level, teacher, and teaching


The application process

(1) The categories of topic that is presented are selected from the coverage of topics

included in the curriculum of Grade 12 students. Particularly Respiratory. (2) An instructor

on the said matter is selected to educate both groups (experimental and control). It is strictly

observed that only one instructor educated both groups, this is to contradict the effect of the

location variable on the study and to assure the students’ science achievement (establishing

quality). It is also strictly checked that multimedia should not affect the traditional approach

of teaching because it may result in inaccurate analysis for the study on the experimental and

control group. (3) A pre-test is conducted to both groups before the study and its duration is

15 min. (4) A post-test is conducted to both groups after the three-day span of the study and

its duration will be 15 min. (5) The variables is controlled, which means that both groups will

be equal in terms of population, department; both groups are from the same department, all

of them are in the same year, academic level, teacher, and teaching location. In terms of the

equivalence of the academic level of two groups was verified through measuring the

difference between two groups’ ranges and calculating the mean and the p-value.

Respondents of the Study

The study population will be 70 Grade 12 students in Mapua University, Intramuros

campus (SY 2017-2018). The sample is purposively taken from the research setting. The

curriculum of grade 12 student in their second semester deals with Biology 2 – particularly

the topic Respiration which is one of the basic components of Science. The researchers will

divide them into two groups; the experimental group that will consist of 35 samples, and the

control group with 35 samples.

Research Setting

The study will take place in Mapua University, Intramuros campus. The samples that

will be taken and the instructor that will be selected will be coming in the research setting to

avoid the effect of location variable and to contradict the issue of teaching preciseness.

Data gathering Instruments

Figure 1. Power Point presentation

The researchers collected a Power Point presentation that used multimedia (images,

video clips and sound) to present the covered topic in Biology (see figure 1). It is presented

in the experimental group who will be taught using multimedia approach. On the other hand,

the control group were taught using only board discussion. Distinctively, to acquire accurate

results, the materials that are given to both groups have the same content and it is rigorously

checked. A pre-and post-test are disseminated before and after the three-day span of the

study with the help of the instructor of the said matter. The test is made in a multiple-choice

manner and will be submitted to a group of instructors of the said curriculum to judge it

didactically and scientifically. In terms of the power presentation, the suitability of its content

and accurateness of its form was also checked by the instructors. The pre-and post-test will

be similar in content, but their numbering and structure will be randomized. This will be

done to measure the students’ level of science achievement.

Conceptual Framework


Variables: • The research will be • Determination of

done through students’ level of
• Independent experimental science achievement in
Variable method. control and
experimental group
-Multimedia Approach • It will be divided
• Determination if there
into two groups –
-Traditional Approach would be a significant
Experimental and
difference between the
Control group. two groups in science
• Dependent
Variable • A pre and post-test • Determination of the
will be disseminated effect size of control
-Science Achievement to determine the and experimental group
output. in science achievement

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

This study includes variables like the independent variable (multimedia approach)

and the dependent variable (science achievement). To determine the impact of using

multimedia on student’s science achievement, the researchers will perform experimental

method; the study will be divided into two groups: experimental group and control group,

and the researchers will give pre-test and post-test to the students in order to determine the

output. After several tests, the study will result to determination of students’ level of science

achievement in control and experimental group, the determination if there would be a

significant difference between the two groups in science achievement, and the determination

of the effect size of control and experimental group in science achievement.

Process Flow Diagram

Determining the category that will be used in the Power Point


Conduct a pre-test before the

one-week span of study

Observe the multimedia and traditional teaching of the

selected instructor

Conduct a post-test in both

groups after the discussion

Data Gathering

Data Analysis

Interpretation of Results

Figure 3. Process Flow Diagram

Statistical Treatment

The statistical treatment that would be used to analyze the pre-and post-test results

would be Paired t-test. Specifically, it will be used to determine if there will be a significant

difference between the students who uses multimedia approach to the students who will use

traditional approach. Paired t-test is used to compare two population mean, with two samples,

in which the investigation on one sample can paired with the investigation on the other

sample (Shier, 2004).

The researcher will construct a null and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis of

this study is there will be no statistical difference between multimedia approach and

traditional approach of teaching Biology 2 ( . On the other hand, the alternative

hypothesis is there will be a significant difference between multimedia approach and

traditional approach of teaching to Biology 2 ( . Furthermore, the result that

will be gathered will justify if can multimedia lead to enhancement of students’ performance

in learning Biology 2.


Where D stands for the sample mean difference, D as the expected mean difference,

SD as the standard deviation of the differences, and n for the number of data pairs

In the other hand, the statistical treatment that used to analyze the pre-test and post-

test results is independent sample t-test. It is used to determine if there is a significant

difference between the pre-test of the students which is done to quantify the equivalence of

academic achievement of the two groups. Also, it is used to determine if there is a significant

difference between the average mark of the two groups in terms of their post-science

achievement test. The formula is as follows:


Where x1 is the sample mean of group 1, x2 as the sample mean of group 2, s1 as the

sample variance of group 1, s2 sample variance of group 2, n1 as sample size of Group 1 and

n2 as the sample size of group 2.

To calculate the effect size, The Cohen’s d formula will be used (see equation 3).

After getting the results, the interpretation of the effect size will be based on the standard

Cohen’s d ranged of effect size (See table 1). This is determined to quantify the effectiveness

of multimedia by examining if the spread of scores by the experimental group will be large,

small, medium. After getting the results, the interpretation of the effect size will be based on

the standard Cohen’s d ranged of effect size (See table 1).


Where M1 as the mean for the experimental group, M2 as the mean for the control

group and SDpooled as the null hypothesis population standard deviation.

Table 1. Cohen’s d effect size

3. Results and Discussion

After implementing the experiment, the researchers conducted a post-science

achievement test and the researchers interpret the result of the study to figure out the impact

of multimedia on students’ science achievement and the results were as follows:

Result related to the first question:

Question (1): Is there a significant difference between the two groups in Biology


Table 2. Result of the pre-science achievement test for the control and experimental group
Group Mean Standard deviation t-value p-value Decision
Control 9.543 3.023 0.8078 0.4220 Accept Ho
Experimental 10.086 2.582

To answer this question the equivalence of both groups should be determined. The

mean and standard deviation of the pre-academic science achievement test for both groups

were calculated as shown in Table 1.

With p-value equal to 0.422 (which is greater than α=0.05), the null hypothesis is

accepted. Hence, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the

average mark of students in their pre-science achievement test which indicates the

equivalence of academic level of both groups.

Table 3. Results of the post-science achievement test for the control and experimental group
Group Mean Standard deviation t-value p-value Decision
Control 10.75 2.36 4.1508 0.0000 Reject Ho
Experimental 12.8 1.75

To answer this question the mean and standard deviation of the pre-academic science

achievement test for both groups were calculated as shown in Table 2.

With p-value equal to 0.0000 (which is less than ), the null hypothesis is

rejected. Hence, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the average

mark of students in their post-science achievement test which indicates that multimedia can

increase the science achievement of students particularly in the curriculum of Biology.

Table 4. Comparison between the results of the pre-and post-achievement test for control and
experimental groups
Group Pre-achievement test Post-achievement test t-value p-value Decision
Mean Mean
Control 9.53 10.75 2.3589 0.9879 Accept Ho
Experimental 10.09 12.78 5.6299 0.0000 Reject Ho

To stress out if there is a significant difference between both groups, the researchers

compare the results between the pre-and post-science achievement of both groups.

With p-value equal to 0.9879 (which is greater than α=0.05), the null hypothesis is

not rejected. Hence, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the

average mark of students in the control group in their pre-and post-science achievement test.

Or alternatively, the traditional approach is not effective on increasing the science

achievement of students’

In other hand, with p-value equal to 0.000 (which is less than ), the null

hypothesis (𝜇𝐷≤0) is rejected. Hence, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference

between the average mark of students in the experimental group in their pre-and post-science

achievement test. This implicates the effective use of multimedia in developing the science

achievement of students’.

Results related to the second question
Question (2): What is the effect size of control and experimental group in science


Table 5. Results of Cohen’s d

Group Pre-achievement test Post-achievement test SDpooled Cohen’s Effect size
Mean Mean
Control 9.53 10.75 2.7183 0.4498 Small
Experimental 10.09 12.78 2.2055 1.2196 Large

To answer this question the mean and SD pooled of the post-and pre-academic science

achievement test for both groups were calculated as shown in Table 4.

With a Cohen’s d value of 0.4498 for the control group, which is an effect size

‘small’. It is concluded that that the independent variable (traditional approach) have a

minimal effect on the dependent variable (Biology achievement).

With a Cohen’s d value of 1.2196 for the experimental group, which is an effect size

‘large’. It is concluded that that the independent variable (multimedia approach) have a

significant effect on the dependent variable (Biology achievement). Therefore, it is proven

further that the multimedia approach of teaching improves the Biology achievement of


Results related to the third question:

Question (3): What is the impact of using multimedia on students’ Biology achievement?

After getting the statistical results of the pre-and post-science achievement tests of the

control and experimental groups, the positive impact of using multimedia was clear on

teaching the topic “Respiration” and on better scientific academic achievement of the

experimental group compared to the results of the control group. This proves that utilizing

multimedia in education is an effective means of reaching a better learning.

The results of the present study indicate that multimedia improved students’ science

achievement more than the traditional approach of teaching. The improved science

achievement could be referred to the following reasons:

Cognitive theory learning by Mayer reveals that human processing information

system includes dual channels for visual/pictorial and auditory/verbal processing. It is stated

that active learning entails carrying out a specific set of channels, and in this study the

multimedia approach includes visual and auditory. In other words, this study also proves that

the students are captivated to learn from words and pictures than from words alone.

This result is aligned in several studies (Aloraini, 2012; Hung, Huang and Hwang,

2014; Umar & Aziz, 2015) that hypothesize that multimedia can increase the students’

achievement. With the same result, it is being concluded that utilization of multimedia as a

learning tool can improved not only the students’ language and mathematics achievement but

also in Biology. Also, multimedia can also help in making lessons fun and interesting,

pleasing, and in strategy learning resulting to spur the emotional state of the students and

push their limits in learning outcomes.

In terms of the medium used, PowerPoint presentation was picked as the

representation of multimedia in the current study. According to Pate and Posey (2016), using

PowerPoint is the most effective way to present ideas and information in the class. The study

consists of 153 participants and shows that 101 (66%) agreed or strongly agreed that they

would like pictures and narration to keep their attention. 102 (66%) agreed/strongly agreed

that they would achieve higher grades, 102 (66%) agreed that lack of bullet make them more

attentive in class. Furthermore, 76 (49%) of the participants disagree or strongly disagreed

that they found it difficult to keep up with the PowerPoint presentation. Overall, based on the

results gathered, it is observed that more than 50 % of the students agreed that PowerPoint

presentation can improved their academic achievement. This result also reiterates that using

the components of multimedia (images, video clips and sound) improves the self-efficacy of

the students which makes them more attentive in class.

4. Conclusion

The findings of this study proved that multimedia approach is more effective as

compared to the traditional approach of teaching in improving Biology achievement among

Grade 12 students of Mapua University.

A multimedia software particularly PowerPoint presentation related to the subject of

Biology has been developed and applied to the students. In this generation, students are

enamored of using multimedia. Our findings is in lined with the previous studies done in the

topic which also proved that students that utilize multimedia have more positive attitude

towards learning as compared to the traditional approach (Hung, Huang and Hwang, 2014;

Nikou & Economides, 2015). Therefore, multimedia can be used in academic environments

for an effective learning.

There is a significant difference in the results of the pre-and post-science achievement

between the two groups. The use of sound, video and picture makes the lesson engaging and

effective. This emphasized that multimedia develops higher cognitive skills in the student

towards learning Biology.


Aloraini, S. (2011). The impact of using multimedia on students’ academic achievement in

the College of Education at King Saud University. Journal of King Saud University-
Languages and translation, 24, 75-82.
Bloom, B. (1956). Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Retrieved from:
Hung, C., Huang I. & Hwang, G. (2014). Effects of digital game-based learning on students’
selfefficacy, motivation, anxiety, and achievements in learning mathematics. DOI:
Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press
Nikou, S. & Economides, A. (2015). The impact of paper-based, computer-based and
mobile-based self-assessment on students’ science motivation and achievement.
Computers in Human Behavior, 55,1241–1248.
Pate, A. & Posey, S. (2016). Effects of applying multimedia design principles in PowerPoint
lecture redesign. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 8, 235–239.
Shier, R. (2004). Statistics: 1.1 Paired t-tests. Mathematics Learning Support Centre.
Retrieved from:
Umar, I. & Aziz, Z. (2015). The effects of multimedia with different modes of presentation
on recitation skills among students with different self-regulated learning level.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197, 1962-1968.

Chapter 4


The findings of this study proved that multimedia approach is more effective as

compared to the traditional approach of teaching in improving Biology achievement among

Grade 12 students of Mapua University.

A multimedia software particularly PowerPoint presentation related to the subject of

Biology has been developed and applied to the students. In this generation, students are

enamored of using multimedia. Our findings is in lined with the previous studies done in the

topic which also proved that students that utilize multimedia have more positive attitude

towards learning as compared to the traditional approach (Hung, Huang and Hwang, 2014;

Nikou & Economides, 2015). Therefore, multimedia can be used in academic environments

for an effective learning.

There is a significant difference in the results of the pre-and post-science achievement

between the two groups. The use of sound, video and picture makes the lesson engaging and

effective. This emphasized that multimedia develops higher cognitive skills in the student

towards learning Biology.

Chapter 5


Based on the results of the study which indicated the effective use of multimedia

compared to the traditional approach of teaching, the study recommends that the use of

multimedia should be utilized in theoretical faculties. Also, improve the use of multimedia in

teaching other curriculum and stress the use of PowerPoint as an educational tool in teaching.

The study also recommends giving training courses to teachers regarding the use of

multimedia on educational courses. Lastly, conduct more studies that use multimedia in the

academic curriculum in the University.


Aloraini, S. (2011). The impact of using multimedia on students’ academic achievement in

the College of Education at King Saud University. Journal of King Saud University-
Languages and translation, 24, 75-82.
Bloom, B. (1956). Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Retrieved from:
Ercan, O. (2014). The effects of multimedia learning material on students’ academic
achievement and attitudes towards science courses. Journal of Baltic Science
Education, 13.
Guise, M., Habib, M., Thiessen, K. & Robbins, A. (2017). Continuum of co-teaching
implementation: Moving from traditional student teaching to co-teaching. Teaching
and Teacher Education, 66, 370 -382.
Hadmin, D., 2009. The world of Multimedia. Retrieved from: http://
Hao, Y. (2010). Does multimedia help students answer test items?. Computers in Human
Behavior, 26, 1149–1157.
Hung, C., Huang I. & Hwang, G. (2014). Effects of digital game-based learning on students’
selfefficacy, motivation, anxiety, and achievements in learning mathematics. DOI:
Jbeili, I. (2013). The Impact of Digital Mind Maps on Science Achievement among Sixth
Grade Students in Saudi Arabia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103,
1078 – 1087.
Lee, Y. Hsiao, C. & Ho, C. (2014). The effects of various multimedia instructional materials
on students’ learning responses and outcomes: A comparative experimental study.
Computers in Human Behavior, 40, 119–132.
Lih-Juan, C. (1997). The Effects of Verbal Elaboration and Visual Elaboration on Student
Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 24(4), 333-40.
Malik, S. & Agarwal, A. (2012). Use of Multimedia as a New Educational Technology.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2.
Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nikou, S. & Economides, A. (2015). The impact of paper-based, computer-based and
mobile-based self-assessment on students’ science motivation and achievement.
Computers in Human Behavior, 55,1241–1248.
Pate, A. & Posey, S. (2016). Effects of applying multimedia design principles in PowerPoint
lecture redesign. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 8, 235–239.
Saleh, S. & Subramaniam, L. (2018). Effects of Brain-Based Teaching Method on Physics
achievement among ordinary school students. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
xxx, 1-5. Retrieved from:

Shier, R. (2004). Statistics: 1.1 Paired t-tests. Mathematics Learning Support Centre.
Retrieved from:
Shah, I. & Khan, M. (2015). Impact of Multimedia-aided Teaching on Students’ Academic
Achievement and Attitude at Elementary Level. US-China Education Review A, 5,
349-360. Doi: 10.17265/2161-623X/2015.05.006
Umar, I. & Aziz, Z. (2015). The effects of multimedia with different modes of presentation
on recitation skills among students with different self-regulated learning level.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197, 1962-1968.
Yamauchi, L. (2008). Effects of multimedia instructional material on students' learning and
their perceptions of the instruction. . Retrospective


Pre-test excel computation

Post-test excel computation

Comparison between pre-and post-test excel

Multimedia approach and Traditional approach

Biology Achievement test for Respiration

Name: Date:
Section Results:

Instructions: Read each question carefully and circle your final answer
1. Which respiratory structure has the smallest diameter?
C. Larynx
D. Bronchi

2. Which malfunction of the respiratory system is the destruction of alveolar walls?

A. Bronchitis
B. Pneumonia
C. Emphysema
D. Asthma

3. Pneumonia is the...
A. Swelling of the throat.
B. Loss of red blood cells.
C. Inflammation of the lungs.
D. Inflammation of the bronchi.

4. The nasal chamber does what to incoming air?

A. Absorbs it

B. Speeds it up
C. Warms it
D. Stops it

5. The organ of the respiratory system that is kept open by rings of cartilage is the:

A. nose

B. pharynx

C. larynx

D. trachea

6. The lungs are covered by a two-layer membrane called the:

A. pleura.

B. diaphragm.

C. Respiratory membrane.

D. intercostal muscles.

7. Of the four parts of respiration, the part when oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
in the capillaries lining the alveoli in the lungs, is:

A. pulmonary ventilation

B. external respiration

C. transport of respiratory gases

D. internal respiration

8. What body structure protects the lungs from outside harm?

A. Cartilage
B. Tiny sacs
C. The rib cage
D. The diaphragm

9. In human lungs, gas exchange occurs at the

A nose

B alveoli

C larynx

D trachea

10. What is Asthma?

A. Inflammation of the inner nose

B. Inflammation of the Throat

C When your lungs start to deteriorate

D. When you have difficulty breathing

11. The organs of the conducting zone of the respiratory system include all the following

A nose

B trachea

C bronchi

D alveoli

12. Oxygen moves from the lungs into the bloodstream through ...

A. nerve fibres

B. a large artery in the heart

C. small blood vessels in the lungs

D. a tube in the lungs called the jugular vein

D. When you have difficulty breathing

13. What is the pathway air takes during inhalation and exhalation?

A. Mouth, Trachea, Stomach, Lungs ,

B. Mouth, Lungs, Trachea

C. Lungs, Mouth

D. Mouth, Trachea, Lungs

14. This tube carries air down to the windpipe.

A. Larynx

B. Sinuses

C. Pharynx

D. Larynx

15. A flap over the trachea that keeps out food and anything else that could clog the trachea.

A, Epiglottis

B. Larynx

C Pharynx

D Alveoli

16. The diapragm is a _______ muscle

A. smooth
B. dome-shaped
C. skeletal
D. A and B

17. In fish gills, blood and water move _____

A. Through tracheal tubes

B. In hemolymph
C. In the same direction
D. In opposite direction

18. Most oxygen transported in human blood _____

A. Is in form of bicarbonate
B. Is dissolved in the plasma
C. Is bound to hemoglobin
D. Combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide

19. During inhalation _______

A. The thoracic cavity expands

B. Atmospheric pressure declines
C. The diaphragm relaxes
D. Both A and B

20. Respiratory proteins such as hemocyanin ______

A. Both C and D
B. Occur only in vertebrates
C. Increase the efficiency of oxygen transport
D. Contain metal ions


Control Group - G210 Pre-test Score Post -test score

Relucio 9 11
Sacueza 6 10
Citron 11 12
Lacaba 9 12
Cavarlez 5 10
Santos 14 14
Diaz 7 9
Magayon 10 8
Romulo 11 12
Bravo 9 11
Uy 9 14
Rey 10 14
Vilar 10 13
Dela Cerna 10 10
Asuncion 14 9
Lopena 11 9
Cagunot 9 7
Salvador, D 7 10
TAYO 6 6
REYES 12 14
LARA 6 12
DASIG 4 13
NGO 13 14
JAVIER 13 10
MUNAR 11 10
Regalado 8 8
Salvador, G 9 10
Pielago 11 9
Dolores 10 10

Experimental group- G223 Pre-test Score Post -test score
Oliveros 5 13
Estrada 7 12
Toco 7 13
Santos 13 14
Rocamora 10 11
Alcansia 7 12
Sumalbag 7 14
Lañojan 10 12
Gasataya 10 14
Catapang 9 11
Dones 11 12
Manguiat 16 12
Quintos 6 8
Darwyn James C. Golinq 11 12
Enriquez III 9 9
Achivara 10 11
Luberia, Michael Anthony 12 13
Davin 11 16
Tuazon 11 14
Luberia, Raymond 14 14
Paloma 15 15
Enriquez, Ryan Kevin 12 14
Hapa 10 12
Serafico, Arthur 10 13
Uy, Mary 10 13
Garcia, Joshua 9 16
Agustin 12 14
Catiggay 11 13
Aranel 12 12
Alvarez 6 5
Ang 12 13
Giron 9 10
Isaac 13 15
Vincent 7 14
Jardiniano 9 13


Experimental Group

Control Group


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